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27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598467C2
Принадлежит: АЛЬЦХЕМ АГ (DE)

Настоящее изобретение относится к генератору газообразного аммиака для выработки аммиака из предшественника аммиака, способу выработки газообразного аммиака и их применению в системах обработки отработавших газов. Генератор содержит катализаторный блок, смесительную камеру, впрыскивающее устройство для подачи раствора предшественника аммиака, выпуск для образовавшегося аммиака, впуск для газа-носителя. Впуск для газа-носителя создает тангенциальный относительно впрыскиваемого в смесительную камеру раствора поток газа-носителя. Катализаторный блок содержит по меньшей мере двухчастный катализатор гидролиза. Первая по ходу потока часть катализатора выполнена в форме обогреваемого катализатора, а вторая в форме необогреваемого катализатора. При этом катализатор представляет собой катализатор гидролиза с числом катализаторных ячеек от 60 до 800 ячеек на квадратный дюйм в расчете на переднюю поверхность катализатора гидролиза. Обеспечивается простота устройства генератора, высокая степень превращения ...

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429055C2

Изобретение относится к смешиванию потока текучей среды с большим объемным потоком газа и может применяться для введения восстановителя в содержащий оксиды азота дымовой газ. Большой объемный поток газа натекает на пластинообразный смесительный элемент, установленный под углом относительно направления течения потока, с передней стороны, причем у него образуются вихри потока. Поток текучей среды подмешивают к объемному потоку газа ниже по течению относительно смесительного элемента. Для улучшения подмешивания потока текучей среды в большой объемный поток газа предусмотрено, что поток текучей среды подмешивают в виде закрученного потока. При этом закрученный поток текучей среды предпочтительно направлять с задней (подветренной) стороны смесительного элемента перпендикулярно к нему и на его центр. Текучая среда поступает в вихри потока из центра вдоль задней стороны. Технический результат состоит в улучшении перемешивания. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

01-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668445C2

Изобретение относится к установке по производству цементного клинкера и процессу денитрификации байпасных отработанных газов в этой установке. Установка содержит ротационную трубчатую печь, которая через впускную камеру соединяется с печью предварительного нагрева, и керамическое фильтрующее устройство, в котором присутствует катализатор. Впускная камера, где отбирается байпасный отработанный газ, имеет устройство охлаждения отработанных газов, а также устройство для введения аммиак-, мочевина- и/или аммонийсодержащих веществ в охлаждаемый отработанный газ. Процесс денитрификации байпасных отработанных газов включает охлаждение отработанных газов до температуры в диапазоне от 260°С до 400°С в устройстве охлаждения, введение аммиак-, мочевина- и/или аммонийсодержащих веществ в охлаждаемый отработанный газ, введение охлаждаемого отработанного газа в керамическое фильтрующее устройство. Обеспечивается эффективная денитрификация всего объема отработанных газов и отделение от отработанных газов ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573547C2

Изобретение относится к системе последующей обработки отработавших газов. Система (10) последующей обработки отработавших газов содержит: блок (12) каталитического нейтрализатора с по меньшей мере одним каталитическим материалом (14), установленный в трубопроводе (16) выпуска отработавших газов по потоку ниже двигателя (18) внутреннего сгорания, первый бак (44а) для содержания по меньшей мере одного реагента-восстановителя (22), второй бак (44) для содержания активирующего материала и одно или несколько дозирующих устройств (20, 20a, 20b) для подачи по меньшей мере одного реагента-восстановителя (22) для снижения содержания оксидов NOв отработавших газах (24), содержащего по меньшей мере один углеводород, выполненных с возможностью подачи в отработавшие газы (24) по меньшей мере одного активирующего материала (26), который включает по меньшей мере один кислородсодержащий углеводород эфирного типа, содержащий эфир, выбранный из группы, состоящей из триглима, диглима, моноглима, диэтилового ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670772C2

Система выпуска ОГ, в частности, для ДВС транспортного средства, содержащая направляющий канал (14) для ОГ, устройство (20) впрыска реактива (R) в протекающие в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива смесительное устройство (22) для поддержания перемешивания впрыскиваемого устройством (20) впрыска реактива (R) с протекающими в направляющем канале (14) ОГ (А), ниже по потоку за устройством (20) впрыска реактива и выше по потоку перед смесительным устройством (22) устройство (24) нагрева реактива, расположенное в направляющем канале (14) для ОГ (А) и обтекаемое протекающими ОГ (А) и впрыскиваемым устройством (20) впрыска реактивом (R). Нагревательный элемент для устройства нагрева реактива системы выпуска ОГ содержит по меньшей мере два извитых в форме меандра электронагревательных участка. Каждый электронагревательный участок имеет в своем продольном направлении несколько выпуклостей, следующих друг за другом, ориентированных попеременно напротив ...

09-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650153C2
Принадлежит: САИПЕМ С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к способу удаления аммиака из непрерывного потока отходящего газа от установки получения мочевины, в частности от секции среднего давления установки получения мочевины. Способ включает удаление аммиака из непрерывного потока отходящего газа с помощью способа регулируемого горения, содержащего стадию горения в недостатке кислорода, осуществляемую в присутствии субстехиометрического количества кислорода, действующего как единственный воспламенитель, и в водородсодержащей восстановительной атмосфере с тем, чтобы промотировать окисление аммиака до азота и затруднять и сильно снижать образование оксидов азота, при этом аммиак окисляется, и в котором поток отходящего газа для очистки содержит пассивирующий кислород и пассивирующий кислород, используемый в установке получения мочевины и уже присутствующий в непрерывном потоке отходящего газа для очистки, используется для удаления аммиака на стадии горения. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение и предпочтительно исключение выделений ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2457893C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу и устройству для обработки отработавших газов (ОГ), образующихся при работе двигателя внутреннего сгорания (ДВС). Устройство (15) для обработки отработавших газов (ОГ), образующихся при работе двигателя внутреннего сгорания, имеющее испаритель (16) раствора восстановителя с испарительным блоком (12), предназначенным для испарения водного раствора (45), содержащего один предшественник восстановителя, и для приготовления таким путем газообразной смеси, содержащей одно из следующих веществ: а) один предшественник восстановителя и б) восстановитель, соединенный с испарителем (16) раствора восстановителя катализатор (17) гидролиза, прежде всего гидролиза мочевины до аммиака, и катализатор (18) селективного каталитического восстановления (СКВ-катализатор) оксидов азота, расположенный в выпускном трубопроводе (14), и отличающееся тем, что испаритель (16) раствора восстановителя и катализатор гидролиза (17) расположены вне выпускного трубопровода (14) с ...

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441692C2
Принадлежит: КЕМИРА ОЙЙ (FI)

Изобретение может быть использовано в химической промышленности и автомобилестроении. Способ относится к получению композиции восстанавливающего агента, используемой при селективном каталитическом восстановлении оксидов азота и включающей в себя от 20 до 40 масс.% мочевины, от 20 до 40 масс.% формиата аммония и воду. Водный раствор формиата аммония готовят in situ, используя в качестве исходных веществ источник аммония и источник формиата, и к этому водному раствору добавляют мочевину. Источником аммония является аммиак, а источником формиата - муравьиная кислота или метилформиат. Сначала на стадии А готовят водный раствор, содержащий от 20 до 55 масс.% формиата аммония, (i) из муравьиной кислоты, аммиака и воды или (ii) из метилформиата, аммиака и воды и на отдельной стадии В смешивают мочевину с водным раствором, содержащим от 20 до 55 масс.% формиата аммония, полученным на стадии А. По другому варианту осуществления способа водный раствор, содержащий от 20 до 55 масс.% формиата аммония ...

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2487253C2

Изобретение относится к устройству очистки отработавшего газа. Сущность изобретения: устройство очистки отработавшего газа содержит: выхлопную трубу; блок впрыскивания водной мочевины, который впрыскивает водную мочевину в выхлопную трубу; каталитический блок, который содержит использующий мочевину катализатор SCR, который способствует взаимодействию между аммиаком и оксидами азота, и носитель, который поддерживает использующий мочевину катализатор SCR в выхлопной трубе и размещается ниже по ходу потока от точки, где впрыскивается водная мочевина; блок измерения концентрации, расположенный ниже по ходу потока отработавшего газа от каталитического блока для измерения концентрации аммиака в отработавшем газе, который прошел через использующий мочевину катализатор SCR; блок регулирования, который регулирует впрыскивание водной мочевины с помощью блока впрыскивания водной мочевины на основании данных о концентрации аммиака, измеренной с помощью блока измерения концентрации; блок измерения концентрации ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU125628U1

... 1. Многослойная система снижения токсичности отработавших газов, присоединенная к выпускному коллектору двигателя транспортного средства, содержащая:первый, верхний, слой, включающий первый окислительный нейтрализатор;второй, промежуточный, слой, включающий уловитель углеводородов для улавливания углеводородов отработавших газов; итретий, нижний, слой, включающий второй окислительный нейтрализатор, при этом второй слой расположен между первым и третьим слоями.2. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая основание подложки.3. Система по п.2, в которой третий слой нанесен на основание подложки.4. Система по п.2, в которой основание подложки имеет пористость, которая является более высокой, чем пороговое значение, при этом третий слой включен в основание подложки.5. Система по п.1, в которой первый окислительный нейтрализатор выполнен с возможностью окисления углеводородов отработавших газов для увеличения температуры отработавших газов выше пороговой температуры.6. Система по п.1, в которой ...

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006100728A

... 1. Каталитическая система, включающая катализатор на основе металл-ионзамещенного цеолита, устройство добавления углеводородов, где упомянутое устройство добавления углеводородов размещено в технологической линии перед упомянутым катализатором на основе металл-ионзамещенного цеолита, и каталитический адсорбер оксидов азота, где упомянутый каталитический адсорбер оксидов азота размещен в технологической линии после упомянутого катализатора на основе металл-ионзамещенного цеолита. 2. Каталитическая система по п.1, в которой упомянутое устройство добавления углеводородов включает встроенные в цилиндр форсунки с поздним впрыском. 3. Каталитическая система по п.1, в которой упомянутое устройство добавления углеводородов включает вторичный топливный инжектор. 4. Каталитическая система по п.3, в которой упомянутый вторичный топливный инжектор размещен в выпускной трубе. 5. Каталитическая система по п.1, в которой упомянутый катализатор на основе металл-ионзамещенного цеолита представляет собой ...

20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009133838A

... 1. Способ получения композиции восстанавливающего агента, используемой при селективном каталитическом восстановлении оксидов азота и включающей в себя от 20 до 40 мас.% мочевины, от 20 до 40 мас.% формиата аммония и воду, отличающийся тем, что водный раствор формиата аммония готовят in situ, используя в качестве исходных веществ источник аммония и источник формиата, и к этому водному раствору добавляют мочевину. !2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанным источником аммония является аммиак. ! 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что указанным источником формиата является муравьиная кислота или метилформиат. ! 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ! сначала на стадии А готовят водный раствор, содержащий от 20 до 55 мас.% формиата аммония, (i) из муравьиной кислоты, аммиака и воды или (ii) из метилформиата, аммиака и воды, и на отдельной стадии В смешивают мочевину с водным раствором, содержащим от 20 до 55 мас.% формиата аммония, полученным на стадии А, или !водный раствор, ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007129782A

... 1. Твердый материал для хранения и поставки аммиака, включающий поглощающий/десорбирующий аммиак твердый материал, способный к обратимому поглощению/десорбции аммиака; при этом указанный материал для хранения и поставки полностью или частично насыщен аммиаком перед уплотнением и состоит из гранулированного материала, пористого материала, поликристаллического материала, аморфного материала или их сочетания, уплотненного до плотности свыше 75% от теоретической истинной плотности и указанный материал для хранения аммиака содержит 20-60 мас.% аммиака. 2. Материал по п.1, который предварительно уплотнен до плотности свыше 85% от теоретической истинной плотности. 3. Материал по п.1, содержащий поглощенный, или химически связанный, или координированный в виде химического комплекса аммиак, в форме твердого материала, который предварительно спрессован в блок, или таблетку, или гранулу желаемой формы. 4. Материал по п.1, в котором твердый материал представляет собой химический комплекс в форме ионной ...

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010150674A

... 1. Способ газификации карбамида для уменьшения оксидов азота в газообразных продуктах сгорания, включающий: ! a) подачу карбамида в газификационную камеру; ! b) подачу нагретых газов в газификационную камеру выше точки ввода карбамида при помощи инжекторных устройств, способных распределять карбамид в виде мелких частиц или капель; ! c) установку газораспределительной пластины в камеру вблизи от инжекторных устройств; ! d) обеспечение расположения отверстий и промежутка между ними в газораспределительной пластине таким образом, чтобы создать более высокую скорость газа поблизости от инжекторных устройств по сравнению с пространством около стенок камеры, и ! e) эффективную регулировку интенсивности подачи карбамида и нагретых газов для газификации карбамида до выхода из камеры. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что расположение отверстий и промежуток между ними определяют путем вычислительной гидродинамики или моделированием холодного потока. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

SCR-Katalysator mit verbesserter Haftung

Номер: DE102015204012A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine in der selektiven katalytischen Reduktion von Stickoxiden aktive katalytische Zusammensetzung, enthaltend einen Zeolith vom Typ MFI und einen Zeolith vom Typ BEA, wobei die gewichtsmittlere Teilchengröße d50 des Zeoliths vom Typ MFI und des Zeoliths vom Typ BEA unterschiedlich ist, ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines SCR-Katalysators, sowie den damit hergestellten SCR-Katalysator.

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Reduktionsmittelzufuhrsysteme und Verfahren

Номер: DE112018006328T5

Ein Dosiermodul schließt einen Einlasskrümmer, einen Auslasskrümmer, eine erste Abzweigung und eine zweite Abzweigung ein. Der Einlasskrümmer ist konfiguriert, um wahlweise Reduktionsmittel von einer Pumpe aufzunehmen. Der Auslasskrümmer ist konfiguriert, um wahlweise das Reduktionsmittel einer Düse bereitzustellen. Die erste Abzweigung ist mit dem Einlasskrümmer und dem Auslasskrümmer gekoppelt. Die erste Abzweigung ist konfiguriert, um wahlweise dem Auslasskrümmer das Reduktionsmittel aus dem Einlasskrümmer bereitzustellen. Die erste Abzweigung schließt einen ersten Durchflussbegrenzer ein, der konfiguriert ist, um das Reduktionsmittel zu begrenzen, wenn das Reduktionsmittel dem Auslasskrümmer bereitgestellt wird. Die zweite Abzweigung ist mit dem Einlasskrümmer und dem Auslasskrümmer gekoppelt. Die zweite Abzweigung ist konfiguriert, um wahlweise dem Auslasskrümmer das Reduktionsmittel aus dem Einlasskrümmer separat von der ersten Abzweigung bereitzustellen. Die zweite Abzweigung schließt ...

19-05-2011 дата публикации

Fördervorrichtung zur Zuführung eines Feststoffes zu einem Reaktor eines Abgasnachbehandlungssystems

Номер: DE102007048691B4
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

Fördervorrichtung zur Zuführung eines Feststoffes (7) zu einem Reaktor (9) eines Abgasnachbehandlungssystems mit einer Dosiereinrichtung (5) für den Feststoff (7) und einem von einem Förderfluid durchströmten Förderkanal (2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass vom Förderkanal (2) vor dem Ende (8) des Förderkanals (2) ein Fluidrückführkanal (10) abzweigt, über den das Förderfluid zumindest teilweise in Strömungsrichtung vor die Dosiereinrichtung (5) zurückführbar ist.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Ammonia gas generator useful e.g. for producing ammonia from ammonia precursor solution, and in gas engines, comprises catalyst unit comprising catalyst and mixing chamber, injection device having nozzle, and outlet for formed ammonia gas

Номер: DE102011106243A1

Ammonia gas generator (100) comprises: a catalyst unit (70) comprising a catalyst (60) for decomposing and/or hydrolyzing ammonia precursors into ammonia, and a mixing chamber (51) arranged upstream of the catalyst; an injection device (40) for introducing the ammonia precursor solution into the mixing chamber, comprising a nozzle exhibiting a theoretical spray angle (alpha ) of 10-90[deg] ; and (iii) an outlet for formed ammonia gas. The catalyst has a catalyst volume. The mixing chamber has a mixing chamber volume. The distance of the nozzle opening to the end face of the catalyst is 15-2000 mm.

13-11-2008 дата публикации

Ammonia based exhaust gas re-treatment unit feeds gaseous ammonia directly into exhaust gas flow of internal combustion, preferably diesel, engine; exhaust gas flows through exhaust tract free of urea-water vapor and urea-water solution

Номер: DE102007022678A1

The unit (1) is supplied with a liquid urea solution and feeds gaseous ammonia directly into an exhaust gas flow of an internal combustion engine, preferably a diesel engine, whereby in particularly the exhaust gas flow flows through an exhaust tract that is free of urea-water vapor and urea-water solution. An independent claim is also included for a method of reducing nitric oxides in exhaust gases.

22-01-2004 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Abgasnachbehandlung von Kraftfahrzeugen, insbesondere Dieselkraftfahrzeugen

Номер: DE0010231216A1

Die Einrichtung hat eine Pumpvorrichtung zur Zuführung einer Lösung zu einem Abgasstrang. Für die Abgasnachbehandlung wird eine Reduzierung der Stickoxidemission gefordert, wozu Harnstoffwasserstofflösung einem Einspritzventil zugeführt wird. DOLLAR A Um mit der Einrichtung auf konstruktiv einfache und kostengünstige Weise eine sehr hohe Dosiergenauigkeit der zur Reduzierung der Stickoxidemission erforderlichen Zugabe der Harnstoffwasserstofflösung oder einer anderen Flüssigkeit zu erreichen, ist die Pumpvorrichtung als Dosierpumpe ausgebildet. Sie weist ein Anschlußteil auf, das in den Abgasstrang mündet. Die Pumpvorrichtung hat einen Kolben, der über ein Piezoelement betätigbar ist. DOLLAR A Die Einrichtung wird bei Diesel- und Verbrennungsmotoren eingesetzt.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification device has exhaust pipe and bringing unit assigned to exhaust pipe, by which fluid is brought in exhaust pipe for purifying exhaust gas

Номер: DE102010039521A1

The exhaust gas purification device (1) has an exhaust pipe (2) and a bringing unit (3) assigned to the exhaust pipe, by which a fluid (5) is brought in the exhaust pipe for purifying exhaust gas. The bringing unit has multiple metering devices (4). A conveying unit (7) is assigned to each metering device.

07-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059805835D1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Abgasanlage einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine eines Kraftwagens und Abgasanlage für eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine eines Kraftwagens

Номер: DE102018000434A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Abgasanlage (36) einer Verbrennungskraftmaschine eines Kraftwagens, bei welchem Abgas der Verbrennungskraftmaschine einen ersten SCR-Katalysator (46) durchströmt, welchem ein Ammoniak-Sperrkatalysator (52) nachgeschaltet ist, und einen zweiten SCR-Katalysator (54) durchströmt, welcher stromabwärts des Ammoniak-Sperrkatalysators (52) in der Abgasanlage (36) angeordnet ist. Ein Reduktionsmittel ist mittels einer ersten Dosiereinrichtung (42) stromaufwärts des ersten SCR-Katalysators (46) und mittels einer zweiten Dosiereinrichtung (64) stromaufwärts des zweiten SCR-Katalysators (54) in das Abgas einbringbar. Bei einem Überschreiten eines vorbestimmten Schwellenwerts einer Temperatur eines den ersten SCR-Katalysator (46) und/oder den Ammoniak-Sperrkatalysator (52) umfassenden Bereichs der Abgasanlage (36) wird eine mittels der ersten Dosiereinrichtung (42) in das Abgas eingebrachte Menge an Reduktionsmittel erhöht. Des Weiteren betrifft ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Abgasnachbehandlung mit einer Einbindung von NH3- und NOx-Schlupferkennungsfunktionen in eine SCR-Dosiersoftware mit Erweitertem Kalman-Filter

Номер: DE102019128496B3

Aufgabe der vorliegenden Erfindung ist es, die Robustheit einer SCR-Dosiersoftware mit EKF gegenüber Störungen zu erhöhen. Diese Aufgabe wird dadurch gelöst, dass anhand eines Prozessmodells eines Katalysators in Abhängigkeit von Eingangsgrößen ein Modellzustand geschätzt wird, wobei in Abhängigkeit davon bestimmt wird, wieviel Reduktionsmittel stromaufwärts des Katalysators einem Abgas hinzuzufügen ist und außerdem anhand des Prozessmodells gasförmige Anteile von Abgaskomponenten stromabwärts des Katalysators geschätzt werden, wobei anhand der geschätzten gasförmigen Anteile von Abgaskomponenten stromabwärts des Katalysators wiederum eine Schätzung des Signals eines Stickoxidsensors stromabwärts des Katalysators auf Grundlage eines funktionalen Zusammenhangs durchgeführt wird und weiterhin durch eine Messung ein Signal eines Stickoxidsensors stromabwärts des Katalysators bereitsteht sowie eine Differenz zwischen dem gemessenen Signal und dem geschätzten Signal gebildet wird und anhand ...

30-07-2008 дата публикации

Reducing NOx emissions in industrial combustion systems

Номер: GB0002446045A

A combustion system to facilitate reducing emissions is provided. The combustion system includes an aqueous selective reducing agent source for supplying an aqueous selective reducing agent, an atomizer 327 directly coupled in flow communication with the aqueous selective reducing agent source 322, the atomizer receiving and atomizing the selective reducing agent that is supplied from the aqueous selective reducing agent source. The combustion system further includes a temperature zone 318 defined within the combustion system, wherein the atomizer directly injects atomized droplets of the selective reducing agent into a transport stream of flue gas flowing within the temperature zone. The atomizer is directly coupled in flow communication with a combustion chamber 316 or duct 318 and may be arranged upstream of a catalytic reactor for selective catalytic reduction.

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002538836A

A method for treating a crude natural gas feed stream comprising methane (CH4) and a first carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. The method comprises a number of steps including subjecting the crude natural gas feed stream to a separation process such as a membrane separator (61, Fig 6) to provide a purified natural gas stream (62, Fig 6) having a second carbon dioxide content which is lower than the first carbon dioxide concentration and a carbon dioxide stream (cds) comprising a major carbon dioxide component and methane. The method includes recovering the purified natural gas steam and passing the carbon dioxide stream (cds) through a heat exchanger 26 to raise the temperature of the stream to the desired inlet temperature of an oxidation reactor 28. The heated stream is passed to the oxidation reactor containing an oxidation catalyst, where the methane is oxidised. The products of the oxidation reaction are removed from the reactor as a gas stream being at an outlet temperature which ...

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Exhaust system

Номер: GB0000721528D0

10-01-2018 дата публикации

Process for reducing nitrogen oxides

Номер: GB0002552040A

A process for reducing nitrogen oxides in an exhaust stream, comprises providing a first composition comprising urea and water, a second composition comprising ammonium carbamate and an exhaust stream (10) comprising nitrogen oxides. The second composition is introduced into the exhaust stream when the exhaust stream has a temperature below a threshold temperature and the first composition is introduced into the exhaust stream when the exhaust stream has a temperature at or above the threshold temperature. The ammonium carbamate may be produced in situ from the first composition. Also disclosed is a process for the preparation of ammonium carbamate characterised by a first reservoir (12) and a second reservoir (24). Also disclosed is an apparatus for delivering first and second compositions to an exhaust stream characterised by means, such as an injector for delivering a portion of a first composition and means for delivering a second composition. The process may be used to produce ammonium ...

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust temperature control during SCR injection events

Номер: GB0002500194A

The exhaust system 12 of an internal combustion engine 11 is periodically dosed with urea 19 or ammonia to recharge a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst 15. If dosing is scheduled the temperature of the SCR catalyst 15 or the exhaust temperature upstream of it is determined and compared to a threshold and if the exhaust gas temperature is too low to ensure recharging, a forced increase in exhaust gas temperature is effected for the period of the dosing and thereafter reverts to standard. The exhaust gas temperature is raised by a post-combustion fuel injection, modification of the combustion conditions within the engine, or electric heating. A diagnostic to confirm correct operation of a catalytic converter may advantageously run at the same time.

21-04-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for purging reductant from a reductant injector

Номер: GB0002588343A

A reductant insertion system for inserting reductant into an aftertreatment system via a reductant injector comprises a reductant insertion assembly comprising a pump operatively coupled to the reductant injector via a reductant delivery line. A compressed gas source is operatively coupled to the reductant injector and provides a compressed gas to the reductant injector for gas assisted delivery of the reductant. A controller is operatively coupled to the compressed gas source and the reductant insertion assembly and configured to determine whether there is a reductant demand for the reductant. In response to there being no reductant demand, the controller stops the pump and activates the compressed gas source for a predetermined time so as to provide compressed gas to the reductant injector at a pressure sufficient to force reductant contained in the reductant injector upstream towards the reductant insertion assembly via the reductant delivery line while the pump is stopped.

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Process for reducing nitrogen oxides

Номер: GB0002552040B
Принадлежит: UNIV LOUGHBOROUGH, Loughborough University

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000431490T

15-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000503087T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542592T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549492T

25-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407581B

A new method monitors reductant dosing associated with diesel engines or diesel combustion plant. Exhaust temperature is measured using a sensor. Above a limiting temperature, reductant is injected into the exhaust, under pressure. The injection point is upstream of the SCR, i.e. the selective catalytic reducer for NOx. The new method requires reductant injection (16) close to the sensor (18), with at least some reductant reaching it. The time-temperature profile caused by the cooling effect of evaporating reductant, is measured by the sensor. From this profile, a pronouncement is made on the health of the dosing unit (14, 15, 16).

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000217685T

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Method and Equipment for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by Using Methanol as Reducing Agent

Номер: AU2020103684A4

The invention relates to a method and a equipment for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by using methanol as a reducing agent, wherein the equipment comprises a methanol-SCR post processor, a MMOC post-processor, a methanol injection equipment, a temperature sensor, a NOx sensor and a methanol injection equipment, wherein the methanol-SCR post-processor and the MMOC post-processor is disposed on an exhaust pipe of an engine, the methanol injection equipment are disposed in the upstream of the methanol-SCR post-processor, the temperature sensor that is disposed in the upstream of the methanol-SCR post-processor, and the NOx sensor and a methanol injection equipment that are disposed in the downstream of the methanol-SCR post-processor. Compared wit the prior art, the invention has the advantage at: the reduction characteristic of methanol is fully utilized; since the methanol is a kind of hydrocarbons, it can serve as a reducing agent, and efficiently complete the selective catalytic ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification apparatus

Номер: AU2020286337A1

An exhaust gas purification apparatus configured to purify exhaust gas discharged from an internal combustion engine includes an exhaust passage 5 connected to the internal combustion engine, a fuel-additive valve configured to inject fuel toward the exhaust passage, an internal wall having a cylindrical shape and forming an injection passage that communicates with the exhaust passage and through which the fuel injected from fuel-additive valve passes, and an external wall disposed radially outside the internal wall and cooperating with the 10 internal wall to form an introduction path. The introduction path is configured to introduce the exhaust gas flowing in the exhaust passage into a region of the injection passage on aside close to the fuel-additive valve. The introduction path extends along a circumference of the internal wall. c', ...

30-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003272522A1

26-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002679088C

The present invention relates to the use of a solution for the treatment of exhaust gases at the outlet of on-board or stationary diesel engines. It also relates to its use in any device for the treatment of these exhaust gases, regardless of whether the engines are engines of heavy goods vehicles or engines for light vehicles or also engines for stationary industrial engine applications.

22-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002696258A1

23-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002705104C

Disclosed is a system which enables the efficient utilization of urea for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by gasifying it and feeding it to a plurality of selective catalytic reduction units associated with a plurality of gas turbines. The invention enables feeding a gasified product of the urea with the ability to fully control separate SCR units without excessive reagent usage or loss of pollution control effectiveness. Controllers determine the amount of reagent required for each turbine to control NOx emissions and then mixes the gasified urea with the correct amount of carrier gas for efficient operation of each separate SCR unit despite the demand variation between the turbines. In this manner the gasification unit can be properly controlled to provide urea on demand without the need for storing large inventories of ammonia-containing gasses to correct for fluctuations in demand.

14-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002597761A1

21-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002487110C

Disclosed herein is a method and apparatus for reducing a nitrogen oxide, and the control thereof.

05-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672859C

The invention relates to a method for the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides using ammonia in exhaust gases of vehicles, whereby solutions of guanidine salts with an ammonia forming potential of between 40 and 850 g/kg, optionally in combination with urea and/or ammonia and/or ammonium salts, are catalytically decomposed in the presence of catalytically active, non-oxidation-active coatings of oxides selected from the group containing titanium dioxide, aluminium oxide, silicon dioxide or the mixtures thereof, and hydrothermally stable zeolites which are fully or partially metal-exchanged. The guanidine salts according to the invention enable a reduction of the nitrogen oxides by approximately 90 %. Furthermore, said guanidine salts can enable an increase in the ammonia forming potential from 0.2 kg, corresponding to prior art, up to 0.4 kg ammonia per litre of guanidine salt, along with freezing resistance (freezing point below -25°C). The risk of corrosion of the guanidine ...

16-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002637299A1

The invention relates to a device for injection of a liquid agent, such as fuel or reducing agent, into the exhaust line from a combustion engine. The device (1) comprises a nozzle arrangement (20) having a nozzle head (21), from which the liquid agent is injectable into the exhaust line. The nozzle arrangement (20) comprises a first conduit (22) leading to the nozzle head (21) for supply of compressed gas, preferably in the form of compressed air, to the nozzle head, and a second conduit (23) leading to the nozzle head (21) for supply of said liquid agent to the nozzle head. The nozzle head (21) is provided with at least one outlet opening (24) connected to the first conduit (22) and to the second conduit (23), through which outlet opening said liquid agent is injectable into the exhaust line under atomization thereof after mixing with compressed gas in a mixing zone (25) inside the nozzle head .

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002929160A1

For purifying waste gas charged with nitrogen oxides in a reactor (1) with heat-accumulator chambers (2, 3) containing heat-accumulator materials (4, 5), the raw gas to be purified alternately enters one of the heat-accumulator chambers (2). Mixed with a reducing agent for the reduction of the nitrogen oxides, it is supplied to a catalyst (6) for the reduction of the nitrogen oxides, and the clean gas heats the heat-accumulator material (5) in the heat-accumulator chamber (3) which the clean gas exits. A partial flow is taken therefrom, heated by means of a heat source (24) and, mixed with a reducing agent, supplied again to the heat-accumulator chamber (2) which the raw gas enters. This heated, recirculated gas forms the only heat source for the overall system.

28-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713562A1

A catalyst system comprising a first catalytic composition comprising, (i) a first component comprising a zeolite, and (ii) a second component comprising a homogeneous solid mixture containing at least one catalytic metal and at least one metal inorganic network; wherein the pores of the solid mixture have an average diameter in a range of about 1 nanometer to about 15 nanometers; wherein the first component and the second component form an intimate mixture. The catalyst system may further comprise a second catalytic composition and a third catalytic composition. The catalyst system may further comprise a delivery system configured to deliver a reductant and optionally a co-reductant. An exhaust system comprising the catalyst systems described herein is also provided.

29-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002749479A1

An exhaust treatment system is provided. Method of increasing activation of NOx reduction catalyst using two or more reductant is discussed. The exhaust treatment system includes an exhaust source, a reductant source, a nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction catalyst, a sensor, and a controller. The reductant source includes a first reductant and second reductant, and is disposed to inject a reductant stream into an exhaust stream from the exhaust source. The NOx catalyst is disposed to receive both the exhaust stream and reductant stream. The sensor is disposed to sense a system parameter related to carbon loading of the catalyst and produce a signal corresponding to the system parameter. The controller is disposed to receive the signal and to control dosing of the reductant stream based at least in part on the signal.

31-12-2009 дата публикации

Exhaust gas flow cleaning method for use in cement clinker producing system in cement industry, involves spraying nitrogenous reducing agent downstream in exhaust gas flow, before exhaust gas flow reaches catalyzer

Номер: CH0000698991B1
Принадлежит: ELEX AG

The method involves passing exhaust gas flow (6) through a heat exchanger (12). Nitrogenous reducing agent e.g. ammonia and urea, is provided in the heat exchanger for removing nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas flow by performing selective non catalytic reduction (SNCR) reaction. The nitrogenous reducing agent is sprayed downstream in the exhaust gas flow by performing selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reaction, before the exhaust gas flow reaches a catalyzer (14). Fuel is provided into an auxiliary firing equipment arranged upstream of the heat exchanger. An independent claim is also included for a system for cleaning exhaust gas flow.

15-04-2010 дата публикации

Method for regeneration of wall flow particle filter of diesel engine, involves heating fuel to ignition temperature, where exhaust gas is passed through surface of flow channel after oxidation catalytic conversion of fuel is taken place

Номер: CH0000699643B1

The method involves heating fuel e.g. alcohol such as glycol, to an ignition temperature by oxidation catalytic conversion of a soot layer (3b) that is collected in a wall-flow particle filter. Exhaust gas is passed through a surface of a flow channel (3c) of the filter after oxidation catalytic conversion of the fuel is taken place. The flow channel is coated with an oxidation catalytic coating (3d). Porous walls (3a) of the filter are made of sintered metal or silicon carbide, where an oxidation catalyzer containing palladium and platinum lies in the walls. An independent claim is also included for a device comprising a wall flow particle filter.

31-07-2006 дата публикации

Injecting a liquid reducing agent into a flue gas channel upstream of a catalyst comprises using injection, evaporation, mixing and flow-controlling devices to optimize the flow profile

Номер: CH0000695666A5

Injecting a liquid reducing agent into a flue gas channel upstream of a catalyst comprises directing the flow of flue gas from a heater to injection lances, injecting metered amounts of the reducing agent through the lances into the flue gas channel, evaporating the reducing agent with one evaporator per lance, mixing the flue gas and reducing agent in a mixing zone, and smoothing and directing the flow of flue gas ahead of the catalyst. An independent claim is also included for apparatus for carrying out the above process, comprising a heater (8), a flow director (2), injection lances (3) with evaporators (4), a mixing zone (5), a flow conditioner (6) and a catalyst (7), these components being connected together by the flue gas channel (1).

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust treatment system and method for exhaust gas after-treatment.

Номер: CH0000707085B1
Принадлежит: MAN DIESEL & TURBO SE, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Abgasnachbehandlungssystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine, insbesondere für eine mit Schweröl betriebene Schiffsdieselbrennkraftmaschine, mit einem SCR-Katalysator (13), welcher als Reduktionsmittel Ammoniak nutzt, wobei in Strömungsrichtung des Abgases gesehen vor dem SCR-Katalysator (13) eine Düse (15) positioniert ist, mit welcher bei einem definierten Druck und einer definierten Temperatur eine wässrige Harnstofflösung zu Wasserdampf, Kohlendioxid und Ammoniak derart zersetzbar ist, dass über die Düse (15) mit derselben verdampftes Ammoniak in das Abgas eintragbar ist.

15-05-2017 дата публикации

Urea Solution Spray Assembly.

Номер: CH0000707487B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Harnstofflösung-Sprühanordnung für die Anwendung in einer Abgasreinigungsvorrichtung, zum Unterdrücken der Erzeugung von Nebenprodukten, wenn der SO 3 -Gehalt im Abgas hoch ist oder wenn Harnstofflösung in einen Bereich gesprüht wird, in dem die Temperatur des Abgases niedrig ist. Die Harnstofflösung-Sprühanordnung führt Ammoniak einem SCR-Katalysator 6a eines Entstickungsreaktors 6 einer Abgasreinigungsvorrichtung 7 zu. Der Entstickungsreaktor 6 ist zwischen einem Abgassammelrohr 3, das von mit Abgasöffnungen 1a eines Motors 1 verbundenen Abgasverbindungsrohren 2 ausströmendes Abgas auffängt, und einem Abgaspfad 5 stromaufwärts einer Turbine 4a eines Turboladers 4, angeordnet. Die Harnstofflösung-Sprühanordnung weist ein Verdampfungsrohr 10 auf, das im Abgassammelrohr 3 angeordnet und verbunden ist mit einem Abzweigrohr 9, das von einem Luftzufuhrpfad 8 stromabwärts eines Verdichters 4b des Turboladers 4 abgezweigt ist, und eine Düse 11, die Harnstofflösung ...

15-04-2014 дата публикации

Exhaust gas after-treatment system and method for exhaust gas after-treatment.

Номер: CH0000707085A2

Abgasnachbehandlungssystem für eine Brennkraftmaschine, insbesondere für eine mit Schweröl betriebene Schiffsdieselbrennkraftmaschine, mit einem SCR-Katalysator (13), welcher als Reduktionsmittel Ammoniak nutzt, wobei in Strömungsrichtung des Abgases gesehen vor dem SCR-Katalysator (13) eine Düse (15) positioniert ist, mit welcher bei einem definierten Druck und einer definierten Temperatur eine wässrige Harnstofflösung zu Wasserdampf, Kohlendioxid und Ammoniak derart zersetzbar ist, dass über die Düse (15) mit derselben verdampftes Ammoniak in das Abgas eintragbar ist.

31-01-2011 дата публикации

Procedure and system for the reduction of the portion of nitrogen oxides in a burn exhaust gas stream.

Номер: CH0000701514A2

Verfahren und System zum Reduzieren des Anteils von Stickstoffoxiden (NO x ) in einem Verbrennungsabgasstrom durch: (1) Analysieren des Abfallstroms, um den Anteil an NO x zu ermitteln; (2) Ermitteln der stöchiometrischen Menge von Ammoniak, die erforderlich ist, um die NO x -Konzentration bis zu einem geforderten Pegel oder darunter zu reduzieren; (3) Ermitteln des Strömungsratenprofils von NO x -Komponenten über den Verbrennungsabgasstrom hinweg stromaufwärts eines Ammoniakinjektionsgitters (25); (4) Auswählen spezieller Orte in dem Ammoniakinjektionsgitter (25), um Ammoniakventile (24a, 24b, 26a und 26b) zu aktivieren; (5) Injizieren kontrollierter Mengen von Ammoniakdampf in den Gasstrom an Gitterorten, die dem Ort von NO x in dem Gasstrom entsprechen; und (6) Behandeln des Gasstroms mittels einer selektiven katalytischen Reduktionseinheit (34), um den Anteil von NO x bis zu angemessenen Pegeln zu reduzieren.

13-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing the proportion of nitrogen oxides in a burn exhaust gas stream.

Номер: CH0000701514B1

Verfahren und System zum Reduzieren des Anteils von Stickstoffoxiden (NO x ) in einem Verbrennungsabgasstrom durch: (1) Analysieren des Abfallstroms, um den Anteil an NO x zu ermitteln; (2) Ermitteln der stöchiometrischen Menge von Ammoniak, die erforderlich ist, um die NO x -Konzentration bis zu einem geforderten Pegel oder darunter zu reduzieren; (3) Ermitteln des Strömungsratenprofils von NO x -Komponenten über den Verbrennungsabgasstrom hinweg stromaufwärts eines Ammoniakinjektionsgitters (25); (4) Auswählen spezieller Orte in dem Ammoniakinjektionsgitter (25), um Ammoniakventile (24a, 24b, 26a und 26b) zu aktivieren; (5) Injizieren kontrollierter Mengen von Ammoniakdampf in den Gasstrom an Gitterorten, die dem Ort von NO x in dem Gasstrom entsprechen; und (6) Behandeln des Gasstroms mittels einer selektiven katalytischen Reduktionseinheit (34), um den Anteil von NO x bis zu angemessenen Pegeln zu reduzieren.

30-11-2020 дата публикации

System for injecting a liquid into a conduit.

Номер: CH0000716216A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Einspritzen einer Flüssigkeit in eine Leitung, vorzugsweise zum Einspritzen eines flüssigen Reduktionsmittels in eine Abgasleitung einer Brennkraftmaschine, wobei das System eine Gaspumpe (11), eine Flüssigkeitspumpe (21), einen Injektor (50), eine von der Flüssigkeitspumpe zum Injektor führende Flüssigkeitsleitung (40) und eine von der Gaspumpe zum Injektor führende Gasleitung (10) aufweist, wobei in der Flüssigkeitsleitung oder innerhalb des Injektors ein steuerbares Sperrventil (25) angeordnet ist, um einen Flüssigkeitsstrom zum Injektor oder durch den Injektor hindurch im Takt freigeben und blockieren zu können, und/oder wobei der Injektor eine zentrale Flüssigkeitsaustrittsöffnung zur Abgabe eines Flüssigkeitsstrahls in die Leitung aufweist, die von einem durch eine oder mehrere Gasaustrittsöffnungen gebildeten Ring umgeben ist, wobei die eine oder die mehreren Gasaustrittsöffnungen ausgebildet sind, einen kegelförmig zur Achse des Flüssigkeitsstrahls ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491619A1

28-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA200701926A1

Изобретение относится к способу получения водного потока, содержащего мочевину, пригодного для использования в устройстве для уменьшения содержания NOx в выхлопных газах двигателей внутреннего сгорания, в котором содержащий мочевину водный поток отделяют до или после секции извлечения в способе производства мочевины, а затем разбавляют водой до концентрации 30-35 мас.% мочевины.

25-07-2016 дата публикации

System and method for protection of scr catalyst and control of multiple emissions

Номер: UA0000112052C2

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Integrated device for low-temperature denitrification and dust removal for kiln in cement industry

Номер: CN0108854528A

02-02-2011 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing the amount of nitrogen oxides (nox) in combustion gas waste stream

Номер: CN0101961602A

A method and system for reducing the amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in a combustion gas waste stream by (1) analyzing the waste stream to determine the amount of NOx; (2) determining the stoichiometric amount of ammonia required to reduce the NOx concentration down to a required level or less; (3) determining the flow rate profile of NOx components across the combustion gas waste stream upstream of an ammonia injection grid; (4) selecting specific locations within the ammonia injection grid to activate ammonia valves; (5) injecting controlled amounts of ammonia vapor into the gas stream at grid locations corresponding to the location of NOx in the gas stream; and (6) treating the gas stream using a selective catalytic reduction unit to reduce the amount of NOx down to acceptable levels.

26-10-2018 дата публикации

SCR denitration device used for heat-engine plant

Номер: CN0108704475A

19-01-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust gas mixing device

Номер: CN0107614091A

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Radiant tube burner equipment

Номер: CN0108496040A

26-02-2019 дата публикации

Flue gas temperature-adjusting ammonia-injecting denitration integrated system

Номер: CN0109381997A

08-06-2016 дата публикации

System, methods, and apparatus for low temperature dosing in diesel exhaust systems

Номер: CN0105658921A

20-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for ammonia storage and delivery using in-situ re-saturation of a delivery unit

Номер: CN101541401B

11-05-2011 дата публикации

Solid particles, method and device for the production thereof

Номер: CN0101160167B

The present invention relates to a solid particle (10) which is made by the flowable raw material (2) and the solid part, and relates to the making method thereof, wherein the flowable raw material (2) is separated into drips (9) which are leaded into the solidifying liquid (11) along the track (50), wherein the drips are solidified with the form of solid particles (10). The invention is characterized in that the solidifying liquid (11) is used and the solidifying liquid stably flows if the flowable raw material (2) contains the actinide series oxide thereby producing the solid particle with larger sphericity and narrow particle size distribution.

18-06-2003 дата публикации

Exhaust purifier of IC engine

Номер: CN0001111641C

18-05-2011 дата публикации

Systems and methods for removing materials from flue gas via regenerative selective catalytic reduction

Номер: CN0102065979A

Regenerative selective catalytic reduction (RSCR) systems and processes are provided whereby NOx and CO levels in gases are reduced by mixing the gas with a reactant and then introducing the gas into an RSCR apparatus for treatment that entails heating the gas, causing the gas to undergo one or more catalytic reactions, and then directing the gas through a heat transfer area, to which the gas provides heat for use in connection with successive cycles of the RSCR process.

27-05-2009 дата публикации

Method and device for providing a gaseous mixture

Номер: CN0101443097A

The invention relates to a device (1) for providing a gaseous mixture comprising at least one of the following substances: a) at least one reducing agent and, b) at least one reducing agent precursor. A reservoir (20) is configured for the aqueous solution (45) comprising at least one reducing agent precursor. Said aqueous solution (45) can be transported from said reservoir by transporting means (19) in at least on supply line (2) equipped with output openings (3). The invention is characterised in that said device comprises means (4) for heating the supply line (2), said means being able to heat at least one supply line (2) above a critical temperature that is greater than the boiling point of water. Said inventive device (1) and the inventive method allow the aqueous solution comprising urea to be completely evaporated in an advantageous manner and subsequently hydrolysed to a mixture comprising ammonia. Said mixture is added in an advantageous manner to a SCR catalyst (18) as a reducing ...

18-04-2008 дата публикации

Nitrogen oxide treatment system for use in e.g. heavy truck, has gaseous ammonia trap with heating unit situated in downstream of urea reservoir to trap ammonia vapor emitted during decomposition of urea in reservoir

Номер: FR0002907026A1

L'invention se rapporte à un système de traitement d'oxydes d'azote à réduction catalytique sélective, dite SCR, destiné à être installé dans la ligne d'échappement du moteur d'un véhicule, le traitement consistant à réduire chimiquement, dans un catalyseur, dit catalyseur SCR, les oxydes d'azote en ajoutant de l'ammoniac contenu dans de l'urée liquide, pure ou en solution, cette urée liquide étant stockée dans un réservoir spécifique destiné à être installé dans le véhicule, et le système comprenant un piège à ammoniac situé en aval du réservoir d'urée, pour piéger les vapeurs d'ammoniac émises lors d'une décomposition de l'urée dans le réservoir.

18-05-2007 дата публикации

Regulation of supply of reduction agent produced in intermittent pulses to automotive catalytic converter

Номер: FR0002893259A1

Procédé de commande d'un système générateur d'agent réducteur d'un moteur qui génère de manière impulsionnelle et alimente un canal d'échappement du moteur en amont d'un catalyseur SCR pour une réduction catalytique sélective des oxydes d'azote des gaz d'échappement. Un modèle de catalyseur modélise le niveau de remplissage d'agent réactif du catalyseur et un circuit de régulation compare le niveau à une valeur de consigne. Par une intégration dans le temps du dosage nécessaire en agent réactif, on forme une demande, et par une intégration dans le temps de la quantité dosée d'agent réactif, on forme un signal, et on génère un signal de demande d'agent réactif qui déclenche au moins une impulsion d'agent réactif si la différence entre la demande et le signal dépasse un seuil prédéfini.

12-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002924623A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de traitement d'une charge dans un four alimenté en chaleur dans la zone de radiation par la combustion de combustible liquide ou gazeux en présence d'air préchauffé par au moins un circuit de préchauffe d'air, cette étape conduisant à l'émission de fumées de combustion contenant des oxydes d'azote, procédé dans lequel les fumées sont évacuées à travers la zone de convection située en aval de la zone de radiation dudit four ; il comprend en outre une étape de réduction catalytique sélective desdits oxydes d'azote avec injection dans le conduit de fumées au niveau de la zone de convection, en amont d'un catalyseur, d'un mélange d'air chaud et de produit ammoniaqué, dans lequel l'air chaud alimentant ledit mélange est directement prélevé sur le circuit de préchauffe d'air de combustion lequel circuit utilise la chaleur des fumées de combustion. L'invention trouve une première application dans le préchauffage/chauffage/vaporisation/ surchauffe de fluides dans ...

12-08-2011 дата публикации

Method for treating exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas treating line of engine i.e. diesel engine, of vehicle i.e. heavy lorry, involves injecting variable quantities of reducer into exhaust gas treating line

Номер: FR0002956039A1

L'invention se rapporte à un procédé de traitement des gaz d'échappement contenant des oxydes d'azote appliqué à une ligne de traitement des gaz d'échappement, la ligne (12) d'échappement comprenant un filtre (14) à particules et un catalyseur (16) d'un système de dénitrification réduisant les oxydes d'azote à l'aide d'un réducteur injecté dans la ligne d'échappement des gaz, caractérisé en ce que le procédé comprend des phases d'injection de quantités variables de réducteur. L'invention permet d'assurer une bonne réduction des NOx tout en laissant du dioxyde d'azote NO2 parvenir au filtre à particules pour y brûler les suies.

12-04-2002 дата публикации

Catalyst control of IC motor exhaust emissions uses a solid reduction agent which is heated to give a supply of molten agent as a dosed feed into the exhaust gas according to running conditions

Номер: FR0002814966A1

Un appareil de commande des gaz d'échappement comprend : un catalyseur du NOx du type à réduction sélective (10) disposé dans un passage des gaz d'échappement pour réduire ou décomposer le NOx; un conteneur d'accumulation (12) pour accumuler un agent de réduction à l'état solide (A); un dispositif de chauffage (31) pour chauffer et fondre l'agent de réduction solide (A); une chambre d'accumulation d'urée liquide (13) pour accumuler un agent de réduction fondu (U) introduit depuis le conteneur d'accumulation (12); une soupape de commande d'ajout (14) pour délivrer l'agent de réduction fondu (U) dans une partie du passage des gaz d'échappement en amont du catalyseur du NOx (10); et une UCE 16 pour calculer la quantité d'agent de réduction fondu (U) délivrée par la soupape de commande d'ajout (14) en conformité avec l'état de fonctionnement d'un moteur à combustion interne (1) et pour commander le dispositif de chauffage (31) sur la base de la quantité calculée d'agent de réduction à délivrer ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Methods for engine exhaust nox control using no oxidation in the engine

Номер: US20120055138A1

A powertrain includes an internal combustion engine having a combustion chamber and an aftertreatment system. A method for reducing NOx emissions in the powertrain includes monitoring an actual exhaust gas feedstream ratio of NO 2 to NO, monitoring a desired exhaust gas feedstream ratio of NO 2 to NO, comparing the actual and the desired exhaust gas feedstream ratios of NO 2 to NO, and selectively initiating a NO 2 generation cycle based upon the comparison of the actual and the desired exhaust gas feedstream ratios of NO 2 to NO comprising injecting fuel mass into the combustion chamber after a primary combustion event.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Small pore molecular sieve supported copper catalysts durable against lean/rich aging for the reduction of nitrogen oxides

Номер: US20130095012A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of using a catalyst comprises exposing a catalyst to at least one reactant in a chemical process. The catalyst comprises copper and a small pore molecular sieve having a maximum ring size of eight tetrahedral atoms. The chemical process undergoes at least one period of exposure to a reducing atmosphere. The catalyst has an initial activity and the catalyst has a final activity after the at least one period of exposure to the reducing atmosphere. The final activity is within 30% of the initial activity at a temperature between 200 and 500° C.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130164183A1

A reducing agent aqueous solution mixing device includes an exhaust pipe, an injector, a mixing pipe, an inner pipe and a flow section. The exhaust pipe includes an elbow part and a linear part. The injector is disposed in the elbow part and injects a reducing agent aqueous solution. The mixing pipe is disposed to enclose a surrounding of the reducing agent aqueous solution injected from the injector, and includes an outlet portion formed spaced apart from an inner wall of the exhaust pipe, and a plurality of openings formed on the outer peripheral surface thereof. The inner pipe is disposed in the linear part and allows the exhaust gas to flow through the inside and the outer periphery thereof. The flow section is formed between the outlet portion of the mixing the inner wall of the exhaust pipe and directs the exhaust gas to the inner pipe. 1. A reducing agent aqueous solution mixing device for adding a reducing agent aqueous solution to an exhaust gas , the reducing agent aqueous solution mixing device being adapted to be disposed between a filter for trapping particulate substance in the exhaust gas and a reducing catalyst unit for reducing and purifying nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas , the reducing agent aqueous solution mixing device comprising:an exhaust pipe including an elbow part having a curved portion, and a linear part disposed on an exhaust downstream side of the elbow part;an injector disposed outside the curved portion of the elbow part, the injector being configured to inject the reducing agent aqueous solution into the elbow part towards the linear part;a mixing pipe having a plurality of openings on an outer peripheral surface thereof, the mixing pipe being disposed inside the elbow part to enclose a surrounding of the reducing agent aqueous solution injected from the injector, an exhaust downstream side outlet portion of the mixing pipe being spaced apart from an inner wall of the exhaust pipe;an inner pipe spaced apart from the inner wall of ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Solid ammonia storage and delivery material

Номер: US20130230443A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a method for the selective catalytic reduction of NO x in waste/exhaust gas by using ammonia provides by heating one or more salts of formula M a (NH 3 ) n X z , wherein M represents one or more cations selected from alkaline earth metals and transition metals, X represents one or more anions, a represents the number of cations per salt molecule, z represents the number of anions per salt molecule, and n is a number of from 2 to 12, the one or more salts having been compressed to a bulk density above 70% of the skeleton density before use thereof.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system

Номер: US20130259755A1

The present invention relates to a technology of reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) which is harmful discharge gas discharged from an internal combustion engine or a combustor, and to an exhaust gas purification system which inputs solid ammonium salt such as ammonium carbamate or ammonium carbonate into a reactor, thermally decomposes and converts the solid ammonium salt into the ammonia by using engine cooling water, exhaust gas, or an electric heater, which are installed in the reactor, and reduces the nitrogen oxide included in the exhaust pipe on a selective catalytic reduction into nitrogen by injecting the ammonia by using a pressure regulator and a dosing valve.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Common rail reductant injection system

Номер: US20130343959A1
Принадлежит: Tenneco Automotive Operating Co Inc

An exhaust system including a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) component and an oxidation catalyst component. The exhaust system also includes an exhaust treatment fluid injection system for dispersing an exhaust treatment fluid into an exhaust stream at a location adjacent either the SCR component or the oxidation catalyst component, wherein the exhaust treatment fluid injection device includes a common rail that provides the exhaust treatment fluid under pressure to a plurality of injectors that dose the exhaust treatment fluid into the exhaust stream. The exhaust treatment fluid injection device also includes a return rail for returning unused exhaust treatment fluid to the fluid source.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037522A1

Apparatus comprising: 1. Apparatus comprising:a fumehood; and [{'sub': '3', 'a non-thermal plasma reactor stage for producing air byproducts comprising O., N., OH. and Oand introducing those air byproducts into the exhaust air of the fumehood so as to treat the exhaust air of the fumehood; and'}, 'a catalyst stage downstream of the non-thermal plasma reactor stage for further treating the air downstream of the non-thermal plasma reactor stage., 'an air treatment device for purging unwanted substances from the exhaust air of the fumehood, the air treatment device comprising2. A method comprising: a fumehood; and', [{'sub': '3', 'a non-thermal plasma reactor stage for producing air byproducts comprising O., N., OH. and Oand introducing those air byproducts into the exhaust air of the fumehood so as to treat the exhaust air of the fumehood; and'}, 'a catalyst stage downstream of the non-thermal plasma reactor stage for further treating the air downstream of the non-thermal plasma reactor stage; and, 'an air treatment device for purging unwanted substances from the exhaust air of the fumehood, the air treatment device comprising], 'providing apparatus comprisingoperating the fumehood, including passing the exhaust air of the fumehood through the air treatment device.3. An air treatment device for purging unwanted substances from air , the novel air treatment device comprising:a non-thermal plasma reactor stage; and{'sub': '2', 'a catalyst stage, wherein the catalyst stage comprises MnO.'}4. An air treatment device according to wherein the catalyst stage is downstream of the non-thermal plasma reactor stage.5. An air treatment device according to wherein the non-thermal plasma reactor stage comprises at least one non-thermal plasma reactor unit claim 3 , and further wherein the non-thermal plasma reactor unit comprises a coronal tube comprising a wire electrode and a cylinder electrode disposed around the wire electrode.6. An air treatment device according to wherein the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Mixing device in an exhaust gas pipe

Номер: US20140069087A1
Принадлежит: Renault Trucks SAS

In an exhaust gas pipe, a first fluid flows in a flow direction in the pipe, and a second fluid is injected inside the pipe by a nozzle, from an injection inlet arranged in the pipe wall, according to an injection direction. A mixing device fastened inside the pipe upstream from the injection inlet creates turbulence that helps the mixing of the fluids. The mixing device has a first portion located on the injection inlet side of the pipe and a second portion located opposite the injection inlet side of the pipe, the portions being designed so that the fluid velocity is higher downstream from the mixing device second portion than downstream from the mixing device first portion. An aqueous solution of urea can be injected inside an exhaust pipe of a diesel engine.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001224A1

A method of removing ammonia from a continuous vent gas stream of a urea plant, in particular of a medium-pressure section of a urea plant, includes a step of removing ammonia from the continuous vent gas stream of the urea plant using a controlled-combustion process including at least a first lean, oxygen-poor combustion step performed in the presence of an understoichiometric amount of oxygen acting as the sole comburent, and in a reducing atmosphere of hydrogen. 1161. A method of removing ammonia from a continuous vent gas stream of a urea plant () , in particular of a medium-pressure section () of a urea plant , the method comprising a step of removing ammonia from the continuous vent gas stream of the urea plant () by means of a controlled-combustion process comprising at least a first lean , oxygen-poor combustion step performed in the presence of an understoichiometric amount of oxygen acting as the sole comburent , and in a hydrogen-containing reducing atmosphere.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxygen used in said first combustion step is the oxygen already present in the continuous vent gas stream for treatment.31. A method according to or claim 1 , wherein the continuous vent gas stream for treatment contains passivating oxygen claim 1 , and the passivating oxygen used in the urea plant () is exploited to remove ammonia.4. A method according to one of the preceding Claims claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in addition to said first lean combustion step claim 1 , the controlled-combustion process comprises a second combustion step performed in the presence of a stoichiometric or even greater amount of oxygen claim 1 , to burn the gases remaining from the first combustion step claim 1 , and in particular methane and hydrogen.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein said second combustion step is performed with the addition of secondary air or oxygen to complete combustion of the unburned gases in the gases from the first combustion step.6. A method ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002433A1
Автор: Kuhl Olaf

A process for processing metal ore includes: reducing a metal ore, particularly a metallic oxide, in a blast furnace shaft; producing furnace gas containing CO, in the blast furnace shaft; discharging the furnace gas from the blast furnace shaft; directing at least a portion of the furnace gas directly or indirectly into a CO-converter; and converting the COcontained in the furnace gas into an aerosol consisting of a carrier gas and C-particles in the CO-converter in the presence of a stoichiometric surplus of C; directing at least a first portion of the aerosol from the CO-converter into the blast furnace shaft; and introducing HO into the blast furnace shaft. By virtue of the reaction C+HO→CO+2H, nascent hydrogen is produced in the blast furnace which causes rapid reduction of the metal ore. The speed of reduction of the metal ore is thus increased, and it is possible to increase either the throughput capacity of the blast furnace or to reduce the size of the blast furnace. An aerosol in the form of a fluid is easily introducible into the blast furnace shaft. 142-. (canceled)43. A method for processing metal ore comprising the following steps:{'b': '2', 'reducing a metal ore in a blast furnace shaft ();'}{'sub': '2', 'b': '2', 'producing furnace gas containing COin the blast furnace shaft ();'}{'b': '2', 'discharging the furnace gas from the blast furnace shaft ();'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'b': 4', '4, 'directing the furnace gas directly or indirectly into a CO-converter () and converting the COcontained in the furnace gas into an aerosol consisting of a carrier gas and C-particles in the CO-converter () in the presence of a stoichiometric surplus of C;'}{'sub': '2', 'b': 4', '2, 'directing a first portion of the aerosol from the CO-converter () into the blast furnace shaft ();'}{'sub': '2', 'b': '4', 'wherein a second portion of the aerosol from the CO-converter () is fed to a further processing process; or'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b': '4', 'wherein the second portion of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008930A1
Принадлежит: PROSERNAT

A process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur recovery from a HS-containing gas stream by catalytic direct oxidation and Claus reaction through two or more serially connected catalytic reactors, wherein a specific control of the oxygen supplement is operated. The control and improvement of the process is obtained by complementing, in each major step of the process, the HS-containing gas stream by a suitable flow of oxygen, namely before the HS-containing gas stream enters the Claus furnace, in the first reactor of the process and in the last reactor of the process. Especially in application in a SubDewPoint sulfur recovery process the HS/SOratio is kept constant also during switch-over of the reactors R1 and R by adding the last auxiliary oxygen containing gas directly upstream the last reactor R so that the HS/SOratio can follow the signal of the ADA within a few seconds. 1. A process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (HS) from a HS-containing gas stream through two or more serially connected catalytic reactors , which process comprises:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a) mixing the HS-containing gas stream with a main oxygen-containing gas stream to obtain a gas stream containing both HS and oxygen,'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b) introducing the obtained gas stream containing both HS and oxygen into a furnace whereby a gas stream depleted in HS is obtained,'}{'sub': '2', 'c) transferring the gas stream depleted in HS to a sulfur condenser to obtain a gas stream depleted in sulfur,'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', 'max', '2, 'sup': 'R1', 'd) introducing the gas stream depleted in sulfur, optionally together with a first auxiliary oxygen-containing gas stream, into a first catalytic reactor R1 containing a catalyst system which catalyzes the Claus reaction of HS with sulfur dioxide (SO), the hydrolysis of COS and CSand optionally direct oxidation of HS with oxygen to sulfur, said reactor being operated at a maximum temperature Tbetween 290 and 350° C., whereby a gas stream depleted ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009505A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc.

A reductant insertion system for inserting reductant into an aftertreatment system via a reductant injector comprises a reductant insertion assembly comprising a pump operatively coupled to the reductant injector via a reductant delivery line. A compressed gas source is operatively coupled to the reductant injector and provides a compressed gas to the reductant injector for gas assisted delivery of the reductant. A controller is operatively coupled to the compressed gas source and the reductant insertion assembly and configured to determine whether there is a reductant demand for the reductant. In response to there being no reductant demand, the controller stops the pump and activates the compressed gas source for a predetermined time so as to provide compressed gas to the reductant injector at a pressure sufficient to force reductant contained in the reductant injector upstream towards the reductant insertion assembly via the reductant delivery line while the pump is stopped. 1. A reductant insertion system for inserting reductant into an aftertreatment system via a reductant injector , the reductant insertion system comprising:a reductant insertion assembly comprising a pump operatively coupled to the reductant injector via a reductant delivery line and configured to pump the reductant to the reductant injector;a compressed gas source operatively coupled to the reductant injector and configured to provide a compressed gas to the reductant injector for gas assisted delivery of the reductant through the reductant injector; and determine whether there is a reductant demand for the reductant,', 'in response to determining that there is no reductant demand, stop the pump, and', 'activate the compressed gas source for a predetermined time so as to provide the compressed gas to the reductant injector, at a pressure sufficient to force reductant contained in the reductant injector upstream towards the reductant insertion assembly via the reductant delivery line while the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011222A1

Improved systems and methods for dosing agent injection adaptation for a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system of an engine of a vehicle involve an adaptation procedure that is generally divided into distinct phases based upon the requirement to obtain an accurate dosing adaptation. The phases themselves provide the specific functions of catalyst ammonia storage depletion, catalyst ammonia storage and NOx conversion stabilization, and adaptation value factor determination and verification. 1. A selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for an engine of a vehicle , the SCR system comprising:an SCR catalyst configured to convert nitrogen oxide (NOx) in an exhaust gas produced by the engine;a dosing system configured to inject an ammonia-based dosing agent into the exhaust gas;NOx sensors arranged upstream and downstream from the SCR catalyst and configured to measure levels of the NOx in the exhaust gas; and during a first phase, depleting stored ammonia from the SCR catalyst;', 'during a second phase, stabilizing the SCR catalyst with a specific amount of ammonia;', 'during a third phase, determining a dosing accuracy for the SCR catalyst and determining an adaptation factor based on the dosing accuracy;', 'generating first, second, and third flags upon completion of the first, second, and third phases, respectively; and', 'based on the first, second, and third flags and the adaptation factor, controlling the dosing system to mitigate tailpipe NOx emissions., 'a controller configured to monitor the measured NOx levels and to control at least one of the engine and the dosing system to perform an adaptation procedure that eliminates false time-based adaptations, the adaptation procedure comprising2. The SCR system of claim 1 , wherein the controller initiates the second phase upon detection of the first flag claim 1 , initiates the third phase upon detection of the second flag claim 1 , and controls the dosing system based on the adaptation factor upon detection ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015782A1
Принадлежит: Sisu Energy & Environmental, LLC

The present invention provides for a reagent vaporization system. The reagent vaporization system includes a vaporization chamber located within a stream of hot exhaust gas. An aqueous reagent source located outside of the stream of hot exhaust gas provides aqueous reagent to the vaporization chamber. The heat from the hot exhaust gas vaporizes the aqueous reagent, which is then introduced into the stream of hot exhaust gas. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A vaporization system comprising:a vaporization chamber located within a stream of hot exhaust gas;a reagent source located outside of the stream of hot exhaust gas and in communication with the vaporization chamber providing aqueous reagent thereto;a dilution air heating coil located within the stream of hot exhaust gas; anda dilution air apparatus located outside of the stream of hot exhaust gas,wherein hot exhaust gas heats the surfaces of the vaporization chamber causing vaporization of the aqueous reagent,wherein the dilution air heating coil is located downstream of the vaporization chamber.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A vaporization system comprising:a vaporization chamber located within a stream of hot exhaust gas; anda reagent source located outside of the stream of hot exhaust gas and in communication with the vaporization chamber providing aqueous reagent thereto, wherein hot exhaust gas heats the surfaces of the vaporization chamber causing vaporization of the aqueous reagent,the vaporization chamber having one or more atomizing nozzles being configured to transform the reagent into a mist,the vaporization chamber having a static mixing system configured to disperse the atomized reagent.12. The vaporization system of claim 11 , wherein the static mixing system comprises a plurality of fixed baffles configured to induce turbulence within the atomized reagent. The present invention is generally directed toward reagent vaporization, and more ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Reducing agent injection device, exhaust gas treatment device and exhaust gas treatment method

Номер: US20160017777A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A reducing agent injection device includes a honeycomb structure having a honeycomb structure body and a pair of electrode members arranged in a side surface of the honeycomb structure body and a urea spraying device spraying a urea water solution in mist form. The urea water solution sprayed from the urea spraying device is supplied inside cells from a first end face of the honeycomb structure body, and urea in the urea water solution supplied in the cells is heated and hydrolyzed inside the electrically heated honeycomb structure body to generate ammonia. The ammonia is discharged outside the honeycomb structure body from a second end face and injected outside. There is provided a reducing agent injection device that can generate and inject ammonia from a urea solution with less energy.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016225A1
Принадлежит: American Electric Power Company, Inc.

This disclosure provides an apparatus and method for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO) from a combustion source. For example, a method and apparatus for injecting a urea solution directly into the flue gas stream of a coal-fired power plant that utilizes Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) to lower NOemissions. 1. A method for reducing the concentration of at least one predetermined chemical constituent comprising:selecting the at least one predetermined chemical constituent for removal from an exhaust gas stream produced by combustion of a solid fuel and having a thermal energy component and a pressure;passing the exhaust gas stream through a first turbulence producing device so as to distribute the predetermined chemical constituent throughout the exhaust gas stream,injecting into the exhaust gas stream, at an injection location and via at least one atomizing nozzle proximate to a second turbulence producing device, at least one reagent selected to facilitate the removal of the at least one predetermined chemical constituent;converting the at least one reagent to a first reaction by-product, utilizing substantially only the thermal energy present in the exhaust gas stream;passing the exhaust gas stream through the second turbulence producing device so as to distribute the first reaction by-product and the predetermined chemical constituent substantially uniformly throughout the exhaust gas stream; andreacting the at least one predetermined chemical constituent with the first reaction by-product, converting the predetermined chemical constituent to a second reaction by-product, thereby reducing the concentration of the chemical constituent in the exhaust gas stream.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising reacting the at least one predetermined chemical constituent and the first reaction by-product in the presence of a catalytic reduction module downstream of the injection location and first and second turbulence producing devices claim 1 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018209A1
Автор: Carpinisan Adrian

A urea concentration sensor reflector system includes a urea concentration sensor reflector assembly including a reflector having an upwardly convex dome shape integrally connected to and supported by multiple legs. The reflector includes a concave-shaped inner surface. The multiple legs are connected to and support the urea concentration sensor reflector assembly to an upward directed surface of a bottom tank wall of a urea storage tank. A sound wave generator and receiver is fixed to the bottom tank wall directly below and centrally aligned with the reflector. The sound wave generator and receiver generates ultrasonic sound waves directed upwardly toward the reflector. A concentration of a liquid urea in the urea storage tank is determined based on a time for the ultrasonic sound waves to travel to the reflector and return as echo signals to the sound wave generator and receiver, and a temperature of the liquid urea. 1. A urea concentration sensor reflector assembly , comprising:a reflector having a dome shape integrally connected to and supported by multiple legs, the reflector including a concave-shaped inner surface;the multiple legs connected to and supporting the urea concentration sensor assembly to an upward directed surface of a urea storage tank bottom tank wall; anda sound wave generator and receiver fixed to the bottom tank wall directly below and centrally aligned with the reflector, the sound wave generator and receiver generating ultrasonic sound waves directed upwardly toward the reflector.2. The urea concentration sensor reflector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the multiple legs include a first leg claim 1 , a second leg claim 1 , a third leg and a fourth leg claim 1 , each equidistantly spaced apart from a successive one of the legs.3. The urea concentration sensor reflector assembly of claim 1 , wherein a quantity of the multiple legs is one of three legs or more than four legs claim 1 , each angularly oriented with respect to the bottom tank wall ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023312A1

A process for reducing nitrogen oxides in an exhaust stream, such as a vehicle exhaust stream, and apparatus for carrying out the process. The process comprises providing a first composition comprising aqueous urea, a second composition comprising ammonium carbamate and an exhaust stream comprising nitrogen oxides. A process for producing the ammonium carbamate is also provided. The second composition may be introduced into the exhaust stream () when the exhaust stream has a temperature below a threshold temperature and the first composition may be introduced into the exhaust stream when the exhaust stream has a temperature at or above the threshold temperature. 1. A process for reducing nitrogen oxides in an exhaust stream , the process comprisingproviding a first reservoir having the first composition therein, the first composition comprising aqueous urea;transferring a portion of the first composition along a flow path, the flow path being in communication with a second reservoir;heating the portion of the first composition to produce a mixture comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide and water; the heating taking place in the flow path or in the second reservoir;cooling the mixture to generate a second composition, the second composition comprising aqueous ammonium carbamate and the cooling taking place in the flow path or in the second reservoir;introducing the second composition from the second reservoir into an exhaust stream comprising nitrogen oxides.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first composition is not introduced into the exhaust stream.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the second composition is introduced into the exhaust stream when the exhaust stream has a temperature below a threshold temperature and the first composition is introduced into the exhaust stream when the exhaust stream has a temperature at or above the threshold temperature.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein (i) the threshold temperature is at least 250° C.; and/or (ii) the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system for construction machine

Номер: US20190024553A1
Автор: Masatoshi Sakurai

An exhaust gas purification system for a construction machine prevents deterioration of an aqueous urea solution remaining in a conduit of an aqueous urea solution replenishing circuit after replenishment. An aqueous urea solution return circuit returns, to an aqueous urea solution tank, an excessive aqueous urea solution that has not been injected from an aqueous urea solution injection device into the exhaust gas, and is provided with a first return conduit that connects the aqueous urea solution injection device to the aqueous urea solution tank and a second return conduit that connects the aqueous urea solution injection device to a conduit of an aqueous urea solution replenishing circuit. An injection valve opening pressure of a first check valve provided in the first return conduit is set higher than an injection valve opening pressure of a second check valve provided in the second return conduit.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030236A1

A navigation mountable on-board a vehicle. The subsystem is configured to: receive a mixture including ammonia, carbon dioxide and water; generate from the mixture an ammonia rich fraction and a carbon dioxide rich fraction; the ammonia rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of carbon dioxide than the mixture and the carbon dioxide rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of ammonia than the mixture. 114-. (canceled)15. A subsystem mountable on-board a vehicle , the subsystem configured to:receive a mixture comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water;generate from the mixture an ammonia rich fraction and a carbon dioxide rich fraction;the ammonia rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of carbon dioxide than the mixture and the carbon dioxide rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of ammonia than the mixture,wherein the subsystem is in fluid communication with an outlet of a urea decomposition unit from which the mixture comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water flows out.16. The subsystem of claim 15 , comprising:a separating unit configured to separate the mixture comprising ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water into a first ammonia rich fraction and a carbon dioxide rich fraction; the first ammonia rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of carbon dioxide than the mixture and the carbon dioxide rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of ammonia than the mixture;a drying unit configured to dry the first ammonia rich fraction to obtain a second ammonia rich fraction; the second ammonia rich fraction containing a smaller weight percentage of water than the first ammonia rich fraction, and the second ammonia fraction forming the ammonia rich fraction generated by the subsystem.17. The subsystem of claim 15 , comprising a thermo-hydraulic section receiving the mixture and configured to generate a temperature difference between a first portion and a second portion of the thermo-hydraulic ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032689A1

An on-board vehicle reservoir containing an ammonia/organic solvent solution may be associated with a phase separator configured to isolate ammonia from the solution. The ammonia may be introduced into an exhaust gas stream of an internal combustion engine to function as a catalytic reductant. Ammonia may be employed to generate hydrogen via catalytic decomposition of ammonia, and the hydrogen may be introduced into an exhaust gas stream to aid catalytic reactions such as catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) and/or hydrocarbon (HC) and/or reduction of nitrogen oxides (NO); for instance during a cold-start period. 123-. (canceled)24. A vehicle on-board system comprising:an ammonia source; anda catalytic reactor in fluid communication with the ammonia source and configured to decompose ammonia from the ammonia source to generate hydrogen.25. The vehicle on-board system of claim 24 , wherein the ammonia source comprises a tank configured to store and release ammonia.26. The vehicle on-board system of claim 24 , wherein the ammonia source comprises a reservoir comprising an ammonia/organic solvent solution.27. The vehicle on-board system of claim 26 , wherein:the ammonia/organic solvent solution comprises from about 1% to about 70% ammonia by weight, based on the weight of the ammonia/organic solvent solution; andthe organic solvent comprises an alkanol and/or a glycol.28. The vehicle on-board system of claim 26 , further comprising a phase separator configured to isolate ammonia from the ammonia/organic solvent solution.29. The vehicle on-board system of claim 28 , further comprising an ammonia storage container associated with the phase separator.30. The vehicle on-board system of claim 24 , wherein the catalytic reactor comprises an ammonia decomposition catalyst disposed on one or more surfaces contained within the catalytic reactor.31. The vehicle on-board system of claim 24 , wherein the catalytic reactor further comprises a hydrogen separation membrane.32. ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Process for removing co2 from crude natural gas

Номер: US20180043299A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Matthey Davy Technologies Ltd

A method for treating a crude natural gas feed stream comprising methane and having a first carbon dioxide concentration, said method comprising the steps of: subjecting the crude natural gas feed stream to a separation process to provide: a purified natural gas stream having a second carbon dioxide content which is lower than the first carbon dioxide concentration in said crude natural gas stream; and, a carbon dioxide stream comprising carbon dioxide as the major component and methane; recovering the purified natural gas steam; optionally mixing the carbon dioxide stream with make-up methane and/or make-up air; passing the carbon dioxide stream and optional make-up methane or air through a heat exchanger to raise the temperature of the stream to the desired inlet temperature T 1 of an oxidation reactor; optionally mixing the carbon dioxide stream with make-up methane and/or make-up air; passing the heated stream from step (d) and any optional make-up methane and/or air to the oxidation reactor containing an oxidation catalyst, where the methane is oxidised; removing a gas stream including the products of the oxidation reaction from the reactor, said gas stream being at an outlet temperature T 2 which is higher than the inlet temperature T 1 ; passing the gas stream removed in step (g) through the heat exchanger against the carbon dioxide stream from step (a) to allow the heat to be recovered from the gas stream removed in step (g) and utilised to heat the carbon dioxide stream in step (d); and measuring the outlet temperature T 2 and controlling the inlet temperature T 1 by adjusting the amount of make-up methane and/or air added in step (c) and/or step (e).

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust gas aftertreatment system

Номер: US20210047957A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc

An exhaust gas system includes an engine-turbine exhaust gas conduit, a turbocharger, a turbine-housing exhaust gas conduit, an injection housing, a dosing module, and a bypass system. The engine-turbine exhaust gas conduit is configured to receive exhaust gas. The turbocharger includes a turbine. The turbine is coupled to the engine-turbine exhaust gas conduit. The turbine-housing exhaust gas conduit is coupled to the turbine. The injection housing is coupled to the turbine-housing exhaust gas conduit and centered on an injection housing axis. The dosing module is coupled to the injection housing and includes an injector. The injector is configured to dose reductant into the injection housing. The injector is centered on an injector axis. The bypass system includes a bypass inlet conduit, a bypass valve, and a bypass outlet conduit. The bypass inlet conduit is coupled to the engine-turbine exhaust gas conduit.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Reducing agent supply device and denitration device

Номер: US20220062823A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Power Ltd

A reducing agent supply device for supplying a reducing agent to a portion of a passage for a flue gas upstream of a SCR catalyst includes at least one header pipe extending in the passage and configured to allow the reducing agent to pass through; a plurality of injection nozzles disposed on the header pipe at intervals along an extension direction of the header pipe and configured to inject the reducing agent into the passage; a heat shield plate disposed on an upstream side of the header pipe with respect to a flow direction of the flue gas and having a longitudinal direction along the extension direction of the header pipe; and at least one fixing part contacting each of the heat shield plate and the header pipe and fixing the heat shield plate to the header pipe.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047120A1
Автор: FULDE Marek

The invention relates to a method for separating off and immobilizing carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide from an exhaust gas (). In the method, a stoichiometric ratio of carbon dioxide to hydrogen, and/or of carbon monoxide to hydrogen, which is suitable for a methanation reaction is set by virtue of a corresponding quantity of hydrogen or alternatively carbon dioxide and/or possibly carbon monoxide being supplied, with an auxiliary gas (), to the exhaust gas (). Subsequently, a catalytic reaction is performed in which, as starting products, carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted into methane and water. The methane is separated off from the product of the catalytic reaction and is subsequently split into carbon and hydrogen, wherein the carbon takes solid form. The split-off carbon is collected and disposed of. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for separation and immobilization of carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide from an offgas , wherein the offgas is obtained by combustion of fossil fuels in a power plant , as a byproduct in an industrial process or as an extraction gas in the extraction of fossil fuels , comprising the steps of:a) establishing a stoichiometric ratio of carbon dioxide to hydrogen and/or of carbon monoxide and hydrogen which is suitable for a methanization reaction by supplying the offgas with a corresponding amount of hydrogen or alternatively carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide by an additive gas,b) performing a catalytic reaction in which the reactants carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide and also hydrogen are converted into methane and water,c) separating the methane from the product of the catalytic reaction,d) cracking the methane into carbon and hydrogen, wherein the carbon is generated as a solid,e) collecting the cracked carbon, andf) landfilling the collected carbon.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein to establish the stoichiometric ratio the proportions of carbon dioxide and/or of carbon monoxide present ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

SCR Catalyst Having Improved Adhesion Of The Zeolite-Containing Catalytic Layer

Номер: US20180050326A1

The invention relates to: a catalytic composition that is active in the selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxides, containing an iron-containing MFI-type zeolite and an iron-containing BEA-type zeolite, wherein the weight average particle size d50 of the MFI-type zeolite and the BEA-type zeolite is different; a method for producing an SCR catalyst; and the SCR catalyst produced in this way. The adhesion of the coating is improved in that the weight average particle sizes of the MFI-type and BEA-type zeolites are different. 1. A catalytic composition comprising an iron-containing MFI-type zeolite and an iron-containing BEA-type zeolite , wherein the weight-average particle sizes d50 of the zeolites are different.2. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the weight-average particle sizes d50 of the zeolites differ by at least 0.5 μm.3. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the weight-average particle sizes d50 of the zeolites differ by at least 2 μm.4. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the BEA-type zeolite has a weight-average particle size d50 in the range from 0.1 to 3 μm and the MFI-type zeolite has a weight-average particle size d50 in the range from 2 to 10 μ.5. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the BEA-type zeolite has a weight-average particle size d50 in the range from 0.2 to 2 μm.6. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the MFI-type zeolite has a weight-average particle size d50 in the range from 4 to 8 μm.7. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the MFI-type zeolite to the BEA-type zeolite is in the range of 1:10 to 10:1.8. A catalytic composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the MFI-type zeolite comprises iron in amounts by weight of 0.7 to 4.9 wt % claim 1 , based on the weight of the iron-containing MFI-type zeolite claim 1 , and the BEA-type zeolite comprises iron in amounts by weight of 0.3 to 3.9 wt % claim 1 , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Dust removal and desulfurization of fcc exhaust gas

Номер: US20190054419A1

Apparatus and methods for denitrification and desulfurization of and dust removal from an FCC tail gas by an ammonia-based process. The apparatus may include a first-stage waste heat recovery system, a denitrification system, a dust removal and desulfurization system, a tail gas exhaust system, and an ammonium sulfate post-processing system. The dust removal and desulfurization system may include a dedusting tower and an absorption tower disposed separately. The top and the bottom of the absorption tower may be connected respectively to the tail gas exhaust system and the ammonium sulfate post-processing system. The absorption tower may include sequentially, from bottom to top, an oxidation section, an absorption section, and a fine particulate control section. The methods may be implemented with the apparatus.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055868A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solution Inc.

Systems and methods described herein relate to generating ammonia from engine exhaust instead of or in addition to using on-board storage tank(s) and/or doser(s) to provide the necessary chemical reagents for purification of the exhaust stream. Systems and methods for generating ammonia and/or hydrogen from engine exhaust in exhaust aftertreatment systems under ambient conditions comprise at least one water-gas shift (WGS) catalyst and at least one ammonia synthesis catalyst (AMS catalyst) positioned downstream of the WGS catalyst. The WGS catalyst is configured, using the engine exhaust gas as an input, to generate hydrogen used by the AMS catalyst as inputs to generate ammonia and/or hydrogen. The ammonia and/or hydrogen thus generated are used downstream in ammonia- and/or hydrogen-based selective catalytic reduction catalysts (SCR). 1. A method for treating exhaust gas in an aftertreatment system , the method comprising:receiving a quantity of exhaust gas from an engine, the quantity of exhaust gas containing a quantity of water, a quantity of nitrogen, and a quantity of carbon monoxide;generating a quantity of hydrogen from the quantity of water and the quantity of carbon monoxide using a water-gas shift catalyst;generating, using an ammonia synthesis catalyst, a quantity of ammonia using the quantity of hydrogen generated by the water-gas shift catalyst from the quantity of exhaust gas and the quantity of nitrogen from the quantity of exhaust gas, as an input; andfeeding, by an insertion conduit, the quantity of ammonia, generated by the ammonia synthesis catalyst from the quantity of hydrogen generated by the water-gas shift catalyst, and the quantity of nitrogen from the quantity of exhaust gas to a selective catalytic reduction catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a water conversion ratio of the water-gas shift catalyst is not greater than 25%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quantity of nitrogen gas from the quantity of exhaust gas flows ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mobile Selective Catalyst Reduction System

Номер: US20180058292A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Technology GmbH

The present application provides a mobile selective catalyst reduction system for use at a remote location. The mobile selective catalyst reduction system may include a first trailer with an ammonia delivery system and a tempering air system mounted thereon in whole or in part and a second trailer with a selective catalyst reduction section mounted thereon in whole or in part. The ammonia delivery system, the tempering air system, and/or the selective catalyst reduction section are permanently mounted on the first trailer or the second trailer for use at the remote location

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150064086A1

A selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) or selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) system include a reagent charging apparatus configured to apply one or more electrical charges to a NOx reducing reagent. The electrical charges enhance mixing of the reagent with fluids carrying NOx and/or enhance reactivity of the reagent with NOx. 1103.-. (canceled)104. A selective nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction system for a combustion reaction device , the system comprising:a reagent charging apparatus configured to apply electrical charges to a selective nitrogen oxide reduction reagent, the reagent further comprising a SCR/SNCR reagent; and a body defining a chamber, a launch orifice configured to eject reagent, and a reagent delivery passage configured to deliver the reagent or fluid carrying the reagent from a reagent source to the chamber; and', 'at least one electrode, distinct from the body defining the chamber, disposed at least partially within the chamber, within the launch orifice or within the delivery passage;, 'a reagent launcher configured to launch the charged reagent into a flue gas produced by the combustion reaction; the reagent launcher further comprisingwherein the at least one electrode is operatively coupled to the reagent charging apparatus.105. The selective NOx reduction system of claim 104 , wherein the reagent launcher and reagent charging apparatus form a portion of a burner or boiler system and cooperate to cause a reduction in an amount of NOx output by the burner or boiler system.106. The selective NOx reduction system of claim 104 , further comprising a burner configured to provide a fuel or a fuel and oxidizer to support the combustion reaction.107. The selective NOx reduction system of claim 104 , wherein the reagent charging apparatus forms a portion of the reagent launcher.108. The selective NOx reduction system of claim 104 , wherein the reagent launcher forms a portion of the reagent charging apparatus.109. The selective NOx reduction ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061536A1
Автор: Granger Jean Francois

A method for removing nitrogen oxides NOx from a gaseous current, comprising the steps of: passing the gaseous current through a de-NOx catalytic bed with iron exchanged zeolite as a catalyst with the addition of ammonia as a reducing agent, wherein the molar ratio of NH3 over NOx is greater than 1.33. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for removing nitrogen oxides NOx from a gaseous current , the method comprising:passing the gaseous current through a de-NOx catalytic bed including a catalyst that is an iron exchanged zeolite, with an addition of ammonia as a reducing agent;wherein a molar ratio of NH3 over NOx in the gas admitted to said de-NOx catalytic bed is 1.4 to 2;wherein said de-NOx catalytic bed is operated at a temperature in a range of 420° C. to 435° C.; and{'sup': −1', '−1, 'wherein a space velocity in said de-NOx catalytic bed is 10000 hto 14000 h.'}13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein said molar ratio of NH3 over NOx is 1.4 to 1.6.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein said molar ratio of NH3 over NOx is 1.5.15. The method according to claim 12 , wherein claim 12 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 12 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 100 ppm.16. The method according to claim 12 , wherein claim 12 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 12 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 50 ppm.17. The method according to claim 12 , wherein claim 12 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 12 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 25 ppm.18. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the temperature at which said de-NOx catalytic bed is operated is 430° C.19. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the iron exchanged zeolite catalyst includes MFI claim 12 , BEA claim 12 , FER claim 12 , MOR claim 12 , FAU claim 12 , MEL claim 12 , or combinations thereof.20. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the iron exchanged ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061537A1
Автор: SENG Guido

Presented is a process for the regeneration of a deactivated nitrogen oxide decomposition catalyst of a selective catalytic reduction system that is a component of a flue gas treating system that is one of parallel flue gas treating systems. The selective catalytic reduction system is isolated to provide a closed system in which a regeneration gas is circulated to regenerate the deactivated nitrogen oxide decomposition catalyst. Denitrified flue gas from a parallel flue gas treating system is introduced and used within the closed system as regeneration gas. 1. A process for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides contained in a gas stream and regeneration of a deactivated SCR catalyst , wherein said process comprises:providing a first processed flue gas stream, containing nitrogen oxides and sulfur compounds, and a second processed flue gas stream, containing nitrogen oxides and sulfur compounds;passing said first processed flue gas stream to a first SCR system having an upstream inlet and a downstream outlet that includes a first SCR catalyst and contacting said first processed flue gas stream with said first SCR catalyst in the presence of ammonia for a time sufficient to provide a deactivated first SCR catalyst deactivated by sulfur compounds and yielding from said first SCR system a first denitrified flue gas stream for discharge into a stack;passing said second processed flue gas stream to a second SCR system that includes a second SCR catalyst and yielding from said second SCR system a second denitrified flue gas stream for discharge;discontinuing said step of passing said first processed flue gas stream to said first SCR system by isolating said first SCR system to provide a closed system;introducing at an introduction rate a portion of said second denitrified flue gas stream into said closed system as a regeneration gas used to regenerate said first SCR catalyst and to yield a regeneration effluent gas containing SOx and ammonia; and circulating at ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Diagnostic and mitigation strategy for reductant injector obstruction in exhaust system

Номер: US20190063296A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A reductant delivery system includes an electronic control unit coupled with each of an electronically controlled reductant injector and an electronically controlled pump, and structured to mitigate obstruction of a reductant injector in an exhaust system of an engine. The electronic control unit is further structured to receive data indicative of a pump duty cycle, and calculate a diagnostic value based on pump duty cycle associated with injection of different amounts of reductant, compare the diagnostic value with a threshold value, and output an error signal to trigger an obstructed-injector mitigation action.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Mixing assembly for an after treatment unit of an exhaust system of a vehicle

Номер: US20220090531A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia India Pvt Ltd

A mixing assembly for an after-treatment unit of an exhaust system of a vehicle. The mixing assembly includes a swirl component and a bowl. The swirl component has a doser opening on a top surface for the ingress of reductant fluid(s) such as urea. The swirl component has a frustoconical portion and a cylindrical portion. The bowl is extended from a bottom surface of the cylindrical portion. Both the frustoconical portion and cylindrical portion of the swirl component are stamped together or formed from a single sheet metal stamping process. The present mixing assembly can substantially reduce the deposit build-ups in the transition between the swirl component and the bowl.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Low pressure drop swirling flow mixer

Номер: US20180078912A1

An assembly for mixing liquid within a gas flow includes a hollow conduit that is configured for containing a flow of gas and liquid droplets. The assembly includes a hollow conduit having an inner wall and configured for containing a flow of gas and liquid droplets. A first plurality of spaced blades is disposed in the conduit in a first plane. A second plurality of spaced blades are disposed in the conduit in a second plane disposed downstream of the first plane, the second plurality of spaced blades being circumferentially offset from the first plurality of spaced blades. A third plurality of spaced blades are disposed in the conduit in a third plane disposed downstream of the second plane, the third plurality of spaced blades being circumferentially offset from the second plurality of spaced blades.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078482A1

A fluid injector for a reductant delivery unit includes a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet, the injector defining a fluid path from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet; an actuator unit including a pole piece disposed in a fixed position within the injector, a movable armature, a spring coupled to the pole piece and the moveable armature, and a coil disposed near the pole piece and the movable armature. A valve assembly includes a valve seat and a seal member connected to the armature and engageable with the valve seat. The armature includes an armature pocket receiving a first end of the spring and the pole piece includes a pole piece pocket receiving a second end of the spring, each of the armature pocket and the pole piece pocket includes an end wall, the end wall of the armature pocket contacting the first end of the spring and the end wall of the pole piece pocket contacting the second end of the spring. 1. A reductant delivery unit , comprising: an actuator unit, including a pole piece disposed in a fixed position within the fluid injector, a movable armature, a coil disposed in proximity to the pole piece and the movable armature, and a spring;', 'a valve assembly comprising a valve seat disposed at or in proximity with the second end of the fluid injector and a seal member connected to the armature and engageable with the valve seat;, 'a fluid injector having a fluid inlet disposed at a first end of the fluid injector for receiving a reductant, and a fluid outlet disposed at a second end of the fluid injector for discharging the reductant, the fluid injector defining a fluid path from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet, the fluid injector comprisingwherein the armature includes an armature pocket, the armature pocket at least partly defining the fluid path of the fluid injector through the armature, and the pole piece includes a pole piece pocket defined in a downstream end of the pole piece and which at least partly defines the fluid path through the pole ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078733A1

The invention relates to a fluid suited for depollution of exhaust gas, notably in internal-combustion engines, allowing both to perform catalytic reduction of the nitrogen oxides (DeNOx) contained in the exhaust gas and to provide particulate filter (PAF) regeneration aid. The fluid is a homogeneous aqueous solution of a reductant or a reductant precursor for the DeNOx process, and it comprises a metallic additive for catalyzing the oxidation of exhaust gas particles. This metallic additive is a basic metal carbonate soluble in said aqueous solution. The invention also describes the preparation method and the use thereof for the depollution of exhaust gas of internal-combustion engines. 1. A fluid for depollution of exhaust gas , notably from internal-combustion engines , the fluid consisting of a homogeneous aqueous solution of at least one reductant or reductant precursor for elimination of nitrogen oxides NOx contained in the exhaust gas , the aqueous solution comprising a metallic additive for catalyzing the oxidation of exhaust gas particles in a particulate filter , the metallic additive being a basic metal carbonate soluble in the aqueous solution.2. A fluid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one reductant or reductant precursor is selected from the list made up of urea claim 1 , formamide claim 1 , ammonium salts claim 1 , guanidine salts claim 1 , and preferably the reductant or reductant precursor is urea.3. A fluid as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one reductant or reductant precursor is urea in solution in pure water.4. A fluid as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the at least one reductant or reductant precursor is 32.5±0.7 mass % urea in solution in pure water and meeting the specifications of the ISO 22241-1 standard.5. A fluid as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the homogeneous aqueous reductant solution is prepared from the commercial product AdBlue®.6. A fluid as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the basic metal carbonate belongs to the 05. ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Tunable AIG for Improved SCR Performance

Номер: US20150093315A1

A system for controlling reagent flow to an exhaust of a lean burn combustion source includes a plurality of decomposition ducts each being connected to at least one injection lance of a reagent injection grid and supplying reagent and hot carrier gas to the injection lance, and at least one metering valve in communication with each of the plurality of decomposition ducts that controls reagent injection rate to the injection lance. A method of controlling a reagent flow to an exhaust of a lean burn combustion source includes providing a reagent injection grid having at least one injection lance, supplying the reagent and hot carrier gas to the reagent injection grid from a plurality of decomposition ducts coupled to the injection grid, and controlling reagent injection rate to the injection grid via at least one metering valve in communication with each of the plurality of decomposition ducts. 1. A system for controlling a reagent flow to an exhaust of a lean burn combustion source equipped with a catalyst , comprising:a plurality of decomposition ducts, wherein each decomposition duct is connected to at least one injection lance of a reagent injection grid and supplies reagent and hot carrier gas to said at least one injection lance; andat least one metering valve in communication with each of said plurality of decomposition ducts, wherein said at least one metering valve controls reagent injection rate to said at least one injection lance of said injection grid.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of decomposition ducts feeds a plurality of injection lances of said reagent injection grid.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of decomposition ducts connect to a common header that supplies a mixture of hot gas and vaporized reagent to said reagent injection grid.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of said plurality of decomposition ducts is connected to one injection lance claim 1 , and wherein the individual lances receive hot ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20150096286A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

An exhaust gas purification device for an internal combustion engine purifies exhaust gas in a first exhaust path and a second exhaust path. The device includes a confluent path. The confluent path extends from a confluent section of the first exhaust path and the second exhaust path. A first auxiliary NOx catalyst is provided in the first exhaust path. A second auxiliary NOx catalyst is provided in the second exhaust path. A main NOx catalyst is provided in the confluent path. A first addition section adds an ammonia source in a first addition amount to a section upstream of the first auxiliary NOx catalyst to supply urea water to the first auxiliary NOx catalyst. A second addition section adds an ammonia source in a second addition amount to a section upstream of the second auxiliary NOx catalyst to supply urea water to the second auxiliary NOx catalyst.

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210101114A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Method and system for the removal of nitrogen oxides, from flue gas at low temperatures. 1. A method for the removal of nitrogen oxides from flue gas from combustion facilities , comprising the steps ofpassing the flue gas through one or more ceramic filter catalysed with a catalyst for selective reduction of nitrogen oxides in presence of ammonia added to the flue gas either as such or in form of a precursor thereof;at a temperature below 250° C. injecting an effluent gas containing nitrogen dioxide into the flue gas upstream the one or more ceramic filters;providing the effluent gas containing nitrogen dioxide by steps ofcatalytically oxidizing ammonia or a precursor thereof with an oxygen containing atmosphere to an effluent gas containing nitrogen monoxide and oxygen in presence of an oxidation catalyst;cooling the effluent gas to ambient temperature and oxidizing the nitrogen monoxide in the cooled effluent gas to the nitrogen dioxide containing effluent gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen containing atmosphere comprises flue gas.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen containing atmosphere is ambient air.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen dioxide containing effluent gas is injected into the flue gas in an amount resulting in 45 to 55% by volume of the nitrogen oxides is nitrogen dioxide at inlet to the catalyst for selective reduction of nitrogen oxides.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidation of the nitrogen monoxide in the cooled effluent gas to the nitrogen dioxide containing effluent gas is performed in presence of an oxidation catalyst.6. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the one or more ceramic filters are in form of ceramic candle filters.7. System for use in the method according to claim 1 , comprising within a flue gas duct a filter house with one or more ceramic filters catalysed with a catalyst for selective reduction of nitrogen oxides;upstream the one or more ceramic filters or ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Wire Mesh Mixing Tube

Номер: US20190101037A1
Автор: Golin Michael

A mixer assembly for mixing an injected reductant with an exhaust gas output from a combustion engine includes an outer housing, a tubular inner housing, and an injector. The outer housing includes an outer wall defining an exhaust gas passageway that can receive exhaust gas. The inner housing is disposed within the outer housing and includes a longitudinal axis, a first end, a peripheral wall, and an outlet. The peripheral wall is at least partially formed by wire mesh. The outlet is disposed at a second end of the inner housing opposite the first end of the inner housing. The injector is fixed to the inner or outer housing to dose the reductant into the interior of the inner housing. The wire mesh includes openings to receive at least a portion of the exhaust gas. The outlet of the inner housing discharges a mixture of exhaust gas and reductant. 1. A mixer assembly for mixing an injected reductant with an exhaust gas output from a combustion engine , comprising:an outer housing including an outer wall defining an exhaust gas passageway configured to receive exhaust gas from the engine;a tubular inner housing at least partially disposed within the outer housing, the inner housing including a longitudinal axis, a first end, a peripheral wall at least partially formed by wire mesh and at least partially defined by an interior of the inner housing, and an outlet disposed at a second end of the inner housing opposite the first end of the inner housing; andan injector fixed to one of the inner housing and the outer housing, the injector being configured to dose the reductant into the interior of the inner housing, wherein the wire mesh includes a plurality of openings configured to receive at least a portion of the exhaust gas within the outer housing and downstream of the injector, and the outlet of the inner housing is configured to discharge a mixture of the exhaust gas and the reductant.2. The mixer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the wire mesh of the peripheral wall ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for purifying the exhaust gases of a combustion engine

Номер: US20150118132A1
Принадлежит: Inergy Automotive Systems Research SA

An SCR method for purifying the exhaust gases of an internal combustion engine of a vehicle, according to which ammonia gas is exclusively metered in the exhaust gases, the method comprising a step of releasing ammonia gas from at least one solid absorbing matrix where it is stored by sorption and a step of metering the released ammonia gas in the exhaust gases. The method is such that it comprises a step of regenerating the solid absorbing matrix that consists in: generating a refilling ammonia gas by thermally decomposing an ammonia precursor in a heater mounted on board the vehicle; directing the refilling ammonia gas to the solid absorbing matrix where it is stored thereon.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122167A1
Автор: Gaiser Gerd

A device for releasing reactant (R) into the exhaust gas stream (A) of an internal combustion engine includes a reactant injection unit (), a reactant delivery unit () for delivering reactant (R) from a reactant reservoir () to the reactant injection unit (), a heating unit () for heating reactant (R) delivered by the reactant delivery unit () to the reactant injection unit (). An actuating unit () actuates the reactant delivery unit (), the heating unit () and the reactant injection unit (). An overpressure valve () or/and a pressure storage unit () is provided downstream of the reactant delivery unit (). 1. A device for releasing reactant into an exhaust gas stream of an internal combustion engine , the device comprising:a reactant injection unit;a reactant delivery unit for delivering reactant from a reactant reservoir to the reactant injection unit;a heating unit for heating reactant delivered by the reactant delivery unit to the reactant injection unit;an actuating unit configured to actuate the reactant delivery unit, to actuate the heating unit and to actuate the reactant injection unit; andan overpressure valve or a pressure storage unit or both an overpressure valve and a pressure storage unit provided downstream of the reactant delivery unit.2. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reactant delivery unit comprises a reactant pump for delivering reactant to the reactant injection unit claim 1 , the reactant pump being configured to generate a reactant pressure lying above a vapor pressure of the reactant heated by the heating unit.3. A device in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the reactant pump comprises a continuously delivering pump.4. A device in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the reactant pump comprises a gear pump.5. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the pressure storage unit comprises:at least one compressible volume equalizing element in a flow path of the reactant, downstream of the reactant delivery unit; orat least one ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Reducing Nox Emissions

Номер: US20200116062A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw BV

The invention is directed to a process and apparatus for treating an off-gas from a lean burn engine comprising contacting said off-gas with an oxidizing compound, thus producing oxidized NOx compounds, followed by contacting the oxidized NOx compounds with water, by which at least part of said oxidized NOx compounds dissolves in said water. The process of the invention provides for a very efficient means of reducing NOx emission. The equipment for carrying out the process of the invention can be compact, so that it can be used on board without sacrificing too much valuable space and without increasing the weight of the ship too much.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Selective Catalyic NOx Reduction Apparatus Providing Improved Gasification of Urea

Номер: US20160129396A1
Автор: Lau Ronald A.
Принадлежит: FUEL TECH, INC.

Disclosed is an apparatus for gasifying urea from aqueous solution, comprising: a vertically-oriented gasification chamber. A gas inlet opening permits entry of hot gases from the top and a gas outlet opening for permitting the removal of gases including gasified urea from the bottom. Sidewalls define a gasification chamber communicating with the gas inlet and gas outlet. The sidewalls include, an injector support section having a generally cylindrical side wall, at least one injector for introducing fine droplets of aqueous urea parallel to the central vertical axis, and a gas swirling device including a frame and a plurality of vanes for downwardly spiraling gases passing through it from top to bottom. Also, defined by the sidewalls are a conical midsection is provided with an outwardly expanding diameter from top to bottom, and a conical collection section with inwardly decreasing diameter from top to bottom. The apparatus is arranged such that aqueous urea is introduced into a downwardly spiraling flow of hot gases that prevents droplets from contacting chamber sidewalls until gasification is complete. 1. An apparatus is provided comprising: i. a gas inlet opening permitting entry of hot gases from the top of the apparatus,', 'ii. a gas outlet opening for permitting the removal of gases including gasified urea from the bottom of the apparatus, and', (a) an injector support section having a generally cylindrical side wall, at least one injector for introducing fine droplets of aqueous urea parallel to the central vertical axis, and a gas swirling device including a frame and a plurality of vanes for downwardly spiraling gases passing through it from top to bottom,', '(b) a conical midsection with outwardly expanding diameter from top to bottom along the central vertical axis, and', '(c) a conical collection section with inwardly decreasing diameter from top to bottom along the central vertical axis;, 'iii. sidewalls defining a gasification chamber communicating ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Cyclonic Injector And Method For Reagent Gasification And Decomposition In A Hot Gas Stream

Номер: US20180126332A1
Принадлежит: Peerless Manufacturing Co

A system for vaporizing and optionally decomposing a reagent, such as aqueous ammonia or urea, which is useful for NOx reduction, includes a cyclonic decomposition duct, wherein the duct at its inlet end is connected to an air inlet port and a reagent injection lance. The air inlet port is in a tangential orientation to the central axis of the duct. The system further includes a metering valve for controlling the reagent injection rate. A method for vaporizing and optionally decomposing a reagent includes providing a cyclonic decomposition duct which is connected to an air inlet port and an injection lance, introducing hot gas through the air inlet port in a tangential orientation to the central axis of the duct, injecting the reagent axially through the injection lance into the duct; and adjusting the reagent injection rate through a metering valve.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Producing Cement Clinker

Номер: US20180127312A1
Автор: Helmut Leibinger

In methods of and/or plants for manufacturing cement clinker, the amount of chloride bypass exhaust gas 79 can be substantially decreased, when using previously cooled chloride bypass exhaust gas 81 and/or cooled kiln exhaust gas as coolant for the chloride bypass exhaust gas 39 prior to deducting the chloride bypass exhaust gas 39.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274059A1

A catalyst arrangement deciding method for a flue gas denitrizer including a catalyst layer disposed in an exhaust gas passage includes: a step of investigating a location dependence of a degradation state of a catalyst in the catalyst layer after a lapse of a period of operation; and a step of deciding a first region of the catalyst layer in which a first catalyst is used and a second region of the catalyst layer in which a second catalyst different from the first catalyst is used, on the basis of the location dependence. 1. A catalyst arrangement deciding method for a flue gas denitrizer including a catalyst layer disposed in an exhaust gas passage , comprising:a step of investigating a location dependence of a degradation state of a catalyst in the catalyst layer after a lapse of a period of operation; anda step of deciding a first region of the catalyst layer in which a first catalyst is used and a second region of the catalyst layer in which a second catalyst different from the first catalyst is used, on the basis of the location dependence.2. The catalyst arrangement deciding method according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the first catalyst and the second catalyst has a cell extending along an exhaust gas flow direction, andwherein a hydraulic diameter of the cell of the first catalyst is larger than a hydraulic diameter of the cell of the second catalyst.3. The catalyst arrangement deciding method according to claim 1 ,wherein the first catalyst is a plate-shaped catalyst, andwherein the second catalyst is a honeycomb catalyst.4. The catalyst arrangement deciding method according to claim 1 ,wherein the investigating step includes investigating a location dependence of a wear state of the catalyst, an ash deposition state on the catalyst, a performance reduction of the catalyst, or a reductant leakage amount from the catalyst as the degradation state.5. The catalyst arrangement deciding method according to claim 4 ,wherein the investigating step includes ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Reductant delivery systems and methods

Номер: US20200123952A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc

A controller for a dosing module including a pump, an inlet manifold coupled to the pump, a nozzle, an outlet manifold coupled to the nozzle, a first branch coupled to the inlet manifold and the outlet manifold and having a first flow restrictor and a first valve, a second branch coupled to the inlet manifold and the outlet manifold and having a second flow restrictor and a second valve, and a sensor coupled to the inlet manifold and the outlet manifold, includes an input/output interface and a processing circuit. The input/output interface is configured to electronically communicate with the first valve and the second valve. The processing circuit configured to selectively cause the first valve to be in a first valve first position, in which the first valve facilitates fluid communication from the inlet manifold to the outlet manifold through the first branch, and a first valve second position.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210170334A1

Disclosed are a system and a method for desulfurization and denitrification of an alumina calcination flue gas, and a use. The system comprises an ozone generator (), a red mud pre-impregnation slurry scrubbing tower (), and a red mud pre-impregnation tank () and a red mud pre-impregnation clear liquid scrubbing tower (). NOin a flue gas is oxidized into a high valence oxynitride by ozone, and with the red mud as an absorbent, the synergistic absorption of SOand NOin the flue gas is achieved, while the dealkalization of the red mud is achieved. By means of the synergistic catalytic oxidation of metal ions such as Fe in a red mud slurry and ozone, the synergistic absorption of sulfur and oxynitride is prompted and the material consumption of the subsequent desulfurization and denitrification is reduced; and the use of a structure of staged absorption in two towers overcomes the problem of the difficulty in absorbing NOwith a low O/NOmolar ratio by enhancing absorption with sodium alkali in a second stage tower, while decreasing the consumption of and risk of escape of the ozone, wherein same has the advantages of a high purification efficiency and a low operation cost, and has a stronger applicability to the alumina calcination flue gas. 1. A system for desulfurization and denitrification of alumina calcination flue gas , comprising: an ozone generator , a red mud pre-impregnation slurry scrubbing tower , a red mud pre-impregnation tank and a red mud pre-impregnation clear liquid scrubbing tower; wherein the red mud pre-impregnation slurry scrubbing tower is provided with a spray layer at a upper part , and a flue gas inlet disposed on a tower wall below the spray layer and connected to an alumina calcination flue gas pipeline; the red mud pre-impregnation clear liquid scrubbing tower is provided with a spray layer at a upper part , and a flue gas inlet disposed on a tower wall below the spray layer; a gas outlet at the top of the red mud pre-impregnation slurry ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147529A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

A flue gas mixing apparatus includes gas mixers, wherein the gas mixers have a gas flow channel, one of parallel two faces of a cuboid space being set as a gas flow-in face, the other thereof being set as a gas flow-out face, and in the gas flow channel, each of the gas flow-in face and the gas flow-out face is segmented into at least four regions which have same symmetric areas by straight lines passing through a center of each face, and a gas flow channel partition plate which introduces the combustion flue gas caused to flow in each of the regions of the gas flow-in face into each of the regions of the gas flow-out face at positions at which the regions are shifted one-by-one around a line segment connecting the centers of the gas flow-in face and the gas flow-out face is included. 1. A flue gas mixing apparatus comprisinga plurality of gas mixers provided on a flow channel cross-section of a flue gas duct into which combustion flue gas to which a reducing agent which reduces nitrogen oxide in the combustion flue gas is added is introduced and which is on an upstream side of a denitration catalyst layer of a denitration apparatus, whereinthe gas mixers have a gas flow channel in which the combustion flue gas is caused to flow, one of parallel two faces of a cuboid space being set as a gas flow-in face, the other thereof being set as a gas flow-out face, andin the gas flow channel, each of the gas flow-in face and the gas flow-out face is segmented into at least four regions which have same symmetric areas by straight lines passing through a center of each face, and the gas flow channel includes a gas flow channel partition plate which introduces the combustion flue gas caused to flow hi each of the regions of the gas flow-in face into each of the regions of the gas flow-out face at positions at which the regions are shifted one-by-one around a line segment connecting the centers of the gas flow-in face and the gas flow-out face.2. The flue gas mixing apparatus ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

System and Process for Efficient SCR at High NO2 to NOx Ratios

Номер: US20210180791A1

Disclosed herein is a system for the removal of volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from off-gas even at high NOto NOratios, wherein the amount of NOwithin NOis higher than or equal to 50 mol-%, comprising a source of ammonia, means for introducing ammonia into a catalytic article having an SCR functionality; a catalytic article having both an oxidation and an SCR functionality, the catalytic article comprising a catalyst substrate and a catalyst composition comprising at least one platinum group metal and/or at least one platinum group metal oxide, at least one oxide of titanium and at least one oxide of vanadium, wherein the washcoat is located in and/or on the walls of the catalyst substrate: means for measuring the amount of NOand/or the ammonia slip between the outlet end of the catalytic article and the stack or at the stack, at least one carbon monoxide source, and means for introducing carbon monoxide into the catalytic article. Optionally, an SCR catalytic article can be placed upstream of downstream of the cata-lytic article having both an oxidation and an SCR functionality. Also disclosed is a method for the removal of volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from off-gas introducing carbon monoxide in order to keep the amount of NOx and/or the ammonia slip between the outlet end of the catalytic article and the stack or at the stack at predetermined values. The method makes use of the system according to the invention. The system and the method can be used for the cleaning of flue gas. 1. A system for the removal of volatile organic compounds , carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from off-gas comprisinga) a source of ammoniab) means for introducing ammonia into a catalytic article having an SCR functionality; a catalyst substrate and a catalyst composition comprising at least one platinum group metal and/or at least one platinum group metal oxide, at least one oxide of titanium and at least one oxide of ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Control device for flue gas denitrizer, boiler facility, control method for flue gas denitrizer, and control program for flue gas denitrizer

Номер: US20220297061A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A control device for controlling a flue gas denitrizer including a reductant supply part for supplying a reductant to an exhaust gas passage to which an exhaust gas from a boiler is introduced. The control device comprises: a storage part which stores a plurality of opening degree patterns of a plurality of first valves corresponding to a plurality of operational states of the boiler respectively; an opening degree pattern acquisition part configured to acquire an opening degree pattern corresponding to a present operational state of the boiler among the plurality of opening degree patterns from the storage part; and a first valve control part configured to regulate an opening degree of each of the plurality of first valves, on the basis of the opening degree pattern acquired by the opening degree pattern acquisition part.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Variable spray angle injector arrangement

Номер: US20180163594A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

An injector, comprising, an injector body comprising, an inner wall that defines an injector cavity for fluid, at least one inlet channel into the injector cavity, and at least one outlet channel from the injector cavity, a plunger that defines at least one passageway between the injector cavity and the at least one outlet channel, the plunger being movable longitudinally in the injector cavity between at least: a first open arrangement in which the at least one passageway is positioned to direct fluid into the at least one outlet channel at a first position, and a second open arrangement in which the at least one passageway is positioned to direct fluid into the at least one outlet channel at a second position different from the first position.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190160424A1

Provided are an exhaust gas vessel denitration system and a method of determining nozzle clogging in the same, and more particularly, an exhaust gas vessel denitration system including an exhaust pipe for discharging exhaust gas including nitrogen oxide generated from an engine of a vessel, a reducing agent inlet configured as an integrated dosing unit (IDU) for injecting a reducing agent into the exhaust pipe, and a reactor for inducing a reduction reaction of exhaust gas mixed with the reducing agent and decomposing nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas to nitrogen and water vapor to reduce the nitrogen oxide, and a method of determining clogging of urea spray at an injector nozzle of the system. 1. An exhaust gas vessel denitration system , comprising:an exhaust pipe for discharging exhaust gas including nitrogen oxide generated from an engine;an urea tank for storing urea;an injecting module including a pulse type injector for mixing the urea with heated air to generate a reducing agent and spraying the reducing agent to the exhaust pipe according to a pulse signal;a rotation number adjusting-type pump for supplying the urea stored in the urea tank to the injecting module and connected to the injecting module to be operatively associated to the injecting module to control a supply amount of the reducing agent;a reducing agent inlet including a pressure transmitter for monitoring pressure of the reducing agent between the injecting module and the pump;a reactor for inducing a reduction reaction of exhaust gas mixed with the reducing agent and decomposing nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas to nitrogen and water vapor to reduce the nitrogen oxide,wherein the reducing agent inlet is configured in such a way that the injecting module, the pump, and the pressure transmitter are formed as a module in an integrated dosing unit (IDU) that is one physical space.2. The exhaust gas vessel denitration system of claim 1 , wherein the injecting module includes:a chamber in which an ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156003A1

One object is to provide a useful aldehyde decomposition catalyst, and an exhaust gas treatment apparatus and an exhaust gas treatment method using the aldehyde decomposition catalyst that achieve low cost and sufficient aldehyde decomposition performance with a small amount of the catalyst. An aldehyde decomposition catalyst of the present invention is made of a zeolite in a cation form NHhaving a structure of CHA or MOR and carrying Cu. 1. A method for decomposing an aldehyde contained in a combustion exhaust gas , the method comprising a step of contacting the aldehyde with an aldehyde decomposition catalyst , characterized in that the aldehyde decomposition catalyst is made of a zeolite in a cation form NHhaving a structure of CHA or MOR and carrying Cu.2. An exhaust gas treating method in which a combustion exhaust gas is denitrated by contacting the combustion exhaust gas with a denitration catalyst claim 1 , wherein an alcohol is fed as a reducing agent for the denitration to the combustion exhaust gas claim 1 , and an aldehyde by-produced in the denitration is decomposed according to the method of .3. The exhaust gas treatment method according to claim 2 , in which the temperature range of the combustion exhaust gas is from 200 to 400° C.4. The method for decomposing an aldehyde contained in a combustion exhaust gas according to claim 1 , wherein the aldehyde contained in the combustion exhaust gas is formaldehyde.5. The exhaust gas treating method according to claim 2 , wherein the aldehyde contained in the combustion exhaust gas is formaldehyde.6. The exhaust gas treatment method according to claim 3 , wherein the aldehyde contained in the combustion exhaust gas is formaldehyde. The subject application is a Divisional Application of U.S. Ser. No. 15/526,626, filed May 12, 2017, which is the U.S. National Phase of PCT/JP2015/081556, filed Nov. 10, 2015, which in turn claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2014-229692, filed Nov. 12, 2014. The ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Method and system for temperature control in catalytic oxidation reactions

Номер: US20180169580A1
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe AS

A method and system for temperature control in catalytic oxidation of hazardous compounds to protect the catalytic system against thermal overload by means of injecting adsorbing ammonia reagent, in order to reduce the exothermic reaction from oxidation and the resulting temperature rise.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180169581A1
Принадлежит: UMICORE AG & CO. KG

A multifunctional wall flow filter and a system having same performing removal of noxious compounds comprising nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide and particulate matter from exhaust gas of a compression ignition engine by performing in series the steps of (a) adding an amount of SCR reductant in form of droplets of an aqueous urea solution to the exhaust gas; (b) introducing the exhaust gas admixed with the droplets of the aqueous urea solution into inlet channels of a wall flow filter and oxidizing the volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and water and nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen dioxide in presence of an oxidation catalyst arranged on permeable porous partition walls at inlet side of the wall flow filter, the oxidation catalyst active in; (c) subsequently evaporating and decomposing the droplets of the aqueous urea solution in the exhaust gas from step (b) to ammonia; (d) passing the exhaust gas containing the ammonia through the permeable porous partition walls of the wall flow filter to outlet channels of the filter and capturing the particulate matter on surface of the permeable porous partition walls facing the inlet channels of the filter; (e) removing continuously the captured particulate matter by reaction with the nitrogen dioxide contained in the exhaust gas; and (f) subsequently removing remaining amounts of nitrogen dioxide from the exhaust gas by reaction with the ammonia in presence of an SCR active catalyst arranged within the gas permeable porous partition walls and/or on wall side facing the outlet channels of the wall flow particle filter. 1. A method for the removal of noxious compounds comprising nitrogen oxides , volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide and particulate matter from exhaust gas of a compression ignition engine comprising in series the steps of(a) adding an amount of SCR reductant in form of droplets of an aqueous urea solution to the exhaust gas;(b) introducing the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210205866A1
Принадлежит: MERCUTEK, LLC

Methods for treating an industrial byproduct, such as spent, granular, activated carbon, dredge spoils, or contaminated soils involve integrated steps to clean, concentrate, separate and/or otherwise collect hazardous and/or desired materials from such industrial byproducts. The cleaned, concentrated, separated, or collected materials may involve sufficient quantities to be useful to subsequent processors, raw materials, additives, and the like. Other treatment methods involve retaining the clean material stream at sufficient temperatures for sufficient time to separate and concentrate desired material for recovery therefrom, such as precious metals and rare earth elements. 1. A method for treating an industrial byproduct comprising:providing the industrial byproduct, the industrial byproduct selected from the group consisting of spent, granular, activated carbon, dredge spoils, weak acid sludge, and contaminated soils,heating the industrial byproduct to separate at least one heavy metal from the industrial byproduct to create first and second streams consisting essentially of, respectively, a clean material stream and a gas stream containing at least one of a heavy metal and a contaminant;retaining the first, clean material stream at sufficiently high temperature and for a sufficient period of time to cause the volatilization of any carbons and/or hydrocarbons present into the second gas stream;combining the second gas stream with a water soluble alkaline-earth metal sulfide to create a third combined stream;removing at least a portion of the industrial byproduct from the third combined stream to create a fourth, remaining combined stream;passing the fourth remaining combined stream to a volatilization vessel as combustion air; andpassing the remaining combined stream through at least one of a thermal oxidizer, sulfur scrubber, and NOx scrubber to achieve emissions standards in the fourth, remaining combined stream at the exhaust stack.2. The method of claim 1 , ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Variable spray angle injector arrangement

Номер: US20150190753A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

An injector, comprising, an injector body comprising, an inner wall that defines an injector cavity for fluid, at least one inlet channel into the injector cavity, and at least one outlet channel from the injector cavity, a plunger that defines at least one passageway between the injector cavity and the at least one outlet channel, the plunger being movable longitudinally in the injector cavity between at least: a first open arrangement in which the at least one passageway is positioned to direct fluid into the at least one outlet channel at a first position, and a second open arrangement in which the at least one passageway is positioned to direct fluid into the at least one outlet channel at a second position different from the first position.

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Catalytic reactor and vehicle equipped with said catalytic reactor

Номер: US20150192049A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A catalytic reactor includes a catalytic reaction section, which has a purification catalyst for gas purification, and a warming-up section, which is located at a position capable of heat-exchanging with the purification catalyst and has a chemical heat storage material that generates heat when ammonia is fixed and absorbs heat when ammonia is desorbed. The catalytic reactor is further includes an ammonia supply section, which has an adsorbent capable of adsorbing ammonia and transfers ammonia to and from the warming-up section through the adsorption and desorption of the ammonia, and an ammonia depressurization section, which has an ammonia fixation section for fixing ammonia and reduces the partial ammonia pressure of at least the interior of the warming-up section after ammonia is desorbed from the chemical heat-storage material.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Method for in-situ generation of nanoflower-like manganese dioxide catalyst on filter material

Номер: US20200179906A1
Автор: Jian Chen, Yuying Zheng

This present invention discloses method for in-situ generation of nanoflower-like manganese dioxide catalyst on filter material. The method comprises: immersing a filter material in a solution containing sodium lauryl sulfate and nitric acid; first modifying the surface of the filter material by using the sodium lauryl sulfate so that a charge layer is wound around the surface of the filter material and tightly absorbs H+ in an acid solution; and then adding potassium permanganate as an oxidant to react with H+ on the surface of the filter material to generate nano flower-like manganese dioxide in situ on the surface of the filter material, so as to obtain a composite filter material having a denitration function. Since the surface of the filter fiber is uniformly coated with a layer of nanoflower-like manganese dioxide, the manganese dioxide of such a morphology has a larger specific surface area and a higher pore volume than ordinary manganese dioxide, and is more conducive to the diffusion of the reaction gas, and therefore the catalytic filter material has very excellent low-temperature activity, the NOx removal efficiency reach 97% at 160° C., and the composite filter material has excellent bonding strength, gas permeability and catalytic stability. In addition, the method is environmentally friendly, reagents used in the experiment are cheap and readily available, and the experimental process is easy to operate, and the reaction process takes only 2-3 hours; therefore, the method is advantageous for large-scale experimental production.

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193796A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

This boiler has a flue in which a reducing agent supplying device and a selective reduction catalyst are provided, a bypass flow path bypassing economizers is provided, and a first closing device partially closing the bypass flow path and a second closing device partially closing the flue are also provided. A plurality of first closing members, serving as the first closing device, are provided along the direction in which exhaust gas flows through the flue at a predetermined spacing in the width direction of the flue. A plurality of second closing members, serving as the second closing device are provided along the vertical direction at a predetermined spacing in the width direction of the flue. The first closing members and the second closing members are arranged so as to be displaced from each other in the width direction of the flue. 17-. (canceled)8. A boiler comprising:a furnace having a hollow shape and installed along a vertical direction;a combustion device disposed in the furnace;a flue connected to an upper portion of the furnace in the vertical direction to cause flue gas to flow therethrough;a heat exchanger disposed in the flue;a reducing agent supplying device disposed on the further downstream side in a flow direction of the flue gas with respect to the heat exchanger in the flue;a denitration catalyst disposed on the further downstream side in the flow direction of the flue gas with respect to the reducing agent supplying device in the flue;a bypass flow path having one end portion connected to the further upstream side in the flow direction of the flue gas with respect to the heat exchanger in the flue, and the other end portion connected between the heat exchanger and the reducing agent supplying device in the flue;a first closing device which is provided on the further upstream side in the flow direction of the flue gas with respect to a downstream side connection portion with the flue, to which the other end portion of the bypass flow path is ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197178A1
Автор: Perbandt Christian

A method of reducing the concentration of NOnitrogen oxides in tail gas obtained during the startup of a plant for preparation of nitric acid may involve heating the tail gas as a result of measures for preparation of nitric acid from a starting temperature T, through a threshold temperature T, and to an operating temperature Tat which steady-state operation of the plant can be effected (T Подробнее

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200188851A1
Автор: KUBO Shohei, Tanaka Toru

A flue gas denitration system includes a catalytic reactor accommodating a plurality of catalytic modules, into which a flue gas flows, and a flue gas heater provided on an upstream side of the catalytic reactor in a flow direction of the flue gas. In the flue gas denitration system, switched are a first denitration state in which the flue gas is denitrated by using the plurality of catalytic modules in the catalytic reactor and a second denitration state in which the flue gas is denitrated by using a catalytic module(s) less than those used in the first denitration state while a temperature of the flue gas flowing into the catalytic reactor is made higher than that in the first denitration state by using the flue gas heater. Thus, by making the temperature of the flue gas flowing into the catalytic reactor higher, it is possible to suppress deterioration in denitration performance in the case of using part of the plurality of catalytic modules for denitration. 1. A flue gas denitration system comprising:a catalytic reactor accommodating a plurality of catalytic modules, into which a flue gas flows;a flue gas heater provided on an upstream side of said catalytic reactor in a flow direction of said flue gas; anda control unit,wherein said control unit switches between a first denitration state in which said flue gas is denitrated by using said plurality of catalytic modules in said catalytic reactor and a second denitration state in which said flue gas is denitrated by using a catalytic module(s) less than those used in said first denitration state while a temperature of said flue gas flowing into said catalytic reactor is made higher than that in said first denitration state by using said flue gas heater.2. The flue gas denitration system according to claim 1 , whereinsaid catalytic reactor has a plurality of catalytic chambers arranged in parallel with the flow of said flue gas,said plurality of catalytic modules are accommodated in said plurality of catalytic ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229035A1
Автор: Granger Jean Francois

A method for removing nitrogen oxides NOx from a gaseous current, comprising the steps of: passing the gaseous current through a de-NOx catalytic bed with iron exchanged zeolite as a catalyst with the addition of ammonia as a reducing agent, wherein the molar ratio of NH3 over NOx is greater than 1.33. 1. A method for removing nitrogen oxides NOx from a gaseous current , the method comprising:passing the gaseous current through a de-NOx catalytic bed including a catalyst that is an iron exchanged zeolite, with an addition of ammonia as a reducing agent;{'sub': '3', 'wherein a molar ratio of NHover NOx in the gas admitted to said de-NOx catalytic bed is 1.4 to 2;'}wherein said de-NOx catalytic bed is operated at a temperature in a range of 420° C. to 435° C.; and{'sup': −1', '−1, 'wherein a space velocity in said de-NOx catalytic bed is 10000 hto 14000 h.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said molar ratio of NHover NOx is 1.4 to 1.6.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said molar ratio of NHover NOx is 1.5.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 1 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 100 ppm.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 1 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 50 ppm.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after the passage though said de-NOx catalytic bed claim 1 , a residual amount of NOx in the gas is not greater than 25 ppm.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the temperature at which said de-NOx catalytic bed is operated is 430° C.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iron exchanged zeolite catalyst includes MFI claim 1 , BEA claim 1 , FER claim 1 , MOR claim 1 , FAU claim 1 , MEL claim 1 , or combinations thereof.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iron exchanged zeolite includes an Fe-ZSM-5 type iron ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160236145A1

The present invention provides a flue gas treatment method and a denitration and SOreduction apparatus configured to efficiently reduce the concentration of SOin a combustion flue gas and also efficiently reduce NOin the combustion flue gas at treatment costs lower than those of conventional methods. The flue gas treatment method performs a treatment for reducing SOinto SOby adding a compound including the elements H and C to a combustion flue gas including SOas well as NOin an oxygen atmosphere as a first additive, and then by bringing the combustion flue gas into contact with a catalyst including an oxide constituted by one or more of elements selected from the group consisting of Ti, Si, Zr, and Ce and/or a mixed oxide and/or a complex oxide including two or more of the elements selected from the group as a carrier. 1. A flue gas treatment method comprising the steps of:{'sub': 3', 'x, 'adding a 3C-5C olefinic hydrocarbon (unsaturated hydrocarbon) to a combustion flue gas including SOas well as NOas a first additive; and then,'}{'sub': 3', '2, 'bringing the combustion flue gas into contact with a catalyst which includes an oxide constituted by one or more of elements selected from the group consisting of Ti, Si, Zr, and Ce and/or a mixed oxide and/or a complex oxide constituted by two or more of elements selected from the group as a carrier and which does not include a noble metal, and thereby SOis treated by reduction into SO.'}2. The flue gas treatment method according to claim 1 , wherein the 3C-5C olefinic hydrocarbon (unsaturated hydrocarbon) is one or more selected from the group consisting of CH claim 1 , CH claim 1 , and CH.3. The flue gas treatment method according to claim 2 , wherein the CHand CHare a geometric isomer or a racemic body of either one of them.4. The flue gas treatment method according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier includes a mixed oxide and/or a complex oxide including one or more selected from the group consisting of TiO—SiO claim 1 ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232220A1

Systems and methods use oxygen uncoupling metal oxide material for decomposition of NO. A gaseous input stream comprising NOis contacted with a metal oxide particle, generating nitrogen (N) gas and an oxidized metal oxide particle. After contacting the first gaseous input stream with the metal oxide particle, a first gaseous product stream is collected. The first gaseous product stream includes substantially no NO. A second gaseous input stream comprising at least one sweeping gas is also contacted with the oxidized metal oxide particle. After contacting the oxidized metal oxide particle, the sweeping gas includes oxygen (O) and a reduced metal oxide particle is generated. Then a second gaseous product stream is collected, where the second gaseous product stream includes oxygen (O) gas. 1. A method comprising:{'sub': x', 'x', '2, 'claim-text': 'wherein contacting the first gaseous input stream with the metal oxide particle occurs at a first temperature of from 400° C. to 700° C.;', 'contacting a first gaseous input stream comprising NOwith a metal oxide particle, whereupon the NOin the first gaseous input stream reacts with the metal oxide particle to generate nitrogen (N) gas and an oxidized metal oxide particle,'}{'sub': 'x', 'collecting a first gaseous product stream comprising substantially no NO;'}{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sub': '2', 'wherein the at least one sweeping gas is oxygen (O) gas free;'}, 'wherein contacting the second gaseous input stream with the oxidized metal oxide particle occurs at a second temperature of from 600° C. to 1000° C.; and, 'contacting a second gaseous input stream comprising at least one sweeping gas with the oxidized metal oxide particle, whereupon the sweeping gas comprises oxygen (O) gas after contacting the oxidized metal oxide particle and a reduced metal oxide particle is generated,'}{'sub': '2', 'collecting a second gaseous product stream comprising the oxygen (O) gas.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190232221A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Provided are: an exhaust gas treatment catalyst capable of improving NO conversion rate when performing denitrification using CO as a reducing agent, and improving CO oxidation rate when oxidizing CO present in the exhaust gas; a method for producing an exhaust gas treatment catalyst; and an exhaust gas treatment system. The exhaust gas treatment catalyst is a catalyst which uses CO as a reducing agent to treat exhaust gas from a sintering furnace, and contains: a support that is a metal oxide or metal sulfate; and an active metal containing at least iridium supported by the support, wherein the specific surface area of the catalyst is 100 m/g or less, and the crystallite size of iridium in the catalyst is 10-25 nm. 1. An exhaust gas treatment catalyst for treating an exhaust gas from a sintering furnace using CO as a reducing agent , the exhaust gas treatment catalyst comprising:a carrier that is a metal oxide or a metal sulfoxide; andan active metal including at least iridium supported by the carrier,{'sup': '2', 'wherein a specific surface area of the catalyst is 100 m/g or less, and a crystallite diameter of iridium in the catalyst is 10 nm or more and 25 nm or less.'}2. The exhaust gas treatment catalyst according to claim 1 ,wherein the crystallite diameter of iridium in the catalyst is 10 nm or more and 23 nm or less.3. The exhaust gas treatment catalyst according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal oxide is an oxide or a complex oxide of one or more metals selected from the group consisting of titanium, silicon, aluminum, zirconium, and cerium, and the metal sulfoxide is barium sulfate, calcium sulfate, or strontium sulfate.4. A method for producing an exhaust gas treatment catalyst according to claim 1 , the method comprising:an impregnation and supporting step of impregnating the carrier with iridium to be supported thereby;a firing step of firing the carrier supporting iridium; andan activation step of activating the carrier by heating the carrier in a reducing ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200230584A1

One object is to provide an aldehyde decomposition catalyst, and an exhaust gas treatment apparatus and an exhaust gas treatment method using the aldehyde decomposition catalyst that achieve low cost and sufficient aldehyde decomposition performance with a small amount of the catalyst. An aldehyde decomposition catalyst of the present invention is made of a zeolite in a cation form NHhaving a structure selected from MFI and BEA and carrying at least one metal selected from the group consisting of Cu, Mn, Ce, Zn, Fe, and Zr. 13.-. (canceled)4. A method for decomposing an aldehyde contained in a combustion exhaust gas , the method comprising a step of contacting the aldehyde with an aldehyde decomposition catalyst , wherein the aldehyde decomposition catalyst is made of a zeolite in a cation form NHhaving a structure selected from MFI and BEA and carrying at least one metal selected from the group consisting of Cu , Mn , Ce , Zn , Fe , and Zr.5. An exhaust gas treating method in which a combustion exhaust gas is denitrated by contacting the combustion exhaust gas with a denitration catalyst claim 4 , wherein an alcohol is fed as a reducing agent for the denitration to the combustion exhaust gas claim 4 , and an aldehyde by-produced in the denitration is decomposed according to .6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the aldehyde decomposition catalyst contains no noble metal and contains the at least one metal selected from the group consisting of Mn and Ce.7. A method for decomposing an aldehyde contained in a combustion exhaust gas claim 4 , the method comprising a step of contacting the aldehyde with an aldehyde decomposition catalyst claim 4 , wherein the aldehyde decomposition catalyst is made of a zeolite in a cation form NHhaving a structure selected from MFI and BEA and carrying at least one metal selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 4 , Mn claim 4 , Ce claim 4 , Zn claim 4 , Fe claim 4 , and Zr claim 4 , and excludes a noble metal. The present invention ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242282A1
Автор: Yuejin Li
Принадлежит: BASF Corp

Disclosed herein are emission treatment systems, articles, and methods for selectively reducing NOx compounds. The systems include a hydrogen generator, a hydrogen selective catalytic reduction (H 2 -SCR) article, and one or more of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and/or a lean NOx trap (LNT) and/or a low temperature NOx adsorber (LTNA). Certain articles may comprise a zone coated substrate and/or a layered coated substrate and/or an intermingled coated substrate of one or more of the H 2 -SCR and/or DOC and/or LNT and/or LTNA catalytic compositions.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Serviceable catalyst and mixer unit for vehicle exhaust system

Номер: US20210301704A1
Автор: Jerome Hornback

A vehicle exhaust system component, according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a housing defining an internal cavity to receive exhaust gases, at least one first catalyst received within the internal cavity, at least one filter positioned within the internal cavity downstream of the at least one first catalyst, and at least one second catalyst received within the internal cavity downstream of the at least one filter. A mixer has an inlet that receives exhaust gases exiting the at least one filter and an outlet that directs exhaust gases into the at least one second catalyst. One or more of the at least one first catalyst, the at least one second catalyst, and the at least one filter are serviceable.

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Gaseous Mercury Oxidation and Capture

Номер: US20150265967A1
Принадлежит: Novinda Corp

Described herein is a process for oxidizing gaseous Hg(0) in the combustion gas from a coal fired boiler. The process includes injecting into the combustion gases a particulate mercury oxidant precatalyst. The process further including, oxidizing Hg(0) in the combustion gases to an oxidized mercury selected from the group consisting of Hg(I), Hg(II) and injecting a mercury sorbent that admixes with the oxidized Hg(II) to form a oxidized-mercury/sorbent species. The oxidized-mercury/sorbent species can then be collected from the combustion (flue) gas using standard powder capture technologies.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Method for cleaning bypass gases of the cement or mineral industry, and system of the cement or mineral industry

Номер: US20160279569A1

A method for cleaning bypass gases of the cement or mineral industry includes cooling down a removed bypass gas from a cement or mineral processing plant to a temperature of between 500° C. and 150° C., and coarsely dedusting the bypass gas, the dust burden being reduced by 30 to 95%. After the dedusting step, the gaseous constituents contained in the partly dedusted bypass gas are reduced in a reducing step. The partly dedusted bypass gas is further finely dedusted. The gaseous constituents reducing step includes at least a catalytic reduction of one or more of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272278A1

A combustion system for ships operated at low cost is provided. A combustion system for ships includes an internal combustion engine that burns fuel, an exhaust line L through which exhaust gas flows, the exhaust gas being generated through combustion of the fuel in the internal combustion engine , an exhaust heat recovery device that is disposed in the exhaust line L and that recovers exhaust heat from the exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine , and a denitration device that is disposed in the exhaust line L and that removes nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas using a denitration catalyst. The denitration device is disposed downstream from the exhaust heat recovery device in the exhaust line L. The denitration catalyst contains 43 wt % or more of vanadium pentoxide and has a BET specific surface area of 30 m/g or more. 1. A combustion system for ships , comprising:an internal combustion engine that burns fuel;an exhaust line through which exhaust gas flows, the exhaust gas being generated through combustion of the fuel in the internal combustion engine;an exhaust heat recovery device that is disposed in the exhaust line and that recovers exhaust heat from the exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine; anda denitration device that is disposed in the exhaust line and that removes nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas using a denitration catalyst,wherein the denitration device is disposed downstream from the exhaust heat recovery device in the exhaust line, and{'sup': '2', 'the denitration catalyst contains 43 wt % or more of vanadium pentoxide and has a BET specific surface area of 30 m/g or more.'}2. The combustion system for ships according to claim 1 ,wherein the exhaust heat recovery device includes a turbine device and an exhaust gas economizer,the exhaust gas economizer generates steam using, as heat sources, exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine and exhaust gas supplied from the turbine device, andthe ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации

Exhaust gas treatment device and exhaust gas treatment method

Номер: US20210356128A1

An exhaust gas treatment device includes an exhaust gas line where a combustion exhaust gas discharged from a power generation facility flows through, an exhaust gas line where a second combustion exhaust gas discharged from a second power generation facility flows through, exhaust gas exhaust line disposed by branching off from exhaust gas line, discharging a part of combustion exhaust gases as exhaust combustion exhaust gases, a nitrogen oxide removing unit removing nitrogen oxide contained in an integrated combustion exhaust gas that integrates the combustion exhaust gases, an integrated waste heat recovery boiler recovering waste heat from the integrated combustion exhaust gas, and a CO2 recovery unit recovering CO2 contained in the integrated combustion exhaust gas by using CO2 absorbing liquid.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200262757A1
Автор: TONG Shanghui

An ozonation-based method for producing a cementitious material comprises the steps of: (1) mixing a flue gas with an ozone-containing gas to form a mixed flue gas; and introducing the mixed flue gas into an absorption tower, where the mixed flue gas undergoes dry desulfurization and denitrification by reacting with a powdered desulfurizing and denitrificating agent and becomes a treated flue gas; (2) subjecting the treated flue gas to dust removal to generate by-products; and (3) uniformly mixing raw materials that comprise the first by-product, magnesium oxide, fly ash and an additive to give a cementitious material, wherein on the basis of 100 parts by weight of the cementitious material, the first by-product is 20-60 parts by weight, magnesium oxide is 16-33 parts by weight, the fly ash is 15-35 parts by weight, and the additive is 1-15 parts by weight. 1. An ozonation-based method for producing a cementitious material , comprising the steps of:(1) mixing a flue gas with an ozone-containing gas to form a mixed flue gas; and introducing the mixed flue gas into an absorption tower, where the mixed flue gas undergoes dry desulfurization and denitrification by reacting with a powdered desulfurizing and denitrificating agent and becomes a treated flue gas, wherein the desulfurizing and denitrificating agent contains magnesium oxide and a catalyst, the catalyst being selected from one or more of the group consisting of oxides of vanadium, manganese, cobalt, nickel and copper;(2) subjecting the treated flue gas to dust removal to generate by-products, wherein the by-products comprise a first by-product and a second by-product, the first by-product containing sulfate and nitrate, and the second by-product containing a part of the desulfurizing and denitrificating agent that has not been reacted completely; and discharging the first by-product to a by-product container, and introducing the second by-product to the absorption tower; and(3) uniformly mixing raw materials ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150290585A1

An exhaust gas purification device includes: a catalyst downstream from an enlarged diameter flow path in an exhaust gas flow path; a diffusing member upstream from the enlarged diameter flow path in the exhaust gas flow path and that causes exhaust gas that has flowed in from upstream to flow out so that said exhaust gas diffuses toward the enlarged diameter flow path; a supply device that supplies a reducing agent upstream from the diffusing member in the exhaust gas flow path; and a guiding member upstream from the diffusing member either at a flow mixing position in the exhaust gas flow path where the reducing agent and the exhaust gas mix or at a position downstream from the flow mixing position, and that splits the flow of the reducing agent that has flowed in from upstream into a plurality of flows and guides said flows toward the diffusing member. 1. An exhaust gas purification device comprising:a catalyst provided downstream of an enlarged diameter flow path in an exhaust gas flow path;a diffusion member provided upstream of the enlarged diameter flow path in the exhaust gas flow path, the diffusion member causing exhaust gas that has flowed in from upstream to flow out to the enlarged diameter flow path to be diffused;a supply device that supplies a reducing agent to upstream of the diffusion member in the exhaust gas flow path; anda guide member provided upstream of the diffusion member, and at a merging position, or downstream of the merging position, where the reducing agent in the exhaust gas flow path merges with the exhaust gas, the guide member splitting a flow of the reducing agent that has flowed in from upstream into a plurality of flows to guide the flows to the diffusion member.2. The exhaust gas purification device according to claim 1 , whereinthe guide member comprises a plate with an air guide extending toward the merging position, andthe air guide splits the flow of the reducing agent to a first surface side of the plate, and to a second ...

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210381416A1
Автор: KIM Min Jae

Disclosed are a method and system for controlling urea injection for selective catalyst reduction (SCR), capable of improving NOx purification efficiency by predicting an operating situation in which an amount of NOx production is rapidly increased using engine behavior and pre-occluding ammonia in advance. An opening state of an EGR valve may be detected at the time of rapid acceleration of a vehicle; a pressure condition in an intake manifold or an EGR valve pressure condition may be diagnosed according to the opening state of the EGR valve; and urea may be injected when the pressure condition meets an NOx excess production condition of rapidly increasing the amount of NOx production. 1. A method for controlling urea injection for selective catalyst reduction (SCR) , comprising:detecting, by a controller, an opening state of an EGR valve at the time of rapid acceleration of a vehicle;diagnosing, by the controller, a pressure condition in an intake manifold or an EGR valve pressure condition according to the opening state of the EGR valve; andinjecting, by the controller, urea when the pressure condition meets an NOx excess production condition of increasing an amount of NOx production.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the diagnosing the pressure condition claim 1 , when the EGR valve is in a fully closed state claim 1 , a target boost pressure in the intake manifold and an actual boost pressure are compared with each other.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the injecting the urea claim 2 , the NOx excess production condition is met if the target boost pressure is greater than the actual boost pressure and a difference between the target boost pressure and the actual boost pressure is greater than a set value.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in injecting the urea claim 3 , an NOx model determined by a sensing value of an oxygen sensor is corrected by multiplying an additional amount of NOx production determined by a fully ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170284256A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A reducing agent injection device includes a honeycomb structure and a urea spraying device spraying a urea water solution in mist form. A pair of electrode members is formed in the honeycomb structure. The honeycomb structure of the reducing agent injection device, the hydraulic diameter HD, defined as HD=4×S/C, when the area of the cross section of one of the cells in the cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction is S, and the peripheral length of the cross section of one of the cells is C, is 0.8 to 2.0 mm. Also, the open frontal area OFA of the honeycomb structure in the cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction is 45 to 80%. 1. A reducing agent injection device , comprising:a honeycomb structure that has a pillar-shaped honeycomb structure body having partition walls defining and forming a plurality of cells which is through channels of a fluid and extends from a first end face being an end face on an inflow side of the fluid to a second end face being an end face on an outflow side of the fluid, and that has at least a pair of electrode members arranged in a side surface of the honeycomb structure body; anda urea spraying device that sprays a urea water solution in mist form,wherein each of the pair of electrode members is formed in a band shape extending to a cell extending direction of the honeycomb structure body, and one electrode member of the pair of electrode members is arranged on an opposite side of the other electrode member of the pair of electrode members with respect to a center of the honeycomb structure body sandwiched by the pair of electrode members, in the cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction,the hydraulic diameter HD, defined as HD=4 ×S/C, when the area of the cross section of one of the cells in the cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction is S, and the peripheral length of the cross section of one of the cells is C, is 0.8 to 2.0 mm,the open frontal area OFA of ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Reducing agent injection device and exhaust gas treatment method

Номер: US20170284257A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A reducing agent injection device includes a first honeycomb structure and a urea spraying device spraying a urea water solution in mist form. A pair of electrode members is formed in the first honeycomb structure. The ratio L/D of length L in the cell extending direction of the honeycomb structure body to diameter D of the cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction is 0.5 to 1.2. Also, it is preferable that a urea hydrolysis catalyzer is provided in the second end face side of the honeycomb structure body, with a gap from the second end face.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170284258A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A reducing agent injection device includes a honeycomb structure and a urea spraying device spraying a urea water solution in mist form. In addition, the reducing agent injection device includes a carrier gas inlet that introduces carrier gas f between the urea spraying device and the honeycomb structure. The exhaust gas treatment method of the present invention supplies the urea water solution from the urea spraying device into the cells from the first end face of the honeycomb structure body to generate the ammonia, while introducing the carrier gas f from the carrier gas inlet, and injecting the ammonia to the outside to treat exhaust gas containing NO. 1. A reducing agent injection device , comprising:a honeycomb structure that has a pillar-shaped honeycomb structure body having partition walls defining and forming a plurality of cells which is through channels of a fluid and extends from a first end face being an end face on an inflow side of the fluid to a second end face being an end face on an outflow side of the fluid, and that has at least a pair of electrode members arranged in a side surface of the honeycomb structure body, for causing the honeycomb structure body to generate heat such that the temperature in the first end face becomes 900° C. or less; anda urea spraying device that sprays a urea water solution in mist form,wherein each of the pair of electrode members is formed in a band shape extending to a cell extending direction of the honeycomb structure body, and one electrode member of the pair of electrode members is arranged on an opposite side of the other electrode member of the pair of electrode members with respect to a center of the honeycomb structure body sandwiched by the pair of electrode members, in a cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction,a carrier gas inlet that introduces carrier gas is provided between the urea spraying device and the honeycomb structure, for promoting the flow of gas in the honeycomb ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180280875A1

A combustion system operated at low cost is provided. A combustion system includes a combustion device that burns fuel, an exhaust line L through which exhaust gas flows, the exhaust gas being generated through combustion of the fuel in the combustion device , an air preheater that is disposed in the exhaust line L and that recovers heat from the exhaust gas, and a denitration device that is disposed in the exhaust line L and that removes nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas using a denitration catalyst. The denitration device is disposed downstream from the air preheater in the exhaust line L, and the denitration catalyst contains 43 wt % or more of vanadium pentoxide and has a BET specific surface area of 30 m/g or more. 1. A combustion system comprising:a combustion device that burns fuel;an exhaust line through which exhaust gas flows, the exhaust gas being generated through combustion of the fuel in the combustion device;an air preheater that is disposed in the exhaust line and that recovers heat from the exhaust gas; anda denitration device that is disposed in the exhaust line and that removes nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas using a denitration catalyst,wherein the denitration device is disposed downstream from the air preheater in the exhaust line, and{'sup': '2', 'the denitration catalyst contains 43 wt % or more of vanadium pentoxide and has a BET specific surface area of 30 m/g or more.'}2. The combustion system according to claim 1 , wherein in the denitration catalyst claim 1 , an amount of NHdesorbed by NH-TPD (TPD: temperature programed desorption) is 10.0 μmol/g or more.3. The combustion system according to claim 1 , wherein the denitration device removes nitrogen oxide from the exhaust gas by a selective catalytic reduction method.4. The combustion system according to claim 1 , wherein the fuel is natural gas. The present invention relates to a combustion system. More specifically, the present invention relates to a combustion system including a ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Method for recycling denitration catalyst

Номер: US20180280965A1

There is provided a method for recycling a catalyst that exhibits a high denitration efficiency at a relatively low temperature and does not cause oxidation of SO2 in a selective catalytic reduction reaction that uses ammonia as a reducing agent. A method for recycling a denitration catalyst includes a step of spraying an aqueous solution with a pH of 7 or more onto a used denitration catalyst while the denitration catalyst is set in a denitration device to remove a surface of the denitration catalyst. The denitration catalyst contains 43 wt % or more of vanadium pentoxide and has a BET specific surface area of 30 m2/g or more. The denitration catalyst after recycling is used for denitration at 200° C. or lower.

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160296924A1

There is disclosed a microporous crystalline material comprising a crystal structure having building units of double-6-rings (d6r) and pore opening of 8-rings, wherein the material comprises a first metal chosen from alkali-earth group, rare-earth group, alkali group or mixtures thereof, and a second metal chosen from copper, iron or mixtures thereof, wherein the material has molar silica to alumina ratio (SAR) from 3 to 12, and is further steamed to enhance stability. Methods of making the crystalline material are also disclosed. There is also disclosed a method of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas, comprising at least partially contacting the exhaust gases with an article comprising the disclosed microporous crystalline material. 1. A microporous crystalline material having building units of double-6-rings (d6r) and pore opening of 8-rings , wherein the material comprises a first metal chosen from alkali-earth group , rare-earth group , alkali group or mixtures thereof , and a second metal chosen from copper , iron or mixtures thereof ,wherein the material has a molar silica to alumina ratio (SAR) from 3 to 12; and{'sub': 3', '3, 'exhibits an NHadsorption capacity expressed as the molar NH/Al ratio of 0.7 to 0.9.'}2. The microporous crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the material has pore openings ranging from 3 to 5 Angstroms.3. The microporous crystalline material of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises structural codes of CHA claim 1 , LEV claim 1 , AEI claim 1 , AFT claim 1 , AFX claim 1 , EAB claim 1 , ERI claim 1 , KFI claim 1 , SAT claim 1 , TSC claim 1 , and SAV.4. The microporous crystalline material of claim 3 , wherein the material comprises a CHA structure.5. The microporous crystalline material of claim 4 , wherein the CHA structure has a unit cell angle below 94.55 degrees claim 4 , and a [3 2 0] peak below 36.05 degrees 2-theta.6. The microporous crystalline material of claim 4 , wherein the CHA structure has ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160310893A1
Автор: Jasinski Michael L.

A regenerative selective catalytic reduction process includes providing a gas stream to be treated containing NO, introducing a reactant into the gas stream, and directing the gas stream into contact with a catalyst to cause at least some of the NOcontained in the gas stream to be reduced, wherein the gas stream is adapted to flow past the catalyst along the same flow direction throughout the process in a substantially continuous manner. The process also includes heating the gas stream with a heater upstream of the catalyst to provide supplemental heat to the gas stream from a first heat exchanger during a first cycle, and to provide supplemental heat to the gas stream from a second heat exchanger using the same heater during a second cycle. 1. A regenerative selective catalytic reduction process , comprising:{'sub': 'X', 'providing a gas stream to be treated containing NO;'}introducing a reactant into the gas stream;{'sub': 'X', 'claim-text': the gas stream is heated by directing the gas stream through a first heat exchanger, and the gas stream is cooled by directing the gas stream through a second heat exchanger during a first system cycle, and', 'the gas stream is heated by directing the gas stream through the second heat exchanger, and the gas stream is cooled by directing the gas stream through the first heat exchanger during a second system cycle; and, 'directing the gas stream into contact with a catalyst to cause at least some of the NOcontained in the gas stream to be reduced, wherein the gas stream is adapted to flow past the catalyst along the same flow direction throughout the process in a substantially continuous manner whereinheating the gas stream with a heater upstream of the catalyst to provide supplemental heat to the gas stream from the first heat exchanger during the first cycle, and to provide supplemental heat to the gas stream from the second heat exchanger using the same heater during the second cycle.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160310896A1

One embodiment of the present disclosure describes an industrial system, which includes a control system. The control system includes a predictive emissions monitoring system that facilitates determining a chemical level output from a selective catalytic reduction unit that reduces the chemical level in gaseous emissions produced by a combustion source in the industrial system using a selective catalytic reduction model. The control system tunes the selective catalytic reduction model to the selective catalytic reduction unit by determining tuning parameters of the selective catalytic reduction model based at least in part on vendor information and tuning data determined via a tuning sequence. The tuning sequence includes operating the combustion source at a plurality of load levels, injecting, using the selective catalytic reduction unit, a reactant into received gaseous emissions at each of the plurality of load levels in accordance with an injection rate provided in the vendor information; and determining an input chemical level to and an output chemical level from the selective catalytic reduction unit at each of the plurality of load levels. 1. An industrial system comprising:a control system comprising a predictive emissions monitoring system configured to facilitate determining a chemical level output from a selective catalytic reduction unit that reduces the chemical level in gaseous emissions produced by a combustion source in the industrial system using a selective catalytic reduction model; operating the combustion source at a plurality of load levels;', 'injecting, using the selective catalytic reduction unit, a reactant into received gaseous emissions at each of the plurality of load levels in accordance with an injection rate provided in the vendor information; and', 'determining an input chemical level to and an output chemical level from the selective catalytic reduction unit at each of the plurality of load levels., 'wherein the control system is ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200289983A1

The present invention solves the existing problem of using very expensive oxidation reagents, such as HOand ozone, in removal of NOand SOfrom flue gases, by performing simultaneous oxidation of NOand SOwith atmospheric oxygen in a combined system for catalytic oxidation and wet-scrubbing of both NOand SOfrom a flue gas and manufacturing fertilisers. Two major configurations of the oxidation system are disclosed in the present invention. The first configuration operates on oxygen-enriched air to increase efficiency of the oxidation reaction and requires an additional oxygen concentrator unit. The second configuration operates on atmospheric air at ambient conditions and requires an additional catalyst activation unit. In the second configuration, the efficient oxidation process is carried out at low temperatures of about 30-90° C. in the presence of recovered and re-activated catalyst. This temperature is a result of the exothermic character of the reaction, and therefore, no heating is required in the process.

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292966A1
Принадлежит: HINO MOTORS, LTD.

Disclosed is a mixing structure for spraying and mixing urea water (additive agent) into and with exhaust gas flowing through a communication passage (exhaust flow passage). The mixing structure is provided with a curved portion in the communication passage downstream of a sprayed position of the urea water as well as a depression on an exit side of the curved portion and formed on only one of sides of the curved portion bisected by a plane into plane symmetry. 1. A mixing structure for spraying and mixing an additive agent into and with exhaust gas flowing through an exhaust flow passage , comprising a curved portion in the exhaust flow passage downstream of a sprayed position of said additive agent , and a depression on an exit side of said curved portion and formed on only one of sides of the curved portion bisected by a plane into plane symmetry.2. The mixing structure as claimed in further comprising a selective reduction catalyst incorporated in the exhaust flow passage and having a property of selectively reacting NOwith the reducing agent even in the presence of oxygen claim 1 , and an injector for spraying a reducing agent as additive agent into the exhaust gas upstream of said selective reduction catalyst claim 1 , the curved portion being provided between said injector and said selective reduction catalyst. The present invention relates to a mixing structure.It has been recently proposed that a particulate filter for capturing particulates in exhaust gas is incorporated in an exhaust pipe and a selective reduction catalyst capable of selectively reacting NOwith ammonia even in the presence of oxygen is arranged downstream of the particulate filter, urea water as reducing agent (additive agent) being sprayed at a position between the selective reduction catalyst and the particulate filter, thereby attaining lessening of both the particulates and NO.Such addition of the urea water to the selective reduction catalyst is conducted at the position between the ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180304198A1

The present invention describes a fluid which is suitable for the decontamination of heat engines which can carry out both the catalytic reduction of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) contained in exhaust gases and assist in the regeneration of the particulate filter (PF), said fluid being in the form of a stable suspension of colloidal particles, these colloidal particles being dispersed in an aqueous solution containing at least one reducing agent or at least one precursor of a reducing agent for NOx. The invention also describes several embodiments for the preparation of said fluid. 1. A fluid for the decontamination of heat engines , in particular diesel engines , in order to be able to carry out the selective catalytic reduction of oxides of nitrogen contained in exhaust gases as well as assisting in the regeneration of the particulate filter by catalytic combustion of particles of soot deposited in the particulate filter (the function termed assistance in the regeneration of PF) , said fluid being in the form of a stable suspension comprising colloidal particles of one or more particles of metal oxides or oxyhydroxides or metal carbonates dispersed in an aqueous solution containing at least one reducing agent or at least one precursor of a reducing agent for the NOx , the metals of the metal oxides or oxyhydroxides or carbonates being selected from the following list of metals: Fe , Cu , Ni , Co , Zn , Mn , Ti , V , Sr , Pt , Ce , Ca , Li , Na , Nb , and preferably from the following sub-list: Fe , Cu , Ce , Sr.2. The fluid for the decontamination of heat engines claim 1 , in particular diesel engines claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , in which the oxides of iron are selected from the following list claim 1 , used alone or as a mixture: wustite FeO claim 1 , haematite α-FeO claim 1 , maghemite γ-FeOand magnetite.3. The fluid for the decontamination of heat engines claim 1 , in particular diesel engines claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , in which the iron oxyhydroxides ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170320014A1
Автор: HANSON Benjamin

A fluid injection system includes a mixing chamber locatable in an exhaust gas conduit upstream of a selective catalytic reduction device for providing an exhaust gas flow path and space for receiving injected fluid, an injector with a plurality of bundled capillary tubes each having an inlet configured to receive a fluid for injection into the chamber and an outlet wherein the injector is mounted on the chamber with the tube outlets in fluid communication with the chamber space, a base plate disposed in the chamber spaced from and aligned with the bundled tubes, a voltage supply connected to the tubes and to the base plate for providing a charge to the tubes and to the base plate to create an electric field to the fluid in the tubes, and a valve disposed on a wall of the chamber for at least one of priming and purging of the tubes. 1. A fluid injection system comprising:{'b': 280', '295, 'a mixing chamber () locatable in an exhaust gas conduit upstream of a selective catalytic reduction device (SCR) (), the chamber providing a flow path for exhaust gas and a space for receiving an injected fluid;'}{'b': 202', '204', '206, 'an injector having a plurality of bundled capillary tubes () each having an inlet () and an outlet () wherein the inlet is configured to receive a fluid for injection into the chamber, the injector being mounted on the chamber with the tube outlets in fluid communication with the space in the chamber;'}{'b': '248', 'a base plate () disposed in the chamber spaced from and aligned with the bundled capillary tubes;'}{'b': 240', '248, 'a voltage supply () connected to the tubes and to the base plate () wherein the voltage supply provides a charge to the tubes and to the base plate to create an electric field to the fluid in the tubes; and'}{'b': '230', 'a valve () disposed on a wall of the chamber for at least one of priming and purging of the tubes.'}2. The fluid injection system of claim 1 , further comprising a supply tank for providing the DEF to ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321582A1

An amount of electric power consumption by a battery is reduced, and deterioration of a coil is suppressed by efficiently heating an injector and melting urea crystals at an early stage. 1. A control device for a reducing agent injection device , the control device configured to cause the reducing agent injection device to fill with a reducing agent at a start-up of an internal combustion engine and to control injection of the reducing agent into an exhaust passage of the internal combustion engine by an injector , the control device further configured to:perform energization control in which, after an exhaust temperature of the internal combustion engine becomes equal to or higher than a specified threshold value, a temperature of the injector is increased by energizing a coil of the injector for a specified time and melting of crystals of the reducing agent precipitated in the injector is promoted.2. The control device of further configured to:calculate an estimated defrosting time required to defrost the frozen reducing agent at the start-up of the internal combustion engine in thatin the case where the estimated defrosting time is not zero, the control device starts energizing the coil of the injector before a lapse of the estimated defrosting time after the exhaust temperature of the internal combustion engine becomes equal to or higher than the specified threshold value.3. The control device of further configured tostart energizing the coil when a defrosting execution time reaches a threshold value as a value obtained by subtracting the specified time from the estimated defrosting time.4. The control device of further configured toin the case where the estimated defrosting time is zero, starts energizing the coil when the exhaust temperature of the internal combustion engine becomes equal to or higher than the specified threshold value.5. The control device of whereinthe specified time has a value that is set in advance.6. The control device of whereinthe ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190314789A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Provided is a catalyst for removing NOx from a combustion exhaust gas, in particular, a low-NOx combustion exhaust gas, wherein the catalyst has a ratio of a pore volume in a range of not less than 500 Å and not more than 3000 Å in a pore diameter relative to a total pore volume of not less than 15% and not more than 40% and preferably a ratio of a pore volume in a range of not less than 1000 Å in the pore diameter relative to the total pore volume of not less than 10% and not more than 45% in a pore volume distribution in a range of not more than 10Å in the pore diameter, and where SILICA is unlikely to be deposited and even when the amount of SILICA deposited is increased, denitration performance is hardly lowered. 1. A catalyst for removing NOx from a combustion exhaust gas , wherein the catalyst has a ratio of a pore volume in a range of pore diameter of not less than 500 Å and not more than 3000 Å relative to a total pore volume of not less than 15% and not more than 40% in a pore volume distribution in a range of pore diameter of not more than 10Å.2. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst has a ratio of a pore volume in a range of pore diameter of not less than 40 Å and not more than 3000 Å relative to the total pore volume of not less than 80% in the pore volume distribution in the range of pore diameter of not more than 10Å.3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst has a ratio of a pore volume in a range of pore diameter of not less than 40 Å relative to the total pore volume of not less than 90% in the pore volume distribution in the range of pore diameter of not more than 10Å.4. The catalyst according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '5', 'wherein the catalyst has a ratio of a pore volume in a range of pore diameter of not less than 1000 Å relative to the total pore volume of not less than 10% and not more than 45% in the pore volume distribution in the range of pore diameter of not more than 10Å.'}5. The catalyst according to claim ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Intra-crystalline binary catalysts and uses thereof

Номер: US20200316571A1
Автор: Randal A. Goffe
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

The present disclosure describes, inter alia, binary catalyst compositions including a (metal) zeolite having a crystal lattice that incorporates a metal oxide, wherein the metal oxide is covalently bound to elements within the crystal lattice. The metal oxide forms an integral part of the (metal) zeolite crystal lattice, forming covalent bonds with at least the Si or Al atoms within the crystal lattice of the (metal) zeolite, and is dispersed throughout the (metal) zeolite crystal lattice. The metal oxide can substitute atoms within the crystal lattice of the (metal) zeolite.

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160339381A1

Methods for the heat treatment of a material flow and the cleaning of resulting exhaust gases are disclosed. The material flow may be preheated in a preheating zone, burned in a sintering zone, and cooled in a cooling zone. Exhaust gases of the sintering zone may flow through a preheater and be used for preheating the material flow. The exhaust gases leaving the preheater may be cooled at least partially in a comminuting device in interconnected operation or at least partially in a cooling device in direct operation. Exhaust gases may then be at least partly dedusted in a dust filter. A temperature of the dedusted exhaust gas may then be raised before the exhaust gas is cleaned of pollutants in at least one catalyst. A temperature at which the exhaust gases flow through the catalyst in direct operation may be higher, at least in phases, than a temperature at which the exhaust gases flow through the catalyst in interconnected operation. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method for heat-treating a material flow and for cleaning resulting exhaust gases , wherein the material flow is preheated in a preheating zone , burned in a sintering zone , and cooled in a cooling zone , the method comprising:preheating the material flow using exhaust gases of the sintering zone that flow through a preheater;cooling exhaust gases that leave the preheater at least partially in a drying, pelletizing, and/or comminuting device in interconnected operation or at least partially in a cooling device in direct operation;dedusting the cooled exhaust gases at least partially in a dust filter;increasing a temperature of the dedusted exhaust gases; andcleaning the exhaust gases with the increased temperature of pollutants in at least one catalyst, wherein a temperature at which the exhaust gases flow through the at least one catalyst in direct operation is higher at least in phases than a temperature at which the exhaust gases flow through the at least one catalyst in interconnected operation.16. The ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Process and system for the purification of waste gases charged with nitrogen oxides

Номер: US20160339382A1

For purifying waste gas charged with nitrogen oxides in a reactor with heat-accumulator chambers containing heat-accumulator materials, the raw gas to be purified alternately enters one of the heat-accumulator chambers. Mixed with a reducing agent for the reduction of the nitrogen oxides, it is supplied to a catalyst for the reduction of the nitrogen oxides, and the clean gas heats the heat-accumulator material in the heat-accumulator chamber which the clean gas exits. A partial flow is taken therefrom, heated by means of a heat source and, mixed with a reducing agent, supplied again to the heat-accumulator chamber which the raw gas enters. This heated, recirculated gas forms the only heat source for the overall system.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Method for the Cleaning of Exhaust Gas from a Compression Ignition Engine

Номер: US20190321782A1
Автор: Pär L.T. Gabrielsson
Принадлежит: Umicore AG and Co KG

A method for the cleaning of exhaust gas from a compression ignition engine, comprising the steps of injecting a first amount of an aqueous urea solution into the gas; in a first mode of operation and at an exhaust gas temperature of between 150 and 220° C. hydrolysing the first amount of urea to ammonia reducing agent in presence of a first catalyst comprising vanadium oxide supported on titania and subsequently removing part of nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas by contacting the gas mixed with the ammonia reducing agent through a second catalyst comprising platinum on titania and/or alumina; and in a second mode of operation and at an exhaust gas temperature above 220° C. removing a part of the nitrogen oxides in presence of the first catalyst and the ammonia reducing agent and subsequently oxidising hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and remaining amount of the ammonia reducing agent further contained in the exhaust gas by passing the gas through the second catalyst.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Method for the cleaning of exhaust gas from a compression ignition engine

Номер: US20160346733A1
Автор: Pär L.T. Gabrielsson
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe AS

A method for the cleaning of exhaust gas from a compression ignition engine, comprising the steps of injecting a first amount of an aqueous urea solution into the gas; in a first mode of operation and at an exhaust gas temperature of between 150 and 220° C. hydrolysing the first amount of urea to ammonia reducing agent in presence of a first catalyst comprising vanadium oxide supported on titania and subsequently removing part of nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas by contacting the gas mixed with the ammonia reducing agent through a second catalyst comprising platinum on titania and/or alumina; and in a second mode of operation and at an exhaust gas temperature above 220° C. removing a part of the nitrogen oxides in presence of the first catalyst and the ammonia reducing agent and subsequently oxidising hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and remaining amount of the ammonia reducing agent further contained in the exhaust gas by passing the gas through the second catalyst.

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160347657A1
Автор: Schuermann Heiko

Denitrifying bypass exhaust gases in a cement clinker producing plant. The plant comprises a rotary kiln connected to a calciner for the deacidification of raw material or to a rotary kiln riser shaft via a rotary kiln inlet chamber, and the bypass exhaust gas being drawn off in the region of the rotary kiln inlet chamber. The method comprises: cooling the bypass gas to between 260 C and 400 C in a cooling device, injecting an ammonia-, urea-, and/or ammonium-containing substance into the cooled bypass gas, introducing the cooled and mixed bypass gas into a ceramic filter system to filter out any halide and sulfate of the alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals precipitated during cooling the gas, and any nitrogen not reacted by the injected substances is chemically selectively reduced over a catalytic converter which is located in or directly downstream of the ceramic filter system. 110-. (canceled)11. A process for the denitrification of bypass exhaust gases in a plant for producing cement clinker ,where the plant has, in the gas flow direction, a rotary tube furnace upstream of a calciner for sintering of the cement clinker, andwhere the rotary tube furnace is connected via a rotary tube furnace inlet chamber to the calciner for deacidification of raw meal or to a rotary tube furnace riser shaft, andwhere the bypass exhaust gas is taken off in the region of the rotary tube furnace inlet chamber, comprising the steps:cooling the bypass exhaust gas to a temperature in the range from 260° C. to 400° C. in a cooling apparatus, 'where the at least one of the ammonia, the urea or the ammonium at least partially converts the free-radical gas constituents present in the cooled bypass gas into non-free-radical gas constituents by at least one of hydrolysis, partial oxidation, or partial reduction,', 'injecting at least one of an ammonia-, urea- or ammonium-containing substance into the cooled bypass exhaust gas,'} a) at least one of lithium fluoride, lithium chloride, ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Cyclonic Injector And Method For Reagent Gasification And Decomposition In A Hot Gas Stream

Номер: US20150352491A1

A system for vaporizing and optionally decomposing a reagent, such as aqueous ammonia or urea, which is useful for NOx reduction, includes a cyclonic decomposition duct, wherein the duct at its inlet end is connected to an air inlet port and a reagent injection lance. The air inlet port is in a tangential orientation to the central axis of the duct. The system further includes a metering valve for controlling the reagent injection rate. A method for vaporizing and optionally decomposing a reagent includes providing a cyclonic decomposition duct which is connected to an air inlet port and an injection lance, introducing hot gas through the air inlet port in a tangential orientation to the central axis of the duct, injecting the reagent axially through the injection lance into the duct; and adjusting the reagent injection rate through a metering valve. 1. A system for vaporizing a reagent for NOx reduction in an exhaust of a lean burn combustion source comprising:a cyclonic decomposition duct with a longitudinal central axis having an inlet end and an outlet end;wherein the cyclonic decomposition duct at its inlet end is in communication with an air inlet port for supply of carrier gas, the inlet port is in a tangential orientation to the central axis of the cyclonic decomposition duct,wherein the cyclonic decomposition duct at its inlet end is further in communication with a mechanically atomized injector for supply of a flow of the reagent axially into the cyclonic decomposition duct; anda metering valve in communication with the a mechanically atomized injector for controlling injection rate of the reagent into the cyclonic decomposition duct.2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the a mechanically atomized injector is enclosed in an injection shroud,wherein the injection shroud is centered in the axis of the duct at the inlet end, andwherein the injection shroud extends a distance inside the duct past the length of the air inlet port.3. The system of claim 2 ,wherein ...
