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14-02-2019 дата публикации

Установка для изучения резания стеблей сельскохозяйственных культур

Номер: RU2680005C2

Изобретение относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения и может использоваться для изучения резания стеблей сельскохозяйственных культур. Установка состоит из режущей системы (1), включающей вращающийся режущий элемент в виде шнека (2) и неподвижный нож (4). К торцам витков шнека (2) приварена пластина (3) шириной больше толщины витка. Неподвижный нож (4) состоит из сегментов, копирующих форму пластин (3) и имеющих одну режущую кромку. Также установка содержит транспортер (6) в виде бесконечной ленты с регулируемой скоростью, перемещающийся в направлении размещения шнека (2). На транспортере (6) жестко установлены держатели стеблей (7), имеющие форму полых цилиндров. Держатели (7) расположены параллельными рядами с расстоянием, соответствующим ширине междурядий сельскохозяйственных культур, и с высотой, обеспечивающей проход под режущую систему (1). Шнек (2) установлен с возможностью регулировки его высоты относительно транспортера (6) и частоты вращения. Обеспечивается возможность ...

25-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639897C2
Принадлежит: ДИР ЭНД КОМПАНИ (US)

Группа изобретений относится к сельскому хозяйству. Двухстадийная уборочная система содержит уборочное устройство первой стадии и уборочное устройство второй стадии. Уборочное устройство первой стадии убирает листья с сельскохозяйственной культуры и оставляет стебли с ободранными листьями на корню в поле. Уборочное устройство второй стадии убирает указанные стебли с ободранными листьями и перемещает их на поверхность земли. Уборочное устройство первой стадии приводится в действие и соединено с возможностью отсоединения с задней частью сельскохозяйственного силового агрегата. Уборочное устройство второй стадии приводится в действие и соединено с возможностью отсоединения с передней частью сельскохозяйственного силового агрегата. Двухстадийная уборочная система работает в направлении движения вперед сельскохозяйственного силового агрегата. Уборочное устройство первой стадии работает в первой полосе смежно с указанным уборочным устройством второй стадии, работающим во второй полосе. Группа ...

19-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740644C2
Принадлежит: ИН-БИТВИН СА (BE)

Изобретения относятся к сельскому хозяйству. Способ уборки и переработки водных гиацинтов, в котором выполняют следующие стадии: a) водные гиацинты, растущие в водной среде, срезают; b) водные гиацинты собирают на борту баржи (1) у причала; c) собранные водные гиацинты перемещают на средство (2) сушки, такое как стеллажи (2) для сушки, около пристани; d) высушенные гиацинты промывают чистой водой; e) промытые гиацинты сушат на вибрационных лентах (7) для того, чтобы частично устранить лишнюю воду; f) водные гиацинты сушат на сушилке (8) при температуре между 50 и 100°C в течение периода между 5 ч и 17 ч; g) стерилизацию паром при 80-100°C проводят для того, чтобы простерилизовать водные гиацинты и их семена; h) простерилизованные водные гиацинты и их семена измельчают для того, чтобы сделать их полезными в использовании. Установка для уборки и переработки водного гиацинта. Изобретения позволяют получить измельченные материалы, которые имеют низкую степень гидратации, что устраняет риск ...

15-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2774169C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Раздельный способ уборки льна-долгунца включает теребление растений теребильными машинами, причем одновременно с тереблением растений производят плющение стеблей по всей их технической длине, для чего теребильная машина снабжена плющильным аппаратом, при этом верхняя кромка плющильных вальцов по длине стеблей расположена на уровне верхней границы технической длины растений, причем вальцы осуществляют равномерное плющение стеблей только на той части растений, где содержится длинное волокно, таким образом за пределами зоны плющения остается другая часть общей длины растения, на которой расположены семенные коробочки, вытеребленные и расплющенные растения расстилают в ленту на поле для высыхания льна и дозревания семян, по мере высыхания растений льна в расплющенных стеблях начинается процесс вылежки в тресту, после высыхания и дозревания семян ленты растений подбирают и отделяют семенную часть урожая от стеблей, обработанную таким способом ленту ...

07-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU203492U1

Полезная модель относится к области сельского, лесного хозяйства и может быть использована как средство малой механизации для извлечения зерен стеблевидных сельскохозяйственных культур и семян травянистых растений из колосьев и метелок в полевых условиях.Устройство для ручного сбора зерен стеблевидных сельскохозяйственных культур, содержащее ручку, жестко соединенную с рамкой накопителя, и закругленные зубья, причем на рамке шарнирно закреплен двуплечий рычаг, с прикрепленной параллельно над зубьями прижимной пластиной с закругленным лезвием.Применение предлагаемого устройства для ручного сбора зерен стеблевидных сельскохозяйственных культур как средства малой механизации позволяет повысить эффективность извлечения зерен стеблевидных сельскохозяйственных культур и семян травянистых растений из колосьев и метелок в полевых условиях.

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU205030U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Предложена гребенка очесывающего устройства для семенников кормовых трав, содержащая зубья и имеющая в зазоре между смежными зубьями у их основания расширение. Расширение имеет форму овала, большая ось которого параллельна осям зубьев и имеет размер, равный расстоянию между вершинами смежных зубьев, а меньшая ось выполнена в размере одной трети размера большей оси. При этом участок зубьев в зоне расширения имеет треугольное сечение с острым верхним углом, а вершины углов скруглены. Устройство обеспечивает уменьшение энергопотребляемости процесса очеса семенников кормовых трав. 3 ил.

10-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2053630C1

FIELD: agricultural engineering. SUBSTANCE: device comprises frame with a chute disposed on the front end of a self-propelled transport vehicle. The chute accommodates several power-operated pairs of combing working tools and a corresponding number of pull-in rolls rotating in a contrary direction to combing tools. Each combing working tool is equipped with a means for changing its angle along movement of the transport vehicle. EFFECT: easier harvesting. 6 cl, 4 dwg 0$59$5$50с% ПЧ Го РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) (51) МПК ВИ” 2 053 630 ' 13) Сл А 01 45/30 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 4894853/15, 01.04.1991 (30) Приоритет: 02.04.1990 ОЕ Р 4010504.0 (46) Дата публикации: 10.02.1996 (56) Ссылки: Авторское свидетельство СССР М 1126233, кл. А 010 41/08, 1984. (71) Заявитель: Клаас ОХГ (0Е), Семагреф (ЕК) (72) Изобретатель: Поль БарбГЕК], Клод Лион ЕК], Франсуа Перрэ[ЕК] (73) Патентообладатель: Клаас ОХГ (0Е), Семагреф (ЕК) (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СБОРА УРОЖАЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫХ КУЛЬТУР (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится К сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Устройство содержит расположенную на передней стороне самодвижущегося транспортного средства раму с желобом. В желобе размещены снабженные приводом вращения несколько пар очесывающих рабочих органов и соответственно им пары втягивающих валков с приводом их вращения в обратном направлении относительно вращения очесывающих рабочих органов. Каждый очесывающий рабочий орган снабжен средством изменения наклона в направлении движения транспортного средства. Предложенное выполнение позволяет облегчить сбор урожая. 5 з. п. ф-лы, 4 ил. 2053630 С1 КО 0$59$5$50с% ПЧ Го КУЗЗАМ АСЕМСУ ГОК РАТЕМТ$ АМО ТКАОЕМАКК$ (19) 13) ВО “” 2 053 630 ' (51) 1пё. С1.6 А ОО 45/30 СЛ 12) АВЗТКАСТ ОЕ 1МУЕМТОМ (21), (22) АррИсаНоп: 4894853/15, 01.04.1991 (30) Рпогйу: 02.04.1990 ОЕ Р 4010504.0 (46) Рае о! рибИсаНоп: 10.02.1996 (71) АррИсапе: Каа$ ОКИС (0Е), Зетаагеф (ЕК) (72) ...

14-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2751568C1

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использовано при уборке лубяных культур, например льна, для формирования и прессования рулонов из стеблевых лент. Рулонный пресс-подборщик лубяных культур содержит раму с шарнирно соединенной сницей, прессовальный аппарат с гидравлической передачей, содержащей систему управления, механизм обвязки рулона, трансмиссию на рабочие органы, подбирающий орган с приводом, механизм, обеспечивающий колебательное движение подбирающего органа относительно сницы. При движении пресс-подборщика подбирающий орган подбирает с поля ленту из стеблей льна. Кривошипно-шатунный механизм обеспечивает колебательное движение подбирающего органа относительно сницы. Амплитуда колебания регулируется в зависимости от длины стеблей изменением места соединения шатуна с рамой подборщика. Изобретение направлено на обеспечение равномерного заполнения стеблями прессовальной камеры по ширине. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2728596C1

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использовано в устройствах для уборки сои методом очёсывания на корню. Устройство для очеса верхней части стебля сои содержит мотовило и гребенки. На мотовиле установлены планки мотовила. Каждая планка выполнена в форме проволочной скобы. Гребенки размещены в чередующемся порядке с ними. Гребенки установлены с возможностью привода их во вращение посредством шестерни, находящейся в зацеплении с неподвижным зубчатым колесом, что создает разные угловые скорости вращения очесывающих гребенок и мотовила. Изобретение обеспечивает достижение технического результата, заключающегося в повышении качества очеса, особенно верхней части, бобовых культур (в частности, сои) путем создания комбинированной схемы мотовила зерноуборочного комбайна с очесывающими элементами. 4 ил.

21-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2732593C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Подборщик-оборачиватель лент льна, содержащий подбирающий аппарат, оборачивающий транспортер, транспортер для передачи стеблей на расстил с комлеподбойкой и устройство для принудительного расстила ленты стеблей, причем подбирающий аппарат с оборачивающим транспортером смонтированы на поворотной раме, которая присоединена с помощью шарниров к основной раме, и переводятся в транспортное положение гидроцилиндром, соединенным с поворотной рамой пальцем и кронштейном с пазом, а транспортер для передачи стеблей на расстил с комлеподбойкой и устройство для принудительного расстила ленты стеблей установлены на основной раме подборщика-оборачивателя. Изобретение позволяет повысить эффективность подборщиков-оборачивателей. 3 ил.

05-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029512611U1

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Selbstfahrende landwirtschaftliche Erntemaschine, insbesondere Feldhäcksler

Номер: DE102013101016A1

Eine selbstfahrende landwirtschaftliche Erntemaschine (1), insbesondere Feldhäcksler, mit einem Erntevorsatz (5) zur Aufnahme von Erntegut (4) von einem Feld (2) und wenigstens einem Arbeitsorgan zur Bearbeitung und/oder Förderung des Ernteguts (4), wobei wenigstens eine der Erntemaschine (1) zugeordnete Funktionseinrichtung zum Zweck der Anpassung an unterschiedliche Einsatzbedingungen jeweils in zumindest einem Parameter einstellbar ist, zeichnet sich aus durch eine Steuerungseinrichtung, die in einem Feldanschneidemodus betreibbar ist, um für wenigstens eine der Funktionseinrichtungen zumindest eine Parametereinstellung vorzugeben, mit welcher die Erntemaschine (1) in eine zum Anschneiden des Feldes (2) geeignete Konfiguration bringbar ist.

04-02-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002003102B

16-06-1910 дата публикации

A Machine for Cutting Thistles.

Номер: GB0190914670A

... 14,670. Higgins, W. June 23. Thistle-cutting machines.-A machine for cutting thistles comprises curved knives arranged side by side and adapted to be moved endways b e t w e e n the thistles, means being provided for forcing the latter into contact with the cutting- edges. The machine is provided with wheels e, horse shafts b, and a seat b<1>. The knives f are carried by bars h hinged to cross-heads f<1> on vertical bars g, which are free to rise through sockets l on a cross-plate m. The cross-heads f<1> are provided with points or fingers f<2>, and the bars hare adjustably supported by plates i bearing on the ground. The thistles are guided on to the knives by rods r hinged on adjacent crossheads f<1>. The knives may be lifted over obstructions by rocking the plate m about the axle d by means of a lever o and chain p. They may be adjusted by means of screws q bearing against the plate m. The fingers f<2> may be cleared by knives s which are normally held in the position shown by rods t ...

19-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008511930D0

29-05-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in harvesting machines

Номер: GB0001115281A

... 1,115,281. Harvesting suga-cane. MASSEY-FERGUSON (AUSTRALIA) Ltd. 28 June, 1966 [10 July, 1965], No. 29352/65. Heading A1F. [Also in Division B8] A harvester 10 has a discharge-conveyer 29 which extends upwardly, rearwardly, and obliquely transversely to the line of travel, and which discharges at its upper end on to a second conveyer 36 which is pivoted about a vertical axis to the discharge-conveyer so as to be rotatable into various positions whereby crop can be delivered into a vehicle 56 towed behind the machine or a vehicle 57 offset to one side. The harvester is a cane-harvester having a top-cutter 24 and a stalk-gathering unit 25 which includes crop-reaping means and means for feeding the stalks to a chopping unit 26 which cuts the crop into billets and feeds it via an elevator 27 and hopper 28 to the conveyer 29, of chain and slat type. The harvester is carried by a tractor 12 which has one rear wheel removed and carried on an extension axle 14, the remainder of the harvester being ...

20-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002158687A

Harvester for cutting stems and tying cut stems or sticks of willows or similar biomass material into bundles comprises a frame (10) adapted mechanically to be progressed along a row of biomass material to be cut. The frame has an upwardly open horizontal passage extending initially rearwardly from the leading end of the frame, the passage having mounted sequentially therein means for guiding the stems, means for cutting the stem, means for bundling the stems, and means for discharging the stems. The frame (10) has bundling means comprising a pair of needle/knotter units (30) which operate in conjunction with a crusher/separater unit (31). The units (30), (31) are actuated by a common vertical crankshaft (32). ...

22-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002110513A

A harvester for cutting stems and tying cut stems or sticks of willow or similar biomass material into bundles comprises a basically parallelepipedal openwork frame (10) adapted mechanically to be progressed along a row of biomass material to be cut. The frame (10) has therethrough an upwardly-open horizontal passage (11) extending initially rearwardly from the leading end of the frame (10) when progressed and continuing therethrough, the frame mounting sequentially along the length of said passage (11) means (15) for guiding the stems thereinto as the frame (10) is progressed, means (19) for cutting the stems, means for bundling the cut stems, and means for discharging the bundled stems laterally of the frame. ...

27-08-1947 дата публикации

Ramie harvesting and decorticating machine

Номер: GB0000591720A

... 591,720. Harvesting-machines. BRERETON, G. Feb. 5, 1945, No. 2820. [Class 6 (iii)] [Also in Group IX] A ramie harvesting and decorticating machine comprises a wheeled box 1, a table 12 carried by said box externally thereof cutting means 4 ; endless conveyors ; a reel 17 ; a stationary rigid crusher member 30 ; a plurality of spaced rotary scrapers 25, 26 ; a plurality of rollers 34, 35 ; endless conveyors 19, 22 ; a beater 37, and means for emitting cleaned stalks from said box. In operation, the machine is drawn over the ground and the stalks cut by knives 4 are deposited on an endless conveyor by means of a reel 17. The inclined portion of the conveyor co-acts with a parallel conveyor to carry the cut stalks to the table 12 from where they are fed by hand to the downwardly inclined conveyor 19, one of the pulleys 21, of which is driven. A vertical endless conveyor 22 driven in an opposite direction to the endless conveyor 19 co-acts with said conveyor 19 to force the stalks downwards ...

31-05-2013 дата публикации

Mechanical produce harvester

Номер: AP2013006885A0

15-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA12842002A

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pelletizing device

Номер: AT0000516796B1

Eine Pelletiereinrichtung ist als feldgeführte Halmguterntemaschine ausgebildet und verfügt im Anschluss an einen Traktor (1) mit Häcksler (2) über einen Dieselmotor (7), der einen Stromgenerator (13) und auch eine Ringmatrizenpresse (9) antreibt. Das gehäckselte Halmgut gelangt in einen Trockenraum (5) und über eine Förderschnecke (8) in die Ringmatrizenpresse (9). Deren Ringmatrize (17) ist in Ringlagern (18) auf einem Sockel (19) gelagert, auf dem auch ein Paar von Schwenkhebeln (20) für eine Kollerwalze (16) angelenkt sind. Ein vom Stromgenerator (13) angespeister elektrischer Antriebsmotor (11) treibt die Förderschnecke (8) über einen Regler (12) an und Stellmotoren (23), die an den Schwenkhebeln (20) angreifen, regulieren den Kollerspalt. Der Regler (12) wird vom Einspritzbedarf des Dieselmotors (7) bzw. vom Pressendruck geführt.

17-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AU2010202604A1

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the management of waste associated with processing guayule shrubs to extract rubber

Номер: AU2013277335B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Systems and methods for managing the waste associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs are provided. Also provided is a portable local sub-station for reducing the transportation costs associated with the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber. Use of the disclosed systems, methods and/or local sub-station can reduce transportation costs, reduce processing costs and reduce the downstream processing complexity associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs.

22-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002591986A1

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115140A1

An automated crop production system for controlled environment agriculture that includes a horizontal-to-vertical grow tower interface between a vertical grow structure that includes vertical grow towers and associated conveyance mechanisms for moving the vertical grow towers through a controlled environment, and a processing system that performs one or more processing operationssuch as harvesting, cleaning and/or transplantingon the grow towers in a substantially horizontal orientation. The present disclosure also describes an automated crop production system for controlled environment agriculture that selectively routes grow towers through various processing stages of an automated crop production system.

11-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003077894A1

14-01-1977 дата публикации

Harvester for easily damaged vegetables - has two-tier belt conveyors with lower belt feed portion sloping upwards

Номер: CH0000583501A5

The harvester for vegetables which are easily damaged consists of a wheeled frame which is pulled behind a tractor, and which carries a conveyor belt arrangement. A lower conveyor belt (1) has a portion which slopes upwards at an angle of 20 deg from the chassis carrying the wheels (9) and a horizontal portion. A second conveyor belt (2) is parallel to this portion, spaced above it, and of the same length. The frame carries a seat each side of the sloping portions, for persons sorting the harvested vegetables as they are conveyed upwards. The upper conveyor carries the sorted vegetables to a take off point. A vegetable lifting devices removes the vegetables from the soil and deposits them on the conveyor.

31-10-1965 дата публикации

Faucheuse rotative

Номер: CH0000401568A

15-08-1969 дата публикации

Installation mobile pour la récolte de produits du sol

Номер: CH0000476449A

30-11-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Bündelung von Blattgemüse.

Номер: CH716237B1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Bündelung von Blattgemüse, welche als Teil einer Maschine für die geordnete Ernte des Blattgemüses dient. Die Vorrichtung umfasst ein Verteilungsmodul (5), welchem das Blattgemüse in N Reihen zuführbar ist und mittels welchem das zugeführte Blattgemüse in Blattgemüse-Cluster unterteilbar ist, N/2 Umreifungsmodule (4), mittels welchen die Blattgemüse-Cluster zu Blattgemüsebündel bindbar sind, ein Modul (2) zum Öffnen und Schließen von Öffnungen (32) mittels einer Sammelklappe und ein Steuergerät zum Ansteuern der Umreifungsmodule (4). An einer Grundplatte (3) ist eine Seitenplatte (8) angebracht, an welcher ein Grenzschalter (9) angebracht ist. Es werden nur sehr wenige Leistungselemente benötigt, um das automatische Binden und Sammeln mehrerer Reihen von Blattgemüse zu realisieren. Die Vorrichtung ist kompakt. Die Steuerung ist einfach und zuverlässig ausgestaltbar und leicht in die Maschine für die geordnete Ernte integrierbar.

29-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791784A1

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Pepper harvester

Номер: CN0108738667A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Wheat cutting device for small sloping fields

Номер: CN0109197128A

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Linked agricultural harvesting system based on unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: CN0108848892A

08-03-2019 дата публикации

Agricultural helianthus annuus stalk cutting device

Номер: CN0109429697A
Автор: LU RUN

13-10-2017 дата публикации

Pelleting device

Номер: CN0107249869A

15-06-2018 дата публикации

Track-based vegetable harvesting apparatus

Номер: CN0108156944A

09-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002782704B1
Принадлежит: TRUFFAUX

30-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002201823B1

28-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002594794A

L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant de mettre en botte de façon automatique et continue des légumes ou plants sans interrompre le dispositif d'alimentation. Il est constitué d'un ensemble de deux courroies 1 et 2 guidés par des poulies dont les axes de rotation sont perpendiculaires de façon à convoyer les plantes en leur imprimant une rotation de 90 degrés, vers le dispositif de stockage. Ce dernier situé de part et d'autre des courroies de convoyage 1 et 2, constitué d'un jeu de glissières 10, 11 et de poulies d'appui, véhicule ou bloque les plantes afin d'alimenter de façon discontinue le système de réception des plants, formés par un ensemble de branches 49 et 50 enserrant la botte de façon à la maintenir fermement. Après liage de la botte, les branches 49 et 50 s'effacent pour libérer la botte qui est alors évacuée vers une trémie de réception. Le dispositif selon l'invention est particulièrement destiné à la mise en botte automatique et discontinue des légumes et plants, ...

11-05-1973 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002137116B1

26-05-1967 дата публикации

Improvements to harvesters linker for lavanda

Номер: FR0001482753A

04-05-1962 дата публикации

Apparatus intended to tear off the seedlings of lavender and others

Номер: FR0001292535A

27-04-1964 дата публикации

Improvements with the self-binders for lavenders

Номер: FR0001350954A

16-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002632809B1

10-11-1988 дата публикации

Machine for harvesting and bunching vegetables

Номер: FR0002614756A1

15-03-1960 дата публикации

Self-binder for lavender and plants similar

Номер: FR0000071974E

11-09-1992 дата публикации

Machine for lifting, cleaning and packaging leeks

Номер: FR0002673504A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif pour récolter et préparer le poireau à la commercialisation, en une seule opération. Le dispositif est constitué d'un châssis (10) traîné par un tracteur agricole et supporté par un essieu moteur (12). Ce châssis comporte à l'avant un bras (16) sur lequel s'adapte le support articulé (20) de l'arracheuse conventionnelle (30). L'arracheuse se conventionnelle arrache le poireau, et l'amène entre ses courroies jusqu'au tapis de convoyage (120). Selon l'invention une scie-feuilles associée à des jets redresse- feuilles, des jets de lavage et d'épluchage, un cadre d'autoguidage (50) avec le système de compensation permettent de rationnaliser toutes les opérations nécessaires pour obtenir un produit élaboré, tout en ayant que deux personnes sur la machine (pas de chauffeur sur le tracteur). Aprés parage, par la première personne qui pilote également, le poireau est rinçé et mis en caissettes sur palettes par la deuxième personnes sur le lieu de conditionnement ...

07-03-1975 дата публикации

Collector vehicle for crops - is tractor towed and has projecting arms carrying conveyors

Номер: FR0002240123A1

29-09-1989 дата публикации

Dispositif pour recolter des ombelles, notamment d'oignons ou de poireaux

Номер: FR0002628933A

La presente invention concerne un dispositif pour recolter des ombelles, notamment d'oignons ou de poireaux, caracterise en ce qu'il comprend un chassis mobile 2 destine a etre deplace sur le terrain de culture des ombelles, ledit chassis supportant, d'avant en arriere par rapport a son sens de deplacement a) un premier organe de coupe 7 adapte pour couper les tiges des ombelles au voisinage de leur base, b) un systeme de convoyage 5, 5' qui est adapte pour transporter une a une ces ombelles, en les maintenant dans une position sensiblement verticale et en les positionnant de maniere determinee dans la direction verticale par rapport a leur tete, c) un second organe de coupe 8 pour couper les tiges au voisinage de la tete, a une distance determinee de celle-ci.

06-02-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002009477A1

23-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002195393B3

23-08-1963 дата публикации

Apparatus intended for the gathering of the lavenders and others

Номер: FR0001335635A

16-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002480069A


02-08-2016 дата публикации

sistema automatizado para análise de fitotoxicidade

Номер: BR112012030008A2

03-09-2019 дата публикации

system and method to operate a moistener

Номер: BR102018075215A2

25-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: WO1992010084A1

The harvesting machine comprises a conveyor (2) to be moved along the soil provided with means for engaging the plants to be dug up for pulling plants from the soil and transporting them. Arranged along the conveyor are cleaning units (10) for cleaning the parts of the plants that have been removed from the soil. The cleaning units comprise arms (12) to be moved back and forth on opposite sides of a central vertical plane (11) of the conveyor. According to the invention, each of the arms has an extreme position closest to the vertical plane, wherein it extends from its fixed end substantially in the direction of transport (5) and towards the vertical plane, and the arms on opposite sides of the conveyor have been arranged in mutually staggered relationship in the direction of transport. Advantages: simple construction, minor damage to the roots and effective removal of adherent earth.

02-03-1948 дата публикации

Номер: US0002436831A1

03-06-1952 дата публикации

Номер: US0002599143A1

28-02-1922 дата публикации

Bermuda-grass cutter

Номер: US1407962A

02-01-2024 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the management of waste associated with processing guayule shrubs to extract rubber

Номер: US0011858003B2
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corporation

Systems and methods for managing the waste associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs are provided. Also provided is a portable local sub-station for reducing the transportation costs associated with the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber. Use of the disclosed systems, methods and/or local sub-station can reduce transportation costs, reduce processing costs and reduce the downstream processing complexity associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs.

23-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3957156A1
Автор: OBSTER, Erich

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Windabsauger mit Rollenbandseparator für eine Erntemaschine, insbesondere eine Hanfpflanzen-Erntemaschine, zum Separieren von Teilen, insbesondere von Blüten oder Dolden, einer geernteten Pflanze mit einem Stängel und Blättern, wobei die Pflanze insbesondere eine Hanfpflanze ist, wobei zum Transport und zur Aussiebung von darüber transportiertem zerkleinerten Erntegut unterschiedlicher Größe ein Rollenband angeordnet ist, welches senkrecht zur Laufrichtung und in der Ebene des Bandes nebeneinander angeordnete Rohre oder Rollen aufweist durch deren Abstände zueinander selektiv durch den gewählten Abstand der Rohre oder Rollen zueinander bevorzugt gewünschte Teile des Ernteguts absepariert werden, und dass oberhalb des Rollenbandes ein Gitterband angeordnet ist mit einer über dem Gitterband angeordneten Absaugvorrichtung welche durch einen Saugluftstrom leichte Pflanzenreste des Ernteguts vom Rollenband hoch, gegen das darüber liegende Gitterband gesaugt werden ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Способ предуборочной десикации посевов сельскохозяйственных культур переменной нормой внутри одного поля

Номер: RU2717933C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Способ предуборочной десикации посевов сельскохозяйственных культур переменной нормы внутри одного поля включает автоматизированную работу сельскохозяйственного оборудования с применением спутниковой навигации для индивидуального анализа зон внутри поля, предварительно запроектированных на картографическом контуре поля. Проводят расчет дозирования вносимого для улучшения параметров поля, засеянного сельскохозяйственными культурами, препарата. Автоматизированную работу сельскохозяйственного оборудования начинают с загрузки карты-задания на бортовой компьютер, установленный в кабине опрыскивателя. Бортовой компьютер автоматически устанавливает геолокацию, считывает нормы с карты-задания в конкретной точке поля и в процессе десикации корректирует норму расхода рабочего раствора препарата на каждом участке поля согласно загруженной карте-заданию. Проводят обработку всего поля согласно карте-заданию с установленными нормами рабочего раствора. Способ ...

30-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701649C1

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Устройство для уборки подсолнечника содержит направляющие для стеблей, режущие механизмы и собирающий шнек, которые закреплены на раме. На раме между направляющими образованы каналы 5. Каждая из направляющих снабжена механизмом встряхивания и выполнена в виде лотка с ограничительными бортиками. Лоток имеет наклонное основание 8 асимметричной формы. По бокам лотка сформированы прямоугольные участки разной протяженности, приподнятые под углом над основанием 8. На каждой направляющей с обеих сторон установлены элементы для улавливания семян 10, которые выполнены из эластичного материала. Элементы 10 закреплены на лотках с образованием рабочей поверхности в виде прямоугольной трапеции. Устройство обеспечивает снижение потерь семян при уборке подсолнечника. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

11-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742836C1

Очесывающее устройство шнекового типа относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использовано для уборки сои методом очесывания на корню. Устройство включает корпус и шнеки. На корпусе снизу консольно установлены коробчатые полевые делители и полые шнеки, вращающиеся в подшипниковых узлах корпуса. Шнеки приводятся во вращение приводом посредством клинового ремня и шкивов, установленных на верхнем валу. Между полыми шнеками и полевыми делителями образуется зазор, в котором происходит очес растений сои. В нижней части полых шнеков установлен цепной скребковый транспортер с наклоном в продольном направлении и с выгрузным окном, приводящийся в движение звездочкой. Изобретение позволит при уборке посевов растений сои, посеянных как пропашная культура, достигнуть минимальный показатель обрыва стеблей сои, уменьшить потери сои. 3 ил.

27-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772915C1

Группа изобретений относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения. Способ состоит в скашивании стеблей, обмолоте вороха, первичной очистке семян. Очес семенных метелок производят в стадии спелости семян от 80 до 90% на корню перед обмолотом вороха. Одновременно с обмолотом вороха осуществляют скашивание очесанных стеблей и укладку их в валок для вылежки в тресту. Многофункциональный агрегат содержит энергетическое средство, жатку, включающую очесывающее устройство со шнеком, наклонную камеру с транспортером, молотильно-сепарирующее устройство, элеватор вороха, бункер, выгрузной шнек. Жатка-косилка ротационного типа расположена под очесывающим устройством и за ним. Сегменты режущих дисков барабанов жатки-косилки оснащены напаянными твердосплавными пластинами. Обеспечивается получение высококачественных семян конопли и конопляной тресты. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

23-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017125868A3

10-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU214036U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к жаткам безрядковым подсолнечниковым. Наклонный вал жатки безрядковой подсолнечниковой, характеризующийся тем, что выполнен в виде пустотелой стальной трубы толщиной 2 мм, с двух сторон которой приварены стальные круги, к каждому из которых приварена отцентрированная ось, которая входит во внутреннее кольцо фланцевого самоцентрирующегося подшипника, к корпусу которого посредством болтового соединения крепятся стальные кронштейны. Технический результат - возможность наклона шляпок подсолнечника под протягивающий вал, независимо от высоты подсолнечника, на безрядковых подсолнечниковых жатках для среза шляпки подсолнечника у самого его основания.

27-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU200486U1

Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к машинам для уборки плодов бахчевых культур.Валкообразователь плодов бахчевых культур вальцового типа, содержащий навешенную на переднюю навеску трактора раму с рабочими органами, образованными последовательно установленными вальцовыми барабанами со смещением, барабаны установлены горизонтально относительно поверхности почвы и соединены между собой приводными шестернями, нижний барабан плетеотрывной с почвозацепами, а верхний плодоотрывной барабан шнекового типа, плетеотрывной барабан является ведущим, он вращается по направлению движения трактора при взаимодействии почвозацепов с почвой, тем самым производит защемление плетей и дальнейший их отрыв от плодоножки, при этом копируя рельеф поля, а плодоотрывной барабан вращается в противоположную сторону, тем самым производит захват плодов бахчевых культур и направление их в валок, плодоотрывной барабан смещен вперед относительно плетеотрывного, такое их расположение ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101121A

... 1. Уборочная насадка для уборочной машины, включающая в себя раму (1), которая включает в себя заднюю стенку (2) и донную стенку (3), отличающаяся тем, что задняя стенка (2) включает в себя среднюю часть (5) и две наружные части (6), причем средняя часть (5) задней стенки (2) изготовлена из высокопрочного материала, при этом средняя часть (5) задней стенки (2) изготовлена из стали, предпочтительно из высокопрочной стали, причем наружные части (6) задней стенки (2) и/или донная стенка (3) выполнены в виде изготовленного непрерывным литьем профиля, предпочтительно в виде профиля, изготовленного непрерывным литьем легкого металла, в частности из алюминия или из материала, который содержит алюминий.2. Уборочная насадка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что средняя часть (5) включает в себя верхнюю часть (9) и две боковые части (10), которые соединены друг с другом.3. Уборочная насадка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что средняя часть (5) включает в себя две нижние части (7), которые соответственно соединены ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013106197A1

Pflückvorrichtung mit wenigstens einer in einer Arbeitsrichtung (6) bewegbaren Halterung (20), an der wenigstens eine Fördereinrichtung (18) mit einem vorderen Erfassungsbereich (65) vorgesehen ist, mit dem die Fördereinrichtung (18) durch Bewegen der Halterung (20) in Arbeitsrichtung (6) in Kontakt mit Früchte (3) umfassenden Pflanzen (5) bringbar ist, sodass diese mittels der Fördereinrichtung (18) erfassbar und in einer oder wenigstens einer Förderrichtung (26) förderbar sind, und einem hinter der Fördereinrichtung (18) vorgesehenen Pflückspalt (34), durch welchen hindurch die Pflanzen (5) unter Abtrennen der Früchte (3) führbar sind, wobei die Fördereinrichtung (18) derart ausgebildet ist, dass die Förderrichtung (26) im Erfassungsbereich (65) geradlinig oder im Wesentlichen geradlinig und quer oder im Wesentlichen quer zur Arbeitsrichtung verläuft.

18-12-2002 дата публикации

Harvesting machine

Номер: GB0002376404A

A harvesting machine 10 for use in combination with a conventional agricultural tractor 12 consists of a rear section 14 connected to the tractor's three-point linkage 18, 20 so as to extend transversely of the longitudinal axis of tractor 12 across its rear and a side section 22 pivotally connected to one end of rear section 14. Side section 22 is pivotally moveable relatively to rear section 14 from an operative position in which the longitudinal axis of side section 22 extends perpendicularly or substantially perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of rear section 14 to a mounting position in which the longitudinal axis of side section 22 extends at an obtuse angle to the longitudinal axis of rear section 14 thereby enabling tractor 12 to be driven away from machine 10 or reversed into machine 10 so that it can be quickly connected to or disconnected from tractor 12. There may be legs 21 for supporting the machine when not connected to tractor 12. Side 22 and rear sections 14 may comprise ...

07-12-1983 дата публикации

Harvesting pyrethrum

Номер: GB0002120514A

Apparatus for harvesting pyrethrum flowers comprises a rotary picking head within which are mounted picking fingers reciprocable between retracted and projected positions. The fingers are spaced apart a distance to enable mature blooms to be severed from their stems. The picking head is partially enclosed by a shroud that communicates via ducting with a bin. An air stream is created within the shroud and ducting to cause picked blooms to be conveyed from the picking head to the bin.

25-06-1993 дата публикации

Apparatus for the destalking and swathing of pumpkins

Номер: AT0000396197B

Apparatus for the destalking and swathing of pumpkins in the field, which is connected in an articulated manner to a working machine 1 and which is raised into the transport position and lowered into the working position by means of a preferably hydraulic lifting device, there being arranged on a front supporting-tube frame 4 of the lifting device one or more rollers 5 equipped with a closed, preferably smooth, surface and driven frictionally by ground drive, the angle alpha between the roller axis and the direction of travel F being in a range of between 40 degree and 80 degree. ...

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Pumpkin harvester with forcibly guided Druschverfahren

Номер: AT0000015522U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kürbiserntemaschine, aufweisend einen Brecher (15) zur Zerkleinerung von Kürbissen (10). Um ein effizientes Lösen von Kürbiskernen aus Kürbissen (10) zu gewährleisten, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass eine dem Brecher (15) nachgeschaltete Druschtrommel (1) vorgesehen ist, in welche mit dem Brecher (15) zerkleinerte Teile von Kürbissen (10) förderbar sind, wobei die Druschtrommel (1) eine einen Hohlraum (25) umschließende Hülle mit Aussparungen (5) sowie einen relativ zur Hülle um eine Achse (4) drehbar angeordneten Rotor (7) mit Rotorpaddeln (8) zur Aufbringung einer Zentrifugalkraft auf im Hohlraum (25) befindliche Teile von Kürbissen (10) aufweist, sodass im Hohlraum (25) befindliche Teile von Kürbissen (10) mittels der Zentrifugalkraft gegen die Hülle der Druschtrommel (1) drückbar sind, um in den Teilen der Kürbisse (10) befindliche Kürbiskerne durch Krafteinwirkung zumindest teilweise von einem Fruchtfleisch zu lösen und die Kürbiskerne durch die Aussparungen ...

25-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007733787A

14-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002481581A1

Pollen is harvested from plants by mounting a suction nozzle on a vehicle such as a crop harvester or crop sprayer so as to be carried thereby and arranged on the vehicle so as to be located in the field adjacent the plants as the vehicle moves across the ground. A suction pump is mounted on a trailer behind the vehicle for communicating, though a series of ducts passing along side the vehicle, an air stream through the nozzle such that the air stream causes the pollen from the plants to be drawn into the nozzle. A separating system including cyclones and filtration bags is mounted on the trailer for extracting the pollen from the air stream.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040334A1
Принадлежит: BENOIT & COTE INC.

Method and apparatus for automated operations, such as pruning, harvesting, spraying and/or maintenance, on plants, and particularly plants with foliage having features on many length scales or a wide spectrum of length scales, such as female flower buds of the marijuana plant. The invention utilizes a convolutional neural network for image segmentation classification and/or the determination of features. The foliage is imaged stereoscopically to produce a three-dimensional surface image, a first neural network determines regions to be operated on, and a second neural network determines how an operation tool operates on the foliage. For pruning of resinous foliage the cutting tool is heated or cooled to avoid having the resins make the cutting tool inoperable.

18-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003040755A1
Принадлежит: LAVERY, DE BILLY, LLP

A secure plant cultivation facility in which each growth cultivation chamber and drying chamber contained therein are assigned with a unique address or identifier so as to facilitate the production, packaging, storage and tracking of each batch or lot of controlled substance associated to a given client or person and/or strain of controlled substance.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002976041A1

The invention relates to a pelleting device which is designed as a field-guided stalk-crop harvesting machine and, when connected to a tractor (1) with a chopper (2), comprises a diesel engine (7) that drives a current generator (13) and also an annular die press (9). The chopped stalk material passes into a dry chamber (5) and via a screw conveyor (8) into the annular die press (9). The annular die (17) of the annular die press is mounted in ring bearings (18) on a base (19), on which a pair of pivot levers (20) for a pan grinder roller (16) is also hinged. An electric drive motor (11) fed by the current generator (13) drives the screw conveyor (8) by a controller (12), and servomotors (23), which engage on the pivot levers (20), regulate the roller gap. The controller (12) is governed as a function of the injection requirement of the diesel engine (7) and/or the pressure applied by the press.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000273A1

The present invention relates to a device for harvesting stalk-like stem crops, having a number of picking units (2) which are arranged alongside one another on the frame of the device and each have picking plates (6), which laterally delimit a picking gap (4) and are adjustable in the transverse direction, and at least one picking rotor (8) located therebeneath, conveying units (10) which are assigned to the respective picking units (2), are configured as continuous conveyors that are driven in circulation, are arranged on opposite sides above a picking gap (4) and are configured with drivers fastened to the circulating elements, and a transverse conveying device arranged downstream of the conveying units (10), wherein the transverse adjustment of the picking plates (6) takes place by means of anchor plates (12) which are movable in rotation about an axis of rotation (14) by an adjusting lever (20). In order to create an adjusting mechanism which requires a smaller overall width, it is ...

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Hexapod robot for fruit and vegetable picking and operating method thereof

Номер: CN0109479504A

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Picking arrangement

Номер: CN0105451539A

01-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002594794B1

22-12-1989 дата публикации

Dispositif pour recolter des fleurs, notamment de plantes medicinales

Номер: FR0002632809A
Автор: Jean Poussin

La presente invention concerne un dispositif pour recolter des fleurs, notamment de plantes medicinales, destine a etre deplace sur le terrain de culture desdites fleurs, caracterise en ce qu'il comprend au moins un outil de coupe constitue par un treillis en metal deploye, dont les mailles, en forme de losanges, ont leur grande diagonale disposee sensiblement parallelement a la direction de deplacement du dispositif. Elle concerne plus precisement un dispositif qui comprend un tambour rotatif 5 d'axe perpendiculaire a la direction de deplacement du dispositif, dont la peripherie est constituee d'un treillis en metal deploye et dont la generatrice inferieure se trouve au voisinage du terrain de culture.

21-03-1960 дата публикации

Self-binder for lavender and plants similar

Номер: FR0000072081E

08-03-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002195393A1

15-12-1954 дата публикации

Machine to detach the pericarps of papavéracées and other plants similar

Номер: FR0001081069A

14-03-1956 дата публикации

Improvements relating to the machines to be peeled and harvest

Номер: FR0001112462A

06-07-1962 дата публикации

Device intended for the harvest of the lavenders

Номер: FR0001298112A

08-01-1993 дата публикации

Motor vehicle for helping with picking (gathering)

Номер: FR0002678474A1

Il comprend deux tapis transporteurs sans fin (7 et 8) disposés orthogonalement par rapport à l'axe longitudinal (9) du véhicule et débouchant sur une table de réception (10) placée au poste de conduite (11) devant le chauffeur. Ce véhicule est particulièrement destiné à la cueillette de produits végétaux se trouvant à faible hauteur du sol, tels que: asperges, salades, cornichons, tomates.

23-02-1962 дата публикации

Improvements with the pick-ups of lavender, lavandin and seeds fourrageres and pot

Номер: FR0001285207A

20-05-1953 дата публикации

Improvements with the reaping-machines

Номер: FR0001028194A

22-12-1989 дата публикации

Device for gathering flowers, particularly medicinal plants

Номер: FR0002632809A1

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130064959A1
Автор: Poulos Jean Marie
Принадлежит: Nunhems B.V.

The invention relates to the field of , in particular to a new variety of , NUN 02602 ME, plants, seeds and melon fruits. 1. A seed of melon variety NUN 02602 ME , wherein a representative sample of said seed has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.2. A plant of melon variety NUN 02602 ME , or a part thereof , wherein a representative sample of seed of said variety has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.3. A fruit of melon variety NUN 02602 ME claim 2 , or a plant part produced from the plant of .4. A method of producing a melon plant claim 2 , comprising crossing the plant of with a second melon plant one or more times claim 2 , and selecting progeny from said crossing.5. A method of producing a melon plant claim 2 , comprising selfing the plant of one or more times claim 2 , and selecting progeny from said selfing.6. Progeny of melon variety NUN 02602 ME obtained by further breeding with said variety.7. The progeny of claim 6 , wherein said progeny have all the physiological and morphological characteristics of melon variety NUN 02602 ME when grown under the same environmental conditions.8. An Essentially Derived Variety of NUN 02602 ME having one claim 6 , two or three physiological and/or morphological characteristics which are different from those of NUN 02602 ME and which otherwise has all the physiological and morphological characteristics of NUN 02602 ME claim 6 , wherein a representative sample of seed of variety NUN 02602 ME has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.9. A method of producing plants claim 6 , or a part thereof claim 6 , of variety NUN 02602 ME comprising vegetative propagation of variety NUN 02602 ME.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein said vegetative propagation comprises regenerating a whole plant from a part of variety NUN 02602 ME.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein said part is a cutting claim 10 , a cell culture or a tissue culture.12. A vegetative propagated plant of variety NUN 02602 ME ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067808A1

A system for evaluating the phytotoxicity and/or injury of plants is described. Plants are planted in row sections and a cart is used to pass a radiometric sensor over the row sections. The cart has a radiometric sensor assembly positioned above the row section. Each sensor assembly generates a data signal and a computer receives and stores the data signals. The field cart is positioned above the row sections and measures the existence of plants in the row section and the quantity of vegetation in the row section. 1. A system for evaluating the phytotoxicity and/or injury of plants , comprising:(a) a vegetative sensing apparatus for generating a data signal comprising sensor data corresponding to evidence of the phytotoxicity and/or injury of a plant, said plant having been subjected to a pesticide treatment;(b) a scanning system for transporting the sensing apparatus over a section of plants;(c) a location determining apparatus on the scanning system to generate location information of the vegetative sensing apparatus, said generated location information being configured for correlating the data signal to a section in which said plant is growing; receiving and storing the data signal associated with phytotoxicity and/or injury of said plants; loading a correlation between a planting location, and an identity of a plant at the planting location into said computer;', 'associating the sensor data with the planting location and the plant identity using the generated location information., '(d) a computer arranged for2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the vegetative sensing apparatus comprises a radiometric crop sensor assembly for measuring reflectance and absorbance of one or more frequencies of light by plant tissue.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein a sensor of the radiometric crop sensor assembly is configured to generate an output in normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) units.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said plants are growing in a row sections and ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071545A1
Автор: Suelmann Jos
Принадлежит: Nunhems B.V.

The invention relates to the field of , in particular to a new variety of designated NUN 55505 CUP plants, seeds and cucumber fruits thereof. 1. A seed of cucumber variety NUN 55505 CUP , wherein a representative sample of said seed has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.2. A plant of cucumber variety NUN 55505 CUP , or a part thereof , wherein a representative sample of seed of said variety has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.3. A fruit of cucumber variety NUN 55505 CUP claim 2 , or a plant part produced from the plant of .4. A method of producing a cucumber plant claim 2 , comprising crossing the plant of with a second cucumber plant one or more times claim 2 , and selecting progeny from said crossing.5. A method of producing a cucumber plant claim 2 , comprising selfing the plant of one or more times claim 2 , and selecting progeny from said selfing.6. Progeny of cucumber variety NUN 55505 CUP obtained by further breeding with said variety.7. The progeny of claim 6 , wherein said progeny have all the physiological and morphological characteristics of cucumber variety NUN 55505 CUP when grown under the same environmental conditions.8. An Essentially Derived Variety of NUN 55505 CUP having one claim 6 , two or three physiological and/or morphological characteristics which are different from those of NUN 55505 CUP and which otherwise has all the physiological and morphological characteristics of NUN 55505 CUP claim 6 , wherein a representative sample of seed of variety NUN 55505 CUP has been deposited under Accession Number NCIMB ______.9. A method of producing plants claim 6 , or a part thereof claim 6 , of variety NUN 55505 CUP comprising vegetative propagation of variety NUN 55505 CUP.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein said vegetative propagation comprises regenerating a whole plant from a part of variety NUN 55505 CUP.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein said part is a cutting claim 10 , a cell culture or a tissue culture.12. ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Gene sequences and uses thereof in plants

Номер: US20130074202A1

This invention provides transgenic plant cells with recombinant DNA for expression of proteins that are useful for imparting enhanced agronomic trait(s) to transgenic crop plants. This invention also provides transgenic plants and progeny seed comprising the transgenic plant cells where the plants are selected for having an enhanced trait selected from the group of traits consisting of enhanced water use efficiency, enhanced cold tolerance, increased yield, enhanced nitrogen use efficiency, enhanced seed protein and enhanced seed oil. Also disclosed are methods for manufacturing transgenic seed and plants with enhanced traits.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

High lycopene content tomato plants and markers for use in breeding for same

Номер: US20130074204A1
Автор: Majid R. Foolad

Solanum pimpinellifolium plants which are exceptionally high in fruit lycopene content (˜300-390 μg lycopene/g fresh fruit) are disclosed herein, which may be used in plant breeding to make the tomato plants of the present invention. The invention also discloses genetic markers, which are associated with the trait which may be used in marker-assisted selection for development of plants, lines, or varieties with the trait.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

New tomato variety NUN 00175 TOP

Номер: US20130086710A1
Автор: Schroeder Steven
Принадлежит: Nunhems B.V.

The invention provides a new and distinct hybrid variety of tomato, NUN 00175 TOP or N 6404 which is especially useful as processing tomato. 1. A tomato plant of variety NUN 00175 , a representative sample of seed of said variety having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number ______ ,2. A seed of variety NUN 00175 , a representative sample of seed of said variety having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number ______.3. A plant part of the plant of .4. The plant part of claim 3 , further defined as a leaf claim 3 , pollen claim 3 , an ovule claim 3 , a fruit claim 3 , a scion claim 3 , a rootstock or a cell.5. The plant part of claim 3 , further defined as a fruit.6. A tomato plant claim 1 , or a part thereof claim 1 , having all or essentially all the physiological and morphological characteristics of the tomato plant of .7. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of the plant of .8. The tissue culture according to claim 7 , comprising cells or protoplasts from a plant part selected from the group consisting of embryos claim 7 , meristems claim 7 , cotyledons claim 7 , pollen claim 7 , leaves claim 7 , anthers claim 7 , roots claim 7 , root tips claim 7 , pistil claim 7 , flower claim 7 , seed and stalks.9. A tomato plant regenerated from the tissue culture of .10. A tomato plant regenerated from the tissue culture of .11. A method of vegetatively propagating the plant of comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, '(a) collecting tissue capable of being propagated from a plant according to ;'}(b) cultivating said tissue to obtain proliferated shoots; and(c) rooting said proliferated shoots to obtain rooted plantlets.12. The method of claim 11 , further comprising growing plants from said rooted plantlets.13. A method of producing a tomato plant claim 1 , comprising crossing the plant of with a second tomato plant one or more times claim 1 , and selecting progeny from said crossing.14. A method of introducing a desired trait into a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130117875A1

The disclosure relates to a cotton variety, designated PHY499WRF, the plants and seeds of the cotton variety PHY499WRF, methods for producing a cotton plant, either varietal or hybrid, produced by crossing the cotton variety PHY499WRF with itself or with another cotton plant, hybrid cotton seeds and plants produced by crossing the variety PHY499WRF with another cotton variety or plant, methods for producing a cotton plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes, and the transgenic cotton plants produced by that method. This disclosure also relates to cotton varieties derived from cotton variety PHY499WRF, to methods for producing other cotton varieties derived from cotton variety PHY499WRF, and to the varieties derived by the use of those methods. 1. A seed of cotton variety designated PHY499WRF , or a part thereof , representative seed of the variety having been deposited under ATCC Accession No. PTA-12225 on Nov. 7 , 2011.2. The seed part of selected from the group consisting of hull (seedcoat) claim 1 , germ and endosperm.3. The seed of claim 1 , further comprising a coating.4. A substantially homogenous composition of the cotton seed of .5. A method for producing a seed of a cotton plant claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, '(a) planting seed of in proximity to itself or to different seed from a same variety;'}(b) growing plants from the seed under pollinating conditions; and,(c) harvesting resultant seed.6. A cotton seed produced by the method of .7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising pre-treating the seed of before performing step (a).8. The method of claim 5 , further comprising treating the growing plants or soil surrounding the growing plants with an agricultural chemical.9. A cotton plant produced by growing the seed of .10. A part of the cotton plant of claim 9 , selected from the group consisting of an intact plant cell claim 9 , a plant protoplast claim 9 , embryos claim 9 , pollen claim 9 , ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cotton variety p04x.3074

Номер: US20130117876A1
Автор: Mustafa G. Mcpherson
Принадлежит: Mustafa G. Mcpherson

The disclosure relates to a cotton variety, designated P04X.3074, the plants and seeds of the cotton variety P04X.3074, methods for producing a cotton plant, either varietal or hybrid, produced by crossing the cotton variety P04X.3074 with itself or with another cotton plant, hybrid cotton seeds and plants produced by crossing the variety P04X.3074 with another cotton variety or plant, methods for producing a cotton plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes, and the transgenic cotton plants produced by that method. This disclosure also relates to cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P04X.3074, to methods for producing other cotton varieties derived from cotton variety P04X.3074, and to the varieties derived by the use of those methods.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192136A1
Автор: Johnson William C.

The invention provides seed and plants of squash hybrid LEBEHH9044 and the parent lines thereof. The invention thus relates to the plants, seeds and tissue cultures of squash hybrid LEBEHH9044 and the parent lines thereof, and to methods for producing a squash plant produced by crossing such plants with themselves or with another squash plant, such as a plant of another genotype. The invention further relates to seeds and plants produced by such crossing. The invention further relates to parts of such plants, including the fruit and gametes of such plants. 1. A squash plant comprising at least a first set of the chromosomes of squash line ZGN-EH-09-7554 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12566.2. A seed comprising at least a first set of the chromosomes of squash line ZGN-EH-09-7554 , a sample of seed of said line having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12566.3. The plant of claim 1 , which is inbred.4. The plant of claim 1 , which is hybrid.5. The seed of claim 2 , which is inbred.6. The seed of claim 2 , which is hybrid.7. The plant of claim 4 , wherein the hybrid plant is squash hybrid LEBEHH9044 claim 4 , a sample of seed of said hybrid LEBEHH9044 having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12567.8. The seed of claim 6 , defined as a seed of squash hybrid LEBEHH9044 claim 6 , a sample of seed of said hybrid LEBEHH9044 having been deposited under ATCC Accession Number PTA-12567.9. The seed of claim 2 , defined as a seed of line ZGN-EH-09-7554.10. A plant part of the plant of .11. The plant part of claim 10 , further defined as a leaf claim 10 , an ovule claim 10 , pollen claim 10 , a fruit claim 10 , or a cell.12. A squash plant having all the physiological and morphological characteristics of the squash plant of .13. A tissue culture of regenerable cells of the plant of .14. The tissue culture according to claim 13 , comprising cells or protoplasts from a plant part selected from the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263562A1

Provided is a harvesting module including twin parallel rotating shafts. The rotating shafts each have impact rods that are configured to rotation in opposite directions. The shafts are sloped so that one end of the shafts is closer to the ground than another end of the shafts. The rods are fixed to the shafts in a spiral formation using a series of self locking rings fitted over the shafts. 1. Harvesting module comprising:{'b': '1', 'i) twin parallel rotating shafts () having impact rods rotating in opposite directions in descending spiral;'}ii) said shafts are sloped in a way that their rearmost ends are closer to the ground than their forward ends; and(iii) the existence of a semicircular metal casing preventing contact of the threshed plant stalks with the shafts along the final half of the said thresher shafts, linked to the two air conveyor ducts.227212194. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , further comprising a grain transport and cleaning system comprising a blower () and an air duct () located under the plane of the thresh shafts () claim 1 , duct for conveying grains and chaff () and inertial chamber ().3271. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , further comprising a pneumatic system preventing loss of grains with ascending airflow at the inferior end of the twin shafts ().42717. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation of the twin shafts () are driven by an electric motor ().52733. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , having a power source provided by an electric generator () coupled to a regular farm tractor's power take-off (PTO) shaft.6. A harvesting module according to claim 1 , wherein the twin parallel rotating shafts each comprises:an internal cylinder, having a plurality of rings disposed along its extension;the rings turning in unison with the internal cylinder;the independent semi-flexible cords fitted to the rings and forming the impact rods; andsaid internal cylinder having an easily removed end ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263563A1

Provided is a harvesting module including twin parallel rotating shafts. The rotating shafts each have impact rods that are configured to rotation in opposite directions. The shafts are sloped so that one end of the shafts is closer to the ground than another end of the shafts. The rods are fixed to the shafts in a spiral formation using a series of self locking rings fitted over the shafts. 1. Harvesting module comprising:{'b': '1', 'i) twin parallel rotating shafts () having impact rods rotating in opposite directions in ascending spiral; and'}ii) said shafts are sloped in a way that their forward ends are closer to the ground than their rearward ends.227. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , characterized by the existence of a semicircular casing around the shafts at the entry of the machine allowing only threshing the upper part of the plants.327212194. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , further comprising a grain transport and cleaning system comprising a blower () and an air duct () located under the plane of the thresh shafts () claim 1 , duct for conveying grains and chaff () and inertial chamber ().4271. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , further comprising a pneumatic system preventing loss of grains with ascending airflow at the inferior end of the twin shafts ().52713. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , further comprising a defoliant system () claim 1 , mounted in front of the thresher module.62717. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , wherein the rotation of the twin shafts () are driven by an electric motor ().72733. Harvesting module () according to claim 1 , having a power source provided by an electric generator () coupled to a regular farm tractor's power take-off (PTO) shaft.8. A harvesting module according to claim 1 , wherein the twin parallel rotating shafts each comprises:an internal cylinder, having a plurality of rings disposed along its extension;the rings turning in unison with the internal cylinder ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for Cultivation of Monarda Fistulosa for Production of Thymoquinone

Номер: US20130281740A1
Автор: William G. Rohlfsen

A method for cultivating Monarda fistulosa for production of thymoquinone includes planting seeds at rates between about 2.5 and about 5 pounds per acre, preferably about 4 pounds per acre. The heavy rate of planting produces plants bearing oil without weed contamination and reduces herbicide use due to production of natural herbicides by the monarda plants. Seeding and mowing the first season, and harvesting in seasons thereafter reduce costs. The method results in increased production of essential oils including thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone at levels up to about 5% of recovered oils, and which may be distilled from the plant.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Harvesting Device, Grow Space, Grow System and Method

Номер: US20130340329A1
Автор: Hendrik Van Den Top
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a harvesting device for facilitating harvesting of crops growing on a substrate or soil, the device comprising:—a harvesting conveyer comprising crop receiving members suitable for simple manual placing of the crops therein, wherein the conveyor is adapted to discharge the crops from a location within reach of the harvesting location,—transport means for transporting the harvesting conveyer relative to the substrate or the soil, wherein—the harvesting device is suitable for simultaneously harvesting from at least two seed-beds.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Header for a Harvesting Machine

Номер: US20170000026A1
Автор: Balestrin Luiz, Seki Andre

A header for a harvesting machine. The header includes at least two row dividers spaced from one another in a transversal direction and at a predetermined distance, at least one roller, a driving for driving the roller comprising multiple projections, at least two base cutting discs, a driver for driving the at least two base cutting discs, one roller positioned behind the at least two base cutting discs to raise the cut plants, and at least one conveyor roller positioned above the said roller to raise plants, to transport the cut plants to the inside of a harvesting machine. The at least one roller includes multiple projections to collect and direct the plants downwards and towards the opening. The foregoing elements form an assembly mounted on a structure that may be connected to a harvesting machine 1. A header for a harvesting machine , comprising:at least two row dividers spaced from one another in a transversal direction and at a predetermined distance, the at least two row dividers defining an opening to receive plants;at least one roller comprising multiple projections to collect and direct the plants downwards and towards the opening, the multiple projections being positioned transversally with relation to the opening and behind the at least two row dividers;a driver for driving the at least one roller;at least two base cutting discs positioned within the opening to receive plants, each of the at least two cutting discs positioned in a position substantially transversally aligned in relation to the other of the at least two base cutting discs in relation to the opening;a driver for driving the at least two base cutting discs;a roller positioned behind the at least two base cutting discs to raise the cut plants towards a conveyor roller; andat least one conveyor roller positioned above the roller to raise plants, to transport the cut plants to the inside of a harvesting machine;wherein the at least two row dividers, the at least one roller comprising ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000010A1

A control system for a harvester that harvests crop stalks each having a bottom portion and a top portion. The harvester includes a topper that cuts the stalks between the top and bottom portions and a base cutter that cuts the stalks near a ground surface. The control system includes a sensor that senses a first height between the top of the bottom portion and the ground surface, and senses a second height between the bottom of the bottom portion and the ground surface. The controller receives signals representing the sensed first and second heights from the sensor, determines average first and second heights for the stalks over a set time, sends a first signal to the topper to cause movement of the topper to the average first height, and sends a second signal to the base cutter to cause movement of the base cutter to the average second height. 1. A control system of a harvester configured to harvest a crop including a plurality of crop stalks , each of the crop stalks having a bottom portion and a top portion , the bottom portion extending between a lower end adjacent roots and a ground surface and an upper end adjacent the top portion , the harvester including a topper configured to cut the stalks between the top portion of the stalk and the bottom portion of the stalk and a base cutter configured to cut the stalks near the ground surface between the bottom portion of the stalk and the roots to separate the bottom portion from roots , the control system comprising: sense a first height between the upper end of the bottom portion and the ground surface for each of the plurality of stalks, and', 'sense a second height between a lower end of the bottom portion and the ground surface for each of the plurality of stalks, and, 'at least one sensor configured to'} receive a signal representing the sensed first height from the at least one sensor,', 'receive a signal representing the sensed second height from the at least one sensor,', 'determine an average first height ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007278A1

A device for harvesting asparagus growing from a asparagus field that includes a frame displaceable over the asparagus field by a drive means in which frame is at least provided with cutting means for cutting the asparagus to be harvested close to the surface of the field, and stabilizing means for stabilizing the asparagus relative to the cutting means. 1. A device for harvesting asparagus growing from a asparagus field , comprising a frame displaceable over the asparagus field by means of drive means , which frame is at least provided with cutting means for cutting the asparagus to be harvested close to the surface of the field , and stabilizing means for stabilizing the asparagus relative to the cutting means.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cutting means comprise an endless ribbon knife blade which is circulating in the frame.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cutting means comprise a reciprocating ribbon knife blade arranged parallel to the asparagus field in the frame.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the reciprocating ribbon knife is clamped in a cutting frame that can be displaced back and forth in the frame.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the cutting means comprise a crank-connecting rod transmission claim 3 , a gear rack transmission claim 3 , a chain transmission claim 3 , or a piston-cylinder transmission.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing means comprise a rotatable shaft arranged in the frame and parallel to the asparagus field claim 1 , and a plurality of asparagus-contact elements placed on the shaft.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the asparagus-contact elements are made of a flexible material.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the asparagus-contact elements are designed as non-woven ribbon elements.9. The device of claim 7 , wherein the asparagus-contact elements are designed as brush elements.10. The device of claim 1 , further comprising discharge means for discharging the cut asparagus.11. The device of claim 10 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030769A1

Methods, storage media and systems for trimming objects are disclosed. Some embodiments may include: generating a computerized image of an object to be trimmed, designating a part of the object to trim off, generating at least one output command to guide a trimming hardware and trimming the designated part of the object. 1. A computerized method for trimming objects , the method comprising the steps of:generating a computerized image of an object to be trimmed;designating a part of the object to trim off;generating at least one output command to guide a trimming hardware; andtrimming the designated part of the object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object is a plant.3cannabis. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plant part is a bud or flower.4. A non-transient computer-readable storage medium comprising instructions being executable by one or more processors to perform a method claim 2 , the method comprising:generating a computerized image of an object to be trimmed;designating a part of the object to trim off;generating at least one output command to guide a trimming hardware; andtrimming the designated part of the object.5. The medium of claim 4 , wherein the object is a plant.6cannabis. The medium of claim 5 , wherein the plant part is a bud or flower.7. A system for trimming an object claim 5 , comprising: generate a computerized image of an object to be trimmed;', 'designate a part of the object to trim off;', 'generate at least one output command to guide a trimming hardware; and', 'trim the designated part of the object., 'one or more hardware processors configured by machine-readable instructions to8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the object is a plant.9cannabis. The system of claim 8 , wherein the plant part is a bud or flower.10. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a mechanical (non-software-controlled) trimmer.11. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a debudder or a bucking device.12. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015420A1
Автор: Pitzer Robert
Принадлежит: Harvest CROO, LLC

A system including a first carrier configured to carry at least one first robotic system. The system also can include a second carrier configured to be coupled to a vehicle that is movable across a surface. The first carrier can be movably coupled to and carried by the second carrier. The system can be configured to automatically hold the first carrier in a first position and stationary in a first direction with respect to the surface during a first time period while the vehicle moves the second carrier in the first direction with respect to the surface during the first time period, such that at least a portion the at least one first robotic system carried by the first carrier is stationary in the first direction with respect to the surface during the first time period. Other embodiments are provided. 1. A system comprising:a first carrier configured to carry at least one first robotic system; anda second carrier configured to be coupled to a vehicle that is movable across a surface, the first carrier being movably coupled to and carried by the second carrier, 'the system is configured to automatically hold the first carrier in a first position and stationary in a first direction with respect to the surface during a first time period while the vehicle moves the second carrier in the first direction with respect to the surface during the first time period, such that at least a portion the at least one first robotic system carried by the first carrier is stationary in the first direction with respect to the surface during the first time period.', 'wherein2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the at least one first robotic system carried by the first carrier picks at least a first crop from a first plant during the first time period.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein:the first plant comprises a strawberry plant; andthe first crop comprises a strawberry.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the system is further configured to automatically move the first carrier in the first ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Automated hemp trimming system and method

Номер: US20220039316A1
Автор: Samson Seidel
Принадлежит: Individual

An industrial hemp trimming apparatus and system which features rotating drums configured to actuate angularly to facilitate the fine tuning of precise flower trim setting is described. At least one motor disposed in communication with a control station and drive shaft via at least one drive chain facilitates rotation of the drum(s) against a cutting surface. The control station, managed by an Arduino, enables manipulation of spin speed, spin duration, and articulation of the drums to fine-tune the trimming of the hemp flower in accordance with strain-specific characteristics. Each drum is equipped with staggered, evenly spaced cutouts configured to line up with similarly arranged cutouts of the stationary cutting surface, by which flower is trimmed as the drum(s) rotate.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109543A1
Автор: UBALDI Raffaele
Принадлежит: ROC S.R.L.

A device for harvesting long agricultural products, such as grass, straw, pulses, biomass products and the like, includes a frame having a main axis of extension, a plurality of agricultural product harvesting elements, each in turn equipped with at least one long harvesting prong, a movement system for moving each of the harvesting elements along a closed trajectory surrounding the main axis of extension, and a plurality of bands fixed to the frame, positioned one after another and spaced out along the main axis of extension. The device also includes a conveyor unit including an elongate body extending along its own axis of rotation and provided with at least one peripheral step forming an agricultural product feed shoulder extending, along an axis which is substantially radial relative to said axis of rotation, between an edge proximal to the axis of rotation and an edge distal from the axis of rotation. 1. A conveyor unit for a device for harvesting long agricultural products , such as grass , straw , pulses , biomass products and the like , characterised in that it comprises:{'b': 2', '3', '4', '4', '4, 'i': a', 'b, 'an elongate body () extending along its own axis of rotation (C) and provided with at least one peripheral step () forming an agricultural product feed shoulder () extending, along an axis which is substantially radial relative to said axis of rotation (C), between an edge () proximal to the axis of rotation (C) and an edge () distal from the axis of rotation.'}23222ab. The conveyor unit according to claim 1 , characterised in that said step () extends substantially along the axis of rotation (C) from a first end () to a second end () of the elongate body ().33422. The conveyor unit according to claim 1 , characterised in that said step () is shaped in such a way that said feed shoulder () is active on the products during rotation of the elongate body () in a first direction and is inactive during rotation of the elongate body () in a second ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027096A1
Принадлежит: Easy Trim, LLC

A plant trimming apparatus comprising a container having top and bottom end regions and a grate supported therein. A cutting blade and a fan blade are rotatably supported within the container. The fan blade is operative to create an air flow from the top end region to the bottom end region+vortex. The apparatus comprises a blade motor including a shaft, wherein the cutting blade and the fan blade are supported on the shaft. The cutting blade includes a plurality of forward or rear leaning blades that cooperate with the grate openings to cut parts off the plant. The blade has an outer ring extending between each of the plurality of blades. A lid assembly is attached to an upper rim portion of the container and supports an agitator motor that is connected to an agitator arm that is disposed within the container above the grate.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029583A1
Автор: BARAL Jit

The present invention provides pepper ideotypes and pepper plants with machine harvestable traits combined with desirable agronomic traits. The present invention also provides methods of making such plants and methods of using such plants to produce additional machine harvestable pepper plants. 1. A machine harvestable pepper plant , wherein said plant has determinate growth habit and at least three of the further phenotypic traits:(i) a pepper yield at least 19% higher than the pepper yield of a check variety of the same type;(ii) less than about 0.4% of fruits remaining on the plant post mechanical harvest;(iii) a width to height ratio greater than about 0.9 at maturity;(iv) greater than about 3 pre-bifurcation branches at maturity;(v) greater than about 80% matured fruits at harvest time;(vi) a canopy angle greater than about 65 degrees at maturity;(vii) a fruit concentration greater than about 0.12 lbs/inch.2. The machine harvestable pepper plant of claim 1 , wherein said at least three phenotypic traits are:(i) a pepper yield greater at least 19% higher than the pepper yield of a check variety of the same type;(ii) greater than 3 pre-bifurcation branches at maturity; and(iii) a canopy angle greater than about 65 degrees at maturity.3. The machine harvestable pepper plant of claim 1 , wherein said plant has at least four claim 1 , five claim 1 , six or all of said phenotypic traits.4. The machine harvestable pepper plant of claim 3 , wherein said plant has all of said phenotypic traits.5. The machine harvestable pepper plant of claim 1 , wherein said plant further comprises one or more of the further phenotypic traits:(i) a branching angle greater than about 40°;(ii) an internode length of less than about 8.5 cm;(iii) a pod detachment force of less than 30 Newtons;(iv) a commercially acceptable fruit weight between 45 g and 85 g;(v) a yield to biomass percentage greater than about 70%;(vi) a total harvesting efficiency of at least 85%;(vii) a percentage of ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027740A1

Disclosed is a pelleting device which is designed as a field-guided stalk-crop harvesting machine and, when connected to a tractor with a chopper, includes a diesel engine that drives a current generator and also an annular die press. The chopped stalk material passes into a dry chamber and via a screw conveyor into the annular die press. The annular die of the annular die press is mounted in ring bearings on a base, on which a pair of pivot levers for a pan grinder roller is also hinged. An electric drive motor fed by the current generator drives the screw conveyor by a controller, and servomotors, which engage on the pivot levers, regulate the roller gap. The controller is governed as a function of the injection requirement of the diesel engine and/or the pressure applied by the press. 17-. (canceled)8472787131123717916. Pelleting device , in particular for a field-guided mobile stalk-crop harvesting machine () with a built-in internal combustion engine () , e.g. , with a diesel engine , a unit for preheating the stalk material fed from a chopper () with the waste heat of the internal combustion engine () , a screw conveyor () for the stalk material and with a pelleting press , whereby the internal combustion engine () drives a current generator () , which feeds drive motors and servomotors ( , ) via switch components , wherein the internal combustion engine () also drives a ring die () of a ring die press () with at least one pan grinder roller ().9128. Pelleting device according to claim 8 , wherein a controller () for the speed of the screw conveyor () is one of the switch components.101271189. Pelleting device according to claim 9 , wherein the controller () is governed by the load-dependent and variably-injected amount of fuel of the diesel engine () that operates at constant speed claim 9 , and the drive motor () of the screw conveyor () feeding the ring die pelleting press () is regulated inversely proportionally to the injection amount.1116. Pelleting ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Farm vehicle

Номер: US20180035599A1
Принадлежит: Touti Terre

A farm vehicle includes a seat that converts between sitting and kneeling positions. The seat has three cushions: a first one to support a user's chest and head, a second to supports his knees, and a central cushion that pivots transversely between a lowered position and a raised position. In the lower position, the third cushion supports the user's pelvis in the kneeling position. In the raised position, the third cushion forms a sitting part in a sitting position. The slide-way comprises a supporting slide-way that allows translation of the seat in a direction of travel. The seat is mounted on a base that pivots on the slide-way to allow the first, second, and third cushions to pivot about a vertical pivot axis of the farm vehicle.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053697A1
Автор: Henne Michael P.

A system and related method of applying forage treatment material to harvested forage is provided. The method can include harvesting forage, rotating a flexible auger in a bin and in a curved or angled part of a tube to convey a granular treatment material toward harvested forage moving in a chute to mix the material with the harvested forage. The system can include a flexible auger having a helical blade that extends around an auger central passageway. The auger rotates and augers the granular treatment material with the blade out of the bin. The auger can extend into a curved portion of the tube, taking on a curved configuration extending into the curved portion so that the auger extends along a curvilinear axis and includes a curvilinear portion that is rotationally constrained in the tube. 1. A method of using an agricultural forage treatment applicator system to deliver a granular treatment material to forage during harvesting , the method comprising:harvesting forage from a field with a motorized forage harvester as the harvester moves in the field under power provided by a motor of the motorized forage harvester;conveying harvested forage through a chute and along a pathway, the motorized forage harvester having an operator cab, within which an operator is located, disposed above the chute;providing a bin mounted on the motorized forage harvester;providing a tube extending laterally away from the bin toward the pathway and including a distal tube end in communication with the pathway;rotating a helical, flexible auger in a bottom of the bin, the auger having a linear portion disposed in the bottom of the bin and a curvilinear portion extending at least six inches into the tube, the linear portion and the curvilinear portion rotating simultaneously with one another to convey a granular treatment material in the bin and in the tube; andmoving the granular treatment material through the tube at least partially with the rotating auger so that the granular ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Graze Harvesting of Mushrooms

Номер: US20170042095A1

A method and system for controlling harvesting of mushrooms from a bed during a mushroom graze harvest operation account for both mushroom separation and stagger, thereby providing for automatic and proper selection of which mushrooms in the bed are to be harvested in a given shift.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049054A1

Device for harvesting vegetable plants from the land, includes: 1. Device for harvesting vegetable plants from the land , in particular vegetable plants having a stem , more in particular vegetable plants having a stem and a crown , such as broccoli , comprising:a frame;first and second conveyors arranged on the frame, which conveyors have been positioned for in a conveyance track conveying vegetable plants that have been separated from the land to one or more processing stations for said vegetable plants, said processing stations being arranged on the frame;wherein the first and second conveyors each comprise a series of links, wherein the links within a series are connected to each other by first hinged connections;wherein the links have clamping surfaces and in the conveyance track the clamping surfaces of the first and second conveyors face each other for keeping the vegetable plants, in particular their stems, clamped in between them in an intermediate space formed by the opposing clamping surfaces of the links of the first and second conveyors,wherein, in the conveyance track, the links of at least one of the conveyors, preferably both conveyors, are resiliently movable relative to the frame in a direction transverse to the clamping surfaces.2. Device according to claim 1 ,wherein spring devices have been arranged in the conveyance track, in the area between the links and the frame, for in a resilient manner pushing the opposing clamping surfaces of the links of the first and second conveyors in a direction towards each other.3. Device according to claim 1 ,wherein the links have been provided with guiding members and the device further comprises first and second guides for guiding the guiding members of the links of the first and second conveyors, respectively.4. Device according to claim 3 ,wherein spring devices have been arranged in the conveyance track, in the area between the links and the frame, for in a resilient manner pushing the opposing clamping ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Tomato Catcher

Номер: US20170049055A1
Автор: Newman Barbara K.

A tomato catcher device having an outer rectangular plastic frame and an inner ultra-violet resistant netting with a rectangular cut-out in the center to allow a tomato or cucumber plant to grow up and through. The center rectangle cut-out is surrounded by flanges that rest against the plant to help shield the plant's produce from falling through the center net hole and onto the ground, thereby preventing the produce from rotting. 1. A tomato catcher device used to harvest and catch the produce of a tomato plant or cucumber plant , thereby preventing said produce from falling to the ground and rotting , comprising:a plurality of plastic tubing as a supportive frame that is formed into a rectangle with corner elbows;a plurality of tube legs attached to the underside of said tubular frame platform, said legs being of sufficient length to keep net approximately four inches off the ground soil or of sufficient length to be placed over a standing potted plant;a net with a center hole to accommodate the stem of a growing plant; further comprising a plurality of ventilation apertures to catch and protect falling plant produce;a tying means of attaching the net to the rectangular platform;a means of attaching five tomato catcher devices which allow said devices to be placed side by side and/or folded and stacked for storage.2. The Tomato Catcher recited in wherein ½ inch by 34½ inch long PVC tubes used to construct the horizontal side rails of the rectangular frame.3. The Tomato Catcher recited in wherein ½ inch by 4 inch PVC tubes used to connect the 4 legs to the rectangular frame.4. The Tomato Catcher recited in wherein ½ inch claim 1 , 90 degree PVC elbows connect the side rails of the frame and connect the legs.5. The Tomato Catcher recited in wherein the net consists of a 36×36 in. square plastic ultra-violet resistant material claim 1 , comprised of plurality of ½ inch squares claim 1 , with one 5×4½ in. rectangular cut out of the center surrounded by four 1 inch ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049371A1
Автор: Pitzer Robert
Принадлежит: Harvest CROO, LLC

A system including a picking apparatus including at least two grippers. Each of the at least two grippers can extend radially from a central axis of the picking apparatus. Each of the at least two grippers can be configured to pick a different individual crop of crops of a plant. The system can be configured to rotate the at least two grippers of the picking apparatus around the central axis in a rotational path. The system can be configured to stop rotation of the picking apparatus when a first gripper of the at least two grippers is rotated to a picking position along the rotational path. The system can be configured to adjust an opening width of the first gripper at the picking position to pick a first individual crop of the crops of the plant. The opening width of the first gripper can be adjusted based on a size of the first individual crop to fit the first gripper around the first individual crop. Other embodiments are provided. 1. A system comprising:a picking apparatus comprising at least two grippers, each of the at least two grippers extending radially from a central axis of the picking apparatus, and each of the at least two grippers being configured to pick a different individual crop of crops of a plant, the system is configured to rotate the at least two grippers of the picking apparatus around the central axis in a rotational path;', 'the system is configured to stop rotation of the picking apparatus when a first gripper of the at least two grippers is rotated to a picking position along the rotational path; and', 'the system is configured to adjust an opening width of the first gripper at the picking position to pick a first individual crop of the crops of the plant, the opening width of the first gripper being adjusted based on a size of the first individual crop to fit the first gripper around the first individual crop., 'wherein2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the plant is a tomato plant; andeach of the crops of the plant is a tomato.3. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054967A1
Автор: Markt Kevin

A row crop header for a harvester having a subframe removably coupleable to a feeder housing of the harvester. A pivot assembly is supported by the subframe permitting first and second header sections to pivotably move between raised and lowered positions together or independently of the other. A cross-auger center suspension assembly rotateably supports one end of the first cross-auger section and one end of the second cross-auger section as the first and second header sections pivotally move between the raised and lowered positions. 1. A hinged row crop harvesting head , comprising:a first frame section having a plurality of row units mounted thereon;a second frame section having a plurality of row units mounted thereon;at least one hinge coupling the first frame section to the second frame section;wherein each of the row units includes a portion diverging rearwardly from a forward tip and each of the row units further including at least one rotatable gathering chain and at least one rotatable stalk roll;wherein the at least one hinge is configured to permit the first frame section and the second frame section to pivot with respect to each other as the hinged row crop harvesting head travels through a field harvesting crops with the at least one gathering chain and the at least one stalk roll of each of the plurality of row units of the first and second frame sections rotating as the first and second frame sections pivot with respect to each other.2. The hinged row crop harvesting head of claim 1 , wherein the at least one hinge defines at least one pivot axis that extends generally horizontally and in a direction of travel of the hinged row crop harvesting head through the field harvesting crops.3. The hinged row crop harvesting head of claim 2 , wherein the hinged row crop harvesting head further comprises an auger that extends across substantially an entire width of the hinged row crop harvesting head and an auger pan disposed underneath the auger conveyor to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Stalked crop harvesting header drive

Номер: US20170055449A1

A stalked crop harvesting header comprising multiple harvesting units each comprising a pair of deck plates defining a channel, a pair of snapping rollers mounted below the deck plates and adapted to pull stalks downwardly through the channel, a pair of gathering chains provided with cams, the gathering chains extending between a first pair of gears located at the front end of the harvesting unit and a second pair of gears located at a back end of the harvesting unit, wherein each harvesting unit further comprises a pair of stalk guiders positioned to rotate around axes coinciding with respective axes of the first pair of gears, wherein the stalk guiders each comprising an upper stalk guiding wheel and a lower stalk guiding wheel which are interconnected, and wherein a cutting element is provided below the lower stalk guiding wheel to cut stalks while being guided by the stalk guiders.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055452A1
Автор: HONEY Glenn

A crop harvesting header includes a reel rotatable about a reel axis. The reel has a reel bat supported at a spaced distance from the reel axis. The reel bat can pivot about a bat axis radially spaced from the reel axis. The reel bat has a crop collection member that extends generally away from the bat axis. The reel bat can move in a cyclical path around the reel axis during rotation of the reel. The reel bat can vary the angle of the crop collection member about the bat axis as the reel rotates about the reel axis. A sun gear is provided that may be positioned in axial alignment with the reel axis. A planetary gear system is rotatable about the sun gear. The planetary gear system interacts with the sun gear, and causes said planetary gear system to effect pivotal movement of the reel bat about its bat axis. 1. A crop harvesting header comprising: the at least one reel bat having at least one crop collection member connected thereto, said at least one crop collection member extending generally away from said bat axis,', 'the at least one reel bat being operable to move in a cyclical path around the reel axis during rotation of the reel;', 'the at least one reel bat being operable to be pivoted about its bat axis so as to vary the angular orientation of the at least one crop collection member about the bat axis as the reel rotates about the reel axis;, '(a) a reel rotatable about a reel axis, said reel having at least one reel bat supported at a spaced distance from the reel axis, the at least one reel bat being operable for pivotal movement about a bat axis radially spaced from said reel axis and oriented generally parallel to the reel axis;'}(b) a sun gear;(c) a planetary gear assembly being rotatable about and relative to said sun gear and rotatable about said reel axis;said planetary gear assembly being operable during rotation about the reel axis with the reel to interact with the sun gear, and cause said planetary gear assembly to effect pivotal movement of ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For The Management Of Waste Associated With Processing Guayule Shrubs To Extract Rubber

Номер: US20200055090A1

Systems and methods for managing the waste associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs are. provided. Also provided is a portable local sub-station for reducing the transportation costs associated with the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber. Use of the disclosed systems, methods and/or local sub-station can reduce transportation costs, reduce processing costs and reduce the downstream processing complexity associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs. 1. A method for managing waste from the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber , the method comprising:utilizing harvested guayule shrubs including leaves, bark, and woody material from a harvest site;utilizing a local sub-station to (1) remove at least one of the leaves and dirt from the harvested guayule shrubs thereby producing a semi-processed guayule material with a weight that is at least 10% lower than the weight of the harvested guayule shrubs and (2) chop the semi-processed guayule material after removing at least one of the leaves and dirt but prior to transporting; andtransporting the semi-processed guayule material to a remote rubber extraction plant configured to produce rubber, resin and waste bagasse from the semi-processed guayule material where the waste bagasse comprises at least 60% by weight of the semi-processed guayule material wherein the remote rubber extraction plant is located greater than 10 miles from the harvest site and from the local sub-station.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the chopping is performed by utilizing at least one of a shredder claim 1 , a granulator or a hammer mill.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the local sub-station further includes a compression machine which compresses the chopped pieces into briquettes or pellets with a density that is at least 150% higher than the uncompressed pieces prior to transporting.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220078972A1

Systems and methods here may include a vehicle with automated subcomponents for harvesting delicate items such as berries. In some examples, the vehicle includes a targeting subcomponent and a harvesting subcomponent. In some examples, the targeting subcomponent utilizes multiple cameras to create three-dimensional maps of foliage and targets. In some examples, identifying targets may be done remotely from the harvesting machine, and target coordinates communicated to the harvesting machine for robotic harvesting. 1. A harvesting vehicle system comprising:a harvesting vehicle frame with computing device includes at least one processor and a memory including picking control systems, navigation control systems, and communication control systems, a picking subcomponent including a robotic arm in communication with the computing device;wherein the robotic arm including a picker head assembly to harvest targets including a vacuum assembly with a compressor, hose, and padded spoons configured to remove the target from a target stem;wherein the vehicle includes multiple cameras in communication with the computing device, wherein the cameras are configured to capture and send image data to the computing device;the computing device further configured to create three-dimensional maps of targets using the multiple camera image data;the computing device further configured to direct the robotic arm and picker head to a selected target to harvest using the three-dimensional maps of targets, the picker head assembly configured to attach the vacuum assembly and padded spoons to the selected target, and retract the selected target for harvesting.2. The system of wherein the computing device is configured to send the image data to a back-end computing system over a network and receive target selection using the image data from the back-end computing system.3. The system of wherein the received target selection regarding the image data from the back-end computing system claim 2 , ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060083A1

A dual cut header assembly including a header, a chopper suspended from the header, and an actuator system comprising one or more cylinders. The actuator system solely connects the chopper to the header. The dual cut header assembly further includes at least one sensor for measuring a state of the chopper and an actuator steering module connected to the actuator system. The header is configured to be lifted by an agricultural vehicle to cut crop material from a field at a first height. The chopper is configured to cut the crop material at a second height lower than the first height. The actuator steering module is configured to automatically adapt the distance based on the measured state of the chopper. 1. A dual cut header assembly comprising;a header;a chopper suspended from the header;an actuator system comprising one or more cylinders, and the actuator system solely connecting the chopper to the header;at least one sensor for measuring a state of the chopper; andan actuator steering module connected to the actuator system, wherein the header is configured to be lifted by an agricultural vehicle to cut crop material from a field at a first height, the chopper is configured to cut the crop material at a second height lower than the first height, and the actuator steering module is configured to automatically adapt the distance based on the measured state of the chopper.2. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the state of the chopper is one of a height of the chopper with respect to a ground surface and a pressure exerted by the chopper on the ground surface.3. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator steering module is configured to carry at least 50% of the weight of the chopper so that a pressure exerted by the chopper on a ground surface is limited to 50% of its weight.4. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is a height sensor for measuring a height between a ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076570A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an agricultural work apparatus, an agricultural work management system, and a program capable of appropriately managing agricultural work information and smoothly implementing agricultural work and business in the future by making use of agricultural work information. An agricultural work apparatus may include: a first image-capturing device; an agricultural work determination unit that determines, on the basis of first image information obtained by capturing an image of a target of agricultural work through the first image-capturing device, whether or not to execute the agricultural work on the target; an agricultural work execution unit that executes the agricultural work; an agricultural work information generation unit that generates agricultural work information including a result of the agricultural work; a measurement unit that measures a position of the target; and an agricultural work information management unit that manages the agricultural work information and positional information. 1. An agricultural work apparatus , comprising:a first image-capturing device;an agricultural work determination unit that determines, on the basis of first image information obtained by capturing an image of a target of agricultural work through the first image-capturing device, whether or not to execute the agricultural work on the target;an agricultural work execution unit that executes the agricultural work on the basis of a determination result of the agricultural work determination unit;an agricultural work information generation unit that generates agricultural work information including a result of the agricultural work;a measurement unit that measures a position of the target; andan agricultural work information management unit that manages the agricultural work information and positional information indicating the measured position.2. The agricultural work apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Guayule Harvester And Related Processes

Номер: US20160081265A1
Автор: Jody Scott
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

Disclosed herein is a harvester for harvesting guayule shrubs from the soil in which they are grown. The harvester can include a wheeled frame, a pair of laterally spaced sidewalls on the frame, a front conveyor positioned between the pair of laterally spaced sidewalls, a forward projecting digger blade positioned forward of the front conveyor, and an agitator for separating residual soil from uprooted guayule shrubs. Also disclosed are related processes for harvesting guayule shrubs using the harvester.

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079703A1
Автор: Rohlfsen William

A method for cultivating for production of thymoquinone includes planting seeds at rates between about 2.5 and about 5 pounds per acre, preferably about 4 pounds per acre. The heavy rate of planting produces plants bearing oil without weed contamination and reduces herbicide use due to production of natural herbicides by the plants. Seeding and mowing the first season, and harvesting in seasons thereafter reduce costs. The method results in increased production of essential oils including thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone at levels up to about 40% or more of recovered oils, and which may be distilled from the plant. 1MonardafistulosadydimaMonarda fistulosaMonarda. A method for cultivating plants of at least one species of selected from a group consisting of the species and , to increase yield of at least one constituent of essential oil of said plants , said at least one constituent from the group consisting of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone , said method comprising preparing a field for planting , growing at least about 60 ,000 plants per acre , and harvesting plants grown in said field.2Monarda fistulosa. The method of further comprising planting seed of with a broadcast seeding device at a rate of between about 2.5 pounds and about 5 pounds per acre.3. The method of further comprising using a soil compression device after seeding for at least partially sealing in moisture.4Monarda fistulosa. The method of further comprising planting plug plants of at a rate between about 45 claim 1 ,000 and about 60000 plugs per acre.5. The method of further comprising a plurality of seasons wherein said plants are mowed at least once without harvesting during a first growing season claim 1 , and harvested after each of the remaining plurality of growing seasons.6. The method of wherein the yield of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone together comprise at least about 30% of the oil yield.7. The method of wherein the oil yielded further comprises less than about 5% thymol.8. ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Method and system for optical yield measurement of a standing crop in a field

Номер: US20220132737A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

An data processor is configured to identify the component pixels of a harvestable plant component within an obtained image data of plant pixels of the one or more target plants. An edge, boundary or outline of the component pixels is determined. The data processor is configured to detect a size of the harvestable plant component based on the determined edge, boundary or outline of the identified component pixels, along with an adjustment based on analysis of any exposed portions of the harvestable plant component. A user interface is configured to provide a yield indicator based on the detected size of the harvestable plant component.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174048A1
Принадлежит: CNH AMERICA LLC

A harvesting system and method providing a row insensitive plant cutting and gathering capability, suitable for harvesting tall, stalky plants such as sweet sorghum, cane, and the like, in high volume, which also billet cuts the harvested plants. Multiple plants are cut simultaneously on a continuous basis at any locations across a header of the system, and the cut plants are gathered into a continuous overlapping flow having a vertical extent or thickness of several stalks or canes and their associated foliage. The flow is then vertically compacted into a mat of reduced thickness while being conveyed into a billet cutter, which cuts the stalks or canes into billets of a desired length and discharges the billets to a desired location, all while the harvester is moving through a field harvesting. The system can be incorporated into a conventional sugarcane harvester in place of conventional base cutters and row dividers. 1. A biomass harvesting system , comprising:a frame supporting plant cutting apparatus configured to cut stalks or canes of plants adjacent to a ground surface as the frame moves forwardly thereover, a billet cutter configured to cut the stalks or canes into billets, and an upwardly and rearwardly extending lifting conveyor carried on the frame and configured to convey the cut stalks or canes upwardly to the billet cutter;the plant cutting apparatus being carried on a forwardmost portion of a header extending forwardly of and external to the frame and configured to simultaneously cut the stalks or canes of multiple plants spaced at any distance apart within a sideward width of the forwardmost portion of the header, in combination with gathering apparatus carried on the header configured to gather the cut stalks or canes forwardly and externally of the frame and to direct the gathered stalks or canes in a generally continuous, overlaying flow into a cavity of the frame, and a transfer roller unit including a plurality of transfer rollers disposed in ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Swath Roller Attachment for a Swather Tractor

Номер: US20190090424A1

A swather with a crop cutting header includes a swath roller for rolling on the swath carried on a mounting assembly attached to the tractor frame and a lifting assembly for lifting the roller free from the swath where a control unit is arranged to lift the swath roller to the raised position thereof when the header is raised to the raised position thereof. The control unit also includes a GPS position sensing system so that the roller is lifted at positions determined by the GPS position sensing system. The mounting assembly comprises a mounting frame rigidly attached to the rear walking beam of the tractor so that the mounting frame is held at a set position relative to the tractor determined by a position of the beam so that the swath roller is not pivotally mounted relative to the tractor. 120-. (canceled)21. An agricultural tractor comprising:a tractor frame having a cab;a header mounted on support members at a forward end of the frame to be moved in a longitudinal working direction across the ground;the header being arranged in a working position to cut a standing crop and to form a swath of the crop for deposit on the ground behind the tractor;a first pair of ground wheels mounted on the frame at positions spaced transversely of the frame adjacent the forward end for supporting the tractor adjacent the header;a second pair of ground wheels mounted on the frame at positions spaced transversely of the frame adjacent a rearward end of the tractor and spaced to allow the passage of the swath between the second pair of wheels;a swath compression member for compressing the swath;a mounting assembly for attaching the swath compression member to the tractor for forward movement with the tractor;a lifting assembly for lifting the swath compression member upward from the swath so that in a raised position the swath compression member is free from the swath for passage over the swath;wherein the tractor includes a control unit for controlling lifting of the header from ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160100524A1
Автор: Young D. Gary

A harvester apparatus, for harvesting crops for essential oil extraction, includes a longitudinal conveyor subsystem and a lateral conveyor subsystem. The longitudinal conveyor subsystem is positionable in crop receiving communication with a harvester header and is configured to convey a crop longitudinally rearward from the harvester header to a transition location. The lateral conveyor subsystem is disposed rearward of the longitudinal conveyor subsystem and in crop receiving communication with the longitudinal conveyor subsystem. The lateral conveyor subsystem is configured to convey the crop laterally from the longitudinal conveyor subsystem to an adjacent crop transport vehicle.

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Ergonomic Harvesting Bag

Номер: US20180098498A1
Автор: Ritchie Brian

An ergonomic harvesting bag is provided for attachment to a user's body via an adjustable strap around the waist and/or neck. It allows the user to comfortably trim in a reclined or standing position. The advantage of using the ergonomic harvesting bag is that the user does not need to reach with their arms or body to approach the work, or perform the task of trimming over a table or receptacle, or on the lap or floor because the receptacle is attached and close to the body. The ergonomic harvesting bag includes an upper section, a lower section, an opening and a cavity within which items of interest may be inserted, the adjustable strap coupled to the upper section of the harvesting bag and a filter mechanism removably positioned within the cavity of the harvesting bag. 1. An ergonomic harvesting bag comprising:a. a harvesting bag having an upper section, a lower section, an opening and a cavity within which items of interest may be inserted;b. an adjustable strap coupled to the upper section of the harvesting bag and arranged for removable placement about a neck of a user to retain the harvesting bag adjacent to the user's waist; andc. a filter mechanism removably positioned within the cavity of the harvesting bag.2. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising a bib or lid coupled to the upper section of the bag.3. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising a waist strap coupled to the upper section of the harvesting bag and arranged for placement about the waist of the user.4. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising a removable secondary container coupled to the lower section of the harvesting bag.5. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising a utility container directly or indirectly coupled to the harvesting bag.6. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising one or more utility pockets coupled to the harvesting bag.7. The ergonomic harvesting bag of further comprising a mesh screen positioned under the lower section of ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100167A1

A hemp harvester which strips the leaves and flowers from the stalks and branches of a hemp plant and separates them for subsequent processing includes a branch lifter for lifting and bunching the branches of the hemp plants as the harvester advances towards them; a stripper with counter rotating stripper rollers having radially extending resiliently flexible paddles which converge as said rolls turn to trap said flowers and leaves between them and strip the flowers and leaves from said stalks and branches; a capture system for capturing the separated flowers and leaves as they are stripped from the stalk and branches of the plants, a transfer and mulcher system for mulching and transferring said flowers and leaves from said capture system to a collection chamber; and an uprooting system for uprooting and collecting the stripped plants as said hemp harvester passes. 1. A hemp harvester which strips the leaves and flowers from the stalks and branches of a hemp plant and separates them for subsequent processing comprising: a stripper with counter rotating stripper rollers having radially extending resiliently flexible paddles which converge as said rolls turn to trap said flowers and leaves between them and strip said flowers and leaves from said stalks and branches.2. The hemp harvester of in which: said counter rotating rolls are inclined forwardly and upwardly at an angle to the horizontal such that said flowers and leaves at the tops of hemp plants are harvested first; the flowers and leaves on the lower parts of said plants being stripped by said converging paddles rearwardly and progressively lower down on inclined rolls as said harvester is moved forwardly.3. The hemp harvester of in which: the angle of inclination of said counter rotating rolls is adjustable.4. The hemp harvester of in said counter rotating rolls are about ten feet long and oriented at an angle of inclination of from about 25-35 degrees.5. The hemp harvester of in which: said resiliently ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Dual Cut Header Assembly

Номер: US20170105343A1

A dual cut header assembly a header, a chopper suspended from the header, and at least one actuator is provided between the chopper and the header for adapting a distance between the chopper and the header. The dual cut header assembly further includes at least one sensor for measuring a state of the chopper, and an actuator steering module connected to the at least one actuator. The header is provided to be lifted by an agricultural combine to cut crop material from a field at a first height. The chopper is provided to cut the crop material at a second height lower than the first height. The actuator steering module is configured to automatically adapt the distance based on the measured state. 1. Dual A dual cut header assembly comprising:a header;a chopper suspended from the header;at least one actuator provided between the chopper and the header for adapting a distance between the chopper and the header;at least one sensor for measuring a state of the chopper; andan actuator steering module connected to the at least one actuator,wherein the header is provided to be lifted by an agricultural vehicle to cut crop material from a field at a first height,wherein the chopper is provided to cut the crop material at a second height lower than the first height,wherein the actuator steering module is configured to automatically adapt the distance based on the measured state of the chopper.2. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the state of the chopper is one of a height of the chopper with respect to a ground surface and a pressure exerted by the chopper on the ground surface.3. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator steering module comprises an hydraulic accumulator claim 1 , and wherein the at least one sensor is a pressure sensor for measuring a pressure exerted by the chopper on the ground surface.4. The dual cut header assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one sensor is mounted to the accumulator ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120725A1
Автор: JR. Kenneth, Seiders

In one aspect, a method for automatically controlling a height of an implement of an agricultural work vehicle relative to a ground surface may include monitoring the height of the implement relative to the ground surface; determining a proportional signal by comparing the height of the implement with a predetermined target height; detecting a local inclination of the ground surface; calculating a derivative signal based on the local inclination of the ground surface; and adjusting the height of the implement relative to the ground surface based on an output signal that includes the proportional signal and the derivative signal. 1. A method for automatically controlling a height of an implement of an agricultural work vehicle relative to a ground surface , the method comprising:monitoring, with one or more computing devices, the height of the implement relative to the ground surface;determining, with the one or more computing devices, a proportional signal by comparing the height of the implement with a predetermined target height;detecting, with the one or more computing devices, a local inclination of the ground surface;calculating, with the one or more computing devices, a derivative signal based on the local inclination of the ground surface; andadjusting, with the one or more computing devices, the height of the implement relative to the ground surface based on an output signal that comprises the proportional signal and the derivative signal.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising calculating an integral signal based on the height of the implement relative to the ground surface claim 1 , and wherein the output signal further comprises the integral signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein detecting the local inclination of the ground surface comprises receiving signals from at least one inclination sensor.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the at least one inclination sensor is coupled to at least one of the implement or a component coupled to the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120742A1
Автор: Hunt Cory Douglas

A system for sensing harvested crop levels within a crop tank of an agricultural harvester includes a tank cover section movable between an open position and a covered position relative to an opening of the crop tank. The system includes a sensor array including crop level sensors configured to capture data indicative of a crop level of harvested crop. The sensor array is supported, at least in part, relative to the crop tank such that the sensor array is configured to have a first orientation when the tank cover section is in the covered position and a second orientation when the tank cover section is in the open position. The sensor array defines a first vertical dimension when the sensor array is disposed in the first orientation that is less than a second vertical dimension defined by the sensor array when the sensor array is disposed in the second orientation. 1. A system for sensing harvested crop levels within an agricultural harvester , the system comprising:a crop tank extending in a vertical direction between a top end and a bottom end of the crop tank, the crop tank including a frame having an opening formed therethrough and a tank cover section provided in operative association with the frame such that the tank cover section is movable between an open position and a covered position relative to the opening of the frame, the crop tank being configured to receive harvested crop; anda sensor array including a plurality of crop level sensors spaced apart from one another between a first end of the sensor array and a second end of the sensor array, each crop level sensor of the plurality of crop level sensors configured to capture data indicative of a crop level of the harvested crop received within the crop tank, the sensor array supported, at least in part, relative to the crop tank such that the sensor array is configured to have a first orientation when the tank cover section is in the covered position and a second orientation when the tank cover section ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Sugar cane picking device incorporated in a combine harvester

Номер: US20200100429A1
Принадлежит: Inversora Industrial SA Cia

A sugarcane biomass chopper, comprising: a piece of equipment that cuts, collects, chops, and launches the biomass from the sugarcane upper ends for the purposes of biofuel production, livestock feeding and other applications.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Flexible Row Crop Header for an Agricultural Harvester

Номер: US20150113933A1
Автор: Markt Kevin

A row crop header for a harvester having a subframe removably coupleable to a feeder housing of the harvester. A pivot assembly is supported by the subframe permitting first and second header sections to pivotably move between raised and lowered positions together or independently of the other. A cross-auger center suspension assembly rotateably supports one end of the first cross-auger section and one end of the second cross-auger section as the first and second header sections pivotally move between the raised and lowered positions. 1. A row crop header adapted to be mounted to a harvester for harvesting a row crop in a field , comprising:a first header section having a plurality of forwardly extending row units adapted to extend between adjacent crop rows as the harvester advances through the field harvesting the row crop;a second header section having a plurality of forwardly extending row units adapted to extend between adjacent crop rows as the harvester advances through the field harvesting the row crop;at least one pivot axis about which said first header section and said second header section are pivotally movable between a first position in which said first and second header sections are substantially horizontal, a second position in which said first and second header sections are pivotally angled upwardly from said pivot axis, and a third position in which said first and second header sections are pivotally angle downwardly from said pivot axis;at least one actuator coupled to selectively pivotally move said first and second header sections about said at least one pivot axis between said first, second and third positions to adjustably follow the field terrain with the plurality of row units extending between the adjacent crop rows as the harvester advances through the field harvesting the row crop.2. The row crop header of wherein said at least one pivot axis includes laterally spaced first and second pivot axis and wherein said first header section is ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Head for harvesting of trees and vehicle provided with the improved head

Номер: US20180125007A1

The invention relates to an improved head for harvesting of trees. In particular, the head according to the invention is an improvement of a head for harvesting of trees as disclosed in European Patent EP2515628, which state of art is hereby incorporated by reference. In the known head, the balance between the saw pressure and the saw speed is controlled by the oil pressure at the inlet port of the hydraulic motor. This has the drawback that the saw pressure is depending on the saw speed. It is the aim of the invention to provide an improved head for harvesting trees, wherein the saw pressure is constant and independent of the saw speed. 22462252324a). The hydraulically controlled head () according to claim 1 , wherein a pressure relief valve () is provided connecting the first outlet port () to the pressure line () parallel over the throttle control valve () and the non-return valve ().3221518b). The hydraulically controlled head () according to claim 1 , wherein the first inlet port () connects to the second pressure line () via a kick-off valve ().4212454548495048495510550aba). The hydraulically controlled head () according to claim 2 , wherein the first hydraulic actuator () comprises a double-action hydraulic cylinder for opening and closing the clamp and a load holding valve () is provided which load holding valve () comprises second inlet ports ( claim 2 , ) and a second outlet port () claim 2 , wherein second inlet ports ( claim 2 , ) are respectively connected to the first and second pressure line ( claim 2 , ) and the second hydraulic actuator () comprises a second double-action hydraulic cylinder which is connected to the first pressure line () and the second outlet port ().5215221447). The hydraulically controlled head () according to claim 1 , wherein the third hydraulic actuator () comprises a double-action hydraulic cylinder claim 1 , which is connected to the first outlet port () of the hydraulic motor () via a non-return throttle valve (). The ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140215983A1

A self-propelled agricultural harvesting machine such as a forage harvester includes a front harvesting attachment for picking up crop from a field as well as one or more working mechanisms for processing and conveying the crop. At least one functional device assigned to the harvesting machine can be adjusted with respect to one or more parameters for the purpose of adapting to different conditions of use. The machine includes a control device that operates in a field initial-cutting mode in order to specify at least one parameter setting for at least one of the functional devices so that the parameter setting the harvesting machine can be brought into a configuration that is suitable for the initial cutting of the field. 1. A self-propelled forage harvester , comprising:a front harvesting attachment for picking up crop from a field;at least one working mechanism for processing the crop, conveying the crop or both; anda control device;{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'wherein at least one functional device assigned to the harvesting machine, including the front harvesting attachment, the at least one working mechanism and/or any other device associated with the operation of the harvesting machine, is adjusted in respect to at least one parameter (h, v, n, n, n, n, s) for the purpose of adapting the respective functional device to different conditions of use; and'}wherein the control device is operated in a field initial-cutting mode in order to specify at least one parameter setting for the at least one of the functional device in order to bring the harvesting machine into a configuration that is suitable for the initial cutting of the field.2. The harvesting machine according to claim 1 , wherein a specification comprises parameter settings for a plurality of the functional devices.3. The harvesting machine according to claim 2 , wherein the specification takes place in the form of a recommendation by optical display claim 2 , by acoustic notification to an operator or ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Harvester for Leafy Vegetables

Номер: US20140215990A1
Принадлежит: Farmer's Friend, LLC

A harvester for leafy vegetables is disclosed. The harvester has one or more cutting blades for cutting leafy vegetables with a rotating brush for sweeping harvested leaves into a basket or enclosure. The brush may have limp bristles. In some embodiments, the harvester may be hand-carried and operated by a motor, which drives both the brush and the cutting blades. 1. A harvester for leafy vegetables comprising:a) a square vertical frame with a handle;b) a motor mounted to a side of the frame;c) a rotary shaft driven by the motor;d) a rotating brush mounted to the frame and having multiple limp bristles;e) a drive wheel mounted to the end of the rotating brush;f) a belt driven by the rotary shaft for rotating the drive wheel;g) a cutting blade movably mounted to the bottom of the frame; I) a drive shaft driven by the rotary shaft;', A) an opening perpendicular to the cutting blade and', 'B) an opening parallel to the cutting blade;, 'II) an oscillatory frame comprising'}, 'III) a link perpendicular to and secured on the end of the drive shaft;', 'IV) a free roller secured to the link and offset from the drive shaft, and engaging the perpendicular aperture; and', 'V) a stationary roller fixed relative to the oscillatory frame and engaging the parallel aperture;, 'h) an oscillatory drive mechanism engaged by the rotary shaft to drive the cutting blade, the mechanism comprising'}i) a basket mounted to the frame for catching greens; andj) adjustable feet attached to the bottom of the frame for adjusting the cutting height.2. A harvester for leafy vegetables comprising:a frame;a motor secured to the frame, the motor comprising a rotary shaft;a rotatable brush mounted to the frame and connected to the rotary shaft, the brush comprising multiple bristles;an oscillatory drive mechanism connected to the rotary shaft;a cutting blade mounted to the frame below the bristles and secured to the oscillatory drive mechanism; andan enclosure for collecting cut leaves.5. The harvester ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Harvester Combine Header Assembly

Номер: US20170135278A1
Автор: Nuss Neal

A header assembly for mounting upon a front end of a harvester combine's feeder house, the header assembly incorporating a central header which is adapted for fixed attachment to the feeder house front end; the header assembly further incorporating a lateral header and a pivot joint positioning an oppositely lateral end of the lateral header over the lateral end of the central header, the pivot joint being adapted for facilitating movements of the lateral header between a mowing position and a transport position, the lateral header cantilevering laterally over a crop edge upon pivoting to the mowing position and extending rearwardly upon counter-pivoting to the transport position. 1: A header assembly for mounting upon a harvester combine feeder house , the header assembly comprising:(a) a central header adapted for fixed attachment to the feeder house, the central header having lateral and oppositely lateral ends;(b) a lateral header having lateral and oppositely lateral ends; and(c) a pivot joint positioning the oppositely lateral end of the lateral header, at the lateral end of the central header, at the lateral end of the central header, the pivot joint being adapted for facilitating movements of the lateral header between a mowing position and a transport position, the lateral header cantilevering laterally from the central header upon pivoting to the mowing position, the lateral header extending rearwardly from the central header upon counter-pivoting to the transport position.2: The header assembly of wherein the pivot joint comprises a column having upper and lower ends claim 1 , and wherein the pivot joint's adaptations for facilitating the movements of the lateral header between the mowing and transport positions comprise an attachment of the column's lower end to the central header's lateral end.3: The header assembly of wherein the attachment of the column's lower end comprises a hinge adapted for facilitating alternative upward and downward pivoting ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160143223A1
Принадлежит: Dole Fresh Vegetables, Inc.

A mechanical harvester for harvesting a produce with a stem/core planted in a field is provided. The mechanical harvester includes a chassis, and a cutting device and a transport assembly connected to the chassis. The cutting device is configured to cut the stem/core of the produce. The transport assembly is configured to transport the produce cut by the cutting device. The transport assembly includes a movable first belt and a movable second belt. The movable first belt includes a first set of produce grippers and the movable second belt includes a second set of produce grippers. When the produce cut by the cutting device is held between the first set and second set of produce grippers, a portion of the first set of produce grippers opposes a portion of the second set of produce grippers. The opposing produce grippers are configured to compress and exert a force on the produce to hold the produce between the movable first and second belts. 1. A mechanical harvester for harvesting a produce planted in a field , the produce having a stem/core , the mechanical harvester comprising:a chassis;a cutting device, connected to the chassis, configured to cut the stem/core of the produce; and a movable first belt, wherein the movable first belt includes a first set of deformable protrusions, wherein each deformable protrusion of the movable first belt has a peak; and', 'a movable second belt, wherein the movable second belt includes a second set of deformable protrusions, wherein each deformable protrusion of the movable second belt has a peak,', 'wherein, when a cut produce is held between the movable first and second belts, the cut produce is held between a peak of a single deformable protrusion of the movable first belt and a peak of a single directly opposing deformable protrusion of the movable second belt, and', 'wherein the deformable protrusion of the movable first belt and the deformable protrusion of the movable second belt are configured to compress and exert a ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230391A1

At least one sensor carried by a mobile machine senses a sensed forage crop attribute value independent of plant population for an individual forage plant. A processing unit derives a derived forage crop attribute value based on the sensed forage crop attribute value. 1. An apparatus comprising:at least one sensor carried by a mobile machine to sense a sensed forage crop attribute value independent of plant population for an individual forage plant; anda processing unit to derive a derived forage crop attribute value based on the sensed crop attribute value.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is further configured to identify at least one condition based upon the sensed forage crop attribute value and the derived forage crop attribute value.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the processing unit is further configured to generate control signals based upon the identified at least one condition.4. The apparatus of further comprising a display claim 3 , wherein the control signals cause the display to present information regarding the condition.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the control signals adjust an operation of the mobile machine.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mobile machine comprises a crop harvesting machine.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is configured to sense the sensed crop attribute value for a plurality of individual forage plants in a row and wherein the processing unit is configured to derive the derived forage crop attribute value for the row based on the sensed forage crop attribute value.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is configured to sense a second sensed forage crop attribute value for the forage plant claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is configured to derive the derived forage crop attribute value based upon the sensed forage crop attribute value and the second sensed forage crop attribute value.9. The apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Field Cart

Номер: US20210176919A1
Автор: Stephen P. Hurley
Принадлежит: Individual

A field cart for using in a crop field having crop beds and furrows includes a base frame assembly having upper frames, lower frames, and connecting frames, which are arranged and connected between the upper frames and lower frames, and two or more wheels rotatably connected to the lower frames. The field cart further includes a chair and at least one tub attached to the upper frames. The chair and the tub are positioned at a same level in the field cart. The level of the chair and tub is higher than the depth of the furrow in the field.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Robot positioning with station-keeping

Номер: US20160157428A1
Автор: Robert Pitzer

A system including one or more first carriers each configured to carry two or more robotic systems. The system also can include one or more second carriers configured to be coupled to a vehicle that is movable across a surface. Each of the one or more first carriers each can be movably coupled to and carried by one of the one or more second carriers. The system can be configured to automatically hold each of the one or more first carriers in a first carrier position and stationary with respect to the surface for a first time period while the vehicle moves the one or more second carriers in a first direction with respect to the surface, such that at least a portion of each of the two or more robotic systems carried by each of the one or more first carriers is carried in a stationary manner with respect to the surface for the first time period by each of the one or more first carriers. Other embodiments are provided.

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Harvester suspension

Номер: US20160161238A1
Автор: Robert Pitzer

A harvesting vehicle including a body including a plurality of picking systems configured to be carried over plants growing in one or more plant beds to harvest crops of the plants. Each picking system can include an imaging system and can be configured to (a) determine a height of the picking system over one of the one or more plant beds as the picking system is carried over the plants and (b) provide distance measurement data based on the height. The harvesting vehicle also can include a plurality of wheels each having a vertical position with respect to the body. The harvesting vehicle also can include a suspension control system configured to perform: receiving the distance measurement data from the plurality of picking systems; determining adjustment information for an adjustment of the vertical position of one or more of the plurality of wheels with respect to the body based at least in part on the distance measurement data provided by at least one of the plurality of picking systems; and controlling the adjustment of the vertical position of the one or more of the plurality of wheels with respect to the body based on the adjustment information. Other embodiments are provided.

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Harvesting Attachment For A Harvester

Номер: US20150164001A1
Автор: Schrattenecker Franz

A harvesting attachment for a harvester comprising a frame that has a rear wall and a bottom wall. To improve a harvesting attachment of this type, the rear wall comprises a central portion and two outer portions. The central portion of the rear wall is made of a high-tensile material. 1. A harvesting attachment for a harvester comprising a frame which includes a rear wall and a bottom wall , wherein the rear wall comprises a central portion and two outer portions , and that the central portion of the rear wall is made of a substantially high-tensile material.2. The harvesting attachment of claim 1 , wherein the central portion of the rear wall is made of steel claim 1 , or high-tensile steel.3. The harvesting attachment of claim 1 , wherein the outer portions of the rear wall and the bottom wall are formed as an extrusion profile claim 1 , or a substantially light-metal extrusion profile or aluminum or a material that contains aluminum.4. The harvesting attachment of claim 1 , wherein the central portion comprises a top part and two side parts that are connected to one another.5. The harvesting attachment of claim 1 , wherein the central portion comprises two lower parts that are each connected to one outer portion.6. The harvesting attachment of claim 4 , wherein the top part or the side parts or the lower parts are welded or bolted together.7. The harvesting attachment of claim 5 , wherein the top part is formed as a hydroformed component and in that the side parts are formed as bent and stamped components.8. The harvesting attachment of claim 6 , wherein the lower parts are formed as bent and stamped components or cast components.9. The harvesting attachment of claim 7 , wherein the top part has downwardly pointing extensions that are welded to the side parts.10. The harvesting attachment of claim 5 , wherein the top part is formed as a bent tube and in that the side parts are formed as bent and stamped components.11. The harvesting attachment of claim 1 , ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210185921A1

An agricultural apparatus including an agricultural vehicle and a number of work units suitable for cutting a standing crop. The work units include a front work unit and two lateral work units located behind and to the sides of the front work unit, each of the work units depositing cut crop as a swath. Each of the lateral work units is supported from a central chassis by a hydraulic system. A plurality of sensors determine a speed of the agricultural vehicle, a speed of operation of each lateral work unit and a relief pressure in the hydraulic system of each lateral work unit. A control unit is configured to receive inputs from the plurality of sensors, compare the values for a desired vehicle speed or speed of operation of the mower unit and adjust the pressure relief in the hydraulic system based on this comparison. The inertia of the hydraulic control system can accordingly be compensated for and the work units are able to follow the terrain contour, resulting in an even cut. 1. An agricultural apparatus comprising an agricultural vehicle and a number of work units suitable for cutting a standing crop , the work units being connected to the agricultural vehicle , the number of work units including a front work unit and two lateral work units located behind and to the sides of the front work unit , each of the work units depositing the cut crop as a swath , each of the lateral work units being supported from a central chassis by a hydraulic system , the agricultural apparatus further comprising:a control unit and a plurality of sensors, the sensors determining a speed of the agricultural vehicle, a speed of operation of each lateral work unit and a relief pressure in the hydraulic system of each lateral work unit, the control unit being configured to receive inputs from the plurality of sensors, compare values for a desired vehicle speed or desired speed of operation of the work unit and adjust the pressure relief in the hydraulic system based on the comparison.2. ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Method of Producing Cannabidiol Derived Products

Номер: US20180169162A1
Автор: Meeusen Christine

Methods are provided for producing cannabidiol (CBD)-based products in accordance with cycles of the moon and a plurality of biodynamic rituals. In some embodiments, the phase of the moon may be correlated with positions of the moon among the twelve zodiac signs, and the positions used to guide in the cultivation and harvest of plants. In some embodiments, the phase of the moon and the corresponding astrological phase that the moon is moving through may be used to determine when to plant seeds, when/how to water and fertilize, when to take cuttings, and the right time to harvest mature plants to produce optimal CBD-derived products. It is contemplated that farming with consideration of moon cycles may result in healthier plants, increased yields and superior products. 1. A method for producing a CBD-derived product , comprising:determining a moon phase;performing at least one ritual on the first day of a moon cycle;communicating one or more incantations;cleansing each participant of the CBD production;{'i': 'cannabis', 'distributing into one or more containers;'}{'i': 'cannabis', 'extracting CBD from the ; and'}forming the CBD-derived product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the moon phase includes identifying an occurrence of a full moon.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the moon phase includes establishing the moon phase as any one of waning crescent claim 1 , third quarter claim 1 , waning Gibbous claim 1 , full moon claim 1 , waxing Gibbous claim 1 , first quarter claim 1 , and waxing crescent.4cannabis. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the moon phase further comprises identifying positions of the moon among the twelve zodiac signs claim 1 , and using the positions to guide in the cultivation and harvest of the plants.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the at least one ritual includes considering a first zodiac sign prior to the at least one ritual.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein performing the at least one ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183465A1
Автор: HONEY Glenn

A crop harvesting header includes a reel rotatable about a reel axis. The reel has a reel bat supported at a spaced distance from the reel axis. The reel bat can pivot about a bat axis radially spaced from the reel axis. The reel bat has a crop collection member that extends generally away from the bat axis. The reel bat can move in a cyclical path around the reel axis during rotation of the reel. The reel bat can vary the angle of the crop collection member about the bat axis as the reel rotates about the reel axis. A sun gear is provided that may be positioned in axial alignment with the reel axis. A planetary gear system is rotatable about the sun gear. The planetary gear system interacts with the sun gear, and causes said planetary gear system to effect pivotal movement of the reel bat about its bat axis. 1. A crop harvesting header comprising: the at least one reel bat having at least one crop collection member connected thereto, said at least one crop collection member extending generally away from said bat axis, the at least one reel bat being operable to move in a cyclical path around the reel axis during rotation of the reel;', 'the at least one reel bat being operable to be pivoted about its bat axis so as to vary the angular orientation of the at least one crop collection member about the bat axis as the reel rotates about the reel axis;, '(a) a reel rotatable about a reel axis, said reel having at least one reel bat supported at a spaced distance from the reel axis, the at least one reel bat being operable for pivotal movement about a bat axis radially spaced from said reel axis and oriented generally parallel to the reel axis;'}(b) a sun gear; 'said planetary gear assembly being operable during rotation about the reel axis with the reel to interact with the sun gear, and cause said planetary gear assembly to effect pivotal movement of said at least one reel bat about its bat axis.', '(c) a planetary gear assembly being rotatable about and relative to ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180177120A1
Автор: Haws Spencer Kim

The present application relates to selective harvesting of agricultural objects, such as asparagus spears. One described example relates to a harvester that includes at least one set of independently controllable cutter arm assemblies that rotate about a common axis to harvest individual asparagus spears. 111-. (canceled)12. A device , comprising:a cutter arm assembly comprising first and second elements configured to lock upon an asparagus spear and further configured to subsequently release the asparagus spear, the cutter arm assembly further comprising a cutter knife configured to sever the asparagus spear.13. The device of claim 12 , wherein the first and second elements are configured to lock upon the asparagus spear in a harvest zone and are configured to subsequently release the asparagus spear in a collection zone.14. The device of claim 13 , wherein the cutter knife is configured to sever the asparagus spear in the harvest zone proximate to a surface of the soil.15. The device of claim 12 , wherein the cutter arm assembly is configured to pivot relative to the asparagus spear.16. A device claim 12 , comprising:a cutter assembly configured to be radially rotated about an axis and including first and second elements configured to grasp an asparagus spear therebetween as the cutter assembly rotates through a harvest zone, wherein the first and second elements can swing independently of one another relative to the axis yet are resiliently biased toward one another during the grasping, the cutter assembly further comprising a cutter knife configured to sever the asparagus spear.17. The device of claim 16 , wherein contact with the asparagus spear by either of the first and second elements stops swinging thereof while allowing the other of the first and second elements to continue swinging.18. The device of claim 17 , wherein contact with the asparagus spear by the other of the first and second elements stops swinging thereof and causes the asparagus spear to be ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For The Management Of Waste Associated With Processing Guayule Shrubs To Extract Rubber

Номер: US20150190848A1

Systems and methods for managing the waste associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs are provided. Also provided is a portable local sub-station for reducing the transportation costs associated with the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber. Use of the disclosed systems, methods and/or local sub-station can reduce transportation costs, reduce processing costs and reduce the downstream processing complexity associated with the extraction of rubber from guayule shrubs. 121-. (canceled)22. A method for managing waste associated with the processing of guayule shrubs for the extraction of rubber , the method comprising:utilizing harvested guayule shrubs including leaves, bark, woody material, and optionally roots from a harvest site; 'transporting the semi-processed guayule material to a remote rubber extraction plant capable of producing rubber, resin and waste bagasse from the semi-processed guayule material where the waste bagasse comprises at least 60% by weight of the semi-processed guayule material.', 'utilizing a local sub-station to remove at least one of the leaves and dirt from the harvested guayule shrubs thereby producing a semi-processed guayule material with a weight that is at least 10% lower than the weight of the harvested guayule shrubs; and'}23. The method according to claim 22 , wherein the local sub-station is portable.24. The method according to claim 22 , wherein the local sub-station is further utilized to chop the semi-processed guayule material into pieces having an average length of ½″ to 4″ prior to transporting.25. The method according to claim 22 , wherein the local sub-station includes a compression machine capable of compressing the pieces into briquettes or pellets with a density that is at least 150% higher than the uncompressed pieces prior to transporting.26. The method according to claim 22 , wherein at least one of the local sub-station and remote rubber extraction plant is located within 25 ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210212257A1
Автор: Huang Hui, Zhang Tan

A fruit and vegetable picking method and device based on machine vision and storage medium that includes: acquiring fruit image of fruit or vegetable to be picked currently, calling pre-trained neural network model to identify fruit image, and determining type of fruit or vegetable; acquiring type of fruit or vegetable, and determining cuttable area on stalk of fruit or vegetable according to type of fruit or vegetable, locating cutting point; controlling end picking apparatus to cut off stalk of fruit or vegetable, according to cutting point being determined. By using pre-trained neural network model to detect fruit and cut stalk for picking, one device may be able to pick multiple fruits and vegetables, have high versatility and picking accuracy, avoid hurting pulp, and have improved harvest efficiency and quality of fruits and vegetables picked. 110-. (canceled)11. A fruit and vegetable picking method based on machine vision , comprising:acquiring a fruit image of a fruit or a vegetable to be picked, calling a pre-trained neural network model to identify the fruit image, and determining a type of the fruit or the vegetable to be picked;acquiring the type of the fruit or the vegetable to be picked, and determining a cuttable area on a fruit stalk of the fruit or the vegetable to be picked according to the type of the fruit or the vegetable, before locating a cutting point; andcontrolling an end picking apparatus to cut off the stalk of the fruit or the vegetable to be picked, according to the cutting point determined.12. The fruit and vegetable picking method based on machine vision according to claim 11 , further comprising claim 11 , before the step of acquiring a fruit image of a fruit or a vegetable to be picked claim 11 , calling a pre-trained neural network model to identify the fruit image claim 11 , and determining a type of the fruit or the vegetable to be picked:collecting a data set of different types of fruits and vegetables, and building a Mask r-cnn ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160198632A1

A picking apparatus having at least one holder movable in a working direction. The holder has at least one conveying device with a front gathering region. The produce bearing plants come in contact with the conveying device in the front gathering region. The conveying device is operable to gather and transport plants in at least one conveying direction. The conveying direction extend in a straight or substantially straight line and transverse or substantially transverse to the working direction. The picking apparatus also has a picking gap defined behind the conveying device, wherein the plants are guided through the picking gap while separating the produce. 115-. (canceled)16. A picking apparatus comprising:at least one holder movable in a working direction, the holder having at least one conveying device with a front gathering region, wherein produce bearing plants come in contact with the conveying device in the front gathering region, the conveying device being operable to gather and transport plants in at least one conveying direction, the conveying direction extending in a straight or substantially straight line and transverse or substantially transverse to the working direction; anda picking gap defined behind the conveying device, wherein the plants are guided through the picking gap while separating the produce.17. An apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the picking gap has a longitudinal axis that is oriented transverse or approximately transverse to the working direction and parallel or approximately parallel to the ground.18. An apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the holder further comprises a plurality of blades claim 16 , and the conveying device guiding and cutting the plants against at least one of the blades.19. An apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the conveying device transports the plants in a direction parallel or approximately parallel to the ground.20. An apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the conveying device is configured as a linear conveyor.21. An ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180192588A1
Автор: VanNahmen Alan G.

A system for modifying a row unit of a harvesting head, the system including at least one cutting disk, a right angle gear set configured for being drivingly connected to the cutting disk, and a drive shaft between a row unit gear box and the right angle gear set. The system may drive two counter-rotating cutting disks that can be positioned either at near the rear or the front of the row unit. A method for modifying the row unit includes removing existing stalk rolls and housings, installing a cover plate over a gearbox to which the housings were mounted, removing existing trash knives, drilling holes in the row unit frame for mounting the cutting disks, installing the cutting disks. 1. A method for converting a corn head or a row crop head , the method comprising the steps of:removing stalk rolls from a row unit of the corn head or row crop head;mounting a cutting disk to a frame of the row unit; andcoupling a right angle gear set between a row unit gearbox and the cutting disk such that the cutting disk is driven by the row unit gearbox through the right angle gear set.2. The method of further comprising the step of removing a stalk roll housing from the row unit gearbox.3. The method of further comprising the step of installing a cover plate on the row unit gearbox after the stalk roll housing is removed from the row unit gearbox.4. The method of further comprising the step of removing a stalk roll drive shaft from the row unit gearbox.5. The method of further comprising the step of coupling a first drive shaft between the row unit gearbox and the right angle gear set.6. The method of further comprising the step of coupling a second drive shaft between the right angle gear set and the cutting disk.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the right angle gear set is enclosed within a casing.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cutting disk is located above the frame and is positioned between a drive sprocket and an idler sprocket.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein a ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180213722A1

The Multipurpose Leaf Crop Harvesting Apparatus and Processing Method will accomplish seven steps in one pass of the combine harvester. This apparatus and processing method harvests leaf crops and is configured to perform multiple processing operations, including fractionation of the leaf crop, leaf maceration, leaf sizing, elevating the leaf fraction to a transport vehicle, and stem conditioning, cutting and windrowing, in a single pass through the crop field. These steps are accomplished using a header unit, an adapter feeder macerator and a forage harvester vehicle, expeditiously removing the leaf fraction from the field. Following leaf fraction harvesting, the leaf fraction is processed by densification into forage feed products. The processed leaf fraction can be combined with other feeds to make up customized feed rations. The stem fraction is also processed. The present invention can also be used to harvest grass crops. 2. The multipurpose leaf crop harvesting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said stripper fingers capable of stripping leaf crop leaves from the leaf crop stems include a contoured stripper finger end and wherein said stripper fingers are supported by a support member.3. The multipurpose leaf crop harvesting apparatus according to claim 1 , further including an adapter feeder macerator capable of leaf maceration operation claim 1 , wherein said feeder macerator adapter macerates the leaf fraction generating a macerated leaf fraction prior to elevating the leaf fraction onto a transport vehicle.4. The multipurpose leaf crop harvesting apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein said macerated leaf fraction is sized generating a macerated and sized leaf fraction prior to elevating said macerated and sized leaf fraction onto a transport vehicle.5. The multipurpose leaf crop harvesting apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein said macerated and sized leaf fraction is elevated onto a transport vehicle in one harvesting pass through a leaf crop ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Automated pruning or harvesting system for complex morphology foliage

Номер: US20180220589A1
Автор: Burden Keith Charles

Method and apparatus for automated operations, such as pruning, harvesting, spraying and/or maintenance, on plants, and particularly plants with foliage having features on many length scales or a wide spectrum of length scales, such as female flower buds of the marijuana plant. The invention utilizes a convolutional neural network for image segmentation classification and/or the determination of features. The foliage is imaged stereoscopically to produce a three-dimensional surface image, a first neural network determines regions to be operated on, and a second neural network determines how an operation tool operates on the foliage. For pruning of resinous foliage the cutting tool is heated or cooled to avoid having the resins make the cutting tool inoperable. 1. A method for use of a first convolutional neural network for determination of automated operations on a workpiece based on region classifications of said workpiece generated by said first convolutional neural network , said workpiece having first workpiece features of a first characteristic length scale and second workpiece features of a second characteristic length scale , said first characteristic length scale being larger than said second characteristic length scale , comprising:generating a tiled image of said workpiece, said tiled image being an array of abutting tiles, a tile size of said tiles corresponding to a first distance on said workpiece being dependent on said first characteristic length scale, a separation between adjacent pixels in said tiles corresponding to a second distance on said workpiece being dependent on said second characteristic length scale;providing pixel data of one of said tiles to an input of said first convolution neural network, said first convolution neural network having a first convolution layer utilizing a first number of first convolution feature maps, said first convolution feature maps having a first feature map size, said first convolution layer outputting first ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200214200A1

A control system for an agricultural work vehicle is provided, the control system includes at least one controller, at least one control input device configured to send control signals to the at least one controller, and a header positioning assembly configured to interchangeably couple a plurality of headers to a chassis of a traction unit. The header positioning assembly is moveable between a plurality of orientations with each of the plurality of orientations providing a unique mechanical advantage. The at least one controller is configured to output a plurality of control commands corresponding to the control signals generated by the at least one control input device, and the control commands are configured to effect movement of the header positioning assembly between the plurality of orientations. An agricultural work vehicle is provided and includes the control system. 1. A control system for an agricultural work vehicle , the control system comprising:at least one controller;at least one control input device configured to send control signals to the at least one controller; anda header positioning assembly configured to interchangeably couple a plurality of headers to a chassis of a traction unit, wherein the header positioning assembly is moveable between a plurality of orientations with each of the plurality of orientations providing a unique mechanical advantage;wherein the at least one controller is configured to output a plurality of control commands corresponding to the control signals generated by the at least one control input device; andwherein the control commands are configured to effect movement of the header positioning assembly between the plurality of orientations.2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one control input device is at least one operator control input device configured to be actuated by an operator to generate the control signals.3. The control system of claim 2 , wherein actuation of the at least one operator ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160235000A1
Автор: Haws Spencer Kim

The present application relates to selective harvesting of agricultural objects, such as asparagus spears. One described example relates to a harvester that includes at least one set of independently controllable cutter arm assemblies that rotate about a common axis to harvest individual asparagus spears. 120-. (canceled)21. A harvester , comprisinga harvesting apparatus that defines an overall width and that includes a hub-bearing assembly and a set of independently controllable cutter arm assemblies that do not exceed the overall width, wherein each of the independently controllable cutter arm assemblies is configured to harvest across an entirety of the overall width.22. The harvester of claim 21 , wherein hub bearing assembly includes a drive hub configured to engage a driven cutter shaft.23. A device claim 21 , comprisinga cutter arm hub configured to be positioned on a cutter shaft and that includes a vertical mounting flange interposed between a first horizontal portion and a second horizontal portion;a set of cutter assembly bearings positioned on an outer surface of the first horizontal portion and an inner shaft bearing on an inner surface of the first horizontal portion; and,an inner bearing positioned on an inner surface of the second tubular portion and an outer bearing positioned over the inner bearing on an outer surface of the second tubular portion.24. The harvesting apparatus of claim 23 , wherein only the inner shaft bearing is configured to contact a cutter shaft upon which the device is positioned.25. The harvesting apparatus of claim 23 , wherein the inner bearing is configured to receive a drive wheel hub that is configured to be driven by a cutter shaft upon which the device is positioned. This patent application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/183,014, filed on Jun. 1, 2009, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.Many agricultural crops lend themselves to a single harvest per season. For instance grain ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Multipurpose leaf crop harvesting apparatus and processing method

Номер: US20200221639A1
Принадлежит: Green Gold Development LLC

The Multipurpose Leaf Crop Harvesting Apparatus and Processing Method will accomplish seven steps in one pass of the combine harvester. This apparatus and processing method harvests leaf crops and is configured to perform multiple processing operations, including fractionation of the leaf crop, leaf maceration, leaf sizing, elevating the leaf fraction to a transport vehicle, and stem conditioning, cutting and windrowing, in a single pass through the crop field. These steps are accomplished using a header unit, an adapter feeder macerator and a forage harvester vehicle, expeditiously removing the leaf fraction from the field. Following leaf fraction harvesting, the leaf fraction is processed by densification into forage feed products. The processed leaf fraction can be combined with other feeds to make up customized feed rations. The stem fraction is also processed. The present invention can also be used to harvest grass crops.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200229345A1
Автор: Markt Kevin

A row crop header for a harvester having a subframe removably coupleable to a feeder housing of the harvester. A pivot assembly is supported by the subframe permitting first and second header sections to pivotably move between raised and lowered positions together or independently of the other. A cross-auger center suspension assembly rotateably supports one end of the first cross-auger section and one end of the second cross-auger section as the first and second header sections pivotally move between the raised and lowered positions. 1. A method of harvesting a row crop in a field , comprising:advancing a harvester in a forward direction of travel through a row crop in a field, the forward end of the harvester having a row crop header mounted thereto, the row crop header having a first header section pivotally coupled to a second header section about a pivot axis, the pivot axis extending forwardly to rearwardly in a direction parallel with the forward direction of travel, each of the first and second header sections having a plurality of forwardly extending, transversely spaced, snouts, each of the snouts extending between two adjacent rows of the row crop as the harvester advances through the field harvesting the row crop;as the harvester advances through the field in the forward direction of travel harvesting the row crop with each of the snouts extending between actuating between the two adjacent rows of the row crop, actuating at least one hydraulic cylinder coupled to at least one of the first and second header sections to cause the first and second header sections to pivot relative to one another about the pivot axis.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of actuating the at least one hydraulic cylinder causes each of the first and second header sections to pivot upwardly about the pivot axis such that an outer end of each of the first and second header sections is vertically above the pivot axis.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of actuating ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Brush Clearing Assembly

Номер: US20170251593A1
Автор: Thomas Paul

A brush clearing assembly includes a mounting unit that may be coupled to a tractor. A hooking unit is provided. The hooking unit may be coupled to the tractor thereby facilitating the tractor to draw the hooking unit. The hooking unit is movably coupled to the mounting unit. The hooking unit may engage a trunk of a bush when the tractor backs toward the bush. The hooking unit slides laterally in the mounting unit when the hooking unit engages the trunk of the bush. Thus, the hooking unit slides along the trunk of the bush until the hooking unit passes beyond the trunk of the bush. The hooking unit removes the bush when the tractor drives forwardly from the bush. 1. A brush clearing assembly being configured to be movably coupled to a tractor thereby facilitating said brush clearing assembly to engage and remove brush , said assembly comprising:a mounting unit being configured to be coupled to a tractor; anda hooking unit being configured to be coupled to the tractor thereby facilitating the tractor to draw said hooking unit, said hooking unit being movably coupled to said mounting unit, said hooking unit being configured to engage a trunk of a bush when the tractor backs toward the bush, said hooking unit sliding laterally in said mounting unit when said hooking unit engages the trunk of the bush wherein said hooking unit is configured to slide along the trunk of the bush until said hooking unit passes beyond the trunk of the bush, said hooking unit being biased to be centrally positioned in said mounting unit wherein said hooking unit is configured to be positioned to grip the trunk of the bush when said hooking unit passes beyond the trunk of the bush thereby facilitating said hooking unit to remove the bush when the tractor drives forwardly from the bush.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said mounting unit comprises:a first member having a first end and a second end, each of said first end and said second end being configured to be removably coupled ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Header for a Harvesting Machine Including a Displaceable Cutterbar Table

Номер: US20160262308A1

A header has a cutterbar table that is movably mounted to a frame and configured to cut a standing crop, an intake auger mounted to the frame and configured to receive the cut crop; the intake auger further being configured to rotate, during a normal state, in a predetermined direction, and to rotate, during a corrective state, in a predetermined reversed direction, an actuator assembly configured to displace the cutterbar table relative to the frame, thereby changing a distance between the cutterbar table and the intake auger, a control unit configured to, upon receipt of an error signal indicative of a need to operate in the corrective state control the actuator assembly to displace the cutterbar table away from the intake auger to a safe operating position, prior to controlling the intake auger to rotate in the predetermined reversed direction. 1. A header for a harvester , the header comprising;a frame;a cutterbar table movably mounted to the frame, the cutterbar table configured to cut a standing crop;an intake auger mounted to the frame and configured to receive the cut crop; the intake auger further configured to rotate during a normal state in a predetermined direction, and to rotate during a corrective state in a predetermined reversed direction;an actuator assembly configured to displace the cutterbar table relative to the frame, thereby changing a distance between the cutterbar table and the intake auger; controlling the actuator assembly to displace the cutterbar table away from the intake auger to a safe operating position, prior to', 'controlling the intake auger to rotate in the predetermined reversed direction., 'a control unit for controlling the actuator assembly and the intake auger, the control unit configured for, upon receipt of an error signal indicative of a need to operate in the corrective state2. The header according to claim 1 , wherein the cutterbar table is movably mounted above a bottom portion of the frame.3. The header according to ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Mushroom Harvester

Номер: US20170265392A1

A device for harvesting mushrooms from a mushroom bed involves a robotic aim configured to interchangeably deploy one of a plurality of different suction grippers, each of the suction grippers having a suction cup having a size and shape profile appropriate for gripping a cap of a mushroom, the cap having a size and shape profile within a predetermined range. A vacuum source in fluid communication with the suction gripper supplies negative air pressure to the suction gripper for retaining a cap of the mushroom to be harvested in the suction cup. A control circuit in electronic communication with the suction gripper and the vacuum source is configured to automatically adjust the negative air pressure in the suction gripper in response to harvesting requirements during a mushroom harvesting process. A few standard mushroom shapes have been identified, which permits suction cup designs that maximize contact between the suction cups and the mushroom caps, which permits minimizing the strength of the vacuum needed to harvest the mushrooms.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200253120A1
Автор: Hefner Corbett

A harvesting system for harvesting stalky plants is mountable on a power unit such as an agricultural or construction tractor having hydraulic power and/or a power takeoff (PTO). The system includes at least a reel-based harvesting head configured to cut off at least the tops of the plants and to transport the cut plants laterally of the harvesting system without threshing or otherwise processing the plants. The harvesting head may be mounted on, for example, an upper lift arm assembly or a three-point hitch mechanism of the power unit. If the harvesting head is mounted on the upper lift arm assembly of an agricultural tractor, a second harvesting head may be mountable on the tractor's three-point hitch mechanism beneath the first harvesting head for cutting stalks near their base, gathering the cut stalks, and windrowing the cut stalks behind the second harvesting head. 1. A harvesting system comprising: (1) a frame having front and rear ends and left and right ends;', '(2) a sickle cutter mounted on the frame and extending between the left and right ends of the frame in the vicinity of the front end of the frame,', '(3) a rotatable gathering re& mounted on the frame above the sickle cutter,', '(4) a conveyor mounted on the frame behind the sickle cutter and underneath the reel and extending between the left and right ends of the frame, the conveyor having a discharge end located adjacent one of the left end and the right end the frame and being configured to receive cut materials supplied thereto by the reel and to transport those materials to the discharge end thereof, and', '(5) an offload boom extending laterally away from the frame and having an inlet end located adjacent the discharge end of the conveyor and having a discharge end; and, '(A) a harvesting head including'}(B) a mount located in the vicinity of the rear end of the frame and configured to be releasably mounted on an attachment of a power unit.2. The harvesting system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Harvester header control system, method and apparatus

Номер: US20180271016A1
Принадлежит: Milano Technical Group Inc

The harvester header height control system allows automatic adjustment of the header height as the harvester moves across a field to optimize the harvest of the produce in the field. The header height control system adjusts for the topography of the field, the density and health of the plants in the field and the speed of the harvester.

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Wear resistant precutter knife

Номер: US20190281768A1
Автор: Daniel E. Derscheid
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A harvesting machine including a frame, a rotor assembly rotatably coupled to the frame configured to move crop material, and a plurality of knives movably attached to the harvesting machine. The rotor assembly includes a plurality of spaced apart rotating blades, wherein one or more of the plurality of knives extends into the spaces between the blades. Each of the plurality of knives includes a knife body and a cutting edge having a plurality of teeth, wherein each of the teeth includes a scallop or valley. Each one of the plurality of valleys extends from the knife body to the leading edge of one of the plurality of teeth, wherein adjacent valleys are located on opposite sides of the knife body. The valleys are lined with a wear resistant material to increase the longevity of the cutting edge and cutting ability.

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Method of Producing Cannabidiol Derived Products

Номер: US20190282642A1
Автор: Meeusen Christine

Methods are provided for producing cannabidiol (CBD)-based products in accordance with cycles of the moon and a plurality of biodynamic rituals. In some embodiments, the phase of the moon may be correlated with positions of the moon among the twelve zodiac signs, and the positions used to guide in the cultivation and harvest of plants. In some embodiments, the phase of the moon and the corresponding astrological phase that the moon is moving through may be used to determine when to plant seeds, when/how to water and fertilize, when to take cuttings, and the right time to harvest mature plants to produce optimal CBD-derived products. It is contemplated that farming with consideration of moon cycles may result in healthier plants, increased yields and superior products. 1. A method for producing CBD-derived products , comprising:determining an instance of a new moon;{'i': 'cannabis', 'planting cuttings during a beginning of a first quarter of the lunar cycle;'}performing at least one biodynamic ritual during a third quarter of the lunar cycle;{'i': 'cannabis', 'maintaining plants during a fourth quarter of the lunar cycle;'}celebrating rest and reflection through one or more biodynamic rituals during the third quarter and the fourth quarter; and{'i': 'cannabis', 'harvesting mature plants under the glow of the full moon during the third quarter.'}2cannabis. The method of claim 1 , wherein maintaining plants includes implementing any of watering claim 1 , fertilizing claim 1 , and managing pests.3cannabis. The method of claim 1 , further comprising extracting a CBD concentrate from harvested mature plants.4cannabis. The method of claim 3 , wherein extracting includes submerging in one or more suitable solvents and straining of plant matter and solvents to produce the CBD concentrate.5cannabis. The method of claim 3 , wherein extracting includes subjecting the to carbon dioxide under high pressure and very low temperature and straining of plant matter to produce the CBD ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Vertically oriented modular aerohydroponic systems and methods of planting and horticulture

Номер: US20180295800A1
Автор: John Thomas Kiernan
Принадлежит: PHIDRO LLC

Vertically oriented modular systems and methods for horticulture using stackable, removable containers dimensioned according to the Fibonacci Sequence and configured to hold plants with or without sub-containers with roots wholly or partially submerged in aqueous nutrient solution for aerohydroponic growth with intake and outtake apertures and at least one conduit to deliver, air, and/or aqueous nutrient solution in fluid communication with other stacked containers, and adjustable baffling to control nutrient solution delivery. The containers are releasably divisible across the face of the container to promote removal, harvest and transplantation without disrupting or damaging plant roots. The containers can also be configured with sensors paired or connected to a computing system to monitor, measure, and store data related to monitoring plant growth. Mounting systems with container center of gravity below the mounting point for stability and automated track based systems for planting, monitoring, and lighting, and harvesting can also be used.

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Sugar Crop Harvester

Номер: US20160316625A1

The disclosed invention relates to the harvesting of sugar-bearing ground crops such as sweet sorghum, in cold regions. The sugar crop harvester with various adaptations described is comprised of operational components, or features, that minimize the damage done to the crop during harvesting, particularly those things that result in deterioration of sugars prior to processing. The harvester includes several operational components that are well suited for processing sweet sorghum, particularly the dividers, base cutters, feed conveyor, de-trashing roll, brush rolls, hurler drums, de-bridging thrash roller, air blast, toppers and bin. Other components of the harvester are designed for easy maintenance. The operational components can be used with either a whole-stalk style harvester, or a chopper-style harvester. 1. A sugar crop harvester with a divider adaptation , the divider adaptation comprising:two divider arms configured to gather stalks, wherein the divider arms are spaced at most 30 inches apart and driven by an independent power source.2. A sugar crop harvester with a cutting apparatus adaptation comprising: a hydraulic drive , wherein the drive comprises two driving sprockets mounted directly to an motor output shaft , the cutting apparatus further comprising cutting discs and a right angle gear box suspended in a frame , wherein the gear box pivots around an axis of its horizontal shaft.3. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the right angle gearboxes are mounted to allow a vertical shaft thereof to incline to each other over a range of angles.4. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the vertical shafts move apart when an uncuttable obstruction is encountered.5. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the cutting discs comprise a blade with scimitar shaped notched cutting teeth.6. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the apparatus further ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Swath Roller Attachment for a Swather Tractor

Номер: US20150319924A1

A swather with a crop cutting header includes a swath roller for rolling on the swath carried on a mounting assembly attached to the tractor frame and a lifting assembly for lifting the roller free from the swath where a control unit is arranged to lift the swath roller to the raised position thereof when the header is raised to the raised position thereof. The control unit also includes a GPS position sensing system so that the roller is lifted at positions determined by the GPS position sensing system. The mounting assembly comprises a mounting frame rigidly attached to the rear walking beam of the tractor so that the mounting frame is held at a set position relative to the tractor determined by a position of the beam so that the swath roller is not pivotally mounted relative to the tractor. 1. An agricultural tractor comprising:a tractor frame having a cab;a header mounted on support members at a forward end of the frame to be moved in a longitudinal working direction across the ground;the header being arranged in a working position to cut a standing crop and to form a swath of the crop for deposit on the ground behind the tractor;a first pair of ground wheels mounted on the frame at positions spaced transversely of the frame adjacent the forward end for supporting the tractor adjacent the header;a second pair of ground wheels mounted on the frame at positions spaced transversely of the frame adjacent a rearward end of the tractor and spaced to allow the passage of the swath between the second pair of wheels;a swath roller for rolling on the swath;a mounting assembly for attaching the swath roller to the tractor for forward movement with the tractor;a lifting assembly for lifting the swath roller upward from the swath so that in a raised position the swath roller is free from the swath for passage over the swath;wherein the tractor includes a control unit for controlling lifting of the header from the working position to a raised position thereof;and wherein the ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160324066A1

A system for positioning crop windrow guide shields projecting generally rearwardly alongside the crop discharge stream as it exits an agricultural mower. The shields are coupled for simultaneous, coordinated movement and repositioned by a powered actuator in response to either a manual input by a vehicle operator or automatically by a controller based on a steering angle deflection between a tractor and a towed implement. The system may be adapted for use with a single implement being operated on a side hill to control windrow drifting. The system may also be used with simultaneously operated front-mounted and pull-behind mowers to direct the crop discharge streams into a merged windrow. 1. A mower for connection to an agricultural tractor , the mower comprises a cutting apparatus for severing a standing crop from the ground and a crop guide apparatus for directing an airborne flow of crop material rearwardly therefrom to form a windrow on the ground , the crop guide apparatus comprising:first and second windrow guide shields, each windrow guide shield having generally opposing forward and rearward ends and positioned on opposing lateral sides of the airborne flow of crop material, each of the windrow guide shields being pivotally coupled near the forward end of the mower to enable the respective rearward ends of the shields to move laterally inwardly and outwardly relative to the airborne crop flow;an actuator configured to cause the first and second windrow guide shields to pivot between opposing right and left extreme positions; anda control system configured for receiving at least one input signal from the mower or an operator input device, the at least one input signal is used to determine a desired guide shield position based upon the received at least one input signal and initiating an actuator signal representative thereof, the actuator signal being communicated to the actuator to cause the pivotal position of the first and second windrow guide shields to ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200315094A1

This invention refers to an improved foldable and extensible head for agave harvest, characterized by including a vertical structure in whose lower end there is a support and fixation element of a lower-cut clamp, to cut the agave plant from its base, defined by a pair of straight-cut blades in a couple of curved clamps, completely opposing each other, each one fixed with its own rotating axis on the aforementioned support and fixation element. Each clamp includes a circular or semi-circular gear that allows the interlocking of both clamps and that together define a zipper mechanism to accurately synchronize the closing and opening movement between the clamps; a fixation structure of at least one hydraulic or pneumatic actuator is assembled in the rear area of the aforementioned support and fixation element, where the stem is pivotally fixed in the rear part, next to the rotating axis of at least one curved clamp to close or open both clamps as a result of the abovementioned zipper mechanism. 1- the improved foldable and extensible head for agave harvest , in compliance with the above claims , characterized by including a vertical structure in whose lower end there are lower-cut pliers to cut the agave plant from the base (“banquear” in spanish) , formed by a pair of straight-cut pliers in a pair of curved clamps completely opposing each other , each one fixed with its own rotating axis in the aforementioned support and fixation element; in addition , each clamp includes a circular or semi-circular gear that allows both clamps to interlock and to define together a zipper mechanism to accurately synchronize the closing and opening movement of the clamps; a fixation structure of at least one hydraulic or pneumatic actuator is mounted on the rear area of the aforementioned support and fixation element , where the stem is fixated pivotally in the rear area next to the rotation axis of at least one curved clamp , to close or open both clamps as a result of the ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190323253A1

A secure plant cultivation facility in which each growth cultivation chamber and drying chamber contained therein are assigned with a unique address or identifier so as to facilitate the production, packaging, storage and tracking of each batch or lot of controlled substance associated to a given client or person and/or strain of controlled substance. 1. A secure plant cultivation facility in which each growth cultivation chamber and drying chamber contained therein are assigned with a unique address or identifier so as to facilitate the production , packaging , storage and tracking of each batch or lot of controlled substance associated to a given client or person and/or strain of controlled substance.3. The secure plant cultivation facility of claim 1 , further comprising automation software allowing for the operating claim 1 , monitoring claim 1 , scheduling and controlling of components of the facility as well as environmental and agricultural conditions therein claim 1 , as well as provide for asset and inventory management of controlled substances so processed within the facility.4. The secure plant cultivation facility of claim 3 , wherein the automation software may push real-time notifications to users claim 3 , thereby enabling said users to rectify crop claim 3 , environmental and agricultural deficiencies within the facility or with respect to the controlled substances cultivated therein.5. The secure plant cultivation facility of claim 1 , further comprising at least one multi-directional automation device having a processor in communication with automation software claim 1 , means for moving claim 1 , and at least one or more implements for any one of planting claim 1 , seeding claim 1 , crop monitoring claim 1 , weeding claim 1 , spraying claim 1 , irrigating claim 1 , moving claim 1 , thinning claim 1 , pruning claim 1 , grading claim 1 , picking and harvesting controlled substances claim 1 , imaging as well as sensing crop claim 1 , environmental ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Device for picking fruit having an improved robot arm

Номер: US20200323140A1
Принадлежит: Octinion BVBA

A device for picking fruit is provided with an optical detection means and a robot arm, fitted with a gripper mechanism. The processing unit actuates the robot arm to make the gripper mechanism move about the piece of fruit to be picked from below. Once grasped, the piece of fruit to be picked is rotated in such a way about a substantially horizontal axis that the stalk of the piece of fruit comes away from the plant.

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Sugar Crop Harvester with Cutting Apparatus

Номер: US20170339828A1

The disclosed invention relates to the harvesting of sugar-bearing ground crops such as sweet sorghum, in cold regions. The sugar crop harvester with various adaptations described is comprised of operational components, or features, that minimize the damage done to the crop during harvesting, particularly those things that result in deterioration of sugars prior to processing. The harvester includes several operational components that are well suited for processing sweet sorghum, particularly the dividers, base cutters, feed conveyor, de-trashing roll, brush rolls, hurler drums, de-bridging thrash roller, air blast, toppers and bin. Other components of the harvester are designed for easy maintenance. The operational components can be used with either a whole-stalk style harvester, or a chopper-style harvester. 1. A sugar crop harvester with a cutting apparatus adaptation comprising:a hydraulic drive, wherein the drive comprises two driving sprockets mounted directly to an motor output shaft, the cutting apparatus further comprising cutting discs and a right angle gear box suspended in a frame, wherein the gear box pivots around an axis of its horizontal shaft.2. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the right angle gearbox is mounted to allow a vertical shaft thereof to incline to each other over a range of angles.3. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the vertical shafts move apart when an uncuttable obstruction is encountered.4. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the cutting discs comprise a blade with scimitar shaped notched cutting teeth.5. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus further comprises an arrangement of vehicle tires to improve the rearward thrust on the stalks of the crop after cutting.6. The sugar crop harvester and cutting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the cutting discs are carried by a rotating plate claim 2 , ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180338423A1

The present invention relates to a structural set for the assembly of a header intended for harvesters, comprising technical, constructive and functional aspects capable of promoting the tilting adjustment of the header in order to improve the accuracy levels of the angle of attack of the cutting discs during harvesting. More particularly, the present invention refers to a structural set for the assembly of a header in agricultural machines comprising a girder formed by a central beam on which a support is provided for suitable fitting of the structure of the header, the central beam being anchored to the chassis of the agricultural machine by an actuator device and further connecting at least two support columns, which are pivoted on the chassis of the agricultural machine by fastening device(s). 1. A STRUCTURAL SET FOR ASSEMBLY OF A HEADER comprising a girder formed by a central beam on which a support is arranged for the engagement and fastening of said structure of the header , said central beam being anchored to the chassis of the agricultural machine by an actuator device and further connecting at least two support columns , the at least two supporting columns being pivoted on the chassis of said agricultural machine by at least one fastening device.2. The STRUCTURAL SET claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one said fastening device includes a plurality of pivoting shafts arranged on the base of said support columns claim 1 , which fit into holes provided in the bottom of the chassis input.3. The STRUCTURAL SET claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said actuator device is a hydraulic claim 1 , electrical claim 1 , mechanical mechanism or a combination thereof.4. The STRUCTURAL SET claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said actuator device is a hydraulic piston driven by the hydraulic system of the agricultural machines.5. The STRUCTURAL SET claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein said actuator device is a thread driven by an electric or ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Adaptive Multi Row Header for Sugar Cane Harvester

Номер: US20180338426A1

An agricultural machine header which can be coupled to and uncoupled from a harvesting machine The header includes a frame having with a plurality of adjustable supports for coupling with at lest two row divider sets. The header further includes at least one pair of base cutting discs and at least one knock-down roller. The header supports the base cutting discs in an adjustable and flexible way that allows them to be adjusted according to conditions and characteristics of crop to be harvested.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Single Disk Rotary Forage Harvester Header

Номер: US20190335664A1
Принадлежит: Horning Manufacturing, LLC

A non-row sensitive forage harvester header is formed with a single rotary member driven by a simplified drive mechanism coupled to the primary drive of the forage harvester to which the header is mounted. A horizontal drive shaft transfers the rotational power laterally to a gear box. The vertical output shaft from the gearbox has a first drive sprocket mounted thereon to connect directly with a drive chain fixed to the crop transfer disks, and a second drive sprocket mounted thereon and coupled to a drive chain entrained around a driven sprocket on the cutting disk to provide a drive speed differential with respect to the crop transfer disks. The crop guides are formed with rearwardly angled transfer arms cooperable with sweeper members on the crop transfer disk to direct the severed crop into engagement with the transfer disks for feeding into the forage harvester. 1. A non-row sensitive forage harvester header , comprising:a frame;a single rotary cutting member rotatably driven to sever standing crop material from the ground and to convey the severed crop material rearwardly along a flow path, said single rotary cutting member including a cutting disk rotatable about an axis of rotation and operable to sever the standing crop material and at least one crop transfer disk rotatable about said axis of rotation to transfer the severed crop material around the periphery of said single rotary cutting member for discharge from said forage harvester header; anda drive apparatus supported on said frame and including a first drive mechanism operably connected to said at least one crop transfer disk and a second drive mechanism operably connected to said cutting disk.2. The non-row sensitive forage harvester header of wherein said single rotary cutting member includes three interconnected crop transfer disks that are rotatably driven by said first drive mechanism so as to rotate at a common rotational speed.3. The non-row sensitive forage harvester header of wherein said ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Base Cutter Blade

Номер: US20160366822A1
Принадлежит: Crompion International

An improved base cutter blade suited for use in a sugar cane harvester. The preferred improved blade has a generally elongated flat body with opposing longitudinal edges. A removable, replaceable knife is also provided. The knife is made to releasably engage the leading edge of the body. Grooves are preferably centrally positioned in both edges of the body. In the preferred configuration, the knife dovetails with the portion of the groove corresponding to the leading edge of the body. Thus, the knife will perform most of the cutting work and bear the brunt of the wear suffered by the blade. When the knife becomes dull, only the knife need be replaced, which can be done quickly. This will save a significant amount of time during harvest operations. It will also reduce the amount of material that is consumed in the form of worn out blades.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Device for Harvesting Stalk-Like Stem Crops with Adjustable Picking Plates

Номер: US20180352740A1
Принадлежит: Carl Geringhoff GmbH and Co KG

The present invention relates to a device for harvesting stalk-like stem crops, having a number of picking units ( 2 ) which are arranged alongside one another on the frame of the device and each have picking plates ( 6 ), which laterally delimit a picking gap ( 4 ) and are adjustable in the transverse direction, and at least one picking rotor ( 8 ) located therebeneath, conveying units ( 10 ) which are assigned to the respective picking units ( 2 ), are configured as continuous conveyors that are driven in circulation, are arranged on opposite sides above a picking gap ( 4 ) and are configured with drivers fastened to the circulating elements, and a transverse conveying device arranged downstream of the conveying units ( 10 ), wherein the transverse adjustment of the picking plates ( 6 ) takes place by means of anchor plates ( 12 ) which are movable in rotation about an axis of rotation ( 14 ) by an adjusting lever ( 20 ). In order to create an adjusting mechanism which requires a smaller overall width, it is proposed that one or more anchor plates ( 12 ) each have two joint axes ( 16 ) via which the adjacent picking plates ( 6 ) are connected to these armature plates ( 12 ), and that the two picking plates ( 6 ) be movable in the transverse direction via the joint axes ( 16 ) in the event of a rotary movement of these anchor plates ( 12 ) about their axes of rotation.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Structural set for header assembly and harvesting machine

Номер: US20180352744A1

A structural set for assembling a header intended for harvesters is capable of compensation of the lateral movement of the header according to the ground conditions of the planting rows being harvested. More particularly, a structural set for assembling a header in an agricultural machine comprising a girder with a central beam interconnected to at least two structural columns, the central beam being provided with a pivoting point for engaging and fastening a bracket, and at least one return element of the bracket for returning the bracket in a substantially horizontal position when at rest.

16-10-2019 дата публикации

Self-propelled agricultural harvester, in particular forage harvester

Номер: EP2761985B2
Автор: Manfred Pollklas

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Device for cutting off asparagus tops

Номер: EP3031313A1
Автор: Thomas Hermeler
Принадлежит: Thomas Hermeler

Eine Vorrichtung (1) dient zum Abschneiden von Spargelkraut (5) in einem Damm (3). Dabei ist die Vorrichtung (1) in einer Fahrtrichtung (2) längs zum Damm (3) bewegbar und weist ein in den Damm (3) eindringendes Messer (10) auf. Das vom Messer (10) abgeschnittene Spargelkraut (5) wird mittels eines Krautziehers (30) aus dem Damm (3) gezogen. Dieser Krautzieher (30) weist einen das Spargelkraut erfassenden Halter (20) auf. Um das Spargelkraut (5) möglichst exakt abzuschneiden, ist der Halter (20) dem Messer (10) vorgeordnet und der Krautzieher (30) dem Messer (10) nachgeordnet. A device (1) serves to cut off asparagus (5) in a dam (3). In this case, the device (1) in a direction of travel (2) along the dam (3) is movable and has a in the dam (3) penetrating blade (10). The asparagus herb (5) cut off from the knife (10) is pulled out of the dam (3) by means of a herbivore (30). This herbivore (30) has a holder (20) which detects the asparagus. In order to cut off the asparagus (5) as accurately as possible, the holder (20) is arranged upstream of the knife (10) and downstream of the cutter (30) adjoins the knife (10).

29-11-2017 дата публикации

Самоходная сельскохозяйственная уборочная машина, в частности полевой измельчитель

Номер: RU2636964C2

Изобретение относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Самоходная сельскохозяйственная уборочная машина включает уборочный навесной агрегат и по меньшей мере один рабочий агрегат. Уборочный навесной агрегат предназначен для захвата убираемой культуры с поля. Рабочий агрегат предназначен для обработки и/или подачи убранной культуры. Предусмотрено регулирование по меньшей мере одного параметра по меньшей мере одного связанного с уборочной машиной функционального устройства по меньшей мере одного рабочего агрегата для настройки на различные условия применения. Предусмотрено устройство управления, выполненное с возможностью эксплуатации в режиме скашивания первой полосы на поле для задания для уборочного навесного агрегата и/или по меньшей мере одного рабочего агрегата по меньшей мере одного параметра для перевода уборочной машины в конфигурацию для скашивания первой полосы на поле. Изобретение обеспечивает снятие нагрузки с механизатора, управляющего уборочной машиной, в начале уборки необработанного поля. 1 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 636 964 C2 (51) МПК A01D 43/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014102857, 29.01.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.01.2014 (72) Автор(ы): ПОЛЛЬКЛАС Манфред (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): КЛААС Зельбстфаренде Эрнтемашинен ГмбХ (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 2316259 A1, 04.05.2011. EP Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 01.02.2013 DE 102013101016.4 (45) Опубликовано: 29.11.2017 Бюл. № 34 2 6 3 6 9 6 4 R U (54) САМОХОДНАЯ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ УБОРОЧНАЯ МАШИНА, В ЧАСТНОСТИ ПОЛЕВОЙ ИЗМЕЛЬЧИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к агрегата для настройки на различные условия сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. применения. Предусмотрено устройство Самоходная сельскохозяйственная уборочная управления, выполненное с возможностью машина ...

02-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN108718668A


10-01-2017 дата публикации

South cane harvesting device

Номер: RU2606911C1

FIELD: agriculture; machine building. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agricultural machine building, particularly to stem plants mowing and southern cane harvesting devices. South cane harvesting device includes boat, engine, gear box, cutting tool, drive and control mechanism. On boat side wall frame is hinged resting on shore on adjustable support-drive wheels and locked by braces. On frame side wall rotary cutting tools unit is installed, behind cutting devices receiving-loading conveyor is mounted, coupled with mounted grinder, aggregated with tractor, mounted grinder is equipped with silage duct for ground mass loading into tractor dump carrier. Grinder is coupled with receiving-loading conveyor by means of chute board and includes two lower and two upper ribbed rolls and smooth roll, and grinding device has shear bar and cylindrical drum with blades on its periphery. In drum upper part a splitter plate is provided, and in grinder rear part silage duct is made for ground mass loading into tractor dump carrier. EFFECT: use of invention provides mowing higher efficiency and quality, while device design simplification. 1 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 606 911 C1 (51) МПК A01D 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015141259, 28.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.09.2015 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.09.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2017 Бюл. № 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 1012828 A1, 23.04.1983. RU 93006204 A, 10.05.1995. СN 103430691 A, 11.12.2013. EP 2210469 B1, 28.07.2010. 2 6 0 6 9 1 1 R U (57) Формула изобретения Устройство для уборки тростника южный, включающее лодку, двигатель, коробку передач, режущий аппарат, привод и механизм управления, отличающееся тем, что на боковой стенке лодки шарнирно установлена рама, опирающаяся на берегу на регулируемые ...
