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16-05-1995 дата публикации

Приводной вал валяльно-промывочной машины

Номер: RU0000000408U1

Приводной вал валяльно-промывочной машины, включающий сердечник, обечайку и средство ее удержания, отличающийся тем, что обечайка выполнена из блочного капрона, сердечник снабжен корпусом с прижимными фланцами, конусными кольцами и прижимами, а средство удержания обечайки выполнено в виде торцевого штифтового крепления фланцев и обечайки, причем обечайка поставлена на корпус с клеевой прослойкой. (19) RU (11) (13) 408 U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (1995.01) D06C 17/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 92008423/12, 26.11.1992 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1995 (71) Заявитель(и): Машиностроительное конструкторское бюро "Факел" 4 0 8 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Приводной вал валяльно-промывочной машины, включающий сердечник, обечайку и средство ее удержания, отличающийся тем, что обечайка выполнена из блочного капрона, сердечник снабжен корпусом с прижимными фланцами, конусными кольцами и прижимами, а средство удержания обечайки выполнено в виде торцевого штифтового крепления фланцев и обечайки, причем обечайка поставлена на корпус с клеевой прослойкой. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) Приводной вал валяльно-промывочной машины 4 0 8 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Машиностроительное конструкторское бюро "Факел" R U (72) Автор(ы): Воробьев А.В., Костромин Ю.А., Литвененко А.Ф., Станевский Г.А., Чернов B.C. RU 408 U1 RU 408 U1 RU 408 U1 RU 408 U1

16-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000001998U1

ВАЛЯЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА, содержащая два отжимных вала, валяльный механизм, входные направляющие, направляющие ролики и разделительную решетку, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена двигателем постоянного тока привода отжимных валов с регулятором скорости вращения, съемными полыми барабанами отжимных валов и съемным внутренним покрытием валочной коробки валяльного механизма, пневматической системой сжатия отжимных валов и крышки валочной коробки, вытяжным вентилятором, резиновыми вставками в устройстве выборки ткани, причем для контроля за давлением в жале отжимных валов и в валочной коробке использованы манометры, а для поддержания заданной температуры в машине устройство снабжено датчиком и регулятором температуры. (19) RU (11) (13) 1 998 U1 (51) МПК D06C 17/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94002139/12, 20.01.1994 (46) Опубликовано: 16.04.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Машиностроительное конструкторское бюро "Факел" U 1 1 9 9 8 R U (57) Формула полезной модели ВАЛЯЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА, содержащая два отжимных вала, валяльный механизм, входные направляющие, направляющие ролики и разделительную решетку, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена двигателем постоянного тока привода отжимных валов с регулятором скорости вращения, съемными полыми барабанами отжимных валов и съемным внутренним покрытием валочной коробки валяльного механизма, пневматической системой сжатия отжимных валов и крышки валочной коробки, вытяжным вентилятором, резиновыми вставками в устройстве выборки ткани, причем для контроля за давлением в жале отжимных валов и в валочной коробке использованы манометры, а для поддержания заданной температуры в машине устройство снабжено датчиком и регулятором температуры. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (54) ВАЛЯЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА 1 9 9 8 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Машиностроительное конструкторское бюро "Факел" R U (72) Автор(ы): Карамышев И.А., Чернов В.С., Биза Г.В., Галейчук Б.А., Федулов М.А., Козлов О.Г., Гормина ...

16-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004751U1

1. Валяльно-промывная машина, содержащая элементы механического воздействия для валяния, ванну, систему нагрева и подачи воды, имеющую передние и задние спрыски, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена нижними спрысками и спрысками сбоя, регулирующим паровым клапаном и водопаровым смесителем, системой слива и перелива, магистральными клапанами, теплозащитным покрытием, нанесенным на наружную поверхность ванны, датчиками уровня и температуры жидкости, причем управление системами подогрева и подачи воды и ее растворов, слива и перелива, магистральными клапанами предусмотрено в ручном и автоматическом режимах, а на этапе промывки предусмотрена рекуперация условно чистой воды. 2. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена тканеукладчиком, включающим электропривод, выборочный вал, механизм поступательного движения направляющего желоба и укладочную тележку. 3. Машина по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что датчик уровня жидкости снабжен корпусом, пневмоуправляемым клапаном, сифоном с патрубком и дренажной трубкой. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 751 U1 (51) МПК D06C 17/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 94045295/20, 27.12.1994 (71) Заявитель(и): Машиностроительное конструкторское бюро "Факел" (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1997 U 1 4 7 5 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Валяльно-промывная машина, содержащая элементы механического воздействия для валяния, ванну, систему нагрева и подачи воды, имеющую передние и задние спрыски, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена нижними спрысками и спрысками сбоя, регулирующим паровым клапаном и водопаровым смесителем, системой слива и перелива, магистральными клапанами, теплозащитным покрытием, нанесенным на наружную поверхность ванны, датчиками уровня и температуры жидкости, причем управление системами подогрева и подачи воды и ее растворов, слива и перелива, магистральными клапанами предусмотрено в ручном и автоматическом режимах, а на этапе промывки предусмотрена ...

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018539U1

Устройство для обнаружения шва ткани и определения ширины перекоса, содержащее емкостные датчики, автогенераторы, смеситель, полосовой фильтр, детектор, фильтр низких частот, усилитель постоянного тока, счетный триггер, отличающееся тем, что емкостные датчики включены в колебательные контура соответствующих автогенераторов, которые своими выходами подключены к смесителю, при этом выход последнего через полосовой фильтр связан с входом детектора, а его выход через фильтр низких частот соединен с усилителем постоянного тока, выход которого связан с входом счетного триггера. (19) RU (11) 18 539 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 13/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000122659/20, 01.09.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.09.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Петров А.В., Расторгуев А.К. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 1 8 5 3 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для обнаружения шва ткани и определения ширины перекоса, содержащее емкостные датчики, автогенераторы, смеситель, полосовой фильтр, детектор, фильтр низких частот, усилитель постоянного тока, счетный триггер, отличающееся тем, что емкостные датчики включены в колебательные контура соответствующих автогенераторов, которые своими выходами подключены к смесителю, при этом выход последнего через полосовой фильтр связан с входом детектора, а его выход через фильтр низких частот соединен с усилителем постоянного тока, выход которого связан с входом счетного триггера. 1 8 5 3 9 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБНАРУЖЕНИЯ ШВА ТКАНИ И ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ШИРИНЫ ПЕРЕКОСА R U Адрес для переписки: 153375, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса 21, ИГТА, патентный отдел, г.359 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия RU FD 18 539 U1 RU 18 539 U1 RU 18 539 U1 RU FA 18 539 U1 RU DR 18 539 U1

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000018540U1

Устройство для отделки ткани, содержащее пару отделочных валов и устройство для предварительной деформации утолщений, отличающееся тем, что последнее выполнено в виде дополнительного ролика, установленного с зазором по отношению к металлическому валу, кратным параметру толщины обрабатываемой ткани. (19) RU (11) 18 540 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000122660/20, 01.09.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.09.2000 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн.359 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 1 8 5 4 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для отделки ткани, содержащее пару отделочных валов и устройство для предварительной деформации утолщений, отличающееся тем, что последнее выполнено в виде дополнительного ролика, установленного с зазором по отношению к металлическому валу, кратным параметру толщины обрабатываемой ткани. 1 8 5 4 0 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОТДЕЛКИ ТКАНИ R U (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Свиридов А.Г., Константинова Е.Р. (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2001 U 1 U 1 1 8 5 4 0 1 8 5 4 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 18 540 U1 RU 18 540 U1 RU FA 18 540 U1 RU DR 18 540 U1

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000023626U1

Каландр для отделки текстильного материала, содержащий раму, валы, опоры и механизм прижима, отличающийся тем, что оси валов размещены в разных вертикальных плоскостях таким образом, что угол между вертикальной плоскостью, проходящей через ось нижнего вала, и плоскостью, проходящей через оси обоих валов, выполнен в пределах от 5 до 10. (19) RU (11) 23 626 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001125538/20 , 21.09.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.09.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 27.06.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Свиридов М.А., Михалина И.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 3 6 2 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Каландр для отделки текстильного материала, содержащий раму, валы, опоры и механизм прижима, отличающийся тем, что оси валов размещены в разных вертикальных плоскостях таким образом, что угол между вертикальной плоскостью, проходящей через ось нижнего вала, и плоскостью, проходящей через оси обоих валов, выполнен в пределах от 5 до 10 o. 2 3 6 2 6 (54) КАЛАНДР R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн.359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 U 1 2 3 6 2 6 2 3 6 2 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 23 626 U1 RU 23 626 U1 RU 23 626 U1 RU 23 626 U1

27-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027392U1
Автор: Петров А.В.

Преобразователь сигнала датчика шва ткани, содержащий емкостные датчики, автогенератор, усилитель, ФНЧ, устройство управления, отличающийся тем, что преобразователь дополнительно содержит ждущие мультивибраторы, в цепи формирования импульсов которых включены емкостные датчики, выходы ждущих мультивибраторов подключены к интегрирующим звеньям, выходы которых соединены с входами дифференциального усилителя, который своим выходом через ФНЧ воздействует на вход порогового элемента. (19) RU (11) 27 392 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 13/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002112607/20 , 13.05.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.05.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (72) Автор(ы): Петров А.В. Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком. Г359, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 7 3 9 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Преобразователь сигнала датчика шва ткани, содержащий емкостные датчики, автогенератор, усилитель, ФНЧ, устройство управления, отличающийся тем, что преобразователь дополнительно содержит ждущие мультивибраторы, в цепи формирования импульсов которых включены емкостные датчики, выходы ждущих мультивибраторов подключены к интегрирующим звеньям, выходы которых соединены с входами дифференциального усилителя, который своим выходом через ФНЧ воздействует на вход порогового элемента. 2 7 3 9 2 (54) ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬ СИГНАЛА ДАТЧИКА ШВА ТКАНИ R U (46) Опубликовано: 27.01.2003 RU 27 392 U1 RU 27 392 U1 RU 27 392 U1 RU 27 392 U1

27-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027393U1

Вал отжимной, содержащий ось и установленные на ней опорные элементы, отличающийся тем, что опорные элементы выполнены в виде резиновых армированных металлическими кольцами дисков с твердостью резины, увеличивающейся от середины вала к торцам. (19) RU (11) 27 393 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002113246/20 , 24.05.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.05.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.01.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Белов С.В., Энхбаатар Пунцагдашийн (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 7 3 9 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Вал отжимной, содержащий ось и установленные на ней опорные элементы, отличающийся тем, что опорные элементы выполнены в виде резиновых армированных металлическими кольцами дисков с твердостью резины, увеличивающейся от середины вала к торцам. 2 7 3 9 3 (54) ВАЛ ОТЖИМНОЙ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком.359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия RU 27 393 U1 RU 27 393 U1 RU 27 393 U1 RU 27 393 U1

27-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027394U1

Устройство для мокрой обработки ткани, содержащее три металлических вала, ванну с раствором, систему перекатных роликов, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно снабжено резиновым ремнем с твердостью резины не более 80 единиц по Шору А, охватывающим два нижних вала и контактирующим со средним прижимным валом, причем валы выполнены одинакового диаметра, расстояние между нижними валами устанавливается в пределах от 0,1 до 0,8 от их диаметра, а внутренняя поверхность ремня выполнена с насечками. (19) RU (11) 27 394 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002115322/20 , 10.06.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.06.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.01.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Хлюпин А.Е. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 7 3 9 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для мокрой обработки ткани, содержащее три металлических вала, ванну с раствором, систему перекатных роликов, отличающееся тем, что устройство дополнительно снабжено резиновым ремнем с твердостью резины не более 80 единиц по Шору А, охватывающим два нижних вала и контактирующим со средним прижимным валом, причем валы выполнены одинакового диаметра, расстояние между нижними валами устанавливается в пределах от 0,1 до 0,8 от их диаметра, а внутренняя поверхность ремня выполнена с насечками. 2 7 3 9 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ МОКРОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ТКАНИ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр.Ф.Энгельса, 21, ком. Г-359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия RU 27 394 U1 RU 27 394 U1 RU 27 394 U1 RU 27 394 U1 RU 27 394 U1

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Модуль валковый

Номер: RU0000030760U1

1. Модуль валковый, содержащий валы металлический и с эластичным покрытием, отличающийся тем, что рубашки валов выполнены приводными и установлены на неподвижных осях в подшипниках качения. 2. Модуль валковый по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подшипники качения смонтированы на расстояниях 0,1 и 0,3 длины вала от торцов рубашки. 3. Модуль валковый по п.1, отличающийся тем, что диаметры валов находятся в интервале от 350 до 450 мм, а их покрытия имеют твердость свыше 90 единиц по Шору А. (19) RU (11) 30 760 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002130006/20 , 10.11.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.11.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Калугин А.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 3 0 7 6 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Модуль валковый, содержащий валы металлический и с эластичным покрытием, отличающийся тем, что рубашки валов выполнены приводными и установлены на неподвижных осях в подшипниках качения. 2. Модуль валковый по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подшипники качения смонтированы на расстояниях 0,1 и 0,3 длины вала от торцов рубашки. 3. Модуль валковый по п.1, отличающийся тем, что диаметры валов находятся в интервале от 350 до 450 мм, а их покрытия имеют твердость свыше 90 единиц по Шору А. 3 0 7 6 0 (54) Модуль валковый R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком.359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия RU 30 760 U1 RU 30 760 U1 RU 30 760 U1 RU 30 760 U1

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Вал отжимной

Номер: RU0000036383U1

Вал отжимной, содержащий ось, армированные эластичные диски и крепежные элементы, отличающийся тем, что ось вала снабжена резиновым покрытием с твердостью 50 ед. по Шору А, а диски выполнены из полиуретана и установлены с возможностью перемещения в радиальном направлении. (19) RU (11) 36 383 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003128196/20 , 22.09.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.09.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (57) Формула полезной модели Вал отжимной, содержащий ось, армированные эластичные диски и крепежные элементы, отличающийся тем, что ось вала снабжена резиновым покрытием с твердостью 50 ед. по Шору А, а диски выполнены из полиуретана и установлены с возможностью перемещения в радиальном направлении. 3 6 3 8 3 (54) Вал отжимной R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Фр. Энгельса, 21, к. Г359, Ивановская государственная текстильная академия, патентный отдел (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Белов С.В., Соколов А.С., Демидов А.В. R U 3 6 3 8 3 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 36 383 U1 RU 36 383 U1 RU 36 383 U1 RU 36 383 U1

10-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037726U1

Устройство для мокрой обработки ткани, содержащее три металлических вала, ванну с раствором, систему перекатных роликов, резиновый ремень с насечками на внутренней поверхности, охватывающий два нижних вала и контактирующий с верхним валом, отличающееся тем, что над верхним металлическим валом в одной вертикальной плоскости с ним размещен вал с эластичным покрытием, в ванне между нижними металлическими валами установлен дополнительный натяжной ролик, контактирующий с нижней ветвью ремня, при этом верхний металлический вал и один из нижних валов кинематически жестко соединены. (19) RU (11) 37 726 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003138221/20 , 31.12.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.12.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.05.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 155000, г. Иваново, пр-т Энгельса, 21, комн.359, ИГТА, патентный отдел (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г. (RU) , Хлюпин А.Е. (RU) 3 7 7 2 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для мокрой обработки ткани, содержащее три металлических вала, ванну с раствором, систему перекатных роликов, резиновый ремень с насечками на внутренней поверхности, охватывающий два нижних вала и контактирующий с верхним валом, отличающееся тем, что над верхним металлическим валом в одной вертикальной плоскости с ним размещен вал с эластичным покрытием, в ванне между нижними металлическими валами установлен дополнительный натяжной ролик, контактирующий с нижней ветвью ремня, при этом верхний металлический вал и один из нижних валов кинематически жестко соединены. 3 7 7 2 6 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ МОКРОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ТКАНИ RU 37 726 U1 RU 37 726 U1 RU 37 726 U1 RU 37 726 U1 RU 37 726 U1

27-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000047377U1

Отжимной вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий рубашку, закрепленную на патронах, расположенных по торцам и в центре рубашки на сердечнике, отличающийся тем, что патроны имеют коническую форму и выполнены в виде шайб, при этом основание торцевых конических шайб обращено к торцу рубашки, а основание центральных конических шайб направлено к среднему сечению рубашки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 47 377 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005109326/22 , 31.03.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.03.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 4 7 3 7 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Отжимной вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий рубашку, закрепленную на патронах, расположенных по торцам и в центре рубашки на сердечнике, отличающийся тем, что патроны имеют коническую форму и выполнены в виде шайб, при этом основание торцевых конических шайб обращено к торцу рубашки, а основание центральных конических шайб направлено к среднему сечению рубашки. 4 7 3 7 7 (54) ОТЖИМНОЙ ВАЛ ДЛЯ МАШИН ОТДЕЛОЧНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн.359, патентный отдел (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г. (RU) , Свиридов А.Г. (RU) , Федотов А.В. (RU) , Таланов С.Е. (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 47 377 U1 Полезная модель относится к области красильно-отделочного производства, и может быть использована для обработки длинномерных материалов в качестве рабочих органов валковых машин. Известна конструкция вала, используемая в валковых машинах, включающая сердечник и коаксиально расположенную относительно его рубашку с образованием между ними кольцевого зазора. В зазоре диаметрально ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000054049U1

Устройство для пропуска шва ткани на многосекционной стригальной машине, содержащее программоноситель, выполненный в виде магнитного барабана с записывающими и стирающей головками, считывающими элементами, управляемый блок запаздывания, датчик натяжения ткани, делитель напряжения, источник питания, вал и регулятор, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит формирователь частоты, связанный со второй электромагнитной записывающей головкой, установленной в непосредственной близости от программоносителя, на магнитном барабане выполнена дополнительная дорожка для записи информации, над которой размещена электромагнитная воспроизводящая головка с расположенными последовательно за ней усилителем воспроизводимого сигнала, частотным детектором и устройством индикации. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 54 049 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005137486/22 , 01.12.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.12.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия"(ИГТА) (RU) U 1 5 4 0 4 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для пропуска шва ткани на многосекционной стригальной машине, содержащее программоноситель, выполненный в виде магнитного барабана с записывающими и стирающей головками, считывающими элементами, управляемый блок запаздывания, датчик натяжения ткани, делитель напряжения, источник питания, вал и регулятор, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит формирователь частоты, связанный со второй электромагнитной записывающей головкой, установленной в непосредственной близости от программоносителя, на магнитном барабане выполнена дополнительная дорожка для записи информации, над которой размещена электромагнитная воспроизводящая головка с ...

10-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000059076U1

Устройство для обработки покрытия вала, содержащее державку, на концах которой установлены деформирующие элементы, а державка закреплена с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси вала, отличающееся тем, что деформирующие элементы установлены диаметрально противоположно в двух державках, при этом державки установлены с возможностью регулирования деформирующего усилия, а деформирующие элементы имеют бочкообразную форму. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 59 076 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006124397/22 , 06.07.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2006 5 9 0 7 6 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для обработки покрытия вала, содержащее державку, на концах которой установлены деформирующие элементы, а державка закреплена с возможностью перемещения вдоль оси вала, отличающееся тем, что деформирующие элементы установлены диаметрально противоположно в двух державках, при этом державки установлены с возможностью регулирования деформирующего усилия, а деформирующие элементы имеют бочкообразную форму. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБРАБОТКИ ПОКРЫТИЯ ВАЛА 5 9 0 7 6 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн.Г359 (72) Автор(ы): Можин Николай Афанасьевич (RU), Полетаев Владимир Алексеевич (RU), Подгорков Владимир Викторович (RU), Свиридов Александр Григорьевич (RU), Егоров Сергей Анатольевич (RU), Комарова Татьяна Александровна (RU) U 1 U 1 5 9 0 7 6 5 9 0 7 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 59 076 U1 Полезная модель относится к текстильной промышленности, а именно к обработке поверхности эластичного покрытия валов машин красильно-отделочного оборудования, в ...

10-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000066345U1

Устройство для обнаружения шва ткани, содержащее емкостной датчик шва и мостовой преобразователь, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено входным каскадом, включающим полевой транзистор, состоящий из трех резисторов делитель напряжения и стабилитрон, при этом вход транзистора соединен с варикапом, а выход через делитель напряжения связан с компаратором, установленным на выходе датчика, при этом между мостовым преобразователем и входным каскадом последовательно размещены усилитель напряжения и повторитель напряжения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 66 345 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007114914/22 , 19.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) U 1 6 6 3 4 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для обнаружения шва ткани, содержащее емкостной датчик шва и мостовой преобразователь, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено входным каскадом, включающим полевой транзистор, состоящий из трех резисторов делитель напряжения и стабилитрон, при этом вход транзистора соединен с варикапом, а выход через делитель напряжения связан с компаратором, установленным на выходе датчика, при этом между мостовым преобразователем и входным каскадом последовательно размещены усилитель напряжения и повторитель напряжения. 6 6 3 4 5 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБНАРУЖЕНИЯ ШВА ТКАНИ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ГОУ ВПО ИГТА, ком.Г-359, проректору по НПД (72) Автор(ы): Епифанов Михаил Александрович (RU), Расторгуев Артур Константинович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 66 345 U1 Полезная модель относится к текстильной промышленности, и может быть использована в ...

27-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000091720U1

Емкостной датчик шва ткани, содержащий один или несколько электродов, взаимодействующих с контролируемой тканью, отличающийся тем, что на рабочую область одного либо нескольких электродов датчика нанесено покрытие из диэлектрика с относительной диэлектрической постоянной ε, превышающей относительную диэлектрическую постоянную контролируемой ткани ε. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 91 720 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 13/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009138873/22, 20.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.10.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) U 1 9 1 7 2 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Емкостной датчик шва ткани, содержащий один или несколько электродов, взаимодействующих с контролируемой тканью, отличающийся тем, что на рабочую область одного либо нескольких электродов датчика нанесено покрытие из диэлектрика с относительной диэлектрической постоянной εП, превышающей относительную диэлектрическую постоянную контролируемой ткани εТ К. 9 1 7 2 0 (54) ЕМКОСТНОЙ ДАТЧИК ШВА ТКАНИ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, проректору по научной работе, ком.Г-359 (72) Автор(ы): Расторгуев Артур Константинович (RU), Разумова Екатерина Федоровна (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 91 720 U1 Полезная модель относится к средствам контроля технологических процессов обработки ткани в текстильной промышленности и может быть использовано для повышения чувствительности датчиков для обнаружения шва ткани на стригальных и других машинах. Известны устройства (Авторское свидетельство СССР №1180423, МКИ D06C 13/02. Датчик шва ткани / А.К.Расторгуев, Е.А.Разумова, Д.В.Ветчинин, С.Ю.Павлычев, 1984 г.; Патент РФ №2038438, МКИ D06C 13/02. ...

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000094234U1

Отжимной вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий рубашку и сердечник с установленными на нем ступицами, отличающийся тем, что по торцам рубашки жестко установлены патроны, между которыми равномерно по окружности торцов патронов расположены 4÷8 напряженных элемента, представляющих собой канаты, установленные параллельно продольной оси вала, концами закрепленные на шпильках, резьбовая часть которых расположена в теле патронов с возможностью перемещения в направлении продольной оси вала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 94 234 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010100570/22, 11.01.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.01.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) U 1 9 4 2 3 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Отжимной вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий рубашку и сердечник с установленными на нем ступицами, отличающийся тем, что по торцам рубашки жестко установлены патроны, между которыми равномерно по окружности торцов патронов расположены 4÷8 напряженных элемента, представляющих собой канаты, установленные параллельно продольной оси вала, концами закрепленные на шпильках, резьбовая часть которых расположена в теле патронов с возможностью перемещения в направлении продольной оси вала. 9 4 2 3 4 (54) ОТЖИМНОЙ ВАЛ ДЛЯ МАШИН ОТДЕЛОЧНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, проректору по научной работе, ком.Г-359 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Юрий Григорьевич (RU), Маринин Андрей Николаевич (RU), Денисов Александр Иванович (RU), Свиридов Игорь Александрович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 94 234 U1 Полезная модель относится к области красильно-отделочного производства ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000104187U1

Обогреваемый вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий внешнюю обечайку, торцевые крышки, вводящую центральную трубу, выводящую центральную трубу, полые спицы, одним концом соединенные с радиальной поверхностью вводящей трубы, а другой с секциями для теплоносителя, отличающийся тем, что в пазах внутренней поверхности внешней обечайки установлена полая с теплоизолирующим покрытием внутренней поверхности шестигранная призма. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 104 187 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010145690/12, 09.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.11.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2011 1 0 4 1 8 7 R U Формула полезной модели Обогреваемый вал для машин отделочного производства, содержащий внешнюю обечайку, торцевые крышки, вводящую центральную трубу, выводящую центральную трубу, полые спицы, одним концом соединенные с радиальной поверхностью вводящей трубы, а другой с секциями для теплоносителя, отличающийся тем, что в пазах внутренней поверхности внешней обечайки установлена полая с теплоизолирующим покрытием внутренней поверхности шестигранная призма. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) ОБОГРЕВАЕМЫЙ ВАЛ 1 0 4 1 8 7 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, проректору по научной работе, ком.Г-359 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.11.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Маринин Андрей Николаевич (RU), Фомин Юрий Григорьевич (RU), Свиридов Игорь Александрович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 104 187 U1 Полезная модель относится к области красильно-отделочного производства текстильной промышленности и может быть использована для обработки длинномерных материалов в качестве рабочих органов валковых машин. ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140514U1

Рамная конструкция для валкового оборудования, содержащая стойки с расположенными на них двумя или более валами и нагружающее регулируемое средство, отличающаяся тем, что нагружающее регулируемое средство выполнено в виде букс, расположенных подпружиненно парами на осях валов с обоих его торцов в шахматном порядке; при этом пружины связаны с буксами, крайние из которых закреплены на раме; буксы установлены с возможностью горизонтального перемещения и фиксации вдоль оси валов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06C 15/08 (13) 140 514 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013152603/12, 26.11.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.11.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2014 Бюл. № 13 R U 1 4 0 5 1 4 Формула полезной модели Рамная конструкция для валкового оборудования, содержащая стойки с расположенными на них двумя или более валами и нагружающее регулируемое средство, отличающаяся тем, что нагружающее регулируемое средство выполнено в виде букс, расположенных подпружиненно парами на осях валов с обоих его торцов в шахматном порядке; при этом пружины связаны с буксами, крайние из которых закреплены на раме; буксы установлены с возможностью горизонтального перемещения и фиксации вдоль оси валов. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) РАМНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ ДЛЯ ВАЛКОВОГО ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ 1 4 0 5 1 4 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г. Иваново, пр. Шереметевский, 21, комн. Г-359, текстильный институт ИВГПУ, зам. директора по научной работе (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановский государственный политехнический университет" (ФГБОУ ВПО "ИВГПУ") (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.11.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Греков Максим Эдуардович (RU), Фомин Юрий Григорьевич (RU), Подъячев Алексей Викторович (RU) U 1 U 1 1 4 0 5 1 4 1 4 0 5 1 4 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 140 514 U1 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239377A1
Автор: Russell Timothy M.
Принадлежит: YKK Corporation of America

Energy absorbing webbings that are generally flat and that have a controllable elongation distance are provided. The webbings are comprised of elongation yarns, such as partially oriented yarns (POY), and ground yarns. In certain embodiments, because they are generally flat, the energy absorbing webbings are suitable for use in retractors. Also provided are processes of manufacturing generally flat, energy absorbing webbings. In certain embodiments, the webbings are subjected to heat using first and second set of rollers with various feed ratios. 1. A method of heat treating a webbing , the webbing comprising a plurality of elongation yarns and a plurality of strength member yarns , comprising:(i) feeding the webbing through a first set of rollers at a roll-in speed;(ii) heat treating the webbing to adjust the relative lengths of the plurality of elongation yarns and the plurality of strength member yarns; and(iii) feeding the webbing through a second set of rollers at a roll-out speed,wherein the roll-in speed is different from the roll-out speed and is up to approximately 65% greater than the roll-out speed.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing the webbing claim 1 , wherein the plurality of elongation yarns of the webbing are partially oriented yarns.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the roll-in speed is approximately 10 yards per minute and the roll-out speed is approximately 8 yards per minute.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising cutting the webbing to a predetermined length and then positioning the webbing within a retractor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein after the feeding the webbing through the second set of rollers claim 1 , the elongation yarns are capable of sufficient elongation upon application of a predetermined load to absorb energy associated with a fall event.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the roll-in speed being greater than the roll-out speed results in a weave-in of the plurality of strength member yarns that is ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255048A1

A method of making a sheared wool, deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece that includes forming a length of wool pile fabric having natural wool fibers on one side and a scrim on an opposing side and finishing the wool pile fabric as natural shearling. The finishing process includes polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the length of pile fabric over one or more heated first polishing rolls, applying a sheepskin conditioning solution to the wool fiber side of the pile fabric, further polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the fabric a plurality of times over one or more second heated polishing rolls, and cutting the wool fibers to a designated length. 1. A method of making a sheared wool , deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece , comprising ,forming a length of wool pile fabric having natural wool fibers on one side and a scrim on an opposing side, and polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the length of pile fabric over plural heated first polishing rolls,', 'applying a sheepskin conditioning solution to the wool fiber side of the pile fabric,', 'further polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the fabric a plurality of times over plural second heated polishing rolls, and', 'cutting the wool fibers to a designated length., 'finishing the wool pile fabric as natural sheepskin, including,'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and polishing rolls in between the polishing and further polishing steps comprises a plurality of blades claim 1 , each blade having a multiplicity of teeth for raking the wool fiber side of the fabric.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the polishing rolls in both of the polishing and further polishing steps comprises a plurality of blades claim 1 , each blade having a multiplicity of teeth for raking the wool fiber side of the fabric.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Wool pile fabric including security fibers and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20130255325A1
Принадлежит: Deckers Outdoor Corp

A wool pile fabric product including a plurality of wool fibers and at least one security fiber knit with a textile scrim to form a pile fabric having a scrim side and a fiber pile side. The product also includes a facing material that is attached to the scrim side of the wool pile fabric. The security fiber in the product provides a discrete way to identify a genuine product.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Sheared wool weaving method

Номер: US20130261785A1
Автор: Nathan Crary, Zihao Dong
Принадлежит: Deckers Outdoor Corp

A method of manufacturing an article of footwear includes providing a knitting machine having a processor programmed to cause the knitting machine to knit a wool pile fabric having a plurality of footwear components and simultaneously knitting wool fibers and a scrim to form the wool pile fabric including the footwear components.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130273276A1

Disclosed are an airbag which can endure great external impact as well as high temperature and high pressure and is thus useful as an external airbag and a method for manufacturing the same. The airbag includes: a fabric containing an aramid fiber having an young's modulus of 600 to 1000 g/d and a tenacity of 20 to 30 g/d, and having a cover factor of 1500 to 2100, and a coating layer formed on the surface of the fabric, wherein a seam strength of an adhered member measured in accordance with ASTM D 1683 is 200 to 600 kgf/20 mm. 1. An airbag comprising:a fabric comprising an aramid fiber having an young's modulus of 600 to 1000 g/d and a tenacity of 20 to 30 g/d, and having a cover factor of 1500 to 2100; anda coating layer formed on a surface of the fabric,wherein a seam strength of a joined portion measured in accordance with ASTM D 1683 is 200 to 600 kgf/20 mm.2. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the joined portion is formed by joining the fabric using a sewing yarn and the sewing yarn comprises an aramid fiber.3. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the tenacity of the airbag measured in accordance with ASTM D 5034 is 130 to 200 kgf/10 mm.4. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric has a self-extinguishing property when flammability is measured in accordance with FMVSS-302.5. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises 0.2% by weight or lower of an oil.6. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric further comprises a nylon 66 filament.7. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises a polyurethane resin or silicone resin.8. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises first monofilaments coated with the coating layer and second monofilaments not coated with the coating layer claim 1 , and the number of the first monofilaments is 5 to 30% of the total number of monofilaments constituting the fabric.9. The airbag according to claim 1 , wherein a depth at which the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for preparing high-grade and casual fabric with special leather feel using biologically corn-based fibres

Номер: US20130312236A1
Принадлежит: Danyang Danqi Yuyue Textile Co Ltd

A method for preparing high-grade and casual fabric with special leather feel using a corn-based fiber that comprises the steps of: 1) selecting 0.3-0.5 D/PF ultrafine corn-based SORONA fiber from DuPont (U.S.) and 0.2-0.4 D/PF long porous bright polyester yarns as raw materials; 2) compositing by air-jet texturing: having the above raw materials composited by low tension air-jet texturing in an air texturing machine, with the tension force controlled in the range of 4.5-6.0 cN, so as to form ATY yarns with a denier number of 120-180 D; 3) weaving, which includes yarn sizing, preliminary drying, oil applying and plain weaving; 4) dyeing and finishing, which include treating a fabric by pre-treating, presetting, splitting and alkali detaching, water washing and dehydrating, dyeing, water repellent treatment, instant ultrahigh temperature treatment, and one-sided lustering. The fabric prepared according to the present invention has the following advantages: it has smooth surface and soft feel, is waterproof, antifouling and antistatic, has excellent anti-wrinkle properties, has the luster and texture of natural leather material, and is good in breathability and moisture penetrability, it can be used for making both winter clothing and summer clothing, can be water-washed or dry cleaned, it has no need for ironing, is easy to care for, etc.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340218A1
Автор: Firth Harry, Firth Robbin

A device used for felting. The felting device may include a top portion and a bottom portion. The bottom portion may include a bottom surface with a waffle maker pattern. The waffle maker pattern may include a plurality of intersecting grooves that form protruding blocks. The top portion may include a handle for easily grasping and using the felting device. 1. A felting device comprising:a top portion comprising a top surface; anda bottom portion comprising a bottom surface, wherein the bottom surface comprises a plurality of intersecting grooves defining a plurality of protruding blocks.2. The felting device of claim 1 , further comprising a handle protruding from the top surface of the top portion.3. The felting device of claim 2 , wherein the handle comprises a groove at least partially around the circumference of the handle.4. The felting device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of protruding blocks is in the shape of a pyramid with a substantially flat top surface.5. The felting device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of intersecting grooves comprises a first set of grooves substantially parallel to one another and a second set of grooves substantially parallel to one another claim 1 , wherein the first set of grooves intersects and is substantially perpendicular with the second set of grooves.6. The felting device of claim 1 , further comprising an outer layer comprising an epoxy finish.7. A method of felting comprising: a top portion comprising a top surface; and', 'a bottom portion comprising a bottom surface, wherein the bottom surface comprises a plurality of intersecting grooves defining a plurality of blocks;, 'providing a felting device comprisingproviding a piece of fabric; andrubbing a piece of fabric with the bottom surface of the felting device.8. The method of claim 7 , where the top portion further comprises a handle protruding from the top surface.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the handle comprises a groove at least partially around the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Process For Creating A Variable Density, High Loft, Non-Woven Web Structure

Номер: US20140007393A1
Принадлежит: Americo Manufacturing Co LLC

A process is disclosed for creating air laid, high loft, non-woven, variable density web structures. The fiber manipulation and distribution necessary to produce a variable weight and density web is accomplished by creating variable, negative pressure regions across the surface of a condenser or other vacuum screen, which causes fibers to migrate toward areas of lower pressure. Also disclosed are embodiments of condenser and vacuum screens for producing such variable density web structures.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041817A1

A fluff pulp is provided, which comprises softwood fibers; and 3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers. A fluff is also provided, which comprises the fiberized or shredded fluff pulp. A core is also provided, which comprises the fluff and at least an SAP. Processes for making and using the fluff pulp, fluff, and core are provided, and products made thereby. 1. A fluff pulp , comprising:softwood fibers; and3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers.2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , comprising 5 to 30% by weight of hardwood fibers.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a moisture content of ≦15% by weight.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a basis weight of 500 to 1100 gsm.5. A process for making fluff pulp claim 1 , comprising:contacting a first aqueous slurry comprising softwood fibers with a second aqueous slurry comprising hardwood fibers, to form a furnish;contacting the furnish onto a moving wire, to form a web; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'drying and optionally pressing the web, to form the fluff pulp of .'}6. The process of claim 5 , comprising pressing the web.7. The process of claim 5 , further comprising rolling the fluff pulp onto a roll or cutting the fluff pulp into sheets claim 5 , and stacking the sheets to form a bale.8. The process of claim 5 , wherein said drying comprises flash drying the web to form the fluff pulp claim 5 , and thereafter bagging the fluff pulp.9. The process of claim 5 , further comprising contacting the first and second slurries at a blend chest.10. The process of claim 5 , further comprising and prior to contacting the first and second slurries:forming the hardwood fibers by one or more steps selected from the group consisting of chipping, pulping, and bleaching hardwood, or a combination of two or more thereof; andforming the softwood fibers by one or more steps selected from the group consisting of chipping, pulping, and bleaching softwood, or a combination of two or more thereof.11. The ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041818A1

A fluff pulp is provided, which comprises softwood fibers; and 3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers. A fluff is also provided, which comprises the fiberized or shredded fluff pulp. A core is also provided, which comprises the fluff and at least an SAP. Processes for making and using the fluff pulp, fluff, and core are provided, and products made thereby. 1. A fluff pulp , comprising:softwood fibers; and{'sup': '3', '3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers, wherein said pulp having a compressed density, when in the form of a core, of greater than 0.13 g/cmat 161 PSI and a compressed density of greater than 0.18 at 225 PSI.'}2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , comprising 5 to 30% by weight of hardwood fibers.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a moisture content of ≦15% by weight.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a basis weight of 500 to 1100 gsm.5. A process for making fluff pulp claim 1 , comprising:contacting a first aqueous slurry comprising softwood fibers with a second aqueous slurry comprising hardwood fibers, to form a furnish;contacting the furnish onto a moving wire, to form a web; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'drying and optionally pressing the web, to form the fluff pulp of .'}6. The process of claim 5 , comprising pressing the web.7. The process of claim 5 , further comprising rolling the fluff pulp onto a roll or cutting the fluff pulp into sheets claim 5 , and stacking the sheets to form a bale.8. The process of claim 5 , wherein said drying comprises flash drying the web to form the fluff pulp claim 5 , and thereafter bagging the fluff pulp.9. The process of claim 5 , further comprising contacting the first and second slurries at a blend chest.10. The process of claim 5 , further comprising and prior to contacting the first and second slurries:forming the hardwood fibers by one or more steps selected from the group consisting of chipping, pulping, and bleaching hardwood, or a combination of two or more thereof; ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Towels of Micro fibers of Polyester/Polyamide Bi-components and the Method of Making

Номер: US20140093676A1
Автор: Sun Demin

A fabric with polyester/polyamide bi-components micro fibers may include a wrap knitted double-sided base fabric with polyester/polyamide bi-components micro fibers that is treated by a chemical splitting process. Both sides of the double-sided base fabric may have at least 10 loop piles per square centimeter. Each loop pile may have at least one single thread loop. The bottom of the loop piles may be connected to the base fabric. The loops may be arranged orderly to form a planar structure that has the feature that the loop piles on one side of the base fabric may have plush-like structures at the top sections. The loops may be fractured by sanding the loops with a sand paper of 200-600 grit at about 1/10 to 5/10 of a thickness of the loop piles to form the plush-like structures. 1. A method of making fabric with polyester/polyamide bi-components micro fibers comprising:providing a two-sided base fabric with polyester/polyamide bi-components micro fibers, each side of the base fabric including loop piles in a density of at least 10 loop piles per square centimeter, each loop pile including one or more single thread loops, and bottoms of the loop piles connected to the base fabric; andsanding the loop piles on at least one side of the base fabric, wherein the sanding step starts at a top of the loop piles and move inwardly till about 1/10 to 5/10 of a thickness of the loop piles, the sanding step uses a sanding paper of a sanding paper of 200 to 600 grits, a rotation speed of the sanding paper of about 600 to 1500 rpm, an speed of the base fabric advancing speed of about 2 to 15 meters/min, and a sanding angle of about 5 to 70 degrees.2. The method of further comprising sanding the loop piles on the other side of the base fabric.3. The method of wherein positions of the sanding step are the same or different for the loop piles on both sides of the base fabric.4. The method of wherein positions of the sanding step are the same or different for the loop piles on both ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Fabric material

Номер: US20140096420A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for making a fabric material includes the steps of weaving a plurality of strands of a warp yarn in a warp direction with a plurality of strands of a first filling yarn impregnated with silver ions in a filling direction and a plurality of strands of a second filling yarn impregnated with copper ions in the filling direction. Each of the plurality of stands of the first filling yarn and each of said plurality of strands of the second filling yarn are alternately woven with the plurality of strands of the warp yarn in the filling direction. The method further includes scouring the fabric material to remove external matter, conditioning the fabric material in order to soften it, drying the fabric material, and calendaring the fabric material to smoothen it.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000163A1

A novel multiple orientation construction for the ballistic protection, the process for making it and the main ballistic results obtained thereby. Said construction comprises at least a textile element and one or more thermoplastic or thermosetting based elements. The first textile element () comprises textile fibers. The second element () may comprise thermoplastic, thermosetting, rubber or polymeric elastomer based matrix arrangements or thermoplastic films for adjusting the textile construction characteristics according to the intended applications and for assisting in reducing bullet impact damages. The above elements jointly cooperate in absorbing and spreading a bullet impact stress. 112-. (canceled)131. A method for making a ballistic protection textile construction , characterized in that said method comprises providing a tetra-axial loom for simultaneously weaving according to four directrix lines and weaving on said loom a textile support element () wherein the weft and warp fibers are further interwoven with fibers fed from two axes having opposite orientation angles from 10° to 80° , thereby said ballistic protection textile construction is similar to that of a conventional fabric including a mutually alternating weft and warp yarns or fibers thereon a cross arrangement of differently angled additional yarns or fibers is arranged.142. A method claim 13 , according to claim 13 , characterized in that said method further comprises a step of providing a second non-textile element () claim 13 , including thermoplastic claim 13 , rubber or elastomeric polymer based matrix arrangements for stabilizing the textile construction and reducing damages due to a bullet impact.15. A method claim 13 , according to claim 13 , characterized in that said method further comprises a stabilizing process consisting of a partial melting of a thermoplastic matrix by calendering or hot laminating claim 13 , or by IR lamps having operating parameters depending on a thermoplastic ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002839A1

A method of making a deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece. The method includes forming a length of pile fabric having fibers on one side and a scrim on an opposing side, where at least a portion of the fibers are natural wool fibers, and finishing the pile fabric as natural sheepskin by polishing the fiber side of the pile fabric, including guiding the length of pile fabric over at least two polishing rolls, where the two polishing rolls rotate in opposite directions. 1. A method of making a deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece , comprising:forming a length of pile fabric having fibers on one side and a scrim on an opposing side, at least a portion of said fibers being natural wool fibers; andfinishing the pile fabric as natural sheepskin by polishing the fiber side of the pile fabric, including guiding the length of pile fabric over at least two polishing rolls, wherein said two polishing rolls rotate in opposite directions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of said two polishing rolls comprises a plurality of blades claim 1 , each blade having a multiplicity of teeth for raking the fiber side of the fabric.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wool fibers are treated prior to the forming step by:providing a batch of fibers including sheared wool fibers,applying a mixing solution to the fibers,mixing the wool fibers with applied mixing solution,carding the fibers and forming a web of fibers, andslivering the web.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating at least one of said two polishing rolls.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said heating step includes heating a surface of said at least one of said two polishing rolls to a temperature of 205° C. to 250° C.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a conditioning solution to the fiber side of the pile fabric.7. A method of making a deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece claim 1 , comprising:forming a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Wet Processing Technique for Producing Terry Fabrics

Номер: US20220010487A1
Автор: Abhishek Gupta
Принадлежит: Trident Ltd

An improved wet processing method for producing improved terry fabrics is provided. Woven fabric is treated based on enzymatic treatment process including de-sizing using optimized dosage of predetermined de-sizing ingredients, washed and bio-washed using optimized dosage of bio-washing ingredients. Enzyme treated fabric is pre-treated and subjected to hot air beat-up process comprising mechanically treating pre-treated fabric with optimized hot air beat-up parameters. Air is blown onto pre-treated fabric from both directions for predetermined duration and at predetermined frequency causing to and fro movement of fabric in tumbling chambers of tumbling machine resulting in an instantaneous impact produced on every pile loop of pre-treated fabric such that fibers rearrange in a path of least resistance to produce relaxed, open and aligned fiber structure in the fabric. Mechanically treated hot air-beaten up fabric is dyed and includes finishing the dyed fabric with softener and subjected to tumbling using optimized finishing parameters.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034012A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

A nonwoven fabric structure according to the present invention is a nonwoven fabric structure comprising a long-fiber nonwoven fabric as a main constituent, wherein the nonwoven fabric structure has a basis weight of 250 to 2000 g/m, a Frazier permeability of 0 to 20 cc/cm·s, and an apparent density of 0.5 to 1.3 g/cm, and therefore has excellent shaping properties and excellent mechanical strength properties. 1. A nonwoven fabric structure comprising a long-fiber nonwoven fabric as a main constituent , the nonwoven fabric structure having a basis weight of 250 to 2000 g/m , a Frazier permeability of 0 to 20 cc/cm·s , and an apparent density of 0.5 to 1.3 g/cm.2. The nonwoven fabric structure according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric structure comprises a stack of two or more nonwoven fabrics and has a surface smooth ratio of 40% or more.3. The nonwoven fabric structure according to claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fabric structure comprises a nonwoven fabric consisting of a composite fiber claim 1 , near at least one surface.4. A nonwoven fabric structure obtainable by disposing a tape-shaped sheet structure obtained by embedding a bundle of inorganic fibers in a thermo-moldable resin claim 1 , on at least one surface and/or near at least one surface of the nonwoven fabric structure according to claim 1 , and then performing shaping by press processing.5. A three-dimensional-structure molded body obtainable by subjecting the nonwoven fabric structure according to to press processing.6. A method of producing a nonwoven fabric structure claim 1 , characterized by comprising stacking at least two or more long-fiber nonwoven fabrics having a basis weight of 200 g/cmor more claim 1 , performing mechanical entanglement claim 1 , and subsequently performing press processing under conditions involving a heating temperature of 140 to 255° C. and a pressing pressure of 0.1 to 5 MPa. The present invention relates to a nonwoven fabric structure comprising a long-fiber ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Sheared wool fleece and method for making sheared wool fleece utilizing yarn knitting

Номер: US20210025088A1
Принадлежит: Deckers Outdoor Corp

A method of making a pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece, that includes forming a yarn made with wool fibers and non-wool fibers and knitting the yarn to form a pile fabric and knitting a scrim to form a base, while simultaneously knitting the yarn and the scrim together, where the yarn is attached to and extends from the scrim to form a length of pile fabric having a fiber side with natural wool fibers and non-wool fibers and the scrim on an opposing side. The method includes finishing the pile fabric as natural sheepskin, including, polishing the fiber side of the pile fabric, and cutting the wool fibers to a designated length.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029890A1

A sheet conveyance device for conveying, along a conveyance path, a sheet in which a given region from an obverse surface toward a reverse side thereof is composed of a non-woven fabric, and a powder supply device for supplying a powder to at least a partial zone of the sheet, are provided. Further, a fiber-raising device for raising fibers in at least part of the powder supply zone of the sheet is provided on the conveyance path at a position upstream of the powder supply device in a conveyance direction of the sheet. 1. An apparatus for manufacturing a powder-containing article containing a powder , comprising:a sheet conveyance device which conveys, along a conveyance path, a sheet in which a given region from an obverse surface toward a reverse side thereof is composed of a non-woven fabric;a powder supply device which is provided on the conveyance path, and supplies the powder to at least a partial zone of the sheet, from an obverse side of the sheet; anda fiber-raising device which is provided on the conveyance path at a position upstream, in a conveyance direction of the sheet, of a powder supply position where the powder is supplied to the sheet, and raises fibers in at least part of the powder supply zone of the sheet, from the obverse side of the sheet.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , which comprises:a second sheet supply section which is provided on the conveyance path, and supplies a second sheet to the obverse surface of the sheet, at the powder supply position position, or a position downstream, in the conveyance direction of the sheet, of the powder supply position; anda bonding device which is provided on the conveyance path, and bonds the sheet and the second sheet together at a second sheet supply position where the second sheet is supplied to the obverse surface of the sheet by the second sheet supply section, or a position downstream, in the conveyance direction of the sheet, of the second sheet supply position.3. The apparatus according ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038042A1

The woven fabric according to the invention comprises a warp and weft yarns, the weft yarns comprise first weft yarns and second weft yarns, the first weft yarns and the warp yarns form a base layer of the fabric, while the at least one plurality of second weft yarns forms an additional layer of the fabric that can be broken under a stress without damaging the base layer to change the appearance of the fabric and of the clothing articles made of said fabric. 112345634231417153441113111abbba. A woven fabric () comprising warp yarns () and weft yarns ( , ) woven together , said fabric having a front side () and a back side () , wherein: said weft yarns comprise a plurality of first weft yarns () and at least one plurality of second weft yarns (); said plurality of warp yarns () and said plurality of first weft yarns () form a base layer () of said fabric; and said at least one plurality of second weft yarns () form an additional layer () of said fabric in the form of over portions (′) , characterized in that said an additional layer () is located on the front side () of the fabric and in that said first () and second () weft yarns are different and are selected give a different behaviour with respect to a same stress applied to an area of said fabric , so that at least part of said second weft yarns () in said additional layer () of the fabric breaks under said stress applied to at least one area () of said fabric and at least said first weft yarns () of said base layer () within said areas () withstand the said stress.243. The fabric according to claim 1 , wherein said stress is a mechanical stress and the breaking force of said second weft yarns () is lower claim 1 , preferably 2 to 7 times lower claim 1 , than the breaking force of said first weft yarns ().343. The fabric according to claim 2 , wherein the breaking force of said second weft yarns () is 3 to 5 times lower than the breaking force of said first weft yarns ().443. The fabric according to claim 1 , ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Method of Compressing Garment

Номер: US20150041503A1

A method of compressing a garment is disclosed and includes: forming the garment into a compact shape; placing the garment formed into a compact shape into a bag; placing the garment formed into a compact shape and bag into a compression machine; compressing the garment and bag in the compression machine forming a compressed garment. 1. A method of compressing a garment , comprising:forming the garment into a compact shape;placing the garment formed into a compact shape into a bag;placing the garment formed into a compact shape and bag into a compression machine;compressing the garment and bag in the compression machine forming a compressed garment.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the garment is polyester.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the garment comprises less than about 50% cotton.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bag comprises at least about 50% cotton.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bag has at least a single opening.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the bag is larger than the garment formed into a compact shape.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressed garment is shrink-wrapped.8. A method of compressing a garment claim 1 , comprising;placing the garment into a bag;placing the garment and bag into a compression machine; andcompressing the garment and bag in the compression machine forming a compressed garment.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the garment is folded.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the garment is folded at least twice.11. The method of claim 8 , wherein the garment is polyester.12. The method of claim 8 , wherein the garment comprises less than about 50% cotton.13. The method of claim 8 , wherein the bag comprises at least about 50% cotton.14. The method of claim 8 , wherein the bag has at east a single opening.15. The method of claim 9 , wherein the bag is larger than the folded garment.16. A method of compressing a garment claim 9 , comprising;placing the garment into a bag; andplacing the garment and bag into a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040561A1

Provided is a method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner, capable of reliably cutting loops of thread members provided at a given density, and forming thread members each having a shape with an arc portion sufficient enough to scrape off tongue plaque, through steps that are simple, low-cost and suitable for mass production. A method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner for scraping off tongue plaque, includes: a step of heating a sheet material having multiple looped thread members protruding from one surface of the sheet material, at a temperature below the melting point of the thread members and a step of forming first thread members and second thread members by cutting loops of the thread members heated. 1. A method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner for scraping off tongue plaque , comprising:a step of heating a sheet material having multiple looped thread members protruding from one surface of the sheet material, at a temperature below the melting point of the thread members; anda step of forming first and second thread members by cutting loops of the looped thread members heated.2. The method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein a top-vicinity region of the loop of each of the looped thread members is cut in a manner such that a tip end portion as a free end of each of the first and second thread members can be formed into a shape partially maintaining an arc shape of the loop.3. The method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner according to claim 1 , wherein the top-vicinity regions of the loops of the multiple looped thread members are cut by multiple cutting devices arranged with cutting portions thereof facing the top-vicinity regions of the loops.4. The method for manufacturing a sheet for use in a tongue plaque cleaner according to claim 2 , wherein the top-vicinity regions of the loops of the multiple ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044833A1
Принадлежит: BIANCALANI S.R.L.

A fluid-driven apparatus continuously feeds fabric in open-width form. The apparatus is associated in combination with a tumbler processing the fabric. The apparatus includes a tubular duct, with a substantially rectangular transversal cross section, has boundary walls which delimit an internal cavity inside the duct. A manifold supplies gaseous fluid into the duct through an opening formed in the top or bottom wall of the duct. Ports for the fluid extend in a direction longitudinal to the duct, into and out of the cavity. The manifold abuts the opening to divide the duct into two distinct stretches delimited by the manifold and by the ports. The manifold includes a diverter for selectively directing the fluid towards one of the stretches of the duct. A portion of one of the duct stretches is divergent in shape, with a transversal cross section increasing from the manifold to the respective end port. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein divergence of said portion of at least one of the stretches is obtained by inclining only the top wall relative to the bottom wall.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the stretches is entirely divergent in shape claim 1 , with increasing transversal cross section.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein both the stretches are entirely divergent in shape claim 3 , with increasing transversal cross section.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the divergent shape has an angle of divergence not greater than three sexagesimal degrees.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , claim 1 , wherein the fluid is thermally conditioned. This invention relates to a fluid driven apparatus for feeding a fabric in a process tumbler.Currently used in the textile industry are process apparatuses, called “tumblers”, in which fabrics of various kinds are subjected to treatment, for example mechanical and/or heat treatment, to create characteristic and distinctive effects for different types of fabric. ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Fabric Having Cut-Loop Structure, Method for Manufacturing Same, and Product Using Fabric Having Cut-Loop Structure

Номер: US20150068639A1
Принадлежит: CLEMBON Co Ltd

The present invention provides fabrics with cut loop group and a manufacturing method thereof, wherein the core yarn at the section where said loops are being cut is outwardly protruded from the covering yarns, while the rayon yarn, which is a core yarn, is separated into multiple filaments. The fabrics with cut loop group show superior characteristics in polishing properties, sliding properties, water absorption properties, rapid drying properties and feeling of touch since polishing can be performed while easily catching foreign substances such as extremely minute dust particles or human hairs and the like by the rayon yarn, which is a core yarn, functioning as a hook. Thus the fabrics with cut loop group according to the present invention can be used usefully in the products such as various kind of mats, towels, bathroom products, and the like including dishclothes and mops.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Method for Preparing Hollow Textile with Core-Spun Yarn of Short-Staple Wrapped Microporous Alkali-Soluble Polyester Filament

Номер: US20190062974A1

The invention discloses a method for preparing a hollow textile with a core-spun yarn of short-staple wrapped microporous alkali-soluble polyester filament, which includes a foaming microcapsule preparation step, a preparation step of alkali-soluble chips containing foaming microcapsules, a melt foaming and spinning step, and a hollow textile preparation step. In the method for preparing the hollow textile with the core-spun yarn of short-staple wrapped microporous alkali-soluble polyester filament, a hollow yarn or a hollow fabric is made from a polyester filament having a microporous structure through alkali dissolution. The polyester filament having a microporous structure can effectively increase the contact area of the alkali dissolution and has the advantages of high dissolution rate, short dissolution time and complete dissolution. The hollow textile prepared from the hollow yarn or the hollow fabric obtained after dissolution has a comfortable hand feeling and has the characteristics of being fluffy, soft, warm and quick-drying. 1. A method for preparing a hollow textile with a core-spun yarn of short-staple wrapped microporous alkali-soluble polyester filament , characterized by comprising the following process steps:a. Preparation of foaming microcapsules:a1. Dimethyl terephthalate, ethylene glycol, sodium dimethyl isophthalate-5-sulfonate, polyethylene glycol and tetrabutyl titanate are placed in a pulp vessel and mixed well to obtain a raw material for a microcapsule wall material, wherein the parts by weight of the dimethyl terephthalate, the ethylene glycol, the sodium dimethyl isophthalate-5-sulfonate, the polyethylene glycol and tetrabutyl titanate are:Dimethyl terephthalate, 60%-75%;Ethylene glycol, 5%-15%;Sodium dimethyl isophthalate-5-sulfonate, 2%-15%;Polyethylene glycol, 2%-10%;Tetrabutyl titanate, 0.4%-1.3%;a2. The raw material for the microcapsule wall material after the mixing in a1 is transferred into an esterification vessel for ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069002A1

A puncture resistant material is made from high modulus continuous filament polypropylene yarns which are twisted and woven into a tight weave. Batting materials are placed adjacent the woven layer (which may comprise one or more individual woven layers) to form a stack and the stack is needlepunched to form a consolidated material. The material is heat treated and calendared and the finished product may be used in applications where puncture resistance is required, such as in a shoe insole material. 1. A puncture-resistant material , comprising:a woven layer comprised of tightly woven yarns made from twisted high modulus continuous filament polypropylene;said woven layer having a plurality of thermoplastic batting fibers needlepunched in a perpendicular direction into the woven layer forming a consolidated material;said consolidated material condensed by heat treatment and reduced in thickness by calendaring.2. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic yarns are twisted at 1-5 turns per inch prior to weaving.3. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the woven layer is a 20×20 to 30×30 plain weave.4. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the woven layer is a plain weave with greater than about 90% cover factor.5. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the woven layer comprises 1 to 20 individual woven layers.6. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the batting fibers consist of about 1 to about 10 oz/ydof a blend of thermoplastic fibers.7. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the consolidated material has a density increased by about 5% to about 20% compared to the consolidated material prior to heat treatment.8. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the consolidated material has a density increased by about 10 to 12% compared to the consolidated material prior to heat treatment.9. The material according to claim 1 , having a thickness of about 0.10 to about 0.20 inches.10. The material according to claim 1 , ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Woven cloth and method able to integrally form a three-dimensional pattern on the woven cloth and its finished product

Номер: US20200063311A1
Автор: Xiu-Mei Lin, Yang-Xun Hong
Принадлежит: Xiu-Mei Lin, Yang-Xun Hong

A kind of woven cloth and a method able to integrally form a three-dimensional pattern on the woven cloth and its finished product in the present invention is to prepare a kind of woven cloth composed of lots yarns, and each yarn is made from several monofilaments, which respectively have an outer circumference coated with a thermoplastic polymer layer. After the woven cloth is hot pressed in a mold that is preformed with a three-dimensional pattern, the woven cloth will produce a corresponding three-dimensional pattern through compressing or hot melting of the thermoplastic polymer layer. Through above-mentioned method, the woven cloth can be integrally formed with a three-dimensional pattern, able to simplify manufacturing process, lower cost, increase strength and avoid disengaging and breaking apart of the woven cloth and able to be produced fully automatically.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067196A1

A machine for treating a fabric (T) with air, comprises a tunnel () for pneumatically transporting the fabric and means for injecting the air into the tunnel above and/or below the fabric and comprising at least one diverting valve () located substantially half way along the tunnel and having two channels () which are oriented to direct the air flow entering the tunnel in one direction or the other. The valve comprises an adjustable baffle () adapted to shut off access to the channels () either wholly or partly. In the treatment method of the invention, the air flow (F;F′) entering the tunnel is divided into two unequal components (F, F; F′, F′) directed towards opposite ends of the tunnel. 1. A machine for treating a textile fabric with air , the machine comprising:a tunnel for pneumatically transporting the textile fabric, the tunnel comprising openings;impact grilles facing the openings of the tunnel;a means for injecting the air into the tunnel above and/or below the textile fabric and the means for injecting the air comprising at least one diverting valve located substantially halfway along the tunnel and the means for injecting the air having two channels which are oriented to direct the air flow entering the tunnel in one direction or another direction, the at least one diverting valve comprising an adjustable baffle adapted to shut off access to the two channels wholly or partly.2. A machine according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustable baffle can alternately adopt two limit positions claim 1 , or two intermediate positions between the two limit positions.3. A machine according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustable baffle is driven by a pneumatic claim 1 , four-position actuator.4. A machine according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustable baffle is driven by a pair of pneumatic cylinders claim 1 , said pair of pneumatic cylinders being mounted opposite each other and supplied with compressed air at two different pressures claim 1 , one fixed and one reduced to ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Method For Manufacturing Raised Sheet And Cleaning Sheet

Номер: US20210071334A1
Автор: YAMADA Kikuo

A method for efficiently obtaining a raised sheet as a sheet for cleaning that has raised cleaning portions and effectively collects dust is described. Manufacturing a raised sheet can include stacking a base material sheet and fiber aggregate, applying a load to fibers of the fiber aggregate under an unheated state, forming joining portions by partially joining the fiber aggregate and the base material sheet, forming a fiber bundle joined to the base material sheet in the joining portions by cutting the fiber aggregate at portions where the fiber aggregate and the base material sheet are not joined, and raising fibers by injecting fluid to the fiber bundle. 1. A method for manufacturing a raised sheet , the method comprising:stacking a base material sheet and fiber aggregate;applying a load to fibers of the fiber aggregate stacked on the base material sheet under an unheated state;forming joining portions by partially joining the fiber aggregate and the base material sheet;a cutting step of forming a fiber bundle joined to the base material sheet in the joining portions by cutting the fiber aggregate at portions where the fiber aggregate and the base material sheet are not joined; andraising fibers by injecting fluid to the fiber bundle.2. The method for manufacturing a raised sheet according to claim 1 , wherein applying the load comprises applying the load to the fibers under the unheated state at a temperature equal to or less than a softening temperature of the fibers of the fiber aggregate.3. The method for manufacturing a raised sheet according to claim 1 , wherein applying the load to the fibers of the fiber aggregate is conducted before forming the joining portions by partially joining the fiber aggregate and the base material sheet.4. The method for manufacturing a raised sheet according to claim 1 , wherein applying the load to the fibers of the fiber aggregate is conducted after forming the joining portions by partially joining the fiber aggregate and ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150305A1

A method of conveying and treating a web, wherein the web is first conveyed over a transport surface and then over a rotating transfer roller at the end of the transport surface. The web is transferred from the transfer roller to a treatment roller at a spacing from the transfer roller. The conveying of the web is performed with the proviso and particularly a spacing a between the transfer roller and the treatment roller is set such that the web wraps around the treatment roller over a wrap angle α from 15° to 90°. 1. A method of conveying and treating a web made of fibers , comprising the steps of:first conveying the web on a transport surface and then over a rotating transfer roller at a downstream end of the transport surface,transferring the web from the transfer roller to a rotating treatment roller at a spacing from the transfer roller in the travel direction of the web,setting a speed of the conveying of the web and a spacing of the treatment roller from the transfer roller such that the web wraps around the transfer roller over a wrap angle of 15° to 90°.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the web is a nonwoven or a spunbond textile made of continuous filaments.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the web passes over the upper side of the transfer roller and over the upper side of the treatment roller and the upper side of the transfer roller and the upper side of the treatment roller are either at the same height or at substantially the same height or have a height difference that is a maximum of 20% of the diameter of the transfer roller.4. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the treatment roller is a lower treatment roller and the web is passed through a gap or nip between the lower treatment roller and upper treatment roller above it.5. The method as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the lower and the upper treatment roller are two calender rollers claim 4 , at least one calender roller being heated and the web being ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180099636A1
Автор: Ise Fumiaki

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a fabric for an air bag that, during high-pressure deployment at high speed, maintains low air permeability as an air bag and is capable of maintaining the low air permeability even after exposure to heat. This fabric for an air bag comprises a synthetic fiber and is characterized by the contact angle of a circumscribed circle at intersecting sections in which the warp thread and the weft thread come in contact in the cross section of the fabric is at least 80° in both the warp thread direction and the weft thread direction. 1. A method for producing a fabric for an air bag composed of synthetic fibers, comprising: 1) weaving with high tension warp threads in a water jet loom, 2) carrying out a washing treatment step at 80° C. or lower or not carrying out a washing step, 3) drying at a temperature of 120° C. or lower, and 4) carrying out calendaring processing. This application is a division of application Ser. No. 14/652,032, filed Jun. 12, 2015, which is the National Stage of Application No. PCT/JP2013/083761, filed Dec. 17, 2013, and claims foreign priority to JP 2012-274767, filed Dec. 17, 2012, all of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to an air bag used as the bag-shape article of an air bag functioning as a passenger protective device during a motor vehicle collision, and more particularly, to a fabric for an air bag for obtaining an air bag that deploys at high speed and is resistant to high pressure.Air bags are being increasingly installed in motor vehicles for the purpose of reducing the impact on the human-body during a collision accident involving an automobile or other motor vehicle. Air bags absorb and reduce the impact on the human-body by being inflated by a gas at the time of a collision, and in addition to air bags for the driver's seat and passenger's seat, air bags such as curtain air bags, side air bags, knee air bags and rear air bags are being installed ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Method for producing polyester nonwoven fabric with improved impregnation property of fabric softener

Номер: US20210102322A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for producing a nonwoven fabric which improves the impregnation property of a fabric softener in the nonwoven fabric so as to apply the nonwoven fabric to a dryer sheet (sheet-type fabric softener). In a nonwoven fabric made of two types of polyester long fiber mixed filament yarns, by widening the specific surface area, adjusting the evenness deviation to be small and increasing the porosity, the impregnation property of a fabric softener is improved even when the nonwoven fabric is made lightweight, and the nonwoven fabric can be applied to a dryer sheet.

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102341A1
Автор: FUKUOKA Moe, Goto Shisei

A method of producing inorganic-particle-combined fiber includes: a beating step including beating chemical fiber in a wet manner or a dry manner; and a composite fiber forming step including forming inorganic-particle-combined fiber which is composite fiber composed of the chemical fiber and inorganic particles, the composite fiber forming step including synthesizing the inorganic particles in a slurry that contains the chemical fiber after the beating step. 1. A method of producing inorganic-particle-combined fiber , the method comprising:a beating step comprising beating chemical fiber in a wet manner or a dry manner; anda composite fiber forming step comprising forming inorganic-particle-combined fiber which is composite fiber composed of the chemical fiber and inorganic particles, the composite fiber forming step comprising synthesizing the inorganic particles in a slurry that contains the chemical fiber after the beating step.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the chemical fiber is polar chemical fiber.3. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the inorganic-particle-combined fiber is composite fiber which is composed of (i) the inorganic particles and (ii) the chemical fiber which has a Canadian standard freeness of not less than 10 mL and not more than 760 mL claim 2 , the Canadian standard freeness being measured in accordance with JIS P 8121:1995.4. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the beating step comprises beating the chemical fiber so that a difference ΔCSF claim 2 , calculated using Equation (A-1) below claim 2 , is not less than 5 mL:{'br': None, 'ΔCSF (mL)=Canadian standard freeness of the polar chemical fiber before the beating step−Canadian standard freeness of the polar chemical fiber after the beating step \u2003\u2003(A-1),'}where the Canadian standard freeness is measured in accordance with JIS P 8121:1995.5. The method as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the chemical fiber is at least one selected from the group ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100033A1
Автор: TAMAKI Shuichi

A guide guides a movement of a platen from a set position P at which a recording medium is set on the platen to a press position P at which a heat press portion performs heat press operation on the recording medium. A distance from the set position P to the press position P is longer than a distance from the set position P to an application position P at which an application portion applies a pretreatment agent onto the recording medium set on the platen. 1. A pretreatment device comprising:a platen;an application portion configured to apply a pretreatment agent onto a recording medium set on the platen;a heat press portion configured to perform a heat press operation on the recording medium, to which the pretreatment agent has been applied by the application portion; anda guide configured to guide a movement of the platen from a set position at which the recording medium is set on the platen to a press position at which the heat press portion performs the heat press operation on the recording medium, a distance from the set position to the press position being longer than a distance from the set position to an application position at which the application portion applies the pretreatment agent onto the recording medium set on the platen.2. The pretreatment device according to claim 1 , whereinthe guide guides the platen to the application position separated in a first direction from the set position, and guides the platen to the press position that is separated in the first direction from the application position.3. The pretreatment device according to further comprising:a press pressure receiving portion configured to receive a press pressure by the heat press portion coming into contact with the platen when the platen is heat pressed by the heat press portion,whereinthe platen is movable with respect to the guide in a press direction of the heat press portion.4. The pretreatment device according to claim 3 , whereinthe press pressure receiving portion is provided ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105975A1
Автор: Wolf Rory A.

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, an airfoil apparatus is provided which minimizes entry of entrained air into a system having a controlled internal environment, such as a corona treatment system, such entrained air resulting from a high-speed web moving into the system. According to another aspect of the present disclosure, the airfoil apparatus is rotatable relative to the system so that the airfoil apparatus can be adjusted to changes in the web. 1. An assembly comprising:a system having a controlled interior environment comprising a cabinet defining an internal chamber, upper and lower nip rollers mounted on the cabinet and forming a nip through which a web of material can pass; andan airfoil assembly comprising an upper airfoil cantilevered from the cabinet, the upper airfoil comprising a first wall and a second wall, the first wall having a rear end, a forward end, an upper surface and a lower surface, the rear end of the first wall being attached to the cabinet proximate to the upper nip roller such that the forward end is spaced from the cabinet, the second wall having a top end, a forward surface and a rearward surface, the second wall extending upwardly from the upper surface of the first wall and at an angle relative to the first wall, a lower airfoil cantilevered from the cabinet, the lower airfoil comprising a first wall and a second wall, the first wall of the lower airfoil having a rear end, a forward end, an upper surface and a lower surface, the rear end of the first wall being of the lower airfoil attached to the cabinet proximate to the lower nip roller such that the forward end of the lower airfoil is spaced from the cabinet, the second wall of the lower airfoil having a top end, a forward surface and a rearward surface, the second wall of the lower airfoil extending downwardly from the lower surface of the first wall of the lower airfoil and at an angle relative to the first wall of the lower airfoil.2. The assembly of claim 1 , ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140205795A1
Автор: HU Hong

This present application relates to a three dimensional negative Poisson's ratio spacer knitted fabric and a method for making the same; the fabric includes a first surface layer fabric, a second surface layer fabric, and a spacer yarn layer connecting the first surface layer fabric with the second surface layer fabric, both the first surface layer fabric and the second surface layer fabric are bi-dimensional structures having the negative Poisson's ratio effects; the method is to compress and/or stretch a three dimensional mesh spacer knitted base fabric along one or two plane directions to form a structures having the negative Poisson's ratio effects. The advantages of the present application include low making cost, simple operation method, significant negative Poisson's ratio effects, good elastic recovery, and high practical application value. 110-. (canceled)11. A three dimensional negative Poisson's ratio spacer knitted fabric , wherein , the three dimensional negative Poisson's ratio spacer knitted fabric includes a first surface layer fabric , a second surface layer fabric , and a spacer yarn layer connecting the first surface layer fabric with the second surface layer fabric , and both the first surface layer fabric and the second surface layer fabric are bi-dimensional structures having the negative Poisson's ratio effects.12. The three dimensional negative Poisson's ratio spacer knitted fabric of claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , each of the first surface layer fabric and second surface layer fabric has a plurality of adjoining V-shaped repeated units.13. The three dimensional negative Poisson's ratio spacer knitted fabric of claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , each of the first surface layer fabric and second surface layer fabric is any one of a re-entrant quadrangle mesh structure claim 11 , a re-entrant hexagon mesh structure claim 11 , a rotary triangle mesh structure claim 11 , a rotary square mesh structure claim 11 , a rotary rectangle mesh structure claim ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Method for Producing High-Brightness Light-Emitting Fabric Using Acrylic Optical Fibers, and High-Brightness Light-Emitting Fabric

Номер: US20150131954A1

The present invention relates to a light-emitting fabric, in which acrylic optical fibers and general fibers are woven together, and light is emitted to the surface of the fabric through the optical fibers floating on the surface of the union fabric. According to the present invention, part of the clad portion of the optical fibers is removed by melting so as to prevent the total reflection of the clad portion and to emit high-brightness patterns or characters having a higher brightness than those emitted by optical fibers having a conventional clad portion. Also, a semi-circular core portion is flattened so as to prevent the light from being refracted unnecessarily, and thus the high-brightness light-emitting fabric which can express complex patterns or characters at a higher resolution without emitting environmental pollutants can be provided. 1. A method for producing a high brightness light emitting fabric using acrylic optical fibers , comprising:a weaving process for producing a union fabric by weaving an acrylic optical fiber formed of a clad part and a core part, and a general fiber; anda heat treatment process for melting a partial cross section of the clad potion of the acrylic optical fibers prolonging from the surface of the union fabric by heat-treating the union fabric while pressurizing with a roller or a press of 100˜250° C. and flattening and exposing the core part.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the heat treatment process the diameter of the exposed core potion of the acrylic optical fibers is 20˜80% of the diameter of the whole acrylic optical fibers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the union fabric is a Uragiri jacquard woven fabric.4. A high brightness light emitting woven fabric using acrylic optical fibers claim 1 , comprising:a flat core part which is exposed, wherein a clad portion of an acrylic optical fibers prolonging from a surface potion of the woven fabric is removed. This is a US national phase of PCT patent Application No. ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Woven Preform, Composite, and Method of Making Thereof

Номер: US20150132487A1
Принадлежит: Albany Engineered Composites, Inc.

A three dimensional woven preform, a fiber reinforced composite incorporating the preform, and methods of making thereof are disclosed. The woven preform includes one or more layers of a warp steered fabric. A portion of the warp steered fabric is compressed into a mold to form an upstanding leg. The preform includes the upstanding leg and a joggle in a body portion. The body portion and upstanding leg are integrally woven so there is continuous fiber across the preform. A portion of the warp steered fabric includes stretch broken carbon fibers in the warp direction, and another portion includes conventional carbon fibers. The warp steered fabric can be woven on a loom equipped with a differential take-up mechanism. The warp steered fabric can be a single or multilayer fabric. The preform or the composite can be a portion of an aircraft window frame. 1. A method of forming a three dimensional woven preform , the method comprising the steps of:weaving a warp steered fabric; andlaying one or more layers of said warp steered fabric to form a predetermined shape.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of compressing a portion of said warp steered fabric into a mold so as to form an upstanding leg.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of forming a joggle in a body portion of said preform.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein said body portion and upstanding leg are integrally woven so there is continuous fiber across the preform.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said preform is a portion of a window frame.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said preform is a portion of an aircraft window frame.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a first portion of said warp steered fabric comprises stretch broken carbon fibers or discontinuous tows claim 1 , or any fiber type that can be stretch broken or cannot be stretch broken claim 1 , in the warp direction.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein a second portion of said warp steered fabric comprises ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150132524A1
Автор: Manninen Allan R.

A nonwoven industrial textile for conveying in an industrial process, seaming elements and methods of manufacture. The textile comprises at least first and second layers of film. Each layer comprises protrusions separated by land areas and each defining an aperture for a flow path through the layer. For at least one of the layers, the protrusions comprise a first set having first and second ends integral with contiguous land areas, and at least a second set of protrusions each comprising a first end integral with a contiguous land area and an opposing second end having a configuration selected from a detached free end; and a weakened end portion integral with but detachable from a contiguous land area in response to strain. The construction allows for relative movement of the layers during travel over machine components such as rolls, reducing internal strain and risk of delamination. 1. A nonwoven industrial textile for conveying in an industrial process , the industrial textile comprising at least a first layer and a second layer of film , each layer having an upper surface and a lower surface , wherein(i) each layer comprises a plurality of protrusions separated by land areas and each defining an aperture extending from the upper surface to the lower surface, and (a) a detached free end; and', '(b) a weakened end portion integral with but constructed and arranged to be detachable from a contiguous land area in response to strain., '(ii) for at least one of the first layer and the second layer, the plurality of protrusions comprises a first set of protrusions having first and second ends integral with contiguous land areas and at least a second set of protrusions each comprising a first end integral with a contiguous land area and an opposing second end having a configuration selected from'}2. A nonwoven industrial textile according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first layer and second layer comprises protrusions of the second set.3. A nonwoven industrial ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Hair removal brush

Номер: US20200121071A1
Автор: Xiaoping Shuai
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention discloses a hair removal brush, and includes a shaving box, the shaving box is provided with an absorption cavity, and the inner wall of the rear end of the absorption cavity is communicated with a discharge port; the other end of the discharge port is rotatably connected with a ball valve; a driving cavity in which a driven shaft is rotatably connected, the driven shaft is provided with a suction device located in the absorption cavity, and the driven shaft is provided with an upper pulley located in the driving cavity, a screw located at the lower end of the driven shaft is rotatably connected in the transmission cavity. The present invention adopts a cutting structure that is flat to the surface of the clothes, and only removes the protrusions on the surface of the clothes to ensure the efficiency of hair ball removal and also to Guarantee the protection of the clothes themselves.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Dye sublimation calender

Номер: US20200122485A1
Принадлежит: Kornit Digital Ltd

A fixation/transfer device for control of dye waste in a dye sublimation process. The device comprises a textile inlet, a textile outlet, a heat press or calender, an endless belt for driving the textile from the textile inlet to the textile outlet through the heat press, the heat press being held at a temperature sufficient to cause sublimation of the printing dye, and a cleaning station for cleaning the endless belt, the cleaning station being located downstream of the textile outlet and upstream of the textile outlet. The feed belt may be heated at the cleaning station so that sublimation may assist cleaning.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150140240A1

A calendering roller used to manufacture textured nonwoven fabric including papermaking fibers is disclosed. The calendering roller includes a positive pattern that includes a basic element having a ring shape and a repetition of said basic element along multiple rows and columns substantially overall a peripheral surface of the calendaring roller. The ring defines an apex relatively to a center portion of the ring defining a cavity and a grinded surrounding zone. The ring includes at least one radial channel putting in communication the cavity and the grinded surrounding zone so as to define a discontinuous calendering surface. The repetition is regular except for multiple substantially longitudinally and transversally oriented regions. The regions are of limited size with respect to a calendering roller size and randomly distributed so as to define multiple random longitudinal and transverse lines in the textured nonwoven fabric including papermaking fibers, generating a cloth-like visual texture. 1. A calendering roller used to manufacture textured nonwoven fabric comprising papermaking fibers , the calendering roller comprises a positive pattern comprising:a basic element having a ring shape, the ring defining an apex relatively to a center portion of the ring defining a cavity and a grinded surrounding zone, the ring comprising at least one radial channel putting in communication the cavity and the grinded surrounding zone so as to define a discontinuous calendering surface; anda repetition of said basic element along multiple rows and columns substantially overall a peripheral surface of the calendering roller, the repetition being regular except for multiple substantially longitudinally and transversally oriented regions, said regions being of limited size with respect to a calendering roller size and randomly distributed so as to define multiple random longitudinal and transverse lines in the textured nonwoven fabric comprising papermaking fibers, generating ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140217683A1
Автор: Martinetto Filiberto
Принадлежит: FILMAR S.R.L.

A method for producing a gasket framework () includes creating a strip () having a warp () and a weft () obtained using a yarn () made of semi-rigid synthetic material and susceptible of being folded. The method also includes compressing a multiple points (P) of the yarn () made of synthetic material. 1. Method for producing a gasket framework , comprising:a step of creating a strip comprising a warp and a weft obtained using a yarn made of semi-rigid synthetic material and susceptible of being folded;a step of localizing thickness reduction and facilitating folding of said yarn into a plurality of points of said yarn made of synthetic material; said plurality of points lying on a plurality of ideal parallel lines.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said step of localizing thickness reduction is a step; said compressing step comprises passing said strip between a pair of rollers respectively having a pair of projecting elements and a pair of recessed elements with respect to a lateral surface of said rollers.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of heating said strip.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said step of heating said strip performs an action of softening said yarn made of synthetic material.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said thickness reduction step is a cutting step; said cutting step comprising a localised cutting of said yarn into a plurality of cutting points.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said yarn comprises a first thickness and in said plurality of points said yarn has a second thickness less than said first thickness.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said strip is U-folded at said plurality of points.8. Gasket framework claim 1 , comprising: a strip claim 1 , the strip comprising a warp and a weft made using a yarn made of synthetic material; said yarn made of synthetic material comprises a plurality of compression or cutting points and said yarn is semi-rigid and ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Puncture resistant material

Номер: US20200131676A1
Принадлежит: Tex Tech Industries Inc

A method for making puncture resistant material is made by aggressively twisting high modulus continuous filament polypropylene yarns and weaving the twisted yarns into a tight weave. Batting materials are placed adjacent the woven layer (which may comprise one or more individual woven layers) to form a stack and the stack is needlepunched to form a consolidated material. The material is heat treated and calendared and the finished product may be used in applications where puncture resistance is required, such as in a shoe insole material.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Process of Manufacturing Resilient, Fibrous, Piled Woven Fabric

Номер: US20190136418A1
Автор: Jen-Huan Lu
Принадлежит: Grand Textile Co Ltd

A process of manufacturing a resilient, fibrous, piled woven fabric includes moving a resilient, fibrous woven fabric through a platform type carding machine including at least one first roller having a rough surface, at least one second roller having a surface formed of needles, and at least one third roller having a fine surface. One surface of the woven fabric passes and contacts the first roller so that fibers on one surface of the woven fabric are cut, one surface of the woven fabric passes and contacts the second roller so that the fibers on one surface of the woven fabric are broken to form a layer of uneven pile structure thereon, and one surface of the woven fabric passes and contacts the at least one third roller so that the layer of uneven pile structure is combed out and smoothed to finish a resilient, fibrous, piled woven fabric.

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136453A1

A fluff pulp is provided, which comprises softwood fibers; and 3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers. A fluff is also provided, which comprises the fiberized or shredded fluff pulp. A core is also provided, which comprises the fluff and at least an SAP. Processes for making and using the fluff pulp, fluff, and core are provided, and products made thereby. 1. A fluff pulp , comprising:softwood fibers; and8 to 23% by weight of hardwood fibers;wherein, the fluff pulp is in fiberized form.2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a moisture content of ≤15% by weight.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a basis weight of 500 to 1100 gsm.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , in the form of a bale or roll claim 1 , or in a bag.5. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , further comprising one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).6. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , in the form of an airlaid core.7. The fluff pulp of claim 6 , wherein the airlaid core further comprises one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).8. A core claim 6 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the fluff pulp of and one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).'}9. The core of claim 8 , wherein the SAP is selected from the group consisting of starch-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 8 , hydrolyzed starch-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 8 , acrylic acid (co)polymer claim 8 , acrylamide (co)polymer claim 8 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 8 , polyacrylate/polyactylamide copolymers claim 8 , polyacrytic acid (co)polymers claim 8 , sodium polyacrylate claim 8 , ethylene maleic anhydride copolymer claim 8 , cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose claim 8 , polyvinyl alcohol copolymer claim 8 , polyethylene oxide claim 8 , cross-linked polyethylene oxide claim 8 , starch grafted copolymer of polyacrylonitrile claim 8 , salt of one or more thereof claim 8 , and combination of two or more thereof.10. The core of claim 8 , wherein the SAP is present in an amount ranging from 1 to 85% by weight of the core.11. The core ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142414A1

A fluff pulp is provided, which comprises softwood fibers; and 3 to 35% by weight of hardwood fibers. A fluff is also provided, which comprises the fiberized or shredded fluff pulp. A core is also provided, which comprises the fluff and at least an SAP. Processes for making and using the fluff pulp, fluff, and core are provided, and products made thereby. 1. A fluff pulp , comprising:softwood fibers; and8 to 23% by weight of hardwood fibers,wherein, the fluff pulp is in fiberized form.2. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a moisture content of ≤15% by weight.3. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , which comprises a basis weight of 500 to 1100 gsm.4. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , in the form of a bale or roll claim 1 , or in a bag.5. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , further comprising one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).6. The fluff pulp of claim 1 , in the form of an airlaid core.7. The fluff pulp of claim 6 , wherein the airlaid core further comprises one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).8. A core claim 6 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the fluff pulp of and one or more superabsorbent polymer (SAP).'}9. The core of claim 8 , wherein the SAP is selected from the group consisting of starch-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 8 , hydrolyzed starch-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 8 , acrylic acid (co)polymer claim 8 , acrylamide (co)polymer claim 8 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 8 , polyacrylate/polyacrylamide copolymers claim 8 , polyacrylic acid (co)polymers claim 8 , sodium polyacrylate claim 8 , ethylene maleic anhydride copolymer claim 8 , cross-linked carboxymethylcellulose claim 8 , polyvinyl alcohol copolymer claim 8 , polyethylene oxide claim 8 , cross-linked polyethylene oxide claim 8 , starch grafted copolymer of polyacrylonitrile claim 8 , salt of one or more thereof claim 8 , and combination of two or more thereof.10. The core of claim 8 , wherein the SAP is present in an amount ranging from 1 to 85% by weight of the core.11. The core ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Multi-layer fabric, use thereof and method for producing composites

Номер: US20140227474A1
Автор: Johannes Cramer

This present invention relates to a multilayered fabric consisting of several twin layers, whereby each twin layers is constructed from two layers, namely one layer from structurally arranged reinforcement fibres Vo, Vm and Vu such as for example carbon fibres, and one layer from structurally arranged thermoplastic matrix fibres M1 and M2, such as for example PEEK fibres. Several twin layers are connected with binder fibre B. Additionally the invention comprises use of the multilayer fabric as a semi-finished product and for manufacture of composites plus a process for manufacture of composites using a special multilayered fabric with an “Advanced Synchron Weave” zero crimp fabric structure (FIG. 1 ).

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180145335A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

An object of the present invention is to provide a gas diffusion electrode substrate that can facilitate both the supply of a reaction gas to a gas diffusion electrode and discharge of water as a reaction product. The present invention provides a gas diffusion electrode substrate including a carbon fiber nonwoven fabric having 30/cmto 5000/cmdiscontinuous protrusions dispersedly formed on at least one surface thereof, and a water repellent imparted to the carbon fiber nonwoven fabric. 1. A gas diffusion electrode substrate , comprising a carbon fiber nonwoven fabric having 30/cmto 5000/cmdiscontinuous protrusions dispersedly formed on at least one surface thereof , and a water repellent imparted to the carbon fiber nonwoven fabric.2. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous protrusions have a height of 5 to 250 μm.3. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous protrusions are dispersedly formed in isotropic and equally spaced dots.4. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of discontinuous protrusions have an arrangement pitch of 1 mm or less.5. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous protrusions each have a diameter of a minimum circumscribed circle of 1 cm or less.6. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous protrusions present in a unit area have a top surface perimeter of 0.1 to 20 km/m.7. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , having claim 1 , in plan view claim 1 , no broken carbon fibers observed on wall surfaces of the discontinuous protrusions.8. The gas diffusion electrode substrate according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of carbon fibers that constitute wall surfaces of the discontinuous protrusions are oriented in a height direction of the discontinuous protrusions.9. The gas diffusion electrode substrate ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus For Use In Laundering Garments Having Cups And Methods Therefor

Номер: US20140230158A1
Автор: Allende Sandra

An apparatus for use in laundering a garment having cups comprising a flexible panel, a pair of cup supports attached to the flexible panel, and a pair of retainer rings attached to the cup supports to hold each cup of the garment against a corresponding cup support. Each cup support comprises a convex member. Each cup support may include a plurality of apertures formed through the convex member. Each cup may further include a plurality of protrusions to space the cups of the garment away from the convex member. The apparatus includes a water permeable bag extending around the flexible panel. In this case, the flexible panel may be attached to the water permeable bag. 1. An apparatus for use in laundering a garment having cups , the apparatus comprising:a flexible panel;a pair of cup supports each attached to the flexible panel; anda pair of retainer rings, each attached to a corresponding cup support and operative to hold each cup of the garment against the corresponding cup support.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each cup support comprises a convex member.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein each cup support includes a plurality of apertures formed through the convex member.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein each convex member includes a plurality of protrusions operative to space the cups of the garment away from the convex member.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein each cup support includes a plurality of apertures formed through the convex member.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a water permeable bag extending around the flexible panel.7. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the flexible panel is attached to the water permeable bag.8. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a gudgeon attached to each cup support and wherein each retainer ring is rotatably disposed in a corresponding gudgeon.9. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140234575A1

A layered nonwoven fabric with excellent feel on the skin and liquid permeability, and a method for producing the layered nonwoven fabric. The layered nonwoven fabric includes an upper layer consisting of a first nonwoven fabric and a lower layer consisting of a second nonwoven fabric. The layered nonwoven fabric has a first surface on the first nonwoven fabric side with a plurality of protrusions and recesses and a second surface on the second nonwoven fabric side. The protrusions on the first surface have a higher basis weight than the recesses on the first surface, and the protrusions on the first surface have a lower fiber density than the recesses on the first surface. 1. A layered nonwoven fabric comprising an upper layer consisting of a first nonwoven fabric and a lower layer consisting of a second nonwoven fabric ,wherein the first nonwoven fabric and second nonwoven fabric are each composed of extendable fibers, and some of the extendable fibers of the first nonwoven fabric are tangled with some of the extendable fibers of the second nonwoven fabric,the layered nonwoven fabric has a first surface on the first nonwoven fabric side with a plurality of protrusions and recesses and a second surface on the second nonwoven fabric side,the protrusions on the first surface have a higher basis weight than the recesses on the first surface, and the protrusions on the first surface have a lower fiber density than the recesses on the first surface.2. The layered nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the first nonwoven fabric has a maximum tensile strength that is equal to or weaker than the second nonwoven fabric.3. The layered nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions on the first surface have spaces formed between the upper layer and lower layer.4. The layered nonwoven fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the first nonwoven fabric is derived from an air-through nonwoven fabric claim 1 , and the second nonwoven fabric is ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159308A1

A glazing method for improving abrasion resistance using a heated smooth roll to melt the lower-melting-point portion of bicomponent fibers as the spunbond web passes over the heated smooth roll. Because there is no external pressure exerted in a nip by an opposing second roller, as in calendering, the outer surface of the web which does not contact the heated smooth roll remains essentially unchanged and the nonwoven fabric exhibits no compression as a result of the glazing process. The roll temperature and dwell time (roll diameter, wrap angle and line speed) are controlled for the purpose of surface treating only one side of the nonwoven fabric to improve abrasion resistance while allowing the air permeability and web thickness to remain essentially unchanged. 1. A method of fabricating nonwoven fabric having enhanced abrasion resistance of a surface of the nonwoven fabric , comprisingproviding a nonwoven fabric comprising thermoplastic bicomponent sheath/core filaments with a polyethylene sheath and a polyethylene terephthalate core and having a thickness to basis weight ratio of at least 5 μm/gsm,applying heat and pressure on one surface of a portion of a nonwoven fabric so that at least one side of said nonwoven fabric comprises thermoplastic filaments which are at least partially flattened, said one side having an average weight loss not greater than 0.62% calculated based on weight loss measured by a Taber shaving weight loss test method as indicated in the description while not applying any heat or pressure on the other surface of said portion of the nonwoven fabric.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat and pressure are applied by a circumferential surface of a heated smooth roll claim 1 , said portion of the nonwoven fabric being wrapped around and in contact with a portion of said circumferential surface which subtends a wrap angle.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the wrap angle is in a range of 25 to 85 degrees inclusive.4. ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155868A1

A pile fabric includes ground yarns constituting a ground structure; pile fibers that are tangled with the ground yarns, the pile fibers including portions standing on a front surface side of the ground structure; and an organically-modified silicone-based softener adhered to the pile fibers located on a back surface side of the pile fabric. The pile fibers include at least one selected from the group consisting of acrylic fibers and modacrylic fibers, and have a softening point lower than a softening point of the ground yarns. The portions standing on the front surface side of the ground structure are not fused to each other, and on a back surface side of the ground structure, at least part of the pile fibers located outside of the ground yarns are fused to each other. 1. A pile fabric , comprising:ground yarns constituting a ground structure;pile fibers that are tangled with the ground yarns, the pile fibers comprising portions standing on a front surface side of the ground structure; andan organically-modified silicone-based softener adhered to the pile fibers located on a back surface side of the pile fabric,wherein the pile fibers comprise at least one selected from the group consisting of acrylic fibers and modacrylic fibers, and have a softening point lower than a softening point of the ground yarns,wherein the portions standing on the front surface side of the ground structure are not fused to each other, and on a back surface side of the ground structure, at least part of the pile fibers located outside of the ground yarns are fused to each other,wherein an amount of the organically-modified silicone-based softener is 0.4 parts by weight or more with respect to 100 parts by weight of the pile fibers located on the back surface side of the pile fabric, andwherein the organically-modified silicone-based softener is at least one selected from the group consisting of amino-modified silicone-based softeners, epoxy-modified silicone-based softeners, and carboxyl- ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Fabric and method of manufacturing fabric

Номер: US20170159233A1
Принадлежит: Trident Ltd

The present invention relates to textile fabrics and methods of manufacturing textile fabrics. Particularly, the invention comprises a method of producing a fabric, comprising the steps of (i) blending chemo mechanically felting fibers with non-felting fibers into a blended feed material, (ii) spinning the blended feed material into a blended yarn, (iii) producing a fabric comprising the blended yarn, (iv) subjecting the fabric to a first fabric treatment comprising a mechanical felting treatment; and (v) subjecting the fabric to a second fabric treatment comprising a chemical treatment of the fabric with an alkali, wherein the ratio of weight of the alkali to dry fabric weight is between 0.02 and 0.05, thereby obtaining increased air space in the resultant fabric.

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162114A1

A method for reducing the resistivity of a carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet includes providing a carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes and applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet to reduce air voids between carbon nanotubes within the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet. 1. A method for reducing the resistivity of a carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet , the method comprising:providing a carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes; andapplying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet to reduce air voids between carbon nanotubes within the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:heating the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the steps of applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet and heating the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet occur simultaneously.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet is performed using a machine press.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:layering a foil on a side of the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet prior to applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the foil comprises aluminum and polytetrafluoroethylene.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet is performed using a set of nip rollers.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet is performed using an autoclave.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet comprises a plurality of carbon nanotubes held together by Van der Waals forces claim 1 , and wherein applying pressure to the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet reduces spacing between at least some adjacent carbon nanotubes.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotube nonwoven sheet contains no adhesives or resins.11. The ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157736A1
Автор: SHINOZAKI Michio
Принадлежит: SEIREN CO., LTD.

Provided is synthetic leather with wrinkling and springiness similar to those of natural leather. The synthetic leather has a grain pattern and is obtained by laminating a polyurethane resin layer on a fibrous substrate. A stiffness of the front surface of the synthetic leather is 65 to 95 mm and a stiffness of a rear surface of the synthetic leather is 55 to 85 mm. 1. Synthetic leather comprising:a fibrous substrate; anda polyurethane resin layer that is formed on the fibrous substrate,the synthetic leather having a grain pattern on a front surface,wherein a stiffness of the front surface of the synthetic leather is 65 to 95 mm and a stiffness of a rear surface of the synthetic leather is 55 to 85 mm.2. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 ,wherein a height of grain in the grain pattern is equal to or greater than 50 μm.3. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 ,wherein a width of grain in the grain pattern is equal to or greater than 580 μm.4. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 , which shows a rate of change in grain height in the grain pattern of 100 to 550% when the synthetic leather is bent.5. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 ,wherein the fibrous substrate is a circular knitted fabric with a circular interlock knitted structure with one surface or both surfaces formed as a raised surface, and the polyurethane resin layer is laminated on the raised surface.6. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 ,wherein one surface of the fibrous substrate is formed using a yarn with a smaller single-fiber fineness than that of the other surface, and the polyurethane resin layer is laminated on the one surface.7. The synthetic leather according to claim 1 ,wherein the polyurethane resin layer comprises a first resin layer that serves as a colored layer and a second resin layer that serves as an adhesive layer, the first resin layer is a non-foamed layer, the second resin layer is a foamed layer, and the first resin layer is laminated on the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140259456A1
Принадлежит: WestPoint Home LLC

Woven, unfinished textiles or yarns may be made softer and more brightly-colored by a method which comprises treating a yarn to weave fabric by sizing the yarn to weave fabric; desizing the sized fabric; bleaching the desized fabric; reducing the number of electrolytes on the bleached fabric; pre-softening the fabric having fewer electrolytes; fabric printing the pre-softened fabric; and finishing the fabric printed fabric. A fabric printed textile comprising a self cross-linked low glass transition temperature acrylic binder film on fibers of a fabric printed textile, where the fibers are impregnated with a polysiloxane polymer. 1. A method for textile processing , comprising:a) sizing a yarn to weave fabric;b) desizing the sized fabric;c) bleaching the desized fabric;d) reducing the number of electrolytes on the bleached fabric;e) pre-softening the fabric having fewer electrolytes;f) fabric printing the pre-softened fabric; andg) finishing the fabric printed fabric.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein sizing comprises recoverable sizing materials.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the recoverable sizing materials are selected from the group consisting of: a polyvinyl alcohol claim 2 , a polyvinyl acetate claim 2 , a sodium carboxymethyl cellulose claim 2 , an acrylic claim 2 , a partially hydrolyzed poly vinyl alcohol claim 2 , an acrylic-vinyl acetate co-polymer claim 2 , a castor oil-based softener claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the sized fabric is desized until the fabric is completely desized of sizing materials.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein desizing the fabric comprises soaking the fabric in ultra filtration-recovered water at a temperature ranging from about 208° F. to about 215° F.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the bleaching step comprises bleaching with a bleaching solution comprising an oxidizing bleaching agent claim 5 , a caustic soda claim 5 , a bleaching stabilizer claim 5 , and a wetting agent claim 5 , ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

End-Fray Resistant Heat-Shrinkable Woven Sleeve, Assembly Therewith and Methods of Construction Thereof

Номер: US20140272218A1
Принадлежит: Federal-Mogul Powertrain, Inc.

A woven sleeve, sleeve assembly and methods of construction thereof are provided. The sleeve has a flexible, abrasion resistant, circumferentially closed and continuous elongate wall extending lengthwise along a central axis between opposite ends. The wall is woven with warp yarns extending generally parallel to the central axis and at least one heat-shrinkable weft yarn extending generally transversely to the warp yarns. The warp yarns provide the sleeve with coverage, abrasion resistance and flexibility and the weft yarn provides the ability to shrink the wall about an elongate member being protected within a cavity of the sleeve, as well as providing enhanced crush strength and abrasion resistance. At least one of the warp yarns and/or weft yarn includes at least one low melt, heat-fusible yarn served therewith to enhance resistance to end-fray during a cutting operation. 1. A heat-shrinkable textile sleeve for routing and protecting elongate members , comprising:a circumferentially closed, tubular elongate wall extending lengthwise along a central axis between opposite ends, said wall being woven with warp yarns extending generally parallel to said central axis and at least one heat-shrinkable weft yarn extending generally transversely to said warp yarns, at least one of said warp yarns and said weft yarn including at least one low melt, heat-fusible yarn served helically therewith.2. The heat-shrinkable textile sleeve of wherein said at least one low melt claim 1 , heat-fusible yarn is provided having a smaller diameter relative to the respective yarn with which it is served.3. The heat-shrinkable textile sleeve of wherein said weft yarn is provided as a monofilament of heat-shrinkable material with said at least one low melt claim 1 , heat-fusible yarn served therewith.4. The heat-shrinkable textile sleeve of wherein said weft yarn has a pair of said low melt claim 3 , heat-fusible yarns served therewith in opposite helical directions.5. The heat-shrinkable ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272271A1

Woven fabrics are formed from high tenacity fibers or tapes that are loosely interwoven with adhesive coated filaments, to composite articles formed therefrom, and to a continuous process for forming the composite articles. 1. A woven fabric comprising high tenacity elongate bodies interwoven and bonded with transversely disposed binding elongate bodies , said high tenacity elongate bodies comprising a thermoplastic polymer , having a tenacity of at least about 14 g/denier and having a tensile modulus of at least about 300 g/denier , wherein adjacent high tenacity elongate bodies are spaced apart from each other by a distance equivalent to at least about 10% of the width of the high tenacity elongate bodies; and wherein said binding elongate bodies at least partially comprise a thermoplastic polymer having a melting temperature below a melting temperature of the high tenacity elongate bodies.2. The woven fabric of wherein said high tenacity elongate bodies are longitudinally extending warp bodies and said binding elongate bodies are laterally extending weft bodies.3. The woven fabric of wherein said high tenacity elongate bodies are laterally extending weft bodies and said binding elongate bodies are longitudinally extending warp bodies.4. The woven fabric of wherein said binding elongate bodies comprise bi-component elongate bodies comprising a first component and a second component claim 1 , wherein the first component comprises a thermoplastic polymer having a melting temperature below a melting temperature of the high tenacity elongate bodies claim 1 , and wherein the first component has a melting temperature that is below a melting temperature of second component.5. The woven fabric of wherein said binding elongate bodies comprise single component binder element claim 1 , said single component binder element comprising a thermoplastic polymer having a melting temperature that is below a melting temperature of the high tenacity elongate bodies.6. The woven ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190186061A1

The present invention relates to a method of preparing non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet, which has an improved fixability of BCF yarn inserted on a base cloth in a tufting process by crimp processing a web with a stretched polyester filament and needle punching the web. The residual stress of the stretched polyester filament is eliminated and the formability of the non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet is improved, and the fixability of the BCF yarn in the carpet can be improved by interlacing of polyester filament. 1. A method of preparing non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet comprising:preparing stretched polyester filament fiber having circular cross section;forming a web by integrating the filament fiber in a web form, crimp processing and calendering it; andneedle punching the web.2. The method of preparing non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet of claim 1 , wherein the crimping processing is performed such that the stretched filament fiber is piled up on a conveyor net for forming the web and at same time claim 1 , the stretched filament is treated at 100 to 150° C. for 30 to 60 seconds to form number of crimps of 20 to 40 per inch.3. The method of preparing non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet of claim 1 , wherein the needle punching is performed in a first step and a second step and in a condition of 300 to 400 stroke rpm in the first step and 600 to 800 stroke rpm in the second step.4. A non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet prepared by the method of claim 1 , which comprises a polyester filament fiber having a monofilament fineness of 4 to 7 denier claim 1 , and has a pullout strength of 2.0 to 3.0 gf (strength to pull loop after loop type tufting) in the non-woven fabric.5. A non-woven fabric for base cloth of carpet prepared by the method of claim 2 , which comprises a polyester filament fiber having a monofilament fineness of 4 to 7 denier claim 2 , and has a pullout strength of 2.0 to 3.0 gf (strength to pull loop after ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203997A1

A fabric is subjected to calender processing on one or both surfaces and includes a polyamide fiber as warp or/and woof having, after calender processing, a single filament fineness of 0.5 to 2.5 dtex and a total fiber fineness of 5 to 50 dtex, the single filament having a cross-sectional shape that is flat multifoliar with 6 to 10 lobe parts and has a flat ratio (W) (α/β) of 1.5 to 3.0, the fabric having a cover factor of 1200 to 2500. 17-. (canceled)8. A fabric subjected to calender processing on one or both surfaces , comprising a polyamide fiber used as warp or/and woof having , after calender processing of the fabric , a single filament fineness of 0.5 to 2.5 dtex and a total fiber fineness of 5 to 50 dtex , the single filament having a cross-sectional shape that is flat multifoliar with 6 to 10 lobe parts and has a flat ratio (W) (α/β) of 1.5 to 3.0 , wherein a is a length of a line segment A , which is a longest line segment connecting any two apexes of convex portions of the flat multifoliar shape , and β is a length of a line segment B of a circumscribed quadrangle formed by lines parallel to the line segment A and are tangent lines containing outermost apexes (the angle between adjacent sides is 90°) , the line segment B being other than the lines parallel to the line segment A , the fabric having a cover factor of 1200 to 2500.9. The fabric according to claim 8 , wherein the polyamide fiber has claim 8 , before calender processing of the fabric claim 8 , a single filament fineness of 0.4 to 2.2 dtex and a total fiber fineness of 4 to 44 dtex claim 8 , the single filament having a cross-sectional shape that is flat multifoliar with 6 to 10 leaves and satisfies both equations:{'br': None, 'i': F', 'a/b', 'to, 'Flat ratio ()()=1.5 3.0'}{'br': None, 'i': F', 'c/d', 'to, 'Modified shape ratio ()()=1.0 8.0'}wherein a is a length of a longest line segment A connecting any two apexes of convex portions of the flat multifoliar shape; b is a length of a line ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Deconstructed carpet and method of manufacture

Номер: US20140287186A1
Принадлежит: Shaw Industries Group Inc

A deconstructed tufted carpet having an at least partially visible primary backing. In aspects, deconstructed carpet can utilize the primary backing layer as a design element of the overall pattern and styling in order to reduce material use, waste and the ounce weight of the finished carpet and to improve the method of carpet construction. In order to expose the primary backing, at least some yarn can be pulled very low in the pattern areas to expose the primary backing layer. It is contemplated that the primary backing layer can have a color that comprises part of the overall pattern and styling of the carpet.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190193424A1

A pretreatment device includes a pretreatment portion, a reception portion, a processor and a memory. The pretreatment portion performs a pretreatment on a recording medium. The reception portion receives recording medium information that the recording medium has. The memory stores computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, perform processes including: setting, for the pretreatment portion, pretreatment information relating to the pretreatment, on the basis of the recording medium information received by the reception portion; and causing the pretreatment portion to perform the pretreatment on the basis of the set pretreatment information. 1. A pretreatment device comprising:a pretreatment portion configured to perform a pretreatment on a recording medium;a reception portion configured to receive recording medium information that the recording medium has;a processor; and setting, for the pretreatment portion, pretreatment information relating to the pretreatment, on the basis of the recording medium information received by the reception portion; and', 'causing the pretreatment portion to perform the pretreatment on the basis of the set pretreatment information., 'a memory storing computer-readable instructions that, when executed by the processor, perform processes including2. The pretreatment device according to claim 1 , whereinthe setting of the pretreatment information for the pretreatment portion includes setting a pretreatment range on the basis of the recording medium information.3. The pretreatment device according to claim 2 , whereinthe setting of the pretreatment information for the pretreatment portion includes setting the pretreatment range on the basis of print data corresponding to the recording medium information.4. The pretreatment device according to claim 3 , whereinthe setting of the pretreatment information for the pretreatment portion includes setting the pretreatment range on the basis of arrangement information of an ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210229012A1

A relofted, spunbonded nonwoven web exhibiting a solidity of from less than 8.0%, to at least 3.0%, and exhibiting a Quality Factor of at least 0.30. Methods of making a relofted web; and, methods of using a relofted web as an air-filtration web, e.g. as a filter media or a layer thereof. 1. An air-filter media comprising a relofted , spunbonded nonwoven web exhibiting a solidity of from less than 8.0% , to at least 3.0% , and exhibiting a Quality Factor of at least 0.30.2. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises a solidity of from less than 7.0% to at least 4.0%.3. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises at least some meltspun fibers that are charged.4. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises at least some meltspun fibers that are hydrocharged.5. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises at least some meltspun claim 1 , charged fibers that are monocomponent fibers.6. The air-filter media of wherein the air-filtration web comprises a Quality Factor of at least about 0.70.7. The air-filter media of wherein the web comprises a Quality Factor of at least about 1.0.8. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises fiber-fiber bonds and also comprises broken fiber-fiber bonds.9. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web comprises multi-fiber area-bonds that are present at an area ratio of no more than 2.5%.10. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web is a pleated relofted web.11. The air-filter media of further comprising a perimeter support frame mounted on each of four major edges of the air-filter media.12. The air-filter media of wherein the relofted web is a mechanically worked web.13. The air-filter media of wherein the mechanically worked web comprises a one-dimensional claim 12 , continuous working pattern.14. The air-filter media of wherein the mechanically worked web comprises a two-dimensional claim 12 , discrete working pattern.15. A method of filtering a ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Sheet-shaped object and process for producing same

Номер: US20160215445A1

A sheet-shaped object which is thin and, despite this, has a surface that is dense and is soft to the touch and which has practicable strength and a process for producing the sheet-shaped object are disclosed. This sheet-shaped object comprises ultrafine fibers having an average single-fiber diameter of 0.1-7 μm and a polymeric elastomer comprising a polyurethane as a major component, wherein when a layer extending from one surface to a depth of 50% of the thickness is referred to as layer (A) and a layer extending from the other surface to a depth of 50% of the thickness is referred to as layer (B), then the ratio of the density of fibers (A′) in the layer (A) to the density of fibers (B′) in the layer (B) satisfies the following expression (a) and the ratio of the density of the polymeric elastomer comprising a polyurethane as a major component (A″) in the layer (A) to the density thereof (B″) in the layer (B) satisfies the following expression (b). The sheet-shaped object as a whole has a density of 0.2-0.6 g/cm 3 . 1>(A′)/(B′)≧0.5 (a) 1>(A″)/(B″)≧0.6 (b).

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Napped leather-like sheet and method for producing the same

Номер: US20170211227A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

A napped leather-like sheet is used that includes a fiber base material including a non-woven fabric of ultrafine fibers and an elastic polymer, wherein the napped leather-like sheet has a surface including a napped region including the ultrafine fibers that have been napped, and a plurality of unnapped regions including the ultrafine fibers that have been thermally welded and laid down, the unnapped regions being surrounded by the napped region and present discontinuously, a total area of the unnapped regions accounts for 5 to 30% of an area of the surface, and Y/X is 0.7 to 1.5, where X represents an average nap length of the napped ultrafine fibers and Y represents an overall average length of averages of widths, orthogonal to a longitudinal direction, of the unnapped regions.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Fiber Composite Material and Method for Production Thereof

Номер: US20140304957A1
Автор: Knappe Faisal

A fiber composite material includes fibers and a resin connecting the fibers. The composite material has a high strength while reducing resin consumption and has great flexibility with respect to subsequent deformation. To achieve this, threads are used that include a plurality of individual filaments and a resin which can be crosslinked under an impact of at least one physical variable and/or one chemical substance. The resin is provided in non-crosslinked condition, but is essentially solvent-free, and holds the individual filaments in the threads together, wherein the individual filaments are arranged unidirectional to each other, and the threads form a composite by bonding together at contact surfaces of their respective external enveloping surfaces through resin bridges. The invention further relates to a fiber composite material including resin in a crosslinked state as well as a method for producing the fiber composite material. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method for producing a fiber composite material including fibers and a resin connecting the fibers , comprising the steps:forming threads which respectively include a plurality of individual fibers that are held together through a resin that is crosslinkable under an impact of at least one physical variable or chemical substance, wherein the individual fibers of a thread are arranged unidirectionally and parallel to a longitudinal axis of the thread without a twist of the individual fibers relative to one another, and wherein the individual fibers of the thread are movable relative to one another;weaving or knitting a fiber composite material from the threads so that contacting threads are connected with one another at contact surfaces of their outer enveloping surfaces through bridges of the resin provided in non-crosslinked condition, wherein the resin forming the bridges previously formed a portion of the threads;compressing the fiber composite material so that the threads are pressed into one another at ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160222558A1

A nonwoven web made of plastic fibers and having a web thickness less than 2 mm (preferably less than 1.5 mm) and a grammage less than 30 g/m(preferably less than 25 g/m) and conveyed this web in a travel direction so that it physically contacts a guide or treatment roller. A stabilization plate extending in and transversely to the travel direction of the nonwoven web is provided upstream or downstream of the roller in the travel direction, and the nonwoven web is guided in the travel direction past the stabilization plate such that a spacing between a face of the stabilization plate turned toward the nonwoven web and the nonwoven web face is 0 to 20 mm (preferably 0.1 to 10 mm, and very preferably 0.2 to 5 mm). 1. A method of guiding a nonwoven web made of plastic fibers , the method comprising the step of:{'sup': '2', 'providing a nonwoven web having a web thickness less than 2 mm and a grammage less than 30 g/m;'}conveying the web in a travel direction;physically contacting the conveyed nonwoven web with a guide or treatment roller;providing a stabilization plate extending in and transversely to the travel direction of the nonwoven web upstream or downstream of the roller in the travel direction; andguiding the nonwoven web in the travel direction past the stabilization plate such that a spacing between a face of the stabilization plate turned toward the nonwoven web and the nonwoven web face is 0 to 20 mm.2. The method defined in claim 1 , wherein the fibers are plastic filaments.3. The method defined in claim 2 , wherein the filaments are continuous.4. The method defined in claim 1 , wherein the conveyed nonwoven web is a spunbond or melt-blown web.5. The method defined in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:providing an upstream conveyor section upstream of the roller;providing a second stabilization plate at and spaced from the upstream conveyor section;guiding the web upstream of the roller between the upstream conveyor section and the second ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180216264A1

A method of making a sheared wool, deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece, that includes forming a yarn made from wool fibers and simultaneously knitting the yarn and a scrim together, where the yarn is attached to and extends from the scrim to form a length of wool pile fabric having natural wool fibers on one side and the scrim on an opposing side. The method includes finishing the wool pile fabric as natural sheepskin by polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the length of pile fabric over plural heated polishing rolls, where at least two of the plural heated polishing rolls rotate in opposite directions, and cutting the wool fibers to a designated length. 1. A method of making a sheared wool , deep pile fabric that closely resembles natural sheepskin fleece , comprising ,forming a yarn made from wool fibers;simultaneously knitting the yarn and a scrim together, wherein the yarn is attached to and extends from the scrim to form a length of wool pile fabric having natural wool fibers on one side and the scrim on an opposing side, and polishing the wool fiber side of the pile fabric by guiding the length of pile fabric over plural heated polishing rolls, wherein at least two of the plural heated polishing rolls rotate in opposite directions, and', 'cutting the wool fibers to a designated length., 'finishing the wool pile fabric as natural sheepskin, including,'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plural heated polishing rolls comprises a plurality of blades claim 1 , each blade having a multiplicity of teeth for raking the wool fiber side of the fabric.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the polishing rolls comprises a plurality of blades claim 1 , each blade having a multiplicity of teeth for raking the wool fiber side of the fabric.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polishing step is performed with a first set of plural heated polishing rolls and the further polishing step is performed ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208309A1

A pile knit fabric for internal materials of vehicles may include a knit layer prepared by weaving ground yarns, on one surface thereof, and a pile layer prepared by interweaving pile yarns with ground yarn loops of the knit layer, on the other surface thereof and, thus, has excellent physical coupling force between the ground yarns and the pile yarns and has excellent abrasion resistance, scratch resistance and formability as well as soft tactility. 1. A pile knit fabric for internal materials of vehicle , the pile knit fabric comprising:a knit layer formed of a plurality of ground yarns woven lengthwise and widthwise into loop shapes; anda pile layer formed of a plurality of pile yarns interwoven with ground yarn loops of the knit layer,wherein the knit layer is prepared by weaving the plurality of ground yarns to form a double-sided loop structure or a single-sided loop structure; andwherein the pile layer is fixed to a surface of the knit layer and prepared by interlacing the plurality of pile yarns with the ground yarn loops of the knit layer.2. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ground yarns or the plurality of pile yarns are formed of one or more selected from the group consisting of polyamide claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , wool and combination thereof.3. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein a number of the ground yarn loops of the knit layer is 250-950 per meter in a horizontal direction thereof.4. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ground yarns has fineness of 50-200 denier.5. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the knit layer has a thickness of 0.1-2 mm and a weight per area of 40-200 g/m.6. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein one strand of the plurality of pile yarns includes 10-140 strands of filaments claim 1 , and the filaments have fineness of 3-25 denier.7. The pile knit fabric of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pile yarns has a length of ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Insulating Fabric and Method for Making the Same

Номер: US20180223459A1
Автор: Sinykin Daniel L.

A sliver-knit insulating fabric is disclosed that has pile extending from both sides of a knitted base material with the insulating fabric having a weight per unit area of less than 200 g/m2. The pile is formed from a plurality of tufts of fibers secured within the knitted base material. The tufts of fibers define a plurality of end portions extending from the knitted base material with a first portion of the end portions extending from a first side of the knitted base material to form a first pile portion and a second portion of the end portions extending from a second side of the knitted base material to form a second pile portion. A method of forming the sliver-knit insulating fabric is also disclosed. 1. A sliver-knit insulating fabric comprising:a knitted base material;a plurality of tufts of fibers secured within the knitted base material, the tufts of fibers defining a plurality of end portions extending from the knitted base material, a first portion of the end portions extending from a first side of the knitted base material to form a first pile portion and a second portion of the end portions extending from a second side of the knitted base material to form a second pile portion; and{'sup': '2', 'the knitted base material and plurality of tufts of fibers having a combined weight per unit area of less than 200 g/m.'}2. The sliver-knit insulating fabric of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the weight of the first portion of the end portions to the weight of the second portion of the end portions is between 1:1 and 2.5:1.3. The sliver-knit insulating fabric of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the weight of the first portion of the end portions to the weight of the second portion of the end portions is between 1.75:1 and 2.25:1.4. The sliver-knit insulating fabric of claim 1 , wherein the knitted base material is a low melt yarn.5. The sliver-knit insulating fabric of claim 1 , wherein the tufts of fibers are formed from a low denier fiber.6. The sliver-knit insulating ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254249A1

A method for treating a textile material web for reducing a gas-permeability of the textile material web. The method includes providing the textile material web with a first side having a planar configuration and a second side having a planar configuration, the first side being opposite to the second side, transporting the textile material web in an advancing direction, and reducing the gas permeability of the textile material web. The gas permeability of the textile material web is reduced by applying water to the first side and/or the second side of the textile material web, guiding the textile web material through a first treatment gap which is formed by a first treatment roller and a first counter tool, and in the first treatment gap, pressure treating the textile material web and thermally treating the first side and/or the second side of the textile material web. 115-. (canceled)16: A method for treating a textile material web for reducing a gas-permeability of the textile material web , the method comprising:providing the textile material web comprising a first side having a planar configuration and a second side having a planar configuration, the first side being opposite to the second side;transporting the textile material web in an advancing direction; and applying water to at least one of the first side and the second side of the textile material web,', 'guiding the textile web material through a first treatment gap which is formed by a first treatment roller and a first counter tool, and', 'in the first treatment gap, pressure treating the textile material web and thermally treating at least one of the first side and the second side of the textile material web., 'reducing the gas permeability of the textile material web in a first step which comprises,'}17: The method as recited in further comprising:drying the textile material web after pressure treating and thermally treating the textile material web in the first treatment gap.18: The method as recited ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150239419A1

The present invention relates to a coated fabric for an airbag. Particularly, the present invention provides a coated fabric for an airbag on a surface of which a coating layer including liquid silicone rubber having elongation of 1000% or more, as measured according to Korean Industrial Standards (KS) M 6518, is included, and a method of manufacturing the same. According to the present invention, the elongation of liquid silicone rubber is excellent so that damage to the fabric for an airbag is minimized under a severe condition of high temperature and high pressure is minimized, and thus the airbag may have excellent inflation and deployment performance, and simultaneously provides excellent storage, dimensional stability, and airtightness effect, thereby safely protect passengers even upon vehicle collision and rollover. 1. A coated fabric for an airbag , comprising a coating layer including liquid silicone rubber having elongation of 1000% or more , as measured according to Korean Industrial Standards (KS) M 6518 , formed on a surface of the fabric.2. The coated fabric according to claim 1 , including one or more fibers selected from the group consisting of nylon-based claim 1 , polyester-based claim 1 , polyolefin-based claim 1 , and aramid-based fibers.3. The coated fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid silicone rubber has viscosity of 150 claim 1 ,000 to 290 claim 1 ,000 cP claim 1 , as measured according to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 427.4. The coated fabric according to claim 1 , wherein a coated amount of the liquid silicone rubber per unit area of the fabric is 15 to 150 g/m.5. The coated fabric according to claim 1 , having tear strength of 350 N or more claim 1 , as measured according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 13934-2.6. The coated fabric according to claim 1 , having a scrub resistance number of 2000 strokes or more claim 1 , measured according to International Organization for ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Weft-inserted warp knit fabric

Номер: US20160237602A1
Принадлежит: Highland Industries Inc

A single-ply warp knitted fabric webbing with at least one sealed selvage edge is provided. The fabric is knit with a sheathed, bi-component warp (longitudinally extending) yarn positioned at an edge of the fabric and includes a sheath formed from a low melting point polyester and a core formed of a higher melting point polyester. A fabric is formed that has superior edge stabilization at lower amperage and air pressure manufacturing values than those exhibited by yarns coated with EVA, PVC, and TPO while simultaneously possessing abrasion and cut resistance which meet or exceed current regulatory requirements.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237609A1
Автор: Mitsuno Satoshi, Okuda Jun

An absorbent article manufacturing apparatus includes: 1. An absorbent article manufacturing apparatus comprising:a first conveying route that is arranged in a straight line along a first direction in plan view;a plurality of processing devices that process an intermediate product of an absorbent article that is conveyed along the first conveying route;a heating unit that restores bulk of a non-woven fabric through heating the non-woven fabric by blowing hot air onto the non-woven fabric while conveying the non-woven fabric along a direction in which the non-woven fabric is continuous, the non-woven fabric being a strip shape and serving as a part of the absorbent article; anda second conveying route that conveys the non-woven fabric in a second direction that intersects the first direction in plan view, the non-woven fabric having been restored of the bulk through heating with the heating unit, the non-woven fabric being input to the first conveying route via the second conveying route.2. An absorbent article manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe heating unit is arranged in a position that does not overlap with the first conveying route in plan view.3. An absorbent article manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe non-woven fabric, after having been conveyed upward, is conveyed in the second direction with the second conveying route to directly above the first conveying route, and is input to the first conveying route from upward of the first conveying route.4. An absorbent article manufacturing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe heating unit has a case member equipped with an entrance for the non-woven fabric and an exit for the non-woven fabric,one of an entrance-side portion and an exit-side portion of the case member has a blast opening that blasts the hot air into a space inside the case member toward another one of the entrance-side portion and the exit-side portion, andthe other one of the entrance-side portion ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140322466A1

The invention refers to a process for the preparation of a microfibrous non-woven fabric based on polyester or polyamide microfibres immersed in a polyurethane matrix, and having a thickness equal to or less than 0.65 mm, a flat or slightly mottled appearance and a nap length of less than 350 μm. The non-woven fabric is used for the preparation of coverings for consumer goods, particularly for the preparation of covers and cases for electronic products. 1. A process for preparing a microfibrous non-woven fabric based on polyester or polyamide microfibres immersed in a polyurethane matrix , comprising the steps of:A) spinning a bicomponent fibre with an island in the sea structure, wherein the island component is microfibrous and the sea component, immiscible therewith, is soluble in solvents;B) preparing a felt via a process of mechanical needle or water punching of the bicomponent fibre;C) impregnating the felt with an adhesive;D) dissolving the sea component in a selective solvent;E) impregnating the felt with a polyurethane binding agent solution and removing the adhesive by dissolution in an organic solvent or water;F) submitting the felt as per step E) to buffing on both faces, by rotating abrasive paper strips over both faces in a concurrent direction of orientation;G) submitting the felt as per step F) to dyeing;H) brushing the dyed felt on both faces so as to lend a concurrent orientation to the fibres on both faces;I) cutting the product of step H) in the direction of thickness so as to produce two identical laminates, each of half thickness.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said bicomponent fibre comprises polyester or polyamide microfibres claim 1 , preferably polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , and said sea component comprises polystyrene (PS).3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said bicomponent fibre obtained in step A) is ironed claim 1 , curled and cut to yield a flock fibre.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180230632A1

It is intended to improve texture of a decoration using a stitch line while improving workability in sewing for forming the stitch line at a skin material, to promote manufacturing efficiency as compared to formation of a stepped shape only by sewing, and to reduce the number of steps. A skin material is used for a conveyance seat, and is molded using a die. The skin material includes a linearly-extending stepped portion having a stepped shape transferred from the die, and a stitch line sewn along the stepped portion. The stepped portion serves as a guide upon formation of the stitch line. 1. A skin material used for a conveyance seat and molded using a die , comprising:a linearly-extending transferred extension having a stepped shape transferred from the die; anda stitch line sewn along the transferred extension,wherein the transferred extension serves as a guide upon formation of the stitch line.2. The skin material according to claim 1 , whereina thickness of the transferred extension and a periphery thereof is a constant thickness.3. The skin material according to claim 1 , whereinthe transferred extension is formed in a vicinity of a standing wall of the conveyance seat.4. The skin material according to claim 1 , whereinthe stitch line is formed on one side with respect to the transferred extension.5. The skin material according to claim 1 , whereinthe stitch line is formed at a portion formed continuously to a lower side of the stepped shape of the transferred extension.6. The skin material according to claim 1 , further comprising:a seal material configured to cover, from a back side, a sewing hole formed by the stitch line.7. The skin material according to claim 6 , whereinthe seal material covers the stitch line to extend over the transferred extension.8. A conveyance seat comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the skin material according to .'} This application is based on and claims the benefit of priority from the prior Japanese ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Heat-storing and warmth-retaining fleece and method for manufacturing same

Номер: US20170238635A1
Автор: Min Suk Lee, Sung Jin Oh
Принадлежит: Hyosung Corp

The present invention relates to a heat-storing and retaining fleece using a polyester yarn containing composite metal oxide particles. The heat-storing and retaining fleece of the present invention exhibits an excellent far-infrared emission property, an excellent heat-storing and retaining property, excellent spinning processability, and excellent dyeability.

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Copolyester Material with Low Melting Point, Spinning and Weaving Functions and Method for Forming the Copolyester Material

Номер: US20180237955A1

A method for forming a copolyester material includes preparing a solution of monomers, applying a polymerization to form a copolyester having a low melting point, spinning the copolyester into fiber threads to form a copolyester fiber, weaving or knitting the copolyester fiber with a common fiber to form a composite fiber having a sheet shape, cutting the composite fiber to form a determined shape, applying a hot-press process on the composite fiber under a temperature of about 120° C. to 200° C., to release tackiness of the copolyester, so that the copolyester fiber and the common fiber are bonded tightly and closely, and forming a tough film on a surface of the composite fiber by the copolyester, so that the composite fiber has functions of stiffness and abrasion resistance by the tough film. 1. A method for forming a copolyester material , comprising:preparing a solution of monomers;applying a polymerization on the solution of monomers to form a polyester material or copolyester having a low melting point;spinning the copolyester into fiber threads to form a copolyester fiber;weaving or knitting the copolyester fiber of the copolyester with a common fiber into cloth, to form a composite fiber having a sheet shape;cutting the composite fiber to form a determined shape;applying a hot-press process on the composite fiber under a temperature of about 120° C. to 200° C., to release tackiness of the copolyester, so that the copolyester fiber and the common fiber are bonded tightly and closely; andforming a tough film on a surface of the composite fiber by a feature of the copolyester, so that the composite fiber has functions of stiffness and abrasion resistance by the tough film.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the copolyester has a melting point of about 100° C. to 180° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution of monomers includes diacid claim 1 , diol claim 1 , a catalyst and an additive agent which are mixed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Skin Care Fabric

Номер: US20190231653A1

A skin care fabric for medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic use includes at least 80% by weight of microfibers that are a mixture of polyamide and polyester and have a diameter of less than 50 microns. Each microfiber is split to produce fine fibers closely packed in a parallel structure having a capillary effect and an abrasive effect. The fabric has a surface weight of less than 180 g/mand is loaded with medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic active agents. The skin care fabric includes a warp-knitted fabric having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, which is mechanically roughened and cut to become fluffy and yet short-haired and compact and resulting in a further surface enlargement of the fabric structure and a water absorbency of at least four times the surface weight of the fabric. 1. A skin care fabric for medical , pharmaceutical or cosmetic use comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a warp-knitted fabric having a surface weight of less than 180 g/mand at least 80% by weight of microfibers whose fibers have a diameter of less than 50 microns and are a mixture of polyamide and polyester, the warp-knitted fabric defining a first surface and a second surface disposed opposite the first surface; and'}active agents carried by the warp-knitted fabric and promoting an effect that is medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic;wherein the microfibers are split and closely packed in a parallel structure having a capillary effect and an abrasive effect;wherein the first surface is mechanically roughened and cut making it fluffy and yet short-haired and compact in order to leave as few fibers as possible on the skin during use and resulting in a further surface enlargement of the unroughened first surface; andwherein the warp-knitted fabric has a water absorbency of at least four times the surface weight of the warp-knitted fabric.2. The skin care fabric according to claim 1 , wherein the second surface is not roughened and thus grippy and firm.3. The skin care ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140336607A1
Автор: Lohoff Michael Lee

A method of treating a web includes directing the web toward an apparatus having a first roller and a second roller together defining a nip. The first roller is rotated in a first direction and includes two ends, a length extending between the two ends, a raised area adapted to treat the web, and a bearer ring. The bearer ring extends around the circumference of the first roller and is disposed at a location between and spaced from the ends of the first roller. The second roller of the apparatus is rotated in a second direction opposite to the first direction. The web is fed to the nip of the apparatus such that the web is contacted by the raised area on the first roller to treat the web. 1. A method of treating a web comprising:directing a web toward an apparatus for treating the web, the apparatus comprising a first roller and a second roller arranged relative to the first roller to define a nip for receiving the web;rotating the first roller of the apparatus in a first direction, the first roller including two ends, a length extending between the two ends, at least one raised area adapted to treat the web, and at least one bearer ring, the at least one bearer ring extending around the circumference of the first roller and disposed at a location between and spaced from the ends of the first roller;rotating the second roller of the apparatus in a second direction, the second direction being opposite to the first direction; andfeeding the web to the nip of the apparatus such that the web is contacted by the raised area on the first roller to treat the web.2. The method of further comprising applying a force to at least one of the first and second rollers to apply a pressure at the nip.3. The method of wherein applying a force comprises applying a force to the first roller and applying an opposing force to the second roller.4. The method of wherein applying a force comprises contacting the at least one bearer ring with a first pressure applicator and applying a load ...
