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27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2362740C2
Принадлежит: СЕРЕКСАГРИ С.А. (FR)

Изобретение может быть использовано в сельском хозяйстве и относится к композициям, предназначенным для борьбы с болезнями растений. Водный раствор сульфата меди с концентрацией меди от 6 вес.% до 10 вес.% смешивают с водной суспензией оксида или гидроксида меди, средний диаметр частиц которой в целях увеличения удельной поверхности не превышает 25 мкм и имеющей концентрацию меди от 15 вес.% до 50 вес.%. Молярное отношение SO4/Cu поддерживают в диапазоне от 0,25 до 0,4. Реакцию проводят при температурах от 40 до 100°С. Содержание меди в твердой фазе полученных брошантита ! Cu4(OH)6SO4, антлерита Cu3(OH)4SO4 или их смеси более 48 вес.%. Фунгицидные композиции на их основе дополнительно содержат одну или несколько добавок, таких как диспергатор, смачивающее вещество, антивспениватель, краситель, загуститель, регулятор рН или наполнители и по меньшей мере один синтетический фунгицид. Изобретение позволяет увеличить весовую долю меди в твердой фазе водной суспензии гидроксосульфатов меди и ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2516467C2

Изобретение относится к области катализаОписанпособ получения оксида металла на подложке и восстановленного оксида металла на подложке, пригодного для использования в качестве предшественника для катализатора или сорбента, включающий стадии: (i) импрегнирования материала подложки раствором нитрата металла в растворителе, (ii) выдерживания импрегнированного материала в газовой смеси, содержащей оксид азота, при температуре в пределах 0-150°C для удаления растворителя из импрегнированного материала с одновременным высушиванием и стабилизацией нитрата металла на подложке, с получением диспергированного на подложке нитрата металла и (iii) кальцинирования диспергированного на подложке нитрата металла для осуществления его разложения и образования оксида металла на подложке, где кальцинирование осуществляют в газовой смеси, которая состоит из одного или нескольких инертных газов и оксида азота и концентрация оксида азота в газовой смеси находится в пределах 0,001-15% об. Технический результат ...

24-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2743705C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике широкого назначения и раскрывает способ фотокаталитической очистки и стерилизации воздуха. Способ включает пропускание воздуха через фотокаталитическую мембрану, при этом в качестве фотокаталитической мембраны используют пористый носитель на основе меди, включающий микропористую медь или бронзу толщиной 3 мм с размерами пор от 0.5 до 20 мкм, или пористый носитель с микропористой структурой с покрытием поверхности пор из наночастиц меди. Далее фотокаталитическую мембрану непрерывно облучают видимым световым источником, представляющим собой светодиодную матрицу, в области спектра от 400 до 780 нм с плотностью мощности светового потока 250-500 мВт/см2. Скорость потока очищаемого воздуха через фотокаталитическую мембрану поддерживают в пределах от 1 до 5 м/с. Изобретение может быть использовано в процессах очистки и стерилизации воздуха, прежде всего в помещениях медицинского назначения, в том числе в операционных, стоматологических кабинетах, родильных ...

06-02-2019 дата публикации

Способ приготовления медно-аммиачно-карбонатного раствора

Номер: RU2679267C1

Изобретение относится к технологии получения медно-аммиачно-карбонатного раствора (МАКР), который может найти применение в химической промышленности при получении сырья и полупродуктов в производстве катализаторов, а также в сельском хозяйстве, животноводстве, строительстве в качестве фунгицида и антисептика. Предложен способ приготовления медно-аммиачно-карбонатного раствора (МАКР), заключающийся в том, что растворяют порошкообразную медь или оксид меди или гидрооксид меди в аммиачно-карбонатном растворе (АКР), содержащем NHи CO, с введенным в него соединением меди, имеющей валентность Cuв котором осуществляют растворение меди в АКР в интервале температур от 40°С до 50°С, АКР содержит NHот 100 до 120 г/л, COот 70 до 90 г/л и соединения меди, имеющей валентность Cu, от 15 до 20 г/л, при этом в качестве последней добавляют основной карбонат меди или нитрат меди, или ацетат меди, или аммиачно-карбонатный комплекс двухвалентной меди. Технический результат заключается в интенсификации процесса ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011143141A
Принадлежит: Джонсон Мэтти Плс

1. Способ получения нитрата металла на подложке, пригодного для использования в качестве предшественника для катализатора или сорбента, включающий стадии:(i) импрегнирования материала подложки нитратом металла и(ii) выдерживания импрегнированного материала в газовой смеси, содержащей оксид азота, при температуре в пределах 0-150°C, с получением диспергированного на подложке нитрата металла и(iii) дополнительно включающий стадию кальцинирования нитрата металла для осуществления его разложения и образования оксида металла на подложке, где кальцинирование осуществляют в газовой смеси, которая содержит оксид азота, закись азота, или их смесь и имеет содержание кислорода ≤5 об.%.2. Способ по п.1, в котором раствор нитрата металла содержит нитрат переходного металла.3. Способ по п.2, в котором диспергированный на подложке нитрат металла содержит нитрат металла формулы M(OH)(NO), в которой x, y и z представляют собой целые числа ≥1 и M представляет собой переходной металл, предпочтительно железо, рутений, кобальт, родий, иридий, никель, палладий, платина, медь или их смесь, более предпочтительно, медь, никель или кобальт, в частности, медь.4. Способ по п.1, в котором подложка представляет собой подложку из металла, углерода, оксида металла, смешанного оксида металла или твердого полимера.5. Способ по п.1, в котором подложку выбирают из оксида алюминия, алюмината металла, диоксида кремния, алюмосиликата, оксида цинка, оксида титана, диоксида циркония или их смесей.6. Способ по п.1, в котором газовая смесь имеет содержание кислорода (O) ≤5% об.7. Способ по п.1, в котором газовая смесь состоит из одного или нескольких инертных газов и оксида азота.8. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК B01J 23/72 (11) (13) 2011 143 141 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011143141/04, 11.03.2010 (71) Заявитель(и): ДЖОНСОН МЭТТИ ПЛС (GB) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 26.03.2009 GB 0905222.6 (85) Дата ...

07-06-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002508084C2

09-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002735465A1

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Vorläufer-Lösung für die metallorganische Abscheidung unter Verwendung eines supraleitenden Oxids und ein Dünnschicht-Supraleiter

Номер: DE112004001309T5

Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Vorläufer-Lösung für die metallorganische Abscheidung unter Verwendung eines supraleitenden Oxids als Ausgangsmaterial, umfassend: a) Dispergieren eines Pulvers von supraleitendem Material in einer wässerigen TFA-Säure-Lösung und deren Erwärmung, um das Pulver in der wässerigen TFA-Säure-Lösung zu lösen; b) Erhöhen der Temperatur eines heißen Substrats, wenn das Pulver vollständig gelöst und die Lösung klar ist, und kontinuierliche Erwärmung bis die Lösung eingedampft ist und in einem viskosen Gelzustand vorliegt; c) Beenden der Erwärmung, wenn die Lösung ihr Fließvermögen vollständig verliert, und Abkühlen der Lösung; und d) Lösen der Verbindung in dem bei Raumtemperatur gehärteten Gelzustand in einem organischen Lösungsmittel, um eine metallorganische Abscheidungslösung zur Beschichtung bereitzustellen.

10-01-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002125095B2

21-03-1912 дата публикации

Improvements in the Purification of Caustic Alkali Solutions.

Номер: GB0191201573A

... 1573. La Soie Artificielle Soc. Anon. Francaise. Dec. 23, 1911, [Convention date]. Alkali hydrates.-Impure caustic alkali lyes, such as have been used for treating cotton or wood-pulp and contain as impurities soluble cellulose products, are rendered pure by the addition of a salt or compound of copper or other heavy metal, which precipitates the impurities. The compound used may be an alkali solution of copper hydrate, an ammoniacal solution of copper sulphate, or an aqueous solution of copper sulphate or other salt of copper.

10-12-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the Preparation of Copper Salts

Номер: GB0001173821A

... 1,173,821. Producing copper. TREADWELL CORP. June 9, 1967 [Sept.6, 1966], No.26831/67. Heading C7D. [Also in Division C1] Copper in finely divided form is produced by the reduction of cuprous cyanide with hydrogen at a temperature from 190‹ to 600‹C., preferably 300‹ to 450‹C. The preparation of the Cu CN from impure acid aqueous copper salt solutions is also described (See Division C1).

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Manufacture of water chemistries and building materials using sulfur, salt, lime and alumina

Номер: AP2007004120A0

30-04-1980 дата публикации

Copper extraction.

Номер: OA0000004547A

31-01-1980 дата публикации

News salicylaldoxime and its method of preparation.

Номер: OA0000004350A

31-08-2007 дата публикации

Manufacture of water chemistries and building materials using sulfur, salt, lime and alumina

Номер: AP0200704120A0

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121055T

15-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000188597T

07-07-2011 дата публикации

Fuel additive containing lattice engineered cerium dioxide nanoparticles

Номер: AU2008365234A1

A process for making cerium dioxide nanoparticles containing at least one transition metal (M) utilizing a suspension of cerium hydroxide nanoparticles prepared by mechanical shearing of an aqueous mixture containing an oxidant in an amount effective to enable oxidation of cerous ion to eerie ion, thereby forming a product stream that contains transition metal-containing cerium dioxide nanoparticles, Cel-xMxO2, wherein "x" has a value from about 0.3 to about 0.8. The nanoparticles thus obtained have a cubic fluorite structure, a mean hydrodynamic diameter in the range of about 1 nm to about 10 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 4 run. The transition metal-containing crystalline cerium dioxide nanoparticles can be used to prepare a dispersion of the particles in a nonpolar medium.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Process for preparing metal hydroxides, hydroxyl organometals and white carbon suitable for use in Ayurvedic medicine

Номер: AU2010283463A1

A process is described for preparing metal hydroxides, hydroxyl organometals an white carbon. The purity and biocompatibility of the thus obtained substances is such that they can be used for several applications, while being particularly suitable for use in Ayurvedic medicine. Specifically, this process involves an initial step of electrolysis followed by at leas five cycles of microwave irradiation with increasing intensity. Preferably, the process also includes a step of recovering the gases that are released in order to increase the yield of the final product.

08-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000635943B2

23-11-1995 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of multi-element metal oxide powders

Номер: AU0001776695A

14-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004600689A

21-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001012485A1

12-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001115961A1

05-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1055677A

The present invention relates to a basic mixed carbonate of copper and aluminum of the empirical general composition CumAl6(CO3)0.5mO3(OH)m+12 where m is a number between 2 and 6, as obtained by precipitating, at pH 8 to 9.5 and a temperature of from 60.degree. to 90.degree.C, (a) an aqueous dilute solution of copper and aluminum salts capable of being precipitated by carbonate, the copper and aluminum being present in said solution in an atomic ration of from 2:6 to 6:6, with (b) an aqueous alkali metal carbonate or bicarbonate solution, the atomic concentration of alkali being about twice the concentration of copper and aluminum in said solution. This coppercontaining material dried and annealed for 1 to 8 hours at 350.degree. to 600.degree.C, is suitable as catalyst precursor for the manufacture of butynediol-1,4.

21-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1012485A

24-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001096134A1

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002337506A1

Crystalline molecular sieve particles of a size suitable for use as seeds in molecular sieve manufacture are obtained by washing larger particle sized product to dislodge smaller particles from the larger.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003101108A1

A copper microparticle with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity, wherein each microparticle has a regular, crystalline and microstructured composition that comprises 5 different copper compounds: Antlerite Cu3 +2(SO4) (OH) 4, Brochantite Cu4 +2SO4 (OH) 6, Chalcantite Cu+2SO4.5H2O, Natrochalcite NaCu2+2 ( SO4 ) 2OH ·H2O and Hydrated copper sulfate hydroxide Cu3 (SO4) 2 (OH) 2 -4H2O/2CuSO4 -Cu (OH) 2, with the microparticle having a size of between 5 and 50 µm. A process for preparing copper microparticles with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity. A concentrated polymeric composition (masterbatch) with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity that is incorporated during the extrusion process to molten polymers for forming rigid or flexible products such as fibers, filaments, and sheets. A use of a copper microparticle with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity. A use of a concentrated polymeric composition (masterbatch) with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity.

23-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002556674A1

30-09-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000567102A5

15-02-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000595333A5

14-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000638836A5

30-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA201200286A1

Предложен способ получения гидроксидов металлов, металлоорганических гидроксилсодержащих соединений и белой сажи. Чистота и биосовместимость веществ, полученных таким образом, таковы, что они могут использоваться для различных применений, будучи особенно пригодны для использования в аюрведической медицине. Конкретно, этот способ включает начальную стадию электролиза, за которой следует по меньшей мере пять циклов микроволнового облучения возрастающей интенсивности. Предпочтительно способ дополнительно включает стадию регенерации выделяющихся газов, чтобы увеличить выход конечного продукта.

25-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000120850C2

14-12-2011 дата публикации

Includes lattice by transformation the fuel additive of cerium oxide nanoparticles

Номер: CN0102281945A

29-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002132091B1

12-06-1935 дата публикации

Method of preparation of cupro-arsenical compounds and body while resulting

Номер: FR0000782795A

19-10-1951 дата публикации

Improved cupric pulp

Номер: FR0000992555A

28-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002366222A1

02-02-1973 дата публикации

Copper separation - from solns contg iron cobalt,nickel and/or manganese, using ion exchange resins

Номер: FR0002143083A1

22-02-2017 дата публикации

개별화된 무기 입자들

Номер: KR1020170020326A
Автор: 마친, 로익

... 본 발명은 분말 형태의 건조 상태에서, 및 이들이 매트릭스내에 분산될때, 자발적으로 개별화되는 특정 물성을 갖는, 무기 입자들에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 또한, 상기 입자들을 제조하는 방법, 및 매트릭스들내에 상기 입자들을 포함시킴으로써 제조된 재료들에 관한 것이다.

01-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: BE0000811801A

15-02-2005 дата публикации

Preparação de compostos de cobre (i) de nano tamanho

Номер: BR0309605A

14-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0000220396A3

A process to produce mixed metal oxides and metal oxide compounds. The process includes evaporating a feed solution that contains at least two metal salts to form an intermediate. The evaporation is conducted at a temperature above the boiling point of the feed solution but below the temperature where there is significant crystal growth or below the calcination temperature of the intermediate. The intermediate is calcined, optionally in the presence of an oxidizing agent, to form the desired oxides. The calcined material can be milled and dispersed to yield individual particles of controllable size and narrow size distribution.

17-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011018773A1
Автор: MERATI, Antonio

A process is described for preparing metal hydroxides, hydroxyl organometals an white carbon. The purity and biocompatibility of the thus obtained substances is such that they can be used for several applications, while being particularly suitable for use in Ayurvedic medicine. Specifically, this process involves an initial step of electrolysis followed by at leas five cycles of microwave irradiation with increasing intensity. Preferably, the process also includes a step of recovering the gases that are released in order to increase the yield of the final product.

29-01-1907 дата публикации

Номер: US0000842452A1

10-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: US0003937657A

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Material for Manufacturing Targets for Physical Vapor Deposition of P-Type Transparent Conductive Films

Номер: US20120049134A1

The invention describes a powderous oxide material (MxMy)Cu2+a O2+b for the production of targets for p-type transparent conductive thin films, wherein 0.2a0.2, 0.2b0.2 and either M is Sr and M is either one or both of Ba and bivalent Cu, with x>0, y>0 and x+y=1 ±0.2; or M is bivalent Cu, x=1 ±0.2, and y=0.

23-03-2006 дата публикации

Method for synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles

Номер: US2006060998A1

A method for synthesis of high quality colloidal nanoparticles using comprises a high heating rate process. Irradiation of single mode, high power, microwave is a particularly well suited technique to realize high quality semiconductor nanoparticles. The use of microwave radiation effectively automates the synthesis, and more importantly, permits the use of a continuous flow microwave reactor for commercial preparation of the high quality colloidal nanoparticles.

15-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: JP0006316662A

PURPOSE: To obtain an atoxic Ca-based stabilizer capable of extremely improving thermal stability of a halogen-containing resin and a compound metal oxide being a new calcium oxide-containing solid solution, and its production method. CONSTITUTION: A stabilized halogen-containing resin composition comprises (a) 0.1-10 pts.wt. of a calcium-based compound metal hydroxide and/or oxide, (b) 0.01-2 pts.wt. of β-diketones, (c) 0-2 pts.wt. of an organic acid salt of zinc, (d) 0-2 pts.wt. of partial esters of polyhydric alcohols or polyhydric alcohols and (e) 100 pts.wt. of a halogen-containing resin and a calcium-based compound metal oxide of the formula Ca1-xM2+xO (M2+ is, at least, one of Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+. Ni2+. Cu2+ and Zn2+; (x) is a number in the region of 0.005<(X)<0.5) having 5-300m2/g BET specific surface area. COPYRIGHT: (C)1994,JPO ...

19-10-2011 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004794145B2

04-12-1979 дата публикации

Номер: JP0054040485B1

12-09-2023 дата публикации

Теплоаккумулирующий состав на основе гексагидрата нитрата цинка и гексагидрата нитрата кобальта

Номер: RU2803310C2

Изобретение относится к теплоаккумулирующим материалам, способным к хранению и отдаче тепла за счет фазопереходных процессов, и могут применяться в системах кондиционирования и подогрева, в том числе автомобильного салона. Теплоаккумулирующий состав основан на гексагидратах цинка и кобальта с добавлением расширенного графита (EG) и карбоксиметилцеллюлозы (КМЦ) или поливинилового спирта (ПВС). В изобретении предлагаются следующие составы: 1: (95% мас. Zn(NO3)2об/мин 6H2O + 5% мас. Co(NO3)2⋅6H2O) с последующим добавлением 1%мас. КМЦ + 1%мас. EG; 2: (93%мас. Zn(NO3)2⋅6H2O + 7% мас. Co(NO3)2⋅6H2O) с последующим добавлением 1%мас. ПВС + 1%мас. EG; 3. (93% мас. Zn(NO3)2⋅6H2O + 7% мас. Co(NO3)2⋅6H2O) с последующим добавлением 5%мас. КМЦ + 1% мас. EG. Смесь готовят нагреванием смеси Zn(NO3)2⋅6H2O и Co(NO3)2⋅6H2O при 60°С с последующим плавлением в течение 30 минут, выдерживанием в течение 10 минут и последовательным внесением в смесь добавок, затем смесь перемешивается в течение 3 часов при 60° ...

27-10-2023 дата публикации

Способ получения наноразмерных силикатов биометаллов, стабилизированных незаменимой аминокислотой L-лизином

Номер: RU2806188C1

Изобретение может быть использовано при получении биологически активных добавок, в имплантологии и парфюмерно-косметической промышленности. Для получения наноразмерных силикатов биометаллов, стабилизированных незаменимой аминокислотой L-лизином, готовят 0,8 М растворы ацетата биометалла, выбранного из кальция, цинка, магния, меди, кобальта, и силиката натрия. В стеклянный реактор вносят 50 мл раствора силиката натрия, после чего при постоянном перемешивании вносят 0,257 г незаменимой аминокислоты L-лизина. После полного растворения аминокислоты в систему добавляют 50 мл раствора ацетата биометалла, выбранного из кальция, цинка, магния, меди, кобальта. Полученную смесь перемешивают в течение 15 мин. Затем проводят дополнительную обработку реакционной смеси воздействием ультразвукового излучения. Обработанный гель троекратно отмывают методом декантации дистиллированной водой с помощью центрифугирования при 4000 об/мин в течение 5 мин. Отмытый гель высушивают при температуре 80°C в течение ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661688C1
Принадлежит: ТИССЕНКРУПП АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии и может быть использовано при производстве синтез-газа, при котором осуществляют смешивание части колошникового газа доменной печи, и/или части конвертерного газа, и/или части коксового газа с образованием по меньшей мере двух потоков полезного газа. Первый поток полезного газа образуют из смеси по меньшей мере двух потоков газа: колошникового газа доменной печи, конвертерного газа и коксового газа, второй поток полезного газа – из конвертерного газа, или колошникового газа доменной печи, или из смеси конвертерного газа и колошникового газа доменной печи, причем из полученного первого потока полезного газа получают при кондиционировании первый синтез-газ, содержащий в качестве основных компонентов СО и H 2 или N 2 и Н 2 , а из второго потока образуют свободный от H 2 газ, содержащий в качестве основного компонента СО. Изобретение позволяет создать способ производства синтез-газа в цикле работы металлургического завода, с помощью которого возможно наиболее полное использование в производственных процессах сырых газов в разных объемах и с разным составом. 25 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 661 688 C1 (51) МПК C21B 5/06 (2006.01) C21C 5/38 (2006.01) F27D 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C21B 5/06 (2006.01); C21C 5/38 (2006.01); F27D 17/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2016127975, 11.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 19.07.2018 12.12.2013 DE 10 2013 113 933.7 (45) Опубликовано: 19.07.2018 Бюл. № 20 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТИССЕНКРУПП АГ (DE) (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 12.07.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 244551 A1, 11.11.1987. EP 200880 A2, 17.12.1986. US 2006/0027043 A1, 09.02.2006. RU 2353036 C1, 20.04.2009. (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 6 1 6 8 8 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2015/086151 (18.06.2015) C 1 C 1 EP ...

11-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2699891C1

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to production of nanosized copper (II) ferrite powder. Method involves preparing a reaction solution, obtaining a precipitate in powder form, separating, drying and calcining it. Reaction solution is prepared by dissolving a mixture of salts of copper (II) nitrate and iron (III) nitrates taken in stoichiometric molar ratio (1:2) in 10 % dextran 40 solution or 6 % dextran 70 solution. Powder is obtained by mixing the obtained reaction solution with the strongly basic gel anionite AV-17-8 or A-400 in a hydroxyl form at temperature of 60 °C for 1 hour. Roasting is carried out at temperature 800 °C for 2 hours. EFFECT: obtaining single-phase nanosized copper (II) ferrite powder. 1 cl, 4 dwg, 3 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 699 891 C1 (51) МПК B22F 9/24 (2006.01) B82Y 30/00 (2011.01) C01G 3/00 (2006.01) C01G 49/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B22F 2304/058 (2019.02); B22F 3/24 (2019.02); B82Y 30/00 (2019.02); C01G 3/00 (2019.02); C01G 49/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018138099, 29.10.2018 29.10.2018 Дата регистрации: 11.09.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.09.2019 Бюл. № 26 (54) СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ НАНОРАЗМЕРНЫХ ПОРОШКОВ ФЕРРИТА МЕДИ (II) (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к получению Получение осадка в виде порошка ведут путем наноразмерного порошка феррита меди(II). перемешивания полученного реакционного Способ включает приготовление реакционного раствора с сильноосновным гелевым анионитом раствора, получение осадка в виде порошка, его АВ-17-8 или А-400 в гидроксильной форме при отделение, сушку и обжиг. Реакционный раствор температуре 60°С в течение 1 ч. Обжиг готовят путем растворения смеси солей нитратов производят при температуре 800°С в течение 2 ч. меди(II) и железа(III), взятых в стехиометрическом Обеспечивается получение однофазного молярном соотношении (1:2), в 10% растворе наноразмерного порошка феррита меди (II). 4 декстрана 40 ...

16-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685103C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в производстве печатных плат. Для регенерации солянокислого медно-хлоридного раствора травления меди ионы двухвалентной меди восстанавливают гидразином до ионов одновалентной меди в одной из двух заранее рассчитанных частей общего объема раствора травления меди. Затем ионы одновалентной меди осаждают добавлением соли роданида или йодида аммония. Выпавший осадок соединения одновалентной меди отделяют от раствора. После отделения осадка очищенный от ионов меди раствор смешивают со второй частью общего объема раствора травления меди, не проходившей обработку гидразином и роданидом или йодидом аммония. Получившийся таким образом раствор, содержащий ионы меди в концентрации, отвечающей номинальному диапазону значений для свежего раствора травления меди, подвергают аэрации кислородом воздуха для окисления возможных остатков гидразина и ионов одновалентной меди. После аэрации раствор травления меди готов к повторному использованию. Изобретение позволяет провести ...

06-05-2019 дата публикации

Способ очистки подотвальных вод и технологических растворов от меди

Номер: RU2686930C1

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to purification of under-water waters with ionites and can be used in mining industry. Method of cleaning subpetual waters and process solutions from copper involves removal of contained iron (III) ions and ion-exchange purification. Cleaning is carried out in two steps. At the first stage of purification into alkaline waters and process solutions alkali solution is added to pH = 3.5–4 and contained iron (III) ions are removed. At the second stage, bottom waters and process solutions, freed from iron (III) ions, are passed in dynamic mode through a column loaded with copper-selective ion-exchange resin - cationite in hydrogen form. Then copper is simultaneously desorbed and cationite is regenerated with 10 % solution of H 2 SO 4 to negative reaction to Cu 2+ ions to obtain concentrated solution of copper sulphate. EFFECT: invention enables to remove sub-waste waters and process solutions from copper to obtain a copper sulphate solution used as an end product. 1 cl, 1 tbl, 2 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) (19) RU (11) (13) 2 686 930 C1 (51) МПК C02F 1/42 (2006.01) C02F 1/66 (2006.01) C02F 1/62 (2006.01) C01G 3/00 (2006.01) C22B 3/42 (2006.01) C22B 15/00 (2006.01) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 2001/425 (2018.08); C02F 1/66 (2018.08); C02F 1/62 (2018.08); C01G 3/00 (2018.08); C22B 15/00 (2018.08); C22B 3/42 (2018.08) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018105249, 12.02.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 06.05.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 06.05.2019 Бюл. № 13 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ОРЕХОВА Н.Н., Научное Адрес для переписки: 450098, г. Уфа, пр-кт Октября, 122/4, кв. 18, Сафаровой В.И. C 1 2 6 8 6 9 3 0 R U (54) Способ очистки подотвальных вод и технологических растворов от меди (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к очистке ионов железа(III), пропускают в динамическом подотвальных вод ионитами и может быть режиме ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Способ определения меди(II) и марганца(II) индикаторной трубкой при их совместном присутствии в растворах для анализа природных вод

Номер: RU2613407C1

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used for semiquantitative manganese (II) and copper (II) determination in aqueous solutions, in particular in natural and waste waters under field conditions. The method comprises filling of a glass tube with an inner diameter of 0.5 cm with Na- form of macroreticular carbonaceous resin "КБ-2Э-16" based on polymethacrylate diethylene glycol divinyl ether, followed by filling with the sample solution. At that, at the first stage, copper (II) is determined visually along the length of the coloured resin area at a pH of about 4.5 and ionic strength of 0.1 (NaNO 3 ) of the analyzed solution. At the second stage, after solution passage, manganese (II) is determined along the length of the coloured resin area which appears with the addition of formaldoxime complexing agent and NaOH to the indicator tube to create pH ~10. EFFECT: method reduces complexity, reduces the amount of reagents and time of analysis for copper and manganese determination in an aqueous solution under field and laboratory conditions. 2 dwg, 1 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 613 407 C1 (51) МПК G01N 31/22 (2006.01) G01N 21/78 (2006.01) C01G 3/00 (2006.01) C01G 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015139564, 18.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.09.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Жаркова Валентина Викторовна (RU), Бобкова Людмила Александровна (RU) 16.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.09.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 16.03.2017 Бюл. № 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2253864 C1, 10.06.2005. RU 2262102 С1, 10.10.2005. JP S5538419 B2, 03.10.1980. JP S54119326 A, 17.09.1979. US 5002645 A, 26.03.1991. 2 6 1 3 4 0 7 R U (57) Формула изобретения Способ определения меди(II) и марганца(II) при их совместном присутствии в водных растворах индикаторным составом, осуществляемый в две стадии, ...

20-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98117080A

... 1. Применение соединения, имеющего формулу A2B3O6± d, где A является щелочноземельным металлом, щелочным металлом, лантанидом или их твердым раствором, В является переходным металлом, элементом III Группы или их твердым раствором, и d имеет значение 0 - 1, для удерживания газов. 2. Применение соединения по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что A выбирают из группы, включающей барий, цезий, калий, стронций, лантанид и их твердые растворы. 3. Применение соединения по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что B выбирают из группы, включающей медь, никель, марганец, железо, палладий, титан, алюминий, галлий, цинк, кобальт и их твердые растворы. 4. Применение соединения по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутое соединение имеет формулу Ba2Cu3O6±d. 5. Применение соединения по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутое соединение имеет формулу (Ba2-xAx)Cu3O6±d, где А является щелочным металлом, щелочноземельным металлом или лантанидом. 6. Применение соединения по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутое соединение имеет формулу ...

30-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1806090C

Назначение: основна  углекисла  медь используетс  дл  изготовлени  малахита и низкотемпературного катализатора конверсии оксида углерода и синтеза метанола, Сущность: медьсодержащий компонент сус- пендируют в водной среде при барботаже воздуха и диоксида углерода при соотношении 1 :(0,2-0,4) при общем расходе воздуха и диоксида углерода 150-300 м3/ч на 1м3 суспензии в течение 10-28 ч при 30-95&amp;deg;С. Возможно введение в водную среду дополнительно оксида или карбоната марганца и активированного угл  при соотношении оксид медиюксид марганца:активированный уголь 1:(0,005-0,02):(0,005-0,04). 2 з.п. ф-лы. 1 табл.

26-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002506727A1

23-07-1970 дата публикации

Reduction of complex aqueous copper (ii) - solutions

Номер: DE0001900441A1

Reduction of Cu(II) solns. (such as from metal pickling baths and solutions of metal slags) which may contain also = lesser amounts, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, is carried out by means of used or waste materials consisting of Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Cd, wholly or partially in the metallic form, such as from metal waste, catalyst residue, m elt or casting residues, grinding, polishing or ball mill dusts, and using less than the stoichiometric amount of reducing agent.

28-12-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003920144A1

Stable, non-metallic, orbitally rearranged monoatomic transition elements selected from the group consisting of cobalt, nickel, copper, silver, gold, palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium having a doublet in the infrared spectra between 1400 and 1600 cm<-1> and having a d orbital hole or holes sharing energy with an electron or electrons are described. These materials have specific application in forming catalysts, high-temperature ceramics, refractory materials, corrosion resistant materials and they exhibit properties of high temperature super-conductivity and energy production. The materials are produced either from ores which do not analyze by conventional instruments for any of said transition and noble metals, or by conversion of pure metals or metal salts of said elements into the orbitally rearranged monoatomic species.

16-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002242897A

A superconducting material of high critical temperature, viz. higher than the liquefaction temperature of helium, consists of a binary intermetallic compound, possibly oxidized, of two metallic elements (T)x(N)yOz wherein (T) is a transition metal and (N) is a normal metal, x = y+/- 10% y z/x <3. Preferred compounds are Al Co, Al2Co2O3, Al2Co2O, AlNi, Al2Ni2O, Al2Ni2O3, AlFe, Al2Fe2O, Al2Fe2O3, AlCuO2, Al2Cu2O5, ZnCuO2 and Zn2Cu2O5.

23-10-1968 дата публикации

Process for recovery of copper

Номер: GB0001131726A

... 1,131,726. Copper recovery. COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. 25 Jan., 1967 [25 Jan., 1966], No. 3797/67. Heading C1A. Copper is recovered from a solution containing copper sulphate by (1) mixing with sufficient aqueous magnesium or alkali metal bisulphite, at at least 40‹ C., to give a pH of 1 to 3, thereby precipitating Chevreul's salt (Cu 2 SO 3 .CuSO 3 . 2H 2 O) from which copper is recovered; and (2) mixing the liquor with aq. calcium bisulphite to precipitate calcium sulphate and leave aq. magnesium or alkali metal bisulphite which is recycled. The calcium bisulphite solution used in (2) may be produced by mixing limestone with part of the magnesium or alkali metal bisulphite produced in (2) and saturating with SO 2 . The original CuSO 4 solution may contain Mg, Zn, Mn, Co, Ni, Cr or Al values which remain in solution. Copper may be produced by calcining Chevreul's salt at 200‹ to 350‹ C. and reducing the cupro-cupric oxide residue.

26-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001415113A

... 1415113 Electrolytically producing Chevreul salt during extraction of copper from ore ANGLO AMERICAN CORP OF SOUTH AFRICA Ltd 8 Oct 1973 46891/73 Heading C7B Chevreul salt (Cu (CuSO 3 ) 2 .2H 2 O) is electrolytically precipitated from a solution comprising Cu dissolved in H 2 SO 3 by contacting the solution with a pair of electrodes and applying across them a potential difference which is effective to cause the precipitation. The process can be used in extracting Cu from oxidic ores by:- finely grinding the ore and slurrying it with water; passing SO 2 through the slurry to form H 2 SO 3 in situ and leach the ore; separating the leach solution from the ore; electrolytically precipitating Chevreul salt and separating it from the leach solution; and thereafter recovering Cu from the Chevreul salt by roasting it to produce copper oxide, dissolving this in H 2 SO 4 and electrowinning Cu in conventional manner. During the electrolytic precipitation of the Chevreul salt, SO 2 is produced which ...

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Catalytic method of reducing sulphur content of a petroleum fluid and reforming a hydrocarbon to produce hydrogen

Номер: GB0002427574A

A catalytic method of reducing the sulphur content of a petroleum fluid and a method of reforming a hydrocarbon to produce hydrogen comprising providing a bed of particulates of catalyst material of formula M(1)xM(2)1-xO2-z where M(1) is a transition or a rare earth metal, M(2) is a rare earth metal. x is 0-0.9 or optionally x is 0.01-0.9, z represents a degree of oxygen deficiency in the catalyst relative to M(1) plus M(2), such as Cu0.4Pr0.05Ce0.55O2, the particulates having a surface area of at least 15 m<2>/g and passing the petroleum fluid or hydrocarbon through the bed of catalyst material at a temperature of 650{C or below. Also disclosed is a reactor capable of reforming a C6-C20 hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon mixture to form hydrogen gas.

18-01-2006 дата публикации

Methods and devices for recycling copper from a discarded circuit board and a discarded fluid containing copper

Номер: GB0002416166A

An eco-friendly method is designed to recycle copper contained in the discarded printed circuit boards and the like. The method involves use of various acids, such as hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, to bring about the ionization of the copper, thereby resulting in formation of copper-containing solutions. The copper is brought back in the form of copper oxide or copper powder by use of various reducing agents. All byproducts produced in the course of recycling the copper axe useful for other industrial applications.

24-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001418610A

... 1418610 Purification of cupriferous sulphide material INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO OF CANADA Ltd 3 July 1974 [5 July 1973] 29424/74 Heading C1A Cupriferous sulphide material, containing as impurity one or more sulphides of metals higher in the electromotive series (i.e. more electropositive) than copper, is purified by dissolving the impurity by heating a slurry of the particulate impure sulphide in an acidic aqueous solution containing sulphuric or hydrochloric acid or both in a total amount from 1 to 10 times that stoichiometrically necessary to react with the sulphide impurity to a temperature of 200-275‹ C. in a closed vessel under superatmospheric pressure and under an atmosphere non-oxidizing to the copper sulphide and non-reducing to the dissolved impurity metal and having a partial pressure of hydrogen sulphide of less than 0À1 atmosphere. The partial pressure of hydrogen sulphide formed during dissolution may be kept below 0À1 atmosphere by purging with an inert gas (optionally argon ...

10-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003235235A1

20-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000472152B2

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Process for preparing metal hydroxides, hydroxyl organometals and white carbon suitable for use in Ayurvedic medicine

Номер: AU2010283463B2

A process is described for preparing metal hydroxides, hydroxyl organometals an white carbon. The purity and biocompatibility of the thus obtained substances is such that they can be used for several applications, while being particularly suitable for use in Ayurvedic medicine. Specifically, this process involves an initial step of electrolysis followed by at leas five cycles of microwave irradiation with increasing intensity. Preferably, the process also includes a step of recovering the gases that are released in order to increase the yield of the final product.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Metal oxide catalyst, method for producing same, and method for producing alcohol using same

Номер: AU2018244485A1
Принадлежит: Lord & Company

One aspect of the present invention provides a metal oxide catalyst which is involved in a hydrogenation reaction for converting ketones into alcohol, wherein the metal oxide catalyst is a metal oxide catalyst having a spinel structure of following formula (1), a method for producing the same, and a method for producing alcohol using the same. XAl ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации

Process for leaching metal sulfides with reagents having thiocarbonyl functional groups

Номер: AU2016250309A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

This application pertains to methods of recovering metals from metal sulfides that involve contacting the metal sulfide with an acidic sulfate solution containing ferric sulfate and a reagent that has a thiocarbonyl functional group, wherein the concentration of reagent in the acidic sulfate solution is sufficient to increase the rate of metal ion extraction relative to an acidic sulfate solution that does not contain the reagent, to produce a pregnant solution containing the metal ions.

25-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000938792A1

20-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000902931A

30-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001047258A1

10-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002337628A1

A colloidal suspension of LEV structure type crystalline molecular sieve, making the suspension by washing smaller crystallites from a previously found solid LEV product, and using the suspension as seeds in further crystalline molecular sieve syntheses.

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002670652A1

A method of forming basic copper carbonates includes. providing an aqueous solution comprising copper (II), ammonia, and carbonic acid; and adding sufficient carbon dioxide to precipitate a basic copper carbonate from the aqueous solution.

24-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002747547A1

A process for making cerium dioxide nanoparticles containing at least one transition metal (M) utilizing a suspension of cerium hydroxide nanoparticles prepared by mechanical shearing of an aqueous mixture containing an oxidant in an amount effective to enable oxidation of cerous ion to eerie ion, thereby forming a product stream that contains transition metal-containing cerium dioxide nanoparticles, Cel-xMxO2, wherein "x" has a value from about 0.3 to about 0.8. The nanoparticles thus obtained have a cubic fluorite structure, a mean hydrodynamic diameter in the range of about 1 nm to about 10 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 4 run. The transition metal-containing crystalline cerium dioxide nanoparticles can be used to prepare a dispersion of the particles in a nonpolar medium.

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002908134A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

A method for preparing alpha sources of polonium. A sample of polonium is provided in a solution. A controlled amount of sulfide and a controlled amount of a metal capable of forming an insoluble sulfide salt in the solution are introduced into the solution, in order to co-precipitate polonium from the solution. The precipitates are filtered out.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Thermoelectric conversion material and its manufacturing method, and thermoelectric conversion device using the same

Номер: US20120211045A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Disclosed is a new thermoelectric conversion material represented by the chemical formula 1: Bi 1-x Cu 1-y O 1-z Te, where 0≦x<1, 0≦y<1, 0≦z<1 and x+y+z>0. A thermoelectric conversion device using said thermoelectric conversion material has good energy conversion efficiency.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016154A1
Автор: Reed Kenneth J.

The present process provides a method for synthesizing oxide-free copper nanometal dispersion in a free and reduced state using a solution phase synthesis process. A solution of an organic reducing agent containing at least two proximal nitrogen atoms is reacted with a separate solution containing a copper salt reformulated into a charge transfer complex. The reaction products are stabilized with Lewis bases and Lewis acids and optionally can be concentrated by removing a portion of the volatile low molecular weight solvent by either the use of a partial vacuum or by chemical extraction into another phase. 1. A stable , fully reduced metallic copper nanoparticle-containing colloidal dispersion with a uniform and mean particle size less than 2.9 nm synthesized by a facile , low temperature solvent process comprising the steps of:forming a copper salt charge transfer complex (CT complex) of an amino alcohol or diamine moiety with a copper salt;reacting the CT complex with a solution comprising a two or three nitrogen atom-containing organic reducing agent to form copper particles; andstabilizing the copper particles with aniline or a bi-dentate hetero atom containing amine stabilizer (Lewis base) to form the stable, fully reduced metallic copper nanoparticle-containing colloidal dispersion, the CT complex results from the reaction of a copper formate, acetate or citrate salt dissolved in at least two solvents selected from the group consisting of monoethanolamine, di-ethanolamine, tri-ethanolamine, 1,2-aminopropanol, 1,3-aminopropanol, or combinations thereof;', 'the two or three nitrogen atom containing reducing agent is selected from the group consisting of diethylenetriamine, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, hydrazine, derivatized hydrazine molecule or phenidone-like molecule; and', 'the bi-dentate hetero atom-containing amine stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl glyoxime, 2,2′-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline, ortho-phenylenediamine, 1,2- ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of Fabricating Mercury-Removing Reagent Having Layers of Carbonates

Номер: US20160031717A1

A reagent is provided for removing mercury (Hg). The reagent contains metal carbonates compound with layers structure. The contents of metals of reagent can be adjusted using this method. The reagent can be manufactured with kilogram grade per batch. The common ions, like Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, etc., can be contained in the reagent. The manufacture method provides a low-cost way for the Hg sorbent and the content ratio of metal oxides can be higher than 50 wt %. The manufacture is operated at a temperature more than 200° C. and can be integrated with existing technology such as denitration catalysts in industry for removing Hg. In another word, the present invention fabricates a mercury-removing reagent of metal-M/aluminum carbonates (M-Al—CO), which can be potentially combined with commercially selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalysts for developing medium-high-temperature mercury-removing reagent with mercury-removing efficiency further enhanced. 1. A method of fabricating a mercury-removing reagent having a metal carbonates compound with a layered structure , comprising steps of:{'sup': '3+', 'sub': 3', '3, '(a) preparing a plurality of acidic solutions of a metal M and aluminum, wherein said acidic solutions have different molar ratios of said metal M to aluminum (M:Al) of 1:1 to 30:1; and wherein the aluminum is obtained from aluminum nitrate (Al(NO)); and wherein said metal M is selected from a group consisting of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), and copper (Cu);'}{'sub': 2', '3, '(b) preparing an alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium carbonate (NaCO);'}{'sub': '3', 'sup': '3', '(c) stirring the acidic solutions with said alkaline solution to co-precipitate metal-M/aluminum carbonates (M-Al—CO) having said different molar ratios of M:Al+; and'}{'sup': '3+', 'sub': '3', '(d) after being dried and processed through solid-liquid separation, forming powders of metal-M/aluminum carbonates having said different ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037230A1
Автор: Pignotti Louis

A method for selectively precipitating basic zinc carbonates (BZC) from basic copper carbonates (BCC) from an aqueous ammoniacal solution prepared using a mixture of copper- and zinc-containing materials. 1. A process for providing basic zinc carbonate and basic copper carbonate comprising:(a) providing an aqueous solution of zinc (II), copper (II), an amine, and carbonic acid in a first reaction vessel;(b) adjusting the pH of the aqueous solution until basic zinc carbonate is formed, wherein the pH of the solution is adjusted by increasing or decreasing the carbonic acid concentration at a controlled rate;(c) recovering the basic zinc carbonate from the aqueous solution by filtration;(d) transferring the aqueous solution which remains after recovery of basic zinc carbonate in step (c) into a second vessel;(e) further adjusting the pH of the transferred aqueous solution until basic copper carbonate is formed; and(f) recovering the basic copper carbonate from the transferred aqueous solution by filtration2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:(g) transferring the aqueous solution which remains after the recovery of basic copper carbonate in step (f) into a third vessel;(h) removing carbon dioxide from the aqueous solution which remains after the recovery of basic copper carbonate in step (f);(i) introducing a zinc metal- and copper metal-containing material into the aqueous solution which remains after the removal of carbon dioxide in step (h);(j) oxidizing the zinc metal- and copper metal-containing material to provide a replenished zinc (II) and copper (II) aqueous solution; and(k) introducing the replenished zinc (II) and copper (II) solution into the first reaction vessel.3. The continuous method of claim 1 , wherein the amine is ammonium hydroxide.4. The continuous method of claim 1 , wherein the pH is adjusted by increasing or decreasing the carbonic acid concentration.5. The continuous method of claim 4 , wherein during step (b) the rate at ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040869A1
Автор: ASAI Kouta, SAITO Naomi

The present invention provides a layered double hydroxide with improved conductivity, a layered double hydroxide and a composite material containing the layered double hydroxide. The layered double hydroxide is represented by the general formula: [MgM1][AlM2](OH)A.mHO, wherein 0.1≦x≦0.4, 0≦y≦0.95, and 0≦z≦0.95, provided that both y and z are not 0 at the same time; α=1 or 2; β=2 or 3; A is an n-valent anion, provided that n is an integer of 1 or greater; m≧0; M1 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from monovalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Mg; and M2 is a cation of at least one element selected from divalent elements, transition metals, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Al. 1. A layered double hydroxide represented by the following formula:{'br': None, 'sup': 2+', 'α+', '3+', 'β+', 'n−, 'sub': (1-y)', 'y', '1-x', '(1-z)', 'z', 'x', '2', 'x/n', '2, 'i': '.m', '[MgM1][AlM2](OH)AHO'}{'sup': n−', 'α+', '2+', 'β+', '3+, 'wherein 0.1≦x≦0.4, 0≦y≦0.95, and 0≦z≦0.95, with the proviso that both y and z are not 0 at the same time; α=1 or 2; β=2 or 3; A is an n-valent anion, with the proviso that n is an integer of 1 or greater; m≧0; M1 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from the group consisting of monovalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Mg; and M2 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from the group consisting of divalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Al.'}2. The layered double hydroxide according to claim 1 , wherein M1 comprises at least one cation selected from the group consisting of Li claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Zn.3. The layered double hydroxide according to claim 1 , wherein M2 comprises Fe.4. The layered double hydroxide according to ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064015A1

Compositions comprising high levels of high specific activity copper-64, and process for preparing said compositions. The compositions comprise from about 2 Ci to about 15 Ci of copper-64 and have specific activities up to about 3800 mCi copper-64 per microgram of copper. The processes for preparing said compositions comprise bombarding a nickel-64 target with a low energy, high current proton beam, and purifying the copper-64 from other metals by a process comprising ion exchange chromatography or a process comprising a combination of extraction chromatography and ion exchange chromatography.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Process for leaching metal sulfides with reagents having thiocarbonyl functional groups

Номер: US20200048736A1

This application pertains to methods of recovering metals from metal sulfides that involve contacting the metal sulfide with an acidic sulfate solution containing ferric sulfate and a reagent that has a thiocarbonyl functional group, wherein the concentration of reagent in the acidic sulfate solution is sufficient to increase the rate of metal ion extraction relative to an acidic sulfate solution that does not contain the reagent, to produce a pregnant solution containing the metal ions.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for preparation of alpha sources of polonium using sulfide micro-precipitation

Номер: US20160055928A1
Принадлежит: Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd AECL

A method for preparing alpha sources of polonium. A sample of polonium is provided in a solution. A controlled amount of sulfide and a controlled amount of a metal capable of forming an insoluble sulfide salt in the solution are introduced into the solution, in order to co-precipitate polonium from the solution. The precipitates are filtered out.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Solvent-free Extractive Separation

Номер: US20210060530A1

Provided herein are polymeric capsules and methods for solvent-free extractive separation of ions from mixed solutions using polymeric capsules. The capsules can comprise a polymeric shell encasing an inner chamber and a lipophilic ligand within the polymeric shell. Methods for making the polymeric capsules are also provided. 1. A capsule comprising:a polymeric shell encasing an inner chamber; anda lipophilic ligand within the polymeric shell.2. The capsule of claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises one or more amphiphilic block polymers.3. The capsule of any one of claim 2 , wherein the one or more amphiphilic block polymers comprises a hydrophobic block comprising a monomer selected from isoprene claim 2 , chloroprene claim 2 , butadiene claim 2 , myrcene claim 2 , farnesene claim 2 , citrenellol claim 2 , styrenic derivatives claim 2 , acrylic derivatives claim 2 , acrylamide derivatives claim 2 , and siloxane derivatives claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The capsule of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric shell comprises at least one polymer selected from poly(isoprene) claim 1 , poly(chloroprene) claim 1 , poly(butadiene) claim 1 , poly(myrcene) claim 1 , poly(farnesene) claim 1 , poly(citrenellol) claim 1 , hydrogenated poly(isoprene) claim 1 , hydrogenated poly(butadiene) claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polymers from styrenic derivatives claim 1 , polymers from acrylic derivatives claim 1 , polymers from acrylamide derivatives claim 1 , polymers from siloxane derivatives claim 1 , and polydimethylsiloxane.5. The capsule of claim 1 , wherein the lipophilic ligand is selected from oxime derivatives claim 1 , phosphoric acid derivatives claim 1 , phosphinic acid derivatives claim 1 , phosphonic acid derivatives claim 1 , diketone derivatives claim 1 , amine derivatives claim 1 , ketone derivatives claim 1 , polyether derivatives claim 1 , crown ether derivatives claim 1 , cryptand derivatives claim 1 , calixarene derivatives claim 1 , and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Method of treating wastewater

Номер: US20210070637A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A method of treating a waste liquid includes: an aluminum dissolution step of dissolving aluminum in an acidic waste liquid and performing separation into a first treated water and a reduced heavy metal precipitate; a gypsum recovery step of adding a calcium compound to the first treated water at a liquid property of a pH of 4 or less, and performing separation into a second treated water and gypsum; an aluminum and fluorine removal step of adding an alkali to the second treated water and performing separation into a third treated water and a precipitate containing aluminum and fluorine; and a neutralization step of adding an alkali to the third treated water and performing separation into an alkali neutralization treated water and a neutralized precipitate of a heavy metal hydroxide.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067692A1

By using a potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material comprising a potassium compound represented by general formula (1): KM, wherein M is copper or iron, n is 0.5 to 3.5, and m is 1.5 to 2.5, provided is a potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material having higher theoretical discharge capacity and higher effective capacity than a potassium secondary battery using Prussian blue as a positive electrode active material. 1. A potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material comprising a potassium compound represented by general formula (1): KMO ,wherein M is copper, iron, or manganese, n is 1.63 to 3.5, and m is 1.5 to 2.5.2. The potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material according to claim 1 , wherein the potassium compound has an orthorhombic structure and/or monoclinic structure.3. The potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material according to claim 1 , wherein the potassium compound has a mean particle diameter of 0.2 to 50 μm.4. A method for producing the potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material according to claim 1 , the method comprising a heating step of heating a mixture containing potassium claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and copper claim 1 , iron claim 1 , or manganese.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the heating temperature in the heating step is 500 to 1500° C.6. A potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode comprising the potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material according to .7. The potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode according to claim 6 , further comprising a conductive material.8. A potassium ion secondary battery comprising the potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode according to .9. A potassium ion secondary battery positive electrode active material comprising a potassium compound represented by general formula (1): KMO claim 6 ,wherein M is copper or ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091266A1

The present invention provides composition comprising a metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial coated or dispersed with a hemostatic polymer. 115.-. (canceled)16. A metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial composition consistinq essentially of a CuO and ZnO nanomaterial and at least one hemostatic polymer wherein the nanomaterial consists of clusters of CuO and ZnO quantum dots consisting of unions of heterojunctions consisting of n-type metal oxide nanoparticles and p-type metal oxide nanoparticles; wherein the hemostatic polymer is adhered or coated on the metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial; wherein the heterojunctions exhibit an anisotropic conduction of electrons and unequal band gaps; and wherein the nanomaterial exhibits a chemical formula of (CuO)/(ZnO); wherein x is an atomic ratio of the zinc oxide is in the metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial , and wherein x is about 0.2.17. The metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial of claim 16 , wherein the metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial consists of two regions claim 16 , where one region is a surface region and the second region is a core region claim 16 , and the surface region comprises more than 25% by weight of the ZnO and less than 75% by weight of CuO; and the core region comprises less than 10% by weight of the ZnO and more than 90% by weight of the CuO A.18. (canceled)19. The metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial composition of claim 16 , wherein the hemostatic polymer consists of chitosan claim 16 , alginate claim 16 , gelatin claim 16 , carboxymethyl cellulose claim 16 , polyethylene glycol claim 16 , and combinations thereof.20. The metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial composition of claim 16 , wherein the hemostatic polymer is from about 1 wt % to about 5 wt % of the metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial.21. The metal oxide semiconductor nanomaterial composition of claim 16 , wherein the thickness of the hemostatic polymer ranges from about 1.0 nm to about 10.0 nm.22. The metal oxide ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

High surface area layered double hydroxides

Номер: US20170107116A1
Принадлежит: SCG Chemicals PCL

Layered double hydroxides having a high surface area (at least 125 m 2 /g) and the formula (I) [M z+ 1-x M′ y+ x (OH) 2 ] a+ (X n- ) a/n + b H 2 O. c (AMO-solvent)  (I) wherein M and M′ are different and each is a charged metal cation (and must be present), z=1 or 2; y=3 or 4, 0<x<0.9, b is 0 to 10, c=0 to 10, X is an anion, n is the charge on the anion, and a=z(1−x)+xy−2; AMO-solvent is aqueous miscible organic solvent, may be prepared by a method which comprises a) precipitating a layered double hydroxide having the formula [M z+ 1-x M′ y+ x (OH) 2 ] a+ (X n- ) a/n + b H 2 O wherein M, M′, z, y, x, a, b and X are as defined above from a solution containing the cations of the metals M and M′ and the anion X n- ; b) ageing the layered double hydroxide precipitate obtained in step a) in the original solution; c) collecting, then washing the layered double hydroxide precipitate; d) dispersing the wet layered double hydroxide in an AMO solvent so as to produce a slurry of the layered double hydroxide in the solvent; e) maintaining the dispersion obtained in step d); and f) recovering and drying the layered double hydroxide. The high surface area products have low particle size and are particularly suitable for use as catalysts, catalyst supports, sorbents and coatings.

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Thermoelectric conversion material and producing method thereof, and thermoelectric conversion element using the same

Номер: US20140190544A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Compound semiconductors, expressed by the following formula: Bi 1-x M x Cu w O a-y Q1 y Te b-z Q2 z . Here, M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Cs, K, Na, Cd, Hg, Sn, Pb, Eu, Sm, Mn, Ga, In, Tl, As and Sb; Q1 and Q2 are at least one element selected from the group consisting of S, Se, As and Sb; x, y, z, w, a, and b are 0≦x<1, 0<w≦1, 0.2<a<4, 0≦y<4, 0.2<b<4 and 0≦z<4. These compound semiconductors may be used for various applications such as solar cells or thermoelectric conversion elements, where they may replace compound semiconductors in common use, or be used along with compound semiconductors in common use.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Superconducting wire

Номер: US20200111589A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A superconducting wire includes a multilayer stack and a covering layer (stabilizing layer or protective layer). The multilayer stack includes a substrate having a main surface and a superconducting material layer formed on the main surface. The covering layer (stabilizing layer or protective layer) is disposed on at least the superconducting material layer. A front surface portion of the covering layer (stabilizing layer or protective layer) located on the superconducting material layer (front surface portion of the stabilizing layer or upper surface of the protective layer) has a concave shape.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180122534A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A superconducting wire includes: a laminated structure including a substrate having a main surface and a superconducting material layer formed on the main surface; and a reinforcing layer disposed on both side surfaces of the laminated structure in the width direction of the substrate. The reinforcing layer has an exposed end surface positioned on at least one side of the bottom surface and the top surface of the laminated structure. In a cross section in the width direction of the substrate, the ratio of the total width of the reinforcing layer to the width of the laminated structure is 1% or more and 15% or less. 1: A superconducting wire comprising:a laminated structure including a substrate having a main surface and a superconducting material layer formed on the main surface; anda reinforcing layer disposed on both side surfaces of the laminated structure in a width direction of the substrate,the laminated structure having a bottom surface on which the substrate is positioned, and a top surface on an opposite side to the bottom surface,the reinforcing layer having a surface on at least one side of the bottom surface and the top surface of the laminated structure, the surface being exposed, andin a cross section in the width direction of the substrate, a ratio of a total width of the reinforcing layer to a width of the laminated structure being 1% or more and 15% or less.2: The superconducting wire according to claim 1 , further comprising a coating layer disposed on at least one side of the top surface and the bottom surface of the laminated structure claim 1 , whereinin a cross section in the width direction of the substrate, a width of the coating layer is wider than a width of the laminated structure, andthe reinforcing layer is a conductive bonding member bonding the laminated structure and the coating layer together.3: The superconducting wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe reinforcing layer includes:a metal member bonded to both side surfaces of the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289587A1

In one embodiment, the present application discloses compounds that are selective neuroactive agents for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). In one aspect, the neuroactive agents are compositions comprising Polymorph SP. 1. A stable polymorph of Cu-diacetyl-bis (N-methyl-thiosemicarbazone) (CuATSM) and gluconic acid , wherein the composition has at least five XRPD spectrum peaks selected from the group consisting of Two-Theta angles of approximately 7.5 , 9 , 11 , 15.5 , 27.5 , 28.5 , and 32 degrees.2. The polymorph of wherein the polymorph has at least six XRPD spectrum peaks selected from the group consisting of Two-Theta angles of approximately 7.5 claim 1 , 9 claim 1 , 11 claim 1 , 15.5 claim 1 , 27.5 claim 1 , 28.5 claim 1 , and 32 degrees.3. The polymorph of claim 2 , wherein the polymorph has XRPD spectrum peaks at Two-Theta angles of approximately 7.5 claim 2 , 9 claim 2 , 11 claim 2 , 15.5 claim 2 , 27.5 claim 2 , 28.5 claim 2 , and 32 degrees.4. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a polymorph of claim 1 , and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient or salt.5. A method for the treatment or prophylaxis of a condition in a mammal in which copper delivery prevents claim 4 , alleviates or ameliorates the condition comprising administering to the mammal a therapeutically effective amount of the composition of .6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the condition is selected from the group consisting of adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy; AIDS dementia and HV-1 induced neurotoxicity; Alzheimer's disease; acute intermittent porphyria; Alzheimer's disease (AD); amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); atherosclerosis; cataract; cerebral ischemia; cerebral palsy; cerebral tumor; chemotherapy-induced organ damage; cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; coronary artery bypass surgery; Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and its new variant associated with “mad cow” disease; diabetic neuropathy; Down syndrome; drowning; ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156955A1

A process for producing a process for producing a LnMCuOhigh-temperature superconductive powder, the process comprising: 1. A process for producing a LnMCuOhigh-temperature superconductive powder , the process comprising:i) providing an aqueous solution of Ln, M and Cu and at least one mineral acid;ii) adding at least one sequestrating agent and, optionally, at least one dispersant to the solution to form a precipitate;iii) recovering the precipitate from the solution; and{'sub': 2', '3', 'x, 'iv) heating the precipitate in a flow of oxygen to form the LnMCuOpowder,'}wherein Ln is a rare earth element, preferably Y, Ce, Dy, Er, Gd, La, Nd, Pr, Sm, Sc, Yb, or a mixture of two or more thereof, andwherein M is selected from Ca, Sr, and Ba.2. A process for producing a LnMXCuOand/or LnMXCuOhigh-temperature superconductive powder , the process comprising:i) providing an aqueous solution of Ln, M, X and Cu and at least one mineral acid;ii) adding at least one sequestrating agent and, optionally, at least one dispersant to the solution to form a precipitate;iii) recovering the precipitate from the solution; and{'sub': 2-y', 'y', '3', 'x', '2', '2-y', 'y', 'x, 'iv) heating the precipitate in a flow of oxygen to form the LnMXCuOand/or LnMXCuOpowder,'}wherein X is selected from the group consisting of Mg, Se, Sr, Ca and mixtures of two or more thereof,wherein Ln is a rare earth element, preferably Y, Ce, Dy, Er, Gd, La, Nd, Pr, Sm, Sc, Yb, or a mixture of two or more thereof, andwherein M is selected from Ca, Sr, and Ba.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein X is Mg.4. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the powder has a morphology selected from the group consisting of cigars claim 2 , spiral claim 2 , spires claim 2 , rods claim 2 , tubes claim 2 , cylinders claim 2 , agglomerates and flat “cracker” shaped crystalline agglomerates.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the process further comprises:v) sintering the powder at a temperature of from 930° C. ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190172612A1
Автор: Ohsugi Masaki
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

An oxide superconducting wire includes two superconducting laminates that are superposed on each other in a thickness direction. Each superconducting laminate includes a tape-shaped substrate, an intermediate layer disposed on one face of the substrate, an oxide superconducting layer disposed on the intermediate layer, and a protective layer covering a surface of the oxide superconducting layer. The two superconducting laminates are integrated by a metal layer that is disposed at least on both lateral faces of the two superconducting laminates in a width direction, such that the two superconducting laminates form a non-fixed portion therebetween that is not fixed in a longitudinal direction of the superconducting laminates. 1. An oxide superconducting wire comprising:two superconducting laminates that are superposed on each other in a thickness direction, wherein a tape-shaped substrate;', 'an intermediate layer disposed on one face of the substrate;', 'an oxide superconducting layer disposed on the intermediate layer; and', 'a protective layer covering a surface of the oxide superconducting layer,, 'each superconducting laminate includesthe two superconducting laminates are integrated by a metal layer that is disposed at least on both lateral faces of the two superconducting laminates in a width direction, andthe two superconducting laminates form a non-fixed portion therebetween that is not fixed in a longitudinal direction of the superconducting laminates.2. The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 ,wherein each superconducting laminate includes a plated stabilizing layer.3. The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal layer is a tape-shaped metal foil, andthe metal foil and the superconducting laminates are bonded with a bonding material therebetween.4. The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 3 ,wherein the metal foil has a strength greater than a copper foil.5. The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 3 , ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Oxygen storage material

Номер: US20210205793A1
Автор: Takuro YOKOYA
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The invention provides an oxygen storage material having high oxygen storage capacity and high thermal durability. The oxygen storage material of the invention has some of the La sites of La2CuO4 with a K2NiF4-type crystal structure replaced by Ce. The oxygen storage material may have the composition La(2.00-x)CexCuO4 (0.20≥x>0.00). The oxygen storage material may also have a precious metal supported. The precious metal may be Pt, Pd or Rh. The exhaust gas purification catalyst is an exhaust gas purification catalyst comprising an oxygen storage material according to the invention.

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Electromagnetic shielding film and method for making same

Номер: US20210212243A1

An electromagnetic shielding film and a method for making the same. The method includes: dispersing a conductive agent and a magnetic nanomaterial in sodium alginate solutions to form an electrically conductive shielding solution and a magnetic field shielding solution, respectively; applying the electrically conductive and magnetic field shielding solutions onto two opposite surfaces of a transparent substrate to form an electrically conductive shielding layer and a magnetic field shielding layer, respectively, so that an electromagnetic shielding film precursor of a sandwich structure is obtained; and placing the film precursor in a calcium chloride solution to perform a crosslinking process to cure the layers, so as to obtain an electromagnetic shielding film product after being rinsed and dried. The electric and magnetic fields shielding layers of the film can each have a uniform thickness and cooperate to provide an improved shielding effect and superior performances for the film.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180183029A9
Автор: ASAI Kouta, SAITO Naomi

The present invention provides a layered double hydroxide with improved conductivity, a layered double hydroxide and a composite material containing the layered double hydroxide. The layered double hydroxide is represented by the general formula: [MgM1][AlM2](OH)A.mHO, wherein 0.1≤x≤0.4, 0≤y≤0.95, and 0≤z≤0.95, provided that both y and z are not 0 at the same time; α=1 or 2; β=2 or 3; A is an n-valent anion, provided that n is an integer of 1 or greater; m≥0; M1 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from monovalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Mg; and M2 is a cation of at least one element selected from divalent elements, transition metals, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Al. 1. A layered double hydroxide represented by the following formula:{'br': None, 'sup': 2+', 'α+', '3+', 'β+', 'n−, 'sub': (1-y)', 'y', '1-x', '(1-z)', 'z', 'x', '2', 'x/n', '2, '[MgM1][AlM2](OH)A.mHO'}{'sup': n−', 'α+', '2+', 'β+', '3+, 'wherein 0.1≤x≤0.4, 0≤y≤0.95, and 0≤z≤0.95, with the proviso that both y and z are not 0 at the same time; α=1 or 2; β=2 or 3; A is an n-valent anion, with the proviso that n is an integer of 1 or greater; m≥0; M1 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from the group consisting of monovalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Mg; and M2 is a cation of at least one substituent element selected from the group consisting of divalent elements, transition metal elements, and other elements with an ionic radius greater than that of Al.'}2. The layered double hydroxide according to claim 1 , wherein M1 comprises at least one cation selected from the group consisting of Li claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Zn.3. The layered double hydroxide according to claim 1 , wherein M2 comprises Fe.4. The layered double hydroxide according to claim 1 , ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170197843A1
Автор: KINOSHITA Akihiro

The metal complex oxide particles according to the present invention are represented by general formula MCuOand include copper. M is at least one of the alkaline earth metals Sr and Ba, and the metal complex oxide particles have a particle size of 1 to 100 nm and are transparent. M may further include at least one of the alkaline earth metals Mg and Ca. These metal complex oxide particles are granular p-type inorganic oxide semiconductor particles which are transparent and have a narrow particle size distribution and a uniform particle size, with there being few coarse particles of 1 μm or greater. In addition, a method for producing the metal complex oxide particles according to the present invention can easily and reliably produce transparent granular metal complex oxide particles. 19-. (canceled)10. A metal complex oxide fine particles containing copper as represented by a general formula MCu2O2 ,wherein M in the general formula is, of Sr and Ba, at least one alkaline earth metal,the metal complex oxide fine particles having a particle size of 1 to 100 nm and having transparency.11. The metal complex oxide fine particles according to claim 10 , wherein M in the general formula further includes claim 10 , of Mg and Ca claim 10 , at least one Group 2 element.12. A method of producing metal complex oxide fine particles claim 10 , comprising:a pretreatment step of pretreating copper compound powder and alkaline earth metal compound powder containing, of Sr and Ba, at least one alkaline earth metal; anda formation step of forming particulate metal complex oxide fine particles having transparency from the copper compound powder and alkaline earth metal compound powder as pretreated, using a thermal plasma flame,wherein the thermal plasma flame is derived from an inert gas.13. The method of producing metal complex oxide fine particles according to claim 12 ,wherein the pretreatment step includes a step of dispersing the copper compound powder and the alkaline earth ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210233684A1

An oxide superconductor according to an embodiment includes an oxide superconducting layer includes a single crystal having a continuous perovskite structure containing at least one rare earth element selected from the group consisting of yttrium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, and lutetium, barium, and copper, containing praseodymium in a part of the site of the rare earth element in the perovskite structure, and having a molar ratio of praseodymium of 0.00000001 or more and 0.2 or less with respect to the sum of the at least one rare earth element and praseodymium; fluorine in an amount of 2.0×10atoms/cc or more and 5.0×10atoms/cc or less; and carbon in an amount of 1.0×10atoms/cc or more and 5.0×10atoms/cc or less. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for manufacturing an oxide superconductor , comprising:preparing an aqueous solution containing an acetate of at least one rare earth element selected from the group consisting of yttrium (Y), lanthanum (La), neodymium (Nd), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), and lutetium (Lu), an acetate of praseodymium (Pr), an acetate of barium (Ba), and an acetate of copper (Cu), and the aqueous solution having a molar ratio of praseodymium of 0.00000001 or more and 0.2 or less with respect to the sum of the at least one rare earth element and praseodymium;mixing the aqueous solution with a perfluorocarboxylic acid to prepare a mixed solution;subjecting the mixed solution to a reaction and purification to prepare a first gel;adding an alcohol containing methanol to the first gel and dissolving the first gel therein to prepare an alcohol solution;subjecting the alcohol solution to a reaction and purification to prepare a second gel;adding an alcohol containing methanol to the second gel and dissolving the second gel therein to prepare a coating solution in ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Composite Coatings of Oxidized and/or Phosphorous Copper

Номер: US20190200618A1
Автор: Stephane Penari
Принадлежит: Metalskin Technologies Sas

The present invention relates to a synthetic coating containing oxidized and/or phosphorous copper, the method for obtaining the coating and the uses of said coating. The present invention further relates to an oxidized and/or phosphorous copper powder making it possible to obtain the coating of interest, the method for manufacturing said coating and its uses.

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218340A1

Nontoxic Near infra-red Reflecting (NIR) inorganic pigments, characteristically blue and well suited for the colouration of a wide variety of substrates, for example, plastics and concrete building roofing material, etc., comprise mixed metal silicate having the general formula: LaSrCuLiSiO, where x is equal to 0 to 0.5 and y is equal to 0 to 0.5. These silicates with tetragonal crystal structure are prepared by calcination method in air atmosphere. 1. A blue inorganic pigment represented by the general formula LaSrCuLiSiOwherein x is equal to 0.0 to 0.5 and y is equal to 0.0 to 0.52. The pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a representative pigment is represented by following chromaticity coordinates as per the CIE L*a*b* colour system:{'sub': 4', '10, 'a. SrCuSiO, L*=71.15, a*=−5.70, b*=−23.86;'}{'sub': 0.1', '0.9', '0.9', '0.1', '4', '10, 'b. LaSrCuLiSiO, L*=55.71, a*=5.74, b*=−47.82;'}{'sub': 0.2', '0.8', '0.8', '0.2', '4', '10, 'c. LaSrCuLiSiO, L*=50.62, a*=9.23, b*=−51.47;'}{'sub': 0.3', '0.8', '0.7', '0.3', '4', '10, 'd. LaSrCuLiSiO, L*=49.59, a*=10.41, b*=−51.74;'}{'sub': 0.4', '0.6', '0.6', '0.4', '4', '10, 'e. LaSrCuLiSiO, L*=52.99, a*=4.12, b*=−45.17;'}{'sub': 0.9', '0.5', '0.5', '0.5', '4', '10, 'f. LaSrCuLiSiO, L*=55.64, a*=1.53, b*=−39.47;'}3. The pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pigment comprises an average particle size of 2 to 6 micrometers.4. The pigments as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pigment is composed of mainly phase pure crystalline compounds.5. The pigments as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pigment is useful as a colourant for substrate materials selected from the group consisting of cement slabs claim 1 , concrete slabs claim 1 , roofing materials claim 1 , plastics claim 1 , paints and other polymers.6. The pigment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pigment exhibits near infra-red reflectance in the range of 75 to 77% at 1100 nm wavelength which is higher in comparison with visible reflectance in the range of 40 to 60% ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180209054A1
Автор: KIM Dohyung, Yang Peidong

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatus related to copper nanoparticle structures for reduction of carbon dioxide to multicarbon products. In one aspect, a method includes providing a plurality of copper nanoparticles. The plurality of copper nanoparticles are deposited on a support. The plurality of copper nanoparticles are transformed to a plurality of copper structures during an operation in which carbon dioxide is reduced. The plurality of copper nanoparticles on the support are used as a working electrode in an electrochemical cell during the operation. 1. A method comprising:(a) providing a plurality of copper nanoparticles;(b) depositing the plurality of copper nanoparticles on a support; and(c) transforming the plurality of copper nanoparticles to a plurality of copper structures during an operation in which carbon dioxide is reduced, the plurality of copper nanoparticles on the support being used as a working electrode in an electrochemical cell during the operation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of copper structures comprise cubes and right rectangular prisms.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein sides of the cubes and the right rectangular prisms have a length of about 10 nanometers to 75 nanometers.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein copper nanoparticles of the plurality of copper nanoparticles are approximately spherical.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein copper nanoparticles of the plurality of copper nanoparticles have a diameter of about 2 nanometers to 20 nanometers.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the support comprises carbon paper.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the carbon paper consists of carbon fibers and plates of graphite.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the carbon paper consists of carbon fibers.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a loading of the plurality of copper nanoparticles on the support is about 2.5×10particles per square centimeter (particles/cm) to 8.2×10particles/cm.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170216833A1

The invention relates to sulfonated aminomethylated chelate resins, to a method for producing same, to the use thereof for obtaining and purifying metals, in particular rare earth metals, from aqueous solutions and organic liquids, and for producing highly pure silicon. 2. The chelating resin as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': 1', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'sup': 1', '2, 'Rand Rindependently of one another, are —CHPO(OX), —CHPO(OH)OXor hydrogen; and'}{'sup': 1', '2, 'Xand X, independently of one another, represent hydrogen, sodium or potassium.'}3. A process for preparing the chelating resin as claimed in claim 1 , the process comprising: at least one monovinylaromatic compound and at least one polyvinylaromatic compound, and', 'at least one initiator or an Initiator combination, 'a) converting monomer droplets composed ofinto a bead polymer,{'sub': '3', 'b) phthalimidomethylating and sulfonating the bead polymer with phthalimide in the presence of oleum to produce phthalimidomethylated, sulfonated bead polymer, wherein the amount of free SOis at least 0.69 mol based on 1 mol of phthalimide,'}c) converting the phthalimidomethylated, sulfonated bead polymer into aminomethylated, sulfonated bead polymer, andd) reacting the aminomethylated, sulfonated bead polymer to afford chelating resins comprising functional groups of structural element (I).4. The process for preparing the chelating resin as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the bead polymers in step a) are prepared in monodisperse form and thus monodisperse chelating resins are prepared.5. The process for preparing the chelating resin as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the amount of free SOin step b) is between 0.69 and 1.5 mol based on 1 mol of phthalimide.6. The process for preparing the chelating resin as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the amount of free SOin step b) is between 0.69 and 1.2 mol based on 1 mol of phthalimide.7. A chelating resin comprising functional groups of structural element (I) prepared as claimed in . ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Quantum dot and wavelength converting member, lighting member, back light unit, and display device using quantum dot, and method of producing quantum dot

Номер: US20200212256A1
Принадлежит: NS Materials Inc

The present invention seeks to provide cadmium-free quantum dots with a narrow fluorescence FWHM. The quantum dot does not contain cadmium and its fluorescence FWHM is 30 nm or less. The quantum dot is preferably a nanocrystal containing zinc and tellurium or zinc and tellurium and sulfur or zinc and tellurium and selenium and sulfur. Further, the quantum dot preferably has a core-shell structure in which the nanocrystal serves as a core and the surface of the core is coated with a shell.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180222768A1

Functionalized metal oxides nanoparticles comprising at least one alkali metal ion and nitrate ions are disclosed herein. In addition, methods for obtaining functionalized nanoparticles are disclosed. Likewise, uses of the disclosed nanoparticles in the obtaining of colloidal inks and optoelectronic films for electronic devices, for example solar cells, are disclosed. The nanoparticles taught herein are useful in the manufacture of; inter alia, electronic, optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. 1. Functionalized nanoparticles of Formula{'br': None, 'sup': +', '−, 'sub': 3', 'y', 'x, '(Z/NO)-MO'}wherein:{'sup': '+', 'sub': y', 'x, 'Z corresponds to an alkali metal ion and MOcorresponds to metal oxide nanoparticle, where M is a metal, y and x are the particular subscripts of the oxide.'}2. The functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein the alkaline metal ion Zis selected from a group consisting of Li claim 1 , Na claim 1 , K claim 1 , Rb claim 1 , Cs or Fr.3. The functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein M is transition metal.4. The functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein MOis selected from a group consisting of NiO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , SnO claim 1 , CoO claim 1 , CuO.5. The functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises nitrates between 0.1% and 10% by weight.6. The functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises Z between 0.1% and 10% atomic.7. Functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , wherein the average diameter of the mentioned functionalized nanoparticles is below 10 nm.8. A method for preparing the stable functionalized nanoparticles according to claim 1 , comprising:providing a soluble nitrate solution of a transition metal;{'sup': '+', 'precipitating the hydroxide of the transition metal by means of the addition of one base containing an alkaline metal ion Z,'}separating the hydroxide and drying it at a first temperature; and ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Photo-thermally induced polymerization inhibitors for electrophoretic media

Номер: US20180259823A1
Принадлежит: E Ink California LLC

An electrophoretic medium that may be incorporated into an electrophoretic display includes a dispersion that may be contained in a plurality of microcapsules or microcells or a polymeric continuous phase. The dispersion may include a non-polar fluid, a plurality of first charged particles; and an inhibitor of photo-thermally induced polymerization that inhibits potential cross-linking between the particles and/or the microcells or polymeric continuous phase. The inhibitor may be a compound having an unsaturated hydrocarbon ring and at least one of a hydroxyl group, a carbonyl group, and a nitroso group. The plurality of microcells or polymeric continuous phase and a coating of the particles may include a polymeric material that includes (meth)acrylates.

21-10-2021 дата публикации

Oxide superconducting wire and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20210323834A1
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

An oxide superconducting wire includes a superconducting layer deposited on a substrate. The superconducting layer includes an oxide superconductor RE-Ba—Cu—O and artificial pinning centers ABO3, where RE is a rare earth element, A is Ba, Sr or Ca, and B is Hf, Zr, or Sn. In a TEM image of a cross-section of the superconducting layer, a standard deviation σ of an inclination angle of the artificial pinning center rods with respect to a cross-sectional direction of the superconducting layer is 6.13° to 11.73° and an average length of the artificial pinning center rods is 19.84 to 25.44 nm.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Composition for forming conductive pattern and resin structure having conductive pattern

Номер: US20170263349A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present invention relates to a composition for forming a conductive pattern and a resin structure having a conductive pattern, wherein the composition makes it possible to form a fine conductive pattern on various polymer resin products or resin layers through a simple process, and can more effectively meet needs of the art, such as displaying various colors. The composition for forming a conductive pattern, comprises: a polymer resin; and a non-conductive metal compound having a predetermined chemical structure, and may be a composition for forming a conductive pattern through electromagnetic irradiation, by which a metal nucleus is formed from the non-conductive metal compound.

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Superconducting wire and superconducting coil

Номер: US20140357495A1
Автор: Masanori Daibo
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

A superconductor wire includes: a superconducting laminate that includes: a substrate and an intermediate layer; a superconductor layer, and a metal stabilization layer which are laminated on the substrate; and an insulation coating layer that covers an outer surface of the superconducting laminate and is formed by baking a resin material. Further, a maximum height Rz of at least a part of the outer surface of the superconducting laminate covered with the insulation coating layer is 890 nm or less.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267526A1

The present invention relates to a composition for forming conductive patterns and a resin structure having a conductive pattern, capable of forming a conductive micropattern on various polymer resin products or resin layers using a simplified process and exhibiting excellent heat dissipation characteristics. The composition for forming conductive patterns comprises: a polymer resin; a non-conductive metal compound represented by a specific chemical formula; and a heat-dissipating material, wherein a metal nucleus is formed from the non-conductive metal compound by the irradiation of electromagnetic waves.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160280544A1

A mixed-metallic phosphate compound is disclosed, which contains as the main metal copper in the divalent oxidation state in a proportion of at least 90.0 at-% and one or more doping metals in a total proportion of the doping metals of at least 0.01 to at most 10.0 at-%, wherein the doping metals are selected from the group consisting of the elements of the first and second main groups and the eighth subgroup of the elements of the periodic table, Al, Sn, Si, Bi, Cr, Mo, Mn, and the lanthanides. The stated metal proportions relate to the total amount of the metals in the mixed-metallic phosphate compound. The mixed-metallic compound has a phosphate content expressed as POin the range of 10 to 60 wt-%. Also disclosed is a method for producing the mixed-metallic phosphate compound and the use thereof. 1. A mixed-metallic phosphate compound which contains as the main metal copper in the divalent oxidation state in a proportion of at least 90.0 at-% and one or more doping metals in a total proportion of the doping metals of at least 0.01 to at most 10.0 at-% , wherein the doping metals are selected from the group consisting of the elements of the first and second main groups and the eighth subgroup of the elements of the periodic table , Al , Sn , Si , Bi , Cr , Mo , Mn and the lanthanides , wherein the stated metal proportions relate to the total amount of the metals in the mixed-metallic phosphate compound and wherein the mixed-metallic compound has a phosphate content expressed as POin the range of 10 to 60 wt-%.2. The mixed-metallic phosphate compound according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the UV-VIS-IR spectrum at at least one wavelength within the wavelength range of 1400 to 2200 nm claim 1 , said phosphate compound has an absorption which is at least 50% of the absorption maximum within the wavelength range of 600 to 1400 nm.3. The mixed-metallic phosphate compound according to claim 1 , wherein the total proportion of the doping metals is in the range of 0. ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

A Method of Pretreatment and Bromine Recovery of PCB Incineration Ash

Номер: US20200262712A1

A method of pretreatment and bromine recovery of PCB Incineration ash is disclosed that relates to the field of comprehensive recovery of valuable metals by full wet method, especially relates to a method of valuable metals and bromine recovery, precious metals enrichment in pretreatment process of PCB Incineration ash. The major steps includes alkali leaching, Cu extraction back-extraction, neutralization-precipitation to separate, Bromine evaporative crystallization, regeneration, acid pickling, Zn evaporative crystallization, removal of Zn and Cu. Compared with the traditional comprehensive recovery process of ash, the invention can separate bromine from ash and recover valuable metals such as copper, zinc and lead with the maximum extent, at the same time, the enrichment of silver and other precious metals is beneficial to the subsequent recovery of precious metals. It has high added recovery value and no tailless discharge. 1. A method of pretreatment and Bromine recovery of printed circuit board Incineration ash , comprising the steps of: [{'sup': '3', 'treating the printed circuit board Incineration ash with an alkali leaching solution for 1 to 2 hours, wherein the alkali leaching solution is made of a mixture of sodium hydroxide and ammonia, wherein the concentration of sodium hydroxide is 5˜20% by mass, and the concentration of ammonia is 5˜20% by mass, the solid-liquid ratio of ash to the leaching solution is 1:5˜1:10 Kg/L, the leaching temperature is 35˜55° C., meanwhile keep blowing air with agitation, wherein the blast air volume per cubic meter leaching solution is 0.01˜0.1 m/min;'}, 'stopping blowing the air and continue agitating, adding 1˜3 g copper powder into every liter of the leaching solution;', 'carrying out the reaction for 10˜30 minutes; and', 'performing filtration to obtain a mixed alkali leaching slag and a mixed alkali leaching solution;, '(1) alkali leaching, further comprising the steps of extracting copper from the mixed alkali ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации

The Preparation Method of 3D Printing-Based YBCO Superconducting Twisted Wire

Номер: US20210358659A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for preparing high-temperature superconducting yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) wire by 3D-printing, this method is divided into the following four steps: firstly, preparing a nano-level superconducting powder precursor; and then, preparing a printing paste with suitable viscosity and supporting characteristics; after that, using a CAD 3D modeling, exporting STL format model data and slicing by a professional software; implementing one-step preparing strands with low AC loss by twisting the print nozzle. Finally, the printed twisted wire is formed into a practical superconducting twisted cable through the processes such as plastic removal process, crystallizing process, oxygen supplementing process and assembling process in order. The present disclosure firstly provides an application for applying high temperature superconducting material to direct ink writing 3D-printing technology. By preparing micro/nano level superconducting core filaments based on 3D-printing, the diameter of the core filaments could be reduced, and thereby a material-structure integrative design could be implemented. The present disclosure simplifies the preparation of high temperature superconducting wires, improves the current-carrying capacity and the production efficiency of the high temperature super conducting wires, and reduces the production cost. 1. A 3D printing-based preparation method of YBCO superconducting twisted wire , wherein , comprising following steps:1) preparing a superconducting powder precursor:taking YBCO superconducting material or mixed powder being sintered for forming a superconducting phase as a main printing material;obtaining printing powders with particle diameters of 100-300 nm by crushing mechanically the main printing material;2) preparing a printing paste:adding the superconducting powder precursor, which has been ground, to a mixture of polymer binder and lubricant in a proper proportion for forming a direct ink ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Oxide superconductor, superconducting wire, and a method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170287598A1
Автор: Yutaka Adachi
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

An oxide superconductor has a composition expressed by RE a Ba b Cu 3 O 7-x , where RE represents one rare earth or a combination of two or more of a rare earth, a satisfies 1.05≦a≦1.35, b satisfies 1.80≦b≦2.05, and x represents an amount of oxygen deficiency, and a non-superconducting phase having an outer diameter of 30 nm or less is included in a superconducting phase.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170287599A1
Автор: KURIHARA Chihaya
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

An oxide superconducting wire, includes a laminate including a base material, an intermediate layer, and an oxide superconducting layer, the intermediate layer being laminated on a main surface of the base material, the intermediate layer being constituted of one or more layers having an orientation, the intermediate layer having one or more first non-orientation regions extending in a longitudinal direction of the base material, the oxide superconducting layer being laminated on the intermediate layer, the oxide superconducting layer having a crystal orientation controlled by the intermediate layer, the oxide superconducting layer having second non-orientation regions located on the first non-orientation regions, and a metal layer which covers at least a front surface and side surfaces of the oxide superconducting layer in the laminate. 1. An oxide superconducting wire , comprising:a laminate comprising a base material, an intermediate layer, and an oxide superconducting layer, the intermediate layer being laminated on a main surface of the base material, the intermediate layer being constituted of one or more layers having an orientation, the intermediate layer having one or more first non-orientation regions extending in a longitudinal direction of the base material, the oxide superconducting layer being laminated on the intermediate layer, the oxide superconducting layer having a crystal orientation controlled by the intermediate layer, the oxide superconducting layer having second non-orientation regions located on the first non-orientation regions; anda metal layer which covers at least a front surface and side surfaces of the oxide superconducting layer in the laminate.2. The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 , wherein the main surface of the base material or a main surface of any one layer in the intermediate layer has orientation inhibition regions claim 1 , and the orientation inhibition regions are regions that inhibit crystal orientations ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180301248A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An oxide superconducting wire includes an oriented metal substrate, an intermediate layer formed on the oriented metal substrate, and an oxide superconducting layer formed on the intermediate layer. The oriented metal substrate has an in-plane orientation Δϕ of 7° or less. The intermediate layer is formed of a single layer. 1: An oxide superconducting wire comprising:an oriented metal substrate;an intermediate layer formed on the oriented metal substrate; andan oxide superconducting layer formed on the intermediate layer,the oriented metal substrate having an in-plane orientation (Δϕ) of 7° or less,the intermediate layer being formed of a single layer.2: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe oriented metal substrate is a clad substrate.3: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe intermediate layer has a thickness of 10 nm or more.4: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe intermediate layer has an in-plane orientation of 8° or less.5: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 1 , whereinthe oriented metal substrate includes an oxide layer at a top portion in contact with the intermediate layer.6: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 2 , whereinthe intermediate layer has a thickness of 10 nm or more.7: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 2 , whereinthe intermediate layer has an in-plane orientation of 8° or less.8: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 2 , whereinthe oriented metal substrate includes an oxide layer at a top portion in contact with the intermediate layer.9: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 3 , whereinthe intermediate layer has an in-plane orientation of 8° or less.10: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 3 , whereinthe oriented metal substrate includes an oxide layer at a top portion in contact with the intermediate layer.11: The oxide superconducting wire according to claim 4 , whereinthe oriented ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Oxide superconducting bulk magnet

Номер: US20180301260A1
Автор: Mitsuru Morita
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

The present invention provides an oxide superconducting bulk magnet which can obtain a sufficient amount of total magnetic flux, by preventing the superconducting bulk body from being broken due to electromagnetic stress and quenching phenomenon to enable magnetization by a strong magnetic field. An oxide superconducting bulk magnet comprising an oxide superconducting bulk body wherein RE 2 BaCuO 5 is dispersed in a monocrystalline RE 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O y ; and an outer peripheral reinforcing ring fitted to the outer periphery of the oxide superconducting bulk body, wherein the outer peripheral reinforcing ring is made of a plurality of metal rings having a multiple ring structure in the radial direction, at least one of the plurality of metal rings has a thermal conductivity of 20 W/(m·K) or more at a temperature of 20 to 70 K and at least one of the plurality of metal rings has a higher strength than the metal ring having a thermal conductivity of 20 W/(m·K) or more.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Oxide superconducting bulk magnet

Номер: US20170316859A1

A superconducting bulk magnet comprising a plurality of superconducting bulk materials combined, in which breakage of superconducting bulk materials is prevented and a strong magnetic field can be generated, that is, a superconducting bulk magnet comprising a plurality of superconducting bulk materials, each comprising a single-crystal formed RE 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O y (RE is one or more elements selected from Y or rare earth elements, where 6.8≦y≦7.1) in which RE 2 BaCuO 5 is dispersed and each provided with a top surface, a bottom surface, and side surfaces, combined together, in which superconducting bulk magnet, bulk material units, each comprising a superconducting bulk material and a bulk material reinforcing member arranged so as to cover a side surface of the same, are arranged facing the same direction and contacting each other to form an assembly, a side surface of the assembly is covered by an assembly side surface reinforcing member, a top surface and bottom surface of the assembly are respectively covered by an assembly top reinforcing member and an assembly bottom reinforcing member, and the assembly side surface reinforcing member, the assembly top reinforcing member, and the assembly bottom reinforcing member are joined into an integral unit, is provided.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180331355A1

A method of manufacturing core-shell particles comprises: filling a buffer into a rotor, which is extended in a longitudinal direction, and is accommodated so as to be spaced apart from an inner wall side of a non-rotational hollow cylinder extended in a longitudinal direction and then discharging air to outside; rotating the rotor after terminating the filling; forming a core-shell precursor by supplying raw materials from a first storage and a second storage, which comprise a material forming a core, into an interior of the cylinder in which the rotor rotates; supplying a shell material for coating the core to the interior of the cylinder in which a core-type precursor is formed; separating a liquid comprising core-shell particles formed through the supplying into a solid and a liquid; and drying the core-shell particles obtained through the separating. 1. A method of manufacturing core-shell particles , the method comprising:filling a buffer into a rotor, which is extended in a longitudinal direction, and is accommodated so as to be spaced apart from an inner wall side of an non-rotational hollow cylinder extended in a longitudinal direction and then discharging air to outside;rotating the rotor after terminating the filling;forming a core-shell precursor by supplying raw materials from a first storage and a second storage, which comprise a material forming a core, into an interior of the cylinder in which the rotor rotates;supplying a shell material for coating the core to the interior of the cylinder in which a core-type precursor is formed;separating a liquid comprising core-shell particles formed through the supplying into a solid and a liquid; anddrying the core-shell particles obtained through the separating.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein as the liquid comprising the core-shell particles separated at the separating claim 1 , a reactant in a normal state within the reactor is used.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein lithium chloride ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Rapid Solid-State Reaction of Oxides with Ultraviolet Radiation

Номер: US20150357549A1

The present invention relates to a method for solid-state synthesis of ceramic materials, in particular of oxide materials or cuprates, comprising or consisting of the step of providing starting material in amounts effective to produce the ceramic material and, thereafter, applying a treatment to said material by use of a solid-state reaction therein, said reaction being performed by irradiating said material from at least one light source with ultraviolet light. The present invention also relates to methods for producing thin films and to a use of the method for production of high-temperature superconductors. 1. A method for solid-state synthesis of ceramic materials comprising the following steps:providing to a heating device starting material in a providing step a in amounts effective to produce the ceramic material; hereinafterapplying a treatment to said starting material in a treatment step b by use of a solid-state reaction therein, the treatment step b including:{'sub': 1', '1, 'heating the starting material by means of the heating device in a heating step c to a first reaction temperature T, wherein the first reaction temperature Tis in a range from 650 degrees Celsius to 1200 degrees Celsius, and'}{'sub': '1', 'irradiating said starting material during at least a first predefined period of time twith ultraviolet light in a irradiation step d during at least part of or after the heating step c.'}3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in the irradiation step d the ultraviolet light is irradiated during at least a first predefined period of time twith a light irradiance in a range from 0.5 W/cmto 5 W/cm claim 1 , or in a range from 1 W/cmto 4 W/cm claim 1 , or in a range from 1.5 W/cmto 3 W/cm claim 1 , or wherein the light irradiance is 2 W/cm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the heated up material is kept at the first reaction temperature Tfor a second predefined period of time t claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the second predefined period of ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации

Cryogenic Radiation Enhancement Of Superconductors

Номер: US20200350083A1

Disclosed are a superconductor having improved critical current density when exposed to high-energy neutron radiation and high magnetic fields, such as found in a compact nuclear fusion reactor, and a method of making the same. The method includes, prior to deployment in the exposure environment, irradiating a polycrystalline (e.g. cuprate) superconductor with ionic matter or neutrons at a cryogenic temperature to create “weak” magnetic flux pinning sites, such as point defects or small defect clusters. Irradiation temperature is chosen, for example as a function of the superconducting material, so that irradiation creates the beneficial flux pinning sites while avoiding detrimental widening of the boundaries of the crystalline grains caused by diffusion of the displaced atoms. Such a superconductor in a coated-conductor tape is expected to be beneficial when used, for example, as a toroidal field coil in a fusion reactor when cooled well below its critical temperature. 1. A method comprising irradiating a polycrystalline superconductor with ionic matter or neutrons at a cryogenic temperature chosen to effectively eliminate widening , of boundaries of the crystalline grains of the superconductor , caused by diffusion of radiatively displaced atoms.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the superconductor comprises a rare-earth copper oxide superconductor.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the cryogenic temperature is at most 80 K.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein irradiating comprises choosing an irradiation fluence that maximizes a critical current density in the irradiated superconductor when operating in a condition in which weak magnetic flux pinning dominates strong magnetic flux pinning.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein irradiating comprises producing at least 0.003 displacements per atom.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein irradiating forms at least one weak pinning site within the superconductor.7. A method according to ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Microstructured multicomposite copper microparticle with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity that comprises in its structure 5 different types of copper compounds, all regular and crystalline

Номер: US20190367380A1
Принадлежит: Copperprotek Spa

A copper microparticle with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity, wherein each microparticle has a regular, crystalline and microstructured composition that comprises 5 different copper compounds: Antlerite Cu 3 +2 (SO 4 )(OH) 4 , Brochantite Cu 4 +2 SO 4 (OH) 6 , Chalcantite Cu +2 SO 4 .5H 2 O, Natrochalcite NaCu 2 +2 (SO 4 ) 2 OH.H 2 O and Hydrated copper sulfate hydroxide Cu 3 (SO 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 .4H 2 O/2CuSO 4 .Cu(OH) 2 , with the microparticle having a size of between 5 and 50 μm. A process for preparing copper microparticles with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity. A concentrated polymeric composition (masterbatch) with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity that is incorporated during the extrusion process to molten polymers for forming rigid or flexible products such as fibers, filaments, and sheets. A use of a copper microparticle with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity. A use of a concentrated polymeric composition (masterbatch) with antibacterial and/or biocidal activity.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190371500A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An oxide superconducting thin film material includes: a metal substrate having a surface with a biaxially oriented crystal orientation structure; an intermediate layer biaxially oriented and formed on the metal substrate; and an oxide superconducting thin film formed on the intermediate layer and composed of a RE123-based oxide superconductor represented by REBaCuO. The oxide superconducting thin film includes Br (bromine). 1: An oxide superconducting thin film material comprising:a metal substrate having a surface with a biaxially oriented crystal orientation structure;an intermediate layer biaxially oriented and formed on the metal substrate; and{'sub': 2', '3', 'y, 'an oxide superconducting thin film formed on the intermediate layer and composed of a RE123-based oxide superconductor represented by REBaCuO, where RE represents a rare earth element, Ba represents barium, Cu represents copper, and O represents oxygen, wherein'}the oxide superconducting thin film includes Br (bromine).2: The oxide superconducting thin film material according to claim 1 , whereinthe oxide superconducting thin film has a deposit formed on a surface of the intermediate layer or in the oxide superconducting thin film, andthe deposit includes Br.3: The oxide superconducting thin film material according to claim 2 , wherein the deposit includes a BaCuOBrcrystal.4: The oxide superconducting thin film material according to claim 3 , wherein the BaCuOBrcrystal formed on the surface of the intermediate layer has an upper surface and a side surface that constitute a three-dimensional template assisting biaxial orientation growth of the oxide superconducting thin film.5: The oxide superconducting thin film material according to claim 1 , further comprising a BaMOnano particle formed in the oxide superconducting thin film claim 1 , where M represents an impurity metal claim 1 , whereinM is one of Hf (hafnium), Zr (zirconium), Sn (tin), Nb (niobium), Ir (iridium), Ti (titanium), Ce (cerium) and Bi ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200407859A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a photocatalyst for water splitting, which can form a water splitting device that is excellent in durability and responsiveness to visible light and excellent in the amount of generated gas, and a water splitting device having the photocatalyst for water splitting. A photocatalyst for water splitting according to the embodiment of the present invention is a photocatalyst for water splitting, which is used for an electrode that generates gas by irradiation with light in a state of being immersed in water, and includes a compound represented by a formula, (Ln)CuO. In the formula, Ln represents a lanthanoid, and a part of Ln's may be substituted with an element of Groups II to IV of the periodic table. 1. A photocatalyst for water splitting , which is used for an electrode that generates gas by irradiation with light in a state of being immersed in water , the photocatalyst comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '4, '(Ln)CuO\u2003\u2003Formula (1)'}, 'a compound represented by Formula (1),'}in Formula (1), Ln represents a lanthanoid, and a part of Ln's may be substituted with an element of Groups II to IV of the periodic table.2. The photocatalyst for water splitting according to claim 1 , further comprising:a co-catalyst.3. The photocatalyst for water splitting according to claim 1 , {'br': None, 'sub': 2−n', 'n', '4, '(Ln)ACuO\u2003\u2003Formula (2)'}, 'wherein the compound represented by Formula (1) is a compound represented by Formula (2),'}in Formula (2), Ln represents a lanthanoid, A represents an element of Groups II to IV of the periodic table, and n represents a numerical value of 0 to 1.4. The photocatalyst for water splitting according to claim 1 , wherein in Formula (1) claim 1 , Ln is La or Nd.5. The photocatalyst for water splitting according to claim 4 , wherein in Formula (1) claim 4 , Ln represents La claim 4 , and a part of La's may be substituted with an element of Group II of the periodic table or an ...

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Controlling passivating film properties using colloidal particles polyelectrolytes, and ionic additives for copper chemical mechanical planarization

Номер: WO2008157293A1
Автор: Yuzhuo Li
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention provides for a copper CMP slurry composition which comprises a complexing agent, an oxidizer, an abrasive and a passivating agent. The present invention also provides for a method of chemical mechanical planarization of a copper conductive structure which comprises administering the copper CMP slurry composition during the planarization process.

15-07-2010 дата публикации

Controlling passivating film properties using colloidal particles, polyelectrolytes, and ionic additives for copper chemical mechanical planarization

Номер: US20100178768A1
Автор: Yuzhuo Li
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention provides for a copper CMP slurry composition which comprises a complexing agent, an oxidizer, an abrasive and a passivating agent. The present invention also provides for a method of chemical mechanical planarization of a copper conductive structure which comprises administering the copper CMP slurry composition during the planarization process.

08-04-2010 дата публикации

구리 화학적 기계적 평탄화를 위한, 콜로이드성 입자, 고분자 전해질 및 이온성 첨가제를 사용하는 부동태화 필름 특성의 제어

Номер: KR20100037107A
Автор: 유추오 리
Принадлежит: 바스프 에스이

본 발명은 착화제, 산화제, 연마제 및 부동태화제를 포함하는 구리 CMP 슬러리 조성물을 제공한다. 또한, 본 발명은 고리 전도성 구조물의 화학적 기계적 평탄화 방법으로서, 그 평탄화 공정 동안 구리 CMP 슬러리 조성물을 투여하는 단계를 포함하는 방법을 제공한다.

16-11-1999 дата публикации

Combustion of emulsions: A method and process for producing fine powders

Номер: US5984997A
Принадлежит: Nanomaterials Research Corp

A process for producing nanoscale powders, and the powders so produced. The process comprises mixing an emulsion comprising all of the elements of the desired powder composition and a combustible fuel, and then combusting that emulsion to produce a powder. Powders with a median particle size of less than 50 nm have been made by this process. The process is suitable for the production of many types of powders, including particles and nanowhiskers of simple, doped, and polymetallic powders.

24-01-2008 дата публикации

Process for the production of nanoparticles from aluminum spinels and their use

Номер: DE102006032582A1
Автор: Norbert Dr. Rösch

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Nanopartikeln aus Aluminiumspinellen beansprucht. Dieses Verfahren besteht darin, dass man eine wässrige Lösung von Aluminiumchlorohydrat mit einem Salz eines Metalls, dessen Oxid mit Aluminiumoxid ein Spinellgitter ausbilden kann, versetzt, anschließend trocknet, innerhalb weniger als 30 Minuten kalziniert und die so erhaltenen Agglomerate zerkleinert. A process for the production of nanoparticles from aluminum spinels is claimed. This method consists in adding an aqueous solution of aluminum chlorohydrate with a salt of a metal whose oxide can form a spinel lattice with aluminum oxide, then drying, calcining within less than 30 minutes and comminuting the resulting agglomerates.

04-08-2014 дата публикации

An Apparatus of Core-Shell Particles and Preparation Methods Using Thereof

Номер: KR101424610B1

The present invention relates to an apparatus for producing core-shell particles and a producing method of the core-shell particles using the same. The apparatus includes: a reactor; a first storage part which is joined and installed on a first raw material inlet of the reactor; a second storage part which is joined and installed on a second raw material inlet of the reactor; a solid and liquid material separation part which is joined and installed on an outlet of the reactor to separate a product, discharged from the outlet, into solid particles and liquid; and a drying part which is joined and installed on the solid and liquid separation part to dry solid particles separated by the solid and liquid separation part. According to the present invention, the present invention provides the apparatus for producing the core-shell particles which forms the core-shell particles by injecting gas, liquid and/or solid materials while a liquid solvent exists.

08-10-1991 дата публикации

Method for preparation of superconductor powders

Номер: US5055436A
Принадлежит: CPS Superconductor Corp

An improved process for preparing superconducting ceramic powder includes calcining superconducting precursor compounds in an atmosphere having a controlled amount of oxygen, generally not more than that found in air, the remainder of the atmosphere composed of a gas or mixture of gases inert with respect to the ceramic. A preferred process includes forming the precursor compounds into a slurry, granulating the slurry, drying the granules (a binder can be added to the slurry to promote green strength), and calcining in the controlled atmosphere to provide the desired HTSC (high temperature superconductor) composition.

26-01-1983 дата публикации

Separator membrane and process using such membrane for removing ions from an aqueous solution

Номер: GB2047564B
Принадлежит: Bend Research Inc

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Method of intercalation of perovskitic particles in the form of pillars into layered clays

Номер: WO1992000808A1

With the proposed method it has been achieved the intercalation of perovskitic micro particles of the general type ABOx, where A is La or other suitable for perovskite structure cation usually a non-reductable while B is a usually reducible metallic cation, into aluminosilicate layered clay, of the type of smectites and especially into Montmorillonite. The method of intercalation proceeds through the synthesis of binuclear complexes of the general formula AB(fsaen) NO3. These complexes are adsorbed into the clay and occupy the space between the aluminosilicate layers. After adsorption the obtained system AB(fsaen)-Montmorillonite is heated and the organic part of the complex cation is burned and removed as volatile products leaving back between the layers of the clay (Montmorillonite) pillars of perovskitic nature ABO3 like for example LaCoO3, LaMnO3, LaNiO3 and LaCuO3. The final products appear high specific surface areas 200-250m2/gr at T=500=600 °C. The interlayer distances between the aluminosilicate sheets are about 16A at 500 °C and 13-14 Å at 600 °C which explains their high surface area. The thermal stability of such materials at high enough temperature of (600-700 °C) makes them potential candidates for use as adsorbents or absorbents as well as heterogeneous catalysts for different industrial applications.

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Catalysts for the full oxidation of volatile organic compounds

Номер: GR3036566T3
Принадлежит: Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, Univ Bologna

A catalyst for the full oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOC), particularly hydrocarbons, and of CO to CO2, which comprises a compound having the formulawhere A is an alkaline-earth metal, an alkaline metal, a lanthanide, or a solid solution thereof, B is a transition metal, an element of group III, or a solid solution thereof, and d has a value between 0 and 1; and a method for the full oxidation of volatile organic compounds using the catalyst.

13-01-2010 дата публикации

Preparation method of copper particles composition

Номер: KR100936623B1
Автор: 김상호, 윤성호, 이우람
Принадлежит: 주식회사 엘지화학

본 발명은 소정의 구리(Ⅱ) 전구체 용액과 환원제를 이용하여 균일성이 우수한 구형(球形)의 Cu 2 O 응집체 입자들을 제조하고, 이를 환원시켜 구리 입자 조성물을 제조하는 방법을 개시한다. The present invention discloses a method of preparing spherical Cu 2 O aggregate particles having excellent uniformity using a predetermined copper (II) precursor solution and a reducing agent, and reducing the same to produce a copper particle composition. 본 발명의 제조방법에 따르면, 공기 분위기에서 상온에서도 비교적 빠르게 구리 입자들을 제조할 수 있어 경제적이며, 제조된 구리 입자들은 결정성과 산화에 대한 저항력이 양호하다. According to the production method of the present invention, it is economical to produce copper particles relatively quickly even at room temperature in an air atmosphere, and the produced copper particles have good crystallinity and resistance to oxidation.

13-06-1995 дата публикации

Detergent composition

Номер: KR950006291B1
Принадлежит: 원본미기재, 유니레버 엔브이

내용 없음. No content.

16-02-2007 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of electrolytic copper plating materials

Номер: KR100683598B1
Принадлежит: 쯔루미소다 가부시끼가이샤

본 발명은 용해성이 높고, 불용해 잔사의 생성을 억제할 수 있는 전해동 도금 재료를 제공하거나, 불순물이 적은 전해동 도금 재료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 발명은 피도금체를 전해동 도금 처리할 때 동 도금욕에 동 이온 보급제로서 공급되는 전해동 도금 재료를 제조하는 방법으로서, 염기성 탄산동을 환원 분위기로는 되지 않는 분위기 하에서 250℃~800℃로 가열하여 열분해함으로써 용해가 쉬운 산화동으로 이루어지는 전해동 도금 재료를 얻는 것을 특징으로 한다. An object of the present invention is to provide an electrolytic copper plating material having high solubility and capable of suppressing generation of insoluble residue, or providing an electrolytic copper plating material having few impurities. The present invention provides a method for producing an electrolytic copper plating material which is supplied as a copper ion replenisher to a copper plating bath when the plated body is subjected to electrolytic copper plating, wherein the basic copper carbonate is reduced to 250 ° C to 800 ° C under an atmosphere that does not become a reducing atmosphere. The electrolytic copper plating material which consists of copper oxide which is easy to melt | dissolve by heating and thermally decomposing is obtained. 전해동 도금 재료, 피도금체, 동 도금 방법, 동 도금욕, 염기성 탄산동, 용해가 쉬운 산화동 Electrolytic copper plating material, plated body, copper plating method, copper plating bath, basic copper carbonate, easy copper oxide

21-09-1976 дата публикации

Zinc recovery from acidic aqueous streams

Номер: US3981966A
Автор: Everett Ira Baucom
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A process for the recovery of metal values, principally zinc and copper, from an aqueous acidic purge stream in a hydrometallurgical process by contacting the stream containing the iron, copper and zinc sulfates, along with trace amounts of other metallic sulfates with calcium oxide to bring the pH in the range 3.0-4.0, thence with sufficient ammonia to form the soluble tetrammine sulfates of copper and zinc, then separating the copper from the zinc, e.g. by hydroxy oxime-solvent extraction and thereafter recovering the zinc as zinc oxide by converting the zinc tetrammine sulfate to the hydroxide and removing ammonia from the complex.

26-04-1977 дата публикации

Metal extraction process

Номер: US4020106A
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

Salicylaldoximes having a total of at least three alkyl carbon atoms contained in one or more nuclear substituents are used to extract metals from aqueous solutions of their salts as complex compounds soluble in water-immiscible organic solvents. The salicylaldoximes are prepared from the corresponding salicylaldehydes by reaction with hydroxylamine.

07-06-1977 дата публикации

Novel chelate formers

Номер: US4028412A
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

Benzoin oximes of the formula ##STR1## wherein R 1 is alkyl of 3 to 16 carbon atoms, alkenyl of 3 or 4 carbon atoms, 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl-1, or -A-S-R 4 ; R 2 and R 3 independently are H, methyl or chlorine; R 4 is alkyl or 1 to 8 carbon atoms; and A is alkylene of 3 or 4 carbon atoms, are chelating agents for copper.

06-03-1979 дата публикации

Copper extraction with salicylaldoxime-p-nonylphenol mixtures

Номер: US4142952A
Автор: Raymond F. Dalton
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

A process for extracting metal values from aqueous solutions of metal salts which comprises the steps of contacting the aqueous solution with a solution in a water-immiscible organic solvent of one or more o-hydroxyaryloximes containing at least 3 aliphatic or alicyclic carbon atoms and which are strong metal extractants and one or more alkylphenols optionally containing one chlorine atom or one cyano group, separating from the aqueous phase the solvent phase containing metal in the form of a complex with the o-hydroxyaryloxime contacting the solvent phase with an aqueous mineral acid, and separating the solvent phase from the aqueous phase containing metal in the form of a salt with the mineral acid.

08-11-2011 дата публикации

Method of fabricating copper nano particle

Номер: KR101080925B1
Принадлежит: 한국원자력연구원

본 발명은 구리 나노입자 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 해결하고자 하는 기술적 과제는 금속전구체를 출발물질로 수용액상태 또는 폴리올 용액 상태에서 화학적 환원제를 사용하지 않고 간단한 방사선 또는 전자빔에 의해 발생하는 강력한 환원 작용 물질을 이용하여 상온, 상압에서 친환경적이며 대량생산이 가능한 균일한 나노크기를 가지는 인쇄전자용 구리(Cu) 나노입자 제조 및 이것의 제조 방법을 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. The present invention relates to a method for producing copper nanoparticles, the technical problem to be solved by using a metal precursor as a starting material in the aqueous solution or polyol solution state without the use of a chemical reducing agent in a strong reducing material generated by a simple radiation or electron beam The purpose of the present invention is to provide copper nanoparticles (Cu) nanoparticles for printed electronics having a uniform nano size, which is environmentally friendly and mass-produced at room temperature and pressure. 이를 위해 본 발명에 따른 구리 나노입자 제조방법은 분산제 수용액 또는 폴리올 용액을 제조하여 승온시키는 제 1단계(S100); 상기 제 1단계(S100)에 알코올과 구리 전구체 용액을 한번에 투입하여 제조하는 제 2단계(S200); 상온 및 상압에서 상기 혼합물에 0.05 ~ 10MeV 에너지의 전자빔을 조사하는 제 3단계(S300)를 포함하는 구리 나노입자 제조방법을 개시한다. To this end, the copper nanoparticle manufacturing method according to the present invention comprises the first step (S100) to prepare a dispersant solution or a polyol solution to increase the temperature; A second step (S200) of preparing alcohol and a copper precursor solution at a time in the first step (S100); Disclosed is a method for preparing copper nanoparticles comprising a third step (S300) of irradiating an electron beam of 0.05 to 10 MeV energy to the mixture at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. 방사선조사, 전자빔 조사, 나노입자, 금속전구체, 인쇄전자소자, 구리(Cu, copper) 나노입자 Irradiation, electron beam irradiation, nanoparticles, metal precursors, printed electronic devices, copper (Cu) copper nanoparticles

12-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CN106024404A
Автор: 方建慧, 李宏, 沈霞

本发明公开了一种铜铝类水滑石材料的制备方法及其应用,制备步骤如下:首先取氨水溶液,将碳酸钠加入搅拌均匀形成混合碱液;再配制硝酸铜和硝酸铝的铜铝离子混合溶液,一并滴加到并配制柠檬酸钠和硝酸铜混合乙醇水溶液中,不停地机械搅拌。用酸调节混合溶液的pH值,然后晶化,再通过离心分离得到固体样品,然后反复洗涤,干燥,获得类水滑石前体,然后通过煅烧,获得Cu‑Al‑CuO‑C类水滑石。本发明的铜铝水滑石材料具有较好的超电容特性,可将其用作超电容的电极材料。本发明所用的原料廉价易得,首次合成利用了Na 2 [Cu(C 6 H 7 O 5 )]配位化合物,原子转化率高,降低工业化成本。

23-01-2013 дата публикации

Composite magnesium hydroxide, method for producing same, and adsorbent

Номер: CN102892710A
Автор: 立藤智子
Принадлежит: Kyowa Chemical Industry Co Ltd

本发明目的在于提供一种含有碳酸基团且具有高的BET法比表面积的复合氢氧化镁、其制造方法及吸附剂。本发明是以下述式(1)表示且通过BET法测得的比表面积为100~400m 2 /g的复合氢氧化镁、其制造方法及吸附剂。Mg 1-x M x (OH) 2-y (CO 3 ) 0.5y ·mH 2 O(1)(其中,式中M表示选自Zn 2+ 、Cu 2+ 、Ni 2+ 、Co 2+ 、Ca 2+ 、Mn 2+ 、Fe 2+ 和Ba 2+ 的至少一种2价金属离子。x、y和m满足下述条件:0<x≤0.50.02≤y≤0.70≤m≤1)。

22-05-1996 дата публикации

Resin composition and its molded article

Номер: KR960014222A

본 발명은 열가소성 수지 100중량부를 기준으로 0.01중량부 내지 5중량부의 양의 히드로탤사이트 화합물을 함유하는 수지 조성물, 미세 결정의 산화 구리를 표면에 석출시킨 히드로탤사이트 화합물, 그리고 상기 수지 조성물로부터 제조된 성형품에 관한 것이다. 상기 수지 조성물과 그로부터 제조된 성형품은 우수한 내열성 및 내후성을 가지다.

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Reagent-electrolysis method for regeneration of copper-ammonia solution of copper etching

Номер: RU2696380C1

FIELD: printing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in production of printed circuit boards. For recovery of spent copper-ammonia solution of copper etching, total volume of said solution is divided into two parts. In one of two pre-calculated parts of spent solution of etching copper ions of univalent and bivalent copper are reduced to a precipitation of metallic copper with periodic shaking by metal zinc, taken in form of plates, pieces, granules or powder. After decantation of precipitation of metallic copper, solution is subjected to electrolysis using cathode from titanium, stainless steel, zinc or graphite and insoluble anode from graphite, ORTA, Pt/Ti, Pt/Nb, PbO 2 /Ti to remove zinc ions to a residual concentration of 0.5–5 g/l. Separated on cathode metal zinc is mechanically separated from cathode and used repeatedly. Obtained solution is mixed with the second part of the volume of spent copper-ammonia solution of copper etching, which has not undergone treatment with metal zinc. In obtained solution containing copper ions in concentration corresponding to requirements for fresh solution, ions of univalent copper are subjected to oxidation with air oxygen to ions of bivalent copper. EFFECT: invention simplifies the process of regeneration of copper-ammonia solution of copper etching, eliminating the need to use complex equipment and reduces power consumption. 1 cl, 2 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 696 380 C1 (51) МПК C23F 1/46 (2006.01) C23F 1/18 (2006.01) C22B 15/00 (2006.01) C01G 3/00 (2006.01) C25D 3/22 (2006.01) C22B 3/46 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C23F 1/46 (2019.02); C23F 1/18 (2019.02); C22B 15/00 (2019.02); C01G 3/00 (2019.02); C25D 3/22 (2019.02); C22B 3/46 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018130059, 20.08.2018 20.08.2018 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Тураев Дмитрий Юрьевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 01.08.2019 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.08.2018 ...

30-03-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing lithium-containing composite oxide for positive electrode in lithium rechargeable battery

Номер: KR101130589B1

체적 용량 밀도가 크고, 안전성이 높고, 충방전 사이클 내구성이 우수하며, 게다가 저온 특성이 우수한 리튬 함유 복합 산화물의 양산에 적합한 제조 방법의 제공. Providing a manufacturing method suitable for mass production of a lithium-containing composite oxide having a high volume capacity density, high safety, excellent charge / discharge cycle durability, and excellent low temperature characteristics. 리튬원, N 원소원, M 원소원, 및 필요에 따라 불소원을 함유하는 혼합물을 산소 함유 분위기 하에서 소성을 실시하고, 일반식 Li p N x M y O z F a (단, N 은 Co, Mn 및 Ni 로 이루어지는 군에서 선택되는 적어도 1 종의 원소이고, M 은 N 이외의 전이 금속 원소, Al 및 알칼리 토금속 원소로 이루어지는 군에서 선택되는 적어도 1 종의 원소이다. 0.9 p 1.2, 0.97 x 1.00, 0<y 0.03, 1.9 z 2.2, x+y=1, 0 a 0.02) 로 표시되는 리튬 함유 복합 산화물의 제조 방법으로서, 상기 N 원소원 및 M 원소원으로서, N 원소원을 함유하는 분말에 대해 M 원소원 함유 용액을 함침시킨 건조물을 사용하고, 또한, 상기 소성으로서, 250~700℃ 에서의 전단 소성을 실시하고, 이어서, 그 소성물을 850~1100℃ 에서의 후단 소성을 실시하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The lithium source, the N element source, the M element source, and a mixture containing a fluorine source, if necessary, are fired under an oxygen-containing atmosphere, where general formula Li p N x M y O z F a (where N is Co, At least one element selected from the group consisting of Mn and Ni, and M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of transition metal elements other than N, Al and alkaline earth metal elements. p 1.2, 0.97 x 1.00, 0 0.03, 1.9 z 2.2, x + y = 1, 0 a As a method for producing a lithium-containing composite oxide represented by 0.02), a dried product obtained by impregnating an M element source-containing solution with a powder containing an N element source is used as the N element source and the M element source. It is characterized by carrying out shear firing at 250-700 degreeC, and then carrying out the post-sintering baking at 850-1100 degreeC of this baked material. 체적 용량 밀도, 리튬 함유 복합 산화물, 리튬원, 불소원 Volumetric capacity density, lithium-containing composite oxides, lithium sources, fluorine sources

10-11-2015 дата публикации

Sulphur-containing silica fraction

Номер: RU2567611C2
Принадлежит: Налко Компани

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to sorption materials. Claimed is silica-containing sorption composition, which has formula: SiO 2 ) x (OH) y M z S a , where M represents metal or metalloid cation, S represents sulphur-containing compound, selected from at least one of the following compounds: sulphides and polysulphides, where 0.01-100% of specific surface area are covered with functionalised organosilane. Molar ratio y/x constitutes from 0.01 to 0.5, molar ratio x/z constitutes from 3 to 300, and molar ratio a/z constitutes from 1 to 5. EFFECT: obtained product has high parameters of specific surface and pore volume. 9 cl, 4 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 567 611 C2 (51) МПК C01B 33/20 (2006.01) C01B 33/18 (2006.01) B01J 20/10 (2006.01) C09C 1/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012142702/05, 07.04.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.04.2011 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): КЭЙЗЕР Брюс А. (US), ЭРГАНГ Николас С. (US), МИМНА Ричард (US) 08.04.2010 US 12/756,577 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.05.2014 Бюл. № 14 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): НАЛКО КОМПАНИ (US) (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2015 Бюл. № 31 (86) Заявка PCT: C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 08.11.2012 US 2011/031496 (07.04.2011) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 5 6 7 6 1 1 WO 2011/127230 (13.10.2011) R U 2 5 6 7 6 1 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2005017109 A1 04.08.2005;US 20060078696 A1 13.04.2006;US 4474896 A 02.10.1984;US 5350728 A 27.09.1994;US 7288499 B1 10.30.2007;"Модифицированные кремнезёмы в сорбции, катализе и хроматографии", под ред. Г.В.Лисичкина, М., 1986, стр.24-30, 88-92 Адрес для переписки: 105062, Москва, ул. Покровка, д. 33/22, стр. 1, Агентство "ИНТЭЛС" (54) СЕРОСОДЕРЖАЩАЯ КРЕМНЕЗЕМНАЯ ФРАКЦИЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к материалам для удельной площади ...

22-07-2019 дата публикации

Method for production of monograin kesterite powders

Номер: RU2695208C1

FIELD: physics; chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in making thin-film solar panels. For production of monograin kesterite powders there used are precursor mixtures consisting of CuSe, CuSe, ZnS and SnSe. Said chalcogenides are taken in required amounts, ground with CsI in agate mortar and sealed in quartz ampoules in vacuum at molar ratio of synthesized kesterite to CsI more than 1:5. Ampules are held at 740–750 °C for 100 hours, after which it is opened. Content of ampoules is washed with deionised water to remove CsI and dried under vacuum. Monograin fraction is separated using sieves.EFFECT: invention enables to obtain monograin kesterite powders of composition CuZnSnSeSfor creation of highly efficient ecologically clean solar batteries.1 cl, 5 dwg, 1 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 695 208 C1 (51) МПК H01L 31/18 (2006.01) C01G 1/12 (2006.01) C01B 17/20 (2006.01) C01B 19/00 (2006.01) C01G 3/12 (2006.01) C01G 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА C01G 19/00 (2006.01) ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ C30B 29/46 (2006.01) B22F 9/16 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01L 31/18 (2019.02); C01G 1/12 (2019.02); C01B 17/20 (2019.02); C01B 19/002 (2019.02); C01B 19/007 (2019.02); C01G 3/006 (2019.02); C01G 3/12 (2019.02); C01G 9/006 (2019.02); C01G 9/08 (2019.02); C01G 19/006 (2019.02); C30B 29/46 (2019.02); B22F 9/16 (2019.02); C01P 2004/61 (2019.02); C01P 2004/02 (2019.02); B22F 2201/20 (2019.02); B22F 2302/45 (2019.02); B22F 2304/10 (2019.02) 2018126287, 17.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.07.2018 22.07.2019 Адрес для переписки: 142432, Московская обл., г. Черноголовка, пркт Академика Семенова, 1, ФГБУН Институт проблем химической физики Российской академии наук (ИПХФ РАН), академику С.М. Алдошину (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: WO 2011066205 A1, 03.06.2011. RU 2347299 C1, 20.02.2009. US 20130037111 A1, 14.02.2013. US 20130125988 A1, 23.05.2013. US 20120129322 A1, 24.05.2012. US ...

27-09-2011 дата публикации

Sulfur containing silica particle

Номер: US8025726B1
Принадлежит: Nalco Co LLC

A silica containing composition is disclosed. The composition comprises a compound having the following formula: (SiO 2 ) x (OH) y M z S a F: wherein M is at least one of the following metal or metalloid cations: boron, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, titanium, vanadium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, palladium, silver, cadmium, tin, platinum, gold, and bismuth; wherein S is a sulfur-based species selected from at least one of the following: sulfide salts, dithiocarbamates, polymer-based dithiocarbamates, and polysulfide salts; wherein F optionally exists and said F is at least one of the following: a functionalized organosilane, a sulfur-containing organosilane, an amine-containing organosilane, and an alkyl-containing organosilane at a surface area coverage of 0.01-100%; and wherein the molar ratio of y/x is equal to 0.01-0.5, the molar ratio of x/z is equal to 3-300, and the molar ratio of a/z is 1-5.

10-04-2020 дата публикации

Preparation method of nano copper powder

Номер: CN110976901A
Автор: 余柳丽, 周念, 周继承, 王婕


21-07-2010 дата публикации

Process for producing lithium-containing composite oxide for positive electrode in lithium rechargeable battery

Номер: CN101176226B
Принадлежит: AGC Seimi Chemical Ltd

本发明提供适合于量产体积容量密度大、安全性高、充放电循环耐久性良好且低温特性良好的含锂复合氧化物的方法。该方法是在含氧气氛下对含有锂源、N元素源、M元素源及根据需要使用的氟源的混合物进行烧结,制造以通式Li p N x M y O z F a 表示的含锂复合氧化物的方法,通式中的N为选自Co、Mn和Ni的至少1种元素,M为选自除N以外的过渡金属元素、Al和碱土金属元素的至少1种元素,0.9≤p≤1.2,0.97≤x≤1.00,0<y≤0.03,1.9≤z≤2.2,x+y=1,0≤a≤0.02,其特征在于,作为上述N元素源及M元素源,采用对于含N元素源的粉末含浸了含M元素源的溶液的干燥物,且作为上述烧结,实施250~700℃下的前段烧结,然后对其烧结物实施850~1100℃下的后段烧结。

11-07-2008 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing cupper nanoparticles and cupper nanoparticles manufactured using the same

Номер: KR100845743B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전기주식회사

본 발명은 구리 나노입자 제조방법 및 이에 의해 제조된 구리 나노입자에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 (a) CuCl 2 , Cu(NO 3 ) 2 , CuSO 4 , (CH 3 COO) 2 Cu 및 아세틸로아세트산 구리(copper acetyloacetate, Cu(acac)2)로 이루어진 군으로부터 선택되는 적어도 하나의 구리염을 지방산에 넣고 해리시켜 혼합물을 형성하는 단계; 및 (b) 상기 혼합물을 가열하면서 반응시키는 단계;를 포함하는 구리 나노입자의 제조방법 및 그 구리 나노입자에 관한 것이다. 별도의 전구체 물질을 설계함이 없이 일반적인 구리염을 구리 전구체 물질로 사용하여 비수계 시스템에서 구리 나노입자를 고농도로 균일하게 합성할 수 있으며, 친환경적이고, 대량생산에 적합하다. 구리 나노입자, 구리염, 지방산, 환원제

06-07-1999 дата публикации

Agent for preventing occurrence of alga or proliferation of microorganism and its use

Номер: JPH11180808A

(57)【要約】 【課題】 水利用設備中の藻類の発生抑制剤または微小 生物の繁殖抑制剤およびその使用を提供する。 【解決手段】 下記式(1)〜(4)の化合物からなる 群から選ばれた少なくとも一種の固溶体を有効成分とし て含有することを特徴とする藻発生または微小生物の繁 殖抑制剤、式(1) [(M 1 2+ ) y (M 2 2+ ) 1-y ] 1-x M 3+ x (OH) 2 (A n- ) y/n ・mH 2 O (1) の水酸化物固溶体、式(2) [(M 1 2+ ) y (M 2 2+ ) 1-y ] 1-x M 3+ x-a O (2) の酸化物固溶体、式(3) [(M 1 2+ ) x (M 2 2+ ) 1-x (OH) 2 (3) の水酸化物固溶体、および式(4) [(M 1 2+ ) x (M 2 2+ ) 1-x O (4) の酸化物固溶体、および該剤を含有する有機または無機 材料。

07-12-2006 дата публикации

Process for synthesizing metal oxides and metal oxides having a perovskite or perovskite-like crystal structure

Номер: KR100654307B1
Принадлежит: 유니버시티 라발

페로브스키 또는 페로브스키-유사 결정 구조를 가진 금속산화물은 구성원소의 화학 반응을 유도하기에 충분하여 금속산화물을 XRD로 확인되는 나노결정 구조를 가진 페로브스키 또는 페로브스키-유사 물질의 형태로 직접 기계합성하도록 출발 파우더(starting powder)의 혼합물을 고에너지 분쇄한다. 본 발명에 의한 방법은 비표면적을 용이하게 나타내는 페로브스키를 생성함에 있어서 간단하고 효율적이며 비용이 많이 들지 않고 특별한 가열 단계가 필요하지 않다. 또 다른 장점은 본 발명에 의해 얻어진 페로브스키는 고밀도 격자 결정을(lattice defects)가지고 있어 우수한 촉매 활성화를 보이는데, 이는 촉매와 전도체와 같은 실제 등용에서 매우 바람직한 특성이다. A metal oxide having a perovskite or a perovskite-like crystal structure is sufficient to induce a chemical reaction of a constituent element so that the metal oxide is formed of a perovskite or perovskite-like material having a nanocrystal structure identified as XRD. The mixture of starting powder is high energy pulverized to directly mechanically synthesize in form. The process according to the invention is simple, efficient, inexpensive and does not require a special heating step in producing perovskite that easily exhibits a specific surface area. Another advantage is that the Perovskite obtained by the present invention has high density lattice defects and shows excellent catalyst activation, which is a very desirable property for practical application such as catalysts and conductors.

22-07-2009 дата публикации

Method for producing nanoparticles of aluminium spinels, and the use thereof

Номер: CN101489934A
Автор: N·勒施
Принадлежит: Clariant Finance BVI Ltd


15-03-2004 дата публикации

Synthetic charcoal alumite compound and method for producing the same

Номер: JP3507912B2
Принадлежит: Kyowa Chemical Industry Co Ltd

18-04-2018 дата публикации

Method of leaching pyrite containing raw materials

Номер: RU2651017C1

FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to metallurgy and can be used for complex processing of pyrite-containing raw materials. Non-oxidizing firing, processing of cinder with dissolution of iron, non-ferrous metals, silver and gold are carried out and their concentrates are obtained. Cinder processing is carried out in two consecutive stages. First leaching stage is carried out with a regenerated solution of copper chloride (+2) containing chlorides of alkali, alkaline earth metals or aluminum chloride, zinc chloride, ferric chloride (+3), or their mixtures, providing a chloride ion concentration in the range of 150÷250 g/l with ORP not higher than +480 mV and pH 1.6÷1.9 with extraction into solution within 90÷120 minutes of iron (+2), zinc, lead, copper, silver. Second leaching step is performed with a purified reverse copper chloride (+2) solution containing alkali, alkaline earth metal chlorides or aluminum chloride, zinc chloride, ferric chloride (+3), or their mixtures, providing a chloride ion concentration in the range of 150÷250 g/l with oxygen scavenging at ORP +620÷630 mV and pH in the range 0.5÷1.2 for 30÷60 minutes. Then, leaching is continued in the presence of a strong oxidant in amounts that ensure the maintenance of ORP of the reaction mass at the level of +680÷700 mV for 120–350 minutes. EFFECT: complex low-waste processing of pyrite-containing raw materials is provided with a decrease in the environmental load on the environment and the receipt of liquid, conditioned commodity products. 1 cl, 9 tbl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 651 017 C1 (51) МПК C22B 3/06 (2006.01) C22B 11/00 (2006.01) C22B 1/02 (2006.01) C01G 49/06 (2006.01) C01G 1/00 (2006.01) C01G 1/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА C01G 3/00 (2006.01) ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ C01G 5/00 (2006.01) C01G 7/00 (2006.01) C01G 9/00 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C22B 3/10 (2006.01); C22B 11/044 (2006.01); C22B 1/02 (2006.01); C01G 49/06 ( ...

10-05-2004 дата публикации

Lithium secondary battery

Номер: JP3524762B2
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

27-08-2010 дата публикации

Catalyst and method of decomposing dinitrogen monoxide and method and device for producing nitric acid

Номер: RU2397810C2
Принадлежит: Умикоре Аг Унд Ко. Кг

FIELD: chemistry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to a special perovskite type compound, a catalyst which contains such a compound, a method of decomposing dinitrogen monoxide (N 2 O), a device for producing nitric acid and a method of producing nitric acid. The invention also relates to use of the said perovskite type compound in decomposing N 2 O. The invention describes the device used in the method of producing nitric acid at the ammonia oxidation step, which includes a perovskite type compound for decomposing dinitrogen monoxide having general formula (1). There is an ammonia oxidation catalyst, one or more separating gauzes and a perovskite type compound along the gas stream containing the product. The invention describes a method of producing nitric acid using the said device. Described also is a catalyst for use in the said device, which has a cellular support and a perovskite type compound of general formula (1). The invention also describes a method of decomposing dinitrogen monoxide for use in the device described above, which involves bringing dinitrogen monoxide into contact with the perovskite type compound of general formula (1) and using the said perovskite compound to decompose dinitrogen monoxide for use in the device described above. EFFECT: decomposition of N 2 O in the gas containing the product formed during oxidation of ammonia when producing nitric acid. 14 cl, 5 ex, 16 tbl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 397 810 (13) C2 (51) МПК B01J B01J B01J B01J C01B 23/10 23/70 37/00 35/04 21/20 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006107288/04, 10.03.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.03.2006 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.09.2007 (72) Автор(ы): НОЙМАНН Йюрген (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): УМИКОРЕ АГ УНД КО. КГ (DE) R U (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2010 Бюл. № 24 C 2 2 3 9 7 8 ...

07-09-2006 дата публикации

Anti-oxidant process of copper powder by using tannic acid in conjunctions with hydrazine

Номер: KR100619181B1
Принадлежит: 한국지질자원연구원

본 발명은 하이드라진과 타닌산을 이용하여 구리분말의 표면산화를 방지하기위한 방법에 관한 것으로서, 그 목적은 구리분말 표면의 산화층 제거와 산화층의 재산화를 억제시킴으로써 구리분말의 전도성과 표면의 청정성 및 균일성을 확보하여 전자소재 및 합금소재로서의 성능이 우수한 구리분말의 제조기술을 확립하기 위한 산화방지방법을 제공하는데 있다. The present invention relates to a method for preventing the surface oxidation of copper powder by using hydrazine and tannic acid, the object of which is to suppress the removal of the oxide layer on the surface of the copper powder and the reoxidation of the oxide layer, the conductivity of the copper powder and the cleanliness and uniformity of the surface It is to provide an oxidation preventing method for establishing a manufacturing technology of copper powder having excellent performance as an electronic material and alloy material by securing the properties. 본 발명의 구성은 하이드라진 및 타닌산을 이용하여 구리분말의 산화를 방지하기 위한 방법에 있어서, 구리분말을 50℃로 가열된 NH 4 OH가 용해된 용액이 들어있는 항온반응조에 첨가한 후 교반시키면서 가열하고 하이드라진(N 2 H 2 )을 첨가하여 표면의 산화막을 제거하는 단계와, 산화막을 제거한 후 다음 공정에서 타닌산을 일정량 주입하면서 구리분말과 타닌산을 반응시켜 표면에 내산화막을 형성시키는 단계로 이루어진 것을 특징으로 한다. The composition of the present invention is a method for preventing oxidation of copper powder using hydrazine and tannic acid, wherein the copper powder is added to an incubator containing a solution in which NH 4 OH is heated at 50 ° C., and then heated with stirring. And adding an hydrazine (N 2 H 2 ) to remove the oxide film on the surface, and removing the oxide film and injecting a predetermined amount of tannic acid in the next step to react the copper powder and tannic acid to form an oxide film on the surface. It features. 구리분말, 하이드라진, 타닌산, 산화방지법, 표면산화, 전자소재 Copper powder, hydrazine, tannic acid, antioxidant method, surface oxidation, electronic materials

30-03-1998 дата публикации

Recycling Method of Iron Chloride Etching Waste

Номер: KR980001838A

1. 청구범위에 기재된 발명이 속하는 기술분야 염화철계 에칭폐액의 재생방법. 2. 발명이 해결하려고 하는 기술적 과제 제강로로부터 발생하는 더스트를 세정처리하여 얻어지는 철분을 이용하여, 보다 대량의 에칭폐액을 보다 적은 동력으로 효율적으로 환원처리하는 것이 가능하고, 또한 염화철계 에칭폐액중의 동, 니켈 등과 같이 철로부터 이온화경향이 작은 금속이온(이하, ″불순물 금속이온″이라 하는 경우도 있음)을 환원회수하는 것이 가능한 염화철계 에칭폐액의 재생방법을 제공함. 3. 발명의 해결방법의 요지 동, 니켈 등의 철보다 이온화경향이 작은 불순물 금속이온을 포함하는 염화철계 에칭폐액(11)에 철분으로 혼입하고, 철분과 금속이온을 반응시켜서, 불순물 금속이온을 제거하는 염화철계 에칭폐액의 재생방법이다. 철분을 유지하는 교반조(18)의 바다부로부터 염화철계 에칭폐액(11) 또는 그 중간처리액인 염화철계 폐액(17)을 공급함과 동시에, 교반조(18)의 상부로부터 용출하는 철분처리액(19)을 취출하고, 교반조(18)의 바닥부에 순환공급함으로써 유동바닥을 형성하여, 철보다 이온화경향이 작은 금속이온이 제거된 철분처리액(19)을 얻는다. 4. 발명의 중요한 용도 IC, LSI용의 리드프레임이나 브라운관의 섀도우 마스크 등을 에칭가공할 때에 발생하는 염화철계 에칭폐액을 재생하는데 사용함.

28-06-2011 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing Cupper Nanoparticles and Cupper Nanoparticles Using The Same

Номер: KR101045186B1
Автор: 김진배, 임나래, 전경민
Принадлежит: 호서대학교 산학협력단

본 발명은 구리 나노입자 제조방법 및 이에 따른 구리 나노입자에 관한 것으로, 특히 수산화나트륨 또는 수산화암모늄과, 구리염 및 물을 포함하는 혼합용액을 제조하는 단계; 상기 혼합용액에 분산제를 첨가하는 단계; 상기 분산제가 첨가된 혼합용액에 환원제를 투입하여 침전물을 생성하는 단계; 및 상기 침전물을 여과하는 단계를 포함하고, 상기 환원제를 투입하여 침전물을 생성하는 단계에서 초음파를 조사하는 것을 특징으로 하는 구리 나노입자 제조방법에 대한 것이다. 본 발명에 따르면, 구리 나노입자를 제조하는 과정에서 초음파를 조사함으로써, 평균 입도 약 30~50nm의 응집이 적고 크기 및 형태 균일성이 매우 우수한 구리 나노입자를 제조할 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a method for preparing copper nanoparticles and to copper nanoparticles according to the present invention, in particular, preparing a mixed solution including sodium hydroxide or ammonium hydroxide, copper salt and water; Adding a dispersant to the mixed solution; Adding a reducing agent to the mixed solution to which the dispersant is added to generate a precipitate; And it comprises a step of filtering the precipitate, and the method for producing a copper nanoparticles characterized in that the ultrasonic irradiation in the step of generating a precipitate by injecting the reducing agent. According to the present invention, by irradiating the ultrasonic wave in the process of manufacturing the copper nanoparticles, there is an effect of producing a copper nanoparticles with excellent aggregation and size and shape uniformity of the average particle size of about 30 ~ 50nm. 구리 나노입자, 액상환원법, 초음파 Copper nanoparticles, liquid reduction, ultrasonic

16-11-1998 дата публикации

Oxide superconductor and method of producing the same

Номер: KR0159487B1

본 발명은 RBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 형 산화물초전도체(단, R은 Y 및 란타니드계열희토류원소로 이루어지는 군으로부터 선택되는 1종 이상의 원소)의 특징인 높은 임계원소와, RBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 형 산화물초전도체의 특징인 고온도에서의 안정성이라고 하는 양 특성을 구비한 산화물초전도체를 제공하는 것으로, RBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 으로 표시되는 산화물에 있어서, R의 일부를 Ca로 치환하는 것에 의해서 (Ca의 치환율은 R에 대하여 0.1∼50원자 % ) 실현한 것이다. 또한, 상기 산화물초전도체는 여러 가지 방법에 의해 제조될 수 있는데 그 중에서, 원료분말을 열간정수압처리법에 의하여 소결하는 수단이 유효하고. 단지 열간정수업처리법을 적용하는 것만으로도 Tc 상승의 효과가 있다. 그러나, 이때, 또한 중간체로서의 산화물(R 1-X Ca x ) Ba 2 Cu 4 O 8 을 생성시키지 않도록 하면, 보다 효율이 좋은 제조가 가능하다. 또한 높은 임계온도와 고온에서의 안정성을 이루어 선제로의 응용이 가능하다. The present invention relates to a high critical element characterized by a RBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 type oxide superconductor (wherein R is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Y and lanthanide series rare earth elements), and RBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 type Provided is an oxide superconductor having both characteristics of stability at high temperature, which is a characteristic of an oxide superconductor, and in the oxide represented by RBa 2 Cu 4 O 8 , by substituting a portion of R for Ca (Ca The substitution rate is 0.1 to 50 atom% relative to R). In addition, the oxide superconductor can be manufactured by various methods, among which means for sintering the raw material powder by hot hydrostatic pressure treatment method is effective. Just applying the hot water treatment method has the effect of raising Tc. However, at this time, if the oxide (R 1-X Ca x ) Ba 2 Cu 4 O 8 as an intermediate is not produced, more efficient production is possible. In addition, high critical temperature and high temperature stability can be applied as a preemptive application.
