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05-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2713489C2

Транспортное средство может содержать дисплей, управляющие устройства интерфейса «человек-машина» (HMI) и систему отображения информации. Система отображения информации может принимать ввод в управляющих устройствах HMI для перехода к следующему экрану в последовательности отмеченных закладками экранов пользовательского интерфейса, иным образом доступных посредством дисплея в группе допускающих навигацию категорий экранов пользовательского интерфейса, и обновлять дисплей для обеспечения следующего экрана в ответ на ввод. Блок указателей транспортного средства может быть выполнен с возможностью настройки включения экранов в последовательность отмеченных закладками экранов пользовательского интерфейса в ответ на ввод пользователя в режиме добавления/удаления; настройки упорядочивания экранов в последовательности отмеченных закладками экранов пользовательского интерфейса в ответ на ввод пользователя в режиме переупорядочивания; и циклического переключения между экранами в последовательности ...

17-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753496C1

Предложена система видеонаблюдения для боковой зоны на стороне пассажира грузового транспортного средства. Система видеонаблюдения содержит блоки обработки изображений (111, 112), линии (115) передачи данных между блоками (111, 112) обработки изображений. Блоки (111, 112) обработки изображений выполнены с возможностью независимо друг от друга обрабатывать визуальные данные, чтобы обеспечивать возможность дублирующей регистрации изображений для боковой зоны. Блоки обработки изображений (111, 112) сравнивают визуальные данные перекрываемых зон регистрации и обнаруживают ошибку системы видеонаблюдения, осуществляют трансформацию визуальных данных с блоков (121, 122, 123) камер для уменьшения искажений в горизонтальных зонах изображений, идентифицируют разметку проезжей части в визуальных данных с блоков (121, 122, 123) камер для поддержания следования полосе движения. Предложены также грузовое транспортное средство, способ обнаружения ошибки системы видеонаблюдения, считываемый компьютером ...

08-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754998C1

Изобретение относится к гибридным транспортным средствам. В способе управления двигателем гибридного транспортного средства приводят в действие двигатель с первой скоростью вращения, когда величина зарядки аккумулятора уменьшается до первой величины. Затем переключают двигатель на вторую скорость вращения, большую, чем первая скорость, когда двигатель приводится в действие с первой скоростью, и величина зарядки уменьшается до второй величины, меньшей, чем первая величина. Продолжают приводить в действие двигатель до тех пор, пока величина зарядки не станет равной или большей, чем величина окончания зарядки, большая, чем первая величина. Переключают двигатель на первую скорость вращения, когда двигатель вращается со второй скоростью и величина зарядки увеличивается до третьей величины, меньшей, чем величина окончания зарядки. Третья величина зарядки больше, чем первая величина. Ограничивается внезапное ощущение звука двигателя. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

30-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2735340C1

Изобретение относится к способу управления парковкой и устройству управления парковкой. Способ управления парковкой для осуществления парковки транспортного средства на основе рабочей команды содержит получение рабочей команды от оператора, находящегося вне транспортного средства, обнаружение препятствия, существующего вокруг транспортного средства. При обнаружении препятствия уведомление оператора о существовании препятствия и запрашивание первого ввода для подтверждения существования препятствия или второго ввода для отрицания существования препятствия и при получении первого ввода вычисление первого парковочного маршрута при условии, что препятствие существует, и осуществление парковки транспортного средства в соответствии с инструкцией управления для движения по первому парковочному маршруту. Устройство управления парковкой содержит устройство управления, выполненное с возможностью исполнения инструкции управления для осуществления парковки транспортного средства в соответствии с рабочей ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729330C1

Изобретение относится к способу помощи при парковке транспортного средства. Способ помощи при парковке для устройства помощи при парковке, которое осуществляет поиск пустого парковочного места, которое удовлетворяет заданному условию, вокруг подвижного объекта и отображает первое вспомогательное изображение в положении пустого парковочного места на окружающем изображении. Первое вспомогательное изображение является видом сверху области, включающей в себя подвижный объект, причем первое вспомогательное изображение указывает пустое парковочное место. Способ помощи при парковке включает в себя этапы, на которых определяют, поворачивает ли подвижный объект, и в случае, когда определено, что подвижный объект поворачивает, запрещают отображение первого вспомогательного изображения. Достигается повышение безопасности парковки транспортного средства. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Fahrassistenzsystem für Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE0060037222T2

14-05-2020 дата публикации

Bedieneinheit-Steuervorrichtung und Bedieneinheit-Steuerverfahren

Номер: DE112017007627T5

Wenn eine Bedienung unter Verwendung eines Drehknopfes (3b), die der gleichen Funktion entspricht, gleichzeitig ausgeführt wird, während eine Bedienung unter Verwendung eines Drehknopf (3a) durchgeführt wird, werden die Drehknöpfe (3a) und (3b) in Vibration versetzt.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016000449A1

Die vorliegende Anmeldung offenbart eine Fahrzeugdisplayvorrichtung, die umfasst: eine Bilddisplayvorrichtung mit einer Displayfläche, auf der Bilder angezeigt werden; und ein Ringelement, das ausgelegt ist, um einen ersten Bereich, welcher die Displayfläche überlappt, und einen zweiten Bereich, der von der Displayfläche übersteht, zu umgeben. Die Bilddisplayvorrichtung zeigt eine Anzeige an, die entlang des Ringelements in dem ersten Bereich eine physikalische Größe angibt.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug-Bedienvorrichtung und zugehöriges Herstellungsverfahren

Номер: DE102016001979B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Bedienvorrichtung (3) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (1), aufweisend einen Bildschirm (4) mit einer entspiegelten Anzeigeoberfläche (7) sowie eine die Anzeigeoberfläche (7) zumindest teilweise umgebende, von einem Benutzer zum Bedienen der Bedienvorrichtung (3) zu berührende Bedienoberfläche (5) mit zumindest einem berührungssensitiven Tastbereich (6), wobei die Anzeigeoberfläche (7) des Bildschirms (4) auf der Grundlage einer Glasscheibe (24) und die Bedienoberfläche (5) auf der Grundlage eines Polymers gebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an der Bedienoberfläche (5) zum Kennzeichnen des zumindest einen Tastbereichs (6) zumindest ein hinterleuchtbares graphisches Bediensymbol bereitgestellt ist, indem eine Schichtanordnung (12) mit einer Diffusorschicht (Sd) zum Streuen eines Lichts (15) einer Beleuchtungseinrichtung (16) und mit einer Maskenschicht (Sm) zum Abgrenzen des zumindest einen Bediensymbols bereitgestellt ist, wobei die Schichtanordnung (12) von einer die Bedienoberfläche (5) bildenden ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Einstellung der Sicherheitsgurthöhe

Номер: DE102016107333A1

Ein System für ein Fahrzeug umfasst eine Sicherheitsgurthöheneinstelleinrichtung und einen Sensor, der dazu ausgelegt ist, die Augenposition eines Fahrers des Fahrzeugs zu bestimmen. Ein Steuermodul steht mit dem Sensor und der Sicherheitsgurthöheneinstelleinrichtung in Verbindung. Das Steuermodul ist dazu programmiert, eine Position der Sicherheitsgurthöheneinstelleinrichtung zumindest auf Basis der Augenposition einzustellen.

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021104905A1

Es wird ein Automatikmoduswiederaufnahmesystem (100) für eine mobile Maschine (10) und ein Verfahren zum Wiederaufnehmen einer auf einer Baustelle (402) durch eine mobile Maschine (10) durchgeführten Aufgabe offenbart. Das Verfahren kann Folgendes umfassen: Speichern eines unterbrochenen Status der Aufgabe, der durch die mobile Maschine (10) durchgeführt wird, bei einer Unterbrechung der Aufgabe für die Baustelle (402); Anzeigen mehrerer Baustellen (402) auf einer Anzeige (22) der Maschine (10), wobei jede Baustelle (402) eine gespeicherte unterbrochene Stelle (411) und Wiederaufnahmestelle (410) umfasst; Empfangen einer Auswahl der Baustelle (402) von einer Benutzereingabe (108); Anzeigen der Unterbrechungsstelle (411) und der Wiederaufnahmestelle (410) für die ausgewählte Baustelle (402) auf der Anzeige (22); und Knüpfen einer Wiederaufnahme der Aufgabe in einem Automodus der Maschine (10) an eine Bedingung, die darauf basiert, ob die Maschine (10) zu der Unterbrechungsstelle (411) oder ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016003494T5

Ein Fahrer kann intuitiv und bequem eine Bedienung zum Anweisen eines Fahrspurwechsels an einem Fahrzeug durchführen. In einer Fahrunterstützungsvorrichtung (10) gibt eine Bildausgabeeinheit (14) ein Bild, welches ein eigenes Fahrzeugobjekt, welches ein eigenes Fahrzeug zeigt, und eine Vielzahl von Fahrspuren umfasst, an eine Anzeigeeinheit (31) aus. Eine Bedienungssignaleingabeeinheit (14) erhält eine Bedienung eines Benutzers zum Bewegen des eigenen Fahrzeugobjekts in dem auf der Anzeigeeinheit (31) angezeigten Bild von einer ersten Fahrspur zu einer zweiten Fahrspur. Eine Befehlsausgabeeinheit (14) gibt an eine automatische Fahrsteuereinheit 20, welche das automatische Fahren steuert, einen Befehl zum Anweisen eines Wechsels einer Fahrspur des eigenen Fahrzeugs von der ersten Fahrspur zu der zweiten Fahrspur aus., wenn die Bedienung erhalten worden ist.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019002087T5

Eine Wartungshilfsvorrichtung umfasst: eine Zusatzgerät-Gebrauchszeit-Erfassungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie eine Zeit erfasst, während der ein Zusatzgerät, das an einer Arbeitsmaschine angebracht ist und sich von einer Schaufel unterscheidet, verwendet wird; und eine Wartungsschätzzeit-Berechnungseinheit, die so konfiguriert ist, dass sie eine Wartungsschätzzeit eines Verbrauchsmaterials, das mit der Arbeitsmaschine ausgerüstet ist, auf Grundlage der Zeit, während der das Zusatzgerät verwendet wird, berechnet.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Ladeanzeigevorrichtung für Elektrofahrzeuge

Номер: DE102009060313B4

Eine Ladeanzeigevorrichtung für ein Elektrofahrzeug, das durch Betreiben eines Motors unter Verwendung einer Batterie als Leistungsquelle angetrieben wird, weist eine Meßgeräteanordnung und Ladezustandsanzeigeeinrichtung auf. Die Meßgeräteanordnung ist zum Anzeigen einer Geschwindigkeit des Elektrofahrzeugs imstande. Die Ladezustandsanzeigeeinrichtung ist an der Meßgeräteanordnung vorgesehen. Die Ladezustandsanzeigeeinrichtung ist konfiguriert, einen Ladezustand der Batterie anzuzeigen und einen Helligkeitspegel davon aus mehreren Helligkeitspegeln einzustellen. Die Ladezustandsanzeigeeinrichtung ist konfiguriert, den Ladezustand der Batterie bei einem niedrigsten Helligkeitspegel der Helligkeitspegel anzuzeigen, wenn die Batterie beginnt, geladen zu werden.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Verkleidungsteil für einen Fahrzeuginnenraum

Номер: DE102016218916A1

Die Anmeldung bezieht sich auf ein Verkleidungsteil für einen Fahrzeuginnenraum. Das vorgeschlagene Verkleidungsteil für einen Fahrzeuginnenraum (20) umfasst eine Deckschicht (8) und eine Maskenschicht (9), wobei die Deckschicht (8) eine Vorderseite (15) und eine Rückseite hat, und die Maskenschicht an der Rückseite der Deckschicht angeordnet ist. Die Deckschicht (8) umfasst eine semitransparente Schicht (6). Die Deckschicht (8) hat in einer Richtung senkrecht zur Vorderseite (15) einen Lichttransmissionsgrad von höchstens 90 Prozent hat, wobei die Maskenschicht (9) einen transparenten Displaybereich (3) und einen opaken Bereich (4) umfasst, wobei der opake Bereich (4) an den Displaybereich (3) angrenzend angeordnet ist.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Anwenderschnittstelle, Türbedienmodul, Dachbedienmodul und Fortbewegungsmittel zur Anzeige anwenderzugewandter Bedienelementbeschriftungen

Номер: DE102017213654A1

Es wird eine Anwenderschnittstelle (10) vorgeschlagen, die ein Bedienelement (20), eine Anzeigeeinheit (30) auf Basis einer Aerial-Imaging-Technologie und einen Betätigungssensor (40) umfasst, mit dem Ziel anwenderzugewandte Bedienelementbeschriftungen in Form von im Raum schwebenden Bildern (35) bereitzustellen. Des Weiteren werden ein Türbedienmodul (80), ein Dachbedienmodul (70) und ein Fortbewegungsmittel (90) vorgeschlagen, die ein oder mehrere der erfindungsgemäßen Anwenderschnittstellen (10) umfassen können.

29-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017221212A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Dachkonsole (1, 51) für ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einem Gehäuse (6, 56) mit einem Anzeigebildschirm (7, 57, 67, 101) und mit zumindest einem kapazitiven Sensorfeld (8, 58, 104), wobei das Sensorfeld (8, 58, 104) eine Berührung und/oder eine definierte Annäherung erkennt und als Betätigung und/oder als Auswahl bewertet, um eine auf dem Anzeigebildschirm (7, 57, 67, 101) dargestellte Funktionalität als ausgewählt und/oder ausgewählt zu veranlassen.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung für Betriebsdaten und Informationen für einen Fahrer

Номер: DE102017009941B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anzeigevorrichtung (1) für Betriebsdaten und Informationen für einen Fahrer eines Kraftfahrzeuges mit einem Display (2), dessen Position bei Nichtgebrauch verstau- oder versteckbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Display (2) in wenigstens einer der beiden vorderen Türen (3) angeordnet und bei Nichtgebrauch wenigstens teilweise in das Innere der Türe (3) einschiebbar ausgebildet ist.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102010063969A1

Es wird eine Anzeigeeinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug beschrieben mit einem an der Vorderseite offenen Anzeigeeinrichtungsgehäuse, in dem ein Display angeordnet ist und mit einer Verbundsicherheitsglasplatte, die dem Display an der Vorderseite vorgelagert ist, und die durch das Anzeigeeinrichtungsgehäuse und/oder das Display getragen wird.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Head-Up-Anzeigevorrichtung und Anzeigeeinheit

Номер: DE102014213057A1

Ein Paar von ersten Führungslichtern (111a, 111b) wird nebeneinander in Nachbarschaft zu einem HUD-Anzeigebereich (107) mit von ersten Lichtquellen (28a, 28b) emittiertem Licht angezeigt, und ein Paar von zweiten Führungslichtern (111c, 111d) wird außerhalb der entsprechenden ersten Führungslichter (111a, 111b) mit von zweiten Lichtquellen (28c, 28d) emittiertem Licht angezeigt. Die Anzahl, der Leuchtzyklus und die Leuchtreihenfolge der ersten Lichtquellen (28a, 28b) und der zweiten Lichtquellen (28c, 28d) werden in Übereinstimmung mit einem Differenzwert zwischen der aktuellen Geschwindigkeit (Vc) und einer für die Straße, auf der das Fahrzeug fährt, gesetzten Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (Vref) geändert.

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Haltevorrichtung zum Halten eines mobilen Endgeräts in einem Kraftfahrzeug sowie Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102019200882A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Haltevorrichtung (12) zum Halten eines mobilen Endgeräts (27) in einem Kraftfahrzeug (10), wobei zwischen einer Trägereinheit (13) und einer Abdeckscheibe (14) der Haltevorrichtung ein Einsteckbereich (25) ausgebildet ist, der dazu eingerichtet ist, das Endgerät (27) in einer Halteposition (25') zu halten. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass die Abdeckscheibe (14) eine transparente oder in einen transparenten Zustand schaltbare Anzeigeeinrichtung (19) aufweist, durch welche hindurch im transparenten Zustand der Anzeigeeinrichtung (19) und bei in die Halteposition (25') eingestecktem Endgerät (27) eine Anzeigefläche (28) des Endgeräts (27) sichtbar ist, wobei eine Steuereinrichtung (20) der Haltevorrichtung (12) dazu eingerichtet ist, einen Anzeigeinhalt (31, 33) auf der Anzeigeeinrichtung (19) vor der Anzeigefläche (28) des Endgeräts (27) und/oder neben der Anzeigefläche (28) anzuzeigen.

03-03-2011 дата публикации

Storage device for motor vehicle, particularly for fixing within upper range of motor vehicle cockpit, has windshield, reservoir and shelf with movable cover element

Номер: DE102009039143A1

The storage device (2) has a windshield, a reservoir (5) and a shelf (4) with a movable cover element (6). The cover element is partly coupled with the shelf by a sliding device for opening and closing the reservoir. A sliding mechanism is provided with a locking unit for locking an adjustable cover element in multiple positions. An independent claim is also included for a motor vehicle, which has a side cover.

08-09-2021 дата публикации

Responsive human machine interface

Номер: GB2545005B
Принадлежит: BENTLEY MOTORS LTD, Bentley Motors Limited

16-03-2016 дата публикации

Pointer for illuminating bar graph guages

Номер: GB0201601695D0

09-12-2015 дата публикации

System and method for driving scenario configuration

Номер: GB0002526911A

A system determines a configuration of at least one sub-system 10, 20, 30, 40 in a vehicle. The system 100 comprises processing means 110, a user interface 120 and data storage 130. The system 100 communicates with sub-systems 10, 20, 30, 40 of the vehicle. The sub-systems 10, 20, 30, 40 may include a gearbox, a suspension system, a throttle system, an engine management system, a traction control system and a brake control system, such as an anti-lock brake control system. A user interface means 120 receives from a user an indication of a plurality of attributes indicative of off-road driving characteristics of a driving scenario and a processing means determines a configuration of the vehicle sub-system(s) 10, 20, 30, 40 based on the attributes of the driving scenario. Attributes relate to for example, surface type such as grass, snow or sand, surface conditions and surface topology. The interface 120 has respective controls (see fig 3) corresponding to attributes. A corresponding method ...

30-08-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle notification system including transparent and mirrored displays

Номер: GB0002547765A

A vehicle notification system including a transparent display, which may be a head up display 210 on a windscreen 110, a display 220, 230, 240 in a mirror such as a rear view mirror 120 or side view mirrors 130,140, an eye tracker 250 and a controller 205. The controller uses the eye tracker to determine which display the driver is gazing at and displays a notification in that display. If a notification source, such as a pothole (400, fig3C), is viewable in the display then it is shown in the display and if the driver looks at another display then that display is used to show the notification. The notification may take the form of a warning and may suggest a course of action to respond to the warning which may be based in part on feedback from sensors such as RADAR, LIDAR, IR, camera or other vehicle data.

27-02-2019 дата публикации

Display For A Vehicle

Номер: GB0002565896A

A display 14 includes a cover having a light-sensitive coating 18 on an outwardly-facing side thereof; and a bezel 20 having a lamp 22. When actuated, light from the lamp 22 activates the coating 18. The light may be of an ultraviolet frequency to sanitize a screen surface 24 by means of a chemical reaction. The coating 18 may comprise titanium dioxide. The display 14 may be carried by an instrument panel 26 or may be elsewhere such as a center console (28 fig 2). The invention is useful for killing bacteria and viruses which may be on a touch screen for example, whilst minimizing exposure of occupants of a vehicle to UV light. Determining of an occupancy state and a low ambient light level may be used for selectively actuating a plurality of light sources.

19-05-2021 дата публикации

Electronic HGV trailer height indicator

Номер: GB2580362B
Принадлежит: EMMA LOUISE BOWMAN, Emma Louise Bowman

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle camera system

Номер: GB0002528098A

A camera system for a vehicle comprises: a camera 12 for capturing image data from a field of view FOV_c surrounding the vehicle 1; a display 16 to display the image data; and a processor 16 which determines the presence of an obstruction 30 in the field of view and which controls the display in dependence on the detection of an obstruction in the field of view. The display may not display an image when the vehicle is travelling above a predetermined speed, and/or when it is in a certain mode, and/or when the vehicle is located at a predetermined location. The camera may be located at the front and/or rear of the vehicle and the field of view encompasses a view perpendicular to the direction of travel. The camera system is particularly intended for assisting a driver to drive forwards or rearwards when their view is blocked to the side, for example when exiting a side street or parking space. However, the display is not activated when no obstruction is detected.

22-07-2020 дата публикации

A control system, system and method for providing assistance to an occupant of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002580400A

A control system, system and method are provided for assisting a vehicle occupant. The method comprises determining a composite image sequence comprising a sequence of image frames 32, 34, each comprising a captured image of an environment external to the vehicle and a trajectory indicator 39a-e indicative of the determined vehicle trajectory through that environment. The trajectory indicator 39a-e is positioned within the composite image sequence in dependence on movement by the vehicle 50 between the time at which images associated with the corresponding image frames 32, 34 are captured such that the trajectory indicator 39a-e appears substantially stationary in a direction of travel (D) of the vehicle 50 with respect to one or more image objects 36, 38 within the composite image sequence. The trajectory indicator may be positioned or oriented in accordance with sensed topography. The invention avoids an unnatural sense of trajectory lines not moving with an environment.

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Display control apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002566611B

27-01-2010 дата публикации

Charge indicator for electric vehicles

Номер: GB0000921768D0

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle display based on vehicle speed

Номер: GB0002558379A

A vehicle display is adaptable based on vehicle speed or velocity. An example vehicle includes a speed sensor to measure a vehicle speed, a display controller to compare the vehicle speed to a threshold, and a display 102. The display presents, in response to the vehicle speed being less than the threshold, a first button 202 at a button location 204. If the vehicle speed is greater than or equal to the threshold, a second button (Fig.2B, 206) at the button location is displayed. The buttons may be associated with different vehicle features, e.g. a start-stop engine system and a lane assist system. The display may be a touch screen. If the first button is pressed for a duration shorter than a threshold, the display may load an interface feature associated with the first button. If the duration is longer than the threshold, the second button may be displayed at the button location.

09-01-2019 дата публикации

Rear camera with defroster and embedded proximity switch

Номер: GB0002564238A

A vehicle including a rear view camera (110; fig. 1) with an indium tin oxide (ITO) coating (306; fig. 3) applied to the lens (304; fig. 3). A control system is configured to detect a water-based obstruction on the lens 518 (e.g. ice, frost, snow, water, rain, condensation etc.) and run a current through the ITO coating to heat it and hence remove the obstruction 520, 524. It is also configured to detect a lens touch event 508 and unlock the latch of a vehicle trunk 510 in response. The coating may be on the inside surface of the lens. The system may determine whether water is covering the lens or a users hand touching the lens to unlock the boot by determining whether the capacitance signal measured by the ITO coating is above a threshold level for a period of time. The system may determine whether the obstruction is condensation or ice and hence heat the coating for different periods of time 522, 526. The heater may be run when the engine of the vehicle is off. When the system is in a ...

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: ATA150599A

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Motorrad mit bedienbarem Multifunktionsgerät

Номер: AT523308A1

Motorrad mit einer Displayeinheit (3) zur Darstellung von Informationen zum Fahrzustand und zu Betriebsparametern des Motorrads (10), einer Bedieneinheit (1) von der Steuerbefehle zur Steuerung der Displayeinheit (3) generierbar sind, einem in einer Halterung (12) lösbar befestigbaren Multifunktionsgerät (2) mit einem Bildschirm (14), wobei eine Applikation auf dem Multifunktionsgerät (2) installierbar ist, mit der weitere, auf dem Multifunktionsgerät (2) installierte Applikationen (7) öffenbar sind, wobei die Auswahl an von der Applikation öffenbaren weiteren Applikationen (7) in Form von Piktogrammen auf dem Bildschirm (14) darstellbar ist, einer Steuereinheit mit der Steuerbefehle zur Steuerung der Applikation und den von der Applikation öffenbaren weiteren Applikationen (7) an das Multifunktionsgerät (2) übermittelbar sind, wobei die Steuerbefehle zur Steuerung der Applikation und den von der Applikation öffenbaren weiteren Applikationen (7) von der Bedieneinheit (1) generierbar sind ...

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507999T

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342822T

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Image display system for work machine

Номер: AU2017318897A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Provided is a work machine graphics display system to be applied to a work machine equipped with work equipment having a work tool, and a rotating body on which the work equipment is mounted, said work machine graphics display system comprising: a position detection unit that detects the attitude and/or the position of the work equipment; a distance detection device that obtains information on the distance from the work machine to a work object; and a processing device that, using the information on the position of the work tool obtained by the position detection unit and the information on the position of the work object obtained from the distance information determined by the distance detection device, creates a first image extending in a direction in which the rotating body rotates and including a portion corresponding to a part of the work tool on the work object located opposite of the work tool, and that displays the created image.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Outdoor Power Equipment Vehicle Adapted for Performing Work Operations on Turf Surfaces

Номер: AU2021202363A1

A vehicle combining the attributes of a tractor and a utility vehicle includes a three point linkage and other locations to which a plurality of attachments for performing grooming or working operations on a ground or turf surface may be couple. The vehicle includes a front mounted engine, a mid-mounted operator compartment and a rear mounted bed or box. A PTO shaft and/or a hydraulic power system of the vehicle power attachments that require power. A control system and a visual display and data entry device linked thereto are provided for allowing an authorized person to setup, store and thereafter use an operational profile for each attachment that is to be coupled to the vehicle. In a rate dependent attachment, the control system maintains the ground speed and the attachment implement in a fixed ratio. A down/up control is used to signal the start and end of an operational sequence to the control system. ONE 40" ;9kprA% NVW 1W k. N kN ~ ~ V: 54itfl' 4 R#KW ~ J~: 34? '\NN~. \ t~k~s-kN ...

11-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002774051A1

A method for operating a vehicle display includes receiving from a user interface a request to modify a display screen of the vehicle display. In response to the received request to modify, the method can further include displaying a query on the display screen prompting an operator to choose a portion of the display screen that is to be modified. The method can further include receiving an input selection corresponding to a chosen portion of the display screen to be modified The input selection can be received from the user interface into a control unit in communication with the vehicle display, which is in communication with the control unit. In response to the received input selection, the method can further include displaying an image on the chosen portion of the display screen in accordance with the received request to modify the display screen. A vehicle display system is also disclosed.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083732A1
Принадлежит: QUINN, THOMAS F., JR.

A vision system (200) for assisting an operator of a machine (100) is provided. An image capturing device (120), mounted on the machine (100), is configured to capture an image (302) of an environment of the machine (100). The vision system (200) includes a controller (202) configured to apply an object detection process to detect an object (122) in the image (302). The controller (202) determines a bounding box (402) comprising one or more pixels associated with the object (122). The controller (202) determines a height and a range associated with the object (122) based on the bounding box (402). The controller (202) extracts the one or more pixels within the bounding box (402). The controller (202) is further configured to generate a three-dimensional (3D) view (500, 600) comprising the object (122) based on the image captured by the image capturing device (120). The controller (202) reinserts the one or more pixels as a vertical pop-up element with respect to a ground plane in the 3D ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003072034A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

A parking control method for executing a control command to move a vehicle V along a parking route RT, wherein: a second position having relatively high remote operability is selected from among one or more first positions at which an operator M of the vehicle V can exit the vehicle; the vehicle V is stopped at the second position; and on the basis of an operation instruction acquired from the operator M who has exited the vehicle V, the vehicle is parked according to the control command.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003069108A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

In this parking assistance method for a parking assistance device, an image of the surroundings in which the surroundings of a vehicle (V1) are viewed from above is generated, free parking spaces are detected, and assistance images indicating that the free parking spaces are available parking spaces are displayed on the image of the surroundings. Furthermore, in the parking assistance method, it is determined whether the vehicle (V1) is present in a free parking space. If it is determined that the vehicle (V1) is present in a free parking space, the assistance image is prohibited from being displayed in the free parking space in which the moving body is present, in the image of the surroundings.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002980993A1

This periphery monitoring device for a work machine is provided with: cameras that acquire the surrounding state of a work machine; a periphery monitoring monitor that displays the information acquired by the camera; a stroke sensor that detects the retraction state of a retractable ladder 9 provided to the work machine; and a display control unit that changes the content displayed by the periphery monitoring monitor in accordance with the retraction state of the retractable ladder 9 detected by the stroke sensor. As a result, an operator can perform periphery monitoring that corresponds to the retraction state of the retractable ladder 9.

30-09-2020 дата публикации

Oxygen generating flying board.

Номер: CH0000713842B1
Принадлежит: KHOLOUD BASHAYAN, Kholoud Bashayan

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Flugbrett, aufweisend eine Basis aus Glasfaser, 20 Gebläse mit 20 Motoren, die mit einem Stromversorgungssystem verbunden sind, mit Bauteilen, die aufweisen: Kondensatoren, Batterien, Photovoltaik-Solarzellen, einen Sauerstoffgenerator, einen Regler, elektronische Sensoren und elektronische Chips. Das Flugbrett hat einen kreisförmigen Frontteil, der eine Anzeige aufweist, die Betriebsstände der Bauteile bereitstellt, und die Basis hat einen Hohlraum für die Beine des Passagiers und ein Gummiband zum Sichern des Passagiers. Manuelle Steuergeräte sind vorgesehen, sowie ein Griff für die Steuergeräte. Die Steuergeräte sind drahtlos mit den Sensoren und elektronischen Chips verbunden.

17-03-2020 дата публикации

Front collision avoidance display

Номер: CN0110884456A

01-05-2020 дата публикации

Cold forming of complex curved glass articles

Номер: CN0111094050A

21-02-2020 дата публикации

Display device and method for fabricating same

Номер: CN0110828509A

18-09-2018 дата публикации

A display control method and a display control device, the display system

Номер: CN0104977739B

28-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003046962A1

Installation d'écran (108) ayant : - une unité d'affichage (200) ayant une surface d'affichage (114) ayant une zone d'application d'une force (116) pour recevoir, la force exercée par une partie du corps d'un occupant et, - une unité de fixation (202) de l'installation d'écran (108) à un segment de tableau de bord (110), ayant un élément de rotation (216) à partir de sa première position dans sa seconde position et un élément de fixation (212) au segment (110). Une première distance (224) de l'élément de rotation (216) par rapport à la zone d'application de la force (116) est supérieure à une seconde distance (226) entre l'élément de rotation (216) et l'élément de fixation (212).

07-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003046379A1

L'invention concerne un vitrage feuilleté de véhicule avec au sein du feuilleté un écran AMOLED et un élément de connexion électrique 4 de l'écran AMOLED connecté à un boitier d'interface sur la face F4 et renfermant un ou des composants électroniques notamment de commande de l'écran AMOLED, le boitier d'interface étant en outre connecté avec un système filaire d'alimentation électrique.

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Sound-based brake wear detection for a vehicle braking system

Номер: KR1020200055724A

06-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling display of vehicle, system having the same and method thereof

Номер: KR1020200023710A

01-08-2020 дата публикации

Cold-formed glass article with thermally matched system and process for forming the same

Номер: TW0202027975A

A glass article is provided with a cover glass sheet having first and second major surfaces. The second major surface has a first region with a first curve of a first radius of curvature, and a second region that is different than the first region. A frame's support surface has a third region of a first frame material and a fourth region of a different, second frame material. The second major surface faces the support, and the third region includes a second curve that complements the first curve while the fourth region complements the second region. A first adhesive is between the third region and the first region. A second adhesive is disposed between the fourth region and the second region. The first adhesive has a first Young's modulus, and the second adhesive comprising a second Young's modulus that is different than the first Young's modulus.

06-07-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle rear monitoring system

Номер: US0011052823B2

A vehicle rear monitoring system includes a camera that captures an image of an area to a rear of a vehicle, and a processing unit that processes the image captured by the camera. The processing unit creates a first vehicle rear image that is displayed in a first display area that is a portion of a display area of a display device, when traveling forward, and creates a second vehicle rear image that is displayed in a second display area that is within the display area of the display device and that is an area that includes the first display area and is larger than the first display area, when traveling backward.

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200393571A1

A vehicle includes receiving signals from a plurality of satellites; obtaining position information based on the received signal; detecting a driving speed and yaw rate; obtaining dead reckoning information based on position information about a position of a vehicle recognized in a previous cycle and the received detection information; predicting the position information based on the obtained dead reckoning information; obtaining a value of Euclidean distance based on the position information about the position of the vehicle recognized in the previous cycle and the obtained position information; generating a first outlier filter based on the value of the Euclidean distance; obtaining a value of Mahalanobis distance based on the obtained position information and the predicted position information; generating a second outlier filter based on the value of the Mahalanobis distance; recognizing a current position of the vehicle by fusing information passing through the first outlier filter ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170153670A1

A display system may include a first display apparatus and a second display apparatus. The first display apparatus may include a first image-display surface. The second display apparatus may include a second image-display surface. At least one of the first image-display surface and the second image-display surface may perform at least one of extending and bending in response to at least one of a first condition and a second condition. The first condition may be related to that the second image-display surface moves relative to the first image-display surface. The second condition may be related to that a distance between the first image-display surface and the second image-display surface becomes equal to a predetermined length.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Reverse Driving Assistance System

Номер: US20210024129A1

A reverse driving assistance system assists a driver in steering a towing vehicle having a trailer. The system has an operating element for specifying a target articulation angle, a sensor device for detecting the current articulation angle of the vehicle-trailer combination, a display unit at least for displaying the specified target articulation angle, and an electronic control unit connected to the aforementioned components. The control unit also has an evaluation unit for recognizing an implausible specification of the target articulation angle and a protection unit for restricting the reverse driving assistance functionality if an implausible target specification is recognized. An implausible specification of the target articulation angle can be recognized at least by detecting the frequency of the change in direction of the operating element within a predetermined time and by comparing the detected value with a defined threshold value. The reverse driving assistance functionality is restricted if an implausible target specification is detected as a result of this threshold value being exceeded. 16-. (canceled)7. A reverse driving assistance system for assisting a driver in steering a vehicle combination of a towing vehicle having a trailer , comprising:an operator control element for specifying a target articulation angle;a sensor for sensing a current articulation angle of the vehicle combination;a display unit for displaying the specified target articulation angle; and (a) an evaluation unit for detecting an implausible specification of the target articulation angle, and', '(b) a protection unit for restricting functionality of the reverse driving assistance system when an implausible specification of the target articulation angle is detected., 'an electronic control unit which is operatively coupled to the operator control element, the sensor, and the display, wherein the control unit comprises8. The system according to claim 7 , whereinthe control unit is ...

29-06-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle interior display system

Номер: US0011046183B2

A vehicle interior display system includes: a display device that projects projection light of projection information, and displays the projection information in at least one display region arranged at a position that is visible from the inside of a vehicle compartment; and a control device that controls the display device, and causes the display device to project the projection light. A dimming film that varies light transmittance depending on a voltage value of applied voltage is arranged in the display region or a projection region of a transmitting member for the projection light that is present ahead of a line of sight of an occupant who directs toward the display region in the vehicle compartment.

15-06-2021 дата публикации

Integrated display and ventilation assembly

Номер: US0011034214B2

An integrated display and ventilation assembly includes a display screen and a first air register. The first air register is displaceable between a first stowed position concealed behind the display screen and a first deployed position projecting from behind the display screen. A related method of ventilating a passenger compartment of a motor vehicle is also disclosed.

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120319828A1

A display and operating system of a motor vehicle includes an instrument cluster that is formed by a plurality of display devices and has an outer left-hand display device and an outer right hand display device. A steering wheel of the system includes an outer left-hand operating device configured exclusively for driver interaction with the outer left-hand display device of the instrument cluster and an outer right-hand operating device configured exclusively for driver interaction with the outer right-hand display device of the instrument cluster. Further devices, including at least one of a display device or an operating device, are disposed laterally adjacent to the instrument cluster.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019332214A1

Embodiments of a vehicle interior system are disclosed. In one or more embodiments, the system includes a base with a curved surface, and a display or touch panel disposed on the curved surface. The display includes a cold-bent glass substrate with a thickness of 1.5 mm or less and a first radius of curvature of 20 mm or greater, and a display module and/or touch panel attached to the glass substrate having a second radius of curvature that is within 10% of the first radius of curvature. Methods for forming such systems are also disclosed.

12-10-2021 дата публикации

Vehicle software deployment system

Номер: US0011144303B2

There is disclosed herein examples of systems and procedures for performing software updates for vehicles. The vehicles may be scheduled for the software updates based on information related to the vehicles. Update systems may determine when the vehicles have entered service ranges of the update systems for the scheduled software updates and may initiate the software updates in response to determining that the vehicles have entered the service ranges. Progress of the software updates may be monitored and displayed on a dashboard system overseeing the software updates of the vehicles.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334034A1

A display device, for a hybrid vehicle for displaying an output relating to traveling of the hybrid vehicle, includes a first region and a second region. The first region indicates the output in a first mode in which an internal combustion engine is stopped and the vehicle travels using an electric motor. The second region indicates the output in a second mode in which the internal combustion engine is operated to travel. The first region and the second region are independently disposed in a predetermined range. Numerals for scale are marked in either one of the first region and the second region.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200126516A1

A display device includes: a display unit configured to display a degradation level of a secondary battery; and a controller configured to calculate the degradation level from measurement data of the secondary battery in every predetermined period and to control the display unit so as to display the degradation level. The controller is configured to, when a first degradation level indicating a newly calculated degradation level is lower than a second degradation level indicating a previously calculated degradation level, correct the first degradation level to a value equal to or higher than the second degradation level and to control the display unit so as to display the corrected degradation level.

26-01-2021 дата публикации

Operating system with three-dimensional display for a vehicle

Номер: US0010899229B2
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

An operating system includes a display device having at least two planar display regions, which are arranged one behind the other in a viewing direction of an operator and extend transversely to the viewing direction. The operating system can be used to control a plurality of apparatuses of a vehicle.

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368379A1

A display unit for a vehicle includes a screen module and a cover. A bracket supports the screen module and the cover. The bracket extends between the screen module and the cover and includes an attachment portion configured to engage the vehicle. The bracket also includes a heat sink adjacent the screen module for dissipating heat from the screen module during operation.

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Presentation control device and presentation control method

Номер: US0010647331B2

A presentation control device controlling an information presentation device in a vehicle equipped with a vehicle control device for controlling an acceleration-deceleration function or a steering function, includes: a plan acquisition section that acquires a travel plan indicating a control content of the vehicle; a behavior change determination section that determines whether a control target value relating to a magnitude of a behavior change included in the travel plan is larger than an advance threshold; and a presentation execution section that presents the control content to the occupant using the information presentation device in accordance with the behavior change occurring in the vehicle when the control target value is smaller than the advance threshold, and presents the control content temporarily in advance of an actual behavior change when the control target value is larger than the advance threshold.

21-02-2017 дата публикации

Audio/video processing apparatus for a car

Номер: US0009573468B2

The disclosure is related to an audio/video processing apparatus for a car such as a car audio system, which allows various applications installed at a mobile communication device of a user (for example, a smart phone, a tablet PC or the like) to be implemented using car equipment, by executing or implementing various applications installed at a mobile communication device through a car audio/video control module or an application for a car (App-C) installed at the car.

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle display device for changing the position of displayed traffic indicators based on the road having left or right side traffic

Номер: US10235976B2

A display device for a vehicle, which is installed to a targeted vehicle, selectively makes one of a left side display part, which is at least one of the plurality of display parts and is a position on a more left side than the center of the display means in a lateral direction, and a right side display part, which is at least one of the plurality of display parts and is a position on a more right side than the center, show a passing section-related sign image, indicating whether the vehicles in a country have to keep to the left or keep to the right. The passing-section related sign image corresponds to a road sign representing traffic information related to whether the vehicles have to keep to the left or have to keep to the right, when the identified road sign is the passing section-related sign.

11-08-2020 дата публикации

Image stabilization method and electronic device using the image stabilization method

Номер: US0010740871B2

An image stabilization method adapted to an electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes at least a display and at least a connection interface. The connection interface is connected to the detector. The detector is configured to detect environmental information. The image stabilization method comprises receiving a detecting signal from the detector; and performing an image stabilization procedure corresponding to a visual dislocation event according to the detecting signal. The visual dislocation event refers to a change of the relative position between the viewer and the display from a first position to a second position. An electronic device using the image stabilization method is also provided.

16-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230081919A1
Принадлежит: GM Cruise Holdings LLC

There is disclosed herein examples of systems and procedures for performing software updates for vehicles. The vehicles may be scheduled for the software updates based on information related to the vehicles. Update systems may determine when the vehicles have entered service ranges of the update systems for the scheduled software updates and may initiate the software updates in response to determining that the vehicles have entered the service ranges. Progress of the software updates may be monitored and displayed on a dashboard system overseeing the software updates of the vehicles.

30-03-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230094045A1
Принадлежит: GM Cruise Holdings LLC

An AV receives a delivery request made by a user. The AV navigates to the user's location. The AV's onboard controller determines that the AV has arrived at the location. The onboard controller then commands the AV's motor to pause motion. The onboard controller provides the user an access to a delivery assembly in the AV. The onboard controller or the delivery assembly detects, by using sensors in the delivery assembly, whether an item has been removed from or placed into the container. Subsequent to detecting that the item has been removed from or placed into the container, the onboard controller commands the AV's motor to resume motion. The onboard controller or delivery assembly may also control a movable element in the container to allow the user to load or unload the item from a safe spot or control a divider in the container to protect the user's privacy.

11-04-2023 дата публикации

Information providing device

Номер: US0011623520B2
Автор: Lei Tian, Yuichi Oneda
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co., Ltd., HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An information providing device is equipped with one or more displays that display notification information, a camera that acquires information of a vehicle occupant, a vehicle occupant detection unit that detects a field of view of the vehicle occupant, a display determination unit that determines whether or not there is a display that lies within the field of view, a display decision unit that makes a decision, on the basis of the determination of the display determination unit, regarding a notification display to allow the notification information to be displayed, and a notification control unit that controls the one or more displays.

13-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230114316A1

A vehicle includes a vehicle body having a cabin, a first seat and a second seat arranged in the cabin, a planar transparent member placed on a side surface of the cabin, and that separates an interior of the cabin and a vehicle exterior from each other, and a display device placed on the side surface of the cabin and arranged along the planar transparent member, the display device having a plurality of pixels. At least a part of the display device is placed on the side surface and between the first seat and the second seat.

12-07-2022 дата публикации

Non-contact operating apparatus for vehicle and vehicle

Номер: US0011385715B2

A non-contact operating apparatus, for a vehicle, includes a generating unit, a projecting device, a detecting device, a stimulation output device, a determining unit, and a stimulation response output unit. The generating unit is configured to generate and update image containing an image object. The projecting device is configured to project the image in a predetermined display region. The detecting device is configured to detect an operation site of an occupant positioned in a vicinity of the predetermined display region. The stimulation output device is configured to output and update a tactile stimulation to the operation site. The determining unit is configured to determine whether the operation site performs a non-contact operation against the image object. The stimulation response output unit is configured to cause the stimulation output device to output the tactile stimulation to the operation site on the basis of a determination result.

09-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3613623B1

09-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3948761A1

11-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757092C1

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству помощи водителю. Устройство помощи водителю содержит один или несколько процессоров. Процессоры сконфигурированы для определения того, выполняется ли условие определения ошибочного нажатия педали и вывода в ситуации, когда один или несколько процессоров определяют, что условие определения ошибочного нажатия педали выполнено, по меньшей мере, предупредительного графического указания или предупредительного звукового сигнала, непосредственно указывающего водителю на необходимость отпустить педаль, нажатую в момент вывода. Достигается повышение безопасности управления транспортным средством. 2 н. и 8.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2742313C1

Изобретение относится к отображению рабочего состояния транспортного средства. Способ отображения рабочего состояния в электрическом транспортном средстве содержит этап установки эко-уровня, на котором устанавливают эко-уровень на основании скорости транспортного средства и выходной мощности двигателя передвижения. Эко-уровень сконфигурирован, чтобы ступенчато указывать эффективность потребления энергии в рабочем состоянии электрического транспортного средства. Отображают в кабине транспортного средства показатель эко-уровня, сконфигурированный, чтобы увеличиваться или сокращаться в соответствии с эко-уровнем. Улучшается информативность. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142786A

... 1. Система для ослабления или предотвращения укачивания пассажира транспортного средства, которая включает в себя компьютер транспортного средства с процессором и запоминающим устройством, в которой компьютер выполнен с возможностью:собирать данные, относящиеся к движению транспортного средства;определять на основании собранных данных, превышено ли пороговое значение, связанное с укачиванием;выдавать настройку для компонента транспортного средства на основании, по крайней мере отчасти, собранных данных.2. Система по п. 1, в которой компонент представляет собой видеодисплей, или зеркало, или сиденье, или освещение, или систему климат-контроля.3. Система по п. 1, в которой компьютер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью проверять превышение нескольких пороговых значений, связанных с укачиванием.4. Система по п. 1, в которой компьютер дополнительно выполнен с возможностью выдавать настройку для каждого из нескольких компонентов транспортного средства.5. Система по п. 1, в которой собранные ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018117548A1

Ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung für eine Sicherheitsabbildung für das Zurücksetzen eines Fahrzeugs werden offenbart. Ein beispielhaftes Fahrzeug beinhaltet eine Anzeige, eine Rückfahrkamera und einen Prozessor. Der Prozessor generiert ein dreidimensionales Modell des Raums hinter dem Fahrzeug auf Grundlage von Bildern von der Rückfahrkamera. Der Prozessor generiert zudem eine Einblendung auf Grundlage des dreidimensionalen Modells. Die Einblendung beinhaltet eine Darstellung von Objekten, die sich nicht im Sichtfeld der Rückfahrkamera befinden. Zusätzlich zeigt der Prozessor die Bilder von der Rückfahrkamera und die Einblendung auf der Anzeige an.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren, Vorrichtung und Baustellenfahrzeug zur autonomen Gefahrüberwachung in einem Baustellenbereich und/oder einer an den Baustellenbereich angrenzenden Verkehrsfläche

Номер: DE102018201248A1

Bei dem erfindungsgemäßen Verfahren zur autonomen Gefahrüberwachung in einem Baustellenbereich (B) und/oder einer an den Baustellenbereich angrenzenden Verkehrsfläche (U) werden Daten mit einem oder mehreren Verkehrsobjekten (1, 2, 3, 4), die sich im Baustellenbereich und/oder der an den Baustellenbereich angrenzenden Verkehrsfläche befinden, ausgetauscht (5). Die ausgetauschten Daten werden zentral ausgewertet und eine potentielle Gefährdung von einem oder mehreren der Verkehrsobjekte ermittelt (6). Basierend auf dem Ergebnis der zentralen Auswertung wird eine Maßnahme zur Gefahrvermeidung ergriffen (7). So kann zur Gefahrvermeidung ein Warnhinweis generiert und ausgegeben werden. Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren kann insbesondere durch ein Baustellenfahrzeug (ABKF) durchgeführt werden, das eine an der Außenseite angeordnete Anzeigeeinheit (9) umfassen kann, auf der ein Warnhinweis an die Verkehrsobjekte abgegeben wird. Weiterhin kann das Baustellenfahrzeug eingerichtet sein autonom zu einer ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018212835A1

Eine Fahrzeuganbringungsgeräte-Betätigungsvorrichtung (10) umfasst eine Betätigungseinheit (11), die es einer Bedienperson ermöglicht, eine Betätigung mit einem Finger auszuführen, eine Betätigungsart-Erfassungseinheit (12), die eine Betätigungsart der Bedienperson erfasst, eine Anzeigevorrichtung (20) und eine Steuervorrichtung (30), die in der Lage ist, eine Anzeigesteuerung der betätigungsbezogenen Informationen auf der Anzeigevorrichtung auszuführen und einen Bildschirm von einem Bildschirm aktueller Ebene auf einen Bildschirm einer Ebene gemäß einem Ausgangssignal der Betätigungsart-Erfassungseinheit umzuschalten, wobei die Steuervorrichtung ein Home-Bildschirmsymbol (71), das ein Symbol ist, das eine Betätigungsart in Bezug auf die Betätigungseinheit für eine Führung zu einem Home-Bildschirm (SC1) auf Bildschirm (SC2) niedrigerer Ebene darstellt und sowohl ein Haus als auch einen Pfeil durch Verbinden einer oberen Seite eines Rechtecks und einer Basisseite eines Dreiecks, auf dem ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Kamera-Monitor-Systems für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102018209192B3

Ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Kamera-Monitor-Systems (100) für ein Kraftfahrzeug (101), bei dem das Kamera-Monitor-System (100) eine Kamera (102) aufweist, die dazu ausgebildet ist, ein Bild einer Umgebung (105) des Kraftfahrzeugs (101) bereit zu stellen, und einen Monitor (104) aufweist zum Darstellen von Bildern der Kamera (102), umfasst:- Bereitstellen eines Bildes (201) der Kamera (102),- Ermitteln eines aufmerksamkeitsrelevanten Objekts (103) in der Umgebung (105),- vorübergehendes Verändern mindestens einer Darstellungseigenschaft des Bildes (201) in Abhängigkeit von dem ermittelten Objekt (103) zu einem veränderten Bild (202),- Darstellen des veränderten Bildes (202) auf dem Monitor (102) .

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017125477A1

Es werden Verfahren, Vorrichtungen und Computerspeichermedien für eine Fahrzeuganzeige offenbart, die auf der Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit basiert. Ein beispielhaftes Fahrzeug beinhaltet einen Geschwindigkeitssensor zum Messen einer Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit, eine Anzeigensteuerung zum Vergleichen der Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit mit einem Schwellenwert sowie eine Anzeige. Die beispielhafte Anzeige soll als Antwort darauf, dass die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit geringer als der Schwellenwert ist, eine erste Schaltfläche an einer Schaltflächenstelle präsentieren. Die beispielhafte Anzeige soll als Antwort darauf, dass die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit größer als der oder gleich dem Schwellenwert ist, eine zweite Schaltfläche an der Schaltflächenstelle präsentieren.

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102019002407A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt eine Anzeigevorrichtung eines Kraftfahrzeugs umfassend ein mit einem Deckglas abgedecktes Display, wobei das Deckglas zur zumindest teilweisen Aufnahme einer Kamera eine im Displaybereich angeordnete Öffnung aufweist. Erfindungsgemäß ist die Kamera mit einer auf der dem Deckglas abgewandten Seite des Displays angeordneten Platine über ein an der Displayoberfläche entlanggeführten Leiterbahn verbunden.

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Anzeigen eines Zeigers in einer Instrumententafel und Fahrzeug mit einer Anzeigevorrichtung

Номер: DE102019003041B4
Принадлежит: E SOLUTIONS GMBH, e.solutions GmbH

Es wird ein Verfahren zum Anzeigen eines Zeigers in einer Instrumententafel (115) beschrieben. Das Verfahren umfasst ein Abrufen (205) eines aktuellen Instrumentenzustands eines anzuzeigenden Instruments (117) der Instrumententafel (115), ein Ermitteln (210) einer Zeigerform basierend auf dem aktuellen Instrumentenzustand, ein Abrufen (215) der ermittelten Zeigerform (121 - 128) aus einem Texturatlas (120), und ein Rendern (220) des Zeigers in der Instrumententafel (115) mit der abgerufenen Zeigerform (121 - 128). Ferner ist eine Vorrichtung (10) zum Anzeigen einer Instrumententafel (115) beschrieben, die ein Anzeigemodul (110), das dazu eingerichtet ist, zumindest eine Instrumententafel (115) mit mindestens einem Zeigerinstrument (117) anzuzeigen, und eine Steuerung (105), die dazu eingerichtet ist, das Verfahren unter Verwendung des Anzeigemoduls (110) durchzuführen, umfasst. Auch ein Fahrzeug mit solch einer Vorrichtung (10) wird offenbart.

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung mit einer Anzeigefläche zur Ausgabe einer Anzeige

Номер: DE102016202697B4
Принадлежит: VOLKSWAGEN AG, Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft

Anzeigevorrichtung (1) mit einer Anzeigefläche (2) zur Ausgabe einer Anzeige, wobeidie Anzeigefläche (2) in einem Fahrzeug angeordnet ist und einen ersten Anzeigebereich (1a) und einen zweiten Anzeigebereich (1b) umfasst, wobei der zweite Anzeigebereich (1b) eine echte Teilfläche der Anzeigefläche (2) ist, wobeider zweite Anzeigebereich (1b) eine erste autostereoskopische Optik (3b) aufweist, durch die bei zumindest einem Winkel eines Betrachters relativ zu der Anzeigefläche (2) ein autostereoskopischer Effekt für den Betrachter erzeugbar ist, und wobeider erste Anzeigebereich (1a) keine autostereoskopische Optik aufweist, so dass im ersten Anzeigebereich (1a) kein autostereoskopischer Effekt für den Betrachter erzeugbar ist.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003995A1
Автор: KUEHNE Marcus
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A display device that can be worn on the head of a vehicle occupant of a motor vehicle is controlled to display a virtual environment within which the vehicle occupant wearing the display device virtually moves according to a detected movement of the motor vehicle. A potential stopping point of the motor vehicle is determined. A deceleration of the motor vehicle is detected within a given environment of the potential stopping point and the display device is controlled to output a virtual scene staging within the virtual environment which causes a deceleration of the virtual movement of the vehicle occupant within the virtual environment corresponding to the deceleration of the motor vehicle. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method for operating a display device wearable by a vehicle occupant of a motor vehicle , the method comprising:controlling the display device to display a virtual environment within which the vehicle occupant wearing the display device virtually moves according to a detected movement of the motor vehicle;determining a potential stopping point of the motor vehicle; andin response to a deceleration of the motor vehicle being detected within a predetermined environment of the potential stopping point, controlling the display device to output a virtual scene staging within the virtual environment so as to cause a deceleration of the virtual movement of the vehicle occupant within the virtual environment to correspond to the deceleration of the motor vehicle.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the potential stopping point of the motor vehicle includes at least one of a traffic light claim 13 , an intersection claim 13 , a read junction claim 13 , a traffic jam claim 13 , or a location based on a braking of another motor vehicle.15. The method according to claim 13 , determining the potential stopping point of the motor vehicle is based on evaluating at least one of sensor data characterizing an environment of the motor vehicle claim 13 , digital map ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003998A1

A video display system includes: a screen on which an mage for displaying a virtual image is projected; a light source that emits laser light; a scanner that projects the image onto the screen by biaxially scanning the laser light onto the screen; and a controller that generates the image and controls the light source using an image signal for causing the generated image to be projected onto the screen by the laser light, and receives an input of sensing information measured using a temperature sensor and controls the scanner in accordance with the input sensing information. When the sensing information indicates a temperature outside a given temperature range, the controller causes the scanner to reduce an amplitude of the biaxial scanning in at least one axial direction to a smaller value than when the sensing information indicates a second brightness or a temperature within the given temperature range. 1. A video display system in a moving body that allows a user of the moving body to view , as a virtual image , an image projected on a screen , the video display system comprising:the screen on which the image to be viewed by the user as the virtual image is projected;a light source that emits laser light;a scanner that projects the image onto the screen by biaxially scanning the laser light onto the screen; anda controller that: generates the image and controls the light source using an image signal for causing the image generated to be projected onto the screen by the laser light; and receives an input of sensing information measured using a sensor and indicating a brightness of an external environment of the moving body or a temperature of the light source, and controls the scanner in accordance with the sensing information input,wherein when the sensing information indicates a first brightness or a temperature outside a given temperature range, the controller causes the scanner to reduce an amplitude of the biaxial scanning in at least one axial direction of ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001723A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A line-of-sight guidance device includes a vehicle peripheral state acquisition unit configured to acquire information on a peripheral state of a vehicle; a line-of-sight acquisition unit configured to acquire information on line of sight of the driver driving the vehicle; and a display control unit configured to control two or more display units included in a predetermined visual field in association with the line of sight among a plurality of display units mounted on the vehicle, to display a line-of-sight guidance display that is a display for guiding the line of sight of the driver from a first attention target indicated by the line of sight to a second attention target associated with the peripheral state of the vehicle. The first target is an attention target actually watched by the driver. The second attention target is an attention target to be watched by the driver. 1. A line-of-sight guidance device comprising:a processor to execute a program; anda memory to store the program which, when executed by the processor, causes the processor to perform processes ofacquiring information on a peripheral state of a vehicle;acquiring information on line of sight of the driver driving the vehicle; andcontrolling two or more display units included in a predetermined visual field in association with the line of sight among a plurality of display units mounted on the vehicle, to display a line-of-sight guidance display that is a display for guiding the line of sight of the driver from a first attention target indicated by the line of sight to a second attention target associated with the peripheral state of the vehicle, the first target being an attention target actually watched by the driver, the second attention target being an attention target to be watched by the driver, whereinthe processes performed by the processor further includecontrolling the two or more display units to display the line-of-sight guidance display in cooperation with each other.2. (canceled)3. ( ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001724A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A snowplow having a snow removal mechanism, the snowplow comprises: an obtainment unit configured to obtain topography information prior to snow accumulation; and a projection unit configured to, based on the topography information prior to snow accumulation obtained b the obtainment unit, project an image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation on a surface of accumulated snow that is to be removed by the snow removal mechanism. 1. A snowplow having a snow removal mechanism , the snowplow comprising:an obtainment unit configured to obtain topography information prior to snow accumulation; anda projection unit configured to, based on, the topography information prior to snow accumulation obtained by the obtainment unit, project an image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation on a surface of accumulated snow that is to be removed by the snow removal mechanism.2. The snowplow according to claim 1 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image that shows a scene prior snow accumulation on the surface of accumulated snow as the image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation.3. The snowplow according to claim 1 , whereinthe image indicating the topography information prior to snow accumulation is an image that is viewable stereoscopically41. The snowplow according to claim. claim 1 , whereinthe projection unit further projects an image indicating information related to snow accumulation on the surface of accumulated snow.5. The snowplow according to claim 4 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image indicating information of a depth of accumulated snow on the surface of accumulated snow as the image indicating the information related to snow accumulation.6. The snowplow according to claim 5 , whereinthe image indicating the information of the depth of accumulated snow is an image indicating a contour line.7. The snowplow according to claim 4 , whereinthe projection unit projects an image ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003408A1
Автор: Nakamura Toru

A controller in a vehicle includes an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that can charge a power storage mounted on the vehicle, the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility. The controller further includes at least one of a first notification unit and a second notification unit. The first notification unit causes a notification apparatus to give first information that indicates an electric utility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. The second notification unit causes the notification apparatus to give second information that indicates a position of a charging facility, by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit. 1. A vehicle comprising:a power storage that stores electric power for traveling; anda controller that controls a notification apparatus that gives a notification to a user,the controller including an obtaining unit that obtains facility information on a charging facility that charges the power storage,the facility information including position information and utility information in association with each other, the position information indicating a position of the charging facility, the utility information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility, the first notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give first information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the first information indicating an electric utility that manages the charging facility located at a prescribed position,', 'the second notification unit causing the notification apparatus to give second information by using the facility information obtained by the obtaining unit, the second information indicating a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Image control apparatus, display apparatus, movable body, and image control method

Номер: US20210003414A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image control apparatus installed in a movable body, includes a controller to generate data of an image to be displayed so as to appear to be superimposed on a predetermined position including at least a road surface in a direction along which the movable body moves, as viewed from an occupant of the movable body. The controller generates a pattern to be displayed at the predetermined position, upon detecting that a change in a route is included in a planned path that is generated in advance, and that a change position of the route is further away than the predetermined position as viewed from the occupant, and the pattern is displayed in such a manner that an actual position of the change position of the route appears to be positioned on an extended line of at least part of information forming the pattern, as viewed from the occupant.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003946A1

A display screen operable on at least a partial area A in two operating modes, free-viewing mode B, and restricted-viewing mode B, with the residual display area of the screen outside the area A maintaining a free viewing mode; comprising a first backlight arranged below the residual display area; a second backlight arranged below the area A; a transmissive image generator in front of the backlights; a plate-shaped transparent light guide arranged between the image generator and the backlights that outcouples, through one of its large surfaces, light coupled in through one of its edges; light sources arranged laterally an edge of the light guide, wherein the light guide is transparent to at least 70% of the light emitted by the backlights, and wherein in the B mode, the light sources are switched on, and in the B mode, the backlights are on and the light sources are off. 112. A display screen that on at least a partial area A of its display area can be operated in at least two operating modes , viz B for a free viewing mode and B for a restricted viewing mode , comprising:a first backlight of planar extension configured to radiate light in a non-restricted angular range and that, for the greater part, is arranged below the residual display area outside the partial area A,a second backlight of planar extension that radiates light in a restricted angular range and that, for the greater part, is arranged below the partial area A,a transmissive image generator arranged, in the viewing direction, in front of the two backlights,a plate-shaped transparent light guide that is located between the image generator and the two backlights and is provided on at least one of its large surfaces and/or within its volume with outcoupling elements for the outcoupling of light, so that it, through at least one large surface, outcouples light coupled in through at least one of its edges,light sources arranged laterally on at least one of the edges of the light guide, wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003815A1

A mirror holding structure includes: a holder; at least one protrusion part provided to one of a mirror body and the holder; at least one reception part provided to the other of the mirror body and the holder and having an insertion hole in which the at least one protrusion part is to be inserted; and at least one elastic part located between an outer peripheral surface of the at least one protrusion part and an inner peripheral surface of the insertion hole and being elastic. 1. A mirror holding structure , comprising:a holder,at least one protrusion part provided to one of a mirror body and the holder;at least one reception part provided to the other of the mirror body and the holder and having an insertion hole in which the at least one protrusion part is to be inserted;at least one elastic part located between an outer peripheral surface of the at least one protrusion part and an inner peripheral surface of the insertion hole and is elastic; anda positioning section configured to perform positioning of the at least one elastic part in an insertion direction of the at least one protrusion part into the insertion hole with respect to the at least one protrusion part and the at least one reception part,whereinthe positioning section has an expanded part formed by expanding an outer diameter of the at least one elastic part and a contact with which the expanded part comes into contact, andthe contact is provided on an inner peripheral surface of the insertion hole,the mirror holding structure further comprises an expansion tool configured to form the expanded part, whereinthe expansion tool is configured to push the at least one elastic part by being rotated with a shaft along an insertion direction of the expansion tool as a center to form the expanded part.2. The mirror holding structure of claim 1 , whereinthe at least one protrusion part includes a plurality of protrusion parts, and the at least one reception part includes a plurality of reception parts.3. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003839A1
Автор: Huang Zhengyu

Disclosed is an anti-reflection diffraction display system, the system comprising: a substrate; a diffraction projection screen and an optical engine; the optical engine projects to the diffraction projection screen light carrying information of a target image, thereby displaying the target image by means of the diffraction of the diffraction projection screen, wherein the light emitted by the optical engine is not irradiated in a reflection window on the substrate, and the reflection window is a region on the substrate; and when the light emitted by the optical engine is irradiated to the region and reflected, the reflected light enters a design window of the diffraction display system. In addition, further disclosed are a directional projection-based diffraction display system that has a plurality of screens and a directional projection-based diffraction display system that has a whole screen. 1. An anti-reflection diffraction display system , comprising:a substrate;a diffraction projection screen comprising a diffractive optical device arranged on at least one portion of the substrate; andan optical engine, comprising a coherent light source and an image modulator, and used to project to the diffraction projection screen light that carries information of a target image, thereby displaying the target image by the diffraction of the diffraction projection screen,wherein the diffraction display system has a design window, within the range of which a user can observe a virtual image of the target image displayed by the diffraction projection screen; andwherein the light emitted by the optical engine is not irradiated in a reflection window on the substrate, and the reflection window is a region on the substrate; and wherein, when the light emitted by the optical engine is irradiated to the region and reflected, the reflected light enters the design window of the diffraction display system.2. The diffraction display system according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

System and method for incorporating non-vehicular event data into vehicle system

Номер: US20220012606A1
Принадлежит: Xevo Inc

Embodiments are directed towards a system and method of utilizing a companion application on a mobile device to obtain information indicative of an event associated with a user of the mobile device. The event information is forwarded to a push recommendation service that utilizes a recommendation engine to generate at least one content recommendation for the user based on the event information. The push recommendation service identifies a head unit that is associated with the mobile device or the companion application. The push recommendation service sends the head unit identifier and the content recommendation to a remote server, which provides the content recommendation to the head unit based on the head unit identifier. The head unit then presents the content recommendation to the user.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013088A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An image display device includes a panel in a curved surface shape that lets through and reflects light, a first display unit that displays a first image based on first image data that reaches a predetermined position through the panel, a second display unit that displays a second image based on second image data that is reflected by the panel and reaches the predetermined position, a position information acquisition unit that acquires position information indicating a position of an actual viewpoint of an observer, and an image processing unit that determines a scaling factor of the second image data for each scan line based on the position information and performs a scaling process for each scan line on the second image data to be inputted to the second display unit. 1. An image display device comprising:a panel in a curved surface shape to let through and reflect incident light;a first display device to display a first image that reaches a predetermined position through the panel, the first image being based on first image data;a second display device to display a second image that is reflected by the panel and reach the predetermined position, the second image being based on second image data; andprocessing circuitryto acquire position information indicating a position of an actual viewpoint of an observer observing the first image and the second image,to determine a scaling factor of the second image data for each scan line based on the position information, andto perform a scaling process for each scan line on the second image data to be inputted to the second display device by using the scaling factor.2. The image display device according to claim 1 , wherein the panel is in a concave surface shape as viewed from the viewpoint.3. The image display device according to claim 2 , wherein a cross section of the panel slicing the panel at a horizontal plane including a line of sight heading from the viewpoint towards the panel is in a straight shape claim 2 , and ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005029A1

A video display system for a vehicle includes a video display device disposed in the vehicle so as to be viewable by a driver of the vehicle. A camera is disposed at the vehicle and having an exterior field of view and operable to capture image data. A control includes a data processor. The control, responsive at least in part to processing by the data processor of captured image data, detects an object present exterior of the vehicle that is in the field of view of the camera, and determines if the detected object constitutes a hazardous condition. Responsive to determination of the hazardous condition, the control controls the video display device to automatically display an alert to the driver of the vehicle, with the alert including display of video images of the object that are derived from captured image data or a graphic overlay on displayed video images. 1. A video display system for a vehicle , said video display system comprising:a video display device disposed in a vehicle equipped with said video display system, said video display device comprising a video display screen operable to display video images viewable by a driver of the equipped vehicle;a camera disposed at and behind a windshield of the equipped vehicle, wherein said camera has a field of view forward of the equipped vehicle through the windshield of the equipped vehicle, wherein said camera is operable to capture image data;a control comprising a data processor that is operable to process image data captured by said camera;wherein said control, responsive at least in part to processing by said data processor of image data captured by said camera, detects an object present exterior of the equipped vehicle and in the field of view of said camera;wherein said control, responsive at least in part to detection of the object present exterior of the equipped vehicle and in the field of view of said camera, determines if the detected object constitutes a hazardous condition ahead of the equipped ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016979A1

The present invention provides an image output device which is mounted on a vehicle and a control method therefor. The image output device comprises a display and a processor which controls the display to output a timeline that displays events occurring while a vehicle is being driven, wherein the display is divided into a first area and a second area on the basis of the timeline, and the processor classifies the events into a first group and a second group according to a predetermined reference and controls the display to display a first graphic object navigating an event included in the first group on the first area, and display a second graphic object navigating an event included in the second group on the second area. 1. An image output device mounted on a vehicle , the device comprising:a display; anda processor configured to control the display to output a timeline for displaying events occurring while the vehicle is traveling,wherein the display is divided into a first area and a second area with respect to the timeline, andwherein the processor classifies the events into a first group and a second group according to a predetermined reference, and controls the display such that a first graphic object indicating an event included in the first group is displayed on the first area and a second graphic object indicating an event included in the second group is displayed on the second area.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processor controls the display such that a position of at least a part of the timeline is changed according to a driving mode of the vehicle.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the processor claim 2 , when the position of the part of the timeline is changed claim 2 , controls the display such that a size of at least one of the first graphic object and the second graphic object is changed.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the position of the part of the timeline is changed to enlarge the second area when the vehicle is in an autonomous ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017136A1
Автор: HWANG In Sik, PARK Se Hoon

An integrated memory system for a driving position is provided. The integrated memory system includes a steering column having an inner column, and an outer column that is movable in an axis direction relative to the inner column. A position detecting unit including a plurality of detection positions detects a relative position of the outer column with respect to the inner column in response to a movement of the outer column and a controller is connected to the position detecting unit. 1. An integrated memory system for a driving position , comprising:a steering column including an inner column, and an outer column movable in an axis direction relative to the inner column;a position detecting unit including a plurality of detection positions and configured to detect a relative position of the outer column with respect to the inner column in response to a movement of the outer column; anda controller connected to the position detecting unit and configured to set a plurality of driver setting data individually corresponding to the plurality of detection positions,wherein the driver setting data includes information about positions of a driver seat which correspond to the respective detection positions.2. The integrated memory system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to generate a control signal for recalling or retrieving the driver setting data selected from the plurality of driver setting data.3. The integrated memory system of claim 1 , wherein the driver setting data further includes information about positions of an outside mirror corresponding to the respective detection positions claim 1 , information about brightness of one or more displays corresponding to the respective detection positions claim 1 , and information about brightness of one or more lights corresponding to the respective detection positions.4. The integrated memory system of claim 1 , wherein the position detecting unit includes:a housing mounted on the outer column;a plurality ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018678A1

In a display control device for a head-up display of a vehicle, it is determined whether a lane change control unit is in a standby state waiting for a lane change of the vehicle. When it is determined that the lane change control unit is not in the standby state, a fulfillment notification content indicating an execution state of the lane change is displayed on a road surface in a foreground in a superimposing manner. When it is determined that the lane change control unit is in the standby state, a standby notification content in a mode different from the fulfillment notification content is displayed on the road surface of the foreground in a superimposing manner, or a standby notification content in a mode associated with the fulfillment notification content is displayed as a non-superimposition content independent of a superimposition target. 1. A display control device for a vehicle to control a head-up display to display a content in a superimposing manner , the display control device comprising:an information acquisition unit that acquires, from a lane change control unit that controls a lane change for the vehicle, lane change information about the lane change;a state determination unit that determines whether or not the lane change control unit is in a standby state waiting for the lane change based on the lane change information; anda display control unit that displays a fulfillment notification content, indicating an execution state of the lane change, to be superimposed on a road surface of a foreground when the state determination unit determines that the lane change control unit is not in the standby state, and displays a standby notification content to be superimposed in a mode different from the fulfillment notification content on the road surface when the state determination unit determines that the lane change control unit is in the standby state.2. The display control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the information acquisition unit acquires ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Adaptive adjustments to visual media to reduce motion sickness

Номер: US20220020119A1
Принадлежит: GM Cruise Holdings LLC

The subject disclosure relates to solutions for reducing or eliminating motion sickness experienced by a vehicle occupant/passenger. In some aspects, a process of the disclosed technology includes steps for collecting motion data associated with a vehicle using one or more environmental sensors, tracking eye movements of a user within a cabin of the vehicle, processing the motion data and the eye movements to identify a motion event, and generating a motion compensation signal based on the motion event. Systems and machine-readable media are also provided.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024179A1

A glass article is provided with a cover glass sheet having first and second major surfaces. The second major surface has a first region with a first curve of a first radius of curvature, and a second region that is different than the first region. A frame's support surface has a third region of a first frame material and a fourth region of a different, second frame material. The second major surface faces the support, and the third region includes a second curve that complements the first curve while the fourth region complements the second region. A first adhesive is between the third region and the first region. A second adhesive is disposed between the fourth region and the second region. The first adhesive has a first Youngs modulus, and the second adhesive comprising a second Youngs modulus that is different than the first Youngs modulus. 1. A glass article , comprising:a cover glass sheet having a first major surface and a second major surface, the second major surface comprising a first region comprising a first curve with a first radius of curvature, and a second region that is different than the first region;a frame having a support surface comprising a third region comprised of a first frame material and a fourth region comprised of a second frame material that is different than the first frame material, wherein the second major surface of the cover glass sheet faces the support surface of the frame, and wherein the third region comprising a second curve that complements the first curve and the fourth region complements the second region;a first adhesive disposed between the third region of the support surface of the frame and the first region of the second major surface of the cover glass sheet, the first adhesive comprising a first Young's modulus; anda second adhesive disposed between the fourth region of the support surface of the frame and the second region of the second major surface of the cover glass sheet, the second adhesive comprising a second ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024282A1

A automobile laminated glass according to the present invention includes: a first glass plate that is formed into a rectangular shape; a second glass plate that is disposed so as to face the first glass plate, and is formed into a rectangular shape; an intermediate film that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate; a functional layer that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate; and an obstructing layer that is laminated on a peripheral edge portion of at least one of the first glass plate and the second glass plate, wherein the functional layer is formed so that an outer edge of at least a portion of the functional layer is located outward of an inner edge of the obstructing layer. 1. An automobile laminated glass comprising:a first glass plate that is formed into a rectangular shape;a second glass plate that is disposed so as to face the first glass plate, and is formed into a rectangular shape;an intermediate film that is disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate, and includes a functional layer; andan obstructing layer that is laminated on a peripheral edge portion of at least one of the first glass plate and the second glass plate,wherein the functional layer is formed so that an outer edge of at least a portion of the functional layer is located outward of an inner edge of the obstructing layer.23.-. (canceled)4. The automobile laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the functional layer includes a projection film for a head-up display device, and at least one base film that supports the projection film, anda portion of the outer edge of the functional layer is formed so as to reach an end edge of the automobile laminated glass.5. The automobile laminated glass according to claim 1 ,wherein the functional layer includes a projection film for a head-up display device, and at least one base film that supports the projection film, anda portion of the outer edge of the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Display device and non-transitory computer-readable storage medium for display control on head-up display

Номер: US20220024314A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

In a display control for a head-up display of a vehicle, offset information is acquired from a lane keeping control unit that controls the vehicle to travel within a subject vehicle lane on which the vehicle travels. The offset information indicates an offset control to move a traveling position from a center portion of the subject vehicle lane to one of right and left sides. Based on the offset information, an offset content indicating fulfillment of the offset control is superimposedly displayed on a road surface in a foreground.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024316A1

The display control apparatus for presenting information on a display unit presenting a virtual image in front of a moving body through a transparent member includes an information acquiring unit configured to acquire information about an obstacle around the moving body, a display image generation unit configured to generate, based on the information about the obstacle acquired by the information acquiring unit, data of an indicator image which points in a direction of the obstacle in the virtual image and which moves in the direction of the obstacle to approach the obstacle, and an output unit configured to output the indicator image generated by the display image generation unit to the display unit. 1. A display control apparatus for presenting information on a display presenting a virtual image in front of a moving body through a transparent member , the display control apparatus comprising:information acquiring circuitry configured to acquire information about an obstacle around the moving body;display image generation circuitry configured to generate, based on the information about the obstacle acquired by the information acquiring circuitry, data of an indicator image which points in a direction of the obstacle in the virtual image and which moves in the direction of the obstacle to approach the obstacle; andoutput circuitry configured to output the indicator image generated by the display image generation circuitry to the display circuitry.2. The display control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the display image generation circuitry generates data in which the indicator image moves in the direction of the obstacle to approach the obstacle from a predetermined area defined in advance in the virtual image.3. The display control apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined area is a predetermined area having a center of the predetermined area located at a display element indicating the moving body.4. The display control apparatus according ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008981A1

A control device, which controls a display of an image to be displayed at a position where the image is overlapped on an environment outside a moving body from a view of an occupant of the moving body, is disclosed. In the control device, a display part changes between a first case and a second case in response to brightness outside the moving body. In the first case, at least a part of the image is displayed with a first brightness and in a first display mode, and in the second case, at least a part of the image is displayed with a second brightness and in a second display mode. 1. A control device for controlling a display of an image to be displayed at a position where the image is overlapped on an environment outside a moving body from a view of an occupant of the moving body , comprising:a display part configured to change between a first case and a second case in response to brightness outside the moving body, the first case being for displaying at least a part of the image with a first brightness and in a first display mode, and the second case being for displaying at least a part of the image with a second brightness and in a second display mode.2. The control device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a determination part configured to determine brightness of at least the part of the image depending on brightness outside the moving body claim 1 ,wherein at least the part of the image is displayed with the first brightness and in the first display mode, in a case in which the brightness determined by the determination part is less than or equal to a predetermined threshold, andwherein the display part displays at least a part of the image with the second brightness less than or equal to the predetermined threshold and in the second display mode emphasized more than the first display mode for the occupant, in a case in which in a case in which the brightness determined by the determination part is not less than or equal to a predetermined threshold.3. ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009035A1

A vehicular camera system includes a camera module having an imager assembly, a main circuit board and a camera housing. The imager assembly includes (i) an imager disposed on an imager circuit board and (ii) a lens holder having a lens assembly that includes a lens barrel accommodating a lens. The imager assembly includes a flexible ribbon cable that electrically connects to an electrical connector at a multilayered PCB of the main circuit board. The camera housing includes an upper cover and a lower cover and includes a forward portion and a rearward portion. The main circuit board is accommodated within the forward and rearward portions, and the imager is disposed at the rearward portion and is not disposed at the forward portion of the camera housing. The lens holder is attached at the upper cover of the camera housing. 1. A vehicular camera system , said vehicular camera system comprising:a camera module comprising an imager assembly, a main circuit board and a camera housing;wherein said imager assembly comprises (i) an imager disposed on an imager circuit board and (ii) a lens holder comprising a lens assembly;wherein said lens assembly comprises a lens barrel accommodating a lens;wherein said imager assembly comprises a flexible ribbon cable, said flexible ribbon cable terminating at a terminator portion;wherein said terminator portion of said flexible ribbon cable comprises a first electrical connector;wherein said main circuit board comprises a multilayered printed circuit board (multilayered PCB) having a first planar side and a second planar side opposite the first planar side and separated from the first planar side by a thickness dimension of the multilayered PCB of said main circuit board;wherein first circuitry is disposed at the first planar side of the multilayered PCB of said main circuit board, and wherein second circuitry is disposed at the second planar side of the multilayered PCB of said main circuit board;wherein said second circuitry ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010240A1
Автор: Shoemaker Joseph R.

In one aspect, a system for controlling the operation of a work vehicle may include a controller may be configured to provide for display on a user interface the turning radius of the work vehicle. The controller may also be configured to receive an input associated with an operator selection of the displayed turning radius as a desired turning radius of the work vehicle. Moreover, the controller may be configured to determine a first and second rotational speeds for first and second traction devices of the work vehicle based on the desired turning radius. In addition, the controller may be configured to control the operation of first and second motors to rotationally drive the first and second traction devices at the first and second rotational speeds, respectively, such that the work vehicle is moved along a travel path having the desired turning radius.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011299A1

A position adjustment apparatus includes a first mounting base, a second mounting base, a moving mechanism, an acceleration sensor, and a signal output part. The position adjustment apparatus is used for adjusting a mounting position of a posture detection apparatus mounted on a moving body for detecting a variation in posture of the moving body. The first mounting base is mounted on a portion of the moving body. The second mounting base is mounted on the posture detection apparatus. The moving mechanism rotationally moves the second mounting base relative to the first mounting base in at least one of three axial directions corresponding to a first axis, a second axis, and a third axis orthogonal to each other. The acceleration sensor is arranged on the second mounting base. The signal output part outputs a detection signal from the acceleration sensor to the outside. 1. A position adjustment apparatus adjusting a mounting position of a posture detection apparatus mounted on a moving body for detecting a variation in posture of the moving body , the position adjustment apparatus comprising:a first mounting base mounted on a part of the moving body;a second mounting base mounted on the posture detection apparatus;a moving mechanism rotationally moving the second mounting base relative to the first mounting base in at least one of three axial directions corresponding to a first axis, a second axis, and a third axis orthogonal to each other;an acceleration sensor arranged on the second mounting base; anda signal output part outputting a detection signal from the acceleration sensor to the outside.2. The position adjustment apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe moving mechanism includes a first rotating mechanism rotationally moving the second mounting base around the first axis, and a second rotating mechanism rotationally moving the second mounting base around the second axis, whereinthe first axis is an axis extending in a front-rear direction of the moving ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012097A1

A HUD device that allows an occupant of a moving body to view a virtual image by projecting an image on a display medium includes a display item information acquisition unit that acquires display item information showing position and display content of display item, a travel information acquisition unit that acquires travel information indicating position of the moving body at predetermined time intervals, and a state information acquisition unit that acquires state information indicating state of the moving body, and specifies at display timings display position on the basis of position indicated by display item information and position indicated by travel information acquired last. The HUD device includes a display controller that specifies display position on the basis of position indicated by display item information and correction position obtained by correcting position indicated by travel information acquired last in accordance with state indicated by state information and displays an image showing display content indicated by display item information at the specified display position on the display medium when a predetermined condition is satisfied. 1. A head-up display device that allows an occupant of a moving body to view a virtual image by projecting a display image on a display medium , the head-up display device comprising:a display item information acquisition unit that acquires display item information indicating a position and a display content related to at least one display item;a travel information acquisition unit that acquires travel information indicating a position of the moving body at predetermined time intervals;a state information acquisition unit that acquires state information indicating a state of the moving body; anda display controller that specifies, at predetermined display timings, a display position based on the position indicated by the display item information and the position indicated by the travel information acquired last ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012099A1

Provided is a head up display for a vehicle. The head up display for the vehicle may include an imaging mechanism for emitting a linearly-polarized light in a first direction and a linearly-polarized light in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, a first reflection mirror for reflecting a light to a windshield of the vehicle, a polarization reflection mirror spaced apart from the first reflection mirror wherein the polarization reflection mirror transmits the linearly-polarized light in the first direction and reflects the linearly-polarized light in the second direction, and a second reflection mirror spaced apart from the polarization reflection mirror wherein the second reflection mirror reflects the light transmitted through the polarization reflection mirror to the polarization reflection mirror. The imaging mechanism may include a separating partition for preventing mutual interference between the linearly-polarized light in the first direction and the linearly-polarized light in the second direction. 1. A head up display for a vehicle comprising:an imaging mechanism for emitting a linearly-polarized light in a first direction and a linearly-polarized light in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction;a first reflection mirror for reflecting a light to a windshield of the vehicle;a polarization reflection mirror spaced apart from the first reflection mirror wherein the polarization reflection mirror transmits the linearly-polarized light in the first direction and reflects the linearly-polarized light in the second direction; anda second reflection mirror spaced apart from the polarization reflection mirror wherein the second reflection mirror reflects the light transmitted through the polarization reflection mirror to the polarization reflection mirror,wherein the imaging mechanism includes a separating partition for preventing mutual interference between the linearly-polarized light in the first direction and the linearly-polarized ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012100A1
Автор: KUBO Yoshinori

There is provided an outdoor image irradiation apparatus () including a polarizer () and a wave plate () formed from sapphire, which are positioned in that order on a light path from an image light emission device () for emitting image light and, further, there is provided a mobile object including the outdoor image irradiation apparatus (). 1. An outdoor image irradiation apparatus comprising an image light emission device for emitting image light , a polarizer , and a wave plate ,wherein the polarizer, and the wave plate are positioned in that order on a light path from the image light emission device, and the wave plate is formed from sapphire.2. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate is a half wave plate.3. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate is a quarter wave plate.4. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate has a main surface formed by an a-plane of the sapphire.5. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate has a main surface formed by an m-plane of the sapphire.6. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the polarizer is positioned in contact with the wave plate.7. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate has a thickness of 0.1 mm or more and 0.5 mm or less.8. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a mean value of a transmittance of the wave plate for a wavelength region of 200 to 400 nm is smaller than a mean value of a transmittance of the wave plate for a wavelength region of 400 to 800 nm.9. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the wave plate has an absorption band within a wavelength region of 205 to 260 nm.10. The outdoor image irradiation apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a moving mechanism for moving the wave ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012722A1

Often when there is a glare on a display screen the user may be able to mitigate the glare by tilting or otherwise moving the screen or changing their viewing position. However, when driving a car there are limited options for overcoming glares on the dashboard, especially when you are driving for a long distance in the same direction. Embodiments are directed to eliminating such glare. Other embodiments are related to mixed reality (MR) and filling in occluded areas. 1. (canceled)2. A system to provide a mixed reality experience , comprising:a head mounted display (HMD);an outward facing camera on the HMD to provide real world live video onto which virtual objects are superimposed; and recognize a partial object in the camera field of view, the partial object having a visible portion and an occluded portion; and', 'fill in the occluded portion., 'a semiconductor apparatus coupled communicatively to the HMD, the semiconductor apparatus including logic to3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic is to fill in the occluded portion based on a previous view obtained of the occluded portion of the partial object.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic is to fill in the occluded portion based on previous views obtained of objects similar to the partial object.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic is to fill in the occluded portion based on previous partial views obtained of nearly objects similar to the partial object.6. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic is to fill in the occluded portion based on views of similar objects obtained from a database search.7. The system of claim 2 , wherein the logic is to place a superimposed virtual object based on the filled-in occluded portion of the partial object.8. A graphics apparatus comprising logic implemented in one or more of configurable logic or fixed-functionality hardware logic claim 2 , the logic to:receive, via an outward facing camera on a head mounted display (HMD), real world live video onto which ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032706A1
Автор: Randolph Curtis

A hydraulic suspension system controller is disclosed, comprising a controller in operable communication with a hydraulic system of a vehicle. The controller includes at least one display, at least one indicator, and a plurality of buttons, wherein each button corresponds to a function of the controller, and wherein each function effects the hydraulic system to raise and lower at least one of a plurality of solenoids each in operable communication with a hydraulic actuator to extend or contract the hydraulic actuator. A fail-safe module is in operable communication with the controller, the fail-safe module receiving a plurality of signals from a sensor array to monitor the hydraulic system. 1. A hydraulic suspension system controller , comprising:a controller in operable communication with a hydraulic system of a vehicle, the controller comprising at least one display, at least one indicator, and a plurality of buttons, wherein each button corresponds to a function of the controller, and wherein each function effects the hydraulic system to raise and lower at least one of a plurality of solenoids each in operable communication with a hydraulic actuator to extend or contract the hydraulic actuator;a fail-safe module in operable communication with the controller, the fail-safe module receiving a plurality of signals from a sensor array to monitor the hydraulic system; anda memory in operable communication with the controller, the memory to store a plurality of operational functions and permit the user to select the plurality of operational functions using the plurality of buttons on the controller.2. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the controller is in wireless communication with the hydraulic system.3. The controller of claim 1 , wherein the sensor array comprises at least one of the following: a heat sensor and a temperature sensor.4. The controller of claim 3 , wherein a PCB is in operable communication with at least one of the following: a potentiometer and a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013124A1
Автор: IKENO Mitsuru

Provided are a heat dissipating structure with which stress on an electronic unit that generates heat can be reduced, and a display device comprising the same. The heat dissipating structure comprises: at least two electronic units, e.g. electronic units, that are provided on a circuit hoard, differ from one another in height from the circuit board, and generate heat; a dissipating member for dissipating heat generated from the electronic units; and heat conducting members that are sandwiched between the electronic units and the heat dissipating member so as to conduct heat, wherein the heat conducting members provided between the electronic units and the heat dissipating member have the same thickness. 1. A heat dissipating structure comprising:a circuit board;at least two or more electronic units generating heat, the electronic units being arranged on the circuit board and having different heights from the circuit board from each other;a heat dissipating member configured to dissipate heat generated by the electronic units; andheat transfer members arranged closely between the electronic units and the heat dissipating member and configured to conduct the heat, whereinthe heat transfer members arranged between the electronic units and the heat dissipating member have the same thickness.2. The heat dissipating structure according to claim 1 , wherein an abutment surface of the heat dissipating member abutting against the heat transfer members is formed into a concave portion.3. The heat dissipating structure according to claim 1 , wherein an abutment surface of the heat dissipating member abutting against the heat transfer members is formed into a protruding portion.4. The heat dissipating structure according to claim 3 , comprising a positioning portion formed to protrude from the abutment surface on an outer periphery of the abutment surface.5. The heat dissipating structure according to claim 1 , wherein a surface of the heat dissipating member is covered with an ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032771A1

A stop range indication device and a stop range indication method for a vehicle are proposed. The device and the method calculate an estimated stop range of a host vehicle using a variety of pieces of information during deceleration traveling of the host vehicle and provide visual guidance to a driver by displaying a stop range ahead of the host vehicle in accordance to the result of the calculation, thereby enabling the driver to drive safely while recognizing the stop range ahead of the host vehicle. 1. A stop range indication device for a vehicle , the device comprising:an information providing unit configured to provide vehicle information used for estimation of a stop range of a host vehicle;a controller configured to calculate, based on the vehicle information provided by the information providing unit, the stop range ahead of the host vehicle in response to deceleration of the host vehicle; anda display unit configured to receive a stop range calculation signal from the controller and display the stop range ahead of the host vehicle as an augmented reality image.2. The stop range indication device of claim 1 , wherein the information providing unit comprises:a radar sensor configured to sense a distance to a preceding vehicle;a velocity change sensor configured to detect a rate of change of velocity of the host vehicle;a speed sensor configured to detect a current speed of the host vehicle;an accelerator pedal sensor configured to output a first ON signal when a driver has pressed an accelerator pedal;a brake pedal sensor configured to output a second ON signal when the driver has pressed the brake pedal;a steering angle sensor configured to detect an angle at which the driver has operated a steering wheel; anda one-foot drive control adjacent to a seat of the driver.3. The stop range indication device of claim 2 , further comprising a navigation device configured to provide information regarding traffic lights claim 2 , stop lines claim 2 , and obstacles ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035156A1
Автор: Helot Jacques
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A display screen unit of a display device includes a display surface having a plurality of subareas, and a sight protection element configured to set a degree of transparency for each of the plurality of subareas. The display device further includes a back lighting module having at least one illumination element directed to the display screen unit, and a controller configured to set the display screen unit in a display mode, in which the sight protection element sets the degree of transparency for each of the plurality of subareas. The controller may be configured to provide a back light by controlling the back lighting module based on a movement of the display screen unit from a stowed position to a deployed position. 114.-. (canceled)15. A display device for a motor vehicle , comprising: a display surface including a plurality of subareas, and', 'a sight protection element configured to set a degree of transparency for each of the plurality of subareas;, 'a display screen unit, includinga back lighting module including at least one illumination element directed to the display screen unit; anda controller configured to set the display screen unit in a display mode, in which the sight protection element sets the degree of transparency for each of the plurality of subareas.16. The display device according to claim 15 , wherein the controller is configured to:determine at least one subarea among the plurality of subareas which displays a graphical element,change a degree of transparency of the at least one subarea among the plurality of subareas which displays the graphical element, the degree of transparency of the at least one subarea among the plurality of subareas which displays the graphical element being different compared to a degree of transparency of remaining subareas among the plurality of subareas, andprovide a back light by controlling the back lighting module to illuminate the remaining subareas among the plurality of subareas.17. The display device ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Backlight for switchable directional display

Номер: US20220035187A1

A switchable backlight for a switchable privacy display apparatus comprises a collimated waveguide and an optical turning film comprising first and second arrays of elongate prismatic elements. High image luminance and image visibility is provided for off-axis viewers in a public mode of operation while in a privacy mode of operation visual security level above a perceived privacy threshold may be achieved for off-axis snoopers. 1. An illumination apparatus comprising: first and second opposed light guiding surfaces arranged to guide light along the waveguide, the second light guiding surface being arranged to guide light by total internal reflection, and', 'an input end arranged between the first and second light guiding surfaces and extending in a lateral direction between the first and second light guiding surfaces;, 'a waveguide extending across a plane and comprisingat least one light source arranged to input light into the waveguide through the input end,wherein the waveguide is arranged to cause light from the light sources to exit from the waveguide through the second light guiding surface by breaking total internal reflection; andan optical turning film component comprising:an input surface arranged to receive the light exiting from the waveguide, the input surface extending across the plane; andan output surface facing the input surface,wherein the input surface comprises:a first array of prismatic elements each comprising a pair of facets defining a ridge therebetween, the ridges extending along a first array of lines across the plane in which the input surface extends; anda second array of prismatic elements each comprising a pair of facets defining a ridge therebetween, the ridges extending along a second array of lines across the plane in which the input surface extends, the first array of lines and the second array of lines extending at different angles projected on to the plane so that the first array of prismatic elements and the second array of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Pupillated illumination apparatus

Номер: US20220035188A1

A switchable backlight for a switchable privacy display apparatus comprises a collimated waveguide, first and second light sources and an optical turning film comprising elongate prismatic elements with facet orientations that pupillate the output of the waveguide in two orthogonal directions for each of first and second light sources. High luminance uniformity is achieved for a head-on user in privacy and public viewing modes and high uniformity of security factor is achieved for off-axis snoopers, with increased speed of privacy switch-on in privacy mode. 1. An illumination apparatus comprising:at least one light source arranged to provide input light; first and second opposed light guiding surfaces arranged to guide light along the first waveguide, the second light guiding surface being arranged to guide light by total internal reflection; and', 'an input end arranged between the first and second light guiding surfaces and extending in a lateral direction between the first and second light guiding surfaces,, 'a waveguide arrangement comprising at least a first waveguide that extends across a plane and comprisesthe first waveguide being arranged to receive the input light from the at least one light source through the input end, and being arranged to cause light from the at least one light source to exit from the first waveguide through the second light guiding surface by breaking total internal reflection; andan optical turning film component comprising:an input surface arranged to receive the light exiting from the first waveguide, the input surface extending across the plane; andan output surface facing the input surface,wherein the input surface comprises:an array of prismatic elements each comprising a pair of facets defining a ridge therebetween, the ridges extending along an array of lines across the plane in which the input surface extends, wherein the prismatic elements are arranged to deflect the light exiting the first waveguide, the deflection varying ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035368A1

The invention relates to a method for assisting a user in the remote control of a motor vehicle () by means of a remote-control device (), wherein depending on sensor data () provided by means of at least one environment sensor () of the motor vehicle () a first surroundings image () of at least one part () of the surroundings () of the motor vehicle () from a determined perspective () is provided and displayed by means of the remote-control device (). In this case, the determined perspective () is selected from a plurality of selectable perspectives () as a perspective () that is independent of a position of the at least one environment sensor (), depending on a user input effected by the user and detected by means of the remote-control device (). 1. A method for assisting a user in the remote control of a motor vehicle by a remote-control device , comprising:depending on sensor data provided by at least one environment sensor of the motor vehicle, providing a first surroundings image of at least one part of the surroundings of the motor vehicle from a determined perspective;displaying the first surroundings image by the remote-control device; andselecting the determined perspective from a plurality of selectable perspectives as a perspective that is independent of a position of the at least one environment sensor, depending on a user input effected by the user and detected by the remote-control device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein depending on the selected perspective a view window on a defined projective surface is determined and the first surroundings image is calculated as part of a 3D all-round view around the motor vehicle claim 1 , said 3D all-round view being able to be provided from the sensor data claim 1 , depending on the determined view window on the defined projective surface claim 1 , such that the first surroundings image represents the part of the surroundings that lies within the view window from the selected perspective.3. The ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016662A1
Автор: HASELBECK Florian
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The disclosure relates to a multimedia device for a vehicle, having a test drive application which can be executed during a test drive of the vehicle. The test drive application is configured to interact with a test driver during the test drive of the vehicle and to activate at least one functional system of the vehicle for test purposes. The test drive application is further configured to query a feedback of the test driver for each functional system activated for test purposes. 110.-. (canceled)11. A multimedia device for a vehicle , comprising: interact with a test driver during the test drive of the vehicle;', 'activate a functional system of the vehicle for test purposes; and', 'query a feedback of the test driver for the functional system activated for test purposes., 'a test drive application executable during a test drive of the vehicle, wherein the test drive application is configured to12. The multimedia device according to claim 11 , wherein the test drive application is further configured to transmit the queried feedback of the test driver to a backend system by a device of the vehicle.13. The multimedia device according to claim 11 , wherein the test drive application is further configured to be started by a vehicle dealer.14. The multimedia device according to claim 11 , further comprising:a digital user manual comprising a video tutorial, wherein the test drive application comprises an interface for the digital user manual and is configured to play the video tutorial.15. A method for interacting with a test driver during a test drive through a test drive application of a multimedia device of the vehicle claim 11 , comprising:greeting the test driver;presenting a functional system of the vehicle;suggesting an activation of the functional system for test purposes;activating the functional system; andquerying a feedback from the test driver regarding the functional system activated for test purposes.16. The method according to claim 15 , further ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016663A1

According to an embodiment disclosed in this specification, an electronic device may be configured to control a size of an exposed region of a first display based on driving information of a vehicle and to set a user interface for receiving a user input associated with content displayed on the first display to at least one of the first display or an auxiliary input interface based on a size of an exposed region. Other various embodiments as understood from the specification are also possible. 1. An information displaying device in a vehicle , the device comprising:a first display;a driving unit configured to control a size of an exposed region of the first display;at least one sensor circuit configured to obtain driving information of the vehicle;an auxiliary input interface configured to receive a user input; anda processor configured to control the first display, the driving unit, and the at least one sensor circuit,wherein the processor is configured to:obtain the driving information of the vehicle, using the at least one sensor circuit;control the size of the exposed region of the first display based at least on the driving information, using the driving unit; andset a user interface for receiving a user input associated with content displayed on the first display, to at least one of the first display or the auxiliary input interface based on the size of the exposed region.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the driving information includes gear information of the vehicle claim 1 ,wherein the gear information includes Drive, Neutral, Reverse, and Park, andwherein the processor is configured to:when the gear information is Neutral, Reverse, and Park, control the exposed region of the first display to be greater than or equal to a specified first size.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the processor is configured to:when the exposed region of the first display is not less than the specified first size, set the first display to the user interface.4. The device of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016708A1

A vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror reflective element assembly. The mirror reflective element assembly includes a main reflective element backing plate and a main reflective element. The main reflective element includes a glass substrate having a mirror reflector coated at a surface thereof. The mirror reflector-coated glass substrate of the main reflective element is attached at the main reflective element backing plate. The mirror reflective element assembly includes an auxiliary reflective element backing plate and an auxiliary wide angle reflective element. The auxiliary wide angle reflective element is positioned on the auxiliary reflective element backing plate. The auxiliary reflective element backing plate is attached to the main reflective element backing plate via an attachment mechanism. 1. A vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly , the vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly comprising:a mirror reflective element assembly;wherein the mirror reflective element assembly comprises a main reflective element backing plate;wherein the mirror reflective element assembly comprises a main reflective element;the main reflective element comprising a glass substrate having a mirror reflector coated at a surface thereof, wherein the mirror reflector-coated glass substrate of the main reflective element is attached at the main reflective element backing plate;wherein the mirror reflective element assembly comprises an auxiliary reflective element backing plate;wherein the mirror reflective element assembly comprises an auxiliary wide angle reflective element, the auxiliary wide angle reflective element positioned on the auxiliary reflective element backing plate; andwherein the auxiliary reflective element backing plate is attached to the main reflective element backing plate via an attachment mechanism.2. The vehicular exterior rearview mirror assembly of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary wide angle reflective element is disposed ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016793A1

(Object) To provide information to the occupant of the movable body by which the occupant can feel a higher sense of security, when there is a change in the travel path. (Means of Achieving the object) A control apparatus includes an image data generator configured to generate image data of an image displayed so as to appear to be superimposed on a surrounding environment as viewed from an occupant of a movable body that autonomously travels based on a planned path that is defined in advance, wherein a display mode of the image is changed based on information indicating a change in at least one of a travelling direction of the movable body and external information of the movable body. 1. A control apparatus comprising:an image data generator configured to generate image data of an image displayed so as to appear to be superimposed on a surrounding environment as viewed from an occupant of a movable body that autonomously travels based on a planned path that is defined in advance, whereina display mode of the image is changed based on information indicating a change in at least one of a travelling direction of the movable body and external information of the movable body.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the image data generator generates the image data including a first image indicating an object relating to the external information of the movable body concerning determination of the planned path of the movable body claim 1 , based on a change in the external information of the movable body.3. The control apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the image data generator generates the image data including the first image indicating the object concerning a change in the planned path claim 2 , when changing the planned path of the movable body based on the object relating to the external information of the movable body.4. The control apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the image data generator generates the image data including the first ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036598A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle user interface device including a display configured to display a first Augmented Reality (AR) graphic object at a point in a display area corresponding to a first point, and at least one processor configured to obtain distance data between a vehicle and the first point and change the first AR graphic object based on the distance data. 1. A vehicle user interface device comprising:a display configured to display a first Augmented Reality (AR) graphic object at a point in a display area corresponding to a first point; andat least one processor configured to obtain distance data between a vehicle and the first point and change the first AR graphic object based on the distance data.2. The vehicle user interface device of claim 1 , wherein the processor changes at least one of a position claim 1 , a moving distance claim 1 , a moving speed claim 1 , a size claim 1 , and a display height of the first AR graphic object on the display area.3. The vehicle user interface device of claim 1 , wherein the processor determines at least one of a degree of change of the first AR graphic object and a type of change of the first AR graphic object based on accuracy of the first point.4. The vehicle user interface device of claim 3 , wherein the processor specifies the first point based on GPS data and adjusts the degree of change of the first AR graphic object based on dilution of precision of the GPS data.5. The vehicle user interface device of claim 1 , wherein the processor adjusts the degree of change of the first AR graphic object based on at least one of data on a vanishing line claim 1 , data on a curvature of a traveling road claim 1 , and data on a vehicle movement.6. The vehicle user interface device of claim 1 , wherein when it is determined that there is no point in the display area corresponding to the first point claim 1 , the processor displays the first AR graphic object at a point closest to the first point in the display ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Integrated Circuit Device, Electronic Apparatus, and Vehicle

Номер: US20220036784A1
Автор: Tadashi Yasue
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

An integrated circuit device includes a voltage supply circuit and a drive circuit. The voltage supply circuit supplies a common voltage, a first positive polarity voltage higher than the common voltage, a second positive polarity voltage higher than the first positive polarity voltage, a first negative polarity voltage lower than the common voltage, and a second negative polarity voltage lower than the first negative polarity voltage. The drive circuit outputs a first drive waveform signal for dot matrix display based on the common voltage, the first positive polarity voltage, the second positive polarity voltage, the first negative polarity voltage, and the second negative polarity voltage, and outputs a second drive waveform signal for segment display based on the common voltage, the first positive polarity voltage, and the first negative polarity voltage.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037607A1

An organic light-emitting device includes an anode electrode and a cathode electrode that are arranged facing each other; a light-emitting layer arranged between the anode electrode and the cathode electrode; and a hole transport layer arranged between the anode electrode and the light-emitting layer, and including one or more layers. A layer, of the one or more layers of the hole transport layer, contacting the light-emitting layer has a HOMO energy level H that is higher than a HOMO energy level H of the light-emitting layer. A difference ΔE between the HOMO energy level H of the layer contacting the light-emitting layer of the hole transport layer and the HOMO energy level H of the light-emitting layer is 0.32 eV or less. 1. An organic light-emitting device , comprising:an anode electrode and a cathode electrode that are arranged facing each other;a light emitting layer arranged between the anode electrode and the cathode electrode; anda hole transport layer arranged between the anode electrode and the light-emitting layer, and including one or more layers, whereina layer, of the one or more layers of the hole transport layer, contacting the light-emitting layer has a HOMO energy level that is higher than a HOMO energy level of the light-emitting layer, anda difference between the HOMO energy level of the layer contacting the light-emitting layer of the hole transport layer and the HOMO energy level of the light-emitting layer is 0.32 eV or less.2. The organic light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the layer contacting the light-emitting layer of the hole transport layer has a thickness of from 5 nm to 50 nm.3. The organic light-emitting device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an electron transport layer arranged between the light-emitting layer and the cathode electrode, and including one or more layers, whereina layer, of the one or more layers of the electron transport layer, contacting the light-emitting layer has a LUMO energy level ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018750A1

A head-up display includes a display device and a projection optical system; the projection optical system includes first and second optical elements arranged in order of an optical path from the image; and when optical paths corresponding to an upper end and a lower end of the virtual image are defined as an upper ray and a lower ray, respectively, and a diverging effect and a converging effect are defined as being negative and positive, respectively, the first and the second optical elements satisfy conditional expressions P_u−P_l<0 and P_u−P_l>0 (where P_u denotes a local power of the first optical element acting on the upper ray, P_l denotes a local power of the first optical element acting on the lower ray, P_u denotes a local power of the second optical element acting on the upper ray, P_l denotes a local power of the second optical element acting on the lower ray). 1. A head-up display displaying an image as a virtual image to an observer ,the head-up display comprising:a display device displaying the image; anda projection optical system magnifying and projecting the image, whereinthe projection optical system includesa first optical element and a second optical element arranged in order of an optical path from the image, and whereinwhen optical paths corresponding to an upper end and a lower end of the virtual image are defined as an upper ray and a lower ray, respectively, anda diverging effect and a converging effect of the first optical element and the second optical element are defined as being negative and positive, respectively, {'br': None, 'i': P', 'u', 'P', 'l, '_1−_1<0\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'the first optical element and the second optical element satisfy the following conditional expressions (1), (2)where{'b': '1', 'P_u denotes a local power of the first optical element acting on the upper ray, and'}{'b': '1', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': P', 'u', 'P', 'l, '_2−_2>0\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'P_l denotes a local power of the first optical element acting on ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019045A1

The invention relates to an electronic display device for a glass cockpit comprising a plurality of screens, the display device comprising, for each screen, an interactive display configuration tool, the device being configured, for each screen, to: 1. An electronic display device for a glass cockpit of a vehicle control system , said glass cockpit comprising a plurality of screens , at least two screens of the plurality of screens being able to simultaneously display separate video streams respectively associated with different display formats , display the configuration tool in at least one predetermined zone of said screen, the configuration tool comprising a plurality of user entry symbols, each symbol being associated with a display configuration corresponding to the combination of a display format, a display window size of said display format relative to the size of said screen, and a location of said display window of the display format within said screen,', 'modify the display configuration of said screen if a user entry symbol is selected that is different from the user entry symbol corresponding to the current display configuration of said screen., 'wherein the display device comprises, for each screen of at least part of the plurality of screens, an interactive display configuration tool, the device being configured, for each screen of said at least one part, to2. The display device according to claim 1 , wherein the display device is configured to display the interactive display configuration tool continuously and/or temporarily on the video stream(s) being displayed on said screen claim 1 , and wherein:the surface of said at least one predetermined zone is strictly smaller than half of the surface of each screen of the plurality of screens, andthe location of said at least one predetermined zone, on said screen, is different from the location of a zone dedicated to the display of information essential for the control of the vehicle, the location of said ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019867A1

An image display system includes a body, a first correction unit, and a second correction unit. The body houses a display unit to display an image and projects a virtual image, corresponding to the image, onto a target space using outgoing light of the display unit. The first correction unit corrects for distortion of the image. The second correction unit corrects a display location of the image on the display unit in accordance with an orientation signal representing a change in orientation of the body. Each of divisional areas of a display screen of the display unit is assigned with a distortion correction parameter for correcting for the distortion of the virtual image. The first correction unit applies distortion correction to each of the image regions of the image on the display screen based on a distortion correction parameter assigned to a divisional area where the image region is displayed. 1. An image display system comprising:a body in which a display unit configured to display an image thereon is provided, the body being configured to project a virtual image, corresponding to the image, onto a target space using outgoing light of the display unit; andan image forming unit configured to form the image to be displayed on the display unit,the image forming unit including:a first correction unit configured to correct for distortion of the image; anda second correction unit configured to correct a display location of the image on the display unit in accordance with an orientation signal representing a change in orientation of the body,a display screen of the display unit having a plurality of divisional areas,the image having a plurality of image regions,each of the plurality of divisional areas of the display screen being assigned with a distortion correction parameter for use to correct for the distortion of the virtual image,the first correction unit being configured to apply distortion correction to each of the plurality of image regions on the display ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020145A1
Принадлежит: MAXELL, LTD.

An information display apparatus capable of reducing the viewpoint movement of a driver and achieving safer driving in consideration of the relationship between the traveling speed and the stopping distance of a vehicle is provided. The information display apparatus is configured to display image information in a transportation and comprises a HUD apparatus disposed between a windshield of the transportation and an instrument panel of the transportation. The HUD apparatus detects a viewpoint position of a driver; and displays a virtual image of the image information in front of the transportation by reflecting light emitted from the HUD apparatus to display the image information by the windshield. The HUD apparatus is configured to set a display position of the virtual image in accordance with movement of the viewpoint position of the driver who is driving the transportation. 1. An information display apparatus configured to display image information in a transportation , the information display apparatus comprising: a camera configured to detect a viewpoint position of a driver;', 'an optical system configured to display a virtual image of the image information in front of the transportation by reflecting light emitted from the HUD apparatus to display the image information by the windshield; and', 'circuitry configured to set a display position of the virtual image in accordance with movement of the viewpoint position of the driver who is driving the transportation, detected by the camera., 'a head-up-display (HUD) apparatus configured to be disposed between a windshield of the transportation and an instrument panel of the transportation, wherein the HUD apparatus includes'}2. The information display apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe movement of the viewpoint position of the driver who is driving the transportation, detected by the camera is a range of the movement of the viewpoint position and a center thereof.3. The information display apparatus of claim 1 , ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023738A1

Embodiments of glass articles including a compressive stress (CS) region and a central tension (CT) region, wherein a portion of the CS region extends from the first major surface to a depth of compression (DOC), wherein, when the glass article is in a substantially flat configuration, the CT region has a maximum value (CT) that is about 60 MPa or less, and wherein, when the glass article is in a cold bent configuration, CT region comprises a maximum value (CT), wherein CT/CT<1.4. Embodiments of automotive interior systems including such glass articles are provided, along with methods for forming a glass article and for forming an automotive interior system are also disclosed. 1. A glass article comprising:a first major surface, a second major surface, a minor surface connecting the first major surface and the second major surface, and a thickness (t) (millimeters);a compressive stress (CS) region; anda central tension (CT) region,wherein the CS region and the CT region define a stress profile along the thickness,wherein a portion of the CS region extends from the first major surface to a depth of compression (DOC),{'sub': 'flat', 'wherein, when the glass article is in a substantially flat configuration, the CT region has a maximum value (CT) that is about 60 MPa or less, and'}{'sub': bent', 'bent', 'flat, 'wherein, when the glass article is in a cold bent configuration, CT region comprises a maximum value (CT), wherein CT/CT<1.4.'}2. The glass article of claim 1 , wherein the CTis about 40 MPa or less.3. The glass article of claim 1 , wherein the CTis about 20 MPa or less.4. The glass article of claim 1 , wherein the portion of the CS region comprises a spike region claim 1 , a tail region and a knee region between the spike region and the tail region claim 1 , wherein all points of the stress profile in the spike region comprise a tangent having a slope that is in a range from −200 MPa/micrometer to −15 MPa/micrometer and all points in the tail region comprise a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023739A1
Автор: Avery John

An optical arrangement for a motor vehicle includes a head up display light field emitter that emits a light field. At least one mirror is positioned to reflect the light field such that the light field is again reflected by a windshield of the vehicle, and such that the light field is visible to a driver of the vehicle as a virtual image. The at least one mirror has a transparent section. A driver monitoring camera is positioned to capture an image of a face of the driver through the transparent section of the at least one mirror. 1. An optical arrangement for a motor vehicle , the arrangement comprising:a head up display light field emitter configured to emit a light field;at least one mirror positioned to reflect the light field such that the light field is again reflected by a windshield of the vehicle, and such that the light field is visible to a driver of the vehicle as a virtual image, the at least one mirror having a transparent section; anda driver monitoring camera positioned to capture an image of a face of the driver through the transparent section of the at least one mirror.2. The optical arrangement of wherein the transparent section of the at least one mirror comprises a throughhole.3. The optical arrangement of wherein the transparent section of the at least one mirror is formed of a transparent material.4. The optical arrangement of further comprising an electronic processor configured to:receive image data from the camera; andcause a stimulus to be presented to the driver dependent upon the image data.5. The optical arrangement of wherein the stimulus is presented to the driver within the virtual image produced by the head up display light field emitter.6. The optical arrangement of further comprising an electronic processor configured to:receive image data from the camera; andchange an operational parameter of the vehicle dependent upon the image data.7. The optical arrangement of wherein the head up display light field emitter and the driver ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023790A1
Автор: HIRAI Seiichi

Proposed is technology that enables the linked use of a camera and sensor system in a train image monitoring system. A train image monitoring system is characterized by, in a train monitoring system (), the following: a control device () comprising a means for managing the device configuration of the system, a means for receiving data from each device, a means for determining the control contents of each device, and a means for transmitting a control instruction to each device; a recording device comprising a means for receiving data from each device, a means for recording received data, a means for reading out recorded data, a means for transmitting read-out data, and a means for receiving a control instruction; and a display device comprising a means for receiving data from the recording device, a means for displaying received data on a screen, a means for detecting a user operation, a means for transmitting the contents of a user operation, and a means for receiving a control instruction. 1. A train image monitoring system in which cameras , sensors that acquire surrounding situations , and a control device that controls the cameras and the sensors are connected by a network and mounted on a train , whereinthe cameras and the sensors are mounted on a plurality of cars that form the train,the sensors can be linked with the cameras, andthe control device executes, based on data of the camera or the sensor mounted on one car, linked control for controlling operations of the cameras or the sensors in other cars, andwherein a display device that displays data of the cameras and the sensors in association with a setting form of the cameras and the sensors in the train is connected by the network.2. (canceled)3. The train image monitoring system according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the linked control is executed claim 1 , the display device distinguishably displays the linked cameras or sensors.4. The train image monitoring system according to claim 1 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043259A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A display device for a vehicle includes a liquid crystal display device including a display surface for displaying an image; and an optical system including a reflecting surface, and forming an optical path of display light from the display surface toward an eye point of a vehicle. The optical system includes a first reflecting surface placed closest to the display surface in the optical path of the display light, and a magnifying reflecting surface that magnifies and reflects the display light. When viewed from an image horizontal direction, the display surface is inclined toward an optical axis of the display light extending from the display surface toward the first reflecting surface. The optical system is configured so that a width of the optical path of the display light in an image vertical direction is reduced, gradually from the display surface toward the first reflecting surface. 1. A display device for a vehicle , comprising:a liquid crystal display device that includes a display surface for displaying an image; andan optical system that includes a reflecting surface and that forms an optical path of display light from the display surface toward an eye point of a vehicle, whereinthe optical system includes a first reflecting surface placed closest to the display surface in the optical path of the display light, and a magnifying reflecting surface that magnifies and reflects the display light,when viewed from an image horizontal direction, the display surface is inclined toward an optical axis of the display light extending from the display surface toward the first reflecting surface, andthe optical system is configured so that a width of the optical path of the display light in an image vertical direction is reduced, gradually from the display surface toward the first reflecting surface.2. The display device for a vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinin the optical system, a virtual image of the display light is formed by reflecting the display light by a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043260A1

A head up display mirror holder arrangement for a motor vehicle includes a picture generation unit producing a light field. A mirror reflects the light field such that the light field is visible to the driver as a virtual image. A mirror holder has two opposite ends and an activation feature. The two opposite ends are aligned along a rotational axis of the mirror. The mirror holder retains the mirror. Each of two bushings is coupled to a respective opposite end of the mirror holder. A calibration switch has minimum proximity to the activation feature of the mirror holder. 1. A head up display arrangement for a motor vehicle , the arrangement comprising: a picture generation unit configured to produce a light field that is reflected off of a windshield of the motor vehicle such that the light field is visible to a human driver of the motor vehicle as a virtual image; and', 'at least one arcuate recess and/or at least one projection; and, 'a first body including at least one recess positioned and sized to receive a respective said projection of the first body; and/or', 'at least one projection positioned and sized to be received in a respective said arcuate recess of the first body., 'a second body configured to be fixed to a frame of the motor vehicle, the second body including2. The head up display arrangement of wherein the first body includes a pair of arcuate slots claim 1 , the slots being disposed on opposite sides of the picture generation unit.3. The head up display arrangement of wherein the first body includes a pair of projections claim 1 , the projections being disposed on opposite sides of the picture generation unit.4. The head up display arrangement of wherein the arcuate recess comprises an arcuate through-slot.5. The head up display arrangement of wherein the arcuate recess comprises an arcuate groove in a face of the first body and/or a face of the second body.6. The head up display arrangement of wherein the projection comprises a pin.7. The head ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043262A1

An optical system includes a light guide member and a prism. The light guide member has: an incident surface on which light is incident; and a first surface and a second surface facing each other. The second surface is a light emergent surface. The prism is provided for the first surface and reflects, toward the second surface, the light passing inside the light guide member. The light guide member includes a direct optical path, along which the light that has entered the light guide member through the incident surface is directly reflected from the prism and allowed to emerge from the second surface. 1. An optical system comprising:a light guide member having: an incident surface on which light is incident; and a first surface and a second surface facing each other, the second surface being a light emergent surface; anda prism provided for the first surface and configured to reflect, toward the second surface, the light passing inside the light guide member,the light guide member including a direct optical path, along which the light that has entered the light guide member through the incident surface is directly reflected from the prism and allowed to emerge from the second surface.2. The optical system of claim 1 , whereinthe direct optical path includes an optical path of light to be totally reflected from the prism.3. The optical system of claim 1 , further comprising a light control member configured to condense light traveling toward the incident surface and direct condensed light toward the incident surface claim 1 , whereinthe light control member is integrated with the light guide member.4. The optical system of claim 1 , whereinthe first surface and the second surface are tilted with respect to each other.5. The optical system of claim 1 , whereinthe light guide member further includes an indirect optical path, along which the light that has entered the light guide member through the incident surface is once reflected from the second surface, reflected ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025992A1

A display device for displaying images conveying depth information comprises a first display unit for representing first image information on a first screen. The first display unit comprises the first screen with a holographic optical element, HOE, provided thereon, and a first light source for providing light for illuminating the first screen. The display device further comprises a second display unit for representing second image information. The second display unit comprises a second light source for providing light with a plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths for creating the second image information, and a second screen which is provided in parallel or oriented at an acute angle relative to the first screen in order to project the second image information onto the first screen and thereby generate a virtual image corresponding to the second image information behind the first screen. 1. A display device for displaying images conveying depth information comprising: the first screen comprising a holographic optical element, HOE, provided thereon; and', 'a first light source for providing light for illuminating the first screen;, 'a first display unit for representing first image information on a first screen, the first display unit comprising a second light source for providing light with a plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths for creating the second image information; and', 'a second screen provided in parallel or oriented at an angle relative to the first screen in order to project the second image information onto the first screen and thereby generate a virtual image corresponding to the second image information behind the first screen,, 'a second display unit for representing second image information, the second display unit comprisingwherein the HOE is reflective for the plurality of predetermined discrete wavelengths and transmissive for other wavelengths of the visible spectrum, such that the first image information and the second image ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026075A1

A head-up display for a vehicle, according to one embodiment of the present invention, may comprise: an image source which emits a linearly-polarized light having a first direction; a prism which refracts one portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source; an electric polarization conversion element which, when turned off, transmits another portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source, and when turned on, half-wavelength-converts the another portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source into a linearly-polarized light having a second direction orthogonal to the first direction; a first reflection mirror which reflects light to a windshield of a vehicle; a polarization reflection mirror which is disposed so as to be spaced apart from the first reflection mirror, reflects the linearly-polarized light having the first direction, and transmits the linearly-polarized light having the second direction; and a second reflection mirror which is disposed so as to be spaced apart from the polarization reflection mirror, and reflects the light transmitted through the polarization reflection mirror to the polarization reflection mirror. 1. A head up display for a vehicle comprising:an image source for emitting a linearly-polarized light in a first direction;a prism for refracting a portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source;an electric polarization conversion element for transmitting the remaining portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source when the electric polarization conversion element is turned off and for half-wavelength converting the remaining portion of the linearly-polarized light emitted from the image source into a linearly-polarized light in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction when the electric polarization conversion element is turned on;a first reflection mirror for reflecting a light to a windshield of the vehicle;a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Head-Up Display

Номер: US20200026077A1

There is provided a head-up display for a vehicle. The head-up display has a first housing and a second housing. The first housing comprises a picture generating unit and optical system. The second housing comprises a substantially flat cover glass and a layer. The picture generating unit is arranged to output pictures. The picture generating unit comprises a light source and a spatial light modulator. The light source is arranged to emit light. The spatial light modulator is arranged to receive the light from the light source and spatially-modulate the light in accordance with computer-generated light-modulation patterns displayed on the spatial light modulator to form a holographic reconstruction corresponding to each picture. The optical system is arranged to receive the pictures output by the picture generating unit and relay the pictures using an optical combiner to form a virtual image of each picture. The optical combiner combines light output by the picture generating unit with light from a real-world scene to present combined images to a viewer within an eye-box. The second housing is disposed between the first housing and optical combiner. The substantially flat cover glass is arranged to protect the first housing. The layer is arranged to change the trajectory of light such that any sunlight reflected by the cover glass is deflected away from the eye-box. 1. A head-up display for a vehicle , the head-up display having a first housing comprising:a picture generating unit arranged to output pictures, wherein the picture generating unit comprises: a light source arranged to emit light; and a spatial light modulator arranged to receive the light from the light source and spatially-modulate the light in accordance with computer-generated light-modulation patterns displayed on the spatial light modulator to form a holographic reconstruction corresponding to each picture; andan optical system arranged to receive the pictures output by the picture generating unit ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026163A1

An electro-optic element includes first and second spaced-apart transparent substrates defining respective opposite, aligned first and second edges, a first bus including a first electrode disposed along an inner surface of the first substrate adjacent the first edge and a second electrode disposed along an inner surface of the second substrate adjacent the first edge, and a second bus including a first electrode disposed along an inner surface of the first substrate adjacent the second edge and a second electrode disposed along an inner surface of the second substrate adjacent the second edge. The first bus and second bus are spaced apart along widths of the first and second substrates between the respective first and second edges. An electro-optic medium is disposed between the first and second transparent substrates, including between the first and second electrodes of the first bus and the second bus, respectively. 1. An electro-optic element , comprising:first and second spaced-apart transparent substrates, each of the first and second transparent substrates defining respective opposite first and second edges, the first edges and second edges of the first and second substrates being substantially aligned;a first bus including a first electrode disposed along an inner surface of the first substrate adjacent the first edge and a second electrode disposed along an inner surface of the second substrate adjacent the first edge;a second bus including a first electrode disposed along an inner surface of the first substrate adjacent the second edge and a second electrode disposed along an inner surface of the second substrate adjacent the second edge, the first bus and second bus being spaced apart along widths of the first and second substrates between the respective first and second edges, the second bus spaced apart from the first bus; andan electro-optic medium disposed between the first and second transparent substrates, including between the first and second ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026590A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A display apparatus includes a display panel configured to display an image, a front member on a front surface of the display panel, a driving circuit on a rear surface of the display panel and connected to the display panel, a supporting frame configured to surround a side surface of the display panel and a side surface of the driving circuit, a first support supported by the supporting frame and on the rear surface of the display panel, and a vibration generating module supported by the first support to vibrate the display panel. 1. A display apparatus , comprising:a display panel configured to display an image;a front member on a front surface of the display panel;a driving circuit on a rear surface of the display panel and connected to the display panel;a supporting frame configured to surround a side surface of the display panel and a side surface of the driving circuit;a first support supported by the supporting frame and on the rear surface of the display panel; anda vibration generating module supported by the first support to vibrate the display panel.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a second support between the rear surface of the display panel and the driving circuit, a flexible circuit film connected to the display panel; and', 'a printed circuit board connected to the flexible circuit film at the rear surface of the display panel and supported by the second support., 'wherein the driving circuit includes3. The display apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second support comprises a double-sided tape.4. The display apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the double-sided tape includes foam.5. The display apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising:another printed circuit board in a third region other than a first region that overlaps the printed circuit board and a second region that overlaps the vibration generating module.6. The display apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:the driving circuit including a printed circuit board on the rear ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046809A1

A vehicle display assembly includes a display configured to graphically depict information. A printed circuit board (PCB) is in communication with the display. A carrier is clamped between the display and PCB to form an instrument cluster assembly. The carrier includes cooling fins. 1. A vehicle display assembly comprising:a display configured to graphically depict information;a printed circuit board (PCB) in communication with the display, the PCB having at least one of a processor and a memory chip; anda carrier clamped between the display and PCB to form an instrument cluster assembly the display secured to the carrier at multiple fastening points, the carrier is a metallic structure, and the at least one of the processor and the memory chip engages the carrier and faces the display.2. The vehicle display assembly of claim 1 , wherein the carrier includes an aperture claim 1 , the at least one of the processor and memory chip is at least partially disposed within and extending into the aperture.3. (canceled)4. The vehicle display assembly of claim 2 , wherein the carrier includes a wall surrounding the aperture that is raised relative to an immediate adjacent region of the carrier claim 2 , the at least one chip at least partially disposed within and in overlapping relationship with the wall.5. The vehicle display assembly of claim 1 , wherein the PCB includes openings claim 1 , and the carrier includes standoffs integrally formed therewith and extending through the openings claim 1 , wherein the PCB is a first PCB claim 1 , and comprising a second PCB secured to the standoffs claim 1 , a connector electrically connecting the first and second PCBs.6. (canceled)7. The vehicle display assembly of claim 1 , wherein the display includes mounting features claim 1 , the carrier includes a first set of holes claim 1 , and the PCB includes a second set of holes claim 1 , and comprising fasteners that extend through the first and second set of holes and are secured to the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029334A1

An angle-of-view testing method for a projection display device, including setting a reference viewpoint at a same side as a reflective surface associated with the projection display device, setting a metrical marker plate with a metrical marker at another side opposite to the reflective surface at a first distance from the reference viewpoint, projecting a testing picture onto the reflective surface by the projection display device, where light of the testing picture is reflected by the reflective surface toward the reference viewpoint, such that a projected image as a virtual image of the testing picture is observed at the reference viewpoint as being projected onto the metrical marker plate, determining the coverage of the projected image with respect to the metrical marker of the metrical marker plate, and determining an angle of view of the projection display device based on the determined coverage. 1. An angle-of-view testing method for a projection display device , comprising:setting a reference viewpoint at a same side as a reflective surface associated with the projection display device;setting a metrical marker plate with a metrical marker at another side opposite to the reflective surface at a first distance from the reference viewpoint;projecting a testing picture onto the reflective surface by the projection display device, wherein light of the testing picture is reflected by the reflective surface toward the reference viewpoint, such that a projected image as a virtual image of the testing picture is observed at the reference viewpoint as being projected onto the metrical marker plate;determining a coverage of the projected image with respect to the metrical marker of the metrical marker plate; anddetermining an angle of view of the projection display device based on the determined coverage.2. The angle-of-view testing method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:setting an image acquisition device at the reference viewpoint, utilizing the image ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048387A1

A vehicle is configured to enable precise control while minimizing distractions during driving and improving user convenience by receiving a user input that combines the user's gaze or speech with a physical operation. The vehicle includes a first input device configured to receive a first user input by at least one of the user's speech or user's gaze; a second input device configured to receive a second user input by the physical operation of the user; and a controller configured to determine a control item corresponding to the first user input among a plurality of control items when the first input device receives the first user input, and to determine a sub-control item for the determined control item based on the second user input when the second input device receives the second user input. 1. A vehicle , comprising:a first input device configured to receive a first user input by at least one of a user's speech or a user's gaze;a second input device configured to receive a second user input by a physical operation of the user; and when the first input device receives the first user input, determine a control item corresponding to the first user input among a plurality of control items, and', 'when the second input device receives the second user input, determine a sub-control item for the determined control item based on the second user input., 'a controller configured to2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the first input device comprises an eye tracker configured to recognize the user's gaze.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to determine the control item based on a control target located in a direction in which the user's gaze is facing.4. The vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:a display configured to display a plurality of graphic objects respectively corresponding to the plurality of control items,wherein the controller is configured to activate the control item corresponding to the graphic ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048388A1
Автор: Möller Jon

A vehicle display assembly includes a display configured to depict information. A transparent lens is arranged over the display. An electrically conductive electrostatic discharge (ESD) element is arranged on the lens and configured to electrically bypass the display during an ESD event on the lens. 1. A vehicle display assembly comprising:a display configured to depict information;a transparent lens arranged over the display; andwherein the lens includes a backside that faces the display, the backside includes an opaque masking material, the backside has an unmasked portion surrounded by the masked material that corresponds to an indicia, the indicia configured to be selectively illuminated to communicate a driver message.2. The vehicle display assembly of claim 1 , wherein an electrically conductive electrostatic discharge (ESD) element arranged on the lens and configured to electrically bypass the display during an ESD event on the lens.3. The vehicle display assembly of claim 2 , wherein the display has a display perimeter claim 2 , and the ESD element has an ESD perimeter arranged outside of and circumscribing the display perimeter.4. The vehicle display assembly of claim 3 , wherein the lens has a lens perimeter outside of the ESD perimeter.5. The vehicle display assembly of claim 1 , wherein lens is glass claim 1 , and the display has a frame supporting a display portion that is configured to depict the information claim 1 , the frame operatively attached to a carrier mounted to a housing.6. The vehicle display assembly of claim 5 , wherein the frame is secured to the lens by an adhesive attachment.7. The vehicle display assembly of claim 6 , wherein the adhesive attachment is non-conductive to electrically insulate the lens from the display.8. The vehicle display assembly of claim 6 , wherein the lens is mounted to the housing.9. The vehicle display assembly of claim 5 , wherein a printed circuit board (PCB) is mounted to the carrier claim 5 , the PCB is in ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048471A1

A computer includes a processor and a memory, the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to collect biometric data of a vehicle user, identify a set of user-specific data from one or more stored sets of user-specific data based on the biometric data, and receive a request for a stored location. When the biometric data of the vehicle user match the stored biometric data, the instructions include instructions to display the requested location. When the biometric data of the vehicle user do not match the stored biometric data, the instructions include instructions to identify an offset location based on the requested location and a population density of the requested location and display the offset location. 1. A system , comprising a computer including a processor and a memory , the memory storing instructions executable by the processor to:identify a set of user-specific data from one or more stored sets of user-specific data based on identifying a user;receive a request for a stored location; andbased on identifying the user, identify an offset location based on the requested location and a population density of the requested location, and display the offset location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions to identify the offset location include instructions to identify an intersection of two or more roads within a distance threshold of the requested location as the offset location.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the instructions further include instructions to identify a plurality of intersections within the distance threshold of the requested location claim 2 , to identify a traffic capacity of each of the plurality of intersections claim 2 , and to identify a one of the plurality of intersections having a highest traffic capacity as the offset location claim 2 , wherein the traffic capacity includes at least one of a number of roadway lane at the intersection claim 2 , a posted speed limit at the intersection claim 2 , or an ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048520A1

A vehicle includes a camera configured to capture an image of the interior of a vehicle, an output apparatus configured to output an image and a sound, a scent output apparatus configured to output a scent, and a control apparatus. The control apparatus is configured to determine whether only a pet or only an infant is on board the vehicle based on an image captured by the camera, and upon determining that only a pet or only an infant is on board the vehicle, execute an anxiety reduction action to output an image, a sound, and/or a scent. 1. A vehicle comprising:a camera configured to capture an image of an interior of a vehicle;an output apparatus configured to output an image and a sound;a scent output apparatus configured to output a scent; anda control apparatus, wherein determine whether only a pet or only an infant is on board the vehicle based on an image captured by the camera, and', 'upon determining that only a pet or only an infant is on board the vehicle, execute an anxiety reduction action to output an image, a sound, and/or a scent., 'the control apparatus is configured to'}2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the control apparatus is configured to execute the anxiety reduction action continuously.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the control apparatus is configured to execute the anxiety reduction action intermittently.4. The vehicle of claim 3 , wherein the control apparatus is configured todetermine, based on an image captured by the camera, a degree of anxiety that is an index of anxiety felt by the pet or the infant, andadjust a time interval for intermittently executing the anxiety reduction action in accordance with the degree of anxiety.5. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the control apparatus is configured todetermine, based on an image captured by the camera, a degree of anxiety that is an index of anxiety felt by the pet or the infant, andchange a type of image, sound, and/or scent outputted by the anxiety reduction action in accordance ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049476A1

The line-of-sight direction of an operator is estimated on the basis of the posture of a front work device detected by a posture sensor, and plural display regions are set on a screen of a transparent display on the basis of the estimated line-of-sight direction of the operator. Then, the display position of a display image is calculated in such a manner that the display position is located in the display region corresponding to the kind of the display image in the set plural display regions. When the positions of the display regions on the display device change due to change of the line-of-sight direction of the operator, the display position of the display image is held if the display image is located in the display region corresponding to the kind of the display image also after the change, and a new display position of the display image is calculated in such a manner that the new display position falls within the display region corresponding to the kind of the display image again if the display image gets out of the corresponding display region after the change. 1. A work machine comprising:a work device attached to a work machine main body;a posture sensor that detects posture of the work device;a display device capable of displaying work support information provided to an operator in such a manner as to overlap the work support information with an actual image of the work device; anda display controller that decides a display position on the display device regarding a display image that shows the work support information and displays the display image at the display position, wherein{'claim-text': ['estimate a line-of-sight direction of the operator on a basis of the posture of the work device detected by the posture sensor,', 'set a plurality of display regions on a screen of the display device with use of the estimated line-of-sight direction of the operator as a basis, and calculate the display position of the display image in such a manner that the display ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031227A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A display control apparatus in the present invention includes the following: a positional-information acquiring unit that acquires positional information about the current position of a subject vehicle; a map-information acquiring unit that acquires, as information about an intersection, map information including information about lanes of all roads connected to the intersection; a lane-restriction determining unit that, based on the positional information and the map information, determines restrictions on the lanes of all the roads connected to the intersection into which the subject vehicle makes an entry; and a display controller that, based on the determination, controls the display of an object indicating whether the subject vehicle can travel after passing through the intersection, the object being displayed with respect to the lanes of all the roads connected to the intersection, except at least the road on which the subject vehicle is located. 1. A display control apparatus comprising:a processor to execute a program; anda memory to store the program which, when executed by the processor, performs processes of,acquiring positional information about a current position of a subject vehicle;acquiring, as information about an intersection, map information including information about lanes of all roads connected to the intersection;based on the acquired positional information and the acquired map information, identifying the lane of the road on which the subject vehicle is currently located, and determining restrictions on the lanes of all the roads connected to the intersection into which the subject vehicle makes an entry; andbased on the determination, controlling display of an object indicating a non-travelable lane for the subject vehicle that has passed through the intersection onto a head-up display through superimposition on a position corresponding to the non-travelable lane, the object being displayed with respect to the lanes of all the roads ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031228A1

A vehicle includes a vehicle body having a cabin, a first seat and a second seat arranged in the cabin, a planar transparent member placed on a side surface of the cabin, and that separates an interior of the cabin and a vehicle exterior from each other, and a display device placed on the side surface of the cabin and arranged along the planar transparent member, the display device having a plurality of pixels. At least a part of the display device is placed on the side surface and between the first seat and the second seat. 1. A vehicle comprising:a vehicle body having a cabin;a first seat and a second seat arranged in the cabin;a planar transparent member placed on a side surface of the cabin, and that separates an interior of the cabin and a vehicle exterior from each other; anda display device placed on the side surface of the cabin and arranged along the planar transparent member, the display device having a plurality of pixels,wherein at least a part of the display device is placed on the side surface and between the first seat and the second seat.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a sheet having a predetermined transmittance with respect to visible light is provided a surface of the display device.3. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the sheet is a decorative sheet.4. The vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein the decorative sheet has a wood-grain pattern.5. The vehicle according to claim 4 , wherein the decorative sheet is configured with a wood material.6. The vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined transmittance is a first transmittance;wherein the planar transparent member has a second transmittance with respect to visible light; andwherein the first transmittance is smaller than the second transmittance.7. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the first seat and the second seat are placed along the side surface of the cabin.8. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the first seat and the second seat are ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031393A1

There is provided a display device for a vehicle, the display device including: a display unit that is visible to an occupant of a vehicle; a memory; and a processor that is connected to the memory, the processor changing a content image displayed on the display unit so as to be displayed in the same direction as a direction in which a travel path of the vehicle curves. 1. A display device for a vehicle , the display device comprising:a display unit that is visible to an occupant of a vehicle;a memory; anda processor that is connected to the memory,the processor changing a content image displayed on the display unit so as to be displayed in the same direction as a direction in which a travel path of the vehicle curves.2. The display device for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the processor makes a change to the content image according to a steering angle of a steering wheel.3. The display device for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the content is information relating to the vehicle; andthe processor shifts an image of the information so as to be displayed at the same side of the display unit to which the travel path curves.4. The display device for a vehicle of claim 1 , wherein:the content image is a pair of lines simulating the travel path; andthe processor causes an upper portion of the pair of lines to curve in the same direction as the direction in which the travel path curves.5. The display device for a vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the display unit includes:a first display unit that is provided at a meter display; anda second display unit that is provided at a projection surface of a head-up display, and that is above and adjacent to the first display unit in a line of sight of the occupant,the processor displaying the pair of lines so as to be continuous from the first display unit to the second display unit.6. The display device for a vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the processor causes display of the lines on the display unit in a case in which the vehicle is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050022A1

A method for providing a visual aid to guide a driver when executing a test cycle includes controlling an electronic display to display a graph including a target trace indicating a target speed of a vehicle during the test cycle and a first visual indicator of an actual speed of the vehicle during the test cycle, scroll the target trace from a first side of the graph to a second side of the graph during a time-based portion of the test cycle to indicate the target vehicle speed with respect to an amount of time elapsed since a start of the test cycle, and scroll the target trace from the first side of the graph to the second side of the graph during a distance-based portion of the test cycle to indicate the target vehicle speed with respect to a distance travelled by the vehicle during the test cycle. 1. A method for providing a visual aid to guide a driver of a vehicle when executing a test cycle that includes a time-based portion and a distance-based portion , the method comprising controlling an electronic display to:display a graph including a target trace indicating a target speed of the vehicle during the test cycle and a first visual indicator of an actual speed of the vehicle during the test cycle;scroll the target trace from a first side of the graph to a second side of the graph during the time-based portion of the test cycle to indicate the target vehicle speed with respect to an amount of time elapsed since a start of the test cycle; andscroll the target trace from the first side of the graph to the second side of the graph during the distance-based portion of the test cycle to indicate the target vehicle speed with respect to a distance travelled by the vehicle during the test cycle.2. The method of further comprising controlling the electronic display to:scroll the target trace from the first side of the graph to the second side of the graph at a constant speed during the time-based portion of the test cycle; andduring the distance-based portion of ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050231A1

An optical system comprises a turning film and a lenticular diffuser. The lenticular diffuser comprises a structured surface comprising a plurality of microstructures each comprising a lenticular prism having linear end sections connected by a blend section separated by a substantially flat land area, wherein the blend section shape is a segment of an ellipse of 2nd, 4th or 6th order polynomial. 1. An optical system , comprising:{'claim-text': ['a first substantially smooth surface, wherein the first substantially smooth surface defines a display axis extending perpendicular to the first substantially smooth surface; and', 'a first structured surface comprising a plurality of first microstructures defining a first plurality of substantially parallel grooves,', 'wherein the turning film outputs light substantially collimated in a first plane; and'], '#text': '(a) a turning film, comprising:'}{'claim-text': ['a second substantially smooth surface substantially perpendicular to the display axis; and', 'a second structured surface comprising a plurality of second microstructures defining a second plurality of substantially parallel grooves extending along a plane substantially perpendicular the display axis,', {'sup': ['nd', 'th', 'th'], '#text': 'wherein the second structured surface comprising a plurality of second microstructures each comprising a lenticular prism having linear end sections connected by a blend section separated by a substantially flat land area, wherein the blend section shape is a segment of an ellipse or 2, 4or 6order polynomial;'}], '#text': '(b) a lenticular diffuser, comprising:'}wherein a cross section of each lenticular prism extends along a plane substantially parallel to the display axis in a direction from the second substantially smooth surface to a vertex,wherein the lenticular diffuser is optically coupled to the turning film, and wherein the lenticular diffuser refracts light substantially collimated in the first plane toward a second ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050289A1

A head-up display device that is to be mounted in a moving vehicle and enables an occupant in the moving vehicle to view a virtual image based on a reflected image of S-polarized light in a projection section, the head-up display device including: an image projector configured to apply projection light including S-polarized light; and the projection section on which the projection light is to be projected. The projection section includes laminated glass including a first glass plate defining a surface of the laminated glass on which the projection light is to be incident, a second glass plate defining a surface of the laminated glass from which the projection light is to be emitted, and a half-wave plate disposed between the first glass plate and the second glass plate. The first glass plate and the second glass plate each are formed from a glass composition containing silicon oxide, iron oxide, and an alkali metal oxide. At least one of the first glass plate or the second glass plate has a thickness of 0.3 mm to 3 mm, a total iron oxide content in terms of FeOin the glass composition of 0.2% by mass to 2.0% by mass, and a FeO content of 0.1% by mass to 0.5% by mass. The half-wave plate has visible light transmittivity and is configured to transmit light with an a* value of −2.5 to 4.5 and a b* value of −1.0 to 7.0 in a CIE color system. The reflected image is formed on a surface of the first glass plate which is to face an inside of the vehicle. The second glass plate is configured to emit from a surface thereof which is to face an outside of the vehicle the projection light converted to P-polarized light. 1. A head-up display device that is to be mounted in a moving vehicle and enables an occupant in the moving vehicle to view a virtual image based on a reflected image of S-polarized light in a projection section , the head-up display device comprising:an image projector configured to apply projection light including S-polarized light; andthe projection section on ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031626A1

A display device includes a light control film including a first alignment pattern. The display device further includes a display panel including a second alignment pattern. The first alignment pattern and the second alignment pattern are at least partially overlapped with one another. 1. A display device , comprising:a light control film including a first alignment pattern; anda display panel including a second alignment pattern,wherein the first alignment pattern and the second alignment pattern are at least partially overlapped.2. The display device of claim 1 , whereinthe light control film further includes:a base film at least partially overlapping the display panel; anda plurality of viewing angle control patterns at least partially overlapping the base film.3. The display device of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of viewing angle control patterns includes a first pattern with a continuous shape and/or a second pattern with a discontinuous shape.4. The display device of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of viewing angle control patterns include the first pattern and the second pattern.5. The display device of claim 3 , wherein the display panel includes:a first light emission region corresponding to a first color;a second light emission region corresponding to a second color; anda third light emission region corresponding a third color.6. The display device of claim 5 , wherein the second pattern extends primarily along a first direction and is disposed between the first light emission region and second light emission region.7. The display device of claim 6 , wherein the first light emission region and the second light emission region are separated along a second direction different from the first direction.8. The display device of claim 5 , wherein the display panel further includes an additional first light emission region claim 5 , an additional second light emission region claim 5 , and an additional third light emission region and the first pattern extends ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031627A1

A projector is disposed inside a seatback of a front seat as a vehicle seat; therefore, when a driver as an occupant seated in the front seat checks the rear side with a rearview mirror or the like, the projector can be restrained from entering the field of view of the driver. Accordingly, different from the case in which the projector is disposed on a ceiling of the vehicle cabin or the like and exposed into the vehicle cabin, it is possible to restrain the projector from blocking the field of view of the driver. 1. A vehicle display device comprising:a transparent screen disposed in a vehicle cabin; anda projector that is disposed inside a seatback of a vehicle seat and projects a video image onto the transparent screen.2. The vehicle display device according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent screen is disposed upward of the seatback and vehicle rearward of a headrest of the vehicle seat.3. The vehicle display device according to claim 1 , wherein the projector has a projection lens exposed from an opening formed in the seatback into the vehicle cabin and projecting a video image onto the transparent screen.4. The vehicle display device according to claim 3 , wherein:the seatback includes a back surface, an upper surface, and a curved portion connecting the back surface to the upper surface; andthe opening of the seatback is formed in an upper portion of the back surface of the seatback, in the upper surface of the seatback, or in the curved portion of the seatback. The disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No. 2019-142668 filed on Aug. 2, 2019 including the specification, drawings and abstract is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The disclosure relates to a vehicle display device having a transparent screen and a projector.Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2015-102807 discloses a vehicle display device that includes: a projector disposed on a ceiling of a vehicle cabin between a driver's seat and an occupant's seat; and a liquid ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031628A1
Автор: Herrmann Andreas

A human machine interface with light sensing contact activation includes an operating panel and a display unit, where the operating panel includes at least one or more of a transparent or translucent substrate provided with at least one key area and at least one illumination source which can emit light into the substrate, and the display unit provides at least one information section at least temporarily displaying information on at least one function, which can be contact activated via the at least one key area of the operating panel. A rearview device and a motor vehicle may include such a human machine interface. 1. A human machine interface with light sensing contact activation , comprising:an operating panel; anda display unit,wherein the operating panel comprises at least one or more of a transparent or a translucent substrate provided with at least one key area and at least one illumination source which can emit light into the substrate,the display unit provides at least one information section at least temporarily displaying information on at least one function which can be contact activated via the at least one key area of the operating panel,a plurality of information sections and a plurality of key areas are provided, with each key area being associated with one information section, andeach one of the key areas is aligned with and arranged next to one information section associated therewith, and wherein the operating panel includes a line arranged along an edge of the display unit.2. The human machine interface according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the function or the information on the function displayed in the information section can be changed by one or more of a user or depending on at least one parameter.3. The human machine interface according to claim 1 , further comprising:sensing means for monitoring the light emitted by the at least one illumination source, comprising at least one ToF (Time-of-Flight) sensor with the at least one ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031629A1
Автор: Kato Shigeo

An evaluation apparatus for display arbitration control or a generation apparatus for a rule definition file includes a model generation portion that models the display arbitration control and generates a rule-based arbitration specification model that includes a content definition that defines a content, an area definition that defines a display area, and a constraint expression that shows a constraint related to display of the content; and a rule definition file generation portion that generates the rule definition file for software that is installed in a product and is related to the display arbitration control. 1. An evaluation apparatus , comprising:a generation processor configured to generate: an image, which shows a vehicle speed, an engine rotation number, a shift position or a remaining amount of fuel; a display area that includes a first area and a second area; a rule that satisfies a condition that the first area is hidden when the second area is displayed; and a test pattern;a display that includes a head up display placed inside a vehicle and is configured to display at least one of the content or the display area; anda simulation processor configured to simulate whether a combination of the image and the display area satisfies the rule based on the test pattern and output a simulation result.2. An evaluation apparatus for display arbitration control , comprising: model the display arbitration control and', a content definition that defines a content,', 'an area definition that defines a display area, and', 'a constraint expression that shows a constraint related to display of the content;, 'generate a rule-based arbitration specification model that includes'}], 'a model generation portion configured to'}a rule definition file generation portion configured to generate a rule definition file for software that is installed in a product and is related to the display arbitration control, based on the rule-based arbitration specification model after a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Display control unit and non-transitory tangible computer readable storage medium

Номер: US20210031776A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A display control unit controls a virtual image display device that superimposes a virtual image on a foreground of an occupant of the vehicle. The display control unit acquires posture information indicating a change in posture of the vehicle based on a signal of a posture sensor attached to the vehicle. The display control unit acquires driving force information indicating a state of a driving force acting on the vehicle. The display control unit determines that the vehicle is traveling on a rough road when the change in posture indicated by the posture information exceeds a threshold value in a state where the driving force indicated by the driving force information is stable.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050654A1

An HUB system is equipped with an HUB device for displaying a video in front of a vehicle; a communication unit for connecting a mobile device with the HUD device and establishing communication; a speaker for outputting sounds to a driver; a microphone for picking up the voices of the driver; a sound recognition unit for analyzing the picked-up voices; and an in-vehicle camera for photographing the face of the driver. When there is an incoming call at the mobile device, a calling indication of the mobile device is displayed on the display screen of the HUD device, an incoming call sound is outputted from the speaker, and on the basis of a result of an analysis of voices uttered by the driver performed by the sound recognition unit, the conversation operations of the mobile device are started or ended. 1. A head-up display system performing communication in connection with a mobile device , comprising:a head-up display device (referred to as an HUD device hereinafter) installed in a vehicle for displaying a video in front of the vehicle viewed from a driver;a communication unit for connecting the mobile device with the HUD device and establishing communication;a speaker for outputting sounds to the driver;a microphone for picking up the voices of the driver;a sound recognition unit for analyzing the voices picked up by the microphone; andan in-vehicle camera for photographing the face of the driver,wherein the HUD device includes: a signal processing unit that performs signal processing of sound signals and image signals that are propagated between the mobile device, the speaker, the microphone, and the in-vehicle camera; and a display control unit that controls the display of videos on the display screen of the HUD device,the driver can perform conversation operations via the mobile device by using the speaker and the microphone,a calling indication of the mobile device is displayed on the display screen of the HUD device, and at the same time, an incoming call ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051614A1

Disclosed are various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A supply circuit , comprising:an error correction detector having a reference signal input, an error signal input, and a correction signal output;a controllable current source with current output and a control signal terminal, the control signal terminal being connected to the correction signal output to form a control loop for the controllable current source, the current source configured to provide a current at the current output in dependence on a signal at the control signal terminal;a substitute source with one output configured to provide a substitute signal; anda switching device which is configured to supply, depending on a switching signal, either a signal derived from the current at the current output or the substitute signal to the error signal input with additional disconnection of the current output of the current source.2. The supply circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the variable current source comprises a current mirror having a switchable output branch connected to the current output.3. The supply circuit according to claim 2 , wherein the output branch comprises an output transistor whose control terminal is connected via the switching device to a fixed potential for opening the transistor based on a switching signal.4. The supply circuit according to claim 2 , wherein the adjustable current source comprises an input branch to which a reference current is supplied and which has a node which is connected to the reference signal input of the error correction detector.5. The supply circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the controllable current source comprises a current mirror claim 1 , wherein the control signal terminal is connected to the control terminal of an output transistor of the current mirror.6. The supply ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051615A1

Disclosed are various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A display arrangement comprising:an IC substrate component with monolithic integrated circuits and with IC substrate contacts arranged as a matrix; a monolithic pixelated optochip comprising a semiconductor layer sequence with a first semiconductor layer having a first doping and a second semiconductor layer having a second doping, wherein the polarity of the charge carriers in the first semiconductor layer differs from that of the second semiconductor layer and the semiconductor layer sequence defines a stacking direction;wherein μ-LEDs arranged as a matrix are present in the monolithic pixelated optochip;wherein each μ-LED has a μ-LED rear side facing the IC substrate component and a first light source contact which adjoins the first semiconductor layer in a contacting manner and is electrically conductively connected to a respective one of the IC substrate contacts;wherein the projection area of the first light source contact on the μ-LED rear surface is at most half the area of the μ-LED rear surface; andwherein the first light source contact in a lateral direction perpendicular to the stacking direction is surrounded by an absorber on the rear side.2. The display arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor layer and the second semiconductor layer comprise a p- or n-conductivity lower than 104 Sm claim 1 , preferably lower than 3*103 Sm claim 1 , more preferably lower than 103 Sm.3. The display arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the layer thickness of the first semiconductor layer in the stacking direction is at most ten times and preferably at most five times the maximum diagonal of the first light source contact in the lateral direction.4. The display arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033597A1
Автор: LI Dianmeng, WU Naifu

The present disclosure provides a protection cover, a protection device, and a protection method for a head up display. The protection cover includes a front cover, a color changing layer, and a rear cover, which are disposed in a stack. An electrochromic material is provided in the color changing layer, and the color changing layer is configured to adjust a light transmittance under an action of an electric field to protect the head up display. 1. A protection cover , comprising:a front cover, a color changing layer, and a rear cover which are disposed in a stack;an electrochromic material is provided in the color changing layer; andwherein the color changing layer is configured to adjust a light transmittance under an action of an electric field.2. The protection cover according to claim 1 , wherein:the color changing layer comprises a first electrode and a second electrode disposed opposite to each other, and an electrolyte layer disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode;the electrochromic material is contained in the electrolyte layer; andthe electrochromic material is attracted onto the first electrode or the second electrode under the action of the electric field to change the light transmittance of the color changing layer.3. The protection cover according to claim 1 , wherein the color changing layer is transparent to a visible light and an infrared light when the electric field is not present.4. The protection cover according to claim 1 , wherein the color changing layer has a reduced transmittance to a visible light and an infrared light when the electric field is applied.5. The protection cover according to claim 1 , wherein the electrochromic material comprises an inorganic electrochromic material claim 1 , the inorganic electrochromic material comprising tungsten trioxide.6. The protection cover according to claim 1 , wherein the electrochromic material comprises an organic electrochromic material claim 1 , the organic electrochromic ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033598A1
Автор: MA Sen

A display apparatus includes a light-emitting component, a controller, a digital micro-mirror device, a first projection assembly and a second projection assembly. The controller is configured to alternately output a first image signal and a second image signal to the digital micro-mirror device. The digital micro-mirror device is configured such that in response to receiving the first image signal, at least one micro-lens is rotated to a respective first preset position, and that in response to receiving the second image signal, at least one micro-lens is rotated to a respective second preset position. The first projection assembly is configured to receive light reflected by the at least one micro-lens located at the respective first preset position and output a first image. The second projection assembly is configured to receive light reflected by the at least one micro-lens located at the respective second preset position and output a second image. 1. A display apparatus , comprising:a light-emitting component configured to emit light;a controller electrically connected to a digital micro-mirror device, wherein the controller is configured to alternately output a first image signal and a second image signal to the digital micro-mirror device;the digital micro-mirror device disposed on a light path of the light emitted by the light-emitting component, wherein the digital micro-mirror device includes a plurality of micro-lenses, each micro-lens is capable of reflecting the light emitted by the light-emitting component, the digital micro-mirror device is configured such that in response to receiving the first image signal, at least one micro-lens is rotated to a respective first preset position, and that in response to receiving the second image signal, at least one micro-lens is rotated to a respective second preset position;a first projection assembly configured to receive light reflected by the at least one micro-lens located at the respective first preset ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052234A1

The invention relates to various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A μ-LED device comprising:a carrier substrate;a column connected at least indirectly to the carrier substrate and pointing in a longitudinal direction from the latter, in particular a nanopillar with a semiconductor sequence, which comprises at least one active layer, wherein the active layer is formed for the emission of electro-magnetic radiation and is arranged such that at least part of the radiation emission is transverse to the longitudinal direction; anda reflector device arranged on the carrier substrate laterally to the column, which deflects the radiation emission transversely to the longitudinal direction at least partially into a main radiation direction running parallel to the longitudinal direction.2. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector device comprises a first reflective optical element and a second reflective optical element arranged on different sides of the column.3. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector device is arranged between two columns.4. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector device comprises a shaped layer monolithically formed with a layer of the semiconductor sequence of the column.5. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector device comprises a metallic reflective layer and/or a Bragg mirror.6. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflector device comprises a Fresnel lens array.7. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein a wavelength conversion element is arranged in the beam path between the column and the reflector device.8. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein a first wavelength conversion element associated with a first column is applied for emitting electromagnetic ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220052235A1

The invention relates to various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A method of producing an optoelectronic component , in particular a μ-LED , comprising:{'claim-text': ['a first n-doped layer;', 'a second p-doped layer; and', 'an active layer with at least one quantum well disposed in between,', 'wherein the p-doped layer comprises a first dopant;'], '#text': 'providing a semiconductor structure, comprising:'}applying a structured mask on the semiconductor structure;doping of the p-doped layer with a second dopant so that quantum well intermixing is generated in areas of the active layer over which no region of the patterned mask is located; and{'claim-text': ['depositing of the second dopant on the surface of the p-doped layer by decomposition of the precursor at a first temperature selected such that substantially no diffusion of the second dopant into the p-doped layer takes place; and', 'diffusing of the deposited second dopant into the p-doped layer at a second temperature which is higher than the first temperature.'], '#text': 'wherein the doping of the p-doped layer with a second dopant is carried out by a gas phase diffusion using a precursor with the second dopant and comprises:'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second dopant comprises Zn or Mg and comprises the same doping type as the first dopant.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the second dopant deposited is chosen such that it diffuses substantially completely into the p-doped layer during diffusion.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the second dopant is chosen such that in regions of the active layer over which no region of the patterned mask is located claim 1 , a barrier to the lateral diffusion of charge carriers generated by the second dopant is greater than ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200034640A1
Автор: IMBE Satoru

A warning device according to the present invention includes an image acquisition unit configured to acquire an image group including a plurality of images taken in succession, a detection unit configured to perform detection of an object on each of images in the image group, a determination unit configured to compare detection results of the object in the image group in chronological order and determine a degree of movement of the object, and a warning unit configured to issue a warning in accordance with the determined degree of movement, wherein the image acquisition unit acquires a plurality of image groups respectively based on a plurality of filter characteristics and the determination unit compares corresponding images between the plurality of image groups and thereby selects an image with high detection accuracy for each time period, compares the selected images in chronological order, and determines the degree of movement of the object. 1. A warning device comprising:at least one memory storing instructions, anda processor configured to execute the instructions to:acquire an image group including a plurality of images taken in succession;perform detection of an object on each of images in the image group;compare detection results of the object in the image group in chronological order and determine a degree of movement of the object; andissue a warning in accordance with the determined degree of movement, whereinthe processor is further configured to execute the instructions to acquire a plurality of image groups respectively based on a plurality of filter characteristics andcompare corresponding images between the plurality of image groups and thereby select an image with high detection accuracy for each time period, compare the selected images in chronological order, and determine the degree of movement of the object.2. The warning device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to execute the instructions to:compare detection ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033861A1

A display system includes an optical element through which light diverges and an imaging optical system configured to form an image by projecting diverging light diverging through the optical element. In the display system, the image formed by the imaging optical system is visually recognized by a viewer, and a condition in an equation tan 0≥(T×B)/(S×O) is satisfied, where θ denotes a divergence angle of the optical element, T denotes distance between the image forming optical system and the formed image, B denotes a range of an eye box that is an area through which the formed image can visually be recognized, S denotes distance between the formed image and a viewpoint of the viewer of the formed image, and O denotes distance between the optical element and the image forming optical system. In the above equation, each distance indicates length of an optical path that passes through a center of an image formed by the light when an object is observed from a reference eyepoint. 1. A display system , comprising:an optical element through which light diverges; andan imaging optical system configured to form an image by projecting diverging light diverging through the optical element,wherein the image formed by the imaging optical system is visually recognized by a viewer, θ denotes a divergence angle of the optical element,', 'T denotes distance between the image forming optical system and the formed image,', 'B denotes a range of an eye box that is an area through which the formed image can visually be recognized,', 'S denotes a distance between the formed image and a viewpoint of the viewer of the formed image, and', 'O denotes a distance between the optical element and the image forming optical system, and, 'wherein a condition in an equation tan θ≥(T×B)/(S×O) is satisfied, where'}wherein each distance indicates length of an optical path that passes through a center of an image formed by the light when an object is observed from a reference eyepoint.2. The display ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Black deadfront for displays and related display device and methods

Номер: US20210034100A1
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

Embodiments of a deadfront article for a display are disclosed herein. The deadfront article includes a substrate having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. Also included is a semitransparent black layer disposed onto at least a first portion of the second surface of the substrate. The semitransparent black layer is configured to obscure the display when the display is inactive and to allow viewing of the display when the display is active.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034207A1
Автор: KURAISHI Tomoya

The purpose of the present invention is to provide an operation image display device, an operation image display system, and an operation image display program for controlling the display of operation images according to the likelihood of a user using a function. An operation image display device is mounted in a vehicle and comprises: a display; a control unit; a vehicle information input/output unit; a storage unit; a sensor information acquisition unit; and an operation information acquisition unit. The control unit determines functions having a high likelihood of use, on the basis of at least one of vehicle information, sensor information, and operation history information, and selects and displays selection images corresponding to the functions having a high likelihood of use. 1. An operation image display device comprising:a display that presents an operation image including a selection image corresponding to a function;a control unit that controls presentation of the operation image;an operation information acquisition unit that acquires operation information of an operating unit;a vehicle information input/output unit that acquires vehicle information;a sensor information acquisition unit that acquires sensor information; anda storage unit that stores operation history information in which the vehicle information and/or the sensor information is associated with the operation information, whereinthe control unit determines the function with high likelihood of use based on at least one of the vehicle information, the sensor information, and the operation history information and selectively displays the selection image corresponding to the function with the high likelihood of use.2. The operation image display device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when it is determined that an operation has not been performed for a period of time more than a threshold based on the operation information and the operation history information claim 1 , the control unit ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035380A1
Автор: KAECHI Shuya

A monitoring system for a working machine, includes a first communicator to communicate in wireless, the first communicator being provided on the working machine including a working device and a traveling device, a second communicator to communicate with the first communicator in wireless, the second communicator being provided on a monitoring device installed in an agricultural field, a monitor to monitor the agricultural field, the monitor being provided on the monitoring device, a judgment analyzer to judge whether the working machine is in a monitoring area based on intensities of signals of the first communicator and the second communicator, and an instruction controller to instruct the monitor to start monitoring when the judgment analyzer determines that the working machine is in the monitoring area of the monitor. 1. A monitoring system for a working machine , comprising:a first communicator to communicate in wireless, the first communicator being provided on the working machine including a working device and a traveling device;a second communicator to communicate with the first communicator in wireless, the second communicator being provided on a monitoring device installed in an agricultural field;a monitor to monitor the agricultural field, the monitor being provided on the monitoring device;a judgment analyzer to judge whether the working machine is in a monitoring area based on intensities of signals of the first communicator and the second communicator; andan instruction controller to instruct the monitor to start monitoring when the judgment analyzer determines that the working machine is in the monitoring area of the monitor.2. The monitoring system for the working machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe instruction controller instructs the monitor to start monitoring when the judgment analyzer determines that the working machine is in the monitoring area and the traveling device stops.3. The monitoring system for the working machine according to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055479A1

A vehicular head-up display system provides a driver with two virtual images in different image distances, wherein each of the virtual images utilizes all pixels of a single image source. Linearly polarized light beams, which are emanated from the image source, pass through a dynamic polarization converter, whereby to form two image light beams with orthogonal polarization states that are switched fast for time-multiplexing. The two image light beams are selected by a polarization selection component for transmission and reflection respectively. The reflected image light beam is handled by an optical relay component to form an intermediate image. A curved mirror reflects the two image light beams to a virtual image reflecting surface to form two virtual images in different virtual image distances in respect to eyes of a driver in front of the virtual image reflecting surface. 1. A vehicular head-up display system , comprisingan image source, switching to generate a first image light beam of a first polarization state and a second image light beam of the first polarization state according to a timing signal;a light polarization converter, disposed at a light output side of the image source, switching between a first sate and a second state synchronously corresponding to that the image source switches to generate the first image light beam and the second image light beam, wherein in the first state, the light polarization converter converts the first image light beam of the first polarization state or the second image light beam of the first polarization state into the first image light beam of a second polarization state or the second image light beam of the second polarization state; in the second state, the light polarization converter keeps the first image light beam of the first polarization state or the second image light beam of the first polarization state being of the first polarization; the first polarization state is different from the second polarization ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055480A1
Автор: Lee Huijin, LEE Junhwan

A method and apparatus for controlling a head-up display (HUD) considering an eye tracking status are provided. The method includes identifying an eye tracking status based on a result of an eye tracking, and identifying a rendering mode for an HUD image to be one of a two-dimensional (2D) rendering mode and a three-dimensional (3D) rendering mode based on the eye tracking status. 1. A method of controlling a head-up display (HUD) , the method comprising:performing eye tracking of an eye of a user in a captured image;identifying an eye tracking status based on a result of the eye tracking;identifying a rendering mode for an HUD image to be one of a two-dimensional (2D) rendering mode and a three-dimensional (3D) rendering mode based on the eye tracking status; andrendering the HUD image in the identified rendering mode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifying the eye tracking status comprises classifying the eye tracking status as one of a stable status and an unstable status based on whether eye coordinates are present in the result of the eye tracking or based on a rate of change of the eye coordinates.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the identifying the rendering mode comprises:identifying the rendering mode to be the 3D rendering mode based on the eye tracking status being classified as the stable status; andidentifying the rendering mode to be the 2D rendering mode based on the eye tracking status being classified as the unstable status.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the eye tracking status is classified as the stable status based on the eye coordinates being included in the result of the eye tracking and a speed of change of the eye coordinates is less than a reference value.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the reference value corresponds to a system processing rate.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the eye tracking status is classified as the unstable status based on the eye coordinates being included in the result of the eye tracking and a ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055481A1

In a display control device for a vehicle to control a display on a head-up display, when lane change information related to a lane change of the vehicle is acquired from a lane change control unit that controls the lane change of the vehicle, a lane change content indicating an estimated trajectory of the lane change is displayed to be superimposed on a road surface as a superimposition target based on the lane change information. 1. A display control device for a vehicle to control a display on a head-up display , the display control device comprising:a control information acquisition unit that acquires driving control information related to a driving control of the vehicle, from a lane keeping control unit that controls an in-lane traveling of the vehicle to cause the vehicle to travel in a lane;a change information acquisition unit that acquires lane change information related to a lane change of the vehicle, from a lane change control unit that controls the lane change of the vehicle; anda display control unit that displays an estimated trajectory content indicating an estimated trajectory of the in-lane traveling to be superimposed on a road surface as a superimposition target, based on the driving control information, whereinin response to acquiring the lane change information during the in-lane traveling, the display control unit displays a lane change content indicating an estimated trajectory of the lane change based on the lane change information.2. The display control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe display control unit displays the lane change content indicating the estimated trajectory of the lane change to be superimposed on the road surface and to be integrally continuous with the estimated trajectory content.3. The display control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe display control unit displays the lane change content at a position that does not overlap with the estimated trajectory content.4. The display control device according to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Horizon Digital Virtual Steering Wheel Controller

Номер: US20220055482A1

Systems and methods are provided herein to simplify the functional offerings of vehicle control settings to those most frequently used by drivers. A virtual image of the switch set is depicted in the large information display of a vehicle showing the appropriate, context-based control functions for the task at hand. With the function graphics/instruction shown in the display, the graphics may be removed from the switch itself allowing for the user to interact with multipurpose controls that are easily understood and not limited by hard graphics printed on a switch. The use of the display may help a driver stay focused on the road. 1. A virtual steering wheel controller system for controlling vehicle control settings of a vehicle , the system comprising:a steering wheel operatively coupled to the vehicle, the steering wheel comprising a plurality of label-less actuators, each of the plurality of label-less actuators comprising a sensor configured to generate a signal upon interaction with a driver;a display positioned within a line-of-sight of the driver of the vehicle, the display operatively coupled to the plurality of label-less actuators;a memory that stores computer-executable instructions; and receive the signal from the plurality of label-less actuators;', 'cause the display to virtually display the plurality of label-less actuators, one or more functions associated therewith, and an indicator based on the signal; and', 'cause the vehicle to execute a function of the one or more functions upon actuation of at least one of the plurality of label-less actuators to control vehicle control settings of the vehicle;, 'a processor configured to access the memory and execute the computer-executable instructions towherein the virtually displayed one or more functions associated with the plurality of label-less actuators are contextually dependent on the vehicle control settings accessed based on the signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039354A1

A brake control system includes a display, a processor, and a light sensor. The processor controls brakes of a towed vehicle. The processor also controls a brightness of the display based on information received from the light sensor. The light sensor may include a light dependent resistor or a photoresistor. The processor selectively sets or adjusts the brightness of the display based on sensed ambient light. 1. A brake control unit comprising:a processor;a light sensor coupled to the processor and configured to operatively sense ambient light; anda display coupled to the processor and comprising at least one light source,wherein the processor is configured to operatively adjust a brightness of the at least one light source based at least in part on an intensity of the sensed ambient light.2. The brake control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor determines the intensity of the sensed ambient light based on at least two readings of the light sensor.3. The brake control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor applies a transfer function that generates a brightness setting for the at least one light based on the intensity of the sensed ambient light.4. The brake control unit of claim 3 , wherein the transfer function is based at least in part on a position of the light sensor.5. The brake control unit of claim 3 , wherein the transfer function is based at least in part on an orientation of the light sensor.6. The brake control unit of claim 3 , further comprising a lens disposed over the light sensor and wherein the transfer function is based at least in part on parameters associated with the lens.7. The brake control unit of claim 1 , wherein the light sensor comprises at least one of a phototransistor or a photoresistor.8. The brake control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor modulates a duty cycle of a pulse width modulated signal sent to the display to adjust the brightness.9. The brake control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processor adjusts a frequency of ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Display module and vehicle-mounted display device

Номер: US20220057671A1
Автор: Haifeng Xu, Kaiwen WANG

A display module and a vehicle-mounted display device are disclosed. The display module includes a middle frame, a display panel and an elastic adhesive body; the middle frame includes a first frame body, being arranged around an opening region and having a bearing surface; the display panel includes a middle portion and an edge portion; the adhesive body is located between the bearing surface and the edge portion; the middle frame further includes a second frame body, located at an edge of the first frame body and, the second frame body is located at a side of the first frame body away from the display panel, and an orthographic projection of the edge portion on a plane where the bearing surface is located at least partially overlaps with an orthographic projection of the second frame body on the plane where the bearing surface is located.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046737A1

Provided is a laminated glass capable of suppressing heat deterioration of a light source device for irradiating a laminated glass that is a head-up display with light for image display. A laminated glass according to the present invention is a head-up display, the laminated glass has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more, or contains a luminescent material, the laminated glass includes a first lamination glass member, a second lamination glass member, and an interlayer film, the first lamination glass member is arranged on a first surface side of the interlayer film, the second lamination glass member is arranged on a second surface side opposite to the first surface of the interlayer film, and the laminated glass has a solar transmittance of 50% or less, and a solar reflectance of 15% or more. 1. A laminated glass that is a head-up display ,the laminated glass having a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more, or containing a luminescent material,the laminated glass comprising a first lamination glass member, a second lamination glass member, and an interlayer film,the first lamination glass member being arranged on a first surface side of the interlayer film, the second lamination glass member being arranged on a second surface side opposite to the first surface of the interlayer film,the laminated glass having a solar transmittance of 50% or less, and a solar reflectance of 15% or more.2. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film contains a heat shielding substance.3. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the laminated glass has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.4. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film has a wedge angle of 0.1 mrad or more.5. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein the interlayer film contains a thermoplastic resin.6. The laminated glass according to claim 5 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is a polyvinyl acetal resin.7. The laminated glass according to claim 1 , wherein ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058885A1

A processor-implemented method includes: adjusting a virtual content object based on a shape of the virtual content object projected onto a projection plane; and visualizing the adjusted virtual content object on the projection plane. 1. A processor-implemented method , comprising:adjusting a virtual content object based on a shape of the virtual content object projected onto a projection plane; andvisualizing the adjusted virtual content object on the projection plane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting of the virtual content object comprises:setting one of points belonging to a space corresponding to the virtual content object as a reference point; andchanging the virtual content object based on the set reference point.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the changing of the virtual content object comprises extending the shape of the virtual content object along a direction axis oriented from a user toward the reference point.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the changing of the virtual content object comprises:setting a reference axis perpendicular to a direction axis oriented from a user toward the reference point, at the reference point; androtating the virtual content object based on the reference axis.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the setting of the one of the points as the reference point comprises determining one of points at which a direction axis parallel to a reference plane and oriented from a user toward the virtual content object passes through the virtual content object as the reference point.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the setting of the one of the points as the reference point comprises selecting the one of the points based on a distance between a viewpoint of a user and physical positions of the points.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the selecting of the one of the points comprises determining a point closest to the viewpoint of the user among the points as the reference point.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220058998A1

In a display control device for a head-up display in a vehicle, a boundary information regarding a boundary of a travel lane recognized for driving control of the vehicle is acquired, and guidance information used for route guidance is acquired. When an estimated trajectory content indicating an estimated trajectory of the vehicle controlled based on the boundary information and a route guidance content providing guidance on a route at a predetermined point based on the guidance information are displayed together, the estimated trajectory content and the route guidance content are displayed in different modes from each other, or a display range of the estimated trajectory content is limited to a range not beyond a predetermined point for the route guidance. As another example, when the guidance information is acquired during display of the estimated trajectory content, the route guidance content is displayed while hiding the estimated trajectory content. 1. A display control device for a vehicle to control a display on a head-up display , the display control device comprising:a boundary information acquisition unit that acquires boundary information regarding a boundary of a travel lane recognized for a driving control of the vehicle;a guidance information acquisition unit that acquires guidance information used for a route guidance; anda display control unit that displays an estimated trajectory content indicating an estimated trajectory of the vehicle, a driving of which is controlled based on the boundary information, to be superimposed on a road surface, and displays a route guidance content providing guidance on a route at a predetermined point based on the guidance information, whereinthe display control unit displays the estimated trajectory content and the route guidance content in different modes from each other, when displaying the estimated trajectory content and the route guidance content together.2. The display control device according to claim 1 , ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048308A1
Автор: Ido Yuichiro
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO.,LTD.

An in-vehicle device displaying travel lanes of a vehicle in a predetermined number of display boxes includes an identifying part that identifies travel lanes to be displayed in the display boxes, and identifies travel lanes so a recommended lane which is a travel lane recommended for the vehicle to travel is displayed in one of the display boxes and a maximum number of recommended travel lanes which are travel lanes coinciding with a traveling direction of the recommended lane each are displayed in one of the display boxes; and a display part that displays the identified travel lanes in the display boxes. The identifying part identifies travel lanes while relatively shifting in turn a plurality of travel lanes and the display boxes from a travel lane at one end of the plurality of travel lanes that are on a traveling direction side of the vehicle and being adjacent to each other. 1. A display system that displays travel lanes of a vehicle in a predetermined number of display boxes , the display system comprising:identifying means for identifying travel lanes that can be displayed in the display boxes, and identifying travel lanes such that a recommended lane is displayed in one of the display boxes and a maximum number of recommended travel lanes each are displayed in one of the display boxes, the recommended lane being a travel lane recommended for the vehicle to travel, and the recommended travel lanes being travel lanes whose traveling directions coincide with a traveling direction of the recommended lane; anddisplay means for displaying the travel lanes identified by the identifying means in the display boxes.2. The display system according to claim 1 , wherein the identifying means identifies travel lanes that can be displayed in the display boxes claim 1 , while relatively shifting in turn a plurality of travel lanes and the display boxes from a travel lane at one end of a plurality of travel lanes claim 1 , the plurality of travel lanes being on a traveling ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059737A1

The invention relates to various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A μ-LED arrangement comprising:at least one μ-rod arranged along a carrier, wherein the μ-rod forms an elongated core having a first doping along a longitudinal axis, and the core is coated outwardly from a layer stack from a first longitudinal end to a second longitudinal end free from the layer stack; andwherein the at least μ-rod is electrically and mechanically connected at the first longitudinal end to a first contact region of the carrier by means of the layer stack and a first contact, and is electrically and mechanically connected at the second longitudinal end to a second contact region of the carrier by means of the core and a second contact, the layer stack being electrically insulated from the second contact by an insulating layer.2. The μ-LED arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the prod comprises a geometry adapted for an emission of light of a certain wavelength claim 1 , and is constructed in particular as at least one polyhedron claim 1 , in particular as a prism or parallelepiped claim 1 , the first longitudinal end terminating in particular as a pyramid claim 1 , truncated pyramid claim 1 , obelisk or wedge.3. The μ-LED arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the prod for an emission of light of a certain wavelength comprises a spatial extension adapted thereto claim 1 , in particular a certain diameter perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.4. The μ-LED arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the prod is covered by a converter material matched to an emission of light of a certain wavelength.5. The μ-LED arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': '2', 'a reflective layer, in particular a layer comprising TiOin a silicone matrix, is formed on the μ-rod and/or on the carrier; or'}a dark, ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059738A1

The invention relates to various aspects of a μ-LED or a μ-LED array for augmented reality or lighting applications, in particular in the automotive field. The μ-LED is characterized by particularly small dimensions in the range of a few μm. 1. A μ-LED device , comprising:at least one semiconductor element, in particular a μ-LED with an active zone designed to generate light;a dielectric filter disposed above a first major surface of said at least one semiconductor element and adapted to transmit only light in predetermined directions;a reflective material disposed on at least one side surface of said at least one semiconductor element and on at least one side surface of said dielectric filter;wherein the dielectric filter comprises first and second regions of different refractive index; andwherein converter material forms said first regions.2. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one side surface of the at least one semiconductor element is inclined at the height of the active region.3. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one semiconductor element has a first terminal and a second terminal; andwherein the reflective material is electrically conductive and is coupled to the first terminal of the at least one semiconductor element.4. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective material is conductive only on two opposite side faces of the light source in such a way that it contacts the first terminal for power supply.5. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the reflecting material on the other two sides is non-conductive claim 1 , such that it is isolated from the connection to the power supply.6. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 , wherein the dielectric filter is formed at least partially in a layer of the semiconductor element adjacent to the direction of emission.7. The μ-LED device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one semiconductor element comprises a second major surface ...
