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21-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2739025C2
Принадлежит: СХ-БИОФОРС ОЙ (FI)

Предложен способ получения композиции модифицированной биомассы с высокой теплотворной способностью, включающий стадии: обеспечения биомассы, содержащей целлюлозу, лигнин и гемицеллюлозы; воздействия на биомассу стадии экстракции горячей водой при заданной температуре выше 100 °C; продолжения экстракции горячей водой для удаления из биомассы по меньшей мере 50 % по массе гемицеллюлоз и менее 10 % по массе лигнина с получением экстрагированной биомассы; извлечения экстрагированной биомассы и воздействия на теплую экстрагированную биомассу сушки путем прессования с получением биомассы с содержанием сухого вещества более 50 % по массе, где биомасса содержит древесину. Технический результат - обеспечение нового способа превращения биомассы в форму, подходящей для применения в качестве топлива, а также обеспечение увеличения теплотворной способности биомассы, такой как свежая биомасса, посредством уменьшения содержания в ней воды с помощью прессования. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 пр.

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2549570C2

Изобретение относится к композиции топлива для инжекторного дизельного двигателя, которая включает в себя основное количество топлива и минимальное эффективное количество продукта реакции (i) гидрокарбил-замещенного соединения, содержащего, по меньшей мере, одну третичную аминогруппу, причем гидрокарбил-замещенное соединение выбирают из группы, состоящей из С-С-алкил- или алкенилзамещенных амидопропилдиметиламинов и С-С-алкил- или алкенилзамещенных сукцинилкарбонилдиметиламинов, и (ii) соли галогензамещенной карбоновой кислоты С-С, при этом полученный продукт реакции, по существу, не содержит нековалентно связанных анионных веществ. Изобретение относится также к концентрату присадки к топливу для применения в инжекторном дизельном двигателе, а также способу улучшения эффективности инжектора инжекторного дизельного двигателя и к способу эксплуатации инжекторного дизельного двигателя. Технический результат заключается в увеличении эффективности двигателя при введении в топливо незначительного ...

16-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694529C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение раскрывает применение продукта реакции, содержащего кватернизированное соединение азота или содержащего кватернизированное соединение азота частичной фракции, полученной из продукта реакции посредством очистки, в качестве топливной присадки в количестве от 10 до 5000 ч.н.м. масс, в пересчете на общее количество топлива, причем продукт реакции получен путем: a) взаимодействия кватернизируемого соединения азота, содержащего по меньшей мере одну кватернизируемую аминогруппу, со средством кватернизирования, которое преобразует по меньшей мере одну кватернизируемую аминогруппу в группу четвертичного аммония, причем средством кватернизирования является сложный С-С-алкиловый эфир алифатической, циклоароматической или циклоалифатической поликарбоновой кислоты, и b) переэтерификации или амидирования оставшейся сложноэфирной группы продукта кватернизирования стадии а), причем переэтерификацию осуществляют посредством спирта, выбранного из группы, включающей: насыщенные или ненасыщенные ...

08-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2684323C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение раскрывает применение полимеров, которые статистически в среднем имеют по меньшей мере 4 кислотные группы на полимерную цепь, соотношение атомов углерода на кислотную группу от 7 до 35 и кислотное число от 80 до 320 мг КОН/г, определенное при помощи потенциографического титрования с 0,5-молярной водной соляной кислотой после трехчасового нагревания в 0,5-молярном этанольном растворе едкого калия, в качестве ингибиторов коррозии в топливах, которые имеют содержание щелочных и/или щелочно-земельных металлов и/или цинка по меньшей мере 0,1 мас.ч./млн, причем топливо представляет собой дизельное или бензиновое топливо. Также раскрывается применение полимеров в наборах присадок для снижения коррозии в дизельных и бензиновых топливах, которые имеют содержание щелочных и/или щелочно-земельных металлов и/или цинка по меньшей мере 0,1 мас.ч./млн. Технический результат заключается в снижении коррозии. 3 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 3 пр., 9 табл.

06-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679139C2

Изобретение описывает авиационное топливо, содержащее авиационный алкилат, соединение трикарбонила циклопентадиенила марганца и очищающее от марганца соединение, в котором очищающее от марганца соединение выбрано из оксида трифенилфосфина, трифенилфосфина и трикарбонильного соединения, выбранного из триацетата глицерина и триэтил 1,1,2-этантрикарбоксилата, причем указанное авиационное топливо содержит 13 мг свинца или меньше на литр. Также описывается авиационное топливо, содержащее количество одного или нескольких соединений трикарбонила циклопентадиенила марганца, достаточное для обеспечения от приблизительно 1 до 500 мг Мn/л, и способ снижения марганецсодержащих отложений, происходящих от сгорания авиационного топлива, включающего трикарбонил циклопентадиенила марганца и авиационный алкилат, в двигателе на авиационном топливе. Технический результат заключается в снижении марганецсодержащих отложений, которые происходят от сгорания авиационного топлива, включающего трикарбонил циклопентадиенила ...

30-04-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019130568A3

22-03-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019122807A3

07-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017141058A3

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577857C1

Изобретение описывает добавку к топливу, которая содержит алифатические спирты, воду, и карбамид, при этом добавка дополнительно содержит ацетанилид, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%:Применение в составе топлив добавки позволяет уменьшить удельный расход топлива, снизить количество вредных примесей в выхлопных и отходящих газах (СО, СН, сажа), уменьшить нагарообразование в зоне горения. Также добавка обладает диспергирующими свойствами в составе тяжелых дистиллятных и остаточных топлив. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 4 пр.

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013102547A

... 1. Чистый, высокоэффективный и безвредный для окружающей среды бензиновый продукт, который представляет собой вид бензина, имеющего низкое октановое число, имеет низкую температуру самовоспламенения, соответствующую температуре самовоспламенения дизельного топлива, может быть воспламенен от сжатия в двигателе внутреннего сгорания и в достаточном объеме сгорать внутри цилиндра двигателя, где степень сжатия двигателя внутреннего сгорания, в котором применяют указанный бензин, имеющий низкое октановое число, составляет в основном 16-19, и может быть увеличена до 14-22;при этом основные фракции указанного бензина, имеющего низкое октановое число, представляют собой алкан С6-С11, где, чем выше содержание алканов с прямой цепью, тем ниже октановое число бензина;фракции указанного бензина могут быть удлинены до С5-С18 на основании С6-С11, так, чтобы образовать С5-С11 или С6-С18 или С5-С18, где содержание компонентов с различными длинами углеродной цепи (включая алканы с прямой цепью и их изомер ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Additivs und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Verbrennungsmotors, einer Turbine und eines Strahltriebwerks

Номер: DE102013003726A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Additivs für die Verbrennungsluft eines Verbrennungsmotors, einer Turbine und eines Strahltriebwerks beschrieben. Ferner wird ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Verbrennungsmotors, einer Turbine und eines Strahltriebwerks erläutert, wobei der Verbrennungsluft des Motors ein Additiv zugesetzt wird. Mit dem Additiv, bei dem es sich um auf spezielle Weise behandeltes Wasser handelt, wird eine Kraftstoffersparnis sowie eine Verringerung der Abgasemissionen erzielt.

25-06-2014 дата публикации

Fuel enrichment process

Номер: GB0201408385D0

02-07-2014 дата публикации

Combustion treatment

Номер: GB0002509344A

A method comprises the use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, or a precursor thereof, in a fuel or a combustion process in order to treat or modify the fuel of the combustion process. The method includes introducing titanium dioxide nanoparticles, or a precursor thereof, into at least one of the fuel, the fuel and/or air for the combustion process, a combustion apparatus of the combustion process or the combustion emissions of the combustion process. An additive, for use in the above method, includes titanium dioxide nanoparticles. A further method comprises providing a photocatalyst, or a precursor thereof, in a combustion process. The photocatalyst comprises nanoparticles of a semiconductor material having a band gap suitable for absorption of UV and/or visible light, and when the combustion emissions are released into the environment the photocatalyst nanoparticles are carried with the emissions and result in a catalytic reaction that reduces the amount of pollutants in the emissions ...

23-01-2019 дата публикации

Composition and methods and uses relating thereto

Номер: GB0002564735A

A quaternary ammonium salt of formula (I): wherein X is a linking group; Y is O, NH or NR wherein R is H or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; Q is a moiety that includes a quaternary ammonium cation; A is an anion; R2 is an optionally substituted alkylene group; R3 is hydrogen or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; and n is 0 or a positive integer; provided that n is not 0 when R3 is hydrogen. The quaternary ammonium salt is preferably prepared via sequentially reacting a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof preferably formed from maleic anhydride, with an alcohol of formula R3(OR2)­­nOH; a reactive alcohol or amine including a tertiary amine group, such as 3-(dimethylamino)propan-1-ol; and a quaternising agent, such as butylene oxide. X is preferably CHR4CH2 wherein R4 is an optionally substituted C6-36 hydrocarbyl group. R2 is preferably ethylene or (iso)propylene, wherein (R2O)n may form a polyethylene oxide or polypropylene oxide. A is preferably ...

23-12-2020 дата публикации

Compositions and methods and uses relating thereto

Номер: GB202017593D0

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553172T

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Performance enhancing additive for fuel composition, and method of use thereof

Номер: AU2019213705B2

The present invention relates to performance enhancing additive composition comprising a mixture or a blend of (i) an acid amide; and (ii) oxide treated derivative of amine in one embodiment, and performance enhancing additive composition comprising a mixture or a blend of (i) an acid amide; and (ii) oxide treated derivative of amine, and further comprising a detergent in another embodiment, and to a fuel compositions thereof in still another embodiment, and to method of use thereof in yet another embodiment, and to a method of improving performance of a fuel and an engine in yet another embodiment.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018286578B1
Принадлежит: Patent Attorney Services

A fuel additive concentrate for gasoline, a gasoline fuel containing an additive mixture, a method for reducing wear in an engine and in a fuel delivery system of a gasoline engine, and a method for improving injector performance. The additive concentrate includes an aromatic solvent and a mixture that contains (i) N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkylamide, (ii) 2-((2-(bis(2 hydroxyethyl)amino)ethyl)amino)ethyl alkanoate and N-(2-(bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)ethyl)-N (2-hydroxyethyl)alkylamide, and (iii) fatty acid ester(s) and amide(s) derived from a self condensation product of diethanolamine (DEA) containing at least 3 amino groups. A weight ratio of (i) to (ii) to (iii) in the concentrate ranges from about 8:2:0 to about 2:5:3. The fuel additive mixture is substantially devoid of glycerin and remains fluid at a temperature down to about -20 'C.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Lubrication oil and internal-combustion engine fuel

Номер: AU2015100068A4

The objective is to provide lubrication oil and internal-combustion engine fuel for reducing the fuel consumption and for reducing carbon dioxide and other exhaust 5 gas components. The lubrication oil is injected with lubrication oil impregnating agent composed of dimethylalkyl tertiary amine in the range from 0. 01 to 1 volume% and desirably in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 volume%. Petroleum oil fuel is injected with fuel 10 oil impregnating agent composed of dimethylalkyl tertiary amine in the range from 0.5 to 1 volume%. The petroleum oil fuel is light oil, kerosene, gasoline, or Bunker A. Any one or both of these lubrication oil and petroleum oil fuel is/are used for an internal-combustion engine. [FIG. 1] 3) a ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014206200A1

HIGH OCTANE UNLEADED AVIATION GASOLINE High octane unleaded aviation fuel compositions having high aromatics content and a CHN content of at least 98wt%, less than 2 wt% of oxygen content, an adjusted heat of combustion of at least 43.5 MJ/kg, a vapor pressure in the range of 38 to 49 kPa, freezing point is less than -58 'C is provided.

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999186A1

Combustion charge compositions comprised of a gasoline-like fuel and air for use in spark ignited internal combustion engines and methods to reduce global warming are described.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003085540A1
Принадлежит: ROBIC

The present invention relates to the field of fuel additives for fuel compositions and more particularly to a composition that can be used as a friction modifier, and its preparation process. More particularly, the present invention concerns a composition comprising at least one fatty acid amide of diethanolamine (DEA) and at least one fatty acid ester and/or amide of DEA oligomer, and it preparation process.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003039567A1
Принадлежит: GILBERT'S LLP

The invention relates to the production of greenhouse gas emission-reduced fuels, heating mediums and combustion materials from biomass as well as to the ensuring or improvement of the quality of agricultural and forest areas by ensuring or improving the humus content thereof.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925849A1

The use of a complex ester obtainable by esterification reaction between aliphatic linear or branched C2- to C12-dicarboxylic acids, aliphatic linear or branched polyhydroxy alcohols with 3 to 6 hydroxyl groups, and, as chain stopping agents, aliphatic linear or branched C1- to C30-monocarboxylic acids or aliphatic linear or branched monobasic Ci- to C30-alcohols, as an additive in a fuel.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983658A1

The present invention relates to the use of a diesel fuel additive for removing deposits in a diesel engine.

13-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002816091A1

A fuel composition for a fuel injected diesel engine, a method for improving performance of fuel injectors and a method for cleaning fuel injectors for a diesel engine. The fuel composition includes a major amount of fuel and a minor effective amount of a reaction product of (i) a hydrocarbyl substituted compound containing at least one tertiary amino group and (ii) a halogen substituted C2-C8 carboxylic acid, ester, amide, or salt thereof, wherein the reaction product as made is substantially devoid of free anion species.

13-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002798986C

A process for making cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles includes providing an aqueous reaction mixture containing a source of cerous ion, optionally a source of one or more metal ions (M) other than cerium, a source of hydroxide ion, at least one monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizer wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizers to total metal ions is greater than 0.2, and an oxidant at an initial temperature in the range of about 20°C to about 100°C. Temperature conditions are provided effective to enable oxidation of cerous ion to ceric ion, thereby forming a product dispersion of cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles, optionally containing one or more metal ions (M), Ce1-x M x O2-.delta., wherein "x" has a value from about 0.0 to about 0.95. The nanoparticles may have a mean hydrodynamic diameter from about 1 nm to about 50 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 45 nm.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002854709A1

Provided is a method that is for producing fuel oil and that is able to cheaply and highly efficiently produce a fuel oilor starting material thereofhaving as the primary component n-paraffin or isoparaffin from a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids, even while reducing hydrogen pressure. The method for producing fuel oil has a step for producing fuel oil having one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin as the primary component by contacting hydrogen gas and a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids under the condition of a hydrogen pressure of no greater than 2 MPa to a catalyst resulting from supporting on a porous metal oxide support one or more metal elements belonging to group nine or group ten of the periodic table, and one or more group six element oxides belonging to group six of the periodic table. The weight ratio of the group six elements to the metal elements contained in the catalyst is no greater than 1.0 in terms of the metal.

24-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002799821A1

A motor fuel providing higher gas mileage comprising gasoline produced from petroleum and from about 1 to 30wt% of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt% biomass-derived mesitylene added thereto, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt% synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt% mesitylene.

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201700410A1

31-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201990117A1

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Special-effect coal-saving composite additive and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN0109486540A

09-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003072095B1

27-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003080382B1

26-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003054223A1

L'invention concerne un copolymère et son utilisation comme additif détergent dans un carburant liquide de moteur à combustion interne. Le copolymère est obtenu par copolymérisation d'au moins : - un monomère apolaire (ma) répondant à la formule (I) : et - un monomère polaire (mb) choisi parmi les monomères dérivés du styrène ou de l'alphaméthylstyrène dont le noyau aromatique est substitué par au moins un groupement R ou par au moins une chaine hydrocarbonée en C1 à C12, linéaire ou ramifiée, de préférence acyclique, substituée par au moins un groupement R, ledit groupement R étant choisi parmi : - le groupement hydroxyle, - un groupement -OR', - un groupement -(OCyH2yO)f-H, - un groupement -(OCyH2yO)f-R', - un groupement -O-(CO)-R', et - un groupement -(CO)-OR', y est un entier allant de 2 à 8, f est un entier allant de 1 à 10 et R' est choisi parmi les chaines alkyles en C1 à C24. L'invention concerne également un procédé de maintien de la propreté et/ou de nettoyage d'au moins une des ...

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003000100A1

L'invention concerne une composition de carburant essence comprenant au moins 70% massique d'un carburant essence et au moins un composé viscosifiant apte à augmenter la viscosité dynamique du carburant essence jusqu'à une valeur de viscosité dynamique, à une température de 40°C et à pression atmosphérique, supérieure ou égale à 10mPa.s, de préférence 100mPa.s et à lui conférer un caractère rhéofluidifiant. L'invention concerne également un procédé de préparation d'une telle composition de carburant essence. L'invention concerne également son utilisation comme combustible pour moteur à combustion interne d'un véhicule motorisé de compétition.

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020180087583A

The present invention relates to a method for producing a solid fuel and a solid fuel produced thereby. The method for producing a solid fuel according to the present invention comprises: a fuel composition preparation step of preparing a fuel composition by mixing and pulverizing 100 parts by weight of coals with 3-4 parts by weight of biomass, 3.5-5.5 parts by weight of elvan, and 2.5-3.5 parts by weight of lime with respect to 100 parts by weight of the coals; an additive preparation step of preparing an additive by dissolving 0.8-1 part by weight of sodium nitrate and 0.8-1 part by weight of caustic soda in 60-80 parts by weight of water with respect to 100 parts by weight of the coals; a fuel paste preparation step of mixing the fuel composition with the additive to prepare a fuel paste; a solid fuel molding step of compressing and molding the fuel paste into a solid fuel; and a drying step of drying the solid fuel. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (AA) Fuel composition preparation step (BB) Additive ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200104014A

16-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AR0000100990A1

Una composición de aditivo para combustible, una composición de combustible, un método para mejorar el rendimiento del inyector de un motor con inyección de combustible, un método para prevenir la formación de depósitos en un motor o sistema de combustible o limpiar dichos depósitos, un método de reducir el desgaste en el sistema de combustible de un motor, y un método para mejorar la demulsibilidad de una composición de combustible. La composición de combustible incluye entre aproximadamente 5 y aproximadamente 300 ppm en peso en base al peso total de la composición de combustible de un carboxilato de hidrocarbil amonio cuaternario soluble derivado de un carbonato de amonio cuaternario y un ácido orgánico.

25-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: BRPI0812093A2

09-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: BE0001025932A1

17-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011142834A8

A process for making cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles includes providing an aqueous reaction mixture containing a source of cerous ion, optionally a source of one or more metal ions (M) other than cerium, a source of hydroxide ion, at least one monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizer wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizers to total metal ions is greater than 0.2, and an oxidant at an initial temperature in the range of about 20°C to about 95°C. Temperature conditions are provided effective to enable oxidation of cerous ion to ceric ion, thereby forming a product dispersion of cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles, optionally containing one or more metal ions (M), Ce1-xMxO2-δ, wherein "x" has a value from about 0.0 to about 0.95. The nanoparticles may have a mean hydrodynamic diameter from about 1 nm to about 50 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 45 nm.

06-11-2018 дата публикации

Method of producing carbon-enriched biomass material

Номер: US0010119088B2
Принадлежит: Arbaflame Technology AS, ARBAFLAME TECH AS

The present invention provides a carbon-enriched biomass material, a method of producing the carbon-enriched biomass material, and a method for using the carbons-enriched biomass material. A lignocellulosic material is used as a starting material and is treated at elevated temperatures under partially oxidizing conditions in a reaction vessel which is isolated from the environment. The carbon enriched biomass can be used in domestic or industrial combustion processes.

20-10-2020 дата публикации

Cobalt hydroxystannate nanocube fuel additive

Номер: US0010808193B2

A method for enhancing the efficiency of a liquid fuel is described. The method involves the addition of cobalt hydroxystannate nanoparticles to the liquid fuel to produce an enhanced liquid fuel. The cobalt hydroxystannate nanoparticles may be present at a concentration of 50-200 ppm, and may increase the calorific value of the fuel by a factor of 25-52 times.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127669A1

The invention relates to specific copolymers obtainable by co-polymerizing at least the following monomers: •at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester •at least one lower-alkyl (meth)acrylate •optionally, and preferably, at least one aromatic vinyl monomer; and •optionally other ethylenically unsaturated monomers, whereby the copolymer has a weight averaged molecular weight of from 100,000 to 10,000,000 D, determined using GPC-MALS techniques for a solution in THF at 40° C., as well as to the way to synthesize such copolymers and the use of such polymers to modify the rheology of a liquid in which they are soluble. 3. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a random co-polymer.6. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising at most 20 wt % of other ethylenically unsaturated monomers.7. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester comprises claim 1 , or is claim 1 , isobornyl methacrylate.8. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one C1-C7-alkyl methacrylate comprises claim 1 , or is claim 1 , iso-butyl (meth)acrylate.9. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising at least styrene claim 1 , as an aromatic vinyl monomer.10. The copolymer according to claim 9 , wherein the weight percentage of bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester is at least 15 weight percentage higher than the amount of aromatic vinyl monomer.11. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a solubility of at least 2.0 weight percent in diesel B7 at 25° C.12. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a cloud point of 25° C. or lower in diesel B7 fuel.13. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a glass transition temperature of from 50 to 190° C.14. An additive package for fuels comprising the copolymer of .15. A method for the preparation of the copolymer of comprising the step of radically polymerizing the monomers.16. A method for modifying the ...

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Process for combustion of heavy oil residue

Номер: US10240101B2

The processes and systems herein described enable the use of CO2 to handle heavy oil fractions. A significant reduction in the requisite energy to maintain such a fuel in fluid form is attained. The energy reduction from herein described residue handling systems facilitate increased combustion plant efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. The residue handling system is useful in refineries, power generation plants and other processes utilizing heavy oil residues as a feed.

31-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120132183A1

A method for reducing the emissions of a diesel engine using a RHE-diesel fuel.

11-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2636723A1
Автор: MAKITA, Hideaki

The objective is to provide lubrication oil and internal-combustion engine fuel for reducing the fuel consumption and for reducing carbon dioxide and other exhaust gas components. The lubrication oil is injected with lubrication oil impregnating agent composed of dimethylalkyl tertiary amine in the range from 0.01 to 1 volume% and desirably in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 volume%. Petroleum oil fuel is injected with fuel oil impregnating agent composed of dimethylalkyl tertiary amine in the range from 0.5 to 1 volume%. The petroleum oil fuel is light oil, kerosene, gasoline, or Bunker A. Any one or both of these lubrication oil and petroleum oil fuel is/are used for an internal-combustion engine.

14-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4055125A1

14-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4055126A1

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594160C2
Принадлежит: ЧЖОУ Сянцзинь (CN)

Изобретение описывает чистый, высокоэффективный и безвредный для окружающей среды бензиновый продукт, который представляет собой вид бензина, имеющий октановое число, которое составляет 58,7 или ниже чем 50, низкую температуру самовоспламенения, которая составляет 300-380°С, которая эквивалентна температуре самовоспламенения дизельного топлива, где указанный бензин может быть воспламенен от сжатия в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, при степени сжатия двигателя внутреннего сгорания 14-22, при этом основные фракции указанного бензина представляют собой алканы С-С. Также раскрывается способ применения чистого, высокоэффективного и безвредного для окружающей среды бензинового продукта в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, который дополнительно обеспечен системой смазки, системой хранения, системой подачи нефтяного топлива и системой впрыска под давлением для подачи указанного бензина в цилиндр под давлением, внутри которого осуществляется постоянное сгорание. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 6 пр., 1 табл.

31-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665556C2

Изобретение раскрывает композицию неэтилированного авиационного топлива, которая имеет МОЧ, по меньшей мере 99,6, содержание серы меньше чем 0,05 % масс., содержание CHN, по меньшей мере 98 масс. %, содержание кислорода меньше чем 2 масс. %, уточненную теплоту сгорания, по меньшей мере 43,5 МДж/кг, давление насыщенного пара в диапазоне от 38 до 49 кПа, температуру замерзания ниже чем -58°С. Технический результат заключается в получении высокооктановой композиции авиационного топлива, с улучшенными характеристиками, которое отвечает стандарту для авиационных топлив ASTM D910. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 11 пр., 2 табл.

09-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650109C2

Изобретение относится к способу производства обогащенного углеродом материала биомассы, к полученному таким способом материалу, а также к его применению. Способ производства обогащенного углеродом материала биомассы включает стадии: (i) обеспечивают лигноцеллюлозный материал в качестве исходного сырья, (ii) подвергают указанное исходное сырье обработке при температурах в диапазоне от 120°С до 320°С в присутствии субстехиометрического количества кислорода при концентрации Оили эквивалентов Ов диапазоне 0,15-0,45 моль/кг высушенного лигноцеллюлозного материала при условии, что полное сгорание лигноцеллюлозного материала требует стехиометрического количества кислорода в герметичном реакционном сосуде, (iii) открывают указанный реакционный сосуд, и (iv) выделяют твердый продукт из реакционной смеси. Технический результат – получение обогащенного углеродом материала биомассы со сниженным содержанием побочных органических продуктов. 4 н. и 11 з. п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 1 ил.

29-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689799C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к новым применениям ингибиторов коррозии в топливах и смазочных материалах. В качестве ингибиторов коррозии в дизельных и карбюраторных топливах, содержащих по меньшей мере 0,1 част. на млн щелочных и/или щелочно-земельных металлов и/или цинка, которые выбраны из группы, состоящей из натрия, цинка, магния и кальция, применяют сополимеры. Сополимеры получают путем проведения на первой реакционной стадии сополимеризации малеинового ангидрида и по меньшей мере одного α-олефина с 16-28 атомами углерода. Затем, необязательно, проводят вторую реакционную стадию частичного или полного гидролиза функциональных групп ангидрида, содержащихся в полученном на первой реакционной стадии сополимере. Причем вторую реакционную стадию проводят по меньшей мере в том случае, если полученный на первой реакционной стадии сополимер не содержит свободных функциональных групп карбоновой кислоты. Сополимер имеет средневесовую молекулярную массу M(определенную методом гельпроникающей хроматографии ...

21-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017141731A3

10-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012137255A

... 1. Композиция дизельного топлива, содержащая в качестве присадки четвертичную аммониевую соль, образованную путем взаимодействия соединения формулы (А):и соединения, образованного путем взаимодействия гидрокарбил-замещенного ацилирующего агента и амина формулы (В1) или (В2):,где R представляет собой возможно замещенную алкильную, алкенильную, арильную или алкиларильную группу; Rпредставляет собой С-Салкильную, арильную или алкиларильную группу; Rи Rпредставляют собой одинаковые или разные алкильные группы, имеющие от 1 до 22 атомов углерода; X представляет собой алкиленовую группу, имеющую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода; n равно от 0 до 20; m равно от 1 до 5; и Rпредставляет собой водород или С-Салкильную группу.2. Композиция дизельного топлива по п.1, где соединение формулы (А) представляет собой сложный эфир карбоновой кислоты, имеющей рК3,5 или меньше.3. Композиция дизельного топлива по п.1 или 2, где соединение формулы (А) представляет собой сложный эфир карбоновой кислоты, выбранной из ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014130982A

... 1. Композиция неэтилированного авиационного топлива, имеющая МОЧ, по меньшей мере 99,6, содержание серы меньше чем 0,05 масс.%, содержание CHN, по меньшей мере 98 масс.%, содержание кислорода меньше чем 2 масс.%, уточненную теплоту сгорания, по меньшей мере 43,5 МДж/кг, давление насыщенного пара в диапазоне от 38 до 49 кПа, температуру замерзания ниже, чем -58°C, включающая смесь, содержащую:от 35 об.% до 55 об.% толуола, имеющего МОЧ, по меньшей мере 107;от 4 об.% до 10 об.% компонента ароматического амина, где указанный компонент ароматического амина содержит, по меньшей мере, 2 об.% толуидина, в расчете на топливную композицию;от 15 об.% до 40 об.%, по меньшей мере одного алкилата или смеси алкилатов, имеющей температуру начала кипения в диапазоне от 32°C до 60°C и температуру конца кипения в диапазоне от 105°C до 140°C, имеющей точку выкипания Т40 меньше чем 99°C, Т50 меньше чем 100°C, Т90 меньше чем 110°C, причем алкилат или смесь алкилатов содержит изопарафины, имеющие от 4 до 9 атомов ...

18-03-2015 дата публикации

Fuel compositions

Номер: GB0002518288A

A method of combating internal diesel injector deposits caused by carboxylate residues and/or lacquers in the injectors of a diesel engine, the method comprising combusting in the engine a diesel fuel composition comprising (a) the reaction product of a carboxylic acid-derived acylating agent and an amine (e.g. a reaction product of polyisobutene-substituted succinic acid or PIBSA, with a polyethylene polyamine) and (b) a quaternary ammonium salt additive. Ingredient (b) may be the product made by quaternising (i) the reaction product of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and a compound comprising at least one tertiary amine and a primary amine, secondary amine or alcohol, (ii) a Mannich reaction product comprising a tertiary amine group or (iii) a polyalkylene substituted amine having at least one tertiary amine group.

16-07-2014 дата публикации

Fuel additives for treating internal deposits of fuel injectors

Номер: GB0002504371A8

16-01-2019 дата публикации

Compositions and methods and uses relating thereto

Номер: GB0002564510A

A quaternary ammonium compound of formula (I) wherein R0, R1, R2 and R3 are optionally substituted hydrocarbyl groups, X is a linking group, R4 is an optionally substituted alkylene group, R5 is hydrogen or optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl or aryl group, and n is 0 or a positive integer, provided than n is not 0 when R5 is hydrogen. Also claimed is a method of preparing a quaternary ammonium salt, comprising reacting a tertiary amine with an acid-derived alkylating agent in the presence of a compound of formula HOOCXCOO-(R4O)n-R5, wherein R4, R5 and n are as defined above. Preferably, HOOCXCOO-(R4O)n-R5 is derived from a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or succinic anhydride. The acid-derived alkylating agent may be an epoxide. A composition comprising the quaternary ammonium compound of formula (I) is also claimed. Preferably the composition is an additive composition for a fuel or lubricating oil, more preferably a diesel fuel composition. The use of the quaternary ammonium ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Fuel compositions

Номер: AU2011212261B2

A diesel fuel composition comprising, as an additive, a quaternary ammonium salt formed by the reaction of a compound of formula (A): and a compound formed by the reaction of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and an amine of formula (B1) or (B2): wherein R is an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing ashless coal

Номер: AU2014371509A1

Provided is a method for producing ashless coal, said method comprising a slurry preparation step in which a slurry is prepared by mixing coal and a solvent, the coal that is included in the slurry is dewatered, and the temperature of the slurry is increased. The slurry preparation step comprises a preparation/dewatering step and a preparation/temperature increase step. In the preparation/dewatering step, preparation of the slurry and dewatering of the coal are performed by mixing coal and a liquid solvent that is circulated during a circulation step. In the preparation/temperature increase step, the slurry is prepared and the temperature of the slurry is increased by mixing the slurry with solvent vapor that is circulated during the circulation step.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Low water biomass-derived pyrolysis oils and processes for producing the same

Номер: AU2014210613A1

Low water-containing biomass-derived pyrolysis oils and processes for producing them are provided. The process (200) includes condensing (204) pyrolysis gases including condensable pyrolysis gases and non-condensable gases to separate the condensable pyrolysis gases from the non-condensable gases, the non-condensable gases having a water content, drying (206) the non-condensable pyrolysis gases to reduce the water content of the-non-condensable gases to form reduced-water non condensable pyrolysis gases, and providing (208) the reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases to a pyrolysis reactor for forming the biomass-derived pyrolysis oil. N-o 'In NI% N-t Nj- cz Cc U)o N- N*-*O ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Performance enhancing additive for fuel composition, and method of use thereof

Номер: AU2019213705A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to performance enhancing additive composition comprising a mixture or a blend of (i) an acid amide; and (ii) oxide treated derivative of amine in one embodiment, and performance enhancing additive composition comprising a mixture or a blend of (i) an acid amide; and (ii) oxide treated derivative of amine, and further comprising a detergent in another embodiment, and to a fuel compositions thereof in still another embodiment, and to method of use thereof in yet another embodiment, and to a method of improving performance of a fuel and an engine in yet another embodiment.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Use of a fuel additive in diesel fuel for reducing fuel consumption in a diesel engine

Номер: AU2016254324A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to the use of a diesel fuel additive comprising peroxide for reducing the fuel consumption in a diesel engine.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014206200C1

HIGH OCTANE UNLEADED AVIATION GASOLINE High octane unleaded aviation fuel compositions having high aromatics content and a CHN content of at least 98wt%, less than 2 wt% of oxygen content, an adjusted heat of combustion of at least 43.5 MJ/kg, a vapor pressure in the range of 38 to 49 kPa, freezing point is less than -58 'C is provided.

07-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002969936A1

The fuel additives of the present invention comprise essentially of about 3-15 weight % of Fatty Acid, about 30-40 weight % of Alkylene Glycol, about 0-1 weight % of Quaternary Ammonium Bromide, about 0-1 weight % of Siloxane Solution, about 5-15 weight % of De-ionized Water, and about 45-55 weight % of Hydroscopic Liquid. These highly effective fuel additives are non-volatile, and can eliminate the formation of deposits and form air-borne micro-emulsion molecules, and induce micro-explosion in any internal compression combustion engines, particularly, in the fuel injection system and any direct combustion diesel burners.

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002948363A1

The invention provides fuel mixtures containing biodiesel oil, glycerol, glycerol soluble compounds, surfactants and additives. The fuel mixtures are uniform, remain suspended in solution, and are resistant to phase separation. Upon combustion, the mixtures generate reduced CO, CO2, SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions compared to petroleum fuels and offer improved engine performance over petroleum and water mixtures.

04-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002687816A1

A novel method to prepare high-enthalpy biofuels has been developed based on a new chemical pattern which has never been used before in the synthesis of renewable fuels. These biofuels are based on natural oleaginous feedstoc k, rendering low viscosity liquids with broad liquid range and enthalpy leve ls much superior to those found in common biodiesel, meaning ethyl or methyl fatty esters. As in the case of biodiesel, these new biofuels contain zero sulfur, causing none of the major pollution associated with commercial diese l. High enthalpy biofuels are aliphatic nitrile compounds, containing a sing le nitrogen substituent, are chemically aprotic, even though their high degr ee of polarity is reflected in its high cetane index and solubility paramete r. The present invention includes fuels associated with diesel, as well as o ther high-enthalpy fractions, which according to their boiling point, corres pond to naphtha in the lower scale, and bunker in the upper scale.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002803207A1

The invention relates to a quaternized copolymer, which can be obtained by: (A) copolymerizing straight-chain, branched or cyclic ethylenically unsaturated C2 to C100 hydrocarbons, which can bear oxygen-functional or nitrogen-functional substituents which cannot be reacted with amines to obtain amides or imides, or with alcohols to obtain esters, with ethylenically unsaturated C3- to C12-monocarboxylic acids or -dicarboxylic acids, or derivatives thereof, which can be reacted with amines to obtain amides or imides, or with alcohols to obtain esters, to obtain a copolymer having a number average molecular weight of 500 to 20,000; (B) partially or fully amidating or imidating or esterifying the carboxylic acid functions by reaction with oligoamines having 2 to 6 nitrogen atoms or alcohol amines, which each contain a primary or secondary nitrogen atom or a hydroxyl group and a quaternizable tertiary nitrogen atom; (C) partially or fully quaternizing the tertiary nitrogen atom with a quaternizing ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002900092A1

The present invention refers to a method of producing carbon-enriched biomass material, the carbon-enriched biomass material obtained thereby as well as its use.

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002806181C

Low water-containing biomass-derived pyrolysis oils and processes for producing them are provided. The process (200) includes condensing (204) pyrolysis gases including condensable pyrolysis gases and non-condensable gases to separate the condensable pyrolysis gases from the non-condensable gases, the non-condensable gases having a water content, drying (206) the non-condensable pyrolysis gases to reduce the water content of the-non-condensable gases to form reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases, and providing (208) the reduced-water non-condensable pyrolysis gases to a pyrolysis reactor for forming the biomass-derived pyrolysis oil.

19-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002928103C

The present comprises: a first coal dryer; a second coal dryer; and a third dryer, by removing moisture remaining inside and outside of coal, which is used for fueling thermal power plants, in the multiple coal dryers using reheat steam at a high temperature, incomplete combustion of coal can be prevented, thereby enhancing heat capacity of the coal, minimizing release of pollutants, preventing corrosion and enhancing the durability of a system, reducing the rate of spontaneous combustion due to reduced moisture, improving crushing efficiency of a coal pulverizer and heat distribution of a power boiler when coal is combusted, resolving the issue of clogging of a moving pathway when coal is transported, and improving coal supply stability by increasing utilization of low-quality coal for which demand is low. Furthermore, the following advantages can be provided: use of low heat capacity coal which is more affordable than high heat capacity coal; savings in fuel cost and manufacturing cost ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002878772A1

There is provided a reformed fuel manufacturing apparatus, including one or more water tanks configured to pretreat introduced water by using a water tank catalyst; one or more oil tanks configured to pretreat introduced oil by using an oil tank catalyst; a mixing tank connected to the one or more water tanks and the one or more oil tanks, and configured to produce a mixed oil by agitating the pretreated water introduced from the one or more water tanks and the pretreated oil introduced from the one or more oil tanks; and an ionization catalyst unit connected to the mixing tank and configured to convert the mixed oil, which is introduced from the mixing tank, to a reformed fuel by using an ionization catalyst.

18-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002818837C
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The use of the reaction product formed from a hydrocarbyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof and a nitrogen compound l or a salt thereof (see diagram I) as an additive in a fuel for reducing fuel consumption in gasoline engines.

07-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002818837A1

Use of the reaction product of a hydrocarbyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof and a nitrogen compound I or a salt thereof as an additive in a fuel for reducing fuel consumption in internal combustion engines.

26-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: GE0U20171938Y

30-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201691729A1

12-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000118069C2

25-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000117127C2

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Preparation method of fuel gas additive

Номер: CN0108611141A

17-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003073522A1

03-12-2013 дата публикации

Additive for fuel and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: KR0101330186B1

14-08-2018 дата публикации

processo de enriquecimento de diesel com biodiesel.

Номер: BR102017001881A2

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014122163A1

The present invention refers to a method of producing carbon-enriched biomass material, the carbon-enriched biomass material obtained thereby as well as its use.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013073528A1

Provided is a method that is for producing fuel oil and that is able to cheaply and highly efficiently produce a fuel oil—or starting material thereof—having as the primary component n-paraffin or isoparaffin from a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids, even while reducing hydrogen pressure. The method for producing fuel oil has a step for producing fuel oil having one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin as the primary component by contacting hydrogen gas and a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids under the condition of a hydrogen pressure of no greater than 2 MPa to a catalyst resulting from supporting on a porous metal oxide support one or more metal elements belonging to group nine or group ten of the periodic table, and one or more group six element oxides belonging to group six of the periodic table. The weight ratio of the group six elements to the metal elements contained in the catalyst is no greater than 1.0 in terms of the metal.

04-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011094751A3

Fuel blends and processes for producing a fuel unit blend to replace gasoline or supplement the apparent energy density of diesel or other fuel. The fuel unit blend comprises a base combustive fuel component that produces excess heat, which heat activates and sustains reactions of secondary detonative fuel components. The fuel mixture including a detonative fuel component blended with a stabilizing fuel component is dynamically stable, allowing the detonative fuel component to survive the combustion of the base combustive fuel component. The fuel blend produces first deflagrative combustion and then detonative or explosive waves in an internal combustion engine so as to produce maximum effective torque on the engines piston. A secondary effect is provided when the exhaust gas is cooled, increasing the Carnot thermal efficiency of the engine. The fuel blends may be diluted with a base combustive fuel to form a synthetic fuel for use within an internal combustion engine. The synthetic fuels ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds and use thereof as additives in fuels and lubricants

Номер: US20120010112A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds, to the preparation thereof and to the use thereof as a fuel and lubricant additive, more particularly as a detergent additive, as a wax antisettling additive (WASA) or as an additive for reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID); to additive packages which comprise these compounds; and to fuels and lubricants thus additized. The present invention further relates to the use of these acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds as a fuel additive for reducing or preventing deposits in the injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines, especially in common-rail injection systems, for reducing the fuel consumption of direct-injection diesel engines, especially of diesel engines with common-rail injection systems, and for minimizing power loss in direct-injection diesel engines, especially in diesel engines with common-rail injection systems.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Fuel Additives Effectively Improving Fuel Economy

Номер: US20120192484A1
Автор: Yun Deng
Принадлежит: Individual

Enhanced fuel combustion within the combustion chamber of internal combustion engines which results in improved fuel economy is obtained by adding fuel additives to the gasoline or diesel. Consequently, the fuel additives reduce pollution of hydrocarbon in environment. The fuel additives are combination of aliphatic oxygenates, monocyclic aromatic compound, and petroleum ether. The aliphatic oxygenates may be methanol, acetone, or a mixture of methanol and acetone. The monocyclic aromatic compounds may be toluene, xylene, or a mixture of toluene and xylene. This invention further relates to the method that manufactures the fuel additives.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Nano-sized zinc oxide particles for fuel

Номер: US20120204480A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fuel composition contains a liquid fuel and a specific amount of nano-sized zinc oxide particles and a surfactant that does not contain sulfur atoms. The nano-sized zinc oxide particles can be used to either improve combustion or increase catalytic chemical oxidation of fuel.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Fuel additives to maintain optimum injector performance

Номер: US20120210966A1
Принадлежит: Afton Chemical Corp

A diesel fuel additive package, diesel fuel containing the additive and methods for operating an engine on the diesel fuel and additive. The fuel additive includes a reaction product of (a) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride, and (b) an amine compound or salt thereof of the formula wherein R is selected from hydrogen and a hydrocarbyl group containing from about 1 to about 15 carbon atoms, and R 1 is selected from hydrogen and a hydrocarbyl group containing from about 1 to about 20 carbon atoms. The reaction product contains at least one amino triazole group. Component (2) of the additive is a hydrocarbyl succinimide dispersant. The additive also includes (3) a C 2 to C 10 alkyl alcohol; and (4) optionally, a lubricity additive. In the additive, a weight ratio of component (1) to component (2) in the fuel ranges from about 1:3 to about 1:5.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Diesel fuel compositions for high pressure fuel systems

Номер: US20130031827A1
Принадлежит: Innospec Ltd

A diesel fuel composition comprising, as an additive, a quaternary ammonium salt formed by the reaction of a compound of formula (A): and a compound formed by the reaction of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and an amine of formula (B1) or (B2): wherein R is an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R 1 is a C 1 to C 22 alkyl, aryl or alkylaryl group; R 2 and R 3 are the same or different alkyl groups having from 1 to 22 carbon atoms; X is an alkylene group having from 1 to 20 carbon atoms; n is from 0 to 20; m is from 1 to 5; and R 4 is hydrogen or a C 1 to C 22 alkyl group.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Fuel and engine oil composition and its use

Номер: US20140000540A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A composition is provided that contains a major amount of a hydrocarbon base fluid having a viscosity of up to 600 cST at 40 ° C. and (b) a minor amount of a micronized cellulose acetate butyrate having a particle size distribution on average of less than 30 microns. The compositions reduce and control the friction coefficient and anti-wear film of hydrocarbon base fluids.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Use of the reaction product formed from a hydrocarbyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid and a nitrogen compound to reduce fuel consumption

Номер: US20140020285A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The use of the reaction product formed from a hydrocarbyl-substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof and a nitrogen compound I or a salt thereof as an additive in a fuel for reducing fuel consumption in gasoline engines.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Fuel Fix +

Номер: US20140053457A1
Автор: Frank David Elsik
Принадлежит: Individual

A chemical substance for the purpose of removing carbon builds up from burning Chambers of gasoline engines, diesel engines, coal, oil, and gas burning furnaces. A chemical substance for the purpose of helping to protect the environment by Causing engines and furnaces to operate more efficiently. A chemical substance which would improve MPG by reducing carbon build up in internal combustion engines. A chemical substance when mixed with the main fuel in the fuel tank, would cause the fuel to burn more efficiently thus cleaning the system from engine to exhaust.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002627A1

A fuel composition comprising a base fuel and at least one viscosity index (VI) improving additive, wherein the viscosity index (VI) improving additive is a functionalized dispersant olefin copolymer. The viscosity index (VI) improving additive provides improved power output and/or acceleration characteristics. 1. A fuel composition comprising a base fuel and at least one viscosity index (VI) improving additive , wherein the viscosity index (VI) improving additive is a functionalized dispersant olefin copolymer.2. The fuel composition according to wherein the functionalized dispersant olefin copolymer is produced from reacting an olefin copolymer with a functionalizing component selected from amines claim 1 , amides claim 1 , nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds or alcohols.3. The fuel composition according to wherein the functionalized dispersant olefin copolymer is produced from grafting an olefin copolymer with a grafting material and then reacting the grafted material with a functionalizing component selected from amines claim 1 , amides claim 1 , nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds or alcohols.4. The fuel composition according to wherein the olefin copolymer is a copolymer of ethylene with a Cto Colefin.5. The fuel composition according to wherein the Cto Colefin is selected from propylene claim 4 , butylene claim 4 , butadiene claim 4 , isoprene claim 4 , and mixtures thereof.6. The fuel composition according to wherein the olefin copolymer is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene.7. The fuel composition according to wherein the grafting material is an unsaturated acid.8. The fuel composition according to wherein the grafting material is maleic anhydride.9. The fuel composition according to wherein the functionalizing component is an amine.10. The fuel composition according to wherein the amine is an aromatic amine.11. The fuel composition according to wherein the aromatic amine is N-phenyl-1 claim 10 ,4-phenylenediamine.12. The fuel composition ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002780A1
Автор: PREVOST Julie

The use of one or more copolymers as a detergent additive in a liquid fuel for internal combustion engines. The copolymer includes at least one repeat unit having an ester of alkyl or alkyl ester function and a repeat unit containing a nitrile group. 1. A method for keeping clean and/or for cleaning at least one of the internal parts of an internal combustion engine , said method comprising the introduction in said internal combustion engine of at least one copolymer comprising at least one repeating unit comprising an alkyl ester or alkylester function and one repeating unit comprising a nitrile group.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a block copolymer comprising at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one block A consisting of a chain of structural units derived from an alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 'b', 'one block B consisting of a chain of structural units derived from an olefinic monomer (m) comprising a nitrile group.'}3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the block copolymer is obtained by block polymerization claim 2 , optionally followed by one or more post-functionalizations.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is obtained by copolymerization of at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 'b', 'one olefinic monomer (m) comprising a nitrile group.'}5. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m) is chosen from Cto Calkyl (meth)acrylates.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 , wherein monomer (m) is chosen from acrylonitrile claim 6 , methacrylonitrile claim 6 , cyanostyrene and cyano-alpha-methylstyrene.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the copolymer is a block copolymer comprising at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one block A consisting of a chain of structural units derived from the alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 1', 'b, 'one block Bconsisting of a chain of structural units derived from acrylonitrile (m), ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009166A1

Described herein are fuel modifiers for natural gas reciprocating engines, while recognizing the application of the inventions herein may be applied more broadly, to other natural gas-based engine systems. The fuel modifiers are primarily free-radical initiators, and the presence of this fuel modifier allows the engine operator to operate the engine under leaner conditions because, while employing the same ignition energy, more free-radicals are formed, thus overcoming the problems associated with dilution of the pool of free-radicals in the flame. 1. A modified fuel , comprising a base fuel and a fuel modifier selected from the group consisting of azo compounds , dialkylsulfides , alkyl sulfones , nitroalkyls , peroxygens , and hydrocarbons which contain symmetrically substituted carbon-carbon bonds where that bond is relatively weak.2. The modified fuel of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel is natural gas.3. The modified fuel of claim 2 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group consisting of azo compounds having a molecular weight of between 80 and 500 g/mol claim 2 , and a decomposition temperature between 80 and 300° C.5. The modified fuel of claim 4 , wherein the fuel modifier is azobisisobutylnitrile.7. The modified fuel of claim 6 , wherein the fuel modifier is dismethylsulfide.9. The modified fuel of claim 8 , wherein the fuel modifier is dismethylsulfone.11. The modified fuel of claim 10 , wherein the fuel modifier is nitromethane.13. The modified fuel of claim 12 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group consisting of linear and branched C-Calkyl peroxides.14. The modified fuel of claim 13 , wherein the fuel modifier is di-tert-butyl peroxide.15. The modified fuel of claim 13 , wherein the fuel modifier is dimethoxymethane.16. The modified fuel of claim 2 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group represented by the formula below:{'br': None, 'sub': 13', '14', '12', '14', '12', '13, 'R—C(R, R)—C(R, R, R)'}{'sub': 12', '13 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009065A1

Provided herein are various gas-filled particles having a stimuli-responsive shell encapsulating the gas. The stimuli-responsive shell comprises one or more release triggers. Compositions for medical or non-medical applications, methods of use and treatment, and methods of preparation are also described. 1. A composition comprisinga stable particle having a shell surrounding a gas core, wherein the shell includes a release trigger.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises nanoparticle aggregates.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the stable particle is formed by nanoprecipitation of an amphiphilic polymer comprising the release trigger at an air/liquid interface to form the shell.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the amphiphilic polymer comprises acetylated dextran (Dex-Ac).5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the stable particle is a Pickering foam.6. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a pH-responsive trigger.7. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a salt-responsive trigger.8. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a pressure-responsive trigger.9. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a temperature-responsive trigger.10. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a light-responsive trigger.11. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is an ultrasound-responsive trigger.12. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is a magnetic field-responsive trigger.13. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is partial pressure of a gas in a fluid.14. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the release trigger is stable in water.15. The composition of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the shell comprises a biocompatible polymer or monomer.16. The composition of claim 15 , wherein the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Production of low sulfur gasoline

Номер: US20170015915A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Systems and methods are provided for producing naphtha boiling range fractions having a reduced or minimized amount of sulfur and an increased and/or desirable octane rating and suitable for incorporation into a naphtha fuel product. A naphtha boiling range feed can be separated to form a lower boiling portion and a higher boiling portion. The lower boiling portion, containing a substantial amount of olefins, can be exposed to an acidic catalyst without the need for providing added hydrogen in the reaction environment. Additionally, during the exposure of the lower boiling portion to the acidic catalyst, a stream of light olefins (such as C 2 -C 4 olefins) can be introduced into the reaction environment. Adding such light olefins can enhance the C 5 + yield and/or improve the removal of sulfur from thiophene and methyl-thiophene compounds in the naphtha feed.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Processes for Production of Fuel and Fuel Blends

Номер: US20170015919A1

Systems and processes for the production of fuel and fuel blends involve the production of fuels for blending with one or more alcohols such as ethanol and/or butanol. A method for producing a fuel blend includes blending a light distillate product from an oil refinery with butanol. The fuel blending can be at the oil refinery. 118-. (canceled)19. A method for producing a blended gasoline , comprising:(a) operating an oil refinery to produce a light distillate product from crude oil; and(b) blending the light distillate product with an amount of butanol to produce a butanol blended gasoline,wherein the light distillate product includes an amount of a light naphtha product comprising pentane, butane, or a mixture thereof, the amount of the light naphtha product being greater than any amount of light naphtha product included in a different light distillate product which is an automotive-grade gasoline free of bioalcohol fuel or which is for blending with an amount of ethanol to produce an automotive-grade blended gasoline.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the light distillate product comprises gasoline.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein the butanol comprises isobutanol.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is at least about 10 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is from about 10 vol % to about 16 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is from about 16 vol % to about 24 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of ethanol that is blended with the light distillate product for producing the automotive-grade blended gasoline is not more than about 10 vol % of the automotive-grade blended gasoline.26. The method of claim 19 , wherein the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Associative polymers and related compositions, methods and systems

Номер: US20190016859A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016981A1
Автор: Huang Fu-Guan

Provided is a fuel oil composition comprising a liquid fuel and carbon black with a particle diameter less than 1 micron. The content of the carbon black is from 0.001 wt % to 4 wt % based on the total weight of the liquid fuel. By way of adding carbon black with the particle diameter less than 1 micron, combustion efficiency of the fuel oil composition used in the internal combustion engine is improved, reducing the emissions of the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide to reduce greenhouse gas production. 1. A fuel oil composition comprising: a liquid fuel and carbon black with a particle diameter less than 1 micron , wherein the content of the carbon black is 0.001 wt % to 4 wt % based on the total weight of the liquid fuel.2. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel oil composition further comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a dispersant claim 1 , a surfactant and a combination thereof.3. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the content of the dispersant is from 0.001 wt % to 4 wt % based on the total weight of the liquid fuel.4. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the weight ratio of the dispersant to the carbon black is 0.5 to 2.5. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the liquid fuel includes at least one selected from the group consisting of diesel claim 1 , gasoline claim 1 , kerosene and a combination thereof.6. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the liquid fuel includes at least one selected from the group consisting of diesel claim 2 , gasoline claim 2 , kerosene and a combination thereof.7. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the particle diameter of the carbon black is 10 nm to 400 nm.8. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the particle diameter of the carbon black is 10 nm to 400 nm.9. The fuel oil composition as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the particle diameter of the carbon black is ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016982A1
Принадлежит: Swift Fuels, LLC

A motor fuel comprising gasoline comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1 to 30 wt % of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt % mesitylene added to the jet fuel, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt % synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt % mesitylene. 1. A motor fuel comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1-30 wt % mesitylene.2. The motor fuel of comprising 80-99 wt % gasoline and 1-20 wt % mesitylene.3. The motor fuel of comprising 80-95 wt % gasoline and 5-20 wt % mesitylene.4. The motor fuel of comprising 80-90 wt % gasoline and 10-20 wt % mesitylene.5. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP max of 225° C. claim 1 , a MON of 80 to 94 claim 1 , and an RVP of 38-103 kPa.6. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.7. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.8. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. to 185° C.9. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.10. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.11. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has an RVP of 38-49 kPa.12. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.13. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.14. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.15. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.16. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017464A1

The present disclosure relates to a method of reducing regeneration frequency of a diesel particulate filter in a vehicle combusting diesel fuel. The method includes combusting a diesel fuel in a vehicle engine having a diesel particulate filter and wherein the diesel particulate filter requires regeneration thereof. The diesel fuel has less than about 50 ppmw of sulfur and one or more select additives to reduce a measured frequency of regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. 1. A method of reducing measured regeneration frequency of a diesel particulate filter in a vehicle combusting diesel fuel , the method comprising: (i) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic anhydride derivative prepared by reacting a hydrocarbyl-substituted succinic acylating agent with an amine, polyamine, or alkyl amine having one or more primary, secondary, or tertiary amino groups;', '(ii) a quaternary ammonium internal salt obtained from amines or polyamines that is substantially devoid of any free anion species; or', '(iii) a reaction product of a hydrocarbyl carbonyl compound and an amine compound selected from the group consisting of guanidine, urea, thiourea, and combinations thereof;, '(a) combusting a diesel fuel in a vehicle engine, wherein the vehicle includes a diesel particulate filter associated with the engine and wherein the diesel particulate filter requires regeneration thereof, the diesel fuel having less than about 50 ppm of sulfur and one or more additives selected from'}(b) regenerating the diesel particulate filter while combusting the diesel fuel; and(c) comparing the frequency of regeneration of the diesel particulate filter when combusting the diesel fuel comprising the one or more additives with the frequency of regeneration of the diesel particulate filter when combusting a diesel fuel which is devoid of the one or more additives; wherein the frequency of regenerations per 1000 miles of the diesel particulate filter when combusting the diesel fuel comprising ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023826A1

The invention relates to a specific copolymer obtainable by co-polymerizing at least the following monomers: —more than 80 wt % of at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester, —0.05 to 15% w/w styrene, and—optionally other ethylenically unsaturated monomers, as well as to the way to synthesize them and the use of such polymers to modify the rheology of a liquid in which they are soluble. 1. A copolymer comprising:83-99.95 wt % of the bicyclic (meth)acrylate esters (a),0.05 to 12 wt % of styrene (b), and0 to 19 wt % of ethylenically unsaturated monomers that are not monomer (a) or (b),up to a total of 100 wt %, wherein the weight percentages of the monomer are based on the total weight of all the monomers.3. A copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a random co-polymer.6. A copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising a total of bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester and styrene in an amount of 90 wt % of the total monomer claim 1 , or more.7. A copolymer according of claim 6 , comprising a total of bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester and styrene in an amount of 95 wt % or more.8. A copolymer according to claim 7 , wherein the copolymer is produced from isobornyl methacrylate and styrene.9. A copolymer according to claim 1 , having a cloud point in fuel of 12.5° C. or lower.10. A copolymer according to claim 1 , having an average weight average molecular weight of from 100 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 D.11. Additive package for fuels comprising a copolymer of .12. Method for the preparation of a copolymer of comprising the step of radically polymerizing the specified monomers.13. Method for the preparation of an additives package for fuel claim 1 , comprising the step of making a solution comprising a copolymer of and one or more other fuel additives.14. Use of a polymer or additive package according to claim 1 , for modifying the rheology of a fluid claim 1 , by dissolving said polymer into said fluid claim 1 , whereby said fluid is not a fuel for ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon / lipid - carotenoid complexes

Номер: US20210023223A1
Автор: Ivan Petyaev
Принадлежит: IP Science Ltd

The invention relates to uses of hydrocarbon/lipid complexes with carotenoids for improvement properties of hydrocarbon-based products as well as related methods and uses.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024532A1

A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and a compound or formula H—(OR)—OR, wherein R is an optionally substituted alkylene group, Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group and n is at least 1. 1. A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and a compound or formula H—(OR)—OR , wherein R is an optionally substituted alkylene group , Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group and n is at least 1.2. A method of combatting deposits in a diesel engine , the method comprising combusting in the engine a diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and a compound of formula H—(OR)—OR , wherein R is an optionally substituted alkylene group , Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group and n is at least 1.3. (canceled)4. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof is a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.5. The composition according to wherein each R is ethylene or propylene claim 1 , and n is from 1 to 40.6. The composition according to wherein Ris a Cto Calkyl group.7. The composition according to wherein the polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof includes an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 6 to 100 carbon atoms.8. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or hydrocarbyl substituted anhydride and compound of formula H—(OR)n-ORare reacted in a ratio of from 1.5:1 to 1:1.5.9. The composition according to wherein the additive is the reaction product of a succinic acid or anhydride having a Cto Calkyl or alkenyl substituent and a Cto ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024533A1

A quaternary ammonium salt of formula (I): (I) where in X is a linking group; Y is O, NH or NRwherein Ris H or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; Q is a moiety that includes a quaternary ammoniumcation; A is an anion; Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group; Ris hydrogen or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; and n is 0 or a positive integer; provided that n is not 0 when Ris hydrogen. 1. (canceled)3. (canceled)5. The salt claim 2 , composition according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof; with{'sup': 3', '2, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula R(OR)OH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol or amine including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.6. The composition according to wherein X is an optionally substituted alkylene or arylene and Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group.7. The composition according to wherein n is 0 and Ris an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms.8. The composition according to wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene.9. The composition according to wherein Ris hydrogen and n is at least 1.10. The composition according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms and n is from 1 to 40.12. The composition according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl and Ris an unsubstituted Cto Calkyl group or a hydroxy substituted Cto Calkyl group.13. The composition according to wherein A is a carboxylate anion.14. (canceled)15. The composition according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) an optionally substituted succinic acid or anhydride thereof;{'sup': 2', '3, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula H(OR)OH or ROH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.16. ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037336A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel uses of corrosion inhibitors in fuels and lubricants. 1: A method for improving a fuel or a lubricant , the method comprising:adding at least one copolymer to the fuel or the lubricant, at least 4 acid groups per polymer chain,', 'a ratio of carbon atoms per acid group of 7 to 35, and', 'an acid number of 80 to 320 mg KOH/g, determined by potentiographic titration with 0.5 molar aqueous hydrochloric acid after heating in a 0.5 molar ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution for three hours, and, 'wherein the copolymer comprises a statistical average of'}wherein the adding results in the copolymer functioning as at least one selected from the group consisting of a fuel additive for reducing the fuel consumption of a direct injection diesel engine, for minimizing power loss in a direct injection diesel engine, or both, a diesel fuel additive for reducing deposits, preventing deposits, or both in a fuel system, and a gasoline fuel additive for reducing the level of deposits in an intake system of a direct injection spark ignition gasoline engine, a port fuel injector gasoline engine, or both.2: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the acid groups are carboxyl groups.3: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises up to 50 acid groups per polymer chain.4: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises not more than 5 functional groups other than oxygen-containing functional groups and nitrogen-containing functional groups per polymer chain.5: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises not more than 3 oxygen-containing functional groups per polymer chain other than carbonate groups claim 1 , ether groups or ester groups.6: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises not more than 20 ether groups per polymer chain.7: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises not more than 50 ester groups or carbonate groups per polymer chain ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056359A1
Автор: SMITH Alastair Graham

Use of a viscosity increasing component in a diesel fuel composition, for the purpose of improving the fuel economy of an engine into which the fuel composition is or is intended to be introduced, or of a vehicle powered by such an engine, wherein the viscosity increasing component is a viscosity index (VI) improving additive, wherein the VI improving additive comprises a linear block copolymer, which contains one or more monomer blocks selected from ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene, isoprene and styrene monomers and wherein the VI improving additive is used at a concentration of from 0.001% w/w to 0.05% w/w. 1. A use of a viscosity increasing component in a diesel fuel composition , for the purpose of improving the fuel economy of an engine into which the fuel composition is or is intended to be introduced , or of a vehicle powered by such an engine , wherein the viscosity increasing component is a viscosity index (VI) improving additive , wherein the VI improving additive comprises a linear block copolymer , which contains one or more monomer blocks selected from ethylene , propylene , butylene , butadiene , isoprene and styrene monomers and wherein the VI improving additive is used at a concentration of from 0.001% w/w to 0.05% w/w.2. The use of claim 1 , wherein the VI improving additive comprises a polystyrene-polyisoprene linear block copolymer.5. The use of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity increasing component is used in an amount sufficient to increase the kinematic viscosity of the diesel fuel composition at 40° C. by:{'sup': '2', 'i) at least 0.005 mm/s;'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'ii) 0.01 mm/s to 1.0 mm/s; or'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'iii) 0.01 mm/s to 0.5 mm/s;'}6. The use of claim 1 , wherein the kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of the diesel fuel composition comprising the viscosity increasing component is in the range of:{'sup': '2', 'i) up to 4.5 mm/s'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'ii) between 2.0 mm/s and 4.0 mm/s; or'}{'sup': 2', '2, 'iii) between 3.0 mm/s and 3.8 mm/s.'}7. ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056360A1

The present invention relates to a fuel composition comprising a liquid fuel and a compound of dimer amide quaternary ammonium type. The invention also relates to the use of the compound of dimer amide quaternary ammonium type as a detergent Q additive in a liquid fuel for internal combustion engine. 2. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein Z is selected from alkyl claim 1 , alkenyl or aryl group claim 1 , optionally substituted by a functional group comprising oxygen and/or a nitrogen atom(s) claim 1 , having a molar mass strictly less than 237 g/mol.3. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein Y represents a C-Clinear or branched claim 1 , saturated or unsaturated claim 1 , hydrocarbyl group constituted by carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms and/or n ranges from 1 to 6.4. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein A claim 1 , B claim 1 , C and D represent claim 1 , independently to each other claim 1 , an alkyl or an alkenyl group with a number of carbon atoms resulting in a molar mass of A+B+C+D ranging from 84 to 2000 g/mol.5. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein R1 claim 1 , R2 claim 1 , R3 are identical and selected from alkyl groups having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms.7. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid fuel is selected from diesel fuels and gasoline fuels.8. The fuel composition according to claim 7 , which is a diesel fuel composition further comprising at least one betaine compound.9. The fuel composition according to claim 7 , which is a gasoline fuel composition further comprising a Mannich base.10. The fuel composition according to claim 7 , which is a gasoline fuel composition further comprising a polyisobutylene succinimide compound.11. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , further comprising at least 5 ppm by weight of the compound of formula (I).13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein in the compound of formula (I) claim 12 , Z is selected from alkyl claim 12 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040141A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms. 2. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight equal to or lower than about 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.3. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight 400 claim 1 ,000 Подробнее

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040270A1

A quaternary ammonium salt of formula (I): wherein X is a linking group; Y is O, NH or NRwherein Ris H or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; Q is a moiety that includes a quaternary ammonium cation; A is an anion; Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group; Ris hydrogen or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; and n is 0 or a positive integer; provided that n is not 0 when Ris hydrogen. 3. (canceled)5. The salt according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof; with{'sup': 3', '2, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula R(OR)OH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol or amine including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.6. The salt according to wherein X is an optionally substituted alkylene or arylene group and Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group.7. The salt according to wherein n is 0 and Ris an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms.8. The salt according to wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene.9. The salt according to wherein Ris hydrogen and n is at least 1.10. The salt according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms and n is from 1 to 40.12. The salt according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl and Ris an unsubstituted Cto Calkyl group or a hydroxy substituted Cto Calkyl group.13. The salt according to wherein Ais a carboxylate anion.14. The salt according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) an optionally substituted succinic acid or anhydride thereof;{'sup': 2', '3, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula H(OR)OH or ROH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.15. The salt according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:{'sub': 20', ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046875A1

A method for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids consisting of three separate phases that are spatially and temporally decoupled. In the first phase, a magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field is applied to a working fluid under circulation to obtain the directly ionized fluid. In the second phase, the directly ionized fluid is used as an ionizer or an ionizing agent for ionizing indirectly the normal non-ionized fluid by mixing the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid in accordance with a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method between the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid. In the third phase, the resultant mixed or indirectly-ionized fluid is used in the proper application directly or stored in a storage tank for later use. 139-. (canceled)40. A method and apparatus for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids comprising three spatially and temporally decoupled phases:i.) the treatment phase, wherein directly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by applying a direct magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field to a normal non-ionized fluid while the fluid is in circulation according to a treatment method;ii) the mixing phase, wherein the mixed or indirectly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by mixing the directly magnetized fluid produced from the treatment phase, and another/same normal non-magnetized fluid according to a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method; andiii) the usage phase, wherein the indirectly-ionized fluid produced in the mixing phase can be used immediately in the proper application or can be stored and/or transported for later use.41. A method for the production of the directly magnetized fluid in the treatment phase according to claim 40 , the method comprising:a) a first fluid tank containing a first normal non-ionized fluid;b) a second fluid tank containing a second directly ionized fluid, wherein the second directly ionized fluid is ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044454A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

The processes and systems herein described enable the use of COto handle heavy oil fractions. A significant reduction in the requisite energy to maintain such a fuel in fluid form is attained. The energy reduction from herein described residue handling systems facilitate increased combustion plant efficiency and reduced COemissions. The residue handling system is useful in refineries, power generation plants and other processes utilizing heavy oil residues as a feed. 1. A method of improving efficiency of a combustion system utilizing a high viscosity heavy oil residue fuel , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a. providing a source of COor a CO-rich gaseous mixture;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'b. bringing the COor CO-rich mixture into intimate contact with the heavy oil residue under predetermined conditions of temperature and pressure below about 73 bar;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'c. maintaining the contact of the COor CO-rich mixture with the heavy oil residue below about 73 bar until a predetermined concentration of dissolved COis attained and the viscosity of the heavy oil residue is reduced;'}d. pumping and atomizing the reduced-viscosity heavy oil residue for combustion in a combustion chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after step (c) claim 1 , transporting the reduced-viscosity heavy oil residue via a pipeline to the combustion system.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising introducing the reduced-viscosity heavy oil residue with dissolved COinto a pressurized heated storage vessel under predetermined conditions of temperature and pressure to maintain the viscosity of the heavy oil residue within a prescribed viscosity range claim 1 , and passing the reduced-viscosity heavy oil residue from the storage vessel and atomizing it for combustion in a combustion chamber.4. The method of wherein the COor CO-rich mixture and heavy oil residue are contacted in an agitated mixing vessel under an atmosphere of pressurized gaseous CO.5. The ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051220A1

The present invention discloses a gasoline efficacy promoter (GEP) boosting combustion efficiency of gasoline in internal combustion engines by a mechanism of micro-dissociation comprising a microemulsion of modified bio-carbon, a surfactant, water, a modified vegetable oil and a dispersant, and a method of making it. The gasoline efficacy promoter, environmentally friendly and stable for longer than six months, can increase the combustion efficiency by more than 10%, and reduce 80% of NOformation in exhaust emission when an appropriate dosage is added to a fuel tank in a vehicle. 1. A microemulsion of a gasoline efficacy promoter comprising modified bio-carbon , a surfactant , water , a modified vegetable oil and a dispersant.2. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified bio-carbon is made from activated carbon of natural sources.3. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified bio-carbon has a bulk density in a range of 0.2 to 0.4 g/ml claim 1 , a BET surface area of 1 claim 1 ,700 to 3 claim 1 ,200 m/g claim 1 , and a pore volume of 0.8 to 2.2 ml/g.4. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified bio-carbon is washed with at least one acidic solution to reduce calcined ash.5. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified bio-carbon is washed with at least one basic solution to reduce calcined ash.6. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified bio-carbon is 0.002% to 2% by weight.7. A microemulsion according to wherein the surfactant is an anionic surfactant containing anionic functional groups at the head claim 1 , which are sulfate claim 1 , sulfonate claim 1 , phosphate and carboxylates claim 1 , preferably containing alkyl sulfates including ammonium lauryl sulfate claim 1 , sodium lauryl sulfate and the related alkyl-ether sulfates such as sodium laureth sulfate claim 1 , and sodium myreth sulfate.8. A microemulsion according to wherein the surfactant is 0.005% to 0.05% by weight.9. A microemulsion according to wherein the modified ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle powertrain with onboard catalytic reformer

Номер: US20170051708A1

Catalyst compositions suitable for use in the exhaust gas recycle stream of an internal combustion engine are provided. Such catalyst compositions typically provide significant amounts of methane in addition to syngas. A reformer incorporating such a catalyst for use in an exhaust gas recycle portion of an internal combustion engine powertrain is described. A powertrain incorporating such a reformer, a method of increasing the octane rating of an exhaust gas recycle stream, and a method of operating an internal combustion engine using methane-assisted combustion are also described.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Cerium oxide containing nanoparticles

Номер: US20150059236A1
Принадлежит: Cerion LLC

A process for making cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles includes providing an aqueous reaction mixture containing a source of cerous ion, optionally a source of one or more metal ions (M) other than cerium, a source of hydroxide ion, at least one monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizer wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizers to cerous ions is greater than 0.2, and an oxidant. The cerous ion is oxidized to ceric ion, thereby forming a product dispersion of cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles CeO 2-δ , wherein δ has a value of about 0.0 to about 0.5. The nanoparticles may have a mean hydrodynamic diameter from about 1 nm to about 50 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 45 nm.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Fuel oil composition

Номер: US20220073830A1
Принадлежит: Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd

Provided is a fuel oil composition that has a sulfur content of 0.50 mass % or less but yet has a storage stability, long-term storage stability, combustion performance, low-temperature fluidity and kinetic viscosity sufficient for use in ships. A fuel oil composition that has a sulfur content of 0.50 mass % or less, aromatic content of 50.0 to 75.0 mass %, a mass ratio of sum of paraffin and asphaltene to the sum of aromatic and resin is 0.20 to 0.80 wherein the paraffin, the asphaltene, the aromatic and the resin are measured using a TLC/FID method respectively, a CCAI is 860 or less, a kinematic viscosity (50° C.) is 10.00 to 180 0 mm2/s, and a pour point of 25.0° C. or less.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073831A1
Автор: Hoon, JUN Kyung

The present invention relates to a combustion additive comprising a colloidal solution containing dispersed fine metal particles. The present invention also relates to a method for producing the colloid. More particularly the present teaching relates to a combustion additive having a colloid, wherein the colloid comprises metal particles providing in an alkaline aqueous solution, the metal particles being dispersed within that solution and having an average diameter in the range of 30 nm to 30 μm. The colloid can partly/fully substitute water of a water injection system or used as an air humidification component for combustion. 1. A combustion additive aqueous colloidal solution having:a pH of 8.0 to 12.5,a Total Dissolved Solid, TDS, value in the range of 1500 to 3500 ppm,an average particle size of 30 nm to 30 μm,sodium constituent having a concentration of 1500 to 3000 mg/L, andother metal constituents having a total concentration of 0.5 to 200 mg/L.2. The combustion additive colloidal solution of having claim 1 , when measured at 20° C.:a DC conductivity of 5 to 13 mS/cm anda surface tension of 50 to 70 mN/m.3. The combustion additive colloidal solution of further comprising an ammonia/ammonium constituent having a concentration of 3 to 10 mg/L at 20° C.4. A combustion additive mixture comprising the colloidal solution of mixed with at least one of:water;water miscible solvents;hydrogen peroxide; orsodium percarbonate.5. A method of water injection/air humidification for combustion claim 1 , wherein water is at least partially substituted by the colloidal solution of .6. A method of forming the colloidal solution claim 1 , the method comprising:providing an alkaline aqueous starting solution in an electrolysis bath, the electrolysis bath comprising a plurality of stainless steel electrodes, andeluting metal elements from the one or more of the plurality of electrodes using electrolysis to form the colloidal solution.7. The method of wherein the starting solution ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Polymers as additives for fuels

Номер: US20200056109A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A method for minimizing power loss, reducing a fuel consumption and/or for reducing and/or avoiding deposits in a fuel system in the direct injection diesel engines. The method contains adding a copolymer to a fuel composition, wherein the copolymer contains, in a copolymerized form: (A) an ethylenically unsaturated mono- or dicarboxylic acid or a derivative thereof, (B) an α-olefin having from 12 to 30 carbon atoms, (C) optionally an additional aliphatic or cycloaliphatic olefin which has at least 4 carbon atoms and is different from monomer (B) and (D) optionally an additional copolymerizable monomers other than monomers (A), (B) and (C), anhydride or carboxylic acid functionalities present in the copolymer are partly reacted with at least one compound (E) comprising an alcohol group and/or an amino group, and the anhydride functionalities present in the copolymer are hydrolysed and/or carboxylic ester functionalities present in the copolymer are partly hydrolyzed.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067276A1

Provided herein are various gas-filled particles having a stabilized membrane that encapsulates the gas. Pharmaceutical compositions, methods of use and treatment, and methods of preparation are also described. 1. A gas-filled particle comprising a hollow particle membrane encapsulating one or more biological gases , wherein less than 20% by weight of the material in the hollow particle membrane is lipids and wherein the gas is not a perflourocarbon.2. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein less than 10% by weight of the material in the hollow particle membrane is lipids.34-. (canceled)5. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow particle membrane is free of one or more lipids.6. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow particle membrane is a polymeric membrane.78-. (canceled)9. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow particle membrane is comprised of a monomer.10. The gas-filled particle of claim 9 , wherein the monomer is a water insoluble glucose.11. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow particle membrane is comprised of components that are not cross-linked.12. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow particle membrane is comprised of components that are cross-linked.13. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the biological gas is oxygen.1415-. (canceled)16. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the gas in the particle is pressurized.1724-. (canceled)25. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , further comprising a hydrophobic drug or a hydrophilic drug incorporated into the hollow particle membrane.26. (canceled)27. The gas-filled particle of claim 1 , wherein the gas filled particle is in an aqueous solution as a suspension for storage or in a powder form for storage.28. (canceled)29. A gas-filled particle comprising a stabilized membrane encapsulating one or more gases claim 1 , wherein the gas is pressurized to greater than 1 atmosphere and wherein the gas is oxygen ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Low sulfur biodiesel composition and method of making

Номер: US20170066984A1
Принадлежит: Agron Bioenergy LLC

The invention provides fatty acid methyl ester fuel compositions and methods of making same.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073598A1
Принадлежит: Enginuity Worldwide, LLC

A fertilizer/soil conditioner or a fuel source material is formed by processing animal waste by-products through the use of a rotary biomass dryer system. The animal waste by-product includes without limitation manure obtained from cattle or swine; feed lot bedding, poultry litter, a digestate of animal waste by-products obtained from an anaerobic digester, municipal waste, waste meat renderings, waste meat, or a mixture thereof. The processed material may comprise a higher amount of ash and a lower amount of volatile material than the animal waste by-product. The processed material may be stored as a powder or processed into pellets, logs, pucks, briquettes or another convenient shape form. 1. A method of converting an animal waste by-product into a fertilizer/soil conditioner or a fuel source material , the method comprising:providing an animal waste by-product having a moisture content between about 2 wt. % and about 90 wt. %; a feeding mechanism;', 'a rapid compression unit (RCU) having a screw and a barrel, and optionally, one or more flow disruptors;', 'at least one of a reflux condenser and a gas management manifold;', 'an aftercooler stage; and', 'an exit mechanism;, 'providing a rotary biomass dryer system comprisingfeeding the animal waste by-product through the feeding mechanism;mixing and heating the animal waste by-product in the RCU;separating the animal waste by-product into steam and a fertilizer/soil conditioner or fuel source material;removing the steam from the rotary biomass dryer system;cooling the fertilizer/soil conditioner or fuel source material in the aftercooler stage; andcollecting the fertilizer/soil conditioner or fuel source material after the fertilizer/soil conditioner or fuel source exits through the exit mechanism.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the animal waste by-product is manure obtained from a member of the group consisting of cattle claim 1 , swine claim 1 , feed lot bedding claim 1 , poultry litter claim 1 , a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079980A1
Принадлежит: United Initiators GmbH

The present invention relates to the use of a diesel fuel additive for removing deposits in a diesel engine. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for preventing , reducing and/or removing deposits in a diesel engine comprising:adding a fuel additive comprising a peroxide to a diesel fuel; and,permitting a diesel engine to combust the fuel additive and the diesel fuel.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises at least one organic peroxide.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the at least one organic peroxide is a hydroperoxide claim 20 , dialkylperoxide claim 20 , a cyclic or acyclic ketone peroxide claim 20 , a perketal or a combination thereof.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises tert-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP) claim 19 , cumene hydroperoxide claim 19 , methylethylketoneperoxide claim 19 , acetone peroxide claim 19 , tert-amyl hydroperoxide (TAHP) claim 19 , di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) claim 19 , tert-butyl peroxybenzoate (TBPB) claim 19 , 1 claim 19 ,1-Di-(tert-butylperoxy)-cyclohexan (CH) or tetramethyl-dioxa-cyclohexane (TMDOCH).23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises TBHP.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises DTBP.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises CH.26. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive is anhydrous.27. The method of claim 26 , wherein water in the anhydrous fuel additive is <5 wt. % claim 26 , <1 wt. % claim 26 , <0.3 wt. % claim 26 , or <0.01 wt. %.28. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive further comprises a solvent claim 19 , wherein the solvent is an alcohol or a hydrocarbon.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the alcohol is tert-butyl alcohol claim 28 , and the hydrocarbon is isododecane claim 28 , diesel claim 28 , kerosene or 2 claim 28 ,2 claim 28 ,4-trimethyl-1 claim 28 ,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate.30. The method of claim 19 , wherein the fuel additive comprises a mixture of TBHP and tert-butyl ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Airborne Engine Additive Delivery System

Номер: US20170082019A1
Автор: Guinther Gregory

A method of introducing additives to an air intake system of an engine in order to overcome one or more of the various problems created by formulation of additives in fuels. The method controls at least one of the amount, aerosol particle size and timing of introduction of additives based on information relevant to operation of the engine. The introduced additives form an air-additive mixture and are carried by the airflow in the air-intake system to the combustion chamber of the engine. Another aspect of the invention is an additive introduction system that includes one or more containers for additives, a control system for determining at least one of the amount, aerosol particle size and timing of introduction of the additives, and a device to introduce the additives into the air intake system under the control of the control system. 1. A method for improving fuel economy of a diesel engine by introducing at least one additive to a combustion chamber of the diesel engine through the diesel engine's air-intake system , said method comprising the steps of:determining an amount, an aerosol particle size and/or timing of addition of said additive based on information selected from type of fuel, upcoming road conditions, cetane number, air-fuel ratio, elevation, oil pressure, wheel speed, oxygen content of air, manifold vacuum pressure, driver characteristics, valve timing, hybrid powertrain strategy, technician input and any combination thereof,wherein said additive is selected from the group consisting of a combustion improver, scavenger, friction modifier, friction reducer, ignition retarder, ignition accelerator, acid neutralizer, corrosion inhibitor, anti-settling agent, cloud point reducer, anti-wear agent, biocide, demulsifier, antifoam additive, and peroxide, and any combination thereof;controlling the amount, the aerosol particle size, and/or the timing of the addition of said additive based on said determining step;introducing said additive with the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098502A1
Автор: HOU Wenhao, Tong Yan

A terahertz material for emission reduction and fuel saving of gasoline vehicles and its preparation method and application, includes the following raw materials in parts by weight: 20˜35 SiO, 3˜15 AlO, 25˜45 SiO, 15˜25 FeO, 20˜40 ochre, 0.5˜2 barium tungstate, 15˜25 CaCO, wherein a preparation methodincludes: mixing the component raw materials according to the above ratio; after crushing, performing heating to 600˜1,200° C. in an oxygen-free environment, maintaining the temperature for 3˜8 hours, and then performing crushing for the second time; and performing enhancement processing with terahertz irradiation rays at 10 mW to 100 W for 5 seconds to 1 hour to obtain a terahertz material, wherein the terahertz material improves combustion efficiency by increasing the molecular activity of gasoline and air participating in combustion work and reducing molecular groups, and has the effects of emission reduction, energy saving and improving power. 19-: (canceled)10: A composition for manufacturing a terahertz material , including the following raw materials in parts by weight: 20˜35 SiO , 3˜15 AlO , 25˜45 SiO , 15˜25 FeO , 20˜40 ochre , 0.5˜2 barium tungstate , 15˜25 CaCO , wherein SiOis made by mixing crude silicon , SiOand Binchotan in a weight ratio of 1:(3˜5):(5˜10) , and heating to 700˜1500° C. in an oxygen-free environment for 1˜8 hours to obtain a black crystal SiO.11: The composition for manufacturing a terahertz material claim 10 , as recited in claim 10 , including the following raw materials in parts by weight: 25 SiO claim 10 , 8 AlO claim 10 , 30 SiO claim 10 , 20 FeO claim 10 , 30 ochre claim 10 , 1 barium tungstate claim 10 , 20 CaCO claim 10 , wherein SiOis made by mixing crude silicon claim 10 , SiOand Binchotan in a weight ratio of 1:4:8 claim 10 , and heating to 1200° C. in an oxygen-free environment for 5 hours to obtain a black crystal SiO.12: The composition for manufacturing a terahertz material claim 10 , as recited in claim 10 , including the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Associative polymers and related compositions, methods and systems

Номер: US20220145012A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095513A1

A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol or formula ROH, wherein R is an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group. 1. A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol of formula ROH , wherein R is an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group.2. A method of combatting deposits in a diesel engine , the method comprising combusting in the engine a diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol of formula ROH , wherein R is an optionally substituted alkylene group.3. (canceled)4. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof is a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.5. The composition according to wherein R is an alkyl group having 6 to 36 carbon atoms.6. The composition according to any wherein the polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof includes an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 6 to 100 carbon atoms.7. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or hydrocarbyl substituted anhydride and alcohol of formula ROH are reacted in a ratio of from 1.5:1 to 1:1.5.10. The composition according to wherein the additive comprises the reaction product of a succinic acid or anhydride having a Cto Calkyl or alkenyl substituent and an alcohol selected from the group consisting of butanol and 2-ethylhexanol.12. The composition according to wherein the diesel engine is a modern diesel engine having a high pressure fuel system.13. The method according to which achieves “keep clean” performance.14. The method according to which ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100708A1

Described herein are fuel modifiers for natural gas reciprocating engines, while recognizing the application of the inventions herein may be applied more broadly, to other natural gas-based engine systems. The fuel modifiers are primarily free-radical initiators, and the presence of this fuel modifier allows the engine operator to operate the engine under leaner conditions because, while employing the same ignition energy, more free-radicals are formed, thus overcoming the problems associated with dilution of the pool of free-radicals in the flame. 1. A method for reducing the ignition energy required for ignition of a natural gas fuel in a natural gas engine , comprising providing a natural gas fuel comprising a natural gas base fuel and a fuel modifier to a natural gas engine , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from azo compounds , dialkylsulfides , alkyl sulfones , nitroalkyls , peroxygens , hydrocarbons which contain symmetrically substituted carbon-carbon bonds where that bond is relatively weak , or a mixture thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are pre-blended or are blended proximal to the engine prior to introduction into the engine claim 1 , or are separately introduced into the engine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are pre-blended prior to introduction into the engine.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are blended proximal to the engine prior to introduction into the engine.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are separately introduced into the engine.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the fuel modifier comprises azobisisobutylnitrile claim 6 , dimethylsulfide claim 6 , dimethylsulfone claim 6 , nitromethane claim 6 , di-tert-butyl peroxide claim 6 , dimethoxymethane claim 6 , or 2 claim 6 ,3-dimethyl-2 claim 6 ,3-diphenylbutane.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spark or laser ignition energy ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Liquid fuel compositions

Номер: US20150113857A1
Автор: Mark Lawrence Brewer
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A liquid fuel composition comprising: (a) a gasoline base fuel suitable for use in an internal combustion engine; (b) one or more organic UV filter compounds selected from imidazoles, triazines, triazone and triazoles, and mixtures thereof. The liquid fuel composition provides benefits in terms of improved acceleration and/or power output of an internal combustion engine fuelled by said fuel as well as an increase in flame speed.

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Fuel Optimization System

Номер: US20160115908A1

A system includes an emulsification device, a processed fuel tank, an emulsification recirculation line, and a control module. The emulsification device is configured to selectively receive a liquid mixture of water and hydrocarbon fuel and produce batches of emulsified fuel. The processed fuel tank is configured to selectively receive and store the emulsified fuel. The control module is configured to monitor one or more operating parameters and execute one or more operating modes. The operating modes include a bypass mode configured to provide the engine with the hydrocarbon fuel, an emulsification recirculation mode configured to continually recirculate emulsified fuel through the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank via the emulsification recirculation line, a run mode configured to operate the engine with emulsified fuel, and a suck back mode configured to return semi-stable emulsified fuel back to the processed fuel tank. 1. A fuel emulsion system comprising:an emulsification device configured to selectively receive a liquid mixture of water and hydrocarbon fuel and produce batches of emulsified fuel including water-micro droplets emulsified in the hydrocarbon fuel;a processed fuel tank in fluid communication with the emulsification device and an engine, the processed fuel tank configured to selectively receive and store the emulsified fuel produced by the emulsification device;an emulsification recirculation line configured to selectively provide fluid communication between the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank; and monitor one or more operating parameters;', a bypass mode configured to provide the engine with the hydrocarbon fuel while restricting the emulsification device and the processed fuel tank from receiving the hydrocarbon fuel;', 'an emulsification production mode configured to provide the emulsification device with the hydrocarbon fuel and the water to produce the emulsified fuel;', 'an emulsification recirculation mode ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Alcohol and ether fuel additives for lead-free gasoline

Номер: US20210139803A1

An octane-enhancing additive includes a mixed butanol composition, sec-butyl ether, methanol, methyl tert-butyl ether, and a C4-dimer, the mixed butanol composition comprising sec-butanol and tert-butanol, and the C4-dimer comprising di-isobutylene, 2,2,4 trimethylpentane, 2,3,3 trimethylpentane, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119041A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds, to the preparation thereof and to the use thereof as a fuel and lubricant additive, more particularly as a detergent additive, as a wax antisettling additive (WASA) or as an additive for reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID); to additive packages which comprise these compounds; and to fuels and lubricants thus additized. The present invention further relates to the use of these acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds as a fuel additive for reducing or preventing deposits in the injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines, especially in common-rail injection systems, for reducing the fuel consumption of direct-injection diesel engines, especially of diesel engines with common-rail injection systems, and for minimizing power loss in direct-injection diesel engines, especially in diesel engines with common-rail injection systems. 112-. (canceled)14: The process according to claim 13 , wherein the polycarboxylic anhydride compound is a di- claim 13 , tri- or tetracarboxylic anhydride comprising a hydrophobic hydrocarbyl radical having a number-average molecular weight (M) of 85 to 20 claim 13 ,000.16: The process according to claim 13 , wherein the quaternized nitrogen compound is free of protic solvent and protic acid.17: The process according to claim 15 , wherein Ris H or an alkyl group of 1 to 10 carbon atoms.18: The process according to claim 15 , wherein Ris an alkyl group of 1 to 10 carbon atoms.19: The process according to claim 15 , wherein Ris a hydrocarbyl group having a number-average molecular weight (M) of 85 to 20 claim 15 ,000.20: The process according to claim 15 , wherein Ris a polyalkylene radical.21: The process according to claim 15 , where at least one of the R claim 15 , Rand Rradicals is a hydrocarbyl radical or hydroxyl-substituted hydrocarbyl radical. This application is a continuation application of prior U.S. application Ser. No. 15/423,240, ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128486A1

The invention relates to butanol compositions for fuel blending and fuel blends comprising such compositions. The compositions and fuel blends of the invention have desirable performance characteristics and can serve as alternatives to ethanol-containing fuel blends. The invention also relates to methods for producing such butanol compositions and fuel blends. 1. A composition for fuel blending , comprising:(i) isobutanol;(ii) an octane improving component; and(iii) a vapor pressure adjustment component.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the isobutanol is present in a concentration from about 10 vol. % to about 99 vol. % based on a total volume of the composition.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the isobutanol is present in a concentration from about 60 vol. % to about 90 vol. % based on a total volume of the composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the isobutanol is present in a concentration of about 70 vol. % based on a total volume of the composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the octane improving component is selected from the group consisting of high-octane aromatics claim 1 , high-octane isoparaffins claim 1 , alkylate claim 1 , reformate claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the octane improving component is present in a concentration from about 1 vol. % to about 50 vol. % based on a total volume of the composition.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the octane improving component is present in a concentration from about 5 vol. % to about 35 vol. % based on a total volume of the composition.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the vapor pressure adjustment component is selected from the group consisting of n-butane claim 1 , iso-butane claim 1 , n-pentane claim 1 , iso-pentane claim 1 , mixed butanes claim 1 , mixed pentanes claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , isomerate claim 1 , natural gas liquids claim 1 , light catalytically-cracked naphtha claim 1 , light ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119589A1

An oil-replacement additive for two-stroke engine fuel capable of reducing fuel consumption, enhancing combustion and reducing emissions comprises boron and a carrier, wherein the boron concentration in said additive is in the interval of 100 to 600 ppm, the carrier comprises an alcohol, the amount of oil in the additive is less than 10% (w/w), and the balance is a fuel. Most preferably said additive is substantially oil-free. A two-stroke fuel comprising said additive, and a significantly reduced amount of oil, or substantially no oil, said fuel having a boron concentration in the interval of about 1 to 12 ppm. 1. An oil-replacement additive for two-stroke engine fuel , said additive comprising boron and a carrier , wherein the boron concentration in said additive is in the interval of 1 to 600 ppm , the carrier comprises an alcohol , the amount of oil in the additive is less than 10% (w/w) , and the balance is a fuel.2. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of oil in the additive is less than 8% (w/w).3. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of oil in the additive is less than 1% (w/w).4. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein said alcohol is chosen from methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , and butanol claim 1 , and said balance of fuel is a fuel having a flash point similar to that of the two-stroke fuel to which the additive is intended to be added.5. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of boron is in the interval of 10 to 600 ppm.6. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of boron is in the interval of 100 to 300 ppm.7. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the boron is added in the form of a stable boron solution prepared by dissolving a boron compound in an alcohol claim 1 , followed by vigorous mixing and exclusion of particles larger than 100 nm.8. A two-stroke engine fuel comprising an additive according to claim 1 , wherein the boron ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127670A1

A fuel composition for powering a combustion engine the composition comprising: a liquid base fuel; and a copolymer obtainable by copolymerizing at least the following monomers: —at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester; —at least one fatty-alkyl (meth)acrylate; —optionally, and preferably, at least one aromatic vinyl monomer; and —optionally other ethylenically unsaturated monomers. 1. A fuel composition for powering a combustion engine , the composition comprising:a liquid base fuel; anda copolymer obtainable by copolymerizing at least the following monomers:at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester;at least one fatty-alkyl (meth)acrylate;optionally at least one aromatic vinyl monomer; andoptionally other ethylenically unsaturated monomers.2. A fuel composition according to wherein the fatty-alkyl (meth)acrylate is a C-Calkyl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , wherein the C-Calkyl group can be linear or branched claim 1 , substituted or unsubstituted claim 1 , saturated or unsaturated.3. A fuel composition according to wherein the copolymer has a weight averaged molecular weight from 400 claim 1 ,000 to 50 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 Dalton.5. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises:10 to 95 wt % of the bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester;5 to 80 wt %, pref. 5-40, of the fatty-alkyl (meth)acrylate;0 to 65 wt % of the aromatic vinyl monomer;0 to 50 wt % of other ethylenically unsaturated monomers, up to a total of 100 wt %, wherein the weight percentages of the monomer are based on the total weight of all the monomers.6. The fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer comprises:20 to 95 wt % of the bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester;5 to 80 wt %, pref. 5-40, of the fatty-alkyl (meth)acrylate;0 to 65 wt % of the aromatic vinyl monomer;0 to 50 wt % of other ethylenically unsaturated monomers, up to a total of 100 wt %, wherein the weight percentages of the monomer are based on the total weight of all the monomers.7. The fuel ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127675A1

A fuel composition, a lubricant composition, and methods for reducing friction or wear of moving parts. The fuel composition includes gasoline and from about 10 to about 500 ppm by weight of a dialkylaminoalkanol of the formula R(R)NCHCH(R)R. The lubricant composition includes base oil of lubricating viscosity and from about 0.05 to about 5.0 weight percent of a dialkylaminoalkanol of the formula R(R)NCHCH(R)R. In the above formulas wherein Ris an alkyl group or a hydroxy alkyl group containing from 8 to 50 carbon atoms; Ris an alkyl group containing from 1 to 4 carbon atoms; Ris selected from H and OH; and Ris selected from H, an alkyl group containing from 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and CHOH and wherein at least one of Rand Rcontains a hydroxyl group and provided that when Ris a hydroxyalkyl group, Ris OH and Ris CHOH. 2. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the engine comprises a fuel injected gasoline engine.3. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris an alkyl group containing from 8 to 20 carbon atoms and Ris a methyl group.4. The fuel composition of claim 3 , wherein the dialkylaminoalkanol is selected from the group consisting of 3-(dodecyl(methyl)amino)propane-1 claim 3 ,2-diol claim 3 , 3-(octyl(methyl)amino)propane-1 claim 3 ,2-diol claim 3 , 3-(octadecyl(methyl)amino)propane-1 claim 3 ,2-diol claim 3 , 2-(dodecyl(methyl)amino)ethan-1-ol claim 3 , 3-(dodecyl(methyl)amino)propan2-ol claim 3 , 3-(2-hydroxydodecyl(methyl)amino)propane-1 claim 3 ,2-diol claim 3 , 3-(2-hydroxyhexadecyl(methyl)amino)propane-1 claim 3 ,2-diol claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the fuel composition contains from about 120 to about 380 ppm by weight of the dialkylaminoalkanol based on a total weight of the fuel composition.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the engine comprises a fuel injected gasoline engine.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the dialkylaminoalkanol is derived from ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137938A1

An apparatus and methodology is presented for magnetically conditioning any hydrocarbon based fluid flowing through a conduit or pipe. The object of the invention is to advance the art by increasing the range of application, the effectiveness, the simplicity and the ease of use of a magnetic fluid conditioning device. The invention accomplishes this by a unique magnetic and mechanical configuration, not taught in the art or previously known to the applicants. 1. An apparatus for magnetically treating fluid flowing through a conduit , comprising:a conduit having an axis and an exterior surface;a fluid flowing through the conduit;two unit halves, wherein each of the unit halves has a U-shaped channel having two wall sections and a base section, such that the wall sections form a right angle to the base section;wherein the base section of each of the unit halves has a different base width, such that the two wall sections of the first unit half are operable to slide vertically between the two wall sections of the second unit half, leaving an air gap of not more than 2 mm between the wall sections of the unit halves;wherein the base section of each of the unit halves has an interior surface;wherein a spacer made of non-magnetic material is attached to the interior surface of the base section of each of the unit halves;wherein each of the spacers is further attached to a magnetically permeable bar, such that the spacer is interposed between the magnetically permeable bar and the interior surface of the base section of each of the unit halves;wherein each of the unit halves has three or more magnets attached to the magnetically permeable bar, such that the magnetically permeable bar is interposed between the three or more magnets and the spacer;wherein the two unit halves assemble around the conduit such that the axis of the conduit is parallel to the interior surface of the base section of each of the unit halves and is parallel to the interior surface of the two wall ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163837A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A method minimizes power loss in a direct injection diesel engine by adding a copolymer to a diesel fuel composition. The copolymer contains, in a copolymerized form, (A) maleic anhydride, (B) an α-olefin having from 12 to 30 carbon atoms, (C) optionally an additional aliphatic or cycloaliphatic olefin which has at least 4 carbon atoms and is different from monomer (B), and (D) optionally an additional copolymerizable monomer other than monomers (A), (B) and (C). Monomer (D) can be a vinyl ester, a vinyl ether, a (meth)acrylic ester of an alcohol having at least 5 carbon atoms, an allyl alcohol or an ester thereof, a N-vinyl compound, an ethylenically unsaturated aromatic, an α,β-ethylenically unsaturated nitrile, a (meth)acrylamide, or an allylamine. Anhydride functionalities present in the copolymer are partly reacted with at least one compound (E) comprising an alcohol group and/or an amino group, and the anhydride functionalities present are hydrolyzed. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for minimizing power loss in a direct injection diesel engine , the method comprising:adding a copolymer to a diesel fuel composition,wherein the copolymer comprises, in a copolymerized form:(A) maleic anhydride,(B) an α-olefin having from 12 to 30 carbon atoms,(C) optionally an additional aliphatic or cycloaliphatic olefin which has at least 4 carbon atoms and is different from monomer (B) and(D) optionally an additional copolymerizable monomer other than monomers (A), (B) and (C), selected from the group consisting of(Da) a vinyl ester,(Db) a vinyl ether,(Dc) a (meth)acrylic ester of an alcohol having at least 5 carbon atoms,(Dd) an allyl alcohol or an ester thereof,(De) a N-vinyl compound selected from the group consisting of a vinyl compound of a heterocycle containing at least one nitrogen atom, a N-vinylamide and a N-vinyllactam,(Df) an ethylenically unsaturated aromatic,(Dg) an α,β-ethylenically unsaturated nitrile,(Dh) a (meth)acrylamide, and(Di) an allylamine,wherein ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Function Universal Fuel Additive

Номер: US20180134976A1
Принадлежит: &#34;inoil&#34; LLC

The invention relates to the field of petroleum refining and petrochemistry, and specifically to the composition of a multi-function universal additive and to a fuel composition containing said additive and intended for use in internal combustion engines, and also in boilers and furnaces. The present fuel additive contains aliphatic alcohols, water, carbamide and acetanilide Use of the proposed multi-function universal additive in the composition of fuels provides reduced specific fuel consumption, fewer harmful impurities in exhaust and waste gases (CO, CH, soot), and reduced soot formation in the combustion zone. The present additive has dispersant properties in the composition of heavy distillate and residual fuels.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145397A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms. 2. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight equal to or lower than about 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.3. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight 400 claim 1 ,000 Подробнее

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Process for the Dimerization/Oligomerization of Mixed Butenes Over an Ion-Exchange Resin Catalyst

Номер: US20150148572A1
Автор: SUN Miao, XU WEI
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Processes for the effective dimerization and oligomerization of a mixed butenes feed using an ion exchange resin based catalyst are provided. The dimerization and oligomerization processes produce highly branched C8 and C8+ olefins (e.g., C12, C16 and C20 olefins) which could be used as superior fuel blending component for higher energy contents, higher octane value, higher octane sensitivity and lower RVP. 1. A process for dimerizing and oligomerizing a mixed olefins feed comprising mixed olefins to produce mixed higher olefins , said process comprising the steps of:introducing the mixed olefins feed into a reactor vessel under oligomerization conditions;contacting the mixed olefins feed with an ion-exchange resin based catalyst within the reactor to convert the mixed olefins into the mixed higher olefins; andproducing a product stream comprising the mixed higher olefins from the reactor vessel;wherein the hydrocarbon feed comprises at least two different types of olefins having 2 to 5 carbons and the mixed higher olefins comprises: (1) olefins having 8 carbons and (2) olefins having more than 8 carbons.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixed olefins feed comprises at least two butene isomers.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the mixed olefins feed comprises all four isomers of butane.4. The process of claim 1 , where the ion-exchange resin based catalyst comprises a sulfonic acid cation exchanger in the hydrogen form.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the mixed higher olefins comprises olefins having 8 carbons and olefins having more than 8 carbons.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the mixed higher olefins comprises diisobutene (DIB).7. The process of claim 5 , wherein the mixed higher olefins comprise at least 50% by weight olefins having 8 carbons and at least 20% by weight olefins having 12 carbons.8. The process of claim 5 , wherein the olefins having 12 or more carbons comprise: (a) olefins having 12 carbons claim 5 , (b) olefins having 16 carbons; ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171849A1
Автор: FILIP Sorin Vasile

A method for improving the deposit control performance of a fuel comprises combining an additive having a chemical structure comprising a 6-membered aromatic ring sharing two adjacent aromatic carbon atoms with a 6- or 7-membered saturated heterocyclic ring, the 6- or 7-membered saturated heterocyclic ring comprising a nitrogen atom directly bonded to one of the shared carbon atoms and an atom selected from oxygen or nitrogen directly bonded to the other shared carbon atom, the remaining atoms in the 6- or 7-membered heterocyclic ring being carbon with the fuel. The additive may also be used for controlling deposits in a system which comprises the fuel, such as in a spark-ignition internal combustion engine. 1. A method for improving the deposit control performance of a fuel , said method comprising combining an additive having a chemical structure comprising a 6-membered aromatic ring sharing two adjacent aromatic carbon atoms with a 6- or 7-membered saturated heterocyclic ring , the 6- or 7-membered saturated heterocyclic ring comprising a nitrogen atom directly bonded to one of the shared carbon atoms and an atom selected from oxygen or nitrogen directly bonded to the other shared carbon atom , the remaining atoms in the 6- or 7-membered heterocyclic ring being carbon with the fuel.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rare each independently selected from hydrogen and alkyl groups.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rare each independently selected from hydrogen claim 2 , alkyl and alkoxy groups.5. A method according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Ris selected from a group other than hydrogen.6. A method according to claim 2 , wherein no more than five of R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rare ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Fuel additive composition

Номер: US20210171850A1
Автор: Jerome Obiols
Принадлежит: Total Marketing Services SA

A fuel additive composition includes: (a) one or more copolymers including:at least one unit of formula (I) below:with u=0 or 1, E=—O— or —N(Z)—, or —O—CO—, or —CO—O— or —NH—CO— or —CO—NH—, with Z representing H or a C1-C6 alkyl group, G represents a group chosen from a C1-C34 alkyl, an aromatic nucleus, an aralkyl including at least one aromatic nucleus and at least one C1-C34 alkyl group, and —at least one unit of formula (II) below:in which R1″ is chosen from a hydrogen atom and a methyl group, Q is chosen from an oxygen atom and a group —NR′— with R′ being chosen from a hydrogen atom and C1 to C12 hydrocarbon-based chains, R comprises a C1 to C34 hydrocarbon-based chain substituted with at least one quaternary ammonium group.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145333A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds, to the preparation thereof and to the use thereof as a fuel and lubricant additive, more particularly as a detergent additive, as a wax antisettling additive (WASA) or as an additive for reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID); to additive packages which comprise these compounds; and to fuels and lubricants thus additized. The present invention further relates to the use of these acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds as a fuel additive for reducing or preventing deposits in the injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines, especially in common-rail injection systems, for reducing the fuel consumption of direct-injection diesel engines, especially of diesel engines with common-rail injection systems, and for minimizing power loss in direct-injection diesel engines, especially in diesel engines with common-rail injection systems. 1. A process for preparing quaternized nitrogen compounds , whereina. a compound comprising at least one oxygen- or nitrogen-containing group reactive with the anhydride and additionally comprising at least one quaternizable amino group is added onto a polycarboxylic anhydride compound, andb. the product from stage a) is quaternized.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polycarboxylic anhydride compound is a di- claim 1 , tri- or tetracarboxylic anhydride.4. A quaternized nitrogen compound according to which is essentially H donor-free claim 3 , and comprises no inorganic acids or short-chain organic acids.5. A fuel additive or lubricant additive comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .6. A detergent additive for diesel fuels comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .7. A wax antisettling additive (WASA) for middle distillate fuels comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .8. An additive for reducing or preventing deposits in injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Fuel additive for internal combustion engines and fuel composition

Номер: US20170145334A1
Автор: Shigeru Sugimoto
Принадлежит: TURBULENCE Ltd

Problem A detergent friction modifying agent having both a detergent performance that ameliorates and prevents degradation over time that is caused by deposits in the engine, and a friction reducing effect that lowers frictional resistance in the engine; a fuel additive that improves drivability with a good balance over the entire range of engine speeds, and provides engine characteristics such that, over the entire range of driving speeds, the engine-braking characteristics are such that the feeling of free running will be strongly produced, such that a fuel consumption improvement effect is produced in actual vehicles that is greater than the values produced on the test bench, and which also has storage stability; and a fuel composition containing the same. Solution The present invention is characterized by containing a polyetheramine carboxylic acid salt; the fuel additive of the present invention is added to fuel at 0.5 wt % or less.

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Environment-friendly marine fuel

Номер: US20220290061A1
Принадлежит: MAWETAL LLC

For the shipping industry, these fuels provide solutions to long outstanding technical problems that heretofore hindered supply of low sulfur marine fuels in quantities needed to meet worldwide sulfur reduction goals. Marine shipping use of high sulfur bunker oils is reported as largest source of worldwide transportation SOx emissions. When ships on the open seas burn cheap low grade heavy bunker oils high in sulfur, nitrogen and metals, the SOx, NOx, and metal oxides go to the environment. This invention converts essentially all of each barrel of crude feed to a single ultraclean fuel versus conventional refining where crude feed is cut into many pieces, and each piece is sent down a separate market path meeting various different product specifications. When in port, ships can use these fuels to generate and sell electricity to land based electrical grids to offset fuel cost in an environment-friendly manner.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140771A1

Friction modifier and compositions containing the friction modifier as a fuel additive are provided. Methods for improving fuel efficiency using these compositions are also provided. 1. A fuel composition comprising (1) greater than 50 wt. % of a hydrocarbon fuel boiling in gasoline or diesel range and (2) a minor amount of one or more primary or secondary amino alkanediol or an alkyl carboxylic acid salt of the primary or secondary amino alkanediol.3. The fuel composition of claim 2 , wherein the aliphatic group is one of the following hydrocarbon chain: H claim 2 , pentyl group claim 2 , hexyl group claim 2 , heptan-2-yl group claim 2 , octyl group claim 2 , oleyl group claim 2 , 2-methylhexyl group claim 2 , 2-ethylhexyl group claim 2 , or 4-methylhexyl group.4. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the alkyl carboxylic acid salt of the primary or secondary amino alkanediol includes a carboxylate of an alkyl carboxylic acid.5. The fuel composition of claim 4 , wherein the alkyl carboxylic acid is one of the following acids: 2-ethyl hexanoic acid claim 4 , 2-propyl hexanoic acid claim 4 , 2-ethyl heptanoic acid claim 4 , 2-propyl heptanoic acid claim 4 , butyric acid claim 4 , hexanoic acid claim 4 , 3-methylhexanoic acid claim 4 , 2-methyloctanoic acid claim 4 , or 2-ethylnonanoic acid.6. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the amino alkanediol or the alkyl carboxylic acid salt of the primary or secondary amino alkanediol is present in about 25 to 5000 ppm by weight.7. The fuel composition of claim 1 , further comprising:oxygenate, anti-knock agent, detergent, dispersant, friction modifier, antioxidant, metal deactivator, demulsifier, pour point depressant, flow improver, cetane improver, or lubricity additive.8. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the alkyl carboxylic acid salt of the primary or secondary amino alkanediol is compositionally limited to the following elements: C claim 1 , N claim 1 , O claim 1 , and H.10. The fuel composition of ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148529A1

The invention relates to a specific copolymer obtainable by co-polymerizing at least the following monomers: —at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester—at least one C8-C24-alkyl (meth)acrylate—optionally, and preferably, at least one aromatic vinyl monomer; and —optionally other ethylenically unsaturated monomers, whereby the copolymer has a weight averaged molecular weight from 400,000 to 50,000,000 Dalton, as well as to the way to synthesize them and the use of such polymers to modify the rheology of a liquid in which they are soluble. 3. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a random co-polymer.7. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising a total of bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester and C8-C24-alkyl (meth)acrylate in an amount of 35 wt % or more.8. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising a total of bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester and aromatic vinyl monomer in an amount of 35 wt % or more.9. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one bicyclic (meth)acrylate ester comprises isobornyl methacrylate.10. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one C8-C24-alkyl methacrylate comprises lauryl (meth)acrylate claim 1 , methacrylic ester 13.0 claim 1 , (iso)decyl (meth)acrylate and combinations thereof.11. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one aromatic vinyl monomer comprises styrene.12. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a solubility of at least 2.0 weight percent in diesel B7 at 25° C.13. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a cloud point of 25° C. or lower in diesel B7 fuel.14. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a weight average molecular weight of at least 500 claim 1 ,000 D.15. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a glass transition temperature from 50° C. to 190° C.16. An additive package for fuels comprising the copolymer of .17. A method for the preparation of a ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298442A1

A fuel composition wherein the fuel composition comprises (a) a major amount of liquefied methane based gas in cryogenic state having a temperature in the range from −182° C. to −100° C. and, preferably, a pressure in the range of 1 bar to 15 bar, and (b) a minor amount of an 5 ignition improving additive, wherein the ignition improving additive has a melting point of less than −105° C., a boiling point of less than 60° C. and an autoignition temperature of lower than 480° C. and wherein the ignition improving additive is selected from alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, alkynes, aldehydes, ketones, amides, nitroalkanes, nitrosoalkanes, nitrates, nitrites, cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, dienes, peroxides, triatomic oxygen, trimethylamine, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, and mixtures thereof. 1. A fuel composition comprising (a) a major amount of liquefied methane based gas in cryogenic state having a temperature in the range from −182° C. to −100° C. and , preferably , a pressure in the range of 1 bar to 15 bar , and (b) a minor amount of an ignition improving additive , wherein the ignition improving additive has a melting point of less than −105° C. , a boiling point of less than 60° C. , an autoignition temperature of less than 480° C. and wherein the ignition improving additive is selected from alkanes , alkenes , alcohols , ethers , alkynes , aldehydes , ketones , amides , nitroalkanes , nitrosoalkanes , nitrates , nitrites , cycloalkanes , cycloalkenes , dienes , peroxides , triatomic oxygen , trimethylamine , ethylene oxide , propylene oxide , and mixtures thereof.2. A fuel composition according to wherein the ignition improving additive is selected from ethers claim 1 , aldehydes claim 1 , nitrites claim 1 , alkenes and alkanes claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. A fuel composition according to wherein the ignition improving additive is selected from ethers and alkanes claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.4. A fuel composition according to wherein the ethers are ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166913A1

Catalyst compositions and methods for use of such catalyst composition in the exhaust gas recycle stream of an internal combustion engine for reforming of a methane-containing fuel are provided. A reformer incorporating such a catalyst for use in an exhaust gas recycle portion of an internal combustion engine powertrain is described. A powertrain incorporating such a reformer, a method of increasing the octane rating of an exhaust gas recycle stream, and a method of operating an internal combustion engine for methane combustion are also described. 1. A method for reforming a fuel in an internal combustion engine , said method comprising:(a) providing an exhaust gas-containing mixture to an exhaust gas recycle reformer, the exhaust gas recycle reformer comprising a reformer inlet, a reformer outlet, and a hydrocarbon-reforming catalyst composition, the exhaust gas-containing mixture comprising engine exhaust gas and a first hydrocarbon-containing fuel, the hydrocarbon-containing fuel comprising at least about 50 mol % methane, and(b) converting under reforming conditions at least a portion of the exhaust gas-containing mixture in the presence of the hydrocarbon-reforming catalyst composition comprising at least about 0.1 wt % of a hydrocarbon-reforming metal catalyst supported on a mixed metal oxide support, the mixed metal oxide support comprising at least about 20 wt % of a mixture of lanthanum oxide and aluminum oxide and at least about 10 wt % of a mixture of cerium oxide and zirconium oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixture of lanthanum oxide and aluminum oxide comprises about 0.4 wt % to about 15 wt % of lanthanum oxide based on the combined weight of lanthanum oxide and aluminum oxide claim 1 , wherein the mixed metal oxide support consists essentially of the mixture of lanthanum oxide and aluminum oxide and the mixture of cerium oxide and zirconium oxide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising combusting a ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Vehicle powertrain with onboard catalytic reformer

Номер: US20150167587A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Catalyst compositions suitable for use in the exhaust gas recycle stream of an internal combustion engine are provided. Such catalyst compositions typically provide significant amounts of methane in addition to syngas. A reformer incorporating such a catalyst for use in an exhaust gas recycle portion of an internal combustion engine powertrain is described. A powertrain incorporating such a reformer, a method of increasing the octane rating of an exhaust gas recycle stream, and a method of operating an internal combustion engine using methane-assisted combustion are also described.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168499A1

A motor fuel comprising gasoline comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1 to 30 wt % of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt % mesitylene added to the jet fuel, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt % synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt % mesitylene. 1. A motor fuel comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1-30 wt % mesitylene.2. The motor fuel of comprising 80-99 wt % gasoline and 1-20 wt % mesitylene.3. The motor fuel of comprising 80-95 wt % gasoline and 5-20 wt % mesitylene.4. The motor fuel of comprising 80-90 wt % gasoline and 10-20 wt % mesitylene.5. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP max of 225° C. claim 1 , a MON of 80 to 94 claim 1 , and an RVP of 38-103 kPa.6. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.7. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.8. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. to 185° C.9. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.10. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.11. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has an RVP of 38-49 kPa.12. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.13. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.14. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.15. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.16. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157445A1

A quaternary ammonium compound of formula (I): (I) wherein R, R, Rand Ris each independently an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group, X is a linking group, Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group, R5 is hydrogen or an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl or aryl group, and n is 0 or a positive integer, provided that n is not 0 when R5 is hydrogen. 2. A method of preparing a quaternary ammonium salt , the method comprising reacting (a) a tertiary amine of formula RRRN with (b) an acid-derived alkylating agent in the presence of (c) a compound of formula HOOCXCOO—(RO)—R , wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group , Ris hydrogen or an optionally substituted alkyl , alkenyl or aryl group , and n is 0 or a positive integer , provided that n is not 0 when Ris hydrogen.3. The method according to wherein component (b) is an epoxide.5. The composition according to wherein the composition is an additive composition for a fuel or lubricating oil.6. The composition according to wherein the composition is a fuel composition.7. (canceled)9. The salt according to wherein HOOCXCOO—(RO)—Ris derived from a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.10. The salt according to wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene.11. The salt wherein Ris hydrogen and n is at least 1.12. The salt according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms and n is from 0 to 40.13. The salt according to wherein each of Rand Ris independently an optionally substituted alkyl group having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms.14. The salt according to wherein Ris an alkyl or hydroxyalkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms.17. The salt according to wherein X is an optionally substituted alkylene or arylene group.18. The salt according to any of the quaternary ammonium compound is the reaction product of:{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '1', '2', '3, '(a) a tertiary amine of formula RRRN wherein each of, R, Rand Ris independently an ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160177207A1

The invention provides fuel mixtures containing biodiesel oil, glycerol, glycerol soluble compounds, surfactants and additives. The fuel mixtures are uniform, remain suspended in solution, and are resistant to phase separation. Upon combustion, the mixtures generate reduced CO, CO, SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions compared to petroleum fuels and offer improved engine performance over petroleum and water mixtures. 1. A fuel mixture , wherein the fuel mixture consists essentially of:(a) a fuel, wherein the fuel consists essentially of a biodiesel or a biodiesel and a petroleum product;(b) glycerol and water, wherein water is present in an amount less than about 30% (wt/wt) of the glycerol; and 'wherein either (i) the fuel is present as a plurality of droplets substantially evenly dispersed in the glycerol and water, or (ii) the glycerol and water are present as a plurality of droplets substantially evenly dispersed in the fuel.', '(c) a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants,'}2. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel consists essentially of a biodiesel.3. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel consists essentially of a biodiesel and a petroleum product.4. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel consists essentially of a biodiesel and a petroleum product; and the petroleum product is ultra-low sulfur diesel.5. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is present in an amount from about 1% to about 99% (vol/vol).6. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is present in an amount from about 65% to about 99% (vol/vol).7. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is present in an amount from about 40% to about 65% (vol/vol).8. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein glycerol is present in an amount from about 10% to about 60% (vol/vol).9. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the glycerol is present in an amount of about 18% claim 1 , about 20% claim 1 , about 22% claim 1 , about 24% claim 1 , about 26% claim 1 , about 28% ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175020A1

A fuel and nanodiamond mixture includes a fuel for combustion and a fuel additive in the form of nanodiamonds mixed into the fuel to be dispersed throughout the fuel. 1. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture comprising:a fuel for providing combustion; anda fuel additive in the form of nanodiamonds mixed into the fuel to be dispersed throughout said fuel.2. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture comprising:said nanodiamonds being less than 10 nm in size.3. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being 2-10 nm in size.4. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being between 0.0001% and 0.001% by volume relative to the fuel.5. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being formed by a method that allows the nanodiamonds to obtain a primary crystal size of 2-10 nm and to be dispersed in liquid media to reduce their agglomeration.6. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being detonation synthesis nanodiamonds.7. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being a blend of graphenated and ungraphenated nanodiamonds.8. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said fuel being one of diesel fuel or gasoline.9. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being between 0.0001% and 0.001% by volume relative to the fuel.10. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being formed by a method that allows the nanodiamonds to obtain a primary crystal size of 2-10 nm and to be dispersed in liquid media to reduce their agglomeration.11. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being detonation synthesis nanodiamonds.12. A fuel and nanodiamond mixture as defined in further comprising:said nanodiamonds being a blend of graphenated and ungrapehnated ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184095A1

Unleaded fuel compositions is provided which comprise: 1. An unleaded fuel composition comprising:15 to 25 volume % of one or more alkanol having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms;20 to 75 volume % of one or more branched paraffin having from 5 to 10 carbon atoms;0 to 25 volume % of one or more linear or branched olefin;0 to 35 volume % of one or more alkylated benzene.2. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising 20 volume % of ethanol.3. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 20 to 55 volume % of one or more branched paraffin.4. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 20 to 55 volume % of one or more branched paraffin.5. The unleaded fuel composition of wherein the unleaded fuel has a RON of 103 or more.6. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 10 to 20 volume % of one or more branched olefin.7. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 10 to 20 volume % of one or more branched olefin.8. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 5 to 35 volume % of one or more mono-alkylated benzene.9. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 5 to 35 volume % of one or more mono-alkylated benzene.10. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 5 to 35 volume % of one or more mono-alkylated benzene.11. The unleaded fuel composition of comprising in the range of from 5 to 35 volume % of one or more mono-alkylated benzene.12. The unleaded fuel composition of wherein the mono-alkylated benzenes is toluene.13. The unleaded fuel composition of which is a synthetic fuel composition.14. The unleaded fuel composition of further comprising one or more fuel additive.18. The unleaded fuel composition of wherein the olefins are selected from the group consisting of di-isobutylene claim 1 , 2-methyl-2-butene claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.19. A method for increasing engine efficiency claim 1 , the method comprising burning the unleaded ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184097A1

A diesel fuel composition having (a) between 60 and 70 vol % of a Fischer-Tropsch derived component, (b) between 20 and 30 vol % of a naphthenic base oil, and (c) between 9 and 11 vol % of a bio-derived diesel fuel component to provide a fuel composition having a density of between 780 and 820 kg/mand a cetane number of at least 68. 1. A fuel composition comprising a hydrocarbon blend , the hydrocarbon blend comprising: (a) between 60 and 70 vol % of Fischer-Tropsch derived fuel component , (b) between 20 and 30 vol % of a naphthenic base oil , and (c) between 9 and 11 vol % of a bio-derived diesel component , said fuel composition having a cetane number of at least 68.2. The fuel composition of further comprising between 1000 and 2000 mg/kg of a cetane enhancer.3. The fuel composition of wherein component (a) is present in an amount between 62 and 68 vol %.4. The fuel composition of wherein component (b) is present in an amount between 22 and 28 vol %.5. The fuel composition of wherein component (c) is present in an amount between 9.5 and 10.5 vol %.6. The fuel composition of wherein component (a) comprises at least 95 wt % paraffins.72. The fuel composition of wherein component (a) comprises a sulfur content of ppmw or less.8. The fuel composition of wherein component (c) is a hydrogenated vegetable oil.9. The fuel composition of wherein the fuel composition has a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of greater than 3.0 cSt (mm/s).10. The fuel composition of wherein the fuel composition has a density at 15° C. of from 780 and 845 kg/m.11. The fuel composition of wherein the cetane enhancer is ethylhexyl nitrate.12. A method of operating a direct injection engine claim 1 , the method comprising the step of supplying the fuel composition of to said direct injection engine.13. A method for the preparation of a fuel composition claim 1 , the method comprising blending (a) between 60 and 70 vol % of a Fischer-Tropsch derived fuel component; (b) between 20 and 30 vol % of a ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184100A1

A motor fuel comprising gasoline comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1 to 30 wt % of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt % mesitylene added to the jet fuel, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt % synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt % mesitylene. 1. A motor fuel comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1-30 wt % mesitylene.2. The motor fuel of comprising 80-99 wt % gasoline and 1-20 wt % mesitylene.3. The motor fuel of comprising 80-95 wt % gasoline and 5-20 wt % mesitylene.4. The motor fuel of comprising 80-90 wt % gasoline and 10-20 wt % mesitylene.5. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP max of 225° C. claim 1 , a MON of 80 to 94 claim 1 , and an RVP of 38-103 kPa.6. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.7. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.8. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. to 185° C.9. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.10. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.11. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has an RVP of 38-49 kPa.12. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.13. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.14. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.15. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.16. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214290A1

A method of producing a fuel additive includes: passing a raffinate stream comprising C4 hydrocarbons through a hydrogenation unit, forming a first process stream; passing the first process stream through an extractive distillation unit, forming a C4 olefin stream; passing the C4 olefin stream through a stripper column, forming a purified C4 olefin stream; and forming the fuel additive by passing the purified C4 olefin stream through a hydration unit. 1. A method of producing a fuel additive , comprising:passing a raffinate stream comprising C4 hydrocarbons through a hydrogenation unit, forming a first process stream;passing the first process stream through an extractive distillation unit, forming a C4 olefin stream;passing the C4 olefin stream through a stripper column, forming a purified C4 olefin stream; andforming the fuel additive by passing the purified C4 olefin stream through a hydration unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a source of the raffinate stream comprises a catalytic cracking process and/or an olefin production process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the raffinate stream comprises at least one of propane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-butadiene claim 1 , isobutylene claim 1 , cis-2-butene claim 1 , trans-2-butene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , isobutane claim 1 , or n-butane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extractive distillation unit uses a solvent comprising hydrogenated heterocyclic compounds with 5 to 6 members claim 1 , and wherein the solvent further comprises at least one of nitrogen claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , or a carbonyl group.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extractive distillation unit uses a solvent comprising morpholine derivatives and/or pyrrolidone derivatives.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the purified C4 olefin stream comprises 1-butene and 2-butene.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein greater than or equal to 90% by weight of any butadiene present in the raffinate ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214627A1
Автор: Ostvik Bjornulf

A method of processing coal includes placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel. The coal is heated by conduction. A pressure in the vessel is reduced to below atmospheric pressure, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter. The reduced coal is shaped to yield a fuel composition. 1. A method of processing coal , the method comprising:placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel;heating the coal by conduction; andreducing a pressure in the vessel to below atmospheric pressure, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter; andshaping the reduced coal to yield a fuel composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the coal comprises contacting the coal with a heated surface.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the heated surface comprises a rotating blade.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the rotating blade rotates at a rate between 2 and 25 revolutions per minute.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the coal comprises heating the coal to a temperature between 30° C. and 100° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the coal comprises heating the coal to a temperature up to about 250° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the coal comprises heating the coal to a temperature between 100° C. and 250° C. claim 1 , between 110° C. and 240° C. claim 1 , 120° C. and 230° C. claim 1 , between 130° C. and 220° C. claim 1 , or between 140° C. and 210° C.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising agitating the coal in the vessel by contacting the coal with a rotating blade.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising intermittently agitating the coal in the vessel.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214629A1
Автор: Ostvik Bjornulf

A method of preparing a fuel composition includes placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel. The coal is exposed to heat and a pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter. A binder is introduced to the vessel, such that the coal combines with the binder to yield a mixture. The mixture is shaped to yield a fuel composition. 1. A method of preparing a fuel composition , the method comprising:placing coal having a heat content between about 3,000 BTU/lb and about 9,000 BTU/lb and a moisture content in a range between about 20 wt % and about 60 wt % in a vessel;exposing the coal to heat and a pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel, thereby reducing the coal, such that an average primary particle size of the coal is less than 1 millimeter;introducing a binder to the vessel, such that the coal combines with the binder to yield a mixture; andshaping the mixture to yield a fuel composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coal is exposed to heat before combining the coal and the binder.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein exposing the coal to heat comprises heating the coal by conduction.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein exposing the coal to heat comprises contacting the coal with a heated surface.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the heated surface comprises a rotating blade.6. The method of claim 3 , further comprising agitating the coal in the vessel.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein agitating the coal comprises intermittently agitating the coal in the vessel.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the coal to the pressure less than atmospheric pressure within the vessel comprises intermittently reducing the pressure in the vessel.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the mixture by ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203774A1
Автор: Lake Michael A.

A high-energy water-resistant pellet of at least 75% torrefied wood and the remainder a binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet. The binder is a two-component system—a plasticizer, such as tall oil pitch, rosin, fatty acid, vegetable oils, animal oils and corn protein—preferably from 3% to about 20% of the binder, and lignin from about 80-97% of the binder. A durable, low dust white wood energy pellet is also provided using the same two-component binders. 1. A high-energy water-resistant pellet comprising:(a) at least 75% torrefied wood; and(b) the remainder of said pellet being a two-component binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet wherein said binder is a two-component system comprising a plasticizer selected from the group consisting of tall oil pitch, fatty acids, rosin, vegetable oil, animal oils and corn protein and the other component is lignin.2. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said high-energy water-resistant pellet comprises at least 85% torrefied wood and less than 10% by weight water.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said plasticizer is from about 3% to about 20% of said binder.6. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein said lignin is from about 80% to about 97% of said binder.7. The high-energy water resistant pellet according to wherein high-energy water resistant pellets have a bulk density 40-45 lbs/ft claim 1 ,8. A high-energy water-resistant pellet comprising:(a) at least 85% torrefied wood; and(b) the remainder of said pellet being a two-component binder comprising from about 2% to about 20% by total weight of the pellet, wherein one component of said binder is a plasticizer selected from the group consisting of tall oil pitch, fatty acids and rosin, vegetable oil, animal oils and corn protein and the other component is lignin in an amount from about 80% to about 97% of said ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации

Body of Molecular Sized Fuel Additive

Номер: US20150210947A1

This invention generally refers to a new generation of fuel additives which can provide catalytic action to improve the combustion process of fossil fuels and to a catalyst among others containing an iron compound combined with an over-based magnesium compound with molecular size particles inside the combustion chamber. Such fuel additive catalysts are particularly useful for fuel oil combustion, natural gas combustion, stationary gas turbines, natural gas-fired reciprocating engines, diesel engines, gasoline engines and all stationary dual-fuel engines. 1. A fuel additive comprised of more than one metal , metal oxide or metallic compound for improving combustion of fossil fuels wherein fuel additive particles introduced into the combustion chamber of said fossil fuels are of molecular particle size.2. A fuel additive of wherein at least 50% of said fuel additive particles are of molecular size.3. A fuel additive of wherein more than one said metal claim 1 , metal oxide or metallic compound are chosen from the metals aluminum claim 1 , antimony claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , tin claim 1 , boron claim 1 , bismuth claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , cerium claim 1 , lithium claim 1 , sodium claim 1 , potassium claim 1 , barium claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , silicon claim 1 , copper claim 1 , cadmium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , rhodium claim 1 , palladium claim 1 , platinum claim 1 , ruthenium claim 1 , osmium claim 1 , silver claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , strontium claim 1 , yttrium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , indium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , barium claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , scandium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , lanthanum claim 1 , ytterbium claim 1 , lutetium claim 1 , rubidium and vanadium claim 1 , and zinc.4. A fuel additive comprised of a least three metals claim 1 , metal oxides or metallic compounds for improving combustion of fossil fuels wherein the metal claim 1 , metal ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Three-phase fuel composition

Номер: US20210230493A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A three-phase fuel composition may be synthesized by producing a first composition by trapping at least one gas into pores of an adsorbent, producing a coated composition by spray coating a solution on the first composition, and mixing the coated composition with a liquid fuel.

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180201857A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds, to the preparation thereof and to the use thereof as a fuel and lubricant additive, more particularly as a detergent additive, as a wax antisettling additive (WASA) or as an additive for reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID); to additive packages which comprise these compounds; and to fuels and lubricants thus additized. The present invention further relates to the use of these acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds as a fuel additive for reducing or preventing deposits in the injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines, especially in common-rail injection systems, for reducing the fuel consumption of direct-injection diesel engines, especially of diesel engines with common-rail injection systems, and for minimizing power loss in direct-injection diesel engines, especially in diesel engines with common-rail injection systems. 112-. (canceled)14: The process according to claim 13 , wherein the polycarboxyl c anhydride compound is a di- claim 13 , tri- or tetracarboxylic anhydride.15: A quaternized nitrogen compound obtained according to the process which is H donor-free claim 13 , and comprises no inorganic acids or short-chain organic acids.16: A fuel additive or lubricant additive comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .17: A detergent additive for diesel fuels comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .18: A wax antisettling additive (WASA) for middle distillate fuels comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .19: An additive for reducing or preventing deposits in injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .20: An additive for controlling or reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .21: An additive concentrate comprising claim 15 , in combination with further diesel fuel additives ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Pneumatic Conveying Dryer for Carbon Fuel

Номер: US20160215228A1

Provided is a carbon fuel pneumatic dryer in which synthesis gas generated in a reactor is fed and cooled, including: a feeding part formed as a narrow pipe, via which synthesis gas and carbon fuel are fed; a drying part formed as a pipe having a larger diameter than the feeding part, in which the hot synthesis gas fed via the feeding part is cooled and the moisture content of the carbon fuel is lowered; and a conveying part formed as a pipe having a smaller diameter than the drying part such that the flow velocity of the synthesis gas and the carbon fuel having passed the drying part is increased, wherein the conveying part includes a bend so that the flow direction of the synthesis gas and the carbon fuel is changed. 1. A carbon fuel pneumatic dryer in which synthesis gas generated in a reactor is fed and cooled , comprising:a feeding part formed as a narrow pipe, via which synthesis gas and carbon fuel are fed;a drying part formed as a pipe having a larger diameter than the feeding part, in which the hot synthesis gas fed via the feeding part is cooled and the moisture content of the carbon fuel is lowered; anda conveying part formed as a pipe having a smaller diameter than the drying part such that the flow velocity of the synthesis gas and the carbon fuel having passed the drying part is increased, wherein the conveying part includes a bend so that the flow direction of the synthesis gas and the carbon fuel is changed.2. The dryer according to claim 1 , wherein the feeding part or the drying part includes at least one nozzle unit that is installed on its outer circumferential surface in the tangential direction to inject carbon fuel therein so that the carbon fuel spirally flows in.3. The dryer according to claim 2 , wherein the nozzle unit includes two or more nozzles disposed on the outer circumferential surface of the feeding part or the drying part at differential heights.4. The dryer according to claim 3 , wherein the nozzle unit is inclined upwardly ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Fluid with Charged Carbon Particles and Method of Production

Номер: US20150218474A1

A combustible fluid that includes sufficient suspended charged carbon particles or nanoparticles as to affect the burning characteristics of the combustible fluid that includes the suspended charged carbon particles or nanoparticles. 1. A combustible fluid , the combustible fluid comprising:hydrocarbons; andsuspended charged carbon particles.2. The combustible fluid of claim 1 , wherein the suspended charged carbon particles are charged carbon nanoparticles.3. The combustible fluid of claim 1 , wherein the suspended charged carbon particles are ionically charged.4. The combustible fluid of claim 1 , wherein the suspended charged carbon particles are magnetically charged.5. The combustible fluid of claim 1 , wherein the suspended charged carbon particles are trapped or enclosed in poly cyclic bonds.6. The combustible fluid of claim 1 , wherein the suspended charged carbon particles are electrically charged.7. A method of producing a combustible fluid claim 1 , the method comprising:exposing a hydrocarbon-based liquid to a plasma within a reactor;extracting a gas from the reactor, the gas comprising hydrocarbons plus suspended carbon particles, therefore, when burned, the gas burns at a higher temperature than a similar gas with a same hydrocarbon composition but lacking the carbon particles.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the plasma is of an electric arc formed between two electrodes claim 7 , wherein at least one of the two electrodes comprises carbon.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the plasma is of an electric arc formed between two carbon electrodes.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein the reactor is sealed and the hydrocarbon liquid is under a pressure that is higher than air pressure at sea level.11. The method of claim 7 , wherein the suspended carbon particles are charged carbon nanoparticles.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the suspended charged carbon nanoparticles are ionically charged.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the suspended charged ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210235742A1

A modified carbon material, including a carbonaceous material and a water-insoluble modifier combined with the carbonaceous material, wherein the water-insoluble modifier is CuO, the carbonaceous material is one of or a mixture of biomass carbon or carbon black, a mass of the water-insoluble modifier is being 0.1-10 wt % of the carbonaceous material. The method for preparing the modified carbon material includes: (1) soaking the carbonaceous material in a copper sulfate solution for 5 to 36 hours, and (2) adding an alkali solution into a solution obtained in step (1) to provide a pH value ≥12, and after keeping the pH value for 0.5 to 2 hours, filtering and drying to obtain a solid. (3) using the carbonaceous material as a combustion heat source to reduce the ignition temperature, increase or reduce the peak thermal power temperature. 1. A modified carbon material , wherein the modified carbon material is used as a heat source of carbon-heated non-combustible cigarettes for reducing an ignition temperature of a carbonaceous material , for increasing a peak thermal power of the carbonaceous material and/or for reducing the peak thermal power of the carbonaceous material; wherein the modified carbon material comprises the carbonaceous material and a water-insoluble modifier combined with the carbonaceous material;wherein the water-insoluble modifier is CuO;the carbonaceous material is C311 carbon black;the modified carbon material is prepared by a method comprising the following steps:(1) soaking the carbonaceous material in a copper sulfate solution for 5 to 36 hours, wherein a ratio of the carbonaceous material to a copper sulfate is controlled to control the CuO in the modified carbon material to be from 0.1 to 10% by weight of the carbonaceous material;(2) adding an alkali solution into a solution obtained in step (1) to provide a pH value ≥12, and after keeping the pH value for 0.5 to 2 hours, filtering and drying to obtain a solid, wherein the solid is the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Environment-friendly marine fuel

Номер: US20200199466A1
Принадлежит: MAWETAL LLC

For the shipping industry, these fuels provide solutions to long outstanding technical problems that heretofore hindered supply of low sulfur marine fuels in quantities needed to meet worldwide sulfur reduction goals. Marine shipping use of high sulfur bunker oils is reported as largest source of worldwide transportation SOx emissions. When ships on the open seas burn cheap low grade heavy bunker oils high in sulfur, nitrogen and metals, the SOx, NOx, and metal oxides go to the environment. This invention converts essentially all of each barrel of crude feed to a single ultraclean fuel versus conventional refining where crude feed is cut into many pieces, and each piece is sent down a separate market path meeting various different product specifications. When in port, ships can use these fuels to generate and sell electricity to land based electrical grids to offset fuel cost in an environment-friendly manner.

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225659A1
Принадлежит: Bio Hitech Energy Co.

There is provided a reformed fuel manufacturing apparatus, including one or more water tanks configured to pretreat introduced water by using a water tank catalyst; one or more oil tanks configured to pretreat introduced oil by using an oil tank catalyst; a mixing tank connected to the one or more water tanks and the one or more oil tanks, and configured to produce a mixed oil by agitating the pretreated water introduced from the one or more water tanks and the pretreated oil introduced from the one or more oil tanks; and an ionization catalyst unit connected to the mixing tank and configured to convert the mixed oil, which is introduced from the mixing tank, to a reformed fuel by using an ionization catalyst. 1. A reformed fuel manufacturing apparatus , comprising:one or more water tanks configured to pretreat introduced water by using a water tank catalyst;one or more oil tanks configured to pretreat introduced oil by using an oil tank catalyst;a mixing tank connected to the one or more water tanks and the one or more oil tanks, and configured to produce a mixed oil by agitating the pretreated water introduced from the one or more water tanks and the pretreated oil introduced from the one or more oil tanks;a mixed oil supply line through which the pretreated water and the pretreated oil are supplied into the mixing tank while being mixed with each other;a water supply line through which the pretreated water from the one or more water tanks is supplied into the mixed oil supply line;an oil supply line through which the pretreated oil from the one or more oil tanks into the mixed oil supply line; andan ionization catalyst unit connected to the mixing tank and configured to convert the mixed oil, which is introduced from the mixing tank, to a reformed fuel by using an ionization catalyst.2. The reformed fuel manufacturing apparatus of claim 1 , a first water tank catalyst containing a tourmaline mineral; and', 'a second water tank catalyst containing at least one of ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Fuel additive for diesel engines

Номер: US20150232774A1
Принадлежит: Afton Chemical Corp

In accordance with the disclosure, exemplary embodiments provide a method for improving injector performance, a method for restoring power to a diesel fuel injected engine, and a method of operating a fuel injected diesel engine. The method includes combining a fuel with a reaction product derived from (i) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride, wherein the hydrocarbyl substituent has a number average molecular weight ranging from about 600 to about 800 and (ii) a polyamine includes a compound of the formula H 2 N—((CHR 1 —(CH 2 ) n —NH) m —H, wherein R 1 is hydrogen, n is 1 and m is 4, wherein a molar ratio of (i) reacted with (ii) ranges from about 1.3:1 to about 1.6:1. The reaction product, as made, contains no more than 3.0 wt. % unreacted polyamine in the reaction product based on active material in the reaction product.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261873A1
Автор: Burger John

Disclosed is a blended gasoline composition having an AKI of 87. The formulation of the blended gasoline composition leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide emission. The blended gasoline composition contains a reduced concentration of olefins and non-amine aromatics. 1. A blended gasoline composition comprising:an aromatic amine in concentrations ranging from about 0.1% to about 5% by volume;ethanol in concentrations up to about 20%;non-amine aromatic hydrocarbons in concentrations up to about 15%;olefins in concentrations up to about 8%;paraffins in concentrations up to about 90%.2. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein one pound of said blended gasoline composition produces 0.00004 pound of carbon per BTU or less when combusted in an internal combustion engine.3. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said blended gasoline composition has an anti-knock index value of at least 87.4. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said olefin concentration is about 5.00% or less.5. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said olefin concentration is about 3.00% or less.6. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said olefin concentration is about 1.00% or less.7. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said olefin concentration is 0.00%.8. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said aromatic concentration is about 10% or less.9. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said aromatic concentration is about 5% or less.10. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said aromatic concentration is less than about 1%.11. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said ethanol is present in concentrations between about 10% and about 20%.12. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said ethanol is present in concentrations between about 10% and about 15%.13. The blended gasoline composition of claim 1 , wherein said blended gasoline ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264896A1
Автор: KIM Sung Kon

The present comprises: a first coal dryer; a second coal dryer; and a third dryer, by removing moisture remaining inside and outside of coal, which is used for fueling thermal power plants, in the multiple coal dryers using reheat steam at a high temperature, incomplete combustion of coal can be prevented, thereby enhancing heat capacity of the coal, minimizing release of pollutants, preventing corrosion and enhancing the durability of a system, reducing the rate of spontaneous combustion due to reduced moisture, improving crushing efficiency of a coal pulverizer and heat distribution of a power boiler when coal is combusted, resolving the issue of clogging of a moving pathway when coal is transported, and improving coal supply stability by increasing utilization of low-quality coal for which demand is low. Furthermore, the following advantages can be provided: use of low heat capacity coal which is more affordable than high heat capacity coal; savings in fuel cost and manufacturing cost by reduced coal importation; reduction of waste, pollutants, and carbon dioxide generated from exhaust gas by relative reduction of coal consumption, and the advantages of replacement of foreign technology and exportation of equipment to foreign markets could be anticipated. 1. An apparatus for drying coal using preheat steam , the apparatus comprising:a first coal dryer in which a pair of first drive sprockets and a pair of first driven sprockets are spaced apart from each other at a constant distance and are fastened to each other by first chains, a plurality of first transport plates is hinged between the first chains, a pair of first guide rails that horizontally supports the first transport plates is installed below an upper second chain connected between the first drive sprockets and the first driven sprockets, a pair of second guide rails that horizontally supports the first transport plates is installed below a lower first chain connected between the first drive sprockets ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140357924A1

Provided is a method that is for producing fuel oil and that is able to cheaply and highly efficiently produce a fuel oil—or starting material thereof—having as the primary component n-paraffin or isoparaffin from a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids, even while reducing hydrogen pressure. The method for producing fuel oil has a step for producing fuel oil having one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin as the primary component by contacting hydrogen gas and a starting material oil containing triglyceride fatty acids under the condition of a hydrogen pressure of no greater than 2 MPa to a catalyst resulting from supporting on a porous metal oxide support one or more metal elements belonging to group nine or group ten of the periodic table, and one or more group six element oxides belonging to group six of the periodic table. The weight ratio of the group six elements to the metal elements contained in the catalyst is no greater than 1.0 in terms of the metal. 1. A method for producing fuel oil , comprising: a step for producing a fuel oil composed mainly of one or both of n-paraffin and isoparaffin by contacting:a base oil containing fatty acid triglyceride, andhydrogen gaswith a catalyst, obtained by supporting one or a plurality of metal elements belonging to group 9 or group 10 of the periodic table and one or a plurality of group VI element oxides belonging to group 6 of the periodic table on a porous metal oxide support, under conditions of a hydrogen pressure of 2 MPa or less; wherein,the weight ratio as metal of the group 6 element contained in the catalyst to the metal element does not exceed 1.0.2. The method for producing fuel oil according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen pressure is 1 MPa or less.3. The method for producing fuel oil according to or claim 1 , wherein the metal element is nickel and/or cobalt claim 1 , and the group 6 element is molybdenum and/or tungsten.4. The method for producing fuel oil according to claim 3 , ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации

Quaternary Ammonium Compound and Fuel Composition

Номер: US20210348074A1

A quaternary ammonium compound of formula (I): wherein R, R, Rand Ris each independently an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; X is a linking group; Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group; n is a positive integer; W is O or OH; b is 1 when W is OH, and b is 2 when W is O. 4. The composition according to wherein the composition is an additive composition for a fuel or lubricating oil.5. The composition according to wherein the composition is a fuel composition claim 3 , preferably a diesel fuel composition.6. (canceled)8. The compound according to wherein the anion precursor of formula (IIB) is derived from a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.9. The compound according to wherein each X is a moiety CHCHR or CRHCHin which R is an alkyl or alkenyl group having 6 to 36 carbon atoms.10. The compound according to wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene claim 1 , preferably —CHCH— or —CH(CH)CH— claim 1 , more preferably —CH(CH)CH—.11. The compound according to wherein n is from 1 to 20.12. The compound according to wherein each of Rand Ris independently an optionally substituted alkyl group having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms.13. The compound according to wherein Ris an alkyl group having 1 to 24 carbon atoms.14. The compound according to wherein Ris selected from benzyl claim 1 , or a hydroxyalkyl or hydroxyalkoxyalkyl group having 2 to 20 carbon atoms.17. The composition according to wherein the composition is a diesel fuel composition.18. The composition according to wherein the diesel fuel composition comprises one or more further detergents selected from:(i) a quaternary ammonium salt additive;(ii) the product of a Mannich reaction between an aldehyde, an amine and an optionally substituted phenol;(iii) the reaction product of a carboxylic acid-derived acylating agent and an amine;(iv) the reaction product of a carboxylic acid-derived acylating agent and hydrazine;(v) a salt formed by the reaction of a ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275548A1

A motor fuel comprising gasoline comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1 to 30 wt % of mesitylene. This fuel can advantageously contain conventional additives used in gasoline. The use of mesitylene in gasoline blend yields a fuel blend with a higher research octane number and motor octane number. In addition, an improved jet fuel is provided, having from 1-10 wt % mesitylene added to the jet fuel, having improved carbon emission characteristics while maintaining required specifications. Further, an improved bio-fuel is provided, which may function as a replacement for conventional Jet A/JP-8 fuel and has lowered carbon emission specifications, the bio-fuel comprised of 75-90 wt % synthetic parafinnic kerosene (SPK) and 10-25 wt % mesitylene. 1. A motor fuel comprising 70-99 wt % gasoline and 1-30 wt % mesitylene.2. The motor fuel of comprising 80-99 wt % gasoline and 1-20 wt % mesitylene.3. The motor fuel of comprising 80-95 wt % gasoline and 5-20 wt % mesitylene.4. The motor fuel of comprising 80-90 wt % gasoline and 10-20 wt % mesitylene.5. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP max of 225° C. claim 1 , a MON of 80 to 94 claim 1 , and an RVP of 38-103 kPa.6. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.7. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.8. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. to 185° C.9. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.10. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.11. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has an RVP of 38-49 kPa.12. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.13. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a MON of at least 91.14. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a FBP of 170° C. to 225° C.15. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP max of 185° C.16. The motor fuel of in which the motor fuel has a 90% BP of 130° C. ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264119A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to novel acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds, to the preparation thereof and to the use thereof as a fuel and lubricant additive, more particularly as a detergent additive, as a wax antisettling additive (WASA) or as an additive for reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID); to additive packages which comprise these compounds; and to fuels and lubricants thus additized. The present invention further relates to the use of these acid-free quaternized nitrogen compounds as a fuel additive for reducing or preventing deposits in the injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines, especially in common-rail injection systems, for reducing the fuel consumption of direct-injection diesel engines, especially of diesel engines with common-rail injection systems, and for minimizing power loss in direct-injection diesel engines, especially in diesel engines with common-rail injection systems. 2. A fuel additive or lubricant additive comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .3. A detergent additive for diesel fuels comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .4. A wax antisetting additive (WASA) for middle distillate fuels comprising the quaternized nitrogen compound according to .5. An additive for reducing or preventing deposits in injection systems of direct-injection diesel engines comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .6. An additive for controlling or reducing internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) comprising a quaternized nitrogen compound according to .7. An additive concentrate comprising claim 1 , in combination with further diesel fuel additives claim 1 , at least one quaternized nitrogen compound according to .8. A fuel composition comprising: a base fuel claim 1 , and an effective amount of at least one quaternized nitrogen compound according to .9. A lubricant composition comprising: a lubricant claim 1 , and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'an ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283728A1

Aviation fuel formulations receive many benefits when a manganese-containing additive is incorporated in that composition. However, to the extent that the use of a manganese-containing compound may result in the formation of engine deposits during combustion, it is beneficial to further provide a scavenger compound to the fuel composition. This scavenger compound may include a phosphorus-containing compound, an organobromide compounds, and/or a tricarbonyl compound. 1. An aviation fuel additive composition comprising a cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl compound and a manganese scavenger compound , wherein the manganese scavenger compound is selected from the group consisting of a phosphorus-containing compound , an organobromide compound , or a tricarbonyl compound.2. An aviation fuel additive composition as described in claim 1 , wherein the manganese scavenger compound comprises a phosphorus-containing compound selected from the group consisting of tritolyl phosphate claim 1 , triphenyl phosphate claim 1 , triisopropyl phosphate claim 1 , dimethyl methyl phosphonate claim 1 , triphenyl phosphine oxide claim 1 , and triphenyl phosphine.3. An aviation fuel additive composition as described in claim 1 , wherein the manganese scavenger compound is a phosphorus-containing compound which is present in an amount to be a stoichiometric ratio of Mn to P of from about 1:0.1 to 1:10.4. An aviation fuel additive composition as described in claim 1 , wherein the cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl comprises methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl.5. An aviation fuel additive composition as described in claim 4 , wherein the amount of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl equals about 1 to 500 mg Mn/l of the additive composition.6. An aviation fuel additive composition as described in claim 1 , wherein the manganese scavenger compound comprises an organobromide compound selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,2-dibromoethane; 3 claim 1 ,5- ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180280915A1

An apparatus for increasing gas components in a fluid uses a controller connected to a network and client device for remote control of fluid flow rates, magnet field intensity, and pressure of fluid based on preset parameters. Conductive wire coiled around a magnet fluid treatment device generates a bidirectional magnetic flux to magnetically treat fluid in the conduit at an entry pressure. A variable frequency generator energizes the wire creating magnetic flux lines to pass through the fluid flow conduit. A gas injector receives fluid at the gas injector entry pressure and lowers the gas injector entry pressure of the fluid to a gas injector discharge pressure. A treatment chamber receives the fluid at a treatment chamber entry pressure and lowers the treatment chamber entry pressure to a treatment chamber discharge pressure. The apparatus causes absorption of increased gas component into the fluid by from 10% to at least 500%. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. A method for increasing gas component in a fluid , comprising:a. communicating between a controller having a processor and data storage in communication with a network and a client device for bidirectional remote control of a fluid flow rate, a magnetic field intensity, and a plurality of pressures of the fluid based on preset parameters;b. generating a bidirectional flux using an antenna with a magnet fluid treatment device wherein both the antenna and the magnetic fluid treatment device encircle at least a portion of a fluid flow conduit to magnetically treat the fluid in the fluid flow conduit;c. flowing the fluid in the fluid flow conduit at an entry pressure and passes past the antenna to an outlet at a discharge pressure;d. transmitting a frequency from 0.01 Hz to 12,500,000 Hz activating the antenna to generating a magnetic field having flux lines to pass through the fluid flow conduit ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for increasing gas components in a fluid

Номер: US20180280916A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for increasing gas components in a fluid uses a controller connected to a network and client device for remote control of fluid flow rates, magnet field intensity, and pressure of fluid based on preset parameters. Conductive wire coiled around a magnet fluid treatment device generates a bidirectional magnetic flux to magnetically treat fluid in the conduit at an entry pressure. A variable frequency generator energizes the wire creating magnetic flux lines to pass through the fluid flow conduit. A gas injector receives fluid at the gas injector entry pressure and lowers the gas injector entry pressure of the fluid to a gas injector discharge pressure. A treatment chamber receives the fluid at a treatment chamber entry pressure and lowers the treatment chamber entry pressure to a treatment chamber discharge pressure. The apparatus causes absorption of increased gas component into the fluid by from 10% to at least 500%.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200277534A1

A quaternary ammonium compound of formula (I): 2. A method of preparing a quaternary ammonium salt , the method comprising reacting (a) a tertiary amine of formula RRRN with (b) an acid-derived alkylating agent in the presence of (c) a compound of formula HOOCXCOO—(RO)—R , wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group , Ris hydrogen or an optionally substituted alkyl , alkenyl or aryl group , and n is 0 or a positive integer , provided that n is not 0 when Ris hydrogen.3. A method according to wherein component (b) is an epoxide.5. A composition according to wherein the composition is an additive composition for a fuel or lubricating oil.6. A composition according to wherein the composition is a fuel composition claim 4 , preferably a diesel fuel composition.9. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein HOOCXCOO—(RO)—Ris derived from a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.10. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene claim 4 , preferably —CHCH— or —CH(CH)CH— claim 4 , more preferably —CH(CH)CH—.11. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein Ris hydrogen and n is at least 1.12. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any of to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms and n is from 0 to 40.13. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein each of Rand Ris independently an optionally substituted alkyl group having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms.14. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein Ris an alkyl or hydroxyalkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms.17. A salt claim 4 , composition claim 4 , method or use according to any preceding claim wherein X is an optionally substituted ...

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170292479A1

An on the fly fuel reformer device to produce variations in the autoignition and burning rate properties of a fuel by appropriate processing of some or all of a single fuel supply in its liquid form. The system includes a non-thermal plasma generator and/or a UV radiation source in contact with a fuel line so as to contact a multi-phase fuel in the line and dynamically modify the fuel to exhibit desired autoignition characteristics and burn rate such that the engine can operate with increased efficiency and lower emissions 1. A method for combusting a fuel comprising:contacting a feed fuel with a non-thermal plasma and/or ultraviolet radiation to chemically modify the fuel; andfollowing the contact, compressing the modified fuel to an autoignition state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed fuel comprises a gasoline.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the gasoline comprises ethanol and/or butanol.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed fuel comprises a diesel fuel.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method reduces the octane number of the feed fuel.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a multi-phase fluid comprising the feed fuel prior to or in conjunction with contacting the feed fuel with the non-thermal plasma and/or the ultraviolet radiation.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising introduction of a gaseous component to the feed fuel in formation of the multi-phase fluid.8. The method of claim 7 , the gaseous component comprising components obtained or produced from air.9. The method of claim 6 , the step of forming the multi-phase fluid comprising cavitating the feed fuel.10. A system for combusting a fuel comprising:a compression cylinder configured for autoignition of a fuel;a fuel line upstream of the compression cylinder and configured to deliver fuel to the compression cylinder; andat least one of a plasma generator and an ultraviolet radiation source in communication with the fuel line such that a non-thermal plasma ...
