The invention concerns a exercise cartridge as accessories for Schiessausbildungssimulatoren.
Devices for the ski rushing formation, in particular such, which uses arranged laser beams for the reproduction of a hypothetical projectile course, require a constantly improved ergonomìschen adjustment of all hand [ungsabläufe of the crew who can be trained. In order to be able to practice realistically, it is not only to be copied necessarily for from the contactors in as effective a way as possible an actually delivered shot, one should rather in particular with rates of fire the work of the loader in the team likewise practice and evaluate, which so far unconsidered blieb.
Like that it is well-known to include the loader by use of a Patronenoder projectile reproduction into the course of action. This is however in effective way possible even if it can be examined whether the loader the GeschossnaohbUdung ûberhaupt in the correct moment began and nìcht about only uncoordinatedly with the simulated shots occasionally a projectile reproduction begins and/or herausnimmt.
The task of the invention insists the activity also the loader in the creation of a exercise cartridge as accessories to Ausbildungssimulatorsn, with that on very effective way geübt and examine will kann.
The solution according to invention of the task posed is shown in the patent claim 1.
The Ûbungspatròne is essentially used like an actual cartridge. By “cartridge” not only smaller cartridges are to understand but also whole projectiles with their cartridge. The exercise cartridge detects thereby also the normal manipulation of the Äbschussmechanismus, thus the contact by the firing pin and/or the admission with an electrical energizing voltage here. As soon as it detected the manipulation of the firing mechanism, it emits an electromagnetic signal, of at the Rohrmûndung arranged receiver detected and e.g. over appropriate lines passed on wird.
Completely substantial characteristic is however that the Clbungspatrone at their Rûckseite two electrodes bridgeable by the firing pin exhibits, by those with the mechanism for detecting the manipulation of the firing mechanism connected is connected and by those other by a switch with a battery arranged in the exercise cartridge ist.
Thereby the exercise cartridge for unterschiedlìche simulators and/or firing mechanisms can be used. If the Abschusseinrich, tung a firing pin, exhibits which bñngt by its mechan sche energy with actual cartridges or projectiles a cartridge for explosion, then one adjusts the 0bungspatrone before in such a way that by the switch the one of the electrodes is connected with în the Õbungspatrone the arranged Batteñe. The tension of this battery will then transfer by the Õberb ckuñg the firing pin to the other electrode, from which it arrives into the mechanism at detecting the manipulation of the Abschussmechanîsmus. It becomes thus, if the firing pin comes on the 0bungspatrcne, i.e. on the electrodes, the manipulation of the firing mechanism hits detected and the signal, which corresponds the simulated shot, abgegeben.
With many firing mechanisms it is however already intended that the firing pin or a similar element with the tension of a battery is subjected. In this case the switch within the exercise cartridge opened, like that däss the one electrode no more with in the Õbungspatrone arranged battery is connected before. This electrode is in this case wirkungslos.
If the firing pin bridges however the electrodes, i.e., the other electrode affected, is set the tension of the external battery on díe mechanism for detecting the manipulation of the firing mechanism, so that the signal of a simulated shot are again delivered kann.
The 0bungspatrone can be used by simply surrounding of a switch thus for two different kinds by Abschusseinrìchtungen. A third kind of firing mechanism for actual cannons exhibits still another surge generator, which is used during failure of the Battedespannung. By this surge generator a battery voltage of e.g. does not become
Volt produces, but a voltage surge of approximately 150 V, which can be likewise used then for igniting the cartridge. Such only for the emergency planned surge generators are based on electrical induction in eìner coil due to stossweisêr fast movement of permanent magnets. Such surge generators actually are admit and become from there here not more near beschrieben.
Soli now also shooting with this surge generator to be geübt, then one will plan according to invention that she aufweíst Kondensatorund stabilization circuit both for detection of electrical low-voltage firing impulses and of tension, firing impulses of a surge generator. While it does not play a role with an actual cartridge whether one has the necessary energizing voltage of approximately 15 V is ensured here or the approximately ten times higher Sp.annuñg of a surge generator is, it with the exercise cartridge naturally very importantly that to the tension detector none is put to high tension, by Kondensatorund stabilization circuit that the high and short tension pulse of the surge generator accordingly transformed wírd.
Beí each of the three mentioned Abschussbzw.
Ignition mechanisms wìrd thus to the detector zumindestens for a certain time a tension put on. Dîese tension can be used then áuch for the production of the signal, so that necessarily for the exercise cartridge no separate voltage supply íst.
The signal could e.g. be a radio signal. Be3 CH 677,699 A5 4 sonders appropriately is it however, if the signal is a light signal. The light can light-along-animal-end with it with the help of one diode (LED) produced werden.
Favourable way is planned that a mechanism is intended for coding the signal which can be sent, in particular the light signal. The signal can thereby with the firing time and the type of ammunition coded werden.
In order to examine a realistic shop, it is still intended with a favourable execution form that the Ûbungspatrone exhibits a resetting switch, which prevents a delivering of a second signal up to its manipulation after first. The exercise cartridge emits thus only one signal. If a second time the firing mechanism is operated, then the Übungspatronc does not emit a further signal. Only if the loader took and again inserted di Übungspatrone again, a further signal can be emitted, if the resetting switch were operated before. The resetting switch can be trained thereby as a switch operating from the loader to, which the Ladêschütze can only operate, if it took the Übungspatrõne out of the cannon. In addition, the switch can be so trained the fact that it causes a ROoksetzung automatically, if the exercise cartridge is taken out of the cannon or again is put in;. For this purpose a mechanically operated switch or also an electronically betätìgter switch application could find. Further an interval timer can be intended, the delivery of a second signal made possible only if the switch operates after the time given technically thereby wird.
Further an automatic mechanism can be intended that with each using the cartridge a coded, the kind of cartridge etc. identifying signal is delivered immediately. Thus the simulator can be e.g. adjusted automatically to the Gesohossart. Also can be registered so central, soft projectiles loaded, but yet not shot sind.
The invention is for example described in the following on the basis a favourable execution form with reference to the attached figures. Show:
Fig. 1 in schematic representation and in the cross section the substantial parts of a usual firing mechanism; Fig, 2 in a cutout, but otherwise in similar cross section representation as in Fig. 1: Divide another Abschussmeohanismus; Fifl. 3 a circuit diagram erfindungsgemäs.
sen Obungspatrone as well as the associated parts of the Simulatìonseinrichtung; and Fig. 4 a back opinion of the Übungspatroñe of the invention, seen toward IV-IV von Fig. 3.
In Fig. 1 is shown a cartridge 1 actually used with the real Sohiessen, which is in the chamber 2 of a cannon, which is final by a catch 3 in the back. The cartridge 1 exhibits a coat 4., which includes the propellant. The projectile 6 on the cartridge 1 is in front, in the back is final these by a plate 7, whose centric range 8 by a firing pin 9 the Abschusseindchtung can be achieved. Meets by Kraft the feather/spring 10 accelerated firing pins 9 this centric range 8, then it bñngt the Zündkapse arranged within this range! 11 for explosion, by which the propellant 5 is then ignited. So that the firing pin 9 can be held first in its strained position, it is provided with an appropriate recess, behind which a departure mechanism seizes, with 12. suggested ist.
If one operates this Abzugsmechanisrnus 12 toward the arrow 13, then the firing pin and the cartridge can do 9 to the left fast zünden.
With the firing mechanism of the Fig. a pin 9 is intended 2 instead of a firing pin, which is likewise pressed by a feather/spring 10 against the back of the cartridge 1. The Zündenergie is here however not mechanical, but electrical. For this purpose the rear wall 7 the Obungspafröne I exhibits an outside leading range Ta and a middle leading range 7b, those in a ring 7c in isolation material separately sind.
In Fig. 2 on the left of in front middle leading range 7b is those primer 11 electrically which can be ignited. The outside leading range 7a is over a contact 14 with a conduction 1:5 verbun, that. The pin 9 is connected by a contact 16 with a further line 17. To the lines 15 and 17 if a tension is applied, then the primer 7b and thus the cartridge is ignited. The tension can come thereby from a battery over a trigger switch or however from a surge generator kommen.
In Fig. now the exercise cartridge according to invention is shown 3. The mechanical Teli of the ignition mechanism is thereby only by the pin 9 and the feather/spring 10 dargestellt.
The exercise cartridge possesses 7 two electrodes 18 and 19, e.g. essentially halbkmisförmig the m at its rear wall! t of a mlttlgen likewise semicircular recess to be can, like this in Fig. 4 is represented. The Rüokwand 7 of the exercise cartridge 20 is thereby otherwise essentially, anyhow in the range of the electrodes 18 and 19 from Isolationsmaterial.
An electrode, i.e. the electrode 18 is connectable over a switch 21 to a BatteRe 22 arranged in the exercise cartridge. The other electrode, i.e. the electrode 19 is connected with an electronic circuit 23, which light-along-animal-ends with the occurrence of a tension at the electrode 19 one to diode 24 to zumindestens brief lights stimulates. The power supply for the lichtemiftierende Diede 24 becomes thereby by the tension: received, those at the electrode 19 anliegt.
With the circuit: still another circuit is connected for 23, which oodiert the signal the LED 24 over the circuit 23 with the time of the simulated shot, thus the tension signal. By a further mechanism 26 the light signal with the type of ammunition is coded. By a resetting switch 27, which can e.g. be more ter a mechanical MikroschalCH 677,699 A5 6, reached that a further Siser micro switch is before operated, the Ubungspatrone was thus taken out of the cannon ist.
Soli the exercise cartridge 20 with the firing mechanism of the Fig. 1 to be operated, then the switch 21 within the exercise cartridge 20 is closed before. By the firing pin 9 then those become; Electrodes; 18 and: 19: überbrûckt and thus the tension dei battery 22 to the circuit 23 ge: it puts, then effectuation that the LED24 the IJchts gna [abgibt.
So I the exercise cartridge in a firing mechanism in accordance with; Fig. 2 to be used, soli thus from the outside a Spannungssigna [a battery 28 over a Tdggerschalter 29 to the pin 9 to be put, then the switch 2 ' 1 is opened; the electrode 18 is then ineffective. For the moment the simulietten shot becomes then the tension of the battery 28 over pins: 9 and electrode 19 to the circuit 23 put on, so that the LED becomes lively 24 delivering the Lichtsignaies. Soli shooting with: a surge generator 30 to be geübt, the one substantially higher tension: when the battery delivers 28, then becomes: the signal of the surge generator 30 first in Kondensatorund stabilization circuit 31, which is arranged in the Übungspatrcne 20, thus in the size reduces and: in the temporal duration it extends that to the circuit 23 a Signa [put on, that is.hat approximately the same tension as battery 28 and in addition a sufficient length of time that the LED 24 sufficient for a long time emits its light signal kann.
Patentanspïü¢he Übungspatrcne according to requirement 4, thus gezum coding the signal with the Schusszeít and the type of ammunition aufweist.
6. exercise cartridge after one the Anspr0che 1 to 5, by it characterized that it exhibits a resetting switch (27), bîs to its Betãtigung delivering a second signal after first verhindert.
7. 0bungspatrone after Anpruch 6, by it characterized that an interval timer is present, the delivery of a second signal makes possible only if the switch is operated after the time given by the interval timer:.
8. Exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by the fact characterized that it Kondensatorund: Stabilization circuit (31) both for detection of electrical low-voltage firing impulses and of tension firing impulses of a surge generator aufweist.
9. Exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by the fact characterized that with electrical firing signal the supply for the sent signal and: electronics in the 0buñgspatrone from the firing signal won wird.
exercise cartridge according to requirement 4, by it characterized that it exhibits a circuit (23, 27), by already the signal codìertes while the loading transmission wird.
1. exercise cartridge as accessories to Schiessausbiidungssimulatoren thereby characterized that a síe mechanism (23) exhibits for the detection of the manipulation of the firing mechanism (9, 10, 12, 13), furthermore a mechanism (24) for sending an electromagnetic or acoustic signal with detection of the manipulation mentioned that the cartridge at its back (7ì two by the firing pin (9) bridgeable electrodes (18, 19) contains, of denen= one (19) with the mechanism (23) for detecting r manipulation of the firing mechanism is connected, which others (18) by a switch (21) with a battery (22) is connected, and that it furthermore one Receiver (32) exhibits for receiving and passing the electromagnetic Signals.<br on mentioned/>
: 2. Ubungspatrone according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the mechanism (24) to sending the electromagnetic signal a source of light ist.
; 3. Exercise cartridge according to requirement 2, by the fact characterized that the mechanism (24) light-along-animal-ends for sending the electromagnetic signal one to Diede (LED) ist.
4. exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that it a mechanism (25, 26) to coding the signal which can be sent aufweist.
4 The accessory for training simulators is intended especially for the effective practice and monitoring of the work of the loading gunner. A practice cartridge (20) has a device (23) for detecting the actuation of the firing mechanism (9, 10) or an electrical firing signal supplied from outside and a device (24) for emitting an electromagnetic signal when this actuation or the firing signal is detected. Furthermore, the practice cartridge (20) has, on its rear side (7), two electrodes (18, 19) which can be bridged by the striking pin (9) and of which one (19) is connected to the device (23) for detecting the actuation of the firing mechanism (9, 10) or the electrical firing signal supplied from outside and the other (18) is connected via a switch (21) to a battery (22) arranged in the practice cartridge (20). The electromagnetic signal is detected and transmitted by a receiver (32) arranged at the barrel muzzle. to be more ter, reached that a further Siser micro switch is before operated, the Ubungspatrone can of the cannon was thus taken out ist.
Soli the exercise cartridge 20 with the firing Indian switch 21 within the exercise cartridge 20 closed. By the firing pin 9 then those become; Electrodes; 18 and: 19: überbrûckt and thus the tension dei battery 22 to the circuit 23 ge: it puts, then effectuation that the LED24 the IJchts gna [abgibt.
So I the exercise cartridge in a Abschusseinrichaussen a Spannungssigna [a battery 28 over a Tdggerschalter 29 to the pin 9 to be put, then the switch 2 ' 1 is opened; the electrode 18 is then ineffective. For the moment the simulietten shot becomes then the tension of the battery 28 over pins: 9 and electrode 19 to the circuit 23 put on, so that the LED becomes lively 24 delivering the Lichtsignaies. Soli shooting with: a surge generator 30 to be geübt, the one substantially higher tension: when the battery delivers 28, then becomes: the signal of the surge generator 30 first in Kondensatorund stabilization circuit 31, which is arranged in the Übungspatrcne 20, thus in the size reduces and: in the temporal duration it extends that to the circuit 23 a Signa [put on, that is.hat approximately the same tension as battery 28 and in addition a sufficient length of time that the LED 24 sufficient for a long time emits its light signal kann.
Patentanspïü¢he Übungspatrcne according to requirement 4, thus gezum coding the signal with the Schusszeít and the type of ammunition exhibits. 6. exercise cartridge after one the Anspr0che 1 to 5, by it characterized that it exhibits a resetting switch (27), bîs to its Betãtigung delivering a second signal after first prevents. 7. 0bungspatrone after Anpruch 6, by it characterized that an interval timer is present, the delivery of a second signal makes possible only if the switch is operated after the time given by the interval timer:. 8. Exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by the fact characterized that it Kondensatorund: Stabilization circuit (31) both for detection of electrical low-voltage firing impulses and of tension firing impulses of a surge generator exhibits. 9. Exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by the fact characterized that with electrical firing signal the supply for the sent signal and: electronics in the 0buñgspatrone from the firing signal won wird.
exercise cartridge according to requirement 4, by it characterized that it exhibits a circuit (23, 27), by which while the loading a codìertes signal is already sent. 1. exercise cartridge as accessories to Schiessausbiidungssimulatoren by the fact characterized that a síe mechanism (23) exhibits for the detection of the manipulation of the firing mechanism (9, 10, 12, 13), furthermore a mechanism (24) for sending an electromagnetic or acoustic signal with detection of the manipulation mentioned that the cartridge at its back (7ì two by the firing pin (9) bridgeable electrodes (18, 19) contains, by denen= one (19) with the mechanism (23) for detecting r manipulation of the firing mechanism it is connected, which others (18) by a switch (21) with a battery (22) is connected, and that it furthermore a receiver (32) exhibit for receiving and passing the electromagnetic Signals.<br on mentioned/>
: 2. Ubungspatrone according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the mechanism (24) to sending the electromagnetic signal a source of light ist.
; 3. Exercise cartridge according to requirement 2, by the fact characterized that the mechanism (24) light-along-animal-ends for sending the electromagnetic signal one to Diede (LED) is. 4. exercise cartridge after one of the requirements 1 to 3, by the fact characterized that it exhibits a mechanism (25, 26) for coding the signal which can be sent.