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27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000019383U1
Принадлежит: ООО "ТЕКС"

1. Устройство для получения алкидной смолы, содержащее реактор, внутренний объем которого соединен со снабженным насосом циркуляционным контуром и с парциальным конденсатором, отличающееся тем, что циркуляционный контур включает в себя, соединенные смеситель и нагреватель. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что циркуляционный контур включает в себя кипятильник, соединенный со смесителем. 3. Устройство по пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что на входе в кипятильник установлен насос. (19) RU (11) 19 383 (13) U1 (51) МПК C08G 63/78 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001106091/20 , 06.03.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.03.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.08.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Туманский А.С. (73) Патентообладатель(и): ООО "ТЕКС" R U Адрес для переписки: 195272, Санкт-Петербург, Уткин пр., 15а, ООО "ТЕКС" (71) Заявитель(и): ООО "ТЕКС" 1 9 3 8 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для получения алкидной смолы, содержащее реактор, внутренний объем которого соединен со снабженным насосом циркуляционным контуром и с парциальным конденсатором, отличающееся тем, что циркуляционный контур включает в себя, соединенные смеситель и нагреватель. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что циркуляционный контур включает в себя кипятильник, соединенный со смесителем. 3. Устройство по пп.1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что на входе в кипятильник установлен насос. 1 9 3 8 3 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ АЛКИДНОЙ СМОЛЫ U 1 U 1 1 9 3 8 3 1 9 3 8 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 19 383 U1 RU 19 383 U1 RU 19 383 U1 RU 19 383 U1 RU 19 383 U1

27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000071979U1

1. Технологический комплекс производства алкидных лаков, характеризующийся тем, что он включает реактор, имеющий корпус и мешалку с валом, имеющим геометрическую ось и привод, и снабженный не менее чем одним штуцером для загрузки сыпучих компонентов, снабженным термостойкой заслонкой, и не менее чем одним патрубком для загрузки жидких компонентов, в том числе масла, а также гидравлически сообщенные с ним технологическими трубопроводами, снабженными запорной арматурой и насосным оборудованием, прицеховые хранилища масла и легковоспламеняющихся жидкостей, смеситель для алкидной смолы и растворителя, гидравлически сообщенный, по меньшей мере, одним технологическим трубопроводом со сборником готового лака, систему азеотропного водоотделения и регенерации сопутствующих продуктов, а также пневматически сообщенные с реактором узлы дозировки и загрузки исходных сыпучих и жидких компонентов и систему вакуумирования реактора, при этом реактор выполнен с нагревателем и с не менее, чем двумя внутренними теплообменниками, выполненными в виде змеевиков, с автономными для каждого змеевика патрубками для ввода и вывода теплоносителя, а мешалка реактора выполнена не менее чем двухлопастной, причем лопасти расположены, по крайней мере, в нижней половине внутреннего объема корпуса реактора и снабжены отгибами, по меньшей мере, в нижней их части. 2. Технологический комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус реактора выполнен из герметично соединенных цилиндрической стенки, крышки и днища, а нагреватель реактора выполнен секционным, в виде примыкающих к корпусу реактора с внешней стороны электроиндукционных катушек - обмоток, при этом не менее чем одна, предпочтительно две электроиндукционные катушки расположены на стенке корпуса и не менее чем одна электроиндукционная катушка размещена в придонной его части, причем электроиндукционные катушки закрыты защитной рубашкой предпочтительно съемного типа. 3. Технологический комплекс по п.2, отличающийся тем, что ось мешалки оперта на ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000148588U1

1. Реактор периодического действия для полимеризации лактонов, снабженный одним или более перемешивающими элементами, опущенными на различную высоту и поршнем, герметично закрывающим рабочий объем реактора, с приводом для извлечения продукта реакции через минимум одну фильеру, использование которого включает в себя следующие стадии: а) приготовление реакционной смеси, содержащей один или несколько видов лактонов, катализатор, и опционально регулятор молекулярной массы и другие добавки, б) загрузка реакционной смеси в реактор в сухом или расплавленном виде, в) проведение полимеризации в нагретом реакторе, г) извлечение продукта реакции из реактора посредством выдавливания расплава полилактона через минимум одну фильеру с получением монофиламентного волокна или капель полимера. 2. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что перемешивающие элементы могут опускаться и подниматься на различную высоту независимо от поршня. 3. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что поршень герметично закрывает рабочий объем реактора. 4. Реактор по п.1, отличающий тем, что его геометрия, площадь поршня, количество фильер и диаметр отверстий в них подбирается таким образом, чтобы обеспечить возможность извлечения продукта реакции из реактора путем продавливания полученного полилактона через фильеры. 5. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он используется для полимеризации L-лактида, D-лактида, D,L-лактида, мезо-лактида, гликолида, ε-капролактона, триметилен карбоната или их смеси в различных соотношениях. 6. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в реакционную смесь вводят катализатор и опционально регулятор молекулярной массы, пластификатор и другие добавки. 7. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что полимеризацию проводят при температуре выше плавления мономера, имеющего наивысшую температуру плавления среди прочих мономеров в реакционной смеси, предпочтительно от 50 до 250°C, наиболее предпочтительно от 140 до 200°C. 8. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что время полимеризации составляет от 5 мин ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000161350U1

1. Корпус реактора твердотельной поликонденсации, содержащий двойные стенки, образованные соосно расположенными емкостями, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен расположенным между стенками вдоль них отражающим элементом с зеркальной поверхностью, обращенной к внутренней стенке, при этом емкости закрыты на торцах с образованием вакуумной камеры в межстеночном пространстве, способной поддерживать давление в интервале от 0.1 до 10 мбар. 2. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отражающий элемент с зеркальной поверхностью размещен с минимальным контактом с внутренней стенкой. 3. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отражающий элемент с зеркальной поверхностью закреплен на внутренней стенке посредством крепежных элементов. 4. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отражающий элемент с зеркальной поверхностью выполнен цилиндрическим. 5. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отражающий элемент выполнен в виде набора зеркал, размещенных в несколько рядов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 161 350 U1 (51) МПК B01J 19/00 (2006.01) C08G 63/80 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015149934/05, 20.11.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.11.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Еремченко Дмитрий Петрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Еремченко Дмитрий Петрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 20.11.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 20.04.2016 Бюл. № 11 1 6 1 3 5 0 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Корпус реактора твердотельной поликонденсации, содержащий двойные стенки, образованные соосно расположенными емкостями, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен расположенным между стенками вдоль них отражающим элементом с зеркальной поверхностью, обращенной к внутренней стенке, при этом емкости закрыты на торцах с образованием вакуумной камеры в межстеночном пространстве, способной поддерживать давление в интервале от 0.1 до 10 мбар. 2. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отражающий элемент с зеркальной ...

27-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000163649U1

1. Реактор для поликонденсации молочной кислоты, содержащий корпус с входным патрубком, сливным патрубком и выпускным патрубком для паровой фазы, и нагревательные элементы, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен в виде горизонтального, многоступенчатого, выпарного, пластинчатого устройства, обеспечивающего градиент температуры по высоте корпуса и включающего пластины, размещенные по высоте корпуса и объединенные в блоки с нагревательными элементами с образованием камер испарения, которые имеют выпускные патрубки для удаления паровой фазы, входные и сливные отверстия, при этом сливные отверстия выполнены в пластинах и снабжены бортиками, а вся внутренняя поверхность корпуса реактора, поверхность пластин и нагревательных элементов имеет покрытие, выполненное из стеклоэмали. 2. Реактор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с возможностью подачи в него исходного сырья со скоростью 1-1000 г/сек в зависимости от количества и площади пластин. 3. Реактор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с возможностью отвода паровой фазы из каждой камеры испарения с помощью отсасывающего устройства в сборный ресивер. 4. Реактор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен с возможностью возврата в корпус молочной кислоты, отделенной от паровой фазы. 5. Реактор по любому из пп. 1-4, отличающийся тем, что он имеет 3-20 камер испарения. 6. Реактор по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что пластины выполнены с каналами, обеспечивающими возможность циркуляции по ним теплоносителя, при этом каналы и их стенки образуют нагревательные элементы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 163 649 U1 (51) МПК F24J 3/00 (2006.01) C08G 63/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016110895/06, 25.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.03.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Поликомплекс" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2016 Бюл. № 21 1 6 3 6 4 9 R U Формула полезной модели 1 ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Process for making thermoplastic polyesters

Номер: US20120010382A1
Автор: Zahir Bashir
Принадлежит: Saudi Basic Industries Corp

The invention relates to a process for making a thermoplastic polyester, which comprises contacting at least one carboxylic acid-based compound and at least one alcohol-based compound in esterification and subsequent polycondensation reactions, in the presence of certain exfoliated inorganic nano-layered titanates acting as a catalyst.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Process for increasing the molecular weight of polyesters

Номер: US20120016090A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for increasing the molecular weight of polyesters via heating, to from 160 to 350° C., in an extruder, of 100 parts of polyester with i) from 0.01 to 5 parts of a tetracarboxylic dianhydride and ii) from 0.01 to 5 parts of a copolymer which contains epoxy groups and which is based on styrene, acrylate, and/or methacrylate.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Bioadhesive compounds and methods of synthesis and use

Номер: US20120016390A1
Принадлежит: KNC NER Acquisition Sub Inc

The invention describes new synthetic medical adhesives and antifouling coatings which exploit the key components of natural marine mussel adhesive proteins.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Branched poly (hydroxy acid) and production process thereof

Номер: US20120027973A1
Автор: Henri Wautier
Принадлежит: SOLVAY SA

Process for manufacturing a polymer by polycondensation of a hydroxy acid, said polymer comprising at least 80% by weight of units that correspond to the hydroxy acid, according to which at least one polyfunctional reactant capable of giving rise to the formation of a three-dimensional polymer network is mixed with the hydroxy acid, and according to which the mixture is subjected to temperature and pressure conditions and for a duration which are all suitable for giving rise to the formation of the network. Poly(hydroxy acid) (PHA) obtainable by such a process.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Polymer Having Unsaturated Cycloaliphatic Functionality and Coating Compositions Therefrom

Номер: US20120027974A1
Принадлежит: Valspar Sourcing Inc

A polymer is provided that preferably includes at least one unsaturated cycloaliphatic group. In one embodiment, the polymer is combined with an optional crosslinker and an optional carrier to form a coating composition suitable for use in coating articles such as packaging articles. In one embodiment, the polymer has at least one unsaturated cycloaliphatic group that is at least bicyclic.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Methods of ring opening polymerization and catalysts therefor

Номер: US20120046437A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A salt catalyst comprises an ionic complex of i) a nitrogen base comprising one or more guanidine and/or amidine functional groups, and ii) an oxoacid comprising one or more active acid groups, the active acid groups independently comprising a carbonyl group (C═O), sulfoxide group (S═O), and/or a phosphonyl group (P═O) bonded to one or more active hydroxy groups; wherein a ratio of moles of the active hydroxy groups to moles of the guanidine and/or amidine functional groups is greater than 0 and less than 2.0. The salt catalysts are capable of catalyzing ring opening polymerization of cyclic carbonyl compounds.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Novel Copolymers for Use as Oilfield Demulsifiers

Номер: US20120059088A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

Lactone/alkylene oxide polymers are useful as demulsifiers to break emulsions, e.g. water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions, particularly oilfield emulsions. These polymers are random or block polymer made from addition reactions of a hydroxyl- and/or amine-containing base compound with at least one lactone monomer and at least one alkylene oxide monomer.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Polylactic acid-based resin composition and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120059132A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

As pellets suddenly soften by crystallization heat at a temperature equal to or higher than the glass transition temperature due to the characteristics of polylactic acid and a blocking phenomenon occurs, there is a need for inhibiting the blocking phenomenon. It is thus an object of the present invention to improve productivity of a polylactic acid resin and a polylactic acid-based resin composition comprising polylactic acid as a main component by inhibiting the blocking phenomenon. Aiming at solving above problems, in the present invention, a resin composition comprising polylactic acid or a blend of polylactic acid and another resin obtained by manufacturing the polylactic acid by polymerization or blending the polylactic acid and the another resin after manufacturing the polylactic acid is subjected to a heat treatment at a temperature of the glass transition temperature of polylactic acid ±10° C. for 15 minutes or more before a drying and crystallization treatment.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Cyclodextrin-based polymers for therapeutics delivery

Номер: US20120065368A1
Принадлежит: Cerulean Pharma Inc

The present invention relates to novel compositions of therapeutic cyclodextrin containing polymeric compounds designed as a carrier for small molecule therapeutics delivery and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. These cyclodextrin-containing polymers improve drug stability and solubility, and reduce toxicity of the small molecule therapeutic when used in vivo. Furthermore, by selecting from a variety of linker groups and targeting ligands the polymers present methods for controlled delivery of the therapeutic agents. The invention also relates to methods of treating subjects with the therapeutic compositions described herein. The invention further relates to methods for conducting pharmaceutical business comprising manufacturing, licensing, or distributing kits containing or relating to the polymeric compounds described herein.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Process for making polyethylene terephthalate

Номер: US20120071625A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Basic Industries Corp

The invention relates to a process for making polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from ethylene glycol (EG), purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and optionally up to 30 mol % comonomer, using a catalyst system essentially consisting of antimony—(Sb), zinc—(Zn) and phosphorous—(P) compounds, comprising the steps of a) esterifying EG and PTA to form diethyleneglycol terephthalate and oligomers (DGT), and b) melt-phase polycondensing DGT to form polyester and EG1 wherein the Sb- and P-compounds are added in step a) and the Zn-compound is added after step a). With this process PET can be obtained that shows favourable colour and optical clarity, also if recycling of EG is applied in the process, and a relatively low rate of acetaldehyde re-generation during melt-processing.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Terpolymers as pressure-sensitive adhesives

Номер: US20120077887A1
Принадлежит: Surmodics Pharmaceuticals Inc

Disclosed herein are terpolymers that can function as pressure-sensitive adhesives. The disclosed articles comprise the terpolymers adhered to a release liner. The disclosed implant devices comprise the pressure-sensitive adhesive terpolymer adhered to a surface thereof. The pressure-sensitive adhesive terpolymer can promote adhesion of the implant device to a location in a subject.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Catalytic systems for immortal ring-opening polymerisation of cyclic esters and cyclic carbonates

Номер: US20120101233A1
Принадлежит: Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy SA

The present invention discloses new catalyst systems based on complexes of divalent metals supported by chelating phenoxy ligands for immortal ring-opening polymerisation of cyclic esters and cyclic carbonates.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Composition

Номер: US20120108722A1
Автор: Dean Thetford
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

The invention relates to a composition containing a particulate solid, a plastic material and a compound obtained/obtainable by a process comprising (i) reacting at a temperature of 120° C. or less, or 100° C. or less a hydroxycarboxylic acid and a lactone; and (ii) optionally reacting the product of (i) with a C 1-50 carboxylic acid. The invention further relates to novel compounds, and the use of the compound as a dispersant in a plastic material.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Unsaturated polyester resin

Номер: US20120121841A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The present invention relates to an unsaturated polyester resin comprising itaconate esters as reactive unsaturations, wherein the acid value of the resin is in the range of from 25 to 125 and the molar ratio of hydroxyl end groups and carboxylic acid end groups is in the range of from 0.33 to 3. In one embodiment, the molar ratio of hydroxyl end groups and carboxylic acid end groups is in the range of from 0.33 to 0.9. In another embodiment, the molar ratio of hydroxyl end groups and carboxylic acid end groups is in the range of from 1.1 to 3.

24-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120129094A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A toner prepared by a method comprising granulating while polymerizing a ring-opening polymerizable monomer with a catalyst under the presence of a surfactant and a colorant in a compressible fluid.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Stent formed from crosslinked bioabsorbable polymer

Номер: US20120149850A1
Автор: Lothar W. Kleiner
Принадлежит: Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc

A stent having a stent body made from a crosslinked bioabsorbable polymer is disclosed. A method of making the stent including exposing a tube formed from a bioabsorbable polymer to radiation to crosslink the bioabsorbable polymer and forming a stent body from the exposed tube is disclosed. The tube can include a crosslinking agent which induces crosslinking upon radiation exposure. Additionally or alternatively, the bioabsorbable polymer can be a copolymer that crosslinks upon exposure to radiation in the absence of a crosslinking agent.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Wholly aromatic liquid-crystalline polyester resin and composition comprising the same

Номер: US20120153224A1
Принадлежит: Ueno Fine Chemicals Industry Ltd

The present invention provides a wholly aromatic liquid-crystalline polyester resin, consisting of the repeating units shown by the formulae [I]-[V]: wherein p, q, r, s and t represent molar proportion (mol %) of repeating units respectively in the liquid-crystalline polyester resin and satisfy the following formulae: 25≦ p ≦45; 2≦ q ≦10; 10≦ r ≦20; 10≦ s ≦20; 20≦ t ≦40; r>s; p+q+r+s+t =100; having a ratio P1/P2 of equal to or lower than 3.0, wherein P1 is a melt viscosity at a crystalline melting temperature measured under the condition of shear rate 1000 sec −1 and P2 is a melt viscosity at a temperature of the crystalline melting temperature +20° C. measured under the same condition as P1; and having a deflection temperature under load (DTUL) of equal to or higher than 230° C.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Color in Titanium Catalyzed Polyesters

Номер: US20120157619A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Described as one aspect of the invention are polyesters comprising (a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising: (i) 70 to 100 mole % of terephthalic acid residues; (ii) 0 to 30 mole % of aromatic dicarboxylic acid residues having up to 20 carbon atoms; and (iii) 0 to 10 mole % of aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues having up to 16 carbon atoms; and (b) a glycol component comprising: (i) about 10 to about 90 mole % of ethylene glycol residues; and (ii) about 90 to about 10 mole % of cyclohexanedimethanol residues; (II) residues of at least one titanium compound; and (III) at least one chelating phosphorus species, reaction products thereof, or mixtures thereof, represented by the structure: wherein: n=an integer from 1 to 4; R can be hydrogen or C 1 -C 22 -alkyl; and R1 and R2 each can be hydrogen, C 1 -C 22 -alkyl, hydroxyl, or aryl; wherein the total mole % of the dicarboxylic acid component is 100 mole %, wherein the total mole % of the glycol component is 100 mole %; and wherein the inherent viscosity of the polyester is from 0.35 to 1.2 dL/g as determined in 60/40 (wt/wt) phenol/tetrachloroethane at a concentration of 0.25 g/50 ml at 25° C.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Temperature sensitive hydrogel and block copolymers

Номер: US20120164100A1
Автор: Faquan Zeng, Ren-Ke Li

The present disclosure provides temperature sensitive hydrogels and block copolymers, processes for the production thereof, and therapeutic and research compositions employing these copolymers.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Negatively birefringent polyesters and optical films

Номер: US20120170118A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Presently described are multilayer optical films, oriented polyester films, negatively birefringent copolyester polymers, fluorene monomers, and polyester polymers prepared from such fluorene monomers. In one embodiment, the multilayer optical film comprises at least one first birefringent optical layer; and at least one second optical layer having a lower birefringence than the first optical layer; wherein at least one of the optical layers comprises a negatively birefringent polyester polymer comprising a backbone and repeat units comprising at least one pendent aromatic group that is conformationally locked relative to the backbone.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

High melt strength polyesters for foam applications

Номер: US20120178837A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a branched polyethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate for use in the manufacture of foamed articles. The branched polyethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate can be characterized by a composition comprising i) a polyethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate comprising from about 5 to about 15 weight % of an isophthalic acid, and ii) a branching agent comonomer, wherein the branching agent comonomer is a polyhydric alcohol having functionality of 3 or more and the polyhydric alcohol is present in an amount of from 0.005 to about 0.01 equivalents per mole of total diacids. Other embodiments of the present invention include foamed articles produced from these compositions and processes to produce these compositions and the foamed articles.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Polymers bearing pendant pentafluorophenyl ester groups, and methods of synthesis and functionalization thereof

Номер: US20120178891A1

A one pot method of preparing cyclic carbonyl compounds comprising an active pendant pentafluorophenyl ester group is disclosed. The cyclic carbonyl compounds can be polymerized by ring opening methods to form ROP polymers comprising repeat units comprising a side chain pentafluorophenyl ester group. Using a suitable nucleophile, the pendant pentafluorophenyl ester group can be selectively transformed into a variety of other functional groups before or after the ring opening polymerization.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Advanced control system and method for making polyethylene terephthalate sheets and objects

Номер: US20120181715A1
Принадлежит: Chemlink Capital Ltd

A system for making PET objects including a means for reacting a first PET precursor and a second PET precursor to produce a PET melt; a means for flowing the PET melt to a valve having at least two outlets; a means for flowing the PET melt from at least one of the at least two outlets to at least one die forming line and one pelletizing (cutter) line. A means for controlling individually the mass flow of the PET melt in each of the at least two system lines independently of the other and a means for forming the PET objects from the PET melt. The control scheme is a combination of a feed forward system as well as a feedback loop. The entire control scheme is part of the overall system PLC. The fine tuning of the pressure at the outlet of the die forming loop is controllers to less than +/−1 bar to obtain maximum control of formed part.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Sulfopolyester binders

Номер: US20120183861A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

A versatile binder comprising at least one or more sulfopolyesters is provided. These sulfopolyester binders can enhance the dry tensile strength, wet tensile strength, tear force, and burst strength of the nonwoven articles in which they are incorporated. Additionally, the water permeability of these binders can be modified as desired by blending different types of sulfopolyesters to produce the binder. Therefore, the binder can be used in a wide array of nonwoven end products and can be modified accordingly based on the desired properties sought in the nonwoven products.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method for synthesizing polyesters in an acidic ionic liquid medium

Номер: US20120184706A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a method for synthesizing polyesters or copolyesters having a mean molar mass in mass M W , greater than 10000, by means of a direct polyesterification reaction between a diacid, diester, hydroxyacid, or hydroxyester and a diol, or between hydroxyacids or hydroxyesters, said method being characterized in that said polyesterification reaction is carried out at a temperature of 60 to 150° C. at atmospheric pressure in a reaction medium including at least one acidic ionic liquid consisting of an anion and a cation, the electrical charges of which balance each other out, and wherein at least the cation is a strong acid according to the Bronsted definition, or comprises a grouping that is a strong acid according to the Bronsted definition.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Biodegradable endoprostheses and methods for their fabrication

Номер: US20120187606A1
Принадлежит: Elixir Medical Corp

Biodegradable endoprostheses are formed from amorphous polymers having desirable biodegradation characteristics. The strength of such amorphous polymers is enhanced by annealing to increase crystallinity without substantially increasing the biodegradation time.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Polymeric compositions comprising polylactic acid oligomers and methods of making the same

Номер: US20120189860A1
Автор: Fengkui Li, John Ashbaugh
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

Process of modifying polylactic acid and compositions formed therefrom are described herein. The process generally includes providing a first polylactic acid, wherein the first polylactic acid includes a carboxylic acid end group and unsaturating the first polylactic acid to form a second polylactic acid.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Liquid-crystal polymer and molded articles

Номер: US20120190813A1
Автор: Yoshiaki Taguchi
Принадлежит: Polyplastics Co Ltd

To provide an easily-manufactured liquid-crystalline polymer having high thermal conductivity, as well as a molded article that is formed of the liquid crystalline polymer and has a property of being highly mechanical. A liquid-crystalline polymer is used that is formed by polymerizing monomers having an asymmetrical molecular structure, in which the enthalpy of fusion ΔH measured by way of DSC (Differential Scanning calorimetry) is greater than or equal to 2.5 J/g (joules per gram) and less than or equal to 10 J/g, and the inherent viscosity (I.V.) is greater than or equal to 5 dl/g and less than or equal to 7 dl/g. It is preferable for the monomer having asymmetrical molecular structure to be at least one selected from a group consisting of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA), 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (HNA), N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP), and 4-hydroxy-4′-biphenylcarboxylic acid (HBCA).

02-08-2012 дата публикации

White, biaxially oriented polyester film with a high portion of cyclohexanedimethanol and a primary and secondary dicarboxylic acid portion and a method for its production and its use

Номер: US20120196111A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Polyester Film GmbH

The invention relates to a white biaxially oriented film predominantly formed from a polyester whose diol component includes at least 80 mol-% of 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol (CHDM), and whose dicarboxylic acid component includes at least 80 mol-% of one or more benzenedicarboxylic acid(s) and/or one or more naphthalene dicarboxylic acid(s). The dicarboxylic acid component includes a main dicarboxylic acid component forming an at least 55 mol-% portion, chosen from either 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid or terephthalic acid. The dicarboxylic acid component further includes a secondary dicarboxylic acid component, present in an amount of at least 18 mol-%, with the secondary dicarboxylic acid component differing from the main dicarboxylic acid component. The invention further relates to a method for producing the film and its use.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing liquid crystal polyester-impregnated base material

Номер: US20120199999A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides a process for producing a liquid crystal polyester-impregnated base material, comprising steps of (1) impregnating a fiber sheet with a liquid composition containing a liquid crystal polyester and an organic solvent dissolving the liquid crystal polyester, (2) removing the organic solvent from the impregnated liquid composition, thereby forming an intermediate, and (3) heat treating the intermediate at 270° C. or higher and a lower temperature than a pyrolysis temperature of the liquid crystal polyester.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing polyesters and co-polyesters from lactones

Номер: US20120202966A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing polyesters and co-polyesters from lactones

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Modified polylactic acid, polymeric blends and methods of making the same

Номер: US20120211927A1
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

Polymeric compositions and processes of forming the same are discussed herein. The processes generally include contacting a polylactic acid with a reactive modifier selected from epoxy-functionalized polybutadiene, ionic monomer, and combinations thereof.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Film Formed from a Blend of Biodegradable Aliphatic-Aromatic Copolyesters

Номер: US20120225966A1
Автор: Bo Shi, James H. Wang
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A film that is formed from a biodegradable polymer blend of different aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters is provided. More specifically, the blend contains a first copolyester formed from a terephthalic acid monomer. The use of a terephthalic acid monomer results in a polymer chain containing 1,4-(para-)terephthalate units linked in a generally linear configuration (e.g., ˜180°). The blend also contains a second aliphatic-aromatic copolyester formed from a phthalic acid and/or isophthalic acid monomer.

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120244306A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

A heat-resistant label containing a liquid crystalline polyester base material, wherein the liquid crystalline polyester in this liquid crystalline polyester base material contains a structural unit represented by the following formula (1), a structural unit represented by the following formula (2) and a structural unit represented by the following formula (3), and wherein the amount of structural units containing a 2,6 naphthalenediyl group is at least 40 mol % based on the total amount of all the structural units: ( 1 ) —O—Ar 1 —CO— ( 2 ) —CO—Ar 2 —CO— and ( 3 ) —O—Ar 3 —O— (wherein, Ar 1 represents a 2,6-naphthalenediyl group, a 1,4-phenylene group, or a 4,4′-biphenylylene group; each of Ar 2 and Ar 3 independently represents a 2,6-naphthalenediyl group, a 1,4-phenylene group, a 1-3-phenylene group, or a 4,4′-biphenylylene group; and hydrogen atoms which are in the group represented by Ar 1 , Ar 2 or Ar 3 may be each independently substituted with a halogen atom, an alkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms, or an aryl group having 6 to 20 atoms).

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Polyol Acrylates for Use in Energy Curable Inks

Номер: US20120245246A1
Принадлежит: Stepan Co

Polyol acrylates are disclosed that are the reaction products of a modified polyol and a (meth)acrylic acid or derivative thereof. The modified polyols used in preparing the polyol acrylates are the reaction product of a natural oil or fatty carboxylic acid or derivative thereof with a polyol selected from the group consisting of polyester polyols, polyether polyols, polyester ether polyols and polyalcohols such that the natural oil or fatty carboxylic acid or derivative thereof is incorporated into the backbone of the polyol. The polyol acrylates are used to prepare pigment dispersions that are useful in formulating energy curable ink compositions.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Polyesters based on 2-methylsuccinic acid

Номер: US20120245256A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a polyester comprising repeat units based on at least one aliphatic dicarboxylic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof (component A1), at least one aromatic dicarboxylic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof (component A2), at least one diol (component B), optionally at least one sulfo-containing compound (component A3) and optionally at least one trifunctional crosslinking agent as component C1 and/or at least one difunctional chain extender as component C2, component A1 comprising 2-methylsuccinic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof, to a process for preparing the inventive polyester, to the mixtures comprising the inventive polyester, to the use of the inventive polyesters or of the inventive mixtures for production of moldings, films, adhesives, foams or fibers, and to moldings, films, adhesives, foams or fibers comprising at least one inventive polyester or at least one inventive mixture.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Multi-layer stretched film

Номер: US20120249935A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Ltd

A multi-layer stretched film has 251 or more alternating layers which consist of first layers and second layers, wherein the first layers are made of a polyester which contains (i) 5 to 50 mol % of a naphthoic acid component as a dicarboxylic acid component and (ii) a diol having an alkylene group with 2 to 10 carbon atoms as a diol component; and the second layers are made of a thermoplastic resin having an average refractive index of 1.50 to 1.60 and differences in refractive index among a uniaxial stretching direction, a direction orthogonal to the uniaxial stretching direction and a film thickness direction of 0.05 or less before and after stretching, and the film has specific reflectance characteristics for a P polarization component and an S polarization component.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Polyester resin comprising a biopolyol

Номер: US20120264047A1
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A polyester resin toner-forming composition containing a biopolyol is described. The biopolyol can enhance branching, crosslinking or both.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Polyester process

Номер: US20120283392A1
Автор: Guerino G. Sacripante
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

The present disclosure provides processes for the preparation of unsaturated polyesters. In embodiments, a process of the present disclosure includes reacting an organic diol with a cyclic alkylene carbonate in the presence of a first catalyst to thereby form a polyalkoxy diol, optionally adding thereto a further amount of cyclic alkylene carbonate in the presence of a second catalyst, and subsequently polycondensing the resulting mixture with a dicarboxylic acid in combination with an anhydride.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Phosphate-group containing resin and use thereof

Номер: US20120289673A1
Принадлежит: Elementis Specialties Inc

The present invention provides a phosphate group-containing resin comprising, as polymerized units, a polymerizable unsaturated polyester having at least one phosphate group and/or having at least one phosphoric acid group, a (meth)acrylate based polymerizable monomer, and an alkoxylated (meth)acrylic acid polymerizable monomer; and a use of the phosphate-group containing resin as a treating agent of a metallic pigment or an inorganic pigment, especially used in a water-based coating composition.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Polyester resin and optical lens

Номер: US20120289676A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc

A polyester resin having a diol unit containing a unit derived from ethylene glycol and a unit derived from a diol represented by the following formula (I), and a dicarboxylic acid unit containing a unit derived from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid in an amount of 50 mol % or more; wherein the entire diol unit contains the unit derived from ethylene glycol in an amount of 40 to 99 mol %, and the unit derived from a diol represented by formula (I) in an amount of 1 to 60 mol %: wherein A represents an aromatic ring selected from the group consisting of benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene and pyrene; R 1 represents a C1 to C12 alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C6 to C12 aryl group or a halogen atom; n represents an integer of 0 to 4; and when plural R 1 s are present, R 1 s may be the same as or different from each other.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Silane-functional polyesters in moisture-curing compositions based on silane-functional polymers

Номер: US20120298299A1

A silane-functional polyester of formula (I): wherein Y is an n-valent residue of a polyester P which is solid at room temperature and terminated by hydroxy groups, after removal of n hydroxy groups; R 1 is a linear or branched, monovalent carbon residue having 1 to 12 carbon atoms, optionally having one or more C—C multiple bonds and/or having optionally cycloaliphatic and/or aromatic portions; R 2 is an acyl residue or a linear or branched, monovalent hydrocarbon residue having 1 to 12 carbon atoms, optionally having one or more C—C multiple bonds and/or having optionally cycloaliphatic and/or aromatic portions; R 3 is a linear or branched, divalent hydrocarbon residue having 1 to 12 carbon atoms, optionally having cyclic and/or aromatic portions, and optionally having one or more heteroatoms; the index a has a value of 0, 1 or 2; and the index n has a value of 1 to 3.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Polyester adhesive composition

Номер: US20120301717A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

The present invention has an object to provide a solvent-free polyester-based adhesive composition having good coatability and capable of forming an adhesive that shows good adhesion performance. The present invention provides a polyester-based adhesive composition containing a polyester having Mw of from 1×10 3 to 20×10 3 as a main component and a trifunctional or more polyepoxy compound as a crosslinking agent, and containing substantially no organic solvent. The molar number, m OH , of hydroxyl group contained in a polyalcohol component constituting the polyester is from 0.5 to 0.98 times of the molar number, m COOH , of carboxyl group contained in a polycarboxylic acid component. The composition has a viscosity at 23° C. of at most 80 Pa·s.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Resin composition, molded body and composite molded body

Номер: US20120302699A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Chemical Co Ltd

In accordance with the present invention, by using a resin composition including lignin and a curing agent in which the lignin is soluble in an organic solvent and contained in the resin composition in an amount of from 10 to 90% by mass, there are provided a molded product and a composite molded product which are obtained from plant resources as a main raw material and to which a good flame retardance and a good antibacterial property are imparted.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Toner and toner binder

Номер: US20120308926A1
Автор: Takashi Ono, Yoko Sakurai
Принадлежит: Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd

A polyester resin toner binder which gives a toner with good anti-blocking property at high temperature and high humidity and good low-temperature fixing ability. The present invention is directed to a toner binder for developing electrostatic charge images, which binder comprises a condensation-polymerization polyester resin, the polyester resin being a product formed in the presence of a catalyst (a) represented by the following general formula (I): Ti(—X) m (—OR) n   (I) wherein R, X, m and n are as defined herein.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Hyperbranched polyester with a hydrophobic nucleus for solubilizing poorly soluble active substances

Номер: US20120309626A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention provides a composition comprising an active ingredient with a maximum solubility in water at 20° C. of 10 g/l, and a hyperbranched polyester based on a hydrophobic dicarboxylic acid and a trifunctional alcohol. The invention further relates to the hyperbranched polyester mentioned, to a process for preparation thereof and to the use thereof for solubilizing an active ingredient with a maximum solubility in water at 20° C. of 10 g/l in aqueous solutions.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

New polyglycerol esters and their use

Номер: US20120309667A1

The present invention relates to polyglycerol partial esters of linear, unsubstituted carboxylic acids and bifunctional carboxylic acids with the provisos that the polyglycerol partial ester comprises an HLB-value from 2 to 10 and that the polyglycerol obtained by hydrolysis or alcoholysis of the polyglycerol partial ester comprises an average degree of polymerization of from 2 to 8 and at least 1% of the polyglycerol comprises cyclic structures. The present invention also relates to the preparation thereof and their use in fabric and textile care products.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Biodegradable composition comprising polymers of natural origin and aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters

Номер: US20120316257A1
Автор: Catia Bastioli
Принадлежит: Novamont SpA

The present invention relates to a biodegradable composition comprising at least one polymer of natural origin and at least one aliphatic-aromatic copolyester obtained starting from mixtures comprising aliphatic diols, polyfunctional aromatic acids, and at least two aliphatic dicarboxylic acids, at least one of which is long chain. Said composition combines improved biodegradability, excellent mechanical properties, a high level of industrial processability, limited environmental impact as well as stability of physical properties under the influence of environmental factors.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing liquid crystal polyester

Номер: US20120329975A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

Disclosed is a method for producing a liquid crystal polyester, which includes the following steps of: (1) melt-polycondensing a compound as a monomer in a polymerization tank to produce a prepolymer; (2) discharging the prepolymer from the polymerization tank in a molten state, and solidifying the prepolymer through cooling to produce a sheet in which a portion having a thickness of 1.6 to 2 mm accounts for 80% by mass or more (of 100% by mass of the entire sheet); (3) crushing the sheet; and (4) subjecting the crushed product to solid-phase polymerization through heating.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for color stabilization of poly(butylene-co-adipate terephthalate

Номер: US20130018142A1

Biodegradable compositions containing an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester derived from aromatic polyesters. Methods of making the compositions and articles made from the compositions.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Polymer derived from dehydroabietic acid and uses thereof

Номер: US20130022907A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Disclosed is a polymer which has a repeating unit containing a skeleton derived from dehydroabietic acid in the main chain, and has a glass transition point of 80° C. or lower.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing liquid-crystalline polyester

Номер: US20130030141A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides a method for producing a liquid-crystalline polyester, which comprises melt-polymerizing monomers in a reactor having a draw outlet to obtain a polymer melt and drawing the polymer melt through the draw outlet, characterized in that the monomers comprise a compound selected from an aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acid and derivatives thereof, a compound selected from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid and derivatives thereof and a compound selected from an aromatic diol, an aromatic hydroxyamine, an aromatic diamine and derivatives thereof; the amount of units derived from a compound containing a 1,2-phenylene and/or a 1,3-phenylene skeleton(s) in the polyester is from 0 to 10 mold; the melt polymerization is performed in the presence of a heterocyclic compound containing two or more nitrogen atoms; and the polymer melt has a flow initiation temperature of from 220 to 250° C.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Branched polyester polymers comprising isophthalic acid and coatings comprising the same

Номер: US20130034741A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio Inc

A branched polyester prepared as the reaction product of a polyacid comprising at least 90 mole % isophthalic acid, including its ester and/or anhydride, and a polyol comprising a tri- or higher-functional polyol is disclosed. Coatings comprising the same are also disclosed, as are substrates coated at least in part with such coatings.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Solid State Polymerization Process for Polyester with Phosphinic Acid Compounds

Номер: US20130035451A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Disclosed are phosphinic acid compounds of formula I, II or III where R 1 and R 1 ′ are for instance straight or branched C 1 -C 50 alkyl, R 2 is for instance straight or branched C 22 -C 50 alkyl, R 3 and R 3 ′ are for instance straight or branched C 1 -C 50 alkyl, R 4 is for instance straight or branched C 1 -C 50 alkylene and m is from 2 to 100. Also disclosed are polyester compositions comprising the compounds of formula I, II and III.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Thermoplastic resin with high thermal conductivity

Номер: US20130043425A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

Provided is a thermoplastic resin which (A) remarkably improves thermal conductivity of a resin composition when a thermally conductive filler is added and (B) can be injection-molded even by use of a general injection-molding die. The thermoplastic resin is a resin wherein: a main chain which mainly has a specific repeating unit; and 60 mol % or more ends of molecular chains are carboxyl groups.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Method of preparing a polymer and compositions therefor

Номер: US20130046066A1

The invention provides a method of making a polymer in the presence of a catalyst composition having an empirical formula M(glycerol) a (X) b , where M represents a metal atom selected from titanium, zirconium, hafnium or aluminium, X is a ligand derived from acetylacetone or a peroxo ion; a is a number between 1 and 2.5; b is a number in the range from 1 to 2. Reactive compositions containing the catalyst composition are also described.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for the preparation of (polybutylene-co-adipate terephthalate) through the in situ phosphorus containing titanium based catalyst

Номер: US20130053461A1

Biodegradable compositions containing an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester derived from aromatic polyesters. Methods of making the compositions through an in situ phosphorus containing titanium based catalyst and articles made from the compositions.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130064713A1

Disclosed embodiments concern a microfluidic device comprising a bonding agent and two or more components. In particular disclosed embodiments, the microfluidic device is made out of the disclosed bonding agent. Also disclosed are embodiments of a method for making a microfluidic device, wherein the method includes using the disclosed bonding agent to couple two or more components together. 4. The device of where the bonding agent is selected from polycaprolactone claim 1 , polycaprolactone diol claim 1 , polycaprolactone triol claim 1 , polycaprolactone-block-polytetrahydrofuan-block polycaprolactone claim 1 , poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polycaprolactone claim 1 , poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(e-caprolactone) methyl ether claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. (canceled)6. The device of where the bonding agent is a thin film.79-. (canceled)10. The device of where the first component and the second component independently are selected from a lamina claim 1 , a microchip claim 1 , a port claim 1 , a valve claim 1 , and a portable detector.1114-. (canceled)15. The device of where the first component and/or the second component comprises at least one channel.1624-. (canceled)2627-. (canceled)2930-. (canceled)32. The device of where the hydrophilic substrate is paper.3334-. (canceled)35. A method of making the device of where the at least one channel is defined to have a particular pattern by adding a solution of the bonding agent in a manner that defines the boundary of the particular pattern.36. A method of making the device of where the hydrophilic substrate is coated with the bonding agent.37. The method of where the hydrophilic substrate is exposed to a radiation source claim 36 , which provides energy sufficient to penetrate the hydrophilic substrate and melt or substantially soften the bonding agent claim 36 , which is exposed to define the at least one channel.39. The method of where the first component and the second component independently are selected from a ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters and their mixtures

Номер: US20130071588A1
Принадлежит: Novamont SpA

This invention relates to an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester characterised in that it has appreciable workability properties even when mixed with other polymers, appreciable toughness and high values for ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus. This invention also relates to mixtures of the said copolyester with other polymers.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071930A1

Polyester compositions and functionalized polyester compositions are provided along with methods of making the compositions as well as methods of using the compositions, for example as a tissue engineering bioscaffold and as a drug-delivery vehicle. 3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (Cancelled)6. The method of claim 2 , in which one or both of B and B′ are Calkyl groups claim 2 , aliphatic alkyl groups claim 2 , saturated alkyl groups claim 2 , saturated straight-chain alkyl groups claim 2 , selected from the group consisting of: —O(O)C—(CH)—C(O)O— claim 2 , —CH═CH— claim 2 , —CH—CH— claim 2 , phenyl claim 2 , —O —CH—CH—O— claim 2 , —O—CH═CH—O— claim 2 , —O(O)C—CH═CH—C(O)O— claim 2 , —O(O)C-phenyl-C(O)O— claim 2 , —O(O)C-cyclohexy-C(O)O— claim 2 , and —CH(OH)—CH(OH)— claim 2 , —O(O)C—C(NHY)—CH—C(O)O— where Y is a protective group claim 2 , and —O(O)C—C(NHY)—CH—CH—C(O)O where Y is a protective group.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 2 , in which A and A′ are epoxy groups or oxetane groups.12. (canceled)13. The method of claim 2 , comprising reacting diglycidyl sebacate with sebacic acid (HOC(O)—(CH)—C(O)OH).14. The method of claim 1 , in which the polymerization is conducted in the presence of one or more nucleophilic functional groups.15. The method of claim 1 , in which the polymerization is conducted in the presence of one or more of bis(tetrabutylammonium) sebacate claim 1 , tetrabutylammonium bromide claim 1 , tetrabutylammonium fluoride claim 1 , tetrabutylammonium iodide claim 1 , tetraphenylphosphonium chloride claim 1 , tetramethylphosphonium iodide claim 1 , sodium methoxide claim 1 , lithium acetate claim 1 , and sodium sulfide.16. The method of claim 2 , in which the compound A-B-A′ is prepared by direct esterification of glycidol with a compound XOC(O)—(CH)—C(O)OX′ in which X and X′ are independently halide.17. The method of claim 16 , in which the esterification is carried out in the presence of triethylamine at ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072628A1

This invention is related to coating compositions comprising a polyester which further comprises 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol residues, 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues, and residues of a modifying glycol other than ethylene glycol, chosen from at least one of diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, propylene glycol, neopentyl glycol, and 1,6-hexanediol; and 50 to 100 mole % of residues of at least one of phthalic anhydride, isophthalic acid, and terephthalic acid. 2. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.10 to 1.0 dL/g.3. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.20 to 0.68 dL/g.4. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the weight average molecular weight of the polyester is from 1500 to 25 claim 1 ,000 daltons.5. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the dicarboxylic acid component comprises 50 to 100 mole % of terephthalic acid residues.6. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the dicarboxylic acid component comprises 70 to 100 mole % of terephthalic acid residues.7. The coating of or claim 1 , wherein the dicarboxylic acid component comprises isophthalic acid residues.8. The coating of claim 1 , wherein said 2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol residues is a mixture comprising from 40 to 60 mole % of cis-2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol residues and from 40 to 60 mole % of trans-2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol residues.9. The coating of claim 1 , wherein said polyester comprises residues of at least one branching agent for the polyester.10. The coating of claim 1 , wherein said polyester comprises residues of at least one branching agent in an amount of 0.01 to 5 weight % based on the total mole percentage of the acid or glycol residues.11. The coating of claim 1 , wherein said polyester comprises residues of at least one branching agent chosen from ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Dispersant composition

Номер: US20130072703A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

The present invention relates to a composition containing a particulate solid, a non-polar organic medium, and a compound obtained/obtainable by reacting an aromatic amine with hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent, wherein the hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent is selected from the group consisting of an oligomer or polymer from condensation polymerisation of a hydroxy-substituted C 10-30 carboxylic acid into a polyester, an optionally hydroxy-substituted C 10-30 carboxylic acid, a C 10-30 -hydrocarbyl substituted acylating agent, and a polyolefin-substituted maleic anhydride. The invention further provides compositions for inks, thermoplastics, plasticisers, plastisols, crude grinding and flush.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for producing polycarbonate resin foam molded article

Номер: US20130075944A1
Принадлежит: JSP Corp

The present invention provides a foamed molded article production method that can produce polycarbonate resin foamed blow-molded articles, etc. Which are good over a wide range of densities. The present invention is a method for producing a foamed molded article including extruding a foamable molten resin, formed by kneading a polycarbonate resin, a polyester resin in an amount of 5 to 100 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the polycarbonate resin and a foaming agent, from a die to obtain a foamed parison, and molding the foamed parison in a softened state in a mold. The polyester resin is a polyester copolymer containing diol component units, 10 to 80 mol % of which are glycol component units each having a cyclic ether structure, and dicarboxylic acid component units.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079458A1

Biodegradable compositions containing an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester derived from aromatic polyesters. Methods of making the compositions through an in situ phosphorus containing titanium based catalyst and articles made from the compositions. 1. An aliphatic-aromatic copolyester , comprising:(a) a dihydric alcohol group selected from an ethylene glycol group, 1,2-propylene glycol group, 1,3-propylene glycol group, 1,2-butanediol group, 2,3-butanediol group, 1,4-butanediol group, tetramethyl cyclobutanediol, isosorbide groups, 1,3-cyclohexanedimethanol groups, 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol groups, hexylene glycol groups, bio-derived diol groups, and combinations thereof;(b) an aromatic dicarboxylic acid group derived from a depolymerized aromatic polyester component selected from poly(ethylene terephthalate)s, poly(butylene terephthalate)s, poly(trimethylene terephthalate)s, and combinations thereof,(c) a titanium catalyst composition comprising titanium and a color-reducing amount of a compound selected from phosphorus-containing compounds, nitrogen-containing compounds, boron-containing compounds, and combinations thereof;(d) an adipic acid group; and(e) an aromatic polyester residue selected from an isophthalic acid group, antimony-containing compounds, germanium-containing compounds, cobalt-containing compounds, tin, tin-containing compounds, titanium, titanium-containing compounds, aluminum, aluminum salts, alkaline salts, alkaline earth metal salts, phosphorus-containing compounds, sulfur-containing compounds, naphthalene dicarboxylic acid groups, epoxies, and combinations thereof,wherein the aliphatic-aromatic copolyester has a number average molecular weight of at least 20,000 Daltons and a polydispersity index from 2 to less than 6.2. The copolyester of claim 1 , wherein the dihydric alcohol group is selected from a 1 claim 1 ,4-butanediol group claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-propanediol group claim 1 , ethylene glycol group claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084312A1

Biocompatible polymeric nanoparticles for delivery of bioactive agents, and methods for preparing the particles, are described. Polyoxalate nanoparticles of the subject technology show desired particle sizes suitable for use in drug delivery and a substantially uniform or narrow particle size distribution. The polyoxalate nanoparticles can contain water-soluble, poorly water-soluble, or water-insoluble drugs. The nanoparticles are nontoxic and are generally safe for use in humans. After being administered into the body, the nanoparticles with a high content of a bioactive agent entrapped therein can safely deliver the agent to target sites and stably release the drug at a controlled rate. 1. Polyoxalate nanoparticles having diameters ranging from about 50 to about 300 nm.2. A method for preparing biocompatible nanoparticles of polyoxalate polymers , comprising:(a) mixing 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol (CDE) with oxalyl chloride (OC) in the presence of dichloromethane (DCM), and triethylamine to produce polyoxalate polymer; and(b) adding the polyoxalate polymer to a solution of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) in the presence of a suitable solvent to produce a substantially homogenous emulsion of polyoxalate nanoparticles.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the produced polyoxalate nanoparticles have diameters ranging from about 50 to about 300 nm.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising at least one of drying the nanoparticles or dispersing the nanoparticles in an aqueous solution.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the suitable solvent comprises at least one of water claim 2 , dichloromethane claim 2 , acetonitrile claim 2 , chloroform claim 2 , dimethylformamide claim 2 , tetrahydrofuran claim 2 , ethanol claim 2 , ethyl acetate claim 2 , or acetone.6. A method claim 2 , for preparing polyoxalate nanoparticles for delivery of a drug claim 2 , comprising:(a) mixing 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol (CDE) with oxalyl chloride (OC) in the presence of dichloromethane (DCM), and ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Electrostatic image developing toner and manufacturing method of the same, electrostatic image developer, toner cartridge, process cartridge, image forming apparatus, and image forming method

Номер: US20130084520A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

An electrostatic image developing toner of the exemplary embodiment of the invention contains an amorphous first polyester resin of a polycondensation product of at least a carboxylic acid component and an alcohol component containing rosin, and a second polyester resin having the difference (absolute value) in parameter of solubility relative to the first polyester resin of from about 0.3 (cal/cm 3 ) 1/2 to about 3 (cal/cm 3 ) 1/2 .

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085185A1
Автор: Guo Kai, Martin David P.
Принадлежит: TEPHA, INC.

Methods for making P4HB polymers and copolymers thereof that are useful for preparing controlled release systems, medical devices and as intermediates in chemical synthesis, have been developed. These methods avoid the use of organic solvents, and basic conditions that can cause transesterification reactions with polymer terminal end groups or elimination reactions. A preferred embodiment is a method for producing polymers of P4HB with weight average molecular weight less than 250,000, and more preferably, less than 100,000, and a Pd of less than 3, which are useful in controlled release. A particularly preferred embodiment utilizes aqueous acetic acid to hydrolyze pellets of P4HB polymers and copolymers while in suspension. 1. A poly-4-hydroxybutyrate polymer or copolymer thereof , wherein the polymer or copolymer is derived by acidic hydrolysis of a higher molecular weight poly-4-hydroxybutyrate polymer or copolymer , and wherein the polymer or copolymer has a weight average molecular weight between 1 ,000 and 250 ,000 Da.2. The polymer or copolymer of wherein the polymer or copolymer is suspended as pellets or particles in an aqueous acidic solution for a period of time and at a temperature to hydrolyse the polymer.3. The polymer or copolymer of wherein the higher molecular weight poly-4-hydroxybutyrate polymer or copolymer are in pellet form during hydrolysis.4. The polymer or copolymer of wherein aqueous acetic acid is used for the acidic hydrolysis of the polymer or copolymer.5. The polymer of copolymer of wherein the polydispersity after acidic hydrolysis is between 3 and 1.6. A medical device comprising the polymer or copolymer of any of .7. The device of selected from the group consisting of a suture claim 6 , stent claim 6 , stent graft claim 6 , stent coating claim 6 , drug delivery device claim 6 , device for temporary wound or tissue support claim 6 , device for soft or hard tissue repair claim 6 , repair patch claim 6 , tissue engineering scaffold ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085201A1
Принадлежит: SEGETIS, INC.

Ketal lactones of and methods for making such ketal lactones are disclosed. Also described are methods for making isolated cis- and trans-stereoisomers of hydroxyester ketals of oxocarboxylic acids and polymers having ketal units of such stereoisomers within the polymer backbone. 4. A polymer composition comprising a polymer and a compound of .11. A polymer composition comprising a polymer and a compound of .14. A polymer composition comprising a polymer and a compound of .17. A polymer composition comprising a polymer and the combination of .21. A polymer of claim 18 , further comprising another polyester unit derived from a polyhydric alcohol having from 2 to 6 hydroxyl groups claim 18 , a C1-36 aliphatic or C6-36 aromatic dicarboxylic or tricarboxylic acid or its reactive derivative claim 18 , a hydroxylated carboxylic acid or its ester or lactone claim 18 , a hydroxyl-terminated linear or branched polyether claim 18 , a polyester polyol claim 18 , a polyurethane polyol claim 18 , a polysaccharide claim 18 , a poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) claim 18 , a polylactate claim 18 , a polyglycolide claim 18 , a poly(co-lactate/glycolate) claim 18 , or a combination thereof.23. A polymer of claim 18 , comprising two to six of hydroxyl groups claim 18 , isocyanate groups claim 18 , (meth)acryloyl groups claim 18 , or (meth)allyl groups.24. A polymer of claim 18 , further comprising an additional claim 18 , different polymer claim 18 , a polymer additive claim 18 , or a combination thereof.25. An article comprising a polymer of .26. A foam comprising any of the polymers or compositions thereof of .31. A polymer composition of claim 30 , wherein the polymer further comprises units derived from the living polymerization in the further presence of another lactone claim 30 , a lactide claim 30 , glycolide claim 30 , bis-lactone claim 30 , dioxanone claim 30 , dioxepanone monomer claim 30 , trimethylene carbonate claim 30 , or dimethylene carbonate.32. An article comprising the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085238A1

The present invention relates to new classes of monomeric compounds, which may be polymerized to form novel biodegradable and bioresorble polymers and co-polymers. These polymers and co-polymers, while not limited thereto, may be adapted for radio-opacity and are useful for medical device applications and controlled release therapeutic formulations. 180.-. (canceled)82. The polymer of claim 81 , wherein said capped macromer structure is a macromer dicarboxylate.83. The polymer of wherein each X claim 81 , X claim 81 , X claim 81 , X claim 81 , X claim 81 , and Xis an O atom.84. The polymer of wherein each of Arand Aris independently phenylene substituted with at least one halogen atom.87. The polymer of wherein D is a heteroalkyl group having two carbonyl groups with an alkylene group spaced between the two carbonyl groups having up to 16 carbon atoms.88. The polymer of wherein the alkylene group spaced between the two carbonyl groups is comprised of two or four carbon atoms. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. Nos. 61/104,724 and 61/104,728, both of which were filed Oct. 11, 2008, and both of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety for all purposes.This application is also related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/______ and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. Nos. 61/250,548 and 61/250,______, all of which were filed on the same date of the present application. The disclosures of all three applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety for all purposes.The present invention relates to new classes of monomeric compounds, which may be polymerized to form novel biodegradable and bioresorble polymers and co-polymers. These polymers and co-polymers, while not limited thereto, may be adapted for radio-opacity and are useful for medical device applications and controlled release therapeutic formulations.The present invention thus also relates to new ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085239A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Polyether block copolymers of the general structure B-(A-OH)are described, where n is greater than or equal to 2 and blocks A are made up of polyoxypropylene units and the central block B of polyoxytetramethylene, polyoxyethylene, polybutadiene, polyisoprene, polyacrylate, polymethacrylate, polyamide, polyurethane, or polyester units. These polyether block copolymers are suitable for the manufacture of compositions that serve as the basis for preparations for use as a one-component moisture-hardening or two-component adhesive or sealant, for assembly bonding, for areal bonding, and/or for coating, as a reactive melt adhesive or as a laminating adhesive. 1. A polyether block copolymer of the general structure B-(A-OH) , where n is greater than or equal to 2 and blocks A are made up of polyoxypropylene units and the central block B of polyoxytetramethylene , polyoxyethylene , polybutadiene , polyisoprene , polyacrylate , polymethacrylate , polyamide , polyurethane , or polyester units.2. The polyether block copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polyoxypropylene units A and the central block B each have a polydispersity PD (M/M) of less than 2.5 claim 1 , by preference from 1.00 to 2.00 claim 1 , particularly preferably from 1.10 to 1.50.3. The polyether block copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polyether block copolymer has a molecular weight of between 4 claim 1 ,000 and 40 claim 1 ,000 g/mol (dalton).4. The polyether block copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the central block B has been propoxylated by DMC catalysis claim 1 , catalysis by means of one or more phosphacene and/or porphyrin derivative(s) claim 1 , or alkali metal catalysis claim 1 , in particular Cs catalysis claim 1 , preferably by DMC catalysis.5. A composition obtained by reacting at least one polyether block copolymer according to and at least one component containing at least one polymer sequence that claim 1 , in material terms claim 1 , matches structure A or B of the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090032A1

This disclosure relates to high strength polyester fiber for industrial application such as a seat belt, webbing and the like, particularly to polyester fiber having elongation of 0.4% or more at stress of 1.0 g/d, elongation of 3.5% or more at stress of 4.0 g/d, and elongation of 6.0% or more at stress of 7.0 g/d, as measured at room temperature, and a method for manufacturing the same. 1. A polyester fiber having elongation of 0.4% or more at stress of 1.0 g/d , elongation of 3.5% or more at stress of 4.0 g/d , and elongation of 6.0% or more at stress of 7.0 g/d , as measured at room temperature.2. The polyester fiber according to claim 1 , which total fineness is 400 to 1 claim 1 ,800 denier.3. The polyester fiber according to claim 1 , wherein single yarn fineness is 8.0 DPF or more claim 1 , and the number of filaments is 50 to 240.4. The polyester fiber according to claim 1 , wherein intrinsic viscosity is 0.8 dl/g or more.5. The polyester fiber according to claim 1 , wherein tensile strength is 8.8 g/d or more claim 1 , elongation at break is 13% or more claim 1 , and dry heat shrinkage is 9% or less.6. A method for preparing the polyester fiber according to claim 1 , including the steps of:melt spinning polyester polymer having intrinsic viscosity of 1.0 dl/g or more at 270 to 310° C. to prepare undrawn polyester yarn, anddrawing the undrawn polyester yarn.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the drawing process is carried out with a drawing ratio of 5.0 to 6.0.8. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the polyester polymer comprises at least one inorganic additive selected from the group consisting of TiO claim 6 , SiO claim 6 , and BaSO.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the inorganic additive is included in the content of 100 to 1 claim 8 ,200 ppm claim 8 , based on the polyester polymer.10. A seat belt comprising the polyester fiber according to .11. The seat belt according to claim 10 , wherein the breaking strength retention of the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090434A1

Compounds are described that have both an aziridinyl group as well as a polymeric group. Methods of making these compounds are also described. The aziridinyl group of the compound can be reacted with an acidic group on a second compound resulting in the opening of the aziridinyl ring and the attachment of the polymeric group to the second compound. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the group Q has a weight average molecular weight equal to at least 5000 grams/mole.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the compound has a glass transition temperature equal to at least 20° C.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the monomer composition comprises a vinyl aryl monomer claim 1 , vinyl heterocyclic monomer claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the monomer composition comprises a (meth)acrylate ester claim 1 , (meth)acrylamide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the group Q is a homopolymer.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein group Q is a random copolymer.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the group Q is block copolymer. Compounds are described that have an aziridinyl group as well as a polymeric group.Bis-aziridine compounds have been used as crosslinking agents in various polymerization reactions. Such compounds are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 6,893,718 (Melancon et al.), German Patent No. 836,353, in an article of Bestian (566, 210-244 (1950)), in an article of Babenkova (40, 1715-1719 (1967)), and in an article of Kadorkina et al. (40, 780-783 (1991)).Carboxyl-terminated polymers have been prepared. These are described, for example, in an article of Baumert et al. (18, 787-794 (1997)).Some aziridyl-terminated polymers have been prepared as described, for example, in an article of Kobayashi et al. (43, 4126-4135 (2005)), Japanese Patent Publication JP4294369B2 (Kobayashi et al.), and European Patent Publication EP0265091A1 (Hertier et al.).Compounds are described that have both an ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090451A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a polylactide resin having excellent heat resistance, a preparation method thereof, and a polylactide resin composition including the same. 1. A polylactide resin havinga weight average molecular weight of 100,000˜1,000,000,a content of lactide monomers generated after heat treatment at 220° C. for 1 hour in an amount of less than 0.5% by weight, anda yellow index of 30 or less.2. The polylactide resin according to claim 1 , wherein a reduction rate of weight average molecular weight after heat treatment at 220° C. for 40 minutes is −2500 g/mol·hr or less.3. The polylactide resin according to claim 2 , wherein a mass-loss rate constant k of the resin claim 2 , calculated by the following Equation 1 claim 2 , is 10 hror less claim 2 , when being isothermally heated at 260° C. for 30 minutes according to thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA):{'br': None, 'i': m', 't', 'm', 'o', 'kt, '()=()−\u2003\u2003[Equation 1]'}wherein m(o) represents the mass of the initial polylactide resin, m(t) represents the mass of the polylactide resin at the isothermal heating time (t), t represents time, and k represent a rate constant.4. The polylactide resin according to claim 1 , having an acidity of 20 meqKOH or less.5. The polylactide resin according to claim 1 , wherein the polylactide resin includes the catalyst-derived Sn metal residue in an amount of 15 ppm or less claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polylactide resin.7. A preparation method of the polylactide resin of claim 1 , comprising the step ofcarrying out ring opening polymerization with lactide monomers in the presence of an organometallic complex catalyst of the following Chemical Formula 1, {'chemistry': {'@id': 'CHEM-US-00011', '@num': '00011', 'img': {'@id': 'EMI-C00011', '@he': '14.48mm', '@wi': '69.85mm', '@file': 'US20130090451A1-20130411-C00011.TIF', '@alt': 'embedded image', '@img-content': 'chem', '@img-format': 'tif'}}, 'br': None, 'Catalytic activity=kg(polymer)/g(cat)·hr\ ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Polyester compositions containing furandicarboxylic acid or an ester thereof and ethylene glycol

Номер: US20130095269A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Described are polyesters comprising (a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid residues; optionally, aromatic dicarboxylic acid residues and/or modifying aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues and ethylene glycol residues. The polyesters may be manufactured into articles such as fibers, films, bottles, coatings, or sheets.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Polyester compositions containing furandicarboxylic acid or an ester thereof, cyclobutanediol and ethylene glycol

Номер: US20130095272A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Described are polyesters comprising (a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid residues; optionally, aromatic dicarboxylic acid residues and/or modifying aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues, 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol residues and ethylene glycol. The polyesters may be manufactured into articles such as fibers, films, bottles, coatings, or sheets.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Shrink Film for Label

Номер: US20130095371A1
Автор: Vadim ZAIKOV
Принадлежит: Avery Dennison Corp

A shrink film comprising a core layer comprising a glycol modified polyester, the core having an upper and lower surface; an upper skin layer disposed on the upper surface of the core layer and a lower skin layer disposed on the lower surface of the core layer, the skin layers each individually comprising (a) a resin material; and (b) an antiblocking agent.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101773A1

Described are container(s) comprising polyesters comprising (a) a dicarboxylic acid component comprising terephthalic acid residues; optionally, aromatic dicarboxylic acid or aliphatic dicarboxylic acid residues; 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol residues; and 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol residues. 2. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.50 to 0.70 dL/g.3. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.50 to 0.68 dL/g.4. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the inherent viscosity of said polyester is from 0.60 to 0.72 dL/g.5. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 100 to 130° C.6. The bottle of wherein said polyester has a Tg of 100 to 120° C.7. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 110 to 150° C.8. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 110 to 140° C.9. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 110 to 130° C.10. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 120 to 150° C.11. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 120 to 140° C.12. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein said polyester has a Tg of 120 to 135° C.13. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the glycol component of said polyester comprises 15 to 40 mole % 2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol and 60 to 85 mole % 1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexanedimethanol.14. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the glycol component of said polyester comprises 15 to 30 mole % 2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol and 70 to 85 mole % 1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexanedimethanol.15. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the glycol component of said polyester comprises 15 to 25 mole % 2 claim 1 ,2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4-tetramethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-cyclobutanediol and 75 to 85 mole % 1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexanedimethanol.16. The bottle of claim 1 , wherein the dicarboxylic acid component comprises 80 to 100 mole % ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102687A1

The present invention relates to a micelle composition comprising a hydrophobic compound and an amphiphilic block copolymer, wherein the amphiphilic block copolymer consists of a hydrophobic block A and a hydrophilic block B, the hydrophobic block A comprises at least one hydrophobic polymeric unit X and the hydrophilic block B comprises at least one hydrophilic polymeric unit Y whereby the X and Y blocks alternate. The present invention further relates to a process for the preparation of the micelle composition wherein the process comprises the steps of: a) dissolving the hydrophobic compound and the amphiphilic block copolymer in an organic solvent to form a solution, b) adding said organic solution into an aqueous medium, c) optionally repeating aforementioned steps. The micelle composition according to the present invention is useful in medical applications such as therapeutic cardiovascular applications, veterinary applications, food processing applications, flame retardant applications, coatings, adhesives and cosmetics, fabric/textiles, industrial and art applications. 1. A micelle composition comprising an amphiphilic block copolymer containing a hydrophobic block A and a hydrophilic block B , whereby the ratio R of the number average molecular weight (M) of block A (MA) divided to the number average molecular weight of block B (MB) is higher than 0.95 and whereby the amphiphilic block copolymer is characterised by a parameter α whereby;{'br': None, '3<α<5.5;'}{'br': None, 'i': M', 'M', '+M', 'K', '×√M, 'sub': nA', 'nA', 'nB', 'o/w', 'tot, 'α=/()×in which'}{'sub': n A', 'n, 'M=number average molecular weight (M) of block A'}{'sub': nB', 'n, 'M=number average molecular weight (M) of block B'}{'sub': 'o/w A', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': M', '=M', '+M, 'sub': tot', 'A', 'B}, 'K=Octanol/water partition coefficient of the monomeric units of hydrophobic block A'}whereby the hydrophobic block A comprises at least one hydrophobic polymer X and the hydrophilic ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Biodegradable Chewing Gum

Номер: US20130108732A1
Принадлежит: Gumlink AS

A chewing gum includes a polyester having as polyester-forming components in condensed form: (a) a dicarboxylic acid, (b) a diol and (c) a compound having at least three groups capable of ester formation in an amount of from 0.1 to 10.0% by weight, based on the total weight of components (a), (b) and (c). The polyester includes components (a) and (b) in an amount of at least 90% by weight, based on the total weight of the polyester. The chewing gum includes the polyester in an amount of at least 5% by weight of the chewing gum. The chewing gum further includes a sweetening agent and/or a flavoring agent in an amount of 10 to 95% by weight of the chewing gum. The molar ratio between aromatic acids and aliphatic acids of the dicarboxylic acid is between 0 and 1:4.2.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108821A1
Принадлежит: BVW HOLDING AG

The present disclosure provides copolymers useful in medical devices. For example, the disclosure provides copolymers comprising the polymerization product ester block, ether blocks and diisocyanates. In certain embodiments, the disclosure provides a medical copolymer for implantation comprising ester blocks and ether blocks, wherein: the ester blocks comprise a negative free energy transfer and the ether blocks comprise a positive free energy transfer, the ether and ester blocks are less than 1/10 the length of said copolymer, and, the blocks are distributed such that no domain of contiguous blocks possessing the same polarity of free energy transfer are less than ⅓ of the molecular weight of the copolymer. The disclosure further provides methods of making the aforementioned polymers, and medical devices comprising the polymers. 1. A medical copolymer for implantation comprising ester blocks and ether blocks , wherein:the ester blocks comprise a negative free energy transfer and the ether blocks comprise a positive free energy transfer,the ether and ester blocks are less than 1/10 the length of the copolymer, and,the blocks are distributed such that no domain of contiguous blocks possessing the same polarity of free energy transfer are less than ⅓ of the molecular weight of the copolymer.2. The medical copolymer of claim 1 , wherein the ether blocks comprise ethylene oxide and propylene oxide monomers.3. The medical copolymer of claim 2 , wherein the ethylene oxide monomers and the propylene oxide monomers are present in a number ratio of approximately 3:1.4. The medical copolymer of claim 1 , wherein the ester and ether blocks are linked with urethane or urea groups.5. The medical copolymer of claim 2 , wherein the ethylene oxide monomers and the propylene oxide monomers are linked with urethane or urea groups by copolymerization with a diisocyanate.6. A medical copolymer of the form {{D[A(FBCBF)A]D}E} claim 2 , wherein A is a polymer comprising aliphatic ester ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Modified Polymers for Delivery of Polynucleotides, Method of Manufacture, and Methods of Use Thereof

Номер: US20130109817A1

A modified polymer is provided herein, the modified polymer having the following formula: 8. The modified polyacetal of claim 2 , wherein Zis ethylenediamine claim 2 , piperazine claim 2 , bis(piperidine) claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,3-diaminopropane claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,4-diaminobutane claim 2 , 1 claim 2 ,5-diaminopentane claim 2 , decamethylenediamine claim 2 , hexamethylenediamine claim 2 , lysine claim 2 , histidine claim 2 , arginine claim 2 , tryptophan claim 2 , agmatine or ornithine.13. The modified polyacetal of claim 12 , whereinn is between about 0.01 and about 0.9996 inclusive; and{'sub': '2', 'nis between about 0.02 and about 0.90 inclusive.'}14. The modified polyacetal of claim 12 , wherein Zis ethylenediamine claim 12 , piperazine claim 12 , bis(piperidine) claim 12 , 1 claim 12 ,3-diaminopropane claim 12 , 1 claim 12 ,4-diaminobutane claim 12 , 1 claim 12 ,5-diaminopentane claim 12 , decamethylenediamine claim 12 , hexamethylenediamine claim 12 , lysine claim 12 , histidine claim 12 , arginine claim 12 , tryptophan claim 12 , agmatine or ornithine.19. The modified polyacetal of claim 1 , wherein:{'sub': 1', '1, 'the ratio (m) of the number of Rto the total number of polyacetal units of the polyacetal is 0 to 0.25;'}{'sub': 3', '3, 'the ratio (m) of the number of Rto the total number of polyacetal units of the polyacetal is 0 to 100;'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'the ratio (m) of the number of Rto the total number of polyacetal units of the polyacetal is 0 to 30;'}{'sub': 5', '5, 'the ratio (m) of the number of Rto the total number of polyacetal units of the polyacetal is 0 to 0.03.'}20. The modified polyacetal of claim 19 , wherein{'sub': '1', 'mis 0.002 to 0.25;'}{'sub': '3', 'mis 0.002 to 100;'}{'sub': '4', 'mis 0.03 to 0.30; and'}{'sub': '5', 'mis 0.01 to 0.03.'} This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/073,815, filed Mar. 28, 2011 (now allowed), which incorporates by reference and claims the benefit of and priority under 35 ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Processes for recycling carpet and products of such processes

Номер: US20130112727A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Chemical Co

Methods for the recycling of carpet are disclosed that produce clean face fiber suitable for industrial use. The methods allow the recovery of face fiber material, for example a polyester or a polyamide, from carpets that includes a face fiber material and a backing material, and include the steps of heating the carpet to a temperature lower than the melting point of the face fiber material, but higher than the initial thermal decomposition temperature of the backing material, for a time and at a temperature sufficient to thermally decompose, pyrolyze, or oxidize at least a portion of the backing material, rendering the backing material friable, that is more friable than the untreated backing; and applying mechanical force to the carpet so as to liberate the friable backing material from the face fiber material.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116397A1

Methods of preparing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin and an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound are disclosed. A method of preparing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin may include: acetylating a first monomer including an amino group by a reaction with a carboxylic acid anhydride; acetylating a second monomer including a hydroxyl group and not including an amino acid group with an additional carboxylic acid anhydride; and synthesizing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester prepolymer by a condensation polymerization reaction of the acetylated first and second monomers with dicarboxylic acid. A method of preparing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound may use the aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin prepared according to the forgoing method. 1. A method of preparing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin , the method comprising:acetylating a first monomer including an amino group by a reaction with a carboxylic acid anhydride;acetylating a second monomer including a hydroxyl group and not including an amino acid group with an additional carboxylic acid anhydride; andsynthesizing an aromatic liquid crystalline polyester prepolymer by a condensation polymerization reaction of the acetylated first and second monomers with dicarboxylic acid.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising synthesizing the aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin by a solid-phase condensation polymerization of the synthesized aromatic liquid crystalline polyester prepolymer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the carboxylic acid anhydride is from about 2.0 to about 4.0 parts by mole based on a part by mole of a total of the amino group and a hydroxyl group of the first monomer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first monomer comprises at least one compound selected from the group consisting of aromatic hydroxylamine claim 1 , aliphatic hydroxylamine claim 1 , aromatic diamine claim 1 , aliphatic ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116399A1
Принадлежит: List Holding AG

A method for carrying out polymerization processes, includes a first step involving polymerization or co-polymerization of a monomer or monomers, and a second step involving a separation step. In an embodiment, before the separation step, during the separation step, or both before and during the separation step, one or more substance is added to the reaction mixture that induces stripping, influencing of the temperature, or both stripping and influencing of the temperature such that the reaction equilibrium is shifted to the polymers and the rate of reaction to the monomer is slowed. In embodiments, before and/or in the second step, a substance is added to the reaction mixture so that a stop is achieved, and as a further function stripping and/or influencing of temperature occurs. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for carrying out polymerization processes , including:a first step involving polymerization or copolymerization of a monomer or monomers; anda second step involving a separation step;wherein before the separation step, during the separation step, or both before and during the separation step, one or more substance is added to the reaction mixture that induces stripping, influencing of the temperature, or both stripping and influencing of the temperature, whereby the reaction equilibrium is shifted to the polymers and the rate of reaction to the monomer is slowed.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the separation step includes separation of product and monomers claim 23 , oligomers claim 23 , reaction products claim 23 , additives claim 23 , and solvents.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein in a first step there occurs a (co)polymerisation of monomer(s) and in a second step a separation of product and monomers claim 23 , oligomers claim 23 , reaction products as well as additives and/or solvents claim 23 , characterized in that before and/or in the second step claim 23 , meaning during finishing claim 23 , a substance is added to the reaction mixture that ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Preparing a Degradable Polymer Network

Номер: US20130123384A1
Принадлежит: Twente Universiteit

The present invention relates to methods for preparing a degradable polymer network. The methods for preparing a degradable polymer network comprise a) preparing a polymer composition comprising monomers of cyclic carbonates and/or cyclic esters and/or linear carbonates and/or linear esters and/or cyclic ethers and/or linear hydroxycarboxylic acids at a temperature between 20° C. and 200° C.; b) adding a cross-linking reagent comprising at least one double or triple C—C bond and/or a cross-linking radical initiator; c) processing the polymer composition (that contains the crosslinking reagentj into a desired shape; d) Crosslinking by irradiating the mixture. Further, the present invention relates to a degradable polymer network. Furthermore, the present invention relates to the use of the degradable polymer network.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Formaldehyde free binder compositions for fibrous materials

Номер: US20130123406A1

Compositions for binding organic or inorganic fibers is described. The compositions may include an aqueous solution having a pH of about 4.5 or more. The aqueous solution may include a polycarboxy polymer that is about 10%, by wt., to 100%, by wt., of a butenedioic acid or butenedioic anhydride; and a polyol. The compositions can maintain a pH of about 5 or more after being cured into a thermoset plastic with the fibers. Processes for preparing a binder composition for organic or inorganic fibers are also described. The processes may include providing an aqueous solution of polycarboxylic acid polymers, where the polymers comprise about 10%, by wt., to 100%, by wt., of a butenedioic acid or butenedioic anhydride; adding a polyol to the aqueous solution; and maintaining the pH of the aqueous solution at about 5 or more.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Unsaturated Polyester Resins Modified by Substitution, with Lactic Acid, of an Acid and Alcohol Component of the Polyester

Номер: US20130123421A1
Принадлежит: Ccp Composites

The invention relates to an unsaturated polyester resin comprising a) a lactic acid-modified unsaturated polyester and b) a copolymerizable comonomer, with replacement, with lactic acid, in the composition of an initial polyester, of: i) up to 90 mol % of phthalic anhydride of the acid component of the initial polyester, the acid component comprising from 80 to 20 mol % of maleic anhydride (MA) or fumaric acid, and from 20 to 80 mol % of phthalic anhydride (PA), the polyol component of the initial polyester comprising from 50 to 100 mol % of propylene glycol (PG) and from 0 to 50 mol % of a polyol among ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), dipropylene glycol (DPG) and/or 1,3-butylene glycol and/or 1,4-butanediol and/or neopentyl glycol (NPG), ii) up to 100% of a polyol from DPG and DEG, present in an initial overall molar amount ranging up to 50% of the polyol component of the initial polyester and also comprising PG, with the acid component of the initial polyester being maleic anhydride (MA) or fumaric acid, optionally in the presence of up to 20 mol % of the phthalic anhydride (PA) acid component, and in this case with the initial phthalic anhydride (PA) also being up to 100% replaced with lactic acid and with the molar ratio of lactic acid relative to the acid component, without including the lactic acid, of said polyester a) being at most 1.75. The invention also relates to a thermosetting composition comprising the resin and to the uses of these resins and thermosetting compositions in moulding compositions or in general-purpose compositions.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Catalytic polymerization of polymers containing electrophiic linkages using nucleophilic reagents

Номер: US20130123458A1

The disclosure relates to methods and materials useful for polymerizing a monomer. In one embodiment, for example, the disclosure provides a method for polymerizing a monomer containing a plurality of electrophilic groups, wherein the method comprises contacting the monomer with a nucleophilic reagent in the presence of a guanidine-containing catalyst. The methods and materials of the disclosure find utility, for example, in the field of materials science.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123459A1

A method of making an optical film includes providing a film, substantially uniaxially orienting the film, and heat setting the oriented film. The film includes a polymeric material capable of developing birefringence. 1. An optical film comprising polyethylene terephthalate , the polyethylene terephthalate having a crystallinity greater than 33%.2. The optical film of comprising polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , the polyethylene terephthalate having a crystallinity greater than 36%.3. The optical film of comprising polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , the polyethylene terephthalate having a crystallinity greater than 39%.4. An optical film comprising polyethylene napthalate claim 1 , the polyethylene napthalate having a crystallinity greater than 28%.5. The optical film of comprising polyethylene napthalate claim 4 , the polyethylene napthalate having a crystallinity greater than 30%.6. The optical film of comprising polyethylene napthalate claim 4 , the polyethylene napthalate having a crystallinity greater than 48%. The present disclosure relates to heat setting processes for making optical films, as well as films made by these processes.Typically, an optical film that functions as a linear polarizer includes an in-plane block state (“x” direction) and in-plane pass state (“y” direction) for light normally incident to the plane of the film. Thus, light normally incident with a linear polarization state aligned with the x direction is maximally blocked (i.e. minimally transmitted) and light normally incident with a linear polarization state aligned with the y direction is minimally blocked (i.e. maximally transmitted). Light incident off-normal has intermediate levels of transmittance as a function of its alignment relative to the film. The axis normal to the plane of the film is referred to as the “z” direction.The present disclosure describes a method of making an optical film that includes providing a film, substantially uniaxially orienting the film, and ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129951A1

The processes disclosed herein provide methods for dehydrating diols such that dimers of the diols are formed and incorporated into polyesters during polycondensation. Control over this phenomenon provides unique polymer compositions with a range of thermo-mechanical properties, crystallinity, bio-content and biodegradability. Generation of a wide range of properties allows development of polymers that can be used for a wide range of applications. 2. The blend of wherein the other polymer is a natural polymer.3. The blend of wherein the natural polymer is a starch.4. A shaped article formed from the blend of .5. A shaped article of selected from the group consisting of films claim 4 , sheets claim 4 , fibers claim 4 , melt blown containers claim 4 , molded parts claim 4 , and foamed parts.6. A process for making an aliphatic-aromatic copolyetherester claim 4 , comprising:a. combining one or more dicarboxylic acid monomers or diester derivatives thereof with a diol in the presence of an ester interchange catalyst to form a first reaction mixture of an ester interchange reaction;b. heating the first reaction mixture with mixing to a temperature between about 200 degrees C. and about 260 degrees C., whereby volatile products of the ester interchange reaction are distilled off, to form a second reaction mixture; andc. polycondensing the second reaction mixture with stirring at a temperature between about 240 degrees C. and 260 degrees C. under vacuum to form the aliphatic-aromatic copolyetherester.7. The process of claim 6 , wherein the diol consists essentially of 100 mole percent of a single glycol component based on 100 mole percent total glycol component.8. The process of or claim 6 , wherein the diol is added in an excess of between about 10% and 100% relative to that needed to provide equimolar proportions of hydroxyl moieties and carboxylic acid moieties or ester-forming derivatives thereof to the reaction vessel.9. The process of or claim 6 , wherein the ester ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Polymers for Functional Particles

Номер: US20130130348A1

A method includes producing libraries of nanoparticles having highly controlled properties, which can be formed by mixing together two or more macromolecules in different ratios. One or more of the macromolecules may be a polymeric conjugate of a moiety to a biocompatible polymer. The nanoparticle may contain a drug. The moiety may include a polypeptide or a polynucleotide, such as an aptamer. The moiety may be a targeting moiety, an imaging moiety, a chelating moiety, a charged moiety, or a therapeutic moiety. Another aspect is directed to systems and methods of producing such polymeric conjugates. In some embodiments, a solution containing a polymer is contacted with a liquid, such as an immiscible liquid, to form nanoparticles containing the polymeric conjugate. Other methods use such libraries, use or administer such polymeric conjugates, or promote the use of such polymeric conjugates. Kits involving such polymeric conjugates are also described. 1. (canceled)2. The method of claim 27 , wherein the moiety has a molecular weight of at least about 1000 Da.3. The method of claim 27 , wherein the moiety has a molecular weight of no more than about 1000 Da.4. The method of claim 27 , wherein the polymer is a block copolymer.5. The method of claim 27 , wherein the macromolecule is amphiphilic.6. The method of claim 27 , wherein at least a portion of the macromolecule is biodegradable.7. The method of claim 27 , wherein at least a portion of the macromolecule is hydrolyzable.8. The method of claim 27 , wherein the biocompatible polymer comprises a polymer selected from the group consisting of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) claim 27 , poly(lactide) claim 27 , poly(glycolide) claim 27 , poly(orthoesters) claim 27 , poly(caprolactones) claim 27 , polylysine claim 27 , poly(ethylene imine) claim 27 , poly(acrylic acid) claim 27 , poly(urethanes) claim 27 , poly(anhydrides) claim 27 , poly(esters) claim 27 , poly(trimethylene carbonate) claim 27 , poly(ethyleneimine) claim 27 , ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Cyclodextrin-based polymers for therapeutics delivery

Номер: US20130131013A1
Принадлежит: Cerulean Pharma Inc

The present invention relates to novel compositions of therapeutic cyclodextrin containing polymeric compounds designed as a carrier for small molecule therapeutics delivery and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. These cyclodextrin-containing polymers improve drug stability and solubility, and reduce toxicity of the small molecule therapeutic when used in vivo. Furthermore, by selecting from a variety of linker groups and targeting ligands the polymers present methods for controlled delivery of the therapeutic agents. The invention also relates to methods of treating subjects with the therapeutic compositions described herein. The invention further relates to methods for conducting pharmaceutical business comprising manufacturing, licensing, or distributing kits containing or relating to the polymeric compounds described herein.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Compositions comprising polymers prepared from 2-hydroxyalkyl acids

Номер: US20130131190A1

Described herein are compositions comprising polymers prepared by melt polycondensation of 2-hydroxyalkyl acids. Methods of making and using the compositions are also disclosed.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Polyglycolic Acid Particle, Production Process of Polyglycolic Acid Particle, and Use Thereof

Номер: US20130131209A1

Polyglycolic acid particles comprising polyglycolic acid having (a) at least 70% by mol of a glycolic acid repeating unit, (b) Mw of 30,000 to 800,000, (c) Mw/Mn of 1.5 to 4.0, (d) a melting point of 197 to 245° C. and (e) a melt crystallization temperature Tof 130 to 195° C., and having (i) an average particle diameter (D) of 3 to 50 μm, and preferably having (ii) D/Dof 1.1 to 12, a production process of the particles, including a solution-forming step of dissolving polyglycolic acid in an aprotic polar organic solvent at 150 to 240° C.; a cooling step of cooling the solution to 140° C. or lower at a rate less than 20° C./min to obtain a suspension of polyglycolic acid particles; and a separation step, and a slurry, (powder) coating or toner containing the particles. 1. Polyglycolic acid particles comprising polyglycolic acid having (a) at least 70% by mol of a glycolic acid repeating unit represented by —(O.CH.CO)— , (b) a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 30 ,000 to 800 ,000 , (c) a molecular weight distribution of 1.5 to 4.0 as represented by a ratio (Mw/Mn) of the weight average molecular weight (Mw) to a number average molecular weight (Mn) , (d) a melting point (Tm) of 197 to 245° C. and (e) a melt crystallization temperature (T) of 130 to 195° C. , and having (i) an average particle diameter of 3 to 50 μm as represented by a 50% cumulative value (D) in a number particle diameter distribution.2. The polyglycolic acid particles according to claim 1 , wherein (ii) a ratio of a 90% cumulative value (D) in the number particle diameter distribution to a 10% cumulative value (D) in the number particle diameter distribution is 1.1 to 12.3. The polyglycolic acid particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polyglycolic acid having the above-described (a) to (e) is polyglycolic acid obtained by subjecting 70 to 100% by mass of glycolide and 30 to 0% by mass of another cyclic monomer to ring-opening polymerization.4. The polyglycolic acid particles according to ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131303A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Disclosed is a material for fiber manufacturing obtained by melt kneading while degassing a liquid crystal polyester satisfying the following requirements (a) and (b): 1. A material for fiber manufacturing obtained by melt kneading while degassing a liquid crystal polyester satisfying following requirements (a) and (b):(a) a flow starting temperature is equal to or greater than 280° C. and equal to or less than 360°; and{'sup': '−1', '(b) a melting viscosity measured at 360° C. with conditions of a nozzle pore diameter of 0.5 mm and a shear velocity of 1000 susing a flow feature testing machine is equal to or less than 70 Pa·s.'}3. The material for fiber manufacturing according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid crystal polyester comprises a repeating unit represented by Formula (1) in which Aris a 1 claim 2 ,4-phenylene group claim 2 , a repeating unit represented by Formula (2) in which Aris a 1 claim 2 ,4-phenylene group or a 1 claim 2 ,3-phenylene group claim 2 , and a repeating unit represented by Formula (3) in which Aris a 4 claim 2 ,4′-biphenylylene group.4. The material for fiber manufacturing according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid crystal polyester has a content amount of a repeating unit comprising a 2 claim 2 ,6-naphthylene group of equal to or greater than 40 mol % with respect to a total content amount of all repeating units.5. The material for fiber manufacturing according to claim 1 , obtained by melt kneading while degassing the liquid crystal polyester under a vacuum condition of equal to or less than 0.04 MPa.6. The material for fiber manufacturing according to claim 1 , obtained by melt kneading while degassing the liquid crystal polyester using an extruder including vent portions at two or more locations from the vent portions at two or more locations.7. The material for fiber manufacturing according to claim 1 , obtained by melt kneading while degassing the liquid crystal polyester using an extruder including a kneading portion on an upstream ...
