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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2425742C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Изобретение относится к способу вырезания посредством лазерного луча, по меньшей мере, первого отверстия (53а) в первой металлической пластине (5) с учетом наличия второй металлической пластины (7) со вторым отверстием (73а). Пластину (7) располагают параллельно первой пластине (5) и на незначительном расстоянии от нее так, что контур отверстия (73а) расположен напротив контура вырезаемого отверстия (53а). Между двумя пластинами (5 и 7) размещают защитное средство (10) в виде пластины определенной толщины с третьим отверстием (10а) и с контуром, смещенным внутрь относительно контура второго отверстия (73а). Затем осуществляют вырезку первого отверстия. Изобретение позволяет предотвратить попадание расплавленного металла на второе отверстие, отклонение лазерного луча при резке и потери плотности его энерговыделения. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2585154C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Ступень турбомашины, содержащая подвижное колесо, несущее множество лопаток, окруженных снаружи кожухом, снабженным на его внутренней поверхности слоем истираемого материала напротив свободных концов лопаток. На внутренней поверхности кожуха размещен, по меньшей мере, один плоский датчик измерения зазора в вершинах лопаток, покрытый слоем истираемого материала. Технический результат изобретения - повышение эффективности работы ступени турбомашины.2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы,4 ил.

14-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653823C2
Принадлежит: САФРАН (FR), СНЕКМА (FR)

Изобретение относится к волокнистой заготовке для лопатки газотурбинного двигателя, полученной посредством моноблочного трехмерного тканья. Согласно изобретению заготовка содержит первый продольный участок, предназначенный для формирования ножки лопатки, второй продольный участок, продолжающий первый продольный участок и предназначенный для формирования части пера, и первый поперечный участок, проходящий поперечно от соединения между первым и вторым продольными участками и предназначенный для формирования первой площадки. При этом первый поперечный участок образован по меньшей мере частями первого и второго свободных полотнищ, загнутых друг на друга. Причем первое свободное полотнище и первый продольный участок и второе свободное полотнище и второй продольный участок выполнены путем совместного тканья с разъединением. При этом на соединении между первым и вторым продольными участками имеется перекрещивание слоя так, чтобы нити первого свободного полотнища были продолжены во втором продольном ...

27-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727943C2

Изобретение относится к узлу, содержащему корпус (12) газотурбинного двигателя и установленное внутри указанного корпуса рабочее колесо (14) с лопатками. Корпус (12) имеет внутреннюю стенку (20), включающую в себя кольцевую полосу (24) из истираемого материала. Концы лопаток расположены напротив полосы из истираемого материала и кольцевой канавки (30), содержащихся в корпусе, причем полоса из истираемого материала расположена спереди по потоку, а кольцевая канавка (30) - сзади по потоку. Полоса из истираемого материала ограничивает задней частью кольцевую канавку (30). Задний край кольцевой канавки (30) в осевом направлении расположен на уровне задних краев (18В) лопаток (18) или за ними. Такая конструкция обеспечивает оптимальное использование полосы из истираемого материала в корпусе газотурбинного двигателя. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

28-02-2017 дата публикации

ТУРБОМАШИНА (варианты)

Номер: RU2611544C2

Турбомашина, в частности турбокомпрессор, с корпусом, с установленным в корпусе ротором и с сухим газовым уплотнением для герметизации ротора по отношению к корпусу, причем в корпусе проделано, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие для газообразной среды, через которое может направляться газообразная среда для поддержания равномерной температуры сухого газового уплотнения в направлении его самого. Газообразная среда через отверстие может направляться непосредственно в газовую камеру, образованную между корпусом и сухим газовым уплотнением. Дополнительно или в качестве альтернативы отверстие служит для установки направляющей трубы для газообразной среды. Изобретение направлено на создание турбомашины, в которой может эффективно поддерживаться равномерная температура сухого газового уплотнения. 2 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2552628C2

Опорная стойка (430) для диафрагмы паровой турбины содержит основную вертикальную часть (435) с утолщением (447), которое проходит от указанной части (435) по существу перпендикулярно ей. Утолщение содержит первое утолщение, проходящее от верхнего конца основной вертикальной части (435), и второе утолщение, проходящее от места вблизи нижнего конца основной вертикальной части (435). Первое утолщение отстоит на заданное расстояние от второго утолщения. Первое и второе утолщение предназначены для сопряжения с соответствующим пазом (450), выполненным в диафрагме турбины. В утолщениях имеется отверстие (455), которое проходит сквозь них вертикально и предназначено для размещения крепежного элемента (460), проходящего через первое и второе утолщения (447) с обеспечением вертикального прикрепления основной вертикальной части (435) и указанных утолщений (447) к диафрагме турбины. Достигается уменьшение продолжительности и стоимости цикла технического обслуживания, поскольку обеспечивается возможность ...

13-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2647016C2

Группа изобретений относится к глубинному приводному буру для вращательного бурения. Узел статора и ротора турбины содержит размещенные соосно статор (1) и ротор (2). Статор (1) содержит корпус, лопатку и обод. Ротор (2) содержит корпус, лопатку и обод. Внутренняя стенка обода статора соосно размещена с внешней стенкой корпуса ротора. Линия пересечения каждой точки на внешнем контуре лопатки статора с меридиональной плоскостью, соответствующей ей, представляет собой первую линию пересечения, которая перпендикулярно пересекается с первой прямой линией проекции, продолжающейся через обод статора. Линия пересечения каждой точки на внешнем контуре лопатки ротора с меридиональной плоскостью, соответствующей ей, представляет собой вторую линию пересечения, которая перпендикулярно пересекается со второй прямой линией проекции, продолжающейся через корпус ротора. Группа изобретений направлена на обеспечение высокой гидравлической эффективности, простой конструкции, высокого крутящего момента и ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565129C2

Узел двухконтурного турбореактивного двигателя содержит внешнее кольцо выхлопного корпуса, структурное кольцо внешнего тракта канала вентилятора, концентричного относительно внешнего кольца выхлопного корпуса, а также первый и второй кронштейны или соединительные тяги. Кронштейны или соединительные тяги образуют статически неопределимое соединение, являясь закрепленными одним концом на внешнем кольце выхлопного корпуса, а другим концом на структурном кольце. Соединение, образованное первым кронштейном или соединительной тягой, выполнено с возможностью разрыва за пределом определенной нагрузки. Второй кронштейн или тяга выполнен с возможностью формирования пути передачи усилий между кольцами, когда соединение, образованное первым кронштейном или соединительной тягой, разрывается. Другое изобретение относится к двухконтурному турбореактивному двигателю, содержащему указанный выше узел. Группа изобретений позволяет снизить массу турбореактивного двигателя. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

03-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2715766C2

Внутренний корпус (2) промежуточного корпуса (1) двухконтурного газотурбинного двигателя. Перепускные лопатки (20) закреплены в канале (18) перепускного прохода на уровне выходного отверстия (6) наружной обечайки (5). При этом указанные перепускные лопатки (20) включают в себя от входа к выходу в направлении прохождения потока воздуха в пространстве (14) потока второго контура верхнюю по потоку лопатку (22), которая расположена рядом с верхней по потоку стенкой (18а) канала (18) перепускного прохода и которая содержит переднюю кромку (ВА), расположенную встречно потоку (F18) воздуха в канале (18) перепускного прохода, и среднюю линию (С) и нижнюю по потоку лопатку (24), которая расположена рядом с нижней по потоку стенкой (18b) канала (18) перепускного прохода и которая содержит переднюю кромку (ВА) и среднюю линию (С). При этом внутренний корпус (2) промежуточного корпуса отличается тем, что верхний по потоку острый угол () между плоскостью (Р) перепуска и касательной (Т) к средней линии ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462601C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Двухконтурный турбореактивный двигатель содержит цилиндрическую оболочку, установленную на выходе промежуточного кожуха и ограничивающую с внешней стороны кольцевое пространство протекания вторичного потока. Цилиндрическая оболочка образована решетчатым каркасом и съемными панелями обтекателя, закрепленными на каркасе. Решетчатый каркас содержит входной кольцевой фланец крепления к промежуточному кожуху, выходной кольцевой фланец соединения с выхлопным кожухом, и жесткие балки, соединяющие оба фланца между собой. Изобретение позволяет снизить массу и упростить обслуживание двигателя. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

14-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2710811C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано для ремонта корпуса вентиляторов авиационных двигателей, внутренняя поверхность которого имеет повреждение. Способ включает изготовление упрочняющего элемента с заданными размерами, которые определяют на основании оценки зоны растрескивания, возникающей на внутренней поверхности по периметру повреждения и расширяющейся по мере распространения в направлении внешней поверхности с образованием на внешней поверхности корпуса вентилятора внешней области растрескивания, и прикрепление упомянутого упрочняющего элемента к внешней поверхности корпуса вентилятора напротив места повреждения, например, сваркой, клепанием или склеиванием. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

05-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665980C2

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к конструкциям гондол двигателей. Конструкция корпуса, устанавливаемая между двигателем и гондолой летательного аппарата, включает в себя обечайку, окружающую двигатель и содержащую неподвижную часть (30) и множество секторов (12А, 12В), по меньшей мере одно радиальное плечо (14), обеспечивающее соединение с гондолой, и множество средств крепления для соединения указанного множества секторов обечайки между собой или с указанным радиальным плечом. Множество средств крепления содержит два ряда отверстий, выполненных в двух параллельных боковых стенках указанных секторов обечайки для установки двух рядов винтов (28А, 28В), каждый из которых проходит через соответствующий набор отверстий смежного сектора обечайки или смежного радиального плеча. Между каждым сектором обечайки и неподвижной частью установлен шарнир (24А, 24В) для обеспечения индивидуального поворота каждого из указанных секторов обечайки вокруг общей оси поворота, перпендикулярной ...

08-10-2018 дата публикации

Корпус для вращающейся машины и вращающаяся машина, содержащая такой корпус

Номер: RU2669123C2

Предложен корпус (1) для вращающейся машины (10), имеющий внутреннюю поверхность (S), ограничивающую внутренний объем (V) для размещения ротора указанной машины (10), первую и вторую полые части (11, 12), соединенные друг с другом с возможностью разъединения и имеющие соответственно первый и второй разъемные фланцы (13, 14) соответственно с первой и второй разъемными поверхностями (13а, 14а), контактирующими друг с другом, когда полые части (11, 12) соединены, отверстия (17), выполненные в первом и втором разъемных фланцах (13, 14), проходящие через первую и вторую разъемные поверхности (13а, 14а) и предназначенные для размещения болтов, первую канавку (21), соединяющую указанные отверстия, вторую канавку (22) между первой канавкой (21) и внутренней поверхностью (S) корпуса (1), первый канал (23) и второй канал (24), предназначенные для циркуляции текучей среды соответственно в первую и вторую канавки (21, 22) и из них. Изобретение направлено на повышение безопасности работы вращающейся ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562175C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к чугунам с шаровидным графитом. Чугун содержит, вес. %: кремний 2,0-4,5, углерод 2,9-4,0, ниобий 0,05-0,7, молибден 0,3-1,5, необязательно кобальт 0,1-2,0, марганец ≤0,3, никель ≤0,5, магний ≤0,7, фосфор ≤0,05, сера ≤0,012, хром ≤0,1, сурьма ≤0,004, железо - остальное. Конструкционный элемент, выполненный из чугуна, представляет собой часть корпуса, в частности, паровой или газовой турбины. Чугун характеризуется повышенными механическими свойствами, в частности повышенным пределом ползучести, окалиностойкости и стойкости к малоцикловой усталости. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

15-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653980C2
Принадлежит: ЭРСЕЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к конструкциям вспомогательных устройств для выполнения манипуляций с капотом гондолы турбореактивного двигателя. Вспомогательное устройство содержит коленчатую деталь (13-15), установленную на шарнире (41, 75), соосном шарниру (5, 6) соединительного элемента (4, 7). Шарнир устройства жестко соединен с коленчатой деталью (13-15), один конец которой опирается на соединительный элемент (35, 38) капота (1, 2) и одна точка которой шарнирно соединена с пружиной (17, 27) сжатия так, чтобы придавать соединительному элементу капота вспомогательный импульс в ходе подъема капота (1, 2). Обеспечивается снижение массы летательного аппарата. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

01-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611914C2

Группа изобретений относится к наружному корпусу из композиционного материала для осевой турбомашины. Корпус из композиционного материала для осевой турбомашины содержит круглую стенку, содержащую матрицу и сплетенный волокнистый элемент жесткости (40). Элемент жесткости (40) содержит в зависимости от своей толщины два наружных слоя (48) и один центральный слой (50), расположенный между слоями (48). Слои (48, 50) содержат сплетенные волокна, проходящие в осевом направлении круглой стенки, и сплетенные волокна, проходящие по окружности круглой стенки. По меньшей мере один из слоев (48) имеет различие в пропорции между осевыми сплетенными волокнами и кольцевыми сплетенными волокнами. Осевые сплетенные волокна составляют большую часть сплетенных волокон. Группа изобретений направлена на улучшение механического сопротивления кольцевой стенки из композиционного материала корпуса в случае соприкосновения с лопатками ротора. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659633C2

Изобретение относится к паровой турбине (1) с содержащим одну оболочку корпусом (2) турбины, а также со специальными внутренними корпусами (11, 21), расположенными внутри корпуса (2) турбины, внешняя стенка которой имеет возможность вращения вокруг оси турбины, валом. Технический результат: возможна полная компенсация тяги в паровой турбине. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2511960C2
Принадлежит: ЭРСЕЛЬ (FR)

Корпус (5) для ротора турбокомпрессора, в частности для вентилятора турбореактивного двигателя. Корпус содержит периферийный бандаж (6), формирующий кольцевой зажим вокруг корпуса. Указанный бандаж имеет по меньшей мере одну монтажную проушину или фланец для крепежа оборудования. Бандаж (6) может быть выполнен в форме полосы, имеющей возможность замыкания (9, 10) с самой собой (7, 8). Таким образом, предложенный периферийный бандаж, окружающий корпус вентилятора, может быть использован для поддержки крепежных элементов и фланцев для вспомогательных механизмов гондолы или турбореактивных двигателей, предназначенных для крепления к указанному корпусу. Таким образом, указанный корпус может быть сразу выполнен с возможностью приема определенных специально для этого предназначенных средств крепления бандажа и не будет нуждаться в конструктивных изменениях для непосредственной установки проушин и фланцев, относящихся к вспомогательному оборудованию. Кроме того, в случае добавления проушин или ...

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2498163C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Газотурбинный двигатель содержит кольцевую камеру сгорания, содержащую образованные вращением стенки, соответственно радиально внутреннюю и радиально наружную по отношению к оси газотурбинного двигателя, соединенные на своих входных концах кольцевым дном камеры, оборудованным средствами впрыска топлива. Газотурбинный двигатель содержит средства подвески входного конца камеры сгорания к наружному картеру. Средства подвески содержат, по меньшей мере, одну тягу, шарнирно соединенную своими концами со стенкой камеры сгорания и с наружным картером. Каждый конец тяги шарнирно устанавливают вокруг поперечной оси на цилиндрическом стержне, установленном в отверстиях проушины наружной стенки камеры или картера соответственно. Выходной конец камеры сгорания соединен с внутренним или наружным картером гибкими соединениями или опорами. Изобретение направлено на повышение эффективности и экономичности работы двигателя. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663784C2

Изобретение относится к ступени компрессора низкого давления осевой турбомашины, такой как турбореактивный двигатель. Ступень содержит ротор (12), внешняя поверхность которого содержит два кромочных уплотнителя (32), каждый из которых образует радиальное кольцевое ребро; и статор, содержащий кольцевой ряд лопастей (26) статора, проходящих в целом в радиальном направлении; и внутреннюю оболочку (28), радиальное поперечное сечение которой содержит центральную часть (40), соединенную с внутренними краями лопастей (26), боковую часть (42), проходящую с каждой стороны от центральной части до одного из двух кромочных уплотнителей (32), соответственно, образуя, таким образом, ротор с кольцевой полостью. Оболочка и ротор сконфигурированы таким образом, чтобы радиальное сечение кольцевой полости (38) имело длину L1 и высоту Н, где длина L1 превышает высоту Н, что вызывает вращательное движение содержащегося в ней воздуха. Скорость воздуха снижает его давление, что сокращает утечки ниже и выше по ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2656514C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Газотурбинный двигатель содержит аксиальный кожух турбины низкого давления из металлического материала, на выходе которого установлен аксиальный выхлопной кожух из композитного материала, а также устройство упругого крепления, связывающее указанные кожухи между собой, элемент гибкой связи и жесткий блокирующий элемент. Элемент гибкой связи содержит первую фиксирующую часть, связанную с аксиальным кожухом турбины низкого давления первой осевой связью, и вторую фиксирующую часть, связанную с аксиальным выхлопным кожухом второй осевой связью. Элемент гибкой связи содержит расположенный по оси свободный конец. Жесткий блокирующий элемент содержит фиксирующую часть, связанную с аксиальным кожухом турбины низкого давления первой осевой связью, и расположенный аксиально свободный конец, выровненный радиально со свободным концом элемента гибкой связи и образующий средства упора последнего в случае радиальной деформации элемента гибкой связи в процессе работы двигателя. Изобретение позволяет повысить ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016112261A3

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016112462A3

26-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016102800A3

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015148338A3

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015143679A3

18-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014150989A3

23-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017145079A3

22-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015129738A3

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017115405A3

25-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU222426U1

Полезная модель относится к области турбостроения, в частности к устройствам подвода охлаждающего воздуха к надроторным вставкам в газотурбинном двигателе, и может быть использована в статорах высокотемпературных турбин газотурбинных двигателей авиационного и наземного применения. Техническим результатом заявляемого устройства является повышение эффективного использования охлаждающего воздуха для охлаждения надроторной вставки, что позволяет снизить его потребное количество, при этом достигается минимизация неплотностей за счет герметизирующего элемента, установлено в соосных выборках промежуточного элемента и надроторной вставки, через которые охлаждающий воздух перетекает в газовоздушный тракт, не совершив необходимой работы по охлаждению уплотнения. Технический результат достигается тем, что в устройстве подвода охлаждающего воздуха к надроторным вставкам, содержащее промежуточный элемент, вмонтированный в силовой корпус, в промежуточный элемент вмонтирована надроторная вставка, имеющая ...

18-05-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016112463A3

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017135500A3

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Устройство для герметизации соосных смотровых отверстий

Номер: RU209654U1

Полезная модель относится к области турбостроению, а именно двигателестроению, и может найти применение для герметизации и заглушения смотровых отверстий, например для бороскопического осмотра статора турбины. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является упрощение монтажа и демонтажа устройства, а также снижение трудоемкости при изготовлении и совместной сборке конструкций наружного и внутреннего корпусов. Технический результат достигается тем, что в устройстве для герметизации соосных смотровых отверстий, одно из которых выполнено в наружном корпусе, другое выполнено во внутреннем корпусе, содержащем основание со сквозным внутреннем отверстием, вмонтированное в соосные смотровые отверстия наружного и внутреннего корпусов, наконечник-заглушку с утолщенным концом и кольцевой элемент, который установлен на наконечнике-заглушке, в отличие от известного кольцевой элемент выполнен с возможностью перемещения относительно вертикальной оси наконечника-заглушки и с возможностью контакта ...

04-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780970C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к крепежному средству, используемому для соединения между собой двух частей паровой или газовой турбины. Крепежное средство выполнено из основного материала, имеющего следующий состав, мас.%: С: от 0,10 до 0,17, Mn: от 0,20 до 0,60, Cr: от 8,0 до 11,0, Mo: от 1,0 до 2,0, Co: от 0,50 до 2,00, N: от 0,010 до 0,050, B: от 0,005 до 0,015, V: от 0,10 до 0,30, Al: самое большее 0,010, Nb: от 0,02 до 0,08, Ni: от 0,10 до 0,50, Si: самое большее 0,10, P: самое большее 0,010, S: самое большее 0,005, Fe: остальное, при этом отношение N/B составляет от 1,0 до 5,0. Крепежное средство обеспечивает соединение между собой частей турбины, используемой при высоких температурах протекающей среды и высоких разностях давлений, составляющих более 250 бар. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

25-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU199280U1

Полезная модель относится к авиационным двигателям, имеющим одноплоскостную подвеску. Корпус подвески двигателя сочетает в себе функции единственного пояса подвески двигателя в одной плоскости крепления и силового элемента, воспринимающего все инерционные и маневренные нагрузки объекта.Корпус подвески турбовинтового двигателя содержит цилиндрическую и конусную часть, крепежные фланцы и внутренний фланец, а также пояс подвески, который расположен на наружном участке цилиндрической части, включает крепежные площадки демпферов объекта. Корпус подвески одновременно является корпусом турбины, причем он выполнен из жаропрочного сплава единой цельной деталью, не имеющей сварных швов по наружной поверхности. На поясе подвески выполнены фланцы фиксации трубопровода, а крепежные площадки и фланцы фиксации трубопровода соединены ребрами жесткости. 4 ил.

11-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU207079U1

Полезная модель относится к области газотурбостроения, в частности к модулям компрессора турбомашин, и может быть использована в конструкциях компрессоров газотурбинных двигателей с применением композиционных материалов.Снижение массы конструкции как средство повышения экономической эффективности летательных аппаратов является одной из главных задач авиационной техники.Наиболее широко этому требованию отвечают композиционные материалы на основе высокопрочных волокон, превосходящие по многим параметрам традиционные металлические.Технический результат полезной модели заключается в снижении массы конструкции за счет выполнения корпуса разделителя потоков авиационного газотурбинного двигателя из слоистого композиционного материала.Технический результат достигается тем, что корпус разделителя потоков авиационного газотурбинного двигателя, соединенный с разделителем потоков и выступающий от него вниз по потоку, содержит металлическую входную защитную кромку, формирующую проточную часть газовоздушного тракта.Отличием заявляемой конструкции от прототипа является то, что корпус выполнен из слоистого композиционного материала на основе полимерного связующего и армирующего наполнителя, содержащего синтетические волокна, при этом металлическая защитная кромка установлена на корпусе посредством неразъемного соединения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 079 U1 (51) МПК F02C 7/04 (2006.01) F04D 29/52 (2006.01) F01D 25/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02C 7/04 (2021.05); F04D 29/52 (2021.05); F01D 25/24 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021107940, 24.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 11.10.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 11.10.2021 Бюл. № 29 2 0 7 0 7 9 R U (54) КОРПУС РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЯ ПОТОКОВ АВИАЦИОННОГО ГАЗОТУРБИННОГО ДВИГАТЕЛЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области авиационного газотурбинного двигателя из газотурбостроения, в частности к модулям слоистого ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015120276A

... 1. Закрепляющая деталь конструкция сопла турбины, содержащего множество сопловых сегментов турбины, каждый из которых содержит множество статорных лопаток, расположенных кольцеобразно вокруг оси реактивного двигателя и закрепленных между корпусом турбины и гондолой реактивного двигателя, причемв сопловом сегменте турбины предусмотрен дугообразный внешний бандаж, соединяющий друг с другом каждый из дистальных концов статорных лопаток на стороне, противоположной оси;на внешнем бандаже в сопловом сегменте турбины образован крюк, взаимодействующий с опорной канавкой сопла, образованной на корпусе турбины, углубленный участок, совмещенный с противовращательной лапкой, прикрепленной к корпусу турбины, и выступающий участок, выступающий к задней части реактивного двигателя в соответствии с углублением углубленного участка на задней стороне указанного углубленного участка; причемсопловой сегмент турбины взаимодействует с крюком внешнего бандажа с опорной канавкой сопла корпуса турбины сзади реактивного ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015114542A

... 1. Способ функционализирования амидофункционального полимерного продукта, включающий стадии:(a) получения амидофункционального полимера, содержащего амидную функциональность и имеющего достаточно высокую среднечисленную молекулярную массу, так что полимер является твердым при 25°С, давлении 1 атм и относительной влажности 10% или менее,(b) обеспечения амидофункционального полимера в фазе расплава, где фаза расплава дополнительно содержит пластификатор, присутствующий в количестве, которое не солюбилизирует амидофункциональный полимер в фазе раствора, и(c) в присутствии пластификатора, взаимодействия амидофункционального полимера в фазе расплава с, по меньшей мере, одним реагентом, содержащим лабильную аминосоставляющую и, по меньшей мере, одну дополнительную функциональность, способом, эффективным для образования полимерного реакционного продукта, содержащего амидофункциональность и, по меньшей мере, одну дополнительную функциональность.2. Способ по п. 1, где амидофункциональный полимер ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015115673A

... 1. Узел, содержащий корпус (12) газотурбинного двигателя и установленное внутри указанного корпуса рабочее колесо (14) с лопатками, причем корпус (12) имеет внутреннюю стенку (20), включающую в себя кольцевую полосу (24) из истираемого материала, отличающийся тем, что концы лопаток расположены напротив указанной полосы из истираемого материала и кольцевой канавки (30), содержащихся в корпусе, причем полоса из истираемого материала расположена спереди по потоку, а кольцевая канавка (30) - сзади по потоку, при этом полоса из истираемого материала ограничивает задней частью кольцевую канавку (30), а задний край кольцевой канавки (30) в осевом направлении расположен на уровне задних краев (18В) лопаток (18) или за ними.2. Узел по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что канавка, помимо того, что поверхность (32) канавки образована полосой из истираемого материала, имеет в осевом сечении вогнутую форму.3. Узел по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что дно (34) канавки содержит цилиндрический участок.4. Узел по п. 2 ...

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003132422A

... 1. Устройство для соединения траекторий потоков аксиально соединенных турбин друг с другом, содержащее первую и вторую турбины (10, 12), аксиально соединенные друг с другом вдоль траектории потока, при этом поток текучей среды, проходящий вдоль первого участка (127) траектории потока вдоль первой турбины, выходит из первой турбины и поступает на второй участок (129) траектории потока вдоль второй турбины, причем турбины имеют соответствующие роторы (134, 136) и соединение (138) между первым и вторым роторами, предназначенное для соединения турбин друг с другом, внутренний кожух (152), проходящий между последней ступенью первой турбины и первой ступенью второй турбины и проходящий вокруг соединения между роторами, и расположенный над соединением между роторами, чтобы обеспечить изоляцию соединения между роторами от траектории потока и обеспечить по существу плавный переход потока текучей среды от первого участка траектории потока в первой турбине ко второму участку траектории потока во второй ...

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014139478A

... 1. Гондола, содержащая:- наружную конструкцию (102), снабженную устройством (100) реверса тяги и передней рамой,- внутреннюю конструкцию (103), предназначенную укрывать нижнюю по потоку секцию турбореактивного двигателя,причем наружная конструкция и внутренняя конструкция ограничивают тракт (104) циркуляции воздушного потока турбореактивного двигателя,при этом устройство (100) реверса тяги содержит, по меньшей мере:- подвижный капот (121) с возможностью поступательного перемещения вдоль направления параллельно продольной оси гондолы, причем капот выполнен с возможностью поочередного перехода из закрытого положения, в котором он обеспечивает аэродинамическую непрерывность передней рамы, в открытое положение, в котором он открывает в гондоле проход для отклоняемого воздушного потока, причем по периферии тракта указанный капот имеет непостоянное поперечное сечение,- решетки (120) для отклонения по меньшей мере части воздушного потока турбореактивного двигателя через проходное отверстие, устанавливаемые ...

20-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005118390A

... 1. Способ изготовления картера статора турбины, при этом картер содержит кожух (105), отличающийся тем, что между стенками частей (01, 02, 03, Е1, Е2) литейной формы, состоящей, по меньшей мере, из двух частей, предусматривают полость, имеющую форму, соответствующую форме упомянутого кожуха (105), жестко соединяют сердечники (10), выполненные из растворимого материала, по меньшей мере, с одной из частей (Е1) литейной формы, при этом сердечники удерживаются на определенном расстоянии от стенки упомянутой части и соответствуют свободным пространствам (110), которые необходимо оставить внутри кожуха (105), заполняют упомянутую полость порошком (24) металлического сплава, спекают порошок (24) горячим изостатическим прессованием, удаляют сердечники (10) путем растворения и извлекают отлитый таким образом кожух (105) из формы. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что размещают между сердечниками (10) вставки (20), соответствующие каналам (12) циркуляции между упомянутыми свободными пространствами ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008130816A

... 1. Двухконтурный турбореактивный двигатель, содержащий по существу цилиндрическую оболочку, установленную на выходе промежуточного кожуха и ограничивающую с внешней стороны кольцевое пространство протекания вторичного потока вокруг турбореактивного двигателя, отличающийся тем, что цилиндрическая оболочка образована решетчатым каркасом и съемными панелями обтекателя, закрепленными на каркасе, содержащим, по меньшей мере, один входной кольцевой фланец крепления к промежуточному кожуху, один выходной кольцевой фланец соединения с выхлопным кожухом, и жесткие балки, соединяющие оба фланца между собой. ! 2. Турбореактивный двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что решетчатый каркас содержит балки, параллельные оси и равномерно распределенные вокруг оси. ! 3. Турбореактивный двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что решетчатый каркас содержит жесткие балки, наклонные относительно оси, при этом каждая из этих балок имеет входной конец, жестко соединенный с входным кольцевым фланцем, и выходной конец ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009110240A

... 1. Лопаточный реактор для пиролиза углеводородов, включающий ротор с рабочими лопатками, образующими осевую лопаточную решетку, корпус, имеющий горловины для входа и выхода среды и вмещающий этот ротор и статорные лопатки, отличающийся тем, что: ! в этом корпусе размещен неподвижный направляющий торообразный обруч, примыкающий к внешним концам рабочих лопаток, корпус охватывает этот обруч и периферию ротора так, что образуется проход, меридиональное сечение которого имеет форму кольца; ! в этом проходе установлены одна перегородка или несколько перегородок, расположенных симметрично относительно оси ротора, эта перегородка или несколько перегородок определяют границы одной или нескольких одинаковых рабочих полостей, при этом непосредственно перед каждой перегородкой по направлению вращения ротора расположена горловина для выхода среды, а непосредственно после каждой перегородки расположена горловина для входа среды; ! статорные лопатки включают сопловые лопатки, образующие сопловую решетку ...

10-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008121935A

... 1. Паровая турбина (1) с корпусом (2, 3), причем внутри корпуса (2, 3) с возможностью вращения установлен вал (5), содержащий компенсирующий сдвиг поршень (4) и направленный вдоль оси (6) вращения, между корпусом (2, 3) и валом (5) выполнен проточный канал (9), вал (5) содержит внутри охлаждающую линию (17) для ведения охлаждающего пара в направлении оси (6) вращения, и охлаждающая линия (17) связана, с одной стороны, по меньшей мере, с одной подающей линией (16) для подачи охлаждающего пара из проточного канала (9) в охлаждающую линию (17), а, с другой стороны, по меньшей мере, с одной отводящей линией (18) для отвода охлаждающего пара на боковую поверхность (19) компенсирующего сдвиг поршня (4), отличающаяся тем, что она содержит возвратную линию (21) для возврата смешанного пара, состоящего из вытекающего из отводящей линии (18) охлаждающего пара и части свежего пара, протекающего в виде пара утечки компенсирующего поршня между корпусом (2, 3) и валом (5) в направлении компенсирующего ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146123A

... 1. Опорная стойка (430 или 530) для диафрагмы турбины, содержащая: ! основную вертикальную часть (435 или 535) с по меньшей мере одним утолщением (447 или 547), которое проходит от указанной части (435 или 535) по существу перпендикулярно ей и предназначено для сопряжения с пазом (450 или 550), выполненным в диафрагме турбины, причем в указанном по меньшей мере одном утолщении (447 или 547) имеется по меньшей мере одно отверстие (455 или 555), которое проходит вертикально и предназначено для размещения по меньшей мере одного крепежного элемента (460 или 560), проходящего через указанное по меньшей мере одно утолщение (447 или 547) с обеспечением вертикального прикрепления основной вертикальной части (435 или 535) и указанного по меньшей мере одного утолщения (447 или 547) к диафрагме турбины. ! 2. Опорная стоечная конструкция (400 или 500) для диафрагмы турбины, расположенной в кожухе турбины и содержащей верхнюю половину (405 или 505) и нижнюю половину (410 или 510), в которой выполнен ...

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009121264A

... 1. Коренная шейка (100) подшипника внутреннего вала газотурбинного двигателя, содержащая средство удержания уплотнительной втулки (200), охватывающей упомянутый вал, при этом средство удержания содержит: ! сплошной радиальный кольцевой фланец (132), выполненный с входной стороны на аксиальной цилиндрической части (130) шейки (100), при этом упомянутый сплошной фланец (132) предназначен для аксиального упора в кольцевой радиальный фланец (220) уплотнительной втулки (200), и ! средства (135) тангенциального блокирования, выполненные на выходной стороне аксиальной цилиндрической части (130) шейки (100), предназначенные для тангенциального блокирования уплотнительной втулки (200) относительно коренной шейки (100). ! 2. Шейка по п.1, в которой средства (135) тангенциального блокирования выполнены на выходном конце аксиальной цилиндрической части (130) шейки (100). ! 3. Шейка по п.1, в которой средства (135) тангенциального блокирования выполнены в виде радиального кольцевого блокирующего венца ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008106633A

... 1. Корпус (10), на котором установлено множество неподвижных лопаток, между которыми расположено множество подвижных лопаток (20), установленных с возможностью вращения вокруг продольной оси, при этом радиально внешние концы подвижных лопаток (20) находятся в непосредственной близости к внутренней стороне корпуса (10), отличающийся тем, что содержит, по меньшей мере в кольцевой полости, обращенной к одной лопатке из множества подвижных лопаток (20), по меньшей мере одну зону (12, 12') технологической обработки корпуса, обращенную к лопаткам и имеющую по меньшей мере одну канавку (12, 12') замкнутой конфигурации. ! 2. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанная зона технологической обработки расположена в угловом секторе, величина которого соответствует 1,5-2,5 значениям шага подвижных лопаток. ! 3. Корпус по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зона технологической обработки в осевом направлении проходит на расстояние, равное по меньшей мере 2/3 длины рабочих лопаток (20) в осевом направлении.

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94032158A

Задачей изобретения является создание способа и устройства для совмещения радиальной турбины турбонагнетателя с соответствующим двигателем внутреннего сгорания, основанных на относительно скромных расходах материала, рабочего времени и недорогих по стоимости. Это достигается путем замены деталей радиальной турбины исключительно на стороне выхода газа. Для этого происходит сначала укорачивание лопаток 5 рабочего колеса 6 и затем соответствующее сужение пропускного канала 7, расположенного между ступицей 8 рабочего колеса 6 и выпускным фланцем 9. Затем устанавливается другой, больший по размеру выпускной фланец 9. Для этого выпускной фланец 9, укрепленный на впускной камере, делают легко отвинчиваемым.

20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011127686A

... 1. Паротурбинное устройство, содержащее выпускную часть кожуха, которая содержитпервую секцию, имеющую полукруглое поперечное сечение,выпускную секцию, смежную с первой секцией и имеющую выпускное отверстие, ивторую секцию, имеющую сплющенное сферическое поперечное сечение с по существу уплощенным нижним участком и выполненную с возможностью проточного сообщения с первой секцией, при этом первая и вторая секции образуют непрерывный канал для пара.2. Устройство по п.1, в котором первая секция содержит верхнюю секцию кожуха, а вторая секция содержит нижнюю секцию кожуха.3. Устройство по п.2, в котором верхняя секция кожуха и нижняя секция кожуха совместно образуют паровой канал, радиальная глубина которого в самой верхней части нижней секции кожуха больше, чем в самой нижней части указанной секции.4. Устройство по п.2, в котором нижняя секция кожуха не содержит соплового патрубка.5. Устройство по п.4, в котором верхняя секция кожуха содержит подводящий впуск низкого давления.6. Устройство ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012103746A

... 1. Система (2) увеличения жесткости внутреннего корпуса паровой турбины, содержащая сегмент (4) внутреннего корпуса и элемент (6) жесткости, прикрепленный к наружной поверхности (8) указанного сегмента (4) и проходящий от нее радиально наружу, причем элемент (6) жесткости выполнен с обеспечением опоры для по меньшей мере части сегмента (4) внутреннего корпуса.2. Система (2) по п.1, в которой элемент (6) жесткости проходит в осевом направлении по наружной поверхности (8) сегмента (4) внутреннего корпуса.3. Система (2) по п.1, в которой элемент (6) жесткости проходит по меньшей мере частично кольцеобразно по наружной поверхности (8) сегмента (4) внутреннего корпуса.4. Система (2) по п.1, в которой элемент (6) жесткости имеет проходящую в осевом направлении часть и проходящую по меньшей мере частично кольцеобразно часть (22).5. Система (2) по п.1, в которой сегмент (4) внутреннего корпуса содержит паровпускной патрубок (16).6. Система (2) по п.5, дополнительно содержащая проходящий по меньшей ...

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011148071A

... 1. Паровая турбина (100), содержащаятурбинную секцию (101) с ротором (102),внутренний корпус (122), окружающий турбину (100) и имеющий верхний по потоку конец (130), нижний по потоку конец (132) и выпускное отверстие (134), расположенное у нижнего по потоку конца (132) и обеспечивающее возможность выпуска отработанного пара из внутреннего корпуса,наружный корпус (120), окружающий внутренний корпус (122) и имеющий выпускное отверстие (140), расположенное смежно с верхним по потоку концом (130) внутреннего корпуса (122), ипроточный канал (144), который расположен между внутренним корпусом (122) и наружным корпусом (120) и через который отработанный пар проходит от выпускного отверстия (134) внутреннего корпуса к выпускному отверстию (140) наружного корпуса.2. Паровая турбина (100) по п.1, дополнительно содержащая перегораживающий элемент (160, 260), расположенный в проточном канале (144) между внутренним корпусом (122) и наружным корпусом (120).3. Паровая турбина (100) по п.2, в которой перегораживающий ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126749A

... 1. Гондола (1) двухконтурного турбореактивного двигателя (6) летательного аппарата, содержащая в задней по потоку секции внутренний неподвижный элемент (8), охватывающий часть двухконтурного турбореактивного двигателя (6), и наружный элемент (9), по меньшей мере, частично охватывающий неподвижный внутренний элемент (8) так, чтобы образовать кольцевой тракт (10), причем наружный элемент (9) содержит по меньшей мере одну внутреннюю створку (101), обращенную к кольцевому тракту (10), наружную створку (103), не контактирующую с кольцевым трактом (10), которая, по меньшей мере, частично покрывает каждую внутреннюю створку (101) с сохранением аэродинамической непрерывности с остальной частью наружного элемента (9), а также промежуточную створку (105), расположенную между каждой внутренней створкой (101) и каждой наружной створкой (103), причем указанная промежуточная створка (105) выполнена с возможностью поступательного перемещения с обеспечением при этом увеличения или уменьшения поперечного ...

03-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015136552A

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013144762A

... 1. Картер (30) турбины летательного аппарата, предназначенный для установки на нем блока секций кольца (28), которое частично ограничивает канал прохождения потока газа через турбину, при этом картер (30) содержит средства динамической регулирования радиального положения секций кольца (28) посредством контролируемого нагнетания потока воздуха на участки (36) кольцевой стенки (34) картера (30), при этом картер (30) содержит радиальную входную лапку (38), которая соединяет входной концевой участок каждой секции кольца (28) с картером (30) в направлении течения потока газа, и выходную радиальную лапку (40), которая связывает выходной концевой участок каждой секции кольца (28) с картером (30),отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна входная радиальная лапка (38) выполнена как одно целое с картером (30) и связана непосредственно с входным концевым участком каждой секции кольца (28).2. Картер (30) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что две радиальные лапки (38, 40) выполнены как единое целое с картером ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013102783A

... 1. Гондола (1) турбореактивного двигателя, содержащая воздухозаборник (3), размещенный перед турбореактивным двигателем, среднюю секцию (5), охватывающую вентилятор (7) турбореактивного двигателя и его картер (6), и заднюю секцию (9), причем средняя секция образована по меньшей мере одной авиаконструкцией (51), обеспечивающей наружную аэродинамическую непрерывность гондолы, отличающаяся тем, что указанная авиаконструкция жестко связана с возможностью съема с по меньшей мере одной неподвижной смежной конструкцией.2. Гондола по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что авиаконструкция (51) оснащена одним или несколькими люками (55), которые обеспечивают доступ внутрь гондолы и расположены в верхней, так называемой «двенадцатичасовой» зоне, и/или нижней, так называемой «шестичасовой» зоне, и/или по существу в средней зоне.3. Гондола по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит две авиаконструкции (51), по существу полуцилиндрической формы, которые располагаются с каждой стороны от по существу продольной ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012122037A

... 1. Двухконтурная турбомашина (1) для воздушного судна, включающая в себя:- промежуточный кожух (20), включающий в себя внутренний обод (22) и внешний обод (24), между которыми помещаются структурные рычаги (26), причем внутренний обод имеет первую поверхность (39), внутренне ограничивающую кольцевой вторичный проток (38);- центральный кожух (18), продлевающий упомянутый промежуточный кожух в направлении к задней части; и- средства (36), формирующие корпус, входящий в заднюю выступающую часть упомянутого внутреннего обода (22) промежуточного кожуха и размещенный вокруг упомянутого центрального кожуха (18), причем эти средства (36) имеют вторую поверхность (37), внутренне ограничивающую кольцевой вторичный проток, размещенный в задней выступающей части упомянутой первой внутренней ограничивающей поверхности (39), отличающаяся тем, что- упомянутые средства (36), формирующие корпус, включают в себя, во-первых, структурный расположенный выше по потоку обод (54), смонтированный на внутреннем ...

20-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011146096A

... 1. Сегмент (22) кожуха паровой турбины, имеющийгоризонтальную соединительную поверхность (24),полость (36) с первым отверстием (38) на горизонтальной соединительной поверхности (24) и вторым отверстием (40), расположенным по существу напротив первого отверстия (38), ипроход (46), к которому имеется доступ со стороны радиально наружной поверхности (44) сегмента (22) кожуха паровой турбины и который проточно соединен со вторым отверстием (40) полости (36).2. Сегмент (22) по п.1, дополнительно содержащий крышку (48), прикрепленную с возможностью отсоединения и предназначенную для закрытия указанного прохода (46) на радиально наружной поверхности (44).3. Сегмент (22) по п.1, дополнительно содержащий регулирующий элемент (50), который расположен в проходе (46) и по меньшей мере частично проходит в полость (36).4. Сегмент (22) по п.1, в котором полость (36) выполнена с возможностью по меньшей мере частичного удерживания опорного элемента (52).5. Сегмент (22) по п.1, дополнительно имеющий радиально ...

28-12-1972 дата публикации

Диафрагма цилиндра турбомашины

Номер: SU364750A1

08-07-2004 дата публикации

Automotive exhaust system turbocharger housing fabricated of heat-hardened plastic with a compressor front section and an interior helical contour

Номер: DE0010260042A1

An automotive exhaust system has a turbocharger housing (1) with a compressor housing (2) fabricated of heat-hardened plastic. The compressor housing has a compressor rear wall (4) and a compressor chamber (5), with a compressor front section (3) with an interior helical contour (7).

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Housing of fluid flow machine e.g. compressor, has seal that is arranged to seal the common contact surface in which the sealing elements are arranged, and sealing elements that are arranged axially relative to each other

Номер: DE102012223462B3

The housing (1) has common contact surface (6) that is screwed to the housing pot (2). The housing cover (8) is located in the common contact surface. The seal (3) is arranged to seal the common contact surface in which the sealing elements (4,5) are arranged. The sealing elements are arranged axially relative to each other.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Turbine housing for turbocharger, has contour component that is provided with sealing contour realized as cast portion or forging device welded to neighboring housing portions

Номер: DE102012209560A1

The turbine housing (1) has interconnected housing portions. The contour area of the turbine housing is used to form a contour component (6). The contour component is provided with a sealing contour (9) realized as a cast portion or forging device welded to neighboring housing portions. The thickness of the contour component is greater than the thickness of neighboring housing portions.

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Laufradgehäuse für einen Abgasturbolader mit einem einen Ventilsitzring aufweisenden Bypass-Ventil sowie Abgasturbolader und Montageverfahren

Номер: DE102015209929A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Laufradgehäuse (10) für einen Abgasturbolader für einen Verbrennungsmotor, das ein Bypass-Ventil (20) mit einer Ventilklappe (21) und einem einen Ventilsitzring (30) aufweisenden Ventilklappensitz (15) aufweist, sowie einen mit zumindest einem solchen Laufradgehäuse (10) ausgestatteten Abgasturbolader (1), sowie ein Montageverfahren zur Montage des Laufradgehäuses (10) mit Ventilsitzring (30) im Ventilklappensitz (15) des Bypass-Ventils (20). Dabei ist das Laufradgehäuse (10) dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Ventilsitzring (30) einen Verformungsbereich (34) aufweist, in dem der Werkstoff des Ventilsitzringes (30) durch einen nachträglichen Umformvorgang in eine zum Verformungsbereich (34) korrespondierende radiale Hinterschneidung (17) einer Aufnahmeausformung (16) des Bypass-Kanals (13) verdrängt ist, wodurch der Ventilsitzring (30) dauerhaft in der Aufnahmeausformung (16) fixiert ist.

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Strömungsmaschine mit einer in einer Ausnehmung einer Wandung anordenbaren Einsetzeinrichtung

Номер: DE102016101168A1

Es wird eine Strömungsmaschine (10) mit einer sich zumindest bereichsweise umfangsseitig zu einer Zentralachse (1) der Strömungsmaschine (10) erstreckenden Wandung (32) und mit wenigstens einer Einsetzeinrichtung (48), die im Bereich einer in der Wandung (32) angeordneten Ausnehmung (42) lösbar mit der Wandung (32) verbindbar ist. Die Einsetzeinrichtung (48) weist eine Verbindungseinrichtung (64) auf, mittels der die Einsetzeinrichtung (48) in Wirkverbindung mit einer Verbindungseinrichtung (65) der Wandung (32) bringbar ist. Die Verbindungseinrichtung (64) der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) weist eine sich in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) zumindest bereichsweise in radialer Richtung (R) der Strömungsmaschine (10) erstreckende Vorkragung (72) auf, die in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung (48) in eine Nut (80) der Verbindungseinrichtung (65) der Wandung (32) eingreift. Die Verbindungseinrichtung (64) der Wandung (32) weist eine sich in montiertem Zustand der Einsetzeinrichtung ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Durch Gasdruck vorgespanntes Abdichtverfahren für eine Betätigungswelle

Номер: DE112012000911T5

Die Neigung für eine Gasleckage um eine Welle herum, die sich durch eine Bohrung erstreckt, die Volumen unterschiedlicher Drücke verbindet, z. B. ein Turboladerturbinengehäuse und die Umgebungsluft, wird durch den Zusatz eines Paars von Abdichtringen minimiert, die durch einen Gasdruck vorgespannt werden, um eine durchgehende Gas- und Rußabdichtung bereitzustellen.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Lagergehäuse eines Abgasturboladers

Номер: DE112012001087T5

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Lagergehäuse (1) eines Abgasturboladers (ATL) mit einer Lagerungsbohrung (2); mit einer Lagereinrichtung (3), die zwei in der Lagerungsbohrung (2) angeordnete Lagerbuchsen (4, 5) aufweist, zwischen denen ein Abstandhalter (6) angeordnet ist; mit einem Drehzahlsensor (7), der in eine Sensorausnehmung (8) des Abstandhalters (6) eingreift; und mit einem Absteckstift (9), der in eine Stiftbohrung (10) eingeschraubt ist und mit seinem Stiftkopf (12) in eine Stiftausnehmung (11) des Abstandhalters (6) eingreift; wobei die Stiftausnehmung (11) als Langloch ausgebildet ist.

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE112010001123T5

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen Abgasturbolader (1) mit einer Wastegate-Anordnung (5), bei der die baulichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für verschiedene Einbaufälle und die Dichtigkeit der Wastegate-Anordnung (5) verbessert wird. Der Abgasturbolader umfasst einen Verdichter (2), eine Turbine (3), die ein Turbinengehäuse (16) mit einer Spirale (15) aufweist und die über einen sich entlang einer Laderachse (L) erstreckenden Rotor (4) mit dem Verdichter (2) verbunden ist, und eine Wastegate-Anordnung (5) der Turbine (3). Die Wastegate-Anordnung (5) weist eine Steuerdose (6), eine durch die Steuerdose (6) bewegbare Regelstange (7), einen Hebel (8), der über ein Führungsstück (9) mit der Regelstange (7) verbunden ist, und eine Spindelwelle (10) auf, die an einem Ende mit dem Hebel (8) und am anderen Ende mit einer Spindel (11) verbunden ist, die einen Klappenteller (12) zum Öffnen und Schließen einer Bypassöffnung (13) trägt. Die Spindelwelle (10) ist hierbei im Wesentlichen parallel zur Laderachse ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Turbinenseitiges Lagerträger-und Kühlsystem

Номер: DE112014002560T5

Ein Turbolader (300) weist eine drehbare Welle (312) auf, die durch ein Lagergehäuse (303) verläuft, mit einem turbinenseitigen Lagerträger (580) mit einem Tragriegel (600). Ein turbinenseitiger Lagerträger (580) kann den Tragriegel (600) mit radialen Trägern (610) und (620) umfassen, die mit jeder gegenüberliegenden Seite (492) und (494) des Hohlraums (496) des Lagergehäuses (303) verbunden sind, wobei Öl in Ausnehmungen (640) und (650) über den radialen Trägern (610) und (620) strömen kann. Jeder radiale Träger (610) und (620) des Tragriegels (600) ist vorzugsweise in die entsprechende Seite (492) und (494) integriert. Ein turbinenseitiger Lagerträger (580) kann auch den Tragriegel (600) mit einem Stangenabschnitt (622) umfassen, der einen unteren Verbindungstragriegel (612) bildet, der die Böden beider Lagerträger (490) und (580) unterstützt, die von oben durch das Lagergehäuse (303) gehalten werden. Jeder Tragriegel (600) ist vorzugsweise einteilig mit dem turbinenseitigen Lagerträger ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016003989T5

Eine Gasturbine wird mit einem Abgasdiffusor 5, in dem ein Abgasströmungsweg Pe zum Zirkulieren von Abgas von einer Turbine gebildet ist, und einer Kühlvorrichtung 6 zum Kühlen einer Struktur bereitgestellt, die zu dem Abgasströmungsweg Pe im Abgasdiffusor 5 gerichtet ist. Die Kühlvorrichtung 6 weist ein Führungsteil 7, in dem ein Führungsströmungsweg Pg zum Zirkulieren eines Kühlmediums gebildet ist, und das das Kühlmedium zu der Struktur führt, und ein Umschaltteil 8 auf, das in der Lage ist, zwischen einem ersten Zustand, bei dem eine Fließgeschwindigkeit des Kühlmediums, das durch den Führungsströmungsweg Pg strömt, eine erste Fließgeschwindigkeit ist, die einer Fließgeschwindigkeit während eines Nennbetriebs entspricht, und einem zweiten Zustand, bei dem die Fließgeschiwindigkeit des Kühlmediums eine zweite Fließgeschwindigkeit ist, die höher als die erste Fließgeschwindigkeit ist, umzuschalten.

25-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008047448A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Abgasturbolader (1) mit einem Turbinengehäuse (2) und mit einem Teilkrümmer (3), der mit dem Turbinengehäuse (2) verbunden ist, wobei das Turbinengehäuse (2) und der Teilkrümmer (3) als ein einstückiges Gussteil ausgebildet sind.

26-10-1967 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001252702B

25-08-2011 дата публикации

Axial turbine for turbocharger system, has turbine wheel with rotating blades and housing extension partially circulating flow channel of axial turbine

Номер: DE102010009201A1

The axial turbine (100) has a turbine wheel (101) with rotating blades (102) and a housing extension (103) partially circulating the flow channel of the axial turbine. A quick clamping device is provided for axially fixing the housing extension to a turbine housing (105) of the axial turbine such that the housing extension partially overlaps the rotating blades on the side opposite to the turbine housing. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for disassembling a rotor block from a turbine housing of an axial turbine; and (2) a method for assembling a rotor block at a turbine housing of an axial turbine.

16-05-2012 дата публикации

Einstell- und Messsystem für Dampfturbinendüsenanordnung

Номер: DE102011055378A1

Es ist ein Ferneinstell- und Fernmesssystem für eine Dampfturbinendüsenanordnung offenbart. In einer Ausführungsform ist ein Dampfturbinengehäuseabschnitt offenbart, umfassend: eine waagerechte Verbindungsfläche, eine Aussparung mit einer ersten Öffnung an der waagerechten Verbindungsfläche und einer zweiten Öffnung, die der ersten Öffnung im Wesentlichen gegenüberliegt, und einen Weg, der von einer radial außen liegenden Fläche des Dampfturbinengehäuseabschnitts aus zugänglich ist, wobei der Weg mit der zweiten Öffnung der Aussparung fluidverbunden ist.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

System zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102016224323A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine, die im Betrieb über ein Abgas Restwärme abgibt, die wiederum in einem thermodynamischen Kreisprozess genutzt wird, um in einem Verdampfer ein Arbeitsmedium zu verdampfen, das in einer Expansionsmaschine (22) entspannt wird, um aus der Abgasrestwärme Energie zurückzugewinnen, wobei der Expansionsmaschine ein Kondensator nachgeschaltet ist, der über einen Bypass mit einem Bypassventil (35) auch ohne Expansion direkt mit dem Verdampfer verbindbar ist.Um ein System zu schaffen, das kostengünstig herstellbar ist, ist das Bypassventil (35) in die Expansionsmaschine (22) integriert.

08-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003503421A1

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Gehäusevorrichtung eines Strahltriebwerks

Номер: DE102014112954A1

Es wird eine Gehäusevorrichtung (15) eines Strahltriebwerks mit einer radial inneren Gehäuseeinrichtung (21) und einer radial äußeren Gehäuseeinrichtung (23) vorgeschlagen. Die innere Gehäuseeinrichtung (21) ist mit einem radial inneren ringförmigen Gehäuseteil (27) und einem radial äußeren ringförmigen Gehäuseteil (29) ausgeführt. Die innere Gehäuseeinrichtung (21) weist mehrere sich im Wesentlichen in radialer Richtung (R) zwischen dem inneren Gehäuseteil (27) und dem äußeren Gehäuseteil (29) erstreckende Schaufeln (31) auf. Die radial äußere Gehäuseeinrichtung (23) ist mit einem radial inneren ringförmigen Gehäuseteil (35) und einem radial äußeren ringförmigen Gehäuseteil (37) ausgeführt. Die äußere Gehäuseeinrichtung (23) weist mehrere sich im Wesentlichen in radialer Richtung (R) zwischen dem inneren Gehäuseteil (35) und dem äußeren Gehäuseteil (37) erstreckende Schaufeln (39, 41) auf. Die innere Gehäuseeinrichtung (21) ist als ein erstes einstückiges Gussbauteil und die äußere Gehäuseeinrichtung ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018110235A1

Turbolader, mit einer Turbine zur Entspannung eines ersten Mediums, mit einem Verdichter zur Verdichtung eines zweiten Mediums unter Nutzung von in der Turbine bei Entspannung des ersten Mediums gewonnener Energie, wobei ein Turbinengehäuse (1) der Turbine und ein Verdichtergehäuse des Verdichters mit einem zwischen denselben angeordneten Lagergehäuse verbunden sind, und mit einer das Turbinengehäuse (1) und/oder das Verdichtergehäuse und/oder das Lagergehäuse radial außen und axial außen zumindest abschnittsweise umgebenden Verschalung (2), die mit dem jeweiligen zu verschalenden Gehäuse (1) über mehrere Befestigungseinrichtungen (5, 6) verbunden ist. Mindestens eine Befestigungseinrichtung (5) bildet eine festlagerartige Anbindung und mindestens eine Befestigungseinrichtung (6) eine loslagerartige Anbindung der Verschalung (2) an dem jeweiligen zu verschalenden Gehäuse (1) aus.

07-11-2019 дата публикации

VTG-Lader für Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102018217856A1

Ein Variable-Turbinengeometrie-Lader (VTG-Lader) für ein Fahrzeug kann aufweisen: ein Turbinenrad; ein Turbinengehäuse, das so gestaltet ist, dass es das Turbinenrad drehbar lagert, und mit einem Kanal zum Empfangen von Abgas von einer radial äußeren Seite des Turbinenrads und zum Abgeben des Abgases in einer axialen Richtung des Turbinenrads versehen ist; einen Scheibenkörper, der in dem Kanal des Turbinengehäuses vorgesehen ist und darin mit einer Umgehungsleitung versehen ist, so dass das Abgas das Turbinenrad umgeht; und eine Vielzahl von Leitschaufeln, die zwischen dem Scheibenkörper und dem Turbinengehäuse angebracht sind, um eine variable Düse zum Steuern einer Strömung des Abgases, das radial einwärts des Turbinenrads strömt, zu steuern.

06-05-2009 дата публикации

A casing arrangement

Номер: GB0000904973D0

19-01-2011 дата публикации

Low-pressure steam turbine hood and inner casing supported on curb foundation

Номер: GB0201020572D0

27-03-2013 дата публикации

Pump having a pressure compensated annular volume

Номер: GB0201302289D0

30-03-2011 дата публикации

Two-stage turbocharger for an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0201102738D0

22-04-2015 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a casing, made of a composite material, for a gas-turbine engine and casing thus obtained

Номер: GB0201504016D0

19-11-2014 дата публикации

Tooling production method

Номер: GB0201417695D0

30-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201410586D0

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Attachment device for non-permanently attaching a child component to a parent component

Номер: GB0201314061D0

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Turbine support structure

Номер: GB2591969A

A turbine support structure for a gas turbine engine has a shroud 21 with a front end portion that engages with a rear end portion of a flange 19 of an upstream nozzle 13, and a rear end portion that engages with a front end portion of a flange of a downstream nozzle. At only one of the front end portion or the rear end portion of each flange, a superposition engagement portion 49 is formed at which a turbine casing engagement portion 45, a flange engagement portion 41 and a shroud engagement portion 43 are superimposed on each other in a radial direction, and a support pin 51 penetrates the superposition engagement portion in the radial direction. The nozzle includes a plurality of nozzle division portions (13A, fig 4) and the shroud includes shroud division portions (21A, fig 4). Each nozzle division portion has an outer circumferential flange division portion (19A, fig 4) formed with insertion grooves (63, 65, fig 4) for support pins.

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Gas turbine engine

Номер: GB0201420011D0

23-09-2015 дата публикации

A Sealing Attachment for a Gas Turbine Engine

Номер: GB0201514093D0

01-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002180596B
Принадлежит: AUDI AG, * AUDI AG

16-08-2006 дата публикации

A spacer arrangement

Номер: GB0002416194B

20-11-2011 дата публикации

Модуль для паровой турбины

Номер: RU0000110410U1

1. Модуль (1) для паровой турбины, содержащий внутренний кожух (5) турбины с, по меньшей мере, одним комплектом неподвижных лопаток, ротор (6), оснащенный, по меньшей мере, одним комплектом лопаток, и плиту (16), при этом внутренний кожух (5) турбины опирается на плиту (16) посредством, по меньшей мере, двух поперечин (20), закрепленных на упомянутом внутреннем кожухе (5) турбины, а соединение между упомянутыми поперечинами (20) и плитой (16) выполнено в виде нескольких механических средств соединения (23), каждое из которых обеспечивает предотвращение подъема внутреннего кожуха (5) турбины относительно плиты (16), а также обеспечивает скольжение упомянутого внутреннего кожуха (5) турбины по подобной плите (16). ! 2. Модуль по п.1, отличающийся тем, что место (22) сопряжения между поперечиной (20) и плитой (16) является, по существу, горизонтальным, при этом каждое средство (23) соединения содержит вертикальную штангу (24), неподвижно закрепленную в плите (16), и оснащено шайбой (30), каждая поперечина (20) опирается на плиту (16) посредством упомянутых штанг (24), проходящих через нее с зазором вдоль места (22) сопряжения, а шайбы (30) расположены над каждой поперечиной (20). ! 3. Модуль по п.2, отличающийся тем, что каждое средство (23) соединения содержит управляющие устройства (27), закрепленные на плите (16) и обеспечивающие локальное регулирование по высоте внутреннего кожуха (5) турбины, при этом каждая поперечина (20) опирается на управляющее устройство (27). ! 4. Модуль по п.3, отличающийся тем, что управляющее устройство является вращательным приводом (27), приводимым в действие в месте (22) сопряжения, после того как поперечина (20) установлена на упомянутое управляющее ус� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 110 410 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01D 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011114266/28, 12.04.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust manifold flange connection

Номер: US20120023968A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A flange connection for an exhaust section of a gas turbine engine. The flange connection includes a stub flange attached to an exhaust manifold. The stub flange has a first axial face for engagement with the axial face of a cylinder flange extending radially from an exhaust cylinder. A plate structure attached to the cylinder flange is configured to provide axial retention of the stub flange to the axial face of the cylinder flange. The plate structure includes a resilient beam portion extending radially inwardly and engaging a second axial face of the stub flange. The stub flange is retained between the cylinder flange and the beam portion of the plate structure in an interference fit to provide three degrees of freedom of the stub flange relative to the exhaust cylinder.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Air turbine starter inlet housing assembly airflow path

Номер: US20120042659A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

An inlet housing assembly for an Air Turbine Starter includes an outer flowpath curve of an inlet flowpath defined by a multiple of arcuate surfaces in cross-section.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Air-oil heat exchanger

Номер: US20120060466A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A heat exchange system for use in fluid operated equipment to provide air and working fluid heat exchanges to cool the working fluid in airstreams on a stream side of a wall. An actuator is mounted to be substantially located on a side of the wall opposite the stream side thereof having a positionable motion effector. A heat exchanger core having a plurality of passageway structures therein to enable providing the working fluid to, and removal therefrom. The heat exchanger core is mounted on the motion effector so as to be extendable and retractable thereby through the opening for selected distances into that region to be occupied by the airstreams.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Turbomachine having an annular combustion chamber

Номер: US20120073259A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A turbomachine including an annular combustion chamber, the combustion chamber presenting a connection flange at its downstream end for connection to an outer casing. The connection flange bears axially against the outer casing and is blocked in an axial direction by the upstream end of an inner casing of a high pressure turbine.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Turbine casing

Номер: US20120093641A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A casing includes an inner shell and an outer shell that surrounds the inner shell and comprises a plurality of inflection points. An annular flange is between the inner shell and the outer shell, and a plurality of joints attach the inner shell to the annular flange. A connector is between the annular flange and the outer shell at each of the plurality of inflection points. A method for assembling a casing includes joining a plurality of curved sections to one another to generally define an arcuate inner shell and surrounding the arcuate inner shell with an outer shell. The method further includes attaching the arcuate inner shell to an annular flange at first attachment points and connecting the annular flange to the outer shell at second attachment points spaced approximately equidistantly from the first attachment points.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Structure for gas turbine casing

Номер: US20120163963A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A structure for a gas turbine casing, capable of preventing gas from leaking when the structure is subjected to pressure. A structure for a gas turbine casing, divided by a horizontal plane at flange sections into two halves comprising an upper-half casing ( 10 ) and a lower-half casing ( 11 ). The structure is provided with bolts ( 12 ) which are disposed in the inner surfaces of the upper-half casing ( 10 ) and the lower-half casing ( 11 ) so as to bridge therebetween, upper nuts ( 13 ) which are disposed in the inner surface of the upper-half casing ( 10 ) and attached to the bolts ( 12 ), and lower nuts ( 14 ) which are disposed in the inner surface of the lower-half casing ( 11 ) and attached to the bolts ( 12 ).

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Gas Turbine Nozzle Arrangement and Gas Turbine

Номер: US20120177489A1
Автор: Stephen Batt
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A sealing element is provided for sealing a leak path between a radial outer platform of a turbine nozzle and a carrier ring for carrying said radial outer platform. The carrier ring has an axially facing carrier ring surface and the radial outer platform has an axially facing platform surface. The carrier ring surface forms a first sealing surface and the platform surface forming a second sealing surface. The first and second sealing surfaces is aligned in a plane with a radial gap between them. The sealing element includes a leaf seal adapted to cover the gap between the first and second sealing surfaces, and an impingement plate for allowing impingement cooling of a radial outer surface of the radial outer platform. The impingement plate is adapted to be fixed to the turbine nozzle. The sealing element may be part of a nozzle arrangement of a gas turbine.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Stationary vane unit of rotary machine, method of producing the same, and method of connecting the same

Номер: US20120219412A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The stationary vane unit of a rotary machine includes: a first band member that extends in the circumferential direction and comes into contact with the outer shrouds of the plurality of stationary vane members from one side thereof in the main axial direction in which a central axis extends; a second band member that extends in the circumferential direction and comes into contact with the outer shrouds of the plurality of stationary vane members from the other side thereof in the main axial direction; and a fastening member that fastens the first band member and the second band member to each other so that the outer shrouds of the plurality of stationary vane members are connected to each other.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas turbocharger, motor vehicle and method for assembling an exhaust gas turbocharger

Номер: US20120227398A1
Автор: Christian Uhlig
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

An exhaust gas turbocharger, in particular for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle, has a bearing housing for supporting an impeller shaft and a compressor housing receiving a compressor disc. A clamping device with a first arm section and an engagement section, wherein the first arm section contacts a surface of the bearing housing at least in sections, and a counter-clamping device with a head segment and a counter-engagement section. The head section contacts a first surface of the compressor housing at least in sections, and the counter-engagement section can be brought into form-fit contact with the engagement section, such that the bearing housing and the compressor housing; are connected to each other by way of a force fit. The invention also includes a motor vehicle and a method for assembling such an exhaust gas turbocharger.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus to seal with a turbine blade stage in a gas turbine

Номер: US20120260670A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Disclosed is an apparatus configured to seal with a turbine blade stage of a gas turbine. The apparatus includes an outer shroud coupled to an inner shroud and configured to circumferentially surround the turbine blade stage. The inner shroud is configured to circumferentially surround the turbine blade stage to seal with the turbine blade stage and includes an attachment element configured to be inserted into the outer shroud to couple the inner shroud to the outer shroud.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Turbine inlet casing with integral bearing housing

Номер: US20120269612A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present application provides a compressor inlet casing. The compressor inlet casing may include an inner bellmouth and a bearing housing. The bearing housing may include an integrally cast first half connected to the inner bellmouth and a cavity positioned between the inner bellmouth and the integrally cast first half of the bearing housing.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Tip treatment for a rotor casing

Номер: US20120321443A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A tip treatment bar and associated rotor casing structure, wherein the tip treatment bar includes a solid composite structure having a plurality of layers arranged therein so as to provide the bar with a directional stiffness characteristic. Such a layered composite arrangement can be used to tailor the vibration characteristics of the bar. The tip treatment bar and casing structure may be suited for mounting relative to a fan or compressor in a gas turbine engine.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Gas turbine shroud arrangement

Номер: US20130008176A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A system for supporting a shroud used in an engine has a shroud positioned radially outboard of a rotor, which shroud has a plurality of circumferentially spaced slots; a forward support ring for supporting the shroud; the forward support ring having a plurality of spaced apart first tabs on a first side for functioning as anti-rotation devices; the forward support ring having a plurality of spaced apart second tabs on a second side; and the second tabs engaging the slots in the shroud and circumferentially supporting the shroud.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Reduction in thermal stresses in monolithic ceramic or ceramic matrix composite shroud

Номер: US20130011248A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A shroud for use in a gas turbine engine has a ring with a plurality of protrusions and a plurality of slots and each of the protrusions having an arc length and parallel sides.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Compressors with integrated secondary air flow systems

Номер: US20130017066A1
Автор: Jong Lee, Nick Nolcheff
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A compressor includes a rotor platform; a rotor blade; and a casing having an inner surface surrounding the tip and spaced radially outwardly from the tip to define a gap. A secondary air flow system includes a bleed inlet configured to remove secondary air flow from the primary air flow; an injection opening disposed in the inner surface of the casing upstream of the bleed inlet; an accessory conduit; and a plenum fluidly coupled to the bleed inlet, the injection opening, and the accessory conduit. The bleed inlet and plenum at least partially define a secondary air flow path such that a first portion of the secondary air flow is directed in through the bleed inlet, through the plenum, and out through the injection opening and a second portion of the secondary air flow is directed in through the bleed inlet, through the plenum, and out through the accessory conduit.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Axial-radial turbomachine

Номер: US20130028724A1
Принадлежит: MAN Diesel and Turbo SE

Axial-radial flow machine having an axial portion with at least one axial stage, a radial portion with at least one radial stage, a housing having an interior space with a dividing wall extending in a radial direction dividing the housing in an axial direction into a first partial space in which the axial portion is received and a second partial space in which the radial portion is received, and a shaft that extends in axial direction through the interior space and through the dividing wall and on which impellers of the axial portion and of the radial portion are received. A radial gap is formed between the dividing wall and a fluid guiding element of the radial portion. The fluid guiding element is axially fixed to the housing so as to be adjacent to the dividing wall. A plurality of fixing units which are distributed in circumferential direction are arranged in the radial gap, each of which fixing units axially fixes the dividing wall to the fluid guiding element.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Fastening device particularly suitable for the fastening between an air intake and an engine of an aircraft nacelle

Номер: US20130032669A1

An aircraft nacelle with a connecting device between a first conduit of an air intake and a second conduit of a motor, both conduits being arranged end-to-end, the connecting device including an annular flange connected to the air intake, an annular flange connected to the motor pressed against annular flange of the air intake, the flanges extending in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the nacelle; bolt holes formed in annular flanges and disposed plumb to one another; and connecting elements located in bolt holes, for connecting the annular flanges, wherein at least one flange includes at least one opening interposed between a bolt hole and junction zone of the flange and/or between a bolt hole and outer edge of the flange.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Bipod flexure ring

Номер: US20130034378A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A thermal coupling includes a first structure having a first coefficient of thermal expansion; a second structure having a second coefficient of thermal expansion lower than the first coefficient of thermal expansion; a plurality of thermal expansion fingers provided in the first structure; a plurality of thermal expansion flanges extending from the plurality of thermal expansion fingers, respectively; and a flange extending from the second structure and attached to the plurality of thermal expansion flanges.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130051988A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

A turbocharger ( 1 ) with variable turbine geometry (VTG), having a blade bearing ring ( 6 ), which has a multiplicity of guide blades ( 7 ), and which has a stop ( 25 ) at least for adjusting the minimum throughflow through the nozzle cross sections formed by the guide blades ( 7 ), wherein the stop ( 25 ) has a fixing peg ( 32 ) on which a deformable, arched adjusting section ( 26 ) is arranged. Since the stop is formed as a deformable component which can be fixed in the guide grate, it is possible after the assembly of the guide grate to rework said stop in a simple manner in order to precisely set the required stop position, since said stop is not integrally connected to the guide grate.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Turbine shroud segment

Номер: US20130052007A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

A turbine shroud segment is metal injection molded (MIM) about a core to provide a composite structure. In one aspect, the core is held in position in an injection mold and then the MIM material is injected in the mold to form the body of the shroud segment about the core. Any suitable combination of materials can be used for the core and the MIM shroud body, each material selected for its own characteristics. The core may be imbedded in the shroud platform to provide a multilayered reinforced platform, which may offer resistance against crack propagation.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Generator and accessory gearbox device with a generator

Номер: US20130057093A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce Deutschland Ltd and Co KG

The present invention proposes a generator for arrangement on a shaft of an accessory gearbox of an engine with a stator and with a rotor which can be coupled to a shaft of the accessory gearbox of the engine and which is rotatably mounted relative to the stator, where a stator area receiving the stator can be separated from a rotor area receiving the rotor. The rotor can be supplied with cooling medium in the rotor area. It furthermore proposes an accessory gearbox of an engine with a drive shaft operatively connectable to a main shaft of the engine and with at least one generator arranged on a shaft of the accessory gearbox.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Turbine casing assembly mounting pin

Номер: US20130058780A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

In certain embodiments of the present disclosure, a turbine casing assembly is described. The turbine casing assembly includes an inner casing and an outer casing surrounding the inner casing. The outer casing has a first outer casing section and a second outer casing section that join together along a flange. A bolt extends through the flange and joins together the first outer casing section and the second outer casing section. The turbine casing assembly further includes a pin. The pin has a segment defining an opening therethrough. The pin extends through the inner casing and the outer casing and supports the inner casing relative to the outer casing. The bolt passes through the opening defined by the pin.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas turbocharger housing

Номер: US20130064655A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A turbine housing of an exhaust gas turbocharger, includes an outer housing in which an inner housing with a tubular nozzle and an outlet duct for connection to an exhaust gas system is arranged. The outlet duct is coupled with the tubular nozzle for movement relative to the nozzle via a seal ring. The seal ring is inwardly everted and pushed onto the nozzle and embraced by an inner-housing support ring, so that a fluid tight fit on the inner housing nozzle is ensured. The seal ring is further pushed onto the outlet duct and there also coupled onto the outlet duct with an outlet duct support ring in a fluid tight manner so that an especially durable connection is created. Both support rings are additionally coupled in a materially bonded manner with the seal ring and the outlet duct nozzle or with the inner housing.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Turbine housing of an exhaust gas turbocharger

Номер: US20130064656A1
Принадлежит: Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH

A turbine housing of an exhaust gas turbocharger includes an outer housing, in which an inner housing with a tubular nozzle and an outlet duct for connection to an exhaust gas system is arranged, wherein the outlet duct is coupled to the tubular nozzle via a sealing lip for relative movement. The sealing lip is inwardly evertedly pushed onto the nozzle and for positional fixing, a sliding sleeve is further arranged on the nozzle, wherein the sliding sleeve and the nozzle form a gap in which an end of the sealing lip is received. This avoids that the sealing lip lifts of due to pressure differences and thus that gas leaks occur. Further, an end of the sealing lip is arranged so as to be thermally protected.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Asymmetric butterfly plate for steam turbine exhaust hood

Номер: US20130094956A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An asymmetric butterfly plate for a steam turbine exhaust hood includes a non-symmetrical curvilinear profile having a first section that extends to a second section through a vertex. The first section has a first curvilinear profile and the second section has a second curvilinear profile that is distinct from the first curvilinear profile.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108414A1
Автор: Maeda Osamu, Nagai Kouji

A turbine housing includes a first shell member and a third shell member, which are formed from metal sheets and forming a housing body, and a tongue member, which is fixed to inner circumferential surfaces of the shell members and and discrete from the shell members and. The tongue member defines an inlet port and a scroll compartment in the housing body. 1. A turbine housing that surrounds a turbine wheel , the turbine housing comprising:a housing body formed from a metal sheet; anda tongue member fixed to an inner circumferential surface of the housing body and discrete from the housing body, wherein the tongue member defines an inlet port and a scroll compartment in the housing body.2. The turbine housing according to claim 1 , wherein the housing body includes two shell members sandwiching the tongue member in an axial direction of the turbine wheel claim 1 , and the two shell members are joined with each other in a lap joint.3. The turbine housing according to claim 2 , wherein the tongue member includes a protruding portion having a shape that is in conformance with a stepped void formed by joining the two shell members in a lap joint claim 2 , and the protruding portion being located in the stepped void.4. The turbine housing according to claim 1 , wherein the tongue member is formed by a metal piece having a predetermined thickness in an axial direction of the turbine wheel.5. The turbine housing according to claim 2 , wherein the tongue member is formed by a metal piece having a thickness that is greater than the sum of plate thicknesses of the two shell members in the axial direction of the turbine wheel.6. The turbine housing according to claim 4 , wherein a cooling passage that circulates a cooling medium is formed in the tongue member.7. The turbine housing according to claim 4 , wherein a bypass passage that bypasses the turbine wheel is formed in the tongue member.8. The turbine housing according to claim 1 , wherein the tongue member is covered by a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Transition piece aft frame

Номер: US20130111910A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A transition piece aft frame is provided and includes a manifold having an interior that is receptive of fuel and formed to define fuel injection holes configured to inject the received fuel from the manifold interior toward a main flow of products of combustion flowing through the manifold. The manifold includes a main body having an interior facing surface that faces the main flow of the products of the combustion and along which the fuel injection holes are defined.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121814A1

A nacelle for a turbojet engine is provided that includes an air intake upstream from the turbojet engine, a middle section intended to surround a fan of the turbojet engine and its case, and a downstream section. The middle section is made from at least one aerostructure capable of ensuring external aerodynamic continuity of the nacelle, and the aerostructure is rigidly bound, so as to be able to be taken apart, to at least one surrounding fixed structure. 1. A nacelle for a turbojet engine , comprising:an air intake upstream from the turbojet engine;a middle section intended to surround a fan of the turbojet engine and its case; anda downstream section,the middle section being made from at least one aerostructure capable of ensuring external aerodynamic continuity of the nacelle, characterized in that said aerostructure is rigidly bound, so as to be able to be taken apart, to at least one surrounding fixed structure.2. The nacelle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the aerostructure comprises at least one hatch allowing access to the inside of the nacelle located in proximity to at least one of an upper twelve o'clock claim 1 , a lower so-six o'clock claim 1 , and a middle area.3. The nacelle according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises two aerostructures claim 1 , notably substantially hemicylindrical claim 1 , positioned on either side of a substantially longitudinal axis of the nacelle.4. The nacelle according to any of claim 1 , characterized in that the aerostructure is rigidly connected claim 1 , so as to be able to be taken apart claim 1 , to a pylon or an interface for connecting the nacelle to a pylon.5. The nacelle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the aerostructure is rigidly bound claim 1 , so as to be able to be taken apart claim 1 , to a lower longitudinal beam.6. The nacelle according to claim 1 , characterized in that the aerostructure is bound to another aerostructure claim 1 , notably in the lower portion.7. The ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121820A1

In a turbine housing of a turbocharger A of a twin-scroll type, a scroll-shaped passage is separated into a front scroll passage and a rear scroll passage by a partition wall A front wall and a root part of the partition wall curve toward a front side to secure cross-sectional areas a a a and b b b The scroll passages are formed to have equal cross-sectional areas, a tip part of the partition wall is arranged perpendicular to the turbine rotor blade and the scroll passages are symmetrical near the tip part about an axis X so as to eliminate the flow rate difference. 1. A turbine housing for a turbocharger of a twin-scroll type , comprising:a turbine shaft housed in the turbine housing;a partition wall formed in the housing; andtwo scroll passages, divided by the partition wall, including a front scroll passage and a rear scroll passage formed on a front side and a rear side respectively in the turbine housing, through the scroll passages exhaust gas flowing from outside toward inside in a radial direction and then flowing in an axial direction of the turbine shaft to be discharged, wherein a front wall of the front scroll passage curves toward the front side from the inside toward the outside in the radial direction so as to secure cross-sectional areas of the front scroll passage and the rear scroll passage,wherein a root part of the partition wall curves toward the front side in correspondence with the front wall so that the cross-sectional area of the front scroll passage equals to the cross-sectional area of the rear scroll passage, andwherein the cross-sectional areas of the front scroll passage and the rear scroll passage gradually decrease from the outside toward the inside in the radial direction and a tip part of the partition wall is arranged in a direction perpendicular to a leading edge of a turbine rotor blade so that the front scroll passage and the rear scroll passage are symmetrical near the tip part with respect to an axis of the tip part.2. The ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121824A1
Автор: Kupratis Daniel B.

A gas turbine engine system according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a nacelle assembly defined about an axis and a core engine positioned radially inward of the nacelle assembly and having a core passage and at least one core auxiliary duct passage. The at least one core auxiliary duct passage includes an inlet for receiving a portion of a core airflow from the core engine and an outlet for discharging the portion of the core airflow. At least one of the inlet and the outlet are selectively translatable to divert the portion of the core airflow into the at least one core auxiliary duct passage and a mixer disposed between the nacelle assembly and the core engine. 1. A gas turbine engine system , comprising:a nacelle assembly defined about an axis;a core engine positioned radially inward from said nacelle assembly and having a core passage and at least one core auxiliary duct passage, wherein said at least one core auxiliary duct passage includes an inlet for receiving a portion of a core airflow from said core engine and an outlet for discharging said portion of said core airflow, and at least one of said inlet and said outlet are selectively translatable to divert said portion of said core airflow into said at least one core auxiliary duct passage; anda mixer disposed between said nacelle assembly and said core engine.2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein said inlet is positioned upstream from said mixer.3. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein said outlet is positioned downstream from said mixer.4. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein said inlet includes at least one door and a translating ring that selectively translates said at least one door.5. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein said outlet includes at least one door pivotable about a pivot.6. The system as recited in claim 1 , comprising a fan bypass passage disposed between said nacelle assembly and said core engine.7. The system as ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129479A1

A turbocharger casing including a first casing part, wherein an oil line starts at a first opening on an outer side of the first casing part, runs through the first casing part and opens out at a second opening of a substantially hollow-cylindrical bearing receptacle of the first casing part. Such turbocharger casings of the prior art are produced in a complicated manner by a sand casting process and therefore give rise to high production costs. The teaching is to arrive, without functional losses, at a simple-to-produce and cost-effective turbocharger casing by the turbocharger casing having a second casing part attached to the first casing part and by both casing parts together forming a cooling water line provided for cooling the bearing receptacle. It is thus possible to arrive at a lightweight turbocharger casing by conventional machining production methods and joining technique, and this turbocharger casing can be produced cost-effectively. 110-. (canceled)11. A turbocharger housing comprising:a first housing part, an oil duct starting at a first opening of an outer side of the first housing part, extending right through the first housing part to open at a second opening into a substantially hollow cylindrical bearing receptacle of the first housing part, anda second housing part connected to the first housing part, the first and second housing parts together forming a cooling water conduit for cooling the bearing receptacle.12. The turbocharger housing as recited in wherein the second housing part is connected to the first housing part by at least one of gluing claim 11 , welding claim 11 , crimping and soldering.13. The turbocharger housing as recited in wherein connection of the second housing part to the first housing part is formed by two connecting seams extending along the cooling water conduit.14. The turbocharger housing as recited in wherein the cooling water conduit and the oil duct of the first housing part are machine finished.15. The turbocharger ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129492A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

A turbocharger () having a turbine housing (), a compressor housing () which has a compressor outlet (), and a silencer () which is arranged on an end region () on the compressor outlet () and which has a silencer housing () in which an insert part () is arranged so as to form at least one buffer chamber () which is connected via at least one opening () to an air-guiding duct (). The opening () has an edge () with a radially inner corner () which is designed so as not to have a sharp edge. 11. A turbocharger () having{'b': '2', 'a turbine housing (),'}{'b': 3', '20, 'a compressor housing () which has a compressor outlet (), and'}{'b': '21', 'claim-text': [{'b': 22', '20, 'which is arranged on an end region () on the compressor outlet () and'}, {'b': 23', '25', '24', '26', '27, 'which has a silencer housing () in which an insert part () is arranged so as to form at least one buffer chamber () which is connected via at least one opening () to an air-guiding duct (),'}, {'b': 26', '28', '29, 'wherein the opening () has an edge () with a radially inner corner () which does not have a sharp edge.'}], 'a silencer ()'}22930. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the corner () is provided with a rounding ().32931. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the corner () is provided with a bevel ().42932. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the corner () is provided with an inwardly directed bulge ().523343334. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the silencer housing () has another end region () claim 1 , and a connecting piece () on its other end region ().63533. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 5 , wherein an insert part () is arranged in the connecting piece ().73536. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the insert part () is provided with slots ().823. The turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the silencer housing () is a plastic part.9211. A silencer () of a turbocharger () claim 1 ,{'b': '23', 'claim- ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129494A1
Принадлежит: TECHSPACE AERO S.A.

The invention relates to a casing, particularly of an axial turbomachine compressor. This casing comprises a support of cylindrical overall shape made of composite material, a metal ring fitted by bonding to the internal surface of the support, and a layer of abradable material fitted by plasma spray onto the internal surface of the metal ring. The metal ring is preferably made of stainless steel and is preferably perforated. The perforation allows better keying of the adhesive and allows the degassing thereof. The external surface of the metal ring is preferably sandblasted prior to bonding. Its internal surface is also preferably sandblasted prior to the plasma spraying of the abradable material. 115-. (canceled)16. A shell of an axial turbomachine , comprising:a support having one of a generally annular and a generally cylindrical shape with a generally circular inner surface;a ring with an inner surface and an outer surface opposite to the inner surface and attached to the inner surface of the support; and the support is made of composite material with an organic matrix; and', 'the ring is made of a metallic material., 'a layer of abradable material attached to the inner surface of the ring, wherein17. The shell of the axial turbomachine according to claim 16 , wherein the ring comprises a series of perforations distributed over its surface claim 16 , the perforations having a diameter that is one of less than 1 mm and equal to 1 mm.18. The shell of the axial turbomachine according to claim 16 , wherein the ring comprises a wire mesh.19. The shell of the axial turbomachine according to claim 18 , wherein the metallic material of the ring is comprised of at least one of stainless steel claim 18 , titanium claim 18 , nickel-iron alloy and Invar®.20. The shell of the axial turbomachine according to claim 16 , wherein the ring is made of a porous material.21. The shell of the axial turbomachine according to claim 20 , wherein the ring is made of a strip with a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129497A1
Автор: Keller Peter
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

The invention relates to an exhaust-gas turbocharger () having a turbine () which has the following parts: a turbine wheel (); a turbine housing () in which is arranged at least one turbine channel () which has a passage opening () arranged upstream of the turbine wheel () as viewed in the exhaust-gas flow direction; and a shut-off device (), which is arranged downstream of the turbine channel () and upstream of the turbine wheel (), for opening and closing the passage opening (), wherein the shut-off device () has a shut-off sleeve () which is guided in a translatorially movable fashion in a groove () formed directly into the turbine housing (). 112. An exhaust-gas turbocharger () having a turbine () which has the following parts:{'b': '3', 'a turbine wheel ();'}{'b': 4', '5', '5', '6', '6', '3, 'a turbine housing () in which is arranged at least one turbine channel (, ′) which has a passage opening (, ′) arranged upstream of the turbine wheel () as viewed in the exhaust-gas flow direction; and'}{'b': 7', '5', '5', '3', '6', '6, 'a shut-off device (), which is arranged downstream of the turbine channel (, ′) and upstream of the turbine wheel (), for opening and closing the passage opening (, ′),'}{'b': 7', '12', '13', '4, 'wherein the shut-off device () has a shut-off sleeve () which is guided in a translatorially movable fashion in a groove () formed directly into the turbine housing ().'}2121416. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shut-off sleeve () has at least one web () whose free end () is connected to an actuating device.31214151617. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shut-off sleeve () has preferably two webs ( claim 1 , ) which are arranged approximately diametrically opposite one another and whose free ends ( ) are connected to an actuating device.412181916171415. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the shut-off sleeve () is connected to the actuating device via a lever ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129499A1

The present invention provides an adaptable fan housing having indentation markings to facilitate the installation of the fan housing. The present invention also provides positioning clips and securing clips allowing to further facilitate the installation of a fan housing of the present invention within a ceiling or a wall. The present invention also has cover clips which allows an easy installation of a cover to be secured to the fan housing. 1. An adaptable fan housing comprising:at least one fixture marking positioned along a housing edge of the fan housing;at least one positioning clip for operatively coupling to the housing edge at a corresponding fixture marking of the at least one fixture marking on the housing;wherein the at least one positioning clip facilitates mounting of the housing in an opening.2. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one securing clip for operatively coupling to the at least one positioning clip and the housing.3. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of positioning clips.4. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 1 , wherein the housing has at least one rail housing support for further facilitating the mounting of the housing in the opening.5. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 1 , further comprising a fan unit operatively coupled to the housing.6. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one rail for operatively coupling to a corresponding support of the at least one rail housing support in the housing.7. An adaptable fan housing according to claim 5 , further including a fan cover; wherein the fan unit further includes at least one cover clip for flexibly engaging at least one receiving aperture in the fan cover to mount the fan cover to the housing.8. A fan housing system comprising:a) a fan housing;b) a fan cover having at least one receiving aperture;c) a fan unit for operatively coupling to the fan ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129501A1
Автор: SCOTHERN David Peter
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A gas turbine engine having two components attached together via a stud retention arrangement. The stud retention arrangement includes a stud having a shaft and an integral collar that is located between two engagement sections. A recess and a groove are defined in one of the components and an anti-rotation element; the collar defines a retention surface and is located within the collar recess, the anti-rotation element is located within the groove and engages the retention surface to prevent rotation of the stud during assembly of the components. 1. A gas turbine engine having two components attached together via a stud retention arrangement; a stud having two engagement sections, a shaft and an integral collar that is located between the two engagement sections and', 'a recess and a groove are defined in one of the components and', 'an anti-rotation element;, 'the stud retention arrangement comprising'}the integral collar defines a retention surface and is located within the recess, the anti-rotation element is located within the groove and engages the retention surface to prevent rotation of the stud during assembly of the components.2. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , the two components are attached together via an annular array of stud retention arrangements.3. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein one component has a flange that extends to cover the recess thereby preventing the anti-rotation element from release.4. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retention surface of the anti-rotation element is flat claim 1 , convex or concave.5. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation element is annular claim 1 , part-annular or discrete to each stud retention arrangement.6. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation element is integral with a washer that is located between the two components.7. A gas turbine engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anti-rotation ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129502A1
Автор: Schaefer Wolfram
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An exhaust-gas turbocharger (1) having a turbine housing (2), a compressor housing (3), a bearing housing (4) which has a bearing housing axis (L), and a connecting device (5) for connecting the bearing housing (4) to the turbine housing (2) and/or to the compressor housing (3). The connecting device has a multiplicity of screws (6), a number of screw holes (7, 7′) in the bearing housing (4) corresponding to the number of screws (6), and in the turbine housing (2) and/or in the compressor housing (3) a number of threaded holes (8) corresponding to the number of screws (6). The screw holes (7, 7′), the threaded holes (8) and the screws (6) are arranged at an acute angle (α) with respect to a joining surface (9) between the bearing housing (4) and the turbine housing (2) or between the bearing housing (4) and the compressor housing (3). 11. An exhaust-gas turbocharger () comprising:{'b': '2', 'a turbine housing (),'}{'b': '3', 'a compressor housing (),'}{'b': '4', 'a bearing housing () which has a bearing housing axis (L), and'}{'b': 5', '4', '2', '3', '5', '6', '4', '7', '7', '6', '2', '3', '8', '6', '7', '7', '8', '6, 'a connecting device () for connecting the bearing housing () to the turbine housing () and/or to the compressor housing (), the connecting device () comprising a multiplicity of screws (), wherein the bearing housing () has a number of screw holes (, ′) corresponding to the number of screws (), wherein the turbine housing () and/or in the compressor housing () has a number of threaded holes () corresponding to the number of screws (), and wherein the screw holes (, ′), the threaded holes () and the screws () are arranged at an acute angle (α) with respect to the bearing housing axis (L).'}26778. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the axes (S) of the screws () claim 1 , of the screw holes ( claim 1 , ′) and of the threaded holes () are arranged symmetrically on an imaginary conical surface.3. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142634A1
Принадлежит: TURBOMECA

A method and structure negating thermal inertia of a solid portion, such as shielding, which influences mechanical behavior of parts of an engine structure, by reducing forces transmitted to the engine structure during an event in which a turbine blade ruptures, while preserving mechanical strength and vibratory positioning. The structure includes a flexible fastener for a shield, enabling producing a fusible section. An assembly for mounting a shielding onto a casing of the engine structure of a turbine includes connection lugs and points for attachment to the casing and shielding. The attachment points are sufficiently spaced apart in accordance with curvature of the shielding and casing so connection between the lugs and the shielding or casing, and connection of the attachment points, are substantially tangential. The lugs are sized so the connection has sufficient flexibility to control vibratory positioning thereof and ensure sufficient mechanical strength under thermo-mechanical loads. 110-. (canceled)11. A shield mounting method for retention on a casing of an engine structure of a turbine , comprising:coupling a shield on a carter through a tangential connection oriented in a circumferential direction between points of the shield and the casing sufficiently spaced apart in accordance with a curvature of the shield and the casing between such points so as to implement a flexible coupling between the shield and the casing, configured to provide a vibratory positioning and a sufficient mechanical strength under a thermo-mechanical load.12. A mounting method according to claim 11 , wherein a vibration dampening is provided in connection with the coupling between the shield and the casing.13. A mounting method according to claim 11 , wherein a connection sizing is determined in accordance with the thermo-mechanical load to which the connections are submitted.14. A mounting method according to claim 11 , wherein a number of connections is determined and ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Structural joint for connecting a first component to a segmented second component

Номер: US20130142643A1
Автор: Eric W. Malmborg
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A structural joint includes a first flange, a second flange and a fastener with a head and a shaft. The first flange extends out from a first component to a distal first flange end. The second flange extends out from a segmented second component to a distal second flange end. The second flange includes a first lateral flange segment that extends laterally to a first flange sidewall, and a second lateral flange segment that extends laterally to a second flange sidewall, which is engaged with the first flange sidewall. The head is encased in the second flange and extends laterally into the first flange sidewall and the second flange sidewall. The shaft extends longitudinally out from the second flange and through the first flange.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Gas turbine engine with fan variable area nozzle for low fan pressure ratio

Номер: US20130145745A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A gas turbine engine includes a fan section with twenty (20) or less fan blades and a fan pressure ratio less than about 1.45.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149114A1
Автор: Kohler Stefan

The present invention relates to a housing for a blade wheel of a turbo machine including a flow channel which is enclosed by a housing wall; a valve flap for selectively sealing or releasing a flow opening in the housing wall; and a shaft which is connected with the valve flap. The shaft is guided through an opening in the housing wall to the outside of the flow channel. The opening has an opening width which is larger than the largest diameter of the smallest projected area of the valve flap and of the part of the shaft protruding into the flow channel in the mounted state, and the opening is sealed in the mounted state by a cover through which the shaft extends. 1. A housing for a blade wheel of a turbo machine , comprising:a flow channel enclosed by a wall of the housing;a valve flap configured for selectively sealing and releasing a flow opening in said housing wall;a shaft connected with said valve flap, said shaft configured for being guided through an opening in said housing wall to an outside of said flow channel, said housing wall opening having an opening width which is larger than a largest diameter of a smallest projected area of said valve flap and of a part of said shaft protruding into said flow channel in a mounted state; anda cover through which said shaft extends, said housing wall opening being sealed by said cover in said mounted state.2. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein said cover is screwed together with said housing wall.3. The housing according to claim 1 , said cover having a round configuration and including at least partly on a face side of said cover a thread configured to cooperate with a reciprocal thread in a region of said housing wall opening.4. The housing according to claim 3 , said cover including said thread on said face side facing said flow channel and said cover further including a collar having at least one sealing surface on a side of said cover facing away from said flow channel.5. The housing according to claim ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149116A1
Автор: Hornbach Johannes
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

A bearing housing () of an exhaust-gas turbocharger (), having a mounting bore (), a bearing device () which has two bearing bushes () arranged in the mounting bore (), between which bearing bushes is arranged a spacer (), and a rotational speed sensor () which is fixed in a bearing housing recess () and which engages into a sensor recess () of the spacer (). A resilient sleeve () is arranged in the bearing housing recess () around the rotational speed sensor () and engages with one end () into the sensor recess (). 1124. A bearing housing () of an exhaust-gas turbocharger () , having{'b': '2', 'a mounting bore (),'}{'b': 3', '4', '5', '2', '6, 'a bearing device () which has two bearing bushes (, ) arranged in the mounting bore (), between which bearing bushes is arranged a spacer (), and'}{'b': 7', '9', '8', '6, 'a rotational speed sensor () which is fixed in a bearing housing recess () and which engages into a sensor recess () of the spacer (),'}{'b': 10', '9', '7', '11', '8, 'wherein a resilient sleeve () is arranged in the bearing housing recess () around the rotational speed sensor () and engaging with one end () into the sensor recess ().'}21101213141. The bearing housing () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve () is provided at its other end () with a fixing wedge () which claim 1 , in the assembled state claim 1 , engages into a fixing groove () of the bearing housing ().31131516141718. The bearing housing () as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fixing wedge () is provided at both sides with beveled wedge chamfers ( claim 2 , ) and the fixing groove () is provided with complementarily beveled groove chamfers ( claim 2 , ).411019202122. The bearing housing () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sleeve () has a sleeve body () which is provided with at least three segments ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ).5113232425202122. The bearing housing () as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the fixing wedge () is divided into a number of wedge segments ( claim 4 , ′ and ′) ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Turbine and method for manufacturing turbine

Номер: US20130149125A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

The turbine includes: a shaft body supported rotatably; a plurality of turbine blade members; a casing covering the shaft body and the turbine blade row; an outer ring member that is provided on an inner periphery of the casing and includes an inner peripheral portion in which a cross-section having a uneven shape is continuous in a circumferential direction; a plurality of turbine vane members that each has a shroud fitted into the inner peripheral portion of the outer ring member and a turbine vane main body extending from the shroud to a radially inward side; and a plate member that connects at least some of the plurality of turbine vane members and covers one side of the shrouds in the axial direction, thereby sealing a shroud gap formed between the shrouds adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149129A1

An exhaust nozzle has nozzle vanes interposed between front and rear exhaust introduction walls and A space is between the wall and a turbine housing A sealing device is arranged upstream, in a direction of exhaust gas, of each through hole provided in the wall for penetration of a vane shaft to prevent exhaust gas in a scroll passage from leaking through the space to a turbine impeller Each of the walls and is disk-shaped, the turbine housing being formed with a shoulder to which the wall is fitted with the space 1. A variable geometry turbocharger with an exhaust nozzle having nozzle vanes interposed between front and rear exhaust introduction walls , a space being between said rear exhaust introduction wall and a turbine housing , a sealing device being arranged upstream , in a direction of exhaust gas , of each through hole provided in said rear exhaust introduction wall for penetration of a vane shaft to prevent exhaust gas in a scroll passage from leaking through said space to a turbine impeller , wherein each of said front and rear exhaust introduction walls is disk-shaped , said turbine housing being formed with a shoulder to which the disk-shaped rear exhaust introduction wall is fitted with said space.2. The variable geometry turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said front and rear exhaust introduction walls are equivalent in linear expansion coefficient.3. The variable geometry turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said sealing device comprises sealing piston rings.4. The variable geometry turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said sealing device comprises a disk spring seal. The present invention relates to a variable geometry turbocharger capable of enhancing turbine efficiency and enabling a smooth operation of nozzle vanes with a simple structure.is a longitudinal sectional view showing an overall structure of a variable geometry turbocharger to which the present invention is applied. In the turbocharger, turbine and compressor ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149132A1
Автор: WEBSTER John R.
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A turbomachine casing assembly including a casing adapted to encase an aerofoil structure, the aerofoil structure having a tip, a leading edge and a trailing edge, the casing substantially surrounding the tip of the aerofoil structure, wherein the casing has a set-back portion extending from a position in the region of the leading edge or the trailing edge of the aerofoil structure part way towards a position in the region of the respective other edge and set back from the remainder of the casing away from the aerofoil structure, such that the set-back portion permits a flow over a corresponding portion of the tip of the aerofoil structure. 1. A turbomachine casing assembly comprising a casing adapted to encase an aerofoil structure , the aerofoil structure having a tip , a leading edge and a trailing edge , the casing substantially surrounding the tip of the aerofoil structure , wherein the casing has a set-back portion extending from a position in the region of one of the leading edge and the trailing edge of the aerofoil structure part way towards a position in the region of the other of the leading edge and trailing edge and set back from a portion of the casing adjacent to the aerofoil structure and away from the aerofoil structure , such that the set-back portion permits a flow over a corresponding portion of the tip of the aerofoil structure.2. A turbomachine casing assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turbomachine casing assembly further comprises a porous liner provided in the set-back portion of the casing claim 1 , the porous liner being capable of permitting the flow over the tip of the aerofoil structure to pass through the porous liner.3. A turbomachine casing assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the porous liner is abradable.4. A turbomachine casing assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the porous liner comprises an open-celled foam.5. A turbomachine casing assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the porous liner comprises a honeycomb ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Stationary blade cascade, assembling method of stationary blade cascade, and steam turbine

Номер: US20130149136A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A stationary blade cascade 29 of an embodiment includes stationary blade structures 50 and a ring-shaped support structure 40 supporting the stationary blade structures 50 . The stationary blade structures 50 each include: a stationary blade part 51 where steam passes; and an outer circumference side constituent part 52 formed on an outer circumference side of the stationary blade part 51 and having a fitting groove 56 which penetrates all along a circumferential direction and which has an opening 55 all along the circumferential direction in a downstream end surface 54 of the outer circumference side constituent part 52 . The support structure 40 includes a ring-shaped support part 42 having a fitting portion 41 fitted in the fitting grooves 56 of the outer circumference side constituent parts 52 . The plural stationary blade structures 50 are supported along the circumferential direction by the ring-shaped support part 42.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154194A1
Автор: Van Saun Daniel J
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

To prevent escape of exhaust gas and soot from a turbocharger, a heat resistant sealing material is applied to a contact surface between a turbocharger bearing housing and center housing, and cured or dried to form a thin solidified coating. The end housing is then assembled to the bearing housing, whereby the coating provides a gas and soot seal between the bearing housing and end housing. The inventive seal could however also be used to seal the connection between two turbine stages, or any parts attached to a turbocharger end housing and subject to pressure. 1253. A method for attaching a turbocharger end housing ( , ) to a turbocharger bearing housing () , the method comprising:(a) identifying complementary contact surfaces between the end housing and the bearing housing,(b) applying a flow/able sealing material to at least one of said complementary surfaces,(c) drying or curing the sealing material to form a dried or cured solidified coating, and(d) assembling the turbocharger such that the coating forms a gas barrier.22. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said end housing is a turbine housing ().38032. The method according to claim 2 , wherein a heat shield () is provided between the bearing housing () and turbine housing () claim 2 , and wherein said complementary contact surfaces are the surfaces at which the heat shield contacts the bearing housing and turbine housing.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said sealing material is dried or cured onto the contact surfaces of the heat shield at a temperature above 50° C.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said sealing material is dried or cured onto the contact surfaces of the heat shield at a temperature above 100° C.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said coating has a thickness of from 0.5 to 1.2 mm.732. The method according to claim 1 , said complementary contact surfaces are the surfaces at which the bearing housing () contacts the turbine housing () claim 1 , and wherein ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Low-ductility turbine shroud

Номер: US20130156556A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A shroud segment for a gas turbine engine, the shroud segment constructed from a composite material including reinforcing fibers embedded in a matrix, and having a cross-sectional shape defined by opposed forward and aft walls, and opposed inner and outer walls, the walls extending between opposed first and second end faces, wherein the inner wall defines an arcuate inner flowpath surface; and wherein a compound fillet is disposed at a junction between first and second ones of the walls, the compound fillet including first and second portions, the second portion having a concave curvature extending into the first one of the walls.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Annular gas turbine engine case and method of manufacturing

Номер: US20130156558A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

The method is used for making an annular gas turbine engine case from a preform. The method comprises comprising flowforming at least one section of the preform, and then outwardly bending at least one portion of the perform.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156567A1

The turbine housing is formed by sheet metal scroll members and butted opposite each other and welded together. A center core part arranged in a central part of the scroll part is integrally formed in one piece from a steel pipe member such as to include a housing portion surrounding a turbine wheel a bearing receiving portion axially supporting the turbine wheel and a plurality of circumferentially spaced supports bridging a gap between the housing portion and the bearing receiving portion 16-. (canceled)7. A sheet metal turbine housing mounted downstream of an engine exhaust manifold and having a scroll part made by a sheet metal scroll member to form a spiral exhaust gas passage of a turbocharger that drives a turbine by using exhaust gas , whereinthe scroll part is formed by a first scroll part and a second scroll part butted opposite each other and joined together,a center core part in a substantially cylindrical shape disposed in a volute center part of the scroll part includes:a housing portion at one end that surrounds an outer circumference of a turbine wheel via a clearance and that forms a gas discharge port; a bearing receiving portion at the other end in which a bearing axially supporting a rotating shaft of the turbine wheel is fitted; and a plurality of circumferentially spaced supports bridging a gap between the housing portion and the bearing receiving portion in an axial direction of the turbine, and whereinthe housing portion, the bearing receiving portion, and the supports are formed integrally in one piece from a steel pipe member in an annular shape.8. The sheet metal turbine housing according to claim 7 , wherein the supports have a cross-sectional shape claim 7 , as viewed from the axial direction of the turbine claim 7 , with acute-angled corners both upstream and downstream of a flow of exhaust gas so that the supports have an upstream side face and a downstream side face inclined along the flow of gas.9. The sheet metal turbine housing ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170956A1

A cooling option for a steam turbine is provided, wherein the steam turbine includes a high-pressure zone and a medium-pressure zone, wherein the saturated steam streaming out of the high-pressure zone is discharged via a saturated steam conduit to a first pressure chamber in a second flow channel of the medium-pressure zone and thus the possibility of the saturated steam causing damage by corrosion and erosion in the high-pressure zone is prevented. 111-. (canceled)12. A steam turbine , comprising:a rotatably mounted rotor;an inner casing;a high-pressure flow duct arranged between the rotor and the inner casing;a second flow duct; andan inflow zone assigned to the second flow duct,wherein the rotor has a dummy piston,wherein the steam turbine has a dummy piston line,wherein the dummy piston line opens into a dummy piston prechamber,wherein the steam turbine has a wet steam line, which establishes a fluidic connection between a gap space and a first pressure space,wherein the gap space is arranged between the rotor and the inner casing, andwherein the dummy piston line is connected fluidically to the inflow zone.13. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 12 ,wherein the dummy piston is designed to compensate for the thrust of the rotor which occurs during operation.14. The steam turbine as claimed inwherein the dummy piston extends in a radial direction.15. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 14 ,wherein the dummy piston prechamber is formed between the dummy piston and the inner casing.16. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 12 ,wherein the dummy piston line is connected fluidically to a steam source.17. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 16 ,wherein the steam source is arranged outside the steam turbine.18. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 12 ,wherein the second flow duct has the first pressure space and a feed opening for feeding steam into the first pressure space.19. The steam turbine as claimed in claim 18 ,wherein the second flow duct has a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170975A1
Автор: Ishii Mikito

The present invention relates to a fixed vane-type turbocharger provided with a fixed vane () in a conduit () between a bearing housing and a turbine housing (). The fixed vane () is configured by a movable member () which is disposed on one of the mutually opposing front faces of the bearing housing and the turbine housing () so as to be capable of forward and backward movement, and by vanes () which are fixed to the front face of the movable member (). A pressing means () is provided which presses the movable member () so that the distal ends of the vanes () are brought into pressure contact between the rear face of the movable member () and either the bearing housing or the turbine housing () with the other opposing front face of these. The pressing means () contacts the rear face of the movable means () within a range in the radial direction where the vanes () are disposed, and conducts pressing within this range. 1. A fixed vane-type turbocharger , wherein a conduit between a bearing housing and a turbine housing and a conduit between a bearing housing and a compressor housing are respectively formed by a first member and a second member that are in anteroposterior opposition , and at least one of said conduits is provided with a fixed vane;wherein said fixed vane is configured by a movable member which is disposed on one of the mutually opposing front faces of said first member and said second member so as to be capable of forward and backward movement, and vanes which are fixed to a front face of the movable member;a pressing means is provided between a rear face of said movable member and a front face of either said first member or said second member, and presses said movable member so that distal ends of said vanes are brought into pressure contact with the other front face of said first member or said second member;and said pressing means is configured to contact the rear face of said movable member within a range in the radial direction where said vane is ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130175327A1

A gas turbine engine case having a working fluid flow, includes inner and outer case portions defining an annular duct for directing the working fluid flow, and a plurality of struts positioned within the annular duct and extending between the inner and outer case portions. The struts are welded to the inner and outer case portions with a first weld along a peripheral line of the respective struts and with second weld, of fillet type, in selected locations for additionally connecting a portion of each strut to the respective inner and outer case portions. 1. A method of making a turbine exhaust case of a gas turbine engine , the turbine exhaust case having a plurality of struts extending between inner and outer case portions , the struts structurally connecting the inner case portion to the outer case portion and supporting the inner case portion relative to the outer case portion , the method comprising:welding each of the struts at opposed ends thereof to the respective inner and outer case portions with a first weld substantially evenly and continuously distributed along an entire peripheral line of the strut to form a primary joint between the strut and the respective inner and outer case portions;applying second welds of fillet type intermittently around the periphery of each strut at opposite ends thereof, each of the second welds being added to the respective first welds in selected locations to form a reinforcement portion; andwherein the locations are selected in sections of each first weld where a maximum load stress exists with respect to an average load stress of the first weld; and wherein the count of the struts is determined in accordance with an enhanced stress-withstanding capacity of each first weld together with the reinforcement portions formed in the selected locations by the second welds of each strut.2. The method as defined in wherein each first weld is applied from one side of the respective inner and outer case portions and penetrates an ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177425A1
Автор: Richter Stephen John

A turbine blade assembly that is able to be driven by the wind, the turbine blade assembly comprising a hub, a multiplicity of hub blades attached to and extending outwardly from the hub, a first cowl attached to an end of the hub blades, wherein the first cowl is at an angle of between 9 and 15 degrees with respect to a central axis of rotation of the hub. 123-. (canceled)24. A turbine blade assembly that is able to be driven by the wind , the turbine blade assembly comprising:a hub having a central axis of rotation;a multiplicity of hub blades attached to and extending outwardly from the hub;a first cowl attached to an end of the hub blades; wherein the first cowl is at an angle of between 9 and 15 degrees with respect to the central axis of rotation of the hub.25. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the first cowl is made from a flat plate.26. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the hub blades are arcuate in shape.27. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the first cowl is at an angle of between 10 and 14 degrees with respect to the central axis of rotation of the hub.28. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the first cowl is at an angle of between 11 and 13 degrees with respect to the central axis of rotation of the hub.29. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the first cowl is at an angle of approximately 12 degrees with respect to the central axis of rotation of the hub.30. The turbine blade assembly of further comprising a multiplicity of cowl blades attached to and extending outwardly from the first cowl.31. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the cowl blades are arcuate in shape.32. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the hub blades are the same length as the cowl blades.33. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the hub blades are of a different length as the cowl blades.34. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the hub blades are at the same angle as the cowl blades.35. The turbine blade assembly of wherein the wherein the hub blades are in ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183147A1
Автор: Nass Dieter

A casing is provided having a longitudinal axis of a turbomachine, the axis extending along a rotor. The casing includes at least one jacket part extending along the longitudinal axis and at least one end-face cover. The cover is surrounded by the jacket part at least with a part of the axial extension of the cover. In order to reduce the need for radial clearance, without compromising the availability or safety of the operation of the machine, the cover has radial clearance with respect to the jacket part and at least two separate guide elements of the cover are provided on the jacket part in two different circumferential positions with respect to the longitudinal axis. The respective guide elements are designed such that they block a respective movement of the cover in the circumferential direction at least unidirectionally. 112-. (canceled)13. A casing with a longitudinal axis of a turbomachine extending along a rotor , the casing comprising:at least one jacket part which extends along the longitudinal axis, andat least one end-face cover,wherein the casing has a horizontal parting line parallel to the longitudinal axis, which cover is surrounded by the jacket part at least by way of part of its axial extension,wherein the cover has a radial clearance in relation to the jacket part and in that at least two separate guide elements of the cover are provided on the jacket part at two different circumferential positions with reference to the longitudinal axis,wherein the guide elements are configured in each case in such a manner that they block a movement of the cover in each case in the circumferential direction at least in a unidirectional manner,wherein a centering device is provided on the casing, the centering device having two supporting faces which abut against contact faces of the cover, andwherein the supporting faces and contact faces are configured in such a manner that a horizontal movement of the cover perpendicular with respect to the longitudinal axis ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183149A1
Автор: Weidmann Wilfried

A housing-side structure of a turbomachine, in particular of a gas turbine, including an in particular segmented jacket ring (), which carries an abradable lining for radially outer ends of rotor-side moving blades of a moving blade ring, wherein the jacket ring () carrying the abradable lining is connected by means of at least one constriction () to a stator-side housing part (), which is radially adjacent to the jacket ring () on the outside and the jacket ring is thermally decoupled from said stator-side housing. 112-. (canceled)13. A housing-side structure of a turbomachine comprising:a jacket ring having an outside; anda stator-side housing part connected to the jacket ring, radially adjacent to the jacket ring on the outside and thermally decoupled from the jacket ring via at least one constriction.14. The housing-side structure as recited in further comprising a flange formed on the stator-side housing part radially adjacent to the jacket ring on the outside.15. The housing-side structure as recited in further comprising a support mounted on the flange and in contact with a downstream end of the jacket ring for stabilizing the jacket ring.16. The housing-side structure as recited in wherein the support is in contact via only one section with the downstream end of the jacket ring claim 15 , the one section extending in an axial direction.17. The housing-side structure as recited in wherein a further section of the support protrudes with respect to the jacket ring in the downstream direction and forms a stop for an adjacent component claim 16 , the adjacent component coming to rest against the stop during a thermal expansion of the adjacent component.18. The housing-side structure as recited in wherein the support is in contact via a first section with the downstream end of the jacket ring claim 15 , the first section extending in an axial direction and via a second section extending in a radial direction.19. The housing-side structure as recited in wherein a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183150A1
Автор: Batt Stephen

A component of a turbine includes a vane, a carrier element and at least four interfaces between the vane and the carrier element. The at least four interfaces are sealed via leaf seals. A method for sealing against leakage between a vane and a carrier element of the above-mentioned turbine component includes sealing the at least four interfaces by way of leaf seals 115-. (canceled)16. A component of a turbine , comprising:a vane,a carrier element, andat least four interfaces between the vane and the carrier element,wherein the at least four interfaces are sealed via leaf seals.171. The component as claimed in claim , wherein the leaf seals are sheetmetal leaf seals.181. The component as claimed in claim , wherein the turbine comprises a carrier ring which comprises the carrier element.191. The component as claimed in claim , wherein the leaf seals are connected to the vane or to the carrier element.20. The component as claimed in claim 19 , wherein at least one of said leaf seals is connected to the vane and/or to the carrier element such that a movement between the vane and the carrier element is possible.21. The component as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the turbine comprises a rotation axis and at least one of said leaf seals is connected to the vane and/or to the carrier element such that a movement between the vane and the carrier element in axial or tangential or radial direction is possible.22. The component as claimed in claim 16 , wherein at least one of said leaf seals is connected to the vane and/or to the carrier element via at least one location pin.23. The component as claimed in claim 16 , wherein at least one of said leaf seals comprises means for leading a fluid through the seal.24. The component as claimed in claim 16 , wherein at least one of said leaf seals comprises at least one opening for leading a fluid through the seal.25. The component as claimed in claim 16 , whereinthe turbine comprises a rotation axis, andthe vane comprises a trailing ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189090A1

To be provided is a vacuum pump reducing the influence of thermal expansion of connector pins to prevent cracks in soldered parts while preventing damage to electronic elements. 1. A vacuum pump comprising:a substrate on which electronic elements are mounted;a plurality of pins soldered to the substrate so that the pins are arranged near one end edge apart from the center of the substrate;a plate having the pins; andan attachment for attaching the substrate to the plate,wherein the attachment is arranged near the other end edge apart from the center of the substrate.2. The vacuum pump of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a distance from the center of the group of pins to the attachment to a distance from the center of the group of pins to the center of the substrate is 1.5 or greater.3. A vacuum pump comprising:a substrate on which electronic elements are mounted;a plurality of pins soldered to the substrate so that the pins are arranged near one end edge apart from the center of the substrate;a plate having the pins;an attachment for attaching the substrate to the plate; anda molding material for molding the electronic elements on the substrate,wherein the molding material has a Shore D hardness of less than 50. The present invention relates to a vacuum pump, and particularly relates to a vacuum pump reducing the influence of thermal expansion of connector pins to prevent cracks in soldered parts while preventing damage to electronic elements.As a result of the recent development of electronics, there is a rapid increase in the demand for semiconductor devices such as memories and integrated circuits.Such a semiconductor device is manufactured by doping impurities into a highly pure semiconductor substrate to impart electrical properties thereto, and forming a minute circuit on the semiconductor substrate by etching, for example.Such operations must be performed in a chamber in a high-vacuum state to avoid the influence of dust or the like in the air. A vacuum pump is ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189095A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A turbomachine casing assembly includes a first casing element, located radially outward of one or more rotating aerofoil elements of a turbomachine, and a second casing element, located radially distal to the first element. A void is provided at a first end of the first element, between radially proximal faces of the first and second elements. The first end of the first element is located against a corresponding first end of the second element by an energy absorbing element. The first element includes a cantilever, arranged in a region extending along the first element from the first end with a pivot axis at its mid-portion. Release of one of the rotating aerofoil elements, resulting in impact with the first element, further results in the cantilever bending into the void between the first and second elements, enabling the rotating aerofoil element to be trapped within the casing assembly. 1. A turbomachine casing assembly , comprising:a first casing element located radially outward of one or more rotating aerofoil elements of a turbomachine;a second casing element located radially outward of the first casing element; anda void, provided between the first casing element and the second casing element, at a first end of the first casing element;wherein the first end of the first casing element is located against a corresponding first end of the second easing element by an energy absorbing element, andthe first casing element comprises a cantilever, the cantilever being arranged in a region extending along the first casing element from the first end and having a pivot axis at a mid portion of the first casing element;whereby upon release of one of the rotating aerofoil elements, the cantilever bends into the void provided between the first and second casing elements, which causes the energy absorbing element to deform and to thereby absorb at least some of the impact energy resulting from the released rotating aerofoil element.2. The turbomachine casing assembly as ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192268A1

A turbine engine includes a compressor section, a combustor section in fluid communication with the compressor section, a high pressure turbine in fluid communication with the combustor, a low pressure turbine in fluid communication with the high pressure turbine, and a mid turbine frame located axially between the high pressure turbine and the low pressure turbine. The mid turbine frame includes an outer frame case, an inner frame case, and a plurality of hollow spokes that distribute loads from the inner frame case to the outer frame case. The spokes are hollow to allow cooling airflow to be supplied through the spokes to the inner frame case. 1. A turbine engine comprising:a combustor;a high pressure turbine section in fluid communication with the combustor;a low pressure turbine section in fluid communication with the high pressure turbine section; anda mid-turbine frame located axially between the high pressure turbine section and the low pressure turbine section, the mid-turbine frame having an outer frame case connected to an inner frame case via a plurality of cooled spokes, wherein each of the plurality of cooled spokes are hollow for supplying cooling airflow from outside the outer frame case to the inner frame case.2. The turbine engine of claim 1 , wherein the inner frame case includes a manifold defined by first and second annular portions and first and second radial portions.3. The turbine engine of claim 1 , wherein the mid-turbine frame includes three or more cooled spokes evenly distributed around the inner frame case.4. The turbine engine of claim 1 , wherein the outer frame case includes a plurality of bosses located on an outer surface of the outer frame case for attachment to each of the plurality of cooled spokes.5. The turbine engine of claim 1 , wherein the hollow spokes are connected to the outer frame case by nut that allows the hollow spokes to be tensioned.6. A mid-turbine frame located in a gas turbine engine axially aft of a high- ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195620A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

The invention relates to an exhaust turbocharger (), having a turbine housing (), which comprises an intake connection (), the intake connection () being integrally connected to an exhaust manifold (), which comprises a single exhaust gas intake (). 1. An exhaust turbocharger having a turbine housing which comprises an intake connection integrally connected to an exhaust manifold , the intake connection comprising a single exhaust gas intake.2. The exhaust turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the exhaust manifold is provided with a separate claim 1 , closed water circuit.3. The exhaust turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the exhaust manifold is provided with an open water circuit claim 1 , which in the fitted state on a cylinder head of an internal combustion engine can be connected to the water circuit of the cylinder head.4. The exhaust turbocharger as set forth in further comprising a thermal insulation inserted into the exhaust manifold.5. The exhaust turbocharger as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the thermal insulation comprises two half-shells.6. The exhaust turbocharger as set forth in wherein the exhaust turbocharger is embodied as a two-stage exhaust turbocharger arrangement.7. The exhaust turbocharger as set forth in wherein the turbine housing of the intake connection and of the exhaust manifold comprise aluminum or steel.8. The exhaust turbocharger set forth in wherein the turbine housing comprises a cast housing. The invention relates to an exhaust turbocharger according to the preamble of claim . Such an exhaust turbocharger is disclosed by De 10 2009 000 214 A1. The turbine of this exhaust turbocharger is connected via an overall exhaust line to an exhaust manifold, which is incorporated in the cylinder head of an internal combustion engine, to which the exhaust turbocharger is connected.In this design, however, problems primarily of a thermal nature occur due to the high exhaust gas flow rates, so that the thermal conduction between ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195640A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

A turbomachine for an aircraft including a mechanism forming a case fitted in a rear extension of an inner ferrule of an intermediate casing, and positioned around a central casing. The mechanism includes a structural upstream ferrule assembled on the inner ferrule and defining a front portion of a surface internally delimiting a secondary vein, and a main case extending on the upstream ferrule towards the rear. The turbomachine further includes a structural mechanism rigidifying the central casing, surrounded by the case, and extending towards the rear between the upstream ferrule and the central casing on which these mechanisms are assembled. 17-. (canceled)8. A dual-flow turbomachine for an aircraft comprising:an intermediate casing including an inner ferrule and an outer ferrule between which structural arms are fitted, wherein the inner ferrule includes a first surface internally delimiting an annular secondary vein;a central casing extending the intermediate casing towards the rear; andmeans forming a case fitted in the rear extension of the inner ferrule of the intermediate casing, and positioned around the central casing, wherein the means includes a second surface internally delimiting the annular secondary vein positioned in the rear extension of the first internal delimitation surface;wherein the means forming a case includes a structural upstream ferrule assembled on the inner ferrule of the intermediate casing, and defining a front portion of the second internal delimitation surface, and a main case extending the upstream ferrule towards the rear; andwherein the turbomachine further comprises structural means for rigidifying the central casing, surrounded by the main case, and extending towards the rear between the upstream ferrule and the central casing on which these means are assembled.9. A turbomachine according to claim 8 , wherein the structural means for rigidifying the central casing is in a form of an open-worked annular structure.10. A ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Turbojet engine case, notably intermediate case

Номер: US20130202425A1
Автор: Balk Wouter
Принадлежит: SNECMA

The present invention relates to an annular case () of a multi-flow turbojet engine comprising a first element () forming a hub, a second element () forming a cylindrical casing, radially on the outside of and concentric with the first element, radial arms () connecting the first element () to the second element (), at least part of said arms being structural and having an aerodynamic flow straightener vane profile, characterized in that it comprises a first ring sector (C) of the case and a second ring sector (T), the first ring sector being made of composite material and the second ring sector of metal, said radial arms (T) of the second ring sector (T) being structural. 1. An annular case of a multi-flow turbojet engine comprising a first element forming a hub , a second element forming a cylindrical casing , radially on the outside of and concentric with the first element , radial arms connecting the first element to the second element , at least part of said arms being structural and having an aerodynamic flow straightener vane profile , said annular case further comprising a first ring sector of the case and a second ring sector , the first ring sector being made at least partially of composite material and the second ring sector of metal , said radial arms of the second ring sector being structural.2. The case according to claim 1 , in which the first ring sector has a resin impregnated fibrous structure.3. The case according to claim 2 , in which the first ring sector is of one piece and the radial arms of the first sector form flow straightener vanes.4. The case according to claim 3 , in which the second ring sector is of one piece.5. The case according to claim 4 , in which the second ring sector is a casting.6. The case according to claim 4 , in which the second ring sector is made of titanium alloy.7. The case according to claim 6 , in which the two ring sectors are joined together by bolting.8. The case according to claim 7 , in which the two ring ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202426A1
Автор: Walker Craig Ian
Принадлежит: Weir Minerals Australia, Ltd.

A pump intake device comprising a main body which includes a side wall section having an inner side and an outer side, an intake section extending from the outer side of the side wall section and an intake passage extending through the intake section, the intake passage having an inner surface and an entry end and an exit end with a central axis extending between the entry and exit ends, a first portion of the inner surface having one or more first guides thereon for directing fluid passing through the intake passage so that in use said fluid leaves the exit end at the first portion with an exit angle which is inclined relative to the central axis. 1. A pump intake device comprising a main body which includes a side wall section having an inner side and an outer side , an intake section extending from the outer side of the side wall section and an intake passage extending through the intake section , the intake passage having an inner surface and an entry end and an exit end with a central axis extending between the entry and exit ends , a first portion of the inner surface which includes one or more first guides thereon for directing fluid passing through the intake passage so that in use said fluid leaves the exit end at the first portion with a first exit angle which is inclined relative to the central axis , and a second portion of the inner surface of the intake passage which includes one or more second guides thereon for directing fluid passing through the intake passage so that in use said fluid leaves the exit end at the second portion with a second exit angle which is inclined relative to the central axis , the second exit angle being less than the first exit angle.2. A pump intake device according to claim 1 , further including a wear member mountable to the inner side of the side wall section of the main body in a mounted position.3. A pump intake device according to claim 2 , wherein the wear member includes a side wall and a conduit extending from the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202430A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA

The invention provides a fan casing for a gas turbine engine, the casing having a substantially cylindrical portion that terminates at one end in an annular flange made of composite material. The flange includes at least one setback in a fraction of its thickness and at least one bolt for fastening pieces of equipment passing right through the flange in the axial direction, the bolt for fastening pieces of equipment having a head that presents a flat that is to bear flat against a rim of the setback, and a shank forming a stud for fastening pieces of equipment on the casing. 1. A fan casing for a gas turbine engine , the casing having a substantially cylindrical portion that terminates at one end in an annular flange made of composite material , wherein the flange includes at least one setback in a fraction of its thickness and at least one bolt for fastening pieces of equipment passing right through the flange in the axial direction , the bolt for fastening pieces of equipment having a head that presents a flat that is to bear flat against a rim of the setback , and a shank forming a stud for fastening pieces of equipment on the casing.2. A fan casing according to claim 1 , wherein the flange is obtained from fiber reinforcement made up of at least two superposed layers of a fiber fabric claim 1 , the thickness of the corresponding setback being substantially equal to the thickness of one layer of fiber fabric.3. A fan casing according to claim 2 , wherein the setback is formed in an outside face of the flange and opens out into a free end of the flange.4. A fan casing according to claim 1 , further including a nut tightened onto the shank of the bolt for fastening pieces of equipment claim 1 , in order to hold the bolt on the flange.5. A fan casing according to claim 4 , further including a washer interposed between the nut and the flange.6. A gas turbine engine casing comprising a fan casing according to and an air inlet sleeve having a substantially cylindrical ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202431A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An exhaust-gas turbocharger () having a compressor () which has a compressor housing (), a turbine () which has a turbine housing (), a bearing housing () between the compressor housing () and the turbine housing (), and a control capsule () which has a housing () on which is provided a retaining device () which interacts with a fastening device () on the turbocharger in order to fix the control capsule () to the compressor housing (), the turbine housing () or the bearing housing (). The retaining device () is arranged on an outer circumferential region () of the control capsule (), and the fastening device () fixes the retaining device () in a non-positively locking manner. 11. An exhaust-gas turbocharger () with{'b': 2', '3, 'a compressor () which has a compressor housing (),'}{'b': 4', '5, 'a turbine () which has a turbine housing (),'}{'b': 6', '3', '5, 'a bearing housing () between the compressor housing () and the turbine housing (), and'}{'b': 7', '8', '9', '10', '6', '3', '5', '6, 'a control capsule () which has a housing () on which is provided a retaining device () which interacts with a fastening device () on the turbocharger in order to fix the control capsule () to the compressor housing (), the turbine housing () or the bearing housing (),'}{'b': 9', '11', '7, 'wherein the retaining device () is arranged on an outer circumferential region () of the control capsule (), and'}{'b': 10', '9, 'wherein the fastening device () fixes the retaining device () in a non-positively locking manner.'}281213911121213. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing () has at least two housing shells ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , and wherein the retaining device () is arranged on an outer circumferential region () of one () of the housing shells ( claim 1 , ).3911. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retaining device () is arranged directly on the outer circumferential region ().4911. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205675A1
Автор: Twell Philip

A bore-scope sealing apparatus is provided for removably sealing a bore-scope opening in a turbomachine wall with a plug. The bore-scope sealing apparatus includes a bayonet coupling via which the plug is mountable to the bore-scope opening. The bayonet coupling has a projection at the plug and a corresponding recess at the bore-scope opening. A resilient retaining device is arranged at the recess being compressed by the projection in a sealing position to retain the plug in the bore-scope opening. 115-. (canceled)16. A bore-scope sealing apparatus for removably sealing a bore-scope opening in a turbomachine wall with a plug , the bore-scope sealing apparatus comprising: 'wherein the bayonet coupling comprises a projection at the plug and a corresponding recess at the bore-scope opening, and', 'a bayonet coupling via which the plug is mountable to the bore-scope opening,'}a resilient retaining device arranged at the recess being compressed by the projection in a sealing position to retain the plug in the bore-scope opening.17. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the retaining device is a spring pin.18. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the retaining device is arranged in an opening accessible from the outside and the opening is in communication with the recess.19. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the projection comprises a retaining recess for accommodation of part of the retaining device.20. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the plug comprises two projections claim 16 , opposite to each other.21. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 20 , comprising two retaining devices opposite to each other.22. The bore-scope sealing apparatus according to claim 16 , wherein the plug comprises a head with a drive feature and the head covers the retaining device at least partially in the sealing position.23. The bore-scope sealing apparatus ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209247A1
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

A side channel blower includes a housing comprising a substantially tangential outlet. A housing cover comprises an axial inlet. At least one conveying duct is configured so that the axial inlet fluidly communicates with the outlet. An impeller is driven by a drive unit. The impeller is rotatably supported in the housing and comprises conveying blades which cooperate with the at least one conveying duct. An interruption region is arranged between the outlet and the axial inlet. The interruption region comprises a radially limiting wall and interrupts the at least one conveying duct in a circumferential direction. A first recess is arranged in the radially limiting wall of the interruption region downstream of the outlet. Further recesses are arranged in the interruption region before the axial inlet and after the outlet. A smallest distance between the further recesses is 0.5 to 3 times a distance between two conveying blades. 18-. (canceled)9. A side channel blower comprising:a housing comprising an outlet, the outlet being configured to be substantially tangential;a housing cover comprising an axial inlet;at least one conveying duct which is configured so that the axial inlet is in a fluid communication with the outlet;a drive unit;an impeller which is configured to be driven by the drive unit, the impeller being rotatably supported in the housing and comprising conveying blades, the conveying blades being configured to cooperate with the at least one conveying duct;an interruption region arranged between the outlet and the axial inlet, the interruption region comprising a radially limiting wall and being configured to interrupt the at least one conveying duct in a circumferential direction;a first recess arranged in the radially limiting wall of the interruption region downstream of the outlet, as seen in a direction of rotation of the impeller; andfurther recesses arranged in the interruption region before the axial inlet and after the outlet, a smallest ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Anti-Rotation Stator Segments

Номер: US20130209248A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Co Inc

A stator assembly for a turbofan gas turbine engine is disclosed. The stator assembly is coupled to a shroud of the engine. The stator assembly includes an endless case fixedly coupled to the engine shroud. The case includes a forward portion, an aft portion and a central portion disposed therebetween. The case extends about an axis of the engine. The forward and aft portions of the case include rails that extend towards each other and form forward and aft pockets with the central portion respectfully. The stator assembly also includes a locking stator segment. The locking stator segment includes a shroud that includes a forward hook and a pair of aft hooks with a platform disposed therebetween. The forward and aft hooks are retained in the forward and aft pockets of the case respectfully.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216375A1
Автор: Christmann Ralf
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An exhaust-gas turbocharger () having a charger housing () which has a compressor housing (), a turbine housing () and a bearing housing (), and having a control capsule () which is fastened to the charger housing () and which has a housing lower part () and a housing upper part (). The charger housing () has a fastening bracket (), and the control capsule housing lower part () and housing upper part () are formed as individual parts which can be preassembled to form the control capsule () and which are separate from the charger housing () and which, in the mounted state of the control capsule (), are connected to the fastening bracket (). 2789. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing lower part () and the housing upper part () are screwed to the fastening bracket ().378. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing lower part () and the housing upper part () are partially flanged in the preassembled state.47810. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the housing lower part () and the housing upper part () are secured to each other by means of at least one clip () in the preassembled state.51. A method for manufacturing an exhaust-gas turbocharger () claim 1 , having the following method steps:{'b': 2', '9, 'manufacturing a charger housing (), to which a fastening bracket () is attached;'}{'b': 7', '6, 'manufacturing a housing lower part () of a control capsule ();'}{'b': 8', '6, 'manufacturing a housing upper part () of the control capsule ();'}{'b': 6', '7', '8', '10, 'preassembling the control capsule () by joining the housing lower part () and the housing upper part () together by means of a transport securing facility (); and'}{'b': 6', '9, 'fixing the preassembled control capsule () to the fastening bracket ().'}6678. The method as claimed in claim 5 , characterized by the method step of preassembling the control capsule () by connecting the housing lower part () and the housing ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Internal Combustion Engine Cylinder Head With Integral Exhaust Runners And Turbocharger Housing

Номер: US20130219884A1
Принадлежит: Williams International Corp

An internal combustion engine cylinder head is based upon a one-piece structure including a number of exhaust runners, an exhaust collector, and a turbocharger exhaust turbine housing, all formed as one-piece.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Panel for the acoustic treatment comprising hot air ducts and at least one annular channel

Номер: US20130224000A1

An aircraft nacelle comprising a lip extended by an inner conduit forming an air intake, a front frame delimiting with said lip an annular channel wherein hot air circulates, as well as a panel for acoustic treatment comprising, from outside inwardly, an acoustic resistive layer, at least one honeycomb structure, and a reflective layer, as well as ducts for channeling hot air with each one inlet communicating with the annular channel and one outlet communicating with the inner conduit, wherein the panel for acoustic treatment comprises, upstream from the ducts, an annular channel which extends over at least a portion of the nacelle circumference, at least one conduit providing communication between said annular channel and the upstream annular channel, and a plurality of ducts that open into said downstream annular channel, the panel for acoustic treatment being connected to the front frame in regard to the annular channel. 130. Aircraft nacelle comprising a lip extended by an internal conduit forming an air intake , a front frame defining with said lip an annular channel through which hot air circulates , as well as a panel for acoustic treatment comprising , from outside inwardly , an acoustic resistive layer , at least one honeycomb structure and a reflective layer , and ducts for channeling hot air , each duct having an inlet communicating with annular channel and an outlet communicating with inner conduit , wherein the panel for acoustic treatment () comprises , upstream from ducts , an annular channel which extends over at least a portion of the nacelle circumference , at least one conduit providing communication between said annular channel and upstream annular channel , and a plurality of ducts opening into said downstream annular channel , the panel for acoustic treatment being connected to front frame in regard to annular channel.2. Aircraft nacelle according to claim 1 , wherein at least one wedge is positioned in annular channel for limiting the crushing ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Device for connecting a thrust reverser front frame to a fan casing and nacelle incorporating such a device

Номер: US20130227962A1
Принадлежит: Aircelle SA

A device for connecting a thrust reverser front frame to a fan casing includes a crenulated flange secured to the front frame, an annular component to accept this flange secured to the fan casing, and a crenulated annulus of a shape that complements the flange and pivot-mounted on the annular component. The crenulated flange, the annular component and the crenulated annulus are designed in such a way that a rotation of the annulus with respect to the annular component has the effect of locking this flange against this annular component through the collaboration between the respective crenulations of the flange and of the annulus.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230391A1
Принадлежит: AIRCELLE

The invention relates to a nacelle () for an aircraft bypass turbojet engine comprising, in downstream cross section, an inner fixed structure () intended to surround part of the bypass turbojet engine and an outer structure () at least partially surrounding the inner fixed structure () so as to delimit an annular flow path (), the outer structure () comprising at least one inner flap () positioned facing the annular flow path (), an outer flap () not in contact with the annular flow path () at least partially surmounting each inner flap () in aerodynamic continuity with the rest of the outer structure (), and an intermediate flap () positioned between each inner flap () and each outer flap (), said intermediate flap () being capable of translational movement so as to increase or decrease the cross section of the annular flow path (), and each inner flap () and each outer flap () being capable of rotational movement so as to remain in permanent contact with the intermediate flap () in all positions of the latter. 1. A nacelle for a bypass turbojet engine of an aircraft comprising:in a downstream cross-section an inner fixed structure intended to surround one portion of the bypass turbojet engine andan outer structure at least partly surrounding the inner fixed structure so as to delimit an annular flow path,the outer structure comprising at least one inner flap positioned facing the annular flow path, an outer flap not in contact with the annular flow path at least partly surmounting each inner flap in aerodynamic continuity with a remainder of the inner structure, as well as an intermediate flap positioned between each inner flap and each outer flap,said intermediate flap being translationally mobile so as to enlarge or decrease the cross-section of the annular flow path, andeach inner flap and each outer flap being rotationally mobile so as to remain in permanent contact with the intermediate flap in all positions of the latter.2. The nacelle according to claim 1 ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236300A1

A housing for a turbomachine includes a peripheral wall delimiting an annular space and a fluid conveying system for redirecting a partial flow of a main flow, which has an axial channel, a front annular channel and a rear annular channel in fluid connection with the axial channel and having a front annular space opening and a rear annular space opening. The fluid conveying system has a front valve device and a rear valve device controllable independently of the front valve device, for opening and closing the annular space openings, and an outlet opening for tapping the partial flow from the fluid conveying system. In the closed state of the rear annular space opening, the partial flow is directable through the rear annular channel and, in the closed state of the front annular space opening, the partial flow is directable through the front annular channel. 1. A housing for a turbomachine , comprising:a peripheral wall delimiting an annular space through which a main flow may flow; anda fluid conveying system for redirecting a partial flow of the main flow, the fluid conveying system including an axial channel, a front integral annular channel and a rear integral annular channel in fluid connection with the axial channel, the front integral annular channel having a front annular space opening and the rear integral annular channel having a rear annular space opening, the fluid conveying system further including a front valve device and a rear valve device controllable independently of the front valve device, for opening and closing the front and rear annular space openings respectively, and an outlet opening for tapping the partial flow from the fluid conveying system,in the closed state of the rear annular space opening, the partial flow being directable through the rear annular channel and, in the closed state of the front annular space opening, the partial flow being directable through the front annular channel.2. The housing as recited in wherein the axial channel ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236304A1
Автор: MOESTRUP Henning

A nacelle stand and a method for building and testing a nacelle for a wind turbine using a nacelle stand, the nacelle stand being suitable for supporting a nacelle for a wind turbine, during manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle, testing and transport. The nacelle stand has a connecting arrangement for rigid connection to a yaw system arranged at the main frame of the nacelle, a midsection, a horizontal bedplate and a center part with a number of fingers extending away from the center part in a horizontal plane, the fingers each having an angle larger than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees relative to a longitudinal axis of the stand. 1. A nacelle stand suitable for supporting a nacelle for a wind turbine during manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle , and during transport , the nacelle comprising a main frame suitable for installation of a number of components , a hub comprising a number of blades and a yaw system , the nacelle stand comprising a longitudinal axis and a traverse axis , connection means arranged for rigid connection to the yaw system , at least a midsection having a vertical centerline , the midsection being arranged between the connection means and a bedplate , the bedplate extending in a horizontal plane and comprising a center part and a plurality of fingers extending away from the center part in a horizontal plane , the fingers each having an angle larger than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees relative to said longitudinal axis.2. A nacelle stand according to claim 1 , wherein the nacelle stand comprises two set of fingers claim 1 , each of the set of fingers extending outward relative to a vertical centerline of the midsection.3. A nacelle stand according to claim 1 , wherein the nacelle stand further comprises at least one additional set of fingers that comprise at least two fingers claim 1 , each of which extends away from the center part and each of which has a longitudinal axis claim 1 , the longitudinal axes intersecting at a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236305A1

In a sealing device which seals between an outside space between an outer side in the radial direction of an external diffuser which has a tubular shape and forms an exhaust channel through which combustion gas rotating a rotor of a gas turbine passes in the inner side in the radial direction and an outside member which is disposed outside the external diffuser with an interval between them in the radial direction, and the exhaust channel by an end of the external diffuser, a first seal plate group and a second seal plate group in which a plurality of seal plates, which extend to the outer side in the radial direction from the end of the tubular external diffuser and reach the outside member, are laminated in contact with each other, and a spacer which maintains the first seal plate group and the second seal plate group with an interval in an axial direction in which a rotational axis of the rotor extends are provided. 1. A scaling device which seals between an outside space between an outer side in the radial direction of an external diffuser which has a tabular shape and forms an exhaust channel through which combustion gas rotating a rotor of a gas turbine passes in the inner side in the radial direction and an outside member which is disposed outside the external diffuser with an interval between them in the radial direction , and the exhaust channel by an end of the external diffuser , the sealing device comprising:a first seal plate group and a second seal plate group in which a plurality of seal plates, which extend to the outer side in the radial direction from the end of the tubular external diffuser and reach the outside member, are laminated in contact with each other; anda spacer which maintains the first seal plate group and the second seal plate group with an interval in an axial direction in which a rotational axis of the rotor extends.2. The sealing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of seal plates which configure the first seal plate ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust-gas turbocharger

Номер: US20130236336A1
Принадлежит: BorgWarner Inc

An exhaust-gas turbocharger ( 1 ) having a compressor ( 2 ) which has a compressor wheel ( 3 ) in a compressor housing ( 4 ); a turbine ( 5 ) which has a turbine wheel ( 6 ) in a turbine housing ( 7 ); a bearing housing ( 8 ) which receives a static bearing bush ( 9 ) for a rotor shaft ( 10 ) and which has, at the compressor side, a bearing housing cover ( 11 ), and a bearing bush rotation prevention means ( 12 ) which has at least one lug ( 13, 14, 15 ) supported in the bearing housing ( 8 ) and which engages into at least one of two grooves ( 16, 17 ) of the bearing bush ( 9 ). The grooves ( 16, 17 ) are arranged diametrically oppositely on an outer circumferential region ( 18 ) of the bearing bush ( 9 ).

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236341A1
Автор: Andersen Gunnar
Принадлежит: Norali AS

A pump and pump section, where the pump section has a centre line and where the pump section comprises at least one pump step, 1. A pump comprising:at least one pump section, wherein the pump section has a centre line and comprises at least two pump steps,the pump steps having a centre line and each pump step comprising a motor and one or more pump stages,wherein the pump comprises an outer casing enclosing one or more inner casings, the outer casing forming an enclosure round the pump section and having a larger diameter than the inner casings, and the inner casings forming an enclosure round the at least two pump steps, andwherein the centre line of the pump section is displaced relative to the centre line of the pump steps, thereby forming an annulus between the outer casing and the inner casing.2. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the annulus is fluid-filled and in pressure communication with a surrounding fluid.3. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein each pump stage comprises an impeller and a diffuser.4. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the pump has means which permit installation of the pump by means of cables or pipes.5. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the inner casings comprise at least one distance piece on their radial outside claim 1 , thereby causing the centre line of the pump steps to be displaced relative to the centre line of the pump section.6. The pump according to claim 5 , wherein the distance pieces comprise lead-through holes for cables claim 5 , wires claim 5 , or lines.7. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the pump steps are driven by ring motors and/or axial motors.8. The pump according to claim 7 , wherein the motors are permanent magnet motors or electric induction motors.9. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the pump stages in each pump step are connected to a common shaft.10. The pump according to claim 1 , wherein the pump sections are electrically connected by means of wet connectors.11. The pump ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239861A1

A turbine integrated within a hydrofoil extracts energy from a free-flowing motive fluid. In the preferred embodiment, the turbine is of the crossflow variety with runner blades coaxial to the width of the hydrofoil. The foremost edge of the hydrofoil comprises a slot covered by a continuously adjustable gate for controlling the overall drag imposed by the turbine. The hydrofoil mounts to a sailing vessel by means of a gimbal on a structure affixed to the hull, enabling the turbine to optimally respond to changes in direction of the free-flowing motive fluid and facilitating guidance and stability of the vessel. 1. A sailing vessel including a generator which generates electricity in response to moving fluids , the sailing vessel comprising:a hull configured to provide flotation;one or more sails configured to harness wind forces to move the hull in a desired direction;a hydrofoil coupled to said hull, the hydrofoil configured to reduce drag on the hull, wherein the hydrofoil houses a turbine for extracting energy from moving fluids; anda gated opening on said hydrofoil configured to adjustably control said moving fluids to thereby adjustably reduce drag on said hull.2. The sailing vessel of wherein said turbine is a cross-flow turbine.3. The sailing vessel of further comprising a battery configured to store electricity generated by said turbine.4. The sailing vessel of wherein said turbine comprises a DC generator.5. The sailing vessel of wherein an average field coil excitation current of said DC generator is controlled using switch mode current control.6. The sailing vessel of wherein said hydrofoil is coupled to said hull using a gimbal.7. (canceled)8. A drag reducing apparatus configured to reduce drag on a vessel and generate electricity claim 1 , the drag reducing apparatus comprising:a gated hydrofoil configured to be coupled to a vessel, said gated hydrofoil housing a turbine operatively coupled to a generator, the generator configured to generate ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Bearing housing shroud

Номер: US20130243581A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A turbocharger including a turbine wheel having a hub-to-tip ratio of no more than 60% and blades with a high turning angle, a turbine housing forming an inwardly spiraling primary-scroll passageway that significantly converges to produce highly accelerated airflow into the turbine at high circumferential angles, and a two-sided parallel compressor. The compressor and turbine each produce substantially no axial force, allowing the use of minimal axial thrust bearings. The bearing housing forms a shroud for the internal side of the compressor wheel. 1. A turbocharger , comprising:a turbocharger housing including a turbine housing, a bearing housing that is integral, and a compressor housing, wherein the turbine housing is axially connected to the bearing housing, and the bearing housing is axially connected to the compressor housing, and wherein the bearing housing houses bearings;a rotor configured to rotate within the turbocharger housing along an axial axis of rotor rotation, the rotor including a turbine wheel, a two-sided compressor wheel, and a shaft extending along the axis of rotor rotation and connecting the turbine wheel to the compressor wheel, wherein the bearings constrain the rotor from movement other than axial rotation, and wherein the compressor wheel includes a first set of compressor blades facing axially away from the turbine wheel and a second set of compressor blades facing axially toward the turbine wheel;wherein the compressor housing forms a first shroud wall that substantially conforms to a space through which the first set of compressor blades is configured to rotate, leaving only a small gap there-between; andwherein the bearing housing forms a second shroud wall that substantially conforms to a space through which the second set of compressor blades is configured to rotate, leaving only a small gap there-between.2. The turbocharger of claim 1 , wherein:the bearing housing sequentially includes a turbine-end portion, a central portion, one ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251501A1

In this method of preventing deformation in a turbine casing of a gas turbine, in a turbine casing there is arranged a buffer tank . In this buffer tank there are formed a stagnation part agitation air opening which ejects part of the air from an air compressor as stagnation part agitation air Ga toward a stagnation part within the turbine casing, and an overall agitation air opening which ejects overall agitation air Ga for agitating gas held in an upper space within the turbine casing. In the buffer tank there is provided a partition wall with through holes formed therein serving to resist air from the air compressor , in order to make the ejection speed of the overall agitation air lower than the ejection speed of the stagnation part agitation air. 1. A purging device which ejects air into a turbine casing of a gas turbine to prevent deformation in this turbine casing when the gas turbine is in a stop state , the purging device comprising: an air supply source which supplies the air; a stagnation part agitation air ejecting part with a stagnation part agitation air opening formed therein through which part of the air is ejected as stagnation part agitation air toward a stagnation part where gas flow stagnates in the turbine casing; an overall agitation air ejecting part with an overall agitation air opening formed therein , through which part of the air is ejected as overall agitation air toward a portion in the turbine casing different from the stagnation part , to agitate gas held in an upper space of this turbine casing; and an ejection speed adjusting device which makes an ejection speed of the overall agitation air from the overall agitation air opening , lower than an ejection speed of the stagnation part agitation air from the stagnation part agitation air opening.2. A purging device according to claim 1 , wherein the ejection speed adjusting device has a pressure adjusting mechanism which makes the pressure of the air from the air supply source just ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251958A1

A method of forming a composite component in which the component comprises a series of sub-layers and in which the sub-layers are offset with respect to one or all of the other sub-layers forming the composite component. 1. A method of forming a composite component , said component comprising a series of sub-layers together forming a composite stack , each sub-layer comprising a plurality of plies;said method comprising the steps of:selecting a start position for laying up a first sub-layer of plies;laying-up from said position a plurality of plies to form a first sub-layer; and laying-up a plurality of subsequent sub-layers of composite plies each layed-up on top of a preceding sub-layer;wherein the start position for laying-up each subsequent sub-layer is selected so as to be displaced laterally with respect to the start position of the preceding sublayer.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein each ply is in the form of an elongate tape claim 1 , each ply having a first axis extending along the length of the tape and a second axis across the width of the tape claim 1 , wherein the lateral displacement is a lateral displacement with respect to the first and or second axis of a corresponding ply in a preceding sub-layer.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the displacement of each lay-up start position of each subsequent sub-layer is selected so that the start position of each sub-layer is displaced laterally with respect to all of the preceding layers.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein each sub-layer is formed of a plurality of layers of plies.5. A method of claim 4 , wherein the plies forming each sub-layer are arranged to extend in a plurality of directions and wherein a plurality of plies are layed-up in each direction.6. A method of claim 5 , wherein plies layed-up in the same direction are separated from adjacent plies by a distance substantially equal to the width of the ply.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein a plurality of plies ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Transition Duct Mounting System

Номер: US20130255276A1

The present invention is directed to a mounting system for a gas turbine transition duct. The mounting system includes a generally C-shaped mounting bracket having a generally radially extending first portion, an arc-shaped second portion, and a generally radially extending third portion. Each of the first portion and third portion includes a spherical bearing and the second portion has a plurality of sets of mounting holes. In another embodiment of the present invention, a gas turbine transition duct is provided having a panel assembly, an aft frame secured to the panel assembly and a mounting system for securing the transition duct to a turbine inlet. The panel assembly includes two formed sheets of metal secured together along axial seams. The panel assembly is secured to an aft frame that is capable of expanding in the circumferential direction due to thermal growth. The mounting system comprises a generally C-shaped mounting bracket having a generally radially extending first portion, an arc-shaped second portion, and a generally radially extending third portion. Each of the first portion and third portion includes a spherical bearing and the second portion has a plurality of sets of mounting holes. 1. A mounting system for a gas turbine transition duct comprising:a generally C-shaped mounting bracket having a generally radially extending first portion, an arc-shaped second portion, and a generally radially extending third portion;a spherical bearing located within both the first portion and third portion; anda plurality of sets of mounting holes located along the second portion of the mounting bracket.2. The mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the spherical bearings permit pivoting of the mounting bracket relative to the transition duct.3. The mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sets of mounting holes comprises a first set and second set claim 1 , with the mounting holes of the first set spaced a first distance apart and the mounting holes ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259641A1

A nacelle for an engine has outer and inner cowl doors that are independently rotatable about offset hinge lines. A connection device is provided for selectively connecting the outer and inner cowl doors so as to cause them to open simultaneously. The inner cowl door is arranged to rotate by a greater angle than the outer cowl door so as to improve access to the engine for maintenance purposes. 1. A nacelle for an engine , comprising:an outer cowl door;an inner cowl door; anda connection device for selectively connecting the outer and inner cowl doors.2. A nacelle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer and inner cowl doors are hinged to the nacelle for independent rotation relative thereto.3. A nacelle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer cowl door is hinged for rotation about a first hinge line or axis and the inner cowl door is hinged for rotation about a second hinge line or axis claim 1 , the first and second hinge lines or axes being offset from each other.4. A nacelle as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the first hinge line or axis is substantially parallel to the second hinge line or axis.5. A nacelle as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the first and second hinge lines or axes are substantially parallel to a central axis of the nacelle.6. A nacelle as claimed in wherein the outer and inner cowl doors are independently movable between closed and respective fully open positions and wherein the perpendicular distance between the cowl doors in the fully open position thereof is less than the perpendicular distance between the cowl doors in the closed position thereof.7. A nacelle as claimed in wherein the outer and inner cowl doors are rotatable between closed and respective fully open positions and wherein the angle of rotation of the inner cowl door between the closed and fully open positions thereof is greater than the angle of rotation of the outer cowl doors between the closed and fully open positions thereof.8. A nacelle as claimed in claim 6 , wherein in ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Structural case for aircraft gas turbine engine

Номер: US20130259664A1
Принадлежит: Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp

The structural case has an annular body having a central axis and including a plurality of boss sections circumferentially interspaced from one another around the axis by a plurality of arcuate panel sections, each panel section having: two parallel arcuate structural flange members being axially interspaced from one another; a sheet metal wall extending between and interconnecting the two flange members; and at least one rib having an edge welded to the sheet-metal wall.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Housing structure of exhaust gas turbocharger

Номер: US20130266436A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A casing treatment 4 including a recirculation passage 41 and a mixing piping 6 are provided. The recirculation passage 41 has a first recirculation opening 42 and a second recirculation opening 43 that are in communication with each other, the first recirculation opening 42 being formed inside a compressor housing 11 of an exhaust gas turbocharger and opening to an air passage 15 upstream of a compressor impeller 3 , the second recirculation opening 43 being formed at the outer circumferential section of the compressor impeller 3 . The mixing pipe 6 opens to the recirculation passage 41 and has a return opening 14 for introducing EGR gas and blow-by gas to the recirculation passage 41.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266448A1
Принадлежит: AIRCELLE

An aerodynamic element for an aircraft nacelle is provided that includes a fixed shroud and an intake lip axially movable relative to the shroud. The aerodynamic element is flexible and has a substantially cylindrical general shape and defines an upstream portion attached to the inner wall of the intake lip of the nacelle, and a downstream portion bearing radially against an inner face of the shroud. The downstream portion of the element includes a ring shaped bead protruding towards an outside of the aerodynamic element and an end blade which, at rest, is tilted towards the outside of the aerodynamic element in a direction of its free end. 1. An aerodynamic element for an aircraft nacelle , said nacelle comprising a fixed shroud and an intake lip axially movable relative to the shroud , said element being flexible and having a substantially cylindrical general shape and comprising:an upstream portion attached to the inner wall of the intake lip of the nacelle;and a downstream portion bearing radially against an inner face of the shroud;characterized in that the downstream portion of the element includes a ring shaped bead protruding towards an outside of the aerodynamic element and an end blade which, at rest, is tilted towards the outside of the aerodynamic element in a direction of its free end.2. The element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the end blade has a thickness less than a thickness of the other portions of the element.3. The element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the end blade is substantially planar.4. The element according to claim 1 , characterized in that the end blade is curved with concavity turned outwards.5. The element according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises means for equalizing pressure on the inner and outer sides of the element.6. The element according to claim 5 , characterized in that said pressure equalization means comprise radial through-orifices made in the element.7. The element according ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Swimming Pool Pump Motor Cover

Номер: US20130272856A1

The Stockly Swimming Pool Pump Motor Cover protects both sides; top, and front of the swimming pool pump motor from sun, rain, sprinklers and morning dew. It has an optional base, which secures the top in one place and does not restrict ventilation to the swimming pool pump motor. No tools are required. 1. The claimed invention differs from what currently exists. Existing covers shield the top of the motor only, but will allow rain and water from sprinklers access to the ends of the motor and underneath the motor casing where the motor rusts. My motor cover is a house that fits over the motor. The cover has three sides and can be secured to an optional base by 2-nylon thumbscrews. No tools are necessary to install the cover and the cover provides much more protection from the elements. There are no mechanical attachments to pool equipment. It allows for adequate ventilation. Covers without the optional base are simply placed over the pool pump motor. The invention is an improvement to what currently exists. Existing models cover tops and sides of the motor leaving the front exposed to the elements. The attachment used to secure it to the motor is plastic and easily breaks. The design run of temperature of the motor causes a clamp to turn brittle and fail leaving the motor cover not secure. My motor cover protects all sides and bottom from the elements and does not come in contact with the motor. It has an optional base, which is designed to secure and keep cover in one place. When the cover is in place, it does not restrict ventilation to the pump motor. The invention relates to pool pump motor covers, more specifically to swimming pool pump motor covers.New energy efficient legislation mandated by the State of Florida and other states requires the single speed main circulation pump motors be replaced with two speed or variable speed motors when they fail. Two speed or variable speed motors will be required for new swimming pool construction. This is a large ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272865A1

In a scroll structure of a centrifugal compressor, there are provided a radius increase arc portion E in which a radius from the center of a scroll to a scroll centroid P of the cross section of the scroll is gradually increased in any range in a circumferential direction from the start of winding of the scroll, and a radius decrease arc portion F in which the radius is gradually decreased toward a scroll end point Z. 1. A scroll structure of a centrifugal compressor forming a flow path of a fluid represented by gas or air discharged from a diffuser portion disposed on a downstream side of a compressor impeller of the centrifugal compressor , whereinthere are provided a radius increase arc portion in which a radius from a scroll centroid of each of cross sections which form the scroll and are arranged in a circumferential direction to a rotational axis center of the compressor is gradually increased up to any circumferential angle of the scroll from a start of winding of the scroll, and a radius decrease arc portion in which the radius is gradually decreased toward an end point of the scroll.2. The scroll structure of a centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a boundary portion between the radius increase arc portion and the radius decrease arc portion is positioned in a vicinity of 210° claim 1 , with the end point of the scroll being used as a 0 reference (0° on a circular coordinate).3. The scroll structure of a centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein an arc relief portion which relieves a change of an arc is provided between the radius increase arc portion and the radius decrease arc portion.4. The scroll structure of a centrifugal compressor according to claim 3 , wherein the arc relief portion is formed in a range of substantially 260° to 300° claim 3 , with the end point of the scroll being used as a 0 reference. The present invention relates to a centrifugal compressor having a scroll portion structure which constitutes a flow ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280031A1

A thrust reverser for the nacelle of a turboreactor includes at least one fixed front frame that can be mounted downstream of a fan casing of the turboreactor and directly or indirectly supports at least one flow deviation vanes, in which at least part of the flow deviation vanes can be detached from the front frame and moved in translation independently therefrom when a maintenance operation is being carried out on the reverser. 1. A thrust reverser for a turbojet engine nacelle comprising at least one fixed front frame suitable for being mounted downstream of a fan case of said turbojet engine and directly or indirectly supporting at least one flow deviating means , characterized in that at least part of the flow deviating means is detachable from the front frame to be translated independently therefrom when a maintenance operation is being carried out on said reverser.2. The thrust reverser according to claim 1 , characterized in that the flow deviating means and the front frame comprise complementary locking/unlocking means suitable for engaging the flow deviating means with the front frame in the reverse jet situation and detaching the flow deviating means from the front frame during maintenance of said assembly.3. The thrust reverser according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , downstream of the front frame claim 1 , it comprises an outer cowl translatably mounted along a substantially longitudinal axis of the nacelle claim 1 , said cowl being suitable for translating the flow deviating means during a maintenance operation once the flow deviating means are detached.4. The thrust reverser according to claim 3 , characterized in that it comprises at least one actuator designed to translate the cowl along a substantially longitudinal axis of the nacelle downstream of the front frame toward at least one thrust reversal position claim 3 , said cowl being suitable for translating one or more actuators during a maintenance operation.5. The thrust reverser ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280052A1

A nacelle for an aircraft bypass turbofan engine includes an upstream section via which an airflow enters, a middle section surrounding the fan of the turbofan and a downstream section having an inner structure and an outer structure delimiting a flow duct in which the air flows. The outer structure includes one cowling movably mounted on the inner fixed structure. The nacelle also has a top to accept a pylon for attaching a wing of the aircraft. The nacelle further includes one first panel mounted on the inner structure on one side of the nacelle and one second panel mounted on the other side of the nacelle. The first panel undergoes a physical interference with a part of the wing. The second panel increases the air removed from this other side of the nacelle during thrust reversal. 1. A nacelle for a bypass turbofan engine comprising:an upstream section through which a flow of air penetrates, a middle section surrounding a fan of the turbofan engine, and a downstream section comprising an inner structure and an outer structure delimiting a tunnel through which the flow of air flows, the outer structure comprising at least one cowl mounted on the inner structure and movable along a longitudinal axis (Δ) of the nacelle so as to allow evacuation of at least part of the flow of air circulating in the tunnel during a thrust inversion phase of the nacelle, the nacelle also having a top receiving a fastening pylon for a wing of the aircraft, the nacelle comprising:at least one first panel mounted on the inner structure of one side of the nacelle, with respect to the top, that undergoes a more significant physical interference with an element of the wing than the other side of the nacelle, said panel being arranged to limit the physical interference of said cowl with said wing element during thrust reversal, andat least one second panel mounted on the other side of the nacelle, with respect to the top, said panel being arranged to increase the air discharged from the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280062A1
Принадлежит: ULVAC, INC.

Provided is a coupling structure for vacuum exhaust devices each including a pump chamber and a casing that demarcates the pump chamber. The coupling structure includes a first end surface formed on a first side of the casing, and a second end surface formed on the second side of the casing, the second side being the opposite side of the first side. The casing of a first vacuum exhaust device and the casing of a second vacuum exhaust device among a plurality of vacuum exhaust devices are arranged to be directly superposed on each other such that the first end surface provided to the first vacuum exhaust device and the second end surface provided to the second vacuum exhaust device come into contact with each other. By fastening the first end surface and the second end surface, the first vacuum exhaust device and the second vacuum exhaust device are connected to each other such that gas can flow between the casing of the first vacuum exhaust device and the casing of the second vacuum exhaust device. 1. A coupling structure for vacuum exhaust devices each including a pump chamber and a casing that demarcates the pump chamber , each of the vacuum exhaust devices including a motor connected to the casing , the coupling structure comprising:a first end surface formed on a first side of the casing; anda second end surface formed on a second side of the casing, the second side being the opposite side of the first side, whereinthe casing of a first vacuum exhaust device and the casing of a second vacuum exhaust device among a plurality of vacuum exhaust devices are arranged to be directly superposed on each other such that the second end surface provided to the first vacuum exhaust device and the first end surface provided to the second vacuum exhaust device come into contact with each other, andby fastening the first end surface and the second end surface, the first vacuum exhaust device and the second vacuum exhaust device are connected to each other such that gas can ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Turbocharger which is integrated into the cylinder head of an engine

Номер: US20130287564A1
Автор: Holger Fäth, Ralf Böning
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A turbocharger includes a turbine with a turbine wheel, a compressor with a compressor wheel and a shaft mounted in a bearing unit. The turbine wheel and the compressor wheel are disposed on the shaft. The turbine wheel is disposed in a turbine housing. The compressor wheel is disposed in a compressor housing. The turbocharger is integrated into an aperture or recess of the cylinder head of an engine and the turbine housing is formed integrally in the cylinder head.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294907A1

A tubular housing for a turbomachine is provided. The tubular housing includes two half-tube shells which, lying against one another in two connecting regions overlap partially in each case in the tangential direction of the tubular housing. In order to specify a particularly reliable and permanent connection of the two half-tube shells which additionally develop a particularly satisfactory sealing action, it is proposed that, in order to interlock the half-tube shells in the tangential direction, in relation to the tube axis of the housing, at least one eccentric pin is provided in one or both connecting regions.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294947A1

An exemplary arrangement for securing the shaft of an exhaust-gas turbocharger includes a catch ring with a central opening and a radial projection on the shaft. The catch ring having an inner contour in the region of the central opening. The radial projection on the shaft is provided with an outer contour. The inner contour on the catch ring and the outer contour on the shaft are configured such that, during mounting of the shaft and of the turbine wheel connected thereto and in at least one specified angle position of the shaft with respect to the housing, the radially outwardly protruding projection on the shaft can be passed in an axial direction through the central opening of the housing element. The radially outwardly protruding projection abuts in the axial direction against the housing element in specified angle positions of the shaft with respect to the housing. 1. An exhaust-gas turbocharger , comprising:a turbine with a turbine wheel and a compressor with a compressor wheel, wherein the turbine wheel and the compressor wheel are connected to one another via a shaft and are arranged in a bearing housing, wherein the shaft is mounted, so as to be rotatable about an axis, through bearings arranged between the turbine wheel and compressor wheel;means for axially securing the shaft and the turbine wheel connected thereto is provided between the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel, wherein said means for axial securing prevents an axial movement of the shaft and of the turbine wheel connected thereto in the direction of the turbine in an event of rupture of the compressor wheel; a housing element with a central opening, said housing element being provided, in a region of the central opening, with an inner contour in a circumferential direction, and', 'a radial projection on the shaft, said radial projection being provided with an outer contour in a circumferential direction, and', 'wherein the inner contour on the housing element and the outer contour on the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302154A1
Автор: James Alex FINLAYSON
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A containment case for a gas turbine including: a cylindrical outer casing extending about an axis and having a radially outer and a radially inner surface; a coaxially arranged cylindrical inner skin formed of a harder material than the outer casing joined to the inner surface of the cylindrical outer casing; and an array of ribs extending radially from the inner skin towards the axis. The case for can have the coaxially arranged cylindrical inner skin formed of a harder material than the outer casing joined to the inner surface of the cylindrical outer casing by a galvanic isolation layer.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302158A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An exhaust-gas turbocharger () having a turbine housing (), and having an exhaust manifold () connected to the turbine housing (). At least one adapter ring () is arranged between the turbine housing () and the exhaust manifold (). 11. An exhaust-gas turbocharger () including{'b': '2', 'a turbine housing (), and'}{'b': 3', '2, 'an exhaust manifold () connected to the turbine housing (),'}{'b': 4', '5', '2', '3, 'wherein at least one adapter ring (, ) is arranged between the turbine housing () and the exhaust manifold ().'}252435. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a turbine-housing-side adapter ring () is provided which is fixed to the turbine housing () claim 1 , and a manifold-side adapter ring () is provided which is fixed at one side to the exhaust manifold () and at the other side to the turbine-housing-side adapter ring ().32. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turbine housing () is formed as a double-walled sheet metal part.43. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the exhaust manifold () is formed as a double-walled sheet metal part.5. A double-walled sheet metal manifold module including{'b': '2', 'a double-walled turbine housing () and'}{'b': 3', '2, 'a double-walled exhaust manifold () connected to the turbine housing (),'}{'b': 4', '5', '2', '3, 'wherein at least one adapter ring (, ) is arranged between the turbine housing () and the exhaust manifold ().'}652435. The sheet-metal manifold module as claimed in claim 5 , wherein a turbine-housing-side adapter ring () is provided which is fixed to the turbine housing () claim 5 , and a manifold-side adapter ring () is provided which is fixed at one side to the exhaust manifold () and at the other side to the turbine-housing-side adapter ring ().7. A method for producing a double-walled sheet-metal manifold module claim 5 , having the following method steps:{'b': '2', 'forming a double-walled turbine housing (),'}{'b': '3', ' ...
