20-01-1925 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 2489913
Дата заявки: 04-08-1921


L UNITEID STATES PATENT OFFICE. JA'IVIES S. LANG, OF WATERTOWN, B,--,ASSACHUSETTS. AXLE CLAXP. Application filed August 4@ 1921. Serial No. 489,913. .7'0 -tll tv Aom it 12?,ay conceri@., Be it known that 1, JA--,NrLrs S. LANG, Of 117,,ttertoi@,n, in tlie, county oL' --iV!iddlOsex ari(.t St,ite of 3,,I.,issaeliuse@Lts. a citizen oT- ' the @j LTriited St,,ttes, liave inITented i iienv -tnd us-@ful Ii-iipi-oveiileiit i-n Axle Clamps, of ivh,icli tiie followiiig is t full, cleai-. and exact descripti@n, re'Lei,eiiee beiiio, hacl to the accoi-npanying draiiino@S f@i-i-aino- ,t i-i iig 0 p,,tit of this specificatioii iii exi@) "Li i ts na'Li-ii@e. The pi,esent invention i-elates to aii iiiiprovejxient in axle claiiips of a type especially designed foi- ii-.,@,ing to the axle of a 15 vehicle the ,ittacliable pai-t or eiid of -t, shock al)sorbe,i-I snubbei-, spi@ill,u co,-itrollei- or device of a similai, character. The essential ob4 'le-,t of the invention is @o eiiablf,@ the clainp to be seei-ii-ely fixed to tlio 20 axle without bendiiig or d@istortion of its attaching rnember. I-lithei@to in clamps of a siinilar character the tiahteinino@ of the cl,,imp onto the ixle for seelii-ely @'fixino,- -it lias very often resulted in bend@ing the bolt 25 by ANhich the attachment is m,,Lde. A further object o'L the inveiitioii is to 'ov de Nvhereby straiii tidon the clamp @i;teriits attachiiient to the a-xle m,,ty be n-iore @venly distribLi'Led bet-",een its respectiv(@ I;tivs than has hitherto been att,,tined. The invention can best be seen and uiiderstoocl by refereiiee to the dra-Nvings, iii ,VI-licilFigtire I is a side elevati.oii of the claiiip 35 tttached to an axle, the axle beino- sliov@,ii zn in cross section. 9- 2 is a longitudinal vertical section Of e clamp. 3 is ,t plan of the claiiip. 40 4 is t front elevation of the inner en one of the eltmp i-iieinbei-s, and Fig. 5 a like elev,,ition of the other inei-iiber. Fig. 6 is ,i side elevat@ioi-i o-,'@ a sligbtl\, 45 iiiodified striicttii-e. I represents [lie -,txle el,-inp, 2 the ax'Le. The axle clamp coi-iiprises opp(sin,,). spaced jaw-cai@rying i-nembei,s 0) ai-id 4, respectively. Of these men-ibei-s the iiieii-lber 5o 3 consists of aii elon(yated body 5 prefeiabi), tul)i-il,,ir in form. IA!xtendin@g2 throiio-li this I)ody is a bolt 6, 7 representiiig tl@@ head of the bolt. Betiveeii the outer eiid of the body 5 and the hea(l of the bolt, arrange,-l 5@, iipon tl-ie slianl@: of the bolt, is an eye-piece 8 throligli ivhlch attacliiiient is made to the claiiip. At its innei@ eiid the body 5 carries a laterally offset jaly 9 lvhlch is one of the jalys s(,euring tl-ie clai-np to the flange 10 of the axle. 60 Tlic@ elt.iiip n-ieiiiber 4 consists of a body 11 tlirough wliieli the sliank of tlle b It ex0 tends to project beyond the saiiie. The body 11 carries a laterally offset janv 12 engagp "ng the ixle fliiige 10 in position com le- 6r, iiientai@3,- to the aw 9 of the claiiap n-lember 8. Piojectiii- i@i-oi-ii the side of tll(,' body I', opposite @its jaw 12 is aii arin 13. Thi,,, a ' riti extends in a gene]-,,,tl direction substantia.Ily parallel ivith the shank of the bolt 70 to ovei-lap the space betweeil the two meiiibers aiicl beai- ,tgainst the side, of the body to t otliei- iiiember opposite its j@@w 9 tnd be slidable tliei-eoii is tl-ie claiiip inembers are iuoved towtrd oi, a@vay fi@oin one Iii- 75 othei- dliriiig the f!Yiilg or unfi of the claii-ip in relation to the ,txle. @illilegeoiitact r between the ,trm ,tnd slltlcl body is p eferably obtained I)y providing the, arm with aii end beai@ilig 14 preseiitiiig a roundiiig 80 sui-f,@tce or edge 15 whicli conforlils to the shape of the body and by ivhich the bearing is n-iaiiitained ao-ainst la'tei@al displacen-ient. ThaiL portioi@ of the slialik of the bolt pi,ojectino- beyolid the bodv of 85 the clamoiiiember 4 is piovided Aviili a tighteniiic, iiut 16 and loel,: ivasber 17 by which i-neall-S the two cllmp meinbers are brouo-l-it, togetl-ier tiid the jaws thereof tightene'd onto -lie Hano-e of the. @,Lxle or i-ele,,tsed tl-ierefroni. 90 t Dui-ino- the tio-litenin of thp, nut and fixing t!l 9 of the jaws, were it not for the ari-ii 13, strtin brought to bear upoii the sh@ink of the bolt ,ind clainp iilieiiiber 4 would tend to be@nd or distort tl-ic shank and displace 95 tlie, claiiip niember 4, thereby -",e,,tkening ancl disarrangiiio- tl-ie clan-ip. The ariii 13 b3T itS bearing ag,,tinst the body of the cl,-Lnip membei- 3 prevents s-Lich distortion ai-id disari-angeiiievlt of pai-ts. 100 With i clamp liaving ,t clainp iiiember ivith an elongated body as above described I pi,efer that the clan-ip be provicled witli additionil bearii-i(- a,gaiiist the axle, which hts the effect of cfistributiii(y ,tnd eq-Li,,Llizin105 zn t-I st,7ain bi-oiight to beai- iipon the clai-np aftei@ its att,,tclinient to the ,txle. Wheii the clai-iip is in pl-,,.ee oi-i the axle, ptill applied to tjae, eyepiece 8 on the out.er eiid o'L the claiilp ineiiiber 3 Avill exei@t influelice to tiirii the lio

P" 1,523,597 clainp on the axle, the ja-w 9 fuleruming on the flaiio@6 @10 @@Ni,ith @t i'esLiltiii@-! ff ect'teiidini,: to tip @,i@fid tliei@eby -clisplace:-th6 jaw 12 il'i "I direction away fi-on-i the flangye 10 of the ,txl,e. This effect -is ibereased to a certain extent by the arm 13, but it is desirable to elin-illiate it in so T,,ir as p6ssible. This is tecomplished by changi g the.ftileru m and providing a fulertim ab6iit riii'dwe@y between 10 the two j,,L-ws. - -To this end, the. clamp meiiib 3 i@'@ro@i@e'cl' @@ithl'a. biiit' 18, 1-.6ca@t6(l ,ig,@t'nst the body of the other member oi the@-,,ide, th6r66f 6@posite,it@s,jaw. 65 ;2 ,i:@le -clamp cil@ type specified comprisiiig opposing spaced members, each meriber having a bo,(Iy with ,t laterally offset jaw, the body of one of said members @be-iiig rel,,Ltively loi-lo@ than the body of the 70 Olt other n-iember, a b witl-i tiglitening nut tliei,eoii condecting the bodies of said lnembers aiid extendiiiothrotigl-t..tlie spac6 betii,e-n the iaws @e@f, ,I a,-ic an ari-yi ellirri@d iibo,@,e Ar'@a'nge'd' -to tti@i-i ih'this siti'cl 1-iaAinu tile @lio-rtei, bbdy, 75 @19,@h(@ d in,,,icjtis e( posi- sai b@itt a s scilew I ariii l@'i.-oj@ctiiio- f roin the bocl@ of' th' e ti ng illit 20'- Thii@ i-h6mb6r 61n ti@ o ite aNv i-ion , 'bs@ 6 ide thereot 6pp S' its,j 15 the inner end of the set scr-en@ m,,L@, @Nheii. ai-id 6ve@la,pping the sp,@ice bet-ween the rhem.6 h . b- fi I t- '- th' be .'bei@ a d be,,Li-iiio, ao,ainsi -i-he@ lori6@ei- 'li6d-@ th - el s een , xec @ o @ e ,tx 80 bi-'@ Li- -1@t @t6 b@ai, a-ainst the bo' d@( 2i 'of tl-ie of the other iyiember o'n th'e sicl@ ihereof o@- 'I ,i a poin -Li t t 4@ove 'an'cl :@bo t i-iiidavay posite it,@ j aiv. @et@veen the j'@i@vs 9 aiid 12. The b6dy 6f the 3. Aii t'xle clalnp of the type specified 20,, e tbei-i becoiaie-, tl-ie fulertifn @on,which the coiliprisinr opposii-io- spaced meiibers, eaell t6liel@s Ituo ttii@ii wheii pull i ap,pli6d to meiiiber Iiial7ing a b@cl y witl-i a latelrally offthe eye-.piece a'ncl resiiltiiig straihs Nvill be set ',Liv, ,-L bolt NNitli tightenino-.'ntit tliereon 85 bi!oiiglit to bear -Li'pon' 'th'e I"a-ws of the clanip @coi-inectin the bodies of tl-ie i@espective lyiel . R9 to Toi@ce tli-e-i,ii ,tg,,iii'l-St tb'e a:kje fl@fige along 1)4@i@s ,,iid extendin,)- thi@oligil tl@e spac:6 @ be25 Ji,nes stiostaiit-itll:y ,t@ ri,@,,ht' t6 tl-ie t the ia-vvs t@ere I c)f, a set sci-ew carried in-ai e f ii, ii -@,lii loij(y@ttici@ ce-itr o ie c ch littl e ol.. no in@ns L@ t6 @ff ec-t ,t of tl-ie:j av@S. 1'n Fi-. 6 is'shown an ,txle clamp iii wl-iieh zn 30 the i@espee ive j,,t-w-carryiiio- me s mber 22'23 i.@elatil-el@ sho@t. b6di6s throtio-h !i"@ 'ili e b' olt,, 6, extei@(:Is. In s-Lich ,t consti@Liction "tlie t'e@niieiicy is to be@nd the bolt pt a p,oi'@t hbol-it @ -MLia-@@,cy the jaws oii tialiten3@5 'i.-n- tl@e iiiit lo i@@e -n t'lie -ciai,n,p is appfied to the axle. B@ pr@vidiiig '(ne 'of the men-ibers -v@'it.J-i aii ai-m 2,9- on the sicle the-re6f o@posite c, ' .1 b@ @a-id- iii6mbe@, -which arm j, '5@rrie( l@.ps spac b e efweell @lie:liiember-s and 0 4 'be,@i@s the otl-iei- iiiei'iibeithe , (lifficiilty is@ overcome. In such :cctse the 22) b ,(..carried 3i. its b,eai-iijo, 4gai@st tile ii,6inb6r '-)3 kee@,4 tlie,ineiiiber 2-2, I tui-nii4g assists in preveiitroll. 45 in 'b@@@iiiig of tl-,e bolt. At the s,,ti-ne time @ 9 the tip-ward thrust of the "I-rin @@-,,tinst the member 23 serves to l@eep that @iiember from tlii-ning. Accoi-d'@no,-Iy by r6asoii of the aril'i y act to preven e both inembers coni ointl tb nd 50 ilI l@ ii-le ,g of the;bolt :\vhe n Lit is ti6,1-iteiied. H,,t,i,ing tlitis ftTIly Idese-i-ib6d fiiy inventioi-i, claim and clesi@e to @ecu're by fetters ,tteiit of the United S@'ates:- 1. Ai-i axle clainp of the ty@e specified 55 COIIIPI@ISI@D(y OPPOSIDO' sp,-Lee(i iiiel-fibei-s, e,,icli 'ii-,i,viiio- a 1)@@ly Nv@tli-a latera-Ily otl@iiiel,ril,)ei., o- '@glit@niiio ii t @th set jaii,, a b lt, ivi.th t g 11 ereon conn-ectin,)- @he b6dies of said meinbers ancl e@@endino- thi-ou the space between the 91, j,4wE; thei-e.of, ind an arm projecting fi.0iii, the loody of- one of said iii.enibo-rs on.the side thei-il ,Of' o@posite its janv and ov6rlapi3iiiothe sp,,ice between said members and bearin@ id'ust, -i oii of s, . i - id -lb bv and tble oi e men ers. said screnv beii-iu ai,i,anai.-d beyond tli 90 t@ t, e. I ,tw 'of' s@:dd iiieiiiber and exteiiding in ,t: direet'- n, b io -Nv,hei-eby the end of the may e I I . tD bi,oijglit into an engagin@y po@ition , @:bove t:lie space@ bet-weeiri said jaws, @n@@l :a.n. ariii tj 1:)rojecting, fr6m -i bo(@,ly O'i 6@e o.f s,,tid 95 e iiieia@bers oji the side thei-dof opposite 'its j@tw ,tiid oitei-lap ing tli6 space bet-@,we'e@n's,,tid p members iiAcl b6,,trina ao-@.inst -the body of the, othe'r iiieniber oii tli@ side,- thereof op13ositQ it@ j aiv 100 4-. Ai! axle CltilLa -ie(I p of the type sp.ed,if c6iupri i-xig opposin s o-- spaqi,,d iiiembei-s each n,..eiriber haviifg a b'oc y, @v'itl-.i a latei-@ll.y offset jt@Ar the bocl@ of one of said ineinbers bei tllep 105 ng lol'lger thaln the body of the 0 1-iiember. with i-ne,,tns for:,attaclim@nt at the o-Liter Pnd @beroof d b6lt with tightening nut tliereon coniiectiiig t'he 'bodies of said iyieiitbei-s and extendiilo- throtigh the space bet,ii,6en the j@,inis @here6mf, ,t sot-screw Oarried 110 by and adjustable, oii -the@member lia-ving the longer body, said se d rew b6ihk range beyoiftd the jaii, of said in6inb6r aifd,'@xteildiiig in ,I direction - whereby the- end of the sete-Nv ihiy be btouo-lit ii-ito aift en-a,ginb, posi- 115 tioii above alid ;i-ibstantiall y ini(lwa-y the space between s,,iid jaws N@hen the,jqws are occupyii-ig aii en-gii_uin(_, position, and an arm oii the iiieraber h,@tving the slioi@ter bodt, y 120 said ai:m pi-ojectin(r fi,oin the shorter bod on the side thereof 6pposite its jaii, @Llid oaerlappino, the space betweeli said iiieniber.9 aiict bearing ag,,iiiist the longer b6dy.of- the othei, iTieiiiber on- the side tliereof 6pposite its j,,tiv, JAMI@S@ S-.@ LANG.

IPC - классификация
