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10-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604722C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к смазочной композиции, содержащей: (а) одно или несколько полиалкиленгликолевых базовых масел, представляющих собой сополимеры бутиленоксида и пропиленоксида, (б) по меньшей мере один детергент, выбранный из салицилатов или фенолятов, в количестве от 0,2 до 2 мас.%, где полиалкиленгликолевое(ые) базовое(ые) масло(а) (а) получено(ы) в результате реакции по меньшей мере одного спирта, содержащего от 8 до 20 атомов углерода, и смеси бутиленоксида и пропиленоксида, причем указанная смесь имеет массовое соотношение бутиленоксида к пропиленоксиду, составляющее от 3:1 до 1:3, и кинематическая вязкость полиалкиленгликолевых базовых масел при 100°C, измеренная в соответствии со стандартом ASTM D445, составляет от 1 до 12 сСт. Также настоящее изобретение относится к применению смазочной композиции (варианты). Техническим результатом настоящего изобретения является получение смазочной композиции с уменьшенной испаряемостью по Ноак. 4 н. и 31 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2263137C2

Изобретение относится к области смазочных материалов. Сущность: консистентная смазка, содержащая масляную основу и загуститель, дополнительно содержит от 0,05% до 30 вес.% тиосульфата натрия и, по меньшей мере, 0,1 вес.% одной или нескольких присадок (А), выбранных из группы, включающей салицилат кальция, салицилат магния, фенолят кальция и/или сульфонат кальция, в расчете на всю смазку. Указанная консистентная смазка применяется для предотвращения коррозии и повышения износостойкости. Консистентную смазку получают путем предварительного смешения тиосульфата натрия с одной или несколькими присадками (А) и добавления смеси к основе смазки, содержащей базовое масло и загуститель, или путем введения в основу смазки тиосульфата натрия и одной или нескольких присадок (А) по отдельности. Технический результат - повышение ингибирующих коррозию свойств и износостойкости при сохранении противозадирных свойств. 3 с. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2537599C2

Изобретение относится к теплопередающей композиции, содержащейE-1,3,3,3-тетрафторпроп-1-ен (R1234ze(E)), 3,3,3 трифторпропен (R-1243zf) и дифторметан (R32). Описывается использование указанной композиции в теплообменнике, в составе вспениваемой композиции, распыляемой композиции, для охлаждения или нагрева изделия, в способах очистки или экстракции материалов, снижения воздействия на окружающую среду продукта эксплуатации существующего хладагента. Предложенная композиция обладает улучшенными характеристиками охлаждения при пониженной огнеопасности и пониженном значении потенциала глобального потепления и может быть подходящей для замены существующих холодильных агентов, у которых эти показатели ниже. 15 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

27-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2701535C1

Изобретение относится к композициям, содержащим, по меньшей мере, один фторсодержащий кетон и которые могут найти применение для тушения или сдерживания огня, к способу стабилизации таких композиций, способам уменьшения разрушения этих композиций, способу замедления реакции между кислородом и композицией, способам подавления огня и тушения огня, а также к применению этих композиций. Композиции содержат (A) по меньшей мере один фторсодержащий кетон; и (B) эффективное количество стабилизатора, выбранного из группы, состоящей из эпокси-соединения, нитро-соединения, пространственно затрудненного фенольного соединения, β-дикетонового соединения, фосфитного соединения, салицилатного соединения, циннаматного соединения, гидроксибензофенонового соединения, соединения гидроксибензойной кислоты, алкоксиметанового соединения и органического тиосоединения при массовом отношении стабилизатора от 0,0001 до 0,05. Описанные способы уменьшения разрушения композиций касаются уменьшения разрушения их в присутствии ...

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012592C1

Смазочное масло для двигателей внутреннего сгорания содержит, (в % ): 0,01 - 2,00 неполного сложного эфира жирной кислоты и многоатомного спирта, 0,01 - 15 продукта взаимодействия полиизобутиленянтарной кислоты с алкиленполиамином, 0,01 - 2,0 соли металла диалкилдитиофосфорной кислоты и до 100 нефтяного масла. Продукт взаимодействия получен на основе полиизобутиленянтарной кислоты, содержащей 1,3 - 4 групп янтарной кислоты на эквивалентную массу полиизобутилена, имеющего средне-числовую мол. м. 1300 - 5000 и отношение среднемассовой мол. м. к средне-числовой составляет 1,5 - 4,5. Содержание алкиленполиамина составляет 1 - 2 молярных эквивалента на эквивалент кислоты. В соли диалкилдитиофосфорной кислоты один алкил представляет изопропил или вторичный бутил, другой алкил содержит 5 - 13 атомов углерода при содержании 10 - 90% молярных изопропильных или вторичных бутильных групп. Металлом является металл II группы, алюминий, олово, железо, кобальт, свинец, молибден, марганец, никель или медь ...

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009137900A

... 1. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе, которая включает водную основу текучей среды, органическую жидкость, смешивающуюся с водой, и синтетический полимер. ! 2. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой синтетический полимер сшивают. ! 3. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе далее включает добавку, выбранную из группы, содержащей: ингибиторы коррозии, модификаторы pH, биоциды, стеклянную дробь, полые сферы, полые микросферы, модификаторы реологии, буферы, ингибиторы гидратообразования, деэмульгаторы, индикаторы, дополнительные утяжелители, загустители, поверхностно-активные вещества и их комбинации. ! 4. Изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе по п. 1, в которой изолирующая текучая среда на водной основе включает солевой раствор, выбранный из группы содержащий: NaCl, NaBr, КCl, CaCl2, CaBr2, ZrBr2, карбонат натрия, формиат натрия, формиат калия, формиат цезия, и комбинации и производные этих ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009112387A

... 1. Композиция смазочного масла для двигателей внутреннего сгорания, содержащая базовое масло, (А) по меньшей мере, одно соединение, выбранное из группы, состоящей из дисульфидных соединений, представленных следующей общей формулой (I): ! ! (где R1 и R2, каждый независимо, представляют собой С1-С30 углеводородную группу, которая может содержать атом кислорода, атом серы или атом азота, A1 и А2, каждый независимо, представляют собой группу формулы CR3R4 или CR3R4-CR5R6, где R3-R6, каждый независимо, представляют собой атом водорода или С1-С20 углеводородную группу), ! и дисульфидных соединений, представленных следующей общей формулой (II): ! ! (где R7, R8, R12 и R13, каждый независимо, представляют собой С1-С30 гидрокарбильную группу, которая может содержать атом кислорода, атом серы или атом азота, и R9-R11 и R14-R16, каждый независимо, представляют собой атом водорода или С1-С5 углеводородную группу), ! (B) молибденорганическое соединение, и (С) антиокислитель на основе фенола и/или антиокислитель ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122958A

... 1. Смазочная композиция, содержащая:(а) одно или несколько полиалкиленгликолевых базовых масел, полученных полимеризацией или сополимеризацией алкиленоксидов, содержащих от 3 до 8 атомов углерода, включающих по меньшей мере один бутиленоксид,(б) по меньшей мере один детергент, выбранный из салицилатов или фенолятов.2. Смазочная композиция по п.1, где полиалкиленгликолевое(ые) базовое(ые) масло(а) (а) являются сополимерами бутиленоксида и пропиленоксида.3. Смазочная композиция по одному из пп.1-2, где полиалкиленовое(ые) базовое(ые) масло(а) (а) получено(ы) в результате реакции по меньшей мере одного спирта, содержащего от 8 до 20 атомов углерода, и смеси бутиленоксида и пропиленоксида, причем указанная смесь имеет массовое соотношение бутиленоксида к пропиленоксиду, составляющее от 3:1 до 1:3, предпочтительно от 3:1 до 1:1.4. Композиция по п.3, где полиалкиленгликолевое(ые) базовое(ые) масло(а) (а) является(ются) таковым(и), что спирт(ы), с которым(и) их можно получить, включает(ют) от ...

26-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002534922A1

19-06-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002536119C2

13-04-1967 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001225656C2

30-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003015826A1

11-04-1957 дата публикации

Schmiermittel fuer Kurbelgehaeuse von Verbrennungskraftmaschinen

Номер: DE0000961916C

23-08-1956 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung verdickter Schmieroele und Schmierfette

Номер: DE0000947729C

26-01-1956 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000938148C

28-03-1957 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000960754C

27-11-1969 дата публикации

Brennstoff- und Schmiermittelgemische

Номер: DE0001545342A1

06-06-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9017260U1

24-01-1974 дата публикации

Oil level indicators - filled with oil contg UV absorbers

Номер: DE0002304230A1

An oil-soluble substance (A) which absorbs UV and short-wavelength visible light =4500 A is added to refined mineral oils to prevent formation of sludge and bleaching of markings inside oil level indicators, etc. by the action of light. (A) is pref. a deriv. of benztriazole, esp. a 2-hydroxyphenyl benztriazole derivs., in amount of 0.1-5 wt. % of the oil. The process is suitable for use in electrical equipment e.g. oil filled switches and transformers situated outdoors, and the colour and electrical props of the oil are not adversely affected while heat resistance may even be improved.

31-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069701800D1

19-12-1968 дата публикации

2, 6-Dicyclooctyl-p-kresol und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0001285470B

22-02-2001 дата публикации

Kratzfeste Beschichtung für Halbleiterbauelemente

Номер: DE0019936322A1

The aim of the invention is to increase the scratchproofness of a surface passivation, especially for fingerprint sensors. To this end, a sliding layer made of fat, oil, surfactants and/or wax is applied. Said layer reduces shearing forces. In a preferred embodiment, an emulsion made of water, paraffin oil, propyl glycol, lactarimic acid, cetylic acid, TEA, beeswax, carbomer 954, methylparaben, propylparaben and optionally perfume is used.

14-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002403490B2

14-07-1994 дата публикации

Use of water insol. di:alkyl ether(s) of poly:hydric alcohol(s)

Номер: DE0004300552A1

Use of at least substantially water insol. dialkyl ethers of natural or synthetic mono- and/or polyhydric alcohols, the ethers being liquid at working temps., as the oil phase in agents for treating metal surfaces and in cooling lubricants is claimed. Also claimed is an agent comprising (a) the above ethers; (b) corrosion inhibitors, and (c) emulsifiers.Carboxylic acids of formula R1-COOH (I) are used as corrosion inhibitors. In (I), R1 = aliphatic, opt. branched 5-23C hydrocarbyl and 0 or 1-5 double bonds, or R2-Ph-COCH=CH (where R2 = opt. branched 8-18C alkyl, and Ph = phenyl).

04-07-1968 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001271878B

21-08-1969 дата публикации

Klares,filtrierbares,fluessiges Schmiermittel mit Calciumacetatzusatz

Номер: DE0001594429A1

10-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001768933B2

03-06-1971 дата публикации

Substituierte Phenole als Antioxydationsmittel

Номер: DE0002057574A1

09-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002204599A1

27-01-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002121977A1

11-02-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating oil compositions

Номер: GB0000687417A

A phosphorus and sulphur containing compound suitable as a lubricating oil additive (see Group III), is obtained by reacting at elevated temperature one molecular proportion of a phosphorus sulphide with one to ten, preferably two to five molecular proportions of a hydrocarbon and further reacting the acidic product thus formed with 0.1 to 50 per cent of its weight of a hydrocarbon containing at least one olefinic double bond. The preferred phosphorus sulphide is the pentasulphide but other phosphorus sulphides, e.g. P2S3, P4S3 and P4S7 may be used. Mixtures of two or more phosphorus sulphides may also be employed. The hydrocarbons which may be reacted with phosphorus sulphide may be paraffins, olefines, olefine polymers, diolefines, acetylenes, aromatic or alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons, cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons, petroleum fractions, such as lubricating oil fractions, petrolatums, waxes, cracked cycle stocks, condensation products of petroleum fractions, or solvent extracts of petroleum ...

03-11-1939 дата публикации

An improved process of and composition for leak proofing gas distribution systems

Номер: GB0000514262A

... 514,262. Joint-making packing. STANDARD OIL DEVELOPMENT CO. April 28, 1938, No., 12717. Convention date, Sept. 4, 1937. [Class 122 (iii)] [Also in Group III] A method of rejuvenating the packing in gas distribution systems comprises passing through the system an oil in water emulsion of an oil mixture comprising a mineral or hydrocarbon solvent having a Kauri Butanol value of at least 40, a wetting agent and an emulsifying agent. Suitable compositions are given.

27-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001321694A

... 1321694 Benzoate monomers containing hindered phenolic groups CIBA-GEIGY AG 30 Sept 1970 [1 Oct 1969] 46531/70 Heading C2C [Also in Division C3] Benzoate monomers having the formula in which of the radicals R 1 and R 2 , one represents hydrogen and the other represents hydrogen, methyl, phenyl or the radical of Formula II, R 3 represents hydrogen or the radical of Formula II wherein m = 0 or 1, A is a bivalent group selected from wherein n is 2 or 3, x and y are each 2 or 3, and wherein each lower alkyl group contains 1-6 carbon atoms and the sum of the carbon atoms of the (lower) alkyl radicals is at least 4 and in the or each phenol group, the second lower alkyl group is ortho or meta with respect to the hydroxy group are prepared by (a) reacting a compound of the formula with a compound of a formula or a corresponding acid halide, or (b) reacting a compound of the formula or the corresponding acid halide with a compound of the formula ...

09-07-1952 дата публикации

Aerogels and grease compositions made therefrom

Номер: GB0000675301A

A lubricating grease composition comprises a major proportion of an organic liquid possessing lubricating properties and a minor proportion of a non-collapsed soap aerogel. The organic liquid possessing lubricating properties may be mineral lubricating oil, a synthetic hydrocarbon, an organic ester, an organic polymer or a fluorinated hydrocarbon, and a list of suitable liquids is given. The soaps from which the non-collapsed soap aerogels can be made may be metal or organic base salts of fatty materials and mixtures thereof. Saponifiable materials which may be used to form soaps are fats and oils of animal, vegetable, marine or fish origin, fatty acids derived from such fats and oils, the hydrogenated or sulphurized products of such fatty acids, and the substitution derivatives of such fatty acids for example the mercapto amino or halogen substituted fatty acids. Saponifiable materials from other sources such as napthenic acids, tall oil fatty acids, rosin acids and acids produced by the ...

15-04-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating compositions

Номер: GB0000690327A

Phosphorus- and sulphur-containing reaction products are prepared by reacting a phosphorus sulphide with a cyclic ketone having at least 12 carbon atoms. The ketone may be derived from the condensation of acetone to high molecular weight isophorone type fractions; the hydrogenated condensation products may also be used, and other ketones mentioned are dibutyl cyclohexanone, alkyl substituted carvomenthone, menthone, pulegone, carvone and camphor. The phosphorus sulphide may be phosphorus pentasulphide or heptasulphide. The molecular ratio of phosphorus sulphide to ketone may be from 1 : 2 to 1 : 1.2. The reaction product may be sulphurized, and before or after sulphurization may be treated with a metal compound, ammonia or an organic base to form a salt. Sulphurizing agents used may be sulphur, sulphur halides, alkali polysulphides, ammonium hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen sulphide. Metal compounds specified are the hydroxides, carbonates or oxides of the alkali, alkaline earth and heavy ...

29-12-1967 дата публикации

Oxidation resistant hydraulic oil

Номер: GB0001096920A

Hydraulic fluids comprise a major amount of a mixed oil and (a) 0.1-2.0 wt. per cent of a hindered phenol of formula where R and R1 are C1-C8 alkyl radicals, (b) 0.001-0.5 wt. per cent of an oil-soluble alkylated succinic anhydride of formula where R is a C6-C20 alkyl radical and (c) 0.001-2.0 wt. per cent of an oil-soluble material selected from aromatic secondary amines, sulphurized terpenes and 1,3,4-thiadiazole polysulphides, e.g. those of formula where R and R1 are hydrocarbon radicals, x and y are 0-8 and x+y is at least 1. Many examples of each additive are given.

03-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008317476D0

12-07-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008912121D0

10-09-1969 дата публикации

Hyraulic Fluids

Номер: GB0001164062A

... 1,164,062. Hydraulic fluids. UNION CARBIDE CORP. 8 June, 1967 [22 June, 1966], No. 26412/67. Heading C5F. [Also in Division C3] An hydraulic fluid comprises, preferably in the stated weight percentages: (a) a mixed polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene copolymer, 10-30%; (b) a monoalkyl ether of triethylene glycol, 40-70%; (c) a monoalkyl ether of diethylene glycol, 10-30%; (d) an antioxidant, 0À5 to 1À5%; (e) sorbitan mono-oleate, 0À5- 2%; (f) a dialkylamine, 0À3-1%; and (g) an alkali metal nitrite 0À05-0À3%. The copolymers, which can have molecular weights of 300-15,000, can be made by reacting a mixture of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide using as a starter, water or a monohydric or dihydric alcohol; they normally contain 50- 75% (by weight) of oxypropylene groups and 25-50% of oxyethylene groups. The monoalkyl ethers of di- and triethylene glycols exemplified are the methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl ethers. Suitable antioxidants are phenyl - and #-naphthylamines, t-butyl p-cresol, and a ...

26-11-1969 дата публикации

Aqueous Lubricants Containing Siloxane Polyoxyalkylene Compositions.

Номер: GB0001171787A

... 1,171,787. Lubricants. UNION CARBIDE CORP. 15 Dec., 1966 [15 Dec., 1965], No. 56151/66. Addition to 1,074,575. Heading C5F. A lubricant comprises (1) an aqueous base fluid which is water or a mixture of up to 2 parts by weight per one part by weight water of a lubricant which is (a) a silicon-free polyoxyalkylene compound; (b) a dialkyl ester of an aliphatic dicarboxylic acid; (c) a hydrocarbon lubricating oil and/or (d) a fatty acid ester of a polyhydric compound; (2) 0À0005-0À1 part by weight per one part by weight of base fluid of a siloxane/oxyalkylene copolymer having (i) at least one siloxane block containing at least two siloxane groups of formula where R is a monovalent hydrocarbon group which may or may not be substituted by halo, cyano, amino, amido, carbalkoxy, acyloxy, mercapto, or nitro groups, or a divalent hydrocarbon group, b is 1, 2 or 3 and the block has at least one divalent hydrocarbon R group and (ii) at least one polyoxyalkylene block containing at least two groups ...

04-03-1970 дата публикации

Lubricating Compositions

Номер: GB0001182851A

... 1,182,851. Lubricants. MOBIL OIL CORP. 2 Jan., 1968, No. 240/68. Heading C5F. A lubricant comprises an admixture of at least two complete esters of different hindered polyhydric alcohols, in which from 50 to 95%, by weight, is an ester of a 2,2-disubstitutedpropane-1;3-diol having the structure where each R is an alkyl group containing from 1 to 12 carbon atoms, at least one R group having at least 2 carbon atoms, and each R1 is hydrogen or an alkyl group having from 1 to 10 carbon atoms and from 50 to 5%, by weight, is a 3- to 6-methylol ester selected from a hindered trimethylol ester, a pentaerythritol ester, a dipentaerythritol ester and mixtures thereof, each of the esters being prepared from the corresponding polyhydric alcohol and a monocarboxylic acid having 1 to 30 carbon atoms. The lubricant may also contain an anti-oxidant, e.g. aromatic amines, phenols and phenothiazine (many specific examples being given), extreme pressure additives, e.g. phosphorus acid esters (many ...

29-04-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the treatment of textile materials

Номер: GB0000446404A

A dihydroxy-alkyl benzene is added to textile lubricants to inhibit development of acidity and mould during storage of the lubricant or fabric. 0,8--0,575 per cent of hexyl-, propyl- or butyl-resorcinol, hexyl-hydroquinone or hexyl-pyrocatechol is suitable. The composition may comprise glycerine, an oil such as olive oil, castor oil or tea-seed oil; starch, solubilized dextrine, and/or gelatine; other agents such as waxes or resins may be present. The composition may be applied direct or in solution.ALSO:Threads, yarns, fabrics, and other textile materials are sized with a composition containing a dihydroxy-alkylbenzene. The composition preferably has a starch and/or gelatine base and contains up to 1 per cent of hexyl-resorcinol. The dihydroxy-alkylbenzene preserves the size and prevents bacterial or mould action. Other suitable compounds are propyl and butyl-resorcinol, hexyl-hydroquinone and hexyl-pyrocatechol. The size may comprise starch, solubilized dextrine, and/or gelatine; also ...

22-06-1949 дата публикации

A process for the preparation of a product suitable for use as a lubricant, an addition to a lubricant, or capable of being used in the preparation of a lubricant or an addition to a lubricant

Номер: GB0000625104A

Lubricants or lubricant additives &c. are prepared by subjecting aromatic compounds containing one or more polar groups (such as OH and COOH groups), together with an excess of compounds with one or more aliphatic double bonds and containing more than 4 carbon atoms in the molecule, to a simultaneous alkylation and polymerization treatment. The products so obtained may be converted into metallic salts. Examples of aromatic compounds which can be used are benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, mandelic acid, phenol, salicylic acid, aminophenol, diphenyl ether, nitronaphthalene, and naphthalene sulphonic acid. Examples of compounds with an aliphatic double bond containing more than 4 carbon atoms in the molecule are: alkenes such as hexene, decene and cetene, cycloalkenes such as cyclohexene, mixtures containing alkenes, such as vapour or liquid phase cracking distillates of paraffin wax, unsaturated alcohols such as allyl alcohol and oleyl alcohol, unsaturated carboxylic acids such as oleic acid ...

05-09-1951 дата публикации

Oleaginous compositions particularly suitable for use as hydraulic fluids and/or insulating oils

Номер: GB0000656854A

A substantially non-inflammable oleaginous composition, suitable for use as a hydraulic fluid or insulating oil, comprises a normally liquid completely halogenated carbon compound, together with a polymerized unsaturated ester, the latter being present in a proportion of 2-15 per cent based on the halogenated carbon compound. Suitable completely halogenated carbon compounds are hexachlorobutadiene, hexachloropropylene, hexabromopropylene and tetraiodoethylene, while preferred polymerized unsaturated esters are polymerized esters of methacrylic acid. Optional ingredients which may be present in the oleaginous composition are mineral oil, oxidation inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors, viscosity index improvers, pour-point depressants, wax suppressors, extreme pressure agents and partially halogenated organic compounds. Oxidation inhibitors mentioned are aromatic amines and substituted phenols, particularly dimethyl phenols, 2,6 - di - tert. - butyl phenols, 2,4 - dimethyl - 6 - octyl phenol, ...

13-09-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to emulsification and emulsifying compositions

Номер: GB0000629139A

The stability of oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions made with synthetic organic emulsifying agents which possess a greater affinity for water than oil, is improved by incorporating a coupling agent comprising an alkane 1 : 2 diol having at least 7 carbon atoms. The oil employed as the disperse or continuous phase may be mineral, animal or vegetable and is inclusive of liquid hydrocarbon derivatives such as halogenated hydrocarbons. The alkane 1 : 2 diols, of which numerous examples are given, may be employed in admixture. Specified emulsifying agents are salts of sulphonated aliphatic alcohols containing at least 7 carbon atoms; salts of alkyl-aryl sulphonic acids; salts of naphtha sulphonates; salts of alkyl or aryl phosphoric acids; salts of carboxylic acids; cationic and non-anionic emulsifying agents, e.g. polyethylene oxide derivatives; amide type emulsifying agents such as those derived from oleic acid and methyl taurine and from lauric acid, myristic acid and colamine. Modifying ...

28-05-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in lubricating compositions containing extreme pressure addition agents

Номер: GB0000672875A

An extreme pressure lubricating composition comprises a major proportion of a lubricating oil base, a minor proportion of an oil-soluble extreme pressure addition agent obtained by reacting a phosphorus-and sulphur-containing reagent with an organic material, and a minor proportion of an oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor chosen from a list given. The load carrying ability of the lubricating oil base is substantially increased by the inclusion therein of the minor proportion of the extreme pressure addition agent, which is one whose effectiveness is dependent upon its ability to react chemically with the metallic surfaces to be lubricated, while the inclusion of the corrosion inhibitor does not substantially decrease the extreme pressure proportions imparted by the extreme pressure addition agent. The lubricating oil base may be of mineral, animal, vegetable or synthetic origin or may comprise a mixture of mineral and non-mineral oils. Those fatty acids, such as oleic acid, which are oily ...

11-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001424977A

... 1424977 Tetrapolymers TEXACO DEVELOPMENT CORP 8 May 1974 20270/74 Heading C3P [Also in Division C5] A tetrapolymer consisting essentially of (i) 4-10 wt. per cent of a dialkylaminoalkyl methacrylate of the formula wherein R and R1 are C 1-2 alkyl and A is alkanediyl(alkylene) of 1-5 carbon atoms (ii) 15-25 wt. per cent of a styrene compound of formula wherein R2 is H or C 1-10 alkyl (iii) 40-60 wt. per cent of an alkylmethacrylate of formula wherein R3 is C 10-14 alkyl (iv) 20-30 wt. per cent of an alkylmethacrylate of formula wherein R4 is C 16-20 alkyl preferred tetrapolymers having an intrinsic viscosity in benzene at 77‹ F. of 0À22-2À87. Component (i) may be selected from N,N-dimethylaminoethyl, N,N- diethylaminoethyl, N,N - dimethylaminopropyl, N,N - diethylaminopropyl methacrylates; (ii) from styrene, vinyl toluene, p-tbutylstyrene, p - t - octylstyrene; (iii) from decyl, undecyl, dodecyl, tridecyl, tetradecyl methacrylates or mixtures thereof; ...

01-09-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating oils

Номер: GB0000714497A

Polythio and poly seleno-acetic acid esters of the general formula R.OOC.CH2-(X)n-CH2.COO.R wherein R is an alkyl, aryl or cycloalkyl radical which may contain halogen substituents, X is sulphur or selenium and n is 2, 3 or 4 when X is sulphur and is 2 or 3 when X is selenium may be prepared by the following methods. In the case where X is sulphur, the corresponding a -chloro or bromo-acetic esters may be reacted with sodium di- or polysulphides in alcoholic solution, the corresponding a -mercapto esters may be oxidized to give the disulphides or the a -mercapto esters may be reacted with sulphur dichloride or monochloride to give the tri- and tetra-sulphides respectively. Thus, in example (1) n-butyl monochloracetate and alcoholic sodium disulphide yield di-n-butyl-dithiodiacetate; (2) sodium polysulphide used as in (1) yields di-n-butyl-trithiodiacetate; (3) n-butyl thioglycollate and sulphur monochloride in benzene yield di-n-butyl tetrathiodiacetate. In like manner, ethyl monochloracetate ...

18-08-1999 дата публикации

Metal working

Номер: GB0002305934B

07-07-1999 дата публикации

A water based hydraulic fluid

Номер: GB0002332914A

A water based hydraulic fluid comprising an N-alkyl morpholine or a salt thereof.

05-09-1935 дата публикации

Improvements relating to lubricating and insulating compositions

Номер: GB0000434626A

An electrical insulation or lubricating composition especially for use at high temperatures consists of a high boiling aryl ester of an inorganic acid and an oxidation inhibitor soluble therein. Suitable esters are triphenyl or tricresyl phosphate or borate. The ester may be mixed with thickening or thinning agents such as diphenyl, diphenyl oxide, dimethyl naphthalene, glycol phthalate, glycerol phthalate, sperm oil, ethyl oleate, soluble phenol-formaldehyde resins, ethyl or other cellulose ethers or voltolized oils. Soda, lime or lead soaps may also be added. The oxidation inhibitors used are polyhydroxy monocyclic compounds such as resorcinol, pyrogallol, a and b naphthol; aromatic amino compounds such as the naphthylamines; aromatic sulphur compounds such as thio-phenols or naphthols, sulphides, and thioethers especially those containing hydroxy or amino groups. The Specification as open to inspection under Sect. 91 refers also to lubricants containing alkylated or acetylated vegetable ...

29-09-1936 дата публикации

Improvements relating to lubricants and to lubrication

Номер: GB0000454552A

Lubricating-compositions especially for use under high pressures consist of a major amount of a lubricating - oil base and a halogenated organic compound together with a separate oxygen- or sulphurcontaining compound. Suitable halogenated organic compounds are described in Specifications 451,411, 451,412, 452,914, 453,114, and 453,115. Oxygen-containing organic compounds used consist of, ethers, alcohols, phenols; compounds, containing the CO radicle such as aldehydes ketones, amides, acids, esters, salts of acids and thio esters; hetero-cyclic compounds containing oxygen such as furan; organic compounds containing inorganic radicles such as arsenate, cyanate, chlorate, nitrate, oxime, phosphate, sulphate, sulphone, and thio-phosphate. Examples, oleic or stearic acid, dibutyl phthalate, butyl naphthenate, aniline oleate, quinoline stearate, or fatty oils. Compounds containing oxygen and halogen may be used. Examples, chlorinated phenols, chlorbenzyl alcohol, chlorsalicylic acid, chlorphenyl ...

02-12-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001214171A

... 1,214,171. Borate esters. OLIN CORP. 5 July, 1968 [14 July, 1967; 1 April, 1968], No. 32261/68. Heading C2C. [Also in Division C5] A borate ester of the formula was prepared in Example IX by reacting one mole of orthoboric acid with one mole each of triethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether and diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, in succession, in toluene solution, water being removed after each reaction. In Example X a tris-borate ester is prepared by reacting a 50 : 50 random addition product of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide with orthoboric acid, in toluene solution, in molar ratio 3 : 1, the product having a b.p. 625-630‹ F.

19-11-1943 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to aluminium stearate solutions and process of preparing the same

Номер: GB0000557411A

... 557,411. Aluminium soap solutions. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. Dec. 3, .1941, No. 15557. Convention date, Dec. 4, 1940. [Classes 1 (iii), 91 and 95] [Also in Groups IV, V and XXXVI] A solution comprising an aluminium soap and suitable for use in producing coatings and films, e.g. insulating coatings, or textile sizes, for waterproofing, and for addition to lubricant oils is obtained by the admixture of an aluminium soap, a solvent therefor, ammonia, ammonium stearate or an amine, and a polar solvent. The aluminium soap, e.g. the stearate or palmitate is dissolved in a hydrocarbon solvent, e.g. toluol, benzol, naphtha, petroleum spirit, and ammonia is passed into the solution until it becomes pasty; further ammonia may be introduced while heating the solution. The polar solvent which is added may be a low molecular alcohol, cresylic acid, nitro-benzene or in some cases a plasticizer such as tricresyl phosphate. Alternatively ammonium stearate or an amine may be added to the aluminium ...

03-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001332826A

... 1332826 Hydraulic fluids; fuels SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAAT. SCHAPPIJ BV 21 Dec 1970 [22 Dec 1969] 60592/70 Headings C5F and C5G A water-in-oil emulsion comprises 20-45 wt. per cent water phase and 55-80 wt. per cent oil phase, the oil phase comprising a mineral oil and 0À05-10 wt. per cent (based on the emulsion) each of (i) where R is a C 30 - C 500 polyalkene and (ii) where each of R 1 and R 2 is C 1- C 4 alkyl and R 3 is C 1 -C 4 alkylene. The emulsion may also contain a C 2 -C 8 alkylene glycol, phenols, amines, thiophosphates, thiocarbonates, thiocarbamates, sulphides,- carboxylic acids, silicones, polymethacrylates and dyes (examples are given). The mineral oil may be a lubricating oil or gasoline, kerosene or furnace oil.

09-10-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in the treatment of fatty oils

Номер: GB0000572458A

... 572,458. Fatty oils and sperm wax compositions. EVANS, E. A., ELLIOTT, J. S., and WAKEFIELD & CO., Ltd., C. C. Dec. 8, 1943, No. 20548. [Class 91] Fatty oils and the liquid wax comprising sperm oil contain a small proportion of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having at least 4 condensed rings combined in the form of a pyrene nucleus. The compounds may contain further condensed nuclei in any position and any of the compounds may be substituted in any position by other radicals such as alkyl or hydroxyl. The compounds specified comprise pyrene, 3 : 4 benzpyrene, 4<1>-hydroxy-3 : 4 benzpyrene, tetrahydrobenzpyrene, and 1 : 12 benzperylene. Mixtures of the compounds may be used such as coal tar "heavy oil." In comparison tests, anthracene and phenanthrene are mentioned amongst others. The provisional specification also includes the 3 isomeric benzanthracenes and the 4 isomeric benzphenanthrenes. The fatty oils specified comprise castor, rapeseed, seal, ground nut, whale, linseed, lard, coconut ...

05-09-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to emulsification

Номер: GB0000628766A

An emulsifying agent comprises an oil-soluble ammonium or alkali metal salt of naphtha sulphonic acid consisting of or containing pet ether soluble constituents and one or more water soluble salts of compounds containing at least 7 carbon atoms of the general formula RSO3H or RXSO3H, wherein R represents an alkyl or substituted alkyl radicle and X is oxygen or a carbocyclic radicle, the SO3H group being linked to the said carbocyclic radicle either directly or through a hydrocarbon side chain substituent. Emulsified bases comprise the above with the addition of naphthenic acids, tall oils, fatty acids or their ammonium or alkali metal salts together with hydrophilic and oleophilic organic solvents such as aliphatic alcohols, esters, glycols and cresylic acids, and also small proportions of the oil to be emulsified. The agents and bases may be used to prepare soluble oil, gel, paste, solution or droplet emulsion type for industrial, insecticidal, fungicidal, pharmaceutical, veterinary and ...

25-05-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to metal working lubricating compositions

Номер: GB0000730733A

A composition suitable as a metal-working lubricant comprises an oil-in-water emulsion having incorporated therein a homopolymer of a vinyl halide or a vinylidene halide, a copolymer of a vinyl halide with a vinylidene halide or a copolymer of one or both of these halides with a polymerizable unsaturated organic compound in which the molar proportion of the halides is at least 50 per cent or these polymers further treated by halogenation, sulphurization and/or phosphorization and optionally emulsifiers, stabilizers, extreme pressure agents, anti-oxidants, anti-corrosives, detergents, anti-foaming agents and/or preservatives. Specified polymers are polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl fluoride, polyvinylidene chloride, copolymers of vinyl chloride with allyl chloride, chlorostyrene, allyl amine, vinylidene chloride, acrylonitrile, methyl methacrylate, isobutylene, maleic acid, vinyl acetate, vinyl benzoate, diallyl ether, vinyl pyridine or vinyl pyrrole, further halogenated polyvinyl chloride, ...

06-12-1967 дата публикации

Lubricant composition

Номер: GB0001093883A

A lubricant composition comprises a lubricating vehicle and a minor proportion by weight of the reaction product of tri-ethanolamine and a monoester of the formula R-O-(CH2CH2)n-P=O(OH)2 or a diester of the formula [R-O-(CH2CH2O)n]2=P=O(OH) or a mixture of said monoester and said diester, wherein R is an organic group having at least 9 carbon atoms and n is an integer from 3 to 30. The above reaction product may be present in an amount of from 0.001 to 20% by weight of the lubricating vehicle which may be aqueous or hydrocarbon in nature. The composition may also include other conventional additives.ALSO:A complex organic phosphate ester is obtained by reacting triethanolamine with a monoester of the formula R-O-(CH2CH2O)n-P=O(OH)2 or a diester of the formula [R-O-(CH2CH2O)n]2=P=O(OH) or a mixture of said monoester and said diester, wherein R is an organic group having at least 9 carbon atoms and n is an integer from 3 to 30. The reactants may be blended at 150 DEG F. and water may be present ...

27-03-1996 дата публикации

Mixed zinc salt lubricant additives

Номер: GB0002293389A

Novel zinc additives are provided which function as antioxidants and extreme pressure agents for lubricants and possess high thermal stability. In addition, they exhibit good filterability performance and good corrosion resistance. The zinc-containing additives are formed by admixing (i) at least one zinc dialkyldithiophosphate wherein each alkyl group contains 6 to 12 carbon atoms and is branched on its beta-carbon atom, and (ii) at least one zinc alkanoate wherein each alkanoate group is branched on its beta-carbon atom, in a ratio of 6.0 to 8.0 equivalents of (i) per equivalent of (ii).

17-10-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating compositions

Номер: GB0000759284A

... 759,284. Hydraulic fluids. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP DE BATAAFSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPIJ. Jan. 4, 1954 [Jan. 5, 1953], No. 186/54. Class 69 (2). [Also in Group III] An hydraulic fluid comprises a major proportion of an oleaginous liquid ester and minor proportions of an epoxy compound and of an aryl amine containing a plurality of amino-aryl linkages. The epoxy compounds may contain one or more epoxy groups, and may be polymers containing epoxy groups. The arylamines may be diamino diarylalkanes, thiodiarylamines, diarylamines or alkylated phenylene diamines. The oleaginous liquid ester may be an ester of an acid of phosphorus, such as phosphates, phosphonates, phosphinates, diphosphorus compounds and ethers of diphosphorus compounds; an ester of silicic acid; or an ester of a carboxylic acid, such as an ester of mono or polyhydric alcohol with a mono or polybasic acid; or an ester of a silicic, phosphorus or dicarboxylic acid with thia-alcohols or thio-alcohols. Many examples of the epoxy ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации

Heat transfer compositions

Номер: GB0000906547D0

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002135989B

31-07-1963 дата публикации

Cutting fluid

Номер: GB0000932893A

An aqueous coolant and lubricating composition comprises, in weight per cent, 15 to 20 of a product obtained by reacting, at 80 DEG -140 DEG C. in the presence of an etherification catalyst, a solution of a saturated polyol containing at least 3 hydroxyl groups from 3 to 6 carbon atoms molecule and only carbon hydrogen and oxygen, and 0,08 to 1,5 moles of water per mole of hydroxyl radicle in the polyol, with ethylene oxide and/or propylene oxide in a molal quantity of at least 0,4 times the total molal quantity of hydroxyl in the polyol plus water; 1,5 to 5,2 of at least one soap of di- or tri-ethanolamine with castor oil fatty acids, recinoleic acid, wool grease fatty acids or oleic acid; 11 to 22 or di- or triethanolamine phosphate; 2 to 4 of sodium potassium or lithium nitrite or sodium carbonate or their mixtures; 1,15 to 3,25 of one or more germicides selected from phenol, the sodium salts of orthophenyl phenol and 2,3,4,6 tetrachlorophenol, and methyl-p-hydroxy benzoate; and the ...

11-09-1963 дата публикации

Oil compositions

Номер: GB0000936546A

A corrosion inhibiting oil composition comprises a mineral oil base containing from 10 to 30% by weight of the composition of an oilsoluble alkali metal (sodium or potassium) petroleum sulphonate and from 3 to 10% by weight of a partially ammoniated fatty acid (see below) having from 12 to 30 carbon atoms in the molecule, the mineral oil having a viscosity from 400 to 800 SUS at 100 DEG F. and a viscosity index from 10 to 50. The term "partially ammoniated fatty acid" includes acids which have been partly neutralized with mono C1-4 alkylamines (e.g. methyl- or ethylamine), and is believed to be a mixture of acid salt and free acid. Numerous examples are given of fatty acids which may be used. Optional additives mentioned include polymeric ashless dispersents (e.g. lauryl methacrylate/diethylamino methacrylate copolymer, 2-methyl-5-vinyl pyridine/lauryl and stearyl methacrylates copolymer, C10-18 alpha-olefin/vinyl acetate copolymer and many similar copolymers), mono- and bis-phenols which ...

27-01-1965 дата публикации

Antioxidant compositions

Номер: GB0000981524A

The invention comprises a composition containing (a) an antioxidant mixture of (1) an organic diallyl phosphonate, having a hydrogen atom bonded to phosphorus, in an amount from 0.005% to 1.5% and (2) 0.01 to 5% of a phenol mono-, di-, or tri-sulphide, wherein the phenol nuclei are bridged by Sx, where x is from 1 to 3, both percentages being based on the weight of the composition, and (b) an organic material subject to oxidation by air oxygen or ozone. Examples of organic materials are: diester lubricants formed by the reaction of dibasic C4 to C16 carboxylic acids with monohydric C1 to C10 alcohols; chlorinated organic compounds such as chlorodiphenyls, chloronaphthalenes and chlordiphenyl acids; phosphate esters, which are prepared by the reaction of an alcohol with phosphoric acid, and have the general formula wherein R, R1 and R11 are hydrogen or an organic radical provided that at least one is an organic radical, a typical example is tricresylphosphonate; Vitamins ...

23-09-1964 дата публикации

Emulsifiable mineral oil composition

Номер: GB0000970680A

An emulsifiable oil composition comprises a mineral lubricating oil having a V.I. of at least 80, 1-4 wt. per cent of a monoester formed from a fatty acid having at least 8 carbon atoms and an alkitan, 0.5-3 wt. per cent of a polyoxyalkylene glycol monoalkylphenyl ether having the formula Rm-phenyl-(OR1)n-OR11-OH where m is 1 or 2, n is an integer from 2 to 6, R is a C4-20 alkyl radical, and R1 and R11 are alkylene groups, and 0.01-2.0 wt. per cent of a nitrogen-base modified oleophilic clay or a mixture of such modified clay with an unmodified clay. Clays mentioned include bentonite, hectorite, attapulgite, illite and zeolites, which may be modified with amines, amino-amides, and quaternary ammonium bases, numerous examples being given, including an amino-amide modified hectorite clay composition containing sodium nitrite or sebacate, phenyl a - or b -naphthylamine, and phosphoric acid. The oil compositions may also contain amine and/or phenolic antioxidants, which are exemplified. The ...

27-03-1957 дата публикации

Copolymeric dispersants and lubricant compositions containing them

Номер: GB0000770771A

Oil-soluble copolymers consisting of (A) a compound having an olefinic double bond and an oil-solubilizing group of 4 to 30 aliphatic carbon atoms and (B) an alpha, beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid in which from 1 to 10 of the carboxyl groups are ester-linked to a poly-1,2-alkylene oxide glycol and from 1 to 10 of the carboxyl groups are ester linked to an alcohol which, in addition to the hydroxy group through which the ester linkage is formed, is substituted by at least one hydroxyl, mercapto, nitro, or amine radical are made by (1) polymerizing an appropriate monomeric mixture, (2) introducing into a homopolymer of (A) the desired radicals or (3) aftertreating a copolymer of (A) and an alpha, beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid. (A) may be selected from an extensive list including hexene-1, cyclohexene and substituted cyclohexenes, p-octylstyrene, 2-hexadecyl-butadiene-1,3, vinyl n-butyl ether, allyl cyclohexyl ether, methallyl n-hexyl ether, vinyl p-octylphenyl ether, 1-decenyl 2-phenylbutyl ...

13-12-1967 дата публикации

N-vinyl-2-piperazinones and polymers thereof

Номер: GB0001094724A

Gasoline and lubricating oil compositions contain polymers or copolymers of N-vinyl-2-piperazinones of formula in which R1 is hydrogen; C1-C18 alkyl; aralkyl or alkaralkyl each containing up to 18 carbon atoms, and in each of which each alkyl group contains up to 8 carbon atoms; dialkylaminoalkyl of up to 12 carbon atoms, and in which each alkyl group contains up to 8 carbon atoms; or furfuryl; R2 individually, is hydrogen or methyl; R3, individually, is hydrogen; C1-C18 alkyl; phenyl; naphthyl; alkyl-, chloro- or alkoxy-substituted phenyl or naphthyl each containing up to 18 alkyl carbon atoms; aralkyl or alkaralkyl of up to 18 carbon atoms; or 2-furyl; R2 and R3 collectively, represent an alkylene group containing up to 18 carbon atoms which together with the carbon atom to which it is attached forms a ring having 5 to 7 cyclic atoms; R4, individually, is hydrogen or C1-C4 alkyl; R, individually, is hydrogen or C1-C4 alkyl and R4 and R5, collectively, represent ...

30-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008607157D0

16-02-1931 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricants and methods of making same

Номер: GB0000317406A

... 317,406. Penniman, W. B. D. Aug. 15, 1928, [Convention date]. Lubricants for machinery are made by adding to a hydrocarbon distillate of viscosity below 135 seconds Saybolt at 100‹ F., such as petroleum, coal tar, or shale oil distillates, (1) a polar body, and, if desired, (2) a " mushiness " ingredient, which is stated to form a protecting layer on the primary lubricating layer formed by the polar body on the metal surfaces in contact, and (3) an antioxidant. As a polar body, higher fatty acids especially those containing an OH group, higher ketones or alcohols such as are made by the oxidation of petroleum, or organic sulphides such as are obtained by the treatment of petroleum with sulphur are used. When the presence of a. fatty acid is undesirable, substituted ammonia compounds, e.g. diphenylamine may be used alone or mixed with tallow oil. The mushiness ingredients are preferably soluble in the polar body but not in petroleum; saponifiable oils or fats or metallic soaps may be used ...

31-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009020604D0

13-09-1967 дата публикации

Synthetic ester lubricants

Номер: GB0001083313A

Lubricating compositions comprise a liquid blend containing as essential components: (1) a base oil having a viscosity of 3-10 cs. at 210 DEG F. and consisting of a neutral ester having at least two ester linkages per molecule and prepared by reacting together in one or more stages: (a) a C5- 15 mono- and/or poly-hydric alcohol having no hydrogen atoms attached to any carbon atom in a 2-position with respect to any -OH group; and (b) a C2- 14 mono- and/or poly-carboxylic acid; and (2) a minor amount of an aminophosphonate of the general formula: where R1 and R2 are alkyl, cycloalkyl, aryl or aralkyl groups, R3 is hydrogen or an alkyl group, and R4 is hydrogen or an alkyl, cycloalkyl, aryl or aralkyl group or may together with R3 be part of a ring which, apart from the nitrogen atom, is made up of hydrocarbon groups or hydrocarbon groups and a second hetero-atom, e.g. oxygen. The esters include polyesters and complex esters prepared from trimethylolpropane or pentaerythritol ...

04-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008630971D0

17-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008907474D0

11-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001323258A

... 1323258 Hydraulic fluids STAUFFER CHEMICAL CO 13 July 1971 [17 Aug 1970] 32792/71 Heading C5F Hydraulic fluids comprise by weight 10-90% of a styrenated triaryl phosphate of formula where x is 0À5-2À0, n is 1-3, a and c are each 0-5, b is 0-4, and R 1 , R 2 and R 3 are each C 1 -C 8 alkyl groups, and 90-10% of an alkyl phenyl phosphate of formula where R 4 is C 3 -C 12 alkyl, d is 1-5 and y is 0À2-2À5; the composition having a viscosity of 100-900 S.U.S. at 100‹ F. The composition may also contain amine antioxidants, rust inhibitors and other conventional additives (examples given).

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002638A1

Disclosed is a natural gas engine lubricating oil composition which comprises: (a) a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity having a kinematic, (b) greater than about 2 wt. % but less than about 4 wt. %, based on the total weight of the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition, of one or more phenolic antioxidants, (c) about 0.1 to about 1 wt. %, based on the total weight of the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition, of one or more aminic antioxidants, (d) one or more metal dithiophosphates, and (e) one or more alkali metal or alkali earth metal phenate detergents having a TBN of about 150 to about 250 on an oil free basis, wherein the one or more alkali metal or alkali earth metal phenate detergents provide at least about 0.10 wt. % of alkali metal or alkali earth metal to the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition. 1. A natural gas engine lubricating oil composition comprising:(a) a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity,(b) greater than about 2 wt. % but less than about 4 wt. %, based on the total weight of the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition, of one or more phenolic antioxidants,(c) about 0.1 wt. % to about 1 wt. %, based on the total weight of the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition, of one or more aminic antioxidants,(d) one or more metal dithiophosphates,(e) one or more alkali metal or alkali earth metal phenate detergents having a total base number (TBN) of about 150 to about 250 on an oil free basis, wherein the one or more alkali metal or alkali earth metal phenate detergents provide at least about 0.10 wt. % of alkali metal or alkali earth metal to the natural gas engine lubricating oil composition,2. The natural gas engine lubricating oil composition of claim 1 , having a TBN of about 5 to about 8 as determined by ASTM D 2896.3. The natural gas engine lubricating oil composition of claim 1 , having a TBN of about 6 to about 7 as determined by ASTM D 2896.4. The natural gas engine ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002639A1
Автор: SONODA Tomoyuki
Принадлежит: SONODA CO., LTD.

It is an object of this invention to provide a lubricant additive applicable integrally to all of different types of lubricants for various applications. A lubricant additive adapted to be blended to a lubricating oil, which is characterized by comprising a synthesized base oil of the polyolester type, the content of which to be contained in the lubricant additive is in a range of from 30.0 w/w % to 60.0 w/w %, calcium sulfonate containing calcium carbonate formed in the calcite crystal structure, the content of which to be contained in the lubricant additive is in a range of from 5.0 w/w % to 30.0 w/w %, a poly-alpha-olefin oligomer, an anti-oxidant of the zinc dithiophosphate type, succinimide, an extreme pressure agent of the thiadiazole type and an anti-oxidant of the phenol type, is provided. 1. A lubricant additive adapted to be blended to a lubricating oil , characterized in that the lubricant additive comprising:a synthesized base oil of the polyester type,calcium sulfonate containing calcium carbonate formed in the calcite crystal structure,a poly-alpha-olefin oligomer, an anti-oxidant of the zinc dithiophosphate type, succinimide, an extreme pressure agent of the thiadiazole type and an anti-oxidant of the phenol type.2. A lubricant additive of characterized in that:the content of the synthesized base oil of the polyolester type to be contained in the lubricant additive is in a range of from 35.0 w/w % to 60.0 w/w %, andthe content of the calcium sulfonate to be contained in the lubricant additive is in a range of from 5.0 w/w % to 30.0 w/w %.3. A lubricant additive of characterized in that the synthesized base oil of the polyolester type comprises normal saturated fatty acids comprising 8 to 18 carbon atoms.4. A lubricant additive of characterized in that the synthesized base oil of the polyolester type comprises decanoic acid claim 1 , mixed esters with hexanoic acid claim 1 , octanoic acid and trimethylolpropane.5. A lubricant additive of characterized ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Working Fluid Composition for Refrigerator and Refrigeration Oil

Номер: US20170009170A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

Disclosed is a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine, comprising a refrigerating machine oil comprising an ester of a polyhydric alcohol and a fatty acid, a carbodiimide compound, and a phosphorous compound, and at least one refrigerant selected from 1, 1, 1,2-tetrafluoroethane and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, the fatty acid comprises at least one selected from fatty acids having 4 to 9 carbon atoms, and the carbodiimide compound and the phosphorus compound satisfy the conditions represented by the formula (1): 0.11 ≦ ( N C M C · W C ) ( N P M P · W P ) ≦ 4.70 ( 1 ) wherein, N c represents the number of carbodiimide groups per molecule of the carbodiimide compound, M c represents the molecular weight of the carbodiimide compound, W c represents the content of the carbodiimide compound, N p represents the number of phosphorus atoms per molecule of the phosphorus compound, M p represents the molecular weight of the phosphorus compound, and W p represents the content of the phosphorus compound.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022444A1

A composition of an oil-soluble ionic detergent that does not contribute metal ions to the composition, and which comprises a quaternary non-metallic pnictogen cation and an organic anion having at least one hydrocarbyl group of sufficient length to impart oil solubility to the detergent, the detergent having a total base number (TBN) to total acid number (TAN) ratio of at least 2:1 imparts ash-free basicity to a lubricant composition. 1. A composition comprising an oil-soluble ionic detergent , which detergent comprises(a) a quaternary ammonium cation and(b) an organic anion having at least one aliphatic hydrocarbyl group of sufficient length to impart oil solubility to the detergent;said oil-soluble ionic detergent having a total base number (TBN) to total acid number (TAN) ratio of at least 2:1;wherein said oil-soluble ionic detergent exhibits a TBN of at least about 10 arising from a non-metallic base;wherein said oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a stoichiometric excess of quaternary ammonium cations of (a) over organic anions of (b) such that said cations and anions are present in an equivalent ratio (a):(b) of at least about 2:1; andwherein the overbased detergent further comprises an additional oxo-anion which comprises a carbonate, bicarbonate, or hydroxide ion.2. (canceled)3. The composition of wherein the cation comprises a tetrahydrocarbyl ammonium ion.4. The composition of wherein the cation comprises four groups selected from the group consisting of methyl groups claim 1 , ethyl groups claim 1 , propyl groups claim 1 , butyl groups claim 1 , benzyl groups claim 1 , phenyl groups claim 1 , hydroxyalkyl groups claim 1 , aminoalkyl groups claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.5. (canceled)6. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a sulfonate claim 1 , carboxylate claim 1 , or phenate anion.710-. (canceled)11. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent has a TBN of about 50 to about 300 and a TAN of less than 10. ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Solid lubricant and method of making the same

Номер: US20210024851A1

A solid-state lubricant composition is disclosed. The solid-lubricant contains graphene, an oxide of a metal, and one or more polymeric binders. A method of making a solid-state lubricant coating on various substrates is disclosed. The method includes the steps of making a homogeneous slurry comprising powder of an oxide of a metal, graphene, and a polymeric binder with organic volatile solvent; coating a substrate with the homogeneous slurry with desired thicknesses; and drying the slurry on the substrate naturally or applying additional heat, resulting in a solid lubricant coating on the substrate. Substrates with coated solid composite lubricant show wear reduction and lower coefficient of friction compared with uncoated substrates.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056206A1
Автор: Andrew Sharratt
Принадлежит: Mexichem Fluor SA de CV

The present invention relates to compounds according to formula (Ia) or formula (Ib);wherein each W is independently selected from the group consisting of H, F, Cl, Br, I and (CY2)mCY3; each Y is independently selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br and I; each Z is independently selected from the group consisting of H, OH, (CW2)pCW3, CY3, OCW3, O(CW2)pCW3, OCW((CY2)mCY3)CWCW2, (CW2)pOH, polyalkylene glycol and polyolester; n is an integer from 2 to 49; m is an integer from 0 to 3; p is an integer from 0 to 9; the molecular weight average (MW) is ≤5500; and the polydispersity index is ≤1.45; compositions comprising these compounds and methods for their production.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040242A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

To provide a composition for a heat cycle system, which comprises a working fluid for heat cycle which has a low global warming potential and high stability, and which can replace R410A, and a heat cycle system employing the composition. A composition for a heat cycle system, which comprises a working fluid for heat cycle containing trifluoroethylene, and a stabilizer for preventing deterioration of the working fluid for heat cycle, such as an oxidation resistance-improving agent, a heat resistance-improving agent or a metal deactivator, and a heat cycle system employing the composition for a heat cycle system. 1. A composition for a heat cycle system , comprising:a working fluid for heat cycle comprising trifluoroethylene and a hydrofluoroolefin other than trifluoroethylene; anda stabilizer for preventing deterioration of the working fluid for heat cycle.2. The composition for a heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is at least one stabilizer selected from an oxidation resistance-improving agent claim 1 , a heat resistance-improving agent and a metal deactivator.3. The composition for a heat cycle system according to claim 2 , wherein the stabilizer is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of a phenol compound claim 2 , an unsaturated hydrocarbon group-containing aromatic compound claim 2 , an aromatic amine compound claim 2 , an aromatic thiazine compound claim 2 , a terpene compound claim 2 , a quinone compound claim 2 , a nitro compound claim 2 , an epoxy compound claim 2 , a lactone compound claim 2 , an orthoester compound claim 2 , a mono- or di-alkali metal salt compound of phthalic acid claim 2 , and a thiodiphenyl ether hydroxide compound.4. The composition for a heat cycle system according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the stabilizer in the composition is at least 1 mass ppm.5. The composition for a heat cycle system according to claim 1 , further comprising a refrigerant oil.6. The composition for a heat ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047581A1

Provided is a lubricating oil composition for use in internal-combustion engines, containing a base oil (A), an ashless dispersant (B) containing a non-boronated alkenylsuccinic acid imide (B1) and a boronated alkenylsuccinic acid imide (B2), a thiadiazole compound (C), and an aromatic carboxylate (D) having one or more hydroxy groups, wherein the content of the component (C) is 0.2 to 1.2% by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition, the content of a zinc dithiophosphate is, as calculated in terms of zinc atoms, less than 500 ppm by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition, and the content of a metal-based detergent is, as calculated in terms of metal atoms, less than 600 ppm by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition. 1. A lubricating oil composition for use in internal-combustion engines , comprising:a base oil (A),an ashless dispersant (B) containing a non-boronated alkenylsuccinic acid imide (B1) and a boronated alkenylsuccinic acid imide (B2),a thiadiazole compound (C), andan aromatic carboxylate (D) having one or more hydroxy groups, wherein:the content of the component (C) is 0.2 to 1.2% by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition,the content of a zinc dithiophosphate is, as calculated in terms of zinc atoms, less than 500 ppm by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition, andthe content of a metal-based detergent is, as calculated in terms of metal atoms, less than 600 ppm by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content ratio of the component (D) to the component (B2) [(D)/(B2)] is claim 1 , as a ratio by mass claim 1 , 0.1 to 5.0.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the component (D) is claim 1 , based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition claim 1 , 0.5 to 15.0% by mass.5. The ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044462A1

The invention provides a refrigerating machine oil comprising a hydrocarbon-based base oil, the refrigerating machine oil having a viscosity index of 120 or less, and being used with a 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant. 1. A refrigerating machine oil comprising a hydrocarbon-based base oil ,the refrigerating machine oil having a viscosity index of 120 or less, and being utilized with a 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant.2. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon-based base oil has a viscosity index of 120 or less.3. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon-based base oil has a % Cof 10 or more and 75 or less.4. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein the 1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant is a trans-1-chloro-3 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant.5. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine claim 1 , comprising:a refrigerating machine oil comprising a hydrocarbon-based base oil, the refrigerating machine oil having a viscosity index of 120 or less, anda 1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant.6. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 5 , wherein the hydrocarbon-based base oil has a viscosity index of 120 or less.7. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 5 , wherein the hydrocarbon-based base oil has a % Cof 10 or more and 75 or less.8. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 5 , wherein the 1-chloro-3 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant is a trans-1-chloro-3 claim 5 ,3 claim 5 ,3-trifluoropropene refrigerant.9. (canceled)10. (canceled) The present invention relates to a refrigerating machine oil, and a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine; use of a composition containing a hydrocarbon-based base oil for a refrigerating machine oil or a working fluid ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051224A1

The disclosed technology provides a lubricating composition comprising an oil of lubricating viscosity and 0.2 wt % to 10 wt % of a salt of a hydroxyl functional aromatic compound. The disclosed technology further relates to a method of lubricating a mechanical device with the lubricant composition. 2. (canceled)3. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein cation is a metallic cation and the metal of the metallic cation is selected from calcium claim 1 , barium or magnesium claim 1 , or an alkali metal such as sodium claim 1 , or potassium.45.-. (canceled)6. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , whereinx is 1 or 2, andeach R3 is a hydrocarbyl group containing 1 to 150 carbon atoms (or 1 to 80, 10 to 40, or 30 to 100, or 40 to 96 carbon atoms) or a hydrocarbyl group containing 6 to 36, 10 to 30 or 12 to 24 carbon atoms.7. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , whereinx is 1, and{'sup': 1', '4', '5, 'sub': 2', 'm, 'Ris —(CHCHR—O—)R'}{'sup': '4', 'Ris a hydrocarbyl group containing 1 to 4, (or 1 to 2) carbon atoms,'}{'sup': '5', 'Ris hydrogen or a hydrocarbyl group (typically containing 1 to 24, or 1 to 12 carbon atoms), and'}m=1 to 20, or 5 to 18.12. The lubricating composition of claim 6 , wherein Ris hydrogen.15. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the salt of an aromatic compound does not contain (i) sulfonate functional group claim 1 , or (ii) sulfur.16. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the salt of an aromatic compound does not contain phosphate functional group.17. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the salt of an aromatic compound does not contain borate functional group.18. (canceled)19. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the salt of an aromatic compound is formed from an anion composed of carbon claim 1 , hydrogen claim 1 , and oxygen; and a metallic cation (typically calcium claim 1 , magnesium or sodium claim 1 , often calcium).2021.-. (canceled)22. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051228A1
Автор: YAMASAKI Hirotaka

The lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine of the present invention includes a base oil (A) and from 0.5 to 10% by mass of a polyolefin (B) having at least an isobutene-derived constituting unit and having a number average molecular weight of 500 to 10,000, with a sulfated ash content being from 0.3 to 1.2% by mass. 1. A lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine , comprising a base oil (A) and from 0.5 to 10% by mass of a polyolefin (B) having at least an isobutene-derived constituting unit and having a number average molecular weight of 500 to 10 ,000 , with a sulfated ash content being from 0.3 to 1.2% by mass.2. The lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine according to claim 1 , wherein the sulfated ash content is from 0.3 to 0.7% by mass.3. The lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine according to claim 2 , further comprising an overbased calcium salicylate (C1) having a base number of 170 to 400 mgKOH/g and a neutral metal-based detergent (C2) selected from a neutral calcium sulfonate having a base number of 50 mgKOH/g or less and a neutral calcium salicylate having a base number of 50 mgKOH/g or less; and having a calcium content of 500 to 1 claim 2 ,800 ppm by mass.4. The lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine according to claim 2 , further comprising a hindered phenol compound (F1) and an alkyldiphenylamine compound (F2) claim 2 , with a sum total of the contents thereof being more than 1.5% by mass and 5.0% by mass or less on the basis of a total amount of the composition.5. The lubricating oil composition for four-stroke cycle engine according to claim 2 , which is adapted to function as a lubricating oil composition for a four-stroke cycle engine in which a maximum power is 200 kW or more claim 2 , an operation at 60% or more of the maximum power is continued for 10 hours or more claim 2 , and an oil replacement cycle is 500 hours or more.6. The lubricating oil composition ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057765A1

A marine diesel cylinder lubricating oil composition includes a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity. The lubricating oil composition further includes a non-sulfur containing aromatic amine. The marine diesel cylinder lubricating oil composition has a total base number (TBN) of about 5 to about 100 mg KOH/g. Furthermore, the contribution of the non-sulfur containing aromatic amine to the TBN of the marine diesel cylinder lubricant oil composition is greater than about 30%. 1. A marine diesel cylinder lubricating oil composition comprising:(a) a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity, and(b) a non-sulfur containing aromatic amine;wherein the marine diesel cylinder lubricating oil composition has a total base number (TBN) of about 5 to about 100 mg KOH/g; and further wherein the contribution of the non-sulfur containing aromatic amine to the TBN of the marine diesel cylinder lubricant oil composition is greater than about 30%.2. The marine diesel cylinder lubricant oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the non-sulfur containing aromatic amine is selected from a diphenylamine claim 1 , a N-phenylnaphthylamine claim 1 , a dinaphthylamine claim 1 , or a phenylenediamine.3. The marine diesel cylinder lubricant oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the non-sulfur containing aromatic amine consists essentially of a diphenylamine.4. The marine diesel cylinder lubricant oil composition according to claim 3 , wherein the diphenylamine is selected from diphenylamine claim 3 , N-methyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4-butyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-dibutyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4-hexyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-dihexyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4-heptyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-diheptyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4-octyidiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-dioctyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4-nonyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′-dinonyldiphenylamine claim 3 , or 4-tetradecyldiphenylamine claim 3 , 4 claim 3 ,4′- ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Lubricant Compositions For Direct Injection Engines

Номер: US20200063059A1

The invention is directed to a method for reducing low speed pre-ignition events in a spark-ignited direct injection internal combustion engine by supplying to the sump a lubricant composition which contains an oil of lubricating viscosity and a metal overbased detergent. The metal overbased detergent may be selected from sulfonate detergents, phenate detergents, and salicylate detergents, especially sulfonate detergents with a metal ratio of at least 5. 1. A lubricant composition comprising:(a) a base oil of lubricating viscosity;(b) a magnesium sulfonate overbased detergent in an amount to provide at least 500 ppm magnesium from the magnesium sulfonate overbased detergent to the lubricating composition;(c) a calcium sulfonate overbased detergent in an amount to provide at least 1,000 ppm from the calcium sulfonate overbased detergent to the lubricating composition; and(d) 0.5 to 0.9 wt. % of a zinc dialkyldithiophosphate anti-wear additive, wherein the magnesium sulfonate overbased detergent and the calcium sulfonate overbased detergent collectively contribute up to about 0.8 weight percent of sulfated ash to the lubricating composition and wherein the lubricating composition has a phosphorus content of 0.12 wt. % or less and total sulfated ash of 1.1% or less.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more additional additives is selected from an ashless dispersant claim 1 , an ashless antioxidant claim 1 , a friction modifier claim 1 , and a polymeric viscosity modifier.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the magnesium overbased detergent has a metal ratio of 5 to 30.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more additional additives includes a polyalkenyl succinimide dispersant in an amount from 0.5 to 4 weight % of the lubricating composition.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more additional additives includes a boron post-treated polyalkenyl succinimide dispersant.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089927A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

To provide a composition for a heat cycle system, which comprises a working fluid for heat cycle which has a low global warming potential and high stability, and which can replace R410A, and a heat cycle system employing the composition. 115-. (canceled)16. A composition for a heat cycle system , comprising:a working fluid; anda stabilizer;wherein:the working fluid comprises:30-50 mass % trifluoroethylene based on a total mass of working fluid; and50-70 mass % 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene based on a total mass of the working fluid.17. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 16 , wherein the 1 claim 16 ,3 claim 16 ,3 claim 16 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is HFO-1234ze(E).18. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 16 , further comprising a refrigerant oil.19. An air conditioning apparatus claim 16 , comprising the composition for a heat cycle system of .20. An automobile claim 16 , comprising an air conditioning apparatus having the composition for a heat cycle system of contained therein.21. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 16 , wherein the working fluid comprises:30-40 mass % trifluoroethylene based on a total mass of working fluid; and60-70 mass % 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene based on a total mass of the working fluid.22. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 21 , wherein the 1 claim 21 ,3 claim 21 ,3 claim 21 ,3-tetrafluoropropene is HFO-1234ze(E).23. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 21 , further comprising a refrigerant oil.24. An air conditioning apparatus claim 21 , comprising the composition for a heat cycle system of .25. An automobile claim 21 , comprising an air conditioning apparatus having the composition for a heat cycle system of contained therein.26. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 16 , wherein the working fluid consists of trifluoroethylene and 1 claim 16 ,3 claim 16 ,3 claim 16 ,3-tetrafluoropropene.27. The composition for a heat cycle system of claim 26 , wherein the 1 claim 26 ,3 ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Marine engine lubrication

Номер: US20150083067A1
Автор: Laura Gregory
Принадлежит: Infineum International Ltd

A trunk piston lubricating oil composition of TBN 20 to 60 comprising (A) a high saturates low sulphur oil of lubricating viscosity in a major amount; (B) an overbased metal hydroxybenzoate detergent additive; (C) a polyisobutene succinic anhydride additive (1-7 mass %); and (D) a meta-linear pentadecyl phenol additive (10.1 to 10 mass %), the weight ratio of (D) to (C) being less than 1 and the combined treat rate of (B), (C) and (D) being 5 to 30%. The composition is useful to improve asphaltene dispersancy when lubricating a medium-speed compression-ignited marine engine fueled by a heavy fuel oil.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080019A1

A lubricant, including, by weight: 80-85 parts of a base oil; 1-2 parts of a methyl-silicone oil; 1-2 parts of polymethacrylate; 2-4 parts of pentaerythritol polyisobutylene succinate; 1-2 parts of di-n-butyl phosphite; 2-3 parts of butylhydroxytoluene; 2-4 parts of an ethylene-propylene copolymer; 1-2 parts of an alkenyl succinate; and 3-5 parts of copper nanoparticles. A method of preparing the lubricant includes: adding the base oil, the methyl-silicone oil, the polymethacrylate, the ethylene-propylene copolymer, the butylhydroxytoluene, the alkenyl succinate to a reactor, and stirring a resulting first mixture under normal temperature and pressure at 300-400 rpm for 3-4 hours, to yield a primary product; and adding the di-n-butyl phosphite, the pentaerythritol polyisobutylene succinate, and the copper nanoparticles to the primary product, and stirring a resulting second mixture at 150-250 rpm for 2-2.5 hours. 1. A lubricant , comprising , by weight:80-85 parts of a base oil;1-2 parts of a methyl-silicone oil;1-2 parts of polymethacrylate;2-4 parts of pentaerythritol polyisobutylene succinate;1-2 parts of di-n-butyl phosphite;2-3 parts of butylhydroxytoluene;2-4 parts of an ethylene-propylene copolymer;1-2 parts of an alkenyl succinate; and3-5 parts of copper nanoparticles.2. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the base oil comprises 70 wt. % of a synthetic oil and 30 wt. % of a trimethylolpropane ester claim 1 , and the synthetic oil is a polyalphaolefin (PAO).3. The lubricant of claim 2 , wherein the polyalphaolefin (PAO) is PAO6 claim 2 , PAO8 claim 2 , or PAO10.4. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the lubricant comprises claim 1 , by weight:80 parts of the base oil;2 parts of the methyl-silicone oil;1 part of the polymethacrylate;4 parts of the pentaerythritol polyisobutylene succinate;2 parts of the di-n-butyl phosphite;3 parts of the butylhydroxytoluene;4 parts of the ethylene-propylene copolymer;1 part of the alkenyl succinate; and3 parts of the copper ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087001A1

The invention is directed to a method for reducing low speed pre-ignition events in a spark-ignited direct injection internal combustion engine by supplying to the sump a lubricant composition which contains an oil of lubricating viscosity and a boron-containing ashless dispersant. The ashless dispersant may be selected from succinimide compounds prepared from aliphatic or aromatic amines. 1. A method for reducing low speed pre-ignition events in a spark-ignited direct injection internal combustion engine comprising supplying to the engine a lubricant composition comprising a base oil of lubricating viscosity and a boron-containing ashless dispersant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine is operated under a load with a brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of greater than or equal to 10 bars.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine is operated at speeds less than or equal to 3 claim 1 ,000 rpm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the engine is fueled with a liquid hydrocarbon fuel claim 1 , a liquid non-hydrocarbon fuel claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the engine is fueled by natural gas claim 4 , liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) claim 4 , compressed natural gas (CNG) claim 4 , or mixtures thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the boron-containing ashless dispersant is a polyalkenyl dispersant derived from acylated polyisobutylene.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the boron-containing ashless dispersant comprises a polyisobutylene succinimide compound.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the polyisobutylene succinimide compound is prepared from an amine comprising one or more of aliphatic polyamines claim 7 , aromatic amines claim 7 , polyether amines claim 7 , and mixtures thereof.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the acylated polyisobutylene is prepared by a chlorine process claim 6 , a thermal process claim 6 , a free radical polymerization process claim 6 , or combinations thereof.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Lubricant Compositions For Direct Injection Engines

Номер: US20220135898A1

The invention is directed to a method for reducing low speed pre-ignition events in a spark-ignited direct injection internal combustion engine by supplying to the sump a lubricant composition which contains an oil of lubricating viscosity and a metal overbased detergent. The metal overbased detergent may be selected from sulfonate detergents, phenate detergents, and salicylate detergents, especially sulfonate detergents with a metal ratio of at least 5.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100713A1

Provided is a lubricating oil composition for engine equipped with a forced-induction mechanism capable of lowering the frequency of occurrence of LSPI, while using a calcium-based detergent. The lubricating oil composition for engine equipped with a forced-induction mechanism contains a base oil (A), a metal-containing surfactant (B) containing at least a calcium-containing surfactant (b1), and at least one basic compound (C) selected from a metal carbonate, a metal hydroxide, and an amine-based compound, wherein the content of sulfur contained in the metal-containing surfactant (B) is 0.2 mass % or more on the basis of the whole amount of the metal-containing surfactant (B); the content of a calcium atom is 0.08 to 0.20 mass % on the basis of the whole amount of the composition; and a mass ratio of the content of the basic compound (C) and the content of a calcium atom derived from the calcium-containing surfactant (b1) [(content of (C))/(calcium content derived from (b1))] is 2.0 or more. 1. A lubricating oil composition for engine equipped with a forced-induction mechanism , the composition comprising:a base oil (A),a metal-containing surfactant (B) containing at least a calcium-containing surfactant (b1), andat least one basic compound (C) selected from the group consisting of a metal carbonate, a metal hydrogencarbonate, a metal hydroxide, and an amine-based compound,wherein the content of sulfur contained in the metal-containing surfactant (B) is 0.2 mass % or more on the basis of the whole amount of the metal-containing surfactant (B);the content of a calcium atom is from 0.08 to 0.20 mass % on the basis of the whole amount of the composition; anda mass ratio of the content of the basic compound (C) and the content of a calcium atom derived from the calcium-containing surfactant (b1) [(content of (C))/(calcium content derived from (b1))] is 2.0 or more.2. The lubricating oil composition for engine equipped with a forced-induction mechanism according to claim ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Ether-Based Lubricant Compositions, Methods and Uses

Номер: US20200102521A1

The present invention provides a lubricant composition comprising a base oil of lubricating viscosity, wherein the base oil comprises an ether base stock of formula (A), where: Rand Rare aliphatic hydrocarbyl groups and may be the same or different; the lubricant composition further comprising at least one aminic anti-oxidant and at least one phenolic anti-oxidant. In some embodiments, the ether base stock has the formula (1), where: RR, R, R, Rand Rare as defined herein. The lubricant composition may be used for lubricating a surface in an internal combustion engine as well as for improving the fuel economy performance and/or piston cleanliness performance of an engine and/or a vehicle, such as an automotive vehicle associated with an internal combustion engine. 2. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein at least one of Rand Ris branched-chain alkyl claim 1 , alkoxy-substituted-alkyl or cycloalkyl-substituted-alkyl.3. The lubricant composition of claim 2 , wherein Rand Rare independently selected from alkyl claim 2 , alkoxy-substituted-alkyl or cycloalkyl-substituted-alkyl claim 2 , provided that when Rand Rare both alkyl claim 2 , at least one of Rand Ris/are branched-chain alkyl.4. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein Rcontains more carbon atoms than R.5. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein Rcontains from 12 to 30 carbon atoms claim 1 , and/or Rcontains from 2 to 20 carbon atoms.6. The lubricant composition of claim 6 , wherein Rand Rare Calkyl or claim 6 , together with the carbon atom to which they are attached claim 6 , Ccycloalkyl; and/or wherein R claim 6 , Rand Rare H or Calkyl.8. The lubricant composition of claim 6 , wherein m and n are 0 claim 6 , 1 or 2.11. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein the ether base stock contains a total number of carbons atoms of from 20 to 50.12. The lubricant composition of claim 1 , wherein the ether base stock is prepared from bio-derived feedstock; containing greater than 50% claim 1 ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106651A1

The present disclosure generally relates to an internal combustion engine lubricating oil composition comprising: (a) a major amount of a base oil of lubricating viscosity; (b) a nitrogen-containing dispersant; (c) an alkaline earth metal containing detergent; (d) a compound comprising the reaction product of: (i) a nitrogen-containing reactant, wherein the nitrogen-containing reactant comprises an alkyl alkanolamide, an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamide, an alkyl alkanolamine, an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamine or mixtures thereof, (ii) a source of boron, and (iii) a hydrocarbyl polyol, having at least three hydroxyl groups. 1. A passenger car internal combustion engine lubricating oil composition comprising:(a) a major amount of a base oil of lubricating viscosity, said base oil having a kinematic viscosity (Kv) at 100° C. of about 2.0 to about 12 centistokes (cSt);(b) a nitrogen-containing dispersant;(c) an alkaline earth metal non-borated containing detergent providing from about 0.03 to about 0.7 wt. % based on the metal content to the lubricating oil composition; (i) a nitrogen-containing reactant, wherein the nitrogen-containing reactant comprises an alkyl alkanolamide, an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamide, an alkyl alkanolamine, an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamine or mixtures thereof,', '(ii) a source of boron, and', '(iii) a hydrocarbyl polyol, having at least three hydroxyl groups., '(d) about 0.01 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. % of a compound comprising the reaction product of2. The lubricating oil composition of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen-containing reactant is an alkyl alkanolamide claim 1 , an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamide claim 1 , an alkyl alkanolamine claim 1 , an alkyl alkoxylated alkanolamine or mixtures thereof comprises a bis-ethoxy alkylamine or a bis-ethoxy alkylamide.3. The lubricating oil composition of claim 2 , wherein the alkyl group in the bis-ethoxy alkylamine comprises oleyl claim 2 , dodecyl claim 2 , or 2-ethylhexyl.4. The lubricating oil ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150119308A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Oronite Company LLC

Disclosed herein is a process for preparing an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-linear mono-alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compound. The process involves the steps of: (a) providing an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-di(alkyl-substituted)aromatic compound; wherein a first alkyl substituent is a Cto Calkyl moiety and a second alkyl substituent is a Cto Clinear alkyl moiety, wherein n is 0 to 42 and further wherein the second alkyl substituent is at least one carbon atom greater than the first alkyl substituent; (b) subjecting the isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-di(alkyl-substituted)aromatic compound to oxidation conditions in the presence of an oxygen-containing source, thereby converting the first alkyl substituent which is a Cto Calkyl moiety to a hydroperoxide-containing substituted moiety to produce an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-linear alkyl-substituted, hydroperoxide-containing substituted aromatic compound; and (c) converting the hydroperoxide-containing substituted moiety to a hydroxyl moiety thereby providing an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-linear mono-alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compound. 1. A process for preparing an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-linear mono-alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compound , the process comprising the steps of:{'sub': 3', '8', '4+n', '8+n, '(a) providing an isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-di(alkyl-substituted)aromatic compound; wherein a first alkyl substituent is a Cto Calkyl moiety and a second alkyl substituent is a Cto Clinear alkyl moiety, wherein n is 0 to 42 and further wherein the second alkyl substituent is at least one carbon atom greater than the first alkyl substituent;'}{'sub': 3', '8, '(b) subjecting the isomeric mixture comprising a major amount of a para-di(alkyl-substituted)aromatic compound to oxidation conditions in the presence of an oxygen- ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Surface Protective Agent Composition, Electric Connection Structure Using Same, and Method for Manufacturing Electric Connection Structure

Номер: US20170117650A1

To provide a surface protective agent composition that suppresses corrosion of members of different kinds of metals close to each other due to corrosion current between the metals of the members, and to provide an electric connection structure and a method for producing an electric connection structure using the same. The surface protective agent composition contains (a) a lubricant base oil; (b) a prescribed amount of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of particular phosphorus compounds and a metal salt or an amine salt thereof; and (c) a prescribed amount of an amide compound, and in the case where the component (b) does not contain the metal salt of the phosphorus compound, the surface protective agent composition further contains (d) a prescribed amount of a salicylate of a particular metal and/or a basic (or perbasic) salt thereof, and the electric connection structure containing a surface protective layer consisting of the surface protective agent composition. 137-. (canceled)39. The surface protective agent composition according to claim 38 , wherein the surface protective agent composition comprises (d) a salicylate of an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal having an alkyl group or an alkenyl group having from 10 to 40 carbon atoms claim 38 , and/or a basic (or perbasic) salt thereof claim 38 , in an amount of from 0.005 to 3.0% by mass in terms of metal element based on the total amount of the composition.40. The surface protective agent composition according to claim 38 , wherein the surface protective agent composition further comprises (e) at least one metal deactivator having a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic ring in the molecule thereof claim 38 , in an amount of from 0.01 to 30% by mass based on the total amount of the composition.41. The surface protective agent composition according to claim 38 , wherein the lubricant base oil (a) has a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of from 2 to 50 mm/s.42. The surface protective agent ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119043A1

A composition comprising a synthetic ester having a fatty acid mixture including: oleic acid in amount of at least about 85 wt % of the fatty acid mixture; linoleic acid in an amount of about 3 wt % of the fatty acid mixture or less; and linolenic acid in an amount of about 0.5 wt % of the fatty acid mixture or less. 1. A composition comprising a synthetic ester having a fatty acid mixture comprising:a. oleic acid in amount of at least about 85 wt % of the fatty acid mixture;b. linoleic acid in an amount of about 3 wt % of the fatty acid mixture or less; andc. linolenic acid in an amount of about 0.5 wt % of the fatty acid mixture or less.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic ester is derived from high stability oleic acid.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic ester is derived from high stability algal oil.4. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising alcohol.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the alcohol comprises nco pentyl glycol (NPG) claim 4 , trimethylol propane (TMP) claim 4 , penta-erythritol (PE) claim 4 , di-TMP claim 4 , di-PE claim 4 , 2-ethyl hexanol claim 4 , butyl ethyl propane diol (BEPD) claim 4 , trimethyl propanediol (TMPD) claim 4 , and/or propylene glycol.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the linolenic acid is present in an amount of about 0.2 wt % of the fatty acid mixture or less.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition meets standards for fire resistance according to Factory Mutual Approvals Class Number 6930 claim 1 , April 2009.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition maintains oxidative stability for about 2 claim 1 ,500 hours or greater according to ASTM D943.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition exhibits a pour point temperature of about −10° C. or less.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a lubricant.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a hydraulic fluid.12. A method of preparing a synthetic ester ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121627A1

Provided are a lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine, containing a lubricating base oil containing a mineral oil and/or a synthetic oil, (A) an overbased calcium salicylate, (B) an overbased magnesium detergent, (C) a binuclear and/or trinuclear organic molybdenum compound, (D) a phenol-based antioxidant, and (E) an amine-based antioxidant, wherein the component (C), the component (D), and the component (E) are contained in specified contents on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating oil composition; a method for producing the lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine; and a lubrication method including using the lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine. 1. A lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine , comprising a lubricating base oil comprising a mineral oil , a synthetic oil , or both , and:(A) an overbased calcium salicylates;(B) an overbased magnesium detergent;(C) a binuclear organic molybdenum compound, a trinuclear organic molybdenum compound, or both;(D) a phenol-based antioxidant; and(E) an amine-based antioxidant,wherein:the component (B) has a median diameter of 100 nm or more as measured by photon correlation spectroscopy;a molybdenum content derived from the component (C) is 200 to 1,000 ppm by mass on the basis of a total amount of the lubricating oil composition;a content of the component (D) is 0.40 mass % or more on the basis of the total amount of the lubricating oil composition; anda content of the component (E) is 0.60 mass % or more on the basis of the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.2. The lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , having a sulfuric acid ash content of 1.00 mass % or less on the basis of the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.3. The lubricating oil composition for internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the overbased magnesium detergent (B) has an alkyl group ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121630A1

A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased base oil having hydrolytic stability. 1. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased hydrocarbon base oil having an average molecular weight (weight average) between 300 g/mol and 900 g/mol , and an additive package , the additive package comprising an anti-oxidant.2. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased hydrocarbon base oil , the hydraulic fluid having a biodegradable rate in excess of 60% as determined in accordance with OECD 301B.3. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased base oil having the molecular structure:{'br': None, 'sub': n', 'm, '[B]—[P]'} [B] is biobased hydrocarbon repeating unit;', '[P] is non-biobased hydrocarbon repeating unit;', 'n is greater than 1, and m is less than 4;', 'the stereoscopic arrangement of [B] and [P] repeating unit can be linear, branched, and cyclic.', 'the sequential arrangement of [B] and [P] can be block, alternating or random; and', 'the molecular weight is in range of 300 g/mol to 900 g/mol; and', 'the biobased content of the hydraulic fluid is greater than 20%, as measured by ASTM D6866-12., 'wherein,'}4. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased base oil , wherein at least about 20% of the carbon atoms in the biobased base oil originate from renewable carbon sources and the hydraulic fluid meets Denison Hydraulics standard HF-0.5. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased base oil , wherein at least about 20% of the carbon atoms in the biobased base oil originate from renewable carbon sources and the hydraulic fluid has a TAN <2 at 1000 hours as determined in accordance with ASTM D943-04a (2010)e1.6. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased hydrocarbon base oil , wherein at least about 20% of the carbon atoms in the biobased base oil originate from renewable carbon sources and the hydraulic fluid has a pour point of less than 40° C.7. A hydraulic fluid comprising a biobased hydrocarbon base oil , the hydraulic fluid being compatible with and suitable for mixing with a Group I , Group II ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134982A1

A composition of an oil-soluble ionic detergent that does not contribute metal ions to the composition, and which comprises a quaternary non-metallic pnictogen cation and an organic anion having at least one hydrocarbyl group of sufficient length to impart oil solubility to the detergent, the detergent having a total base number (TBN) to total acid number (TAN) ratio of at least 2:1 imparts ash-free basicity to a lubricant composition. 1. A composition comprising an oil-soluble ionic detergent , which detergent comprises(a) a quaternary non-metallic pnictogen cation and(b) an organic anion having at least one aliphatic hydrocarbyl group of sufficient length to impart oil solubility to the detergent;said oil-soluble ionic detergent having a total base number (TBN) to total acid number (TAN) ratio of at least 2:1;wherein said oil-soluble ionic detergent exhibits a TBN of at least about 10 arising from a non-metallic base.2. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a quaternary ammonium cation or a quaternary phosphonium cation.3. The composition of wherein the cation comprises a tetrahydrocarbyl ammonium ion.4. The composition of wherein the cation comprises four groups selected from the group consisting of methyl groups claim 3 , ethyl groups claim 3 , propyl groups claim 3 , butyl groups claim 3 , benzyl groups claim 3 , phenyl groups claim 3 , hydroxyalkyl groups claim 3 , aminoalkyl groups claim 3 , and mixtures thereof.5. The composition of wherein the cation comprises a pyridinium ion or an imidazolium ion.6. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a sulfonate claim 5 , carboxylate claim 5 , or phenate anion.7. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a sulfonate anion or a salicylate anion.8. The composition of wherein the oil-soluble ionic detergent comprises a stoichiometric excess of quaternary non-metallic pnictogen cations of (a) over organic anions of (b) such that said ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137732A1
Автор: UTAKA Toshimasa

The present invention provides a lubricating oil composition including a viscosity index improver (A) containing a comb-shaped polymer and having an SSI (shear stability index) of 30 or less together with a base oil, wherein an HTHS viscosity (high temperature high shear viscosity) at 150° C. (T) is 1.6 to 2.9 mPa·s, and a ratio of a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. (V) [mm/s] to the HTHS viscosity at 150° C. (T) [mPa·s] (V/T) is 12.4 or less. The lubricating oil composition of the present invention is excellent in fuel consumption reducing properties in a low-temperature region assuming the time of starting an engine while making various properties, such as a viscosity, etc., in a high-temperature region assuming the time of high-speed operation of an engine favorable. 1. A lubricating oil composition , comprisinga viscosity index improver (A) containing a comb-shaped polymer and having a shear stability index of 30 or less, anda base oil,wherein{'sup': '2', 'a high temperature high shear viscosity at 150° C. is 1.6 to 2.9 mPa·s, and a ratio of a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. in mm/s to the high temperature high sheer viscosity at 150° C. is 12.4 or less.'}2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the comb-shaped polymer is 0.01 to 10.00 mass % based on a total amount of the lubricating oil composition.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a weight average molecular weight of the comb-shaped polymer is 10 claim 1 ,000 to 1 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000.4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a molecular weight distribution Mw/Mn of the comb-shaped polymer claim 1 , where Mw represents a weight average molecular weight of the comb-shaped polymer claim 1 , and Mn represents a number average molecular weight of the comb-shaped polymer claim 1 , is 6.00 or less.5. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the comb-shaped polymer is a polymer comprising at least a ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171434A1
Принадлежит: Mexichem Fluor S.A. de C.V.

The present disclosure provides compounds of formula (I), and preparation method thereof, 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least two of the X′ substituents are OR′.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least three of the X substituents are OR′.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein all four of the X′ substituents are OR′.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein two X′ substituents are H.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein one X′ substituent is CW.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein W is H.8. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the remaining X′ substituent is CWC(CWOH).9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when m is 0 n is an integer from 5 to 8.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when m is 1 n is an integer from 4 to 7.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein Y is independently selected from the group consisting of CFand CFH.12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein V is OH.13. The method according to claim 1 , wherein V is Cl or Br.14. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound according to formula B is selected from the group consisting of COH(CF)CF claim 1 , COH(CF)CFH claim 1 , and COH(CF)CF.15. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound according to formula B is selected from the group consisting of ClC(O)(CF)CF claim 1 , ClC(O) (CF)CFH claim 1 , and ClC(O)H(CF)CF.16. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the compound according to formula A is selected from the group consisting of pentaerythitol claim 1 , trimethylolpropane claim 1 , di-pentaerythritol claim 1 , and neopentylene glcycol.17. The method according to comprising reacting at least two different compounds of formula (A) with at least two different compounds of formula (B).18. The method according to wherein the ratio of compound of formula (A) to compound of formula (B) is at least 1:2.19. The method according to claim 1 , which is conducted in a one-step reaction. This application is a ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146265A1

A compressor uses a refrigerant containing R1123 (1,1,2-trifluoroethylene) as a working fluid, and uses a polyvinyl ether oil as a compressor lubricating oil. In addition, a fixed scroll and a revolving scroll each having a spiral lap rising from an end plate, and a compression chamber which is formed by meshing the fixed scroll and the revolving scroll, are provided. In addition, a discharge hole which is provided at a center position of the end plate of the fixed scroll, and is open to a discharge chamber, a bypass hole which is provided in the end plate of the fixed scroll, and communicates with the compression chamber and the discharge chamber at a timing different from a timing at which the compression chamber communicates with the discharge hole, and a check valve which is provided in the bypass hole, and allows a flow from the compression chamber side to the discharge chamber side. 1. A compressor which uses a refrigerant containing 1 ,1 ,2-trifluoroethylene as a working fluid , and uses a polyvinyl ether oil as a compressor lubricating oil , comprising:a fixed scroll and a revolving scroll each having a spiral lap rising from an end plate;a compression chamber which is formed by meshing the fixed scroll and the revolving scroll;a discharge hole which is provided at a center position of the end plate of the fixed scroll, and is open to a discharge chamber;a bypass hole which is provided in the end plate of the fixed scroll, and communicates with the compression chamber and the discharge chamber at a timing different from a timing at which the compression chamber communicates with the discharge hole; anda check valve which is provided in the bypass hole, and allows a flow from a compression chamber side to a discharge chamber side.2. The compressor of claim 1 ,wherein the check valve is a reed valve provided on an end plate surface of the fixed scroll.3. The compressor of claim 1 ,wherein the discharge chamber always communicates with the compression chamber ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158982A1

The lubricating oil composition of the present invention is a lubricating oil composition containing a lubricating base oil, a metal-based detergent, a molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate compound, and a boron-containing compound, wherein the metal-based detergent contains a calcium salicylate and at least one selected from the group consisting of a calcium sulfonate and a magnesium-based detergent; the lubricating oil composition arbitrarily contains an ashless friction modifier; the content of a calcium atom is 0.12 to 0.16 mass % on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating oil composition; the content of a molybdenum atom is 0.05 to 0.10 mass % on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating oil composition; and a predetermined coefficient X is less than 0.050. 2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a total content of the calcium atom and the magnesium atom in the lubricating oil composition is 0.3 mass % or less on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating oil composition.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricating base oil has a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 3 to 5 mm/s and a % Cp by n-d-M ring analysis of 80% or more.4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the boron-containing compound is at least one selected from the group consisting of a borated dispersant claim 1 , an alkali metal boric acid salt claim 1 , a borated epoxide claim 1 , a boric acid ester claim 1 , a borated aliphatic amine claim 1 , and a borated amide.5. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a non-boron-containing succinimide.6. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ashless friction modifier is at least one selected from the group consisting of an ester-based ashless friction modifier and an amine-type ashless friction modifier.7. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Lubricant Composition Comprising an Antioxidant Composition

Номер: US20210189280A1
Автор: Tang Tom

A lubricant composition is disclosed comprising an antioxidant composition and a lubricating oil. The antioxidant composition comprises a phenolic antioxidant having the following structure (I) 137-. (canceled)39. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the weight ratio of the phenolic antioxidant to the phosphite antioxidant is from 0.1 to 10.40. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the phenolic antioxidant is present in the lubricant composition in an amount of from 0.01% by weight to 5% by weight.41. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the phosphite antioxidant is present in the lubricant composition in an amount of from 0.01% by weight to 5% by weight.42. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a standard RPVOT oxidation induction time of 150 minutes or more as determined according to ASTM D2272-14a and at a temperature of 150° C.43. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a standard RPVOT oxidation induction time as determined according to ASTM D2272-14a at a temperature of 150° C. of at least 20% greater than an expected standard RPVOT oxidation induction time.44. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a dry RPVOT oxidation induction time of 200 minutes or more as determined according to a modified ASTM D2272-14a and at a temperature of 150° C.45. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a dry RPVOT oxidation induction time as determined according to a modified ASTM D2272-14a at a temperature of 150° C. of at least 20% greater than an expected dry RPVOT oxidation induction time.46. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a PDSC oxidation induction time of 20 minutes or more as determined at a temperature of 160° C.47. The lubricant composition of claim 38 , wherein the lubricant composition exhibits a TEOST 33C deposit ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207053A1

A lubricant composition is provided which comprises a base oil and hydroxytyrosol and/or esters thereof. Also provided is a lubricant composition in which the esters have a solubility in the base oil at 25° C. of at least 0.1 g/l. Further provided is a lubricant composition in which the esters are at least partly carboxylic acid esters comprising esters of hydroxytyrosol and Ccarboxylic acids. 1. A lubricant composition comprising:a base oil and hydroxytyrosol and/or esters thereof.2. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the esters have a solubility in the base oil at 25° C. of at least 0.1 g/l.3. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the esters are at least partly carboxylic acid esters comprising esters of hydroxytyrosol and Ccarboxylic acids.4. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the esters are at least partly esters of hydroxytyrosol and citric acid.5. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroxytyrosol is solubilized hydroxytyrosol.6. The lubricant composition according to claim 5 , wherein a solubility of the hydroxytyrosol is increased by adding Ccarboxylic acids as a solubilizing agent.7. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of hydroxytyrosol and/or of its esters is from 0.01% by weight to 2% by weight claim 1 , based on a total weight of the lubricant composition.8. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the base oil comprises esters claim 1 , polyglycols claim 1 , naphthenic and/or aromatic mineral oils claim 1 , synthetic hydrocarbons claim 1 , phenyl ethers claim 1 , polyalphaolefins claim 1 , native base oils and derivatives of native oils claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.9. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the base oil has a viscosity claim 1 , measured at 40° C. claim 1 , in a range of 10 mm/s to 1000 mm/s.10. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the base oil comprises an ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177648A1

Provided is a lubricating oil composition comprising a base oil (A) containing a polyalkylene glycol (A1) and a polyol ester (A2), a phosphorus-based rust inhibitor (B), and an antioxidant (C) containing an amine-based antioxidant (C1). The lubricating oil composition exhibits a strong effect for suppressing sludge sedimentation even when used for an extended period of time in a high-temperature environment, and has excellent demulsibility and rust preventive properties, and therefore, can be suitably used in turbomachinery, compressors, hydraulic equipment, and machine tools. 1. A lubricating oil composition , comprising:(A) a base oil (A) comprising a polyalkylene glycol (A1) and a polyol ester (A2);(B) a phosphorus-based rust inhibitor (B); and(C) an antioxidant (C) comprising an amine-based antioxidant (C1).2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content ratio [(A1)/(A2)] of the polyalkylene glycol (A1) and the polyol ester (A2) is 15/85 to 95/5 by a mass ratio.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content ratio of the phosphorus-based rust inhibitor (B) relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyol ester (A2) is 0.01 part by mass to 2.0 parts by mass.4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphorus-based rust inhibitor (B) is at least one selected from the group consisting of a neutral phosphate ester (B1) and an amine salt of acidic phosphate ester (B2).8. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the component (B) in terms of phosphorus atom is 10 ppm by mass to 1 claim 1 ,600 ppm by mass claim 1 , based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.9. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the component (C1) in terms of nitrogen atom is 200 ppm by mass to 3 claim 1 ,000 ppm by mass claim 1 , based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.10. The lubricating oil composition ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200181519A1

An object of the present invention is to provide an ester-based lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing that has excellent hydrolysis resistance and low-temperature fluidity, a high viscosity index, and good evaporation resistance. The present invention relates to a lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing comprising a compound represented by general formula (1): 2. The lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to claim 1 , wherein Rin general formula (1) is a linear C-Calkyl group claim 1 , and Rin general formula (2) is a linear C-Calkyl group.3. The lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to claim 1 , wherein Rin general formula (1) and Rin general formula (2) are the same linear alkyl group.4. The lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the compound represented by general formula (1) to the compound represented by general formula (2) is 20:80 to 70:30.5. The lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the total amount of the compound represented by general formula (1) and the compound represented by general formula (2) in the lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing is 90 wt % or more.6. The lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing is a lubricating base oil for a fluid dynamic bearing or a lubricating base oil for an oil-impregnated sintered bearing.7. A lubricating oil composition for a fluid bearing claim 1 , the composition comprising the lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing according to .8. The lubricating oil composition for a fluid bearing according to claim 7 , further comprising an antioxidant.9. A fluid bearing comprising the lubricating oil composition for a fluid bearing according to .10. A spindle motor comprising the fluid bearing according to . The present invention relates to a lubricating base oil for a fluid bearing.Ball bearings and roller bearings have been used as ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Composition comprising fluorine-containing ketone

Номер: US20180200553A1
Автор: Hang NI, Xia Luo

Disclosed is a composition comprising: (A) at least one fluorine-containing ketone; and (B) an effective amount of stabilizer which is selected from at least one of the group consisting of an epoxy compound, a nitro compound, a hindered phenolic compound, a β-diketone compound, a phosphite compound, a salicylate compound, a cinnamate compound, a hydroxybenzophenone compound, a hydroxybenzoic acid compound, an alkoxy methane compound, and an organic thio compound, The composition provided by the present invention has stable performance, and can be used as a fire extinguishing agent, a heat transfer medium, etc.

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Lubricants With Improved Seal Compatibility

Номер: US20140296119A1
Автор: Stephen J. GOTHERIDGE
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Corp

The present invention relates to lubricating compositions and particularly gear oil compositions that include a minimum level of a specific antioxidant component, where the antioxidant component includes (i) a phenolic antioxidant, (ii) an aminic antioxidant, or (iii) a combination thereof, where the antioxidant component is present in the lubricating composition at from 1.0 percent by weight or higher. Such compositions provide surprisingly good seal compatibility.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Transformer Oil Basestock and Transformer Oil Composition Comprising the Same

Номер: US20200199474A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

A transformer oil basestock is disclosed that includes at least 99 wt % of naphthenes and paraffins, based on the total weight of the transformer oil basestock, wherein the weight ratio of naphthenes to paraffins is at least 1, as measured by GC-MS, and wherein the paraffins consist essentially of isoparaffins, as determined by GC-FID. In addition, a transformer oil composition is disclosed that includes the transformer oil basestock, an anti-gassing agent and an antioxidant.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Use of amines and/or mannich adducts in fuel and lubricant compositions for direct-injection spark ignition engines

Номер: US20160222309A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to the use of amines and/or Mannich adducts as detergents and/or dispersants in fuel and lubricant compositions for direct-injection gasoline engines. The invention further relates to fuel and lubricant compositions which comprise at least one such Mannich adduct, and also a bisaminoalkylated Mannich adduct.

23-10-2014 дата публикации

Lubricant Composition

Номер: US20140315769A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A lubricant composition is substantially free of water and includes a base oil present in an amount of greater than 85 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of the lubricant composition, includes an antioxidant, and includes one or more alkylethercarboxylic acid corrosion inhibitor(s) present in an amount of from 0.01 to 1 weight percent based on a total weight of said lubricant composition. The one or more alkylethercarboxylic acid corrosion inhibitor(s) have the formula; wherein R is a straight or branched chain C 6 -C 18 alkyl group and n is a number of from 0 to 5.

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Lubricant Composition

Номер: US20160244690A1
Принадлежит: Nok Klueber Co Ltd

A lubricant composition includes a base oil and melamine cyanurate. The base oil includes a perfluoropolyether oil having a straight chain structure. The lubricant composition is for one of a resin-resin sliding section and a resin-metal sliding section. A melamine cyanurate content is within a range of 1-20% by mass with respect to a sum of the base oil and melamine cyanurate.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170240834A1

The present invention provides a refrigerating machine oil comprising: a base oil comprising an ester of a polyhydric alcohol and a fatty acid comprising 20 to 100% by mol of a branched fatty acid having 4 to 9 carbon atoms; and 0.2 to 0.5% by mass of a phenol-based antioxidant based on a total amount of the refrigerating machine oil, and the refrigerating machine oil being used with trifluoroethylene refrigerant. 1. A refrigerating machine oil comprising:a base oil comprising an ester of a polyhydric alcohol and a fatty acid comprising 20 to 100% by mol of a branched fatty acid having 4 to 9 carbon atoms; and0.2 to 0.5% by mass of a phenol-based antioxidant based on a total amount of the refrigerating machine oil, andthe refrigerating machine oil being used with trifluoroethylene refrigerant.2. The refrigerating machine oil according to claim 1 , wherein the phenol-based antioxidant comprises 2 claim 1 ,6-di-tert.-butyl-p-cresol.3. A working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the refrigerating machine oil according to ; and'}trifluoroethylene refrigerant.4. The working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine according to claim 3 , wherein the phenol-based antioxidant comprises 2 claim 3 ,6-di-tert.-butyl-p-cresol. The present invention relates to a refrigerating machine oil and a working fluid composition for a refrigerating machine.CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon), which have been conventionally used as refrigerants for refrigeration equipment, have been subject to regulation due to the problem of recent ozone layer depletion, and HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) have been increasingly used as refrigerants instead of them. Among HFC refrigerants, however, HFC-134a normally used as a refrigerant for a car air-conditioner is subject to regulation in Europe because the global warming potential (GWP) is high while the ozone layer depletion potential (ODP) is ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247630A1
Автор: Sakanoue Shuichi

A lubricating oil composition of the invention contains: a base oil; at least one of acid phosphate represented by formulae (1) and (2) below; and an antioxidant. 2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of Rand Rhas a side chain.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein Rhas a side chain.4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 2 , wherein the side chain has 6 to 18 carbon atoms.5. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant is at least one of a phenolic antioxidant claim 1 , an amine antioxidant and a sulfur antioxidant.6. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid phosphate is contained in a range from 0.01 mass % to 3 mass % of a total amount of the composition.7. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricating oil composition is suitable for use in a shock absorber.8. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 7 , wherein the shock absorber is suitable for use in a four-wheel automobile. The present invention relates to a lubricating oil composition, for instance, to a lubricating oil composition to be used for a shock absorber in an automobile and industrial machinery/device.A shock absorber is provided at a connection portion between tires and a vehicle body in an automobile and is configured to damp vibration of the vehicle body caused by a bumpy road surface and acceleration/deceleration of the automobile. Accordingly, riding comfort on the automobile is considerably affected by a performance of the shock absorber.Friction of the shock absorber is mainly generated on an oil seal (a rubber material) and a rod (chrome-plated) portion. Accordingly, an improvement in friction characteristics generated between the rubber material and the chrome-plated portion is a very crucial problem. Moreover, in order that the rod of the shock absorber smoothly moves in extension and contraction, an ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210301217A1
Автор: Iwasaki Junya, YAMADA Ryo

The present disclosure provides a lubricating composition that includes one or more boron-containing compounds and method of forming the same. The lubricating composition includes one or more boron-containing compounds, one or more metal-based detergents, one or more amine-based antioxidants, one or more phenol-based antioxidants, and a base oil balance. The lubricating composition includes greater than or equal to about 60 ppm to less than or equal to about 300 ppm of boron atoms that define the one or more boron-containing compounds; greater than or equal to about 1,100 ppm of metal atoms that define the one or more metal-based detergents; greater than or equal to about 0.70 wt. % to less than or equal to about 2.00 wt. % of the one or more amine-based antioxidants; and greater than or equal to about 0.30 wt. % to less than or equal to about 2.00 wt. %, of the one or more phenol-based antioxidants. 1. A lubricating composition comprising:one or more boron-containing compounds, wherein the lubricating composition comprises greater than or equal to about 60 ppm to less than or equal to about 300 ppm of boron atoms that define the one or more boron-containing compounds;one or more metal-based detergents, wherein the lubricating composition comprises greater than or equal to about 1,100 ppm of metal atoms that define the one or more metal-based detergents;greater than or equal to about 0.70 wt. % to less than or equal to about 2.00 wt. % of one or more amine-based antioxidants;greater than or equal to about 0.30 wt. % to less than or equal to about 2.00 wt. %, of one or more phenol-based antioxidants; anda base oil balance, wherein a mass ratio between nitrogen atoms (N) and metal atoms (M) in the lubricating oil (M/N) is greater than or equal to about 1.0 to less than or equal to about 2.0.2. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein a combined amount of the one or more amine-based antioxidants and the one or more phenol-based antioxidants is greater than or ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264908A1

The invention provides a method of lubricating an end-pivot finger follower valve train lash adjuster of a passenger car compression ignition internal combustion engine having a reference mass not exceeding 2610 kg comprising supplying to the internal combustion engine a lubricating composition comprising an oil of lubricating viscosity 0.01 wt % to 3 wt % of a dispersant viscosity modifier, and 0.01 wt % to 3 wt % of a zinc free sulphur-containing antiwear agent, wherein the lubricating composition has a sulphur-content of less than 5000 ppm, a phosphorus content of 1000 ppm or less, and a sulphated ash content of (typically 3000 to 12,000 ppm). 122-. (canceled)23. A method of lubricating an end-pivot finger follower valve train lash adjuster of a passenger car compression ignition internal combustion engine having a reference mass not exceeding 2610 kg comprising supplying to the internal combustion engine a lubricating composition comprising an oil of lubricating viscosity 0.01 wt % to 3 wt % of a dispersant viscosity modifier , and 0.01 wt % to 3 wt % of a zinc free sulphur-containing antiwear agent , wherein the lubricating composition has a sulphur-content of less than 5000 ppm , a phosphorus content of 1000 ppm or less , and a sulphated ash content of 3000 to 12 ,000 ppm.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the lubricating composition has a sulphur-content of 500 to 4000 ppm claim 23 , a phosphorus content of 300 to 900 ppm claim 23 , and a sulphated ash content of 3000 to 7000 ppm.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the dispersant viscosity modifier is an olefin copolymer further functionalised with a dispersant amine group claim 23 , wherein the olefin copolymer is an ethylene-propylene copolymer.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the olefin copolymer has a number average molecular weight of 8000 to 45 claim 25 ,000.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the dispersant amine group is derived from reacting the olefin copolymer with an acylating agent and an ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Marine diesel lubricant oil compositions

Номер: US20190256794A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Oronite Technology BV

A lubricating oil composition can include a major amount of an oil of lubricating viscosity and a minor amount of an alkaline earth metal phenol-based detergent. The lubricating oil composition can further have a BN of greater than 140 mg KOH/g, and further wherein the marine diesel cylinder lubricating oil composition is substantially free of unsulfurized tetrapropenyl phenol and its unsulfurized metal salt.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267941A1
Автор: ZHANG Yanshi

The disclosed technology provides lubricating composition comprising: an oil of lubricating viscosity, a p-dodecyl-phenol-free detergent and an oxyalkylated hydrocarbyl phenol, wherein the oxyalkylated hydrocarbyl phenol is substituted with at least one aliphatic hydrocarbyl group of 1 to 250 carbon atoms (or 20 to 220, or 30 to 150 carbon atoms), and wherein the oxyalkylated hydrocarbyl phenol is substantially free of aromatic hydrocarbyl groups. The disclosed technology further relates to a method of lubricating a mechanical device (such as an internal combustion engine) with the lubricating composition. The disclosed technology further relates to the use of the of the lubricating composition in a passenger car internal combustion engine to improve control of at least one of the following (i) fuel economy, (ii) corrosion, (iii) cleanliness, and (iv) bore wear.

11-12-2014 дата публикации

Marine Engine Lubrication

Номер: US20140360451A1
Автор: Dodd James C.

A two-stroke, cross-head, slow-speed, compression-ignited marine engine is operated by 1. A method of operating a two-stroke , cross-head slow-speed compression-ignited engine comprising(i) fuelling the engine with a diesel fuel, as a pilot fuel, and with a low sulphur fuel, as a main fuel; and(ii) lubricating the cylinder(s) of the engine with a cylinder lubricant having a base number (BN) of 20 mg KOH/g or less, comprising a detergent additive system comprising one or more metal detergents having a surfactant selected from phenate, salicylate and sulphonate, or one or more complex metal detergents containing two or more different surfactant soap groups selected from phenate, salicylate and sulphonate, and comprising 1-5 mass %, based on the lubricant mass of one or more phenolic compounds comprising distilled cashew nut shell liquid or hydrogenated distilled cashew nut shell liquid.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cylinder lubricant also comprises a zinc- and boron-containing antiwear system.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the phenolic compound(s) comprises hydrogenated distilled cashew nut shell liquid.4. A method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the hydrogenated distilled cashew nut shell liquid is hydrogenated cardanol.5. A method as claimed in claim 1 , where the phenolic compound(s) comprise 3-pentadecylphenol and 3-pentadecylresorcinol.6. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal is calcium.7. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the low sulphur fuel is liquefied natural gas (‘LNG’) or compressed natural gas.8. A method as claimed in claim 1 , where the detergent system comprises one or more overbased calcium phenates.9. A method as claimed in claim 1 , where the cylinder lubricant has a base number (BN) of 15 mg KOH/g or less.11. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel includes more than 50% of main fuel and less than 50% of pilot fuel.12. A method as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the fuel includes more than ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Grease Compositions Comprising Estolide Base Oils

Номер: US20160281023A1

Provided herein are grease compositions comprising at least one estolide compound of formula: 2. The grease composition according to claim 1 , whereinx is, independently for each occurrence, an integer selected from 0 to 14;y is, independently for each occurrence, an integer selected from 0 to 14;n is an integer selected from 0 to 8;{'sub': 1', '1', '22, 'Ris an optionally substituted Cto Calkyl that is saturated or unsaturated, and branched or unbranched; and'}{'sub': 2', '1', '22, 'Ris an optionally substituted Cto Calkyl that is saturated or unsaturated, and branched or unbranched,'}wherein each fatty acid chain residue is unsubstituted.3. The grease composition according to claim 2 , whereinx+y is, independently for each fatty acid chain residue, an integer selected from 13 to 15; andn is an integer selected from 0 to 6.4. (canceled)5. The grease composition according to claim 2 , wherein Ris a branched or unbranched Cto Calkyl that is saturated or unsaturated.6. The grease composition according to claim 5 , wherein Ris branched and saturated.7. The grease composition according to claim 6 , wherein Ris selected from Cto Calkyl.8. The grease composition according to claim 7 , wherein Ris 2-ethylhexyl.9. The grease composition according to claim 4 , wherein Ris a branched or unbranched Cto Calkyl that is saturated or unsaturated.10. The grease composition according to claim 9 , wherein Ris unbranched and saturated.11. The grease composition according to claim 10 , wherein Ris selected from unsubstituted Cto Calkyl that is unbranched and saturated.12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. The grease composition according to claim 1 , wherein said estolide base oil has an EN selected from an integer or fraction of an integer that is equal to or greater than 3.1839-. (canceled)40. The grease composition according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one thickener is one or more of a simple lithium soap claim 1 , a complex lithium soap ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Method Of Forming Additive Packages and Lubricant Compositions That Include A Seal Compatibility Additive

Номер: US20160281024A1

This disclosure is directed to a method of forming an additive package for a lubricant composition. The method includes the step of providing a base oil and a dispersant, the step of heating the base oil and the dispersant, and the step of combining the base oil and the dispersant to form a first mixture. The method further includes the step of providing a detergent, the step of heating the detergent, and the step of combining the first mixture and the detergent to form a second mixture. The method further includes the step of providing an anti-wear additive and a seal compatibility additive, the step of heating the anti-wear additive the seal compatibility additive, and the step of combining the second mixture, the anti-wear additive, and the seal compatibility additive to form the additive package. 1. A method of forming an additive package for a lubricant composition , said method comprising the steps of:providing a base oil and a dispersant;heating the base oil and the dispersant to a temperature of from 75 to 115° C.;combining the base oil and the dispersant to form a first mixture;providing a detergent;heating the detergent to a temperature of from 50 to 90° C.;combining the first mixture and the detergent to form a second mixture;providing an antioxidant, an anti-wear additive, and a seal compatibility additive;heating the antioxidant, the anti-wear additive, and the seal compatibility additive to a temperature of from 30 to 70° C.; andcombining the second mixture, the antioxidant, the anti-wear additive, and the seal compatibility additive to form the additive package.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the seal compatibility additive comprises an epoxide compound claim 1 , a boroxine compound claim 1 , a sulfonate ester claim 1 , a halogen compound claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dispersant comprises an amine dispersant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-wear additive comprises a dihydrocarbyl dithiophosphate ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298052A1

The invention provides a lubricating composition containing an oil of lubricating viscosity and a dispersant treated with copper reagent. The invention further relates to methods of lubricating an internal combustion engine by supplying the described lubricating composition to the internal combustion engine. The invention further relates to the use of a dispersant treated with copper to reduce deposits on the inner surfaces of engine components. 2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said metal substituted dispersant is present from about 1 to about 6 wt. % of said lubricant composition.3. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said copper is present from about 5 to about 100 ppm in said engine lubricant composition.4. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said copper is present from about 40 to about 200 ppm in said engine lubricant composition.5. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said metal substituted dispersant is present from about 1.5 to about 3.5 wt. % in said engine lubricant composition.6. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said metal substituted dispersant is a metal substituted succinimide dispersant.7. A composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an overbased detergent.8. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said antioxidant comprises an aminic antioxidant and/or a phenolic antioxidant.9. A composition according to claim 8 , wherein said aminic antioxidant is present in an amount from about 0.1 to about 10 wt. % based on said lubricant composition.10. A composition according to claim 8 , wherein said phenolic antioxidant is present in an amount from about 0.1 to about 10 wt. % based on said lubricant composition.11. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein said anti-wear agent is a metal dithiophosphate antiwear agent.12. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant composition comprises sulfur in an amount of less than 0.8 wt. % and phosphorus in an amount of less than 0.1 ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160319212A1

The present invention relates to functional fluid compositions containing antioxidants, and specifically stable compositions containing antioxidants with limited solubility in and/or limited compatibility with the functional fluids with which they are used. In particular the present invention deals with functional fluids used in internal combustion engines, such as engine oils, and antioxidants containing a phenolic or benzoic group, where the antioxidant is present in the functional fluid composition at levels that would otherwise cause the composition to be unstable and/or hazy. 1. An additive concentrate composition comprising:(a) a medium comprising a solvent, a functional fluid, or combinations thereof; and 'an alkylated diphenyl amine antioxidant, an alkylated phenyl-naphthyl amine antioxidant, or a combination thereof; and', '(b) at least 10 wt % of an antioxidant component that is not fully soluble in the medium, wherein said antioxidant comprises '(i) a nitrogen-containing dispersant derived from a 1000 number average molecular weight polyisobutylene succinic anhydride and polyalkylene polyamines; (ii) a borated nitrogen-containing dispersant derived from a 2000 number average molecular weight polyisobutylene derived succinic anhydride and polyalkylene polyamines; (iii) a trialkyl borate, or combinations thereof; and', "(c) at least 20 wt % of a stabilizing component that is soluble in (a) and that interacts with (b) such that (b)'s solubility in (a) is improved, wherein said stabilizing component comprises:"}wherein components (b) and (c) are present in component (a) in the form of dispersed particles having an average diameter of less than 10 microns.24-. (canceled)5. The composition of wherein the turbidity of the overall composition is improved claim 1 , as defined by a lower JTU and/or NTU value compared to the same composition that does not contain (c) claim 1 , the stabilizing component.6. The composition of wherein (b) claim 1 , the antioxidant ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200299602A1

The present invention discloses with the development of ecofriendly and biodegradable lubricant formulation useful for micro electro mechanical systems and process thereof. The new generation Mineral oil free lubricant formulations were developed by esterification of polyols such as 2,2-dimethyl, 1,3-Propanediol, 2,2-diethyl-1,3-propane diol, and aliphatic di carboxylic acids like adipic and azelaic and with mono alcohol, using heterogeneous catalyst Indion 140 with cation exchange properties. The said formulation has a viscosity in the range of 31 to 47 cSt at 40° C., a high viscosity index of 139-196, pour point of approximately <−39° C. with a multifunctional EP additive of recommended dose of 1.5-4%. These new generation lubricants exhibited excellent biodegradability, a high viscosity index, and a low pour point, a high flash point, good lubricity, good oxidative stability, very good protection, against wear, no evaporation loss, good adherence to metal, corrosion inhibiting characteristics and suitability for use with commercial additives. In addition the products are non toxic to the sewage bacteria. 1. A mineral oil free lubricant formulation , wherein the formulation comprises:polyol complex ester selected from the group consisting of 2,2-diethyl, 1,3-Propane-Di azelaic-2-ethyl-1-hexanoate, 2,2-dimethyl, 1,3-propane-Di adipic-2-ethyl-1-hexanoate, and mixture thereof; andoptionally an antioxidant; andoptionally an additive.2. The formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said formulation comprises:(i) polyol complex esters in the range of 94% to 100%;(ii) antioxidant in the range of 0-2%; and(iii) additive in the range of 0 to 4%.3. The formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ratio of polyol complex esters is in the ratio of 1:1 to 1:3.4. The formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ratio of polyol complex ester is 1:1.5. The formulation as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the antioxidant is selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 1 ,6-di ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Lubricant Composition and Use

Номер: US20190300815A1
Автор: Fundus Agnes, Losch Achim

The present invention provides a lubricant composition which can be washed off cold and the use thereof for application to a metal strip as anti-corrosion, wash and/or forming lubricant. The composition is 50 to 90 wt % base fluid, 3 to 15 wt % sulfonate-based corrosion inhibitor, 1 to 20 wt % ester component, 0.5 to 3 wt % phosphorus source component or 1 to 10 wt % sulfur source component as high-pressure/anti-wear additive, 1 to 15 wt % emulsifier, 0.05 to 1 wt % carboxylic acid component, 0.05 to 1 wt % aminic and/or phenolic antioxidant, 0.5 to 5 wt % wax and/or thickener component, based in each case on the total weight of the composition. Further disclosed is a dry lubricant composition which can be washed off cold. 115.-. (canceled)16. A lubricant composition that can be washed off cold for application on a metal strip as a corrosion protection , washing and/or forming lubricant , the lubricant composition comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, '50 wt % to 90 wt % base fluid, relative to the total weight of the lubricant composition, wherein the base fluid is a mixture of at least two base oils differing in their kinematic viscosity at 40° C., wherein the at least two base oils are selected from group I base oils and group II base oils with a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of 3 mm/s to 700 mm/s, wherein group III base oils and group IV base oils are not excluded;'}3 wt % to 15 wt % sulfonate-based corrosion inhibitor, relative to the total weight of the lubricant composition;1 wt % to 20 wt % ester component, relative to the total weight of the lubricant composition; the phosphorus carrier component is selected from the group consisting of dialkyl hydrogenphosphite, wherein each alkyl residue of the dialkyl hydrogenphosphite is saturated or unsaturated and comprises 14 to 22 C atoms; oleyl alcohol ethoxylate phosphate; dimethyl octadecenyl phosphonate; and triaryl thiophosphate; and', 'the sulfur carrier component is selected from the group consisting of sulfurized ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Low Ash Lubricants with Improved Seal and Corrosion Performance

Номер: US20160326454A1

A lubricant composition of (a) an oil of lubricating viscosity; (b) a dispersant comprising the condensation product of a carboxylic functionalized polymer with an aromatic amine having at least 3 aromatic rings and at least one primary or secondary amino group; and (c) an overbased metal detergent comprising an oil-soluble neutral metal salt component and a metal carbonate component, provides good seal and corrosion performance. Desirably, the total amount of neutral metal salt component in the lubricant composition is at least about 0.75 percent by weight and the sulfated ash level of the lubricant composition is less than about 1.1 percent. 1. A lubricant composition comprising:(a) an oil of lubricating viscosity;(b) a dispersant comprising the condensation product of a carboxylic functionalized polymer with an aromatic amine having at least 3 aromatic rings and at least one primary or secondary amino group, said aromatic amine being an anthranilic derivative; and(c) an overbased metal detergent comprising an oil-soluble neutral metal salt component and a metal carbonate component;wherein the total amount of neutral metal salt component in the lubricant composition is at least about 0.75 percent by weight and wherein the sulfated ash level of the lubricant composition is less than about 1.1 percent.2. The lubricant composition of wherein the sulfated ash level of the lubricant is less than about 1.0 percent.3. The lubricant composition of wherein the carboxylic functionalized polymer comprises a polyisobutylene of number average molecular weight of about 500 to about 10 claim 1 ,000 bearing at least one succinic anhydride group.4. The lubricant composition of wherein the dispersant comprises the condensation product of a carboxylic functionalized polymer with an aromatic amine having multiple aromatic groups claim 1 , at least one secondary or tertiary amino group claim 1 , and at least one nitrogen functional group which provides linkage to the carboxylic ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321143A1

The invention relates to a food-grade high-temperature lubricant, more particularly a high-temperature oil and a high-temperature grease, comprising the following components: 1. A food-grade high-temperature oil comprising the following components:{'sub': 10', '13, 'a) 93.9 to 45 wt % of at least one oil selected from the group consisting of a mixture of trimellitic acid tri(iso-C) esters (1) and trimellitic acid tri(iso-C) esters (2), the mixing ratio of (1) to (2) being 99:1 to 1:99, alkylaromatics, estolides;'}b) 6 to 45 wt % of a polymer, selected from the group consisting of a hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene or a mixture of hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene;c) 0.1 to 5 wt % of additives, individually or in combination, selected from the group consisting of anticorrosion additives, antioxidants, antiwear additives, UV stabilizers, inorganic or organic solid lubricants.2. A food-grade high-temperature grease comprising the following components:{'sub': 10', '13, 'a) 91.9 to 30 wt % of at least one oil selected from the group consisting of a mixture of trimellitic acid tri(iso-C) esters (1) and trimellitic acid tri(iso-C) esters (2), the mixing ratio of (1) to (2) being 99:1 to 1:99, alkylaromatics, estolides;'}b) 6 to 45 wt % of a polymer, selected from the group consisting of a hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene or a mixture of hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene;c) 0.1 to 5 wt % of additives, individually or in combination, selected from the group consisting of anticorrosion additives, antioxidants, antiwear additives, UV stabilizers, inorganic or organic solid lubricants, andd) 2 to 20 wt % of thickener.3. The high-temperature oil or grease as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the alkylaromatic compound is an aliphatically substituted naphthalene.4. The high-temperature oil or grease as claimed in claim 1 , wherein component a) comprises as a further food-grade oil a compound selected from the group ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327760A1

The invention relates to a food-compatible high-temperature lubricant, more particularly a high-temperature oil and a high-temperature grease, comprising the following components: 1. High-temperature oil comprisinga) 93.9 to 45 wt % of at least one oil selected from the group consisting of alkylaromatics, estolides, trimellitic esters, or a mixture of different trimellitic esters wherein the alcohol group of the ester is a linear or branched alkyl group having 8 to 16 carbon atoms;b) 6 to 45 wt % of a polymer, specifically a hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene, or a mixture of hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene;c) 0.1 to 10 wt % of additives, individually or in combination, selected from the group consisting of anticorrosion additives, antioxidants, antiwear additives, UV stabilizers, inorganic or organic solid lubricants.2. High-temperature oil according to claim 1 , wherein the oil component comprises as a further oil a compound selected from the group consisting of mineral oil claim 1 , aliphatic carboxylic and dicarboxylic esters claim 1 , fatty acid triglycerides claim 1 , pyromellitic esters claim 1 , diphenyl ethers claim 1 , phloroglucinol esters and/or poly-alpha-olefins claim 1 , alpha-olefin copolymers.3. High-temperature grease comprisinga) 91.9 to 25 wt % of at least one oil selected from the group consisting of alkylaromatics, estolides, trimellitic esters, or a mixture of different trimellitic esters wherein the alcohol group of the ester is a linear or branched alkyl group having 8 to 16 carbon atoms;b) 6 to 45 wt % of a polymer, selected from the group consisting of a hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene or a mixture of hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated polyisobutylene;c) 0.1 to 10 wt % of additives, individually or in combination, selected from the group consisting of anticorrosion additives, antioxidants, antiwear additives, UV stabilizers, inorganic or organic solid lubricants, andd) 2 to 20 wt % of ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334636A1

A lubricating oil composition for an internal combustion engine including: (A) a lubricant base oil having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 2 to 8 mm/s and having an aromatic content of no more than 10 mass %; (B) a metallic detergent including: (B1) a metallic detergent overbased with calcium carbonate; and (B2) a metallic detergent overbased with magnesium carbonate; and (C) a molybdenum sulfide dithiocarbamate or a molybdenum oxysulfide dithiocarbamate, wherein the composition has, on the basis of the total mass of the composition, a calcium content of no more than 1500 mass ppm, a magnesium content of no less than 300 mass ppm, and a molybdenum content of no less than 600 mass ppm; and the composition has an HTHS viscosity at 150° C. of no more than 2.7 mPa·s. 1. A lubricating oil composition for an internal combustion engine comprising:{'sup': '2', '(A) a lubricant base oil having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 2 to 8 mm/s and having an aromatic content of no more than 10 mass %;'} (B1) a metallic detergent overbased with calcium carbonate; and', '(B2) a metallic detergent overbased with magnesium carbonate; and, '(B) a metallic detergent comprising(C) a molybdenum sulfide dithiocarbamate or a molybdenum oxysulfide dithiocarbamate,wherein the composition has a calcium content of 1400 to 1500 mass ppm on the basis of the total mass of the composition;the composition has a magnesium content of 350 to 600 mass ppm on the basis of the total mass of the composition;the composition has a molybdenum content of no less than 600 mass ppm on the basis of the total mass of the composition;the composition has a boron content of 200 to 300 mass ppm on the basis of the total mass of the composition;the composition has an HTHS viscosity at 150° C. of no more than 2.7 mPa·s, and{'sub': 's', 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': 'r', 'sub': 's', '′=([S]′+[Mo]+[Zn])/([Mg]+2×[Ca])\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'the composition has a parameter r′ represented by the following mathematical ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180340128A1

There is provided a press-fit lubricant composition comprising an unsaturated compound with an iodine value of 100 or more. 1. A press-fit lubricant composition comprising an unsaturated compound with an iodine value of 100 or more.2. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated compound is a drying oil or a semi-drying oil.3perilla. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated compound is selected from the group consisting of squalene claim 1 , docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) claim 1 , tung oil claim 1 , linseed oil claim 1 , oil claim 1 , castor oil claim 1 , safflower oil claim 1 , sunflower oil claim 1 , benne oil claim 1 , rapeseed salad oil claim 1 , soybean oil claim 1 , cottonseed oil claim 1 , rice bran oil claim 1 , and a mixture thereof.4. The press-fit lubricant composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a compound selected from the group consisting of peroxides claim 1 , azides claim 1 , metallic soaps claim 1 , inorganic acids claim 1 , Lewis acids claim 1 , organometallic compounds claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , sulfur compounds claim 1 , amines claim 1 , thiol compounds claim 1 , organophosphorus compounds claim 1 , imidazole compounds claim 1 , olefin claim 1 , cyclic ethers claim 1 , methacrylic acid compounds claim 1 , acrylic acid compounds claim 1 , isocyanate compounds claim 1 , silicone compounds claim 1 , phenol compounds claim 1 , urethane compounds claim 1 , azonitriles claim 1 , azoesters claim 1 , azoamides claim 1 , azoamidines claim 1 , azoimidazoliums claim 1 , benzoin derivatives claim 1 , benzyl ketals claim 1 , α-hydroxyacetophenones claim 1 , α-aminoacetophenones claim 1 , acylphosphone oxides claim 1 , titanocenes claim 1 , iodonium salts claim 1 , sulfonium salts claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.5. The press-fit lubricant composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a thickener.6. An electrical contact point wherein the lubricant composition according to is applied ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180355273A1

The disclosed technology relates to the use of toxicologically acceptable hydrocarbyl- (e.g. alkyl-) phenol detergents and their salts in automotive lubricating oils, such as, for example, automatic or manual transmissions. 1. A transmission lubricant composition comprisinga. an oil of lubricating viscosity,b. from about 0.1 to about 5 wt % of a dispersant, andc. from about 0.1 to about 5 wt % of a detergent, wherein from about 0.01 to about 2 wt % of the detergent comprises an alkylphenol detergent comprising at least one unit of an alkyl-substituted phenol wherein the alkyl group is derived from oligomers of an olefin compound containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms, wherein the olefin-derived alkyl group comprises at least 30 mol percent of oligomers derived from n-butane, and where the alkyl group is a hydrocarbyl group of 12 to 48 carbon atoms, and{'sub': 2', '18, 'd. from about 0.05 to about 3 wt % of a C-Cdi- or tri-hydrocarbyl phosphite, based on the total weight of said lubricant'}wherein all wt % are based on a total weight of said lubricant composition.2. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the alkylphenol detergent is a sulfur-bridged phenate claim 1 , a sulfur-free alkylene-bridged phenate claim 1 , a salicylate claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The lubricant of claim 2 , wherein the alkylphenol detergent comprises one or more alkali metals claim 2 , one or more alkaline earth metals claim 2 , or mixtures thereof.4. The lubricant of claim 3 , wherein the alkylphenol detergent is overbased.5. The lubricant of claim 4 , where the overbased alkylphenol detergent has a metal ratio of at least 1.5 claim 4 , at least 5 claim 4 , or at least 7.6. (canceled)7. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the alkylphenol detergent is an overbased sulfur-coupled alkylphenol detergent with a metal ratio of at least 1.5.9. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the alkylphenol detergent is a neutral or overbased salt of alkylsalicylic acid.11. The lubricant of claim 1 , wherein the oil of ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170369811A1
Автор: KASAI Moritsugu

Provided is a lubricating oil composition to be used in an internal combustion engine having a sliding mechanism including a piston ring and a liner, the lubricating oil composition including: a base oil; (A) a poly(meth)acrylate; and (B) an organic molybdenum compound, in which: (A) the poly(meth)acrylate contains a polymer (A1) including a repeating unit derived from a (meth)acrylate represented by the following formula (1) and having a mass-average molecular weight of from 1,000 to 500,000; and a content of (B) the organic molybdenum compound in a total amount of the composition is from 0.01 mass % to 0.2 mass % in terms of a molybdenum atom: wherein Rrepresents a hydrogen atom or a methyl group, and X represents a hydrogen atom, a hydrocarbon group having 1 to 60 carbon atoms, or a functional group-containing hydrocarbon group having 1 to 60 carbon atoms.

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180371970A1

The present application concerns a method for separate lubrication of a drive system for a motor vehicle, the system including a compressor and an internal combustion engine including a top end and a bottom end that are coupled together, the method including: —lubricating the bottom end with a lubricating composition CL having an SAE J300 grade defined by the formula (X)W−(Y) in which X represents 0 or 5 and Y represents 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20; —lubricating the top end with a lubricating composition CL different from the lubricating composition CL; and —lubricating the compressor with a lubricating composition CL or with a lubricating composition CL different from the lubricating compositions CL and CL 16-. (canceled)7. A lubrication method for separate lubrication of a drive system for a motor vehicle , the said system comprising a compressor , and an internal combustion engine that comprises an engine top part (or top end) and an engine bottom part (or bottom end) that are coupled together , the said method comprising:{'b': '1', 'the lubrication of the engine bottom part with a lubricating composition CL having an SAE J300 grade, defined by the formula (X)W−(Y) in which X represents 0 or 5 and Y represents 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20;'}{'b': '2', 'the lubrication of the engine top part with a lubricating composition CL that is different from the lubricating composition; and'}{'b': 2', '3', '1', '2, 'the lubrication of the compressor with a lubricating composition CL or with a lubricating composition CL that is different from the lubricating compositions CL and CL.'}81. A method according to claim 7 , wherein the composition CL claim 7 , has an SAE J300 grade claim 7 , selected from 0W-4 claim 7 , 0W-8 claim 7 , 0W-12 claim 7 , 0W-16 claim 7 , 0W-20 claim 7 , 5W-4 claim 7 , 5W-8 claim 7 , 5W-12 claim 7 , 5W-16 or 5W-20.91. A method according to claim 7 , wherein the CL composition has a high temperature high-shear viscosity measurement (HTHS) at 150° C. that is at most equal to ...

28-03-2001 дата публикации

Multigrade crankcase lubricating oil compositions

Номер: EP1087008A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Ltd

An SAE 0W-30 or 5W-30 or 5W-20 lubricant has a Noack volatility of less than 15, optionally an M-111 fuel economy of 1.5% or less, and a chlorine content of less than 100 ppm. The lubricant comprises a basestock containing from 0 to less than 10% Group I and/or Group II basestocks, a molybdenum additive providing not greater than 1000 ppm of molybdenum to the lubricant, a calcium detergent providing 10 or greater mmoles of surfactant per kilogram of lubricant, one or more other additives, and a viscosity modifier.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Stabilized blends containing antioxidants

Номер: WO2012162020A1

The present invention relates to functional fluid compositions containing antioxidants, and specifically stable compositions containing antioxidants with limited solubility in and/or limited compatibility with the functional fluids with which they are used. In particular the present invention deals with functional fluids used in internal combustion engines, such as engine oils, and antioxidants containing a phenolic or benzoic group, where the antioxidant is present in the functional fluid composition at levels that would otherwise cause the composition to be unstable and/or hazy.

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Alkyl-substituted hydroxyaromatic compounds with highly- structured alkyl branches

Номер: WO2021161199A1

The present disclosure provides a hydroxyaromatic product. The alkyl hydroxyaromatic compound having a structure given by Formula (I) where R is a hydroxyaromatic group, X is hydrogen or methyl group and where n is 1 or greater.

07-05-2003 дата публикации

Lubricating composition

Номер: EP1058720B1
Автор: Helmut Leonhardt

The present invention relates to a lubricating composition comprising a hydrocarbon lubricant base oil in combination with (a) a phenyl-naphthylamine, (b) a thiophosphate, and (c) a diphenyl amine, preferably in combination with (d) an aspartic acid ester. Further, the invention relates to the use of the lubricating composition for lubricating a combination of a gas turbine and a steam turbine.

18-12-1979 дата публикации

Fiber finish compositions

Номер: US4179544A
Принадлежит: BASF Wyandotte Corp

A fiber finish composition, consisting of a mixture of a major amount of lubricant and a minor amount of a stabilizer of said fiber finish and a process for employment thereof.

17-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220364007A1
Автор: Matsumoto Tomoya

A lubricating oil composition may be suitable for a refrigerator and have excellent thermal stability when used with a refrigerant using difluoromethane (R32), trifluoroiodomethane (CFI), and at least one selected from saturated fluorinated hydrocarbon compounds (HFC) other than difluoromethane (R32). Such compositions may include: a base oil (A) with at least one selected from a polyoxyalkylene glycol, a polyvinyl ether, a copolymer of a poly(oxy)alkylene glycol or a monoether thereof and a polyvinyl ether, and a polyol ester; and an aliphatic epoxy compound (B), wherein the content of the aliphatic epoxy compound (B) is more than 2.0% by mass based on the total amount of the lubricating oil composition.

24-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220372392A1

The invention relates to the use of at least one compound, which has at least one sterically hindered amine or phenolic function, as an anti-corrosion additive in a lubricant composition for a propulsion system of an electric or hybrid vehicle, said lubricant composition comprising one or more amino and/or sulfur anti-wear additives. The invention also relates to the use of a lubricant composition comprising one or more compounds, which has at least one sterically hindered amine or phenolic function, as one or more anti-corrosion additives, further comprising one or more amino and/or sulfur anti-wear additives, for lubricating a propulsion system of an electric or hybrid vehicle, in particular for lubricating the electric motor and the power electronics of an electric or hybrid vehicle. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for improving the anti-corrosion properties of a lubricant composition of a propulsion system of an electric or hybrid vehicle , comprising:adding at least one anti-corrosion compound bearing at least one sterically hindered amine or phenol functional group to a lubricant composition for lubricating the propulsion system, the lubricant composition comprising an amine-based anti-wear additive and/or a sulfur-based anti-wear additive.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the at least one anti-corrosion compound is chosen from sterically hindered aromatic amines claim 11 , sterically hindered phenols claim 11 , or a combination thereof.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the at least one anti-corrosion compound is chosen from sterically hindered diarylamine compounds claim 11 , sterically hindered alkylphenols claim 11 , or a combination thereof.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the at least one anti-corrosion compound is chosen from diarylamine compounds having the following formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '7, 'R—NH—R,'}{'sub': 6', '7, 'wherein Rand Rare independently chosen froma phenyl group that is optionally substituted para to the amine function ...

20-02-1951 дата публикации

Lubricating oil additives

Номер: US2542542A
Принадлежит: Standard Oil Development Co

10-06-1969 дата публикации

Dispersency oil additives

Номер: US3449250A
Автор: Joseph E Fields
Принадлежит: Monsanto Co

09-05-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lubricating compositions and additives therefor

Номер: GB748694A
Принадлежит: CC Wakefield and Co Ltd

The invention comprises an additive for lubricating oils (see Group III), said additive being a compound obtained by the sulphurization or sulphurization and phosphorization of the unsaponifiable matter extracted from saponified wool grease, or a metal salt of such a sulphurized and phosphorized compound. The unsaponifiable matter may be sulphurized by heating with sulphur and the reaction may be assisted by adding a small amount of sulphur monochloride or sulphur dichloride. The sulphurized product may then be phosphorized by reacting it with a phosphorus compound, e.g. a phosphorus sulphide or halide and particularly phosphorus pentasulphide or sesquisulphide, e.g. by heating with either of the latter at 220 DEG to 250 DEG F. Alternatively, the unsaponifiable matter may be reacted with sulphur chlorides in oil or an inert solvent and the chlorine then replaced by sulphur, or phosphorus and sulphur, by reacting the product in a suitable solvent with sodium sulphide or polysulphide or the sodium salt of an organic dithiophosphoric acid. The sulphurization of the unsaponifiable material may be carried out in the presence of a vulcanization accelerator, e.g. mercaptobenzothiazole, benzothiazole disulphide, tetramethyl and tetraethyl thiuram disulphides or mixtures of these compounds with diphenyl guanidine. It is preferred to carry out the sulphurization in the presence of an aliphatic, alicyclic, or reduced heterocyclic secondary amine such as dicyclohexylamine, diethanolamine, or morpholine and the sulphurization is facilitated by carrying it out in the presence of mineral oil. The products may be freed from oil-insoluble impurities by dissolving in a suitable solvent such as petroleum ether, filtering, and then removing the solvent by distillation. Alternatively, the phosphorized - sulphurized reaction products may be heated in oil solution with a minor amount of an aqueous suspension of lime or baryta and then filtered with the addition of filter-aid material. The ...

03-09-1975 дата публикации

Lubricating oil additives

Номер: GB1404714A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co

1404714 Fuels; lubricants EXXON RESEARCH & ENG CO 7 Sept 1973 [15 Jan 1973] 1980/73 Headings C5F and C5G [Also in Division C2] A lubricating oil or fuel oil composition comprises a lubricating oil or a fuel oil and a sulphurized hydrocarbon-substituted phenol prepared by reacting a phenol of the formula wherein R is an aliphatic group, and m and n are integers from 1 to 5 provided m + n is not more than 6, with S in the presence of an organic amine having a pK 6 of between 2 and 12. Specified aliphatic groups R are alkyl, cycloalkyl and alkenyl groups. The fuel oil may be gasoline or diesel fuel. The lubricating oil may be animal, vegetable, mineral or synthetic ester lubricating oil. Other additives which may be present are dispersants, VI improvers, corrosion inhibitors or additional antioxidants.

06-04-1993 дата публикации

Ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer substituted Mannich base lubricant dispsersant additives

Номер: US5200103A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

The present invention is directed to oil-soluble lubricating oil additives comprising Mannich Base condensates of an alkyl substituted hydroxy aromatic compound with formaldehyde and an amine, wherein the alkyl-moiety of the aromatic compounds is derived from at least one ethylene alpha-olefin copolymer of 300 to 20,000 number average molecular weight, wherein at least about 30% of the polymer's chains contain terminal ethenylidene unsaturation. The Mannich Base condensates of this invention are useful as dispersants.

23-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN115103826A
Принадлежит: Chevron Oronite Co LLC, Chevron USA Inc

本公开提供了一种羟基芳族产品。所述烷基羟基芳族化合物具有由式(I)给出的结构: 其中R是羟基芳族基团,X是氢或甲基,并且其中n是1或更大。

11-09-1990 дата публикации

Lubricating composition

Номер: US4956122A
Принадлежит: Uniroyal Chemical Co Inc

A lubricating composition is provided containing: a high viscosity synthetic hydrocarbon such as high viscosity polyalphaolefins, liquid hydrogenated polyisoprenes or ethylene-alphaolefin copolymers having a viscosity of 40-1000 centistokes at 100° C.; a low viscosity synthetic hydrocarbon and/or optionally a low viscosity ester; and optionally an additive package to impart desirable performance properties to the composition.

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Alternating block copolymer and process for making

Номер: WO2014105290A1

Provided is an alternating block copolymer. The alternating block copolymer has an olefin polymer block and an poly(alkyl methacrylate) block. The olefin polymer block has monomeric units of one or more alpha olefins of 2 to 12 carbon atoms that make up 90 wt% or more of the total weight of the olefin polymer block. The olefin polymer block exhibits a number average molecular weight of the olefin polymer block is 1000 to 500,000. The poly( alkyl methacrylate) block has monomeric units of one or more alkyl methacrylates with alkyl side chains of 1 to 100 carbon atoms that make up 90 wt% or more of the total weight of the poly(alkyl methacrylate) block. The poly(alkyl methacrylate) block exhibits a number average molecular weight of 1000 to 500,000. There is also provided a lubricant composition containing the alternating block copolymer and a process for making the alternating block copolymer.

20-02-2001 дата публикации

Part-synthetic, aviation piston engine lubricant

Номер: US6191078B1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

An aviation piston engine lubricant having no metal containing additive is provided. The lubricant contains (a) a base oil consisting essentially of a mixture of (i) at least about 50 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of one or more mineral oils having a viscosity in the range of about 5 cSt to about 25 cSt at 100° C. and (ii) about 15 to about 40 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of a polyalpha olefin fluid having a viscosity in the range of about 4 cSt to about 40 cSt at 100° C.; (b) at least about 3 wt % based on the total weight of the lubricant of an ashless polyisobutylene succinic anhydride/polyamine (PIBSA/PAM) dispersant; and (c) an effective amount of one or more ashless additives selected from the group consisting of antiwear agents, extreme pressure agents, metal passivators, and antioxidants.

14-09-1993 дата публикации

Viscosity index improver

Номер: US5244590A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Degraded molecular weight copolymers of ethylene alpha-olefin are provided. The ethylene alpha-olefin copolymers, before degradation, are characterized by having a narrow molecular weight distribution and are comprised of intramolecularly heterogeneous and intermolecularly homogeneous copolymer chains. The degraded copolymers are useful as viscosity index improvers for oils.

22-07-1997 дата публикации

Continuous process for production of functionalized olefins

Номер: US5650536A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A continuous process for functionalizing olefins, especially polymer olefins in a CSTR or pipe reactor. Esters are preferably produced by continuous reaction of the olefin with carbon monoxide and a nucleophilic trapping agent. The liquid-filled pipe reactor operates in plug flow with static mixers and the CSTR is operated in the substantial absence of air at constant liquid level.

10-02-1998 дата публикации

Functionalization of polymers based on Koch chemistry and derivatives thereof

Номер: US5717039A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

A Koch functionalized product which is the reaction product of at least one polymer having a number average molecular weight of at least 500 and at least ethylenic double bond per polymer chain, with carbon monoxide and a nucleophilic trapping agent. The invention includes functionalized polymer, derivatives thereof and methods of making the same.

28-03-1995 дата публикации

Viscosity index improver

Номер: US5401427A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

Degraded molecular weight copolymers of ethylene alpha-olefin are provided. The ethylene alpha-olefin copolymers, before degradation, are characterized by having a narrow molecular weight distribution and are comprised of intramolecularly heterogeneous and intermolecularly homogeneous copolymer chains. The degraded copolymers are useful as viscosity index improvers for oils.

02-09-1947 дата публикации


Номер: USRE22910E

12-10-1948 дата публикации

Compounded lubricating oil

Номер: US2451345A
Принадлежит: Standard Oil Development Co

25-10-1949 дата публикации

Lubricating oil

Номер: US2485861A
Принадлежит: Individual

09-03-1954 дата публикации

Colloidal compositions and derivatives thereof

Номер: US2671758A
Принадлежит: Shell Development Co

04-11-1952 дата публикации

Organic barium complexes and method of making same

Номер: US2617049A
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Corp

23-12-2004 дата публикации

Lubricating oil composition with antiwear performance

Номер: US20040259743A1
Автор: Betsy Butke
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Corp

The present invention relates to a lubricating oil composition containing: (1) an antiwear package comprising: (a) a hydrocarbyl phosphate and amine salt thereof; and (b) an alkylene coupled adduct of a hydrocarbyl substituted dithiophosphoric acid and a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl containing compound; (2) an antioxidant package comprising: (a) a hydrocarbyl diphenylamine; and (b) a sterically hindered phenol; (3) a metal deactivator; and (4) an oil of lubricating viscosity. The invention further relates to the process to make the lubricating oil composition and its use in industrial fluids especially hydraulic fluids.

31-03-1998 дата публикации

Ethylene α-olefin block copolymers and methods for production thereof

Номер: US5733980A
Принадлежит: Exxon Chemical Patents Inc

This invention relates to block polymers containing both crystalline and elastomeric blocks, the block copolymer having an A block and a B block. The A block is a polyethylene or an ethylene polymer optionally containing an alpha-olefin and is generally crystalline. The B block contains an ethylene, α-olefin copolymer segment and optionally contain an ethylene, α-olefin, non-conjugated diene terpolymer segment. If the B block contains a diene containing segment, the diene containing segment is furthest from the junction of the A and the B blocks. Also disclosed is a process for manufacture of the block copolymers and methods for coupling the block copolymers. Coupled block copolymers are useful as thermoplastic elastomers exhibiting physical properties approaching those of crosslinked EP or EPDM elastomers, but showing thermal processability after coupling. The block copolymers of the present invention may also be used as a lubricant or fuel additive, as a plastics blend component, in bitumen blends, as a component in hot melt adhesives and as a component of roof sheeting compounds.

10-10-1972 дата публикации

Lubricant containing low ethylene content and high ethylene content ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymers

Номер: US3697429A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co


22-07-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the preparation of lubricating greases

Номер: GB694412A
Принадлежит: Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij NV

A lubricating grease is prepared by dispersing a waterproofed clay or clay-like material in a lubricating oil in the presence of a polar organic compound miscible with the oil and having a dielectric constant greater than 10 at 20 DEG C. An increase in the gelling power of the clay, and a reduction in the milling necessary are obtained. The clay may be natural, particularly montmorillonite of high magnesia content, or synthetic clay or zeolite, e.g. made by coprecipitating silica and magnesia by adding magnesium chloride to potassium silicate solution, drying the gel, and heating with caustic soda at 240 DEG C and 450-550 p.s.i. to give a synthetic Hectorite. The magnesium chloride may be replaced by calcium, barium or aluminium chloride, and caustic soda by potash, ammonia or lithia. A preferred class of clays contains 2-20 per cent of alkaline-earth metal. The waterproofing may be effected by treating a clay hydrosol with a cationic surface active agent such as a quaternary ammonium compound or amine salt having at least one hydrocarbon radical of 12 or more carbon atoms or a partial amide of a fatty acid of at least 12 carbon atoms with a condensation product of ammonia or an amine with acrolein or its analogues or of ammonia with epichlorhydrin. The clay should contain at least 30 per cent by weight of hydrophobic surface active radicals. Another method of waterproofing clays comprises treating with a solution of a salt capable upon heating of forming basic salts, e.g. lead, barium or strontium salts of fatty acids, washing out unadsorbed salt and heating at 100-435 DEG C for 1-24 hours. Mineral lubricating oils are preferred but synthetic oils may be used such as alkylene oxide, glycol or olefin polymers, organic phosphates, silicone fluids, and carboxyclic esters. The polar compound is preferably a liquid boiling below 150 DEG C and having a dielectric constant of 15-35 at 20 DEG C. Typical compounds, including ketones, aldehydes, nitriles, acids, alcohols, ...

01-12-1997 дата публикации

윤활제 첨가제 제형물(lubricant additive formulation)

Номер: KR970707264A

본 발명은 기관유의 윤활 성질을 개선시키고 기관의 성능을 향상시키기 위해 통상적인 모우터 오일에 첨가하기 위한 윤활제 첨가제 제형물에 관한 것이다. 기관 처리 오일 첨가제는 오일-가용성 몰리브덴 첨가제, 폴리알파올레핀, 디에스테르 또는 폴리올에스테르와 같은 에스테르, 폴리테트라플루오로에틸렌, 디티오인산 아연을 함유하는 분산 억제제, 광유 원료, 점도 지시 개선제, 및 붕산염 에스테르 화합물을 포함하는 화학 구성물의 상승 효과 배합물을 포함하고 약 20 내지 약 25부피%의 통상적인 크랭크케이스 윤활제와 함께 사용된다. 통상적인 크랭크케이스 윤활제와 비교하여 기관 첨가제의 개선된 성능은 개개의 화학 구성물의 각각에 대한 디자인 변수를 최적화하고 화학 구성물을 조합하여 마모, 산화 저항, 점도 안정도, 기관 청결, 연료 절감, 저온 시동, 및 산 형성의 억제의 개선된 성질을 포함하는 현저하게 양호한 결과를 얻는 상승 효과를 갖는 것이다.

18-09-2002 дата публикации

Disc drive spindle motor having hydro bearing with lubricant optimized with disc drive compatible additives

Номер: KR100342340B1
Принадлежит: 시게이트 테크놀로지 엘엘씨

디스크 드라이브(10)는 하우징(12), 중심축(80), 상기 하우징에 대해 고정되고 상기 중심축과 동축을 이루는 고정 부재와(34), 상기 고정 부재에 대해 상기 중심축을 중심으로 회전 가능한 회전형 부재(36)를 포함한다. 고정자(38)는 상기 하우징에 대해 고정된다. 회전자(70)는 상기 회전형 부재에 의해 지지되고 상기 고정자에 자기적으로 결합된다. 적어도 하나의 데이터 저장 디스크(16)는 상기 회전형 부재에 부착되고 상기 회전형 부재와 동축을 이룬다. 유압 베어링(37)은 상기 고정 부재와 상기 회전형 부재를 상호 접속시키며, 유압 베어링에서의 촉매 저하를 억제하는데 효과적인 적어도 110의 점성률을 갖는 기본 유체(84), 산화방지 첨가제, 부식방지 첨가제 및 마모방지 첨가제의 혼합물을 포함한다. The disc drive 10 includes a housing 12, a central axis 80, a fixing member 34 fixed to the housing and coaxial with the central axis, and rotatable about the central axis with respect to the fixing member. And a typical member 36. Stator 38 is fixed relative to the housing. The rotor 70 is supported by the rotatable member and magnetically coupled to the stator. At least one data storage disc 16 is attached to and coaxial with the rotatable member. The hydraulic bearing 37 interconnects the stationary member and the rotatable member and has a basic fluid 84, an antioxidant additive, an anticorrosion additive, and a viscosity of at least 110, which is effective for suppressing catalyst degradation in the hydraulic bearing. A mixture of antiwear additives.

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Use of polynuclear phenolic compounds as stabilisers

Номер: KR101440759B1
Принадлежит: 바스프 에스이

본 발명은 분자 당 벤젠 고리가 최대 20개이고, 테트라히드로벤조옥사진 I을 1 이상의 동일하거나 상이한 페놀 II 및/또는 1 이상의 동일하거나 상이한 테트라히드로벤조옥사진 I과 반응시켜 얻을 수 있는, 광, 산소 및 열 작용에 대하여 무생물성 유기 재료를 안정화시키기 위한 안정화제로서의 다환식 페놀계 화합물의 용도에 관한 것이다: [화학식 I] 상기 식에서, R 1 은 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, R 2 , R 3 , R 4 및 R 5 는 각각 독립적으로 수소 원자, 히드록실 기 또는 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, [화학식 II] 상기 식에서, R 7 , R 8 , R 9 및 R 10 은 각각 독립적으로 수소 원자, 히드록실 기 또는 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, 단, 치환기 중 1 이상은 탄소 원자가 13∼3000개이고, 나머지 치환기가 히드로카르빌 라디칼인 경우, 이들은 각각 탄소 원자가 1∼20개이다. The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of formula I in which the benzene ring per molecule is up to 20 and the tetrahydrobenzoxazine I is reacted with one or more of the same or different phenol II and / or one or more identical or different tetrahydrobenzooxazoles I, And the use of polycyclic phenolic compounds as stabilizers for stabilizing non-biological organic materials against thermal action: (I) In this formula, R 1 is a hydrocarbyl radical, R 2 , R 3 , R 4 and R 5 are each independently a hydrogen atom, a hydroxyl group or a hydrocarbyl radical, &Lt; RTI ID = 0.0 & In this formula, R 7 , R 8 , R 9 and R 10 are each independently a hydrogen atom, a hydroxyl group or a hydrocarbyl radical, Provided that at least one of the substituents has 13 to 3,000 carbon atoms and the remaining substituent is a hydrocarbyl radical, they each have 1 to 20 carbon atoms.

23-04-2014 дата публикации

Use of polynuclear phenolic compounds as stabilisers

Номер: KR101388866B1
Принадлежит: 바스프 에스이

본 발명은 분자 당 벤젠 고리가 최대 20개이고, 테트라히드로벤조옥사진 I을 1 이상의 동일하거나 상이한 페놀 II 및/또는 1 이상의 동일하거나 상이한 테트라히드로벤조옥사진 I과 반응시켜 얻을 수 있는, 광, 산소 및 열 작용에 대하여 무생물성 유기 재료를 안정화시키기 위한 안정화제로서의 다환식 페놀계 화합물의 용도에 관한 것이다: [화학식 I] 상기 식에서, R 1 은 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, R 2 , R 3 , R 4 및 R 5 는 각각 독립적으로 수소 원자, 히드록실 기 또는 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, [화학식 II] 상기 식에서, R 7 , R 8 , R 9 및 R 10 은 각각 독립적으로 수소 원자, 히드록실 기 또는 히드로카르빌 라디칼이고, 단, 치환기 중 1 이상은 탄소 원자가 13∼3000개이고, 나머지 치환기가 히드로카르빌 라디칼인 경우, 이들은 각각 탄소 원자가 1∼20개이다. The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of a compound of formula I in which the benzene ring per molecule is up to 20 and the tetrahydrobenzoxazine I is reacted with one or more of the same or different phenol II and / or one or more identical or different tetrahydrobenzooxazoles I, And the use of polycyclic phenolic compounds as stabilizers for stabilizing non-biological organic materials against thermal action: (I) In this formula, R 1 is a hydrocarbyl radical, R 2 , R 3 , R 4 and R 5 are each independently a hydrogen atom, a hydroxyl group or a hydrocarbyl radical, &Lt; RTI ID = 0.0 & In this formula, R 7 , R 8 , R 9 and R 10 are each independently a hydrogen atom, a hydroxyl group or a hydrocarbyl radical, Provided that at least one of the substituents has 13 to 3,000 carbon atoms and the remaining substituent is a hydrocarbyl radical, they each have 1 to 20 carbon atoms.

26-05-2017 дата публикации

Присадка для улучшения совместимости с уплотнениями для улучшения совместимости смазочных композиций с фторполимерными уплотнениями

Номер: RU2015149919A
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2015 149 919 A (51) МПК C10M 147/00 (2006.01) C10M 169/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015149919, 22.04.2014 (71) Заявитель(и): БАСФ СЕ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 22.04.2013 US 61/814,698 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 23.11.2015 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2014/176260 (30.10.2014) R U (54) ПРИСАДКА ДЛЯ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ СОВМЕСТИМОСТИ С УПЛОТНЕНИЯМИ ДЛЯ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ СОВМЕСТИМОСТИ СМАЗОЧНЫХ КОМПОЗИЦИЙ С ФТОРПОЛИМЕРНЫМИ УПЛОТНЕНИЯМИ (57) Формула изобретения 1. Композиция присадок для смазочной композиции, причем указанная композиция присадок содержит: присадку для улучшения совместимости с уплотнениями, содержащую по меньшей мере один атом йода и характеризующуюся температурой кипения от 150 до 450°С при 1 атмосфере. 2. Композиция присадок по п. 1, в которой указанная присадка для улучшения совместимости с уплотнениями содержит ациклический углеводородный скелет, содержащий по меньшей мере один атом углерода, и причем указанный по меньшей мере один атом йода присоединен к указанному по меньшей мере одному атому углерода в указанном ациклическом углеводородном скелете. 3. Композиция присадок по п. 2, в которой указанная присадка для улучшения совместимости с уплотнениями представляет собой алкилйодидное соединение с общей формулой: где n≥1, и 1≤m≤(2n+2). Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 5 1 4 9 9 1 9 A Адрес для переписки: 105064, Москва, а/я 88, "Патентные поверенные Квашнин, Сапельников и партнеры" 2 0 1 5 1 4 9 9 1 9 US 2014/035001 (22.04.2014) R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.05.2017 Бюл. № 15 (72) Автор(ы): ДИСЭНТИС Кевин (US), ХОЙ Майкл (US), ЧЕЙЗЕН Дэвид (US), ДЖОНС Стивен (US), ДЖАНГ Эл (US), РЭББЭТ Фил (US) 4. Композиция присадок по п. 3, в которой указанное алкилйодидное соединение содержит йодцодекан. 5. Композиция присадок по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая аминное соединение. 6. Композиция ...

01-04-1952 дата публикации

Lubricating oil containing disulfide derivatives of organo-substituted thiophosphoric acids

Номер: US2591577A
Автор: John P Mcdermott
Принадлежит: Standard Oil Development Co

19-01-1954 дата публикации

Lubricating oil composition

Номер: US2666746A
Принадлежит: Standard Oil Development Co

09-03-1965 дата публикации

Reaction product of high molecular weight succinic acids and succinic anhydrides with an ethylene poly- amine

Номер: US3172892A
