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Применить Всего найдено 1931. Отображено 198.
13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU172576U1

Полезная модель относится к области военной техники, в частности к устройствам для учебно-тренировочных средств огневой подготовки экипажей боевых машин.Имеются различные устройства фиксации приведения в действие спускового механизма 7,62 мм ПКТ применяющихся в тренажерах огневой подготовки экипажей боевых машин.Недостатком данных устройств является их несовместимость с интерфейсом системы управления огнем реальной боевой машины, что требует использования дорогостоящих тренажеров огневой подготовки для фиксации времени решения огневой задачи при обучении экипажей боевых машин.Техническим решением предложенной полезной модели является:установка параллельно с электроспуском пулемета боевой машины устройства фиксации приведения в действие спускового механизма, состоящего из блютуз-модуля (передатчика) с автономным источником питания и ЭВМ с блютуз-модулем и соответствующим программным обеспечением.Техническим результатом предложенной полезной модели является обработка сигнала на ЭВМ переданного ...

21-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206671U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам ввода для взаимодействия в виртуальной реальности, а в частности, к контроллеру для обучения стрельбе и отработки навыков обращения со стрелковым оружием в виртуальных тренажерах и симуляторах. Техническим результатом, проявляющимся при решении вышеуказанной задачи, является расширение арсенала технических средств контроллера взаимодействия в виртуальной реальности. Контроллер для взаимодействия в виртуальной реальности, содержащий корпус, выполненный в виде имитации огнестрельного оружия, содержащий магазин, спусковой механизм и затвор с ударником, при этом корпус содержит датчик наличия магазина, датчик положения затвора, виброразвязку, трекер виртуальной реальности, модуль контроля состояния. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

28-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2793018C1

Группа изобретений относится к области подготовки военнослужащих сухопутных войск, а именно к способам подготовки расчетов минометных подразделений. Способ заключается в том, что при его осуществлении используют учебно-тренировочное средство, включающее автоматизированное рабочее место руководителя занятия, через которое руководитель занятия выдает задачи обучаемому, и автоматизированное рабочее место обучаемого, через которое обучаемый выполняет поставленные задачи. После чего результаты передают на блок контроля автоматизированного рабочего места руководителя занятия, после чего происходит разбор ошибок и, в случае их наличия, повторное выполнение задач. По первому варианту способа обучаемый отрабатывает навыки эксплуатации миномета, используя шлем виртуальной реальности. По второму варианту способа обучаемый использует шлем виртуальной реальности и миномет, интегрированный в виртуальную реальность с помощью датчиков. По третьему варианту способа обучаемый отрабатывает навыки эксплуатации ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2521886C1
Принадлежит: СААБ АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к системе учебного оружия. Система (1) учебного оружия содержит подкалиберный ствол (3) для стрельбы подкалиберными учебными снарядами (4), обеспеченными базовой пластиной (5). Подкалиберный ствол (3) размещен в снарядообразном корпусе (6) в стволе (7) безоткатного противотанкового орудия (2). Передняя часть подкалиберного ствола (3) установлена в направляющей части (8) для центрирования ствола (3). Задняя часть ствола (3) установлена в казеннике (9), содержащем огневой канал (10) и винтовую резьбу (11) сопла для установки винта (12) сопла, который размещается в задней части снарядообразного корпуса (6). Система (1) учебного оружия содержит по меньшей мере одну запирающую часть (13, 14), функция которой заключается в предотвращении выталкивания назад винта (12) сопла или базовой пластины (5) снаряда (4), или части базовой пластины (5) через воронку (21) сопла противотанкового орудия (2), в виде свободно летящих осколков. Обеспечивается безопасность и улучшается эксплуатационная ...

12-08-2024 дата публикации

Приспособление учебной стрельбы

Номер: RU2824688C1

Приспособление учебной стрельбы содержит корпус, внешний вид которого имитирует внешний вид выстрела к гранатомету, внутри корпуса размещается ствол с отверстием в патроннике. На стволе в районе крепления в корпус напрессована муфта и зафиксирована штифтом, на муфте зафиксирован отражатель. На торец корпуса приспособления установлена крышка с помощью резьбы. В торце ствола выполнены отверстия, в которые установлен фиксатор, выполненный в виде U-образной пружины для взаимодействия его концов с проточкой гильзы патрона, размещенной в стволе. Технический результат – уменьшение износа ствола, возможность применения устройства в различного типа гранатометах. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012153220A

... 1. Система (1) учебного оружия, предназначенная для безоткатного противотанкового орудия (2), причем система (1) учебного оружия содержит подкалиберный ствол (3) для стрельбы подкалиберными учебными снарядами (4), обеспеченными базовыми пластинами (5), причем подкалиберный ствол (3) размещен в снарядообразном корпусе (6) в стволе (7) безоткатного противотанкового орудия (2), причем передняя часть подкалиберного ствола (3) установлена в направляющей части (8) для центрирования ствола (3), и задняя часть ствола (3) установлена в казеннике (9), содержащем огневой канал (10) и винтовую резьбу (11) сопла для установки винта (12) сопла, который размещен в задней части снарядообразного корпуса (6), отличающаяся тем, что система (1) учебного оружия содержит по меньшей мере одну запирающую часть (13, 14), функция которой заключается в предотвращении выталкивания назад винта (12) сопла или базовой пластины (5) снаряда (4) или части базовой пластины (5) через воронку (21) сопла противотанкового орудия ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012147368A

Устройство тактической полосы типового наступательно-оборонительного ближнего боя за овладение ротным опорным пунктом как инженерное сооружение, отличающееся тем, что устраивается на местности рядом со штатными стрельбищами воинских частей, является их материальным оборудованием, конструкция которой и ее оборудование представляют собой участки с препятствиями и огневые рубежи, расположенные на тактической полосе таким образом, что при их прохождении военнослужащие выполняют приемы и действия, соответствующие алгоритму боевой работы при ведении ими типового наступательно-оборонительного ближнего боя за овладение ротным опорным пунктом, с ведением боевой стрельбы из штатного стрелкового оружия.

30-07-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001553856A1

21-04-2005 дата публикации

Training handgun has compressed gas and servo motor to simulate semi automatic or fully automatic action of a live weapon

Номер: DE0010349194A1

A training handgun which fully simulates the action of a live weapon, either semi automatic or fully automatic, is powered by compressed gas and has a servo motor, or solenoid, to simulate the self loading breech action. The compressed gas (10) is mounted inside the barrel (1) and is released by a demand valve (6) when the hammer (12) impacts on the rear of a loaded dummy round (9) via an impact plunger (11). The servo drive operates the breech action to eject the round, transfer a fresh round from the magazine (13) into the breech and cock the hammer.

23-05-1938 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000660265C

15-07-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Simulation der akustischen und/oder optischen Darstellung des Abfeuerns einer an einem Objekt, insbesondere Fahrzeug anordbaren Waffe

Номер: DE102009004179A1

Um eine Vorrichtung (1) zur Simulation der akustischen und/oder optischen Darstellung des Abfeuerns einer an einem Objekt anordbaren Waffe zu erhalten, bei welcher keine pyrotechnischen Geschosssimulationsmittel verschossen werden müssen, schlägt die Erfindung vor, ein außen an dem Objekt adaptierbares, durch das Stromnetz des entsprechenden Fahrzeuges versorgtes elektronisches System zu verwenden, welches den Abschuss einer entsprechenden Waffe durch Lichtsignale und Abschussgeräusche simuliert. Hierzu umfasst die Vorrichtung (1) eine elektronische Steuereinrichtung (2), welche eingangsseitig mit einer Abfeuereinrichtung (5) und ausgangsseitig mit einem Lautsprechersystem (3) zur Darstellung eines der jeweiligen Waffe entsprechenden Mündungsknalles und/oder einer Lichtblitze erzeugenden Einrichtung (4) zur Darstellung des Mündungsfeuers verbunden ist.

06-02-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in Apparatus for Teaching or Practising the Loading and Firing of Ordnance.

Номер: GB0191203427A

... 3427. Dawson, Sir A. T., and Buckham, G. T. Feb. 10. Teaching gunnery practice.-Relates to apparatus for practising the loading and firing of hand-loaded ordnance, such apparatus having a part representing the breech mechanism of a gun and adapted to receive the projectile and dummy charge during the loading operations. The invention consists in arrangements whereby the projectile and charge are, after the loading operations, returned to a position in which they can easily be regained by the operators. The projectile, after being loaded, is received in a tray C pivoted at the front c and held at the rear by a catch connected to the trigger. When the trigger is pulled, the rear end of the tray is released, and the projectile falls down the shoot c into the receptacle C. The tray is returned by a counterbalance weight C<1>. Surrounding the breech-mechanism is a cover D which is connected to the tray C by links shown in Fig. 6 in such a way that the movements of the tray cause the cover ...

10-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001333600A

... 1333600 Small arms HECKLER & KOCH GmbH 11 May 1971 [13 May 1970] 14272/71 Heading F3C A hand firearm has a carrier handle 2, Fig. 4, which also serves as a protective hood for a sighting device 7, has a sighting aperture at each end, one of which receives a part 9 of the sighting device 7 therein and the other of which is defined by webs 6, and has grip openings 3 formed therein. The carrier handle 2 is pivotally mounted at its forward end on a casing 1 of the firearm, a pin 13 being passed through bores formed in a portion 5 of the handle and through a bore in a lug 11 which is attached to the casing 1. The handle 2 has its rearward end releasably fastened to the casing 1 of the firearm by a block 15 which is attached to the handle and a member 23 which is mounted on the casing 1. The block 15 has a guide-pin 19 which carries a spring 22 and has a transverse fastening bar 20 attached thereto. The latter is urged by the spring 22 into a semicircular reccess formed in the member 23 and extends ...

05-01-1994 дата публикации

Weapon training

Номер: GB0002268252A

Weapon training apparatus comprising a simulated weapon 34, typically a rifle to which is attached a t.v. camera directly along the weapon boresight. The weapon is aimed and fired at a target image with a background scene projected onto a screen. The resulting video signal from the camera is analysed to determine the position of the projected scene within the camera's field of view and given that the target position in the scene is known, the accuracy of the shot can be determined. Signalling between the weapon and fixed parts of the apparatus is by infra-red and microwaves. The weapon may simulate recoil. ...

07-05-2014 дата публикации

A toy projectile launching system

Номер: GB0002507617A

A toy projectile launching system 100 comprises a toy projectile launching apparatus 102 and at least one incoming toy projectile 104. The toy projectile launching apparatus 102 comprises a housing, a projectile launching mechanism and a projectile receptacle. The toy projectile 104 comprises an RFID tag 108 having tag data written thereto; and the toy projectile launching apparatus further comprises an RFID reader 106 adapted to read tag data from an RFID tag 108, the RFID reader 106 being located in a target area.

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000441078T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000476634T

15-07-2018 дата публикации

System and method for a kit for converting firearms with an auxiliary launcher

Номер: AT0000519276A3

Schlitten (100) für einen Bausatz zum Umrüsten von Waffen des Typs, wie er in Verbindung mit Feuerwaffen, die einen werksseitig vorgesehenen Auswerfer (202) haben, verwendet wird, umfassend einen Schlittenkörper und ein Hilfsauswerferteil (110), das drehbar mit dem Schlittenkörper verbunden ist, das einen ersten Teil (111) und einen zweiten Teil (112) aufweist, wobei der zweite Teil (112) eine Kontaktfläche umfasst, und das konfiguriert ist, den werksseitig vorgesehenen Auswerfer zu kontaktieren, wenn der Schlittenkörper in Reaktion auf ein Abfeuern der Feuerwaffe rückwärts gleitet und dabei bewirkt, dass die Kontaktfläche des zweiten Teiles (112) des Hilfsauswerferteils (110) eine Patronenhülse (201) der Munition auswirft.

15-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000255218T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000278175T

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Electronic blank ammunition

Номер: AU2010304030B2

The present invention relates to a system for electronic simulation of live ammunition when firing a small arms, comprising: - a magazine (1, 25, 50) to be inserted in a magazine funnel of the arms simulating a live ammunition magazine; - a trigger module (2, 26, 51) to be mounted on the arms, the trigger module comprising a trigger actuator (3, 27, 53, 95) for mounting on a trigger of the arms and a safety catch actuator (4, 28, 54, 97, 98, 99) for mounting on a safety catch on the arms; and - a sound producing device for simulation of shots. The invention replaces ordinary blank ammunition in the magazine with an electronic solution.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Firearm conversion kit not requiring a dedicated fastening tool

Номер: AU2016363693B2

A conversion kit for a firearm of the type having a removable component is disclosed. The conversion kit includes a chamber piece having a coupling end, and a muzzle piece of a conversion barrel having a coupling end configured to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece and an engagement end. The engagement end is configured to mate with the removable component such that manipulation of the removable component causes the coupling end of the muzzle piece of the conversion barrel to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece.

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003035535A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A magazine that includes a pre-pack and a gas regulator system, with the pre-pack including a gas canister and non-lethal projectiles in addition to a drive mechanism for introducing non-lethal projectiles into gun chamber.

18-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002290025A1

An automatic pistol converted to fire low energy ammunition in a blow-back mode has a replacement barrel that carries a cam on its upper surface. The weapon slide, as it retires during firing, contacts the cam and rotates the chamber end of the replacement barrel downwardly. This aligns the spent casing for ejection by the ejector, once extracted from the chamber. The slide may carry a removable deflector place for contacting the cam.

19-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002278405C

A conversion kit for a recoil-operating automatic pistol to convert it to blow-back operation utilizes a two piece barrel having chamber and muzzle portions that may be threaded together. The chamber is first installed on the receiver by insertion through the injection port, and the muzzle piece is then threaded to the chamber to complete the assembly of the barrel.

31-12-1902 дата публикации

Device [...] par le locking [...] de l' poor pour armes à feu se

Номер: CH0000024454A

01-11-1916 дата публикации

Device at firearms for marking results of goal with the target practice

Номер: CH0000073692A

16-09-1927 дата публикации

Maschinenwaffe für Übungszwecke.

Номер: CH0000122380A

01-03-1916 дата публикации

Goal marking apparatus with control disk sheet

Номер: CH0000071870A

31-01-1942 дата публикации

Knallgerät zur Nachahmung von Maschinengewehrfeuer.

Номер: CH0000219176A

30-09-1941 дата публикации

Einrichtung für die Prüfung der Richtbewegungen an Geschützen.

Номер: CH0000216983A
Принадлежит: FREY KARL A, FREY,KARL A.

30-06-1934 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Benützung von Kleinmunition bei Militärgewehren.

Номер: CH0000170124A

30-09-1933 дата публикации

Tir à cible.

Номер: CH0000164241A

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Ubungsschiessgerät für Handfeuerwaffen

Номер: CH0000430498A

31-03-1972 дата публикации

Handfeuerwaffe mit Tragegriff

Номер: CH0000520913A
Принадлежит: HECKLER & KOCH GMBH

15-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000596574A5

28-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000654654A5

14-03-2008 дата публикации

Target impact detecting and recording system used in simulated combats and in training courses for armed forces and police, has sensors, applied to target e.g. jacket, which detect impacts and transmit signals detectable by transceiver

Номер: CH0000697013A5

Piezoelectric sensors (3i), applied to a target e.g. jacket (2), detect impacts and generate and transmit signals detectable by a transceiver (4). The transceiver receives the signals generated by the sensors, and detects which of the sensors has emitted a signal. The transceiver sends corresponding RF data to a recording apparatus (5). The recording apparatus stores the data received from the transceiver.

30-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000659519A5
Принадлежит: HAEMMERLI AG

14-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000677699A5

31-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000668832A5

30-04-2019 дата публикации

Carriage having a launcher for a kit for converting auxiliary weapons, firearm and kit for converting firearms.

Номер: CH0000714270A2

Ein Schlitten (100) für einen Bausatz zum Umrüsten von Waffen des Typs, wie er in Verbindung mit Feuerwaffen, die einen werkseitig vorgesehenen Auswerfer haben, verwendet wird, wird vorgestellt. Der Schlitten (100) umfasst ein Schlittengehäuse und ein Hilfsauswerferteil (110), das drehbar mit dem Schlittengehäuse verbunden ist. Das Hilfsauswerferteil (110) weist einen ersten Teil (111) und einen zweiten Teil (112) auf, wobei der zweite Teil (112) eine Kontaktfläche umfasst. Das Hilfsauswerferteil (110) ist dazu konfiguriert, den werkseitig vorgesehenen Auswerfer zu kontaktieren, wenn sich das Schlittengehäuse in Reaktion auf ein Abfeuern der Feuerwaffe rückwärts schiebt und dabei bewirkt, dass die Kontaktfläche des zweiten Teiles (112) des Hilfsauswerferteils (110) eine Patronenhülse der Munition auswirft.

14-04-2022 дата публикации

Spannvorrichtung zu Übungszwecken für eine Selbstladeschusswaffe und Selbstladeschusswaffe.

Номер: CH0000717931A2

Die für Übungszwecke vorgesehene Spannvorrichtung (3) ist in eine Selbstladeschusswaffe integrierbar, die einen Lauf, ein an den Lauf anschliessendes Verschlussgehäuse sowie eine Abzugsvorrichtung (2) mit einem Schlaghammer (22) aufweist, der mit einer Schlagfeder (23) verbunden und der mittels der Spannvorrichtung (3) spannbar und mittels eines Abzugs (21) wieder auslösbar ist. Erfindungsgemäss umfasst die Spannvorrichtung (3) wenigstens ein erstes Schaltelement (V1), das durch den ausgelösten Schlaghammer (22) mechanisch betätigbar ist, und ein Aktorgehäuse (4), das in das Verschlussgehäuse der Selbstladeschusswaffe einsetzbar ist und das eine Aktorkammer aufweist, in das ein Aktor (31) eingesetzt ist, der durch das erste Schaltelement (V1) betätigbar ist und der mit einem verschiebbar gelagerten Spannschlitten (314) verbunden ist, der bei Betätigung des Aktors (31) von einer Ausgangslage in eine Endlage gegen den Schlaghammer (22) verschiebbar ist, um diesen zu spannen.

14-04-2023 дата публикации

Spannvorrichtung zu Übungszwecken für eine Selbstladeschusswaffe und Selbstladeschusswaffe.

Номер: CH0000717931B1

Die für Übungszwecke vorgesehene Spannvorrichtung (3) ist in eine Selbstladeschusswaffe integrierbar, die einen Lauf, ein an den Lauf anschliessendes Verschlussgehäuse sowie eine Abzugsvorrichtung (2) mit einem Schlaghammer (22) aufweist, der mit einer Schlagfeder (23) verbunden und der mittels der Spannvorrichtung (3) spannbar und mittels eines Abzugs (21) wieder auslösbar ist. Erfindungsgemäss umfasst die Spannvorrichtung (3) wenigstens ein erstes Schaltelement (V1), das durch den ausgelösten Schlaghammer (22) mechanisch betätigbar ist, und ein Aktorgehäuse (4), das in das Verschlussgehause der Selbstladeschusswaffe einsetzbar ist und das eine Aktorkammer aufweist, in das ein Aktor (31) eingesetzt ist, der durch das erste Schaltelement (V1) betätigbar ist und der mit einem verschiebbar gelagerten Spannschlitten (314) verbunden ist, der bei Betätigung des Aktors (31) von einer Ausgangslage in eine Endlage gegen den Schlaghammer (22) verschiebbar ist, um diesen zu spannen.

18-11-1967 дата публикации

Canon improved for the shooting of ammunition of exercise in automatic weapons

Номер: FR0001502321A

31-01-1969 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001556038A

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002754890B1

12-04-1950 дата публикации

Номер: FR0000960001A

11-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003022021A1

Un dispositif (10) d'exercice pour simulateur de tir de combat ou simulateur d'entraînement au tir fixé sur une grenade d'exercice, ladite grenade d'exercice comportant : - un réservoir (165) comportant un matériau de simulation de l'impact de la grenade, - un bouchon allumeur (170) comportant une goupille (180) de sécurité et une cuillère (175), qui comporte : - des moyens (140) d'émission d'un signal (145) de portée (135) proche de la portée d'explosion de la grenade d'exercice apte à déclencher des moyens de signalisation (150), - des moyens d'interopérabilité avec les moyens de signalisation (150), lesdits moyens de signalisation étant configurés pour simuler les effets de l'explosion d'une grenade et - une source d'alimentation autonome (155) alimentant les moyens d'émission.

09-06-2006 дата публикации

Firing e.g. single shot firing, simulating device for e.g. tank, has false tube composed of inner and outer tubes, where groove is closed by outer tube that is at outer diameter of real tube of weapon, at level of rear part of false tube

Номер: FR0002878950A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif de simulation de tir et/ou d'apprentissage d'un servant pour armes de gros calibre telles des pièces d'artillerie ou des chars de combat, comportant un faux tube (1) remplaçant le tube réel de l'arme et dans lequel peut être insérée une munition. Le faux tube (1) comporte un doigt entraîné en translation par un vérin (17) afin de réaliser l'entraînement de la munition depuis l'extrémité fixe du faux tube (1) jusqu'à une ouverture (20) d'évacuation de la munition.

04-01-1938 дата публикации

Improvements with the photographic machine-guns

Номер: FR0000822561A

29-05-2018 дата публикации

입체 영상을 이용하는 스크린 사격 시스템의 운용 방법

Номер: KR0101862219B1
Автор: 김영운, 김신희
Принадлежит: 김신희

... 본 발명의 실시 예에 따른 입체 영상을 이용하는 스크린 사격 시스템의 운용 방법은 영상출력부가 스크린에 표적이 포함된 입체 영상을 출력하는 단계, 광조사부가 상기 스크린에 광 포인트를 출력하는 단계, 센서부가 상기 스크린으로부터 상기 광 포인트가 포함된 이미지를 센싱하는 단계, 제어부가 상기 이미지를 영상 처리하여 상기 광 포인트의 위치를 검출하는 단계 및, 상기 제어부가 상기 광 포인트의 위치와 미리 결정된 상기 표적의 범위를 비교하여 상기 광 포인트의 명중 여부를 판별하는 단계를 포함하며, 사용자가 표적의 입체감을 느끼게 하고, 간단한 영상 처리를 통해 표적 명중 여부를 판별 가능하다.

20-03-2018 дата публикации

사격 통제를 위한 소총조정모듈

Номер: KR0101840357B1
Автор: 김병환, 김병현
Принадлежит: 김병환, 김병현

... 본 발명은 소총의 외면에 위치하여 조정간을 제어하는 모터회전체를 포함하고, 상기 모터회전체는 모터; 모터의 하부에 위치하는 회전축; 상기 소총 조정간과 수평방향으로 이격하여 위치하는 회전베어링; 및 상기 회전축, 조정간, 회전베어링을 연결하는 와이어를 포함하는 소총조정모듈에 관한 것으로, 사격 훈련 도중 소총의 총구가 표적에서 벗어 낫을 때, 사격이 이루어지지 않도록 하는 효과가 있다.

16-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180051212A

The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for aligning a ballistic trajectory of a projectile. To this end, the apparatus for aligning a ballistic trajectory comprises: a simulated trajectory calculating unit for calculating a simulated trajectory of a camouflage; a navigation locus acquisition unit for acquiring a navigation locus for the camouflage by continuously receiving navigation position data of the camouflage and position accuracy of the navigation position data from a navigation receiver in accordance with a passage of time; a weight calculation unit for calculating a weight for each navigation position data based on the position accuracy of the navigation position data; and a matching unit deriving the trajectory of the camouflage to the camouflage by matching the simulated trajectory to the navigation trajectory with respect to each navigation position data, to a matching degree corresponding to the weight for each navigation position data. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

09-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020150125276A

A system and a method for simulating a firing exercise using information on a view point of an experiencing person. According to an embodiment of the present invention, provided is the system for simulating a firing exercise using information on a view point of an experiencing person which comprises: a plurality of first optical sensing unit arranged at different heights in a side surface of a training space for detecting information varied by the movement of an experiencing person; a determination unit for determining a posture of the experiencing person by analyzing information variation detected by the first optical sensing unit; and a view point reflection unit for generating image information on the basis of information on the height of a view point corresponding to the determined posture. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (300) Determination unit (400) View point reflection unit (410) View point generation unit (420) Image control unit (A1,A2) Side (BB) Sector A (CC) Sector B (DD) Sector C (EE) ...

09-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180077860A

The present invention relates to a mock combat training system based on a spatial database management system (DBMS), which is configured such that mock combat training devices having different training characteristics share geographic information stored in a spatial DBMS, and thus enables each of the mock combat training devices to reflect changes in the geographic information in real time and improves the reliability of mock combat training. According to the present invention, the mock combat training system based on a spatial DBMS comprises a spatial DBMS and a plurality of mock combat training devices. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (110) Data memory (120) Search module (130) Data processing module (200,AA) Mock combat training device (BB) Topographic information ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013106903A1
Автор: QUAIL, Jeffrey James

An adapter device for use in a combat training system communicates between an anti-personnel training device and a user monitoring device in a training exercise. The anti-personnel training device may be a simulated improvised explosive device including a trigger and an output arranged to output a simulated attack, for example light and sound representative of an explosion, in response to activation of the trigger. The user monitoring device, for example existing training products, such as the Stressvest™ system, the IR Tactical system™, or the MILES™ system, is worn by a user and includes an input which receives a hit signal indicative of the user being hit and an indicator output arranged to indicate the user has been hit. The adapter device has an input sensor to sense the simulated attack of the anti-personnel training device and a signal output to output a hit signal detectable by the user monitoring device.

07-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000218863A3
Автор: DIONNE, Sylvain

A cartridge feed tray (1) for belt ammunition is modified to receive shorter ammunition and exclude ammunition of standard length by inclusion of an insert (18) positioned along the forward conta inment wall of the tray. The insert (18) carries a feed lip (18A) that fits through a loading port orifice (4) in the feed tray to direct shorter ammunition downwardly as it is being advanced towards the weapon breach for loading.

15-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012154067A9
Автор: ŁOZIŃSKI Tomasz

12-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: WO2005043066A2

A firearm safety device (36) for installation into an otherwise functional firearm (20) for disabling the firearm with respect to chambering and firing a round of ammunition and thereby enabling the firearm to be used as a training firearm. The functional firearm includes, among other items, a removable barrel (23) that defines the bore for firing a round of ammunition. The barrel replacement (36) is a unitary, solid structure wherein the portion corresponding to the barrel bore is closed, thereby preventing the chambering and firing of any round of ammunition. The barrel replacement is constructed and arranged to accurately and precisely simulate the size and shape of the removable barrel so that once the barrel replacement is installed, all other portions (21, 22, 24, 25) of the firearm remain functional. This enables other aspects of firearm usage and safety to be explained while, at the same time, providing an absolutely safe firearm that is not capable of firing a round of ammunition ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012002856A1

A wireless target system unit (1) for a weapon effect simulation system, comprising a radio transmitter and receiver (2) for communication with a control system, the wireless target system unit (1) further comprising a laser receiver (6) arranged for receiving laser light from an attacking system. The wireless target system unit (1) comprises two retro-reflecting prisms (3, 4) arranged to retro-reflect an incident laser light from an attacking system, wherein each reflecting centre (3a, 4a) of said retro-reflecting prisms (3, 4) and a sensor centre (6a) of said laser receiver (6) are mounted such that they form an isosceles triangle, and that the distance (D1, D2) between the reflecting centre (3a, 4a) of each said retro-reflecting prism (3, 4) and the sensor centre (6a) of said laser receiver (6) are equal.

28-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: WO1985001341A1
Автор: THOMPSON, Ian, Lister

A sub-calibre training device for launchers and similar weapons comprising a gun (6) to be positioned in the barrel of the launcher (1) having coupling means between the trigger (4) of the launcher (1) and the trigger arm (11) of the gun (6) and including a safety lock (12) external of the launcher barrel, and an aligning and locking member (5, 7) on the gun to releasably engage the rear of the launcher (1).

16-06-2005 дата публикации

Control apparatus for use with a computer or video game system

Номер: US20050130739A1
Автор: Eric Argentar

A control device for controlling a display of a computer system for use with a video game includes a coordinate control unit for providing information related to a vertical and horizontal tilt of the control device, a mouse control unit for inputting conventional mouse input information, a game control unit for inputting game control information and a controller for processing the information provided by the coordinate control unit, mouse control unit and game control unit. The vertical and horizontal point of view of the user in the video game and/or the vertical and horizontal position of a cursor on the display is determined based on the information related to the vertical and horizontal tilt of the control device. The control device is preferably shaped like a firearm to enhance the realism of the video game, but may be shaped like a conventional game pad.

27-09-1977 дата публикации

Recoil simulator

Номер: US0004050166A1

A recoil simulator is disclosed which generates various predetermined mots and forces that may be imparted to training guns, weapons, and other devices, so as to give them realistic operational characteristics which they otherwise would not have. To generate such motions and forces -- and, thus, to effect such operational characteristics -- a given mass is moved along a predetermined axis thereof while the displacements, velocities, and accelerations thereof are controlled by an unusual combination of mass positioning and cocking device, compression springs, and electric solenoids, the latter of which is timely energized by a unique electronic programmer circuit.

07-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: US3858884A

13-08-1935 дата публикации

Aircraft machine gun camera

Номер: US2011358A

01-11-1921 дата публикации

Photographic camera

Номер: US1395869A

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160252326A1

A highly portable system includes the necessary logic and analysis to provide immediate feedback and corrective instruction for any suitable motion. In particular, the system includes a capability for tracking individual shooter performance in a more comprehensive way, in order to provide an organized and methodical feedback to the shooter for the purpose of data-supported improvement, as well as the opportunity to improve marksmanship using dry-fire techniques, when a shooting range is unavailable and/or to reduce ammunition consumption.

17-03-2015 дата публикации

Firearm barrel plug and training method

Номер: US0008979537B2

A training/safety plug for use in firearms is provided. In one implementation, the plug comprises a chamber end and a shaft extending away from the chamber end. The chamber end is adapted to fit within a chamber of a designated firearm, the chamber end has a cross-sectional dimension sufficient to prevent the chamber end from extending into a barrel of the designated firearm and further comprises a strike surface for receiving an impact of a firing pin and a proximal end dimension such that the chamber end is not engaged by an ejector mechanism of the firearm. The shaft comprises a barrel end coupled to and extending distally from the generally cylindrical chamber end. The training/safety plug renders the designated firearm inert. Methods of training a student to target a firearm or other targeting device are also disclosed.

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230681A1

A caliber specific drill cartridge and an adaptor assembly for transforming the caliber specific drill cartridge for use in a first firearm chamber into a caliber specific drill cartridge assembly for use in a second firearm chamber. The adaptor assembly may include a drill cartridge having a first central axis, a rear casing, and a front casing with a first maximum outer dimension perpendicular to the first central axis. The front casing may be connected to the rear casing such that the front and rear casings cooperate to form a housing, which may be configured and dimensioned for chambering in a first firearm chamber. The adaptor assembly further may include a cartridge specific adaptor with a second central axis. The drill cartridge and the cartridge specific adaptor may be combined such that the adaptor assembly is configured and dimensioned for chambering in a second firearm chamber.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Beamless Firearm Training And Entertainment System

Номер: US20210333063A1
Принадлежит: Xtac Technologies LLC

A system for providing training for the firing of a firearm incorporates a device on the firearm to measure various parameters regarding the position of the firearm relative to a target when a shot is taken. The system compares the trajectory of the shot based on the determined position of the firearm at the time the simulated round is fired with the known position of a target in order to determine the accuracy of the shot. With that information the system can determine what alterations need to be made to the shot in order to improve the accuracy for subsequent shots. The system can determine the direction of the shot and the impact point relative to the target without the need for a beam to be emitted from the device or for a camera to be incorporated within the system.

19-11-1968 дата публикации

Номер: US0003411229A1

25-04-2023 дата публикации

High-definition electrical stimulation for enhanced spatial awareness and target alignment in weapon aiming applications

Номер: US0011635279B2
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute

Aiming assistance is provided for assisting a user in aiming a ranged weapon at a target. The aiming assistance includes receiving telemetry information from one or more sensors, and determining an aim error based on the telemetry information. The aim error indicates of an error between a trajectory of the ranged weapon and an on target trajectory from the ranged weapon to the target. A somatosensation is provided to the user which is indicative of the aim error. This is done by operating haptic devices of a garment worn on an arm or wrist of the user to apply haptic sensation to skin of the arm or wrist. The haptic devices may be electrodes and the applied haptic sensation comprises transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation (TENS), or the haptic devices may be vibrators.

05-03-1986 дата публикации

Practice ammunition system

Номер: EP0000173022A2

A practice ammunition system for a rocket launcher having a guide tube for receiving an original rocket, the original rocket including an ignition device which, prior to launch, performs a data exchange via at least one data line with an external fire control unit for the rocket launcher. The practice ammunition system includes a practice rocket having a rocket engine and an igniter for igniting the rocket engine thereof, the practice rocket being insertable in the guide tube of the rocket launcher, a simulator external to the practice rocket arranged for connection with the practice rocket and the fire control unit with the external simulator, after connection with the training rocket and the fire control unit, simulating functions of the ignition device of the original rocket for performing a data exchange dwith the fire control unit and for enabling launching of the practice rocket from the rocket launcher.

30-07-2003 дата публикации

Training barrel with projectile feed ramp for automatic firearms

Номер: EP0000886120B1
Автор: Dionne, Sylvain
Принадлежит: SNC Technologies Inc.

05-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2799473C1

Учебно-тренировочное средство подготовки номеров расчета миномета содержит автоматизированное рабочее место руководителя занятия c персональным компьютером, блоком контроля действий обучаемого и блоком виртуальной тактической подготовки, мультимедийный проектор, экран и аудиосистему, автоматизированное рабочее место обучаемого, включающее в себя персональный компьютер, блок виртуальной тактической подготовки. Автоматизированное рабочее место руководителя занятия и автоматизированное рабочее место обучаемого содержат блоки учебно-методического материала, блоки виртуальной технической подготовки и блоки виртуальной специальной подготовки, в автоматизированное рабочее место обучаемого интегрирован шлем виртуальной реальности. Технический результат - повышение эффективности обучения специалистов, сокращение времени обучения, снижение уровня травматизма. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

07-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761325C1

Интерактивный тренажер для осуществления тренировок с помощью виртуальной реальности (BP), который содержит сервер, обеспечивающий генерирование виртуальных комнат для проведения тренировочных сессий; компьютерные устройства участников тренировочного процесса, соединенные посредством сети передачи данных с сервером и содержащие подключенные BP гарнитуру, контроллер BP и сенсоры для отслеживания перемещения и действий участника в BP; при этом BP гарнитура содержит средство отслеживания визуального отклика участника тренировки, обеспечивающее передачу данных на компьютерное устройство участника, о направлении и времени визуального контакта с объектами BP. Компьютерное устройство участников обеспечивает: генерирование виртуального окружения тренировочной сессии; активацию изменения сценариев окружения BP в зависимости от получаемых упомянутых данных визуального отклика участников; сбор показателей активности участников и параметров выполнения условий тренировочной сессии; расчет итоговой оценки ...

02-07-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU227033U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам ввода для взаимодействия в виртуальной реальности, а в частности к контроллеру для обучения стрельбе и отработки навыков обращения со стрелковым оружием в виртуальных тренажерах и симуляторах. Полезная модель повышает эффективность и функциональность симуляторов и тренажеров для подготовки личного состава вооруженных сил, правоохранительных органов, охранных структур и для создания реалистичных игр в виртуальной реальности, а также расширяет арсенал средств аналогичного назначения. Массогабаритный функциональный аналог пистолета Макарова из вороненой оружейной стали содержит рамку со стволом и спусковой скобой, затвор с ударником и предохранителем, возвратную пружину, ударно-спусковой механизм, магазин, датчик положения спускового крючка и соответствующий магнит, датчик положения затвора и соответствующий магнит, датчик положения предохранителя и соответствующий магнит, датчик положения магазина и соответствующий магнит, трекер с интерфейсной платой ...

09-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU229513U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, а именно к приспособлениям, используемым при испытаниях средств индивидуальной бронезащиты (далее СИБ). В основу полезной модели положена задача моделирования воздействия крупных осколков на защитные структуры средств индивидуальной бронезащиты, обеспечивающих защиту от крупных осколков массой 7±1 г со скоростью в момент удара 400±100 м/с, с целью определения противоосколочной стойкости, а также оценки заброневого воздействия поражающих элементов при непробитии защитной структуры испытываемого объекта. Решение поставленной задачи обеспечивается тем, что в полезной модели имитатора тяжелого осколка применяется специальная сборка (метаемый имитатор осколка, средства обтюрации, источник кинетической энергии), обеспечивающая большую эффективность моделирования воздействия тяжелого осколка за счет достижения необходимой скорости разгона и точности попадания, а также исключающая воздействие на объект испытаний элементов сборки, в качестве присоединённой ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU176162U1

Полезная модель относится к специальному оборудованию, в частности к устройству, обеспечивающему безопасность обучаемым в боевом гранатометании от осколков и взрывной волны при разрыве ручной гранаты. Решаемой задачей является упрощение конструкции и повышение эксплуатационных свойств устройства для безопасного размещения обучаемых боевому гранатометанию. Устройство содержит платформу-основание 1 с вертикальными по всему периметру бордюрами 2, с отверстиями-вырезами по всей своей ширине, тумбой 3, в виде перевернутой усеченной пирамиды, при этом боковые стенки тумбы 3, поворотно, с возможностью углового перемещения в вертикальной плоскости, смонтированы параллельно бордюрам 2. На верхнем основании тумбы 3 поворотно смонтирована с элементами жесткой фиксации на боковых ее стенках площадка 4 для размещения обучаемых, при этом и сами боковые стенки тумбы 3 также снабжены элементами жесткой фиксации между собой. На бордюрах 2 поворотно смонтированы трапециевидные, узким основанием вниз, боковые ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Immersive training scenario systems and related methods

Номер: US20120135381A1
Принадлежит: Military Wraps Res and Dev Inc

Immersive training scenario systems and related methods are provided. The immersive training scenario systems can provide at least one simulated structure. The at least one simulated structure can include a base structure having at least one surface thereon. One or more substrates with one or more photographic images printed thereon are applied to the surface of the base structure so that the simulated structure has realistic visual characteristics representative of a mission site or mission scenario.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108990A1
Автор: Cederwall Per
Принадлежит: SAAB AB

A wireless target system unit for a weapon effect simulation system. A radio transmitter and receiver communicates with a control system. A laser receiver is arranged for receiving laser light from an attacking system. The wireless target system unit includes two retro-reflecting prisms arranged to retro-reflect an incident laser light from an attacking system. Each reflecting center of the retro-reflecting prisms and a sensor center of the laser receiver are mounted such that they form an isosceles triangle. The distance between the reflecting center of each retro-reflecting prism and the sensor center of the laser receiver are equal. 1. A wireless target system unit for a weapon effect simulation system , the wireless target system unit comprising:a control system;a radio transmitter and receiver arranged for communication with the control system;a laser receiver arranged for receiving laser light from an attacking system;two retro-reflecting prisms arranged to retro-reflect an incident laser light from an attacking system, said laser light have a laser pulse pattern comprising of a first laser lobe, a second laser lobe and a third laser lobe, wherein each of said retro-reflecting prisms comprises a reflecting center and said laser receiver comprises a sensor center, wherein the reflecting center of each prism and the sensor center are mounted such that they form an isosceles triangle, and wherein a distance between the reflecting center of each said retro-reflecting prism and the sensor centre of said laser receiver are equal, wherein said isosceles triangle form of said reflecting centers of said retro-reflecting prisms and said sensor center of said laser receiver is arranged to correspond with said laser pulse pattern.2. The wireless target system unit according to claim 1 , wherein said retro-reflecting prisms are adapted to be replaceable to another set of prisms by a user.3. The wireless target system unit according to claim 2 , wherein said retro- ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Training System

Номер: US20130203019A1
Автор: Troy Nolen
Принадлежит: Individual

A training system is provided. The training system may have a handheld computing device configured to receive a data input from an input device. The input device may be a sensor capable of measuring a condition relating to the training. An analysis module in electronic communication with the handheld computing device is configured to interpret the data input from the input device and configured provide a feedback output related to the execution of the goals of the training system. Based on this feedback, a trainee or trainer may adjust the training program to enhance the trained skills.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Gun sight

Номер: US20130283660A1
Принадлежит: SureFire LLC

Various gun sights and related methods are provided. In one embodiment, a gun sight includes a light source adapted to project light, a user-viewable interface, and an optical element. The optical element includes a first surface adapted to pass the light to provide a reticle at the user-viewable interface. The optical element also includes a second surface adapted to refract the light to provide a light guide at a peripheral area of the user-viewable interface to aid a user to substantially align the user's eye with the reticle. Various mechanisms for aligning gun sights, attaching gun sights, related methods, and other embodiments are also provided.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295527A1
Автор: Uhr Oren

A caliber specific drill cartridge and an adaptor assembly for transforming the caliber specific drill cartridge for use in a first firearm chamber into a caliber specific drill cartridge assembly for use in a second firearm chamber. The adaptor assembly may include a drill cartridge having a first central axis, a rear casing, and a front casing with a first maximum outer dimension perpendicular to the first central axis. The front casing may be connected to the rear casing such that the front and rear casings cooperate to form a housing, which may be configured and dimensioned for chambering in a first firearm chamber. The adaptor assembly further may include a cartridge specific adaptor with a second central axis. The drill cartridge and the cartridge specific adaptor may be combined such that the adaptor assembly is configured and dimensioned for chambering in a second firearm chamber. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. A drill cartridge having a first central axis for use in a 9 mm pistol and a .223 caliber rifle that includes a firing pin and a bolt assembly having an ejection pin and an extractor , the drill cartridge comprising: a cylindrical segment, and', 'a rear surface adjacent the cylindrical segment,, 'a rear casing which comprises'}the rear casing being configured and dimensioned such that when the drill cartridge is chambered in a .223 caliber rifle, the rear surface seats fully on the ejection pin and the cylindrical segment avoids engagement with the extractor; anda front casing with a first maximum outer dimension perpendicular to the first central axis, the front casing being connected to the rear casing such that the front and rear casings cooperate to form a housing, the housing being configured and dimensioned for chambering in a 9 mm pistol chamber ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023995A1
Принадлежит: Cubic Corporation

Computer-based systems provide a wireless, high fidelity, real-time video and audio immersive environment for multiple users. A user may be equipped with a head mounted display device which wirelessly receives real-time video signals transmitted by a radio transceiver linked to a computer that generates the real-time video images. Aspects include body, arm and leg motion and orientation sensors in wireless communication with a radio transceiver linked with a computer. Video images may be generated using a portable array of user dedicated computers controlled by a single computer that is controlled by an operator. 1. A system for providing a simulated immersive training environment comprising:at least one computer subsystem capable of generating at least one real-time video image sequence;a first radio transmitter/receiver communicatively linked with the at least one computer subsystem and capable of transmitting the at least one real-time video image sequence;at least one directional antenna communicatively linked with the first radio transmitter/receiver; andat least one Head-Mounted Display (HMD) device configured to be worn on a user and comprising a second radio transmitter/receiver capable of receiving the real-time video image sequence transmitted by the first radio transmitter/receiver and of displaying the real-time video image sequence on at least one screen positioned before the eyes of the user.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second antenna distinct from the directional antenna and communicatively linked with the first radio transmitter/receiver claim 1 , wherein the first radio transmitter/receiver is capable of simultaneously transmitting a first radio signal on a first radio channel using the directional antenna and at least one of transmitting and receiving a second radio signal on a second radio channel using the second antenna claim 1 , wherein the second radio channel is distinct from the first radio channel.3. The system of claim 2 ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Battlefield Simulation Adapter

Номер: US20140041544A1
Автор: Mok James, Palazzi Michael

This is an improved battlefield simulation support system, possessing a series of adapters that permit the simulation support system to fire a variety of cartridges with varying electrical and control characteristics. The adapters can be mated with a main body that accepts control inputs and distributes them to a plurality of firing mechanisms. 1. A battlefield simulation adapter , the adapter comprised of an adapter plate , a main body , a cartridge holder body , a cartridge holder , and a plurality of cartridges ,the main body resting on the adapter plate, the main body possessing an inspection port on the side of the main body and an external electrical connection above the adapter plate and above the external electrical connection, the inspection port covered completely by an inspection plate,the cartridge holder body sitting above the main body, the cartridge holder body possessing a plurality of cartridge slots in its upper surface, the cartridge holder body optionally resting on an intermediary plate between the main body and itself, the intermediary plate capable of adjusting the adapter to various sized cartridge holder bodies and to their various electrical characteristics,the cartridge holder covering the cartridge holder body upper surface completely, the cartridge holder body possessing two side clamps, one on each side of the cartridge holder body, said side clamps positioned to hold the cartridge holder down removably onto the upper surface of the cartridge holder body,said cartridge slots selected from a range of physical sizes and electrical voltage/amperage characteristics such that cartridges inserted in said cartridge slots are capable of being powered and controlled by control signals sent to the adapter, said control signals entering the adapter via the external electrical connection,the main body possessing conversion electronics that aid in converting electrical characteristics from control signals and power input to the main body into ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Malfunction training dummy round

Номер: US20140096427A1
Автор: James Dillon Bonner
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is an instrument for simulating malfunctions in firearms during live fire training which could not previously be simulated during live fire training. In some exemplary embodiments the invention approximately matches the external dimensions of an ammunition cartridge with the addition of novel features described herein which modify the interactions between the present invention, firearm magazine assembly and firearm such that a firearm malfunction desirable for malfunction resolution training is simulated. Some exemplary embodiments also include novel features described herein which serve to maintain a desired orientation of the invention in reference to an firearm magazine assembly, an ammunition cartridge or the firearm such that a particular type of firearm malfunction occurs. Some exemplary embodiments include multiple of said novel orientation features such that the user of the invention may select between multiple possible malfunction types.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003362A1

A training pistol having a rigid barrel and operating with a conventional blowback system, including a frame, a slide and a barrel, including a slide stop device, a firing pin assembly and preferably including a slide lock which can be moved into a disassembly position in which it releases the movement of the slide toward the front. This release can only be achieved if there is no magazine in the magazine well of the frame and the slide is stopped. The barrel is fastened in the frame by a locking device that can be brought into a release position in which it releases the barrel. Additionally an unlocking gap is provided between the barrel and the slide, and when the gap is overcome, after the slide lock has moved into the disassembly position, an unlocking ramp provided on the slide forces the locking device into the release position. 17-. (canceled)8. A training pistol having a rigid barrel and configured with a conventional blowback system , comprising: a slide stop device;', 'a firing pin assembly having a cover plate that can be pulled out backward in the direction of the barrel axis;, 'a frame including a magazine well for a magazine, a slide, and a barrel; the frame further comprising when the slide lock is in the holding position the slide lock limits the forward movement of the slide from a stopped position, and when the slide lock is in the disassembly position the slide lock permits a forward movement of the slide; and', 'the movement of the slide lock into the disassembly position is only possible when there is no magazine in the magazine well of the frame and the slide is in its stopped position;', 'the barrel is fastened in the frame by a locking device that can be moved against a counter force from a locking position, in which the locking device locks the barrel, to a release position, in which the locking device releases the barrel; and', 'an unlocking gap is defined between the barrel and the slide, such that after the slide lock is moved into the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010878A1

A training method and apparatus are disclosed. The training method may include converting a firearm capable of firing live ammunition to a pneumatic training device incapable of firing live ammunition. The training method may further include cycling a pneumatic training device through one or more cycles. Each of the cycles may simulate an actual firing of the firearm. Each of the cycles may also include triggering a trigger assembly of the pneumatic training device, using a charge of a pressurized gas to reset the trigger assembly, and advancing a counter of the pneumatic training device. After a certain number of cycles have been completed, a next cycle may be attempted, but not completed. Accordingly, the training method may enable a user to safely and realistically practice reloading, jam or malfunction clearing, or the like. 1. A training method comprising:converting a firearm capable of firing live ammunition to a pneumatic training device incapable of firing live ammunition; triggering a trigger assembly of the pneumatic training device,', 'using a charge of a pressurized gas to reset the trigger assembly, and', 'advancing a counter of the pneumatic training device;, 'cycling the pneumatic training device through one or more cycles, each of the one or more cycles simulating an actual firing of the firearm and comprising'}attempting, after completing the one or more cycles, a next cycle of the training device; andpreventing, by the counter, the training device from completing the next cycle.2. The training method of claim 1 , wherein the preventing comprises mechanically blocking the pneumatic training device from returning to battery.3. The training method of claim 1 , wherein:the pneumatic training device comprises a bolt; andthe preventing comprises mechanically blocking the bolt from returning to battery.4. The training method of claim 3 , wherein:the pneumatic training device comprises a magazine well and a magazine assembly positioned with the magazine ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010776A1

A malfunction insert is for a firearm that includes a magazine. The malfunction insert includes a narrow end comprising a narrow edge, a concave surface disposed at an opposite end of the malfunction insert from the narrow end, and a central member that connects the concave surface and the narrow end. The malfunction insert is configured to be inserted into the magazine. 1. A malfunction insert for a firearm that comprises a magazine , the malfunction insert comprising:a body comprising a concave surface and a narrow end extending to an opposite side of the body from the concave surface, wherein:the body is configured to be inserted into the magazine; andin use, the narrow end is configured to engage a feed lip of the magazine while the concave surface engages an upper surface of a cartridge.2. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the concave surface and the narrow end are connected by a central member.3. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the central member comprises at least one planar face.4. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the concave surface comprises a contoured shape corresponding to an outer surface of the cartridge.5. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the malfunction insert is configured to cause a double feed where two cartridges exit the magazine during a single firearm cycle.6. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a “T” shape.7. The malfunction insert of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a non-metallic material.8. A malfunction insert for a firearm that comprises a magazine claim 1 , the malfunction insert comprising:a narrow end comprising a narrow edge;a concave surface disposed at an opposite end of the malfunction insert from the narrow end;a central member that connects the concave surface and the narrow end, wherein:the malfunction insert is configured to be inserted into the magazine.9. The malfunction insert of claim 8 , wherein the malfunction insert is configured to engage a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Auto-Loading Firearm with Selectable Live Fire and Training Modes

Номер: US20210010778A1
Автор: Bascom Brian Edward

An auto-loading firearm having a system for switches between live fire and training modes via a selector switch mounted either on the firearm frame or on a specially designed training attachment. A multi-part transfer bar, between the trigger and sear, can be selectively connected in a live fire mode and spaced apart in a training mode. A selectively engageable trigger resetting mechanism automatically returns the trigger to its set position after firing the firearm is in training mode. 1. A method of operating an auto-loading firearm having a live fire mode and a training mode , the method comprising: depressing a trigger from a home position to a depressed position;', 'in response to depressing the trigger, releasing a hammer or striker and discharging the firearm; and, 'placing the firearm in a live fire mode, and while the firearm is in the live fire mode depressing the trigger from the home position to the depressed position, the hammer or striker not released in response to depression of the trigger; and', 'automatically resetting the trigger from the depressed position to the home position., 'placing the firearm in a training mode, and while the firearm is in the training mode2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising moving a selector switch to a live fire position and claim 1 , in response thereto claim 1 , placing the firearm in the live fire mode; and moving the selector switch to a training position and claim 1 , in response thereto claim 1 , placing the firearm in the training mode.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , in response to moving the selector switch to the training position claim 2 , disengaging a first transfer bar from a second transfer bar claim 2 , the first transfer bar movable by the trigger of the firearm claim 2 , the second transfer bar for moving a sear of the firearm.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 , in response to moving the selector switch to the live fire position claim 3 , engaging the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013201A1

A rifle lower receiver has a trigger well and a magazine well. A hammer is disposed in the trigger well and configured to pivot from a first hammer position to a second hammer position in response to moving a trigger from a first trigger position to a second trigger position. A gear member attached to the lower receiver has a predefined number of gear teeth and a locking pin extending from the gear member. A pawl is connected to the trigger and operationally engages the gear member to increment the gear member once per trigger pull. Upon reaching a predefined number of trigger pulls, the locking member locks the trigger. A release lever on the lower receiver is operably configured to advance the gear member one increment to unlock the trigger. A method of dry-fire training is also disclosed. 1. A rifle lower receiver comprising:a lower receiver body having a trigger well, a magazine well disposed forward of the trigger well, and defining a central receiver plane substantially bisecting the trigger well and the magazine well, the lower receiver body being configured to be assembled with a rifle upper receiver having a chamber and being configured to receive a magazine in the magazine well; and a trigger with a trigger body portion and a trigger finger portion, the trigger body portion disposed at least partially within the trigger well, wherein the trigger is pivotable about a trigger axis extending substantially perpendicular to the central receiver plane between a first trigger position and a second trigger position when the trigger assembly is in the unlocked position, the trigger being biased towards the first trigger position;', 'a hammer disposed in the trigger well and pivotable about a hammer axis extending substantially perpendicularly to the central receiver plane from a first hammer position to a second hammer position in response to pivoting the trigger from the first trigger position to the second trigger position, and the hammer being biased towards the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Simulated Shooting System and Method

Номер: US20150018057A1
Автор: George Carter
Принадлежит: George Carter

A shooting simulation system. The system includes a plurality of communication devices with each communication device associated with a separate player. In addition, each mobile phone includes an A-GPS device for determining a location indicia of the communication device and a mechanism for communicating the location indicia to a network. A game server communicates with the network for relaying the location indicia of each communication device to all of the communication devices. Each communication device includes a mechanism for determining a directional orientation of the communication device when aimed and a processor for determining if a simulated targeting of another player is a hit or miss based on the location indicia of a shooting communication device, the location indicia of a communication device of a targeted player, and the directional orientation of the shooting communication device.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017772A1

A training method and apparatus are disclosed. The training method may include converting a firearm capable of firing live ammunition to a pneumatic training device incapable of firing live ammunition. The training method may further include cycling a pneumatic training device through one or more cycles. Each of the cycles may simulate an actual firing of the firearm. Each of the cycles may also include triggering a trigger assembly of the pneumatic training device, using a charge of a pressurized gas to reset the trigger assembly, and advancing a counter of the pneumatic training device. After a certain number of cycles have been completed, a next cycle may be attempted, but not completed. Accordingly, the training method may enable a user to safely and realistically practice reloading, jam or malfunction clearing, or the like. 1. A training method comprising: triggering a trigger assembly of the pneumatic training device,', 'using a charge of a pressurized gas to reset the trigger assembly and cycle a bolt of the pneumatic training device, and', 'advancing a counter of the pneumatic training device, wherein the counter comprises a rocker and a toothed wheel and the advancing comprises (1) the bolt contacting and pivoting the rocker and (2) the rocker rotating the toothed wheel one increment; and, 'cycling a pneumatic training device through one or more cycles, each of the one or more cycles comprising'}preventing, by the counter after the toothed wheel has been rotated a selected amount, the pneumatic training device from returning to a ready-to-fire condition.2. The training method of claim 1 , wherein the preventing comprises mechanically blocking the bolt of the pneumatic training device from returning to battery.3. The training method of claim 1 , wherein:the pneumatic training device comprises a slide and frame of a handgun; andthe slide of the handgun forms the bolt of the pneumatic training device.4. The training method of claim 3 , wherein:the pneumatic ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017788A1

A firearm malfunction training device and method include a blank malfunction round that simulates a T3 malfunction and allows a realistic clearing protocol during the training. The malfunction round size and shape generally mimic the corresponding live round, so that malfunction round moves like the live round through the magazine. However, the malfunction round has a front end/portion that is oversized in diameter and does not fit properly or fully through the firearm breech, to jam the firearm loading mechanism at the breech. Preferably, the malfunction round also has a conical rear region radially-undersized relative to the live round casing, whereby the malfunction round leaves the magazine when the magazine is stripped from the firearm to start the clearing protocol. The enlarged front end and undersized rear region effectively simulate, and provide a realistic protocol for identifying, clearing and, correcting, a T3 malfunction. 1. A combination of a firearm having a magazine , a chamber , and a breech opening into the chamber , the breech opening having a breech diameter , and a malfunction round for use in the firearm for training , wherein the malfunction round is configured to be operative in the magazine , and the malfunction round is configured to be inoperative in the breech opening by the malfunction round having a longitudinal axis and a front end portion having a maximum outer diameter transverse to the longitudinal axis that is larger than said breech diameter , so that the front end portion abuts into one or more surfaces of the breech opening so that the malfunction round front end is prevented from fully passing through the breech opening into the chamber.2. The combination of claim 1 , wherein said front end portion is cylindrical and has a generally flat claim 1 , radial front surface.3. The combination of claim 1 , wherein the front end portion comprises multiple radially-extending protrusions separated by recessed surfaces between the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018291A1

A magazine simulator that is removably inserted into a gun, the box magazine including a switch that is articulated with a trigger mechanism of the gun, and a tracker interface coupled to the box magazine, the tracker interface including an electrical connection interface with a virtual reality tracker that communicates with a virtual reality computing device, wherein the electrical connection interface transmits electrical signals to the virtual reality tracker based on articulations of the switch. 1. A magazine simulator comprising:a box magazine that is removably inserted into a gun, the box magazine including a switch that is articulated with a trigger mechanism of the gun; anda tracker interface coupled to the box magazine, the tracker interface including an electrical connection interface with a virtual reality tracker that communicates with a virtual reality computing device, wherein the electrical connection interface transmits electrical signals to the virtual reality tracker based on articulations of the switch.2. The magazine simulator of wherein the switch is configured to transmit electrical signals to the tracker interface that are associated with articulations of the switch from pulling of the trigger mechanism.3. The magazine simulator of wherein the box magazine is configured for insertion into a magazine well of the gun.4. The magazine simulator of wherein the box magazine further includes weights that modify balance and feel.5. The magazine simulator of wherein the box magazine further includes compressed gas or weights controlled by servo motors that generate force feedback based on the articulations of the switch.6. The magazine simulator of wherein the switch is further configured with a trigger connection that is coupled to the trigger mechanism of the gun claim 1 , wherein the trigger connection moves and engages with the switch upon pull of the trigger mechanism.7. The magazine simulator of wherein the switch is adjustably configured with a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018292A1
Автор: Formwalt Alice

A simulation device including a switch that is articulated with a trigger mechanism and a tracker interface coupled to the simulation device, the tracker interface including an electrical connection interface with a virtual reality tracker that communicates with a virtual reality computing device, wherein the electrical connection interface transmits electrical signals to the virtual reality tracker based on articulations of the switch. 1. A virtual reality system comprising:a virtual reality computing device that is communicatively coupled to a simulation device, the virtual reality computing device executing instructions that:determine a location of a trainee based on a location of the simulation device;monitor for movements and signals from the simulation device;render virtual reality scenarios to the trainee and depicting data in the virtual reality scenarios based on the monitored movements and signals from the simulation device; andrender proximity rings based on the tracker location and data structures indicating shapes, sizes, and distances from the trainee during a virtual reality scenario and in playback of the virtual reality scenario during a review mode.2. The virtual reality system of further comprising the virtual reality computing device to generate a review mode including a playback of the virtual reality scenario claim 1 , wherein the review mode allows observation of the trainee and movements of the trainee from a plurality of perspectives during the playback.3. The virtual reality system of wherein the plurality of perspectives include at least a trainee perspective and vantage perspectives.4. The virtual reality system of wherein given ones of the virtual reality scenarios include predetermined perspectives based on environment parameters of the given ones of the virtual reality scenarios.5. The virtual reality system of wherein the review mode includes overlay and control features utilized to review performance of the trainee in the virtual ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020062A1
Автор: Dabush Elad, Kur Daniel
Принадлежит: V-Armed Inc.

Disclosed embodiments provide systems and methods for simulation of firearm discharge and training of armed forces and/or law enforcement personnel. A motion tracking system tracks motion of one or more users. In embodiments, the users wear one or more sensors on their bodies to allow tracking by the motion tracking system. A scenario management system utilizes position, orientation, and motion information provided by the motion tracking system to evaluate user performance during a scenario. A weapon simulator includes sensors that indicate position of the weapon and/or orientation of the weapon. The weapon simulator may further provide trigger activation indications to the scenario management system. In embodiments, the scenario management system generates, plays, reviews, and/or evaluates simulations. The evaluation can include scoring based on reaction times, posture, body position, body orientation, and/or other attributes. 1. A computer-implemented method executed by a system for conducting a firearm usage simulation , comprising:determining, by a motion tracker component, an initial position of a user, wherein the motion tracker component comprises one or more cameras deployed in an area of the firearm usage simulation, the one or more cameras being configured to track infrared light emitted from one or more wearable sensors worn by the user;determining, by the motion tracker component, the one or more wearable sensors, and a user-facing camera included within goggles worn by the user, an initial physiological orientation of the user, wherein a subset of the one or more wearable sensors are affixed on a helmet worn by the user and are affixed to one or more limbs of the user;detecting, by a weapons interface component, a simulated firearm discharge; anddetermining, by a data analysis component, a reaction of the user in response to the simulated firearm discharge.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the initial physiological orientation of the user ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Immersive training scenario systems and related structures

Номер: US20140106310A1
Принадлежит: Military Wraps, Inc.

Immersive training scenario systems and related methods are provided. The immersive training scenario systems can provide at least one simulated structure. The at least one simulated structure can include a base structure having at least one surface thereon. One or more substrates with one or more photographic images printed thereon are applied to the surface of the base structure so that the simulated structure has realistic visual characteristics representative of a mission site or mission scenario. 1. An immersive training scenario system for training military , law enforcement or other first responder personnel , the system comprising: at least one base structure having at least one surface thereon;', 'one or more substrates with one or more photographic images printed thereon applied to the surface of the base structure so that the simulated structure has realistic visual characteristics representative of a mission site or a mission scenario for military, law enforcement or other first responder personnel., 'one or more simulated structure, each of the simulated structures comprising2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface of the base structure comprises at least one of an interior wall or an exterior wall.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one surface of the base structure comprises a roof.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more photographic images comprise site-specific photographic images.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the one or more photographic images are one or more photographic images representative of at least one of the mission site or the mission scenario.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more substrates comprise polyvinyl chloride film.7. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more safety training furnishings placed into an operational environment in and around the at least one simulated structure.8. The system according ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Device and method for simulating the weight of a loaded gun magazine

Номер: US20190025029A1
Автор: Peter M. Browning
Принадлежит: Individual

A weighted body adapted for insertion into an existing gun magazine shell approximates the weight and/or density of live ammunition cartridges. The size and shape of the body allows for insertion down and into the slot at the top on the magazine, pressing down on the spring, with a sliding retainer stop or other feature to maintain the weight in position, filling or partially filling the internal volume of the magazine with the weight. The integral slide retainer stop attached at the top of the device is then moved or slid by the operator into a position that locks the weight into the magazine so it cannot pop back out due to spring pressure and will not interfere with other workings of the gun slide or receiver. A plurality of color-coded stops may be provided for use with the same or different weighted bodies corresponding to different calibers of ammunition.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033934A1

A blank handling device is provided for receiving and firing a blank cartridge for use in a non-gun. The handling device includes a housing having a blank receiving chamber sized and configured for holding the blank during firing. The blank receiving chamber includes a first axis and a first diameter. A gas discharging passageway capable of being coupled to a barrel of a non-gun, is provided that has a second axis and a second diameter. A gas flow passageway is fluidly coupled to and extends between the blank receiving chamber and the gas flow passageway for conducting gasses discharged by the firing of the blank cartridge between the blank receiving chamber and the gas discharging passageway. The gas flow passageway has a third axis and a third diameter. The third diameter is less than the first diameter for preventing the passage through the gas flow passageway of a projectile discharged in the blank receiving chamber. 1. A blank handling device for receiving and firing a blank cartridge for use in a non-gun , the handling device comprising:a housing having a blank receiving chamber sized and configured for holding the blank during firing, the blank receiving chamber including a first axis and a first diameter,a gas discharging passageway capable of being coupled to a barrel of a non-gun, the barrel receiving passageway having a second axis and a second diameter, anda gas flow passageway fluidly coupled to and extending between the blank receiving chamber and the gas discharging passageway for conducting gasses discharged by the firing of the blank cartridge between the blank receiving chamber and the gas discharging passageway, the gas flow passageway having a third axis and a third diameter,wherein the third diameter is less than the first diameter for preventing the passage through the gas flow passageway of a projectile discharged in the blank receiving chamber.2. The blank handling device of wherein the third axis extends in a non-colinear relation to the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057170A1
Автор: Mansfield Michael R.

A method of firearm instruction may include the steps of substituting a rear sight for a standard rear sight and substituting a front sight for a standard front sight by securing the rear sight and the front sight to a firearm. In various aspects, the method may include the step of aligning the rear sight with the front sight along a line of sight by a shooter manipulating the firearm, and the step of viewing by an instructor simultaneously with viewing by the shooter the aligning of the rear sight with the front sight along the line of sight as the shooter is manipulating the firearm. A rear sight face of the rear sight and a front sight face of the front sight are sized greater than a standard rear sight face of the standard rear sight and a standard front sight face of the front sight thereby allowing viewing of the aligning of the rear sight with the front sight along the line of sight by the shooter and by the instructor simultaneously, in various aspects. 1. A method of firearm instruction , comprising the steps of:substituting a rear sight for a standard rear sight and a front sight for a standard front sight by securing the rear sight and the front sight to a firearm;aligning the rear sight with the front sight along a line of sight by a shooter manipulating the firearm; andviewing by an instructor simultaneously with viewing by the shooter the aligning of the rear sight with the front sight along the line of sight as the shooter is manipulating the firearm;and wherein a rear sight face of the rear sight and a front sight face of the front sight are sized greater than a standard rear sight face of the standard rear sight and a standard front sight face of the front sight for viewing of the aligning of the rear sight with the front sight along the line of sight by the shooter and by the instructor simultaneously.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:aligning a target with the rear sight and the front sight along the line of sight.3. The ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Firearm Training Devices and Methods of Use

Номер: US20210048266A1
Автор: Lewis Rashon Q

A firearm training device is disclosed that may include a body member having a grip. The barrel section may include a muzzle end and a rear or butt stock end. The barrel section may include a transverse aperture adjacent one of the rear/butt stock end. The firearm training device may include a stretchable loop exercise band disposed through the transverse aperture and connected to the body member. The body member may be in a variety of shapes, such as a hand gun or a rifle. The stretchable loop exercise band is adapted for being wrapped around a person's torso so it can be used to perform exercises to strengthen the person's ability to grip a firearm. 1. A firearm training device comprising:a body member having a barrel section and a grip;the barrel section having a muzzle end and a rear end;the barrel section having a transverse aperture adjacent the rear end of the barrel section; anda stretchable loop member disposed through the transverse aperture and connected to the body member.2. The firearm training device of claim 1 , wherein the body member is in the shape of a hand gun.3. A firearm training device comprising:a body member having a grip, a muzzle end and a butt stock end;the body member having a transverse aperture adjacent the muzzle end of the body member; anda stretchable loop member disposed through the transverse aperture and connected to the body member.4. The firearm training device of claim 1 , wherein the body member is in the shape of a rifle.5. A method of performing an exercise to strengthen the ability of a person to grip a firearm comprising:using a firearm training device to perform an exercise, the firearm training device having a body member, a grip, and a stretchable loop exercise band connected to the body member;positioning the stretchable loop exercise band around a person's torso;the person gripping the grip of the firearm training device with at least one hand; andthe person using the firearm training device to perform an exercise.6. ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048273A1

The invention relates to small arms. A training attachment comprises a housing having an element for fastening to a combat or dummy firearm, a barrel for a projectile, spring-loaded elements for feeding, ramming and storing a projectile, and gas channels. Lightweight elements, for example airsoft or paintball pellets, are used as the projectile. A shot is fired using standard blank cartridges. The technical result is the firing of a projectile from a combat or dummy weapon with negligible energy during tactical drills with assessment of aim and hit accuracy. 1. A training attachment , comprising: a housing with an element for attaching to a weapon , wherein the attachment is equipped with a barrel , a gas channel for passing a smaller part of a gas , and at least one output channel for releasing of a most part of the gas.2. The attachment according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment is equipped with an element for projectiles storing.3. The attachment according to claim 2 , wherein the attachment is equipped with a rammer and a return spring.4. The attachment according to claim 3 , wherein the gas channel is made inside the rammer.5. The attachment according to claim 4 , wherein the gas channel is made partially inside the rammer and partially in a housing in which the rammer is located claim 4 , while the gas channel is configured to open and close depending on a position of the rammer.6. The attachment according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment is equipped with an element for the projectile rotation.7. The attachment according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment is equipped with a element for narrowing the barrel of a weapon.8. The attachment according to claim 1 , wherein that the attachment has an expansion chamber. The present patent application is a National stage application for the PCT application PCT/RU2019/000135 filed on Feb. 28, 2019, which claims priority to Russian patent application RU2018104049 filed Feb. 2, 2018, all of which are incorporated ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Probabilistic low-power position and orientation

Номер: US20210048276A1
Принадлежит: Cubic Corp

A base station server of a combat simulation system includes, a communications interface, a processor and a memory. The memory has instructions stored thereon that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to receive an indication of a trigger pull from a weapon device and receive a data packet from the weapon device. The data packet may include an orientation of the weapon device and a position of the weapon device. The instructions further cause the processor to determine a position and an orientation of a target and identify a ballistic path of a simulated projectile fired from the weapon device. The ballistic path may be based at least in part on the orientation and the position of the weapon device. The instructions further cause the processor to determine a ballistic outcome by identifying whether the ballistic path intersects with the position of the target.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Accelerated Learning, Entertainment and Cognitive Therapy Using Augmented Reality Comprising Combined Haptic, Auditory, and Visual Stimulation

Номер: US20220065580A1
Автор: Daniels John James

A plurality of first sensory cues are generated capable of being perceived by a user. Each first sensory cue of the plurality of first sensory cues is dependent on a position of at least one body member of a performer relative to a performance element of a performance object with which an event is performed. The plurality of first sensory cues being effective for stimulating a first processing center of a brain of the user. A plurality of visual sensory cues are generated capable of being displayed to the user on a video display device. The visual sensory cues providing a virtual visual indication to the user of the position of the at least one body member. The visual sensory cues being effective for stimulating the visual processing center of the brain of the user. The visual sensory cues being synchronized with the first sensory cues so that the position of the at least one body member is virtually visually indicated in synchronization with the first sensory cue and so that the visual processing center is stimulated with a visual sensory cue in synchronization with a first sensory cue stimulating the first processing center. The synchronized stimulation of the first processing center and the visual processing center is effective for teaching the user to perform a version of the event. 1. A method , comprising:generating a plurality of first sensory cues capable of being perceived by a user, each first sensory cue of the plurality of first sensory cues being dependent on a position of at least one body member of a performer relative to a performance element of a performance object with which an event is performed, the plurality of first sensory cues being effective for stimulating a first processing center of a brain of the user; andgenerating a plurality of visual sensory cues capable of being displayed to the user on a video display device, the visual sensory cues providing a virtual visual indication to the user of the position of the at least one body member, ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049457A1
Принадлежит: Double Shoot Ltd.

A method for calculation of firearm sight calibration instructions by processing an image of a shooting target. The method comprises receiving at least one image from at least one imaging device, the at least one image depicts a shooting target with a shot group comprising a plurality of bullet holes, receiving an indication of a firearm type and/or a firearm sight type to calibrate, using at least one hardware processor for calculating firearm sight calibration instructions according to at least one relative location of one of the plurality of bullet holes in relation to another of the plurality of bullet holes by processing the at least one image and at least one predefined parameter of the firearm and/or the firearm sight type, and outputting presentation instructions to present the firearm sight calibration instructions on a display of a client device. 1. A method for calculation of firearm sight calibration instructions based on processing one or more images of a shooting target , comprising:receiving at least one image from at least one imaging device, the at least one image depicts a shooting target with a plurality of bullet holes;using at least one hardware processor for calculating firearm sight calibration instructions for a firearm sight according to at least one relative location of one or more of the plurality of bullet holes in relation to one or more other bullet holes of the plurality of bullet holes by processing the at least one image; andoutputting instructions to at least one of: a display of a client device that presents the firearm sight calibration instructions and a manipulation mechanism that adjusts automatically the firearm sight according to the firearm sight calibration instructions.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising identifying the plurality of bullet holes by:aligning the at least one image,calculating a difference image based on differences between the at least one image and at least one previously captured image of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Toy Gun

Номер: US20190054384A1
Автор: Brownie Johnson

The invention relates to a toy gun. The toy gun comprises a microphone module for receiving an incoming sound signal and converting said incoming sound signal to an outgoing audio signal, and a speaker module for receiving an incoming audio signal and converting said incoming audio signal to an outgoing sound signal; the microphone module and the speaker module being electronically connected with a processing module for processing the incoming and outgoing audio signals; and a communications module for communicating the audio signals between the toy gun and one or more other toy guns or portable audio devices distant to the toy gun; wherein the microphone module and the speaker module are positioned at or near a rear end of the toy gun, such that a user is able to hold and operate the toy gun whilst being able to operate the microphone module without a need to substantially reposition a hand of the user holding the toy gun.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for aligning a sub-calibre barrel

Номер: US20200064098A1
Автор: Emil TJUS, Per Jansson
Принадлежит: SAAB AB

The present invention relates to an arrangement for aligning a sub-calibre barrel (1) for use in a principal weapon barrel comprising i) an insert (4) arranged in said principal weapon barrel ii) front securing means (8) for aligning the sub-calibre barrel (1) iii) rear securing means for securing the rear end of the sub-calibre barrel (1), wherein iii.a) said rear securing means comprise a barrel nut (2) in which said sub-calibre barrel (1) is inserted; iii.b) clamping means (3a, 3b) securing said barrel nut (2) to said insert (4) and said clamping means (3a, 3b) in said principal weapon barrel. The invention also relates to a training weapon comprising the arrangement and a method of aligning the training weapon.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Accelerated Learning, Entertainment and Cognitive Therapy Using Augmented Reality Comprising Combined Haptic, Auditory, and Visual Stimulation

Номер: US20220084430A9
Автор: Daniels John James

A plurality of first sensory cues are generated capable of being perceived by a user. Each first sensory cue of the plurality of first sensory cues is dependent on a position of at least one body member of a performer relative to a performance element of a performance object with which an event is performed. The plurality of first sensory cues being effective for stimulating a first processing center of a brain of the user. A plurality of visual sensory cues are generated capable of being displayed to the user on a video display device. The visual sensory cues providing a virtual visual indication to the user of the position of the at least one body member. The visual sensory cues being effective for stimulating the visual processing center of the brain of the user. The visual sensory cues being synchronized with the first sensory cues so that the position of the at least one body member is virtually visually indicated in synchronization with the first sensory cue and so that the visual processing center is stimulated with a visual sensory cue in synchronization with a first sensory cue stimulating the first processing center. The synchronized stimulation of the first processing center and the visual processing center is effective for teaching the user to perform a version of the event. 1. A method , comprising:generating a plurality of first sensory cues capable of being perceived by a user, each first sensory cue of the plurality of first sensory cues being dependent on a position of at least one body member of a performer relative to a performance element of a performance object with which an event is performed, the plurality of first sensory cues being effective for stimulating a first processing center of a brain of the user; andgenerating a plurality of visual sensory cues capable of being displayed to the user on a video display device, the visual sensory cues providing a virtual visual indication to the user of the position of the at least one body member, ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069217A1

Computer-based systems provide a wireless, high fidelity, real-time video and audio immersive environment for multiple users. A user may be equipped with a head mounted display device which wirelessly receives real-time video signals transmitted by a radio transceiver linked to a computer that generates the real-time video images. Aspects include body, arm and leg motion and orientation sensors in wireless communication with a radio transceiver linked with a computer. Video images may be generated using a portable array of user dedicated computers controlled by a single computer that is controlled by an operator. 1. A system for transmitting sensor measurement data from a plurality of users within a simulated training environment comprising:a plurality of sensors attachable to the plurality of users, each sensor comprising a battery powered sensor radio transmitter/receiver and an antenna, wherein each sensor is capable of measuring at least one of orientation, position and motion;at least one hub radio transmitter/receiver;a system radio transmitter/receiver;a respective hub radio transmitter/receiver corresponding to a first user and a second user of the plurality of users, and the respective hub radio transmitter/receivers separately attach to respective devices held by the first user and the second user during a simulated training scenario; anda plurality of sensors attached to the first user, and wherein each of the plurality of sensors attached to the first user transmits measurement data to the hub radio transmitter/receiver of the first user;wherein each sensor transmits measurement data using its sensor radio transmitter/receiver to the at least one hub radio transmitter/receiver, and receives signals from the at least one hub radio transmitter/receiver; andwherein the at least one hub radio transmitter/receiver transmits signals to the sensors, receives the measurement data transmitted by the sensors, and transmits the measurement data to the system radio ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Dummy Cylinder for a Revolver

Номер: US20160084604A1
Автор: Lyman Robert Neale

A dummy cylinder for a revolver that permits dry fire practice but does not permit the insertion of live ammunition. 1. A dummy cylinder for a revolver , said revolver having a corresponding firing cylinder and caliber , said dummy cylinder having a front end and a back end , and a hole about an axis , said dummy cylinder substantially duplicating the relevant external dimensions of the firing cylinder , and said hole being so sized as to closely receive a pivot tube of a crane , said dummy cylinder having internal dimensions sized as to prevent the insertion of ammunition intended for the revolver's caliber into either the front end or the back end.2. The dummy cylinder of wherein said internal dimensions prevent the insertion of any ammunition at all.3. The dummy cylinder of wherein said dummy cylinder substantially duplicates the relevant external dimensions of the firing cylinder when the firing cylinder has cartridges fully inserted into it.4. The dummy cylinder of wherein said revolver has a ratchet and extractor claim 1 , and the back end of the dummy cylinder is configured to duplicate the extractor and ratchet.5. The dummy cylinder of wherein said revolver has a ratchet and extractor claim 1 , and wherein the back end of the dummy cylinder is configured to receive the extractor and ratchet and hold them in substantially the same position as they are in during normal firing.6. The dummy cylinder of wherein the locations corresponding to the chambers of the firing cylinder contain a firing-pin-cushioning mechanism.7. The dummy cylinder of wherein the locations corresponding to the chambers of the firing cylinder allow the insertion a firing-pin-cushioning mechanism.8. The dummy cylinder of wherein the dummy cylinder has a color that readily distinguishes it from the firing cylinder9. The dummy cylinder of wherein the color is orange.10. The dummy cylinder of wherein dummy cylinder is constructed of a polymer.11. A revolver having a dummy cylinder installed ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Timing Firearm Practice Drills

Номер: US20170082390A1
Автор: Morgan Benjamin J.

A firearm training system includes a practice barrel assembly. The practice barrel assembly is configured and dimensioned to replace the factory barrel of the firearm. The practice barrel assembly includes a processor, a radio transmitter, a firing pin strike sensor and a rechargeable battery. The processor is in wireless communication with an electronic device, such as a smart phone. To initiate a practice drill, the electronic device provides a start signal to the user and, simultaneously, an electronic timer is started. In response to the start signal, the user performs a practice drill that includes a dry fire of the firearm. The firing pin strike sensor detects the dry fire of the firing pin, which causes the stop of the electronic timer. The electronic device then displays the elapsed time between the start signal and the stop of the electronic timer. 1. A system for conducting practice drills using a firearm , the firearm having a factory barrel and a firing pin , said system comprising:a practice barrel assembly configured and dimensioned to interchangeably replace the factory barrel of the firearm;a processor located within the practice barrel assembly;a radio transmitter in communication with the processor;a firing pin strike sensor in communication with the processor;wherein the processor is programmed to cause the radio transmitter to transmit a wireless signal to a remote electronic device in response to the firing pin strike sensor detecting a dry fire of the firing pin.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the practice barrel assembly comprises a barrel body claim 1 , wherein the barrel body comprises a cavity claim 1 , wherein the processor is disposed within the cavity.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the barrel body comprises a weight.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the practice barrel assembly further comprises a cap that is removably installable over the cavity.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a rechargeable battery disposed within ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150089856A1
Автор: Stone Richard Scott

A training/safety plug for use in firearms is provided. In one implementation, the plug comprises a chamber end and a shaft extending away from the chamber end. The chamber end is adapted to fit within a chamber of a designated firearm, the chamber end has a cross-sectional dimension sufficient to prevent the chamber end from extending into a barrel of the designated firearm and further comprises a strike surface for receiving an impact of a firing pin of the designated firearm and a proximal end dimension such that the chamber end is not engaged by an ejector mechanism of the firearm. The shaft comprises a barrel end coupled to and extending distally from the generally cylindrical chamber end; the barrel end of the generally cylindrical shaft further adapted to extend from the chamber end into the barrel of the designated firearm. 1. A generally cylindrical training/safety plug for use in firearms , the plug comprising:a generally cylindrical chamber end having a size adapted to fit within a chamber of a designated firearm, the chamber end having a cross-sectional dimension sufficient to prevent the chamber end from extending into a barrel of the designated firearm, the generally cylindrical chamber end further comprising a strike surface for receiving an impact of a firing pin of the designated firearm and a proximal end dimension such that the chamber end is not engaged by an ejector mechanism of the firearm; anda generally cylindrical shaft comprising a barrel end coupled to and extending distally from the generally cylindrical chamber end; the barrel end of the generally cylindrical shaft further adapted to extend the barrel of the designated gun and extend beyond an end of the barrel,wherein the training/safety plug renders the designated firearm inert when the chamber end is disposed in a chamber of the firearm and the barrel end extends into the barrel of the firearm, the cross-sectional dimension of the chamber end prevents removal of the plug through the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Firearm Training Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20160091271A1

This application is directed to a firearm that is functional, but is not fully functional as it is incapable of discharging ammunition, e.g., causing ammunition to ignite and discharge a bullet. Related methods, techniques, and approaches are also discussed. In embodiments, the firearm is functional, but not fully functional and it is impractical and/or irreversible to alter the firearm to make it fully functional through replacement of interchangeable parts that correspond to that particular firearm model. In embodiments, the firearm is also identifiable as being less than fully functional, e.g., it is incapable of discharging ammunition. 1. A firearm that is functional but is incapable of firing a cartridge , the firearm comprising:a bolt including a stem, a bolt face, and a firing pin channel provided along a length of the bolt from the stem to the bolt face, the firing pin channel adapted to receive longitudinally a plug at the stem or the bolt face, wherein the bolt has a length shorter than the length of a bolt configured for use in a fully functional firearm;a firing pin including a pin stem and a pin body, wherein the firing pin does not include a needle, and when the pin body is placed coaxially inside the firing pin channel of the bolt, the pin stem projects from the stem of the bolt; anda bolt-carrier adapted to receive the bolt in a coaxial manner.2. The firearm according to claim 1 , wherein:the plug has a stepped cylinder shape and is adapted to be fitted in the firing pin channel.3. The firearm according to claim 1 , wherein:the stem of the bolt has a shorter length than a stem of a bolt used in the fully functional firearm.4. The firearm according to claim 1 , wherein:the pin body has a shorter length than a pin body of a firing pin of the fully functional firearm.5. The firearm according to claim 1 , wherein:the bolt carrier, that includes a chamber, is fitted with a bolt carrier key using a carrier key hex head bolt that is configured to extend ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140173963A1
Автор: Kent Howard D.

A firearm recoil modifying device includes a cylindrical body having a rearward end, a forward end, and a longitudinal axis extending therebetween. An adapter having a central aperture aligned with the longitudinal axis is coupled to the rearward end of the cylindrical body. An end cap is coupled to the forward end of the cylindrical body, and includes a central aperture aligned with the central aperture of the adapter along the longitudinal axis. A piston is carried within the interior volume of the cylindrical body for reciprocal movement between a rearward position and a forward position. The piston includes a central aperture aligned with the central apertures of the adapter and the end cap, along the longitudinal axis. A biasing member biases the piston into the rearward position. 1. A firearm recoil modifying device Comprising:a cylindrical body having a rearward end, a forward end, and a longitudinal axis extending therebetween, the cylindrical body defining an interior volume;an adapter, having a rearward end for coupling to a muzzle of a firearm and a central aperture aligned with the longitudinal axis, the adapter coupled to the rearward end of the cylindrical body;an end cap coupled to the forward end of the cylindrical body, the end cap includes a central aperture aligned with the central aperture of the adapter along the longitudinal axis;a piston carried within the interior volume of the cylindrical body for reciprocal movement between a rearward position and a forward position, the piston includes a rearward end, a forward end, and a central aperture extending therethrough from the rearward end to the forward end and aligned with the central apertures of the adapter and the end cap, along the longitudinal axis; anda biasing member biasing the piston into the rearward position.2. A firearm recoil modifying device as claimed in wherein the biasing member is a compression spring captured within the interior volume between the forward end of the piston ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100675A1
Автор: Valdez Ronnie

Embodiments of the present invention concern a virtual hunting apparatus that employs an imaging device mounted on top of the barrel of a simulated firearm such as a rifle or other toy. A cable can be used to connect the imaging device to the trigger of the simulated firearm. An imaging device can run a variety of applications and play videos. Pulling the trigger of the simulated firearm takes a picture of a target animal, records a video or plays a video of interest within the imaging device, without displacing a bullet or pellet to injure or kill the target animal. 1. A virtual hunting apparatus comprising:a barrel;a trigger; and a front lens;', 'a viewing screen;', 'a memory for storing various videos; and', 'a processing module operatively coupled to the viewing screen, wherein the processing module is configured to receive light propagated through the front lens, generate an image using the received light, and to display the image on the viewing screen;', 'wherein the processing module is configured to display a stored video on the viewing screen; and', 'wherein the processing module records the image and displays the stored video in response to a trigger signal., 'an imaging device coupled to an external surface of the barrel, the imaging device comprising2. The virtual hunting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the imaging device includes an exterior trigger cable port configured to communicate the trigger signal to the processing module.3. The virtual hunting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the barrel and the trigger of the virtual hunting apparatus are configured to imitate at least one of the following: an imitation firearm claim 1 , a toy firearm claim 1 , and a real firearm.4. The virtual hunting apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a push button application for a bull's eye selection claim 1 , wherein upon activation the viewing screen applies the selected bull's eye to the image.5. The virtual hunting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the imaging device ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096300A1
Автор: Tibeau Quint Gregory

Stoppage-inducing ammunition cartridges have a case having a rear head surface, a circumferential extractor groove forward of the rear head surface, a body portion forward of the circumferential extractor groove defining a case axis perpendicular to the rear head surface, and a forward mouth, a primer received in the case, a propellant within the case, a bullet received in the forward mouth, and the circumferential extractor groove being defined in part by a rear extractor surface angularly disposed with respect to a plane perpendicular to the case axis, such that an extractor adapted to engage a groove surface perpendicular to the case axis will have limited effect at extracting the cartridge from a firearm chamber after discharge. The rear extractor surface may be a frustoconical surface. The rear extractor surface may be a tapered surface acutely angled with respect to the case axis. 1. An ammunition cartridge comprising:a case having a rear head surface, a circumferential extractor surface forward of the rear head surface, a body portion forward of the circumferential extractor surface defining a case axis perpendicular to the rear head surface and having a body diameter, and a forward mouth;a primer received in the case;a propellant within the case;a bullet received in the forward mouth; andthe circumferential extractor surface having a limited diameter less than the body diameter and extending to the rear head surface.2. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the extractor surface is a cylindrical surface.3. The ammunition cartridge of including a tapered surface between the extractor surface and the body.4. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the tapered surface faces rearward. This application is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/211,173 filed on Dec. 5, 2018, entitled “STOPPAGE-INDUCING AMMUNITION CARTRIDGE,” which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/597,574 filed on Dec. 12, 2017, entitled “STOPPAGE INDUCING ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101352A1
Принадлежит: Cubic Corporation

An indirect fire mission training round includes a projectile training shell having an outer periphery, a proximal end, and a distal end, the proximal end defining an interior chamber. The projectile training shell is configured to be inserted within a cavity of a projectile firing instrument. The round includes an interlock member configured to securely receive a proximal portion of a subsequent training round within the interior chamber of the projectile training shell. The round includes a resistance brake extending outward from the outer periphery and configured to contact a wall of the cavity of the firing instrument and provide resistance that secures the projectile training shell at a position within the cavity. The resistance break is selectively disengageable such that the position of the projectile training shell is adjustable. 1. An indirect fire mission training round , comprising:a projectile training shell having an outer periphery, a proximal end, and a distal end, the proximal end defining an interior chamber, the projectile training shell being configured to be inserted within a cavity of a projectile firing instrument;an interlock member configured to securely receive a proximal portion of a subsequent training round within the interior chamber of the projectile training shell; anda resistance brake extending outward from the outer periphery and configured to contact a wall of the cavity of the firing instrument and provide resistance that secures the projectile training shell at a position within the cavity, wherein the resistance brake is selectively disengageable such that the position of the projectile training shell is adjustable.2. The indirect fire mission training round of claim 1 , wherein:the interlock member and the resistance brake are movably coupled with one another such that the when the interlock member is engaged by the subsequent training round, the resistance brake is disengaged and a resistive force applied against the wall of ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Instructor-lead training environment and interfaces therewith

Номер: US20140186801A1
Принадлежит: Dynamic Animation Systems Inc

An infantry training simulation system comprising at least one firing lane, with at least one display arranged substantially near the end of the firing lane. A trainee experiencing the simulation can carry at least one physical or virtual weapon, which is typically similar to a traditional infantry weapon. To facilitate navigation and other interaction with the simulation, the weapon is preferably outfitted with at least one controller. At least one computer is communicatively coupled to the display and the weapon. The computer can monitor input from the at least one controller, and modifies the training simulation displayed on the display based on the input.

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Dry fire practice training device

Номер: US20140193778A1
Автор: Stanley Hahn Seigler
Принадлежит: Individual

When a semi-automatic weapon is live fired, its firing pin is reset and is ready to be fired again. The shooter's hands remain in the firing position, and just the trigger finger and trigger are employed. But with dry fire practice, the shooter must remove a hand from the weapon and ratchet the slide to reset the firing pin, allowing the trigger to return to its unfired position. This must be done each time a shot is simulated. This invention provides, by incorporating a modified ammunition magazine in the weapon's magazine compartment, realistic muscle memory training by duplicating the action of the trigger, the feel and the sound of the release of the firing pin and the resetting of the trigger for additional trigger activations. It does not interact with the weapon's firing pin and does not require any alterations to the weapon such as disassembling and reassembling of parts.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Timing Firearm Practice Drills

Номер: US20160116262A1
Автор: Morgan Benjamin J.

A practice round is provided for use with an electronic device, such as a smart phone, to allow a user to time firearm practice drills without using live ammunition. Prior to performing a practice drill, the user loads the practice round into the chamber of the firearm similar to a live round. After a short delay, the electronic device provides a start signal and simultaneously starts an electronic timer. In response to the start signal, the user performs the practice drill which ends with the firing pin of the firearm striking the practice round in response to a trigger pull. The practice round senses the strike of the firing pin and stops the electronic timer. The electronic device then displays the elapsed time between the start signal and the strike of the firing pin on the practice round. 1. A practice round for use with a firearm having a chamber and a firing pin , said practice round comprising:a casing configured and dimensioned to be removably inserted into the chamber of the firearm;a processor disposed within the casing; anda firing pin strike sensor in communication with said processor;wherein said firing pin strike sensor is configured to send a signal to said processor in response to an impact of the firing pin of the firearm.2. The practice round of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to provide an electronic timer claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to stop the electronic timer in response to the signal from the firing pin strike sensor.3. The practice round of claim 2 , wherein the processor is further configured to start the electronic timer in response to receiving a wireless signal from a remote electronic device.4. The practice round of claim 2 , further comprising a memory in communication with said processor claim 2 , wherein said processor is further configured to store measured times in said memory as determined by said electronic timer.5. The practice round of claim 1 , further comprising a radio transmitter ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Auto regulating gas system for supressed weapons

Номер: US20140196599A1
Автор: Daniel E. Kenney
Принадлежит: RA Brands LLC

An auto regulating gas system to automatically regulate the operating speed of an auto loading weapon having a gas operating system by restricting the gas flow from the firing of a projectile. A gas block attached to the barrel or the weapon redirects a volume of propellant gases to cycle the weapon, the gas block including a gas port for directing propellant gases received from the a gas port of the barrel into the gas system. A spring-loaded plunger assembly is positioned within the gas block, the plunger assembly including a regulator plunger having a reduced flow orifice, a regulator bushing, a regulator spring, and a regulator cap, wherein the position of the regulator plunger within the gas block automatically controls an amount of gas that is allowed to enter the gas system. A mechanical backup linkage assembly is attached to the gas block as a backup device for returning the regulator plunger to a forward position in the gas block when a muzzle device mounted on a muzzle of the firearm is removed.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Practice Magazine for Firearms

Номер: US20210156639A1
Автор: Kirsch Saul J.

A practice magazine includes a housing that at least partially houses one or more weights, a rotating or pivoting follower, and a spring for biasing the follower in a first direction that is toward the slide of a firearm when the practice magazine is positioned in the magazine compartment of the firearm. The housing also includes a magazine catch notch and additional features to cooperate with the firearm magazine compartment's geometry. The follower attaches to the housing at a pivot support around which it can rotate, and the housing and follower include a stopper arrangement that limits excessive rotation of the follower. The spring, disposed between the follower and housing, produces tension when the practice magazine is fully inserted into the magazine compartment of the firearm. The weights are disposed in the housing to mimic the weight of loaded ammunition. 1. A practice magazine for use with training firearms and fully-functioning firearms that have an empty magazine compartment , wherein the practice magazine comprises:a) a body housing defining a weight cavity, a follower cavity, and a follower support;b) a weight disposed in the weight cavity of the body housing;c) a follower disposed at least partly in the follower cavity of the body housing and pivotally connected to the follower support; andd) a spring disposed in the follower cavity and positioned to cooperate with the follower such that the spring biases the follower in a first direction.2. The practice magazine of further comprising a magazine catch notch disposed on the body housing and configured to cooperate with a magazine catch on the firearm.3. The practice magazine of wherein the spring comprises a compression spring.4. The practice magazine of wherein the spring comprises a torsion spring.5. The practice magazine of wherein the spring comprises a magnetic spring.6. The practice magazine of wherein the spring comprises a pneumatic cylinder.7. The practice magazine of wherein the body housing ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Training Magazine and Safety System for Firearms

Номер: US20180128570A1
Автор: SAWICKI Michael

A training magazine and safety system for a magazine-fed firearm are provided. The training magazine includes a safety block at a top of the magazine, configured to block the breach of the firearm and thus keep the bolt of the firearm locked to the rear such that the firearm is incapable of firing. The safety block can include a notch in a front portion thereof, which is configured to accommodate a chamber flag while the chamber flag is in the chamber of a firearm. As such, the chamber flag and training magazine can be used together as a safety system. Methods of training are also provided. 1. A training magazine for a magazine-fed firearm having a breach , the training magazine comprising:a training magazine body; anda safety block at a top of the training magazine body, the safety block configured to occupy the breach of the firearm to render the firearm incapable of firing, whereinthe training magazine has the size and weight of a fully-loaded cartridge magazine for the firearm.2. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the training magazine has a weight from about 15 ounces to about 18 ounces.3. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the training magazine has a weight of about 16.4 ounces.4. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the training magazine is of a single claim 1 , unitary claim 1 , one-piece construction.5. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the training magazine is of a two-piece construction comprising the safety block and the training magazine body connected together.6. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the entire training magazine is molded and comprises a plastic material and a weighted filler.7. The training magazine of claim 1 , wherein the safety block has a front and further comprises a notch formed in the front.8. A safety system comprising the training magazine of and a chamber flag claim 7 , wherein the notch is sized and configured to accommodate at least a portion of the chamber flag when the chamber flag is ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146563A1

This invention relates to a Gatling-type machine gun simulated weapon system having a feeder de-linker which is capable of replicating malfunctions including a weapon jamming condition. 1. A simulated weapon system , comprising:a housing;a number of barrels mounted to said housing;a drive motor coupled to said barrels, said drive motor being operative to rotate said barrels;a feeder de-linker mounted to said housing, said feeder de-linker being operative to feed inert ammunition through said housing and to simulate the occurrence of a weapon malfunction;a spade grip connected to said housing, said spade grip including a vibration device, at least one trigger and an arming switch, said spade grip being connected to said drive motor and to said feeder de-linker.2. The simulated weapon system of in which said at least one trigger of said spade grip includes a low rate trigger and a high rate trigger.3. The simulated weapon system of in which said drive motor is operative to rotate said barrels at a different rate dependent on which one of said low rate and high rate triggers is activated.4. The simulated weapon system of in which said weapon malfunction is a jam condition claim 1 , said feeder de-linker being operable to simulate a jam condition in response to contact within a round of inert ammunition having a dented casing. This invention relates to a simulated weapon system, and, more particularly, to a Gatling-type machine gun weapon simulator having a feeder de-linker which is capable of replicating malfunctions including a weapon jamming condition.M134 weapons have been in use since the early 1960's. Nicknamed the “minigun”, the M134 has been adopted my various military branches to provide suppressive fire and locale denial capabilities. The United States Army version is designated the M134, the United States Air Force version is designated GAU-2 and the United States Navy version is designated GAU-17. The M134 is a six-barrel 7.62×51 mm NATO round Gatling-type ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Weighted replica firearm

Номер: US20180142982A1
Принадлежит: Fitness Combat Systems LLC

A weighted replica firearm is operable to be handled by a user for simulated firearm training. The firearm includes a firearm receiver, a barrel weight support, and barrel weights. The barrel weights are selectively mounted to the barrel weight support. Each barrel weight includes a corresponding weight connection interface removably interconnecting with a support connection interface of the barrel weight support when the barrel weight is mounted to the barrel weight support.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

System and Method for Timing Firearm Practice Drills

Номер: US20160153755A1
Автор: Morgan Benjamin J.

A firearm training system includes a practice round and a practice barrel. The practice barrel is configured and dimensioned to replace the factory barrel of the firearm. Prior to performing a practice drill, a user loads the practice round into the chamber of the practice barrel similar to a live round. After a short delay, the electronic device provides a start signal to the user and, simultaneously, an electronic timer is started. In response to the start signal, the user performs the practice drill that ends with the firing pin of the firearm striking the practice round in response to a trigger pull. The practice round senses the strike of the firing pin and stops the electronic timer. The electronic device then displays the elapsed time between the start signal and the strike of the firing pin on the practice round. 1. A system for conducting practice drills using a firearm , the firearm having a factory barrel and a firing pin , said system comprising:a practice barrel configured and dimensioned to interchangeably replace the factory barrel of the firearm, the practice barrel having a chamber; anda practice round dimensioned to be removably inserted into the chamber of the practice barrel;wherein the practice round comprises a radio transmitter for sending a signal to a remote electronic device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the practice barrel is formed of a plastic or a polymer.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the practice barrel comprises a weight to simulate the weight of the factory barrel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the practice barrel is formed of metal.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the practice barrel comprises one or more open ports in communication with the chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the chamber of the practice barrel varies in at least one dimension from the chamber of the factory barrel.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the at least one dimension is a chamber length or a chamber diameter.8. The system of claim 1 , ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220290962A1

An explosion simulation system for simulating blast effects of an explosive device includes a transmitting device connected to the explosive device to transmit a virtual radio frequency blast wave upon activation; and attenuate the virtual radio frequency blast wave to match a mass of explosives used in the explosive device. The system also includes remote receiving devices comprising an audible alarm to indicate when the blast wave is received from the transmitting device. The receiving devices may get activated upon receiving the blast wave; calculate one or more effects of a blast of the explosive device by decoding the blast wave based on an explosive charge weight comprising a kg TNT equivalent of the explosive device, a distance, a peak incident pressure, a peak reflected pressure, and a peak reflected impulse; and display the effects of the blast in at least one category comprising an ear rupture threshold. 1. A system for simulating blast effects of an explosive device , comprising: [ transmit a virtual radio frequency blast wave upon activation, wherein the virtual radio frequency blast wave comprises a free-to-air 2.4 Gigahertz (GHz) Wi-Fi protocol; and', 'adapt the virtual radio frequency blast wave to include characteristics to match a mass of explosives used in the explosive device; and, 'a transmitting device connected to the explosive device, wherein the transmitting device is configured to, get activated upon receiving the virtual radio frequency blast wave from the transmitting device;', 'calculate one or more effects of a blast of the explosive device by decoding the virtual radio frequency blast wave based on an explosive charge weight (W) comprising a kg TNT equivalent of the explosive device, a distance (D), a peak incident pressure (Pi), a peak reflected pressure (Pr), and a peak reflected impulse (Rimp); and', 'display the one or more effects of the blast in at least one category comprising an ear rupture threshold., 'one or more remote ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Sensor logic control of gun camera

Номер: US20190146321A1
Автор: David A. Stewart
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to the process where a gun video camera is controlled by logic functions using inputs from sensors monitoring the gun and environmental characteristics. More particularly, a control signal is generated which determines the wake-up time of a camera in sleep mode and the recording time of video and data capture of the camera.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Muzzle Flash Simulators

Номер: US20140234806A1
Автор: McBride Brett

Muzzle flash simulators that combine visual, audio, and thermal signals synchronized to the firing of a rifleman's weapon to obscure his position by producing the illusion that the shot came from a location other than the rifleman's actual location. The system may be deployed by placement with a removable ground penetrating spike, by use upon a tripod mounting system, by a hanger or by launching upon a projectile. The simulator is remotely operated. The simulator can be deployed as a single unit or as a set of units operating in coordination. 1. A muzzle flash simulator comprising a lamp , a speaker , and an infrared emitter , an antenna , a mounting system.2. The muzzle flash simulator of where the lamp is an LED.3. The muzzle flash simulator of where the lamp is another light source.4. The muzzle flash simulator of where the sound source is a speaker.5. The muzzle flash simulator of where the sound source is another noise generator6. The muzzle flash simulator of where the heat source is an infrared emitter.7. The muzzle flash simulator of where the heat source is another kind of heat emitter.8. The muzzle flash simulator of where the light claim 1 , sound and heat sources are coordinated by a microprocessor.9. The muzzle flash simulator of where the operation can be remotely controlled by radio frequency from an M-16.10. The muzzle flash simulator of where the operation can be remotely controlled from a control unit that is handheld or belt mounted.11. The muzzle flash simulator of where the operation can be triggered by a flash sensor on the control unit.12. The muzzle flash simulator of where the device is powered by a battery.13. The muzzle flash simulator of where the device is contains a capacitor14. The muzzle flash simulator of where the where the device can be set to simulate a single shot claim 1 , a three shot burst claim 1 , or automatic fire.15. The muzzle flash simulator of where the multiple devices can be deployed as a single system and operated as ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299288A1
Автор: Dabush Elad, Kur Daniel
Принадлежит: V-Armed Inc.

Disclosed embodiments provide systems and methods for simulation of firearm discharge and training of armed forces and/or law enforcement personnel. A motion tracking system tracks motion of one or more users. In embodiments, the users wear one or more sensors on their bodies to allow tracking by the motion tracking system. A scenario management system utilizes position, orientation, and motion information provided by the motion tracking system to evaluate user performance during a scenario. A weapon simulator includes sensors that indicate position of the weapon and/or orientation of the weapon. The weapon simulator may further provide trigger activation indications to the scenario management system. In embodiments, the scenario management system generates, plays, reviews, and/or evaluates simulations. The evaluation can include scoring based on reaction times, posture, body position, body orientation, and/or other attributes. 1. A computer-implemented method executed by a system for conducting a firearm usage simulation , comprising:determining, by a motion tracker component, an initial position of a user, wherein the motion tracker component comprises one or more cameras deployed in an area of the firearm usage simulation, the one or more cameras being configured to track infrared light emitted from one or more wearable sensors worn by the user;determining, by the motion tracker component, the one or more wearable sensors, and a user-facing camera included within goggles worn by the user, an initial physiological orientation of the user, wherein a subset of the one or more wearable sensors are affixed on a helmet worn by the user and are affixed to one or more limbs of the user;detecting, by a weapons interface component, a simulated firearm discharge; anddetermining, by a data analysis component, a reaction of the user in response to the simulated firearm discharge.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the initial physiological orientation of the user ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170160040A1
Автор: Dionne Sylvain

A conversion kit for a firearm of the type having a removable component is disclosed. The conversion kit includes a chamber piece having a coupling end, and a muzzle piece of a conversion barrel having a coupling end configured to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece and an engagement end. The engagement end is configured to mate with the removable component such that manipulation of the removable component causes the coupling end of the muzzle piece of the conversion barrel to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece. 1. A conversion kit for a firearm of the type having a removable component , the conversion kit comprising:a chamber piece having a coupling end;a muzzle piece of a conversion barrel having a coupling end configured to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece and an engagement end;wherein the engagement end is configured to mate with the removable component such that manipulation of the removable component causes the coupling end of the muzzle piece of the conversion barrel to be secured to the coupling end of the chamber piece.2. The conversion kit of claim 1 , wherein the removable component is the stock slide assembly of the firearm.3. The conversion kit of claim 2 , wherein:the engagement end of the muzzle piece of the conversion barrel includes at least one planar or curvilinear gripping surface and the stock slide assembly includes at least one corresponding planar or curvilinear gripping surface for mating therewith during installation of the conversion kit.4. The conversion kit of claim 3 , wherein the engagement end includes two claim 3 , generally planar or curvilinear gripping surfaces and the stock slide assembly includes two corresponding generally planar or curvilinear inner walls for mating therewith.5. The conversion kit of claim 1 , wherein the removable component is a component of a firearm selected from the group consisting of pistols claim 1 , machine guns claim 1 , submachine guns claim 1 , ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167819A1
Автор: Myers Monty Goetz

Embodiments disclosed herein describe systems and methods for simulating realistically practicing firing of a firearm. More particularly, embodiments disclose coupling a moving cylinder with a thrust rod into the barrel of a firearm, wherein responsive to a user pressing the trigger, the thrust rod moves a slide of the firearm. 1. A system for simulating firing a firearm , the system comprising:a breach nut configured to be positioned within a chamber of the firearm, the breach nut including a threaded hollow passageway;a cylinder configured to be positioned within a barrel of the firearm and coupled to the breach nut via the threaded hollow passageway;a thrust rod positioned on a first end of the cylinder being configured to extend and retract responsive to the firearm firing.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the thrust rod is configured to extend in a direction away from an opening of the barrel to move a slide of the firearm responsive to a trigger of the firearm being pressed.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the thrust rod is configured to retract responsive to the thrust rod being fully extended.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein a face of the thrust rod is configured to be positioned outside of the hollow opening in the extended and retracted position such that the firing pin may contact the face of the thrust rod responsive to the trigger being pressed.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a reloading mechanism configured to apply pressure to move the thrust rod responsive to a slide of the firearm contacting the thrust rod.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the reloading mechanism includes compressed air.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein a first end and a second end of the cylinder are threaded.8. The system of claim 7 , further comprising:a washer and a barrel nut being configured to be positioned on a second end of the cylinder adjacent an opening of the barrel.9. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a hammer being coupled with the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Trigger Guide

Номер: US20220307790A1
Автор: Daniel Sean Laughlin
Принадлежит: Individual

A firearm attachment is disclosed including a first side wall, a second side wall, and a bottom wall extending between the first side wall and the second side wall. The bottom wall spaces the first side wall from the second side wall to define a space therebetween for receiving a trigger guard of a firearm. The firearm attachment further includes a first attachment protrusion extending from the first side wall toward the second side wall for engaging the trigger guard of the firearm and a second attachment protrusion extending from the second side wall toward the first side wall for engaging the trigger guard of the firearm.

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Artillery unit control panel emulator integration with training system

Номер: US20200158471A1
Принадлежит: Cubic Corp

Systems and methods for interfacing an artillery unit control panel emulator with a collective training environment are disclosed. One method includes reading output data including one or more output data segments generated by the artillery unit control panel emulator. The method includes examining the output data to identify a trigger event in the one or more output data segments. The method includes extracting details regarding the trigger event from the one or more output data segments. The method includes creating a message indicative of the trigger event and including the details regarding the trigger event. The method includes sending, via a communication interface, the message to a device within the collective training environment.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Firearm stability training device and method

Номер: US20140256518A1
Автор: James K. Seitzer
Принадлежит: Individual

A firearm stability training device includes an adapter which receives a barrel or, in the case where the firearm is a handgun, receives an operator's wrist. A flexible coupler is removably attached to the adapter on one end, and a weight is suspended from the opposite end. Motion of the weight provides a force disruptive to the stable positioning of the firearm. Methods are described in which the device is used to train or rehabilitate an operator. An embodiment includes a laser firing assembly electrically connected to a trigger assembly, allowing the operator to accurately track their progress in training or rehabilitation.

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199407A1

A system and method for measuring, characterizing, and making recommendations for improving the performance of a shooter and one or more associated firearms. A data collection environment comprises an operator device and a server and data management module configured to receive and transmit one or more data sets over a network. A rig, which may be configured with sensors, may comprise a base assembly, a stock assembly, a grip/trigger assembly, a forend assembly a remote trigger assembly, and a safety lanyard assembly. 1. A system comprising:an operator device configured to receive and transmit one or more data sets over a network;a server and data management module configured to receive and transmit one or more data sets over a network, where the server and data management module further comprises a registration customer service submodule and a partner services submodule.2. The system of further comprising a camera target.3. The system of further comprising:an electronics management module operably connected with the operator device, where the electronics management module further comprises a power source, a processor/or processors, and a communications submodule; a base sensor configured to receive one or more data sets associated with at least one of temperature, relative humidity, sound, light, alignment, mass vibration, signals, and alerts', 'a top of rail sensor configured to receive one or more data sets associated with at least one of position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration', 'a stock sensor configured to receive one or more data sets associated with at least one of pressure, position, and orientation', 'a grip trigger sensor configured to receive one or more data sets associated with pressure, position, and orientation, and', 'a forend sensor configured to receive one or more data sets associated with at least one of pressure, position, and orientation; and, 'a continually upgradeable and modular sensor suite package comprising a plurality of ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170176127A1
Автор: Ferris Bob

A firearm simulation system includes multiple game play and participation options for a plurality of users in an entertainment venue located outside of a home environment. The most preferred embodiments of the present invention include options for interaction between the users to create a social experience for friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to enjoy out-of-home firearms simulation entertainment, including options such as consuming food and drink, integrated leader boards, pictures and video of the participants, tweets, email notices, and other social media interaction. The most preferred embodiments of the present invention incorporate simulated firearms used in a casual, fun, and fast-paced entertainment venue to enhance the ease of use and the enjoyment of the experience for the participants. 1. A simulated firearms entertainment system comprising:at least one shooting bay;at least one screen located in the at least one shooting bay, the at least one screen displaying a plurality of graphic images to a first participant physically present in the at least one shooting bay;a simulated firearm controlled by the first participant; anda social interaction element related to the simulated firearm controlled by the first participant wherein the first participant interacts with and communicates with a second participant who is also physically present in the at least one shooting bay, the social interaction element comprising the first participant and the second participant engaging in at least one of: ad hoc conversation; meal sharing; and physical contact.2. The simulated firearms entertainment system of further comprising:a plurality of participation options for a plurality of users in an entertainment venue located outside of a home environment;a plurality of replica firearms controlled by the plurality of users; andat least one of: an integrated leader board; at least one picture or video of the plurality of participants; and at least one social media ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190170470A1
Автор: BILU Amir, Engelstein Tal

A dry-fire magazine for use with a firearm is disclosed. The dry-fire magazine includes a controller and a plurality of sensors connected to the controller. The dry-fire magazine uses the plurality of sensors for collecting data associated with one or more operations of the firearm and thereafter the data is transmitted, using a communication unit embedded within the controller, to an end-point device such as a smartphone. 1. A dry-fire magazine for use with a firearm , comprises:a plurality of sensors configured to collect sensory signals indicative of the operation of the firearm; anda controller embedded within the dry-fire magazine, wherein the controller is configured to monitor the operation of the firearm based on sensory signals received from the plurality of sensors.2. The dry-fire magazine of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises:a communication circuit for communicating with a remote end-point device; andan input/output (I/O) unit configured to control the plurality of sensors.3. The dry-fire magazine of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of sensors includes an environmental sensor claim 1 , a camera claim 1 , a microphone claim 1 , a motion detector claim 1 , a proximity sensor claim 1 , a temperature sensor claim 1 , and a touch detector.4. The dry-fire magazine of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sensors are included in the controller.5. The dry-fire magazine of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further configured to:receive a trigger for initiating collection of data associated with one or more operations of the firearm;collect sensory signals associated with one or more operations of the firearm; and,send the collected sensory signals to the end-point device.6. The dry-fire magazine of claim 5 , wherein the sensory signals are indicative of a trigger break.75. The dry-fire magazine of claim 5 , wherein the sensory signals are indicative of at least a motion of the firearm.8. The dry-fire magazine of claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Smart safety contraption and methods related thereto for use with a firearm

Номер: US20190170482A1
Автор: Amir BILU, Tal Engelstein
Принадлежит: Individual

A smart safety contraption for use with a firearm. The smart safety contraption includes of a tubular body adapted to fit into a barrel of the firearm. The tubular body having a front end having a first diameter and a back end having a second diameter. The first diameter is smaller than the second diameter. At least part of the front end is positioned within the barrel directed to a muzzle of the firearm. The smart safety contraption further comprises an image capturing device installed within the front end and directed to objects located in front of the barrel. The smart safety contraption further includes a control unit adapted to cause an image to be captured by the image capturing device upon receiving an indication corresponding to, e.g. a motion of the trigger. The image may include a graphic element designed to indicate a virtual point of impact.

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Trigger Emulation Mechanism Of Electric Gun

Номер: US20160187095A1

A trigger emulation mechanism of an electric gun is disclosed. When actuated, a trigger assembly causes a retainer assembly to drive the toothed rack element to allow the toothed rack element to operate in combination with a gear shaft assembly to amplify a rotational angle, making the gear shaft assembly drive a striker hammer plate to rotate and allowing the striker hammer plate to drive the striker hammer elastic element to accumulate energy therein. Afterward, the retainer assembly may release the toothed rack element, causing the striker hammer elastic element to force the striker hammer plate to rotate in an opposite direction to strike thus generate sound and vibration, thereby achieving advantages of enhancing the degree of simulation by generating sound and vibration and an idle stroke before firing is initiated and also reducing the size thereof for applications to various models of electric guns. 1. A trigger emulation mechanism of an electric gun , comprising:a trigger seat, wherein the trigger seat has a side in which a guide slot is formed;a trigger assembly, wherein the trigger assembly is pivotally connected to one side of the trigger seat;a retainer assembly, wherein the retainer assembly is mounted in the trigger seat and is operably coupled to the trigger assembly, the retainer assembly comprising a guide roller formed at one side thereof to be operable in combination with the guide slot;a toothed rack element, wherein the toothed rack element is formed on the trigger seat to be operable in combination with the retainer assembly;a gear shaft assembly, wherein the gear shaft assembly is mounted on the trigger seat and is operably coupled to the toothed rack element to amplify a movement of the trigger assembly;at least one striker hammer plate, wherein the striker hammer plate is mounted to the gear shaft assembly and operable in combination therewith; andat least one striker hammer elastic element, wherein the striker hammer elastic element has an ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Video capture, recording and scoring in firearms and surveillance

Номер: US20140272808A1
Автор: Avraham Ram Guissin
Принадлежит: Individual

A video camera and recording device integrated with a real or toy weapon to provide video recording of the assault and aiming process of the weapon holder in operational training, actual combat, hunting, sports and gaming scenarios. A video camera is boresighted with the weapon, and a video memory stores the recorded dynamic scenario, and a trigger sensor which continually senses and records the triggering actions imposed by the weapon holder. The trigger sensor is attached to the actual trigger of the weapon thus enabling normal operation of the weapon. The video camera, may be mounted internally within the bore of the weapon, such that the external form of the weapon is not altered, thus achieving closer operation to real life situations. The recorded trigger data is utilized upon playback of the recorded video, enabling quick review and scoring of the recorded aiming process for training and gaming.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178614A1
Автор: Tibeau Quint Gregory

Stoppage-inducing ammunition cartridges have a case having a rear head surface, a circumferential extractor groove forward of the rear head surface, a body portion forward of the circumferential extractor groove defining a case axis perpendicular to the rear head surface, and a forward mouth, a primer received in the case, a propellent within the case, a bullet received in the forward mouth, and the circumferential extractor groove being defined in part by a rear extractor surface angularly disposed with respect to a plane perpendicular to the case axis, such that an extractor adapted to engage a groove surface perpendicular to the case axis will have limited effect at extracting the cartridge from a firearm chamber after discharge. The rear extractor surface may be a frustoconical surface. The rear extractor surface may be a tapered surface acutely angled with respect to the case axis. 1. An ammunition cartridge comprising:a case having a rear head surface, a circumferential extractor groove forward of the rear head surface, a body portion forward of the circumferential extractor groove defining a case axis perpendicular to the rear head surface, and a forward mouth;a primer received in the case;a propellent within the case;a bullet received in the forward mouth; andthe circumferential extractor groove being defined in part by a rear extractor surface angularly disposed with respect to a plane perpendicular to the case axis, such that an extractor adapted to engage a groove surface perpendicular to the case axis will have limited effect at extracting the cartridge from a firearm chamber after discharge.2. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the rear extractor surface is a frustoconical surface.3. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the rear extractor surface is a tapered surface.4. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the tapered surface is acutely angled with respect to the case axis.5. The ammunition cartridge of wherein the rear extractor surface is a surface of ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200175888A1

A simulator for simulating a use of a missile of an attacking system is proposed. The simulator comprises: a storage device for storing of a terrain model of a battle terrain and target object models of target objects; a sensing unit for sensing and tracking a defined target object of the target objects in the battle terrain; a transmitting unit for transmitting a coded laser signal to the defined target object; a receiving unit for receiving a response signal transmitted by the defined target object; a providing unit for providing a target object model for the defined target object in dependence on at least type information of the received response signal; and a visual means associated with the missile for outputting a current visual representation of the battle terrain by means of the terrain model, the provided target object model and the location information. 1. Simulator for simulating a use of a missile of an attacking system in a battle terrain , comprising:a storage device for storing at least a terrain model of at least a battle terrain and a number of target object models of target objects,a sensing unit associated with the attacking system for sensing and tracking a defined target object of the target objects in the battle terrain,a transmitting unit associated with the attacking system for transmitting a coded laser signal to the defined target object, wherein the coded laser signal comprises at least an identification of the attacking system,a receiving unit associated with the attacking system for receiving a response signal transmitted by the defined target object as a response to the laser signal, the response signal comprising at least a location information and a type information of the defined target object,a providing unit for providing a target object model stored in the storage device in dependence on at least the type information of the received response signal, for the defined target object, anda visual means associated with the attacking ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Practice weapon

Номер: US20170191784A1
Автор: Josef Kroyer
Принадлежит: Glock Technology GmbH

A practice weapon, having a conventional handle piece with a lock for a drop barrel, with a trigger mechanism which optionally has a rotary bearing for a rotatable trigger, with a spring base on which the return spring is supported; and with a practice breech with a fixed practice barrel. In order to permit a conversion without the use of a tool, an adapter is inserted into the handle piece, the adapter being supported firstly above the trigger mechanism, optionally above the rotary bearing, on a brace and secondly in the upper region of the spring base of the handle piece. Furthermore, the upper region of the adapter has guides for the practice barrel, and the lock interacts with a locking carriage, which is formed in a locking slot of the adapter, in such a manner that the locking carriage secures the practice barrel.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Crew Training System for Ground and Air Vehicles

Номер: US20160203728A1

A computer based simulation system for virtual training for vehicle crews is disclosed. The Vehicle Crew Training System (VCTS) simulates crew positions for different military ground and air vehicles. Two or more crewman modules are networked together to support a partial or full vehicle crew. The crewman modules are self-contained devices that are modular in hardware and software design, easily reconfigurable, and require minimal facility space, allowing use in restricted environments such as trailers. The VCTS is modular at the crew position level; crewman modules are added or deleted as required to meet a particular training need. 1. A computer-based trailer mounted simulation system , the simulation system comprising: a plurality of self-contained crewman modules, configured to simulate the operation of a one or more vehicles, configured to be connected to one another by a network;', 'a first self-contained crewman module of the plurality of self-contained crewman modules comprising a physical structure configured to provide a position for only an individual crew member, dedicated to a simulation of a first distinct crew station of a first vehicle, and configured to operate while geographically separated from at least one other of the plurality of self-contained crewman modules; and', 'a second self-contained crewman module of the plurality of self-contained crewman modules comprising a physical structure configured to provide a position for only an individual crew member, dedicated to a simulation of a second distinct crew station of the first vehicle, and configured to operate while geographically separated from at least one other of the plurality of self-contained crewman modules., 'a mobile trailer comprising2. The computer-based trailer mounted simulation system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second self-contained crewman modules are configured to simulate a gunner's position.3. The computer-based trailer mounted simulation system of claim 1 , further ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Secondary Malfunction Training Round

Номер: US20180195843A1
Автор: Davis Wayne, Gerfin Bryant

A device and method for producing a secondary malfunction of a cartridge extracted from a firearm. A cartridge case has a bullet disposed in a front end and a rim formed at a rear end. The rim is tapered toward a primer, wherein the primer is disposed in the center of the rim. The tapered rim prevents a firearm from successfully extracting the cartridge case, i.e. a secondary malfunction occurs. 1) A secondary malfunction training round , comprising:a cartridge case having a front end opposed to a rear end, the rear end including a tail portion;a bullet disposed within the front end;a rim formed at the tail portion;a primer disposed in the rim, wherein the rim tapers from a groove towards the primer.2) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 1 , wherein the primer is centered in the rim.3) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 1 , wherein the primer is inert.4) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 1 , wherein a protrusion extends outward perpendicularly from the primer relative to a longitudinal axis claim 1 , the longitudinal axis extending between the rear end and the front end.5) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 4 , wherein the protrusion extends outward a distance not less than and not greater than a radius of the cartridge case.6) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 4 , wherein a pair of protrusions extend outward from the primer in opposing directions.7) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 4 , wherein the primer is inert.8) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 4 , wherein three protrusions extend outward from the primer claim 4 , wherein the distance between each protrusions is equal.9) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 8 , wherein the primer is inert.10) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 1 , wherein the primer is inert.11) The secondary malfunction training round of claim 1 , wherein the primer is a polymer insert.12) A method of ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Magnetically Actuated Sear

Номер: US20150211823A1
Автор: Swensen Frederick B.

A magnetically actuated sear for simulated firearm training is disclosed. The magnetically actuated sear includes a magnet and a magnet catch. The magnetically actuated sear facilitates a crisp trigger break thereby replicating the actual sear release of a firearm. The application of a suitable external trigger force causes the magnet catch to travel along the fulcrum away from the magnet. The greater the difference between the holding force when the magnet is in direct contact with the magnet catch and the attraction force between the magnet and the magnet catch, the crisper the magnetically actuated sear will feel. The magnetically actuated sear can be designed so that slack or trigger creep of the magnetically actuated sear can be matched to the actual firearm's slack or trigger creep. 1. A magnetic sear for a trigger of a firearm and/or a simulated firearm , the magnetic sear comprising:(i) a magnet; and(ii) a magnet catch, wherein the magnet catch is aligned parallel to the magnet,wherein, prior to an application of a suitable external force to the trigger, a first surface of the magnet catch is in a magnetically cooperating relationship with the magnet along a first end of the magnet catch, andwherein, upon the application of the force along a perpendicular axis to the magnet and the magnet catch, the magnet catch is displaced away from the magnet.2. The magnetic sear according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet comprises a stationary magnet.3. The magnetic sear according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet catch comprises a ferromagnetic material claim 1 , iron claim 1 , an alloy or other similar material.4. The magnetic sear according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet catch comprises a magnetic material having an opposite polarity to the magnet.5. The magnetic sear according to claim 1 , wherein the magnet and the magnet catch are each affixed to a trigger body claim 1 , and wherein the trigger body is composed of a metal selected from the group consisting of plastic ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Fire Control Housing

Номер: US20160209157A1
Принадлежит: In Ovation LLC

In some embodiments, a fire control housing comprises a frame defining a cavity. The frame comprises a floor, a first sidewall and an opposed second sidewall. The first sidewall defines a first window. A trigger assembly comprises a hammer and a finger trigger. The finger trigger extends through the floor of the frame.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Launch Canister to Simulate Personal and Anti-Personnel Armaments

Номер: US20180202751A1
Автор: Diffley Matt, Radl Aaron L

A launch canister for non-lethal pellets may be used to simulate the use of both personal and anti-personnel weapons. The canister features at least two components, an inner core and outer shell, that are nested and both featuring a plurality of launch bores. Gaskets ring the outside surface of the components, but have slight interface with the internal bores. The gaskets then hold a stack of pellets within each bore until the canister is placed in a launch device and the payload released. 1. A launch canister for a simulated armament , the canister containing a plurality of non-lethal pellets and comprising:a. a hollow cylindrical outer cannister shell with a length, said outer cannister shell having a plurality of circumferential cylindrical bores extending through its length;b. a cylindrical inner core with a length, said inner core fitting within the hollow cannister shell and having a plurality of cylindrical bores extending through its length;c. means for joining the outer cannister shell and the inner core;wherein, the each of the plurality of cylindrical bores has a diameter sufficient to accommodate and hold the non-lethal pellets.2. The launch cannister for simulated armament of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of parallel grooves running the outer circumference of the outer cannister shell claim 1 , said grooves intersecting the circumferential cylindrical bores; and a plurality of gaskets claim 1 , one residing in each groove such that at least one portion of each gasket impinges into the circumferential cylindrical bores.3. The launch cannister for simulated armament of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of parallel grooves running the outer circumference of the inner core claim 2 , said grooves intersecting the cylindrical bores; and a plurality of gaskets claim 2 , one residing in each groove such that at least one portion of each gasket impinges into the cylindrical bores.4. The launch cannister for simulated armament of claim 1 , ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Augmented reality gaming system

Номер: US20210234747A1
Автор: Yong Hui Zou

An augmented reality gaming system uses a gameplay device to removably secure a mobile device. The gameplay device has at least one user interface and a wireless transceiver for communicating with the mobile device. An augmented reality gaming app stored in the memory of the mobile device utilizes an image sensor of the mobile device to display a live image on a screen of the mobile device, and causes graphics corresponding to one or more virtual targets to be overlaid on the live image. Using information from a location sensor and an orientation sensor of the mobile device, together with information about a virtual location of the virtual target, the mobile device determines whether a virtual shot triggered by the at least one user interface causes virtual damage to the virtual target.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239429A1
Автор: Moore Dennis Joseph

A direct fire weapon system training and firing aid comprising a shoulder bar attachment for elevating and/or traversing a direct fire weapon system is disclosed. It may have an elongate arm for attachment to the weapon system and extending in a generally rearward direction from the weapon system. Once coupled to a weapon system, it gives a user a stable method of supporting and moving the weapon system, allowing the user to quickly elevate and traverse the weapon system by giving the user an additional point of contact, for example at the shoulder or under the arm, to support and stabilize the weapon system. 1. A direct fire weapon system training and firing aid , comprising:an elongate arm, wherein the arm comprises a first end configured to be coupled to a direct fire weapon system without modification of the weapon system for accommodating the coupling thereto, and an opposed distal end configured to extend in a rearward direction from the weapon system.2. The direct fire weapon system training and firing aid of claim 1 , wherein the weapon system is an M134 externally-powered direct fire weapon system.3. The direct fire weapon system training and firing aid of claim 2 , wherein the M134 externally-powered direct fire weapon system is coupled to a weapon mount.4. The direct fire weapon system training and firing aid of claim 1 , further comprising: an upper surface configured to engage a lower surface of a cross member of a spade grips device of the weapon system; and', 'at least one threaded recess on each of two opposed sides thereof; and, 'a receiver extending perpendicularly from the first end, the receiver comprising a channel therethrough for receiving the cross member and the receiver therethrough; and', 'at least one mounting bolt aperture through each of a pair of opposed parallel legs thereof corresponding to the at least one threaded recess for receiving a mounting bolt therethrough, wherein the receiver is configured to be coupled to the cross member ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Firearm Bolt Emulation Mechanism

Номер: US20150231523A1

A firearm bolt emulation mechanism includes a bolt body. The bolt body includes a hand grip movably mounted thereon and having a function of reciprocal movement. The hand grip has an end coupled to a gas tube over which an elastic element is fit. The gas tube is coupled to a striker that is received in the bolt body. A knocker is received in the bolt body and is set on a reciprocal movement path of the striker. As such, for percussion, the hand grip is moved rearward to emulate a chambering operation and at the same time, the hand grip drives the gas tube and the gas tube drives the striker to move simultaneously. When the hand grip returns to the original position, the striker powerfully strikes the knocker so as to generate loud and clear sounding similar to the chambering sound of an actual firearm. 1. A firearm bolt emulation mechanism , comprising:a bolt body, which comprises a movably arranged hand grip, the hand grip having an end to which an elastic element is mounted for reciprocal movement of the hand grip;a striker, which is received in the bolt body and coupled to the hand grip;a knocker, which is received in the bolt body and is set on a moving path of the striker; andan abutting member, which is fixedly mounted to one side of the striker to enhance tight engagement thereof with the knocker.2. The firearm bolt emulation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the striker has a side forming a wavy section.3. The firearm bolt emulation mechanism according to claim 2 , wherein the knocker has a side corresponding to the wavy section and forming a contact section.4. The firearm bolt emulation mechanism according to claim 2 , wherein the abutting member is arranged to be distant from the wavy section.5. The firearm bolt emulation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the knocker is arranged at location adjacent to a front end of a barrel of the bolt body.6. The firearm bolt emulation mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the elastic element is a ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170227317A1
Автор: Stanley Brian

A system to advance human performance in sighting, tracking, recognizing, and reacting to (collectively “engaging”) moving and stationary objects, for example, advancing skill in engaging targets with a firearm. The system provides elevated ocular tactical conditioning including kinetic saccadic eye tracking hardware and training for elevate sighting and tracking performance, and rapid subject matter recognition training to elevate fine motor skills and target and non-target stimuli recognition performance. Components include software and hardware that provide target and non-target image stimuli that can be manually or automatically generated as stationary or moving stimuli. The system includes a database including a plurality of training scenarios, each training scenario including a sequence of stimuli, the sequence of stimuli including targets for the trainee to sight, track, and recognize; a display for the presentation of the sequence of stimuli; and a data processor generating the presentation of the sequence of stimuli on the display, providing an operator interface, and providing performance reporting. 1database including a plurality of training scenarios, each training scenario including a sequence of stimuli, the sequence of stimuli including targets for the trainee to engage;a display for the presentation of the sequence of stimuli; anda data processor generating the presentation of the sequence of stimuli on the display, providing an operator interface, and providing performance reporting; andwherein the operator interface provides selection of one of the plurality of training scenarios, each of the plurality of training scenario including stimuli with identifying markings for trainee to recognize during a display time interval.. A system for conditioning a trainee's firearms skills, comprising: This is a continuation application of U.S. Nonprovisional patent application Ser. No. 13/962,886, filed Aug. 8, 2013, and titled A SYSTEM FOR ELEVATED SPEED ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Providing Live-Fire Simulation Game

Номер: US20190219364A1

Disclosed are a method and an apparatus for providing a live-fire simulation game. The present invention relates to a method for providing a shooting simulation by using live rounds and an apparatus for the same, wherein: a simulation image is output on each of image screens installed in a live-fire exercise room; and the impact point of a live round fired by a shooter according to the output simulation image is calculated by sensing the position of the live round and is compared with the position of a target included in the simulation image, so as to generate shooting result information. 1. A live-round shooting simulation game provision method using a shooting simulation provision apparatus , the method comprising:a simulation image output process of transmitting simulation image data to a projector installed in a live-round shooting room such that a simulation image is output to a specific area;a sensing processing process of acquiring sensing information about a position of a live round fired by a shooter from a sensor installed in the specific area;an impact point calculation process of calculating an impact point of the live round based on the sensing information;a target position calculation process of calculating target position information of a target included in the simulation image; anda result calculation process of measuring a shooting accuracy using the impact point and the target position information and generating shooting result information based on the shooting accuracy.2. The method of claim 1 , whereinthe method further comprises acquiring the simulation image data corresponding to a shooting practice theme, selected from among a shooting game, basic shooting practice, shooting sport practice, a military operation, terror training, and hostage rescue, from an external control tower or an external server, and whereinthe simulation image output process comprises transmitting the simulation image data corresponding to the shooting practice theme to ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170234641A1

A firearm training system includes a device body simulating a firearm and a releasable magazine accessory. The magazine accessory is retained within a receptacle formed within a handle of the device body by a pair of catches and two springs that provide opposing forces on the magazine accessory. The firearm training system also includes an improved trigger assembly that reduces breakage of the trigger under repetitive trigger pulls. 1. A firearm training system , comprising:a device body including at least a barrel and a handle that collectively simulate a firearm;a removable magazine accessory forming an elongate body that simulates an ammunition magazine of the firearm;the handle of the device body having a receptacle formed therein to accommodate the magazine accessory via an opening located at a terminal end of the handle opposite the barrel;a first spring supported on the device body at a terminal end of the receptacle opposite the opening, the first spring providing a first spring force on an interior-facing end of the elongate body of the magazine accessory in an outward direction along an axis of the receptacle when the magazine accessory is fully inserted into the receptacle;the magazine accessory including a first catch forming a first stepped protrusion along a forward-facing side of the elongate body, the stepped protrusion having a first engagement face that faces towards an exterior-facing end of the elongate body;a magazine release actuator including a second catch that projects into the receptacle along a forward-interior wall of the handle to engage with the first catch of the magazine accessory, the second catch forming a second stepped protrusion having a second engagement face that opposes and engages with the first engagement face when the magazine accessory is fully inserted into the receptacle, the magazine release actuator translatable along a translation axis that is orthogonal to the midplane of the device body to selectively disengage the ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226791A1
Автор: Baxter Malcom
Принадлежит: TriggerMaster, Inc.

A firearm system for monitoring the displacement of a firearm trigger during a trigger pull includes a firearm body including a handle and a barrel attached to the handle. A trigger is attached to the firearm body, and a position input circuit is attached to the trigger. The position input circuit emits a trigger position signal including information representative of the trigger displacement. The firearm body is in wired or wireless communication with an electronic device. The electronic device can include a monitor, or screen, for graphically displaying a trigger position indicator representative of the displacement of the trigger along one or more axes. The firearm body can include a motion sensing circuit generally adapted to detect motion of the firearm body. The motion sensing circuit can include one or more accelerometers or gyroscopes. A wireless transmitter or transceiver can be positioned on the firearm body for communicating trigger displacement information and/or firearm body motion information to the electronic device. Methods of providing firearm user input information to a firearm user are also provided. 113-. (canceled)14. firearm training system , the system comprising:a motion sensing circuit configured to detect motion of a firearm body relative to a fixed reference frame;a firearm user input signal comprising a firearm motion signal representative of the motion of the firearm body relative to the fixed reference frame; and a graphical barrel displacement indicator, wherein the graphical barrel displacement indicator comprising a motion path line graphed on a Cartesian coordinate system, and', 'a numeric barrel displacement indicator, wherein the numeric barrel displacement indicator indicates a distance between final barrel displacement position and barrel zero position., 'a display to display firearm user input associated with one or more actual or simulated firearm firings, the firearm user input comprising a barrel displacement indicator ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262752A1
Автор: Seigler Stanley Hahn

When a semi-automatic rifle is live fired, it is ready to be fired again. The shooter's hands remain in the firing position, and just the trigger finger and trigger are employed. But with dry fire practice, the shooter must cycle the rifle's bolt to reset the firing pin. The shooter must move one hand from the shooting position on the rifle, the rifle's long bolt is pulled back to reset the firing pin, the rifle repositioned, a new sight picture acquired, and then the next trigger press can be accomplished. This invention replaces the rifle's bolt carrier group and provides realistic muscle memory training by duplicating the action of the trigger, the feel and the sound of the release of the firing pin, and the resetting of the trigger for additional trigger activations. The invention does not interact with the rifle's firing pin. 1. A dry fire practice device to be used in AR 15 type rifles which replaces the bolt carrier group (BCG) during the training session , designed to approximate the size and dimensions of a functioning BCG , thus having a basic cylindrical shape , said device being comprised of:a cylinder for housing the other parts of the device;a lever assembly providing a means for interaction between the rifle's trigger and a détente reed;a detente reed which provides audible and tactile simulation of the rifle's firing pin release and reset;a machine set screw for regulating said detente reed;a set of two compression springs; one providing a downward force to return said lever to its initial resting position; a second for extending a cylindrical plunger for locating the training device in the rifle's BCG's compartment;a lifter for transferring the action of the rifle's trigger to said lever;a hammer stop for isolating the rifle's hammer from release; anda plunger mechanism to locate the device in its proper functioning position;whereby the dry fire practice training device provides realistic, audible and tactical feedback during repetitive dry fire ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262753A1
Автор: SMITH Alan

A conversion kit for converting a firearm to fire only non-lethal training ammunition comprises a barrel assembly and a slide assembly wherein the barrel assembly includes a barrel having a projection and the slide assembly includes a gate which interacts with the projection. The gate includes a member which is movable between a first ‘safe’ position wherein a firing pin of the firearm is blocked from impacting on a cartridge to a second ‘fire’ position wherein the firing pin is not blocked from impacting upon a cartridge in the chamber. 1. A conversion kit for converting a firearm to fire only non-lethal training ammunition , comprising a barrel assembly and a slide assembly , wherein the barrel assembly includes a barrel having a projection and the slide assembly includes a gate which interacts with the projection.2. A conversion kit according to claim 1 , wherein the barrel has a chamber which is configured for receiving training ammunition only and A-interfaces with the slide assembly claim 1 , which replaces the host weapon slide assembly.3. A conversion kit according to claim 1 , wherein the projection extends from rear of the barrel.4. A conversion kit according to claim 1 , wherein the projection extends from left side of the barrel.5. A conversion kit according to claim 2 , wherein the gate comprises a member which is substantially cylindrical.6. A conversion kit according to claim 5 , wherein the member has a first end and a second end claim 5 , wherein the first end interacts with the projection and the second end interacts with a biasing means.7. A conversion kit according to claim 5 , wherein the member is movable between a first ‘safe’ position wherein a firing pin of the firearm is blocked from impacting on a cartridge in the chamber and the member is movable to a second ‘fire’ position wherein the firing pin is not blocked from impacting upon a cartridge in the chamber.8. A conversion kit according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , in use claim 5 , the ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Loaded Magazine Simulator

Номер: US20160245610A1
Автор: Schulz David Alan

A loaded magazine simulator has a channel, a bottom feature; a top feature; and at least one lower edge. The channel is configured to allow a slide of a firearm to move without causing the loaded magazine simulator to be ejected from a firearm. 1. A loaded magazine simulator comprising:a. a channel; wherein said channel is defined by a first top edge and a second top edge;b. a bottom feature;c. a lip; andd. at least one lower edge.2. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said channel is configured to allow a slide of a firearm to move without causing said loaded magazine simulator to be ejected from said firearm.3. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said loaded magazine simulator is configured to be loaded into a magazine.4. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said lower edge is configured to prevent said loaded magazine simulator from rotating.5. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said lower edge is configured to orient said loaded magazine simulator in a magazine.6. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said loaded magazine simulator is configured to stack with a second loaded magazine simulator in a magazine.7. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein the weight of said loaded magazine simulator is substantially equivalent to that of the live round said loaded magazine simulator is configured to replace.8. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said lip is configured to aid in removing said loaded magazine simulator from a magazine.9. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein the length of said loaded magazine simulator is substantially equivalent to the length of the live round said loaded magazine simulator is configured to replace.10. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein the width of said loaded magazine simulator is substantially equivalent to the width of the live round said loaded magazine simulator is configured to replace.11. The loaded magazine simulator of wherein said loaded magazine simulator is made of zinc.12. The loaded ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234701A1
Автор: Stewart Cody, Zarillo Joe

A turret system in communication with a turret system control station, the turret system including a base, an arm connected to the base at a first end, a cradle connected to the arm at a second end, a gun connected to the cradle to shoot simulation ammunition stored in the cradle, and a computer system to communicate with and receive instructions from the turret system control station, from which a user may remotely control the turret system. 1. A turret system in communication with a turret system control station , the turret system comprising:a base;an arm connected to the base at a first end;a cradle connected to the arm at a second end;a gun connected to the cradle to shoot simulation ammunition stored in the cradle; anda computer system to communicate with and receive instructions from the turret system control station, from which a user may remotely control the turret system.2. The turret system of claim 1 , further comprising:an arm rotator disposed on the base to rotate the arm with respect to a horizontal axis;an arm extender to move the cradle and the gun up and down with respect to a vertical axis;a gun rotator to rotate the gun independently from the arm; anda gun pivoter to pivot the gun up and down with respect to the vertical axis.3. The turret system of claim 2 , wherein the computer system controls the shooting of the gun claim 2 , the rotation of the arm rotator claim 2 , the movement of the arm extender claim 2 , the rotation of the gun rotator claim 2 , and the pivoting of the gun pivoter.4. The turret system of claim 3 , wherein the computer system performs the controlling based on instructions received from the turret system control station.5. The turret system of claim 1 , further comprising:a camera to capture images, wherein that the computer system transmits the captured images to the turret system control station such that the captured images a viewable on a display unit of the turret system control station. The present general inventive ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Augmented Reality Simulator

Номер: US20150260474A1

An augmented reality system in which video imagery of a physical environment is combined with video images output by a game engine by the use of a traveling matte which identifies portions of the visible physical environment by techniques such as Computer vision or chroma keying and replaces them with the video images output by the video game engine. The composited imagery of the physical environment and the video game imagery is supplied to a trainee through a headmounted display screen. Additionally, peripheral vision is preserved either by providing complete binocular display to the limits of peripheral vision, or by providing a visual path to the peripheral vision which is matched in luminance to higher resolution augmented reality images provided by the binocular displays. A software/hardware element comprised of a server control station and a controller onboard the trainee performs the modeling, scenario generation, communications, tracking, and metric generation.

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Trigger simulation device

Номер: US20160258706A1
Автор: Daniel Mark Ollig
Принадлежит: Individual

A device is disclosed that is used temporarily to replace a trigger assembly of a weapon. In one embodiment, the device is self-resetting, including a biasing mechanism to reset a trigger lever to a firing position. As such, the feel of depressing a cocked trigger with each simulated trigger pull is simulated. This device allows the user to experience a more realistic dry fire training session, allowing the user to still cycle the gun action normally if they choose.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

"System and Method for Shooting Simulation"

Номер: US20190249955A1

A shooting simulation system and method for training personnel in targeting visual and non-line-of-sight targets. The firearm simulation system has a plurality of participants each having a firearm and each being equipped to transmit their location to a remote computer server for storage and use with other transmitted data to determine which participant was a Shooter and which participant was the Shooter's target and for determining a simulated hit or miss of the target and assessing the simulated damage to the target. 117-. (canceled)18. A shooting simulation method comprising a shooter having a weapon and a position location sensor , a target having a position location sensor , the position location sensors reporting the shooter's location and target's location to a remote computer system , the remote computer system:receiving (a) a captured image from an optical system on the weapon once the shooter activates a trigger of the weapon, the captured image indicating where the weapon is being aimed when fired, and (b) an orientation of the shooter's weapon when fired;identifying the target by determining whether the target's location sensor reports that the target is in a line of fire of the weapon and determining whether the target is in the captured image;calculating a trajectory of a simulated round fired from the weapon based (a) on the captured image and the orientation of the shooter's weapon when the weapon is fired and (b) characteristics of the simulated round; anddetermining whether the simulated round hit the target.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the computer system employs a computer vision algorithm to identify a particular target in the captured image when multiple targets are in the line of fire of the weapon.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein determining whether the simulated round hit the target includes calculating whether the simulated round hit the target based on the target's speed and direction of movement.21. The method of claim 18 , ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180259307A1
Автор: BILLINGS Chris Lee

A training cartridge for use in firearm malfunction training is disclosed. The training cartridge is used in a firearm including a clip or magazine to prevent conventional ammunition cartridges from being properly fed into the firing chamber of the firearm. The training cartridge includes a generally cylindrical body, a skirt portion extending outwardly relative to an outer surface of the body, an annular rim spaced from a lower surface of the skirt that is oriented toward the rim such that an annular recess is formed between the lower surface of the skirt and the rim. A feed malfunction is induced when a conventional ammunition cartridge, as it is fed into the firing chamber, is snagged by the adjacent training cartridge. 1. A training cartridge , for inclusion with live ammunition cartridges in a magazine of a firearm , operable to prevent an adjacent live cartridge from correctly feeding into a firing chamber of the firearm , the training cartridge having a longitudinal axis , the training cartridge comprising:a conical nose at a front of the training cartridge;an annular rim at a rear end of the training cartridge;an inwardly tapering body extending from the conical nose to an outwardly flared annular skirt; anda catch wall extending from said annular skirt, said catch wall being separated from the annular rim by an annular recess.2. The training cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the training cartridge has a generally cylindrical body having dimensions substantially conforming to those of a live cartridge that is fired from said firearm.3. The training cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the skirt portion of the training cartridge is configured to cooperatively seat within an annular recess of an adjacent live cartridge such that the live cartridge is snagged as the live cartridge is moved longitudinally along and adjacent the training cartridge.4. The training cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the training cartridge is configured such that claim 1 , during operation of ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Training Rifle and Magazine

Номер: US20140356816A1
Автор: Nisim Zusman
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a polymer training rifle which may include a modular receiver portion, a simulated barrel nut, one or more interchangeable modular barrels, and a receiver extension tube. Selected parts and tactical accessories may be connected to the rifle training system to provide a customized training rifle. The modular receiver may include a magazine well that receives an actual magazine or an inert replica magazine. The receiver portion also may include a functional magazine catch assembly which allows a trainee to selectively secure and release a magazine from the magazine well. The one or more modular barrels, modular receiver portion, and inert replica magazine may each include a metal core to allow for detection by security screening equipment.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190257609A1
Автор: Bascom Brian Edward

An auto-loading firearm having a system for switches between live fire and training modes via a selector switch mounted either on the firearm frame or on a specially designed training attachment. A multi-part transfer bar, between the trigger and sear, can be selectively connected in a live fire mode and spaced apart in a training mode. A selectively engageable trigger resetting mechanism automatically returns the trigger to its set position after firing the firearm is in training mode. 1. An auto-loading firearm including a system for switching the firearm between a live fire mode and a training mode , the firearm comprising:a trigger movable between a home position and a depressed position;a sear mechanism movable to release a hammer or striker to discharge the firearm;a first transfer mechanism selectively connecting between the trigger and the sear mechanism;a second transfer mechanism selectively connecting between the trigger and a trigger return mechanism; anda selector switch connecting the trigger to either the first transfer mechanism or the second transfer mechanism.2. The auto-loading firearm of claim 1 , wherein the selector switch comprises a manual switch operable by the user.3. The auto-loading firearm of claim 1 , wherein the selector switch connects the trigger to the second transfer mechanism in response to attachment of a training attachment to the firearm.4. The auto-loading firearm of claim 3 , wherein the training attachment comprises a training magazine insertable into a magazine well of the firearm claim 3 , a sighting or targeting mechanism releasably attachable to the firearm claim 3 , or a training device releasably rail-mounted to the firearm.5. The auto-loading firearm of claim 3 , wherein the selector switch is movably attached to the training attachment or movably attached to a frame of the firearm.6. The auto-loading firearm of claim 1 , further comprising a biasing assembly claim 1 , the biasing assembly biasing the selector switch ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170268845A1
Автор: Jakob Eriksroed Ole
Принадлежит: Eblanks AS

A device for simulation of the mechanical functions of a real weapon using electronic and mechanical solutions is described. The simulation device can be mounted on a real weapon.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

System and method for detecting moment of impact and/or strength of a swing based on accelerometer data

Номер: US20160279520A1
Автор: Steven Rabin
Принадлежит: Nintendo Co Ltd

An example system and method is provided for detecting a moment of impact and/or strength of a swing based on moving a hand-held device including an accelerometer arrangement. A moment and a magnitude of simulated striking of the object are determined based on one or more accelerometer arrangement outputs resulting from the moving of the hand-held device. Using one or more of aural, visual and tactile outputs, the striking of the object is simulated in accordance with the determined moment of simulated striking and the determined magnitude of the simulated striking.

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Dry Fire Trigger Device

Номер: US20150300766A1
Автор: Sims David

A dry fire trigger device for dry firing a lower receiver of a firearm having a magazine well, a trigger, and a hammer, the dry fire trigger device comprising is provided. The dry fire trigger device includes a lever housing shaped to engage the magazine well of the lower receiver and a lever movably secured to the lever housing. The lever includes a hammer contact portion shaped to contact the hammer of the lower receiver. The hammer contact portion is adjacent the hammer of the lower receiver when the device is secured in the magazine well of the firearm. In a first position the hammer contacts the hammer contact portion of the lever when the trigger is pulled and further wherein the movable lever substantially re-cocks the hammer after the hammer contacts the lever when the lever is moved to a second position. 1. A dry fire trigger device for dry firing a lower receiver of a firearm having a magazine well , a trigger , and a hammer , the dry fire trigger device comprising:a lever housing shaped to engage the magazine well of the lower receiver;a lever movably secured to the lever housing, the lever including a hammer contact portion shaped to contact the hammer of the lower receiver;wherein the hammer contact portion is adjacent the hammer of the lower receiver when the device is secured in the magazine well of the firearm, andwherein in a first position the hammer contacts the hammer contact portion of the lever when the trigger is pulled and further wherein the movable lever substantially re-cocks the hammer after the hammer contacts the lever when the lever is moved to a second position.2. The dry fire trigger device of claim 1 , wherein the lever further includes a lower reset portion claim 1 , the lower reset portion positioned adjacent the trigger of the lower receiver when the dry fire trigger device is secured in the magazine well of the firearm.3. The dry fire trigger device of claim 1 , wherein the lever is pivotally attached to the lever housing at a ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190285384A1
Принадлежит: Cubic Corporation

A weapon training system including a magnetic sensor system is described. The magnetic sensor system is insertable into or integrated with a round of an indirect firing weapon and includes at least one magnetic sensor and a microcontroller communicatively coupled to the at least one magnetic sensor. The microcontroller is configured to perform operations including receiving at least one proximity signal from the at least one magnetic sensor indicating a proximity of at least one magnet of at least one charge to the at least one magnetic sensor, determining, based on the at least one proximity signal, that the at least one charge is removably attached to the round, generating an output signal indicating that the at least one charge is removably attached to the round, and wirelessly transmitting the output signal to an electronic device. 1. A weapon training system comprising:an indirect firing weapon including a barrel;a round that is insertable into the barrel;a charge containing a magnet and configured to removably attach to the round;an electronic device configured to determine that a simulated firing of the indirect firing weapon is to be performed based on an output signal; and a plurality of rigidly connected magnetic sensors; and', receiving a proximity signal indicating a proximity of the magnet to the plurality of magnetic sensors;', 'determining, based on the proximity signal, that the charge is removably attached to the round;', 'generating the output signal indicating that the charge is removably attached to the round; and', 'wirelessly transmitting the output signal to the electronic device., 'a microcontroller communicatively coupled to the plurality of magnetic sensors, wherein the microcontroller is configured to perform operations comprising], 'a magnetic sensor system that is insertable into or integrated with the round, the magnetic sensor system comprising2. The weapon training system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic sensor system further ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150308789A1
Автор: RIGHI Eugenio

A detection system () of a method of performing a shooting exercise with a weapon () includes a weapon and at least one out of the weapon detector () and an item of clothing () having a physical state detector and/or motor detector (). The system () includes a collection and storage unit () suitable for receiving and storing the information detected by the weapon detector () and/or by the physical state and/or motor detector (). 1. Detection system for performing a shooting exercise with a weapon , wherein the detection system comprises:a weapon for performing the shooting exercise;weapon detection means, positioned on board said weapon, suitable for detecting a position and spatial arrangement of the weapon in performance of the shooting exercise;at least one item of clothing comprising physical state and/or motor detection means suitable for detecting physiological characteristics and/or motor characteristics of a user in the performance of the shooting exercise;an environmental detection device suitable for detecting a result of the shooting exercise;a collection and storage unit suitable for receiving and storing information detected by the weapon detection means and by the physical state and/or motor detection means and by the environmental device.2. System according to claim 1 , wherein the environmental detection device is suitable for detecting environmental characteristics claim 1 , such as the weather and or climatic characteristics claim 1 , relative to a place in which the shooting exercise is performed or the physical characteristics claim 1 , such as noise propagation mode relative to the place in which the shooting exercise is performed.3. System according to claim 1 , wherein the weapon detection means comprise at least one accelerometer suitable for detecting position and spatial arrangement of the weapon during the performance of the shooting exercise.4. System according to claim 1 , wherein the weapon detection means comprise at least one ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200284546A1
Автор: Uhr Oren Louis

A firearm training barrel for a replica gun, the gun having a slide, a magazine configured to store pellets, and a nozzle. The barrel includes a pellet ejecting mechanism to eject pellets loaded in the magazine thereby simulating the ejection of a casing/shell. 1. A barrel for a replica gun , the gun having a slide , a magazine configured to store pellets , and a nozzle , the barrel comprising a pellet ejecting mechanism to eject pellets loaded in the magazine thereby simulating the ejection of a casing/shell.2. The barrel of claim 1 , wherein the ejecting mechanism comprises a curved tunnel.3. The barrel of claim 2 , wherein the curved tunnel is curved upwardly and to the side so as to eject a fired pellet in a direction and/or manner that simulates a shell/casing ejection of a real firearm.4. The barrel of claim 2 , wherein the curved tunnel comprises a pressure relief valve claim 2 , vent or bleeder claim 2 , to facilitate reducing the pressure on the pellet claim 2 , whereby the pellet is ejected less forcefully.5. The barrel of claim 4 , wherein the pressure relief valve claim 4 , vent or bleeder claim 4 , comprises an adjustment screw.6. The barrel of claim 2 , wherein the curved tunnel comprises a pellet loading ramp and a pellet ejection passage.7. The barrel of claim 6 , wherein the loading ramp diverges from a center-longitudinal axis of the nozzle.8. The barrel of claim 6 , wherein the pellet ejection passage is at an angle with respect to the loading ramp. This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/814,309, filed 6 Mar. 2019, entitled “Barrel Mechanisms for Firearm Training”, which is incorporated in its entirety herein by reference.The present invention relates to simulation firearms, in particular firearm barrels and mechanisms therefor.One type of training firearm uses a laser beam to simulate a point of expected impact or hit. A training barrel for such purpose is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 8,568,143 (Uhr, 2013 ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170304731A1
Автор: RABIN Steven

An example system and method is provided for detecting a moment of impact and/or strength of a swing based on moving a hand-held device including an accelerometer arrangement. A moment and a magnitude of simulated striking of the object are determined based on one or more accelerometer arrangement outputs resulting from the moving of the hand-held device. Using one or more of aural, visual and tactile outputs, the striking of the object is simulated in accordance with the determined moment of simulated striking and the determined magnitude of the simulated striking. 1. A system , comprising: a housing;', 'a directional input located on a first surface of the housing;', 'at least one input button located on the first surface of the housing;', 'an accelerometer; and', 'a processing system having a processor, a memory, and a transmitter configured to transmit data processed by the processing system, and, 'a hand held controller, comprising determine a first output for a first axis of the accelerometer resulting from the hand held controller being moved in free space;', 'determine a second output for a second axis of the accelerometer, at least the first and/or second output reporting data indicative of at least a centripetal force resulting from the hand held controller being moved in free space; and', 'provide responsive output based on, at least, the first output for the first axis of the accelerometer and the second output for the second axis of the accelerometer., 'a processing system including, at least, a processor, a memory, and a receiver configured to receive data transmitted by the transmitter, the processing system configured to, 'an information processing device, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second output corresponds to a magnitude related to the hand-held controller moving in free space along a curved path.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the responsive output is associated with simulated swinging of an object.4. The system of claim 1 ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180306548A1
Автор: HUNT JON E.

A method of emulating a weapon comprising: illuminating a barrel tip locator to create an illuminated barrel tip locator when a fire signal is received; capturing an image of the illuminated barrel tip locator on a recorded media; and replacing the image of the illuminated barrel tip locator on the recorded media with a digitized visual effect. 1. A method of emulating a weapon comprising:illuminating a barrel tip locator to create an illuminated barrel tip locator when a fire signal is received;capturing an image of the illuminated barrel tip locator on a recorded media; andreplacing the image of the illuminated barrel tip locator on the recorded media with a digitized visual effect.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrel tip locator is a light emitting diode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the digitized visual effect is a muzzle flash.4. The method of further comprising synchronizing the illumination of the barrel tip locator with a camera shutter opening.5. The method of wherein the barrel tip locator is illuminated for a duration matched to a camera frame rate.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the barrel tip locator is single-frame designation.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of sensing the movement of a trigger to initiate the fire signal.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the barrel tip locator is a light emitting diode.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the RGBW is a light emitting diode.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the weapon is an emulated gun.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the barrel tip locator is located inside a barrel of the emulated gun.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the illuminated barrel tip locator is used to initiate squib function.13. The method of claim 1 , further comprising varying the color and intensity of the illuminated barrel tip locator to match a particular scene.14. The method of claim 1 , further comprising varying the wavelength of the illuminated barrel tip locator.15. The method of ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Sight Training Aid Attachment

Номер: US20190301828A1
Автор: Biddle Anthony
Принадлежит: YNOT Distributing, LLC

When a firearm user aims down the slide of semi-automatic handgun needs to align the front sight between the two posts of the rear sight. This is the hardest thing for an instructor to correct not being able to see what the student is looking at. This aid will provide a reference point for the shooter to keep the front sight below, this helps promote proper sight acquisition. This is a hood that slides over top of the rear sight and over the slide. The shooter is able to shoot with this aid on the firearm. 1. A firearm training aid comprising:a first planar surface configured to abut alongside at least a first portion of a firearm;a second planar surface opposite the first surface configured to abut alongside a second portion of the firearm opposite the first portion of the firearm;a third planar surface joining the first and second planar surfaces thereby forming a 3-sided slot in the training aid which is semi-permanently engaged to the slide of a firearm;a window formed in the third planar surface configured to receive a sight of the firearm; anda hood extending from an intersection of the first and third planar surfaces and from an intersection of the second and third planar surfaces, wherein the hood is configured to shroud the rear sight of the firearm when it is inserted through the window.2. The firearm training aid according to claim 1 , wherein the third planar surface abuts alongside a third portion of the firearm between the first portion and the second portion of the firearm3. The firearm training aid according to claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third planar surfaces are configured to semi-permanently attach to a slide of a semi-automatic firearm.4. The firearm training aid according to claim 1 , wherein at least some part of the first planar surface contains grooves to create friction between the first planar surface and the first portion of the firearm.5. The firearm training aid according to claim 1 , wherein at least some ...
