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20-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326859C2

Изобретение относится к способу получения 2-хлор-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-гептафторпропана, который включает (а) контактирование смеси, содержащей фтороводород, хлор и, по меньшей мере, одно исходное вещество, выбранное из группы, состоящей из галогенпропенов формулы СХ3CCl=СХ2 и галогенпропанов формулы CX3CClYCX3, где каждый X независимо представляет F или Cl и Y представляет Н, Cl и F (при условии, что число X и Y, которые являются F, в целом не более шести) с катализатором хлорфторирования в зоне реакции с получением продукта в виде смеси, содержащей CF3CClFCF3, HCl, HF и недостаточно фторированные галогенированные углеводородные промежуточные соединения и (b) разделение полученного продукта с выделение CF3CClFCF3. Указанный катализатор хлорфторирования, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один содержащий хром компонент, выбранный из (i) кристаллического альфа-оксида хрома, где, по меньшей мере, 0,05 атом.% атомов хрома в кристаллической решетке альфа-оксида хрома заменено на никель, трехвалентный кобальт ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2664905C2

Способ селективного каталитического восстановления (SCR) включает селективное восстановление газообразной смеси, включающей оксиды азота, в присутствии восстановителя и катализатора, который содержит по меньшей мере 80 мас.% оксида церия(IV) и от 0,1 до 20 мас.% оксида тантала(V), легирующего оксид церия(IV), причем катализатор прокаливают при температуре в пределах интервала от 600°C до 1000°C. Параметр кристаллической решетки у катализатора составляет по меньшей мере на 0,02% меньше, чем у нелегированного оксида церия (IV). Способ позволяет снизить концентрацию оксидов азота в выбросах. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652800C2

Изобретение относится к способу приготовления сульфидированного катализатора, содержащему стадии, на которых: (а) обрабатывают носитель катализатора одним или более компонентами металлов Группы VIB, одним или более компонентами металлов Группы VIII и соединением этоксилата простого эфира гликолевой кислоты в соответствии с формулой: R-(CH)-CH-O-[-(CH)-O]-CH-COOH (I), в которой R представляет собой гидрокарбильную группу, содержащую от 5 до 20 атомов углерода, x составляет в диапазоне от 1 до 15, а m составляет в диапазоне от 1 до 10, и при этом молярное соотношение соединения (I) и содержания металлов Группы VIB и Группы VIII составляет от по меньшей мере 0,01:1 до 1:0,01; (b) высушивают обработанный носитель катализатора при температуре самое большее 200ºС с образованием высушенного пропитанного носителя; и (с) сульфидируют высушенный пропитанный носитель с получением сульфидированного катализатора. Изобретение также относится к способу гидроочистки серосодержащего углеводородного сырья ...

20-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2223821C2

Способ приготовления предшественника катализатора для синтеза Фишера-Тропша, который предусматривает на начальной стадии обработки проведение обработки суспензии, которая содержит подложку катализатора, предшественник активного компонента катализатора и воду, при повышенной температуре T1 и под давлением P1 ниже атмосферного, таким образом, чтобы осуществить пропитку подложки предшественником активного компонента катализатора и частичную сушку пропитанной подложки или носителя. Температура T1 поддерживается в диапазоне 60oC≤T1≤95oC и под давлением P1 ниже атмосферного в диапазоне от атмосферного до вакуума 20 кПа(а) при T1=60oC и в диапазоне от атмосферного до вакуума в 83 кПа(а) при T1=95oC. Начальную стадию обработки не продолжают далее точки, в которой пропитанная подложка имеет потери при прокаливании ('LOI'), которые составляют менее 1,2 потерь при прокаливании при исходной влажности ('LOIiw'). На последующей стадии обработки проводят обработку частично высушенной пропитанной подложки ...

26-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2623429C2

Изобретение относится к способу приготовления сульфидированного катализатора гидрокрекинга, содержащему этапы, где (a) пропитывают аморфный алюмосиликатный носитель раствором, содержащим компоненты с одним или более металлами VIB группы, компоненты с одним или более металлами VIII группы и С-Смногоатомное соединение, посредством одноступенчатой пропитки, (b) сушат обработанный носитель катализатора при температуре самое большее 200°С с образованием пропитанного носителя, и (c) сульфидируют пропитанный носитель с получением сульфидированного катализатора, причем С-Смногоатомное соединение представляет собой сахар, сахарный спирт и/или сахарную кислоту, и причем способ осуществляют в отсутствие промежуточного прокаливания. Изобретение также относится к способу гидрокрекинга углеводородного потока. Технический результат заключается в получении более стабильного катализатора, демонстрирующего увеличенную активность гидрокрекинга. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 6 пр.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535706C2

Изобретение относится к каталитической системе очистки выхлопных газов. Предложен синтетический алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор, содержащий медь в качестве каталитически активного компонента. Катализатор содержит алюмосиликатный цеолит типа шабазит. Максимальный размер кольца цеолита составляет восемь тетраэдрических атомов. Средний размер кристаллитов цеолита, определенный сканирующей электронной микроскопией, составляет более 0,50 микрометра. Изобретение обеспечивает повышенную селективность восстановления оксидов азота в выхлопных газах двигателей внутреннего сгорания. 3 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 4 пр.

08-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754936C2

Изобретение относится к выхлопной системе для обработки выхлопных газов двигателя с воспламенением от сжатия, где выхлопная система содержит катализатор окисления, включающий носитель, который представляет собой проточный монолитный носитель или фильтрующий монолитный носитель и имеет поверхность входного конца и поверхность выходного конца; каталитический материал, расположенный на носителе, причем каталитический материал содержит платину (Pt); и зону захвата, содержащую захватывающий материал, где захватывающий материал содержит Pt-легирующий металл, расположенный на тугоплавком оксиде или нанесенный на тугоплавкий оксид, где Pt-легирующий металл в катализаторе окисления является палладием (Pd), причем захватывающий материал расположен на множестве стенок каналов или нанесен на множество стенок каналов внутри носителя, и при этом тугоплавкий оксид включает по меньшей мере 65% вес. оксида циркония, при этом данная зона захвата имеет среднюю длину ≤20 мм, расположена на поверхности выходного ...

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2362622C2

Изобретение относится к композиции катализатора; способу его приготовления и способу селективного окисления этана и/или этилена до уксусной кислоты. Описана композиция катализатора для окисления этана и/или этилена до уксусной кислоты на носителе, состоящая в сочетании с кислородом из элементов - молибден, ванадий, ниобий и титан в соответствии с эмпирической формулой: ! MoaTicVdNbeOx ! где а, с, d, e обозначают такие грамм-атомные соотношения элементов, при которых ! 0<а≤1; ! 0,05<с≤2; ! 0 Подробнее

17-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2759725C2

Изобретение относится к катализатору-ловушке обедненных NOx, содержащему: i) первый слой, причем указанный первый слой содержит смесь или сплав платины и палладия, первый неорганический оксид, который выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида алюминия и диоксида кремния-оксида алюминия, активатор, где данный активатор содержит барий, и материал, абсорбирующий углеводороды, причем материал, абсорбирующий углеводороды, является бета-цеолитом; и ii) второй слой, причем указанный второй слой содержит один или несколько металлов платиновой группы, материал, способный к аккумулированию кислорода (OSC), где указанный OSC выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида церия, и смешанного оксида церия-диоксида циркония, и второй неорганический оксид, причем указанный второй неорганический оксид выбран из группы, состоящей из оксида алюминия и сложного оксида лантана/оксида алюминия; где первый слой по существу не содержит материала, способного к аккумулированию кислорода (OSC), и где второй слой нанесен на первый ...

05-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2744310C2

Изобретение относится к ловушке NОх для выхлопных систем двигателей внутреннего сгорания и к способу очистки выхлопного газа из двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Катализатор-ловушка NОх содержит подложку, первый слой и второй слой. Первый слой содержит композицию ловушки NОх, содержащую один или несколько благородных металлов, компонент для сохранения NОх, первый носитель и первый церийсодержащий материал, где первый церийсодержащий материал предварительно выдерживают перед внедрением в первый слой. Второй слой содержит родий, второй церийсодержащий материал и второй носитель, где второй церийсодержащий материал не выдерживают перед внедрением во второй слой. Изобретение также включает в себя выхлопные системы, содержащие данный катализатор-ловушку NОх и способ очистки выхлопного газа, использующий данный катализатор-ловушку NОх. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение качества системы очистки выхлопных газов. 5 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

14-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019100351A3

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100957A3

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017119540A3

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017125760A3

13-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017140780A3

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018109758A3

14-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017100933A3

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016133222A3

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019134052A3

26-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019124664A3

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019108803A3

29-01-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018146599A3

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019132220A3

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018108201A3

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747308C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу in-situ получения катализатора для получения по меньшей мере одного из толуола, пара-ксилола и низших олефинов, а также к процессу реакции получения по меньшей мере одного из толуола, пара-ксилола и низших олефинов, и относится к области химической технологии. Описан способ in-situ получения катализатора, в котором модификатор приводят в контакт с цеолитным молекулярным ситом в реакторе для in-situ получения катализатора для получения пара-ксилола, толуола и/или низших олефинов из сырьевого материала, содержащего метанол и/или диметиловый эфир; и реактор представляет собой реактор для получения пара-ксилола, толуола и/или низших олефинов из сырьевого материала, содержащего метанол и/или диметиловый эфир; при этом модификатор содержит по меньшей мере один из следующих модификаторов: Модификатор I: фосфорсодержащий реагент и силилирующий реагент; Модификатор II: силилирующий реагент; Модификатор III: силилирующий реагент и водяной пар; Модификатор ...

09-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702634C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к катализатору реакции аммоксидирования в псевдоожиженном слое катализатора, способу его получения и способу производства акрилонитрила при использовании катализатора реакции аммоксидирования в псевдоожиженном слое катализатора. Катализатор содержит: диоксид кремния; и оксид металла, где композит, образованный из диоксида кремния и оксида металла, представляется приведенной ниже формулой (1): MoBiFeNiCoCeCrXO/(SiO)(1), где Мо представляет собой молибден, Bi представляет собой висмут, Fe представляет собой железо, Ni представляет собой никель, Со представляет собой кобальт, Се представляет собой церий, Cr представляет собой хром, Х представляет собой, по меньшей мере, один элемент, выбираемый из группы, состоящей из калия, рубидия и цезия, SiOпредставляет собой диоксид кремния, каждая величина из a, b, c, d, e, f, g и h представляет собой атомную долю каждого элемента и удовлетворяет неравенствам 0,1≤а≤1, 1≤b≤3, 1≤c≤6,5, 1≤d≤6,5, 0,2≤e≤1,2, f≤0,05 и 0,05≤g ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137281A

... 1. Каталитическая композиция для получения ненасыщенной карбоновой кислоты из алкана, содержащая соединение формулы Mo1VaSbbNbcMdOx, в которой Мо представляет собой молибден, V означает ванадий, Sb означает сурьму, Nb означает ниобий, М представляет собой галлий, висмут, серебро или золото, а составляет от 0,01 до 1, b составляет от 0,01 до 1, с составляет от 0,01 до 1, d составляет от 0,01 до 1 и х определяется требованиями валентности других присутствующих элементов. 2. Каталитическая композиция по п.1, которая имеет формулу Mo1VaSbbNbc MdM'eOx, в которой М' представляет собой тантал, титан, алюминий, цирконий, хром, марганец, железо, рутений, кобальт, родий, никель, платину, бор, мышьяк, литий, натрий, калий, рубидий, кальций, бериллий, магний, церий, стронций, гафний, фосфор, европий, гадолиний, диспрозий, гольмий, эрбий, тулий, тербий, иттербий, лютеций, лантан, скандий, палладий, празеодим, неодим, иттрий, торий, вольфрам, цезий, цинк, олово, германий, кремний, свинец, барий и таллий ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666722C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к катализатору для селективного восстановления оксидов азота, имеющему два каталитически активных слоя А и Б, при этом слой А содержит оксидный носитель, а также компоненты А1 и А2, а слой Б содержит оксидный носитель, а также компоненты Б1, Б2 и Б3, где А1 и Б1 обозначают по меньшей мере один оксид ванадия, А2 и Б2 обозначают по меньшей мере один оксид вольфрама и Б3 обозначает по меньшей мере один оксид кремния, отличающийся тем, что доля компонента А1 в слое А в мас. % в пересчете на общую массу этого слоя А больше, чем доля компонента Б1 в слое Б в мас. % в пересчете на общую массу этого слоя Б, а доля слоя А в мас. % в пересчете на общую массу слоев А и Б больше, чем доля слоя Б. Также заявлены способ снижения оксидов азота в отработавших газах (ОГ), работающих на обедненных смесях двигателей внутреннего сгорания с использованием указанного выше катализатора, система снижения токсичности отработавших газов (ОГ), имеющая указанный выше катализатор и способ ...

27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011119436A

... 1. Синтетический алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один каталитически активный переходный металл, выбранный из группы, состоящей из Cu, Fe, Hf, La, Au, In, V, лантаноидов и переходных металлов VIII группы, который представляет собой алюмосиликатный цеолит с небольшими порами, имеющий максимальный размером кольца, составляющий восемь тетраэдрических атомов, причем средний размер кристаллитов алюмосиликатного цеолита, определенный сканирующей электронной микроскопией, составляет >0,50 мкм.2. Алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, один каталитически активный переходный металл представляет собой медь, железо или медь и железо.3. Алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор по п.1 или 2, в котором, по меньшей мере, один каталитически активный переходный металл является медью.4. Алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор по п.1, в котором средний размер кристаллитов составляет >1,00 мкм.5. Алюмосиликатный цеолитный катализатор по п.1, в ...

15-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019121945A

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011130543A

... 1. Способ получения фторсодержащих олефинов, включающий контакт хлорфторалкена формулы RCCl=CClR, где каждый Rявляется перфторалкильной группой, независимо выбранной из группы, содержащей CF, CF, n-CF, i-CF, n-CF, i-CFи t-CF, с водородом в присутствии катализатора при температуре, достаточной, чтобы вызвать замещение заместителей хлора хлорфторалкена водородом, для получения фторсодержащего олефина формулы E- или Z-RCH=CHR, где каждый Rи Rявляются перфторалкильными группами, независимо выбранными из группы, содержащей CF, CF, n-CF, i-CF, n-CF, i-CFи t-CF, где указанный катализатор является композицией, включающей хром и никель.2. Способ по п.1, где указанный катализатор является композицией, включающей от приблизительно 10% до приблизительно 90% хрома и от приблизительно 90% до приблизительно 10% никеля.3. Способ по п.1, где каталитическая композиция дополнительно включает щелочной металл, выбранный из калия, цезия и рубидия.4. Способ по п.3, где указанный щелочной металл составляет от ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

In Zonen aufgeteilter katalysierter Substratmonolith

Номер: DE112013000218T5

Beschrieben wird ein in Zonen aufgeteilter katalysierter Substratmonolith, der eine erste Zone und eine zweite Zone umfasst, wobei die erste Zone und die zweite Zone axial in Reihe angeordnet sind, wobei die erste Zone ein auf einen Träger geladenes Platingruppenmetall und ein erstes Oxid eines unedlen Metalls, das aus der Gruppe ausgewählt ist, die aus Eisenoxid, Manganoxid, Kupferoxid, Zinkoxid, Nickeloxid und Gemischen hiervon besteht, oder ein erstes unedles Metall, das aus der Gruppe ausgewählt ist, die aus Eisen, Mangan, Kupfer, Zink, Nickel und Gemischen hiervon besteht, das auf ein anorganisches Oxid geladen ist, umfasst und die zweite Zone auf einen Zeolith geladenes Kupfer oder Eisen und ein zweites Oxid eines unedlen Metalls, das aus der Gruppe ausgewählt ist, die aus Eisenoxid, Manganoxid, Kupferoxid, Zinkoxid, Nickeloxid und Gemischen hiervon besteht, oder ein zweites unedles Metall, das aus der Gruppe ausgewählt ist, die aus Eisen, Mangan, Kupfer, Zink, Nickel und Gemischen ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines effizienten Katalysators für die Produktion mehrwandiger Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen, mehrwandiges Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen und Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchenpulver

Номер: DE102013214229A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Katalysators für die Synthese mehrwandiger Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung mehrwandiger Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen sowie ein diese Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen aufweisendes Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchenpulver mit verbesserten Eigenschaften.

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Vorbereiten eines Mehrkomponenten-Legierungskatalysators

Номер: DE102019214543A1

Ein Verfahren zum Vorbereiten eines Mehrkomponenten-Legierungskatalysators, auf dem ein katalytisches Metall getragen wird, enthält das Vorbereiten eines Kohlenstoffverbundstoffes, der einen Kohlenstoffträger aufweist, der mit einem kationischen Polymer beschichtet ist, Tragen eines katalytischen Metalls, das zumindest zwei Metallelemente enthält, auf dem Kohlenstoffverbundstoff, um einen Legierungskatalysator-Vorläufer vorzubereiten, und Waschen des Legierungskatalysator-Vorläufers, um das kationische Polymer zu entfernen.

20-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001374291A

... 1374291 Oxidation catalysts DEUTSGHE GOLD-UND SILBER-SCHEIDEANSTALT 12 Oct 1971 [13 Oct 1970] 47392/71 Heading B1E [Also in Division C2] Catalyst for use in the oxidation of ,#- unsaturated aldehyde to the corresponding ,#-unsaturated carboxylic acid comprises (a) antimony, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten and at least one additional element selected from copper, silver, titanium, tin, lead and bismuth which are present in combined form with oxygen and in an Sb:V:Mo:W:additional elements) atomic ation of 1-60:0.5-25:12:0.1-12: 0.1-12 and, optionally, (b) support material which may be kieselguhr or highly disperse silica or, preferably, a mixture of keiselguhr and/or montmorillonite with highly disperse silica, the support material advantageously being a mixture of at least one component having a surface area of from 0.5 to 30 m2/g (for example kieselguhr, montmorillonite) and at least one component having a surface area of from 50 to 500 m2/g (for example highly disperse ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Shaped catalyst particle

Номер: GB0201506325D0

10-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001333449A

... 1333449 Alkenyl carboxylates FARBWERKE HOECHST AG 3 Nov 1971 [20 Nov 1970] 51138/71 Heading C2C [Also in Division B1] Alkenyl carboxylates are prepared from the oxacylation of olefins by reacting the olefin, a carboxylic acid and oxygen, or a gas containing oxygen, in the presence of a catalyst comprising a carrier impregnated with a Pd salt and a barium carboxylic acid aurate, the carboxylic acid being C 2 to C 10 . Specific barium compounds mentioned are the aceto-, propiono- and butyroaurates which may be 0À2 to 5% by weight of the catalyst. Examples describe the preparation of vinyl acetate, allyl acetate and methallyl acetate where the catalyst contains barium aceto-aurate, palladium acetate and potassium acetate on a carrier.

25-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201517795D0

19-10-2016 дата публикации

A process for reducing chloronitrobenzene catalyzed by platinum-nanoparticles stabilized on modified montmorillonite clay

Номер: GB0002537450A

Pto-nanoparticles of in the size range 0 - 10 nm were prepared in-situ by impregnation of H2PtCl6.6H2O into the nanopores of modified montmorillonite followed by reduction with different reducing agents like ethylene glycol, sodium citrate, hydrogen, hydrazine and sodium borohydrate. The montmorillonite was modified by activation with mineral acids under controlled condition for generating desired nanopores. XRD pattern of Pto-nanoparticles revealed the formation of face centered cubic (fcc) lattice. These supported Pto-nanoparticles show efficient catalytic activity for the selective reduction of chloronitrobenzenes. As a typical example, at a H2 pressure of 10 bars, temperature 45 °C for a period of 15 min, the Pto-nanoparticles (prepared by reduction with hydrazine) exhibit conversion of o-chloronitrobenzene upto 100 % and selectivity > 99 % to o-chloroanilines with very negligible amount of C-Cl bond cleavage.

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Shaped catalyst particle

Номер: GB0002541052A

A catalyst particle comprises the form of a three-dimensional ellipsoidal shape having three major axes, at least two of which are of different lengths. All three axes may be different lengths. The particle may also have at least one intra-particle channel extending from a location on the surface of the particle to through the interior of the particle to a second location on the surface of the particle. There may be 1-24 channels, and may include a cavity which is in communication with the channels. A catalyst particle having the general shape of a sphere and comprising at least one intra-particle channel extending from a first location on the surface of the particle through the interior of the particle to a second location on the surface of the particle is also disclosed along with: a catalyst bed; and method of use of both types of particle.

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Catalyst article for use in an emission treatment system

Номер: GB0002574097A

A catalyst article for treating a flow of a combustion exhaust gas comprises a catalytically active substrate comprising one or more channels extending along an axial length thereof; the substrate is formed of an extruded vanadium-containing SCR catalyst material. The channels have a first surface for contacting a flow of combustion exhaust gas and at least a portion of the first surface comprises a compound of copper, iron, cerium or zirconium, or a mixture of any two or more thereof. A first layer is disposed on at least a portion of the first surface, the first layer comprises a washcoat of an ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) comprising one or more platinum group metals supported on a particulate metal oxide support material, and a layer comprising a washcoat of SCR catalyst is disposed on a surface in the one or more channels. The layer comprising the SCR catalyst can be a second layer disposed on at least a portion of the first layer. Further aspects relate to an emission treatment system ...

31-01-2018 дата публикации

NOx adsorber Catalyst

Номер: GB0201720937D0

07-02-2018 дата публикации

Oxidation catalyst for a diesel engine exhaust

Номер: GB0201721524D0

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Diesel oxidation catalyst and exhaust system

Номер: GB0002549008A

An oxidation catalyst for treating an exhaust gas from a diesel engine comprising: a first washcoat region comprising platinum, manganese and a first support material; a second washcoat region comprising a platinum group metal and a second support material; and a substrate having an inlet end and an outlet end; wherein the second washcoat region is arranged to contact the exhaust gases at the outlet end of the substrate and after contact of the exhaust gases with first washcoat region. The first washcoat region may be a first washcoat layer and the second washcoat region may be deposited on the first washcoat layer. The support materials may comprise a refractory metal oxide selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica, titania, zirconia, ceria and a mixed or composite oxide of two or more thereof. The refractory metal oxide may be optionally doped with a dopant. An exhaust system, vehicle or apparatus, and method of use comprising the catalyst are also disclosed.

15-01-2020 дата публикации

JMZ-1, a cha-containing zeolite and methods of preparation

Номер: GB0201917426D0

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Hydrogenation catalyst and method for producing same

Номер: GB0201616118D0

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Diesel oxidation catalyst and exhaust system

Номер: GB0201705141D0

31-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AP2010005415A0

31-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201005415A0

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000455595T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000549082T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0018312003A

22-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AU2009237307A1

12-02-2009 дата публикации

Porous bodies and methods

Номер: AU2008284107A1

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Diesel exhaust gas oxidation catalyst, and method for purifying diesel exhaust gas by using same

Номер: AU2014224354A8

A diesel exhaust gas oxidation catalyst, which is configured to purify exhaust gas from a diesel engine, includes: an alumina-based carrier in which a content of alumina is 40 mass% or higher; Pt supported on the alumina-based carrier; Pd supported on the alumina-based carrier; and at least one type of added element that is selected from the group consisting of alkali metal elements and alkaline earth metal elements and that is supported on the alumina-based carrier. A supported quantity of the Pt is 0.1 to 5 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the alumina-based carrier. A molar ratio obtained by dividing a supported quantity of the Pd by the supported quantity of the Pt is 0.1 to 1.5. A molar ratio obtained by dividing a supported quantity of the added element by the supported quantity of the Pt is 1 to 12.

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Process for preparing a chlorine comprising catalyst, the prepared catalyst, and its use

Номер: AU2014295289B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention concerns a process for preparing a chlorine comprising catalyst using one or more metal salts of chloride, hydrochloric acid (HCl), one or more organic chloride compounds, or a combination thereof. The prepared catalyst preferably comprises 0.13 –3weight percent of the element chlorine. The invention further relates to the prepared catalyst and its use.

28-10-1993 дата публикации

An oxidative diesel control catalyst

Номер: AU0003702693A

24-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003586471A

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058093A1

The objective of the present invention is to provide a catalyst with which pressure losses and coking are suppressed and with which it is possible to produce a target substance with a high yield, when the catalyst is used to produce the target substance by causing a material to undergo a gas phase catalytic oxidation reaction. The present invention relates to a ring-shaped catalyst which is used when producing a target substance by causing a material to undergo a gas phase catalytic oxidation reaction and which has a straight body portion and a hollow body portion, wherein the length of the straight body portion is less than the length of the hollow body portion, and the catalyst has a concave curve from an end portion of the straight body portion to an end portion of the hollow body portion in at least one end portion of the catalyst.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3116059A1

The present disclosure relates to methods for selectively hydrogenating acetylene, to methods for starting up a selective hydrogenation reactor, and to hydrogenation catalysts useful in such methods. In one aspect, the disclosure provides a method for selectively hydrogenating acetylene, the method comprising contacting a catalyst composition with a process gas. The catalyst composition comprises a porous support, palladium, and one or more ionic liquids. The process gas includes ethylene, present in the process gas in an amount of at least 20 mol.%; and acetylene, present in the process gas in an amount of at least 1 ppm. At least 90% of the acetylene present in the process gas is hydrogenated, and the selective hydrogenation is conducted without thermal runaway. Notably, the process gas is contacted with the catalyst at a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) based on total catalyst volume in one bed or multiple beds of at least 7,100 h-1.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3125128A1

A method for preparing C2 to C5 paraffins includes introducing a feed stream including hydrogen gas and a carbon-containing gas selected from carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and mixtures thereof into a reaction zone of a reactor. Converting the feed stream into a product stream including C2 to C5 paraffins in the presence of a hybrid catalyst. The hybrid catalyst includes a microporous catalyst component; and a metal oxide catalyst component selected from (A) a bulk material consisting of gallium oxide, (B) gallium oxide present on a titanium dioxide support material, and (C) a mixture of gallium oxide and at least one promoter present on a support material selected from Group 4 of the IUPAC periodic table of elements.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003059745A1

Methods, catalysts, and corresponding catalyst precursors are provided for performing dewaxing of diesel or distillate boiling range fractions. The dewaxing methods, catalysts, and/or catalyst precursors can allow for production of diesel boiling range fuels with improved cold flow properties at desirable yields. The catalysts and/or catalyst precursors can correspond to supported metal catalysts and/or catalyst precursors that include at least one noble metal, such as Pt, at least one Group 8-10 base metal, preferably a non-noble Group 8-10 base metal, such as Ni and/or Co along with a Group 6 metal, such as Mo and/or W as supported metals along. The support can include a zeolitic framework structure. The catalyst precursors can be formed, for example, by impregnating a support including a zeolitic framework structure with impregnation solution(s) that also includes a dispersion agent.

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003013167A1

Method for preparing a catalytic fabric filter comprising the steps of a) providing a fabric filter substrate, preferably consisting of glass fibers, having a gas inlet surface and a gas outlet surface, the gas inlet surface is coated with a polymeric membrane, preferably consisting of polytetrafluoroethylene; b) providing an aqueous impregnation liquid comprising one or more catalyst metal precursor compounds; c) impregnating the fabric filter substrate with the impregnation liquid; and d) drying and thermally activating the impregnated fabric filter substrate at a temperature below 300 °C to convert the one or more metal compounds of the catalyst precursor to their catalytically active form, wherein the drying of the impregnated fabric filter substrate in step d) is performed from the gas outlet surface.

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003016807A1

The invention provides an automotive catalyst composite that includes a catalytic material on a carrier, the catalytic material including a plurality of core-shell support particles including a core and a shell surrounding the core, wherein the core includes a plurality of particles having a primary particle size distribution d90 of up to about 5 µm, wherein the core particles include particles of one or more molecular sieves and optionally particles of one or more refractory metal oxides; and wherein the shell comprises nanoparticles of one or more refractory metal oxides, wherein the nanoparticles have a primary particle size distribution d90 in the range of about 5 nm to about 1000 nm (1 µm); and optionally, one or more platinum group metals (PGMs) on the core-shell support. The invention also provides an exhaust gas treatment system and related method of treating exhaust gas utilizing the catalyst composite.

14-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003036467A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

The present invention relates to an oligomerization catalyst for oligomerization of low-molecular-weight olefins, to the use of said catalyst and to a process for oligomerization of low-molecular-weight olefins using the oligomerization catalyst according to the invention.

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672541A1

An exhaust gas purification catalyst that breaking the warring relationsh ip between Hg oxidation and SO2 oxidation as a limit of conventional catalys ts, realizes lowering only the SO2 oxidation ratio while maintaining the Hg oxidation ratio at a high level. There is provided an exhaust gas purificati on catalyst consisting of a composition comprising respective oxides of (i) titanium (Ti), (ii) molybdenum (Mo) and/or tungsten (W), (iii) vanadium (V) and (iv) phosphorus (P) wherein the atomic ratio of Ti : (Mo and/or W) : V i s 85 to 97.5 : 2 to 10 : 0.5 to 10, and wherein the atomic ratio of P/(sum o f Mo and/or W and V) is inthe range of 0.5 to 1.5. Further, there is provide d a method of exhaust gas purification characterized in that an exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxide (NOx) and metallic mercury (Hg) is brought into co ntact with the above catalyst in the presence of ammonia as a reducing agent so as to carry out oxidation of metallic mercury (Hg) and reduction of NOx contained ...

18-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002664675C

The present invention generally relates to processes for making a metal oxide composition powder. The powder includes oxides of metals, basic metal or metals, insoluble and soluble metal salts, and combinations thereof. Resultantly, a tightly-adhered coated metal oxide, basic metal, or metal salt composition is formed. By oxidizing the basic metal powder(s) along with other additives such as other basic metal powders, metal oxide powders, and metal salts, the additives are incorporated into the resulting metal oxide composition powder and become part of the tightly adhered coating when substrates are used. The process for formation requires agitation or mixing of the constituents without the need for heating, drying, or added processes, such as calcining or forming of the product for use. The invention can be used to treat fluid streams whereby the resulting metal oxide composition can react with contaminants in a fluid stream comprised of gasses, liquids, and slurries.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002959591A1

The present disclosure relates to a reforming catalyst composition comprising a spherical gamma AI2O3 support; at least one Group VB metal oxide sheet coated on to the AI2O3 support; and at least one active metal and at least one promoter metal impregnated on the AI2O3 coated support. The reforming catalyst composition of the present disclosure has improved activity, better selectivity for total aromatics during naphtha reforming and results in less coke formation. The reforming catalyst composition has improved catalyst performance with simultaneous modification of acidic sites as well as metallic sites through metal support interaction. The acid site cracking activity of the catalyst is inhibited because of the use of chloride free alumina support modified with solid acid such as Group VB metal oxide and impregnated with active metals. The present disclosure provides a process for naphtha reforming in the presence of the reforming catalyst composition of the present disclosure to obtain ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994984A1

A hydrocracking catalyst is provided comprising: a. from 0.5 to 10 wt% zeolite beta having an OD acidity of 20 to 400 µmol/g and an average domain size from 800 to 1500 nm2; b. from 0 to 5 wt% zeolite USY having an ASDI between 0.05 and 0.12; wherein a wt% of the zeolite beta is greater than the wt% of the zeolite USY; c. a catalyst support; and d. at least one metal selected from the group consisting of elements from Group 6 and Groups 8 through 10 of the Periodic Table. A process for hydrocracking using the hydrocracking catalyst to produce middle distillates is provided. A method for making the hydrocracking catalyst is also provided.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918039A1

The present invention provides a catalyst for the decomposition of nitrous oxide, said catalyst comprising oxides of cobalt, zinc and aluminium and an alkali metal promoter.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002968578A1

Process to synthesize a catalyst performing Water-Gas shift reaction at a temperature more than 300°C using a precursor having general formula: [(Cu, Zn)1-x (Al, M)× (OH)2] x+ (A n- x/n) .cndot. kH2O With: - M = Al, La, Ga or In, - A = CO3 - 0,33 < x < 0,5 - 1 < n < 3.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Hydroprocessing Catalyst Prepared with Waste Catalyst Fines and Its Use

Номер: US20120205290A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A hydroprocessing catalyst composition that comprises a shaped support that is formed from a mixture of inorganic oxide powder and catalyst fines and wherein the shaped support has incorporated therein at least one metal component, a chelating agent and a polar additive. The hydroprocessing catalyst composition is prepared by incorporating into the shaped support a metal component, a chelating agent and a polar additive. The hydroprocessing catalyst composition has particular application in the catalytic hydroprocessing of petroleum derived feedstocks.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Double-component modified molecular sieve with improved hydrothermal stability and production method thereof

Номер: US20120275994A1
Принадлежит: Petrochina Co Ltd

A method for producing double-component modified molecular sieve comprises adding molecular sieve to an aqueous solution containing phosphorus to form a mixture, allowing the mixture to react at pH of 1-10, temperature of 70-200° C. and pressure of 0.2-1.2 MPa for 10-200 min, and then filtering, drying and baking the resultant to obtain phosphorus-modified molecular sieve, and then adding the phosphorus-modified molecular sieve to an aqueous solution containing silver ions, allowing the phosphorus-modified molecular sieve to react with silver ions at 0-100° C. in dark condition for 30-150 min, and then filtering, drying and baking. The obtained double-component modified molecular sieve contains 88-99 wt % molecular sieve with a ratio of silica to alumina between 15 and 60, 0.5-10 wt % phosphorus (based on oxides) and 0.01-2 wt % silver (based on oxides), all based on dry matter. A catalyst produced from the double-component modified molecular sieve has improved hydrothermal stability and microactivity.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Catalysts supports

Номер: US20130023593A1

A method for preparing a silica-modified catalyst support is described including: (I) applying an alkyl silicate to the surface of a porous support material in an amount to produce a silica content of the silica-modified catalyst support, expressed as Si, in the range 0.25 to 15% by weight, (ii) optionally drying the resulting silicate-modified support, (iii) treating the support with water, (iv) drying the resulting water-treated support, and (v) calcining the dried material to form the silica-modified catalyst support.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Pre-carburized molybdenum-modified zeolite catalyst and use thereof for the aromatization of lower alkanes

Номер: US20130066126A1
Автор: Suman Kumar Jana
Принадлежит: Saudi Basic Industries Corp

The present invention relates to a method for producing a zeolite catalyst useful for aromatization of a lower alkane, a zeolite catalyst useful for aromatization of a lower alkane obtainable by said method and a process for aromatization of a lower alkane using the zeolite catalyst of the present invention.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing catalyst composition, catalyst composition, diesel particulate filter using the same, and exhaust gas purification system

Номер: US20130095997A1
Принадлежит: Dowa Electronics Materials Co Ltd

Provided is a catalyst having the ability to combust PM at relatively low temperatures and having high HC and CO removal (conversion) efficiency even at the above operating temperature. In the catalyst composition, at least one kind of platinum group element selected from Pt, Rh, and Pd is dispersed in and supported by a platinum group-supporting carrier containing at least one kind of element selected from Zr, Al, Y, Si, Bi, Pr, and Tb, and the platinum group-supporting carrier is supported on the surface of a Ce oxide containing Ce as an essential component. The catalyst composition has both PM combustion activity and gas purification activity.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Single reaction synthesis of texturized catalysts

Номер: US20130267411A1

Methods are described for making a texturized catalyst. The textural promoter may be a high-surface area, high-porosity, stable metal oxide support. The catalyst is manufactured by reacting catalyst precursor materials and support materials in a single, solvent deficient reaction to form a catalyst. The catalyst may be particles or a coating or partial coating of a support surface.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Catalyst support materials with oxygen storage capacity (osc) and method of making thereof

Номер: US20130274096A1
Принадлежит: Pacific Industrial Development Corp

A new type of catalyst support with oxygen storage capacity (OSC) and methods of making the same are disclosed. The composition ratio is x(Ce 1-w Zr w 0 2 ):yM:zL:(1-x-y-z)AI 2 0 3 , where Ce 1-w Zr w 0 2 is the oxygen storage composition with stabilizer Zr0 2 , molar ratio (w) in the range of 0 to about 0.8, and a weight ratio (x) of about 0.05 to about 0.8; M is an interactive promoter for oxygen storage capacity with a weight ratio (y) of 0 to about 0.10; and L is a stabilizer for the support Al 2 0 3 with weight ratio (z) of from 0 to about 0.10. In some cases, M or L can act as both OSC promoter and thermal stabilizer. The weight percentage range of ceria-zirconia and other metal and rare earth oxides (x+y+z) is from about 5 to about 80% relative to total oxides. Combining platinum group metals (PGM) and adhesive with the catalyst supports, a new wash coat made therefrom is provided that comprises a mixture of catalyst support materials according to the relationship (a)RE-Ce—Zr0 2 +(3)CZMLA+(1-a-β)RE-AI 2 0 3 , where RE-Ce—Zr0 2 is a commercial OSC material of rare earth elements stabilized ceria zirconia having a weight ratio (a) ranging from 0 to about 0.7; CZMLA is the catalyst support material of the present disclosure having a weight ratio (β) ranging from about 0.2 to about 1 such that (α+β)<1; and RE-AI 2 0 3 is rare earth element stabilized alumina having a weight ratio equal to (1-α-β). The new wash coat made therefrom exhibits a lower activation temperature compared with traditional formulation of wash coat by at least 50° C. The new wash coat made therefrom also requires less RE-Ce—Zr0 2 oxide and/or less PGM in the formulation of emission control catalyst for gasoline and diesel engines.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001310A1

A method for making a catalyst for ozone decomposition includes: adding a reducing agent into a water solution of a permanganate salt to obtain a first reaction liquid, and heating the first reaction liquid under continuous stirring to form a birnessite-type manganese dioxide; and adding the birnessite-type manganese dioxide into a water solution of an ammonium salt to obtain a second reaction liquid, and heating the second reaction liquid under continuous stirring to form the catalyst. 1. A method for making a catalyst for ozone decomposition , the method comprising:adding a reducing agent into a water solution of a permanganate salt to obtain a first reaction liquid, and heating the first reaction liquid under continuous stirring to form a birnessite-type manganese dioxide; andadding the birnessite-type manganese dioxide into a water solution of an ammonium salt to obtain a second reaction liquid, and heating the second reaction liquid under continuous stirring to form the catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ammonium salt is selected from the group consisting of ammonium sulfate claim 1 , ammonium chloride claim 1 , ammonium nitrate claim 1 , ammonium carbonate claim 1 , ammonium bicarbonate claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the ammonium salt in the water solution of the ammonium salt is about 5 g/L to about 400 g/L.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a heating temperature of the first reaction liquid is about 25° C. to about 90° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the permanganate salt is selected from the group consisting of potassium permanganate claim 1 , sodium permanganate claim 1 , ammonium permanganate claim 1 , and any combination thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the permanganate salt in the water solution of the ammonium salt is about 0.1 g/L to about 100 g/L.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of the reducing agent to the permanganate is about ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001313A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A method for hydrocracking a hydrocarbon feedstock, the method comprising: contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with a catalyst containing a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition under reaction conditions to produce a product stream containing at least 20 weight percent of hydrocarbons with 1-4 carbon atoms, wherein the nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition is produced by a method that includes: mixing silica, a source of aluminum, and tetraethylammonium hydroxide to form an aluminosilicate fluid gel; drying the aluminosilicate fluid gel to form a dried gel mixture; subjecting the dried gel mixture to hydrothermal treatment to produce a zeolite precursor; adding cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to the zeolite precursor to form a templated mixture; subjecting the templated mixture to hydrothermal treatment to prepare a CTAB-templated zeolite; washing the CTAB-templated zeolite with distilled water; separating the CTAB-templated zeolite by centrifugation; and drying and calcining the CTAB-templated zeolites to produce a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition. 1. A method for hydrocracking a hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising: mixing silica, a source of aluminum, and tetraethylammonium hydroxide to form an aluminosilicate fluid gel;', 'drying the aluminosilicate fluid gel to form a dried gel mixture;', 'subjecting the dried gel mixture to hydrothermal treatment to produce a zeolite precursor;', 'adding cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to the zeolite precursor to form a templated mixture;', 'subjecting the templated mixture to hydrothermal treatment to prepare a CTAB-templated zeolite;', 'washing the CTAB-templated zeolite with distilled water;', 'separating the CTAB-templated zeolite by centrifugation; and', 'drying and calcining the CTAB-templated zeolites to produce a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition., 'contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with a catalyst containing a nano-sized mesoporous zeolite composition under reaction ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001316A1

A method for the dehydrogenation of lower alkanes is disclosed. The method employs a chromium-alumina dehydrogenation catalyst with high chromium content supported on eta-alumina. The catalyst contains greater than 25 percent by weight chromium in the form of chromium (III) oxide, and exhibits extended stability over traditional alkane dehydrogenation catalysts. 2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the step of impregnating comprises impregnating with a solution comprising at least one dissolved chromium compound and at least one dissolved sodium compound.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the step of performing one or more additional cycles comprises impregnating with a solution comprising at least one dissolved chromium compound and at least one dissolved sodium compound.4. The catalyst of claim 2 , wherein the at least one dissolved sodium compound is sodium hydroxide.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of impregnating comprises impregnating with a solution comprising at least one dissolved chromium compound and at least one dissolved sodium compound.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the step of performing one or more additional cycles comprises impregnating with a solution comprising at least one dissolved chromium compound and at least one dissolved sodium compound.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the at least one dissolved sodium compound is sodium hydroxide.9. A method for the dehydrogenation of a six carbon or lower alkane comprising:{'sup': '3', '(a) loading a fixed-bed reactor with a dehydrogenation catalyst produced by impregnating an eta-alumina support with a dissolved chromium compound to yield a dehydrogenation catalyst comprising from about 30 wt. % to about 40 wt. % chromium (III) oxide, wherein the water pore volume of the eta-alumina support is more than 0.35 cm/g;'}(b) passing a feed containing predominantly six carbon or lower alkanes through the reactor at a temperature sufficient to dehydrogenate said alkanes; and(c) separating a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001267A1

A method for controllably producing a hematite-containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst by combining an iron nitrate solution with a precipitating agent solution at a precipitating temperature and over a precipitation time to form a precipitate comprising iron phases; holding the precipitate from at a hold temperature for a hold time to provide a hematite containing precipitate; and washing the hematite containing precipitate via contact with a wash solution and filtering, to provide a washed hematite containing catalyst. The method may further comprise promoting the washed hematite containing catalyst with a chemical promoter; spray drying the promoted hematite containing catalyst; and calcining the spray dried hematite containing catalyst to provide a calcined hematite-containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. 1. A method for controllably producing a hematite-containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst , the method comprising:(a) combining an iron nitrate solution with a precipitating agent solution at a precipitating temperature and over a precipitation time to form a precipitate comprising iron phases, wherein the precipitating temperature is less than or equal to about 95° C.; wherein the iron nitrate, the precipitating agent solution, or both, comprise a refractory material;(b) holding the precipitate from (a) at a hold temperature for a hold time to provide a hematite containing precipitate; and(c) washing the hematite containing precipitate from (b) via contact with a wash solution and filtering, to provide a washed hematite containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.2. The method of further comprising adding a hematite promoter to control the amount of hematite in the hematite-containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.3. The method of wherein the hematite-containing Fischer-Tropsch catalyst comprises from about 0.5 to about 80 weight percent hematite.4. The method of wherein the hematite promoter is selected from the group consisting of basic silica claim 2 , acidic silica claim 2 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001272A1
Автор: Daudin Antoine

The present invention concerns a hydrotreatment catalyst comprising an alumina-based support, at least one metal from group VIB, at least one metal from group VIII and phosphorus, in which: 2. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which:the content of the metal from group VIB is in the range 3% to 35% by weight of oxide of said metal from group VIB with respect to the total catalyst weight;the content of the metal from group VIII is in the range 0.1% to 10% by weight of oxide of said metal from group VIII with respect to the total catalyst weight;{'sub': 2', '5, 'the phosphorus content is in the range 0.3% to 10% by weight of POwith respect to the total catalyst weight.'}3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which the (metal from group VIII)/(metal from group VIB) molar ratio is in the range 0.1 to 0.8 and the phosphorus/(metal from group VIB) molar ratio is in the range 0.1 to 0.7.4. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which the specific surface area of the catalyst is in the range 30 to 150 m/g claim 1 , preferably in the range 40 to 95 m/g and highly preferably in the range 50 to 90 m/g.5. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which the density of the metal from group VIB is in the range 7 to 25 atoms of metal from group VIB per nmof catalyst claim 1 , preferably in the range 7 to 20 atoms of metal from group VIB per nmof catalyst claim 1 , more preferably in the range 7 to 15 atoms of metal from group VIB per nmof catalyst.6. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which the metal from group VIB is selected from tungsten and molybdenum and the metal from group VIII is selected from nickel and cobalt.7. The catalyst according to claim 6 , in which the metal from group VIB is molybdenum and the metal from group VIII is cobalt.8. The catalyst according to claim 1 , in which the alumina-based support is obtained from an alumina gel which has been kneaded claim 1 , shaped and calcined.9. The catalyst according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method For Producing Hydrocarbon Dehydrogenation Catalyst Using Sponge-Type Support

Номер: US20170001174A1

Disclosed are a catalyst for dehydrogenating a paraffinic hydrocarbon and a method of preparing the same, wherein the catalyst is configured such that a sponge-type alumina support having 3D meso/macro pores is directly impregnated with an active metal, thus decreasing the diffusion resistance of a material, realizing structural stability, and maximizing the distribution of the active metal in the support, thereby significantly increasing olefin conversion and selectivity. 1. A method of preparing a catalyst for dehydrogenating paraffin , comprising:providing a sponge-type alumina support having meso/macro pore sizes;thermally treating the support at 800 to 1200° C. for 2 to 10 hr in an air atmosphere;dispersing an active metal precursor in the support so as to be loaded into the support;drying the support having the loaded active metal at 80 to 150° C.; andfiring the dried catalyst at 500 to 900° C. for 2 to 10 hr in an air atmosphere.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing the fired catalyst at 400 to 700° C. in a hydrogen atmosphere claim 1 , after the firing the dried catalyst.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the active metal comprises platinum claim 1 , tin claim 1 , or an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sponge-type alumina support comprises two kinds of pores having a meso pore size and a macro pore size.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sponge-type alumina support is selected from the group consisting of alpha alumina claim 1 , theta alumina claim 1 , silicon carbide claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sponge-type alumina support has a specific surface area of 50 to 100 m/g claim 1 , a total pore volume of 0.1 to 0.7 cm/g claim 1 , and a pore size of 10 to 100 nm.7. A catalyst for dehydrogenating paraffin claim 1 , prepared by the method of any one of to .8. A method of producing an olefin claim 7 , comprising dehydrogenating a gas mixture comprising paraffin ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001176A1

Disclosed are catalysts capable of catalyzing the dry reforming of methane. The catalysts have a core-shell structure with the shell surrounding the core. The shell has a redox-metal oxide phase that includes a metal dopant incorporated into the lattice framework of the redox-metal oxide phase. An active metal(s) is deposited on the surface of the shell. 1. A catalyst capable of catalyzing a dry reformation of methane reaction , the catalyst comprising a core-shell structure having:a metal oxide core, a clay core, or a zeolite core;a shell surrounding the core, wherein the shell has a redox-metal oxide phase that includes a metal dopant incorporated into the lattice framework of the redox-metal oxide phase; andan active metal deposited on the surface of the shell.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the redox-metal oxide phase is cerium oxide (CeO) and the metal dopant is niobium (Nb) claim 1 , indium (In) claim 1 , or lanthanum (La) claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The catalyst of claim 2 , wherein the metal oxide core is an alkaline earth metal aluminate core selected from aluminate claim 2 , magnesium aluminate claim 2 , calcium aluminate claim 2 , strontium aluminate claim 2 , barium aluminate claim 2 , or any combination thereof.4. The catalyst of claim 3 , wherein the alkaline earth metal aluminate core is magnesium aluminate.5. The catalyst of claim 4 , comprising:65 wt. % to 85 wt. % magnesium aluminate;10 wt. % to 20 wt. % cerium oxide; and5 wt. % to 10 wt. % nickel.6. The catalyst of claim 5 , comprising 0.5 wt. % to 2 wt. % of niobium incorporated into the lattice framework of the cerium oxide phase.7. The catalyst of claim 5 , comprising 0.5 wt. % to 2 wt. % of indium incorporated into the lattice framework of the cerium oxide phase.8. The catalyst of claim 5 , comprising 0.5 wt. % to 2 wt. % of lanthanum incorporated into the lattice framework of the cerium oxide phase.9. The catalyst of claim 2 , wherein the metal oxide core is AlO.10. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Palladium Catalysts Supported on Carbon for Hydrogenation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20200001274A1

Provided is a process for preparing partially or fully hydrogenated hydrocarbons through hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of a hydrogenation catalyst. The hydrogenation catalyst comprises palladium deposited on carbon with optional acid wash and calcination treatments and with optional additions of silver and/or alkali metals. 1. A chemical catalyst , comprising an acid-washed carbon base and palladium deposited on said carbon base.2. The chemical catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said carbon base is an activated carbon base.3. The chemical catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said carbon base is calcinated before said palladium is deposited thereon.4. The chemical catalyst of claim 1 , wherein said catalyst comprises from about 0.1 to about 5 weight percentage of palladium.5. The chemical catalyst of claim 1 , further comprising a metal additive deposited on said carbon base with said palladium.6. The chemical catalyst of claim 5 , wherein the molar ratio of said palladium to said metal additive is in a range of from 1:1 to 12:1.7. The chemical catalyst of claim 5 , wherein said metal additive comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of alkali metals and silver.8. A method of making a chemical catalyst claim 5 , comprising the steps of:(i) dissolving a first precursor in deionized water to form a solution;(ii) depositing said solution onto an acid-washed carbon base; and(iii) drying said carbon base in the presence of static air.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein step (ii) is conducted according to the incipient wetness method.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein said carbon base is an activated carbon base.11. The method of claim 8 , further comprising the step of calcining said carbon base prior to the performance of step (ii).12. The method of claim 11 , wherein no calcination treatment is applied to said carbon base following the performance of step (ii).13. The method of claim 11 , wherein said calcining step involves subjecting said ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001307A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Roehm GmbH

Catalysts for oxidative esterification can be used, for example, fro converting (meth)acrolein to methyl (meth)acrylate. The catalysts are especially notable for high mechanical and chemical stability even over very long time periods, including activity and/or selectivity relatively in continuous operation in media having even a small water content. 1. A hydrolysis-resistant catalyst , comprising:a) 0.01 to 10 mol % of gold,b) 40 to 94 mol % of silicon,c) 3 to 40 mol % of aluminium, andd) 2 to 40 mol % of at least one element selected from the group consisting of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, lanthanoids having atomic numbers 57 to 71, Y, Sc, Ti, Zr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Bi,wherein components b) to d) are present as oxides and the stated amounts of components a) to d) relate to 100 mol % of the composition of the catalyst without oxygen,wherein the catalyst is in the form of particles and is suitable for the oxidative esterification of aldehydes to carboxylic esters,wherein the catalyst has a shell structure comprising a core and at least one shell, where at least 80% of the total amount of component a) is part of a shell, andwherein the catalyst has a PZC value between 7 and 11.2. The catalyst according to claim 1 , which claim 1 , except for the oxygen claim 1 , consists of components a) to d).3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises between 0.05 and 2 mol % of component a).4. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein component a) is in the form of particles having a mean diameter between 2 and 10 nm.5. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst particles have an average diameter between 10 and 200 μm and a spherical shape.6. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises between 2 and 30 mol % of Mg claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , La claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Pb and/or Bi as component d).7. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst has a core and two shells claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001311A1

This invention relates to a catalyst for use in the preparation of acetic acid through a methanol carbonylation reaction using carbon monoxide, and particularly to a heterogeneous catalyst represented by Rh/C 3 N 4 configured such that a complex of a rhodium compound and 3-benzoylpyridine is immobilized on a carbon nitride support.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001305A1
Автор: Johansen Keld
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Method for the preparation of a catalysed monolithic body or a catalysed particulate filter by capillary suction of sol-solution containing catalytically active material and metal oxide catalyst carriers or precursors thereof into pores of monolithic substrate. 1. A method for the preparation of a catalysed monolith , comprising the steps ofa) providing a porous monolith substrate with a plurality of longitudinal flow channels separated by gas permeable partition walls, the monolith substrate having a first end face and at a distance to the first end face a second end face;b) in a container providing a sol solution at least in an amount corresponding to pore volume of the gas permeable partition walls, the sol solution containing a water soluble or colloidal precursor of one or more catalytically active compounds and a water soluble or colloidal precursor of one or more metal oxides catalyst carrier compounds, at least one of the one or more precursors is colloid and at least one of the one or more precursors is water soluble;c) placing the monolith substrate substantially vertically in the container with the first or second end face dipped into the sol solution;d) sucking up the sol solely by capillary forces into pores of the permeable partition walls from the end face dipped into the sol solution without applying vacuum or pressure to a predetermined distance in the permeable partition walls from the end face dipped into the sol solution;e) subsequently inverting the monolith substrate and placing the monolith substrate substantially vertically in the container with the opposite end face dipped into the sol solution;f) sucking up the sol solely by capillary forces into pores of the permeable partition walls from the opposite end face dipped into the sol solution without applying vacuum or pressure; andg) drying and calcining the thus coated monolith substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined distance is about half of the whole distance between ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001309A1

A catalyst for a fluidized bed ammoxidation reaction containing silica and a metal oxide, wherein a composite of the silica and the metal oxide is represented by the following formula (1). 1. A catalyst for a fluidized bed ammoxidation reaction comprising:silica anda metal oxide, wherein {'br': None, 'sub': 12', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', '2', 'A, 'MoBiFeNiCoCeCrXO/(SiO)\u2003\u2003(1);'}, 'a composite of the silica and the metal oxide is represented by the following formula (1){'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'i': a', 'b+f', 'c+d, 'α=1.5/(1.5()+) \u2003\u2003(2);'}, {'br': None, 'i': b+f', 'c+d, 'β=1.5()/() \u2003\u2003(3); and'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'd/c', 'γ=\u2003\u2003(4).'}], 'wherein Mo represents molybdenum, Bi represents bismuth, Fe represents iron, Ni represents nickel, Co represents cobalt, Ce represents cerium, Cr represents chromium, X represents at least one element selected from the group consisting of potassium, rubidium, and cesium, SiOrepresents silica, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h each represent an atomic ratio of each element and satisfy 0.1≤a≤1, 1≤b≤3, 1≤c≤6.5, 1≤d≤6.5, 0.2≤e≤1.2, f≤0.05, and 0.05≤g≤1, provided that h is an atomic ratio of an oxygen atom, the atomic ratio satisfying valences of constituent elements excluding silica, A represents a content of silica (% by mass) in the composite and satisfies 35≤A≤48, and values of α, β, and γ calculated from the atomic ratios of respective elements by the following expressions (2), (3), and (4) satisfy 0.03≤α≤0.08, 0.2≤β≤0.4, and 0.5≤γ≤22. The catalyst for the fluidized bed ammoxidation reaction according to claim 1 , wherein the X represents rubidium.3. The catalyst for the fluidized bed ammoxidation reaction according to claim 1 , wherein δ calculated from the atomic ratio of each element by the following expression (5) satisfies 1.1≤δ≤3.0:{'br': None, 'i': 'e/a', 'δ=\u2003\u2003(5).'}4. A method for producing the catalyst for the fluidized bed ammoxidation reaction according ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001318A1
Автор: Johansen Keld
Принадлежит: Haldor Topsoe A/S

Method for zone coating of monolithic substrates by using different sol-solution containing different catalyst carrier precursors and metal catalyst precursors and suction of one of the sol-solution up into pores in the walls of the zone to be coated, solely by capillary forces and another different sol-solution into the walls of another zone to be coated by capillary forces. 1. A method for the preparation of a catalysed monolith zone coated with different catalysts , comprising the steps ofa) providing a porous monolith substrate with a plurality of longitudinal flow channels separated by gas permeable partition walls, the monolith substrate having a first end face and at a distance to the first end face a second end face;b) providing a first sol solution in an amount corresponding to at least the pore volume in a first catalyst zone of the gas permeable partition walls to be coated with the first sol solution, the first sol solution containing water soluble or suspended precursors of one or more catalytically active compounds and water soluble or suspended precursors or oxides of one or metal oxides catalyst carrier compounds, at least one of the one or more precursors or oxides is suspended and at least one of the one or more precursors is dissolved in the sol solution;c) providing a second sol solution in an amount corresponding to at least the pore volume in a second catalyst zone of the gas permeable partition walls to be coated with the second sol solution, the second sol solution containing water soluble or suspended precursors of one or more catalytically active compounds different to the catalytically active compounds in the first sol solution and water soluble or suspended precursors or oxides of one or more metal oxides catalyst carrier compounds, at least one of the one or more precursors or oxides is suspended and at least one of the one or more precursors is dissolved in the second sol solution;d) placing the porous monolith substrate substantially ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Catalyst composite and preparation thereof for isomerization of paraffins

Номер: US20170001924A1
Принадлежит: Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd

A catalyst composition is provided for isomerization of paraffins comprising of at least one heteropoly acid and reduced graphene oxide. Further provided are a process for preparation of the catalyst composition and a process for isomerization of paraffins using the catalytic composition.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Process for Converting Butanol into Propylene

Номер: US20200002244A1

Process for selective the conversion of primary C4 alcohol into propylene comprising: contacting a stream () containing essentially a primary C4 alcohol with at least one catalyst at a temperature ranging from 150° C. to 500° C. and at pressure ranging from 0.01 MPa to 10 MPa conditions effective to transform said primary C4 alcohol into an effluent stream () containing essentially propylene, carbon monoxide and di-hydrogen, said transformation of primary C4 alcohol comprising at least a reaction of decarbonylation and optionally a decarboxylation reaction, said at least one catalyst comprising a support being a non-acidic i.e. having a TPD NH3 of less than 50 preferably less than 40 μmol/g and optionally a non-basic catalyst i.e. having a TPD CO2 of less than 100 preferably less than 50 μmol/g. 115.-. (canceled)16. A process for the conversion of primary C4 alcohol into propylene comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '5, 'contacting a stream () containing a primary C4 alcohol with at least one catalyst at a temperature ranging from 150° C. to 500° C. and at pressure ranging from 0.01 MPa to 10 MPa to transform the primary C4 alcohol into an effluent stream (, ) containing propylene, carbon monoxide and di-hydrogen, the transformation of primary C4 alcohol comprising at least a reaction of decarbonylation and optionally a decarboxylation reaction, the at least one catalyst comprising support which is non-acidic, having a TPD NH3 of less than 50 μmol/g and which is also a non-basic, having a TPD CO2 of less than 100 μmol/g.'}17125. The process according to wherein stream () is contacted with the at least one catalyst to produce an effluent stream ( claim 16 , ) wherein at least 1 wt % of primary C4 alcohol is converted into propylene claim 16 , carbon monoxide and di-hydrogen.181121. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the step of contacting the primary C4 alcohol stream () with the at least one catalyst is performed in a single reaction zone (A) and the at least one ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002249A1

A method for producing an unsaturated hydrocarbon, comprising: a step of contacting a raw material gas containing an alkane with a dehydrogenation catalyst to obtain a product gas containing at least one unsaturated hydrocarbon selected from a group consisting of olefins and conjugated dienes, wherein the dehydrogenation catalyst contains at least one additive element selected from the group consisting of Na, K, and Ca, Al, Mg, a group 14 metal element, and Pt, and a content of the additive element is 0.05% by mass or more and 0.70% by mass or less based on a total mass of the dehydrogenation catalyst. 1. A method for producing an unsaturated hydrocarbon , comprising:a step of contacting a raw material gas containing an alkane with a dehydrogenation catalyst to obtain a product gas containing at least one unsaturated hydrocarbon selected from a group consisting of olefins and conjugated dienes, whereinthe dehydrogenation catalyst contains at least one additive element selected from a group consisting of Na, K, and Ca, Al, Mg, a group 14 metal element, and Pt, anda content of the additive element is 0.05% by mass or more and 0.70% by mass or less based on a total mass of the dehydrogenation catalyst.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the additive element is 0.08% by mass or more and 0.35% by mass or less claim 1 , based on the total mass of the dehydrogenation catalyst.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of the Mg to the Al is 0.30 or more and 0.60 or less.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of the group 14 metal element to the Pt is 10 or less.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the group 14 metal element includes Sn.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the alkane is an alkane having 4 to 10 carbon atoms.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the alkane is butane claim 1 , the olefin is butene claim 1 , and the conjugated diene is butadiene. The present invention relates to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for preparing fructose or xylulose from biomass containing glucose or xylose using butanol, and method for separating the same

Номер: US20180002769A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing fructose or xylulose from biomass comprising glucose or xylose, and a method for separating a mixture of glucose and fructose and a mixture of xylose and xylulose.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Process for preparing a cobalt-containing catalyst precursor and process for hydrocarbon synthesis

Номер: US20220016605A1
Принадлежит: Sasol South Africa Pty Ltd

The invention provides a process for preparing a cobalt-containing catalyst precursor. The process includes calcining a loaded catalyst support comprising a silica (SiO2) catalyst support supporting cobalt nitrate to convert the cobalt nitrate into cobalt oxide. The calcination includes heating the loaded catalyst support at a high heating rate, which does not fall below 10° C./minute, during at least a temperature range A. The temperature range A is from the lowest temperature at which calcination of the loaded catalyst support begins to 165° C. Gas flow is effected over the loaded catalyst support during at least the temperature range A. The catalyst precursor is reduced to obtain a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016609A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

According to the subject matter of the present disclosure, a method of producing an aromatization catalyst may comprise producing a plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles via a dry-gel method, directly mixing the plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles with large pore alumina and a binder to form a ZSM-5/alumina mixture, and calcining the ZSM-5/alumina mixture to form the aromatization catalyst. The plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles may have an average diameter of less than 80 nm. 1. A method of producing an aromatization catalyst , the method comprising:producing a plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles via a dry-gel method,wherein the plurality of ZSM-5 nanoparticles has an average diameter of less than 80 nm;directly mixing the plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles with large pore alumina and a binder to form a ZSM-5/alumina mixture; andcalcining the ZSM-5/alumina mixture to form the aromatization catalyst; wherein the large pore alumina has a pore size of from 18 nm to 26 nm.2. The method of producing an aromatization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles has not been subjected to centrifugation above 3 claim 1 ,000 rpm claim 1 , before being mixed with the large pore alumina and binder.3. The method of producing an aromatization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of uncalcined ZSM-5 nanoparticles has not been subjected to calcination above 200° C. for more than 30 minutes claim 1 , before being mixed with the large pore alumina and binder.4. The method of producing an aromatization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the ZSM-5/alumina mixture is calcined at a temperature of from 400° C. to 700° C. for from 1 hour to 10 hours.5. The method of producing an aromatization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the aromatization catalyst is impregnated with gallium atoms to form a Ga-ZSM-5 catalyst.6. The method of producing an aromatization catalyst of claim 5 , wherein the Ga-ZSM-5 catalyst is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007988A1

A preparation method of perovskite catalyst, represented by the following Chemical Formula 1: LaAgMnO(0.1≦x≦0.9), includes the steps of 1) preparing a metal precursor solution including a lanthanum metal precursor, a manganese metal precursor and a silver metal precursor, 2) adding maleic or citric acid to the metal precursor solution, 3) drying the mixture separately several times with sequentially elevating the temperature in the range of 160 to 210° C., and 4) calcining the dried mixture at 600 to 900° C. for 3 hours to 7 hours. 1. A preparation method of perovskite catalyst , represented by the following Chemical Formula 1: LaAgMnO(0.1≦x≦0.9) , including the steps of:1) preparing a metal precursor solution including a lanthanum metal precursor, a manganese metal precursor and a silver metal precursor;2) adding citric acid to the metal precursor solution;3) drying the mixture separately several times while sequentially elevating the temperature in the range of 160 to 210° C.; and4) calcining the dried mixture at 600 to 900° C. for 3 hours to 7 hours.2. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein the lanthanum metal precursor is La(NO).6HO.3. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein the manganese metal precursor is Mn(NO).6HO.4. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein the silver metal precursor is AgNO.5. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein the solvent of the metal precursor solution is distilled water.6. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of citric acid added is 0.2 to 2.0 moles per the total mole of lanthanum claim 1 , manganese and silver in the metal precursor solution.7. The preparation method according to claim 1 , further including the step of stirring the solution at 70 to 90° C. for 6 to 10 hours and drying the same at 100 to 120° C. for 8 to 14 hours claim 1 , between step 2) and step 3).8. The preparation method according to claim 1 , wherein step 3) is carried out by ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007990A1

A honeycomb denitration catalyst used for flue gas at 400° C.-600° C. and preparation method thereof. The honeycomb denitration catalyst includes a catalyst coating and a honeycomb ceramic, where a slurry of the catalyst coating is made from components having the following mass percentages: 15%-25% of a zeolite, 5%-10% of a γ-alumina, 5%-10% of a catalyst auxiliary agent, 5% of a binder, and 50%-70% of deionized water. The honeycomb ceramic is soaked repeatedly into the slurry of the catalyst coating. After the soaking is completed, the obtained product is dried and calcined to obtain the honeycomb denitration catalyst. The honeycomb denitration catalyst contains a catalyst auxiliary agent and has excellent denitration activity at high temperatures, sulphur-resistance and water-tolerance ability, stability and NOremoving ability. 1. A honeycomb denitration catalyst used for flue gas at 400° C.-600° C. , comprising a catalyst coating and a honeycomb ceramic , wherein the catalyst coating is deposited on surfaces of the honeycomb ceramic , the catalyst coating is made from components having the following mass percentages:a zeolite in an amount of 15%-25%;a γ-alumina in an amount of 5%-10%;a catalyst auxiliary agent in an amount of 5%-10%;a binder in an amount of 5%; anddeionized water in an amount of 50-70%.2. The honeycomb denitration catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst coating is 2%-15% of the total mass of the honeycomb denitration catalyst.3. The honeycomb denitration catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is selected from the group consisting of ZSM-5 type zeolite molecular sieve claim 1 , A-type zeolite molecular sieve claim 1 , X-type zeolite molecular sieve claim 1 , Y-type zeolite molecular sieve claim 1 , and any combinations thereof4. The honeycomb denitration catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst auxiliary agent is selected from the group consisting of ammonium molybdate claim 1 , cerium nitrate claim 1 , ferrous chloride claim 1 , ammonium ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Nickel hexaaluminate-containing catalyst for reforming hydrocarbons in the presence of carbon dioxide

Номер: US20160008791A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a nickel hexaaluminate-comprising catalyst for reforming hydrocarbons, preferably methane, in the presence of carbon dioxide, which comprises hexaaluminate in a proportion in the range from 65 to 95% by weight, preferably from 70 to 90% by weight, and a crystalline, oxidic secondary phase selected from the group consisting of LaAlO 3 , SrAl 2 O 4 and BaAl 2 O 4 in the range from 5 to 35% by weight, preferably from 10 to 30% by weight. The BET surface area of the catalyst is ≧5 m 2 /g, preferably ≧10 m 2 /g. The molar nickel content of the catalyst is ≦3 mol %, preferably ≦2.5 mol % and more preferably ≦2 mol %. The interlayer cations are preferably Ba and/or Sr. The process for producing the catalyst comprises the steps: (i) production of a mixture of metal salts, preferably nitrate salts of Ni and also Sr and/or La, and a nanoparticulate aluminum source, (ii) molding and (iii) calcination. The catalyst of the invention is brought into contact with hydrocarbons, preferably methane, and CO 2 in a reforming process, preferably at a temperature of >800° C. The catalyst is also distinguished by structural and preferred properties of the nickel, namely that the nickel particles mostly have a tetragonal form and the particles have a size of ≦50 nm, preferably ≦40 nm and particularly preferably ≦30 nm, and are present finely dispersed as grown-on hexaaluminate particles. The catalyst has only a very low tendency for carbonaceous deposits to be formed.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for the synthesis of porous inorganic material, catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons and preparation of catalyst thereof

Номер: US20160008797A1

A method for synthesis of porous inorganic materials, preparation of a catalyst and catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons thereof includes processes for synthesis of porous inorganic materials and preparation of the catalytic cracking catalyst and catalytic cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons. The synthesis process is advantaged in low cost in raw materials; the porous inorganic material has various pore structures; and transitional metal used overcomes the defects of the catalytic properties. The porous inorganic material serving as the main active ingredient and containing crystalline aluminum silicate zeolite structures provides surface acidity required by the catalytic reaction. The surface acidity is flexibly adjusted. The hierarchical pore profile improves the accessibility of the active center of the zeolite structure and favors the reaction efficiency and benefits of the petroleum hydrocarbon cracking, and reduces the negative effects caused by diffusion limit. The catalyst containing the porous inorganic material has low manufacturing cost and better properties.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Synthesis Catalyst, Its Preparation Process and Its Use

Номер: US20180008961A1

The present invention relates to catalysts, more particularly to a cobalt-containing catalyst composition. The present invention further relates to a process for preparing a cobalt-containing catalyst precursor, a process for preparing a cobalt-containing catalyst, and a hydrocarbon synthesis process wherein such a catalyst is used. According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a cobalt-containing catalyst composition comprising cobalt and/or a cobalt compound supported on and/or in a catalyst support; the catalyst composition also including a titanium compound on and/or in the catalyst support, and a manganese compound on and/or in the catalyst support. 1. A cobalt-containing catalyst composition comprising cobalt and/or a cobalt compound supported on and/or in a catalyst support; the catalyst composition also including a titanium compound on and/or in the catalyst support , and a manganese compound on and/or in the catalyst support.2. The catalyst composition of wherein the catalyst composition includes a dopant capable of enhancing the reducibility of the cobalt compound.3. The catalyst composition of either one of or wherein the catalyst support is selected from the group consisting of alumina in the form of one or more aluminium oxides; silica (SiO); titania (TiO); magnesia (MgO); zinc oxide (ZnO); silicon carbide; and mixtures thereof.4. The catalyst composition of wherein the catalyst support is an alumina catalyst support or a silica (SiO) catalyst support.5. A process for preparing a cobalt-containing catalyst precursor claim 3 , the process comprising introducing a cobalt compound onto and/or into a catalyst support; prior to and/or during and/or subsequent to introducing the cobalt compound onto and/or into the catalyst support claim 3 , introducing a titanium compound onto and/or into the catalyst support; and prior to claim 3 , and/or during claim 3 , and/or subsequent to introducing the cobalt compound onto and/or into the catalyst ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008962A1

The present invention relates to a catalyst system for oxidation of o-xylene and/or naphthalene to phthalic anhydride (PA) comprising at least four catalyst zones arranged in succession in the reaction tube and filled with catalysts of different chemical composition wherein the active material of the catalysts comprise vanadium and titanium dioxide and the active material of the catalyst in the last catalyst zone towards the reactor outlet has an antimony content (calculated as antimony trioxide) between 0.7 to 3.0 wt. %. The present invention further relates to a process for gas phase oxidation in which a gas stream comprising at least one hydrocarbon and molecular oxygen is passed through a catalyst system which comprises at least four catalyst zones arranged in succession in the reaction tube and filled with catalysts of different chemical composition wherein the active materials of the catalysts comprise vanadium and titanium dioxide and the active material of the catalyst in the last catalyst zone towards the reactor outlet has an antimony content (calculated as antimony trioxide) between 0.7 to 3.0 wt. %. 114.-. (canceled)15. A catalyst system for oxidation of o-xylene and/or naphthalene to phthalic anhydride comprising at least four catalyst zones arranged in succession in the reaction tube and filled with catalysts of different chemical composition wherein the catalytically active material of the catalyst is applied to an inert catalyst carrier and comprises vanadium and titanium dioxide and the active material of the catalyst in the last catalyst zone towards the reactor outlet has an antimony content (calculated as antimony trioxide) between 0.7 to 3.0 wt. %.16. The catalyst system according to claim 15 , wherein the active materials of the catalysts in the last two catalyst zones towards the reactor outlet have a lower average antimony content than the active materials of the catalysts in the remaining catalyst zones towards the reactor inlet.17. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008968A1

Some embodiments are directed to a new methodology aimed at preparing highly N-doped mesoporous carbon macroscopic composites, and their use as highly efficient heterogeneous metal-free catalysts in a number of industrially relevant catalytic transformations. 1. A method of preparing macroscopic composites made of a macroscopic support coated with a thin layer of highly nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon phase (active phase) , said method comprising:{'sub': 4', '2', '3, '(a) providing an aqueous solution of (i) (NH)CO; (ii) a carbohydrate as carbon source, selected from aldose monosaccharides and glycosilated forms thereof, disaccharides and oligosaccharides or dextrine deriving from biomass conversion, and (iii) a carboxylic acid source selected from citric acid, and any other mono-, di-, tri-, and poly-carboxylic acid or their ammonium mono-, di-, tri- and poly-basic forms;'} [ (a1) providing an aqueous solution of citric acid and a carbohydrate as carbon source, selected from aldose monosaccharides and glycosilated forms thereof, disaccharides and oligosaccharides;', '(c1) prior to step (c), immerging/soaking or impregnating the macroscopic support of step (b) in the aqueous solution of step (a1) for a suitable amount of time;', '(d1) optionally removing the immerged macroscopic support from the aqueous solution of step (a1) if an excess aqueous solution is used in step (c1);', '(e1′) optionally subjecting the resulting macroscopic support to a gentle thermal treatment (drying) under air at low temperatures from 45 to 55° C., preferably 50° C.±3° C.;', '(e1) subjecting the resulting macroscopic support to a first thermal treatment (drying) under air at moderate temperatures from 110-150° C.±5° C., preferably 130° C.±5° C.; and', '(f1) subjecting the thermally treated (dried) macroscopic support to a second thermal treatment under inert atmosphere at higher temperatures from 600-800° C.±10° C., preferably 600° C.±5° C.; thereby generating a macroscopic composite ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008527A1

The present invention relates to a process for preparing a cobalt-containing Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst with good physical properties and high cobalt loading. In one aspect, the present invention provides a process for preparing a supported cobalt-containing Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst, said process comprising the steps of: (a) impregnating a support material with cobalt haydroxide nitrate, or a hydrate thereof, of formula (I) below to form an impregnated support material, [Co(OH)(NO).yHO] (I) where: 0 Подробнее

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008531A1

Provided is a catalyst article for simultaneously remediating the nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and gaseous hydrocarbons present in diesel engine exhaust streams. The catalyst article has a soot filter coated with a material effective in the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx by a reductant, e.g., ammonia. 1. A catalyst article consisting essentially of a wall flow monolith and a catalytic material , wherein the wall flow monolith has a plurality of longitudinally extending passages fatined by longitudinally extending walls bounding and defining said passages , wherein the passages comprise inlet passages having an open inlet end and a closed outlet end , and outlet passages having a closed inlet end and an open outlet end , the wall flow monolith has a porosity of from 50% to 60% and an average pore size of from 10 to 25 microns , and the wall flow monolith contains the catalytic material;{'sup': '3', 'wherein the catalytic material comprises an SCR catalyst composition including a slurry-loaded washcoat of a zeolite and base metal selected from one or more of a copper and iron component, the washcoat permeating the walls at a loading up to 2.4 g/in, the wall flow monolith having integrated, NOx and particulate removal efficiency in which presence of the catalytic material in the wall flow monolith catalyzes the oxidation of soot.'}2. The catalyst article of claim 1 , wherein the SCR catalyst composition permeates the walls of the monolith at a concentration of at least 1.3 g/in.3. The catalyst article of claim 2 , wherein there is from 1.6 to 2.4 g/inof SCR catalyst composition disposed on the wall flow monolith.4. The catalyst article of claim 1 , wherein the SCR catalyst composition is effective to catalyze the reduction of NOx at a temperature below about 600° C. and is able to aid in regeneration of the wall flow monolith by lowering the temperature at which soot captured by the wall flow monolith is combusted.5. The catalyst article of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Solid-phase catalyst for decomposing hydrogen peroxide and method for producing same

Номер: US20190009253A1

The present invention provides a solid-phase catalyst for decomposing hydrogen peroxide comprising a permanganate salt and a manganese (II) salt. The solid-phase catalyst stays a solid state in the form of nanoparticles at the time of hydrogen peroxide decomposition, and thus can be recovered for reuse and also has an excellent decomposition rate. In the method for producing a solid-phase catalyst for decomposing hydrogen peroxide according to the present invention, a solid-phase catalyst is produced from a solution containing a permanganate salt, a manganese (II) salt, and an organic acid, so that the produced solid-phase catalyst is precipitated as a solid component even after a catalytic reaction, and thus is reusable and environmentally friendly, and cost reduction can be achieved through the simplification of a catalyst production technique.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009263A1
Автор: KRAUS John, WILLIAMS Marc

A method of coating a substrate includes distributing a first catalyst slurry having a first catalytic composition and a first initial viscosity within the substrate to form a first catalyst layer within the substrate; adjusting the viscosity of the first catalyst layer such that the first catalyst layer is made to have a first adjusted viscosity that is greater than the first initial viscosity of the first catalyst slurry; distributing a second catalyst slurry having a second catalytic composition and a second initial viscosity within the substrate to form a second catalyst layer within the substrate, the second initial viscosity being made to be less than the first adjusted viscosity; the second catalyst slurry being distributed within the substrate while the first catalyst layer is in a wet state such that the second catalyst layer is formed as a wet-on-wet coating that at least partially overlaps the first catalyst layer. 1. A method of coating a substrate , comprising:distributing a first catalyst slurry having a first catalytic composition and a first initial viscosity within the substrate to form a first catalyst layer within the substrate;adjusting a viscosity of the first catalyst layer such that the first catalyst layer is made to have a first adjusted viscosity that is greater than the first initial viscosity of the first catalyst slurry; anddistributing a second catalyst slurry having a second catalytic composition and a second initial viscosity within the substrate to form a second catalyst layer within the substrate,wherein the second catalytic composition differs from the first catalytic composition, and the second initial viscosity is less than the first adjusted viscosity,wherein the second catalyst slurry is distributed within the substrate while the first catalyst layer is in a wet state such that the second catalyst layer is formed as a wet-on-wet coating that at least partially overlaps the first catalyst layer,{'sub': 'n', 'wherein the first ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010393A1

Process for the preparation of alpha, beta unsaturated aldehydes by oxidation of alcohols in the presence of a liquid phase wherein the liquid phase contains 0.1 to less than 25 weight-% water and wherein the liquid phase contains at least 25 weight-% of alcohol(s) of general formula (II) and alpha, beta unsaturated aldehyde(s) of general formula (I) and wherein the oxidant is oxygen and/or hydrogen peroxide. 111.-. (canceled)13. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the alcohol according to formula (II) is used claim 12 , wherein R claim 12 , Ror R claim 12 , independently of one another claim 12 , are selected from H and CH.14. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the alcohol according to formula (II) is used claim 12 , wherein Ris H and Rand Rare CH.15. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the liquid phase contains 0.5 to 20 weight-% claim 12 , water based on the total weight of the liquid phase.16. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the liquid phase contains 1.0 to 15 weight-% water based on the total weight of the liquid phase.17. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the liquid phase contains less than 75 weight-% solvent based on the total weight of the liquid phase.18. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the liquid phase contains less than 50 weight-% based on the total weight of the liquid phase.19. The process according to claim 12 , wherein the liquid phase contains less than 10 weight-% solvent based on the total weight of the liquid phase.20. The process according to wherein the liquid phase contains at least 30 weight-% of alcohols of general formula (II) and alpha claim 12 , beta unsaturated aldehydes of general formula (I) claim 12 , based on the total weight of the liquid phase.21. The process according to wherein the liquid phase contains at least 70 weight-% of alcohols of general formula (II) and alpha claim 12 , beta unsaturated aldehydes of general formula (I) claim 12 , based on the total weight of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010404A1

A nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst having a weight loss rate measured by hydrogen-TG at 400 to 600° C. of 0.05 to 2.0%. 1: The method according to claim 5 , wherein the nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst has a weight loss rate measured by hydrogen-TG at 400 to 600° C. of 0.05 to 2.0%.2: The method according to claim 5 , wherein a nickel crystallite diameter of the nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst is 30 to 100 Å.3: The method according to claim 2 , wherein a change Δ in the nickel crystallite diameter between before and after a heat resistance test is 210 Å or less.4: The method according to claim 5 , wherein the nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst has a specific surface area of 60 to 180 m/g.5: A method for producing a nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst by a precipitation method claim 5 , comprising:adding an alkaline solution as a precipitant to a dispersion liquid in which diatomaceous earth and a salt of a nickel catalyst are mixed; andperforming a drying treatment, a calcination treatment, and a reduction treatment, in this order, to obtain the nickel diatomaceous earth catalyst,wherein the reduction treatment is performed at a peak temperature+40° C. or more of a hydrogen-TPR measurement on a calcined powder produced by the calcination treatment.6: The method according to claim 5 , wherein the reduction treatment is performed at the peak temperature+200° C. or less of the hydrogen-TPR measurement on the calcined powder produced by the calcination treatment.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9: The method according to claim 5 , wherein the salt of a nickel catalyst is selected from nickel sulfate and nickel nitrate.10: The method according to claim 5 , wherein the alkaline solution is poured into the dispersion liquid in which diatomaceous earth and the salt of a nickel catalyst are mixed to produce a precursor having a compound containing nickel hydroxide and nickel carbonate deposited on the surface of the diatomaceous earth. The present invention relates to a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Catalyst for dehydration reaction of primary alcohols, method for preparing the same and method for preparing alpha-olefins using the same

Номер: US20220032272A1
Принадлежит: Korea Institute of Energy Research KIER

Provided are a catalyst for dehydration reaction of a primary alcohol, a method for preparing the same, and a method for preparing alpha-olefins using the same. According to the present invention, there is provided a catalyst for dehydration reaction of primary alcohols capable of adjusting the strength and distribution of Lewis acid sites (LASs) on a surface of an alumina catalyst to realize high selectivity to alpha-olefins as well as a high conversion rate in the dehydration reaction of primary alcohols. Therefore, high-purity alpha-olefins having a low isomeric yield fraction as well as a high conversion rate can be produced from the primary alcohols.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014805A1
Автор: Al-Hazmi Mohammed H.

Processes for preparing supported gold nanoparticle catalysts are provided. In an exemplary embodiment, the process includes adding a solution of a phosphorus compound to a solution of chloro (dimethyl sulfide) gold (I) to obtain a solution of chloro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex, adding the solution of chloro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex to a solution of silver nitrate to obtain a solution of nitro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex, applying the solution of nitro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex to a metal hydroxide support, drying the metal hydroxide support; and calcining the dried metal hydroxide support to form the supported gold nanoparticle catalyst. Supported gold nanoparticle catalysts prepared by the process and processes for oxidizing ethylene to ethylene oxide in the presence of the supported gold nanoparticle catalysts are also provided. 1. A process for preparing a supported gold nanoparticle catalyst , the process comprising: [{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12, 'wherein the phosphorus compound is selected from the group consisting of a phosphine having a formula of PRRR, a phosphinite having a formula of P(OR)RR, a phosphonite having a formula of P(OR)(OR)R, a phosphite having a formula of P(OR)(OR)(OR), or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing; and'}, {'sub': 1', '12, 'wherein Rto Rare each independently an alkyl, substituted alkyl, aryl, substituted aryl, aralkyl, substituted aralkyl, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing;'}], 'adding a solution of a phosphorus compound to a solution of chloro (dimethyl sulfide) gold (I) to obtain a solution of chloro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex,'}adding the solution of chloro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex to a solution of silver nitrate to obtain a solution of nitro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex;applying the solution of nitro (phosphorus compound) gold (I) complex to a metal hydroxide ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Mesoporous cobalt-metal oxide catalyst for fischer-tropsch synthesis reactions and a preparing method thereof

Номер: US20170014808A1

The present invention relates to a mesoporous cobalt-metal oxide catalyst for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and a method of preparing the same. The mesoporous cobalt-metal oxide catalyst for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of the present invention can very stably maintain the mesoporous structure even under a H 2 -rich high-temperature reduction condition and under a reaction condition of the low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, easily transport reactants to the active site of the catalyst due to structural stability, and facilitate the release of heavier hydrocarbon products after production thereof. Additionally, unlike the conventional cobalt-based catalysts which are prepared by adding various co-catalysts for the purpose of improving reducibility, activity, selectivity and increasing thermal stability, etc., the mesoporous cobalt-metal oxide catalyst for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis can constantly maintain conversion and selectivity at high levels without further requiring co-catalysts and thus it can be very effectively used for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014812A1
Принадлежит: INEOS EUROPE AG

A promoted VPO catalyst for the oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride wherein the catalyst comprises the mixed oxides of vanadium and phosphorus, niobium and at least one of antimony and bismuth, wherein the catalyst may be produced in a process comprising impregnating a VPO catalyst with a metal source compound of niobium and a metal source compound of at least one of antimony and bismuth, to form a metal impregnated VPO catalyst, and then drying the metal impregnated VPO catalyst to form the promoted VPO catalyst. 1. A process for the preparation of a promoted VPO catalyst , wherein the catalyst comprises the mixed oxides of vanadium and phosphorus and wherein the catalyst is promoted with niobium and at least one of antimony and bismuth , said process comprising the steps of(i) preparing a VPO catalyst comprising vanadyl pyrophosphate as the major component and containing less than 5 wt % of vanadyl phosphate,(ii) impregnating the VPO catalyst with a metal source compound of niobium and a metal source compound of at least one of antimony and bismuth, to form a metal impregnated VPO catalyst, and(iii) drying the metal impregnated VPO catalyst to form the promoted VPO catalyst.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the impregnation of the VPO catalyst in (ii) comprises contacting the VPO catalyst with a single liquid mixture comprising a metal source compound of niobium and a metal source compound of at least one of antimony and bismuth claim 1 , to form a metal impregnated VPO catalyst.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the impregnation of the VPO catalyst in (ii) comprises contacting the VPO catalyst with a liquid mixture comprising a metal source compound of niobium and a liquid mixture comprising a metal source compound of at least one of antimony and bismuth claim 1 , to form a metal impregnated VPO catalyst.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the catalyst is dried after being contacted with an initial liquid mixture and prior to being contacted with a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015561A1

A liquid composition for forming a silica porous film of the invention is prepared by mixing a hydrolyzate of tetramethoxysilane or tetraethoxysilane as a silicon alkoxide with a silica sol in which fumed silica particles having primary particles having a mean particle diameter of 40 nm or less and secondary particles having a mean particle diameter of 20 nm to 400 nm, that is greater than the mean particle diameter of the primary particles, are dispersed in a liquid medium, in which the mass ratio (AB) of the SiOcontent (B) of the silica sol to the SiOcontent (A) in the hydrolyzate is in a range of 1/99 to 60/40. 1. A liquid composition for forming a silica porous film which is prepared by mixing a hydrolyzate of tetramethoxysilane or tetraethoxysilane as a silicon alkoxide with a silica sol in which fumed silica particles having primary particles having a mean particle diameter of 40 nm or less and secondary particles having a mean particle diameter of 20 nm to 400 nm , that is greater than the mean particle diameter of the primary particles , are dispersed in a liquid medium ,{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein a mass ratio (A/B) of a SiOcontent (B) of the silica sol to a SiOcontent (A) in the hydrolyzate is in a range of 1/99 to 60/40.'}2. A silica porous film forming method of forming a silica porous film using the liquid composition according to claim I.3. A silica porous film comprising:fumed silica particles having primary particles having a mean particle diameter of 40 nm or less and secondary particles having a mean particle diameter of 20 nm to 400 nm, that is greater than the mean particle diameter of the primary particles; and{'sub': '2', 'an amorphous SiOcomponent existing between the fumed silica particles or between a coating film and a substrate,'}wherein a mean hole diameter of the film is in a range of 10 nm to 200 nm.4. The silica porous film forming method according to claim 2 , comprising the steps of:coating a substrate with the liquid composition; ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015446A1

An oxidation catalyst for treating an exhaust gas produced by a stoichiometric natural gas (NG) engine comprising a substrate and a catalytic material for oxidising hydrocarbon (HC), wherein the catalytic material for oxidising hydrocarbon (HC) comprises a molecular sieve and a platinum group metal (PGM) supported on the molecular sieve, wherein the molecular sieve has a framework comprising silicon, oxygen and optionally germanium. 1. An oxidation catalyst for treating an exhaust gas produced by a stoichiometric natural gas (NG) engine comprising:a substrate having an inlet end and an outlet end;{'sub': '3); and', 'a first region comprising a catalytic material for oxidising ammonia (NH'}a second region comprising a catalytic material for oxidising hydrocarbon (HC);wherein the catalytic material for oxidising hydrocarbon (HC) comprises a molecular sieve and a platinum group metal (PGM) supported on the molecular sieve, wherein the molecular sieve has a framework comprising silicon and oxygen or a framework comprising silicon, oxygen and germanium; andthe second region is arranged to contact the exhaust gas at the outlet end of the substrate and after contact of the exhaust gas with the first region.2. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the catalytic material for oxidising ammonia (NH) comprises a molecular sieve and optionally a transition metal claim 1 , which is supported on the molecular sieve.3. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the molecular sieve is a small pore molecular sieve.4. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the molecular sieve is an aluminosilicate molecular sieve or a silico-aluminophosphate (SAPO) molecular sieve.5. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the molecular sieve has a framework type selected from CHA claim 2 , LEV claim 2 , ERI claim 2 , DDR claim 2 , KFI claim 2 , EAB claim 2 , PAU claim 2 , MER claim 2 , AEI claim 2 , GOO claim 2 , YUG claim 2 , GIS claim 2 , VNI and ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Catalyst for Manufacturing Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube and Method of Manufacturing Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Using the Same

Номер: US20180016147A1
Автор: Kim Ok-Youn, Kwon Yong-Tak

Disclosed are a catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and a method of manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes, which has aligned bundle structure with a small number of walls and low surface resistance and density. The catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes according to the present invention includes a silica-alumina (SiO—A1O) mixed carrier; and a transition metal main catalyst supported on the mixed carrier. 1. A catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'a silica-alumina (SiO—AlO) mixed carrier; and'}a transition metal main catalyst supported on the mixed carrier.2. The catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is composed of 85 to 95% by weight of the silica-alumina mixed carrier and 5 to 15% by weight of the transition metal main catalyst.3. The catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes according to claim 2 , wherein the silica-alumina mixed carrier is composed of 5 to 20% by weight of the silica and 80 to 95% by weight of the alumina.4. The catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes according to claim 1 , wherein the transition metal main catalyst comprises at least one transition metal selected from the group consisting of iron (Fe) claim 1 , cobalt (Co) claim 1 , nickel (Ni) claim 1 , yttrium (Y) claim 1 , molybdenum (Mo) claim 1 , copper (Cu) claim 1 , platinum (Pt) claim 1 , palladium (Pd) claim 1 , vanadium (V) claim 1 , niobium (Nb) claim 1 , tungsten (W) claim 1 , chromium (Cr) claim 1 , iridium (Ir) and titanium (Ti).5. The catalyst for manufacturing multi-walled carbon nanotubes according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotubes manufactured by the catalyst has an inversely proportional relationship in that number claim 1 , density and surface resistance of walls is decreased according to increase in silica content of the silica-alumina mixed carrier.6. A method of manufacturing ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

One vessel process for making 1,2-propanediol from a high fructose feedstock

Номер: US20180016214A1
Автор: Chi Cheng Ma
Принадлежит: Archer Daniels Midland Co

A process is described for directly converting a high fructose feedstock to a product mixture including one or more lower polyols in which 1,2-propanediol is produced in preference to any other lower polyols, wherein a high fructose feed and a source of hydrogen are supplied to a reaction vessel and reacted in the presence of a copper-containing, supported ruthenium catalyst to provide the product mixture.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016534A1

A method for enhancing degradation of ester volatile organic compounds with a cerium oxide supported palladium single atom catalyst under low-temperature microwave comprises the steps of firstly preparing a single atom catalyst Pd/CeO, adding the catalyst Pd/CeOinto a reaction cavity, initiating microwave radiation to enhance the catalysis reaction, and quickly introducing an ester compound with a concentration of 50˜5000 mg/mand a space velocity of 2000˜100000 hinto the reaction cavity from a vapor phase sampling port to react when the reaction temperature is 10˜80° C. A catalyst packed column is provided in the reaction cavity, the vapor phase sampling port is defined at the bottom of the reaction cavity, and an exhaust port is defined at the top of the cavity. The microwave method can enhance and activate active sites, prevent the aging of active sites, and enable the chemical reaction rate to be increased by more than 17.9%. 1. A method for enhancing degradation of ester volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with a cerium oxide loaded palladium single atom catalyst under low-temperature microwave , comprising the following steps:(a) preparation of a catalyst:(1) dissolving a cerium-containing compound into deionized water to form a solution; adding NaOH in the solution, until pH=8˜10, stirring, and then reacting in a water bath pot to obtain cerium oxide-containing solution;(2) adding a palladium-containing compound and sodium borohydride together into the cerium oxide-containing solution to react;(3) after the reaction is ended, centrifuging the solution on a centrifuge, and then removing the solution in a centrifuge tube to obtain a precipitation product; and{'sub': 2', '2', '2, '(4) washing the precipitation product with deionized water, drying overnight, and calcining in a muffle furnace at Natmosphere containing 3-7% of Hto obtain a single atom catalyst Pd/CeO;'}(b) microwave-assisted enhancement of degradation:{'sub': '2', 'sup': 3', '−1, 'adding the catalyst ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016577A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a catalyst ensuring that when a gas-phase catalytic oxidation reaction of a material substance is conducted using a catalyst to produce a target substance, the pressure loss and coking are suppressed and the target substance can be produced in high yield. The present invention is related to a ring-shaped catalyst having a straight body part and a hollow body part, which is used when a gas-phase catalytic oxidation reaction of a material substance is conducted to produce a target substance, wherein a length of the straight body part is shorter than a length of the hollow body part and at least at one end part, a region from an end part of the straight body part to an end part of the hollow body part is concavely curved. 1. A ring-shaped catalyst having a straight body part and a hollow body part , which is used when a gas-phase catalytic oxidation reaction of an olefin or a tertiary butanol is conducted to produce a corresponding unsaturated aldehyde and/or unsaturated carboxylic acid , wherein:a length of the straight body part is shorter than a length of the hollow body part and at least at one end part, a region from an end part of the straight body part to an end part of the hollow body part is concavely curved.2. A ring-shaped catalyst having a straight body part and a hollow body part , which is used when gas-phase catalytic oxidation of an unsaturated aldehyde is conducted to produce a corresponding unsaturated carboxylic of an unsaturated aldehyde acid , wherein:a length of the straight body part is shorter than a length of the hollow body part and at least at one end part, a region from an end part of the straight body part to an end part of the hollow body part is concavely curved.3. The catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the straight body part is present between a surface including one end part of the hollow body part and a surface including another end part of the hollow body part.4. The catalyst ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016249A1

Provided are a photocatalyst transfer film allowing a uniform and highly transparent photocatalyst layer to be transferred to the surfaces of various transfer base materials; and a production method thereof. The photocatalyst transfer film has, on a biaxially oriented polypropylene film, a photocatalyst layer containing a titanium oxide particle-containing photocatalyst, a silicon compound and a surfactant. The production method of the photocatalyst transfer film includes applying a photocatalyst coating liquid to a biaxially oriented polypropylene film; and performing drying. The photocatalyst coating liquid contains a titanium oxide particle-containing photocatalyst, a silicon compound, a surfactant and an aqueous dispersion medium. 1. A photocatalyst transfer film having , on a biaxially oriented polypropylene film , a photocatalyst layer containing a titanium oxide particle-containing photocatalyst , a silicon compound and a surfactant.2. The photocatalyst transfer film according to claim 1 , wherein the silicon compound is a hydrolysis condensate of a tetrafunctional silicon compound claim 1 , the hydrolysis condensate being obtained under the presence of an organic ammonium salt.3. The photocatalyst transfer film according to claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is an acetylene-based surfactant.4. The photocatalyst transfer film according to claim 1 , wherein the photocatalyst layer has a thickness of 20 to 300 nm.5. The photocatalyst transfer film according to claim 1 , wherein the biaxially oriented polypropylene film has a thickness of 12.5 to 100 μm.6. The photocatalyst transfer film according to claim 1 , wherein a protective layer containing a silicon compound is further laminated on the photocatalyst layer.7. A method for producing a photocatalyst transfer film claim 1 , comprising:applying a photocatalyst coating liquid to a biaxially oriented polypropylene film, the photocatalyst coating liquid containing a titanium oxide particle-containing photocatalyst ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016586A1

A catalyst-adhered body production method comprising an adhesion process for arranging a mixed liquid comprising a catalyst raw material and/or a catalyst carrier raw material and target particles in a container having a porous plate and adhering a catalyst and/or a catalyst carrier to the surface of target particles to obtain adherence-treated particles, an excess solution removal process for removing via the porous plate, at least a portion of excess solution comprising excess components which did not adhere to the adherence-treated particles from the container, to form a filled layer of the adherence-treated particles on the porous plate, and a drying process for drying the filled layer in the container. 1. A catalyst-adhered body production method ,comprising an adhesion process for arranging a mixed liquid comprising a catalyst raw material and/or a catalyst carrier raw material and target particles in a container having a porous plate and adhering a catalyst and/or a catalyst carrier to the surface of the target particles to obtain adherence-treated particles, an excess solution removal process for removing via the porous plate, at least a portion of an excess solution comprising excess components which did not adhere to the adherence-treated particles from the container to form a filled layer of the adherence-treated particles on the porous plate, and a drying process for drying the filled layer in the container.2. The catalyst-adhered body production method according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesion process comprises a solution supply step for supplying a solution comprising the catalyst raw material and/or the catalyst carrier raw material to the target particles filled in the container to obtain the mixed liquid.3. The catalyst-adhered body production method according to comprising supplying a mixed solution comprising the catalyst raw material and the catalyst carrier raw material in the solution supply step.4. The catalyst-adhered body production method ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016260A1
Автор: ARU Guido William

The invention is directed to a CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous silica and/or alumina comprising particles further comprising on or more Group VIII noble metals wherein the noble metal is distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of noble metal is present in the outer region of the particle as compared to the content of noble metal in the center of the particle. 1. A CO to COcombustion promoter comprising microsphere sized porous particles comprising at least one of silica and alumina and further comprising one or more Group VIII noble metals wherein the noble metal is distributed in the particle as an eggshell such that a higher content of noble metal is present in the outer region of the particle as compared to the content of noble metal in the centre of the particle.2. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particles have an average (D50) size of between 60 and 90 microns as measured by laser diffraction.3. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein microsphere sized particle is a gamma and/or theta alumina particle.4. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particle is a spray dried silica particle.5. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the microsphere sized particle is an equilibrium or spent catalyst as obtained from a fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) process.6. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the attrition index as measured according to ASTM D-5757 of the CO to COcombustion promoter for a sieve fraction of combustion promoter particles of between 40 and 105 microns is between 5 and 25.7. The combustion promoter according to claim 6 , wherein the attrition index of the CO to COcombustion promoter for a sieve fraction of combustion promoter particles of between 40 and 105 microns is between 10 and 20.8. The combustion promoter according to claim 1 , wherein the Group VIII ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016264A1

Disclosed is a catalytic test paper prepared by compositing metal particle-embedded bacterial cellulose with plant fibers, and a preparation method therefor. Hydroxyl groups of bacterial cellulose are bonded with a nitrogen-containing or phosphorus-containing organic small molecule compound. By means of a chelation between a nitrogen or phosphorus atom with a metal, transition metal ions are adsorbed to a nanoporous surface of bacterial cellulose, and the transition metal ions are reduced in situ to obtain bacterial cellulose embedded with metal nanoparticles. The bacterial cellulose is composited with the plant fiber, and the catalytic test paper is prepared by a papermaking method. The catalytic test paper has the advantages of convenient use and recovery, high reusability, simple design, low manufacturing cost, higher catalytic efficiency, a green degradable support material, etc. 1. A method for preparing a catalytic test paper by compositing metal particle-embedded bacterial cellulose with plant fibers , characterized in that , the method comprises the following steps:(1) chemically bonding a nitrogen-containing or phosphorus-containing organic small molecule compound with hydroxyl groups in a structure of bacterial cellulose to obtain a functionalized bacterial cellulose having a nitrogen or phosphorus-containing group;(2) preparing an aqueous solution of an inorganic salt of a transition metal, adding the aqueous solution into the functionalized bacterial cellulose prepared in the step (1), stirring and reacting according to a solubility of the inorganic salt of the transition metal until the nitrogen-containing or phosphorus-containing group adsorbs transition metal ions onto a nanoporous surface of the bacterial cellulose till saturation, separating and washing with water;(3) reducing the transition metal ions adsorbed on the surface of the bacterial cellulose in the step (2) in situ to obtain bacterial cellulose embedded with transition metal nanoparticles ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016964A1

A method for carbon dioxide direct hydrogenation to gasoline-range hydrocarbons is provided in this invention. Under the reaction conditions of 250-450° C., 0.01-10.0 MPa, 500-50000 mL/(h·g) of feedstocks, 0.5-8 molar ratio of Hto CO, the mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen may be directly converted to gasoline-range hydrocarbons over a multifunctional hybrid catalyst. The multifunctional hybrid catalyst comprises: iron-based catalyst for carbon dioxide hydrogenation as the first component, one, two or more of zeolites optionally modified by metal as the second component. In this method, a per-pass conversion of COmay achieve more than 33%, the methane selectivity in the hydrocarbon products is less than 8%, the selectivity of gasoline-range hydrocarbons with carbon numbers from 5 to 11 in the hydrocarbon products is more than 70%. The obtained gasoline-range hydrocarbons exhibit high octane number due to its composition comprising isoparaffins and aromatics as the major components. 1. A method for direct production of gasoline-range hydrocarbons via carbon dioxide hydrogenation comprising: converting a gas stream comprising carbon dioxide and hydrogen to gasoline-range hydrocarbons in the presence of a multifunctional catalyst , wherein the multifunctional catalyst comprises an iron-based catalyst for carbon dioxide hydrogenation as a first component and at least one or two kinds of zeolites optionally modified with a metal as a second component , and the mass ratio of the first component to the second component is 1:10 to 10:1.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the converting is conducted under the following conditions: a temperature of 250-450° C. claim 1 , a pressure of 0.01-10.0 MPa claim 1 , a gas hour space velocity of the gas stream being 500-50000 ml/((h·g) claim 1 , and a molar ratio of hydrogen to carbon dioxide in the gas stream being 0.5-8.0.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iron-based catalyst for carbon dioxide ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023193A1

Novel catalysts, substantially free of Cu and Zn, useful for the reformation of methanol and steam into Hfor use in hydrogen fuel cells and their use are described herein. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of making a catalyst for reforming methanol and steam into hydrogen gas for use in hydrogen fuel cells , the method comprising: a complex or salt of a first metal,', 'a complex or salt of a second element capable of forming an alloy with the first metal, and', 'a complex or salt of at least one promoter element;, '(a) forming a first aqueous solution comprising(b) forming a second aqueous solution comprising sodium carbonate;(c) adding a solid support to the second aqueous solution to form a slurry;(d) mixing the first aqueous solution with the slurry to form a second slurry;(e) milling the second slurry;(f) drying the second slurry to form a pre-catalyst; and(g) calcining the pre-catalyst to form a catalyst.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the first metal is selected from the group consisting of Pt and Pd.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the second element capable of forming an alloy with the first metal is Ga.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the at least one promoter element is Zr.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the first aqueous solution further comprises a complex or salt of a second promoter element claim 24 , and wherein the second promoter element is Y.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the first aqueous solution further comprises a complex or salt of a third promoter element claim 25 , and wherein the third promoter element is Ba.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein the first aqueous solution further comprises a complex or salt of a second promoter element claim 24 , and wherein second promoter element is Ba.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the first aqueous solution further comprises a complex or salt of a third promoter element claim 27 , and wherein the third promoter element is Fe.29. The method of claim 21 , wherein the solid support ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Low Temperature SCR Catalyst for Denitrating Diesel Vehicle Exhaust, and Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20160023195A1

Provided are a low-temperature SCR catalyst for denitrating diesel vehicle exhaust, and preparation method thereof. The catalyst uses a molecular sieve as a carrier, and uses metallic elements such as copper and iron as active components. The catalyst preparation method comprises: preprocessing the molecular sieve; conducting multiple equal-volume impreparations; after impreparation, drying to dehydrate, and calcining; and finally pulping and coating to prepare the catalyst. The catalyst employs base metals such as copper and iron instead of precious metals as active components, thus reducing costs, being harmless to humans, and being environmentally friendly. The preparation method of the catalyst is simple and feasible with low requirements for raw materials, employs a repeated but small-quantity method of equal volume impregnation; and enables active ions to be dispersed more uniformly as compared with the existing conventional preparation methods, thus improving utilization and improving low-temperature catalytic activity and durability. 1. A low-temperature SCR catalyst for denitrating diesel vehicle exhaust , comprising a molecular sieve as a carrier , and metallic elements such as copper and iron as compound active components.2. A low-temperature SCR catalyst according to claim 9 , wherein the copper accounts for 2-4% of a total mass of the molecular sieve claim 9 , and the iron accounts for 3-5% of the total mass of the molecular sieve.3. A low-temperature SCR catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the copper accounts for 3% of the total mass of the molecular sieve claim 2 , and the iron accounts for 4% of the total mass of the molecular sieve.4. A low-temperature SCR catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the molecular sieve has a dendrimer-like pore structure.5. A low-temperature SCR catalyst according to claim 4 , wherein the carrier comprises a ZSM-5 type molecular sieve or a Y type molecular sieve.6. A preparation method for a low-temperature SCR ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021335A1

The present invention provides a glass article including a photocatalyst film containing silicon oxide particles and titanium oxide particles and a glass sheet Assuming that the photocatalyst film has a film thickness T, 80% or more of the titanium oxide particles are localized in a region between a surface of the glass sheet and a position spaced from the surface by 0.6 T toward a surface of the photocatalyst film in a thickness direction of the photocatalyst film The glass article has an increased transmittance provided by enhancing the reflection-reducing function of the photocatalyst film while maintaining the film strength and photocatalytic function of the photocatalyst film 13-. (canceled)4. A glass article comprising a glass sheet and a photocatalyst film formed on a surface of the glass sheet , whereinthe photocatalyst film contains silicon oxide particles, titanium oxide particles, and a binder material whose main component is silicon oxide,the silicon oxide particles are contained in an amount of 72 to 79 mass %, the titanium oxide particles are contained in an amount of 13 to 18 mass %, and the binder material is contained in an amount of 8 to 12 mass %, with respect to a total amount of the silicon oxide particles, the titanium oxide particles, and the binder material,the silicon oxide particles have an average particle diameter of 50 nm to 150 nm, the titanium oxide particles have an average particle diameter of 5 nm to 20 nm, and the average particle diameter of the silicon oxide particles is five times or more of the average particle diameter of the titanium oxide particles, andassuming that the photocatalyst film has a film thickness T, 80% or more of the titanium oxide particles are present between the surface of the glass sheet and a position spaced from the surface of the glass sheet by 0.6 T toward a surface of the photocatalyst film in a thickness direction of the photocatalyst film.5. The glass article according to claim 4 , wherein the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Platinum group metal (pgm) catalysts for automotive emissions treatment

Номер: US20180021756A1
Принадлежит: BASF Corp, Georgia Tech Research Corp

Catalytic materials for exhaust gas purifying catalyst composites comprise platinum group metal (PGM)-containing catalysts whose PGM component(s) are provided as nanoparticles and are affixed to a refractory metal oxide, which may be provided as a precursor. Upon calcination of the catalysts, the PGM is thermally affixed to and well-dispersed throughout the support. Excellent conversion of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides can advantageously be achieved using such catalysts.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021757A1

Catalytic materials, and in particular, rhodium-containing catalytic materials for exhaust gas purifying catalyst composites are provided herein. Such materials comprise multimetallic Rh-containing nanoparticles, which are present primarily inside aggregated particles of a support (such as alumina). Such catalytic materials can exhibit excellent conversion of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. 1. A catalytic material comprising:a porous refractory metal oxide support in the form of aggregated particles; anda plurality of rhodium-containing multimetallic nanoparticles, wherein at least about 50% by weight of the nanoparticles are located inside the aggregated particles of the support.2. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein at least about 90% by weight of the nanoparticles are located inside the aggregated particles of the support.3. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the support comprises alumina.4. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the rhodium-containing multimetallic nanoparticles comprise palladium-rhodium bimetallic nanoparticles.5. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the average primary particle size of the rhodium-containing multimetallic nanoparticles is about 1 to about 20 nm as measured by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).6. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the rhodium-containing multimetallic nanoparticles are colloidally delivered and thermally affixed to the support to form the catalytic material.7. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the average aggregated particle size of the support is about 1 micron or greater as measured by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).8. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein an average primary particle size of the support is about 1 to about 100 nm as measured by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).9. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the support is colloidally delivered.10. The catalytic material of claim 1 , wherein the support is pre-calcined.11. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021759A1

Provided are a cerium-zirconium composite oxide, a preparation method therefor and application of a catalyst. The cerium-zirconium composite oxide has a composite phase structure, and comprises a cerium oxide phase and a cerium-zirconium solid solution phase, or consists of two or more cerium-zirconium solid solution phases with different crystal structures and different chemical compositions, wherein the chemical formula of the cerium-zirconium solid solution phase is CeZrMO, where M is at least one selected from the group consisting of a rare earth element other than cerium, a transition metal element and an alkaline earth metal element, x is 15-85 mol %, and y is 0-20 mol %. 1. A cerium-zirconium composite oxide , wherein the cerium-zirconium composite oxide has a composite phase structure , and comprises a cerium oxide phase and a cerium-zirconium solid solution phase , wherein the chemical formula of the cerium-zirconium solid solution phase is CeZrMO , where M is at least one selected from the group consisting of a rare earth element other than cerium , a transition metal element and an alkaline earth metal element , x is 15˜85 mol % , and y is 0˜20 mol %.2. The cerium-zirconium composite oxide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein after the cerium-zirconium composite oxide is subjected to heat preservation at 1000° C. for 4 hours claim 1 , the cerium oxide phase has a proportion of 0.5˜30 vol % in the cerium-zirconium composite oxide claim 1 , preferably 3˜20 vol %.3. The cerium-zirconium composite oxide as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cerium-zirconium composite oxide comprises cerium oxide needle-like particles and cerium-zirconium solid solution near-spherical particles claim 1 , and after being subjected to heat preservation at 1000° C. for 4 hours claim 1 , the cerium oxide needle-like particles have a diameter of 7˜20 nm and a length of 50˜300 nm claim 1 , the cerium-zirconium solid solution near-spherical particles have a diameter of 5˜30 nm claim 1 , and ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040680A1

A process for rejuvenating an at least partially spent catalyst resulting from a hydrodesulfurization process of a sulfur-containing olefinic gasoline cut, where the at least partially spent catalyst result is from a fresh catalyst a metal from group VIII, a metal from group VIb, and an oxide support, where the process includes 1. A process for the rejuvenation of an at least partially spent catalyst resulting from a process for the hydrodesulfurization of a sulfur-containing olefinic gasoline cut , said at least partially spent catalyst resulting from a fresh catalyst comprising at least one metal from group VIII , at least one metal from group VIb , an oxide support , and optionally phosphorus , said process comprising the following stages:a) the at least partially spent catalyst is regenerated in an oxygen-containing gas stream at a temperature of between 350° C. and 550° C. so as to obtain a regenerated catalyst,b) the regenerated catalyst is brought into contact with at least one impregnation solution containing at least one compound comprising a metal from group VIb, the molar ratio of the metal from group VIb added per metal from group VIb already present in the regenerated catalyst being between 0.15 and 2.5 mol/mol,c) a drying stage is carried out at a temperature of less than 200° C. so as to obtain a rejuvenated catalyst.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which claim 1 , in stage b) claim 1 , the impregnation solution additionally contains a compound comprising a metal from group VIII; the molar ratio of the metal from group VIII added per metal from group VIII already present in the regenerated catalyst is between 0.1 and 2.5 mol/mol.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , in which claim 1 , in stage b) claim 1 , the impregnation solution additionally contains phosphorus; the molar ratio of the phosphorus added per metal from group VIb already present in the regenerated catalyst is between 0.1 and 2.5 mol/mol.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022676A1

Disclosed is a method of making and using a titania supported palladium catalyst for the single step synthesis of 2-ethylhexanal from a feed of n-butyraldehyde. This titania supported palladium catalyst demonstrates high n-butyraldehyde conversion but also produces 2-ethylhexanal in an appreciable yield with maintained activity between runs. This method provides a single step synthesis of 2-ethylhexanal from n-butyraldehyde with a catalyst that can be regenerated that provides cleaner downstream separations relative to the traditional caustic route. 113.-. (canceled)15. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the reducing agent is about 10% hydrogen at about 20 SCCM in helium at about 180 SCCM.16. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the reducing agent is about 50% v/v methanol and about 50% v/v water.17. The method according to claim 14 , wherein the reducing agent is about 60% hydrazine and about 30% acetone.18. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the noble metal shells have a particle size of less than about 2 nm.19. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the noble metal shells have a particle size of less than about 5 nm.20. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the noble metal shells have a particle size of less than about 7 nm. This invention generally relates to a method for the preparation and use of an eggshell catalyst having palladium nanoparticles deposited on a titania solid support. Particularly, this invention seeks to optimize the single step conversion of n-butyraldehyde to 2-ethylhexanal through the synthesis and use of palladium nanoparticles on a titania support forming an eggshell catalyst.The custom design of a metal-supported catalyst is often determinative of process activity and selectivity in a reaction—crucial in almost every industrial process. Even minor adjustments to a catalyst or to catalyst synthesis conditions can drastically alter the catalytic properties, significantly impacting process activity and ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022720A1

A method for fabricating a titanium-containing silicon oxide material and an application of the same are disclosed. The method needn't use a template but directly use an amorphous silicon dioxide and a titanium source as the reactants. The reactants are mixed with a solvent and react in the solvent. The suspension generated by the reaction is processed by solid-liquid separation, flushing and drying to obtain a titanium-containing silicon oxide material. The method features a simplified fabrication process and a low fabrication cost. The titanium-containing silicon oxide material fabricated by the method has a superior catalytic activity, able to catalyze an epoxidation reaction of an olefin-group compound to generate an epoxide. 1. A method for fabricating a titanium-containing silicon oxide material , comprising steps:preparing a mixture liquid containing an amorphous silicon dioxide, a titanium source and a solvent;enabling a reaction of said mixture liquid, and undertaking a solid-liquid separation process; and {'br': None, 'i': x', '−x, 'sub': 2', '2, 'TiO(1)SiO\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'drying a solid-state material obtained in said solid-liquid separation process to obtain a titanium-containing silicon oxide material, wherein in an anhydrous state, said titanium-containing silicon oxide material is expressed by Formula (I)wherein x is a number within 0.002-0.2.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said amorphous silicon dioxide is smoked silica claim 1 , fumed silica claim 1 , silica gel claim 1 , or silica sol; said titanium source is a titanate or an inorganic titanium source; said solvent is an alcohol-group compound.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein said titanate is selected from a group consisting of tetramethyl titanate claim 2 , tetraethyl titanate claim 2 , tetrapropyl orthotitanate claim 2 , tetra isopropyl titanate claim 2 , tetrabutyl orthotitanate claim 2 , tetra sec-butyl titanate claim 2 , tetrabutyl isotitanate claim 2 , tetra tert- ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Methane oxidation catalyst, process to prepare the same and method of using the same

Номер: US20190022625A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

The present invention provides a method of treating an exhaust gas comprising methane and NO. The exhaust gas is contacted with a catalyst in the presence of oxygen to oxidize at least part of the methane in the gas stream to carbon dioxide and water and at least part of the NO into NO2 obtaining a treated gas stream. The catalyst comprises one or more noble metals supported on non-modified zirconia, wherein the zirconia comprises tetragonal zirconia and monoclinic zirconia, and wherein the weight ratio of tetragonal zirconia to monoclinic zirconia is in the range of from 1:1 to 31:1.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023434A1

A method of manufacturing a catalyzed particulate filter may include: preparing a bare particulate filter; injecting a first catalyst slurry into at least one inlet channel or at least one outlet channel; discharging a portion of the first catalyst slurry by blowing gas into the at least one outlet channel or the at least one inlet channel or drawing the gas from the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel; injecting a second catalyst slurry into the at least one outlet channel or the at least one inlet channel; discharging a portion of the second catalyst slurry by blowing gas into the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel or drawing the gas from the at least one outlet channel or the at least one inlet channel; and drying/calcining the particulate filter from which the portion of the first catalyst slurry and the portion of the second catalyst slurry are discharged. 1. A method of manufacturing a catalyzed particulate filter , comprising:preparing a bare particulate filter including at least one inlet channel which has a first end being open and a second end being blocked, at least one outlet channel which has a first end being blocked and a second end being open and which is positioned alternately with the at least one inlet channel, at least one porous wall which defines a boundary between adjacent inlet and outlet channels, at least one first support which is located within at least one among the at least one inlet channel, and at least one second support which is located within at least one among the at least one outlet channel;injecting a first catalyst slurry into the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel;discharging a portion of the first catalyst slurry by blowing gas into the at least one outlet channel or the at least one inlet channel or drawing the gas from the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel;injecting a second catalyst slurry into the at least one ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180023436A1

An exhaust gas purification device is equipped with: an NOx purification unit disposed in exhaust gas piping of an engine supporting an NOx storage catalyst (NSC); a catalyzed soot filter (CSF) disposed downstream of the NOx purification unit supporting a particulate combustion catalyst causing captured particulates to combust; and an electronic control unit (ECU) which controls exhaust gas flowing into the NSC to be rich and which, by raising the temperature of the NSC, acts as a regeneration device that causes sulfur components captured in the NSC to be desorbed. The particulate combustion catalyst is provided where Ag and Pd have been alloyed on an Al 2 O 3 carrier; the quantity of Ag supported by the Al 2 O 3 carrier is 1.2-2.5 g/L; the quantity of Pd supported by the Al 2 O 3 carrier is 0.7 g/L or less; and the ratio Ag/Pd of the Ag support quantity to the Pd support quantity is 1.7-8.3.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Acid-resistant catalyst supports and catalysts

Номер: US20200023339A1
Принадлежит: WR Grace and Co Conn

A process for preparing a catalyst comprises coating substantial internal surfaces of porous inorganic powders with titanium oxide to form titanium oxide-coated inorganic powders. After the coating, an extrudate comprising the titanium oxide-coated inorganic powders is formed and calcined to form a catalyst support. Then, the catalyst support is impregnated with a solution containing one or more salts of metal selected from the group consisting of molybdenum, cobalt, and nickel.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042671A1
Автор: Young Roger K.
Принадлежит: Pure-Light Technologies, Inc.

An apparatus includes a substrate having a surface, and a transparent semiconductor photocatalyst layer secured to the surface of the substrate, wherein the photocatalyst layer includes titanium oxide and a component selected from a fluorescent dye, ultra-fine glitter, indium tin oxide, aluminum zinc oxide, silver nitrate, and combinations thereof. The photocatalyst coating may be formed on a substrate using a formulation that includes an aqueous mixture of titanium oxide and amorphous titanium peroxide, wherein the aqueous mixture may further include one of the components. A method of forming the photocatalyst coating may include applying an aqueous mixture of titanium oxide and amorphous titanium peroxide to a surface of the substrate, wherein the photocatalyst coating includes a fluorescent dye, ultra-fine glitter, indium tin oxide, aluminum zinc oxide, and/or silver nitrate. The aqueous mixture may then be dried and heated to 100 degrees Celsius or greater. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a substrate having a surface; anda transparent semiconductor photocatalyst layer secured to the surface of the substrate, wherein the transparent semiconductor photocatalyst layer includes titanium oxide and a component selected from a fluorescent dye, ultra-fine glitter, indium tin oxide, aluminum zinc oxide, and/or silver nitrate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component is a fluorescent dye.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component is ultra-fine glitter.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component is indium tin oxide.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component is aluminum zinc oxide.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the component is silver nitrate.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a transparent material selected from glass claim 1 , fused quartz and plastic.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , further comprising:a light-emitting element disposed adjacent to the substrate to direct light through the transparent substrate ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023536A1

The purpose of the invention is to provide a supported bimetallic core-shell structure catalyst and its preparation method. Supporter, metal salt and reducing agent solution are mixed to synthesize the catalyst M@PdM/ZT by using a one-step synthesis method, wherein the active metal particle M@PdM as core-shell structure, M Is the core representing one of the Ag, Pt, Au and Ir. ZT is the supporter, representing one of hydrotalcite (MgAl-LDH), alumina (AlO) and silica (SiO). By changing the temperature and the reaction time to control the kinetic behavior of the reduction of two kinds of metal ions to realize the construction of core-shell structure. Active metal particle composition and shell thickness are regulated by controlling metal ion concentration. The bimetallic core-shell catalyst prepared by this method showed excellent selectivity and stability in acetylene selective hydrogenation and anthraquinone hydrogenation. 1. A preparation method of supported bimetallic core-shell catalyst comprising:{'sub': 3', '6', '5', '7', '2', '2', '2', '6', '2', '5', '7', '2', '3', '4', '2', '2', '3', '2', '5', '7', '2', '2', '3', '2', '2', '3', '2, 'adding M salt and Pd salt to a reducing solution to obtain a mixed salt solution after ultrasonic irradiation for 4-5 min; wherein a total concentration of M and Pd ions is 0.01-20 mmol/L, a molar ratio of M:Pd ions is 0.1 to 10; M is one of Ag, Pt, Au and Ir; M salt is one of AgNO, HPtCl, Pt(CHO), HIrCl.6HO, Ir(CHO)and HAuCl.4HO; Pd salt is one of the PdCl, Pd(NO), Pd(CHO), Pd(CHCOO); the reducing solution is a mixture of reducing agent and deionized water, wherein, a mass ratio of the deionized water is 0-20%; the reducing agent is one of ethylene glycol, isopropanol, N, n-dimethyl acetamide, N, n-dimethyl formamide and glyceraldehyde; stirring and heating the mixed salt solution for 10-30 min under 40-50° C., adding a supporter and continuing to stir for 10-20min; raising temperature to 100-160° C. and keeping the temperature ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023542A1

Disclosed in the present invention is an integrated catalyst system for stoichiometric-burn natural gas vehicles, the catalyst system consisting of a three-way catalyst, a molecular sieve catalyst, and a base body, the three-way catalyst and the molecular sieve catalyst being coated on a surface of the base body. In the integrated three-way catalyst and molecular sieve catalyst system of the present invention, at the same time that pollutants such as CO, HC, and NOin the exhaust of stoichiometric-burn natural gas vehicles are processed, the produced byproduct NHcan also be processed, and the conversion rates of CO, HC, NO, and NHare high. 1. An integrated catalyst system for a stoichiometric-burn natural gas vehicle , characterized in that , the catalyst system consists of a three way catalyst , a molecular sieve catalyst and a base body , wherein the three way catalyst and the molecular sieve catalyst are coated on a surface of the base body , whereinthe three way catalyst and the molecular sieve catalyst are combined in the following way:the molecular sieve catalyst is uniformly added into a coating layer of the three way catalyst; orthe molecular sieve catalyst is coated on a surface of the three way catalyst; orthe molecular sieve catalyst is coated between two layers of the three way catalyst; orthe three way catalyst and the molecular sieve catalyst are coated in segments, wherein the three way catalyst is coated on a former segment of the base body, and the molecular sieve catalyst is coated on a latter segment of the base body.2. The integrated catalyst system according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , a combined loading amount of the three way catalyst and the molecular sieve catalyst is 150 g/L-300 g/L claim 1 , whereina loading amount ratio of the three way catalyst to the molecular sieve catalyst is (1:3)-(3:1).3. The integrated catalyst system according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , for the three way catalyst claim 1 , a ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024436A1

A hydrodesulfurization catalyst, which includes (i) a catalyst support including a zeolite doped with 0.1 to 0.5 wt. % of a graphene material, based on a total weight of the catalyst support, (ii) 5 to 20 wt. % of molybdenum, based on a total weight of the hydrodesulfurization catalyst, and (iii) 1 to 6 wt. % of a promoter selected from the group consisting of cobalt and nickel, based on a total weight of the hydrodesulfurization catalyst. The molybdenum and the promoter are homogeneously disposed on the catalyst support. A method of producing the hydrodesulfurization catalyst via incipient wetness impregnation techniques, and a method for desulfurizing a hydrocarbon feedstock with the hydrodesulfurization catalyst are also provided. 1: A hydrodesulfurization catalyst , comprising:a catalyst support comprising a zeolite doped with 0.1 to 0.5 wt. % of a graphene material, based on a total weight of the catalyst support;5 to 20 wt. % of molybdenum, based on a total weight of the hydrodesulfurization catalyst; and1 to 6 wt. % of a promoter selected from the group consisting of cobalt and nickel, based on a total weight of the hydrodesulfurization catalyst;wherein the molybdenum and the promoter are homogeneously disposed on the catalyst support.2: The hydrodesulfurization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is a Y-zeolite.3: The hydrodesulfurization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the graphene material is present in the catalyst support in an amount of 0.3 to 0.4 wt. % claim 1 , based on a total weight of the catalyst support.4: The hydrodesulfurization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the graphene material is graphene oxide.5: The hydrodesulfurization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein molybdenum is present in an amount of 14 to 16 wt. % claim 1 , and the promoter is present in an amount of 4 to 6 wt. % claim 1 , each based on a total weight of the hydrodesulfurization catalyst.6: The hydrodesulfurization catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst support consists of the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Processes for the manufacturing of oxidation catalysts

Номер: US20170028386A1
Принадлежит: RENNOVIA INC.

Disclosed are catalysts comprised of platinum and gold. The catalysts are generally useful for the selective oxidation of compositions comprised of a primary alcohol group and at least one secondary alcohol group wherein at least the primary alcohol group is converted to a carboxyl group. More particularly, the catalysts are supported catalysts including particles comprising gold and particles comprising platinum, wherein the molar ratio of platinum to gold is in the range of about 100:1 to about 1:4, the platinum is essentially present as Pt(0) and the platinum-containing particles are of a size in the range of about 2 to about 50 nm. Also disclosed are methods for the oxidative chemocatalytic conversion of carbohydrates to carboxylic acids or derivatives thereof. Additionally, methods are disclosed for the selective oxidation of glucose to glucaric acid or derivatives thereof using catalysts comprising platinum and gold. Further, methods are disclosed for the production of such catalysts. 126-. (canceled)27. A process for manufacturing an oxidation catalyst comprising the steps of:a) mixing a support with an aqueous solution comprising at least one gold-containing compound to form a slurry,b) adding a base to the slurry to form an insoluble gold complex which deposits on the surface of the support thereby forming a gold-containing support,c) heating the gold-containing support,d) mixing the gold-containing support from step c) with an aqueous solution or a colloid comprising at least one platinum-containing compound to impregnate the gold-containing support with the platinum-containing compound,e) drying the resulting impregnated support from step d) at a temperature up to about 120° C., andf) reducing platinum on the dried impregnated support from step e) at a temperature in the range of from about 200° C. to about 600° C. to produce the oxidation catalyst, wherein the oxidation catalyst comprises particles comprising gold and particles comprising platinum on the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028393A1

A metal catalyst is formed by vaporizing a quantity of metal and a quantity of carrier forming a vapor cloud. The vapor cloud is quenched forming precipitate nanoparticles comprising a portion of metal and a portion of carrier. The nanoparticles are impregnated onto supports. The supports are able to be used in existing heterogeneous catalysis systems. A system for forming metal catalysts comprises means for vaporizing a quantity of metals and a quantity of carrier, quenching the resulting vapor cloud and forming precipitate nanoparticles comprising a portion of metals and a portion of carrier. The system further comprises means for impregnating supports with the nanoparticles. 1: A method of making a metal catalyst comprising:a. providing a quantity of nanoparticles, wherein at least some of the nanoparticles comprise a first portion comprising catalyst material bonded to a second portion comprising a carrier;b. providing a quantity of supports; andc. combining the supports with the nanoparticles.2: The method of wherein the supports comprise pores and voids.3: The method of wherein the catalyst material comprises any among a list of at least one metal claim 1 , at least one metal alloy claim 1 , and any combination thereof.4: The method of wherein providing a quantity of nanoparticles comprises:a. loading a quantity of catalyst material and a quantity of carrier into a plasma gun in a desired ratio;b. vaporizing the quantity of catalyst material and quantity of carrier thereby forming a vapor cloud; andc. quenching the vapor cloud, thereby forming a quantity of nanoparticles.5: The method of wherein the carrier comprises an oxide.6: The method of wherein the oxide comprises silica claim 5 , alumina claim 5 , yttria claim 5 , zirconia claim 5 , titania claim 5 , ceria claim 5 , baria claim 5 , and any combination thereof.7: The method of wherein combining the supports with the nanoparticles comprises:a. suspending the nanoparticles in a solution, thereby forming a ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030927A1

The present invention relates to a monolith catalyst for a carbon dioxide reforming reaction and to a preparation method for same, and more specifically the invention provides a preparation method for a monolith catalyst for a methane reforming reaction using carbon dioxide, the method comprising a step of mixing and impregnating a support in a metal precursor solution, coating a monolith substrate with the solution resulting from the mixing and impregnating, drying same and then calcining the monolith substrate coated with the solution resulting from the mixing and impregnating. 1. A monolith catalyst for a carbon dioxide reforming reaction comprising a support impregnating an active material represented by the following Formula 1 and a monolith substrate:{'br': None, 'i': a', 'b, '(X)-(Zr)/Z\u2003\u2003[Formula 1]'}{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'where X is an active material of Co or Ni, Z is a support of SiOor AlO, a and b each represents parts per weight of X and Zr relative to component Z in order, and a is 5.0 to 30.0, and b is 1.0 to 30.0 relative to 100 parts by weight of the support (Z).'}2. The monolith catalyst for a carbon dioxide reforming reaction as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the shape of the monolith substrate is a honeycomb structure.3. A preparation method for a monolith catalyst for a carbon dioxide reforming reaction comprising a support impregnating an active material represented by the following Formula 1 and a monolith substrate claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:mixing and impregnating a metal precursor solution with a support Z of the following Formula 1 so as to meet the component ratio of the following Formula 1 (step 1);coating a monolith substrate with the mixed and impregnated solution in step 1 (step 2);drying the monolith substrate coated with the mixed and impregnated solution in step 2 (step 3); and {'br': None, 'i': a', 'b, '(X)-(Zr)/Z\u2003\u2003[Formula 1]'}, 'calcining the dried monolith substrate after being coated with ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Method For Making Catalyst Compositions Of Alkali Metal Halide-Doped Bivalent Metal Fluorides And A Process For Making Fluorinated Olefins

Номер: US20140113805A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

There is provided methods for making a catalyst composition represented by the formula MX/M′F 2 wherein MX is an alkali metal halide; M is an alkali metal ion selected from the group consisting of Li + , Na + , K + , Rb + , and Cs + ; X is a halogen ion selected from the group consisting of F − , Cl − , Br − , and I − ; M′F 2 is a bivalent metal fluoride; and M′ is a bivalent metal ion. One method has the following steps: (a) dissolving an amount of the alkali metal halide in an amount of solvent sufficient to substantially dissolve or solubilize the alkali metal halide to form an alkali metal halide solution; (b) adding an amount of the bi-valent metal fluoride to the alkali metal halide solution to form a slurry of the alkali metal halide and bi-valent metal fluoride; and (c) removing substantially all of the solvent from the slurry to form a solid mass of the alkali metal halide and bi-valent metal fluoride. Another method has the following steps: (a) adding an amount of hydroxide, oxide, or carbonate of an alkali metal to an aqueous solution of a hydrogen halide and reacted to form an aqueous solution of an alkali metal halide; (b) adding an amount of a hydroxide, oxide, or carbonate of a bivalent metal to an aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride and reacted to form a precipitate of a bivalent metal fluoride; (c) admixing the alkali metal halide solution and the bivalent metal fluoride precipitate are admixed to form an aqueous slurry; and (d) removing water from the aqueous slurry to form a solid mass. There is also a method for making a fluorinated olefin.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029012A1

The present invention involves micron-scale cerium oxide particles having a multi-cores single-shell structure, comprising: a cerium oxide shell, the shell being composed of crystalline and/or amorphous nano-scale cerium oxide particles; and a plurality of nano-scale cerium oxide grain cores aggregates located in the interior of the shell. Also involved is a preparation method for the micron-scale cerium oxide particle having a multi-cores single-shell structure. A supported catalyst with the micron-scale cerium oxide particles according to the invention as the support have good hydrothermal stability and good sulfur resistance, and the active components of the supported catalyst are not easily embedded, and the supported catalyst has a great application prospect in the field of catalytic oxidation of exhaust emissions such as CO, NO or volatile organic compounds. 1. A micro-scale cerium oxide particle having multi-cores single-shell structure , characterized in that the micro-scale cerium oxide particle comprises: a cerium oxide shell , the shell being composed of crystalline and/or amorphous nano-scale cerium oxide particles; and a plurality of nano-scale cerium oxide grain cores aggregates located in the interior of the shell.2. The micro-scale cerium oxide particle having multi-cores single-shell structure according to claim 1 , characterized in that the micro-scale cerium oxide particles are spherical or sphere-like particles claim 1 , having an average particle size of 0.5 μm to 50 μm claim 1 , and a BET specific surface area of 50 to 200 m/g; the mass of the plurality of nano-scale cerium oxide grain cores aggregates in the interior of the shell is from 85 to 99% based on the total mass of the micro-scale cerium oxide particles claim 1 , and the mass of the cerium oxide shell is from 1 to 15% based on the total mass of the micro-scale cerium oxide particles; the cerium oxide shell has a thickness ranging from 10 to 200 nm; the nano-scale cerium oxide grains ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029016A1

An oxidation catalyst composite, methods, and systems for the treatment of exhaust gas emissions from a diesel engine are described. More particularly, described is an oxidation catalyst composite including a first oxidation component comprising a first refractory metal oxide support, palladium (Pd) and platinum (Pt); a NOstorage component comprising one or more of alumina, silica, titania, ceria, or manganese; and a second oxidation component comprising a second refractory metal oxide, a zeolite, and Pt. The oxidation catalyst composite is sulfur tolerant, adsorbs NOx and thermally releases the stored NOat temperature less than 350° C. 1. An oxidation catalyst composite comprising:a carrier substrate; and a first oxidation component comprising at least one platinum group metal (PGM) and a first refractory metal oxide, wherein the first oxidation component is substantially free of zeolite;', {'sub': 'x', 'a NOstorage component comprising one or more of alumina, silica, titania, ceria, and manganese; and'}, 'a second oxidation component comprising a second refractory metal oxide, a zeolite, and at least one PGM., 'a catalytic coating on at least a portion of the carrier substrate, the catalytic coating including2. The oxidation catalyst composite of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the following conditions applies:the first oxidation component comprises platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd) in a Pt to Pd weight ratio of about 0:1 to 4:1;the first oxidation component is substantially free of zeolite;{'sub': 'x', 'the NOstorage component is substantially free of zirconia;'}{'sub': 'x', 'the NOstorage component is substantially free of Pt and Pd;'}the second oxidation component comprises Pt;the second oxidation component is substantially free of palladium.3. The oxidation catalyst composite of claim 1 , wherein:the first oxidation component comprises Pt and Pd in a weight ratio of about 0:1 to 4:1 and is substantially free of zeolite;{'sub': 'x', 'the NOstorage component is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029017A1

An photocatalytic filter is provided to include a support; and a photocatalytic material coated on the support to cause a photocatalytic reaction to degrade an undesired gas present in an air, and wherein the photocatalytic filter has cells with a width equal to or less than 2 mm, thereby providing an air resistance in a direction facing UV LED for the photocatalytic activation, the air flow having a minimized air resistance. 120-. (canceled)21. A photocatalytic filter including:a support; anda photocatalytic material coated on the support to cause a photocatalytic reaction to degrade an undesired gas present in an air, andwherein the photocatalytic filter has cells with a width equal to or less than 2 mm, thereby providing an air resistance in a direction facing UV LED for the photocatalytic activation, the air flow having a minimized air resistance.22. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the minimized air resistance is not greater than 1.32 m/s.23. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the minimized air resistance is between 1.05 m/s and 1.25 m/s.24. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the photocatalytic material includes titanium dioxide (TiO).25. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the photocatalytic filter has a height between 5 mm to 12 mm.26. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the photocatalytic filter allows a first undesired gas that reacts later than a second undesired gas in a competitive reaction is degraded from an initial stage of the photocatalytic reaction.27. The photocatalytic filter of claim 21 , wherein the support is further coated with metal compounds.28. The photocatalytic filter of claim 27 , wherein the photocatalytic filter exhibits a higher removal rate of the undesired gas as compared to a photocatalytic filter without including the metal compounds.29. The photocatalytic filter of claim 27 , wherein the metal compounds include a tungsten (W) compound including HWO.30. The ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Catalyst Supports and Catalyst Systems and Methods

Номер: US20220048015A1
Автор: Snell Ryan W.

Provided herein are catalyst supports, catalyst systems, and methods for making catalyst supports, catalyst systems, and performing chemical reactions with the catalyst systems. The catalyst supports include a zeolite and a binder including non-sodium counterions, such as ammonium counterions and/or potassium counterions. The catalyst systems include the catalyst supports and a catalytic material. The catalyst systems may be used to perform chemical reactions, including reactions of one or more hydrocarbons. 1. A process for making a catalyst support , the process consisting essentially of:contacting a zeolite and a binder to form a mixture, wherein the binder comprises a colloidal silica including potassium counterions, ammonium counterions, or a combination thereof, and substantially no sodium counterions;extruding and/or shaping the mixture to form a dimensioned mixture;drying the dimensioned mixture to form a substantially dried dimensioned mixture; andcalcining the substantially dried dimensioned mixture to produce the catalyst support.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixture further comprises an extrusion aid.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the extrusion aid comprises a cellulose ether.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the cellulose ether comprises ethylcellulose claim 3 , carboxymethylcellulose claim 3 , ethylhydroxyethylcellulose claim 3 , hydroxyethylcellulose claim 3 , hydroxypropylcellulose claim 3 , methylhydroxyethylcellulose claim 3 , methylhydroxypropylcellulose claim 3 , or a combination thereof.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixture further comprises water in an amount sufficient to permit the mixture to form the dimensioned mixture upon the extruding and/or shaping.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite comprises a large pore zeolite.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the large pore zeolite has an effective pore diameter of from about 6 Angstroms (Å) to about 15 Å.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite is ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030870A1

A method of manufacturing a catalyzed particulate filter may include: preparing a bare particulate filter including at least one inlet channel which may have a first end being open and a second end being blocked, at least one outlet channel which may have a first end being blocked and a second end being open and which is positioned alternately with the at least one inlet channel, at least one porous wall which defines a boundary between adjacent inlet and outlet channels, and a support which is located within at least one among the at least one inlet channel and the at least one outlet channel; injecting a catalyst slurry into the at least one inlet channel and the at least one outlet channel; discharging a portion of the catalyst slurry by blowing gas into or drawing the gas from the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel; and drying/calcining the particulate filter from which the portion of the catalyst slurry is discharged. 1. A method of manufacturing a catalyzed particulate filter , comprising:preparing a bare particulate filter including at least one inlet channel which has a first end being open and a second end being blocked, at least one outlet channel which has a first end being blocked and a second end being open and which is positioned alternately with the at least one inlet channel, at least one porous wall which defines a boundary between adjacent inlet and outlet channels, and a support which is located within at least one among the at least one inlet channel and the at least one outlet channel;injecting a catalyst slurry into the at least one inlet channel and the at least one outlet channel;discharging a portion of the catalyst slurry by blowing gas into or drawing the gas from the at least one inlet channel or the at least one outlet channel; anddrying/calcining the particulate filter from which the portion of the catalyst slurry is discharged.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inlet channel claim 1 , the at ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030777A1

According to one or more embodiments presently disclosed, a catalyst for converting hydrocarbons may include catalytic oxidized metal materials comprising oxidized iron, oxidized cobalt, and oxidized copper. At least 95 wt. % of the catalytic oxidized metal materials may be a combination of oxidized iron, oxidized cobalt, and oxidized copper. The catalyst may additionally include a mesoporous support material comprising pores having an average pore diameter of from 2 nm to 50 nm. At least 95 wt. % of the mesoporous support material may comprise alumina. At least 95 wt. % of the catalyst may be the combination of the catalytic oxidized metal materials and the mesoporous support material. Additional embodiments are included, such as methods for making the presently disclosed catalysts. 1. A catalyst for converting hydrocarbons , the catalyst comprising:catalytic oxidized metal materials comprising oxidized iron, oxidized cobalt, and oxidized copper, where at least 95 wt. % of the catalytic oxidized metal materials are a combination of the oxidized iron, the oxidized cobalt, and the oxidized copper; anda mesoporous support material comprising pores having an average pore diameter of from 2 nm to 50 nm, where at least 95 wt. % of the mesoporous support material comprises alumina; andwhere at least 95 wt. % of the catalyst is the combination of the catalytic oxidized metal materials and the mesoporous support material.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , where the weight ratio of iron atoms:cobalt atoms:copper atoms in the catalyst is 1:0.4-0.6:0.5-0.7.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , where the mesoporous support material comprises alumina material or silica material.4. The catalyst of claim 3 , where the mesoporous support material comprises gamma alumina.5. The catalyst of claim 1 , where the mesoporous support material comprises a hierarchical structured material comprising a silicate or aluminosilicate.6. The catalyst of claim 5 , where the hierarchical structured material is ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030780A1

The present invention provides an exhaust gas purification catalyst including an alkaline earth metal supported in a highly dispersed state on a porous carrier. A catalyst layer of the exhaust gas purification catalyst provided by the invention has an alkaline earth metal-supporting region including a porous carrier, a catalyst metal belonging to the platinum group, and a sulfate of at least one type of alkali earth metal supported on the porous carrier. In a cross-section of this region, a Pearson correlation coefficient Ris at least 0.5 as calculated using α and β for each pixel obtained by carrying out area analysis by FE-EPMA under conditions of pixel size of 0.34 μm×0.34 μm, and measured pixel number 256×256, and by measuring the characteristic X-ray intensity (α: cps) of the alkaline earth metal element (Ae) and the characteristic X-ray intensity (β: cps) of the main constituent element of the inorganic compound constituting the porous carrier for each pixel. 1. An exhaust gas purification catalyst to be disposed in the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine for purifying exhaust gas emitted by the internal combustion engine , the exhaust gas purification catalyst comprisinga substrate anda catalyst layer formed on the substrate, whereinthe catalyst layer has an alkaline earth metal-supporting region includinga porous carrier composed of an inorganic compound,at least one catalyst metal belonging to the platinum group which is supported on the porous carrier and functions as an oxidation and/or reduction catalyst, andat least one sulfate of alkaline earth metal supported on the porous carrier, and wherein{'sub': Ae/M', 'Ae/M, 'when a cross-section of the alkaline earth metal-supporting region of the catalyst layer is subjected to area analysis by FE-EPMA under conditions of pixel (section) size of 0.34 μm×0.34 μm and number of measured pixels (sections) of 256×256, and a characteristic X-ray intensity (α: cps) of the alkaline earth metal element (Ae) ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031174A1

The present disclosure relates to the technical field of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction catalysts, and discloses a supported ε/ε′ iron carbide catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction, preparation method thereof and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis process, wherein the method comprises the following steps: (1) dipping a catalyst carrier in a ferric salt aqueous solution, drying and roasting the dipped carrier to obtain a catalyst precursor; (2) subjecting the catalyst precursor and Hto a precursor reduction at the temperature of 300-550° C.; (3) pretreating the material obtained in the step (2) with Hand CO at the temperature of 90-185° C., wherein the molar ratio of H/CO is 1.2-2.8:1; (4) preparing carbide with the material obtained in the step (3), Hand CO at the temperature of 200-300° C., wherein the molar ratio of H/CO is 1.0-3.2:1. The preparation method has the advantages of simple and easily obtained raw materials, simple and convenient operation steps, being capable of preparing the catalyst with 100% pure phase ε/ε′ iron carbide as the active phase, the catalyst has lower selectivity of COand CHand higher selectivity of effective products. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of preparing a supported de iron carbide catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction , wherein the preparation method comprises the following steps:(1) dipping a catalyst carrier in a ferric salt aqueous solution, drying and roasting the dipped carrier to obtain a catalyst precursor;{'sub': '2', '(2) subjecting the catalyst precursor and Hto a precursor reduction at the temperature of 300-550° C.;'}{'sub': 2', '2, '(3) pretreating the material obtained in the step (2) with Hand CO at the temperature of 90-185° C., wherein the molar ratio of H/CO is 1.2-2.8:1;'}{'sub': 2', '2, '(4) preparing carbide with the material obtained in the step (3), Hand CO at the temperature of 200-300° C., wherein the molar ratio of H/CO is 1.0-3.2:1.'}12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the ferric salt is ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031179A1

Hydrogenation of at least one aromatic or polyaromatic compound contained in a hydrocarbon feedstock having a final boiling point below or equal to 650° C., at a temperature of between 30 and 350° C., at a pressure of between 0.1 and 20 MPa, at a hydrogen/(aromatic compounds to be hydrogenated) molar ratio between 0.1 and 10 and at an hourly space velocity HSV of between 0.05 and 50 h, in the presence of a catalyst comprising an alumina support and an active phase comprising nickel, prepared by 1. A process for the hydrogenation of at least one aromatic or polyaromatic compound contained in a hydrocarbon feedstock having a final boiling point below or equal to 650° C. , said process being carried out in the gas phase or in the liquid phase , at a temperature of between 30 and 350° C. , at a pressure of between 0.1 and 20 MPa , at a hydrogen/(aromatic compounds to be hydrogenated) molar ratio between 0.1 and 10 and at an hourly space velocity HSV of between 0.05 and 50 h , in the presence of a catalyst comprising an alumina support and an active phase comprising nickel , said active phase not comprising a metal from Group VIB , said catalyst being prepared by a process comprising at least:i) a step of bringing said support into contact with at least one solution containing at least one nickel precursor,ii) a step of bringing said support into contact with at least one solution containing at least one organic compound comprising at least one carboxylic acid function, or at least one alcohol function, or at least one ester function, or at least one amide function; 'steps i) and ii) being carried out separately, in any order, or at the same time.', 'iii) a step of drying said impregnated support at a temperature below 250° C.;'}2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that it further comprises a step iv) of calcining said dried catalyst obtained in step iii) at a temperature of between 250 and 1000° C.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , characterized ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032686A1

The disclosure provides a monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article including a substrate having an aspect ratio of from about 1 to about 20, and having a functional coating composition disposed on the substrate, the functional coating composition including a first sorbent composition, an oxidation catalyst composition, and optionally, a second sorbent composition. The monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article may be in a close-coupled position close to the engine. The disclosure further provides an integrated exhaust gas treatment system including the monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article and may additionally include a flow-through monolith catalytic article. The flow-through monolith catalytic article includes a substrate having a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) coating composition disposed thereon. The integrated exhaust gas treatment system simplifies the traditional four-article system into a two-article Catalyzed Soot Filter (CSF) plus Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) CSF+SCR arrangement. 1. A monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article comprising:a substrate having an axial length L, a diameter D, and a volume, wherein the substrate comprises a front, upstream end and a rear, downstream end defining the axial length, an aspect ratio defined by L/D of from about 1 to about 20; anda functional coating composition disposed on the substrate, the functional coating composition comprising a first sorbent composition, an oxidation catalyst composition, and optionally, a second sorbent composition.2. The monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article of claim 1 , wherein the first sorbent composition comprises one or more of alkaline earth metal oxides claim 1 , alkaline earth metal carbonates claim 1 , rare earth oxides claim 1 , or molecular sieves.3. The monolithic wall-flow filter catalytic article of claim 1 , wherein the first sorbent composition comprises a zeolite selected from the group consisting of faujasite claim 1 , chabazite ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038919A1

The invention relates to a catalyst suitable for use in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide-containing gas, said catalyst comprising spinel phase of the formula [Fe(FeAl)O]. Processes for preparing the catalyst and processes for the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide-containing gas in the presence of the catalyst are also disclosed. 1) A catalyst suitable for use in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide-containing gas , said catalyst comprising spinel phase of the following formula:{'br': None, 'sup': 2+', '3+', '3+, 'sub': y', '1-y', '2', '4, 'Fe(FeAl)O\u2003\u2003Formula 1'}wherein y is from 0.05 to 0.95.2) A catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein y is from 0.25 to 0.75.3) A catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein y is from 0.3 to 0.7.4) A catalyst according to claim 1 , having average crystal size in the range from 1.5 to 3 nm claim 1 , as measured by X-Ray diffraction (XRD).5) A catalyst according to claim 1 , which further comprises potassium on its surface.6) A process for preparing compounds of Formulas 1 or 2:{'br': None, 'sup': 2+', '3+', '3+, 'sub': y', '1-y', '2', '4, 'Fe(FeAl)O\u2003\u2003Formula 1'} {'br': None, 'sup': 2+', '2+', '3+', '3+, 'sub': x', '1-x', 'y', '1-y', '2', '4, '(CuFe)(FeAl)O\u2003\u2003Formula 2'}, 'wherein y is in the range from 0.05 to 0.95; or'}wherein 0.0 Подробнее

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036193A1

Supported catalysts having an atomic level single atom structure are provided such that substantially all the catalyst is available for catalytic function. Processes of forming a catalyst unto a porous catalyst support is also provided. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. A process of forming a catalytic metal onto a catalyst support , the process comprising the steps of:preparing an aqueous solution comprising a catalytic metal and a promoter to form a catalyst and promoter solution, the promoter having an opposite charge of a charge of the catalytic metal;selecting a porous catalyst support with adequate surface area;adjusting the pH of the resulting catalyst and promoter solution in accordance with surface properties of the porous catalyst support;immersing the catalyst support in the solution;removing the catalyst support from the solution;drying the catalyst support under conditions that prevents capillary effect transfer of the solution from an interior of the catalyst support to an exterior of the catalyst support; andperforming a catalyst calcination step under elevated temperatures.11. The process according to wherein the catalytic metal is selected from the group consisting of transition metals claim 10 , noble metals and metallic compounds.12. The process according to wherein the transition metals claim 11 , noble metals and metallic compounds consist of any transition metal or noble metal in the periodic table groups VIII claim 11 , groups IIIB-VIIB and groups IB-2B.13. (canceled)14. The process according to wherein the step of immersing the catalyst support in the solution comprises immersing the catalyst support in the solution such that the porous catalyst support is impregnated with the catalytic metal.15. The process according to wherein the catalyst support is in contact with the catalyst and promoter solution for impregnation.16. The process according to wherein ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036680A1

An oxidation catalyst is described for treating an exhaust gas produced by a diesel engine. The oxidation catalyst comprises: a substrate; a capture material for capturing at least one sulfur containing impurity in the exhaust gas produced by the diesel engine; wherein the capture material comprises a metal for reacting with an oxide of sulfur in the exhaust gas and particles of a refractory oxide, wherein the particles of the refractory oxide have a mean specific surface area ≦50 m/g; and a catalytic region disposed on the substrate; wherein the catalytic region comprises a catalytic material comprising a platinum group metal (PGM) selected from the group consisting of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and a combination of platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd). 1. An oxidation catalyst for treating an exhaust gas produced by a diesel engine , wherein the oxidation catalyst comprises:a substrate;{'sup': '2', 'a capture material for capturing at least one sulfur containing impurity in the exhaust gas produced by the diesel engine; wherein the capture material comprises a metal for reacting with an oxide of sulfur in the exhaust gas and particles of a refractory oxide, and optionally wherein the particles of the refractory oxide have a mean specific surface area 50 m/g; and'}a catalytic region disposed on the substrate;wherein the catalytic region comprises a catalytic material comprising a platinum group metal (PGM) selected from the group consisting of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and a combination of platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd).2. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the metal for reacting with an oxide of sulfur in the exhaust gas is selected from palladium (Pd) claim 1 , magnesium (Mg) claim 1 , cerium (Ce) and a combination of any two or more thereof.3. An oxidation catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the capture material comprises particles of the metal for reacting with an oxide of sulfur in the exhaust gas having a mean particle size ≧about ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036718A1

A process and catalyst is disclosed for converting heavy hydrocarbon feed into lighter hydrocarbon products using multifunctional catalysts. Multifunctional catalysts enable use of less expensive metal by substituting expensive metals for less expensive metals with no loss or superior performance in slurry hydrocracking. Less available and expensive ISM can be replaced effectively. 1. A process for converting heavy hydrocarbon feed into lighter hydrocarbon products comprising:mixing said heavy hydrocarbon liquid feed with catalyst and hydrogen to form a heavy hydrocarbon slurry comprising hydrocarbon liquid and catalyst particles, said catalyst comprising iron and carbon particles comprising a pore volume of at least about 0.12 cc/g, and a mean diameter of no more than about 800 microns;hydrocracking hydrocarbons in said heavy hydrocarbon slurry in the presence of hydrogen and catalyst in a hydrocracking reactor to produce a hydrocracked slurry product comprising lighter hydrocarbon products; andwithdrawing said hydrocracked slurry product from said hydrocracking reactor.2. The process of wherein the iron is impregnated on the carbon particles.3. The process of wherein the iron is provided as bauxite claim 1 , red mud claim 1 , iron sulfate claim 1 , limonite claim 1 , laterite or iron salt particles.4. The process of wherein the iron in the catalyst is no more than about 0.7 wt % in the feed.5. The process of wherein the carbon particles have a mean diameter of no more than about 150 microns.6. The process of wherein the micropore volume of the carbon particles is less than about 0.5 cc/g.7. The process of wherein the BET surface area of the carbon particles is at least about 200 m/g.8. The process of wherein the carbon particles comprise no more than about 2 wt % of the feed to the reactor.9. The process of wherein the iron is provided as bauxite and the iron in the catalyst is no more than about 0.4 wt % in the feed.10. The process of wherein the yield of TIOR in ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036993A1

The present invention relates to a porous metal-organic framework (MOF) and includes a process for making the MOF and a process for using the MOF to remove aldehyde from a fluid stream. The MOF comprises a uniform and reproducible structure that can be synthesized at room temperature. The MOF is highly effective at removing an aldehyde from a fluid stream. 1. A metal-organic framework (MOF) prepared by a process comprising:(1) mixing an organic ligand with a metal ion in a first solvent to form a first solution;(2) adding an amine to said first solution to precipitate said MOF and form a first suspension;(3) separating said MOF from said first suspension;(4) drying said MOF.2. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein said organic ligand is selected from the group consisting of aminoterephthalic acid claim 1 , terephthalic acid claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,3-benzenetricarboxylic acid claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid claim 1 , and 2 claim 1 ,2′-bipyridine-5 claim 1 ,5′-dicarboxylic acid;wherein said metal ion is selected from the group consisting of zinc, copper, cerium, nickel, manganese, platinum, and iron; andwherein said amine is selected from the group consisting of methylamine, ethylamine, n-propylamine, iso-propylamine, n-butylamine, sec-butylamine, iso-butylamine, tert-butylamine, n-pentylamine, neo-pentylamine, n-hexylamine, pyrrolidine, cyclohexylamine, morpholine, pyridine, 8-azaphenanthrene, 1,4-diaminobenzene, and triethylamine.3. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein said adding said amine step occurs at room temperature.4. The metal-organic framework of claim 1 , wherein said separating step comprises (a) a first filtering of said MOF out of said first suspension claim 1 , (b) a first washing of said MOF with a second solvent claim 1 , and (c) a second filtering of said MOF.5. The metal-organic framework of claim 4 , wherein said first solvent comprises dimethylformamide claim 4 , diethylformamide claim 4 ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037465A1

A method for catalytic ammonia synthesis under concentrated solar energy and related catalysts. The method includes placing a catalyst in a reaction apparatus, feeding nitrogen and hydrogen into the reaction apparatus, and controlling a surface temperature of the catalyst to reach about 300° C. to 550° C. under irradiation of concentrated sunshine, to synthesize ammonia. The catalyst includes an amorphous and electron-rich black nano TiO(0 Подробнее

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037826A1

A process and catalyst is disclosed for converting heavy hydrocarbon feed into lighter hydrocarbon products using multifunctional catalysts. Multifunctional catalysts enable use of less expensive metal by substituting expensive metals for less expensive metals with no loss or superior performance in slurry hydrocracking. Less available and expensive ISM can be replaced effectively. 1. A process for converting heavy hydrocarbon feed into lighter hydrocarbon products comprising:mixing said heavy hydrocarbon liquid feed with catalyst and hydrogen to form a heavy hydrocarbon slurry comprising hydrocarbon liquid and catalyst particles, said catalyst comprising molybdenum and carbon particles comprising pore volume of at least 0.2 cc/g, and a mean diameter of no more than 800 microns;hydrocracking hydrocarbons in said heavy hydrocarbon slurry in the presence of hydrogen and catalyst in a hydrocracking reactor to produce a hydrocracked slurry product comprising lighter hydrocarbon products; andwithdrawing said hydrocracked slurry product from said hydrocracking reactor.2. The process of wherein the molybdenum is impregnated on the carbon particles.3. The process of wherein the molybdenum is provided as molybdenum sulfide in the hydrocracking reactor.4. The process of wherein the molybdenum in the catalyst is no more than about 200 wppm in the feed.5. The process of wherein the carbon particles have a mean diameter of no more than 150 microns.6. The process of wherein the micropore volume of the carbon particles is less than 0.5 cc/g.7. The process of wherein the BET surface area of the carbon particles is at least 200 m/g.8. The process of wherein the carbon particles comprise no more than 2 wt % in the feed.9. The process of wherein the molybdenum is no more than about 175 wppm in the feed.10. The process of wherein the yield of TIOR in the product is no more than about 3.0 wt % of the feed.11. The process of wherein the yield of mesophase in the product is no more than ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038846A1

Described herein are catalysts relating to liquid synthesis, methods of their preparation, and methods of their use. In an embodiment according to the present disclosure, a method of producing a catalyst for liquid synthesis comprises: providing a silica oxide support; pretreating the silica oxide support to remove air and moisture; impregnating the pretreated silica oxide support with cobalt from a cobalt source using a cobalt impregnation method; and calcinating the impregnated silica oxide support in an oven with a temperature ramping profile, wherein the calcinating comprises feeding air into the oven. 1) A method of producing a catalyst for liquid synthesis , comprising:providing a silica oxide support;pretreating the silica oxide support to remove air and moisture;impregnating the pretreated silica oxide support with cobalt from a cobalt source using a cobalt impregnation method; andcalcinating the impregnated silica oxide support in an oven with a temperature ramping profile, wherein the calcinating comprises feeding air into the oven.2) The method of any claim 1 , wherein the silica oxide support comprises silica oxide pellets.3) The method of claim 2 , wherein the silica oxide pellets are cylindrical and have a dimension of about 2 mm to about 4 mm.4) The method of claim 2 , wherein the silica oxide pellets have a packing density of about 20 lbs/ftto about 40 lbs/ft.5) The method of claim 1 , wherein the cobalt source is cobalt nitrate or cobalt chloride.6) The method of claim 1 , wherein the cobalt impregnation method is incipient wet impregnation (IWI).7) The method of claim 1 , further comprising impregnating the cobalt impregnanted support with ruthenium (Ru) from a Ru source with an Ru impregnation method before calcinating.8) The method of claim 7 , wherein the ruthenium impregnation method is incipient wet impregnation (IWI).9) The method of claim 7 , wherein the Ru source is ruthenium chloride or ruthenium nitrate.10) The method of claim 1 , further ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039973A1
Автор: ALJUNDI Isam

A method of oxidative dehydrogenating a butane-containing hydrocarbon stream by contacting the same with a bimetallic catalyst in the presence of an oxidant, wherein the bimetallic catalyst comprises nickel and bismuth on a titanium carbide catalyst support. Various embodiments of the method of oxidative dehydrogenating the butane-containing hydrocarbon stream and the bimetallic catalyst are also provided. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of dehydrogenating a butane-containing hydrocarbon stream , comprising:pretreating a bimetallic catalyst in a fixed bed reactor by heating to a temperature above 500° C., then cooling to a temperature of 400-450° C., thencontacting the butane-containing hydrocarbon stream with the bimetallic catalyst in the presence of oxygen to form a product stream comprising a butene compound,wherein the bimetallic catalyst comprises nickel and bismuth on a titanium carbide catalyst support, andwherein the butane-containing hydrocarbon stream is contacted with the bimetallic catalyst at a temperature of 400 to 450° C.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein a molar ratio of oxygen to butane is in a range of 1:1 to 4:1.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the bimetallic catalyst consists of nickel oxide and bismuth oxide on a titanium carbide catalyst support. The present invention relates to a method for oxidative dehydrogenation of a butane-containing hydrocarbon stream by contacting the same with a bimetallic catalyst that includes bismuth and nickel on a titanium carbide catalyst support.The “background” description provided herein is for the purpose of generally presenting the context of the disclosure. Work of the presently named inventors, to the extent it is described in this background section, as well as aspects of the description which may not otherwise qualify as prior art at the time of filing, are neither expressly or impliedly admitted as prior art against the present invention.Catalytic dehydrogenation of alkanes is a common step in the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038852A1

A method for producing an unsaturated hydrocarbon comprising: a dehydrogenation step of contacting a raw material gas containing at least one hydrocarbon selected from a group consisting of alkanes and olefins with a dehydrogenation catalyst containing a group 14 metal element and Pt to obtain a product gas containing at least one unsaturated hydrocarbon selected from the group consisting of olefins and conjugated dienes, and a regeneration step of contacting the dehydrogenation catalyst subjected to the dehydrogenation step with a regenerating gas containing molecular oxygen under a temperature condition of 310 to 450° C. 1. A method for producing an unsaturated hydrocarbon comprising:a dehydrogenation step of contacting a raw material gas containing at least one hydrocarbon selected from a group consisting of alkanes and olefins with a dehydrogenation catalyst containing a group 14 metal element and Pt to obtain a product gas containing at least one unsaturated hydrocarbon selected from a group consisting of olefins and conjugated dienes, anda regeneration step of contacting the dehydrogenation catalyst subjected to the dehydrogenation step with a regenerating gas containing molecular oxygen under a temperature condition of 310 to 450° C.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the group 14 metal element includes Sn.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dehydrogenation catalyst is a catalyst in which a group 14 metal element and Pt are supported on a carrier using a metal source containing no chlorine atom.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material gas contains an alkane having 2 to 10 carbon atoms.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the raw material gas contains an olefin having 4 to 10 carbon atoms.6. A method of regenerating a dehydrogenation catalyst containing a group 14 metal element and Pt that has been used for a dehydrogenation reaction of a hydrocarbon claim 1 , the method comprising:a regeneration step of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046460A1

Methods of producing metal catalysts can include mixing two or more metal salts and an aluminum salt in water to produce a metal catalyst precursor solution having a pH of about 2.5 to about 4.0; mixing the metal catalyst precursor solution and a basic solution having a pH of about 10 to about 13 to produce a mixture with a pH of about 6 to about 7 and a precipitate; producing a powder from the precipitate; and calcining the powder to produce a metal catalyst. Such metal catalysts may be useful in producing bifunctional catalyst systems that are useful in, among other things, converting syngas to dimethyl ether in a single reactor. 1. A method comprising:mixing two or more metal salts and an aluminum salt in water to produce a metal catalyst precursor solution having a pH of about 2.5 to about 4.0;mixing the metal catalyst precursor solution and a basic solution having a pH of about 10 to about 13 to produce a mixture with a pH of about 6 to about 7 and a precipitate;producing a powder from the precipitate; andcalcining the powder to produce a metal catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein producing the powder from the precipitate comprises:washing the precipitate;drying the precipitate; andgrinding the precipitate, wherein the powder comprises 5 wt % or less of the water.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal catalyst precursor solution is at 40° C. to 90° C. when mixing with the basic solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the basic solution comprises sodium carbonate claim 1 , sodium hydroxide claim 1 , ammonia hydroxide claim 1 , ammonia carbonate claim 1 , sodium hydrogen bicarbonate claim 1 , and any combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more metal salts comprise a first metal salt that is a salt of a first metal selected from the group consisting of Cu claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Rh claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Os claim 1 , Ir claim 1 , and Pt and a second metal salt that is a ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046461A1

Methods of producing metal catalysts can include mixing two or more metal salts and an aluminum salt in water to produce a metal catalyst precursor solution; mixing the metal catalyst precursor solution and an alkali metal buffer solution to produce a precipitate; ion exchanging the alkali metal in the precipitate for a non-alkali cation to produce a low-alkali metal precipitate comprising 3 wt % or less alkali metal by weight of the precipitate on a dry basis; producing a powder from the low-alkali metal precipitate; and calcining the powder to produce a metal catalyst. Such metal catalysts may be useful in producing bifunctional catalyst systems that are useful in, among other things, converting syngas to dimethyl ether in a single reactor 1. A method comprising:mixing two or more metal salts and an aluminum salt in water to produce a metal catalyst precursor solution;mixing the metal catalyst precursor solution and an alkali metal buffer solution to produce a precipitate;ion exchanging the alkali metal in the precipitate for a non-alkali cation to produce a low-alkali metal precipitate comprising 3 wt % or less alkali metal by weight of the precipitate on a dry basis;producing a powder from the low-alkali metal precipitate; andcalcining the powder to produce a metal catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ion exchanging comprises contacting the precipitate with the non-alkali cation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein ion exchanging comprises dialysis.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein ion exchanging comprises electrochemical ion exchange.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein producing the powder from the low-alkali metal precipitate comprises:washing the low-alkali metal precipitate;drying the low-alkali metal precipitate; andgrinding the low-alkali metal precipitate, wherein the powder comprises 5 wt % or less of the water.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkali metal buffer solution is at 40° C. to 90° C. when mixing with the metal catalyst precursor ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046463A1

The present application relates to a method for synthesizing nanozeolite Y crystals, nanozeolite Y crystals obtainable by said method, and the use of the synthesized nanozeolite Y crystals in cracking hydrocarbons, as molecular sieves or as ion-exchangers. 1. A method for synthesizing nanozeolite Y crystals comprising the following steps:a) Preparing a first aqueous solution comprising a silicate source and quinuclidine;b) Preparing a second aqueous solution comprising an aluminate source and an alkali hydroxide;c) Combining the first and the second aqueous solution to obtain an aqueous reaction mixture;d) Incubating the aqueous reaction mixture to obtain nanozeolite Y crystals;e) Washing the obtained nanozeolite Y crystals with an aqueous washing buffer;f) Drying the washed nanozeolite Y crystals to remove residual crystalline water; andg) Calcining the washed nanozeolite Y crystals.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkali hydroxide is sodium hydroxide andwherein the method comprises the additional steps:h) Mixing the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals with a third aqueous solution comprising ammonium ions to exchange the sodium ions of the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals against ammonium ions;i) Washing the ammonium containing nanozeolite Y crystals with an aqueous washing buffer;j) Drying the washed nanozeolite Y crystals to remove residual crystalline water; andk) Calcining the washed nanozeolite Y crystals.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein steps h) to k) are repeated to reduce the amount of Na ions in the calcined nanozeolite Y crystals to{'sup': '+', 'a) less than 5% Na ions,'}{'sup': '+', 'b) less than 3% Na ions, or'}{'sup': '+', 'c) less than 1% Na ions.'}4. The method according to claim 1 , a) between 0.0125 and 0.24 mol %,', 'b) between 0.05 and 0.18 mol %, or', 'c) between 0.09 and 0.11 mol %., 'wherein in the aqueous reaction mixture quinuclidine is contained in a fraction of'}5. The method according to claim 1 ,{'sub': '4', 'sup': '4−', 'claim-text ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045903A1

A catalyst, including a molecular sieve carrier and an active component. The active component includes: iron, manganese, copper, and a basic promoter potassium. The molecular sieve carrier is a cerium salt and/or praseodymium salt modified-aluminosilicate molecular sieve carrier and/or silica-rich molecular sieve carrier. A method for preparing a catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, includes: 1) fully dissolving a ferric salt, a manganese salt, a copper salt, and an alkali or a salt containing potassium element in water to yield an aqueous solution, stirring and adding sodium lauryl sulfate to the aqueous solution, and continuing stirring to yield a uniform solution; and impregnating a modified molecular sieve in the uniform solution to yield a mixed solution; and 2) drying and calcining the mixed solution to yield the catalyst. 1. A catalyst , comprising: an active component and a molecular sieve carrier; wherein the molecular sieve carrier is a cerium salt and/or praseodymium salt modified-aluminosilicate molecular sieve carrier and/or silica-rich molecular sieve carrier.2. The catalyst of claim 1 , whereinthe active component comprises: iron as a primary component, manganese, copper, and a basic promoter; the basic promoter is potassium; andthe catalyst comprises: between 10 and 35 wt. % of iron, between 1 and 20 wt. % of manganese, between 1 and 20 wt. % of copper, between 1 and 10 wt. % of potassium, and between 40 and 80 wt. % of the molecular sieve carrier.3. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the cerium salt and/or the praseodymium salt account(s) for between 1 and 20 wt. % of the modified molecular sieve carrier.4. The catalyst of claim 2 , wherein the cerium salt and/or the praseodymium salt account(s) for between 1 and 20 wt. % of the modified molecular sieve carrier.5. The catalyst of claim 1 , wherein the cerium salt and/or the praseodymium salt account(s) for between 10 and 20 wt. % of the modified molecular sieve carrier.6. The catalyst of claim 2 , ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043323A1

The present invention relates to a hydrocracking catalyst, a process for preparing the same and use thereof The present catalyst comprises a cracking component and a hydrogenation component, wherein the cracking component comprises from 0 to 20 wt. % of a molecular sieve and from 20 wt. % to 60 wt. % of an amorphous silica-alumina, the hydrogenation component comprises at least one hydrogenation metal in a total amount of from 34 wt. % to 75 wt. % calculated by the mass of oxides, each amount is based on the total weight of the catalyst. The present catalyst is prepared by directly mixing an acidic component powder material with an impregnating solution, impregnating, filtering, drying, molding, and drying and calcining. 1. A process for preparing a hydrocracking catalyst , comprising the steps of(1) homogeneously mixing a precursor for an amorphous silica-alumina with an optional molecular sieve and an optional alumina;(2) formulating an impregnating solution comprising at least one hydrogenation metal;(3) impregnating the mixed powder in step (1) with the impregnating solution in step (2); and(4) filtering, drying, pulverizing, adding an adhesive or a peptizing agent, molding, drying, and calcining to obtain the hydrocracking catalyst.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the precursor for the amorphous silica-alumina is an amorphous gelatinous silica-alumina dry powder prepared by a method comprising(1) conducting a neutralization and gelatinization reaction of an acidic aluminum salt solution with a mixed solution of alkaline sodium silicate and sodium aluminate at a temperature ranging from 20° C. to 80° C. and a pH value ranging from 4.0 to 9.5;(2) adding at least one organosilicon source after gelatinization, wherein the at least one organosilicon source is chosen from organic silicon oils or silicon esters, the at least one organosilicon is added in an amount ranging from 5% to 40% relative to the total silicon amount present in the amorphous ...
