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10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2593679C2

Изобретение относится к оценочному средству, а точнее к оценочному средству, выполненному с возможностью его использования для получения цифрового рентгеновского динамического изображения, посредством которых выполняют оценку, а также к оценочному устройству, снабженному таким оценочным средством. Оценочное средство, выполненное с возможностью его использования для получения его цифрового рентгеновского динамического изображения, причем обеспечено выполнение оценки посредством указанного цифрового рентгеновского динамического изображения, а указанное средство содержит пластинчатый корпус, имеющий множество участков с различными коэффициентами поглощения рентгеновского излучения, по меньшей мере один подвижный корпус, содержащий множество проволочных стержней и выполненный с возможностью перемещения относительно пластинчатого корпуса таким образом, что указанное множество проволочных стержней пересекает рентгеновское излучение, которым облучают указанный пластинчатый корпус, и приводную ...

01-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2637289C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам контроля качества устройств магнитно-резонансной визуализации. Устройство включает в себя фантом, имеющий вес менее 18,2 кг. Фантом содержит контрольный столбик, внешнюю несущую конструкцию и известное трехмерное пространственное распределение элементов, визуализируемых методами МР и компьютерной томографии, расположенных в пористой опоре. Внешняя несущая конструкция, как и пористая опора, не воспринимаемы методами МР и КТ, при этом пространственное распределение имеет размеры, позволяющие полностью заполнять объем визуализации устройства магнитно-резонансной визуализации. Способ контроля качества с использованием фантома содержит этапы, на которых вручную поднимают фантом для медицинской визуализации в устройство магнитно-резонансной визуализации, получают МР-изображение фантома и сравнивают местоположения визуализируемых элементов из МР-изображения фантома с местоположениями элементов в ранее получаемом опорном КТ изображении ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559930C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам формирования функциональных изображений. Способ содержит получение первого изображения накопления первого контрастного вещества в ткани пациента, не являющейся объектом исследования, при этом первое изображение генерируется на основе первых данных от первого средства формирования изображений, получение второго изображения накопления второго контрастного вещества в исследуемой ткани пациента и ткани пациента, не являющейся объектом исследования, при этом второе изображение генерируется на основе вторых данных от другого второго средства формирования изображений, генерирование первой маски изображения на основе первого изображения, генерирование первого изображения особенности на основе второго изображения и первой маски изображения и отображение первого изображения особенности, которое не включает в себя накопление контрастного вещества в исследуемой ткани, не накапливающей контрастное вещество. Устройство формирования изображений ...

03-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2725751C2
Принадлежит: БАЙЕР ХЕЛСКЕР ЛЛСи (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Раскрыты способы и системы оценки лучевой нагрузки на пациента при сканированиях методом компьютерной томографии (КТ). В частности, в соответствии с вариантами осуществления изобретения предлагаются эффективные способы создания подходящей модели пациента, используемой для выполнения этой оценки, способы оценки дозы пациента путем интерполяции результатов нескольких имитационных моделирований и способы для провайдера услуги поддерживать услугу оценки дозы, сделанную доступной нескольким провайдерам КТ-сканов. 12 н. и 42 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

06-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681418C2

Использование: для калибровки системы фазоконтрастной визуализации. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что фантомное тело (PB) включает в себя по меньшей мере три взаимно различимые части (P1, P2, P3), выполненные с возможностью совместно вызывать множество искажений относительно пучка рентгеновских лучей (XB), когда упомянутый пучок рентгеновских лучей проходит через фантомное тело (PB), причем упомянутое множество искажений включает в себя i) фазовый сдвиг, ii) поглощение и iii) декогеренцию, причем любое из искажений i), ii) и iii) вызвано именно одной частью из упомянутых по меньшей мере трех взаимно различимых частей (P1, P2, P3) в большей степени, чем другие степени, с которыми упомянутое любое из искажений вызвано соответствующими двумя другими частями из упомянутых по меньшей мере трех взаимно различимых частей (P1, P2, P3), и причем по меньшей мере одна часть из упомянутых по меньшей мере трех взаимно различимых частей (P1, P2, P3) включает в себя по меньшей мере три различимые ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016150815A3

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009149481A

... 1. Способ позитронной эмиссионной локальной томографии, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! итерационно реконструируют пространственно усеченные данные проекций, характеризующие позитронные аннигиляции, происходящие в объекте, и собранные с использованием позитронного эмиссионного сканера, чтобы сформировать данные пространства первого изображения, характеризующие объект; ! представляют данные пространства первого изображения в форме, воспринимаемой человеком. ! 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этапы, на которых: ! идентифицируют представляющую интерес область объекта; ! выполняют пространственное усечение собранных данных проекций; ! при этом этап пространственного усечения содержит идентификацию данных проекций, собранных вдоль линий срабатывания, которые пересекают идентифицированную представляющую интерес область. ! 3. Способ по п.2, в котором объект содержит сердце, и этап идентификации представляющей интерес области содержит идентификацию такой внутренней области субъекта, как ...

09-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2640554C1

Настоящее изобретение состоит в создании средства оценки качества, используемого как фантом (имитация патологического изменения) при получении цифрового рентгеновского изображения, с помощью которого может быть проведена оценка качества, и в частности, средства оценки качества, используемого для удобной одновременной оценки качества цифрового рентгеновского изображения частей с разными коэффициентами поглощения рентгеновского излучения. Средство оценки качества настоящего изобретения может быть использовано для получения цифрового рентгеновского изображения, посредством которого может быть выполнена оценка, и содержит подложку (пластинчатый элемент), включающую в себя несколько областей, имеющих разные коэффициенты поглощения рентгеновского излучения; и ступенчатые элементы, расположенные на пластинчатом корпусе таким образом, что они соответствуют нескольким областям, а каждый ступенчатый элемент содержит несколько подобластей, имеющих разные коэффициенты поглощения рентгеновского излучения ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013103442A

... 1. Средство оценки, выполненное с возможностью использования для получения цифрового рентгеновского изображения, с помощью которого выполняется оценка, содержащее:пластинчатый элемент, содержащий несколько областей, обладающих разными коэффициентами поглощения рентгеновского излучения; иблочные элементы, расположенные на пластинчатом элементе таким образом, что они соответствуют указанным нескольким областям соответственно, причем каждый блочный элемент содержит несколько подобластей, обладающих разными коэффициентами поглощения рентгеновского излучения.2. Средство оценки по п.1, в котором толщины и/или составляющие материалы указанных нескольких областей пластинчатого элемента отличны друг от друга, так что эти области обладают разными коэффициентами поглощения рентгеновского излучения.3. Средство оценки по п.1, в котором пластинчатый элемент сформирован многослойными пластинами, имеющими вместе разные плоскостные размеры, атолщины указанных нескольких областей пластинчатого элемента отличны ...

15-05-1979 дата публикации

Радиоактивный фантом

Номер: SU601850A1

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004003881B4

Bildaufnahmevorrichtung mit einem Detektor (3), der der Aufnahme von Hochenergiebildern (11) mit Hilfe hochenergetischer Photonen (2) dient, und mit einer Auswerteeinheit (8), die einen den Zustand der Bildaufnahmevorrichtung beschreibenden Systemparameter erfasst, und die im Zusammenhang mit dem Erstellen eines in einem Bildverarbeitungsvorgang (17, 18, 22, 26) verwendbaren Korrekturbilds den aktuellen Wert des Systemparameters (19, 23) erfasst, dessen zeitliche Entwicklung überwacht und beim Überschreiten eines vorbestimmten Grenzwerts das erneute Erstellen eines Korrekturbilds (17, 18, 26) anfordert, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Auswerteeinheit (8) im Zusammenhang mit der Durchführung einer Kalibrierung (16) Referenzsystemdaten (19) erfasst und im weiteren Verlauf aktuelle Vergleichssystemdaten (20) aufnimmt und bei Abweichung der Vergleichssystemdaten (20) von den Referenzsystemdaten (19) um ein vorbestimmtes Maß hinaus eine erneute Kalibrierung (16) anfordert und dass die Bildaufnahmevorrichtung ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Radiographie-System für rasterartige Kontrastverstärkung

Номер: DE202014105708U1

Radiographie-System (202) zur Durchführung einer Bearbeitung (100) einer Radiographie-Abbildung, die aus Röntgenstrahlung, die ein Objekt durchdringt, abgeleitet ist, wobei das System ausgestaltet ist: einen Schritt (104) zum Schätzen, basierend auf der Radiographie-Abbildung, eines Streusignals, das in der Radiographie-Abbildung vorhanden ist, durchzuführen; einen Schritt (106) zum Berechnen, basierend auf dem geschätzten Streusignal, eines Streuungsentfernungssignals, das auf eine Streustrahlung schließen lässt, die von der Röntgenstrahlung, die das Objekt durchdringt, durch eine Referenz-Anti-Streuvorrichtung entfernbar ist, durchzuführen; und einen Schritt (110) zum Korrigieren der Radiographie-Abbildung basierend auf dem Streuungsentfernungssignal durchzuführen.

25-06-2009 дата публикации

Noninvasive medical imaging system for trauma estimation and intervention in military environments, has X-ray source positioned on opened gantry arrangement, and generating X-rays are from different focus point positions

Номер: DE102008037479A1

The imaging system (75) has a portable couch (50) comprising a housing and a digital detector, which is positioned in the housing to detect X-ray signals. The X-ray signals correspond to a region of interest to be imaged. An X-ray source (60) generates the X-ray signals and is positioned on an open gantry (72) over the couch. The X-ray source is designed such that X-rays are generated from different focus point positions. The source is adjusted such that the source is moved to the gantry. The couch is movable relative to the source.

06-10-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008301941U1

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Röntgen-CT-Bildrekonstruktionsverfahren und Röntgen-CT-System

Номер: DE102006023843A1

Eine Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung besteht darin, eine Auflösungsminderung zu reduzieren, die mit steigendem Abstand zu einem einer Scannzentrumposition zugeordneten Punkt in einem Tomographiebild größer wird und die von einer Projektionslinienumwandlung herrührt. Die Projektionslinienumwandlung wird durchgeführt, um Fächerstrahldaten in Parallelstrahldaten in Schritt S404 zu wandeln. Vor der Projektionslinienumwandlung wird in Schritt S403 eine erste Verstärkung an Projektionsdatenelementen durchgeführt, die in jeweiligen Ansichten enthalten sind und die in eng aneinander liegenden Zeitpunkten erfasst werden. Eine von der Umwandlung von Fächerstrahldatenelementen in Parallelstrahldatenelemente herrührende Schwankung unter den Zeitpunkten, in denen Projektionsdatenelemente erfasst werden, wird verringert, und streifenförmige Artefakte, die durch eine Projektionslinienumwandlung hervorgerufen werden und während einer Ausführung des MIP-Verfahrens auftreten, werden auf ein Minimum reduziert ...

05-07-2001 дата публикации

C-Bogen-Röntgendiagnostikgerät zum Erstellen von Schichtaufnahmen

Номер: DE0019509007C2
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Röntgenbildkorrektur sowie zugehöriger Röntgen-CT-Scanner und Speicherträger

Номер: DE102004035841B4
Принадлежит: UNIV NIHON, Nihon University

Verfahren zum Korrigieren eines Röntgenbilds in einem Röntgen-CT-Scanner mit einem Rotationsarm (10) und einem Scanmechanismus (18), wobei der Rotationsarm (10) über eine ein kegelförmiges Röntgenstrahlenbündel erzeugende Röntgenstrahlenquelle (12) und einen dieser gegenüberstehenden zweidimensionalen Röntgenstrahlendetektor (14) verfügt, wobei der Scanmechanismus (18) den Rotationsarm (10) auf einer nicht vertikalen Rotationsachse (z) hält und verdreht und wobei zweidimensionale Röntgenbilddaten vom Röntgenstrahlendetektor (14) erfasst und verarbeitet werden, während der Scanmechanismus (18) den Rotationsarm (10) verdreht, mit den folgenden Schritten: – Platzieren eines Korrekturphantoms (30) zwischen der Röntgenstrahlenquelle (12) und dem zweidimensionalen Röntgenstrahlendetektor (14), wobei das Korrekturphantom (30), in das ein Röntgenstrahlen absorbierendes Objekt (32) eingebettet ist, aus einem Röntgenstrahlen durchlassenden Material besteht, und wobei das Objekt (32) in dem Korrekturphantom ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013214482B4

Prüfkörper (10) zur Bestimmung der Ortsauflösung eines 3D-Röntgensystems, mit folgenden Merkmalen:drei orthogonal zueinander angeordnete und miteinander verbundene Scheibenstrukturen (12, 14, 16) mit einem gemeinsamen Mittelpunkt (18);wobei jede Scheibenstruktur eine geradzahlige Anzahl N von Pyramiden- oder Pyramidenstumpf-förmigen Scheibenstruktursektoren (12-N, 14-N, 16-N) aufweist, die sich zu dem gemeinsamen Mittelpunkt (18) hin verjüngen; undwobei benachbarte Scheibenstruktursektoren einer Scheibenstruktur unterschiedliche Röntgenstrahlungsabsorptionseigenschaften aufweisen.

25-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002830832A1

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Röntgenanlage mit mehreren Röntgenstrahlungserzeugungssystemen und/oder mit mehreren Röntgenstrahlungsdetektionssystemen und/oder mit mehreren Bildsystemen und/oder mit wenigstens einem automatischen Belichtungssystem und zugehöriges Verfahren

Номер: DE102007035625B4

Röntgenanlage (1) mit wenigstens einem Röntgenstrahlungserzeugungssystem, wenigstens einem Röntgenstrahlungsdetektionssystem und wenigstens einem Bildsystem, die mehrere Röntgenstrahlungserzeugungssysteme (10) und/oder mehrere Röntgenstrahlungsdetektionssysteme und/oder mehrere Bildsysteme und/oder wenigstens ein automatisches Belichtungssystem umfasst, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens ein Röntgenstrahlungsdetektionssystem der Röntgenanlage (1) für mehrere Röntgenstrahlungserzeugungssysteme (10) und/oder für mehrere Bildsysteme und/oder dass wenigstens ein automatisches Belichtungssystem der Röntgenanlage (1) für mehrere Röntgenstrahlungsdetektionssysteme und/oder für mehrere Röntgenstrahlungserzeugungssysteme kalibriert ist.

21-01-2010 дата публикации

Kontrastmittel verstärkte Strahlentherapie mit Hochleistungsröhren

Номер: DE102008034020A1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Kombination von intravasal applizierten Kontrastmittel und niederenergetischer Röntgenstrahlung zur strahlentherapeutischen Behandlung von Tumoren. Die Kontrastmittelsubstanzen enthalten mindestens ein strahlenabsorbierendes Element und dienen zur Diagnostik und zur photoelektrisch aktivierbaren Dosiserhöhung bei der Therapie.

08-05-2003 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zur Lokalisierung eines Instruments

Номер: DE0019536180C2
Принадлежит: BRAINLAB AG

04-10-2007 дата публикации

Tomography method`s truncated artifacts correcting method, involves dividing projection images taken by x-ray detector into segments, and searching local extreme values for selection of set of support points

Номер: DE102006014630A1

The method involves examining an object irradiated with radiation (6) from an x-ray radiation source (2), and detecting radiation penetrated through the object using an x-ray detector (4). Projection images taken by the detector are extended by extrapolation. The images are divided into segments, and local extreme values in the segments are searched for the selection of a set of support points, which are impairment-free when compared to adjacent points. The extrapolation function is executed as a function of the selected points. An independent claim is also included for a device for the correction of truncated artifacts in a tomography method.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur rechnergestützten Navigation

Номер: DE102009034671B4

Vorrichtung zur rechnergestützten Navigation mit mindestens einem mit dieser in Verbindung stehenden Trackingsystem (TK), einer Orientierungsvorrichtung (ME) mit einer ersten Referenzeinheit mit Tracking Markern, einer Durchleuchtungsbilderfassungseinheit (CB), einer ersten Recheneinheit (RCB), einem Volumenbild (VB) zugeordneten Ursprungskoordinatensystem (K0), einem einem Operationsinstrument (OPI) zugeordneten vierten Koordinatensystem (K4)dadurch gekennzeichnet,dass die Orientierungsvorrichtung (ME) eine zweite Referenzeinheit mit variabel abwinkelbaren oder abnehmbaren Seitenarmen mit Bildmarkern (RM) aufweist und eine feste Zuordnung zwischen der ersten und zweiten Referenzeinheit gebildet ist, dass ein drittes Koordinatensystem (K3) der Orientierungsvorrichtung (ME) zugeordnet ist,dass mindestens ein Bildmarker (RM) der Bildmarker (RM) des zweiten Referenzsterns innerhalb des Volumenbildes (VB) angeordnet ist.

29-12-2004 дата публикации

Digital medical image analysis

Номер: GB0000426177D0

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for calibrating medical image data

Номер: GB0201006206D0

24-10-2001 дата публикации

Combining reconstructed images by weighted addition

Номер: GB0002361613A

The invention relates to a method of and an X-ray device for forming a 3D image (B) of an object (13) to be examined by combining at least two reconstruction images (S1, S2) by weighted addition, said reconstruction images being acquired notably by means of an X-ray device (1) and each reconstruction image (S1, S2) being weighted by a respective weighting function (A1, A2) that describes at least approximately the distribution of noise and/or artefacts in the relevant reconstruction image. The image quality of the resultant 3D image is thus significantly enhanced.

16-12-2009 дата публикации

A geometrical method for scaling radiographs

Номер: GB2460831A

A calibrated ruler allows the magnification of a radiograph or x-ray examination to be determined immediately, as the radiograph is taken. The method may find particular application in an anterio-posterior pelvic radiograph used when carrying out measurements for hip prosthetics. The method is based on magnification factors that are calculated from simple geometry and the distances that characterize both the set up of the x-ray machine and the patient's body. A ruler is provided which is placed against the body, and the scaling factor is read directly from the ruler. The method does not require a radio opaque marker to be placed within the x-ray field.

02-08-2006 дата публикации

X-ray sizing band

Номер: GB0000612164D0

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Registration object, correction method and apparatus for computed radiographic tomography

Номер: GB0201305658D0

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the correction of scatter in a radiographic system

Номер: GB0201703291D0

01-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002024560B
Принадлежит: PHILIPS NV

21-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002607905A

An apparatus 1 for removably retaining and transporting an imaging phantom 7a-d (Figure 2) comprises a supporting frame 2, wherein the supporting frame comprises wheels 3a-d and means 4a-d, which may be a U-shaped seat comprising a foam layer, for removably retaining an imaging phantom. The supporting frame comprises a front member 2’ and a rear member 2’’, wherein a front to rear direction is defined by the front member and the rear member. In use, the front member is further from the user than the rear member. The means for removably retaining an imaging phantom are configured to prevent movement of the imaging phantom along a direction perpendicular to the front to rear direction, and are configured to allow movement of the imaging phantom back and forth along the front to rear direction. The frame may additionally comprise at least one handle 5a-b, and first and second rows at different heights along the longitudinal axis, each comprising two means for removably retaining an imaging ...

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394078T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381285T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440536T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000484231T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: ATA329280A

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522176T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000541529T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000506622T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT144115T

15-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000176976T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000346543T

05-03-2001 дата публикации

Paperbased nuclear medical phantom and the method of using such a phantom

Номер: AU0006485400A

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Surgical targeting system

Номер: AU2001253671B2

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Radiographic imaging device

Номер: AU2013296825A1

An imaging system (20) includes a radiation source (2), a detector (4) fixed to the radiation source such that the radiation source and detector form a hand-held imaging device configured to acquire image data, and a navigation system (30) configured to track a pose of the hand-held imaging device.

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Telemetic orthopaedic implant

Номер: AU2016200529B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Radiostereometric (RSA) analysis measures inter-fragmentary movement within a bone fracture. The fracture is fixed with an orthopaedic device. A number of radio opaque markers may be associated with the bone fracture, a calibration cage (also with radio-opaque markers) is placed in position, simultaneous x-ray images are taken of the facture site and cage from two or more angles and a 3-D coordinate system is generated based on a location of radio-opaque markers in the cage. The 3-D locations of the radio-opaque markers associated with the fracture are compared to a 3-D coordinate system.

28-07-1997 дата публикации

A method and system for generating an x-ray image

Номер: AU0001366697A

09-02-1998 дата публикации

High-speed inter-modality image registration via iterative feature matching

Номер: AU0003880397A

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002768296A1

Systems and methods for determining an extended low contrast detectability performance function for an operating range for a core operating mode of a radiographic imaging system using actual reconstructed images characterize the contrast performance of a radiographic imaging system scanner over its operating range and for any patient size based on the off-line calibration, uses ordered pairs of relative flux and contrast index for each scanned object to provide a contrast index for each protocol for each contrast set, and uses the ordered pairs of flux index and contrast index to determine an extended low contrast detectability performance function for the operating range of a radiographic imaging system. Extended low contrast detectability performance data compilation and methods of clinical use, and low contrast phantom configurations and methods of calibration are also disclosed.

09-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002696900C

A radio tomography imaging method according to the present invention includes: calculating a conversion function based on a transmission image picked up by using a radiation emitted from a first radiation source and a transmission image picked up by using a radiation emitted from a second radiation source; wherein a position of the second radiation source when the radiation has been emitted coincides with a position of the first radiation source when the radiation has been emitted, and one of the first and second radiation sources emits the radiation when the other emits the radiation, picking up a plurality of first reconfiguration transmission images and a plurality of second reconfiguration transmission images by using a plurality of first reconfiguration radiations and a plurality of second reconfiguration radiations simultaneously emitted from the first radiation source and the second radiation source; correcting the plurality of first reconfiguration transmission images and the plurality ...

29-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1070858A
Принадлежит: EMI LTD, E M I LIMITED

Radiographic apparatus is described for evaluating the absorption coefficient of a body at each of a plurality of locations distributed over a slice of a body. A source is arranged to produce a fan-shaped beam of radiation which is directed through the body and the source is orbited around the body about an axis intersecting the slice. Detectors are provided, and orbited in synchronism with the orbital motion of the source, each to detect the radiation emergent from the body along a plurality of paths. A lateral scan is imposed on the source relative to the detectors, the scan being repetitive so that, during each scan, each detector receives radiation along a plurality of mutually inclined beam paths. The beam paths thus examined are sufficient in number and distribution to allow the construction of composite measurements for a plurality of sets of composite, parallel beam paths distributed over the slice for processing to derive a representation of absorption coefficients for the slice ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003025352A1

Various systems, devices, and methods for facilitating efficient anatomical registration in surgical navigation are disclosed. Such systems and devices can have a data collection unit and a scaling device. The scaling device has a main body having an anatomical registration feature defined therein and at least one scaling marker pathway that is selectively oriented with respect to the anatomical registration feature to facilitate repeatable gross placement of a scaling marker relative to a selected anatomical feature. The scaling marker is selectively displaceable along a scaling marker pathway about and between a first end and a second end thereof to fine-tune scaling marker placement prior to image capture.

20-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002459268C

A light application mechanism applies light to the split electrode formation side of a semiconductor layer and an intermediate layer sensitive to radiation in an FPD, and change in the effective sensitive area does not occur, so that fluctuations in the detection sensitivity of the FPD can be circumvented. As light application is continued still after incidence of radiation stops, occurrence of residual output can also be circumvented. Further, a light strength control section controls the light application section so as to increase or decrease the strength of light applied by the light application section in response to a decrease or an increase in a gain setup value of an electric signal processing circuit, and the dark current component narrowing the dynamic range does not widely occupy the output range of the electric signal processing circuit. Consequently, the dynamic range is not largely narrowed either.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002905598A1

A system and method for measuring volumetric breast density using a low dose of radiation are provided. This low-dose image can be added to a standard mammographic screening protocol with less than a two percent increase in radiation dose imparted to the subject. This low-dose image can also be used as a single standalone test to determine breast density for younger women for the purposes of risk determination or screening regimen planning. The breast density measurement is more accurate than measurements that can be obtained with existing systems and methods by making use of a compression assembly that maintains a parallel alignment between the compression paddle and breast support table. Additionally, the compression assembly maintains a uniform known thickness of the compressed breast. The system and method have the added benefit that they can be readily implemented on a conventional digital x-ray unit with low cost.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975699A1

... ²A multiple frame x-ray imaging system is disclosed with capability of ²differential x-ray ²exposure of different input areas of an image intensifier or other x-ray ²detector. ²Collimators are provided to control the amount of radiation in various regions ²of the ²image and image processing is provided to provide the display of images of ²different ²qualities.² ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917769A1

The present application relates to a reference body for intraoral scan procedures adapted to be releasably mountable to a dental implant. The reference body comprises: - a cylindrical body portion extending along a longitudinal axis from an apical end to a coronal end, the apical end facing, in particular abutting, the dental implant in a mounted state of the reference body, - a coronal end surface defining the coronal end of the reference body, - a first radial protrusion protruding from the body portion in a first radial direction, and - a second radial protrusion protruding from the body portion in a second radial direction. The first radial protrusion and the second radial protrusion have different cross-sectional shapes in a cross-section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the reference body.

06-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709215A1

An X-ray optical alignment system for X-ray imaging devices includes a visible-light point source and a multi-axis positioner therefor, fixedly mounted with respect to the X-ray focal spot. A mirror or beamsplitter is fixedly mounted with respect to the X-ray focal spot and disposed in the beam path of the X-ray source. The beamsplitter reflects light emitted from the light source and transmits X-rays emitted from the X-ray source. A first X-ray attenuating grid is fixedly but removably mountable with respect to the X-ray source, having a first X-ray attenuation pattern; and a second X-ray attenuating grid is adjustably mountable with respect to the first grid having a second X-ray attenuating pattern corresponding to the first X-ray attenuating pattern. When the grids are aligned, their attenuating patterns are also aligned and allow X-rays from the X-ray source and light reflected from the beamsplitter to pass therethrough.

02-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709215C

An X-ray optical alignment system for X-ray imaging devices includes a visible-light point source and a multi-axis positioner therefor, fixedly mounted with respect to the X-ray focal spot. A mirror or beamsplitter is fixedly mounted with respect to the X-ray focal spot and disposed in the beam path of the X-ray source. The beamsplitter reflects light emitted from the light source and transmits X-rays emitted from the X-ray source. A first X-ray attenuating grid is fixedly but removably mountable with respect to the X-ray source, having a first X-ray attenuation pattern; and a second X-ray attenuating grid is adjustably mountable with respect to the first grid having a second X-ray attenuating pattern corresponding to the first X-ray attenuating pattern. When the grids are aligned, their attenuating patterns are also aligned and allow X-rays from the X-ray source and light reflected from the beamsplitter to pass therethrough.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002850374A1

A system and a method is disclosed for consistently and verifiably optimizing computed tomography (CT) radiation dose in the clinical setting. Mathematical models allow for estimation of patient size, image noise, size-specific radiation dose, and image quality targets based on digital image data and radiologists preferences. A prediction model estimates the scanner's tube current modulation and predicts image noise and size-specific radiation dose over a range of patient sizes. An optimization model calculates specific scanner settings needed to attain target image quality at the minimum radiation dose possible. An automated system processes the image and dose data according to the mathematical models and stores and displays the information, enabling verification and ongoing monitoring of consistent dose optimization.

18-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002153157A1

An alignment apparatus for aligning x-ray images with a predetermined set of axes (8, 9) comprises means defining the axes in the form of a support arrangement which supports, at predetermined positions in space (7), located in at least two predetermined planes, a plurality of elements (5) which are opaque to ex-radiation. An apparatus is also described for aligning an end effector (23) comprising two spaced guide frames each having two parallel guide members (11, 12, 17, 18), the carriage (13, 14, 19, 20) for movement along each of the guide members (11, 12, 17, 18), the carriages (13, 14, 19, 20) being interconnected by cross members (15, 21), further carriages (16, 22) being mounted on the cross members, the further carriages (16, 22) supporting the end effector (23) for guide means.

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002177139A1

A detachable cap for use in determining the location of the center of the imageable portion of a fiducial marker is disclosed. The lower portion of the cap has three arms (218) and a boss (220) for providing a detachable connection with an implanted base portion (30) to which an imaging marker (10) can be attached. The upper portion of the cap includes a divot-like depression (234) that is configured to mate with a ball (52) whose center can be determined. The ball, marker and divot are configured so that the center of the ball, when mated to the divot is coincident with the center of the marker when it is attached to the base in place of the cap. Knowledge of the location of the center of the ball when it is brought into engagement with the divot of the cap can be used to determine the location of the center of the marker when it is attached to the base.

15-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002305911A1

True body composition is estimated using a dual-energy, fan-shaped distribution of x-rays and signal processing that corrects for mass magnification and other effects due to the geometry of the measurement system. To avoid inaccuracies due to beam hardening and certain other effects, the thickness of attenuating material along respective raypaths is obtained through using a four-dimensional look-up table derived experimentally from step-wedge measurements. To correct for mass magnification effects due to using a fan-shaped distribution of x-rays, another look-up table and interpolation between table entries are used to convert projected mass to true mass.

13-12-1991 дата публикации

Phantom for bone salt determn.

Номер: CH0000679013A5

A new phantom for bone salt determination consists of a calcium phosphate cpd. as a bone-salt-equivalent substance dispersed in a high molecular cpd. The high mol. cpd. is pref. a thermoplastic resin or a water- or organic-solvent-soluble high molecular substance. In the prepn. of the phantom, a fluid prepolymer of the high molecular cpd. is dispersed in a calcium phosphate cpd. and allowed to polymerise. Alternatively, the calcium phosphate cpd. is dispersed in a molten thermoplastic resin and cooled to solidify, or a calcium phosphate cpd. is dispersed in an aq. or organic solvent soln. of a high molecular cpd., and the solvent removed to solidify. The high molecular cpd. is pref. one of polyurethane, polystyrene, acryl resin, polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, polyvinyl alcohol, vinyl acetate, and epoxy resins. The calcium phosphate cpd. is pref. one or a mixt. of hydroxy-apatite, tricalcium phosphate, and tetracalcium phosphate.

14-10-2011 дата публикации

Procedure for the alignment graphic data taken up by with different systems, e.g. Tomografen.

Номер: CH0000702961A2

Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie, gegebenenfalls in Kombination mit Computer-Tomographie, erlaubt neben der medizinisch diagnostischen Bildgebung die quantitative Bestimmung verschiedener Parameter. Quantitative Messungen unter Verwendung von Tomographen zeigen eine starke und unvermeidliche Abhängigkeit von den Abbildungseigenschaften des jeweiligen Tomographen, was eine quantitative Bewertung der Ergebnisse erschwert. Dies betrifft insbesondere multi-zentrische medizinische Studien, welche eine quantitative Vergleichbarkeit der von den teilnehmenden Zentren gemessenen Daten zwingend voraussetzen. Die hier beanspruchten Verfahren umfassen die Definition eines virtuellen Tomographen mit festgelegten Abbildungseigenschaften. Die beanspruchten Verfahren umfassen weiter eine Bestimmung der Abbildungseigenschaften unterschiedlicher Tomographen ausgehend von geeigneten Referenzmessungen und gegebenenfalls unter Verwendung eines Eichphantoms. Ausgehend von der Definition des virtuellen Tomographen ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Portable device with calibration unit for fixing and immobilizing - x-ray-geometry of solids-took up.

Номер: CH0000712867A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt eine röntgen-transparente Vorrichtung, welche am Patienten temporär angebracht werden kann und welche eine Fixierung der Vorrichung relativ zu einer oder mehreren Knochenstrukturen sowie die Immobilisierung von Gelenken ermöglicht. Über eine in der Vorrichtung integrierte oder angebrachte Kalibriereinheit mit röntgen-opaken Elementen können Röntgenstereometrieaufnahmen der fixierten und immobiliserten knöchernen Strukturen gemacht werden, welche eine 3D-Vermessung und 3D-Rekonstruktion ermöglichen. Durch die anziehbare/tragbare Ausführung der Erfindung ermöglicht diese eine flexiblere Röntgenaufnahme, wobei der Patient in verschiedenen Stellungen zu der Röntgenquelle aufgenommen werden kann. Im Gegensatz zu bereits beschriebenen Verfahren ist dies ein grosser Vorteil, da ansonsten der Patient an der Kalibriervorrichtung fixiert werden muss und ggf. auch die Röntgenquelle für die Aufnahmen verschoben werden muss. Zudem sind durch das tragbare Design auch Aufnahmen ...

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000077289C2

Приймач рентгенівського випромінювання належить до галузі конструкцій приймачів рентгенівського випромінювання. Приймач має світлонепроникний корпус з рентгенопрозорою стінкою. За стінкою закріплені рентгенооптичний перетворювач, фільтр залишкового рентгенівського випромінювання, блок об'єктивів і фотоприймач. Фотоприймач містить щонайменше два оптоелектронних перетворювачі з полями зору, що частково перекриваються, і розв'язаними електричними виходами для підключення до системи обробки фрагментарних відеосигналів і формування цілісного вихідного відеосигналу. Усередині корпусу приймача паралельно рентгенооптичному перетворювачу жорстко закріплена додаткова світло- і рентгенонепроникна перегородка з наскрізними отворами, які за кількістю і розташуванням відповідають об'єктивам і оптоелектронним перетворювачам. Перегородки перекриті шайбами фільтра залишкового рентгенівського випромінювання. Перед шайбами встановлені бленди, довжина “А” кожної з яких і відстань “D” від передньої поверхні ...

14-06-2000 дата публикации

Scanning system for computing fault with stable light-beam position

Номер: CN0001256417A

21-06-2006 дата публикации

Method for pre treatment verification in radiation therapy

Номер: CN0001791807A

13-02-2013 дата публикации

Radiation inspection apparatus

Номер: CN101957451B

14-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002897255B1

26-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002786389B1

20-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003076203B1

07-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002656697B1

04-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002397179B1

16-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002820629A1

Procédé pour le calibrage d'un système d'assistance pour intervention chirurgicale comportant un dispositif apte à acquérir des images radiographiques, des moyens pour la construction d'une modélisation tridimensionnelle à partir d'un jeu d'images radiographiques acquis par ce dispositif et des moyens de localisation aptes à localiser dans un repère donné au moins un marqueur disposé sur un outil utilisé lors d'une intervention, caractérisé en ce qu'on place dans le champ du dispositif d'acquisition d'images un jeu d'éléments opaques (6a, 6b, 6c; 5a, 5b, 5c) aptes à apparaître sur les images que ledit dispositif acquiert, en ce qu'on détermine la position par rapport au repère de localisation d'un jeu de marqueurs (5a, 5b, 5c) rigidement lié au jeu d'éléments opaques, on détermine automatiquement, en fonction des positions ainsi déterminées pour ces marqueurs (5a, 5b, 5c) dans le repère de localisation, ainsi que des positions des éléments opaques (6a, 6b, 6c; 5a, 5b, 5c) sur les images ...

19-01-2001 дата публикации

Automatic evaluation of image quality in an X-ray system using multiple spectrums

Номер: FR0002796480A1

Un système pour l'évaluation automatisée des paramètres de systèmes à rayons X est proposé. Un modèle physique est enregistré dans le système, un pour chaque fantôme souhaité. Une image radiographique en niveaux de gris est importée puis est traitée pour déterminer des composants d'image (150, 160, 170, 175, 195). Un histogramme de l'image est créé, puis on détermine un seuil dans l'histogramme et on convertit l'image importée en une image binaire par rapport au seuil. Ensuite, on utilise une analyse de composants connectés pour déterminer les composants d'image (150, 160, 170, 175, 195). Si ces composants ne correspondent pas, l'image est rejetée. Puis le système localise des repères (130, 140) dans l'image importée, correspondant aux structures physiques attendues. Le système utilise les repères (130, 140) pour localiser les Régions d'Intérêt où a lieu la mesure des paramètres du système à rayons X.

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002923638A1
Принадлежит: BEYRARD

Procédé d'imagerie X ou infrarouge, du type radiographie ou scannographie, dans lequel, un corps à examiner (3) étant reçu par un support (1), - on irradie ou illumine le corps à examiner (3) à l'aide d'une source (5) émettant un faisceau (7) de rayons X ou lumineux, - on détecte une intensité atténuée en fonction d'une traversée des rayons X ou lumineux à travers le corps à examiner (3), à l'aide d'un détecteur (9) irradié ou illuminé par le faisceau, - on convertit les intensités détectées en données pour déterminer une atténuation par le corps à examiner des rayons X ou lumineux, à l'aide d'un convertisseur (11) analogique-numérique, et - à l'aide d'un ordinateur (13) dûment programmé, on traite les données provenant de la conversion des intensités détectées pour aboutir à une image exprimant l'atténuation des rayons X ou lumineux par le corps examiné (3). Selon l'invention : - à l'aide d'un réflecteur (15) disposé entre la source (5) et le corps à examiner (3), on irradie ou illumine ...

19-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002819677A1

Réglage automatique d'exposition pour système de radiographie par rayons X utilisant un détecteur (26) de rayons X à semi-conducteur à grande surface, comprenant une commande d'exposition (36, 34) conçue pour générer des données intéressantes parmi les données générées par le détecteur et pour ajuster la dose de rayons X à un niveau prédéterminé en réponse à des données intéressantes de façon qu'une image radiographique par rayons X d'un patient soit générée en utilisant le niveau prédéterminé.

24-09-1951 дата публикации

Process for the measurement of the opacity of a body to radiations, in particular to x-rays

Номер: FR0000990514A

02-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002786389A1

Le procédé consiste à former une image de préexposition et en déduire un niveau de signal moyen de préexposition de détecteur et le convertir en un niveau de dose de préexposition, déterminer l'épaisseur radiologique équivalente, estimer une composition de largeur examinée et établir une configuration d'exposition et un m A. s d'exposition. Application à la mammographie numérique.

12-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002819368A1

Procédé d'étalonnage d'un appareil de radiologie du type comprenant une source de rayonnement du faisceau de rayons X, le faisceau de rayons X se traduisant par un débit de photons, un moyen de détection du faisceau de rayons X après qu'il a traversé l'organe devant être visualisé, un moyen d'acquisition et de traitement d'image apte à fournir un signal image et un moyen de visualisation connecté au moyen de détection. On calcule la moyenne m et la variance σ2 du signal image, la moyenne m et la variance σ2 étant respectivement égales à kN et à k2N en raison de la loi de Poisson, N étant le nombre de photons à l'entrée du dispositif de détection, on en déduit la valeur de N, et la valeur d'un coefficient f, f étant le gain apparent de l'appareil de radiologie avec B = fxN, B étant une variable représentative de l'intensité de l'image; on en déduit alors une consigne de dose de rayons X devant être émis par la source de rayonnement pour obtenir en sortie une image satisfaisant à des seuils ...

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002885007A1

La présente invention vise à compenser la disposition qui survient pendant une radiographie multicoupe. La longueur de projection pro_ex d'entités non-sujets, à savoir des entités autres qu'un sujet, provoquant la dispersion est acquise, et la longueur de projection pro_pt d'un objet à radiographier est acquise. L'objet à radiographier est radiographié avec une épaisseur de faisceau établie à la même valeur qu'une épaisseur do de détecteur afin de mesurer des données I (do, do). L'objet à radiographier est radiographié avec une épaisseur de faisceau établie à la même valeur qu'une épaisseur do de détecteur afin de mesurer des données I (do, d). Une ampleur de dispersion S (do, d) est calculée d'après la différence entre les données I (do, do) et des données I (do, d), et est enregistrée en association avec la somme des logueurs de projection pro_pt + pro_ex. Après la radiographie d'un sujet por produire des données, la longueur de projection pro_ex des entités non sujets ayant affecté les ...

09-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002422382A1

26-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002488995A1

11-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101239133B1

31-01-2017 дата публикации

단층촬영에서의 양자검출효율 측정용 팬텀 및 이를 이용한 양자검출효율 측정방법

Номер: KR0101700287B1
Принадлежит: 전호상

... 본 발명은 단층촬영에서의 양자검출효율측정용팬텀 및 이를 이용한 양자검출효율측정방법에 관한 것으로, 본 발명에 따르면, 양자검출효율측정을 위하여, 팬텀에 X선을 조사하는 A단계; 상기 A단계에서 X선이 조사된 팬텀측으로부터 변조전달함수를 구하는 B단계; 상기 A단계에서 X선이 조사된 팬텀측으로부터 잡음력스펙트럼을 구하는 C단계; 상기 A단계에서 X선이 조사된 팬텀측으로부터 총입력광자수를 구하는 D단계; 및 상기 B 단계에서 얻어진 상기 변조전달함수, 상기 C단계에서 얻어진 잡음력스펙트럼 및 상기 D단계에서 얻어진 상기 총입력광자수로부터 양자검출효율을 구하는 E 단계; 를 포함함으로서 1번의 스캔을 통해 전산화단층촬영(CT)시스템의 공간해상도 및 잡음도를 함께 측정할 수 있으므로, 전산화 단층촬영 시스템에 대한 종합성능평가를 하는데 드는 비용과 시간을 대폭 절감시킬 수 있는 기술이 개시된다.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and system for manufacturing phantom customized to patient

Номер: KR0101378875B1

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170140792A

The present invention relates to a CT phantom unit which can prevent a linear hardening phenomenon from occurring by irradiating X-rays in the air and can acquire a uniform image. The CT phantom unit can comprise: a main phantom in which a plurality of insertion holes pass through in a front and rear directions; a sub phantom inserted into each of the insertion holes to measure various image quality; and a phantom support supporting the main phantom of which a lower end is coupled to an end part of the CT table and an upper end is coupled to the main phantom. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

19-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060099412A

PURPOSE: A method for measuring and compensating scattering is provided to improve image quality of CT(Computed Tomography) images by compensating for the scattering generated during a multi-slice imaging process. CONSTITUTION: A projected length pro_ex of a non-subject entity is acquired. A projected length of a subject entity pro_pt is acquired. The non-subject and subject entities are inserted into a passage of an x-ray and a first value is acquired while a thickness of a detector is set to be equal to a thickness of a beam. Then, a second value is acquired while the thickness of the detector is set to be greater than the thickness of the beam. A scattering quantity is acquired based on a difference between the first and second values. The subject entity is pictured, and the lengths pro_ex and pro_pt are calculated. The calculated data is used for compensating for scattering in an acquired image. © KIPO 2006 ...

02-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130130772A

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Calibration Devices and Methods of Use Thereof

Номер: US20120063568A1
Принадлежит: Imatx Inc

The present invention relates to calibration devices and to methods of using these devices.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Phantom Identification

Номер: US20120076371A1

The invention relates to calibration phantoms used in connection with medical imaging devices such as PET, MR, etc., and particularly in connection with hybrid systems such as MR/PET systems. In some cases, the phantoms have distinguishable, machine-readable identification features that allow the imaging system to identify them automatically, without operator intervention. In other cases, even where the phantoms do not have such distinguishable, machine-readable identification features, if the imaging system is appropriately configured with cameras and/or appropriate image analysis software, the imaging system can still identify the phantoms automatically.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method For Calibrating A CT System With At Least One Focus-Detector Combination With A Quanta-Counting Detector

Номер: US20120093282A1
Автор: Steffen Kappler
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method is disclosed for calibrating a CT system with at least one focus-detector combination with a quanta-counting detector including a plurality of detector elements, with the focus-detector combination being arranged to enable it to be rotated around a measurement region and a system axis arranged therein, and an X-ray bundle going out from the focus to the detector which possesses an X-ray energy spectrum over an energy range. In at least one embodiment of the method, actual attenuation values from CT scans obtained with an X-ray energy spectrum are compared with theoretical mono-energetic required attenuation values even in the paralysis range of the quanta-counting detector and a transfer function is determined between the required attenuation values and the actual attenuation values for each detector element and thereby a calibration of the measured attenuation values is carried out.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Antiproton production and delivery for imaging and termination of undesirable cells

Номер: US20120108958A1
Автор: Gerald P. Jackson
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for using antiprotons for terminating unwanted or undesirable cells which can be used in the treatment of conditions caused by the existence and/or proliferation of such undesirable cells. Such conditions include cardiovascular ailments, Parkinson's disease, wet macular degeneration, endocrine disorders, dermatological ailments, and cancer. Because of the unique nature of antiprotons and their annihilation characteristics, the preferred antiproton delivery device ( 1010, 1015, 1030 ) embodiments further incorporate detector arrays ( 1050 a ), capable of detecting characteristic emissions in the course of treatment.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Devices and methods related to radiation delivery

Номер: US20120134471A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Devices and methods are disclosed which relate to the calibration and quality assurance of motion tracking enabled radiation therapy machines. A phantom, capable of mimicking human breathing through inflation and deflation of the lungs, houses an independently moving target (tumor) that detects the amount of radiation received from the radiation therapy machine. This amount can be compared with a desired amount to determine if adjustment or repositioning is necessary. The servo-mechanism(s) of the motion tracking enabled radiation therapy machine(s) are adjusted in comparison of detected versus programmed motion of the respiring phantom having incorporated independently moving target that incorporated radiation dose detector(s). In the invention, motion tracking and irradiation mechanisms of the radiation therapy machine are adjusted to calibrate with reference to performance specifications of the radiation therapy machine.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Generating a suitable model for estimating patient radiation dose resulting from medical imaging scans

Номер: US20120148131A1
Автор: Gregory Couch, James Couch
Принадлежит: Radimetrics Inc

Techniques are disclosed for estimating patient radiation exposure during computerized tomography (CT) scans. More specifically, embodiments of the invention provide efficient approaches for generating a suitable patient model used to make such an estimate, to approaches for estimating patient dose by interpolating the results of multiple simulations, and to approaches for a service provider to host a dose estimation service made available to multiple CT scan providers.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and phantoms for calibrating an imaging system

Номер: US20120163557A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for calibrating a medical imaging system includes performing an initial calibration of the imaging system, at a manufacturing site fabricating the imaging system, using a plurality of phantoms, shipping one of the phantoms to an installation site installing the imaging system, and performing a final calibration, at an installation site of the imaging system, using the shipped phantom. A set of calibration phantoms is also described herein.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Telemetric orthopaedic implant

Номер: US20120163683A1
Принадлежит: Smith and Nephew PLC

The invention relates generally to orthopaedic implants, and more particularly to orthopaedic implants having data acquisition capabilities and their use in monitoring and diagnosing fracture healing. RSA is also disclosed as a method for measuring inter-fragmentary movement in long bone fractures in order to confirm whether the fracture is reduced and for detecting changes in stiffness of the healing callus.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Test phantom for tomographic imaging and notably for breast tomosynthesis

Номер: US20120207283A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A test phantom for tomographic imaging, the phantom comprising an assembly of elementary structures defining a 3D mesh, wherein each elementary structure comprises a chief constituent material corresponding to an X-ray attenuation simulating a glandularity, wherein the elementary structures are in at least two types of chief constituent materials corresponding to different X-ray attenuations.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Imaging system

Номер: US20120215090A1
Принадлежит: CHICAG, University of, University of Chicago

A method and apparatus for reconstruction of a region of interest for an object is provided. The reconstruction of the object may be based on chords which may fill a part, all, or more than all of the region of interest. Using chords for reconstruction may allow for reducing data acquired and/or processing for reconstructing a substantially exact image of the ROI. Moreover, various methodologies may be used in reconstructing the image, such as backprojection-filtration, and modified filtration backprojection.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Imaging method and system

Номер: US20120230574A1
Принадлежит: University of Wollongong

A probe ( 14; 14′ ), comprising an ultrasonic probe ( 56 a, 56 b; 74 a, 74 b ) and a pixellated radiation detector ( 16 ) with discrete detecting elements ( 50 a, 50 b, 50 c ) for detecting a predefined radiation. The probe ( 14 ) is adapted to be located at least partially within a body cavity. Also, an imaging method, comprising employing such a probe ( 14 ) to form an image while located within a body cavity, and a dosimetry method, comprising employing such a probe ( 14 ) to conduct dosimetry while located within a body cavity.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for scatter correction for cbct system and cone-beam image reconstruction

Номер: US20130004042A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of methods and/or apparatus for 3-D volume image reconstruction of a subject, executed at least in part on a computer for use with a digital radiographic apparatus, can obtain image data for 2-D projection images over a range of scan angles. For each of the plurality of projection images, an enhanced projection image can be generated. In one embodiment, a first scatter intensity distribution through the plurality of projection images can be modulated based on a first scaling function and a SPR to generate a second scatter intensity distribution through the plurality of projection images, which can be combined with the original plurality of projection images.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Differential phase contrast x-ray imaging system and components

Номер: US20130028378A1

A differential phase contrast X-ray imaging system includes an X-ray illumination system, a beam splitter arranged in an optical path of the X-ray illumination system, and a detection system arranged in an optical path to detect X-rays after passing through the beam splitter.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

2d/3d registration of a digital mouse atlas with x-ray projection images and optical camera photos

Номер: US20130034203A1

A method for preparing an image simulating the anatomy of a small subject test animal, and an apparatus for producing said image and an anatomical atlas for co-registering therewith, comprising the generation of two or more non-tomographic images of the test animals is described. Examples of the non-tomographic imaging modalities and the images generated include, but are not limited to one or more x-ray sources and resultant of x-ray projections, photographic cameras and resulting digital or optical images and surface scanners and resultant surface scans. The subject animal is positioned at a focal point in a carrier in an imaging enclosure. A combination of one or more of the non-tomographic images taken from different angles within the enclosure are combined and through an iterative process co-registered with the previously generated digital atlas of the anatomy of the same or similar test animals.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for performing low-dose ct imaging

Номер: US20130083886A1
Автор: Amir Livne, Raz Carmi

A method includes generating higher resolution image data based on undersampled higher resolution projection data and incomplete lower resolution projection data. The undersampled higher resolution projection data and the incomplete lower resolution projection data are acquired during different acquisition intervals of the same scan. A system includes a radiation source configured to alternately modulate emission radiation flux between higher and lower fluxes during different integration periods of a scan, a detector array configured to alternately switch detector pixel multiplexing between higher and lower resolutions in coordination with modulation of the fluxes, and a reconstructor configured to reconstruct higher resolution image data based on projection data corresponding to undersampled higher resolution projection data and incomplete lower resolution projection data.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for substantially reducing streak artifacts in helical cone beam computer tomography (ct)

Номер: US20130094736A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

Streak artifacts arise in helical CT reconstruction with cone beam weighting (CBW) with helical pitch ratio between 0.5 and 1.0 in a prevalent 2PI mode. The sreak artifacts are substantially removed by applying upsampling to the measured data in the segment direction before weighting. Furthermore, by making the upsampling adaptive to the view Z-position, an amount of extra processing is greatly reduced to near 1%.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Modeling of pharmaceutical propagation

Номер: US20130102897A1
Принадлежит: Medrad Inc

A method of delivering a contrast enhancing fluid to a patient using an injector system, including: determining at least one patient transfer function for the patient based upon data specific to the patient, the at least one patient transfer function providing a time enhancement output for a given input; determining a desired time enhancement output; using the at least one patient transfer function to determine an injection procedure input; and controlling the injector system at least in part on the basis of the determined injection procedure input.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Evaluation aid

Номер: US20130156164A1

The present invention provides an evaluation aid which can be used as a phantom (imitation lesion) when a digital X-ray image thereof is taken and then evaluation is carried out through the digital X-ray image, and especially an evaluation aid which can be used for easily evaluating image qualities of a digital X-ray image for X-ray absorption parts having different X-ray absorption ratios at once. The evaluation aid of the present invention is adapted to be used for taking a digital X-ray image thereof through which evaluation is carried out, and contains a substrate (plate-like body) including a plurality of regions having different X-ray absorption ratios; and step members provided on the plate-like body so as to correspond to the plurality of regions, respectively, each step member including a plurality of subregions having different X-ray absorption ratios. It is preferred that thicknesses and/or constituent materials of the plurality of regions of the substrate are different from each other, so that these regions have the different X-ray absorption ratios.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Optical adjustment device

Номер: US20130188782A1
Автор: Thilo Hannemann
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An optical adjustment device has a laser unit with at least one laser radiation source as well as an adjustment phantom which is arranged relative to the laser unit such that laser radiation emitted by the laser unit strikes the adjustment phantom. A fluorescent medium) is applied on the adjustment phantom, the fluorescent medium being designed to emit light of a different wavelength from the laser radiation upon being struck by laser radiation. This light is detected by a photodetector that is at a location spatially separated from the adjustment phantom, such as at the laser unit.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Patient Alignment in MRI Guided Radiation Therapy

Номер: US20130235969A1
Принадлежит: IMRIS INC.

Apparatus for radiation therapy combines a patient table, an MRI and a radiation treatment apparatus mounted in a common treatment room with the MR magnet movable through a radiation shielded door to an imaging position. An initial MR image and an initial X-ray image is used to generate an RT program for the patient to be carried out in a plurality of separate treatment steps. Before carrying out the procedure, a registration step is performed using a phantom by which X-ray images are registered relative to MR images to generate a transformation algorithm required to align the MR images of the part of the patient relative to the X-ray images. Prior to each separate treatment step a current MR image of the part of the patient is obtained and the transformation algorithm data is used from the current MR image is used in guiding the RT treatment step.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237799A1
Автор: Motoki Yohei

The present invention employs an object information acquiring apparatus that receives an acoustic wave generated from an object, on which light is irradiated, and generates property information. The apparatus includes a housing including an aperture into which, when the acoustic wave is received, the object, which is a part of an examinee, is inserted and, when performance evaluation for the apparatus is performed, a calibration device corresponding to a type of the performance evaluation is inserted, the housing being capable of holding the examinee; a holding unit configured to hold the object; a positioning unit configured to specify an attachment position of the calibration device correspondingly to a position specifying member of the calibration device; and a detecting unit configured to detect the type of the performance evaluation performed using the inserted calibration device. 1. An object information acquiring apparatus that receives an acoustic wave generated from an object , on which light is irradiated , and generates property information of an inside of the object , the object information acquiring apparatus comprising:a housing including an aperture into which, when the acoustic wave is received, the object, which is a part of an examinee, is inserted and, when performance evaluation for the object information acquiring apparatus is performed, a calibration device corresponding to a type of the performance evaluation is inserted, the housing being capable of holding the examinee;a holding unit configured to hold the object;a positioning unit configured to specify an attachment position of the calibration device correspondingly to a position specifying member provided in the calibration device inserted into the aperture; anda detecting unit configured to detect the type of the performance evaluation performed using the calibration device inserted into the aperture.2. The object information acquiring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261440A1

When estimating an arterial input function or a patient under study, cross-calibration factors are generated by comparing nuclear scan data of a radioactive material (e.g., F18) and measuring a sample of the radioactive material in a gamma counter. The derived cross-calibration factors are applied to venous samples collected from the patient during a nuclear scan after infusion with a radioactive tracer, to convert gamma values counted by the gamma counter into concentration values. The concentration values are used to optimize an initial estimated input function, thereby generating an arterialized input function. 1. A system that facilitates cross-calibrating a nuclear scanner to a gamma counter , including:a nuclear scanner that scans a radioactive calibration phantom comprising a radioactive material to acquire scan data;a gamma counter that measures a radioactivity level of a sample of the radioactive material to acquire measurement data; 'generating one or more cross-calibration factors from the scan data and the measurement data.', 'a processor that executes computer-executable instructions stored in a memory, the instructions including2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the instructions further include:acquiring patient scan data of a patient in list mode;generating reconstructed series of nuclear images by reconstructing the list mode data in each of a series of temporal sampling windows;identifying arterial regions in the nuclear images; andgenerating an initial time-activity curve (TAC) based on nuclear image data in the identified arterial regions.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include:iteratively adjusting the sampling window and reconstructing the series of images;determining a sampling window in which early bolus activity in the TAC provides a predetermined level of accuracy.4. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include:measuring venous samples in the gamma counter, the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnification Marker for Radiography

Номер: US20130266124A1
Автор: Nicholas B. Coursolle
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for a securing a magnification marker to a subject such as a human patient includes an elongated strap that has a length sufficient for surrounding the subject around a region, such as a knee or pelvis, that is to be radiographed. A radiopaque magnification marker of a predetermined size is carried by the strap. Fasteners are included for fastening the strap to itself with the strap in a fastened configuration surrounding the subject, thereby to secure the strap to the subject with the magnification marker adjacent to the region to be radiographed. In one embodiment, the strap is stretchable and configured to allow the fastened strap to slide along the subject to adjust the position of the magnification marker relative to the region.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Equipment object for a combination imaging system

Номер: US20130303881A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An equipment object is provided for a combination imaging system and can be positioned in a measurement chamber. The equipment object includes a radionuclide imaging device and a magnetic resonance imaging device. In its peripheral region the equipment object further includes an image-critical function component which has an average radionuclide emission radiation attenuation value that reaches at least a specified attenuation limit value of 30% in relation to a first defined minimum cross-sectional area of 30 mm 2 , and/or wherein the equipment object is so configured that an average radionuclide emission radiation attenuation value relating to a second defined minimum cross-sectional area of 400 mm 2 of the equipment object reaches at most a central attenuation limit value of 15% in an overall spatially central region of the equipment object.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130322719A1

Method and apparatus are described herein for registering an anatomical region with a scanned image of the anatomical region. The method includes pressing a mouldable appliance against a surface of the anatomical region or a facsimile thereof to provide an intermediate appliance; hardening the intermediate appliance to provide the formed appliance; providing a fiducial body attached to the formed appliance; attaching the formed appliance with the fiducial body attached thereto to the anatomical region; scanning the anatomical region with the formed appliance attached thereto and the fiducial body attached to the formed appliance to obtain a three-dimensional volume representation of the fiducial body and an interior of the anatomical region; segmenting the part of the fiducial body in the three-dimensional volume representation to obtain a segmented fiducial body region; aligning the segmented fiducial body region with a reference model of the fiducial body to obtain a mapping transformation; and operating a data processor to map locations in an interior of the anatomical region to corresponding locations in the three-dimensional volume representation of the interior of the anatomical region based on the mapping transformation. The apparatus may include a mouldable appliance configured for moulding into a formed appliance and a fiducial body being attached to the mouldable appliance, wherein the fiducial body is scan detectable entirely or in part, shaped such that an orientation of the fiducial body relative the anatomical region is uniquely determinable, and rigidly fixed to the formed appliance such that the fiducial body is in a fixed spatial relationship with the formed appliance. 1. A method for registering an anatomical region with a scanned image of the anatomical region , the method comprising:pressing a mouldable appliance against a surface of the anatomical region or a facsimile thereof to shape the mouldable appliance to conform to a surface geometry of ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for generating a contrast medium-assisted x-ray image and x-ray system

Номер: US20140005533A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, SIEMENS AG

A method is disclosed for generating at least one x-ray image of a patient having incorporated contrast medium, using x-rays having an energy spectrum and an x-ray detector. The energy spectrum is modified by at least one first filter arranged in the beam path in front of the patient, the patient absorbing a dose in order to generate detector data for the x-ray image and the x-ray image having a CNR value which represents the ratio of the maximum contrast in the image to the noise. The energy spectrum and contrast medium are matched to each other, taking into account the thickness of the patient to be x-rayed, in such a way that an optimization criterion which is taken from an x-ray image that is generated or simulated by way of trials is maximized. Furthermore, an x-ray system is also disclosed.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069215A1

A multimodal cardiac phantom has a body structure with a shape and properties that mimic the elasticity, ultrasound, and magnetic properties of cardiac tissue. The multimodal cardiac phantom is advantageously produced from a polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol. The polyvinyl alcohol may include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers and ultrasound markers. The multimodal cardiac phantom can be used to evaluate and to configure apparatuses for imagining cardiac tissue. 1. A multimodal cardiac phantom , comprising:a body structure defining a first compartment and a second compartment, the first compartment and the second compartment each including a hollow upper chamber and a hollow lower chamber; said body structure having a shape to simulate a heart and comprised of a material configured to mimic elasticity, ultrasound, and magnetic properties of a cardiac tissue.2. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 1 , wherein the body structure comprises cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C).3. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 2 , wherein the body structure further comprises dense PVA-C particles which function as MRI markers.4. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 3 , wherein the PVA-C particles have an average diameter of 1-3 mm.5. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 2 , wherein the body structure further comprises silicon microspheres which function as ultrasound markers.6. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 1 , further comprising an upper portion defining a connecting chamber for connecting the body structure to a connecting tube and for placing the first compartment and the second compartment in fluid communication with each other and with the connecting chamber.7. The multimodal cardiac phantom of claim 1 , further comprising a first valve separating the upper chamber of the first compartment from the lower chamber of the first compartment and a second valve separating the upper chamber of the second compartment from the lower chamber of the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for extended low contrast detectability for radiographic imaging systems

Номер: US20140072108A1
Принадлежит: TIP IMAGING LLC

Evaluating dose performance of a radiographic imaging system with respect to image quality using a phantom, a channelized hotelling observer module as a model observer, and a printer, a plaque, or an electronic display includes scanning and producing images for a plurality of sections of the phantom using the radiographic imaging system, wherein the plurality of sections represent a range of patient sizes and doses and wherein the sections of the phantom contain objects of measurable detectability. Also included is analyzing the images to determine detectability results for one or more of the contained objects within the images of the plurality of sections of the phantom, wherein the analyzing includes using a channelized hotelling observer (CHO) module as a model observer; and displaying, via the printer, the plaque, or the electronic display, a continuous detectability performance measurement function using the determined detectability results.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Multilayered Phantom Tissue Test Structure and Fabrication Process

Номер: US20140072770A1

A multilayered optical tissue phantom fabrication approach and inherently produced test target structure which address the issues of optical conformity known in the art by controlling the formation of micrometer scale monolayers embedded with light-scattering microspheres. 1. An optically uniform phantom test target structure comprised of:a plurality of micrometer scale monolayers wherein said monolayers are comprised of light-scattering microspheres suspended in a host polymer wherein the size of said light-scattering microspheres varies in a constant proportion to the thickness of said micrometer scale monolayers;a plurality of transparent polymer layers positioned between each of plurality of micrometer scale monolayers;wherein each of said plurality of transparent polymer layers has a varying thickness;wherein said thicknesses of each of said plurality of transparent polymer layers and capable of being measured by an interferometer; andwherein said thickness of each of said intervening polymer layers replicates a different spatial frequency in the axial dimension of said phantom test target.2. The phantom test target structure of which has at least one surface adapted to receive at least one light scattering medium claim 1 , wherein said microspheres do not substantially protrude above the surface of each of said plurality of monolayers sufficiently to alter the reflective characteristics of said light scattering medium.3. The phantom test target structure of which further includes axial dimensions which are determined independently of an optical system under test.4. The phantom test target structure of wherein each microsphere of said microspheres has wavelength-dependent scattering coefficients determined independently of an optical system under test.5. The phantom test target structure of wherein each microsphere of said microspheres has an absorption co-efficient determined independently of an optical system under test.6. The phantom test target structure of ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for estimating object information

Номер: US20140086386A1

An apparatus and method for estimating object information is provided. The object information estimating apparatus includes a database which stores phantom information obtained by projecting a first energy X-ray on a phantom, an input unit which receives first object information obtained by projecting the first energy X-ray on an analysis object, and which receives information on a thickness of the analysis object, and an estimating unit which estimates second object information based on the phantom information, the first object information, and the information on the thickness.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000451A1

The invention relates to a tomosynthesis process in the context of mammography, in which several individual images of a breast are taken at different projection angles and in which of information thus acquired, tomographic images are synthesized with the help of an applicable image processing software. The mutual geometry of the imaging means of the imaging apparatus when taking these individual images is determined according to the invention by arranging in the imaging apparatus a calibration structure (), which includes balls () or other small objects absorbing X-radiation which are such placed that their projections will become imaged on said individual images. 1. A mammography imaging arrangement for tomosynthesis , which arrangement includes a substantially vertically standing frame part or a frame part which can be fixed to a wall or a ceiling,', 'an arm structure in connection with said frame part and turnable relative to a horizontal rotation axis,', 'wherein out of the opposite ends of said arm structure, substantially at the first end is placed an X-radiation source comprising a focus point and substantially at the second end an image data receiving means, and', {'b': '18', 'wherein in connection with said second end of the arm structure is additionally arranged a lower tray structure which positions substantially on top of the image data receiving means (), and'}, 'control means for moving at least one component of the arm structure and for controlling operation of the image data receiving means,, 'a mammography imaging apparatus which includes'}and processing means which include an information recording means and a means for processing information,characterized in that one or more calibration structure component including balls or other small objects which absorb X-radiation is attached substantially in connection with said second end of the arm structure to which said lower tray structure is arranged or to said lower tray structure, a mutual geometry of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000452A1

The present invention relates to a head and neck simulation phantom device for simulating the head and neck of a body, the phantom device including: a flat type first plate having a first insertion groove formed on one surface thereof; a flat type second plate disposed to come into contact with the other surface of the first plate and having a second insertion groove formed on the contacted surface with the other surface of the first plate in such a manner as to correspond to the first insertion groove; 1. A head and neck simulation phantom device for simulating the head and neck of a body , the phantom device comprising:a flat type first plate having a first insertion groove formed on one surface thereof;a flat type second plate disposed to come into contact with the other surface of the first plate and having a second insertion groove formed on the contacted surface with the other surface of the first plate in such a manner as to correspond to the first insertion groove; anda plurality of teeth simulants inserted into the first insertion groove and the second insertion groove and for simulating the teeth of the body.2. The head and neck simulation phantom device according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate and the second plate have through holes formed penetratedly thereinto.3. The head and neck simulation phantom device according to claim 1 , wherein each teeth simulant comprises: a cylindrical case; and an accommodated material located in the case.4. The head and neck simulation phantom device according to claim 3 , wherein the accommodated material comprises a titanium material or a tooth.5. The head and neck simulation phantom device according to claim 3 , wherein the case is made of a thermoplastic material.6. The head and neck simulation phantom device according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate and the second plate have dosimeter insertion grooves formed along the outer edges of the first insertion groove and the second insertion groove in such a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Methods for the Compensation of Imaging Technique In The Processing of Radiographic Images

Номер: US20150003712A1
Принадлежит: Imaging Therapeutics Inc, Imatx Inc

The present invention relates to methods and devices for analyzing x-ray images. In particular, devices, methods and algorithms are provided that allow for the accurate and reliable evaluation of bone structure and macro-anatomical parameters from x-ray images.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Low-dose ct perfusion technique

Номер: US20170007195A1
Автор: Sabee Molloi

Methods and apparatuses are disclosed for quantifying regional organ perfusion with low radiation dose using whole-organ CT in a patient comprising obtaining a computed tomography scan of the patient and determining perfusion of the organ using a first-pass analysis method in conjunction with conservation of mass for perfusion measurement.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022831A1

Technologies for determining the spatial orientation of input imagery to produce a three-dimensional model includes a device having circuitry to obtain two-dimensional images of an anatomical object (e.g., a bone of a human joint), to determine candidate values indicative of translation and rotation of the anatomical object in the two-dimensional images, and to produce, as a function of the obtained two-dimensional images and the candidate values, a candidate three-dimensional model of the anatomical object. The circuitry is also to determine a score indicative of an accuracy of the candidate three-dimensional model, to determine whether the score satisfies a threshold, and to produce, in response to a determination that the score satisfies the threshold, data indicating that the candidate three-dimensional model is an accurate representation of the anatomical object. 1. A model production device comprising: determine first candidate values indicative of an orientation of an anatomical object in each of a plurality of two-dimensional images;', 'produce, as a function of the plurality of two-dimensional images and the candidate values, a first candidate three-dimensional model of the anatomical object;', 'determine a first score indicative of an accuracy of the first candidate three-dimensional model;', 'determine, in response to the first score not satisfying a threshold, second candidate values indicative of the orientation of the anatomical object in each of the plurality of two-dimensional images; and', 'produce, as a function of the plurality of two-dimensional images and the second candidate values, a second candidate three-dimensional model of the anatomical object., 'circuitry to2. The model production device of claim 1 , wherein to determine second candidate values indicative of the orientation of the anatomical object in the plurality of two-dimensional images comprises to determine the second candidate values as a function of the first candidate values and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008772A1

Described is a system for generating simulated CT images. The system can include a CT image simulator, a phantom database, and a scanner database. The phantom database can include one or more virtual phantoms while the scanner database can include information about one or more CT scanners, including a subject CT scanner. The CT image simulator can use information about a subject patient, a virtual phantom, and scanner information about the subject CT scanner to generate a simulated CT image that closely simulates what an actual CT image would look like if performed on the subject patient using the subject CT scanner. The simulated CT image can be displayed on a display screen. Also described is a method of generating a simulated CT image and CT image simulator software that can be used to generate a simulated CT image. 1. A method of generating simulated CT images of a subject patient , comprising:receiving patient information about the subject patient, wherein the patient information comprises information about one or more physical properties of the subject patient;selecting, from a phantom database, a virtual phantom, wherein the selection is based on a comparison of the patient information with characteristics of the virtual phantom;receiving, at a CT image simulator, the virtual phantom;receiving, at the CT imaging simulator, scanner information about a subject CT scanner, wherein the scanner information comprises information about an image reconstruction technique employed by the subject CT scanner;performing, by the CT imaging simulator, an image simulation process, wherein the image simulation process comprises generating a simulated CT image using the virtual phantom and the scanner information; andproviding the simulated CT image on a display screen in a visually perceptible form.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:deforming the virtual phantom, wherein deforming the virtual phantom comprises one or more of adjusting the shape of organs in the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012488A1
Автор: Avila Ricardo S.
Принадлежит: ACCUMETRA, LLC

A method for calculating and reporting image quality properties of an image acquisition device after a subject or object has been scanned consists of a scan quality monitoring system with automated software for receiving scans and radiation dose data from scanners and automated algorithms for analyzing image quality metrics and radiation dose tradeoffs. Image quality assessment methods include algorithms for measuring fundamental imaging characteristics, level and type of image artifacts, and comparisons against large databases of historical data for the scanner and protocols. Image quality reports are further customized to report on expected clinical performance of image detection or measurement tasks. 1. A method for measuring and reporting on image quality properties of a scan from an image acquisition device , comprising:operating one or more scanners to acquire image data;operating a scan quality analysis system to receive the image data from the one or more scanners; andfurther operating the scan quality analysis system to automatically calculate and store image quality metrics and reports computed from the image data.2. The method of further comprising operating a sub-system to compare the computed image quality metrics against a database of reference values and transmitting alerts if the image quality metrics do not meet minimum image quality specifications.3. The method of wherein the image data consists of data selected from the group consisting of patient image data claim 1 , pocket phantom data claim 1 , and table phantom data claim 1 , and the scan quality analysis system generates image quality metrics and scan quality reports derived from the image data.4. The method of wherein calculating scan quality reports includes calculating values from comparisons against historical data from similar scanners and scanner protocols.5. The method of wherein the image quality metrics and reports are generated for CT claim 2 , XR claim 2 , PET/CT claim 2 , NM claim ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014806A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation

A method and apparatus is provided to calculate scatter using a method to determine primary X-ray flux, first-scatter flux, and multiple-scatter flux using an integral formulation of a radiative transfer equation and using spherical-harmonic expansion. The integral for the primary X-ray flux does not include a spherical-harmonic expansion. The integral for the first-scatter flux includes an angle-dependent scatter cross-section. The integral for the multiple-scatter flux is performed iteratively, includes spherical harmonics, and includes a scatter cross-section expanded using Legendre polynomials. The integrals of attenuation along propagation rays can be accelerated using material decomposition of the attenuation coefficients. An anti-scatter-grid term can be included in the integrals to account for the effects of an anti-scatter grid on the fluxes prior to detection of the X-rays. 1. An apparatus , comprising: obtain projection data representing an intensity of X-ray radiation detected at a plurality of detector elements,', 'obtain a model of an object between an X-ray source generating the X-ray radiation and the plurality of detector elements, the model representing a spatial distribution of material components of the object, and', 'determine scattered X-ray data representing an intensity of scattered X-ray radiation detected at the plurality of detector elements by integrating a radiative transfer equation, wherein', integrating an attenuation from the X-ray source to a detection location or a first scatter location to generate a primary flux, and', 'integrating the primary flux at the scatter location with a predefined scatter cross-section to generate a first-scatter flux, which includes a plurality of first-scatter spherical-harmonic components., 'the scattered X-ray data are determined by'}], 'circuitry configured to'}2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is further configured to calculate the scattered X-ray data byiteratively ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Calibration phantom

Номер: US20180014809A1
Принадлежит: Carestream Health Inc

A calibration phantom has a surface having a reflectance calibration target with a pattern that is indicative of one or more spatial reference positions. Radio-opaque markers are disposed in the phantom and are positionally correlated to the one or more spatial reference positions of the reflectance calibration target.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015355A1

A calibration device kit for generating phantom image measurements for accurately determining size of an object including a transportable casing sized to contain a synthetic calibration object. The casing containing the synthetic calibration object is adapted to be scanned to generate phantom image measurements of the at least one synthetic calibration object in relation to each of the synthetic calibration objects, a body, and the casing.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Brain Tissue Equivalent Material And Phantom Device Comprising The Same

Номер: US20160015356A1
Автор: Baiu Cristel
Принадлежит: Gammex, Inc.

Compositions, including composition for use in radiographic calibration and quality assurance include glass micro bubbles, epoxy, CaCo, MgO, and Polyethylene. Embodiments of the composition may be used in calibration devices or phantoms. Calibration devices or phantoms constructed of embodiments of the composition may be used in methods of calibrating a radiographic device for imaging of brain tissue.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015771A1

The invention provides a contrast carrier device with geometric calibration phantom on computed tomography, comprising: a front ring body having a front outer peripheral surface; the front outer peripheral surface is provided with a front correction bead; a loading table, wherein one end of the loading table is connected with the front ring body; a rear ring body is oppositely arranged at the other end of the front ring body connected to the loading table, wherein the rear ring body has an outer peripheral surface, the rear peripheral surface is provided with a rear correction bead; a virtual axis passes through the center of the front ring body and the center of the rear ring body, respectively, and the front correction bead and the rear correction bead. The beads are arranged equidistantly along the virtual axis; and a support body is provided opposite to the other end of the rear ring body connected to the loading table, so that the contrast carrier device is fixed to a tomography scan, and the virtual axis coincide with a scan axis of the tomography device. 1. A contrast carrier device with geometric calibration phantom on computed tomography , comprising:a front ring body with a front outer peripheral surface, the front outer peripheral surface is provided with a front correction bead;a loading table, wherein one end of the loading table is connected with the front ring body;a rear ring body, the rear ring body is oppositely arranged at the other end of the front ring body connected to the loading table, wherein the rear ring body has a rear outer peripheral surface, the rear outer peripheral surface is provided with a rear correction bead;a virtual axis passes through the center of the front ring body and the center of the rear ring body respectively, the front correction bead and the rear correction bead are arranged equidistantly along the virtual axis; anda support body, the support body is provided opposite to the other end of the rear ring body connected ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015772A1

Phantoms for use in calibrating a dual energy imaging system and methods for their use. The phantoms include a body having at least first and second portions arranged in a through-thickness direction of the body. The first portion defines an anterior surface of the body and contains a first material simulating soft tissue and a second material simulating bone. The second portion contains a third material simulating lung tissue and at least a first object embedded in the third material and formed of a fourth material simulating tumor tissue. The first and second portions of the body are configured such that the second material in the first portion superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction of the body relative to the anterior surface thereof. 1. A phantom for use in calibrating a dual energy imaging system , the phantom comprising:a body having at least first and second portions arranged in a through-thickness direction of the body, the first portion defining an anterior surface of the body and comprising a first material simulating soft tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system and a second material simulating bone when imaged with the dual energy imaging system, the second portion comprising a third material simulating lung tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system and at least a first object embedded in the third material and formed of a fourth material simulating tumor tissue when imaged with the dual energy imaging system;wherein the first and second portions of the body are configured such that the second material in the first portion superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction of the body relative to the anterior surface thereof.2. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the first portion includes at least one object formed of the second material claim 1 , and the object superimposes the first object in the second portion in the through-thickness direction ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018205A1

A system and method to integrate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and radiotherapy data for accurate simulation of spatio-temporal flow and deformation in real human lung is presented. The method utilizes a mathematical formulation that fuses the CFD predictions of lung displacement with the corresponding radiotherapy data using the theory of Tikhonov regularization. 1. A system for simulation of spatio-temporal flow and deformation in human tissue , comprising:a processor; and acquiring radiotherapy imaging data of the tissue;', 'acquiring computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data corresponding to predictions of tissue displacement; and', 'fusing the imaging data with the CFD data to obtain a fused dataset of the tissue., 'programming executable on the processor for2. A system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the tissue comprises a human lung.3. A system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the imaging data comprises inverse estimation data of a CT scan dataset.4. A system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the fused dataset is acquired using Tikhonov regularization.5. A system as recited in claim 3 , wherein acquiring computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data comprises generating a flow-structure interaction model to simultaneously solve the airflow and structural characteristics of lung tissue.6. A system as recited in claim 3 , wherein fusing the inverse estimation data with the CFD data comprises:reconstructing 3D geometry of the lung from the CT scan dataset;generating one or more computational meshes in the reconstructed 3D geometry of the lung;estimating patient-specific Young's Modulus data from the CT scan datasets;applying fluid-structure interaction (FSI) calculations to calculate one or more of air flow and deformation characteristics of the lung; andcalculating spatial lung deformation as a function of the FSI calculations and reconstructed lung geometry.7. A system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the imaging data comprises multi-modal imaging data.8. A system as ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Calibration apparatus and method for computed tomography

Номер: US20170020481A1

A calibration object is imaged in a radiographic system such as a CT system. The images are processed to calibrate the system, without prior measurement of the calibration object. Initial estimates are refined to improve accuracy.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019882A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare GmbH

A method is for computed tomography imaging. In an embodiment, the method includes provisioning a CT data set of an object, the CT data set being previously recorded via a multispectral recording method; suppressing a contrast, caused by a tissue type, and generating a contrast-suppressed data set from the CT data set provisioned; and analyzing at least the contrast-suppressed data set generated or a data set generated via a machine learning algorithm based on the contrast-suppressed data set, the analyzing being configured to identify at least one change in the tissue type. A corresponding device, a control device for a computed tomography system or a diagnosis system, and a diagnosis system and a computed tomography system are also disclosed. 1. A method for computed tomography imaging , comprising:provisioning a CT data set of an object, the CT data set being previously recorded via a multispectral recording method;suppressing a contrast, caused by a tissue type, and generating a contrast-suppressed data set from the CT data set provisioned; andanalyzing at least the contrast-suppressed data set generated or a data set generated via a machine learning algorithm based on the contrast-suppressed data set, the analyzing being configured to identify at least one change in the tissue type.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the provisioning of the CT data set of the object comprises:recording within framework of the multispectral recording method, wherein in recording of the CT data set provisioned, a multispectral resolving detector is used.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the analyzing claim 1 , at least one of a position of an area having a change within at least one of the tissue type and a size of the tissue type claim 1 , a characteristic of the change and a progress of the change is determined claim 1 , wherein the analyzing is performed via a machine learning algorithm based on models from at least one of:Markov models, neural networks, ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Pet detector timing calibration

Номер: US20180021009A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A diagnostic imaging system comprises a plurality of radiation detectors ( 20 ) configured to detect radiation events emanating from an imaging region. The system comprises a calibration phantom ( 14 ) configured to be disposed in the imaging region spanning substantially an entire field of view and to generate radiation event pairs that define lines-of-response, wherein the calibration phantom is thin such that each LOR intersects the calibration phantom along its length, the thickness of the phantom being smaller than the length of the LORs. A calibration processor ( 24 ) receives input of the radiation detectors and calculates an incidence angle independent crystal delay τ i for each detector. The calibration processor ( 24 ) constructs a first look-up table for the timing correction of each LOR and a second look-up table for the angle depth of interaction correction for each crystal by combining τ i and η i

24-01-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Low X-Ray Dose Breast Density Evaluation

Номер: US20190021682A1

A system and method for measuring volumetric breast density using a low dose of radiation are provided. This low-dose image can be added to a standard mammographic screening protocol with less than a two percent increase in radiation dose imparted to the subject. This low-dose image can also be used as a single standalone test to determine breast density for younger women for the purposes of risk determination or screening regimen planning. The breast density measurement is more accurate than measurements that can be obtained with existing systems and methods by making use of a compression assembly that maintains a parallel alignment between the compression paddle and breast support table. Additionally, the compression assembly maintains a uniform known thickness of the compressed breast. The system and method have the added benefit that they can be readily implemented on a conventional digital x-ray unit with low cost. 1. A compression assembly for compressing a breast in use with a mammography system , comprising:a rigid plate;at least one spacer coupled to the rigid plate and sized such that the spacer maintains the rigid plate in a substantially parallel alignment at a fixed distance from a breast support plate of an x-ray mammography system, thereby providing a region for receiving and compressing a breast at a substantially uniform thickness.2. The compression assembly as recited in in which the at least one spacer comprises at least two spacers and each of the at least two spacers is composed of a different material having x-ray attenuation characteristics equivalent to a known composition of breast tissue.3. The compression assembly as recited in in which a thickness and a material of the rigid plate are chosen such that x-rays transmitted through the rigid plate are hardened sufficient to decrease a dose delivered to the compressed breast.4. The compression assembly as recited in in which the rigid plate is at least about one centimeter thick.5. The ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021688A1

Provided is a calibration device for three-dimensional imaging equipment including a first bead group including first beads arranged in a first pattern, and a second bead group including second beads arranged in a second pattern different from the first pattern, wherein the first and second bead groups have different cross ratios or different segment ratios from each other, the first beads are arranged in a line, and the second beads are arranged in a line. 1. A calibration device for three-dimensional imaging equipment comprising:a first bead group comprising first beads arranged in a first pattern; anda second bead group comprising second beads arranged in a second pattern different from the first pattern,wherein the first and second bead groups have different cross ratios or different segment ratios from each other, the first beads are arranged in a line, and the second beads are arranged in a line.2. The calibration device of claim 1 , further comprising:a body having a polyhedron shape,wherein the body comprises first and second side surfaces having a rectangular shape, and the first and second bead groups are respectively provided onto the first and second side surfaces.3. The calibration device of claim 2 , wherein the first beads are arranged in a first straight line direction from a first vertex of the first side surface towards a second vertex facing in a first diagonal direction claim 2 , andthe second beads are arranged in a second straight line direction from a third vertex of the second side surface towards a fourth vertex facing in a second diagonal direction.4. The calibration device of claim 1 , wherein the first beads are at least four claim 1 , and the second beads are at least four.5. The calibration device of claim 1 , wherein arrangement intervals between the first beads are different from those between the second beads.6. The calibration device of claim 1 , further comprising:a body having a polyhedron shape,wherein the body comprises first ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022663A1

A method and an apparatus for estimating a geometric thickness of a breast in mammography/tomosynthesis or in other x-ray procedures, by imaging markers that are in the path of x-rays passing through the imaged object. The markings can be selected to be visible or to be invisible when the composite markings/breast image is viewed in clinical settings. If desired, the contribution of the markers to the image can be removed through further processing. The resulting information can be used determining the geometric thickness of the body being x-rayed and thus setting imaging parameters that are thickness-related, and for other purposes. The method and apparatus also have application in other types of x-ray imaging. 1. (canceled)2. A method of imaging a breast , the method comprising: an x-ray source comprising a focal spot;', 'an imaging receptor comprising an imaging plane disposed at a known distance from the focal spot; and', a breast-contacting surface; and', 'a plurality of markers disposed at a predetermined distance from the breast-contacting surface, wherein the plurality of markers are spaced apart at a known pitch;, 'a paddle configured to be movably disposed between the x-ray source and the imaging receptor, the paddle comprising], 'providing an imaging system comprisingconcurrently x-ray imaging the paddle and a breast disposed between the breast-contacting surface of the paddle and the imaging receptor;obtaining an x-ray image depicting the breast, a first marker of the plurality of markers superimposed on the breast, and a second marker of the plurality of markers superimposed on the breast;identifying a first region of interest in the x-ray image that corresponds to the first marker and identifying a second region of interest in the x-ray image that corresponds to the second marker; andprocessing the first region of interest and the second region of interest to determine geometric information regarding the first marker and the second marker.3. The method ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025510A1

A system for constructing images representing a 4DCT sequence of an object from a plurality of projections taken from a plurality of angles with respect to the object and at a plurality of times, first portions of the object being less static than second portions of the object. The system may comprise a processor configured to: iteratively process projections of the plurality of projections for a plurality of groups, each group comprising projections collected while the first portions of the object are in corresponding locations, with each iteration comprising: reconstructing first image portions representing the first portions of the object, the reconstructing of each first image portion of the first image portions being based on projections in a respective group of the plurality of groups; and reconstructing the second image portion, the second image portion representing the second portions of the object, based on projections in multiple groups of the plurality of groups and on the reconstructed first image portions. 1. A system for constructing a plurality of images representing a four-dimensional computed tomography sequence of an object from a plurality of projections , the projections being taken from a plurality of angles with respect to the object and at a plurality of times , first portions of the object being less static than second portions of the object , the system comprising: reconstructing first image portions representing the first portions of the object, the reconstructing of each first image portion of the first image portions being based on projections in a respective group of the plurality of groups; and', 'reconstructing a second image portion, the second image portion representing the second portions of the object, based on projections in multiple groups of the plurality of groups and on the reconstructed first image portions., 'iteratively process projections of the plurality of projections for a plurality of groups, each group of the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027540A1
Автор: SJOLUND Jens
Принадлежит: ELEKTA AB (PUBL)

A method of calibrating a positioning system in a radiation therapy system is disclosed, including a radiation therapy unit having a fixed radiation focus. The method includes the steps of irradiating a calibration tool including at least one reference object, capturing at least one two-dimensional image including cross-sectional representations of reference objects of the calibration tool and determining image coordinates of the representation of each reference object. Based on the reference objects image coordinates, positions of the reference objects in the stereotactic coordinate system relative to an origin of the calibration tool and the position of the origin of the calibration tool relative to the imaging unit, a position difference between the position of the calibration tool in the stereotactic coordinate system and a position of the calibration tool in an imaging system coordinate system including a translational and rotational position difference is calculated. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for calibrating an imaging system capturing images of a patient in relation to a radiation therapy system , which radiation therapy system comprises a radiation therapy unit having a fixed radiation focus , and a positioning system for positioning a patient in relation to the fixed focus in the radiation therapy unit , the method comprising the steps of:irradiating a calibration tool comprising at least one reference object with ionizing radiation during an image scanning procedure using a radiation unit of the imaging system, wherein the calibration tool and the at least one reference object have known positions in the stereotactic coordinate system;capturing at least one two-dimensional image including cross-sectional representations of reference objects of the calibration tool using a detector of the imaging system during the image scanning procedure;{'sub': 'xy', 'determining image coordinates, d, of the representation of each reference object in the captured ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029979A1

A system and method for measuring volumetric breast density using a low dose of radiation are provided. This low-dose image can be added to a standard mammographic screening protocol with less than a two percent increase in radiation dose imparted to the subject. This low-dose image can also be used as a single standalone test to determine breast density for younger women for the purposes of risk determination or screening regimen planning The breast density measurement is more accurate than measurements that can be obtained with existing systems and methods by making use of a compression assembly that maintains a parallel alignment between the compression paddle and breast support table. Additionally, the compression assembly maintains a uniform known thickness of the compressed breast. The system and method have the added benefit that they can be readily implemented on a conventional digital x-ray unit with low cost. 1. A compression assembly for compressing a breast in use with a mammography system , comprising:a rigid plate;at least one spacer coupled to the rigid plate and sized such that the spacer maintains the rigid plate in a substantially parallel alignment at a fixed distance from a breast support plate of an x-ray mammography system, thereby providing a region for receiving and compressing a breast at a substantially uniform thickness.2. The compression assembly as recited in in which the at least one spacer comprises at least two spacers and each of the at least two spacers is composed of a different material having x-ray attenuation characteristics equivalent to a known composition of breast tissue.3. The compression assembly as recited in in which a thickness and a material of the rigid plate are chosen such that x-rays transmitted through the rigid plate are hardened sufficient to decrease a dose delivered to the compressed breast.4. The compression assembly as recited in in which the rigid plate is at least about one centimeter thick.5. The ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029988A1

A method is provided for the characterization of a bone tissue with an imaging device, including: 1) A method for the characterization of a bone tissue with an imaging device comprising a radiation emitter and utilizing a radiation sensor , said method comprising the following steps:{'sub': '1', 'acquiring at least one grey scale image of said bone tissue with said imaging device at a measurement value MASof an emission parameter relating to the emitted radiation,'} [{'sub': '1', 'a measured value SDof a standard deviation of the grey levels;'}, {'sub': '1', 'a measured value GLAof a mean grey level; and'}, {'sub': '1', 'a measured value Hof a characterization parameter of said bone tissue;'}], 'measuring, by analysis of said image{'sub': 1', 'target', 'target, 'calibrating, in a target calibration step, said measured value Hof the characterization parameter with respect to a target value GLAof a predetermined mean grey level for said sensor, said calibration producing a target value Hof said characterization parameter;'}{'sub': 1', 'fixed', 'fixed, 'calibrating, in a fixed calibration step, said measured value SDof the standard deviation of the grey levels with respect to a fixed value MASof the predetermined emission parameter, said fixed calibration step producing a fixed value SDof the standard deviation of the grey levels; and'}{'sub': corrected', 'target', 'fixed', 'target, 'determining a corrected value Hof the value of said characterization parameter, as a function of said target value Hof said characterization parameter, of said fixed value SDand of a target value SDof the standard deviation of the grey levels.'}2) The method of claim 1 , wherein the target calibration step comprised determining the target value of the standard deviation of the grey levels as a function of the measurement value MASof the emission parameter and of a predetermined target value MASof said emission parameter.3) The method of claim 2 , wherein the target calibration step also ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Coordinate measuring apparatus and method for measuring an object

Номер: US20150030121A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a coordinate measuring apparatus for measuring an object, having an x-ray sensory mechanism as a first sensory mechanism that is provided with an x-ray source and at least one x-ray sensor which detects the x-rays, and a second sensory mechanism such as a tactile and/or an optical sensory mechanism that can be placed in the x, y, and/or z direction of the coordinate measuring apparatus in relation to the object. In order to be able to easily measure also large-size test objects, the x-ray sensory mechanism can be positioned in the coordinate measuring apparatus according to the second sensory mechanism.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Automated tracking of fiducial marker clusters in x-ray images

Номер: US20180028133A1
Принадлежит: University of Colorado

Various embodiments of the present technology generally relate to identification of tumor location. More specifically, some embodiments of the present technology relate automated tracking of fiducial marker clusters in x-ray images for the real-time identification of tumor location and guidance of radiation therapy beams. Some embodiments use processed CBCT projection images, an automated routine of reconstruction, forward-projection, tracking, and stabilization generated static templates of the marker cluster at arbitrary viewing angles. Breathing data can be incorporated into some embodiments, resulting in dynamic templates dependent on both viewing angle and breathing motion. In some embodiments, marker clusters can be tracked using normalized cross correlations between templates (either static or dynamic) and CBCT projection images.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028143A1

Systems, devices, and methods are presented for automatic tuning, calibration, and verification of radiation therapy systems comprising control elements configured to control parameters of the radiation therapy systems based on images obtained using electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) included in the radiation therapy system. 158-. (canceled)59. A method for calibrating a radiation treatment device , the radiation treatment device including control elements configured to control parameters of the radiation treatment device , the method comprising:(i) acquiring, using an imaging device, one or more images representing beam fields produced by a beam source;(ii) determining a parameter of the radiation treatment device from the one or more images, the parameter relating to an output of a control element;(iii) evaluating the parameter against a predefined standard;(iv) adjusting the output of the control element based on the result of the evaluating until the parameter meets the predefined standard; and(v) repeating steps (i) through (iv) until the parameters are evaluated and the outputs of the control elements are adjusted,wherein one of the parameters is the imaging device position with respect to a coordinate frame of the radiation treatment device.60. The method of claim 59 , wherein the determining the imaging device position includes determining a location of the projection of the beam center on the imaging device claim 59 , and determining a distance of the imaging device from the beam source.61. The method of claim 60 , wherein the determining the distance from the beam source includes acquiring a first and a second image in (i) with the imaging device positioned at two different locations from the beam source claim 60 , and calculating the distance between the imaging device and the beam source based on an amount by which the imaging device moved between the two locations and the beam field sizes at the first and second locations of the imaging device.63 ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047239A1

A respiratory gating phantom device includes a first airbag, a second airbag, a first catheter, a second catheter, a fixture, and an air pressure gating device. The first catheter and the second catheter are respectively installed in the first airbag and the second airbag. The fixture is provided with a phantom tumor and adjustably installed in the first catheter or the second catheter, thereby installing the phantom tumor in the first catheter or the second catheter. The air pressure gating device, connected to the first airbag and the second airbag, inflates and deflates the first airbag and the second airbag to simulate breathing. The first catheter and the second catheter respectively move along three-dimensional direction and two-dimensional direction in response to motions of the first airbag and the second airbag. 1. A respiratory gating phantom device comprising:a first airbag and a second airbag surrounded by a thoracic model and used as phantom lungs, wherein the thoracic model is connected with a spine model, the spine model has a cervical vertebrae portion, and the first airbag and the second airbag are respectively penetrated with a first space and a second space;a first catheter installed in the first space, wherein a top of the first catheter is connected with the cervical vertebrae portion through at least two first connecting rods, and a bottom of the first catheter is fixed to the first airbag;a second catheter installed in the second space, wherein a top of the second catheter is connected with the cervical vertebrae portion through one second connecting rod, and a bottom of the second catheter is fixed to the second airbag;a fixture provided with a phantom tumor and adjustably installed in the first catheter or the second catheter, thereby installing the phantom tumor in the first catheter or the second catheter; andan air pressure gating device connected to the first airbag and the second airbag and configured to inflate and deflate the first ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029631A1
Автор: Li Ming, LIU YUE, SUN Zhipeng

A radioactive source and preparing as well as applying methods are disclosed. According to the method of preparing the radioactive source, when a preset dose of a radiopharmaceutical with a half-life shorter than a preset threshold is provided, a solid radioactive source having a predetermined shape may be obtained by mixing and moulding the radiopharmaceutical with a preset solution and a moulding material. The moulding material may comprise a curing agent and/or a water-absorbing material. 1. A method of preparing a radioactive source , comprising:preparing a preset dose of a radiopharmaceutical, wherein a half-life of the radiopharmaceutical is shorter than a preset threshold; andobtaining a solid radioactive source having a predetermined shape by mixing and moulding the radiopharmaceutical with a preset solution and a moulding material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein mixing and moulding the radiopharmaceutical with the preset solution and the moulding material claim 1 , comprises:preparing a curing agent as the moulding material;mixing the radiopharmaceutical with the solution and the curing agent to obtain a first mixture; andplacing the first mixture into a mould with a predetermined shape to obtain the solid radioactive source.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the curing agent comprises gelatin or gypsum powder.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the radiopharmaceutical claim 2 , the solution claim 2 , and the curing agent are mixed according to a preset ratio range in the first mixture.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein mixing and moulding the radiopharmaceutical with the preset solution and the moulding material claim 1 , comprises:mixing the radiopharmaceutical with the solution to obtain a second mixture;preparing a water-absorbing material as the moulding material;moulding the water-absorbing material into a predetermined shape; andplacing the water-absorbent material with the predetermined shape into the second mixture to obtain the solid radioactive ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for calibrating an imaging system

Номер: US20190029632A1

The disclosure relates to a system and method for calibrating a medical system. The method may include one or more of the following operations. Projection data of a phantom comprising a plurality of markers may be acquired from an imaging device, at a plurality of angles of a source of the imaging device. A plurality of projection matrices of a first coordinate system relating to the phantom and a transformation matrix between the first coordinate system and a second coordinate system relating to the imaging device may be determined based on the projection data of the phantom and coordinates of the plurality of markers in the first coordinate system. A plurality of projection matrices of the second coordinate system may be determined based on the plurality of projection matrices of the first coordinate system and the transformation matrix.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029633A1

The invention concerns a thyroid phantom (), the phantom comprising a body () comprising at least two parts () defining between them an imprint () of a thyroid and means for attaching the two parts together in order to close the imprint in a sealed manner, the phantom further comprising means for filling the imprint with a solution, said filling means comprising at least one channel () extending front the outside of the body into the imprint and means for temporarily symmetrically plugging said channel. The invention also concerns a method for producing such a thyroid phantom, a family comprising a plurality of such thyroid phantoms corresponding to different categories of human beings, an overall phantom comprising one such thyroid phantom as well as a family comprising a plurality of overall phantoms. 1. A thyroid phantom , the phantom comprising a body comprising at least two parts between them defining a thyroid cavity and means for fixing the two parts together to close the cavity in a sealed manner , the phantom further comprising means for filling the cavity with a solution , said filling means comprising at least one canal extending from outside the body into the cavity and means for temporarily hermetically plugging said canal.2. The phantom as claimed in claim 1 , in which the body comprises a hollow cylinder extending in the body between two lobes of the cavity without claim 1 , however claim 1 , passing through the cavity.3. The phantom as claimed in claim 1 , in which the body is made from a material capable of being used by a three-dimensional printer.4. The phantom as claimed in claim 1 , in which the body is configured in such a way as to exhibit the overall shape of a rectangular parallelepiped claim 1 , one main lateral face being rounded.5. The phantom as claimed in claim 1 , in which the cavity is arranged in the body in such a way as to take into account a thyroid/neck distance of a human body.6. The phantom as claimed in claim 1 , in which the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray systems and methods

Номер: US20190030362A1
Автор: Eric H. Silver
Принадлежит: Imagine Scientific Inc

According to some aspects, a carrier configured for use with a broadband x-ray source comprising an electron source and a primary target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source to produce broadband x-ray radiation in response to electrons impinging on the primary target is provided. The carrier comprising a housing configured to be removeably coupled to the broadband x-ray source and configured to accommodate a secondary target capable of producing monochromatic x-ray radiation in response to incident broadband x-ray radiation, the housing comprising a transmissive portion configured to allow broadband x-ray radiation to be transmitted to the secondary target when present, and a blocking portion configured to absorb broadband x-ray radiation.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038029A1

Systems and methods for near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging and frequency-domain photon migration (FDPM) measurements. An optical tomography system includes a bed, a wheel, a light source, an image detector, and radio frequency (RF) circuitry. The bed is configured to support an object to be imaged. The wheel is configured to rotate about the bed. The light source is coupled to the wheel. The image detector is coupled to the wheel and disposed to capture images of the object. The RF circuitry is coupled to the light source and the image detector. The RF circuitry is configured to simultaneously generate a modulation signal to modulate the light source, and generate a demodulation signal to modulate a gain of the image detector. 1. An optical tomography system , comprising:a bed configured to support an object to be imaged;a wheel configured to rotate about the bed;a light source coupled to the wheel;an image detector coupled to the wheel and disposed to capture images of the object; generate a modulation signal to modulate the light source; and', 'generate a demodulation signal to modulate a gain of the image detector., 'radio frequency (RF) circuitry coupled to the light source and the image detector, the radio frequency circuitry configured to simultaneously2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the RF circuitry comprises:an oscillator configured to generate an oscillation signal;a splitter coupled to an output of the oscillator; wherein the splitter is configured to provide the oscillation signal to the light source and the image detector.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the RF circuitry comprises a phase shifter coupled to the splitter and the image detector claim 2 , wherein the phase shifter is configured to selectably vary the phase of the oscillation signal provided to the image detector with respect to the light source.4. The system of further comprising claim 2 , a bias circuit coupled to the light source claim 2 , the bias circuit configured to ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038116A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide markers, phantoms, and associated methods of calibration which are suitable for use in both medical resonance imaging and radiographic imaging systems. A marker includes a first component having a first hydrogen proton density and a first mass density; and a second component having a second hydrogen proton density different than the first hydrogen proton density, and a second mass density different than the first mass density. The first and second components are non-magnetic. 1. A marker for use in calibration of a medical imaging system ,a first component having a first hydrogen proton density and a first mass density, the first component being configured to absorb x-rays in a radiation-based imaging modality;a second component having a second hydrogen proton density greater than the first hydrogen proton density, the second component able to be imaged in a magnetic resonance imaging modality, the second component further having a second mass density lower than the first mass density such that the second component is imaged less strongly than the first component in the radiation-based imaging modality; anda common intermediate region made of a material which is not able to be imaged using the magnetic resonance imaging modality, wherein:a surface of the first component and a surface of the second component abut the common intermediate region;the first and second components, and the common intermediate region are non-magnetic; andthe first component is positioned concentrically within a void in the second component.26.-. (canceled)7. The marker according to claim 1 , wherein the intermediate region has a third hydrogen proton density different than the second hydrogen proton density claim 1 , and a third mass density different than the first mass density.8. The marker according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second components are such that a contrast is formed between the first and second components in the radiation- ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035962A1

One aspect of the invention provides a phantom including a confined fluidic path defining a plurality of regions of monotonically decreasing, discrete cross-sectional dimensions with respect to an imaging plane. Another aspect of the invention provides a method of assessing imaging. The method includes: placing a phantom as described herein within an imaging system; flowing one or more fluids through the phantom; and capturing one or more images of the phantom. Another aspect of the invention provides a kit for assessing imaging. The kit includes a phantom as described herein and instructions for use. 1. A phantom comprising:a confined fluidic path defining a plurality of regions of monotonically decreasing, discrete cross-sectional dimensions with respect to an imaging plane.2. The phantom of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more marker regions between adjacent regions of monotonically decreasing, discrete cross-sectional dimensions.3. The phantom of claim 2 , wherein the one or more marker regions have a cross-sectional dimension greater than the plurality of regions.4. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the one or more marker regions have a cross-sectional dimension of about 625 microns.5. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of regions of monotonically decreasing claim 1 , discrete cross-sectional dimensions are defined by tubing of varying internal diameters.6. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of regions of monotonically decreasing claim 1 , discrete cross-sectional dimensions are defined by a monolithic substrate.7. The phantom of claim 1 , further comprising:an inlet in fluidic communication with the confined fluidic path.8. The phantom of claim 7 , further comprising:an outlet in fluidic communication with the confined fluidic path.9. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the phantom is an angiographic phantom.10. The phantom of claim 1 , wherein the phantom is an angiographic X-ray phantom.11. A method of assessing imaging claim 1 , the ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035965A1
Принадлежит: Marquette University

A method of processing x-ray images comprises training an artificial neural network to process multi-spectral x-ray projections to determine composition information about an object in terms of equivalent thickness of at least one basis material. The method further comprises providing a multi-spectral x-ray projection of an object, wherein the multi-spectral x-ray projection of the object contains energy content information describing the energy content of the multi-spectral x-ray projection, The multi-spectral x-ray projection is then processed with the artificial neural network to determine composition information about the object, and then the composition information about the object is provided 122-. (canceled)23. A method of processing x-ray images , the method comprising:training an artificial neural network to process only multi-spectral x-ray projections through objects whose equivalent thicknesses are desired to determine composition information in terms of equivalent thicknesses of at least one basis material;providing a multi-spectral x-ray projection of an object whose equivalent thickness is desired, wherein the multi-spectral x-ray projection of the object contains energy content information describing energy content of the object whose equivalent thickness is desired and does not contain energy content information describing a phantom;processing the multi-spectral x-ray projection with the artificial neural network to determine composition information about the object; andproviding the composition information about the object.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein training the artificial neural network includes:providing a set of calibration multi-spectral x-ray projections of known thicknesses of known objects about which composition information is to be determined as input to the neural network, wherein the calibration multi-spectral x-ray projections only contain energy content information describing the known objects and do not contain energy content ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035970A1
Автор: Avila Ricardo S.
Принадлежит: ACCUMETRA, LLC

A device for measuring image quality properties of an image acquisition device while the subject or object is being scanned contains an embedded grid pattern to measure spatial distortion along the length of the image acquisition table. The device also contains reference materials, which may run along the length of the device, for measuring fundamental imaging properties such as signal strength, noise, and resolution. Automated software can detect the device within an acquisition, measure its properties, and provide data and reports on the quality of the image acquisition. 1. A phantom device for measuring image quality properties of an image acquisition device while an object or patient is being scanned , comprising:a locally thin layered substrate adapted to match and be affixed to a curved scanner table top with the same curvature;wherein the layered substrate has a pattern adapted to indicate position and distortion along the surface of the curved scanner table top;wherein the layered substrate includes air pockets; andat least one material reference object embedded within the air pockets of the grid pattern to provide a reference for measuring resolution, noise, and signal response properties.2. The device of wherein the grid pattern comprises a diamond shaped grid pattern.3. The device of where the grid pattern comprises at least two overlapping sheets of material with opposing parallel lines that are regularly spaced.4. The device of wherein the at least one material reference object is placed in air pockets of the grid pattern along the length of the device and running down the length of the scanner's table at the center and along at least one side.5. The device of wherein the at least one material reference object is spherical or cylindrical in shape and oriented with the scanner coordinate system.6. The device of wherein the at least one material reference object comprises an internal material and a different background material.7. The device of wherein ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042501A1

The invention relates to a model for use in an imaging technique based on an interaction of the model with an electromagnetic radiation. The model comprises a plurality of volume elements. The interaction intensities of two neighbouring volume elements are distinguishable by an imaging technique. The model comprises first volume elements made of a supporting material, and second volume elements are made of a supporting material and a contrast material and exhibit a higher interaction intensity with the electromagnetic radiation than the first volume elements because of the presence of contrast material. The second volume elements have been generated by a printing method. 21. The model () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said first volume elements have also been generated by a printing method.31. The model () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said volume of each of said second volume elements is <1 mm claim 1 , particularly <1.25·10mm claim 1 , more particularly <8·10mm.41. The model () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the average interaction intensity of said first volume elements deviates from the average interaction intensity of said second volume elements by ≧1% claim 1 , particularly ≧20%.51. The model () according to claim 1 , characterized in that said supporting material is arranged in layers claim 1 , particularly of a thickness of 25-1000 μm claim 1 , more particularly 50-500 μm claim 1 , most particularly 80-500 μm.61. The model () according to claim 5 , characterized in that said layers of supporting material are stacked.71. The model () according to claim 3 , characterized in that said supporting material is arranged in layers claim 3 , particularly of a thickness of 25-1000 μm claim 3 , more particularly 50-500 μm claim 3 , most particularly 80-500 μm claim 3 , particularly wherein said layers are stacked.81. The model () according to claim 4 , characterized in that said supporting material is arranged in layers claim ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Lung Phantom System For 4D-CT

Номер: US20170042502A1

The present disclosure relates to a lung phantom system provided with an elastic film that separates a first chamber and a second chamber having inner space that may be filled with liquid, the elastic film configured to repeat expansion and restoration according to introduction and discharge of liquid, thereby providing an effect of accurately replicating movements of an actual lung during its respiratory movement. 1. A lung phantom system comprising:a first chamber and a second chamber having inner space that may be filled with liquid, the first chamber and the second chamber separated by an elastic film; anda liquid supply unit that supplies the liquid into the second chamber through a liquid inlet formed in the second chamber or removes the liquid from the second chamber through the liquid inlet,wherein the elastic film expands towards inside the first chamber as the liquid is supplied by the liquid supply unit into the second chamber, and the elastic film is returned back to its original position as the liquid is discharged from the second chamber by the liquid supply unit.2. The lung phantom system according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid supply unit comprises:a liquid supply tube connected with the liquid inlet;a liquid supplier that supplies the liquid to the liquid supply tube or takes the liquid back from the liquid supply tube; anda driver that actuates the liquid supplier.3. The lung phantom system according to claim 2 ,wherein a driving signal of the driver is a signal having a sine waveform replicating respiration.4. The lung phantom system according to claim 1 ,further comprising a phantom that is disposed inside the first chamber, and that contracts as the elastic film expands and is returned back to its original state as the elastic film is returned.5. The lung phantom system according to claim 4 ,further comprising an air tube formed to penetrate one surface of the first chamber so as to connect the inner space and outer space of the first chamber; ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210049931A1

The present disclosure relates to the field of imaging phantoms and their use in computed tomography (CT) and radiotherapy (RT). In particular, the present disclosure provides novel ink compositions conferring radiation absorbing properties mimicking biological tissue to imaging phantoms. Thus, these novel ink compositions are particularly useful for creating tissue equivalent imaging phantoms, which allow realistically simulating biological tissue over the whole range of photon energies relevant for applications in CT and RT. Accordingly, the present disclosure also provides novel imaging phantoms exhibiting radiation absorbing properties mimicking real biological tissue. The present disclosure further relates to methods of generating imaging phantoms built up of layers making use of the novel ink compositions disclosed herein. 1. Ink composition conferring radiation absorbing properties mimicking biological tissue , wherein the composition comprises dissolved radiation absorbing molecules composed of chemical elements having:(a) a low-atomic number 1≤Z≤11, preferably a low-atomic number 1≤Z≤8; and/or(b) an atomic number in the range Z=12-22, preferably in the range Z=15-20.2. Ink composition conferring radiation absorbing properties mimicking biological soft tissue , wherein the ink composition comprises radiation absorbing organic molecules and/or salts selected from any of:(i) sugars and derivatives thereof, preferably aldoses including glucose and mannose, ketoses including fructose, disaccharides including lactose, maltose and saccharose, sugar alcohols including sorbitole, and/or amino sugars including meglumin;(ii) pyridine-, pyrimidine-, purine-, imidazole-, pyrazole-, and/or indole derivatives;(iii) amino acids and derivatives thereof, preferably proline and lysine;(iv) carboxylic acids and derivatives thereof, preferably citric acid, tartaric acid, and/or amides including urea and caprolactam;(v) polymers having a low molecular weight≤30 kDa; and/or(vi) ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061787A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

The invention relates to a dental x-ray imaging system for producing intraoral x-ray images, in particular of dental patient tissue, with the aid of an intraoral x-ray sensor, which can be placed in the oral cavity in the beam path of an x-ray emitter positioned outside the oral cavity, wherein the x-ray imaging system is configured to record two or more temporally sequential individual x-ray images and to create an overall x-ray image from said individual images in such a way that the results of the exposures of the x-ray images are combined and a motion occurring between and/or during the sequential individual x-ray images is compensated.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180047303A1
Автор: Groenewald Annemari

A versatile phantom provides image quality control on multiple different types of medical x-ray imaging equipment. The phantom has a radiolucent housing including a first series of elements of the same shape and size wherein each element has a different electron density such that grey scale can be evaluated. A second series of elements of the same shape and material has a range of different sizes for assessing low contrast detectability. At least one position indicating item is selected from a central ball within the housing, position indicating lines on the housing and a unique flat peripheral face of the housing. The phantom also has at least one mammography dedicated item selected from elements representative of mammography fibres and mammography micro-calcifications. An instruction manual and optional result analysis program provides for semi-automatic result analysis for analyzing results and recommending corrective action for test results that are out of tolerance. 1. A versatile phantom for image quality control on multiple different types of medical x-ray imaging equipment comprising a radiolucent housing in which there are located a first series of elements of the same shape and size wherein each element has a different electron density such that grey scale can be evaluated utilizing the series; a second series of elements of the same shape and material but having a range of different sizes for assessing low contrast detectability; at least one position indicating item selected from a central ball within the housing , position indicating lines on the housing and a unique flat peripheral face of the housing; and at least one mammography dedicated item selected from elements representative of mammography fibres and mammography micro-calcifications.2. A versatile phantom as claimed in in which the radiolucent housing has one or more of a circular disc having is faces parallel to major faces of the phantom claim 1 , an inclined CT slice width ramp claim 1 , and ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051219A1

An evaluation method for a radiographing apparatus according to the present invention includes an imaging step of imaging a plurality of base phantoms, each of the base phantoms corresponding to a different imaging system and combined with a common evaluation region, and an evaluation step of performing evaluation among the different imaging systems based on an image in which the common evaluation region has been imaged in the imaging step. 1. An evaluation method for a radiographing apparatus , the evaluation method comprising:an imaging step of imaging a plurality of base phantoms, each of the base phantoms corresponding to a different imaging system and combined with a common evaluation region; andan evaluation step of performing evaluation among the different imaging systems based on an image in which the common evaluation region has been imaged in the imaging step.2. The evaluation method for the radiographing apparatus according to claim 1 , the evaluation method further comprisinga combining step of combining a common evaluating phantom having the evaluation region in each of the plurality of base phantoms.3. The evaluation method for the radiographing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe imaging system includes at least one imaging system among CT imaging, tomosynthesis imaging, and two-dimensional imaging.4. The evaluation method for the radiographing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe evaluation region has an index corresponding to at least one evaluation among low contrast resolution, high contrast resolution, and spicule resolution.5. The evaluation method for the radiographing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereineach of the base phantoms has a shape corresponding to at least one imaging system among CT imaging, tomosynthesis imaging, and two-dimensional imaging.6. The evaluation method for the radiographing apparatus according to claim 2 , the evaluation method further comprising:a second combining step of combining a connecting ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052244A1

A computer-implemented method for correcting measurement variability across a scanner field of view within an image scan, such as in PET imaging. The method operates on a slice-by-slice application and identifies and negates scan inconsistencies across the scanner field of view by normalizing values across the image scan as a function of reference signals measured across the field of view. 1. A method for correcting image measurement variability across a scanner field of view within an image scan of an imaging device , the method comprising:providing the image scan, wherein the image scan comprises image slices of a tissue; andidentifying and negating scan inconsistencies in the image scan across the scanner field of view by a data processor mathematically adjusting values across the image slices relative to a reference signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:normalizing values across the image scan as a function of reference signals across the image scan and measured across the field of view.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising adjusting measured signals in the image scan by multiplying each of the measured signals by an adjustment value provided by the reference signal.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:measuring an imaging agent in a region of interest within each of the image slices;measuring the imaging agent in a reference region within the each of the image slices; andnormalizing a measured imaging agent in the region of interest within the each of the image slices as a function of measured imaging agent differences across reference regions of the image slices.5. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising normalizing each of the image slices to a consistent ratio of the measured imaging agent between the region of interest and the reference region.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a region of interest within the image scan and extending across a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Blood Vessel Sizing Device

Номер: US20200046452A1
Автор: Park Richard B.

Medical devices and methods that provide for improved accuracy when positioning of a synthetic structure, such as a MEMS device or a stent, within a biological feature of a patient, such as a blood vessel, are disclosed. A blood vessel sizing device is configured for placement on the skin of a patient near a feature of interest (e.g. a blood vessel to be imaged). The device may include one or more radiopaque elements, including a target element, and one or more positioning markers having known sizes. A clinician may use the radiopaque elements to identify a portion of a blood vessel suitable for positioning of the synthetic structure. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium comprising computer-executable instructions , that when executed , cause a processor to:receive radiological image data of an area of a body of a patient as a radiopaque contrast agent is present in one or more biological features within the area;identify, from the received radiological image data, a radiopaque target element of a sizing device positioned on an area of skin of the patient;compare the radiopaque target element to the one or more biological features to identify a biological feature, from the one or more biological features, with a dimensional property within an acceptable dimensional range indicated by the radiopaque target element;determine a target location of the biological feature relative to one or more radiopaque positioning markers of the sizing device;identify, from the radiological image data, a radiopaque portion of a synthetic structure to be positioned at the biological feature; anddetermine a location of the radiopaque portion of the synthetic structure relative to the target location.2. (canceled)3. The non-transitory computer-readable medium of claim 1 , wherein the computer-executable instructions claim 1 , when executed claim 1 , further cause the processor to:identify one or more one or more radiopaque symbols corresponding to the one or more radiopaque ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Patient-specific, multi-material, multi-dimensional anthropomorphic human equivalent phantom and hardware fabrication method

Номер: US20170050052A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates generally to a system and method for improving the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of advanced radiation treatment techniques using a patient-specific, multi-material, multi-dimensional anthropomorphic human equivalent phantom technology.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Computed Tomography Perfusion Phantom and Method Use Thereof

Номер: US20140133636A1
Принадлежит: Gammex, Inc.

A computed tomography perfusion phantom includes a scanned plane configured to align with an imaging plane of a CT device. A sample rod extends through the scan plane and includes a plurality of adjacent cells. The plurality of adjacent cells are each constructed of materials having predetermined CT numbers and the plurality of adjacent cells include cell of a plurality of CT numbers. A drive motor is coupled to the sample rod and the drive motor moves the sample rod through the scan plane. A method of calibrating a CT device with the perfusion phantom includes aligning the scan plane of the perfusion phantom with an imaging plane of the CT device. The drive motor moves the sample rod through the scan plane of the perfusion phantom. A plurality of CT number measurements of the sample rod are acquired through the scanned plane of the perfusion phantom. 1. A computed tomography (CT) perfusion phantom comprising:a scan plane configured to align with an imaging plane of a CT device;a sample rod that extends through the scan plane, the sample rod includes a plurality of adjacent cells, the plurality of adjacent cells each constructed of materials having predetermined CT numbers and the plurality of adjacent cells comprise cells of a plurality of CT numbers; anda drive motor coupled to the sample rod and the drive motor moves the sample rod through the scan plane.2. The CT perfusion phantom of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of sample rods, each sample rod of the plurality configured with a different plurality of adjacent cells; anda carriage that supports the plurality of sample rods, the carriage coupled to the drive motor such that the drive motor moves the carriage, resulting in moving the sample rods through the scan plane.3. The CT perfusion phantom of claim 2 , further comprising:a motor controller communicatively connected to the drive motor, the motor controller operates the drive motor to move the carriage with respect to the scan plane.4. The CT ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055937A1

An evaluation aid is used as a phantom (imitation lesion) when a digital X-ray dynamic image thereof is taken and evaluated for image qualities for X-ray absorption parts having different X-ray absorption ratios. The evaluation aid contains a fixed plate (plate-like body) including a plurality of regions having different X-ray absorption ratios; a rotating disk (movable body) having a plurality of wires (wire rods), the rotating disk capable of rotating (moving) with respect to the fixed plate so that the plurality of wires traverse X-ray with which the fixed plate is irradiated; and a driving motor (driving portion) which rotates (moves) the rotating disk with respect to the fixed plate. It is preferred that thicknesses and/or constituent materials of the plurality of regions of the fixed plate are different from each other, so that these regions have die different X-ray absorption ratios. 1. An evaluation aid adapted to be used for taking a digital X-ray dynamic image thereof , wherein evaluation is carried out through the digital X-ray dynamic image , the comprising:a plate-like body including a plurality of regions having different X-ray absorption ratios, the plurality of regions provided side by side;at least one movable body having a plurality of wire rods, the movable body capable of moving with respect to the plate-like body so that the plurality of wire rods traverse X-ray with which the plurality of regions of the plate-like body is irradiated; anda driving portion which moves the movable body with respect to the plate-like body.wherein the plurality of wire rods are configured to sequentially pass through the respective regions of the plate-like body in a planar view of the evaluation aid.2. The evaluation aid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of regions of the plate-like body include at least three regions each having a substantially similar planar size.3. The evaluation aid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein thicknesses and/or constituent ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Energy-Based Scatter Correction for PET Sinograms

Номер: US20210059629A1
Автор: Hamill James

A method of estimating energy-based scatter content in PET list-mode data is provided. 1. A method of estimating scattered radiation in a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner that records the energy of each detected photon , in the case when both scattered and non-scattered radiation is present , the method comprising: (a) acquiring scatter-free PET scan data using a substantially scatter-free source phantom in air , wherein the PET scan data comprises PET list-mode data; (b) quantifying energy signals of the non-scattered radiation based on the acquired scatter-free PET scan data; (c) modeling the scattered radiation based on the spectrum of non-scattered radiation with a reduction of the energy signal and a modification to the spectrum's shape; (d) acquiring scan data representative of a targeted patient tissue region using a PET scanner , wherein the scan data comprises PET list-mode data; (e) quantifying the distribution of energy signals in the PET list-mode data as 2D histograms representing A crystal energy vs. B crystal energy; (f) automatically estimating the scatter content in the acquired PET list-mode data through an analysis of the energy signals in the PET list-mode data and the modeled scattered radiation , in which the scattered and non-scattered radiation are represented by a combination of at least three basis functions; and (g) applying the estimated scatter content in the image reconstruction of the PET list-mode data , to obtain scatter-corrected image.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising acquiring background energy data by performing a PET scan without any radiation source in the field-of-view of the PET scanner; and quantifying the energy signals in the background based on the acquired background energy data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step (b) comprises quantifying energy signals in the acquired scatter-free PET scan data as histograms of energy signals claim 1 , and step (f) comprises curve fitting the scan-data ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063528A1

Disclosed herein are an X-ray imaging apparatus and a method for controlling the same. The X-ray imaging apparatus includes an X-ray generator configured to radiate first-energy X-rays toward an object, an X-ray detector configured to detect the first-energy X-rays which propagate through the object, an image processor configured to generate a first object image which correspond to the detected first-energy X-rays and to estimate a second object image which corresponds to second-energy X-rays based on the generated first object image, and a controller configured to control the image processor to repeatedly estimate the second object image by controlling the X-ray generator to repeatedly radiate the first-energy X-rays toward the object. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generator configured to radiate first-energy X-rays toward an object;an X-ray detector configured to detect the first-energy X-rays which propagate through the object;an image processor configured to generate a first object image which corresponds to the detected first-energy X-rays and to estimate a second object image which corresponds to second-energy X-rays based on the generated first object image; anda controller configured to control the image processor to repeatedly estimate the second object image by controlling the X-ray generator to repeatedly radiate the first-energy X-rays toward the object.2. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the X-ray generator according to a received time interval and a number of repetitions.3. The X-ray imaging apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the image processor comprises:an image generator configured to generate the first object image based on the detected first-energy X-rays; andan image estimator configured to estimate the second object image based on the first object image using thickness information of the object, a first phantom image, and a second phantom image.4. The X- ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057165A1

A radiation dosimeter for measuring radiation dose within a region includes a structure having a scintillating material that emits light when exposed to radiation. Deformable radio-luminescent elements are located within the structure and configured to generate optical energy in response to irradiation. 1. A radiation dosimeter for real-time measurements of a radiation dose within a region , wherein the radiation dosimeter comprises:a phantom; andone or more deformable radio-luminescent elements located within the phantom and configured to generate optical energy in response to irradiation.2. The radiation dosimeter of claim 1 , wherein the phantom is deformable claim 1 ,3. A radiation dosimeter for real-time measurements of a radiation dose within a region claim 1 , wherein the radiation dosimeter comprises:a deformable phantom; andone or more radio-luminescent elements located within the phantom and configured to generate optical energy in response to irradiation.4. The radiation dosimeter of claim 3 , wherein at least one radio-luminescent element is deformable.5. The radiation dosimeter of claim 1 , wherein the radio-luminescent elements are contiguous.6. The radiation dosimeter of claim 1 , wherein the radio-luminescent elements have different optical emission spectra.7. The radiation dosimeter of claim 1 , wherein the one or more radio-luminescent elements comprise water and/or tissue equivalent materials.8. A radiation dosimeter for real-time measurements of a radiation dose within a region claim 1 , wherein the radiation dosimeter comprises:a structure comprising a scintillating material, wherein the scintillating material emits light when exposed to radiation; andone or more radio-luminescent elements located within the structure and configured to generate optical energy in response to irradiation.9. The radiation dosimeter of claim 8 , wherein the structure is deformable.10. The radiation dosimeter of claim 8 , wherein at least one radio-luminescent ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079547A1
Принадлежит: Stratasys Ltd.

A formulation usable as a modeling material formulation in additive manufacturing of a three-dimensional object and additive manufacturing methods utilizing same are provided. The formulation comprises one or more curable materials; and a radiopaque material, and features, when hardened, a CT number of at least 100 HU at 70 kV. Objects made by the additive manufacturing method utilizing the formulation are usable as radiological phantoms. 1. A modeling material formulation usable in additive manufacturing of a three-dimensional object , the formulation comprising:one or more curable materials; anda radiopaque material,the formulation featuring, when hardened, a CT number of at least 100 HU at 70 kV.2. The formulation of claim 1 , featuring claim 1 , when hardened claim 1 , a CT number of at least 500 HU at 70 kV claim 1 , or of at least 1000 HU claim 1 , or of at least 2000 HU.3. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional object is a radiological phantom.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing is 3D inkjet printing.5. The formulation of claim 1 , featuring a viscosity of from 8 to about 50 claim 1 , or from 8 to about 30 claim 1 , or from 8 to about 25 claim 1 , centipoises at 75° C.6. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein an amount of said radiopaque material ranges from 5 to 50% claim 1 , or from 5 to 30% claim 1 , or from 5 to 25% claim 1 , by weight of the total weight of the formulation.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein said radiopaque material comprises a radiopaque element or a radiopaque compound comprising a radiopaque element.8. The formulation of claim 7 , wherein said radiopaque element is selected from iodine claim 7 , tungsten claim 7 , tantalum claim 7 , gadolinium claim 7 , Yttrium claim 7 , gold claim 7 , bismuth and barium.9. The formulation of claim 7 , wherein said radiopaque material is barium sulfate.10. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein said radiopaque material is in a form of nanoparticles or ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160066878A1

An object is to more accurately compare diagnosis indexes with each other, which are calculated from data obtained in different environments with a cardiac-function diagnostic medicine. A conversion function calculation unit acquires a first phantom Heart/Mediastinum ratio (H/M ratio) and a second phantom H/M ratio based on a phantom, the first phantom H/M ratio that is an H/M ratio of the phantom in the first imaging environment being acquired by performing, based on phantom data that is data of a first phantom image obtained by imaging the phantom in the first imaging environment and digital phantom data that is data of a digital phantom including a cardiac ROI and a mediastinum ROI, positioning of the digital phantom on the first phantom image, and by calculating based on the phantom data of the first phantom image to which the cardiac ROI and the mediastinum ROI are set; and obtains a conversion function based on the first phantom H/M ratio and the second phantom H/M ratio. 1. A computer-readable storage medium storing a program causing a computer to execute processing of:acquiring a first phantom Heart/Mediastinum ratio (H/M ratio) and a second phantom H/M ratio based on a phantom, the first phantom H/M ratio that is an H/M ratio of the phantom in the first imaging environment being acquired by performing, based on phantom data that is data of a first phantom image obtained by imaging the phantom in the first imaging environment and digital phantom data that is data of a digital phantom including a cardiac ROI and a mediastinum ROI, positioning of the digital phantom on the first phantom image, and by calculating based on the phantom data of the first phantom image to which the cardiac ROI and the mediastinum ROI are set; andobtaining a conversion function based on the first phantom H/M ratio and the second phantom H/M ratio.2. The storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein the second phantom H/M ratio that is an H/M ratio of the phantom in a second imaging ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140146950A1

The present invention provides an evaluation aid which can be used as a phantom (imitation lesion) when a digital X-ray dynamic image thereof is taken and then evaluation is carried out through the digital X-ray dynamic image, and especially an evaluation aid which can be used for evaluating image qualities of a digital X-ray dynamic image for X-ray absorption parts having different X-ray absorption ratios, and an evaluation device provided with such an evaluation aid. The evaluation aid of the present invention is adapted to be used for taking a digital X-ray dynamic image thereof through which evaluation is carried out, and contains a fixed plate (plate-like body) including a plurality of regions having different X-ray absorption ratios; a rotating disk (movable body) having a plurality of wires (wire rods), the rotating disk capable of rotating (moving) with respect to the fixed plate so that the plurality of wires traverse X-ray with which the fixed plate is irradiated; and a driving motor (driving portion) which rotates (moves) the rotating disk with respect to the fixed plate. It is preferred that thicknesses and/or constituent materials of the plurality of regions of the fixed plate are different from each other, so that these regions have the different X-ray absorption ratios. 1. An evaluation aid adapted to be used for taking a digital X-ray dynamic image thereof , wherein evaluation is carried out through the digital X-ray dynamic image , the evaluation aid comprising:a plate-like body including a plurality of regions having different X-ray absorption ratios;at least one movable body having a plurality of wire rods, the movable body capable of moving with respect to the plate-like body so that the plurality of wire rods traverse X-ray with which the plate-like body is irradiated; anda driving portion which moves the movable body with respect to the plate-like body.2. The evaluation aid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein thicknesses and/or constituent ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190066295A1

Breast density is a significant breast cancer risk factor measured from mammograms. Disclosed is a methodology for converting continuous measurements of breast density and calibrated mammograms into a four-state ordinal variable approximating the BI-RADS ratings. In particular, the present disclosure is directed to a calibration system for a specific full field digital mammography (FFDM) technology. The calibration adjusts for the x-ray acquisition technique differences across mammograms resulting in standardized images. The approach produced various calibrated and validated measures of breast density, one of which assesses variation in the mammogram referred to as Vc (i.e. variation measured from calibrated mammograms). The variation in raw mammograms [i.e. Vr] is a valid breast density risk factor in both FFDM in digitized film mammograms. 1. A method of assessing breast density for breast cancer risk applications , the method comprising:receiving raw digital image data including a plurality of pixels;performing a statistical analysis with optimization on the raw digital image data by determining a measured variation of the raw digital image data based on a deviation of the pixel values within a breast region;{'sub': 'pg', 'determining four-state ordinal variables (BR) from the measured variation; and'}{'sub': 'pg', 'associating the four-state ordinal variables (BR) with a measure of risk for breast cancer.'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising approximating a portion of a breast represented within the raw digital image data that was in contact with a compression paddle during image acquisition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the four-state ordinal variables comprises applying differential evolution optimization.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein applying the differential evolution optimization comprises maximizing or minimizing a fitness function by a repeated processing of image case-control datasets with plural random vectors for a given ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073990A1

An object is to accurately calculate an index indicating a probability of an event occurring to a patient in the future. A mortality risk calculation unit acquires a heart/mediastinum ratio (H/M ratio), obtained by administering a heart function diagnostic medicine to a first subject, from subject data stored in a subject data storage unit, and calculates an index indicating a probability of a predetermined event occurring to the first subject by substituting the H/M ratio acquired from the subject data storage unit into a function defined in accordance with a history of occurrences of the predetermined event to a plurality of second subjects. 1. A computer-readable storage medium storing a program causing a computer to execute processing of:acquiring a heart/mediastinum ratio (H/M ratio), obtained by administering a heart function diagnostic medicine to a first subject, from subject data stored in a storage unit; andcalculating an index indicating a probability of a predetermined event occurring to the first subject by substituting the H/M ratio acquired from the storage unit into a function defined in accordance with a history of occurrences of the predetermined event to a plurality of second subjects.2. The storage medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe subject data further includes at least one of an age, a gender, an index indicating a severity of heart failure, and an index indicating a left ventricular function of a subject, in addition to the H/M ratio, andin the calculating step, the index indicating the probability of the predetermined event occurring to the first subject is calculated by substituting at least one of the age, the gender, the index indicating the severity of heart failure, and the index indicating the left ventricular function, in addition to the H/M ratio, into the function.3. The storage medium according to claim 1 , wherein only the H/M ratio claim 1 , the age claim 1 , the gender claim 1 , the index indicating the severity of heart ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074002A1

A method for calibrating detectors in a CT scanner, wherein the new calibration process uses a combination of slab-based and water-based calibrations. By combining both calibrations, the complexity of each procedure can be reduced which will reduce restrictions on the quality of detectors used in the scanner. The slabs can be made out of commercially available material such as acrylic, and they will require no special treatment. Combining both calibrations also reduces the number of water phantoms needed for the calibration and the complexity of the calibration algorithm. Furthermore, the slabs can be shaped based on the scanner geometry so as to optimize the slab-based calibration step. 1. A method for calibrating detectors in a CT scanner , the method comprising:generating an initial set of calibration tables using a slab-based calibration process; andimproving the initial set of calibration tables using a water-based calibration process.2. A method according to wherein the slab-based calibration process comprises acquiring data using a set of slabs.3. A method according to wherein the acquired data is compared with ideal data in order to create a polynomial correction function for creating the initial set of calibration tables.4. A method according to wherein the water-based calibration process is used to adjust the coefficients of the polynomial correction function.5. A method for calibrating detectors in a CT scanner claim 3 , the method comprising:using a slab-based calibration step to generate slab-based correction coefficients; andusing the slab-based correction coefficients from the slab-based calibration step as the seed in a water-based calibration step.6. A method according to wherein the slab-based calibration step comprises positioning slab phantoms between an X-ray source and the detectors to be calibrated and passing X-ray beams through the slab phantoms.7. A method according to wherein the slab phantoms comprise multiple slabs made of the same ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069277A1
Автор: Dorn Karlheinz
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare GmbH

A computer-implemented method, as well as a system, is for evaluating dose events of at least one medical imaging exam. In an embodiment, the method includes receiving at least one list of dose events of the at least one medical imaging exam; providing a body region counter value indicating a number of body regions; determining whether the body region counter value is 1 or larger than 1; associating, upon the body region counter value provided being 1, all of the dose events with a standardized body region based protocol identifier; and associating, upon the value being larger than 1, each dose event with at least one standardized body region based protocol identifier, each of the dose events being respectively associated with a number of different standardized body region based protocol identifiers, with which each of the dose events are associated, is equal to the body region counter value provided. 1. A computer-implemented method for evaluating dose events of at least one medical imaging exam , comprising:receiving at least one list of dose events of the at least one medical imaging exam;providing a body region counter value indicating a number of body regions;determining whether the body region counter value is 1 or larger than 1;associating, upon the body region counter value provided being 1, all of the dose events of the at least one list of dose events, with a standardized body region based protocol identifier;associating, upon the body region counter value provided being larger than 1, each dose event of the at least one list of dose events, with at least one standardized body region based protocol identifier, each of the dose events being respectively associated with a number of different standardized body region based protocol identifiers,wherein the number of different standardized body region based protocol identifiers, with which each of the dose events are associated, is equal to the body region counter value provided.2. The method of claim 1 , ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078221A1
Автор: PETERSILKA Martin
Принадлежит: Siemens Healthcare GmbH

A method is for scattered ray correction of projection measurement data recorded by a computer tomography system. In an embodiment, the method includes recording, localizing, identifying and correcting. In the recording, projection measurement data is recorded from a plurality of projection angles and the projection measurement data is captured in a sinogram. In the localizing, features in the projection measurement data of the sinogram are localized in a defined angle range about a projection angle. In the identifying, a scatter distribution for the projection angle is identified from the localized features by way of a trained identification algorithm. In the correcting, the projection measurement data of the projection angle is corrected on the basis of the scatter distribution. 1. A method for correction of projection measurement data recorded by a computer tomography system , comprising:recording projection measurement data from a plurality of projection angles and capturing the projection measurement data in a sinogram;localizing features in the projection measurement data of the sinogram in an angle range about a projection angle;identifying a scatter distribution for the projection angle from the localized features by way of a trained identification algorithm; andcorrecting the projection measurement data of the projection angle on the basis of the identified scatter distribution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the trained identification algorithm is based on a machine learning process claim 1 , a statistical method claim 1 , a mapping rule claim 1 , mathematical functions or an artificial neural network.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the features include at least one of width claim 1 , position claim 1 , intensity claim 1 , shape and morphology of the attenuation in the projection measurement data.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the scatter distribution includes at least one of intensity entries claim 1 , count entries and energy entries of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078233A1

There is set forth herein a method including performing with an X-ray detector array of a CT imaging system one or more calibration scans, wherein the one or more calibration scans include obtaining for each element of the first through Nth elements of the X-ray detector array one or more calibration measurements; and updating a spectral response model for each element of the first through Nth elements using the one or more calibration measurements. In another aspect, a CT imaging system can perform imaging, e.g. including material decomposition (MD) imaging, using updated spectral response models for elements of an X-ray detector array. The spectral response models can be updated using a calibration process so that different elements of an X-ray detector array have different spectral response models. 1. A method comprising:(a) performing one or more calibration scans with an X-ray detector array of a CT imaging system, wherein the one or more calibration scans includes obtaining for each element of the first through Nth elements of the X-ray detector array one or more calibration measurements; and(b) updating for the each of the first through Nth elements of an X-ray detector array of a CT imaging system a spectral response model using the one or more calibration measurements for each respective element of the first through Nth elements, the updating resulting in an updated spectral response model for each element of the first through Nth elements, wherein the CT imaging system is configured to use the updated spectral response model for each element of the first through Nth elements for performance of imaging.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein establishing of an initial model for the spectral response model includes use of one or more of the following selected from the group consisting of: a Monte Carlo simulation claim 1 , an analytics model claim 1 , and a measurement with a synchrotron source.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral response model for a ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150085979A1

The invention relates to Method for detecting a phantom, comprising the steps of: arranging a phantom () with respect to an object, the phantom () comprising a plurality of first calibration fiducials (M, M, M) in a first plane, acquiring at least one image of said object by means of an x-ray apparatus (), such that the image contains projections of the object as well as projections (IM, IM, IM) of at least three first calibration fiducials (M, M, M), detecting the projections (IM, IM, IM) of the at least three first calibration fiducials (M, M, M) in said at least one image, and establishing a correspondence between the 2D image coordinates (l, l) of said projections (IM, IM, IM) of the at least three first calibration fiducials (M, M, M) and the 3D coordinates (x, y, z) of said at least three first calibration fiducials (M, M, M) in a local coordinate system of the phantom () for computing the projection matrix (P) or at least an element of the projection matrix (P) at least up to a scale factor (α), which projection matrix relates said 2D image coordinates (l, l) to said corresponding 3D coordinates (x, y, z) in a local coordinate system of the phantom according to α[l, l,1]=P[x,y,z,1]. Further, the invention relates to a method for building a statistical model, particularly for image distortion correction, as well as to a fiducial device and a mobile phantom. 1. A Method for detecting a phantom , comprising the steps of:{'sub': i', 'i', 'i, 'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'arranging a phantom with respect to an object, the phantom comprising a plurality of first calibration fiducials (M, M, M) in a first plane,'}{'sub': i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', '1, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, 'acquiring at least one image of said object by means of an x-ray apparatus, such that the image contains projections of the object as well as projections (IM, IM, IM) of at least three first calibration fiducials (M, M, M),'}{'sub': i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Scanning method and device with reduced scanning dosage

Номер: US20150085984A1
Принадлежит: Neusoft Medical Systems Co Ltd

A scanning method and device are provided. The method includes: determining values for a first scanning dosage and a second scanning dosage used in a scanning process based on a trigger condition which varies regularly and attenuation fluctuations of an object to be scanned, wherein the first scanning dosage is higher than the second scanning dosage, and at least one of the first scanning dosage and the second scanning dosage has an inconstant value; and scanning a target position with the determined values. In the present disclosure, a scanning dosage may be reduced and different image noises may be kept consistent.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Radioimaging using low dose isotope

Номер: US20140163368A1
Принадлежит: Biosensors International Group Ltd

Radioimaging methods, devices and radiopharmaceuticals therefor.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150088449A1

A system () for quality assurance of a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging device () used in magnetic resonance based radiation therapy planning includes a phantom () weighing less than 18.2 kg (40 lbs.). The phantom includes a three dimensional spatial distribution of MR and CT imagable elements () located in an MR and CT inert foam support (), and an MR and CT inert external support structure () which surrounds and hermetically seals the foam support. The spatial distribution is sized to completely fill an imaging volume of the magnetic resonance imaging device. 1. A system for quality assurance of a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging device , comprising: a known three dimensional spatial distribution of MR and CT imagable elements located in an MR and CT inert foam support, the spatial distribution being sized to completely fill an imaging volume of the magnetic resonance imaging device;', 'a reference column; and', 'an MR and CT inert external support structure which surrounds and hermetically seals the foam support., 'a phantom weighing less than 18.2 kg (40 lbs.), and including2. The system according claim 1 , further including: acquire an MR image of the phantom with the MR imaging device', 'identify locations of the imagable elements in the MR phantom image;', 'compare the locations of the imagable elements from the MR phantom image with locations of the imagable elements in a previously acquired CT reference image., 'one or more processors configured to3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are further configured to:acquire the CT reference image of the phantom from a CT imaging device;register the CT reference image and the MR image;segment the CT image into unit cells based on the spatial distribution of imagable elements such that each imagable element is in one unit cell;generate a template which includes the location of each imagable element;correlate the location of each imagable element in the template with an associated ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085279A1

Volume data is generated by performing a CT scan with a spherical calibration jig having known dimensions in contact with an object. A profile of the surface shape of the object in the volume data is obtained, and a boundary surface of the spherical calibration jig is calculated from the center coordinates of the spherical calibration jig. A correction value for adjusting a boundary surface of the object determined from the gradient of the profile to the boundary surface of the spherical calibration jig is determined, and the boundary surface of the object is corrected by using the correction value. The shape of the object is determined by using the corrected boundary surface. The precision of measurement X-ray CT can thus be increased by accurately detecting the boundary surface of the object. 1. A calibration method for a measurement X-ray CT apparatus configured to irradiate an object placed on a rotating table with X-rays while rotating the object , and reconstruct a projection image of the object to generate a tomographic image of the object , the method comprising:generating volume data by performing a CT scan with a spherical calibration jig having a known dimension in contact with the object;obtaining a profile of a surface shape of the object in the volume data, and calculating a boundary surface of the spherical calibration jig from center coordinates of the spherical calibration jig; anddetermining a correction value for adjusting a boundary surface of the object determined from a gradient of the profile to the boundary surface of the spherical calibration jig.2. The calibration method for a measurement X-ray CT apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the spherical calibration jig is made of the same material as that of the object.3. An calibration apparatus for a measurement X-ray CT apparatus configured to irradiate an object placed on a rotating table with X-rays while rotating the object claim 1 , and reconstruct a projection image of the object to ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Digital X-ray Diagnosis and Evaluation of Dental Disease

Номер: US20180085073A1
Автор: Colby Leigh E.
Принадлежит: Oregon Dental, Inc.

A method for diagnosis and evaluation of tooth decay comprises: locating in an x-ray image the contour of the dento-enamel junction (DEJ); measuring optical density along contours substantially parallel to and on either side of the DEJ contour; and calculating at least one decay value from the measured optical densities. A method for diagnosis and evaluation of periodontal disease comprises: measuring in an x-ray image a bone depth (BD) relative to the position of the cemento-enamel junctions (CEJs) of adjacent teeth; 1. A method for diagnosis and evaluation of tooth decay , said method comprising the steps of:(a) locating in an x-ray image the contour of a dento-enamel junction (DEJ);(b) measuring at least one optical density along contours substantially parallel to and on either side of the DEJ contour; and(c) calculating at least one decay value from the measured at least one optical density;(d) wherein said at least one decay value is suitable for the diagnosis and evaluation of tooth decay.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of calibrating the decay value claim 1 , bone depth claim 1 , or crestal density using a radiograph of at least one composite calibration block.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one decay value is suitable for the diagnosis and evaluation of periodontal disease.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of displaying said at least one decay value.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the step of dynamically displaying said at least one decay value.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising the step of dynamically displaying said at least one decay value in response to the position of a user-movable cursor.7. A method for diagnosis and evaluation of dental disease of teeth in a mouth claim 5 , said method comprising the steps of:(a) using a cursor, locating in an X-ray image a local location on a tooth;(b) measuring in said X-ray image bone density at said local location, said bone ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

System and method for attenuation correction of phantom images

Номер: US20150090890A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for attenuation correction of a phantom image in a PET imaging system includes obtaining raw scan data of a scanned phantom, a non attenuation corrected template image of a stock phantom of like type to the scanned phantom, and an attenuation map of the stock phantom. The method further includes generating a non-attenuation corrected raw image of the scanned phantom based on the raw scan data, registering the template image and attenuation map to the raw image through a rigid image transform, and applying the registered attenuation map to the raw scan data to enable reconstruction of an attenuation corrected final image.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089105A1
Автор: PARK Min-cheol

A medical imaging apparatus includes an X-ray radiation unit configured to radiate X-rays onto an object and onto a calibration phantom, which does not overlap the object, according to a first irradiating condition for a pre-shot; a detector configured to detect the X-rays having passed through the object and through the calibration phantom; and a controller configured to acquire calibration information by using a pre-shot image acquired from the detected X-rays, and determine a second irradiating condition for main imaging by using the calibration information. 1. A medical imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray radiation unit configured to radiate X-rays onto an object and onto a calibration phantom, which does not overlap the object, according to a first irradiating condition for a pre-shot;a detector configured to detect the X-rays having passed through the object and through the calibration phantom; anda controller configured to acquire calibration information by using a pre-shot image acquired from the detected X-rays, and determine a second irradiating condition for main imaging by using the calibration information.2. The medical imaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to acquire a density of the object claim 1 , based on a pixel value of the calibration phantom included in the pre-shot image.3. The medical imaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the second irradiating condition claim 2 , based on the density of the object acquired based on the pre-shot image.4. The medical imaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the calibration phantom comprises a first calibration phantom having a single thickness and a single density claim 1 , andthe controller is configured to perform offset correction on pre-stored calibration information by using the pre-shot image acquired from the detected X-rays having passed through the first calibration phantom.5. The medical imaging apparatus of claim 4 , wherein ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089106A1

There is provided a radiographic three-dimensional phantom for inter alia mimicking specific anatomical parts in a computerized tomography scan. Methods are provided for a variety of purposes including detecting a difference between a measured optical deformation of a radiographic three-dimensional phantom pair and a theoretical deformation of the radiographic three-dimensional phantom pair. These three-dimensional phantom can be divided into a plurality of portions, and non-radiopaque markers can be added to the portions. The portions of the three-dimensional phantom can be re-assembled, and images of the three-dimensional phantom can be generated and compared. 1. A three-dimensional phantom comprising:a first tissue model sized and shaped according to a first feature of mammalian anatomy, the first tissue model comprising a first mixture comprising a thermoplastic that is solid at room temperature, wherein the radiodensity of said first tissue mixture mimics the radiodensity of said first feature in a CT scan; anda second tissue model sized and shaped according to a second feature of mammalian anatomy, the second tissue model comprising a second mixture that is solid at room temperature, wherein the radiodensity of said second mixture mimics the radiodensity of said second feature in a CT scan;wherein the radiodensity of the first tissue model is different than the radio density of the second tissue model.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first radiodensity mimics the radiodensity of said first feature in a kilovoltage computed tomography scan.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first radiodensity mimics the radiodensity of said first feature in a megavoltage computed tomography scan.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first radiodensity mimics the radiodensity of said first feature in both a megavoltage computed tomography scan and a kilovoltage computed tomography scan.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first mixture comprises an additive.6. The ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180089864A1

A method for multi-dimensional image processing obtains a multi-dimensional image having a plurality of data elements, each data element having a corresponding data value. The method forms a reduced noise image by repeated iterations of a process that adjusts the data value for one or more data elements p of the obtained image by: for each data element k in a group of data elements in the image, calculating a weighting factor for the data element k as a function of the difference between an estimated data value for data element p and the corresponding data value of data element k, updating the estimated data value for the data element p according to the combined calculated weighting factors and the data value of the data element k; and displaying, storing, or transmitting the reduced noise image. 1. A method for multi-dimensional image processing comprising:obtaining a multi-dimensional image having a plurality of data elements, each data element having a corresponding data value; (i) for each data element k in a group of data elements in the image, calculating a weighting factor for the data element k as a function of the difference between the estimated data value for the data element p and the corresponding data value of the data element k; and', '(ii) updating the estimated data value for the data element p according to the combined calculated weighting factors and the data value of the data element k; and, 'forming a reduced noise image by a plurality of process iterations estimating the data value for each of one or more data elements of interest p of the obtained image, after obtaining an initial estimate for the data element of interest p, bydisplaying, storing, or transmitting the reduced noise image.2. The method of wherein calculating the weighting factor for data element k further comprises calculating a similarity metric by:defining a first region of data elements that includes the data element of interest p;defining a corresponding region of data ...
