Z , 8 2 6 t O O 4 Utn'ted States Patent Office Patented Mar. l@l, 1958 2,826,004 TUBULATING MACHINE AND MEFHOD 5 Stanley J. Gartner and Henry W. Roeber, Emporium, Pa., assignors,to Sylvania Electric Products Inc., a corporation of Massachusetts Application May 4,1951, Serial No. 224,582 10 29 Claims. (Cl. 49-2) 'fhis invention relates;to 9. new and improved tubulat1,5 ing niachine; i. @e. a machine for sealing the glass exhaust tube to the bulb ii the mantifacture of electronic tubes. As is well known, such operations are customarily done on atitomatic inachines which heat the glass, join the elemeilts, shape the joint and permit it to cool, so that 20 tl,ie joined bulb and tiibe can be removed. However, all such machines with which we are familiar have heretofore required @the bulb and exhaust tube to be manually inserted in collinear chucks which are arranged to rotate together. Such machines have ordinarily 25 @tilized a horizontally rotating turret having a number of such chuck arrangements which are, in succession, passed through stati6ns which perform the glass working operations. The time required to mount the tubes and bulbs in the chucks and remove them after sealing has 30 seriously limited the production capacity per rnachine. In accordance with one aspect of this inveiition, instead of being mounted in chucks for joining, the tubes and bulbs are supported and ride on horizontal rotary supsimilar to the way work ports or spindles in a manner 35 is supported in a centerless grinder, and ihe feed of tubes and bulbs and the removal of the completed product are carried out automatically, perinittin,@ the machine to operate at a speed considerably greater than heretofore 40 obtainable' Among the objects of the presont invention are: To increase the speed of production of tubulated glass bulbs; To provide a bulb tubulating machine in which the capacity is considerably greater than in heret(>fore known machines; To atitoiaatically load glass bulb tubulating machines and to discharge the finished produet-I To provide new and improved mechanism for handling 50 the tube and bulb during the process of joining them; To provide an imp,roved machine of the class described, in which the turret or rotor is mciunted with its axis h,orizoiltal instead of vertical as heretofore usual; and, . Toprovide improved mechanism for making the joint 55 betwe@en bulb and tube, for ihaping the bulb adjacent the joint and 'for opening the bulb wall to connect the tube and bulb interior spates. 'Still ofher 6biects and advan'tages of our inventi6n, while ilot gpecifically mehtioned above, will be apparent 60 from the specirication. The features of nov6lty which -@,e believe to be characteristic 6f our iii.vention are set forth with particularity in the 4ppendea claims. Our invention ;tself,'however, botli as to its fundamental p I rinciples and as @to @its pariicular embodiments will best 6,5 be understood by reference to the specification and accompanying drawin.- describin-2 and.showing one embodin-ient of the in@,,enti6n as presently preferred. In the draviing, . Figure I is an elevational.view of the machine, partly 70 in seefion, disclosing the turret or rcit6r and its indexing means in combinationwith the spindle and spindle drive. 2 Figure 2 is a pqrtial plan view howing a pair of sp,mdles and controlling me@ns supporting an exhaust tube and bulb. Figure 3 is a fragmentary elevational view showing a portion of the machine in eiilarged cross section. Figure 4 is a sectional view of the exhaust tube supt)ort locking device and its relation to the cam track which operates it. Figure 5 is a side elevation of the machine showing the bulb load and release mechanisms. Figure 6 is an enlarged fragmentary side elevation partly in section of the exhaust tube feed and transfer mechanisms in relation to the turret. Figure 7 shows diagrammatically the step-by-st ep operations of @the machine in joining the tube and bulb. R.-f,-rence is made to Figure I which shows the machine suppbrted on a base 20 including spaced bearing ,tandards 22 and 22'. Mounted therebetween is a turret or rotor 24 .@enerally resembling a squirrel cage, with its axis horizontal, and having a multiplicity of supports or spindles 26, arranged e ircumferentially ar(>und the rotor and parallel to the rotor axis, the rotor and spindies being independently driven by motors 28 and 62 located below the base 20. The rotor indexing motor 23 and variable speed transmission 30 (with suitable speed selector control, not shown) have a driving puUey 32 which ' by means of a belt 34' drives pulley 36 on the shaft 33. On the shaft 38 is mounted the worm gear 40 engaging the worm wheel 42 which drives the shaft 44. The shaft 44 carries a barrel cam 46, the g@oove of which successively engages the pegs or rollers 48 o f the indexing plate 50 serured on the shaft 52 carrying spur .@ear 54, thereby imparting a step-by-step rotation to to which is k-eyed the rotor 24. The driving arrangement gear 54. Gears 54 and 56, in mesh, drive shaft 58 thus imparts a step-by-step rotation to the rotor 24, intervals between motion being employed to effect certain operations on the article being manufactured. Other well known mechanisms for imparting step-by-step iotation to rotor 24 may be employed instead of the specific index mechanism shown,.if desired. The spindle drive mechanism comprises its motor 62 and variable speed trdusmission 64, drive pulley 66, belt 68 and driven ptilley 70 driving gears in gear box .72. The output of gear box 72 drives the sprocket 74 through shaft 76. The sprocket 74 carries chain 76a driving sprocket 78 which is rotatably mounted on shaft 58. Gears 80 and 82 are joined to sprocket 78 for rotation therewith. Gear 80 is in mesh with and drives a multiplicity of spur gears :84 keyed on shafts @194. - Each shaft 194 carries a bulb spindle element 190. Gear,82 engages and drives a gear train comprising gears 86, @88 on common shaft 36a, an idler -gear 90, 92 and finally the gears 94 seciired on ileeves 154, surrounding shafts 194, and which drive each tube spindle element 152. Secured to 'die shaft 58 is a manifold hub 96 having openings 98 and a number of fuel lines .100, the number of fuel lines and openings being equal to the number of burners 102 to *hich they are connected. A stationary manifold shoe 104 carries ihe main f---d line 106 whi ch feeds fuel to the annular groove 108 located on a common radius with and encompassing only the number of openings in hub 96 to ich gas is to be fed. The shoe 104 is slidably mounted on a number of rods 110 fixed in bracket 112 of the standard 22 and is urged against the face of manifold hub 96 by means of compression spring 114 to prevent lezikage between the faces of @noo 104 and manifold hiib 96. Standards 22 and 22' carry circumferential stationary cani track supports 118 and 116 respectively. The latter also icarries trough 1,120 in which the biilb pw]over unit 122 is slidably mounted. Unit 122 comprises a slide 124 having extension 126. Pivotably mounted on the extension 126 are elements 128 and fingers 130 which engage.the open end of bulb 183 and move it and its carrying spindles 190 to the left in Figures 2 and 3 (to the right in Figure 1) to be joined to the exhaust tube 143. In Figure 1, motion is imparted to the pullover unit through the use of the extension lever 132, and pivoted arm 134 carrying follower 134a which rides on the surface of cam 136, whereby the rotation of cam 136 causes a reciprocating movement of fingers 130. A compression spring 133 is interposed between the siide 124 and element 128 to act as a shock absorber whereby undesirable "ramming" of the bulb against the exhaust tube is prevented. Rotor 24 is provided with four flange like extensions 140, 142, 144 and 146 (see Fig. 3 particularly) employed to support the spindles and their various components. Exhaust tubes 148 are successively seated between alid are rotated by engagement with the periphery of the annular extensions 150 of adjacent roffers 152, these roll_ ers being-mounted on sleeves 154 carrying spur gears 94. The exhaust tubes are normally held in position oii the spindle rollers by the angularly disposed spring pressed rollers 156 which cause the exhatist tube to continuously bear against rotatably mounted tubular elements 158. These press against the left hand end of tube 148 (Figure 3). Compression springs 160, surrounding the shanks of elements 158 urge them to the right (Fig. 3) and asstire contact between the exhaust tube 148 and element 158, The turret flan.-e 140 is provided with suctioli feed passages 162, successively indexed into position under a number of suction feed shoes 164 which are secured to the fixed support 118. When the glass componeiits become sufficiently soft under the burners 166 and the piercing burners 102 to be described, the suction feed shoe provides a suction within the exhaust tube which with the action of the piercing burners effects an opening in the dome of the bulb. The number of air shoes used may vary, certain of them being employed as aids in cooliag the completed product. Rollers 156 are each carried by adjustable extension arms 168 (Figures 2 and 3) extending from shafts 170 and each is normally held against the exhaust tube under tension of spring 172. Fixed to the shaft 170 is an actuating arm 174 bearing cam roller 176. The arms 168 and 174 extend from the shaft 170 atapproximately right angles to each other. As the rotor 24 is indexed through a revolution, roller 176 at certain stations comes into contact with and is depressed by stationary cam tracks or levers to be described, and, against the tension of spring 172, swings the roller 156 in an arcuate path away from the exhaust tube, releasing the exhaust tube. A similar bulb holding roller 178 operates in the same manner OVer the supports for the bulb 188 and includes the @rms 180, 182, cam roller 183, shaft 184 and torsion spring 186. Bulb 188 is rotated between the rollers 190 and is at times urged a-ainst the contour flange 192 by the roller 178. Each roller 190 has a shaft 194 journaled in the sleeve 154 for rotation. Shafts 194 are also arranged for axial reciprocation. Shafts 194 each carry a gear 84 as previously described and cam forower 196. Compression spring 198 interposed between tLe gears 94 and 84 urges the cam follower 196 against the stationary cam track 200, effecting a horizontal motien, over a nurnber of stations of the shaft 194, dep--nding on the contotir of cam track 200. The motion of shaft 194 causes the bulb 188 to be slightly withdrawn from the exhaust tube, thereby stretching the softened joint and, willi the aid of the bulb pullover unit 122 (Figs. I and 7), again compressing it. The process of alternately stretchin.- and compressing the softened joint assures a good union of the glass elements and is commonly known in the art as "puddling." It wiU be undersloqd that the axial motion of the shaft 194 due to cam action is slight and will not move gears 84 and 80 out of mesh. During the "puddling" and bulb piercing operations, it will be apparent that any undersired horizontal motioii of th-- element 158 would detract from the precise Colltrol of the amount of tension or compression applied to the softened glass, so a lock to prevent sucli motion hts been provided, as shown in Fi.-ure 4. This comprises plunger 202, compression spring 204 and ball baviiig 10 206 which rides in a concave annular groove 208 in the element 158. As a given exhaust tube is indexed to those stations where locking becomes necessary, the plunger 202 is eigaged by a carn 209 (see Figures 4 and 7) compre sing spring 204 and urging ball 206 into groov-- 203 s 15 thiis preventing horizontal motion of the element 158 while still permitting it to rotate iii contact with the exhaust tube 148. Piercing burners 102 are niounted circuinferentia@'ly around the turret in direct axial ali-ament wi,,h the opeii 20 ends of bulbs 188. Each bumer 102 is rocidroc-,illy mounted for entry into and withdrawal from the coilfines of bulb 133 as dictated by the location and contolr of ram track- 210 shown best in the "stretch-out" of Fig25 ure 7. Depending from each burner 102 and extending through the slot 212 (see Figure 3) is the fuel feed line 214 which connects to the fuel manifol,d hub li6 througli line 100 of Figures I and 5. Figure 5 shows a standard 218 supporting a bulb feed hopper 229. Th& hopper 229 is supplied I with bulbs 188 30 which pass into the channel 222 on6 at a tinie. Jamming is prevented by an a.-itating r@iechanism con-tprisin,,, a motor 224 with pulley 226 driviiig wliecls 223 thro-ugh belts 230, 232. The wheels 2k8 have tol'ers 234 vihich 35 successively engage and periodicaII3, flex leaf springs 256. An escapement mechanism 237 ' ivoted t 233, bas -,i p a stop seat 240 and gate 242. The seat 240 extends into a slot 244 of the channel 222 at its extreme end, the slo'L being of smaller length than the length of the bulb. Witti 40 withdrawal of the seat 240 from the slot one blilb is pern-iitted to advance to the gate. Reversal of t'-,ie -scapement motion causes simultaneous elevation of seat and gate, the seat checking advance of succeeding bulbs and the gate permitting the free bulb to be engaged by the 45 pickup mouth 246b of the tubular transfer arm 246. The hoflow interior of arm 246 is connected to a vactium line 246a the suction of which retains the bulb in the seat 246b of arm 246. The transfer arm is pivoted on shaft 248 of standard 250 and has cam follower 252 in enp.-e50 ment with the cam 254 of cam shaft 256. Cam 258 operating in timed relationship with the index cf turrel 24 swings the bulb release arm 260 which depresses the cam follower 183, causing the hold,ng roller 178 to swinl outwardly from its normal position between the spindles 55 -Y.90 while the transfer arm 246 swin,@s in an securate path bringing a bulb into place between the spi-,idles 190 at station A. Reversed motion of the arm 260, rele@@,ses roller 178 to hold the bulb spindles 190. Simultaneoi-,sly with the transfer of bulbs feeding of 60 the exhaust tubes takes place at station A' through employment of the mechanism shown in Figure 6, located directly behind and adjacent to the bulb feed mechanism as viewed in Figure 5. In Figure 6 the base 20 (not shown) has standard 262 which supports the slightly tilted 6,5 exhaust tube hopper 264 and housing 266, within which is axially grooved agitating and feed wheel 268. The tilt of the one sided hopper prevents the exhaust tubes 148 from accidentally falling out. The tubes are fed to the spindles 152 form reservoir channel 274 by escapement 70 mechanism 270. The tubes 148 are fed one by one by the axial channels 268a in the periphery of feed wheel 268 past the shoulder 272 and faU in proper aligrunent into the channel 274. The escapement 270 has solenoid 276 and plunger 278 75 affixi-d to wbich is rod 280 catrying a pair of spaced 2i828,O.O4 5 fiiagers 282 which support the exhaust tube at opposing ends. T.he fingers 282 advance a single tube 148, under ptessure of spring 284, into position to be received by the transfer mechanism 236 while retaining the,remainder tbrough means of its elevated stops 288. When the 5 solenoid is energized by an electrical circuit (not shown) energizdd in a timed relationship to the operation of cam shaft 256, the fingers are retracted for reloading. Release arm 290 is pivot-,d on the lug 292 of standard 294 and carries at its lower end cam follower 290a, rid- 10 ing on release cam 296. When rotated clockwise by cam 296, the upper end of release lever 290 engaaes and depresses roller or cam follower 176 thereby lifting holding roller 156 from spindles 152 so that transfer arm 310 can feed a t-Libe to spindles 152. Transfer arm 15 310 is pivoted on hollow shaft 298 and carries at its lower end cam follower 350 ridin.- on transfer cam 304. The action of cam 304 on lever 300 causes the transfer arm 310 to move counterclockwise against tension of spring 306 into position beneath the exhaust tube 148 20 resting on fingers 282 of the escapement assembly. The shaft 312 is reciprocably moiinted in hallow shaft 298 and bas a tapered end which acts as a cam against the roller 314 at the lower end of trigger rod 316. Reciprocation of the shaft 312 may be attained either t-hrough a 25 usual spring and solenoid arrangement similar to 276 which operates the exhaust tube escapement 270 or alternatively for example, by a lever actuated by the cam and lever arrangement used for depressing the rollers 176. 30 As the shaft 312 is retracted into shaft 298 by its atcuating mechanism, roller 314 rides down the incline of said shaft under pressure of compression spring 318, moving trigger rod 316 d6wnwardly permitting tension spring 320 to rotate pivoted trigger 322 counter clock_ 35 wise to engage and lock the glass tube 148 on the step 308 of the transfer arm 310, which then carries said tube into position between spindle rollers 152 at station A'. The cam action of shaft 312 then raises trig-er rod 316, rotating trigger 322 to release tube 148. T'he action of cam 40 296 causes the arm 290 to release the roller 176 perniitting its mate 156 to engage and hold the tube 148 in place on spindle rollers 152 as seen at positions B and B'. The rotor indexes and the feeding cycle is repeated. ' In Figure 5, the standard 324 has pivoted lever 326, 4@) the opposite ends of which carry a cam follower 328 ridin on cam 330, and a spring pressed brake shoe 332. .9 To cushion the stopping action of the indexing mechanism in stepping rotor 24 cam 330 applies the shoe 332 50 to the rim of rotor 24 after it has moved approximately one half of its predetermined indexing distance. Means for releasing the cqmpleted product from the machine include standard 334, pivotally mounted lever 336 having cam follower 336a riding on cam 348, and 55 rod 338, coupling lever 336 to a second lever 342 which is mounted on shaft 346 borne by standard 340. Shaft 346 also carries a release arm 344. The action of cam 348 on lever 336 and its subsequent linkage releases the product by causing release arm 344 to depress roller 60 176, permitting the joined tube and bulb to drop and be removed by conveyor 350. Fi.oure 7 sbows diagrammatically the turret and various cam tracks in developed or "stretch-out" form to explain more clearly the sequence of operations. At sta- 65 tion A and A' simultaneous feeding of the glass tube and bulb elements 148 and 188 takes place. From station C to F inrlusive the fires 166 insure a proper degree of plasticity to the junctiire points of the glass elements 148 and 189 as they are brought into contact with one an- 70 other for fusing under pressure of the angularly disposed rollers 156 and 178. At P' the cam track 203 depresses the bulb release ro,Uer 183, permitting the fmgers 130 of the "pullover unit' .122 (see Fig. 1) to compress the molten juncture. 75 The ,.cam 209 acting on -pluugcrs , 202 (Fig ,4) fixes t@e tube supporting c@lement 158.-against hor-iiontal @reciproca-tion or wander. The cam 210 brings the piercing burners 102 into position within the bulb where, in conjunction with tlie,suction created by the air-s.hoe 164, an opening into exhaust tube 143 is pierced in the dome of -the bulb at the seal as shown at stations G', H and H'. At station I' the roller 190 in accordance with the rise 201 of cam track 200, presses the contour:flange 192 against the dome portion of the bulb causing a sligh't elongation of the tube 148 at its juncture insuring a um'form tubiilar seal. Gradual cooling of the joined elements tak@s place from.stations K and R inclusive lwhere they are released to conveyor 350 through means of lever 344 previously shown and described in Figure 5. The diam,,ters of the spindles at the po'mts of contact with tube and bulb and their speeds in R. P. M. are readily determined for any desired common rotational speed of tube and bulb. To prevent twisting during sealin.-, 'che angular velocities of both tube and bulb must be the same. It can be shown that for the drive employed the following relation exists (neglecting slip): If ORPM is the object speed in R. P. M., SRPM is the spindle speed in R. P. M., ODIA is the object diameter, and SDIA is the@ spindle diame'ter at point of contact with object Then ORPMXODIA=SRPMXSDIA For example, if tiibe and bulb are to rotate at .100 R. P. M., tube diameter is 1/4 ", and bulb diameter is 3/4 ", thenFor the tube spindle: IOOX'14=ORPMXODIA 1-f SD.IA is 1" then IOGX'14=SRPMX1 and SRPM--25 For the bulb spindle: 10OX3/4 ORPMXODIA If SDIA for blilb spindle is I" then 10OX314=SRPMXI and SPPM=75 This is the same as saying that the ratio of the velocity of the ttibe supporting spindles to the velocity of the bulb supporting @@pindles must be inversely proportional to ti-ie ratio of the diameter of the tube to the diameter of the bulb. From the foregoing, it will be appreciated that machines accordin@ to the present invention are particularly suited for uniting two glass tubes of different @diamelers in end to end assembly. The rollers or spindles 152 support the exhaust tube in horizontal axial abutting r.-lationship with the bulb 188 which @in turn is supported on the rollers or spindles 190. The p@@ripheral surface portions of the annular extensions 150 of the rollers 152 provide surfaces which move continuously in and out of frictional engagement with the outer siirface of the exhaust tube 148 for rotating the swne about an axis common with the axis of the bulb body 188. Theperipheral surfaces o,f the rollers of spindles 190 move continuously in and out offrictional contacting ei,-agement with the outer surface of the bulb body 188 to . achieve its rotation. The respective rollers, spindles or spindle elements for the exhaust tube and the bulb body each defines a cradle controlling the position -of th-- associated part; and in association with the hold down elements 156, 178 and tliq spring biased-tubular e@lement 158 allow the tube asseinblies to be transported about a circular path, asdeterrnincd by the supporting turret 24. The described structure facilitates the assemblies of tubular glass members, usually of different diameters, at comparatively high speeds and in a manner compatible with the forination of a clear passage between the respective glass members. While we have shown and described certain @preferred 7 embodiments of our invention, it wifl be understood that modiacations.and changes may be made without depart,ing from the spirit and scope thereof, as mill be clear to those skilled in the art. In the specification we have explained the principles of our invention and the best mode in which we have contemplated applying,those principles, so as to distinguish our invention from other inventions, and we have particularly pointed out and distinctly clai,rned the part, irilprovement or combination which we claim as our invention. What we claim is: 1. In mechanism of the class described, a first pair of rbtary spindles having their axes parallel and adjacent, said first pair of spindles being arranged to rotate and support a first cylindrical object between them, a retaining element arranged to make contact with said first object and to hold it against said first pair of spindles while permitting rotation thereof, a second pair of spindles of a diameter differing from that of said first pair of spindles and axially alined with the first pair of spindles to rotate and support a second object to be joined to said first object, said second object having a different diameter than said first object, a second retaining element arranged to make contact with said second object and to hold it against said second pair of spindles while permitting rotation thereof, and means for rotating said first and second pairs of spindles at speeds such that said first And second objects supported thereb@y rotate at the same atigular velocity. 2. In mechanism of the class described, a first pair of rotary spindles having their axes parallel and adjacent and arranged to support and permit rotation of a first cylindrical fusible object pressed thereagainst, a second pair of spindles of a diameter differing from that of said first pair, said second pair of spindles being axiafly alined with the first pair and arranged to support and permit rotation of a second cylindrical fusible object to be joined to the first object, said second object having a different diameter than said first object, releasable retaining elements pressing said first and second objects against the respective pairs of spindles, a movable carrier, said pairs of spindles being mounted on said movable carrier for translatory motion both vertically and horizontally, and means for rotating said first and second pairs of spindles at speeds such that said first and second objects supported thereby rotate at the same angular velocity. . 3. Jn mechanism of the class described, a first pair of rotary spindles having their axes parallel and adjacent and arran.-ed to support and permit rotation of a first cylindrical fusible object pressed thereagainst, a second pair of spindles of a diameter differing from that of said first pair, said second pair of spindles being ayially alined with the first pair and arranged to support aid permit rotation of a second cylindrical fusible object to be joined to the first object, said second object having a different diameter than said first object, releasable retaining ele@ ments pressing said first and second objects against the respective pairs of spindles, a movable carrier mounted for travel about a horizontal axis, said pairs of spindles being mounted on said movable carrier with their respective axes horizontal for translatory motion both vertically and horizontally, and means for rotating said first and second pairs of spindles at speeds such that said first and second cylindrical objects supported thereby rotate at the same angular velocity. 4. In mechanism of the class described, a first pair of rotary spindles having their axes parallel and adjacent and arranged to support and permit rotation of a first cylindrical fusible object pressed th@-rea.-ainst, a second pair of spindles of a diameter differin-. from that of said first pair, said second pair of spindles being axially alined with the first pair and arranged to support.@nd pei-init rotation of a second cylindrical fusible 2'826 004 8 object to be joined to the first object, said second object having a different diameter than said first object, releasable retaining elements pressing said first and second objects against the respective pairs of spindles, a movable carrier, said pairs of spirdles being mounted on said movable carrier for transl@alory motion both vertically and horizontally, means for rotating said first a-,id second pairs of spindles at speeds such that said first and second cylindrical objects supported thereby lo i-otate at the same angular velocity, and individual means for feeding objects to the respective pairs of spindles at one position thereof and for effecting release of said objects at another position thereof. 5. In a mechanism of the class described, a first pair 15 of rotary spindles of a given diameter having their axes parallel and adjacent, said spindles being arranged to rotate and support a first cylindrical object between them, a dtive for turnin.- said first pair of spindles, a retaining element arranged to make contact with said object and to 20 hold it a.airst said spindles vzhile permitting rotation thereof, a second pair of spindles of a different diameter than the first pair axia'ily aligned with said first pair to rotate and support a second cylindrical object of different diameter from said first object to be joined 25 to said first object, a drive for turning said second pair of spindles at a different rate than said first pair of spindles, said rate being such that both of said cylindrical objects are tumed at the same angular velocity, and a second retaining element arranged to make contact 30 with said second object and to hold it a.-ainst said second spindles wbile permitting rotation thereof 6. In a machine for joinii3g cylindrical 'objects, a first pa@r. of rotary spindles having th--ir axes parallel and adjacent, a second pair of spipdles in abutting aligriment @)5 with th-, first pair of spindles, said pairs of spindles being disposed to support the cylindrical objects being joined in axial ali,@nm-.nt, means for driving said pair of spindles at speeds for rotating said cylindrical objects 40 at the same angular velocity, and separate loaders for iiidependently and simultaneously feeding said objects to said first and second pairs of spindles. 7. In a machine for joining cylindrical objects, a first pair of rotary spindles h,iving their axes parallel and 45 adjacent, a second pair of spindles of a different diameter than said first pair axially aligned with the first pair, said first pair of spindles and said second pair of spindles being disposed in abutting relationship so as to provide coaxial support for cylindrical objects disposed 50 thereon, means for drivin.- said pairs of spindles at speeds for rotati-.ig said cylindrical objects at the same angular velocity, and separate loaders for independently feedin.- said ob;ects to each of said pairs of spindles. 8. In a machine for joining cylindrical objects, a first 55 group of revolving supporting members disposed generally parallel to an axis, a second group of revolving supporting members disposed parallel to said axis of adjacent said first grotip of supporting members revolvin.- the members of said first group at one angular velocity, 60 means for revolving the mem@ers of said second group at another angular ve'locit3,, and means for independently fe-.din- objects to each of said groups of supporting members. 9. In a maciiine for joining cylindrical objects of dif65 ferent diameters, a first pair of rotary soindles having parallel axes and disposed Darallel to an axis to receive and support a first cylindrical object, a second pa;r c,' rotary spindles having parallel axes and disposed parallel to said a,@@cis to receive and support a second object 70 in axial abuttin.- alig@iment with said first object, said second spindles having a differen, radius than said first spindles, and drivers for turiiing said first and second pairs of spindles at such a s_peed that th@ ratio of the peripheral velocity of the first and s-,cond pair of spin75@ dles is inversely proportional to the ratio of the diam- eters -of the first cylindrical object. to the second cylindtical object. ,10. The combinatioii of claim 9 in which means are provided for causing reciprocating axial motion between said pairs of spindles. 5 I 1. The apparatus of claim 9 in which said pairs of spindles'ar e carried on a rotor mounted for rotation about a horizontal axis, said spindles being mounted with their axes parallel to the axis of said rotor, and having a loader for individually feeding in cylindncal objects of 10 one diameter to each pair of said first spindles at a position of said rotor and having another loader for feeding cylindrical 6bjects of a different diameter to each pair of said second sdindles, and means for eff-ecting release of the joised object at another position of said rotor. 15 12. In a machine for joining cylindrical objects of different diameters, first and second groups of supporting members, each group of supportin members includ9 ing a number of rolling contact surfaces :disposed to support one of said cylindrical objects horizontally, the 20 rolling surfaces of said first group being of a different diameter than the rorin.- surfaces of said second group and the surfaces of each groap being spaced from a common axis to support said cylindrical objects in axial abutting relationship, and drivers for tuming the rolling 25 contact surfaces in --ach group at peripheral velocity inversely proportional to the sparing of said surfaces fiom ,said common axis, whereby said cylindrical objects are rotated at a common angular velocity. 13. The machine of claim 12 having retractable re- 30 taining members associated with each of said groups of si4pporting members and urged towards said supporting members along a path passinp, to the space to be occupied by the cylindrical object worked upon, and having a ,puddling mechanism for producing a reciprocating motion 35 between said -roups of supporting members and parallel !to said axis while said retractable retaining members prrp,@.e said cylindrical objec,s against said supporting members. 14. The machine accordin-, to claim 12 in which said groups of supporting members are supported horizontally 40 on the periphery of a conveyor for translation about a horizontal axis, driving means for said conveyor, and sepa.rate driving means connected to said rolung contact surfaces. 45 15. In a machine for joining hollow cylindrical objects, means for supporting said objects in horizontal axial @abutting relationship and rotating said objects at the same angular velocity aboiit a common axis, said rieans including surface portions moving continuously in and 50 @otit of frictional contacting engagement with the outer surfaces of said objects, meaiis for heating said objects in the region of abutti-@ig relationship, means for axially penetrating one of said objects i-@i the region of abutting ,through, and means for producing relative reciprocating motion between said objects while they are in a plastic state to work the joint. 16. A machine for iiniting two glass tubes in an endto-end assembly, including a first set of tube rotating ele- (10 ments of the type having surface portions traveling with the tube rotated while other surface portions move into contact with the tlibe and out of contact with the tube, respectively, to thereby rotate the tube about its axis and defining a tube-receiving cradle controlling the position (JO ,of the axis of the tube, said elements defining passages .through which the tube laterally enters and leaves said a second set of such tube rotating elements disposed opposite said first set, means sl@pporting both said 'ro :sets of tub-. rotating elements and effective to constrain tubles carried t-hereby with an end of each tube disposed opposite an end of the other ancl in axially ali-.nment therewith and to transport those tubes laterally al6ng a predetermined patli while rotating at the same angular 75 ,@ate, means di@ppsed along said path effective to heat the opposed tube. ends to fusing teni perature, means, or ing said tubes into endv@ise abutment when fused, and a pair of tube-supply feeding mechanisms along s@id paih respectively opposite said sets of tube gridping and rotating elements and effective.to deposit tubes laterally into the respective cradles. 17. The method -of joining two tubes in end to end assembly in6luding the steps of arrangi-,ig said tubes in axial ali.-ninent and in endwise juxtaposition in a processing region, tangentially and frictionally conta6ting said tubes to rotat-@ said tubes at the same i)igulpr rate, heating the juxtanosed ends of said tubes to fusing temperature while said til-bes are ur,@ed e@idwise ag@.,inst each other, directing a source of heat - axially into one of Said tubes, and drawing a vacuum in the other (;ne of said titbes while the heat is directed axially into said one tube whereby a passage is formed between said ttil)es. 18. In a multiole-station machine for joiniii,-, zi tublilar extension to the closed end of a bulb body, a druin-like turret rotatable about ahorizoiltal axis, worlr liolding qiid turning mechanisms at spaced locations @'oo@,it the -o,-r.i-ohery of said turret each incltidhi.- rolli;.i.- cont3@ct surfaces defining axially atigned cradles for supportin.- said extension and bulb body in endwise juxtaposition with one end of said extension contacting said bulb body at a region of joining, means for turning the rolling cbntact surfz-ices of ea-lh cradle at peripheral velocities select.-d to ro,@@te said extension and bulb body at a common ingular v@locity, means operatively connected to said turret for intermittently indexing said turret to advance said work holding and turning mechanisms through successive stations of said ma-,hine, feed@ng means at first a@id second stations of said machine coordinated to sil-nultaneously deliver tubtilar extensions and bulb bodies to said work holding and turning mechanisms, means at further stations of said machine i'or heating said region of joinii,., to render the same plastic, a burner effective at still ftirther stations of s-,id machine for endwise advance into successive btilbs, and means for drawing a vacuur@i on successive extensions at said still f-urther st-,t-lons operable simultaneous with the advance of said burner for drawing a vacuum in an eytension Ahile said burner directs heat internally of a bulb body toward said region of joining w . hereby an openin- is created from the buib body into the exte nslon. 19. In a multiple@station machine for joining a tubulatextensi@on to the closed end of a bulb body, a drum-like turrot rotatable about a horizontal axis, work holding and turningmechanisms at spaced locations about the periphery of said turret each including rolling contact surfaces dofining axially aligned cradles for support'ng said extension and bulb body in endwise juxtaposition with one end of said extension contactin.- said bulb body at a region of joining, means for turning the rolling contact to rotate said extension and bulb body at a common angular velocity, means operatively co@inected to said turret for intermiftently indexing said turret to idvance said work holding and turning mechanisms throligh successive gtations of said machine, feedin,@ nieans at first and second stations cf said machine coordinated to siniultaneously deliver ttibular extensions and btilb bodies to said work holding and turniiig mechanisms, means at further statit)ns of said machine for heating said regioti of joining to render the same plastic, a burner arranged for endwise advance iiito successive bulbs at furthej7 stations of stid machine, vacuum-drawing means effect-Lve on successive extensions at said still ftirther statidns and operable simultaneougly with the advance 6f said buriier for drawing a vacuum in an extension while said burner directs heatinterhally i)f a bulb body toward said ret,,ton of joining whereby an opening is created from the bulb body into the extension, contouring means at a still further station of said machine engageable against the closed e@nd of successive bulb bodiesi and means itt a still relationship to assure the presence of a passage thereti5 sur-faces c@,' each cradle at peripheral velocities selected further station of said machine for unloading the c ompl6ted,assemblies. 20. in@ a multiple-station machine for joining a tubular c.@tension to the closed end of a bulb body, a drlm-like turret rotatable about a horizontal axis, work- hold@ing and turning mechanisms at spaced locations about the periphery ;of said turret each including rollin.- contact s-urfaces delfin,ing axially aligned cradles for supporting said extension and bulb body in asgembly with one end @)f said I extension contacting said bulb body at a region of joining, respective retractible hold down means over each of said cradles and enga,-eable with gaid exte@ision and said bulb body to confine said assembly in said cradles, means f6r turning the rolling contact surfaces of each @eradle at peripheral velocities selected to rotate said extension and bulb body at a conimon angular vel@ocity, means operatively connected to said tiirret for intermittently indexing aid 'turret to advance said work holding and ttii-ning mechanisms tlirough successive stations of said machine, feeding means at first and second stations of said machine coordinated to simultaneously del@iver tubular extensions and bulb bodies to said work holdin.@ @ind ttirnin.@ mechanisnis, means at said first and second stations operable in advance of said feed means for retracting the regpective h(>Id down means, means at further stati6ns of said machine for heating said region of joining to render the same plastic, a bumer at a still further station of said machine arranged for endwise advance into successive bulbs, and vacuum-drawing means effective on successive extensions at said still further @taiion and operable simultaneous with the advance of said burner for drawing a vacuum in an extension ,@vhile said burner directs heat internally of a bulb body toward @said region of joining whereby an opening is cre@aied from the bulb body into the extension. @l. In a maebine for joining an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, first and second pairs of s-apporting means eacli including side by side rolling contact surfaces, the rolling contact surfaces of said first pair bein g of a larger diameter than the rolling contact surfaces of ihe second pair, the first and second pairs of rolling contact surfaceg defining respective axially aligned seats for said exhaust tube and said bulb body, means efi'ective to urge oiie end of said exhaust ttibe into contact wit,,, ti-te dome of said bulb body, and means opbratively connected to sa-id first and sec-ond pairs of supportin.- meaiis for turning tl-ie rolling contact surfaces of the respective seatg at rates selected to rotqte said exhaust tube and said bulb body at the same angular rate. 22. Tn a multiple-station machine for joining a titbular P,xtension to th-- closed end of a bulb body, a drum-like turret rotatable about a horizontal axis, work holding and turning mechanisms at spaced locations ab(>ut the periphery of said turret each including rolling contact surfaces deflning axially aligned -cradles for supporting said extension and bulb body in endwise juxtaposition, MeaDSinciliding an axially shiftable plunger en,@agirig said extension and iirging one end of said extension into contact with said bulb body at a region of joining, meal's for tuming the rolling contact surfaces of each cradle at peripheral velocities selected to rotate said extension -,ind bWb body at a common anglilar velocity, means operatively connected to said turret for intermittently indexing said turret to advance said work holding and tumin@ iiiechanisms through successive stations of said machine', nicans at stations of said machine for heating said re.-ion of joining to render the same plastic, a burner disposed axially of and spaced outwardly of its cradle, means at further stations of said machine arranged to advance said b-,irner endwige into successive bulbs, and vacuum-drawing means effective on successive extensions at said further stations and operable simultaneous with the advance of said burner for drawing a vacuum in an extension while said biirner directs heat intemally of a bulb body 2)826,004 12 toward sai I d region of joining whereby an opening is created in the bulb body into the extension. 23. In a multiple-station tabulating machine for join@ ing an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, a first pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjacent relationghip and turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said first pair defining a first cradle for said exhaust tube, first 'retract@ble hold down means over said first cradle and engageable against said exhaust tube for confinin10 sanie in said first cradle, a second pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjacent relationship aiid turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said second pait defining a second cradle for said bulb body in end to end aiignment with said first cradle, s,-cond retractable hold 15 down means over said second cradle and engageable against said bulb body for confining garne in said second cradle, means operatively connected to said first and second pairs of turnin.- members for rotating the same whereby the cradle-formin,@ surfaces are effective to ttim 20 sa-id exhaust tube and bulb body at the same angular rate, loading means at first and second stations of s@aid machine operative to deposit an exhaust tube in said first cradle and a bulb body in said second cradle, and means at said first and second stations operable in timed 25 relation to said loading means for retracting the respective hold down means in advance of operation of the respective. loading means. 24. In a machine for joining an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, first and sccond pairs of supporting 30 mcans each including side by side rollina contact surfaces, the rolling contact surfaces of said first pair being of a larger diameter than the rolling contact stirfaces of the second pair, the first and second pairs of rolling contact suriaces defining respective axially aligned seats 3,5 for said exhaust tube and said bulb body, means effective to urge one end of said exhaust tube against the dome of said bulb body in a contact region, means operatively connected to said first and second pairs of supporting ineans for turnin- the rolling contact surfaces of the 40 respective seats at rates selected to rotate said exhaust tube and said bulb body at the same angular rate, means for heatin.- said exbaust tube and said bulb body i-.i said contact region to render said contact region plas45 tic and means for axially penctratin- the dome of said buib body to provide an openin.- fro;; said exhaust tube into sa@d bulb body. 25. In a machine for joinin.- an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, first and second pairs of stipporting inea,.is each includin.- side by side rolling contact sur50 faces,. the rolling contact surfaces of said first pair being of a larger diameter than the rollin.@ contact surfaces of the second pair, th-@ first and second pairs of rolling contact surfaces defining respective axialiv aligned seats 5;- for said exhaust tube and said bulb body, means effective ) to urge one end of said exhaiist tube against the dome cf said bulb body in a contact region, means operatively connected to said first and second pairs of siipportinl,ineans for turning the rolling contact surfaces of the 60 res-oective seats at rates selected to rotate said exhaust tu@e aiid said bulb body at the same angular rate, nieans for heating said exhaust tube and said bulb body in said contact relion to render said contact i-egion plastic, means for axially penetrating the dome of said bulb 65 body to provide an openin. from said exhaust tube into said bulb body, and means operatively connected between said first and second pairs of supporting m-,ans for producing relative reciprocation between said exhaust tube and said bulb body. 70 26. In a machine for join@'ng hollow cylindrical objects, rolling contact means @0r supporting said objects in axial abutting relationship, means operatively connected to said rolling contact weans for rotating said objects at the same angular velocity about a conimon 75 axi@,, means for heating said objects in the region of axial abulting, a burner, means operatively connected to said 13 burner for advancing the same axially of and into one of said objects, and means operable on the other of said objects for draiving a vacuum therein substantially simultaneous with axial advance of said burner whereby said objects are joined and a passage created between said objects. 27. In a machine for joining ho@llow cylindrical objects, rolling contact means for supporting said objects in axial abutting relatioiisbip, meaiis operatively connected to said rolling contact means for rotating said objects at the same angular velocity about a common axis, means for heating said objects in the region of axial abuttin,-, a burner, ineans operatively connected to said burner for advancing the same axially of and into one of said objects, means ope-able on the other of said objects for drawing a vqctiuiii therein substantial'iy simultaneous with axial advance of said burner whereby said objects are joined and a passage created between said objects, and means for producing relative reciprocating movement between said objects while said re.-ion is plastic to work the joint between said objects. 28. In a multiple-station ttibulating D-.iachine for joinlilg an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, a first pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjaceilt relationship and turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said first pair defining a first cradle for said exhaust tube, a second pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjacent relationship and turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said second pair defining a second cradle for said bulb body in end to end a@lignment Nvith said first cradle, means including a spring-biased tubular element urged ipto axial contact with said exbaust tube f-or urging said exhaust tube into engagement with the dome of said bulb body, mcaiis operatively connected to said first aid se,-ond pairs of turning members for rotating the same whereby the cradle-forming surfaces are effective to turii said exhaust tube and bulb body at the same angular rate, means operative during the machine cycle to prodtice relative axial motion between said first and secoiid pairs of ttirnin.- members to puddle the joint between said exhaust tube and said bulb body, and means operative to lock said tubular elemeiit agaiiist axial niovement during the relative axial motion between said exhaust tube and said bulb body. . 29. In a multiplestation tubulating machine for joinin.- an exhaust tube to the dome of a bulb body, a first 2,826,004 14 pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjacent relationship and turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said first pair definiiig a first cradle for said exhaust ttibe, first retractable hold down means over said first cradle and engageable against said exhaust tube for confining same in said first cradle, a second pair of turning members arranged in side by side adjacent relationship and turnable about parallel horizontal axes, said second pair defining a second cradle for said bulb body 10 in end to end alignmeilt with said first cradle, second retracl,abl@- hold down means over said second cradle and engageable against said bulb body for confining same in said second cradle, iileans including a spring-biased tubular element urged in axial contact with said exhaust 15 t,,ibe for iirging said exhaust tube against the dome of said bulb body, means operatively connected to said first and second pairs of turning members for rotating the same whereby the cradle-forming surfaces are effective to turn said exhaust tube aiid bulb body at the same 20 angular rate, means operative during the machilic cycle to produce relative axial motion between said first and second pairs of turning ir@ernbers to puddle the joint between said enhaust tube and said bulb body, and means operative to lock said tubtilar element against axial 25 movement during the relative axial motion between said exhal@st tube and said bulb body. References Cited in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 30 614,841 Coilde ----------------- Nov. 29, 1898 1,489,836 Kin, - ------------------ Apr. 8, 1924 2,234,302 Dichter ---------------- Mar. I 1, 1941 2,553,135 Eisler ---------------- May 15, 1951 2,549,762 Baker et al - ------------ Apr. 24, 1951 35 2,565, 061 Bedna ry --------- ----- Aug. 21, 1951 2,662, 345 Ruggi ero --------- ----- Dec. 15, 1953 REIG N PATE NTS 242,21 3 Great Britain --------- --- Dec. 3, 1925 40 422,43 6 Great Britain --------- - Jan. I 1, 1935 467,28 2 Great Britain --------- - June 15, 1937 527,69 2 Great Britain --------- - Oct. 14, 1940 536,85 8 Great Britain --------- - May 29, 1941 45 943,897 France --------------- Mar. ZI, 1949