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10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2527653C1

Группа изобретений относится к системе и способу управления гибридным транспортным средством. Система управления содержит двигатель, электромотор, устройство выбора режима, автоматическую трансмиссию, интегрированный контроллер, контроллер автоматической трансмиссии. Способ управления включает этапы, на которых управляют выбором между режимом приведения в движение за счет электрического привода и гибридным режимом приведения в движение, при котором гибридное транспортное средство снабжается мощностью как посредством двигателя, так и посредством электромотора. Инициируют управление запуском/остановкой двигателя, выполняют управление переключением передач в отношении автоматической трансмиссии, инициируют первое управление, включающее в себя одно из управления запуском/остановкой двигателя и управления переключением передач, принимают запрос на второе управление. Определяют то, существует или нет такое условие, что толчок от переключения передач в отношении автоматической трансмиссии превышает допустимый уровень. Запрещают начало второго управления при приеме запроса на второе управление, когда условие существует в ходе первого управления. Многократно определяют то, продолжает или нет существовать условие после запрещения начала второго управления и в ходе первого управления. Инициируют второе управление при определении того, что условие больше не существует в ходе первого управления. Технический результат заключается в минимизации ударов при переключении передач. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60W 20/00 B60W 30/18 B60W 10/10 B60W 10/08 B60W 10/02 F16H 61/16 (13) 2 527 653 C1 (2006.01) (2012.01) (2012.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013107554/11, 19.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.07.2011 (72) Автор(ы): ТАНАСИМА Каори (JP), КАВАМУРА Хироаки (JP) (73) Патентообладатель(и): НИССАН МОТОР КО., ЛТД. ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542849C1

Изобретение относится к системам привода транспортных средств. Блок управления для системы привода транспортного средства, в которой содержится двигатель внутреннего сгорания; электрический двигатель; аккумуляторная батарея и передаточный механизм, при этом блок управления включает в себя первую многомерную регулировочную характеристику, в которой область разрешения привода устанавливается согласно состоянию заряда аккумуляторной батареи, и вторую многомерную регулировочную характеристику, в которой область разрешения привода первой многомерной регулировочной характеристики сужена. Управление приводом выполняется посредством выбора второй многомерной регулировочной характеристики, когда компрессор кондиционирования воздуха приводится в действие. В другом варианте управление приводом выполняется посредством выбора первой многомерной регулировочной характеристики, когда привод от двигателя внутреннего сгорания переключается на привод от электрического двигателя в результате вхождения состояния ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017145683A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 145 683 A (51) МПК G07B 15/02 (2011.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017145683, 26.12.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 13.01.2017 US 15/406,370 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, д. 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 4 5 6 8 3 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Транспортное средство, содержащее: - передний угол; - камеру; и - автономный парковщик транспортных средств, выполненный с возможностью: - обнаруживать, через камеру, место для перпендикулярной парковки и внешнюю границу места для перпендикулярной парковки; - определять прямолинейную траекторию при парковке, расположенную в пределах места для перпендикулярной парковки и основанную на внешней границе; и - автономно поворачивать на место для перпендикулярной парковки таким образом, что передний угол перемещается по прямолинейной траектории при парковке. 2. Транспортное средство по п. 1, в котором автономный парковщик транспортных средств идентифицирует целевую позицию для парковки, расположенную в пределах места для перпендикулярной парковки, и определяет прямолинейную траекторию при парковке дополнительно на основе целевой позиции для парковки. 3. Транспортное средство по п. 1, в котором автономный парковщик транспортных средств определяет прямолинейную траекторию при парковке как параллельную внешней границе места для перпендикулярной парковки. 4. Транспортное средство по п. 1, в котором автономный парковщик транспортных средств идентифицирует первый конец и второй конец, противоположный первому концу прямолинейной траектории при парковке. 5. Транспортное средство по п. 4, в котором автономный парковщик транспортных средств определяет первый конец на основе целевой позиции для парковки и минимального радиуса поворота. 6. Транспортное средство по п. 5, в ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013123044A

... 1. Устройство управления быстрым замедлением гибридного транспортного средства, в котором электромотор размещен между двигателем и ведущим ходовым колесом, и двигатель и электромотор соединены через муфту, причем устройство управления быстрым замедлением содержит:средство определения быстрого замедления, которое определяет то, представляет ли собой или нет замедление транспортного средства быстрое замедление, равное или превышающее предварительно определенное значение; исредство отсечки топлива, которое прекращает подачу топлива в двигатель, когда при движении транспортного средства с зацепленной муфтой средство определения быстрого замедления определяет то, что замедление представляет собой быстрое замедление.2. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее средство расцепления муфты, которое расцепляет муфту, когда при движении транспортного средства с зацепленной муфтой средство определения быстрого замедления определяет то, что замедление представляет собой быстрое замедление.3. Устройство ...

11-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017128492A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 128 492 A (51) МПК G08G 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128492, 10.08.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 15.08.2016 US 15/236,803 05 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Система транспортного средства, содержащая: интерфейс связи, запрограммированный с возможностью связи с множеством движущихся в колонне транспортных средств, в том числе с задним транспортным средством, и приема сигналов датчиков, передаваемых от заднего транспортного средства; и процессор, запрограммированный с возможностью подачи команды заднему транспортному средству на выполнение разворота и вывода управляющих сигналов множеству движущихся в колонне транспортных средств, причем управляющие сигналы управляют по меньшей мере одним из множества движущихся в колонне транспортных средств для перемещения в обратном направлении в соответствии с сигналами датчиков, принимаемыми от заднего транспортного средства. 2. Система транспортного средства по п. 1, в которой заднее транспортное средство включает в себя передние датчики, запрограммированные с возможностью вывода сигналов датчиков, и в которой процессор запрограммирован с возможностью передачи управляющих сигналов в соответствии с сигналами датчиков, выводимыми передними датчиками заднего транспортного средства. 3. Система транспортного средства по п. 1, в которой подача команды заднему транспортному средству на выполнение разворота включает в себя подачу команды заднему транспортному средству на перемещение из обращенного вперед направления в обращенное назад направление относительно по меньшей мере одного из множества движущихся в колонне транспортных средств. 4. Система транспортного средства по п. 1, в которой управление по меньшей мере одним из множества движущихся в колонне транспортных средств для перемещения в обратном направлении включает в себя ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme zum Halten eines am Berg angehaltenen Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102013104515A1

Es werden Systeme und Verfahren zum Verbessern des Betriebs eines Hybridfahrzeugs dargestellt. In einem Beispiel wird eine Haltekraft eines an einem Berg geparkten Fahrzeugs in Abhängigkeit von der Steigung des Bergs eingestellt.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs mit mehreren Fahrerassistenzsystemen und Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102016220313B3
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs (12) mit mehreren Fahrerassistenzsystemen (5), umfassend die Schritte: – Einstellen eines Assistenzgradparameters (1), der angibt, inwieweit eine Unterstützung des Fahrers durch die Fahrerassistenzsysteme (5) gewünscht ist, über eine Bedienschnittstelle (6) des Kraftfahrzeugs (12), – Einstellen wenigstens eines Zusatzparameters (2), der den Fahrbetrieb des Kraftfahrzeugs (12) betrifft, über die Bedienschnittstelle (6), – Vorgabe wenigstens eines Betriebsparameters (4) für jedes Fahrerassistenzsystem (5), in dessen Abhängigkeit das jeweilige Fahrerassistenzsystem (5) betrieben wird, in Abhängigkeit des Assistenzgradparameters (1) und des Zusatzparameters (2) durch eine Verarbeitungseinrichtung (3) des Kraftfahrzeugs (12). Method for operating a motor vehicle (12) with a plurality of driver assistance systems (5), comprising the steps of: - setting an assistance grade parameter (1) indicating to what extent support of the driver by the driver assistance systems (5) is desired via an operator interface (6) - Setting at least one additional parameter (2), which relates to the driving operation of the motor vehicle (12), via the control interface (6), - Specification of at least one operating parameter (4) for each driver assistance system (5), as a function thereof the respective driver assistance system (5) is operated, depending on the assistance grade parameter (1) and the additional parameter (2) by a processing device (3) of the motor vehicle (12).

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017118737A1

Offenbart werden Geräte und Verfahrens für ein Fahrzeugfernanlassersicherheitssystem. Ein beispielhaftes offenbartes Fahrzeug beinhaltet Bereichserkennungssensoren und eine Autonomieeinheit. Die beispielhafte Autonomieeinheit überprüft in Reaktion auf das Empfangen eines Anlasssignals, über die Bereichserkennungssensoren, dass eine Garagentür einer Garage, in der sich das Fahrzeug befindet, offen ist, lässt einen Motor des Fahrzeugs an und manövriert das Fahrzeug autonom aus einer Garage, bis ein Auspuffrohr des Fahrzeugs außerhalb der Garage ist.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Betriebsverfahren für eine redundante Sensoranordnung eines Fahrzeugsystems und korrespondierende redundante Sensoranordnung

Номер: DE102018220063A1
Автор: PLECKO SVEN, Plecko, Sven

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Betriebsverfahren für eine redundante Sensoranordnung (60) eines Fahrzeugsystems, welche zwei Steuergeräte und mehrere Sensoren (1) umfasst, wobei die einzelnen Sensoren (1) in einem Normalbetrieb des Fahrzeugsystems jeweils mit einem als Primärsteuergerät (2) ausgeführten Steuergerät und in einem Notbetrieb des Fahrzeugsystems jeweils mit einem als Sekundärsteuergerät (4) ausgeführten Steuergerät gekoppelt und mit Energie versorgt werden, wobei das mit den Sensoren (1) gekoppelte Steuergerät Signale der einzelnen Sensoren (1) empfängt und auswertet. Hierbei wird zur Initialisierung der Sensoranordnung (60) eine Betriebsspannung an beide Steuergeräte angelegt und eine Überprüfung der Sensoranordnung (60) durchgeführt, wobei die Sensoren (1) in einem ersten Überprüfungsschritt mit einem ersten Steuergerät gekoppelt und von diesem überprüft und von einem zweiten Steuergerät entkoppelt werden, anschließend übergibt das erste Steuergerät die Sensoren (1) an das zweite ...

27-06-2007 дата публикации

Folding roof control of a vehicle

Номер: GB0002433609A

A cabriolet roof movement controller, the controller comprising inputs for receiving data representing the speed of the vehicle and data representing the position of the roof; a processor programmed to determine roof movement responses in dependence on the position of the roof and the vehicle speed; and outputs for outputting a roof movement response signal as determined by the processor. Preferably the said response signal is either a signal to control the operation of the roof mechanism or a signal inhibiting the vehicle speed. Alternatively the response signal generates a notification signal such as an audio alarm, visual indicator or a tactile indicator. Additionally a display device (figure 5) is used to show the user the position of the roof. This display device may also be used to display the vehicle's speed and alarm the user if the speed is above a predetermined threshold.

23-03-2011 дата публикации

Folding roof controller

Номер: GB0002433609B

06-06-2018 дата публикации

Ice and snow detection systems and methods

Номер: GB0002556657A

Method for activating an ice and snow detection system in response to receiving weather data indicating a likelihood of ice or snow on a roadway near a vehicle. The method receives data from multiple vehicle sensors and analyses the received data to identify ice or snow on the roadway. If ice or snow is identified on the roadway, the method adjusts vehicle operations and reports the ice or snow condition to a shared database. Said vehicle adjusting operating may include reducing the vehicle speed, engaging active clutches for a four wheel drive or avoiding sudden speed changes. The vehicle may be autonomous or may attempt to manoeuvre around the ice or snow. Another method activates an ice and snow detection system in response to receiving weather data indicating a likelihood of ice or snow on a roadway near a vehicle, receiving image data from a vehicle camera. The method comprises receiving LIDAR data and in combination with the camera image, detect ice or snow. This second method also ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: AU2015311052B2
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Some embodiments of the present invention provide a speed control system for automatically controlling the speed of a vehicle in accordance with a target speed value, the system comprising: means for causing automatically a vehicle to travel at a predetermined speed value at least in part by controlling an amount of torque applied to one or more wheels of a vehicle by a powertrain; means for determining a recommended transmission gear ratio for a transmission of the powertrain at a given moment in time; means for providing an indication of the recommended transmission gear ratio to a user; and means for receiving a clutch actuation signal indicative of an actuation state of clutch means that is configured to connect the transmission to a torque drive source of the powertrain, wherein the system is configured automatically to control a speed of the torque drive source to achieve a speed determined in dependence at least in part on at least one predetermined parameter when a predetermined ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: AU2015311052A1
Принадлежит: Watermark Intellectual Property Pty Ltd

Some embodiments of the present invention provide a speed control system for automatically controlling the speed of a vehicle in accordance with a target speed value, the system comprising: means for causing automatically a vehicle to travel at a predetermined speed value at least in part by controlling an amount of torque applied to one or more wheels of a vehicle by a powertrain; means for determining a recommended transmission gear ratio for a transmission of the powertrain at a given moment in time; means for providing an indication of the recommended transmission gear ratio to a user; and means for receiving a clutch actuation signal indicative of an actuation state of clutch means that is configured to connect the transmission to a torque drive source of the powertrain, wherein the system is configured automatically to control a speed of the torque drive source to achieve a speed determined in dependence at least in part on at least one predetermined parameter when a predetermined ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002848635A1

In a control device for an electric vehicle of the present invention, a control means switches conduction by making the following the same: the output reduction amount of a rotating electric machine in which a stall state is detected by a stall state detecting means; and the output increase amount of another rotating electric machine where the stall state is not detected by the stall state detecting means.

18-01-2022 дата публикации

Control method and device for automated guided vehicle, and automated guided vehicle

Номер: US0011225260B2
Автор: Qiang Zhang

The present disclosure discloses a control method and device for automated guided vehicle, and automated guided vehicle. By utilizing the coupling relation between the turntable and the chassis, a disturbance to the chassis electromechanical control subsystem is compensated by using a feedback signal in the turntable electromechanical control subsystem, or a disturbance to the turntable electromechanical control subsystem is compensated by using a feedback signal in the chassis electromechanical control subsystem, so that high-precision movement control of the turntable and the chassis is realized.

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US2019334706A1

An autonomous driving controller includes a plurality of parallel processors operating on common input data received from the plurality of autonomous driving sensors. Each of the plurality of parallel processors includes communication circuitry, a general processor, a security processor subsystem (SCS), and a safety subsystem (SMS). The communication circuitry supports communications between the plurality of parallel processors, including inter-processor communications between the general processors of the plurality of parallel processors, communications between the SCSs of the plurality of parallel processors using SCS cryptography, and communications between the SMSs of the plurality of parallel processors using SMS cryptography, the SMS cryptography differing from the SCS cryptography. The SCS and/or the SMS may each include dedicated hardware and/or memory to support the communications.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334173A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

Aspects of the present disclosure relate switching between autonomous and manual driving modes. In order to do so, the vehicle's computer may conduct a series of environmental, system, and driver checks to identify certain conditions. The computer may correct some of these conditions and also provide a driver with a checklist of tasks for completion. Once the tasks have been completed and the conditions are changed, the computer may allow the driver to switch from the manual to the autonomous driving mode. The computer may also make a determination, under certain conditions, that it would be detrimental to the driver's safety or comfort to make a switch from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100731A1
Автор: Hiroaki ONO, ONO HIROAKI

A cooling system circulates a coolant between an engine, an inverter and a radiator to cool the engine and the inverter. A driving mode of the vehicle can be changed between an EV-mode in which the vehicle is driven only by the motor and an HV-mode in which the vehicle is driven by at least one of the motor and the engine. When a driving mode is EV-mode, a coolant temperature is increased to cool the inverter. In the EV-mode, a vehicle is driven by motor only. When the inverter temperature is increased, the allowable current of the inverter can be increased and an allowable output of a motor can be increased.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025829A1

A vehicle includes a first display circuit and a second display circuit. The first display circuit is disposed at a position capable of being visually checked by a driver. The second display circuit is disposed at a position capable of being visually checked by a driver. The first display circuit can display at least information about autonomous driving. The second display circuit can display at least information other than the information about the autonomous driving. First display circuit has first redundancy. The second display circuit has second redundancy lower than the first redundancy.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190129434A1

A vehicle control device includes an external situation recognition unit configured to recognize an external situation around a vehicle to recognize a traffic participant, an action schedule acquisition unit configured to acquire a first action schedule of the vehicle, an action schedule notification unit configured to notify a terminal possessed by the traffic participant of the first action schedule of the vehicle to request an approval of the first action schedule, a receiver configured to receive the approval of the first action schedule from the terminal; and an execution controller configured to execute an operation of the vehicle in accordance with the first action schedule when the receiver receives the approval of the first action schedule from the terminal and to suppress the operation of the vehicle in accordance with the first action schedule when the receiver does not receive the approval of the first action schedule from the terminal.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008520A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR Inc

An on-board vehicle computer system for a vehicle includes at least one processing unit and a memory having stored therein computer-executable instructions configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to implement various aspects of a predictive cruise control (PCC) system. In one aspect, the computer system provides a plurality of available speed control bands in a PCC system, and the available speed control bands are selectable by an operator of the vehicle. In another aspect, the computer system provides an upper speed margin and a lower speed margin for a PCC system, and the upper and lower speed margins are adjustable by an operator of the vehicle. Related notifications may be presented via an operator interface (e.g., a touchscreen display provided in a vehicle dashboard or other easily accessible area).

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for testing operation and control accuracy of driving control system in unmanned vehicle

Номер: US0010046771B2
Автор: Yi Wu, WU YI, Wu, Yi

Disclosed is a method and an apparatus for testing operation and control accuracy of a driving control system in an unmanned vehicle. The method comprises determining an operation and control track length when the unmanned vehicle is operated and controlled by the driving control system in the unmanned vehicle, based on obtained traveling data information; determining a standard operation and control distance when the driving control system operates and controls the unmanned vehicle, based on a preset operation and control accuracy test standard; and comparing the operation and control track length with the standard operation and control distance to determine a test result of the operation and control accuracy of the driving control system.

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Relative Position Tracking Using Motion Sensor With Drift Correction

Номер: US20220306089A1
Автор: Rohit SETH
Принадлежит: Individual

A method is provided for calculating a position and/or orientation of a first object relative to a second object. The method includes receiving a first object initial absolute position. The method includes sensing, using a first IMUs, motion of the first object and generating sensed motion data of the first object. The method includes generating, using the controller, a motion signal representative of the motion of the first object. The method includes calculating, using the controller, a first object current absolute position using the motion signal and the first object initial absolute position. The method includes receiving, from the second object, a second object current absolute position calculated using a second IMUs associated with the second object. The method includes calculating a relative position and/or orientation of the first object relative to the second object using the first object current absolute position and the second object current absolute position.

15-08-2023 дата публикации

Systems and methods for implementing a hybrid control for an autonomous vehicle

Номер: US0011724710B2
Автор: Jialin Jiao, Haojun Wang
Принадлежит: Pony AI Inc.

Vehicles, methods, and computer readable storage media are provided for implementing a hybrid control for an autonomous vehicle. The vehicle can be controlled by receiving a request from an individual for transportation in the vehicle. The vehicle can then navigate with an autonomous control component to the location of an individual to commence the transportation. Then the vehicle can detect, by one or more sensors, that the individual has entered the vehicle. Then, responsive to detecting that the individual has entered the vehicle, the vehicle can change from an autonomous control component to a hybrid control component wherein the hybrid component control comprises allowing the individual to control one or more vehicle control features that were under autonomous control in autonomous component control.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2534146C2

Изобретение относится к управлению гибридным транспортным средством. Управляющий блок для гибридного транспортного средства, которое включает в себя первый и второй трансмиссионный механизм; первый и второй механизм введения в зацепление и выведения из зацепления и компрессор кондиционера воздуха. Управляющий блок управляет трансмиссией таким образом, чтобы при движении транспортного средства с чрезвычайно низкими скоростями за счет электродвигателя, в случае, когда состояние заряда батареи становится низким или когда скорость вращения компрессора кондиционера воздуха меньше, чем заданная скорость вращения, мощность от двигателя внутреннего сгорания передавалась на выходной вал посредством введения в зацепление первого механизма введения в зацепление и выведения из зацепления. Достигается более оптимальный режим движения. 4 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2568151C2
Принадлежит: СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE)

FIELD: transportation. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to transport mechanical engineering, in particular to methods of operation of the vehicles with the engine selectively joined with the driving shaft for transmission of the driving force to the driving shaft for the vehicle motion. The method contains the stages during which it is identified, whether the vehicle approaches to the downward slope, and when it approaches to the named downward slope, the named engine is disjoined from the driving shaft before the vehicle achieves the downward slope. EFFECT: decrease of fuel consumption by vehicles is achieved. 14 cl, 6 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60W 30/18 B60W 50/00 B60W 10/06 B60W 10/02 B60W 10/11 B60W 30/14 (13) 2 568 151 C2 (2012.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2012.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014100180/11, 07.06.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.06.2012 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): АБДУЛ-РАСУЛ Мустафа (SE), ЙОХАНССОН Оскар (SE), ЭГРЕН Микаэль (SE) 10.06.2011 SE 1150529-4 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.07.2015 Бюл. № 20 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): СКАНИА СВ АБ (SE) (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2015 Бюл. № 31 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 10.01.2014 2 5 6 8 1 5 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2010/128898 A1. 11.11.2010; WO 2005/084995 A1, 15.09.2005; DE 102009057393 A1, 09.06.2011; DE 102008023135 A1, 12.11.2009; RU 2010734 C1, 15.04.1994 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 6 8 1 5 1 R U C 2 C 2 SE 2012/050608 (07.06.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/169962 (13.12.2012) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" (54) СПОСОБ И СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ ТРАНСПОРТНОГО СРЕДСТВА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области транспортное средство к нисходящему уклону, транспортного ...

26-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017129885A

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102019129709A1

Eine Steuervorrichtung (30) für ein Fahrzeug (10) hat mindestens einen Eingang (31) für Fahrzeugdaten (53, 54) des Fahrzeugs (10) und mindestens einen Ausgang (32) für Stellwerte (63, 64) für Aktoren (61, 62, 65, 66) des Fahrzeugs (10). Die Steuervorrichtung (30) ist dazu ausgebildet, auf Grundlage eines ersten Einspurmodells (92) für das Fahrzeug und eines zweiten Einspurmodells (93) für ein Referenzfahrzeug (11) Stellwerte (63, 64) für die Aktoren (61, 62, 65, 66) des Fahrzeugs (10) zu ermitteln, um die Seitenkräfte des Fahrzeugs (10) im ersten Einspurmodell (92) an die Seitenkräfte des Referenzfahrzeugs (11) im zweiten Einspurmodell (93) anzunähern.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme zum Halten eines am Berg angehaltenen Fahrzeugs

Номер: DE102013104515B4

Fahrzeugstoppverfahren, das Folgendes umfasst:Hochschalten eines Getriebes in einen Gang in Reaktion auf eine Straßenneigung, wenn ein Fahrzeug stationär ist; und automatisches Stoppen einer Kraftmaschine des Fahrzeugs in Reaktion auf Fahrzeugbedingungen.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Regeneration eines in einem Hybridantrieb vorhandenen Partikelfilters

Номер: DE102013200856A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Regeneration eines Partikelfilters (28), das im Abgaskanal (27) einer Brennkraftmaschine (12) angeordnet ist, wobei die Brennkraftmaschine (12) Teil eines Hybridantriebs (10) ist, welcher zusätzlich wenigstens einen Elektromotor (14) enthält, bei dem die elektrische Energie für den Elektromotor (14) von einer aufladbaren Batterie (16) bereitgestellt wird, bei dem der Elektromotor (14) zeitweise als Generator zur Aufladung der Batterie (16) betrieben wird, bei dem ein vom Hybridantrieb (10) aufzubringendes gesamtes Drehmoment (24) von der Brennkraftmaschine (12) und/oder vom Elektromotor (14) bereitgestellt wird und bei dem zur Regeneration des Partikelfilters (28) eine Lastpunktverschiebung der Brennkraftmaschine (12) vorgenommen wird, die zu einer Erhöhung der Abgastemperatur führt. Die erfindungsgemäße Vorgehensweise zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass vor der Regeneration des Partikelfilters (28) die Batterie (16) durch eine Erhöhung des Drehmomentanteils ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Antriebssteuervorrichtung und Antriebssteuerverfahren für Hybridfahrzeuge und Hybridfahrzeug

Номер: DE112011104809T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung schafft ein Hybridfahrzeug, eine Antriebssteuervorrichtung und ein Antriebssteuerverfahren, die eingerichtet sind, um das Überladen einer Batterie zu verhindern, wobei eine Antriebskraft gemäß einer Anforderung des Fahrers ausgeben werden kann. Gemäß der vorliegenden Erfindung wird eine Antriebssteuervorrichtung für Hybridfahrzeuge geschaffen, die eingerichtet ist, um erzeugte Leistung an einem Verbrennungsmotor und einem Motor-Generator durch einen Kraft-Übertragungs-Mechanismus zum Antrieb von Achsen auszugeben, umfassend: einen Ausgangswellen-Fixierungs-Mechanismus, der betrieben werden kann, um ein Ende einer Ausgangswelle des Verbrennungsmotors nach Bedarf zu fixieren, um die Drehung der Ausgangswelle zu blockieren, eine Einstellvorrichtung für eine angeforderte Antriebskraft zum Einstellen einer angeforderten Antriebskraft in Abhängigkeit von einer Anforderung des Fahrers, einen Detektor für ein gespeichertes Energieniveau zum Detektieren eines gespeicherten ...

21-08-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive powertrain control for optimized performance

Номер: GB0201312211D0

01-12-2010 дата публикации

Parking assistance apparatus and parking method

Номер: GB0201017763D0

04-10-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle using path prediction

Номер: GB0201713487D0

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Predictive cruise control system with advanced operator control and feedback

Номер: AU2015227463B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An on-board vehicle computer system for a vehicle includes at least one processing unit and a memory having stored therein computer-executable instructions configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to implement various aspects 5 of a predictive cruise control (PCC) system. In one aspect, the computer system provides a plurality of available speed control bands in a PCC system, and the available speed control bands are selectable by an operator of the vehicle. In another aspect, the computer system provides an upper speed margin and a lower speed margin for a PCC system, and the upper and lower speed margins are adjustable by an operator of the 10 vehicle. Related notifications may be presented via an operator interface (e.g., a touchscreen display provided in a vehicle dashboard or other easily accessible area). PCCR067681 (GHMatters) P101107.AU JENNIFER 0' Q Cl) 0a-~E III LLJq III COC I I, M: ~~b~ E-. E__ _ _ (/)0 ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Hybrid simulation system for autonomous vehicles

Номер: AU2020203249A1
Автор: YANG YIXIN, YANG, Yixin

Techniques are disclosed for performing hybrid simulation operations with an autonomous vehicle. A method of testing autonomous vehicle operations includes receiving, by a computer, a pre-configured scenario that includes one or more simulation parameters and one or more initial condition parameters, sending, to the autonomous vehicle and based on the one or more initial condition parameters, control signals that instruct the autonomous vehicle to operate at an operative condition, and in response to determining that the autonomous vehicle is operating at the operative condition, performing a simulation with the one or more simulated objects and the autonomous vehicle to test a response of the autonomous vehicle. co CC)Co C Coco co co 0 ci) 0 "CUU (D (D) CU (D, -110(D- .:a)--c u 0 (D 0 E _0 cn CU " D( (D L- CJ0U '. ) _0 ~ 0u>oc QE E (D 7Q C-s 0 1.'U3 .2 0 EC60 _r_-1 . CU CU. 0CU C CU 0 -0 CU ~CU U) E-~ CD w U -0 ) CUE cCL 0EL-D - CUn o0 -cu 0 : t:CU > *-U)0U 0 - 0 U)U U. CU 0 CU .- D CU0 ...

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002935510C

A control apparatus for an electrically driven vehicle includes a electronic control unit (15) and a dynamic power transmission mechanism (9). The electronic control unit (15) is configured to control the dynamic power transmission mechanism (9) to execute a slip control such that the speed of an electric motor (3) is a higher speed than a speed of the electric motor (3) at a time point and speed of a relative rotation in the fluid coupling (11) increases, in a case of determining that the operating state of the electric motor (3) becomes the operating state in which the value of the heat load is the predetermined value or greater, the time point being a time point when the operating state of the electric motor (3) becomes the operating state in which the value of the heat load is the predetermined value or greater.

14-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for implementing computation using control device of vehicle

Номер: CN0111008372A

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120245785A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A hybrid vehicle which runs on power from at least one of an electric motor and an engine. When a required output exceeds a sum of an output of the electric motor which is driven by electric power supplied from a battery and an output of the engine while the hybrid vehicle is running on a drive mode in which at least the engine works as a drive source with a clutch engaged, the a transmission ratio changing unit increases a ratio of electrical transmission to mechanical transmission of the output of the engine, and an engaging/disengaging control unit releases the clutch at a time point when the mechanically-transmitted output of the engine becomes 0, with the clutch engaged.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Motion controlling apparatus for a vehicle

Номер: US0009623850B2

Provided is a motion controlling apparatus for a vehicle that can achieve improvement in drivability, stability, and driving comfort. The apparatus includes a control unit for controlling driving forces of vehicle wheels; a vehicle acceleration/deceleration instruction calculator for calculating an acceleration/deceleration instruction value on the basis of a lateral jerk; a first vehicle yaw moment instruction calculator for calculating a first vehicle yaw moment instruction value on the basis of the lateral jerk; and a second vehicle yaw moment instruction calculator for calculating a second vehicle yaw moment instruction value on the basis of lateral slip information.

17-08-2021 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle operation based on passenger-count

Номер: US0011092963B2
Принадлежит: Motional AD LLC, MOTIONAL AD LLC

A system for operating an autonomous vehicle includes a passenger-detector and a controller-circuit. The passenger-detector is operable to determine a passenger-count of passengers present in a host-vehicle. The controller-circuit is in communication with the passenger-detector and vehicle-controls of the host-vehicle. The controller-circuit is configured to operate the host-vehicle in an autonomous-mode and in accordance with a parameter. The parameter is set to an empty-value when passenger-count is equal to zero, and the parameter is set to an occupied-value different from the empty-value when the passenger count is greater than zero.

04-08-2020 дата публикации

System and method for preforming differential analysis of vehicles

Номер: US0010732640B2
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Limited, BLACKBERRY LTD

An autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle may improve the overall safety of other vehicles by determining an action of a proximate vehicle based on sensor data and determining one or more expected visual cues associated with the determined action. One or more images of the proximate vehicle may then be used to detect a difference between expected visual cues and the captured images. Detected differences may be used to notify one or more entities that can then take corrective actions.

01-09-2015 дата публикации

Battery warm-up apparatus of hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US0009120480B2
Принадлежит: Daimler AG, KIUCHI TATSUO, DAIMLER AG

A hybrid electric vehicle includes a wet clutch device that establishes and interrupts a connection between an engine and an electric motor, and a transmission switchable between a driving range in which driving force can be transmitted to driving wheels and a non-driving range in which transmission of the driving force is interrupted. When a battery temperature is greater than a warm-up determination value while the vehicle is at a standstill with the transmission switched to the non-driving range, the wet clutch device is kept disengaged. When the battery temperature is less than the warm-up determination value, a battery warm-up control unit switches the wet clutch device into engaged state to connect the engine and the electric motor together and vary driving force of the electric motor alternately to a positive side and a negative side so as to repeatedly charge and discharge the battery.

06-12-2016 дата публикации

Engaging and disengaging for autonomous driving

Номер: US0009511779B2
Принадлежит: Google Inc., GOOGLE INC

Aspects of the present disclosure relate switching between autonomous and manual driving modes. In order to do so, the vehicle's computer may conduct a series of environmental, system, and driver checks to identify certain conditions. The computer may correct some of these conditions and also provide a driver with a checklist of tasks for completion. Once the tasks have been completed and the conditions are changed, the computer may allow the driver to switch from the manual to the autonomous driving mode. The computer may also make a determination, under certain conditions, that it would be detrimental to the driver's safety or comfort to make a switch from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode.

19-05-2015 дата публикации

Auto-seek electrical connection for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US0009033075B2

An auto-seek operating mode for an electric vehicle adjusts the vehicle using a vehicle power steering system and a vehicle traction motor to move the vehicle toward a target connector for a utility power grid to charge a vehicle traction battery. If needed, vertical vehicle position adjustments may be made using a controllable vehicle suspension system.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088813A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A control device for a vehicle drive configured with a power transfer path that includes a first engagement device, a rotary electric machine, and a second engagement device. These elements being arranged in this order from an input member coupled to an engine to an output member that is coupled to the wheels of the vehicle. The control device executes mode shift control from a first control mode to a third control mode via a second control mode. The first, second and third control modes being modes in which the rotating electrical machine generates electricity with: (i) both the first and second engagement devices in a direct engagement state, (ii) the first engagement device in the direct engagement state and the second engagement device in the slip engagement state, and (iii) both the first and second engagement devices in a slip engagement state.

29-09-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for reconstruction of a vehicular crash

Номер: US0010789650B1

A system for reconstructing a vehicular crash (i) receives sensor data of a vehicular crash from at least one mobile device associated with a user; (ii) generates a scenario model of the vehicular crash based upon the received sensor data; (iii) transmits the scenario model to a user computer device associated with the user; (iv) receives a confirmation of the scenario model from the user computer device; (v) stores the scenario model; and (vi) may generate at least one insurance claim form based upon the scenario model. As a result, the speed and accuracy of the claim processing is increased. The system may also utilize vehicle occupant positional data, and internal and external sensor data to detect potential imminent vehicle collisions, take corrective actions, automatically engage autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle features, and/or generate virtual reconstructions of the vehicle collision.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Emergency braking system, emergency braking method and semitrailer

Номер: US20190322273A1

The present disclosure provides an emergency braking system, an emergency braking method and a semitrailer, capable of improving the braking effect of the vehicle, thereby achieving improved safety for the vehicle. The system includes: a sensor component configured to collect sensed information on an environment where a semitrailer is located; and a braking controller configured to determine whether there is a risk of collision for the semitrailer based on the sensed information, and if so, calculate a maximum adhesive force that can be provided by a road surface the semitrailer is currently on, determine a first braking pressure corresponding to each wheel based on the maximum adhesive force and axle load information, and transmit to a braking system a first braking instruction carrying the first braking pressure for each wheel.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Control system for vehicle

Номер: US0010099692B2

An automated driving control part including a package determining part determining a driver assistance package packaging permissions for a plurality of driver assistance operations based on at least one of surrounding environment information, host vehicle information, and driver information, a package proposing part proposing to the driver to switch to a driver assistance package so as to obtain permissions for driver assistance operations permitted in the driver assistance package, a judging part judging if a driver has authorized switching to the driver assistance package proposed by the package proposing part, and a package content providing part providing information relating to the content of the driver assistance package authorized by the driver through the information providing device to the driver.

16-01-2024 дата публикации

Self-driving safety evaluation method, apparatus, and system

Номер: US0011872999B2

A self-driving safety evaluation method, including determining RBbased on a risk value of a vehicle in a shadow driving mode in a first measurement unit, where RBis a risk value of the vehicle in the shadow driving mode in a plurality of measurement units, and determining RCbased on a risk value of the vehicle in a self-driving mode based on a preset route in the first measurement unit, where RCis a risk value of the vehicle in the self-driving mode based on the preset route in the measurement units, where RBand RCare used to determine whether safety of the vehicle in the self-driving mode meets a requirement.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2433056C2

Изобретение относится к гибридным приводам. Гибридный привод по первому, второму и третьему варианту содержит двигатель внутреннего сгорания, узел электрической машины, коробку передач, блок управления. Транспортное средство включает один из вариантов гибридного привода. Способ управления гибридным приводом по первому, второму и третьему варианту включает настройку в процессе его работы так, чтобы двигатель внутреннего сгорания мог переключаться между нерабочим состоянием и рабочим состоянием. Способ по первому варианту включает шаги, на которых принимают сигналы обратной связи, сигналы управления и подают выходные сигналы. Способ по второму варианту включает шаги, на которых вводят коробку передач в зацепление для передачи через нее крутящего момента, передают двигателю внутреннего сгорания крутящий момент, определяют показатель крутящего момента, передаваемого двигателю внутреннего сгорания при его запуске и приведении в действие, обеспечивают компенсацию резких изменений крутящего момента ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669505C1

Предложено устройство управления торможением для автоматического управления рабочим тормозом и стояночным тормозом транспортного средства. Устройство содержит блок (110) прогнозирования скольжения, который прогнозирует вероятность того, что рассматриваемое транспортное средство будет скользить, и блок (120) переключения тормозного устройства, который осуществляет переключение с рабочего тормоза (31) на стояночный тормоз (33), когда рассматриваемое транспортное средство находится в состоянии удержания транспортного средства неподвижным с помощью рабочего тормоза (31). Блок (120) переключения тормозного устройства задерживает момент времени, с которого начинается уменьшение тормозного усилия рабочего тормоза (31), если блок (110) прогнозирования скольжения прогнозирует скольжение при переключении с рабочего тормоза (31) на стояночный тормоз (33). Предложен также способ управления торможением. Достигается повышение безопасности. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

03-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699205C1

Транспортное средство может переключаться между режимами ручного и автоматизированного вождения. Способ управления вождением сравнивает между собой характеристики вождения человека, занимающего место в транспортном средстве, для вождения вручную в текущей поездке транспортного средства с заранее сохраненными опорными характеристиками вождения, и если предварительно определенное отклонение возникает между характеристиками вождения человека, занимающего место в транспортном средстве, для вождения вручную в текущей поездке и опорными характеристиками вождения, задает характеристики вождения, применяемые к автоматизированному вождению, согласно характеристикам вождения человека, занимающего место в транспортном средстве, для вождения вручную в текущей поездке. Автоматизированное вождение в текущей поездке может выполняться согласно характеристикам вождения, требуемым человеком, занимающим место в транспортном средстве, транспортного средства. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535830C1

Изобретение относится к управлению гибридным транспортным средством. Система управления гибридным транспортным средством содержит модуль определения напряжения аккумулятора; модуль управления напряжением в рамках диапазона заданного предельного напряжения; модуль управления мощностью, который вычисляет второе значение мощности, доступное стабильно от текущего времени в течение предварительно определенного времени, на основе состояний аккумулятора и в соответствии с результатами вычисления управляет выводом аккумулятора. Также имеется модуль запуска двигателя внутреннего сгорания, который зацепляет муфту и запускает двигатель посредством управления инвертором, и модуль задания частоты вращения электромотора при запуске двигателя. При запуске двигателя модуль задания частоты вращения, когда первое значение мощности ниже значения мощности запуска двигателя, понижает частоту вращения. Модуль управления мощностью не допускает управление выводом аккумулятора в соответствии со вторым значением ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014106872A

1. Гибридная электрическая система, содержащая:двигатель внутреннего сгорания;не самовозбуждающийся генератор/двигатель переменного тока;причем упомянутый не самовозбуждающийся генератор/двигатель переменного тока работает либо в режиме генератора или в режиме двигателя;высоковольтную шину постоянного тока;батарею суперконденсаторов,причем упомянутая батарея суперконденсаторов постоянно подключена через упомянутую высоковольтную шину постоянного тока;инвертор переменного тока в постоянный ток (AC-DC) для преобразования энергии переменного тока от упомянутого не самовозбуждающегося генератора/двигателя переменного тока в энергию постоянного тока для питания упомянутой высоковольтной шины постоянного тока и упомянутой батареи суперконденсаторов;низковольтную батарею постоянного тока;средство для зарядки упомянутой батареи суперконденсаторов от упомянутой традиционной низковольтной батареи постоянного тока для предоставления начальной энергии возбуждения упомянутому не самовозбуждающемуся генератору/двигателю, работающему в упомянутом режиме двигателя, для запуска упомянутого двигателя внутреннего сгорания.2. Гибридная электрическая система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что упомянутая батарея суперконденсаторов заряжается достаточной энергией от упомянутой низковольтной батареи постоянного тока так, что упомянутый не самовозбуждающийся генератор/двигатель переменного тока может быть использован в упомянутом режиме двигателя для запуска упомянутого двигателя внутреннего сгорания, таким образом, заменяя традиционный с низковольтный стартер двигателя.3. Гибридная электрическая систе РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60L 9/00 (13) 2014 106 872 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014106872/11, 24.02.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): ФЭЙРФИЛД МЭНЬЮФЭКЧУРИНГ КОМПАНИ, ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 25.02.2013 US 61/769,092; 26.09.2013 US 14/038,740 (72) Автор(ы): КАРОН ЛаВерн Эндрю ( ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Verändern einer Fahrstrategie für ein Fahrzeug und Fahrzeugsteuergerät für ein Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102012014468A1

Ein Verfahren gemäß einem Ausführungsbeispiel zum Verändern einer Fahrstrategie für ein Fahrzeug, wobei die Fahrstrategie auf wenigstens einer Manöverlinie einer Mehrzahl von Manöverlinien basiert, und wobei die Manöverlinien und die Fahrstrategie eine Abhängigkeit eines Bewegungsparameters als Funktion eines Distanzparameters aufweisen, umfasst ein Vergleichen (S110) der Fahrstrategie mit einer Bewegung des Fahrzeugs. Es umfasst ferner ein Korrigieren (S130) wenigstens einer Manöverlinie der Mehrzahl von Manöverlinien basierend auf dem Vergleich zwischen der Bewegung des Fahrzeugs und der Fahrstrategie und Verändern (S140) der Fahrstrategie auf Basis der Mehrzahl von Manöverlinien nach dem Korrigieren (S130) wenigstens einer der Manöverlinien der Mehrzahl von Manöverlinien, wenn die Bewegung des Fahrzeugs und die Fahrstrategie eine vorbestimmte Bedingung erfüllen. Hierdurch kann gegebenenfalls eine Verbesserung einer Fahrstrategie im Hinblick auf reale Fahrsituationen geschaffen werden ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Belastungsverteilung für ein autonomes Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102017116193A1
Автор: SHE ERIC, She, Eric

Ein Fahrzeugsystem beinhaltet eine erste Fahrzeugkomponente, die mindestens teilweise eine Fahrzeugaktion steuert, und eine zweite Fahrzeugkomponente, die mindestens teilweise die Fahrzeugaktion steuert. Eine Koordinationssteuerung ist dazu programmiert, eine Steuerung der Fahrzeugaktion zu koordinieren. Die Koordinationssteuerung detektiert einen Ausfall einer ersten Fahrzeugkomponente, wählt einen Fahrzeugmodus aus und verteilt Belastungen der ersten Fahrzeugkomponente und der zweiten Fahrzeugkomponente gemäß dem ausgewählten Fahrzeugmodus.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018001544T5

Es wird eine Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung vorgesehen, die in einer redundanten Konfiguration die Verwendung eines normal betriebenen Teils in einem ausgefallenen System ermöglicht. Eine Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung mit einer redundanten Konfiguration enthält eine Aufgabenwechselfunktionseinheit, die konfiguriert ist zum Wechseln von auszuführenden Aufgaben, wenn eine Anormalität erfasst wird. Die Aufgabenwechselfunktionseinheit ist konfiguriert zum, wenn eine Diagnosefunktionseinheit bestimmt, dass eine Anormalität in einer Einheit eines Host-Systems aufgetreten ist, Veranlassen der Einheit des ausgefallenen Systems, eine Berechnung einer Steuervariable zu stoppen und eine Betriebssteuerung für ein Steuerobjekt zu stoppen und dann eine andere Berechnung als die Berechnung der Steuervariable des Host-Systems für die Betriebssteuerung des Steuerobjekts auszuführen, sodass die Berechnungseinheit des ausgefallenen Systems wenigstens einen Teil der Berechnung eines normalen Systems oder einer anderen ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112019001865T5

Ein Verfahren zum Unterstützen des Betriebs eines auf einer Straße fahrenden Trägerfahrzeugs enthält das Erfassen von Bildern um das Trägerfahrzeug herum mit mindestens einer primären Kameraanordnung mit einem ersten Sichtfeld. Die Sicht wird innerhalb des ersten Sichtfelds erkannt. Die mindestens eine primäre Kameraanordnung wird deaktiviert, wenn die erkannte Sicht unter einem vorgegebenen Wert liegt. Bilder werden um das Trägerfahrzeug herum mit mindestens einer sekundären Kameraanordnung mit einem zweiten Sichtfeld erfasst, bis die erkannte Sicht im ersten Sichtfeld bei oder über dem vorgegebenen Wert liegt.

23-05-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle using path prediction

Номер: GB0002556146A

A controller in a host vehicle 30 includes a processor and a memory storing processor-executable instructions. The processor is programmed to calculate an error bound for confidence intervals of a predicted position at a future time of a target vehicle 32 relative laterally to a current position and orientation of the host vehicle at a current time based on a current position and velocity of the target vehicle and the future time. The error may be based on a current velocity and yaw rate of the host vehicle and a heading angle between the host and target. The predicted position may be calculated using coefficients from a quadratic polynomial method. The braking or steering system of the host vehicle may be controlled to evade the target vehicle based on the predicted position and error bound. An error metric may be calculated based on a difference between the predicted future position and an actual future position of the target vehicle, which may be used to determine a quality measure.

27-09-2017 дата публикации

Platooning autonomous vehicle navigation sensory exchange

Номер: GB0201712836D0

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle workload allocation

Номер: GB0002553655A
Автор: ERIC SHE, Eric She

A vehicle system includes a first vehicle component 110A, such as a braking module, at least partially controlling a vehicle action and a second vehicle component 110B, such as an accelerator module, at least partially controlling a vehicle action. A coordination controller 120 detects a first vehicle component failure, possibly by receiving a signal from arbitration block 125, selects a vehicle mode (315 fig.3) and allocates workloads of the first vehicle component and the second vehicle component according to that mode. First and second components may be linked by actuators to allow the second component to control the first component system, in the event of a first component failure, when commanded to do so by the coordination controller thus allowing at least partial system redundancy. The controller may be programmed to determine a component failure based on a driver condition, vehicle traction capability, power supply operability, traffic condition, ambient temperature or distance ...

02-03-2016 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: GB0002529722A

A speed control system 10 for automatically controlling a speed of a vehicle in accordance with a target speed value. The system 10 comprises a low-speed progress (LSP) control system 12, a stability control system (SCS) 14S, a traction control system (TCS) 14T, a cruise control system 16 and a hill decent control (HDC) system 12HD. The LSP 12 automatically causes the vehicle to travel over terrain at a predetermined speed value by controlling an amount of torque applied to one or more wheels by a powertrain and/or by a brake controller 13. The LSP 12 determines a recommended transmission gear ratio and indicates it to a user via a LSP human machine interface (LSP HMI) 20. An engine 121 torque is controlled by the system 10 to achieve a speed determined in dependence on a number of predetermined parameters and conditions which includes an indication, via a clutch actuation signal, that a clutch is at least partially disconnected. Reference is also made to a method, carrier medium, a computer ...

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Shared vehicle management

Номер: GB0201507763D0

30-08-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle workload allocation

Номер: GB0201711314D0

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Running mode switch control device, hybrid automobile, running mode switch control method, and program

Номер: AU2011318921A1

To reduce the size, weight, and cost of a motor and peripheral devices of the motor. A hybrid automobile is structured in which a required torque is estimated on the basis of an accelerator operation by a driver, and if it is determined that the running by the motor is possible, and an estimation result exceeds a maximum torque of the motor during execution of a running mode by the motor, a mode switch is carried out to a mode in which the automobile runs by an engine or by the engine and the motor in cooperation with each other, even through the running mode by the motor is being executed.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Haulage Vehicle

Номер: AU2014407858B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An autonomous mode controller (61), which outputs an acceleration command (SAa), a braking command (SBa), and a torque command (Ta), is connected to a steering actuator (33) and a travel drive unit (52). The steering actuator (33) generates a combined torque (T1) on the basis of a steering torque (Tm), which comes from a steering wheel (32), and the torque command (Ta), and controls the steering angle (θ) of the vehicle on the basis of the combined torque (T1). The travel drive unit (52) selects, as acceleration command (SA), the greater of an acceleration command (SAm) received from an accelerator pedal (50) and the acceleration command (SAa) output from autonomous mode controller (61), and also selects, as braking command (SB), the greater of a braking command (SBm) received from a brake pedal (51) and the braking command (SBa) output from the autonomous mode controller (61). The travel drive unit (52) controls the vehicle speed on the basis of acceleration command (SA) and braking command ...

01-08-2018 дата публикации

Memory device error based adaptive refresh rate and methods

Номер: TWI631572B

21-11-2017 дата публикации

Engaging and disengaging for autonomous driving

Номер: US0009821818B2
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC, WAYMO LLC

Aspects of the present disclosure relate switching between autonomous and manual driving modes. In order to do so, the vehicle's computer may conduct a series of environmental, system, and driver checks to identify certain conditions. The computer may correct some of these conditions and also provide a driver with a checklist of tasks for completion. Once the tasks have been completed and the conditions are changed, the computer may allow the driver to switch from the manual to the autonomous driving mode. The computer may also make a determination, under certain conditions, that it would be detrimental to the driver's safety or comfort to make a switch from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode.

20-03-2018 дата публикации

Driver assist system with image processing and wireless communication

Номер: US0009919705B2

A driver assist system for a vehicle includes a camera, a receiver and a control. The camera has a field of view exterior of the vehicle and is operable to capture image data. The receiver is operable to receive a wireless communication from a communication device disposed at another vehicle. The control includes a data processor that processes captured image data to detect objects. The wireless communication includes a car-to-car communication. The driver assist system, responsive at least in part to processing by the data processor of captured image data and to the wireless communication received by the receiver, determines a potential hazard existing in a forward path of travel of the equipped vehicle. The control, responsive at least in part to such determination, controls at least one vehicle function of the equipped vehicle to mitigate the potential hazard in the forward path of travel of the equipped vehicle.

07-07-2015 дата публикации

Engaging and disengaging for autonomous driving

Номер: US0009075413B2
Принадлежит: Google Inc., GOOGLE INC, GOOGLE INC.

Aspects of the present disclosure relate switching between autonomous and manual driving modes. In order to do so, the vehicle's computer may conduct a series of environmental, system, and driver checks to identify certain conditions. The computer may correct some of these conditions and also provide a driver with a checklist of tasks for completion. Once the tasks have been completed and the conditions are changed, the computer may allow the driver to switch from the manual to the autonomous driving mode. The computer may also make a determination, under certain conditions, that it would be detrimental to the driver's safety or comfort to make a switch from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode.

27-02-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle control apparatus

Номер: US0009902396B2

A vehicle control apparatus includes a driving state determining portion configured to determine whether the vehicle is in a drivable state at a present time or will be in a drivable state at a point in time after a predetermined period of time has passed from the present time, based on data indicative of a positional relationship between the vehicle and a surrounding environment, that is used in the autonomous driving mode; and a rotation speed reducing portion configured to reduce a rotation speed of the electric motor when it is determined that the vehicle is in an undrivable state at the present time or will be in an undrivable state at the point in time after the predetermined period of time has passed, and the rotation speed of the electric motor is equal to or greater than a predetermined rotation speed.

05-05-2015 дата публикации

Driving mode switch control device, hybrid vehicle, driving mode switch control method, and computer program

Номер: US0009026290B2
Автор: Satoshi Kabe, KABE SATOSHI

To reduce the size, weight, and cost of a motor and peripheral devices of the motor. A hybrid automobile is structured in which a required torque is estimated on the basis of an accelerator operation by a driver, and if it is determined that the running by the motor is possible, and an estimation result exceeds a maximum torque of the motor during execution of a running mode by the motor, a mode switch is carried out to a mode in which the automobile runs by an engine or by the engine and the motor in cooperation with each other, even though the running mode by the motor is being executed.

24-11-2015 дата публикации

Drive force output apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US0009193352B2

An engine shaft of an engine, rotatable shafts of motor generators and a drive force output shaft are interconnected with each other through a drive force transmission arrangement. An ECU computes a torque command value of each of the motor generators through use of an equation of torque equilibrium, which corresponds to the drive force transmission arrangement, based on an engine shaft demand motor generator torque and an output shaft demand motor generator torque.

29-09-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle

Номер: US0009145135B2

The hybrid vehicle executes a diagnosis of a component related to exhaust qualities during a fuel-cut operation of the internal combustion engine and generates a fuel-cut request to execute the diagnosis. When the internal combustion engine is operated in an idle state, the hybrid vehicle feedback-controls a throttle valve opening (control parameter) such that an engine rotation speed is maintained at a target idle rotation speed, and learns a value corresponding to the control parameter as a learned value for controlling the idle operation in a state where the vehicle speed is not more than a learning permission vehicle speed and the internal combustion engine is operated in the idle state. The hybrid vehicle continues generation of the fuel-cut request until the learning of the idle operation control learned value is completed.

28-05-2018 дата публикации

Устройство управления для транспортного средства с электрическим приводом

Номер: RU2655575C2

Изобретение относится к электромобилям. Устройство управления трансмиссией транспортного средства с электрическим приводом содержит механизм передачи динамической мощности и электронный блок управления. Блок управления определяет рабочее состояние электромотора и управляет механизмом передачи динамической мощности. В случае определения рабочего состояния электромотора значение тепловой нагрузки составляет предварительно определенное значение или более, таким образом, чтобы выполнялось управление проскальзыванием на основе тепловой нагрузки так, что чем больше тепловая нагрузка, тем выше скорость электромотора относительно скорости электромотора в момент времени. Чем больше тепловая нагрузка, тем больше возрастает относительная скорость в гидравлическом сцеплении. Подавляется однофазная блокировка. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013135706A

... 1. Устройство управления электрическим транспортным средством, содержащее:несколько вращающихся электрических машин, генерирующих энергию для движения транспортного средства;несколько элементов управления подачей питания в каждую из нескольких вращающихся электрических машин;модуль детектирования количественной характеристики состояния, относящейся к температуре каждого из нескольких модулей управления подачей питания;модуль детектирования состояния остановки для детектирования наличия или отсутствия состояния остановки, при котором, в состоянии подачи питания на вращающуюся электрическую машину, вращение прекращается или скорость вращения становится меньше или равной заданной скорости; имодуль управления, выполненный с возможностью переключения питания вращающейся электрической машины, в которой детектировано состояние остановки, для подачи питания на другую вращающуюся электрическую машину, в которой состояние остановки не детектировано с помощью модуля детектирования состояния остановки ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014100180A
Принадлежит: Сканиа Св Аб

1. Способ эксплуатации транспортного средства (100), причем упомянутое транспортное средство (100) содержит двигатель (101), который может избирательно присоединяться к, по меньшей мере, одному ведущему валу (104, 105) для подачи движущей силы на упомянутый ведущий вал (104, 105) для движения упомянутого транспортного средства (100) вперед, причем способ, который во время эксплуатации упомянутого транспортного средства (100) содержит этапы, на которых:- определяют, приближается ли транспортное средство (100) к нисходящему уклону, и- когда транспортное средство (100) приближается к упомянутому нисходящему уклону, отсоединяют упомянутый двигатель (101) от упомянутого, по меньшей мере, ведущего вала (104, 105) перед тем как транспортное средство (100) достигнет упомянутого нисходящего уклона,- отличающийся тем, что когда упомянутое транспортное средство достигает упомянутого нисходящего уклона,- определяют, достигнет ли скорость транспортного средства максимально допустимой установленной для него скорости, при эксплуатации с упомянутым двигателем (101), отсоединенным от упомянутого ведущего вала (104, 105), иесли транспортное средство (100) достигнет упомянутой максимально допустимой установленной для него скорости, эксплуатируют, по меньшей мере, частично на упомянутом нисходящем уклоне с упомянутым двигателем (101), соединенным супомянутым ведущим валом (104, 105) без подачи топлива на. упомянутый двигатель (101).2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором- проводят упомянутое определение посредством, по меньшей мере, одного блока (130) управления, расположенного в системе управления транспортным средством.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, дополнител РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60W 30/18 B60W 50/00 B60W 10/06 B60W 10/02 B60W 10/11 B60W 30/14 (13) 2014 100 180 A (2012.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2012.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2014100180/11, 07.06.2012 ( ...

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013135287A

... 1. Устройство управления генерированием для гибридного транспортного средства, содержащее:- перезаряжаемый аккумулятор, который подает электрическую мощность в электродвигатель, который является источником приведения в движение гибридного транспортного средства; и- блок генерирования, имеющий двигатель внутреннего сгорания и генератор, который генерирует электрическую мощность за счет работы двигателя внутреннего сгорания, и выполненный с возможностью подавать генерируемую электрическую мощность в электродвигатель или аккумулятор, при этом:- устройство управления генерированием имеет второй режим генерирования, который управляет блоком генерирования таким образом, чтобы подавлять уменьшение состояния заряда аккумулятора; и- устройство управления генерированием активирует блок генерирования в состоянии высокой нагрузки, в котором электрическая мощность, которая потребляется в гибридном транспортном средстве в течение предварительно определенного периода времени, становится больше максимальной ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015208291A1

Ein Standort eines Gemeinschaftsfahrzeugs wir identifiziert. Gemeinschaftsfahrzeugsnutzungsdaten werden für den Standort erhalten. Eine Anweisung zum Einstellen eines Betriebsmodus des Gemeinschaftsfahrzeugs basierend auf den Gemeinschaftsfahrzeugsnutzungsdaten und/oder dem Standort wird bereitgestellt.

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Fahrzeugkommunikationsnetzwerk und Verfahren zu dessen Verwendung und Herstellung

Номер: DE102017210252A1

Einige Ausführungsformen richten sich auf Verfahren und Vorrichtungen zum Vorhersagen von Verkehrsbedingungen und Steuern eines Trägerfahrzeugs basierend auf den vorhergesagten Bedingungen für die Fortbewegung entlang eines Weges. Die Verfahren und Vorrichtungen können Folgendes ausführen: Zugreifen auf aktuelle Wegdaten, die für eine Position und eine Geschwindigkeit des Trägerfahrzeugs relevant sind; Erkennen von Daten, von einem Fahrzeugkommunikationsnetzwerk, eines einfädelnden Fahrzeugs, das beabsichtigt, in den Weg des Trägerfahrzeugs einzufädeln; Erkennen von Daten, von dem Fahrzeugkommunikationsnetzwerk, von vorausfahrendem Verkehr im Weg des Trägerfahrzeugs; Bestimmen einer Geschwindigkeit und einer Position des einfädelnden Fahrzeugs aus den Daten, die über das Fahrzeugkommunikationsnetzwerk übertragen werden; Bestimmen einer Geschwindigkeit und einer Position von vorausfahrendem Verkehr im Weg des Trägerfahrzeugs aus den Daten, die über das Fahrzeugkommunikationsnetzwerk übertragen ...

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines längsführenden Fahrerassistenzsystems in einem Kraftfahrzeug und Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102011102332B3
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines längsführenden Fahrerassistenzsystems (15), insbesondere eines ACC-Systems, in einem Kraftfahrzeug (1), welches ein Kupplungspedal (5) als Stellmittel zum manuellen Betätigen einer Kupplung (11) aufweist, wobei das Fahrerassistenzsystem (15) zur Durchführung wenigstens eines Fahreingriffs zur Regelung der Geschwindigkeit des Kraftfahrzeugs (1) ausgebildet ist, wobei ein als zusätzliches Stellmittel (13) für die Kupplung (11) vorgesehener Kupplungsaktuator (14) zum automatischen Öffnen und Schließen der Kupplung (11) verwendet wird, wobei bei der Regelung der Geschwindigkeit auch ein gewünschter Kupplungsschlupf ermittelt und der Kupplungsaktuator (14) entsprechend angesteuert wird.

19-09-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid electric vehicle control using virtual speed of an actuator

Номер: GB0002488969A

A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) 100 comprises a controller 140 which determines a value of driver demanded torque to be supplied to a driveline of the HEV 100 by first and second actuators, e.g. an internal combustion engine 121 and a crankshaft-integrated motor/generator (CIMG) 123. The value may be based on a plurality of parameters including: (a) a speed of the engine 121; and (b) a position of a driver operated control such as a position of an accelerator (or throttle) pedal 161. When the engine 121 is not connected to the driveline, the controller 140 determines the value of torque based on a virtual speed of the engine 121 which is the speed that the engine 121 would be turning if the engine 121 was connected to the driveline. The virtual speed may be based on a calculated speed of the CIMG 123 and may take into account a gear ration between the engine 121 and the CIMG 123. Reference is also made to a method of controlling the hybrid electric vehicle.

30-05-2018 дата публикации

Semiautonomous vehicle control system

Номер: GB0002556408A

A method for controlling a vehicle in a first autonomy mode, comprising a step of disregarding a command from an occupant to perform an action interfering with an ability of the occupant to either see a field of travel of a vehicle or provide input to the vehicle. The autonomy mode controls the steering and propulsion or braking. Preferably, a second autonomy mode obeys the driver commands. Actions to be overridden include deactivating windscreen wipers when precipitation is detected, deactivating headlights below a specified intensity threshold, reclining a seat past an angular threshold, adjusting a steering wheel position, unbuckling a driver seatbelt, or opening a driver door. The first autonomy mode may be deactivated based on a driving environment. A further step may involve deactivating the first autonomy mode in response to the command, or stopping the vehicle in response to the command.

25-10-2017 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: GB0002523193B
Принадлежит: JAGUAR LAND ROVER LTD, Jaguar Land Rover

19-10-2011 дата публикации

Controller and method of control of a hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: GB0201115248D0

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014200922A1

A hybrid electric vehicle includes a high voltage DC bus and an internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine is mechanically coupled to a non self-excited generator /motor which is preferably a switched reluctance machine. A power 5 inverter electrically and bidirectionally couples the high voltage DC bus to the non self excited switched reluctance generator/motor. Front and rear axle dual DC-AC inverters electrically and bidirectionally couple two traction AC non self-excited switched reluctance motors/gear reducers to the high voltage DC bus for moving the vehicle and for regenerating power. An ultracapacitor coupled to the high voltage DC bus. A 10 bidirectional DC-DC converter interposed between a low voltage battery and the high voltage DC bus transfers energy to the high voltage DC bus and ultracapacitor to ensure that the non self-excited switched reluctance generator/motor operating in the motor mode is able to start the engine. 0~C 0c C CQ Ix n0, 0 "-4 30,0 ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003006546A1

According to the present invention, a host vehicle receives remote vehicle spatial status information for a remote vehicle, and identifies, on the basis of the information, vehicle road network information that represents a portion of a road network. On the basis of a comparison between the spatial status information and the road network information at a time point in the initial stage, at least one initial-stage probability value is generated, and each initial-stage probability value indicates the likelihood of the remote vehicle following a certain traffic lane in the road network. A deviation with respect to the road network information between adjacent values for the spatial status information is generated for multiple time points. For each single traffic lane and deviation, the likelihood of the remote vehicle following that traffic lane is updated using a new probability value based on the deviation, and, by using the updated likelihood, a path which is for the remote vehicle and ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for increasing the availability of hybrid vehicles

Номер: US20130190953A1

In a method for increasing the availability of a hybrid drive having an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, the electric motor is operated as a starter of the internal combustion engine as well as a travel drive unit within the hybrid drive, and at least one operating parameter, corresponding to an operating parameter of the at least one electric motor, is ascertained. An error is identified if the at least one operating parameter value does not correspond to an operating parameter standard state, in which case the operation of the electric motor as the travel drive unit is at least partially limited. Lastly, a driving state-dependent error response is carried out depending on the instantaneous operating state of the hybrid drive.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Engine restart control device

Номер: US20130197759A1
Принадлежит: Suzuki Motor Corp

There is provided an engine restart control device. A controller is configured to stop an engine which is adapted to generate a driving force for running a vehicle when a predetermined stop condition is met and configured to restart the engine when a predetermined restart condition is met after stopping the engine. A steering torque detector is configured to detect a steering torque of a steering handle which is adapted to be operated by a driver. A reaction force generator is configured to give a steering reaction force to the steering handle. The controller restarts the engine when the steering torque detected by the steering torque detector exceeds a predetermined threshold and control the reaction force generator to give the steering reaction force to the steering handle until the steering torque detected by the steering torque detector exceeds the predetermined threshold.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle and method for distributing the drive torque to a front axle drive and a rear axle drive

Номер: US20130211640A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The invention relates to a propulsion device for an all-wheel-drive vehicle with a front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and a rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ), which propulsion device has an electronic control device which defines a drive torque (M Summe ) for driving the vehicle based on a driver request. The electronic control device is associated with a torque distribution unit ( 25 ), by way of which the drive torque (M Summe ) can be variably distributed to the front-axle drive ( 5, 7 ) and the rear-axle drive ( 19; 33, 34 ) as a function of input parameters generated by a driver-assistance controller ( 31 ).

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Power transmission apparatus

Номер: US20130211655A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

The power transmission apparatus may include a control device to carry out idling stop control in such a manner that, when it is detected that an operating means is not operated for a predetermined time or more, an engine is stopped, and a clutch is disconnected, and the supply of the electric power from a battery to a motor generator is interrupted, and when it is detected that the operating means is operated afterwards, the engine is started by a cell motor, and the supply of the electric power from the battery to the motor generator is permitted, and the clutch is connected after the number of revolutions Ne of the engine reaches a predetermined value or more, and the supply of the electric power from the battery to the motor generator is interrupted.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Control device for hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130218392A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A control device 60 for controlling a hybrid vehicle 1 including an engine 10, a motor generator 20, and a battery 30 arranged to be charged by and discharge to the motor generator 20, the control device 60 includes an abnormality judging section 410 configured to judge whether or not an abnormality is generated in the engine 10, and an assist prohibition section 420 configured to prohibit the motor generator 20 from being used as a power source when the abnormality is generated in the engine 10.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle control device

Номер: US20130261865A1
Автор: Yoshimasa Toki
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A control system is provided for controlling a hybrid vehicle that includes an internal combustion engine; an electric motor for starting the internal combustion engine; an inverter for controlling the electric motor; a clutch for selectively connecting and disconnecting power transmission between the internal combustion engine and the electric motor; and a battery for supplying power to the electric motor. The control device includes: a voltage detection unit for detecting the voltage of the battery a voltage control unit for controlling the output of the battery in accordance with a first power value currently available within the voltage limit range of the battery; and an internal combustion engine starting unit for engaging the clutch to start engine while controlling the inverter in accordance with the output from the battery that in turn is controlled by the voltage control unit.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for operating a hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130274979A1

A method for operating a hybrid vehicle comprises conducting unfire operation in an internal-combustion engine in a fuel cut-off mode during a hybrid-mode ride in deceleration of the internal-combustion engine, disconnecting the internal-combustion engine from an output while maintaining the fuel cut-off mode, and reducing a transmission capacity of a clutch configured to couple the internal-combustion engine and an electric motor. During a hybrid-mode ride in deceleration of the internal-combustion engine for transition to the purely electric drive, the internal-combustion engine may be disconnected from the output and shut down. When the internal-combustion engine is operated unfired in a fuel cut-off mode, the internal-combustion engine may be disconnected from the output and shut down by reducing the transmission capacity of the clutch that is connected between the internal-combustion engine and the electric motor.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130282215A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A mechanism and the like configured to reduce a shock involved in the connection of the engine is made no longer necessary for a hybrid vehicle, and an increase in the number of parts of the hybrid vehicle is inhibited. A clutch is connected between an electric motor and an engine in a case where a difference between a current engine speed and a target engine speed is not greater than a first predetermined value. The absolute value of a difference between the current engine speed and a moving average value of the engine speed at intervals of a predetermined length of time is not greater than a second predetermined value which is used for a settling judgment. The engine speed shows a predetermined inclination representing a decreasing trend.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130297129A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An outlet is provided to output power stored in a power storage device as commercial power, and the outlet receives power supply from the power storage device via a voltage converter. A car navigation device is configured to store information about traveling of a vehicle to a destination. An ECU obtains the information about traveling to the destination from the car navigation device, and controls a state of charge of the power storage device based on the information up to the destination and a usage status of the outlet up to the destination.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Vehicle, method and device for controlling vehicle

Номер: US20130304291A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A vehicle provided with a motor generator as a driving source includes an engine and a catalyst for purifying gas exhausted from the engine. The engine is controlled in one control mode of a CS mode and a CD mode in which opportunity for operation of the engine is limited compared to in the CS mode. In the CS mode, the temperature of the catalyst is increased to be equal to or higher than a prescribed activating temperature. The temperature of the catalyst is increased to be higher than the activating temperature before the control mode is changed from the CS mode to the CD mode.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Control device of hybrid drive device

Номер: US20130304296A1
Принадлежит: Aisin AW Co Ltd

A hybrid drive device includes a speed change mechanism, a motor drivingly coupled to an input shaft, and a clutch interposed between an engine and an input shaft. Upon engine start during engine traveling, the clutch is engaged, and rotation of the engine is increased. A control device of the hybrid drive device includes start upshift control means that, according to the engagement control of the clutch upon engine start, upshifts the speed change mechanism to output inertia torque. Thus, when the engine is started, output torque as the sum of driving torque of the motor and the inertia torque is output to the driving wheel, which reduces hesitation upon engine start.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Transmission control device for hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130317683A1
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

In a transmission control device for a hybrid vehicle, when an engine torque is equal to or less than a predetermined value during a constant speed traveling, a learning engine rotational speed is set to a rotational speed being higher by +α than the present engine rotational speed. Then, a learning engine torque is calculated that corresponds to the learning engine rotational speed, a learning clutch actuator operation amount is obtained that corresponds to the learning clutch torque, and a clutch actuator is operated based on the learning clutch actuator operation amount. Thereafter, when the engine rotational speed and the engine torque are in stable states, a clutch torque value corresponding to the learning clutch actuator operation amount is compensated by a stable engine torque value.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Control unit for vehicle driving system

Номер: US20130325237A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A control unit 2 includes a standard control map Map 1 in which an EV driving permitting region is set according to the SOC of a battery 3 and a substitute control map Map 2 in which the EV driving permitting region of the standard control map Map 1 is narrowed, whereby when an air conditioning compressor 112 A, 112 B is actuated to operate, the driving is controlled by selecting the substitute control map Map 2 to be referred to in place of the standard control map Map 1.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Controller and method of control of a hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: US20130332015A1
Автор: Clement Dextreit
Принадлежит: Individual

An illustrative controller for a hybrid electric vehicle has a plurality of actuators each operable independently to provide torque to a driveline of the vehicle. At least one of the actuators is arranged to consume a fuel and at least one other comprises an electric machine. The controller is operable to control the plurality of actuators to apply respective amounts of torque to a driveline of the vehicle according to one of three or more operational modes of the vehicle. The respective amounts of torque are based on a value of each of a first set of two or more operating parameters. The controller is arranged to select two or more of the operational modes based on the first set of operating parameters and a value of a cost functional. A first of the selected modes is the mode having the lowest cost functional according to a control optimisation methodology.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Safety Device for a Motor Vehicle and Method for Operating a Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20130338878A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG and Co oHG

The invention relates to a device and method for increasing the safety of a motor vehicle. A first sensor unit ( 2 ) detects the environment, in particular free spaces and objects ( 0 ) and the position and motion of said objects. A second sensor unit ( 20 ) detects the environment state, a third sensor unit ( 30 ) detects the vehicle state, and a fourth sensor unit ( 40 ) detects the driver specifications. The data are amalgamated. According to the invention, a driving safety coordinator ( 6 ) is provided, which calculates the risk of collision on the basis of a risk evaluation, and the driving safety coordinator ( 6 ) determines pre-collision phases (P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4 a, P 4 b ) of the motor vehicle ( 1 ) with regard to the object ( 0 ).

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and control method thereof

Номер: US20140025247A1
Автор: Yutaka Tamagawa
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A hybrid vehicle which runs on power from at least one of an electric motor and an engine. When a required output exceeds a sum of an output of the electric motor which is driven by electric power supplied from a battery and an output of the engine while the hybrid vehicle is running on a drive mode in which at least the engine works as a drive source with a clutch engaged, a transmission ratio changing unit increases a ratio of electrical transmission to mechanical transmission of the output of the engine, and an engaging/disengaging control unit releases the clutch at a time point when the mechanically-transmitted output of the engine becomes 0, with the clutch engaged.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Driverless Vehicle Movement Processing and Cloud Systems

Номер: US20180012497A1
Принадлежит: Emerging Automotive LLC

A system for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is provided. The system of the vehicle includes a global positioning system (GPS) for identifying a vehicle location and a communications system for communicating with a server of a cloud system. The server is configured to identify that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. The communications system is configured to receive mapping data for the parking location from the server, and the mapping data is at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical object when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The mapping data is processed by electronics of the vehicle so that when the vehicle is automatically moved collision with the at least one physical object is avoided and the electronics of the vehicle is configured to process a combination of sensor data obtained by sensors of the vehicle. The processing of the sensor data uses image data obtained from one or more cameras and light data obtained from one or more optical sensors.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Control method and device for automated guided vehicle, and automated guided vehicle

Номер: US20200017113A1
Автор: Qiang Zhang

The present disclosure discloses a control method and device for automated guided vehicle, and automated guided vehicle. By utilizing the coupling relation between the turntable and the chassis, a disturbance to the chassis electromechanical control subsystem is compensated by using a feedback signal in the turntable electromechanical control subsystem, or a disturbance to the turntable electromechanical control subsystem is compensated by using a feedback signal in the chassis electromechanical control subsystem, so that high-precision movement control of the turntable and the chassis is realized.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for implementing a hybrid control for an autonomous vehicle

Номер: US20210024079A1
Автор: Haojun WANG, Jialin Jiao
Принадлежит: Pony AI Inc Cayman Islands

Vehicles, methods, and computer readable storage media are provided for implementing a hybrid control for an autonomous vehicle. The vehicle can be controlled by receiving a request from an individual for transportation in the vehicle. The vehicle can then navigate with an autonomous control component to the location of an individual to commence the transportation. Then the vehicle can detect, by one or more sensors, that the individual has entered the vehicle. Then, responsive to detecting that the individual has entered the vehicle, the vehicle can change from an autonomous control component to a hybrid control component wherein the hybrid component control comprises allowing the individual to control one or more vehicle control features that were under autonomous control in autonomous component control.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Platooning autonomous vehicle navigation sensory exchange

Номер: US20180047293A1
Автор: Aed M. Dudar

A vehicle system includes a communication interface programmed to communicate with a plurality of platooning vehicles, including a rear vehicle, and receive sensor signals transmitted from the rear vehicle. The vehicle system further includes a processor programmed to command the rear vehicle to turn around and programmed to output control signals to the plurality of platooning vehicles. The control signals control at least one of the plurality platooning vehicles to travel in a reverse direction according to the sensor signals received from the rear vehicle.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220063644A1
Автор: WOO Sangjung

An electronic device is disclosed. The electronic device comprises a communication interface, a memory in which a program for performing an autonomous driving function is stored, and a processor which performs second processing for first processed data on the basis of a first program stored in the memory, when the first processed data is received from an external sensor device through the communication interface, and which performs, on the basis of a second program stored in the memory, first processing for raw data received from the external sensor device, and then performs the second processing on the basis of the first program, when the occurrence of an error in the reception of the data is identified. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a communication interface;a memory in which a program for performing an autonomous driving function is stored; anda processor configured to, based on a first processed data being received from an external sensor device through the communication interface, perform second processing for the received data based on a first program stored in the memory, andbased on the occurrence of an error in the reception of the data being identified, perform, based on a second program stored in the memory, first processing for raw data received from the external sensor device, and then perform second processing based on the first program.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor device is a camera device claim 1 , andwherein the first processed data is data processed by at least one of object detection and scene segmentation in an image acquired through the camera device.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second processing is configured to include a processing using data received from a plurality of external devices including the sensor device.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the second processing is configured to include at least one of planning processing claim 2 , live mapping processing claim 2 , object tracking processing ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Automated Lane Keeping Co-Pilot For Autonomous Vehicles

Номер: US20180052469A1

An automotive vehicle includes a vehicle steering system, an actuator configured to control the steering system, a first controller, and a second controller. The first controller is in communication with the actuator. The first controller is programmed with a primary automated driving system control algorithm and is configured to communicate an actuator control signal based on the primary automated driving system control algorithm. The second controller is in communication with the actuator and with the first controller. The second controller is configured to, in response to a first predicted vehicle path based on the actuator control signal deviating from a current lane, control the actuator to maintain a current actuator setting. The second controller is also configured to, in response to the first predicted vehicle path being within the current lane, control the actuator according to the actuator control signal.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210061111A1

A method for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is disclosed. The method includes identifying a vehicle location using global positioning system (GPS) data regarding the vehicle. Also included is identifying that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. Then, using mapping data defined for the parking location. The mapping data at least in part is used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical structure when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The method includes instructing the electronics of the vehicle to proceed with controlling the vehicle to automatically move from the current location to the destination location at the parking location. The electronics use as input at least part of the mapping data and sensor data collected from around the vehicle by at least two vehicle sensors. The path is configured to be updatable dynamically based on changes in the destination location or changes along the path. The destination location is a parking spot for the vehicle at the parking location. 1identifying a vehicle location using global positioning system (GPS) data regarding the vehicle;determining that the vehicle location is within a proximity of a parking location using said GPS data;accessing mapping data for the parking location, the mapping data at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical structure when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location, wherein the mapping data is processed by electronics of the vehicle so that when the vehicle is automatically moved collision with the at least one physical structure is avoided;instructing the electronics of the vehicle to proceed with controlling the vehicle to automatically move from the current location to the destination location at the parking ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Control Device of Hybrid Vehicle

Номер: US20180065617A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device for a hybrid vehicle includes a rotation detector and electronic control unit. The rotation detector is configured to detect a rotational state of the third rotational element of the hybrid vehicle. The electronic control unit is configured to control a first motor generator of the hybrid vehicle such that output torque of the first motor generator becomes zero when the electronic control unit determines, based on the rotational state of the third rotational element, that the third rotational element has a rotational fluctuation while the hybrid vehicle is travelling in a dual drive motor travelling mode. The dual drive motor travelling mode is a mode in which the hybrid vehicle travels while both the first motor generator and a second motor generator serve as driving force sources for travelling in a state where a first rotational element is fixed by a lock mechanism.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Management of autonomous vehicle driving features based on driver state

Номер: US20200075043A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

According to one aspect, driver management is provided. One or more speech segments of a driver of an autonomous vehicle may be recorded. A position, a destination, or a previous destination of a driver or an autonomous vehicle may be tracked. An estimated state of the driver may be determined based on one or more of the speech segments, the position, the destination, or the previous destination, and a calendar event associated with the driver or a passenger of the autonomous vehicle. Autonomous driving features may be automatically enabled, disabled, or operation of the autonomous vehicle may be enabled or disabled in different modes based on the estimated state of the driver. Additionally, notifications may be displayed, rideshare applications may be launched, or warnings may be sent based on the estimated state of the driver.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Semiautonomous vehicle control system

Номер: US20180079414A1

A controller includes a processor and a memory storing processor-executable instructions. The processor is programmed to activate a first autonomy mode to control steering and at least one of propulsion and braking. The processor is further programmed to, while in the first autonomy mode, disregard a command from an occupant to perform an action interfering with an ability of the occupant to one of see a field of travel of a vehicle and provide input to the vehicle.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Predictive Cruise Control System With Advanced Operator Control and Feedback

Номер: US20160082960A1
Принадлежит: PACCAR INC

An on-board vehicle computer system for a vehicle includes at least one processing unit and a memory having stored therein computer-executable instructions configured to cause the on-board vehicle computer system to implement various aspects of a predictive cruise control (PCC) system. In one aspect, the computer system provides a plurality of available speed control bands in a PCC system, and the available speed control bands are selectable by an operator of the vehicle. In another aspect, the computer system provides an upper speed margin and a lower speed margin for a PCC system, and the upper and lower speed margins are adjustable by an operator of the vehicle. Related notifications may be presented via an operator interface (e.g., a touchscreen display provided in a vehicle dashboard or other easily accessible area).

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling fuel cell vehicle

Номер: US20170080822A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A method and system for controlling a fuel cell vehicle are provided. The method includes determining, by a controller, a driving pattern of a driver based on driving information including acceleration and deceleration information. A condition for activation of an idling-stop of a fuel cell is then set based on the determined driving pattern and the fuel cell is stopped from generating electric energy when the condition for activation of the idling-stop is satisfied.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Methods and system for operating a hybrid vehicle in cruise control mode

Номер: US20170088123A1

Systems and methods for reducing driveline mode change busyness for a hybrid vehicle are presented. The systems and methods may delay a driveline mode change in response to a time since a change from a first desired vehicle speed to a second vehicle speed, or alternatively, driveline mode changes may be initiated in response to an estimated time to change from the first desired vehicle speed to the second desired vehicle speed.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135035A1
Автор: Li Dinghua, YANG Yixin

Techniques for analysis of autonomous vehicle operations are described. As an example, a method of autonomous vehicle operation includes storing sensor data from one or more sensors located on the autonomous vehicle into a storage medium, performing, based on at least some of the sensor data, a simulated execution of one or more programs associated with the operations of the autonomous vehicle, generating, based on the simulated execution of the one or more programs and as part of a simulation, one or more control signal values that control a simulated driving behavior of a simulated vehicle, and providing a visual feedback of the simulated driving behavior of the simulated vehicle on a simulated road.

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Vehicle control apparatus, vehicle control method, and movable object

Номер: US20200086889A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An acquisition unit acquires, as information regarding an operation mode of a different vehicle, operation mode information indicating the operation mode of the different vehicle or operation mode switching information indicating that the different vehicle has switched the operation mode, for example. A determination unit determines an operation mode of a host vehicle in accordance with the received information regarding the operation mode of the different vehicle (e.g., the operation mode information indicating the operation mode of the different vehicle or the operation mode switching information indicating that the different vehicle has switched the operation mode). The present technology is applicable to, for example, an ECU for controlling a vehicle that performs automatic driving.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for abrupt road change assist and active suspension control

Номер: US20170106855A1

Systems and methods for limiting a current operating speed of a vehicle are disclosed. A position of the vehicle relative to an abrupt road change in front of the vehicle and a current operating speed are determined. Information regarding a profile of the abrupt road change is detected. Based on the determined position and current operating speed, a brake torque output is adjusted to reduce the current operating speed. Based on the profile, suspension parameters associated with the vehicle are dynamically adjusted.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Information processing device, mobile device, information processing system, method, and program

Номер: US20220289250A1
Автор: Eiji Oba
Принадлежит: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp

Individually-identifiable data included in observation information of a driver or the like of a vehicle or data for which recording processing is not permitted in a personal information protection regulation is abstracted or encrypted and recorded. A driver information acquisition unit that acquires the observation information of the driver of the vehicle and a data processing unit that inputs the observation information and executes data processing are included. The data processing unit divides the observation information into conversion unnecessary data and conversion necessary data, executes abstraction processing or encryption processing for the conversion necessary data, and stores conversion data such as abstraction data or encryption data in a storage unit. The data processing unit executes the abstraction processing or the encryption processing for the individually-identifiable data included in the observation information or the data for which recording processing is not permitted in the personal information protection regulation as the conversion necessary data.

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210181755A1
Автор: Luo Wei

The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for autonomous driving. The systems may obtain driving information associated with a vehicle; determine a state of the vehicle; determine one or more candidate control signals and one or more evaluation values corresponding to the one or more candidate control signals based on the driving information and the state of the vehicle by using a trained control model; select a target control signal from the one or more candidate control signals based on the one or more evaluation values; and transmit the target control signal to a control component of the vehicle. 1. A system for autonomous driving , comprising:at least one storage medium including a set of instructions; and obtain driving information associated with a vehicle;', 'determine a state of the vehicle;', 'determine one or more candidate control signals and one or more evaluation values corresponding to the one or more candidate control signals based on the driving information and the state of the vehicle by using a trained control model, wherein the one or more candidate control signals are determined according to a pre-filtering approach which pre-filters out in advance control signals exceeding a threshold associated with a vehicle operational parameter without going through the trained control model;', 'select a target control signal from the one or more candidate control signals based on the one or more evaluation values; and', 'transmit the target control signal to a control component of the vehicle., 'at least one processor in communication with the at least one storage medium, wherein when executing the set of instructions, the at least one processor is directed to cause the system to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the driving information associated with the vehicle includes perception information within a first predetermined range of the vehicle or map information within the first predetermined range of the vehicle.3. The system of claim 2 , ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Host vehicle operation using remote vehicle intention prediction

Номер: US20170154529A1
Автор: Ali Mortazavi, Yue Zhao
Принадлежит: Nissan North America Inc

A host vehicle receives remote vehicle spatial state information for a remote vehicle and identifies vehicle transportation network information representing a portion of a transportation network based on that information. At least one initial probability value is generated based on comparing the spatial state information and the transportation network information at an initial time point, each initial probability value indicating a likelihood that the remote vehicle is following a lane within the transportation network. A deviation between adjacent values for the spatial state information relative to the transportation network information is generated for a plurality of time points. For each single lane and deviation, the likelihood that the remote vehicle is following the lane using a new probability value based on the deviation is updated, a trajectory using the updated likelihood is generated, and the host vehicle traverses the transportation network using the transportation network information and trajectory.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Operating Method for a Redundant Sensor Arrangement of a Vehicle System, and Corresponding Redundant Sensor Arrangement

Номер: US20200164892A1
Автор: Sven Plecko

An operating method is for a redundant sensor arrangement of a vehicle system. The sensor arrangement includes two controllers and multiple sensors. Individual sensors of the multiple sensors, in a normal mode of the vehicle system, are each coupled to a controller embodied as a primary controller and, in an emergency mode of the vehicle system, are each coupled to a controller embodied as a secondary controller and are supplied with power. The corresponding controller coupled to the sensors receives and evaluates signals from the individual sensors. Initialization of the sensor arrangement involves an operating voltage being applied to both controllers and a check on the sensor arrangement being performed. The sensors, in a first checking step, are coupled to a first controller and are checked by the latter and decoupled from a second controller, and the first controller subsequently hands over the sensors to the second controller.

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Autonomous parking of vehicles inperpendicular parking spots

Номер: US20180201256A1

Method and apparatus are disclosed for autonomous parking of vehicles in perpendicular parking spots. An example vehicle includes a front corner, a camera, and an autonomous vehicle parker. The autonomous vehicle parker is to detect, via the camera, a perpendicular parking spot and an outer boundary of the perpendicular parking spot, determine a linear parking path located within the perpendicular parking spot and based on the outer boundary, and autonomously turn into the perpendicular parking spot such that the front corner travels along the linear parking path.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Transportation to Destinations by a Self-Driving Vehicle

Номер: US20170220045A1
Автор: Bradley Templeton
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

A vehicle configured to operate in an autonomous mode is provided. The vehicle is configured to obtain an indication of a final destination, and, if the final destination is not on a pre-approved road for travel by the vehicle, the vehicle is configured to determine a route from the vehicle's current location to an intermediary destination. The vehicle is further configured to determine a means for the vehicle user to reach the final destination from the intermediate destination.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Systems and methods for implementing dynamic operating modes and control policies for hybrid electric vehicles

Номер: US20150232082A1
Принадлежит: Efficient Drivetrains Inc

Systems and/or methods for controlling dual motor-dual clutch powertrains for HEV and PHEV vehicles are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method is disclosed comprising: determining the state of charge (SOC) of said batteries; determining the speed of the vehicle; if the SOC is greater than a given first threshold, selecting a charge-depleting operational mode of said vehicle; during operation of said vehicle, if the SOC is less than a given second threshold, selecting a charge-sustaining operating mode of said vehicle. In another embodiment, a system having a controller that operates the powertrain according to various embodiments is disclosed.

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Methods and system for operating a vehicle transmission

Номер: US20160236670A1

Systems and methods for operating a hybrid vehicle driveline that includes an engine and a motor are presented. In one example, the systems and methods include one or more speed control modes where torque output of a motor is adjusted responsive to different control parameters in the different control modes.

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Drive apparatus for vehicle

Номер: US20160236675A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A drive apparatus for a vehicle includes an engine, an MG, a first rotary shaft, a second rotary shaft, a transmission disposed between the first rotating shaft and the second rotary shaft, a driving wheel, a first clutch capable of interrupting power transmission between the engine and the first rotary shaft, a second clutch capable of interrupting power transmission between the MG and the first rotary shaft, and an ECU for controlling the engine, the MG, the transmission, the first clutch and the second clutch. The ECU releases the second clutch as a rotation speed of the first rotary shaft becomes higher than a threshold value, and sets the threshold value lower in the case where an acceleration request is issued from the driver than in the case where no acceleration request is issued to reduce the operation times for the clutch to engage or disengage the MG.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle traveling control apparatus

Номер: US20170235311A1
Автор: Yasuhiro SEKIJIMA
Принадлежит: Fuji Jukogyo KK

A vehicle traveling control apparatus that performs an automatic driving control based on traveling environment information and traveling information includes a steering holding state detector, a target parameter setting unit, a target parameter correcting unit, and an acceleration and deceleration controller. The steering holding state detector detects a steering wheel holding state of a driver. The target parameter setting unit recognizes a curve ahead of the own vehicle based on the traveling environment information. The target parameter setting unit sets a target parameter that is based on one or both of a target vehicle speed and an allowable lateral acceleration rate of the own vehicle in passing through the curve. The target parameter correcting unit corrects the target parameter depending on the steering wheel holding state. The acceleration and deceleration controller sets a target acceleration rate of the own vehicle based on the target parameter, and controls acceleration and deceleration.

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Engaging and disengaging for autonomous driving

Номер: US20170253253A1
Принадлежит: Waymo LLC

Aspects of the present disclosure relate switching between autonomous and manual driving modes. In order to do so, the vehicle's computer may conduct a series of environmental, system, and driver checks to identify certain conditions. The computer may correct some of these conditions and also provide a driver with a checklist of tasks for completion. Once the tasks have been completed and the conditions are changed, the computer may allow the driver to switch from the manual to the autonomous driving mode. The computer may also make a determination, under certain conditions, that it would be detrimental to the driver's safety or comfort to make a switch from the autonomous driving mode to the manual driving mode.

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Surroundings modeling device for a driver assistance system for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20180251134A1
Принадлежит: Continental Teves AG and Co oHG

A surroundings modeling device for a driver assistance system for a motor vehicle. includes a separating device configured to separate a total vehicle surroundings model into a static vehicle surroundings model based on a first look-ahead distance and a dynamic vehicle surroundings model based on a second look-ahead distance. A first real-time computing device is configured to calculate the dynamic vehicle surroundings model on the basis of the first look-ahead distance within a maximum response time. A second real-time computing device is configured to calculate the static vehicle surroundings model on the basis of the second look-ahead distance with a characteristic response time. A situation analysis device is configured to change the separation process on the basis of an analysis of the total vehicle surroundings model.

08-10-2015 дата публикации

Personalized driver assistance system for vehicle

Номер: US20150284008A1

A driver assistance system for a vehicle includes at least one sensor including an image sensor operable to capture image data. An image processor is operable to process captured image data to determine at least one of (i) a driving condition of the vehicle and (ii) a road condition of the road that the vehicle is traveling along. The driver assistance system, when activated and at least in part responsive to image processing of captured image data, is operable to control at least one accessory or system of the vehicle. The driver assistance system is operable to adjust at least one parameter of the control of the at least one accessory or system of the vehicle in response to (i) an identification of a particular driver and (ii) at least one preferred parameter indicative of the driver's preference for the at least one accessory or system of the vehicle.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200262416A1

Systems, methods, and non-transitory computer-readable media are provided for implementing a preemptive control for an autonomous vehicle to improve ride quality. Data from one or more sensors onboard the autonomous vehicle can be acquired. A surface imperfection of a road can be identified from the data. A next action for the autonomous vehicle can be determined based on the surface imperfection. A signal can be outputted that causes the autonomous vehicle to act in accordance with the next action. 1. A computer-implemented method for preemptive control of a vehicle to improve ride quality comprising:determining, by a computing system onboard the vehicle, based on a high definition map, an imperfection on a road ahead of the vehicle;detecting, by the computing system, based on data collected by at least one sensor onboard the vehicle, the imperfection on the road ahead;determining, by the computing system, a next action of the vehicle based on the imperfection; andsynchronizing a timing of the next action to a predicted arrival time at the imperfection.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the synchronizing a timing of the next action to a predicted arrival time comprises synchronizing a timing of the next action to counteract a predicted consequence resulting when the vehicle is predicted to arrive at the imperfection.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein determining the next action of the vehicle based on the imperfection comprises:determining, based on the high definition map, a lane of the road ahead on which the imperfection is located;determining that the vehicle is on the lane on which the imperfection is located;determining, based on the high definition map and the data collected by the at least one sensor, a size of the imperfection; andchanging a speed of the vehicle in response to the size of the imperfection.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , wherein changing the speed of the vehicle in response to the ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200276986A1

A distributing device for distributing data streams for a control unit for a vehicle drivable in a highly automated manner. The distributing device includes at least one first processor unit and at least one further processor unit, which are designed to process sensor data streams. The distributing device also includes a distributing unit, which is designed to read in a first sensor data stream of at least one first sensor and at least one further sensor data stream of at least one further sensor and to distribute them optionally onto the at least one first processor unit or the at least one further processor unit. 110-. (canceled)11. A distributing device for distributing data streams for a control unit for a vehicle drivable in a highly automated manner , the distributing device comprising:at least one first processor unit and at least one further processor unit, which are configured to process sensor data streams; anda distributing unit configured to read in a first sensor data stream of at least one first sensor and at least one further sensor data stream of at least one further sensor and to distribute the read in first sensor data stream and the at least one further sensor data stream optionally to the at least one first processor unit or the at least one further processor unit.12. The distributing device as recited in claim 11 , further comprising:a first channeling unit configured to channel a sensor raw data stream from the at least one first sensor to the first sensor data stream; anda further channeling unit configured to channel a further sensor raw data stream from the at least one further sensor to the further sensor data stream.13. The distributing device as recited in claim 11 , further comprising:at least one connecting unit configured to connect the first processor unit and/or the further processor unit to at least one vehicle unit and/or at least one further processing device.14. The distributing device as recited in claim 13 , further comprising ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200282974A1
Автор: Diessner Horst D.

A vehicular parking system includes a plurality of exterior viewing cameras, at least one receiver and a control. The control, when the vehicle is located at an entrance of a parking structure, controls the vehicle to autonomously drive the vehicle from the entrance of the parking structure toward a parking location in the parking structure. The parking structure includes a positioning system having a plurality of short range communication devices at known locations at the parking structure. Responsive to communication signals generated by the devices, the control determines the location of the vehicle relative to the known locations and drives the vehicle from the entrance of the parking structure toward the parking location in the parking structure. With the vehicle positioned at the parking location, and responsive at least to image processing by the image processor of captured image data, the control parks the vehicle in the parking location. 1. A vehicular parking system , the vehicular parking system comprising:a plurality of exterior viewing cameras mounted to a vehicle, each camera of the plurality of exterior viewing cameras having a respective field of view exterior of the vehicle;at least one receiver disposed at the vehicle for wirelessly receiving signals from short range communication devices near the vehicle;a control comprising an image processor operable to process image data captured by the cameras;wherein the control, when the vehicle is located at an entrance of a parking structure, controls the vehicle to autonomously drive the vehicle from the entrance of the parking structure toward a parking location in the parking structure;wherein the parking structure comprises a positioning system having a plurality of short range communication devices that generate short range communication signals, and wherein individual short range communication devices of the plurality of short range communication devices are at known locations at the parking ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Method for providing control system of vehicle, electric control unit and headlight control system

Номер: US20170320429A1
Автор: Susumu Akiyama
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A method of preparing a vehicle control system having an intended function by using at least two ECUs is provided. One of the at least two ECUs is used for adaptively incorporating a modified portion of the intended function of the vehicle control system through re-design in a short period, while the rest of the ECUs in the vehicle control system sustain and support an unchanging portion of the intended function of the vehicle control system.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Autonomous driving controller encrypted communications

Номер: US20190334706A1
Принадлежит: Tesla Inc

An autonomous driving controller includes a plurality of parallel processors operating on common input data received from the plurality of autonomous driving sensors. Each of the plurality of parallel processors includes communication circuitry, a general processor, a security processor subsystem (SCS), and a safety subsystem (SMS). The communication circuitry supports communications between the plurality of parallel processors, including inter-processor communications between the general processors of the plurality of parallel processors, communications between the SCSs of the plurality of parallel processors using SCS cryptography, and communications between the SMSs of the plurality of parallel processors using SMS cryptography, the SMS cryptography differing from the SCS cryptography. The SCS and/or the SMS may each include dedicated hardware and/or memory to support the communications.

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle control system

Номер: US20190367044A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A vehicle control system includes: an automated driving controller performing automated driving control over a vehicle; a manual driving controller performing manual driving control; a driving mode shift controller shifting the driving mode between the automated driving control and the manual driving control; a μ estimation unit estimating a frictional coefficient μ of a road surface; a maximum frictional force calculation unit calculating the maximum frictional force between wheels and the road surface; a storage unit storing, during the automated driving control, the estimated μ and the calculated maximum frictional force; and a driving force distribution controller distributing, when the driving mode forcibly shifts from the automated driving control to the manual driving control and when driving force exceeding the stored maximum frictional force is input to one driving wheel, the driving force to another driving wheel.

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200391751A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A histogram is calculated based on a road surface image of a portion around a vehicle, and the histogram is separated into a histogram that represents an in-sunlight road surface and includes a first peak value and a histogram that represents a shadow road surface and includes a second peak value to output the histograms, thereby further enhancing the accuracy of road surface detection around the vehicle as compared with conventional art. 1. A road surface detection apparatus comprising:an imaging device unit disposed in a vehicle which obtains a road surface image of a portion around the vehicle, and outputs a plurality of partial road surface images each of which represents a part of the road surface image;a histogram generation region extraction processor which receives input of the plurality of partial road surface images, and extracts a predetermined region of the partial road surface images as a plurality of histogram generation regions;a histogram generation region combiner which combines the plurality of histogram generation regions and outputs the combined region as a histogram generation composite region;a histogram calculator to calculate a histogram based on the histogram generation composite region;a histogram separator to separate the histogram into a first histogram and a second histogram and output the first and the second histograms;a first region extraction processor which extracts a first region from the first histogram and the partial road surface images; anda second region extraction processor which extracts a second region from the second histogram and the partial road surface images, whereinthe histogram separator separates the histogram such that an element including a first peak value is the first histogram, and an element including a second peak value is the second histogram.2. The road surface detection apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:an image transformer to transform the partial road surface image to a partial transform image; ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Self-Driving Safety Evaluation Method, Apparatus, and System

Номер: US20200406911A1
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A self-driving safety evaluation method, including determining R B based on a risk value of a vehicle in a shadow driving mode in a first measurement unit, where R B is a risk value of the vehicle in the shadow driving mode in a plurality of measurement units, and determining R C based on a risk value of the vehicle in a self-driving mode based on a preset route in the first measurement unit, where R C is a risk value of the vehicle in the self-driving mode based on the preset route in the measurement units, where R B and R C are used to determine whether safety of the vehicle in the self-driving mode meets a requirement.

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220355680A1

A system and method for navigating a vehicle automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator is disclosed. The method includes identifying a vehicle location using global positioning system (GPS) data regarding the vehicle. Also included is identifying that the vehicle location is near or at a parking location. Then, using mapping data defined for the parking location. The mapping data at least in part is used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical structure when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location. The method includes instructing the electronics of the vehicle to proceed with controlling the vehicle to automatically move from the current location to the destination location at the parking location. The electronics use as input at least part of the mapping data and sensor data collected from around the vehicle by at least two vehicle sensors. The path is configured to be updatable dynamically based on changes in the destination location or changes along the path. The destination location is a parking spot for the vehicle at the parking location. 1. A vehicle having systems for moving automatically from a current location to a destination location without a human operator , comprising:a global positioning system (GPS) producing GPS data regarding a location of the vehicle, the GPS data identifying the vehicle to be within a proximity of a parking location;an on-board computer of the vehicle;a communications system of the vehicle, the on-board computer having program instructions for using the communications system to access mapping data for the parking location, the mapping data is at least in part used to find a path at the parking location to avoid a collision of the vehicle with at least one physical structure when the vehicle is automatically moved at the parking location, wherein the mapping data is processed by the on-board computer of ...

15-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN109890679B
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd


27-04-2017 дата публикации

Driver assistance apparatus and control method for the same

Номер: KR101730321B1
Автор: 이초일
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 운전자 보조 장치 및 그 제어 방법에 관한 것으로서, 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 운전자 보조 장치는, 차량 외부의 오브젝트에 대한 정보를 획득하고, 상기 오브젝트는 상기 차량의 주변에서 주행 중인 제1 타차량을 포함하는 센싱부; 및 상기 오브젝트에 대한 정보, 상기 차량의 운전자로부터 제공되는 사용자 입력, 상기 운전자의 상태 및 상기 차량의 주변에서 주행 중인 제2 타차량으로부터 제공되는 상기 제1 타차량에 대한 정보 중 적어도 어느 하나를 기초로, 상기 제1 타차량이 위험 차량인지 판단하고, 상기 제1 타차량이 위험 차량인 것으로 판단 시, 기 설정된 적어도 하나 이상의 동작을 실행하는 프로세서;를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a driver assistance device and a control method thereof, wherein a driver assistance device according to an embodiment of the present invention acquires information about an object outside the vehicle, A sensing unit including the other vehicle; And at least one of information on the object, user input provided from a driver of the vehicle, information on the state of the driver, and information on the first vehicle provided from a second vehicle traveling in the vicinity of the vehicle, And a processor for determining whether the first vehicle is a dangerous vehicle and executing at least one predetermined operation when determining that the first vehicle is a dangerous vehicle.

26-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN103204071B
Автор: 森本洋平
Принадлежит: Denso Corp


06-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN103269929B
Автор: 山村吉典, 高村裕
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd


25-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and system for a vehicle

Номер: KR101604061B1

본 발명은 엔진 예를 들어, 내연 기관(101)을 구비한 차량(100)을 주행시키는 방법에 관한 것으로, 여기서 엔진은 상기 차량(100)의 추진을 위한 적어도 하나의 구동 샤프트(104, 105)에 구동력을 전달하기 위해, 상기 적어도 하나의 구동 샤프트(104, 105)에 선택적으로 연결될 수 있다. 상기 차량(100)이 주행 중 일 때, 방법은 - 상기 차량(100)이 내리막에 접근하는지를 결정하는 단계와, 상기 차량(100)이 상기 내리막에 접근할 때, 상기 차량(100)이 상기 내리막에 도달하기 전 상기 적어도 하나의 구동 샤프트(104, 105)로부터 상기 엔진(101)을 단절시키는 단계를 포함한다. 본 발명은 또한 시스템 및 차량에 관련된다. The present invention relates to a method of driving an engine, for example, a vehicle 100 with an internal combustion engine 101, wherein the engine includes at least one drive shaft 104, 105 for propelling the vehicle 100, To selectively transmit the driving force to the at least one drive shaft (104, 105). When the vehicle 100 is in motion, the method further comprises: determining whether the vehicle 100 approaches the downhill; when the vehicle 100 approaches the downhill, Disconnecting the engine (101) from the at least one drive shaft (104, 105) before reaching the at least one drive shaft (104, 105). The invention also relates to systems and vehicles.

09-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for controlling charge and discharge for a hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: KR101339264B1
Автор: 김상준

The present invention relates to a method and system for controlling the charging and discharging of a hybrid electric vehicle, which is capable of consuming (discharging), by an integrated starter & generator (ISG), the generated power of a drive motor for collecting energy according to a state of charge (SOC) of a battery during the coasting of the hybrid electric vehicle. To this end, the present invention provides a method for controlling the charging and discharging of a hybrid electric vehicle which comprises a drive motor driven by battery power and an ISG capable of starting an engine and generating power by a rotational force of the engine, the method comprising the steps of: converting a driving mode into a regenerative braking mode during the coasting of the hybrid electric vehicle; allowing the drive motor to generate power according to the regenerative braking mode; determining whether the SOC of a battery is in a charging limit state; and driving the ISG with the generated power of the drive motor if the battery is in the charging limit state. [Reference numerals] (AA) Start;(BB) End;(S110) Coasting driving?;(S120) Convert a driving mode into a regenerative braking mode - Release an engine clutch;(S130) Allow a drive motor to generate power;(S140) Is a battery in a charging limit state?;(S150) Charge the battery with the generated power of the drive motor;(S160) Consume (discharge) the generated power of the drive motor as the drive power of an integrated starter & generator - Control the speed of the integrated starter & generator based on engine speed and an engine friction torque map

16-03-2016 дата публикации

The control setup of working truck and working truck

Номер: CN103328295B


29-09-2015 дата публикации

Driver assist system with algorithm switching

Номер: US9146898B2

A driver assist system for a vehicle includes an object detection sensor disposed at the vehicle and having an exterior field of view and a receiver operable to receive a wireless communication from a communication device remote from the vehicle. The wireless communication is associated with a driving condition of another vehicle and/or a road condition of interest to the driver of the vehicle. A control is operable to process data captured by the object detection sensor to detect an object exterior of the vehicle. The driver assist system is operable to adjust the data processing responsive at least in part to the received wireless communication. Responsive to the data processing, an alert is operable to alert the driver of the vehicle of a potential hazard and/or a system of the vehicle is operable to control a vehicle function to mitigate or avoid a potential hazard condition.

18-04-2017 дата публикации

Personalized driver assistance system for vehicle

Номер: US9623878B2

A driver assistance system for a vehicle includes at least one sensor including an image sensor operable to capture image data. An image processor is operable to process captured image data to determine at least one of (i) a driving condition of the vehicle and (ii) a road condition of the road that the vehicle is traveling along. The driver assistance system, when activated and at least in part responsive to image processing of captured image data, is operable to control at least one accessory or system of the vehicle. The driver assistance system is operable to adjust at least one parameter of the control of the at least one accessory or system of the vehicle in response to (i) an identification of a particular driver and (ii) at least one preferred parameter indicative of the driver's preference for the at least one accessory or system of the vehicle.

16-05-2017 дата публикации

Autonomous vehicle operation in view-obstructed environments

Номер: US9649979B2

Arrangements related to operating an autonomous vehicle in view-obstructed environments are described. At least a portion of an external environment of the autonomous vehicle can be sensed to detect one or more objects located therein. An occupant viewable area of the external environment can be determined. It can be determined whether one or more of the detected one or more objects is located outside of the determined occupant viewable area. Responsive to determining that a detected object is located outside of the determined occupant viewable area, one or more actions can be taken. For instance, the action can include presenting an alert within the autonomous vehicle. Alternatively or in addition, the action can include causing a current driving action of the autonomous vehicle to be modified.

02-08-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle vision system with autonomous parking function

Номер: US11400919B2
Автор: Horst D. Diessner

A vehicular parking system includes a plurality of exterior viewing cameras, at least one receiver and a control. The control, when the vehicle is located at an entrance of a parking structure, controls the vehicle to autonomously drive the vehicle from the entrance of the parking structure toward a parking location in the parking structure. The parking structure includes a positioning system having a plurality of short range communication devices at known locations at the parking structure. Responsive to communication signals generated by the devices, the control determines the location of the vehicle relative to the known locations and drives the vehicle from the entrance of the parking structure toward the parking location in the parking structure. With the vehicle positioned at the parking location, and responsive at least to image processing by the image processor of captured image data, the control parks the vehicle in the parking location.

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Vehicular control system with image processing and wireless communication

Номер: US11279343B2

A vehicular control system includes a camera and a receiver disposed at the equipped vehicle. A control includes an image processor that processes image data captured by the camera to detect vehicles present within the field of view of the camera. The vehicular control system determines presence of another vehicle that constitutes a potential hazard existing exterior of the equipped vehicle responsive at least in part to a wireless communication originating from the other vehicle and received by the receiver. When the other vehicle enters the field of view of the camera, and responsive at least in part to the image processor processing image data captured by the camera, the control detects that the other vehicle is present within the field of view of the camera and controls at least one vehicle function of the equipped vehicle to mitigate collision with the other vehicle.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Operation control method of hydraulic isg system using ehps system and apparatus of the same

Номер: KR101734688B1
Автор: 최영설
Принадлежит: 현대자동차주식회사

본 발명은 EHPS 시스템을 이용한 유압식 ISG 시스템의 작동제어방법 및 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따르면, EHPS(Electro Hydraulic Power Steering, 전동 유압식 파워 스티어링) 시스템과 유압식 ISG 시스템(Idle Stop and Go System)에서 동일한 기능을 수행하는 펌프를 통합하여, 비용을 절감하고 탑재공간을 축소시키며, 불필요한 에너지 소모를 방지하여 연비를 향상시킬 수 있다. The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for controlling the operation of a hydraulic ISG system using an EHPS system. According to the present invention, it is possible to reduce the cost and reduce the mounting space by integrating an electro-hydraulic power steering (EHPS) system and a hydraulic-type ISG system (idle stop and go system) Unnecessary energy consumption can be prevented and the fuel consumption can be improved.

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle battery power transfer limit management system and method

Номер: CN105083275A


24-08-2016 дата публикации

Methods And System For Operating A Vehicle Transmission

Номер: CN105882642A


14-05-2019 дата публикации

Driver assistance apparatus and control method for the same

Номер: US10286905B2
Автор: Choil LEE

Disclosed are driver assistance apparatus and a control method for the same. The driver assistance apparatus includes a sensing unit configured to acquire information regarding an object outside a vehicle, the object including a first other vehicle being driven in the vicinity of the vehicle, and a processor configured to judge whether the first other vehicle is a dangerous vehicle based on at least one of the information regarding the object, user input provided from a driver of the vehicle, information regarding the state of the driver, and information regarding the first other vehicle provided from a second other vehicle being driven in the vicinity of the vehicle, and to execute at least one predetermined operation upon judging that the first other vehicle is a dangerous vehicle.

01-10-2019 дата публикации

Crowdsourced vehicle history

Номер: US10431089B1
Автор: Vincent Nguyen
Принадлежит: Lytx Inc

A system for interacting with data of a vehicle history database includes an interface and a processor. The interface is configured to receive sensor data associated with one or more nearby vehicles. The processor is configured to determine vehicle data associated with the one or more nearby vehicles based at least in part on the sensor data; provide the vehicle data to a vehicle history database; receive vehicle history data associated with the one or more nearby vehicles from the vehicle history database; and indicate a feedback action based at least in part on the vehicle history data.

27-02-2019 дата публикации

Vehicle speed control device

Номер: JP6475130B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for providing customized and adaptive massaging in vehicle seats

Номер: US10647237B2
Автор: Xiufeng Song
Принадлежит: Faraday and Future Inc

Various embodiments are presented for providing customized and adaptive massaging in vehicle seats. A method for providing customized and adaptive massaging in vehicle seats is disclosed. The method includes the steps of receiving profile information associated with an occupant of a seat of a vehicle; receiving a current driving mode of the vehicle, selecting a massage setting for the seat based on the profile information and the current driving mode, and massaging the occupant of the seat based on the massage setting.

26-09-2018 дата публикации

Vehicle control device

Номер: JP6394547B2
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

12-02-2021 дата публикации

Road surface detection device, image display device using road surface detection device, obstacle detection device using road surface detection device, road surface detection method, image display method using road surface detection method, and obstacle detection method using road surface detection method

Номер: JPWO2019202628A1
Автор: 宏樹 藤好, 考平 森
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

車両周辺の路面画像に基づいてヒストグラムを演算し、このヒストグラムを第一のピーク値を含む日向路面を示すヒストグラム(18a)と、第二のピーク値を含む影路面を示すヒストグラム(18b)とに分離して出力することにより、車両周辺の路面検出の精度を従来のものと比べて更に向上させる。 A histogram is calculated based on the road surface image around the vehicle, and this histogram is divided into a histogram (18a) showing the sunbathing road surface including the first peak value and a histogram (18b) showing the shadow road surface including the second peak value. By separating and outputting, the accuracy of road surface detection around the vehicle is further improved as compared with the conventional one.

22-01-2019 дата публикации

Ice and snow detection systems and methods

Номер: US10183677B2

Example ice and snow detection systems and methods are described. In one implementation, a method activates an ice and snow detection system in response to receiving weather data indicating a likelihood of ice or snow on a roadway near a vehicle. The method receives data from multiple vehicle sensors and analyzes the received data to identify ice or snow on the roadway. If ice or snow is identified on the roadway, the method adjusts vehicle operations and reports the ice or snow condition to a shared database.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Hybrid-vehicle control device

Номер: KR101420065B1
Автор: 다다시 오쿠다

EV 모드에 의한 주행 중, 제한 모터 토크를 높임으로써 HEV 모드로 모드 천이하는 일 없이 고속 주행을 유지할 수 있는 하이브리드 차량의 제어 장치를 제공하는 것이다. 엔진(Eng)과, 엔진(Eng)의 시동과 구동륜(RL, RR)의 구동을 행하는 모터(MG)와, HEV 모드와 EV 모드를 전환하는 제1 클러치(CL1)와, 자동 변속기(AT)와, 전기 자동차 모드 제어 수단(도 4)을 구비한다. 그리고 전기 자동차 모드 제어 수단(도 4)은, EV 모드에 의한 주행 중, 변속기(AT)의 변속비가 작을수록, HEV 모드로의 모드 천이에 대비하여 확보해 두는 엔진 시동 토크(TmESOD)를 작은 값으로 설정한다. A control device for a hybrid vehicle capable of maintaining a high-speed running without a mode transition to an HEV mode by increasing the limited motor torque during traveling by the EV mode. A motor MG for starting the engine EN and driving the drive wheels RL and RR; a first clutch CL1 for switching between the HEV mode and the EV mode; And electric vehicle mode control means (Fig. 4). 4) is set to a smaller value as the gear ratio of the transmission (AT) is smaller during traveling by the EV mode, and the engine starting torque TmESOD secured in preparation for mode transition to the HEV mode is smaller .

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2017132470A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 132 470 A (51) МПК B60W 50/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017132470, 18.09.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 20.09.2016 US 15/271,036 09 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, д. 25, строение 3, "Городисский и партнеры" Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 3 2 4 7 0 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Способ, содержащий этапы, на которых: активируют систему обнаружения льда и снега в ответ на прием данных о погоде, указывающих на вероятность наличия льда или снега на проезжей части вблизи транспортного средства; принимают данные от множества датчиков транспортного средства; анализируют принятые данные для распознавания льда или снега на проезжей части; и в ответ на распознавание льда или снега на проезжей части: регулируют операции транспортного средства; и отправляют отчет о состоянии льда или снега на совместно используемую базу данных. 2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий объединение данных, принятых от множества датчиков транспортного средства. 3. Способ по п. 1, в котором анализ принятых данных для распознавания льда или снега на проезжей части включает в себя этапы, на которых: определяют текущую высоту поверхности проезжей части; сравнивают текущую высоту поверхности проезжей части с ранее записанной высотой поверхности проезжей части; и определяют, что на проезжей части присутствует лед или снег , если текущая высота поверхности проезжей части больше, чем ранее записанная высота поверхности проезжей части. 4. Способ по п. 1, в котором анализ принятых данных для распознавания льда или снега на проезжей части включает в себя этапы, на которых: определяют текущую отражательную способность поверхности проезжей части; 2 0 1 7 1 3 2 4 7 0 (54) СПОСОБ ОБНАРУЖЕНИЯ ЛЬДА И СНЕГА (ВАРИАНТЫ) И СООТВЕТСТВУЮЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 21.03.2019 Бюл. ...

09-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid vehicle and control method thereof

Номер: CN103347763A
Автор: 森崎启介
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp


13-07-2018 дата публикации

Lane Management for Off-Road Vehicles

Номер: RU2017100263A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2017 100 263 A (51) МПК G08G 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017100263, 10.01.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): ФОРД ГЛОУБАЛ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИЗ, ЭлЭлСи (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 11.01.2016 US 14/992,089 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 7 1 0 0 2 6 3 R U A (57) Формула изобретения 1. Система, содержащая серверный компьютер, имеющий процессор и память, причем память хранит команды, выполняемые процессором, таким образом, что компьютер запрограммирован на: обнаружение первого транспортного средства на первой полосе движения, смежной второй полосе движения; планирование траектории первого транспортного средства для первого транспортного средства для помещения в очередь на первой полосе движения и для перехода из очереди с первой полосы движения на вторую полосу движения, основываясь на по меньшей мере одной определенной характеристике первого транспортного средства и траектории второго транспортного средства; и управление первым транспортным средством, основываясь на траектории первого транспортного средства. 2. Система по п. 1, в которой по меньшей мере одна характеристика включает в себя одно или более из идентификатора первого транспортного средства, возможности ускорения первого транспортного средства, места назначения первого транспортного средства и состояния первого транспортного средства. 3. Система по п. 1, в которой серверный компьютер дополнительно запрограммирован на обнаружение второго транспортного средства на второй полосе движения. 4. Система по п. 1, в которой серверный компьютер дополнительно запрограммирован на определение по меньшей мере одной из траектории второго транспортного средства и запланированной траектории первого транспортного средства на основе данных, принимаемых от одного или более из датчика близости первой полосы ...

06-08-2019 дата публикации

Autonomous parking of vehicles inperpendicular parking spots

Номер: US10369988B2

Method and apparatus are disclosed for autonomous parking of vehicles in perpendicular parking spots. An example vehicle includes a front corner, a camera, and an autonomous vehicle parker. The autonomous vehicle parker is to detect, via the camera, a perpendicular parking spot and an outer boundary of the perpendicular parking spot, determine a linear parking path located within the perpendicular parking spot and based on the outer boundary, and autonomously turn into the perpendicular parking spot such that the front corner travels along the linear parking path.

27-09-2019 дата публикации

The control method of travel assist system and vehicle

Номер: CN110281940A
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd


26-04-2012 дата публикации

Running mode switch control device, hybrid automobile, running mode switch control method, and program

Номер: WO2012053591A1
Автор: 賢志 加部
Принадлежит: 日野自動車株式会社

 電動機および電動機周辺機器の小型化、軽量化、および低コスト化を図ること。 運転者のアクセル操作に基づいて要求トルクを推定し、電動機による走行が可能と判断され、電動機による走行モードの実行中に推定結果が電動機の最大トルクを超えたときは、電動機による走行モードの実行中にも係らずエンジンもしくはエンジンと電動機とが協働して走行するモードにモード切替えを行うハイブリッド自動車を構成する。

27-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015117384A

1. Система для работы транспортного средства совместного пользования, включающая в себя компьютер с процессором и запоминающим устройством, на котором хранятся инструкции, с помощью которых компьютер запрограммирован:определять местоположение транспортного средства совместного пользования;получать данные об использовании транспортного средства совместного пользования для этого местоположения ивыдавать инструкцию для изменения рабочего режима транспортного средства совместного пользования на основании по крайней мере данных об использовании транспортного средства совместного пользования и его местоположения.2. Система по п. 1, в которой данные об использовании включают в себя историю поездок пользователя и/или ретроспективные данные о траффике, и/или ретроспективные данные о качестве воздуха.3. Система по п. 1, в которой изменение рабочего режима предполагает переход в один из следующих режимов: режим электромобиля, режим использования двигателя внутреннего сгорания и адаптивный режим электромобиля, который предусматривает операции как в режиме использования двигателя внутреннего сгорания, так и в режиме электромобиля.4. Система по п. 1, в которой компьютер дополнительно запрограммирован принимать данные о местоположении транспортного средства от компьютера транспортного средства по сети.5. Система по п. 1, в которой компьютер дополнительно запрограммирован использовать данные о местоположении для определения зоны, в которой транспортное средство совместного пользования работает.6. Способ работы транспортного средства совместного пользования, в котором:определяют местоположение транспортного средства РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B60R 16/00 (13) 2015 117 384 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015117384, 07.05.2015 (71) Заявитель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: US US US US US US (72) Автор(ы): ШОНДОРФ Кристин Мэри (US), ВИНФИЛД Эрик ...

08-10-2014 дата публикации

Anti-nose down torque control method for fuel cell vehicle

Номер: KR101449213B1
Автор: 박효진, 서성웅, 정재원

본 발명은 연료전지 차량의 안티 노즈다운 토크 제어 방법에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 연료전지 차량을 비롯한 전기자동차의 제동시 차량의 앞부분이 수그러지는 노즈다운 현상을 방지할 수 있도록 한 연료전지 차량의 안티 노즈다운 토크 제어 방법에 관한 것이다. 이를 위해, 본 발명은 모터 구동에 의하여 주행하는 연료전지 자동차의 제동이 이루어지는 단계와; 제동 말기의 감속도 및 차속에 따라 전진 방향의 안티 노즈다운 토크를 모터에 인가하는 단계와; 안티 노즈다운 토크에 의하여 제동 감속도가 감소되어 노즈다운 현상이 저감되는 단계; 를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 연료전지 차량의 안티 노즈다운 토크 제어 방법을 제공한다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to an anti-nose down torque control method for a fuel cell vehicle, and more particularly, to a fuel cell vehicle control method for preventing a nose- To an anti-nose down torque control method. To this end, the present invention provides a fuel cell vehicle comprising a step of braking a fuel cell vehicle traveling by motor drive; Applying anti-nose down torque in the forward direction to the motor according to the deceleration of the braking end period and the vehicle speed; Reducing the braking deceleration by anti-nose down torque to reduce the nose-down phenomenon; And an anti-nose down torque control method for a fuel cell vehicle.

29-04-2022 дата публикации

Vehicle communication network and methods of use and manufacture thereof

Номер: CN107539313B
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd


29-06-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid electric vehicle

Номер: KR101863176B1

하이브리드 전기 차량은 내부 연소 엔진 및 고전압 DC 버스를 포함한다. 내부 연소 엔진은 바람직하게는 스위칭된 자기저항 기계인 비-자려 발전기/모터와 기계적으로 연동된다. 파워 인버터는 비-자려 스위칭된 자기저항 발전기/모터에 고전압 DC 버스를 전기적으로 그리고 양방향적으로 연결시킨다. 전방 및 후방 축 듀얼 DC-AC 인버터들은 회생 전원을 위해 그리고 차량을 움직이기 위해 고전압 DC 버스에 두개의 견인 AC 비-자려 스위칭된 자기저항 모터들/기어 리듀서들을 전기적으로 그리고 양방향적으로 연결시킨다. 울트라커패시터는 고전압 DC 버스에 연결되었다. 저전압 배터리 사이에 위치된 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터 및 고전압 DC 버스는 고전압 DC 버스 및 울트라커패시터에 모터 모드에서 작동하는 비-자려 스위칭된 자기저항 발전기/모터가 엔진을 시동시킬 수 있도록 에너지를 전송한다. Hybrid electric vehicles include an internal combustion engine and a high-voltage DC bus. The internal combustion engine is mechanically interlocked with a non-self-powered generator / motor, preferably a switched reluctance machine. The power inverter electrically and bi-directionally connects the high voltage DC bus to the non-excited switched reluctance generator / motor. Front and rear axle dual DC-AC inverters electrically and bidirectionally couple two pull AC non-excited switched reluctance motors / gear reducers to the high-voltage DC bus for regenerative power and to move the vehicle. The ultracapacitors were connected to a high-voltage DC bus. Bidirectional DC-DC converters and high-voltage DC buses located between low-voltage batteries transfer energy to the high-voltage DC bus and ultracapacitors to enable the engine to start the non-self-switched switched reluctance generator / motor operating in motor mode.

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Adaptive cruise control system and method incorporating regenerative braking and start-stop functions

Номер: CN104044577A


24-10-2017 дата публикации

Adaptive cruise control system and method incorporating regenerative braking and start-stop functions

Номер: US9796385B2

A system according to the principles of the present disclosure includes a cruise control module, an engine control module, and a brake control module. The cruise control module determines a cruise torque request based on at least one of a following distance of a vehicle and a rate at which the vehicle is approaching an object. The engine control module determines a negative torque capacity of a powertrain. The powertrain includes an engine and an electric motor. The brake control module applies a friction brake when the cruise torque request is less than the negative torque capacity of the powertrain.
