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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Barrier assembly with encapsulant and photovoltaic cell

Номер: US20120003448A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An assembly that includes a barrier film interposed between a first polymeric film substrate and a first major surface of a pressure sensitive adhesive layer is provided. The first polymeric film substrate has a first coefficient of thermal expansion that is, in some embodiments, up to 50 parts per million per Kelvin. The pressure sensitive adhesive layer has a second major surface opposite the first major surface that is disposed on a second polymeric film substrate. The second polymeric film substrate is typically resistant to degradation by ultraviolet light. In some embodiments, the second polymeric film substrate has a second coefficient of thermal expansion that is at least 40 parts per million per Kelvin higher than the first coefficient of thermal expansion. The assembly is transmissive to visible and infrared light.

20-06-2008 дата публикации

Изоляционное и безопасное стекло

Номер: RU0000074152U1

Полезная модель относится к области изготовления изоляционного и безопасного стекла, которое может найти широкое применение в различных отраслях народного хозяйства. Согласно полезной модели изоляционное и безопасное стекло состоит из, по меньшей мере, одного листового стекла (1), к которому по плоскости присоединен лист поликарбоната (3) и/или лист полиметакрилата (4) крепится при помощи крепежного элемента (2), а между листом стекла (1) и листом поликарбоната (3) и/или листом полиметакрилата (4) образуется воздушный промежуток (5). Преимуществом полезной модели является достижение термической проницаемости стекла, образованного листовым стеклом и плитой поликарбоната или плитой полиметакрилата в размере макс. U=1,1 Вт/м2. При этом стекло, образованное двумя листовыми стеклами, между которыми вставляется плита поликарбоната и/или полиметакрилата, обладает термической проницаемостью, равной U=0,5-0,8 Вт/м2. Основным достоинством полезной модели является то, что изготавливаемые стекла пуленепробиваемые при использовании оружия калибром 9 мм и больше. 1 н.п. ф-лы, 4 илл. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 74 152 (13) U1 (51) ÌÏÊ E06B 3/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÏÎËÅÇÍÎÉ ÌÎÄÅËÈ Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (òèòóëüíûé ëèñò) (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007121853/22, 13.06.2007 (72) Àâòîð(û): Âîë÷èê Ìàðòèí (CZ) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 13.06.2007 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÑÊËÅÍÀÐÑÒÂÈ ÍÎÍÑÒÎÏ, ñ.ð.î (CZ) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 14.03.2007 CZ PUV2007-18623 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.06.2008 Áþë. ¹ 17 7 4 1 5 2 R U (57) Ôîðìóëà ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè 1. Èçîë öèîííîå è áåçîïàñíîå ñòåêëî, ñîñòî ùåå èç, ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, îäíîãî ëèñòîâîãî ñòåêëà, ê êîòîðîìó ïî ïëîñêîñòè ïðèñîåäèíåí ëèñò ïîëèêàðáîíàòà (3) è/èëè ëèñò ïîëèìåòàêðèëàòà (4), îòëè÷àþùååñ òåì, ÷òî ëèñò ïîëèêàðáîíàòà (3) è/èëè ëèñò ïîëèìåòàêðèëàòà (4) êðåïèòñ ïðè ïîìîùè êðåïåæíîãî ýëåìåíòà (2), à ìåæäó ëèñòîì ñòåêëà (1) è ëèñòîì ïîëèêàðáîíàòà (3) ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Электрический соединитель для многослойного стекла и электронагреваемое оконное стекло

Номер: RU0000144837U1

1. Электрический соединитель для многослойного стекла, состоящего из двух панелей остекления с расположенным между ними по меньшей мере одним промежуточным ламинирующим слоем, также содержащего электрическое устройство, расположенное между двумя панелями остекления, причем электрический соединитель представляет собой электропроводящую полосу для соединения одного входа электрического устройства с источником электрической энергии, которая присоединена со всех сторон к по меньшей мере одному промежуточному слою с образованием водонепроницаемого уплотнения.2. Электрический соединитель по п. 1, который использован в многослойном стекле с одним ламинирующим слоем и электрическим устройством, расположенным между одной из двух панелей остекления и промежуточным ламинирующим слоем, причем электропроводящая полоса имеет первую часть для соединения с входом электрического устройства, расположенную между указанной панелью остекления и промежуточным ламинирующим слоем, вторую часть для соединения с источником электрической энергии, расположенную между другой панелью остекления и промежуточным ламинирующим слоем, а также третью часть, соединяющую первую и вторую части между собой и проходящую через промежуточный ламинирующий слой, которая прикреплена к промежуточному ламинирующему слою с образованием водонепроницаемого уплотнения.3. Соединитель по п. 2, в котором третья часть электропроводящей полосы проходит через промежуточный ламинирующий слой, по существу, перпендикулярно к двум панелям остекления.4. Соединитель по п. 2, в котором третья часть электропроводящей полосы наклонена относительно перв РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 144 837 U1 (51) МПК H05B 3/86 (2006.01) B60J 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014108933/07, 07.03.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.03.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ФОСЕТТ Найджел ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Крыша транспортного средства

Номер: RU0000192308U1
Принадлежит: АГК ГЛАСС ЮРОП

Полезная модель относится к ламинированной стеклянной крыше автомобиля, обладающей различной светопроницаемостью и обеспечивающей улучшенный комфорт с точки зрения температуры, содержащей два стеклянных листа, т.е. наружный и внутренний стеклянные листы, которые соединены вместе посредством промежуточных слоев из термопластика, сборку пленок устройства на основе взвешенных частиц (SPD) для управления светопроницаемостью, которая встроена в ламинат между двумя стеклянными листами, и систему низкоэмиссионных слоев, расположенных на позиции 4. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 308 U1 (51) МПК B32B 17/10 (2006.01) B62D 25/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B32B 17/10036 (2019.05); B32B 17/10229 (2019.05); B62D 25/06 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019117067, 12.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АГК ГЛАСС ЮРОП (BE) Дата регистрации: 12.09.2019 19.06.2012 BE BE2012/0412 (45) Опубликовано: 12.09.2019 Бюл. № 26 1 9 2 3 0 8 R U (54) КРЫША ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к ламинированной стеклянной крыше автомобиля, обладающей различной светопроницаемостью и обеспечивающей улучшенный комфорт с точки зрения температуры, содержащей два стеклянных листа, т.е. наружный и внутренний стеклянные листы, которые соединены вместе посредством Стр.: 1 промежуточных слоев из термопластика, сборку пленок устройства на основе взвешенных частиц (SPD) для управления светопроницаемостью, которая встроена в ламинат между двумя стеклянными листами, и систему низкоэмиссионных слоев, расположенных на позиции 4. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 105064, Москва, а/я 88, "Патентные поверенные Квашнин, Сапельников и партнеры" 1 9 2 3 0 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2010/0165436 A1, 01.07.2010. EP 1200256 A1, 02.05.2002. US 2004124665 A1, 01.07.2004. WO 2011033313 A1, 24.03.2011. Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Reactive Armor

Номер: US20120006190A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

An exemplary embodiment provides transparent reactive armor systems that are far lighter than conventional reactive armor systems due to the materials used therein. The reactive armor of embodiments of the present invention is composed of at least three layers. These layers are—from the outside to the inside—the front plate, the explosives layer and the explosives substrate as well as optional further inside layers with antiballistic effects. Consequently, the explosives substrate can be part of a multilayer laminate.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Transparent touch panel with improved cured adhesiveness

Номер: US20120021159A1
Принадлежит: Elan Microelectronics Corp

A transparent touch panel includes a light-pervious substrate, conductive traces on the light-pervious substrate, a protective layer on the conductive traces, and a cured adhesive between the conductive traces and the protective layer for bonding them together. The conductive trace has a light-pervious area to allow the ultraviolet light for curing the adhesive to pass and reach the adhesive behind the conductive trace during the ultraviolet light treatment to the adhesive, and thus improve the cured level of the adhesive.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Substrate provided with a multilayer coating having thermal properties, which includes high-refractive-index layers

Номер: US20120028009A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A transparent glass substrate including on a main face a thin-film multilayer coating including a metallic functional layer having reflection properties in the infrared and/or in solar radiation, for example based on silver or a metal alloy containing silver, and two antireflection films. The films each include at least two dielectric layers, the functional layer being placed between the two antireflection films. Each antireflection film includes at least one high-refractive-index dielectric layer located in contact with or close to the functional layer.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Laminated, transparent set of panes, process for producing and bending same, and use thereof

Номер: US20120028015A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

Laminated, transparent set of panes made of brittle materials and interleaved laminated films, wherein the brittle materials are various glasses, special glasses, glass-ceramics, transparent ceramics and crystalline materials, process for producing and bending the set of panes and films, and its use thereof, as a bulletproof, unbreakable and shockproof glazing with a low weight per unit area.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Multilayer coating, production and use thereof for the adhesion of glass panes

Номер: US20120045632A1

A multilayer coating comprising (A) a multicoat paint system comprising (A1) at least one basecoat of a basecoat material comprising at least one melamine resin, and (A2) at least one clearcoat as the topmost coat of the multicoat paint system, and (B) an adhesive layer of a moisture-curing, isocyanate-based adhesive directly atop the topmost clearcoat layer of the multicoat paint system, wherein (i) all amino resins present in the basecoat material are fully methylolated, fully etherified melamine resins in which at least 90% of the etherified methylol groups are etherified with butanol, and (ii) the basecoat material contains at least 1.0% by weight, based on the total weight of the basecoat material, of at least one polyester binder having a hydroxyl number of at least 240 mg KOH/g and an acid number of not more than 10 mg KOH/g, and also a corresponding basecoat material and method of producing, and use of, the multilayer coating for adhesively bonding glass sheets.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Structure manufacturing method and structure

Номер: US20120052260A1
Автор: Shin Masuhara
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A structure manufacturing method includes laminating a first film on a base material, selectively irradiating the first film with an energy ray depending on a position of a surface of the first film on the base material, to form a latent image of a pattern on the first film, laminating a second film on the surface of the first film, and supplying a developer to the second film and removing a removal target portion of the first film to be selectively removed along with the second film, thereby developing the pattern.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Frameless Multi-Layer Window Panel with Adhesive Bonded Edges

Номер: US20120055094A1

A multi-layer, laminated panel for a frameless window assembly has an adhesive bead extending along a frameless edge of the panel to contacting and structurally bond the two outer layers of the pane, thereby increasing the stiffness of the panel. The panel is used in a movable window assembly for an automotive vehicle in which a regulator is mounted to the vehicle adjacent a window opening, a seal is installed in the window opening, and the panel is moved by the regulator to a closed position wherein the frameless edge of the panel engages the seal.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Glazing with very little double imaging

Номер: US20120070624A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The invention relates to a curved glass pane, made of float glass, the area of a main face of which is greater than 1.5 m 2 and the product of its two depths of bending is greater than 3000 mm 2 , and such that its point located on the normal to its surface passing through its center of gravity has a radius of curvature of less than 3 m in any direction, the variation in its thickness in the longitudinal float direction being less than 10 μm over 500 mm. This pane may be assembled into laminated glazing of the automobile windshield type. Such a windshield has a very small amount of double imaging even when it is fitted into the vehicle so as to be close to the horizontal.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Exfoliation of graphene by multilayer coextrusion

Номер: US20120103535A1
Автор: Carlos A. Cruz

Exfolilation of graphene from graphite using multilayer coextrusion is generally disclosed. In some example embodiments, graphite may be dispersed within a first processing material, and the first processing material and a second processing material may be co-extruded through a plurality of series coupled layer multiplication dies to exfoliate graphene from the graphite. The graphene may be separated from the resulting multi-layered material. In some example embodiments, graphite flake and/or expanded graphite may be dispersed within the first processing material.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Decoration panel and home appliance equipped therewith

Номер: US20120121832A1
Автор: Hyungi Jung, Minju Son

The present invention relates to a decoration panel for a home appliance and a home appliance equipped with the decoration panel. According to the present invention, it is possible to reduce the manufacturing cost by using green glass instead of white glass and achieve a clear white color at substantially the same level as using the white glass.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Laminated structure

Номер: US20120121912A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

A laminated structure comprising at least one glazing pane, at least one interlayer, and a seal covering at least one edge of the interlayer, wherein the seal comprises a nano-particulate silicon oxide.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Multilayer films containing a fluorinated copolymer resin layer and a cross-linkable ionomeric encapsulant layer

Номер: US20120152323A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A multilayer film comprises a layer consisting essentially of a fluorinated copolymer resin and a layer consisting essentially of an ethylene copolymer ionomer blend. The ethylene copolymer ionomer blend, or the product of crosslinking the blend, can be used as an encapsulant layer for solar cells, and the multilayer film is useful as a component of photovoltaic modules. Methods for preparing the multilayer films and the photovoltaic modules are also described.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Glass-resin laminate, glass roll produced by winding the same, and method of producing glass roll

Номер: US20120156439A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Electric Glass Co Ltd

A glass-resin laminate comprises an elongate glass film having a thickness of 1 to 300 μm, and a peelable elongate resin film having a thickness of 1 to 300 μm and a tensile modulus of elasticity of 0.3 Gpa or more. The elongate resin film is laminated on at least one surface of the elongate glass film so that the elongate resin film protrudes from edges on both sides in a lateral direction of the elongate glass film.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Anti-fogging article and anti-fogging agent composition

Номер: US20120171476A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

To provide an anti-fogging article having excellent anti-fogging performance and further having excellent durability, and an anti-fogging agent composition. An anti-fogging article comprising a substrate and a water-absorptive crosslinked resin layer formed on the surface of the substrate, wherein the water-absorptive crosslinked resin is a crosslinked resin with a saturated water absorption of at least 45 mg/cm 3 , or a water-absorptive crosslinked resin with a glass transition point of at least 50° C. as measured by a differential scanning calorimeter and further with a saturated water absorption of at least 45 mg/cm 3 .

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Laminated glazing

Номер: US20120176656A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Ltd

A laminated glazing comprising an SPD ply comprising a suspended particle device having a low light transmission off-state and a high light transmission on-state, at least one interlayer ply comprising an interlayer material, and at least one glazing ply is disclosed. The interlayer material has been dried to a predetermined moisture content to increase the time over which the suspended particle device is switchable between the low light transmission off-state and the high light transmission on-state. Use of a dried interlayer to increase the time over which an SPD film is switchable between a low light transmission off-state and a high light transmission on-state is also disclosed. Additionally a process for producing the aforementioned laminated glazing is disclosed. It has been found that the moisture content of the interlayer material is a factor in determining the switching characteristics over time of an SPD film incorporated into a laminated glazing.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Electrochromic window fabrication methods

Номер: US20120182593A1
Принадлежит: Soladigm Inc

Methods of manufacturing electrochromic windows are described. An electrochromic device is fabricated to substantially cover a glass sheet, for example float glass, and a cutting pattern is defined based on one or more low-defectivity areas in the device from which one or more electrochromic panes are cut. Laser scribes and/or bus bars may be added prior to cutting the panes or after. Edge deletion can also be performed prior to or after cutting the electrochromic panes from the glass sheet. Insulated glass units (IGUs) are fabricated from the electrochromic panes and optionally one or more of the panes of the IGU are strengthened.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Diffusing device for diffusing light, and safety-glass panel, light source and green-house comprising diffusing device

Номер: US20120194914A1

The invention relates to a diffusing device ( 10, 12, 14 ), to a safety-glass panel ( 100, 110 ), to a light source ( 200 ) and to a greenhouse ( 300 ). The diffusing device according to the invention comprises a first surface ( 20 ) and a second surface ( 22 ) arranged opposite the first surface. Each one of the first surface and the second surface constitutes a border between two transmissive media which have different refractive indexes (n 1 , n 2 ). Each one of the first surface and the second surface further comprise a substantially continuous wave pattern ( 30, 32 ) constituted of protrusions ( 40 ) from the first surface and from the second surface and of indentations ( 42 ) in the first surface and in the second surface for diffusing impinging light via refraction. The wave pattern ( 30, 32 ) comprises a relatively smooth pattern ( 30, 32 ).

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and Device for the Bubble-Free Bonding of Large-Surface Glass Panes

Номер: US20120234456A1
Автор: Wolfgang Ritzka
Принадлежит: Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH

The invention relates to a method and a device for a bubble-free bonding of large-surface glass panes in an automatic production process. An embodiment of the device comprises: a) a pivoting bench plate having a securing device for receiving a glass pane, b) a barrier material application head having a camera for monitoring, at least one ventilation element being mounted by a mounting head, c) an adhesive metering and application head having a process control sensor for the application of adhesive, d) a gripping device having a covering plate gripper for receiving a covering plate, and e) a vacuum suction device and a closing device for the ventilation system.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Glass-coated flexible polymeric substrates in photovoltaic cells

Номер: US20120237744A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The present disclosure relates to a method of manufacturing of a glass coated flexible polymeric substrate. This invention also relates to a coated flexible polymeric substrate that is suitable for manufacturing flexible solar cells and electronic devices.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Fluoropolymer coated films useful for photovoltaic modules

Номер: US20120240986A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A fluoropolymer coated film comprising polymeric substrate film and fluoropolymer coating on the polymeric substrate film. The fluoropolymer coating comprises fluoropolymer selected from homopolymers and copolymers of vinyl fluoride and homopolymers and copolymers of vinylidene fluoride polymer blended with compatible adhesive polymer comprising functional groups selected from carboxylic acid, sulfonic acid, aziridine, amine, isocyanate, melamine, epoxy, hydroxy, anhydride and mixtures thereof. The polymeric substrate film comprises functional groups on its surface that interact with the compatible adhesive polymer to promote bonding of the fluoropolymer coating to the substrate film.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Bonding structural components for portable electronic devices using thermally activated adhesive

Номер: US20120244343A1
Автор: Kurt Stiehl
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Techniques for optically activating thermally activated adhesives are disclosed. In one embodiment, a laser can be used to activate thermally activated adhesive. In one implementation, a laser output can be directed through a structural component being coupled to another structural component through use of the thermally activated adhesive. As a result, the structural components to be adhered together can, first, be placed in the appropriate position with the adhesive in a non-active state, and second, a laser can provide the laser output to activate the adhesive (whereby the adhesive transitions from the non-active state to an active state).

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Interlayers comprising stabilized tungsten oxide agents

Номер: US20120244363A1
Автор: William Keith Fisher
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention includes polymer interlayers that are used in multiple layer glazing panels. Interlayers of the present invention comprise a thermoplastic polymer, a plasticizer, a tungsten oxide agent, and a stabilizing agent that prevents the degradation of the tungsten oxide agent. Interlayers incorporating such components have improved ultraviolet light blocking character, and also maintain optical quality over time.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Input device and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120249451A1
Автор: Shinichi Higuchi
Принадлежит: Alps Electric Co Ltd

A touch panel includes a transparent panel, a transparent electrode which is formed in a transparent input region on a first surface of the transparent panel, a decorative layer which is formed in a decorative region on the first surface, a wiring layer which is formed on a surface of the decorative layer, and a transparent conductive connection layer which electrically connects the wiring layer and the transparent electrode.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Transparent fire-resistant glazing with flame retardant layer between glass or glass ceramic panes

Номер: US20120251804A1

The transparent fire-resistant glazing has at least two glass or glass ceramic panes with a gap between them, which is filled with a UV-cured material. It is made by curing a UV-curable material filling the gap with UV radiation. The UV-curable material includes polymerizable components, namely a monomer with acrylate functionality and an oligomer, and at least one bromine-containing flame retardant. The fire retardant can be a polybrominated diphenyl ether, a brominated alcohol, or a polybrominated cycloalkane, and/or a mixtures thereof. The glazing is made by a process in which the panes are cleaned and masked to form the gap between them, the UV-curable material is filled into the gap and then cured with the UV radiation.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Methods of changing the visible light transmittance of coated articles and coated articles made thereby

Номер: US20120251819A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

A method is provided for changing the visible light transmittance of a coated article having a functional coating having at least one anti-reflective material and at least one infrared reflective material. The anti-reflective material includes an alloying material capable of combining or alloying with the infrared reflective material. A protective coating is deposited over the functional coating to prevent or retard the diffusion of atmospheric gas and/or vapor into the functional coating. The coated article is heated to a temperature sufficient to cause at least some of the alloying material to combine with at least some of the infrared reflective material to form a substance having a different visible light transmittance than the infrared reflective material.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Encapsulant for Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules

Номер: US20120255610A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Photovoltaic modules containing solar cells have at least one polymeric optically transparent encapsulant layer with solar energy weighted transmittance at wavelengths of light from 350 to 1200 nanometers equal to or greater than 85% and ultra-violet light cutoff equal to or less than 345 nanometers. The encapsulant material contains at least one olefinic co-polymer having glass transition temperature equal to or less than 20° C. and 10% secant tensile modulus equal to or less than 16,000 psi and at least one ultra-violet light absorber having a chemical structure with no hydroxyl group at an ortho position of an aromatic ring with respect to an aromatic carbonyl group, a triazole group, or a triazine group.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing flexible glass substrate and flexible glass substrate

Номер: US20120263945A1
Автор: Minoru Yoshikawa
Принадлежит: Micro Technology Co Ltd Japan

[Problem to be Solved] A method for producing a flexible glass substrate which is approximately 100% impermeable to gas or vapor and excellent in bendability and a flexible glass substrate are provided. [Solution] After forming of a pattern P on a surface of a glass substrate 1, a support 3 is temporarily attached to the surface, the glass substrate 1 is thinned by etching another surface of the glass substrate 1, a film base 5 is laminated to the etched another surface, and the temporarily attached support 3 is peeled off from the one surface of the glass substrate 1.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Film for photovoltaic devices

Номер: US20120282437A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Corp

A textured film is provided. The textured film includes a first layer forming an outer surface and including a fluoropolymer. A second layer includes an encapsulant layer. The first layer and the second layer are mechanically textured to provide a plurality of surface features on the outer surface and extend into the second layer. The film can be applied as a textured film overlying an active component of a photovoltaic device.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Solar cell module

Номер: US20120285536A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

The solar cell module includes a plate, a sheet opposed to the plate, a filler layer provided between the plate and the sheet, and a solar cell disposed inside the filler layer. The filler layer includes a first filler layer and a second filler layer. The first filler layer is provided to come into contact with the sheet. The first filler layer contains, as a main component, an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. The second filler layer contains, as a main component, an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer which is smaller in vinyl acetate content than the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer contained in the first filler layer, or polyethylene.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for annealing glass plate

Номер: US20120291490A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A method and an apparatus for annealing a glass sheet, which can sufficiently reduce ITT formed in the glass sheet, are provided. In the method for annealing a glass sheet G of the present invention, in a state that a heated and bent glass sheet G is placed on a forming mold 16 , first, a region of the glass sheet G to be lifted up is cooled by cooling devices 20, 22 , to make the temperature of the region to be lifted up to be a temperature of at most the strain point. Next, in this state, a lift-up member 36 is operated to lift up the region of the glass sheet G to be lifted up, by rods 38, 38 . . . , to separate the glass sheet G from the forming mold 16.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Ligand exchange thermochromic systems and high e ligands for same

Номер: US20120292581A1
Принадлежит: Pleotint LLC

Ligand exchange of thermochromic, LETC, systems exhibiting a reversible change in absorbance of electromagnetic radiation as the temperature of the system is reversibly changed are described. The described LETC systems include one or more than one transition metal ion, which experiences thermally induced changes in the nature of the complexation or coordination around the transition metal ion(s) and, thereby, the system changes its ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation as the temperature changes. In accordance with certain aspects of the present invention, thermochromic systems are disclosed comprising a transition metal ion with particularly useful ligands, such as phosphine compounds, tridentate ligands that coordinate through three nitrogen atoms, bidentate ligands, or ortho hindered pyridine monodentate ligands.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Composite glass pane as head-up display

Номер: US20120299328A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A composite glass pane comprising at least an upper pane, a lower pane, and an intermediate layer between the upper pane and the lower pane is described.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing solar modules

Номер: US20120322195A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing solar modules.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Electrochromic window fabrication methods

Номер: US20120327499A1
Принадлежит: Soladigm Inc

Methods of manufacturing electrochromic windows are described. Insulated glass units (IGU's) are protected, e.g. during handling and shipping, by a protective bumper. The bumper can be custom made using IGU dimension data received from the IGU fabrication tool. The bumper may be made of environmentally friendly materials. Laser isolation configurations and related methods of patterning and/or configuring an electrochromic device on a substrate are described. Edge deletion is used to ensure a good seal between spacer and glass in an IGU and thus better protection of an electrochromic device sealed in the IGU. Configurations for protecting the electrochromic device edge in the primary seal and maximizing viewable area in an electrochromic pane of an IGU are also described.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Solar cell backsheet

Номер: US20120328869A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A solar cell backsheet is disposed to contact a sealing material on a cell side of a substrate at which solar cell elements are sealed with the sealing material, and includes a support that satisfies Equation (1) and an adhesive layer including a binder and inorganic fine particles in an amount of from 50% to 200% by volume of the total volume of the binder, peeling strength between the sealing material and the adhesive layer being 10 N/20 mm or more after the solar cell backsheet is stored in an 85° C. and 85% RH atmosphere for 1,000 hours. Equation (1): 1.0≧(ELBA)/(ELBB)≧0.5 (ELBA and ELBB respectively denote elongation at break after and before 50 hours of storage in a 120° C. and 100% RH atmosphere.) The backsheet has excellent adhesion to a sealing material in a wet and hot environment.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Glazing Panel Conditioning

Номер: US20130000517A1
Автор: Paul Syfko
Принадлежит: Individual

A conditioning agent (typically for use in repairing a flaw in a glazing panel) is contained in a sealed container which is itself disposed internally of a flexible outer walled container. Pressure applied to the outer flexible walled container can cause release of the conditioning agent from the internal conditioning agent container. The conditioning agent preparation may comprise a hygroscopic solvent (such as acetone) combined with one or more primer additives to prime the surface of the glazing panel for repair.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Sheet for a photovoltaic cell

Номер: US20130014822A1
Автор: Min Jin Ko
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A sheet for a photovoltaic cell is provided. The sheet for a photovoltaic cell has excellent heat resistance, lightfastness, weather resistance, moisture resistance and insulating properties, and may improve light condensing efficiency when applied to a photovoltaic module.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Coated article including low-e coating with improved durability and/or methods of making same

Номер: US20130015677A1

This application relates to a coated article including at least one infrared (IR) reflecting layer of a material such as silver or the like in a low-E coating. In certain embodiments, at least one layer of the coating is of or includes zirconium oxide (e.g., ZrO 2 ) or zirconium silicon oxynitride (e.g., ZrSiO x N y ). When a layer comprising zirconium oxide or zirconium silicon oxynitride is provided as the uppermost or overcoat layer of the coated article (e.g., over a silicon nitride based layer), this results in improved chemical and heat stability in certain example embodiments. Coated articles herein may be used in the context of insulating glass (IG) window units, vehicle windows, or in other suitable applications such as monolithic window applications, laminated windows, and/or the like.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Moisture sensor and/or defogger with bayesian improvements, and related methods

Номер: US20130024169A1
Автор: Vijayen S. Veerasamy
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

In certain example embodiments, moisture sensors, defoggers, etc., and/or related methods, are provided. More particularly, certain example embodiments relate to moisture sensors and/or defoggers that may be used in various applications such as, for example, refrigerator/freezer merchandisers, vehicle windows, building windows, etc. When condensation or moisture is detected, an appropriate action may be taken (e.g., actuating windshield wipers, turning on a defroster, triggering the heating of a merchandiser door or window, etc.). Bayesian approaches optionally may be implemented in certain example embodiments in an attempt to improve moisture detection accuracy. For instance, models of various types of disturbances may be developed and, based on live data and a priori information known about the model, a probability of the model being accurate is calculated. If a threshold value is met, the model may be considered a match and, optionally, a corresponding appropriate action may be taken.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Parabolic trough or dish reflector for use in concentrating solar power apparatus and method of making same

Номер: US20130027794A1
Принадлежит: Guardian Industries Corp

A reflector (e.g., mirror) for use in a solar collector or the like is provided. In certain example embodiments of this invention, a reflector is made by (a) forming reflective coating on a thin substantially flat glass substrate (the thin glass substrate may or may not be pre-bent prior to the coating being applied thereto), (b) optionally, if the glass substrate in (a) was not prebent, then cold-bending the glass substrate with the reflective coating thereon; and (c) applying a plate or frame member to the thin bent glass substrate with the coating thereon from (a) and/or (b), the plate or frame member (which may be another thicker pre-bent glass sheet, for example) for maintaining the thin glass substrate and coating thereon in a desired bent orientation in a final product which may be used as parabolic trough or dish type reflector in a concentrating solar power apparatus or the like.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Bag member for compression prebonding, holding tool for producing laminated glass, and device of producing laminated glass and method of producing the same

Номер: US20130032291A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

A holding tool 2 for use in producing of laminated glass includes a frame 3, a bag member 4 and a supporting member 6 b for suspending the bag member 4 from the frame 3. The bag member 4 is made of a film with flexibility and airtightness, is provided with a sealable opening and has evacuating ports 7 a and 7 b in the vicinity of an periphery of a flat shape thereof having the periphery sealed. The frame 3 has a first frame member 3 w and a second frame member 3 y opposing each other and disposed outside the periphery of the bag member 4, and the bag member 4 is suspended by the supporting member 6 b movably against the frame 3 on a holding face formed at least by the first frame member 3 w and the second frame member 3 y inside an area formed by connecting ends of these frame members.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Transparent film containing tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer and having an organosilane coupling agent treated surface

Номер: US20130056065A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

In a first aspect, a transparent film includes a tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer layer having an organosilane coupling agent treated surface such that the treated surface of the transparent film, when directly laminated to an encapsulant layer including ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, forms a multilayer film with an average peel strength between the transparent film and the encapsulant layer of greater than 2 lbf/in after curing to crosslink the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and then 1000 hrs of damp heat exposure. In a second aspect, a weatherable multilayer film includes a transparent film and an encapsulant layer. The transparent film includes a tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer layer having an organosilane coupling agent treated surface. The encapsulant layer is directly laminated to the treated surface of the transparent film. An average peel strength between the transparent film and the encapsulant layer is greater than 2 lbf/in after 1000 hrs of damp heat exposure.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Single pane glazing laminates

Номер: US20130062010A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

A single pane glazing unit includes a first glass substrate having a first inner surface and a first outer surface, a second glass substrate having a second inner surface and a second outer surface, and a pyrolytic Low-e coating disposed on the second outer surface, and a multilayer polymeric infrared light reflecting film laminated between the first inner surface and the second inner surface, forming a single pane glazing unit. Methods of forming the same are also disclosed.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Laminated glass pane with electrical function and connection element

Номер: US20130062119A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A laminated glass pane with electrical function and connection element is described. The laminated glass pane has at least two individual glass panes, which are areally connected to at least one thermoplastic intermediate layer. The laminated glass pane further has at least one electrically functional layer, which is situated between the at least two individual glass panes at least one foil conductor, which is electrically conductively connected to the at least one electrically functional layer, and at least one housing with at least one electrical feed line and at least one electrical line connection. The at least two individual glass panes has at least one undercut glass pane, wherein the at least one foil conductor runs without an overhang around a lateral edge of the at least one undercut glass pane.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Manufacturing means and process

Номер: US20130065353A1

A production device ( 2 ) and a method for forming multilayered ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) modules, in particular solar modules ( 1 ), which have at least one translucent sheet-like layer ( 3, 6 ) and at least one solar- or light-active element is provided. The production device ( 2 ) forms the layer structure and has an applicator ( 33 ) for a connecting layer ( 5, 7 ) for the aforementioned layers ( 3, 4, 6 ). Furthermore, the device has a controllable curve(arch)-forming device ( 17 ) for bending and rolling a sheet-like layer ( 3, 6 ) while the layers are being applied.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

High Impact Polymer Layers

Номер: US20130075949A1
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc

Multiple poly(vinyl butyral) layer interlayers that can be used in multiple layer glass panel type applications that require a high level of impact protection, for example in hurricane protection applications or in bullet proof glass applications. This effect is achieved by forming a poly(vinyl butyral) interlayer that has a relatively stiff poly(vinyl butyral) inner layer disposed between two relatively soft outer poly(vinyl butyral) layers, where the stiffness difference is achieved by a plasticizer differential that is achieved at least in substantial part by a residual hydroxyl content difference among the poly(vinyl butyral) layers.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Multi-layer transparent structures for electronic device housings

Номер: US20130083506A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Transparent structures for portions of electronic device housings are disclosed. The transparent structures are formed from multiple layers of transparent (optically clear) materials. The multiple layers can include at least an outer glass layer and one or more other transparent layers that can be either glass or polymer layers. The multiple layers can be bonded together with one or more lamination layers. Accordingly, multi-layer transparent structures that are formed from multiple layers bonded together are able to be not only thin but also sufficiently strong and resistant to damage. The multi-layer transparent structures are well suited for use in consumer products, such as consumer electronic devices (e.g., portable electronic devices).

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Multilayer film with oxygen permeation barrier for the production of photovoltaic modules

Номер: US20130092228A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A multilayered film and a photovoltaic module where the oxidation-sensitive solar cell is protected against ingress of oxygen provided. The solar cell is protected by the multilayer film as a back cover. The multilayer film comprises the following layers in direct succession: a solar cell-facing layer of a moulding composition comprising at least 70% by weight of EVOH, an adhesion promoter layer, a middle layer of a thermoplastic moulding composition, an optional adhesion promoter layer, and an outer layer comprising at least 35% by weight of polyamide.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Organic el illumination device

Номер: US20130093308A1
Принадлежит: Lumiotec Inc

Disclosed is an organic EL illumination device—which is provided with: an organic EL element ( 13 ) on a glass substrate ( 10 ); and a plurality of anode terminal electrodes ( 11 ) and cathode terminal electrodes ( 12 ) for evenly supplying current to the aforementioned organic EL element ( 13 ) on the aforementioned glass substrate ( 10 )—wherein the organic EL illumination device is provided with a wiring board ( 1 ) to which a circuit having anode wiring ( 1 a ) corresponding to the position of each of the aforementioned anode terminal electrodes ( 11 ), and a circuit having cathode wiring ( 1 b ) corresponding to the position of each of the aforementioned cathode terminal electrodes ( 12 ) are formed.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Integrated back-sheet for back contact photovoltaic module

Номер: US20130109125A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A process for making a back-contact solar cell module is provided. Electrically conductive wires of an integrated back-sheet are physically and electrically attached to the back contacts of the solar cells of a solar cell array through openings in a polymeric interlayer dielectric layer using an electrically conductive binder before thermal lamination of the module.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Opto-electronic frontplane substrate

Номер: US20130114219A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

Frontplane articles are described utilizing laminated glass substrates, for example, ion-exchanged glass substrates, with flexible glass and with opto-electronic devices which may be sensitive to alkali migration are described along with methods for making the articles.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Pvb film comprising phenolic antioxidants having the partial structure 3-t-butyl-4-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl proprionate

Номер: US20130123399A1
Автор: Uwe Keller

The invention relates to thermoplastic mixtures or to films produced therefrom, containing at least one polyvinyl acetal and at least one plasticiser, characterised by the addition of 0.001 to 1% by weight of at least one compound according to formula 1, where R=a hydrocarbon radical of a polyfunctional alcohol, oligoglycols comprising 1 to 10 glycol units or a hydrocarbon radical comprising 1 to 20 carbon atoms, and X=1, 2, 3 or 4 as a stabiliser.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Process for producing a glass resin composite

Номер: US20130133809A1
Автор: Satoshi Kondo
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

The present invention provides a process for producing a glass resin composite which has sufficient transportability, handling efficiency and fabrication properties even when the glass is extremely thin, without impairing the chemical resistance, the abrasion resistance, the gas barrier properties, etc. of the glass, and the process being capable of continuous operation.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Interlayer film for laminated glass, and laminated glass

Номер: US20130143049A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which enables to produce laminated glass having a low yellow index and excellent heat shielding properties; and laminated glass including the interlayer film for laminated glass. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention comprises a thermoplastic resin; heat shielding particles; and a first component, the first component is at least one of a phthalocyanine compound, a naphthalocyanine compound, and an anthracyanine compound, and contains vanadium atom(s); and Laminated glass of the present invention comprises: a first member for laminated glass; a second member for laminated glass; and a single-layer interlayer film or a multi-layer interlayer film between the first member for laminated glass and second member for laminated glass, wherein the single-layer interlayer film or the multi-layer interlayer film includes the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149503A1

The present invention provides an intermediate film for laminated glass which allows, in a laminated glass, improvement in penetration resistance throughout the laminated glass, and a laminated glass including the intermediate film for laminated glass. In an intermediate film for laminated glass, a first end is thinner than a second end, and in the intermediate film for laminated glass, a thin region has a moisture content higher than a moisture content of the thick region; and a laminated glass includes a first component for laminated glass, a second component for laminated glass, and an intermediate film sandwiched between the first component for laminated glass and the second component for laminated glass. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass comprising:a first end and a second end, the first end being thinner than the second end; anda thin region and a thick region, the thin region having a moisture content higher than a moisture content of the thick region.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein a distance between the first end and the second end is represented by X,the thin region is a region satisfying 0.1X to 0.2X from the first end toward an inside, andthe thick region is a region satisfying 0.1X to 0.2X from the second end toward the inside.3. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the thin region has a moisture content of more than one time but not more than three times the moisture content of the thick region.4. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the thin region has a moisture content of 0.2% to 0.7% by weight.5. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to containinga thermoplastic resin and a plasticizer.6. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 5 ,wherein the thermoplastic resin is a polyvinyl acetal resin.7. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to includinga first surface layer,a second surface ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157065A1

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which can give a laminated glass with better sound insulation when used in the laminated glass. 2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein R1 and R2 in the formula (1) each represent a group containing a carbon atom and an oxygen atom in a total number of at most 12.6. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the interlayer film has a monolayer structure or a multilayer structure including at least two layers and includes the first layer further containing, a second plasticizer that is a diester compound,the first layer contains the first plasticizer and the second plasticizer at a weight ratio of 1:9 to 8.5:1.5.7. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the interlayer film has a multilayer structure including at least two layers and includes the second layer containing a plasticizer and a polyvinyl acetal resin with a hydroxyl content of 25 to 40 mol %,the plasticizer in the second layer is a second plasticizer that is a diester compound.9. The interlayer film for laminated glass according claim 1 , to claim 1 ,wherein, when the interlayer film has a multilayer structure including at least two layers and includes the second layer containing a plasticizer and a polyvinyl acetal resin with a hydroxyl content of 25 to 40 mol %,the first layer further contains a second plasticizer that is a diester compound.11. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein, when the interlayer film has a multilayer structure including at least two layers and includes the second layer containing a plasticizer and a polyvinyl acetal resin with a hydroxyl content of 25 to 40 mol %,the first layer further contains a second plasticizer that is a diester compound and the first layer contains the first plasticizer and the second plasticizer at a weight ratio of 1:9 to 8.5:1.5.12. The interlayer film ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Polyurethanes, Articles and Coatings Prepared Therefrom and Methods of Making The Same

Номер: US20130160920A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

The present invention provides polyurethanes including a reaction product of components including: (a) an isocyanate functional urethane prepolymer comprising a reaction product of components including: (i) about 1 equivalent of at least one polyisocyanate; and (ii) about 0.1 to about 0.5 equivalents of at least one diol having 2 to 18 carbon atoms; and (b) about 0.05 to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one branched polyol having 4 to 18 carbon atoms and at least 3 hydroxyl groups; and (c) up to about 0.9 equivalents of at least one polyol different from branched polyol (b) and having 2 to 18 carbon atoms, wherein the reaction product components are essentially free of polyester polyol and polyether polyol; compositions, coatings and articles made therefrom and methods of making the same.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Transparent panel having heatable coating and production method therefor

Номер: US20130161309A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

The invention relates to a transparent pane with a transparent heatable coating, which extends at least over a part of the pane surface, in particular over its visual field. The heatable coating is divided by at least one heatable coating-free zone into at least one first heatable coating zone and a second heatable coating zone, wherein the two heatable coating zones are in each case electrically connected to at least two collecting conductors such that after application of a supply voltage that is provided by a voltage source, in each case a current flows over at least one first heating field formed by the first heatable coating zone and at least one second heating field formed by the second heatable coating zone. At least one heating element is disposed in the heatable coating-free zone, which heating element has an ohmic resistance such that by means of application of the supply voltage to the heating element, the pane is heatable in a surface area containing the heatable coating-free zone. The at least one heating element is configured such that by means of application of the supply voltage to the heating element, the pane is also heatable in at least one surface area adjacent the coating-free zone which surface area contains at least one of the collecting conductors.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Device Module Comprising Ethylene-Alpha Olefin Tapered Block Copolymers and Optional Vinyl Silane

Номер: US20130167926A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electronic device module such as a solar cell is described. The electronic device module is made using a polymeric material in intimate contact with at least one surface of the electronic device, the polymeric material comprising a tapered block copolymer comprising an A block, and a B block.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Bullet-proof glass pane with edge reinforcement

Номер: US20130171398A1
Автор: Siegfried Stranner
Принадлежит: Isoclima SpA

The invention relates to a bulletproof glass pane for use in a motor vehicle having a plurality of panes and layers of glass, ceramics or plastics connected two-dimensionally to each other in layers to form a composite, and having an edge reinforcement that extends at the periphery of the bulletproof glass pane, wherein the edge reinforcement comprises at least two or more reinforcing elements that are in loose mutual engagement.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Solar cell module and process for its production

Номер: US20130178009A1
Автор: Haruo Watanabe
Принадлежит: Affinity Co Ltd

An ultrahigh durability solar cell module that can be used semi-permanently, with an ultrahigh durability transparent substrate, solar cell element and filler, wherein the solar cell element and a liquid substance or a gel obtained by reacting the liquid substance as the filler, are sealed by a fast sealed structure comprising a high durability crosslinking reactive adhesive provided between a glass panel and back side protective substrate, and a hot-melt adhesive. The module is produced by placing the sealing compound, solar cell element and liquid substance on the glass panel and finally laying the back side protective substrate to form a provisional laminated body, and then compression bonding the provisional laminated body at room temperature in a vacuum for sealing.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180765A1

A laminate body containing one or more resin composition layers and two or more glass substrate layers, wherein at least one layer of those resin composition layers is between glass substrate layers, and is a fiber-containing resin composition layer of a composition that contains a thermosetting resin and a fibrous base material. A laminate plate containing one or more cured resin layers and two or more glass substrate layers, wherein at least one layer of those cured resin layers is between glass substrate layers, and is a fiber-containing cured resin layer of the fiber-containing resin composition. A printed wiring board having the above-mentioned laminate plate and a wiring provided on the surface thereof. A method for producing the laminate plate. 1. A laminate body containing one or more resin composition layers and two or more glass substrate layers , wherein:at least one layer of those one or more resin composition layers is a fiber-containing resin composition layer of a fiber-containing resin composition that contains a thermosetting resin and a fibrous base material, andat least one layer of those resin composition layers exists between any two layers of the glass substrate layers.2. The laminate body according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the glass substrate layer is from 30 to 200 μm.3. The laminate body according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , of those two or more glass substrate layers claim 1 , the glass substrate layer on the outermost surface side and the glass substrate layer on the outermost back side exist on the more surface side and on the more back side claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , than all the resin composition layers.4. The laminate body according to claim 1 , wherein:those one or more resin composition layers include a first resin composition layer facing the surface of the glass substrate layer on the outermost surface side, and a second resin composition layer facing the back of the glass substrate layer on the outermost back ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183507A1

The present invention aims to provide an intermediate film for laminated glass which, in the case of being used for constituting a laminated glass, enables to improve the sound-insulating property in a high frequency range of the obtained laminated glass over a wide range of temperature. The intermediate film for laminated glass of the present invention has a structure that a first layer , a second layer , and a third layer are laminated in this order, each of the first, second, and third layers , and contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, the hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer is lower than each of the hydroxy group contents in the polyvinyl acetal resins contained in the second and third layers and , and the ratio (T1/(T2+T3)) of the thickness (T1) of the first layer to the total thickness (T2+T3) of the second and third layers and is 0.14 or lower. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass , comprising:a first layer which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer;a second layer which is laminated on a first surface of the first layer and which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer; anda third layer which is laminated on a second surface that is opposite to the first surface of the first layer and which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer,wherein a hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer is lower than each of hydroxy group contents in the polyvinyl acetal resins contained in the second layer and the third layer, anda ratio of a thickness of the first layer to the total thickness of the second layer and the third layer is 0.14 or lower.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer is lower than each of the hydroxy group contents in the polyvinyl acetal resins contained in the second layer and the third layer by 5 ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183532A1

The present invention aims to provide an intermediate film for laminated glass which, in the case of being used for constituting a laminated glass, enables to improve the sound-insulating property of the obtained laminated glass, and a laminated glass. The intermediate film for laminated glass of the present invention comprises a first layer which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, and the polyvinyl acetal resin and the first plasticizer are a polyvinyl acetal resin and a first plasticizer which have a cloud point of 5° C. or lower when the cloud point is measured using a solution prepared by dissolving 8 parts by weight of the polyvinyl acetal resin in 100 parts by weight of the first plasticizer; and the laminated glass of the present invention comprises first and second components for laminated glass, and the intermediate film for laminated glass sandwiched between the first and second components for laminated glass. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass with a single layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers , comprising:a first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer,wherein the plasticizer contained in the first layer contains a first plasticizer, andthe polyvinyl acetal resin and the first plasticizer contained in the first layer are a polyvinyl acetal resin and a first plasticizer which have a cloud point of 5° C. or lower when the cloud point is measured using a solution prepared by dissolving 8 parts by weight of the polyvinyl acetal resin in 100 parts by weight of the first plasticizer.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the polyvinyl acetal resin and the first plasticizer contained in the first layer are a polyvinyl acetal resin and a first plasticizer which have a cloud point of 0° C. or lower when the cloud point is measured using a solution prepared by dissolving 8 parts by weight of the polyvinyl acetal resin in 100 parts by weight of the first ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Film Laminates Having Damping Properties Containing A Sub-Layer Made of Plasticizer-Containing Polyvinyl (Iso)Acetal

Номер: US20130189527A1

Film laminates are formed from at least three layers A, B and C, each containing at least one plasticizer and at least one polyvinyl acetal, wherein two outer layers A and C each contain at least one identical or different polyvinyl acetal having a proportion of polyvinyl alcohol groups of 18.5 to 23% by weight, at least one inner layer B contains a polyvinyl acetal having a proportion of polyvinyl alcohol groups of 12 to 18% by weight, and at least one of the layers A, B or C contains at least one polyvinyl (iso)acetal. The film laminates can be used for the production of glass/film laminate/glass composites for motor vehicles, aircraft, ships, architectural glazings, façade components, or for the production of photovoltaic modules. 1. A film laminate , comprising at least three layers A , B and C , each containing at least one plasticizer and at least one polyvinyl acetal , whereintwo outer layers A and C each comprise at least one identical or different polyvinyl acetal having a proportion of polyvinyl alcohol groups of 18.5 to 23% by weightat least one inner layer B comprises a polyvinyl acetal having a proportion of polyvinyl alcohol groups of 12 to 18% by weight, andwherein at least one of the layers A, B or C comprises at least one polyvinyl (iso)acetal.2. The film laminate of claim 1 , wherein at least one layer A claim 1 , B or C comprises at least one polyvinyl (n) acetal.3. The film laminate of claim 1 , wherein the two outer layers A claim 1 , C each comprise at least one identical or different polyvinyl (iso)acetal and the inner layer comprises at least one polyvinyl (n) acetal.4. The film laminate of claim 1 , wherein the two outer layers A claim 1 , C each comprise at least one identical or different polyvinyl (n) acetal and the inner layer comprises at least one polyvinyl (iso)acetal.5. The film laminate of claim 1 , wherein the two outer layers A claim 1 , C each comprise at least one identical or different polyvinyl (iso)acetal and the inner layer ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189528A1

The present invention aims to provide an intermediate film for laminated glass which, in the case of being used for constituting a laminated glass, enables to improve the sound-insulating property in a high frequency range of the obtained laminated glass over a wide range of temperature; and a laminated glass. The intermediate film for laminated glass of the present invention comprises a first layer and a second layer which is laminated on a first surface of the first layer , each of the first and second layers and contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, the absolute value of the difference between SP values of the polyvinyl acetal resin and the plasticizer contained in the first layer is 0.5 or smaller, and the laminated glass of the present invention comprises first and second components for laminated glass and the intermediate layer sandwiched between the first and second components for laminated glass. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass , comprising:a first layer which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer; anda second layer which is laminated on a first surface of the first layer and which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer,wherein an absolute value of the difference between SP values of the polyvinyl acetal resin and the plasticizer contained in the first layer is 0.5 or smaller.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein a hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer is lower than a hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the second layer.3. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 2 ,wherein the hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer is lower than the hydroxy group content in the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the second layer by 5 mol % or higher.5. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the hydroxy group content in ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Fire-resistant glazing

Номер: US20130196091A1
Принадлежит: Vetrotech Saint Gobain International AG

A fire-resistant glass unit is provided having at least two transparent carrier elements, in particular glass panes, and an intermediate layer between the carrier elements, this layer expanding for example in the event of a fire, or a gas-releasing intermediate layer, which builds up a pressure between the carrier elements. At least one glass pane of the fire-resistant glass unit, preferably the two outermost glass panes, or even all the glass panes adjacent to an intermediate layer, are provided with specific local weakening as a defined breaking point. A predetermined breaking point may be, for example, a groove or milled recess, in particular a notch.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202863A1

The present invention aims to provide an intermediate film for laminated glass which, in the case of being used for constituting a laminated glass, enables to improve the sound-insulating property of a laminated glass to be obtained; and a laminated glass. The intermediate film for laminated glass of the present invention comprises a first layer which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer and the degree of acetylation of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer exceeds 30 mol %; and The laminated glass of the present invention comprises first and second components for laminated glass, and the intermediate film for laminated glass sandwiched between the first and second components for laminated glass. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass with a single layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers , comprising:a first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer,wherein a degree of acetylation of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer exceeds 30 mol %.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass with a laminated structure of two or more layers according to claim 1 , further comprisinga second layer disposed at the side of a first surface of the first layer.3. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 2 ,wherein the second layer contains a polyvinyl acetal resin, anda degree of acetylation of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the second layer is lower than the degree of acetylation of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer.4. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 3 ,wherein the degree of acetylation of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the second layer is 30 mol % or lower.5. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 2 ,wherein the second layer contains the polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, andan amount of the plasticizer for each 100 parts by weight of the polyvinyl acetal resin in the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Photovoltaic device with a polymeric mat and method of making the same

Номер: US20130213459A1
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

This invention relates to a photovoltaic device with a polymeric mat and a method of making a photovoltaic device with a polymeric mat. The photovoltaic device includes a transparent layer for receiving solar energy, and at least one photovoltaic cell disposed below the transparent layer. The photovoltaic device also includes a polymeric mat disposed below the at least one photovoltaic cell, and a backsheet disposed below the polymeric mat. The photovoltaic device also includes an encapsulant bonding the transparent layer, the at least one photovoltaic cell, the polymeric mat, and the backsheet.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216803A1

A class of solvent resistant, flexible copolyimide substrates having high optical transparency (>80% from 400 to 750 nm) that is retained after brief exposure to 300° C., near-zero birefringence (<0.001) and a maximum CTE of approximately 60 ppm/° C. is disclosed. The copolyimides are prepared from alicyclic dianhydrides, aromatic cardo diamines, and aromatic diamines containing free carboxyl groups. The substrates are manufactured from solutions of the copolyimides containing multifunctional epoxides in the form of single layer films, multilayer laminates and glass fiber reinforced composite films. The substrates can be used in the construction of flexible optical displays, and other microelectronic and photovoltaic devices that require their unique combination of properties. 1. A transparent , flexible film comprising:a copolyimide; and,a multifunctional epoxide, wherein the copolyimide is prepared from a mixture of dianhydrides and diamines, wherein at least one of the dianhydrides is an alicyclic dianhydride, at least one of the diamines is an aromatic cardo diamine, and at least one of the diamines is an aromatic diamine containing a free carboxylic acid group, and wherein the film is heated at an elevated temperature for sufficient time to affect solvent resistance.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the heating process is conducted at approximately 250° C. or less for approximately 30 minutes or less.3. The film of claim 1 , wherein the amount of multifunctional epoxide is 2 to 10 wt % based on the weight of the copolyimide.4. The film of claim 1 , wherein the transmittance from 400 to 750 nm is >80% claim 1 , the birefringence is <0.001 claim 1 , and the maximum CTE is approximately 60 ppm/° C.7. The alicyclic dianhydride of claim 6 , wherein the dianhydride is selected from the group comprising 1 claim 6 ,2 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,4-cyclobutanetetracarboxylic dianhydride claim 6 , 1 claim 6 ,2 claim 6 ,3 claim 6 ,4-cyclopentanetetracarboxylic dianhydride claim 6 , ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224466A1

The present invention provides an intermediate film for laminated glass that can increase the heat-insulating properties of laminated glass. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to the present invention is an intermediate film for laminated glass having a one-layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers, an intermediate film for laminated glass has a first layer containing silicon dioxide particles having hollow parts and shell parts and having a porosity of 40% or more and 80% or less, when the intermediate film for laminated glass has a one-layer structure, the first layer further contains a thermoplastic resin, and when the intermediate film for laminated glass has a laminated structure of two or more layers, the intermediate film for laminated glass further has a second layer which is arranged on a first surface side of the first layer and which contains a thermoplastic resin. 1. An intermediate film for laminated glass having a one-layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers , comprising:a first layer which contains silicon dioxide particles having hollow parts and shell parts and having a porosity of 40% or more and 80% or less,wherein, when the intermediate film is a single-layer intermediate film for laminated glass having a one-layer structure, the first layer further contains a thermoplastic resin, andwhen the intermediate film is a multilayer intermediate film for laminated glass having a laminated structure of two or more layers, the intermediate film for laminated glass further comprises a second layer which is arranged on a first surface side of the first layer and which contains a thermoplastic resin.2. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to claim 1 , which is a multilayer intermediate film for laminated glass having a laminated structure of two or more layers claim 1 , comprising:the first layer which contains silicon dioxide particles having hollow parts and shell parts and having a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229612A1

A multiple glazing with variable scattering by liquid crystals includes first and second flat float glass sheets sealed on the edge of their internal faces by a sealing joint, in particular made of a given sealing material, in particular essentially organic, first and second electrodes, and a layer of liquid crystals with an average thickness E between 15 and 60 μm inclusive of these values and incorporating spacers. The thickness A of each of the first and second glass sheets is less than or equal to 5.5 mm, and each of the internal faces coated with the first and second electrodes has a dioptric defect score, expressed in millidioptres, of less than 12E/15 where the thickness E of the liquid crystals is in μm. 1. A multiple glazing with variable scattering by liquid crystals comprising:first and second flat float glass sheets sealed on the edge of their internal faces by a sealing joint;on the internal faces of the first and second glass sheets, first and second electrodes in the form of transparent electrically conductive layers provided with a power supply;on the first and second electrodes, a layer of liquid crystals adapted to alternate reversibly between a transparent state and a translucent state by application of an alternating electric field, which layer has an average thickness E from 15 to 60 μm and incorporates spacers,wherein a thickness of each of the first and second glass sheets is less than or equal to 5.5 mm, andwherein each of the internal faces coated with the first and second electrodes has a dioptric defect score, expressed in millidioptres, of less than 12E/15 where the thickness E of the liquid crystals is in μm.2. The multiple glazing with variable scattering by liquid crystals according to claim 1 , whereinfor a thickness E of less than 30 μm, the thickness of the first glass sheet and the second glass sheet lies from 3 mm to 5.5 mm, orfor a thickness E greater than or equal to 30 μm, the thickness of the first glass sheet and the second ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Decorative melamine board

Номер: US20130230712A1
Автор: Toshinori Kifuku
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd

The present invention provides a decorative melamine board that maintains the surface hardness associated with melamine resin while having superior non-combustibility, being able to accommodate reductions in thickness and having superior bending workability at normal temperatures. The decorative melamine board has a structure obtained by laminating a surface layer and a core layer. The surface layer includes a surface layer material composed of a surface layer base material that carries a resin containing a melamine resin on a first surface side serving as a design surface, and carries a solid content of a thermoplastic resin emulsion on a second surface side that contacts the core layer. The core layer includes a core layer material composed of glass cloth or a prepreg having glass cloth as a base material thereof.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236711A1
Автор: Lu Jun
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

This disclosure is related to the field of polymer interlayers for multiple layer panels and multiple layer panels having at least one polymer interlayer sheet. Specifically, this disclosure is related to the field of high rigidity interlayers and light weight laminated multiple layer panels incorporating high rigidity interlayers. 1. A multi-layer glass panel comprising:a first glass substrate;a second glass substrate;a polymer layer disposed between said first and second glass substrate; wherein said polymer layer has a glass transition temperature of greater than 33° C.; wherein the combined thickness of said first glass substrate and said second glass substrate is less than or equal to about 4.0 mm.2. The multi-layer glass panel of where said polymer interlayer comprises poly(vinyl butyral).3. The multi-layer glass panel of wherein the combined thickness of said first glass substrate and said second glass substrate is less than or equal to about 3.9 mm.4. The multi-layer glass panel of wherein the thickness of said second glass substrate is less than the thickness of said first glass substrate.5. The multi-layer glass panel of wherein the combined thickness of said first glass substrate and said second glass substrate is less than or equal to about 3.7 mm.6. The multi-layer glass panel of wherein said multi-layer glass panel has a deflection stiffness of greater than 300 N/cm when the combined thickness of the first glass substrate and the second glass substrate is less than or equal to 4.0 mm. 77. The multi-layer glass panel of wherein said multi-layer glass panel has a deflection stiffness that is at least 10 percent higher than the deflection stiffness of a multiple layer panel of the same thickness and glass configuration without a polymer layer having a glass transition temperature of greater than 33° C.8. A multi-layer glass panel comprising:a first glass substrate;a second glass substrate;a multilayer interlayer comprising a first polymer layer and a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Winding glass ribbon by tensioning interleaving material

Номер: US20130240656A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

A method of winding a glass ribbon ( 10 ), including: winding an interleaving material ( 20 ) and the glass ribbon together to produce a roll ( 40 ); and tensioning the interleaving material so as to control a roll inter-layer pressure. By controlling the roll inter-layer pressure, the roll can be formed with straight side walls. The tension in the interleaving material can be controlled so as to be greater than 0 and ≦0.25 pounds per linear inch of width of interleaving material. Also, there is provided an apparatus for winding glass ribbon together with interleaving material into a roll. The apparatus includes: an interleaving material supply path; a glass ribbon supply path; a roll winding mechanism ( 46 ); and a means ( 26 ) for applying tension to interleaving material traveling along the interleaving material supply path, as the interleaving material is wound into roll ( 40 ), so as to produce a pressure between the layers of the roll.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242562A1
Автор: LABROT Michael

A glass pane is described. The glass pane has at least one pane, and one adhesive layer on the pane. The adhesive layer has at least one thermoplastic film with a luminescent pigment and a barrier film with an anti-scratch coating. 1. A glass pane , comprising:a pane, andan adhesive layer on the pane,wherein the adhesive layer comprises at least one thermoplastic film with a first luminescent pigment and a barrier film with an anti-scratch coating.2. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier film contains a second luminescent pigment.3. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the pane comprises a prestressed or partially prestressed safety glass.4. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier film contains polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyethylene naphthalate claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , polyvinyl fluoride claim 1 , polyvinyl butyral without plasticizer claim 1 , and/or mixtures and copolymers thereof.5. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the first luminescent pigment or the second luminescent pigment have an excitation maximum in a range from 350 nm to 450 nm claim 1 , an emission maximum in a range from 400 nm to 800 nm claim 1 , or an excitation maximum in a range from 350 nm to 450 nm and an emission maximum in a range from 400 nm to 800 nm.6. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-scratch coating contains organically or inorganically bound SiO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , AlO claim 1 , or SiN.7. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive layer has a thickness of 0.30 mm to 0.9 mm.8. The glass pane according to claim 1 , wherein the first luminescent pigment contains a hydroxyalkyl terephthalate with the formula: R—COO—P(OH)x(0-4)-COO—R claim 1 , where R claim 1 , Ris an alkyl or allyl residue with 1 to 10 C atoms claim 1 , P is a phenyl ring claim 1 , OH is hydroxyl groups bonded to the phenyl ring claim 1 , and ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252001A1

The present invention relates to a laminated glazing for information display, of the automobile windshield or architectural glazing type, comprising an assembly of at least two transparent sheets of inorganic glass or of a strong organic material, joined together by an interlayer of a thermoformable material or by multilayer foils incorporating such an interlayer, said glazing being characterized in that a luminophore material of the hydroxyterephthalate type, combined with an antioxidant additive, is integrated into said interlayer, allowing said display. 1. A laminated glazing , comprising an assembly comprising at least two transparent sheets of inorganic glass or of a strong organic material , joined together by an interlayer of a thermoformable material or by a multilayer foil comprising the interlayer ,wherein the interlay comprises a hydroxyterephthalate luminophore material and an antioxidant additive.4. The laminated glazing of claim 1 , wherein luminophore is diethyl-2 claim 1 ,5-dihydroxyterephthalate.5. The laminated glazing of claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant additive is a phenylamine.6. The laminated glazing of claim 5 , wherein the antioxidant additive is a diphenylamine group.7. The laminated glazing of claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant additive comprises a benzene cycle comprising at least two OH functions.8. The laminated glazing of claim 7 , wherein the antioxidant is a resorcinol.9. The laminated glazing of claim 7 , wherein the antioxidant additive is a pyrocatechol.10. The laminated glazing of claim 7 , in wherein the antioxidant additive is a hydroquinone.11. The laminated glazing of claim 7 , in wherein the antioxidant additive is a pyrogallol.12. The laminated glazing of claim 7 , wherein the antioxidant additive is a phloroglucinol.13. The laminated glazing of claim 1 , wherein the thermoformable material of the interlayer is at least one selected from the group consisting of a PVB claim 1 , a plasticized PVC claim 1 , a polyurethane (PU) ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Thin-film solar cell module and method for manufacturing thin-film solar cell module

Номер: US20130255776A1
Автор: Daichi Mori
Принадлежит: Dexerials Corp

A thin-film solar cell module, including: a thin-film solar cell including an electrode; a tab line; and an adhesive layer, wherein the tab line includes convex portions only on one surface thereof, wherein the adhesive layer is disposed only on the one surface of the tab line including the convex portions, and wherein the electrode and the one surface of the tab line including the convex portions are adhered and electrically connected via the adhesive layer.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273318A1
Автор: Yacovone Vincent J.
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

The present invention is in the field of multiple layer glass panels comprising a polymer sheet having desirable surface properties, and more specifically, the present invention is in the field of multiple layer glass panels comprising poly(vinyl butyral) having a finished surface of relatively low waviness and high roughness disposed in contact with poly(ethylene terephthalate) and/or other poly(vinyl butyral) type layers. 1. A polymer sheet , comprising:poly(vinyl butyral); and,{'sub': 'z', 'a plasticizer, wherein said polymer sheet has a surface with a waviness index of less than 20,000 square micrometers, an Rvalue of at least 20 micrometers, and a permanence of between 10 and 95,'}wherein said polymer sheet is prepared by a method comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'z', 'forming a layer comprising poly(vinyl butyral) and a plasticizer, wherein said layer has a first surface and a second surface and a waviness index of less than 20,000 square micrometers and an Rvalue of less than 20 micrometers on said first surface, and'}{'sub': 'z', 'embossing said layer on said first surface with a roughness pattern to produce said polymer sheet, wherein said polymer sheet has a waviness index of less than 20,000 square micrometers an Rvalue of at least 20 micrometers and a permanence of between 10 and 95 on the side corresponding to said first surface of said layer.'}2. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said polymer sheet is not disposed in contact with any other layer.3. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 30.4. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 35.5. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said polymer sheet has a second surface with a waviness index of less than 20 claim 1 ,000 square micrometers claim 1 , an Rvalue of at least 20 micrometers claim 1 , and a permanence of between 10 and 95.6. A method of producing a multiple layer interlayer claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'z', 'forming a first polymer ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273379A1

The present invention provides an interlayer film for a laminated glass capable of suppressing bubble formation and bubble growth even if the laminated glass is exposed to relatively high temperatures for a long time. An interlayer film for a laminated glass according to the present invention includes a first layer and a second layer laminated on one face of the first layer, each of the first layer and the second layer contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, and in the case of measuring the viscoelasticity of the first layer as a resin film (glass transition temperature: Tg(° C.)), or the viscoelasticity of a resin film (glass transition temperature: Tg(° C.)) containing 100 parts by weight the polyvinyl acetal resin in the first layer and 60 parts by weight of triethylene glycol di-2-ethylhexanoate (3GO) as a plasticizer, the resin film has an elastic modulus of G′(Tg+170) at (Tg+170)° C. and an elastic modulus of G′(Tg+30) at (Tg+30)° C., and provides a ratio (G′(Tg+170)/G′(Tg+30)) of 0.18 or higher. 1. An interlayer film for a laminated glass , comprisinga first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, anda second layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, the second layer being laminated on one face of the first layer,wherein, in the case of measuring viscoelasticity of a resin film firmed from the first layer, the resin film, having a glass transition temperature of Tg(° C.), has an elastic modulus of G′(Tg+170) at (Tg+170)° C. and an elastic modulus of G′(Tg+30) at (Tg+30)° C., and provides a ratio (G′(Tg+170)/G′(Tg+30)) of 0.18 or higher.2. An interlayer film for a laminated glass , comprisinga first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, anda second layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer, the second layer being laminated on one face of the first layer,wherein, in the case of measuring viscoelasticity of a resin film containing 100 parts by weight of the polyvinyl ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for annealing photovoltaic encapsulation polymer film

Номер: US20130273685A1
Автор: Johan Willy Declerck

A process for annealing photovoltaic polymer encapsulation film ( 3 ), the film comprising polymer molecules substantially oriented along a machine direction, characterized in that the film is heated, supported on a support surface of support means ( 12 ), with heating means to a relaxation temperature to increase the isotropy of the polymer molecules such that the film is at least partly annealed, the support means ( 12 ) comprising a fluid ( 13 ) between the film ( 3 ) and the support surface.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280540A1
Принадлежит: KURARAY CO., LTD.

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass comprising: a layer x which contains polyvinyl acetal (A1) having a content of vinyl alcohol units of 22 mol % or less, a plasticizer (B), heat ray shielding microparticles (C), phosphoric acid ester (D), and alkali metal salt and/or alkali earth metal salt (F), and has an acid number in accordance with JIS K2501 of 1.5 KOH mg/g or less; and a layer y containing polyvinyl acetal (A2) having a content of vinyl alcohol units of from 25 to 34 mol %, the plasticizer (B), and an ultraviolet absorber (E), wherein the layers y are located on both sides of the layer x. This enables to provide an interlayer film for laminated glass that is excellent in transparency, adhesion, durability, sound insulation, and a heat ray shielding property. 1. An interlayer film , comprising: polyvinyl acetal A1 comprising vinyl alcohol units of 22 mol % or less,', 'a plasticizer B,', 'heat ray shielding microparticles C,', 'phosphoric acid ester D, and', 'at least one of an alkali metal salt and an alkali earth metal salt F; and, '(i) a layer x which comprises polyvinyl acetal A2 comprising vinyl alcohol units of from 25 to 34 mol %,', 'the plasticizer B, and', 'an ultraviolet absorber E,, '(ii) a layer y which compriseswhereinthe layer x has an acid number in accordance with JIS K2501 of 1.5 KOH mg/g or less,the layer y is located on both sides of the layer x, andthe interlayer film is suitable for a laminated glass.2. The interlayer film according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the heat ray shielding microparticles C is of from 0.001 to 2 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight of a total amount of the polyvinyl acetal A1 claim 1 , the polyvinyl acetal A2 claim 1 , and the plasticizer B.3. The interlayer film according to claim 1 , wherein surfaces of the heat ray shielding microparticles C are treated with an organic silicon compound comprising a hydrolyzable group.4. The interlayer film according to claim 1 , wherein the heat ray ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288061A1

Provided is an interlayer film for laminated glass which has high heat shielding properties, a high visible transmittance, and excellent light resistance which enables retention of the high visible transmittance for a long period of time. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention has an interlayer film for laminated glass with a single layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers, the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention comprises a first layer, and the first layer contains a polyvinyl acetal resin; a plasticizer; a tungsten oxide particle; a magnesium salt of an organic acid having a branched structure; and a metal salt of a C2 to C8 organic acid, other than the magnesium salt of an organic acid having a branched structure. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass with a single layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers , comprising:a first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin; a plasticizer; a tungsten oxide particle; a magnesium salt of an organic acid having a branched structure; and a metal salt of a C2 to C8 organic acid, other than the magnesium salt of an organic acid having a branched structure.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the C2 to C8 organic acid is a C2 to C8 organic acid having a linear structure.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according claim 2 , to claim 2 ,wherein the C2 to C8 organic acid is a C2 to C6 organic acid having a linear structure.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the C2 to C8 organic acid is a C2 to C6 organic acid having a branched structure.54. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to any one of to claims 1 ,wherein the magnesium salt of an organic acid having a branched structure is a magnesium salt of a C6 to C12 organic acid having a branched structure.6. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 5 , ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295357A1

A glass laminate comprises an external glass sheet, an internal glass sheet, and a polymer interlayer formed between the external glass sheet and the internal glass sheet. The external glass sheet can be a thin chemically-strengthened glass sheet or can be a non-chemically strengthened glass sheet, the polymer interlayer can have a thickness of less than 1.6 mm, and the internal glass sheet can be a non-chemically-strengthened glass sheet or a thin chemically strengthened glass sheet. 1. A glass laminate structure comprising:a non-chemically strengthened external glass sheet;a chemically strengthened internal glass sheet; andat least one polymer interlayer intermediate the external and internal glass sheets,wherein the internal glass sheet has a thickness ranging from about 0.5 mm to about 1.5 mm, andwherein the external glass sheet has a thickness ranging from about 1.5 mm to about 3.0 mm.2. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the internal glass sheet includes one or more alkaline earth oxides claim 1 , such that a content of alkaline earth oxides is at least about 5 wt. %.3. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the internal glass sheet includes at least about 6 wt. % aluminum oxide.4. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the internal glass sheet has a thickness of between about 0.5 mm to about 0.7 mm.5. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer interlayer comprises a single polymer sheet claim 1 , a multilayer polymer sheet claim 1 , or a composite polymer sheet.6. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer interlayer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of poly vinyl butyral (PVB) claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , acoustic PVB claim 1 , ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) claim 1 , thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) claim 1 , ionomer claim 1 , a thermoplastic material claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The glass laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the polymer ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295358A1
Принадлежит: Pilkington Group Limited

A laminated glazing comprising: a thick ply of glass having a thickness in the range 1.9 to 2.4 mm; a polymer interlayer; and a thin ply of glass having a thickness in the range 0.8 to 1.4 mm, wherein the relative optical power of the glazing is less than would be predicted from the single glass reflected optical power of the plies before lamination. 2. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the relative optical power of the glazing is at least 10% less than would be predicted from the single glass reflected optical power of the plies before lamination.3. A laminated glazing as claimed in either claim 1 , wherein the thick ply of glass has a thickness in the range 1.9 to 2.3 mm claim 1 , preferably 2.0 to 2.2 mm.4. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the thin ply of glass has a thickness in the range 0.9 to 1.3 mm claim 1 , preferably 0.9 to 1.2 mm claim 1 , more preferably 0.9 to 1.1 mm.5. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer interlayer comprises polyvinyl butyral (PVB) claim 1 , ethylvinyl acetate (EVA) claim 1 , or a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU).6. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , installed as a vehicle glazing.7. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the thin ply is situated on the inside of the vehicle when installed.8. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , having Weibull modulus of 10 or greater.9. A laminated glazing as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the stone impact resistance of the laminated glazing is better than a symmetrical laminate having 2.1 mm thick glass plies.10. A method of laminating glass the method comprising:providing a thick ply of glass having a thickness in the range 1.9 to 2.4 mm;providing a polymer interlayer;providing a thin ply of glass having a thickness in the range 0.8 to 1.4 mm; andlaminating the thick ply, interlayer and thin ply under application of pressure in the range 8 bar to 15 bar and at a temperature in the range 110° C. to 150° C.11. ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130295393A1

An interlayer film for a laminated glass and a laminated glass, which do not cause an increase in a haze value due to moisture absorption and have excellent moisture resistance are provided. An interlayer film for a laminated glass which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a moisture resistance improver is provided. 1. An interlayer film for a laminated glass ,which contains a polyvinyl acetal resin and a moisture resistance improver.2. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the moisture resistance improver is an amphiphile and/or a surfactant.3. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 3', '1/2, 'wherein the moisture resistance improver has a solubility parameter in the range of 10.0 to 20.0 (cal/cm).'}4. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the moisture resistance improver has a relative permittivity in the range of 20 to 35 at 25° C.5. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the moisture resistance improver is a phosphate ester compound.6. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,which contains a chelating agent and/or a compound having at least one carboxyl group.7. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 6 ,wherein the chelating agent is acetylacetone.8. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 6 ,wherein the compound having at least one carboxyl group is 2-ethyl hexanoic acid.9. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 1 ,which contains a heat ray shielding particle.10. The interlayer film for a laminated glass according to claim 9 ,wherein the heat ray shielding particle is at least one kind selected from the group consisting of a tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) fine particle, an antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) fine particle, an aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) fine particle, an indium-doped zinc oxide (IZO) fine particle, a silicon-doped zinc oxide ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302580A1

To provide a laminated glass having a high infrared reflecting performance while retaining a reflected color to be neutral, and a process for producing such a laminated glass. The laminated glass of the present invention comprises two glass sheets, and an interlayer and a laminate having a heat ray reflecting function, interposed between the two glass sheet, wherein a high refractive index film is provided between the two glass sheets besides films that constitute the laminate having a heat ray reflecting function. The high refractive index film has a refractive index of at least 1.90 at a wavelength of 550 nm and contains at least any one of titanium oxide, zinc oxide, tantalum oxide, zirconium oxide, niobium oxide, tin oxide, titanium nitride, silicon nitride, zirconium nitride, aluminum nitride, titanium oxynitride, zirconium oxynitride and tin oxynitride. 1. A laminated glass comprising two glass sheets and , disposed therebetween , an interlayer and a laminate having a heat ray reflecting function , wherein between the two glass sheets , a high refractive index film is further provided besides films that constitute the laminate having a heat ray reflecting function.2. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the high refractive index film is formed in contact with either one of the two glass sheets.3. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the high refractive index film has a refractive index within a range of from 1.90 to 2.60.4. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the laminate having a heat ray reflecting function is a multi-layered structure having a metal compound film and a metal film alternately laminated from a glass sheet side in a total of (2n+1) layers (wherein n is an integer of at least 1).5. The laminated glass according to claim 4 , wherein the uppermost layer and the lowermost layer of the laminate having a heat ray reflecting function are metal compound films.6. The laminated glass according to claim 4 , ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Lightweight transparent armor window

Номер: US20130305912A1
Автор: Carsten Weinhold
Принадлежит: Schott Corp

The invention relates to a lightweight transparent armor laminate comprising layers of borosilicate glass, layers of transparent glass-ceramics and a polymer spall layer of polycarbonate and/or polymethyl methacrylate. The layers are bound by polyurethane and/or polyvinylbutyral interlayer films.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Electrochemical glazing having electrically controllable optical and energy-related properties

Номер: US20130312341A1
Принадлежит: Sage Electrochromics Inc

The invention relates to glazing ( 1 ) comprising a first glazing sheet ( 10; 10 A, 10 B) forming a substrate on which at least one film of an electrochemical system ( 12 ) is formed, said system having optical and/or energy-related properties that are electrically controllable, a second glazing sheet ( 14 ) forming a counter-substrate, and a third glazing sheet ( 18 ). The substrate has characteristics that allow it to be obtained by being cut from a motherboard on which motherboard at least one film of the electrochemical system ( 12 ) is formed. The substrate is located between the counter-substrate ( 14 ) and the third glazing sheet ( 18 ) and is set back relative to the counter-substrate ( 14 ) and relative to the third glazing sheet ( 18 ) over the entire circumference of the substrate ( 10; 10 A, 10 B).

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Protecting sheet for glasses

Номер: US20130316138A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

Provided is a protective sheet for glasses, which has excellent workability, visibility and transparency. A protective sheet for glasses, characterized by having a distinctness of image of 70% or more and an internal haze of 3.0% or less as measured in accordance with JIS K7136.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Interlayer for laminated glass and laminated glass

Номер: US20130323515A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which enables production of laminated glass with high heat-shielding properties and a low |YI| value; and laminated glass including the interlayer film for laminated glass. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention includes a thermoplastic resin; tungsten oxide particles; and at least one component selected from a phthalocyanine compound, a naphthalocyanine compound, and an anthracocyanine compound; and a laminated glass of the present invention comprises: a first member for laminated glass; a second member for laminated glass; and a single-layer interlayer film or a multi-layer interlayer film between the first member for laminated glass and the second member for laminated glass, wherein the single-layer interlayer film or the multi-layer interlayer film includes the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Laminated glass intermediate film and laminated glass

Номер: US20130323516A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides an intermediate film for laminated glass which can improve the sound-insulating property. The intermediate film for laminated glass according to the present invention has a layered structure including at least two layers, comprising: a first layer containing a polyvinyl acetal resin and a plasticizer; and a second layer positioned on a first surface of the first layer. In a phase diagram of three values including a degree of acetalization, a degree of acetylation, and a hydroxy group content of the polyvinyl acetal resin contained in the first layer, the values of the degree of acetalization, the degree of acetylation, and the hydroxy group content each fall within a region surrounded by a line including four straight lines connecting a first coordinate (degree of acetalization:degree of acetylation:hydroxy group content=70 mol %:30 mol %:0 mol %), a second coordinate (degree of acetalization:degree of acetylation:hydroxy group content=34 mol %:30 mol %:36 mol %), a third coordinate (degree of acetalization:degree of acetylation:hydroxy group content=94 mol %:0 mol %:6 mol %), and a fourth coordinate (degree of acetalization:degree of acetylation:hydroxy group content=100 mol %:0 mol %:0 mol %) in the stated order.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323517A1

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which enables production of laminated glass having a high visible transmittance and excellent heat-shielding properties, and enables the laminated glass to retain the high visible transmittance for a long period of time; and provides laminated glass including the interlayer film. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention includes a first heat-shielding layer and at least one second heat-shielding layer. The first heat-shielding layer includes a thermoplastic resin and at least one component selected from a phthalocyanine compound, a naphthalocyanine compound, and an anthracocyanine compound. The second heat-shielding layer includes a thermoplastic resin and metal oxide particles. The laminated glass of the present invention includes a first member for laminated glass, a second member for laminated glass, and an interlayer film sandwiched between the first member for laminated glass and the second member for laminated glass. The interlayer film is the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass , comprisinga first heat-shielding layer containing a thermoplastic resin and at least one component selected from a phthalocyanine compound, a naphthalocyanine compound, and an anthracocyanine compound, andat least one second heat-shielding layer containing a thermoplastic resin and metal oxide particles.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the component selected from the phthalocyanine compound, the naphthalocyanine compound, and the anthracocyanine compound contains vanadium atom(s).3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the component selected from the phthalocyanine compound, the naphthalocyanine compound, and the anthracocyanine compound is at least one selected from phthalocyanine and phthalocyanine derivative.4. The interlayer or ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337247A1

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which has high heat-shielding properties and a high visible transmittance, and further has excellent light resistance, resulting in long-term retention of the high visible transmittance. 1. An interlayer film for laminated glass having a single-layer structure or a laminated structure of two or more layers , comprising:a first layer that contains a thermoplastic resin and tungsten oxide particles,wherein, in cases where the interlayer film is a single-layer interlayer film for laminated glass having a single-layer structure, the first layer further contains an ultraviolet shielding agent, andin cases where the interlayer film is a multi-layer interlayer film for laminated glass having a laminated structure of two or more layers, the interlayer film for laminated glass further comprises a second layer that contains an ultraviolet shielding agent and that is disposed on a first surface side of the first layer.2. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the interlayer film is a single-layer interlayer film for laminated glass including only the first layer, and the first layer contains a thermoplastic resin and tungsten oxide particles.3. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the interlayer film is a multi-layer interlayer film for laminated glass including at least the first layer and the second layer, the first layer contains a thermoplastic resin and tungsten oxide particles, and the second layer contains an ultraviolet shielding agent.4. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the second layer contains a thermoplastic resin and an ultraviolet shielding agent.5. The interlayer film for laminated glass according to claim 4 ,wherein the thermoplastic resin contained in the second layer is a polyvinyl acetal resin.6. The interlayer or laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the ratio of the thickness of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344317A1

The invention relates to a glazing comprising a glass substrate and a complex sheet made of a plastic comprising a plasticized polyvinyl butyral layer and a polyester film provided with a scratch-resistant and abrasion-resistant coating, an adhesive layer of thermoplastic polyurethane being inserted between the glass substrate and the polyvinyl butyral layer of the complex sheet of plastic, characterized in that the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer, measured by exerting on a 1 cm wide strip of the polyester film a tensile force perpendicular to the surface of the glazing with a pull rate of 5 cm/min, is at least equal to 3 daN/cm. 1. A glazing comprising:a glass substrate and a complex sheet comprising a plastic comprising a plasticized polyvinyl butyral layer and a polyester film with comprising a scratch-resistant and abrasion-resistant coating, an adhesive layer of thermoplastic polyurethane being inserted between the glass substrate and the polyvinyl butyral layer of the complex sheet of plastic, wherein the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer, measured by exerting on a 1 cm wide strip of the polyester film a tensile force perpendicular to the surface of the glazing with a pull rate of 5 cm/min, is at least equal to 3 daN/cm.2. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer is at least equal to 4 daN/cm.3. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer is at least equal to 5 daN/cm.4. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer is at most equal to 8 daN/cm.5. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the adhesion of the polyester film to the polyvinyl butyral layer is at most equal to 7 daN/cm.6. The glazing of claim 1 , wherein the glass substrate is a sheet of annealed or tempered glass.7. The glazing of claim 6 , wherein the glass is chemically tempered.8. ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000789A1
Автор: Yacovone Vincent J.
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

The present invention is in the field of multiple layer glass panels comprising a polymer sheet having desirable surface properties, and more specifically, the present invention is in the field of multiple layer glass panels comprising poly(vinyl butyral) having a finished surface of relatively low waviness and high roughness disposed in contact with poly(ethylene terephthalate) and/or other poly(vinyl butyral) type layers. 2. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said polymer sheet is not disposed in contact with any other layer.3. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 30.4. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 35.5. The polymer sheet of claim 1 , wherein said polymer sheet has a second surface with a waviness index of less than 20 claim 1 ,000 square micrometers claim 1 , an Rvalue of at least 20 micrometers claim 1 , and a permanence of between 10 and 95.6. A method of producing a multiple layer interlayer claim 1 , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'z', 'forming a first polymer sheet comprising poly(vinyl butyral) and a plasticizer, wherein said first polymer sheet has a first surface and a second surface and wherein said first surface has a waviness index of less than 20,000 square micrometers, an Rvalue of at least 20 micrometers, and a permanence of between 10 and 95;'}disposing a layer of polymer film in contact with said first surface of said first polymer sheet to form a stack; and,laminating said stack.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said waviness index is less than 15 claim 6 ,000 square micrometers.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein said waviness index is less than 12 claim 6 ,000 square micrometers.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein said polymer film comprises poly(ethylene terephthalate).10. The method of claim 6 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 30.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein said Rvalue is at least 35.12. The method of claim 6 , further comprising the step of claim 6 , prior to said ...
