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10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604724C2
Принадлежит: АКТ КО., ЛТД (JP)

Изобретение раскрывает способ производства высушенного горючего материала, включающий в себя: этап смешивания со смешиванием множества частиц, изготовленных из горючего материала, содержащего влагу, и дегидрирующей жидкости, изготовленной из эмульсии, содержащей синтетическую смолу, для формирования смеси, в которой поверхности частиц вступают в контакт с дегидрирующей жидкостью; а также этап сушки с формированием покрытия из синтетической смолы, изготовленного из дегидрирующей жидкости, высушенной на поверхностях частиц, с испарением влаги из частиц, чтобы сформировать покрытые частицы, включающие в себя частицы, имеющие пониженный процент влагосодержания, и покрытие из синтетической смолы, которое покрывает поверхность частиц, причем синтетическая смола, содержащаяся в дегидрирующей жидкости, представляет собой акриловую смолу, уретановую смолу или поливинилацетатную смолу, при этом получают высушенный горючий материал, образованный из покрытых частиц. Технический результат заключается ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573014C2

Изобретения могут быть использованы в угольной промышленности. Устройство для обугливания соломы, предназначенное для осуществления способа производства угля из соломы, содержит резервуар (1) для пиролиза, резервуар (2) для обугливания и регулируемую трубу (3) для подачи кислорода. В канале (4) для подачи кислорода указанной регулируемой трубы (3) предусмотрена дроссельная заслонка (5), а ответвления (6) канала для подачи кислорода, соединенные с указанной регулируемой трубой (3) для подачи кислорода, сообщаются с резервуаром (1) для пиролиза. Резервуар (1) для пиролиза и резервуар (2) для обугливания представляют собой два отдельных блока устройства. Внутри резервуара (1) для пиролиза предусмотрены одна или несколько колосниковых решеток (7) печи типа поворотных пластин, которые соединены с одним или несколькими валами. Резервуар (2) для обугливания расположен ниже канала (8) для выгрузки материала из резервуара (1) для пиролиза и снабжен крышкой, имеющей односторонний вентилятор. Изобретение ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656996C2

Изобретение относится к области биохимии, в частности к трансгенному растению, для получения неполярного липида. Также раскрыты часть трансгенного растения для получения неполярного липида, рекомбинантная клетка для получения неполярного липида. Раскрыт способ получения углеводного продукта из указанного трансгенного растения, способ получения клетки, которая продуцирует повышенную концентрацию неполярного липида, способ получения синтетического дизельного топлива из указанного трансгенного растения. Изобретение позволяет получать повышенное накопление неполярных липидов. 7 н. и 74 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил., 38 табл., 26 пр.

23-07-2018 дата публикации

Композиции материалов биомассы для переработки

Номер: RU2661893C2
Принадлежит: РЕН ФЬЮЭЛ К2Б АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к композиции, содержащей лигнин. Композиция, содержащая лигнин для получения топлива или добавок для топлива, содержит лигнин, растворитель и жидкость-носитель, где лигнин составляет по меньшей мере 4 вес.% композиции, и где лигнин характеризуется средневесовым молекулярным весом не более 5000 г/моль, и где растворитель представляет собой спирт, простой эфир или органический сложный эфир, сульфоксид, кетон, альдегид или их комбинацию, или растворитель содержит диметилсульфоксид, пиридин, THF, 1,4-диоксан, фурфурол, дипропиленгликоль, полиэтиленгликоль или 1,3-пропандиол или их комбинацию; и где жидкость-носитель представляет собой смесь углеводородного масла и жирной кислоты, где углеводородное масло представляет собой газойль. Заявлены также способ получения композиции и ее применение. Технический результат – получение композиции для получения топлива или добавок в топливо менее сложным способом. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 250 пр.

19-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625802C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение раскрывает способ получения дизельного топлива из углеводородного потока, включающий в себя: гидроочистку основного углеводородного потока и совместно подаваемого потока углеводородного сырья, содержащего дизельное топливо, в присутствии потока водорода и катализатора предварительной очистки, с получением предварительно очищенного выходящего потока; гидрокрекинг предварительно очищенного выходящего потока в присутствии катализатора гидрокрекинга и водорода с получением выходящего потока гидрокрекинга; разделение на фракции по меньшей мере части выходящего потока гидрокрекинга с получением потока дизельного топлива; и гидроочистку потока дизельного топлива в присутствии потока водорода для гидроочистки и катализатора гидроочистки с получением выходящего потока гидроочистки. Технический результат заключается в получении дизельного топлива с низким содержанием серы и аммиака. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

21-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2645349C2

Изобретение относится к углеводородной композиции. Углеводородная композиция, пригодная в качестве топлива или топливного компонента, содержит от 10 до 40 масс.% неразветвленных C-алканов, от 0,1 до 15 масс.% ароматических C-углеводородов, из которых, по меньшей мере, 90 масс.% являются моноароматическими, и не более чем 1 масс.% в сумме кислородсодержащих соединений; причем в данной композиции суммарное содержание C-алканов составляет от 50 до 95 масс.%, а суммарное содержание C-алканов, ароматических C-углеводородов и C-циклоалканов составляет, по меньшей мере, 95 масс.%; и данные количества вычислены по отношению к массе композиции. Кроме того, заявлен способ изготовления композиции, ее применение и смешанное топливо. Технический результат – получение углеводородной композиции, которую можно использовать в качестве топливного компонента или топлива. Малое содержание кислородсодержащих компонентов в составе композиции обеспечивает устойчивость при хранении и меньшую разрушаемость автомобильных ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017134428A3

25-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016106106A3

22-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016150550A3

26-02-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019124714A3

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107841A

... 1. Способ переработки биомассы на углеводородное топливо, включающий:переработку биомассы в реакторе гидропиролиза, дающую углеводородное топливо, уголь и поток технологического пара;охлаждение потока технологического пара до температуры конденсации;разделение потока технологического пара на первичный поток охлажденного парообразного продукта, поток жидких углеводородов и первичный водный поток:где первичный поток охлажденного парообразного продукта включает неконденсирующиеся технологические пары, H, сероводород, CO и CO, поток жидких углеводородов включает конденсирующиеся углеводороды, и первичный водный поток включает воду, аммиак, сероводород и сульфид аммония;обработку первичного водного потока в колонне для отпарки кислых вод;концентрирование сероводорода и аммиака в поток охлажденной технологической воды и второй поток очищенной воды;направление потока охлажденной технологической воды в каталитический реактор;впрыск воздуха в каталитический реактор с получением концентрированного ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014131059A

... 1. Способ получения промышленного продукта, включающий стадии:i) получение вегетирующей части растения, имеющей общее содержание неполярных липидов по меньшей мере около 3%, предпочтительно по меньшей мере около 5% или по меньшей мере около 7% (мас./мас., сухой вес),ii) либоa) превращение по меньшей мере некоторых липидов в вегетирующей части растения со стадии i) в промышленный продукт с применением нагревания, химических или ферментных средств или любой их комбинации, в отношении липидов in situ в переработанной вегетирующей части растения, либоb) физическая переработка вегетирующей части растения со стадии i), и последовательное или одновременное превращение по меньшей мере некоторых липидов в вегетирующей части растения в промышленный продукт с применением нагревания, химических или ферментных средств или любой их комбинации, в отношении липидов в переработанной вегетирующей части растения, иiii) выделение промышленного продукта,с получением посредством этого промышленного продукта.2 ...

28-05-2014 дата публикации

Alternative fuel for internal combustion engine, containing biobutanol

Номер: GB0201406655D0

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201514421D0

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Combustion treatment

Номер: GB0002509344A

A method comprises the use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, or a precursor thereof, in a fuel or a combustion process in order to treat or modify the fuel of the combustion process. The method includes introducing titanium dioxide nanoparticles, or a precursor thereof, into at least one of the fuel, the fuel and/or air for the combustion process, a combustion apparatus of the combustion process or the combustion emissions of the combustion process. An additive, for use in the above method, includes titanium dioxide nanoparticles. A further method comprises providing a photocatalyst, or a precursor thereof, in a combustion process. The photocatalyst comprises nanoparticles of a semiconductor material having a band gap suitable for absorption of UV and/or visible light, and when the combustion emissions are released into the environment the photocatalyst nanoparticles are carried with the emissions and result in a catalytic reaction that reduces the amount of pollutants in the emissions ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Synthetic Fuel

Номер: GB0002503988B

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Biomass combustion

Номер: GB0002525776A

A method of capturing ash from the combustion of biomass comprises injecting a mitigant, comprising aerodynamic particles, into a combustion region of a biomass boiler / furnace. The mitigant may include pulverised fuel ash, slag or amorphous glassy materials. The mitigant may be injected below, adjacent and/or above the location the biomass is injected. It may be injected simultaneously with the biomass and may be injected as a mixture of mitigant and biomass. The mitigant and biomass may be injected using the same or different injection means. The injection means may include one or more primary injection ports for the biomass and one or more secondary injection ports for the mitigant. The mitigant may comprise aerodynamic particles having a defomation temperature whereby at least part of a surface of the particles becomes viscous. The particles may have an average diameter greater than the average diameter of the biomass ash, may have a high surface area, and may form friable slag deposits ...

17-04-2019 дата публикации

Agricultural system and method

Номер: GB0002557279B
Принадлежит: AVOCET IP LTD, Avocet IP limited

18-09-2019 дата публикации

Transportable comvstible gaseous suspension of solid fuel particles

Номер: GB0201911039D0

24-05-2023 дата публикации

Process for producing solid biomass fuel

Номер: GB0002609758B
Принадлежит: HONG MEI BAI [HK]

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing and transforming biomass

Номер: AP0201508693A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass and energy

Номер: AP0201508686A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508682A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Controlling process gases

Номер: AP0201508692A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0201508691A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508688A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Upgrading process streams

Номер: AP0201508695A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass materials

Номер: AP0201508690A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Treating biomass

Номер: AP0201508340A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of refining and producing fuel from naturaloil feedstocks.

Номер: AP0201206254D0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0200904863D0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for increasing the calorific value of a material flow containing carbon

Номер: AP0201508187D0

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Gas-stream efficient cogeneration process and system based on biomass gasification and methanation

Номер: AP2014008078A0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for increasing the calorific value of a material flow containing carbon

Номер: AP2015008187A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Reconfigurable processing enclosures

Номер: AP2015008681A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Array for processing materials

Номер: AP2015008687A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Upgrading process streams

Номер: AP2015008695A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP2015008691A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass and energy

Номер: AP2015008686A0

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003604A

19-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004073A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609220D0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP2009004863A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Treating biomass

Номер: AP2015008340A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Equipment protecting enclosures

Номер: AP2015008339A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP2015008336A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008694A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP2015008688A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP2015008682A0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009539A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing and transforming biomass

Номер: AP2015008693A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Controlling process gases

Номер: AP2015008692A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass materials

Номер: AP2015008690A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Enclosures for treating materials

Номер: AP2015008689A0

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Fuel composition comprising a heavy fuel oil and biomass product

Номер: AP2014007808A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of refining and producing fuel from naturaloil feedstocks.

Номер: AP2012006254A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid fuel and method of making the same

Номер: AP2013007214A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP2015008337A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508336A0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid fuel and method of making the same

Номер: AP0201307214A0

31-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for increasing the calorific value of a material flow containing carbon

Номер: AP0201508187A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0201508337A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of refining and producing fuel from naturaloil feedstocks.

Номер: AP0201206254A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0201508337D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508682D0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Equipment protecting enclosures

Номер: AP0201508339D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0201508691D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609539D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass materials

Номер: AP0201508690D0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508336D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing biomass and energy

Номер: AP0201508686D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Reconfigurable processing enclosures

Номер: AP0201508681D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: AP0201508688D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Upgrading process streams

Номер: AP0201508695D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508694D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Enclosures for treating materials

Номер: AP0201508689D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Controlling process gases

Номер: AP0201508692D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Array for processing materials

Номер: AP0201508687D0

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid fuel and method of making the same

Номер: AP0201307214D0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Treating biomass

Номер: AP0201508340D0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Processing and transforming biomass

Номер: AP0201508693D0

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Gas-stream efficient cogeneration process and system based on biomass gasification and methanation

Номер: AP0201408078D0

30-11-2014 дата публикации

Gas-stream efficient cogeneration process and system based on biomass gasification and methanation

Номер: AP0201408078A0

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Fuel composition comprising a heavy fuel oil and biomass product

Номер: AP0201407808A0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0200904863A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Enclosures for treating materials

Номер: AP0201508689A0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609539A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Array for processing materials

Номер: AP0201508687A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации

Reconfigurable processing enclosures

Номер: AP0201508681A0

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Equipment protecting enclosures

Номер: AP0201508339A0

31-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508694A0

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Pelletizing device

Номер: AT0000516796B1

Eine Pelletiereinrichtung ist als feldgeführte Halmguterntemaschine ausgebildet und verfügt im Anschluss an einen Traktor (1) mit Häcksler (2) über einen Dieselmotor (7), der einen Stromgenerator (13) und auch eine Ringmatrizenpresse (9) antreibt. Das gehäckselte Halmgut gelangt in einen Trockenraum (5) und über eine Förderschnecke (8) in die Ringmatrizenpresse (9). Deren Ringmatrize (17) ist in Ringlagern (18) auf einem Sockel (19) gelagert, auf dem auch ein Paar von Schwenkhebeln (20) für eine Kollerwalze (16) angelenkt sind. Ein vom Stromgenerator (13) angespeister elektrischer Antriebsmotor (11) treibt die Förderschnecke (8) über einen Regler (12) an und Stellmotoren (23), die an den Schwenkhebeln (20) angreifen, regulieren den Kollerspalt. Der Regler (12) wird vom Einspritzbedarf des Dieselmotors (7) bzw. vom Pressendruck geführt.

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Biomass combustion

Номер: AU2018241164A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Abstract BIOMASS COMBUSTION 5 The present invention relates to a means and method for at least injecting mitigant particles into the combustion region (fireball) of a biomass boiler. The mitigant particles mitigate the slagging, fouling and corrosion problems caused by biomass ash by at least capturing the 10 biomass ash. The mitigant particles capture the biomass ash by forming a physical bond with the biomass ash such that it adheres to the surface of mitigant particles. By injecting the mitigant particles into the combustion region, the opportunity to capture biomass ash is 15 optimised.

02-12-2010 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AU2010206047B2

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Stable bio-oil

Номер: AU2012214812A1

More stable and valuable bio-oil compositions produced from biomasses are provided. Particularly, various embodiments of the present invention provide for a bio-oil composition that has chemical and physical properties that make it more cost effective and useful as a fuel without having to undergo deoxygenating processes such as hydrotreating.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing biofuels

Номер: AU2013343475A1

The present invention relates to a process for obtaining simultaneously several compositions comprising fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel), glycerol formal and fatty acid glycerol formal esters.

14-09-2017 дата публикации

Treating biomass

Номер: AU2013329153B2
Принадлежит: Wrays

Methods and systems are described for processing cellulosic and lignocellulosic materials and useful intermediates and products, such as energy and fuels. For example, irradiating methods and systems are described to aid in the processing of the cellulosic and lignocellulosic materials. The electron beam accelerator has multiple windows foils and these foils are cooled with cooling gas. In one configuration a secondary foil is integral to the electron beam accelerator and in another configuration the secondary foil is part of the enclosure for the biomass conveying system.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Biofuel containing levoglucosone and its production process from cellulose or starch using as a solvent a mixture of an ionic liquid and an alkyl alcohol

Номер: US20120000116A1
Автор: Pedro Brito Correia
Принадлежит: Individual

The product Biofuel is presented as a motor fuel consisting of levoglucosone pure or mixed with ethanol and or hydrocarbons. Its production process from cellulose or starch uses in the first step, as a solvent and catalyst, a mixture of an alkyl alcohol, the ionic liquid N-alkyl imidazole hydrochloride and a small quantity of 37% concentrated hydrochloric acid. In the second step, levoglucosone is extracted with butanol. As butanol also extracts some N-alkyl imidazole, this is washed out by extraction with hydrochloric acid. Levoglucosone was identified by elemental analysis, NMR C13 and H and GC-MS.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

High cetane renewable fuels

Номер: US20120132183A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

A method for reducing the emissions of a diesel engine using a RHE-diesel fuel.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Composition of matter comprising of the creation of a low molecular weight hydrocarbon fluid exhibiting oligomerized pentenes mainly comprised of 2-Methyl-2-Butene subunits as well as related plant isoprenoids composed of 2-Methyl-1-Butene subunits and other hydrocarbons from hydrocarbon-bearing woody biomass and a process for the extraction and refinement in making the same composition through the creation of solvent permeable woody biomass particles and a multi-phase solvent extraction

Номер: US20120197049A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A composition of matter with of the creation of a low molecular weight hydrocarbon fluid called Wood Phytoleum from woody Pinaceae and Myrtaceae biomass and a process for the extraction and refinement in making the same composition of matter through the reduction of the particle size of the raw woody biomass to form a solvent permeable particle and a phased multi-wash solvent system of extraction and refinement. A preferred embodiment includes the steps of the reduction of the particle size of the raw woody biomass to form a solvent permeable particle by shearing and chipping, the application of a phased multi-wash solvent system to the solvent permeable particle utilizing a non-polar solvent together with a bridge solvent soluble in both the non-polar solvent and in water, the application of a final bridge solvent wash to the solvent permeable particle, a mechanism for washing the particles of the woody biomass within the multi-wash solvent system, a mechanism for the collection of the solvent and Wood Phytoleum solution from the multi-wash solvent system, the extraction of the solvent from the solvent saturated particles of the woody biomass and the discharge for continued use of the woody biomass, and a process and mechanism for the extraction, collection and refinement of the solvent and Wood Phytoleum solution to discharge the solvents for reuse and to collect the Wood Phytoleum liquid oil including Pinene A and Pinene B and other oligomerized pentenes.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Composition of matter comprising of the creation of a low molecular weight hydrocarbon fluid exhibiting mainly oligomerized pentenes mainly comprised of 2-Methyl-2-Butene subunits as well as related plant isoprenoids composed of 2-Methyl-1-Butene subunits and other hydrocarbons from Euphorbia tirucalli biomass and a process for the extraction and refinement in making the same composition through the creation of solvent permeable batting mat and a multi-phase solvent extraction

Номер: US20120197052A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A composition of matter with of the creation of low molecular weight hydrocarbon fluid called Phytoleum from Euphorbia tirucalli biomass and a process for the extraction and refinement in making the same composition through the creation of a batting mat and multi-phase solvent extraction. A preferred embodiment includes the steps of manufacturing a fibrous batting mat from the raw biomass, crushing the biomass, shearing the biomass with a rotating knives blade array, compressing the biomass by passing the biomass through press rollers, amalgonating the biomass into a Batting Mat, subjecting the Batting Mat to a phased multi-wash solvent system, extracting the solvents and oils liquid solution for recovery, subjecting the liquid solution to a centrifugation system to extract the Phytoleum hydrocarbon oil from the other components, and refining the final product to yield Phytoleum which is a composition of matter including Tirucallene A and Tirucallene B and other oligomerized pentenes.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Biological Oils and Production and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20120272566A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The present invention provides biological oils and methods and uses thereof. The biological oils are preferably produced by heterotrophic fermentation of one or more microorganisms using cellulose-containing feedstock as a main source of carbon. The present invention also provides methods of producing lipid-based biofuels and food, nutritional, and pharmaceutical products using the biological oils.

22-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120297507A1

A method for producing leafy biomass from undifferentiated plant cells, the method comprising providing undifferentiated plant cells, contacting them with an agent that promotes differentiation of the cells into leafy tissue and growing the cells in a temporary liquid immersion culture system. This method of the invention may be used to produce polypeptides, and natural medicinal products, and can be used to capture carbon dioxide. A method of producing a polypeptide in plant cells in vitro comprising: providing undifferentiated plant cells containing chloroplasts that carry a transgenic nucleic acid molecule encoding the polypeptide, wherein the plant cells display homoplastomy; and propagating the cells according to the above method to produce leafy biomass containing the polypeptide.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Deoxygenation of fatty acids for preparation of hydrocarbons

Номер: US20130008080A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

Embodiments of methods for making renewable diesel by deoxygenating (decarboxylating/decarbonylating/dehydrating) fatty acids to produce hydrocarbons are disclosed. Fatty acids are exposed to a catalyst selected from a) Pt and MO 3 on ZrO 2 (M is W, Mo, or a combination thereof), or b) Pt/Ge or Pt/Sn on carbon, and the catalyst decarboxylates at least 10% of the fatty acids. In particular embodiments, the catalyst consists essentially of 0.7 wt % Pt and 12 wt % WO 3 , relative to a mass of catalyst, or the catalyst consists essentially of a) 5 wt % Pt and b) 0.5 wt % Ge or 0.5 wt % Sn, relative to a mass of catalyst. Deoxygenation is performed without added hydrogen and at less than 100 psi. Disclosed embodiments of the catalysts deoxygenate at least 10% of fatty acids in a fatty acid feed, and remain capable of deoxygenating fatty acids for at least 200 minutes to more than 350 hours.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Diesel fuel compositions for high pressure fuel systems

Номер: US20130031827A1
Принадлежит: Innospec Ltd

A diesel fuel composition comprising, as an additive, a quaternary ammonium salt formed by the reaction of a compound of formula (A): and a compound formed by the reaction of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and an amine of formula (B1) or (B2): wherein R is an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R 1 is a C 1 to C 22 alkyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R 2 and R 3 are the same or different alkyl groups having from 1 to 22 carbon atoms; X is an alkylene group having from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; n is from 0 to 20; m is from 1 to 5; and R 4 is hydrogen or a C 1 to C 22 alkyl group.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Engineered fuel feed stock useful for displacement of coal in coal firing plants

Номер: US20130097921A1
Принадлежит: Re Community Energy LLC

Disclosed are novel engineered fuel feed stocks, feed stocks produced by the described processes, and methods of making the fuel feed stocks. Components derived from processed MSW waste streams can be used to make such feed stocks which are substantially free of glass, metals, grit and noncombustibles. These feed stocks are useful for a variety of purposes including co-firing with coal and as substitutes for coal.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Synthesis of High Caloric Fuels and Chemicals

Номер: US20130118063A1

In one embodiment, the present application discloses methods to selectively synthesize higher alcohols and hydrocarbons useful as fuels and industrial chemicals from syngas and biomass. Ketene and ketonization chemistry along with hydrogenation reactions are used to synthesize fuels and chemicals. In another embodiment, ketene used to form fuels and chemicals may be manufactured from acetic acid which in turn can be synthesized from synthesis gas which is produced from coal, biomass, natural gas, etc.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: US20130196386A1
Автор: Marshall Medoff
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) is processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems are described that can use feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials, to produce ethanol and/or butanol, e.g., by fermentation.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Fire starter

Номер: US20130247455A1
Принадлежит: Apptec Inc

The Present Invention is a fire starting device for use as kindling manufactured from pine straw, as the primary component, a vegetable oil, natural resins, and an herbal component. The composition of the device differs from prior art devices that burn petroleum hydrocarbons. The device is hollow, having at least one vertical channel and at least one horizontal channel drilled from the outer wall of the device to the inner vertical channel. The fire starter device is ignited from the top, and it burns to produce a high, intense flame that ignites other flammable materials having a much greater kindling temperature. The height of the flame and the burn duration are controlled by the overall size of the device and the sizes of the channels. The device burns clean with a minimum of smoke and harmful or noxious fumes. Burning the device minimally creates air pollution. It burns completely with a minimum of ash residue.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Processing biomass and petroleum containing materials

Номер: US20130273612A1
Автор: Marshall Medoff
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) is processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems can use feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials and/or starchy materials, to produce ethanol and/or butanol, e.g., by fermentation.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Processing Biomass Containing Materials

Номер: US20130288307A1
Автор: Marshall Medoff
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) is processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems can use feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials and/or starchy materials, to produce ethanol and/or butanol, e.g., by fermentation.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Fuel and engine oil composition and its use

Номер: US20140000540A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A composition is provided that contains a major amount of a hydrocarbon base fluid having a viscosity of up to 600 cST at 40 ° C. and (b) a minor amount of a micronized cellulose acetate butyrate having a particle size distribution on average of less than 30 microns. The compositions reduce and control the friction coefficient and anti-wear film of hydrocarbon base fluids.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Process for making isooctenes from aqueous isobutanol

Номер: US20140005443A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The present invention relates to a catalytic process for making isooctenes using a reactant comprising isobutanol and water. The isooctenes so produced are useful for the production of fuel additives.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Process for producing mixed esters of fatty acids as biofuels

Номер: US20140059924A1
Принадлежит: Michigan State University MSU

A process for producing mixed esters of fatty acids as biofuel or additive to a petroleum fuel for use in a compression ignition (CI) engine. The process preferably provides a partial transesterification of a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters with at least one alkyl alcohol containing 2 to 8 carbon atoms in the presence of a heterogeneous solid acid catalyst to produce a mixture of the fatty acid methyl esters and alkyl alcohol esters of the fatty acids.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US20140075834A1

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high-carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Generating cellulosic-renewable identification numbers in a refinery

Номер: US20150000186A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present application generally relates to methods of generating cellulosic-renewable identification numbers by thermally processing a cellulosic biomass to form a renewable fuel oil, and then co-processing the renewable fuel oil with a petroleum fraction in a refinery to form a cellulosic-renewable identification number-compliant fuel.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000188A1

A fuel element adapted for use in a smoking article is provided, the fuel element including a combustible carbonaceous material in an amount of at least 25% by dry weight, based on the weight of the fuel element, and a particulate ignition aid dispersed throughout the fuel element and selected from ceramic particles, cellulose particles, fullerenes, impregnated activated carbon particles, inorganic salts, and combinations thereof, wherein the average particle size of the ignition aid is less than about 1,000 microns. Also provided are elongate smoking articles having a lighting end and an opposed mouth end, and including the above-noted fuel element configured for ignition of the lighting end. 1. A fuel element adapted for use in a smoking article , comprising:(a) a combustible carbonaceous material in an amount of at least 25% by dry weight, based on the weight of the fuel element; and(b) a particulate ignition aid dispersed throughout the fuel element and selected from the group consisting of ceramic particles, cellulose particles, fullerenes, impregnated activated carbon particles, inorganic salts, and combinations thereof, wherein the average particle size of the ignition aid is less than about 1,000 microns and with the proviso that when the ignition aid is an inorganic salt, the inorganic salt is present in an amount of no more than about 0.5 dry weight percent based on the total dry weight of the fuel element.2. The fuel element of claim 1 , wherein the particulate ignition aid is non-catalytic.3. The fuel element of claim 1 , wherein the ignition aid comprises ceramic particles or cellulose particles having an average particle size of less than about 500 microns claim 1 , the ceramic particles being glass bubbles or cenospheres.4. The fuel element of claim 1 , wherein the ignition aid comprises glass bubbles having an average particle size of about 10 to about 300 microns.5. The fuel element of claim 1 , wherein the ignition aid comprises cellulose particles ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Biorefining Method

Номер: US20200001268A1

The present invention relates generally to the generation of bio-products from organic matter feedstocks. More specifically, the present invention relates to improved methods for the hydrothermal/thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic and/or fossilised organic feedstocks into biofuels (e.g. bio-oils) and/or chemical products (e.g. platform chemicals). 1. A method for producing a bio-product from organic matter feedstock , the method comprising:providing a reaction mixture comprising the organic matter feedstock, a solvent, and a solid substrate, wherein the solid substrate constitutes between 5% and 15% of the total combined mass of the solid substrate and organic matter feedstock in the reaction mixture;treating the reaction mixture in a reactor vessel at a reaction temperature and pressure suitable for conversion of all or a portion of the organic matter feedstock into a product mixture comprising the bio-product; anddepressurising and cooling the product mixture; sequesters organic and/or inorganic matter that de-solubilises within the reaction mixture or the product mixture; and/or', 'alters one or more flow characteristics of the reaction mixture and/or the product mixture in the reactor vessel., 'wherein the solid substrate is solid or substantially solid at the reaction temperature and pressure and;'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treating is performed under continuous flow conditions.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid substrate is inert or substantially inert at the reaction temperature and pressure.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid substrate is a carbonaceous material comprising at least 50% claim 1 , at least 60% claim 1 , at least 70% claim 1 , at least 80% claim 1 , or at least 90% by weight carbon.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the solid substrate is:(a) selected from the group consisting of: coals, anthracitic coal, meta-anthracite, anthracite, semianthracite, bituminous ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Processes for converting biomass to btx with low sulfur, nitrogen and olefin content via a catalytic fast pyrolysis process

Номер: US20160002544A1
Принадлежит: Anellotech Inc

Methods of separating and purifying products from the catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass are described. In a preferred method, a portion of the products from a pyrolysis reactor are recovered and purified using a hydrotreating step that reduces the content of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen components, and hydrogenates olefins to produce aromatic products that meet commercial quality specifications.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for converting food waste into fuel

Номер: US20160002549A1
Автор: Eun Ju Kim, Tae Hyung Kim

A system for converting food waste into fuel includes at least one thermal decomposition reactor. The at least one thermal decomposition reactor is configured to transfer an organic waste, that is, food waste, through a region on which a sunlight is concentrated by at least one solar concentrator. A fermenter is disposed at a front end of the at least one thermal decomposition reactor, and any thermal energy remaining after being used in the at least one thermal decomposition reactor is additionally used in fermentation of the food waste. A method of converting food waste into fuel is also provided.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Preparing Fuel From Biomass

Номер: US20160002555A1
Принадлежит: Arbaflame Technology As

Method and apparatus for preparation of fuel from biomass wherein the biomass is subjected to a heat treatment in a temperature range from 150 to 300 C, in a reactor pressurized with steam and air, wherein the pressure at completed treatment is released. The volume increase of steam and other gases from the pressure release is temporarily accumulated in a container of a flexible volume while steam and other gases are subjected to heat exchange in at least one heat exchanger so that condensable gases are condensed and release their heat of condensation in the at least one heat exchanger.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002556A1

The present description relates to a method and system for generating a fuel from high sulfur fuel waste materials having a reduced SO2 emission. In one example, the fuel may include petroleum coke, a biomass constituent, and an alkali substituent. Further in another example, the fuel may include iron oxide catalyst increasing the capture of SO2. 1. A fuel comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent;an alkali constituent adapted to capture SO2 emissions by reacting with sulfur of the petroleum coke upon burn of the fuel; and 'wherein the petroleum coke, the biomass constituent, the alkali constituent, and the iron oxide catalyst are combined to form a fuel with decreased SO2 emissions at temperatures at or above 750 C.', 'an iron oxide catalyst reducing SO2 emissions to less than 10 percent;'}2. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is in the form of one or more of a briquette claim 1 , powder claim 1 , bead claim 1 , and various agglomerates.3. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is one of limestone claim 1 , lime or sodium base alkali.4. The fuel of claim 3 , wherein the alkali constituent comprising lime is slaked.5. The fuel of claim 1 , further comprising one or more surfactants incorporated in the alkali constituent.6. The fuel of wherein the biomass constituent is wood waste.7. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the biomass constituent includes a volatile to increase combustibility of the petroleum coke.8. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is processed to increase surface area of the alkali constituent claim 1 , wherein processing includes grinding the alkali constituent claim 1 , and wherein the increased surface area captures an increased amount of SO2.9. A fuel comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent to provide volatiles;an SO2 sorbent to capture SO2 emissions upon burn of the fuel; and{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': {'sub': 2', '3, ' ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002567A1

A process for extraction of crude oil from distillers dried grain solubles and/or distillers dried grains and producing corn distillers meal that may be used as a livestock supplement is disclosed. For example, the corn distillers meal may be used as a crude protein supplement for use in a livestock feed diet or a poultry feed diet. The solvent extracted crude oil may be suitable for oleochemical processing for personal care and home care products, biodiesel production, and/or renewable diesel production from hydro-treating the extracted oil to make green diesel fuel. 1. A facility for solvent extraction of distillers dried grains with solubles , distillers dried grains , or both , comprising:a solvent extraction facility configured to extract crude plant oil from the distillers dried grains with solubles, the distillers dried grains, or both, thereby producing distillers meal,wherein the solvent extraction facility is configured to extract crude plant oil from distillers dried grains with solubles, the distillers dried grains, or both, using an extraction process using a non-polar solvent having a boiling point in the range of about 36° C. to about 99° C., thereby producing distillers meal comprising a crude protein content ranging from about 28% to about 35% by weight on, a crude fat content ranging from about 0.25% to about 6% by weight, and a content of phosphorous and phosphorous containing compounds ranging from about 1 ppm to about 50 ppm.2. The facility for solvent extraction of claim 1 , wherein the distillers meal further comprises an initial sulfur and sulfur containing compounds in an amount of about 1 ppm to about 20 ppm.3. The facility for solvent extraction of claim 2 , wherein the distillers dried grains with solubles is a corn distiller dried grains with solubles and the distillers meal is a corn distillers meal.4. The facility for solvent extraction of claim 3 , wherein the corn distiller dried grains with solubles or the corn distillers meal is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of increasing lipid accumulation in metschnikowia pulcherrima cells

Номер: US20160002679A1
Принадлежит: University of Bath

The invention relates to a method of increasing lipid accumulation in Metschnikowia pulcherrima ( Candida pulcherrima ) cells. In particular, the invention relates to a method of obtaining oil from yeast pulcherimma cells. The invention further relates to an oil and the use of pulcherimma cells for production of oleaginous biomass.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002373A1

A method for producing leafy biomass from undifferentiated plant cells, the method comprising providing undifferentiated plant cells, contacting them with an agent that promotes differentiation of the cells into leafy tissue and growing the cells in a temporary liquid immersion culture system. This method of the invention may be used to produce polypeptides, and natural medicinal products, and can be used to capture carbon dioxide. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for producing leafy biomass from undifferentiated plant cells , the method comprising providing undifferentiated plant cells , contacting them with an agent that promotes differentiation of the cells into leafy tissue and growing the cells in a temporary liquid immersion culture system.18Arabidopsis.. A method according to claim 17 , wherein the plant cells are cells from a monocotyledon which is corn claim 17 , rye claim 17 , oat claim 17 , millet claim 17 , sugar cane claim 17 , sorghum claim 17 , maize claim 17 , wheat claim 17 , or rice claim 17 , or a dicotyledon which is tobacco claim 17 , tomato claim 17 , potato claim 17 , bean claim 17 , soybean claim 17 , carrot claim 17 , cassava claim 17 , or19AtropaHyoscyamusDaturaPapaverScopoliaDigitalisMacunaTaxusCamptothecaCephalotaxusCatharanthusArtemisia. A method according to wherein the plant cells are from a medicinal plant in which a main medicinal product is produced in the leaves claim 17 , the plant being selected sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , and sp. or sp.20MiscanthusJatrophaPanicum. A method according to wherein the plant cells are from an energy crop which is selected from sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , sp claim 17 , Willow claim 17 , Palm tree claim 17 , Maize claim 17 , Cassava claim 17 , or Poplar.21. A method according to claim 17 , wherein the agent that promotes differentiation of the cells into leafy tissue is a plant hormone.22. A ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Diesel-soluble lignin oils and methods of their production

Номер: US20180002607A1

Solvent consumption in supercritical ethanol, propanol or butanol treatment of either refined pre-extracted lignin or comparatively impure lignin-rich solid residual from hydrothermally pretreated lignocellulosic biomass can be minimized by conducting the reaction at very high loading of lignin to solvent. Comparatively impure, crude lignin-rich solid residual can be directly converted by supercritical alcohol treatment to significantly diesel-soluble lignin oil without requirement for pre-extraction or pre-solubilisation of lignin or for added reaction promoters such as catalysts, hydrogen donor co-solvents, acids, based or H2 gas. O:C ratio of product oil can readily be obtained using crude lignin residual in such a process at levels 0.20 or lower.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Process of Making Biochar From Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containing Feedstock

Номер: US20180002622A1

A process for making a biochar composition by passing renewable organic-carbon-containing feedstock through a beneficiation sub-system to reduce water content followed by introducing beneficiated feedstock into an oxygen-deficient thermal sub-system to result in renewable processed biochar having an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (20 GJ/MT) a water content of less than 10 wt %, and water-soluble salt that is decreased by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock. 1. A process of making processed biochar comprising:passing renewable unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that includes free water, intercellular water, intracellular water, intracellular water-soluble salts, and at least some plant cells comprising cell walls that include lignin, hemicellulose, and microfibrils within fibrils through a beneficiation sub-system to produce processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock having a water content of less than 20 wt % and a salt content that is reduced by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock; andpassing the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock an oxygen-deprived thermal sub-system process to produce processed biochar having an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (20 GJ/MT) a water content of less than 10 wt %, and water-soluble salt that is decreased by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the beneficiation sub-system process comprises:exposing the unprocessed feedstock to hot solvent under pressure for a time at conditions specific to the feedstock to make some regions of the cell walls comprising crystallized cellulosic fibrils, lignin, and hemicellulose more able to be penetrable by water-soluble salts without dissolving more than 25 percent of the lignin and hemicellulose;removing the pressure so as to penetrate the more ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Production Processes, Systems, Methods, and Apparatuses

Номер: US20200002621A1

The present disclosure provides production processes that can include exposing a carbon-based material to liquid media to form hydrocarbon fuel. Waste to fuel conversion processes as well as waste material processing reactors are provided that can be configured to convert waste to fuel. Heat exchangers, power generation processes and combustion turbine exhaust apparatus are also provided. Fuel generation processes and generation systems are provided. Reaction media conduit systems as well as processes for servicing reactant media pumps coupled to both inlet and outlet conduits containing reactant media, are also provided. 110-. (canceled)11. A fuel generation system comprising:a reactor configured to house a liquid reaction media and receive solid carbon based material;a distillation apparatus coupled to the reactor and configured to receive gaseous hydrocarbon fuel from the reactor; anda combustion turbine coupled to the distillation apparatus and configured to receive distillate portions from the distillation apparatus.12. The system of further comprising a conveyor apparatus associated with reactor claim 11 , the conveyor apparatus configured to convey material to a receiving portion of the apparatus.13. The system of further comprising a heat exchanger coupled to the reactor claim 11 , the heat exchanger configured to heat the liquid reaction media by providing heat from a heat exchanger fluid.14. The system of wherein the heat exchanger is coupled to the combustion turbine.15. The system of wherein at least a portion of the heat exchanger fluid of the heat exchanger circulates within an exhaust apparatus of the combustion turbine.16. The system of wherein the reactor comprises a media circulating conduit configured to circulate the liquid reaction media.17. The system of wherein conduit comprises a fluid pump claim 16 , the conduit further configured to have the fluid pump removed from the conduit while maintaining substantially all the fluid within the conduit ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus

Номер: US20150004067A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

The present application generally relates to a fluidized catalytic cracking apparatus having one or more ports for injecting a renewable fuel oil for co-processing the renewable fuel oil and a petroleum fraction.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Pulping Liquors and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20200002888A1

The present invention relates generally to the generation of bio-products from organic matter feedstocks. More specifically, the present invention relates to the use of pulping liquors in the hydrothermal/thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic and/or fossilised organic feedstocks into biofuels (e.g. bio-oils) and/or chemical products (e.g. platform chemicals). 1. A method for producing a bio-product from organic matter feedstock , the method comprising:providing a reaction mixture comprising the organic matter feedstock, a solvent, and pulping liquor;treating the reaction mixture in a reactor vessel at a reaction temperature and pressure suitable for conversion of all or a portion of the organic matter feedstock into a product mixture comprising the bio-product; anddepressurising and cooling the product mixture;wherein the reaction mixture and product mixture move in continuous flow through reactor vessel during said treating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic matter feedstock comprises or consists of:(i) lignite feedstock;(ii) lignocellulosic feedstock; or(iii) a mixture of lignocellulosic and lignite feedstock.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organic matter feedstock comprises or consists of lignocellulosic feedstock.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulping liquor is black pulping liquor (black liquor).5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the black liquor comprises:{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '2', '3, '(i) between about 4 wt % and 10 wt % sodium hydroxide (NaOH), between about 10 wt % and 30 wt % sodium sulfide (NaS), between about 25 wt % and about 50 wt % sodium carbonate (NaCO), between about 5 wt % and about 15 wt % sodium sulfite (NaSO), between about 8 wt % and about 20 wt % sodium sulfate (NaSO), between about 10 wt % and about 25 wt % sodium thiosulfate (NaSO), and between about 10 wt % and about 90 wt % organic solids or between about 30% and about 70% organic solids; or'}{'sub': 2', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002930A1

A process for producing a transportation fuel from a lignocellulosic feedstock comprising subjecting a stream comprising lignin to a wet oxidation that produces low molecular weight carboxylic acids. These carboxylic acids and/or the corresponding esters are fed to a hydrogenation reaction or gas fermentation wherein they are converted to an alcohol. Heat from the wet oxidation may be supplied to any stage of the process in which heat is introduced. 150.-. (canceled)51. A process for producing ethanol from lignocellulosic feedstock comprising:(i) hydrolyzing at least a portion of the hemicellulose and cellulose in the lignocellulosic feedstock to provide an aqueous mixture comprising insoluble lignin and a soluble sugar;(ii) fermenting the soluble sugar to provide ethanol, said fermenting comprising mixing the soluble sugar with a fermentation microorganism;(iii) separating the insoluble lignin from at least portion of the soluble sugar or the ethanol;(iv) subjecting a mixture comprising the separated insoluble lignin to a wet oxidation to produce at least one of acetic acid, acetate, and carbon dioxide;(v) converting at least a portion of the at least one of acetic acid, acetate, and carbon dioxide produced by the wet oxidation to ethanol;(vi) recovering ethanol produced in (ii) and (v).52. The process according to claim 51 , wherein step (iii) comprises separating the insoluble lignin from at least a portion of the soluble sugar claim 51 , said separating comprising conducting a solid-liquid separation on the aqueous mixture produced in (i) to produce lignin solids and a liquid comprising the soluble sugar claim 51 , and wherein the mixture subjected to the wet oxidation comprises the lignin solids.53. The process according to claim 51 , wherein step (iii) comprises separating the insoluble lignin from at least a portion of the ethanol claim 51 , said separating comprising distilling an aqueous mixture comprising the ethanol and the insoluble lignin claim 51 , and ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009144A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

A composition, including 40-50 wt-% C14 paraffins, based on the total weight of the composition, and 35-45 wt-% C15 paraffins, based on the total weight of the composition, wherein the C14 and C15 paraffins are produced from a biological raw material. 119-. (canceled)20. A composition , comprising:40-50 wt-% C14 isoparaffins, based on the total weight of the composition, and35-45 wt-% C15 isoparaffins, based on the total weight of the composition,wherein the C14 and C15 isoparaffins are produced from a biological raw material,wherein the total C14 and C15 isoparaffinic content of the composition is in a range from 80.36 wt-% to 95 wt-%, based on the total weight of the composition.21. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the composition comprises 45-50 wt-% C14 isoparaffins claim 20 , and 40-45 wt-% C15 isoparaffins claim 20 , based on the total weight of the composition.22. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the composition comprises less than 9 wt-% C13 and lighter paraffins and less than 7 wt-% C16 and heavier paraffins claim 20 , based on the total weight of the composition.23. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the composition comprises less than 5 wt-% C13 and lighter paraffins and less than 3 wt-% C16 and heavier paraffins claim 20 , based on the total weight of the composition.24. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the total isoparaffinic content of the composition is more than 93 wt-% claim 20 , based on the total weight of the composition.25. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the total isoparaffinic content of the composition is more than 97 wt-% claim 20 , based on the total weight of the composition.26. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the total aromatic hydrocarbon content of the composition is less than 1500 ppm weight basis.27. The composition according to claim 20 , wherein the total aromatic hydrocarbon content of the composition is less than 1300 ppm weight basis.28. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for Making a Biosludge-Based Biomass Fuel

Номер: US20170009164A1

A method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel includes: introducing an oxidizing agent gas and an aqueous solution into a biosludge to undergo lysis of bacteria contained in a biosludge under oscillation of the oxidizing agent gas and the aqueous solution so as to form a pre-treated biosludge mixture; filtering out the oxidized biosludge from the pre-treated biosludge mixture under pressurized treatment to form biosludge solids; drying the biosludge solids; grinding the dried biosludge solids to form particulate biosludge solids; and mixing the particulate biosludge solids with an oil sludge. 1. A method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel , comprising:introducing an oxidizing agent gas and an aqueous solution into a biosludge to undergo lysis of bacteria contained in the biosludge under oscillation of the oxidizing agent gas and the aqueous solution so as to form a pre-treated biosludge mixture;filtering out the oxidized biosludge from the pre-treated biosludge mixture under pressurized treatment to form biosludge solids;drying the biosludge solids;grinding the dried biosludge solids to form particulate biosludge solids; andmixing the particulate biosludge solids with an oil sludge.2. The method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel of claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing agent gas is ozone and the aqueous solution is water.3. The method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel of claim 2 , wherein the ozone is introduced in an amount of 0.06 to 0.13 grams per 1 gram of dry weight of the biosludge.4. The method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel of claim 1 , wherein the biosludge solids obtained from filtering of the pre-treated biosludge mixture has a water content ranging from 55% to 65%.5. The method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel of claim 1 , wherein the dried biosludge solids have a water content less than 8%.6. The method for making a biosludge-based biomass fuel of claim 1 , wherein drying of the biosludge solids is conducted at ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009165A1
Автор: Goerz, JR. David J.

A hybrid fuel and methods of making the same are disclosed. A process for making a hybrid fuel includes the steps of combining a biofuel emulsion blend and a liquid fuel product to form a hybrid fuel. Optionally, the hybrid fuel can be combined with water in a water-in-oil process and include oxygenate additives and additive packages. A hybrid fuel includes blends of biofuel emulsions and liquid fuel products, including light gas diesel. Optionally, the hybrid fuel can include water, oxygenate additives, and other additive packages. 1. A hybrid fuel prepared from a process that comprises:introducing a first reactant to a reactor, wherein the first reactant comprises one or more light gases;exposing the first reactant to non-thermal plasma under conditions sufficient to reform the first reactant to form syngas and to generate free radicals and energetic electrons;introducing a first liquid feed fuel to the reactor; andintimately contacting the reaction products from the exposure of the first reactant to non-thermal plasma with the first liquid feed fuel in the reactor to produce a modified liquid fuel.2. The hybrid fuel of claim 1 , wherein the first reactant further comprises a second liquid fuel feed.3. A hybrid fuel comprising:a first fuel product; anda second fuel product, whereinthe first fuel product comprises a biofuel emulsion; andthe second fuel product comprises a fuel prepared from one or more light gases combined with a liquid fuel feed; and whereinthe hybrid fuel comprises at least about 20% by weight of the first fuel product.4. The hybrid fuel of claim 3 , wherein the hybrid fuel comprises about 20% by weight of the first fuel product and about 80% by weight of the second fuel product.5. The hybrid fuel of claim 3 , wherein the hybrid fuel comprises up to about 20% water.6. The hybrid fuel of claim 4 , wherein the pour point of the hybrid fuel is about −25° C. to about −35° C.7. The hybrid fuel of claim 4 , wherein the pour point of the hybrid fuel is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for making biomass pellets

Номер: US20170009167A1
Принадлежит: SHOW ME ENERGY

The present invention is directed to a process for forming biomass pellets using biomass feedstock having predetermined characteristics to form biomass pellets having desired characteristics. The process can utilize feedstock derived from a variety of biomass feedstock sources, including wood, agricultural crops, energy crops and weeds, alone or in combination.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Formulation of a new diesel fuel suitable for diesel engines

Номер: US20170009168A1
Автор: Rosario Rocco Tulino
Принадлежит: Tulino Research and Partners Ltd

The new fuel conceived for diesel engines is formulated using one part of standard diesel fuel and two groups of components with different characteristic rating. The first group is composed by reformulated chemicals, while the second group in made by a blend of vegetal oils properly balanced. The fuel obtained with this formulation has a better thermodynamic performance and allows an appreciable reduction of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and particulate matter (PT) output which are, respectively, approximately 50% and 60% lower

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010001A1

A renewable fuel may be obtained from a bio-oil containing C-Coxygenates. In a first step, the bio-oil is subjected to a condensation reaction in which the oxygenates undergo a carbon-carbon bond forming reaction to produce a stream containing C+ oxygenates. In a second step, the stream is hydrotreated to produce C+ hydrocarbons. 2. The process of claim 1 , wherein prior to step (a):(i) biomass is converted in a biomass conversion reactor into gaseous, liquid and solid components;(ii) the gaseous components and solid components are separated from the liquid components;{'sub': 3', '5, '(iii) the liquid components are separated into an aqueous phase and an organic stream containing C-Coxygenates; and'}{'sub': 3', '5, '(iv) the aqueous phase is then separated into another organic stream containing C-Coxygenates.'}3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the condensation reaction is an aldol condensation.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the renewable biofuel is produced from liquid bio-oil.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein prior to step (a):(i) biomass is converted in a biomass conversion reactor into gaseous, liquid and solid components;(ii) the gaseous components and solid components are separated from the liquid components;{'sub': 3', '5, '(iii) the liquid components are separated into an aqueous phase and an organic stream containing C-Coxygenates; and'}{'sub': 3', '5, '(iv) the aqueous phase is then separated into another organic stream containing C-Coxygenates.'}7. The process of claim 5 , wherein condensation occurs in the single reactor in the presence of a heterogeneous acid catalyst.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the heterogeneous acid catalyst is selected from the group consisting of organic sulfonic acids; perfluoroalkylsulfonic acids; zeolites; sulfated transition metal oxides claim 7 , and perfluorinated ion exchange polymers containing pendant sulfonic acid claim 7 , carboxylic acid claim 7 , or sulfonic acid groups; sulfonated copolymers of styrene ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010012A1
Автор: BAI Dingrong

Systems and methods for producing engineered fuels from solid waste material are described herein. In some embodiments, a method includes receiving a waste stream at a multi-material processing platform and separating the waste stream to remove non-processable waste and marketable recyclables. The method further includes conveying processable materials to a material classification system and incorporating additives to produce an engineered fuel from the constituents of the waste stream. 1. A method of producing an engineered fuel feed stock from a processed MSW waste stream , the method comprising:combining a first waste stream and an additive;compressing the first waste stream and the additive to form a densified intermediate material;grinding the intermediate material;mixing the ground intermediate material with a second waste stream; andcompressing the intermediate material and the second waste stream to form an engineered fuel feed stock.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first waste stream includes hard plastic.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first waste stream contains less than about 40 wt. % soft plastic.47.-. (canceled)8. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first waste stream contains less than about 20 wt. % fiber.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first waste stream contains less than about 20 wt. % soft plastic and fiber in combination.1216.-. (canceled)17. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first waste stream is substantially free from glass claim 2 , metals claim 2 , grit claim 2 , and noncombustibles.1822.-. (canceled)23. The method of claim 2 , wherein the densified intermediate material hasa plastic content of between about 10 wt. % and about 50 wt. %; andan additive content of between about 90 wt. % and about 50 wt. %.24. (canceled)25. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive is a chemical additive.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the chemical additive is a sorbent.27. The method of claim 26 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010014A1

Disclosed herein is the use of coatings on charcoal heating materials, such as charcoal briquets, to enhance burn properties. It has been discovered that if one half of a pile of charcoal briquets is dosed with lighter fluid and the other half remains undosed, the entire pile of briquets will light and burn. Thus, the amount of lighter fluid necessary to light a pile of charcoal briquets can be reduced by fifty percent. However, over time (2 to 3 months), the lighter fluid migrates from the dosed briquets to the undosed briquets. Therefore, it has been found that by coating the undosed briquets with a material that prevents the lighter fluid from migrating onto them, solvent migration is reduced and/or eliminated. The coated briquets light a little later than the uncoated briquets resulting in an extension of the cooking phase. 1. A charcoal heating system for use as a cooking fuel , which ignites easily and quickly , said charcoal heating system comprising:a plurality of dosed charcoal heating materials dosed with between about 12% to about 18% lighter fluid; anda plurality of coated charcoal heating materials substantially free of lighter fluid having a coating that substantially prevents the transfer of lighter fluid from dosed charcoal heating materials to coated charcoal heating materials; andwherein the ratio of dosed charcoal heating materials to coated charcoal heating materials is between 1:1 and 9:1.2. The charcoal heating system recited in claim 1 , wherein the dosed charcoal heating material and the coated charcoal heating material are in the form of charcoal briquets claim 1 , lump charcoal or mixtures thereof.3. The charcoal heating system recited in claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a coating agent claim 1 , a thickener or mixtures thereof.4. The charcoal heating system recited in claim 3 , wherein the coating agent is selected from the group consisting of corn syrup claim 3 , glycerin claim 3 , non-glycerin polyols claim 3 , starch and mixtures ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Processed Biochar Pellets from Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containng Feedstock

Номер: US20160010015A1

A renewable processed biochar pellet composition made with a pelletizing sub-system followed with a heating sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to reduce water content to below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt reduction of at least 60% from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. The processed feedstock is introduced into a pelletizing sub-system and then into a heating sub-system to result in renewable processed biochar pellets having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT), a water content of less than 10 wt %, and an intracellular water-soluble salt content that is decreased by at least 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of the unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock. 1. A composition , comprising:a processed biochar pellet composition that comprises a processed biochar made from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock and having characteristics that include an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT), a water content of less than 10 wt %, and an intracellular water-soluble salt content in the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that is decreased more than 60 wt % on a dry basis from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that was the source of the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock, andthe processed biochar pellet is made from unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that is converted into a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock with a beneficiation sub-system, into the processed biochar with a heating sub-system, and into the processed biomass pellet with a pelletizing sub-system.2. The composition of wherein the beneficiation sub-system claim 1 , comprises:a. a transmission device configured to convey into a reaction ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

High Energy Aggregates of Coal Fines and Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containing Feedstock

Номер: US20160010016A1

A high energy processed biomass/coal blended compact aggregate composition made with a blending sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system and high energy coal is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to reduce water content to below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt reduction of at least 60% from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. The processed feedstock is blended with sized high energy coal in a blending sub-system to form a blended aggregate that comprises at least 10 wt % of a coal having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT) and at least 10 wt % of a processed biomass comprising a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock with characteristics that include an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (19 GJ/MT) and a water-soluble intracellular salt content that is decreased more than 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Aggregates of Cleaned High Energy Coal Fines and Beneficiated Organic-Carbon-Containing Feedstock

Номер: US20160010017A1

A processed biomass/coal blended compact aggregate composition made with a blending sub-system from a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock made with a beneficiation sub-system and high energy coal is described. Renewable biomass feedstock passed through a beneficiation sub-system to produce a processed biomass with an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (19 GJ/MT), a water content of below at least 20 wt % and an intracellular water-soluble salt that is at least 60% below that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock on a dry basis. High energy un-cleaned coal is sized and passed through a coal cleaning sub-system to result in cleaned high energy coal having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT) and a content of sulfur that is at least 50 wt % less than that of the content of sulfur in the coal before it passed through the coal cleaning sub-system. The processed feedstock is sized and blended with the cleaned high energy coal in a blending sub-system to form a blended aggregate that comprises at least 10 wt % of the cleaned high energy coal and at least 10 wt % of the processed biomass. 1. A composition , comprising:a processed biomass/coal blended compact aggregate that comprises at least 10 wt % of a coal having an energy density of at least 21 MMBTU/ton (24 GJ/MT) and a content of sulfur that is at least 50 wt % less than that of the content of sulfur in the coal before it passed through a coal cleaning sub-system, and at least 10 wt % of a processed biomass comprising a processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock with characteristics that include an energy density of at least 17 MMBTU/ton (19 GJ/MT) and a water-soluble intracellular salt content that is decreased more than 60 wt % on a dry basis for the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock from that of unprocessed organic-carbon-containing feedstock that was the source of the processed organic-carbon-containing feedstock,the processed biomass/coal blended compact ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009731A9
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

Catalytic conversion of ketoacids is disclosed, including methods for increasing the molecular weight of ketoacids. An exemplary method includes providing in a reactor a feedstock having at least one ketoacid. The feedstock is then subjected to one or more C—C-coupling reaction(s) in the presence of a catalyst system having a first metal oxide and a second metal oxide. 1. A method for increasing the molecular weight of a ketoacid , the method comprising:providing in a reactor a feedstock having at least one ketoacid; andsubjecting the feedstock to one or more C—C-coupling reaction(s), wherein the C—C-coupling reaction(s) are conducted in a presence of a solid acid catalyst system having a first metal oxide and a second metal oxide, and wherein a content of the at least one ketoacid in the feedstock is at least 30 wt-%.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst system has a specific surface area of from 10 to 500 m/g.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a total amount of the acid sites of the catalyst system ranges between 30 and 500 μmol/g.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one ketoacid is a γ-ketoacid acid.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the at least one ketoacid in the feedstock is at least 40 wt-% claim 1 , and/or the content of water in the feedstock is less than 5.0 wt-%.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide comprises:an oxide of one of W, Be, B, Mg, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Bi, La, Ce, Th, and the second metal oxide comprises:an oxide of one of Zr, Ti, Si, Al, V, Cr or a combination of these, the first metal oxide not being same as the second metal oxide.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide is supported on a metal oxide carrier claim 1 , wherein the carrier is selected from the group consisting of zirconia claim 1 , titania claim 1 , silica claim 1 , vanadium oxide claim 1 ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

High Density Cyclic Fuels Derived From Linear Sesquiterpenes

Номер: US20150011810A1
Автор: Benjamin G Harvey
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A method to generate cyclic hydrocarbons from farnesene to increase both the density and net heat of combustion of the product fuels. The high density hydrocarbons produced by this method have applications for missile, UAV, jet, and diesel propulsion.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009909A1

A method for marking a petroleum hydrocarbon or a liquid biologically derived fuel; said method comprising adding to said petroleum hydrocarbon or liquid biologically derived fuel at least one compound that is a R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Rand R-substituted xanthene, wherein R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Rand Rindependently are hydrogen, hydrocarbyl, hydrocarbyloxy, aryl or aryloxy; wherein each compound of formula (I) is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 20 ppm. 2. The method of in which R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen claim 1 , C-Chydrocarbyl claim 1 , C-Chydrocarbyloxy claim 1 , C-Caryl or C-Caryloxy.3. The method of in which R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rcollectively have at least one carbon atom.4. The method of in which R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen claim 3 , C-Calkyl claim 3 , C-Calkenyl claim 3 , C-Calkoxy claim 3 , C-Calkenyloxy claim 3 , C-Caryl or C-Caryloxy.5. The method of in which the compound of formula (I) is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 10 ppm.6. The method of in which R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , R claim 5 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen or C-Calkyl.7. The method of in which at least one of R claim 6 , R claim 6 , Rand Ris alkyl claim 6 , and R claim 6 , R claim 6 , R claim 6 , R claim 6 , Rand Rare hydrogen.9. The compound of in which R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , Rand R claim 8 , independently are hydrogen claim 8 , C-Calkyl or C-Calkenyl; Rand Rindependently are C-Calkyl or C-Calkenyl; and in which at least one of R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , R claim 8 , Rand Rcontains at least eight carbon atoms.10. The compound of in which R ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009910A1

A method for marking a petroleum hydrocarbon or a liquid biologically derived fuel; said method comprising adding to said petroleum hydrocarbon or liquid biologically derived fuel at least one compound that is a R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Rand R-substituted diaryl ether, wherein R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, Rand Rindependently are hydrogen, hydrocarbyl or hydrocarbyloxy; wherein each compound having formula (I) is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 20 ppm. 2. The method of in which R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen claim 1 , C-Chydrocarbyl or C-Chydrocarbyloxy.3. The method of in which R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen claim 2 , C-Calkyl claim 2 , C-Calkenyl claim 2 , C-Calkoxy or C-Calkenyloxy.4. The method of in which R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , Rand Rcollectively have at least two carbon atoms.5. The method of in which R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen or C-Calkyl.6. The method of in which R claim 5 , R claim 5 , Rand Rare hydrogen.7. The method of in which R claim 6 , R claim 6 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen or C-Calkyl.8. The method of in which each compound having formula (I) is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 10 ppm.10. The compound of in which R claim 9 , R claim 9 , R claim 9 , R claim 9 , R claim 9 , R claim 9 , R claim 9 , Rand Rindependently are hydrogen or methyl. This invention relates to a new method for marking liquid hydrocarbons and other fuels and oils, as well as new compounds useful for this purpose.Marking of petroleum hydrocarbons and other fuels and oils with various kinds of chemical markers is well known in the art. A variety of compounds have been used for this purpose, as well as numerous ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009911A1
Автор: Medoff Marshall

Techniques for processing biomass are disclosed herein. A method of preparing cellulosic ethanol having 100% biogenic carbon content as determined by ASTM 6866-18, includes treating ground corn cobs with electron beam radiation and saccharifying the irradiated ground corn cob to produce sugars. The method also includes fermenting the sugars with a microorganism. In addition, an unblended cellulosic-biomass derived gasoline with a research octane number of greater than about 87, as determined by ASTM D2699 is disclosed. 1218-. (canceled)219. A method of making a cellulosic-biomass derived gasoline , the method comprising:providing an alcohol comprising a cellulosic-biomass derived alcohol, andcatalytically processing the alcohol to an unblended gasoline, wherein the unblended gasoline has a research octane number of greater than about 87, as determined by ASTM D2699.220. The method of claim 219 , wherein the unblended gasoline also has a motor octane number of greater than about 85 claim 219 , as determined by ASTM D2700.221. The method of claim 219 , wherein the alcohol comprises ethanol.222. The method of claim 219 , wherein catalytically processing the alcohol comprises passing hydrous ethanol through a packed column claim 219 , the column including a zeolite.223. The method of claim 222 , wherein the hydrous ethanol contains greater than about 40 percent water by weight.224. The method of claim 222 , wherein the catalytically processing the alcohol further comprises a nitrogen carrier gas to aid in the passing of the hydrous ethanol through the packed column.225. The method of claim 222 , wherein the zeolite comprises HZSM-5.226. The method of claim 225 , wherein the HZSM-5 includes a metal produced by solvent impregnation.227. The method of claim 219 , wherein the unblended gasoline has a benzene content of less than 1 percent by weight.228. The method of claim 219 , wherein the unblended gasoline has an aromatic content of greater than 25 percent by weight.229. ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010419A1

Methods and systems used to extract lipids suitable in production of biofuels from a fermentation broth may include using heat to pre-treat the fermentation broth in order to more easily extract a product from oleaginous microorganisms in the broth. Additionally or alternatively, a combination of enzymes including amylase, 1-4 mannosidase, and 1-3 mannosidase may be used to break down cell walls of the oleaginous microorganisms. Residual broth water may be recycled and used as imbibition water for washing a process feedstock to extract sugar. 1. A method of extracting lipids suitable in production of biofuels from a whole fermentation broth , comprising:pre-treating the whole fermentation broth by heating the broth to a temperature between about 90° C. and about 150° C., or between about 100° C. and about 150° C., or between about 110° C. and about 150° C., or between about 120° C. and about 150° C., or between about 130° C. and about 150° C., wherein the broth contains oleaginous microorganisms; andsubsequently extracting a product from the oleaginous microorganisms.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pre-treating comprises heating the whole fermentation broth for about 30 minutes to about 18 hours claim 1 , or more than 3 hours to about 18 hours claim 1 , or more than 3 hours to about 8 hours.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pre-treating comprises heating the whole fermentation broth containing the oleaginous microorganisms from 45° C. to 80° C. in less than 60 minutes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating f the whole fermentation broth is done at an average rate between about 0.1 and about 80 degrees Celsius per minute.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting pH of the whole fermentation broth by adding either an acid or a base.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cooling the whole fermentation broth to greater than about 60° C. claim 1 , or greater than about 70° C. claim 1 , or greater than about 80° C. claim 1 , or ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010662A1

Materials (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) are processed to produce useful intermediates and products, such as energy, fuels, foods or materials. For example, systems equipment, and methods are described that can be used to treat feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials, using an array of vaults. 1. A treatment operating unit , comprising:a plurality of enclosure systems, each enclosure system including one or more vaults, andwithin each vault, an irradiation device and a treatment conveyor.2. The operating unit of claim 1 , wherein the enclosure systems are arranged in rows.3. The operating unit of claim 2 , wherein the rows extend in a first direction claim 2 , and wherein each enclosure system comprises two or more vaults extending in a direction generally perpendicular to the first direction.4. The operating unit of claim 3 , wherein the first and second vaults of each enclosure share a common wall.5. The operating unit of claim 4 , wherein each first vault is configured to accept untreated biomass from a storage facility claim 4 , and wherein the biomass material is treated in each vault utilizing the irradiation device and the treatment conveyor.6. The operating unit of claim 5 , wherein the first vault of each enclosure system further encloses equipment configured to transfer treated biomass from the first vault to the second vault of the enclosure system.7. The operating unit of claim 1 , wherein the irradiation device comprises an electron accelerator.8. The operating unit of claim 1 , wherein the treatment conveyor comprises a vibratory conveyor.9. A method for producing treated materials claim 1 , the method comprising;partitioning a material into a plurality of material portions,conveying the material portions into a plurality of first vaults, each first vault accepting one of the material portions,treating the material portions in the vaults,conveying the material portions out of the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Renewable transportation fuel process with thermal oxidation sysem

Номер: US20220033722A1
Автор: Jan DE REN, Xin X. Zhu
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A process for treating effluent streams in a renewable transportation fuel production process is described. One or more of the sour water stream and an acid gas stream are treated directly in thermal oxidation section. The process allows the elimination or size reduction of a sour water stripper unit, waste water treatment plant, and sulfur recovery unit.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015909A1
Принадлежит: Enginuity Worldwide, LLC

A bio-product such as biochar, bio-coal, bio-oil, coke, and/or activated carbon material is formed by processing a starting biomass material comprising water-laden material. The starting biomass material is heated to below or above an autoignition temperature through a rotary compression unit (RCU) by generating steam through releasing unbound and bound waters in the biomass thus forming a bio-product. The biomass material being processed may be, without limitation, a woody or non-woody biomass material, such as cellulosic material and/or grain. The process can also form bio-oil from pyrolysis vapors which can be processed to other bio-products. 1. A method of producing bio-products from starting biomass materials , the method comprising the steps of: (a) providing a rotary compression unit (RCU) having a compression screw, a barrel, and optionally one or more flow disrupters mounted on an interior surface of the barrel, the screw operable to rotate at a speed to produce friction and compression to generate a desired elevated temperature within the barrel and steam from bound and unbound water within the biomass, wherein passing the biomass through the RCU forms a bio-product;', '(b) feeding the biomass material to the RCU; and', '(c) allowing the biomass material to be mixed and heated resulting from steam that is formed within the RCU from increased friction and pressure formed by rotating the compression screw;', '(d) removing the bio-product from the RCU;', '(e) cooling the bio-product; and', '(f) collecting the bio-product., 'providing a starting biomass material comprising a moisture-containing or water-laden material;'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the starting biomass material is either woody or non-woody biomass.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass is heated to a temperature below autoignition.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein steam explosion and hydro-flaking occurs by causing cell explosion within the RCU and wherein the bio-product is ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Butanol Purification

Номер: US20180016215A1

Provided are methods for removing one or more components from a butanol based composition. The methods comprise providing a butanol based composition comprising one or more components, targeting at least one component or a combination thereof for reduction, and processing said butanol based composition such that the at least one targeted component is substantially removed. The butanol based composition can, for example, be bio-produced. 125-. (canceled).26. A method for removing one or more components from a butanol based composition , the method comprising:a) providing a butanol based composition comprising one or more of the following components or combinations thereof: an acid, water, an alcohol, an aldehyde, a salt, a ketone, and an ester;b) targeting at least one component or a combination thereof for reduction; andc) processing said butanol based composition such that the at least one targeted component is substantially removed,wherein the targeted component is an acid and said processing step comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a base, a resin, or a combination thereof,wherein the targeted component is water and said processing comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a desiccant, a molecular sieve, a base, or a combination thereof,wherein the targeted component is an alcohol and said processing comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a base,wherein the targeted component is an aldehyde and said processing comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a base, a resin, or a combination thereof,wherein the targeted component is a salt and said processing comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a base, an anion exchange resin, or a combination thereof,wherein the targeted component is a ketone and said processing comprises contacting the butanol based composition with a base, a resin, or a combination thereof,wherein the targeted component is an ester and said processing comprises ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Slurry suspension comprising torrefied wood particles

Номер: US20180016507A1
Принадлежит: Rhodia Operations SAS

A slurry suspension is provided, which comprises (a) carbonaceous material particles having an average diameter D 50 comprised between 0.1 μm and 200 μm; (b) an organic compound comprising at least one amine group; and (c) an organic phase.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016982A1
Принадлежит: Swift Fuels, LLC

A motor fuel comprising gasoline comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1 to 30 wt % of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt % mesitylene added to the jet fuel, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt % synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt % mesitylene. 1. A motor fuel comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1-30 wt % mesitylene.2. The motor fuel of comprising 80-99 wt % gasoline and 1-20 wt % mesitylene.3. The motor fuel of comprising 80-95 wt % gasoline and 5-20 wt % mesitylene.4. The motor fuel of comprising 80-90 wt % gasoline and 10-20 wt % mesitylene.5. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP max of 225° C. claim 1 , a MON of 80 to 94 claim 1 , and an RVP of 38-103 kPa.6. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.7. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.8. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. to 185° C.9. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.10. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.11. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has an RVP of 38-49 kPa.12. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.13. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.14. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.15. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.16. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017422A1

Aspects of the invention relate to improvements in the flexibility with which oxygen and hydrogen, for example from electrolysis, may be supplied to processes having both gasification and methanation steps, as well as improvements in how such processes may be operated in response to variations in carbonaceous feeds. Offsets, between the ideal quantity of hydrogen and the quantity available from a given source may be compensated for by adjusting one or more operations of the process, and in particular such operation(s) that ultimately impact the quantity of CO and/or COavailable downstream of the gasifier for conversion to methane in an RNG product stream. 1. A process for producing methane , the process comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'in a gasifier, contacting a carbonaceous feed with an oxygen-containing gasifier feed to provide a gasifier effluent comprising CO, COand H;'}{'sub': '2', 'in a methanation reactor, reacting electrolysis hydrogen, obtained from an electrolyzer, with at least a portion of the CO and/or COin the gasifier effluent to form methane,'}{'sub': '2', 'adjusting an operation of the process, affecting a methanation reactor inlet CO concentration or a methanation reactor inlet COconcentration, in response to a makeup quantity of the electrolysis hydrogen.'}2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising obtaining a methane product as claim 1 , or recovering the methane product from claim 1 , a methanation reactor effluent.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the operation of the process claim 1 , affecting the methanation reactor inlet CO concentration or the methanation reactor inlet COconcentration claim 1 , (i) consumes or produces CO or COin the process claim 1 , or (ii) adds or removes CO or COin the process.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the operation of the process claim 3 , affecting the methanation reactor inlet CO concentration or the methanation reactor inlet COconcentration claim 3 , is a sour shift operation that consumes CO and ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

A multicomponent diesel composition

Номер: US20200017785A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The invention discloses novel diesel fuel compositions including a renewable paraffinic diesel component, a fossil diesel component and an oxygenate component, as well as methods for manufacture and use of a combination of a renewable paraffinic diesel component, and an oxygenate component for reducing NOx emissions.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Biomass Raw Material Decomposition Device, And Method For Producing Biomass Pellet Fuel

Номер: US20200017788A1
Автор: Brusietto Rune, ENDO Yuki
Принадлежит: ARBAFLAME AS

A reactor () which accommodates a biomass raw material (B) and heats and decomposes the biomass raw material (B) using steam (S); an offgas duct () through which offgas (G) generated from the biomass raw material (B) in the reactor () flows; a steam generator () which combusts the offgas (G) from the offgas duct () to generate the steam (S) and supply the steam (S) to the reactor (); a supply valve () which cuts off the reactor () from outside air; an offgas valve () which adjusts a flow rate of the offgas (G) in the offgas duct (); a discharge unit () which discharges a processed biomass (B) produced by heating and decomposing the biomass raw material (B) in the reactor (); a discharge valve () which opens and closes the discharge unit (); and a control device () which controls the offgas valve () so that the offgas (G) is able to be discharged to the offgas duct () by depressurizing the reactor () at a depressurization speed at which no blasting occurs are provided. 1. A biomass raw material decomposition device , comprising:a reactor which accommodates a biomass raw material and heats and decomposes the biomass raw material using steam;an offgas flow path through which an offgas generated from the biomass raw material in the reactor flows;a steam generator which combusts the offgas from the offgas flow path to generate steam and supplies the steam to the reactor;a supply valve which cuts off the reactor from outside air;an offgas valve which adjusts a flow rate of the offgas in the offgas flow path;a biomass flow path through which a processed biomass produced by heating and decomposing the biomass raw material in the reactor is discharged;a discharge valve which opens and closes the biomass flow path; anda control device which controls the offgas valve so that the offgas is capable of being discharged to the offgas flow path by depressurizing the reactor at a depressurization speed at which no blasting occurs.2. The biomass raw material decomposition device ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Photobioreactor with annular chambers

Номер: US20210017480A1
Автор: Narasimhan Sundaram
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

A photobioreactor includes one or more annular chambers concentrically positioned about a central axis, and an algae slurry contained within the one or more annular chambers.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

High Yield Algal Biomass Production Without Concentrated CO2 Supply Under Open Pond Conditions

Номер: US20200017820A1
Принадлежит: The University of Toledo

Methods and systems for efficient culturing of algae in open ponds are described. 1. A method for culturing algae , the method comprising:{'sub': '2', 'culturing alkaliphilic algae in an open pond medium having a pH above 9.5, sufficient to allow increased fixation of atmospheric COinto the open pond medium;'}incorporating into the open pond medium an inorganic carbon buffer; andincorporating into the open pond medium Ca and/or Mg at a concentration of less than 7 mg/L;{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the open pond medium is free of any concentrated supply of CO, and no concentrated source of COis used to supply carbon into the open pond medium.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Ca is incorporated into the open pond medium at a concentration of less than 1.5 mg Ca/L.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Mg is incorporated into the open pond medium at a concentration of less than 0.5 mg Mg/L.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic carbon buffer comprises either a NaHCO/NaCOmixture or a KHCO/KCOmixture.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the NaHCO/NaCOmixture or the KHCO/KCOmixture is incorporated into the open pond medium at a concentration ranging from about 7 mM to about 1 M.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pH of the open pond medium is at least about 9.9.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising incorporating glucose or other sugars or carboxylic acids into the open pond medium.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the algae comprises eukaryotic microalgae or prokaryotic cyanobacteria.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising circulating the algae within the open pond medium.10. The method of claim 1 , further comprising harvesting biomass from the cultured algae and recovering remnant media.11. The method of claim 10 , further comprising recycling the remnant media in a second open pond medium.12. The method of claim 10 , further comprising converting the harvested biomass to one or more fuels.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the converting ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020441A1

A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed generally to a composition of matter and, more specifically, to a composition comprising a petroleum substitute produced from renewable, herbaceous plant-based sources through a solvent extraction process. The plant sources are typically hydrocarbon-bearing plants capable of producing significant quantities of liquid terpenes such that the process of extracting hydrocarbons from the plant material is economically viable. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the plant species is Euphorbia tirucalli, a species that contains relatively large quantities of relatively low molecular weight hydrocarbons. A raw plant biomass is milled and formed into a batt of plant material having generally uniform properties. Naturally occurring hydrocarbons found in the plant material are then extracted using an organic solvent extraction process. The extracted hydrocarbon oils are then separated from the solvent and may be used as a petroleum substitute, while the solvent may be reused in the extraction operation. 1.) A composition used as a petroleum substitute comprising an organic solvent extract of Euphorbia tirucalli plant material.2.) The composition of claim 1 , said extract comprising hydrocarbons formed from oligomerized pentenes.3.) The composition of claim 2 , said pentenes comprising 2-methyl-2-butene.4.) The composition of claim 2 , said pentenes comprising 2-methyl-1-butene.5.) The composition of claim 1 , said extract comprising plant isoprenoids formed from 2-methyl-1-butene subunits.6.) The composition of claim 1 , said composition having a naphtha fraction comprised of 2 claim 1 ,6-dimethyl-2 claim 1 ,6-octadiene and 2 claim 1 ,7-dimethyl-2 claim 1 ,6-octadiene.7.) The composition of claim 6 , said naphtha fraction further comprising monoterpene compounds.)8.) The composition of claim 6 , said naphtha fraction comprising greater than ⅓ of the extracted material.9.) The composition of claim 6 , said ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024389A1

Provided is a biomass pyrolysis apparatus comprising: a combustion furnace that produces a heat quantity by causing a stable property fuel to combust; a pyrolysis gasification furnace that produces a torrefied material, and a pyrolysis gas by pyrolyzing woody biomass by a heat quantity produced by the combustion furnace; and a pyrolysis gas introduction passage that introduces the pyrolysis gas from the pyrolysis gasification furnace into a boiler, into which the torrefied material is introduced. 1. A biomass pyrolysis apparatus comprising:a combustion furnace that produces a heat quantity by causing a stable property fuel to combust;a pyrolysis gasification furnace that produces a torrefied material and a pyrolysis gas by pyrolyzing woody biomass by a heat quantity produced by the combustion furnace; anda pyrolysis gas introduction passage that introduces the pyrolysis gas from the pyrolysis gasification furnace into a boiler, into which the torrefied material is introduced.2. The biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pyrolysis gasification furnace is an indirect heating type pyrolysis gasification furnace that indirectly heats the woody biomass by a heating gas.3. The biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to further comprising a control device that controls a temperature of the pyrolysis gasification furnace claim 1 , whereinthe control device controls a temperature of the pyrolysis gasification furnace so that the current value of a pulverizer that pulverizes a torrefied material produced by the pyrolysis gasification furnace is generally in a constant range.4. A power generation system comprising: the biomass pyrolysis apparatus according to ;a boiler in which the torrefied material is introduced and by which the torrefied material is combusted;a steam turbine in which steam produced by the boiler is introduced; anda power generator driven by the steam turbine. The present application is a National Phase of International Application No. ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024394A1
Автор: BRESSLER David

Described herein are methods for producing branched alkanes and branched alkenes from the pyrolysis of radical precursors in the presence of one or more alkenes. The branched alkanes and branched alkene have numerous applications as fuels, plat form chemicals, and solvents. 1. A method for producing a fuel or solvent comprising a branched alkane , a branched alkene , or a combination thereof comprising heating a fatty acid in the presence of one or more alkenes to produce the fuel or solvent , wherein the fuel or solvent has less than 5% by weight aromatic compounds.2. A method for producing a fuel or solvent comprising a branched alkane , a branched alkene , or a combination thereof from a fatty acid comprising heating the fatty acid in the presence of one or more alkenes , wherein the fatty acid is separated from a fatty acid resource prior to heating in the presence of the alkene.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the method for separating the fatty acid from the fatty acid resource comprises (a) separating one or more triglycerides from the fatty acid resource claim 2 , (b) hydrolyzing the triglyceride to produce the free fatty acid claim 2 , and (c) isolating the free fatty acid.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fatty acid resource comprises a monoglycerides claim 2 , a diglyceride claim 2 , a triglyceride claim 2 , a lipid claim 2 , a free fatty acid or salt thereof claim 2 , or any combination thereof.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fatty acid resource comprises vegetable oil claim 2 , animal fats claim 2 , spent cooking oil claim 2 , lipids derived from biosolids claim 2 , lipids claim 2 , phospholipids claim 2 , triglycerides claim 2 , or a biooil.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the vegetable oil comprises corn oil claim 5 , cottonseed oil claim 5 , canola oil claim 5 , rapeseed oil claim 5 , olive oil claim 5 , palm oil claim 5 , peanut oil claim 5 , ground nut oil claim 5 , safflower oil claim 5 , sesame oil claim 5 , soybean oil claim 5 , ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024406A1

This disclosure describes processes for using a single cellulosic feedstock or a combination of two or more different cellulosic feedstocks with a starch component to produce a fermented product. The process includes separating the components of the cellulosic feedstocks with fractionation, pretreating a component with wet fractionation with chemicals, hydrolysis and fermentation of the pretreated feedstock(s) to produce cellulosic biofuel. The process may include combining the cellulosic feedstock(s) with other components to a cook and/or a fermentation process, distilling and dehydrating the combined components to produce the bio fuel. The process may also include producing a whole stillage stream from the feedstock(s) and mechanically processing the whole stillage stream to produce a high-value protein animal feed. 1. A method integrating processes to an existing plant , the method comprising:identifying an existing plant that converts grain to ethanol, wherein the existing plant comprises a milling process, a cook process, a fermentation process, a distillation process, a dehydration process, an evaporation process, a solid-liquid separation process, a propagation process;adding a fractionation process to separate bran from other components in the feedstock;adding a pretreatment process by using water and heat to break down cellulose and hemicellulose in the bran;adding a hydrolysis and cellulosic fermentation process to hydrolyze the bran with a cellulase enzyme complex/cocktail and to ferment with an organism to produce cellulosic beer, andcombining the cellulosic beer with starch from the grain in the existing plant into the fermentation process to increase overall yield per feedstock unit in the existing plant.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising releasing steam from the pretreatment process and sending the steam to be used in the processes described above in the existing plant.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising redirecting cook water ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for purifying material of biological origin

Номер: US20160024407A1

The present invention relates to a process and an apparatus for purifying tall oil material for the production of biofuels and components thereof. The present invention relates further to hydroprocessing of the purified material to obtain biofuels and components thereof. 1. An apparatus for purifying tall oil material , characterized in that the apparatus comprises{'b': '10', 'a first evaporator () arranged to evaporate said tall oil material to produce a first fraction comprising hydrocarbons having a boiling point of up to 250° C. at normal pressure and water and a second fraction comprising fatty acids, resin acids, neutral substances and residue components,'}{'b': 20', '16', '20, 'at least one further evaporator (;,) arranged to evaporate said second fraction and to produce a third fraction comprising fatty acids, resin acids and neutral substances having a boiling point under 500° C. at normal pressure and a residue fraction,'}{'b': 14', '20', '16', '20, 'a first connection () arranged to feed the second fraction to said at least one further evaporator (;,), and'}{'b': 19', '16', '20, 'optionally one or more further connections () between said further evaporators (,).'}220162020. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one further evaporator (; claim 1 ,) comprises one evaporator ().32016201620. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that said at least one further evaporator (; claim 1 ,) comprises two evaporators ( claim 1 ,).412101820162022201620. The apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that the apparatus further comprises a first product outlet () for recovering the first fraction comprising hydrocarbons having a boiling point of up to 250° C. at normal pressure and water from the first evaporator () claim 1 , a second product outlet () for recovering the third fraction from said at least one further evaporator (; claim 1 ,) and a first residue outlet () for recovering the residue fraction from ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022422A1

A process for the production of a higher hydrocarbon useful to produce diesel components from solid biomass is provided. The process provides for improved production of diesel components by contacting the stable oxygenated hydrocarbon intermediate containing diols produced from digestion and hydrodoxygenation of the solid biomass to an amorphous silica alumina catalyst to reduce the diols content, and removing water prior to contacting with the condensation catalyst to produce the higher hydrocarbon. 1. A process for the production of a higher hydrocarbon from solid biomass , said process comprising:a. providing a biomass solid containing cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin;b. digesting and hydrodeoxygenating the biomass solid in a liquid digestive solvent, said digestive solvent containing a solvent mixture having a boiling point of at least 40° C. in the presence of a hydrothermal hydrocatalytic catalyst in the presence of hydrogen at a temperature in the range of from 110° C. to less than 300° C. at a pressure in a range of from 20 bar to 200 bar to form a stable oxygenated hydrocarbon intermediate product having a viscosity of less than 100 centipoise (at 50° C.), a diol content of at least 2 wt %, less than 2wt % of sugar, and less than 2wt % acid (based on acetic acid equivalent), based on the intermediate product, and at least 60% of carbon exists in molecules having 9 carbon atoms or less;c. reacting at least a portion of the stable oxygenated hydrocarbon intermediate product with an acidic amorphous silica alumina catalyst at a temperature in the range from 300° C. to 400° C. thereby producing monooxygenated stream containing water and monooxygenates having a boiling point of at least 40° C.;d. condensing the monooxygenated stream to liquid phase producing an aqueous phase and an organic phase;e. removing at least a portion of aqueous phase from the organic phase to provide a condensed organic stream containing the monooxygenates;f. contacting the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022424A1

A process for the hydrotreatment of a feed obtained from renewable sources in which the total stream of feed F is divided into a number of different part-streams of feed F1 to Fn equal to the number of catalytic zones n, where n is 1 to 10. The mass flow rate of hydrogen sent to the first catalytic zone represents more than 80% by weight of the total mass flow rate of hydrogen used. The effluent from the reactor outlet undergoes at least one separation step. A portion of the liquid fraction is recycled to the catalytic zones in a manner such that the local recycle ratio for each of the beds is 2 or less, and the local dilution ratio over each of the beds is less than 4. 1. A process for the hydrotreatment of a feed obtained from renewable sources in order to produce paraffinic hydrocarbons carried out in the presence of hydrogen in a fixed bed reactor having a plurality of catalytic zones disposed in series and each comprising at least one hydrotreatment catalyst , in which:{'sup': −1', '−1', '3', '3, 'a) the total stream of feed F is divided into a number of different part-streams of feed F1 to Fn equal to the number of catalytic zones n, where n is a whole number in the range 1 to 10, in the reactor, the first part-stream of feed F1 being injected into the first catalytic zone Z1, the second part-stream of feed F2 being injected into the second catalytic zone Z2 and so on if n is greater than 2, the hydrotreatment process being operated at a temperature in the range 180° C. to 400° C., at a pressure in the range 0.1 MPa to 15 MPa, at an hourly space velocity in the range 0.1 hto 10 h, and with a ratio of the flow rate of hydrogen to the flow rate of feed in the range 150 to 1500 Nm/m, the mass flow rate of hydrogen sent to the first catalytic zone representing more than 80% by weight of the total mass flow rate of hydrogen used in the hydrotreatment process, in order to produce at least one effluent containing paraffinic hydrocarbons from the reactor outlet,'}b) ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Gas recycle loops in process for converting municipal solid waste into ethanol

Номер: US20140107234A1
Принадлежит: Fulcrum Bioenergy Inc

Facilities and processes for generating ethanol from municipal solid waste (MSW) in an economical way via generating a syngas, passing the syngas through a catalytic synthesis reactor, separating fuel grade ethanol, extracting energy at particular strategic points, and recycling undesired byproducts.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Coconut shell charcoal log

Номер: US20220041947A1
Автор: Britt Reynolds
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for fabricating a coconut shell heat producing device. Heat is applied to coconut shells to form carbonized coconut charcoal pieces. The charcoal pieces are ground to form coconut charcoal powder. A moistened blend is created that includes the coconut charcoal powder, a binder and water. The moistened blend is placed into a press. Pressure is applied in the press to form the moistened blend into the heat providing device. The heat providing device includes at least one hole extending through the device. In a preferred embodiment the heat producing device is a coconut shell charcoal log.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041948A1
Автор: HUPFAUF Benjamin

A process for the production of charcoal comprising the steps of: a) feeding biomass, in particular wood chips, into a pyrolysis unit, in which the wood chips are pyrolyzed into a full stream comprising solid, liquid and gaseous material, b) feeding the full stream and a gasifying agent into an oxidation unit, wherein the full stream is oxidized at least partially and transported pneumatically, c) feeding the partially oxidized full stream from the oxidation unit into a reduction unit arranged essentially vertically, the material outlet of the oxidation unit being connected to the reduction unit, with the cross-section of the reduction unit increasing as the distance from the material outlet of the oxidation unit increases, the flow rate of the full stream in the reduction unit being adapted to the material of the full stream and to the shape of the flow cross-section of the reduction unit in such a way that a stable fixed bed kept in suspension is formed in the reduction unit, d) removing the raw charcoal from the reduction unit via an overflow, e) separating gaseous components in a hot gas filter and collecting the charcoal, and f) quenching the collected charcoal with water. 1. A process for the production of charcoal comprising the steps of:a) feeding biomass, in particular wood chips, into a pyrolysis unit, in which the wood chips are pyrolyzed into a full stream comprising solid, liquid and gaseous material,b) feeding the full stream and a gasifying agent into an oxidation unit, wherein the full stream is oxidized at least partially and transported pneumatically,c) feeding the partially oxidized full stream from the oxidation unit into a reduction unit arranged essentially vertically, the material outlet of the oxidation unit being connected to the reduction unit, with the cross-section of the reduction unit increasing as the distance from the material outlet of the oxidation unit increases, the flow rate of the full stream in the reduction unit being adapted ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024017A1

A process for extraction of crude oil from distillers dried grain solubles and/or distillers dried grains and producing corn distillers meal that may be used as a livestock supplement is disclosed. For example, the corn distillers meal may be used as a crude protein supplement for use in a livestock feed diet or a poultry feed diet. The solvent extracted crude oil may be suitable for oleochemical processing for personal care and home care products, biodiesel production, and/or renewable diesel production from hydro-treating the extracted oil to make green diesel fuel. 134.-. (canceled)35. A method of producing oleochemicals from crude corn oil produced from distillers dried grains with solubles in a dry-grind ethanol process , the method comprising:solvent extracting crude corn oil from distillers dried grains with solubles, the distillers dried grains with solubles produced in a dry-grind ethanol process, the crude corn oil comprising free fatty acids in an amount ranging from about 1% to about 15% by weight of the crude corn oil; nitrogen in an amount no more than about 0.5% by weight of the crude corn oil; and phosphorous in an amount no more than about 0.05%;splitting at least a portion of glycerides in the crude corn oil into a crude fatty acids portion and a crude glycerine portion; andprocessing the crude fatty acids portion and/or the crude glycerine portion into one or more oleochemicals;wherein the oleochemical processed from the crude corn oil is substantially free from non-native emulsifiers and flocculants.36. The method of claim 35 , wherein processing the crude glycerine portion comprises refining the crude glycerine portion to produce a refined glycerine.37. The method of claim 36 , further comprising conducting esterification on the refined glycerine followed by distillation processing to produce a distilled esters of glycerol.38. The method of claim 35 , wherein processing the crude fatty acids portion comprises distilling the crude fatty acids ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027184A1

A system and method for processing biomass into hydrocarbon fuels that includes processing a biomass in a hydropyrolysis reactor resulting in hydrocarbon fuels and a process vapor stream and cooling the process vapor stream to a condensation temperature resulting in an aqueous stream. The aqueous stream is sent to a catalytic reactor where it is oxidized to obtain a product stream containing ammonia and ammonium sulfate. A resulting cooled product vapor stream includes non-condensable process vapors comprising H, CH, CO, CO, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043406A1

Systems and methods to provide low carbon intensity (CI) transportation fuels through one or more targeted reductions of carbon emissions based upon an analysis of carbon emissions associated with a combination of various options for feedstock procurement, feedstock refining, processing, or transformation, and fuel product distribution pathways to end users. Such options are selected to maintain the total CI (carbon emissions per unit energy) of the transportation fuel below a pre-selected threshold that defines an upper limit of CI for the transportation fuel. 1. A process to provide a low carbon intensity (CI) transportation fuel obtained through one or more targeted reductions of carbon emissions associated with a combination of various feedstock procurement , feedstock transportation , feedstock refining and fuel product distribution pathways , the process comprising:selecting a carbon intensity threshold to define an upper limit for carbon intensity of a transportation fuel to be provided to an end user location that qualifies the transportation fuel as a low carbon intensity transportation fuel;selecting a refinery feedstock that is procured at a source for transport, the refinery feedstock being selected to reduce carbon emissions associated therewith and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;selecting a transportation mode to transport the refinery feedstock from the source to a refinery, the transportation mode being selected to reduce carbon emissions associated therewith and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;selecting refinery processes to reduce carbon emissions associated with refining the refinery feedstock to a plurality of refined products and thereby maintain the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel below the carbon intensity threshold;refining the refinery feedstock into one or more of the plurality of refined ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Torrefaction of Biomass

Номер: US20210024845A1
Автор: NOLAND Jeffrey

A biomass torrefaction system includes a reactor vessel for biomass particles, a burner for combusting one or more fuels to produce a heated gas, a fan for supplying a flow of the heated gas through the reactor vessel to heat the biomass particles, and a controller configured to calculate a torrefaction index according to one or more sensed parameters of the system. The sensed parameter(s) include at least one of a reactor vessel retention time, a reactor vessel temperature difference and a higher heating value (HHV) of a syngas output by the reactor vessel. The controller is also configured to automatically adjust one or more operation values of the system according to the calculated torrefaction index. The operation value(s) include at least one of the reactor vessel retention time, a heating rate of the system, and a mixture of the one or more fuels combusted by the burner. 1. A method for controlling a biomass torrefaction system , the method comprising:conveying biomass particles through a reactor vessel, the reactor vessel including an inlet and an outlet;producing a heated gas using one or more fuels combusted by a burner;supplying, by a fan, a flow of the heated gas through the reactor vessel to heat the biomass particles;calculating, by a controller, a torrefaction index according to one or more sensed parameters of the system, the one or more sensed parameters including at least one of a reactor vessel retention time, a reactor vessel temperature difference and a higher heating value (HHV) of a syngas output by the reactor vessel; andautomatically adjusting, by the controller, one or more operation values of the system according to the calculated torrefaction index, the one or more operation values including at least one of the reactor vessel retention time, a heating rate of the system, and a mixture of the one or more fuels combusted by the burner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024860A1

A system for growing and harvesting algae biomass includes a photo-bioreactor suitable for algae growth in water and a filter unit in fluid communication with the photo-bioreactor. An algae slurry, when at least partially contained within the photo-bioreactor, generates hydrostatic fluid pressure that exclusively drives the algae slurry to the filter unit and discharges a permeate. 1. A system comprising:a photo-bioreactor suitable for algae growth in water; anda filter unit in fluid communication with the photo-bioreactor,wherein the system is configured such that an algae slurry, when at least partially contained within the photo-bioreactor, generates hydrostatic fluid pressure;wherein the hydrostatic fluid pressure generated by the algae slurry exclusively drives the algae slurry to the filter unit and discharges a permeate.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photo-bioreactor is selected from the group consisting of a pond claim 1 , a closed vessel claim 1 , an open vessel claim 1 , a horizontal tubular reactor claim 1 , a vertical tubular reactor claim 1 , a graded tubular reactor claim 1 , a spherical vessel claim 1 , and a hanging bag.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter unit comprises an ultrafiltration membrane unit.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the ultrafiltration membrane unit comprises one of a hollow fiber membrane unit and a size exclusion membrane unit.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the filter unit is disposed at a separation distance from the photo-bioreactor and the separation distance includes a reduction in elevation between the photo-bioreactor and an inlet to the filter unit.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the photo-bioreactor exhibits a non-horizontal longitudinal axis.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a recycling path extending from a permeate outlet of the filter unit to the photo-bioreactor to return a portion of the permeate to the photo-bioreactor.8. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a pump ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029401A1
Принадлежит: ENI S.P.A.

The present invention relates to a process for preparing cyclic acetals having general formula (I) wherein Y and Y′, equal to or different from each other, are selected from H and a group OR, R being a linear or branched alkyl containing from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, comprising at least the following phases: (i) providing a reaction mixture comprising at least one vicinal diol having formula (II) Z—CH2-CHOH—CH2OH wherein Z is selected from H and a group OR′, R′ being a linear or branched alkyl containing from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, said mixture being substantially free of aldehydes having general formula R—CHO, wherein Ris a linear or branched alkyl containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, possibly substituted by an alkoxide group OR111, wherein Ris an alkyl containing from 1 to 4 carbon atoms; (ii) thermally treating said reaction mixture at a temperature within the range of 100° C.-300° C. in the presence of at least one acid catalyst, obtaining said compound having formula (I). The acetals having formula (I) can be used as fuel components. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said temperature is within the range of 150° C.-200° C.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said thermal treatment is carried out maintaining said reaction mixture in liquid phase.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said R is a linear or branched alkyl containing from 1 to 4 carbon atoms.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein R is selected from the group consisting of ethyl claim 1 , n-butyl claim 1 , i-butyl claim 1 , 3-methyl-1-butyl claim 1 , 2-methyl-1-butyl and mixtures thereof.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said acid catalyst is selected from the group consisting of: ion-exchange acid resin claim 1 , acid zeolite claim 1 , silica-alumina and mixtures thereof.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said vicinal diol is obtained starting from glycerine8. The process according to claim 7 , wherein said vicinal diol is 1 claim 7 ,2-propanediol. ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Random ring packing for biomass digester

Номер: US20160031774A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A method comprises introducing cellulosic biomass solids to a digester comprising a reactor, gas feed line, biomass feed system, fluid circulation system including a fluid inlet, a pump, and an injector, a screen positioned within the reactor and defining a lower zone therebelow, and a bed of reactor packing material resting on the screen and defining thereby a packed zone; providing a liquid phase digestion medium containing a slurry catalyst in the digester, the catalyst being capable of activating molecular hydrogen; circulating the liquid phase digestion medium through the fluid circulation system; supplying an upwardly directed flow of molecular hydrogen through the cellulosic biomass solids; and maintaining the cellulosic biomass solids and slurry catalyst at a temperature sufficient to cause digestion of cellulosic biomass solids into an alcoholic component.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031929A1

Provided is a method that is for producing fuel oil and that can cheaply and highly efficiently produce a fuel oil—or starting material thereof—having as the primary component n-paraffin or isoparaffin from a starting material oil containing a fatty acid alkyl ester, even while reducing hydrogen pressure. The method for producing fuel oil has a step for producing fuel oil having one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin as the primary component by contacting hydrogen gas and a starting material oil containing a fatty acid alkyl ester under the condition of a hydrogen pressure of no greater than 1 MPa to a catalyst resulting from supporting on a porous metal oxide support one or more metal elements belonging to group nine or group ten of the periodic table, and one or more group six element oxides belonging to group six of the periodic table. The weight ratio of the group six elements to the metal elements contained in the catalyst is no greater than 1.0 in terms of the metal. 1. A method for producing fuel oil , comprising:a step for producing a fuel oil composed mainly of one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin by contacting:a base oil containing fatty acid alkyl ester, andhydrogen gaswith a catalyst, obtained by supporting one or a plurality of metal elements belonging to group 9 or group 10 of the periodic table and one or a plurality of group 6 element oxides belonging to group 6 of the periodic table on a porous metal oxide support, under conditions of a hydrogen pressure of 1 MPa or less;wherein,the weight ratio as metal of the group 6 element contained in the catalyst to the metal element does not exceed 1.0.2. The method for producing fuel oil according to claim 1 , wherein the metal element is nickel and/or cobalt claim 1 , and the group 6 element is molybdenum and/or tungsten.3. The method for producing fuel oil according to claim 2 , wherein the metal element is nickel and the group 6 element is molybdenum.4. The method for producing fuel oil according ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029711A1

Embodiments of the invention include apparatus and systems for hydrocarbon synthesis and methods regarding the same. In an embodiment, the invention includes a method for creating a hydrocarbon product stream comprising reacting a reaction mixture in the presence of a catalyst inside of a reaction vessel to form a product mixture, the reaction mixture comprising a carbon source and water. The temperature inside the reaction vessel can be between 450 degrees Celsius and 600 degrees Celsius and the pressure inside the reaction vessel can be above supercritical pressure for water. In an embodiment, the invention includes an extrusion reactor system for creating a hydrocarbon product stream. The temperature inside the extrusion reactor housing between 450 degrees Celsius and 600 degrees Celsius. Pressure inside the reaction vessel can be above supercritical pressure for water. Other embodiments are also included herein. 1. A method for creating a hydrocarbon product stream comprising:reacting components of a reaction mixture in the presence of a catalyst to form a product mixture, the reaction mixture comprising a carbon source and water, wherein the reaction takes place inside a reaction vessel;wherein the temperature inside the reaction vessel is between 450 degrees Celsius and 600 degrees Celsius and the pressure inside the reaction vessel is above supercritical pressure for water;wherein the catalyst comprises a metal oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction mixture includes at least about 50% water by mass.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon source includes one or more selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acids claim 1 , fatty acids claim 1 , triglycerides claim 1 , and carbohydrates.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reaction vessel is part of an extrusion system.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catalyst comprises a metal oxide that is stable at temperatures above 450 degrees Celsius in the presence of supercritical ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Methods and systems for processing lignin during hydrothermal digestion of cellulosic biomass solids

Номер: US20170029713A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

Digestion of cellulosic biomass solids may be complicated by release of lignin therefrom. Methods for digesting cellulosic biomass solids may comprise: providing cellulosic biomass solids in a digestion solvent; at least partially converting the cellulosic biomass solids into a phenolics liquid phase comprising lignin, an aqueous phase comprising an alcoholic component derived from the cellulosic biomass solids, and an optional light organics phase; and separating the phenolics liquid phase from the aqueous phase, at least partially depolymerizing the lignin in the phenolics liquid phase, wherein at least partially depolymerizing the lignin generates hydrocarbons.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Processes for producing a fuel from a renewable feedstock

Номер: US20170029722A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

An apparatus and a process for providing a green diesel with improved flow properties. A renewable feed comprising an oil is deoxygenated to provide an effluent. The effluent may be isomerized to improve the qualities of the effluent for use as a diesel fuel. Additionally, the effluent may be filtered to increase the fuel flow properties. As filtration zone can be used, which includes a filter and which may be flushed with a portion of the feed stream to the filtration zone or a portion of filtration zone effluent. The wash stream may be heated.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029733A1
Автор: FELIX Larry G.

A biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material being a product of processing a biomass feed material via a twin screw extruder having a length extending between an inlet and an outlet. Hot water from a water heater is injected into at least one inlet along the length of the twin screw extruder, the at least one inlet generally corresponding with a pressure boundary within the twin screw extruder. A pressure-sustaining valve is connected between the length of the twin screw extruder and the outlet, with the valve being adjusted to produce the biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material. 1. A biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material comprising: hot water from a water heater is injected into at least one inlet along the length of the twin screw extruder,', 'the at least one inlet generally corresponds with a pressure boundary within the twin screw extruder; and', 'a pressure-sustaining valve connected between the length of the twin screw extruder and the outlet is adjusted to produce the biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material., 'a product of processing a biomass feed material via a twin screw extruder having a length extending between an inlet and an outlet and wherein2. The biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material of wherein the biomass feed material comprises a lignocellulosic biomass material.3. The biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material of wherein the lignocellulosic biomass material comprises at least on material selected from the group consisting of wood claim 2 , wood waste claim 2 , agricultural residue and forest residue.4. The biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material of having a moisture content of <5% when dried in room air for 24-48 hrs.5. The biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material of having a molded flexural modulus (psi) of about 700 claim 1 ,000 and a post-cured flexural modulus (psi) of greater than 900 claim 1 ,000.6. The biomass-derived thermosetting polymer material of having a molded flexural strength ( ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Additive compositions for improving the lacquering resistance of higher grade fuels of the diesel or biodiesel type

Номер: US20150033617A1
Принадлежит: Total Marketing Services SA

Disclosed are additive compositions for superior quality diesel and biodiesel fuels for improving the lacquering resistance of fuels, in particular those intended for engines provided with Euro 4 to Euro 6 fuel injection systems. The additive compositions include at least one antioxidant of hindered phenol type and at least one metal passivator.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033618A1

A process for producing mixed esters of fatty acids as biofuel or additive to a petroleum fuel for use in a compression ignition (CI) engine. The process preferably provides a partial transesterification of a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters with at least one alkyl alcohol containing 2 to 8 carbon atoms in the presence of a heterogeneous solid acid catalyst to produce a mixture of the fatty acid methyl esters and alkyl alcohol esters of the fatty acids. 124-. (canceled)25. A composition useful in a compression ignition (CI) engine , the composition comprising:a mixture comprising (a) fatty acid methyl esters and (b) fatty acid alkyl esters of at least one alkyl alcohol containing 2 to 8 carbon atoms, (i) the mixture has a cloud point that is lower in temperature than that of a mixture comprising the fatty acid methyl esters alone, and', '(ii) the composition has a cloud point ranging from −4° C. to −12° C., 'wherein26. The composition of wherein the fatty acid methyl esters and the fatty acid alkyl esters comprise esters of palmitic acid claim 25 , stearic acid claim 25 , oleic acid claim 25 , linoleic acid claim 25 , and linolenic acid from soybean oil.27. The composition of further comprising an ester of a fermentation or non-fermentation derived organic acid with at least one alkyl alcohol containing 1 to 6 carbon atoms.28. The composition of wherein the ester comprises dimethyl succinate.29. The composition of wherein the ester is derived from an acid selected from the group consisting of lactic acid claim 27 , succinic acid claim 27 , and mixtures thereof.30. The composition of wherein the ester is derived from an acid selected from the group consisting of propionic acid claim 27 , butyric acid claim 27 , isobutyric acid claim 27 , and mixtures thereof.31. The composition of further comprising an ether selected from the group consisting of dibutyl ether (DBE); methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE); tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME); tertiary hexyl methyl ether ( ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034035A1

An ethanol-based fuel is disclosed that includes 40 to 90% by volume ethanol and 60 to 10% by volume castor oil. The fuel may also include one or more additives in a total amount of up to 10 wt. % of the total weight of the ethanol and castor oil. The ethanol-based fuel may be used for operating an internal combustion engine, and may be used as a switch-over fuel, in between using different fuels that are incompatible with each other. 1. An ethanol-based fuel , consisting of 40 to 90% by volume ethanol and 60 to 10% by volume castor oil , and including at least one additive in a total amount of up to 10 wt.-% of the total weight of the ethanol and castor oil.2. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 70 to 90% by volume and the castor oil content is 30 to 10% by volume.3. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 80 to 90% by volume and the castor oil content is 20 to 10% by volume.4. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 85 to 90% by volume and the castor oil content is 15 to 10% by volume.5. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 40 to 80% by volume and the castor oil content is 60 to 20% by volume.6. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 45 to 65% by volume and the castor oil content is 55 to 35% by volume.7. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 45 to 55% by volume and the castor oil content is 55 to 45% by volume.8. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 48 to 52% by volume and the castor oil content is 52 to 48% by volume.9. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the ethanol content is 50% by volume and the castor oil content is 50% by volume.10. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the at least one additive is selected from the group consisting of thermal stabilizers claim 1 , aging stabilizers claim 1 , antioxidants claim 1 , coloring agents claim 1 , dyes claim 1 , odor modifying agents claim 1 , rust inhibitors claim 1 , inhibitors of gum formation claim 1 , metal deactivators ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049172A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The present disclosure is related to a multistep process for producing renewable gasoline components from a glyceride containing feedstock. The glycerides are split to provide a stream containing fatty acids, or esters of fatty acids, and another stream containing glycerol and water. Glycerol, preferably as crude glycerol recovered from splitting, is next converted to propanols at vapor phase, providing a renewable propanol gasoline component. Another renewable gasoline component is obtained from hydroprocessing of the fatty acids or esters thereof, as a renewable paraffinic naphtha component. Blending the renewable components can provide a novel 100% renewable gasoline. 1. A process for producing renewable fuel components , said process comprising steps a.-e. of ,a. providing a glyceride containing feedstock; andb. splitting said glyceride containing feedstock to provide a first stream containing at least one or more of fatty acids, or esters of fatty acids, and a second stream containing glycerol and water; and i. at least one evaporation in a presence of 5-90%-wt water of a total second stream weight, wherefrom a vapor phase is directed to:', 'ii. catalytic conversion of glycerol to 1-propanol, 2-propanol or a mixture thereof at vapor phase in presence of water and hydrogen, and', 'iii. separation and recovery of 1-propanol, 2-propanol or a mixture thereof as a renewable propanol gasoline component;, 'c. subjecting said second stream obtained from step b, tod. subjecting said first stream to hydroprocessing, to provide a first product stream of renewable paraffinic fuel components containing i-paraffins and n-paraffins; ande. separating said first product stream, and recovering renewable fuel components containing at least one renewable paraffinic naphtha component.2. The process according to claim 1 , for producing renewable fuel components claim 1 , said process comprising:b′. separating the first stream obtained from step b into at least two fatty acid or ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031972A1

A wax composition can be incorporated into a biomass mixture, such as a woody biomass mixture, for formation of pellets, such as wood fuel pellets. The addition of wax compositions with suitable amounts of n-paraffins relative to the amount of oil-in-wax can result in biomass pellets with improved properties, such as improved durability and/or reduced tendency to uptake moisture during storage. Addition of a suitable wax composition can also allow for formation of biomass pellets with improved properties while also reducing or minimizing the power requirements during pellet formation. 1. A biomass pellet composition comprising 0.15 wt % to 5.0 wt % of a wax composition relative to a weight of the biomass pellet composition , the wax composition comprising n-paraffins and oil-in-wax , a weight of the n-paraffins being greater than a weight of the oil-in-wax by at least 0.10 wt % relative to the weight of the biomass pellet composition.2. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the wax composition comprises at least 1.0 wt % oil-in-wax relative to a weight of the wax composition.3. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight of the n-paraffins is greater than the weight of the oil-in-wax by at least 0.15 wt % relative to the weight of the biomass pellet composition.4. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass comprises woody biomass claim 1 , grassy biomass claim 1 , residual agricultural biomass claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass pellet composition comprises a surface wax concentration that differs from an interior wax concentration by less than 60 wt % relative to the surface wax concentration.6. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the wax composition comprises a particle size of at least 4.0 μm.7. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass pellet composition comprises a pellet durability index of at least 97.0 ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037859A1
Автор: BOOTSMA Jason

A system for treating biomass for the production of a composition of lignin pellets is disclosed. Pellets comprising at least 50 percent lignin by dry weight is disclosed. Also disclosed are pellets produced from a lignin composition by a process comprising: pre-treating lignocellulosic biomass into pre-treated biomass; separating the pre-treated biomass into a first liquid component comprising sugars and a first solids component comprising cellulose and the lignin composition; hydrolysing the first solids component of the pre-treated biomass into a hydrolysed biomass comprising sugars and the lignin composition; separating the hydrolysed biomass into a second liquid component comprising sugars and a second solids component comprising the lignin composition; supplying the second solids component comprising the lignin composition to a pelleting apparatus to produce the pellets; wherein the lignocellulosic biomass comprises cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. According to an aspect, at least a portion of the lignin is not sulfonated. 112-. (canceled)13. A process for producing pellets produced from a lignin composition , the process comprising:pre-treating lignocellulosic biomass into pre-treated biomass;separating the pre-treated biomass into a first liquid component comprising sugars and a first solids component comprising cellulose and the lignin composition;hydrolysing the first solids component of the pre-treated biomass into a hydrolysed biomass comprising sugars and the lignin composition;separating the hydrolysed biomass into a second liquid component comprising sugars and a second solids component comprising the lignin composition;supplying the second solids component comprising the lignin composition to a pelleting apparatus to produce the pellets;wherein the lignocellulosic biomass comprises cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin.14. The process of claim 13 , wherein the supplying comprises supplying the second solids component to a pelleting apparatus ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: US20170036186A1
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass feedstocks (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) are processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, novel systems, methods and equipment for conveying and/or cooling treated biomass are described.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040198A1

The present disclosure relates to bioengineering approaches for producing biofuel and, in particular, to the use of a Cmetabolizing microorganism reactor system for converting Csubstrates, such as methane or methanol, into biomass and subsequently into biofuels, bioplastics, or the like. 1. A method for making fuel , comprising converting biomass from a culture primarily comprising a Cmetabolizing non-photosynthetic microorganism into an oil composition and refining the oil composition into a fuel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oil composition is from cell membrane of the Cmetabolizing non-photosynthetic microorganism.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass is from a Cmetabolizing non-photosynthetic microorganism culture grown in a controlled culturing unit in the presence of a feedstock comprising a Csubstrate.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the feedstock Csubstrate is methane claim 3 , methanol claim 3 , formaldehyde claim 3 , formic acid or a salt thereof claim 3 , carbon monoxide claim 3 , carbon dioxide claim 3 , syngas claim 3 , a methylamine claim 3 , a methylthiol claim 3 , or a methylhalogen.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the controlled culturing unit is a fermentor or bioreactor.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the culture is from a liquid-phase fermentation or a solid phase fermentation.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass is converted into an oil composition by extraction claim 1 , wherein the extraction is selected from a wet extraction claim 1 , a supercritical fluid extraction claim 1 , or a dry extraction.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the extraction is a wet extraction claim 7 , which comprises use of a polar solvent claim 7 , non-polar solvent claim 7 , neutral solvent claim 7 , acidic solvent claim 7 , hexane claim 7 , or any combination thereof.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the controlled culturing unit is a solid phase fermentation unit and the oil composition is extracted from the biomass by ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040467A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

There is provided a method for culturing microalgae in which microalgae capable of forming a biofilm on a liquid surface are cultured so as to form a biofilm on a liquid surface of a liquid medium, and microalgae capable of forming the biofilm on the liquid surface, for example, microalgae closely related to sudeticus. 1. A method for culturing microalgae , comprising:culturing microalgae capable of forming a biofilm on a liquid surface such that the biofilm is formed on a liquid surface of a liquid medium.2. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 , further comprising:performing stationary culture of microalgae capable of forming the biofilm on the liquid surface.3. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid medium contains calcium.4. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 3 ,wherein the concentration of calcium in the liquid medium is higher than or equal to 0.3 mM.5. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,wherein a concentration of carbon dioxide in a gas phase is greater than or equal to a concentration of carbon dioxide in the air and less than 20 volume %.6. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,wherein the pH of the liquid medium immediately after starting the culturing is within a range of 2 to 11.7. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,wherein a culture temperature is higher than or equal to 0° C. and less than 40° C.8. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,wherein a water depth of the liquid medium is greater than or equal to 0.4 cm.9. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 8 ,wherein the water depth of the liquid medium is 2.0 cm to 1 m.10. The method for culturing microalgae according to claim 1 ,{'i': 'Botryococcus sudeticus', 'wherein the homology of the microalgae with base sequences of a partial region corresponding to among base sequences encoding a gene region of 18S rRNA is 95.0% to 99.9 ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040479A1

A method for cogenerating gas-steam based on gasification and methanation of biomass. The method includes: 1) mixing oxygen and water vapor with biomass, transporting the resulting mixture via a nozzle to a gasifier, gasifying the biomass to yield crude gasified gas, and transporting superheated steam having a pressure of 5-6 MPa resulting from sensible heat recovery to a steam turbine; 2) adjusting the hydrogen/carbon ratio of the crude gasified gas generated from step 1) to 3:1, and eluting the crude gasified gas whereby yield purified syngas; 3) introducing the purified syngas from step 2) to a methanation unit and transporting intermediate pressure superheated steam generated in the methanation unit to the steam turbine; and 4) concentrating methane of synthetic natural gas containing trace nitrogen and water vapor obtained from step 3) through pressure swing adsorption. 1. A method for cogenerating gas-steam based on gasification and methanation of biomass , the method comprising:1) mixing oxygen and water vapor produced from an air separation plant with biomass, transporting a resulting mixture via a nozzle to a gasifier, gasifying the biomass at a temperature of 1,500-1,800° C. and a pressure of 1-3 MPa to yield crude gasified gas, and transporting superheated steam having a pressure of 5-6 MPa resulting from sensible heat recovery to a steam turbine;2) according to demand for a methanation reaction, adjusting a hydrogen/carbon ratio of the crude gasified gas generated from step 1) to 3:1 using a shift reaction, and eluting the crude gasified gas using low-temperature methanol for desulfurization and decarburization, whereby yield purified syngas;{'sub': 2', '4, '3) introducing the purified syngas from step 2) to a methanation unit comprising a primary methanation unit and a secondary methanation unit, the primary methanation unit comprising a first primary methanation reactor and a second primary methanation reactor connected in series; allowing part of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Processes for producing hydrocarbon products

Номер: US20170037320A1

The present invention relates to processes for producing industrial products such as hydrocarbon products from non-polar lipids in a vegetative plant part. Preferred industrial products include alkyl esters which may be blended with petroleum based fuels.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037331A1

A method for producing diesel fuel from biocomponent feeds includes hydrotreating the feed followed by catalytic dewaxing with a 1-D, 10 member ring molecular sieve containing catalyst. The hydrotreated feed may be cascaded directly to the dewaxing step, or the hydrotreated feed can undergo intermediate separation. The diesel fuel resulting from processing of the biocomponent feed exhibits superior cetane values. 1. A diesel fuel based on a biocomponent source , the diesel fuel having a cetane index of at least 75 , a cloud point of −35° C. or less , and having an n-paraffin content of less than 10%.2. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , comprising at least 30% by weight of material having a biocomponent origin.3. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , comprising at least 50% by weight of material having a biocomponent origin.4. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , comprising at least 70% by weight of material having a biocomponent origin.5. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , wherein the cloud point is −40° C. or less.6. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , wherein the n-paraffin content is 8% or less.7. The diesel fuel of claim 6 , wherein the n-paraffin content is 5% or less.8. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , wherein the cetane index is at least 85.9. The diesel fuel of claim 1 , made according to a method comprising:hydrotreating a feed having a boiling range from 215° F. to 800° F. (102° C. to 427° C.) that includes at least 70 wt % of a biocomponent portion under effective hydrotreating conditions to produce a hydrotreated, substantially deoxygenated feedstream with a sulfur content of less than 50 wppm and a nitrogen content of less than 20 wppm, the effective hydrotreating conditions comprising a pressure of 500 psig or less;separating gas phase products from liquid phase products in the hydrotreated feedstream; anddewaxing the hydrotreated feedstream under effective catalytic hydrodewaxing conditions by exposing the feedstream to a ZSM-48 catalyst containing a Group VIII noble metal hydrogenation ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Process for producing high-carbon biogenic reagents

Номер: US20170037333A1
Принадлежит: Biogenic Reagents Ventures LLC

This invention provides processes and systems for converting biomass into high carbon biogenic reagents that are suitable for a variety of commercial applications. Some embodiments employ pyrolysis in the presence of an inert gas to generate hot pyrolyzed solids, condensable vapors, and non-condensable gases, followed by separation of vapors and gases, and cooling of the hot pyrolyzed solids in the presence of the inert gas. Additives may be introduced during processing or combined with the reagent, or both. The biogenic reagent may include at least 70 wt %, 80 wt %, 90 wt %, 95 wt %, or more total carbon on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may have an energy content of at least 12,000 Btu/lb, 13,000 Btu/lb, 14,000 Btu/lb, or 14,500 Btu/lb on a dry basis. The biogenic reagent may be formed into fine powders, or structural objects. The structural objects may have a structure and/or strength that derive from the feedstock, heat rate, and additives.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037835A1
Автор: Lake Michael A.

A high-energy water-resistant pellet of at least 75% biomass material such as torrefied wood, whole-tree (white) wood, agricultural waste, flax and the like. and the remainder a binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet. The binder is a two-component system—a plasticizer, such as tall oil pitch, rosin, fatty acid, vegetable oils, animal oils, corn protein and glycerin—preferably from 3% to about 20% of the binder, and lignin from about 80-97% of the binder. 1. A high-energy , water-resistant pellet comprising:(a) at least 75% biomass material; and(b) the remainder of said pellet being a two-component binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet wherein said binder is a two-component system comprising a plasticizer, and the other component is lignin isolated from its source.2. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said high-energy water-resistant pellet comprises at least 85% biomass material and less than 10% by weight water.3. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said biomass material is selected from the group consisting of torrefied wood claim 1 , whole-tree (white) wood claim 1 , agricultural waste and flax.4. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plastizer is selected from the group consisting of tall oil pitch claim 1 , fatty acids claim 1 , rosin claim 1 , vegetable oil claim 1 , animal oils claim 1 , corn protein and glycerin.5. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said biomass material is flax.6. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plastizer is glycerin.7. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plasticizer is from about 3% to about 20% of said binder.8. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said lignin is from about 80% to about 97% of said binder.9. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein high-energy water ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Biomass combustion

Номер: US20160040873A1
Принадлежит: Drax Power Ltd

The present invention relates to a means and method for at least injecting mitigant particles into the combustion region (fireball) of a biomass boiler. The mitigant particles mitigate the slagging, fouling and corrosion problems caused by biomass ash by at least capturing the biomass ash. The mitigant particles capture the biomass ash by forming a physical bond with the biomass ash such that it adheres to the surface of mitigant particles. By injecting the mitigant particles into the combustion region, the opportunity to capture biomass ash is optimised.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Processing materials

Номер: US20190039023A1
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Materials, such as biomass feedstocks (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) are processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. Conveying systems, such as flowing gas conveying systems and such as closed-loop flowing gas conveying systems are described.
