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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2251562C2

Изобретение относится к композициям, содержащим синтетический полимер, подверженный окислительной деструкции, термодеструкции или фотодеструкции, в частности термопластичный полимер, и добавки, а также к способу стабилизации этих полимеров. Композиция содержит, по меньшей мере, одну добавку, выбранную из группы стабилизаторов, антистатиков, зародышеобразователей, биоцидов и/или антипиренов, и, по крайней мере, один полимерный диспергирующий или сольватирующий агент, обладающий амфифильными свойствами. Синтетические полимеры, стабилизируемые таким способом, отличаются прекрасной устойчивостью к окислительной деструкции, термодеструкции или фотодеструкции. 5 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 8 табл.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2447091C2

Изобретение относится к химии полимеров, а именно к формованным изделиям, изготовленным из полимерной композиции, содержащей акриловую сополимерную матрицу и частицы, содержащие неорганический оксид со средневесовым размером частиц, меньшим или равным 400 нм. Полимерную композицию получают полимеризацией смеси метилметакрилата и одного или нескольких сополимеризуемых низших алкил(алк)акрилатных сомономеров в присутствии упомянутых частиц и диспергирующего агента, содержащего этиленненасыщенное соединение, содержащее одну этиленненасыщенную связь. Полимерная композиция имеет средневесовую молекулярную массу от 20000 до 250000 дальтон. Описаны также способ получения полимерной композиции, способ получения изделия из полимерной композиции и применение изделия, в строительстве, освещении и т.д. Полимерная композиция, полученная в присутствии частиц неорганического оксида размером менее 400 нм в присутствии диспергирующего агента, содержащего этиленненасыщенное соединение, содержащее одну этиленненасыщенную ...

31-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731178C2

Изобретение относится к латексу содержащего карбоксильные группы нитрильного каучука, содержащего α,β-этиленненасыщенное нитрильное мономерное звено в количестве от 8 вес. % до 60 вес. % и с йодным числом 120 или менее, в котором общее содержание калия и натрия в латексе составляет от 2300 до 10000 вес. м.д. по отношению ко всему латексу, а также к латексной композиции для фрикционного материала, содержащей указанный латекс и термоотверждающуюся смолу. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635604C2

Изобретение относится к новым полиорганосилоксановым композициям, вулканизуемым в горячем состоянии с образованием кремнийорганических эластомеров, то есть вулканизуемым при температуре материала, которая в общем случае находится в интервале от 100 до 200°C и в случае необходимости может доходить до 250°C. Композиция C для использования в изоляционных материалах содержит (A) 100 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного полиорганосилоксанового полимера A, содержащего в молекуле по меньшей мере две алкенильные группы C-C, связанные с атомом кремния; (B) от 0,1 до 250 массовых частей по меньшей мере одного минерала B, выбранного из группы, состоящей из смеси гидромагнезита с брутто-формулой Mg(CO)(OH)·4HO и хантита с брутто-формулой MgCa(CO); (C) от 0,00001 до 0,02 массовых частей или от 0,1 до 200 млнв расчете на массу металлической платины по отношению к общей массе композиции C по меньшей мере одного термостабилизатора D, позволяющего улучшить стойкость кремнийорганических эластомеров к разложению ...

05-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2750890C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к смеси присадок для стабилизации термопластичного полимера в отношении света, тепла или окисления, содержащей (A) по меньшей мере одно соединение формулы (I)где R1и R2независимо друг от друга представляют собой водород, C1-C22алкил, -O, -OH, -CH2CN, C1-C18алкокси, C2-C18алкокси, замещенный -OH, C5-C12циклоалкокси, C3-C6алкенил, C3-C6алкенилокси, C7-C9фенилалкил, незамещенный или замещенный при фениле 1, 2 или 3 C1-C4алкилами, или C1-C8ацил, и R3и R4независимо друг от друга представляют собой C1-C22алкил или группу формулы (Ia)где R0имеет одно из значений R1и R2, и (B) по меньшей мере одну добавку, придающую устойчивость к царапанию, причем добавка, придающая устойчивость к царапанию, представляет собой эрукамид, олеамид или стеарамид. Изобретение обеспечивает долгосрочную термостабильность, лучшую стойкость к царапанию и увеличение значения блеска при использовании заявленной смеси присадок. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 3 пр.

17-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709343C2

Изобретение раскрывает поглощающие кислород композиции для контейнеров (варианты), один из вариантов указанной композиции дополнительно содержит диоксид титана, а также изобретение раскрывает преформу, пленку, лист, изготовленные из указанных композиций, двуосноориентированный контейнер, изготовленный из упомянутых преформ. Поглощающая кислород композиция для контейнеров (варианты) включает, по меньшей мере, один компонент на основе сложного полиэфира, который представляет собой сложный сополиэфир, включающий металлсульфонатную группу, катализатор на основе переходного металла, и растительное масло. Растительное масло содержит, по меньшей мере, одну молекулу, имеющую двойную аллильную структуру. Сложный сополиэфир, содержащий металлсульфонатную группу, включает, по меньшей мере, одно кислотное звено и, по меньшей мере, одно диольное звено. Концентрация двойных аллильных структур растительного масла в композиции составляет более 5,0 мг-экв/кг всех компонентов на основе сложного полиэфира ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018132883A3

30-01-2019 дата публикации

Модифицированная полимерная композиция и смесь стабилизаторов для её изготовления

Номер: RU2678593C1

Изобретение относится к модифицированной полимерной композиции. Описана смесь стабилизаторов для модификации полимера на олефиновой основе, где указанный полимер на олефиновой основе выбран из группы, состоящей из полиэтилена, полипропилена и их комбинации, включающая: по меньшей мере один органический фосфорсодержащий антиоксидант, представленный формулой, выбранной из группы, состоящей из формул (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) и (8) и по меньшей мере одну серосодержащую карбоксилатную соль, причем в случае, когда по меньшей мере один органический фосфорсодержащий антиоксидант представлен формулой, выбранной из группы, состоящей из формул (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) и (8), указанная по меньшей мере одна серосодержащая карбоксилатная соль представлена формулой, выбранной из группы, состоящей из формул (9), (10), (11) и (12); а в случае, когда по меньшей мере один органический фосфорсодержащий антиоксидант представлен формулой (1), указанная по меньшей мере одна серосодержащая карбоксилатная ...

09-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746225C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Изобретение относится к полиолефиновой композиции, обладающей свойствами замедления горения и/или огнестойкими свойствами и подходящей в качестве замедляющего горения и/или огнестойкого слоя провода или кабеля. Полиолефиновая композиция по настоящему изобретению содержит гомо- или сополимер полиолефина, измельченный гидроксид магния, имеющий гранулометрический состав D50от 1,5 до 5,0 мкм, в количестве от 30 до 65 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции и кремнийорганическую жидкость или смолу в количестве от 0,1 до 20 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции. Изобретение дополнительно относится к проводу или кабелю, содержащему один или несколько слоев, где по меньшей мере один из слоев получен из полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению. Наконец, настоящее изобретение дополнительно относится к применению полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению в качестве замедляющего горение слоя провода или кабеля. Изобретение сочетает в себе превосходные замедляющие ...

27-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014153978A

... 1. Способ стабилизации полимеров, содержащих сложноэфирные группы, отличающийся тем, что карбодиимиды формулы (I)причем R, R, Rи Rнезависимо друг от друга представляют собой алкил с 3-6 атомами углерода,a Rи Rнезависимо друг от друга соответствуют алкилу с 1-3 атомами углерода,в жидкой форме добавляются к полимерам, содержащим сложноэфирные группы, в непрерывные или периодические процессы их получения и/или переработки.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что остатки с Rпо Rвнутри молекулы являются одинаковыми.3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что остатки с Rпо Rпредставляют собой изопропил.4. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что добавление жидкого карбодиимида осуществляется при температурах 10-35°C.5. Способ по одному из пп. 1-4, отличающийся тем, что полимеры, содержащие сложноэфирные группы, представляют собой термопластичные полиуретаны.

16-03-2020 дата публикации

Композиции, содержащие сополимеры винилиденфторида и тетрафторэтилена, и способы их применения

Номер: RU2716790C1

Изобретение относится к композиции для уменьшения дефектов расплава во время экструзии нефторированного полимера. Композиция содержит термопластичный фторполимер, имеющий винилиденфторидные звенья в количестве, по меньшей мере, 30 мольных процентов и тетрафторэтиленовые звенья в количестве, по меньшей мере, 5 мольных процентов. Термопластичный фторполимер является свободным от гексафторпропиленовых звеньев или содержит меньше чем 5 мольных процентов гексафторпропиленовых звеньев. Композиция дополнительно содержит, по меньшей мере, один из нефторированного, термопластичного полимера в качестве основного компонента композиции или синергиста полимерной технологической добавки. Кроме того, предусматривается способ уменьшения дефектов расплава во время экструзии полимера и применение термопластичного фторполимера в качестве полимерной технологической добавки. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 10 табл.

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665519C1

Изобретение относится к противозагрязнительной структуре для использования в автомобильной детали и касается противозагрязнительной структуры и способа ее изготовления. Структура включает поверхностный слой, который сформирован на подложке и включает микропористую структуру, и фторсодержащую жидкость, удерживаемую в микропорах микропористой структуры. Элементарный фтор присутствует по меньшей мере в поверхностной части поверхностного слоя. Изобретение обеспечивает создание противозагрязнительной структуры с высокой теплостойкостью и износостойкостью. 4 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил., 5 табл.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662547C1

Изобретение относится к композициям смесей, содержащих поликарбонат. Композиция содержит смесь полимеров, включающих: a) от 40 до 98 мас.% одного или более карбонатных полимеров; b) от 0,1 до 10 мас.% одного или более агентов для улучшения совместимости между одним или более карбонатных полимеров и одним или более олефиновых эластомеров; и с) от 0,1 до 10 мас.% одного или более олефиновых эластомеров, причем указанный олефиновый эластомер представляет собой сополимер, включающий два или более α-олефинов, и имеет кристалличность менее 30%. При этом общая концентрация одного или более α-олефинов в олефиновом эластомере составляет от 95 до 100 мас.% относительно общей массы олефинового эластомера. Технический результат заключается в получении композиций, обладающих хорошей химической стойкостью по отношению к среднецепочечным триглицеридам (СЦТ) и/или отличным от указанных текучим средам. 25 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 6 пр.

19-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667448C1

Группа изобретений относится к клеевой промышленности. Клейкий состав на основе полиолефина содержит: (А) первый состав полимера, включающий полиолефин, привитый на ненасыщенный мономер; (В) второй состав полимера, включающий полиэтилен; (C) третий состав полимера, содержащий: (i) первый полиизобутилен и (ii) второй полиизобутилен. Первый полиизобутилен обладает средневязкостным молекулярным весом (VAMW), а второй полиизобутилен обладает средневязкостным молекулярным весом (VAMW), причем VAMW≠ VAMW. Клейкий состав на основе полиолефина применяется для прослойки для многослойных структур. Состав применяется в качестве клейкого вещества для приклейки металлического слоя. Обеспечивается увеличение адгезии клейкого состава к металлам. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 6 пр.

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013145686A

... 1. Композиция, содержащая:полимер на основе этилена;соединение, выбранное из соединений формулы 1:(Формула 1)где Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп,X выбран из Cl, Br, I, F, OH, NH, NHR′ или NR′R′′, где R′ и R′′, каждый независимо, представляют C-Cалкил,n равно от 1 до 10, иm равно от 10 до 30,и где это соединение присутствует в количестве более чем или равном 500 частей на млн. в расчете на общую массу композиции;C) соединение, выбранное из соединений формулы 2:(Формула 2)где R, Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп;R, R, R, R, Rи R, каждый независимо, выбраны из C-Cалкильных групп,X, Xи X, каждый независимо, выбраны из Cl, Br, I, F, OH, NH, NHR′ или NR′R′′, где R′ и R′′, каждый независимо, представляют C-Cалкил,n равно от 1 до 6,m равно от 1 до 6, иo равно от 1 до 6;и где массовое отношение компонента C к компоненту B (C/B) более чем 1.2. Композиция по п.1, где массовое отношение C/B равно от 1 до 6.3. Композиция по п.1, где компонент B присутствует ...

07-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003266615D1

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Antidegradant blend

Номер: GB0201907631D0

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Antidegradant blend

Номер: GB0201807302D0

21-09-2001 дата публикации

Device to protect plants.

Номер: AP0000001010A

Improved protection of plants and their crops is achieved by growing the plant under a construction having a roof with at least a substantial portion being made of a net of a mesh size allowing adequate ventilation. The net is made of a transparent or translucent polymeric material having incorporated therein a UV-light absorber.

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Plant protection

Номер: AP0009901598A0

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552306T

15-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000850078A

15-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000150774T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000424429T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335790T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336545T

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: ATA62196A

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000222689T

15-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000194371T

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Biodegradable polyester composition

Номер: AU2017230352B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a biodegradable polyester composition, where the weight content of a cyclic ester as structurally represented by formula (I) is 100 ppm to 950 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition, and the weight content of cyclopentanone is 0.5 ppm to 85 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition. The present invention, by adding the cyclic ester and the coclypentanone to the composition, controls the content of the ester and that of the cyclopentanone in the composition within a certain range, thus increasing the thermal-oxidative aging resistance of the biodegradable polyester composition; also, a film produced by blow molding or a workpiece produced by injection molding produces a small amount of surface precipitates after being boiled in 95% ethanol at 40 °C for 240 h, has great surface appearance properties, and improves the degree of lubrication for the film during the blow molding process of the biodegradable polyester ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Biodegradable polyester composition

Номер: AU2017230218C1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a biodegradable polyester composition, where the weight content of a cyclic ester as structurally represented by formula (1) is 100 ppm to 950 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition, and the weight content of tetrahydrofuran is 3 ppm to 200 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition. The present invention, by adding the cyclic ester and tetrahydrofuran to the composition, controls the content of the cyclic ester and that of tetrahydrofuran in the composition within a certain range, thus greatly increasing the thermal-oxidative aging resistance of the biodegradable polyester composition; also, a film produced by blow molding or a workpiece produced by injection molding produces a small amount of surface precipitates after being boiled in 95% ethanol at 40 °C for 240 h, has great surface appearance properties, and greatly improves on the phenomenon of poor printing for the biodegradable polyester composition in a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Biodegradable polyester composition

Номер: AU2017230352A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a biodegradable polyester composition, where the weight content of a cyclic ester as structurally represented by formula (I) is 100 ppm to 950 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition, and the weight content of cyclopentanone is 0.5 ppm to 85 ppm based on the total weight of the biodegradable polyester composition. The present invention, by adding the cyclic ester and the coclypentanone to the composition, controls the content of the ester and that of the cyclopentanone in the composition within a certain range, thus increasing the thermal-oxidative aging resistance of the biodegradable polyester composition; also, a film produced by blow molding or a workpiece produced by injection molding produces a small amount of surface precipitates after being boiled in 95% ethanol at 40 °C for 240 h, has great surface appearance properties, and improves the degree of lubrication for the film during the blow molding process of the biodegradable polyester ...

22-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003289582A1

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Polyolefin composition with excellent colour and thermal stability as well as oxidation resistance for pipes

Номер: AU2012289243A1

The present invention relates to a polyolefin composition with increased resistance to discoloration and to oxidation as well as superior thermal stability and to a pipe or a fitting made of such a polyolefin composition. The composition comprises a polyolefin base resin (A), an antioxidant (B) having a chroman-6-ol structure, an antioxidant (C) having a phenolic structure and an antioxidant (D) having a diphosphite structure. The present invention further relates to the use of the polyolefin composition for the production of a pipe or a fitting and to the use of the polyolefin composition for increasing the lifetime of a pipe or fitting providing the polyolefin composition with resistance against degradation caused by oxidation and with thermal stability.

01-07-1999 дата публикации

Static resistant polycarbonate compositions

Номер: AU0009522398A

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Polyolefin composition comprising thermoplastic starch

Номер: AU2013305485B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The invention relates to a polyolefin composition comprising polyolefin, amphipathic polymer compatibiliser, iron palmitate, and thermoplastic starch and/or its constituent components.

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Thermoset resin composition, and prepreg and laminated board made of same

Номер: AU2014411038B2
Принадлежит: Chrysiliou IP

The present invention relates to a thermoset resin composition and prepreg made of the same and laminated board. The thermoset resin composition comprises the following constituents in parts by weight: 50-150 parts of cyanate; 30-120 parts of epoxy resin; 20-70 parts of allyl benzene maleic anhydride; 20-100 parts of polyphenyl ether; 30-100 parts of halogen-free flame retardant; 0.05-5 parts of curing accelerant; 50-200 parts of filler. The prepreg and the laminated board made of the thermoset resin composition have comprehensive performance such as low dielectric constant, low dielectric loss, superior flame retardancy, thermal resistance and wet resistance etc., and is suitable for use in a halogen-free high-frequency multilayer circuit board.

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Polymer composition having greater resistance to stress whitening

Номер: AU2016373306A1
Принадлежит: Halfords IP

The invention relates to a polymer composition that has greater resistance to stress whitening and comprises at least one thermoplastic polymer material and a dielectric liquid, a method for producing said polymer composition, a cable comprising at least one electrically insulating layer obtained using said polymer composition, and a method for manufacturing said cable.

22-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002358843C

A composition containing polypropylene prepared by polymerization over a metallocene catalyst or a polypropylene copolymer prepared by polymerization over a metallocene catalyst, and a stabilizer mixture comprising (A) for example the compound of the formula (A-I-1-a) (see formula A-I-1-a) wherein n1 is a number from 2 to 20; and (B) for example the compound of the formula (B-I-2-a). (see formula B-I-1-b) ...

01-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000990434A1

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3128002A1

An impact-modified polyamide composition comprising from 5 wt% to 85 wt% of polyamide polymer; from 10 wt% to 60 wt% glass fiber; from 3 wt% to 30 wt% of an impact modifier; and a melt stabilizer at a concentration less than 5 wt%; wherein the weight ratio of the impact modifier to the melt stabilizer ranges from 1.0:1 to 100:1; and wherein the polyamide composition demonstrates an un-notched Charpy impact energy loss at 23 C that is greater than 80 kJ/m2 and a tensile strength greater than 135 MPa.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003019463A1

The present invention relates to lignin compositions and methods for producing lignin composite materials. Composites of this invention substantially reduce or eliminate odor emanating from lignin that would otherwise be present.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003019609A1

The present invention discloses cellulosic composites that include mechanical or chemical pulp, and methods for producing such cellulosic composites. Embodiments of such composites may exhibit improved mechanical properties and moisture resistance when compared to composites derived from conventional cellulosic feedstock.

11-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3044469C

An ultraviolet (UV) absorbing compound and uses of the same are provided. The UV absorbing compound is represented by the following Formula I: (see formula I) in Formula I, each R is independently H, C1-C20 alkyl, glycidyl, or - (CH2CH2O)m-(CH2)p-CH3, wherein m is an integer of 1 to 20, p is an integer of 0 to 20, and n is an integer of 0 to 3.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003047755A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR

A rubberless, strippable, semiconducting composition that includes an ethylene-(carboxylic ester) copolymer having a low comonomeric unit content, carbon black, and a strippability additive combination comprising an amide wax and a silicone oil. Also provided are a cured product made from the composition, methods of making and using same, and articles containing same.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003018809A1

The invention relates to compositions comprising A) 50 to 90 wt% of at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of aromatic polycarbonate, aromatic polyestercarbonate and aromatic polyester, B) 5 to 40 wt% of polymer comprising B.1 at least one rubber-modified vinyl (co)polymer comprising B.1.1 80 to 95 wt%, based on B.1, of at least one vinyl monomer and B.1.2 5 to 20 wt%, based on B.1, of one or more rubber-elastic polybutadiene-containing graft bases, where B.1 comprises polybutadiene-containing rubber particles which are grafted with the vinyl monomers B.1.1 and which comprise inclusions of vinyl (co)polymer consisting of the vinyl monomers B.1.1, und a vinyl (co)polymer matrix which is not bound to these rubber particles and not included within rubber particles, consisting of the vinyl monomers B.1.1, and optionally B.2 further rubber particles grafted with vinyl monomers and composed of B.2.1 5 to 75 wt%, based on B.2, of at least one vinyl monomer on B.2.2 25 to95 wt% ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107125A1

A polyolefin-and-poly (2-alkyl-2-oxazoline) formulation comprising (A) an olefin-based (co) polymer, (B) a poly (2-alkyl-2-oxazoline) (co) polymer, and (C) an antioxidant. Also a method of making the composition; a crosslinked polyolefin product made by curing the composition; manufactured articles comprising a shaped form of the inventive formulation or product; and methods of using the inventive formulation, product, or articles.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003061489A1
Принадлежит: MARKS & CLERK

The present invention relates to a composition for high temperature applications. More specifically, the present invention relates to a coated talc, a process for the preparation of such and its use as an additive in the production of polyolefin composite. Polyolefin composites produced according to the process of the present invention are exhibit a high thermal stability and are useful in a broad range of high temperature applications.

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002612981A1

A polyolefin composition which comprises: (a) a polyolefin containing transition metal catalyst residue (excluding metallic co-catalyst residues) at a level below 5ppm based on the weight of the polyolefin; (b) optionally a first stabilising component consisting of a phenolic antioxidant or mixture of phenolic antioxidants; (c) optionally a second stabilising component consisting of a phosphite antioxidant or a mixture of phosphite antioxidants; and (d) a third stabilising component which acts also as a colour suppressant and which is a polyfunctional alcohol, amine or amide or mixtures thereof, with at least one of (b) and (c) present and with the proviso that if the phosphite antioxidant is trilauryl phosphite it must be used in combination with another phosphite. The preferred stabilising components (b) is l,3,5- tris(4-tert-butyl-3-hydroxy-2,6 dimethyl-benzyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(lH, 3H, 5H)-trione or mixed tocopherols. The preferred stabilising component (c) is Tris(mono-nonylphenyl ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002950645A1

The present invention relates to a polymer composition comprising at least 20.0 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the polymer composition, of at least one biodegradable polymer resin, from 0.1 to 20.0 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the polymer composition, of at least one polyolefin selected from polyethylene and/or polypropylene and from 5.9 to 60.0 wt.-%, based on the total weight of the polymer composition, of an inorganic filler material dispersed in the at least one polyolefin and the at least one biodegradable polymer resin, a process for the preparation of such a polymer composition, the use of an inorganic filler material for increasing the thermal stability and/or processability of a polymer composition, the use of the polymer composition for the preparation of an article as well as in a process selected from extrusion process, co-extrusion process, blown film extrusion process, cast film extrusion or sheet extrusion process, extrusion coating process, injection molding ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002993799A1

Electrically conductive thermoplastic polymer composites of particulate thermoplastic polyester polymers, electrically conductive components (carbon nanofibers, graphene nanoplatelets, and/or conductive metal nanoparticulates), processing aids such as plasticizers, thermal stabilizers, etc., as well as nanoscopic particulate fillers such as nanoscopic titanium dioxide, etc., the electrically conductive components being distributed substantially uniformly in the composite to form an electrically conductive network. Also, methods for preparing thermoplastic polymer composites, a system for collecting extruded filaments prepared from thermoplastic polymer composites as a coil of filament, as well as method for tempering articles formed from thermoplastic polymer composites to increase the degree of crystallinity of the thermoplastic polymers and thus their mechanical strength properties.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2995349C
Принадлежит: ARKEMA FRANCE

L'invention concerne une composition de solvant(s) comprenant un mélange d'au moins une molécule présentant au moins une fonction sulfoxyde et d'au moins une molécule présentant au moins une fonction amide où l'atome d'azote porte un atome d'hydrogène. L'invention concerne également l'utilisation de la composition de solvant(s)pour stabiliser des solutions polymériques. L'invention porte également sur une solution de polymères et sur une membrane de filtration et un cuir artificiel obtenu à partir de la solution de polymères.

30-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2927060C

Optical cable components fabricated from an extrudable polymeric blend of crystalline polypropylene modified with one or more impact-modifying polymers. The impact-modifying polymers are crosslinked and can be selected from a polyolefin elastomer, an olefin multi-block interpolymer, an olefin block composite, and combinations thereof. Optionally, the polymeric blend can further comprise a compatibilizer. The polymeric blend may also contain one or more additives. The optical fiber cable components can be selected from buffer tubes, core tubes, and slotted core tubes.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002927060A1

Optical cable components fabricated from an extrudable polymeric blend of crystalline polypropylene modified with one or more impact-modifying polymers. The impact-modifying polymers are crosslinked and can be selected from a polyolefin elastomer, an olefin multi-block interpolymer, an olefin block composite, and combinations thereof. Optionally, the polymeric blend can further comprise a compatibilizer. The polymeric blend may also contain one or more additives. The optical fiber cable components can be selected from buffer tubes, core tubes, and slotted core tubes.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002962059A1

A polyolefin-based composition made from or containing (A) a first polymer composition made from or containing a polyolefin grafted with an unsaturated monomer, (B) a second polymer composition made from or containing a polyethylene, and (C) a third polymer composition made from or containing (i) a first polyisobutylene and (ii) a second polyisobutylene. The first polyisobutylene has a Viscosity Average Molecular Weight (VAMWi), and the second polyisobutylene has a Viscosity Average Molecular Weight (VAMW2), wherein VAMWi ? VAMW2. The polyolefin-based composition is useful as an adhesives or a tie-layer adhesive composition for multi-layered structures. In particular, the composition is useful as an adhesive to bind a metal layer to a dissimilar substrate.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002968788A1

The present invention provides a polyamide composition comprising (a) at least one polyamide mixture formed from (i) at least one polyamide 6,6, the amount of amine end groups (AEG) being greater than the amount of carboxylic acid end groups (CEG); and (ii) at least one high chain-length polyamide; (b) at least one reinforcing filler; (c) at least one heat stabilizer; (d) aluminum stearate; and optionally (e) at least one additive. The polyamide composition can be advantageously used to produce articles exhibiting enhanced chemical resistance, notably CaCl2 salt crack resistance, such as radiator end tank in an automobile.

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974441A1

Multilayer polyethylene (PE) geomembrane liners for unconventional thermal conditions and methods of making them are disclosed. The liners have N co-extruded stacked layers, each layer being made from a PE masterbatch composition comprising a given amount of PE resin and additives, and of a PE metallocene based resin free of acid neutralizer compounds. Also disclosed are customized multilayer PE geomembrane liners of N co-extruded stacked layers, each layer being made from a PE masterbatch comprising a specific additive providing specific behaviour property to the layer; wherein at least two of the N layers comprise a different specific additive in order to provide a geomembrane liner having at least two layers with different behaviour property. The liners have a water-bath aging performance for about 6 months immersion at about 80°C per ASTM D5322 - modified for water, such that about 80% of high pressure OIT value retained per ASTM D5885.

24-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002918322C

A dispersion spun fluoropolymer fiber prepared from non-melt-processible polytetrafluoroethylene particles and aluminum oxide particles. The concentration of Al2O3 in the aqueous dispersion may range from between about 0.1% to about 5%, with specific concentration of 0.1%, 1Ø The aqueous dispersion is mixed with an aqueous matrix polymer solution containing a matrix polymer and then extruded into a coagulation bath containing a concentration of ions which coagulate the matrix polymer to form an intermediate fiber structure which carries ionic species. The intermediate fiber structure is sintered to decompose the matrix polymer and coalesce the polytetrafluoroethylene particles and the Al2O3 particles into a blended fiber. The resulting, blended fluoropolymer fiber exhibits improved properties relative to 100% dispersion spun polytetrafluoroethylene fibers.

12-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002682861C

An olefin polymer composition comprises a stabilizing amount of a metal deactivator comprising a polymeric hydrazine derivative. The deactivator is of formula (I), in which at least one of R1 and R2 comprise a polymeric radical that includes a substituted or unsubstituted aromatic radical. The olefin polymers include polyethylene and polypropylene.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002864846A1

This invention relates to a biodegradable polymer composition which is particularly suitable for use in the manufacture of articles having a high heat deflection temperature (HDT) by injection moulding and thermoforming.

07-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002043876A1

A-18111/A/CHM 54 Piperidine-triazine compounds containing silane groups, or use as stabilizers for organic materials of the disclosure The present invention relates to novel piperidine-triazine compounds containing silane groups of the formula (I) (I) in which R1 is a group of the formula R7 is e.g. hydrogen, X is e.g. >N-R10 with R10 being C1-C4alkyl, R8 is e.g. a group of the formula , with R11 being hydrogen and Z being as defined for X; Y is e.g. >NII, R9 is e.g.trimethylene, R2 is e.g. methyl, ethoxy or OH, R3 and R4 are e.g. C1-C6alkyl or phenyl, m + n is a number from 1 to 100, n is zero or a number from 1 to 90 and can vary from zero to 90 % of the sum of m + n, R5 is e.g. ethyl and R6 is e.g. ethoxy, and, when m + n is a number from 3 to 10, R5 and R6 together can also form a direct bond. These compounds are effective as stabilizers for organic materials.

04-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002154361A1

Novel polyfunctional maleimides as well as novel compositions based on monoand polyfunctional malwimides are provided. Also prvvided are heat resistance resin compostions and curable compostions incorporating same. The monofunctional maleimide is N-(2.3-dimethylphenyl)maleimide, and the polyfunctional maleimides are bis- and higher functional variations thereof.

31-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002221097C

Polyolefins having excellent stability in permanent contact with extracting media contain as stabiliser at least one benzofuran-2-one type compound.

08-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002315096A1

A water based, low VOC coating includes an aqueous dispersion of an amine terminated epoxy resin and an organosilane curing agent of the formula: R1 (CH2)x-Si-(R3)n-(R2)3-n; wherein R1 is an epoxide, an isocyanate, or an acrylic; R2 is an alkoxy group, acetoxy group, or an oximino group; R3 is a C1C6 alkyl group; X is an integer from 2-10; and n is 0 to 2.

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000573463A5

30-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000718783A2

L'invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'une paille jetable, entièrement biodégradable, Une poudre végétale naturelle est préparée. Un gel de konjac désacétylé est préparé. Un mélange amidon de taro - amidon de manioc est réticulé. La matière brute est agitée et mélangée pour obtenir la matière brute mélangée, et la matière brute mélangée est chauffée. La matière brute chauffée est adressée à une unité de fabrication de paille pour boissons pour obtenir un produit brut de paille. Le produit brut de paille est coupé pour obtenir plusieurs pailles. Le contrôle de la qualité, la désinfection et le conditionnement de la paille sont effectués, et la paille entièrement biodégradable est finalement obtenue.

30-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000718780A2

La présente invention concerne un procédé de fabrication d'un article de table à base de fibres végétales et d'amidon, entièrement biodégradable, de faible coût. Une matière cellulosique végétale contenant des résidus de Scutellaria baicalensis est modifiée pour obtenir un produit d'extrusion. De la gomme de konjac est soumise à une pulvérisation et à une pulvérisation en particules ultrafines pour obtenir un liant colloïdal combiné à une gomme de konjac désacétylée. Le liant colloïdal est mélangé avec le produit d'extrusion pour obtenir un mélange. Le mélange est soumis à un moulage de mousse dans un moule de formage pour obtenir l'article de table à base de fibres végétales et d'amidon, entièrement biodégradable, de faible coût.

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791891A1

29-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201500630A1

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Fragrant flame-retardant antibacterial composite plastic packaging material

Номер: CN0109337328A

12-03-2019 дата публикации

High molecular elastomer spring

Номер: CN0109456577A

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Polyoxymethylene compositions, method for manufacture, and articles made therefrom

Номер: CN0106795359A

18-01-2019 дата публикации

High-temperature-resistant high-pressure-bearing fluorine rubber oil tube

Номер: CN0109233158A

18-01-2019 дата публикации

Flexible self-luminous ambient lighting for vehicle and preparation method of ambient lighting

Номер: CN0109233154A

15-02-2019 дата публикации

MPPO material and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0109337339A

15-02-2019 дата публикации

High-adhesiveness butyl epoxy sealant

Номер: CN0109337613A

12-03-2019 дата публикации

High-toughness glass adhesive

Номер: CN0109456723A
Автор: WANG YU

12-10-2018 дата публикации

Preparation method of heat-conductive high temperature-resistant impregnating varnish

Номер: CN0108641455A

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Long-effect heat-resistant polypropylene composition and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0109456540A

15-02-2019 дата публикации

Low-temperature wood-plastic profile

Номер: CN0109337400A

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Polymeric Composition with Improved Resistance to Thermo-Oxidative Degradation and Use Thereof for Producing Pipes

Номер: US20120031495A1
Автор: Hansjorg Nitz, Heinz Vogt

A polyolefinic moulding composition is suitable for producing pipes with improved resistance to thermo-oxidative degradation when these pipes are in extended contact with liquids which contain disinfectants with an oxidative action. Beside thermoplastic polyolefins, the moulding composition additionally contains specific aromatic amines which are liquid under standard conditions as an additive. The invention also relates to a pipe made from the moulding composition and to a process for improving the long-term resistance of water pipework made of plastics to damage by disinfectants with an oxidative action from the water by the use of this moulding composition.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Heat resistant pla-abs compositions

Номер: US20120220711A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A significant disadvantage of the use of polylactic acid (PLA) has been overcome by the use of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) in combination with an epoxy functional styrene-acrylate oligomeric chain extender. The composition also often exceeds a threshold of 65° C. in heat deflection temperature. Use of an impact modifier further improves the industrial versatility of the heat resistant PLA composition.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Polycarbonate resin composition and molded article

Номер: US20120245265A1
Автор: Haruo Sasaki
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

The invention relates to: a polycarbonate resin composition which is a polycarbonate resin composition (X) including a polycarbonate resin (A) that contains structural units (a) derived from a dihydroxy compound having the portion represented by the following general formula (1) as part of the structure thereof and an aromatic polycarbonate resin (B), and in which the content of the aromatic polycarbonate resin (B) is 30% by weight or higher based on the polycarbonate resin composition (X); and a molded article obtained from the composition. [Chem. 1] CH 2 —O  (1) (The case where the portion represented by the general formula (1) is part of —CH 2 —O—H is excluded.)

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Polypropylene polymer composition with oxygen absorbing capability

Номер: US20120252922A1
Принадлежит: Repsol YPF SA

The present invention relates to a polymer composition comprising a polypropylene, an adhesive polymer and an oxygen absorbing composition. The invention also relates to the use of said composition for the manufacture of processed goods.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Use of thermoplastic composition comprising polyether-block copolyamides as additive

Номер: US20130093118A1
Автор: Eric Maziers
Принадлежит: Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy SA

The present invention discloses the use in rotomolding or slush molding applications of a composition comprising a polyolefin, a processing aid and optionally a UV-stabilizer.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Polypropylene with low fluid retention

Номер: US20130165563A1
Принадлежит: Fina Technology Inc

A controlled rheology polypropylene that is made from Ziegler-Natta produced random copolymer and an additive formulation, extruded in the presence of a peroxide, exhibits low fluid retention and can be used to make medical/laboratory grade equipment, such a pipette tips.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Integrated molded product

Номер: US20130274390A1
Автор: Kouichi Sakata
Принадлежит: Polyplastics Co Ltd

To provide a technique in which a phosphorus compound does not inhibit curing of an addition reaction type silicone-based composition even though the addition reaction type silicone-based composition is in contact with a resin molded product containing the phosphorus compound. An integrated molded product including a thermoplastic resin molded product containing a phosphorus compound, an addition reaction type silicone-based composition, and a member, in which: the thermoplastic resin molded product is in contact with the addition reaction type silicone-based composition; and a pentavalent phosphorus compound is used as the phosphorus compound. The thermoplastic resin molded product preferably contains a polybutylene terephthalate resin in light of heat resistance.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002530A1

Provided by the present invention is a high melt strength styrene resin composition. The composition includes the following components proportioned according to certain parts by weight: a styrene resin or a styrene alloy, a tackifier, an antioxidant and a lubricant. Compared to the existing technology, the present invention has the following beneficial effects: 1. a random copolymer used as the tackifier in the present invention is thermodynamically compatible with the styrene resin and the alloy thereof, does not experience phase separation, and has excellent mechanical properties; 2. the random copolymer used as the tackifier in the present invention has a moderate molecular weight, and is more easily plasticized than a rubber powder, a SAN powder having a high molecular weight, a heat-resistant powder, and so on, thus having better processability, uniform thickness, and low shrinkage rate, and not frequently experiencing the problem of surface defects. 1. A high melt strength styrene resin composition , comprising the following components in parts by mass:a styrene resin or styrene alloy: 100 parts;a tackifier: 5 to 30 parts;an antioxidant: 0.1 to 0.5 parts;a lubricant: 0.3 to 1.0 parts.2. The high melt strength styrene resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the tackifier is a random copolymer obtained by copolymerizing an aromatic vinyl monomer and an acrylonitrile monomer.3. The high melt strength styrene resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein an average molecular weight of the tackifier is from 200 claim 2 ,000 to 400 claim 2 ,000.4. The high melt strength styrene resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the tackifier includes 50-85% of the aromatic vinyl monomer by mass and 10-40% of the acrylonitrile monomer by mass.5. The high melt strength styrene resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the tackifier includes a long-chain branch and an average molecular weight of the long-chain branch is from 10 claim 2 ,000 to 90 claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002285A1

Compounds having hindered amine and oxyalkyl amine light stabilizers can mitigate the adverse effects of actinic radiation, such as visible and ultraviolet light, on polymers and copolymers. Polymers and copolymers derived from such compounds. Articles, such as coated articles and molded articles, containing such polymers or compounds. 3. The compound of claim 2 , wherein each G is Cto Calkylene.4. The compound of claim 2 , wherein each G is Cto Calkylene.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein o is 1-3.7. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each q is hydrocarbon polyradical.8. The compound of claim 1 , wherein q+o+r is from 2 to 5.9. The compound of claim 1 , wherein q+o+r is from 2 to 3.10. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Eis NH.11. The compound of claim 1 , wherein each Eis O.12. The compound of claim 1 , wherein p is 1-2.13. The compound of claim 1 , wherein r is 1-2.14. The compound of claim 1 , wherein q is 0.15. A polymer or copolymer derived from or blended with a compound of .16. An article comprising a compound of or a polymer of . The present disclosure relates to sterically hindered alkyl amine and sterically hindered oxyalkyl amine compounds.Compounds containing sterically hindered alkyl amines or sterically hindered oxyalkyl amines, and particularly the moietywherein Ris alkyl, Ris alkyl, Ris H or alkyl, Ris H or alkyl, Ris H or alkyl, Ris H or alkyl, Ris alkyl, and Ris alkyl are known in the art. When A is alkyl, such compounds are known as hindered amine light stabilizers, or HALS; when A is oxyalkyl, such compounds are known as NORHALS.The utility of HALS and NORHALS as radical scavengers and polymer stabilizers and is well recognized in the art, and is described in, for example, the Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A, 35:7, 1327-36 (1998) and The Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A, 38:2, 137-58 (2001), as well as in JP 2001270859, U.S. Pat. No. 4,983,737 (Grant), and U.S. Pat. No. 5,442,071 (Grant). Such compounds are known to protect ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002178A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Suitable stabilizers for organic material are a mixture comprising 2. The mixture according to claim 1 ,wherein:{'sup': '1', 'sub': 1', '6, 'Ris H, C-C-alkyl, formyl, acyl, or benzyl;'}{'sup': '2', 'sub': 16', '24, 'Ris a mixture composed of C-C-alkyl groups;'}{'sup': 3', '4, 'Rand Rare methyl; and'}m and n are a natural number from 6 to 8.4. A process for preparation of a mixture according to claim 1 , comprising:a) adding component (B) to a melt of component (A) to obtain a mixture;b) homogenizing the mixture to obtain a resultant mixture; andc) converting the resultant mixture to a desired form and allowing to cool.5. An organic material stabilized with respect to exposure to light claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and heat claim 1 , comprising from 0.01 to 5% by weight claim 1 , based on the amount of the organic material claim 1 , of a mixture according to .6. A plastic or paint stabilized with respect to exposure to light claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and heat claim 1 , comprising from 0.01 to 5% by weight claim 1 , based on the amount of the organic material claim 1 , of a mixture according to .7. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture is suitable as light stabilizers and other stabilizers for organic material.8. The mixture according to claim 7 , wherein the mixture is suitable as light stabilizers and other stabilizers for plastics and paints.9. A method for stabilization of organic material with respect to exposure to light claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and heat claim 1 , adding a mixture according to to the organic material.10. A method for stabilization of plastics and paints with respect to exposure to light claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and heat claim 1 , adding a mixture according to to the plastics claim 1 , paint claim 1 , or a combination thereof.12. The tape according to claim 11 , wherein:{'sup': '1', 'sub': 1', '6, 'Ris H, C-C-alkyl, formyl, acyl, or benzyl;'}{'sup': '2', 'sub': 16', '24, 'Ris a mixture composed of C-C-alkyl groups;'}{'sup': 3', ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002189A1
Принадлежит: UMG ABS, LTD.

A thermoplastic resin composition is highly resistant to thermal discoloration during retention in a molding process and provides molded articles excellent in fluidity, impact resistance, heat resistance, surface appearance, color reproduction properties and vibration damping properties. A thermoplastic resin composition includes 20 to 70 parts by mass of a graft copolymer (A) obtained by graft copolymerizing a vinyl monomer selected from unsaturated nitrile monomers, aromatic vinyl monomers and (meth)acrylate ester monomers, in the presence of a rubbery polymer having a volume average particle diameter of 80 to 600 nm; and 30 to 80 parts by mass of a copolymer (B) obtained by copolymerizing a vinyl monomer mixture including vinyl monomers selected from unsaturated nitrile monomers, aromatic vinyl monomers and (meth)acrylate ester monomers, the vinyl monomer mixture including styrene and α-methylstyrene as the aromatic vinyl monomers, (total of the graft copolymer (A) and copolymer (B) is 100 parts by mass). 1. A thermoplastic resin composition comprising:20 to 70 parts by mass of a graft copolymer (A) obtained by graft copolymerizing a vinyl monomer selected from the group consisting of unsaturated nitrile monomers, aromatic vinyl monomers and (meth)acrylate ester monomers, in the presence of a rubbery polymer (a) having a volume average particle diameter of 80 to 600 nm; and30 to 80 parts by mass of a copolymer (B) obtained by copolymerizing a vinyl monomer mixture including vinyl monomers selected from the group consisting of unsaturated nitrile monomers, aromatic vinyl monomers and (meth)acrylate ester monomers, the vinyl monomer mixture including styrene and α-methylstyrene as the aromatic vinyl monomers,the total of the graft copolymer (A) and the copolymer (B) being 100 parts by mass.2. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl monomer mixture includes 5 to 20 mass % of an unsaturated nitrile monomer claim 1 , 10 to 30 mass ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002194A1
Принадлежит: WinTech Polymer Ltd.

Provided is a polybutylene terephthalate resin composition having excellent mold releasability, measurement stability and hydrolysis resistance, and exhibiting minimal discoloration under high-temperature conditions. The polybutylene terephthalate resin composition contains: (A) a polybutylene terephthalate resin, (B) a higher fatty acid ester of pentaerythritol, and (C) a low-molecular weight polyethylene having a number-average molecular weight of 3,000 to 7,000. It is preferable that the component (B) is pentaerythritol tetrastearate, and that the component (C) is a low-molecular weight polyethylene having a number-average molecular weight of 4,500 to 5,500. 15-. (canceled)7. A polybutylene terephthalate resin composition comprising: (A) a polybutylene terephthalate resin , (B) a higher fatty acid ester of pentaerythritol , and (C) a low-molecular weight polyethylene having a number-average molecular weight of 4.500 to 5 ,500 , wherein the polybutylene terephthalate resin composition comprising 0.2 to 1.0 parts by mass of the component (B) and 0.5 to 2.0 parts by mass of the component (C) per 100 parts by mass of the component (A).8. The polybutylene terephthalate resin composition according to claim 7 , wherein the component (B) is a stearate ester of pentaerythritol.9. The polybutylene terephthalate resin composition according to claim 7 , wherein the component (B) is pentaerythritol tetrastearate.10. The polybutylene terephthalate resin composition according claim 7 , wherein the component (C) is a linear polyethylene.11. The polybutylene terephthalate resin composition according to claim 7 , comprising 0.2 to 0.5 parts by mass of the component (B) per 100 parts by mass of the component (A). The present invention relates to a polybutylene terephthalate resin composition, and more specifically, relates to a polybutylene terephthalate resin composition excellent in, in particular, mold releasability and measurement stability during injection molding.Polybutylene ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Polyester Resin Composition with Excellent Impact Resistance and Light Reliability and Molded Article Using the Same

Номер: US20170002196A1

A polyester resin composition and a molded article produced using the same. The polyester resin composition includes: (A) two polyester resins including an aliphatic ring structure and having different trans/cis isomer ratios in the aliphatic ring; (B) a white pigment; and (C) an inorganic filler, wherein the polyester resin composition has a crystallization temperature (Tc) of about 230° C. to about 250° C., as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) while cooling the resin composition at a cooling rate of −100° C./min. 1. A polyester resin composition , comprising:(A) two polyester resins including an aliphatic ring structure and having different trans/cis isomer ratios in the aliphatic ring;(B) a white pigment; and(C) an inorganic filler,wherein the polyester resin composition has a crystallization temperature (Tc) of about 230° C. to about 250° C., as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) while cooling the resin composition at a cooling rate of −100° C./min.2. The polyester resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the two polyester resins (A) include: (A-1) a first polyester resin having a trans/cis isomer ratio of about 2.5 or higher; and (A-2) a second polyester resin having a trans/cis isomer ratio of less than about 2.5.3. The polyester resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising: (D) an impact modifier.4. The polyester resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the first polyester resin (A-1) has a trans/cis isomer ratio of about 2.5 to about 3.0 claim 2 , and the second polyester resin (A-2) has a trans/cis isomer ratio of about 1.8 to less than about 2.5.5. The polyester resin composition according to claim 2 , comprising:about 10 wt % to about 40 wt % of the first polyester resin (A-1);about 10 wt % to about 40 wt % of the second polyester resin (A-2);about 10 wt % to about 60 wt % of the white pigment (B); andabout 5 wt % to about 40 wt % of the inorganic filler (C).7. The polyester resin ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Resin Composition and Article Comprising the Same

Номер: US20170002198A1

A thermoplastic resin composition and a molded article including the same. The thermoplastic resin composition includes: about 100 parts by weight of a base resin including (A) about 70 percent by weight (wt %) to about 95 wt % of a polycarbonate resin and (B) about 5 wt % to about 30 wt % of a polyester resin; and (C) about 0.5 parts by weight to about 6 parts by weight of a linear (meth)acrylic resin. 1. A thermoplastic resin composition comprising:about 100 parts by weight of a base resin comprising (A) about 70 wt % to about 95 wt % of a polycarbonate resin and (B) about 5 wt % to about 30 wt % of a polyester resin; and(C) about 0.5 parts by weight to about 6 parts by weight of a linear (meth)acrylic resin.4. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester resin (B) comprises at least one of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).5. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the linear (meth)acrylic resin (C) is prepared by copolymerization of two or more Cto Calkyl (meth)acrylates.6. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the linear (meth)acrylic resin (C) is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA).7. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the linear (meth)acrylic resin (C) has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of about 100° C. to about 150° C.8. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 6 , wherein the copolymer of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA) comprises methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA) in a mole ratio of about 1:9 to about 9:1.9. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one additive selected from the group consisting of antimicrobial agents claim 1 , heat stabilizers claim 1 , releasing agents claim 1 , photostabilizers claim 1 , dyes claim 1 , inorganic additives claim 1 , surfactants claim 1 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002201A1

A silicone formulation that has a) at least one condensation-crosslinkable hydroxy- or alkoxy-terminated polydiorganosiloxane, b) at least one silane crosslinking agent or siloxane crosslinking agent for the hydroxy- or alkoxy-terminated polydiorganosiloxane and c) one or more fillers, where one filler is the main filler, the proportion by weight of which in the silicone formulation is greater than that of any other filler that may be present, and the decomposition temperature of the main filler is above 350° C., with the proviso that the proportion of the main filler in relation to the total weight of the fillers is at least 20% by weight. The silicone formulation is particularly suitable as resilient adhesive or sealant, more particularly for high-temperature applications, e.g. for producing or repairing facades, fireproof joints, windows, insulative glazing, solar installations, vehicles, white or brown goods, heaters, electronic components, or sanitary installations, or for the construction sector. 1. A silicone formulation comprisinga) at least one condensation-crosslinkable hydroxy- or alkoxy-terminated polydiorganosiloxane,b) at least one silane or siloxane crosslinker for the hydroxy- or alkoxy-terminated polydiorganosiloxane, andc) one or more fillers, one filler being the principal filler, which is present in a greater weight fraction than any other filler optionally present in the silicone formulation, and the principal filler having a decomposition temperature of more than 350° C., with the proviso that based on the total weight of the fillers, the fraction of the principal filler is at least 20 wt %.2. The silicone formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the principal filler is selected from dolomites and aluminum oxides claim 1 , the principal filler being optionally surface-modified.3. The silicone formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein based on the total weight of the fillers claim 1 , the fraction of the principal filler is 20 to 90 wt %.4. ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002518A1

The disclosed technology relates to a plastic compound suitable for preparing articles, such as pipe, with good physical properties, such as impact strength, and resistance to environmental stress cracking (ESC). In particular, the technology relates to a vinyl chloride resin, which includes chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (“CPVC”) homopolymer. Further-more, the invention relates to vinyl chloride homopolymer compounds containing the vinyl chloride homopolymer resin, and articles made from such compounds, which compounds meet 23447 cell classifications under ASTM D1784. 1. A chlorinated vinyl chloride (CPVC) compound comprising (A) at least one high molecular weight chlorinated vinyl chloride polymer resin (CPVC resin) , wherein said high molecular weight CPVC resin is prepared by chlorinating a vinyl chloride resin having an inherent viscosity of about 1.02 or greater.2. The CPVC compound of claim 1 , additionally comprising (B) at least one standard molecular weight CPVC resin claim 1 , wherein said standard molecular weight CPVC is prepared by chlorinating a vinyl chloride resin having an inherent viscosity of less than 0.92.3. The CPVC compound of claim 2 , wherein the ratio of the high molecular weight CPVC resin to the standard molecular weight CPVC resin is 1:1 or greater.4. The CPVC compound of claim 1 , wherein said high molecular weight CPVC resin comprises a chlorine content of less than 67 wt. %.5. The CPVC compound of claim 1 , wherein said standard molecular weight CPVC resin comprises a chlorine content of less than 67 wt. %.6. The CPVC compound of claim 1 , wherein said compound further comprises (C) other additives7. The CPVC compound of claim 6 , wherein the other additive comprises at least one of (1) stabilizers claim 6 , (2) impact modifiers claim 6 , 3) lubricants claim 6 , (4) fillers claim 6 , (5) colorants claim 6 , and (6) combinations thereof.8. The CPVC compound of claim 7 , wherein the CPVC compound comprises from about 0.1 to about 7.0 ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002516A1
Принадлежит: Trinseo Europe GmbH

An elastomeric polymer of formula 1 is described, 2. An elastomeric polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one conjugated diene is selected from 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , 2-(C-Calkyl)-1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , especially isoprene (2-methyl-1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene) claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,3-dimethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-pentadiene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,4-hexadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-hexadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-heptadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-octadiene claim 1 , 2-methyl-2 claim 1 ,4-pentadiene claim 1 , cyclopentadiene and 1 claim 1 ,3-cyclooctadiene.3. An elastomeric polymer according to claim 2 , wherein the conjugated diene is 1 claim 2 ,3-butadiene.4. The elastomeric polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one conjugated diene is used in a total amount of 30 to 100 wt. % based on the total amount of monomers.5. The elastomeric polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the vinylaromatic compound is selected from styrene claim 1 , C-Calkyl-substituted styrene claim 1 , especially 2-methyl styrene claim 1 , 3-methyl styrene claim 1 , 4-methyl styrene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,4-dimethyl styrene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-trimethyl styrene claim 1 , α-methyl styrene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,4-diisopropyl styrene and 4-tert-butyl styrene claim 1 , stilbene claim 1 , vinylbenzyl dimethyl amine claim 1 , (4-vinylbenzyl)-dimethylaminoethyl ether claim 1 , N claim 1 ,N-dimethylaminoethyl styrene claim 1 , tert-butoxystyrene claim 1 , vinyl pyridine and divinylaromatic compounds.6. The elastomeric polymer according to claim 5 , wherein the vinylaromatic compound is styrene.7. The elastomeric polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more vinylaromatic compounds may be used in a total amount of up to 5 to 70 wt. % based on the total amount of monomers claim 1 , provided the di- claim 1 , tri- and higher vinylaromatic compounds are used in a total amount of not more than 1 wt. % based on the total ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Polyamide compositions and plating applications thereof

Номер: US20200002532A1

The present disclosure relates to polyamide compositions and resulting injection-molded articles that can be plated, e.g., metal coated, to form aesthetic injection-molded articles. The polyamide compositions may include from 45 wt. % to 75 wt. % of an polyamide, from 2 wt. % to 40 wt. % of an etchable filler, from 10 wt. % to 40 wt. % of a semi-structural mineral, and optionally from 0.1 wt. % to 13 wt. % of additive. The polyamide composition imparts very good surface appearance to injection-molded articles that are substantially free of visual defects.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Oxygen scavenging polyester compositions for containers

Номер: US20200002537A1
Принадлежит: APG Polytech LLC

Disclosed herein is an oxygen scavenging composition for containers. The oxygen scavenging composition for containers may comprise at least one polyester component, a transition metal catalyst, an oxygen scavenger, and a vegetable oil. The vegetable oil preferably comprises at least one molecule having a double allylic structure. The polyester component preferably comprises at least one acid unit and at least one diol unit. The concentration of double allylic structures of the vegetable oil in the composition may be greater than 5.0 meq/kg of all of the polyester components. The oxygen scavenger is preferably present in the composition at a level less than 1.0% by weight of the total composition. The vegetable oil is preferably present in the composition at a level greater than 0.3% by weight relative to the total weight of the polyester components, the transition metal catalyst and the vegetable oil.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002693A1
Принадлежит: Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

A polyarylene sulfide resin composition characterized by comprising a polyarylene sulfide resin, and an olefinic copolymer comprising an α-olefin-derived structural unit and an α,β-unsaturated acid glycidyl ester-derived structural unit, wherein the olefinic copolymer content is at least 1.0 parts by mass and less than 5.0 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the polyarylene sulfide resin, a melt viscosity of the polyarylene sulfide resin measured at 310° C. and a shear rate of 1216 secis at least 70 Pa·s and at most 300 Pa·s, and a flow length for a width of 20 mm and a thickness of 1 mm, at a cylinder temperature of 320° C., an injection pressure of 100 MPa and a mold temperature of 150° C., is at least 80 mm and at most 200 mm. 1. A polyarylene sulfide resin composition comprising a polyarylene sulfide resin , and an olefinic copolymer comprising an α-olefin-derived structural unit and an α ,β-unsaturated acid glycidyl ester-derived structural unit , whereinthe olefinic copolymer content is at least 1.0 parts by mass and less than 5.0 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the polyarylene sulfide resin;{'sup': '−1', 'a melt viscosity of the polyarylene sulfide resin, measured at 310° C. and a shear rate of 1216 sec, is at least 70 Pa·s and at most 250 Pa·s; and'}a flow length for a width of 20 mm and a thickness of 1 mm, at a cylinder temperature of 320° C., an injection pressure of 100 MPa and a mold temperature of 150° C., is at least 80 mm and at most 200 mm.2. The polyarylene sulfide resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the olefinic copolymer further comprises a (meth)acrylic acid ester-derived structural unit.3. The polyarylene sulfide resin composition according to claim 1 , comprising an inorganic filler.4. The polyarylene sulfide resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the inorganic filler is fibrous.5. The polyarylene sulfide resin composition according to claim 3 , wherein the inorganic filler content is at ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Product with absorbed gel

Номер: US20190002698A1
Автор: Rossi Enrico Maria
Принадлежит: NX GEL LLC

A product with absorbed gel leaving the exposed surface of such product free of stickiness and/or free of the release of oils in any appreciable amounts. 1. A product with gel , comprising:a porous substrate; anda gel substrate adjoined to the porous substrate, the gel substrate comprising a thermoplastic elastomer, a paraffinic aromatic oil, and a viscosity modifier compound;wherein the viscosity modifier compound comprises:a powder of low density ultrafine polyethylene;a slip agent; anda linear low density polyethylene resin.2. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein particles of the powder of low density ultrafine polyethylene are essentially spherical with an average size comprised between 10 micron and 50 micron.3. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the powder of low density ultrafine polyethylene is comprised between 1% and 7% by weight.4. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the slip agent comprises a refined vegetable oil mixed with erucamide.5. The product as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the slip agent is comprised between 0.2% and 1% by weight.6. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the linear low density polyethylene resin comprises a hexane copolymer.7. The product as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the linear low density polyethylene resin is comprised between 0.5% and 2% by weight.8. The product claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gel substrate comprises an antioxidant.9. The product as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the antioxidant is a phenolic antioxidant.10. The product as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the antioxidant is comprised between 0.1% and 0.5% by weight.11. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gel substrate comprises a phase change material.12. The product as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the phase change material comprises particles containing paraffin with a melting point comprised between 24° C. and 32° C.13. The product as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the phase change material is comprised up to 25% by ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010069A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a polyimide precursor composition, and a polyimide film manufactured using same. According to the present invention, since a polyimide film is manufactured from a mixture of a polyimide precursor having a structure that is advantageous to surface charge accumulation and a polyimide precursor having a structure capable of exhibiting high heat-resistant characteristics, a flexible device using the polyimide film as a substrate can have both improved charge accumulation characteristics caused by an electric field to be generated during the operation of a TFT device and heat high heat-resistant characteristics. 2. The polyimide precursor composition according to claim 1 , wherein the reactive functional group of the end capper in the formula 1 is at least one reactive structure selected from a maleic-based reactive structure claim 1 , a cyclobutene-based reactive structure claim 1 , an acetylene-based reactive structure claim 1 , a nadic-based reactive structure claim 1 , an epoxy-based reactive structure or a phenylethynyl-based reactive structure.4. The polyimide precursor composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first polyamic acid and the second polyamic acid are contained in a molar ratio of 20:80 to 80:20.5. The polyimide precursor composition according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first polyamic acid and the second polyamic acid comprises a reaction product of para-phenylenediamine and 3 claim 1 ,3′ claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4′-biphenylcarboxylic dianhydride claim 1 , and the reaction product is obtained by reacting para-phenylenediamine in excess of the equivalent ratio relative to 3 claim 1 ,3′ claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,4′-biphenylcarboxylic dianhydride.6. The polyimide precursor composition according to claim 5 , wherein the first polyamic acid is a reaction product from reacting para-phenylenediamine with 3 claim 5 ,3′ claim 5 ,4 claim 5 ,4′-biphenylcarboxylic dianhydride in the presence of 1 to 10 moles of reactive end capper ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010112A1

A thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprises: (A) a polypropylene polymer; (B) an elastomer component; (C) an additive component; and (D) a scavenger component comprising a polyacetoacetate compound having the Formula (I) defined herein and calcium carbonate. And an article is made from the thermoplastic polyolefin composition. 3. The composition of or , wherein the (D) scavenger component comprises a ratio of the polyacetoacetate compound having the Formula (I) to calcium carbonate of from 1:0.1 to 1:10.4. The composition of any of the preceding claims , wherein the (B) elastomer component is an ethylene/α-olefin copolymer.5. The composition of any of the preceding claims , wherein the (C) additive component comprises talc and an antioxidant.6. The composition of any of the preceding claims , wherein:{'sub': 'B', 'Ris a C1 alkyl group or a substituted or unsubstituted ether moiety;'}{'sub': 'C', 'Ris a C1 or C2 alkyl group; and'}n is a number from 2 to 20.8. The composition of any of the preceding claims , the composition containing from 0 mg/mto less than or equal to 0.05 mg/mformaldehyde , from 0 mg/mto less than or equal to 1 mg/macetaldehyde , from 0 mg/mto less than or equal to 0.05 mg/macrolein , from 0 mg/mto less than or equal to 0.05 mg/mpropionaldehyde , and from 0 mg/mto less than or equal to 0.05 mg/mcrotonaldehyde , in accordance with the VOC Test Method.9. The composition of any of the preceding claims , wherein the composition has a lower odor grade compared to a composition without the (D) scavenger component , in accordance with the Odor Grade Test.10. The composition of any of the preceding claims , wherein the composition exhibits less than a 10% difference with respect to at least one of (i) to (vi) compared to a composition without the (D) scavenger component:(i) a tensile modulus in MPa, as measured by ISO 527;(ii) a tensile yield strength in MPa, as measured by ISO 527;(iii) a flexural Young's modulus in MPa, as measured by ASTM D790;(iv) ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010129A1

A composition includes 65.0-99.85 wt % of a high heat copolycarbonate, the high heat copolycarbonate further having a number ratio of carbon atoms to a total of hydrogen, oxygen, and fluorine atoms of less than 1.12, preferably from 0.83 to less than 1.12; 0.05-0.5 wt % of a first roughening agent; and 0.1-15.0 wt % of an organic slip agent, wherein the organic slip agent comprises pentaerythritol tetrastearate, dipentaerythritol hexastearate, glycerol tristearate, high density poly(ethylene), polymethylpentene, a poly(carbonate-siloxane), or a combination thereof; wherein each amount is based on the total weight of the composition and totals 100 wt %. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the roughening agent comprises a polymethylsilsesquioxane having a mean particle diameter of 0.5-2.5 μm as determined by scanning electron microscopy.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the high heat copolycarbonate has a glass transition temperature of 170-250° C. determined according to ASTM E1640-13 with a 1° C./min heating rate.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the high heat copolycarbonate is an N-phenylphenolphthaleinylbisphenol-bisphenol A copolycarbonate claim 1 , a 3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-trimethylcyclohexanone bisphenol-bisphenol A copolycarbonate claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the organic slip agent comprises0.1-1 wt % of the pentaerythritol tetrastearate, and3.0-10 wt. % of the poly(carbonate-siloxane).7. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a second roughening agent in an amount of 2.0-10.0 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition claim 1 , wherein the second roughening agent comprises a cyclic olefin copolymer.8. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a bisphenol A homopolymer in an amount of 1.0-50.0 wt % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.9. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising an antioxidant in an amount of 0.02-0.06 wt % claim 1 , based on ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Photostable Compositions Comprising Para-Alkoxyl Phenyl Substituted Propenoic Acid (APP) Copolymer Derivatives

Номер: US20220017675A1

The present disclosure relates, according to some embodiments, to photostable photoactive compositions comprising (a) at least one photoactive compound that develops within itself an excited state energy when subjected to UV radiation and (b) a block copolymer comprising a plurality of blocks, wherein the block copolymer is operable to quench the excited state energy. 120-. (canceled)24. The photostable photoactive composition according to claim 21 , wherein the block copolymer is present at a concentration of about 1% by weight to about 20% by weight claim 21 , based on a total weight of the composition.25. The photostable photoactive composition according to claim 21 , wherein the at least one photoactive compound comprises 4-methyldibenzoylmethane and derivatives thereof; octyl methoxycinnamate and derivatives thereof; octocrylene and derivatives thereof; p-methoxycinnamic acid esters and derivatives thereof; 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)propane-1 claim 21 ,3-dione and derivatives thereof; oxybenzone and derivatives thereof; bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl triazone and derivatives thereof; methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol and derivatives thereof; 4-methylbenzylidene camphor and derivatives thereof; diethylamino hydroxyl benzoyl hexyl benzoate and derivatives thereof; drometrizole trisiloxane and derivatives thereof; ethylhexyl triazone claim 21 , diethylhexyl butamido triazone and derivatives thereof; terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid claim 21 , its salts claim 21 , and derivatives thereof claim 21 , menthyl anthranilate and derivatives thereof; retinol and derivatives thereof; coenzyme Q and derivatives thereof; cholecalciferol and derivatives thereof; porphyrin and derivatives thereof claim 21 , resveratrol and derivatives thereof; p-aminobenzoic acid claim 21 , its salts claim 21 , and derivatives thereof; glyceryl esters; anthranilate and derivatives thereof; cinnamic acid and derivatives thereof claim 21 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009050A1

The present invention provides a polyamide resin composition comprising (A) a polyamide resin, (B) an aluminic acid metal salt, and (C) an organic acid, wherein the content of the aluminic acid metal salt (B) is larger than 0.6 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the polyamide resin (A). 1. A polyamide resin composition comprising(A) a polyamide resin,(B) an aluminic acid metal salt, and(C) an organic acid, whereina content of the aluminic acid metal salt (B) is larger than 0.6 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the polyamide resin (A).2. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamide resin composition has a number-average molecular weight (Mn) of 10 claim 1 ,000 or higher.3. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the polyamide resin composition has a moisture content of 1000 ppm or lower and has a peak at 0 ppm to 70 ppm in solid 27Al-NMR measurement.4. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein a water obtained by being impregnated in 2 g of the polyamide resin composition into 50 mL of distilled water and left for 24 hours under a condition of 80° C. has pH of 8 or lower.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)9. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the organic acid (C) has a molecular weight (Mn) of 50≦Mn≦1000.10. (canceled)11. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the organic acid (C) is an aromatic carboxylic acid.12. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the polyamide resin composition has a weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight (Mw/Mn) of 2.0 or higher claim 2 , and Mw/Mn of 3.0 or higher after heat aging at 120° C. for 1000 hours.13. The polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein in analysis based on a GPC-MALS-VISCO method claim 2 ,a molecule having a molecular weight of 100,000 or higher has a branched structure with one or more branch points, and the molecule ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Photochromic polycarbonate compositions, methods of manufacture, and articles comprising the same

Номер: US20170009073A1
Автор: Huihui WANG, Liang Wen
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A photochromic polycarbonate composition including: a polycarbonate comprising bisphenol A carbonate units; a cycloaliphatic polyester comprising units of the formula (5) wherein R is a C 2-12 alkylene or a C 3-12 cycloalkylene; and a photo-chromic dye; wherein the composition has a transmission of 80% or more and a haze of 3% or less, measured according to ASTM D1003 (2007) using the color space CIE1931 (Illuminant C and a 2° observer) at a thickness of 1.5 mm.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009074A1
Автор: He Yueshan, Wang Biwu, XI Long

The present invention relates to a halogen-free flame-retardant resin composition, based on the weight parts of organic solids, comprising (A) from 1 to 10 parts by weight of bismaleimide resin, (B) from 30 to 60 parts by weight of benzoxazine resin, (C) from 10 to 40 parts by weight of polyepoxy compound, (D) from 5 to 25 parts by weight of phosphorous-containing flame retardant, and (E) from 1 to 25 parts by weight of curing agent, which is amine curing agent and/or phenolic resin curing agent. The present invention further provides prepregs, laminates, laminates for printed circuits prepared from said resin composition. 1. A halogen-free flame-retardant resin composition , based on the weight parts of organic solids , comprising (A) from 1 to 10 parts by weight of bismaleimide resin , (B) from 30 to 60 parts by weight of benzoxazine resin , (C) from 10 to 40 parts by weight of polyepoxy compound , (D) from 5 to 25 parts by weight of phosphorous-containing flame retardant , and (E) from 1 to 25 parts by weight of curing agent , which is amine curing agent and/or phenolic resin curing agent.3. The composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the benzoxazine resin is any one selected from the group consisting of bisphenol-A benzoxazine resin claim 1 , bisphenol-F benzoxazine resin claim 1 , phenolphthalein benzoxazine resin and MDA benzoxazine resin claim 1 , or a combination of at least two selected therefrom.4. The composition according to claim 1 , characterized in that the polyepoxy compound is any one selected from the group consisting of bisphenol-A epoxy resin claim 1 , bisphenol-F epoxy resin claim 1 , phenol novolac epoxy resin claim 1 , o-cresol formaldehyde epoxy resin claim 1 , bisphenol-A novolac epoxy resin claim 1 , epoxy resin having biphenyl structure claim 1 , epoxy resin having aralkyl structure claim 1 , dicyclopentadiene epoxy resin claim 1 , halogen-free epoxy resin having oxazolidinone ring or epoxidised polybutadiene claim 1 , or ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025178A1

Described herein is a polyamide composition including: 1. A polyamide composition comprising: (i) ≥20 to <40 mol-% of at least one aromatic diacid, based on a total amount of moles of diacid(s) present in the first polyamide,', '(ii) >60 to ≤80 mol.-% of at least one aliphatic diacid, based on the total amount of moles of diacid(s) present in the first polyamide, wherein the at least one first semi-crystalline polyamide has a melt viscosity between 30 Pa·s and 80 Pa·s measured under shear rate of 1/2500 s at 290° C., according to ISO 11443,, '(a) at least one first semi-crystalline polyamide comprising repeating units derived from two or more diacids and one or more diamine(s), containing (i) ≥40 to ≤90 mol.-% of at least one aromatic diacid, based on a total amount of moles of diacid(s) present in the second polyamide,', '(ii) 10 to 60 mol.-% of at least one aliphatic diacid, based on the total amount of moles of diacid(s) present in the second polyamide, wherein the at least one second semi-crystalline polyamide has a melting temperature of more than 290° C.,, '(b) at least one second semi-crystalline polyamide comprising repeating units derived from two or more diacids and one or more diamine(s), containingthe second semi-crystalline polyamide having a higher heat distortion temperature than the first semi-crystalline polyamide,(c) ≤70 wt.-% of at least one glass fibre having a circular cross-sectional area, and(d) optionally at least one further additive.2. The polyamide composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first semi crystalline polyamide has a melting temperature between 280° C. and 300° C.3. The polyamide composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first semi-crystalline polyamide has a crystallization temperature (Tel) between 245° C. and 260° C.4. The polyamide composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first semi-crystalline polyamide has a melt viscosity between 55 Pa·s and 65 Pa·s.5. The polyamide ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009913A1

A high performance acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) polymer blend comprising ABS, polylactic acid (PLA), an acrylic copolymer based lubricant and a polymeric chain extender. 1. A high performance acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) polymer blend comprising ABS , polylactic acid (PLA) , an acrylic copolymer based lubricant and a polymeric chain extender.2. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the PLA concentration is less than 30 wt. % of the blend.3. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the PLA concentration is more than 30 wt. % of the blend.4. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the PLA comprises virgin PLA claim 1 , recycled PLA claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the ABS is a high impact ABS.6. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the ABS is from about 20 wt. % to about 90 wt. % of the blend.7. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the acrylic copolymer based lubricant is from about 1 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of the blend.8. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the chain extender is an epoxy-functionalized styrene-acrylic polymer comprising glycidyl methacrylate (GMA).9. The blend of claim 8 , wherein the concentration of the epoxy-functionalized styrene-acrylic polymer is from about 0.1 wt. % to about 1.5 wt. % of the blend.10. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits a Notched Izod Impact Strength greater than 151 J/m when measured in accordance with ASTM D256.11. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits a Notched Izod Impact Strength greater than 414 J/m when measured in accordance with ASTM D256.12. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits both a tensile strength and flexural strength greater than the tensile strength and flexural strength of neat ABS when measured in accordance with ASTM D638 and D790 claim 1 , respectively.13. The blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits a tensile strength greater than 40 MPa when measured in accordance with ASTM D638.14. The blend of claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Composition for gel cushion, and gel cushion manufactured therefrom

Номер: US20180009977A1
Принадлежит: Bullsone Co ltd, Caremate Corp

The present invention relates to a composition for a gel cushion and to a gel cushion manufactured therefrom, the composition for a gel cushion comprising 5-8 parts by weight of an additive based on 100 parts by weight of a mixture of an oil and a copolymer which is obtained by polymerization of a polystyrene-based polymer and polypropylene.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Compounded copolyamide powders

Номер: US20180009982A1
Принадлежит: A Schulman GmbH

Compounded copolyamide powders, processes for preparation of compounded copolyamide powders, articles made therefrom and uses.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Thermoplastic acrylic resin and method for producing same, and resin composition

Номер: US20210009802A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

A thermoplastic acrylic resin is provided. The thermoplastic acrylic resin is a graft copolymer in which a stem polymer is an acrylic resin containing acrylonitrile and another ethylenically unsaturated monomer, and a branch polymer is a polymer composed of an ethylenically unsaturated monomer. The acrylonitrile is contained in an amount of 35 mass % or more and 84.5 mass % or less, the other ethylenically unsaturated monomer is contained in an amount of 15 mass % or more and 64.5 mass % or less, and the polymer composed of an ethylenically unsaturated monomer is contained in an amount of 0.5 mass % or more and 40 mass % or less. Thus, provided are a thermoplastic acrylic resin having improved melt-processability without compromising heat resistance, a method for producing the thermoplastic acrylic resin, a thermoplastic acrylic resin composition, a molded body, an acrylic fiber, and a method for producing the acrylic fiber.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Stabilized Polyolefin Compositions Comprising Benzofuranones and Acid Scavengers

Номер: US20190010318A1

Polyolefin compositions comprising i) a polyolefin, ii) one or more phosphorus-containing benzofuranone compounds and iii) one or more acid scavengers are provided excellent protection against discoloration and enhanced thermal stability during melt processing as exhibited by improved retention of molecular weight and maintenance of polymer molecular architecture. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin comprises polypropylene.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin comprises polyethylene.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid scavengers are selected from the group consisting of hydrotalcites claim 1 , amorphous basic aluminum magnesium carbonates claim 1 , metal salts of fatty acids and metal oxides.5. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising one or more acid scavengers selected from the group consisting of alkali or alkali earth metal salts of fatty acids.6. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising one or more acid scavengers selected from the group consisting of calcium stearate claim 1 , zinc stearate claim 1 , hydrotalcite and zinc oxide.7. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of hindered phenolic antioxidants.8. The composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more hindered phenolic antioxidants selected from the group consisting of β-(3 claim 1 ,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid esters.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more benzofuranone compounds are present from about 20 ppm to about 1000 ppm by weight claim 1 , based on the weight of the polyolefin.10. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more acid scavengers are present from about 20 ppm to about 1500 ppm by weight claim 1 , based on the weight of the polyolefin.11. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein a weight/weight ratio of the one or more benzofuranone ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Stabilized Polyolefin Compositions Comprising Benzofuranones and Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers

Номер: US20190010319A1

Polyolefin compositions comprising i) a polyolefin, ii) one or more phosphorus-containing benzofuranone compounds and iii) one or more hindered amine light stabilizers are provided excellent protection against discoloration and enhanced thermal stability during melt processing as exhibited by improved retention of molecular weight and maintenance of polymer molecular architecture. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin comprises polypropylene.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyolefin comprises polyethylene.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hindered amine light stabilizers are selected from the group consisting of(1) 1-cyclohexyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-octadecylaminopiperidine,(2) bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(3) bis(1-acetoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(4) bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(5) bis(1-cyclohexyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(6) bis(1-octyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate;(7) bis(1-acyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(8) bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl) n-butyl-3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylmalonate(9) 2,4-bis[(1-cyclohexyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl)butylamino]-6-(2-hydroxyethyl amino-s-triazine,(10) bis(1-cyclohexyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) adipate,(11) 2,4-bis[(1-cyclohexyloxy-2,2,6,6-piperidin-4-yl)butylamino]-6-chloro-s-triazine,(12) 1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine,(13) 1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-4-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine,(14) 1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-4-octadecanoyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine,(15) bis(1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) sebacate,(16) bis(1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl) adipate,(17) 2,4-bis{N-[1-(2-hydroxy-2-methylpropoxy)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl]-N-butylamino}-6-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-s-triazine,(18) 4- ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Sound-insulation shock-absorbing ABS resin composition for automotive interiors and application thereof

Номер: US20190010323A1

The present invention relates to a sound-insulation shock-absorbing heat-resistant ABS resin composition for automotive interiors and a preparing method thereof. The resin composition comprises: 100 parts of ABS resin, 5-30 parts of heat-resisting agent, 5-20 parts of sound-insulation shock-absorbing polymer, 1-5 parts of hollow glass microspheres, 0.3-1.0 part of light stabilizer and 0.5-2.0 parts of auxiliary. The preparing method comprises the following steps: mixing the raw materials in a high-speed mixer, sending the mixture into a twin screw extruder via a metering device, melting and compounding the material under the delivering, shearing and mixing by screws; and performing extrusion, drawing, cooling and granulating. The method is simple and feasible; and the prepared resin composition has excellent sound-insulation and shock-absorbing effects and favorable mechanical properties, and is able to be applied in the field of automotive interiors. 2. The sound-insulation shock-absorbing ABS resin composition for automotive interiors claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein butadiene in the ABS resin is 10 wt. %-17 wt. %; the weight average molecular weight is 80 claim 1 ,000-150 claim 1 ,000; and the number average particle size of butadiene rubber is 0.3-1.0 μm.3. The sound-insulation shock-absorbing ABS resin composition for automotive interiors claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat-resisting agent is selected from an N-phenylmaleimide-styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers or an α-methylstyrene-acrylonitrile copolymers.4. The sound-insulation shock-absorbing ABS resin composition for automotive interiors claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein the sound-insulation shock-absorbing polymer is a crosslinked polymer comprising a polystyrene hard segment and a ethylene-branched polydiene soft segment; the styrene in the sound-insulation shock-absorbing polymer is 12-20 wt. %; the specific gravity is 0.89-0.94 g/cm3.5. The sound-insulation shock- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010652A1
Автор: BROWN John P.

This disclosure relates to a novel type of high molecular weight polyethylene composition, and product made from said composition, with industrially useful properties, and the process of making said composition and product. 1. A composition comprising:i) a first virgin polyethylene resin, having a bimodal molecular weight distribution which is high molecular weight (HMW), having a high load melt index measured according ASTM D-1238 (HLMI) of from about 1 to 6 g/10min; and comprising a particle size distribution of less than about 50 μmii) a second virgin polyethylene resin, an HLMI from about 20-70 g/10min, a melt flow index measured according ASTM D-1238 (MFI) of from about 0.20-0.60 g/10min, and comprising a particle size distribution of less than about 50 μm;iii) a first post-consumer polyethylene resin, having a MFI of from about 0.10-0.70 g/10min;iv) a second post-consumer polyethylene resin, which is HMW, and having a HLMI of from about 4 - 8 g/10min; andv) a polyethylene antioxidant.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein each of said first virgin polyethylene resin claim 1 , said second virgin polyethylene resin claim 1 , said first post-consumer polyethylene resin claim 1 , and said second post-consumer polyethylene resin is a high density polyethylene.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said first virgin polyethylene resin claim 1 , has a density of from about 0.948 to 0.955 g/cm.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said second virgin polyethylene resin claim 1 , has a density of from about 0.950 to 0.960 g/cm.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said first post-consumer polyethylene resin has a density of from about 0.955 to 0.970 g/cm.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said second post-consumer polyethylene resin has a density of from about 0.952 to 0.958 g/cm.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said first and second virgin polyethylene resin is each independently comprising a particle size distribution of less than about 30 μm.8. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Nucleated Polypropylene Resin for Primary Lens Package

Номер: US20220031033A1

A primary package for holding contact lenses is disclosed. It is primarily made from a nucleated polypropylene resin. It has been determined that the nucleated polypropylene resin should be formulated with a polypropylene base resin with greater than 99% polypropylene homopolymer and a primary and secondary stabilizer, which also contains a catalyst acid scavenger; at least one nucleator/clarifier; and at least one catalyst acid scavenger. 1. A package comprising:a nucleated polypropylene resin formed from a polypropylene base resin consisting of a polypropylene homopolymer and a primary and a secondary stabilizer;at least one nucleator; andat least one catalyst acid scavenger.2. The package of wherein the homopolymer is 1-propene homopolymer.3. The package of wherein the scavenger is a magnesium hydroxide carbonate hydrate.4. The package of wherein the nucleator is 1 claim 1 ,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid claim 1 , calcium salt (1:1) claim 1 , (1R claim 1 , 2S)-rel-.5. The package of wherein the primary stabilizer is tris(3 claim 1 ,5-di-butyl-4-hydroxylbenzyl) isocyanurate.6. The package of wherein the secondary stabilizer is tris-(2 claim 1 ,4-di-t-butylphenyl) phosphite.7. The package of wherein said scavenger is present in an amount of about 0.04 weight %.8. The package of wherein the nucleating agent is present in an amount of about 0.04 weight %.9. The package of wherein the primary antioxidant is present in an amount of about 0.05 weight %10. The package of wherein the secondary antioxidant is present in an amount of about 0.10 weight %.11. The package of wherein the homopolymer is present in an amount greater than 99 weight %.12. A package comprising:a nucleated polypropylene resin formed from a polypropylene base resin at greater than 99 weight %, said resin consisting of a polypropylene homopolymer and a primary and a secondary stabilizer;at least one nucleator at less than 0.25 weight %; andat least one catalyst acid scavenger at less than 0.1 weight ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Multilayer transparent polyester film, method for manufacturing said film and use of said film in particular in the backsheets of photovoltaic panels

Номер: US20170012151A1
Автор: Valerie Lacrampe
Принадлежит: Toray Films Europe SAS

A biaxially oriented multilayer transparent film including at least two layers of polyester, respectively a core layer and at least one outer layer, which can be identical or different, wherein: i) at least the core layer includes at least one biaxially oriented transparent polyester PE1, ii) at least one of the outer layers includes, on the one hand, at least one biaxially oriented polyester PE2, and, on the other hand, particles coming from the reaction between at least one metal compound and at least one monomeric or oligomeric unit of PE2, the particles having more preferably a d50—as μm and following an order of preference—between 0.5 and 5; between 1.0 and 4, and between 1.5 and 3.0. Also relates to the manufacture of this film and its applications as a laminate in particular in the backsheets of photovoltaic cells.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033560A1

A method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer includes (A) providing a polyol and an aliphatic diisocyanate to react in the presence of a suitable catalyst under a heating environment, thereby forming a urethane prepolymer with an reactive isocyanate terminal group; (B) providing a hydrophobic diol with a hydroxyl group and/or a castor oil-based triol as a chain extender; and (C) performing an addition reaction of the urethane prepolymer and the chain extender under an appropriate heating environment to generate the heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer that can be used for a long time in a warm and humid environment. 1. A method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer , comprising:(A) providing a polyol and an aliphatic diisocyanate to react in the presence of a suitable catalyst under a heating environment, thereby forming a urethane prepolymer with a reactive isocyanate terminal group;(B) providing a diol with a hydroxyl group and/or a castor oil-based triol as a chain extender; and(C) performing an addition reaction of the urethane prepolymer and the chain extender under an appropriate heating environment to generate a polyurethane elastomer material.2. The method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer of claim 1 , wherein a molecular weight of the urethane prepolymer ranges from 1 claim 1 ,500 to 5 claim 1 ,000.3. The method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the aliphatic diisocyanate is isophorone diisocyanate.4. The method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the polyol is selected from aliphatic polyether polyols with a molecular weight from 750 to 2 claim 1 ,300.5. The method for preparing a heat-moisture-resistant polyurethane elastomer of claim 1 , wherein the diol is selected from diols with a branched hydrocarbon configuration and has a molecular weight of 50 to 500.6. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Thermoplastic resin composition, method of preparing the same, and molded article manufactured using the same

Номер: US20220033633A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

The present invention relates to a thermoplastic resin composition, a method of preparing the same, and a molded article manufactured using the same. More specifically, the thermoplastic resin composition of the present invention includes 100 parts by weight of a base resin consisting of an acrylate-aromatic vinyl compound-vinyl cyanide compound graft copolymer (A-1) containing acrylate rubber having an average particle diameter of 0.05 to 0.15 μm as a core, an acrylate-aromatic vinyl compound-vinyl cyanide compound graft copolymer (A-2) containing acrylate rubber having an average particle diameter of 0.3 to 0.6 μm as a core, an aromatic vinyl polymer (B-1), and a heat-resistant aromatic vinyl polymer (B-2); and 0.5 to 10 parts by weight of a polyolefin elastomer (C). Within this range, the thermoplastic resin composition may have a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 89° C. or more.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033640A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

An epoxy resin composition is provided which includes a poly-naphthalene-based epoxy resin having two or more epoxy groups per molecule combined with a non-linear multi-phenyl epoxy resin and an additional epoxy resin having an epoxy functionality of 3 or more, as well as a prepreg, and a fiber-reinforced composite material prepared using the epoxy resin composition. More specifically, an epoxy resin composition is provided which contains a combination of particular types of epoxy resins and curatives that, when cured, provides high flexural modulus and that is suitable for preparing a fiber-reinforced composite material capable of withstanding extreme use environments such as low-temperature environments and high-temperature moisture-absorbing environments. In addition, epoxy resin systems are provided which are capable of achieving a high Tg along with good thermal stability for long periods of time at elevated temperatures (e.g., 180° C. or more) when cured at 210° C. for 2 hours. 1. An epoxy resin composition for a fiber-reinforced composite material comprising component (A) , component (B) , component (C) , and component (D) , wherein the epoxy resin composition when cured has a weight loss of less than 1.0% when thermally soaked at 180° C. for 1000 hours , and wherein:component (A) comprises at least one poly-naphthalene-based epoxy resin;component (B) comprises at least one non-linear multi-phenyl epoxy resin in a total amount of from 10 to 35 PHR per 100 PHR of total epoxy resin;component (C) comprises at least one epoxy resin having an epoxy functionality of at least three which is neither a poly-naphthalene-based epoxy resin nor a non-linear multi-phenyl epoxy resin; andcomponent (D) comprises at least one amine curing agent.3. The epoxy resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein component (B) comprises at least one non-linear multi-phenyl epoxy resin having a structure corresponding to Formula (II):{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2, 'X—C(Y)(Z)—X\u2003\ ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033654A1

A thermoset barrier film including: a reaction product of the formulas (I), (II), (III), (IV), or a mixture thereof, as defined herein. Also disclosed are methods of making and using the thermoset barrier film, and devices incorporating the thermoset barrier film. 1. A thermoset barrier film , comprising:a reaction product comprising:a fluorinated polyimide oligomer having anhydride end caps, in from 50 to 90 wt %;a cross-linker, in from 1 to 40 wt %, comprising a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane having at least one pendant group selected from an epoxy group, a di-aryl group, an acrylate group, or mixtures thereof;a tie agent having at least one of each of an acrylate group and an epoxy group, in from 0.1 to 20 wt %;an epoxy silane adhesion promoter, in from 0.1 to 3 wt %; andan initiator, in from 1 to 20 wt %, based on a total of 100 wt % of the barrier film, wherein the barrier film is electrically isolating and has a voltage breakdown of from 300 to 1900 volts per micron,wherein the barrier film is thermally stable up to at least 250° C. with no loss in mass below 250° C., andfurther wherein the barrier film has a water contact angle of from 89 degrees to 112 degrees.2. The barrier film of claim 1 , further comprising:a surface modified nano-silica having a primary particle size of from about 10 nm to 20 nm in a total amount of from 5 to 30 wt % by superaddition, wherein the barrier film has a pencil hardness of at least 7 H.3. The barrier film of claim 2 , wherein the cross-linker is in from 8 to 40 wt %.4. The barrier film of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one fluorine booster compound selected from a fluorinated urethane-acrylate of formula, a fluorinated epoxy, or a mixture thereof, in a total amount of from 0.1 to 30 wt % by superaddition.5. The barrier film of claim 4 , wherein the fluorinated polyimide oligomer is in from 50 to 54 wt % claim 4 , the cross-linker is in from about 14 to 18 wt % claim 4 , the tie agent is in from about 5 to 8 wt % ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015028A1
Автор: LEE Won Sik

A protective tube for a coil spring and a method for manufacturing the same are disclosed herein. The protective tube for a coil spring is manufactured by: mixing 40-70 parts by weight of a thermoplastic elastomer, 20-40 parts by weight of a thermoplastic resin, 0.2-5 parts by weight of an antioxidant, and 0.2-5 parts by weight of a crosslinking agent to obtain a mixture; pelletizing the mixture to obtain pellets; extrusion-molding the pellets into a tube; crosslinking the tube by radiation; enlarging the diameter of the crosslinked tube while forming the tube into a spiral shape by heating; and setting the enlarged-diameter tube by cooling. 1. A protective tube for a coil spring , which is manufactured by: mixing 40-70 parts by weight of a thermoplastic elastomer , 20-40 parts by weight of a thermoplastic resin , 0.2-5 parts by weight of an antioxidant , and 0.2-5 parts by weight of a crosslinking agent to obtain a mixture; pelletizing the mixture to obtain pellets; extrusion-molding the pellets into a tube; crosslinking the tube by radiation; enlarging a diameter of the crosslinked tube while forming the tube into a spiral shape by heating; and setting the enlarged-diameter tube by cooling.2. The protective tube of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic elastomer is one or more selected from the group consisting of a polyolefin-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPO) claim 1 , a polystyrene-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPS) claim 1 , a polyimide-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPA) claim 1 , a polyurethane-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPU) claim 1 , a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPC) claim 1 , and a thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV).3. The protective tube of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is one or more selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl chloride-based resin claim 1 , polyamide-based resin claim 1 , polyethylene-based resin claim 1 , polyester-based resin claim 1 , polycarbonate-based resin claim 1 , polystyrene-based resin claim 1 , ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034003A1

Embodiments relate to an article of clothing that includes a base material with a moisture vapor transfer rate (MVTR) of at least 2000 g/m/24 h (JIS 1099 A1). The article of clothing may further include a foam-based spacer material coupled to the first side of the base material. The foam-based spacer material may be positioned between the base material and a wearer of the article of clothing when the article of clothing is worn. The foam-based spacer material may be an array of discrete elements coupled with the base material. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed. 1. An insulating material comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a base material having a moisture vapor transfer rate (MVTR) of at least 2000 g/m/24 h (JIS 1099 A1);'}a plurality of heat-reflecting elements coupled to a first side of the base material, each heat-reflecting element having a heat-reflecting surface and being positioned to reflect heat towards an underlying surface; anda foam-based spacer material coupled to the first side of the base material, wherein at least one of the plurality of heat-reflecting elements is at least partially between the foam-based spacer material and the base material.2. The insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the foam-based spacer material includes polyacrylate claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , or polyolefin.3. The insulating material of claim 2 , wherein the foam-based spacer material further includes a crosslinking agent.4. The insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the foam-based spacer material has a thickness between approximately 0.05 millimeters (mm) and approximately 0.15 mm.5. The insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the base material has a rippled profile.6. The insulating material of claim 5 , wherein a peak of the rippled profile of the base material is adjacent to a portion of the base material that is coupled with the foam-based spacer material.7. The insulating material of claim 1 , wherein the foam-based spacer material has a cross-shaped ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015783A1

Disclosed herein are polycarbonate fibers and fibrous substrates, such as papers, containing such fibers. The polycarbonate fibers are produced from a polymeric composition comprising a cross-linkable polycarbonate containing endgroups derived from a monofunctional benzophenone or containing repeating units derived from a difunctional benzophenone. The polycarbonate fibers can be combined with other fibers to form the fibrous substrate. Upon exposure to ultraviolet light, crosslinking of the polycarbonate fibers will occur, improving various properties of the fibrous substrate. 1. A cross-linkable polycarbonate fiber , formed from a polymeric composition comprising a cross-linkable polycarbonate resin containing a photoactive group derived from a benzophenone.2. The fiber of claim 1 , having a diameter of about 1 micron to about 40 microns and an aspect ratio of about 3:1 to about 1 million:1.3. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the benzophenone from which the photoactive group is derived is a monohydroxybenzophenone.4. The fiber of claim 3 , wherein the cross-linkable polycarbonate resin is formed from a reaction of: the monohydroxybenzophenone; a diol chain extender; and a first linker moiety comprising a plurality of linking groups claim 3 , wherein each linking group can react with the hydroxyl groups of the monohydroxybenzophenone and the diol chain extender.5. The fiber of claim 3 , wherein the cross-linkable polycarbonate resin contains from about 0.5 mole % to about 5 mole % of endcap groups derived from the monohydroxybenzophenone and has a polydispersity index (PDI) of between 3.0 and 7.3 as measured by GPC using a UV-VIS detector and polycarbonate standards.6. The fiber of claim 1 , wherein the benzophenone from which the photoactive group is derived is a dihydroxybenzophenone.7. The fiber of claim 6 , wherein the cross-linkable polycarbonate resin is formed from a reaction of: the dihydroxybenzophenone; a diol chain extender; a first linker moiety ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017657A1

The present invention relates to an additive composition and a low haze polyolefin material which may be prepared using said additive composition. In particular, the polyolefin material is prepared from a polyolefin resin composition comprising one or more optical brighteners, bis-3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol and bis-p-ethylbenzylidene sorbitol at a certain weight ratio. In an aspect, the present invention relates to a method for forming a polyolefin material; said method comprising: 151-. (canceled)52. A method for forming a polyolefin material , said method comprising:(i) preparing a polyolefin resin composition comprising polyolefin resin, one or more optical brighteners and bis-3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol and bis-p-ethylbenzylidene sorbitol, wherein the weight ratio of bis-3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol to bis-p-ethylbenzylidene sorbitol in the polyolefin resin composition is 45:55 to 25:75; and(ii) processing said polyolefin resin composition to form said polyolefin material.53. The method according to claim 52 , wherein processing of the polyolefin resin composition to form said polyolefin material is conducted at a temperature of from 180° C. to 245° C.54. A method for forming a polyolefin material claim 52 , said method comprising:(i) preparing a polyolefin resin composition comprising polyolefin resin, one or more optical brighteners, bis-3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol and bis-p-ethylbenzylidene sorbitol, wherein the weight ratio of bis-3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol to bis-p-ethylbenzylidene sorbitol in the polyolefin resin composition is 45:55 to 15:85; and(ii) processing said polyolefin resin composition to form said polyolefin material, wherein processing of the polyolefin resin composition to form said polyolefin material is conducted at a temperature of no more than 200° C.55. The method according to claim 52 , wherein processing of the polyolefin resin composition to form said polyolefin material is conducted at a temperature of from ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017344A1
Автор: Shi Ying, SMITH DENNIS C.

Laser transparent compositions that may be black in color. The laser transparent compositions may include a matrix material that includes a polypropylene, a dye system that includes one, and optionally two or more, polar organic compounds, a plurality of glass fibers, and a UV stabilizer. Methods of laser welding, which may include irradiating a laser absorbing composition that contacts a laser transparent composition at an interface. 1. A laser transparent composition having a black color , the laser transparent composition comprising:a matrix material comprising a polypropylene;a dye system, wherein the dye system is (i) dispersed in the matrix material, and (ii) present at an amount of about 0.05% to about 0.5%, by weight, based on the weight of the laser transparent composition;a compatibilizer, wherein the compatibilizer is (i) dispersed in the matrix material, and (ii) present at an amount of about 0.1% to about 10%, by weight, based on the weight of the laser transparent composition;a plurality of glass fibers, wherein the plurality of glass fibers is (i) dispersed in the matrix material, and (ii) present at an amount of about 1% to about 40%, by weight, based on the weight of the laser transparent composition; anda UV stabilizer, wherein the UV stabilizer is (i) dispersed in the matrix material, and (ii) present at an amount of about 0.1% to about 2%, by weight, based on the weight of the laser transparent composition;wherein the laser transparent composition has a laser transparency of at least 50%.2. The laser transparent composition of claim 1 , wherein the laser transparent composition has a laser transparency of at least 65%.3. The laser transparent composition of claim 1 , wherein the dye system comprises two or more polar organic compounds.4. The laser transparent composition of claim 3 , wherein the two or more polar organic compounds of the dye system comprise a red dye and a green dye claim 3 , and wherein the red dye and the green dye are present ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017357A1

The present invention relates to [1] a plasticizer for a halogen-based resin containing a mixture of didecyl phthalates each containing a linear or branched Calkyl group, in which a content of di-n-decyl phthalate in the mixture is not less than 48 mol % and not more than 70 mol %; [2] a plasticizer composition for a halogen-based resin containing the aforementioned plasticizer; and [3] a halogen-based resin composition containing a halogen-based resin and the aforementioned plasticizer. The plasticizer of the present invention has an excellent plasticizing effect on a halogen-based resin and at the same time, can exhibit excellent effects of improving all of productivity, processability, kneading properties and heat resistance without deterioration in the respective properties. 1. A plasticizer for a halogen-based resin comprising a mixture of didecyl phthalates each comprising a linear or branched Calkyl group , in which a content of di-n-decyl phthalate in the mixture is not less than 48 mol % and not more than 70 mol %.2. The plasticizer for a halogen-based resin according to claim 1 , wherein the Calkyl group is derived from at least one alcohol selected from the group consisting of n-decanol claim 1 , isodecanol claim 1 , 2-propyl-1-heptanol and 4-methyl-2-propyl-1-hexanol.3. The plasticizer for a halogen-based resin according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer contains the didecyl phthalate(s) other than di-n-decyl phthalate claim 1 , and the didecyl phthalate(s) other than di-n-decyl phthalate is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of di-1-methylnonyl phthalate claim 1 , di-1-ethyloctyl phthalate claim 1 , di-1-propylheptyl phthalate claim 1 , di-1-butylhexyl phthalate claim 1 , di-isodecyl phthalate claim 1 , di-2-propylheptyl phthalate claim 1 , di-4-methyl-2-propylhexyl phthalate claim 1 , n-decyl (1-methylnonyl) phthalate claim 1 , n-decyl (1-ethyloctyl) phthalate claim 1 , n-decyl (1-propylheptyl) phthalate claim 1 , n-decyl (1- ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Block Copolymer Composition

Номер: US20210017377A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A block copolymer composition is disclosed herein. In some embodiments, the block copolymer composition includes a diblock copolymer and a triblock copolymer which each include a polyolefin-based block and a polystyrene-based block. A content of the diblock copolymer is less than or equal to 19% by weight, based on the total weight of the block copolymer composition, the polyolefin-based block includes a repeating unit represented by Formula 1, and the polystyrene-based block includes one or more selected from the group consisting of Formulas 2 and 3. 2. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen claim 1 , an alkyl having 3 to 20 carbon atoms claim 1 , an alkyl having 3 to 20 carbon atoms claim 1 , which is substituted with silyl claim 1 , an arylalkyl having 8 to 20 carbon atoms claim 1 , or an arylalkyl having 8 to 20 carbon atoms claim 1 , which is substituted with silyl.3. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein Rand Rare each independently phenyl claim 1 , or phenyl unsubstituted or substituted with a halogen claim 1 , an alkyl having 1 to 8 carbon atoms claim 1 , a cycloalkyl having 3 to 12 carbon atoms claim 1 , an alkoxy having 1 to 8 carbon atoms claim 1 , or an aryl having 6 to 12 carbon atoms.4. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen claim 1 , or an alkyl having 3 to 12 carbon atoms.5. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris hydrogen claim 1 , or an alkyl having 4 to 12 carbon atoms claim 1 , and Rand Rare phenyl.11. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the block copolymer composition comprises 10% by weight to 99% by weight of the polyolefin-based block claim 1 , and comprises 1% by weight to 90% by weight of the polystyrene-based block.12. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the block copolymer composition has a weight average molecular weight of 58 claim 1 ,000 g/mol to 500 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.13. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017384A1

Provided are methods for extending the life of in-service electrical cable having polymeric insulation, comprising injecting a dielectric enhancement fluid composition into the cable, wherein the composition comprises: (a) one or more organoalkoxysilane functional additives (voltage stabilizer-based, hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS)-based, and/or UV absorber-based); and (b) a catalyst suitable to catalyze hydrolysis and condensation of (a), the injected composition providing for rapid initial permeation of (a) into the insulation, and extended retention of subsequent condensation products of (a) in the insulation. Additionally provided are innovative silyl functional ferrocenes (e.g., containing a ferrocene moiety and a silyl function hydrolysable to silanol) having utility as functional voltage stabilizing additives in the methods. 1. A method for extending the useful life of in-service electrical cable , comprising injecting a dielectric enhancement fluid composition into at least one section of an electrical cable having a stranded conductor encased in a polymeric insulation jacket , and having an average operating temperature T , the composition comprising: (i) a voltage stabilizer-based alkoxysilane (e.g., metallocene-based alkoxysilane,', '(ii) a hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS)-based alkoxylsilane (e.g., tetramethyl piperidine-based alkoxysilane), and/or', '(iii) a UV absorber-based alkoxysilane (e.g., benzotriazole-based, triazine-based, nickel chelate-based); and, '(a) at least one organoalkoxysilane functional additive selected from'}(b) at least one catalyst suitable to catalyze hydrolysis and condensation of the at least one functional additive of (a), andwherein the injected composition provides for both initial permeation of the at least one functional additive into the polymeric insulation, and extended retention of subsequent condensation products of the at least one functional additive in the cable insulation.2. The method of claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018473A1

A phosphonium compound, an epoxy resin composition including the same, a semiconductor device encapsulated with the same, and a method of encapsulating a semiconductor device, the phosphonium compound being represented by Formula 1: 2. The phosphonium compound as claimed in claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rare each independently a Cto Caryl group.3. The phosphonium compound as claimed in claim 2 , wherein at least one of R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , and Ris substituted with a hydroxyl group.4. The phosphonium compound as claimed in claim 1 , wherein M is sodium or potassium.6. An epoxy resin composition claim 1 , comprising:an epoxy resin;a curing agent;an inorganic filler; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a curing catalyst, wherein the curing catalyst includes the phosphonium compound as claimed in .'}7. The epoxy resin composition as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the epoxy resin includes a bisphenol A epoxy resin claim 6 , a bisphenol F epoxy resin claim 6 , a phenol novolac epoxy resin claim 6 , a tert-butyl catechol epoxy resin claim 6 , a naphthalene epoxy resin claim 6 , a glycidylamine epoxy resin claim 6 , a cresol novolac epoxy resin claim 6 , a biphenyl epoxy resin claim 6 , a linear aliphatic epoxy resin claim 6 , a cycloaliphatic epoxy resin claim 6 , a heterocyclic epoxy resin claim 6 , a spiro ring-containing epoxy resin claim 6 , a cyclohexane dimethanol epoxy resin claim 6 , a trimethylol epoxy resin claim 6 , or a halogenated epoxy resin.8. The epoxy resin composition as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the curing agent includes a phenol resin.9. The epoxy resin composition as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the curing agent includes a phenol aralkyl phenol resin claim 6 , a phenol novolac phenol resin claim 6 , a xyloc phenol resin claim 6 , a cresol novolac phenol resin claim 6 , a naphthol phenol resin claim 6 , a terpene phenol resin claim 6 , a polyfunctional phenol resin claim 6 , a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Polycarbonate resin composition and molded article

Номер: US20160024299A1
Автор: Keisuke Tomita
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp

A polycarbonate resin composition is provided, which exhibits a high flame retardancy, a high impact resistance, and an excellent thermal stability. The polycarbonate resin composition is characterized by containing, per 100 mass parts of (A) a polycarbonate resin, 0.001 to 1 mass part of (B) a metal organosulfonate salt and 0.5 to 5 mass parts of (C) a core/shell graft copolymer that has an Si content of at least 300 ppm and that has a butadienic rubber component for the core, and per 100 mass parts of the core/shell graft copolymer (C), 0.1 to 3 mass parts of (D) a metal salt of an organophosphate ester.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022349A1
Принадлежит: UNITIKA LTD.

Disclosed is a semiaromatic polyamide resin composition including a semiaromatic polyamide (A) and a polyhydric alcohol (B), wherein a mass ratio (A/B) between the semiaromatic polyamide (A) and the polyhydric alcohol (B) is 99.95/0.05 to 90/10; and the semiaromatic polyamide (A) includes as constituent components thereof an aromatic dicarboxylic acid component and an aliphatic diamine component, and has a melting point of 300 to 350° C. 1. A semiaromatic polyamide resin composition comprising a semiaromatic polyamide (A) and a polyhydric alcohol (B) , wherein a mass ratio (A/B) between the semiaromatic polyamide (A) and the polyhydric alcohol (B) is 99.95/0.05 to 90/10; andthe semiaromatic polyamide (A) includes as constituent components thereof an aromatic dicarboxylic acid component and an aliphatic diamine component, and has a melting point of 300 to 350° C.2. The semiaromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the sun mc polyamide (A) includes as the constituent component thereof a monocarboxylic acid component claim 1 , and a content of the monocarboxylic acid component is 0.3 to 4.0 mol % claim 1 , in relation to a MIL Ole of monomer components constituting claim 1 , the semiaromatic polyamide (A).3. The semiaromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyhydric alcohol (B) is dipentherythritol.4. The semiaromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyhydric alcohol (B) forms at least one ester bond with a carboxylic acid claim 1 , leaving two or more hydroxyl groups of the polyhydric alcohol.5. The semiaromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 5 to 200 parts by mass of a fibrous reinforcing material (C) in relation to 100 parts by mass of a total amount of the semiaromatic polyamide (A) and the polyhydric alcohol (B).6. The semiaromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the fibrous reinforcing material (C) is treated ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022359A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

Metallized articles comprising polycarbonate compositions are disclosed. The compositions include at least one first polycarbonate useful for high heat applications, a second polycarbonate that is a Bisphenol A (BPA) polycarbonate-polydimethyl-siloxane copolymer; and optionally a third polycarbonate. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezel. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has one or more of the following properties:a minimum haze onset temperature of 145° C.; 'exhibits 0% corrosion when stored for 240 hours at 98% relative humidity at 40° C., in accordance with DIN 50017.', 'achieves a GT0 metal adhesion rating when measured in accordance with ASTM 3359/ISO 2409; and'}3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate is:{'sup': ±', '±, 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a weight average molecular weight of 17,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] to 20,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol], as determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using BPA polycarbonate standards.'}6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate is selected from:{'sup': '±', 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a weight average molecular weight of 17,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] as determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using BPA polycarbonate standards; and'}{'sup': '±', 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a weight average molecular weight of 23,000 g/mol [1,000 ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022360A1

Metallized articles comprising polycarbonate compositions are disclosed. The compositions include at least one first polycarbonate useful for high heat applications; and a second Bisphenol A polycarbonate. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezel. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has one or more of the following properties: a minimum haze onset temperature of 150° C.; achieves a GT0 metal adhesion rating when measured in accordance with ASTM 3359/ISO 2409; and exhibits 0% corrosion when stored for 240 hours at 98% relative humidity at 40° C. claim 1 , in accordance with DIN 50017.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate is: a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA claim 1 , having a Mw of 17 claim 1 ,000 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] to 20 claim 1 ,000 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the second polycarbonate is: a PCP end-capped linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 18 claim 1 ,200 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] claim 1 , as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; a PCP end-capped linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 18 claim 1 ,800 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] claim 1 , as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; a linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 21 claim 1 ,700 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] claim 1 , as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; a PCP end-capped linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 21 claim 1 ,800 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022361A1
Автор: Grieshaber Sarah E.

Polycarbonate blend compositions comprising at least a first polycarbonate, a second polycarbonate, a polyester, and tetrakis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)[1,1-biphenyl]-4,4′diylbisphosphonite are disclosed. The compositions include at least one polycarbonate useful for high heat applications. The compositions can include one or more additional polymers. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezels. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has a yellow index (YI) less than or equal to 10 claim 1 , as measured by ASTM D1925.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises structural units derived from PPPBP claim 1 , and has a Mw of 15 claim 1 ,500 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] to 40 claim 1 ,000 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] claim 1 , as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate is selected from:{'sup': ±', '±, 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a Mw of 23,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] to 40,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; and'}{'sup': ±', '±, 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a Mw of 17,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] to 20,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol], as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.'}7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the second polycarbonate and the third polycarbonate are each independently selected from:{'sup': ±', '±, 'a Bisphenol A (BPA) polycarbonate having a Mw of 17,000 g/mol ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022362A1

Polycarbonate blend compositions are disclosed. The compositions include at least one polycarbonate useful for high heat applications. The compositions can include one or more additional polymers. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezels. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has one or more of the following properties:a minimum haze onset temperature of 150° C.;achieves a GT0 metal adhesion rating when measured in accordance with ASTM 3359/ISO 2409; andexhibits 0% corrosion when stored for 240 hours at 98% relative humidity at 40° C., in accordance with DIN 50017.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate has a Mw of greater than 15 claim 1 ,500 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] and less than 23 claim 1 ,000 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol].6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate is selected from:{'sup': '±', 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a Mw of 20,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards;'}{'sup': '±', 'claim-text': {'sup': '±', 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a Mw of 17,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.'}, 'a para-cumylphenol end-capped polycarbonate comprising structural units derived from PPPBP and BPA, having a Mw of 18,500 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; and'}7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the second polycarbonate and the third polycarbonate ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Polymer Blend Composition Based on Carbon Dioxide and Environment-Friendly Decorating Materials Produced Therefrom

Номер: US20150025163A1
Принадлежит: SK Innovation Co Ltd

The present invention is directed to a polyalkylene carbonate resin composition for producing a decorating material and an environment-friendly polyalkylene carbonate resin decorating material produced therefrom. More particularly, the invention is directed to polyalkylene carbonate resin composition for producing a decorating material in which including a polymer additive to impart heat resistance and shape stability to the decorating material, a crosslinker and a chain extender to improve the processability at the processing temperature, and a flame retardant agent to impart a flame retardant effect, and an environment-friendly polyalkylene carbonate resin decorating material produced therefrom. The environment-friendly polyalkylene carbonate resin decorating material produced using the inventive composition has excellent thermal stability, processability, and dimensional stability.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041791A1

Disclosed herein are a cannabidiol (CBD)-containing bio-based polyurethane composite material and a preparation thereof. The composite material is prepared from a component A and a component B in a weight ratio of 100:(20-50), where the component A includes 40-60 parts by weight of a vegetable oil-based polyol, 35-50 parts by weight of polyether polyol I, 0-10 parts by weight of polyether polyol II, 0.5-5 parts by weight of CBD, 0-5 parts by weight of a natural pigment, 0.5-3 parts by weight of silicon oil, 0-5 parts by weight of a cross-linking agent, 0.2-1 part by weight of a catalyst and 0.8-4 parts by weight of water, and the component B includes 20-50 parts by weight of modified methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI). 1. A cannabidiol (CBD)-containing bio-based polyurethane composite material , wherein the cannabidiol (CBD)-containing bio-based polyurethane composite material is prepared from a component A and a component B in a weight ratio of 100:(20-50);wherein the component A comprises:40-60 parts by weight of a vegetable oil-based polyol;35-50 parts by weight of polyether polyol I;0-10 parts by weight of polyether polyol II;0.5-5 parts by weight of CBD;0-5 parts by weight of a natural pigment;0.5-3 parts by weight of silicon oil;0-5 parts by weight of a cross-linking agent;0.2-1 part by weight of a catalyst; and0.8-4 parts by weight of water;the component B comprises:20-50 parts by weight of modified methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI);wherein the polyether polyol I is 15% ethylene oxide-capped propylene oxide polyether polyol having a molecular weight of 1000-2000, a functionality of 3 and a hydroxyl value of 50-170 mg KOH/g; and the polyether polyol II is 15% propylene oxide-capped ethylene oxide polyether polyol having a functionality of 2 and a hydroxyl value of 100.2. The CBD-containing bio-based polyurethane composite material of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable oil-based polyol is a cottonseed oil-based polyol having a functionality of 1-3 and a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041829A1

What are described are (a) a composition suitable for production of rigid polyurethane foam, comprising at least one isocyanate component, a polyol component, optionally a catalyst that catalyses the formation of a urethane or isocyanurate bond, optionally blowing agents, where the composition additionally comprises hydrocarbons HC, polyether-modified siloxane and optional polyalkylsiloxane, (b) a process for producing rigid polyurethane foam using hydrocarbons HC, polyether-modified siloxane and optional polyalkylsiloxanes, (c) the rigid polyurethane foam thus obtainable and (d) the use thereof. 1. A composition for production of rigid polyurethane foam , the composition comprising at least one isocyanate component , a polyol component , optionally a catalyst that catalyses the formation of a urethane or isocyanurate bond , optionally blowing agents , where the composition additionally comprises hydrocarbons HC that have boiling points at standard pressure of >100° C. , and polyether-modified siloxane.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbons have 10 to 24 carbon atoms.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbons are used in combination with polyether-modified siloxanes in a mass ratio of 1:5 to 1:200.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises polyalkylsiloxanes claim 1 , where the polyalkylsiloxanes contain preferably less than 20 silicon atoms claim 1 ,and where the polyalkylsiloxanes in relation to the polyether-modified siloxane are preferably used in a mass ratio of 1:5 to 1:200.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion by mass of the total amount of hydrocarbons claim 1 , polyether-modified siloxanes and optional polyalkylsiloxanes claim 1 , based on 100 parts by mass of polyol component claim 1 , is from 0.1 to 10 pphp.6. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the polyalkylsiloxanes conform to the formula 1:{'br': None, 'sub': a', 'b', 'c', ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041842A1

Disclosed herein is a method for preparing a low-cost fully-biodegradable plant fiber starch tableware. A plant cellulose material containing dregs of is modified to obtain a modified plant fiber starch blank. Konjac gum is subjected to pulverization and ultrafine pulverization to obtain a colloidal binder combined with a deacetylated konjac gum. The colloidal binder is mixed with the modified plant fiber starch blank to obtain a mixture. The mixture is subjected to foam molding in a forming mold to obtain the low-cost fully-biodegradable plant fiber starch tableware. 1. A method for preparing a low-cost fully-biodegradable plant fiber starch tableware , comprising:{'i': 'Scutellaria baicalensis', '(S1) adding water into a plant cellulose material containing dregs followed by stirring to obtain a slurry; filtering the slurry to collect a solid residue; subjecting the solid residue to drying, pulverization, sieving and ultrafine pulverization; adding a starch adhesive and a bio-degrading enzyme; adjusting temperature and water content followed by stirring in a stirrer to obtain a first mixture; and feeding the first mixture to a twin-screw extruder followed by blending and extrusion to obtain a modified plant fiber starch blank;'}{'sub': '2', '(S2) subjecting konjac gum to pulverization and ultrafine pulverization in sequence to obtain a pulverized konjac gum; swelling the pulverized konjac gum in water under stirring to obtain a swollen konjac gum; separately adding water and Ca(OH)into the swollen konjac gum followed by stirring; and adding an adhesive to obtain a deacetylated konjac gum-compounded colloidal adhesive;'}(S3) mixing the deacetylated konjac gum-compounded colloidal adhesive with the modified plant fiber starch blank; and adding an antibacterial agent, a stabilizer, a foaming promoter, a dispersant and a mold release agent followed by stirring and quantitative division to obtain a mixture; and(S4) subjecting the mixture to foam molding in a forming ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041846A1

An article in the form of a pipe, cable or geomembrane comprising polyethylene or polypropylene, and components A) and B), wherein component A) is a hindered amine light stabilizer containing a triazine residue, component B) is magnesium hydroxide which is present in an amount of 0.01% to 5% by weight relative to the weight of the polyethylene or polypropylene, and the weight ratio of component A) to component B) is 1:50 to 50:1, with the proviso that component B) is not a hydrotalcite. 1. An article in the form of a pipe , cable or geomembrane comprising polyethylene or polypropylene , and components A) and B) , wherein component A) is a hindered amine light stabilizer containing a triazine residue , component B) is magnesium hydroxide which is present in an amount of 0.01% to 5% by weight relative to the weight of the polyethylene or polypropylene , and the weight ratio of component A) to component B) is 1:50 to 50:1 , with the proviso that component B) is not a hydrotalcite.5. An article according to claim 1 , wherein Component B) has a mean particle size of 0.2 to 10 micrometres.6. An article according to claim 1 , further comprising a component C) which is 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-tris (3 claim 1 ,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-2 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,6-trimethylbenzene claim 1 , ethylene bis[3 claim 1 ,3-bis (3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) butyrate] or 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-tris (3 claim 1 ,5-di-tertbutyl-4-hydroxybenzyl)-isocyanurate.7. An article according to claim 1 , further comprising a component D) which is tris(2 claim 1 ,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphite claim 1 , [3 claim 1 ,3′ claim 1 ,5 claim 1 ,5′-tetra-tert. butyl-1 claim 1 ,1′biphenyl-2 claim 1 ,2′-diyl]-[3-(3-methyl-4-hydroxy-5-tert.butyl-phenyl)-propyl]-phosphite claim 1 , [2 claim 1 ,2′-ethylene-bis-(4 claim 1 ,6-di-tert. butyl-phenyl)-1 claim 1 ,1′-diyl]-[1 claim 1 ,6-dimethyl-4-(5 claim 1 ,7-di-tert. butyl)-3H-1-benzofuran-2-one)-phenyl]-phosphite claim 1 , [2 claim 1 ,2′-ethylene-bis-(4 ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041847A1
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

A resin composition including a 4-methyl-1-pentene copolymer (A) that satisfies particular requirements and a 4-methyl-1-pentene copolymer (B) that satisfies particular requirements, in which the content of the copolymer (A) is 10 to 95 parts by mass and the content of the copolymer (B) is 90 to 5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the total content of the copolymers (A) and (B). 1. A resin composition comprising a 4-methyl-1-pentene copolymer (A) that satisfies the following requirements (A-a) to (A-d) and a 4-methyl-1-pentene copolymer (B) that satisfies the following requirements (B-a) (B-a1) , (B-b) , (B-b1) , and (B-c) to (B-d) , (A-a) an amount (U1) of constitutional units derived from 4-methyl-1-pentene is 80.0 to 99.9% by mol and a total amount (U2) of constitutional units derived from at least one selected from linear α-olefins having 2 to 20 carbon atoms is 20.0 to 0.1% by mol (provided that U1 and U2 in total is 100% by mol);', {'sub': 'A', '(A-b) an intrinsic viscosity [η]measured in decalin of 135° C. is 0.5 to 5.0 dL/g;'}, '(A-c) when the copolymer (A) is measured in a cross fractionation chromatograph apparatus (CFC) using an infrared spectrophotometer as a detector part, at least one peak of an amount of a component eluted is present in a range of 100 to 140° C.;', '(A-d) when the copolymer (A) is measured in the CFC, a molecular weight distribution (Mw/Mn), which is a ratio between a weight average molecular weight (Mw) and a number average molecular weight (Mn), in the component eluted in a range of 100 to 140° C., is 1.0 to 3.5;', '(B-a) an amount (U3) of constitutional units derived from 4-methyl-1-pentene is 20.0 to 98.0% by mol and a total amount (U4) of constitutional units derived from at least one selected from linear α-olefins having 2 to 20 carbon atoms is 80.0 to 2.0% by mol (provided that U3 and U4 in total is 100% by mol);', '(B-a1) a ratio (U4/U2) between U2 (% by mol) described in the requirement (A-a) and U4 (% by mol ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041859A1

The present disclosure relates to a polyester-based resin composition and a molded article manufactured using the same. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a polyester-based resin composition including 93 to 99.5% by weight of a polybutylene terephthalate resin; 0.1 to 3% by weight of a polar group-containing lubricant; and 0.1 to 2% by weight of an antioxidant and a molded article manufactured using the polyester-based resin composition. 1. A polyester-based resin composition , comprising:93 to 99.5% by weight of a polybutylene terephthalate resin;0.1 to 3% by weight of a polar group-containing lubricant; and0.1 to 2% by weight of an antioxidant.2. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polybutylene terephthalate resin has an intrinsic viscosity of 0.90 to 1.15 dl/g.3. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the polybutylene terephthalate resin comprises a first polybutylene terephthalate resin having a relative viscosity of 0.95 to 1 as measured according to ASTM D1243 and a second polybutylene terephthalate resin having a relative viscosity of 0.75 to 0.8 as measured according to ASTM D1243.4. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group-containing lubricant is a lubricant containing at least one polar group of a hydroxyl group claim 1 , a carbonyl group claim 1 , and an amino group.5. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polar group-containing lubricant has a dropping point of 115 to 128° C. or a crystallization temperature (Tm) of 102 to 122° C.6. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant is a phenolic antioxidant.7. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester-based resin composition further comprises a hydrolysis stabilizer.8. The polyester-based resin composition according to claim 7 , wherein the hydrolysis stabilizer is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for producing low-cost fully biodegradable disposable straw

Номер: US20220041865A1

A method for producing a low-cost fully biodegradable disposable straw. Natural plant powder is prepared. Deacetylated konjac gel is prepared. The taro starch-cassava starch is crosslinked. The raw material is stirred and mixed to obtain the mixed raw material, and the mixed raw material is heated. The heated raw material is added to the beverage straw manufacturing unit to obtain a straw crude. The straw crude is cut to obtain several straws. The quality inspection, the disinfection and the packaging of the straw are carried out, and the fully biodegradable straw is obtained, finally.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Stator Compound Having an NBIR Terpolymer Elastomeric Base and Stators and Downhole Motors Using the Same

Номер: US20190023878A1
Автор: Kyker Gary Stephen

A stator compound including an acrylonitrile butadiene isoprene rubber (NBIR) terpolymer elastomeric base. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of making a stator compound , comprising:during a first mixing stage, mixing a high reinforcing carbon black with an elastomeric base at a temperature below about 300 degrees Fahrenheit without curing agents to produce a mixture, wherein the elastomeric base has one or more rubber components, wherein the only rubber components of the elastomeric base are acrylonitrile butadiene isoprene rubbers (NBIR);andduring a second mixing stage, mixing curing agents into the mixture.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein mixing a high reinforcing carbon black with the elastomeric base comprises mixing a high reinforcing carbon black having a surface area of about 80 to about 250 (Iodine # mg/g) and a structure of about 70 to about 178 (DOP Absorption-cc/100 g) with the elastomeric base.13. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mixing a semi-reinforcing carbon black with the elastomeric base during the first mixing stage.14. The method of claim 13 , wherein mixing a semi-reinforcing carbon black with the elastomeric base comprises mixing a semi-reinforcing carbon black having a surface area of about 20 to about 50 (Iodine # mg/g) and a structure of about 60 to about 125 (DOP Absorption-cc/100 g) with the elastomeric base.15. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mixing at least one plasticizer selected from the group consisting of polymeric and ester plasticizers with the elastomeric base during the first mixing stage.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein mixing curing agents into the mixture comprises mixing sulfur into the mixture during the second mixing stage.17. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mixing an antioxidant with the elastomeric base during the first mixing stage.18. The method of claim 11 , further comprising mixing at least one of a phenolic resin without a curing agent claim 11 , zinc oxide claim 11 , stearic ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Rubber mixture and pneumatic vehicle tire

Номер: US20190023881A1

The invention relates to a sulfur-crosslinkable rubber mixture, especially for the sidewall of pneumatic vehicle tires, and to a pneumatic vehicle tire whose sidewall consists at least partly of the sulfur-crosslinked rubber mixture. For reduced hysteresis, hence leading to low rolling resistance when used as a sidewall mixture, the rubber mixture comprises 20 to 80 phr of natural rubber and/or synthetic polyisoprene, 20 to 80 phr of at least one polybutadiene functionalized for attachment to silica and 20 to 50 phr of at least one silica with a CTAB surface area (to ASTM D 3765) of 50 to 130 m 2 /g and a nitrogen surface area (BET surface area) (to DIN ISO 9277 and DIN 66132) of 60 to 140 m 2 /g.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023892A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a thermoplastic resin composition having excellent weather resistance, according to the present invention, the thermoplastic resin composition has excellent weather resistance, gloss, and impact resistance, and thus may be suitable for use as exterior materials for structures, such as siding and window frames. 1. A thermoplastic resin composition having excellent weather resistance , comprising:100 parts by weight of a base resin, wherein the base resin comprises (A) 5 to 40% by weight of a first graft copolymer having an average particle diameter of 2,500 to 6,000 Å and containing acrylate rubber as a core, (B) 5 to 40% by weight of a second graft copolymer having an average particle diameter of 500 to 2,000 Å and containing acrylate rubber as a core, and (C) 20 to 80% by weight of an aromatic vinyl compound-(meth)acrylate compound copolymer having a weight average molecular weight of 50,000 to 150,000 g/mol; and(D) 0.1 to 6 parts by weight of a syndiotactic polystyrene resin,wherein a weight ratio of the first graft copolymer to the second graft copolymer is from 1:0.5 to 1:3.2. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising (E) 10 to 30% by weight of an aromatic vinyl compound-vinyl cyanide compound copolymer having a weight average molecular weight of 130 claim 1 ,000 to 170 claim 1 ,000 g/mol with respect to 100% by weight of the total base resin.3. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 0.1 to 10 parts by weight of a plasticizer with respect to 100 parts by weight of the base resin.4. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first graft copolymer is obtained by graft-polymerizing 25 to 55% by weight of an aromatic vinyl compound and 10 to 30% by weight of a vinyl cyanide compound onto 20 to 60% by weight of an acrylate rubber core.5. The thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the second graft copolymer is ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023897A1
Автор: Chen Zhe, Sun Yafeng, Wen Liang

A replication composition includes at least 45 weight percent (wt) of a polycarbonate; 3 to 55 wt % of a polyester comprising a poly(Calkylene) terephthalate or a polyester comprising repeating units of Formula I: (I); wherein each T is independently a Ccycloaliphatic group or Caromatic group, and each D is independently a Caromatic group or Caliphatic group, provided that at least 50 mole percent of D is a 1,4-cyclohexanedimethyl group or a Caliphatic group; wherein the polyester has a melt viscosity between 0.01 and 3,000 poise (0.001 and 300 Pa·s) measured at 1500/seconds shear rate, at a temperature of 275° C.; and 0.01 to 4 wt % additives; wherein the weight percentages are based on 100 wt % of the composition. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyester comprises a poly(Calkylene) terephthalate claim 1 , a poly(cyclohexane di(Calkanol) cyclohexyl dicarboxylate) claim 1 , or a copolymer comprising a poly(Calkylene)glycol terephthalate and a poly(cyclohexane di(Calkylene) terephthalate).3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the additives are UV stabilizers claim 1 , phosphorous stabilizers claim 1 , heat stabilizers claim 1 , antioxidants claim 1 , hydrolytic stabilizers claim 1 , mold release agents claim 1 , extrusion aids claim 1 , antistatic agents claim 1 , quenchers claim 1 , slip agents claim 1 , coloring agents claim 1 , lubricants claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein an extruded film comprising the composition has a replication rate of greater than 75%.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein an extruded film comprising the composition has a melt flow rate of greater than 50 cm/10 mins as measured according to ASTM D1238-04.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein an extruded film comprising the composition has a haze of less than 2.2% claim 1 , as measured according to ASTM D1003-00 claim 1 , Procedure A at 2.54 mm thickness.8. The composition of claim 1 , comprising45 to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023989A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

Disclosed is a flame retardant resin composition in which relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, a silicone based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.1 to 10 parts by mass a fatty acid metal salt is blended at a ratio of 0.1 to 20 parts by mass, a flame retardant agent is blended at a ratio of 5 to 200 parts by mass, a hindered phenol based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 to 10 parts by mass, and a hindered amine based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.05 to 10 parts by mass. The hindered amine based compound has a group represented by the following formula (1). 3. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent contains calcium carbonate particles.4. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant agent contains silicate compound particles.5. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a molecular weight of 1000 or more.6. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 5 ,wherein the silicone based compound is blended at a ratio of more than 0.2 part by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin,the fatty acid metal salt is blended at a ratio of more than 3 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin, andthe hindered amine based compound is blended at a ratio of 0.5 part by mass or more and 10 parts by mass or less relative to 100 parts by mass of the base resin.7. The flame retardant resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the hindered amine based compound has a molecular weight of 3000 or less.8. A cable comprising:a sheath; anda transmission medium provided on the inner side of the sheath and composed of a conductor or an optical fiber,{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the sheath is composed of the flame retardant resin composition according to .'} This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 15/305,734 filed Oct. 21, 2016 ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024452A1

Provided is a millable silicone rubber composition capable of yielding a silicone rubber (cured product) superior in heat resistance. The composition contains: 1. A heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition comprising:(A) 100 parts by mass of an organopolysiloxane having at least two silicon atom-bonded alkenyl groups in one molecule, and having an average polymerization degree of not lower than 100;{'sup': '2', '(B) 5 to 100 parts by mass of a reinforcing silica having a specific surface area of not smaller than 50 m/g;'}(C) 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of a titanium oxide doped with a transition metal oxide of 0.01 to 5% by mass;(D) 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of a cerium oxide and/or a cerium hydroxide; and(E) 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of a curing agent.2. The heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the transition metal oxide in the silicone rubber composition is 0.001 to 0.1% by mass.3. The heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to or claim 1 , wherein the transition metal oxide is an iron oxide.4. The heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a dispersant for filler claim 1 , as a component (F).5. The heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (E) is an organic peroxide.6. The heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (E) is composed of an organohydrogenpolysiloxane and a platinum group metal catalyst.7. A cured product of the heat-resistant millable silicone rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a millable silicone rubber composition capable of yielding a silicone rubber with a favorable heat resistance.Silicone rubbers are widely used in various fields such as the fields of electric equipment, automobile, architecture, medical procedure and food, due to the fact that they have properties such ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031802A1
Принадлежит: Novamont S.p.A

This invention relates to a biodegradable polymer composition which is particularly suitable for use in the manufacture of articles having a high heat deflection temperature (HDT) by injection moulding and thermoforming. 1. Biodegradable polymeric composition for preparing articles having high heat deflection temperature comprising:i) 50-95% by weight, based on the sum of components i. and ii., of a polyester of lactic acid; [{'br': None, '-[—O—(R11)-O—C(O)—(R13)-C(O)—]-'}, {'br': None, '-[—O—(R12)-O—C(O)—(R14)-C(O)—]-'}, 'wherein the dihydroxylic component comprises units —O—(R11)-O— and —O—(R12)-O— deriving from diols, wherein R11 and R12 are the same or different and are selected from the group consisting of C2-C14 alkylenes, C5-C10 cycloalkylenes, C2-C12 oxyalkylenes, heterocyclic groups and mixtures thereof, wherein the dicarboxylic component comprises units —C(O)—(R13)-C(O)— deriving from aliphatic diacids and units —C(O)—(R14)-C(O)— deriving from aromatic diacids, wherein R13 is selected from the group consisting of C0-C20 alkylenes and their mixtures and the molar percentage of the units deriving from aromatic diacids is higher of 50% and lower than 70% of the dicarboxylic component., 'ii) 5-50% by weight, based on the sum of components i. and ii., of at least one aliphatic-aromatic polyester (AAPE) comprising a dicarboxylic component and a dihydroxylic component which comprise the following structural unitsiii) 1-25% by weight, with respect to the total weight of the biodegradable polymer composition, of cellulose fibres;iv) 1-10% by weight, with respect to the total weight of the biodegradable polymer composition, of a nucleating agent selected from polyesters comprising repeating units of 1,4-butylene succinate, talc and mixtures thereof.2. Biodegradable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester of lactic acid is selected from the group consisting of poly-L-lactic acid claim 1 , poly-D-lactic acid and stereocomplex of the poly-L-lactic acid ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031809A1
Автор: Yamamoto Masaaki

Provided is a vibration-insulating rubber composition and a crosslinked vibration-insulating rubber composition which are excellent in low dynamic-to-static modulus ratio, elongation fatigue resistance, low temperature characteristics, and processability, and a vibration-insulating rubber using the vibration-insulating rubber composition and the crosslinked vibration-insulating rubber composition. The vibration-insulating rubber composition of the present invention includes: a rubber component having a conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer, and a non-conjugated diene-based polymer; a vulcanizing agent having a bismaleimide compound; and N-phenyl-N-(trichloromethylthio)benzenesulfonamide. 1. A vibration-insulating rubber composition , comprising:a rubber component having a conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer, and a conjugated diene-based polymer;a vulcanizing agent having a bismaleimide compound; andN-phenyl-N-(trichloromethylthio)benzenesulfonamide.2. The vibration-insulating rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the bismaleimide compound is contained by 1.0 to 5.0 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component claim 1 , and the N-phenyl-N-(trichloromethylthio)benzenesulfonamide is contained by 0.2 to 4 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.3. The vibration-insulating rubber composition according to claim 1 , further comprising sulfur by 0.2 to 1.0 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.4. The vibration-insulating rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer has a cis-1 claim 1 ,4 bond content of 50% or more in a moiety derived from a conjugated diene compound.5. The vibration-insulating rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer has a polystyrene equivalent weight-average molecular weight of 10 claim 1 ,000 to 10 claim 1 , ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Rubber composition with precipitated silica partially pre-hydrophobated with alkylsilane coupled to an elastomer in situ within the rubber composition and tire with component

Номер: US20170029604A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

The invention relates to a rubber composition containing diene based elastomer(s) coupled with a silica coupler in situ in the rubber composition to a precipitated silica which is partially pre-hydrophobated with an alkylsilane, its preparation and to a tire containing a component comprised of such rubber composition.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029618A1

Polycarbonate blend compositions are disclosed. The compositions include at least one polycarbonate useful for high heat applications. The compositions can include one or more additional polymers. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezels. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has one or more of the following properties:a minimum haze onset temperature of 150° C.;achieves a GT0 metal adhesion rating when measured in accordance with ASTM 3359/ISO 2409; andexhibits 0% corrosion when stored for 240 hours at 98% relative humidity at 40° C., in accordance with DIN 50017.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP; and has a Mw of 15 claim 1 ,500 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] to 40 claim 1 ,000 g/mol [1 claim 1 ,000 g/mol] claim 1 , as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the second polycarbonate and the third polycarbonate are each independently selected from:{'sup': ±', '±, 'a BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 17,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] to 24,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol], as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards; and'}{'sup': ±', '±, 'a BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 26,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol] to 30,000 g/mol [1,000 g/mol], as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards.'}6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the second polycarbonate and the third polycarbonate are each independently selected from:{'sup': '±', 'a PCP end-capped linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 18,200 g/mol [1,000 g/mol], as determined by GPC using BPA polycarbonate standards;'}{'sup': '35', 'a PCP end-capped linear BPA polycarbonate having a Mw of 18,800 g/mol [1,000 g/ ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermosetting resin composition, and resin varnish, metal foil with resin, resin film, metal-clad laminate, and printed wiring board using the same

Номер: US20170029619A1

There is provided a thermosetting resin composition including: (A) a modified polyphenylene ether compound which is terminal-modified by using a substituent having a carbon-carbon unsaturated double bond at a molecular terminal; (B) a styrene-butadiene copolymer having a number average molecular weight less than 10,000 and including 1,2 vinyl having cross-linking properties in molecules; (C) a hardening accelerator; and (D) an inorganic filler, in which a compound ratio of (A) component:(B) component is in a range of 80:20 to 20:80.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029623A1

This invention provides a curable composition, which comprises a RTV silicone and an uncrosslinked or partially crosslinked rubber and/or elastomer providing initial strength to the composition, wherein the ratio of the silicone to the rubber and/or elastomer ranges from 1:2 to 15:1 by weight. The curable composition has improved handling and application properties in addition to good thermal conductive performance, UV and thermal aging performance, electrical insulation performance, and adhesive performance. 1. A curable composition , comprising a room temperature vulcanizable (RTV) silicone and at least one of an uncrosslinked rubber , a partially crosslinked rubber and an elastomer providing initial strength to the composition , wherein the ratio of the RTV silicone to the at least one of an uncrosslinked rubber , a partially crosslinked rubber and an elastomer ranges from 1:2 to 15:1 by weight.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the RTV silicone has a Mn of from 10 claim 1 ,000g/mol to 3 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000g/mol.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the RTV silicone has a viscosity of 10 claim 1 ,000 cps or more.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the RTV silicone comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a hydroxyl silicone resin claim 1 , an alkoxyl silicone resin claim 1 , and a combination thereof.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein the alkoxyl silicone resin comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of methoxyl silicone resin claim 4 , ethoxyl silicone resin claim 4 , and a combination thereof.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one of an uncrosslinked rubber a partially crosslinked rubber and an elastomer has a Mooney viscosity of at least 10 at 100° C.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of an uncrosslinked rubber claim 1 , a partially crosslinked rubber and an elastomer comprises at least one selected from ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032079A1

This invention relates to compositions comprised of diene-based elastomers containing an antioxidant comprised of a combination of tris(nonyl phenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and tetramethylethylene diamine (TMEDA). The invention further relates a rubber composition and to a polystyrene composite containing such elastomer compositions. The invention additionally relates to articles of manufacture thereof, including tires and polystyrene based articles. In one embodiment, the invention relates to a process of recovery of diene-based elastomer(s) from an organic solvent solution thereof by steam stripping the organic solvent therefrom in the presence of a combination of the TNPP and TMEDA. 1. A composite comprised of a combination of tris(nonyl phenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA) wherein the combination of said TNPP and TMEDA.2. An elastomer composite comprised of diene-based elastomer containing an antioxidant comprised of a combination of tris(nonyl phenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and tetramethylethylene diamine (TMEDA) in a weight ratio of TNPP to TMEDA in a range of from about 4/1 to about 50/1.3. The elastomer composite of wherein said diene-based elastomer is comprised of at least one of polybutadiene and polyisoprene.4. A rubber composition comprised of the elastomer composite of .5. A polystyrene composite comprised of polystyrene containing the elastomer composite of .6. A polystyrene composite comprised of polystyrene and elastomer composite of .7. A polystyrene composite comprised of the rubber composition of .8. A process of preparing the polystyrene composite of by polymerizing styrene in the presence of an elastomer composite comprised of diene-based elastomer containing an antioxidant comprised of a combination of tris(nonyl phenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and tetramethylethylene diamine (TMEDA).9. The process of wherein said diene-based elastomer is at least one of polybutadiene and polyisoprene.10. An article of manufacture having a component ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030191A1

The present invention relates to a thermoplastic resin, a method of preparing the thermoplastic resin, and a thermoplastic resin composition including the thermoplastic resin. More particularly, the present invention relates to a thermoplastic resin characterized by maximizing a ratio of monomers grafted to rubber particles and a graft rate so as to maintain a rubber particle shape in a high shear environment and varying the composition of each of monomers grafted to the inside and outside of rubber particles, a method of preparing the thermoplastic resin, and a thermoplastic resin composition having superior impact strength, falling dart impact strength, heat deflection temperature, chemical resistance, and plating adhesion strength due to inclusion of the thermoplastic resin. 1. A thermoplastic resin , comprising: a core prepared by graft-polymerizing 40 to 70% by weight of a conjugated diene rubbery polymer with 7.5 to 30% by weight of a total of monomers comprising an aromatic vinyl compound and a vinyl cyanide compound; and a shell enclosing the core and prepared by graft-polymerizing the conjugated diene rubbery polymer with 15 to 45% by weight of a total of monomers comprising an aromatic vinyl compound and a vinyl cyanide compound ,wherein the vinyl cyanide compound of the monomers constituting the core is comprised in an amount of 0.01 to 20% by weight based on 100% by weight of a total of the monomers of the core, andthe vinyl cyanide compound of the monomers constituting the shell is comprised in an amount of greater than 25% by weight to 90% by weight or less based on 100% by weight of a total of the monomers of the shell.2. The thermoplastic resin according to claim 1 , wherein the monomers of the core is graft-polymerized to an inside of the conjugated diene rubbery polymer.3. The thermoplastic resin according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene rubbery polymer is a mixture of a rubbery polymer (A) having a gel content of 60 to 75% by weight and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Benzoxazine Low Temperature Curable Composition

Номер: US20180030264A1

The present disclosure provides an organic sulfur acid-free composition containing a benzoxazine, phenolic compound and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compound. The organic sulfur acid-free composition, upon curing at temperatures as low as 130°-140° C., renders void free cured articles having well balanced thermal, chemical and mechanical properties. The organic sulfur acid-free composition may be used in a variety of applications, such as in coatings, structural and non-structural composites and encapsulating systems for electronic and electrical components.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030326A1

The present invention relates to a High-heat-delivery device suitable for use in an hair straightener, a hair curling iron or an ironing apparatus and suitable for heat transfer to a substrate by direct contact with said substrate, comprising at least one element (A) having a heat transfer contact surface area, wherein the element (A) comprises a thermo-conductive thermoplastic polymer composition comprising: 30 to 89 wt % of a polyester with a Tm of at least 170° C. as measured according to ISO 11357-1/3 (2011) with a scan rate of 10° C./min; and 10 to 50 wt % of glass fibers; and 1 to 40 wt % of a thermo-conductive additive, wherein the weight percentages are based on the total weight of thermo-conductive thermoplastic polymer composition of element (A). 1. High-heat-delivery device suitable for use in an hair straightener , a hair curling iron or an ironing apparatus and suitable for heat transfer to a substrate by direct contact with said substrate , comprising at least one element (A) having a heat transfer contact surface area , 30 to 89 wt % of a polyester with a Tm of at least 170° C. as measured according to ISO 11357-1/3 (2011) with a scan rate of 10° C./min; and', '10 to 50 wt % of glass fibers; and', '1 to 40 wt % of a thermo-conductive additive,, 'wherein the element (A) comprises a thermo-conductive thermoplastic polymer composition comprisingwherein the weight percentages are based on the total weight of thermo-conductive thermoplastic polymer composition of element (A).2. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the device further comprises at least one element (B) having a heat transfer contact surface claim 1 , wherein element (B) comprises a thermoplastic polymer composition comprising a polymer and at least one thermo-releasable substance.3. Device according to claim 2 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer composition of element (B) comprises a thermo-conductive additive.4. Device according to claim 1 , wherein element (A) comprises at least one ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049089A1

A composition includes specific amounts of a reinforcing filler and a copolycarbonate containing bisphenol A carbonate units and second carbonate units of the formula wherein R, R, R, R, j, p, and q are defined herein. The composition is useful for fabricating articles that exhibit a desirable balance of heat resistance, printability in large format additive manufacturing, and good surface appearance in printed parts. Also described is a method of additive manufacturing utilizing the composition. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing filler is carbon fiber having a diameter of 4 to 100 micrometers.3. The composition of claim 1 , exhibiting a melt flow rate less than or equal to 20 grams per 10 minutes claim 1 , determined according to ASTM D1238-13 at 300° C. and 1.2 kilogram load.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the polycarbonate lacking the second carbonate units comprises bisphenol A polycarbonate and has a melt volume flow rate of 15 to 150 cubic centimeters per 10 minutes determined according to ASTM D1238-13 at 300° C. and 1.2 kilogram load.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '4', 'Ris phenyl, and p, q, and j are each zero;'}the reinforcing filler is carbon fiber having a diameter of 4 to 100 micrometers;the copolycarbonate comprises 60 to 75 mole percent of the bisphenol A carbonate units and 25 to 40 mole percent of the second carbonate units; andthe composition comprises 70 to 90 weight percent of the copolycarbonate and 5 to 30 weight percent of carbon fiber.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '4', 'Ris phenyl, and p, q, and j are each zero;'}the reinforcing filler is carbon fiber having a diameter of 4 to 100 micrometers;the copolycarbonate comprises 60 to 75 mole percent of the bisphenol A carbonate units and 25 to 40 mole percent of the second carbonate units; andthe composition comprises 35 to 70 weight percent of the copolycarbonate and 10 to 30 weight percent of carbon fiber and further comprises 10 to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031840A1

A method of preparing an aesculin sturgeon skin gelatin with antioxidant activity and detection ability includes: 1) mixing a sturgeon skin gelatin and distilled water in a ratio of 1:15-1:25 (w/v) at 50-70° C. and filtering to obtain a sturgeon skin gelatin solution; 2) adding aesculin and a glycerin solution to the sturgeon skin gelatin solution, stirring the resulted sturgeon skin gelatin solution at 30-50° C. for 30 minutes, and filtering; and 3) removing air bubbles from the sturgeon skin gelatin solution of step 2) under reduced pressure, placing the sturgeon skin gelatin solution on an acrylic glass, and drying the sturgeon skin gelatin solution at in a vented oven 25° C. and 45-55% relative humidity for 24 hours to obtain the aesculin sturgeon skin gelatin film. 1Enterococcus faecalis. A method of preparing an aesculin sturgeon skin gelatin film with antioxidant activity and detection ability comprising the following steps:1) mixing a sturgeon skin gelatin and distilled water in a ratio of 1:15-1:25 (w/v) at 50-70° C. and filtering to obtain a sturgeon skin gelatin solution;2) adding aesculin and a glycerin solution to the sturgeon skin gelatin solution, a ratio of the sturgeon skin gelatin:aesculin:the glycerin solution being 1:0.3:0.2-1:0.6:0.2, stirring the resulted sturgeon skin gelatin solution at 30-50° C. for 30 minutes, and filtering, the glycerin solution containing 30% (wt) fish skin collagen; and3) removing air bubbles from the sturgeon skin gelatin solution of step 2) under reduced pressure, placing the sturgeon skin gelatin solution on an acrylic glass, and drying the sturgeon skin gelatin solution in a vented oven at 25° C. and 45-55% relative humidity for 24 hours to obtain the aesculin sturgeon skin gelatin film.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein in step 1) claim 1 , the ratio of the sturgeon skin gelatin and distilled water is 1:20.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein in step 1) claim 1 , the sturgeon skin gelatin and distilled water is mixed ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031868A1

A composition for use in jacketing or insulation materials is disclosed, the composition comprising from 42 to 54 percent by weight of a halogen-free flame retardant, from 26 to 46 percent by weight of an ethylene alkyl acrylate copolymer, such as ethylene ethyl acrylate, optionally from 0 to 15 percent by weight of an ethylene-based polymer, optionally from 0 to 12 percent by weight of a coupling agent, and optionally from 0 to 1 percent by weight of an antioxidant. A cable insulation layer, a cable protective outer jacket, a cable core sheath, and cable comprising the jacketing material composition are also disclosed. Components comprising the composition exhibit balanced and improved melt rheological, tensile, and flame-retardant properties. 1. A composition comprising:42 to 54 percent by weight of a halogen-free flame retardant;26 to 46 percent by weight of an ethylene alkyl acrylate copolymer;1 to 15 percent by weight of an ethylene-based polymer;0 to 12 percent by weight of a coupling agent; and0 to 1.0 percent by weight of an antioxidant.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the halogen-free flame retardant is selected from the group consisting of aluminum hydroxide claim 1 , magnesium hydroxide claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , and combinations of two or more thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition exhibits a tensile elongation greater than 300% claim 1 , a tensile strength greater than 1 claim 1 ,450 psi claim 1 , and a relative viscosity at 160° C. and stress of 16 claim 1 ,000 Pa claim 1 , not to exceed 4.0.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer comprises subunits derived from ethylene and from Cthrough Cα-olefins.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer has a melt index (I) of 1 to 10 g/10 min.6. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the ethylene-based polymer has a density of 0.86 to 0.96 g/cc.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent is a maleic- ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031877A1

The invention relates to compositions containing A) 62 to 96 wt. % of at least one polymer selected from the group consisting of linear aromatic polycarbonate and linear aromatic polyester carbonate, B) 1 to 15 wt. % of at least one graft polymer produced by emulsion polymerization C) 0 to 5.8 wt. % of a rubber-free vinyl (co)polymer, D) 1 to 20 wt. % of at least one phosphorous-containing flame retardant, E) 0.8 to 4.0 wt. % of a mineral filler based on talc with a particle size dof 0.2 to 10 μm, and F) 0.1 to 20.0 wt. % of at least one polymer additive, wherein the compositions do not contain a graft polymer produced in a bulk polymerization process. The invention also relates the use of the compositions in order to produce molded bodies and to the molded bodies themselves. 2. The composition according to comprisingfrom 64 to 95% by weight of component A,from 2 to 12% by weight of component B,from 0 to 5.5% by weight of component C,from 1 to 19% by weight of component D,from 0.9 to 3.5% by weight of component E; andfrom 0.2 to 15% by weight of component F.3. The composition according to comprisingfrom 66 to 94% by weight of component A,from 3 to 10% by weight of component B,from 0 to 5.2% by weight of component C,from 2 to 18% by weight of component D,from 1.0 to 3.0% by weight of component E; andfrom 0.3 to 10% by weight of component F.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight-average molar mass claim 1 , Mw claim 1 , of component A is from 24000 to 28000 g/mol.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein component B comprises from 40 to 70% by weight of B.1 and from 60 to 30% by weight of B.2 claim 1 , based in each case on B.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein component B1.1 comprises styrene and component B1.2 comprises acrylonitrile.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein component E is talc with from 28 to 35% by weight MgO content claim 1 , from 55 to 65% by weight SiOcontent and less than 1% by weight ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Coupled Polymer Products, Methods Of Making And Compositions Containing

Номер: US20200031979A1

Disclosed herein is a coupled polymer product comprising polymer with up to four polymer chains bonded to a functionalizing compound of formula II, wherein the polymer chains are comprised of conjugated diene-containing monomers optionally in combination with vinyl aromatic monomers and further include vinyl group-functionalized silane compound of formula I bonded within the polymer chain. Also disclosed are processes for producing the coupled polymer product as well as a rubber composition containing the coupled polymer product and tire components comprising the rubber composition. 120-. (canceled)21. A process for preparing a coupled polymer product comprising:a. polymerizing at least one conjugated diene monomer and optionally at least one vinyl aromatic monomer using an anionic initiator to produce polymer chains with a living end; [{'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'a, 'sup': 1', '2', '3, '(HC═CH)-(A)-Si(R)(R)(R)'}, 'wherein a is an integer of 0 or 1,', {'sub': 6', '20, 'A is divalent and selected from C-Caromatic hydrocarbons optionally substituted with alkylene to which the Si is bonded,'}, {'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'sub': 1', '12, 'claim-text': [{'sup': 4', '5', '4', '5, 'sub': 1', '12', '6', '18, 'wherein each Rand Rare independently selected from aliphatic hydrocarbyl of C-Cor aromatic hydrocarbyl of C-C, with Rand Roptionally bonded together into a ring,'}, {'sup': 1', '2, 'and Rand Rare optionally bonded together into a ring comprising two nitrogen atoms,'}], 'each of R, R, and Rare independently selected from linear or branched C-Chydrocarbyl and —N(R)(R), with at least one of R, Rand Rselected from —N(R)(R),'}], 'b. reacting the living end polymer chains from (a) with a vinyl group-functionalized aminosilane compound having formula Ithereby producing a first intermediary product including polymer chains containing at least one vinyl group-functionalized aminosilane compound bonded to the polymer chain via its vinyl group;c. ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032402A1

A thermoplastic polyester resin composition includes a thermoplastic polyester resin (A), an epoxy compound (B) having an epoxy equivalent of from 200 to 3,000 g/eq, and a hydroxy group-containing resin (C) having a number average molecular weight of from 2,000 to 500,000 and a halogen element content of 1,000 ppm or less, wherein the epoxy compound (B) is blended in an amount of from 0.05 to 10 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight in total of 70 to 99.9 parts by weight of the thermoplastic polyester resin (A) and 0.1 to 30 parts by weight of the hydroxy group-containing resin (C). The thermoplastic resin composition and a molded article achieve both long-term hydrolysis resistance and heat aging resistance at a high level, and can further suppress bleed-out to the surface of the molded article during heat-dry and heat-moisture treatments. 112.-. (canceled)13. A thermoplastic polyester resin composition comprising a thermoplastic polyester resin (A) , an epoxy compound (B) having an epoxy equivalent of 200 to 3 ,000 g/eq , and a hydroxy group-containing resin (C) having a number average molecular weight of 2 ,000 to 500 ,000 and a halogen element content of 1 ,000 ppm or less , wherein the epoxy compound (B) is blended in an amount of 0.05 to 10 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight in total of 70 to 99.9 parts by weight of the thermoplastic polyester resin (A) and 0.1 to 30 parts by weight of the hydroxy group-containing resin (C).14. The thermoplastic polyester resin composition according to claim 13 , wherein the thermoplastic polyester resin (A) has a melting point higher than 200° C.15. The thermoplastic polyester resin composition according to claim 13 , wherein the epoxy compound (B) includes an epoxy compound having two or more epoxy groups in one molecule.16. The thermoplastic polyester resin composition according to claim 13 , wherein the hydroxy group-containing resin (C) has a hydroxy group value of 3 to 20 eq/kg.17. The ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032438A1
Автор: HAYAKAWA Junya

A polycarbonate resin composition pellet contains a polycarbonate resin (A), an aromatic compound (B) represented by general formula (1) below, and a phosphorus-based stabilizer (C), the aromatic compound (B) being contained in the pellet in an amount of 0.001% to 1% by mass, the phosphorus-based stabilizer (C) being contained in the pellet in an amount of 0.003% to 0.5% by mass: 115-. (canceled)18. The light guide member of claim 16 , wherein the phosphorus-based stabilizer (C) comprises bis(2 claim 16 ,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenyl) pentaerythritol diphosphite and/or bis(2 claim 16 ,4-dicumylphenyl)pentaerythritol diphosphite.19. The light guide member of claim 16 , wherein the phosphorus-based stabilizer (C) comprises tris(2 claim 16 ,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphite.21. The light guide member of claim 16 , wherein claim 16 , in formula (1) claim 16 , X is an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or an optionally substituted phenyl group claim 16 , and Y is a hydrogen atom.22. The light guide member of claim 21 , wherein the aromatic compound (B) is one or more selected from the group consisting of benzyl alcohol (phenylmethanol) claim 21 , 4-phenylbenzyl alcohol (4-phenylphenylmethanol) claim 21 , 2-methylphenylmethanol claim 21 , 4-mehylphenylmethanol claim 21 , 4-tert-butylphenylmethanol claim 21 , and 1 claim 21 ,4-benzenedimethanol.23. The light guide member of claim 16 , wherein claim 16 , in formula (1) claim 16 , X is an alkyl group or an optionally substituted aryl group claim 16 , and Y is an alkyl group having 1 to 8 carbon atoms claim 16 , —(CH)OH where m is an integer of 1 to 4 claim 16 , —CHCH—O—CHCH—OH claim 16 , an optionally substituted phenyl group claim 16 , a benzyl group optionally having a substituent on a benzene ring claim 16 , —CH—CH═CH claim 16 , —C(═O)—(CH)—CHwhere j is an integer of 0 to 3 claim 16 , or —C(═O)—CH.24. The light guide member of claim 16 , wherein the polycarbonate resin composition pellet further comprises 0.01% to 0.5 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Scratch resistant polymer composition

Номер: US20210032447A1
Принадлежит: De Patent BV

Scratch resistant polymer composition, in particular for the manufacturing of rigid, scratch resistant and dimensionally stable building bricks, comprising: a) a bio-based HDPE granulate, produced from ethanol or ethylene obtained from biomass; b) an amorphous polymer and/or (semi)crystalline polymer; c) optionally a mineral filler and optionally a colouring pigment; Furthermore, a method for manufacturing an injection moulding article from the scratch resistant polymer composition is disclosed.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Resin Composition and Molded Product Using the Same

Номер: US20210032455A1
Принадлежит: Lotte Chemical Corp

A thermoplastic resin composition includes: 100 parts by weight of a base resin including (A) about 35 wt % to about 55 wt % of an acrylic graft copolymer; (B) about 35 wt % to about 55 wt % of an aromatic vinyl-vinyl cyanide copolymer; and (C) about 2 wt % to about 15 wt % of an alkyl(meth)acrylate-based resin; (D) about 0.4 parts by weight to about 2 parts by weight of a first sterically hindered amine represented by Chemical Formula 1 described in the detailed description; and (E) about 0.4 parts by weight to about 2 parts by weight of a second sterically hindered amine represented by Chemical Formula 2 described in the detailed description.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032459A1

Thermoplastic compositions include: a) from about 5 wt % to about 30 wt % of a thermoplastic polymer component including polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate or a combination thereof; b) from about 10 wt % to about 55 wt % of a poly butylene terephthalate component; c) from about 0.1 wt % to about 10 wt % of a polyester elastomer component; d) from 0 wt % to about 10 wt % of an acrylic impact modifier component; e) from 0 wt % to about 10 wt % of an ethylene/alkyl acrylate/glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer compatibilizer component; and f) from about 30 wt % to about 70 wt % of a ceramic fiber component. Articles formed from the thermoplastic compositions and methods of forming the articles are also described. 1. A thermoplastic composition comprising:a) from about 5 wt % to about 30 wt % of a thermoplastic polymer component comprising polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate or a combination thereof;b) from about 10 wt % to about 55 wt % of a polybutylene terephthalate component;c) from about 0.1 wt % to about 10 wt % of a polyester elastomer component;d) from 0 wt % to about 10 wt % of an acrylic impact modifier component;e) from 0 wt % to about 10 wt % of an ethylene/alkyl acrylate/glycidyl methacrylate terpolymer compatibilizer component; andf) from about 30 wt % to about 70 wt % of a ceramic fiber component,whereinthe combined weight percent value of all components does not exceed 100 wt %, andall weight percent values are based on the total weight of the composition.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate is a homopolymer comprising repeating units derived from bisphenol A claim 1 , a polycarbonate copolymer comprising repeating units derived from bisphenol A claim 1 , sebacic acid claim 1 , polysiloxane claim 1 , isophthalate terephthalate resorcinol (ITR) claim 1 , phosphate or a combination thereof.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic fiber component has a tensile modulus of at least 150 GPa.4. The ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032759A1

A corrosion inhibitor composition, which includes i) an aqueous alcohol base fluid, ii) a mixture of at least three polysaccharides selected from carboxymethyl cellulose, gum arabic, pectin, a salt of alginic acid, chitosan, dextran, hydroxyethyl cellulose, and soluble starch, with each polysaccharide that is present in the mixture being present in an amount of 0.05 to 0.5 wt. %, based on a total weight of the corrosion inhibitor composition, iii) silver nanoparticles, and iv) a pineapple leaves extract. A method of inhibiting corrosion of metal during acid cleaning/pickling whereby the metal is treated with an acidic treatment fluid containing an acid and the corrosion inhibitor composition. 1. A corrosion inhibitor composition , comprising:a base fluid comprising water and an alcohol;a mixture of at least three polysaccharides selected from the group consisting of carboxymethyl cellulose, gum arabic, pectin, a salt of alginic acid, chitosan, dextran, hydroxyethyl cellulose, and soluble starch, with each polysaccharide that is present in the mixture being present in an amount of 0.05 to 0.5 wt. %, based on a total weight of the corrosion inhibitor composition;silver nanoparticles; anda pineapple leaves extract.2. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 1 , wherein the alcohol is a monoalcohol.3. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 1 , wherein the alcohol is isopropanol.4. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of water to the alcohol by volume is 2:1 to 1:2.5. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 1 , wherein three polysaccharides are present in the mixture.6. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 5 , wherein each of the three polysaccharides is present in an amount of 30 to 40 wt. % claim 5 , based on a total weight of the mixture.7. The corrosion inhibitor composition of claim 1 , wherein the mixture consists of carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , and pectin.8. The corrosion inhibitor ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037217A1
Принадлежит: UNITIKA LTD.

Disclosed is a semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition including 100 parts by mass of a semi-aromatic polyamide (A), 20 to 110 parts by mass of a fibrous reinforcing material (B) and 0.1 to 5 parts by mass of an azine dye (C), wherein the semi-aromatic polyamide (A) includes as the constituent components thereof an aromatic dicarboxylic acid component, an aliphatic diamine component and a monocarboxylic acid component, and has a melting point of 300° C. or higher; and the monocarboxylic acid component constituting the semi-aromatic polyamide (A) is an aliphatic monocarboxylic acid having a molecular weight of 200 or more. 1. A semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition comprising 100 parts by mass of a semi-aromatic polyamide (A) , 20 to 110 parts by mass of a fibrous reinforcing material (B) and 0.1 to 5 parts by mass of an azine dye (C) ,wherein the semi-aromatic polyamide (A) includes as constituent components thereof an aromatic dicarboxylic acid component, an aliphatic diamine component and a monocarboxylic acid component, and has a melting point of 300° C. or higher; andthe monocarboxylic acid component constituting the semi-aromatic polyamide (A) is an aliphatic monocarboxylic acid having a molecular weight of 200 or more.2. The semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 0.05 to 10 parts by mass of a polyhydric alcohol (D).3. The semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 1 , further comprising 1 to 50 parts by mass of a polyamide (E) other than the semi-aromatic polyamide (A).4. A formed article obtained by forming the semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition according to .5. The semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition according to claim 2 , further comprising 1 to 50 parts by mass of a polyamide (E) other than the semi-aromatic polyamide (A).6. A formed article obtained by forming the semi-aromatic polyamide resin composition according to .7. A formed article obtained by forming the semi- ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037235A1

A thermoplastic composition comprises a thermoplastic resin (e.g., PVC) and less than 4.0 parts of a core-shell impact modifier per 100 parts by weight of the thermoplastic resin, wherein the core-shell impact modifier has a rubber content of at least 90%. A core-shell impact modifier composition comprises core-shell impact modifier particles having a rubber content that is greater than 92 wt % of the core-shell impact modifier particles. Articles of manufacture made from the thermoplastic compositions are also disclosed. 1. A thermoplastic composition comprising:a thermoplastic resin; and less than 4.0 parts of a core-shell impact modifier per 100 parts of the thermoplastic resin, wherein the core-shell impact modifier has a rubber content of at least 90%.2. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is PVC.3. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell impact modifier is selected from the group consisting of methacrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymers (MBS) claim 1 , acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers (ABS) claim 1 , acrylic core/shell polymers (AIM) claim 1 , and a combination thereof.4. The thermoplastic composition of comprising between 1.0 parts to 3.0 parts of the core-shell impact modifier per 100 parts of the thermoplastic resin.5. The thermoplastic composition of comprising between 1.5 parts to 2.5 parts of the core-shell impact modifier per 100 parts of the thermoplastic resin.6. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell impact modifier has a rubber content between 90 wt % and 96 wt %.7. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the core-shell impact modifier has a rubber content between 92 wt % and 95 wt %.8. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein a product formed from the composition has a normalized mean impact resistance that is equivalent to claim 1 , or greater than claim 1 , the normalized mean impact resistance of a product formed from a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Acrylic Thermoplastic Resin Composition and Molded Article Thereof

Номер: US20170037236A1

An acrylic thermoplastic resin composition includes a first acrylic resin having a first structural unit represented by the following formula (1) and a second structural unit represented by the following formula (2), and a second acrylic resin having the first structural unit represented by the following formula (1) and a third structural unit represented by the following formula (3), in which a total content of the first unit is 50 to 95 mass % and a total content of the second structural unit and the third structural unit is 5 to 50 mass % based on a total amount of the first acrylic resin and the second acrylic resin: 2. The acrylic thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the second structural unit is 0.1 to 49.9 mass % and a content of the third structural unit is 0.1 to 49.9 mass % based on a total amount of the first acrylic resin and the second acrylic resin.3. The acrylic thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first acrylic resin has claim 1 , based on a total amount thereof claim 1 , 50 to 95 mass % of the first structural unit and 5 to 50 mass % of the second structural unit.4. The acrylic thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the second acrylic resin has claim 1 , based on a total amount thereof claim 1 , 50 to 95 mass % of the first structural unit and 5 to 50 mass % of the third structural unit.5. The acrylic thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the Ris a methyl group or a benzyl group claim 1 , the Ris a phenyl group or a phenyl group with at least one substituent selected from the Group B claim 1 , and the Ris a cyclohexyl group.6. The acrylic thermoplastic resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the first acrylic resin has a weight average molecular weight Mw of 3000 to 1000000 and a ratio Mw/Mn of the weight average molecular weight Mw to a number average molecular weight Mn of 1 to 10 in terms of polymethyl methacrylate claim ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037241A1

A polymer composition is presented and described and comprises, based on the total weight of the polymer composition, the following components: a. from 15 to 70% by weight of PLLA, b. from 0.1 to 15% by weight of PDLA, c. from 5 to 40% by weight of polyester, and d. from 5 to 40% by weight of organic or inorganic filler. These polymer compositions can be biodegradable, comprise mainly biobased carbon, and have an increased heat deflection temperature. These polymer compositions can moreover be used in specific processes in order to produce molded parts, films, or fibers which by virtue of their high heat deflection temperature can also be used as containers for coffee-preparation systems. 1. A polymer composition comprising , based on the total weight of the polymer composition , the following components:a. from 15 to 70% by weight of PLLA,b. from 0.1 to 15% by weight of PDLA,c. from 5 to 40% by weight of polyester, andd. from 5 to 40% by weight of organic or inorganic filler.2. The polymer composition as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises from 3 to 20% by weight claim 1 , or from 5 to 15% by weight claim 1 , of PDLA claim 1 , based on the total quantity of the PDLA and PLLA components present in the polymer composition.3. The polymer composition as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises from 25 to 65% by weight claim 1 , from 35 to 60% by weight claim 1 , or from 45 to 60% by weight claim 1 , of component a. claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polymer composition.4. The polymer composition as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises from 5 to 35% by weight claim 1 , from 10 to 30% by weight claim 1 , or from 15 to 25% by weight claim 1 , of component c. claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polymer composition.5. The polymer composition as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises from 5 to 35% by weight or from 15 to 25% by weight of component d. claim 1 , based on the total weight of the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037243A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

Polycarbonate blend compositions are disclosed. The compositions include at least one polycarbonate useful for high heat applications. The compositions can include one or more additional polymers. The compositions can include one or more additives. The compositions can be used to prepare articles of manufacture, and in particular, automotive bezels. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article has one or more of the following properties:a minimum haze onset temperature of 150° C.; 'exhibits 0% corrosion when stored for 240 hours at 98% relative humidity at 40° C., in accordance with DIN 50017.', 'achieves a GT0 metal adhesion rating when measured in accordance with ASTM 3359/ISO 2409; and'}3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises at least 18 mol % structural units derived from BPA claim 1 , and has a Tg of at least 170° C.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polycarbonate comprises 31 mol % to 35 mol % structural units derived from PPPBP.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polyester and second polyester are each independently selected from poly(ethylene terephthalate) (“PET”); poly(1 claim 1 ,4-butylene terephthalate) (“PBT”); poly (ethylene naphthanoate) (“PEN”); poly(butylene naphthanoate) (“PBN”); poly(propylene terephthalate) (“PPT”); poly(1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene) terephthalate (“PCT”); poly(1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene 1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexandicarboxylate) (“PCCD”); poly(cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate) glycol (“PCTG”); poly(ethylene terephthalate) glycol (“PETG”); and poly(1 claim 1 ,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate) (“PCTA”).6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polyester and second polyester each independently have an intrinsic viscosity of 0.45 to 1.2 dl/gm.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the first polyester and second polyester are each independently selected frompoly(1,4-butylene terephthalate) having an intrinsic viscosity (IV) of 1.1 dl/g ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037245A1

Polycarbonate blends with a combination of high thin wall flame retardance, CTI Class 2 tracking resistance, and high dimensional stability are disclosed. The blends are a combination of a polycarbonate polymer, a polycarbonate-polysiloxane co polymer, and a phosphazene flame retardant. The polycarbonate blends may be used in various applications. 1. A flame-retardant polycarbonate blend , comprising:from about 30 wt % to about 80 wt % of a polycarbonate polymer;a polycarbonate-polysiloxane copolymer in an amount such that the blend contains from about 2 wt % to about 5 wt % of siloxane; anda phosphazene flame retardant in an amount such that the blend contains from about 0.1 wt % to about 0.7 wt % of phosphorus;wherein the polycarbonate blend meets CTI PLC 2 standards and has V0 performance at 1.5 mm thickness.2. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has V0 performance at 0.8 mm thickness.3. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend passes the ball pressure test (BPT) at 125° C.4. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has 100% ductility at −30° C. when measured under Izod notched impact according to ISO 180.5. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has an MVR of 8 cm/10 min or higher when measured at 300° C. claim 1 , 1.2 kg according to ISO 1133.6. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has a notched Izod impact strength at −30° C. of at least 25 kJ/mwhen measured according to ISO 180.7. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has V0 performance at 0.8 mm thickness; has 100% ductility at −30° C. when measured under Izod notched impact according to ISO 180; has an MVR of 8 cm/10 min or higher when measured at 300° C. claim 1 , 1.2 kg according to ISO 1133; and passes the ball pressure test (BPT) at 125° C.8. The polycarbonate blend of claim 1 , wherein the blend has a pFTP(V0) of at least 0.90 and a flame out time (FOT) of about 30 seconds or less at 0.8 mm thickness.9. ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037246A1
Автор: Moniruzzaman Mohammad
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

Disclosed herein are compositions comprising a polyetherimide, a polyester carbonate, and a reinforcement agent; wherein the composition comprises the reinforcement agent in an amount ranging from 1 wt % to 70 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition; wherein the polyester carbonate comprises at least 40 mole % resorcinol based aryl ester linkages. Also, disclosed herein are articles comprising the compositions disclosed. 1. A composition comprising a polyetherimide , a polyester carbonate , and a reinforcement agent;wherein the composition comprises the reinforcement agent in an amount ranging from 1 wt % to 70 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition; andwherein the polyester carbonate comprises at least 40 mole % resorcinol based aryl ester linkages.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises the polyetherimide in an amount ranging from 25 wt % to 60 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition; and wherein the composition comprises the polyester carbonate in an amount ranging from 20 wt % to 50 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition.3. The composition claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement agent comprises a carbon fiber or a glass fiber or a combination thereof.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyester carbonate comprises the resorcinol based aryl ester linkages in an amount ranging from 40 mole % to 95 mole % based on the total mole % of the polyester carbonate.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises the reinforcement agent in an amount ranging from 5 wt % to 35 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises a polyetherimide-siloxane copolymer.11. The composition of claim 10 , wherein the polyetherimide-siloxane copolymer is present in an amount ranging from 0.1 wt % to 10 wt % relative to the total weight of the composition.12. ...
