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10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2603938C2
Принадлежит: Комау С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к области многокоординатных промышленных роботов. Промышленный робот содержит конструкцию основания, шарнирно-сочлененное запястье робота и цепь шарнирно-сочлененных друг с другом элементов робота, соединяющих конструкцию основания с запястьем робота. Запястье робота оканчивается фланцем, с которым жестко соединена сварочная головка электрической точечной сварки, требующая подачи питания и/или текучей среды. Через цепь шарнирно-сочлененных друг с другом элементов робота и через запястье робота образован непрерывный внутренний проход, вмещающий кабели и/или трубки для подачи питания и/или текучей среды к сварочной головке. Кабели и трубки проходят через непрерывный внутренний проход робота и далее без разрыва через проход, образованный во фланце, и внутри несущей конструкции сварочной головки, вплоть до входа в соединительный элемент, предусмотренный в задней стенке трансформатора, обращенной к фланцу робота, благодаря чему кабели и трубки расположены полностью внутри ...

08-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669131C2

Изобретение относится к человекоподобному роботу, содержащему ключ (60) для приведения в действие механизмов робота. Человекоподобный робот содержит множество механизмов (70), приводимых в действие снаружи относительно робота. Каждый из механизмов (70) содержит соединительный интерфейс (72), в который может быть вставлен ключ (60). Причем соединительный интерфейс (72) каждого из механизмов (70) выполнен таким образом, что введение ключа (60) приводит в действие механизм (70). Предпочтительно, ключ (60) содержит два продолговатых стержня (61a, 61b), предназначенных для одновременного введения в два продольных отверстия (73a, 73b). Изобретение обеспечивает возможность применения единого ключа для приведения в действие множества механизмов человекоподобного робота, для блокирования или разблокирования механическим путем шарнира робота или для отсоединения внешнего корпуса и обеспечения доступа к внутренней части робота. Определение ключа и соединительных интерфейсов механизмов, приводимых ...

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727381C2
Принадлежит: Комау С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к роботу. Робот содержит подвижную конструкцию, приводные средства для обеспечения перемещений подвижной конструкции, систему управления, содержащую блок управления и выполненную с возможностью управления приводными средствами, и сенсорное покрытие. Сенсорное покрытие покрывает подвижную конструкцию и включает сенсорные средства. Сенсорное покрытие содержит множество покрывающих модулей, каждый из которых имеет соответствующую несущую конструкцию заданной формы, с которой связан слой упруго-деформируемого материала. Множество покрывающих модулей содержит сенсорные покрывающие модули, содержащие сенсорные средства. Несущая конструкция покрывающих модулей имеет связанные с ней электрические соединительные средства, выполненные с возможностью разъемным образом обеспечить электрическое соединение между двумя различными покрывающими модулями, расположенными смежно друг к другу. В результате обеспечивается высокая степень взаимодействия между устройством и оператором и соблюдаются ...

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721770C2
Принадлежит: ИНВЕНЦИО АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к винтовертному устройству (5) с винтовертом (45) и соединительным элементом (10) для соединения винтоверта (45) с механической рукой (11). Соединительный элемент (10) содержит первый, расположенный на стороне робота передаточный элемент (20), второй, расположенный на стороне инструмента передаточный элемент (22), расположенный между первым и вторым передаточными элементами (20, 22) возвратный элемент (25) и элемент (50) для измерения расстояния. Оба передаточных элемента (20, 22) могут перемещаться друг к другу против восстанавливающей силы возвратного элемента (25) в направлении (26) приведения в действие. Элемент (50) для измерения расстояния выполнен и расположен таким образом, что он может измерять расстояние, характеризующее расстояние между передаточными элементами (20, 22) в направлении (26) приведения в действие. Технический результат заключается в надежном ввинчивании винта. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

15-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706260C2

Изобретение относится к области обработки заготовок (3) с помощью концевого эффектора (4) манипулятора (2). Способ компенсации отклонения рабочей точки (1) во время обработки включает отработку последовательности команд настройки манипулятора (2), создание на основе этой последовательности команд информации (5) о номинальном положении в соответствии с номинальным положением (6) рабочей точки (1), при этом информацию (5) обрабатывают с помощью набора (7) компенсационных параметров для нахождения компенсационного значения (8), в соответствии с которым информацию (5) адаптируют для уменьшения отклонения (9) между фактическим положением (10) рабочей точки (1) и ее номинальным положением (6), на основе сравнения между измеренным фактическим положением (10) рабочей точки (1) и ее номинальным положением (6) определяют корректирующее значение (12), на основе которого во время обработки заготовки (3) адаптируют набор (7) компенсационных параметров для уменьшения упомянутого отклонения (9). Использование ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625356C2
Принадлежит: ДАЛЬМЕК С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к балансирному пневматическому манипулятору. Манипулятор содержит опорное устройство с узлом, выполненным с возможностью вращения вокруг вертикальной оси, шарнирный параллелограммный механизм с рукой, совершающей маховые движения, пневматический линейный привод, действующий между поворотным узлом и шарнирным параллелограммным механизмом, заставляя руку поворачиваться вокруг оси колебаний, салазки, соединенные с приводом и установленные с возможностью скольжения на поворотном узле посредством первых прямолинейных направляющих средств, проходящих в первом заданном направлении, вторые прямолинейные направляющие средства, выполненные за одно целое с салазками и проходящие во втором направлении, перпендикулярном первому направлению, и зацепляющий элемент, установленный на руке и выполненный с возможностью зацепления со вторыми направляющими средствами. Изобретение обеспечивает постоянную балансировку манипулятора во всех диапазонах перемещений привода, что способствует ...

13-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018122068A3

15-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017144886A3

07-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2785422C1

Изобретение относится к промышленному роботу с адаптивными компенсаторами внешних нагрузок, а именно, к компенсатору системы с двумя степенями свободы, включающей вращательный и призматический шарнир. Система адаптивной компенсации промышленного робота содержит по меньшей мере одну пару с двумя степенями свободы, включающую вращательный и призматический шарнир, на которой закреплен компенсатор, выполненный в виде пружин, закреплённых на тросах, перемещающихся по по меньшей мере двум шкивам. Пружины выполнены с пассивно-адаптивной подвижной точкой крепления. Обеспечивается компенсация силы тяжести на призматических соединениях при различной ориентации. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

25-09-2024 дата публикации

Роботизированное измерительное устройство с манипулятором и способ его применения

Номер: RU2827417C1

Изобретение относится к области робототехники и может быть использовано как роботизированное измерительное устройство при добыче угля. Устройство имеет тахеометр с функцией автоматического выравнивания, манипулятор, защитный механизм, механизм выравнивания высоты, механизм регулирования крена, вертикальное поворотное устройство, контроллер, монтажное основание и мобильный терминал. Устройство начинает свою работу с учетом предварительно заданных углов тангажа и крена посредством перемещения в начальную точку и совершает поступательные движения с помощью механизмов выравнивания высоты и регулирования крена для перемещения тахеометра в заданное рабочее место. После того как автоматическое выравнивание выполнено и движение завершено, устройство в обратном порядке и направлении совершает поступательные движения с помощью механизма выравнивания высоты и механизма регулирования крена, перемещая тахеометр в начальную точку. Устройство способно устранять сложности, связанные с ограниченной высотой ...

22-12-2021 дата публикации

Способ повышения точности перемещений промышленного робота в процессе инкрементального формообразования

Номер: RU2762693C1

Изобретение относится к области робототехники, а именно к способам позиционирования промышленных роботов. Для повышения точности позиционирования промышленного робота в процессе инкрементального формообразования проводится оценка по результатам измерения с помощью лазерного трекера положения инструмента относительно базовой поверхности, которая задается с помощью 4 сферических отражателей. При проведении измерений положения инструментального центра робота-манипулятора рядом с ним установлен сферический отражатель, положение которого относительно базовой плоскости определяется по результатам измерений с помощью лазерного трекера, имеющего частоту сканирования, соответствующую тактовой частоте робота-манипулятора. В точке, соответствующей начальному положению пуансона, проводится измерение координат инструментального центра робота-манипулятора для оценки погрешности измерений и калибровки робота, а оценка рассогласования заданной и реальной траектории перемещения робота осуществляется путем ...

27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015108350A

... 1. Соединительное устройство (1) для манипулятора, имеющее фиксируемое на манипуляторе зажимное устройство (2) и зажимаемый в нем держатель (40), при этом зажимное устройство (2) имеет запорный механизм (5), запорные элементы которого предназначены для того, чтобы воздействовать на возвышение или углубление держателя (40), отличающееся тем, что как зажимное устройство (2), так и держатель (40) имеет имеют продолговатую, в частности по существу прямоугольную основную форму, при этом держатель (40) имеет запорное отверстие (44), которое снабжено боковыми расширениями (45, 46), а запорный механизм (5) имеет два латерально смещаемых запорных элемента (6, 7) и расположенный между ними исполнительный орган (8), посредством которого запорные элементы (6, 7) могут вдавливаться в боковые расширения (45, 46) запорного отверстия (44) таким образом, что держатель (40) может зажиматься в зажимном устройстве (2).2. Соединительное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что запорным механизм (5) расположен ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016122866A

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009141860A

... 1. Шарнирное соединение, которое размещается между рабочим устройством и запястьем, в состав которого входит вал корпуса промышленного робота, и включает контур циркуляции жидкой среды, соединяющий запястье с рабочим устройством, отличающееся тем, что в состав упомянутого шарнирного соединения входят: ! неподвижная стенка, установленная на запястье так, что на нее не передается крутящий момент вала; и ! перегородка, установленная так, что на нее передается крутящий момент вала и она поворачивается вместе с валом, ! в состав упомянутого контура циркуляции жидкой среды входят шланг подвода жидкой среды и шланг отвода жидкой среды, и между упомянутым запястьем и упомянутым рабочим устройством шланги образуют спираль с неплотной навивкой, при этом шланг наматывается вокруг вала, который поворачивается вместе с упомянутым запястьем, при этом один конец каждого из шлангов крепится к упомянутой неподвижной стенке, а другой конец каждого из шлангов может перемещаться при перемещении упомянутого ...

21-11-2002 дата публикации

Roboter mit Steuerschrank

Номер: DE0020213331U1

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Tragvorrichtung sowie Roboter mit einer solchen Tragvorrichtung

Номер: DE102006043604B4
Принадлежит: EISENMANN AG

Tragvorrichtung (26) mit wenigstens einer Betriebseinrichtung (83, 102, 103, 104), die zum Betrieb einer von einem Roboter zur Beschichtung von Gegenständen getragenen Applikationseinrichtung (14) erforderlich ist, gekennzeichnet durch a) eine einheitliche Tragstruktur (28), welche die Betriebseinrichtung (83, 102, 103, 104) trägt; b) Haltemittel (60, 58), welche an der Tragstruktur (28) vorgesehen sind und welche zumindest ein Teil (60) eines Gelenks (62) umfassen, so daß die an dem Roboter angebrachte Tragstruktur (26) um eine durch das Gelenk (62) vorgegebene Achse in verschiedene Winkelstellungen verschwenkbar gelagert ist; wobei c) die Haltemittel (60, 58) eine Arretiereinrichtung (78, 80a, 80b) umfassen, mittels welcher die an dem Roboter angebrachte Tragstruktur (28) in wenigstens zwei unterschiedlichen Winkelstellungen arretierbar ist.

13-07-2000 дата публикации

Support for cable loom leaves loom free to move

Номер: DE0019851885A1

The support (1) has a clamp (2) which encloses a loom holder (3) so that it is free to move. Inside the holder a flexible hose (4) is secured in position by a profile outer surface matching a similar profile in the holder surface. The individual cables/hoses of the loom are passed through the hose ...

28-11-2002 дата публикации

Roboterzelle mit einem Roboter und einem Teilelager

Номер: DE0019519524C2
Принадлежит: IMT ROBOT AG

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Robotersteuerungsvorrichtung und Robotersteuerungsprogramm

Номер: DE102018206077A1

Ein Operationsplan wird erstellt, so dass eine Behinderung zwischen einem Operator und einem Roboter nicht auftritt. Eine Robotersteuerungsvorrichtung, die einen Roboter (20) steuert, der Operationen in demselben Bereich wie ein Operator ausführt, beinhaltet: eine Informationserfassungseinheit (11), die Informationen erfasst, welche einen Steuerungsstatus des Roboters (20) anzeigen, Informationen, die eine Haltung des Operators anzeigen und Informationen, die eine Position eines Operationszielobjekts in den Operationen anzeigen; eine Schätzeinheit (12), die eine Operation in Ausführung auf der Basis der jeweiligen Informationen schätzt, die von der Informationserfassungseinheit (11) erfasst werden; eine Berechnungseinheit für benötigte Zeit (14), die eine benötigte Zeit, bis die Operation in Ausführung endet, auf der Basis der geschätzten Operation in Ausführung berechnet; eine Operationsplanerstellungseinheit (15), die einen Operationsplan für den Roboter (20) auf der Basis der benötigten ...

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Maschine mit relativ zueinander drehbaren Gliedern

Номер: DE102011007609A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Maschine (R), die ein erstes Glied (1c), ein relativ zum ersten Glied (1c) bezüglich einer Achse (A) drehbares zweites Glied (1c), eine Steuervorrichtung (S), einen mit der Steuervorrichtung (S) verbundenen Antrieb zum Bewegen der beiden Glieder (1c, 1d) relativ zueinander, und einen mit der Steuervorrichtung (S) verbundenen und am ersten Glied (1c) angeordneten ersten Hallsensor (21) aufweist. Am zweiten Glied (1d) sind ein erster, zweiter und dritter Magnet (3133) auf einer gemeinsamen Kreisbahn (14) derart nebeneinander angeordnet, dass bei einer Drehung der beiden Glieder (1c, 1d) relativ zueinander der erste Hallsensor (21) sich bei einer bestimmten Position (P) im Wirkbereich der Magnete (3133) befindet. Der als mittlere Magnet ausgebildete zweite Magnet (32) ist mit einem anderen magnetischen Pol dem ersten Halssensor (21) zugewandt als der erste und dritte Magnet (31, 33).

09-07-1998 дата публикации

Instrument zur Kompensation des Handzitterns bei der Manipulation feiner Strukturen

Номер: DE0019700402A1

The invention relates to an instrument for the manipulation of fine structures which detects trembling of the hand, which it compensates by countermovements of the tip of the instrument. A possible principle area of application is in microsurgery, as the activities carried out there can be obstructed by the trembling of the hand of the operator. Trembling of the hand is detected by movement sensors, by repeated analysis of the position of the part (1) of the instrument held by the hand, or by deriving electromyographic signals from the operator's forearm. Intentional and unintentional movements are distinguished from each other by one or more criteria, such as amplitude, speed, frequency and direction of the movement. In order to compensate undesired movements, signals are sent to an arrangement of actors (3), which, at the mobile part (4) of the instrument, cause deviations which compensate the hand trembling at the tip of the tool. When the instrument is used as a needle holder in surgery ...

18-08-2021 дата публикации

Autonomous painting robot

Номер: GB2592080A

An autonomous painting robot, comprising a mobile base (1) equipped with a paint tank and a pump or compressor, characterized in that the base (1) comprises a series of detectors configured to locate the base (1) and to detect obstacles, a substantially vertical lifting column (4), at the end of which a robot arm (5) is articulated and positioned at the top of the head (6) that carries a paint gun (7) connected to the pump, one or more cameras( 9), and a proximity sensor (10). The base may have omnidirectional wheels and the paint system may be of the airless type. The head of the robot may also carry a retractable spatula.

23-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009223466D0

06-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002164708B

21-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008517836D0

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum cleaner

Номер: AU2017227413B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a vacuum cleaner. More specifically, the vacuum cleaner comprises: a cleaner body having a motor for generating a suction force; a dust container provided at a front end of the cleaner body and collecting dust suctioned through an inlet; a cover member rotatably mounted on the upper end of the cleaner body and opened or closed to allow an upper portion of the dust container to be selectively received; a suction hose having one side to which a suction part for suctioning dust is connected, and the other side to which the cover member is connected; a link assembly connecting between the cover member and the cleaner body; and a link assembly receiving portion formed on one side of the cleaner body to allow at least a part of the link assembly to be inserted therein wherein, when the cover member is opened, the link assembly receiving portion constrains the link assembly to maintain the cover member in an opened state.

30-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003284660A1

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Screwing device and method for screwing a screw into a wall

Номер: AU2016355979B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a screwing device (5) comprising a screwdriver (45) and a connection element (10) for coupling the screwdriver (45) to a robot arm (11). The connection element (10) has a first robot-side transmission element (20), a second tool-side transmission element (22), a restoring element (25) arranged between the first and second transmission element (20, 22), and a distance measuring element (50). The two transmission elements (20, 22) can be moved towards each other against a restoring force of the restoring element (25) in an actuation direction (26). The distance measuring element (50) is designed and arranged so as to be able to measure a distance which represents the spacing between the transmission elements (20, 22) in the actuation direction (26).

18-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002053888A

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131893A1

Systems and methods position tools about a flooded nuclear reactor during maintenance outages without overhead support or alignment structures being necessary, systems may include annular clamps for support from a reactor steam dam, a telescoping mast, a motor or other drive to extend or retract the mast, and/or an articulator to hold the payload and move the same about any degree of freedom. The telescoping mast may include several nested sections joined to a drive motor. Several different articulators are useable, including those with separate gearings for rotation about perpendicular axes and self-leveling wrists to orient tools in confirmed positions. Systems can be locally or remotely powered and controlled through powered and communicative connections to move about any position in a reactor annulus or core.

07-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1237739A

SUPPORTING DEVICE A supporting device comprising a first member which supports a springy means for resiliently supporting a second member. The supporting device comprises a detection means for detecting displacement of the springy means with respect to the first member in accordance with the movement of the second member and a biasing means which applies a force to the springy means from the same direction as or from a direction opposite to that of the displacement for changing the elasticity of the springy means in accordance with the movement of the second member.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3116416A1

This wireless valve manifold (60) is constituted so as to be capable of wireless communication, and so as to have a plurality of solenoid valves (56). This wireless valve manifold (60) is able to move by means of a movable unit (14). In addition, the wireless valve manifold (60) comprises a battery (76) which can supply power to the plurality of solenoid valves (56), and a power-receiving control unit (78) which is connected to the battery (76) and which charges the battery (76) with power by means of wireless power transmission from a feeder station (82) of the wireless valve manifold (60).

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003000079C

The present invention provides a position estimation method capable of quickly estimating a position of an end of a cylindrical object while utilizing existing facilities. A holding-robot controller includes a correction control amount computation part configured to output a correction control amount of a position and a posture of a holding tool so as to reduce the chuck width when receiving the chuck width. The position estimation method includes: an initial temporary holding step (S2) of causing a pair of clamping claws to approach each other in a reference position and a reference posture to temporarily hold an engine damper; a position/posture correction step (S3) of correcting the position and the posture of the holding tool using a correction control amount obtained by inputting the chuck width at the time of the temporary holding into a correction control amount computation part; a temporary re-holding step (S4) of causing the pair of clamping claws to approach each other in the ...

21-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950652C

The invention relates to the safety of use of a humanoid-type robot. The humanoid-type robot comprises two elements (2, 3) and an articulation (11) with at least one degree of freedom that connects the two elements, the two elements each comprising a skin (22, 23) delimiting the outer surface thereof, the articulation (11) allowing movement in a given range, a first of the two elements (2, 3) being intended to come substantially into contact with a region (25, 26) of the skin (22, 23) of a second of the two elements at one end of the range. According to the invention, the region (25, 26) is flexible such that it can be deformed by a given distance with a force less than a given force. The first element (3) is coupled to the second element (2) by passing through the flexible region (26).

27-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002990644A1

A method and apparatus for supporting collaborative robots and humans in a narrowing work envelope. A base platform is provided, and a work platform is positioned above the base platform for supporting one or more humans, wherein the work platform is narrower than the base platform, and the work platform is positioned relative to the base platform to provide areas for positioning one or more robots on one or more sides of the work platform. The robots are supported on the base platform independently of the work platform, so that movement of the work platform does not affect the robots' positions.

15-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002995219C

An articulated arm CMM comprises a plurality of transfer members, a plurality of articulation members connecting at least two transfer members to each other, a coordinate acquisition member at a distal end, and a base at a proximal end. At least two of the articulation members can include at least one encoder and the at least two encoders can both be enclosed within a single monoblock housing.

17-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002964998A1

A sensorized covering, prearranged for covering at least part of a movable structure of an automated device, has contact sensor means (C) and proximity sensor means (P), and comprises a plurality of covering modules that includes one or more sensorized covering modules (24) which integrate respective contact sensor means (C) and proximity sensor means (P). Each sensorized covering module (24) comprises a plurality of active layers (61-63, 66, 68) and of passive layers (60, 64, 65, 67) that includes: - a load-bearing structure (40) of a rigid or semi-rigid material having a predetermined shape, - a cushioning layer (60) formed with elastically yielding material, associated to an outer side of the lead bearing structure (40), - a piezoresistive contact sensor (P) above the cushioning layer (60), which includes a piezoresistive layer (62) set between a lower electrically conductive layer (61) and an upper electrically conductive layer (63), - a lower covering layer (64) and an upper covering ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002953232A1

L'invention concerne un robot mobile comprenant un tronc (11) et plusieurs membres (12, 13, 14) reliés au tronc (11) de manière amovible, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend : pour chacun des membres (12), des moyens (32, 28, 36, 37) pour prépositionner ledit membre (12) sur le tronc (11), et une unique bride (25) reliée au tronc (11) et configurée pour fixer de manière amovible l'ensemble des membres (12, 13, 14) au tronc (11). Chacun des membres (12, 13, 14) comprend une articulation motorisée (22, 23, 24), par l'intermédiaire de laquelle ledit membre (12, 13, 14) est positionné et fixé sur le tronc (11), et peut être entrainé en mouvement par rapport au tronc (11).

12-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002012117A1

The invention relates to a manipulator for positioning workpieces with respect to an industrial robot (4) by means of which the work pieces, one after the other, are to be processed. The manipulator (2) comprises at least two fixture supports (26,27) each having fixture members for holding a respective work piece, a holder (16) for the fixture supports, movably suspended for moving one of said fixture supports from a loading position, in which exchange of a work piece held in said fixture members may take place, towards an operative position within the operating range of the robot, while simultanously moving another one of said fixtures from the operative position towards the loading position. A turning servo motor (32) common to the fixture supports is drivingly engable with a fixture support (26) held in the operative position so as to be able to rotate said fixture support, e.g. as controlled by a control system coordinating the operation of the motor with the operational movements of ...

15-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002032524A1

A laser-beam mis-emission preventing method capable of improving safety of a laser robot. Upon supply of power to the laser- robot. a processor of a robot control unit (10) compares a predetermined value with an angle (.delta.) formed between a horizontal plane (XY plane) and an axis (8a) of a laser nozzle (8) and computed based on joint angles (W, U, r, .beta.) (S1 - S3). When the laser nozzle angle (.delta.) is less than the predetermined value, an interlock signal delivered to the laser oscillator (30) is set to turn off the power of the laser oscillator, thereby bringing the laser oscillator into a condition incapable of laser oscillation (S5). This prevents mis-emission of the laser beam which occurs due to deficiency of a robot operating program, erroneous manual operation, etc., and which can damage the human body or peripheral devices.

15-08-1964 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000381041A

15-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000672281A5

15-09-2015 дата публикации

Coupling device for a robot.

Номер: CH0000709351A1

Die Kupplungsvorrichtung (1) umfasst eine an einem Handhabungsgerät fixierbare Spannvorrichtung (2) und einen daran festspannbaren Halter (40). Sowohl die Spannvorrichtung (2) wie auch der Halter (40) besitzen eine im Wesentlichen rechteckige Grundform. Die Spannvorrichtung (2) weist einen Verschlussmechanismus (5) auf, der zwei lateral verschiebbare Verschlusselemente (6, 7) und ein dazwischen angeordnetes Betätigungsorgan umfasst. Der Halter (40) ist mit einer Verschlussöffnung (44) mit seitlichen Erweiterungen (45, 46) versehen. Zum Fixieren des Halters (40) an der Spannvorrichtung (2) werden die Verschlusselemente (6, 7) mittels des Betätigungsorgans in die seitlichen Erweiterungen (45, 46) der Verschlussöffnung (44) hineingepresst. Die Spannvorrichtung (2) ist zudem mit einer schlitzförmigen Aussparung (4) und der Halter (40) mit einer länglichen Basis (41) versehen, welch letztere in die schlitzförmige Aussparung (4) einführbar ist.

14-08-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for telepresence.

Номер: CH0000709251A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung für Telepräsenz, bestehend aus einem Steuergerät und einem Avatar-Roboter (1) als Teleoperator zur Vertretung einer Person an einem entfernten Standort, mit Bedienungsmethoden, welche einfach sind und somit auch für Kinder geeignet sind. Eingaben am Steuergerät werden an den Roboter (1) übertragen und umgekehrt.

28-02-2018 дата публикации

System for telepresence.

Номер: CH0000709251B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System für Telepräsenz bestehend aus einem Steuergerät und einem Avatar-Roboter (1) als Teleoperator zur Vertretung einer Person an einem entfernten Standort, mit Bedienungsmethoden, welche einfach sind und somit auch für Kinder geeignet. Eingaben am Steuergerät werden an den Roboter (1) übertragen und umgekehrt.

16-08-2021 дата публикации

Autonomer Anstrichroboter.

Номер: CH0000717138A2

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen autonomen Anstrichroboter, bestehend aus einer mobilen Basis (1), die mit einem Farbtank und einer Pumpe oder einem Kompressor ausgestattet ist. Die Basis (1) umfasst eine Reihe von Detektoren, die so konfiguriert sind, dass sie die Basis (1) lokalisieren und Hindernisse erkennen, eine im Wesentlichen vertikale Hubsäule (4), an deren Ende ein Roboterarm (5) gelenkig gelagert und am oberen Ende ein Kopf (6) positioniert ist, der eine mit der Pumpe verbundene Farbpistole trägt, eine oder mehrere Kameras und einen Lagesensor.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Self-adaption charging assisted load-bearing robot

Номер: CN0108656126A

18-01-2019 дата публикации

Pan-tilt for inspection robot of transformer substation

Номер: CN0109227606A

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Baffle device achieving automatic locking

Номер: CN0108818518A

08-03-2019 дата публикации

High-temperature-resistant robot

Номер: CN0109434848A
Автор: LU RUN

19-02-2019 дата публикации

Soft robot having transport function for material transport

Номер: CN0109352622A

20-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107933717A

12-06-2018 дата публикации

With the smooth outer wall of the robot

Номер: CN0108145698A

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Multi-factor robot driving device based on modularization

Номер: CN0108000532A

19-02-2019 дата публикации

Belt inspection robot

Номер: CN0109352669A

21-12-2018 дата публикации

Multi-angle hydrangea kwangsiensis picking up device using centrifugal force

Номер: CN0109049002A

06-09-2019 дата публикации

Configuration control information processing method and device

Номер: CN0106272550B

15-04-2005 дата публикации

Welding robot for assembling sheets of motor vehicles body work, has electrode grinder mounted on part forming thorax, and fixed with respect to robot, where grinder is found in zone accessible by claw having welding electrodes

Номер: FR0002860747A1

... 1. Robot de soudage (1) comprenant un socle (2) recevant à pivotement une partie formant thorax (3) sur laquelle est montée pour pivoter une extrémité (5) d'un bras articulé (6) ayant une extrémité opposée (7) pourvue d'une pince (8) équipée d'électrodes de soudage, le robot comprenant une rodeuse d'électrodes (9) montée sur une partie (3) du robot située dans une zone accessible par la pince.

13-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003020847B1

11-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003021892A1

L'invention concerne un équipement comprenant une clé (60) et un robot à caractère humanoïde comprenant plusieurs mécanismes (70) actionnables de l'extérieur du robot, caractérisé en ce que chacun des mécanismes (70) comprend une interface de connexion (72) dans laquelle peut être insérée la clé (60), l'interface de connexion (72) de chacun des mécanismes (70) étant configurée de sorte que l'insertion de la clé (60) actionne le mécanisme (70). Avantageusement, la clé (60) comprend deux doigts longilignes (61a, 61b) destinés à venir s'insérer simultanément dans deux orifices longitudinaux (73a, 73b).

03-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003792A1

Procédé pour fabriquer un réservoir à carburant comprenant une paroi en matière thermoplastique et un renfort fibreux sur au moins une partie de sa surface, procédé comprenant les étapes consistant à : - chauffer le renfort fibreux pour l'amener dans un état au moins partiellement fondu, - introduire le renfort fibreux chauffé, ainsi que la paroi dans un état au moins partiellement fondu, dans un moule, - souder le renfort fibreux à la paroi au moyen de la pression d'un gaz qui gonfle la paroi et applique le renfort chauffé contre la paroi à l'état fondu.

30-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102094931B1

04-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR1020190103260A

26-05-2017 дата публикации

휴머노이드 로봇용 충격 흡수 장치

Номер: KR1020170058332A

... 본 발명은 휴머노이드 로봇용 충격 흡수 장치에 관한 것이고, 휴머노이드 로봇에 결합된 강성 구조와, 변형 가능한 외측 쉘(21; 23)과, 충격 흡수기(22; 24)를 포함한다. 충격 흡수기(22; 24)는 메인 방향(X)으로 드러나는 셀 세트를 포함하는 가요성 셀룰러 구조로 이루어지고, 강성 구조(20)에 메인 방향(X)으로 제1 단부에서 고정되고 변형 가능한 외측 쉘(21; 23)에 메인 방향(X)으로 제1 단부에 대향하는 제2 단부에서 결합된다. 유리하게는 외측 쉘(21)은 또한 강성 구조에 직접 사일런트 블록 유형의 적어도 하나의 흡수 고정물에 의해 결합된다. 본 발명은 또한 휴머노이드 로봇에 관한 것이고, 특히 이러한 충격 흡수 장치를 포함하는 휴머노이드 로봇의 헤드에 관한 것이다.

01-09-2013 дата публикации

Cable or the like protection and guide device

Номер: TW0201335511A

A device capable of correcting the relatively twisted positional relationship of mutually adjacent link frame bodies, and precisely place the link frame bodies at appropriate positions. A link side plate includes a rear side plate portion having first and second linear position holding surfaces respectively at rear and front sides thereof in a longitudinal direction. The first linear position holding surface has a convex shape formed with two faces whose attitudes are mutually different with respect to a lateral direction. The second linear position holding surface has a concave shape formed with two faces whose attitudes are mutually different with respect to the lateral direction.

01-12-2014 дата публикации

Static electricity removing arm

Номер: TW0201444656A

The invention relates to a static electricity removing arm, which comprising a main body, an ionized air generating device, a driving device, a first clipping arm and a second clipping arm. The main body includes a receiving cavity. The first clipping arm and the second clipping arm each includes a gripping end and a driving end connected with the gripping end. The first clipping arm and the second clipping arm are respectively connected with the main body via pivot pin, the gripping end is outside of the receiving cavity and the driving end is inside the receiving cavity. The driving device is configured for driving the driving end to rotate, to open or close the gripping end. The ionized air generating device is arranged on the main body and is configured for spraying ionized air to products gripped by the gripping end.

01-03-2013 дата публикации

Robot and robot system

Номер: TW0201309444A

A robot according to embodiments includes a speed reducer, a first shaft, a rotary electric machine, a second shaft, and a brake. The speed reducer reduces and outputs rotation to be input into an input unit. The first shaft is connected to the input unit. The rotary electric machine rotates the first shaft. The second shaft is connected to the input unit. The brake regulates the rotation of the second shaft.

01-12-2017 дата публикации

Actuator device and control method

Номер: TW0201740887A

An actuator device (10) is provided with: a piston (21), which is housed in an internal space, and which forms, with a cylinder (20), a pair of pressure chambers (24, 25), said piston relatively moving with respect to the cylinder; a first actuator (30) connected to one of the pair of pressure chambers; a second actuator (40) connected to the other one of the pair of pressure chambers; a position detector (22) that detects the position of the piston with respect to the cylinder; a pressure detector (23) that detects pressure in one pressure chamber out of the pair of pressure chambers; and a controller (50) that controls the first actuator and the second actuator. The controller is configured so as to control one of the first actuator and the second actuator so that the position detected by the position detector is close to a target position, and to control the other one of the first actuator and the second actuator so that the pressure detected by the pressure detector is close to target ...

26-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: SE0008305880D0

11-12-2009 дата публикации

Robot with at least one conductor guiding apparatus

Номер: TWI318273B

06-10-1987 дата публикации

Industrial robot

Номер: US0004697978A

The disclosure relates to an industrial robot free from generation of dust, which is provided with and internal space formed by covering rotating portions and contact portions of its arm members, joint members, bearing members or driving source, by the arm members, joint members, bearing members, or a cover member, or by a combination of these members, and air throttling portions provided in air passages for connecting the internal space with external air so as to separate the internal spaced from external air by sucking the air in the internal space. By the above air throttling portions, air within the internal space is isolated from the external air, and thus, scattering of dust from the dust generating portions toward the atmosphere is advantageously prevented.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035306A1
Принадлежит: SRI International

Robotic hands and finger modules include an under-actuated finger with multiple joints including a distal joint, an intermediate joint, and a proximal joint. A brake subsystem in communication with each of the joints selectively locks and unlocks the joints individually. A robotic hand can selectively lock the joints of a finger individually such that one or more joints are locked while one or more joints are unlocked. In addition, the finger module can drive a tendon coupled to the joints to flex the underactuated finger in a manner determined by which of the joints is locked and which of the joints is unlocked. A robotic hand can move an underactuated finger with its distal and proximal joints unlocked until the finger makes contact with an object, and lock the proximal joint, in response to contact made with the object, while the distal joint remains unlocked.

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US0010759045B2
Автор: Sunho Yang, Haemin Choi

The guide robot includes a case having a coupling hole and a door type display structure that is capable of opening or closing the coupling hole. Access to the body part in which main electrical components are provided may be easy. An installation plate coupled to a main frame, a slide guide and a guide plate, which are coupled to the installation plate, and a plurality of link type coupling devices coupled to one side of the guide plate and connected to the display unit may be provided to open or close the coupling hole by rotating the display unit after the display unit slidably moves.

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200189105A1

A robot operable within a 3-D volume includes a gripper movable between an open position and a closed position to grasp any one of a plurality of objects, an articulatable portion coupled to the gripper and operable to move the gripper to a desired position within the 3-D volume, and an object detection system operable to capture information indicative of the shape of a first object of the plurality of objects positioned to be grasped by the gripper. A computer is coupled to the object detection system. The computer is operable to identify a plurality of possible grasp locations on the first object and to generate a numerical parameter indicative of the desirability of each grasp location, wherein the numerical parameter is at least partially defined by the next task to be performed by the robot.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2719919C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к способу для позиционирования манипулирующей руки в координатной системе (X, Y, Z) устройства для роботизированной хирургии. При этом определяют координаты (x, y, z) целевой зоны в пациенте. Для позиционирования манипулирующей руки инструментальный блок соединяют с блоком сопряжения манипулирующей руки. Инструментальный блок включает в себя хирургический инструмент, который имеет инструментальный хвостовик с продольной осью. При соединении инструментального блока с блоком сопряжения с помощью управляющего блока определяют перпендикулярный продольной оси промежуточный вектор (V) между продольной осью и заданной координатами (x, y, z) целевой зоной. С помощью блока выдачи выдают первый оптический и/или акустический сигнал, когда величина определенного промежуточного вектора (V) имеет первое предварительно настроенное значение или находится ниже него. Достигается упрощение ориентации хирургических инструментов относительно предусмотренной ...

09-04-2024 дата публикации

Формовочный ролик для строительства купольных конструкций методом 3D-печати

Номер: RU2817023C1

Изобретение относится к вспомогательным устройствам для любого строительного 3D-принтера, а также тросового робота и может быть использовано для строительства купольных конструкций методом 3D-печати. Предлагается формовочный ролик для строительства купольных конструкций методом 3D-печати, выполненный в виде тела вращения и закрепленный на экструдере тросового 3D-принтера посредством рычажной системы либо системы зубчатых колес и кронштейна формовочного ролика для сопряжения поверхностей печатной конструкции и эллипсоида ролика, которые посредством исполнительного механизма корректировки углов наклона оси ролика относительно точки контакта ролика, управляемого системой управления тросового 3D-принтера, обеспечивают изменение угловых координат формовочного ролика в зависимости от радиуса кривизны поверхности обкатки в соответствии с кривизной объекта печати. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

29-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017144888A3

09-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016151181A3

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539279C1

Группа изобретений относится к приспособлениям для автоматической подачи крепежных элементов к обрабатывающему устройству, которым является, в частности, промышленный робот (2). Приспособление содержит комплект рукавов (10), в котором в качестве подающей линии имеется подающий рукав (14) для подачи соединительных элементов (28). Подающий рукав (14) сформирован из внутреннего рукава (24), встроенного в наружную обшивку (22) рукава. Обеспечивается надежная подача крепежных элементов к обрабатывающему устройству. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112365A

... 1. Балансирный пневматический манипулятор, включающий в себя:- опорное устройство (11), включающее в себя узел (13), способный поворачиваться вокруг вертикальной оси (z);- шарнирный параллелограммный механизм (21), включающий в себя руку (24) с маховыми движениями, соединенную с возможностью поворота с узлом (13) для поворота вокруг горизонтальной оси (х) колебаний;- по меньшей мере один пневматический линейный привод (22), действующий между поворотным узлом (13) и шарнирным параллелограммным механизмом (21), заставляя руку (24) поворачиваться вокруг оси (х) колебаний, характеризующийся тем, что манипулятор дополнительно содержит:- салазки (23), соединенные с приводом (22) и установленные с возможностью скольжения на поворотном узле (13) посредством первых прямолинейных направляющих средств (30), проходящих в первом заданном направлении (с);- вторые прямолинейные направляющие средства (31), выполненные за одно целое с салазками (23) и проходящие во втором направлении, перпендикулярном первому ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014149373A

... 1. Манипулятор для контактного и/или инвазивного исследования или лечения тела (2) человека или животного под воздействием постоянно повышенного или изменяющегося ускорения, отличающийся тем, что функциональная головка (3) выполнена с возможностью перемещения относительно основания (4) по множеству степеней свободы, перемещаемым приводными устройствами, причем, по меньшей мере, одно приводное устройство является приводным устройством, ограничивающим усилие.2. Манипулятор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что приводное устройство (29), ограничивающее усилие, содержит один или более беспоршневых приводов, одно или более устройств воздушной мышцы, один или более устройств пневмобаллона, одно или более устройств пневматического цилиндра с пневматическими цилиндрами с поршнями, установленными по существу свободными от трения прилипания, одно или более электрических линейных устройств, не имеющих зубчатой передачи, с якорями, установленными по существу свободными от трения прилипания, и/или одну или ...

13-09-2001 дата публикации

Electrical components equipping device with appliance for measuring placement force of components on to circuit board

Номер: DE0010016998C1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An equipping device for placing an electrical component (1) on a circuit board (2) has a traversing arm (3) movable in a longitudinal direction and a carrier element (4) suitable for receiving and delivering the component (1). A flexible, carrier arm (5) protrudes from the traversing arm (3) and its free end is tightly joined to the carrier element (4). A sensor (6) is provided for measuring the flexure of the carrier arm (5), the latter specifically being integrally integrated into the traversing arm (3).

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017128543A1

Eine Störbereich-Einstellvorrichtung, die imstande ist, einen Störbereich in einem Koordinatensystem eines mobilen Roboters einzustellen, mit einer kostengünstigen Konfiguration und einem geringen Aufwand. Die Vorrichtung weist Folgendes auf: einen Formmodellspeicherabschnitt, der konfiguriert ist, um eine Form, eine Position und eine Ausrichtung eines Hindernisses, das in einem Arbeitsbereich des mobilen Roboters vorliegt, als Hindernisformmodell in einem Referenzkoordinatensystem zu speichern, einen Positions- und Ausrichtungsberechnungsabschnitt, der konfiguriert ist, um ein durch die Bildaufnahmevorrichtung aufgenommenes Bild eines Formmerkmals in einer festen Position in dem Arbeitsbereich zu analysieren und eine Position und Ausrichtung des Referenzkoordinatensystems, das in einem Roboterkoordinatensystem dargestellt ist, zu berechnen, und einen Störbereich-Einstellabschnitt, der konfiguriert ist, um einen Störbereich basierend auf der Position und Ausrichtung des in das Roboterkoordinatensystem ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Roboter, versehen mit einem Handgelenk, das ein hohles bewegliches Element enthält und eine wasserdichte Struktur aufweist

Номер: DE102016116812A1

Ein Roboter, der zum Verhindern der Anhaftung eines Schneidfluids oder dergleichen an Bauteilen davon imstande ist. Der Roboter enthält einen Roboterarm und ein Handgelenk, das mit einem distalen Ende des Roboterarms verbunden ist und mehrere bewegliche Elemente enthält, die beweglich miteinander verbunden sind, und wobei die beweglichen Elemente hohle Elemente sind, einen Endeffektor, der mit einem distalen Ende des Handgelenks verbunden ist, ein Drahtglied, das derart ausgelegt ist, dass es durch die jeweiligen beweglichen Elemente verläuft, und eine Abdeckung, die derart am Handgelenk angebracht sein soll, dass sie eine Verbindung zwischen den zwei beweglichen Elementen, die miteinander verbunden sind, umgibt.

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019006204T5

Eine Kühlvorrichtung umfasst einen Kältemittelzirkulationskanal und eine Pumpe, die dazu eingerichtet ist, Kältemittel in den Kältemittelzirkulationskanal zu pumpen. Ein wärmeerzeugendes Teil eines Gelenkarmroboters umfasst ein wärmeerzeugendes Teil eines Endeffektors, und ein Teil des Kältemittelzirkulationskanals ist als ein erster Wärmetauscherteil ausgebildet, der dazu eingerichtet ist, Wärme zwischen dem wärmeerzeugenden Teil des Endeffektors und dem Kältemittel auszutauschen, und ein anderer Teil des Kältemittelzirkulationskanals ist als Kühler ausgebildet. Der Kühler ist ein passiver Kühler und in einem exponierten Zustand an einem Teil der Oberfläche eines Arms befestigt, der dazu eingerichtet ist, sich in einem Raum zu bewegen, wenn ein Gelenk des Arms angetrieben wird.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016007253T5

In einem Roboter 1 ist eine hohle Arbeitswelle 41 auf einem zweiten Arm 3B unterstützt, der um eine Achse L2 drehbar ist, und die Arbeitswelle 41 wird mittels einer Anhebe/Absenkvorrichtung 43 angehoben und abgesenkt. Ein lineares Element 5 ist durch die Arbeitswelle 41 eingeführt. Der Roboter 1 umfasst einen inneren Abdeckungskörper 45, der auf einer oberen Oberfläche des zweiten Arms 3B angeordnet ist. Der innere Abdeckungskörper 45 weist eine Unterstützungsoberfläche 451 auf, die ein freiliegendes Teilstück 51 von unten unterstützt, um zu verhindern, dass das freiliegende Teilstück 51 einen Kontakt mit der Arbeitswelle 41 und dem zweiten Arm 3B herstellt, wobei das freiliegende Teilstück 51 des linearen Elements 5 sich von dem oberen Ende der Arbeitswelle 41 nach außen erstreckt, um freizuliegen. Die Unterstützungsoberfläche 451 des inneren Abdeckungskörpers 45 ist eine geneigte Oberfläche, die mit dem freiliegenden Teilstück 51 einen Kontakt herstellt und dieses unterstützt. Die Unterstützungsoberfläche ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Roboterverfahrsystem mit einem Kabelschlepp, Robotersystem und Bearbeitungssystem

Номер: DE102015001865A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Roboterverfahrsystem, das ermöglicht, ausreichend Platz zu einer Maschine zu halten, die entlang einer Schiene installiert ist. Das Roboterverfahrsystem ist ausgestattet mit einer Schiene, einem Schlitten, der sich entlang der Schiene bewegen kann und der einen Roboter trägt, einem Antriebsmechanismus, der den Schlitten antreibt und einem Kabelschlepp, der ein Kabel aufnimmt, das ein mit dem Roboter verbundenes Verbindungsende aufweist, und der an der Unterseite der Schiene entlang der Schiene verlegt ist.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018004584A1

Es wird ein Bearbeitungssystem bereitgestellt, das zum schnellen und effizienten Bestimmen geeignet ist, ob eine Werkzeugmaschine und eine Hilfsvorrichtung betriebsbereit oder nicht betriebsbereit sind. Ein Bearbeitungssystem 1 umfasst eine Werkzeugmaschine 2, eine Werkzeugmaschinensteuereinheit 21, die die Werkzeugmaschine 2 steuert, eine Hilfsvorrichtung 3, die die Werkzeugmaschine 2 unterstützt, und eine Hilfsvorrichtungssteuereinheit 31, die die Hilfsvorrichtung 3 steuert. Die Werkzeugmaschine 2 und die Hilfsvorrichtung 3 wirken bei der Bearbeitung zusammen. Das Bearbeitungssystem umfasst eine Signalverwaltungseinheit 4, die ein erstes Signal und ein zweites Signal empfängt. Das erste Signal gibt Informationen S2a, S2b zu der Werkzeugmaschine 2 als Kriterium an, das zur Bestimmung verwendet wird, ob die Werkzeugmaschine 2 und die Hilfsvorrichtung 3 betriebsbereit oder nicht betriebsbereit sind. Das zweite Signal gibt Informationen S3 zu der Hilfsvorrichtung 3 als Kriterium an, das zur ...

22-12-2020 дата публикации

Автономный робот для покраски

Номер: RU0000201578U1
Принадлежит: СОСА ГОНСАЛЕС, С.Л.

Полезная модель может быть использована в области дизайна интерьера при покраске внутренней части помещений. Автономный робот для покраски содержит подвижное основание 1, оснащенное баком для краски и насосом. Основание 1 содержит ряд датчиков, выполненных с возможностью определения местоположения основания 1 и обнаружения препятствий, по существу, вертикальную подъемную колонну 4, на конце которой расположена сочлененная рука робота 5, увенчанная головкой 6. Головка 6 содержит пистолет с краской, подключенный к насосу, камеру, выполненную с возможностью распознавания поверхностей, подлежащих покраске и обрисовке, и датчик приближения. Полезная модель позволяет уменьшить усилия и время, необходимые для выполнения покраски и обрисовки труднодоступных поверхностей при распознавании препятствий в рабочей зоне. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 578 U1 (51) МПК B05B 13/00 (2006.01) B25J 9/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B05B 13/00 (2020.05); B25J 9/14 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020112398, 26.03.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): СОСА ГОНСАЛЕС, С.Л. (ES) Дата регистрации: 22.12.2020 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 13.02.2020 ES U202030243 (45) Опубликовано: 22.12.2020 Бюл. № 36 2 0 1 5 7 8 R U (54) АВТОНОМНЫЙ РОБОТ ДЛЯ ПОКРАСКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель может быть использована в области дизайна интерьера при покраске внутренней части помещений. Автономный робот для покраски содержит подвижное основание 1, оснащенное баком для краски и насосом. Основание 1 содержит ряд датчиков, выполненных с возможностью определения местоположения основания 1 и обнаружения препятствий, по существу, вертикальную подъемную колонну 4, на конце которой расположена сочлененная рука робота 5, Стр.: 1 увенчанная головкой 6. Головка 6 содержит пистолет с краской, подключенный к насосу, камеру, выполненную с возможностью ...

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Damage-preventing system for manipulator

Номер: US20120059516A1
Принадлежит: ABB Research Ltd Sweden

An industrial robot with a manipulator arm including at least one manipulator element and an electric motor driving the at least one manipulator element. An energy reservoir supplies the electric motor with electricity when a power failure or power loss occurs to move the manipulator element from a working position to a safe parking position. Also a method of parking a manipulator arm of an industrial robot.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Element of a chain link of an energy guide chain, produced by means of a fluid internal pressure injection molding process

Номер: US20120167541A1

Component of a chain element of an energy-conducting chain, wherein the component has a cavity which is produced by means of a fluid internal pressure injection molding method, or is formed from a micro-cellular foam.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Collision protection device

Номер: US20120168413A1

The invention relates to a collision protection device ( 1 ) for connecting a welding torch ( 2 ) connected to a hose pack ( 4 ) to a robot arm ( 3 ) of a welding robot, comprising two coupling elements ( 6, 7 ) that is adapted to be detachably connected to each other by means of magnets ( 8 ), wherein one coupling element ( 6 ) is designed to be connected to the welding torch ( 2 ) or to a torch coupling ( 5 ) that is adapted to be connected to the welding torch ( 2 ), and the other coupling element ( 7 ) is designed to be connected to the robot arm ( 3 ), and the coupling elements ( 6, 7 ) have openings ( 10, 11 ), characterized in that the openings ( 10, 11 ) in the coupling elements ( 6, 7 ) are designed for feeding the hose pack ( 4 ) through, and that the coupling element ( 6 ) that is adapted to be connected to the welding torch ( 2 ) or to the torch coupling ( 5 ), or the torch coupling ( 5 ) comprises elements ( 15 ) to be connected to the hose pack ( 4 ).

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Robot End Effector with Cable Management

Номер: US20120186381A1
Принадлежит: AMF Automation Technologies LLC

Cable manager 30 is positioned between the distal end of a robot arm 16 and the robot end effector 18 . Elongated cable carrier 44 positioned in a circular cable track 34 extends in an arc about the axis of connection 17 between the robot arm and the end effector. One end 56 of the cable carrier moves with the robot arm and the other end 54 moves with the end effector. The cable carrier forms a U-shape 60 between its ends so that the movements of the ends of the cable carrier result in the U-shape accommodating the change in distance between the ends of the utility line and the cable carrier. Utility lines 62 are gathered in one or more cables that extend through the cable carrier to provide the end effector with the controls necessary for its operation.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Robot arrangement, in particular in a painting booth

Номер: US20120191243A1
Принадлежит: Duerr Systems AG

A robot arrangement, for example for a painting booth, and exemplary methods associated with the same, are disclosed. An exemplary robot arrangement may comprise a displacement rail, a plurality of robots, such as painting robots or handling robots, which can be displaced along the displacement rail, and a plurality of energy supply chains. The energy supply chains may supply one of the robots each, and may be associated with said robot, and each of the energy supply chains may run along the displacement rail in a particular track. The energy supply chains which are associated with the robots on the same displacement rail may run in discrete tracks.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Articulated robot wrist

Номер: US20120216650A1
Принадлежит: Comau SpA

Disclosed herein are embodiments of an articulated robot wrist which can comprise a first body comprising a first and a second end, said first end being intended to be mounted on a robot component that is rotatable around a first axis; a second body comprising a first and a second end, said first end being rotatably mounted on said second end of said first body, around a second axis inclined with respect to said first axis; and a third body comprising a first and a second end, said first end being rotatably mounted on said second end of said second body, around a third axis inclined with respect to said second axis, wherein said first and third axes are both substantially orthogonal to said second axis, and wherein in at least one position of said robot wrist said first and third axes are substantially aligned with each other.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Cmm with modular functionality

Номер: US20120222323A1
Автор: Hogar Tait

An articulated arm CMM system comprises an articulated arm comprising a plurality of articulated arm members, a measuring probe at a distal end, and a base at a proximal end, the base comprising a docking portion. The articulated arm CMM system also includes a plurality of feature packs configured to electronically connect to the articulated arm via the docking portions and provide additional electronic functionality.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Articulated cable protection and guide apparatus

Номер: US20120228437A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd, Tsubakimoto Chain Co

There is provided an articulated cable protection and guide apparatus that can securely and stably guide a large number of cables, can assure durability of articulated supporting members that operate between straight and bending postures for a long period of time, and can be easily disassembled and assembled at a machine frame-side stationary end-side connector unit or at a moving end-side connector unit. The articulated cable protection and guide apparatus comprises: a stationary end-side connector unit for affixing each stationary end of articulated supporting members, cables and a flexible belt member integrally to a machine frame-side stationary end area; a moving end-side connector unit for affixing each moving end of the articulated supporting members, cables and a flexible belt member integrally to a movable-side moving end area.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Line management system and a method for routing flexible lines for a robot

Номер: US20120255388A1
Автор: Stan H. Mcclosky
Принадлежит: Individual

A line management system for a robot includes a flexible line, a structure clamp coupled to a first end of the flexible line to attach the flexible line to a support structure of the robot, an arm clamp coupled to the second end of the flexible line to attach the flexible line to an outer arm of the robot, a coupling device moveably coupled to the robot structure, wherein the flexible line is attached to the coupling device at an intermediate point along a length thereof.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Vertical articulated robot

Номер: US20120312116A1
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

A vertical articulated robot includes a base, a turning base, a first upper arm, a second upper arm, a front arm, a wrist assembly, a first motor, a second motor, a third motor, a fourth motor, and a wire body. The wire body includes a first wire portion, a second wire portion, a third wire portion, a fourth wire portion, a fifth wire portion, and a sixth wire portion. The first wire portion extends from the turning base along a third rotation axis and is connected to an outer surface of the first upper arm. The second wire portion extends from the first wire portion along a plane perpendicular to the third rotation axis and is connected to an outer surface of the first upper arm. The third wire portion extends in a U-shape from the second wire portion.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Robot and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130025399A1
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

A robot according to an aspect of an embodiment includes: an articulated arm; and a speed reducer that is provided in a joint of the articulated arm. The articulated arm performs a multi-axis operation. The speed reducer has rigidity for which an acquisition value obtained by acquiring a deflection amount of a predetermined representative position at the articulated arm for each dimension of a three-dimensional coordinate system is not more than a threshold corresponding to a target precision of the articulated arm.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112641A1

A balance assist system includes a support structure, an assist device, a variable balancing system, and a balancing cable. The variable balancing system is configured for moving a mass in a vertical direction along a Z axis. The variable balancing system includes a balance platform, a lever, and a mobile counterweight. The lever is pivotally attached to the balance platform at a fixed pivot point such that the lever is pivotable at the fixed pivot point about a balance axis. The mobile counterweight is movably disposed on the lever relative to the fixed balance axis and movable between a minimum position and a maximum position. The minimum position corresponds to the mass having a minimum weight such that the mass is statically balanced along the Z axis. Likewise, the maximum position corresponds to the mass having a maximum weight such that the mass is statically balanced along the Z axis. 1. A balance assist system comprising:a support structure;an assist device movably supported by the support structure, the assist device configured for movement relative to the support structure along at least one of an X axis and a Y axis;a mass vertically supported by the assist device; a balance platform;', 'a lever pivotally attached to the balance platform at a fixed pivot point such that the lever is pivotable at the fixed pivot point about a balance axis;', 'a mobile counterweight movably disposed on the lever relative to the fixed balance axis between a minimum position and a maximum position; and', 'a balancing cable operatively connecting the support structure, the lever, and the mass such that the mass is vertically supported by the support structure via the balancing cable;', 'wherein the minimum position corresponds to the mass having a minimum weight such that the mass is statically balanced along the Z axis; and', 'wherein the maximum position corresponds to the mass having a maximum weight such that the mass is statically balanced along the Z axis., 'a variable ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Process Turning Disc With A Cable Guide

Номер: US20130168505A1
Автор: Ljungkvist Joachim

A process turning disc includes a first flange configured to support a cable package in a first direction and a second flange configured to support a cable package in a second direction opposite to the first direction. A connecting member connected to the first and the second flanges is configured to support a cable package in a third direction perpendicular to the first direction. A cable guide is fastened to the process turning disc in a detachable manner and includes a cable clamp configured to support a cable package in a fourth direction opposite to the third direction. The cable guide further includes two sliding surfaces configured to support a cable package in the first and the second directions outside of the cable clamp. A bending movement of the cable package is thereby allowed in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the process turning disc. 1. A process turning disc comprising: a first flange configured to support a cable package in a first direction , a second flange configured to support a cable package in a second direction which is opposite to the first direction , a connecting member connected to the first and the second flanges and configured to support a cable package in a third direction which is perpendicular to the first direction , a cable guide fastened to the process turning disc in a detachable manner and comprising a cable clamp which is configured to support a cable package in a fourth direction which is opposite to the third direction ,characterized in that the cable guide further comprises two sliding surfaces configured to support a cable package in the first and the second directions outside of the cable clamp.2. The process turning disc according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction is parallel with an axis of rotation of the process turning disc.3. The process turning disc according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding surface extend over a sector at least 30 degrees about the axis of rotation of the process turning ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180353A1

The robot arm having a weight compensation mechanism has a first rotation member and a second rotation member which are respectively capable of making two-DOF rotation, a first rotation of the first rotation member is yaw rotation, and a second rotation of the first rotation member is pitch rotation perpendicular to the first rotation, a third rotation and a fourth rotation of the second rotation member are respectively pitch rotation and roll rotation, and the robot arm comprises a single-DOF gravity compensator connected to the first rotation member or the second rotation member and offsetting the gravity caused by weight of the first rotation member or the second rotation member by using an elastic force of an elastic member. 1. A robot arm having a weight compensation mechanism , the weight compensation mechanism being installed at the robot arm having a first rotation member and a second rotation member which are respectively capable of making two-Degree Of Freedom (DOF) rotation ,wherein a first rotation of the first rotation member is yaw rotation, and a second rotation of the first rotation member is pitch rotation perpendicular to the first rotation,wherein a third rotation and a fourth rotation of the second rotation member are respectively pitch rotation and roll rotation, andwherein the robot arm comprises a single-DOF gravity compensator connected to the first rotation member or the second rotation member and offsetting the gravity caused by weight of the first rotation member or the second rotation member by using an elastic force of an elastic member.2. The robot arm having a weight compensation mechanism according to claim 1 ,wherein one end of the single-DOF gravity compensator connected to the first rotation member is connected to an output member of the first rotation, and the other end of the single-DOF gravity compensator is fixed by the first rotation member which makes the first rotation and the second rotation.3. The robot arm having a weight ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Cable protection and guide device

Номер: US20130212997A1
Автор: Shoichiro Komiya
Принадлежит: Tsubakimoto Chain Co

A cable protection and guide device capable of preventing abrasion powder that is otherwise generated when a link side plate slides on a support surface while switching between a linear position and a flexional position. The link side plate integrally includes: a front side plate portion connected to a longitudinally preceding link side plate to form a cable flexional inner circumferential side; a rear side plate portion connected to a longitudinally succeeding link side plate to form a cable flexional outer circumferential side; and, a flexible linkage portion interposed between the front and rear side plate portions. The rear side plate portion includes a first flexional outer circumferential end surface in an arc shape and provided on the cable flexional outer circumferential side, and, an arc center of the first flexional outer circumferential end surface longitudinally preceding a center of the linkage portion of the succeeding link side plate.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Implementing A Manipulator Process

Номер: US20130218332A1
Автор: Hofmann Josef

A method for executing a manipulator process with at least two manipulator poses with a manipulator, in particular a robot, wherein the manipulator comprises at least one drive means having a motor and a brake, comprising the steps of: 1. A method for performing a manipulator process , which comprises at least two manipulator poses , by a manipulator , in particular a robot , which comprises at least one drive means having a motor and a brake , comprising the steps of:{'b': '10', '(S) Assuming a manipulator pose;'}{'b': '20', '(S) Stopping at least one drive means;'}{'b': '30', '(S) Closing at least one brake of this drive means;'}{'b': '40', '(S) Reducing the energy supply to the drive means;'}{'b': '50', '(S) Increasing the energy supply to the drive means;'}{'b': '60', '(S) Opening the closed brake;'}{'b': '70', '(S) Assuming another manipulator pose.'}2. The method according to claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 20', '70, 'the steps (S)-(S) are repeated.'}3. The method according to claim 1 ,characterized in that a time criterion;', 'a signal criterion;', 'a state criterion., 'the brake is closed and/or opened on the basis of at least the following criteria4. The method according to claim 3 ,characterized in thatthe brake is closed and/or opened on the basis of at least two of the criteria.5. The method according to claim 3 ,characterized in that an absolute time;', 'a process time;', 'a stop time since the stopping;', 'a time interval between the stop and the opening of the brake., 'a time criterion based on at least one of the following times is prescribed6. The method according to claim 3 ,characterized in that a signal of a manipulator control system;', 'a signal of a manipulator process;', 'a signal of a tool control system;', 'a signal of a control station;', 'a signal of a device from the environment of the manipulator, which cooperates with the manipulator., 'a signal criterion based on at least one of the following signals is prescribed7. The method ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Support arm

Номер: US20130221177A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A support arm supports a charge connector which can be connected to a vehicle. The support arm includes a parallelogram linkage provided in a freely swingable manner, a gravity compensation apparatus for generating force canceling gravity acting on the parallelogram linkage, and a charge connector having a support shaft insertion portion supported by the parallelogram linkage and provided to be rotatable around the support shaft insertion portion. The support shaft insertion portion is arranged at a position of the center of gravity of the charge connector. According to such a construction, a support arm appropriately exhibiting a gravity compensation function can be provided.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248746A1
Автор: WIGREN Gustaf
Принадлежит: XEREX AB

An object-sensing valve configured for integration in the suction duct () of a vacuum gripper includes a flexible and back-springing tongue (), one end () of which is anchored by the side of the suction duct and the other end () of which extends freely outside a mouth (′) to the suction duct, the tongue dimensioned to be forced by an air flow (F) to bend towards the mouth of the suction duct and to cover the mouth incompletely in the loaded state of the tongue. 131011148891488. Object-sensing valve configured for integration in the suction duct () of a vacuum gripper , the valve comprising a flexible and back-springing tongue () one end () of which is anchored by the side of the suction duct and the other end () of which extends freely outside a mouth (; ′) to the suction duct , the tongue dimensioned to be forced by an air flow (F) to bend towards the mouth of the suction duct and to cover the mouth incompletely in the loaded state of the tongue , characterized in that the suction duct opens in a convexly curved or arcuate surface providing supporting faces () for the tongue in its bended state , on each opposite side of the suction duct mouth , and in that a flexible part of the tongue , as viewed in a direction towards the tongue's free end () and in a sectional plane (A-A) which shows the actual length of the tongue , has a length which is less than the extension of the mouth (; ′) of the suction duct in the same plane.28812. The valve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the mouth (; ′) of the suction duct has a width (w) transversally to the flow direction (F) which is gradually reducing from that end of the mouth which is adjacent to the point of attachment () of the tongue by the side of the suction duct.31014. The valve according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tongue () claim 1 , in its unloaded state claim 1 , extends with its free end () into an imaginary extension of the suction duct outside of the mouth claim 1 , in the plane (A-A).41013 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Spacecraft capture mechanism

Номер: US20130249229A1
Принадлежит: MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Corp

The present invention provides a capture mechanism for capturing and locking onto the Marman flange located on the exterior surfaces of spacecraft/satellites. The capture mechanism achieves its goal of quickly capturing a target spacecraft by splitting the two basic actions involved into two separate mechanisms. One mechanism performs the quick grasp of the target while the other mechanism rigidises that grasp to ensure that the target is held as firmly as desired. The jaws can be set up to grasp gently, firmly, or even not close completely on the target. Once the jaws have sprung shut, a second mechanism draws the jaws (and their closing mechanism) back into the body of the tool pulling the captured target onto two rigidisation surfaces. The mechanism keeps pulling backwards until a pre-established preload is reached at which point the target is considered suitably rigidised to the capture mechanism.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255424A1
Автор: KUME Hirokazu
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A shaft member () has a hollow pipe () extending coaxially with its axis of center of rotation and a tool mounting surface () positioned at the front end of the shaft member. An umbilical member guide mechanism () includes an umbilical member fastening part () attached to a tool mounting surface side of the shaft member, a plurality of umbilical members () are guided from the arm side of the robot through the hollow pipe of the shaft member and fastened at the end of the hollow pipe at the tool mounting surface side by an umbilical member fastening part in parallel with the axis of center of rotation, and attaching parts (to ) which attach the umbilical member fastening part to the front end of the shaft member at one phase of at least two predetermined phases around the axis of center of rotation. 1. An umbilical member guide mechanism which guides a plurality of umbilical members , which are led from an arm side of a robot to a wrist part , to a tool which is attached to the front end of the wrist ,said umbilical member guide mechanism comprisinga shaft member which is arranged at a front end of the wrist of said robot, said shaft member being provided with a hollow pipe which extends coaxially with the axis of center of rotation and a tool mounting surface which is positioned at the front end of said shaft member,an umbilical member fastening part which is attached to said tool mounting surface side of said shaft member, said plurality of umbilical members being guided from an arm side of said robot through said hollow pipe of said shaft member and being fastened by said umbilical member fastening part in parallel with said axis of center of rotation, and,attaching parts which attach said umbilical member fastening part to a front end of said shaft member at one phase of at least two predetermined phases around said axis of center of rotation.2. The umbilical member guide mechanism as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said tool or flange which is attached to said ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Industrial robot with actuators extending in a primary hand enclosure

Номер: US20130305869A1
Автор: Rainer Krumbacher

An industrial robot has a robot arm with a linkage and an arm extension that is pivotable at the linkage. The arm extension has an arm enclosure that is pivotable at the linkage. The arm extension has a primary hand enclosure that can rotate, means of a first actuator that has a first drive shaft, at the arm enclosure around an arm axle extending in the longitudinal dimension of the arm extension. The arm extension has a first-hand element that is adjustable around a first-hand axle relative to the primary hand enclosure by means of a second actuator that has a second drive shaft, and a second-hand element that is adjustable around a second-hand axle relative to the first-hand element by means of a third actuator that has a third drive shaft. The first, second and third actuators are arranged in the primary hand enclosure with their respective drive shafts extending essentially parallel to and at a distance from the arm axle.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Connecting Element

Номер: US20130330126A1
Автор: Ulle Detlev
Принадлежит: Delaware Capital Formation, Inc.

A connecting element has a base () with a first interface (), to connect to a robot, and a plurality of second interfaces (), to connect to clamping frame elements. The base () with its interfaces () is formed from a fibre-plastic composite material. 1. A connecting element comprising:a base with a first interface to connect with a robot and a plurality of second interfaces to connect to frame elements; andthe base, with its interfaces, is formed from a fibre-plastic composite material.2. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a carbon fibre-reinforced plastic is provided as the fibre-plastic composite material.3. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the base has an overall star shape.4. The connecting element in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the star-shaped base includes a central element with the first interface and a plurality of arm elements claim 3 , each arm with the second interface.5. The connecting element in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the second interfaces are arranged at the ends of each arm element and are remote from the central element.6. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the base has one first interface claim 1 , four arm elements claim 1 , each arm element with a second interface for a total of four second interfaces.7. The connecting element in accordance with claim 6 , wherein each opposing pair of arm elements are arranged to run parallel to one another claim 6 , as seen in their main direction of extent.8. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising regions of the base claim 1 , arranged between the first interface and the second interfaces claim 1 , are designed in the shape of ribs.9. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first interface is arranged centrally and concentrically on the base.10. The connecting element in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first interface is designed as a flat plate ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Device for removing heat from an automated handling device, in particular a handling robot, and use of the device

Номер: US20130345862A1

A device for discharging heat from an automated handling device, in particular from a handling robot, having a structure of the handling device and having at least one heat-generating device, in particular of a drive system, of the handling device. A suction device or positive-pressure device for respectively discharging and delivering air is provided, which device is disposed in operative connection with the at least one heat-generating device.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Umbilical member arrangement structure of industrial robot having hollow member

Номер: US20140020498A1
Автор: Satoshi Adachi
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

An umbilical member arrangement structure capable of being used in a waterproof application, wherein a hollow portion may be independently used for wiring of a work tool, while the motion of an umbilical member for the work tool may be stabilized. A bent hollow member has a first flange attached to a first opening. Between the first flange and a first wrist element, a liquid-tight first seal member is disposed. At a second opening formed on the back side of a forearm base part, a second flange is arranged at a rear end of an I-shaped pipe, and a liquid-tight second seal member, similar to the first seal member 82, is disposed between the second flange and the rear end surface of the base part. The bent hollow member is rotatably connected to the I-shaped pipe via a bearing and an oil seal.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030032A1
Автор: Kühn Hans-Peter

In order to ensure a reliable automated feed of connecting elements to a processing unit, an apparatus, in particular an industrial robot, is provided. The apparatus has a hose pack, in which a feed hose for connecting elements is contained as a supply line. In order to ensure reliable operation and kink protection of the feed hose, the latter is formed from an inner hose which is embedded in a over-molded hose jacket. This measure permits the integration of the feed hose into the hose pack without problems. In addition, the risk of the feed hose kinking is kept small. 112-. (canceled)13. An apparatus for the automated feed of connecting elements to a processing unit , the apparatus comprising:a hose pack for supplying production means to the processing unit, said hose pack having a protective casing and a plurality of supply lines laid in said protective casing;a flexible feed hose for feeding the connecting elements to the processing unit contained in said hose pack, said feed hose including an inner hose embedded in a hose casing made of an elastic plastic and said inner hose having an interior cross section adapted to a cross-sectional contour of the connecting elements for a gliding guidance of the connecting elements.14. The apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein the processing unit is a multi-axis industrial robot and said hose pack is configured to supply production means to the multi-axis industrial robot.15. The apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein said hose casing is applied to said inner hose by an extrusion process.16. The apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein said inner hose and said hose casing are not connected to one another by integral bonding.17. The apparatus according to claim 13 , wherein said inner hose is made from a relatively harder material than said hose casing.18. The apparatus according to claim 17 , wherein said inner hose is made of a polyamide.19. The apparatus as claimed in claim 17 , wherein said hose casing is formed ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033851A1
Принадлежит: IGUS GMBH

A guide system for supply lines for a handling apparatus, in particular for an industrial robot, having a base and a carrier member, in or on which the supply lines can be arranged. The carrier member is arranged guided displaceably reciprocatingly between a deflection position and a return position over a displacement travel (V) for length compensation in a compensating portion in two runs connected together by way of a direction-changing bend and each having a respective end connecting point. The guide system has a return device for returning the carrier member to the return position. The return device is provided with a direction-changing guide having a direction-changing element which is arranged variably in respect of position relative to the base and against which the direction-changing bend is laterally supported for guidance thereof over the displacement travel. For the return of the direction-changing element, a return force which can be detected by sensor means can act on the direction-changing element. 1. A guide system for supply lines for a handling apparatus , in particular for an industrial robot , comprising a base and a chain-like , hose-like or strip-like carrier member , in or on which the supply lines can be arranged , wherein the carrier member is arranged guided for length compensation purposes in a compensating portion in two runs connected together by way of a direction-changing bend with respective end connecting points , a first connecting point which is stationary relative to the base of the guide system and a second connecting point which is movable relative to the base , the second connecting point is reciprocable relative to the first connecting point over a displacement travel between a deflection position in which the carrier member is extended and a return position in which the carrier member is retracted , and the guide system has a return device for returning the carrier member into the return position ,characterised in that the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033853A1

A rotating range restricting mechanism that restricts the rotating range of a rotating body rotatable 360 degrees or more with respect to a supporting body includes: a swing member rotatably attached to the supporting body; a first restricting member abutting the swing member to restrict the swing range of one end of the swing member; a second restricting member abutting the swing member to restrict the swing range of the other end of the swing member; an engaging member fixed to the rotating body which engages with the swing member to allow the swing member to swing between a first restricting position and a second restricting position; a first magnetic holding mechanism that holds the swing member in the first restricting position with a magnetic attraction force; and a second magnetic holding mechanism that holds the swing member in the second restricting position with a magnetic attraction force. 1. A rotating range restricting mechanism for a rotating body that restricts a rotating range of a rotating body which is rotatable 360 degrees or more with respect to a supporting body , comprising:a swing member which is rotatably attached to said supporting body;a first restricting member which is affixed or formed to said supporting body and abuts on said swing member when said swing member is rotated to one end of a swing range of said swing member to restrict the swing range;a first restricting member which is affixed or formed to said supporting body, and which restricts one end of a swing range of said swing member by abutting on said swing member when said swing member is rotated to the one end of a swing range of said swing member;a second restricting member which is affixed or formed to said supporting body, and which restricts the other end of the swing range of said swing member by abutting on said swing member when said swing member is rotated to the other end of the swing range of said swing member;an engaging member which is affixed or formed to said ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Planar torsion spring for robot joint

Номер: US20140045600A1
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University ZJU

The present invention discloses a planar torsion spring for a robot joint, including a torsion spring outer ring, a torsion spring inner ring and a plurality of elastic bodies; the elastic bodies are uniformly distributed around the circumference and connected with the torsion spring outer ring and the torsion spring inner ring respectively at their two ends; each elastic body is composed of two symmetrical elastic body units, each elastic body unit includes an outer circular hole slot, an inner circular hole slot and a connecting beam; the connecting beam connects respectively between the torsion spring inner ring and the inner circular hole slot, the inner circular hole slot and the outer circular hole slot, the outer circular hole slot and the torsion spring outer ring; a wide-angle deformation of the torsion spring is achieved through a series of elastic deformation of the inner and outer circular hole slot.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053668A1

The present invention provides a locating beam and a robot linear motion unit having the same. The locating beam comprises a first support beam () and a second support beam () which are parallel to each other, wherein a crossbeam () is connected between the first support beam () and the second support beam () and is vertical to the beams (), and each of the joints between the crossbeam () and the beams () is provided with a right-angle connecting piece (). The robot linear motion unit comprises a motion track and a transmission mechanism arranged along the extension direction of the motion track, wherein the motion track is arranged on a surface of the locating beam. By arranging a crossbeam and right-angle connecting pieces between the first support beam and the second support beam in the locating beam, the present invention effectively improves the mechanical structure strength of the locating beam, reduces the deflection deformation and twist deformation of the locating beam, and improves the impact resistance of the robot linear motion unit. 1. A locating beam , comprising:{'b': 11', '12', '13', '11', '12', '11', '12', '13', '11', '13', '12', '15, 'a first support beam () and a second support beam () which are parallel to each other, wherein a crossbeam () is connected between the first support beam () and the second support beam () and is vertical to the first support beam () and the second support beam (), and each of the joints between the crossbeam () and the first support beam () and between the crossbeam () and the second support beam () is provided with a right-angle connecting piece ().'}21311131215. The locating beam according to claim 1 , wherein both sides of each of the said joints between the crossbeam () and the first support beam () and between the crossbeam () and the second support beams () are provided with the right-angle connecting pieces ().3111216. The locating beam according to claim 2 , wherein each end of the first support beam () and ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054912A1

An elongate grabber tool that has a handle including an actuator on the first end of a first shaft, and grasping means located on the distal end of a second shaft. The shafts are connected together by a hinge, and linkage between the controller and engagement elements to control the grasping means is disclosed. Said second shaft includes a flexible element and an illuminating element. Said grasping means may include at least one magnetic element. 1. A device comprising:a flexible elongate shaft (“shaft”), the shaft adapted for manual deformation in at least two orthogonal dimensions, the shaft having a handle end and a grabber end;a grabber feature, the grabber feature coupled to the shaft grabber end, the grabber feature adapted to apply force to temporarily couple with an object;a handle, the handle coupled to the shaft handle end; andan actuator, the actuator having a user end and a grabber end, the user end coupled with the handle and adapted to accept and transfer mechanical force to the grabber end, and the grabber end coupled with the grabber feature and adapted to accept and transfer mechanical force from the user end to the grabber feature.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the shaft may rotate in relation to the handle on an axis orthogonal to the two orthogonal dimensions of deformation.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the shaft further comprises a first intermediate elongate length (“first length”) claim 1 , and a second deforming length (“second length”) claim 1 , the first length is ridged and the second length may is adapted for said manual deformation.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising a hinge claim 3 , the hinge adapted to rotatably couple the first length and the second length.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the hinge enables folding movement of the second length in relation to the first length.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a magnet claim 1 , the magnet coupled to the grabber feature.7. The device of claim 1 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060231A1
Автор: Watanabe Hideyuki
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A multiple joint robot includes a movable body, a motor for generating power to actuate the movable body, a motor housing for accommodating the motor, and a cooling structure for dissipating heat generated from the motor. The cooling structure includes a heat conductor in the motor housing, and the heat conductor forms a heat conductive path for transmitting heat from the motor to the motor housing. The heat conductor has a first surface in contact with a heat generating surface of the motor and a second surface in contact with an inner surface of the motor housing. A position of the heat conductor can be adjusted to form the heat conductive path by sliding the first surface and/or the second surface along the opposed heat generating surface or inner surface. 1. A multiple joint robot comprising:a movable body;a motor for generating power to actuate the movable body;a motor housing for accommodating the motor in an interior thereof so as to isolate the motor from an exterior; anda cooling structure for cooling the motor by dissipating heat generated from the motor,wherein the motor has a heat generating surface on which heat is generated,wherein the cooling structure includes a heat conductor situated in the interior of the motor housing, the heat conductor forming a heat conducting path for conducting heat from the motor to the motor housing, andwherein the heat conductor has a first contact surface adapted to be in contact with the heat generating surface of the motor, and a second contact surface adapted to be in contact with an inner surface of the motor housing, so as to form the heat conducting path through an adjustment of a position of the heat conductor by sliding at least one of the first contact surface and the second contact surface on the opposed heat generating surface or inner surface.2. The multiple joint robot according to claim 1 ,wherein the heat generating surface of the motor and the inner surface of the motor housing extend in an inclined ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060235A1
Автор: OOTANI Kentarou
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A mechanical stopper device having a desirable stopper function while having a simple structure, and a multi-joint robot having the mechanical stopper device. A mechanical stopper is constituted by an elastically deformable body arranged on a second arm, and a contacting member arranged on a first arm so that the deformable body comes into contact with the contacting member when the second arm is rotated by a predetermined angle. The spring pin has a slit extending in the longitudinal direction thereof, and the extending direction of the slit when the pin is inserted into a hole intersects with a contact direction of the spring pin against the contacting member. 1. A mechanical stopper device for a multi-joint robot having a first arm and a second arm rotatably connected to the first arm about a rotation axis , the mechanical stopper device being configured to limit a range of rotation angle of the second arm relative to the first arm by contacting a portion of the first arm to a portion of the second arm ,wherein at least one of the portion of the first arm which contacts the second arm and the portion of the second arm which contacts the first arm is an elastically deformable body having a slit extending in a direction which intersects a contact direction.2. The mechanical stopper device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the elastically deformable body is a hollow cylindrical member having a slit extending in a longitudinal direction of the hollow cylindrical member.3. The mechanical stopper device as set forth in claim 2 , wherein an angular position of the slit in a radial cross-section of the elastically deformable body is 70 to 110 degrees with respect to the contact direction.4. The mechanical stopper device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the elastically deformable body is detachably press-fitted into a hole formed on the first arm or the second arm.5. A multi-joint robot comprising the mechanical stopper device as set forth in . 1. Field of the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Multiple joints robot having cover on end effector attachment

Номер: US20140060236A1
Автор: Hideyuki Watanabe
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A multiple joint robot includes a wrist part provided with a reduction gear unit capable of receiving an end effector and of transmitting power to the end effector. The reduction gear unit includes a fixed part fixed to the wrist part by means of a fixing element, a rotational part rotatable relative to the fixed part, and a sealing element provided in a circumference of the rotational part. There is a cover at the fixed part of the reduction gear unit, and the fixing element and the sealing element are covered by the cover. The cover is provided to flatten a convex portion or a concave portion formed by the fixing element.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Umbilical member arrangement structure of parallel link robot

Номер: US20140069222A1
Автор: Hyunchul Souk
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

An umbilical member arrangement structure capable of properly arranging an umbilical member in a parallel link robot. A first additional actuator is arranged on a passive link part of a parallel link robot. An Umbilical member is withdrawn from an opening formed on a generally circular bottom surface of a base part, while having a margin, approaches the passive link part, while extending in an intersecting direction with respect to a longitudinal direction of the passive link part, and is connected to the first additional actuator. The “intersecting direction” means a direction extending at an angle of 70 to 110 degrees, preferably 80 to 100 degrees, more preferably about 90 degrees, with respect to the longitudinal direction of the passive link part.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070470A1

In one embodiment of the invention, a patient side-system is provided that includes a column with a rail and a counterbalance subsystem. The patient side-system may further include a braking subsystem. The counterbalance subsystem includes a spring assembly coupled at one end to the column with a spring member, and a housing movably coupled to the rail. The housing includes a drum to receive the spring member and a plurality of roller elements to guide a movement of the spring member winding or unwinding on the drum. If present, the braking subsystem includes a first pulley rotatably coupled to the column, a second pulley with a locking mechanism spaced apart from the first pulley and rotatably coupled to the column, and at least one brake cable wrapped around the first pulley and the second pulley with ends coupled to the housing. The locking mechanism can set a position of the housing along the column. 12-. (canceled)3. A counterbalance apparatus comprising:a housing;at least one drum rotatably coupled to the housing by a shaft;at least one spring member including multiple laminations forming a layered material around the at least one drum, the multiple laminations of the at least one spring member to wind or unwind around the at least one drum to counterbalance a weight; anda guide surface coupled to the housing, the guide surface including an opening to receive and guide the at least one spring member so as to prevent unwanted separation of the multiple laminations in the at least one spring member.45-. (canceled)6. A counterbalance apparatus comprising:a housing;at least one drum rotatably coupled to the housing by a shaft;at least one spring member including multiple laminations forming a layered material around the at least one drum, the multiple laminations of the at least one spring member to wind or unwind around the at least one drum to counterbalance a weight; anda guide wall to exert a force along a section of the at least one spring member so as to ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Robot Drive With Passive Rotor

Номер: US20140077637A1
Принадлежит: Persimmon Technologies Corp

A substrate transport apparatus including a drive section and a first movable arm assembly. The drive section includes a first motor. The first motor includes a stator and a passive rotor. The first movable arm assembly is connected to the first motor. The substrate transport apparatus is configured for the first movable arm assembly to be positionable in a vacuum chamber with the passive rotor being in communication with an environment inside the vacuum chamber.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083229A1
Автор: KUME Hirokazu
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

An umbilical member attachment device including a base part attached detachably to a first member and a second member of a robot, the first member and the second member rotating relative to each other; a first fastening part attached to the base part to fasten the first umbilical member; and a second fastening part attached to the base part to fasten the second umbilical member. The second fastening part has an attachment member attached to the base part and a fastening member fastening the second umbilical member to the attachment member, and the attachment member is provided detachably from the base part together with the second umbilical member in a state where the first umbilical member is fastened by the first fastening part. 1. An umbilical member attachment device for attaching a plurality of umbilical members to a robot , the robot having a first member and a second member which rotate relative to each other , the plurality of umbilical members including a first umbilical member and a second umbilical member and having movable portions movable between the first member and the second member ,the umbilical member attachment device comprising:a base part attached detachably to the first member and the second member;a first fastening part attached to the base part to fasten the first umbilical member; anda second fastening part attached to the base part to fasten the second umbilical member,wherein the second fastening part has an attachment member attached to the base part and a fastening member fastening the second umbilical member to the attachment member, andwherein the attachment member is provided detachably from the base part together with the second umbilical member in a state where the first umbilical member is fastened by the first fastening part.2. The umbilical member attachment device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first fastening part has a first attachment member attached to the base part and a first fastening member fastening the first ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus including multi-jointed arm and gravity compensation method

Номер: US20140084131A1

The present inventive concepts relate to an apparatus having a multi-jointed arm. The apparatus having a multi-jointed arm may include a body; a multi-jointed arm having a first link rotatably combined with the body at a first joint and a second link rotatably combined with the first link at a second joint; and a compensator generating a compensation moment cancelling out a moment being generated by a weight of the multi-jointed arm. The compensator includes a compensation load generating the compensation moment, and a compensation link connecting the compensation load and the multi-jointed arm so that the compensation load and the multi-jointed arm are on opposite sides of the first joint.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis

Номер: US20140088729A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A powered ankle-foot prosthesis, capable of providing human-like power at terminal stance that increase amputees metabolic walking economy compared to a conventional passive-elastic prosthesis. The powered prosthesis comprises a unidirectional spring, configured in parallel with a force-controllable actuator with series elasticity. The prosthesis is controlled to deliver the high mechanical power and net positive work observed in normal human walking.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Wet Robot Docking Station

Номер: US20200000305A1

The present disclosure provides a base station for receiving a mobile cleaning robot including a docking structure. The docking structure includes a horizontal surface and at least two electrical charging contacts, each of the electrical charging contacts having a contact surface positioned above the horizontal surface. The base station also includes a platform that is connectable to the docking structure. The platform includes a raised rear surface having a front portion and a rear portion, two wheel wells located in the front portion of the raised rear surface of the platform, and a plurality of raised surface features forward of the raised rear surface configured to support an underside portion of the mobile cleaning robot. 120-. (canceled)21. A base station for a mobile cleaning robot , the base station comprising:a docking structure;at least two electrical contacts positioned on the docking structure, the at least two electrical contacts configured to contact corresponding electrical contacts of the mobile cleaning robot to charge the mobile cleaning robot; anda platform extending forward of the docking structure, the platform comprising a plurality of raised surface features to support a cleaning pad mounted to the mobile cleaning robot.22. The base station of claim 21 , wherein each of the plurality of raised surface features includes a dome-shaped portion and has a height between 2 and 6 millimeters.23. The base station of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of raised surface features are configured to tilt a forward portion of the mobile cleaning robot into a charging position.24. The base station of claim 23 , wherein configurations of the plurality of raised surface features to tilt the forward portion of the mobile cleaning robot comprise configurations to tilt a rearward portion of the mobile cleaning robot such that the corresponding electrical contacts of the mobile cleaning robot apply a downward force on the at least two electrical contacts of the base ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000453A1
Автор: ODA Masaru

Provided is a robot hand capable of reducing the load moment applied on the wrist of the robot hand in lifting an article. The robot hand includes a base; a first hand arm mounted on the base, including a holding part configured to hold the article, and configured such that the holding part is movable between a first distal position away from the base in a first direction, and a first proximal position close to the base more than the first distal position; and a second hand arm mounted on the base, including a counter balancer weight, and configured such that the counter balancer weight is movable between a second distal position away from the base in a second direction opposite to the first direction, and a second proximal position close to the base more than the second distal position. 1. A robot hand configured to hold and transport an article , comprising:a base;a first hand arm mounted on the base, the first hand arm including a holding part configured to hold the article, and being able to move the holding part between a first distal position away from the base in a first direction, and a first proximal position closer to the base than the first distal position; anda second hand arm mounted on the base, the second hand arm including a counter balancer weight, and being able to move the counter balancer weight between a second distal position away from the base in a second direction opposite to the first direction, and a second proximal position closer to the base than the second distal position.2. The robot hand according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first driving unit configured to drive the holding part to move between the first distal position and the first proximal position; anda second driving unit configured to drive the counter balancer weight to move between the second distal position and the second proximal position.3. The robot hand according to claim 2 , further comprising:a link mechanism configured to link movement of the holding part by the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000472A1
Принадлежит: DistalMotion SA

A sterile interface for a surgical platform is provided, optionally to be used with a mechanical telemanipulator. The sterile interface is configured to allow for transmission of motion without dimensional inconsistencies between a non-sterile surgical platform and a sterile surgical instrument that are related to one another in a master-slave configuration. The sterile interface is configured to allow for multiple changes of sterile surgical instruments during a surgical procedure without contaminating the sterile field. The sterile interface allows for interchangeable sterile articulated surgical instruments to be attached to the surgical platform without coming into contact with non-sterile portions of the surgical platform. 1. A sterile interface comprising:a surgical platform;a flexible sleeve, which covers at least a portion of a moving link of the surgical platform;a rigid connector; andan articulated surgical instrument, wherein the design of the rigid connector allows the articulated surgical instrument to be attached to the surgical platform and remain sterile which enables sterile articulated surgical instruments to be attached to the surgical platform without directly touching non-sterile components.2. The sterile interface of claim 1 , wherein the attachment of the articulated surgical instrument to the surgical platform includes the connection of mechanical transmission means that deliver motion from the surgical platform to the articulated surgical instrument.3. The sterile interface of claim 2 , wherein the rigid connector comprises at least one miniature cup that is able to transmit the motion from the surgical platform to at least one articulation of the articulated surgical instruments claim 2 , by having a geometry that can be mated with both a mechanical transmission element from the surgical platform and a mechanical transmission element from the articulated surgical instrument.4. The sterile interface of claim 3 , wherein the at least one ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Legged Robot

Номер: US20220001531A1

A legged robot having a frame with a plurality of links in mechanical communication with plurality of brackets, the frame forming a front, back, top, bottom, and sides, legs in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets, each leg having a knee motor, an abduction motor, and a hip motor, a computer module in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets and in electrical communication with the legs, and a power module in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets and in electrical communication with the legs and the computer module. 1. A legged robot , comprising:a frame comprising a plurality of links in mechanical communication with plurality of brackets, the frame forming a front, back, top, bottom, and sides;legs in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets, each leg comprising a knee motor, an abduction motor, and a hip motor;a computer module in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets and in electrical communication with the legs; anda power module in mechanical communication with one or more of the plurality of brackets and in electrical communication with the legs and the computer module.2. The legged robot of claim 1 , further comprising a motor enclosure enclosing the hip motor and the abduction motor.3. The legged robot of claim 2 , wherein the motor enclosure encloses a motor controller in electrical communication with the computer module.4. The legged robot of claim 3 , wherein each of the abduction motor claim 3 , hip motor claim 3 , and knee motor has an associated encoder claim 3 , and each associated encoder is in electronic communication with the motor controller.5. The legged robot of claim 2 , wherein the abduction motor actuates movement of the motor enclosure.6. The legged robot of claim 2 , wherein the motor enclosure is mechanically coupled to one or more of the plurality of brackets via a mechanical ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Robot and method of supporting walking using robot

Номер: US20180000683A1

A robot includes a rotary element capable of rolling over a walking surface on which a user walks, a handle held by the user, a handle load detector that detects a handle load applied to the handle by the user, and a projector that projects light onto the walking surface, the projector being operable to change the light based on the detected handle load.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001475A1
Автор: Miller Kenneth C.

A suspended automation system includes a rail array secured to a ceiling. A gantry moves in an X-Y plane defined by the rail array with a drive mechanism. A controller with a human user interface allows for selective movement of the gantry to transport, and in some instances store or manipulate articles. A motorized rotating platform and one or more of a robotic arm, a camera, or a counter-balance are added to the platform to facilitate storage and manipulation, as well as actions in the area below the ceiling. A rail array in some embodiments is equipped with storage modules located above the rail array that can take a variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations for storage of an article, including a stack. A related process of article movement can be accomplished by the suspended automation system. Another related process is overhead storage and selective delivery of an article. 1. A suspended automation system comprising:a rail array secured to a ceiling;a gantry;a drive mechanism coupled to said gantry for transit of said gantry in an area of said rail array;a platform suspended from said gantry; anda plurality of storage modules located above said rail array, each of said plurality of storage modules having a volume for storage of an article and positioned within cells of said rail array, and at least two of said plurality of storage modules stacked on one another forming a stack.2. The system of wherein one of the storage modules of said stack is accessible from a roof through a hatch in said roof.3. The system of wherein said drive mechanism includes interspersed powered wheel modules and lifters.4. The system of wherein said lifters are adjustable in a Z direction and said wheel modules are pivotable between X and Y directions on said rail array.5. The system of wherein said gantry is automatically transferrable to a second rail array.6. The system of further comprising one or more robotic arms suspended from said platform.7. The system of further ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001477A1

According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a mobile robot may include a body provided with a driving unit, a body display unit positioned on an upper side of a front portion of the body, extending vertically, and provided with a display on a front surface thereof, a supporter extending vertically inside the body display unit and having a lower end supported by the body, and an interface module supported by the supporter and electrically connected to the display. 120-. (canceled)21. A mobile robot , comprising:a body, the body including a driver configured to move the mobile robot;a vertically extending body display unit located at an upper side of a front portion of the body, the body display unit having a front surface and a rear surface;a display located at the front surface of the body display unit;a vertically extending supporter located inside the body display unit, the supporter having a lower end supported by the body; andan interface module supported by the supporter, the interface module being electrically connected to the display.22. The mobile robot of claim 21 , wherein the body display unit has a lower opening portion at a lower end thereof claim 21 , andwherein the supporter extends through the lower opening portion of the body display unit.23. The mobile robot of claim 21 , further comprising an inner bracket configured to fasten the supporter to an inner surface of the body display unit.24. The mobile robot of claim 21 , wherein the interface module includes:a module case fastened to the supporter; andan interface printed circuit board located in the module case.25. The mobile robot of claim 21 , further comprising:a head display unit rotatably connected to an upper portion of the body display unit;a rotating motor disposed inside the body display unit;a vertically extending rotating shaft connecting the rotating motor to the head display unit to rotate the head display unit; anda motor mount on which the rotating motor is mounted, the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001499A1
Автор: Hitz Bastian

A method monitors a supply system of a robot having a robot arm and a robot hand movable relative thereto. The supply system has a supply chain, in particular a cable assembly, and a guide for the supply chain. The supply chain is guided along the robot arm in order to supply the robot hand. The supply system also has a number of sensors for monitoring at least one state variable of the supply system. The functional capability of the supply system is concluded, inferred or predicted from values for the state variable that are determined by the sensors. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for monitoring a supply system of a robot having a robot arm and a robot hand movable relative to the robot arm , the method comprising:providing the supply system with a supply chain and a guide for the supply chain;guiding the supply chain along the robot arm for supplying the robot hand;monitoring at least one state variable of the supply system by using a plurality sensors of the supply system; anddrawing conclusions as to a functionality of the supply system based on values for the state variable ascertained by the sensors.17. The method according to claim 16 , which further comprises providing a cable assembly as the supply chain.18. The method according to claim 16 , which further comprises providing the supply chain with an electrical cable and integrating one of the sensors in the electrical cable.19. The method according to claim 18 , which further comprises providing the one sensor as a bend sensor.20. The method according to claim 18 , which further comprises providing the one sensor as a line element of the electrical cable claim 18 , feeding a sensor signal into the line element and evaluation a response signal of the line element.21. The method according to claim 20 , which further comprises:performing a plurality of individual measurements in a course of a measurement cycle;feeding a measurement signal into the line element per individual measurement;generating a stop ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Smooth surfaced flexible and stretchable skin for covering robotic arms in restaurant and food preparation applications

Номер: US20210001500A1
Принадлежит: Miso Robotics Inc

A sleeve apparatus for protecting a robotic kitchen arm from contamination. The sleeve includes a proximal end, a distal end, a passageway extending from the proximal end to the distal end, and an exterior surface. The passageway has an effective diameter less than the effective diameter of the robotic kitchen arm such that the exterior surface of the sleeve apparatus is substantially fold-free when the robotic arm is in the extended configuration. Methods of cleaning a robotic kitchen arm are also described.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001245A1

A chuck apparatus grips a workpiece by a gripping section having a pair of chuck members. The chuck apparatus is equipped with a cover member and pressing members. The cover member includes insertion holes through which fingers of the chuck members are inserted, and seal members that surround the insertion holes and abut against the fingers. The cover member is attached to a body so as to cover base portions of the chuck members, and is elastically deformable so as to follow displacement of the chuck members. The pressing members press the seal members against the fingers. 1. A chuck apparatus comprising a body and a gripping section configured to be opened and closed , the gripping section including a pair of chuck members supported on the body , wherein at least one of the chuck members is movable with respect to the body , and a workpiece is gripped by the gripping section , wherein the chuck apparatus further comprises:a cover member including an insertion hole therein through which a finger of the one of the chuck members is inserted, and a seal member configured to surround the insertion hole and abut against the finger, wherein the cover member is attached to the body so as to cover base portions of the chuck members, and is elastically deformable so as to follow displacement of the one of the chuck members; anda pressing member configured to press the seal member against the finger.2. The chuck apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the pressing member is formed in an annular shape surrounding the finger; andthe seal member is sandwiched in an elastically compressed state between the pressing member and the finger.3. The chuck apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein:the pressing member includes a plurality of pressing sections arranged alongside one another in a circumferential direction; andthe seal member is fitted between the plurality of pressing sections and the finger.4. The chuck apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pressing member is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001487A1

In a robot, each of a first flexible member and a second flexible member has a portion fixed to an n-th arm, a portion that is fixed to an (n+1)-th arm, and a portion that is positioned between the n-th arm and the (n+1)-th arm and is wound around a member in a folded state. The portion of the first flexible member that is fixed to the n-th arm is positioned on the member side from the portion of the second flexible member that is fixed to the n-th arm. The portion of the second flexible member that is fixed to the (n+1)-th arm is positioned on the member side from the portion of the first flexible member that is fixed to the (n+1)-th arm. 1. A robot comprising:an n-th arm (n is an integer of 1 or larger);an (n+1)-th arm that is rotatably provided on the n-th arm;a member provided between the n-th arm and the (n+1)-th arm;a first flexible member that has at least one of wiring and a tube cluster; anda second flexible member that has at least one of wiring and a tube cluster,wherein each of the first flexible member and the second flexible member has a portion fixed to the n-th arm, a portion fixed to the (n+1)-th arm, and a portion that is positioned between the n-th arm and the (n+1)-th arm and is wound around the member in a folded state,wherein the portion of the first flexible member that is fixed to the n-th arm is positioned on the member side from the portion of the second flexible member that is fixed to the n-th arm, andwherein the portion of the second flexible member that is fixed to the (n+1)-th arm is positioned on the member side from the portion of the first flexible member that is fixed to the (n+1)-th arm.2. The robot according to claim 1 , further comprising:a bundle of flexible members that includes the first flexible member and the second flexible member,wherein the bundle has a first fixed portion fixed to the n-th arm, a second fixed portion fixed to the (n+1)-th arm, and a folded portion that is positioned between the n-th arm and the (n+1)-th ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Energy Recovering Legged Robotic Device

Номер: US20200001450A1

A legged robotic device is disclosed. The legged robotic device can include a plurality of support members coupled together for relative movement defining a plurality of degrees of freedom, which can correspond to degrees of freedom of a human leg. The legged robotic device can also include actuators to apply forces or torques to the support members in the degrees of freedom. In addition, the legged robotic device can include potential energy storage mechanisms associated with the degrees of freedom operable to store potential energy as a result of relative movement of the support members in the degrees of freedom and to provide at least a portion of the stored potential energy to the support members as compensating forces or torques to assist the actuators. In one aspect, elastic potential energy can be stored. A spring rate and/or a zero position of the potential energy storage mechanisms can be dynamically variable. 1. A legged robotic device , comprising:a plurality of support members coupled together for relative movement defining a plurality of degrees of freedom, at least one of the plurality of degrees of freedom corresponding to at least one degree of freedom of a human leg;a primary actuator to apply a force or a torque to the support members in the at least one of the plurality of degrees of freedom;a potential energy storage mechanism associated with the at least one of the plurality of degrees of freedom operable to store potential energy as a result of relative movement of the support members in the at least one of the plurality of degrees of freedom and to provide at least a portion of the stored potential energy to the support members as a compensating force or torque to assist the primary actuator, wherein at least one of a zero position or a preload of the potential energy storage mechanism is dynamically variable; anda secondary actuator operable to move an anchor location of the potential energy storage mechanism to facilitate varying the at ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001474A1
Принадлежит: VIETTEL GROUP

The purpose of the presented invention propose a spring-support mechanism for the parallel robot, and this mechanism is applied to parallel robot models to reduce the load on the actuators. The spring-support mechanism for the parallel robot are composed of: sets of rotated joints to adjust the direction of the support mechanism to match the direction of the moving frame of robot, rhombus mechanism with hinges in four vertices transform displacement of moving frame to elasticity of springs, guiding plates used to adjust the springs length so that the thrust force generated by springs is constant, set of springs is assembled parallel and fixtures for the springs. 1. The spring-support mechanism for a parallel robot comprising:Sets of rotated joints to adjust the direction of the support mechanism to match a direction of a moving frame of the robot;Rhombus mechanism with hinges in four vertices for transforming a displacement of the moving frame to an elasticity of springs, said springs having a length;Guiding plates used to adjust the length of the springs so that a thrust force generated by the springs is constant; whereinThe set of springs is assembled parallel, andComprising fixtures for the springs.2. The spring-support mechanism for parallel robot with constant force according to :When the moving frame moves down, the spring are compressed and a length of the structure decreases; Then the rhombus structure will be flattened, The movement of the rhombus is passed to the guiding plates through pivots, When the rhombus is compressed, the pivots touch the guiding plates and move them apart, wherein the guiding plates are provided with guiding grooves, these grooves adjust the displacement of the locating pivots on the rhombus to the displacement of the spring such that the rhombus's thrust force is constant.3. The spring-support mechanism for parallel robot with constant force according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': z', 'thoi', 'lx', 'load', 'tx', 'load', 'elastic', ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001483A1

A robot includes a robot body and a feeding cable. The robot body is disposed in an explosion-proof region. The feeding cable is disposed in the explosion-proof region, and power is supplied to the robot body through the feeding cable. The feeding cable includes a plurality of wires and a cover. Each of the plurality of wires includes a conductor and an insulator covering the conductor. The cover covers the plurality of wires and has a thickness of equal to or greater than 10 percent of an outer diameter of the feeding cable. 1. A robot comprising:a robot body disposed in an explosion-proof region; and a plurality of wires each comprising a conductor and an insulator covering the conductor; and', 'a cover covering the plurality of wires and having a thickness of equal to or greater than 10 percent of an outer diameter of the feeding cable., 'a feeding cable which is disposed in the explosion-proof region and through which power is supplied to the robot body, the feeding cable comprising2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the insulator has a thickness of equal to or greater than 50 percent of an outer diameter of the conductor.3. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the cover comprises a non-combustible and oil-resistant polyvinyl chloride material.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the insulator comprises a heat-resistant polyvinyl chloride material.5. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein a rated temperature for the feeding cable is 105 degrees Celsius.6. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein a rated voltage for the feeding cable is from 500 V to 700 V.7. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor comprises a tinned copper wire.8. The robot according to claim 1 , further comprising a cable ground mounted on the robot body claim 1 , the cable ground comprising:a first end through which the feeding cable is inserted; anda second end through which the plurality of wires are pulled out.9. The robot according to claim 8 , wherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Assembly for robot and robot having the same

Номер: US20190001486A1
Принадлежит: Ubtech Robotics Corp

An assembly for a robot includes a servo comprising an output gear, a servo housing connected to the servo, a rotary support connected to the servo and the servo housing, the rotary support being configured to rotate as driven by the servo; and a stopper assembly arranged at the servo housing and the rotary support. The stopper assembly is used to limit the rotary support to be rotatable in a predetermined range.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Communication paths for robot arms

Номер: US20190001501A1
Принадлежит: CMR Surgical Ltd

A robot arm having a compound joint between a first limb of the arm and a second limb of the arm, the second limb of the arm being distal of the first limb, the arm comprising: a coupler element coupled to the first limb of the arm by a first revolute joint having a first rotation axis and to the second limb of the arm by a second revolute joint having a second rotation axis; first and second rotational position sensors for sensing the configuration of the arm about the first and second joints respectively; first and second torque sensors for sensing the torque applied about the first and second joints respectively; a control unit for controlling the operation of the arm; a first communications unit borne by the arm and located proximally of the coupler and a second communications unit borne by the arm and located distally of the coupler, each communications unit being capable of encoding data received from one or more of the position and/or torque sensors in a first data format into data packets and transmitting those packets to the control unit in accordance with a packet-based data protocol different from the first data format; wherein the first position sensor is connected by a physical data link running within an exterior wall of the first limb to the first communications unit to so as to pass data representing sensed position about the first joint to the first communications unit for encoding and the first torque sensor is connected by a physical data link running within an exterior wall of the second limb to the second communications unit to so as to pass data representing sensed torque about the first joint to the second communications unit for encoding.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001509A1

A winding structure of a joint of a robot includes a first servo, a second servo connected to the first servo, the second servo being rotatable with respect to the first servo, a flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) configured to connect the first servo to the second servo; and a winding assembly connected to the first servo. The winding assembly is used to wind the FPCB thereon. 1. A winding structure of a joint of a robot , comprising:a first servo;a second servo connected to the first servo, the second servo being rotatable with respect to the first servo;a flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) configured to connect the first servo to the second servo; anda winding assembly connected to the first servo, the winding assembly being configured to wind the FPCB thereon.2. The winding structure of claim 1 , wherein the winding assembly comprises a winding disc and a fixing member claim 1 , the winding disc is connected to the first servo and configured to wind the FPCB thereon claim 1 , the fixing member is connected to the first servo and configured to fix one end of the FPCB to the first servo.3. The winding structure of claim 2 , wherein the winding disc comprises a support and a ring claim 2 , the support is connected to the first servo claim 2 , the ring is connected to the support and configured to wind the FPCB thereon.4. The winding structure of claim 3 , wherein the support comprises a main body claim 3 , a limiting portion having two ends connected to a top of the main body claim 3 , a FPCB holding portion extending a bottom of the limiting portion away from the main body claim 3 , and a mounting portion protruding from a bottom of the main body claim 3 , the FPCB holding portion defines a first through hole allowing the FPCB to pass therethrough claim 3 , the ring comprises a ring body and a flange extending radially and outwardly from a lateral surface of the ring body claim 3 , the flange is fixed to the main body.5. The winding structure of further ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007681A1
Автор: Murakami Wataru
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

An attachment structure for drive cables include a first fixing member and a second fixing member separate from the first fixing member, which are designed to fix the drive cables in a non-slidable manner. The first fixing member is disposed behind a pivot body of a robot so as to pivot together with the pivot body. The second fixing member is disposed so as to be spaced apart from the first fixing member in a direction parallel to a rotational axis of an arm of the robot. The drive cables are fixed so as to be convexly curved upward in a portion between the first fixing member and the second fixing member. 1. An attachment structure for drive cables of a robot ,wherein the robot comprises a movable part which is movable so that the robot has any given position and posture, and a stationary part which is fixed independently of the position and posture of the robot,wherein the movable part of the robot comprises:a pivot body attached to the stationary part so as to be able to pivot around a pivot axis;a first arm attached to the pivot body so as to be able to rotate around a first rotational axis; anda second arm attached to the first arm so as to be able to rotate around a second rotational axis,wherein the drive cables includes at least a power cable supplying power to a motor for driving the pivot body, the first arm and the second arm, and a signal cable for transmitting and receiving a signal to and from the motor,wherein the attachment structure comprises a first fixing member and a second fixing member separate from the first fixing member, each of which is configured to fix the drive cables non-slidably,wherein the first fixing member is disposed behind the pivot body so as to pivot together with the pivot body,wherein the second fixing member is disposed in the stationary part and at a distance away from the first fixing member in a direction parallel to the first rotational axis, andwherein the drive cables are fixed by the first fixing member and the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006508A1
Автор: Saito Keisuke, UEKI Daichi
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

Provided is a wireless power supply control system including a control apparatus controlling driving of one or more driving devices in accordance with a plurality of predetermined driving patterns, a first radio having a directional antenna, and a second radio driven by power supply radio waves transmitted from the first radio. Target driving directivity information corresponding to a target driving pattern acquired by an acquisition unit is selected from among pieces of driving directivity information relating to a directivity applied to the directional antenna, in a state in which driving of the driving devices is controlled by the control apparatus in accordance with the driving patterns, the selected target driving directivity information is applied to the directional antenna of the first radio, and wireless power supply from the first radio to the second radio is executed. 1. A wireless power supply control system comprising:a control apparatus that controls driving of one or more driving devices in accordance with a plurality of predetermined driving patterns;a first radio that has a directional antenna and is formed to be capable of performing predetermined wireless power supply via the directional antenna;a second radio formed to be capable of receiving power supply radio waves for the predetermined wireless power supply and being driven by power of the power supply radio waves, the power supply radio waves being transmitted from the first radio;a directivity information storage unit that stores driving directivity information relating to a directivity, the driving directivity information being applied to the directional antenna of the first radio in relation to the predetermined wireless power supply from the first radio to the second radio in accordance with the plurality of driving patterns in a state in which driving of the one or more driving devices is controlled by the control apparatus in accordance with the plurality of driving patterns;an ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Elastic unit

Номер: US20220018416A1
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corp

This elastic unit is provided with: a shaft-like member that extends in one direction and that is connected to a force point acted on by an external force; an enclosure member that has an internal space and that is penetrated by the shaft-like member; a bearing that is provided at a point of contact between the shaft-like member and the enclosure member so that the shaft-like member is movable with respect to the enclosure member; a plate member that is provided inside the internal space of the enclosure member so as to protrude from the shaft-like member; and at least one or more elastic members sandwiched between the enclosure member and the plate member.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Remote center of motion definition using light sources for robot systems

Номер: US20170007335A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A robot system includes a robot linkage ( 202 ) having one or more arms connected by two joints ( 220, 222 ). The joints each including a joint axis of rotation ( 206 or 208 ) and a light source ( 128 ) aligned with the respective joint axis. The light sources are configured to direct light along the respective joint axis such that light from the light sources intersects at a position along an instrument ( 204 ) being held in an operational position by the robot linkage to define a remote center of motion (RCM) for the robot linkage.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008176A1
Автор: Wiley Scott C.

Technology is provided for an air flow cooling system and self-balancing robot incorporating the same. The robot includes a body, a robot controller disposed in the body, and a pair of axle housings extending from the body, each containing a drive assembly. An arm extends from the body and supports a head unit. A plurality of intake fans are disposed in the body and are configured to draw air into the body, thereby pressurizing the body, axle housings, and head unit. An axle fan is disposed in at least one of the pair of axle housings and is configured to exhaust air from the axle housings. 1. A robot , comprising:a body;a robot controller disposed in the body;a pair of axle housings extending from the body each containing a drive assembly;an arm extending from the body and supporting a head unit;at least one intake fan disposed in the body and configured to draw air into the body thereby pressurizing the body, axle housings, and head unit; andat least one axle fan disposed in at least one of the pair of axle housings and configured to exhaust the air from the axle housing.2. The robot of claim 1 , wherein the head unit includes one or more air vents.3. The robot of claim 1 , wherein the robot controller is configured to vary an amount of air exhausted from the axle housing by the at least one axle fan claim 1 , thereby regulating air flow through the head unit and axle housings.4. The robot of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor disposed in the head unit and connected to the robot controller.5. The robot of claim 4 , wherein the robot controller is configured to monitor the temperature sensor and vary an amount of air exhausted from the axle housing by the at least one axle fan claim 4 , thereby controlling a temperature of the head unit.6. The robot of claim 1 , further comprising an axle duct extending between the at least one axle fan and an axle vent located adjacent a wheel of the drive assembly.7. The robot of claim 1 , further comprising an ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008177A1
Автор: EBIHARA Kenzo
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

In a cover structure of a robot, the robot includes two or more movable portions, is stored in a cover, and is mounted with an end effector in any one of the two or more movable portions. The cover is fixed to any one of the movable portions other than the movable portion mounted with the end effector among the two or more movable portions, and has a cover opening portion where the end effector is capable of passing. 1. A cover structure of a robot , the robot including two or more movable portions , stored in a cover , and mounted with an end effector in any one of the two or more movable portions , whereinthe cover is fixed to any one of the movable portions other than the movable portion mounted with the end effector among the two or more movable portions, and has a cover opening portion where the end effector is capable of passing.2. The cover structure of the robot according to claim 1 , whereinthe robot is a vertical articulated robot.32. The cover structure of the robot according to claim. claim 1 , whereinthe cover is attached to a rotating axis as the movable portion of a base portion of the vertical articulated robot.4. The cover structure of the robot according to claim 3 , whereinthe cover has a rotationally symmetric shape having substantially the same center as a rotational center of the rotating axis,a fixed wall is disposed outside a rotation trajectory of the cover,the fixed wall has a fixed wall opening portion, andthe cover is disposed so as to block the fixed wall opening portion.5. The cover structure of the robot according to claim 4 , whereinthe fixed wall is formed of at least one surface extending radially from substantially the same central axis as the rotational center of the rotating axis, andthe cover opening portion faces any one of a plurality of areas partitioned by the surface.6. The cover structure of the robot according to any one of to claim 4 , whereinanother cover blocking the cover opening portion is attached to a movable ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008905A1

A robot includes: a mounting portion on which a welding torch is mountable; an arm portion having a tip portion, the arm portion swingably supporting the mounting portion at the tip portion; an arm supporting portion having a tip portion, the arm supporting portion supporting the arm portion rotatably around a first rotation axis at the tip portion, the first rotation axis being perpendicular to a swinging axis of the mounting portion; and a feeding device arranged in a space to intersect with an axis line of the first rotation axis, the space being formed between the tip portion and a base end portion of the arm portion along an axis line of the first rotation axis, the feeding device being configured to feed a wire to the welding torch mounted on the mounting portion. 1. A robot , comprising:a mounting portion on which a welding torch is mountable;an arm portion having a tip portion, the arm portion swingably supporting the mounting portion at the tip portion;an arm supporting portion having a tip portion, the arm supporting portion supporting the arm portion rotatably around a first rotation axis at the tip portion, the first rotation axis being perpendicular to a swinging axis of the mounting portion; anda feeding device arranged in a space to intersect with an axis line of the first rotation axis, the space being formed between the tip portion and a base end portion of the arm portion along an axis line of the first rotation axis, the feeding device being configured to feed a wire to the welding torch mounted on the mounting portion, wherein a feeding mechanism configured to feed the wire along the axis line of the first rotation axis; and', 'a motor arranged between an inner wall of the arm portion facing the space and the feeding mechanism, the motor being configured to drive the feeding mechanism., 'the feeding device includes2. The robot according to claim 1 , whereinthe motor is arranged such that an axis line of an output shaft of the motor has a skew ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024051A1

The present application describes a cover assembly () for a prosthetic or robot hand, comprising a substantially flexible cover portion () locatable on at least one moveable digit assembly of a prosthetic hand; and at least one substantially rigid cover element () attachable to the flexible cover portion. A prosthetic or robot hand comprising a cover assembly and a method of assembling a prosthetic or robot hand are also described. 136-. (canceled)37. A cover assembly for a mechanical hand , comprising:a substantially flexible glove-like cover portion locatable on a mechanical hand comprising a plurality of digit assemblies including at least one moveable digit assembly having at least one phalange member rotatable about an axis; andat least one substantially rigid cover element attachable to the flexible cover portion to at least partially surround the phalange member, the flexible cover portion comprises at least one locating region for engagement with a corresponding locating region of the phalange member to securely locate the flexible cover portion with respect to the phalange member, and', 'the flexible cover portion comprises at least one recessed region for receiving a corresponding region of the rigid cover element to securely locate the rigid cover element on the flexible cover portion., 'wherein38. The cover assembly according to claim 37 , wherein the at least one rigid cover element is removably attachable to the flexible cover portion.39. The cover assembly according to claim 37 , wherein at least a portion of the at least one rigid cover element circumferentially extends around a major portion of the flexible cover portion.40. The cover assembly according to claim 37 , wherein the recessed region is correspondingly shaped with the corresponding region of the rigid cover element.41. The cover assembly according to claim 37 , wherein the rigid cover element comprises at least one projection for engagement with the recessed region of the flexible cover ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024055A1
Автор: BELLANDI Giuseppe
Принадлежит: GIMATIC S.r.l.

A tool changer is described, the tool changer includes a robot-side portion having a longitudinal axis and fixable to a manipulator, and a tool-side portion fixable to a tool and abuts against the robot- side portion along the longitudinal axis. The tool changer also includes a lock to lock the tool-side portion on the robot-side portion, and an actuator of the lock. The lock is selectively movable by the actuator between a locked position, where it engages the tool-side portion that abuts against the robot-side portion, thereby preventing the separation of the two portions of the tool changer, and an unlocked position, where it does not engage the tool-side portion, which can therefore be separated from the robot- side portion. The actuator of the lock is an electric motor whose drive shaft rotates on a rotation axis parallel to the longitudinal axis. 1100101. A tool changer ( , ) comprising:{'b': '1', 'a robot-side portion (), having a longitudinal axis (Z-Z), and configured to be fixed to a manipulator;'}{'b': 2', '1, 'a tool-side portion () configured to be fixed to a tool and to abut against the robot-side portion () along said longitudinal axis (Z-Z);'}{'b': 5', '2', '1, 'a lock () to lock the tool-side portion () on the robot-side portion ();'}{'b': '5', 'an actuator of the lock ();'}{'b': 5', '14', '2', '1', '1', '2', '2', '1', '5', '14', '16', '17', '26, 'wherein the lock (, ) is selectively movable between a locked position, where the lock engages the tool-side portion () that abuts against the robot-side portion (), thereby preventing separation from the robot-side portion (), and an unlocked position, where the lock does not engage the tool-side portion (), thereby allowing detachment of the tool-side portion () from the robot-side portion (), wherein the actuator of the lock (, ) is an electric motor () having a drive shaft () rotating on a rotation axis () parallel to the longitudinal axis (Z-Z).'}2100101514561566215662. The tool changer ( claim 1 , ) ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Movable Hardstop for a Robotic Component

Номер: US20180009104A1
Автор: Eric Vance, Steven C. Blum
Принадлежит: Universal City Studios LLC

A robotic system includes a robotic arm and a movable hardstop disposed proximate to the robotic arm. The movable hardstop is separated from the robotic arm by at least one clearance in a first operating condition. The movable hardstop physically contacts the robotic arm in a second operating condition. The robotic system also includes one or more controllers configured to control movement of the robotic arm and movement of the movable hardstop such that the first operating condition is maintained or such that, if the second operating condition occurs, the hardtop blocks movement of the robotic arm.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009117A1

This industrial robot is provided with: an arm portion having a longitudinal axis; a wrist portion provided to a distal end of the arm portion and swingable about a swing axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis; a wire body inserted through the inside of the arm portion and connected to an end effector mounted to the wrist portion; and an energizing unit for energizing the wire body in a separate direction away from the wrist portion along the longitudinal axis of the arm portion. Thus, in an industrial robot in which a wire body is inserted through the inside of an arm portion, a conventional deficiency generated corresponding to a swing motion of a wrist portion can be eliminated. 1. An industrial robot , comprising:an arm portion having a longitudinal axis;a wrist portion provided to a distal end of the arm portion and swingable about a swing axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis;a wire body inserted through an inside of the arm portion and connected to an end effector mounted to the wrist portion; andan energizing unit configured to energize the wire body in a separate direction away from the wrist portion along the longitudinal axis of the arm portion.2. The industrial robot according to claim 1 , wherein the energizing unit has an elastic body which generates a force pulling the wire body in the separate direction.3. The industrial robot according to claim 2 , wherein the elastic body is a spring member whose part is fixed to the arm portion.4. The industrial robot according to claim 1 ,wherein the wire body has a curved portion in a part extending from a base end of the arm portion, andwherein the energizing unit is configured to apply an energizing force to the curved portion of the wire body.5. The industrial robot according to claim 1 , wherein the arm portion has an open space opened in directions orthogonal to both the longitudinal axis and the swing axis.6. The industrial robot according to claim 5 ,wherein a part of the open space is defined inside ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008736A1
Автор: Hirose Satoru, TAKAGI Toru
Принадлежит: NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD.

A malfunction detection device compares detected data on a condition at a predetermined part of an apparatus with a threshold so as to determine a malfunction of the apparatus. The malfunction detection device varies the threshold in accordance with a type of a lubricant used for movable parts of the apparatus. 1. A malfunction detection device comprising a control unit for detecting a malfunction of an apparatus including a movable part in accordance with detected data on a condition at a predetermined part of the apparatus , the detected data is calculated according to at least one of a vibration signal indicating a magnitude of vibration and a driving force signal indicating a driving force , compare the detected data on the condition at the predetermined part with a predetermined threshold to determine a malfunction of the apparatus; and', 'acquire a type of a lubricant used for the movable part of the apparatus, and vary the threshold in accordance with the acquired type of the lubricant., 'the control unit being configured to2. The malfunction detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit further acquires viscosity of the lubricant claim 1 , and varies the threshold depending on the type of the lubricant and the viscosity of the lubricant.3. The malfunction detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit applies a learning algorithm to a learning model including a parameter regarding the apparatus acquired when the apparatus using the lubricant of the acquired type does not cause any malfunction in the past claim 1 , and a parameter regarding the apparatus acquired when the apparatus using the lubricant of the acquired type has a malfunction in the past so as to obtain the threshold.4. The malfunction detection device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit causes an image to be displayed indicating whether the apparatus has a malfunction claim 1 , together with the acquired type of the lubricant.5. The malfunction ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Automatically Positionable Joints and Transfer Tooling Assemblies Including Automatically Positionable Joints

Номер: US20190009406A1
Принадлежит: Norgren Automation Solutions LLC

An automatically positionable joint for a modular tooling assembly includes a first joint member; a second joint member that is rotatably connected to the first joint member; a motor for causing rotation of the first joint member with respect to the second joint member; and a first clutch that is movable between an engaged position in which the first clutch restrains rotation of the first joint member with respect to the second joint member and a disengaged position in which the first clutch permits rotation of the first joint member with respect to the second joint member.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Horizontal articulated robot

Номер: US20200009722A1
Автор: Hikaru Yamashiro
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A horizontal articulated robot includes a base, a first arm, a second arm, and a cable unit connected to the base and the second arm. The cable unit includes an arm conduit having one end connected to the second arm, and the other end attached to a first plate-shaped member fixed to an upper surface of the base, a number of cables passing through the arm conduit, a second plate-shaped member that closes a back-side opening made in the back surface of the base. The first plate-shaped member is configured to close a top surface opening made in the upper surface of the base, and the top surface opening is continuous with the back-side opening.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Robot wrist structure

Номер: US20200009747A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A robot wrist structure includes a first wrist element that is supported by a forearm in a rotatable manner about a first axis; a second wrist element that is supported by the first wrist element in a rotatable manner about a second axis that is orthogonal to the first axis; and a third wrist element that is supported by the second wrist element in a rotatable manner about a third axis that is orthogonal to the second axis and that is disposed in the same plane as the first axis. Further the second wrist element is provided with, at a position at which the second axis is included, a second axial hollow hole that passes therethrough in a direction along the second axis.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009749A1

The present invention relates to a device for transferring media from an industrial robot to a tool, and an industrial robot including the device. The device comprises a swivel adapter () having a body () including a first coupling unit () arranged in one end of the body for coupling the swivel adapter to the robot, and second coupling unit () arranged in an opposite end of the body for coupling the swivel adapter to the tool, and a distance element () having a lower portion () attached to the first coupling unit and an upper portion () attached to the second coupling unit, wherein the first and second coupling units are spaced apart from each other along a common central axis (C) so that a gap ()is formed between them. The lower portion of the distance element is disposed at a distance the periphery of the first coupling unit, and the second coupling unit is provided with a penetration hole () in communication with the gap (). The upper portion () of the distance element is arranged so that a space is formed between the upper portion of the distance element ()and the first coupling unit (). The penetration hole is formed between the distance element and the second coupling unit (). The penetration hole is partly surrounding the distance element. The penetration hole extends an angle around the common central axis and in a curved direction around the distance element. 1115. A device for transferring media from an industrial robot to a tool , wherein the device comprises a swivel adapter (; ′) having a body () including:{'b': 7', '7, 'a first coupling unit (;′) arranged in one end of the body for coupling the swivel adapter to the robot,'}{'b': 9', '9, 'a second coupling unit (;′) arranged in an opposite end of the body for coupling the swivel adapter to the tool, and'}{'b': 13', '13', '15', '15', '17', '17', '1', '11', '19', '19', '11, 'a distance element (;′) having a lower portion (; ′) attached to the first coupling unit and an upper portion (; ′) attached to the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Performance evaluation apparatus and performance evaluation method for wearable motion assistance device

Номер: US20190011330A1
Принадлежит: Cyberdyne Inc

A performance evaluation apparatus and performance evaluation method capable of efficiently evaluating the performance of a wearable motion assistance device is provided, which assists motions of a wearer's lower back part. In a state where the wearable motion assistance device is secured and mounted on both femur links and a trunk link, torque acting on an axis line of a pitch direction relative to the trunk link for each hip joint is detected while controlling driving forces by first and second driving sources so that a posture of the trunk link and rotation angles of each hip joint and each knee joint virtually match motions of the lower back part of the wearer; and performance of an assist force by the wearable motion assistance device is evaluated based on a detection result of the torque according to drive control of the first and second driving sources.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Actuator for physical therapy

Номер: US20220031550A1
Принадлежит: Harmonic Bionics Inc

A robotic system comprising: a joint coupling a linkage to an additional linkage; and at least one cable; wherein the joint includes a motor having a shaft, a strain wave gear having a flexible member coupled to a circular spline, a conduit, and a bearing; wherein the motor is configured to rotate the shaft in a first direction and the strain wave gear is configured to rotate a rotatable member, the rotatable member including one of the flexible member or the circular spline; wherein the conduit is configured to rotate in response to rotation of the rotatable member; wherein the at least one cable passes through both the bearing and into the additional linkage but does not pass through either of the strain wave gear or the motor.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031882A1
Автор: Dow Robert, Dreffs David

An automated mobile robot includes a housing, an articulated arm that has at least one UVC light thereon, an actuator that is operable to move the arm between a retracted position and an extended position, a drive unit that is operable to move the housing, a position sensor that is operable to generate position signals indicative of an instant position, a computer, and a battery connected to the actuator, the drive unit, the UVC light, and the computer. The computer is operably coupled to the actuator, the position sensor, the UVC light, and the drive unit. The computer has a predetermined disinfection route and is configured to operate the actuator to move the arm, activate and deactivate the UVC light, and operate the drive unit to move the housing along the predetermined disinfection route based on the instant position and a desired position in the predetermined disinfection route. 1. An automated mobile robot , comprising:a housing;at least one articulated arm extendable from the housing and having at least one UVC light thereon;an actuator coupled with the arm and operable to move the arm between a retracted position and an extended position;a drive unit operable to move the housing;a position sensor operable to generate position signals indicative of an instant position of the housing;a computer; anda battery connected to the actuator, the drive unit, the UVC light, and the computer, whereinthe computer is operably coupled to the actuator, the position sensor, the UVC light, and the drive unit, the computer having a predetermined disinfection route stored therein, the computer configured to operate the actuator to move the arm, activate and deactivate the UVC light, and operate the drive unit to move the housing along the predetermined disinfection route based on the instant position and a desired position in the predetermined disinfection route.2. The automated mobile robot as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a steering roller mounted under the housing ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Joint of Collaborative Robot, and Housing Therefor

Номер: US20220032479A1
Автор: YAO Ji Long, Zhang Sheng

A housing of a joint of a collaborative robot, where at least part of the material of the housing is configured to include a plurality of lattice structure units. Since the at least part of the material of the housing is configured to include the plurality of lattice structure units, the weight of the joint may be reduced with respect to a completely solid housing. Further disclosed is the joint of the collaborative robot. 1. A housing of a joint of a collaborative robot , wherein at least part of a material of the housing is configured to comprise a plurality of lattice structure units.2. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of lattice structure units are uniformly distributed in the at least part of the material of the housing.3. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of lattice structure units are distributed in the at least part of the material of the housing in a joining manner.4. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein each lattice structure unit is a polyhedron formed by connecting a plurality of bar-like structure portions.5. The housing according to claim 4 , wherein each lattice structure unit is a tetrahedral lattice structure unit or a hexahedral lattice structure unit formed of the plurality of bar-like structure portions.6. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein an inner surface portion of the housing in contact with or near a heat generating component comprised in the joint of the collaborative robot is made of the at least part of the material.7. The housing according to claim 6 , wherein a thermally conductive medium is filled in each lattice structure unit.8. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein each lattice structure unit has a size on the order of micrometers.9. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is made by an additive manufacturing process.10. A joint of a collaborative robot claim 1 , wherein the joint comprises the housing according to . The present invention relates to the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032481A1

A strut suitable for use in parallel manipulator and other applications utilizes an actuation member that is subjected to a quasi-static axial tensioning force to effectively preload the strut to provide axial stiffness and bending flexibility at one or more ends of the strut. 1. A strut , comprising:a rigid tensioning member;a compression spring disposed proximate a first end of the rigid tensioning member; andan actuation member extending through the rigid tensioning member and the compression spring, the actuation member being substantially axially rigid under tension and at least a portion of the actuation member extending through the compression spring being substantially flexible in bending or compression, wherein the actuation member is preloaded through the compression spring and the rigid tensioning member with a quasi-static axial tensioning force such that the actuation member remains substantially axially rigid in response to application of an axial compressive force to the strut that is less than the quasi-static tensioning force.2. The strut of claim 1 , further comprising a tensioner coupled to a first end of the actuation member proximate the compression spring to apply the quasi-static tensioning force to the actuation member.3. The strut of claim 2 , wherein the first end of the actuation member is threaded claim 2 , and wherein the tensioner comprises a nut that is threadably engaged with the first end of the actuation member.4. The strut of claim 1 , wherein the rigid tensioning member comprises a rigid tensioning tube.5. The strut of claim 4 , wherein the rigid tensioning tube comprises a carbon fiber tube.6. The strut of claim 1 , wherein the compression spring comprises an elastomeric spring.7. The strut of claim 1 , wherein the compression spring comprises a coiled spring.8. The strut of claim 1 , wherein the compression spring comprises a conical spring washer.9. The strut of claim 1 , wherein the actuation member comprises a braided metal ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015008A1

A robot system includes a plurality of drive parts, a control unit that controls power for driving the drive parts by switching, and a cable that connects the drive parts and the control unit, wherein the cable has a plurality of power lines, a plurality of frame ground lines, and a shield, a first interposition object is provided between the plurality of power lines and the shield, and, in a section of the cable, respective centers of the plurality of frame ground lines are closer to the shield than respective centers of the plurality of power lines. 1. A robot system comprising:a plurality of drive parts;a control unit that controls power for driving the drive parts by switching; anda cable that connects the drive parts and the control unit,wherein the cable has a plurality of power lines, a plurality of frame ground lines, and a shield,a first interposition object is provided between the plurality of power lines and the shield, andin a section of the cable, respective centers of the plurality of frame ground lines are closer to the shield than respective centers of the plurality of power lines.2. The robot system according to claim 1 , wherein a second interposition object is provided between the plurality of power lines and the plurality of frame ground lines.3. The robot system according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first interposition object and the second interposition object is an insulator.4. The robot system according to claim 1 , wherein the power line includes a conductor wire and an insulator.5. The robot system according to claim 4 , wherein the frame ground line includes a conductor wire and an insulator claim 4 , anda thickness of the insulator of the frame ground line is thinner than a thickness of the insulator of the power line.6. The robot system according to claim 3 , wherein the insulator is at least one of air claim 3 , cotton claim 3 , or plastic.7. The robot system according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014906A1

There is provided a medical support arm device including a brake provided in at least one joint of a plurality of joints that define a deployment configuration of a multi-joint arm, and configured to release a rotation shaft of the at least one joint when electricity is supplied to the multi-joint arm and lock the rotation shaft when electricity is not supplied to the multi-joint arm. When electricity is not supplied the brake is configured to exert a brake force that supports a weight of the multi-joint arm to maintain the deployment configuration of the multi-joint arm, but also permits rotation of the rotation shaft by an external manually applied force equal to or larger than a predetermined value 1. A medical support arm device comprising:a brake provided in at least one joint of a plurality of joints that define a deployment configuration of a multi-joint arm, and configured to release a rotation shaft of the at least one joint when electricity is supplied to the multi-joint arm and lock the rotation shaft when electricity is not supplied to the multi-joint arm, whereinwhen electricity is not supplied to the multi-joint arm, the brake is configured to exert a brake force that supports a weight of the multi-joint arm to maintain the deployment configuration of the multi-joint arm, but also permits rotation of the rotation shaft by an external manually applied force equal to or larger than a predetermined value.2. The medical support arm device according to claim 1 , whereinthe brake force is equal to or greater than a supporting force to maintain the deployment configuration of the multi-joint arm even when a maximum stress caused by a weight of the multi-joint arm is exerted on at least one of the plurality of joints.3. The medical support arm device according to claim 1 , whereinthe brake force has at least a supporting force to maintain the deployment configuration of the multi-joint arm even when the multi-joint arm is fully stretched out horizontally.4. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015617A1
Автор: Sawada Tsutomu

Provided is an excellent robot device capable of preferably detecting difference between dirt and a scratch on a lens of a camera and difference between dirt and a scratch on a hand. A robot device detects a site in which there is the dirt or the scratch using an image of the hand taken by a camera as a reference image. Further, this determines whether the detected dirt or scratch is due to the lens of the camera or the hand by moving the hand. The robot device performs cleaning work assuming that the dirt is detected, and then this detects the difference between the dirt and the scratch depending on whether the dirt is removed. 1. An information processing device , comprising:circuitry configured todetect whether there is a foreign object on either an image capturing device or a subject by comparing a reference image with a first image, anddetermine which of the image capturing device and the subject has the foreign object thereon by comparing the first image with a second image on a condition that the foreign object is detected on the image capturing device or on the subject,wherein the reference image is an image of a specific site of a subject captured by the image capturing device,the first image is the image of the specific site of the subject, in a same posture as that taken when the reference image is obtained, captured by the image capturing device, and the second image is the image of the specific site of the subject, in a different posture as that taken when the first image is obtained, captured by the image capturing device.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is configured tocontrol performance of clean work on the image capturing device or the subject after the determining which of the image capturing device and the subject has the foreign object thereon.3. The device according to claim 2 , wherein the circuitry is configured todetermine which of the image capturing device and the subject has the foreign object thereon by ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016313A1

A robot control system includes an operation command output unit which outputs an operation command of a motor, a position detection unit which is provided on the motor to detect the position of a control shaft, a stop signal output unit which outputs a stop signal to stop the robot when the speed of the control shaft acquired from the position detection unit exceeds a speed threshold value, and an operation command interruption unit which interrupts the operation command outputted from the operation command output unit when the stop signal is outputted.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Compiling Robotic Assemblies

Номер: US20160016321A1

Systems and methods to systematize the development of machines using inexpensive, fast, and convenient fabrication processes are disclosed. In an embodiment, a robot compiler generates a fabrication system, including mechanical, electrical, and software assemblies, that can be used for assembling a robot according to a user design.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Arrangement Comprising an Automatic Movement Machine and a Delimiting Device, Delimiting Device for the Arrangement, and Method for Operating the Arrangement

Номер: US20190015987A1
Автор: Andreas Schwarz
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method, a delimiting device and an arrangement that includes an automatic movement machine that has at least one movable element, wherein the arrangement includes a delimiting device for delimiting a working region of the automatic movement machine, where the delimiting device includes at least one delimiting element via which it is possible to prevent the at least one element from overshooting at least one boundary of the working region, and the delimiting device also includes a movement apparatus that is configured to move the at least one delimiting element depending on at least one movement of the at least one movable element such that the at least one delimiting element prevents the at least one movable element from overshooting the at least one boundary.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015566A1

A system, e.g., a computer-aided medical system, includes a first link, a second link, a joint, and a dual brake assembly. The first link has a first end portion and a second end portion. The second link has a first end portion and a second end portion. The joint is connected to the second end portion of the first link and to the first end portion of the second link. The dual brake assembly is coupled to the first link and to the second link. The dual brake assembly includes a first brake and a second brake. Braking provided by the dual brake assembly reduces relative motion between the first and second links. 1. A system comprising:a first link having a first end portion and a second end portion;a second link having a first end portion and a second end portion;a joint connected to the second end portion of the first link and to the first end portion of the second link; anda dual brake assembly coupled to the first link and to the second link, wherein the dual brake assembly includes a first brake and a second brake, wherein braking the dual brake assembly reduces relative motion between the first and second links, wherein the first brake provides a first brake holding strength when physically engaged, wherein the second brake provides a second brake holding strength when physically engaged, and wherein the second brake holding strength is different from the first brake holding strength.2. (canceled)3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the first brake is physically engaged when unpowered; andthe second brake is physically disengaged when unpowered.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the first brake comprises an actuator brake; andthe second brake comprises a joint brake.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein if the system is in a power off state claim 1 , the first brake is unpowered and physically engaged and the second brake is unpowered and physically disengaged.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a controller claim 1 , wherein: in response to the system being ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016763A1

A robot includes a robot arm formed with an ingredient channel including an ingredient inlet and an ingredient outlet; an ingredient feeder having an ingredient port configured to discharge ingredients; and a carrier configured to move the robot arm to a connection position where the ingredient inlet is connected to the ingredient port, and move the robot arm to an area where the ingredient inlet is separated from the ingredient port.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016774A1
Принадлежит: A-dec, Inc.

A positive positioning device comprises a plurality of stacked plates, a body, a spring-biased piston and a piston release device. The plurality of stacked plates have a central opening defined to receive a pivot shaft. The body houses the plurality of stacked plates and has an internal bore within which a cylinder is defined. The spring-biased piston is shaped to slide within the bore to apply a force to the stacked plates to resist rotation of a pivot shaft inserted through the central opening in the stacked plates. The piston release device is actuatable by a user to release the piston to decrease force applied to the stacked plates and allow free rotation of the pivot shaft. 1. A positive positioning device , comprising:a plurality of stacked plates having a central opening defined to receive a pivot shaft;a body within which the plates are housed and having an internal bore within which a cylinder is defined;a spring-biased piston shaped to slide within the bore to apply a force to the stacked plates to resist rotation of a pivot shaft inserted through the central opening in the stacked plates; anda piston release device actuatable by a user to release the piston to decrease force applied to the stacked plates and allow free rotation of the pivot shaft.2. The positive positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the piston release device comprises a connection to a pneumatic circuit configured to apply pneumatic pressure to counteract the spring-biased piston.3. The positive positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the piston release device comprises a capacitive touch handle configured to actuate the piston release device upon a predetermined touch by the user.4. The positive positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the piston release device is manually actuatable by a user.5. The positive positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the piston release device is remotely positioned relative to the piston.6. The positive positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the stacked ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016775A1
Автор: TAGASHIRA Tsuyoshi

A robot controller is a controller configured to control a motor of a robot and includes: a housing accommodating a heat generating part that generates heat; a vent hole that is open on a wall of the housing; a fan configured to supply air, introduced through the vent hole into the housing, to the heat generating part; and a lid part configured to cover the vent hole. 1. A robot controller configured to control a motor of a robot ,the robot controller comprising:a housing accommodating a heat generating part that generates heat;a vent hole that is open on a wall of the housing;a fan configured to supply air, introduced through the vent hole into the housing, to the heat generating part; anda lid part configured to cover the vent hole.2. The robot controller according to claim 1 , wherein:the wall is a first wall;the fan is a first fan; anda second wall of the housing is made of a material having high heat conductivity, the heat generating part being fixed to the second wall,the robot controller further comprising:a cover covering the second wall and including an opening portion; anda second fan arranged so as to be opposed to the opening portion and configured to supply the air to an inside of the cover through the opening portion.3. The robot controller according to claim 2 , further comprising a heat sink detachably attached to an outer surface of the second wall claim 2 , wherein:the cover covers the heat sink; andthe second fan supplies the air to the heat sink.4. The robot controller according to claim 2 , wherein the second fan is arranged so as to be opposed to the lid part and the opening portion and supplies the air to the lid part and the inside of the cover.5. The robot controller according to claim 2 , further comprising an attaching portion by which the second fan is detachably attached to the housing claim 2 , whereinthe lid part is attached to the attaching portion.6. The robot controller according to claim 2 , wherein the housing has a rectangular ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016776A1
Автор: GUO Wei, Nakagawa Hiroshi

Provided is a life evaluating device that evaluates the life of a lubricant in a machine including a motor and a transmission mechanism that is lubricated by the lubricant and transmits power of the motor to a movable unit. The life evaluating device includes a motor-heat-value calculating unit that calculates a motor heat value on the basis of a current value of the motor, a frictional-heat-value calculating unit that calculates a frictional heat value in the transmission mechanism on the basis of rotating speed of the motor and a coefficient of friction of the transmission mechanism, a lubricant-temperature estimating unit that estimates temperature of the lubricant on the basis of the calculated frictional heat value and the calculated motor heat value, and a life estimating unit that estimates the life of the lubricant on the basis of the estimated temperature of the lubricant and information concerning impurities in the lubricant. 1. A life evaluating device that evaluates a life of a lubricant in a machine including at least one motor and at least one transmission mechanism that is lubricated by the lubricant and transmits power of the at least one motor to a movable unit , the life evaluating device comprising:a motor-heat-value calculating unit that calculates a motor heat value on the basis of a current value of the at least one motor;a frictional-heat-value calculating unit that calculates a frictional heat value in the at least one transmission mechanism on the basis of rotating speed of the at least one motor and a coefficient of friction of the at least one transmission mechanism;a lubricant-temperature estimating unit that estimates temperature of the lubricant on the basis of the frictional heat value calculated by the frictional-heat-value calculating unit and the motor heat value calculated by the motor-heat-value calculating unit; anda life estimating unit that estimates the life of the lubricant on the basis of the temperature of the lubricant ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016432A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A robot drive unit is provided with: a housing; a shaft body that is relatively rotated with respect to the housing; rotating-body sealing members that is provided in the housing; a contact-surface member that is provided on the shaft body and that contact with the rotating-body sealing members; and a sealing member that seals a gap between the shaft body and the contact-surface member. 1. A robot drive unit comprising:a housing;a shaft body that is relatively rotated with respect to the housing;rotating-body sealing members that is provided in the housing;a contact-surface member that is provided on the shaft body and that contact with the rotating-body sealing members; anda sealing member that seals a gap between the shaft body and the contact-surface member.2. The robot drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein the rotating-body sealing members seal the gap while allowing relative rotation of the shaft body with respect to the housing.3. The robot drive unit according to claim 1 , further comprising a bearing that supports the shaft body so as to be rotatable with respect to the housing.4. The robot drive unit according to claim 3 , wherein the bearing is disposed at such a position so as to overlap with at least part of the contact-surface member in a direction along an axis of the shaft body.5. The robot drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein the contact-surface member is formed into a cylinder shape so as to cover the entire circumference of part of an outer circumferential surface of the shaft body in a direction along an axis of the shaft body.6. The robot drive unit according to claim 5 , wherein the sealing member seals a gap between an inner circumferential surface of the contact-surface member and the outer circumferential surface of the shaft body.7. The robot drive unit according to claim 6 , wherein a plurality of the sealing members are arranged in the direction of the axis.8. The robot drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein the contact-surface ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016433A1

A robotic method and system for providing robotic functions associated with performing an automated task is disclosed. The system includes a host platform operably configured to provide at least some of the robotic functions for performing the automated task and having at least one interface operably configured to receive a modular component operable to provide additional robotic functions for performing the automated task. The system also includes a processor circuit disposed on at least one of the host platform land the modular component. The at least one interface includes a mechanical interface having mounting features that correspond to mounting features on the modular component for removably mounting the modular component, a signal interface for transmitting signals between the modular component and the host platform, and a data interface implemented on the processor circuit and operable to provide functionality for exchanging at least one of commands for performing the additional functions or data associated with the additional functions between the modular component and the processor circuit. 1. A robotic system for providing robotic functions associated with performing an automated task , the system comprising:a host platform operably configured to provide at least some of the robotic functions for performing the automated task and having at least one interface operably configured to receive a modular component, the modular component being operable to provide additional robotic functions for performing the automated task;a processor circuit disposed on at least one of the host platform and the modular component; and a mechanical interface having mounting features that correspond to mounting features on the modular component for removably mounting the modular component to the mechanical interface of the host platform;', 'a signal interface for transmitting signals between the modular component and the host platform; and', 'a data interface implemented on the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Feeding Device for a Manipulator Arm Having at Least One Joint and Stiffening Device for Such a Feeding Device

Номер: US20210016435A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A feeding device for a manipulator arm has at least one joint, in particular of an industrial robot, having a flexible cable package via which at least one process medium can be fed at least substantially along the end effector of the manipulator arm and having a flexibly slack guide cover element enclosing the cable package. A stiffening device having a holding device is provided, which is arranged in a fixed position on the flexibly slack guide cover element. At least one stiffening element held by the holding device is provided, which, in an activated state of the stiffening device, is acted upon by stiffening energy such that the flexibly slack guide cover element and consequently the cable package are stiffened by the stiffening element. 110.-. (canceled)11. A feeding device for a manipulator arm , comprising:a joint of an industrial robot having a flexible cable package via which a process medium is feedable at least substantially along an end effector of the manipulator arm and having a flexibly slack guide cover element enclosing the flexible cable package;a stiffening device having a holding device which is disposed in a fixed position on the flexibly slack guide cover element; anda stiffening element held by the holding device, which, in an activated state of the stiffening device, is acted upon by stiffening energy, whereby the flexibly slack guide cover element and the flexible cable package are stiffened by the stiffening element.12. The feeding device according to claim 11 , wherein the stiffening element is a flexibly slack hose element a hose wall of which delimits a duct element through which a fluid is flowable and which is completely filled with the fluid in the activated state and wherein the stiffening element is acted upon by the stiffening energy by a stiffening pressure applied to the fluid in the duct element.13. The feeding device according to claim 11 , wherein the holding device has a stiffening element receptacle disposed in parallel to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016437A1
Автор: Pivac Mark Joseph

A system for performing interactions within a physical environment, the system including: a robot having a robot base that undergoes movement relative to the environment and a robot arm mounted to the robot base, the robot arm including an end effector mounted thereon; a communications system including a fieldbus network; a tracking system including a tracking base positioned in the environment and connected to the fieldbus network, and a tracking target mounted to a component of the robot, wherein the tracking base is configured to detect the tracking target to allow a position and/or orientation of the tracking target relative to the tracking base to be determined; and a control system that communicates with the tracking system via the fieldbus network to determine the relative position and/or orientation of the tracking target and controls the robot arm in accordance with the relative position and/or orientation of the tracking target. 1) A system for performing interactions within a physical environment , the system including: i) a robot base that undergoes movement relative to the environment;', 'ii) a robot arm mounted to the robot base, the robot arm including an end effector mounted thereon for performing said interactions;, 'a) a robot havingb) a communications system including a fieldbus network; i) a tracking base positioned in the environment and connected to the fieldbus network; and,', 'ii) a tracking target mounted to a component of the robot, wherein the tracking base is configured to detect the tracking target to allow a position and/or orientation of the tracking target relative to the tracking base to be determined; and,, 'c) a tracking system including 'i) communicates with the tracking system via the fieldbus network to determine the position and/or orientation of the tracking target relative to the tracking base; and,', 'd) a control system thatii) controls the robot arm in accordance with the position and/or orientation of the tracking target ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016443A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A remaining life of a robot body is precisely estimated. A robot control apparatus includes: a drive control unit that controls drive of a robot body a detection unit that detects a feature amount quantitatively indicating a deterioration degree of the robot body that is deteriorated over time as the robot body is driven; a determination unit that determinates presence/absence of a sign of malfunction of the robot body based on the feature amount; and an estimation unit that estimates a remaining life of the robot body when presence of a sign of malfunction of the robot body is determined. 1. A robot control apparatus , comprising:a drive control unit that controls drive of a robot body;a detection unit that detects a feature amount quantitatively indicating a deterioration degree of the robot body that is deteriorated over time as the robot body is driven;a determination unit that determines presence/absence of a sign of malfunction of the robot body based on the feature amount; andan estimation unit that estimates a remaining life of the robot body when presence of a sign of malfunction of the robot body is determined.2. The robot control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe determination unit determines that there is a sign of malfunction of the robot body when a change quantitatively indicating the deterioration degree of the robot body begins to significantly appear in the feature amount.3. The robot control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe estimation unit estimates, from a tendency of a change over time in the feature amount, a malfunction time at which the feature amount is expected to exceed a threshold value preset to indicate malfunction of the robot body, and estimates duration from a present point to the malfunction time as the remaining life.4. The robot control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe feature amount comprises vibration or sound generated from the robot body.5. The robot control apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016733A1
Принадлежит: JABIL INC.

An apparatus, system and method capable of providing a bumper capable of providing decreasing reversionary impact forces upon an impacting collider as the bumper is compressed. The apparatus, system and method may include at least a bumper cover; and a scissor mechanism housed within the bumper cover. The scissor mechanism may comprise a forward extension member proximal and having a parallel axis that is at least substantially parallel to a parallel tangential axis of the bumper cover; a rear extension member substantially parallel to the forward extension member, and distal from the flexible bumper; at least left and right long scissor members that are rotatably and slidably associated with respective slots in the forward extension member, and that, are rotatably associated with the rear extension member; and at least left and right short scissor members that are rotatably associated with the front extension member, and that are rotatably associated with a respective one of the left and right long scissor members. 1. A bumper capable of providing decreasing reversionary impact forces upon an impacting collider as the bumper is compressed , comprising:a bumper cover; a forward extension member proximal and having a parallel axis that is at least substantially parallel to a parallel tangential axis of the bumper cover;', 'a rear extension member substantially parallel to the forward extension member, and distal from the flexible bumper;', 'at least left and right long scissor members that, proximally to the bumper cover, are rotatably and slidably associated with respective slots in the forward extension member, and that, distally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with the rear extension member; and', 'at least left and right short scissor members that, proximally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with the front extension member, and that, distally to the bumper cover, are rotatably associated with a respective one of the left and right long ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Multiple-joint industrial robot

Номер: US20140102240A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

A wrist portion of a robot includes: a first movable portion configured to rotate relative to an arm portion around a first wrist axis; a second movable portion configured to rotate relative to the first movable portion around a second wrist axis; a third movable portion configured to rotate relative to the second movable portion around a third wrist axis; and a cable insertion portion through which an effector cable is inserted, the effector cable being used to supply electric power to an end effector attached to the third movable portion. The cable insertion portion is provided at the first movable portion so as to be located on the first wrist axis. Two motors among a plurality of motors configured to drive the wrist portion are attached to the first movable portion so as to sandwich the cable insertion portion in a direction perpendicular to the first wrist axis.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Umbilical member attachment device of robot

Номер: US20140103168A1
Автор: Hirokazu KUME
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

An umbilical member attachment device including a first umbilical member-use first fastening part and second fastening part respectively fastening a first umbilical member to a first member and second member, and a second umbilical member-use first fastening part and second fastening part respectively fastening a second umbilical member to a first member and second member. These fastening parts are arranged offset in position from each other on a surface of the robot so that the first umbilical member and the second umbilical member do not cross, and at a reference posture, and so that a distance between the first umbilical member-use second fastening part and the second umbilical member-use second fastening part becomes broader than a distance between the first umbilical member-use first fastening part and the second umbilical member-use first fastening part.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Robotic Self-Right

Номер: US20160023354A1

Example systems and methods for self-righting a robotic device are provided. An example method may include determining an orientation of a bottom surface of a legged robotic device with respect to a ground surface. The method may also include determining that the robotic device is in an unstable position, based on the determined orientation. The method may also include performing a first action configured to return the robotic device to a stable position. The method may also include performing a first action configured to return the legged robotic device to the stable position. The method may also include performing a second action configured to return the legged robotic device to the stable position, if the legged robotic device is in the unstable position after the first action. 1. A method operable by a computing device , the method comprising:determining an orientation of a bottom surface of a legged robotic device with respect to a ground surface, wherein the legged robotic device includes two or more legs extending from a body of the legged robotic device;based on the determined orientation, determining that the legged robotic device is in an unstable position, wherein the unstable position comprises the legged robotic device positioned on a first side of the legged robotic device in a lying position such that the legged robotic device is unable to maintain a stance in the unstable position;providing, by the computing device, instructions to perform a first action configured to return the legged robotic device to a stable position such that the legged robotic device is able to maintain a stance in the stable position, wherein the first action includes moving a first leg of the legged robotic device from a first position to a second position, such that a distal end of the first leg is further away from the ground surface in the second position than in the first position, and wherein a proximal end of the first leg is coupled to a first side of the legged ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023360A1

A robot includes a turnable base, a lower arm, an upper arm, a space, and a routing member. The turnable base is coupled to a base fixed to an installation surface. The turnable base is turnable about a first axis. The lower arm has a first base end coupled to the turnable base and rotatable about a second axis approximately orthogonal to the first axis. The upper arm has a second base end coupled to the lower arm and rotatable about a third axis approximately parallel to the second axis. The space is disposed in the lower arm and extends in a length direction of the lower arm. The routing member is routed in the space and has at least two bent portions bent in the space. 1. A robot comprising:a turnable base coupled to a base fixed to an installation surface, the turnable base being turnable about a first axis;a lower arm comprising a first base end coupled to the turnable base and rotatable about a second axis approximately orthogonal to the first axis;an upper arm comprising a second base end coupled to the lower arm and rotatable about a third axis approximately parallel to the second axis;a space disposed in the lower arm and extending in a length direction of the lower arm; anda routing member routed in the space and comprising at least two bent portions bent in the space.2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the routing member comprises one end coupled to a turnable portion of the lower arm and windable around the second axis claim 1 , and comprises another end coupled to a turnable portion of the upper arm and windable around the third axis.3. The robot according to claim 1 , further comprising a turnable support disposed between the second axis and the third axis in the space and rotatable about an axis approximately parallel to the second axis and the third axis claim 1 , wherein the routing member comprises a middle portion fixed to and supported by the turnable support.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the routing member comprises a ...
