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09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612371C1

Изобретение относится к технике предотвращения наводнений. Быстровозводимый щит для береговой дамбы при наводнениях содержит береговую дамбу с возможностью перекрытия основного русла реки. Береговая дамба состоит из трех частей: две идентичные части расположены по берегам реки, вдоль ее основного русла, а третья, основная часть, жестко соединяет эти две части перпендикулярно основному руслу реки. Основная часть береговой дамбы состоит из двух оппозитно расположенных постоянных щитов, выполненных прямоугольной формы и жестко соединенных с частями дамбы, расположенными по берегам реки, а в проеме, образованном постоянными щитами, расположен центральный прямоугольный быстровозводимый щит, подвижно соединенный посредством направляющих, например, типа «паз-шип» с постоянными щитами и фиксируемый на них с помощью механизма фиксации, выполненного, например, в виде подпружиненных подвижных штырей, корпус которых закреплен на постоянных щитах, а на быстровозводимом щите выполнены отверстия для фиксации ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600694C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике и предназначено для повышения относительной надежности и устойчивости работы элементов селезащиты в зоне максимального воздействия селевого потока на сооружение. Селегаситель включает размещенные на защищаемом отрезке русла элементы, которые выполнены в виде наклонно расположенных по направлению селевого потока свай с подпорками, заглубленными в русло, и имеют в верхней части защищаемого отрезка русла наибольшую высоту надземной части, соответствующую высоте селевых волн. Повышенная жесткость и устойчивость конструкции элементов селезащиты дают возможность ее использования в руслах водно-каменных селевых потоков в высокогорных районах. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

11-02-2021 дата публикации

Мобильная барьерная модульная дамба защиты от наводнений

Номер: RU2742835C1

Изобретение относится к технике предотвращения наводнений, предназначенной для быстрой остановки и сдерживания водных потоков, подъемов воды, а также для возведения дамбы при защите от наводнения в качестве временного сооружения. Задачей предлагаемого технического решения является устранение недостатков, свойственных известным конструкциям, а именно, путем применения закрепленной на земле силовой арочной оболочки из плоского пластикового листа, свернутого в виде полуцилиндра или половины боковой поверхности усеченного конуса, воспринимающей напор воды, исключить: а) необходимость в продолжительных процессах наполнения водой и опорожнения после использования рукавов или емкостей, присущих водоналивным дамбам; б) необходимость в наличии конструктивно сложной и материалоемкой жесткой металлической рамы с шарнирами и дополнительными ребрами жесткости, присущей мобильной секционной дамбе. Силовые арочные оболочки собраны в виде последовательной цепи прикрепленных к земле барьеров-модулей. На ...

28-03-2018 дата публикации

Автоматизированный способ создания глухой дамбы в размыве берега реки

Номер: RU2648766C1

Изобретение относится к автоматизированному и механизированному строительству, особенно при возведении дамб повышенной надежности. Автоматизация и механизация способа возведения монолитных дамб решена тем, что монтируют комплект оборудования на землесосном снаряде для приготовления пластичной пастообразной пульпы, пульпонасосы и гибкие пульпопроводы. По паре гибких пульпопроводов нагнетают пульпонасосом пластичную пастообразную пульпу в пару винтовых свай. Избыточным давлением извергая пульпу из винтовых свай, образуют интрузив растущего объема и перекрывают прорву в береге реки и предотвращают затопление города. Техническая задача изобретения - снижение трудоемкости возведения глухих дамб, автоматизация способа их возведения, повышение их прочности и надежности и предотвращение затопления городских территорий. 3 ил.

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666662C1

Изобретение относится к технике предотвращения наводнений. Способ предотвращения последствий наводнения заключается в том, что воздвигают береговую дамбу с возможностью перекрытия основного русла реки, береговую дамбу сооружают состоящей из двух частей, основной и быстровозводимой, при этом основная часть состоит из двух идентичных частей и сооружают ее предварительно по берегам реки, вдоль ее основного русла, а быстровозводимую часть сооружают перед началом паводка и жестко соединяют посредством нее две идентичные части основной части береговой дамбы, перпендикулярно основному руслу реки, при этом основную часть береговой дамбы выполняют из двух оппозитно расположенных постоянных щитов, выполненных прямоугольной формы и жестко соединенных с частями дамбы, расположенными по берегам реки, а в проеме, образованном постоянными щитами, располагают центральный прямоугольный быстровозводимый щит и подвижно соединяют его посредством направляющих «паз-шип» с постоянными щитами основной части и ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668668C1

Изобретение относится к технике предотвращения наводнений. Быстровозводимый щит для береговой дамбы при наводнениях содержит береговую дамбу с возможностью перекрытия основного русла реки. Береговая дамба состоит из трех частей: две идентичные части расположены по берегам реки, вдоль ее основного русла, а третья, основная часть, жестко соединяет эти две части перпендикулярно основному руслу реки. Основная часть береговой дамбы состоит из двух оппозитно расположенных постоянных щитов, выполненных прямоугольной формы и жестко соединенных с частями дамбы, расположенными по берегам реки, а в проеме, образованном постоянными щитами, расположен центральный прямоугольный быстровозводимый щит, подвижно соединенный посредством направляющих например, типа «паз-шип» с постоянными щитами и фиксируемый на них с помощью механизма фиксации, выполненного, например, в виде подпружиненных подвижных штырей, корпус которых закреплен на постоянных щитах. На быстровозводимом щите выполнены отверстия для фиксации ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012100841A

Плотина, тело которой разбито на пролеты и состоит из основания, опор, верхнего над опорами строения с проезжей частью; водоспуска; шиберов, регулирующих сток; механизмов обслуживания шиберов; отличающаяся тем, что предлагаемая плотина, являясь частью гидротехнического сооружения, не образует постоянного водохранилища, а предусматривается лишь для организации отвода излишков паводковых вод в другом направлении, по новому руслу, при этом во всех пролетах оставляются неперекрываемые проемы для постоянного водоспуска равные суммарно площади сечения, необходимого для меженного стока.

25-03-2010 дата публикации

Verstärkter Deich

Номер: DE202009012113U1

27-06-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Sanierung von Deichen

Номер: DE0019746052C2

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Inflatable flood barrier

Номер: GB0002471583A

Disclosed is an inflatable flood defence or a water dam, the flood defence structure or water dam includes at least one inflatable chamber (12) having a front face (13), a rear face (15) and a multiplicity of interconnecting members (18) extending between the front and rear faces. This arrangement provides a rigid inflatable structure which is used as a flood defence and performs reservoir for retaining water.

21-07-2010 дата публикации

Modular barriers

Номер: GB0201010197D0

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Barrier apparatus

Номер: GB0000604257D0

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Flood block

Номер: GB0000604264D0

06-06-2012 дата публикации

Flood defence barrier system

Номер: GB0002486093A

A flood defence barrier system kit-of-parts comprising: (a) a plurality of flood defence panels, (b) a plurality of supporting posts adapted at least partly to receive and support at least one flood defence panel, (c) ground-anchorable flood defence panel-receiving means, capable of at least partly receiving and supporting said flood defence panels, (d) ground-anchorable supporting post-receiving means, capable of at least partly receiving and supporting said supporting posts, and (e) flood defence panel-connecting means adapted to engage and connect together two or more said flood defence panels and optionally (f) a plurality of reinforcing supports adapted to engage a support post, or a flood defence panel, or said flood defence panel connecting means and adapted to be at least partially ground-seated.

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Flood barrier

Номер: GB0000510553D0

29-07-2009 дата публикации

Modular Barriers

Номер: GB0000910377D0

18-11-2009 дата публикации

A fabricated lightweight beam

Номер: GB0000917261D0

14-10-2020 дата публикации

Flood defence system with low environmental impact

Номер: GB0202013575D0

14-03-1956 дата публикации

Earth or rubble dam for dikes and barrages

Номер: GB0000746630A

... 746,630. Subaqueous walls. GRIFFIN ENGINEERING CO. (PROPRIETARY), Ltd. March 2, 1954 [March 11, 1953], No. 6074/54. Class 68(2) An earth or rubble dam is provided with a shield 1, Fig. 2, of reinforced concrete, or a reinforced soil-cement mixture, embedded therein parallel to the length of the dam, the shield being in sections which are articulated together to allow free movement relatively to each other. As shown, the shield is built into the upper portion 1a of the dam and is provided on both sides with ribs 2 connected by haunches 3, Fig. 1, to the shield 1 the ribs being staggered on opposite sides. The ribs 2 may slope inwardly towards the base which is mounted on a footing 10 so that rotational and tilting movement may take place. The sections forming the shield are connected together at spaced vertical positions by reinforced concrete keying blocks 9 loosely inserted in recesses 8 in the ends of the sections, the positions between the blocks being connected by a loose tongue 7 and ...

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609580A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508885D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009580A0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008885A0

30-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609580D0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508885A0

26-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412943B

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Baustein zum Bilden einer mobilen Schutzwand für einen Hochwasserschutz

Номер: AT515086B1

Bei einem Baustein (1) zum Bilden einer mobilen Schutzwand (2) für einen Hochwasserschutz, wobei der Baustein (1) eine erste Stirnseite (3) und eine, der ersten Stirnseite (3) gegenüberliegende, zweite Stirnseite (4) aufweist, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die erste Stirnseite (3) eine hinterschnittene Nut (5) aufweist und die zweite Stirnseite (4) einen zur Nut (5) korrespondierenden Fortsatz (6) aufweist, wobei der Fortsatz (6) zur lösbaren Ausbildung einer Schwenkverbindung mit einem weiteren die erste Stirnseite (3) aufweisenden Baustein (1) ausgebildet ist, wobei die Schwenkverbindung (7) um einen vorgebbaren Schwenkwinkel verschwenkbar ist.

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507341A2

15-11-2014 дата публикации

Dammstein, Hochwasserdamm sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung eines solchen

Номер: AT0000514303A1

The invention relates to a block (1), in particular a barrier block for a flood protection barrier. In order to allow a stable flood protection barrier to be assembled in a particularly simple manner, according to the invention, at least two ribs (2) are provided on a first side face (4) and at least two grooves (3) corresponding to the ribs (2) are provided on an opposite second side face (5), said ribs and grooves being provided for indirectly connecting two blocks (1) by means of a third block (1). The invention also relates to a use of a block (1) of this type. The invention further relates to a method for producing a mass-retaining structure, in particular a flood protection barrier.

27-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031307888B

18-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039342336B

05-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038290879B

22-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032435593B

08-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034182450B

26-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039398739B

05-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032141725B

24-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033137278B

21-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034907098B

05-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036083079B

24-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033976754B

02-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036310556B

03-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034599543B

24-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031228325B

03-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036236723B

19-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002625435A1

07-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002989402C

A reusable flood barrier that may be easily collapsed and deployed is disclosed. The barrier may comprise a flexible sheet, a plurality of parallel wall support members, a plurality of parallel base support members, a limiter configured to hold the wall up relative to the base in an erected configuration, and a hinge. After closing the barrier at the hinge, the barrier may be rolled up for easy portability and storage. The barrier is flexible, and while erected it can bend to form convex or concave curves in the barrier wall to enable construction of a flood barrier that goes around corners.

09-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002792239A1

Attenuating element consisting of a head part, neck part and base part. The neck part is narrower compared to the head part and neck parts of adjacent attenuating elements form a continuous channel. Via the head parts, this channel is connected so that the cross-sectional area of the head parts is smaller than the cross-sectional area of the base parts. In this way, a water-control structure, sound-attenuating wall and the like can be provided. Such attenuating elements can be produced in a very simple manner by dividing them vertically and producing each of the vertical parts from concrete in a mould.

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797005A1

Hausse fusible (1,1A-1E) pour ouvrage hydraulique, caractérisée en ce qu'elle comprend une paroi transversale (12) réalisée de façon sensiblement étanche avec une base (11), et, des moyens pour limiter un impact de ladite hausse sur la structure (3,18) dudit ouvrage lorsque ladite hausse s'efface.

15-09-2015 дата публикации

more urban flood protection- refinancable.

Номер: CH0000709383A2

Profitabler Hochwasserschutz für urbane Zonen wird ermöglicht mit einer mobilen, gleisgebundenen Hochwasserschutz-Infrastruktur, bestehend aus miteinander koppelbaren, auf Fahrgestellen montierten, auf Gleisanlage rollenden Schutzeinheiten. Diese sind in Gruppen zu Zügen, genannt Rolling-Block-Trains (24), zusammenfügbar. Die Gleis-/Bahn-Infrastruktur ist in Dimension und Profilen dem bestehenden Bahnnetz angepasst, wodurch das für Hochwasserschutz vorgesehene Rollmaterial, die Rolling-Block-Trains (24), auch überregional an anderen gefährdeten Orten einsetzbar sind. Durch Vermietung wie auch durch duale Nutzung der Bahn- und Gleis-Infrastruktur für Personen- und Güter-Nahverkehr (25) in Nichtgefahrenzeiten erschliessen sich veritable Refinanzierungsquellen. Dieses Refinanzierungspotenzial auf dem sonst nur kostenintensiven Sektor der Hochwasserschutz-Infrastruktur ist für Investoren ein Anreiz zum Engagement auf dem Gebiet des urbanen Hochwasserschutzes.

31-07-2012 дата публикации

System for monitoring state of environment exposed object e.g. dam built in sea, has mobile probes for measuring parameter of object, that are arranged in mesh in danger zone of object upon discovery of hazard case

Номер: CH0000704379A1

Several stationary probes (3) are positioned relative to the object to measure the parameter of the object e.g. dike (1) to be monitored. Several mobile probes (5) for measuring a parameter to be monitored, are arranged in a mesh in the to-be-monitored danger zone of the object. The data transmission between the stationary probes, mobile probes and data center is performed by communication networks (4,6-8) in the event of danger. An independent claim is included for method for monitoring state of environment exposed object.

31-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201592132A1

09-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002885147B1

08-07-1946 дата публикации

Process and means for the construction of dams

Номер: FR0000911435A

26-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101739657B1

The present invention relates to a composite dam and a construction method thereof. An upstream portion is formed as a fill zone constructed of a material such as sand, gravel, rock, soil, and the like, and a downstream portion is formed as a concrete zone constructed of concrete material to construct a composite dam by combining two different types of dams into one dam. A preferred embodiment of the present invention comprises: a fill zone formed to have a predetermined inclination toward an upstream side; a concrete zone formed to have a predetermined stepwise slope toward a downstream side; a transition zone formed between the fill zone and the concrete zone and having a clay liner formed therein; and an overflow cap formed at an upper end portion of the fill zone by concrete of a certain thickness. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 (AA) Up stream (BB) Down stream ...

01-08-2018 дата публикации

친환경 식생형 슬릿댐

Номер: KR0101883718B1
Автор: 김성태, 윤지섭
Принадлежит: 주식회사 대흥미래기술

... 친환경 식생 슬릿댐을 제공한다. 본 발명은 산간계곡에 설치되어 물과 토사는 투과시키고 유목이나 암석은 불투과하는 슬릿댐에 있어서, 상기 산간계곡의 폭방향으로 바닥면에 일정간격을 두고 구비되는 복수개의 기초부 ; 상기 기초부에 고정되는 고정판을 일정길이의 강관부재 하부단에 갖추어 상기 기초부에 고정설치되는 댐부 ; 상기 강관부재의 내부면에 밀착고정되면서 상부로 개방된 채움공간을 형성하는 내장재를 갖추고, 상기 내장재의 채움공간에 채워지는 배양토를 갖추어 식물의 식생이 가능한 식생부 ; 를 포함한다.

25-01-2011 дата публикации

Vallbyggförfarande samt medel härför

Номер: SE0000950564A1

28-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2645972C1

Изобретение относится к технике предотвращения наводнений. Быстровозводимый щит для береговой дамбы при наводнениях содержит береговую дамбу с возможностью перекрытия основного русла реки. Береговая дамба состоит из трех частей: две идентичные части расположены по берегам реки, вдоль ее основного русла, а третья, основная часть, жестко соединяет эти две части перпендикулярно основному руслу реки. Основная часть береговой дамбы состоит из двух оппозитно расположенных постоянных щитов, выполненных прямоугольной формы и жестко соединенных с частями дамбы, расположенными по берегам реки, а в проеме, образованном постоянными щитами, расположен центральный прямоугольный быстровозводимый щит, подвижно соединенный посредством направляющих, например типа «паз-шип», с постоянными щитами и фиксируемый на них с помощью механизма фиксации, выполненного, например, в виде подпружиненных подвижных штырей, корпус которых закреплен на постоянных щитах, а на быстровозводимом щите выполнены отверстия для фиксации ...

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718836C1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническим сооружениям и предназначено для защиты населенных пунктов от паводковых наводнений при разливе рек. Противопаводковая грунтовая дамба содержит защитный экран, водосборник с обратным фильтром и гибкий водонепроницаемый материал, прижатый к верхней кромке дамбы, обращенной к акватории, железобетонным брусом. Защитный экран выполнен в виде вертикально установленной стенки из пластикового шпунта, примыкающей к поверхности дамбы, обращенной к акватории. Гибкий водонепроницаемый материал заанкерен в теле дамбы. При этом его нижний конец прижат грунтом и размещен под обратным фильтром, расположенным в нижней части внешнего откоса дамбы. Водосборник организован в низине защищаемой территории и соединен с акваторией трубопроводом с задвижкой. Изобретение позволяет сократить объем строительного материала и уменьшить площадь территории, отводимой под строительство сооружения. 3 ил.

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2606790C1

В настоящем изобретении предложена искусственная сдерживающая плотина подземного резервуара угольной шахты. Искусственная сдерживающая плотина 30 заделана в угольный целик 2 безопасности и окружающую горную породу вокруг вспомогательного штрека 1. Сечение искусственной сдерживающей плотины 30 имеет форму арки, а вогнутый участок искусственной сдерживающей плотины 30 в форме арки обращен к подземному резервуару. Способ соединения искусственной сдерживающей плотины 30 подземного резервуара угольной шахты с угольными целиками 2 безопасности и окружающими горными породами включает этапы: выбора заграждающих участков искусственной сдерживающей плотины 30 между угольными целиками 2 безопасности во вспомогательном штреке 1; выполнения искусственной сдерживающей плотины 30, имеющей сечения в форме арки, вогнутый участок которой обращен к подземному резервуару; прорезания в угольных целиках 2 безопасности и окружающих горных породах вокруг вспомогательного штрека 1 для образования углублений 32; ...

17-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU216660U1

Техническое решение относится к области средств для строительства быстровозводимых грунтовых сооружений и может быть использовано для удержания воды, регулирования водных потоков, защиты территорий от затоплений, в том числе для экстренного или заблаговременного возведения подобных сооружений из сыпучих материалов, таких, как песок, щебень, ПГС и подобных, укладываемых на месте производства работ в установленные в проектное положение контейнеры, выполненные из технической ткани - дамбовый полимерконтейнер (ДПК). Задачей настоящего технического решения является создание грунтозаполняемого в проектном положении контейнера, обеспечивающего упрощение его разгрузки при необходимости разрушения или реконструкции ранее возведенного земляного сооружения и обеспечения возможности повторного использования. Техническим результатом является упрощение и интенсификация процесса разгрузки ранее уложенного в проектное положение контейнера. Достигается это тем, что полимерконтейнер для возведения грунтовых ...

22-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015148734A

21-07-2020 дата публикации

Фильтрующее водопропускное сооружение

Номер: RU2727256C1

Изобретение относится к строительству и может быть использовано при строительстве или реконструкции насыпи линейного сооружения с устройством водопропускных сооружений при пересечении водотоков с небольшим расходом. Водопропускное сооружение состоит из тела насыпи 2, водопропускной трубы 1, расположенной в нижней части тела насыпи, которая пересекает его в поперечном направлении, входного и выходного оголовков, и дренирующего материала. Входной и выходной оголовки водопропускного сооружения снабжены сменными фильтрующими элементами 6, выполненными из металлического каркаса с решеткой, которые заполнены дренирующим материалом, в качестве которого использован специальный фильтрующий природный сорбент, например шунгит или цеолит. Фильтрующие элементы зафиксированы в пазах, выполненных в откосных стенках оголовков 4 водопропускного сооружения, с возможностью перемещения в них по вертикальной оси и установлены таким образом, чтобы обеспечить пропуск расхода сверх расчетной обеспеченности. Элементы ...

01-07-2004 дата публикации

System for preventing or restricting floodwater comprises a tube system arranged in the region of each bank of a river in the form of a fast lane in which part of the water flows at a faster rate

Номер: DE0010258554A1

Floodwater protection system comprises a tube system arranged in the region of each bank of a river in the form of a fast lane in which part of the water flows at a faster rate to keep the floodwater within limits or to prevent floodwater. Preferred Features: One or more steel pipes are guided through a float (7) anchored in the region of both banks of a river in areas at risk of flooding. The pipes enter the rear end as intake pipes (5) and leave the front end as discharge pipes (4). Instead of the tubes, pipes made of plastic, steel, concrete, etc. can be laid on or embedded in the river bed.

23-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010349686A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Auflastfilter, insbesondere für die Sicherung von akut durch Hochwasser oder Versagen bedrohten Bauwerken, z. B. Deichabschnitten. Erfindungsgemäß ist mindestens ein flüssigkeitshaltender, befüll- und entleerbarer Container 10, der zumindest teilweise ein filterstabiles Material 16 zur Ableitung von Flüssigkeit aufweist, selbst aus filterstabilem Material besteht oder eine Druckkraft auf ein filterstabiles Material ausübt, vorgesehen.

04-12-1997 дата публикации

Leak detection method for water installations

Номер: DE0019621797A1

The method involves using temperature sensors, which consist of fibre optical cables, installed as continuous loops in vertical (6) and horizontal (7) holes drilled into a dam, dyke or reservoir. This enables leak detection from the changes in the temperature in the region around the leak. The cables are fitted into vertical hydraulic pipes (12) or hoses, and in pipes fitted into horizontal ducts. The ratio of the horizontal to vertical lengths of the cable is preferably between 1 and 10. To allow a larger bend radius for the optical fibres the ends of the vertical holes, typically 15 to 150 mm in diameter, are enlarged to a greater diameter.

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Schutzanlage vor Hochwasserkatastrophen an Flüssen

Номер: DE0020212788U1

19-07-2006 дата публикации

Flood defence system

Номер: GB0000611193D0

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000418239D0

14-07-2004 дата публикации

Buoyant flood protection barrier

Номер: GB0002397086A

The flood protection system includes a flotation body 3 securely affixed to a flexible, waterproof barrier 4 and guide rollers 6 running in guide rails (12, Figure 5) affixed to the property to be protected 1. The other end of the flexible waterproof barrier is affixed in a secure and waterproof manner to the bottom of the container 5 for the flexible waterproof barrier when at rest (Figure 1). The barrier container 5 is sunk into the ground 2 immediately adjacent to the boundary of the property to be protected.

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Flood defence barrier system

Номер: GB0002486093B

26-06-2019 дата публикации

Automatic water retaining device

Номер: GB0002561798B

05-03-2008 дата публикации

Inflatable flood defence

Номер: GB0000801290D0

09-09-2020 дата публикации

Method of de-watering a Tailings lagoon

Номер: GB0002582041A

A method including excavating a channel (128, Figs. 8-10) into a tailings lagoon containing solid tailings 80 from the shore 70, and floating a pontoon 10 in the excavated channel, the method involving using water to create a tailings slurry and pumping the slurry away using submersible pump 50/60 mounted on pontoon. The water may seep into the channel from the surrounding tailings or may be pumped in via pipes 120. The submersible pump(s) 50/60 may include water jets 89 to aid tailing slurry production. A method of excavating a hole in a lagoon is also disclosed, wherein once excavated water which enters the hole is pumped out to dewater the lagoon. The same ponton may perform this method once a channel is complete to the centre of the lagoon, by gradually lowing the submersible pumps while pumping slurry. Removing water from the lagoon reduces risk of dam rupture by reducing or removing hydrostatic pressure. The pontoon may be operated remotely form the shore to avoid personnel entering ...

31-08-2016 дата публикации

A flood barrier

Номер: GB0201612363D0

30-11-2022 дата публикации

Spur dike with movable water-permeable piles and method for operating same

Номер: GB0002607195A

Disclosed are a spur dike with movable water-permeable piles and a method for operating same. The spur dike with movable water-permeable piles comprises a fixed rail, a plurality of moving rails, a plurality of movable water-permeable piles disposed on the fixed rail and the plurality of moving rails, and a plurality of pressure sensors and flow meters arranged at monitoring points on outer side walls of the movable water-permeable piles, and a control platform, wherein the control platform carries out analysis and calculation according to monitoring data from the pressure sensors and the flow meters and adjusts the positions of the moving rails and the movable water-permeable piles, such that the water flow velocities and the spur dike pressures at the monitoring points are all less than a corresponding flow velocity threshold value and a corresponding pressure threshold value, and the water permeability rate of the spur dike is within a set range. The present invention is applicable to ...

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Dammstein, Hochwasserdamm sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung eines solchen

Номер: AT514303B1

The invention relates to a block (1), in particular a barrier block for a flood protection barrier. In order to allow a stable flood protection barrier to be assembled in a particularly simple manner, according to the invention, at least two ribs (2) are provided on a first side face (4) and at least two grooves (3) corresponding to the ribs (2) are provided on an opposite second side face (5), said ribs and grooves being provided for indirectly connecting two blocks (1) by means of a third block (1). The invention also relates to a use of a block (1) of this type. The invention further relates to a method for producing a mass-retaining structure, in particular a flood protection barrier.

24-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034355601B

09-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038475263B

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Automatic water barrier device

Номер: AU2017215797B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An automatic water barrier device comprises two or more automatic water barrier units arranged in parallel. The automatic water barrier unit comprises a panel (11) and a base (5). A water storage cavity is provided on the base (5), the panel (11) is rotatably provided on the base (5), and the water storage cavity is opened or closed by means of rotation of the panel (11). The panel (11) has a surface used to cover and abut the base (5), and the surface is provided with a flotation board (2) thereon. An end of the base (5) other than the end connected to the panel (11) is provided with a first water inlet (10, 51) in communication with the water storage cavity. When water enters the water storage cavity from the first water inlet (10, 51) and contacts the flotation board (2), a buoyancy force on the flotation board (2) is created, and the flotation board (2) drives, under the action of the buoyancy force, the panel (11) to rotate and open, thus achieving the function of a water barrier.

16-10-2000 дата публикации

Procedure for building water protection structures

Номер: AU0003570800A

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Device for filling granular, pulverulent and free-flowing materials into a container made of geotextile material

Номер: AU2011278341A1

The invention relates to a device (1) for filling granular, pulverulent and free-flowing materials into a container (5), preferably a hose- and sack-shaped container, made of geotextile material, comprising a housing (6) that allows the advancement of the material and in which a conveying device is arranged, characterized in that on the entry side of said conveying device the material can be filled in and on the exit side thereof a hose (9) made of geotextile material receives the material. The hose (9) can be shaped on the jacket of the housing (6), which can be unwound as a web from a feeding device (12) that is designed like a roll (11), wherein the longitudinal sides of the web can be connected to each other by means of a device in the region of the jacket. According to the invention, the housing (6) consists of a tubular body (15) that extends perpendicular to the direction of advance and is arranged vertically, said tubular body interacting with a feeding device (12) for the geotextile ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014200674A1

Abstract A new technology using steel fences and anchors, and fixed by inserted rocks, is 5 disclosed. The technology provides efficient vertical Tsunami barriers extending from 20m up to 4km below sea level. The double-pontoon technology facilitates construction of barriers, roads, channels and other structures in the sea. New gained land surface, renewable tidal energy and energy storage by pumping, may compensate for most of the costs of construction. Fishing farms between the 10 Tsunami barrier and the shore may also contribute to costs. Vertical walls extending above sea level, preferably protected with hanging triangular structures as surge stoppers, with massive stabilization landward, will replace conventional dikes and levees and will save land areas. Vertical walls of fences extending above sea level, which are circular and filled with rocks, surround pillars to protect 15 off-shore platforms, wind power plants, bridge pillars and other submarine structures. Fig 1 for publication ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Coastal protection and wave energy generation system

Номер: AU2014336963B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

This invention relates to a wave energy generator for a coastal protection system. The wave energy generator includes a base structure arranged in a body of water and configured to protect a portion of a coastline against incoming waves. The base structure has a foundation located on a floor of the body of water and a wall extending from the foundation to a point above a highest predicted height of the waves. At least one duct is associated with the base structure for receiving an oscillating water column from the body of water. The oscillating water column oscillates in response to wave action of the incoming waves and the duct forms part of an energy extraction system for capturing energy from the incoming waves.

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001141269A1

31-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3042536C

A method for forming a geomembrane liner testable for leaks by securing adjacent panels together with the conductivity of the lower surface of an overlying panel broken along a line adjacent the panel overlapping edge, and the overlapping edges sealed along the line. A heat welder has slots for the overlapping panel edges, with a heated wedge between the slots and having a projection to break the conductivity of the overlying panel bottom surface as it passes the wedge. The slots merge to press the liner edges together to heat weld them along the line of broken conductivity as the welder is moved along the panel edges.

06-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974437C

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. For example, multiple vinyl-coated polyester tubes with a 19-inch diameter may be filled with water and stacked on top of each other to create a temporary diversion dike. Multiple sections of dike may be abutted together to form longer sections of dike. A vapor barrier or plastic membrane may wrap over dike sections and/or weaved through the flexible containment tubes as they are placed prior to filling. Configurations of the vapor barrier and associated anchoring mechanisms improve the utility of dike sections by reducing hydrostatic pressure of contained fluid on the dike, harnessing the weight of fluid columns, and mitigating seepage through the dike sections.

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002955332A1

... ²A method for forming a geomembrane liner testable for leaks by securing ²adjacent panels together with the conductivity of the lower surface of an ²overlying panel ²broken along a line adjacent the panel overlapping edge, and the overlapping ²edges ²sealed along the line. A heat welder has slots for the overlapping panel ²edges, with a ²heated wedge between the slots and having a projection to break the ²conductivity of the ²overlying panel bottom surface as it passes the wedge. The slots merge to ²press the ²liner edges together to heat weld them along the line of broken conductivity ²as the ²welder is moved along the panel edges.²² ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002909651A1

The invention relates to a mobile flood protection barrier system for quickly stopping and damming back watercourses, overflows, as well as for raising the embankment in flood protection as a temporary facility. The mobile flood protection barrier system comprises water-fillable water storage units (5) that are connected to one another and supporting structures, the water storage units (5) are placed into the triangular supporting frames (9) of the supporting structure and fixed to supporting structure, to the spacer bar (10) thereof. The water storage unit (5) is made of a single, continuous, rectangular flexible material, divided into three parts by longitudinal folds, has a triangular prism-shape in the filled-up state, with the surface of the middle folded part in contact with the soil, and is open along its upper edges. The lateral ends of the water storage unit (5) are partially closed, preferably with waterproofing elements. The water storage units have unit coupling extension portions ...

26-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120099932A1
Автор: James Heselden
Принадлежит: Hesco Bastion Ltd

The invention concerns a recoverable gabion for use in protecting military or civilian installations from weapons assault or from elemental forces, such as flood waters, lava flows, avalanches, soil instability, slope erosion and the like. The gabion comprises opposed side walls comprising a plurality of side wall elements connected together at spaced intervals by a plurality of partition walls such that spaces between neighbouring pairs of partition walls define, together with the side walls, individual compartments of the gabion, adjacent side and partition walls being connected to one another by pivotal connections enabling the gabion to be folded between fully flattened and deployed configurations, wherein at least one of the pivotal connections is a releasable connection which when released allows a side wall element to open with respect to the gabion to allow access from the side of the gabion to any contents of the gabion compartments.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Flood wall protection system

Номер: US20120195687A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A flood wall system and method of constructing same, including providing a first main panel section; attaching sleeves to each side of a main panel prior to configuring the final chamber; providing two sleeves of fabric at the upper opening of each chamber for supporting the chambers while the chambers are being filled with materials such as sane; providing a series of chambers sewn together to define a continuous cellular wall; the final chamber having a horizontal height two feet longer (0.61 meters) than the vertical height further having a front toe portion one foot (0.30 meters) min height; filling each chamber with a quantity of material, such as sand; on each end of a completed chain of chambers, further comprising a set of loops or ties so that a chain of chambers is capable of being tied to other chains of chambers to define the continuous flood wall system.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Pile Wall System, Pile and Method of Installation

Номер: US20130004239A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a pile wall system, pile, and method of installation. A pile adapted to be used in a wall system with at least one other pile. Hexagonal polygonal tubes assembled from chevron panels make up the piles. The panels and piles are held together with through connectors. The pile wall system is easily made by stacking the panels against each other and bolting them together. It is just as easily taken apart.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094905A1

A system and method for constructing any desired length of height linear cellular chain for use as a protective wall system, including a chain of fabric bulk bags, each having an open upper end, and interconnected along their sidewalls to define the cellular chain; and a fabric channel formed on the upper ends of each of the adjoining bags sidewalls for engaging a bag support and filling system, which includes a first metal frame member having a pair of arm members for threading through two adjacent fabric channels; the frame supported by a base member resting on the ground; a second metal frame member for receiving the distal ends of each of the arm members of the first metal frame member, at a level so that the bulk bag is supported by the arm members; bulk material to be poured into the supported bulk bag, to a level that the bag is substantially filled and no longer requires the support of the frame, so that the frame can be removed and positioned onto the next pair of fabric channels to fill the next empty bag. 1. A system for constructing any desired length or height linear cellular chain for use as a protective wall system , comprising:a chain of fabric bulk bags, each having an open upper end, and interconnected along their sidewalls to define the cellular chain;a fabric channel formed on the upper ends of each of an adjoining bags sidewalls;a support frame, comprising a first metal frame member having a pair of arm members for threading through two adjacent fabric channels; the frame supported by a base member resting on the ground;a second metal frame member for receiving the distal ends of each of the arm members of the first metal frame member, at a level so that the bulk bag is supported by the arm members;bulk material to be poured into the supported bulk bag, to a level that the bag is substantially filled and no longer requires the support of the frame, so that the frame can be removed and positioned onto the next pair of fabric channels to fill the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094906A1

Water barrier including a frame having tow posts and at least one sill extending therebetween, which posts and sill bound a passage that can be closed off against water, further including a flexible water-retaining cloth, a storage space for the cloth and a transfer element for transferring the cloth from a storage condition accommodated in the storage space, wherein the passage is open, to a water-retaining condition, wherein the passage is at least partially closed off by the cloth. 174-. (canceled)75. Water barrier comprising a frame bounding a passage that can be closed off against water , further comprising a flexible water-retaining cloth , a storage space for the cloth and transfer means for transferring the cloth from a storage condition accommodated in the storage space , wherein the passage is open , to a water-retaining condition , wherein the passage is at least partially closed off by the cloth.76. Water barrier according to claim 75 , wherein the frame has two posts and a sill extending therebetween.77. Water barrier according to claim 76 , wherein the frame comprises a bottom sill and/or top sill.78. Water barrier according to claim 75 , comprising means for rolling up the cloth or folding it together in the storage space.79. Water barrier according to claim 75 , wherein the storage space is situated in the sill.80. Water barrier according to claim 75 , wherein the storage space is situated in a post of the frame.81. Water barrier according to claim 75 , wherein the transfer means comprise a drive mechanism claim 75 , which comprises a driven element that engages onto a longitudinal edge of the cloth claim 75 , which longitudinal edge extends in direction of movement of the cloth between the storage condition and the water-retaining condition edge of the cloth.82. Water barrier according to claim 81 , wherein the driven element is endless and circulating and at evenly distributed locations drivingly engages onto the longitudinal edge of the cloth.83. ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Waterproof House Wrap

Номер: US20130219802A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An inflatable structure to surround a dwelling comprising: a sand base; a plurality of inflatable tubes stacked vertically on the sand base; a lip extending from the sand base; and a plurality of securing pins extending through the lip, where the plurality of pins secures the inflatable structure to the ground. The each inflatable tube may include an air nozzle, where the air nozzle enables the inflatable of each respective tube. A zipper may be provided at each end of the plurality of inflatable tubes. The inflatable structure may also include a ribbed bottom surface to provide further support.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130227895A1

A portable and collapsible barrier that is lightweight and can be easily transported and erected. The barrier includes a base, a top and an enclosed volume such as a diaphragm that can be expanded with a medium such as a gas or liquid to a desired shape. The expanded volume will act as a barrier. When a series of expanded barriers are connected, they will form a wall that can contain bulk materials or liquids. 1. A portable barrier unit , comprising:a base;a top;an inflatable enclosed volume between the base and the top, wherein when said volume is inflated, the inflated volume will act as a barrier and wherein when said barrier unit is connected to another barrier unit, the units will form a barrier wall; anda fastener for connecting two successive barriers to each other.2. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:the base and the top form a case for carrying the volume.3. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:the volume is secured to the base and the top.4. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:the volume has an inlet hole.5. A portable barrier unit according to claim 4 , further comprising:a medium source, andthe inlet hole is connected to the medium source,wherein the medium is used to inflate the volume.6. A portable barrier unit according to claim 5 , further comprising:the medium is selected from the group consisting of a liquid or a gas.7. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:the volume has side walls, andthe side walls have an accordion-like construction.8. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:the volume has side walls, andthe side walls are flat.9. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second barrier attached to the barrier using the fastener.10. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ballast.11. A portable barrier unit according to claim 1 , further comprising: ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002532A1

A method for river/lake level regulation and a water conservancy system. The method for level regulation employs a non-closure mode; a water reservoir system is built on one side of a river/lake, water from the river/lake enters into the reservoir system when the water level of the river/lake exceeds a warning water level, and the river/lake is replenished with the water stored in the reservoir system when the water level of the river/lake is unduly low; the conservancy system, which employs the non-closure mode, is built on one side of a river/lake waterway and includes the water reservoir system and a first water passage, the water reservoir system communicates with the river/lake waterway through the first water passage. The method for river/lake level regulation and the water conservancy system realize river/lake level regulation during drought and flood periods without any river/lake closure, so that water resources are control effectively. 1. A method for regulation of a river/lake level , wherein a non-closure mode is employed , and a water storage system is built on one side of a river/lake , when the river/lake level exceeds a warning water level , water from the river/lake enters into the water storage system , thereby lowering the river/lake level or reducing the rising velocity of the river/lake level; andwhen the river/lake level is unduly low, the river/lake is replenished with the water stored in the water storage system, thereby increasing the river/lake level or reducing the lowering velocity of the river/lake level.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a first water passage is arranged at one side of an embankment of the river/lake to connect the river/lake with the water storage system.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a second water passage is arranged downstream of the first water passage to connect the river/lake with the water storage system.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inlet of the first water passage ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Shoreline Preservation

Номер: US20150003915A1
Автор: Deron NETTLES
Принадлежит: Deron NETTLES

Disclosed is a removable erosion-control and fencing (“REAF”) system for shoreline preservation along a line defined by a plurality of posts. An exemplary REAF system comprises first and second post clamp pairs mounted to adjacent posts. Each post clamp pair “sandwiches” a post and is fixedly attached to the post by virtue of fasteners that lock one half of the post clamp pair to its other half. In this way, the post clamp pair “hugs” the post and is secured thereon without having to be permanently fixed to the post or damaging the structural rigidity of the post. Each post clamp pair includes a substantially vertical wall slot such that one or more cross-members may be received into the walls slots to form a wall section in a space defined between the adjacent posts.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Protective barrier segment for a temporary liquid-damming protective barrier as well as protective barrier comprising such a protective barrier segment

Номер: US20220010514A1
Автор: Sigurd Melin
Принадлежит: Noaq Flood Protection AB

Disclosed is a protective barrier segment for a temporary liquid-damming protective barrier configured for separating a flooded side from a protected side by abutting against a ground surface, the protective barrier segment including a liquid-damming member having a first surface facing the flooded side and a second surface facing the protected side. The protective barrier segment is characterized in that the liquid-damming member includes an opening connecting the flooded side and the protected side and in that the protective barrier segment further includes a pump arrangement, wherein the pump arrangement is located at the opening in sealed engagement with the liquid-damming member and wherein the pump arrangement, in use, pumps liquid from the protected side to the flooded side. Also disclosed is a protective barrier including such a protective barrier segment.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Flood Guard Barrier Lifting System

Номер: US20160010298A1
Автор: JR. Louis A., Waters
Принадлежит: Floodbreak, LLC

A buoyant flood guard barrier panel passively buoyantly rotationally pivotable upward from horizontal about a first horizontal axis overlays a subframe unattached to the panel. A secondary mechanism for raising the panel has one or more lift arms below the panel transverse to the first axis are rotationally mounted on a second horizontal axis parallel to, below and forward of the first axis. One or more powered drivers act on one or more driven member units each attached to a lift arm rearward of and lower than the second axis to pivot the lift arm on the second axis, rotating the arm upwardly under the panel to rotationally raise the panel. The powered driver may be a winch or a hydraulic actuator. 1. A self-actuating floodwater barrier unit for installation along a shoreline adjacent a place for a body of water , between a pair of walls transverse to the shoreline , comprising:a. a panel assembly comprising a flexible resilient panel and a plurality of rigid attachment members connected to said panel, said panel comprising one or more watertight chambers of size and arrangement to give the unit water buoyancy;b. pivotation members comprising a stationary member for anchorage adjacent the shoreline and a moveable member connected to a said rigid attachment member on a lower portion of said panel assembly, the moveable member being moveably joined to said stationary member and pivotally rotatable upward from a normally horizontal disposition of the flexible resilient panel about an axis longitudinal with said shoreline under the influence of water buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure from a rise of said body of water; andc. a flexible tension member connected at one end to an anchorage lower than said floodwater barrier unit when the panel assembly is horizontally disposed and at the other end connected to a said rigid attachment member at a position on said panel assembly effective to limit upward rotation of the unit to a predetermined extent.2. The floodwater ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017557A1

A flood wall system and method of constructing same, including providing a first main panel section; attaching sleeves to each side of a main panel prior to configuring the final chamber; providing two sleeves of fabric at the upper opening of each chamber for supporting the chambers while the chambers are being filled with materials such as sane; providing a series of chambers sewn together to define a continuous cellular wall; the final chamber having a horizontal height which is two feet (0.6 m) longer than the vertical height further having a front toe portion one feet (0.3 m) in height; filling each chamber with a quantity of the material, such as sand, to fill each chamber; on each end of a completed chain of chambers, further comprising a set of loops or ties so that a chain of chambers is capable of being tied to other chains of chambers to define the continuous flood wall system.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102581A1
Автор: Adams Beau G.

Methods and apparatus are provided related to a multi-part reusable levee bag. The reusable levee bag includes a top bag section and a bottom portion removably affixed to the top bag section. The combined top bag section and bottom portion define an in interior space within which fillable material may be received to form a levee bag for use in flooding and other installations. The multi-part design allows the levee bag, once filled, to be disassembled and reused. 1. A reusable levee bag , comprising:a top bag portion having an open top and an open bottom and a first end panel, said open top dimensionally smaller than said open bottom;a plurality of guides extending from said top bag portion;said top bag defining an interior space;a bottom bag portion removably retained to said top bag portion;said bottom bag portion have a first side flap extending from a bottom panel and a second side flap extending from said bottom panel;said interior space of said top bag interrupted by at least one baffle;wherein said combined top bag portion and bottom bag portion define an enclosed levee bag capable of receiving flowable material.2. The reusable levee bag of wherein said bottom bag portion receives said top bag portion claim 1 , said top bag portion removably retained to said bottom bag portion by a plurality of connectors.3. The reusable levee bag of wherein said top bag portion has a plurality of straps received within a plurality of strap receivers on said bottom bag portion.4. The reusable levee bag of wherein said bottom bag portion further has at least one end flap extending to said top bag portion.5. The reusable levee bag of wherein said top bag portion at least one baffle is a plurality of baffle panels extending from a first side of said top bag portion to a second side of top bag portion claim 1 , said plurality of baffles positioned between said first end panel and an opposing second end panel of said top bag portion.6. The reusable levee bag of wherein said ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024734A1
Автор: Munz Heinz

A system, method and collar for augmenting a floodwall are disclosed herein. The collar includes metal shell conformed in the shape of bollard, and is slideable over the bollard. The collar is capable of being locked to the bollard by a bolt. The collar is welded or attached to a post of the floodwall. The floodwall may be a removable floodwall installation. 1. A collar for augmenting a floodwall , the collar comprising:a metal shell fitted to conform to a bollard, the metal shell including a first opening and a second opening;a first hole and a second hole included on the metal shell, wherein the first hole and the second hole line-up significantly with a bollard hole, andthe collar is welded to a post of the floodwall.2. The collar of claim 1 , further comprising a bolt to be placed in the first hole claim 1 , the second hole claim 1 , and the bollard hole.3. The collar of claim 1 , wherein the metal shell is aluminum.4. The collar of claim 1 , wherein the floodwall is removable.5. A removable floodwall system claim 1 , the system comprising:a plurality of posts to receive a plurality of removable planks disposed in-between the plurality of posts; anda plurality of collars, each of the collars being a metal shell conformed to fit each of a plurality of bollards, whereineach of the plurality of posts is welded to at least some of the plurality of collars.6. The system according to claim 5 , wherein each of the plurality of collars includes:a first hole and a second hole included on the metal shell,wherein the first hole and the second hole line-up significantly with a bollard hole.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising a bolt to be placed in the first hole claim 6 , the second hole claim 6 , and the bollard hole.8. The system of claim 6 , wherein the floodwall is removable.9. A method for augmenting a floodwall with a collar claim 6 , the method comprising:inserting a hole in a bollard situated with a floodwall;conforming a metal shell in the shape of the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Methods, Systems, and Kits for Building Interlocking Seawalls

Номер: US20220042306A1
Автор: Donnelly William

This disclosure provides methods, systems, and kits for building seawalls using mechanically interlocking blocks. The interlocking blocks have interiors that can be filled with sand, gravel, or cementitious material after formation of a wall. The interlocking blocks that can be connected on any side to form a structure, wall, foundation, floor, building, flotation device, gardening structure, or toy. The interlocking blocks typically comprise center openings and connecting openings on each side and can be connected with hardware through the connecting openings. The center openings allow for materials such as pipes, wires, conduit, and rebar to pass through interlocked blocks. Connected blocks can also be filled with fortifying material to strengthen the structure. Sides of connected blocks can be covered with faceplates to direct flow of fortifying material and aid in the creation of desired configurations. Also provided are connectors for connecting sides of the interlocking blocks. 1. A kit for building a sea wall configured to be filled with gravel , sand , cementitious material , or a combination thereof , comprising: an interior; and', a first side center opening around the center of the first interlocking side,', 'four first side corners,', 'four first side interlocking openings, each first side interlocking opening being proximate to a first side corner,, 'a first interlocking side comprising, 'six sides comprising], 'a first cementitious interlocking block comprising an interior; and', a second side center opening around the center of the second interlocking side,', 'four second side corners,', 'four second side interlocking openings, each second side interlocking opening being proximate to a second side corner;, 'a second interlocking side comprising, 'six sides comprising], 'a second cementitious interlocking block comprisinghardware for mechanically interlocking the first interlocking side and the second interlocking side via the first side interlocking ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Portable flood barrier system and method of use

Номер: US20190024337A1
Автор: Anders Philipsen
Принадлежит: Environment Solutions Aps

A flood protection system and a method of using such a system. The system includes at least one elongated flexible tube arranged for being filled with and containing a fluid, wherein the at least one flexible tube comprises a number of positioning elements. The positioning elements ensure that the tubes can form barriers of any desired form, of any length, any height, any width/breadth, and on all terrains, thereby providing a barrier in an area threatened by flooding. The system according to the invention may be deployed quickly and easily irrespectively of the terrain/ground and weather conditions.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030040A1
Автор: Hajdu Adam, Zuzi Bohuslav

Self filling flood-protection bag consists of two enclosed chambers (), that are interconnected by terminal yoke () in form of letter “T” and that are made of polyester fabric with high water absorbing capacity. Chambers () are filled up with granular or jelly mixture of water superabsorbents () based on cross-linked polyacrylate (SAP). Terminal yoke () contains two handling metal eyelets (). 1. A self-filling flood-protection bag , comprising: at least two enclosed chambers that are interconnected by a terminal yoke in the form of a letter “T” , where at least said enclosed chambers are formed from polyester fabric with high water absorbing capacity , and wherein said enclosed chambers are at least partially filled up with a mixture of water superabsorbent.2. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to claim 1 , wherein said terminal yoke in the form of a letter “T” is formed of a polyester fabric with high water absorbing capacity and has at least two handling eyelets.3. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to patent claim 1 , the wherein said terminal yoke in the form of a letter “T” is made of plastic and has at least two handling eyelets.4. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to patent claim 1 , wherein said water expanding superabsorbent is in the form of moulded band claim 1 , granules or jelly.5. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to patent claim 1 , wherein said water expanding superabsorbent is based on cross-linked polyacrylate.6. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to patent claim 1 , wherein within said enclosed chambers are placed wetting agents and/or polyvinylpyrrolidone.7. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to wherein with said enclosed chambers are placed wetting agents and/or polyvinylpyrrolidone.8. The self-filling flood-protection bag according to wherein with said enclosed chambers are placed wetting agents and/or polyvinylpyrrolidone.9. The self-filling flood-protection bag ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032546A1
Автор: PHELPS Simon Thomas

A flood barrier unit having a base and at least one side wall is provided. The walls of the unit are tapered such that it is capable of being stacked vertically with other such units when not in use. The unit preferably includes at least one connection slot on each wall, wherein each connection slot is adapted to sealingly accept a connection piece. A plurality of such units may be connected together to form a watertight flood barrier, where adjacent units are adapted to be connected together in a watertight manner using one connection piece. Additional connection pieces suitable for sealingly engaging a vertical structure such as the wall of a building are also provided. 1. A unit suitable for deployment as part of a flood barrier , comprising:a hollow body comprising a base and at least one wall, wherein the angle between the at least one wall and the base is greater than 90 degrees;wherein the at least one wall includes at least one recess therein, each recess forming a connection slot that is suitable for accepting a connection piece.2. A unit according to claim 1 , wherein each connection slot is tapered in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the at least one wall.3. A unit according to claim 1 , arranged such that at least a component of the weight of the unit acts to improve the seal between the unit and a connection piece.4. A unit according to claim 3 , wherein the unit is self-filling and wherein the seal between the unit and a connection piece is improved as the unit fills.5. A unit according to claim 1 , wherein the unit comprises opposing front and back walls and first and second opposing end walls claim 1 , at least three of said walls including at least one connection slot.6. (canceled)7. A unit according to claim 5 , wherein each of the end walls includes only one connection slot claim 5 , the front wall includes only two connection slots and the back wall includes only three connection slots.8. A unit according to claim 7 , wherein the front and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032293A1
Автор: FAN Liangkai, XU Caikui

An automatic water retaining device comprises two or more automatic water retaining units disposed in parallel, the automatic water retaining unit comprises a panel and a base, wherein the base is provided with a water storage cavity, the panel is rotatably disposed on the base, the water storage cavity is opened and closed through the rotation of the panel, a surface of the panel for covering the base is provided with a floating plate, one end of the base different from the end of the base connected with the panel is provided with a first water inlet communicated with the water storage cavity, and when water enters the water storage cavity from the first water inlet and contacts the floating plate, buoyancy is generated to the floating plate and the floating plate drives the panel to rotate and open under the action of buoyancy. 1115511511115255111051105122211. An automatic water retaining device for blocking the passage of water on the ground between two side walls , characterized by comprising two or more automatic water retaining units disposed in parallel , the automatic water retaining unit comprises a panel () and a base () , wherein the base () is provided with a water storage cavity , the panel () is rotatably disposed on the base () , the water storage cavity is opened and closed through the rotation of the panel () , a surface of the panel () for covering the base () is provided with a floating plate () , one end of the base () different from the end of the base () connected with the panel () is provided with a first water inlet ( , ) communicated with the water storage cavity , and when water enters the water storage cavity from the first water inlet ( , ) and contacts the floating plate () , buoyancy is generated to the floating plate () and the floating plate () drives the panel () to rotate and open under the action of buoyancy , thereby implementing a water retaining function.2511205212011115211121. The automatic water retaining device according to ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Drain Gate Seawall System

Номер: US20200032471A1
Принадлежит: Pak Nguyen Chung

The Integrated Drain Gate Seawall System (IDGSS) was designed to mitigate flooding due to rising sea water, severe rain and storm damages at costal area or other various waterfront properties like riverbanks, bay, beach, ocean, lake, marsh and low lying areas. The IDGSS has incorporated two functions simultaneously by separating water and land with a flood resilient fixed water barrier wall, but more importantly, has an automatic drainage system, especially for an unexpected severe and prolonged storms; to address the unintended consequence of trapping water inside the pre-existing water barrier walls. Unfortunately, during these severe storms, the trapped water has created a bathtub like scenario by the manmade fixed wall barriers, and causing an insult to an injury to an already devastated storm conditions, due to a lack of drainage systems. To mitigate this type of severe drainage problem, IDGSS was created with a characteristics of a concrete wall blocks, which includes a one-way valve or flap drain gate inside as a single unified structure, with an adjustable one-way valve or flap drain gate specification; with a various shape, sizes, materials and configurations for both one-way valve or flap gate and wall blocks; and adaptable retrofitting mechanisms to meet the site specific topography and special drainage needs. To protect the one-way valve or flap gate drainage system and to allow for an efficient drainage pathway system, the wall blocks are built to withstand severe wind and unpredictable weather conditions to become storm resilient, pressure reducing mechanism within the unlimited combinations of geometrical wall shape and size arrangements. Thus, the IDGSS is a reinforced wall system that can adapt to a specific drainage problem by allowing the trapped water to be returned back to where it came from as long as the water recedes by gravity.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032472A1
Автор: Ferraiolo Francesco

A sack for realising civil engineering works, including a sack structure with two main faces defined by two respective equal main expanses of cloth that are joined over most of their periphery. The main expanses of cloth define an opening for introducing filling material into the sack structure when in use. The sack comprises at least one expanse of protective cloth whose resistance characteristics differ from the main expanses of cloth. The expanse of protective cloth is fastened to the outside of the sack structure so as to substantially cover a single main face thereof. 111-. (canceled)12. Sack for realising civil engineering works , comprising a sack structure with two main faces defined by two respective equal main expanses of cloth , made with a single cloth of a permeable geotextile material folded into two equal-sized portions and joined over most of their periphery and defining an opening for introducing filling material when in use , the sack comprising at least one expanse of protective cloth having resistance characteristics differing from the main expanses of cloth , the expanse of protective cloth being fastened to the outside of the sack structure so as to substantially cover a single main face thereof , wherein the expanse of protective cloth is an impermeable cloth.13. Sack according to claim 12 , wherein the expanse of protective cloth has greater resistance to UV rays than that of the main expanses of cloth.14. Sack according to claim 12 , wherein the expanse of protective cloth is a large piece of waxed cloth.15. Sack according to claim 12 , wherein the main expanses of cloth are made of geotextile.16. Sack according to claim 12 , wherein the main expanses of cloth and the expanse of protective cloth are joined together over most of their periphery by stitching.17. Method for manufacturing a sack claim 12 , intended for realising civil engineering works claim 12 , having the characteristics of claim 12 , comprising the phases of:having available ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for providing a piping protection system in a dike body

Номер: US20160047105A1
Автор: Willem Martin ZIELMAN
Принадлежит: Gww-Infra Holding BV

The invention relates to a method for making a barrier screen in a dike body for preventing transport of soil particles, said barrier screen being positioned substantially standing and extending in a longitudinal direction of said dike body, wherein in said method said barrier screen is obtained by mechanically mixing soil that is already present in said dike body with a binder. The method is characterized in that it comprises the step of displacing the chain cutter along the trajectory of the barrier screen to be made through the dike body and mixing the soil present and the binder as well as inserting a cloth into the mixed soil.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Cutter and a method for providing a piping protection system in a dike body

Номер: US20160047109A1
Автор: Willem Martin ZIELMAN
Принадлежит: Gww-Infra Holding BV

The invention relates to a cutter and a method for making a barrier screen in a dike body for preventing soil particles. The cutter comprises: —a part that is oriented vertically when in use and that comprises a supply device for supplying to soil material of said dike body a binder for binding soil material that has been cut by said cutter, said vertically oriented part at a lower portion thereof being provided with chisels for cutting said soil material during a downward movement of said cutter; —as well as a part that is horizontally oriented when in use and that extends at both sides of said vertical part and wherein said parts that are provided at both sides comprise cylinders that are rotatable about a horizontal rotation axis and wherein said cylinders are provided with ground cultivating members for mixing soil material that has been machined by said chisels and said ground cultivating members.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044731A1

To provide a floating flap gate that requires an auxiliary force of a counterweight or the like, and in which bending does not occur in a forward end portion of a door body, even in cases in which an installation site has a wide span. A floating flap gate having a forward end portion of a door body that is configured to rotate around a base end portion serving as a fulcrum at a time of a rising water, so as to float upwards, and provided with an upper beam attached to the forward end portion of the door body and a door body suspension member contained within the upper beam and having two ends each being connected to one end of a wire rope A counterweight is connected to the other end side of the wire rope as a pulling device. Bolts are used as adjusting members interposed between the upper beam and the door suspension member and are inserted into bolt holes 6provided on an upper surface of the upper beam 2so as to exert an opposing force to the tension of the wire rope resulting from the weight of the counterweight acting on the door body suspension member the opposing force being applied uniformly to the upper beam 2during ordinary use. 1. A floating flap gate comprising:a door body having a forward end portion and a base end portion, wherein the forward end portion is configured to rotate around the base end portion to float upwards in a direction of influx of a seawater during a tsunami or a high tide and within a plane in a height direction;an upper beam attached to the forward end portion of the door body;a door body suspension member contained within the upper beam and having two ends each being connected to one end of a rope;a pulling device connected to the other end of the rope; andan adjusting member configured to apply an opposing force to a tension force of the rope due to the pulling device operating on the door body suspension member during ordinary use, the opposing force being applied uniformly to the upper beam.2. The floating flap gate according to ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method And System For Anchoring A Waterproofing Liner To Concrete Curbs Of A Hydraulic Structure

Номер: US20170044732A1
Автор: SCUERO Alberto Maria
Принадлежит: CARPI TECH B.V.

A method and a system for anchoring a waterproofing liner of thermoplastic material to a longitudinally extending wall of a hydraulic structure of compacted loose material. The waterproofing liner is seamed to a plurality of continuous anchor bands of thermoplastic material, laterally spaced apart from one another, vertically extending in a traverse direction of the wall, from an upper to a lower position of the hydraulic structure; each continuous anchor band consists of a plurality of axially aligned and partially superimposed modular strips, seamed together and fixed to concrete curbs, defining a surface for laying down the waterproofing liner, in which the curbs longitudinally and/or transversely extend to the wall of the hydraulic structure. 1. A method for anchoring a waterproofing liner to a side wall which extends in a longitudinal direction of a hydraulic structure comprising compacted layers of loose material , according to which the waterproofing liner comprises flexible sheets of synthetic material fastened to the side wall , the method further comprising the steps of:defining a laying surface of the side wall for laying down the waterproofing liner, providing the laying surface with a plurality of continuous seaming bands for the waterproofing liner, in synthetic material;fastening the waterproofing liner to the side wall of hydraulic structure by seaming the waterproofing liner to the continuous seaming bands;characterised by the steps of:configuring the side wall of the hydraulic structure with a plurality of concrete curbs providing said laying surface for the waterproofing liner;anchoring the plurality of continuous seaming bands to the concrete curbs by arranging the continuous seaming bands in a traverse direction from an upper to a lower position of the side wall;laying down the waterproofing liner on the laying surface of the concrete curbs; andanchoring the waterproofing liner to the concrete curbs by seaming the waterproofing liner to the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064887A1
Автор: Hodgson Peter Andrew

A flood barrier for protecting the environment having a venturi type effect pumping means not requiring external power, the flood barrier comprising a wall and a pump for drawing water across the barrier from a first side to a second side. The wall configured to provide a barrier preventing movement of water from the first, drain, side to the second, tributary, side, of that wall. The barrier further comprising a pipe traversing the wall for transferring water between the two sides of the wall the pipe being terminated in the first side of the wall at a venturi effect pump, the pump being feedable with water from the drain through a conduit inlet so as to create suction in the pipe for drawing water through the pipe from the second side of the wall to drain water from the second to the first side of the wall.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048853A1

A flap gate includes a door body and a flap ancillary part. When the door body is in its down position, a movable end portion of the door body is located forward of a supported end portion. The door body changes its position between the down position and a maximum up position. The flap ancillary part applies tilt-up moment to the door body only when the door body is located in a position between the down position and a first position. The flap ancillary part also applies tilt-down moment to the door body only when the door body is located in a position between the maximum up position and a second position. This simplifies the structure of the flap gate that can speedily start to tilt up when water flows in and that can early start to tilt down when the water level has started to drop. 1. A flap gate provided in an opening and configured to tilt up to block said opening when water flows in from said opening , the flap gate comprising:a door body whose movable end portion is located forward of its supported end portion, i.e., on a side from which water flows in, when said door body is in a down position, and that changes its position between said down position and a maximum up position by turning on said supported end portion serving as a support; anda flap ancillary part that applies tilt-up moment to said door body only when said door body is located in a position between said down position and a first position that is between said down position and said maximum up position, and applies tilt-down moment to said door body only when said door body is located in a position between said maximum up position and a second position that is between said first position and said maximum up position.2. The flap gate according to claim 1 , whereinsaid flap ancillary part is disposed on a lower side of an upper surface of said door body that is in said down position.3. The flap gate according to claim 1 , whereinsaid flap ancillary part includes a tilt-up elastic member that is ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Flood Protection System

Номер: US20180051433A1
Автор: Smith Thomas A.

A flood protection system including a tube plate assembly including a plurality of orifices arranged in a predetermined pattern and density. A tube attachment subsystem is associated with each of the plurality of orifices and is configured to secure an open ended independent barrier tube thereto. A plurality of spaced walls are configured to support the tube plate assembly above the ground such that each barrier tube extends vertically downward from the tube plate to the ground. Filling each barrier tube with the fluid provides outward hydrostatic pressure at each tube-to-tube interface such that friction loss of a flow of flood water along each barrier tube-to-tube interface pathway stops the ingress of the flood water from a flood area to a protected area. 1. A flood protection system comprising: a tube plate including a plurality of orifices arranged in a predetermined pattern and density, and', 'a tube attachment subsystem associated with each of the plurality of orifices configured to secure an open ended independent barrier tube thereto;, 'a tube plate assembly includinga plurality of spaced walls configured to support the tube plate assembly above the ground such that each barrier tube extends vertically downward from the tube plate to the ground; andwherein filling each said barrier tube with the fluid provides outward hydrostatic pressure at each tube-to-tube interface such that friction loss of a flow of flood water along each barrier tube-to-tube interface pathway stops the ingress of the flood water from a flood area to a protected area.2. The system of in which the predetermined pattern and said density of said plurality of orifices each having a barrier tube attached thereto are configured to increase the tube-to-tube interface pathway to increase the friction loss to stop the ingress of the flood water from the flood area to the protected area.3. The system of in which the predetermined pattern and density of said plurality of orifices each having a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051464A1

A dam () for shielding against water, said dam comprising at least one elongate section (), each section comprising a section bottom (), a section top () and two longitudinal side faces () and two end faces () together defining a volume (), said at least one section () comprising one or more openings () configured for filling and emptying of liquid to the volume (), said at least one end face () comprising a collar () extending in the width along the periphery of the end face in extension of the bottom section and the two longitudinal side faces. 111023456101112657. A dam () for the shielding of water , the dam comprising at least one elongate section () , each section comprising a section bottom () , a section top () and two longitudinal side faces () and two end faces () together defining a volume () , the at least one section () comprising one or more openings ( , ) configured for filling and emptying of liquid to the volume () , characterized in that at least one end face () comprises a collar () extending in the width along the periphery of the end face in extension of the bottom section and the two longitudinal side faces.27. A dam according to claim 1 , where the collar () extends longitudinally from the end face corresponding to the height of the side faces of the collar.375. A dam according to one or more of the preceding claims claim 1 , where the collar () extends at a length of 1 m from the end face ().4235. A dam according to one or more of the preceding claims claim 1 , where the length of the section bottom () in the at least one end of the section extends beyond the length of the section top () whereby the end face () is inclined.5232323. A dam according to one or more of the preceding claims claim 1 , where the length of the section bottom () is 5-50 cm longer than the section top () claim 1 , preferably approx. 20 cm claim 1 , or where the section bottom () has a length claim 1 , apart from the length of the section top () claim 1 , corresponding ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Inflatable flood defense structural unit and arrangement

Номер: US20160060836A1
Автор: Peter James
Принадлежит: Cintec International Ltd

An inflatable flood defence structural unit is described for creating an inflatable flood defence arrangement. The unit comprises at least one inflatable chamber comprising a front wall and a rear wall which extend in a substantially parallel orientation. At least one of the front and rear walls provide a water barrier, and a first and second end wall are arranged to couple the front and rear walls together at a respective first and second end of the front and rear walls. The unit further comprises a first inflatable buttress which is rigidly bonded at a proximal end thereof to the rear wall of the chamber, proximate the first end of the chamber and which extends in a direction which is away from the chamber, and a second inflatable buttress which is rigidly bonded at a proximal end thereof to the rear wall of the chamber, proximate the second end of the chamber, and which similarly extends in a direction which is away from the chamber. The unit further comprises a fastening arrangement disposed upon at least one of the first or second buttress for fastening the first and second buttress to a second and first buttress respectively, of a further structural unit to create the flood defence arrangement.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Fiber Block System

Номер: US20190055706A1
Автор: Santha B. Lanka

A fiber block system suitable for controlling erosion and stabilizing soil is described that comprises a fiber block formed of a densely packed natural fibers and having an apron extending therefrom, wherein the apron is formed of the same natural fibers. The fiber block and apron are enclosed in a sleeve of fiber mesh and ties are disposed in the fiber block and connect to the sleeve. The fiber block, mesh, and ties can be made of coir fibers. 1. A fiber block system for perimeter sediment control , slope length shortening , and check dam applications comprising:a fiber block comprising a top side, a bottom side opposing the top side, a front side connected to the top side, a rear side opposing the front side and extending between the top side and the bottom side, a right side, and a left side opposing the right side, wherein the fiber block comprises compressed natural fibers;a sleeve encasing the fiber block, wherein the sleeve comprises a natural fiber mesh; and,a plurality of ties extending through the fiber block, wherein each tie of the plurality of ties comprises a first end extending through one of the top side, the bottom side, the front side, and the rear side of the fiber block and a second end extending through another of the top side, the bottom side, the front side, and the rear side of the fiber block, wherein each tie of the plurality of ties connects to the sleeve at the first end and the second end of the tie, whereby the plurality of ties supports the fiber block, and wherein each tie of the plurality of ties comprises natural fibers.2. The fiber block system of claim 1 , further comprising an apron projecting outward the front side of the fiber block claim 1 , wherein the apron comprises an apron body comprising compressed natural fibers.3. The fiber block system of claim 2 , wherein the apron body comprises an apron top side and an apron bottom side claim 2 , and wherein the apron top side is aligned oblique to the apron bottom side.4. The ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071708A1
Автор: Ferraiolo Francesco

A reinforced gabion comprising two adjacent walls with a common edge manufactured using a single sheet of double twisted metal mesh fabric formed from metal wires which have two different diameters respectively corresponding to the two walls. Preferably the metal mesh fabric has a mesh with at least one twisted side formed from at least two metal wires woven together in which each twisted side is aligned in the direction of the common edge between the two walls. 1. A reinforced gabion having a box structure capable of containing inert material , comprising two adjacent walls with a common edge made using a single sheet of double twisted metal mesh fabric formed of metal wires whose diameters differ from each other in the two walls.2. A reinforced gabion according to claim 1 , in which the double twisted metal mesh of the single mesh fabric has meshes with at least one twisted side claim 1 , formed of at least two metal wires woven together claim 1 , in which each twisted side is aligned in the direction of the common edge between the two walls.3. A reinforced gabion according to claim 1 , in which the double twisted metal mesh fabric is a hexagonal mesh fabric.4. A reinforced gabion according to claim 1 , in which the single double twisted metal mesh fabric is also formed of at least one wire having a diameter intermediate between the different diameters of the metal wires of the two adjacent walls located substantially at the common edge between the two adjacent walls.5. A reinforced gabion according to claim 1 , in which the single double twisted metal mesh fabric extends to form three or more walls of the reinforced gabion.6. A process for manufacturing a double twisted metal mesh fabric for the manufacture of a reinforced gabion comprising the stages of;{'b': '40', 'placing a plurality of metal wires comprising at least one first group of wires having a first diameter and a second group of wires having a second diameter alongside each other in a frame (),'} ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063389A1
Автор: Stewart Micheal

A system for flood control that includes: a water sensor; a control panel, where the water sensor is connected to the control panel; and a convertible sea wall, where the convertible sea wall is adapted to toggle between an extended position and a retracted position. The system for flood control may further include a steel base structure, wherein the steel base structure houses the convertible sea wall when the convertible sea wall is in a retracted position. The steel base structure further includes hydraulic lifts within the steel base structure that lift and extend the convertible sea wall into the extended position and allows for the retraction of the sea wall to the retracted position. 1. A system for flood control comprising:a water sensor;a control panel, where the water sensor is connected to the control panel; a convertible sea wall, where the convertible sea wall is adapted to toggle between an extended position and a retracted position; anda plurality of shock absorbing springs connected to the convertible sea wall to support the convertible sea wall, such that a first spring is disposed in a first direction, and at least one second spring is disposed in a second direction.2. The system for flood control according to further including a steel base structure claim 1 , wherein the steel structure houses the convertible sea wall when the convertible sea wall is in a retracted position.3. The system for flood control according to claim 1 , wherein the steel base structure further includes hydraulic lifts within the steel base structure that lift and extend the convertible sea wall into the extended position and allows for retraction of the convertible sea wall to the retracted position.4. The system for flood control according to claim 1 , wherein the convertible sea wall includes a steel plate structure with a steel support on a back side of the convertible sea wall.5. The system for flood control according to claim 4 , wherein the convertible sea wall ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Structure Including Interlocking Containers

Номер: US20170067219A1
Автор: Stewart KRIEGSTEIN
Принадлежит: Warstone Innovations LLC

A container is disclosed. The container has a side part, an upper part, a lower part, and a cavity formed by the side part, the upper part, and the lower part. The container also has a material disposed in the cavity. The side part has at least one protrusion and at least one recess. The side part is permeable to water. The side part is also nonpermeable to the material disposed in the cavity.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076210A1
Автор: SÁPI István Péter

A mobile flood protection barrier system for quickly stopping and damming back watercourses, overflows, and for raising the embankment in flood protection as a temporary facility. The system has water-fillable water storage units that are connected to one another and supporting structures, the water storage units are placed into the triangular supporting frames of the supporting structure and fixed to supporting structure, to the spacer bar thereof. The water storage unit is made of a single, continuous, rectangular flexible material, divided into three parts by longitudinal folds, has a triangular prism-shape in the filled-up state, with the surface of the middle folded part in contact with the soil, and is open along its upper edges. The lateral ends of the water storage unit are partially closed. The water storage units can be connected to one another via unit coupling extension portions made from their own material. 155559. A mobile flood protection barrier system comprising water-fillable water storage units () that are connected to one another and supporting structures , the water storage units () are placed into the supporting structures and fixed to the supporting structures , characterized in that the water storage unit is made of a single , continuous , rectangular flexible material , divided into three parts by longitudinal folds , has a triangular prism-shape in the filled-up state , with the surface of the middle folded part in contact with the soil , and is open along its upper edges , the lateral ends of the water storage unit () are partially closed; the water storage unit () is fixed into the triangular supporting frames () of the supporting structure.25165. The mobile flood protection barrier system according to claim 1 , characterized in that at the lateral ends of the water storage unit () there are unit coupling extension portions () made from the own material of the water storage unit ().351616. The mobile flood protection barrier system ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073920A1
Автор: Heselden James

A single box gabion is disclosed. The gabion comprises interconnected side walls. Each side wall comprises at least one substantially closed side wall element panel that prevents a gabion fill material from falling through the side wall without the aid of a gabion lining material. The single box gabion can be coupled together to form a modular gabion structure to protect military or civilian installations from weapons assault or from elemental forces, such as flood waters, lava flows, avalanches, soil instability, slope erosion and the like. 119-. (canceled)20. A gabion comprising side walls connected together at spaced intervals by partition walls , the side walls comprising at least one substantially closed side wall element panel , wherein the or each substantially closed side wall is manufactured of a sheet material.21. The gabion according to claim 20 , wherein the substantially closed side wall element panel acts in use of the gabion to prevent a gabion fill material from falling through the side wall.22. The gabion according to claim 21 , wherein the said action of the substantially closed side wall element panel is effective without the aid of a gabion lining material.23. The gabion according to claim 20 , wherein the substantially closed side wall element panel is of a rigid material.24. The gabion according to claim 23 , wherein the rigidity of the material is sufficient to prevent excessive bulging of the side wall element panel when the gabion is filled with a fill material.25. The gabion according to claim 20 , wherein the substantially closed panel is provided with means for receiving a hinge member for the purpose of connecting the substantially closed panel pivotally to a neighbouring side wall element panel and/or to a partition wall.26. The gabion according to claim 25 , wherein the hinge receiving means are provided on a region of the closed panel of greater thickness than an adjacent region of the panel.27. The gabion according to claim 26 , ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Structure Supported Containment Dike

Номер: US20200071896A1
Автор: Vickers Paul

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. Structural supports are inserted into the flexible contain tubes and the tube sealed to form structure supported dike sections. For example, a supporting structure may be configured with a given length and cross sectional diameter to provide structural support to a vinyl-coated polyester tube with a 12-36 inch diameter. The structure is sealed within the tube and, in turn, the tube may be filled with a fluid such as water to create structure supported containment dike. The length of the supporting structure may be selected based on the width of an entryway to create structure supported dike section of a give length that provide a seal across the entryways against floodwaters. 1. An apparatus for mitigating flood damage , the apparatus comprising:a first flexible containment tube configured to be filled with a first filling fluid;a first supporting structure disposed within an interior of the first flexible containment tube;a second flexible containment tube configured to be filled with a second filling fluid;a second supporting structure disposed within an interior of the second flexible containment tube; anda water-tight sleeve that spans at least a first end of the first flexible containment tube and a first end of the second flexible containment tube.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first supporting structure has a first length and a first cross-sectional perimeter and the first flexible containment tube has a first circumference greater than or equal to the first cross-sectional length and a first tube length greater than the first length of the first supporting structure.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first flexible containment tube contains an opening large enough to receive the first supporting structure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first tube length of the first flexible containment tube exceeds the first length of the first supporting structure by a ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079615A1

A flood mitigation barrier; the barrier comprising a line of central structures wrapped in a flexible heat shrinkable polymer material. 1. A flood mitigation barrier; the barrier comprising a line of central structures wrapped in a flexible heat shrinkable polymer material and wherein heat is applied to conform the heat shrinkable polymer material to the line of central structures.2. The barrier of wherein the line of central structures comprises an elongate assembly of stacked sandbags.3. The barrier of wherein the line of central structures comprises a line of road barriers placed end to end.4. The barrier of wherein the line of central structures comprises sections of metal frames of triangular cross section placed end to end.5. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein a layer or dry cement or dry cement/sand mix is laid along an intended path of the flood mitigation barrier.6. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein sections of sheets of the flexible heat shrinkable polymer material are positioned with overlaps between adjacent sections of sheet along the intended path of the flood mitigation barrier; the sections of sheets positioned over the layer of dry cement or dry cement/sand mix; edges of the overlaps heat welded together to form a continuous strip along the intended path.7. The barrier of wherein the central structures are positioned centrally along the continuous strip of the flexible heat shrinkable polymer material.8. The barrier of wherein opposing outer edges of the continuous strip of the flexible heat shrinkable polymer material are drawn up and over the central structures; overlapping edges of the outer edges heat welded together to enwrap the central structures.9. (canceled)10. The barrier of wherein moisture applied to the layer of dry cement or dry cement/sand mix forms a seal below the flood mitigation barrier.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A method of forming a flood mitigation barrier; the method including the steps of:preparing an intended path of the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Containment Dike

Номер: US20170081818A1
Автор: Vickers Paul

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. For example, multiple vinyl-coated polyester tubes with a 19-inch diameter may be filled with water and stacked on top of each other to create a temporary diversion dike. Multiple sections of dike may be abutted together to form longer sections of dike. A vapor barrier or plastic membrane may wrap over dike sections and/or weaved through the flexible containment tubes as they are placed prior to filling. Configurations of the vapor barrier and associated anchoring mechanisms improve the utility of dike sections by reducing hydrostatic pressure of contained fluid on the dike, harnessing the weight of fluid columns, and mitigating seepage through the dike sections. 1a plurality of containment tubes stacked on a ground surface in a pyramid formation, each flexible containment tube comprising a flexible body and configured to receive a filling fluid; the first portion of the vapor barrier extending from a front base of the pyramid formation into the containment area along the ground surface, and', 'the second portion of the vapor barrier extending down a front face of the pyramid formation to the ground surface at the front base of the pyramid formation, the front face of the pyramid formation forming a portion of the containment area., 'a vapor barrier comprising a first portion and a second portion,'}. An apparatus for containing a fluid within a containment area, the apparatus comprising: This application is a continuation application of U.S. Utility application Ser. No. 15/141,267, filed on Apr. 28, 2016, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/155,269, filed on Apr. 30, 2015, both of which are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety. In addition, this application is related to U.S. Pat. No. 6,641,329, which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.1. Field of the DisclosureThe present disclosure relates to flexible containment tubes for dikes and ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Water Flow Diversion Apparatus

Номер: US20210087766A1

A water flow diversion apparatus is provided. The water flow diversion apparatus includes a planar base. The planar base is installable upon or below a ground surface. A barrier extends upward from the planar base. The barrier is designed to redirect the flow of water when the water contacts the barrier. The barrier also includes a pair of support braces. The support braces are secured between the planar base and the barrier so that they provide additional support to the barrier to withstand the impact of water flow. 1) A water flow diversion apparatus , comprising:a planar base;a barrier extending perpendicularly upward from the planar base;the barrier comprising a pair of support braces on each side of the planar base;the support braces secured to the planar base and to the barrier.2) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pair of support braces are of a greater thickness than the barrier.3) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pair of support braces are of a lesser length than the length of the barrier and the length of the planar base.4) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein barrier is of an identical length as the planar base.5) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the barrier and the planar base are a single claim 1 , unitary structure.6) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the barrier and the planar base are separable from each other.7) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the barrier and the planar base are composed of different materials.8) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the barrier and the planar base are made of rubber.9) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the barrier is tapered from a proximate point above the base to a top edge thereof.10) The water flow diversion apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of apertures is disposed through the planar base.11) The water flow diversion ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090705A1
Автор: SCHERKL Helmut
Принадлежит: RESCO Consulting GmbH

The invention relates to a stone, in particular a dam stone for a flood dam. In order to be able to build a stable flood dam in an easy way, according to the invention a cover surface is provided with at least two ribs and an opposing base surface is provided with at least two grooves corresponding to the ribs so as to create an indirect connection between two stones by means of a third stone that can be detached by applying a tensile force perpendicular to the base surface. The invention further relates to the use of such a stone. In addition, the invention relates to a method for manufacturing a mass retention structure, in particular a flood dam. 1. A stone , in particular a dam stone for a flood dam , wherein a cover surface is provided with at least two ribs and an opposing base surface is provided with at least two grooves corresponding to the ribs so as to create an indirect connection between two stones by means of a third stone that can be detached by applying a tensile force perpendicular to the base surface.2. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein the ribs situated on the cover surface and/or the grooves provided on the base surface essentially exhibit a rectangular cross section.3. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein a first lateral surface is provided with at least two ribs claim 1 , and a second lateral surface lying opposite the first lateral surface is provided with grooves corresponding to these ribs.4. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein the stone is essentially square shaped claim 1 , wherein a corner joint is created by providing ribs on at least two sides and corresponding grooves on at least two other sides.5. The stone according to one claim 1 , wherein the ribs and grooves are designed at least in part for a bond exposable to a tensile force claim 1 , in particular for a dovetailed joint.6. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein at least one rig is shorter than a groove corresponding to the rib and lying on an opposing lateral ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Fillable barrier bag

Номер: US20190085521A1
Автор: Beau G. ADAMS
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatus and methods relating to a barrier bag are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, the barrier bag is configured for installation in a doorway and includes a receiving cell for receiving a second barrier bag. The barrier bag may include removable attachment portions for attaching it to one or more additional barrier bags.

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Self-Actuating Shoreline Flood Guard

Номер: US20140169883A1
Автор: JR. Louis A., Waters
Принадлежит: Floodbreak, L.L.C.

A series of self-actuating flood guard units each including a buoyant gate flanked by a pair of the boundary walls and pivotable about a horizontal axis transverse to the flanking boundary walls runs along a shoreline of an adjacent body of water The axis is located at a selected elevation above ground inundated by the body water and is selected to cause the gate to buoyantly rotate upwardly between the boundary walls on rise of water above the selected elevation. The extent of rotation is limited by a restraint acting on the gate. The series of units may be continuous or contiguous and act as a whole to prevent onshore flooding from a rise of the body of water at the shoreline. 1. A series of self-actuating flood guard units , each unit comprising:a buoyant gate having proximal, distal, and lateral sides, a height from the proximal to distal sides, and a width between the lateral sides,a first vertical boundary wall transversely connected at an end thereof to an existing upright wall construction running lengthwise along at least a portion of a shoreline of an adjacent body of water, said first boundary wall standing taller than said construction and extending over an adjacent near portion of said body of water,a second vertical boundary wall transversely connected at an end thereof to said construction, said second boundary wall standing taller than said construction and extending over an adjacent near portion of said body of water, longitudinally spaced from said first boundary wall a distance at least sufficient to accommodate the width of said gate,pivotation members comprising a stationary member horizontally and longitudinally connected to said construction and a movable member movably joined to said stationary member, said movable member being connected to said proximal side of said gate and pivotable about a horizontal axis transverse to said boundary walls, said members locating said proximal side of the gate between said boundary walls at an elevation ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Water Control Apparatus

Номер: US20180094397A1
Принадлежит: Henry K. Obemeyer

The invention relates to improved water control gates and related inflatable actuators, and associated sealing, manufacture and operation apparatus and methods. Advancements in technologies related to air fitting design, inflated bladder stress relief, inflatable bladder strength enhancement, water gate related slide friction mitigation, abutment and other impounded water seals, gate panel fabrication, traffic accommodating water impoundment structures, and water gate panel system operation efficiency, as well as nappe aeration, hinges, and bladder manufacture technology are disclosed herein.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093297A1

The present invention relates to an anti-erosion system made of geo-synthetic material, preferably of polysteel raw material (polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) mixture) instead of only polypropylene or polyester or nylon, resulting in a compromise between the mechanical properties of polypropylene, the chemical properties of polyethylene, and the good resistance to the environmental agents achieved through the incorporation of molecular chain stabilizers. The fraction of PP should range from 50% to 90% and the fraction of PE from 10% to 50%. 1. Anti-erosion system made of geo-synthetic material characterized in that it consists of:a) yarn weft manufactured of a polypropylene and polyethylene mixture in a fraction of 50% to 90% of polypropylene and in a fraction of 10% to 50% of polyethylene, which is the braiding of filaments, individually placed in braids around a core of filaments manufactured from a mixture of polypropylene and polyethylene in the same fraction;b) top and edge sewn with a polyethylene braided thread of ultrahigh molecular weight.2. System according to claim 1 , characterized in that the yarn is the interleaving of 1680 Denier filaments individually placed in sixteen braids around a core of 5 filaments of 1680 Denier claim 1 , and in a construction of 3.01 points per centimeter.3. System according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is cylindrical claim 1 , or tubular claim 1 , or alveolar.4. System according to claim 3 , characterized in that it is partially filled with sand.5. System according to claim 1 , characterized in that the weft forms a single circular element without seams.6. System according to claim 1 , characterized in that it has rigid blocks inside claim 1 , hollow or not. The present invention is an anti-erosion system made of geo-synthetic material, the purpose of which is to provide a smooth and sustainable anti-erosion protection process adapted to severe hydrodynamic conditions.Erosion phenomena, especially in coastal ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096789A1

The present invention features a flood damage prevention apparatus having a modular equilateral triangular prism enclosure with an interlocking system used to interlock and position additional modules of the apparatus during flood damage prevention deployment. The interlock system enables additional modules of the flood damage prevention apparatus to be locked in position. Each module may be protected from flood debris damage by way of a protective covering over each enclosure. The apparatus may be filled with fluid via a seal tight opening located on the surface of the enclosure which in turn may be closed using a seal tight apparatus. 1. A fluid directional apparatus , comprising:a modular equilateral triangular prism enclosure, wherein the enclosure comprises of three impervious and seal-tight sub-enclosures, wherein a first and a second of the three sub-enclosures are capable of being filled with fluid;at least a seal tight opening located on the surface of each of the sub-enclosures adapted to being filled with fluid, wherein each of the seal tight opening is configured for filling and emptying each of the sub-enclosure;at least a seal tight apparatus for closing each of the seal tight opening;an interlocking system on the exterior of the modular equilateral triangular prism enclosure, wherein the interlocking system enables the modular equilateral triangular prism to be connected and locked in position with additional modules of the equilateral triangular prism enclosures;a turbine located within a third of the three sub-enclosures, wherein the third sub-enclosure has an inlet on an impact face of the enclosure leading fluid to the turbine; anda channel linked to the turbine and within the enclosure, wherein the channel channels the fluid inflow away from the enclosure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a protective covering over the enclosure wherein the covering protects the enclosure from damage;3. The apparatus of further comprising a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Flood Control System

Номер: US20200095742A1

A flood control system is provided that allows an unobstructed view of the surrounding area when not in use. The flood control system comprises a base and at least one foundation coupled to the base. The base is positioned below a grade to protect an area from the encroachment of fluid or semi-solids. An expandable barrier is removably coupled to a channel in the base. The expandable barrier is inflated with a source of pressurized fluid to form a barrier to prevent the encroachment of fluid or semi-solids to the protected area. 1. A flood control system , comprising:a base comprising a channel, wherein the channel is an upside down T-channel shape;at least one foundation;an expandable barrier comprising a port;wherein the at least one foundation is coupled to the base;wherein the expandable barrier is removeably coupled to the channel; andwherein the expandable barrier is secured to the channel in an expanded state.2. The flood control system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one foundation is a metal helical pile.3. (canceled)4. A flood control system of claim 1 , comprising:a base comprising a channel;at least one foundation;an expandable barrier comprising a port;wherein the expandable barrier is constructed from a ship recovery balloon fabric;wherein the at least one foundation is coupled to the base;wherein the expandable barrier is removeably coupled to the channel; andwherein the expandable barrier is secured to the channel in an expanded state.5. The flood control system of claim 1 , wherein the port is configured to attach to a source of pressurized fluid.6. The flood control system of claim 5 , wherein the source of pressurized fluid is air.7. The flood control system of claim 4 , wherein the ship recovery balloon fabric comprises synthetic tire-cord layers.8. The flood control system of claim 4 , wherein the ship recovery balloon fabric comprises PVC coated fabric.9. The flood control system of wherein the expandable barrier is secured to the upside down ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101758A1
Автор: Abeles Gary E.

A portable, water-filled barrier system includes a barrier internally divided into cells that emulates a section of a sandbag dike or wall. Automatic valves can seal openings between the filled cells, so that a punctured cell will not cause cells below and behind to deflate. In embodiments the barrier can be initially filled with air, positioned, and then filled with water while the air escapes through a pressure valve. The system further includes a base with water inflatable front and back panels. The side panels and bottom panel of the base can be water inflatable or flat. The base can be used to increase friction with the ground, protect against stones, and/or to support a leveling wedge or leveling material such as sand or spray foam when located on a sloped surface. A plurality of adjacent bases and barriers can provide an extended barrier system. 1. A water inflatable barrier system comprising: flexible walls configured to contain water within an interior of the barrier, said barrier having a front, a rear, a length parallel to the front, a width perpendicular to the front, and a substantially uniform cross-section along its length, the cross section being wider at a bottom of the barrier than at a top of the barrier;', 'a plurality of substantially horizontal and substantially vertical partition walls dividing said interior of said barrier into a plurality of adjacent, water-tight cells shaped as rectangular parallelepipeds, front and rear partition walls of each cell being substantially parallel to the front of the barrier shell, said cells being arranged in a plurality of vertically stacked layers that are offset from each other such that none of the front and rear partition walls aligns with a front or rear partition wall in a vertically adjacent layer;', 'a water inlet in liquid communication with the barrier; and', 'a plurality of passages between the cells of the barrier that are configured to allow filling of all of the cells of the barrier with water ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Flood Protection

Номер: US20210102352A1
Автор: Olsen Steen Christian

The invention concerns a flood protection for protecting a back area against rising water level from a front area, the flood protection operating between a bottom and a water surface, including at least one barrier element with a longitudinal direction and a height direction, the longitudinal direction during operation extending substantially transversely of an area, e.g. a stream, a fjord, a river or an estuary, and the height direction during operation extending from the bottom of an area, e.g. a stream, a fjord, a river or an estuary, and up, where the at least one barrier element during operation interacts with a base arranged at the bottom of the actual area. The invention also concerns a method for operating such a flood protection. The new feature of the flood protection according to the invention is that it includes a movable and buoyancy balanced barrier element that includes an adjustable ballast system for regulating the buoyancy balance, the base of the flood protection including a bottom rail system, and the barrier elements including contact means arranged for contact with the bottom rail system. 1. A flood protection for protecting a back area against rising water level in a front area , the flood protection operating between a bottom and a water surface , the flood protection including at least one barrier element having a longitudinal direction and a height direction , the longitudinal direction during operation extending substantially transversely of an area , e.g. a stream , a fjord , a river or an estuary , the height direction during operation extending substantially transversely of an area , e.g. a stream , a fjord , a river or an estuary , and up , and where the at least one barrier element is buoyancy balanced , the said barrier element including an adjustable ballast system for regulating the buoyancy balance , where the at least one barrier element during operation interacts with a base , the base being arranged at the bottom of the actual ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Barrier system

Номер: US20140186118A1
Принадлежит: DSM IP ASSETS BV

The invention relates to a barrier system comprising a barrier wall for stopping a flow of a substance to one side of said wall, wherein said barrier wall comprises a fabric impervious to the flow of said substance and containing high strength polyolefin fibers.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170285A1
Автор: KAMEI Masamichi

Provided is a multiplex water cutoff wall with a simple structure that can control water infiltration into an interior by way of being provided with multiple water cutoff walls and having a configuration to drain water having infiltrated between the water cutoff walls with a drainage means such as a pump. A plurality of water cutoff walls A, B, C, D are disposed in a multiplex configuration with gaps in the wall thickness direction. Drain pumps are provided as the drainage means for discharging water having infiltrated between the water cutoff walls A, B, C, D to the outside. Water that has infiltrated between the water cutoff walls A and B when a rise in water level is caused outside the multiplex water cutoff wall during flooding is discharged to the outside of the multiplex water cutoff wall by the drain pump . If necessary, the water cutoff wall can be arranged into a multiplex configuration with a third water cutoff wall C and a fourth water cutoff wall D, and water infiltrating therebetween is discharged with the drain pumps . Thus, the level of infiltrating water is lower nearer the interior, and water flood damage can be prevented to a structure in the interior protected by the multiplex water cutoff wall. 1. A multiplex water cutoff wall comprising a plurality of water cutoff walls disposed at least doubly with gaps in the wall thickness direction , and a drainage means for discharging water having infiltrated between said water cutoff walls to the outside.2. The multiplex water cutoff wall according to claim 1 , wherein said water cutoff walls are formed of metal panels claim 1 , plastic panels or cement-based panels.3. The multiplex water cutoff wall according to claim 2 , wherein said multiplex water cutoff wall is based on a configuration which is provided with supports disposed with a gap in the wall surface direction and each having at least two vertical guide grooves formed with gaps in the wall thickness direction and a plurality of water cutoff ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Wall Element And Assembly For Holding Back Water

Номер: US20190112772A1
Принадлежит: Jörg-Michael Steinhardt

A wall element for holding back water is formed in one piece and has a planar, rectangular main portion having a first side, a second side parallel to the first side, a third side perpendicular to the first side, and a fourth side parallel to the third side. A first planar bearing portion is connected to the main portion over the first side and perpendicular to the main portion. A second planar bearing portion is connected to the main portion over the second side and perpendicular to the main portion. The second bearing portion is opposite the first bearing portion. The wall element has a planar connecting portion connected to the main portion over the third side and inclined to the main portion. The connecting portion has connecting holes in the longitudinal direction, and the main portion has connecting holes along the longitudinal extent of the fourth side.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125213A1
Автор: Abeles Gary E.

A portable, water-filled barrier is internally divided into cells and emulates a sandbag dike or wall without requiring sand or intensive labor to install. A rigid ladder spans the barrier to provide structural support and enable traversing of the barrier. The ladder can be attachable to the barrier. The light, flexible barrier material can include nanofiber. Automatic valves can seal openings between the filled cells, so that a punctured cell will not cause cells below and behind to deflate. Cells can project below the base into a stabilizing trench. Cells can include internal or external rods or plates that support the barrier structure. Some embodiments can be initially filled with air, positioned, and then filled with water while the air escapes through a pressure valve. Other embodiments are filled from above, and inflate and deflate without allowing air into the barrier. Barrier end structures can enable interlocking of adjacent units. 1. A water inflatable barrier comprising:a flexible shell configured to contain water in its interior, the shell having a front, a rear, a length, a width, and a substantially uniform cross-section along its length, the cross section being wider at a base of the shell than at a top of the shell;a plurality of water-tight partitions bounded by substantially horizontal and substantially vertical partition walls, each of said vertical partition walls being oriented either substantially parallel to the front of the flexible shell or substantially perpendicular to the front of the flexible shell, said water-tight partitions dividing the interior of the shell into a plurality of adjacent cells having substantially identical dimensions, the cells being shaped approximately as rectangular parallelepipeds arranged in a plurality of horizontal layers that are vertically stacked on top of each other, each of widths and lengths of the cells being at least twice as large as heights of the cells, the cross-section of the flexible shell being ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122962A1
Автор: MCNALLY Simon S.

A Stand-Alone flood barrier apparatus that bolts to the ground through anchor bolts (See FIG. ) that connects with other Stand-Alone flood barrier apparatus to make a circuit to protect a persons desired location they wish to protect against flood waters such as crop fields. The Stand-Alone zigzag sheeting then is protracted from the Stand-Alone base unit (FIGS. to ) and opened out for the end of sheeting to then fix into the retractable/expandable floor grip which is to be fully extended from the main unit (FIGS. & ), which the zigzag sheeting fixes into (FIGS. to ). The Stand-Alone apparatus & zigzag sheeting can be retracted back into the Stand-Alone main unit and locked for further use in the future. Also can be detached from the anchor bolts and stored or used elsewhere. Underneath the Stand-Alone main unit there is a spike running through the centre to keep away surface water. There is also a soft large rubber strip along the full base of the Stand-Alone unit to tolerate any undulations in the earth beneath the Stand-Alone apparatus. The Standalone can be reused until sufficient use makes It no longer capable of propelling water from the desired locations you wish to protect & recycled. 1. A water defense apparatus comprising:zigzag concertina sheeting having a bottom edge and a top edge; anda hollow body portion comprising a rail located within the body and an extendable grip, wherein the sheeting is attached to the rail by its bottom edge, such that the sheeting can be moved to a folded position for storage within the body portion, and an in use position where the sheeting is unfolded and the top edge of the sheeting is attached to the extendable grip portion.2. A water defense apparatus according to claim 1 , where the body portion can be detached from the main anchor bolts by locking clips and stored claim 1 , used elsewhere and reattached when needed.3. A water defense apparatus according to claim 2 , to be locked when not in use claim 2 , containing all ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161109A1

The present invention relates to a method for protecting the ecology of a coastal mudflat and a system used in the method. The method includes the following steps: plan and design a pond project according to the specific conditions of the target coastal mudflat to be protected; dig a trench and build a dike in the surface of the target coastal mudflat and enclose the dike to form at least one pond, wherein the trench in the pond is adjacent to the surface of the mudflat to form the pond with a large water surface, a shallow water layer and a seasonal open waterfront; and cultivate an aquatic product in the trench, with or without an emergent aquatic plant planted in the surface of the mudflat. 1. A method for protecting the ecology of a coastal mudflat , comprising the following steps:Step 1: plan and design a pond project according to the specific conditions of the target coastal mudflat to be protected;Step 2: dig a trench and build a dike in the surface of the target coastal mudflat, and enclose the dike to form at least one pond, wherein the trench in the pond is adjacent to the surface of the mudflat, the depth of the trench is 2-2.5 m and the height of the dike is 0.8-1.6 m to form the pond with a large water surface, a shallow water layer and a seasonal open waterfront, the large water surface indicates that the water surface area of the single pond is at least 100 mu when the surface of the mudflat is stored with water, the shallow water layer indicates that the storage depth of water is at least 0.8 m and at most does not exceed the height of the dike when the surface of the mudflat is stored with water, the seasonal open waterfront indicates that the surface of the mudflat is kept free of water for a predetermined period of time to expose the surface of the mudflat; in addition, a drainage trough and a water supplementary ditch that are independent with each other are dug in the surface of the mudflat outside the pond, a water supplementary sluice gate and ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123725A1
Автор: Adams Beau G.

A reservoir bag and method of use and implementation is disclosed herein. The reservoir bag may be configured for controlling surface water run-off and may include a plurality of cells with at least two adjacent cells in fluid communication with each other to allow water to communicate between the adjacent cells. To aid in the mobility of water, the bag may include one or more perforated pipes therein to direct flow of water through the cells and to an outlet. 1. A reservoir bag , comprising:an elongated bag including a bottom panel and opposing side panels longitudinally extending between a first end and opposing second end to define a interior volume capable of retaining at least aggregate and fluid;a plurality of baffles extending at least between said opposing side panels to define a plurality of cells between said first end and said second end;each of said plurality of baffles include a top edge and an opposing bottom edge, wherein said bottom edge is not substantially adjacent to said bottom panel; andat least one fluid channel extending from at least one of said plurality of cells to at least one another at least one of said plurality of cells between said baffle bottom edge and said bottom panel.2. The reservoir bag of wherein said elongated bag further includes an inlet opening and an outlet opening.3. The reservoir bag of wherein said outlet opening is in said first end or said bottom panel.4. The reservoir bag of wherein said fluid channel is a perforated pipe and the reservoir bag further comprising an overflow pipe.5. The reservoir bag of wherein said bottom edge is about 6 inches from said bottom panel.6. The reservoir bag of wherein said bag includes one or more grates.7. The reservoir bag of further comprising a through opening above said bottom edge.8. The reservoir bag of further including a second baffle extending longitudinally within said bag between said first end and said at least one of said baffles.9. The reservoir bag of further including a ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164182A1
Автор: Parks James Clifford

A bio-friendly water flow control system can include a portable structure adapted to contain organic waste material. The water flow control system can be configured for deployment outdoors to guide water flow to limit erosion. A portable structure of such a system can include a sheath that is configured to contain waste material within an interior of the sheath. The portable structure may be configured to allow a flow of water into the interior of the sheath. The portable structure may include a waste material that includes processed palm frond particles. The portable structure may be configured to absorb a weight of water at least 50% greater than a dry weight of the portable structure. 1 a sheath configured to contain waste material within an interior of the sheath and to allow a flow of water into the interior of the sheath; and', 'a first waste material comprising processed palm frond particles, each of the processed palm frond particles having a length of less than three inches, wherein the processed palm frond particles are disposed in the interior of the sheath and configured to absorb a weight of water at least 50% greater than a dry weight of the portable structure;, 'a portable structure adapted to contain organic waste material and configured for deployment outdoors to guide water flow to limit erosion, the portable structure comprisingwherein the portable structure has an outer surface and a major axis in an elongate fill configuration, the outer surface disposed circumferentially around the major axis of the portable structure, and wherein the portable structure is configured to direct a course of water flow along the outer surface of the portable structure.. A bio-friendly water flow control system, the system comprising: This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/138562, filed Sep. 21, 2018, which is a continuation application of PCT/US2017/024011, filed Mar. 24, 2017, which claims the benefit of priority under 35 U ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172136A1

A water barrier is formed from a kit of parts comprising at least one substantially water-impermeable membrane and a plurality of water-permeable panels that, when connected together, form a structural frame including a first part for supporting the at least one water-impermeable membrane against horizontal water pressure and a second part substantially perpendicular to the first part. A support structure may connect the first part and the second part to resist deflection of the frame. In an alternative arrangement, the frame of the water barrier may also be assembled in an inverted-V configuration. 1. A water barrier comprising:a water-permeable frame formed from a plurality of discrete, perforated panels, the plurality of perforated panels comprising a plurality of wall panels and a plurality of floor panels, wherein each wall panel of the plurality of wall panels comprises a plurality of protrusions for connection to a respective floor panel of the plurality of floor panels, and each floor panel of the plurality of floor panels comprises a plurality of apertures sized to receive the plurality of protrusions; anda substantially water-impermeable membrane formed separately from the water-permeable frame,wherein the water-permeable frame is configured to support the substantially water-impermeable membrane in an L-shape such that, in use, water pressure on an upper surface of a horizontal part of the water-permeable frame counter-balances water pressure on a first surface of an upright part of the water-permeable frame.2. A water barrier according to claim 1 , wherein each panel of the plurality of panels comprises a grating structure.3. A water barrier according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of wall panels and the plurality of floor panels are configured to connect together at approximately 90° to form an L-shaped structure.4. A water barrier according to claim 1 , wherein for each wall panel of the plurality of wall panels claim 1 , the plurality of ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172137A1
Автор: Abeles Gary E.

A system for impeding shore erosion includes a sea-facing barrier wall penetrated by large holes that allow water with entrained sand to enter the apparatus. Smaller holes provided in a rear wall allow the water to drain into an underlying reservoir after the entrained sand has settled. An extension can be abutted to a top of the barrier wall to enhance sand collection during a storm. Water that flows over the barrier wall is caused to flow over a top of the extension, whereby water with entrained sand falls through openings in the extension top. Sand collected by the extension remains on the shore when the extension is removed. The apparatus can include plywood, metal, or plastic. Embodiments can be disassembled and/or folded for transport and storage. Internal reinforcing partition walls can extend between the barrier and rear walls. The apparatus can be further anchored by stakes. 1. A system for reducing shore erosion , the system including: a barrier wall having a top and a bottom, the barrier wall being inclined backward at an angle of at least 20 degrees from vertical;', 'a first plurality of holes penetrating the barrier wall;', 'an apparatus rear wall having a top and a bottom, the apparatus rear wall being located behind the barrier wall so that a chamber space is formed between and bounded by the barrier wall and the apparatus rear wall; and', 'a second plurality of holes penetrating the apparatus rear wall, the holes of the second plurality of holes being smaller in diameter than the holes of the first plurality of holes, the first plurality of holes being configured to allow water to flow through the barrier wall and into the chamber space, and the second plurality of holes being configured to allow water to flow through the apparatus rear wall out of the chamber space;, 'a sand-collecting apparatus comprisingan underlying water reservoir located beneath the chamber space and fixed to the barrier wall and apparatus rear wall, the underlying water ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140226918A1
Автор: Adams Beau G.

A multi-part reusable levee bag. The reusable levee bag includes a top bag section and a bottom portion removably affixed to the top bag section. The combined top bag section and bottom portion define an in interior space within which fillable material may be received to form a levee bag for use in flooding and other installations. The bottom bag section is made of a biodegradable material while the top bag section is made of an alternative material. The reusable levee bag, once filled, may be disassembled and the top bag section reused while the bottom bag section may remain in place while still being environmentally friendly due to its biodegradation. 1. A reusable levee bag , comprising:a top bag portion made of a first material and having an open top and an open bottom and a first and second end panel;a plurality of guides extending from said top bag portion;said top bag defining an interior space;a bottom bag portion removably retained to said top bag portion and made of a second material;wherein said second material is a biodegradable material;said interior space of said top bag interrupted by a plurality of baffle panels;wherein said combined top bag portion and bottom bag portion define an enclosed levee bag capable of receiving flowable material.2. The reusable levee bag of wherein said plurality of baffle panels extend from a first side of said top bag portion to a second side of top bag portion claim 1 , said plurality of baffle panels positioned between said first and said second end panels of said top bag portion.3. The reusable levee bag of wherein said plurality of baffle panels extend substantially from said open bottom to said open top.4. The reusable levee bag of wherein said plurality of guides are a plurality of hangar bars.5. The reusable levee bag of wherein said plurality of guides are a plurality of travel guides having a narrow neck and a ovalized head.6. The reusable levee bag of wherein said bottom bag portion is removably affixed to said ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145648A1

This invention provides a disaster prevention system capable of taking an effective measure against a flood disaster. According to one embodiment, a disaster prevention system comprises a weather prediction unit configured to calculate a predicted rainfall in a region based on rainfall information necessary for protecting the region from a flood; an analysis unit configured to determine, based on the predicted rainfall calculated by the weather prediction unit, whether a flood can occur in the region; and a control unit configured to control to close a water stop gate provided in the region to protect the region from the flood if the analysis unit determines that the flood can occur in the region. 1. A disaster prevention system comprising:a weather prediction unit configured to calculate a predicted rainfall in a region based on rainfall information necessary for protecting the region from a flood;an analysis unit configured to determine, based on the predicted rainfall calculated by the weather prediction unit, whether a flood can occur in the region; anda control unit configured to control to close a water stop gate provided in the region to protect the region from the flood if the analysis unit determines that the flood can occur in the region.2. The disaster prevention system according to claim 1 , wherein the rainfall information is observed by a weather radar.3. The disaster prevention system according to claim 1 , wherein the region is a region partially surrounded by one of a wall and the water stop gate configured to protect the region from the flood.4. The disaster prevention system according to claim 1 , wherein the analysis unit determines whether the flood can occur in the region claim 1 , based on water level information of a river in the region as well.5. The disaster prevention system according to claim 1 , wherein the analysis unit determines whether the flood can occur in the region claim 1 , based on flow rate information of sewage as well.6. The ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153160A1
Автор: Abeles Gary E.

A portable, water-filled module suitable for use as a barrier or inclusion in a barrier is internally divided into cells and emulates a section of a sandbag dike or wall without requiring sand or intensive labor to install. Automatic valves can seal openings between the filled cells, so that a punctured cell will not cause cells below and behind to deflate. Cells can project below the base into a stabilizing trench. Some embodiments can be initially filled with air, positioned, and then filled with water while the air escapes through a pressure valve. Side structures of the module can enable interlocking with adjacent modules. In embodiments, a rigid ladder spans the module to provide structural support and enable traversing of the module. The ladder can be attachable to the module. The light, flexible walls of the module can include nanofiber. 1. A water inflatable module suitable for use as a barrier or incorporation into a barrier , the module comprising:flexible walls configured to contain water within an interior of the module, said module having a front, a rear, a length parallel to the front, a width perpendicular to the front, and a substantially uniform cross-section along its length, the cross section being wider at a base of the module than at a top of the module;a plurality of substantially horizontal and substantially vertical partition walls dividing said interior into a plurality of adjacent, water-tight cells shaped as rectangular parallelepipeds, front and rear partition walls of each cell being substantially parallel to the front of the shell, said cells being arranged in a plurality of vertically stacked layers that are offset from each other such that none of the front and rear partition walls aligns with a front or rear partition wall in a vertically adjacent layer;a water inlet; anda plurality of passages between the cells configured to allow filling of all of the cells with water from the water inlet.2. The module of claim 1 , further ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144145A1
Автор: Draier Roland
Принадлежит: TOPOCARE GMBH

A device is provided for producing a tubular container which is able to be filled with granular, pulverulent, pourable and flowable materials, wherein the container can include webs manufactured from geotextile material. The device includes a displaceable frame with at least one unwindable geotextile web, wherein the frame includes a filling trough with an outlet hopper for the material, and wherein the filling trough has a conveying device for the filled material, the conveying device acting counter to the direction of movement of the frame, which, at the rear end of the filling trough, surrounds the material in an enveloping manner, in the region of the outlet hopper, by the unwindable geotextile web, as the frame is advanced, so as to form a tube. 1. A device for producing a tubular container which is able to be filled with granular , pulverulent , pourable and flowable materials , wherein the container comprises webs manufactured from geotextile material , 'a displaceable frame with at least one unwindable geotextile web, wherein the frame comprises a filling trough with an outlet hopper for the material, and wherein the filling trough has a conveying device for the filled material, the conveying device acting counter to the direction of movement of the frame, the conveying device, at a rear end of the filling trough, surrounding the material in an enveloping manner, in a region of the outlet hopper, by the unwindable geotextile web, as the frame is advanced, so as to form a tube.', 'the device comprising'}2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the conveying device comprises an additional geotextile web unwindable at the front end of the filling trough claim 1 , which is guided within the filling trough as the frame is advanced and discharges the overlaying or filled material from the frame counter to the advancing movement.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the conveying device comprises an endless belt disposed at the trough bottom or a ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Containment Dike

Номер: US20220290392A1
Автор: Vickers Paul

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. For example, multiple vinyl-coated polyester tubes with a 19-inch diameter may be filled with water and stacked on top of each other to create a temporary diversion dike. Multiple sections of dike may be abutted together to form longer sections of dike. A vapor barrier or plastic membrane may wrap over dike sections and/or weaved through the flexible containment tubes as they are placed prior to filling. Configurations of the vapor barrier and associated anchoring mechanisms improve the utility of dike sections by reducing hydrostatic pressure of contained fluid on the dike, harnessing the weight of fluid columns, and mitigating seepage through the dike sections. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first containment tube on a ground surface comprising a flexible body and configured to be filled with a gas by way of a valve that accepts gas from a pressurized container;a second containment tube on the ground surface comprising a flexible body and configured to receive a filling fluid; anda water-tight vapor sleeve extending over an end of the first containment tube and an end of the second containment tube, wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve prevents water from entering a cavity, the cavity being the area within the water-tight vapor sleeve, the end of the first containment tube and the end of the second containment tube.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is affixed to the flexible body of the first containment tube.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is affixed to the flexible body of the first containment tube.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flexible body of both the first containment tube and the second containment tube is comprised of vinyl-coated polyester.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is comprised of plastic.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more anchors ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Rigid retaining bag

Номер: US20200141080A1
Автор: Waid Everett

Embodiments of the present invention relate to a bag including at least one flexible sheet of material, a back substantially orthogonal to a bottom, a front opposite the back, and a side comprising an envelope configured to receive a support structure. 1. A bag comprising:at least one flexible sheet of material;a back substantially orthogonal to a bottom;a front opposite the back; anda side comprising an envelope configured to receive a support structure.2. The bag of claim 1 , further comprising at least part of a support structure frictionally fit in at least part of the envelope.3. The bag of claim 1 , further comprising an additional flexible sheet of material covering at least part of the flexible sheet of material.4. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the flexible sheet is configured such that an opening of the bag is substantially rectangle shaped.5. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the flexible sheet is configured such that a cross-sectional shape of the bag is substantially a right pentagon.6. The bag of claim 1 , further comprising an additional side opposite the side claim 1 , wherein the additional side comprises an additional envelope.7. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the bottom is about 0.85 meters long and the back is about 0.6 meters long.8. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the bottom is about 1.5 meters long and the back is about 1.22 meters long.9. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the bottom is about 2.5 meters long and the back is about 2 meters long.10. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the front comprises a toe section orthogonal to the bottom and a slanted section connected with the toe section and offset at an angle relative to the toe section.11. The bag of claim 10 , wherein the toe section is about 0.61 meters long claim 10 , the slanted section is about 0.76 meters long claim 10 , the bottom is about 1.45 meters long claim 10 , and the back is about 1.22 meters long.12. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the side further comprises a flap comprising a rectangle of ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Structure Supported Containment Dike

Номер: US20180155888A1
Автор: Vickers Paul

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. Structural supports are inserted into the flexible contain tubes and the tube sealed to form structure supported dike sections. For example, a supporting structure may be configured with a given length and cross sectional diameter to provide structural support to a vinyl-coated polyester tube with a 12-36 inch diameter. The structure is sealed within the tube and, in turn, the tube may be filled with a fluid such as water to create structure supported containment dike. The length of the supporting structure may be selected based on the width of an entryway to create structure supported dike section of a give length that provide a seal across the entryways against floodwaters. 1. An apparatus for mitigating flood damage , the apparatus comprising: a circumference,', 'a length, and', 'a valve disposed in a flexible body of the flexible containment tube;, 'a flexible containment tube comprising a cross sectional perimeter based on the circumference of the flexible containment tube, and', 'a length, the length of the supporting structure less than the length of the flexible containment tube., 'a supporting structure disposed within an interior of the flexible containment tube and comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve disposed in the flexible body of the flexible containment tube is configured to receive a filling fluid and prevent release of the filling fluid.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the length of the flexible containment tube exceeds the length of the supporting structure by a minimum fold length.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the length of the flexible containment tube exceeding the length of the supporting structure by the minimum fold length is folded and secured to the flexible containment tube to seal the supporting structure within the flexible containment tube and prevent the release of fluid from the flexible containment tube when filled via the ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Geotechnical Profiles, Particularly Sheet Piling Profiles and Mobile Flood Prevention Devices and the Method of Manufacture of Reinforced Geotechnical Profiles, Particularly Sheet Piling Profiles and Mobile Flood Prevention Devices

Номер: US20180155890A1

A method of manufacture of geotechnical profiles, characterized in that thermoplastic material, preferably hard and high-impact, PVC and/or PET and/or PE and/or ABS and/or PP, is plasticized in an extruder, after which it is pressed through an cross die unit ant internal reinforcing profiles () in the form of flat bars, arched elements, angled elements, ribbed profiles or sections of any geometry are entered to it in the entire volume, and at least in selected cross-section areas of the geotechnical profile (), whereas these profiles are created from continuous and/or chopped fiber produced simultaneously or as part of a separate production process. A reinforced geotechnical profile, particularly a sheet piling profiles and a mobile flood prevention devices characterized in that it is manufactured out of thermoplastic material, in which reinforcement () in the form of continuous fibers are entered locally or at least in selected cross-section areas, and then stabilized and maintained in position by a layer/coat made of PVC and/or PET and/or PE and/or ABS and/or PP, which is permanently and inseparably connected to the glass fibers. 124681012141613579111315. A method of manufacture of geotechnical profiles , characterized in that thermoplastic material , preferably hard and high-impact , PVC and/or PET and/or PE and/or ABS and/or PP , is plasticized in an extruder , after which it is pressed through an cross die unit ant internal reinforcing profiles , , , , , , , in the form of flat bars , arched elements , angled elements , ribbed profiles or sections of any geometry are entered to it in the entire volume , and at least in selected cross-section areas of the geotechnical profile , , , , , , , , whereas these profiles are created from continuous and/or chopped fiber produced simultaneously or as part of a separate production process.2246810121416. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that internal reinforcing profiles claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153686A1
Принадлежит: RSA Protective Technologies, LLC

The present invention relates to a retractable floodwall unit that comprises a foundation unit having a plurality of guide tracks along side walls of the foundation unit, a floodwall panel stowed in the foundation unit; a power system for raising and lowering the floodwall panel, and a plumbing system. The plumbing system is configured to remove ground water from a dry-side of the floodwall unit and flood water that becomes located in the floodwall unit. 1. A plumbing system for use with a retractable floodwall unit , the retractable floodwall unit including a floodwall panel that defines a dry side and a wet side , the plumbing system comprising:a plurality of pipes;a pumping unit configured to pump fluid through the plumbing system; anda motor for actuating the pumping unit,wherein the plumbing system is configured to transport fluids through the plurality of pipes from the dry side to the wet side.2. The plumbing system according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of pipes include a first inlet pipe configured to collect water that enters a foundation unit of the retractable floodwall unit.3. The plumbing system according to claim 2 ,wherein the first inlet pipe is a sparger pipe, the sparger pipe comprising a plurality of holes along a length of the sparger pipe.4. The plumbing system according to claim 2 ,wherein the plurality of pipes further includes an second inlet pipe with an opening at the dry side of the floodwall unit configured let water on the dry side to enter the plumbing system.5. The plumbing system according to claim 4 , further comprising an outlet on the wet side claim 4 , the outlet configured to allow water pumped through the plumbing system to exit at the wet side.6. The plumbing system according to claim 5 , wherein first and second inlet pipes are in fluid communication with the pumping unit claim 5 , andwherein the first and second inlet pipes and the pumping unit are in fluid communication with the outlet.7. The plumbing system according ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167266A1

Devices and methods for deploying a continuous liquid containment tool is described. The barrier is made up of multiple units that can be connected together. Each unit comprises a long sleeve that contains superabsorbent polymers. When dry, the units are very compact and can lay flat, making it easily storable either in stacks or wound up on a reel. The liquid containment tool is used to prevent water from moving into certain areas by creating a barrier through which water cannot pass. The liquid containment tool can be deployed quickly, continuously, and easily by a single person. 1. A liquid containment tool comprising:a plurality of connectable units, each unit comprising a liquid permeable sleeve having a continuous length that defines a lumen;at least one container within the lumen; anda plurality of superabsorbent polymers in the at least one container.2. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , wherein the at least one container is stitched in a pattern designed to hinder uneven distribution of the superabsorbent polymer.3. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , wherein the pattern creates a tortuous pathway.4. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , wherein the liquid permeable sleeve is stitched to the container to prevent the container from shifting relative to the sleeve.5. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , further comprising an expanding absorbent material.6. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , wherein the at least one container has elastic qualities.7. The liquid containment tool of claim 1 , wherein the at least one container is made from a loose fibrous material matrix.8. A liquid containment tool storage system comprising:a storage unit comprising at least one of a cage, a reel, or a rack; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the liquid containment tool of stored in the storage unit.'}9. The reel of claim 1 , whereby the liquid containment tool of is stored by winding it around a central axis of the reel.10. The rack ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189675A1
Автор: Mitchell Roger

A barrier system comprising: an elongate and rigid base member having a channel defined by inner walls of the base member, the channel extending along the length of the base member, the rigid base member being adapted to be anchored to an underlying supporting surface wherein the channel comprises a relatively broader in-use lower portion with a first width (w) and a relatively narrower in-use upper portion with a second width (w) defining an opening into the channel; and a removable wall assembly adapted to be removably fastened relative to the base member, the removable wall assembly comprising a flexible barrier wall having a length and a height and being adapted to be positioned within the opening of the upper portion of the channel wherein the wall assembly comprises a frame assembly for framing the barrier wall, the flexible frame assembly further comprising a top frame member and a bottom frame member with the height of the flexible barrier wall extending therebetween and wherein the bottom member is dimensioned to have a thickness that is less than or equal to w and that is greater than w for allowing the bottom member be received into the lower portion of the channel to position the flexible barrier wall in a substantially upstanding position and for simultaneously preventing the bottom member from being passed through the opening defined by the upper portion of the channel in an upwardly direction. 2. A barrier system in accordance with wherein the lower portion of the channel defines a substantially curved surface and wherein the bottom member comprises a corresponding curved surface such that during use claim 1 , the curved outer surface of the bottom member engages the curved surface of the lower portion of the channel.3. A barrier system in accordance with wherein the frame assembly is configured to allow the barrier wall to be rolled when the connecting arrangement is not received into the channel.4. A barrier system in accordance with further ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168812A1
Автор: Alt Robert Max

A device for the damming of a liquid in a liquid basin including a tubular enclosure suitable for arrangement at an edge of the liquid basin, wherein a longitudinal direction of the tubular enclosure extends substantially parallel to the edge, wherein the enclosure encloses a liquid-fillable space, wherein the, enclosure, at an exterior side thereof, facing the liquid basin, is provided with a skirt for being supported by a sloping underground of the liquid basin, seen from the edge, wherein the support during use is carried out in such a way, that a contact surface present between the skirt and the underground remains substantially free from liquid from the liquid basin, wherein the enclosure, near the lower side of the side during use facing the liquid basin, is provided with one or more filling openings, arranged above the skirt, that during use create an open liquid connection between the space and the liquid in the liquid basin. 1. A device for damming a liquid in a liquid basin , wherein the device , during use , comprises a tubular enclosure suitable for arrangement at an edge of the liquid basin , wherein a longitudinal direction of the tubular enclosure extends substantially parallel to the edge , wherein the enclosure encloses a liquid-fillable space , wherein the enclosure , at an exterior side thereof , facing the liquid basin , includes a skirt for being supported by a sloping underground of the liquid basin , viewed the edge , wherein the support during use is carried out such that a contact surface present between the skirt and the underground remains substantially free from liquid from the liquid basin , wherein the enclosure , near the lower side of the side during use facing the liquid basin , includes one or more filling openings , arranged directly above the skirt , that during use create an open liquid connection between the space and the liquid in the liquid basin such that when the liquid reaches the device the tubular enclosure becomes filled ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Inflatable Article with Reduced Stress Concentrations

Номер: US20170167096A1
Автор: Obermeyer Henry

The present invention relates to collapsible hoses and inflatable structures such as pneumatic actuators for water control gates that are manufactured on and incorporate into their structure a flexible internal mandrel with rounded edges. One face of the mandrel and all of its rounded edges separate from the inflatable membrane during pressurization, while the remaining face of the flexible mandrel remains bonded to the remaining face of the inflatable envelope. Sharp internal edges (in the deflated condition) and their associated stress concentrations (in the inflated condition) are thus eliminated. 1. An inflatable article comprised of an inflatable envelope and an internal elastomeric mandrel with at least one round edge , wherein the inflatable envelope and the internal elastomeric mandrel are bonded together over a portion of one face sufficient to secure the mandrel in a fixed position relative to the inflatable envelope during repeated inflated inflate and deflate cycles , and wherein said inflatable envelope is not bonded to the at least one round edge of the internal elastomeric mandrel.2. The inflatable article of claim 1 , wherein the inflatable article is a hose.3. The inflatable article of wherein the inflatable article is a pneumatic actuator for a spillway gate.4. The inflatable article of ; wherein the inflatable article is a toroidal tunnel seal.5. The inflatable article of claim 1 , wherein the inflatable article is a consumer device for flotation claim 1 , water rescue or human comfort.6. An elastomeric article comprised of a plurality of strain oriented layers plied together sequentially so as to obtain desired directional physical properties.7. An elastomeric membrane comprised of a plurality of strain oriented layers of elastomeric compound plied together in alternating directions so as to obtain orthotropic elastic properties.8. The elastomeric membrane of utilized as an inflatable article or portion thereof.9. The elastomeric membrane of ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Boardwalk and Sidewalk System With Dual Use As Flood Control Barrier

Номер: US20170175352A1

A walkway including: a foundation base at least partially embedded in ground adjacent to a body of water; first and second supports, at least the first support being connected to the foundation base; a plank having a surface for use by pedestrians to travel along a shoreline, the plank having a first end rotatably connected to the first support and having a second end supported on the second support, the surface being exposed for use by the pedestrians when the plank is in a first position where the second end is supported by the second support, the plank having a length between the first and second supports; and a lifting mechanism operatively connected to the plank to rotate the plank from the first position to a second position where the length of the plank is oriented in a first direction to impede a rising height of the body of water. 1. A walkway for use along a shoreline of a body of water , the walkway comprising:a foundation base at least partially embedded in ground adjacent to the body of water;first and second supports, at least the first support being connected to the foundation base;a plank having a surface for use by pedestrians to travel along the shoreline, the plank having a first end rotatably connected to the first support and having a second end supported on the second support, the surface being exposed for use by the pedestrians when the plank is in a first position where the second end is supported by the second support, the plank having a length between the first and second supports; anda lifting mechanism operatively connected to the plank to rotate the plank from the first position to a second position where the length of the plank is oriented in a first direction to impede a rising height of the body of water.2. The walkway of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second supports are connected to the foundation base.3. The walkway of claim 1 , wherein the plank comprises a plurality of planks arranged in series in a second direction ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169811A1
Автор: DeLaine, JR. Phillip M.

The disclosed water barrier systems may include a first mobile water barrier, and adjacent second mobile water barrier, and a translation mechanism for translating the first mobile water barrier and the second mobile water barrier toward each other. Lowering mechanisms may be configured to lower sidewalls of the mobile water barriers. The mobile water barriers may include sealing elements to form water seals between the adjacent mobile water barriers and between the sidewalls and a surface. Related methods of forming a water barrier assembly are also disclosed. 1. A water barrier system , comprising: a first sidewall;', 'a first side sealing element positioned along an end of the first sidewall;', 'a first bottom sealing element positioned along a first bottom edge of the first sidewall; and', 'a first lowering mechanism for lowering the first sidewall to abut the first bottom sealing element against a surface to form a first bottom seal between the first sidewall and the surface;, 'a first mobile water barrier, comprising a second sidewall;', 'a second side sealing element positioned along an end of the second sidewall;', 'a second bottom sealing element positioned along a second bottom edge of the second sidewall; and', 'a second lowering mechanism for lowering the second sidewall to abut the second bottom sealing element against the surface to form a second bottom seal between the second sidewall and the surface; and, 'a second mobile water barrier, the second mobile water barrier connected to the first mobile water barrier with a coupler, the second mobile water barrier comprisinga translation mechanism for translating the first mobile water barrier and the second mobile water barrier toward each other to abut the first side sealing element against the second side sealing element to form an upper water seal between the first sidewall and the second sidewall.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the first bottom sealing element and the second bottom sealing ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Control Barriers, Systems, and Methods of Using the Same

Номер: US20150184350A1
Автор: Taylor Jaren

In an embodiment, a control barrier may include a hollow body at least partially defined by a front wall, a back wall, a top portion extending between the front and back walls, a bottom portion generally opposite the top portion, and first and second ends extending between the top and bottom portions. An elongated foot member may be connected to the back wall and a plurality of channels may be defined in at least one of the front wall or the back wall. The channels extend at least in a first direction and are arranged to reinforce the hollow body. 1. A control barrier comprising:a hollow body at least partially defined by a front wall, a back wall, a top portion extending between said front wall and said back wall, a bottom portion generally opposite said top portion, a first end extending between said top portion and said bottom portion, and a second end extending between said top portion and said bottom portion;an elongated foot member connected to said back wall; anda plurality of channels defined on at least one of said front wall or said back wall, said plurality of channels extending in at least a first direction and arranged to reinforce said hollow body.2. The control barrier of claim 1 , wherein a portion of said channels extend into an upper surface of said foot member.3. The control barrier of claim 1 , wherein a portion of said back wall is oblique relative to a portion of said foot member.4. The control barrier of claim 1 , wherein said first direction is between said top portion and said bottom portion of said hollow body.5. The control barrier of claim 1 , wherein said foot member is sized and configured such that a body of water positioned above said foot member exerts a generally downward force normal to said upper surface portion of said foot member to push said foot member against a support surface under said foot member.6. The control barrier of claim 1 , wherein said at least one first connection member defines a through hole.7. The control ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179714A1
Автор: PICKUP Mike, Scott Kenny

The present invention relates to a foldable barrier structure comprising a compartment bounded by a pair of opposed side walls and a pair of opposed end walls, at least one pair of opposed side or end walls being formed from a flexible, foldable material incorporating a stiffening element and a means for receiving a hinge member which permits folding of a central region of each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls. 1. A foldable barrier structure comprising a compartment bounded by a pair of opposed side walls and a pair of opposed end walls , at least one pair of opposed side or end walls being formed from a flexible , foldable material incorporating a stiffening element and a means for receiving a hinge member which permits folding of a central region of each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls.2. A foldable barrier structure according to wherein each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls has a width extending from its first end to its second end claim 1 , and its central region extends from the centre of the wall equidistantly towards each of the first and second ends of the wall and the central region has a width of up to 90% claim 1 , 80% claim 1 , 70% claim 1 , 60% claim 1 , 50% claim 1 , 40% claim 1 , 30% claim 1 , 20% claim 1 , 10% or 5% of the width of the wall.3. A foldable barrier structure according to or wherein the stiffening element is incorporated with the flexible material by means selected from one or more of:a) adhering the stiffening element to the flexible material;b) affixing the stiffening element to the flexible material by affixing means provided within the central region of the stiffening element and substantially away from the top and the bottom of the wall;c) laminating the stiffening element with the flexible material; and/ord) enclosing at least a major portion of the stiffening element within the flexible materialoptionally wherein the ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации

Inflatable dam and method thereof

Номер: US20180179716A1
Автор: David Sanders, Dong Pan
Принадлежит: Hte Engineering LLC

An inflatable dam sized to secure to a foundation structure. The inflatable dam includes a double layered flexible membrane extending with an inner membrane and an outer membrane, the double layered flexible membrane including a port configured to facilitate inflation and deflation of the inner membrane such that, upon inflation of the inner membrane, the outer membrane is configured to expand with inflation of the inner membrane, the outer membrane including a reinforcement element embedded therein.

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Wave Barrier, Barrier Assembly, Flood Barrier, and Method

Номер: US20190177940A1
Автор: Van den Noort Michiel

The present invention relates to a self-raising wave barrier for providing an alleviation of a load due to wave action from a body of water on the side of the wave barrier remote from the body of water. The barrier includes a series of barrier assemblies providing alleviation of the load due to the wave action. Each barrier assembly includes a holder for a wave barrier element which is anchored to a bottom of the body of water or a surface adjacent to the body of water, a wave barrier element arrangeable movably over a path of movement in the holder between a lower rest state and a higher active state, and holding means for holding and/or stopping the wave barrier element in the higher active state. 1. A self-raising wave barrier for providing an alleviation of a load due to wave action from a body of water , such as a sea , on the side of the wave barrier remote from the body of water , the wave barrier comprising:a series of barrier assemblies for providing the alleviation of the load due to the wave action, each barrier assembly comprising:a holder for holding a wave barrier element which is anchored to a bottom of the body of water or a surface adjacent to the body of water,a wave barrier element arrangeable movably over a path of movement in the holder between a lower rest state and a higher active state, andholding means for holding and/or stopping the wave barrier element in the higher active state, whereinthe respective wave barrier elements of the series of barrier assemblies operate in the active state for the purpose of breaking the wave action providing the alleviation of the load due to the wave action on the basis of a situationally predetermined ratio of wave barrier elements and throughflow space therebetween.2. The self-raising wave barrier as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the holding means operate for the purpose of providing a lateral stability and/or fixation of the wave barrier element relative to the respective holder thereof.3. The self-raising ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177941A1
Автор: Rossi Thomas Ralph

The invention includes a defense against flooding, with a flexible, outer shell, with absorption holes, and, inside the outer shell, one or more water-absorbing components that expand when absorbing water. The outer shell can be hydrophobic. The water-absorbing components can be compressed wood pellets. Also inside the outer shell can be a hydrophobic, but oleophilic, inner component that absorbs hydrocarbon molecules penetrating through the absorption holes. The water-absorbing components do not absorb hydrocarbons in some embodiments, In other embodiments other components mat be added that target and absorb other substances. In the first embodiment, the compressed wood pellets can be discarded easily after they have absorbed water and been expanded. In the first embodiment, the hydrophobic outer shell and oleophilic inner component are both made of polypropylene. Several specialized versions of the sandless sandbag, called hereafter a “FLOODBAG”, and also methods of using the FLOODBAG, a replacement for sand bags are also included in the invention, as is a method for making specialized FLOODBAGs. 112. An apparatus for absorbing water , said apparatus comprising an outer covering () and , water-absorbing pellets () ,wherein said outer covering is flexible, and hollow, creating a hollow interior space inside said outer covering, and where said outer covering is sealed with said interior space inside said outer covering;{'b': '3', 'wherein said outer covering further comprises absorption holes () which are holes in said outer covering;'}{'b': '2', 'and where said water-absorbing pellets () are inside the hollow interior of said outer covering;'}{'b': 2', '3, 'and where said water-absorbing pellets (), when dry, are too large to fit through said absorption holes ();'}{'b': '2', 'and where said water-absorbing pellets () are comprised of compressed wood, that expands when placed in contact with water.'}223. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising that inside said ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Containment Dike

Номер: US20200173128A1
Автор: Vickers Paul

Flexible containment tubes form sections of a dike for fluid containment. For example, multiple vinyl-coated polyester tubes with a 19-inch diameter may be filled with water and stacked on top of each other to create a temporary diversion dike. Multiple sections of dike may be abutted together to form longer sections of dike. A vapor barrier or plastic membrane may wrap over dike sections and/or weaved through the flexible containment tubes as they are placed prior to filling. Configurations of the vapor barrier and associated anchoring mechanisms improve the utility of dike sections by reducing hydrostatic pressure of contained fluid on the dike, harnessing the weight of fluid columns, and mitigating seepage through the dike sections. 1. An apparatus for containing a fluid within a containment area , the apparatus comprising:a first containment tube on a ground surface comprising a flexible body and configured to receive a filling fluid,a second containment tube on the ground surface comprising a flexible body and configured to receive a filling fluid; anda water-tight vapor sleeve extending over the end of the first containment tube and an end of the second containment tube, wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve prevents water from entering a cavity, the cavity being the area within the water-tight vapor sleeve, the end of the first containment tube and the end of the second containment tube.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is affixed to the flexible body of the first containment tube.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is affixed to the flexible body of the first containment tube via a heat mold.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flexible body of both the first containment tube and the second containment tube is comprised of vinyl-coated polyester.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the water-tight vapor sleeve is comprised of plastic.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:one or ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214905A1
Принадлежит: RSA Protective Technologies, LLC

A static floodwall system that includes at least one floodwall section, and may include an access gate. The access gate may include a motor, control box, and drive system for moving a gate panel between open and closed positions. The static floodwall system may further include a plumbing system for transporting rain water from a dry side to a wet side. The floodwall system may be installed such that it is surface mounted, requiring minimal excavation. Methods of installing the floodwall system include creating a shallow excavation, adding compact fill and a top layer to the excavation site, and installing the floodwall section(s) on the top layer. 1. A floodwall shelter , comprising: a footing having a first depth; and', 'a wall section having a second depth, wherein the second depth is less than the first depth;, 'a plurality of surface mounted floodwall sections, each section comprisinga plurality of corner sections; andat least one access gate;wherein no portion of any floodwall section extends below ground.2. The floodwall shelter of claim 1 ,wherein each surface mounted floodwall section comprises concrete.3. The floodwall shelter of claim 2 ,wherein the concrete is reinforced with rebar.4. The floodwall shelter of claim 3 ,wherein the concrete is reinforced with rock or soil.5. The floodwall shelter of claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of surface mounted floodwall sections, the plurality of corner sections, and the at least one access gate are attached to one another with a water impermeable seal.6. The floodwall shelter of claim 1 , a plurality of gate abutments;', 'a base section;', 'a blank wall;', 'a sliding gate panel;', 'at least one support structure; and', 'an actuating system., 'wherein the at least one access gate is located between two surface mounted floodwall sections and comprises7. The floodwall shelter of claim 6 ,wherein the actuating system is configured to move the sliding gate panel between an open and closed position, andwherein in the closed ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194844A1
Автор: PICKUP Mike, Scott Kenny

The present invention provides a flood defence barrier comprising a first plurality of individual compartments connected by a first, non-releasable fastening means, wherein the plurality of individual compartments comprises at least one second, releasable, fastening means effective for releasably fastening the first plurality of individual compartments to a second plurality of individual compartments. Also provided is a flood defence barrier comprising a first plurality of individual compartments connected together and provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual compartments along at least one side of the barrier, a second plurality of individual compartments connected together and provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual compartments along at least one side of the barrier, and fastening means for fastening the first plurality of individual compartments to the second plurality of individual compartments, as well as methods of deploying said flood defence barrier and uses thereof. 1. A flood defence barrier comprising:a first plurality of individual compartments connected together and provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual compartments along at least one side of the barrier;b) a second plurality of individual compartments connected together and provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual compartments along at least one side of the barrier; andc) fastening means for fastening the first plurality of individual compartments to the second plurality of individual compartments.2. A flood defence barrier comprising a first plurality of individual compartments connected by a first , non-releasable fastening means , wherein the plurality of individual compartments comprises at least one second , releasable , fastening means effective for releasably fastening the ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Weighted article with dust impervious seaming

Номер: US20190184252A1
Автор: Mark T. Raines
Принадлежит: Individual

An article ( 600 ) is provided which includes a body ( 500 ) having an interior volume ( 100 ), and hook ( 124 ) and loop ( 125 ) features which, when pressed closed in at least one locations ( 130, 131 ) location, creates a dynamic hammock dam ( 132 ) that retains a fill material ( 140 ) that has been inserted into the interior volume. The strength of the hammock dam increases with outward pressure ( 141 ) applied on the closure by the fill material. The article is preferably equipped with a large mouth opening ( 110 ) which allows rapid filling or emptying of the fill material from the internal volume.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179828A1

A Composite Filter Sock Assembly includes a Compost Filter Sock and Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device configured to be wedged beneath the compost filter sock on an upstream water runoff side of the compost filter sock, whereby the compost filter sock provides a pinning pressure to the Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device and wherein the compost filter sock has a nominal diameter of 2-12 times a diameter of a tubular element of the Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device. The Tubular Element may be least partially filled with a swell-able material such as sphagnum peat moss and may include a fastening mechanism on an exterior surface configured to facilitate coupling to a mesh tube of a compost filter sock. 1. A Composite Filter Sock Assembly comprising a Compost Filter Sock and a Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device , wherein the Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device is configured to be wedged beneath the compost filter sock on an upstream water runoff side of the compost filter sock , whereby the compost filter sock provides a pinning pressure to the Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device.2. The Composite Filter Sock Assembly according to wherein the compost filter sock has a nominal diameter of 2-12 times a nominal diameter of a tubular element of the Secondary Tubular Seam Filling Device.3. The Composite Filter Sock Assembly according to wherein the compost filter sock has a nominal diameter of 12″-36″.4. The Composite Filter Sock Assembly according to wherein the Tubular Element is at least partially filled with a swellable material.5. The Composite Filter Sock assembly according to wherein the Tubular Element is at least partially filled with sphagnum peat moss.6. The Composite Filter Sock Assembly according to wherein the Tubular Element is at least partially filled with a water treating additive.7. The Composite Filter Sock Assembly according to wherein the Tubular Element is a degradable mesh material having a nominal diameter of 4″-5″ and having a length ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Hydrostatic Fluid Containment System

Номер: US20160201281A1
Автор: Roy Scott

A hydrostatic fluid containment system, or flood barrier, that is positioned underground in its open state consisting of a buoyant wall which floats up and above ground level when submerged in a fluid, creating a seal from both buoyant vertical and hydrostatic horizontal forces on the containment wall imposed by the contained fluid. The system will not open prematurely and restrict access of vehicles or pedestrians until containment is necessary. The system comprises a pivot seal which seals the barrier on the upstream side, as well as another sealing element that is positioned between the pivot seal and the buoyant wall. The pivot helps to tilt the barrier towards the upstream direction. 1. A hydrostatic fluid containment system apparatus intercepts fluid flows at a predetermined location and raises a temporary buoyant wall to prevent floodwater or industrial spills upstream of the apparatus from causing damage to property or infrastructure downstream of said buoyant wall apparatus comprising:boundary containment walls between which fluid flow can be intercepted,an inlet to allow said fluid entry,a collection chamber means below ground to contain said fluid,a buoyant wall means that can move freely up and down within said collection chamber means which retains fluid on the upstream side of said collection chamber means,a buoyant wall base element that can be sized to provide equal and opposite displacement mass to lift said buoyant wall means of varying depths within said fluid,a pivot seal means that enhances sealing due to pivot of said buoyant wall and retains said buoyant wall means within said collection chamber means,a pivot seal guide element to locate said buoyant wall means against said pivot seal means,a sealing element between said pivot seal means and said buoyant wall means.2. A hydrostatic fluid containment system apparatus according to wherein said buoyant wall means raises above ground by displacement from said fluid captured in said collection ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201282A1
Автор: PICKUP Mike, Scott Kenny

The present invention relates to a foldable barrier structure comprising a compartment bounded by a pair of opposed side walls and a pair of opposed end walls, at least one pair of opposed side or end walls being formed from a flexible, foldable material incorporating a stiffening element and a means for receiving a hinge member which permits folding of a central region of each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls. Also provided is a multi-compartmental foldable barrier structure comprising a multiplicity of such compartments connected, affixed or adhered to one another end to end, as well as a flood defence barrier comprising a first multi-compartmental foldable barrier structure provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual structures along at least one side of the barrier; a second multi-compartmental foldable barrier structure provided with a continuous length of water impermeable material extending across the individual structures along at least one side of the barrier; and fastening means for fastening the first multi-compartmental foldable barrier structure to the second multi-compartmental foldable barrier structure. 1. A foldable barrier structure comprising a compartment bounded by a pair of opposed side walls and a pair of opposed end walls , at least one pair of opposed side or end walls being formed from a flexible , foldable material incorporating a stiffening element and a means for receiving a hinge member which permits folding of a central region of each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls.2. The foldable barrier structure according to claim 1 , wherein each opposed side or end wall of the at least one pair of side or end walls has a width extending from its first end to its second end claim 1 , and its central region extends from the centre of the wall equidistantly towards each of the first and second ends of the wall and the ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204039A1
Автор: KENNY Scott
Принадлежит: Hesco Bastion Ltd

The present invention relates to a gabion comprising opposed first and second side walls connected together at spaced intervals along the length of the gabion by a plurality of partition walls, the first and second side walls comprising open framework panels, and wherein the first side wall is lined with a first lining material comprising a layer of a sheet material, the sheet material having a relatively low water permeability compared with an unlined open framework panel, and further wherein the second side wall is lined with a second lining material having a higher water permeability than the first lining material. The present invention also relates to a multi-compartmental gabion having similar features. The present invention also relates to a water containment system comprising a gabion or multi-compartmental gabion according to the invention. The present invention also relates to a method of deploying a water containment system.

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140290150A1

A portable and collapsible barrier that is lightweight and can be easily transported and erected. The barrier includes a base, a top and an enclosed volume such as a diaphragm that can be expanded with a medium such as a gas or liquid to a desired shape. The expanded volume will act as a barrier. When a series of expanded barriers are connected, they will form a wall that can contain bulk materials or liquids. 1. A portable fillable barrier unit having a base and a plurality of walls , comprising:a) an inner envelope defining a volume to be filled, wherein the inner envelope includes a plurality of adjacent internal cells in fluid communication with one another;b) an outer covering at least partially surrounding the inner envelope; andc) at least one stiffening panel configured to help the barrier unit maintain a predetermined shape when filled with a fluid medium.2. The portable barrier unit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one stiffening panel is attached to the inner envelope.3. The portable barrier unit of claim 2 , wherein the at least one stiffening panel is attached to an outer surface of the inner envelope.4. The portable barrier unit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one stiffening panel is disposed in a pocket formed in an outer surface of the inner envelope.5. The portable barrier unit of claim 1 , wherein the at least one stiffening panel is held in place between the inner envelope and outer envelope by the outer covering.6. The portable barrier unit of claim 1 , wherein the inner envelope has a base panel claim 1 , front and rear panels attached to opposing sides of the base panel that join at an apex to form the top of the portable barrier unit claim 1 , and two opposing triangular side panels attached to the base claim 1 , front and rear panels claim 1 , wherein the at least one stiffening panel is configured to stiffen at least one of the front and rear panels.7. The portable barrier unit of claim 6 , wherein the front and rear panels are both ...

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194069A1
Автор: Hull John H.
Принадлежит: AquaBlok, Ltd.

Composite particles of a hard core coated by a layer of hydratable, swellable clay such as bentonite are useful for constructing, modifying and/or supporting lifeline structure such as dams, berms and levees, and/or pipelines or conduits for oil, gas, sewage, water, or cables or wires for transmission of electrical power or data information. The method involves placing the composite particles in a location within, below, or about the lifeline structure, and hydrating them to cause them to swell and fill and seal the voids around the structure to form a resilient support having a high damping ratio and low hydraulic conductivity that is maintained after exposure to strain forces. The composite particles are advantageous in damping seismic waves and reducing the potential damage from an earthquake, explosion, tremor, fatigue loading, or similar seismic event. 1. A method of protecting a lifeline structure from damage caused by seismic waves , the method comprising:providing a plurality of composite particles, the composite particles having a hard core at least partially coated with a sealant layer of hydratable clay material that swells upon hydration;using the composite particles to protect the lifeline structure from damage caused by seismic waves by one or more of (1) constructing or modifying the lifeline structure using the composite particles integrated into structure; or (2) supporting the lifeline structure at least one location using the composite particles; andhydrating the hydratable the clay material to cause it to swell and seal voids.2. The method of wherein the core comprises an aggregate having an angular or subangular shape.3. The method of wherein the lifeline structure is a pipeline claim 1 , and further comprising supporting the pipeline at a plurality of locations with a base made of the composite particles.4. The method of wherein the lifeline structure is a dam claim 1 , berm or levee retaining a body of water or other material subject to ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170204577A1
Автор: Arrington Abron J.

Flood control apparatus are disclosed. In one aspect, a flood control apparatus includes a structural frame. The structural frame has an elongated length in a longitudinal direction. The structural frame includes a plurality of transverse support structures, that are generally aligned in the transverse direction, and that are spaced apart in the longitudinal direction. The structural frame includes one or more longitudinal coupling structures that couple the plurality of transverse support structures together. One or more sheets of material are coupled to the structural frame. When in use, earth may be used to substantially fill an inner region of the apparatus that is enclosed by the one or more sheets of material coupled to the structural frame. 1. A flood control apparatus comprising:a structural frame,the structural frame being longitudinally elongated;the structural frame including a plurality of generally triangular shaped transverse support structures,the structural frame including a coupling structures that are generally aligned in the longitudinal direction and that couple the plurality of transverse support structures together;one or more sheets of material coupled to the structural frame and wrapping around the frame to form a matrix of interconnected cellular material traps;an inner region of the apparatus that is enclosed by the one or more sheets of material coupled to the structural frame to receive earth therein.2. The flood control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of generally triangular shaped transverse support structures comprise a plurality of A-frames.3. The flood control apparatus of claim 2 , wherein each of the A-frames has two legs that are coupled at the top and diverge downward at an angle relative to one another claim 2 , and a crossmember coupling bottom portions of the legs with one another.4. The flood control apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a brace coupling crossmembers of a plurality of the A-frames.5. The ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Retention Device

Номер: US20140308078A1
Автор: Mulvihill Michael

According to the present invention there is provided a liquid retention device comprising: a braced frame mountable on foundations in a plurality of locations, in which said device comprises a base section and at least one upstanding support, and in which said brace further comprises height-adjusting means for adjusting the height of said frame, and in which said device further comprises a face supported by said frame, in which said face is inclined at an angle to the at least one upstanding support, wherein said face is covered by a least one detachable mat. 1. A retention device for retaining movement of free flowing substances , comprising:{'b': 8', '8', '9', '2', '9, 'a face section providing a wall to retain free movement of flowing substances, the face section being connected substantially perpendicular to a base mounted on a foundation anchor and being height adjustable relative to the base , and'}{'b': 4', '8', '8', '4', '6', '70, 'a length adjustable angled portion for bracing the face section against force applied by free flowing substance to the face section , the angled portion being pivotally connected between the face section and the base by hinges , so that when the height of the face section is adjusted, the brace pivots and the length is adjusted to accommodate the adjusted height of the face section.'}220182. A retention device according to comprising an elevation adjustment means for adjusting the relative elevation and orientation of the face section with respect to the foundation anchor .320192. A retention device according to wherein the elevation adjustment means is a screw jack connecting the base to the foundation anchor .4822923222040238. A retention device according to wherein the face section comprises a bottom horizontal bar fixed to the base claim 1 , a top horizontal bar aligned substantially parallel to the bottom horizontal bar claim 1 , and lateral sides comprising upstanding supports claim 1 , which are length adjustable and ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Flood Barrier System

Номер: US20170218586A1
Принадлежит: Neptune Systems, LLC

A flood barrier system includes vertical elements and panels extending between such vertical elements, the foregoing components having various features for inhibiting passage of flood water therethrough. One or more vertical elements may have a multi-layer base plate which forms a watertight seal with vertical gaskets disposed on the vertical elements. One of the vertical elements of the system may comprise a stanchion post which may be formed of extruded aluminum. Another vertical element which may find potential use in certain applications may be secured to a store front mullion. The panels in such system may include specially adapted gaskets to reduce instances of leakage. The vertical elements and panels allow the present flood barrier system to be flexible and readily deployable as a barrier to flood or flood risk. 1. A flood barrier system for protecting a structure from the inflow of flood water , the structure having windows and at least one mullion located between a plane of the windows , the system having stackable stop-log panels deployable in response to flood or flood risk to form a temporary barrier to the flood water , the panels having forward faces oriented toward the flood water and rear faces opposite the forward faces , the system comprising:multiple vertical elements, at least one of the vertical elements including a back mounting plate adapted to be securable to the mullion, the vertical element having a pair of vertically extending tracks having back walls formed by the mounting plate to position the tracks proximate to the plane of the windows, the tracks sized to receive ends of the panels;wherein at least one of the vertical elements has a first wet-side gasket and a second, dry-side gasket, each gasket extending vertically along the vertical element, the wet-side gasket opposing the forward faces of the panels and the dry-side gasket opposing the rear faces of the panels, the wet-side and dry-side gaskets being spaced from each other and ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208366A1
Автор: CHAPRON Romain

Disclosed is a shoreline protection dike including a plurality of juxtaposed protection devices each including a front face which is curved so as to deflect the water from each wave upwards and deflect it back in the direction of ebbing. This makes it possible to form a dike that is modifiable, removable and non-permanent. 1181830. Protective device () designed to be aligned with other protective devices so as to form a protective dike , wherein the protective device () comprises a curved front face () , designed to divert the water of a wave upward then drive it back in the direction of the outflow of the wave.230. Protective device according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one weighted container positioned behind the curved front face ().338363040364236. Protective device according to claim 2 , further comprising a deflector () which has a first curved plate () claim 2 , a face of which forms the curved front face () claim 2 , and a second plate () connected to the first plate () and designed to rest on the ground and to receive a large capacity bag () claim 2 , the latter resting against the back face of the first plate ().44236. Protective device according to claim 3 , wherein the large capacity bag () has shapes adapted to conform to the curved profile of the first plate ().5404418441846. Protective device according to claim 3 , wherein the second plate () comprises claim 3 , in the area of the side edges claim 3 , wings () that are curved and designed so that claim 3 , when two protective devices () are juxtaposed claim 3 , the juxtaposed wings () of the two protective devices () delimit with the ground a passage () to make it possible for the water to flow away.6184830. Protective device according to claim 2 , wherein the protective device () comprises a large capacity bag () one of the side walls of which forms the curved front face ().75448305630130303013030485658565830. Protective device according to claim 6 , wherein the side wall () of the large ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208371A1
Принадлежит: Ameri-Dam International LLC

An exemplary fluid containment system includes at least one baffle having an outer tube and an inner tube. The outer tube has an elongated geometry that defines a size and shape of the baffle structure. The inner tube can be inflated and inserted into the outer tube. The at least one baffle structure having one or more connection points on a surface of the outer tube for connecting with at least one other baffle structure. The outer tube and an at least partially inflated inner tube inserted within are configured to at least counteract forces of a fluid being contained within a specified area. 1. A fluid containment system , comprising:at least one baffle structure having an outer tube and an inner tube, the outer tube having an elongated geometry that defines a size and shape of the baffle structure, and the inner tube configured for insertion into the outer tube and configured for at least partial inflation,the at least one baffle structure having one or more connection points on a surface of the outer tube for connecting with at least one other baffle structure, andwherein the outer tube and an at least partially inflated inner tube inserted within are configured to at least counteract forces of a fluid being contained within a specified area.2. The fluid containment system according to claim 1 , wherein the side faces of the outer tube of the at least one baffle structure provides a base for stacking or receiving the at least one other baffle structure claim 1 , and the one or more connection points are disposed on at least one side face of the outer tube for interlocking the outer tube of the at least one baffle structure and an outer tube of the at least one other baffle structure.3. The fluid containment system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one baffle structure is connected to a plurality of other baffle structures to form a honeycomb structure.4. The fluid containment system according to claim 3 , wherein the outer tube of each baffle structure ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211521A1
Автор: JR. Louis A., Waters

Flood barrier assemblies in land near a water frontage shoreline have next adjacent panels actively erectable into a continuous barrier preventing flooding of the land. In one configuration one lateral side of a panel is a contact surface and the other lateral side carries a gasket. The panels are sequentially raised with a first to raise panel presenting a contact surface to the gasket of the next adjacent second to raise panel. In another configuration, a contact surface is on opposing lateral sides of two panels separated by a next adjacent panel between them having gaskets on both its lateral sides. The spaced first panels raise before the second panel. The raised panels may be in a linear or curved array or a combination of linear and curved arrays. Either configuration and order of raising erects a flood barrier wall sealed panel to panel by the gasket between adjacent panels. 1. Apparatus comprising a plurality of flood barrier assemblies arranged on land near a water frontage shoreline , each assembly comprising:at least one support pan situated in or on said land,a plurality of next adjacent panels, each panel having a top surface, a bottom surface, a front end, a back end, and lateral sides at an imagined projected intersecting angle to said shoreline and of a length that runs from said back end to at least near the front end of the panel, the panel residing in said support pan in a lowered position, hingedly rotatable on a substantially horizontal first axis of rotation at said back end of the panel to rotate upwardly from said pan to an upright raised position where invading flood water will be contained at said bottom surface of the panel,said next adjacent panels having either (i) a first configuration in which one panel has (a) a gasket attached to a panel lateral side that is next adjacent to the other panel, said gasket coursing the length of said panel lateral side and (b) a contact surface at the other lateral side of such panel than the lateral ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314487A1
Автор: Hill Hans
Принадлежит: Hill Innovations B.V.

Attenuating element consisting of a head part, neck part and base part. The neck part is narrower compared to the head part and neck parts of adjacent attenuating elements form a continuous channel. Via the head parts, this channel is connected so that the cross-sectional area of the head parts is smaller than the cross-sectional area of the base parts. In this way, a water-control structure, sound-attenuating wall and the like can be provided. Such attenuating elements can be produced in a very simple manner by dividing them vertically and producing each of the vertical parts from concrete in a mould. 2. The series of substantially identical attenuating elements according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the first half attenuating element part is lying against the second half attenuating element part along a substantially flat dividing planesaid base part of each said attenuating element is placed against said base part of another adjacent attenuating element of said attenuating elements, andsaid neck parts of adjacent attenuating elements delimit a continuous flow conduit.3. The series of substantially identical attenuating elements according to claim 1 , wherein said head part of each said attenuating element is placed against said head part of another adjacent attenuating element of said attenuating elements.4. The series of substantially identical attenuating elements according to claim 1 , wherein the interspace extends towards the neck part of each said attenuating element.5. The series of substantially identical attenuating elements according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the attenuating elements are arranged to define a sound-attenuating wall claim 1 , and a base surface of the base part of each said attenuating element is substantially vertical.6. The series of substantially identical attenuating elements according to claim 5 , wherein a sound-attenuating elastic material is present between the base part of the attenuating elements.7. The series of ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160230362A1

A temporary flood defense barrier suitable for at least partially surrounding a structure, the barrier comprises a number of connectable sections; wherein each section comprises a base and a screen; the screen being fixed to and extending from a surface of the base; wherein the barrier is formed by connecting at least two of said sections together along their adjacent edges; the number of sections being dependent on the size and shape of the structure to be surrounded. 1. A temporary flood defense barrier comprising a number of connectable sections;wherein each section comprises a base and a screen; the screen extending from the base; each section incorporating an upper edge, a first and a second side edge; each side edge being connectable to an adjacent side edge to form a substantially waterproof connection; whereby the barrier is formed by connecting at least two of said sections together along their adjacent side edges.2. A temporary flood defense barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier further comprises at least one attachment member which extends between the upper edge of the at least one section and a structure; whereby the attachment member holds the at least one section in a spaced apart position from the structure to which the barrier is attached.3. A temporary flood defense barrier according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one section further comprises a beam located at said upper edge claim 2 , whereby said attachment member extends between said beam and the structure.4. A temporary flood defense barrier according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one attachment member is integral with the at least one connectable section.5. A temporary flood defense barrier according to claim 2 , wherein said barrier further comprises a bracket which is fixable to a structure; whereby the bracket facilitates attachment of the at least one attachment member to the structure.6. A temporary flood defense barrier according to claim 2 , wherein the barrier ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254296A1
Автор: DeLaine, JR. Phillip M.

The disclosed water barrier systems may include a first mobile water barrier, and adjacent second mobile water barrier, and a translation mechanism for translating the first mobile water barrier and the second mobile water barrier toward each other. Lowering mechanisms may be configured to lower sidewalls of the mobile water barriers. The mobile water barriers may include sealing elements to form water seals between the adjacent mobile water barriers and between the sidewalls and a surface. Related methods of forming a water barrier assembly are also disclosed. 1. A barrier system , comprising: a first wheel assembly for supporting the first railcar barrier on a railway;', 'a first frame positioned over the first wheel assembly;', 'at least one first sidewall coupled to the first frame; and', 'a first vertical control mechanism configured to lower the first frame relative to the first wheel assembly to abut the at least one first sidewall against a surface adjacent to the first railcar;, 'a first railcar barrier, comprising a second wheel assembly for supporting the second railcar barrier on a railway;', 'a second frame positioned over the second wheel assembly;', 'at least one second sidewall coupled to the second frame; and', 'a second vertical control mechanism configured to lower the second frame relative to the second wheel assembly to abut the at least one second sidewall against a surface adjacent to the second railcar;, 'a second railcar barrier, comprisinga translation mechanism for translating the first railcar barrier and the second railcar barrier toward each other to abut the at least one first sidewall against the at least one second sidewall; anda computer control system configured to control the first vertical control mechanism, the second vertical control mechanism, and the translation mechanism.2. The barrier system of claim 1 , wherein the computer control system comprises a computer-controlled hydraulic valve system.3. The barrier system of claim ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Membrane-Lined Wall

Номер: US20210254301A1

A membrane-lined wall for levee reinforcement or leak prevention, prevention of water migration, and pollution control of impoundments. The membrane-lined wall generally includes a cementitious or concrete wall formed within an excavated trench. The concrete may be internally reinforced, and the wall may also comprise a double-layer of impermeable geomembrane liner that forms a barrier between the concrete and the sides and bottom of the trench. The membrane or liner reduces water migration, prevents levee leakage, and prevents the escape of contaminants in impoundments. 1. A method , comprising:positioning a roll of a liner over one side of a trench having two sides, a bottom and a length, such that an axis of the roll is oriented along the length of the trench;positioning and clamping an edge of the liner over a side of the trench opposite the roll of the liner such that the edge is oriented along the length of the trench; andforcing a portion of the liner between the edge and the roll into the trench such that the liner is supplied from the roll and extends into the trench to form a continuous, seamless barrier between the two sides and the bottom of the trench and an interior portion of the liner.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filling at least part of the interior portion of the liner with a cementitious material;wherein a weight of the cementitious material forces the liner into contact with the two sides of the trench3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of installing a reinforcement mat within the interior portion of the liner claim 2 , wherein the reinforcement mat has a length aligned with the length of the trench claim 2 , and wherein the cementitious material surrounds the reinforcement mat on at least three sides.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising allowing the cementitious material to harden.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising applying vibration to the cementitious material before it hardens.6. The ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Flood Bag

Номер: US20150240435A1
Автор: Schneider Steve

An apparatus, system, and method for creating a flood barrier by use of an open-top fabric bag device or series of connected bag devices that can be filled with materials to create the barrier. Each bag has a bottom panel, a front panel, a back panel, a four-sided neck, an opening in the neck, and lifting loops at the neck for lifting the bag. The bottom panel may contain a closable aperture formed by a front bottom panel overlapping a back bottom panel underneath the back bottom panel and secured by a fastening device to releasably secure the aperture. When the bag is full of materials and is lifted at the neck loops, the aperture opens and the contents are released and remain in place as the bag is lifted and removed and is available for re-use. 1. An apparatus for restraining flood water , comprising: a bottom panel;', 'a first side panel substantially parallel to a second side panel, the first and second side panels being connected to the bottom panel;', 'a front panel;', 'a back panel;', 'an elongated neck comprised of respective upper portions of the first and second side panels, the front panel, and the back panel, wherein the elongated neck forms an opening at a top of the bag device;', 'lifting loops, wherein at least one of the lifting loops is connected to at least one corner of the elongated neck; and', 'formable toes at the junction of the bottom panel with each of the front and back panels, the formable toes comprising a curved outer-surface extending outward from the bag device., 'a bag device, wherein the bag device has2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bag device has on the outside of the first side panel an attachment means for attaching to an adjoining bag claim 1 , and the bag device has on the outside of the second side panel an attachment means for attaching to a second adjoining bag.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bag device has integrated into its front panel a series of straps for attachment to a second bag.4. The apparatus ...
