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07-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674362C2

Изобретение относится к способу обработки зеркала цилиндра двигателя внутреннего сгорания, выполненного из алюминия или его сплава, включающему хонингование зеркала цилиндра в заготовке с образованием хонингованного зеркала цилиндра, имеющего в ненагруженном состоянии нецилиндрическую исходную форму, способного деформироваться под нагрузкой до цилиндрической формы, и нанесение покрытия на хонингованное зеркало цилиндра электролизом с образованием зеркала цилиндра с покрытием, причем часть покрытия врастает в основной материал, а другая его часть создается снаружи на поверхности основного материала, при этом часть покрытия, которая создается снаружи, имеет большую толщину, чем часть покрытия, вросшая в основной материал. Изобретение направлено на увеличение срока службы двигателя за счет устранения в процессе эксплуатации девиации и получения качественного покрытия. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

21-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2613820C2
Принадлежит: ЭнБиСи МЕШТЕК, ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к области гальванотехники и может быть использовано для создания противовирусных устройств. Противовирусное алюминиевое устройство, способное инактивировать вирус, содержит анодную оксидную пленку, полученную анодированием алюминиевого материала, и имеет поры, внутри которых присутствует противовирусное неорганическое соединение. На поверхности пленки с противовирусным соединением формируют поверхностную пленку, которая включает противовирусное неорганическое соединение и связующее на основе смолы. Способ включает анодирование алюминиевого материала с формированием пор, осаждение противовирусного соединения в порах электрохимической обработкой, при этом стадия осаждения противовирусного неорганического соединения включает осаждение по меньшей мере одного из таких элементов, как Ag и Cu, в порах электрохимической обработкой, погружение материала в электролит с ионами йода и осаждение CuI или AgI - противовирусного соединения в порах электрохимической обработкой. Устройство ...

02-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015149922A3

28-04-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016101067A3

15-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2687637C1

Изобретение относится к области гальванотехники и может быть использовано в области аэронавтики. Способ нанесения покрытия на подложку из алюминия или алюминиевого сплава включает окисление, формирующее оксидный слой, имеющий толщину в диапазоне от 2 до 12 мкм, обработку золь-гелем, формирующую слой золь-геля, осуществляемую после стадии окисления, механическую обработку, в ходе которой по меньшей мере один участок, подлежащий обработке, подвергают механической обработке так, чтобы устранить на этом участке слой золь-геля и оксидный слой, осуществляемой после стадии обработки золь-гелем, и твердое окисление, формирующее твердый оксидный слой, осуществляемое после стадии механической обработки, в котором обработку золь-гелем осуществляют на оксидном слое без предварительного заполнения этого слоя и в котором в ходе стадии обработки золь-гелем золь-гель проникает в поры оксидного слоя. Технический результат: повышение коррозионной стойкости и износостойкости подложки. 4 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142556A

... 1. Способ обработки зеркала цилиндра двигателя внутреннего сгорания, в котором зеркало цилиндра в заготовке подвергают предварительному хонингованию для получения исходной формы, имеющей в состоянии без нагрузки отклонения от требуемой формы, и наносят на зеркало цилиндра покрытие путем электролиза.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором зеркало цилиндра подвергают предварительному фасонному хонингованию.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором при предварительной обработке заготовку подвергают хонингованию таким образом, чтобы в состоянии без нагрузки оно имело нецилиндрическую поверхность, которая во время эксплуатации способна деформироваться таким образом, чтобы была достигнута требуемая цилиндрическая форма.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором заготовку подвергают хонингованию практически до конечных размеров, причем при предварительной обработке учитывают нанесение слоя покрытия электролизом и последующую окончательную обработку.5. Способ по п. 1, в котором покрытие наносят методом плазменного электролитического ...

16-06-1971 дата публикации

Verfahren zum kontinuierlichen Erzeugen einer lithographischen Oberflaeche

Номер: DE0001962728A1

24-07-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008515532D0

13-05-1964 дата публикации

Surface treatment of aluminium base alloys and resulting product

Номер: GB0000957694A

High strength anodically oxidized wrought aluminium base alloy products are made by using an acid electrolyte to anodize a hardenable hot worked alloy containing 0.75-2% by weight of magnesium silicide, 0.2-0.4% chromium and balance except for impurities, aluminium. Both magnesium or silicon may be in excess of the proportions required to form the silicide. Small amounts of grain refining elements may be present, e.g. B, Ti, Zr, and Mo, in total 0.3%. The alloy is first heat treated at 1075-1130 DEG F. for sufficient time to bring the Cr, Si, and Mg into solution, after which it is cooled and hot-worked at 700-1000 DEG F. to form extrusions, forgings, or pressings. This is followed by rapid cooling or quenching, the Mg and Si remaining in solution, and anodized electrolytically using as electrolyte, H2SO4, oxalic, sulphosalicyclic, phosphoric, or chromic acid, producing a range of colours. The anodized surface is then sealed using an aqueous solution of a nickel salt. A precipitation-hardening ...

31-01-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of insulating oxide layers on metal bodies

Номер: GB0001101296A

An electrically insulating oxide layer is formed anodically on a metal exhibiting the valve effect, e.g. Al, Ta, Nb, Zr, by connecting the metal as cathode with an applied voltage of 2 to 20 volts before the anodic oxidation step. The cathodic treatment is stated to effect removal to the counter electrode of impurities present in the forming electrolyte, such as nitrate and halide (e.g. chloride) ions which also may be introduced by the metal to be oxidized due to a previous chemical or electrolytic roughening treatment. The invention is disclosed as applied especially to electrolytic capacitors.

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388024T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000330798T

10-08-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for continuous producing of a lithographic surface

Номер: AT0000300850B

17-11-2011 дата публикации

Manufacturing method of 3D shape structure having hydrophobic inner surface

Номер: AU2008283218B2

The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of a three dimensional structure having a hydrophobic inner surface. The manufacturing method includes anodizing a three dimensional metal member and forming fine holes on an external surface of the metal member, forming a replica by coating a non-wetting polymer material on the outer surface of the metal member and forming the non-wetting polymer material to be a replication structure corresponding to the fine holes of the metal member, forming an exterior by surrounding the replication structure with an exterior forming material, and etching the metal member and eliminating the metal member from the replication structure and the exterior forming material.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Metal surface and process for treating a metal surface

Номер: AU2012355936B2

A surface treatment for metal surfaces can be used to create one or more desired effects, such as functional, tactile, or cosmetic effects. In one embodiment, the treatment involves selectively masking a portion of the surface using a photolithographic process. The mask can protect the masked portion of the surface during subsequent treatment processes such as texturizing and anodization. The mask can result in the creation of a surface having contrasting effects. A pattern can be formed by the contrasting effects in the shape of a distinct graphic, such as a logo or text.

16-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002540340A1

This invention relates to an effective method of accelerating micro-arc oxidation processes to form a thick, smooth and modified oxide layer on aluminum alloy products. Said method involves the modification of aluminum alloy products by forming a thin, dense and nonporous barrier layer (or dielectric layer) and a modification substance layer. These two layers coexist and together serve as promoting layers which accelerate the subsequent micro-arc oxidation process.

16-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001031290A1

13-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001121700A1

10-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3031779C

Disclosed is a method for treating an anodized metal substrate, including contacting at least a portion of the substrate surface with a sealing composition having a pH of 9.5 to 12.5 and comprising a lithium metal cation. Also disclosed is a system that includes a sealing composition having a pH of 9.5 to 12.5 and comprising a lithium metal cation and an aqueous composition for contacting a surface of the metal substrate following contacting with the sealing composition. Also disclosed are substrates treated with the system and method.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912926A1

The present invention relates to a method of making a cutting blade in aluminium or its alloys. The method comprises the steps of: - making a sheet (12) in aluminium or its alloys having the shape of the desired cutting blade;, - performing a sharpening operation of the blade; - subjecting the blade to an anodising process, so as to form at least on the portion of sharpened blade a layer of aluminium oxide (A1 20 3). The sharpening operation provides for laying the sheet on a planar support surface and - making a sharp cutter (30) for aluminium advance along the peripheral edge (14) of an outer portion of the sheet surface opposite the support surface (22) suitable for reducing the thickness of said edge according to a predefined angle of sharpening so as to obtain a cutting edge by removal of the shaving.

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002914427A1

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication d'un jonc enjoliveur extérieur de véhicule automobile, tel que notamment entourage de vitre ou baguette de caisse, en alliage d'aluminium, par mise en forme et brillantage d'une tôle bu bande élaborée par coulée continue verticale d'une plaque en alliage de la série AA5xxx de haute pureté, homogénéisation-réchauffage de la plaque, laminage à chaud, refroidissement, laminage à froid avec recuit intermédiaire en four continu à passage, soit un maintien entre la température de solvus et la température de brûlure de l'alliage pendant typiquement 3s s à 5 min., trempe à l'air ou à l'eau, recuit éventuel à une température de 100 à 200°C. L'invention a également pour objet un jonc enjoliveur de véhicule automobile fabriqué par un tel procédé.

05-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002865688C
Принадлежит: SEB SA, SEB S.A.

... -L'invention concerne un procédé d'obtention d'un récipient de cuisson(1) comportant les étapes suivantes: -réalisation d'une cuve (10) présentant une face extérieure (11) en aluminium et une face intérieure (12), -réalisation d'une anodisation dure d'au moins la face extérieure (11) de la cuve (10). -Selon l'invention,au moins une étape de coloration est réalisée sur la face extérieure anodisée après l'anodisation dure, ladite étape de coloration mettant en uvre au moins un colorant organique anthraquinonique hydrosoluble. -L'invention concerne également un article culinaire ou un appareil électrique de cuisson comportant un récipient de cuisson obtenu selon le procédé précité.

02-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002250136A1

A thermoplastic resin-coated aluminum alloy plate having so high a processing adhesion that the laminated thermoplastic resin layer is not separated therefrom even when the plate is subjected to a severe forming process in which the plate is deep-drawn, stretched and then ironed. A process and an apparatus for producing the same are also disclosed. An aluminum alloy plate is treated with an alkali solution and an acid solution in order so as to put the surface of the plate in a special condition. The resultant plate is subjected to anodic electrolysis using a direct current in an acid solution containing one or more of inorganic acid, such as sulfuric acid and an organic acid, such as carboxylic acid or hydroxy carboxylic acid. Alternatively, the resultant plate is subjected to a treatment using hot water of above 60 ~C, boiling water, or water vapor so as to form a uniform hydration oxide film of 2-10 nm in thickness. The alloy plate is coated with a thermoplastic resin. This enables the ...

14-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000558722A
Принадлежит: HOECHST AG

30-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000632142A5

31-12-1985 дата публикации

Process and installation for treating aluminium surfaces

Номер: CH0000653374A5

The process for treating aluminium surfaces with liquids is carried out by spraying the workpieces in a closeable spraying installation. The installation allows space, material and energy to be saved. The process is particularly suitable for a pretreatment and aftertreatment of surfaces which are to be anodised or have been anodised.

15-05-2015 дата публикации

Aluminum-lithium alloy component with a ceramic coating and method for forming the coating.

Номер: CH0000708829A1

Linvention concerne un composant (1) comprenant un alliage daluminium comprenant entre 0.1 et 10% en poids de lithium, caractérisé en ce ledit composant (1) est traité à laide dun procédé doxydation par micro-arc plasma permettant dobtenir un revêtement céramique (2) à la surface de lalliage daluminium. Linvention concerne également un procédé permettant de croître le revêtement céramique (2) à la surface du composant.

31-12-2012 дата публикации

Decorative component, timepiece, and method for manufacturing decorative component.

Номер: CH0000705174A2

Il est prévu un composant décoratif, une pièce dhorlogerie, et un procédé de fabrication de la pièce dhorlogerie capable daméliorer la maniabilité du développement de couleur et daméliorer lornementation. Une surface dune masse oscillante (160) développe une couleur en formant des couches doxyde danode (22a et 22b) sur la surface du corps de masse oscillante (164) qui est formé en utilisant du titane ou un alliage de titane, et sur la surface du corps de masse oscillante (164) des portions auxquelles les couches doxyde danode (22a et 22b) sont formées, une couche de traitement de nitruration (21) formée à la portion à laquelle la couche doxyde danode (22a) est formée.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Surface treatment of rigid metallic material for cleaning textiles, by ceramicizing or anodizing surface of material to create residual porosity of surface, and impregnating porous surface obtained by bio-based polymers

Номер: CH0000707176A1

The method comprises ceramicizing or anodizing a surface of a rigid metallic material to create a residual porosity of the surface, and impregnating the porous surface obtained by a bio-based polymers having type of antimicrobial, surfactant and/or odor. The ceramicizing step comprises ceramicizing microarcs. The method further comprises shaping the rigid material, and preforming the material by cutting or by thixoforming method. Independent claims are included for: (1) a rigid metal material; and (2) a method for regenerating cleaning properties of rigid metallic material.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Component, useful for applications in e.g. watch industry, comprises metal substrate, coating including metal valve covering whole or a part of substrate, and oxide layer obtained by anodization of coating

Номер: CH0000706408A2

The component (1) comprises a metal substrate (2), a coating (3) including a metal valve covering whole or a part of the substrate, and an oxide layer (4) obtained by an anodization of the coating to generate a color of the coating by interference. The substrate includes the metal valve. The coating has a thickness of greater than 1 mu m. An independent claim is included for a method for manufacturing a component.

30-11-2012 дата публикации

neobmerzayushchie surface and method of their synthesis

Номер: EA0201200718A1
Автор: Жань Чуньбо

23-10-2013 дата публикации

Metal shell forming method

Номер: CN103358104A
Автор: Zou Mengyu, Dai Weijian

Disclosed is a metal shell forming method. The method includes the steps of carrying out friction stir welding on a metal part to form a metal shell, carrying out alkali occlusion treatment on the metal shell to eliminate residues on the surface of the metal shell, carrying out black film stripping treatment on the metal shell to remove black films formed in the alkali occlusion process, carrying out electropolishing treatment on the metal shell to improve the appearance of the shell, carrying out anodic oxidation treatment on the metal shell, and carrying out hole sealing and drying treatment on the metal shell. The metal shell forming method enables a welding area to be well consistent with other areas in color and can prevent the phenomenon that impurity materials at the welding position produce corrosion lines after being subjected to anodic treatment, and in addition, the metal shell forming method improves the appearance of the metal shell effectively.

16-04-2019 дата публикации

Aluminum alloy anodic oxidation electrolyte and anodic oxidation process

Номер: CN0109628977A

10-04-2018 дата публикации

The anode oxidation surface treatment

Номер: CN0104160070B

29-10-2003 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing porous anodized alumina film

Номер: CN0001125891C

01-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002336261B1

31-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002816329B1

08-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002551468A


18-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002996859A1

L'invention concerne un élément de chambre à vide obtenu par usinage et traitement de surface d'un bloc d'épaisseur au moins égale à 4 mm en alliage d'aluminium de composition, en % en poids, Si : 0,4 - 0,7 ; Mg : 0,4 - 0,7 ; Ti < 0,15, Fe < 0,25 ; Cu < 0,04 ; Mn < 0,4 ; Cr < 0,1 ; Zn < 0,04 ; autres éléments < 0,05 chacun et < 0,15 au total, reste aluminium. L'invention concerne également un procédé de traitement de surface d'un élément de chambre à vide obtenu par usinage d'un bloc en alliage d'aluminium de la série 5XXX ou de la série 6XXX dans lequel successivement on dégraisse et/ou on décape le dit élément, on anodise à une température comprise entre 10 et 30 °C avec une solution comprenant 100 à 300 g/1 d'acide sulfurique et 10 à 30 g/l d'acide oxalique et 5 à 30 g/1 d'au moins un polyol, optionnellement on hydrate le produit ainsi anodisé dans de l'eau déionisée à une température d'au moins 98 °C préférentiellement pendant une durée d'au moins environ 1 h. Les produits selon l'invention ...

16-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002397816A1

13-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002987732A1
Принадлежит: SEB S.A.

L'invention concerne un procédé d'obtention d'un récipient de cuisson (1) comportant les étapes suivantes : - réalisation d'une cuve (10) présentant une face extérieure (11) en aluminium et une face intérieure (12), - réalisation d'une anodisation dure d'au moins la face extérieure (11) de la cuve (10). Selon l'invention, au moins une étape de coloration est réalisée sur la face extérieure anodisée après l'anodisation dure, ladite étape de coloration mettant en œuvre au moins un colorant organique anthraquinonique hydrosoluble. L'invention concerne également un article culinaire ou un appareil électrique de cuisson comportant un récipient de cuisson obtenu selon le procédé précité.

21-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002268879A1

30-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101843551B1

The present invention relates to a zinc film producing method for drawing a metal pipe, and comprises: a degreasing step of degreasing a material to be drawn formed of any one of aluminum, an aluminum alloy, copper, and a copper alloy; a first oxidation step of forming an oxide film on a surface of the material to be drawn which has been degreased by the degreasing step; a second oxidation step of forming a zinc film on a drawing target material on which the oxide film is formed. The producing method for drawing a metal pipe according to the present invention degreases a material to be drawn before the zinc film is formed. Since the oxide film is formed on the surface by sulfuric acid, a phosphoric acid zinc film can be formed on the surface of the material to be drawn more stably. Further, the zinc film can be subjected to a Louvre process, so that the present invention has an advantage which no additional oil supply means is required for a drawn metal mold. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 (AA) Start ...

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130092538A

29-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020100072001A

Aluminum alloy products comprising an aluminum alloy base and a sulfate-phosphate oxide zone integral therewith are disclosed. Methods of making the same are also disclosed. COPYRIGHT KIPO & WIPO 2010 ...

08-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020070026618A

The invention relates to a method for continuously producing an aluminium alloy strip for transferring a sublimable decoration from a temporary carrier consisting in using the aluminium alloy strip having a gloss and high-gloss quality, in anodising and sealing said strip and in coating the anodised strip with a transparent lacquer consisting of a polyester and polyurethane mixture. Said anodisation and sealing are substitutable by a HELIA process under EP 0 745 703 patent in order to form a compact oxide barrier whose thickness ranges from 140 to 200 nm. The thus produced aluminium alloy strip for sublimation transfer and a strip or sheet decorated after said transfer from the temporary carrier are also disclosed. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

04-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020130132632A

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014008852A1
Автор: GAO, Chunnan, CHEN, Liang

A method of preparing a metal composite, comprising the steps of: forming an anodic oxidation layer on a surface of a metal substrate; forming a dye layer comprising a dye and a water soluble ink on the anodic oxidation layer, wherein the dye layer has a graduated thickness; and removing the water soluble ink.

08-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011153228A2

A method for creating an oxide layer having a reduced copper concentration over a surface of an object comprising aluminum and copper for use in a semiconductor processing system. The oxide layer produced using a plasma electrolytic oxidation process has a reduced copper peak concentration, which decreases a risk of copper contamination, and includes magnesium oxides that can be converted to magnesium halide upon exposure to an excited halogen- comprising gas or halogen-comprising plasma to increase the erosion/corrosion resistance of the oxide layer.

19-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002073643A2

A method of anodizing an aluminum substrate comprising heating the substrate to a first temperature of 200 °C to about 380 °C; suspending the substrate into a first electrolyte and applying a first anodizing current to the first electrolyte; rinsing the substrate; heating the substrate to a second temperature of 200 °C to about 380 °C; and suspending the substrate into a second electrolyte and applying a second anodizing current to the second electrolyte, wherein the first electrolyte and second electrolyte each comprise an aqueous of at least one salt of alpha-hydroxy acid.

16-02-2006 дата публикации

Method for producing anodized and coated expanded aluminum foil material in a continuous process

Номер: US2006032756A1

A method for producing anodized and coated expanded aluminum foil material in a continuous process. The method includes the steps of providing expanded aluminum foil material on a first coil, cleaning the expanded aluminum foil material in a continuous process, anodizing the expanded material in a continuous process after the expanded aluminum foil material has been cleaned, coating the anodized expanded aluminum foil material with an organic coating in a continuous process and winding up the anodized and coated expanded aluminum foil material on second coil.

16-03-2006 дата публикации

Method for producing porous body

Номер: US20060054507A1
Автор: Aya Imada, Tohru Den
Принадлежит: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha

A process of a porous body comprises the steps of disposing a first material in which pores are formed by anodization on a substrate to form a first layer, disposing on the first layer a second material which has a hardness lower than that of the first material and an oxide of which is dissolved by an anodization step to form a second layer, forming a concave structure on a surface of the second layer, oxidizing the second layer, and subjecting the first layer to anodization to dissolve the second layer. A magnetic recording medium or a light-emitting element comprises a first layer which is comprised of an oxide of aluminum and comprises a porous portion on a substrate, and a second layer on the first layer which has a hardness lower than that of the first layer and is comprised of a metal element, wherein the pores are packed with a magnetic substance or a light-emitting material.

24-02-1981 дата публикации

Producing hydrous oxide of controlled thickness on aluminum capacitor foil

Номер: US0004252575A

The thickness of a hydrous oxide layer on aluminum capacitor foil is controlled by producing the oxide in a hot, dilute borate solution with a pH of about 6, prior to anodization of the foil.

25-09-2018 дата публикации

Method for the electroplating of TiAl alloys

Номер: US0010081877B2
Принадлежит: MTU AERO ENGINES AG, MTU Aero Engines AG

The present invention relates to a method for the coating of a surface of a TiAl alloy, in which at least one layer is electroplated on the surface of the TiAl alloy, wherein the surface of the TiAl alloy is subjected to an at least two-step surface treatment for the formation of a roughened surface, this treatment comprising at least one electrochemical processing and at least one electroless chemical processing.

01-02-2024 дата публикации


Номер: US20240035188A1

Disclosed is a method of treating a surface of an aluminum material, the method including: degreasing an aluminum material; etching the degreased aluminum material; performing a first desmutting treatment by immersing the etched aluminum material in a 25-35 wt % nitric acid solution at a temperature in a range of 25 to 30° C. for at least 60 seconds; performing a second desmutting treatment by immersing the first desmutting-treated aluminum material in a 5-15 wt % nitric acid solution at a temperature in a range of 25 to 30° C. for a time in a range of 30 seconds to 60 seconds; anodizing the second desmutting-treated aluminum material; coloring the anodized aluminum material; and sealing the colored aluminum material.

18-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP2037007A1

The purpose of this invention is, to give a plated film with enough hardness before anodic oxidation, which is hard to be damaged during handling, and also to give the fabrication method of the plated film. This problem can be solved by an aluminum plated film with aluminum concentration of 98wt.% or lower, and with Vickers hardness of 250 or higher Here, by containing oxygen, carbon, sulfur, and halogen element as impurities, the hardness becomes higher. The impurity concentration is controlled by adjusting the current density, the plating temperature, or the plating bath composition.

18-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2476768A1

The present invention relates to an aluminum die base material for a stamper having a component composition that contains 0. 5% by weight to 3.0% by weight of Mg, the total amount of elements other than Mg, including unavoidable impurities, is 500 ppm or less, and the remainder is composed of Al, and a forged structure in which the average crystal grain size is 1000 µm or less and the surface area ratio of second phase particles is 0.10% or less. According to the present application, a stamper can be provided in which, together with the crystal grain size of the aluminum being refined, the formation of second phase particles is inhibited, surface irregularities attributable to mirrored surface polishing are reduced, and a uniform relief pattern is formed by anodic oxidation treatment.

27-12-2006 дата публикации

Lithographic printing plate precursor

Номер: EP0001464514B1
Принадлежит: FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD.

19-10-2011 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004796216B2

14-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019106618A3

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahre zur Herstellung derselben

Номер: DE102008054845A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung, insbesondere für eine medizinische Anwendung als Endoprothese, bevorzugt als intraluminale Endoprothese, mit einem Grundkörper (1, 1'), der zumindest teilweise aus einem metallischen Material besteht, und mit einem an dem Grundkörper (1, 1') befestigten Funktionselement (3, 3'), das zumindest in einem Teil seines Volumens eine verglichen mit dem Material des Grundkörpers (1, 1') verschiedene metallische Materialzusammensetzung aufweist, die vorzugsweise mindestens teilweise radioopakes und/oder röntgenopakes Material aufweist. Zur Reduzierung eines direkten metallischen Kontakt von Grundkörper (1, 1') und Funktionselement (3, 3') im Bereich, in dem Grundkörper (1, 1') und Funktionselement (3, 3') aneinander angrenzen, wird zumindest auf und/oder in dem an die Oberfläche reichenden Grenzbereich (9, 9') zwischen Grundkörper (1, 1') und Funktionselement (3, 3') eine erste Schicht (5, 5') auf- und/oder eingebracht, welche a) mittels plasmachemischer ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102017122709A1

Eine Fahrradfelge 7 weist einen radial äußeren Umfangsabschnitt 11, einen radial inneren Umfangsabschnitt 13, eine erste Seitenwand 15 und eine erste anodisch erzeugte Oxidschicht 17 auf. Die erste anodisch erzeugte Oxidschicht 17 auf einer ersten Bremsfläche 15a hat eine erste Rauheit Ra, die gleich oder größer als 10 Mikrometer ist. Die erste anodisch erzeugte Oxidschicht 17 auf einer ersten Nicht-Bremsfläche 15b hat einen ersten Glanz Gs (60 Grad), der gleich oder größer als 5 ist.

13-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019980434D2

31-01-1979 дата публикации

A cake tin and a process for its manufacture

Номер: GB0002001346A
Автор: Brugger, Robert

An aluminum baking form is provided with internal and external coatings of aluminum oxide which are of black coloration and which contain metals other than aluminum and serve as infrared transmitters or collectors. The metal incorporated in the aluminum oxide layer is preferably tin or silver or both.

25-01-1967 дата публикации

Foil and method for improving the capacitance thereof

Номер: GB0001056609A

Foil of aluminium or alloys containing 95% or more of Al are formed with an oxide coating by first heating in air or oxygen e.g. at 450 DEG C. to 550 DEG C. for 5 to 10 mins. and then electrolytically anodizing. Preferably ammonium dihydrogenphosphate solution is applied at 165V. Graphs are given showing an increased electrical capacity of 20 per cent by the 2-stage treatment. The foil surface should be wholly amorphous and free from crystallinity. Aluminium alloys of Zn, Mg, Si, Mn, Cu, Fe are referred to.

20-01-1999 дата публикации

Production of lithographic printing plate support

Номер: GB0009825822D0

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zur elektrochemischen Herstellung spektral selektiver Absorberschichten auf einem Aluminiumsubstrat

Номер: AT514447B1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur elektrochemischen Herstellung spektral selektiver Absorberschichten auf einem Aluminiumsubstrat vorgeschlagen. Die Beschichtung erfolgt in folgenden Schritten. Entfetten des Substrats in einer alkalischen Lösung für vorzugsweise 10 - 15s. Aktivieren der Oberfläche durch Ätzen. Elektrolytische Oxidation der Oberfläche in Phosphorsäure, wobei das Verhältnis von Badbreite zum Abstand zwischen Kathode zu Anode zwischen 3 und 4, vorzugsweise zwischen 3,2 und 3,6, liegt und wobei der Abstand zwischen der Rückseite der Aluminiumplatte und der dazu parallelen Wand des Bades 1/5 bis 3/5, insbesondere 2/5, der Beckenbreite beträgt. Elektrochemisches Färben der Oberfläche in Borsäure (H3BO3) und Nickelsulfit (NiSO4) für insbesondere wenigstens 5 und maximal 10min, wobei das Verhältnis von Badbreite zum Abstand zwischen Kathode zu Anode beim elektrochemischen Färben zwischen 5 und 7, vorzugsweise zwischen 5,8 und 6,6 liegt und wobei der Abstand zwischen der Rückseite der Aluminiumplatte ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000548485T

02-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000512237B2

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Anti-virus aluminum member and method for producing same

Номер: AU2012305805A1

... [Problem] To provide an anti-virus aluminum member capable of minimizing secondary infection by deactivating viruses in a short period of time even when viruses adhere thereto, regardless of whether a viral envelope is present, and useful for application in door knobs, handrails, air-conditioner fins or the like. [Solution] An anti-virus aluminum member capable of deactivating viruses that adhere thereto is characterized in that an anti-virus inorganic compound is present in the pores of an anodized membrane provided with multiple pores and obtained by anodizing aluminum or an aluminum alloy.

13-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA967505A

16-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1031290A

16-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002337374A1

This invention provides an improved composition and process for pretreatment aluminum prior to electroplating. The invention is an aqueous composition comprised of an acid, an oxidizing agent, and, optionally, a halogenated compound. This composition is useful in a process that effectively removes smut that results from the etching step of the aluminum pretreatment process. Alternatively, the composition can be used in a process which combines the etch and desmut steps in Al pretreatment.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003052308A1
Принадлежит: BERESKIN & PARR LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L.,S.R.L.

Methods of preparing 7xxx aluminum alloy products for adhesive bonding and products made therefrom are disclosed. Generally, the methods include preparing a 7xxx aluminum alloy product for anodizing, then anodizing the 7xxx aluminum alloy product, and then contacting the anodized 7xxx aluminum alloy product with an appropriate chemical to create a functionalized layer. The new 7xxx aluminum alloy products may realize improved shear bonding performance.

25-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001107675A1

01-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002942426A1

L'invention concerne des produits filés apte au décolletage en alliage d'aluminium de composition, en % en poids, Si 0,4 - 0,8; Mg 0,8 - 1,2; Cu 0,20 - 0,4; Fe 0,05 - 0,4; Mn = 0, 10; Ti < 0, 15; Cr = 0, 10; Bi = 0,8; Pb = 0,4; autres éléments < 0,05 chacun et < 0,15 reste aluminium, caractérisé en ce que sa structure granulaire est essentiellement recristallisée et leur procédé de fabrication. L'invention concerne également des pièces mécaniques décolletées et anodisées obtenues à partir des produits filés selon l'invention et leur procédé de fabrication. Les produits selon l'invention sont particulièrement avantageux pour la fabrication d'un piston de frein ou d'un élément de boite de vitesse.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713558A1

The invention relates to a method for application of a multifunctional coating to the surface of a workpiece made from aluminium or an aluminium alloy. The invention further relates to a workpiece, which may be produced by such a method.

14-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002779973C
Принадлежит: UNILEVER PLC

Frost-free surfaces and methods for manufacturing such surfaces are described. The frost-free surfaces reduce ice build-up, prevent vapor condensation and reduce adhesion force between ice and a solid substrate. The surfaces can be on parts used in devices where superhydrophobic properties may be obtained post or during device manufacturing. The superhydrophobic properties are the result of aluminum oxide clusters made on such surfaces.

16-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917908A1

A method for manufacturing a part including steps of providing an aluminum starting material, wherein the aluminum starting material is in an anneal temper, cold working the aluminum starting material to obtain an aluminum cold worked material, and forming the part from the aluminum cold worked material.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002852495A1

L'invention concerne un procédé d'obtention d'un récipient de cuisson (1) comportant les étapes suivantes: réalisation d'une cuve (10) présentant une face extérieure (11) en aluminium et une face intérieure (12), réalisation d'une anodisation dure d'au moins la face extérieure (11) de la cuve (10). Selon l'invention, au moins une étape de coloration est réalisée sur la face extérieure anodisée après l'anodisation dure, ladite étape de coloration mettant en uvre au moins un pigment minéral hydrosoluble. L'invention concerne également un article culinaire ou un appareil électrique de cuisson comportant un récipient de cuisson obtenu selon le procédé précité.

29-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201791723A1

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Method For Forming An Anodized Layer, Method For Manufacturing A Mold, and Mold

Номер: US20120058216A1
Автор: Ichiroh Ihara
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An anodized layer formation method of at least one example embodiment of the present invention includes the steps of: (a) providing an aluminum base which has a machined surface; (b) forming, in the surface of the aluminum base, a minute uneven structure which has a smaller average neighboring distance than an average neighboring distance of a plurality of minute recessed portions that an intended porous alumina layer has; and (c) after step (b), anodizing the surface of the aluminum base, thereby forming a porous alumina layer which has the plurality of minute recessed portions. According to at least one embodiment the present invention, a porous alumina layer which has uniformly-distributed minute recessed portions can be formed over a machined surface of an aluminum base.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Die and method for manufacturing die, and anti-reflection coating

Номер: US20120200932A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A mold includes an anodized porous alumina layer over its surface. The anodized porous alumina layer has a plurality of first and second recessed portions. The plurality of second recessed portions have a two-dimensional size of not less than 190 nm and not more than 50 μm when viewed in a direction normal to the mold surface and have a plurality of minute recessed portions over its inner surface. The plurality of minute recessed portions have a two-dimensional size of not less than 10 nm and not more than 200 nm; and have a two-dimensional size of not less than 10 nm and not more than 200 nm. The plurality of first recessed portions are provided between the plurality of second recessed portions. The average value of the two-dimensional size of the plurality of second recessed portions is greater than that of the plurality of first recessed portions.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Housing and method for making same

Номер: US20130052476A1

A housing includes a metal substrate having an outer surface and a color layer formed on the outer surface. The outer surface has a gradient surface roughness across at least one dimension of the outer surface. The color layer has a surface appearance corresponding with the outer surface, thereby the brightness of color of the color layer gradually changing with the location on the outer surface. A method for making the housing is also provided.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for anodizing and dyeing metallic article

Номер: US20130248372A1

A method for anodizing and dyeing a metallic article including a decorated surface to be dyed, includes steps as follows: anodizing the metallic article to form an anodization layer on the decorated surface by an anodizing treatment, in which the anodization layer is porous with a number of holes; sealing the anodization layer of the metallic article anodized by a first sealing treatment in a first sealing solution, in which a contacting time of the anodization layer and the first sealing solution changes gradually along a predetermined direction, and thereby a depth of the holes of the anodization layer after sealing changes gradually along the predetermined direction; and coloring the metallic article sealed in a dyeing treatment.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Metallic housing forming method

Номер: US20130263428A1
Автор: Meng-Yu Tsou, Wei-Jian Dai
Принадлежит: Individual

A metallic housing forming method includes steps as follows: friction stir welding metallic members to form a metallic housing; immersing the metallic housing in an alkali solution to remove contaminants from the metallic housing, and forming a black salt layer on the metallic housing; stripping the black salt layer away from the metallic housing; electro-polishing the metallic housing to dissolve the outermost surface of the metallic housing; anode-oxiding the metallic housing; and sealing and drying the metallic housing.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270120A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A system and process for reducing cosmetic defects such as black lines, and otherwise improving the final cosmetic appearance of anodized parts is disclosed. The process can include degreasing an aluminum or other metal part in a neutral to low alkaline solution having a mild detergent, chemically polishing the metal part with a specialized solution having one or more additives at an increased temperature for a reduced amount of time, and anodizing the metal part at a reduced voltage and for a reduced amount of time. An activating step can also be performed as part of the overall process. Tap water rinse, deionized water rinse, desmut, seal and bake procedures can also be performed on the metal part. 1. A system adapted for the manufacture of anodized metal parts , the system comprising:a degreasing station adapted to degrease a separate metal part, said degreasing station having an alkaline solution with a mild detergent, wherein the alkaline solution has a pH that ranges from about 8 to 9;a chemical polishing station adapted to chemically polish the degreased metal part at a temperature that ranges from about 105 to 115 degrees C. and for a period of about 15 to 30 seconds, said chemical polishing station having a chemical polishing solution with one or more specialized additives; andan anodizing station adapted to anodize the chemically polished part for about 15 to 20 minutes and at a voltage that ranges from about 12.5 to 14.5 volts.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said system is adapted to be used on aluminum parts.3. The system of claim 1 , further including:an activation station adapted to activate the metal part between the degreasing and chemically polishing steps.4. The system of claim 1 , further including:one or more rinsing stations adapted to rinse the metal part with tap water after the part has been processed through the degreasing station.5. The system of claim 1 , further including:one or more deionized rinsing stations adapted to rinse the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Multistage pretreatment of tinplate prior to the coating thereof with lacquer

Номер: US20130299379A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG and Co KGaA

The invention relates to a two-stage method for the anti-corrosive pretreatment of tinplate, in which an anti-corrosive primer coating is already applied in a first step, said primer coating effectively preventing the shiny metal surface of the pretreated tinplate from turning black when the pretreated tinplate of the invention that is provided with a coating lacquer is in contact with liquids containing or releasing sulfur compounds and with food containing protein. In the disclosed method, the tinplate is anodically polarized in an electrolyte containing at least one inert water-soluble salt and is then brought in contact with an acidic aqueous composition containing water-soluble inorganic compounds of the elements Zr, Ti, Hf, and/or Si. Tinplate pretreated according to the invention can be used in particular for the production of food-safe packaging such as beverage cans or tin cans.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008236A1

A method of treating a part made of an aluminum alloy containing copper at a content in the range 0.1% to 10% by weight includes providing the part; and performing electrochemical pretreatment of the part in a first electrolyte bath containing sulfuric acid and a first oxidizer compound, a first potential difference being established between a first cathode and a first anode dipped in the first bath, the part being the first anode, the concentration of the first oxidizer compound being such that the corrosion potential of the aluminum alloy is greater than +100 mV relative to a hydrogen normal electrode. After the pretreatment, the method includes anodizing the part in a second electrolyte bath containing sulfuric acid and a second oxidizer compound, a second potential difference □V2 being established between a second cathode and a second anode dipped in the second bath, the part being the second anode. 1. A method of treating a part made of aluminum alloy containing copper at a content lying in the range 0.1% to 10% by weight , wherein the method comprises:a. providing said part;{'b': '1', 'b. performing electrochemical pretreatment of said part in a first electrolyte bath containing sulfuric acid and a first oxidizer compound, a first potential difference ΔV being established between a first cathode and a first anode dipped in said first bath, said part being said first anode, the concentration of said first oxidizer compound being such that the corrosion potential of said aluminum alloy is greater than +100 mV relative to a hydrogen normal electrode;'}{'b': '2', 'c. after step b, anodizing said part in a second electrolyte bath containing sulfuric acid and a second oxidizer compound, a second potential difference ΔV being established between a second cathode and a second anode dipped in said second bath, said part being said second anode.'}21. A method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step b claim 1 , said first potential difference ΔV lies in the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Electro-chemical process for decorating aluminum surfaces

Номер: US20140027290A1
Принадлежит: METALY Srl

An electrochemical process for decorating a surface, includes marking by a screen or mask which can be subsequently removed to create a decoration including a design, mark or writing, by use of an electrochemical etching solution maintained between a surface to be decorated and an electrode exerting pressure, the surface and the electrode being connected to a generator of electrical current, a pad impregnated with the etching solution being placed between the surface and the electrode, to form a layer of oxide with a thickness of a few thousandths of a micrometer on the surface, and anodizing the decorated surface to form an other layer of oxide, the other layer of oxide being 10 micrometers in depth. The other layer of forms on the surface on which the decoration is applied, maintaining its morphology, and the layer of oxide limits a formation of the other layer of oxide, while at the same time acting upon and emphasizing the morphology of the decorated surface.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001090A1

A method of forming a skid-proof leather-texture surface on a metallic substrate, including the following steps of: providing a metallic substrate; roughening the surface of the metallic substrate by performing sand-blasting; performing a first pretreatment to clean the surface of the metallic substrate; etching the surface of the metallic substrate through an etchant while using a etch-moderating agent to moderate the condition of etching performing a second pretreatment, such as pickling or chemical polishing, on the surface of the metallic substrate; performing an anodic treatment on the surface of the metallic substrate to form an oxidized film having micro-porous structure thereon; activating the surface of the metallic substrate after the anodic treatment; dyeing the surface of the metallic substrate; sealing the micro-porous structure formed on the surface of the metallic substrate; and ash-removing to clean the metallic substrate. 1. A method of forming a skid-proof leather-texture surface on a metallic substrate , comprising the following steps of:providing a metallic substrate,roughening the surface of the metallic substrate by performing sand-blasting, wherein the roughness of the surface of the metallic substrate exhibiting a Ra value smaller than 1.1 μm and a RPC value between 100˜200/cm;cleaning the surface of the metallic substrate;etching the surface of the metallic substrate by an etchant at an etching temperature of 40±5 degrees in an etching time between 1 to 15 minutes while using an etch-moderating agent to moderate the condition of etching, wherein the etchant comprises a final volume percentage of 50%-75% of ammonium bifluoride, 10%-20% of ammonium sulfate, 5˜8% of mono-ammonium phosphate, 1%-3% of triammonium phosphate, and 1%-2% of ammonium oxalate, wherein the etch-moderating agent comprises 50 PPM of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate;chemical polishing the etched surface of the metallic substrate, wherein the gloss of the chemical polished ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002475A1

A method for manufacturing a water- and ice-repellent surface on a metallic substrate is disclosed, comprising the steps of a) providing a metallic substrate, b) polishing the metallic substrate, c) contacting of at least a part of the metallic substrate with an electrolyte solution, d) anodizing the metallic substrate of step c) for producing a nanoporous layer on the substrate surface, and e) applying a hydrophobic coating on the nanoporous layer. Thereby the accretion of ice particularly on surfaces of aircraft exposed to a flow is reduced in comparison with the prior art. 1. A method of manufacturing a water- and ice-repellent surface on a metallic substrate , comprising the steps of:providing a metallic substrate;polishing the metallic substrate;contacting at least a part of the metallic substrate with an electrolyte solution;after the contacting step, anodizing the metallic substrate of stop to produce a nanoporous layer on the substrate surface; andapplying a hydrophobic coating on the nanoporous layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polishing step includes mirror polishing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is pickled in a pickling solution after polishing claim 1 , until a mirror finish is obtained.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic substrate is an aluminum alloy and preferably additionally comprises at least one further metal selected from a group comprising Cr claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Sc claim 1 , Li claim 1 , Ag.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrolyte solution comprises at least one acid and in particular at least one mineral acid claim 1 , or at least one organic acid claim 1 , or a mixture of at least one mineral acid and at least one organic acid.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrolyte solution comprises an aqueous solution of at least one salt claim 1 , in particular of at least one ammonium salt.7. The method ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Compositions for Acid Treatment of a Metal Surface

Номер: US20180002818A1
Автор: Basaly Mores

The invention relates to compositions and methods that are useful in etching a metal surface. In particular, the invention relates to novel acid compositions and methods of using such compositions in etching a metal surface, preferably an aluminum surface prior to anodizing to dissolve impurities, imperfections, scale, and oxide. The compositions are effective in maintaining their etching capacity and in removing smut produced by the etching of a surface as well as in general cleaning. 1. (canceled)2. A composition consisting essentially of:(a) one or more fluoride ion compounds; and(b) one or more grain refiners.3. The composition according to claim 2 , consisting essentially of ammonium bifluoride and diammonium phosphate.4. The composition according to claim 2 , consisting essentially of ammonium bifluoride and a mixture of ammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate.5. A composition consisting essentially of:(a) about 20 to about 80 grams per liter of ammonium bifluoride; and(b) about 1 to about 50 grams per liter of diammonium phosphate or a mixture of ammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate.6. The composition according to claim 5 , which has a pH of about 2 to about 5.7. The composition according to claim 5 , consisting essentially of about 5 to about 30 grams per liter of diammonium phosphate or a mixture of ammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate.8. The composition according to claim 7 , consisting essentially of about 10 to about 20 grams per liter of diammonium phosphate or a mixture of ammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate.9. The composition according to claim 5 , consisting essentially of about 60 to 70 grams per liter of ammonium bifluoride.10. The composition according to claim 5 , consisting essentially of:(a) about 20 to about 80 grams per liter of ammonium bifluoride; and(b) about 1 to about 50 grams per liter of diammonium phosphate.11. The composition according to claim 10 , which has a pH of about 2 to about 5.12. The composition ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002825A1

Development of an alternative process to conventional toxic chromic acid anodization (CAA) with equivalent corrosion resistance is a challenging task. The present invention provides a chromate free process for the manufacture of corrosion resistant sealed anodized coating for long term corrosion resistance of aerospace grade aluminum alloy. This method includes the steps of cleaning, chemical etching, anodizing in Tartaric-Sulphuric acid electrolyte followed by dipping the specimen in the sealing bath containing at least two water soluble either Mn and Mo or Mn and V oxyanions as corrosion inhibitors and a sufficient amount of alkali metal ion based nitrates at a temperature range between 60 and 80° C. for about 20 to 40 minutes at a pH range of 7 to 9. The sealed anodic coatings developed from this invention showed improved corrosion resistance in neutral 5% NaCl fog environment for greater than 2000 h of exposure. The sealed anodic coatings developed by this invention also showed self-healing protection in NaCl environment. 2. (canceled)3. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tartaric sulphuric acid anodization is carried out in either sweep or constant current density mode.4. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein sealing bath contains water soluble transition elements and nitrates.5. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein sealing bath contains at least two water soluble transition elements based corrosion inhibitors preferably Manganese claim 1 , Molybdenum claim 1 , Vanadium oxyanions or combinations thereof.6. (canceled)7. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first water soluble transition element is Mn claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , V claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , W salts preferably a Mn based oxyanion.8. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second water soluble transition element is Ce claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , V claim 1 , W salts claim 1 , preferably Mo or V based oxyanion.9. An ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Aluminum apparatus with aluminum oxide layer and method for forming the same

Номер: US20210005433A1

In a method, an aluminum body is chemically treated with at least one of an alkaline solution and an acid solution. Anode-oxidization is performed on the chemically treated aluminum body to form an aluminum oxide layer. The aluminum oxide layer is treated with hot water at a temperature more than 75° C. or steam. The aluminum oxide layer after being treated with hot water or steam includes plural columnar grains, and an average width of the columnar grains is in a range from 10 nm to 100 nm.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024256A1

A method of repairing an erosion coating coupled to a substrate, wherein the coating comprises an anodization layer on the substrate, a bond primer layer on the anodization layer, a corrosion-resistant primer on the bond primer, and an erosion coating on the corrosion-resistant primer the method comprising abrading an erosion coating; abrading a corrosion-resistant primer; creating an abraded surface comprising a bond primer over an anodization layer coupled to the substrate, chemically etching the anodization layer; abrading the bond primer; applying an anodization layer to the substrate; applying a bond primer layer over the anodization layer; applying a corrosion-resistant layer over the bond primer layer; and applying an erosion coating layer over the corrosion-resistant layer. 1. A method of repairing an erosion coating coupled to a substrate of a gas turbine engine fan blade , wherein the coating comprises an anodization layer coupled to the substrate , a bond primer layer on the anodization layer , a corrosion-resistant primer on the bond primer layer , and an erosion coating on the corrosion-resistant primer , the method comprising:abrading the erosion coating;abrading the corrosion-resistant primer;creating an abraded surface comprising the bond primer layer over the anodization layer coupled to said substrate,chemically etching said anodization layer;abrading said bond primer layer;applying an anodization layer to said substrate;applying a bond primer layer over said anodization layer;applying a corrosion-resistant layer over said bond primer layer; andapplying an erosion coating layer over said corrosion-resistant layer.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said abraded surface comprises at least one of a bare substrate claim 1 ,said anodization layer coupled to said substrate,a portion of said bond primer layer over said anodization layer coupled to said substrate andsaid anodization layer coupled to said substrate with a portion of said ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024765A1
Принадлежит: VALQUA, LTD.

A laminate including a metal substrate having a chemically etched surface and a fluoroelastomer layer laminated in contact with the chemically etched surface or laminated in contact with a surface of a fluororesin layer laminated in contact with the chemically etched surface, and a gate valve including the laminate, are provided. 1. A laminate comprising:a metal substrate having a chemically etched surface; anda fluoroelastomer layer laminated in contact with the chemically etched surface or laminated in contact with a surface of a fluororesin layer laminated in contact with the chemically etched surface.2. A laminate comprising:a metal substrate having a surface with a porous anodic oxide coating formed thereon by anodizing a chemically etched surface of the metal substrate; anda fluoroelastomer layer laminated in contact with the anodic oxide coating or laminated in contact with a surface of a fluororesin layer laminated in contact with the anodic oxide coating.3. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the fluoroelastomer layer includes a crosslinked product of a crosslinkable perfluoroelastomer.4. The laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the metal substrate includes aluminum.5. A gate seal comprising the laminate according to .6. A method for manufacturing a laminate claim 1 , comprising:providing a metal substrate having a chemically etched surface;forming a layer including a crosslinkable fluoroelastomer on the chemically etched surface or a surface of a fluororesin layer laminated in contact with the chemically etched surface; andcrosslinking the layer including the crosslinkable fluoroelastomer to form a fluoroelastomer layer.7. The method for manufacturing a laminate according to claim 6 , wherein forming the layer including the crosslinkable fluoroelastomer includes:disposing fused fluororesin on the chemically etched surface and thereafter compression-molding the fused fluororesin to form the fluororesin layer; andforming the layer including the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024766A1

An anodization method for corrosion protection of an aluminium or aluminium alloy element used in an aircraft structure, comprising the following steps: a) subjecting the element to a degreasing step by means of an alkaline bath for removing contaminating elements; b) subjecting the element to a subsequent first washing in water; c) subjecting the element to an acid pickling step by dipping the element in an acid solution and then extracting the element from the acid solution and subjecting the element to a subsequent washing in water; subjecting the washed element to a subsequent electrochemical treatment step in a tank by dipping the element in a solution of tartaric acid (CHO) and sulphuric acid (HSO); e) subjecting the element to a subsequent washing in water; f) dipping the element in a bath in which a solution of chromium, with an oxidation number of +3, and zirconium ions and fluorides is present, in order to carry out a first post-anodization sealing step; g) extracting the element from the bath of step f) and subjecting it to a subsequent final washing and a subsequent dipping in a tank of boiling water (second sealing step), and then drying the element. 2. The anodization method as defined in claim 1 , wherein step c) is carried out by dipping the element in an acid bath for a time interval of 5 to 10 minutes.3. The anodization method as defined in claim 1 , wherein step c) is carried out by dipping the element in an acid bath having a temperature of 20° C. to 40° C.5. The anodization method as defined in claim 1 , wherein step d) is carried out using the following parameters:applying the voltage within one minute from the dipping of the element in the solution;applying an increasing voltage with a ramp not exceeding 3 volts per minute;applying a constant voltage for approximately 20 minutes, and thereafter;gradually reducing the voltage to a null value;removing the element from the solution within 3 minutes from the switching off of the voltage.6. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028498A1

A protective coating for aluminum alloys, electrode for producing same and a coating process using the welding electrode. The protective coating and electrode comprise a composite consisting essentially of alumina particles in a matrix, wherein the matrix is a metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum or an aluminum alloy. The alumina particles consist of aluminum oxide in powder form. The coating process using the welding electrode above comprises the steps of: electro-spark depositing a composite on to a substrate, wherein the composite consists essentially of alumina particles in a matrix, wherein the matrix is a metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum or an aluminum alloy. The substrate herein is an aluminum alloy. The coatings involve only aluminum and aluminum compounds, thereby intermetallic compound formation and galvanic corrosion of the coating-substrate materials system is avoided. 1. A protective coating for an aluminum alloy substrate , comprising a composite consisting essentially of alumina particles in a matrix , wherein said matrix is a metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum and an aluminum alloy.2. The protective coating of claim 1 , wherein said alumina particles consist of aluminum oxide in powder form.3. The protective coating of claim 1 , further comprising a textured coating.4. The protective coating of having a thickness in a range of 10 μm to 100 μm.5. The protective coating of having a surface finish in a range of 100 μ-in to 1400 μ-in.6. The protective coating of having a bond strength to said substrate similar to the tensile strength of said substrate.7. The protective coating of claim 3 , further comprising a wear resistant coating.8. A welding electrode to produce the protective coating of claim 1 , said welding electrode comprising a composite consisting essentially of alumina particles in a matrix claim 1 , wherein said matrix is a metal selected from the group consisting of aluminum and an ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030610A1

Methods are presented that includes replacing oven depolarization of a foil with a sonic vibration process for stressing the oxide. The method includes electrochemically etching the metal foil to form a plurality of tunnels in the metal foil and forming an oxide on a surface of the metal foil. The method further includes applying sonic vibration to the metal foil to induce stress fractures in the oxide, and reforming the oxide to heal at least a portion of the stress fractures. 1. A method of processing a metal foil , comprising:electrochemically etching the metal foil to form a plurality of tunnels in the metal foil;forming an oxide on a surface of the metal foil;applying sonic vibration to the metal foil to induce stress fractures in the oxide; andreforming the oxide to heal at least a portion of the stress fractures.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the sonic vibration comprises applying the sonic vibration for 2 to 6 minutes.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein applying the sonic vibration comprises exposing the metal foil to sonic frequencies of 20 Hz to 20 claim 2 ,000 Hz.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein applying the sonic vibration comprises exposing the metal foil to sonic frequencies of greater than 20 claim 2 ,000 Hz.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:forming the oxide comprises submerging the metal foil inside a first apparatus;applying the sonic vibration comprises applying the sonic vibration while the metal foil is submerged inside a second apparatus; andreforming the oxide comprises reforming the oxide after the metal is re-submerged inside the first apparatus.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the oxide claim 1 , applying the sonic vibration claim 1 , and reforming the oxide are performed in a single apparatus.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:electrochemically widening the plurality of tunnels to increase tunnel diameters of the plurality of tunnels.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the applying and the reforming are ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116883A1

A surface treatment process for aluminum alloy includes the steps of: providing an aluminum alloy substrate containing silicon element; evenly distributing the silicon element in the substrate by solution treating the substrate; removing the silicon element at/near the surface of the substrate by acid treating the substrate; forming a porous aluminum oxide film on the substrate by anodizing the substrate; and staining the aluminum oxide film. An aluminum alloy article treated by the process is also described. 1. A surface treatment process for aluminum alloy , comprising:providing an aluminum alloy substrate comprising silicon element;evenly distributing the silicon element in the substrate by solution treating the substrate;removing the silicon element at/near the surface of the substrate by acid treating the substrate;forming a porous aluminum oxide film on the substrate by anodizing the substrate; andstaining the aluminum oxide film.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein solution treating the substrate is carried out by positioning the substrate in a chamber type electrical resistance furnace having an inner temperature of about 495° C. to about 525° C. for about 8 hours to about 10 hours.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein acid treating the substrate is carried out by dipping the substrate in an acid solution for about 5 min to about 10 min claim 1 , the acid solution comprises nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid in a volume ratio of about 8-10:1-1.5.4. The process as claimed in claim 3 , wherein after the acid treatment claim 3 , the substrate comprises no silicon element from the surface of the substrate to the depth of about 15 μm to about 25 μm of the substrate claim 3 , the total content of the silicon element contained in the substrate decreases about 1.3% to about 1.65%.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein anodizing the substrate is carried out in a sulfuric solution having a concentration of about 120 g/L to about 210 g/L for ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117840A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An insulating reflective substrate comprises an aluminum layer and an aluminum oxide layer, wherein the aluminum oxide layer has a thickness of 80 μm or more but up to 300 μm; the aluminum oxide layer has large pits whose openings are present at a surface; the large pits have an average opening size of more than 1 μm but up to 30 μm; the large pits have an average depth of 80 μm or more; the large pits have an average distance therebetween of 10 μm or more; a ratio of a total area of the openings of the large pits to a surface area of the aluminum oxide layer is 10% or more but up to 40%; the large pits have small pits whose openings are present at inner surfaces of the large pits; and the small pits have an average opening size of 5 to 1,000 nm. 1. An insulating reflective substrate comprising:an aluminum layer and an aluminum oxide layer formed on a surface of the aluminum layer,wherein the aluminum oxide layer has a thickness of 80 μm or more but up to 300 μm;wherein the aluminum oxide layer has large pits whose openings are present at a surface of the aluminum oxide layer,wherein the large pits have an average opening size of more than 1 μm but up to 30 μm,wherein the large pits have an average depth of 80 μm or more but less than the thickness of the aluminum oxide layer,wherein the large pits have an average distance therebetween of 10 μm or more but less than the thickness of the aluminum oxide layer,wherein a ratio of a total area of the openings of the large pits to a surface area of the aluminum oxide layer is 10% or more but up to 40%,wherein the large pits have small pits whose openings are present at inner surfaces of the large pits, andwherein the small pits have an average opening size of 5 to 1,000 nm.2. The insulating reflective substrate according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio between the thickness of the aluminum oxide layer and a thickness of the aluminum layer (aluminum oxide layer/aluminum layer) is from 0.6 to 5.0.3. The insulating reflective ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032237A1

An anodizable aluminum plate and a method of manufacturing the anodizable aluminum plate are provided. An aluminum alloy material is provided, and the aluminum alloy material is anodized at a temperature at a voltage in a range of 4 volts (V) to 14 V. 1. A method of manufacturing an anodizable aluminum plate , the method comprising:providing an aluminum alloy material; andanodizing the aluminum alloy material at a voltage in a range of 4 volts (V) to 14 V.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein anodizing the aluminum alloy material comprises anodizing the alloy material at a temperature in a range of 5° C. to 30° C. and at voltage in a range of 4 V to 10 V for 5 to 180 minutes.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein anodizing the aluminum alloy material comprises a pretreatment process claim 2 , an anodizing process claim 2 , a sealing process claim 2 , and an elution process.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein anodizing the aluminum alloy material further comprises a coloring process.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:polishing the aluminum alloy material or forming surface unevenness after providing the aluminum alloy material.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein polishing the aluminum alloy material comprises a physical polishing process of wet or dry polishing of a surface of the aluminum alloy material claim 5 , and wherein a 60-degree gloss meter value of the anodizable aluminum plate on which the physical polishing process has been performed is 100 to 800 GU.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein polishing the aluminum alloy material comprises an electrolytic polishing process in which the aluminum alloy material is polished at a temperature ranging from a room temperature to 90° C. and a voltage in a range of 10 V to 50 V.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the 60-degree gloss meter value of the anodizable aluminum plate on which the electrolytic polishing process has been performed is 200 to 500 gloss units (GU).9. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the anodized ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033490A1

Low reflection articles, and related systems and methods are disclosed. The articles have a surface with primary pores and secondary pores. At least some of the secondary pores contain agent, such, for example, a light absorbing dye. 1. An article , comprising:a substrate comprising a metal, a surface of the substrate comprises primary pores and secondary pores; and', 'an average diameter of the primary pores is at least four times greater than an average diameter of the secondary pores., 'wherein2. An article , comprising:a substrate comprising a metal, a surface of the substrate comprises primary pores and secondary pores;', 'an average diameter of the primary pores is from 500 nm to 15 μm; and', 'an average diameter of the secondary pores 50 nm to about 250 nm., 'wherein3. The article of claim 2 , wherein an average diameter of the primary pores is at least four times greater than an average diameter of the secondary pores.4. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least five times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.5. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 10 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.6. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 25 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.7. The article of any one of and - claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at most 100 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.8. The article of any one of and - claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 500 nm.9. The article of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 750 nm.10. The article of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 900 nm.11. The article of any one of the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a composite of aluminum alloy

Номер: US20220055346A1
Принадлежит: Taisei Purasu Co Ltd

An aluminum alloy material is prepared that has surface configuration of threefold irregularities such that rough surface having surface roughness of 10 to 100 μm period is observed with an electron microscope in a magnification of 1000 times, surface having fine irregularities of 1 to 5 μm period based on crystal grain boundary is observed with an electron microscope in a magnification of 10000 times and surface having ultrafine irregularities of 30 to 100 nm period is confirmed with an electron microscope in a magnification of 100000 times. Aluminum alloy material is integrally joined with a resin composition consisting of a total resin part containing polyphenylene sulfide resin by 70 mass % or more of the resin part, modified polyolefin resin by 30 mass % or less of the resin part and a resin of third component having ability for promoting compatibility of polyphenylene sulfide resin and modified polyolefin resin.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047057A1

A method for anodizing a part made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy by immersing the part in an aqueous bath essentially comprising sulfuric acid at a concentration of 150 to 250 g/L and at a temperature of 5 to 25° C. A DC voltage according to a voltage profile comprising a voltage increased at a rate of 1 to 32 V/min is applied to the part. The voltage is maintained at a plateau voltage value of 12 to 20 V for a duration sufficient for obtaining, at the surface of the part, an anode layer having a thickness of 3 to 7 μm and/or a layer weight of 20 to 150 mg/dm. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for anodizing an aluminum or aluminum-alloy part , comprising the step of:immersing the part in an aqueous bath essentially comprising sulfuric acid at a concentration between 150 and 250 g/L and at a temperature between 5 and 25° C.;applying a DC voltage to the part immersed in the bath according to a voltage profile comprising an increase in voltage at a rate between 1 and 32 V/min; and{'sup': '2', 'maintaining the voltage at a plateau voltage value between 12 and 20 V for a sufficient time to obtain an anodic layer on the surface of the part with at least one of the following: a thickness between 3 and 7 μm or a layer weight between 20 and 150 mg/dm.'}14. The method as claimed in claim 13 , further comprising the step of maintaining the voltage at the plateau value for a time between 5 and 30 minutes.15. The method as claimed in claim 13 , further comprising the step of increasing the voltage at the rate between 1 and 6 V/min.16. The method as claimed in claim 13 , further comprising the step of increasing the voltage at the rate substantially equal to 3 V/min.17. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the plateau voltage value is between 14 and 16 V.18. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the concentration of the sulfuric acid in the bath is between 180 and 220 g/L.19. The method as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the concentration of the sulfuric acid in the bath ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Stamper, method for producing the same, method for producing molded material, and prototype aluminum mold for stamper

Номер: US20150053566A1

Disclosed herein are a stamper which has anodized alumina formed on the surface thereof and which will not cause macroscopic unevenness or color unevenness on the transcribed surface; a method for producing the same; and a method for producing a molded material without macroscopic unevenness or color unevenness on the transcribed surface thereof by using such a stamper. The stamper includes alumina which has a microasperity structure and which is formed by anodization on the surface of a prototype aluminum mold having an aluminum purity of 99.5% or more, an average crystal-grain diameter of 1 mm or less, and an arithmetic mean surface roughness Ra of 0.05 μm or less. The use of this stamper enables the production of a molded material which does not have macroscopic unevenness or color unevenness on the transcribed surface thereof and which is suitable for use as an antireflection article and the like.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060289A1

A method of manufacturing a stamper of the invention includes: performing a blast process on an aluminum base material, and thereafter anodizing a processing surface of the blast-processed aluminum base material so that a structure which includes a rough rugged structure having an specific arithmetic average roughness Ra and a specific period Sm and a fine rugged structure which is formed on the rough rugged structure to have a shorter period than that of the rough rugged structure is formed on a surface of the aluminum base material. In the stamper of the invention, by anodizing the processing surface of the blast-processed aluminum base material, the structure which includes the specific rough rugged structure and the fine rugged structure which is formed on the specific rough rugged structure to have a shorter period than that of the rough rugged structure is formed on the surface of the aluminum base material. 1. A method of manufacturing a stamper having a fine rugged structure formed on a surface of an aluminum base material , the method comprising:performing a blast process on the aluminum base material, and thereafter anodizing a processing surface of the blast-processed aluminum base material so that a structure which includes a rough rugged structure having an arithmetic average roughness Ra of equal to or more than 0.01 μm and less than 0.50 μm and a period Sm of 0.5 to 95 μm and the fine rugged structure which is formed on the rough rugged structure to have a shorter period than that of the rough rugged structure is formed on the surface of the aluminum base material.2. The method of manufacturing a stamper according to claim 1 ,wherein the fine rugged structure is formed by a plurality of concave portions having an average depth of 80 to 500 nm and a period of 20 to 400 nm.3. The method of manufacturing a stamper according to claim 1 ,wherein a Vickers hardness of the aluminum base material is 20 to 100 Hv.4. The method of manufacturing a stamper ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056273A1

A method comprises providing a molten aluminum alloy selected from the group consisting of 6000 series aluminum alloys. The molten aluminum alloy is formed into a formed body having beta-AlFeSi particles. The formed body is solution heat treated at a temperature in a range of 1,025-1,070° F. to form a heat treated body. The solution heat treating transforms substantially all of the beta-AlFeSi particles into alpha-AlFeSi particles such that the heat treated body is substantially free of the beta-AlFeSi particles. 1. A method , comprising:providing a molten aluminum alloy selected from the group consisting of 6000 series aluminum alloys;forming the molten aluminum alloy into a formed body having beta-AlFeSi particles; andsolution heat treating the formed body at a temperature in a range of 1,025-1,070° F. to form a heat treated body, the solution heat treating transforming substantially all of the beta-AlFeSi particles into alpha-AlFeSi particles such that the heat treated body is substantially free of the beta-AlFeSi particles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the molten aluminum alloy comprises centrifugally forming the molten aluminum alloy in a mold such that the formed body is a cast body.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the centrifugally forming comprises rotating the mold containing molten aluminum alloy at a speed of at least about 500 rpm.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the centrifugally forming comprises rotating the mold containing molten aluminum alloy at a centrifugal acceleration of at least about 30 G.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:hot isostatically pressing (HIP) the formed body prior to solution heat treating the formed body.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the hot isostatically pressing (HIP) comprises heating the formed body at a temperature in a range of 900 to 1 claim 5 ,025° F. while applying an isostatic pressure in a range of 10 to 14 KSI.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution heat treating process ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Anodized substrates with dark laser markings

Номер: US20180073158A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Anodized substrates having laser markings and methods for forming the same are described. According to some embodiments, the methods involve forming a feature on a substrate using a laser prior to anodizing. The laser energy and pulse width can be chosen so as to provide a particular topology to a surface of the substrate that, after anodizing, absorbs incoming light and imparts a dark appearance to the feature. In some cases, the methods involve forming a coarse oxide layer, which is removed prior to anodizing. Since the laser marking is performed prior to anodizing, the anodized substrates are free from laser-induced cracks, thereby making the anodized substrates more corrosion resistant than conventional laser-marked anodized substrates. The techniques are well suited for forming features on consumer products that may be exposed to water or other corrosion-inducing agents.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081774A1

A method of anodic treatment for a metal workpiece combined with a non-metallic material includes steps as follows. A pretreatment process is applied to the metal workpiece. The metal workpiece is anodic oxidized, and washed with water. Then, the metal workpiece is put in a vacuum environment to evaporate a residual chemical agent between a metal part and a plastic part of the metal workpiece. The metal workpiece is washed with water. An activating treatment is applied to the metal workpiece. The metal workpiece is dyed, and is sealed. 1. A method of anodic treatment for a metal workpiece combined with a non-metallic material , comprising the following steps of:pretreating the metal workpiece;anodic oxidizing the metal workpiece;water washing the metal workpiece;disposing the metal workpiece in a vacuum environment, so as to evaporate a chemical agent remaining between a metal part and the non-metallic material of the metal workpiece;water washing the metal workpiece;activating the metal workpiece;dyeing the metal workpiece; andsealing the metal workpiece.2. The method of anodic treatment for a metal workpiece combined with a non-metallic material according to claim 1 , wherein the pretreatment step includes at least one of the steps as follows:degreasing, alkaline etching, pickling, water washing, and drying.3. The method of anodic treatment for a metal workpiece combined with a non-metallic material according to claim 1 , wherein the step of disposing the metal workpiece in the vacuum environment includes steps as follows:disposing the metal workpiece in an enclosed space;vacuumizing the enclosed space so as to remove the chemical agent remaining between the metal part and the non-metallic material of the metal workpiece; andmoving the metal workpiece out from the enclosed space.4. The method of anodic treatment for a metal workpiece combined with a non-metallic material according to claim 3 , wherein a pressure of the enclosed space is vacuumized to 1 to 100 Torr ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080219A1

Anodic oxide coatings that provide corrosion resistance to parts having protruding features, such as edges, corners and convex-shaped features, are described. According to some embodiments, the anodic oxide coatings include an inner porous layer and an outer porous layer. The inner layer is adjacent to an underlying metal substrate and is formed under compressive stress anodizing conditions that allow the inner porous layer to be formed generally crack-free. In this way, the inner porous layer acts as a barrier that prevents water or other corrosion-inducing agents from reaching the underlying metal substrate. The outer porous layer can be thicker and harder than the inner porous layer, thereby increasing the overall hardness of the anodic oxide coating. 1. An enclosure for a portable electronic device , the enclosure comprising:a metal substrate having a surface that includes a surface feature; a first set of pores that extend from an external surface of the enclosure and towards the metal substrate, and', 'an interstice that is dependent upon the surface feature, wherein the interstice extends at least partially through the first oxide layer; and, 'a first metal oxide layer that overlays the surface of the metal substrate, wherein the first metal oxide layer includesa second metal oxide layer that is disposed between the metal substrate and the first metal oxide layer, wherein the second metal oxide layer includes a second set of pores having an average diameter that is less than the first set of pores.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the second metal oxide layer has a thickness between about 0.5 micrometer to about 2 micrometers.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the first metal oxide layer has a thickness between about 10 micrometers to about 17 micrometers.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the first set of pores having an average diameter claim 1 , and the average diameter of the second set of pores is between about 10% to about 25% less than the ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Cookware with Metal Mesh Embedded in the Base

Номер: US20150090725A1
Автор: Cheng Stanley Kin Sui

Hard anodized aluminum cookware has either a copper or stainless steel mesh embedded in the base. Copper mesh can be embedded in the bottom or base of the cookware prior to the anodizing process to enhance thermal conductivity and improved cookware's capacity to vertically spread heat. In contrast, stainless steel mesh is embedded in hard anodized aluminum cookware after anodizing, making the cookware suitable for use with the induction ranges or burner's. 1. An article of cookware , comprising:a) a substantially horizontal bottom, having an interior bottom surface and an exterior bottom surface on the side opposing the interior bottom surface,b) a substantially upright sidewall extending upward from and encircling said bottom to form a fluid retaining interior region,c) a metal mesh embedded in the exterior bottom surface, wherein the wherein the exterior bottom surface consists essentially of an exposed portion of the metal mesh and the portion of the exterior bottom that extends through spaces within the metal mesh, andd) the vessel other than the metal mesh is formed substantially of one of aluminum and an alloy of aluminum and has one or more of an interior and exterior surface portions covered by an aluminum oxide layer.2. An article of cookware according to wherein the metal mesh is copper.3. An article of cookware according to wherein the metal mesh is stainless steel.4. An article of cookware according to and the metal mesh has thickness of between about 0.5 to about 1 mm.5. An article of cookware according to and the metal mesh has thickness of between about 0.5 to about 1 mm.6. An article of cookware according to and the metal mesh has openings that are from about 3 mm to about 4 mm wide.7. An article of cookware according to wherein the width of the metal between the openings is from about 0.5 mm to about 1 mm.8. An article of cookware according to wherein the width of the metal between the openings is from about 0.5 mm to about 1 mm.9. A process for ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200082972A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Described herein are anodized continuous coils containing a thin anodized film layer and systems and methods for making and using the same. The anodized continuous coils include an aluminum alloy continuous coil, wherein a surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil comprises a thin anodized film layer and a chemical additive layer. The thin anodized film layer can be a dielectric for electronic device applications. 1. An anodized continuous coil , comprising:an aluminum alloy continuous coil, wherein a surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil comprises a thin anodized film layer and a chemical additive layer.2. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the thin anodized film layer comprises a barrier layer.3. The anodized continuous coil of claim 2 , wherein the barrier layer is up to about 25 nm in thickness.4. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the thin anodized film layer is less than about 100 nm in thickness.5. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the chemical additive layer comprises an adhesion promoter claim 1 , a coupling agent claim 1 , a corrosion inhibitor claim 1 , or a pretreatment claim 1 , and wherein the chemical additive layer is up to about 50 nm in thickness.6. An aluminum alloy product prepared from the anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises an electronic device substrate claim 1 , an automobile body part claim 1 , an aerospace structural part claim 1 , a transportation body part claim 1 , a transportation structural part claim 1 , or an electronic device housing.7. A method of making an anodized continuous coil claim 1 , comprising:providing a metal continuous coil, wherein the metal continuous coil is processed in a metal processing line having a preselected line speed;etching a surface of an aluminum alloy continuous coil with an acidic solution;anodizing the surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil in an electrolyte to form a thin anodized film layer ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200082973A1
Принадлежит: Novelis Inc.

Described herein are anodized continuous coils containing a thin anodized film layer and methods for making and using the same. The anodized continuous coils include an aluminum alloy continuous coil, wherein a surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil comprises a thin anodized film layer. The anodized continuous coils maintain the anodized film layer during deforming processes. 1. An anodized continuous coil , comprising:an aluminum alloy continuous coil, wherein a surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil comprises a thin anodized film layer.2. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the thin anodized film layer comprises a barrier layer.3. The anodized continuous coil of claim 2 , wherein the barrier layer is up to about 25 nm in thickness.4. The anodized continuous coil of claim 2 , wherein the barrier layer comprises aluminum oxide.5. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the thin anodized film layer comprises a filament layer.6. The anodized continuous coil of claim 5 , wherein the filament layer is up to about 250 nm in thickness.7. The anodized continuous coil of claim 5 , wherein the filament layer comprises aluminum oxide.8. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the thin anodized film layer is less than about 5 μm in thickness.9. The anodized continuous coil of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum alloy continuous coil comprises a 7xxx series aluminum alloy.10. An aluminum alloy product prepared from the anodized continuous coil of .11. The aluminum alloy product of claim 10 , wherein the aluminum alloy product comprises an automobile body part.12. A method of making an anodized continuous coil claim 10 , comprising:providing an aluminum alloy continuous coil, wherein the aluminum alloy continuous coil is processed in a metal processing line having a preselected line speed;preparing a surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil; andanodizing the surface of the aluminum alloy continuous coil in an electrolyte to form a ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088917A1

Micro additions of certain elements such as zirconium or titanium are added to high strength aluminum alloys to counter discoloring effects of other micro-alloying elements when the high strength alloys are anodized. The other micro-alloying elements are added to increase the adhesion of an anodic film to the aluminum alloy substrate. However, these micro-alloying elements can also cause slight discoloration, such as a yellowing, of the anodic film. Such micro-alloying elements that can cause discoloration can include copper, manganese, iron and silver. The micro additions of additional elements, such as one or more of zirconium, tantalum, molybdenum, hafnium, tungsten, vanadium, niobium and tantalum, can dilute the discoloration of the micro-alloying elements. The resulting anodic films are substantially colorless. 1. An enclosure for an electronic device , the enclosure comprising:an aluminum alloy substrate having a non-discoloring element and a micro-alloying element added to a concentration of no greater than about 0.10 weight %; andan anodic film formed on the aluminum alloy substrate, the micro-alloying element incorporated within the anodic film and associated with discoloration of the anodic film,wherein the non-discoloring element is incorporated within the anodic film, thereby decreasing discoloration of the anodic film caused by the incorporated micro-alloying element.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the micro-alloying element includes at least one of copper claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , iron and silver.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the discoloring micro-alloying element is associated with increasing an adhesion strength of the anodic film to the aluminum alloy substrate.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the non-discoloring element includes at least one of zirconium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , molybdenum claim 1 , hafnium claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , niobium and tantalum.5. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein non- ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136127A1
Принадлежит: COVENTYA GMBH

The present invention is related to the field of metal surface preparation by anodizing processes and refers to a method for producing a corrosion-resistant aluminum-silicon alloy casting and more particularly to the optimization of the anodizing cast aluminum parts with high silicon content, by using a multiple step anodizing cycle. Moreover, the present invention refers to a corrosion-resistant aluminum-silicon alloy casting and its use.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Macroscopic texturing for anodized and coated surfaces

Номер: US20220139677A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

A consumable part for a plasma processing chamber includes a plasma facing side. An engineered surface is formed into the plasma facing side of the consumable part. A plurality of raised features defines the engineered surface, wherein features are arranged in a predefined pattern, wherein each of the plurality of raised features includes a top region having an outer edge and a sidewall. A base surface of the engineered surface is configured to surround each of the plurality of raised features, such that a corresponding sidewall of a corresponding raised feature extends up at an angle from the base surface to a corresponding top region. The consumable part is configured to be installed in the plasma processing chamber. The consumable part is configured to be exposed to a plasma and byproducts of the plasma.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090076A1

Various implementations include methods and related tools for forming loudspeaker housings. In some implementations, these methods and tools can be used to form a loudspeaker housing having a non-circular shape. One method includes: forming a set of perforations along a first region of a wall of a hollow cylinder of material; and deforming the wall to a non-circular shape after forming the set of perforations. 1. A method comprising:forming a set of perforations along a first region of a wall of a hollow cylinder of material; anddeforming the wall to a non-circular shape after forming the set of perforations.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to forming the set of perforations along the first region of the wall:extruding the hollow cylinder of material from a precursor structure; andcutting the hollow cylinder of material to a predetermined length.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the wall surrounds a primary axis of the hollow cylinder claim 2 , and wherein cutting to the predetermined length comprises cutting the hollow cylinder of material at an angle approximately perpendicular to the primary axis.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein extruding the hollow cylinder of material from the precursor structure is performed using a hot extrusion press.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising reducing a thickness of the wall in the first region of the hollow cylinder claim 1 , wherein the set of perforations is formed in the region of reduced thickness.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising blasting and anodizing the wall after deforming the wall to the non-circular shape.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the set of perforations extends entirely through the first region of the wall.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the first region of the wall has an inner surface and an outer surface opposing the inner surface claim 7 , and wherein the set of perforations each have a primary axis approximately perpendicular to each of the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Cylinder bore and method of forming the same

Номер: US20150107448A1

In one or more embodiments, a method of forming a coated cylinder bore includes honing a cylinder bore to produce a honed cylinder bore, masking partially the honed cylinder bore to form a partially masked cylinder bore, and contacting the partially marked cylinder bore with an electrolytic bath to form the coated cylinder bore. The method may further include applying a pulsed direct current at a voltage of 400 to 500 volts to the electrolytic bath. The contacting step may be carried out via one or more of plasma electric oxidation, plasma electrolytic deposition and micro arc oxidation.

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107275A1
Автор: Mussio Luca

Methods of making cutting blades in aluminium or its alloys are provided. The methods include the steps of making a sheet in aluminium or its alloys having the shape of the desired cutting blade, performing a sharpening operation of the blade, subjecting the blade to an anodising process, so as to form at least on the portion of the sharpened blade a layer of aluminium oxide (AlO). The sharpening operation includes laying the sheet on a planar support surface and causing a sharp cutter for aluminium advance along the peripheral edge of an outer portion of the sheet surface opposite the support surface suitable for reducing the thickness of said edge according to a predefined angle of sharpening so as to obtain a cutting edge by removal of the shaving. Cutting blades are also provided. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of making a cutting blade in aluminium or its alloys , comprising the steps of:making a sheet in aluminium or its alloys having the shape of the desired cutting blade;performing a sharpening operation on the blade;{'sub': 2', '3, 'subjecting the blade to an anodising process, so as to form at least on the portion of sharpened blade a layer of aluminium oxide (AlO),'}the sharpening operation comprising the steps of:laying the sheet on a planar support surface, andcausing a machine tool for removing aluminium shavings to advance along the peripheral edge of an outer portion of the sheet surface opposite the support surface suitable for reducing the thickness of said edge according to a predefined angle of sharpening so as to obtain a cutting edge.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , before the anodising process claim 15 , said cutting edge is subjected to a process of micro-rounding suitable for formation of aluminium oxide also on said edge.17. The method of claim 15 , wherein said machine tool for removing shavings is a sharp cutter for aluminium or a grinding stone.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein said sharp cutter is a constant engagement ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

High purity metallic top coat for semiconductor manufacturing components

Номер: US20180105938A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A component for a manufacturing chamber comprises a coating and an anodization layer on the coating. The anodization layer has a thickness of about 2-10 mil. The anodization layer comprises a low porosity bottom layer portion having a porosity that is less than about 40-50% and a porous columnar top layer portion having a porosity of about 40-40% and comprising a plurality of columnar nanopores having a diameter of about 10-50 nm.

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105939A1

Provided is a method for processing a die-cast aluminum alloy piece, comprising the following steps: performing a strengthening treatment on a die-cast aluminum alloy piece body () using a strengthening liquid, so as to form an organosilicon hardened layer () on the surface of the die-cast aluminum alloy piece body (); forming an aluminum film layer () on the organosilicon hardened layer () by means of vacuum coating; performing an anodic oxidation treatment on the aluminum film layer (), so that a part of the aluminum film layer () is oxidized to form an anodic oxidation layer (), wherein the ratio of the thickness of the anodic oxidation layer () to that of the aluminum film layer () is (1-3):1; and performing a hole sealing treatment on the anodic oxidation layer (). The invention further, relates to a die-cast aluminum alloy piece and a mobile terminal using the die-cast aluminum alloy piece. 1. A die-cast aluminum alloy piece , comprising:a die-cast aluminum alloy body:an organosilicon hardened layer disposed on the die-cast aluminum body;an aluminum film layer disposed on the silicone hardened layer; andan anodic oxide layer, wherein a ratio of a thickness of the anodic oxide layer to a thickness of the aluminum film layer is (1 to 3):1.2. The die-cast aluminum alloy piece of claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the anodic oxide layer is in a range of 3 μm to 8 μm.3. The die-cast aluminum alloy piece of claim 1 , wherein a sum of the thicknesses of the anodic oxide layer and the aluminum film layer is in a range of 5μm to 15 μm.4. A processing method of a die-cast aluminum alloy piece claim 1 , comprising the following steps of:step one, performing an strengthening treatment to a die-east aluminum body using a reinforcing solution, and forming an organosilicon hardened layer on a surface of the die-cast aluminum body;step two, forming an aluminum film layer on the organosilicon hardened layer via a vacuum coating method;step three, performing an anodic oxidation ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105947A1
Автор: Mak Fook Chi, Mak Sal Chi

A method for preparing an anti-bacterial anodic oxide film on the surface of aluminum materials, comprising pretreatment, polishing, anodic oxidation, dyeing and sealing, wherein the surface of polished aluminum materials is smooth but has undulating waves and holes; in the dyeing after oxidation, a nano-sized dye is filled in the undulating waves and holes on the surface of aluminum materials, so if nano-silver is uniformly mixed in the dye in the process, the dye on the surface of aluminum materials will contain nano-silver finally and it will protect nano-silver from wearing during use; the dye-filled waves on the surface of aluminum materials are sealed via a sealing process finally, i.e., the dye is sealed in the surface of aluminum materials; at last, the surface of aluminum materials can be turned into desired colored patterns according to actual needs, and the nano-silver provides the anodic oxide film with anti-bacterial effect. 1. A method for preparing an anti-bacterial oxide film on the surface of aluminum materials , characterized in that it comprises the following steps:1) pretreatment: remove oil on the workpiece and clean the workpiece;2) polishing: put the clean workpiece in an acid solution for chemical polishing;3) anodic oxidation: put the chemically-polished workpiece in an acid tank for anodic oxidation;4) dyeing: put the anodized workpiece in a dye tank which contains a nano-dye, wherein the mass fraction of nano-silver in the dye is 3%-5% and its diameter is not more than 100 nm;5) sealing: seal the dyed workpiece via a high-temperature hydration or inorganic salt sealing method, and take out the sealed workpiece and dry it after cleaning.2. The method for preparing an anti-bacterial oxide film on the surface of aluminum materials as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that an ultrasonic vibration plate is provided at the bottom of the dye tank in Step 4).3. The method for preparing an anti-bacterial oxide film on the surface of aluminum ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106802A1

A method of forming a micro-structure involves forming a multi-layered structure including i) an oxidizable material layer on a substrate and ii) another oxidizable material layer on the oxidizable material layer. The oxidizable material layer is formed of an oxidizable material having an expansion coefficient, during oxidation, that is more than 1. The method further involves forming a template, including a plurality of pores, from the other oxidizable material layer, and growing a nano-pillar inside each pore. The nano-pillar has a predefined length that terminates at an end. A portion of the template is selectively removed to form a substantially even plane that is oriented in a position opposed to the substrate. A material is deposited on at least a portion of the plane to form a film layer thereon, and the remaining portion of the template is selectively removed to expose the nano-pillars. 1. A method of forming a micro-structure , comprising:forming a multi-layered structure including i) an oxidizable material layer established on a substrate and ii) an other oxidizable material layer established on the oxidizable material layer, the oxidizable material layer being formed of an oxidizable material having an expansion coefficient, during oxidation, that is more than 1;forming a template from the other oxidizable material layer, the template including a plurality of pores;growing a nano-pillar inside each of the plurality of pores, wherein the nano-pillar has a predefined length that terminates at an end;selectively removing a portion of the template to form a substantially even plane that is oriented in a position opposed to the substrate;depositing a material on at least a portion of the substantially even plane to form a film layer; andselectively removing a remaining portion of the template to expose the plurality of nano-pillars.2. The method as defined in wherein the forming of the template and the growing of the nano-pillars are accomplished via ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114471A1

A method for manufacturing a valve assembly includes the steps of: providing one or more nickel-based superalloy components of the valve assembly, wherein the one or more components are designed to be subjected to operating environments including temperatures of about 760° C., +/−about 30° C.; aluminizing the one or more components using an aluminizing process, wherein the aluminizing process causes inter-diffusion between the nickel-based superalloy and aluminum as well as forms an aluminum-rich surface layer on the one or more components, thereby forming one or more aluminized components; and subjecting the one or more aluminized components to a plasma electrolytic oxidation process to convert the aluminum rich surface layer into a hard, wear-resistant, and oxidation-resistant aluminum oxide coating layer, wherein the hardness, wear-resistance, and oxidation-resistance of the aluminum oxide coating layer is maintained in the operating environments including temperatures of about 760° C., +/−about 30° C. 1. A method for manufacturing a valve assembly comprising the steps of:providing one or more nickel-based superalloy components of the valve assembly, wherein the one or more components are designed to be subjected to operating environments including temperatures of about 760° C., +/−about 30° C.;aluminizing the one or more components using an aluminizing process, wherein the aluminizing process causes inter-diffusion between the nickel-based superalloy and aluminum as well as forms an aluminum-rich surface layer on the one or more components, thereby forming one or more aluminized components; andsubjecting the one or more aluminized components to a plasma electrolytic oxidation process to convert the aluminum rich surface layer into a hard, wear-resistant, and oxidation-resistant aluminum oxide coating layer, wherein the hardness, wear-resistance, and oxidation-resistance of the aluminum oxide coating layer is maintained in the operating environments including ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122660A1

Decorative shape cast products and methods, systems, compositions and apparatus for producing the same are described. In one embodiment, the decorative shape cast products are produced from an Al—Ni or Al—Ni—Mn alloy, with a tailored microstructure to facilitate production of anodized decorative shape cast product having the appropriate finish and mechanical properties. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alloy includes at least 0.5 wt. % Mn.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the alloy includes at least 6.6 wt. % Ni.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the alloy includes at least 1.0 wt. % Mn.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the alloy includes from 2 wt. % to 6 wt. % Ni.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the alloy includes at least 3.1 wt. % Mn.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the alloy includes not greater than 3.0 wt. % Mn.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alloy includes from 5.7 wt. % to 7.1 wt. % Ni and from 1.8 wt. % to 3.1 wt. % Mn.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alloy includes from 5.6 wt. % to 6.8 wt. % Ni and from 2.0 wt. % to 3.2 wt. % Mn.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alloy includes from 1.8 wt. % to 3.2 wt. % Ni and from 0.8 wt. % to 3.2 wt. % Mn.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the incidental elements comprise a grain refiner claim 1 , wherein the grain refiner comprises titanium in an amount of from 0.005 wt. % to 0.10 wt. %.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein each one of the incidental elements and impurities does not exceed 0.25 wt. % in the alloy. This patent application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/694,457, filed on Dec. 3, 2012, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/657,099, filed on Jan. 12, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,349,462, which claims priority to the following U.S. Provisional Patent Applications: (1) U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/145,416, entitled “Aluminum Alloys for Consumer Electronics”, filed Jan. 16, 2009; (2) U.S. Provisional Patent Application ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Anodizing an article of aluminum or alloy thereof

Номер: US20190112725A1
Принадлежит: Fokker Aerostructures BV

A method of anodizing an article of aluminum or aluminum alloy for forming a porous anodic oxide coating comprises an immersion step of immersing the article to be anodized in an electrolyte in a tank, wherein the electrolyte comprises an aqueous solution of 5-50 g/l sulphuric acid and 2-50 g/l phosphoric acid, and arranging the article as an anode with respect to one or more counter electrodes as arranged cathodes in the electrolyte, and an anodizing step of applying a positive anode voltage Va to the article, while the temperature of the electrolyte is in the range of 33-60° C.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109484A1
Автор: YANAGISAWA lppei
Принадлежит: ASM IP HOLDING B.V.

Examples of a susceptor for supporting a substrate includes a base metal formed of aluminum or a material containing aluminum, an anodized layer covering a surface of the base metal and having cracks therein, and a CF coating of polymer provided in the cracks such that the exposure of the base metal is avoided. 1. A susceptor comprising:a base metal formed of aluminum or a material containing aluminum;an anodized layer covering a surface of the base metal and having cracks therein; anda CF coating of polymer provided in the cracks.2. The susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the CF coating is filled in the cracks claim 1 , and also exists on an upper surface of the anodized layer.3. The susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the CF coating is formed on inner walls of the cracks and an upper surface of the anodized layer without being filled in the cracks.4. The susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the CF coating is filled in the cracks claim 1 , and an upper surface of the anodized layer is exposed.5. The susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the CF coating is provided on inner walls of the cracks without being filled in the cracks claim 1 , and an upper surface of the anodized layer is exposed.6. The susceptor according to claim 1 , wherein the anodized layer contains AlO.7. The susceptor according to claim 1 , further comprising a heater provided inside the base metal.8. A susceptor coating method comprising:attaching a susceptor including a base metal formed of aluminum or a material containing aluminum, and an anodized layer covering a surface of the base metal to a substrate processing apparatus;repeating, for a plurality of times, forming an initial layer on the susceptor with plasma using a precursor containing C and F and supply of cleaning gas containing F to the initial layer while heating the susceptor to 350° C. or more to form a CF coating of polymer.9. The susceptor coating method according to claim 8 , wherein the formation of the initial ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Electrolytic capacitor

Номер: US20180119306A1

An electrolytic capacitor includes an anode body having a dielectric layer; a solid electrolyte layer in contact with the dielectric layer of the anode body; and an electrolyte solution. The solid electrolyte layer includes a π-conjugated conductive polymer. The electrolyte solution contains a solvent and a solute, and the solvent contains a glycol compound and a sulfone compound. A proportion of the glycol compound contained in the solvent is 10% by mass or more. A proportion of the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is 30% by mass or more. A total proportion of the glycol compound and the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is 70% by mass or more.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121838A1

Anodizing techniques for providing highly opaque colorized anodic films are described. According to some embodiments, the methods involve depositing a pigment having a particle diameter of about 20 nanometers or greater into an anodic film. Additionally or alternatively, a barrier layer smoothing operation is used to flatten an interface between the anodic film and underlying metal substrate so as to maximize light reflection off the interface, thereby maximizing light reflected off the pigment that is deposited within pores of the anodic film. The resulting anodic films have an opaque or saturated colored appearance. In some embodiments, the methods involve increasing a thickness of a non-porous barrier layer of the anodic film so as to create thin film interference effects that can add a particular hue to the anodic film. The methods can be used form cosmetically appealing coatings for consumer products, such as housings for electronic products. 1. A method of coloring an anodic film , the anodic film including a porous layer over a barrier layer , the method comprising:smoothing pore terminuses of pores of the anodic film and an interface surface between the barrier layer and the porous layer; anddepositing a pigment within pores of the porous layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming the anodic film using an anodizing process claim 1 , wherein prior to forming the anodic film claim 1 ,polishing the metal substrate such that the metal substrate has a uniform metal surface prior to anodizing.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising widening the pores so as to allow more pigment to be deposited within the pores.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the pigment has a diameter of at least 20 nanometers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein smoothing the interface surface comprises:electrolyzing the anodic film in a non-pore-forming electrolyte.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the non-pore-forming electrolyte comprises sodium borate or boric acid.7. ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129853A1

The invention relates to a method of manufacturing an outside decorative trim strip of a motor vehicle, such as window surrounds or body shell trim, made of aluminum alloy, by shaping and brightening of a plate or strip made by vertical continuous casting of an alloy slab of series AA5xxx of high purity, homogenization-heating of the slab, hot rolling, cooling, cold rolling with intermediate annealing in a continuous tunnel furnace, or holding between the solvus temperature and the alloy burning temperature typically for 3 seconds to 5 minutes, quenching in air or water, possible annealing at a temperature of 100 to 200° C. 1. Manufacturing process for a plate or strip for outside decorative trims for motor vehicles made of aluminum alloy , optionally comprising one or more window surrounds or body shell strips , said process comprising:Direct Chill (DC) casting of a slab made of an alloy of the AA5xxx series of high purity, optionally a composition such that (as a percentage by weight):Mg≦1.1, Cu≦0.10, other elements≦0.30, the rest aluminumHeating the slab to a temperature of 480 to 530° C. for at least 1 h, Hot rolling and cooling,Cold rolling including intermediate annealing in a continuous tunnel furnace, or holding between solvus temperature and alloy incipient melting temperature optionally for 3 seconds to 5 minutes, followed by quenching in air or water.2. Method according to further comprising a final anneal at a temperature of 100 to 200° C. for a time equivalent to 3 to 15 h at 170° C.3. Method according to wherein the composition of the slab is of type AA5657 or (as a percentage by weight):Si:≦0.08, Fe:≦0.10, Cu:≦0.10, Mn:≦0.03, Mg: 0.6-1.0, Zn:≦0.05, Ti:≦0.020, other elements <0.05 each, and <0.15 in total, rest aluminum.4. Method according to wherein the composition of the slab is of type AA5205 or (as a percentage by weight):Si:≦0.15, Fe:≦0.7, Cu: 0.03-0.10, Mn:≦0.10, Mg: 0.6 - 1.0, Zn:≦0.05, Ti: ≦0.05, other elements <0.05 each, and <0.15 in total, ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Zinc coating-forming method for drawing of metallic pipes

Номер: US20180127889A1
Автор: Chan Sic YUNE
Принадлежит: Han Sung Minuteness Steel Pipe Co ltd

The present invention provides a zinc coating-forming method for drawing of metallic pipes, including a degreasing step of degreasing a material to be drawn, which is composed of any one of aluminum, an aluminum alloy, copper, and a copper alloy; a first oxidation step of forming an oxide coating on a surface of the material to be drawn, which has been degreased in the degreasing step; and a second oxidation step of forming a zinc coating on the material to be drawn, which has been coated with an oxide.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124769A1

Low reflection articles, and related systems and methods are disclosed. The articles have a surface with primary pores and secondary pores. At least some of the secondary pores contain agent, such, for example, a light absorbing dye. 1. An article , comprising:a substrate comprising a metal, a surface of the substrate comprises primary pores and secondary pores; and', 'an average diameter of the primary pores is at least four times greater than an average diameter of the secondary pores., 'wherein2. An article , comprising:a substrate comprising a metal, a surface of the substrate comprises primary pores and secondary pores;', 'an average diameter of the primary pores is from 500 nm to 15 μm; and', 'an average diameter of the secondary pores 50 nm to about 250 nm., 'wherein3. The article of claim 2 , wherein an average diameter of the primary pores is at least four times greater than an average diameter of the secondary pores.4. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least five times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.5. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 10 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.6. The article of or claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 25 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.7. The article of any one of and - claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at most 100 times greater than the average diameter of the secondary pores.8. The article of any one of and - claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 500 nm.9. The article of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 750 nm.10. The article of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the average diameter of the primary pores is at least 900 nm.11. The article of any one of the ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Surface pattern forming method for aluminium product

Номер: US20210164111A1

A pattern forming method is disclosed. The pattern forming method includes buffing a surface of a product containing aluminum, masking at least a part of the buffed surface with an etching resist, etching a part of the buffed surface not masked by the etching resist, removing the etching resist from the surface, and anodizing the surface from which the etching resist is removed.

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Treating anodized alloy substrates

Номер: US20210164122A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

The present subject matter relates to treating anodized alloy substrates. An anodized alloy substrate is immersed in a titanium salt solution to deposit titanium ions in a surface of the anodized alloy substrate. The immersion results in the formation of a processed substrate. The processed substrate is anodized to form a finished substrate. The anodization oxidizes the titanium ions to titanium dioxide particles.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137922A1

The invention relates to a method for the production of a mechanical part, comprising the following successive steps: casting of a billet of aluminium alloy with a composition (in weight %) of 0.4-3.0 Si; 0.6-2.0 Mg; 0.20-1.0 Cu; 0.15-1.8 Fe; Mn<0.5; Ni<1; Ti<0.15; Cr<0.35; Bi<0.8; Pb<0.4; Zr<0.04; other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 total, the remainder being aluminium; homogenisation of the billet; extrusion of the billet in order to obtain an extruded product; quenching while at extrusion heat; optional cold-deformation and/or straightening, typically by means of pulling and/or drawing, and/or curing of the extruded product; tempering; optional cold-deformation of the extruded product, typically by drawing; machining of the resulting extruded product in order to obtain a turned mechanical part; optional shaping of the resulting mechanical part; anodising of the resulting mechanical part at a temperature of between 15 and 40 C with a solution comprising between 100 and 250 g/l sulphuric acid and between 10 and 30 g/l oxalic acid and between 5 and 30 g/l of at least one polyol. The anodised turned mechanical parts obtained using the method of the invention have, in particular, advantageous roughness and excellent corrosion resistance and can be used, in particular, as brake pistons or gearbox elements. 1. Method for producing a mechanical part comprisinga. an aluminum alloy billet is cast having a composition in wt % of Si 0.4-3.0; Mg 0.6-2.0; Cu 0.20-1.0; Fe 0.15-1.8; Mn≦0.5; Ni≦1; Ti<0.15; Cr≦0.35; Bi≦0.8; Pb≦0.4; Zr<0.04, other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 total, balance aluminum,b. said billet is homogenized,c. said billet is extruded to obtain an extruded product,d. quenching is done while at extrusion heat,e. optionally, said extruded product is straightened and/or cold deformed, optionally by traction and/or drawing, and/or said extruded product is naturally aged,f. artificial aging is performed,g. optionally, cold deforming is optionally done by drawing ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Oliophilic Coating On Underside Of Printing Plate

Номер: US20160144647A1
Автор: Fromson Howard A.

In a stack of lithographic printing plate precursors, each plate has an aluminum substrate, a photo-polymerizable (PS) layer carried on the upper surface of the substrate, a water soluble topcoat oxidation inhibitor carried on the PS layer, and a water insoluble bottom coat on the lower surface of the substrate, wherein the bottom coat of each intermediate plate is in direct covering contact with the topcoat of an immediately adjacent plate. The associated process includes cutting through multiple sections of the finished web without interleaving to produce stacks of finally sized precursor plates, and without interleafing, packaging together at least 25 stacked and confronting precursor plates. 1. A stack of lithographic printing plate precursors comprising: an aluminum sheet with upper and lower surfaces;', 'a photopolymerizable layer carried directly or indirectly on the upper surface of the sheet;', 'a water-soluble top coat oxidation inhibitor carried directly or indirectly on the photopolymerizable layer; and', 'a water-insoluble bottom coat on the lower surface of the aluminum sheet;, 'a multiplicity of said plates, including a top plate, a bottom plate and a plurality of intermediate plates, wherein each plate comprises'}wherein the bottom coat of each intermediate plate is in direct covering contact with the top coat of an immediately adjacent plate.2. The stack of plates according to claim 1 , wherein the stack of plates is contained in a sealed package.3. The stack of plates according to claim 1 , wherein said stack includes at least 25 plates.4. The stack of plates according to claim 2 , wherein said stack contains at least 25 plates.5. The stack of plates according to claim 4 , wherein a plurality of said packages are stacked on a floor or pallet.6. The stack of plates according to claim 1 , wherein said bottom coat is oliophilic.7. The stack of plates according to claim 6 , wherein said bottom coat is laminated to the lower surface of the sheet.8. The ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Thermoelectric conversion element and method of producing the same

Номер: US20140224297A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A thermoelectric conversion element formed by laminating, on a substrate having a porous anodic oxidation film of aluminum, a thermoelectric conversion layer which contains an inorganic oxide semiconductor or an element having a melting point of 300° C. or higher, as a main component, and which has a void structure; and a method of producing the same.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145950A1
Автор: YAMASHITA Hideo

A piston for a diesel engine is prepared as a piston for a direct injection engine, a cavity face of the piston is grinded, and a squish face thereof is masked. Next, a high-purity aluminum coating is formed on the cavity face, and the masking of the squish face is removed and the entire area of the piston top face is subjected to an anodizing treatment. Thereafter, the cavity face is masked, and the squish face is subjected to a sealing treatment. 1. A method for manufacturing a piston for a direct injection engine that directly injects fuel into a cavity portion that is formed in a concave shape in a piston top face , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a piston that has the cavity portion and that is made of an aluminum alloy having an aluminum purity of less than 99.0%;forming an aluminum coating having an aluminum purity of 99.0% or more over an entire area of a surface of the cavity portion;after formation of the aluminum coating, forming an anodic oxide coating having pores over an entire area of the piston top face by subjecting the piston top face to an anodizing treatment; andafter formation of the anodic oxide coating, forming a sealing coating that seals the pores of the anodic oxide coating on an outer side relative to the cavity portion of the piston top face.2. The method for manufacturing a piston for a direct injection engine according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum coating which is formed on the surface of the cavity portion has a predetermined thickness claim 1 , andthe anodizing treatment is performed under conditions such that an aluminum alloy that is on an inner side relative to the aluminum coating of the predetermined thickness is not anodized.3. The method for manufacturing a piston for a direct injection engine according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum coating which is formed on the surface of the cavity portion has a predetermined thickness claim 1 ,the method further comprising the step of, after preparation of the piston ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152839A1

Method for forming antimicrobial complex surface, being performed during processes of an anodic treatment including the following steps being worked on a workpiece: pretreatment, anodization, acid pickling, staining and pole sealing, at least comprising the following steps: providing an silver containing solution; introducing the silver solution during the processes of the anodic treatment; and providing silver particles based on the silver solution as an silver particle source, so as to form an antimicrobial complex surface on the workpiece. 1. A method to form an antimicrobial complex surface on a workpiece during an anodic treatment , and the process including the steps comprising:pretreating the workpiece;anodizing the workpiece;acid pickling the workpiece;staining the workpiece;pole sealing the workpiece;providing a silver containing solution;adding the silver containing solution during the anodic treatment; andproviding a plurality of silver particles with the silver solution as a source of silver particles so that at least an outer surface of the workpiece has the silver particles to form the antimicrobial complex surface.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein in the step of adding the silver containing solution during the anodic treatment claim 1 , the silver containing solution is added into an electrolyte.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the silver containing solution is a salt solution containing silver.4. The method as recited in claim 3 , wherein the salt solution containing silver is selected from the group consisting of silver acetate claim 3 , silver chloride claim 3 , silver nitrate claim 3 , and the combination thereof.5. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the electrolyte is selected from the group consisting of aqueous oxalic acid solution claim 2 , aqueous phosphoric acid solution claim 2 , aqueous sulfuric acid solution claim 2 , and the combination thereof.6. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the anodizing ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200141020A1

An electrolytic capacitor includes an anode body having a dielectric layer; a solid electrolyte layer in contact with the dielectric layer of the anode body; and an electrolyte solution. The solid electrolyte layer includes a π-conjugated conductive polymer. The electrolyte solution contains a solvent and a solute, and the solvent contains a glycol compound and a sulfone compound. A proportion of the glycol compound contained in the solvent is 10% by mass or more. A proportion of the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is 30% by mass or more. A total proportion of the glycol compound and the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is 70% by mass or more. 1. An electrolytic capacitor comprising:an anode body having a dielectric layer;a solid electrolyte layer in contact with the dielectric layer of the anode body; andan electrolyte solution, wherein:the solid electrolyte layer includes a π-conjugated conductive polymer,the electrolyte solution contains a solvent and a solute,the solvent contains a glycol compound and a sulfone compound,a proportion of the glycol compound contained in the solvent is 10% by mass or more,a proportion of the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is greater than 30% by mass,a total proportion of the glycol compound and the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is 70% by mass or more, andthe solvent contains a polyalkylene glycol having a weight average molecular weight of 300 or more.2. The electrolytic capacitor according to claim 1 , wherein the polyalkylene glycol has a weight average molecular weight of 1000 or less.3. The electrolytic capacitor according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of the polyalkylene glycol contained in the solvent ranges from 5% by mass to 30% by mass claim 1 , inclusive.4. The electrolytic capacitor according to claim 1 , wherein the proportion of the sulfone compound contained in the solvent is more than the proportion of the glycol compound contained in the solvent.5. The electrolytic ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160371A1

A metal-and-resin composite includes an aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate, an aluminum oxide film on the aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate, and at least one resin article coupled to the aluminum oxide film. The aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate defines a plurality of corrosion pores, and the aluminum oxide film defines a plurality of nano-pores. Some of the nano-pores extend through the aluminum oxide film and couple to the corrosion pores. Some parts of the resin article fill in the nano-pores and the corrosion pores, thus greatly improving bond between the resin article and the aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate. 1. A metal-and-resin composite comprising:an aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate defining a plurality of corrosion pores;an aluminum oxide film on the aluminum or aluminum alloy substrate, and defining a plurality of nano-pores, some of the plurality of nano-pores extending through the aluminum oxide film and coupling to the corrosion pores; andat least one resin article coupled to the aluminum oxide film.2. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein some parts of the resin article fill in the nano-pores and the corrosion pores coupling to the nano-pores.3. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nano-pores have an average diameter of about 10 nm to about 80 nm.4. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the aluminum oxide film has a thickness of less than 1 μm.5. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the aluminum oxide film has a thickness of about 500 nm.6. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resin article is made of resin selected from a group consisting of polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer claim 1 , thermoplastic polyester elastomer claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , or any combination thereof.7. ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220300034A1

Various embodiments of the disclosure provide an electronic device including a housing having a double texture, and a method for manufacturing the same. According to various embodiments disclosed herein, there may be provided an electronic including a housing that includes a first surface having a first surface roughness, a second surface having a second surface roughness different from the first surface, and a first connection portion between the first surface and the second surface. The electronic device may further include an oxide film layer disposed on the first surface, the second surface, and the first connection portion and configured to have a substantially uniform thickness. Various other embodiments may be applied. 1. An electronic device comprising:a housing comprising a first surface including a first surface roughness; a second surface including a second surface roughness different from the first surface roughness; and a first connection portion between the first surface and the second surface; andan oxide film layer disposed on the first surface, the second surface, and the first connection portion and configured to have a substantially uniform thickness.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first surface is a matte surface claim 1 , and the second surface is a glossy surface.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the first surface is manufactured by a primary processing process configured to generate bumps on a base metal material to arrive at the first surface roughness claim 2 , an uniformization process configured to uniformize the first surface claim 2 , and a primary anodizing process configured to form an intermediate oxide film layer.4. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein the second surface is manufactured by a secondary processing process configured to process the first surface or the base metal material to arrive at the second surface roughness lower than the first surface roughness claim 3 , and a secondary ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Methods for Treating Aluminum Surfaces

Номер: US20140246323A1

Methods for treating aluminum for providing a tactile sensation of surface softness are provided. In this regard, a representative method includes: providing an aluminum component having a surface; exposing the surface to a first media blasting; exposing the surface to a second media blasting; and, after the second media blasting, chemical etching and anodizing the surface. 1. A method for treating aluminum for providing a tactile sensation of surface softness , the method comprising:providing an aluminum component having a surface;exposing the surface to a first media blasting;exposing the surface to a second media blasting; andafter the second media blasting, chemical etching and anodizing the surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anodizing is performed prior to the chemical etching.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tactile sensation of surface softness is exhibited without a coating being provided on the surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the surface to the first media blasting comprises:providing first blast media of approximately #100-200 grit; and{'sup': '2', 'using a blast pressure of approximately 2.0-4.0 kg/cm.'}5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first blast media is steel claim 4 , round blast media.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein exposing the surface to the second media blasting comprises:providing second blast media of approximately #100-200 grit; and{'sup': '2', 'using a blast pressure of approximately 2.0-4.0 kg/cm.'}7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the second blast media is steel claim 6 , round blast media.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the first blast media and the second blast media are steel claim 6 , round blast media.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein exposing the surface to the first media blasting comprises exposing the surface to the first media blasting for approximately 30-300 seconds.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein exposing the surface to the second media blasting comprises exposing the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168742A1
Автор: Liu Sha-sha, LIU SHYAN-JUH

A method for surface treating an aluminum alloy workpiece having zinc and magnesium includes: providing the aluminum alloy workpiece; polishing the aluminum alloy to achieve a mirror effect; degreasing the aluminum alloy workpiece; stripping a black film formed on the aluminum alloy workpiece; anodizing the aluminum alloy workpiece in an anodizing solution which includes acidic solution and an additive with a concentration of 0.5 mg/L to 25 g/L to form an oxidation film on the surface of the aluminum alloy workpiece, wherein the additive including at least one compound selected from a group consisting of adipic acid, 1,2,3-Benzotriazole, oxalic acid, sodium malate, and glycerin; and sealing the aluminum alloy workpiece. This disclosure further provides an anodizing solution applied in the method for surface treating an aluminum alloy workpiece and a method for anodizing the aluminum alloy workpiece using the same. 1. An anodizing solution for an aluminum alloy workpiece having zinc and magnesium , the anodizing solution comprising:a sulfuric acid with a mass concentration from about 150 g/L to 230 g/L; andan additive with a mass concentration from about 0.5 mg/L to 25 mg/L;wherein the additive comprises at least one compound selected from a group consisting of adipic acid, 1,2,3-Benzotriazole, oxalic acid, sodium malate, and glycerin.2. A method for anodizing an aluminum alloy workpiece having zinc and magnesium , the method comprising:anodizing the aluminum alloy workpiece using an anodizing solution, the anodizing solution comprising an acid solution and an additive with a mass concentration from about 0.5 mg/L to 25 mg/L;wherein the additive comprises at least one compound selected from a group consisting of adipic acid, 1,2,3-Benzotriazole, oxalic acid, sodium malate, and glycerin.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the acid solution is a sulfuric acid solution with a mass concentration from about 150 g/L to 230 g/L claim 2 , a period of the anodizing ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Electrolyte for Surface Treatment of Metal Implant and Method for Surface Treatment of Metal Implant Using Said Electrolyte

Номер: US20170167043A1

The present invention provides an electrolyte for surface treatment of a metal implant including 10-30 wt % of a sulfur-containing compound aqueous solution, 3-10 wt % of a phosphorous-containing compound aqueous solution, 0.5-2 wt % of an oxidant aqueous solution, and 0.5-5 wt % of a surfactant aqueous solution, with the rest being water. The concentration of the sulfur-containing compound aqueous solution is 0.1-3 M. The concentration of the phosphorous-containing compound aqueous solution is 0.05-2 M. The concentration of the oxidant aqueous solution is 0.05-1 M. The concentration of the surfactant aqueous solution is 0.05-5 M. As such, it is able to utilize the electrolyte for treating a surface of a metal implant, forming a porous oxide layer on the surface of the metal implant. 1. An electrolyte for surface treatment of a metal implant , comprising:10-30 wt % of a sulfur-containing compound aqueous solution, 3-10 wt % of a phosphorous-containing compound aqueous solution, 0.5-2 wt % of an oxidant aqueous solution, and 0.5-5 wt % of a surfactant aqueous solution, with the rest being water;wherein the concentration of the sulfur-containing compound aqueous solution is 0.1-3 M, the concentration of the phosphorous-containing compound aqueous solution is 0.05-2 M, the concentration of the oxidant aqueous solution is 0.05-1 M, and the concentration of the surfactant aqueous solution is 0.05-5 M.2. The electrolyte for surface treatment of the metal implant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sulfur-containing compound aqueous solution is sulfuric acid aqueous solution or potassium persulfate aqueous solution.3. The electrolyte for surface treatment of the metal implant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the phosphorous-containing compound aqueous solution is phosphoric acid aqueous solution or sodium hypophosphate aqueous solution.4. The electrolyte for surface treatment of the metal implant as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oxidant aqueous solution is hydrogen ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161882A1

A surface treatment process for a metal article provides a uniform and unblemished surface finish to the metal article. The surface treatment process anodizes the metal article to form an anodic oxide layer on a surface, and the metal article is activated using a pre-dyeing solution. The pre-dyeing solution contains complex organic acid and sodium acetate. The anodic oxide layer of the metal article is dyed for color and the dyed anodic oxide layer of the metal article is finally sealed. 1. A surface treatment process for a metal article , comprising the steps of:anodizing the metal article to form an anodic oxide layer on a surface of the metal article;activating the metal article using a pre-dyeing solution, the pre-dyeing solution containing complex organic acid and sodium acetate;dyeing the anodic oxide layer of the metal article; andsealing the dyed anodic oxide layer of the metal article.2. The surface treatment process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the pre-dyeing solution claim 1 , a volume ratio of the complex organic acid is in an approximate range from 55% to 76% claim 1 , and a volume ratio of the sodium acetate is in an approximate range from 24% to 45%.3. The surface treatment process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises a step of rinsing the metal article by ultrasonic wave after activating the metal article.4. The surface treatment process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of dyeing the anodic oxide layer of the metal article is carried out in a dyeing solution claim 1 , which contains an organic dye and a stabilizing agent claim 1 , and a PH value of the dyeing solution is in an approximate range from 5.3 to 5.8.5. The surface treatment process as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the stabilizing agent is nickel acetate claim 4 , and a concentration of the nickel acetate in the dyeing solution is in an approximate range from 10 g/L to 15 g/L6. The surface treatment process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Security mesh and method of making

Номер: US20170171964A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method of making a security mesh comprises forming on a conductive substrate an alumina film having through-holes in which metal, e.g., copper, through-wires are formed. First surface wires are formed on one surface of the alumina film and second surface wires are formed on the second, opposite surface of the alumina film in order to connect selected through-wires into a continuous undulating electrical circuit embedded within the alumina film. The security mesh product comprises an alumina film having a continuous undulating electrical circuit comprising copper or other conductive metal extending therethrough. A stacked security mesh comprises two or more of the mesh products being stacked one above the other.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160178162A1

A lighting reflector includes a base member , made of metal, having an inner circumferential surface expanding toward a light exit aperture open at an end in an axial direction. A thin-film layer which is formed from a thin film containing ceramic and which scatters light is placed on an end portion of the inner circumferential surface that is on the opposite side to the light exit aperture 110.-. (canceled)11. A lighting reflector comprising a base member , made of metal , having an inner circumferential surface expanding toward a light exit aperture open at an end in an axial direction , wherein a thin-film layer which is formed from a thin film containing ceramic and which scatters light is placed on an end portion of the inner circumferential surface that is on the opposite side to the light exit aperture , the inner circumferential surface is formed into a paraboloid , the thin-film layer is formed over the whole part of the inside of a ring-shaped region with an angle of 60° to 90° with respect to an axial direction from the focus of the paraboloid toward the light exit aperture , and the area occupancy of the thin-film layer outside the ring-shaped region is less than 100%.12. The lighting reflector according to claim 11 , wherein a buffer layer is placed between the base member and the thin-film layer and the linear expansion coefficient of the buffer layer is less than the linear expansion coefficient of the base member and is greater than the linear expansion coefficient of the thin-film layer.13. The lighting reflector according to claim 11 , wherein the thickness of the thin-film layer outside the ring-shaped region is less than the thickness of the thin-film layer inside the ring-shaped region.14. The lighting reflector according to claim 11 , wherein the thin-film layer mainly contains ceramic and glass.15. The lighting reflector according to claim 11 , wherein a protective layer is placed so as to cover the inner circumferential surface except the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169763A1

The described embodiments relate generally to aluminum films and pretreatments for improving the adhesion of aluminum films on substrate surfaces. Methods involve providing three-dimensional adhesion surfaces on the substrate that promote adhesion to a subsequently deposited aluminum film. The methods can avoid the use of strike materials, such as nickel and copper, used in conventional adhesion-promoting treatments. According to some embodiments, methods involve providing an aluminum oxide adhesion layer on the substrate prior to depositing aluminum. According to some embodiments, methods involve providing a zincating layer on the substrate prior to depositing aluminum. According some embodiments, methods involve roughening the surface of the substrate prior to depositing aluminum. Some embodiments involve a combination of two or more substrate pretreatments. Described methods can be used to provide more flexibility in subsequent anodizing processes. In some embodiments, methods involve anodizing the aluminum film and a portion of the substrate. 1. A method of forming a protective coating on a surface of an aluminum substrate , the method comprising:forming an adhesion-promoting layer on a surface of the aluminum substrate, the adhesion-promoting layer having a plurality of cavities having side walls oriented substantially normal to the surface of the aluminum substrate, wherein the adhesion-promoting layer is chemically compatible with a subsequent anodizing process; anddepositing an aluminum layer on the adhesion-promoting layer, the aluminum layer having a plurality of anchor portions disposed within corresponding cavities of the adhesion-promoting layer, wherein the anchor portions engage with the side walls of the adhesion-promoting layer resisting a shearing force applied to the aluminum layer securing the aluminum layer to the adhesion-promoting layer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:converting at least a portion of the aluminum layer to an ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165741A1

Provided is a chemical conversion treatment agent that has a small impact on the environment and can ensure good post-coating corrosion resistance regardless of the target of treatment. A chemical conversion treatment agent including: at least one type (A) of element selected from the group consisting of zirconium, titanium, and hafnium; at least one type (B) of substance selected from the group consisting of amino group-including silane coupling agents, hydrolysates thereof, and polymers thereof; fluorine (C); and a cationic urethane resin (D). Preferably, the content of (A) is 20-10000 mass ppm in total in terms of metals, and the pH is 1.5-6.5. 1. A chemical conversion treatment agent , comprising: at least one (A) selected from the group consisting of zirconium , titanium , and hafnium;at least one (B) selected from the group consisting of an amino group-containing silane coupling agent, hydrolysates thereof, and polymers thereof;fluorine (C); anda cationic urethane resin (D).2. The chemical conversion treatment agent according to claim 1 , wherein the total content of (A) is 20 to 10000 ppm by mass in terms of metal claim 1 , andpH is 1.5 to 6.5.3. The chemical conversion treatment agent according to claim 1 , wherein the total content of (B) is 5 to 5000 ppm by mass in terms of a solid content concentration claim 1 , andthe content of (D) is 5 to 5000 ppm by mass in terms of a solid content concentration, andthe solid content mass ratio ((B)/(D)) of (B) to (D) is 0.0002 to 5000.4. The chemical conversion treatment agent according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one adhesiveness and corrosion resistance-conferring agent selected from the group consisting of magnesium ions claim 1 , zinc ions claim 1 , calcium ions claim 1 , aluminum ions claim 1 , gallium ions claim 1 , indium ions claim 1 , and copper ions.5. A pre-coating treatment method claim 1 , comprising: treating a target workpiece with the chemical conversion treatment agent according to .6. A ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Antimicrobial material, layered body, antimicrobial layered body, medical member, antimicrobial material production method, antimicrobial layered body production method, and antimicrobial method

Номер: US20210206136A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

An antimicrobial layered body includes: a non-metal substrate; and a metal oxide layer, in which the metal oxide layer is present on an outermost surface, the metal oxide layer contains an anion, and a total abundance ratio of at least one atom of a sulfur atom, a phosphorus atom, and a carbon atom which are derived from the anion is 1.0 atm % or more when analyzed by XPS.

30-06-2016 дата публикации

High-strength aluminum alloy and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20160186302A1
Принадлежит: UACJ Corp

An aluminum alloy suitable for anodizing contains, in mass percent, Zn: 5.0% or more and 7.0% or less, Mg: more than 2.2% and 3.0% or less, Cu: 0.01% or more and 0.10% or less, Zr: 0.10% or less, Cr: 0.02% or less, Fe: 0.30% or less, Si: 0.30% or less, Mn: 0.02% or less, and Ti: 0.001% or more and 0.05% or less, the remainder being composed of Al and unavoidable impurities. The aluminum alloy has a Zn/Mg ratio of 1.7 or more and 3.1 or less, a proof stress of 350 MPa or more and a metallographic structure composed of a recrystallized structure.

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210208541A1
Принадлежит: Comadur SA

A method is for manufacturing a part including a support made of an electrically non-conductive material, the support being provided with at least one recess filled with an aesthetic element made of an electrically conductive material, and the aesthetic element forms a decoration on a side of the part that is intended to be visible. The method includes inlaying by pressing a preform intended to form the aesthetic element into the at least one recess of the support, and treating the surface of the aesthetic element. The at least one recess opens in one or more places onto a side of the part that is intended to be non-visible, to respectively form one or more contact points for carrying current across the aesthetic element during the surface treatment. 116-. (canceled)17. A method for manufacturing a part comprising a support made of an electrically non-conductive material , said support being provided with at least one recess filled with an aesthetic element made of an electrically conductive material , said aesthetic element forming a decoration on a side of the part that is configured to be visible , the method comprising:providing the support having said at least one recess and providing a preform configured to form the aesthetic element of the part;inlaying by pressing the preform into said at least one recess in the support; andelectrochemically treating the surface of the aesthetic element, wherein said at least one recess opens in one or more places onto a side of the part that is configured to be non-visible, to respectively form one or more contact points for carrying current across the aesthetic element during the surface treatment.18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the support is made of a material chosen from among ceramic claim 17 , sapphire and enamel.19. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the aesthetic element is made of an amorphous metal claim 17 , a crystalline metal or one of their alloys.20. The method according to claim 17 , ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272280A1

The present invention relates to an Anodized Aluminum Oxide nanoporous membrane integrated with micro channel and method of formation thereof. The invention further relates to formation of AAO pillars that are integrated in the membrane to create micro-channels to enhance mechanical stability and substantially reduce membrane thickness to nanometer range. This intrinsic configuration results in obviating the use of any external added material or support. The integrated membrane comprises of a substrate, plurality of alumina micro pillars that form respective micro-channels wherein the said pillars are attached with the substrate, nanoporous structure integrated with the pillars wherein the micro channel is formed between two consecutive pillars bound by the nanoporous structure surface and the substrate surface. 1. An anodized aluminum oxide nanoporous membrane integrated with micro channel comprising of a substrate , plurality of alumina micro pillars that form respective micro-channels wherein the said pillars are attached with the substrate , nanoporous structure integrated with the pillarswherein the micro channel is formed between two consecutive pillars bound by the nanoporous structure surface and the substrate surface.2. An anodized aluminum oxide nanoporous membrane integrated with micro channel prepared in steps ofelectro polishing of Al substratefirst step anodization;chemical etching;second step anodization;selective etching of anodized aluminum oxide to form one or plurality of cavity/cavities;anodization for forming anodized aluminum oxide structure in the said cavities;attachment of the pillars to the substrate;etching Al for separation of alumina and barrier layer removal or voltage pulse detachment for barrier layer removal and detachment of membrane from Al substrate.3. An anodized aluminum oxide nanoporous membrane integrated with micro channel as claimed in wherein the process of electro polishing of Al sheet comprises steps of:placing the said ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177857A1

Provided is a surface structure having freezing-delaying performance and freezing layer-separating performance. The surface structure includes a microstructural layer formed in the form of microscale irregularities and a plurality of nanopores formed in the microstructural layer. A freezing-delaying layer is formed on a surface of the microstructural layer to delay a freezing phenomenon. Also, a hygroscopic material is accommodated in the nanopores, so that when a surface of the freezing-delaying layer starts to freeze, the hygroscopic material is discharged from the nanopores to form a hygroscopic material film, and thus adhesion between the freezing-delaying layer and ice is reduced to allow the ice to be detached from the freezing-delaying layer. 1. A surface structure comprising:a microstructural layer formed on a surface of a metal substrate in the form of microscale irregularities; anda plurality of nanopores formed in the microstructural layer,wherein the plurality of nanopores are formed in directions substantially perpendicular to upper and side surfaces of the microstructural layer.2. The surface structure of claim 1 , further comprising a freezing-delaying layer formed on a surface of the microstructural layer.3. The surface structure of claim 2 , further comprising a hygroscopic material accommodated in the plurality of nanopores.4. The surface structure of claim 1 , wherein the metal substrate includes aluminum (Al).5. The surface structure of claim 2 , wherein the freezing-delaying layer is formed by depositing a material including polydimethylsiloxane to a thickness of 1 nm to 20 nm through physical vapor deposition.6. The surface structure of claim 2 , wherein the freezing-delaying layer includes fluorine (F).7. The surface structure of claim 1 , wherein the microstructural layer includes a flat surface and a side surface which are continuous and the same or different from each other claim 1 , and the flat surface has a horizontal length of 500 nm to ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Mold, Method for the Production and Use Thereof, Plastic Film and Plastic Component

Номер: US20210213651A1

The invention relates to a method for creating a surface structure on a mold, wherein first structural elements are created using a laser structuring process in a first step, and second structural elements, which are smaller than the first structural elements, are created using an anodic oxidation process in another step following the laser structuring process. The invention further relates to a mold of said type and finally to a plastic film or a plastic component having a surface structure as well as to a method for the production thereof. 124-. (canceled)25. A method for producing a surface structure on a molding tool comprising:producing first structural elements by laser structuring; andproducing second structural elements by anodic oxidation, the second structural elements being smaller than the first structural elements.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein said step of producing first structural elements comprises producing first structural elements having a lateral extension of about 0.5 μm to about 500 μm.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein said step of producing first structural elements comprises producing first structural elements having a height of about 0.5 μm to about 200 μm.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein said steps of producing first structural elements and producing second structural elements are performed on a molding tool that contains claim 25 , or consists of claim 25 , a metal or a metal alloy.29. The method of claim 25 , wherein said steps of producing first structural elements and producing second structural elements are performed on a molding tool comprising aluminum or titanium.30. The method of claim 25 , wherein said step of producing second structural elements comprises carrying out the anodic oxidation in a multi-stage method to produce the second structural elements claim 25 , said multi-stage method including the following steps:a first anodic oxidationat least a partial removal of an oxide layer by wet chemical etchingat least ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Heterostructure Including Anodic Aluminum Oxide Layer

Номер: US20170186905A1

A semiconductor structure including an anodic aluminum oxide layer is described. The anodic aluminum oxide layer can include a plurality of pores extending to an adjacent surface of the semiconductor structure. A filler material can penetrate at least some of the plurality of pores and directly contact the surface of the semiconductor structure. In an illustrative embodiment, multiple types of filler material at least partially fill the pores of the aluminum oxide layer. 1. A semiconductor structure comprising:a first semiconductor layer;an anodic aluminum oxide layer immediately adjacent to the first semiconductor layer, wherein the anodic aluminum oxide layer includes a plurality of pores extending to an adjacent surface of the first semiconductor layer;a first material penetrating a first subset of the plurality of pores and directly contacting the first semiconductor layer; anda second material penetrating a second subset of the plurality of pores distinct from the first subset, wherein the second material is distinct from the first material.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor layer comprises a contact layer and wherein at least one of the first or second materials is a conductive material forming an ohmic contact with the first semiconductor layer.3. The structure of claim 2 , wherein the conductive material is a transparent conductive oxide.4. The structure of claim 2 , wherein a characteristic distance between the plurality of pores is less than a current spreading length.5. The structure of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first or second materials is a reflective material.6. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the first material is a metallic material and the second material is an ultraviolet transparent material.7. The structure of claim 6 , wherein the first subset of the plurality of pores is located on an outer edge of the anodic aluminum oxide layer and the second subset of the plurality of pores is located on an inner ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197048A1

A metal-and-resin composite includes a metal substrate, an anodic oxide layer defining nano pores formed on the substrate, an intermediate layer including coupling agent formed on the surface of the anodic oxide layer, and a resin article covering and coupled to the intermediate layer. 1. A metal-and-resin composite comprising:a metal substrate;an anodic oxide layer formed on the metal substrate, the anodic oxide layer defining nano pores;an intermediate layer comprising a coupling agent formed on the surface of the anodic oxide layer; anda resin article coupled to the intermediate layer.2. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the intermediate layer has a thickness of about 0.5 nm to about 10 nm.3. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent is titanate coupling agent claim 1 , aluminate coupling agent claim 1 , zirconate coupling agent claim 1 , aluminium-titanium compound coupling agent claim 1 , boric acid ester coupling agent claim 1 , or sulfonic acid coupling agent.4. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nano pores have a diameter of about 5 nm to about 25 nm and a depth of about 1 μm to about 9 μm.5. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anodic oxide layer has a thickness of about 1 μm to about 9 μm claim 1 , and oxygen atoms distributing on the surface of the anodic oxide layer have a weight percentage of about 35% to about 50%.6. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein bond between the resin article and the intermediate layer comprises chemical bondings.7. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resin article is made of polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyetheretherketone claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , or polyvinyl chloride polymer.8. The metal-and-resin composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resin of the resin ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194778A1

This method for producing a mold for nanoimprinting in which a minute bumpy structure has been formed at the surface of a roller-shaped aluminum substrate of which the surface has been machined has: a polishing step for mechanically polishing the surface of the roller-shaped aluminum substrate, of which the surface has been machined, at least until the average crystal grain size changes; and a minute bumpy structure formation step for anodizing the aluminum substrate after the polishing step and forming a minute bumpy structure. The anti-reflective article has a minute bumpy structure at the surface, and in the wavelength region of visible light, has a color difference (E*) to the origin represented in the L*a*b* color system and derived by means of formula (1) of no greater than 0.9, or a chroma (C*) determined by means of formula (2) of no greater than 0.7. 1. A method for producing a mold for nanoimprinting , the mold having a concave-convex microstructure formed on a surface of a roll-shaped aluminum substrate in which the surface has been machined , the method comprising:a polishing step of mechanically polishing the surface of the roll-shaped aluminum substrate in which the surface has been machined until at least an average crystal grain size changes; anda concave-convex microstructure forming step of forming a concave-convex microstructure by anodizing the aluminum substrate after the polishing step.2. The method for producing a mold for nanoimprinting according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the aluminum substrate is mechanically polished in the polishing step until the average crystal grain size becomes 1 μm or more.3. The method for producing a mold for nanoimprinting according to claim 2 , wherein the surface of the aluminum substrate is mechanically polished in the polishing step until the average crystal grain size becomes 5 μm or more.4. The method for producing a mold for nanoimprinting according to claim 1 , wherein the surface of the aluminum ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Surface treatment method for aluminum exterior part of vehicle

Номер: US20200181793A1
Автор: Chang-Yeol Yoo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

A surface treatment method for an aluminum exterior part of a vehicle includes: pre-treating the aluminum exterior part comprising aluminum or an aluminum alloy; etching a surface of the pre-treated aluminum exterior part by immersing the pre-treated aluminum exterior part in an etching solution; forming an oxide layer on the surface of the aluminum exterior part by immersing the aluminum exterior part, which is subjected to the etching, in a hydrothermal synthetic solution; and forming an electrodeposition coating layer on the surface of the aluminum exterior part, which is subjected to the forming the oxide layer.

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing cylindrical nanoimprinting mold and method for producing nanoimprinting reproduction mold

Номер: US20160200006A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Rayon Co Ltd

Provided is a method for producing a cylindrical nanoimprinting mold such that the outer peripheral surface of a cylindrical aluminum substrate is uniformly polished, and it is possible to effectively take advantage of the outer peripheral surface. The method forms an oxide film at the outer peripheral surface ( 14 ) of an aluminum substrate ( 10 ) after polishing the entire outer peripheral surface ( 14 ) of the cylindrical aluminum substrate ( 10 ) by means of a polishing body ( 26 ), wherein the polishing body ( 26 ) is moved in the axial direction to polish in a manner such that at least a portion of the polishing body ( 26 ) is protruding beyond the first end ( 10 a ) side and second end ( 10 b ) side of the aluminum substrate ( 10 ), and the portion of the polishing body ( 26 ) protruding beyond the aluminum substrate ( 10 ) is disposed on and supported by a cylindrical first support member ( 18 ); and second support member ( 20 ).

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150205195A1

Provided are a method of manufacturing a support frame for a pellicle, capable of forming a sufficiently blackened anodic oxide film through anodic oxidation treatment and providing a support frame for a pellicle industrially inexpensively with ease, a support frame for a pellicle obtained by the method, and a pellicle. Specifically, provided are a method of manufacturing a support frame for a pellicle to be used as a pellicle including an optical thin film, the method including: annealing an aluminum material formed of an Al—Zn—Mg based aluminum alloy; and subjecting the aluminum material to anodic oxidation treatment in an alkaline solution to form an anodic oxide film having a lightness index L* value of 40 or less, a support frame for a pellicle obtained by the method, and a pellicle including the support frame for a pellicle and an optical thin film. 1. A method of manufacturing a support frame for a pellicle to be used as a pellicle comprising an optical thin film ,the method comprising:annealing an aluminum material obtained by subjecting an Al—Zn—Mg based aluminum alloy to solution treatment or an aluminum material obtained by subjecting an Al—Zn—Mg based aluminum alloy to solution treatment and then aging treatment; andsubjecting the aluminum material to anodic oxidation treatment in an alkaline solution to form an anodic oxide film having a lightness index L* value of 40 or less.2. A method of manufacturing a support frame for a pellicle according to claim 1 , wherein the alkaline solution comprises an inorganic alkaline solution containing any one or more kinds of inorganic alkaline components selected from the group consisting of sodium hydroxide claim 1 , potassium hydroxide claim 1 , lithium hydroxide claim 1 , calcium hydroxide claim 1 , strontium hydroxide claim 1 , and rubidium hydroxide.3. A method of manufacturing a support frame for a pellicle according to claim 1 , wherein the alkaline solution comprises a mixed alkaline solution containing ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198152A1

A steel product may include a metallic anticorrosion coating of an aluminum alloy. So that such a steel product possesses high media resistance, more particularly high acid resistance and corrosion resistance, the steel product may be immersed in a liquid-melt coating bath that includes an aluminum alloy. In addition to Aluminum and unavoidable impurities, the aluminum alloy may include at least one of 0.2-2% by weight Mn or 0.2-7% by weight Mg, 0.5-5% by weight Fe, and at least one of 0.05-0.4% by weight Ti or 0.05-0.4% by weight Zr. A method for producing such steel products may involve providing a steel product in a hot-rolled or cold-rolled state, activating a surface of the steel product to remove passive oxides, and coating the surface-activated steel product by immersion in a liquid-melt coating bath that comprises an aluminum alloy having the aforementioned composition.″ 118.-. (canceled)19. A steel product having a metallic anticorrosion coating of an aluminum alloy , wherein in addition to aluminum and unavoidable impurities the aluminum alloy comprises:at least one of 0.2-2% by weight Mn or 0.2-7% by weight Mg; 0.5-5% by weight Fe; andat least one of 0.05-0.4% by weight Ti or 0.05-0.4% by weight Zr.20. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy further comprises at least one of0.1-15% by weight Si;0.05-2% by weight Ni;0.05-0.4% by weight Sb;0.05-0.4% by weight Cr;at most 0.4% by weight Co;at most 0.1% by weight Cu; orat most 0.1% by weight Zn.21. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes 0.2-1.5% by weight Mn.22. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes 3-5% by weight Fe.23. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes 1.5-2% by weight Mn.24. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes 1.5-3% by weight Fe.25. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes 1.5-5% by weight Fe.26. The steel product of wherein the aluminum alloy includes both Mn and Mg claim 19 , with the aluminum alloy ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200188881A1
Принадлежит: APS Japan Co., Ltd.

Provided is a method of producing a catalyst or adsorbent carrier and a catalyst or adsorbent carrier which can enhance a catalyst or adsorbent function, and prevent fall-off of catalyst particles or adsorbent particles. The surface of a metal base material made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy is subjected to an etching process using an etchant containing iron chloride and an oxide to convert the surface to an uneven and rough surface. The uneven and rough surface of the metal base material is subjected to an anodizing process to form a porous coating along the uneven and rough surface. A large number of catalyst or adsorbent particles are thus carried on the surface of the metal base material on which the porous coating is formed along the uneven and rough surface. 1: A method of producing a carrier in which a large number of catalyst particles or adsorbent particles are carried on a surface of a metal base material made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy , the method comprising:performing an etching process using an etchant containing iron chloride and an oxide on the surface of the metal base material made of aluminum or the aluminum alloy, to convert the surface to an uneven and rough surface;performing an anodizing process on the uneven and rough surface of the metal base material, to form a porous coating along the uneven and rough surface; andcausing the large number of the catalyst particles or the adsorbent particles to be carried on the surface of the metal base material on which the porous coating is formed along the uneven and rough surface, whereinthe carrier is a catalyst carrier or an adsorbent carrier.2: The method of producing the carrier according to claim 1 , whereininternal spaces of recesses at the uneven and rough surface are filled with the catalyst particles or the adsorbent particles, thereby carrying the catalyst particles or the adsorbent particles.3: A carrier in which a large number of catalyst particles or adsorbent particles are carried ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации

High purity metallic top coat for semiconductor manufacturing components

Номер: US20190194817A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

An article comprises a component for a manufacturing chamber, a coating on the component, and an anodization layer formed on the coating. The anodization layer has a thickness of about 2-10 mil, comprises a low porosity layer portion having a density of greater than 99% and a porous columnar layer portion having a higher porosity than the low porosity layer portion. The porous columnar layer portion comprises a plurality of columnar nanopores having a diameter of about 10-50 nm.

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202026A1

The invention relates to extruded products suitable for turning, made from aluminium alloy with a composition (in weight %) of: 0.4-0.8 Si; 0.8-1.2 Mg; 0.20-0.4 Cu; 0.05-0.4 Fe; Mn::S 0.10; Ti<0.15; Cr::SO. IO; Bi::S 0.8; Pb::S 0.4; other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 remainder being aluminium, characterised in that the granular structure thereof is essentially recrystallised. The invention also relates to the method for the production of said products. The invention further relates to anodised turned mechanical parts obtained from extruded products according to the invention and to the production method thereof. The products of the invention are particularly suitable for the production of brake pistons and gearbox elements. 1. Extruded product suitable for turning , made of an aluminum alloy having a composition in wt % of Si 0.4-0.8; Mg 0.8-1.2; Cu 0.20-0.4; Fe 0.05-0.4; Mn≤0.10; Ti<0.15; Cr≤0.10; Bi≤0.8; Pb≤0.4; other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 total , balance aluminum , wherein the granular structure thereof is essentially recrystallized.2. Extruded product according to claim 1 , wherein the copper content is at least 0.23 wt % and/or the iron content is at least 0.20 wt %.3. Extruded product according to claim 1 , wherein the composition thereof in wt % is Bi 0.4-0.8 and Pb 0.2-0.4 and preferably optionally Pb 0.2-0.34.4. Extruded product according to claim 1 , wherein the composition thereof is such that Cr+Mn≤0.15 and optionally Cr+Mn≤0.10.5. Extruded product according to claim 1 , wherein after mirror polishing and anodizing at a temperature of 30° C. with a solution comprising 180 g/l sulfuric acid and 14 g/l oxalic acid and 15 g/l glycerol in order to make an oxide layer 30 μm thick claim 1 , the product has a roughness Ron a generatrix parallel to the extrusion axis that is equal to or less than 1.7 μm and optionally less than 1.2 μm.6. Extruded product according to claim 1 , wherein the anodizing time in order to obtain an anodic layer 30 μm thick in ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Nanostructured Material, Production Process and Use Thereof

Номер: US20170221597A1

The present document provides details of a nanostructured material defined by an anodized alumina having a nanostructure with transverse pores that pass through and connect longitudinal pores grown on an aluminum substrate. This document also describes the process for producing said nanostructured material and the possible use thereof as a template or mould for obtaining nanostructures formed by nanowires, which are generated in the cavities or pores of the aforementioned nanostructure of the nanomaterial of the invention. Likewise, this document details the use of the nanostructured anodized alumina material as a mould for producing nanostructures. 126-. (canceled)27. A nanostructured material comprising a substrate , which in turn comprises alumina , wherein at least one longitudinal pore is disposed on the substrate , whose longitudinal axis is essentially perpendicular to said substrate , wherefrom nanostructured material emerges , and at least one transverse pore whose longitudinal axis is essentially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the longitudinal pore.28. The nanostructured material of claim 27 , wherein at least one of the longitudinal pore and the transverse pore has an essentially circular cross-section or an elliptical cross-section claim 27 , wherein:a circular cross-section of the longitudinal pore has a diameter comprised between 6 nm and 450 nm, a first axis having a perpendicular direction to the longitudinal axis of the longitudinal pore, and', 'a second axis aligned in a parallel direction to the aforementioned longitudinal axis of the longitudinal pore,', 'wherein at least one of the axes of the elliptical cross-section is less than 100 nm in size., 'a circular cross-section of the transverse pore has a diameter of 100 nm, and an ellipse of the cross-section of the transverse pore comprises29. The nanostructured material of claim 27 , comprising a plurality of transverse pores defined with their longitudinal axes parallel therebetween ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229008A1
Принадлежит: E.M.E.H., INC.

An entrance floor system is provided. The entrance floor system includes a base mat and a plate. The base mat has opposing bottom and top surfaces. The bottom surface of the base mat is configured to rest on a floor surface. The plate has opposing bottom and top surfaces. The bottom surface of the plate is configured to rest on the top surface of the base mat. The top surface of the plate has a border region and a non-border region. The non-border region is substantially parallel with the bottom surface of the plate and the non-border region has a pattern machined therein. The pattern includes a plurality of slots. At least one slot is configured to receive fluid and debris. The top surface of the plate in the border region includes a transition from the floor surface to the non-border region of the top surface of the plate. 1) A method of preparing an entrance floor system comprising:obtaining a floor plate design;converting the design into instructions readable by a computer numerical control (CNC) machine;operating a CNC machine in accordance with the instructions to cut, drill, or mill the design into a piece of material, thereby producing at least one plate having opposing bottom and top surfaces and a pattern comprising a plurality of slots machined in the top surface of the plate.2) The method of claim 1 , wherein the top surface of the plate comprises a border region and a non-border region claim 1 , the non-border region being substantially parallel with the bottom surface of the plate.3) The method of claim 2 , wherein the non-border region has at least a portion of the pattern machined therein comprising at least one of the plurality of slots claim 2 , at least one of the slots configured to receive fluid and debris.4) The method of claim 3 , wherein the top surface of the plate in the border region comprises a transition from a floor surface to the non-border region of the top surface of the plate.5) The method of claim 4 , wherein the plate comprises a ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229095A1

A structure with a substrate, and a fine-unevenness-structure layer provided to at least one surface of the substrate, wherein the fine-unevenness-structure layer is disposed at a surface of the structure, the indentation elastic modulus of the structure is 1-1300 MPa, and the ratio (Δμ) of the rate of change of the coefficient of kinetic friction of the surface of the structure is 0.15-1.05, wherein Δμ=Δμf/Δμs: Δμs represents the rate of change of the coefficient of kinetic friction of the surface of the structure at an initial-abrasion stage of a reciprocating abrasion test; and Δμf represents the rate of change of the coefficient of kinetic friction of the surface of the structure immediately prior to the end of the reciprocating abrasion test. This structure exhibits excellent scratch resistance without compromising on the optical performance thereof, such as the antireflection performance. 2. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the average interval between adjoining convexities in the fine concavo-convex structure layer is 400 nm or less claim 1 , and the aspect ratio of the convexities is 0.7 to 1.4.3. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the average interval between adjoining convexities of the fine concavo-convex structure layer is 120 nm to 250 nm.4. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the fine concavo-convex structure layer contains a cured product of an active energy ray-curable resin composition claim 1 , and the active energy ray-curable resin composition includes at least a (meth)acrylate having an oxyethylene group.5. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the rates of change in the coefficient of kinetic friction of the structure surface represented by Formula (1) described above is 0.3 to 1.0.6. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the rates of change in the coefficient of kinetic friction of the structure surface represented by Formula (1) described above is 0.6 to 0.9.7. The ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Method of treating metal surfaces

Номер: US20160230302A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A method is provided for treating a metal surface. The method comprises electrochemically treating the metal surface to form a first metal oxide coating, removing a portion of the first metal oxide coating to form and exposed metal surface, and electrochemically treating the exposed metal surface to form a second oxide coating on the metal surface.

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Method for Obtaining a Cooking Vessel Having a Colored Hard-Anodized Outer Face

Номер: US20150240377A1
Принадлежит: SEB SA

Provided is a method for obtaining a cooking vessel comprising the following steps: producing a container having an aluminium outer face and an inner face, carrying out hard anodization of at least the outer face of the container. At least one colouring step is carried out on the anodized outer face following hard anodization, said colouring step employing at least one water-soluble anthraquinone organic dye. Also provided is a culinary article or an electric cooking appliance comprising a cooking vessel obtained by the above method.

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Method for producing a chassis member usable in a chassis of an electronic device

Номер: US20170235336A1
Автор: Tsunenori Yanagisawa
Принадлежит: Lenovo Singapore Pte Ltd

A chassis member for a chassis of an electronic device is disclosed. The chassis member includes an aluminum alloy layer and an alumite layer serving as an outermost layer of the chassis member and disposed on a surface of the aluminum alloy layer. A grain size of an aluminum alloy in the aluminum alloy layer is between 40 μm and 50 μm.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210262107A1

The invention relates to a method for the surface treatment of a part made from aluminum or aluminum alloy or from magnesium or magnesium alloy, comprising a step of treatment by oxidation of said part and a step of applying an aqueous composition to the surface of said part. 1. A method for the surface treatment of a part made from aluminum or aluminum alloy or from magnesium or magnesium alloy , the method comprising:oxidation treating said part; and, fluorozirconate ions,', 'molybdate ions,', 'and at least one component selected from lithium ions and permanganate ions., 'applying, to the surface of said part, an aqueous composition free of chromium, the aqueous composition containing2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said oxidation treatment of said part is an anodization treatment.3. The method according to wherein said oxidation treatment of said part is a micro-arc oxidation.4. The method according to wherein said application is carried out by immersing said part in a bath of said aqueous composition.5. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition applied during the application has a temperature of between 10 and 60° C.6. The method according to wherein said application is carried out for a time greater than or equal to 5 minutes claim 1 , preferably between 5 and 20 minutes.7. The method according to further comprising preliminarily pretreating said part by at least one of chemical degreasing and pickling.8. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition contains lithium ions and permanganate ions.9. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition contains cerium ions.10. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition contains nitrate ions.11. The method according to claim 10 , wherein said aqueous composition contains lithium nitrate.12. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition has a pH of between 3 and 7.13. The method according to wherein said aqueous composition contains at least one of ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Oxide coatings for providing corrosion resistance on parts with edges and convex features

Номер: US20180237936A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Anodic oxide coatings that provide corrosion resistance to parts having protruding features, such as edges, corners and convex-shaped features, are described. According to some embodiments, the anodic oxide coatings include an inner porous layer and an outer porous layer. The inner layer is adjacent to an underlying metal substrate and is formed under compressive stress anodizing conditions that allow the inner porous layer to be formed generally crack-free. In this way, the inner porous layer acts as a barrier that prevents water or other corrosion-inducing agents from reaching the underlying metal substrate. The outer porous layer can be thicker and harder than the inner porous layer, thereby increasing the overall hardness of the anodic oxide coating.

13-11-2014 дата публикации

Sub-surface marking of product housings

Номер: US20140332435A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Techniques or processes for providing markings on products are disclosed. In one embodiment, the products have housings and the markings are to be provided on sub-surfaces of the housings. For example, a housing for a particular product can include an outer housing surface and the markings can be provided on a sub-surface the outer housing surface yet still be visible from the outside of the housing. Since the markings are beneath the surface of the housing, the markings are durable.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170241037A1

The invention relates to an apparatus for continuously electrolytically coating a wire for a high tension cable for use in overhead transmission lines, wherein the apparatus comprises a bath for an aqueous electrolytic solution containing a precursor for an electro-ceramic coating on a wire, a first air knife cleaning device, an electrification device for electrifying the wire, a plurality of guide members positioned to route the wire from into, through and out of the bath, a cathodic connection positioned in the bath for contacting the aqueous electrolytic solution, and a power source electrically connected to the electrification device and the cathodic connection, said power source capable of providing high voltage and high current to the wire through the electrification device, and through the wire in the bath to the cathode connection via the aqueous electrolytic solution. 1. An apparatus for continuously electrolytically coating a wire for a high tension cable for use as an overhead transmission line , the apparatus comprising:a bath for an aqueous electrolytic solution containing a precursor for an electro-ceramic coating on a wire;a first spool frame member adapted to support a first spool for providing the wire to the bath;a second spool frame member adapted to support a second spool for receiving the wire from the bath;a first air knife cleaning device capable of forcing pressurized air across the wire as the wire is fed past the air knife cleaning device to remove debris or solution from the wire;an electrification device for electrifying the wire and located between the first spool frame and the bath;a plurality of guide members positioned to route the wire from the first spool to electrically engage with the electrification device, pass into, through and out of the bath, and be rewound around the second spool;at least one motor adapted to move the wire from the first spool, through the plurality of guide members and rewind the wire around the second ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150255253A1

The invention relates to a vacuum chamber element obtained by machining and surface treatment of a plate of thickness at least equal to 10 mm of aluminum alloy, composed as follows (as a percentage by weight), Si: 0.4-0.7; Mg: 0.4-0.7; Ti 0.01-<0.15, Fe<0.25; Cu<0.04; Mn<0.4; Cr 0.01-<0.1; Zn<0.04; other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 in total, the rest aluminum. The invention also relates to a manufacturing method for a vacuum chamber element wherein successively a plate with a thickness of at least 10 mm of aluminum alloy of series 5XXX or series 6XXX is provided, said plate is machined to a vacuum chamber element, said element is degreased and/or pickled, it is anodized at a temperature of between 10 and 30° C. with a solution comprising 100 to 300 g/l of sulfuric acid and 10 to 30 g/l of oxalic acid and 5 to 30 g/l of at least one polyol, optionally the anodized product is hydrated in deionized water at a temperature of at least 98° C. preferably for a period of at least about 1 h. Products according to the invention have an improved property homogeneity and an advantageous resistance to corrosion. 1. Vacuum chamber element obtained by machining and surface treatment of a plate of thickness at least equal to 10 mm of an aluminum alloy , composed as follows , in weight % , Si: 0.4-0.7; Mg: 0.4-0.7; Ti: 0.01-<0.15 , Fe<0.25; Cu<0.04; Mn<0.4; Cr: 0.01-<0.1; Zn<0.04; other elements <0.05 each and <0.15 in total , the rest aluminum.2. Element according to wherein the manganese content is lower than 0.04% by weight and optionally lower than 0.02% by weight3. Element according to wherein the chrome content is from 0.01 to 0.04% by weight and optionally from 0.01 to 0.03% by weight.4. Element according to wherein the iron content is from 0.05 to 0.2% by weight and optionally from 0.1 to 0.2% by weight.5. Element according to wherein the silicon content is from 0.5 to 0.6% by weight.6. Element according to wherein the magnesium content is from 0.5 to 0.6% by weight.7. ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245232A1

A method is provided, in which an aluminum layer is deposited on a metal substrate, wherein, in the depositing process, aluminum powders are added into an aqueous polymer medium to form a suspension, the metal substrate and a counter electrode are immersed in the suspension, and a pulsed current is applied between the metal substrate and the counter electrode; and, the aluminum layer deposited on the metal substrate is anodized. 1. A method , comprising: adding aluminum powders into an aqueous polymer medium to form a suspension,', 'immersing the metal substrate and a counter electrode in the suspension; and', 'applying a pulsed current between the metal substrate and the counter electrode, and,, 'depositing an aluminum layer on a metal substrate, the depositing comprisinganodizing the aluminum layer deposited on the metal substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal substrate is selected from magnesium claim 1 , magnesium alloy claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , aluminum alloy claim 1 , steel alloy claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum layer initially deposited on the metal substrate has a thickness ranging from 15 to 60 μm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the aluminum layer initially deposited on the metal substrate has a thickness ranging from 30 to 40 μm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aluminum powers have an average particle size of from 0.1 to 10 μm.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from an anionic polymer and a cationic polymer.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the anionic polymer is selected from acrylic- or maleic-acid based polymers claim 6 , polymethacrylates claim 6 , hydrolyzed polyacrylamide claim 6 , acrylic acid/acrylamide copolymers claim 6 , or any combination of the above polymers.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulsed current has a duty cycle ranging from 3% to 50%.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pulsed current has a frequency ranging from 50 Hz to ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

High purity metallic top coat for semiconductor manufacturing components

Номер: US20170247795A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

A component for a manufacturing chamber comprises a cold spray coating and an anodization layer on the cold spray coating. The anodization layer has a thickness of about 2-10 mil. The anodization layer comprises a low porosity bottom layer portion having a porosity that is less than about 40-50% and a porous columnar top layer portion having a porosity of about 40-40% and comprising a plurality of columnar nanopores having a diameter of about 10-50 nm.
