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11-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650206C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано со скобочным хирургическим сшивающим инструментом. Корпус кассеты имеет опорную часть с множеством гнезд с отверстиями для скоб. По меньшей мере часть каждой скобы съемно хранится внутри гнезда для скобы. Каждая скоба выполнена с возможностью перемещения между неактивированным положением и активированным положением и деформации между неактивированной конфигурацией и активированной конфигурацией. Сжимаемый компенсатор толщины ткани включает средство визуализации, выполнен для захвата внутри скоб и по меньшей мере частично покрывает отверстия гнезд для скоб. Компенсатор толщины ткани имеет возможность принимать разные значения высоты в сжатом состоянии внутри разных скоб. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 258 ил.

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2471014C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к аппарату и способу для термической обработки и окрашивания хирургических игл. Аппарат для термической обработки и окрашивания множества изогнутых хирургических игл содержит: конвейер для переноса игл из источника изогнутых хирургических игл в приемник, корпус, расположенный вблизи конвейера, где корпус имеет первый конец, второй конец и отверстие, идущее от первого конца ко второму концу, источник тепла, расположенный внутри корпуса, для нагрева множества игл при их переносе конвейером от первого конца корпуса ко второму концу корпуса, и систему для обеспечения газовой смеси, содержащей частичную концентрацию кислорода для окисления и окрашивания поверхностей игл при их прохождении сквозь корпус. Способ термической обработки и окрашивания игл включает: перенос игл от источника изогнутых хирургических игл к приемнику, нагрев игл до температуры ниже температуры рекристаллизации при их прохождении от источника изогнутых хирургических ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009132550A

... 1. Пластинчатый имплантат для использования при остеосинтезе, состоящий, по меньшей мере, из одного первого пластинчатого компонента (2), имеющего отверстия (4) для установки крепежных винтов (17) и соединительный элемент (5), по меньшей мере, одного второго пластинчатого компонента (3), имеющего отверстия (4) для установки крепежных винтов (17), и приемный элемент (6) для установки соединительного элемента (5), причем каждый из пластинчатых компонентов (2, 3) установлен с возможностью скольжения в одном направлении (23) относительно другого пластинчатого компонента (2, 3), причем пластинчатые компоненты (2, 3) снабжены приспособлением для ограничения их скольжения навстречу друг другу, включающим зажимной винт (18), причем зажимной винт (18) состоит из резьбовой части винта (19) и головки винта, и в смонтированном состоянии двух пластинчатых компонентов (2, 3) резьбовая часть винта (19) взаимодействует с соединительным элементом (5), а головка винта - с продолговатым отверстием (14), предусмотренным ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010129801A

... 1. Устройство для ушивания раны, содержащее: ! продолговатую гибкую полосу основания, имеющую нижнюю поверхность, покрытую адгезивом, и верхнюю поверхность, противоположную нижней поверхности; ! множество соединительных перемычек, соединенных с внутренним краем основания на некотором расстоянии друг от друга в осевом направлении, причем упомянутые соединительные перемычки проходят перпендикулярно от внутреннего края; ! каждая из упомянутых соединительных перемычек выполнена с возможностью шарнирного поворота вокруг шарнирной секции между первым положением хранения, в котором упомянутые соединительные перемычки согнуты над верхней поверхностью полосы основания, и вторым, развернутым положением, в котором упомянутые соединительные перемычки проходят во внешнем направлении от упомянутого внутреннего края; ! каждая из упомянутых соединительных перемычек имеет первую взаимодействующую поверхность с адгезионной областью для фиксации к противоположной стороне раны, когда соединительные перемычки ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010128898A

... 1. Аппарат для термической обработки и окрашивания множества изогнутых хирургических игл, где данный аппарат содержит: ! a) конвейер для переноса множества изогнутых хирургических игл из источника изогнутых хирургических игл в приемник; ! b) корпус, расположенный вблизи упомянутого конвейера, где корпус имеет первый конец, второй конец и отверстие, идущее от первого конца ко второму концу, причем упомянутое отверстие выровнено относительно конвейера, позволяя множеству изогнутых хирургических игл проходить сквозь него; ! c) источник тепла, расположенный внутри корпуса, для нагрева множества изогнутых хирургических игл, когда множество изогнутых хирургических игл переносится конвейером от первого конца корпуса ко второму концу корпуса; и ! d) систему для обеспечения газовой смеси, содержащей частичную концентрацию кислорода для окисления и окрашивания поверхностей множества изогнутых хирургических игл, когда множество изогнутых хирургических игл проходит сквозь корпус. ! 2. Аппарат по п.1 ...

20-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010150687A

... 1. Сшивное устройство для фиксирования височно-нижнечелюстного суставного (ВНС) диска, отличающееся тем, что включает первую сшивную иглу и первый внутренний сердечник, вторую сшивную иглу и второй внутренний сердечник, и третью сшивную иглу, в котором: ! нижний конец первой сшивной иглы соединяется с большой ручкой посредством соединительной секции, на поверхности большой ручки имеется вертикальная прорезь по направлению к центру окружности ручки, горизонтальная прорезь, имеющая одинаковые с вертикальной прорезью размеры, расположена перпендикулярно ей возле места соединения большой ручки с соединительной секцией, первый внутренний сердечник включает бесшовную трубку, внешний диаметр которой меньше внутреннего диаметра первой сшивной иглы, к верхнему концу бесшовной трубки приварена проволочная петля с двумя выступами, изгиб бесшовной трубки выполнен под углом 90° возле ее нижнего конца, который соединен с малой ручкой; первый внутренний сердечник может проходить через вертикальную прорезь ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013120014A

... 1. Хирургический инструмент, включающий:узел рукоятки;удлиненный узел штока, смонтированный на указанном узле рукоятки и выступающий из нее, причем указанный удлиненный узел штока включает:удлиненный центральный элемент, который имеет дистальный конец, предназначенный для съемного присоединения концевого эффектора, а такжепусковую трубку, способную аксиально перемещаться вдоль указанного удлиненного центрального элемента, и взаимодействовать с пусковой системой, которая поддерживается указанным узлом рукоятки, чтобы заставлять указанную пусковую трубку избирательно двигаться на указанном центральном элементе таким образом, что указанная пусковая трубка может выборочно перемещаться в аксиальном направлении из неактивного положения, в котором дистальный конец центрального элемента съемным образом соединяется с частью концевого эффектора, в положение зацепления, в котором дистальная часть указанной пусковой трубки удерживает указанную часть указанного концевого эффектора в зацеплении с указанным ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152958A

... 1. Хирургический сшивающий инструмент, содержащийкассету со скобками, содержащую:корпус кассеты, содержащий множество гнезд для скобок; имножество скобок, расположенных внутри указанных гнезд для скобок;узел упора, содержащий:раму упора;упор, содержащий позиционирующую поверхность и по меньшей мере одну поверхность для формирования скобок, причем указанный упор удерживается с возможностью перемещения по указанной раме упора; ирегулирующий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения и установки между указанной рамой упора и указанным упором, причем указанный регулирующий элемент содержит первую ступень, имеющую первую высоту, и вторую ступень, имеющую вторую высоту, причем указанная вторая высота отличается от указанной первой высоты, и причем указанный регулирующий элемент выполнен с возможностью перемещения между первым положением и вторым положением избирательно для расположения одной из указанной первой ступени и указанной второй ступени между указанной рамой упора и указанной позиционирующей ...

16-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029709886U1

12-10-2006 дата публикации

Äusserliche Fixierung mit Identifikationsmarke

Номер: DE0060122667D1

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Neurosurgical Sponge apparatus with dissolvable layer

Номер: GB0201406535D0

26-12-2012 дата публикации

Storage device

Номер: GB0201220206D0

27-01-1993 дата публикации

Storage rack for endotracheal tubes

Номер: GB0002257911A

A storage rack for endotracheal tubes of a range of lumen diameters and/or lengths comprises a housing containing tubular sockets 23, each having an open end 27 fixed in an array in a panel 11 and a stop at the other end to abut against the end of a stored, endotracheal tube. Markings or colour coding on the housing and associated with the array of socket ends, indicates the size or type of endotracheal tube stored in each socket. A flanged lid (not shown) protects the endotracheal tubes projecting from the open ends 27 of the sockets, whilst still allowing visual inspection to check sizing and for a full complement of endotracheal tubes. The tubular sockets are such that replacement endotracheal tubes can be cut to a recognised 'safe' length from a longer length by inserting that length into the specific socket appropriate to the required tube length, and using the socket and extension panels 17, 18 as a template for the length of tube. ...

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Patient-specific sacroiliac guides and associated methods

Номер: GB0002509271A

A patient-specific alignment guide (100) includes a patient-specific portion (102) and a guiding element (122, 124) having a through opening (123, 125). The patient-specific portion has a patient-specific surface (103) preoperatively configured to mate as a negative of a portion of an iliac crest of a pelvis of a specific patient and mate to the iliac crest only in one position. The guiding element has a preoperatively configured orientation and location relative to the patient-specific portion for preparing a bore in the bone of the patient to direct a bone screw at the preoperatively configured orientation and location for sacroiliac fixation.

31-10-2007 дата публикации

Implant delivery device

Номер: GB0000718563D0

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Surgical tool

Номер: GB0002570719A
Автор: GUNTER K NOE, Gunter K Noe

A surgical tool for laparoscopic insertion into a subject, the tool being expandable from a smaller collapsed configuration to a larger deployed configuration, the tool comprising an extendable barrier 5, and an expandable support 3 coupled to the barrier 5 wherein expansion of the support 3 extends said barrier 5. Preferably the support extends around the perimeter of the barrier and is inflatable by injecting a fluid into it through a lumen 7 and valve. The barrier may be a single or double layer of biocompatible material which is preferably cut and/or heat resistant. The tool may be folded or rolled into the compressed position and inserted via an applicator tool, e/g/ via a trocar. The tool may include one or more radio-opaque markers to facilitate imaging of the tool when in use. Also claimed is a method of using it during surgery and methods of manufacture.

19-04-2000 дата публикации

Coding of syringes to monitor their use

Номер: GB0000004689D0

14-11-2018 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to packaging

Номер: GB0002562217A

The invention provides a sealed pack which pack comprises a container and a lid wherein the container has an internal tamper-evident seal and the lid has an external tamper-evident seal; wherein the internal seal is arranged between the container and the lid; and wherein the lid is formed from a resilient material such that it protects the container. In on embodiment, the invention provides a pack of surgical instruments for use in a pre-determined surgical intervention which pack comprises one or more sterilised surgical instruments suitable for use in the pre-determined surgical intervention and a tray for receiving the one or more sterilised instruments wherein the pack is sealed by at least two seals.

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to packaging

Номер: GB0201707145D0

04-12-2019 дата публикации

Medical device

Номер: GB0201915068D0

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000363232T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442087T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481935T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000443486T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410961T

03-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030648327T

27-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038564794T

19-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039133753T

24-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037232356T

07-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031767314T

06-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036711687T

15-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035372950T

11-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033307647T

20-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038060283T

07-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038795710T

09-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032501403T

24-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032048050T

09-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039164198T

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Applicator instruments having surgical fastener insertion tools for dispensing surgical fasteners

Номер: AU2017372464A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

An applicator instrument for dispensing surgical fasteners includes a housing, an elongated shaft, and an elongated conduit extending through the elongated shaft. A firing system is disposed within the housing. The firing system has an insertion tool having a top surface that extends proximal and distal ends thereof and a stripper ramp that projects above the top surface. An actuator activates the firing system to commence a firing cycle. During the firing cycle, the firing system drives the insertion tool toward the distal end of the elongated shaft. The elongated conduit has a top wall with a top notch formed therein. The stripper ramp slides through the top notch for guiding movement of the insertion tool as the firing system drives the insertion tool toward the distal end of the elongated shaft.

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Devices, systems, methods, and for medical cleaning valves

Номер: AU2020270081A1

A medical cleaning valve (or cleaning valve) may be configured to provide cleaning functionality to air and water channels of an endoscope. One or more embodiments described herein may include cleaning valves with features and/or components that facilitate differentiating them from procedural valves. In some embodiments, valves may be made from a limited number of parts and materials, to limit their cost. For example, multiple seals may be formed as a single component, such as via overmolding. In another example, wiper seals may be used to accommodate greater manufacturing tolerances. In yet another example, the valve may have a single elastomeric component, or spring cap, which may combine the functionality of a number of components (e.g., a boot, spring, spring housing, and stem cap).

25-08-2011 дата публикации

Intervertebral disc and insertion methods therefor

Номер: AU2006252735B2

A method of inserting an intervertebral disc implant into a disc space includes accessing a spinal segment having a first vertebral body, a second vertebral body and a disc space between the first and second vertebral bodies (FIG. 44) . The method includes securing a first pin to the first vertebral body and a second pin to the second vertebral body (FIG. 53) , using the first and second pins for distracting the disc space (FIG. 54) , and providing an inserter holding the intervertebral disc implant (FIG. 69) . The method also desirably includes engaging the inserter with the first and second pins, and advancing the inserter toward the disc space for inserting the intervertebral disc implant into the disc space, whereby the first and second pins align and guide the inserter toward the disc space (FIG. 71) .

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Fixation pin

Номер: AU2009236017A1

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Surgical instruments with reconfigurable shaft segments

Номер: AU2011307379B2

A surgical instrument having a handle assembly and an elongated shaft assembly protruding therefrom. Various embodiments of the elongated shaft assemblies include reconfigurable shaft segments that have portions that may be selectively arranged in coaxial alignment with each other and in other configurations wherein at least some portions thereof are not in coaxial alignment with each other. Various locking arrangements are disclosed for releasably locking the reconfigurable shaft segments in desired orientations. A movable closure tube is supported on the elongated shaft segment and is oriented to provide actuation motions to an end effector coupled to the distal end of the elongated shaft.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Fastener system comprising a plurality of fastener cartridges

Номер: AU2011308716B2

A surgical fastening instrument can comprise a handle and an end effector, wherein the end effector can comprise a first jaw comprising a first cartridge attachment portion and a second jaw comprising a second cartridge attachment portion, and wherein one of the first jaw and the second jaw is movable relative to the other of the first jaw and the second jaw. The surgical fastening instrument can further comprise a first cartridge that is insertable into the first jaw and attachable to the first cartridge attachment portion and, in addition, a second cartridge that is insertable into the second jaw and attachable to the second cartridge attachment portion. In various embodiments, the first cartridge can comprise first fastener portions which are engageable with second fastener portions in the second cartridge.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Fastener system comprising a plurality of connected retention matrix elements

Номер: AU2011308695A1

A surgical fastener system can comprise a plurality of fasteners which can be connected to each other by a flexible retention matrix which is assembled to the fasteners in order to capture tissue therebetween. The flexible retention matrix can comprise, one, a plurality of retention matrix elements configured to engage the fasteners and, two, a lattice of connectors which connect one or more retention matrix elements.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Surgical stapler anvil comprising a plurality of forming pockets

Номер: AU2012250194B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple- deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Volar plate fixation device

Номер: AU2007329398A1

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Travel clip for surgical staple cartridge

Номер: AU2013201135A1

TRAVEL CLIP FOR SURGICAL STAPLE CARTRIDGE A travel clip is (10) provided for use with a surgical staple cartridge (12). The travel clip (10) includes a cover (14) having first and second side edges (32, 34) which varying in distance from a centerline of the cover (14) and a longitudinally extending rib (16) projecting perpendicularly along the centerline of the cover (14). The first and second side edges (32, 34) include areas of maximum distance from the centerline of the cover (14) and areas of minimum distance from the centerline of the cover (14). The space between adjacent areas of maximum distance from the centerline of the cover (14) provide cutouts (50) or openings for viewing, inspection and verification of structure retained within the surgical staple cartridge (12). C=) (M NA" Nc C'4 ...

16-02-1999 дата публикации

Implant, in particular front cervical plate

Номер: AU0008868698A

01-05-1995 дата публикации

Keratorefractive system and method

Номер: AU0007969994A

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for increased operating room efficiency

Номер: AU2015249277A1

Systems, devices and methods to improve safety and efficiency in an operating room comprise providing a suture package that holds new suture needles and needle receptacles for storing used needles. The devices can be safely worn for the surgeon to self-dispense new suture needles in the near surgical field and to secure the used needles into a needle trap or a needle retainer located on his extremity, on his operative instruments or on the surgical drapes. The device may provide automated and/or simplified needle counting both during use and after removal from the surgical field. The device may be configured for ergonomic and efficient use so as to minimize the actions and motions of the surgeon to dispense and secure the needle.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Surgical cutting instrument with near-perimeter interlocking coupling arrangement

Номер: AU2009257763B2

A blade coupling mechanism (116) for a hand-held surgical cutting instrument (102) includes a first coupling member (118) including a first blade-contacting surface (130) and a first outer perimeter sidewall (132) adjacent the first blade contacting surface. It also includes a second coupling member (120) including a second blade-contacting surface (160) facing the first blade-contacting surface of the first coupling member. The second coupling member includes- a second outer perimeter sidewall (164) adjacent the second blade contacting surface. The second blade-contacting surface and the second outer perimeter sidewall meet to define an outer edge (168). The second coupling member including a bore (156) through the second blade contacting surface. The bore and the second blade contacting surface meeting to define an inner edge (166). Blade- engaging protrusions project (172) from at least one of the first and second blade-contacting surfaces. The protrusions are spaced closer to the outer ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

System and method for preventing wrong-site surgeries

Номер: AU2014373784A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave

A container holds at least one surgical implement, has a lock mechanism, and has a signature label that impedes access to the surgical implement until the correct surgical site is confirmed. A method of using the container includes the steps of confirming the correct surgical site, signing the label and removing it from the container, placing the label in the medical record, unlocking the container, removing the implement, and beginning the surgery, wherein the surgical team is forced to pause to confirm the correct surgical site before starting the surgery. Preferably, the container top may be removed and placed between the surgeon and surgical technician to define a no-hands "neutral zone" to avoid being stuck by the sharps. Also, the container preferably includes compartments for storing used sharps and/or a local anesthetic-loaded syringe, and the top may be replaced and secured for safely disposing of the sharps after the surgery.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Personalized tourniquet system

Номер: AU2015286193B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for regulating tourniquet cuff pressure based on a personalized tourniquet pressure (PTP) to facilitate safe performance of a surgical procedure. The apparatus includes a dual-purpose tourniquet cuff adapted to encircle a region of a patient limb to provide both a sensor during a pre-surgical time period and an effector during a surgical time period. An effector module communicates pneumatically with an inflatable bladder of the cuff for maintaining pressure in the bladder near a PTP during the surgical time period to safely stop penetration of arterial blood past the cuff. A pulsation sensor that communicates pneumatically with the inflatable bladder during the pre-surgical time period senses and characterizes pressure pulsations that are indicative of penetration of arterial blood into the region of the limb encircled by the cuff. A PTP estimator is responsive to the pulsation sensor for producing an estimate of the PTP, such that the estimate of the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Transportation of medical instruments

Номер: AU2016316974B2
Принадлежит: A.P.T. Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys

A device for the transportation and temporary storage of a medical instrument (24), the device comprising: an instrument bag (20) formed of a plastics material substantially impermeable to bodily fluids, the bag having a bag opening (22) for receiving the instrument (24); and a label (2) which has a first portion (12) adhered to an external surface of the bag adjacent to the bag opening (22) and has a second portion (14) which is disposed beyond the bag opening (22) and which has a lower surface at least part of which is adhesive and covered by a removable backing (18); wherein: the first portion (12) of the label (2) includes a pocket for receiving a sachet or data carrier (26); the second portion (14) of the label (2) includes a tamper-evident portion (16) which exhibits a first visual appearance when first adhered to a surface of the bag (20), and which exhibits a second visual appearance after it has been adhered to and then removed from a surface of the bag, and subsequently adhered ...

28-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002033292A

19-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002780699A1

The present invention provides a surgical clamp comprising a temperature sensitive shape memory material, the clamp capable of taking up a first form in which the clamp (6) is shaped to at least partially encircle a tubular structure (14); a second form shaped to substantially completely encircle the tubular structure (14) and constrict it, the clamp changing from the first form to the second form above the transition temperature of the shape memory material; and a third form derived from the first form by resilient deformation of the clamp in its first form. The present invention also provides applicators for delivering the clamps and kits comprising the clamps.

08-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739431A1

An improved system and method for positioning screws and rods to immobilize bones is provided. Specifically, the system and method is optimal for performing transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and other interbody fusions in the spine. The system involves pedicle screws detachably connected to wires that guide rods down to the screws. The wires are strong, narrow, flexible, adjustable in tension, and easily disconnected from the screws after rod placement via a process such as cutting, radiating, burning, dissolving, etc.. The use of wires to place the rods avoids the conventional bulky tower apparatuses of the prior art while at the same time enhancing the accuracy of placement. One of the preferred methods involves relying upon the natural lordotic curvature of the spine and the narrow diameter of the wires to insert many elements through a single minimally invasive incision.

17-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002734160C

A surgical system and method includes a surgical instrument configured to wirelessly transmit identifying data specific to the surgical instrument and a console configured to receive the identifying data. The console is configured to register the surgical instrument based on the identifying data, establish a wireless two-way communication link between the surgical instrument and the console, receive at least one of operational data and commands from the surgical instrument, and provide operational feedback data to a user of the surgical instrument during an operation of the surgical instrument based on the at least one of operational data and commands.

07-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002658104A1

An RFID ring illumination system includes an illumination ring and a prin ted circuit board. The illumination ring has a light refracting layer integr al with the front of a surgical machine. The printed circuit board is locate d behind and close to the front of the surgical machine. The printed circuit board has an RFID reader antenna and a light source mounted on it. The ligh t emitted by the light source travels through the illumination ring and is v isible from the front of the surgical machine.

07-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002667605A1

The invention relates to a plate-implant for use in osteosynthesis, compr ising at least one first plate component with throughbores for receiving fas tening screws and a connection means, at least one second plate component wi th throughbores for receiving fastening screws and a receiving means for rec eiving a connection means. According to the invention, each plate component is slidable in one direction relative to the other plate component, the plat e components being provided with a device limiting their slide path relative to each other. The device comprises a clamping screw (18) having a thread a nd a screw head and, in the mounted state of the two plate components (2, 3) , the thread cooperates with the connection means (5) and the screw head wit h a longitudinal borehole (14) provided in the second plate component (3) in such a way that a clamping effect is obtained between the screw head and th e longitudinal borehole (14) and between the connection means (5) and the re ceiving ...

09-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907227C

A bone repair system, kit and method for percutaneous repair of a bone segment containing a first bone segment and a second bone segment in a patient, each bone segment having a drill hole. The system (1) comprises a longitudinal member (4) configured to contact the first bone segment and the second bone segment and having at least one opening (11, 12) and cleats (5) on the side adapted to contact the first bone segment and the second bone segment; a first fastener assembly (6) configured to be disposed through the opening of the longitudinal member to hold the longitudinal member in place through the opening and the hole in the first bone segment; and a second fastener assembly (7) configured to be disposed through the opening of the longitudinal member to hold the longitudinal member in place through the opening and the hole in the second bone segment.

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002718686A1

A system for detecting a position of an object such as a surgical tool in an image guidance system includes a camera system with a detection array for detecting visible light a processor arranged to analyze the output from the array. Each object to be detected carries a single marker with a pattern of contrasted areas of light and dark intersecting at a specific single feature point thereon. The pattern includes components arranged in an array around the specific location arranged such that the processor is able to detect an angle of rotation of the pattern around the location and which are different from other markers of the system such that the processor is able to distinguish each marker from the other markers.

05-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002813414A1

A surgical fastener system can comprise a plurality of fasteners which can be connected to each other by a flexible retention matrix which is assembled to the fasteners in order to capture tissue therebetween. The flexible retention matrix can comprise, one, a plurality of retention matrix elements configured to engage the fasteners and, two, a lattice of connectors which connect one or more retention matrix elements.

15-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002812537C

A surgical stapling instrument can comprise, one, a handle comprising an actuator and, two, an end effector comprising a proximal end, a distal end, and a longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end. The end effector can further comprise a first jaw configured to support staples comprising staple legs and, in addition, a second jaw supporting a matrix element opposite the staples, wherein one of the jaws is movable toward the other in order to engage the matrix element with the staple legs. The stapling instrument can further comprise a cam operably coupled with the actuator, wherein the cam is movable along the longitudinal axis to deform the staple legs.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002827674A1

Methods and devices are provided for anchoring suture to bone. In one embodiment, an elongate weave of fibers can be provided having a first portion with a first pick count and a second portion with a second pick count that is greater than the first pick count. The first portion can have a cross-section that deforms in response to a force that is applied thereto. The first portion can have a collapsible diameter and can have a bending stiffness that is lower than a bending stiffness of the second portion of the suture. The first portion can also have a first pattern that is different than a second pattern on the second portion of the suture. The first portion can be threaded into a suture anchor such that it can be doubled over upon itself. The present invention also provides exemplary sutures and drivers that can be used with the various methods and devices disclosed herein, or with other methods and devices known in the art.

18-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002891180A1

A disposable housing includes a housing portion and a memory. The housing portion defines a cavity therein configured to receive a motor operable, inner core handle assembly. At least a portion of the housing portion has a color that corresponds to a color of one type of end effector or adapter assembly. The memory has stored therein at least one operating parameter for the inner core handle assembly.

15-03-2016 дата публикации

navigation ball with measurement marks.

Номер: CH0000703692B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Navigationskugelkopf (10) zur Auswahl und Positionierung einer Gelenkendoprothese für kugelige Gelenke eines menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers, insbesondere einer Hüftgelenkendoprothese, wobei die Gelenkendoprothese einen in eine Markhöhle eines Knochens einsetzbaren Prothesenschaft (20), von dem sich ein Prothesenhals (30) erstreckt, einen am freien Ende des Prothesenhalses (30) befestigbaren Gelenkskopf und eine in einen Knochen einsetzbare Gelenkspfanne (40), die zusammen mit dem Gelenkskopf ein Kugelgelenk bildet, umfasst, wobei der Navigationskugelkopf (10) mit einem zum Innendurchmesser der Gelenkspfanne (40) korrespondierenden Aussendurchmesser und mit einer Ausnehmung (11) zum Aufstecken an das freie Ende des Prothesenhalses (30) sowie mit an seiner Oberfläche vorgesehenen, zumindest teilweise umlaufenden Messmarkierungen (12) ausgestattet ist. Die Messmarkierungen (12) am Navigationskugelkopf (10) sind ein dreidimensionales Abbild eines mathematischen ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Navigation ball with Safe zone.

Номер: CH0000703692A2

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Navigationskugelkopf (10) insbesondere als universelles Messinstrument zur Auswahl und Positionierung einer Gelenkendoprothese für kugelige Gelenke eines menschlichen oder tierischen Körpers, insbesondere einer Hüftgelenkendoprothese, mit einem in eine Markhöhle eines Knochens einsetzbaren Prothesenschaft (20), von dem sich ein Prothesenhals (30) erstreckt, einem am freien Ende des Prothesenhalses (30) befestigbaren Gelenkskopf und einer in einem Knochen einsetzbaren Gelenkspfanne (40), die zusammen mit dem Gelenkskopf ein Kugelgelenk bildet, wobei der Navigationskugelkopf (10) mit einem zum Innendurchmesser der Gelenkspfanne (40) korrespondierenden Aussendurchmesser und mit einer Ausnehmung (11) zum Aufstecken an das freie Ende des Prothesenhalses (30) sowie mit an seiner Oberfläche vorgesehenen, zumindest teilweise umlaufenden Messmarkierungen (12) ausgestattet ist. Die Messmarkierungen (12) am Navigationskugelkopf (10) sind ein dreidimensionales Abbild eines ...

21-04-2020 дата публикации

Drawing force

Номер: CN0106163392B

23-05-2006 дата публикации

Implant, in particular front cervical plate

Номер: KR0100582135B1

18-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020120115486A

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Depicting force

Номер: US20170215970A1

A force exerted on a distal end of an elongate medical device can be determined. A graphical representation of the distal end of the elongate medical device and a graphical representation of the force exerted on the distal end of the elongate medical device can be computed. The graphical representation of the force can emanate from the graphical representation of the distal end of the elongate medical device. A first dimension of the graphical representation of the force can be increased in response to a longitudinal force being exerted on the distal end of the elongate medical device. A second dimension of the graphical representation of force can be increased in response to a lateral force being exerted on the distal end of the elongate medical device.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Indicator For Tool State and Communication in Multi-Arm Robotic Telesurgery

Номер: US20150073437A1
Принадлежит: Intuitive Surgical Operations, Inc.

Medical and/or robotic devices, systems and methods provide an indicator associated with a manipulator assembly of a multi-arm telerobotic or telesurgical system. An example of an indicator comprises as multi-color light emitting diode (LED) mounted to a manipulator moving an associated surgical instrument, allowing the indicator to display any of a wide variety of signals. The invention may provide an additional user interface to facilitate communications between the telesurgical system and/or members of a telesurgical team.

26-04-2016 дата публикации

Kit for taking biopsies, autopsies, excisions, and resections and methods thereof

Номер: US0009320500B2

The present invention relates to a kit for taking biopsies, resections, excisions, and/or autopsies. Moreover, the present invention relates to methods of taking biopsies resections, excisions, and/or autopsies using the kit of the present invention. The kits and methods of the present invention allow for fewer errors, decreased turn around time and/or more rapid processing due to a cassette and specimen numbering system that is simplified and superior over that which has been previously disclosed in the prior art. The kit of the present invention comprises one or more tissue cassettes, and optionally one or more bottles of formalin and optionally, other components.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136454A1

Brachytherapy devices include a respective flexible elongate tether with an external free tail end that has an opposing end that is attached to a proximal end portion of the corresponding strand. The tethers can be color-coded to match a color associated with the corresponding strand and/or radioactive material to facilitate visual correspondence for redeployment when a strand is in an undesired implanted location. Grids with color-coded rows may also be used to facilitate surgical placement and/or identification of respective strand/tether pairs.

05-05-2009 дата публикации

Medical marker means

Номер: US0007527387B2
Принадлежит: BrainLAB AG, BRAINLAB AG

A medical marker trackable by a medical navigation system includes a marker body and a luminescence agent within the marker body. The luminescence agent is operative to emit light without an electrical power supply coupled to the luminescence agent.

18-10-2011 дата публикации

Observation apparatus that detects position of a treatment tool from an image

Номер: US0008038596B2

A body cavity observation apparatus includes a treatment tool to be inserted into a body cavity of a subject with an insertion tool as a guide, an observation section attached to an opening of a body wall of the subject, a monitor for displaying the body cavity captured by the observation section, and a marker position-detecting device for detecting a position of a marker part applied to the treatment tool or insertion tool from an image showing the body cavity captured by the observation section. The marker position-detecting device includes a pixel extracting device for extracting a group of pixels in the same color as the color of the marker part from the image and a calculation device for calculating a position of the barycenter of the group of pixels as a position of the marker part. The pixel extracting device extracts a pixel whose output value of a color component included in a color of the marker part among R, G, and B output values outputted from an image pickup device of the ...

20-12-2005 дата публикации

Dual-function medical instrument

Номер: US0006976992B2

A dual-use medical instrument is disclosed. In one embodiment, the instrument has a first handle pivotally attached to a second handle through a mortise and tenon joint to define opposing jaws at the distal end of the surgical instrument, each of the opposing jaws including a distal gripping portion, at least one longitudinally disposed cutting edge situated between the distal gripping portion and said mortise and tenon joint, wherein at least one longitudinal cutting edge is adjacent to said mortise and tenon joint. The instrument can function as a combination needle holder and surgical scissors.

05-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120080488A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140350655A1
Принадлежит: Greatbatch Ltd.

In some examples, a lead identification system includes a first set of first lead indicators and a second set of second lead indicators. Each of the first lead indicators is configured to removably attach to at least one of a first therapy delivery element, a first epidural needle, or a first connector to uniquely identify at least one of the first therapy delivery element, the first epidural needle, or the first connector during implantation of the first therapy delivery element in the patient. Each of the second lead indicators is configured to removably attach to at least one of a second therapy delivery element, a second epidural needle, or a second connector to uniquely identify at least one of the second therapy delivery element, the second epidural needle, or the second connector during implantation of the second therapy delivery element in the patient.

24-07-2018 дата публикации

Staple cartridge assembly comprising an implantable layer

Номер: US0010028743B2

An end effector for stapling tissue is disclosed. The end effector comprises a cartridge body comprising a deck, staples removably stored in the cartridge body, and an anvil configured to deform the staples. The end effector further comprises an implantable layer positioned intermediate the deck and the anvil. The layer comprises a tissue-facing surface, raised portions, and grooves defined intermediate the raised portions, wherein the raised portions apply localized compression to the tissue, and wherein the layer is releasably attached to the cartridge body.

28-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230414321A1

A shaft for a dental screwdriver configured to be inserted into a bore cavity of a dental prosthetic. The shaft has a drive tip for driving a dental screw used to fix the dental prosthetic to the dental implant when the shaft is inserted into the bore cavity of the dental prosthetic. The drive tip is made of a shape memory smart alloy. The shaft also has an axial shaft portion made of a shape memory smart alloy with different material characteristics than the shape memory smart alloy of the drive tip. The axial shaft portion is configured to elastically bend from an original shape to a bent shape along the axial shaft portion without imparting a bending action and torqueing forces along the drive tip when the dental screwdriver is inserted into the bore cavity of the dental prosthetic.

27-04-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3988047A1
Автор: Ranzato, Enrico

The present invention relates, in general, to a system for monitoring the expiry date of drugs or first aid or emergency kits and, more particularly, to a system configured to inform a user about the expiration of drugs.

28-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629240C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим инструментам, в частности к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим аппаратам и используемым в них скобочным блокам, предназначенным для рассечения ткани и сшивания ее скобками. Хирургический сшивающий аппарат выполнен с возможностью приема скобочного блока, содержащего скобки, причем хирургический сшивающий аппарат содержит рукоять, ствол, опорную браншу и браншу упора. Рукоять содержит спусковой механизм и пусковой узел. При этом спусковой механизм выполнен с возможностью приведения в действие пускового узла. Ствол продолжается из рукояти, при этом ствол содержит ножедержатель, функционально соединенный с пусковым узлом. Ножедержатель содержит кулачок, режущую кромку и концевой зажим. Концевой зажим включает проксимальный конец и дистальный конец. Опорная бранша содержит опорную поверхность, смещающую направляющую. Опорная поверхность выполнена с возможностью поддержки скобочного блока, при этом опорная поверхность ...

08-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2020104698A3

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014116241A

... 1. Хирургический сшивающий аппарат, выполненный с возможностью приема скобочного блока, содержащего скобки, причем упомянутый хирургический сшивающий аппарат содержит:рукоять, содержащую спусковой механизм ии пусковой узел, при этом упомянутый спусковой механизм выполнен с возможностью приведения в действие упомянутого пускового узла;ствол, продолжающийся из упомянутой рукояти, при этом упомянутый ствол содержит ножедержатель, оперативно соединенный с упомянутым пусковым узлом, при этом упомянутый ножедержатель содержит:кулачок;режущую кромку иконцевой зажим, содержащийпроксимальный конец,дистальный конец;опорную браншу, содержащую:опорную поверхность, выполненную с возможностью поддержки скобочного блока, при этом упомянутая опорная поверхность образует опорную плоскость; исмещающую направляющую, образованную вдоль оси поперечной по отношению к упомянутой опорной плоскости; ибраншу упора, содержащую:ведомый механизм, принимаемый с возможностью скольжения в упомянутой смещающей направляющей ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011106943A

... 1. Перезаряжаемое устройство для наложения скрепляющих элементов, включающее: ! a. рукоятку и по меньшей мере один привод; ! b. указанную рукоятку, соединенную с удлиненным полым корпусом, имеющим дистальный и проксимальный концы; ! c. первый картридж, содержащий по меньшей мере один скрепляющий элемент и разъемно соединяемый с указанной рукояткой; ! d. указанный скрепляющий элемент, содержащий по меньшей мере два фиксатора, соединенных вместе неупругим гибким шовным материалом, неустойчивым к деформации под сжимающей нагрузкой, при этом указанный первый картридж выполнен с возможностью извлечения из указанной рукоятки; и ! e. второй картридж, содержащий по меньшей мере один скрепляющий элемент и разъемно соединяемый с указанной рукояткой после извлечения указанного первого картриджа, при этом указанный второй картридж выполнен с возможностью установки в устройстве с проксимального конца. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором указанные картриджи дополнительно включают иглу в указанном полом ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011106944A

... 1. Способ наложения соединительных элементов в теле пациента, включающий следующие этапы: ! a. предоставление устройства, содержащего рукоятку и по меньшей мере один привод, при этом указанная рукоятка соединена с вытянутым полым корпусом, имеющим дистальный и проксимальный концы и иглу в указанном полом корпусе, первый картридж, содержащий по меньшей мере один съемный соединительный элемент, присоединенный к указанному дистальному концу указанного полого корпуса, при этом указанный соединительный элемент, по меньшей мере частично размещен внутри указанной иглы и включает по меньшей мере два фиксатора, соединенных вместе неупругой гибкой нитью, не оказывающей сопротивления деформации под давлением; ! b. введение указанного дистального конца указанного полого корпуса в намеченный участок тела пациента и соединение ткани вместе внутри тела путем наложения указанного соединительного элемента; ! c. извлечение первого картриджа из рукоятки и замена его на второй картридж. ! 2. Способ по п.1, ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013153094A

... 1. Узел скобочного блока для применения с хирургическим сшивающим аппаратом, в котором упомянутый узел скобочного блока приспособлен для использования с тканью, имеющей толщину, где упомянутый узел скобочного блока содержит:корпус блока, содержащий опорную часть, при этом упомянутая опорная часть содержит множество полостей скобок, причем каждая упомянутая полость скобки содержит отверстие;множество скобок при этом по меньшей мере часть каждой упомянутой скобки хранится с возможностью извлечения в упомянутой полости скобки, причем каждая упомянутая скобка способна перемещаться между нерабочим положением и приведенным в действие положением, при этом каждая упомянутая скобка выполнена с возможностью деформации между нерабочей конфигурацией и приведенной в действие конфигурацией, когда каждая упомянутая скобка перемещается между упомянутым нерабочим положением и упомянутым приведенным в действие положением; исжимаемый компенсатор толщины ткани, выполненный с возможностью захвата в упомянутые ...

28-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE202011050001U1
Принадлежит: AESCULAP AG

Vorrichtung zur Identifikation medizinischer Instrumente bestehend aus einer Sensorenstation zur Ermittlung mehrerer unterschiedlicher Charakteristika eines medizinischen Instruments, die mit einem Rechner verbunden oder verbindbar ist, der die ermittelten Charakteristika mit produktspezifischen Informationen, abgespeichert in einem rechnerverwalteten Archiv vergleicht und basierend auf dem Vergleichsergebnis zumindest ein medizinisches Instrument als passend oder identisch identifiziert.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Fastener system comprising a retention matrix

Номер: US20120080333A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical fastener system can comprise a plurality of fasteners which can be connected to one another by a retention matrix which is assembled to the fasteners in order to capture tissue therebetween. In various embodiments, each fastener can comprise a base and the distance in which the retention matrix is seated relative to the fastener bases can be selectively determined by a surgeon in order to apply a desired pressure to the tissue. In certain embodiments, each fastener can further comprise a fastener leg and the retention matrix can comprise a first layer configured to engage the fastener legs. The retention matrix can further comprise a second layer mounted to the first layer which can comprise one or more encapsulations containing a medicine therein. The encapsulations can be aligned with retention apertures in the retention matrix such that they can be punctured by the fastener legs.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Compressible fastener cartridge

Номер: US20120080335A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a compressible, collapsible, and/or crushable cartridge body and fasteners embedded within the cartridge body which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein the first jaw can be positioned opposite a second jaw, or anvil. The anvil can be engaged with the fastener cartridge to compress, collapse, and/or crush the cartridge body and deform, or otherwise deploy, the fasteners contained therein. As the fasteners are deformed or deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the cartridge body therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. In various embodiments, the cartridge body can comprise a plurality of layers wherein at least one of the layers can be detached from the other layers and removed from the surgical site.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising portions having different properties

Номер: US20120080337A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Compressible staple cartridge assembly

Номер: US20120080338A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Implantable fastener cartridge having a non-uniform arrangement

Номер: US20120080481A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a compressible, collapsible, and/or crushable cartridge body and fasteners embedded within the cartridge body which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein the first jaw can be positioned opposite a second jaw, or anvil. The anvil can be engaged with the fastener cartridge to compress, collapse, and/or crush the cartridge body and deform, or otherwise deploy, the fasteners contained therein. As the fasteners are deformed or deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the cartridge body therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. In various embodiments, the cartridge body can comprise a thickness which is not uniform thereacross. In at least one embodiment, the fasteners can comprise different unformed heights and/or different formed heights.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20120080493A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Staple cartridge comprising a releasable portion

Номер: US20120083833A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Suture system

Номер: US20120130405A1

A suture system includes a plurality of double-stranded needles connected in sequence with a single-stranded needle at each end. The double-stranded suture needles incorporates two suture strands into a single needle. The suture system of the present invention facilitates the implantation of valve prostheses.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

System and method for sealing access

Номер: US20120221043A1
Автор: Eric Berens
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for sealing a puncture in a tubular tissue structure or the wall of a body cavity. More specifically, the present invention is directed to an apparatus and method for sealing a puncture site in the wall of a tubular tissue structure, or in the wall of a body cavity with a stabilizer used to stabilize the material used to seal the puncture site as the material is positioned. The material is inserted into the puncture site as a ribbon or sheet on an introducer element such as a needle, a cannula, a guide wire, an introducer element adapted for dialysis, an introducer element adapted for catheterization, a trocar, or any other introducer element used to access the lumen of a tubular tissue structure or used to access a body cavity.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Patient-specific sacroiliac guides and associated methods

Номер: US20130053854A1
Принадлежит: Biomet Manufacturing LLC

A patient-specific alignment guide includes a patient-specific portion and a guiding element having a through opening. The patient-specific portion has a patient-specific surface preoperatively configured to mate as a negative of a portion of an iliac crest of a pelvis of a specific patient and mate to the iliac crest only in one position. The guiding element has a preoperatively configured orientation and location relative to the patient-specific portion for preparing a bore in the bone of the patient to direct a bone screw at the preoperatively configured orientation and location for sacroiliac fixation.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for orthopedic fixation

Номер: US20130144303A1
Принадлежит: EBI LLC

A dual reconstructive wire system for use with an anatomy can include a first guide wire, a second guide wire, a first guide instrument, a first cannulated insertion instrument, and a second cannulated insertion instrument. The first guide wire can pass through the first cannulated insertion instrument such that a first end and a second end of the first guide wire extends beyond the first end and the second end, respectively of the first cannulated insertion instrument. The second guide wire can pass through the second cannulation insertion instrument such that a first end and a second end of the second guide wire extends beyond the first end and the second end, respectively of the second cannulated insertion instrument.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Disposable ophthalmic/medical apparatus with timed color change indication

Номер: US20130192513A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A disposable ophthalmic or medical apparatus has a portion with a color changeable dye disposed thereon. The dye changes color after being exposed to oxygen for a controlled and predetermined period of time indicating that the apparatus should no longer be used.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising a plurality of medicaments

Номер: US20130256367A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

In various embodiments, a compensator can comprise a compensator body comprising a plurality of first packets and a plurality of second packets wherein, in at least one embodiment, each second packet is positioned intermediate two or more first packets. The compensator can further comprise a first medicament positioned within each first packet and a second medicament positioned within each second packet, wherein the first medicament is different than the second medicament.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Image Tracking System and Image Tracking Method Thereof

Номер: US20140005475A1
Автор: Chun-Ju Chen, Kai-Tai Song
Принадлежит: National Chiao Tung University NCTU

An image tracking system and an image tracking method. The image tracking system includes image capture module, detection module and processing module. The image capture module captures real-time image. The detection module analyzes the real-time image, and detects whether positions of a plurality of instruments are disposed in the real-time image. The processing module defines buffer zone in the real-time image, and analyses whether the instruments are disposed in the buffer zone based on the positions of the instruments, and determines whether spacing distance between the instruments is small than preset distance. When the spacing distance is smaller than the preset distance or the instruments are disposed outside the buffer zone, the processing module emits controlling signal to control the image capture module to move to capture position. As a result, the present invention may achieve image tracking real time and provide stable image.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Curved cannula instrument

Номер: US20140018823A1
Принадлежит: Intuitive Surgical Operations Inc

A robotic surgical system is configured with rigid, curved cannulas that extend through the same opening into a patient's body. Surgical instruments with passively flexible shafts extend through the curved cannulas. Force isolation elements within the flexible shafts prevent shaft bending from affecting end effector actuation elements that extends through the shafts. The cannulas are oriented to direct the instruments towards a surgical site. Various port features that support the curved cannulas within the single opening are disclosed. Cannula support fixtures that support the cannulas during insertion into the single opening and mounting to robotic manipulators are disclosed. A teleoperation control system that moves the curved cannulas and their associated instruments in a manner that allows a surgeon to experience intuitive control is disclosed.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Custom Procedure Kit

Номер: US20140021087A1
Автор: Deborah Adler, Kim Haines
Принадлежит: Medline Industries LP

A custom procedure kit is provided, which comprises a plurality of medical-procedure tools and a cover that is wrapped around the plurality of medical-procedure tools to form wrapped tools. An outer container is fully disposed about the wrapped tools, and at least one sheet is disposed between the outer container and the wrapped tools. The sheet includes a listing of the plurality of medical-procedure tools and, for at least some of the medical-procedure tools, an unselected end-user selectable field.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, systems, and methods for identifying instruments in laparoscopic and other minimally invasive surgery

Номер: US20140074116A1
Автор: John Craig Collins
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods are provided for identifying surgical instruments, e.g., MIS instruments, including a shaft including a proximal end and a distal end sized for introduction into a patient's body, a tool tip on the distal end including an end effector, and a handpiece or connector on the proximal end. One or more identifier members may be provided on the proximal end and/or distal end of the shaft, on the handpiece, and/or on the tool tip to identify one of a type and a class of the end effector. For example, a set of surgical instruments may be provided that include identifier knobs added onto the shafts to identify different tool tips, the shafts may include different outer shapes and/or textures, or colored and/or luminescent features may be provided on the instruments.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method And System For Dynamic And Automatic Selection And Configuration Of Processing Or Conditioning Profiles For Characterization Of Physiological Signals

Номер: US20190000345A1

In the present invention, a configuration system for an electrophysiology (EP) study system provides the physician with the ability to input or select the particular procedure to be performed utilizing the EP system, such as performing an ablation procedure, a pacing procedure, or a diagnostic procedure, among others based on the clinical objective of the procedure. Based on the selection of the procedure to be performed, the EP system can handle the selection and switching of different filter selections for a physiological signal to achieve an optimal signal profile having a clinically acceptable display regardless of acquisition conditions with the minimum of user intervention, or knowledge. These selections may be automatically derived, or manually selected, or over-ridden by the user as needed within any typically, or atypical procedural workflow. 1. A system for configuring an optimal signal profile for an electrophysiology study comprising:an amplifier having a device interface;a controller operatively connected to the amplifier;a plurality of configurable noise filters operatively connected to the controller and amplifier; anda signal transmitting device operatively connected to the device interface for connection to a patient;wherein the controller is configured to automatically select or modify a signal profile of one or more of the noise reduction circuits when provided with information regarding the type of signal to be applied to the patient through the device.2. The system of further comprising a user input operatively connected to the controller and through which information regarding the type of signal to be applied to the patient through the device is provided to the controller.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a noise identification circuit operatively connected to the controller.4. The system of wherein the noise identification circuit provides signal noise data to the controller so that the controller can assess whether a new signal ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Intraoperative alignment assessment system and method

Номер: US20190000372A1
Принадлежит: Spine Align LLC

Some embodiments include a system and method of analyzing and providing a patient's spinal alignment information and therapeutic device data. In some embodiments, the system and/or method can obtaining initial patient data, and acquire spinal alignment contour information. In some embodiments, the system and/or method can assess localized anatomical features of the patient, and obtain anatomical region data. In some embodiments, the system and/or method can analyze the localized anatomy and therapeutic device location and contouring. In some embodiments, the system and/or method can output localized anatomical analyses and therapeutic device contouring data on a display.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000453A1

Systems, devices and methods to improve safety and efficiency in an operating room comprise providing a suture package that holds new suture needles and needle receptacles for storing used needles. The devices can be safely worn for the surgeon to self-dispense new suture needles in the near surgical field and to secure the used needles into a needle trap or a needle retainer located on his extremity, on his operative instruments or on the surgical drapes. The device may provide automated and/or simplified needle counting both during use and after removal from the surgical field. The device may be configured for ergonomic and efficient use so as to minimize the actions and motions of the surgeon to dispense and secure the needle. 115-. (canceled)16. An apparatus for receiving a needle , the apparatus comprising:a housing comprising an upper outward facing surface and a lower outward facing surface;a needle slot within the housing and located between the upper outward facing surface and the lower outward facing surface, the needle slot configured to receive a needle between the upper outward facing surface and the lower outward facing surface and comprising a secure zone configured to receive the needle therein; anda needle driver slot extending a distance along the housing and the needle slot, the needle driver slot also extending from the upper outer facing surface to the needle slot, wherein the needle driver slot is configured to receive a needle driver therethrough as the needle driver advances the needle along the needle slot and into the secure zone.17. The apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the housing comprises an upper structure and a lower structure that are coupled together.18. The apparatus of claim 17 , wherein the upper outward facing surface comprises a surface of the upper structure and the lower outward facing surface comprises a surface of the lower structure.19. The apparatus of claim 16 , wherein the needle driver slot intersects the needle slot.20. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000510A1
Автор: Hua Sherwin

The present application is directed to various spinal stabilization systems. The systems can include one or more guiding elements attached to screw members to assist in guiding rod implants and tools to desired locations within a patient. The guiding elements can include a plurality of wires, blades, or tabs. The guiding elements can be capable of criss-crossing or intersecting at or near an incision, such that only a single incision may be needed to perform a surgery. The guiding elements can also include telescoping features that allow the height of the guiding elements to be adjusted in use, thereby allowing multiple telescoping guiding elements to be used with the same incision. 1. (canceled)2. A system for bone stabilization , comprising:a screw comprising a screw head, the screw head comprising a first side and a second side, the first side and the second side opposite each other; and a first blade configured to engage with the first side of the screw head and extend away from the screw,', 'a second blade configured to engage with the second side of the screw head and extend away from the screw, and', 'wherein the first blade and the second blade are curved in order to offset the first blade from the opposite second blade., 'a guiding element configured to extend away from the screw, wherein the guiding element comprises3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first blade and the second blade are curved along a plurality of axes.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a spinal fixation element configured to be retained between the first side and the second side of the screw head of the screw.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first and second blades are nondeformable.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first and second blades are pre-formed to be curved in order to offset the first blade from the opposite second blade.7. The system of claim 2 , comprising:a second screw comprising a screw head, the screw head of the second screw comprising a first ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Gender specific pharmaceuticals

Номер: US20210000604A1
Автор: Peter M. Bonutti
Принадлежит: P Tech LLC

The present disclosure provides a system of gender specific pharmaceuticals. The system includes a first package of a pharmaceutical for use by a male and a second package of a pharmaceutical for use by a female. The first package includes a pharmaceutical for use by a male and a first label coupled to the first package, wherein at least one of the first package and first label includes a male specifier and a recommended male dosage. The second package includes a pharmaceutical for use by a female and a second label coupled to the second package, wherein at least one of the second package and second label includes a female specifier and a recommended female dosage.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Intervertebral Disc And Insertion Methods Therefor

Номер: US20210000615A1

A method of inserting an intervertebral disc implant into a disc space includes accessing a spinal segment having a first vertebral body, a second vertebral body and a disc space between the first and second vertebral bodies. The method includes securing a first pin to the first vertebral body and a second pin to the second vertebral body, using the first and second pins for distracting the disc space, and providing an inserter holding the intervertebral disc implant. The method also desirably includes engaging the inserter with the first and second pins, and advancing the inserter toward the disc space for inserting the intervertebral disc implant into the disc space, whereby the first and second pins align and guide the inserter toward the disc space. 1. (canceled)2. A kit comprising:first and second members of an implant for implantation between first and second vertebral bodies, the first member including a first articulating surface and the second member including a second articulating surface;a dispenser configured to hold the first and second articulating surfaces in registration with each other; andan inserter configured to manipulate the first and second members during implantation.3. The kit of claim 2 , further comprising a first pin adapted to be disposed within a first vertebral body and a second pin adapted to be disposed within a second vertebral body claim 2 , wherein the inserter is configured to engage the first and second pins.4. The kit of claim 3 , further comprising a distractor adapted to be associated with the first and second pins.5. The kit of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second members include at least one protrusion for association with one of the first or second vertebral bodies claim 2 , and the dispenser is shaped so that at least a portion of the protrusions are exposed while the dispenser holds the first and second articulating surfaces in registration.6. The kit of claim 5 , wherein at least one protrusion includes teeth ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Head trauma bandage cap and method

Номер: US20200000644A1

An emergency trauma stretch bandage cap shaped as a skull cap with roll able edges capable of holding hot or cold packs, which is placed on the cranium to cover the crown, forehead, back of the head, ears, sides of the head around the ears, and the temples of an injured patient with minimal movement of the neck and spine made of two or more layers of a stretchable warp knit fabric cut and sewn to form a form-fitting head bandage shape to apply sufficient pressure to suppress bleeding.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002013A1

A method and system for reprocessing a reusable medical instrument. The method includes providing a container including a tray and a lid, the tray having an opening for inserting therethrough the medical instrument into an inner space of the tray, and the lid being arranged for closing the opening. The method includes inserting the container into a decontamination device, inside the decontamination device decontaminating the tray, the lid and the medical instrument while the lid is positioned away from the opening. The method includes, inside the decontamination device, a container handler of the decontamination device closing the container by closing the lid onto the tray for closing the opening, and removing the closed container containing the decontaminated medical instrument from the decontamination device. 1. A method for reprocessing a reusable medical instrument , including:providing a container including a tray and a lid, the tray including one or more supports supporting the medical instrument, the tray having an opening for inserting therethrough the medical instrument into an inner space of the tray, and the lid being arranged for closing the opening;inserting the container into a decontamination device;inside the decontamination device decontaminating the tray, the lid and the medical instrument while the lid is positioned away from the opening;inside the decontamination device, a container handler of the decontamination device closing the container by closing the lid onto the tray for closing the opening; andremoving the closed container containing the decontaminated medical instrument from the decontamination device.2. The method of claim 1 , including maintaining the tray in an upright position with the opening extending in an upright plane claim 1 , while decontaminating.3. The method of or claim 1 , wherein the container is inserted into the decontamination device while the container is in a non-sealed state.4. The method of claim 1 , or claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005936A1
Автор: HANAJIMA Masaki

A system includes a first memory storage that stores instrument IDs associated in a one-to-one correspondence with instruments or with instruments in a surgical instrument set. A second memory storage stores set IDs associated in a one-to-one correspondence with surgical instrument sets. A third memory storage stores work histories of the instruments identified by the instrument IDs, the work histories being stored in association with the instrument IDs. A fourth memory storage stores work histories of the surgical instrument sets identified by the set IDs, the work histories being stored in association with the set IDs. A first processor obtains a utilization rate of an instrument. A second processor obtains a utilization rate of a surgical instrument set. 1. A surgical instrument set and instrument management system comprising:a first memory storage storing instrument IDs associated in a one-to-one correspondence with instruments;a second memory storage storing set IDs associated in a one-to-one correspondence with surgical instrument sets, each of the surgical instrument sets including a plurality of instruments;a third memory storage storing work histories of the instruments identified by the instrument IDs, the work histories being stored in association with the instrument IDs;a fourth memory storage storing work histories of the surgical instrument sets identified by the set IDs, the work histories being stored in association with the set IDs;a first processor configured or programmed to obtain a utilization rate of an instrument based on the work history of the instrument stored in the third memory storage and a predetermined first calculation formula; anda second processor configured or programmed to obtain a utilization rate of a surgical instrument set based on the work history of the surgical instrument set stored in the fourth memory storage and a predetermined second calculation formula.2. The surgical instrument set and instrument management system ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Personalized Tourniquet Apparatus

Номер: US20160008005A1
Принадлежит: Western Clinical Engineering Ltd

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for regulating tourniquet cuff pressure based on a personalized tourniquet pressure (PTP) to facilitate safe performance of a surgical procedure. The apparatus includes a dual-purpose tourniquet cuff adapted to encircle a region of a patient limb to provide both a sensor during a pre-surgical time period and an effector during a surgical time period. An effector module communicates pneumatically with an inflatable bladder of the cuff for maintaining pressure in the bladder near a PTP during the surgical time period to safely stop penetration of arterial blood past the cuff. A pulsation sensor that communicates pneumatically with the inflatable bladder during the pre-surgical time period senses and characterizes pressure pulsations that are indicative of penetration of arterial blood into the region of the limb encircled by the cuff. A PTP estimator is responsive to the pulsation sensor for producing an estimate of the PTP, such that the estimate of the PTP is a function of the sensed pulsations.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Safety isolation bags for intra abdominal, endoscopic procedures, power morcellation and vaginal morcellation

Номер: US20180008250A1
Автор: Lalu Joseph
Принадлежит: Individual

A safety isolation bag is a pneumoperitoneum device for intra-abdominal, endoscopic procedures, power morcellation and vaginal morcellation for facilitating safe removal of body mass from within the abdominal cavity. It comprises of an expandable and collapsible enclosed internal space ( 5 ) having a neck portion ( 4 ) with mouth ( 3 ) having retractor means ( 2 ) and provided with markings, colour coded indicating how much the bag is to be pulled out for the removal of large, medium and small tissue mass, and also having one or more non-return valves ( 6 ) attached with long looped threads ( 8 ) on one of the surface in the wall of the safety isolation bag below the neck as a means for introducing the surgical instruments and accessories into the enclosed internal space at the right place and to close the puncture hole after the procedure. It is made of one or more layers of flexible biocompatible/medical grade plastic film.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Guidance system, method and devices thereof

Номер: US20210007774A1
Принадлежит: Karl Storz SE and Co KG

A guidance system, a method and a device for dynamically guiding a surgical needle catheter onto an organ to be surgically operated of a patient. In particular, the disclosure relates to a guidance system, a method and a device to aid in the percutaneous kidney puncture.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008431A1

A method of inserting an intervertebral disc implant into a disc space includes accessing a spinal segment having a first vertebral body, a second vertebral body and a disc space between the first and second vertebral bodies. The method includes securing a first pin to the first vertebral body and a second pin to the second vertebral body, using the first and second pins for distracting the disc space, and providing an inserter holding the intervertebral disc implant. The method also desirably includes engaging the inserter with the first and second pins, and advancing the inserter toward the disc space for inserting the intervertebral disc implant into the disc space, whereby the first and second pins align and guide the inserter toward the disc space. 1. (canceled)2. A surgical method comprising the steps of:selecting a dispenser associated with two members of an implant, each of the first and second members including at least one protrusion for association with one of a first vertebral body and a second vertebral body, the dispenser shaped so that at least a portion of the protrusion on each of the first and second members is exposed while the dispenser holds the first and second members in registration;providing an inserter shaft; andimplanting the first and second members between the first and second vertebral bodies by manipulating the inserter shaft.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising providing an inserter head.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the steps of:engaging the inserter head with the inserter shaft;passing the first and second members from the dispenser to the inserter head;decoupling the implant from the inserter head; anddiscarding the inserter head.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the steps of:inserting a first pin in the first vertebral body;inserting a second pin in the second vertebral body;associating a distractor with the first and second pins; andmoving the first and second vertebral bodies with a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Intraoperative surgical event summary

Номер: US20210012868A1
Принадлежит: Theator Inc

Systems and methods for generating decision support data for surgical videos are disclosed, the system may include at least on processor configured to implement a method. The method may include receiving video footage of a surgical procedure performed by a surgeon on a patient in an operating room and implementing a model on the received video footage to determine an existence of a surgical decision-making junction. The model may be trained to detect decision-making junctions using training data based on historical video footage depicting surgical situations. The method may include accessing, in a data structure, a correlation between an outcome and a specific action taken at the decision-making junction, and, based on the existence of the decision-making junction and the correlation, outputting a recommendation to at least one of a user device or a user interface related to the specific action.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015102A1

A surgical stapling system including a shaft assembly transmits actuation motions from an actuator and an end effector compresses and staples tissue. The end effector comprises an channel; an anvil having a staple forming surface is moveable relative to the channel between open and closed positions; the anvil having a magnet at the distal end; and a staple cartridge removably positionable within the channel. The staple cartridge comprises a body supported for a confronting relationship with the anvil in its closed position; a plurality of staple drivers located within the cartridge body support a staple; a Hall effect sensor located at the distal end of the body; and a microprocessor in communication with the Hall effect sensor. The Hall effect sensor and microprocessor receive power when the staple cartridge is positioned within the channel, and the system is operable to identify the staple cartridge. 1. A surgical stapling system comprising:an elongated shaft assembly configured to transmit actuation motions from an actuator; andan end effector for compressing and stapling tissue, the end effector operably coupled to the elongated shaft, the end effector comprising:an elongated channel;an anvil having a staple forming surface thereon, the anvil moveable to relative to the elongated channel between an open position and a closed position; the anvil having a magnet located at the distal end; anda staple cartridge removably positioned within the elongated channel, the staple cartridge comprising:a cartridge body supported for a confronting relationship with the anvil when the anvil is in the closed position;a plurality of staple drivers located within the cartridge body, wherein each one of the plurality of staple drivers supports a staple;a Hall effect sensor located at the distal end of the cartridge body; anda microprocessor in communication with the Hall effect sensor;wherein the Hall effect sensor and microprocessor receive power when the staple cartridge is ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Surgical visualization systems

Номер: US20150018622A1
Принадлежит: Camplex Inc

A surgical device includes one or more cameras integrated therein. The view of each of the one or more cameras can be integrated together and provided to a surgeon display and/or an assistant display. A surgical tool that includes an integrated camera may be used in conjunction with the surgical device. The image produced by the camera integrated with the surgical tool may be associated with the images generated by the one or more cameras integrated in the surgical device. The position and orientation of the cameras and/or the surgical tool can be tracked, and the surgical tool can be rendered as at least partially transparent. A surgical device may be powered by a hydraulic system, thereby reducing electromagnetic interference with tracking devices.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Medical visualization system

Номер: US20220039636A1
Принадлежит: Ambu AS

A medical visualisation system including a first medical visualisation device having a first device colour identifier, a second medical visualisation device having a second device colour identifier, a third medical visualisation device having a third device colour identifier, and a monitor device, the first device colour identifier being a first colour, the second device colour identifier being a second colour, and the third device colour identifier being a third colour. The first colour has a first hue angle, the second colour has a second hue angle, and the third colour has a third hue angle, wherein the first hue angle and the second hue angle differ by more than 40 degrees, the second hue angle and the third hue angle differ by more than 40 degrees, and the third hue angle and the first hue angle differ by more than 40 degrees.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041839A1

This disclosure describes a composition that includes a polymer and a laser marking additive, and systems and method of formation and use thereof. The laser marking additive includes 2-(4,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl-5-hexyloxy)phenol, 2-(2h-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, 2-(2 hydroxy-3,5 dicumyl)benzotriazole, or any combination thereof. The laser marking additive is configured to enable generation of laser markings in a polymer by a laser, such as in a transparent and/or translucent polymer by an ultraviolet laser. 1. A composition comprising:one or more polymers; anda laser marking additive selected from the group consisting of: 2-(4,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl-5-hexyloxy)phenol, 2-(2h-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, 2-(2 hydroxy-3,5 dicumyl)benzotriazole, and any combination thereof.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein 2-(4 claim 1 ,6-Diphenyl-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazin-2-yl-5-hexyloxy)phenol is present in an amount within a range of 0.01% to 0.5% by weight of the composition.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein 2-(2h-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol is present in an amount within a range of 0.01% to 0.5% by weight of the composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein 2-(2 hydroxy-3 claim 1 ,5 dicumyl)benzotriazole is present in an amount within a range of 0.01% to 3% by weight of the composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein at least one polymer of the one or more polymers is selected from the group consisting of: polycarbonate (PC) claim 1 , polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , cyclic olefin copolymers (COCs) claim 1 , cyclic olefin polymers (COPs) claim 1 , cyclic block copolymers (CBC) claim 1 , pentaerythritol tetrastearate (PET) claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride (PVC) claim 1 , polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , polystyrene (PS) claim 1 , polymetylpentene (PMP) claim 1 , isosorbide based polycarbonate claim 1 , ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022722A1
Автор: Noe Gunter

A surgical tool () for laparoscopic insertion into a subject (), the tool being expandable from a smaller collapsed configuration to a larger deployed configuration, the tool comprising an extendable barrier (), and an expandable support () that is coupled to the barrier (); wherein expansion of said support () extends said barrier (). 123-. (canceled)24. A surgical tool for laparoscopic insertion into a subject , the tool comprising:an extendable barrier; andan expandable support coupled to the extendable barrier; wherein expansion of the support extends the barrier, thereby expanding the tool from a smaller collapsed configuration to a larger deployed configuration.25. The surgical tool according to claim 24 , wherein the support extends around at least part of a periphery of the barrier.26. The surgical tool according to claim 25 , wherein the support extends entirely around the periphery of the barrier.27. The surgical tool according to claim 24 , wherein the support defines an aperture claim 24 , the barrier being located in the aperture.28. The surgical tool according to claim 27 , wherein the support is annular and the tool is generally circular or oval in the deployed configuration.29. The surgical tool according to claim 24 , wherein the tool is suitable for insertion into the subject via a trocar when in the collapsed configuration.30. The surgical tool according to claim 29 , wherein the support and barrier are folded claim 29 , furled claim 29 , or rolled together in the collapsed configuration.31. The surgical tool according to claim 24 , wherein the support includes an internal void and the tool comprises a lumen having a distal end and a proximal end claim 24 , the distal end being coupled to the support and opening to the void.32. The surgical tool according to claim 31 , wherein the support can be expanded by injecting fluid into the void via the lumen claim 31 , and/or the support is inflatable via the lumen.33. The surgical tool according to claim ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Sinus anesthesia kit

Номер: US20160030368A1
Принадлежит: Ent Solutions Group LLC

An apparatus and method for anesthetizing various portions of a patient's nasal sinuses. For example, a kit can be provided that includes a first agent configured to modulate a rate of absorption of a subsequently-applied topical agent by one or more nasal structures. The kit also includes a first applicator configured to apply the first agent to a first portion of the one or more nasal structures. The kit also includes a second agent configured to anesthetize the first portion of the one or more nasal structures subsequent to application of the first agent and a second applicator configured to apply the second agent to the second portion of the one or more nasal structures.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Backlit surgical instrument support assembly

Номер: US20150031960A1
Автор: Ben Z. Cohen
Принадлежит: Individual

The subject invention provides a surgical instrument support assembly which includes an enclosure defining an opening; a light transmissive pane located at least partially across the opening and defining a support surface; and, a light source located inside the enclosure for generating light to be transmitted through the light transmissive pane. A sterilizable light transmissive surgical instrument support may be also provided to be disposed over at least a portion of the light transmissive pane. Advantageously, with the subject invention, an assembly is provided which includes a sterilized surface for supporting surgical instruments which is backlit. With this arrangement, surgical instruments may be supported and illuminated from beneath to aid a medical practitioner in identifying the surgical instruments.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for suture management and methods thereof

Номер: US20200029963A1
Автор: Jude S. Sauer
Принадлежит: LSI Solutions Inc

A rack and an apparatus for suture management are disclosed. The apparatus for suture management includes one or more racks, each rack including a plurality of cassette locations, each cassette location having an inside suture holder, an outside suture holder, and a cassette receiver. The apparatus for suture management also includes a plurality of suture grooves. The apparatus for suture management further includes a plurality of rack connection points. The apparatus for suture management also includes an attachment feature which may accept another surgical tool or mounting adapter.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029978A1

A surgical drill type cutting tool includes a shank and an active portion extending in the extension of the shank, with chip areas extending along the active portion, and a ring surrounding a part of the active portion, an inner surface of the ring engaging the active portion without closing off the chip areas, allowing irrigation fluid to provides useful irrigation over most of the length of the active portion of the surgical drill bit. 1. A surgical drill bit type cutting tool comprising:a shank and an active portion located on an extension of the shank;means for a retainer operably retaining and holding the shank in rotation, a first end of the shank comprising a flat and a peripheral groove for this purpose;the active portion has having a cruciform section, comprising four cutting lips separating four chip areas;a ring surrounding a part of the active portion, and an inner surface of the ring engaging the active portion;that part of the active portion adjacent to the shank being surrounded by the ring which surrounds the outer contours of the drill bit formed by margin lands of the cutting lips of the active portion, without closing off the chip areas and thus without preventing the flow of fluid such as an irrigation or cooling product along the drill;an inner face of the ring including a concave groove open in the direction of the shank and being followed by an inclined portion of frustoconical shape forming a face of the ring directed towards the shank, the concave groove and the inclined portion together forming a gullwing profile making it possible to concentrate irrigating or cooling fluid flowing along the shank of the drill in a direction of the chip areas of the active portion.2. The surgical drill bit type cutting tool according to claim 1 , wherein the concave groove is a peripheral groove of a diameter greater than the diameter of the cutting lips and which is open on the face of the ring directed towards the shank.3. The surgical drill bit type ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20210030416A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051483A1

A system and method for determining a location for a surgical jig in a surgical procedure includes providing a mixed reality headset, a 3D spatial mapping camera, and a computer system configured to transfer data to and from the mixed reality headset and the 3D spatial mapping camera. The system and method also include attaching a jig to a bone, mapping the bone and jig using the 3D spatial mapping camera, and then identifying a location for the surgical procedure using the computer system. Then the system and method use the mixed reality headset to provide a visualization of the location for the surgical procedure. 1. A method for determining a location for a surgical jig in a surgical procedure , comprising:providing a mixed reality headset;providing a 3D spatial mapping camera;providing a computer system configured to transfer data to and from the mixed reality headset and the 3D spatial mapping camera;attaching a jig to a bone;mapping the bone and jig using the 3D spatial mapping camera;identifying a location for the surgical procedure using the computer system; andusing the mixed reality headset to provide a visualization of the location for the surgical procedure.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:using the mixed reality headset to provide a virtual jig and a virtual bone, which are representations of the jig and bone; andmanipulating the location of the virtual jig as viewed in the mixed reality headset, with respect to the virtual bone.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:fixing the location of the virtual jig as viewed in the mixed reality headset, with respect to the virtual bone; andmanipulating the location of the jig with respect to the bone, to substantially match the location of the virtual jig with respect to the virtual bone.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the jig includes a visual label claim 1 , wherein the visual label if configured to be scanned by the mixed reality headset to provide data relating to the jig.5. The method ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Transosseous suture anchor

Номер: US20170035409A1
Принадлежит: Kator LLC

Examples of the invention include implants, instruments and methods for surgical transosseous attachment to a bone. More particularly, examples of the invention relate to knotless suture anchors.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Medical procedural accuracy system

Номер: US20160038241A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system that embodies a secure, pictorial marker to prevent surgical site errors is provided. The pictorial marker may be adapted to utilize visual processing to provide accurate and reliable information regarding a predetermined surgical site in an easy, intuitive manner. The pictorial marker may be created at the time of the decision to proceed with a surgical procedure regarding the predetermined surgical site. A systemic apparatus may protect the pictorial marker from degradation, maintain the confidentiality of the pictorial marker and other patient identifying information, and secure the pictorial marker to an appendage of the patient nearest the predetermined surgical site.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054128A1
Автор: Moliver Clayton L.

Self-retaining sutures having a first end for penetrating tissue and an elongated suture body comprising a plurality of intermittent apertures structured to enable formation of knotless suture loop closures that securely hold opposing tissue faces together due to the presence of the intermittent apertures through the suture that permit one-way passage of the suture body thus forming a self-retaining or self-engaging loop in the suture that does not slip backwards. Once a desired loop size is formed between tissue faces by pulling the suture through one of the intermittent apertures in the suture thread, the suture thread is clipped and a further loop is begun using the remainder of the suture thread affixed to the suture needle. 1. A self-retaining suture comprising:an elongated barbed suture filament affixed to a needle and a plurality of visually identifiable apertures arrayed at fixed intervals along a longitudinal axis of the elongated barbed suture filament, wherein the apertures are formed with opposing aperture walls having a thickness substantially similar to that of the suture filament, and wherein the apertures are dimensioned to admit one-way passage of the suture laterally through the apertures while barbs on the suture filament resist backwards movement of the suture filament in a direction substantially opposite a direction of deployment of the suture.2. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the opposing aperture walls are pliable and able to stretch.3. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the opposing aperture walls are pliable and flatten under tension.4. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the self-retaining suture is formed of a bioresorbable material.5. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the self-retaining suture is formed of a non-bioresorbable material.6. The self-retaining suture of claim 1 , wherein the each of the plurality of apertures has a visually identifiable distinctive coloring or is located ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Suture fixation device and method thereof

Номер: US20170042536A1

A suture fixation device and method thereof is provided. The suture fixation device includes a suture fiber having a length of about 24 to 40 inches and a plurality of knots spaced apart from each other along the length of the suture fiber. Each of the plurality of knots has an overall width of about 3.0 to 4.0 mm.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Chomically Indicating Sterile Wipes

Номер: US20170044469A1
Принадлежит: Georgia Tech Research Corp

Aspects of the present disclosure generally relate to sanitizing wipe that provides a visual indication that a sufficient amount of abrasive scrubbing has occurred for a given period of time to properly sterilize various medical devices and medical equipment including needless intravenous hub-and-port systems. The sanitizing wipe can change color when used to properly sanitize medical equipment. The sanitizing swab can comprise a plurality of layers of non-woven material (e.g., cotton) in addition to an indicating film disposed between two layers of non-woven material. The indicating film can comprise a polymeric film and a plurality of microencapsulated dyes incorporated into the polymeric film. The microencapsulated dyes can be adapted to burst upon sufficient force being applied thereto, and the bursting of the microencapsulated dyes can cause the sanitizing wipe to undergo a change in visual state (e.g., change color).

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061897A1

A measuring instrument configured to measure a bone and a plate to determine the size of an attachment clamp, including: a medial clamp configured to engage a medial portion of the bone; a medial gauge connected to the medial clamp, the medial gauge including: a key along a portion of the medial gauge adjacent the medial clamp; a gauge indicator configured to indicate the size of attachment clamp; and a threaded portion; a lateral clamp configured to engage a plate on the bone, where the lateral clamp has a hollow portion with a channel, wherein the gauge indicator is positioned in the hollow portion and wherein the channel is configured to engage the key of the gauge indicator to prevent the lateral clamp from rotating about the gauge indicator; and a tightening knob threaded onto the thread portion of the of the medial gauge, wherein one end of the tightening knob indicates on the gauge indicator the size of the attachment clamp.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046185A1

A tissue fixation device including a self-locking construct having a first loop, a second loop, and a first free end. A first tail is coupled to, and extends from, the first loop. A second tail is coupled to, and extends from, the second loop. An anchor is coupled to one of the self-locking construct or the first tail such that one of the self-locking construct or the first tail extend through the anchor. 120.-. (canceled)21. A tissue fixation system , comprising: a flexible tubular anchor; and', 'a single suture arranged into a self-locking suture construct, the single suture extending through a passage in the flexible tubular anchor to couple the self-locking suture construct to the flexible tubular anchor, the self-locking suture construct including a first adjustable loop, a second adjustable loop, and a first free end, wherein the first free end can be pulled to close the first adjustable loop;', 'a first flexible tail coupled to the first adjustable loop, the first flexible tail including a first elongated free tail portion that can be pulled to open the first adjustable loop; and', 'a second flexible tail coupled to the second adjustable loop, the second flexible tail including a second elongated free tail portion that can be pulled to open the second adjustable loop; and, 'a tissue fixation device, comprisingan arthroscopic cannula,wherein the first elongated free tail portion of the first flexible tail and the second elongated free tail portion of the second flexible tail extend longitudinally through the arthroscopic cannula from a first open end of the arthroscopic cannula to a second open end of the arthroscopic cannula.22. The tissue fixation system of claim 21 , wherein the passage in the flexible tubular anchor extends longitudinally within the flexible tubular anchor.23. The tissue fixation system of claim 21 , wherein the first adjustable loop and the second adjustable loop are spaced apart from one another in the self-locking suture construct.24. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052154A1

A laryngopharyngoscope retractor system including: a plurality of components including: a base frame with a coupling region and a spatula holder that is adjustable in terms of position and orientation by way of adjusting screws; a spatula that is releasably fastenable in the spatula holder; two cheek holder adapters that are releasably fastenable to the base frame; and two cheek holders, each of which is releasably fastenable to a respective cheek holder adapter, wherein one or more of the base frame, the spatula holder, the spatula, the cheek holder adapter and the cheek holder, in the respective regions provided for the releasable connection to another one of the plurality of components have a visible unique code that corresponds to the corresponding regions on the other of the plurality of components. 1. A laryngopharyngoscope retractor system comprising: a base frame with a coupling region and a spatula holder that is adjustable in terms of position and orientation by way of adjusting screws;', 'a spatula that is releasably fastenable in the spatula holder;', 'two cheek holder adapters that are releasably fastenable to the base frame; and', 'two cheek holders, each of which is releasably fastenable to a respective cheek holder adapter,, 'a plurality of components includingwherein one or more of the base frame, the spatula holder, the spatula, the cheek holder adapter and the cheek holder, in the respective regions provided for the releasable connection to another one of the plurality of components, have a visible unique code that corresponds to the corresponding regions on the other of the plurality of components.2. The laryngopharyngoscope retractor system of claim 1 , wherein the code is alphanumeric.3. The laryngopharyngoscope retractor system of claim 2 , wherein the code is single digit.4. The laryngopharyngoscope retractor system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the code is a color code.5. The laryngopharyngoscope retractor system as claimed in claim 4 , ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Surgical robot arm configuration and placement

Номер: US20210052335A1
Принадлежит: Verily Life Sciences LLC

Systems and methods for setting up and evaluating positioning of robotic arms of a surgical device using procedure data including previous surgeries is described herein. Robotic surgical systems described herein include color-configurable lights connected to each robotic arm of the system. A first color and a second color are selected and emitted from each light and the color displayed by the light of each robotic arm is also displayed at the surgical console of the system. Further, systems and methods for providing a position quality score for each robotic arm and surgical port as well as the overall system are described. The position quality score is determined based on comparing the position of each robotic arm to a database of positions for the robotic arms during a procedure and lowering the score for deviations from the database of positions.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

An Augmented Reality Surgical Guidance System

Номер: US20210052348A1
Принадлежит: MEDIVATION AG

An augmented reality surgical guidance system includes an augmented reality device and a plurality of mobile surgical tracking devices, including at least a first mobile surgical tracking device and a second mobile surgical tracking device, wherein at least one of the first or second mobile surgical tracking devices is connected to an object. The first mobile surgical tracking device includes a marker, a sensor and a control unit. The sensor of the first mobile surgical tracking device is configured to track the position of the second mobile surgical tracking device or the augmented reality device. The sensor is connected to the control unit to provide positional information data of the second mobile surgical tracking device to the control unit. The control unit includes a transmission unit configured to transmit the positional information data to the augmented reality device and the augmented reality device includes an imaging device and a display. 1. An augmented reality surgical guidance system including an augmented reality device and a plurality of mobile surgical tracking devices , including at least a first mobile surgical tracking device and a second mobile surgical tracking device ,wherein the first or second mobile surgical tracking devices are connected to an object,wherein the first mobile surgical tracking device includes a marker, a sensor and a control unit,wherein the sensor of the first mobile surgical tracking device is configured to track a position of the second mobile surgical tracking device or the augmented reality device,wherein the sensor is connected to the control unit to provide positional information data of the second mobile surgical tracking device or the augmented reality device to the control unit,wherein the control unit includes a transmission unit configured to transmit the positional information data to the augmented reality device andwherein the augmented reality device or at least one of the first or second mobile surgical ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

System for containment and organization of medical wire

Номер: US20160053784A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A system for containment and organization of a medical wire features a clamp. A first ridged and grooved clamping block is located on a clamp first side posterior end and a second ridged and grooved clamping block is located on a clamp second side posterior end. A first side compression member is located on an inside surface of a clamp first side and a second side compression member is located on an inside surface of the clamp second side. An adjustable ratcheting lock attaches the clamp first side and the clamp second side. A first finger grip is located on an outside surface of the clamp first side and a second finger grip is located on an outside surface of the clamp second side. A Medical wire is placed between the first side compression member and the second side compression member then the clamp is compressed against the medical wire.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055511A1

Systems, devices and methods to improve safety and efficiency in an operating room comprise providing a suture package that holds new suture needles and needle receptacles for storing used needles. The devices can be safely worn for the surgeon to self-dispense new suture needles in the near surgical field and to secure the used needles into a needle trap or a needle retainer located on his extremity, on his operative instruments or on the surgical drapes. The device may provide automated and/or simplified needle counting both during use and after removal from the surgical field. The device may be configured for ergonomic and efficient use so as to minimize the actions and motions of the surgeon to dispense and secure the needle. 1. An apparatus for storing a needle , the apparatus comprising:a housing having an upper outward facing surface and a lower outward facing surface;a needle slot within the housing and located between the upper surface and the lower surface, the needle slot configured to receive the needle into the housing and comprising a secure zone configured to store the needle therein; anda needle driver slot extending a distance along the housing and the needle slot, the needle driver slot also extending through the housing, from the upper surface to the lower surface, wherein the needle driver slot is configured to receive a needle driver therethrough as the needle driver advances the needle along the needle slot and into the secure zone.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an upper structure and a lower structure that are coupled together.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the upper outward facing surface is a surface of the upper structure and the lower outward facing surface is a surface of the lower structure.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the needle driver slot intersects the needle slot.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the needle driver slot is configured to allow viewing of said needle in the secure zone ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Internal Magnetic Traction Device for the Cervical Spine

Номер: US20190053864A1
Принадлежит: Gomboc LLC

A bone screw comprising a shaft, in which the shaft comprises a bore that is configured to fit a magnet. In addition, a bone plate comprising apertures that can fit the bone screw. The bone plate may be fastened to bone using the bone screws, and the bone screws may be oriented to generate attractive or repulsive forces. Further, a disc-shaped housing that comprises a magnet.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059661A1

In various embodiments, a layer of material can comprise a body, a proximal end portion, and a distal end portion. The proximal end portion can be releasably secured to a staple cartridge of a surgical end effector, and the distal end portion can be releasably secured to an anvil of the surgical end effector. The layer of material can comprise a tissue thickness compensator. 1. A surgical end effector , comprising:a staple cartridge comprising a staple;an anvil moveable relative to said staple cartridge, wherein said anvil comprises a staple forming surface; and a proximal end portion, wherein said proximal end portion is releasably secured to said staple cartridge; and', 'a distal end portion, wherein said distal end portion is releasably secured to said anvil., 'a layer of material comprising2. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said layer of material comprises a tissue thickness compensator.3. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said staple cartridge further comprises a first tissue contacting surface claim 1 , and wherein said layer of material further comprises a second tissue contacting surface.4. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said staple cartridge further comprises a proximal end and a slot extending from said proximal end claim 1 , and wherein said proximal end portion of said layer of material is releasably received in said slot.5. The surgical end effector of claim 4 , further comprising a firing element configured to move along at least a portion of said slot claim 4 , wherein said firing element is configured to deform said proximal end portion.6. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said anvil further comprises a distal end and a slot extending from said distal end claim 1 , and wherein said distal end portion of said layer of material is releasably received in said slot.7. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said proximal end portion further comprises a first deformable clip claim 1 , and ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055995A1

Embodiments of a clamping instrument are disclosed. In some embodiments, a clamping device with calibrated parameters and a calibration process for the clamping device is presented. A method of calibrating a clamping instrument can include acquiring a data set of clamping torque as a function of tip deflection data for the clamping instrument; determining a torque limit from the data set; and storing the torque limit in the clamping instrument. 1. A method , comprising:acquiring, by electronics coupled to a memory, tip deflection data for a clamping instrument, the clamping instrument including a clamping end effector comprising a first jaw and a second jaw;determining a torque limit based on the tip deflection data, the torque limit corresponding to a limit on current provided to one or more motors used to actuate the clamping instrument; andoperating the clamping instrument based on the torque limit and a threshold separation between the first jaw and the second jaw of the clamping end effector.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the torque limit is determined based on a linear regression of the tip deflection data.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting the torque limit based on one or more operating parameters.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more operating parameters include one or more of a group consisting of temperature of the one or more motors claim 3 , articulation angle of a wrist of the clamping instrument claim 3 , a lifetime use of the one or more motors claim 3 , and a lifetime use of a stapler of the clamping instrument.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising preventing a firing of staples in response to a determination that the clamping instrument cannot achieve a threshold separation distance between the first and second jaws without a torque of the clamping instrument exceeding the torque limit.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein acquiring the tip deflection data comprises:positioning a shim to enforce a known tip ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060030A1
Автор: Haines Kimberly M.

A surgical collection having a primary surgical kit, the primary surgical kit comprising at least one first surgical implement and a primary wrap, the primary wrap comprising a first visible coding; a secondary surgical kit, the secondary surgical kit comprising at least one second surgical implement and a secondary wrap, the secondary wrap comprising a second visible coding; and an outer wrap, wherein the primary surgical kit and the secondary surgical kit are at least partially contained within the outer wrap. 1. A surgical method comprising:providing a primary surgical kit comprising at least one first surgical implement for a particular surgical procedure, the at least one first surgical implement being of a first visible coding;providing a secondary surgical kit comprising at least one second surgical implement, the at least one second surgical implement being of a second visible coding;performing the particular surgical procedure on a patient employing the primary surgical kit;inventorying the primary surgical kit following the performing of the particular surgical procedure;removing the primary surgical kit from an area proximate to the patient;performing a second surgical procedure on the patient using the secondary surgical kit; andinventorying the secondary surgical kit following the performing of the second surgical procedure.2. The surgical method of comprising:providing said primary surgical kit comprising said first visible coding, wherein the first visible coding is a first color; andproviding said secondary surgical kit comprising said second visible coding, wherein the second visible coding is a second color.3. The surgical method of comprising:providing said primary surgical kit comprising said first visible coding, wherein the first visible coding is a first printed pattern; andproviding said secondary surgical kit comprising said second visible coding, wherein the second visible coding is a second printed pattern.4. A surgical collection ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Circuitry and sensors for powered medical device

Номер: US20160066912A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery LLC

An end effector is disclosed. The end effector comprises a first jaw member comprising a magnetic sensor; a second jaw member pivotally coupled to the first jaw member such that the first jaw member is pivotally moveable between an open position and a closed position, wherein the second jaw member is configured to receive a staple cartridge therein; a staple cartridge removably coupled to the second jaw member, the staple cartridge further comprising an upper surface facing the first jaw member; and a magnet positioned to be in an opposing relationship to the magnetic sensor when the first jaw member is in the closed position. The magnetic sensor is operable to detect the magnetic field of the magnet, and wherein the detected magnetic field is indicative of the distance between the anvil and the staple cartridge.

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068830A1

An electronic system for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The electronic system comprises a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit. A supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit. A short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied. 125-. (canceled)26. A surgical instrument , comprising: a first jaw; and', 'a second jaw movable relative to the first jaw to grasp tissue therebetween;', 'a staple cartridge comprising staples;', 'a first sensor at a first position along a length of the end effector, wherein the first sensor is configured to measure a parameter indicative of a property of the tissue at the first position; and', 'a second sensor spaced apart from the first sensor, wherein the second sensor is at a second position along the length of the end effector, wherein the first position is proximal to the second position, and wherein the second sensor is configured to measure the parameter indicative of the property of the tissue at the second position;, 'an end effector, comprisinga firing member movable in a firing motion to deploy the staples into the tissue;a motor operably coupled to the firing member, wherein the motor is configured to cause the firing motion; anda control circuit configured to cause the motor to adjust the firing motion based on measured values of the parameter at the first position and at the second position.27. The surgical instrument of claim 26 , wherein the property of the tissue is ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068831A1

An electronic system for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The electronic system comprises a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit. A supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit. A short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied. 125-. (canceled)26. An end effector for use with a surgical stapling instrument , the end effector comprising:a first jaw;a second jaw movable relative to the first jaw to grasp tissue therebetween;a staple cartridge comprising staples deployable into the tissue;a magnetic sensor configured to measure a parameter indicative of an identifying characteristic of the staple cartridge;an impedance sensor configured to measure a parameter indicative of an impedance of the tissue; anda processing unit in communication with the impedance sensor, wherein the processing unit is configured to determine the property of the tissue based on an output of the impedance sensor.27. The end effector of claim 26 , wherein the impedance sensor is a first impedance sensor claim 26 , and wherein the end effector further comprises a second impedance sensor spaced apart from the first impedance sensor.28. The end effector of claim 27 , wherein the processing unit is configured to determine a thickness of the tissue based on a first output of the first impedance sensor and a second output of the second impedance sensor.29. The end effector of claim 26 , wherein the magnetic sensor is a Hall Effect sensor.30. ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Braided Filament With Particularized Strand Compositions And Methods Of Manufacturing And Using Same

Номер: US20210071332A1

In one embodiment, the present invention is a braided filament including a plurality of strands each having at least one ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fiber and at least one polyester fiber wherein the quantity of certain types of fibers in a first strand is the same as the quantity of the same type of fibers in a second strand. In a variant, one additional strand of the braided filament is a monofilament strand. In another variant, each strand is homogeneous with respect to the other strands and is made exclusively from ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fibers and polyester fibers such that each strand has the same distribution and quantity of fiber types. 1. A method of forming a braided filament , comprising:twisting a plurality of fibers together to form a strand, the plurality of fibers comprising at least one ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber and at least one polyester fiber;obtaining a plurality of bobbins;positioning the strand, after the twisting step, on a first one of the plurality of bobbins and positioning other strands on the remaining bobbins;obtaining a braiding machine having a plurality of carriers onto which the plurality of bobbins are loaded; andbraiding the strand and the plurality of other strands together to form the braided filament.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the other strands comprises a monofilament strand claim 1 , wherein the monofilament strand includes a color claim 1 , marker claim 1 , pattern claim 1 , or any combination thereof claim 1 , such that the monofilament strand contrasts with the strand.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strand comprises the same number of UHMWPE fibers as at least one of the other strands claim 1 , and wherein the strand comprises the same number of polyester fibers as the at least one of the other strands.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of braiding is performed by moving the plurality of bobbins in a pre-defined pattern relative ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070943A1

A surgical system and method includes a surgical instrument configured to wirelessly transmit identifying data specific to the surgical instrument and a console configured to receive the identifying data. The console is configured to register the surgical instrument based on the identifying data, establish a wireless two-way communication link between the surgical instrument and the console, receive at least one of operational data and commands from the surgical instrument, and provide operational feedback data to a user of the surgical instrument during an operation of the surgical instrument based on the at least one of operational data and commands. 1. An adapter assembly for selectively interconnecting a surgical end effector configured to perform a surgical function and a surgical device configured to actuate the end effector , the end effector including a force receiving drive member , and the surgical device including a rotatable drive shaft , the adapter assembly comprising:a housing configured to selectively couple to the rotatable drive shaft of the surgical device;an outer tube having a proximal end coupled to the housing and a distal end configured to selectively couple to the force receiving drive member of the end effector;a drive assembly configured to interconnect the rotatable drive shaft of the surgical device and the force receiving drive member of the end effector, the drive assembly further configured to convert a rotational movement of the rotatable drive shaft of the surgical device to a linear movement of the force receiving drive member of the end effector; anda circuit board supported in the housing and storing at least one of an operating parameter or a life cycle information pertaining to the adapter assembly.2. The adapter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the operating parameter is selected from the group consisting of:identification information relating to the adapter assembly;a dimension of the adapter assembly;a designation for ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087765A1

The subject invention provides a surgical instrument support assembly which includes an enclosure defining an opening; a light transmissive pane located at least partially across the opening and defining a support surface; and, a light source located inside the enclosure for generating light to be transmitted through the light transmissive pane. A sterilizable light transmissive surgical instrument support may be also provided to be disposed over at least a portion of the light transmissive pane. Advantageously, with the subject invention, an assembly is provided which includes a sterilized surface for supporting surgical instruments which is backlit. With this arrangement, surgical instruments may be supported and illuminated from beneath to aid a medical practitioner in identifying the surgical instruments. 1. A surgical instrument support assembly for supporting surgical instruments , the assembly comprising:an enclosure including a plurality of sidewalls perimetrically bounding an interior volume and a base enclosing a bottom of said interior volume, said enclosure defining an opening adjacent to said interior volume;a light transmissive pane located at least partially across said opening and defining a support surface;light means located inside said interior volume of said enclosure for generating light to backlight said light transmissive pane, said light means being spaced from said light transmissive pane; and,a sterile surgical drape resting on, and disposed across, the support surface so as to define an exposed surface for supporting the surgical instruments, wherein light emanating from said light transmissive pane, when backlit, transmits through the surgical drape to provide backlighting to any supported surgical instruments.2. An assembly as in claim 1 , further comprising means for adjusting the intensity of said generated light.3. An assembly as in claim 1 , wherein said support surface is seamless.4. An assembly as in claim 1 , wherein said support ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Tapered membrane removing forceps

Номер: US20170079675A1
Принадлежит: Katalyst Surgical LLC

A tapered membrane removing forceps may include a first tapered forceps jaw and a second tapered forceps jaw. Each tapered forceps jaw may include a forceps jaw distal end, a forceps jaw proximal end, a superior face, and a medial face. Each superior face may include a tapered portion having a tapered angle. Each tapered angle may be an angle in a range of 19.0 to 23.0 degrees. Each tapered forceps jaw may be at least partially disposed in a hypodermic tube wherein the tapered forceps jaw distal ends extend from a distal end of the hypodermic tube. A compression of an actuation structure may be configured to extend the hypodermic tube relative to each tapered forceps jaw.

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Displaying Indications of Mutual Distances Among Electrodes of a Flexible Ablation Catheter

Номер: US20220096150A1

A system includes: (i) a processor, configured to receive position signals indicative of a first position of a first electrode coupled to a catheter, and a second position of a second electrode coupled to the catheter; calculate, based on the position signals, a distance between the first and second electrodes; and produce a first indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is larger than a first threshold, a second indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is smaller than the first threshold and larger than a second threshold, and a third indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is smaller than the second threshold, and (ii) a display, configured to present a first symbol, in response to receiving the first indication, a second symbol, in response to receiving the second indication, and a third symbol, in response to receiving the third indication. 1. A system , comprising:a catheter having a distal end assembly with at least a first electrode and a second electrode disposed on the distal end assembly;{'claim-text': ['receive one or more position signals indicative of (i) a first position of the first electrode coupled to a catheter inserted into a patient organ and (ii) a second position of the second electrode coupled to the catheter;', 'calculate, based on the position signals, a distance between the first and second electrodes; and', 'produce: (i) a first indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is larger than a first threshold, (ii) a second indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is smaller than the first threshold and larger than a second threshold, and (iii) a third indication, in response to finding that the calculated distance is smaller than the second threshold;', 'and'], '#text': 'a processor, which is configured to:'}a display, which is configured to present: (i) a first symbol, in response to receiving the first indication, (ii) a second ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Extended reality visualization of range of motion

Номер: US20210085220A1
Принадлежит: Tornier Inc

A computing system obtains motion data describing a movement of an appendage of a patient. Additionally, the computing system determine, based on the motion data, a range of motion of the appendage. Furthermore, the computing system generates, for display by an extended reality visualization device, an extended reality visualization of the range of motion of the appendage superimposed on an image of the patient or an avatar of the patient.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Identification Of Multiple Navigated Instruments

Номер: US20210085405A1

A tracking system can be used to track a plurality of tracking devices. A representation of at least two instruments may be displayed relative to image data. The representation is customizable to distinguish between the at least two instruments. 1. A method of distinguishing two tracked instruments , comprising:determining a first tracking device characteristic of a first tracking device associated with a first instrument;determining a second tracking device characteristic of a second tracking device associated with a second instrument;looking up in a first database a first tracking device indicia of the first tracking device, wherein the first tracking device indicia is user distinguishable;looking up in a second database a second tracking device indicia of the second tracking device, wherein the second tracking device indicia is user distinguishable;customizing a user interface to illustrate a first icon including a first icon indicia based on the first tracking device indicia and a second icon including a second icon indicia based on the second tracking device indicia; anddisplaying the customized user interface.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:superimposing the customized user interface over image data.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:tracking a first location of the first tracking device;tracking a second location of the second tracking device;wherein superimposing the customized user interface over image data is based on the tracking of the first tracking device and tracking of the second tracking device.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:maintaining a registration of the image data by tracking a third tracking device connected to a portion imaged in the image data.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a third tracking device characteristic of a third tracking device associated with a third instrument;looking up in a third database a third tracking device indicia of the third tracking device;changing the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Local display of tissue parameter stabilization

Номер: US20200085431A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler and surgical stapling systems are disclosed. The staple cartridge comprises a cartridge body having a tissue-contacting surface. One or more light emitting diodes (LEDs) are positioned at the edges of the tissue-contacting surface. A plurality of staple drivers is located within the cartridge body each supporting a staple.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085531A1

A system and method of use thereof are disclosed, the system including a treatment source, such as an electrosurgical generator and a plurality of treatment devices operable to be coupled to the treatment source, one or more of the treatment devices being associated with one or more device identifiers which can be, for example, physically present on the device or contained in device software. 1. A system comprising:an energy source for use with at least two treatment devices, the energy source being operable to be connected to the at least two treatment devices; andan information display associated with the energy source, the information display being operable to provide information about at least one device of the at least two treatment devices when the at least one device is connected to the energy source,wherein the information display is configured to provide an association between a device identifier associated with the at least one device with information provided on the information display about the at least one device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy source comprises an electrosurgical generator and the at least two treatment devices comprise electrosurgical probes.3. (canceled)4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the energy source comprises at least two channels which are operable to be connected to the at least two treatment devices wherein at least one of the at least two channels is associated with a portion of the information display which corresponds with the at least one device connected to the one of the at least two channels.56-. (canceled)7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the device identifier comprises alphanumeric text.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the device identifier comprises a symbol.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the device identifier comprises a coloured component and wherein the information display is operable to display a corresponding colour when the at least one device is connected to the energy source.1012-. ( ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Virtual checklists for orthopedic surgery

Номер: US20210093395A1
Принадлежит: Tornier Inc

An extended reality (XR) visualization device worn by an orthopedic surgeon outputs a XR visualization for display. The XR visualization includes a set of one or more virtual checklist items. Each of the one or more virtual checklist items corresponds to an item in a checklist of steps of an orthopedic surgery. Additionally, the XR visualization device detects a command of the orthopedic surgeon to select a virtual checklist item in the set of virtual checklist items. In response to detecting the command, the XR visualization device updates the XR visualization to include additional information regarding a step of the orthopedic surgery corresponding to the selected virtual checklist item.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Automated instrument or component assistance using externally controlled light sources in orthopedic surgical procedures

Номер: US20210093410A1
Принадлежит: Tornier Inc

An example device includes a surgical item for use in a surgical procedure; and a light on or within the surgical item. In this example, the light is controllable by an external device so as to identify the surgical item for use in the surgical procedure.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210097895A1
Автор: Waltersdorf Bryan

An alert sleeve is configured to be arranged on a wristband for a person's wrist. The wristband includes a first end and a second end configured to be coupled to the first end to complete the wristband around the person's wrist. The alert sleeve includes a sleeve portion including an outer surface and an inner surface. The alert sleeve includes a passage defined through the sleeve portion, such that the inner surface is in facing relationship with the passage. The alert sleeve includes an identification characteristic on the sleeve portion. The alert sleeve is configured to be arranged on the wristband by moving the first end of the wristband through the passage of the alert sleeve and subsequently coupling the second end to the first end. 1. An alert sleeve configured to be arranged on a wristband for a person's wrist , the wristband including a first end and a second end configured to be coupled to the first end to complete the wristband around the person's wrist , the alert sleeve comprising:a sleeve portion including an outer surface and an inner surface;a passage defined through the sleeve portion, such that the inner surface is in facing relationship with the passage; andan identification characteristic on the sleeve portion,wherein the alert sleeve is configured to be arranged on the wristband by moving the first end of the wristband through the passage of the alert sleeve and subsequently coupling the second end to the first end.2. The alert sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the alert sleeve includes an adhesive portion on the inner surface and a removable portion on the inner surface and covering the adhesive portion claim 1 , such that after the alert sleeve has been arranged on the wristband claim 1 , the removable portion is configured to be removed from the inner surface to expose the adhesive portion claim 1 , such that the adhesive portion can engage against the wristband to adhere the alert sleeve to the wristband.3. The alert sleeve of claim 1 , wherein ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093487A1

An electronic system for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The electronic system comprises a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit. A supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit. A short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied. 1. An electronic system for a surgical instrument , the electronic system comprising:a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit;a supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit; anda short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit;wherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit; andwherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied.2. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein the short circuit protection circuit is configured to monitor one or more short circuit conditions.3. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein short circuit protection circuit is configured to lockout the firing of the surgical instrument when a short circuit event is indicated.4. The electronic system of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093488A1

An electronic system for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The electronic system comprises a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit. A supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit. A short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied. 1. An electronic system for a surgical instrument , the electronic system comprising:a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit;a supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit; anda short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit;wherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit; andwherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied.2. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein the short circuit protection circuit is configured to monitor one or more short circuit conditions.3. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein short circuit protection circuit is configured to lockout the firing of the surgical instrument when a short circuit event is indicated.4. The electronic system of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Surgical Constructs for Tissue Fixation and Methods of Tissue Repairs

Номер: US20210100547A1
Автор: John W. Schmieding
Принадлежит: Arthrex Inc

Surgical constructs, assemblies and methods of tissue fixation are disclosed. A surgical construct includes a spreadable web attached to a plurality of peripheral strands. The spreadable web may be tensionable and may include one or more flexible filaments or strands. At least one of the filaments is coupled to the peripheral strands. The filaments may extend from the peripheral strands in different directions and/or orientations. The spreadable web is expandable and can be adjusted to various widths. The spreadable web may be knotless. The spreadable web may be tensionable. The surgical construct may be attached to one or more knotted or knotless fixation devices

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100205A1

The disclosure relates to a dental screwdriver having a shaft portion made of a smart type alloy that bends with little or no resistance along an arch forming portion thereof and without imparting torqueing forces along a distal front end portion thereof onto which is connected a drive tip designed to interface with an appropriately sized screw. The smart alloy automatically assumes its original shape in the absence of twisting forces on the shaft along the arch forming portion. In an alternate embodiment, assuming the original shape involves applying heat and/or subtle finger pressure. The dental screwdriver may be part of a set of screwdrivers, each having a distal front end portion which is uniquely weighted, sized and/or dimensioned to accommodate different driver tips, handle different torqueing functions, and/or configured to bend to a specific maximum angular arch without permanent deformation. A dental prosthetic having a curved bore cavity is also described. 1. A dental screwdriver having a shaft including a shaft portion made of a smart type alloy that bends with little or no resistance along an arch forming portion thereof and without imparting torqueing forces along a distal front end portion thereof onto which is connected a drive tip designed to interface with at least one of an appropriately sized screw and locking mechanism , the shaft portion made of smart type alloy and configured to recover its original shape along the arch forming portion either (i) in the absence of bending forces on the shaft , or (ii) by applying heat or subtle finger pressure.2. The dental screwdriver of claim 1 , wherein the dental screwdriver is part of a set of screwdrivers claim 1 , each having a distal front end portion which is uniquely weighted claim 1 , sized and/or dimensioned to accommodate different driver tips claim 1 , handle different torqueing functions claim 1 , and/or configured to bend to a specific maximum angular arch without permanent deformation.3. The ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220167959A1
Автор: Sengun Mehmet Ziya

Systems, devices, and methods are provided for securing soft tissue to bone. One exemplary embodiment of a surgical soft tissue repair device includes a snare assembly coupled to a soft anchor in which the soft anchor has a first, unstressed configuration that can be used to insert the anchor into bone and a second, anchoring configuration that can be used to fixate the anchor in the bone. The snare assembly can be configured to actuate the anchor from the first configuration to the second configuration, and it can also be used to engage and approximate tissue by drawing the tissue closer to the anchor fixated in the bone. The snare assembly can be used in conjunction with a number of different anchor configurations, and other exemplary systems, devices, and methods for use with soft tissue repair are also provided. 1. A surgical soft tissue repair device , comprising:a soft anchor configured to be fixated in bone and formed of a flexible construct with a plurality of openings formed therein, the soft anchor having an unstressed configuration with a first length and a first diameter; anda snare assembly having a collapsible snare at one end thereof and at least one elongate filament extending therefrom, the elongate filament having a terminal end opposite the collapsible snare, the snare assembly being coupled to the soft anchor by the filament passing through the plurality of openings such that the soft anchor is at an intermediate location on the elongate filament between the collapsible snare and the terminal end,wherein the soft anchor and snare are configured such that the soft anchor is reconfigurable from the unstressed configuration to an anchoring configuration by the application of tension to the filament, the soft anchor having in the anchoring configuration a second length that is less than the first length and a second diameter that is greater than the first diameter.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the soft anchor is a cannulated suture with a ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220167964A1

Methods and systems for providing a visual indication of suture strain include detecting a force applied to the suture; obtaining an image including the suture; identifying, based on at least one of an algorithm to convert a plurality of forces to a plurality of colors or in a table that associates a plurality of colors to a plurality of forces, respectively, a color associated with the force applied to the suture; generating an augmented version of the image; and displaying the augmented version of the image, where the identified color is used to represent at least a portion of the suture. 1. A method for visual indication of suture strain comprising:detecting a force applied to a suture;obtaining an image, the image including the suture;identifying, based on at least one of an algorithm to convert a plurality of forces to a plurality of colors or in a table that associates a plurality of colors to a plurality of forces, respectively, a color associated with the force applied to the suture;generating an augmented version of the image wherein the identified color is used to represent at least a portion of the suture; anddisplaying the augmented version of the image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying the augmented version of the image includes displaying a visual indicator overlaid on top of the suture that indicate whether the detected force should be increased claim 1 , decreased claim 1 , or held at a current level.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying the augmented version of the image includes replacing the image of the suture with the augmented version of the image.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying the augmented version of the image includes shading the augmented version of the image based on the detected force.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the color indicates whether the detected force is within a target range.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the displaying of the augmented version of the image includes ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103955A1

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. 1. A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler , said staple cartridge comprising: a support portion;', 'a plurality of staple cavities defined within said support portion, wherein each said staple cavity comprises an opening in said support portion;', 'a plurality of guide cleats extending from said support portion, wherein each said guide cleat comprises at least one guide groove; and', 'an implantable compressible portion positioned adjacent to said support portion, wherein said guide cleats are at least partially embedded in said compressible portion; and, 'a cartridge body, comprisinga plurality of staples, wherein at least a portion of each said staple is removably stored within a said staple cavity, wherein each said staple is movable between an unfired position and a fired position, wherein each said staple is deformable between an unfired configuration and a fired configuration when each said staple is moved between said unfired position and said fired position, wherein each said staple comprises at least one deformable leg removably positioned in a said guide groove when said staple is in said unfired position, and wherein said compressible portion is configured to be captured within said staples and ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Biopsy tracking systems and methods

Номер: US20170105709A1

A biopsy tracking kit includes a trocar, a stylet, a biopsy needle, a biopsy tracking cassette, and a fiducial marker. The trocar has a cannula with a blunt first end and a second end with a cup. The stylet has a conical tip at a first end and a cap on a second end that engages the cup of the trocar and prevents the stylet from falling through the trocar. The biopsy needle is used to obtain biopsy specimens when inserted through the trocar. The biopsy tracking cassette comprises an internal surface with a plurality of coded zones in a single column, and is used to differentiate the biopsy specimen into smaller regions. The fiducial marker is oriented to mark the position where the biopsy specimen was taken. Other systems, devices, and methods of use are also described.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105021A1
Принадлежит: Sakura Finetek U.S.A., Inc.

An apparatus and system including an apparatus to identify an identifier on a tissue cassette in an assembly of a plurality of tissue cassettes including a light source operable to illuminate a plurality of tissue cassettes; a sensor operable to automatically capture an identifier on an individual tissue cassette or an image of the plurality of tissue cassettes in the assembly; and where the sensor is operable to capture reflected light from the light source of an image of the plurality of tissue cassettes, a converter to convert image data into an electronic signal. The system may include a processor operable to compare an identifier with a tissue processing protocol. A method including sensing identifiers on tissue cassettes each containing a tissue sample in an assembly comprising a plurality of tissue cassettes; and determining or verifying a tissue processing protocol of a tissue sample based on the sensed identifier. 1. An apparatus to identify an identifier on a tissue cassette in an assembly of a plurality of tissue cassettes comprising:a light source operable to illuminate a plurality of tissue cassettes;a sensor operable to automatically capture an identifier on an individual tissue cassette or an image of the plurality of tissue cassettes in the assembly; andwhere the sensor is operable to capture reflected light from the light source of an image of the plurality of tissue cassettes, a converter to convert image data into an electronic signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus comprises:a base comprising an orientation designation for a container operable to contain the assembly of the plurality of cassettes; anda lid coupled to the base, the lid comprising the light source and the sensor.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the lid is hingedly coupled to the base claim 2 , the coupling providing a first position wherein the lid is disposed over the base and a second position wherein a top portion of the base is exposed.4. The apparatus ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175370A1

In various embodiments, a tissue thickness compensator can comprise one or more capsules and/or pockets comprising at least one medicament therein. In at least one embodiment, staples can be fired through the tissue thickness compensator to rupture the capsules. In certain embodiments, a firing member, or knife, can be advanced through the tissue thickness compensator to rupture the capsules. 1. A medicament delivery system attachable to an anvil of a fastening instrument , wherein the anvil includes a forming surface , and wherein said medicament delivery system comprises:a releasing material comprising a cavity, wherein said cavity is configured to be aligned with the forming surface of the anvil;a medicament positioned within said cavity; andan attachment portion configured to be attached to the anvil.2. The medicament delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said cavity is defined by a sidewall claim 1 , wherein said releasing material comprises a first layer and a second layer claim 1 , and wherein portions of said first layer are connected to said second layer to define said sidewall.3. The medicament delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said forming surface comprises a forming pocket configured to deform a fastener claim 1 , and wherein said releasing material is positioned within said forming pocket.4. The medicament delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said medicament can comprise non-woven oxidized regenerated cellulose.5. The medicament delivery system of claim 1 , wherein said cavity comprises a first cavity claim 1 , and wherein said medicament delivery system further comprises a second cavity and a medicament positioned within said second cavity.6. The medicament delivery system of claim 5 , wherein the forming surface of the anvil comprises a first row of forming pockets configured to deform fasteners and a second row of forming pockets configured to deform fasteners claim 5 , wherein said first cavity is aligned with said first row of forming pockets ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175488A1
Автор: Haines Kimberly M.

A surgical collection having a primary surgical kit, the primary surgical kit comprising at least one first surgical implement and a primary wrap, the primary wrap comprising a first visible coding; a secondary surgical kit, the secondary surgical kit comprising at least one second surgical implement and a secondary wrap, the secondary wrap comprising a second visible coding; and an outer wrap, wherein the primary surgical kit and the secondary surgical kit are at least partially contained within the outer wrap. 2. The surgical method of comprising:providing said primary surgical kit comprising said first visible coding, wherein said first visible coding is a first color; andproviding said secondary surgical kit comprising said second visible coding, wherein said second visible coding is a second color.3. The surgical method of comprising:providing said primary surgical kit comprising said first visible coding, wherein said first visible coding is a first printed pattern; andproviding said secondary surgical kit comprising said second visible coding, wherein said second visible coding is a second printed pattern.4. The surgical method of comprising:opening a master kit comprising at least one additional surgical implement outside said primary surgical kit and outside said secondary surgical kit.5. The surgical method of comprising:said opening said master kit comprising removing an outer wrap comprising a surgical drape.6. The surgical method of comprising:completing a preparation of a surgical site for said particular surgical procedure using said at least one additional surgical implement prior to said performing said particular surgical procedure on said patient.7. The surgical method of comprising:inventorying said at least one additional surgical implement and removing said at least one additional surgical implement from proximity of said patient prior to said performing said particular surgical procedure on said patient.8. The surgical method of comprising: ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110520A1

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened. 1. A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler , said staple cartridge comprising: a support portion;', 'a plurality of staple cavities defined within said support portion, wherein each said staple cavity comprises an opening in said support portion;', 'a plurality of guide cleats extending from said support portion, wherein each said guide cleat comprises at least one guide groove; and', 'an implantable compressible portion positioned adjacent to said support portion, wherein said guide cleats are at least partially embedded in said compressible portion; and, 'a cartridge body, comprisinga plurality of staples, wherein at least a portion of each said staple is removably stored within a said staple cavity, wherein each said staple is movable between an unfired position and a fired position, wherein each said staple is deformable between an unfired configuration and a fired configuration when each said staple is moved between said unfired position and said fired position, wherein each said staple comprises at least one deformable leg removably positioned in a said guide groove when said staple is in said unfired position, and wherein said compressible portion is configured to be captured within said staples and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Staple cartridge comprising a releasable portion

Номер: US20180110521A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112565A1

The disclosed embodiments relate to an electrosurgical system, to a method for operating an electrosurgical system, and to an electrode for an electric surgical system. An image detection system of the surgical instrument detects an image of the electrode. The corresponding image data is compared with data sets in a database, in which an identifying feature of the electrode and at least one operating parameter for the electrode are assigned to each other. After the electrode type has been identified, the corresponding operating parameters are transmitted to a controller of the surgical instrument. 1. An electrosurgical system comprising: a shaft;', 'a controller;', 'an imaging system configured to capture a surgical field that extends distally from a distal end of the shaft; and', 'an electrode holder arranged on the distal end of the shaft;, 'a surgical instrument comprisinga data processing unit having a database that comprises a plurality of data sets in which information relating to (i) at least one optically detectable external electrode identifying feature and (ii) at least one associated electrode operating parameter, are assigned to each other; andan electrode that is connectible to the electrode holder for performing a surgical procedure, the electrode comprising one of the at least one electrode identifying features,wherein: capture a surgical field that extends distally from the distal end of the shaft, and', 'capture an image of the electrode, and transfer image data of the captured image to the data processing unit, and, 'the imaging system is configured to analyze the transferred image data with regard to the electrode identifying feature of the electrode in the image data,', 'compare the found electrode identifying feature with the data sets in the database, and', 'identify the electrode and transmit the associated electrode operating parameter to the controller., 'the data processing unit is configured to2. The electrosurgical system according to ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112585A1
Автор: BYRNE Richard W.

A kit and/or method for use during surgery is configured to decrease the risk of accidental retention of foreign objects, such as surgical items or medical devices, used in surgery inside of a patient after the surgery is completed. Specifically, illustrative kits may include, but not be limited to, a combination of one or more foreign objects, an anchoring member attached to a point outside of the patient or surgical field, and at least one or more connection members connecting the foreign objects to the anchoring member. Illustrative methods may include, but not be limited to, anchoring one or more foreign object by one or more connection members, wherein a first end of each connection member is attached to the foreign object, and a second end of each connection member is attached to a junction member; attaching the junction member to an anchoring member; and attaching the anchoring member to a structure that is outside the patient or surgical field. 1. A method of preventing foreign objects , such as medical devices and surgical items , from remaining inside a subject undergoing an open surgical procedure , the method comprising:(a) anchoring each foreign object by one or more connection members, wherein a first end of each connection member is attached to the foreign object, and a second end of each connection member is attached to a junction member;(b) attaching the junction member to an anchoring member; and(c) attaching the anchoring member to a structure that is outside the surgical field.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein any of the one or more connection members is a flexible suture claim 1 , string claim 1 , or wire.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein any of the one or more connection members is radio-opaque.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein any of the one or more connection members is integrally connected to the foreign objects.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second end of any of the one or more connection members is removably attached to the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110862A1

A surgical machine comprises multiple machine connectors disposed on its face, and a device detection mechanism located close to the machine connectors. The device detection mechanism is configured to read identification data from device information component when positioned within a predetermined range. A control circuit is configured to: identify, based on a device information read from a device information component brought within the range of the device detection mechanism, a matching machine connector from multiple machine connectors, control a light source corresponding to the matching machine connector to illuminate the corresponding illumination ring with the first color, in response to this identifying, and, control the light source corresponding to each of one or more remaining ones of the machine connectors to provide no illumination or to illuminate the corresponding illumination ring with a second color. 1. A surgical machine , comprising:a plurality of machine connectors disposed on a face of the surgical machine;a detection circuit configured to detect identification data from device information components;a plurality of illumination rings corresponding to the plurality of machine connectors and located on the face of the surgical machine, each illumination ring at least partially surrounding a periphery of the corresponding machine connector;a plurality of light sources corresponding to the plurality of illumination rings, each light source being integral to or adjacent to the respective illumination ring and each light source being configured to selectively illuminate the respective illumination ring with at least a first color; and identify, based on a first device information read from a first device information component, a first matching machine connector from the plurality of machine connectors,', 'control the light source corresponding to the first matching machine connector to illuminate the corresponding illumination ring with the first ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for facilitating robotic surgical procedures

Номер: US20220265373A1
Принадлежит: Nuvasive Inc

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for using a robotic surgical system comprising a GUI and a robotic arm.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Bone repair system and method

Номер: US20200113611A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A bone repair system and method for percutaneously fixing a first bone segment to a second bone segment, such as rib bone segments, in a body of a patient include drilling a first hole through the first bone segment and a second hole through the second bone segment, and feeding a first tether through the first hole and a second tether through the second hole, each tether having a proximal end and a distal end. The first and second tether distal ends are withdrawn from the body while the first and second tether proximal ends have not passed through the first and second bone segments, respectively. A reinforcing member, such as a bone plate, having first and second openings, is passed onto the first and second tether distal ends, and the reinforcing member is pulled into engagement with the first and second bone segments guided by the tethers. The reinforcing member is secured to the first bone segment with a first fastener assembly through the first hole and the first opening and to the second bone segment with a second fastener assembly through the second hole and the second opening to fix the first bone segment to the second bone segment.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125547A1

System, including methods, apparatus, and kits, for bone fixation using a fixation device including a mounting portion and a fastener that attaches to the mounting portion. In some embodiments, the fixation device may include first and second mounting portions configured to be disposed across a bone from each other and secured with a fastener that extends from one of the mounting portions, through the bone, and to the other mounting portion. The system also may include a tool to facilitate installation of the fixation device. 1. A system for fixing bone , comprising:a clip member configured to be positioned on a bone such that the bone extends through the clip member on a through-axis, the clip member including a proximal mounting portion and a distal mounting portion connected to one another with a connecting member, the mounting portions facing one another and defining a pair of aligned apertures configured to receive a same fastener to attach the clip member to the bone, the connecting member being configured to be deformed in a plane parallel to the through-axis when the mounting portions are urged toward one another; anda spanning portion configured to extend along the bone from the clip member.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the clip member is a first clip member claim 1 , the system further comprising a second clip member claim 1 , wherein the spanning portion is configured to extend from the first clip member to the second clip member.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fixation device including the clip member and the spanning portion claim 1 , wherein the fixation device is configured to be attached to a rib bone.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pair of aligned apertures includes a first aperture defined by the proximal mounting portion and a second aperture defined by the distal mounting portion claim 1 , the system further comprising a threaded fastener configured to extend from the first aperture to the second aperture and to lock ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190125345A1

An electronic system for a surgical instrument is disclosed. The electronic system comprises a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit. A supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit. A short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit. The supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied. 1. An electronic system for a surgical instrument , the electronic system comprising:a main power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a primary circuit;a supplementary power supply circuit configured to supply electrical power to a secondary circuit; anda short circuit protection circuit coupled between the main power supply circuit and the supplementary power supply circuit;wherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to isolate itself from the main power supply circuit when the supplementary power supply circuit detects a short circuit condition at the secondary circuit; andwherein the supplementary power supply circuit is configured to rejoin the main power supply circuit and supply power to the secondary circuit, when the short circuit condition is remedied.2. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein the short circuit protection circuit is configured to monitor one or more short circuit conditions.3. The electronic system of claim 1 , wherein short circuit protection circuit is configured to lockout the firing of the surgical instrument when a short circuit event is indicated.4. The electronic system of claim 1 , comprising a plurality of ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Method of powering and communicating with a staple cartridge

Номер: US20220273307A1
Принадлежит: Cilag GmbH International

A method for sensing tissue data and managing processing power is disclosed.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to packaging

Номер: US20200121410A1
Автор: Hazem El-Refaey
Принадлежит: Herhealth Ltd

The invention provides a sealed pack which pack comprises a container and a lid wherein the container has an internal tamper-evident seal and the lid has an external tamper-evident seal; wherein the internal seal is arranged between the container and the lid; and wherein the lid is formed from a resilient material such that it protects the container. In one embodiment, the invention provides a pack of surgical instruments for use in a pre-determined surgical intervention which pack comprises one or more sterilised surgical instruments suitable for use in the pre-determined surgical intervention and a tray for receiving the one or more sterilised surgical instruments wherein the pack is sealed by at least two seals.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Trans-vaginal cuff anchor and method of deploying same

Номер: US20220280151A1
Автор: Scott J. Prior
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical device for closing a vaginal cuff includes a handle having an elongated shaft and a plurality of needles disposed therein. Each needle includes a suture anchor at a distal end thereof having a suture engaged therewith. An anvil is disposed at a distal end of the elongated shaft. A cutting mechanism is operably associated with the handle and is configured to cut tissue upon actuation thereof. A firing mechanism is operably associated with the handle and is movable between an unactuated position wherein the plurality of needles and suture anchors remain retained within the elongated shaft, an actuated position wherein the plurality of needles and suture anchors deploy from the elongated shaft through the cervical tissue, and a reverted position wherein the plurality of needles retract leaving the plurality of suture anchors and sutures engaged with the cervical tissue for tying off the vaginal cuff.

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Device for an electrosurgical instrument

Номер: US20220280220A1

The invention relates to a device for an electrosurgical instrument, comprising a coupling unit, said coupling unit having a fluid line connection and a current line connection which are designed to carry fluid and current, via a fluid line of the device and at least one current line of the device, between a higher-level assembly and a distal end of the device and a filter, the filter being provided separately from the coupling unit in a fluid flow path of the fluid line, such that the fluid flowing through the fluid line flows through the filter.

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Automatic Identification Of Instruments

Номер: US20200129242A1

A system and apparatus is disclosed to automatically determine the identification and selected information relating to instruments. The identification information may be read or determined by various reader systems and then transferred for various purposes. The identification information may be stored on the instrument with a storage system or printing and/or recalled from a memory once the identification is made. 1. A system to evaluate instrumentation for use while performing a procedure , comprising:an identification member associated with an instrument in an area;an identification reader configured to receive an identification signal from the identification member;a transmission system configured to transmit a reader signal based on the identification signal relating to the instrument; and determine an instrument specific identity of the instrument based on the read information; and', 'output the instrument specific identity of the instrument., 'a processor system to execute instructions to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the reader signal is the identification signal from the identification member.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the identification reader includes an antenna configured to induce the identification member to transmit the identification signal.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a memory system having stored therein a database of at least one instrument specific identity; access the database with the transmitted reader signal;', 'wherein the determination of the instrument specific identity of the instrument is based on the accessing the database., 'wherein processor system is configured to execute further instructions to5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the identification member is fixed to the instrument.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a tray having a tray identification member associated therewith;wherein the identification reader is further configured to receive an identification signal from the tray ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Instrument for Electrosurgical Treatment

Номер: US20210169548A1

An instrument for thermal treatment of tissue (), particularly for electrosurgical treatment and particularly for argon plasma coagulation, is disclosed. The instrument has an instrument body () extending between a proximal end () and a distal end (). In an end section () adjoining a distal end () the instrument body () comprises at least one color mark () in a defined color. This color corresponds to the color of a treated tissue () that is created, if the dosage of an energy introduction for achieving a desired depth effect in the tissue () has been selected correctly. Preferably the instrument is configured as probe (), particularly as endoscope probe and has a flexible bendable instrument body () that can be referenced as instrument hose (). 134. An instrument for thermal treatment of tissue () , comprising:{'b': 25', '27', '28, 'an instrument body () that extends from a proximal end () to a distal end (),'}{'b': '32', 'an electrode () configured for application of an electric voltage,'}{'b': 28', '39', '25', '39', '34, 'wherein in an area of the distal end () at least one color mark () is arranged on the instrument body (), wherein a color of the color mark () is selected such that it corresponds to a color of a tissue () treated with a desired dosage and/or depth effect.'}239. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the color of the at least one color mark () is brown or brown-beige.339. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the color of the at least one color mark () is a RAL-color.43925. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one color mark () has a length in an extension direction of the instrument body () of at least 2 mm.5394025. The instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one color mark () is provided at a shell surface () of the instrument body ().63928. The instrument according to claim 5 , wherein at least a section of the at least one color mark () indicates a predetermined minimum distance (d) from ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Endoscopic Surgical Devices and Other Surgical Devices

Номер: US20170143365A1

An endoscopic surgical device having a windowed blade case featuring an interior surface that is black or dark, provides improved feasibility and ease of use. Further advantages are achieved by flanging the exterior surface of the blade case, and by providing a scraper tip. 157-. (canceled)58. A surgical device comprisinga blade case ending in an edged tip, wherein the edged tip comprises a scraper that extends along a longitudinal axis of the blade case, the scraper being integrally a part of the blade case.59. The surgical device of claim 58 , wherein the scraper is defined by a shape selected from the group consisting of a flared shape; a protrusion; and a swept ridge.60. The surgical device of claim 58 , wherein the surgical device is an endoscopic device.61. The surgical device of claim 58 , wherein no blade is included in the edged tip.62. The surgical device of claim 58 , wherein the edged tip is rounded.63. The surgical device of claim 62 , wherein the rounded edged tip is defined by a filleted claim 62 , rounded-edge shape that forms a 90-180° total arc around the distal tip of the cannula claim 62 , with a fillet radius of 0.001-0.010 inch.64. A method of using a surgical device claim 62 , comprising the step of:scraping synovium during endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery, wherein the scraping is performed by the surgical device, and the surgical device is also useable for splitting muscle near fascia present during endoscopic cubital tunnel surgery.65. The method of claim 64 , further comprising splitting muscle near fascia present during endoscopic cubital tunnel surgery claim 64 , wherein the muscle-splitting is performed by the same surgical device that performs the synovium-scraping.66. A method of clearing tissue in endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery claim 64 , comprising:scraping synovium away by bringing an edged tip of a blade case in contact with the synovium, while an endoscope is in place illuminating the synovium during the scraping step; and/ ...
