31-01-1989 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 00-00-1986315
Дата заявки: 28-01-1986


The invention concerns a weapon simulator for the testing of a ammunition feeding device with at least an endless conveyor chain for supplying cartridges from a ammunition magazine to a Feuerwaffe, with a star-shaped wheel for propelling the Förderkette.


Different weapon simulators, with which firing sharp ammunition can be avoided with the testing of the ammunition supply, are bekannt.


With a well-known weapon simulator of this kind (see to US-PS 2,554,714) into the weapon a pneumatic drive cylinder is built, by which the catch is moved backward vorund. With this well-known WaffensimuIator it is not necessary for the testing of the ammunition supply to use and fire sharp ammunition, it must however always a weapon for the order sein.


With another well-known weapon simulator of this kind (see to US-PS 2,386,376), which for examining a ammunition feeding device serves, with the help of a Nockenrades a cartridge after the other one in Schnssrichtung one shifts, similar to the pushing in procedure by the catch, which pushes the cartridges in the weapon pipe. This device is not however able to propel a ammunition feeding device otherwise from the weapon by the gas pressure propelled ist.


The task, which is to be solved with the available invention, consists to versÇhiessen in the creation of a weapon simulator, with which it is not necessary, sharp ammunition, which without weapon gets along, and which is able, the Munitionszuffihrvorrichtung anzutreiben.


For propelling the endless conveyor chain of a ammunition feeding device relatively much energy is necessary. The propulsion gases of the weapon are not alone able of it. Is necessary from there an auxiliary drive. The endless conveyor chain is propelled thus both within the range of the Feuerwaffe and anch within the range ss the ammunition magazine. Both drives must run exactly synchronously, so that not too much or too little ammunition is supplied, or differently said, thus the ammunition not too fast or too slowly supplied wird.


The weapon simulator, with which this task is solved, is to be turned thereby marked that a first drive cylinder is present, over the star-shaped wheel by each stroke around a switching step and that a second drive cylinder is present, to the manipulation of a barrier, for stopping the star-shaped wheel after each switching step. “Is 5 an export example of the weapon simulator according to invention in the following on the basis the attached design in detail descriptive. It shows:


Fig. ! a side view of a Feuerwaffe, with a Patronenznführvorrichtung and a drum magazine, Fig. 2 a sketch in Fig. 1 represented drum magazine, Fig. 3 a front view of the Feuerwaffe, the cartridge feeding device and the drum magazine, Fig. 4 a cutout from Fig. 3, in increased yardstick, with the upper end of the cartridge feeding device, Fig. 5 a schematic representation of the weapon simulator at the upper end in Fig. 3 represented Patronenzuführvorrichtung.


Fig. 6 a diagram with the temporal sequence of functions in Fig. 5 represented Waffensimulators.


In Fig. 1 is of an automatic Feuerwaffe 10 only the weapon pipe 11 and the catch housing 12 dargestellt.


The weapon is stored on a tank turret I3 around the elevation axle 14schwenkbar. The tank turret 13, which is here only dash-dotted suggested, is in a not represented vehicle and is swivelling stored in this around the azimuth axle 15. Too lowest in the tank turret 13 is a drum magazine 16, from which ammunition over two endless conveyor chains 17 and 18 of the Feuerwaffe 10zugeführt becomes. The drum magazine 16 exhibits an internal container 19 and an outside, circular container 20, as also from Fig. is evident to 2. The one endless conveyor chain 17 serves the ammunition from the internal container 19 and the other endless conveyor chain 18 for the withdrawal serves for the withdrawal of the ammunition from the outside container 20. Preferably 19 nnd 20 different kinds of ammunition are in the two containers, so that or other type of ammunition can be supplied to the Feuerwaffe alternatively. The two endless Mnnitions conveyor chains 17 and 18 are passed through at their upper end a Scheibenkana121 (see Fig. 1, 3 and 4).


This disk channel 21 ensures on the one hand the fact that the ammunition with each arbitrary elevation of the Feuerwaffe by the two conveyor chains 17 and 18 of the Feuerwaffe be supplied it can and on the other hand that a or other conveyor chain can supply the 17 or 18 the ammunition alternatively, as is still described soli.


In accordance with Fig. 4 the disk channel 21 exhibits a number of disks 22, of those only both first and the latter is suggested. These disks 22 form four channels 23-26. By the two middle channels 24 and 25 is supplied the cartridges 27 and 28 of the weapon. From this weapon is in Fig. 4 only the catch NSS 29 visibly. By the two outside channels the empty, endless chain 17 and 18 again from the weapon to the drum magazine 16 moves itself 23 and 26 backward. The foremost cartridge 27 which of the upper conveyor chain 18 was supplied, can by the catch 29 into the weapon are pushed in. So that the foremost cartridge 28 which of the lower conveyor chain 17 was supplied, by the catch 29 into the weapon to be pushed in, must the cartridge 281 can be raised so far that it arrives into the range of the VersÇhlusses 29. This raising is further below described. The two conveyor chains 17 and 18 are led around one wave each. These two waves are adjustably stored toward the double arrow A and can be so far raised that instead of the upper cartridge 271 the lower cartridge 28 can be slid by the catch NSS into the throwing pipe of the Feuerwaffe. In the case of this shift of the two waves 30 also the disk channel 21 is raised, whereby only the last disk 22 is not raised, while the remaining disks 22 more or less strongly raised werden.


In order to be able to test now the descriptive cartridge feeding device, instead of the weapon 10 a weapon simulator is used, as it in Fig. 5 is represented. This weapon simulator, which represents the actual invention article, soli in the following described in detail werden.


The weapon simulator is to replace a weapon, which is designed as GasdruckIader. The gas pressure alone is not sufficient, around in Fig. 1 and 3 represented to propel endless conveyor chains 17 and 18 from there still another darl0 auxiliary drive posed is not necessary, the one detour wheel 31 (Fig. 3) the conveyor chains 17 and 18 propels. This auxiliary drive must according to the cadence of the Feuerwaffe synchronized sein.


In order to avoid that the auxiliary drive supplies too much or is ammunition of the weapon too little it is placed, against the synchronisation of the weapon and the auxiliary drive very high requirements. The auxiliary drive exhibits an electrohydraulical stepping motor, which receives SteuersignaIe from the weapon after each shot. The weapon simulator is to make possible also the testing of this auxiliary drive. In particular it is to be e.g. tested whether the auxiliary drive for the ammunition supply is able to supply also with maximum cadence of the weapon sufficient fast the cartridges. 2s in accordance with Fig. 5 is fastened on the waves of 30 star-shaped wheels 32 and 33, with which the cartridges 27 and 28 of the throws are supplied, like already on the basis the Fig. 4 beschrieben.


These star-shaped wheels 32 and 33 are by torsion bars or, as in the design schematically represented, connected by spiral springs 34 with a Antriebshebe135. Each star-shaped wheel 32, 33 possesses five teeth, whereby between two teeth each a cartridge 27 and/or 28 can be. In order to be able to supply a cartridge 27 or 28 of the weapon, the Slernrad 32, 33 must be further turned in each case around fifths a revolution i.e. 72°. For this turn of the star-shaped wheel 32, 33 the feather/spring 34 becomes strained, as the Antriebshebe135 from the position shown is turned over approx. 80° toward the arrow B. The strained feather/spring 34 is able to turn the star-shaped wheel 32 and/or 33 around a switching step as soon as the foremost cartridge 27j and/or 28 was fired or removed in other way. Instead of in Fig. 4 represented catch 29 with that one pushes in the cartridge 271 in the throwing pipe, is in accordance with Fig. 5 a barrier 36 available, which is fastened to a hydraulic piston 37, 4s of which on the one hand in a cylinder 38 is adjustably stored. For the turning of the actuating lever a piston 668,832 39, which is adjustably stored in a cylinder 40, serves 35, whereby the stroke of the piston 39 is so limited that it makes a turn of the actuating lever for 35 possible around the mentioned 80°. Cylinders 40 with pistons 39 replace thus the gas piston existing in the weapon, which swivels the Antriebshebe135 after each shot around this 80°. Cylinders 38 with pistons 37 and barrier 36 replace the catch 29 of the weapon by with each shot the cartridge are removed. Since no catch is present for the way pushing of a cartridge 271, by the barrier 36 a cartridge 271 is released in each case, those into a not represented container fällt.


The temporal operational sequence of the individual movements of the 'descriptive weapon simulator is in accordance with Fig. 6 as follows:


1. With a fire signal (line 0) the barrier 36 after 100 ms (line 1) begins itself to open and is complete after approximately 20 ms geöffnet.


2. As soon as the barrier complete-opened 36, the drive piston begins itself to shift 39 (line 2) and shifted after 10 ms completely. Over again into its initial position to back-course-long it needs further 40 ms.


After 10 ms stop moves the drive piston 39 a second time forward.


3. With beginning of the shift of the piston 39 also the spiral spring 34 becomes simultaneous completely strained in 10 ms, i.e. their pre-loading rises from 750 N to 1350 N (line 4).


For its relaxation it needs maximally 30 ms and remains then during 20 ms on the smaller pre-loading of 750N.


4. About 10 ms after the barrier 36 one opened, and discharged in the same moment, in which the feather/spring is completely strained 34, the cartridge 27 and the switch 41 (Fig. 5) of the cartridge 27 approved (line 3). After 30 ms this switch 41 by the next cartridge 272 is operated again and remains then during 30 ms betätigt.


The barrier 36 remains about 15 ms opened and begins themselves then to close. It is again closed after 15 ms (line 1) and remains then during 10 ms geschlossen.


6. At the same time with beginning of the relaxation of the feather/spring 34 also the drive piston 39 begins itself to move backward and arrives after 40 ms again into its initial position back, while the feather/spring already eases 34 after 30 ms ist.


Everyone of the descriptive procedures repeats itself thus after 60 ms, corresponds to a cadence of 1000 shot per Minute.


The weapon simulator was described with only one remark example. There is however a whole set of execution variants möglich.


B 3 sheet designs of 668,832 3 pages No. 1 * 00000 \ J i J r I [mnnnhnn ° i Lb ù, J rear spar,1 I I--tH A, 1 ù-- o o ¢ ' M


It is desired to dispense with firing ammunition for testing an ammunition feed device by means of which cartridges (27, 28) are fed from a drum magazine (16) to an automatic firearm (10). A weapon simulator is used instead of an automatic firearm (10) which is driven by the propellent gases and thus does not operate using blank ammunition. Such a weapon simulator is driven either by compressed oil or compressed air and has a first drive cylinder (40) for driving a star wheel (32, 33), over which a conveyor chain (17, 18) runs, and has a second drive cylinder (38) in order to operate a lock (36) for stopping the star wheel (32, 33) as soon as the conveyor chain (17, 18) has fed a cartridge (27, 28) to the weapon (10). The conveyor chain (17, 18) is preferably driven via a prestressed spring (34) which is stressed by the drive cylinder (38) after each indexing step. <IMAGE>

a first drive cylinder is present, around the star-shaped wheel with everyone a feuerwaffe (10), with a star-shaped wheel (32) to a remark example propelling according to invention of the conveyor chain (17, 18), identified-calibrates-weapon simulator is in the following on the basis draws through nung in detail described. It shows: Fig. 1 a side view of a feuerwaffe, with one-to turn a first drive cylinder (40, 39) around cartridge feedingdevice and a Trommelmagadas star-shaped wheel (32) with each stroke around one zin, switching step. Fig. 2 a sketch in Fig. 1 represented-a second drive cylinder (38,37) to drum magazine, manipulation of a barrier (36) to stopping ts the Flg. 3 a front view of the feuerwaffe, the Patro-Stemrades (32) after each switching step nenzufuehrvorrichtung n, ID of the drum magazine, Flg. 4 a cutout from Flg. 3, in increased

2. Weapon simulator according to requirement 1,-mAge thus Sstab to cartridge-supply-before-mark by the upper end that arranged between drive cylinder (40, direction, 39) and star ad (32) afeather/spring (34) 20 Fig. 5 a schematic representation of the Waffensi-is with each switching step becomes strained and mulators at the upper end in Flg. to 3 represented with the turn of the Stemrades (32) again Pa t r onenzu drive yourself device eases Flg. 6 a diagram with the temporal sequence of functions in Fig. 5 of represented weapon simulator. Description 25 in Fig. 1 is of an automatic feuerwaffe 10 only the weapon pipe 11 and the catch housing