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27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2561327C2

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления половой доски. Способ изготовления половой доски включает стадии обеспечения панели (2), нанесения печатанием отверждаемого вещества или удаляющего поверхность вещества на панель (2) в соответствии с предварительно заданным рисунком для создания возвышения на панели (2) согласно рисунку или удаления части поверхности панели (2) согласно рисунку, соответственно, причем отверждаемое вещество или удаляющее поверхность вещество наносят печатанием на панель (2) путем первоначального нанесения печатанием жидкости на панель в соответствии с указанным предварительно заданным рисунком с последующим введением вспомогательного вещества в жидкость, причем вспомогательное вещество или жидкость вместе со вспомогательным веществом образуют отверждаемое вещество или удаляющее поверхность вещество, отверждения отверждаемого вещества или удаления любых продуктов реакции удаляющего поверхность вещества и панели (2) с получением, таким образом, половой доски. Техническим ...

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716675C2

Изобретение относится к строительному материалу, такому как облицовочная панель. Способ получения строительного материала включает первый этап, на котором наносят грунтовую краску на поверхность неорганического основного материала, отверждают грунтовую краску и полируют ее. На втором этапе наносят эмалевую краску на грунтовую краску и отверждают ее. Грунтовая краска содержит образующий грунт материал и наполнитель. Эмалевая краска содержит образующий эмаль материал и пигмент. Образующий эмаль материал представляет собой смолу на основе растворителя. Содержание наполнителя в грунтовой краске составляет от 40% до 70% массы в отношении твердого содержимого. Содержание пигмента в эмалевой краске составляет от 1% до 50% массы в отношении твердого содержимого. Изобретение позволяет обеспечить улучшенную поверхность с зеркальной отделкой покрытия неорганического материала. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 2 табл.

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2473297C2
Принадлежит: СЕБ СА (FR)

Изобретение относится к кухонной утвари. Предмет содержит металлический корпус (2), который содержит вогнутую внутреннюю поверхность (21), предназначенную для расположения со стороны продуктов питания, выгнутую внешнюю поверхность (22), предназначенную для расположения ближе к источнику тепла. Причем на упомянутую внутреннюю поверхность последовательно, начиная от упомянутого корпуса (2), наносятся покрытая эмалью твердая основа (3), которая является шероховатой и не содержит свинца и кадмия, а затем антипригарное покрытие (4), покрывающее упомянутый твердый слой (3). Настоящее изобретение также относится к способу изготовления такого предмета (1). Заявленная группа изобретений позволяет получить антипригарное покрытие, обладающее хорошими свойствами сцепления с корпусом и свойствами стойкости к коррозии. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 3 табл., 9 пр.

20-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2504452C2

Суспензия для получения литейной формы содержит от 50 до 80 мас.% термостойких частиц, средний размер которых составляет от 0,5 до 150 мкм, от 5 до 35 мас.% частиц оксида алюминия, средний диаметр которых составляет менее 300 нм, и от 5 до 35 мас.% воды, pH указанной суспензии составляет от 5 до 12. Суспензию получают путем смешивания водной дисперсии, содержащей частицы оксида алюминия, с термостойкими частицами, средний размер которых составляет от 0,5 до 150 мкм, и, если это необходимо, с добавками. Средний диаметр частиц оксида алюминия в дисперсии составляет менее чем 300 нм в твердом виде, содержание частиц оксида алюминия составляет более чем 15 мас.%, а pH составляет от 5 до 12. С использованием суспензии получают литейную форму для точного литья. Обеспечивается повышение устойчивости суспензии, сокращение времени сушки формы, повышение прочности формы и упрощение ее изготовления. 5 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 5 пр.

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2372148C2

Изобретение относится к области технического применения, связанной с обработкой поверхности пластинообразных заготовок. Изобретение относится к способу нанесения покрытия на поверхность и к доске с отделанным участком поверхности; и устройству для нанесения покрытия в виде жидкого кроющего материала на участки поверхности материала в виде доски, а также к доске настила с механически обработанным и отделанным краем. Задачей изобретения является создание способа нанесения покрытия в виде жидкого материала на участок поверхности пластинообразных заготовок, содержащий верхний слой, и устройства для его осуществления, а также создание доски настила с декоративным верхним слоем из ламината. Для этого участок поверхности пластинообразной заготовки механически обработан так, что на нем отсутствует верхний слой. Устройство состоит из круга, с помощью которого переносят кроющий материал, и сжатого воздуха, посредством которого позиционируют кроющий материал. Техническим результатом изобретения является ...

04-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681098C2

Изобретение относится к способу отделки плиты на основе древесных материалов (древесноволокнистой плиты) с верхней стороной и нижней стороной. Способ отделки плиты (1) на основе древесных материалов с верхней стороной (О) и нижней стороной (U) со следующими шагами: а) на верхнюю сторону (О) наносят грунтовку из жидкой меламиновой смолы, причем меламиновая смола, по меньшей мере, частично проникает в верхний поверхностный слой плиты (1) на основе древесных материалов, б) грунтовку сушат до образования грунтовочного слоя (2), в) на грунтовочный слой (2) наносят основную краску, г) основную краску сушат до образования слоя (3) основной краски, д) на слой (3) основной краски наносят печатную краску для создания декора, е) декор сушат до образования декоративного слоя (4), ж) на высушенный декоративный слой (4) наносят жидкую меламиновую смолу, з) меламиновую смолу сушат до образования слоя (5) меламиновой смолы, и) на слой (5) меламиновой смолы наносят жидкую среду с долей изоцианатных групп ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2380172C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к производству слоистых подложек, а именно к способу и системе контроля или регулирования нанесения смолы в производстве слоистых подложек, включая слоистые изделия на древесной основе. Техническим результатом заявленной группы изобретений является создание усовершенствованного способа и системы контроля дозировки смолы в отношении точности дозировки. Технический результат достигается способом производства слоистых подложек, который включает в себя этап сбора по меньшей мере одного первого набора данных измерений, относящихся к параметрам подложки, на первой стадии процесса, расположенной выше по ходу относительно этапа прессования в направлении поступательного перемещения транспортировочного средства. Затем проводят сбор по меньшей мере одного второго набора данных измерений, относящихся к параметрам подложки, на второй стадии процесса, расположенной выше по ходу относительно этапа прессования в направлении поступательного перемещения транспортировочного ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2558883C2

Изобретение относится к области панелей на волокнистой основе с износостойкими поверхностями в качестве строительных панелей, предпочтительно напольных панелей. Способ изготовления износостойкого поверхностного слоя включает стадии: нанесение нижнего слоя, включающего смесь из древесных волокон и смолы, на носитель, нанесение сухого порошкового слоя, включающего смесь очищенных волокон, связующего материала, пигментов и износостойких частиц, на носитель, при этом нижний слой располагают между носителем и сухим порошковым слоем, и отверждение сухого порошкового слоя в износостойкий поверхностный слой путем применения нагревания и давления к сухому порошковому слою. Изобретение также относится к напольной панели, изготовленной указанным способом. Износостойкий поверхностный слой имеет светлую и/или простую окраску. 3 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150516A

... 1. Способ уплотнения анодных красок посредством пескоструйной обработки, согласно которому направляют, по меньшей мере, две струи (3) абразивного материала в сторону детали (1), покрытой упомянутой краской, при этом упомянутые струи ориентируют со схождением с возможностью соединения в точке (4) фокусирования, отличающийся тем, что упомянутая точка фокусирования находится перед деталью (1).2. Способ уплотнения по п. 1, в котором струи (3) абразивного материала располагают симметрично относительно направления, перпендикулярного к обрабатываемой поверхности.3. Способ уплотнения по п. 2, в котором формируют, по меньшей мере, две струи (3) абразивного материала и образуют между ними угол в 90°.4. Способ уплотнения по п. 1, в котором расстояние между точкой (4) фокусирования и поверхностью обрабатываемой детали (1) выбирают в пределах от 200 до 300 мм.5. Способ уплотнения по п. 4, в котором давление песка превышает 2 бара.

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013114216A

... 1. Водная композиция покрытия, содержащая:a. водный носитель;b. смолистый компонент в смеси с водным носителем; иc. один или более глинистых агентов, предотвращающих образование натеков, диспергированных в водной композиции покрытия, при этом один или более глинистых агентов, предотвращающих образование натеков, содержат гидрофильную глину и присутствуют в количестве, достаточном для обеспечения водной композиции покрытия с устойчивостью к образованию натеков при 80% относительной влажности и 25°C, составляющей, по меньшей мере, 60% устойчивости к образованию натеков водной композиции покрытия при 50% относительной влажности и 25°C.2. Водная композиция покрытия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что водная композиция покрытия имеет рН менее чем 6.3. Водная композиция покрытия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что водная композиция покрытия содержит менее 2 мас.ч. ассоциативных агентов устойчивости к образованию натеков на 10 мас.ч. одного или более глинистых агентов, предотвращающих образование натеков, ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006107514A

... 1. Изображение, содержащее: подложку и множество контрастных, различимых областей на ней, совместно определяющих изображение, при этом первая область различимых областей имеет магнитные чешуйки, выровненные посредством приложенного магнитного поля заданной ориентации, а вторая область различимых областей, смежная с первой областью, имеет чешуйки, ориентированные отлично от ориентации чешуек в первой области, при этом ориентация чешуек во второй области является результатом механического вдавливания чешуек во второй области, или во второй области чешуйки отсутствуют вследствие выдавливания чешуек из второй области, при этом изображение образует тактильное изображение, причем тактильный переход можно ощущать при прикосновении к переходу между первой и второй различимыми областями. 2. Изображение по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что магнитные чешуйки являются оптически изменяемыми чешуйками, причем их цвет изменяется в зависимости от угла падения света или угла зрения. 3. Изображение по п.1, ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152188A

... 1. Способ изготовления лицевой панели из композитного материала, имитирующей видимую поверхность со случайными формами с перепадами высоты (5) или поверхность природных материалов, таких как камень (14), каменная крошка, мрамор, дерево, или таких как кирпичная кладка (15) или других желаемых материалов, включающий следующие операции:(а) придание формы опорной пластине (3),(б) введение опорной пластины (3) в литьевую форму с приданием ей нужного положения,(в) приготовление композиции смеси (2),(г) равномерное распределение смеси (смесей) (2) по упомянутой опорной пластине (3),(д) равномерное распределение разделительного агента,(е) формование смеси (смесей) (2) с приданием ей желаемой формы, при этомперед затвердеванием смеси (смесей) (2) обеспечивают возможность придания опорной пластине (3) пластической деформации и принятия опорной пластиной (3) желаемой конфигурации.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором в панель (1) дополнительно вводят сетчатую опорную структуру, выполненную в виде армирующей ...

27-06-1985 дата публикации

Method and device for applying glue in cylindrical bores of furniture components which are to be bonded

Номер: DE0003415039C1

The glue which is required to produce the bonding between furniture components 20 is enclosed hermetically in a sheath which can be easily destroyed. These so-called glue beads 1 are aligned in a vibration conveyor 2 and fed, lying one behind the other or one on top of the other, to a separating device 6 by means of which each glue bead 1 is individually forced, pressed or blown into a cylindrical bore 19 of a furniture component 20. The separating device 6 consists of a fixed component 7 and a separating slide 8 which is movably guided therein and has a recess 9 for receiving a glue bead 1. The glue bead 1 is forced or pressed into the drilled hole 19 via an insertion device 10. The insertion plunger 17 which is guided in a guide 16 serves this purpose. The glue bead 1 can however also be blown into the drilled hole 19 by means of compressed air. ...

05-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015104295U1

Stabelement als Konstruktionsteil, wobei das Stabelement aus einer Mehrzahl von Leisten besteht und wenigstens bereichsweise als Hohlelement ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass im Innenraum des Hohlelementes wenigstens der Verbindungsbereich zweier Leisten als Hohlkehle ausgebildet ist.

23-12-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Oberflaechenbehandlung feuerverzinkter Bleche

Номер: DE0001771487A1

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Aufbringen einer brandschützenden Beschichtung auf ein Substrat und Substrat mit brandschützender Beschichtung

Номер: DE102010054341B3

Gegenstand der Erfindung ist ein Verfahren zum Aufbringen einer brandschützenden Beschichtung auf ein Substrat. Das Verfahren weist folgende Schritte auf: a) Aufbringen einer ersten Klarlackschicht auf das Substrat; b) Aufbringen einer intumeszierenden Brandschutzschicht auf die erste Klarlackschicht; c) Aufbringen einer zweiten Klarlackschicht auf die intumeszierende Brandschutzschicht ...

12-07-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000098943A5

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer dekorierten Oberfläche eines Gegenstandes

Номер: DE102017125744A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer dekorierten Oberfläche eines Gegenstandes, insbesondere einer Dekorplatte aus Kunststoff einem Mineral-Kunststoff-Gemisch oder einem Holzwerkstoff oder einem Holzwerkstoff-Kunststoff-Gemisch (WPC), bei dem das Dekor mit einer Struktur übereinstimmt, die in die Oberfläche eingeprägt wird, um den optischen und haptischen Eindruck eines Naturproduktes zu erzeugen. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass in einem ersten Schritt die Struktur in die Oberfläche eingeprägt wird und daran anschließend in einem zweiten Schritt das Dekor im Digitaldruck unter Berücksichtigung der Struktur aufgedruckt wird.

23-07-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003512528C2

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Breitschlitzdüse und Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Breitschlitzdüse

Номер: DE102019220151A1
Автор: BETZ GERALD, Betz, Gerald

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Breitschlitzdüse zum Applizieren eines mit Partikeln versehenen Fluides, mit einem Düsenkörper (2). Der Düsenkörper (2) umfasst eine Düseninnenkammer (6) zur Aufnahme des mit Partikeln versehenen Fluids. Das mit den Partikeln versehene Fluid ist über einen durch zwei Wände umgrenzten Düsenspalt (7) auf ein sich relativ zu der Breitschlitzdüse in einer Transportrichtung (TR) in Bewegung befindliches Substrat (20) abgebbar. Eine Vibrationseinrichtung (16) ist mit dem Düsenkörper (2) mechanisch gekoppelt, um den Düsenspalt (7) und das in der Düseninnenkammer (6) befindliche und mit den Partikeln versehene Fluid in Schwingung zu versetzen. Die Vibrationseinrichtung (16) ist dazu ausgebildet, den Düsenkörper (2) mit einer oberen Grenzfrequenz von höchstens 1kHz anzuregen.

08-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001571022C3
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG, 6000 FRANKFURT

08-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001629480B2

20-11-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung mehrfarbiger Folien

Номер: DE102005056222B4

Verfahren zur Herstellung mehrfarbiger trägerloser Folien im Umkehrstreichverfahren, wobei zunächst eine Trägerstruktur mit einer ersten Kunststoffschicht aus mehreren gleichzeitig nebeneinander aufgetragenen flüssig-pastösen Kunststoff-Chargen unterschiedlicher Farbgebung beschichtet wird und danach auf diese erste Kunststoffschicht eine zweite Kunststoffschicht in Form einer Schaumfolie aufgetragen und weitere Lack- oder Kleberschichen auf die zweite Kunststoffschicht aufgebracht werden, wobei nach ausreichender Trocknung des Schichtverbundes die Trägerstruktur abgezogen und die darunter liegende Oberfläche des Schichtverbundes lackiert und mit einer geprägten Oberflächenstruktur versehen und danach geschnitten wird, wobei die Kunststoff-Chargen unterschiedlicher Farbgebung bis kurz vor dem Anhaften auf der Trägerstruktur getrennt geführt und die Trägerstruktur über Walze und Rakel bzw. Streichmesser mit einem flüssigen Kunststoff beschichtet wird, wobei der Massenstrom über den Kanalquerschnitt ...

01-03-2007 дата публикации

Metallic workpiece powder coating method for use in coating plant, involves cleaning surface of workpiece by particles that are thermally released in treatment section, and heating workpiece only near-surface of workpiece by eddy current

Номер: DE102005041213A1

The method involves heating near-surface region of a workpiece by eddy currents produced by induction. The surface of the workpiece is cleaned by particles that are thermally released in a treatment section. The coating powder is applied on the workpiece, where the near-surface region is brought into a temperature level. The workpiece is heated only near-surface of the workpiece by eddy current and is held in the temperature level. The coated workpiece is passed through a cooling phase by a cooling section (5). An independent claim is also included for an arrangement for implementing a method for electrostatic powder coating of metallic workpiece and curing of the powder coating.

23-08-2007 дата публикации

Door sheet for garage gate or industrial gate, has embossed and painted surface of sheet metal, where painting is so carried out that one color is visible on raised areas and another color is visible in depressions between raised areas

Номер: DE102006006325A1

The door sheet has an embossed and painted surface of sheet metal. The embossed sheet metal surface is based on a natural material through a two colored co-coordinated finishing on the stamping (3). The painting is so carried out that one color is visible on raised areas (1) of the embossed sheet metal surface and another color is visible in the depressions (2) between the raised areas. An independent claim is also included for a method of painting sheet metal surfaces of a door sheet.

04-02-2010 дата публикации

Method for surface coating of a base material with layer materials, comprises providing the base material with a protective material, wearing out upper most part of the protective layer and providing the protective layer with a cover layer

Номер: DE102008033977A1

The method comprises providing a base material (1) with a protective material in a first step, wearing out upper most part of the protective layer in a second step and providing the protective layer with a cover layer by a plasma coating process in a third step. The coating is carried out with the cover layer by a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process. The protective layer is cleaned and/or degreased after the first or the second section through a plasma process. The coating of the protective layer in the first and/or second step is carried out through a plasma process. The method comprises providing a base material (1) with a protective material in a first step, wearing out upper most part of the protective layer in a second step and providing the protective layer with a cover layer by a plasma coating process in a third step. The coating is carried out with the cover layer by a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process. The protective layer is cleaned and/or degreased ...

08-02-2012 дата публикации

Automotive protectant compositions with improved vertical cling

Номер: GB0002482639A

The present invention relates generally to compositions, methods of use and kits for use as an automotive protectant composition and/or automotive cleaning composition. The protectant composition and/or cleaning composition comprises at least one surfactant and at least one rheology modifier, at least one silicone component, and water. The composition also optionally comprise, pH adjusters, builders, alkalinity sources, wetting agents, spreading agents, UV absorbers. The protectant composition has a viscosity of about 4000 to 6000 cps and exhibits a Vertical Cling parameter of between 1 and about 7 at a temperature of about 250C on automotive surfaces to which the compositions are applied.

28-12-2016 дата публикации

Prepreg for manufacturing composite materials

Номер: GB0002516274B
Принадлежит: GURIT (UK) LTD, Gurit (UK) Limited

30-09-2015 дата публикации

Printing system and method

Номер: GB0201514619D0

17-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009301394D0

02-10-1985 дата публикации

Production of plywood for formwork

Номер: GB2155850A

A method of producing plywood for use in making formwork, the method comprising dispersing a first dose of adhesive polyolefine resin powder 2 on the plywood 1 being conveyed, preheating the resin powder on the plywood, pressing the preheated resin with a first heated roller until it spreads on the surface of the plywood in a molten state and covers the plywood as a first film bonded thereto, dispersing a second dose of non-adhesive polyolefine resin powder 6 on the first film, wherein the non-adhesive polyolefine resin is chemically compatible with the first resin, preheating the second dose of resin powder on the first film, pressing the preheated second resin with a second heated roller until a second film is produced on the first film, and cooling the first and second films bonded to each other on the plywood rapidly with a blast of cooling medium until the surface temperature drops below 80 DEG C. ...

16-06-2010 дата публикации

Vehicle body production method

Номер: GB0201007245D0

08-01-2003 дата публикации

Production of flame-retardent panels

Номер: GB0000228193D0

16-01-2013 дата публикации

Workpiece surface modification during ultrasonic peening

Номер: GB0002492831A

An ultrasonic peening apparatus comprises an enclosure 102 for receiving at least part of a workpiece 103 and a component such as a sonotrode 101 vibrating at an ultrasonic frequency to impart energy to bombarding particles 104, surface augmentation material 107 being provided within the enclosure 102. An inlet such as a nozzle 106 may be provided for the surface augmentation material 107 and the inlet may be provided in a surface of the vibrating component 101. The surface augmentation material may be fluidized in a gas stream, provided in an aerosol 107 or as a component of the particles 104. The ultrasonic frequency may be between 15 and 100 kHz, the vibration amplitude may be between 0 and 300μm peak to valley and the workpiece may be between 1 and 300mm from the sonotrode 101. The particles 104 may be grit or shot, 0.1 to 10mm in diameter, between a density of 0.1 and 25 g/cm2 and the volume ratio between the articles 104 and the enclosure 102may be less than 50%. The enclosure 102 ...

28-03-2007 дата публикации

Process for modifying cellulose

Номер: GB0000702795D0

18-01-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of a surface finish on chip board and sheets of fibrous materials

Номер: GB0001055658A

... 1,055,658. Surfacing chipboard etc.; laminates. VEREINIGTE ABZIEHBILDERWERKE VEB. May 28, 1964. No. 22116/64. Headings B5A and B5N. Sheets 1 of chipboard or like fibrous material are coated on both sides with a liquid surfacing agent composed of a mixture of synthetic resins with a filler, the coating is pre-dried, e.g. by infra-red lamps 7, and then calendered by calendering rollers 8, 81 and finally the sheets are subjected to heat and pressure in a press I6 to cure the resin. The filler may be calcium carbonate. A sheet 10 of paper bearing a printed wood pattern may be applied simultaneously with the calendering. End discs on the rollers 8, 81 (Fig. 2, not shown) determine the thickness of the resin coating.

03-10-1984 дата публикации

Method of producing support for photographic paper

Номер: GB0002137118A

Disclosed is a method of producing a support for a photographic paper, which comprises applying primary irradiation of electron beams to at least one coated layer formed on one side or both sides of a substrate and curable by irradiation of electron beams, bringing the surface of said coated layer into contact with a form member and then peeling it from the form member, followed by applying secondary irradiation of electron beams to the coated layer. The primary irradiation is carried out in the manner that the surface of the coated layer may hold shapes substantially corresponding to shapes on the surface of the form member at the stage where the coated layer has been peeled off from the form member.

04-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008413854D0

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cold spraying and coating processing

Номер: GB0002558491A

A nozzle element for applying powder material to a substrate is provided. The powdered material is applied from the nozzle element onto the substrate generating a coating of the powder material defined by a first film thickness and a first particle size of the powder material. A deformation nozzle element is provided for spraying shot toward the coating of powder material disposed upon the substrate deforming particles of the powder material disposed in the coating forming a second particle size being smaller than the first particle size and deforming the coating to define a second film thickness being less than the first film thickness.

30-12-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001258676A

13-02-2019 дата публикации

Stretch laminate

Номер: GB0201821227D0

06-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002022463B
Принадлежит: ATLAS COPCO AB

26-08-1959 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the application of a surface layer to sheet materials

Номер: GB0000819105A

... 819,105. Laminates. AKERLUND & RAUSING A.B. July 3, 1957 [July 5, 1956], No. 21018/57. Class 140. In applying webs of paper, metal foil, felted fabric, or fabric of man-made fibres, to extruded sheets of plastic material such as polythene the thickening of the edges of the plastic sheets, which is stated to result from the extrusion process, is compensated for by thinning the edges of the webs, e.g. by grinding. Grinding may be effected by individual grinding wheels rotating in planes transverse to the direction of travel of the web and grinding towards its lateral edges. In an example,. molten polythene extruder downwardly is applied to a paper web 0.22 mm. thick in the nip of pressure rollers, the roll contacting the plastic being maintained at a temperature below its solidification point. The polythene film is generally 0.05 mm. thick but has edge beads about 7 mm. wide and 0.20 mm. maximum thickness. The paper web before lamination is thinned at its edges by grinding, to a complementary ...

21-02-1979 дата публикации

Differential gloss release sheet

Номер: GB0002002260A
Автор: Blenkhorn, Gary Paul

Disclosed is a release sheet comprising a base sheet, a release surface over the base sheet, and first and second gloss-producing layers permanently secured to the base sheet, the first gloss-producing layer being continuous over the surface of the base sheet and covering the entire sheet and the second gloss-producing layer forming a discontinuous pattern over the first gloss-producing layer and imparting a different gloss level from the first gloss-producing layer, to thereby produce a differential gloss pattern on the release sheet which is transferable to a plastic film or sheet formed on or against the release sheet without transfer of the materials forming the first and second gloss-producing layers. Also disclosed are the method of making the release sheet, the method of forming the plastic film or sheet on or against the release sheet, and the plastic film or sheet product so formed.

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362402T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359127T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444815T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440676T

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502139A1

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466666T

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines metallisierten Substrats

Номер: AT0000512041B1

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines metallisierten Substrats (1), wobei das Substrat (1) zumindest teilweise, vorzugsweise vollständig, aus Aluminium und/oder einer Aluminiumlegierung besteht, wobei auf einer Oberfläche (2) des Substrats (1) zumindest bereichsweise eine Leiterpaste (3) aufgebracht wird, in einer ersten Brennphase (B1) die Leiterpaste (3) einer im Wesentlichen kontinuierlich steigenden Brenntemperatur (T) ausgesetzt wird, wobei die Brenntemperatur (T) auf eine vorgebbare maximale Brenntemperatur (Tmax) kleiner etwa 660 °C erhöht wird, in einer zweiten Brennphase (B2) die Leiterpaste (3) für einen vorgebbaren Zeitraum (tB) im Wesentlichen der vorgebbaren maximalen Brenntemperatur (Tmax) ausgesetzt wird, in einer Abkühlphase (A) die Leiterpaste (3) abgekühlt wird und in einer Nachbehandlungsphase eine Oberfläche (4) der Leiterpaste (3) mechanisch nachbehandelt, vorzugsweise gebürstet, wird.

15-05-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines metallisierten Substrats

Номер: AT0000512041A4

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines metallisierten Substrats (1), wobei das Substrat (1) zumindest teilweise, vorzugsweise vollständig, aus Aluminium und/oder einer Aluminiumlegierung besteht, wobei auf einer Oberfläche (2) des Substrats (1) zumindest bereichsweise eine Leiterpaste (3) aufgebracht wird, in einer ersten Brennphase (B1) die Leiterpaste (3) einer im Wesentlichen kontinuierlich steigenden Brenntemperatur (T) ausgesetzt wird, wobei die Brenntemperatur (T) auf einevorgebbare maximale Brenntemperatur (Tmax) kleiner etwa 660 °C erhöht wird, in einer zweiten Brennphase (B2) die Leiterpaste (3) für einen vorgebbaren Zeitraum(tB) im Wesentlichen der vorgebbaren maximalen Brenntemperatur (Tmax) ausgesetzt wird, in einer Abkühlphase (A) die Leiterpaste (3) abgekühlt wird und in einer Nachbehandlungsphase eine Oberfläche (4) der Leiterpaste (3) mechanisch nachbehandelt, vorzugsweise gebürstet, wird.

15-06-2018 дата публикации

Adherence - and crack resistant insulating layer structure and a method of manufacturing a coating structure for power converter housing and upper layer

Номер: AT0000516868B1

Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, einen Lackaufbau für Stromwandlergehäuse zu schaffen, der eine gute Haftung mit dem Wandlergehäuse und zwischen Lackaufbau und Vergussmasse der Spulen und gute elektrische Eigenschaften, wie gute Isolation und gleichzeitig eine magnetische Entkopplung besitzt. Weiterhin muss eine Verhinderung einer elektrostatischen Elektrizität sowie eine antistatische Ausrüstung die Hüllbedingung der Stromwandlerspulen über mindestens fünf Seiten gegeben sein. Weiterhin soll kein Abriebeffekt im Lackaufbau beim Eingießen der Spulen mit der Vergussmasse eintreten. Als Grundlage für den späteren Stromwandlereinbau in das Stromwandlergehäuse (1) wird ein Grundfüller (2) auf der Basis eines 2K-Füllprimers und ein elektrisch leitender Lack (3) als Oberschichtlack (3) und als Koppelschicht (3) übereinander in gleicher Schichtdicke aufgetragen. Zuvor erfolgt eine Reinigung des Stromwandlergehäuses (1) durch Beflammen, dann das Ausblasen mit ionisierter Luft und anschließend ...

15-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000055304T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326779T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331608T

25-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000340019B

25-06-1970 дата публикации

Procedure for the improvement of the surface of a hydrophoben foil

Номер: AT0000282209B

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Load-bearing member surface treatment

Номер: AU2018200593A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method of surface treating a load-bearing member comprising a tension member and a polymer jacket around the tension member is disclosed. According to the method, a liquid composition including water, a water-soluble organic polyol or a water-soluble organic polymer, and a surfactant is applied to a surface of the polymer jacket. ci 34 d Id 34 ci ci 6 36 d c 6 32 28 I 28 28 3 -30 ...

26-07-2007 дата публикации

Method for producing a cladding element

Номер: AU2007207067A1

28-08-2008 дата публикации

Continuous coating of pellets

Номер: AU2008218792A1

19-03-2009 дата публикации

Substrates coated with coating systems that include a treatment layer

Номер: AU2006232845B2

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method of doping surfaces

Номер: AU2007296573B2

Disclosed herein are methods of treating an article surface. The method comprises removing a metal oxide surface from the metal substrate to expose a metal surface; and delivering particles comprising a dopant from at least one fluid jet to the metal surface to impregnate the surface of the article with the dopant. The method also comprises delivering substantially simultaneously a first set of particles comprising a dopant and a second set of particles comprising an abrasive from at least one fluid jet to a surface of an article to impregnate the surface of the article with the dopant.

22-09-2003 дата публикации

Method for coating both surfaces of a continuous web

Номер: AU2003209794A8

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Actinic radiation cured polyurethane coating for decorative surface coverings

Номер: AU2015246209B2
Принадлежит: Lord & Company

The present invention is related to decorative surface coverings, in particular floor or wall coverings, exhibiting low VOC emission, comprising one or more adjacent plasticized polyvinyl chloride layers and a polyurethane top-layer, said top-layer being obtained from the actinic irradiation of an aqueous ethylenically unsaturated polyurethane dispersion after evaporation of the water part. The decorative surface coverings comprise a mechanical embossed textured and/or patterned structure.

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Catheter tubing with extraluminal antimicrobial coating

Номер: AU2015250122B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Various methods can be employed to apply an antimicrobial coating to the outer surface of catheter tubing. The antimicrobial coating minimizes the risk of microbe colonization on the outer surface of the catheter tubing when the catheter tubing is positioned within the vasculature of a patient. A catheter can be manufactured using a pre-treatment process which applies the antimicrobial coating to the catheter tubing prior to applying a lubricant over top of the coating. The lubricant can function to retain the coating on the outer surface and also to limit the diffusion of the antimicrobial agent from the coating.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Easy-clean surface and method of making the same

Номер: AU2014265845B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A method of providing an easy-clean, water-sheeting coating on a substrate includes: abrading a surface of a substrate using an abrasive article to provide an abraded surface having a surface roughness R?a#191 in a range of from 100 nm to 3500 nm, contacting a coatable composition with the abraded surface, and removing water from the coatable composition. The coatable composition comprises silica nanoparticles and has a pH of 7.5 or less. A kit including the abrasive article and the coatable composition is also disclosed.

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Window member and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: AU2014200981B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A window member includes: a glass member; a display member wherein the glass member has a bottom surface which faces and overlays the display member and a pattern layer 5 provided on a first surface of the glass member and having a fine pattern. The pattern layer is silk-screen printed on the first surface of the glass member to directly contact the surface of the glass member. A method of manufacturing a window member, includes: forming a pattern 10 layer such that the pattern layer contacts a surface of the glass member along a periphery of the glass member. The pattern layer is formed at a location which is offset inward from a periphery of the glass member. 5142813_1 (GHMatters) P96350.AU 25/02/14 ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

A protective coating composition, coated substrate and method for protecting a substrate (II)

Номер: AU2013201963B8

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Coating apparatus

Номер: AU2016268514C1

An apparatus is disclosed for coating a surface that is movable relative to the apparatus with a layer of thermoplastic particles, the particles adhering more strongly to the surface than to one another. The apparatus comprises at least one spray head 1401 for directly or indirectly applying to the surface 12 a fluid stream within which the particles are suspended, a housing 403 surrounding the spray head(s) 1401 and defining an interior plenum 1406 for confining the fluid stream, the housing having a rim 1404 adjacent the surface that is configured to prevent egress of particles from a sealing gap defined between the rim of the housing and the surface to be coated, and a suction source connected to the housing to extract from the plenum 10 the sprayed fluid and particles suspended in the sprayed fluid. In operation, the suction source extracts substantially all particles that are not in direct contact with the surface, so as to leave only a substantially single particle layer adhering ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Axial piston pump

Номер: AU2014270771B2
Автор: BOSCH RALF, Bosch, Ralf

The invention relates to an axial piston swash plate pump, in particular for hydraulic systems, comprising a cylinder drum (1) which can be rotationally driven about an axis (15) in a pump housing (7), in which pistons (21) are arranged in an axially displaceable manner supporting, by means of the actuation end thereof (31) which is accessible from the outside of the cylinder drum (1), at least indirectly a swash plate (3), said swash plate being pivotable to the desired angles of inclination with respect to the axis (15) in order to adjust the stroke of the piston (21) and also the fluid system pressure generated thereby. Said swash plate (3) is mounted, for the pivotable movements thereof, on the pump housing (7) by means of a swash plate bearing (39, 41); characterized in that a supply device (5), which enables a fluid which is at a system pressure to travel at least to the swash plate bearing (39, 41), is provided.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016213837B2

A method for producing a building material includes a first step of applying an undercoat paint onto a surface of an inorganic base material, curing the undercoat paint, and polishing the undercoat paint; and a second step of applying an enamel paint onto the undercoat paint and curing the enamel paint. The undercoat paint contains an undercoat forming material and a filler. The enamel paint contains an enamel-forming material and a pigment. The enamel-forming material is a solvent-based resin. A content of the filler in the undercoat paint is 40% to 70% by mass in terms of solid content. A content of the pigment in the enamel paint is 1% to 50% by mass in terms of solid content.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Hard muli-coat on optical article

Номер: AU2016369448C1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

An optical device and method for manufacturing the optical device is provided. The optical device comprises an optical article having a substrate, a primer layer, and a hard multi-coat (HMC). The HMC comprises at least one layer. At least one of the layers, the substrate, and the HMC comprises at least one carbon allotrope that is absorbed by diffusion. The method of manufacturing involves combining and organic solvent and deionized water to form a solution, mixing into the solution at least one carbon allotrope, applying sonication to the solution an optical article comprising at least one of a substrate, a primer layer on the substrate, and a HMC, immersing and then withdrawing the optical article from the solution, withdrawing the optical article from the solution, and evaporating excess liquid from the solution.

25-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000555401B2

29-05-2000 дата публикации

In-press process for coating composite substrates

Номер: AU0001605900A

31-07-2000 дата публикации

Biaxially oriented polyethylene film with improved optics and sealability properties

Номер: AU0001716400A

14-11-2000 дата публикации

High speed embossing and adhesive printing process and apparatus

Номер: AU0004075200A

03-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002595055A1

A process is process is provided for producing a wood product exhibiting enhanced resistance to checking. The process comprises selecting a wood component, heating the surface of the wood component (20) and applying a radiation-curable composition (70) to the surface.

26-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002569515A1

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002585020A1

Thermoplastic resin coated metal, ceramic, and glass articles are made by providing a metal, ceramic, or glass article, applying an aqueous solution, suspension, and/or dispersion of a coating material comprising a first thermoplastic resin to a coated or uncoated surface of the article substrate by dip, spray, or flow coating, withdrawing the article from the dip, spray, or flow coating at a rate so as to form a first coherent film, removing any excess material resulting from the dip, spray, or flow coating, and curing and/or drying the coated article until the first film is substantially dried so as to form a first coating, where the first thermoplastic resin comprises a thermoplastic epoxy resin. Additional coatings of similar or different compositions may be applied onto the first coating in successive iterations of the steps of the inventive process.

27-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001164284A1

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Hair fastening device and method of use

Номер: US20120012132A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair fastening device including a spring arm and pressuring curve for maintaining the fastening device in a desired location in a user's hair.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

System and method for drying five-sided containers

Номер: US20120015102A1
Автор: William C. Nowack
Принадлежит: Valspar Sourcing Inc

A method of painting a five-sided container, which includes applying a water-based paint to the interior surfaces and the exterior surfaces of the container, and forcing heated air into the open side of the container to at least partially dry the paint on the interior surfaces and the exterior surfaces of the container.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Dispersion, slurry and process for producing a casting mould for precision casting using the slurry

Номер: US20120111224A1

Slurry which contains a) from (50) to (80) % by weight of refractory particles having an average particle size of from (0.5) m to (150) m, b) from (5) to (35) % by weight of aluminium oxide particles having an average particle diameter of less than (300) nm and c) from (5) to (35) % by weight of water and d) a pH of from (5) to (12). Process for producing the slurry using a dispersion, and also the dispersion itself. Process for producing a casting mould, and also the casting mould itself.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Polyurethane floor finishes with hybrid performance

Номер: US20120201963A1
Принадлежит: ECOLAB USA INC

VOC-compliant aqueous polyurethane floor coating compositions and components are provided. Embodiments include at least one organic solvent having a vapor pressure of less than 0.1 mm Hg under ambient conditions and a viscosity of less than 60 cps for at least three hours after being formed. The coating compositions exhibit application characteristics of acrylic floor coatings and durability characteristics of polyurethane floor coatings.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Imprinting apparatus, imprinting method, and manufacturing method of uneven plate

Номер: US20120207931A1
Автор: Takumi Ota
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an imprinting apparatus includes an ejecting unit, a stage, a moving unit, and an observation unit. The ejecting unit ejects and drips a hardening resin material onto a substrate to be processed. The substrate to be processed is placed onto the stage. The moving unit relatively moves the ejecting unit and the stage. The observation unit observes the dripped hardening resin material and the pattern with the state in which the dripped hardening resin material and the pattern are overlaid on a plane, before the template is brought into contact with the hardening resin material.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Paint with metallic microwires, process for integrating metallic microwires in paint and process for applying said paint on metallic surfaces

Номер: US20120258245A1
Принадлежит: Micromag 2000 Sl

The present invention relates to a paint with metallic microwires, to the process for integrating metallic microwires to obtain such paint, and to a process for applying said paint on metallic surfaces ( 1 ). The process for applying paint is performed in several steps: applying a first coat ( 2 ) of primer on the metallic surface; applying on the first coat ( 2 ) a second coat ( 3, 3′ ) of paint; applying on said second coat ( 3 ) an active third coat ( 4 ) of a paint containing microwires; and sanding said active third coat ( 4 ) with fine grain sandpaper to remove the microwires oriented perpendicular to the plane of the metallic surface; the maximum attenuation frequency of the reflectivity of said electromagnetic radiation being determined within of the range of maximum attenuation frequencies given by the composition of the paint with microwires, and by the thicknesses and dielectric constants of the different coats.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for the spot repair of scrath-resistant paint films

Номер: US20120269964A1
Принадлежит: BASF Coatings Japan Ltd

A spot repair method of scratch-resistant paint film: (a) sanding a part to be repaired having a scratch-resistant clear paint film thereon, (b) sanding a part to be clear gradation painted outside the part to be repaired with an abrasive material, (c) painting the part to be repaired with a color base-paint, (d) applying a clear paint wet-on-wet without curing the color base-paint, (e) applying a clear paint diluted with a gradation agent to the part to be gradation painted, (f) drying the applied paints, and (g) polishing the dried parts, wherein (1) the clear paint is a two-liquid type having an isocyanate curing agent and (2) the gradation agent comprises from 5 to 50 mass % ethyl ethoxypropionate, from 1 to 5 mass % of an acrylic resin as solid fraction, a surfactant and a curing catalyst.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Marked precoated medical device and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20120271248A1
Принадлежит: Innovatech Inc

A method of manufacturing a coated medical device, such as a medical guide wire, including at least applying a first colored coating to at least a first portion of an outer surface of a medical guide wire, securing a first end of the medical guide wire, and for each a designated quantity of turns, turn a second end of the medical guide wire upon a longitudinal axis of the medical guide wire. The method of manufacturing also includes securing the second end of the medical guide wire, blocking at least a first portion of the coated surface of the medical guide wire, applying a second contrasting colored coating to at least a second, unblocked portion of the outer surface of the medical guide wire and releasing the first end and the second end of the medical guide wire to display at least one spiral marking formed along a length of the medical guide wire.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for repairing concrete surfaces

Номер: US20130019562A1
Автор: Darryl F. Manuel
Принадлежит: Individual

Products and methods for treating imperfections in concrete surfaces, especially floors being polished, wherein the products are used with grinding equipment, and combine with concrete powder or fines to fill, e.g., cracks, holes and voids and blend with the existing color of the concrete surface thereby yielding a consistent, natural looking surface.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089669A1
Автор: Barrus Kent, Hills Dal N.

A method for protecting an organic flooring surface (e.g., VCT, wood, a synthetic laminate material, etc.) or a surface of another organic substrate includes applying a composition that includes a silicate and a siliconate to the organic substrate and, with the composition on the surface, burnishing the surface. In some embodiments, the composition may be applied to the surface for maintenance purposes (e.g., periodic cleaning and/or polishing, etc.). The silicate of the composition may include an alkali metal polysilicate, a colloidal silica, or any other suitable silicate. In addition to the silicate and siliconate, the composition may include, or even consist essentially of, acrylic latex, a silane coupling agent, and a solvent, such as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. Such a composition may also include a leveling agent, such as a surfactant. 1. A method for protecting an organic flooring surface , comprising:applying a composition including a silicate and a siliconate to an organic flooring surface; andwith the composition on the organic flooring surface, burnishing the organic flooring surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the composition comprises applying a composition including a lithium polysilicate to the organic flooring surface.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the composition comprises applying a composition including a colloidal silica to the organic flooring surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the composition comprises applying a composition including a leveling agent to the organic flooring surface.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein applying the composition including the leveling agent includes allowing gravity to enable the composition to spread substantially evenly across the flooring surface.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein burnishing the organic flooring surface comprises polishing the organic flooring surface.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein polishing the organic flooring surface comprises polishing ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Non-Stick Masking Fixtures and Methods of Preparing Same

Номер: US20130101737A1

Non-stick fixtures for selectively masking portions of a workpiece during application of a workpiece coating are described herein. These fixtures have predetermined surfaces thereon having an average surface roughness of about 25 Ra or less and a Rockwell hardness of about 65 Rc or more. The controlled average surface roughness ensures that these fixtures are non-stick with respect to the workpiece coating being applied to the workpieces disposed therein. The controlled Rockwell hardness ensures that the desired average surface roughness can be maintained throughout repeated use of the fixture in harsh coating environments. These fixtures reduce the workpiece coating bridging that occurs between the fixture and the workpiece, and also reduce the amount of overspray that occurs on the workpiece, thereby minimizing the amount of handwork and/or rework that is necessary after the workpiece is coated. This improves process cycle times and yields significantly. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for preparing a fixture for selectively masking a workpiece during application of a workpiece coating , the method comprising the steps of:preparing predetermined surfaces of the fixture to an average surface roughness of about 25 Ra or less; andensuring that the predetermined surfaces are hard enough to maintain the average surface roughness throughout repeated applications of workpiece coating.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the preparing step comprises polishing the predetermined surfaces.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the ensuring step comprises at least one:(a) making at least the predetermined surfaces of the fixture from a material having a Rockwell hardness of at least about 65 Rc;(b) coating at least the predetermined surfaces of the fixture with a fixture coating to harden at least the predetermined surfaces of the fixture to a Rockwell hardness of at least about 65 Rc; and(c) treating at least the predetermined surfaces of the fixture to harden at least the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101786A1
Автор: Bizic Miljenko
Принадлежит: MB ÄDELTRÄ AB

The invention relates to a method for treating a board () of wood material, such as an HDF board, an MDF board, a plywood board, planks or boarding, comprising the steps of providing a board () of wood material, arranging a composition () comprising a binder () on a first main face () of said board (), arranging said board () on a draining surface (), heat-treating said board () and the composition () arranged thereon, and pressing the composition () into said board (). The invention also relates to a board element comprising one or more board layers, which board element comprises binder, the binder being heterogeneously distributed in at least one of said one or more board layers. 11. A method for treating a board () of wood material , such as an HDF board , an MDF board , a plywood board , veneer , planks or boarding comprising the steps of{'b': '1', 'providing a board () of wood material,'}{'b': 8', '9', '2', '1, 'arranging a composition () comprising a binder () on a first main face () of said board ()'}{'b': 1', '22, 'arranging said board () on a draining surface ()'}{'b': 1', '8, 'heat treating said board () and the composition () arranged thereon, and'}{'b': 8', '1, 'pressing the composition () into said board ().'}29. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the binder () is chosen from the group consisting of phenol formaldehyde (PF) claim 1 , melamine formaldehyde (MF) or urea formaldehyde (UF) claim 1 , or a combination thereof.31818. The method as claimed in claim 1 , which provided board () of wood material has a pocketed structure claim 1 , wherein the step of pressing the composition () into said board () comprises pressing the composition () into the pockets.4812. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of pressing the composition () into said board () is realized by applying a mechanical pressure to said first main face ().58181. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of pressing the composition () into said board () ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Finely Structured Surfaces

Номер: US20130101796A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A method for producing finely structured surfaces, in particular in plastics, includes a) applying at least one coating compound on at least one substrate; b) forming a fine structure by a die, which has the negative of a fine structure, c) curing the resultant finely structured coating compound, obtaining a substantially cured coating; and d) separating the finely structured coating from the die, wherein steps d) and c) can also be carried out in the reverse order.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Architectural construct having a plurality of implementations

Номер: US20130101808A1
Автор: Roy Edward McAlister
Принадлежит: McAlister Technologies LLC

An architectural construct is a synthetic material that includes a matrix characterization of different crystals. An architectural construct can be configured as a solid mass or as parallel layers that can be on a nano-, micro-, and macro-scale. Its configuration can determine its behavior and functionality under a variety of conditions. Implementations of an architectural construct can include its use as a substrate, sacrificial construct, carrier, filter, sensor, additive, and catalyst for other molecules, compounds, and substances, or may also include a means to store energy and generate power.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods for producing a thin film consisting of nanosheet monolayer film(s) by spin coat methods, and hyperhydrophilized materials, substrates for an oxide thin film and dielectric materials obtained therefrom

Номер: US20130101829A1

To provide a method for producing a thin film consisting of nanosheet monolayer film(s) and use of the thin film obtained thereby. The method for producing a thin film consisting of nanosheet monolayer film(s) by a spin coat method according to the invention comprises a step for preparing an organic solvent sol formed by allowing nanosheets obtained by the exfoliation of an inorganic layered compound to be dispersed in an organic solvent; and a step for dropping the organic solvent sol onto a substrate and rotating the substrate using a spin coater. Preferably, the nanosheet size, the organic solvent sol concentration and the spin coater rotation speed are controlled.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Single Step Milling and Surface Coating Process for Preparing Stable Nanodispersions

Номер: US20130121936A1
Принадлежит: Nanomateriales S.A. de C.V.

A single step milling and surface coating process allows for production of a stable dispersion of surface coated nanoparticles in an efficient manner. The process comprises providing feed particles, providing a coating agent, and generating the stable dispersion of surface coated nanoparticles by milling the feed particles in an aqueous medium containing the coating agent such that the coating agent bonds to surfaces of the feed particles as the feed particles are milled to an average particle size of less than about 100 nm. 1. A single step milling and surface coating process for producing a stable dispersion of surface coated nanoparticles , the single step process comprising:combining feed particles comprising zinc oxide having an average primary particle size of 200 nm or greater with an aqueous medium containing a coating agent; andgenerating a stable aqueous dispersion of surface coated nanoparticles by milling the feed particles at a concentration of 10% to 75% by weight in the aqueous medium containing the coating agent such that the coating agent bonds to surfaces of the feed particles as the feed particles are milled to an average particle size of 100 nm or less.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the feed particles additionally comprise titanium dioxide particles.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the feed particles have an average primary particle size of from about 200 nm to about 2500 nm prior to milling.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coating agent includes a polymer or copolymer comprising acrylates or organosilicon compounds.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coating agent comprises a polyacrylate polymer.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coating agent comprises at least one water soluble metal compound that binds to surfaces of the feed particles and to newly formed surfaces of the feed particles as a metal oxide claim 1 , hydroxide or hydrous oxide to provide the surface coating of the surface coated nanoparticles.7. The ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129925A1

A roll blade coating method including transferring an excessive amount of a coating liquid onto a continuously running web, and adjusting the excessive amount of the coating liquid to a desired adhesion amount with a roll blade, wherein the roll blade is held by a holding member for holding the roll blade, wherein the holding member is pressed by a plurality of air cylinders each configured to press the holding member, wherein the air cylinders are arranged in a side of the holding member, which side is opposite to a side where the holding member holds the roll blade, and wherein the air cylinders can separately be adjusted in air pressure. 1. A roll blade coating method comprising:transferring an excessive amount of a coating liquid onto a continuously running web; andadjusting the excessive amount of the coating liquid to a desired adhesion amount with a roll blade,wherein the roll blade is held by a holding member for holding the roll blade,wherein the holding member is pressed by a plurality of air cylinders each configured to press the holding member,wherein the air cylinders are arranged in a side of the holding member, which side is opposite to a side where the holding member holds the roll blade, andwherein the air cylinders can separately be adjusted in air pressure.2. The roll blade coating method according to claim 1 , wherein the air pressure of each of the air cylinders arranged in the vicinity of both ends of the web in the width direction is adjusted to an air pressure lower than the average air pressure of the other operating air cylinders.3. The roll blade coating method according to claim 1 , wherein the roll blade has a diameter of 8 mm to 15 mm.4. The roll blade coating method according to claim 1 , wherein the air cylinder has an outer diameter of 10 mm to 50 mm.5. The roll blade coating method according to claim 1 , wherein an arrangement pitch of the air cylinders is set to satisfy the relation: outer diameter D of air cylinder≦arrangement ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Composite material with coating material

Номер: US20130129952A1

A composite material includes a carrier material, wherein the carrier material is coated on a first surface with a first coating material and on a second surface with a second coating material, the composite material has links of coating material which run from the first surface of the carrier material to the second surface of the carrier material, and the links of coating material start from 1% to 90% of at least one of the surfaces of the carrier material. A method includes producing a composite material of this type.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142955A1

A doctor blade assembly for use in combination with apparatus for forming a film on a substrate. The doctor blade assembly includes a doctor blade to be mounted on a programmable robot. The doctor blade has a bottom face and spacers at opposite ends of the body of the doctor blade extending a predetermined distance down below the bottom face of the body for contacting a substrate and spacing the bottom face from the substrate. The spacers are adjustable relative to the doctor blade for adjusting the predetermined distance according to the thickness of film to be formed on the substrate. Other aspects and methods are also disclosed. 1. Apparatus for forming films on substrates , comprising:a doctor blade,a programmable robot for moving the doctor blade along X, Y and Z axes, the X and Y-axes being generally horizontal and the Z axis being generally vertical, anda flexible coupling for coupling the doctor blade to the robot, said flexible coupling being configured for exerting a downward force on the doctor blade as it moves along a substrate during the formation of a film on the substrate.2. Apparatus as set forth in wherein said downward force is a spring force having a vertical component and a horizontal component.3. Apparatus as set forth in wherein said flexible coupling comprises a spring member having a longitudinal axis.4. Apparatus as set forth in wherein said spring member is adapted to bend along its longitudinal axis as it exerts said downward force on the doctor blade.5. Apparatus as set forth in wherein said spring member has a releasable connection with said doctor blade.6. Apparatus as set forth in wherein said doctor blade comprises a body having a bottom face adapted to be spaced a predetermined distance from the substrate to form a gap between the bottom surface and the substrate generally corresponding to the thickness of the film to be formed on the substrate claim 3 , and wherein said bottom face lies in a plane oblique to the longitudinal axis ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Burnishing methods and compositions

Номер: US20130164450A1
Автор: Terry R. Hobbs
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Aqueous film-forming compositions comprising polyurethane and fugitive plasticizer; and, methods of coating such compositions onto a surface of a substrate and of burnishing the coated composition.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method of surface tension control to reduce trapped gas bubbles

Номер: US20130196122A1

The embodiments disclose a method of surface tension control to reduce trapped gas bubbles in an imprint including modifying chemistry aspects of interfacial surfaces of an imprint template and a substrate to modify surface tensions, differentiating the interfacial surface tensions to control interfacial flow rates of a pre-cured liquid resist and controlling pre-cured liquid resist interfacial flow rates to reduce trapping gas and prevent trapped gas bubble defects in cured imprinted resist.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203100A1
Принадлежит: Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.

A specimen processing system is capable of processing specimens carried on slides. The specimen processing system can sequentially deliver slides and opposables to specimen processing stations. The specimen processing stations can use the opposables to apply a series of liquids to the specimens. The applied liquid can be moved along the slide using capillary action while the specimen processing stations control the processing temperatures. The applied liquid can be in a fluid-carrying gap. The opposable can contact the slide to vary a cross section of the fluid-carrying gap. 1. A specimen-processing assembly , comprising: a body having a non-planar fluid-manipulating surface,', 'at least one spacer element coupled to the body and configured to space the fluid-manipulating surface from a slide to define a fluid-carrying gap between the fluid-manipulating surface and the slide; and, 'an opposable including—'}an actuator configured to change a position of the opposable relative to the slide or to change the position of the slide relative to the opposable to move a volume of fluid in a first and second direction along the slide while the spacer element contacts the slide to vary a cross section of the fluid-carrying gap in a plane that is substantially perpendicular to the first and second directions.2. The specimen-processing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the spacer element has a height that varies relative to a length of the opposable.3. The specimen-processing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the spacer element includes a plurality of first gapping elements at a first side portion of the fluid-manipulating surface and a plurality of second gapping elements at a second side portion of the fluid-manipulating surface.4. The specimen-processing assembly of claim 3 , wherein:the actuator is configured to rotate at least one of the opposable in a plane of rotation; andthe plurality of first gapping elements define a first height profile parallel to the plane of rotation, and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209686A1

A coating for a substrate, the coating including an acrylic adhesive adapted to be spread on the substrate and cured to form a decorative coating, and a method for providing a coated substrate, the method including spreading a layer of an acrylic adhesive on a substrate; and curing the acrylic adhesive to provide a coating affixed to the substrate. 1. A method for providing a coated substrate , the method comprising:spreading a layer of an x-linked, water-based acrylic adhesive having self-cross linked polymer binder, on a substrate;curing said acrylic adhesive to provide a coating affixed to the substrate; andsponging an outer surface of the acrylic adhesive with a wet sponge soaked with water, before curing, so as to cause formation of a plurality of surface cracks in the acrylic adhesive during curing.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of sponging includes sponging along a length and/or width of the surface of the layer of acrylic adhesive.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of sponging includes sponging in circular motions on the surface of the layer of acrylic adhesive.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising applying a water-based outer protective layer to said cured adhesive.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said outer protective layer is selected from the group including an acrylic varnish claim 3 , transparent lacquer claim 3 , polyurea claim 3 , polyurethane and epoxy.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said substrate is selected from the group including a screen claim 1 , a lattice claim 1 , wood claim 1 , Styrofoam claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , plasterboard claim 1 , glass claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , basalt insulation material.7. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising painting or printing on said cured adhesive layer.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:said step of spreading includes casting said acrylic adhesive on a lattice on the substrate ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Process for Conditioning the Surface of Hardened Sheet-Steel Components Which Are Protected Against Corrosion

Номер: US20130213530A1

The invention relates to a process for conditioning the surface of hardened, corrosion-protected sheet-steel components; the steel plate is a steel plate that is covered with a metallic coating and is heated for hardening and is then quench hardened and after the hardening, oxides that are present on the corrosion protection coating due to the heating are removed; the component undergoes a slide grinding in order to condition the surface of the metallic covering or corrosion protection layer. 1. A process for conditioning the surface of hardened , corrosion-protected sheet-steel components , comprising:covering a steel plate with a metallic coating;heating the steel plate for hardening and then quench hardening;after the hardening, removing oxides that are present on the corrosion protection coating due to the heating; andslide grinding the steel plate in order to condition the surface of the metallic covering or corrosion protection layer.2. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the corrosion protection layer is a zinc-based coating; during the heating and quench hardening claim 1 , ZnFe phases form in the corrosion protection layer; and further comprising carrying out the surface conditioning so that oxides resting on or adhering to the corrosion protection layer are ground off and ZnFe phases that are present in the corrosion protection layer are ground away slightly and their micro-porosity is exposed.3. The process as recited in claim 2 , wherein at least one of the group consisting of a duration of the slide grinding claim 2 , a vibration amplitude of the slide grinding claim 2 , and slide grinding particles are matched so that claim 2 , the oxides are ground off and the ZnFe phases are ground away slightly claim 2 , but the corrosion protection coating is essentially not ground off.4. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising using slide grinding particles and solid and/or liquid additives during the slide grinding; wherein the solid and/or ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213930A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

Droplets of resist material are coated using the ink jet method under conditions that: the viscosity of the resist material is within a range from 8 cP to 20 cP, the surface energy of the resist material is within a range from 25 mN/m to 35 mN/m, the amount of resist material in each of the droplets is within a range from 1 pl to 10 pl, and the placement intervals among the droplets are within a range from 10 μm to 1000 μm. A mold is pressed against the surface of the substrate in a He and/or a depressurized atmosphere such that: an intersection angle formed between a main scanning direction of the ink jet method and the direction of the lines of the linear pattern of protrusions and recesses, which is an intersection angle when pressing the mold against the surface of the substrate, is within a range from 30° to 90°. 1. A nanoimprinting method , comprising:coating a substrate with a plurality of droplets of resist material by the ink jet method; andpressing a linear pattern of protrusions and recesses of a mold onto the surface of the substrate which is coated with the droplets, to spread the droplets on the substrate, to form a resist film constituted by bonds among the spread plurality of droplets and to transfer the linear pattern of protrusions and recesses onto the resist film;the droplets being coated under the conditions of: the viscosity of the resist material being within a range from 8 cP to 20 cP, the surface energy of the resist material being within a range from 25 mN/m to 35 mN/m, the amount of resist material in each of the plurality of droplets being within a range from 1 pl to 10 pl, and the placement intervals among the droplets being within a range from 10 μm to 1000 μm, and such that an intersection angle formed between a main scanning direction of the ink jet method when coating the substrate with the droplets and the direction of the lines of the linear pattern of protrusions and recesses, which is an intersection angle when pressing the mold ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216822A1
Автор: SONG JAY C., Yang Sen

The invention relates to a gloss coated multifunctional printing paper that can be used with a variety of office printing equipment including inkjet and electrophotographic and to processes of making and using the paper, a paper substrate; and a pigmented composition coated on at least one surface of the substrate, said pigmented coating composition comprising (1) a first pigment having a BET surface area in the range of from about 50 to about 750 m/g; (2) a second pigment having a BET surface area in the range of from about 5 to about 49 m/g; and (3) a polymeric binder, Said coated paper having a coating gloss equal to or greater than about 30% at 75° and a Bristow Absorption length of less than about 180 mm. 1. A coated paper suitable for multifunctional printing comprising:a paper substrate; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'a pigmented composition coated on at least one surface of the substrate, said pigmented coating composition comprising (a) a first pigment having a BET surface area in the range of from about 50 to about 750 m/g; (b) a second pigment having a BET surface area in the range of from about 5 to about 49 m/g; and (c) a polymeric binder,'}Said coated paper having a coating gloss equal to or greater than about 30% at 75° and a Bristow Absorption length of less than about 180 mm.2. A coated paper according to comprising:(a) About 40 to about 99 weight % of first pigments based on the total weight of first and second pigments in the coating;(b) About 1 to about 60 weight % of pigments having a BET surface area in the range of from about 5 to about 49 square meters per gram based on the total amount of first and second pigments in the coating; and(C) About 5 to about 40 parts (dry basis) of polymeric binders based on 100 parts(dry basis) of pigments; and3. A coated paper according to further comprising a lubricant.4. A coated paper according to wherein the amount of the lubricant from about 0.5 to about 2 weight % by weight of the coating.5. A coated paper according ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219610A1
Автор: Geels Michael Glenn

A bathing vessel that includes a multi-layer structure of a first polymer layer and a second, adjacent polymer layer. Prior to formation of the second polymer layer on the first polymer layer, a surface of the first polymer layer is abraded and a surface wetting property of the surface is modified to promote bonding between the layers. 1. A method of forming a bathing vessel comprising a multi-layer structure of a first polymer layer and a second , adjacent polymer layer , the method comprising:prior to formation of the second polymer layer on the first polymer layer, modifying a surface wetting property of a surface of the first polymer layer and, in unison with the modifying, abrading the surface of the first polymer layer, to promote bonding between the surface and the second polymer layer.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the modifying and abrading of the surface of the first polymer layer includes abrading with an abrasive appliance and a solvent.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the solvent comprises acetone.4. The method as recited in claim 2 , including abrading the surface with multiple passes of the abrasive appliance and the solvent.5. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the solvent is absorbed in the abrasive appliance.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , including softening the surface using a solvent.7. The method as recited in claim 1 , including degrading the polymer at the surface of the first polymer layer using a solvent.8. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising applying an incompletely cured polymer material to the surface after modifying the surface claim 1 , to form the second polymer layer.9. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first polymer layer is acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) material and the second polymer layer is polyurethane material.10. A method of forming a bathing vessel comprising a multi-layer structure of a layer of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) material ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220514A1

There is described a method of manufacturing a digital radiography panel. The method includes providing a scintillator screen and spray coating an acrylic adhesive composition on the scintillator screen. A flat panel detector and the scintillator screen with acrylic adhesive composition are compressed together at a force of about 5 psi to about 15 psi, at an atmospheric pressure of about 0.3 Torr to about 100.0 Torr for a time sufficient to affix the flat panel detector to the scintillator screen to form the digital radiography panel. 1. A method of manufacturing a digital radiography panel , the method comprising:{'sup': '10', 'providing a scintillator screen having a supporting layer, a phosphor dispersed in a polymeric binder disposed on the supporting layer, a barrier layer and an antistatic layer, the antistatic layer having a transparency of greater than about 95 percent at a wavelength of from about 400 nm to 600 nm and a surface resistivity of less than about 10ohms per square;'}applying an acrylic adhesive composition on the antistatic layer of the scintillator screen; andcompressing a flat panel detector and the scintillator screen with acrylic adhesive composition together at a force of about 14 psi to about 75 psi, at an atmospheric pressure of about 0.3 Torr to about 100.0 Torr for a time sufficient to affix the flat panel detector to the scintillator screen to form the digital radiography panel wherein the acrylic adhesive composition cures to form an adhesive layer having a thickness of from about 5 μm to about 15 μm wherein the adhesive layer has a transmittance of greater than about 95 percent at a wavelength of from about 400 nm to about 600 nm.2. The method of wherein a thickness of the adhesive layer is from about 5 microns to about 15 microns.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the digital radiography panel has a bow of less than about 0.25 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the antistatic layer comprises a poly(3 claim 1 ,4- ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235457A1

It is an object of the invention to provide a method for manufacturing a long laminated polarizing plate having a long polarizing coating formed by coating directly on a long retardation film and to provide such a long laminated polarizing plate. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a long laminated polarizing plate comprising a long retardation film having a slow axis in its longitudinal direction and a long polarizing coating placed on the retardation film and having an absorption axis or a transmission axis in an in-plane direction at an angle of 25 to 65° to the slow axis direction of the long retardation film. 1. A method for manufacturing a long laminated polarizing plate comprising a long retardation film having a slow axis in its longitudinal direction and a long polarizing coating placed on the retardation film and having an absorption axis or a transmission axis in an in-plane direction at an angle of 25 to 65° to the slow axis direction of the long retardation film , the method comprising the steps:(A) preparing a long retardation film having a slow axis in its longitudinal direction and having an Nz coefficient of 1.5 or less, wherein the Nz coefficient is expressed by the formula (nx−nz)/(nx−ny), wherein nx is a maximum in-plane refractive index of the film, ny is an in-plane refractive index of the film in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which nx is obtained, and nz is a refractive index of the film in its thickness direction;(B) rubbing the long retardation film, which is obtained in the step (A), in an in-plane direction at an angle of 20 to 70° to the longitudinal direction while feeding the long retardation film; and(C) forming a coating of a liquid crystal compound solution in an isotropic phase state on the rubbed surface of the long retardation film obtained in the step (B) and solidifying the coating to form a long polarizing coating in which the liquid crystal compound is oriented.2. The method according to ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260040A1
Автор: Hartelius Mark, Werde Neil

Microencapsulated catnip oil comprising microcapsules in the range of 5-60 micrometers, apparatuses useful in the application of the microencapsulated catnip, and methods of using the same, are disclosed. 1. A marker , comprising:a cylindrical outer case closed at one end;a source of microencapsulated catnip oil;a tip; anda housing.2. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the source of microencapsulated catnip oil fits inside of claim 1 , and is completely contained within claim 1 , the outer case and the microencapsulated catnip oil is configured to flow from the source to the tip and out of the marker.3. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the housing secures the tip to the open end of the outer case and places the tip in fluid connection with the source of microencapsulated catnip oil.45-. (canceled)6. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the tip comprises porous pressed fibers selected from felt and nylon.7. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the source of microencapsulated catnip oil comprises a reservoir.8. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the microencapsulated catnip oil comprises microcapsules having a diameter falling within the range of 5 μm-60 μm.9. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the microencapsulated catnip oil comprises microcapsules having a diameter falling within the range of 5 μm-10 μm.10. (canceled)11. The marker of claim 1 , wherein the source comprises a cartridge made of an absorbent material selected from cotton claim 1 , wool claim 1 , felt claim 1 , nylon and combinations thereof and the cartridge is soaked in a solution comprising the microencapsulated catnip oil.1213-. (canceled)14. A felt tip pen claim 1 , comprising:a cylindrical outer case closed at one end;a source of microencapsulated catnip oil;a tip; anda housing.15. The felt tip pen of claim 14 , wherein the source of microencapsulated catnip oil fits inside of claim 14 , and is completely contained within claim 14 , the outer case and the microencapsulated catnip oil is configured to flow from the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260041A1

Disclosed herein is an apparatus for coating a substrate, including a horizontal coating unit having an inlet and an outlet through which a substrate is moving in and out horizontally, and coating surfaces of the substrate with coating liquid by horizontal dipping method to form a protective layer; and a squeegee unit arranged outside the outlet of the horizontal coating unit and being in close contact with the protective layer of the substrate moving out of the horizontal coating unit through the outlet to uniformize coating thickness of the protective layer. 1. An apparatus for a substrate , comprising:a horizontal coating unit having an inlet and an outlet through which a substrate is moving in and out horizontally, and coating surfaces of the substrate with coating liquid by horizontal dipping to form a protective layer; anda squeegee unit arranged outside the outlet of the horizontal coating unit and being in close contact with the protective layer of the substrate moving out of the horizontal coating unit through the outlet to uniformize coating thickness of the protective layer2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the horizontal coating unit includes:a coating bath at both sides of which the inlet and outlet are respectively arranged facing each other, and accommodating the coating liquid for forming the protective layer; andinlet rollers and outlet rollers moving the subtrate into and out of the coating bath,wherein the inlet rollers and the outlet rollers each include a pair of rollers, are placed at the inlet and the outlet of the coating bath, respectively, and, among each of the pairs of rollers, one roller is arranged at an upper side and the other roller is arranged at a lower side.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the horizontal coating unit further includes:a main tank accommodating the coating liquid overflowing from the coating bath; anda retrieving unit continuously supplying the coating liquid into the coating bath.4. The ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266821A1

A high-strength galvanized steel sheet with high yield ratio having excellent ductility and stretch flange formability, the steel sheet having a chemical composition containing, by mass %, C: 0.04% or more and 0.13% or less, Si: 0.9% or more and 2.3% or less, Mn: 0.8% or more and 2.4% or less, P: 0.1% or less, S: 0.01% or less, Al: 0.01% or more and 0.1% or less, N: 0.008% or less, and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities and a microstructure including, in terms of area ratio, 94% or more of a ferrite phase and 2% or less of a martensite ferrite phase, wherein mean grain size of ferrite is 10 μm or less, Vickers hardness of ferrite is 140 or more, mean grain size of carbide particles existing at grain boundaries of ferrite is 0.5 μm or less, and aspect ratio of carbide particles existing at the grain boundaries of ferrite is 2.0 or less. 1. A high-strength galvanized steel sheet with high yield ratio having excellent ductility and stretch flange formability , the steel sheet having a chemical composition containing , by mass % , C.: 0.04% or more and 0.13% or less , Si: 0.9% or more and 2.3% or less , Mn: 0.8% or more and 2.4% or less , P: 0.1% or less , S: 0.01% or less , Al: 0.01% or more and 0.1% or less , N: 0.008% or less , and the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities and a microstructure including , in terms of area ratio , 94% or more of a ferrite phase and 2% or less of a martensite ferrite phase , wherein mean grain size of ferrite is 10 μm or less , Vickers hardness of ferrite is 140 or more , mean grain size of carbide particles existing at grain boundaries of ferrite is 0.5 μm or less , and aspect ratio of carbide particles existing at the grain boundaries of ferrite is 2.0 or less.2. The galvanized steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the microstructure has a number of crystal grains of ferrite containing 5 or more carbide particles of 0.005 grain/μmor more when the microstructure is observed by using a scanning electron microscope ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273252A1
Автор: MIYAMOTO Hidenori

A coating apparatus including a coating part which coats a liquid material containing a metal on a substrate, a coating-film forming part which subjects the liquid material coated on the substrate to a predetermined treatment to form a coating film, and a removing part which removes a peripheral portion of the coating material formed along the outer periphery of the substrate. 1. A coating apparatus comprising:a coating part which coats a liquid material containing a metal on a substrate;a coating-film forming part which subjects the liquid material coated on the substrate to a predetermined treatment to form a coating film; anda removing part which removes a peripheral portion of the coating film formed along the outer periphery of the substrate.2. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coating-film forming part comprises a heating part which heats the liquid material as the predetermined treatment.3. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coating-film forming part comprises a drying part which dries the liquid material as the predetermined treatment.4. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the coating-film forming part comprises a baking part which bakes the liquid material as the predetermined treatment.5. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a suction part which suctions the peripheral portion removed by the removing part.6. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a moving part which moves the removing part along the outer periphery of the substrate.7. The coating apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the removing part and the suction part are secured to be integrally movable.8. The coating apparatus according to of claim 1 , wherein the removing part comprises a brush part which rubs the peripheral portion.9. The coating apparatus according to claim 8 , wherein the removal part further comprises a rotation part which rotates the brush part.10. The coating ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273253A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A coating apparatus includes a backup roller configured to support a web; a slot die disposed opposite to the backup roller, the slot die including a plurality of slots and being configured to eject a plurality of coating liquids from tips of the plurality of slots respectively so as to form beads of the coating liquids in a clearance between the web and a lip surface, which is a tip surface of the slot die, thereby coating the plurality of the coating liquids into multilayers simultaneously on the web being transported; and a depressurizing apparatus. Among the lip surfaces which sandwich the plurality of slots therebetween, a lip surface end portion on a downstream side in a transportation direction of the web of the lip surface with which an interface of the plurality of the coating liquids comes into contact has a curved shape with a convex cross-sectional shape. 1. A coating apparatus comprising:a backup roller configured to support a web being transported;a slot die disposed opposite to the backup roller, the slot die including a plurality of slots and being configured to eject a plurality of coating liquids from tips of the plurality of slots respectively so as to form beads of the coating liquids in a clearance between the web and a lip surface, which is a tip surface of the slot die, thereby coating the plurality of the coating liquids into multilayers simultaneously on the web being transported; anda depressurizing apparatus configured to depressurize an upstream side of the beads of the coating liquids in a transportation direction of the web,wherein, among the lip surfaces which sandwich the plurality of slots therebetween, a lip surface end portion on a downstream side in a transportation direction of the web of the lip surface with which an interface of the plurality of the coating liquids comes into contact has a curved shape with a convex cross-sectional shape.2. The coating apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein at least a portion of the lip ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288021A1

A resin composition for photoimprinting, a cured product of the resin composition which is excellent in etching and heat resistance, and a pattern forming process using the resin composition are provided. The resin composition contains photocurable monomer (A) containing at least one carbazole compound of formula (I): 2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:a viscosity-adjusting agent (D) in an amount of from 0.1 to 100 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of a total weight of the photocurable monomer (A) and the photocurable monomer (B).3. The resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the viscosity-adjusting agent (D) is a polymer comprising a carbazole skeleton.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a solvent (G) in an amount of from 0.5 to 30 claim 1 ,000 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of a total weight of the photocurable monomer (A) and the photocurable monomer (B).5. A resin thin film for photoimprinting claim 1 , comprising a cured product having a film thickness of from 10 nm to 40 μm claim 1 , wherein the cured product comprises the resin composition according to .6. A pattern forming process claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'applying the resin composition according to to a substrate to form a coating film;'}bringing a pattern surface of a mold having a desired pattern into contact with a surface of the coating film and pressurizing them so that spaces in the desired pattern are filled with the resin composition;curing the resin composition by light irradiation, thereby obtaining a cured resin; andseparating the mold from the cured resin.7. The pattern forming process according to claim 6 , further comprising:etching the substrate using the cured resin as a mask.8. A fine structure obtained by a process comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'bringing a pattern surface of a mold having a desired pattern into contact with a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnesium Alloy with Dense Surface Texture and Surface Treatment Method Thereof

Номер: US20130288046A1
Автор: Park Young-Hee
Принадлежит: POSCO

The present invention provides a magnesium alloy with dense surface texture and its surface treatment method, and more particularly to a magnesium alloy and its surface treatment method, where the magnesium alloy includes: a parent material including magnesium or magnesium alloy; a surface-modified layer being formed on the surface of the parent material and containing Si; and a coating layer formed on the surface-modified layer, where the surface-modified layer comprises a “—Si—O—Mg—” structure. 1. A magnesium alloy comprising:a parent material comprising magnesium or magnesium alloy;a surface-modified layer being formed on the surface of the parent material and containing Si; anda coating layer formed on the surface-modified layer,wherein the surface-modified layer comprises a “—Si—O—Mg—” structure.2. The magnesium alloy of claim 1 , wherein the surface-modified layer comprises a “—Si—O—Mg—O—Si” structure and has a thickness of 50 nm to 150 nm.3. The magnesium alloy of claim 1 , wherein the surface-modified layer is formed by treating the surface of the parent material with an aqueous alkaline solution comprising 1 to 5 wt. % of potassium hydroxide or 1 to 10 wt. % of sodium hydroxide claim 1 , and 1 to 5 wt. % of tetraethyl orthosilicate.4. The magnesium alloy of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises a paint layer or a metal layer.5. The magnesium alloy as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the paint layer is formed by at least one layer using a paint.6. The magnesium alloy of claim 4 , wherein the metal layer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of copper (Cu) claim 4 , aluminum (Al) claim 4 , silver (Ag) claim 4 , gold (Au) claim 4 , nickel (Ni) claim 4 , platinum (Pt) claim 4 , and tungsten (W).7. The magnesium alloy of claim 4 , further comprising:a resin layer for adhering a coating layer on the surface-modified layer between the surface-modified layer and the metal layer of the coating layer.8. The magnesium alloy of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323415A1

Methods apply a layer of material to a glass sheet having a non-planar shape. The methods can each include the step of providing the glass sheet having an initial non-planar shape including a thickness defined between a first sheet surface and a second sheet surface. The method further includes the step of at least partially flattening the glass sheet into an application shape. The method further includes the step of applying the layer of material to the first sheet surface while the glass sheet is in the application shape. The method then includes the step of releasing the glass sheet to relax into a post non-planar shape. 1. A method of applying a layer of material to a glass sheet having a non-planar shape comprising the steps of:(I) providing the glass sheet having an initial non-planar shape including a thickness defined between a first sheet surface and a second sheet surface;(II) at least partially flattening the glass sheet into an application shape;(III) applying the layer of material to the first sheet surface while the glass sheet is in the application shape; and then(IV) releasing the glass sheet to relax into a post non-planar shape.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (II) substantially flattens the glass sheet such that the application shape is substantially planar.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (II) flattens the glass to an extent sufficient to enable step (III) of applying of the layer of material to the first sheet surface while the glass sheet is in the application shape by at least one of screen printing or ink jet printing.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of applying fluid pressure to the glass sheet to maintain the glass sheet in the application shape during step (III).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (II) includes the step of applying fluid pressure to the glass sheet to at least partially flatten the glass sheet into the application shape.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein step (II) includes the step ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335942A1

An alignment film capable of reducing occurrence of alignment disorder in a simple manner, a method of manufacturing the alignment film, a retardation film, a method of manufacturing the retardation film, and a display are provided. An alignment film is configured of an anchor layer and an alignment layer stacked in this order on a base. The alignment layer includes a groove region having a plurality of fine grooves on a surface thereof, and a groove region having a plurality of fine grooves on a surface thereof. The anchor layer provided between the base and the alignment layer is provided with an antistatic function in addition to a function of bringing the alignment layer into close contact with the base. 115-. (canceled)16. An alignment film , comprisingan anchor layer and an alignment layer stacked in this order on a base, whereinthe alignment layer has a plurality of fine grooves of nanometer order scale on a surface thereof, the plurality of fine grooves extending in a particular direction, and{'sup': '13', 'the anchor layer is in contact with the base and with the alignment layer, and has surface resistance of 10ohms per square centimeter or less.'}17. The alignment film according to claim 16 , whereinthe base is a thermoplastic norbornene-based resin film, andthe anchor layer is formed by applying an anchor material onto the base, and then drying and curing the applied anchor material, the anchor material including 50 parts by weight or more and 90 parts by weight or less of an acrylate monomer with three or more functional groups, a conductive material, and a solvent in which the conductive material is to be dispersed.18. The alignment film according to claim 17 , wherein the conductive material is one of a conductive polymer and an ionic liquid.19. The alignment film according to claim 17 , wherein the solvent contains butyl acetate and isopropyl alcohol.20. The alignment film according to claim 17 , wherein the anchor layer is formed by applying a ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Highly ordered arrays of colloidal 2d crystals and methods for producing the same

Номер: US20130338303A1

The present invention relates to highly ordered arrays of colloidal 2D crystals on a substrate and to an improved method for producing the same. The method according to the invention for producing an highly ordered array of colloidal 2D crystals on a substrate comprises the following steps: a) providing a suspension of microspheres comprising poly-N-isopropylamide (polyNIPAM), the microspheres being selected from pure poly-N-isopropylamide (polyNIPAM) hydrogel microspheres, functionalized polyNIPAM microspheres, and polymeric or inorganic beads carrying poly-N-isopropyl-amide (polyNIPAM) hydrogel chains, in an aqueous medium on a substrate, wherein the aqueous medium comprises a mixture of water and a lower alkyl alcohol, b) subjecting the suspension deposited on the substrate after step a) to a shear force, and c) drying the suspension. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the shear force is generated by applying a pulsed gas stream to the substrate surface. The colloidal 2D crystal arrays obtained by this method have an exceptional high long range order, including monocrystalline domains in the range of square millimetres.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing decorative and facing panels and panel manufactured thereby

Номер: US20140047790A1
Автор: Ferronato Emanuele

The present invention concerns a process for manufacturing facing panels in composite material () which can be applied to structural and not structural walls, to ceilings, to mobile or fixed surfaces, both inner and external of buildings, enclosures or other structures, mainly, but not exclusively, in home-building field or be used as separate and independent walls too. The invention further concerns the panel () built through this process. It allows to make decorative, facing and insulating panels () whose thickness changes according to the kind of material (), which basically reproduce any natural materials, such as stone(s) (), rock(s), marble, wood and not, for example bricks () or other finishes with random shapes at variable height differences () in plane or curved surfaces, reducing costs and laying time with great flexibility and easy of use. 18-. (canceled)9. A process for manufacturing a facing panel in composite material resembling a visible surface with random shapes at variable height differences or natural materials such as stone(s) , rock(s) , marble , wood , brick(s) or other desired material , said process comprising:a) shaping a support panel;b) introducing and arranging said support panel;c) preparing a composition of a mixture;d) uniformly spreading said mixture(s) on the support panel;e) uniformly spreading a release agent;f) moulding and shaping said mixture(s);wherein before hardening of mixture(s), a possible plastic deformation of said support panel can be provided so that said support panel can assume a desired configuration.10. The process as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the panel comprises a reticular additional support made by a reinforcing net-like structure.11. The process as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the reinforcing net-like structure is spread between step b) and step c).12. The process as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the reinforcing net-like structure is embedded in the mixture(s).13. The process as claimed in claim 10 , ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Method for making a bearing having a self-lubricating surface coating

Номер: US20140050859A1
Принадлежит: New Hampshire Ball Bearings Inc

Methods for making a bearing are disclosed, wherein the bearing includes a substratum and a self-lubricating surface coating composition. The self-lubricating surface coating composition further includes at least one cured thermosetting acrylate and at least one phenolic resin. Methods includes the step of disposing the self-lubricating surface coating composition onto the substratum.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065364A1

A resin film according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a substrate film; and an antistatic layer formed on one side of the substrate film and including a binder resin and a conductive material. The binder resin includes a polyurethane-based resin; the antistatic layer has an arithmetic average surface roughness Ra of 10 nm or more; and the conductive material includes a conductive polymer. 1. A resin film , comprising:a substrate film; andan antistatic layer formed on one side of the substrate film and comprising a binder resin and a conductive material,wherein:the binder resin comprises a polyurethane-based resin;the antistatic layer has an arithmetic average surface roughness Ra of 10 nm or more; andthe conductive material comprises a conductive polymer.2. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the antistatic layer is subjected to a stretching treatment.3. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate film is formed of a polyester-based resin.4. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive polymer comprises a polythiophene-based polymer.5. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the antistatic layer has a surface resistance value of less than 10×10Ω/□.6. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the resin film has a total light transmittance (Tt) of 89% or more.7. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the polyurethane-based resin has a carboxyl group.8. A resin film according to claim 1 , wherein the antistatic layer is subjected to a stretching treatment and has a surface resistance value of less than 10×10Ω/□ claim 1 , the substrate film is formed of a polyester-based resin claim 1 , the conductive polymer comprises a polythiophene-based polymer claim 1 , the polyurethane-based resin has a carboxyl group claim 1 , and the resin film has a total light transmittance (Tt) of 89% or more.9. A method of producing a resin film claim 1 , comprising:forming, on one side of a substrate film, an antistatic ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Trim structure for a vehicle

Номер: US20140072773A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

A trim structure for a vehicle includes at least two surface regions having different surface appearances and is manufactured in one unit. A method for providing a trim structure for a vehicle with at least two surface regions having different surface appearances comprises the steps of: a) providing a first surface appearance on at least a portion of an external surface of a trim structure body; b) providing a second surface appearance by applying a material layer on top of at least a part of the at least a portion having the first surface appearance; and c) removing a portion of the applied material layer, thereby revealing at least a portion of the under-lying first surface appearance.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099438A1

A nano-imprinting system may be configured to at least one of transport, emboss, coat and slit an optical media according to operational parameters. A control system may be configured to detect one or more attributes of the optical media that result from at least one of the embossing and coating of the optical media, and to adjust at least one of the operational parameters based on the detected one or more attributes. 1. An optical media production system comprising:a roll-to-roll tape transport configured to move an optical media;an optical media nano-imprinting platform having operational parameters and configured to at least one of guide, emboss, coat, and slit the media according to the operational parameters;an optical scanner configured to detect one or more attributes of the media that result from at least one of the embossing and coating of the optical media; anda controller operatively arranged with the scanner and configured to adjust at least one of the operational parameters based on the detected one or more attributes of the media.2. The system of wherein the platform includes a coater to at least one of coat and sputter the optical media and wherein the operational parameters of the coater include at least one of dispense volume claim 1 , dispense frequency and dispense power.3. The system of wherein the platform includes a slitter to slit the media and wherein the operational parameters of the slitter include cutting element position.4. The system of wherein the platform includes an embosser to emboss the optical media and wherein the operational parameters of the embosser include at least one of nip roller pressure and separation roller relative position.5. A method for controlling a nano-imprinting system for an optical media comprising:operating the system according to operational parameters to at least one of transport, emboss, coat and slit the optical media;detecting one or more attributes of the optical media that result from at least one of ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100005A1

A mobile terminal case and a method of manufacturing the same are provided. The mobile terminal case includes a three-dimensional curved body or plane shape having a circumferential edge lower than its center and formed from a fiber reinforced composite material; and a gradation paint layer formed at an outer surface of the body formed from fiber reinforced composite material. 1. A mobile terminal case , comprising:a three-dimensional curved body having an outer surface with a circumferential edge lower than a center, the three-dimensional curved body being formed from a fiber reinforced composite material; anda gradation paint layer formed on the outer surface of the three-dimensional curved body formed of fiber reinforced composite material.2. The mobile terminal case of claim 1 , wherein the fiber reinforced composite material comprises a prepreg material comprising at least one of glass fiber reinforced plastic claim 1 , carbon fiber reinforced plastic claim 1 , aramid fiber (Kevlar) reinforced plastic claim 1 , boron fiber reinforced plastic claim 1 , and basalt fiber reinforced plastic.3. The mobile terminal case of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface is engraved with a predetermined pattern.4. The mobile terminal case of claim 3 , wherein the gradation paint layer is formed at varying thicknesses and is thereby gradated with different levels of transparency on different areas of the outer surface.5. The mobile terminal case of claim 4 , wherein the gradation paint layer of an area facing internal parts housed at an inside of the case has relatively low transparency.6. The mobile terminal case of claim 3 , wherein the gradation paint layer of portions of the outer surface adjacent to the center has continuously changing transparency.7. The mobile terminal case of claim 1 , wherein the gradation paint layer of portions adjacent the center have a high transparency and the gradation paint layer of portions adjacent an outer edge have a low transparency.8. The ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001223A1

A closure seal or tamper evident pressure sensitive label of a sandwich construction for use at the opening seam of packaging to be sealed to indicate whether the package has been opened or otherwise tampered with. The label includes a facer material, a liner material and a pressure sensitive adhesive therebetween. The facer material has cut out a lower label section joined to an upper pull tab section with adjacent tab wings. The upper pull tab section has a liner material portion cut out to adhere to a back or under side of the upper tab section upon pulling the label off the liner material for use. The lower label section and wings has exposed adhesive upon the label being pulled off the liner material for use. Once the label is placed on the packaging, the lower label section and the upper pull tab with adjacent tab wings are aligned to straddle the opening seam of the packaging. The tab maybe pulled away from the label and torn away from the wings while remaining intact with the lower label section to evidence the package has been opened or otherwise tampered with. The label is manufactured by a flexo-graphic web method.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Coating for Lining a Compressor Case

Номер: US20190001372A1

A lining for a compressor case is provided. The lining comprises a layer of primer applied to an interior surface of the compressor case, and at least one layer of a seal compound applied to the layer of primer. The primer has been found to significantly improve the bond strength between the base metal and the coating. Also, the primer provides a waterproof coating at the bond interface, which prevents any moisture from creeping under the plastic and causing material break-out. The waterproof coating also provides an increased corrosion resistance to the base metal and stator vanes where the plastic lining has been applied. A method of lining a compressor case is also provided, comprising applying a first layer comprising a primer to an interior surface of the compressor case, and applying at least one second layer over the first layer of primer, the at least one second layer comprising a seal compound to line the compressor case. 1. A method of lining a compressor case , the method comprising:applying a first layer comprising a primer to an interior surface of the compressor case; andapplying at least one second layer over the first layer of primer, the at least one second layer comprising a seal compound to line the compressor case.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the first layer comprises:grit blasting an area of the interior surface of the compressor case;spray washing the area of the interior surface;drying the compressor case;applying the primer; andcuring the primer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the primer is a silane-based primer.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the primer is applied using a brush claim 2 , spray claim 2 , or dip application process.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the primer is cured using a moisture curing process claim 2 , or an oven curing process.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising installing the compressor case in a casting machine prior to applying the at least one second layer to line the compressor case ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002484A1
Принадлежит: Xanofi, Inc.

The invention relates to improved hydrophobicity and water protection of a fibrous fabric substrate (cotton, synthetics and/or their blends) by depositing a thin nanofiber layer and coating with a dispersion of fluoropolymers (fluorinated acrylic co-polymers) that are alternative perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) based on short-chain chemistry of varying chain length (C4, C6, C8, C10, C12, C14, etc.) perfluoroalkyl constituents. 1. A method to increase the hydrophobicity , water and/or liquid repellency of synthetic , cellulose or blend fibrous substrates , comprising applying a thin layer of nanofibers in combination with a dispersion of fluoropolymers (alternative PFCs or a polymer comprised perfluoroalkyl groups) to the substrate , wherein the coated substrate has an irregular surface (or surface roughness) due to the thin coated layer of nanofibers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanofibers are applied onto the substrates by wet laying claim 1 , spraying claim 1 , or dip-impregnation.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising coating the nanofiber-coated substrate with perfluorinated compounds.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanofibers and the dispersion of fluoropolymers are mixed together and deposited at the same time onto the substrate.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising air drying the coated substrates followed by heat pressing or oven baking.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the basis weight amount of coating ranges from 0-5 grams per square meter or greater.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating is of a dispersion of fluoropolymers in the amount of 0.1 to 25 weight % based on the weight of the coated substrate area.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric nanofibers have an average diameter 1 nm to 5 μm or greater and short cut lengths 1-1000 μm or 2-10 mm or greater.9. A substrate coated with nanofibers and alternative PFCs obtained by the method according to .10. A coated synthetic claim 1 , cellulose ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007531A1

The present disclosure is drawn to covers for electronic devices. In one example, a cover for an electronic device can include an enclosure with a light metal substrate joined with an insert molding plastic part, and a protective treatment layer on the light metal substrate and the insert molding plastic part. A transparent primer coating on the protective treatment layer, and a paint coating on the transparent primer coating. A milled edge along the insert molding plastic part, wherein the milled edge cuts through the paint coating to expose the transparent primer coating. 1. A cover for an electronic device comprising:an enclosure with a light metal substrate joined with an insert molding plastic part;a protective treatment layer on the light metal substrate and the insert molding plastic part;a transparent primer coating on the protective treatment layer;a paint coating on the transparent primer coating; anda milled edge along the insert molding plastic part, wherein the milled edge cuts through the paint coating to expose the transparent primer coating.2. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the light metal substrate includes aluminum claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , lithium claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , or an alloy thereof.3. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the protective treatment layer is deposited using non-conductive vacuum metalizing or physical vapor deposition.4. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the protective treatment layer includes a metal selected from titanium claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , zinc claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , copper claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , tin claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , gold claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , a combination thereof claim 1 , or an alloy thereof.5. The cover of claim 1 , further comprising a second protective treatment layer positioned between the protective treatment ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004306A1
Автор: CHO Young-Min
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A method for manufacturing a display device may include forming a plurality of plastic films on a carrier substrate using a mask member. The plastic films may be spaced from each other and may include a first plastic film. The method may further include forming a display unit that includes a plurality of pixels on each of the plastic films, wherein a first display unit may be formed on the first plastic film. The method may further include separating the carrier substrate from the plastic films to obtain a plurality of display devices that includes the display device. The display device may include the first plastic film and the first display unit. 1. A method for manufacturing a display device , the method comprising:forming a plurality of plastic films on a carrier substrate using a mask member, the plastic films being spaced from each other and including a first plastic film;forming a display unit that includes a plurality of pixels on each of the plastic films, a first display unit being formed on the first plastic film; andseparating the carrier substrate or portions of the carrier substrate from the plastic films to obtain a plurality of display devices that includes the display device, the display device including the first plastic film and the first display unit.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: cutting the carrier substrate at locations between the plastic films before the separating such that the portions of the carrier substrate are separated from each other.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cutting is performed using a cutting member claim 2 , and wherein a distance between two immediately neighboring plastic films of the plastic films in a direction is larger than a width of the cutting member in the direction.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the cutting member contacts the carrier substrate without directly contacting any of the plastic films.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cutting is performed at least along a cutting line ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009706A1

An optical structure can include a nanocrystal on a surface of an optical waveguide in a manner to couple the nanocrystal to the optical field of light propagating through the optical waveguide to generate an emission from the nanocrystal. The structure can be configured to restrict propagation of the emission from the nanocrystal along the waveguide. 1. An optical structure comprising a layer including a nanocrystal capable of emitting light at an emission wavelength when excited by an excitation wavelength , the layer being disposed on a surface of an optical waveguide , the nanocrystal being positioned to be optically coupled to an optical field propagating through the optical waveguide , wherein the optical structure is configured to restrict propagation of the emission wavelength of light along the waveguide.2. The optical structure of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the waveguide and the layer includes a periodic variation on a surface or interface.3. The optical structure of claim 2 , wherein the periodic variation is configured to restrict propagation of the emission wavelength of light along the waveguide.4. The optical structure of claim 2 , wherein the periodic variation is a periodic corrugation.5. The optical structure of claim 1 , wherein the waveguide is an optical fiber.6. The optical structure of claim 1 , wherein the waveguide is a planar waveguide.7. The optical structure of claim 1 , wherein the nanocrystal is a semiconductor nanocrystal.8. The optical structure of claim 5 , wherein the optical fiber has a cladding layer that allows light to escape at a selected amount along the length of the fiber.9. The optical structure of claim 7 , wherein the semiconductor nanocrystal includes a core including a first semiconductor material.10. The optical structure of claim 9 , wherein the semiconductor nanocrystal includes an overcoating on a surface of the core including a second semiconductor material.11. The optical structure of claim 1 , further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008269A1
Автор: Stango Robert J.
Принадлежит: Marquette University

A device for processing a surface of a work piece. A motor is configured to produce a rotary force. A driving pulley is operatively coupled to the motor such that the rotary force produced by the motor causes rotation of the driving pulley. A belt is operatively coupled to the driving pulley such that rotation of the driving pulley causes rotation of the belt. A second pulley is also operatively coupled to the belt such that rotation of the belt causes rotation of the second pulley. Bristles are coupled to the belt and extend away from the belt. The rotary force produced by the motor causes the plurality of bristles to move relative to the motor. The surface of the work piece is processed when the bristles contacts the surface while the bristles are moving. 1. A device for processing a surface of a work piece , the device comprising:a motor configured to produce a rotary force;a driving pulley operatively coupled to the motor, wherein the rotary force produced by the motor causes rotation of the driving pulley;a belt having an outer side and an inner side, wherein the inner side is operatively coupled to the driving pulley such that rotation of the driving pulley causes rotation of the belt;a second pulley that is also operatively coupled to the inner side of the belt, wherein rotation of the belt causes rotation of the second pulley; anda plurality of bristles each having an anchor end and a bristle tip opposite the anchor end, wherein each anchor end is coupled to the belt, and wherein each bristle extends away from the belt;wherein the rotary force produced by the motor causes the plurality of bristles to move relative to the motor; andwherein the surface of the work piece is processed when the bristle tip of a given bristle in the plurality of bristles contacts the surface while the given bristle is moving.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bristles extend outwardly from the outer side of the belt claim 1 , and wherein the device further ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for Improving Water Solubility of Slightly Soluble Substance

Номер: US20150010638A1
Принадлежит: Sangi Co Ltd

It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for improving the solubility of a poorly-soluble substance, which is capable of increasing the solubility of substantially all poorly-soluble substances. This is a method comprising coating the surface of a poorly-soluble substance particle with microparticles of a calcium compound such as calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate, and at least one selected from a pH adjuster and a surfactant, by applying mechanical energy thereto.

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Microstructured Tape Comprising Coextensive, Intersecting Paint-Retention and Hand-Tear Patterns

Номер: US20150010700A1

Tape backings with a first major side and an oppositely-facing second major side, wherein the first major side includes coextensive, intersecting microstructured paint-retention and hand-tear patterns; and, tapes including such backings, and methods of making and using such tapes and tape backings. 1. A hand-tearable plastic tape , comprising; wherein the first major side of the backing comprises a microstructured paint-retention pattern comprising microreceptacles that are at least partially defined by a multiplicity of first microstructured partitions and a multiplicity of second microstructured partitions at least some of which intersect with first microstructured partitions to define microreceptacles thereby;', 'wherein the microstructured paint-retention pattern and the microstructured hand-tear pattern are coextensive and intersecting with each other;', 'wherein the first major side of the backing also comprises a microstructured hand-tear pattern comprising a multiplicity of lines of weakness at least some of which comprise a long axis that is oriented at least generally transversely to the backing,'}, 'and wherein a pressure-sensitive adhesive is disposed on the second major side of the backing., 'a plastic backing comprising a longitudinal axis and a transverse width and axis, and comprising a first major side and an oppositely-facing second major side,'}2. The tape of wherein at least some of the lines of weakness are continuous lines of weakness each comprising a continuous groove that extends across the entire transverse width of the first side of the backing.3. The tape of wherein at least some of the continuous lines of weakness comprise a long axis that is oriented within plus or minus 5 degrees of the transverse axis of the backing.4. The tape of wherein at least some of the continuous grooves comprise sidewalls comprising a textured surface.5. The tape of wherein at least some of the lines of weakness are discontinuous lines of weakness that extend ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010469A1
Автор: Guo Changsheng

A method for manufacturing a rotor includes manufacturing a hub using a conventional manufacturing process and manufacturing an airfoil on the hub using a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process. A rotor includes a hub that has been manufactured with a conventional manufacturing process and an airfoil that has been manufactured on the hub with a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process. 1. A method for manufacturing a rotor , the method comprising:manufacturing a hub using a conventional manufacturing process; andmanufacturing an airfoil on the hub using a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conventional manufacturing process is a process selected from the group consisting of machining claim 1 , forging claim 1 , milling claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process is a process selected from the group consisting of cold spray claim 1 , thermal spray claim 1 , plasma spray claim 1 , selective laser sintering claim 1 , direct metal laser sintering claim 1 , electron beam melting claim 1 , selective laser melting claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein manufacturing the hub includes manufacturing the hub out of a first material claim 1 , and wherein manufacturing the airfoil includes manufacturing the airfoil out of a second material.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein manufacturing the airfoil includes manufacturing a first portion of the airfoil out of a first airfoil material and manufacturing a second portion of the airfoil out of a second airfoil material.6. The method of claim 1 , and further comprising:manufacturing a plurality of airfoils on the hub using a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of airfoils are manufactured simultaneously.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of airfoils are manufactured one at a time.9. The method of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010242A1
Принадлежит: TOYO SEIKAN CO., LTD.

A metallic bottle can including a metallic base material of the bottle shape that has a mouth portion having a threaded portion, a shoulder portion, a body portion and a bottom portion, wherein, on the outer surface of said mouth portion, a finishing varnish layer is provided directly on said metallic base material, and said finishing varnish layer has an MEK extractability of 2 to 8% by mass. 1. A metallic bottle can including a metallic base material of a bottle shape that has a mouth portion having a threaded portion , a shoulder portion , a body portion and a bottom portion , wherein:on an outer surface of said mouth portion, a finishing varnish layer is provided directly on said metallic base material; andsaid finishing varnish layer has an MEK extractability of 2 to 8% by mass.2. The metallic bottle can according to claim 1 , wherein said finishing varnish layer has the MEK extractability of 7 to 8% by mass.3. The metallic bottle can according to claim 1 , wherein said metallic bottle can is capable of being retort-sterilized.4. The metallic bottle can according to claim 1 , wherein said metallic base material is made from aluminum.5. The metallic bottle can according to claim 1 , wherein the matrix of said finishing varnish layer is a mixed resin containing a polyester resin claim 1 , an epoxy resin and an amino resin.6. The metallic bottle can according to claim 5 , wherein said mixed resin contains no acrylic resin.7. A method for producing the metallic bottle can of claim 1 , including steps of:providing a metallic base material of a bottle shape that has a mouth portion having a threaded portion, a shoulder portion, a body portion, and a bottom portion;applying, on an outer surface of said metallic base material, a coating material for forming a finishing varnish layer;primarily baking the coating material for forming said finishing varnish layer;applying, on an inner surface of said metallic base material, a coating material for forming an inner surface ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012262A1
Автор: ALBRECHT Ludwig

The present invention relates to a method for handling a coating material, comprising the following steps: marking the coating material with a mark to identify a first information relating to the coating material, storing the first information relating to the coating material on a cloud-based server, and recording the marker of the coating material, thereby making the first information relating to the coating material accessible via the cloud-based server. 1. Method for handling a coating material , in particular a coating material for application to a narrow side of a workpiece , comprising the steps:marking the coating material with a marking for identifying first information relating to the coating material,storing the first information relating to the coating material on a cloud-based server,detecting the marking of the coating material, whereby the first information relating to the coating material becomes accessible via the cloud-based server.2. Method according to claim 1 , the method further comprises:storing second information relating to the coating material, in particular processing data relating to the coating material, on the cloud-based server, the storing of the second information occurring after the detection of the marking of the coating material and after processing of the coating material.3. Method according to wherein marking of the coating material takes place during a process of manufacturing the coating material claim 1 , anddetection of the marking of the coating material takes place during processing of the coating material, in particular during a process of coating a workpiece with the coating material,detection of the marking of the coating material preferably taking place by a barcode reader, an RFID reader and/or an NFC system.4. Method according to wherein the first information is selected from: an item number claim 1 , a size claim 1 , a property claim 1 , a batch number claim 1 , a date of manufacture claim 1 , a use-by date claim 1 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032339A1
Автор: WREDE Kay-Johannes

The invention relates to a method for applying and molding a moldable coating compound (), which is viscous during a predetermined application period and is cured once the application period has elapsed, onto a subsurface (), in particular the outer skin of a watercraft, having the following steps: During the application period, the coating compound () is applied onto the subsurface (); during the application period, a flexible planar substrate () is placed onto the applied coating compound (); and, during the application period, a molding tool () is brought temporarily to bear on the substrate () to bring the surface (a) of the coating compound () into a required shape. 1. A method for applying and molding a moldable coating compound , which is viscous during a predetermined application period and is cured once the application period has elapsed , onto a subsurface , in particular the outer skin of a watercraft , with the steps:I) applying the coating compound to the subsurface during the application period,II) placing a flexible, planar substrate onto the applied coating compound during the application period, andIII) bringing a molding tool temporarily to bear on the substrate in order to bring the surface of the coating compound into a required shape during the application period,wherein a coating compound which can be cured under the effect of heat is used as the moldable coating compound, and a substrate having a heating medium is used as the flexible, planar substrate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein filling compound or filler is used as the coating compound.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a material having an epoxy resin is used as the coating compound.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in Step I claim 1 , the coating compound is applied to the subsurface substantially without air pockets.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in Step I claim 4 , the coating compound is sprayed or discharged onto ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032623A1
Автор: WATANABE Keiji

A thin film manufacturing method of manufacturing a laminate of a thin film of a coating film member and a support member includes a coating step of coating the coating film member on a surface of the support member, a sandwiching step of sandwiching the coating film member between the support member and a peeled-off member, a film thinning step of reducing a thickness of the coating film member by applying an external force to the coating film member sandwiched between the support member and the peeled-off member in a state where the coating film member is softened, and a peeling step of peeling the peeled-off member off the coating film member after the film thinning step. 1. A thin film manufacturing method of manufacturing a laminate of a thin film of a coating film member and a support member , comprising:a coating step of coating the coating film member on a surface of the support member;a sandwiching step of sandwiching the coating film member between the support member and a peeled-off member;a film thinning step of reducing a thickness of the coating film member by applying an external force to the coating film member sandwiched between the support member and the peeled-off member in a state where the coating film member is softened; anda peeling step of peeling the peeled-off member off the coating film member after the film thinning step.2. A thin film manufacturing method of manufacturing a laminate of a thin film of a coating film member and a support member , comprising:a coating step of coating the coating film member on a surface of a peeled-off member;a sandwiching step of sandwiching the coating film member between the support member and the peeled-off member;a film thinning step of reducing a thickness of the coating film member by applying an external force to the coating film member sandwiched between the support member and the peeled-off member in a state where the coating film member is softened; anda peeling step of peeling the peeled-off ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014863A1

A web coating apparatus applies a coating material to surfaces of a web being transferred. The web coating apparatus includes: a cutting apparatus that makes cuts in the web being transferred so that the cuts extend through the web; an extending apparatus that extends the web in the lateral direction of the web and widens the cuts in the lateral direction of the web; and coating material discharging apparatuses that apply the coating material to the surfaces of the web extended in the lateral direction of the web. 1. A web coating apparatus that applies a coating material to a surface of a web being transferred , the apparatus comprising:a cutting apparatus that makes cuts in the web being transferred so that the cuts extend through the web;an extending apparatus that extends the web in a lateral direction of the web and widens the cuts in the lateral direction of the web; anda coating material discharging apparatus that applies the coating material to the surface of the web extended in the lateral direction of the web.2. The web coating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe cutting apparatus makes the cuts so that a length of the cuts in a direction in which the web is transferred is larger than a length of the cuts in the lateral direction of the web.3. The web coating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe cutting apparatus includes a cutting roller that has a cutting edge projecting from its peripheral surface and that makes the cuts in the web with the cutting edge while transferring the web with one surface of the web in contact with the peripheral surface of the cutting roller.4. The web coating apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe extending apparatus includes a pair of first holding rollers and a pair of second holding rollers which are disposed such that the web is held between the first holding rollers and the second holding rollers at positions separated from a middle of the web in the lateral direction of the web when the web is ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015045A1

The present invention provides an imprint apparatus which forms a pattern in an imprint material supplied onto a substrate using a mold, the apparatus comprising a supply unit including a plurality of orifices each of which discharges the imprint material toward the substrate and configured to supply the imprint material onto the substrate by discharge of the imprint material from each orifice, and a control unit configured to control the discharge of the imprint material from each orifice in accordance with distribution information indicating a distribution, on the substrate, of the imprint material that should be supplied onto the substrate, wherein the control unit updates, based on information on a discharge amount of the imprint material discharged from each orifice, the distribution information such that a thickness of the imprint material formed using the mold falls within an allowable range. 1. An imprint apparatus which forms a pattern in an imprint material supplied onto a substrate using a mold , the apparatus comprising:a supply unit including a plurality of orifices each of which discharges the imprint material toward the substrate and configured to supply the imprint material onto the substrate by discharge of the imprint material from each orifice; anda control unit configured to control the discharge of the imprint material from each orifice in accordance with distribution information indicating a distribution, on the substrate, of the imprint material that should be supplied onto the substrate,wherein the control unit updates, based on information on a discharge amount of the imprint material discharged from each orifice, the distribution information such that a thickness of the imprint material formed using the mold falls within an allowable range.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the distribution information indicates an arrangement of the imprint material that should be discharged as droplets from the orifices onto the substrate.3. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015402A1
Принадлежит: Neuravi Limited

A clot retrieval device comprises an elongate shaft and an expandable clot retrieval element on the shaft, the clot retrieval element comprising a framework formed from a substrate material such as Nitinol and having a plurality of struts and crowns , at least some of the struts comprises at least one widened portion of the substrate material to provide enhanced radiopacity. The framework is coated with a radiopaque material such as gold. The device is rendered radiopaque with reduced damping effects. 1. A clot retrieval device comprising an elongate shaft and an expandable clot engaging element on the shaft , the clot engaging element comprising a framework formed from a substrate material and having a plurality of struts and crowns , at least some of the struts comprising at least one widened portion of the substrate material to provide enhanced radiopacity.2. A clot retrieval device as claimed in wherein the strut comprises a plurality of widened portions which are spaced-apart along a length of the strut.3. A clot retrieval device as claimed in wherein the widened portion of the strut is at least 50% claim 1 , at least 75% claim 1 , at least 100% claim 1 , at least 125% claim 1 , at least 150% claim 1 , at least 175% claim 1 , at least 200% claim 1 , at least 300% wider than the regions along the length of the strut between the widened portions.4. A clot retrieval device as claimed in wherein the widened portions have a length which is less than 100% claim 1 , less than 75% claim 1 , less than 50% claim 1 , less than 25% of the length of the regions of the strut between the widened portions.5. A clot retrieval device as claimed in wherein the length of the regions of the strut between the widened portions is greater than 300% claim 1 , greater than 400% claim 1 , greater than 500% claim 1 , greater than 600% claim 1 , greater than 700% claim 1 , greater than 800% claim 1 , greater than 900% of the width of the strut.6. A clot retrieval device as claimed in ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Flame-Applied Resin Powder Coating for Swimming Pool and Recreational Surfaces

Номер: US20150017326A1
Автор: Solana Joseph

Application of a resin to a pool surface to provide a colored finish that is ultraviolet resistant. The resin may be a powder that can be melted at a fairly low temperature and applied to the pool surface. A first later of resin may be applied to an epoxy layer that is applied to the pool surface to provide better adhesion while the epoxy is still tacky (hot-flocking). The hot-flocking causes the resin and the epoxy to blend into a single layer. An additional layer of resin may be applied after the epoxy and the first layer of resin fully cured. After the second layer of resin has cured an additional layer may be applied to provide designs and/or markings. The designs/markings may be produced with tape and/or stencils and the next layer may be applied to the non-covered areas to provide the desired look. 1. A method for applying a resin finish to a pool surface , the method comprising:preparing the pool surface;applying an epoxy layer to the pool surface;hot flocking a first coat of the resin finish onto the surface when the epoxy layer is tacky; andapplying a second coat of the resin finish onto the surface once the epoxy and the first coat are cured.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing includes cleaning the pool surface.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing includes filling imperfections in the pool surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing includes making the pool surface rough by way of mechanical or chemical means.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot flocking a first coat of the resin finish and the applying a second coat of the resin finish include heating the resin finish until it becomes a liquid claim 1 , wherein the resin finish becomes a liquid at temperatures below approximately 100° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot flocking a first coat of the resin finish and the applying a second coat of the resin finish are performed using a gun torch.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingmasking a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017330A1
Принадлежит: IBIDEN CO., LTD.

An application jig includes a first principal surface, a second principal surface, and an opening section. The second principal surface is provided on an opposite side of the first principal surface. The opening section penetrates from the first principal surface to the second principal surface and includes a first opening section and a second opening section. The first opening section is provided on the first principal surface side. The second opening section is provided on the second principal surface side and has a substantially constant diameter from the second principal surface toward a boundary line between the first opening section and the second opening section. The first opening section has a diameter gradually decreasing from the first principal surface toward the boundary line. 1. An application jig comprising:a first principal surface;a second principal surface provided on an opposite side of the first principal surface; and a first opening section provided on the first principal surface side; and', 'a second opening section provided on the second principal surface side and having a substantially constant diameter from the second principal surface toward a boundary line between the first opening section and the second opening section, the first opening section having a diameter gradually decreasing from the first principal surface toward the boundary line., 'an opening section penetrating from the first principal surface to the second principal surface and comprising2. The application jig according to claim 1 ,wherein the second opening section has a thickness of about 1 to about 4 mm.3. The application jig according to claim 1 ,wherein, among angles between a face defining the first opening section and a face spreading along the boundary line in a direction in parallel with the second principal surface, an angle formed inside the application jig is about 65° to about 85°.4. The application jig according to claim 1 ,wherein the application jig is made of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017420A1

In one aspect, methods of coating a surface with carbon are described herein. In some implementations, a method of coating a surface with carbon comprises electrically charging carbon particles; directing the charged carbon particles toward an electrically charged surface; and contacting the charged carbon particles with the electrically charged surface. In some implementations, the method further comprises forming a coating of physisorbed carbon particles on the surface. 1. A method of coating a surface with carbon comprising:electrically charging carbon particles;directing the charged carbon particles toward an electrically charged surface; andcontacting the charged carbon particles with the electrically charged surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the charge of the carbon particles differs from the charge of the surface.3. The method of further comprising forming a coating of physisorbed carbon particles on the surface.4. The method of further comprising adjusting the charge of the electrically charged surface during the coating process to maintain a substantially constant voltage between the electrically charged surface and incoming carbon particles.5. The method of further comprising at least partially neutralizing the electrically charged surface.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon particles comprise carbon nanoparticles.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon particles comprise atomic or molecular clusters of carbon.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon particles comprise graphite or graphene.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the charged carbon particles are directed toward the charged surface as an aerosol.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the aerosol comprises from about 10 weight percent to about 99 weight percent inert carrier gas claim 9 , based on the total weight of the aerosol.11. The method of claim 9 , wherein the aerosol comprises from about 10 weight percent to about 90 weight percent carbon particles claim 9 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015498A1
Автор: Galley Jason, Nicol Paul

An apparatus and methods of decorating a metallic container are provided. More specifically, the present invention relates to apparatus and methods used to provide a decoration on a predetermined surface of a metallic container body. The decoration may be registered with decorations previously applied to the container body. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a screen print unit with a cylindrical body. The cylindrical body rotationally applies a predetermined type or color of ink or other coating, such as a varnish, to the cylindrical body. In one embodiment, the apparatus applies a varnish to a selected portion of the cylindrical body without applying the varnish to all of the cylindrical body. Additionally, the apparatus may also include a foiling unit that applies a label to the cylindrical body. 1. An apparatus for applying a decorating material to a predetermined portion of a cylindrical exterior surface of a metallic container , comprising:a conveyor to transport the metallic container;a feeder to receive the metallic container from the conveyor;a mandrel wheel in a predetermined alignment with respect to the feeder;a plurality of mandrels interconnected to the mandrel wheel to receive metallic containers, each of the mandrels operable to rotate in at least one direction;a sensor to sense an orientation of a first decoration on the cylindrical exterior surface of the metallic container on a mandrel, wherein if the first decoration is not in a predetermined orientation, the mandrel rotates to move the metallic container into the predetermined orientation; anda first screen decorating unit aligned in a predetermined position with respect to the plurality of mandrels, the first screen decorating unit including a first cylindrical screen with a first mesh portion, a hollow interior, and a first varnish contained within the hollow interior, wherein the first mesh portion has a predetermined shape such that the first varnish is applied to the cylindrical ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016627A1
Автор: PANKOKE René
Принадлежит: Hymmen GMBH Maschinen- Und Anlagenbau

The inventions relates to a method for producing a decorative workpiece with a structured surface comprising the following steps: 1. Method for producing a decorative workpiece with a structured surface comprising the following steps:(B) applying a first liquid lacquer having a coarse structuring over the entire surface, wherein a difference in thickness between thicker regions and thinner regions is at least 50 μm, in particular at least 100 μm;(E) applying a second liquid, at least partially transparent lacquer for producing a fine structuring in some regions.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in thatthe gloss level in the region of the fine structuring is different by at least 10 gloss units as compared to the gloss level in the region of the coarse structuring.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in thatthe first lacquer is applied by means of at least one printing roller which unrolls on a surface of the workpiece, and/or in thata step (A) is provided in which feeding of the workpiece to a coating station is carried out, and/or in thata step (C) is provided in which an at least partial curing of the applied first lacquer is carried out, and/or in thata step (F) is provided in which curing of the second lacquer is carried out, whereinthe difference in thickness in the region of fine structuring on the second lacquer layer is less than 50 μm, in particular less than 30 μm.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in thatthe second lacquer is applied by means of at least one digital print head.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in thatthe material for the first and the second lacquer is identical.6. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in thata liquid lacquer is first applied to produce the second lacquer layer and then lacquer droplets of the second lacquer layer are sprayed into the still liquid material to produce a fine structuring.7. The method according to claim 6 , characterized in thatthe ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016629A1
Автор: PANKOKE René
Принадлежит: Hymmen GMBH Maschinen- Und Anlagenbau

A method for producing a decorative and structured surface with different gloss levels is disclosed, which comprises the following steps: 1. A method for producing a decorative and structured surface having different gloss levels comprising the following steps:{'b': 1', '0, 'feeding of a workpiece (.) to a lacquer application device,'}{'b': 1', '4, 'application of a first liquid lacquer layer (.) over the entire surface with a coarse structure in which a difference in thickness between thicker areas and thinner areas is at least 50 μm, in particular at least 100 μm,'}{'b': 1', '4', '1', '0', '1', '5', '1', '4', '1', '5', '1', '4, 'in particular digital spraying of droplets on partial areas of the first lacquer layer (.) on the workpiece (.), preferably with an, at least partially transparent, lacquer in order to apply a second lacquer layer (.) on the first lacquer layer (.), wherein after curing the second lacquer layer (.) has a different gloss level than the first lacquer layer (.).'}2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising a further step:{'b': 1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '2, 'coating of the workpiece (.) with at least one base layer (., .), and/or'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2, 'structuring of at least one base layer (., .), and/or'}{'b': 1', '4, 'at least partial curing of the first lacquer layer (.) applied, and/or'}{'b': 1', '3, 'at least partial, in particular digital, application of a third liquid lacquer layer (.) in order to create a fine structure in certain areas.'}3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising a further step:{'b': 1', '0, 'feeding of the workpiece (.) to a digital printing station, and/or'}providing digital control data for the digital printing station, and/or{'b': 1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '5, 'curing of the applied lacquer layers (., ., .), in particular by physical drying and/or chemical curing.'}4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein{'b': 1', '0, 'the workpiece (.) is printed with a decorative image before the method is carried ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017767A1

A roofing material including a substrate having a top face and a bottom face. The roofing material further includes a non-asphalt coating applied to the substrate and an asphalt layer covering at least a portion of the top face. The bottom face is asphalt-free, or substantially asphalt-free. 1. A roofing material comprising:a substrate having a top face and a bottom face, wherein the bottom face is substantially asphalt free;a non-asphalt coating applied to the substrate;a discrete asphalt layer formed on at least a portion of the top face; anda surface layer of granules adhered to the discrete asphalt layer.2. The roofing material of claim 1 , wherein substantially no asphalt of the discrete asphalt layer penetrates the substrate.3. The roofing material of claim 1 , wherein the discrete asphalt layer is only formed on an exposed portion of the substrate.4. The roofing material of claim 1 , wherein the granules are only adhered to an exposed portion of the substrate.5. The roofing material of claim 1 , wherein the non-asphalt coating extends to the bottom face of the substrate.6. The roofing material of claim 4 , wherein greater than 95% of the bottom face is coated with the non-asphalt coating.7. The roofing material of claim 1 , wherein greater than 95% of the top face of the substrate is coated by the discrete asphalt layer.8. A roof shingle system for covering a roof claim 1 , the roof shingle system comprising: an exposure portion extending from a bottom edge to a headlap portion, the headlap portion extending from the exposure portion to a top edge;', 'a substrate having a top face and a bottom face, wherein the bottom face is substantially asphalt free;', 'a non-asphalt coating applied to the substrate;', 'a discrete asphalt layer formed on at least a portion of the exposure portion; and', 'a surface layer of granules applied to at least a portion of the exposure portion;, 'a plurality of shingles comprisinga first course of one of the plurality of shingles ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Production of highly oriented graphene oxide films and graphitic films derived therefrom

Номер: US20170021387A1

A process for producing a highly oriented graphene oxide (GO) film, comprising: (a) preparing either a GO dispersion having GO sheets dispersed in a fluid medium or a GO gel having GO molecules dissolved in a fluid medium; (b) dispensing the GO dispersion or gel onto a surface of an application roller rotating in a first direction to form an applicator layer of GO and transferring the applicator layer to a surface of a supporting film driven in a second direction opposite to the first direction to form a wet layer of GO on the supporting film; and (c) removing said fluid medium from the wet layer of GO to form a dried layer of GO having an inter-planar spacing dof 0.4 nm to 1.2 nm and an oxygen content no less than 5% by weight. This dried GO layer may be heat-treated to produce a graphitic film. 1. A process for producing a highly oriented graphene oxide film , said process comprising:(a) preparing either a graphene oxide dispersion having graphene oxide sheets dispersed in a fluid medium or a graphene oxide gel having graphene oxide molecules dissolved in a fluid medium, wherein said graphene oxide sheets or graphene oxide molecules contain an oxygen content higher than 5% by weight;(b) dispensing said graphene oxide dispersion or graphene oxide gel onto a surface of an application roller rotating in a first direction at a first line velocity to form an applicator layer of graphene oxide, wherein said application roller transfers said applicator layer of graphene oxide to a surface of a supporting film driven in a second direction opposite to said first direction at a second line velocity, to form a wet layer of graphene oxide on said supporting film; and{'sub': '002', '(c) at least partially removing said fluid medium from the wet layer of graphene oxide to form a dried layer of graphene oxide having an inter-planar spacing dof 0.4 nm to 1.2 nm as determined by X-ray diffraction and an oxygen content no less than 5% by weight.'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Process for Coating the Interior Surface of Non-Metallic Pipes with Metal Valves and Metal Fittings

Номер: US20180021808A1
Принадлежит: Pipe Restoration Technologies LLC

Methods, processes, compositions and systems for preventing leaching effects from water pipes (such as lead, steel and copper) having an inner diameter of at least approximately 12 mm. 2-part thermoset resin coating is applied to the inner surfaces of the pipes where the curing agent can be a phenol free and plasticizer free adduct type. The coating can reduce heavy metals, such as lead, from leaching from installed pipes to less than approximately 10 μg/L (10 ppb). When cured, specific leachates, Bisphenol A and Epichlorohydrin from the coatings will be (less than) <1 μg/L (1 ppb) with overall TOC levels measured at (less than) <2.5 mg/L (2.5 ppm). Pipes can be returned to service within approximately 24 hours, and preferably within approximately 4 hours.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for the application of an aqueous treatment solution on the surface of a moved steel strip

Номер: US20150024137A1

An apparatus and method for the application of an aqueous treatment solution onto the surface of a steel strip that is moved, at a prespecified strip speed, in a direction of movement of the strip, with the following steps: drying of the moving steel strip with a gas flow; application of the aqueous solution on at least one surface of the steel strip with a rotary sprayer with several spray rotors that are situated next to one another, transverse to the direction of movement of the strip, to which the aqueous treatment solution is supplied and which are rotated by a drive, so as to spray the treatment solution, as a result of centrifugal force, in the form of a spray jet, onto the surface of the steel strip and, there, to form a wet film of the aqueous treatment solution; equalization of the applied wet film of the aqueous treatment solution by driven smoothing rollers; and drying of the applied wet film of the aqueous treatment solution.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024966A1

A method of manufacturing a gas turbine engine element, for example a shroud segment. An insert has at least one elongated feature received in a mold cavity. A powder injection molding feedstock is injected. When the green part is disengaged from the mold, each elongated feature is slid out of the green part to define a respective elongated passage. The cross-sectional dimension of the elongated feature may be 0.020 inches or less, and/or a ratio between the length and cross-sectional dimension of the elongated feature may be at least 25. The method may include, after debinding and sintering, projecting a coating material while defining an obstruction between source of coating material and the open end of each elongated feature with a shoulder of the element to prevent the coating material from reaching the open end, followed by machining to remove at least a part of the shoulder. 1. A method of manufacturing a cooled shroud segment for a gas turbine engine , the method comprising:providing a mold defining a mold cavity having a shape corresponding to the shroud segment, the mold cavity including a platform cavity shaped to define a platform of the shroud segment, the platform cavity having a mold surface corresponding to an inner surface of the platform of the shroud segment;providing an insert extending partly through the mold cavity, the insert including a plurality of elongated pins extending in the platform cavity along and spaced apart from the mold surface;injecting a powder injection molding feedstock into the mold cavity to obtain a green part through which at least part of the elongated pins extend;disengaging the green part from the mold, including sliding the elongated pins out of the green part to define a plurality of elongated cooling passages in the platform of the shroud segment; anddebinding and sintering the green part to define the shroud segment.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein:the insert is a first insert, and providing the mold ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023931A1

A vehicle bond filler formulation is provided that includes a part A having curable resin and a monomer reactive diluent. A part B storage-separate, cure initiator package contains a free-radical cure initiator. At least one color changing dye adapted to change color upon mixing the part A and the part B and within ±5 minutes of cure of the curable resin to a sandable condition is present in either the part A or a separate part C, a guide coat colorant, or a combination thereof. A process of for repairing a vehicle body is also provided that includes mixing a part A containing the at least one color changing dye with the part B to form an internal guide coat mixture applied to a substrate of the vehicle body in need of repair. The mixture cures causing the color changing dye to the terminal change color within ±5 minutes of cure of the curable resin to a sandable condition. 1. A vehicle bond filler formulation comprising:a part A comprising a curable resin having a degree of unsaturation; and a monomer reactive diluent in which said curable resin is dissolved or suspended;a part B storage-separate, free-radical cure initiator package comprising a free-radical cure initiator; andat least one color changing dye adapted to change color upon mixing of said part A and said part B, a terminal color change occurring within ±5 minutes of cure of said curable resin to a sandable condition or a guide coat colorant reactive with ambient air or light or a combination thereof.2. The formulation of wherein said at least one color changing dye is present in either said part A or a part C.3. The formulation of wherein said at least one color changing dye is at least two color changing dyes.4. The formulation of wherein said curable resin is a polyester.5. The formulation of wherein said at least one color changing dye has a formula A-X-A′ where A and A′ are each independently an aryl moiety CH— claim 1 , CH— claim 1 , CNH— claim 1 , CNH— claim 1 , CNH— and substituted forms thereof ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027050A1
Принадлежит: The Nottingham Trent University

The invention relates to methods of forming coated metal oxide particles, suspensions of such coated particles, particles comprising functionalised surface coatings and to fortification of food crops with coated metal oxide particles. Embodiments disclosed include a method of fortifying a food crop with a trace element, the method comprising growing the food crop in a growth medium comprising the trace element in the form of metal oxide particles coated with an organic compound, and a food crop fortified with a trace element in the form of metal oxide particles. Also disclosed is a method of forming coated particles, the method comprising: providing a first quantity of metal oxide particles; providing a second quantity of a coating material comprising an organic compound; and mechanically mixing the metal oxide particles with the coating material in a dry mixing process to provide a mixture comprising the metal oxide particles coated with the organic compound. 1. A method of fortifying a food crop with a trace element , the method comprising growing the food crop in a growth medium comprising the trace element in the form of metal oxide particles coated with an organic compound.2. (canceled)3. The method of wherein the trace element is iron in the form of iron oxide particles.4. The method of wherein the metal oxide particles have a volumetric mean particle size of between 2 nm and 1 μm in diameter claim 1 , and optionally between 2 nm and 100 nm in diameter.5. The method of wherein the organic compound is selected from one or more of an amino acid claim 1 , a vitamin claim 1 , a peptide claim 1 , a pharmaceutical compound and an imaging agent claim 1 , the amino acid optionally selected from one or more of glutamic acid claim 1 , glycine claim 1 , histidine and alanine.6. (canceled)7solanumsolanum tuberosum.. The method of wherein the food crop is a tuberous crop claim 1 , optionally of genus claim 1 , and further optionally of species8. The method of wherein the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109826A1

A system and method for controlling curl in multi-layer webs. The method can include providing a coated web, curing the coating to form a multi-layer web, and stretching the web during curing of the coating. Some coatings shrink at least partially when cured such that curing the coating induces a strain in the multi-layer web. Stretching the web occurs during curing to induce an opposing strain that at least partially counteracts the strain induced by curing to form a multi-layer web having a desired curvature. The system can include a curing section configured to cure the coating, and can further include a web stretching section, which can be located proximate the curing section and can be substantially coincident with the curing section, such that the web is stretched while the coating is cured. 1. A web handling system for producing a multi-layer web having a desired curvature , the web handling system comprising:a curing section configured to cure a coating applied to a web of indeterminate length to form a multi-layer web; anda web stretching section configured to stretch the web to induce a strain in the web, the web stretching section being proximate the curing section and substantially coincident with the curing section, such that the web is stretched while the coating is cured.2. The web handling system of claim 1 , wherein the web stretching section includes a tenter system including:a roller rotatable about an axis of rotation;an endplate coupled to the roller and rotatable about the axis of rotation, the endplate being oriented at a non-perpendicular angle with respect to the axis of rotation, the endplate including an outer circumferential surface positioned to contact the web;a groove defined in the outer circumferential surface of the endplate, the groove extending circumferentially; anda belt dimensioned to be received within the groove, such that a lateral end of the web is gripped between the groove and the belt as the web is moved through the web ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025198A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Electrically conductive coating materials, electrically conductive coating systems, and methods including the same are disclosed herein. The electrically conductive coating systems include an electrically conductive base layer, a dielectric layer, and a plurality of electrically conductive elements that are embedded within the dielectric layer. The electrically conductive coating materials include a liquid dielectric and a plurality of electrically conductive elements that are suspended within the liquid dielectric. The methods include applying an electrically conductive coating material to an electrically conductive base layer and curing the electrically conductive coating material to define the electrically conductive coating system. The electrically conductive elements are defined by an elongate body that has a nonlinear conformation and is shaped to extend across at least 80% of an average thickness of the dielectric layer and/or to project from the electrically conductive base layer at least 80% of the average thickness of the dielectric layer. 1. An electrically conductive coating system , comprising:an electrically conductive base layer;a dielectric layer that extends across the electrically conductive base layer and has an average thickness; anda plurality of electrically conductive elements embedded within the dielectric layer, wherein each of the plurality of electrically conductive elements:(i) is defined by an elongate body that has a nonlinear conformation;(ii) is in electrical contact with the electrically conductive base layer; and(iii) is shaped such that, regardless of an orientation of a given electrically conductive element of the plurality of electrically conductive elements within the dielectric layer, the given electrically conductive element projects from the electrically conductive base layer at least 80% of the average thickness of the dielectric layer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of electrically conductive ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024424A1

An example article includes a substrate and a barrier coating on the substrate extending from an inner interface facing the substrate to an outer surface opposite the inner interface. The barrier coating includes a bulk matrix and a plurality of discrete plugs inset within the bulk matrix and dispersed across the outer surface of the barrier coating. An example technique includes forming the barrier coating on the substrate of a component. 1. An article comprising:a substrate; a bulk matrix; and', 'a plurality of discrete plugs inset within the bulk matrix, wherein each of the plurality of discrete plugs includes an outer surface located at the outer surface of the barrier coating., 'a barrier coating on the substrate extending from an inner interface facing the substrate to an outer surface opposite the inner interface, wherein the barrier coating comprises2. The article of claim 1 ,wherein the bulk matrix comprises a first composition, andwherein the plurality of discrete plugs comprises a second composition, different from the first composition.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein a difference between a coefficient of thermal expansion of the first composition and a coefficient of thermal expansion of the second composition is at least two parts per million (ppm) per degree Celsius at room temperature.4. The article of claim 2 , wherein the first composition and the second composition comprise at least one of aluminum oxide claim 2 , a rare earth oxide claim 2 , a rare earth silicate claim 2 , or a high temperature oxide.5. The article of claim 4 , wherein the barrier coating comprises an environmental barrier coating claim 4 , a thermal barrier coating claim 4 , or an abradable coating.6. The article of claim 2 ,wherein the barrier coating is an environmental barrier coating,wherein the first composition comprises ytterbium disilicate, andwherein the second composition comprises ytterbium monosilicate.7. The article of claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of discrete ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030458A1
Автор: Nissen Jeffrey P.
Принадлежит: Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

The present application includes a rotor blade having an erosion protective coating, the coating being a cermet material configured to protect against erosion during the operation of the rotor blade. Further, the present application includes a method of selectively applying the erosion protective coating, a method of selectively repairing/reapplying the erosion protective coating, and a process of developing an erosion surface model map of an optimized erosion protective coating pattern and thickness. 1. An airfoil member comprising:a root end;a tip end;a skin member defining an airfoil surface, the airfoil surface having a leading edge surface, an upper airfoil surface, and a lower airfoil surface; anda cermet coating exterior to the skin member, the cermet coating being configured to protect the airfoil member against erosion during operation;wherein a thickness of the cermet coating is tapered spanwise along the leading edge surface.2. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the cermet coating is tapered along a chordwise direction.3. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein the cermet coating is tapered along a chordwise direction claim 1 , such that the thickness of the cermet coating decreases as the distance from an apex of the leading edge surface increases claim 1 , along the chordwise direction.4. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein the cermet coating comprises approximately 80-90% tungsten carbide and 10-20% cobalt.5. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein the cermet coating comprises approximately 80-90% tungsten carbide and 10-20% nickel.6. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein a first thickness of the cermet coating near an apex of the leading edge surface is approximately five times a second thickness near the upper airfoil surface.7. The airfoil member according to claim 1 , wherein the cermet coating is applied on the upper airfoil surface at a greater chordwise distance from an ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028434A1

A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () comprises depositing a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (). The continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and further comprises a photopolymer-resin component () that is uncured. The method () further comprises delivering a predetermined or actively determined amount of curing energy () at least to a portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line () at a controlled rate while advancing the continuous flexible line () toward the print path () and after the segment () of the continuous flexible line () is deposited along the print path () to at least partially cure at least the portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line (). 1126-. (canceled)127300102300. A method () of additively manufacturing a composite part () , the method () comprising:{'b': 120', '106', '122', '106', '108', '110, 'depositing a segment () of a continuous flexible line () along a print path (), wherein the continuous flexible line () comprises a non-resin component () and further comprises a photopolymer-resin component () that is uncured; and'}{'b': 118', '124', '120', '106', '106', '122', '120', '106', '122', '124', '120', '106, 'delivering a predetermined or actively determined amount of curing energy () at least to a portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line () at a controlled rate while advancing the continuous flexible line () toward the print path () and after the segment () of the continuous flexible line () is deposited along the print path () to at least partially cure at least the portion () of the segment () of the continuous flexible line ().'}128300252108106266110252108. The method () according to claim 127 , further comprising applying a photopolymer resin () to the non-resin component () while pushing the continuous flexible line () through a delivery assembly () claim 127 , wherein the photopolymer-resin component () ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for additively manufacturing composite parts

Номер: US20170028625A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method ( 400 ) of additively manufacturing a composite part ( 102 ) is disclosed. The method ( 400 ) comprises applying a thermosetting resin ( 252 ) to a non-resin component ( 108 ) of a continuous flexible line ( 106 ) while pushing the non-resin component ( 108 ) through a delivery guide ( 112 ) and pushing the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) out of the delivery guide ( 112 ). The continuous flexible line ( 106 ) further comprises a thermosetting resin component ( 110 ) that comprises at least some of the thermosetting resin ( 252 ) applied to the non-resin component ( 108 ). The method ( 400 ) further comprises depositing, via the delivery guide ( 112 ), a segment ( 120 ) of the continuous flexible line ( 106 ) along the print path ( 122 ).

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems for additively manufacturing composite parts

Номер: US20170028640A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system ( 100 ) for additively manufacturing a composite part ( 102 ) is disclosed. The system ( 100 ) comprises a housing ( 104 ) and a nozzle ( 107 ). The nozzle ( 107 ) is supported by the housing ( 104 ). The nozzle ( 107 ) comprises an outlet ( 110 ), sized to dispense a continuous flexible line ( 112 ). The continuous flexible line ( 112 ) comprises a non-resin component ( 114 ) and a photopolymer-resin component ( 116 ). The system ( 100 ) also comprises a feed mechanism ( 118 ), supported within the housing ( 104 ). The feed mechanism ( 118 ) is configured to push the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) out of the outlet ( 110 ) of the nozzle ( 107 ). The system ( 100 ) further comprises a light source ( 120 ), supported by the housing ( 104 ). The light source ( 120 ) is configured to deliver a light beam to the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) after the continuous flexible line ( 112 ) exits the outlet ( 110 ) of the nozzle ( 107 ) to at least partially cure the photopolymer-resin component ( 116 ) of the continuous flexible line ( 112 ).

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Composite sheet material and method for forming the same

Номер: US20170028700A1
Принадлежит: Xamax Industries Inc

A composite sheet material and method for forming the same is provided that includes a substrate, a matrix, and a cover sheet. The substrate has a first face surface, a second face surface, and a plurality of edges, and includes a thermoplastic material. The matrix is attached to the substrate. The matrix includes a support component having a first melting point, and a thermoplastic component having a second melting point. The second melting point is less than the first melting point. The cover sheet imparts one or more surface characteristics to the composite sheet material during thermo-pressure formation of the composite sheet material.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Manufacturing Method of Porous Multilayered Polyolefin

Номер: US20160030974A1

Provided is a manufacturing method of a polyolefin-based multilayer composite porous film, including: a) forming a composition including a polyolefin resin and diluent to a sheet; b) stretching the sheet and extracting the diluent to manufacture a film; c) performing heat-treatment on the manufactured film; and d) coating one surface or both surfaces of the heat-treated film with a coating solution containing a heat resistant resin, wherein step c) and step d) are continuously performed. 1. A manufacturing method of a polyolefin-based multilayer composite porous film , comprising:a) forming a composition including a polyolefin resin and diluent to a sheet;b) stretching the sheet and extracting the diluent to manufacture a film;c) performing heat-treatment on the manufactured film; andd) coating one surface or both surfaces of the heat-treated film with a coating solution containing a heat resistant resin,wherein step c) and step d) are continuously performed.2. The manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the heat-treatment in step c) includes a heat-setting process claim 1 , and includes a heat-stretching process or a heat-relaxing process of the film in at least one direction.3. The manufacturing method of claim 2 , wherein in the heat-relaxing process claim 2 , a width of the film after the heat-relaxing process is reduced by a ratio of 50 to 99% as compared to a width of the film before the heat-relaxing process.4. The manufacturing method of claim 2 , wherein in step b) claim 2 , a stretching ratio is four times or more in a machine direction and in a transverse direction claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , and a total stretching ratio is 20 to 80 times claim 2 , andin step c), a heat stretching ratio is 1.01 to 2.0 times in a machine direction or in a transverse direction.5. The manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the composition of step a) includes 15 to 50 wt % of the polyolefin resin and 85 to 50 wt % of the diluent.6. The manufacturing method of claim ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Aqueous polymer dispersion for paper with a copolymer of vinyl acetate and an acrylate monomer

Номер: US20170029651A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for preparing an aqueous dispersion of a polymer P, which comprises the emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate, an acrylate monomer, which is a C 1 -C 10 alkyl acrylate or a C 1 -C 10 methacrylate, an α,β-ethylenically unsaturated C 3 -C 8 carboxylic acid, glycidyl methacrylate or glycidyl acrylate, optionally an ethylenically unsaturated sulfonic acid and optionally an ethylenically unsaturated other monomer. Furthermore, the aqueous polymer dispersion obtainable from this process and a powder form thereof are disclosed. They are useful for a paper coating slip containing one of the aforementioned forms. A paper or a cardboard, which is coated with the paper coating slip, shows surface strength, which is expressed by a good dry pick resistance, a good wet pick resistance or good offset test results. The aqueous polymer dispersion or the powder form thereof is furthermore useful as a binder.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030846A1

A panel and a panel production method are provided wherein an elastomeric coating, and preferably, a water-based elastomeric polyurethane coating, is applied to a pre-existing, finished panel construct, by pressing the coating onto the panel construct, and thereby bond the coating to the surface of the panel construct. The method is used to produce enhanced panels which can be used in the production of flooring materials, wall panels, furniture, countertops, and the like. The resultant panels typically have an enhanced surface that protects the surface layer of the panel construct. The coated panel can also be made abrasion resistant, and can also be enhanced so as to provide better acoustical properties while providing a soft touch, haptic surface. 144-. (canceled)45. A process for the production of a coated panel comprising:applying one or more layers of a liquid coating material to a surface of a panel construct, so as to produce a coated panel construct; andsubsequently pressing said coated panel construct under conditions of heat and pressure, for sufficient time to cure and crosslink said coating material, and bond said coating material to the surface of said panel construct,wherein said coating material is a solution or dispersion of an elastomeric resin-based material in water or another solvent, andwherein said coating material is based on a resin selected from polyurethane, polyethylene or polypropylene-based resins; Ethylene vinyl acetate; Ethylene vinyl alcohol; Polyesters; Polyolefin, modified Melamine-based thermoset resins; Urea and Urea modified resins; ESI (ethylene styrene interpolymer), or any of the styrene acrylic copolymers and Acrylic resins; rubber based materials selected from NBR (nitrile Butadiene), SBR (styrene butadiene), and CR (chloroprene), silicone, fluorocarbon, acrylamide, epichlorohydrin, and/or carboxylated, and natural and synthetic latexes.46. The process as claimed in claim 45 , wherein said elastomeric resin-based material is ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Coating compositions including a sag control agent and wax

Номер: US20210032491A1

Solvent-borne coating compositions and methods for forming coated substrates are provided. In one example, a solvent-borne coating composition includes a solvent(s), a colorant(s), a binder including one or more resins, a sag control agent, and a wax dispersion. The sag control agent includes urea crystals that are present in an amount of from about 0.5 wt. % to about 6 wt. % based on the weight of the binder. The wax dispersion includes ethylene vinyl acetate-based wax particles present in an amount of from about 3 wt. % to about 8 wt. % based on the weight of the binder. The solvent-borne coating composition has a non-volatile content of from about 11 to about 30 vol. % based on the volume of the solvent-borne coating composition.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033678A1

Transparent conductive coatings are polished using particle slurries in combination with mechanical shearing force, such as a polishing pad. Substrates having transparent conductive coatings that are too rough and/or have too much haze, such that the substrate would not produce a suitable optical device, are polished using methods described herein. The substrate may be tempered prior to, or after, polishing. The polished substrates have low haze and sufficient smoothness to make high-quality optical devices. 1. A method of fabricating an electrochromic window , the method comprising:a) mechanically polishing a surface of a first transparent conducting layer disposed on a glass substrate;b) fabricating an electrochromic device on the first transparent conducting layer, wherein the electrochromic device comprises an electrochromic layer, a counter electrode layer and a second transparent conducting oxide layer; andc) tempering the glass substrate prior to a) or prior to b).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein mechanically polishing reduces haze to less than 1%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate is tempered prior to b).4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the glass substrate is tempered prior to a).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transparent conducting layer is a tin oxide based material.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the tin oxide based material comprises fluorinated tin oxide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a) includes an abrasive preparation comprising particles having a Mohs hardness scale factor of at least 9.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the abrasive preparation comprises one or both of alumina carborundum.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the abrasive preparation is an alumina slurry having an average particle diameter of 250 nm or greater.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the average particle diameter is about 1 μM.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein a) is performed for between about 10 minutes and about 90 minutes.12. The ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037517A1

Disclosed are methods for making conductive materials. The methods can be used to make transparent, opaque, or reflective electrodes by using the same materials and equipment but varying the processing conditions or amounts of materials used. The methods can include: (a) providing a substrate comprising a first surface and an opposite second surface, wherein micro- or nanostructures are disposed on at least a portion of the first surface, and wherein the first surface is not pre-conditioned to increase attachment between the micro- or nanostructures and the substrate; (b) applying heat to heat the substrate surface to a temperature that is greater than the glass transition temperature or the Vicat softening temperature of the substrate and less than the melting point of the substrate; (c) applying pressure such that the substrate and the micro- or nanostructures are pressed together; and (d) removing the pressure to obtain the conductive material. 1. A method for making a transparent , opaque , or reflective electrode , the method comprising:(a) providing a substrate comprising a first surface and an opposite second surface, wherein micro- or nanostructures are disposed on at least a portion of the first surface, and wherein the first surface is not pre-conditioned to increase attachment between the micro- or nanostructures and the substrate;(b) applying heat to either the first surface or the second surface of the substrate, or both, with at least a first heating source or with at least a first and second heating source such that the micro- or nanostructures or the first surface of the substrate are heated to a temperature that is greater than the glass transition temperature or the Vicat softening temperature of the substrate and less than the melting point of the substrate;(c) applying a sufficient amount of pressure to either the first surface or the second surface of the substrate, or both, with at least a first pressure source or with a first and second ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140120274A1

A manufacturing method includes providing a substrate with an outer surface and at least one interior space, applying a coating on a portion of the substrate and forming one or more grooves in the coating, wherein each groove extends at least partially along the coating. The method further includes processing at least a portion of the surface of the coating to plastically deform the coating in the vicinity of the top of a respective groove. An additional coating is applied over at least a portion of the surface of the coating. A component is disclosed and includes a substrate, a coating disposed on at least a portion of the substrate, and defining one or more grooves therein, and an additional coating disposed over at least a portion of the coating. The substrate, the coating and the additional coating together define one or more channels for cooling the component. 1. A manufacturing method comprising:providing a substrate with an outer surface and at least one interior space;applying a coating on at least a portion of the substrate;forming one or more grooves in the coating wherein each groove extends at least partially along the coating;processing at least a portion of a surface of the coating so as to plastically deform the coating at least in a vicinity of the top of a respective groove, such that a gap across a top of the groove is reduced; andapplying one or more additional coatings over at least a portion of the surface of the coating, wherein the substrate, the coating and the additional coating define one or more channels for cooling a component.2. The manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein the step of forming one or more grooves further comprises forming at least a portion of the one or more grooves in a portion of the substrate.3. The manufacturing method of claim 1 , wherein each groove is formed using one or more of an abrasive liquid jet claim 1 , plunge electrochemical machining (ECM) claim 1 , electric discharge machining (EDM) with a spinning ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Three-Dimensional Vertically Aligned Functionalized Multilayer Graphene

Номер: US20160038971A9

In a method of making a thermal interface material, functionalized graphene sheets are dispersed in a liquid. The liquid is removed through a filter so as to form a filtration cake of aligned functionalized graphene sheets, substantially all of which are parallel to a common plane. At least one block of aligned functionalized graphene sheets is cut from the filtration cake. The block includes a first end face and an oppositely-disposed second end face that are parallel to each other and to which substantially all of the functionalized graphene sheets are transverse. The block also includes two oppositely-disposed sides to which substantially all of the functionalized graphene sheets are parallel. A first layer of a thermally conductive substance is applied to the first end face and a second layer of the thermally conductive substance is applied to the second end face of the block. 1. A method of making a thermal interface material , comprising the steps of:(a) dispersing functionalized graphene sheets in a liquid;(b) removing the liquid through a filter so as to form a filtration cake of aligned functionalized graphene sheets, substantially all of which are parallel to a common plane;(c) cutting at least one block of aligned functionalized graphene sheets from the filtration cake, the block including a first end face and an oppositely-disposed second end face that are parallel to each other and to which substantially all of the functionalized graphene sheets are transverse, the block also including two oppositely-disposed sides to which substantially all of the functionalized graphene sheets are parallel; and(d) applying a first layer of a thermally conductive substance to the first end face and applying a second layer of the thermally conductive substance to the second end face of the block.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of removing the liquid comprises the step of applying a filtration process to the liquid.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036239A1

An integrated liquidjet system capable of stripping, prepping and coating a part includes a cell defining an enclosure, a jig for holding the part inside the cell, an ultrasonic nozzle having an ultrasonic transducer for generating a pulsed liquidjet, a coating particle source for supplying coating particles to the nozzle, a pressurized liquid source for supplying the nozzle with a pressurized liquid to enable the nozzle to generate the pulsed liquidjet to sequentially strip, prep and coat the part, a high-voltage electrode and a ground electrode inside the nozzle for charging the coating particles, and a human-machine interface external to the cell for receiving user commands and for controlling the pulsed liquidjet exiting from the nozzle in response to the user commands. 1. An integrated liquidjet system capable of stripping , prepping and coating a part , the integrated liquidjet system comprising:a cell defining an enclosure;a jig for holding the part inside the cell;an ultrasonic nozzle having an ultrasonic transducer for generating a pulsed liquidjet;a coating particle source for supplying coating particles to the nozzle;a pressurized liquid source for supplying the nozzle with a pressurized liquid to enable the nozzle to generate the pulsed liquidjet to sequentially strip, prep and coat the part;a high-voltage electrode and a ground electrode inside the nozzle for charging the coating particles; anda human-machine interface external to the cell for receiving user commands and for controlling the pulsed liquidjet exiting from the nozzle in response to the user commands.2. The system as claimed in wherein the cell defines an electrically shielded enclosure.3. The system as claimed in wherein the cell includes a Faraday cage.4. The system as claimed in wherein the pulsed liquidjet is a forced pulsed waterjet5. The system as claimed in wherein the jig comprises a turntable for rotating the part at an angular velocity controlled by the human-machine interface.6. ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037578A1

A process for providing printable substrates by separately treating one or both surfaces of a paper substrate with an optical brightening agent (OBA) and a multivalent metal salt drying agent, where one or both surfaces of the paper substrate is treated with one of these two agents at the size press, and where the surface(s) is treated with the other of these two agents before or after the size press. 1. A process comprising the following steps:(a) for a paper substrate about 10% or less by weight mechanical pulp fibers and having a first surface and a second surface, treating at least one of the first and second surfaces at a size press with one of the following two agents: (1) an optical brightening agent or; (2) a multivalent metal salt drying agent, to provide a treated paper substrate having one of the two agents; and(b) before or after the size press, treating the at least one surface of the paper substrate of step (a) with the other of the two agents to provide a printable substrate;(c) wherein the least one surface after steps (a) and (b) comprises the multivalent metal salt drying agent in an amount such that the at least one surface has a percent ink transferred (“IT %”) value equal to or less than about 65% and a black print density value of at least about 1.15;(d) wherein the optical brightening agent is present after steps (a) and (b) in an amount sufficient to impart to the at least one surface an ISO brightness value of at least about 75.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein steps (a) and (b) are carried out on both the first and second surfaces.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the first and second surfaces are treated with the multivalent metal salt drying agent at a pickup of from about 0.15 to about 3% by weight of the multivalent metal salt drying agent per ton of paper substrate.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the first and second surfaces are treated with the multivalent metal salt drying agent at a pickup of from about 0.35 to about 1.3% ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054989A1
Автор: FUKUSUMI Takanori
Принадлежит: Kioxia Corporation

A chemical liquid application apparatus according to one embodiment includes: a processing unit which applies a chemical liquid to a substrate; and a viscosity adjustment unit including a viscosity adjustment bottle which mixes a chemical liquid and a diluent. The viscosity adjustment bottle includes a first introduction port into which the chemical liquid is introduced, a second introduction port into which the diluent diluting the chemical liquid is introduced, a porous body which is connected to the first and second introduction ports and includes a plurality of holes through which the chemical liquid and the diluent introduced from the first and second introduction ports flow, and a discharge port which is connected to the porous body and from which the mixture of the chemical liquid and the diluent is discharged. 1. A chemical liquid application apparatus comprising:a processing unit which applies a chemical liquid to a substrate;a chemical liquid supply unit that is capable of connecting a supply source of the chemical liquid;a diluent supply unit that is capable of connecting a supply source of a diluent diluting the chemical liquid;a viscosity adjustment unit including a viscosity adjustment bottle to which the chemical liquid is supplied from the chemical liquid supply unit, to which the diluent is supplied from the diluent supply unit, and which mixes the chemical liquid and the diluent; anda mixture supply unit which supplies a mixture of the chemical liquid and the diluent to the processing unit, whereinthe viscosity adjustment bottle includesa first introduction port into which the chemical liquid is introduced,a second introduction port into which the diluent diluting the chemical liquid is introduced,a porous body which is connected to the first and second introduction ports and includes a plurality of holes through which the chemical liquid introduced from the first introduction port and the diluent introduced from the second introduction port flow, ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Methods for Preparing Coating Compositions for Protecting Oilfield Operational Components

Номер: US20220055068A1
Принадлежит: FORMULA NO. 37, LLC

Coating compositions for coating an oilfield operational component, and related methods, may include in some aspects a coating composition having a trifunctional silane, a silanol, and a filler. The coating composition may be applied to a surface of the oilfield operational component that is configured to be exposed to a fluid. The coating composition may be applied to at least partially cover or coat the surface. The coating composition may be configured to chemically bond with a cured primer composition that includes an epoxy. 1. A method for preparing a coating composition for application to at least a portion of an oilfield operational component to reduce damage induced by flow of an oilfield fluid , the method comprising:providing trifunctional silane;providing silanol fluid;providing filler;providing titanium dioxide;combining the trifunctional silane, the silanol fluid, the titanium oxide, and the filler; andmixing one or more of the trifunctional silane, the silanol fluid, the titanium dioxide, or the filler to obtain the coating composition, the coating composition being configured to form a coating layer on the at least a portion of the oilfield operational component, the coating layer configured to reduce damage induced by flow of an oilfield fluid, such that the oilfield operational component exhibits a comparison factor indicative of an increased resistance to wear ranging from about 2 to about 30, the comparison factor being indicative of a first amount of time during which a portion of the coating layer wears to a first depth divided by a second amount of time during which a portion of the oilfield operational component without the coating wears to a second depth equal to the first depth.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing blue pigment claim 1 , and mixing the blue pigment with one or more of the trifunctional silane claim 1 , the silanol fluid claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , or the filler to obtain the coating composition.3. ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055399A1
Автор: SCHACHT Benny, Tack Filip

A method may be provided for manufacturing coated panels of the type including at least a substrate and a top layer with a motif. The top layer may be provided on the substrate. The method may involve providing a synthetic material layer on the substrate. A relief may be provided on the surface of said synthetic material layer provided on the substrate. The relief may include a pattern of recesses. The pattern may be at least partially determined by at least one print that is applied by inkjet printing. The relief may be obtained by printing a mask directly on the synthetic material layer. After providing the mask, the synthetic material layer may be cured. The mask may provide for selective curing of the synthetic material layer, such that the synthetic material layer is not solidified or solidified at a lesser extent in correspondence of the mask. The not solidified or less solidified portions of the synthetic material layer may be removed by performing a material-removing treatment on the synthetic material layer thereby obtaining the relief. The material-removing treatment may involve removing the mask. 1. A method for manufacturing coated panels of the type including at least a substrate and a top layer with a motif , the top layer being provided on the substrate , the method comprising:providing a synthetic material layer on the substrate; andproviding a relief on the surface of said synthetic material layer provided on the substrate;wherein the relief includes a pattern of recesses;wherein the pattern is at least partially determined by at least one print;wherein the print is applied by inkjet printing;wherein the relief is obtained by printing a mask directly on the synthetic material layer;wherein after providing the mask, curing the synthetic material layer;wherein the mask provides for selective curing of the synthetic material layer, such that the synthetic material layer is not solidified or solidified at a lesser extent in correspondence of the mask; ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Pipeline Weld Finishing System And Process

Номер: US20190039199A1

Various embodiments relate to a blasting ring for blasting a weld on a pipe, including: a ring structure with a first pivot point and a latch, wherein the first pivot point allows the ring structure to open and close around the pipe and the latch is configured to secure the ring to the pipe; a plurality of rollers attached to the ring structure configured to engage the pipe; a cleaner brush attached to the ring structure configured to rotate and engage the weld on the pipe to clean the weld; and a profile brush attached to the ring structure configured to rotate and engage the weld on the pipe to profile the weld. Further, the blasting ring and a heating ring may be used to finish the weld on a pipe. 1. A blasting ring for blasting a weld on a pipe , comprising:a ring structure with a first pivot point and a latch, wherein the first pivot point allows the ring structure to open and close around the pipe and the latch is configured to secure the ring to the pipe;a plurality of rollers attached to the ring structure configured to engage the pipe;a cleaner brush attached to the ring structure configured to rotate and engage the weld on the pipe to clean the weld; anda profile brush attached to the ring structure configured to rotate and engage the weld on the pipe to profile the weld.2. The blaster ring of claim 1 , further comprising:a first motor coupled to the cleaner brush configured to rotate the cleaner brush; anda second motor coupled to the profile brush configured to rotate the profile brush.3. The blaster ring of claim 2 , wherein the first motor and the second motor are air-powered motors.4. The blaster ring of claim 2 , further comprising:a first brush drive mechanism between the first motor and the cleaner bush; anda second brush drive mechanism between the second motor and the profile bush.5. The blaster ring of claim 1 , further comprising a brush adjustment mechanism configured to adjust the position of one the cleaner bush and profile brush relative to ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044360A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a metalized substrate which consists at least partially, and preferably entirely, of aluminium and/or an aluminium alloy. A conductive paste is applied to at least some sections of a surface of said substrate; in a first firing phase, the conductive paste is exposed to a substantially continuously increasing firing temperature which is increased to a predefinable maximum firing temperature of less than approximately 660° C.; in a second firing phase, the conductive paste is substantially exposed to said predefinable maximum firing temperature for a predefinable time period; in a cooling phase, the conductive paste is cooled down; and in a post-treatment phase, a surface of the conductive paste is mechanically post-treated, preferably brushed. 1. A method of producing a metalized substrate , wherein the substrate at least partially and preferably entirely comprises aluminum and/or an aluminum alloy , wherein a conductor paste is applied at least region-wise to a surface of the substrate , in a first firing phase the conductor paste is exposed to a substantially continuously increasing firing temperature , wherein the firing temperature is increased to a predeterminable maximum firing temperature of less than about 660° C. , in a second firing phase the conductor paste is exposed substantially to the predeterminable maximum firing temperature for a predeterminable period of time , in a cooling phase the conductor paste is cooled down and in a post-treatment phase a surface of the conductor paste is mechanically post-treated , preferably brushed.2. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the conductor paste is applied to the surface of the substrate by a screen printing process.3. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a conductor paste including a copper powder is used.4. A method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a conductor paste including a glass from the PbO—BO—SiOsystem and/or a glass including BiOis used.5. ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044372A1

Provided is a treatment agent used for forming an image on fabric, containing a resin emulsion and a metal salt. A pH of the treatment agent is in a range from 5.5 to 9. The pH may be adjusted using a pH adjuster. Examples of the pH adjuster include sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, triethanolamine, and N-butyl diethanolamine. 117-. (canceled)18. A method for preventing discoloration in fabric , comprising:a treatment step of applying, on fabric, a treatment agent that prevents discoloration in the fabric, the treatment agent comprising a resin emulsion and a metal salt and having a pH of 5.5 to 9;an image printing step of printing an image on a treatment agent-applied area with an ink; anda heat-fixing step of heat-fixing the ink on the fabric, whereinin the heat-fixing step, the discoloration in the fabric is prevented.19. The method according to claim 18 , whereinthe treatment agent further comprises a pH adjuster, andthe pH adjuster is at least one selected from the group consisting of alkali metal hydroxides, alkali metal carbonates, hydroxides of elements in Groups 2 to 12, carbonates of elements in Groups 2 to 12, and amines.20. The method according to claim 19 , whereinthe pH adjuster is at least one selected from the group consisting of sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, triethanolamine, and N-butyl diethanolamine.21. The method according to claim 18 , whereinthe resin emulsion is an acrylic resin emulsion.22. The method according to claim 18 , whereinthe metal salt is calcium nitrate.23. The method according to claim 18 , whereinas the ink used in the image printing step, an ink comprising a pigment is used.24. The method according to claim 18 , further comprising claim 18 , after the treatment step claim 18 , at least one of the following steps a and b:step a: a heat-treatment step of heat-treating the treatment agent-applied area to ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Concurrently Dispensing and Fairing High Viscosity Fluid

Номер: US20150044376A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A method and apparatus for forming and shaping a fillet at an interface. A fluid may be dispensed from a nozzle onto the interface as the nozzle is moved along the interface to form the fillet. An exposed surface of the fillet may be worked using a fairing element associated with the nozzle, as the nozzle is moved along the interface and the fluid is dispensed from the nozzle. 1. An apparatus comprising:a nozzle configured to dispense a fluid onto an interface as the nozzle is moved along the interface to form a fillet; anda fairing element associated with the nozzle and configured to work an exposed surface of the fillet as the nozzle is moved along the interface and the fluid is being dispensed from the nozzle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fairing element is configured to work the exposed surface of the fillet by fairing the exposed surface such that a cross-sectional shape of the exposed surface takes on a desired cross-sectional shape in a single pass of the nozzle moving along the interface while the fluid is being dispensed from the nozzle.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the fairing element has a curved shape configured to shape the exposed surface of the fillet to have the desired cross-sectional shape as the nozzle is moved along the interface and the fluid is being dispensed from the nozzle.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the curved shape comprises at least one of a spherical shape claim 3 , a convex shape claim 3 , a concave shape claim 3 , and a semi-spherical shape.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the curved shape has a size that is selected based on at least one of a size or a shape of the interface.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fairing element is formed by a portion of the nozzle.7. The apparatus of further comprising:a structure configured for association with the nozzle and a fluid source such that the nozzle is configured to receive the fluid from the fluid source through the structure.8. The apparatus of ...
