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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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02-10-2023 дата публикации

Способ приведения в действие машин в контуре парогенерации установки по производству этилена и объединенная система установки по производству этилена и электростанции

Номер: RU2804471C2

Изобретение относится к способу приведения в действие машин, например технологических компрессоров, в контуре парогенерации установки по производству этилена, а также к объединенной системе установки по производству этилена и электростанции. Способ включает следующие этапы: рекуперация тепла в виде пара высокого давления из крекинг-печи; подача упомянутого пара высокого давления по меньшей мере в одну паровую турбину, при этом паровая турбина предназначена для приведения в действие машины, такой как технологический компрессор; конденсация по меньшей мере части пара высокого давления в конденсаторе; перекачка сконденсированного пара в качестве котловой воды обратно в крекинг-печь. Изобретение направлено на уменьшение углеродного следа производимой энергии, то есть количества CO2, выбрасываемого на киловатт произведенной энергии. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2589419C2

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Способ управления процессом охлаждения компонентов турбины, при котором во время фазы туманного охлаждения для охлаждения компонентов турбины используется разбавленный водяным туманом воздушный поток. В частности, фазе туманного охлаждения предшествует фаза воздушного охлаждения, во время которой для охлаждения компонентов турбины используется воздушный поток. При этом для процесса охлаждения задается один неизменный временной градиент температуры, причем плотность воздушного потока устанавливается посредством положения управляемого регулировочного клапана, и осуществляется переход из фазы воздушного охлаждения в фазу туманного охлаждения, когда достигнута максимальная плотность воздушного потока и, в частности, когда регулировочный клапан полностью открыт. Изобретение позволяет улучшить процесс принудительного охлаждения компонентов турбины. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542655C2

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Байпас турбины содержит обходной путь, избирательно применяемый для подачи горячих газов в газоохладитель, и засыпку из теплопоглощающих элементов, помещенную на обходном пути перед газоохладителем, при этом засыпка содержит теплопоглощающие элементы, расположенные между перфорированными опорными слоями для равномерного рассеивания обходящего пара по боковым частям теплопоглощающих элементов в засыпке. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить температуру обходящих газов перед подачей обходящих газов в газоохладитель. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

31-08-2020 дата публикации

Компрессор с приводом от установки для утилизации тепла с органическим циклом Ренкина и способ регулирования

Номер: RU2731144C2

Описана система преобразования энергии, содержащая источник (17) отходящего тепла и систему (5) с органическим циклом Ренкина. Система с органическим циклом Ренкина, в свою очередь, содержит по меньшей мере турбодетандер (21), содержащий регулируемые входные направляющие аппараты (57А, 57В), по меньшей мере вращающуюся нагрузку (29), механически соединенную с турбодетандером (21) и приводимую посредством этого в движение, и механическое соединение (31) с переменной скоростью между турбодетандером (21) и вращающейся нагрузкой (29). Обеспечивают возможность запуска с постепенным ускорением турбодетандера до скорости прогрева, чтобы обеспечить экономичный и безопасный прогрев указанного турбодетандера благодаря постепенному открытию пускового клапана и изменению скорости вращения механического соединения в результате воздействия на указанные пусковой клапан и механическое соединение. 2 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583178C2

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Паротурбинная установка, содержащая паровую турбину, имеющую первый впускной канал и второй впускной канал для приема поступающего пара, первый паропровод и второй паропровод, функционально присоединенные соответственно к первому клапану и второму клапану и предназначенные для проведения поступающего пара соответственно к первому впускному каналу и второму впускному каналу, и систему управления, функционально присоединенную к первому клапану и второму клапану и предназначенную для регулирования количества поступающего пара и давления к каждому впускному каналу, первому и второму, исходя из потребности в нагрузке на паровую турбину и давления поступающего пара. Также представлены вариант выполнения паротурбинной установки и корпус паровой турбины. Изобретение позволяет увеличить мощность паровой турбины и повысить эффективность паровой турбины в условиях частичной нагрузки. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506440C2

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Система генерации электроэнергии с комбинированным циклом, содержащая внешний байпасный контур управления запуском с регулирующим клапаном для паровой турбины, облегчающий работу энергетической установки при максимальном давлении. Также представлены устройство для регулирования потока пара в паровую турбину при быстром запуске установки с комбинированным циклом и способ запуска системы генерации электроэнергии с комбинированным циклом. Изобретение позволяет управлять дросселированием в тяжелых условиях эксплуатации в ходе запуска паровой турбины под высоким давлением. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2389878C2

Изобретение относится к области энергетики. Паровая турбина содержит парциальную турбину высокого давления и парциальные турбины среднего и/или низкого давления. Способ отличается тем, что на парциальную турбину высокого давления после пуска в холодном состоянии подается пар с относительно высокой проводимостью, в то время как парциальная турбина среднего давления и парциальная турбина низкого давления остаются при этом закрытыми. Как только проводимость опустится ниже определенной величины, пар начинает подаваться также в парциальную турбину среднего давления и в парциальную турбину низкого давления. Изобретение позволяет сократить время запуска блоков паротурбинной установки в холодном состоянии. 5 з.п. ф-лы,2 ил.

10-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2213997C2

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники и может быть использовано для обеспечения надежной работы паровых турбин. Техническим результатом является расширение класса решаемых задач. Способ основан на том, что обучают нейронную сеть посредством введения в нее измеренных значений температуры лопаток с использованием программы анализа цикла вода - пар в области нормальной работы и проведенных экспериментов в условиях малого потока пара. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

17-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113069A3

23-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017144064A3

10-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2599079C1

Изобретение относится к энергетике. Способ регулирования расхода воздуха в компрессор газотурбинных установок бинарного энергоблока, который осуществляется путем изменения угла открытия входного направляющего аппарата компрессора, измерения поступающего в компрессор массового расхода воздуха, который стабилизируют на заданном уровне, при этом скорость изменения угла открытия входного направляющего аппарата компрессора ограничивают максимально допустимой скоростью нагружения газовой турбины. Также представлено устройство регулирования расхода воздуха в компрессор газотурбинных установок бинарного энергоблока. Изобретение позволяет повысить точность регулирования расхода воздуха, а также оптимизировать режим работы газотурбинной установки и энергоблока путем устранения возникающего дисбаланса между заданным расходом топлива и неконтролируемым «плавающим» массовым расходом воздуха при естественных колебаниях температуры и давления наружного воздуха. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2516627C1

Изобретение относится к способу регулирования байпасного парового клапана. Технический результат - создание способа регулирования клапана, с помощью которого экстренное закрытие байпасной станции осуществляется таким образом, что предотвращается преждевременное запирание клапана. Способ регулирования клапана, размещенного в паропроводе, имеющем устройство для впрыска воды, содержащий этапы при которых определяют фактическое, заданноеколичество воды и максимальный дефицит количества воды FB, вычисляют оставшееся время tсогласно уравнению:и запирают клапан, если tменьше установленного значения Δt, характеризующего тактовый интервал, в течение которого определяется недостаток разбрызгиваемой воды. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142075A

... 1. Способ работы тепловой электростанции, содержащей парогенератор (16), паровую турбину (17, 18, 19) и пароводяной цикл (20), по меньшей мере, состоящий из конденсатора (21) с водяным охлаждением, деаэратора (29) и питательного водяного насоса (26), при этом насос (22) для охлаждающей воды предоставлен для перекачивания охлаждающей воды через упомянутый конденсатор (21) с водяным охлаждением, и вакуумирующее средство (25) соединено с упомянутым конденсатором (21) с водяным охлаждением для вакуумирования, по меньшей мере, упомянутого конденсатора (21) с водяным охлаждением, при этом упомянутый способ работы относится к остановке и пуску упомянутой электростанции (10) после упомянутой остановки и содержит этапы:a) остановки паровой турбины (17, 18, 19);b) восстановления хорошего вакуума внутри конденсатора (21) с применением упомянутого вакуумирующего средства (25);c) выключения упомянутого насоса (22) для охлаждающей воды упомянутого конденсатора (21) с водяным охлаждением и упомянутого ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014134325A

... 1. Способ управления процессом охлаждения компонентов (8, 10, 12) турбины, в частности вала паровой турбины,при котором во время фазы (P4) туманного охлаждения для охлаждения компонентов (8, 10, 12) турбины используется разбавленный водяным туманом воздушный поток,при котором фазе (P4) туманного охлаждения предшествует фаза (P3) воздушного охлаждения, во время которой для охлаждения компонентов (8, 10, 12) турбины используется воздушный поток,при котором во время фазы (P3) воздушного охлаждения и во время фазы (P4) туманного охлаждения для процесса охлаждения задается один неизменный временной градиент температуры,при котором задается временной градиент температуры, равный примерно 10 К/ч,при котором для задания градиента температуры во время фазы (P3) воздушного охлаждения регулируется плотность воздушного потока, а во время фазы (P4) туманного охлаждения количество добавленного в воздушный поток водяного тумана,при котором плотность воздушного потока устанавливается посредством положения ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012135513A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации газотурбинной комбинированной теплоэлектростанции, содержащей компрессорную установку (2) и турбинную установку (1), при этом полезную работу отбирает по меньшей мере одно устройство (4), имеющееся в станции, при котором производят топочные газы камерой (5) сгорания, установленной перед турбинной установкой (1), при котором воду и/или пар впрыскивают путем теплообмена с потоком горячего газа после турбинной установки (1) и/или в канале (13) компрессора, и воду и/или пар направляют в газовый поток перед камерой (5) сгорания и/или в камере (5) сгорания в таких количествах, чтобы по меньшей мере 80% кислорода, содержащегося в воздухе в данном потоке, потреблялось при сгорании в камере (5) сгорания, и при котором теплоноситель, используемый в нагревательном устройстве (11), нагревают теплотой, отобранной конденсатором (9) топочного газа, расположенным в потоке (7) топочного газа после турбинной установки (1), отличающийся тем, что- поток топливного газа после турбинной ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011149184A

... 1. Способ нагружения паровой турбины, включающийприем коэффициента нагружения турбины;прием текущей температуры отработанного пара паровой турбины;определение контроллером параметра скорости линейного изменения потока пара и параметра скорости линейного изменения температуры пара, по меньшей мере частично на основании коэффициента нагружения турбины и текущей температуры отработанного пара паровой турбины, при этом параметр скорости линейного изменения потока пара и параметр скорости линейного изменения температуры пара определяют по меньшей мере частично на основании обратного соотношения между параметром скорости линейного изменения потока пара и параметром скорости линейного изменения температуры пара; иуправление по меньшей мере одним из следующего: (а) потоком пара, поступающего к паровой турбине, по меньшей мере частично на основании параметра скорости линейного изменения потока пара; или (b) температурой пара, поступающего к паровой турбине, по меньшей мере частично на основании ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012138140A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации комбинированной электростанции (10), включающей в себя газовую турбину (11) и паровую турбину (23), с помощью которых соответственно посредством подключенного электрогенератора (18, 24) вырабатывают переменное напряжение соответствующей частоты и отдают его сети переменного напряжения (28), причем отходящий газ (21) газовой турбины (11) используют для вырабатывания пара для паровой турбины (23), отличающийся тем, что для восстановления сети при аварийном запуске на первом этапе внутренних потребителей снабжают в автономном режиме посредством газовой турбины (11), причем режимную точку газовой турбины (11) выбирают с возможностью достижения минимальной температуры пара для паровой турбины (23), на втором этапе в автономном режиме паровую турбину (23) синхронизируют и запускают до рабочей точки, при которой может достигаться максимальное возрастание нагрузки, причем результирующее изменение нагрузки паровой турбины (23) компенсируют газовой турбиной (11), а потребление ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012138139A

... 1. Способ работы электростанции (1), содержащей газотурбинную установку (2) и систему (10) выработки энергии с помощью водяного пара, которая приводит в действие по меньшей мере один электрический генератор (20), при этом в газотурбинной установке производят отходящие газы (8), которые направляют в паровой котел (11) системы (10) выработки энергии с помощью водяного пара, отличающийся тем, что в установившемся режиме газотурбинная установка (2) генерирует первую выходную мощность (30), которая больше или меньше нуля, система (10) выработки энергии с помощью водяного пара генерирует вторую выходную мощность (31) больше нуля, при этом общая генерируемая мощность (32), представляющая собой сумму первой и второй выходных мощностей (30, 31), по существу, равна собственным нуждам (33) электростанции (1).2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что система (10) выработки энергии с помощью водяного пара генерирует вторую выходную мощность (31), которая больше указанных собственных нужд (33), при этом ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013125362A

... 1. Система, содержащая:паровую турбину,один или более регуляторов температуры, связанных с упомянутой паровой турбиной, иблок активного регулирования температуры, связанный с упомянутыми одним или более регуляторами температуры и сконфигурированный для определения температуры одной или более точек, ассоциированных с упомянутой паровой турбиной, и для включения по меньшей мере части упомянутых одного или более регуляторов температуры, по меньшей мере частично в ответ на упомянутое определение.2. Система по п.1, в которой упомянутые регуляторы температуры сконфигурированы для введения охладителя по меньшей мере в часть упомянутой паровой турбины.3. Система по п.1, в которой упомянутые один или более регуляторов температуры размещены в секции высокого давления упомянутой паровой турбины.4. Система по п.1, в которой упомянутые один или более регуляторов температуры размещены в секции промежуточного давления упомянутой паровой турбины.5. Система по п.1, в которой упомянутое определение температуры ...

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012147537A

... 1. Способ регулирования теплового циклического процесса, в частности органического цикла Ренкина (ОЦР), который эксплуатируют с применением рабочей среды в сочетании с динамическим источником тепла, включающий:а) определение номинального значения технологического параметра теплового циклического процесса на основании значения входного параметра или соответствующих значений нескольких входных параметров теплового циклического процесса;б) регулирование теплового циклического процесса при помощи определенного номинального значения технологического параметра в качестве целевой функции регулирования ив) повторное проведение этапов а) и б) при изменении по меньшей мере одного значения входных параметров.2. Способ по п.1, при котором определение номинального значения технологического параметра теплового циклического процесса включает расчет номинального значения на основании заранее определенной функции, в частности полиномиальной функции, в которую в качестве переменных входят входные параметры ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101101A

... 1. Система производства электроэнергии, содержащая:геотермальную систему, содержащую электростанцию, по меньшей мере один шахтный ствол для нагнетания, проходящий на заданную глубину для обеспечения нагнетания текучей среды в зону горячей сухой породы (HDR), и по меньшей мере один шахтный ствол для откачивания, проходящий на заданную глубину для обеспечения откачивания текучей среды из зоны HDR для применения электростанцией для производства электроэнергии; иатомную систему, содержащую атомную электростанцию и по меньшей мере один реактор, причем реактор расположен удаленно от атомной электростанции, при этом по меньшей мере один реактор расположен в области зоны HDR между шахтным стволом для нагнетания и шахтным стволом для откачивания для нагрева породы в области зоны HDR.2. Система производства электроэнергии по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что геотермальная система содержит насосную станцию.3. Система производства электроэнергии по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что шахтный ствол для нагнетания и ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127676A

... 1. Установка для бесперебойного энергоснабжения, связанная с линией энергоснабжения для запитывания нагрузки, содержащая а) контур нагрузки, соединяющий линию энергоснабжения с нагрузкой для подачи на нее энергии, когда линия энергоснабжения не работает, б) вращающийся элемент, входящий в состав турбины, работающей по циклу Ренкина и подключенной к устройству, которое работает как двигатель, когда энергия линии энергоснабжения подается на устройство для вращения вращающегося элемента, и как генератор, когда энергия из линии энергоснабжения не подается, а вращающийся элемент вращается за счет подачи испаренной рабочей текучей среды в турбину, в) контур привода, соединяющий линию энергоснабжения с устройством, обеспечивая вращение вращающегося элемента со скоростью, соответствующей режиму ожидания, когда линия энергоснабжения работает, для запасения определенного количества кинетической энергии во вращающемся элементе, г) котел, содержащий рабочую текучую среду, д) горелку, связанную с котлом ...

17-09-1964 дата публикации

Dampfturbinenanlage mit einer Hochdruck-turbine und einer Niederdruckturbine

Номер: DE0001178086B

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Kombianlage, Verfahren zur Steuerung derselben und Vorrichtung für die Steuerung derselben

Номер: DE112015001364B4

Steuervorrichtung (100) für eine Kombianlage, wobei die Kombianlage eine Gasturbine (10), die durch ein Verbrennungsgas angetrieben wird, einen Abgaswärmerückgewinnungskessel (20), der Dampf unter Verwendung von Wärme des Verbrennungsgases, das von der Gasturbine (10) abgegeben wird, erzeugt, eine erste und eine zweite Dampfturbine (31,32), die durch den Dampf angetrieben werden, und einen Kondensator (36) umfasst, der den Dampf, der von der zweiten Dampfturbine (32) abgegeben wird, zurück zu Wasser kondensiert, wobei der Abgaswärmerückgewinnungskessel (20) ein erstes Dampf erzeugendes Teil (21), das unter Verwendung der Wärme des Verbrennungsgases den ersten Dampf erzeugt, der die erste Dampfturbine (31) versorgt, und einen Zwischenüberhitzungsabschnitt (26) umfasst, der den Dampf, der von der ersten Dampfturbine (31) abgegeben wird, erhitzt, wobei das erste Dampf erzeugende Teil (21) des Abgaswärmerückgewinnungskessels (20) und die erste Dampfturbine (31) durch eine erste Dampfleitung ...

21-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE202017007076U1

Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage (1) zur Umwandlung chemischer Energie eines Brennstoffs in thermische und elektrische Energie, wobei die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage (1) einen Dampfturbosatz (9), einen Dampferzeuger (4) zum Verdampfen eines Arbeitsmediums, einen Kondensator (5) zum Kondensieren des Arbeitsmediums, eine Speisepumpe (6), eine Primärpumpe (7) sowie einen Nutzwärmeübertrager (8) aufweist, wobei der Dampfturbosatz (9) eine Dampfturbine (2) sowie einen mit der Dampfturbine (2) in Wirkverbindung stehenden Generator (3) aufweist, wobei der Dampferzeuger (4) mittels des Brennstoffs befeuerbar ist, wobei der Dampfturbosatz (9) innerhalb eines Kondensatorgehäuses (10) des Kondensators (5) angeordnet ist, wobei der Dampferzeuger (4) mittels einer ersten Dampfleitung (16) mit einem Einlass (17) der Dampfturbine (2) verbunden ist, sodass das verdampfte Arbeitsmedium von dem Dampferzeuger (4) durch den Einlass (17) in die Dampfturbine (2) einleitbar ist, wobei die Dampfturbine (2) mittels ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftwerks mit elektrischer Unterstützung sowie diesbezügliches Kraftwerk

Номер: DE102014104806B4

Bei einem Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Kraftwerks (1), insbesondere eines Großkraftwerks, umfassend einen Dampferzeuger (2) mit einer kohlenstoffbefeuerten, insbesondere kohlenbefeuerten, Brennkammer (3) und einem Überhitzer (4) sowie mit einem angeschlossenen Wasser/Dampf-Kreislauf (6) mit integriertem Turbo- oder Turbinensatz (7), der mindestens eine Niederdruckturbine (10) und einen angeschlossenen Generator (1) aufweist, soll eine Lösung geschaffen werden, die es ermöglicht, auch bei einem Minimallastbetrieb oder einem Schwachlastbetrieb des Kraftwerks eine ausreichende Dampfströmung zu erzeugen, die unter den Bedingungen des Minimallastbetriebs oder des Schwachlastbetriebs des Kraftwerks einen Dauerbetrieb des angeschlossenen Turbo- oder Turbinensatzes, insbesondere der Niederdruckturbine, problemlos durchzuführen. Dies wird dadurch erreicht, dass in den Wasser/Dampf-Kreislauf (6) zusätzlich mindestens ein elektrisch beheizter und insbesondere an die Eigenbedarfsversorgung des Kraftwerks ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Steuern einer multivalenten Energieversorgungsanlage

Номер: DE102016205035A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Steuern einer multivalenten Energieversorgungsanlage, wobei die multivalente Energieversorgungsanlage mindestens zwei Energieerzeuger umfasst, die mindestens zwei verschiedene Energieträger nutzen, um Energie in Form von Wärme und/oder Kälte und/oder elektrischer Energie bereitzustellen. Die Energieversorgungsanlage umfasst je Energieerzeuger eine Regeleinrichtung zum Regeln von Regelgrößen des Energieerzeugers und eine Steuereinrichtung zum koordinierten Steuern der Regeleinrichtungen. Die Steuereinrichtung erfasst mindestens eine Energiebereitstellungsanforderung für jeweils mindestens eine Energieform Wärme und/oder Kälte und/oder elektrische Energie und legt eine Einteilung der Energieerzeuger in Gruppen gemäß einer spezifischen Eigenschaft der Energieerzeuger fest, wobei jeder Energieerzeuger für jede Energieform, die er bereitstellt, genau einer Gruppe zugeordnet wird. Für jeden Energieerzeuger bestimmt die Steuereinrichtung Sollwerte ...

06-12-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003541148C2

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Abwärmenutzungseinrichtung, insbesondere für eine Brennkraftmaschine eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102018218065A1

Die Erfindung betrifft Verfahren zum Betreiben einer Brennkraftmaschine (7), die eine Abwärmenutzungseinrichtung (1) mit einem Abwärmenutzungskreislauf (2) umfasst, in welchem ein Arbeitsmittel (3) zirkuliert und in welchem ein Verdampfer (5) zum Verdampfen des Arbeitsmittels (3) angeordnet ist. Stromab des Verdampfers (5) ist eine Expansionsmaschine (9) angeordnet, welche zwischen einem Aktiv-Zustand, in welchem sie durch Entspannen des Arbeitsmittels (3) mechanische Arbeit verrichtet, und einem Inaktiv-Zustand umschaltbar ist. Der Verdampfer (5) weist eine Abgasleitung (6) auf, wobei das Arbeitsmittel (3) im Verdampfer (5) zum Aufnehmen von Wärme von dem Abgas (A) thermisch mit diesem in Wechselwirkung tritt. Die Abwärmenutzungseinrichtung (1) umfasst eine Abgas-Bypassleitung (8), eine Ventileinrichtung (11), welche zwischen einer Verdampfer-Stellung und einer Bypass-Stellung verstellbar ist, und eine Steuerungs-/Regelungseinrichtung (15). Gemäß dem Verfahren verstellt die Steuerungs- ...

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Solarthermisches Kraftwerk mit Speicher für ein Wärmeträgermedium und Verfahren zum Betreiben des solarthermischen Kraftwerks im Entlademodus des Speichers

Номер: DE102011007370A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein solarthermisches Kraftwerk mit mindestens einem Wärmeträgermedium-Speicher zum Speichern eines Wärmeträgermediums, in das Sonnenenergie eingekoppelt ist, und mindestens einem Wasserdampfkreislauf zum Erzeugung von Wasserdampf mittels eingekoppelter Sonnenenergie angegeben. Dabei weist der Wasserdampfkreislauf mindestens eine Speisewasservorwärm-Vorrichtung zum Vorwärmen von Speisewasser des Wasserdampfkreislaufs und mindestens eine Wasserdampfkreislauf-Bypass-Leitung zum Umgehen der Speisewasservorwärm-Vorrichtung auf. Die Wasserdampfkreislauf-Bypass-Leitung kann in Abhängigkeit von einem Betriebs-Modus des Wärmeträgermedium-Speichers aktiviert werden, so dass Speisewasser durch die Wasserdampfkreislauf-Bypass-Leitung strömen kann. Der Betriebsmodus des Wärmeträgermedium-Speichers ist insbesondere ein Entlademodus (Entladebetrieb) zur Entnahme von Wärmeträgermedium aus dem Wärmeträgermedium-Speicher. Daneben wird ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines solarthermischen ...

03-11-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Kaltstarten einer Dampfturbine

Номер: DE102011018935A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf einen Prozess zum Kaltstarten einer Dampfturbine durch Vorwärmen einer Dampfturbinenkomponente mit Hilfe von Wirbelströmen. Der Prozess umfasst das Vorsehen einer elektrisch leitenden Dampfturbinenkomponente 10, einer elektromagnetischen Spule 18 und von Wechselstrom für die Spule 18. Die Spule 18 ist so in Bezug auf die Komponente 10 angeordnet, dass sie fähig ist, Wirbelströme in der Komponente 10 zu bilden. An dieser Stelle wird ein Wechselstrom durch die Spule geleitet und so die Komponente 10 erwärmt.

14-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201112935D0

05-07-1967 дата публикации

A method of operating a vapour power plant

Номер: GB0001074947A

... 1,074,947. Starting-up steam generators. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Inc. July 1, 1964 [Aug. 8, 1963], No. 27244/64. Heading F4A. [Also in Division F1] In a power plant comprising a main vapour generator 20 feeding a multi-stage turbine 26, 38, 40 driving an electric generator, with reheating between at least some of the turbine stages, at peak outputs, an auxiliary vapour generator 84 is brought into operation to feed vapour to one of the later turbine stages. The auxiliary generator 84 may be that normally used in starting up the plant. The main generator has primary and secondary heaters 44, 50, which at starting can be isolated by a valve 52 so that steam from heater 44 passes to a flash tank 58 which, when operative, supplies steam to drive the feed pump turbine 14 and to operate deserator 10. Until tank 58 is fully operative, steam is supplied thereto by generator 84 which also supplies steam through pipe 78 to cool the section 50 and set the turbines rolling. After the start-up phase, ...

26-04-2006 дата публикации

Method for providing load dispatch and pollution control optimization

Номер: GB0002419438A

An economic dispatch program (100) allocates a load demand (42) and an emission allowance (44) of a power generation system among various power plants (22 - 30) to determine the operational set-points and the pollution control set-points of each of the various power plants in a manner that minimizes the total operating cost for the power generation system, including the pollution control cost. The economic dispatch program (100) uses the pollution control set-points and the load set-points of the various power plants (22 - 30) as decision variables and takes into consideration the pollution control costs of the various power plants in allocating the load demand (42). During operation, the economic dispatch program (100) takes into consideration the pollution credits (108) available to the various power plants (22 - 30) in allocating the load demand (42) and pollution control.

14-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002084260B

06-04-2016 дата публикации

Operation support system for plant accidents

Номер: GB0002530817A

An object of the invention is to provide an operation support system for plant accidents that estimates events reflecting plant states changing momentarily at plant accidents. The invention includes an event narrow-down device 205 that narrows down occurring event candidates based on at least one of a sensor signal 201, a device state signal 204, and an alarm signal and a discriminant rule. An event analysis device 208 analyzes a plant behaviour based on a plurality of event narrow-down results as output of the event narrow-down device, the sensor signal, the device state signal, and the alarm signal. An event estimation device estimates an occurring event by comparing an analysis result from the analysis of a process state as output of the event analysis device and the sensor signal. The event estimation device may output the analysis result of the process state and the sensor signal corresponding to the occurring event as an event estimation result.

24-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002482416B

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Waste management

Номер: GB0002526819A

A method for producing steam comprises: (a) passing waste gas A through a first boiler 14 to produce steam B having a first temperature, and cooled waste gas; (b) removing contaminants 18 from the cooled waste gas to produce clean waste gas; (c) passing the steam through a second boiler (superheater) 16; and (d) burning at least a portion A1 of the clean waste gas in the second boiler to produce steam having a second temperature which is higher than the first temperature. The waste gas may come from gasifying 12 waste organic material. A portion A2 of the clean waste gas may be provided to an internal combustion or gas turbine engine 22. The exhaust gas from the engine may be passed through a third boiler 24 to produce a second batch of steam C which may then be passed through the second boiler. The cooled exhaust gas from the third boiler may be burnt in the second boiler.

30-11-2016 дата публикации

Improvements in energy storage

Номер: GB0002538784A

A cryogenic energy storage system comprises a liquefaction apparatus 100 for liquefying a gas to form a cryogen. The liquefaction apparatus is controllable to draw power from an external power source to liquefy the gas. A cryogenic storage tank 200 is in fluid communication with the liquefaction apparatus for storing cryogen produced by the liquefaction apparatus. A power recovery apparatus 300 is in fluid communication with the cryogenic storage tank for recovering power from cryogen from the cryogenic storage tank by heating the cryogen to form a gas and expanding said gas. A hot thermal store 400 for storing hot thermal energy and is arranged with the power recovery apparatus so that hot thermal energy from the hot thermal store can be transferred to the gas before and/or during expansion in the power recovery apparatus. A charging apparatus 600 is controllable to draw power from the external power source when the power drawn by the liquefaction apparatus is below a threshold value, ...

30-11-2016 дата публикации

Improvements in energy storage

Номер: GB0002538820A

A cryogenic energy storage system comprises a liquefaction apparatus 100 for liquefying a gas to form a cryogen. The liquefaction apparatus is controllable to draw power from an external power source to liquefy the gas. A cryogenic storage tank 200 is in fluid communication with the liquefaction apparatus for storing cryogen produced by the liquefaction apparatus. A power recovery apparatus 300 is in fluid communication with the cryogenic storage tank for recovering power from cryogen from the cryogenic storage tank by heating the cryogen to form a gas and expanding said gas. A hot thermal store 400 for storing hot thermal energy and is arranged with the power recovery apparatus so that hot thermal energy from the hot thermal store can be transferred to the gas before and/or during expansion in the power recovery apparatus. A charging apparatus 600 is controllable to draw power from the external power source when the power drawn by the liquefaction apparatus is below a threshold value, ...

05-11-2003 дата публикации

Heat transfer system

Номер: GB0000323370D0

14-04-1966 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling a vapor generator operating at supercritical pressure

Номер: GB0001025509A

... 1,025,509. Regulating feedwater supply to steam boilers. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Inc. Aug. 14, 1964 [Aug. 21, 1963], No. 33327/64. Heading F4A. The feedwater supply to a once through boiler operating at supercritical pressure is regulated in accordance with load by flowing a minor proportion of the feedwater through a control tube or tubes at a rate corresponding to the load, comparing the control tube outlet temperature with a desired value for the particular load and adjusting the feedwater flow to bring the measured value into correspondence with the desired value. As shown in Fig. 1, the boiler is fed by a pump 26 through a regulator valve 50, the water flowing through an economizer 24 to the evaporator tubes 16 whence steam flows through superheaters 21, 22 and line 32 to a turbine 34. The rate of firing of the boiler by a burner 12 is adjusted according to load changes as shown by pressure changes in the line 32 measured at 42. Final steam temperature is held constant throughout the ...

28-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002061555B

27-06-1984 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for correcting system frequency dips of a variable-pressure-operated steam generating unit

Номер: GB0002131929A

A method capable of meeting operational requirements of a fossil fired unit without it being necessary to throttle the inlet valves if the unit is supplying the rate output PN, and a maximum 5% throttling is necessary if the unit is supplying 40% of the rated output PN is described. Initially, the inlet valves (4, 7) are continuously opened and the LP feed-heating train (15.1,... 15.n, 17) is continuously disconnected and the condensate control valve (14) and the shut-off valves (16.1,... 16. (n + 1)) are closed in step, at the same time the fuel supply to the boiler (1) is increased correspondingly. When a steam output excess occurs, the LP feed-heating train is continuously reconnected by opening the condensate control valve and the shut-off valves in step, then the condensate control valve is opened beyond the operating position corresponding to the instantaneous turbine output, at the same time the fuel supply to the boiler (1), with the inlet valves fully opened, is further increased ...

12-07-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to vapour power systems

Номер: GB0000285374A

... 285,374. Siemens - Schuckertwerke Akt.-Ges., (Assignees of Siemens-Schuckertwerke Ges.). Feb. 14, 1927, [Convention date]. Vapour engines.-In a vapour power system, a working-medium with a retrograde, upper limit Mollier curve such as toluol or other homologues of the benzols, is expanded in an engine from a point below the critical point in front of its point of reversal whereby it becomes saturated and then superheated. An electrically driven pump 1, Fig. 2, draws the power liquid from a tank 3 and delivers it to a heater 4 heated by a burner 5. The liquid working medium expands in the turbines 7, 8 through the zone of saturation into the zone of superheating, so that superheated vapour passes to the condenser 9 and the condensate returns to the tank 3. Small fluctuations of load are balanced by adjusting the feed supply 15 through the governor 16. Larger variations, by regulating the quantity of the working-medium by adjusting valve 18.

02-11-2016 дата публикации

Feedforward control with intermittent Re-Initalization based on estimated state information

Номер: GB0201616024D0

21-06-2023 дата публикации

Numerical method for optimizing performance of organic rankine cycle system

Номер: GB0002613950A

Disclosed is a numerical method for optimizing the performance of an organic Rankine cycle system, comprising two parts: optimizing cycle parameters to improve system performance, and optimizing circulating working medium components to improve system performance. The method for optimizing cycle parameters to improve system performance comprises: selecting a parameter having a great effect on the system performance and perform sensitivity analysis on the parameter; and using a sensitivity change interval as an independent variable change interval, optimizing the system performance by means of an optimization algorithm. The method for optimizing circulating working medium components to improve system performance comprises: optimizing the mass flow / mole flow of each ingredient of the working medium to control the working medium components, taking the mass flow / mole flow of each component as an independent variable and a system performance evaluation index as a dependent variable, optimizing ...

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609201A0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0200904863D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609201D0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009139A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009199A0

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004037A

19-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000004073A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609220D0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP2009004863A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009201A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009200A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Power system.

Номер: AP2012006318A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609139A0

28-02-1981 дата публикации

Installation of energy conversion.

Номер: OA0000005383A

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609199A0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Power system.

Номер: AP0201206318A0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609200A0

30-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609139D0

30-06-2012 дата публикации

Power system.

Номер: AP0201206318D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609199D0

31-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609200D0

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AP0200904863A0

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352479B

15-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517911A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Abwärmenutzungssystems (20) für eine Brennkraftmaschine (10) eines Fahrzeuges, wobei das Abwärmenutzungssystem (20) zumindest einen Drehmoment an die Brennkraftmaschine (10) übertragbaren und über einen Umgehungsströmungsweg (25) umgehbaren Expander (22), zumindest einen Verdampfer (21) und zumindest eine Pumpe (24) für ein Betriebsmittel, insbesondere Ethanol, aufweist, und wobei zumindest der Verdampfer (21) im Bereich des Abgassystems (11) der Brennkraftmaschine (10) angeordnet ist. Um einen ökonomischen, sicheren und zuverlässigen Betrieb des Abwärmenutzungssystems (20) zu gewährleisten, wird der in mehreren Betriebsmodi betreibbare Expander (22) in zumindest einem Betriebsmodus mit einer Nebenantriebswelle (19) der Brennkraftmaschine (10) antriebsverbunden. Auf Grund zumindest einer Eingangsgrößen aus der Gruppe Expanderdrehzahl (n), Ganginformation (GI), Ausrollinformation (CI), Druck (p1) und Temperatur (T1) des Betriebsmittels ...

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420274T

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000853576A

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157143T

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Use of external air for closed cycle inventory control

Номер: AU2017387788A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Systems and methods relating to use of external air for inventory control of a closed thermodynamic cycle system or energy storage system, such as a reversible Brayton cycle system, are disclosed. A method may involve, in a closed cycle system operating in a power generation mode, circulating a working fluid may through a closed cycle fluid path. The closed cycle fluid path may include a high pressure leg and a low pressure leg. The method may further involve in response to a demand for increased power generation, compressing and dehumidifying environmental air. And the method may involve injecting the compressed and dehumidified environmental air into the low pressure leg.

02-12-2010 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: AU2010206047B2

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Method of operating a steam power plant at low load

Номер: AU2012244321B2

WI 1/072-0 US METHOD OF OPERATING A STEAM POWER PLANT AT LOW LOAD A method for operating a steam power plant at low load is suggested comprising the extraction of live steam LS before the last superheater SH3 and/or resuperheated steam before the last resuperheater RSH2 and using the thermal energy of this steam in other heat sinks. Thus, nearly constant steam parameters of the live steam LS are achieved and the overall efficiency of the steam power plant remains at a high level. (Figure 4) Wi 1/072-0 US 2- k~k1 - -t ...

17-11-2005 дата публикации

Startup and control methods for an ORC bottoming plant

Номер: AU2005241109A1

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Organic Rankine Cycle system

Номер: AU2012373722A1

The application discloses an organic Rankine Cycle system with a generating unit, a condenser for condensing an organic work fluid, a feeder pump for circulating the organic work fluid and an evaporator (14) for evaporating the organic work fluid. The generating unit comprises a high-pressure screw expander and a low-pressure screw expander, which are connected in series, wherein the high-pressure screw expander and the low-pressure screw expander are mechanically connect- able to a generator, which is provided between the high- pressure screw expander and the low-pressure screw expander. The ORC system comprises a by-pass line for bypassing the high-pressure screw expander. The bypass line comprises a control valve for opening and closing the by-pass line.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Parallel cycle heat engines

Номер: AU2011336831A1

Waste heat energy conversion cycles, systems and devices use multiple waste heat exchangers arranged in series in a waste heat stream, and multiple thermodynamic cycles run in parallel with the waste heat exchangers in order to maximize thermal energy extraction from the waste heat stream by a working fluid. The parallel cycles operate in different temperature ranges with a lower temperature work output used to drive a working fluid pump. A working fluid mass management system is integrated into or connected to the cycles.

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Method and plant for co-generation of heat and power

Номер: AU2014347765B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

A method of operating a combined heat and power plant (10) (CHP plant) is provided. The CHP plant (10) includes a hot flue gas generator (12) generating hot flue gas which is then cooled in a sequence of cooling steps to recover heat and to generate steam in a heat recovery steam generator (16) (HRSG). The HRSG (16) includes a steam evaporator (26) downstream of the hot flue gas generator (12), and at least one steam superheater (22) between the hot flue gas generator (12) and the steam evaporator (26). The steam superheater (22) is configured to superheat, during normal operating conditions of the CHP plant (10), at least steam (110) imported into the HRSG (16). The method includes, when there is insufficient heat removal from the hot flue gas downstream from the hot flue gas generator (12) but upstream of the steam evaporator (26) as a result of insufficient mass flow of imported steam (110) to the steam superheater (22), to the extent that the hot flue gas temperature downstream of the ...

11-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000557213B2

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the capture of heat energy, long-distance conveyance, storage, and distribution of the captured-heat energy and power generated therefrom

Номер: AU2021204463B2

SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR THE CAPTURE OF HEAT ENERGY, LONG-DISTANCE CONVEYANCE, STORAGE, AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CAPTURED-HEAT ENERGY AND POWER GENERATED A stand-alone long-distance closed-loop heat energy capture, conveyance, and delivery system, comprises three closed-loop modules in serial communication. The first module is in communication with a first closed-loop piping infrastructure interconnected with a source of heat energy, and has a LBP liquid circulating therein whereby the LBP liquid is converted into its gas phase when flowing through the source of heat energy thereby capturing a portion of heat energy therefrom, and is converted into its liquid phase when flowing through a first heat exchanger that transfers the captured-heat energy to a second closed-loop piping infrastructure wherein also is circulating a LBP liquid. The second closed-loop module may extend for long distances. The captured-heat energy in the second module is transferred to a third closed-loop piping infrastructure ...

13-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002778108C

A carbon dioxide recovery system includes: a first steam line 21a through which low-pressure steam 14L is fed from an intermediate-pressure turbine 12 to a low-pressure turbine 13; a second steam line 21b into which the low-pressure steam 14L is branched from the first steam line 21a; a first regulation valve V1 for regulating the opening of the low-pressure steam 14L from 100% to 0%; a second regulation valve V2 for regulating the opening of the low-pressure steam 14L from 0% to 100% depending on the amount of control provided to the first regulation valve V1; a first auxiliary turbine 22A for recovering power using the low-pressure steam 14L being fed; a first steam feed line 25L through which exhaust steam 23 discharged from the first auxiliary turbine 22A is supplied as a source of heat to a reboiler 24; and the first auxiliary turbine 22A is driven in response to a variation in operation load of a boiler 15 while the pressure of the exhaust steam 23 supplied to the reboiler 24 is maintained ...

23-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1233213A

... 24 The invention relates to a combined heat recovery steam generator and steam turbine. An adaptive temperature controller establishes a target temperature for controlling the boiler temperature so that the steam admitted on the boiler follows a constant enthalpy when trying to match temperature of steam and rotor temperature.

13-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1246667A

STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR THERMAL PERFORMANCE MONITOR A thermal performance monitor informs the operator and result's engineer of the economic losses, efficiencies, deviation in heat rates and power losses of operating a steam turbine-generator system at its controllably selected pressure and temperature. Specifically temperature and pressure signals are generated at various points in the system along with the control valve position signal and the electric output signal from the electric generator. This data is processed along with the corresponding design values and the economic losses due to temperature deviation, pressure deviation and exhaust pressure deviation from design are calculated. Other calculations produce a comparison of efficiencies of the turbines in the system and consequential power losses.

16-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001091767A1

15-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001005240A1

01-03-2012 дата публикации

System, apparatus and method for clean, multi-energy generation

Номер: US20120047894A1
Автор: Marvin W. Ward
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, apparatuses and methods in interoperating with multiple clean energy sources, such as pneumatic energy, electrical energy, hydrogen energy and steam energy, with engine configurations employing theses clean energy sources dynamically and synchronously. Further embodiments including fossil fuel energies.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust heat regeneration system

Номер: US20120090317A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An exhaust heat regeneration system includes: an evaporator for cooling engine cooling water; an expansion device for expanding the refrigerant heated through the evaporator so as to generate a driving force; a condenser for cooling the refrigerant passing through the expansion device to condense the refrigerant; and a pump for pressure-feeding the refrigerant cooled through the condenser to the evaporator, in which: the expansion device is coupled to the pump by a shaft, and the expansion device and the pump are housed within the same casing to constitute a pump-integrated type expansion device; and the pump includes a high-pressure chamber through which the refrigerant to be discharged to the evaporator flows, the high-pressure chamber being provided on the expansion device side, or a low-pressure chamber through which the refrigerant flowing from the condenser flows, the low-pressure chamber being provided on the expansion device side.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Energy recovery in hot strip mills by converting the cooling heat of the continuous casting plant and the residual heat of slabs and coils into electrical enery or otherwise utilizing the captured process heat

Номер: US20120118526A1
Принадлежит: Sms Siemag AG

In hot strip plants, after casting, the residual heat of a partial quantity of the slabs has hitherto been used such that the slabs either are directly rolled or are placed warm or hot in the furnace. The remaining slabs normally cool after casting in a hall through which flows air and are stacked before their further transport. The same applies to the residual heat present in the coils after winding, which often cool in the coil-storage area in air. The cooling energy of the continuous-casting plant likewise escapes unused into the surroundings. In order to convert this unused solidification heat and residual heat into electric energy, it is proposed according to the invention that the slabs ( 10 ) are cast in a continuous-casting plant and the slabs ( 10 ) or coils are transported into the slab-storage area ( 12 ) or coil-storage area and during the casting in heat exchangers ( 31 ) and/or during the transport in heat exchangers ( 31 ) heat is extracted and/or there are deposited in part one on top of the other in specially prepared storage areas ( 30 ) provided with heat exchangers ( 31 ) for a short time or several hours, wherein in this transport period the cast billet or the slab ( 10 ) and/or in the storage period the residual heat of the slabs ( 10 ) or coils is transferred via heat conduction and thermal radiation and convection via the heat exchangers ( 31 ) into a heat-transfer medium such as, for example, thermal oil, and heats it, which then is discharged via heat-transfer transport lines ( 33 ) for power generation and/or direct use of the process heat by other heat consumers.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Driven starter pump and start sequence

Номер: US20120131919A1
Принадлежит: Echogen Power Systems LLC

Various thermodynamic power-generating cycles are disclosed. A turbopump arranged in the cycles is started and ramped-up using a starter pump arranged in parallel with the main pump of the turbopump. Once the turbopump is able to self-sustain, a series of valves may be manipulated to deactivate the starter pump and direct additional working fluid to a power turbine for generating electrical power.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Power plant system having overload control valve

Номер: US20120174584A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A power plant system and a method for operating a power plant system are provided. An overload control valve is disposed in an overload line and can be actuated by means of a pressure regulator wherein the overload control valve opens before a diverting control valve opens the valve forming a bypass between the high-pressure steam inlet and the high-pressure steam outlet as soon as a target valve is exceeded.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Power generation unit startup evaluation

Номер: US20130030582A1
Принадлежит: Southern Company Services Inc

Various methods and systems are provided for evaluation of events such as the startup of power generation units. In one embodiment, a method includes obtaining operational data associated with a power generation unit, the operational data corresponding to a predefined period of time; determining start and end times for a startup phase associated with the power generation unit based upon a set of predefined startup conditions corresponding to the startup phase; and generating a network page including the start and times. In another embodiment, a system includes a unit evaluation system executable in a computing device that includes logic that obtains operational data associated with a power generation unit, the operational data corresponding to a predefined period of time and logic that determines start and end times for an event phase associated with the power generation unit based upon a set of predefined conditions corresponding to the event phase.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Gasification power generation plant

Номер: US20130036720A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A gasifier ( 101 ) that has a fluid communication channel ( 131 ) that communicates a fluid, which undergoes heat exchange in the furnace, and that generates syngas by gasifying fuel; gas purifying equipment that removes impurities contained in the syngas generated by the gasifier ( 101 ); a gas turbine that is driven by the gas purified by the gas purifying equipment; and a heat exchanger that heats a fluid with exhaust expelled from the gas turbine are provided, and the fluid heated by the heat exchanger is supplied to the fluid communication channel ( 131 ) by being pressurized by pressurizing gas when performing warm-up of the gasifier ( 101 ).

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods for using a carbon dioxide capture system as an operating reserve

Номер: US20130099508A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A method of controlling a power system includes monitoring a load on an electrical grid, monitoring a power generation from one or more power producers connected to the electrical grid, wherein at least one of the one or more power producers is a power plant including a carbon dioxide capture system, and utilizing the carbon dioxide capture system of the one or more power producers as a operating reserve in response to an increase in the load on the electrical grid or a reduction in the power generation from one or more power producers connected to the electrical grid.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Gas turbine power plant with a gas turbine installation, and method for operating a gas turbine power plant

Номер: US20130125525A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A gas turbine power plant and a method for operating a gas turbine power plant are provided. The power plant includes a gas turbine installation which may supply a mains supply network with electric power and includes a compressor and an associated first gas turbine. Differing from previous gas turbine installations, the compressor of the gas turbine installation and the first gas turbine of the gas turbine installation are decoupled from each other. A second turbine is provided which drives compressor. As a result, the compressor of the gas turbine installation is operated independently of the first gas turbine. Influences on the mains supply network side, such as generating deficiencies in the main supply network, which act upon the first gas turbine as a result of speed reduction, are also not able to have an impact upon the compressor which is decoupled from the first gas turbine.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method of operating a combined cycle power plant

Номер: US20130145772A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A method is provided for operating a combined cycle power plant. Flue gas of a gas turbine is used for producing steam for a steam turbine. A reliable and flexible black start network restoration is achieved by: a) in island mode, supplying internal consumers by the gas turbine, the operating point of which is selected so that a minimum steam temperature is achieved; b) in island mode, the steam turbine is synchronized and ramped up to an operating point where a maximum power increase is achieved, the resulting steam turbine load change is compensated by the gas turbine; c) consumer loads are connected blockwise; d) the increase in the demanded load being provided by the steam turbine; e) the load of the steam turbine is gradually reduced increasing its load-increasing capacity; and steps c)-e) are repeated until the power plant's base load is achieved.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for warming up a steam turbine

Номер: US20130152587A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for warming up a steam turbine includes a gas turbine and a controller operably connected to the gas turbine. The controller is programmed to receive a plurality of measured input signals and control the gas turbine to produce an exhaust having a desired energy. A first measured input signal is reflective of a measured operating parameter of the gas turbine and a second measured input signal is reflective of an operating parameter of the steam turbine. A method for warming up a steam turbine includes sending a plurality of measured input signals to a controller, wherein a first measured input signal reflects a measured operating parameter of a gas turbine and a second measured input signal reflects an operating parameter of the steam turbine. The method further includes controlling the gas turbine based on the plurality of measured input signals and producing an exhaust from the gas turbine, wherein the exhaust has a desired energy.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167504A1

A method for regulating a short-term power increase of a steam turbine with an upstream waste-heat steam generator is provided. The steam turbine has a number of economizer, evaporator and super heater heating surfaces forming a flow path for a flow medium. The flow medium is tapped off from the flow path in a pressure stage and is injected into the flow path on the flow-medium side between two super heater heating surfaces of the respective pressure stage. Amount of flow medium injected is regulated with a characteristic value which is a discrepancy between the outlet temperature of the final super heater heating surface and a predetermined temperature nominal value. The temperature nominal value is reduced and the characteristic value is temporarily increased more than in proportion to the discrepancy for a time period of the reduction for achieving a short-term power increase of the steam turbine. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for regulating a short-term power increase of a steam turbine with an upstream waste heat steam generator , comprising:forming a flow path through which a flow medium flows by a plurality of economizer, evaporator and superheater heating surfaces of the waste heat steam generator;branching off the flow medium in a pressure stage from the flow path;injecting the flow medium into the flow path between two superheater heating surfaces of the pressure stage on a flow medium side;regulating amount of the injected flow medium by a first characteristic value, wherein the first characteristic value is determined by a discrepancy between an outlet temperature of a superheater heating surface on the flow medium side of the pressure stage from a predetermined temperature nominal value;reducing the temperature nominal value for the short-term power increase of the steam turbine; andtemporarily increasing the first characteristic value disproportionately to the discrepancy for a period of the reduction of the temperature nominal value.12. The method as ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Compressed air energy storage system utilizing two-phase flow to facilitate heat exchange

Номер: US20130168961A1
Принадлежит: LighSail Energy Inc

A compressed-air energy storage system according to embodiments of the present invention comprises a reversible mechanism to compress and expand air, one or more compressed air storage tanks, a control system, one or more heat exchangers, and, in certain embodiments of the invention, a motor-generator. The reversible air compressor-expander uses mechanical power to compress air (when it is acting as a compressor) and converts the energy stored in compressed air to mechanical power (when it is acting as an expander). In certain embodiments, the compressor-expander comprises one or more stages, each stage consisting of pressure vessel (the “pressure cell”) partially filled with water or other liquid. In some embodiments, the pressure vessel communicates with one or more cylinder devices to exchange air and liquid with the cylinder chamber(s) thereof. Suitable valving allows air to enter and leave the pressure cell and cylinder device, if present, under electronic control.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Processing biomass

Номер: US20130196386A1
Автор: Marshall Medoff
Принадлежит: Xyleco Inc

Biomass (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) is processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems are described that can use feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials, to produce ethanol and/or butanol, e.g., by fermentation.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Adjustable systems and methods for increasing the efficiency of a kalina cycle

Номер: US20130231789A1
Принадлежит: Recurrent Engineering Llc

A Kalina Cycle control system monitors one or more operating parameters of the Kalina Cycle. The system calculates one or more optimal operating parameters that allow the Kalina Cycle to operate at an increased efficiency. The system automatically adjusts the one or more actual operating parameters to the optimal parameters to increase the efficiency of the Kalina Cycle. Methods of increasing the efficiency of a Kalina Cycle include automatically adjusting one or more operating parameters to an optimal configuration.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263928A1

To provide a condensate flow rate control device and a control method for a power plant which improve responsiveness to frequency fluctuations or requested load changes and can suppress frequency fluctuations with precision or improve precision with which output power conforms to requested load instructions. A power plant to which a condensate flow rate control device is adapted includes a deaerator to which condensate generated by a condenser is supplied via a deaerator water level adjustment valve and into which bleed steam from a steam turbine is introduced. The condensate flow rate control device has a water level adjustment unit for executing condensate flow rate control, wherein the water level adjustment unit adjusts pressure in a condensate flow path extending from the deaerator water level adjustment valve to the deaerator so that inputted frequency fluctuations are suppressed or an output value of a generator conforms to inputted requested load changes. 1. A condensate flow rate control device for a power plant , which is adapted to a power plant having: a boiler; a steam turbine into which steam generated by the boiler is introduced; a generator driven by the steam turbine; a condenser to which exhaust hot steam from the steam turbine is supplied; a deaerator into which condensate generated by the condenser is supplied via a deaerator water level adjustment valve and into which bleed steam from the steam turbine is introduced; and a feed pump which supplies feedwater deaerated by the deaerator to the boiler , whereinthe condensate flow rate control device comprises a water level adjustment unit performing condensate flow rate control, into which a frequency fluctuation or a requested load change is inputted, and which adjusts pressure in a condensate flow path extending from the deaerator water level adjustment valve to the deaerator so that the inputted frequency fluctuation is suppressed or an output value of the generator conforms to the inputted ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Compressed air energy storage system utilizing two-phase flow to facilitate heat exchange

Номер: US20130291529A1
Принадлежит: LightSail Energy Inc

A compressed-air energy storage system according to embodiments of the present invention comprises a reversible mechanism to compress and expand air, one or more compressed air storage tanks, a control system, one or more heat exchangers, and, in certain embodiments of the invention, a motor-generator. The reversible air compressor-expander uses mechanical power to compress air (when it is acting as a compressor) and converts the energy stored in compressed air to mechanical power (when it is acting as an expander). In certain embodiments, the compressor-expander comprises one or more stages, each stage consisting of pressure vessel (the “pressure cell”) partially filled with water or other liquid. In some embodiments, the pressure vessel communicates with one or more cylinder devices to exchange air and liquid with the cylinder chamber(s) thereof. Suitable valving allows air to enter and leave the pressure cell and cylinder device, if present, under electronic control.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling operation of oxyfuel combustion boiler

Номер: US20130302739A1
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

Stable operation of oxyfuel combustion boiler is ensured and amplification in likelihood of or downsizing of forced draft fan is attained. Upon change of commanded boiler load from start value to target value by target time, a feed amount of oxygen from oxygen producing device is regulated for attainment of oxygen concentration on entry side of the boiler body from reference value to attainment point or target entry-side oxygen concentration within entry-side oxygen concentration regulation range by target time. After attainment to attainment point, control is made to return entry-side oxygen concentration to reference value at return point. Airflow rate of forced draft fan is controlled with change rate smaller than change rate with which air flow rate of forced draft fan reaches target value by target time.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327041A1
Автор: GAERTNER Jan, Koch Thomas
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

In a waste heat utilization arrangement for an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle including a waste heat utilization circuit in which a working medium is circulated, a pumping device for pressurizing the working medium, an evaporator for vaporizing the working medium by waste heat of the internal combustion engine, an expansion machine for expanding the working medium while extracting mechanical energy therefrom and a condenser for condensing the working medium in a resting state, the waste heat utilization circuit is in communication with a pressure store capable of maintaining a pressure for setting and ensuring a predetermined adjustable minimum pressure of the working medium in the waste heat utilization circuit. 12. A waste heat utilization arrangement an internal combustion engine () of a motor vehicle , comprising:{'b': 3', '4, 'a waste heat utilization circuit () in which a working medium () circulates,'}{'b': 5', '3', '4, 'pumping device (), arranged in the waste heat utilization circuit () for pressurizing the working medium (),'}{'b': 6', '3', '5', '4', '2, 'an evaporator () arranged in the waste heat utilization circuit () downstream from the pumping device () for vaporizing the working medium () by utilizing waste heat from the internal combustion engine (),'}{'b': 7', '3', '6', '4, 'an expansion machine () arranged in the waste heat utilization circuit () downstream from the evaporator () for expanding the working medium () to a low pressure while extracting mechanical energy therefrom, and'}{'b': 8', '3', '7', '4, 'a condenser (), arranged in the waste heat utilization circuit () downstream from the expansion machine () for condensing the working medium (), and'}{'b': 16', '3', '27', '30', '4, 'a pressure store () connected to the waste heat utilization circuit () and including means (, ) for controlling a predetermined pressure in the working medium ().'}2163853. The waste heat utilization arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327043A1

A method is provided for regulating a brief increase in power of a steam turbine that has an upstream fossil-fired once-through steam generator having a plurality of economizer, evaporator and superheater heating surfaces which form a flow path and through which a flow medium flows. The flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator is increased in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine. The method involves using desired enthalpy value at the outlet of an evaporator heating surface as a control variable for determining a desired value for the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator. The desired enthalpy value is reduced in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for regulating a brief increase in power of a steam turbine that has an upstream fossil-fired once-through steam generator comprising a plurality of economizer , evaporator and superheater heating surfaces which form a flow path and through which a flow medium flows , the method comprising:increasing the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine,using a desired enthalpy value at the outlet of an evaporator heating surface as a control variable for determining a desired value for the flow of the flow medium through the fossil-fired once-through steam generator, andreducing the desired enthalpy value in order to achieve the brief increase in power of the steam turbine.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the desired enthalpy value is reduced to a predetermined minimum enthalpy value.9. The method as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the minimum enthalpy value is dimensioned in such a way that complete evaporation of the flow medium in the evaporator heating surfaces is achieved under all load conditions of the fossil-fired once-through steam generator.10. ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000259A1

A method is provided for connecting at least one further steam generator to a first steam generator in a power plant. The power plant includes at least two steam generators and a steam turbine, in which a fluid used to drive the steam turbine is conveyed in a fluid circuit having a plurality of steam systems. The steam systems are assigned individual steam generators and are able to be separated from one another by shut-off valves. The fluid of at least the first steam generator is connected to the steam turbine. The method involves opening the shut-off valve of at least one first steam system of the at least one further steam generator before the steam of the at least one further steam generator has reached approximately the same steam parameters as the steam of the first steam generator, so that steam can flow into the further steam generator. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for connecting at least one further steam generator to a first steam generator in a power plant , the power plant comprising at least said two steam generators and a steam turbine , in which a fluid used to drive the steam turbine is conveyed in a fluid circuit comprising a plurality of steam systems , wherein the steam systems are assigned individual steam generators and are able to be separated from one another by shut-off valves and in which the fluid of at least the first steam generator is connected to the steam turbine , the method comprising:opening the shut-off valve of at least one first steam system of the at least one further steam generator before the steam of the at least one further steam generator has reached approximately the same steam parameters as the steam of the first steam generator, so that steam can flow into the further steam generator.16. The method as claimed in claim 15 , comprising opening the shut-off valve of the at least one first steam system in a cold intermediate superheating line.17. The method as claimed in claim 15 , further comprising:further increasing the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000277A1
Автор: Pasqualon Ezio

A method to start up and manage a combined cycle thermal plant for energy production comprising the execution according to a set sequence of a plurality of functional groups. 111. A method to start up and manage a combined cycle thermal plant for energy production comprising a first gas turbine and generator group (TG) , a first steam generator (GRV) , a multistage steam turbine (TV) and a generator coupled to said steam turbine (TV) wherein:{'b': 1', '1, 'said first steam generator (GRV) is a recovery steam generator to regenerate the latent heat of the exhaust gases of said first gas turbine and generator group (TG);'}{'b': '1', 'said first steam generator (GRV) is in fluid communication through steam lines at high, medium and low pressure with corresponding stages at high, medium and low pressure of said steam turbine (TV) and'}said generator is kinematic coupled to said steam turbine to be rotationally operated;{'b': 1', '1, 'said plant comprises detection and check means to monitor and detect a plurality of parameters connected to the correct functioning and/or malfunctioning of said first gas turbine and generator group (TG), of said first steam generator (GRV) and, respectively of said steam turbine (TV), wherein the start-up phases of the plant starting from an off-state comprise, in order, the following sequence of functional groups{'b': 1', '1, 'GFA: prearranging said first gas turbine and generator group (TG) for start-up;'}{'b': 2', '1', '1, 'GFA: Start-up of said first gas turbine and generator group (TG) and pressurization of said first steam generator (GRV);'}{'b': 3', '1, 'GFA: Warm up and load increase of said steam turbine (TV) following the start-up of said first gas turbine and generator group (TG) and vacuum to the capacitor;'} [{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '1, 'verifying through said detection and check means the actual completion of said operating unit GFA for the prearrangement of the start-up of said first gas turbine and generator group (TG) ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001762A1

A waste-heat recovery system for a waste-heat source, made up of an ORC (Organic-Rankine Cycle) postconnected thereto. The waste-heat source is connected with the heating device of the ORC as well as an expansion machine, coupled to a generator, for steam expansion in the ORC, which has magnetic bearings with an associated control device and a power supply via a direct current intermediate circuit of a generator frequency converter. The design and safe operating behavior of a waste-heat recovery system made up of an ORC post-connected to a waste-heat source are optimized. In a power supply failure, the electric energy that a down-running generator continues to generate is used to supply the magnetic bearings with the associated control device in order to ensure a safe operation in the event of a power supply failure. 17-. (canceled)8. A waste-heat recovery system for a waste-heat source , comprising:an ORC (Organic-Rankine Cycle) postconnected with respect to the waste-heat source, the ORC including:a heating device connected to the waste-heat source,a down-running generator, andan expansion machine coupled to the down-running generator and for performing a steam expansion, the expansion machine including magnetic bearings, with an associated control device and a power supply via a direct current intermediate circuit of a generator frequency converter, wherein in the event of a power supply failure, an electric energy that the down-running generator continues to generate is used to supply the magnetic bearings with the associated control device.9. The waste heat recovery system as recited in claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , in the power supply failure claim 8 , the electric energy that the down-running generator continues to generate and which cannot be fed into a power supply system and is not required to supply the magnetic bearings with the associated control device is stored in the direct current intermediate circuit.10. The waste heat recovery system as recited in ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and System for the Utilization of an Energy Source of Relatively Low Temperature

Номер: US20140007577A1
Автор: Trond Melhus

A method of extracting energy from an external heat source. The method comprises the steps of: a) compressing a medium in the liquid phase using an external power source to obtain a compressed liquid medium; b) heating the compressed liquid medium from step a) using heat at least partly derived from the external heat source to expand the medium and obtain it in the supercritical state; c) reducing the pressure of the heated medium from step b) to a controlled degree by applying a variable load to generate electric power of a frequency; d) converting the frequency of step c) to a desired output frequency; and e) reducing the temperature and volume of the medium from step c) to obtain the medium in the liquid phase for recycling to step a), wherein the degree of compression in step a) is controlled independently of the load applied in step c). A corresponding system is also provided.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013750A1

A waste recovery system for a waste-heat source made up of an ORC (Organic-Rankine Cycle) postconnected thereto is described. The waste-heat source is in connection with the heating device of the ORC as well as with an expansion machine for steam expansion in the ORC coupled to a generator. The design and operating behavior of a force-heat coupling system is optimized, a waste-heat recovery system made up of an ORC post-connected to a waste-heat source. The expansion machine for steam expansion in the ORC is therefore started up by the generator which is operating in motor mode, and brought to a minimum starting engine speed able to be specified in a control device. 111-. (canceled)12. A waste-heat recovery system for a waste heat source , comprising:an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) postconnected to the waste heat source, the waste heat source being connected to a heating device of the ORC;a generator;a control device; andan expansion machine, coupled to the generator, for a steam expansion in the ORC, wherein the expansion machine is run up by the generator operating in engine mode and is brought to a minimum starting engine speed specifiable in the control device.13. The waste-heat recovery system as recited in claim 12 , wherein the minimum starting engine speed corresponds to approximately two thirds of a minimum operating engine speed.14. The waste-heat recovery system as recited in claim 12 , wherein:when a minimum starting speed has been reached, a steam valve at an intake of the expansion machine is opened, andduring a further opening of the steam valve, a further run-up of an engine speed takes place and the generator transitions from motor-actuated operation to normal generator operation.15. The waste-heat recovery system as recited in claim 14 , wherein a process for optimizing an engine speed is enabled in the control device when the steam valve is completely open and a minimum operating engine speed has been reached.16. The waste-heat recovery system as ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Power generating system

Номер: US20140020387A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

In one embodiment, a power generating system includes; a flow dividing unit configured to divide a first heat medium supplied thereto to a first flow path and a second flow path; and a heat accumulating unit configured to accumulate the first heat medium sent thereto via the second flow path and deliver the first heat medium at a temporally leveled flow rate. The system further includes: a heat exchanging unit configured to transfer heat from the first heat medium sent thereto via the first flow path and the first heat medium delivered thereto from the heat accumulating unit, to a second heat medium that is lower in boiling point than the first heat medium; and a turbine configured to rotationally move with the second heat medium to which heat has been transferred by the heat exchanging unit.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033708A1

To operate solar thermal technology economically, a cheap heat transfer fluid is used. To either completely spare or significantly reduce the energy-intensive auxiliary heating at night, a water tank is simply installed in the plant without a threat to the environment. With the water tank, the salt HTF is thinned by adding water when the solar heating is not in operation. 110-. (canceled)11. A solar thermal power station using a water-free or water-containing salt as a heat transfer fluid (HTF) , comprising:a first circuit containing the HTF;a second circuit containing steam to drive generators; anda heat exchanger connecting the first and second circuits, a solar field comprising mirror geometries and conduits in which the HTF flows;', 'a first conduit for heated HTF which leads from the solar field to the heat exchanger;', 'a second conduit for cooled HTF which leads from the heat exchanger to the solar field; and', 'a third conduit for introducing a diluent to the HTF., 'where the first circuit comprises12. The power station as claimed in claim 11 , wherein water is used as the diluent.13. The power station as claimed in claim 11 , whereinthe power station contains pumps, modules and HTF tanks, andthe conduits, pumps, modules and/or HTF tanks are made of stainless steel.14. The power station as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the conduits claim 13 , pumps claim 13 , modules and/or HTF tanks are made of carbon-containing steel.15. The power station as claimed in claim 11 , whereinthe power station contains pumps, modules and HTF tanks, andinner surfaces of the conduits, pumps, modules and/or HTF tanks are treated with a corrosion-inhibiting coating.16. The power station as claimed in claim 11 , whereinthe HTF is a water-containing or water-free salt having one or more cations selected from the group consisting of alkali metal cations and alkaline earth metal cations, andthe HTF has one or more anions selected from the group consisting of nitrates, (hydrogen) ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Steam turbine plant, control method of same, and control system of same

Номер: US20140033716A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

In one embodiment, a steam turbine plant includes a first turbine driven by steam from a boiler, a second turbine driven by steam from a reheater, a third turbine driven by the steam exhausted from the second turbine, and a carbon dioxide capturing system including a reboiler to heat an absorbing liquid with the steam exhausted or extracted from the second turbine. The plant further includes a steam pipe to feed the steam exhausted from the second turbine to the third turbine, and a first steam extraction pipe to send the steam exhausted or extracted from the second turbine to the reboiler. The plant further includes a pressure detector to detect a pressure of the steam flowing through the steam pipe or the first steam extraction pipe, a pressure adjustment valve provided on the steam pipe, and a controller to control the valve based on the detected pressure.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047847A1
Автор: Pasqualon Ezio
Принадлежит: Stamicarbon B.V.

To start a combined cycle thermal plant for energy-production from an off-state to an operational state, once the minimum warm-up time of the steam turbine (ST) having been set, as well as the pressure of the warm-up steam, it is necessary to determine the steam optimum temperature to avoid stressing or straining the mechanical parts of the turbine itself. 11. A method to minimize the time for the start up of a combined cycle thermal plant for energy production from an off-state to an operational state , said combined cycle thermal plant for energy production comprising a first gas turbine and generator group (TGI) , a first recovery steam generator (GRV) to regenerate the latent heat of the exhaust gases of said first gas turbine and generator group (TGI) , a steam turbine (TV) and a generator coupled to said steam turbine (TV) , wherein:{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': '1', 'said steam generator (GRV) is kinematicly coupled to said steam turbine (TV) to be rotationally operated and,'}, {'b': '1', 'said plant comprises detection and check means to monitor and detect a plurality of parameters connected to the correct functioning and/or malfunctioning of said first gas turbine group (TGI) and steam generator (GRV) and, respectively of said steam turbine (TV),'}, {'b': '1', 'a first stage of said steam turbine comprises a wheel chamber to be fed with steam produced by said steam generator (GRV) through a nozzle/steam distributor, wherein the start-up phases of the plant starting from an off-state comprise, in order, the following sequence of functional groups], 'said first steam generator (GRV) is in fluid communication with said steam turbine (TV),'}{'b': '1', 'GFA: Prearranging said first gas turbine and generator group (TGI) for start-up;'}{'b': 2', '1, 'GFA: Start-up of said first gas turbine and generator group (TGI) and pressurization of said first steam generator (GRV);'}{'b': 3', '1, 'GFA: Warming up and load increase of said steam turbine (TV) with steam at a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Power generation system

Номер: US20140062097A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd

A power generation system is disclosed for supplying power to an electrical grid. The system comprises an engine ( 1 ) and an electrical generator ( 3 ) coupled to the engine for generating an electrical output. Power electronics ( 6 ) are provided for converting the output of the electrical generator into an AC output at the operating frequency of the electrical grid. The engine is operated at a speed which is non-synchronous with the operating frequency of the electrical grid and at which the brake specific fuel consumption of the engine is minimised. The power electronics may also facilitate waste heat recovery and the connection of external energy sources.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075941A1

Provided is a power generating apparatus capable of using power generated by a heat engine in combination with power of a driving source provided separately from the heat engine. In order to prevent a problem caused when activating and stopping the apparatus, the apparatus of the present invention includes a rotary machine driving source which generates a rotational driving force for a rotary machine and a heat engine which drives the rotary machine in cooperation with the rotary machine driving source, wherein the heat engine includes an expander which expands an evaporated working medium so as to generate a rotational driving force, the expander is provided with a bypass pipe which causes a working medium inlet of the expander to communicate with a working medium outlet thereof, and the bypass pipe is provided with an on-off valve which opens and closes the bypass pipe. 1. A power generating apparatus comprising:a rotary machine driving source which generates a rotational driving force for a rotary machine; anda heat engine which drives the rotary machine in corporation with the rotary machine driving source,wherein the heat engine includes an expander which expands an evaporated working medium so as to generate a rotational driving force,wherein the expander is provided with a bypass pipe which causes a working medium inlet of the expander to communicate with a working medium outlet thereof, andwherein the bypass pipe is provided with an on-off valve which opens and closes the bypass pipe.2. The power generating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a control device which controls an opening and closing operation of the on-off valve,wherein when activating the rotary machine driving source and the heat engine, the control device performs control which opens the on-off valve so that the working medium flows into the bypass pipe, activates the rotary machine driving source, and closes the on-off valve when it is determined that the working medium ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075944A1

In a fossil fuel waste incineration or plasma gasification process, waste heat generated by combustion of waste is captured by a heat transfer fluid and conveyed to an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for energy recovery. In the case of a fossil fuel-fired waste incineration system, the heat transfer fluid captures waste heat from a double-walled combustion chamber, a heat exchanger being used to cool the hot process exhaust (gas cooler). In the case of a plasma waste gasification system, the heat transfer fluid captures waste heat from a plasma torch, a gasification chamber and combustion chamber cooling jackets as well as any other high-temperature components requiring cooling, and then a heat exchanger used to cool the hot process exhaust (gas cooler). The heat exchanger may take on several configurations, including plate or shell and tube configurations. 1. A fossil fuel waste incineration or plasma gasification process , wherein waste heat generated by a combustion of waste is captured by a heat transfer fluid and conveyed to an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for energy recovery.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a fossil fuel-fired waste incineration system claim 1 , the heat transfer fluid captures waste heat from a double-walled combustion chamber claim 1 , a heat exchanger being used to cool the hot process exhaust (gas cooler).3. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the heat exchanger comprises a plate or a shell and tube configuration.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a plasma waste gasification system claim 1 , the heat transfer fluid captures waste heat from at least one of a plasma torch claim 1 , a gasification chamber cooling jacket and a combustion chamber cooling jacket claim 1 , and a heat exchanger being then used to cool the hot process exhaust (gas cooler).5. A process according to claim 4 , wherein the heat transfer fluid further captures waste heat from any other high-temperature components requiring ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090378A1
Автор: Dengel Andreas

The invention relates to a control system for matching the output of a steam turbine () to a changed load, in particular for the short-term matching of the output of a power plant steam turbine () to changed network loads within the context of primary control. The control system according to the invention is characterized by a heat store () which, when there is an increased volume of steam tapped off from the steam turbine () under a correspondingly reduced load, extracts heat from the steam and which, when there is a reduced quantity of steam tapped off from the steam turbine under a correspondingly increased load, gives up heat to a steam/feed water circuit supplying the steam turbine (). 12. Control system for matching the output of a steam turbine () to a changed load , particularly for short-term matching of the output of a power plant steam turbine to changed network loads , within the scope of primary regulation ,{'b': 33', '2', '2', '2, 'comprising a heat reservoir () that extracts heat from the tapped steam when an increased amount of steam is tapped from the steam turbine () in accordance with a reduced load, and gives off heat to a steam/feed water circuit that supplies the steam turbine () when a reduced amount of steam is tapped from the steam turbine () in accordance with an increased load.'}2. Control system according to claim 1 ,wherein{'b': 33', '12, 'the heat reservoir () is provided to give off heat to a pre-heating segment () of the steam/feed water circuit that is supplied with the tapped steam.'}3. Control system according to claim 1 ,wherein{'b': 33', '12, 'the heat reservoir () is provided for absorbing heat and giving off heat, in each instance, while keeping the total heat being transferred to the feed water in the pre-heating segment () constant.'}4. Control system according to claim 1 ,whereinthe tapped steam is steam tapped in the high-pressure region of the steam turbine.5. Control system according to claim 1 ,wherein{'b': '33', 'the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Driven Starter Pump and Start Sequence

Номер: US20140096521A1

Aspects of the disclosure generally provide a heat engine system with a working fluid circuit and a method for starting a turbopump disposed in the working fluid circuit. The turbopump has a main pump and may be started and ramped-up using a starter pump arranged in parallel with the main pump of the turbopump. Once the turbopump reaches a self-sustaining speed of operation, a series of valves may be manipulated to deactivate the starter pump and direct additional working fluid to a power turbine for generating electrical power. 1. A heat engine system , comprising:a working fluid comprising carbon dioxide;a working fluid circuit containing the working fluid and having a low pressure side, the working fluid circuit separates the working fluid into a first mass flow and a second mass flow, and at least a portion of the working fluid circuit is configured to contain the working fluid in a supercritical state;a turbopump comprising a main pump and a drive turbine operatively coupled together and arranged within a casing, the main pump being configured to circulate the working fluid throughout the working fluid circuit and the drive turbine being configured to expand the working fluid;a starter pump fluidly arranged in parallel with the main pump in the working fluid circuit;a first heat exchanger in fluid communication with the main pump via the working fluid circuit and configured to be in thermal communication with a heat source, the first heat exchanger receiving the first mass flow and configured to transfer thermal energy from the heat source to the first mass flow;a second heat exchanger in fluid communication with the main pump and the starter pump via the working fluid circuit and configured to be in thermal communication with the heat source, the second heat exchanger receiving the second mass flow and configured to transfer thermal energy from the heat source to the second mass flow;a power turbine fluidly coupled to the first heat exchanger via the working ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000279A1

The invention relates to a method for operating a steam power plant, particularly a combined cycle power plant, which includes a gas turbine an a steam/water cycle with a heat recovery steam generator, through which the exhaust gases of the gas turbine flow, a water-cooled condenser, a feedwater pump and a steam turbine. A cooling water pump is provided for pumping cooling water through said water-cooled condenser. Evacuating means are connected to the water-cooled condenser for evacuating at least said water-cooled condenser. The method relates to a shut down and start-up of the power plant after the shutdown. The method includes: 1. A method for operating a steam power plant , comprising a steam generator , a steam turbine and a steam/water cycle , at least consisting of a water-cooled condenser , a deaerator and a feedwater pump , whereby a cooling water pump is provided for pumping cooling water through said water-cooled condenser , and evacuating means are connected to said water-cooled condenser for evacuating at least said water-cooled condenser , said operating method being related to a shut down and start-up of said power plant after said shut down and comprising the steps of:a) shut down of the steam turbine;b) restoration of a good vacuum within the condenser by using said evacuating means;c) stopping said cooling water pump of said water-cooled condenser and said evacuating means, and filling up the vacuum portion of the steam/water cycle, at least said condenser, with steam up to slightly above atmospheric pressure;d) controlling the pressure with a flow of said cooling water;e) after a certain shut-down period starting the cooling water pump just before start-up of the plant; andf) starting the plant.2. A method for operating a combined cycle power plant , comprising a gas turbine and a steam/water cycle with a heat recovery steam generator , through which the exhaust gases of the gas turbine flow , a water-cooled condenser , a feedwater pump and a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000281A1

Embodiments of the invention generally provide a heat engine system, a mass management system (MMS), and a method for regulating pressure in the heat engine system while generating electricity. In one embodiment, the MMS contains a tank fluidly coupled to a pump, a turbine, a heat exchanger, an offload terminal, and a working fluid contained in the tank at a storage pressure. The working fluid may be at a system pressure proximal an outlet of the heat exchanger, at a low-side pressure proximal a pump inlet, and at a high-side pressure proximal a pump outlet. The MMS contains a controller communicably coupled to a valve between the tank and the heat exchanger outlet, a valve between the tank and the pump inlet, a valve between the tank and the pump outlet, and a valve between the tank and the offload terminal. 1. A system for pressure regulation of a heat engine , comprising:a pump fluidly coupled to a working fluid circuit and configured to circulate a working fluid in the working fluid circuit;a low pressure sensor arranged at or adjacent to an inlet of the pump and configured to detect pressure of the working fluid at or adjacent to the inlet of the pump; anda mass management system comprising a mass control tank configured to store additional working fluid, the mass management system fluidly coupled to the working fluid circuit and configured to selectively direct a flow of the working fluid into or out of the working fluid circuit based on the pressure detected by the low pressure sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a mass control tank sensor operatively connected to the mass control tank and configured to detect pressure of the working fluid within the mass control tank; anda high pressure sensor arranged at or adjacent to an outlet of the pump and configured to detect pressure of the working fluid at or adjacent to the outlet of the pump.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a first valve fluidly coupling the mass control tank to the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002692A1

Methods and apparatus to optimize turbine ramp rates are disclosed herein. An example method includes predicting a setpoint for a turbine rotor over a prediction horizon. The example method includes predicting a surface temperature profile of the turbine rotor for the prediction horizon based on the predicted setpoint via an empirical data model. The example method also includes predicting a first stress profile for the turbine rotor based on the surface temperature profile. The example method includes performing a comparison of the first stress value to a second stress value and dynamically adjusting the setpoint based on the comparison. 1. A method comprising:predicting a setpoint for a turbine rotor over a prediction horizon;predicting a surface temperature profile of the turbine rotor for the prediction horizon based on the predicted setpoint via an empirical data model;predicting a first stress profile for the turbine rotor based on the surface temperature profile;performing a comparison of the first stress profile to a second stress profile; anddynamically adjusting the setpoint based on the comparison.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first stress profile comprises a plurality of first stress values and the second stress profile comprises a plurality of second stress values and wherein if one of the stress values is greater than one of the second stress values claim 1 , the adjusting of the setpoint comprises automatically reducing the setpoint.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein if one of the first stress values is within a threshold amount of one of the second stress values but less than the one of the second stress values claim 2 , further comprising maintaining the setpoint.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein dynamically adjusting the setpoint based on the comparison comprises modifying one or more parameters of a prediction model used to predict the setpoint.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating the first stress profile is further based on a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002693A1

The invention relates to a method for regulating a condenser in a thermal cycle apparatus, in particular in an ORC apparatus, wherein the thermal cycle apparatus comprises a feed pump for conveying liquid working medium with an increase in pressure to an evaporator, the evaporator for evaporating and optionally additionally superheating the working medium with a supply of heat, an expansion machine for generating mechanical energy by expansion of the evaporated working medium, a generator for at least partially converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy, and the condenser for condensing the expanded working medium, and wherein the method comprises the following steps: determining a rotational speed of the generator or of the expansion machine; determining, without the use of a temperature sensor, a temperature of cooling air supplied from the condenser; determining from the determined generator or expansion machine rotational speed and the determined cooling air temperature, a condensation setpoint pressure at which the net electrical power of the thermal cycle apparatus is at a maximum; and controlling or regulating the condensation pressure, with the condensation setpoint pressure as target value, in particular by adjusting a condenser fan rotational speed. 1. Method for regulating a condenser in a thermal cycle apparatus , in particular in an ORC apparatus , wherein the thermal cycle apparatus comprises a feed pump for conveying liquid working medium with an increase in pressure to an evaporator , the evaporator for evaporating and optionally additionally superheating the working medium with a supply of heat , an expansion machine for generating mechanical energy by expansion of the evaporated working medium , a generator for at least partially converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy , and the condenser for condensing the expanded working medium , and wherein the method comprises the following steps:determining, in particular ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Steam turbine plant, combined cycle plant provided with same, and method of operating steam turbine plant

Номер: US20180003085A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A boiler includes one or more evaporators configured to heat water which has flowed therein to a specific heat maximum temperature at constant pressure or more in which a specific heat at constant pressure is maximized using a heated fluid and one or more reheaters configured to heat the steam which has come from the boiler using the heated fluid. All the reheaters configured to supply steam to a low-pressure steam turbine are disposed only at a downstream side of the high-pressure evaporator. All the reheaters heat reheating steam (FRHS) containing steam which has passed through a high-pressure steam turbine configured to receive steam supplied from the high-pressure evaporator and having a temperature lower than a specific heat maximum temperature at constant pressure in the high-pressure evaporator to less than the specific heat maximum temperature at constant pressure.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003082A1

Processes for recovering electrical power from a process unit waste heat steam generation system are described. A power-recovery turbine reduces the pressure of a stream of superheated steam to a pressure lower than that needed by the steam reboiler for use in other process units or equipment in the plant. 1. A process for recovering electrical power from a process unit waste heat steam generation system comprising:providing a stream of superheated steam having a first temperature and a first pressure;dividing the stream of superheated steam into a first portion and a second portion;heating a bottom stream from a column in a steam reboiler with the first portion;introducing the heated bottom stream to the column; anddirecting the second portion of the superheated steam through a power-recovery turbine to reduce a pressure of the second portion to a second pressure less than the first pressure forming a depressurized stream.2. The process of further comprising:directing the depressurized stream to a steam header.3. The process of further comprising:directing the depressurized stream to at least one of a pump, a compressor, a reboiler, a column, or a process unit.4. The process of wherein the steam reboiler comprises a heat exchanger having a steam inlet and a condensate outlet claim 1 , and further comprising:directing the condensate to a condensate return header.5. The process of further comprising:reducing a temperature of the first portion of the superheated steam to a second temperature less than the first temperature to form a desuperheated stream before heating the bottom stream.6. The process of wherein the temperature of the first portion is reduced by introducing the first portion into at least one desuperheater to reduce a temperature of the first portion to a second temperature less than the first temperature to form a desuperheated stream7. The process of wherein there are at least two desuperheaters claim 6 , and wherein a temperature of the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003040A1

An arrangement and a method for controlling a shutdown phase of a WHR-system. The WHR system includes a main circuit () which includes a pump (), an evaporator (), an expander () and a condenser (), and a compensation tank () which is configured to compensate for volume changes of a working fluid in the main circuit () during operation of the WHR system. The arrangement includes a control unit () configured to receive information when the shutdown phase of the WHR system is to be initiated and a flow device able to supply working fluid from the compensation tank () to the main circuit (). The control unit () is configured to activate the flow device such that working fluid is supplied from the compensation tank () to the main circuit () when it receives information indication that the shutdown phase of the WHR system is to be initiated. 1. An arrangement for controlling a shutdown phase of a WHR-system , wherein the WHR system comprises:a main circuit which comprises a pump, an evaporator, an expander and a condenser, and a compensation tank, wherein the compensation tank is configured to compensate for volume changes of a working fluid in the main circuit during operation of the WHR system;the arrangement further comprises a control unit configured to receive information when the shutdown phase of the WHR system is to be initiated and flow means configured to supply working fluid from the compensation tank to the main circuit;the control unit is configured to activate the flow means such that working fluid is supplied from the compensation tank to the main circuit when the control unit receives information indication that the shutdown phase of the WHR system is to be initiated.2. An arrangement according to claim 1 , further comprising the flow means comprises a flow member configured and arranged to circulate the working fluid in the main circuit during at least a part of the shutdown phase.3. An arrangement according to claim 2 , further comprising the flow means ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003041A1

An integrated chemical looping combustion (CLC) electrical power generation system and method for diesel fuel combining four primary units including: gasification of diesel to ensure complete conversion of fuel, chemical looping combustion with supported nickel-based oxygen carrier on alumina, gas turbine-based power generation and steam turbine-based power generation is described. An external combustion and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) are employed to maximize the efficiency of a gas turbine generator and steam turbine generator. The integrated CLC system provides a clean and efficient diesel fueled power generation plant with high COrecovery. 1. A diesel fueled chemical-looping combustion (CLC) electrical power generation system , comprising:a feed source of diesel fuel;a gasification chamber fluidly connected to the feed source, the gasification chamber including a first heat exchanger, a gasification reactor and a gasification splitter;a chemical looping combustion chamber fluidly connected to the gasification chamber, the chemical looping combustion chamber including a first reduction reactor, a first splitter, a second reduction reactor and a second splitter;a gas combustion chamber fluidly connected at a first input to a first output of the first splitter and at a second input to the gasification splitter,a gas turbine power generator connected to the combustor;at least one steam turbine electrical power generator;a heat recovery unit fluidly connected to the at least one steam turbine electrical power generator and to the gasification chamber, the heat recovery unit including a second heat exchanger and a plurality of steam generators; and{'sub': 2', '2, 'a COgas purification stage connected to the heat recovery unit, the COgas purification stage including a plurality of condensers and a plurality of compressors.'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first heat exchanger is connected at a first input to the diesel fuel source claim 1 , and at a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003081A1

Systems, apparatuses and methods in interoperating with multiple clean energy sources, such as pneumatic energy, electrical energy, hydrogen energy and steam energy, with engine configurations employing theses clean energy sources dynamically and synchronously. Further embodiments including fossil fuel energies. 1. A multiple energy engine comprising:a first cylinder, wherein said first cylinder is configured to receive and combust a hydrogen gas, driving a first piston;a second cylinder, wherein said second cylinder is configured to receive a compressed air, driving a second piston;a third cylinder, wherein said third cylinder is configured to receive externally-generated steam, driving a third piston, wherein said first, second and third pistons are coupled to a transmission; anda controller, said controller configured to coordinate the release of said hydrogen gas to said first cylinder, said compressed air to said second cylinder, and said externally-generated steam to the third cylinder, substantially in unison; andwherein said controller selectively operates to provide power to said engine from at least two of said first, second and third cylinders acting substantially in unison.2. The engine according to claim 1 , further comprising:a fourth cylinder, said fourth cylinder is configured to receive and combust a fossil fuel, driving a fourth piston.3. The engine according to claim 2 , wherein said controller selectively operates to provide power to said engine from at least two of said first claim 2 , second claim 2 , third and fourth cylinders acting substantially in unison.4. The engine according to claim 2 , wherein said controller selectively operates only one of said first claim 2 , second claim 2 , third and fourth cylinders to provide power in an individual mode.5. The engine according to claim 1 , wherein said controller selectively operates only one of said first claim 1 , second and third cylinders to provide power in an individual mode.6. The engine ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003342A1

There is provided a technique of a power generation system for performing power generation by introducing a cooling medium for cooling a plurality of semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses into a power generation part, wherein the system comprises a plurality of cooling medium passages, through which the cooling medium for cooling the semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses flows and connected to the power generation part. The system is configured to control an opening/closing part installed in each of the plurality of cooling medium passages based on a temperature of the cooling medium and to control inflow of the cooling medium from the plurality of cooling medium passages to the power generation part such that a temperature of the cooling medium flowing into the power generation part is equal to or higher than a predetermined temperature. 1. A power generation system for performing power generation by introducing a cooling medium for cooling a plurality of semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses into a power generation part , the system comprising:a plurality of cooling medium passages, through which the cooling medium for cooling the semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses flows, installed in each of the plurality of semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses and connected to the power generation part;a first control valve installed in each of the plurality of cooling medium passages at an upstream side of the plurality of cooling medium passages being merged into one;a temperature sensor installed in each of the plurality of cooling medium passages at an upstream side of the first control valve and configured to detect a temperature of the cooling medium that has cooled the semiconductor manufacturing apparatuses;a bypass line which is a flow passage configured to discharge the cooling medium that is not used for power generation and the cooling medium that has been used for power generation in the power generation part;a branch passage that branches from each of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Fluid Utilization Facility Management Method and Fluid Utilization Facility Management System

Номер: US20190003701A1

A method for optimizing a fluid utilization facility. The method includes monitoring an operating state of a fluid utilization device and an operating state of a drain trap in a fluid utilization facility based on detection information obtained by detectors installed in various places in the fluid utilization facility. A running state of the fluid utilization facility is optimized based on a monitoring result. 1. A fluid utilization facility management method comprising:creating a drain water discharge database including a piping layout of pipes on which drain traps and valves in a fluid utilization facility are arranged and locations of the drain traps and the valves on the pipes;monitoring an operating state of each of a fluid utilization device, the drain trap, and the valve in the fluid utilization facility based on detection information from detectors installed in various places in the fluid utilization facility; andoptimizing a running state, of the fluid utilization facility based on this monitoring result and the drain water discharge database.2. The fluid utilization facility management method according to claim 1 , further comprising:calculating an energy balance in the fluid utilization facility, and optimizing the running state of the fluid utilization facility based on the energy balance calculation result, the monitoring result, and, the drain water discharge database.3. The fluid utilization facility management method according to claim 1 , further comprising:making a trial calculation of an economic effect or an environmental effect achieved in a case of optimizing the running state of the fluid utilization facility from a current state.4. The fluid utilization facility management method according to claim 2 ,wherein the fluid utilization facility is a steam utilization facility that uses steam as a fluid, andwherein the energy balance includes a steam balance calculated based on a steam use status of the steam utilization facility.5. The fluid ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Combined cycle power plant and method for operating such a combined cycle power plant

Номер: US20150007577A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

The invention relates to a combined cycle power plant including a gas turbine the exhaust gas outlet of which is connected to a heat recovery steam generator, which is part of a water/steam cycle, whereby, for having a large power reserve and at the same time a higher design performance when operated at base load, the gas turbine is designed with a steam injection capability for power augmentation. For having a large power reserve at improved and optimized design performance when the plant is being operated at base load, the gas turbine includes at least one combustor, and a compressor for providing cooling air for that gas turbine, which is extracted from the compressor and cooled down in at least one cooling air cooler. The steam for steam injection is generated in said cooling air cooler, whereby said steam is injected into an air side inlet or outlet of said cooling air cooler and/or directly into said at least one combustor. The heat recovery steam generator is equipped with a supplementary firing, which is at least a single stage supplementary firing to increase the high pressure steam production and providing augmentation power as power reserve to a grid when required.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for detecting breakage of piping in combined power plants

Номер: US20170010176A1
Автор: Masakazu Inoue
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd

A method and an apparatus for detecting breakage of piping, the method including the steps of: closing an outlet of heat exchanger tubes with an outlet-side shutoff valve; supplying high-temperature water into the heat exchanger tubes with a desalinated water pump; closing an inlet of the heat exchanger tubes with an inlet-side main shutoff valve and an inlet-side auxiliary shutoff valve with the heat exchanger tubes filled with the high-temperature water; and determining breakage of the heat exchanger tubes based on a change in the pressure of the high-temperature water in the heat exchanger tubes with the inlet and the outlet closed.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010508A1
Автор: KAWASHIMA Hirokazu

A multi-valve-type steam valve provided with a plurality of control valves widening a flow path as valve bodies are gradually separated from valve seats by valve shafts being driven in one direction and allowing steam to flow in by allowing the plurality of control valves to reach an open state in order, the multi-valve-type steam valve being configured such that at least the control valve reaching the open state first among the plurality of control valves have a smaller steam inflow amount during the driving in the one direction from a closed state than the other control valves. 1. A multi-valve-type steam valve , comprising:a plurality of control valves widening a flow path as valve bodies are gradually separated from valve seats by driving valve shafts in one direction,wherein steam is allowed to flow in by allowing the plurality of control valves to reach an open state in order, andwherein the multi-valve-type steam valve being configured such that at least the control valve reaching the open state first among the plurality of control valves has a smaller steam inflow amount when being driven in the one direction from a closed state than the other control valves.2. A multi-valve-type steam valve according to claim 1 ,wherein the valve body of the at least the control valve reaching the open state first is smaller in size than the valve bodies of the other control valves and is formed for the steam inflow amount to be decreased.3. A multi-valve-type steam valve according to claim 1 ,wherein the valve body of the at least the control valve reaching the open state first hasa pilot valve connected to the valve shaft, anda valve body main body which abuts against the valve seat and in which a space accommodating the pilot valve therein, a steam guide hole allowing the space and an upstream-side flow path to communicate with each other, and a steam discharge hole allowing the space and a downstream-side flow path to communicate with each other are formed,wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010830A1

A system includes an HRSG that includes a plurality of heat exchanger sections fluidly coupled to each other. The plurality of heat exchanger sections comprises at least one economizer, at least one evaporator, at least one reheater, and at least one superheater. In addition, the HRSG includes an additional heat exchanger section coupled to two different heat exchanger sections of the plurality of heat exchanger sections. Further, the HRSG includes a controller programmed to selectively fluidly couple the additional heat exchanger section to one of the two different heat exchanger sections to alter a heat duty for the selected heat exchanger section fluidly coupled to the additional heat exchanger. 1. A system , comprising: a memory storing instructions to perform operations of the HRSG; and', 'selectively fluidly couple an additional heat exchanger section to one of two different heat exchanger sections that the additional heat exchanger section is coupled to to alter a heat duty for the selected heat exchanger section fluidly coupled to the additional heat exchanger section, wherein the plurality of heat exchanger sections comprises the two different heat exchanger sections.', 'a processor configured to execute the instructions, wherein the instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the controller to], 'a controller for a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), wherein the HRSG comprises a plurality of heat exchanger sections that are fluidly coupled together, the plurality of heat exchanger sections comprises at least one economizer, at least one evaporator, at least one reheater, and at least one superheater, wherein the controller comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two different heat exchanger sections comprise the at least one reheater and the at least one superheater.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the two different heat exchanger sections comprise the at least one superheater and the at least one evaporator.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010834A1
Автор: FORD Darrell

A process and system of extracting useful work or electricity from a thermal source, wherein heat energy from the thermal source is used in the form of a heated collection fluid; a first side of a heat exchanger is filled with a liquid or supercritical working fluid; fluid flow out of the first side of the heat exchanger is closed such that a fixed volume of the working fluid is maintained in the first side; the heated collection fluid flowed through a second side of the heat exchanger that is adjacent to the first side to affect a transfer of heat from the heated collection fluid to the fixed volume of the working fluid to raise its temperature and pressure; the pressurized working fluid is released from the first side of the heat exchanger upon the working fluid reaching a threshold state; a flow of the pressurized working fluid is directed to an expander capable of converting the kinetic energy of the pressurized working fluid into useful work or electricity; and the foregoing steps are repeated. A plurality of such operably coupled heat exchangers may be used in a manner such that the timing of the pressurized working fluid from each heat exchanger to the expander is offset. 1. A process of extracting useful work or electricity from a thermal source , the process comprising the steps of:(a) filling a first side of a heat exchanger with a liquid or supercritical working fluid;(b) closing fluid flow out of the first side of the heat exchanger such that a fixed volume of the working fluid is maintained in the first side;(c) providing a flow of a collection fluid, that is at a higher temperature than the working fluid as a result of heat from the thermal source, through a second side of the heat exchanger that is adjacent to the first side to affect a transfer of heat from the collection fluid to the fixed volume of the working fluid to raise its temperature and pressure;(d) releasing the pressurized working fluid from the first side of the heat exchanger upon the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013338A1

The present invention relates to a device for controlling a working fluid with low freezing point circulating in a closed loop () working on a Rankine cycle, said loop comprising a compression/circulation pump () for the fluid in liquid form, a heat exchanger () swept by a hot source () for evaporation of said fluid, expansion means () for the fluid in vapour form, a cooling exchanger () swept by a cold source (F) for condensation of the working fluid, a working fluid tank () and working fluid circulation lines (). 1. A device for controlling a working fluid with low freezing point circulating in a closed loop working on a Rankine cycle , said loop comprising a compression/circulation pump for the fluid in liquid form , a heat exchanger swept by a hot source for evaporation of said fluid , expansion means for the fluid in vapour form , a cooling exchanger swept by a cold source for condensation of the working fluid , a working fluid tank and working fluid circulation lines , characterized in that tank is connected to a depression generator.2. A device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the depression generator is a vacuum pump.3. A device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that closed loop comprises controlled vent-to-atmosphere means.4. A device as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that at least one of the circulation lines of the loop comprises controlled vent-to-atmosphere means.5. A device as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that tank comprises controlled vent-to-atmosphere means for the inside of said tank.6. A device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the closed loop comprises a bypass circuit bypassing pump.7. A device as claimed in claim 6 , characterized in that bypass circuit comprises a bypass line carrying controlled throttle means.8. A device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that tank comprises a temperature detector for the fluid contained therein.9. A device as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034240A1
Принадлежит: CLIMEON AB

A method for preventing formation of droplets in a heat exchanger, in which a second medium transfers heat to a first. The method is performed by a controller which receives different temperature values (T, T, T) and a pressure (P) value to be used for calculating a boiling point temperature value (T) and determining a first temperature difference (ΔT) and a second temperature difference (ΔT). Generating a flow control signal, for controlling the flow of the first medium into the heat exchanger, based on the first temperature difference (ΔT), the second temperature difference (ΔT) and the first temperature value Tand sending the flow control signal to a regulator device for controlling the flow of the first medium in the heat exchanger. 1. A method of preventing formation of droplets in a heat exchanger , in which a second medium transfers heat to a first medium , said method being performed by a controller and comprising:{'sub': '1', 'receiving a first temperature value (T), from a first temperature unit, of a temperature at a first position of the first medium exiting the heat exchanger,'}receiving a pressure value (P), from a pressure sensor unit, of a pressure of the first medium exiting the heat exchanger,{'sub': '2', 'receiving a second temperature value (T), from a second temperature unit, of a temperature of the second medium entering the heat exchanger,'}{'sub': '3', 'receiving a third temperature value (T), from a third temperature unit, of a temperature of the second medium exiting the heat exchanger,'}{'sub': 'B', 'calculating a boiling point temperature value (T) based on the pressure value (P) and heat exchanger parameters,'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1, 'determining a first temperature difference (ΔT) between the second temperature value (T) and the first temperature value (T),'}{'sub': 2', '3', 'B, 'determining a second temperature difference (ΔT) between the third temperature value (T) and the boiling point temperature value (T),'}{'sub': 1', '2', '1, ' ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Working fluid collecting apparatus for rankine cycle waste heat recovery system

Номер: US20170016352A1
Автор: Jung Min Seo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A working fluid collecting apparatus for a Rankine cycle waste heat recovery system includes a storage tank for storing a working fluid circulated in a Rankine cycle therein, and a collection means for collecting the working fluid into the storage tank.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Thermal energy recovery device and start-up method thereof

Номер: US20170016353A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

A thermal energy recovery device capable of suppressing a rapid increase of thermal stress generated in an evaporator when the operation is started and a start-up method thereof are provided. The thermal energy recovery device includes an evaporator, a preheater, an energy recovery unit, a circulating flow path, a pump, a heating medium flow path for supplying a heating medium to the evaporator and the preheater, a flow adjustment unit provided in a portion on the upstream side than the evaporator within the heating medium flow path, and a control unit. The control unit controls the flow adjustment unit so that the inflow amount of the heating medium in a gas-phase to the evaporator gradually increases, in a state that the pump is stopped, until the temperature of the evaporator becomes a specified value.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016354A1

Systems and methods are provided for optimizing system output in production systems, comprising. The method includes separating, by a processor, one or more initial input variables into a plurality of output variables, the output variables including environmental variables and system response variables. The method also includes building, using the processor, a nonparametric estimation that determines a relationship between one or more initial control variables and the system response variables, and estimating a global input-output mapping function, using the determined relationship, and a range of the environmental variables. The method further includes generating one or more optimal control variables from the initial control variables by maximizing the input-output mapping function and the range of the environmental variables. The method additionally includes incorporating one or more of the optimal control variables into a production system to increase production output of the production system. 1. A method for optimizing system output in production systems , comprising:separating, by a processor, one or more initial input variables into a plurality of output variables, the output variables including environmental variables and system response variables;building, using the processor, a nonparametric estimation that determines a relationship between one or more initial control variables and the system response variables;estimating a global input-output mapping function, using the determined relationship, and a range of the environmental variables;generating one or more optimal control variables from the initial control variables by maximizing the input-output mapping function and the range of the environmental variables; andincorporating one or more of the optimal control variables into a production system to increase production output of the production system.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: computing a Pearson product-moment correlation ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Waste heat recovery system

Номер: US20170016356A1
Автор: Jung Min Seo
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A waste heat recovery system having a Rankine cycle in which a boiler, an expander, a condenser, and a circulation pump are installed on a circulation path in which working fluid is circulated according to the present disclosure includes: a plurality of boilers configured to be connected to the circulation path of the Rankine cycle through connection pipes between the expander and the circulation pump; and first and second direction control valves configured to be installed at the top and at the bottom of the plurality of boilers to shift flow directions of the working fluid to the plurality of boilers.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Device and Method for Operational and Safety Control of a Heat Engine

Номер: US20160017757A1
Автор: Risla Harald Nes

A device and a method are for the operational and safety control of a heat engine, which has a working-fluid path including a high-pressure path and a low-pressure path. The heat engine uses a condensable working fluid which, at least in part of the high-pressure path, is in the liquid phase. A fluid-drainage path, which is selectably open or closed, is connected to a portion of the high-pressure path in which the working fluid is mainly in the liquid phase.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017758A1

Provided herein are a heat engine system and a method for managing a working fluid in the heat engine system during an emergency shutdown. The heat engine system utilizes a working fluid (e.g., sc-CO2) contained within a working fluid circuit to absorb and transport heat. An inventory system is coupled to the working fluid circuit and configured to receive and store at least a portion of the working fluid in the working fluid circuit during an emergency shutdown process. An attemperation line is coupled to the working fluid circuit upstream one or more heat exchangers and configured to direct a portion of the working fluid flow around at least one or more heat exchangers, thereby managing the temperature of the working fluid in the working fluid circuit.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Controlling turbopump thrust in a heat engine system

Номер: US20160017759A1
Принадлежит: Echogen Power Systems LLC

A heat engine system and a method are provided for generating energy by transforming thermal energy into mechanical and/or electrical energy, and for controlling a thrust load applied to a turbopump of the heat engine system. The generation of energy may be optimized by controlling a thrust or net thrust load applied to a turbopump of the heat engine system. The heat engine system may include one or more valves, such as a turbopump throttle valve and/or a bearing drain valve, which may be modulated to control the thrust load applied to the turbopump during one or more modes of operating the heat engine system.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016946A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Optimizing power generation from waste heat in large industrial facilities such as petroleum refineries by utilizing a subset of all available hot source streams selected based, in part, on considerations for example, capital cost, ease of operation, economics of scale power generation, a number of ORC machines to be operated, operating conditions of each ORC machine, combinations of them, or other considerations are described. Recognizing that several subsets of hot sources can be identified from among the available hot sources in a large petroleum refinery, subsets of hot sources that are optimized to provide waste heat to one or more ORC machines for power generation are also described. Further, recognizing that the utilization of waste heat from all available hot sources in a mega-site such as a petroleum refinery and aromatics complex is not necessarily or not always the best option, hot source units in petroleum refineries from which waste heat can be consolidated to power the one or more ORC machines are identified. 120-. (canceled)21. A power generation system , comprising:at least one heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a plurality of heat sources from at least one sub-unit of a petrochemical refining system, the at least one sub-unit comprising an aromatics refining plant;a power generation sub-system that comprises at least one power generation cycle that comprises (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the at least one heating fluid circuit to heat the working fluid, and (ii) an expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated working fluid; anda control system configured to actuate a set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the at least one heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the plurality of heat sources.22. The power generation system of claim 21 , wherein the at least one sub-unit further comprises at least one of a hydrocracking plant claim 21 , a continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR) plant ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method and a system of arranging turbine stages for saturated steam applications

Номер: US20140102100A1
Принадлежит: Krishna Kumar Bindingnavale Ranga

The various embodiments herein provide a safety system for multiple turbine stages for saturated steam applications. The system comprises an isolating system having the inter-stage pipes for isolating the turbine stages and for transferring steam from one stage to another stage. A draining system is connected to each seal housing, inlet casing, exit casing and inter stage pipe to drain out a condensed steam vapor during a passage of steam between two successive stages. The draining system comprises drain pipes and a condensate pot for collecting and storing condensed steam. A thermodynamic trap is attached to the drain pipes and condensate pot for removing the condensed steam vapors collected in the condensate pot and drain pipes without significant steam leakage. A control system is provided for detecting and stopping high speed rotation of rotor disk in turbine assembly.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102102A1

The various embodiments herein provide a method and a system for maintaining a constant power output from the low pressure stages of an extraction-condensing type steam turbine under the large variations of extraction or bleed. The method comprises of keeping the flow of working fluid to the low pressure stages constant for a wide range of variations in extraction. The embodiments herein utilizes a pressure reducing and de-superheating stations (PRDS) and an Auxiliary Quick Start™ turbine to maintain the constant flow of working fluid or alternatively two pressure reducing and de-superheating stations (PRDS) for the same. The Auxiliary Quick Start™ turbine or PRDS is used to maintain the constant power output from the low pressure stages of the extraction-condensing type steam turbine. 1. A method for maintaining a constant power output in low pressure stages of a steam turbine , the method comprises:sensing a variation in a requirement for a working fluid in a process; andsending a command signal based on the sensed variation in the requirement to regulate a control valve to a turbine to maintain a constant supply of working fluid to the low pressure stages of a turbine.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a variation in the requirement of the working fluid is sensed based on a variation in a pressure in a low pressure header.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure in a low pressure header is detected by a pressure transmitter.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the command signal is sent by the pressure transmitter based on the detected pressure in the low pressure header to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to regulate an operation of the control valve to regulate the supply of working fluid to the turbine.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the variation in the requirement of the working fluid includes a decrease in the requirement of the working fluid to an auxiliary process or an increase in the requirement of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Gas Compressor

Номер: US20140102103A1

A gas compressor includes a compressor unit having a compressor body for compressing gas and an electricity-generation device generating electricity by obtaining a driving force by vaporizing a working fluid utilizing exhaust heat generated by a compressing action in the compressor body and expanding the working fluid so as to utilize the power generated by the electricity-generation device as a power source, and includes a switch device switching between power from the electricity generation device and power from a commercial power supply to supply power to the power consumption equipment, and a control device detecting an electricity-generation amount or a value correlative to the electricity generation amount and switching between the powers by the switch device, thereby generating the power using exhaust heat as a heat source to surely drive an auxiliary machine by a simple configuration regardless of a shortage of the electricity generation amount. 1. A gas compressor including a compressor unit having a compressor body for compressing a gas and an electricity generation device for generating electricity by obtaining a driving force by vaporizing a working fluid utilizing exhaust heat generated by compressing action in the compressor body and expanding the working fluid and utilizing power generated by the electricity generation device as a power supply of power consumption equipment in the gas compressor , comprising:a switch device for switching between the power generated by the electricity generation device and power obtained from a commercial power supply to supply the power to the power consumption equipment, anda control device for detecting an electricity generation amount of the electricity generation device or a value correlative to the electricity generation amount and making the switch device switch between the power generated by the electricity generation device and the power obtained from the commercial power supply on the basis of at least one of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Supercritical co2 power generating system for preventing cold-end corrosion

Номер: US20190017417A1
Автор: Song Hun CHA

A supercritical CO 2 power generating system prevents cold-end corrosion capable of improving reliability against cold-end corrosion by including a recirculation pump. Part of the working fluid heated in the low-temperature-side external heat exchanger using the recirculation pump is mixed with the low-temperature working fluid at the rear end of the pump, to heat the working fluid above the temperature of the dewpoint of the waste heat gas. The heated working fluid is then supplied to the external heat exchanger. By reducing the cold-end corrosion phenomenon of the low-temperature-side external heat exchanger, the life of the external heat exchanger can be increased and the reliability of the external heat exchanger and the supercritical CO 2 power generating system can be improved.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Steam Power Plant, Modification Method and Operation Method of Steam Power Plant

Номер: US20210017882A1
Автор: TAMURA Shingo

There is provided a steam power plant which has a plurality of units and improves turbine plant efficiency in partial-load operation of the plurality of units in total. The steam power plant includes a first steam power plant having a boiler which generates steam, a high-pressure turbine which is driven with the steam that the boiler generates, a first reheat line which supplies the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine to the boiler, a first feed water heater to which part of the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine is supplied, and a high-pressure extraction steam line which supplies the part of the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine to the first feed water heater; a second steam power plant having a boiler which generates steam, a high-pressure turbine which is driven with the steam that the boiler generates, a first reheat line which supplies the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine to the boiler, a first feed water heater to which part of the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine is supplied, and a high-pressure extraction steam line which supplies the part of the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine to the first feed water heater; and an inter-unit connected extraction steam line which connects the high-pressure extraction steam line of the first steam power plant with the high-pressure extraction steam line of the second steam power plant. 1. A steam power plant comprising:a first steam power plant having a boiler which generates steam, a high-pressure turbine which is driven with the steam that the boiler generates, a first reheat line which supplies the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine to the boiler, a first feed water heater to which part of the steam which is exhausted or extracted from the high-pressure turbine is supplied, and a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018191A1
Автор: Autry Garret Thomas

A cooling system includes a heat exchanger configured to transfer thermal energy from a heat source to an internal fluid, an expander fluidly coupled with the heat exchanger and configured to reduce a pressure of the internal fluid received from the heat exchanger, a first air-cooled condenser fluidly coupled with the expander and configured to air cool the internal fluid that is received from the expander, a compressor fluidly coupled with the first air-cooled condenser and configured to increase the pressure of the internal fluid received from the first air-cooled condenser, and a second air-cooled condenser fluidly coupled with the compressor and configured to air cool the internal fluid received from the compressor. 1. A cooling system comprising:a heat exchanger configured to transfer thermal energy from a heat source to an internal fluid;a stack heat recovery steam generator fluidly coupled with the heat exchanger and configured to receive the internal fluid that is heated by the thermal energy transferred to the internal fluid by the heat exchanger, the stack heat recovery steam generator configured to heat the internal fluid received from the heat exchanger;an expander fluidly coupled with the stack heat recovery steam generator and configured to reduce a pressure of the internal fluid that is received from the stack heat recovery steam generator, the expander configured to be coupled with a generator and to drive the generator to generate electric current;a first air-cooled condenser fluidly coupled with the expander and configured to be conductively coupled with the generator, the first air-cooled condenser configured to receive the internal fluid from the expander and to air cool the internal fluid, the first air-cooled condenser also configured to be powered by the electric current generated from the expander driving the generator;a compressor fluidly coupled with the first air-cooled condenser and configured to be conductively coupled with the generator ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024974A1

The present invention relates to a passive type low-temperature heat sources organic working fluid power generation method. The organic working fluid absorbs heat and evaporates in the first evaporator and the second in turn evaporator. When the pressure of organic working fluid reaches the set pressure, the self-operated pressure regulator valve at the outlet of the evaporator opens triggered by operating pressure. The organic working fluid vapor flows into the turbine and pushes the turbine to rotate with a high speed, driving the generator to provide output power. The low-temperature low-pressure exhaust gas flows into the condenser and condenses into liquid working fluid. Through the first and second evaporator in turn providing working steam, the turbine can maintain continuous work and provide output power. Compared with the prior technology, the present invention has reliable performance, relying on the evaporation of the working fluid in a closed space to achieve increased pressure. 1. A method of the passive type low-temperature heat sources organic working fluid generation method comprises the steps of:(1) when the organic working fluid within the first evaporator absorbs heat and evaporates, the temperature and the pressure of first evaporator increases until the organic working fluid pressure reaches the set pressure. The first self-operated pressure regulator valve at the outlet of the first evaporator opens triggered by working pressure, the organic working fluid vapor flows into the turbine and pushes the turbine to rotate with a high speed, driving the generator to provide output power. The low-temperature low-pressure exhaust gas flows into the condenser and condenses into liquid working fluid;(2) The condensed organic working fluid flows into the reservoir. As the organic working fluid of the first evaporator consuming, the evaporator pressure drops to the set value of self-operated pressure regulator valve, and the first self-operated pressure ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Start-Up Control Device and Start-Up Control Method for Power Plant

Номер: US20170023933A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd

To provide a start-up control device and a start-up control method for a power plant capable of changing the start-up completion estimated time to a desired time simply and safely while starting the power plant. The start-up control device includes an equipment state quantity acquisition unit acquiring an equipment state quantity of the power plant, a start-up schedule calculation unit calculating a current start-up schedule based on the equipment state quantity and a first thermal stress limiting value and calculating a start-up schedule changing plan based on the equipment state quantity and a second thermal stress limiting value, an equipment operation amount calculation unit calculating an equipment operation amount of the power plant based on the current start-up schedule, a screen display unit displaying respective start-up completion estimated times of the current start-up schedule and the start-up schedule changing plan, and an instruction input unit instructing the start-up schedule calculation unit to perform switching from the current start-up schedule to the start-up schedule changing plan.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042720A1

The present disclosure provides pumped thermal energy storage systems that can be used to store electrical energy. A pumped thermal energy storage system of the present disclosure can store energy by operating as a heat pump or refrigerator, whereby network input can be used to transfer heat from the cold side to the hot side. A working fluid of the system is capable of efficient heat exchange with heat storage fluids on a hot side of the system and on a cold side of the system. The system can extract energy by operating as a heat engine transferring heat from the hot side to the cold side, which can result in network output. Systems of the present disclosure can employ solar heating for improved storage efficiency. 1. A method of controlling turbomachinery speed , the method comprising:in a closed cycle fluid path of a pumped thermal system operable in a heat engine mode and a heat pump mode, circulating a working fluid through the closed cycle fluid path including, in sequence, a compressor, a hot side heat exchanger, a turbine, and a cold side heat exchanger in both the heat engine mode and the heat pump mode, and circulating a working fluid through the closed cycle fluid path in the same direction through the compressor and the turbine in both the heat engine mode and the heat pump mode;determining an increase in a shaft speed of the turbine; andresponsive to the determination of the increase in the shaft speed of the turbine, transferring a quantity of the working fluid from the closed cycle fluid path to an auxiliary working fluid tank.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:responsive to the determination of the increase in the shaft speed of the turbine, changing a flow rate of a hot side thermal storage (“HTS”) media through the hot side heat exchanger, wherein the HTS media is in thermal contact with working fluid.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:responsive to the determination of the increase in the shaft speed of the turbine, changing ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024538A1

A combined heat and power system is provided with a Rankine cycle passage, a heat medium passage, an evaporator, an expander, a condenser, a pump, a temperature sensor, a sensor, and a controller. The evaporator receives the heat from the heat medium to heat a working fluid. The temperature sensor detects the temperature of the heat medium after radiating heat for heating the working fluid. The sensor detects the pressure of the working fluid flowing between the outlet of the evaporator and the inlet of the expander. The controller adjusts the rotation speed of the pump based on the temperature detected by the temperature sensor, and in addition, adjusts the rotation speed of the expander based on the pressure detected by the sensor. 1. A combined heat and power system comprising:a Rankine cycle passage in which a working fluid flows;a heat medium passage in which a heat medium supplied from a heat source flows;an evaporator that is disposed in the Rankine cycle passage and that directly or indirectly receives heat from the heat medium to heat the working fluid;an expander that is disposed in the Rankine cycle passage and that expands the working fluid flowing from the evaporator to generate rotational power;a condenser that is disposed in the Rankine cycle passage and that cools the working fluid flowing from the expander;a pump that is disposed in the Rankine cycle passage and that pumps the working fluid flowing from the condenser to the evaporator;a temperature sensor that detects a temperature of the heat medium after radiating heat for heating the working fluid;a sensor for determining a pressure of the working fluid flowing between the outlet of the expander and inlet of the expander in the Rankine cycle passage; anda controller that controls a rotation speed of the pump based on the temperature detected by the temperature sensor and that controls a rotation speed of the expander based on the pressure determined based on the result of the detection by the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024540A1
Автор: CHA Song Hun

The present disclosure relates to a hybrid power generating system comprising a power generating system using supercritical COconfigured to use the supercritical COas a working fluid and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) treatment system configured to vaporize LNG, where the working fluid is cooled in at least one of the power generating system using supercritical COand the LNG treatment system and is re-circulated to the power generating system using supercritical CO. 1. A hybrid power generating system comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a power generating system using supercritical COconfigured to use the supercritical COas a working fluid; and'}a liquefied natural gas (LNG) treatment system configured to vaporize LNG,{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the working fluid is cooled in at least one of the power generating system using supercritical COand the LNG treatment system and is re-circulated to the power generating system using supercritical CO.'}2. The hybrid power generating system of claim 1 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the power generating system using supercritical COcomprises'}a compressor configured to compress the working fluid;at least one heat exchanger configured to be supplied with heat from an outside heat source to heat a part of the working fluid passing through the compressor; at least one turbine configured to be driven by the working fluid;at least one recuperator configured to be supplied with a part of the working fluid passing through the compressor, exchange heat between the working fluid passing through the turbine and the working fluid passing through the compressor to cool the working fluid passing through the turbine, and heat the working fluid passing through the compressor; anda start-up cooler configured to cool the working fluid cooled in the recuperator through the turbine and supply the cooled working fluid to the compressor,wherein the LNG treatment system comprises a plurality of high-pressure evaporators which vaporizes the LNG.3. The hybrid power ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Variable Pressure Inventory Control of Closed Cycle System with a High Pressure Tank and an Intermediate Pressure Tank

Номер: US20200025042A1

Systems and methods for variable pressure inventory control of a closed thermodynamic cycle power generation system or energy storage system, such as a reversible Brayton cycle system, with at least a high pressure tank and an intermediate pressure tank are disclosed. Operational parameters of the system such as working fluid pressure, turbine torque, turbine RPM, generator torque, generator RPM, and current, voltage, phase, frequency, and/or quantity of electrical power generated and/or distributed by the generator may be the basis for controlling a quantity of working fluid that circulates through a closed cycle fluid path of the system. 1. A method comprising:in a closed cycle system, circulating a working fluid through a closed cycle fluid path including, in sequence, a compressor, a hot side heat exchanger, a turbine, and a cold side heat exchanger, wherein the closed cycle fluid path comprises a high pressure leg and a low pressure leg, wherein the closed cycle system comprises (i) a first fluid connection between the high pressure leg and a high pressure tank and connected to the high pressure leg between an outlet of the hot side heat exchanger and an inlet of the turbine and (ii) a second fluid connection between the high pressure leg and an intermediate pressure tank and connected to the high pressure leg between the outlet of the hot side heat exchanger and the inlet of the turbine, and wherein the closed cycle system is configured to cycle between a charge mode and a discharge mode;determining an operating condition of the closed cycle system;defining a first threshold pressure value based on the determination of the operating condition of the closed cycle system;removing a first quantity of working fluid from the closed cycle fluid path by opening the first fluid connection, such that pressure of the working fluid in the high pressure leg decreases and pressure of the working fluid in the high pressure tank increases;closing the first fluid connection ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Method, System, and Apparatus for the Thermal Storage of Nuclear Reactor Generated Energy

Номер: US20220044833A1

A method, system, and apparatus for the thermal storage of nuclear reactor generated energy including diverting a selected portion of energy from a portion of a nuclear reactor system to an auxiliary thermal reservoir and, responsive to a shutdown event, supplying a portion of the diverted selected portion of energy to an energy conversion system of the nuclear reactor system. 1127.-. (canceled)128. A method , comprising:providing a first portion of energy from at least one nuclear reactor of a nuclear reactor system to at least one energy conversion system;diverting a selected portion of energy from the at least one nuclear reactor to at least one auxiliary thermal reservoir, the selected portion of energy exceeding operational demand of the at least one energy conversion system; andstoring the diverted selected portion of energy in the at least one auxiliary thermal reservoir in the form of a temperature change or a phase change in at least one heat storage material of the at least one auxiliary thermal reservoir.129. The method of claim 128 , further comprising responsive to a signal regarding a shutdown event claim 128 , supplying at least a portion of the diverted selected portion of energy to the at least one energy conversion system.130. The method of claim 128 , wherein the diverting the selection portion of energy from the portion of the at least one nuclear reactor comprises operating the nuclear reactor at full power.131. The method of claim 128 , further comprising:determining that energy production by the at least one energy conversion system exceeds current grid demand;converting excess electrical power to thermal energy; andstoring the thermal energy in in the at least one auxiliary thermal reservoir in the form of a temperature change or a phase change in the at least one heat storage material of the at least one auxiliary thermal reservoir.132. The method of claim 128 , further comprising providing at least a portion of the diverted selected portion ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030847A1
Автор: Wall Dirk

A method for monitoring operation of a power generating installation that has at least one generator that is driven by a rotating machine, in which values of an operating parameter of the generator and/or rotating machine are captured and stored, it is ascertained whether the value of the operating parameter at prescribed checking times lies outside an admissible range, wherein a possible fault is inferred if the value of the operating parameter lies outside the admissible range at two directly successive checking times, an additional check is performed to determine whether the value of the operating parameter is approaching the admissible range in a prescribed checking interval that lies between two directly successive checking times and particularly extends as far as the later of the two checking times, and it is inferred that there is a fault if the value of the operating parameter is not approaching the admissible range. 1. A method for monitoring the operation of an electricity generating installation , which comprises at least one generator that is driven by a rotating machine in order to supply electricity to an electric grid , the method comprising:acquiring and storing values of an operating parameter of the generator and/or of the rotating machine,ascertaining whether the value of the operating parameter at prescribed checking instants lies outside an admissible rangeinferring a possible fault if the value of the operating parameter lies outside the admissible range at two directly successive checking instants, and additionally checking whether the value of the operating parameter is approaching the admissible range in a prescribed checking interval that lies between the two directly successive checking instants and, in particular, extends up to the later of the two checking instants, andinferring that there is a fault if the value of the operating parameter is not approaching the admissible range.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein checking ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Method and Device For Rapid Oil Heating For Oil-Lubricated Expansion Machines

Номер: US20180030857A1
Принадлежит: Orcan Energy AG

The present invention relates to a method for lubricant heating during starting up of a thermodynamic cycle device, wherein the cycle device comprises a working medium with a working substance and a lubricant, an evaporator for evaporating the working substance, a lubricant separator for separating at least part of the lubricant from the working medium which is supplied by the evaporator, an expansion machine which is to be lubricated with the lubricant, and a condenser device with a condenser, and wherein the method comprises the following steps: delivery of lubricant from the lubricant separator to the condenser device and/or to the evaporator during shutdown of the cycle device, as a result of which a working medium which is enriched with lubricant is provided in the condenser device and/or in the evaporator; and heating of the working medium which is enriched with lubricant in the evaporator during starting up of the cycle device. Furthermore, the invention relates to a thermodynamic cycle device which comprises means for delivering lubricant from the lubricant separator to the condenser device and/or to the evaporator during shutdown of the cycle device, as a result of which a working medium which is enriched with lubricant can be provided in the condenser device and/or in the evaporator. 1. Method for lubricant heating upon starting up a thermodynamic cycle device , wherein the cycle device comprises a working medium including a working substance and a lubricant , an evaporator for evaporating the working substance , a lubricant separator for separating at least a portion of the lubricant from the working medium supplied from the evaporator , an expansion machine to be lubricated with the lubricant , and a condenser apparatus having a condenser , and wherein the method comprises the steps of:supplying lubricant from the lubricant separator to the condenser apparatus and/or to the evaporator upon shutting down the cycle device so as to provide a working medium ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116051A1

A Rankine cycle where, in a circulation path of a working fluid, a heat exchanger exchanging heat between the working fluid and a heat medium, an expander, a condensing unit and a pumping device are provided in order, includes a temperature detector detecting the temperature of the working fluid flowing out of the heat exchanger, a pressure detector detecting the pressure of the working fluid flowing through the heat exchanger, a flow rate adjusting unit for adjusting the working fluid flow rate to the heat exchanger and a control device controlling the adjusting unit. The control device controls to change the temperature and pressure of the working fluid sucked into the expander while satisfying the relationship along the target pressure line TPL where the target pressure is set to increase the working fluid density following the increase in the working fluid temperature. 16-. (canceled)7. A Rankine cycle where , in a circulation path of a working fluid , a heat exchanger that implements heat exchange between the working fluid and a heat medium , a fluid expander that generates driving power by expanding the working fluid , a condensing unit that condenses the working fluid and a fluid pumping device that transfers the working fluid to the heat exchanger are provided in order , wherein a state of the working fluid after the heat exchange with the heat medium in the heat exchanger is superheated vapor , the Rankine cycle comprising:a temperature detector that detects a temperature of the working fluid flowing out of the heat exchanger;a pressure detector that detects a pressure of the working fluid flowing through the heat exchanger;flow rate adjusting means for adjusting a flow rate of the working fluid into the heat exchanger; anda control device that controls the flow rate adjusting means,wherein the control device sets a target pressure such that a density of the working fluid flowing out of the heat exchanger increases following an increase in the temperature ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Fluid Machine

Номер: US20150033744A1

A fluid machine (A) including: a casing section () including a suction port (); a housing section () including a discharge port (); and scrolls () driven by a working fluid suctioned from the suction port (). In the fluid machine (A), a bypass section (), which includes a bypass passage () guiding the working fluid to the discharge port () while allowing the working fluid to bypass the scrolls () and a valve mechanism () opening and closing the bypass passage (), is supported between the casing section () and the housing section (). The valve mechanism () is a solenoid valve which displaces a valve body in a radial direction of a rotating shaft (), and an accommodating portion of a coil () is exposed to the outside of the casing section () and the housing section (). 1. A fluid machine comprising:a suction port into which a working fluid that becomes a heated vapor and has a high pressure flows;a casing section including the suction port;a driving section which is driven by expansion of the working fluid suctioned from the suction port;a discharge port from which the working fluid that has passed through the driving section and has a low pressure flows; anda housing section including the discharge port,wherein a bypass section, in which a bypass passage that guides the working fluid suctioned from the suction port to the discharge port while allowing the working fluid to bypass the driving section is formed and a valve mechanism that opens and closes the bypass passage is included, is supported between the casing section and the housing section.2. The fluid machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the valve mechanism is a solenoid valve which opens and closes the bypass passage by displacing a valve body in a radial direction of a rotating shaft of the driving section using magnetic force of a coil.3. The fluid machine according to claim 2 ,wherein an accommodating portion of the coil of the bypass section is exposed to the outside of the casing section and the housing ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049651A1

A method including: (i) receiving a first amount of electricity into a pumped-heat energy storage system (“PHES system”) from a power generation plant supplying a second amount of electricity to an electrical grid; (ii) operating the PHES system in a charge mode, converting at least a portion of the received first amount of electricity to stored thermal energy; and (iii) increasing a power level of the PHES system such that the first amount of electricity that the PHES system receives from the power generation plant is increased such that the second amount of electricity supplied to the electrical grid by the power generation plant is a reduced amount of electricity less than the second amount of electricity. 1. A method comprising:receiving a first amount of electricity into a pumped-heat energy storage system (“PHES system”) from a power generation plant supplying a second amount of electricity to an electrical grid;operating the PHES system in a charge mode, converting at least a portion of the received first amount of electricity to stored thermal energy; andincreasing a power level of the PHES system such that the first amount of electricity that the PHES system receives from the power generation plant is increased such that the second amount of electricity supplied to the electrical grid by the power generation plant is a reduced amount of electricity less than the second amount of electricity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the PHES system comprises a working fluid circulating through at least a compressor system claim 1 , a hot-side heat exchanger system claim 1 , a turbine system claim 1 , a cold-side heat exchanger system claim 1 , and returning to the compressor system.3. The method of claim 2 , herein the PHES system is further operable in a generation mode that converts at least a portion of the stored thermal energy into electricity for dispatch to the electrical grid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein increasing the power level of the PHES system ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032519A1
Автор: Vilim Richard B.

The invention relates to a nuclear plant in which the power of a nuclear reactor is controlled via demand of a connected electric grid. A naturally circulating nuclear reactor coolant loop is linked to a water/steam loop by means of a steam generator. The water/steam loop consists of an electric power generating unit and a water recirculating and steam control system. The generator is coupled to an external power grid. As power requirements of the grid change, a controller linked to the generator and a three way valve divides steam flow between the expansion turbine and a feedwater heater to boost or retard the power output. Altering the steam flow changes the pressure and temperature in the water/steam system and thus the coolant flow rate. The change in coolant flow allows the reactor core to regulate its reactivity to reach a state of equilibrium to the demand for electric power. 1. A system for regulating nuclear reactor core activity comprising:a naturally circulating nuclear reactor having a nuclear reactor cooling outlet,a nuclear reactor cooling inlet, anda nuclear core with a negative temperature reactivity coefficient;a steam generator having a saturated liquid space displaced above the nuclear reactor cooling outlet, anda steam space;a coolant loop where the coolant loop cycles coolant out through the nuclear reactor coolant outlet, where the coolant loop is in thermal communication with the saturated liquid space of the steam generator, and where the coolant loop cycles coolant in through the nuclear reactor coolant inlet;a steam piping system in fluid communication with the steam space of the steam generator;a three way valve having a valve shaft, in fluid communication at a three way valve inlet port with the steam piping system which leaves the steam generator;an expansion turbine directly fluidly connected to and in fluid communication with the three way valve at a three way valve first outlet port;a condenser in fluid communication with the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032597A1
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

The invention relates to a method for controlling the temperature of a waste heat recovery system associated with a combustion engine, the waste heat recovery system comprising a working fluid circuit; at least one evaporator; an expander; a condenser and a pump arranged to pump the working fluid through the circuit, wherein the at least one evaporator is arranged for heat exchange between the working fluid and a heat source associated with the combustion engine, wherein the condenser of the waste heat recovery system is connected to a cooling system . The method comprises the steps of: determining if a combustion engine associated with the waste heat recovery system is about to be shut down; and controlling the temperature in the waste heat recovery system based on whether the combustion engine is about to be shut down or not. 1. A method for controlling the temperature in a waste heat recovery system associated with a combustion engine , the waste heat recovery system comprising a working fluid circuit; at least one evaporator; an expander; a condenser and a pump arranged to pump the working fluid through the working fluid circuit , wherein the at least one evaporator is arranged for heat exchange between the working fluid and a heat source associated with the combustion engine , wherein the condenser of the waste heat recovery system is connected to a cooling system , said method comprising:determining if a combustion engine associated with the waste heat recovery system is about to be shut down; andcontrolling a temperature in the waste heat recovery system based on whether the combustion engine is about to be shut down or not.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein controlling a temperature in the waste heat recovery system comprises controlling the heat source associated with the combustion engine.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein controlling a temperature in the waste heat recovery system comprises maintaining as high a temperature as possible ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Flexible coal-fired power generation system and operation method thereof

Номер: US20210033004A1
Принадлежит: Univ Xi An Jiaotong

A flexible coal-fired power generation system includes a thermal system for coal-fired power generating unit and a high-temperature heat storage system connected in parallel, wherein: the heat storage system includes a heat storage medium pump ( 17 ), a cold heat storage medium tank ( 18 ), a hot heat storage medium tank ( 20 ), multiple valves, and a heat storage medium and feedwater heat exchanger ( 21 ). A heat storage medium heater ( 16 ) locates in the boiler ( 1 ) and is connected with both the cold heat storage medium tank ( 18 ) and the hot heat storage medium tank ( 20 ). Through the heat storage medium pump ( 17 ), the flow of heat storage medium that enters the heat storage medium heater ( 16 ) is adjusted to reduce the output of the steam turbine when the boiler ( 1 ) is stably burning.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Plant control apparatus, plant control method and power plant

Номер: US20210033025A1

In one embodiment, a plant control apparatus controls a power plant. The apparatus includes a gas turbine, an exhaust heat recovery boiler to generate main steam, a first steam turbine driven by first steam, and a first valve to supply the first steam to the first steam turbine. The plant further includes a reheater to generate reheat steam, a second steam turbine driven by second steam, and second and third valves to supply the second steam to the second steam turbine. The apparatus includes an acquisition module to acquire a setting value of total output of the first and second steam turbines, and a control module to adjust the total output to the setting value by controlling opening degrees of the first, second and third valves. The control module controls the second and third valves to different opening degrees when adjusting the total output to the setting value.

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040558A1

A thermal power plant has a primary heat supply, a steam generator, a steam turbine and an auxiliary gas turbine, wherein the primary heat supply is fluidically connected to the steam generator, wherein the auxiliary gas turbine is fluidically connected to the steam generator and is set up to keep the steam generator at a predefined minimum temperature when the primary heat supply is off-line, wherein a fan is encompassed, which fan is fluidically connected to the steam generator. A method is for the variable-power operation of such a thermal power plant, wherein the auxiliary gas turbine is brought on-line in dependence on an operating state of the primary heat supply, which is defined by the power to be provided by the latter. 1. A thermal power plant , comprisinga primary heat supply, a steam generator, a steam turbine and an auxiliary gas turbine,wherein the primary heat supply is fluidically connected to the steam generator,wherein the auxiliary gas turbine is fluidically connected to the steam generator and is set up to keep the steam generator at a predefined minimum temperature when the primary heat supply is off-line, anda fan is encompassed, which fan is fluidically connected to the steam generator.2. The thermal power plant as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the primary heat supply takes the form of a primary thermal engine.3. The thermal power plant as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the maximum electrical power which can be generated using the auxiliary gas turbine is up to 10% of the electrical power of the thermal power plant.4. The thermal power plant as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the fan is connected to the steam generator via a flow duct, andwherein the fluidic connection between the auxiliary gas turbine and the steam generator passes via the flow duct.5. The thermal power plant as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein for operation the fan is electrically coupled to the auxiliary gas turbine.6. The thermal power plant as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein for operation ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040764A1
Принадлежит: SCANIA CV AB

The invention relates to a method for controlling a waste heat recovery system associated with a combustion engine of a vehicle, the waste heat recovery system comprising a working fluid circuit; at least one evaporator; an expander; a condenser; a reservoir for a working fluid and a pump arranged to pump the working fluid through the circuit, wherein the at least one evaporator is arranged for heat exchange between the working fluid and a heat source, and wherein the waste heat recovery system further comprises a cooling circuit arranged in connection to the condenser. The method comprises the steps of: predicting a shutdown of a combustion engine associated with the system; determining if a predetermined requirement is fulfilled; and if so reducing the temperature in the waste heat recovery system prior to combustion engine shutdown. 1. A method for controlling a waste heat recovery system associated with a combustion engine of a vehicle , the waste heat recovery system comprising a working fluid circuit; at least one evaporator; an expander; a condenser; a reservoir for a working fluid and a pump arranged to pump the working fluid through the working fluid circuit , wherein the at least one evaporator is arranged for heat exchange between the working fluid and a heat source , and wherein the waste heat recovery system further comprises a cooling circuit arranged in connection to the condenser , wherein said method comprises:predicting a shutdown of a combustion engine associated with the system;determining if a predetermined requirement is fulfilled; and if soreducing the temperature in the waste heat recovery system prior to combustion engine shutdown.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein predicting the combustion engine shutdown is predicted based on a determination that a vehicle comprising the combustion engine is standing still.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein determining a predetermined requirement is fulfilled comprises determining that ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040770A1

In one embodiment, a plant control apparatus controls a power plant, which includes a gas turbine, a generator driven by the gas turbine, an exhaust heat recovering boiler to generate first steam using heat of exhaust gas from the gas turbine, a steam turbine driven by the first steam, and a clutch to connect a first shaft connected to the gas turbine and generator with a second shaft connected to the steam turbine. The apparatus includes a starting module to start the gas turbine and generator while holding the steam turbine in a stop state, when the clutch is in a released state. The apparatus further includes a warming module to warm the steam turbine by supplying second steam from equipment different from the boiler to the steam turbine in parallel with the starting of the gas turbine and generator, when the clutch is in a released state. 1. A plant control apparatus configured to control a power plant , the plant comprising:a gas turbine;a generator configured to be driven by the gas turbine;an exhaust heat recovering boiler configured to generate first steam by using heat of exhaust gas from the gas turbine;a steam turbine configured to be driven by the first steam; anda clutch configured to connect a first shaft that is connected to the gas turbine and to the generator with a second shaft that is connected to the steam turbine,the apparatus comprising:a starting module configured to start the gas turbine and the generator while holding the steam turbine in a stop state, when the clutch is in a released state; anda warming module configured to warm the steam turbine by supplying second steam from equipment that is different from the exhaust heat recovering boiler to the steam turbine in parallel with the starting of the gas turbine and the generator, when the clutch is in a released state.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe warming module ends the warming of the steam turbine based on a metal temperature of the steam turbine, andthe starting module begins ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047353A1
Автор: Riemann Stefan

A method for controlling a cooling process of turbine components of a steam turbine shaft, wherein an air flow mixed with a water mist is used to cool the turbine components during a mist cooling phase (P) is provided. The mist cooling phase (P) is preceded by an air cooling phase (P), during which an air flow is used to cool the turbine components. A constant temporal temperature gradient is specified for the cooling process, wherein the air flow density is adjusted by the valve position of a controllable regulating valve and a switch is made from the air cooling phase (P) to the mist cooling phase (P) if the maximum air flow density is reached and in particular if the regulating valve is fully open. 1. A method for controlling a cooling process of turbine components , comprising:{'b': '4', 'during a mist cooling phase (P), using an air stream with added water mist is to cool the turbine components,'}{'b': 4', '3, 'wherein the mist cooling phase (P) is preceded by an air cooling phase (P) during which an air stream is used to cool the turbine components,'}{'b': 3', '4, 'wherein, during the air cooling phase (P) and during the mist cooling phase (P), a constant temperature gradient over time is specified for the cooling process,'}wherein a temperature gradient over time of about 10 K/h is specified,{'b': 3', '4, 'wherein, in order to specify the temperature gradient, the air stream density is regulated during the air cooling phase (P) and the quantity of water mist added to the air stream is regulated during the mist cooling phase (P),'}wherein the air stream density is set via the valve position of a controllable regulating valve,{'b': 3', '4, 'wherein a switch is made from the air cooling phase (P) into the mist cooling phase (P) when the maximum air stream density has been reached,'}{'b': 4', '2, 'wherein the mist cooling phase (P) is preceded in the cooling process by a heat compensation phase (P) in which temperature equalization of the turbine components with ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047354A1
Автор: Potter Rudolf

A steam turbine system including a steam turbine is provided, the steam turbine having an incoming and an outgoing steam side, and a turbine housing with a feed-through for a turbine shaft with a seal, whereby a fluid flow through the feed-through can be minimized, and a steam conducting system to the seal is present. The steam turbine includes a first sub-section a second sub-section, and a connecting line to a region of low pressure between two sub-sections. A steam supply through the steam conducting system is possible for starting up the steam turbine such that a steam flow from the outgoing steam side to the connecting line to the region of low pressure is possible, an incoming steam feed line has a shut-off that can be controlled such that a steam flow from the incoming steam side to the connecting line to the region of low pressure. 1. A steam turbine system comprising:a steam turbine comprising an incoming steam side, an outgoing steam side, and a turbine housing;the turbine housing has a feed-through for a turbine shaft, wherein a seal is present in the feed-through, by means of which seal a fluid flow through the feed-through can be minimized;a steam conducting system leading to the seal;wherein the steam turbine is constructed from at least one first sub-section and at least one second sub-section, and a connecting line to a region of low pressure between the two sub-sections;wherein, for starting up the steam turbine, the feed-through facing the outgoing steam side of the steam turbine is adapted such that a steam supply to the steam turbine through the steam conducting system is available, such that a steam flow from the outgoing steam side to the connecting line to the region of low pressure takes place; andan incoming steam feed line comprising a shut-off which is controlled to allow a steam flow from the incoming steam side to the connecting line to the region of low pressure for starting up the steam turbine.2. The steam turbine system as claimed in ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044935A1

A steam cycle for a power station, and to a method for operating, in particular for starting, a steam cycle. The steam cycle has a high-pressure turbine, a condenser and a steam generator. The steam generator is connected to the high-pressure turbine via a first line. Live steam quick-closing valves and live steam regulating valves for supplying the high-pressure turbine are arranged in the direction of the steam flow between the steam generator and the high-pressure turbine. A starting line is arranged downstream of the high-pressure turbine in the direction of the steam flow, the starting line connecting a waste steam region downstream of the high-pressure turbine with the condenser. At least one regulator regulates a closing of a starting valve for sealing the starting line, and an opening of the live steam valve, depending on the rotational speed, a temperature and load state of the high-pressure turbine. 1. A steam circuit for a power plant , comprising:a high-pressure turbine, a condenser and a steam generator,wherein the steam generator is connected to the high-pressure turbine via a first line,wherein, in the flow direction of the steam, at least one live steam valve is arranged between the steam generator and the high-pressure turbine, andwherein, in the flow direction of the steam, a start-up line is arranged downstream of the high-pressure turbine and connects an exhaust steam region downstream of the high-pressure turbine to the condenser,at least one controller which, in dependence on operating parameters of the high-pressure turbine, controls closing of a start-up valve for closing the start-up line and opening of the at least one live steam valve,wherein opening of the start-up valve is controllable, at least stepwise, between the positions “fully open” and “fully closed”, and a setpoint pressure value of the controller is raised in dependence on the opening of the start-up valve.2. The steam circuit as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the operating ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045077A1

The present invention relates to an energy conversion system for converting thermal energy to mechanical energy, comprising an evaporator, an expander, a condenser, a first tank, and a second tank. The energy conversion system further comprises flow control devices for controlling flow or working fluid between the evaporator, the expander, the condenser and the tanks, and a control unit for controlling operation of the energy conversion system by controlling the flow control devices. Each of the tanks has an outlet connected to an inlet of the evaporator, and an inlet connected to the condenser as well as to an outlet of the evaporator. Hereby, some of the pressurized vapor state working fluid flowing from the outlet of the evaporator can be used for pressurizing liquid state working fluid supplied from one the tanks to the evaporator. This configuration of the energy conversion system provides for improved energy conversion efficiency. 1. An energy conversion system for converting thermal energy to mechanical energy , comprising:an evaporator for evaporating liquid state working fluid to vapor state working fluid through supply of heat, said evaporator being arranged to receive liquid state working fluid and output vapor state working fluid at a first pressure;an expander for expanding vapor state working fluid and converting expansion into mechanical energy, said expander having an expander inlet connected to said evaporator for receiving vapor state working fluid at said first pressure and an expander outlet for output of vapor state working fluid at a second pressure lower than said first pressure;a condenser for condensing vapor state working fluid to liquid state working fluid by cooling, said condenser having a condenser inlet connected to said expander outlet for receiving vapor state working fluid and a condenser outlet for output of liquid state working fluid;a first tank having a first inlet fluid flow connected to said condenser outlet, a second inlet ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048746A1

Disclosed are a power plant that uses a synchronous generator using a working fluid for generation of electric power, and a method of controlling the power plant, the power plant and the control method having an advantage of preventing damage to the power plant during synchronization with an electrical grid. The power plant comprises a pump for compressing a working fluid, a heat exchanger for heat transfer from an external heat source to the working fluid transferred from the pump, and a power turbine generator for generating a rotational force by using the working fluid heated by the heat exchanger, generating electricity using the rotational force, and supplying the electricity to an electrical grid. 1. A power plant comprising:a pump configured to compress a working fluid;a heat exchanger apparatus configured to cause heat exchange between the working fluid transferred from the pump and an external heat source;a power turbine generator configured to generate a rotational force by using the working fluid heated through the heat exchange performed in the heat exchanger apparatus, to generate electricity using the rotational force, and to supply the electricity to an electrical grid;a condenser configured to cool the working fluid discharged from the power turbine generator;a working fluid supply line connected to the heat exchanger apparatus and the power turbine generator at respective ends thereof to provide a flow path from the heat exchanger apparatus to the power turbine generator for the working fluid discharged from the heat exchanger apparatus;a pressure sensor installed on the working fluid supply line and configured to measure a pressure of the working fluid supplied to the power turbine generator;a working fluid recovery line connected to the power turbine generator and the condenser at respective ends thereof to provide a flow path from the power turbine generator to the condenser for the working fluid;a bypass line connected to the working fluid ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049175A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Certain aspects of natural gas liquid fractionation plant waste heat conversion to simultaneous power and potable water using organic Rankine cycle and modified multi-effect distillation systems can be implemented as a system that includes two heating fluid circuits thermally coupled to two sets of heat sources of a NGL fractionation plant. The system includes a power generation system that comprises an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which includes (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit to heat the working fluid, and (ii) a first expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated working fluid. The system includes a MED system thermally coupled to the second heating fluid circuit and configured to produce potable water using at least a portion of heat from the second heating fluid circuit. A control system actuates control valves to selectively thermally couple the heating fluid circuit to a portion of the heat sources of the NGL fractionation plant. 1. A system , comprising:a first heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to a first plurality of heat sources of a natural gas liquid (NGL) fractionation plant;a second heating fluid circuit thermally coupled to at least one second heat source of the NGL fractionation plant;a power generation system that comprises an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), the ORC comprising (i) a working fluid that is thermally coupled to the first heating fluid circuit to heat the working fluid, and (ii) a first expander configured to generate electrical power from the heated working fluid;a multi-effect-distillation (MED) system thermally coupled to the second heating fluid circuit and configured to produce potable water using at least a portion of heat from the second heating fluid circuit; anda control system configured to actuate a first set of control valves to selectively thermally couple the first heating fluid circuit to at least a portion of the first plurality of heat sources of the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054765A1

A control system is provided for a turbine valve. The turbine valve has a first coil and a second coil to control or sense movement of a mechanical valve positioner. Two valve positioners are provided with each valve positioner having two drive circuits to drive the first and second coils. Switches are provided such that only one drive circuit is connected to each coil at a time. The control system may also include a hydraulic pilot valve section and a main hydraulic valve section. Feedbacks are used to determine a pilot valve error and a main valve error which are combined to determine a turbine valve error. The turbine valve error is repeatedly determined to minimize the error. 1. A system for redundant valve positioning , comprising:a mechanical valve positioner connected to a turbine valve to open and close the turbine valve, the mechanical valve positioner comprising a first coil and a second coil to control or sense movement of the mechanical valve positioner;a first valve positioner comprising a first drive circuit and a second drive circuit, the first drive circuit comprising a first driver and a first switch, and the second drive circuit comprising a second driver and a second switch, the first drive circuit being in communication the first coil and the second drive circuit being in communication with the second coil;a second valve positioner comprising a third drive circuit and a fourth drive circuit, the third drive circuit comprising a third driver and a third switch, and the fourth drive circuit comprising a fourth driver and a fourth switch, the third drive circuit being in communication the first coil and the fourth drive circuit being in communication with the second coil;wherein only one of the first switch and the third switch is closed at a time, the first driver and the third driver thereby being alternately connected to the first coil at different times such that the first driver and the third driver do not drive the first coil at a same time; ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

System and method for waste heat recovery in steel production facilities

Номер: US20210055054A1
Принадлежит: CLIMEON AB

A system for recovery of thermal energy from a first closed cooling loop for cooling skid pipes is provided. The first closed cooling loop comprising a circulation fluid receiving thermal energy from said skid pipes, and a cooling source. The system being capable of measuring the temperature in said first closed cooling loop converting thermal energy into electricity. The system further including a flow control system arranged to control input of thermal energy into a power conversion module, wherein said flow control system is arranged to cut off said cooling source from said first closed cooling loop when the measured temperature is below a first predetermined threshold temperature (TsTART), such that said circulation fluid is directed to a hot side of said power conversion module only, to provide a thermal energy input into said power conversion module. No new matter is added.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling at least one operational parameter of a plant

Номер: US20160054730A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

A method for controlling at least one operational parameter of a plant ( 1 ) having a combustion unit ( 3 ) can include estimating a status of at least one operational variable of the plant to identify an estimated value for the operational variable. For each operational variable, the estimated value for the operational variable can be compared with a measured value of the operational variable to determine an uncertainty value based on a difference in value between the measured value and the estimated value for the operational variable. A control signal can be generated based on a reference signal, the measured value, and the deviation value for sending to at least one element of the plant ( 1 ) for controlling a process of the plant ( 1 ).

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Method for operating a power plant

Номер: US20170051681A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Technology GmbH

Disclosed is a method for operating a power plant. The method includes providing a power target setpoint to a power plant controller; dependent on said power target setpoint, determining a setpoint of at least one first power plant operation parameter; operating the power plant at a set power output; and and with the at least one first operation parameter adjusted to the setpoint of the operation parameter, applying a measurement to determine an actual value of at least one second operation parameter. The method further includes applying a theoretical power plant model to determine an expected value of the at least one second operation parameter; comparing the expected value of the at least one second operation parameter and the measured value of the at least one second operation parameter; and applying a calibration loop for the theoretical power plant model.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130499A1

A steam turbine installation that has a steam turbine, a steam generator and a feed water pre-heating unit operated by process steam is provided. The steam turbine has an overload bypass line with which main steam can be fed to the feed water pre-heating unit between the steam turbine input and the extraction point during overload operation of the steam turbine, wherein the feed water pre-heating unit has an auxiliary extraction line that is connected to the overload bypass line in such a way that process steam can be extracted from the steam turbine during partial load operation of the steam turbine and added to the feed water pre-heating unit for the additional pre-heating of feed water. 1. A steam turbine installation comprising:a steam turbine, a steam generator and a feed water pre-heating device which is operated using process steam,wherein the steam turbine has an overload bypass line by means of which, in overload operation of the steam turbine, live steam can be fed in between the steam turbine inlet and the bleed point of the feed water pre-heating device, andwherein the feed water pre-heating device has an auxiliary bleed line which is connected to the overload bypass line such that, in partial-load operation of the steam turbine, process steam can be bled from said steam turbine and can be fed to the feed water pre-heating device to provide auxiliary pre-heating of the feed water.2. The steam turbine installation as claimed in claim 1 , having a control system adapted todetermine the optimum efficiency and the associated rated power of the steam turbine;as soon as the steam turbine is operated above the rated power, open the overload bypass line and isolate the auxiliary bleed line such that live steam is fed in between the steam turbine inlet of the steam turbine and the bleed point of the feed water pre-heating device; andas soon as the steam turbine is operated below the rated power, isolate the overload bypass line and open the auxiliary bleed line ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Breaker auto-synchronizer

Номер: US20210057917A1
Принадлежит: ABB Schweiz AG

A breaker between two electrical circuits is provided that is closed when electrical properties in both of the electrical circuits are matching. Two check circuits are provided for comparing electrical properties of the two electrical circuits. Each of the check circuits sets a corresponding authorization to close the breaker. The breaker is only closed if both check circuits set an authorization to close the circuit.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

On-Demand Steam Generator and Control System

Номер: US20150059660A1
Принадлежит: Enviro Power LLC

The disclosed apparatus and control system produces a single, on demand, energetic gaseous working fluid from any heat source. Working fluid in a liquid phase is released into a heat exchange tube in the form of very fine droplets or atomized mist, where it is rapidly heated to its gaseous phase. The gaseous working fluid can continue to absorb heat before exiting the heat exchange tube to perform work. The disclosed system controls the release of working fluid into the heat exchange tube and/or the heat energy to which the tube is exposed, resulting in a flow of energetic gaseous working fluid that can be quickly adjusted in response to changing conditions without a large pressure vessel.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058202A1

A system includes a heat exchange system and a power generation system. The heat exchange system includes first, second, and third heat exchangers each operable as a continuous source of heat from a delayed coking plant. The first and second heat exchangers heat first and second fluid streams to produce heated first and second fluid streams, respectively. The heated second fluid stream has a lower temperature and a greater quantity of heat than the heated first fluid stream. The third heat exchanger heats a third fluid stream to produce a heated third fluid stream that includes the heated first fluid stream and a hot fluid stream. The heated third fluid stream has a lower temperature than the heated first fluid stream. The power generation system generates power using heat from the heated second and third fluid streams. 1. A system comprising: a first heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat from a delayed coking plant, the first heat exchanger configured to heat a first fluid stream to produce a heated first fluid stream;', 'a second heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat from the delayed coking plant, the second heat exchanger configured to heat a second fluid stream to produce a heated second fluid stream, wherein the heated second fluid stream has a lower temperature and a greater quantity of heat than the heated first fluid stream;', 'a third heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat to the delayed coking plant, the third heat exchanger configured to heat a third fluid stream to produce a heated third fluid stream, wherein the third fluid stream includes the heated first fluid stream and a hot fluid stream, wherein the heated third fluid stream has a lower temperature than the heated first fluid stream; and, 'a heat exchange system comprisinga power generation system configured to generate power using heat from the heated second fluid stream and the heated third fluid stream.2. The system of claim 1 , further ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058702A1
Автор: PARK Luke

A steam turbine includes a boiler unit, first supply pipes, a second supply pipe, a plurality of valve units, a drain valve unit, and a controller. The controller is configured to control, before rotation of the turbine starts, an operation time and temperature of the auxiliary boiler so that the temperatures of the high-pressure turbine and the intermediate-pressure turbine are increased to the first setting temperature. The controller is configured to control, when the temperatures of the high-pressure turbine and the intermediate-pressure turbine are maintained at the first setting temperature, operation of the main boiler such that the temperature of the intermediate-pressure turbine reaches a second setting temperature while operation of the auxiliary boiler is interrupted, and control, when the temperature of the intermediate-pressure turbine is maintained at the second setting temperature, the operation of the main boiler such that steam is supplied only to the high-pressure turbine. 1. A steam turbine , comprising:a boiler unit including an auxiliary boiler and a main boiler that supply steam to a high-pressure turbine and an intermediate-pressure turbine;first supply pipes diverging from the auxiliary boiler and respectively extending to the high-pressure turbine and the intermediate-pressure turbine;a second supply pipe coupled with the high-pressure turbine, the intermediate-pressure turbine, and a condenser so that steam supplied through the first supply pipes is transferred to the condenser via the high-pressure turbine and the intermediate-pressure turbine;a plurality of valve units respectively disposed on each of the first supply pipes and configured to be operated when the auxiliary boiler is operated;a drain valve unit disposed on the second supply pipe and configured to discharge condensate water that has passed through the high-pressure turbine and the intermediate-pressure turbine; anda controller configured to control an opening amount of each ...
