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23-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2670566C2

Изобретение относится к двигателю внутреннего сгорания. Способ управления двигателем, содержащий этап, на котором деактивируют поток EGR в ответ на то, что влияние углеводородов потока PCV на выходной сигнал датчика кислорода на впуске возрастает выше порогового значения, когда поток продувки деактивирован. Влияние углеводородов потока PCV основано на разности между первой оценкой потока EGR, основанной на выходном сигнале датчика кислорода на впуске, и второй оценкой потока EGR, основанной на выходном сигнале датчика DPOV, когда течет EGR. Повышается точность измерения датчика. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

22-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677915C2

Изобретение относится к способам и системам для использования зависимости показаний кислородного датчика от давления для оценки внешнего давления для двигателя. Впускной или выпускной кислородный датчик используют для оценки внешнего давления посредством приложения опорного напряжения к датчику в период, когда частота вращения двигателя в гибридном автомобиле уменьшается, и корректируют показания датчика для компенсации эффектов разбавления вследствие влажности окружающей среды. Значение оцененного внешнего давления используют для исправления или подтверждения значения давления, оцененного при помощи других источников данных, таких как другие датчики давления или модель давления, а также используют для настройки производительности двигателя. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

11-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2753072C2

Предложены способы для эксплуатации системы двигателя с разветвленной выпускной системой, обеспечивающей рециркуляцию продувочного воздуха и отработавших газов в заборный канал через первый выпускной коллектор и отработавших газов в выпускной канал через второй выпускной коллектор. В одном примере первый клапан, расположенный в магистрали рециркуляции отработавших газов (РОГ), установленной между заборным каналом и первым выпускным коллектором, соединенным с первой группой выпускных клапанов цилиндров, и/или второй клапан, расположенный в проточном канале, установленном между первым выпускным коллектором и выпускным каналом, можно регулировать в зависимости от измеренного давления в первом выпускном коллекторе. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

13-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697281C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания с разветвленной выпускной системой, содержащих систему рециркуляции отработавших газов. Способ для двигателя заключается в том, что если нагрузка двигателя (10) ниже порога, отключают все впускные клапаны (2), (4) цилиндра двигателя (10). Эксплуатируют первый выпускной клапан (6), соединенный с магистралью (50) рециркуляции отработавших газов, сообщенной с заборным каналом (28), и второй выпускной клапан (8) с разными фазами газораспределения, соединенный с выпускным каналом (74). Направляют всасываемый воздух из заборного канала (28) по магистрали (50) рециркуляции отработавших газов в цилиндр двигателя (10) через первый выпускной клапан (6). Раскрыты вариант способа для двигателя и система для двигателя. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении падения нагрузки двигателя. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 31 ил.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Способ (варианты) и система для регулирования подачи топлива в двигатель и крутящего момента

Номер: RU2679367C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы и системы для достоверной оценки заряда всасываемого воздуха в соответствии с показанием датчика кислорода во всасываемом воздухе, расположенного на впуске, в условиях наличия потока углеводородов от рециркуляции отработавших газов, продувки паров топлива или системы вентиляции картера в двигатель. Нескорректированный результат оценки заряда воздуха применяют для регулирования подачи топлива в двигатель, а скорректированный на углеводороды результат оценки заряда воздуха применяют для регулирования крутящего момента двигателя, например, путем регулирования открытия дроссельной заслонки. За счет применения предложенного регулирования достигается улучшение эксплуатационных показателей двигателя. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

11-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702783C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Предложены способы впрыска воды во впускном тракте двигателя в сторону впускных клапанов или в сторону от них в зависимости от параметров работы двигателя. В одном примере способ может предусматривать впрыск воды во впускной тракт в сторону от впускного клапана в ответ на детонацию в двигателе и впрыск воды во впускной тракт в сторону впускного клапана в ответ на запрос разбавления в двигателе. Способ может также предусматривать регулирование количества впрыскиваемой воды в зависимости от изменения температуры в коллекторе и/или изменения уровня кислорода в отработавших газах. Изобретение позволяет достигнуть лучших показателей работы двигателя за счет оптимизации конструкции и регулирования системы впрыска воды в двигатель. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

28-10-2019 дата публикации

Способ (варианты) импульсного впрыска воды в двигатель

Номер: RU2704368C2

Предложены способы и системы для нахождения транспортной задержки для отдельно взятых цилиндров, связанной с неверным распределением воды между цилиндрами во время события впрыска воды. По различиям в интенсивности детонации между отдельно взятыми цилиндрами после впрыска воды выявляют неверное распределение воды. Различия в величине и моменте эффекта разбавления в двигателе после впрыска воды в коллектор находят с помощью датчика кислорода во впускном воздухе и учитывают для уменьшения межцилиндрового дисбаланса подачи воды. Изобретение позволяет усилить преимущества от впрыска воды в двигатель за счет оптимизации распределения воды по цилиндрам и улучшить эксплуатационные показатели двигателя. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674096C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в системах управления двигателем внутреннего сгорания. Предусмотрены способы и системы для оценивания концентрации топлива в моторном масле в картере двигателя. В одном из примеров, контроллер двигателя может настраивать работу двигателя, к примеру, поток рециркулируемых отработавших газов (EGR) и топливоснабжение двигателя, на основании оцененной концентрации топлива в моторном масле. Концентрация топлива может быть основана на выходном сигнале датчика кислорода на впуске, когда деактивированы продувка и поток EGR, температуре моторного масла и составе топлива. Изобретение дает возможность более точного регулирования топливоснабжения и/или потока EGR двигателя для достижения лучших показателей его работы. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

19-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016144532A3

02-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014142367A3

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016148704A3

17-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016152392A3

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017142398A3

10-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU150278U1

... 1. Система для двигателя, содержащая:турбонагнетатель, содержащий компрессор, расположенный во впускном канале, и турбину, расположенную в выпускном канале;систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR) низкого давления, содержащую канал EGR, соединяющий выпускной канал с впускным каналом выше по потоку от компрессора;перепускной клапан (CBV) компрессора, расположенный в канале CBV, соединяющем впускной канал ниже по потоку от компрессора с впускным каналом выше по потоку от компрессора;датчик кислорода на впуске, расположенный во впускном канале ниже по потоку от компрессора; исистему управления в соединении с датчиком, содержащую постоянные команды для уменьшения EGR при открывании CBV, а затем, увеличения EGR только после того, как CBV закрывается, а разбавление всасываемого воздуха падает ниже порогового значения.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая клапан EGR, расположенный в канале EGR, при этом уменьшение EGR включает уменьшение открывания клапана EGR, а увеличение EGR включает ...

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573727C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Способ управления двигателем (10) включает в себя использование исполнительных устройств двигателя для регулирования работы двигателя в зависимости от накопления воды в охладителе (80) воздуха наддува. Накопление воды определяют по выходному сигналу расположенного ниже по потоку от охладителя (80) воздуха наддува датчика (162) кислорода и по влажности окружающего воздуха. Раскрыты вариант способа управления двигателем и система двигателя. Технический результат заключается в предотвращении пропусков зажигания и/или нестабильности горения топлива. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Способ (варианты) и система для управления впрыском воды

Номер: RU2684135C1

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Представлены способы и системы выбора участка для впрыска воды в условиях осуществления впрыска воды во впускной тракт на основании температуры и влажности окружающей среды, а также условий работы двигателя. В одном из примеров, в способе, осуществляют впрыск воды выше по потоку от охладителя впускного воздуха при работе указанного охладителя в режиме нагрева, при этом впрыск воды осуществляют ниже по потоку от указанного охладителя при работе охладителя в режиме охлаждения. При этом работу охладителя в режиме нагрева осуществляют в сухих, холодных условиях окружающей среды и на основании запроса разбавления, а работу охладителя в режиме охлаждения осуществляют в условиях работы в режиме наддува и при детонации двигателя. Изобретение позволяет улучшить эксплуатационные характеристики двигателя и экономию топлива. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142367A

... 1. Способ управления двигателем, согласно которому:при работе двигателя с воздушно-топливным отношением, настроенным беднее стехиометрического, в ответ на обеднение воздушно-топливного отношения отработавших газов ниже порогового значения закрывают клапан рециркуляции отработавших газов.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором воздушно-топливное отношение отработавших газов измеряют датчиком кислорода отработавших газов.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором воздушно-топливное отношение, настроенное беднее стехиометрического, является отношением воздуха для горения и топлива в топливной смеси, сгорающей в цилиндре двигателя после ее поджигания искровым зажиганием.4. Способ по п. 3, в котором закрытие клапана рециркуляции отработавших газов включает в себя полную герметизацию клапана рециркуляции отработавших газов относительно своего седла.5. Способ по п. 4, в котором клапан рециркуляции отработавших газов связан с каналом рециркуляции отработавших газов низкого давления, и при этом закрытие клапана рециркуляции ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Adaption von Signalen eines Sauerstoffsensors im Luftzufuhrkanal einer Brennkraftmaschine

Номер: DE102012201830A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Auswertung von Signalen eines Sauerstoffsensors im Luftzufuhrkanal einer Brennkraftmaschine, wobei der Luftzufuhrkanal über eine Abgasrückführung, welche mindestens ein Abgasrückführungsventil aufweist, mit einem Abgaskanal der Brennkraftmaschine verbunden ist und der Sauerstoffsensor im Luftzufuhrkanal stromabwärts der Abgasrückführ-Einleitung angeordnet ist, wobei das Sensorsignal in Abhängigkeit von einer Kenngröße oder mehreren Kenngrößen korrigiert wird, die die Abhängigkeit des Sensorsignals von der Sauerstoffkonzentration oder einer damit korrelierenden Größe und/oder von weiteren physikalischen Größen beschreiben. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass an einem oder mehreren Betriebspunkten der Brennkraftmaschine bei geschlossenem Abgasrückführventil Ausgangssignale der Sauerstoffsensors sowie weitere Betriebspunktparameter erfasst und gespeichert werden und daraus eine Adaption der Kenngrößen des Sauerstoffsensors unter der Annahme, dass die ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Umgebungsluftfeuchte eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102017211442A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Ermitteln der Feuchte der Umgebungsluft in einem Kraftfahrzeug mit Verbrennungsmotor (1) und Abgasrückführung (LP-EGR, HP-EGR) bei abgeschalteter Kraftstoffzufuhr unter Verwendung eines Abgassensors. Gemäß der Erfindung wird die Umgebungsluftfeuchte unter Verwendung zweier getrennter Abgassensoren (5, 6) ermittelt und zur Korrektur einer Messung des Luftmassenstroms und einer Schätzung der Abgasrückführungsrate verwendet.

28-02-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Steuerung transienter Lasten zwischen mageren und stöchiometrischen Verbrennungsbetriebsarten von Direkteinspritzmaschinen mit gesteuerter Selbstzündungsverbrennung

Номер: DE112006000529T5

Verfahren zur Steuerung einer Direkteinspritzmaschine, die mit einer gesteuerten Selbstzündung bei Lastübergangsoperationen zwischen Betriebsarten mit einer mageren Verbrennung bei einer niedrigen Last (HCCI/Lean) und einer stöchiometrischen Verbrennung bei einer mittleren Last (HCCI/Stöch.) betrieben wird, wobei das Verfahren umfasst: ein stationäres Betreiben der Maschine in einem Lastbereich mit einer homogenen Kompressionszündung (HCCI) mit Kraftstoff-Luft-Abgas-Mischungen für jede Drehzahl und Last bei vorbestimmten Zuständen einer Kraftstoffzufuhrmassenströmungsrate (Kraftstoffzufuhrrate), eines Injektionszeitpunkts (FI), eines Zündfunkenzeitpunkts (SI), einer Drosselstellung, einer Einstellung des Abgasrückführungsventils (AGR-Ventils) und einer Abgasrekompression, die durch eine negative Ventilüberlappung (NVO) zwischen einem Schließen der Auslassventile und einem Öffnen der Einlassventile in jedem Zylinder erhalten wird; und ein Steuern der Maschine bei Änderungen einer Betriebsart ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Regelung der Abgasrückführung

Номер: DE102011080316A1

Verfahren und Systeme zum Einstellen eines AGR-Ventils und einer oder mehrerer Ansaugdrosseln unter Ansprechen auf die Ausgabe eines Einlass-Sauerstoffsensors, um eine gewünschte AGR-Menge-Strom bereitzustellen, während das Motordrehmoment aufrechterhalten wird, sind bereitgestellt. Die Einstellungen werden koordiniert, um die verteilte Regelung der AGR-Ventile und Ansaugdrosseln zu verbessern und AGR-Strom zu ermöglichen, selbst wenn ein Stellglied begrenzt ist.

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines Sauerstoffsensors

Номер: DE102014226718A1
Автор: ZHANG HONG, Zhang, Hong

Gegenstand der Erfindung ist ein Sauerstoffsensor zur Erfassung des Sauerstoffgehaltes in einem Gasstrom, der durch einen Ansaugstrang zu einem Verbrennungsmotor geführt wird, wobei der Sauerstoffsensor eine erste Elektrode und eine zweite Elektrode aufweist, wobei die erste Elektrode und die zweite Elektrode durch einen Festkörperelektrolyt voneinander getrennt sind und die zweite Elektrode durch eine Diffusionsbarriere vom Gasstrom getrennt ist und wobei der Sauerstoffsensor ein Heizelement aufweist, das den Festkörperelektrolyt derart erwärmt, das eine Sauerstoffionentransport von der ersten Elektrode zu der zweiten Elektrode durch den Festkörperelektrolyt erfolgen kann. Um einen Sauerstoffsensors anzugeben, mit welchem auch in einem Gasgemisch mit einem Anteil brennbarer Gase genaue Messergebnisse für den Sauerstoffgehalt im Gasgemisch erreicht werden, weist die erste Elektrode und/oder die zweite Elektrode eine Platin-Gold-Legierung oder eine Rhodium-Gold-Legierung oder eine Platin-Rhodium-Gold-Legierung ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018114925B4

AGR-Steuervorrichtung, welche aufweist:eine Antriebseinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um einen Öffnungsgrad eines AGR-Ventils zu verändern;eine Basis-Öffnungsgrad-Herleitungseinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um einen Basis-AGR-Ventilöffnungsgrad des AGR-Ventils auf Basis eines Betriebszustands eines Motors herzuleiten;eine Messeinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um eine Temperatur in der stromabwärtigen Seite einer Position, an der das AGR-Gas in einen Einlasskanal rückgeführt wird, zu messen;eine Speichereinheit, in der vorab erfasste Information gespeichert wird, wobei die Information eine Beziehung zwischen dem Öffnungsgrad des AGR-Ventils und einer Temperaturdifferenz zwischen einer Temperatur, wenn das AGR-Ventil auf den Öffnungsgrad gestellt ist, und einer Temperatur, wenn das AGR-Ventil auf einen Referenzöffnungsgrad gestellt ist, angibt;eine Korrektur-Öffnungsgrad-Herleitungseinheit, die konfiguriert ist, um, basierend auf der Temperaturdifferenz zwischen der Temperatur, wenn das AGR-Ventil ...

17-06-2010 дата публикации

Method for adjusting exhaust gas recirculation rate of internal combustion engine, involves detecting exhaust residual percentage in fresh-gas mixture in intake manifold

Номер: DE102008044269A1

The method involves detecting exhaust residual percentage in fresh-gas mixture (F-man) in intake manifold (6). The exhaust residual percentage algorithm of fresh-gas mixture is detected by an algorithm. The exhaust residual percentage of fresh-gas mixture is controlled in intake manifold in a closed-loop. An independent claim is also included for an internal combustion engine.

14-06-2017 дата публикации

Method of operating an engine

Номер: GB0002545192A

A method for operating an engine 100, the engine includes an intake conduit 110 configured to supply air to the engine, a primary air supply unit 102 configured to supply air to the intake conduit 110, a secondary air supply unit 104 configured to selectively supply air to the intake conduit 110; the method discloses selectively controlling supply of air from the secondary air supply unit 104 to the intake conduit 110 such that air fuel ratio is maintained between a first threshold value and second threshold value during increase in engine load. The primary air supply unit 102 may comprise a compressor 106 and the secondary air supply unit 104 may comprise an air reservoir 112.

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Fuel control for dual fuel engines

Номер: GB0002537246A

Systems and methods for controlling fuelling of dual fuel internal combustion engines are disclosed. The control techniques maximize the substitution rate of gaseous fuel for the liquid fuel by determining a target fuelling amount for the liquid fuel and then regulating an actual fuelling amount of the liquid fuel in response to engine speed and power variations and by modulating the flow rate of the gaseous fuel to the engine.

15-06-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for pressure control of the combustion exhaust gas and/or a working machine -

Номер: AT0000520648B1

Verfahren und Vorrichtung (1) zur Druckregelung des Verbrennungs- und/oder Abgases einer Arbeitsmaschine (2), insbesondere eines Verbrennungsmotors, wobei das Verbrennungsgas über eine Versorgungsleitung (10) der Arbeitsmaschine (2) zugeführt wird wobei das Verbrennungsgas in einer Gasaufbereitungsstrecke (14) in Bezug auf Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit konditioniert wird, und über eine Abgasleitung (20) abgeführt wird, wobei die Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder die Abgasleitung (20) eine Regeleinrichtung (11, 21) aufweist, wobei die Regeleinrichtung (11, 21) einen druckgeregelten Abschnitt (12, 22) der Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder der Abgasleitung (20) begrenzt, wobei im druckgeregelten Abschnitt (12) der Versorgungsleitung (10) und/oder im druckgeregelten Abschnitt (22) der Abgasleitung (20) der Druck an mehr als einer Stelle (4, 4', 4'') gemessen wird.

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000542035T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001852004A

16-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003317678A

26-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001101747A1

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Fuel control for dual fuel engines

Номер: CN0105683535A

31-08-2001 дата публикации

Computer controlled exhaust particle regeneration system for a diesel automotive engine, has electrovalve to regulate EGR as a function of inlet oxygen content during filter regeneration

Номер: FR0002805568A1

Ce système est caractérisé en ce que le moteur (1) est associé à différents organes et à des moyens (17) de contrôle du fonctionnement de ces organes pour piloter le fonctionnement du moteur, ces moyens étant en outre adaptés pour déclencher une phase de régénération du filtre à particules par combustion des particules piégées dans celui-ci en enclenchant une phase d'injections multiples de carburant dans les cylindres du moteur pendant leur phase de détente, et en ce que des moyens (4) de recyclage de gaz d'échappement en entrée du moteur comprennent une électrovanne proportionnelle dont le fonctionnement est piloté par les moyens de contrôle (17) en fonction d'informations délivrées par une sonde Lambda λ proportionnelle (24) disposée en entrée du moteur, pour réguler le recyclage des gaz d'échappement en fonction de la teneur en oxygène des gaz en entrée du moteur, lors de la phase de régénération du filtre.

06-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002752882A1

14-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002006096424A3

A method is provided for control of a direct-injection engine operated with controlled auto-ignition (HCCI) during load transient operations between modes of lean combustion low load (HCCI/Lean) and stiochiometric combustion medium load (HCCI/Stoich.). The method includes 1) operating the engine at steady state, within a homogeneous charge compression-ignition (HCCI) load range, with fuel-air-exhaust gas mixtures at predetermined conditions, for each speed and load, and controlling the engine during changes of operating mode between one to another of the HCCI/Stoich. medium load mode and the HCCI/Lean lower load mode by synchronizing change rates of predetermined controlled inputs to the current engine fueling change rate.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101326A1
Принадлежит: Ford Global Technologies, LLC

Methods and systems are provided for accurately learning the zero point of an intake gas oxygen sensor during selected idling conditions. The learned zero point is used to infer EGR flow and accordingly adjust EGR valve control. In addition, EGR valve leakage is diagnosed based on the zero point learned during an idle adaptation relative to a zero point learned during a DFSO adaptation.

06-10-1981 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control system

Номер: US0004292946A1
Автор: Masaki; Kenji
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Company, Limited

An air-fuel ratio control system is disclosed for use with a carburettor including an air-fuel induction passage provided therein with a throttle valve. The system comprises a control circuit responsive to various engine operating factors for deriving an engine operating condition and providing a pulse signal having a constant period and a pulse width corresponding to the derived engine operating condition, fuel supply means for supplying fuel, a fuel passage connected at its one end to the fuel supply means and at the other end to the induction passage downstream of the throttle valve, and a control valve provided in the fuel passage, the control valve responsive to the pulse signal from the control circuit for controlling the flow of fluid passing therethrough thereby providing an optimum air-fuel ratio corresponding to the engine operating condition.

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180258869A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

To provide a controller and a control method for an internal combustion engine capable of learning the individual difference and the aging change of the flow characteristic of the EGR valve, by a method which is hardly influenced by the individual difference and the aging change of the internal combustion engine body, and improving the estimation accuracy of the flow rate of recirculation exhaust gas. The controller for an internal combustion engine calculates an oxygen concentration detecting EGR rate Regr based on the inner-manifold oxygen concentration; calculates an oxygen concentration detecting recirculation flow rate based on the oxygen concentration detecting EGR rate and the intake air flow rate, and calculates a learning value of the opening area of EGR valve; and calculates a flow rate of recirculation exhaust gas for control based on the learned opening area.

23-04-2019 дата публикации

Method and system for pulsed engine water injection

Номер: US0010267243B2

Methods and systems are provided for learning a transport delay for individual cylinders that is associated with maldistribution of water among cylinders during a water injection event. Differences in knock intensity between individual cylinders, following a water injection, are used to identify water maldistribution. Differences in the amount and timing of an engine dilution effect following a manifold water injection are learned via an intake oxygen sensor and used to reduce cylinder-to-cylinder imbalance in water delivery.

27-03-2018 дата публикации

System and method for exhaust gas recirculation flow correction using temperature measurements

Номер: US9926866B2
Принадлежит: DEERE & CO, Deere & Company

An exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow correction system and method are disclosed for an engine air system with air and EGR inputs to a mixer. The system includes three temperature sensors to measure temperatures of the air input, EGR input, and mixer output; and an air system model computing EGR flow corrections using the three temperatures. Air system can include intake manifold, charge air cooler (CAC), air throttle, EGR cooler and EGR valve, with first sensor between CAC and air throttle, second sensor between EGR cooler and EGR valve, third sensor in intake manifold. Air system model can estimate mass flows through air and EGR inputs, estimate intake manifold temperature at third sensor, estimate intake manifold temperature error, and compute EGR corrections based on temperature error. Air system model can estimate CAC and EGR cooler outlet temperatures, and mixer input temperature.

14-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653712C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Способ для двигателя (10) заключается в том, что оценивают влажность окружающей среды датчиком влажности на впуске наряду с изучением опорной точки для датчика кислорода на впуске при опорном давлении на впуске. Опорная точка соответствует показанию датчика кислорода, когда рециркуляция отработавших газов отсутствует. Вносят поправку в изученную опорную точку на основании оцененной влажности окружающей среды. Настраивают открывание клапана EGR на основании внесения поправки. Раскрыты вариант способа для двигателя и система двигателя. Технический результат заключается в более точном определении опорной точки датчика кислорода. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

30-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718095C2

Изобретение относится к способу и системе для управления двигателем на основе влажности окружающего воздуха на основе выходных сигналов от датчиков содержания кислорода во всасываемом воздухе или в отработавших газах. В соответствии с одним из вариантов, возможно управление работой датчика содержания кислорода в режиме датчика с напряжением, изменяемым между более низким первым напряжением и более высоким вторым напряжением, с целью получения показания содержания кислорода в сухом воздухе. Затем можно переходить к измерению влажности окружающего воздуха на основе показания содержания кислорода в сухом воздухе и третьего выходного сигнала датчика содержания кислорода при работе не в режиме изменяемого напряжения, а с более низким первым напряжением. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-12-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017106805A3

26-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2014142368A3

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015113122A3

27-08-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017141937A3

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU155442U1

... 1. Система двигателя, содержащая:впускной коллектор;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора;первый датчик кислорода, расположенный на выпуске охладителя наддувочного воздуха;второй датчик кислорода, расположенный на впуске охладителя наддувочного воздуха; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для регулировки работы двигателя в ответ на параметры накопления воды в охладителе наддувочного воздуха, при этом параметры накопления воды основаны на выходном сигнале первого датчика кислорода и выходном сигнале второго датчика кислорода.2. Система по п. 1, в которой регулировка работы двигателя включает в себя одно или более из регулировки установки момента зажигания, массового расхода воздуха, заслонок радиатора транспортного средства, охлаждающих вентиляторов двигателя, насоса системы охлаждения охладителя наддувочного воздуха и/или переключения с понижением передачи трансмиссии, при этом параметры накопления воды включают в себя одну или более из ...

27-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152361U1

... 1. Система двигателя, содержащая:эжектор, обводящий впускной компрессор, причем окно всасывания эжектора присоединено ниже по потоку от системы продувки паров топлива, причем любые датчики размещены вне местоположения, находящегося между упомянутым окном и упомянутой системой продувки паров топлива;систему рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR), соединенную с впускным каналом; идатчик газовой составляющей, расположенный во впускном канале ниже по потоку от системы EGR и выхода эжектора.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая:дроссель системы впуска воздуха (AIS), расположенный во впускном канале выше по потоку от компрессора; иосновной дроссель, расположенный во впускном канале ниже по потоку от датчика газовой составляющей и выше по потоку от впускного коллектора.3. Система по п. 2, дополнительно содержащая:первый проток, соединяющий клапан продувки бачка (CPV) системы продувки паров топлива с впускным каналом ниже по потоку от датчика газовой составляющей, когда давление во впускном ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152555U1

... 1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, содержащий впускной коллектор и картер двигателя;турбонагнетатель с впускным компрессором, выпускной турбиной и охладителем наддувочного воздуха;впускной дроссель, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха;бачок, выполненный с возможностью приема паров топлива из топливного бака, причем бачок присоединен к впускному коллектору;систему рециркуляции выхлопных газов (EGR), содержащую канал для рециркуляции выхлопных остаточных газов из положения ниже по потоку от турбины в положение выше по потоку от компрессора через клапан EGR;датчик кислорода, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для:регулировки опорного напряжения, приложенного к датчику кислорода, на основании удовлетворения одного из условий продувки и условий вентиляции картера;оценки разбавления EGR на впуске на основании ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152554U1

... 1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, включающий в себя впускной коллектор;турбонагнетатель, включающий в себя турбину в системе выпуска и компрессор в системе впуска;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, присоединенный ниже по потоку от компрессора;датчик кислорода на впуске, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;датчик давления, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;систему рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR), включающую в себя канал EGR и клапан EGR, для рециркуляции отработавших остаточных газов из местоположения ниже по потоку от турбины выше по потоку от компрессора; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для:во время первого холостого хода двигателя после запуска двигателя,изучения опорной точки для датчика кислорода при опорном давлении на впуске; инастройки открывания клапана EGR на основании концентрации ...

20-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011133295A

... 1. Способ эксплуатации двигателя, включающего магистраль EGR и кислородный датчик, включающий:корректировку клапана EGR и первой впускной дроссельной заслонки в ответ на выходной сигнал кислородного датчика для обеспечения требуемого количества EGR икорректировку второй впускной дроссельной заслонки в ответ на выходной сигнал кислородного датчика для поддержания требуемого крутящего момента.2. Способ по п.1, где вторая впускная дроссельная заслонка расположена после первой впускной дроссельной заслонки и после клапана EGR.3. Способ по п.2, где кислородный датчик расположен после первой впускной дроссельной заслонки, после клапана EGR и перед второй впускной дроссельной заслонкой.4. Способ по п.3, где двигатель включает турбокомпрессор, и магистраль EGR связывает выпуск двигателя после турбины с впуском двигателя перед компрессором.5. Способ по п.4, где клапан EGR расположен в магистрали EGR перед компрессором, и где первая впускная дроссельная заслонка расположена в магистрали впуска воздуха ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013100987A

... 1. Способ, включающий:регулирование впрыска топлива на основании концентрации топлива во впускном коллекторе двигателя;во время холостого хода и когда EGR выведена из работы, регулирование впрыска топлива на основании концентрации топлива и величины заброса топлива.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором регулирование впрыска топлива на основании концентрации топлива во впускном коллекторе дополнительно включает определение концентрации топлива на основании концентрации кислорода во впускном коллекторе.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором топливо во впускном коллекторе содержит пары топлива, продутые из бачка для улавливания топлива системы восстановления паров топливного бака.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором топливо во впускном коллекторе содержит пары топлива из системы принудительной вентиляции картера.5. Способ по п. 1, в котором количество забросного топлива определяется на основании изменения размера скопления топлива.6. Способ по п. 1, в котором количество забросного топлива определяется на основании положения ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014136227A

... 1. Способ для двигателя, содержащий:уменьшение мощности нагрева нагревательного элемента кислородного датчика в ответ на превышение указанной мощности на пороговую величину.2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит индикацию присутствия капель воды на кислородном датчике, когда мощность нагрева превышает базовый уровень мощности на пороговую величину.3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что уменьшение мощности нагрева нагревательного элемента заключается в ее уменьшении от увеличенного первого уровня, вызванного попаданием капель воды на нагревательный элемент, до второго уровня, более низкого, чем первый уровень, и более низкого, чем базовый уровень мощности.4. Способ по п. 3, отличающийся тем, что указанный второй уровень по существу равен нулю, что соответствует отключению нагревательного элемента.5. Способ по п. 3, отличающийся тем, что, после уменьшения мощности нагрева дополнительно содержит увеличение мощности нагрева до базового уровня мощности в ответ на уменьшение ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015113525A

... 1. Способ для двигателя, содержащий этап, на котором:деактивируют поток EGR в ответ на то, что влияние углеводородов потока PCV на выходной сигнал датчика кислорода на впуске возрастает выше порогового значения, когда поток продувки деактивирован, причем влияние углеводородов потока PCV основано на разности между выходным сигналом датчика кислорода на впуске и выходным сигналом датчика DPOV, когда течет EGR.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором влияние углеводородов потока PCV основано на разности между выходным сигналом датчика кислорода на впуске и ожидаемым прорывом газов, когда EGR не течет.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором ожидаемый прорыв газов основан на предварительно определенном количестве прорывных газов для текущих давления в коллекторе и числа оборотов двигателя.4. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этапы, на которых, когда поток EGR не деактивирован вследствие того, что влияние углеводородов потока PCV находится ниже порогового значения, деактивируют продувку и определяют влияние ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015113122A

... 1. Способ для двигателя, содержащий этапы, на которых:настраивают работу двигателя на основании концентрации топлива в моторном масле, причем концентрация топлива основана на выходном сигнале датчика кислорода на впуске, когда деактивированы продувка и поток EGR, температуре моторного масла и составе топлива.2. Способ по п. 1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на котором оценивают скорость испарения топлива из моторного масла на основании градиента концентрации между концентрацией топлива в моторном масле и выходным сигналом датчика кислорода на впуске, причем выходной сигнал датчика кислорода на впуске указывает концентрацию топлива во всасываемом воздухе.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором настройка работы двигателя включает в себя этап, на котором настраивают впрыск топлива в двигатель на основании оцененной скорости испарения топлива, причем количество впрыскиваемого топлива уменьшается с повышением оцененной скорости испарения топлива.4. Способ по п. 2, в котором настройка работы двигателя включает ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Controller für Verbrennungskraftmaschine

Номер: DE102018117608A1

Ein Controller umfasst eine Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Steuereinheit, die einen Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Regelkorrekturwert und einen Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Lernwert berechnet und eine Kraftstoffmenge, die jedem Zylinder zugeführt wird, auf Basis von dem Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Regelkorrekturwert FAF und dem Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Lernwert KG korrigiert. Der Controller umfasst ferner eine Zittersteuerungseinheit, die eine Zittersteuerung ausführt, um die Kraftstoffmenge, die jedem Zylinder zugeführt wird, anzupassen, welche von der Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Steuereinheit korrigiert wurde, sodass mindestens einer der Zylinder als fetter Verbrennungszylinder eingestellt wird und mindestens ein weiterer der Zylinder als magerer Verbrennungszylinder eingestellt wird. Wenn die Zittersteuerung ausgeführt wird, untersagt die Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Steuereinheit die Ausführung der Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Lernsteuerung und führt die Luft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis-Regelung aus.

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Steuerung zum Wechseln eines Dieselverbrennungsmodus beruhend auf Kohlendioxid(C02)-Konzentration am Einlass

Номер: DE102008039774B4

Verfahren umfassend:Ermitteln einer Kohlendioxidkonzentration in einem Ansaugkrümmer einer Dieselbrennkraftmaschine;Betreiben der Dieselbrennkraftmaschine in einem ersten Verbrennungsmodus; undBetreiben der Dieselbrennkraftmaschine in einem zweiten Verbrennungsmodus, wenn die ermittelte Kohlendioxidkonzentration größer als ein vorbestimmter Kohlendioxidkonzentrationswert ist.

24-12-1992 дата публикации

Exhaust recirculation ratiometer esp. for vehicular combustion engine - opens pneumatic recirculation valve under electronic control, responsive to intake temps., engine speed and load

Номер: DE0004120196A1

Combustion prods. from the exhaust manifold (14) pass through a pneumatically actuated valve (18) and a recirculation pipe (16) to the inlet manifold (12). Air for operation of the valve (18) is drawn by an electric control valve (24) from the intake at a branching point downstream from the throttle flap (22). Two temp. sensors, one (30) at the mouth of the recirculation pipe (16) and the other (32) just below the branching point, are wired to an electronic controller (28). ADVANTAGE - Ratio of recirculated exhaust gas to combustion air supply is measured reliably and controlled with precision by simple appts.

03-10-1985 дата публикации

Device for protecting diesel/gas engines or Otto engines connected to a gas supply network when operating with gas of different methane numbers

Номер: DE0003410714A1

In connection with diesel/gas engines or Otto engines which are connected to a gas supply network, the invention proposes a safety device for operation with gas of different methane numbers. The latter result from the fact that only methane-containing natural gas is normally supplied in the gas supply network but that an additional gas consisting, for example, of a propane/butane air mixture is added to the latter at various times and this additional gas, although having approximately the same calorific value, has a lower methane number than natural gas. The said device comprises a gas analyser, to which gas taken from the gas supply network can be fed via a monitoring line and which comprises an oxygen (O2) sensor detecting the oxygen content of this gas. If a gas with a methane number which is too low for engine operation occurs, commands are issued by the gas analyser to its change-over devices in order to switch over from gas to diesel operation, where it is associated with a diesel ...

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Zylinderabgasrückführungsverteilungsmesssysteme und -verfahren

Номер: DE102019103296A1

Verfahren und Systeme zum Messen der Abgasrückführungs(AGR)-Verteilung zwischen individuellen Motorzylindern werden bereitgestellt. In einem Beispiel kann ein Verfahren Fluidkoppeln einer Vielzahl von Ansaugrohren eines Motors an eine Vakuumpumpe, Umleiten eines Teils eines Ansaugladegases von dem Ansaugrohr zu einem Gaszusammensetzungssensor mit der Vakuumpumpe, Messen einer Sauerstoffkonzentration des umgeleiteten Ansaugladeteils mit dem Gaszusammensetzungssensor und Schätzen einer AGR-Konzentration der Ansaugladung auf der Grundlage der gemessenen Sauerstoffkonzentration beinhalten.

22-07-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for determining an amount of a substance in exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0002580411A
Автор: JIAN LI, Jian Li

Disclosed is a method and apparatus for determining an amount of a substance in exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine. The method comprises the steps of determining at least one operating parameter, such as an air-fuel ratio, at the current engine operating condition; determining a reference amount of a substance, such as NOX, in the exhaust gas of the engine operating in a reference condition based on the operating parameter; determining an intake manifold temperature difference between the current engine condition and the reference condition of the engine; and determining an effective amount of the substance in the exhaust gas of the engine in the effective condition in dependence on the determined reference amount of the substance and the determined intake manifold temperature difference. The substance may be mono-nitrogen oxides or smoke. The parameter may be an air-fuel mass ratio. The method allows estimating an amount of substance in an engine exhaust gas without the need ...

04-04-2018 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon sensor diagnostic

Номер: GB0201802474D0

22-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001550795A

09-07-2014 дата публикации

A method of controlling the operation of an air charging system of an internal combustion engine

Номер: GB0201409356D0

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon-emissions monitoring

Номер: GB0201715736D0

15-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413739B

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511600T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249575T

25-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000521322B2

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Gaseous fuel engine charge density control system

Номер: AU2006299850B2
Принадлежит: Freehills Patent Attorneys

A gaseous fuel engine including an exhaust gas recirculation system (28) and method for operating a gaseous fuel engine are provided. The exhaust gas recirculation system (28) has an adjustable flow and is operable to supply exhaust gas to at least one engine cylinder. The engine further includes means for determining a value indicative of a charge density of a combustion mixture that includes gaseous fuel, air and exhaust gas supplied to the at least one cylinder, and adjusting a flow quantity through the exhaust gas recirculation system (28) based at least in part on the value.

13-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001127742A1

31-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002539101A1

A method is provided for close control and adjustment of in-cylinder oxygen concentration levels together with boost adjustments to minimize harmful emissions during transients in engines which utilize late direct cylinder injection of fuel. EGR flow rates are adjusted in a closed loop, linked fashion together with boost pressure changes during transients, to maintain intake charge-air oxygen concentration and boost levels within critical ranges for controlled temperature, low emission combustion. Changes in fuel feed into the cylinder are made to wait for or follow changes in the boost level of charge~-air into the cylinder for combustion. Temporary fuel levels are not allowed to exceed desired fuel/oxygen ratios during transients, by controlling fuel feed responsive to the level of boost of charge-air being taken into the cylinder for combustion.

28-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490844A2

31-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490844A3

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN0109790784A

18-07-2012 дата публикации

Supercharged internal combustion engine and method for operating an internal combustion engine of said type

Номер: CN102588081A

A supercharged internal combustion engine is provided. The engine comprises a cylinder, an intake line in an intake system, for supplying charge air to the cylinder, an exhaust line for discharging exhaust gases, an exhaust-gas turbocharger including a turbine arranged in the exhaust line and a compressor arranged in the intake line, an exhaust-gas recirculation arrangement including a recirculation line which branches off from the exhaust line downstream of the turbine and opens into the intake line upstream of the compressor, and a sensor for detecting the concentration Ci,intake of a component i of the charge air in the intake system provided downstream of the opening of the recirculation line into the intake line. In this way, the exhaust-gas recirculation may be regulated based on feedback from the sensor to control emissions.

17-07-2018 дата публикации

For adapting the internal combustion engine of the air in the input channel of the signal of the oxygen sensor method and apparatus

Номер: CN0103244295B

01-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003041382B1

06-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002805567B1

24-10-2008 дата публикации

Variable geometry supercharger controlling system i.e. electronic control unit, for internal combustion engine i.e. diesel engine, of motor vehicle, has calculating block deducing set point of geometry of compressor to regulate geometry

Номер: FR0002915237A1

Système de commande d'un turbocompresseur de suralimentation pour moteur à combustion interne de véhicule automobile, du type comprenant une turbine (15) à géométrie variable et un compresseur (14) à géométrie variable, avec des moyens de régulation comprenant une boucle de régulation (31) pour réguler la pression de suralimentation en agissant sur la géométrie de la turbine, une boucle de régulation (43) pour réguler la géométrie du compresseur, et des moyens de détermination du débit et du rapport de compression du compresseur et des moyens (34) pour en déduire la valeur de consigne de la géométrie du compresseur utilisée pour réguler la géométrie du compresseur.

18-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003025836A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT S.A.S

Un procédé de gestion d'un dispositif de moteur à combustion interne à essence à injection indirecte d'un véhicule automobile, ledit dispositif de moteur comprenant un conduit d'admission avec une entrée d'air et une chambre de combustion en aval du conduit d'admission, ce procédé comprenant, suite à la réception d'un signal d'arrêt du dispositif de moteur, les étapes suivantes : - élaborer (55) un signal de commande correspondant à une ouverture de l'entrée d'air, - transmettre le signal de commande généré vers un actionneur de l'entrée d'air afin d'assurer une aération du conduit d'admission pendant l'arrêt du moteur.

13-03-2012 дата публикации

dispositivo de medição de relações de egr

Номер: BRPI1005604A2

27-05-2015 дата публикации

Система для указания воды в датчике кислорода на основании потребляемой мощности нагревателя датчика

Номер: RU0000152379U1

1. Система для двигателя, содержащая:впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора;датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; иконтроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного элемента датчика кислорода более высокое, чем пороговое значение, во время выбранного состояния.2. Система по п.1, в которой машинно-читаемые команды дополнительно включают в себя команды для настройки условий эксплуатации двигателя на основании указания воды в датчике кислорода, причем условия эксплуатации двигателя включают в себя одно или более из открывания впускного дросселя и установки момента зажигания, при этом выбранное состояние чувствительно к влажности окружающей среды, большей, чем пороговое значение. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 152 379 U1 (51) МПК F02B 29/04 (2006.01) F02D 45/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014133365/06, 13.08.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.08.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): СУРНИЛЛА Гопичандра (US), СОЛТИС Ричард И. (US), МАКЛЕД Дэниел А. (US), КЛАРК Тимоти Джозеф (US) (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2015 Бюл. № 15 1 5 2 3 7 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Система для двигателя, содержащая: впускной коллектор, включающий в себя впускной дроссель; охладитель наддувочного воздуха, расположенный выше по потоку от впускного коллектора; датчик кислорода, расположенный на выходе охладителя наддувочного воздуха, при этом датчик кислорода включает в себя нагревательный элемент; и контроллер с машинно-читаемыми командами для указания воды в датчике кислорода в ответ на увеличение потребляемой мощности нагревательного ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Система для датчика кислорода

Номер: RU0000152517U1

1. Система двигателя, содержащая:двигатель, включающий в себя впускной коллектор;турбонагнетатель, включающий в себя турбину в системе выпуска и компрессор в системе впуска;охладитель наддувочного воздуха, присоединенный ниже по потоку от компрессора;датчик кислорода на впуске, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;датчик давления, присоединенный к впускному коллектору ниже по потоку от охладителя наддувочного воздуха и выше по потоку от впускного дросселя;систему рециркуляции отработавших газов (EGR), включающую в себя канал EGR и клапан EGR, для рециркуляции отработавших остаточных газов из местоположения ниже по потоку от турбины в местоположение выше по потоку от компрессора; иконтроллер с машиночитаемыми командами для:во время состояния перекрытия топлива при замедлении двигателя,изучения опорной точки для упомянутого датчика кислорода при опорном давлении на впуске; инастройки открывания клапана EGR на основании концентрации кислорода на впуске, оцененной упомянутым датчиком относительно изученной опорной точки, и дополнительно на основании давления на впуске относительно опорного давления на впуске.2. Система по п. 1, дополнительно содержащая датчиквлажности для оценки влажности окружающей среды, причем контроллер включает в себя дополнительные команды для дополнительной настройки открывания клапана EGR на основании влажности окружающей среды относительно опорной влажности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F02M 25/07 F02D 23/00 F02D 41/00 G01M 15/02 (13) 152 517 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014139711/06, 30.09.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.09.2014 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): КЛАРК Тимоти Джозеф (US), СУРНИЛЛА Гопичандра (US), ГЕРХАРТ Мэттью Джон (US), СТАЙЛЗ Дэниел ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for regenerating a particle filter

Номер: US20120031074A1

A method and device for monitoring and controlling the regeneration of a particle filter in an exhaust gas duct of an internal combustion engine which has a three-way catalytic converter downstream of the particle filter, wherein the particle filter is regenerated by oxidative burning of the particles during a regeneration phase, wherein oxygen consumption is balanced, directly or indirectly, during the regeneration phase via the temporal variation of a first signal of a first lambda probe, which is arranged upstream of the particle filter, in comparison to the temporal variation of a second signal of a second lambda probe, which is arranged downstream of the particle filter. A lambda value of λ=1 is set downstream of the three-way catalytic converter during the regeneration of the particle filter by means of lambda control and the second lambda probe which is arranged downstream of the three-way catalytic converter.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas cleaning system for engineering vehicle

Номер: US20120047883A1

An exhaust gas cleaning system is provided in an engineering vehicle such as a hydraulic excavator. During automatic regeneration, when a gate lock lever 5 is in a locked state and work is not performed, the exhaust gas temperature detected by the exhaust temperature detecting device 37 may be lower than the threshold value, so temperature-rising assistance is started as follows. The minimum engine output PS 1 (pump discharge pressure P 1 and pump discharge amount Q 1 ) is brought to engine output PS 2 (pump discharge pressure P 2 and pump discharge amount Q 2 ). In this way, a hydraulic load is applied to an engine to thereby increase exhaust gas temperature. When the work is resumed during the regeneration, an operator pulls down the gate lock lever to the first position A, and the engine output is returned to PS 1. Thus, the temperature-rising assistance is stopped, however the automatic regeneration is continued.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control device

Номер: US20120117950A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An air-fuel ratio control device is provided for controlling the air-fuel ratio of an engine. The device includes an exhaust passage having a main catalytic converter and a bypass passage having a bypass catalytic converter, the bypass passage diverging from the exhaust passage at an upstream junction and rejoining the exhaust passage at a downstream junction. A valve mechanism disposed in the exhaust passage between the upstream junction and the downstream junction moves between a closed state and an open state. During a predetermined period of time after the valve mechanism opens to permit flow in the exhaust passage, the air-fuel ratio of the engine is controlled based on a signal from a first air-fuel ratio sensor in the bypass passage using a low response correction value that is less than a normal response correction value that would be used when the valve mechanism is closed.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Particulate filter diagnostics

Номер: US20120125081A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A system includes an internal combustion engine producing an exhaust stream, a particulate filtering device that treats the exhaust stream, a particulate sensor operatively coupled to the exhaust stream at a position downstream of the particulate filtering device, and a temperature sensor operatively coupled to the exhaust stream. The system includes a controller that interprets a particulate sensor particulate stability condition, interprets a particulate sensor input value and a particulate sensor temperature, compensates the particulate sensor input value in response to the particulate sensor temperature, and filters the compensated particulate sensor input value. The controller determines a soot accumulation value in response to the filtered compensated particulate sensor input value, interprets a diagnostic enable condition, and determines a particulate filter diagnostic value in response to the active diagnostic enable condition and the soot accumulation value. The controller provides the particulate filter diagnostic value to an output device.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas post processing method

Номер: US20120131905A1
Автор: Soon Hyung Kwon
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

An exhaust gas post processing method may include determining whether a driving condition is included in an area for monitoring a rapid-heat-up (RHU) logic process that is used to quickly raise a temperature of exhaust gas passing an exhaust line, detecting on/off signal that performs or stops the rapid-heat-up logic process, determining whether an injection signal for performing the rapid-heat-up logic process is activated or not, detecting error of components for performing the rapid-heat-up logic process, and detecting the temperature of the exhaust during the rapid-heat-up logic process and comparing the detected temperature with a modeled value. Accordingly, malfunction of the rapid-heat-up logic process is prevented before hand to realize the rapid-heat-up logic process securely, and the malfunction by the error signal is informed to the driver such that the on board diagnosis function is improved.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Combustion control apparatus of internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120143479A1
Автор: Mitsuhiro Nada
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

During high-load operation of an engine, fuel for initial slow-burning combustion and premixed combustion is injected into a combustion chamber by continuous fuel injection, then fuel injection is paused, and fuel for diffusion combustion is injected after a predetermined interval has elapsed. Also, the fuel injection amount in the continuous fuel injection is set higher than the fuel injection amount for diffusion combustion. A spray autointerference cooling effect is achieved by the continuous fuel injection, thus promoting ignition delay so as to increase the proportion of premixed combustion, thereby suppressing the production of smoke. This enables high-volume EGR to be performed, thus enabling reducing the amount of NOx produced.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120144806A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

An internal combustion engine, in which intake air flows through an intake passage into a combustion chamber and exhaust gas resulting from the combustion in the combustion chamber flows through an exhaust passage, includes an exhaust gas purifier provided in the exhaust passage and having an oxidation catalyst, an LPL-EGR passage connecting between the intake passage and the exhaust passage at a position downstream of the exhaust gas purifier as seen in exhaust gas flow direction, a first estimating device for estimating exhaust gas composition at a position upstream of the exhaust gas purifier, a second estimating device for estimating exhaust gas composition at a position downstream of the exhaust gas purifier, a cylinder temperature adjusting device for adjusting temperature in the combustion chamber, and a controller for controlling the cylinder temperature adjusting device based on the difference in the exhaust gas composition between the first and second estimating devices.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device for engine

Номер: US20120192635A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss calculation device which corrects an exhaust gas pressure loss that varies from moment to moment in accordance with engine operating conditions to a corrected exhaust gas pressure loss that can be used directly in control. The present invention converts an exhaust gas pressure into the corrected exhaust gas pressure loss, which is an exhaust gas pressure loss under a reference condition, from a relationship between an exhaust gas mass flow rate and an exhaust gas mass flow rate under the reference condition, a relationship between an exhaust gas temperature and an exhaust gas temperature under the reference condition, a relationship between the exhaust gas pressure and an exhaust gas pressure under the reference condition, and a relationship between an exhaust gas viscosity coefficient under a condition of the exhaust gas temperature and a viscosity coefficient of a viscous gas under the reference condition.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling the operation of a compressor

Номер: US20120204560A1
Автор: Jon Dixon

A method for controlling a compressor of a turbocharger is disclosed. In one example, the method comprises varying a maximum permitted compressor outlet temperature based upon a function of compressor outlet temperature and operating time, and controlling the operation of the compressor so that the maximum permitted compressor outlet temperature is not exceeded. In this way a higher boost pressure can safely be used during the early life of the compressor but excessive coking of the compressor with a resultant loss of efficiency later in the life of the compressor is reduced.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for cylinder equalization in a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine

Номер: US20120204830A1

A method is provided for equalizing the cylinders of a multi-cylinder internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine is configured as a reciprocating engine having direct injection and spark ignition. A fuel mass is injected in a cylinder-specific manner, and a cylinder-specific air mass and a cylinder-specific ignition time are each adjustable. An injection amount is equalized, then a charge is equalized and then a mean combustion pressure is equalized.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for operating a turbocharger arrangement and control unit for a turbocharger arrangement

Номер: US20120210710A1

A method for operating a turbocharger arrangement of an internal combustion engine, the turbocharger arrangement comprising a low-pressure and a high-pressure turbocharging stage arranged sequentially, the low-pressure turbo-charging stage comprising a low-pressure turbine with a sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve, is provided. The method comprises evaluating at least one sensor signal of the turbocharger arrangement for detecting a failure mode of the sensorless low-pressure turbine bypass valve. In this way, the low-pressure turbine bypass valve may be monitored for degradation without utilizing a position sensor.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for managing the automatic stoppage of an automobile

Номер: US20120271535A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A method including: a) determining a value representative of temperature of exhaust gases flowing in an exhaust duct of an engine upstream from a turbine; b) comparing the representative value with a predetermined threshold value; c) if the representative value is higher than the threshold value, initiating timing-out of a first time delay during which a) and b) are repeated; d) if the representative value is lower than the threshold value, initiating the timing-out of a second time delay during which a) and b) are repeated; e) if the first time delay has elapsed and the representative value is higher than the threshold value, preventing the automatic stoppage of the engine; f) if the second time delay has elapsed and the representative value is lower than the threshold value, authorizing the automatic stoppage of the engine and resetting the measure of the timing-out of the first time delay.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method to estimate intake charge temperature for internal combustion engines

Номер: US20130024085A1

An engine includes an intake manifold mixing an intake air flow and an exhaust gas recirculation flow to provide an intake charge flow. A method to estimate an intake charge temperature of the intake charge includes monitoring system conditions for the engine, determining an effect of the mixing upon a specific heat coefficient of the intake charge flow based upon the monitored system conditions, estimating the intake charge temperature based upon the effect of the mixing upon the specific heat coefficient of the intake charge flow and the monitored system conditions, and controlling the engine based upon the estimated intake charge temperature.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Nh3 emissions management in a nox reduction system

Номер: US20130031891A1
Автор: Chetan PONNATHPUR
Принадлежит: Cummins Emission Solutions Inc

A system includes an internal combustion engine producing an exhaust gas, an aftertreatment system receiving the exhaust gas, the aftertreatment system including a particulate filter positioned upstream of an SCR catalyst component, and a urea injector operatively coupled to the aftertreatment system at a position upstream of the SCR catalyst component. The system further includes a controller that interprets an exhaust temperature value, an ambient temperature value, and a urea injection amount. The controller determines a urea deposit amount in response to the exhaust temperature value, the ambient temperature value, and the urea injection amount, and initiates a desoot regeneration event in response to the urea deposit amount. The desoot regeneration event includes operating the engine at a urea decomposition exhaust temperature.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Catalyst anomaly diagnostic system

Номер: US20130036808A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

Active air-fuel ratio control is performed to alternately control an air-fuel ratio in an area located upstream of a catalyst between a lean side and a rich side. Switching is carried out between lean control and rich control at the same time when an output from a post-catalyst sensor reaches a threshold. Whether the catalyst is normal or abnormal is determined based on the rate of a change in the output from the post-catalyst sensor between a first point of time when a pre-catalyst air-fuel ratio reaches stoichiometry after the output from the post-catalyst sensor reaches the threshold and a second point of time when the output from the post-catalyst sensor reaches the threshold next time.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Imbalance re-synchronization control systems and methods

Номер: US20130060449A1

Fueling to one cylinder of an engine is selectively adjusted based on a correction associated with the cylinder. An instability module increments a counter value when the correction is equal to one of a first predetermined value and a second predetermined value and was previously equal to the other one of the first and second predetermined values. The instability module selectively generates a first indicator based on the counter value. A variance of imbalance values can be determined based on samples of an exhaust gas oxygen signal. Two variances are determined: one variance with adjustment based on the correction, one without adjustment based on the correction. A variance checking module selectively generates a second indicator based on the first and second variances. A re-synchronization module re-synchronizes the imbalance values with the cylinders, respectively, in response to generation of the first indicator and/or the second indicator.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

System for controlling an air handling system including an electric pump-assisted exhaust gas recirculation

Номер: US20130080034A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

A system controlling an air handling system for an internal combustion engine. An EGR valve in-line with an EGR passageway fluidly coupled between exhaust and intake manifolds of the engine is controllable between fully closed open positions to control a flow rate of exhaust gas through the EGR passageway. A control circuit determines a pump enable value as a function of at least one of a target engine speed and a total fueling target, determines a maximum achievable flow rate of recirculated exhaust gas through the EGR passageway with the EGR valve in the fully open position, and activates an electric gas pump to increase the flow rate of exhaust gas through the EGR passageway if the pump enable value exceeds a threshold pump enable value and a target flow rate of recirculated exhaust gas through the EGR passageway is less than the maximum achievable flow rate.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system

Номер: US20130081367A1
Принадлежит: Isuzu Motors Ltd

A diesel particulate defuser (DPD) for collecting particulate matter (PM) in exhaust gas is connected to an exhaust pipe of a diesel engine, and when the amount of PM in the DPD becomes equal to or greater than a predetermined amount, the exhaust gas temperature of the diesel engine is increased by performing exhaust pipe injection and DPD is automatically regenerated. In such an exhaust gas purification system, an exhaust gas temperature during DPD regeneration in automatic regeneration is detected, a difference between the detected exhaust gas temperature and a target regeneration temperature is determined, and in a case where an exhaust pipe injection amount is PID controlled based on the difference, when a transition is made from the traveling automatic regeneration to the idle automatic regeneration conducted during a stop, an integral control term in the PID control is reset to zero to control the exhaust pipe injection amount.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085733A1
Принадлежит: Volvo Car Corp

A NO x emission estimation method and arrangement for a diesel engine for estimating the amount of NO x generated in a combustion chamber of the diesel engine. The method comprises the steps of: providing values for speed and load by measuring the engine speed and the fuel injection amount; providing a base NO x value from an engine speed-load resolved reference NO x map; defining and providing emission influencing input parameters by measuring corresponding signal values; calculating a deviation between at least one emission influencing input parameter and a speed-load resolved reference value for the at least one emission influencing input parameter; multiplying the calculated deviation with an individual value from an individual speed-load resolved weight map for the at least one emission influencing input parameter, thereby creating an emission influencing input parameter related correction for the at least one emission influencing input parameter; adding and summarizing the at least one emission influencing input parameter related correction to the base NO x value and thereby obtaining an estimated NO x mass flow value.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for heating a catalytic converter in an engine system and for diagnosing the effectiveness of measures for heating the catalytic converter

Номер: US20130097999A1

A method for operating an internal combustion engine in a catalytic converter heating operation, the internal combustion engine being able to be operated in a normal operation, including the following steps: ascertaining a first exhaust gas temperature reading, which gives the exhaust gas temperature of the exhaust gas in a first catalytic converter, particularly in an oxidation catalytic converter; operating the internal combustion engine in a first operating mode, in which, in contrast to the normal operation, the exhaust gas, having an increased exhaust gas temperature, is exhausted from at least one cylinder of the internal combustion engine, as long as the first exhaust gas temperature reading has not reached a specified first temperature threshold value. This method enables a robust and simple diagnosis of the effectiveness of the catalytic converter heating operation according to the requirements of CARE Title 13 CCR Section 1968.2 Chapter.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20130139786A1

Methods and systems are provided for addressing pre-ignition that may be induced in response to actions taken to mitigate a cylinder misfire. An amount of engine load limiting applied may be adjusted to reduce the likelihood pre-ignition while also addressing component over-temperature issues. By limiting an engine load while shutting off fuel in a misfiring cylinder, and while combusting a lean air-fuel mixture in the remaining cylinders, pre-ignition induced by the misfire-mitigating lean combustion conditions can be reduced.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Fuel injection amount control apparatus for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130144510A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A fuel injection amount control apparatus includes an air-fuel ratio sensor which is disposed between an exhaust gas merging portion HK and an upstream catalyst. The control apparatus performs a feedback correction on an amount of fuel to be injected by the fuel injection valve in such a manner that an air-fuel ratio represented by an output value of an upstream air-fuel ratio sensor becomes equal to a target air-fuel ratio which is set at stoichiometric air-fuel ratio. The control apparatus obtains an air-fuel ratio imbalance indicating value, which becomes larger as a difference in air-fuel ratio of each of the mixtures supplied to each of the combustion chambers among the cylinders becomes larger, and performs an increasing correction to the amount of fuel to be injected by the injection valve in such a manner that an air-fuel ratio becomes a richer air-fuel ratio than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio as the obtained air-fuel ratio imbalance indicating value becomes larger.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus, and control method, of hybrid power unit

Номер: US20130151118A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

The invention relates to an air-fuel ratio control apparatus of a hybrid power unit that selectively executes a first mode in which a ratio of a period during which an internal combustion engine is operated is relatively small, and a second mode in which the ratio of the period during which the internal combustion engine is operated is relatively large. This air-fuel ratio control apparatus executes a target air-fuel ratio correction when a difference among air-fuel ratios in a plurality of combustion chambers exists or is greater than a predetermined difference. An air-fuel ratio correction amount that is a correction amount for the target air-fuel ratio by the target air-fuel ratio correction is set according to whether operational control of the internal combustion engine according to the first mode is being executed or whether operational control of the internal combustion engine according to the second mode is being executed.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130179051A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An embodiment (control apparatus) of an air-fuel ratio control apparatus according to the present invention determines, based on an output value Voxs of a downstream air-fuel ratio sensor 56 disposed at a position downstream of a three-way catalyst 43, which air-fuel request is occurring, a rich request or a lean request. The control apparatus sets an air-fuel ratio of each cylinder (cylinder-by-cylinder air-fuel ratio) to a rich air-fuel ratio when the rich request is occurring, and sets the cylinder-by-cylinder air-fuel ratio to a lean air-fuel ratio when the lean request is occurring. The control apparatus has a cylinder-by-cylinder air-fuel ratio of a specific cylinder different from a cylinder-by-cylinder air-fuel ratio of the other cylinder so as to obtain a fluctuation period correlated value indicative of a fluctuation of the output value Voxs of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor 56, and determines an influence/impact degree on the output value of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor of an exhaust gas discharged from each of a plurality of cylinders, based on the fluctuation period correlated value. Further, the control apparatus controls the air-fuel ratio of each cylinder in accordance with the influence degree.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus for internal combustion engine and control method

Номер: US20130184972A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An air-fuel ratio control apparatus that is applied to an internal combustion engine having an intake passage to which a canister is connected via an evaporative fuel supply passage, and an exhaust passage that is provided with an exhaust gas purifier, includes a first sensor provided upstream of the exhaust gas purifier, a second sensor provided downstream of the exhaust gas purifier, and a controller that corrects a fuel injection amount through feedback on a basis of the air-fuel ratio acquired by the first sensor, modifies a correction coefficient used for feedback correction on a basis of the air-fuel ratio acquired by the second sensor, and has a storage unit that stores the modified correction coefficient. The controller prohibits the modified correction coefficient from being stored into the storage unit if a concentration of fuel in purge gas is equal to or higher than a predetermined criterial concentration.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust system and method for controlling an exhaust system

Номер: US20130186063A1

In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, a method for controlling an exhaust system includes determining an air to fuel ratio within a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, measuring a temperature of an exhaust gas flow from the internal combustion engine into the exhaust system and determining a specific heat for the exhaust gas flow in a first segment of the exhaust system based on the temperature of the exhaust gas flow from the internal combustion engine and the air to fuel ratio, wherein the first segment is upstream of the particulate filter. The method also includes determining a first temperature of the exhaust gas in the first segment based on the specific heat for the exhaust gas flow and selectively controlling a regeneration process for the particulate filter using the determined temperature of the exhaust gas at the selected location.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling an engine

Номер: US20130204508A1

A method for controlling regeneration within an after-treatment component of an engine comprises receiving an upstream temperature signal representing a temperature of an exhaust stream upstream from the after-treatment component and calculating an expected downstream temperature based on the upstream temperature signal and a model for calculating the expected downstream temperature. A temperature index is calculated based on the upstream temperature signal and the expected downstream temperature, and an estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is calculated based, at least in part, on the temperature index. The estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component is compared to a predetermined threshold associated with the after-treatment component, and a remedial action is initiated when the estimate of accumulated particulate matter in the after-treatment component exceeds the predetermined threshold.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus and air-fuel ratio control method for internal combustion engine mounted on hybrid vehicle

Номер: US20130211692A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Asami
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A hybrid vehicle executes intermittent operation for stopping an operation of an internal combustion engine and thereafter resuming the operation in response to an operating state. An air-fuel ratio control apparatus executes air-fuel ratio feedback control for bringing an air-fuel ratio of air-fuel mixture supplied to the engine on the basis of an output of an upstream air-fuel ratio sensor and an output of a downstream air-fuel ratio sensor into coincidence with a target air-fuel ratio. The air-fuel ratio control apparatus acquires a catalyst parameter that indicates a state of the catalyst at a start of the engine through intermittent operation. The air-fuel ratio control apparatus substantially corrects the target air-fuel ratio in response to the acquired catalyst parameter in a predetermined period after a start of the engine through intermittent operation, and learns a sub-feedback amount that is calculated using the output of the downstream air-fuel ratio sensor.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Air-fuel ratio control apparatus

Номер: US20130231845A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An air-fuel ratio control apparatus of the present invention comprises an inverse direction spike introducing section and an inverse direction spike interval setting section. The inverse direction spike introducing section introduces, while an air-fuel ratio correction required by an output of a downstream air-fuel ratio sensor is being carried out, an inverse direction spike which is an air-fuel ratio spike to temporarily change an air-fuel ratio of an exhaust gas toward a direction opposite to a direction of the air-fuel ratio correction with respect to a target control air-fuel ratio. The inverse direction spike interval setting section sets, based on an operating state of an internal combustion engine system, an inverse direction spike interval which is an interval between two of the inverse direction spikes next to each other in time.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Method for optimizing an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130245917A1
Автор: Sven Meyer

Internal combustion engine optimisation in which individual adjustment processes to be carried out to achieve optimal cooperation between the sensors, actuators, control device and internal combustion engine are started and carried out on the basis of the quality achieved for each of the individual adjustment processes in relation to one another, the ambient conditions of the internal combustion engine and the system states of the internal combustion engine in connection with a control program.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, systems and sensor for detecting humidity

Номер: US20130269322A1

Methods systems and device for detecting humidity in air through use of an ammonia sensor included in the exhaust of an engine, such as a diesel engine are provided. In one example, a method for an engine having an exhaust with an ammonia sensor includes adjusting an operating parameter in response to ambient humidity, the ambient humidity based on a first ammonia sensor reading at a first exhaust air-fuel-ratio and a second ammonia sensor reading at a second exhaust air-fuel-ratio.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Supercharger-equipped internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130283787A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In a multicylinder internal combustion engine including a turbocharger, the turbocharger employs a twin-entry turbo where a turbine includes two exhaust gas inflow ports. A first exhaust passage guides an exhaust gas discharged from a first cylinder group of the internal combustion engine to one exhaust gas inflow port of the turbocharger. A second exhaust passage guides an exhaust gas discharged from a second cylinder group of the internal combustion engine to the other exhaust gas inflow port of the turbocharger. An exhaust gas collecting portion of the first exhaust passage and an exhaust gas collecting portion of the second exhaust passage each include an air-fuel ratio sensor. This configuration allows efficiently contact of the exhaust gas on an element portion of the air-fuel ratio sensor, thus accurately detecting an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas at an upstream side of a catalyst for each cylinder.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling an internal combustion engine for a motor vehicle in transit

Номер: US20130289852A1
Принадлежит: RENAULT SAS

A system for controlling a diesel internal combustion engine including a circuit for partially recirculating exhaust gases, including a mechanism estimating set values of intake-air parameters; a mechanism estimating richness of the exhaust gas; a mechanism determining a set value of the intake richness according to set values of the intake-air parameters; and a mechanism correcting at least one of the set values of the intake-air parameters according to the estimation of the richness of the exhaust gas and the richness set value.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling exhaust regeneration

Номер: US20130291516A1
Автор: Patrick Barasa

A system for controlling regeneration in an after-treatment component comprises a feedback module, an error module, a gain module, and a regeneration control module. The feedback module is configured for determining a rate of change of the value of a controlled parameter. The error module is in communication with the feedback module and is configured for determining a value of an error term by subtracting a value of a target parameter from the value of the controlled parameter. The gain module is configured for determining a value of a proportional gain factor by raising a mathematical constant “e” to the negative power of the value of a tuned gain exponent and for determining a value of a derivative gain factor by multiplying the value of the proportional gain factor by a tuning factor. The regeneration control module is configured for determining a value of a rational control increment.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust gas processing device for diesel engine

Номер: US20130305694A1
Принадлежит: Kubota Corp

An exhaust gas processing device for a diesel engine includes a DPF, a PM deposition amount estimating unit for PM deposited in the DPF, a DPF regenerating unit, a DPF regeneration control unit, a storage unit, an acceleration regeneration request information notifying unit, an acceleration regeneration start operating unit, and a mode selecting unit. When a normal regeneration process is selected, the time at which acceleration regeneration request determination reserve period T 1 elapses from the start of the normal regeneration process without the end of the normal regeneration process is time T 2 for acceleration regeneration request determination, at which time, if the PM deposition amount estimation value is greater or equal to acceleration regeneration request determination value J 2 , it is determined that there is the acceleration regeneration request. The DPF regeneration control unit allows the acceleration regeneration request information notifying unit to start notification of the acceleration regeneration request information.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Exhaust purification system of internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130315790A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

In an internal combustion engine, inside of an engine exhaust passage, a hydrocarbon feed valve ( 15 ), an exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ), and a particulate filter ( 14 ) are arranged. At the time of engine operation, the amplitude of change of the concentration of hydrocarbons which flow into the exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ) is made to become within a predetermined range of amplitude by control of the injection amount of hydrocarbons from the hydrocarbon feed valve ( 15 ). When the temperature of the particulate filter ( 14 ) is to be raised to be regeneration temperature, the injection amount of hydrocarbons is increased and thereby the pass through amount of hydrocarbons which pass through the exhaust purification catalyst ( 13 ) is increased.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Combustion controller for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130317722A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an apparatus for controlling combustion in an internal combustion engine having a fuel delivery system includes a cylinder contents prediction module configured to predict at least one condition within a combustion cylinder of the internal combustion engine. The apparatus also includes a fueling parameter selection module configured to generate a fuel command for the fuel delivery system. The fuel command is based at least partially on the predicted at least one condition within the combustion cylinder.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Fuel injection amount control apparatus for an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130325296A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control apparatus comprising an air-fuel ratio sensor disposed between the exhaust gas aggregated portion and the three-way catalyst, and which outputs an output value corresponding to an amount of oxygen and an amount of unburnt substances that has reached the exhaust-gas-side electrode layer via the porous; an actual detected air-fuel ratio obtaining section which obtains an actual detected air-fuel ratio by converting an actual output value of the air-fuel ratio sensor into an air-fuel ratio; and an instructed fuel injection amount calculation section which corrects the amount of the fuel injected from a plurality of the fuel injection valves so that the actual detected air-fuel ratio coincides with a target air-fuel ratio; and an air-fuel ratio imbalance indicating value obtaining section which obtains an air-fuel ratio imbalance indicating value which becomes larger as a degree of a non-uniformity among a plurality of the cylinders of cylinder-by-cylinder air-fuel ratios.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20140000552A1

Methods and systems are provided for reducing late burn induced cylinder pre-ignition events. Forced entry of residuals from a late burning cylinder into a neighboring cylinder may be detected based on engine block vibrations sensed in a window during an open exhaust valve of the late burning cylinder. In response to the entry of residuals, a pre-ignition mitigating action, such as fuel enrichment or deactivation, is performed in the neighboring cylinder.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for pre-ignition control

Номер: US20140000557A1

Methods and systems are provided for reducing late burn induced cylinder pre-ignition events. Forced entry of residuals from a late burning cylinder into a neighboring cylinder may be detected based on engine block vibrations sensed in a window during an open exhaust valve of the late burning cylinder. In response to the entry of residuals, a pre-ignition mitigating action, such as fuel enrichment or deactivation, is performed in the neighboring cylinder.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014079A1

The disclosure relates to a method for the measurement of relative air humidity in a fresh air induction tube of an internal combustion engine. Here a concentration of oxygen in the fresh air induction tube is measured by an oxygen sensor and a temperature in the fresh air induction tube is determined. The relative air humidity is determined depending on the measured concentration of oxygen and the determined temperature. 1. A method for measurement of relative air humidity in a fresh air induction tube of an internal combustion engine , comprising:measuring a concentration of oxygen in the fresh air induction tube by an oxygen sensor;determining a temperature in the fresh air induction tube; anddetermining the relative air humidity depending on the measured concentration of oxygen and the determined temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature in the fresh air induction tube is determined using a temperature measurement with a temperature sensor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature in the fresh air induction tube is determined with a mathematical model.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature in the fresh air tube is brought into a predetermined range of values by heating or cooling.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , if the temperature in the fresh air induction tube lies below a predetermined threshold temperature claim 1 , calibrating the oxygen sensor.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the calibrating comprises setting a current output value of the oxygen sensor equal to a predetermined concentration of oxygen.7. A motor vehicle claim 5 , comprising:a fresh air induction tube in which an oxygen sensor is disposed;an internal combustion engine connected to the fresh air induction tube; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a control unit connected to the oxygen sensor and including instructions to carry out the method of .'}8. A method comprising:during select conditions, determining a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Diagnosis Method And Device For Operating An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20140014081A1
Автор: Reza Azadeh
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method is disclosed for performing an individual cylinder diagnosis with respect to pollutant emissions within a predefined operating range of an internal combustion engine, meeting at least one predefined condition. During the performing of the individual cylinder diagnosis, a forced activation, by means of which a predefined air/fuel ratio to be set is activated, is prescribed in a manner synchronous to the cylinder segment. The excitation is carried out such that each individual cylinder is subjected during subsequent working cycles to a mixture that is either richer or leaner in comparison to the predefined air/fuel ratio to be set due to the forced excitation. Depending on the forcibly activated air/fuel ratio to be set, the corresponding injection valves are actuated.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Variable valve timing for egr control

Номер: US20140026872A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting cylinder valve timings to enable a group of cylinders to operate and combust while another group of cylinders on a second are selectively deactivated. Valve timing may be adjusted to allow flow of air through the inactive cylinders to be reduced, lowering catalyst regeneration requirements upon reactivation. The valve timing may alternatively be adjusted to enable exhaust gas to be recirculated to the active cylinders via the inactive cylinders, providing cooled EGR benefits.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Accumulated ash correction during soot mass estimation in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device

Номер: US20140033679A1

A method of correcting a soot mass estimate in a vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device includes monitoring an exhaust gas pressure drop across a particulate filter included with the vehicle exhaust aftertreatment device. Following the detection of a pressure drop, a controller may determine a soot mass estimate from the monitored pressure drop; determine an ash volume estimate representative of an amount of ash within the particulate filter; determine an ash correction factor from the soot mass estimate and the ash volume estimate; and calculate a corrected soot mass value by multiplying the ash correction factor with the soot mass estimate. If the corrected soot mass value exceeds a threshold, the controller may generate a corresponding particulate filter regeneration request.

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Vent Insert

Номер: US20220003153A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Flow Engineering Inc

A vent insert is disclosed for use with an automotive turbocharger system. The vent has a substantially cylindrical hollow tube with a first end for seating the vent and a second open end. The first end has a rim around an opening. The second end of the vent has an angled opening that faces away from the direction of the gas flow when the vent insert is operating within the turbocharger system. There are a plurality of protrusions extending outward from the outside surface of the vent to assist in keeping the vent insert in place in the turbocharger system.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Method for Recognizing a Defective Air Flow Sensor of an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20170002764A1
Автор: GRASREINER Sebastian

A method and test device for recognizing detecting whether a mass air flow meter of intake air of an internal combustion engine is defective is provided. In the method and device, a test procedure is executed using a pilot controller while a mixture controller that is used in non-test engine operation is deactivated. The pilot controller for the mixture of fuel and air in the respective cylinders outputs control values which, during normal operation of the internal combustion engine via the mixture control, are varied on the basis of a mixture deviation of the current mixture from a stoichiometric mixture. The engine is set to one or more different idling speeds and at each respective idling speed the mixture deviation is detected. If the detected mixture deviation(s) (i'lA.) satisfy a predetermined criteria thresholds, the air flow meter is identified as defective. 1. A method for detecting whether an air mass flow meter of an internal combustion engine is defective , comprising the acts of:outputting, from a pilot controller configured to control operation of a fuel injection system of the engine in a testing mode, actuating values used to control an amount of fuel injected by the fuel injection system to obtain a target mixture of fuel and air in respective cylinders of the engine, wherein the outputting of actuating values by the pilot controller occurs while a mixture controller configured to control operation of the fuel injection system during a non-testing mode in which the mixture is controlled on the basis of a mixture deviation from a target mixture measured by an exhaust gas lambda sensor is deactivated;setting using the pilot controller of an idling speed of the engine to at least one idling speed;detecting the mixture deviation from the stoichiometric mixture at each of the at least one idling speeds; andidentifying the air mass flow meter as defective if the detected mixture deviation at the at least one idling speed satisfies at least one ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003179A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH

A system for controlling condensation of water within an intake manifold of an engine is disclosed. The system may have a humidity sensor. The humidity sensor may be configured to generate a signal indicative of a humidity of intake air. The system may also have a controller communicably coupled to the humidity sensor. The controller may be configured to receive the signal indicative of the humidity of the intake air. The controller may be also configured to control an operational parameter of at least one of the engine and an engine component to maintain the humidity of the intake air within the intake manifold below a predetermined threshold. 1. A system for controlling condensation of water within an intake manifold of an engine , the system comprising:a humidity sensor configured to generate a signal indicative of a humidity of intake air; and receive the signal indicative of the humidity of the intake air; and', 'control an operational parameter of at least one of the engine and an engine component to maintain the humidity of the intake air within the intake manifold below a predetermined threshold., 'a controller communicably coupled to the humidity sensor, the controller configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:receive a signal indicative of a temperature of the intake air;determine a pressure of the intake air within the intake manifold;compare the humidity, the temperature, and the pressure of the intake air with a pre-calibrated data set; anddetermine the predetermined threshold based, at least in part, on the comparison.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:a temperature sensor configured to generate the signal indicative of the temperature of the intake air; anda pressure sensor configured to generate a signal indicative of the pressure of the intake air within the intake manifold.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is further configured to:receive a signal indicative of a load on the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003180A1

A system for estimation of exhaust gas temperature for internal combustion engine at low operating temperatures allows determination of when use of exhaust gas temperature sensor measurements is allowable for engine diagnostic. One approach implements a physical model of pressure and temperature drops across a dual stage waste-gated turbo-charger along with modifiers based on current operating conditions to estimate the temperature in the exhaust manifold. Another models combustion to estimate the temperature in the exhaust manifold. 1. An apparatus for estimating exhaust gas temperature from an internal combustion engine having an exhaust system , an induction system and an exhaust gas recirculation system , the apparatus comprising:a plurality of engine sensors providing values for operating variables of the internal combustion engine, a plurality of exhaust system sensors providing values for operating variables of the exhaust system, a plurality of induction system sensors providing values for operating variables of the induction system and at least a first sensor providing values for an operating variable relating to operation of the exhaust gas recirculation system;a source of a torque demand signal; anddata processing means connected to receive data from the engine sensors, the induction system sensors, the exhaust system sensors, the at least first sensor for the exhaust gas recirculation system and the torque demand signal, providing for selection from at least two differentiated sets of sensors from which to calculate estimates of gas temperature in an exhaust manifold for the exhaust system and providing the estimates.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a set of sensors is selected to implement a combustion model for exhaust gas temperature.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:the set of sensors selected to implement the combustion model includes sensors for measuring intake air mass flow sensor and a sensor relating to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for open loop and closed loop control of an exhaust gas recirculation system

Номер: US20180003114A1

Methods and systems are provided for estimating exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow in an engine including an EGR system. In one example, a method may include operating the EGR system in an open loop feed forward mode based on an intake carbon di oxide sensor output above a threshold engine load and/or when a manifold absolute pressure (MAP) is above a threshold pressure, and operating the EGR system in a closed loop feedback mode based on a differential pressure sensor output when the engine load decreases below the threshold load and/or when the MAP decreases below the threshold pressure.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Charge-flow adjustment in closed-loop exhaust temperature control on dual fuel engines

Номер: US20180003118A1
Принадлежит: Cummins Inc

Methods and systems of controlling operation of a dual fuel engine are provided, comprising determining a target exhaust temperature, sensing an actual exhaust temperature, determining an exhaust temperature deviation by comparing the actual exhaust temperature to the target exhaust temperature, comparing the exhaust temperature deviation to a threshold, adjusting at least one of an intake throttle, a wastegate, a compressor bypass valve, an exhaust throttle, a VGT and engine valve timing when the exhaust temperature deviation exceeds the threshold to control charge-flow to the engine, and continuing the adjusting until the exhaust temperature deviation is less than the threshold.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003123A1
Автор: MITSUDA Tetsuji

A control apparatus of an internal combustion engine having an injector which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder and a spark plug which ignites an air-fuel mixture containing the fuel injected by the injector includes an air-fuel ratio acquisition unit acquiring an air-fuel ratio of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, a nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit acquiring a concentration of nitrogen oxide in a combustion gas exhausted from the internal combustion engine, and a stratification level estimation unit estimating a level of stratification as a measure of level of distribution of the air-fuel mixture at a predetermined air-fuel ratio or below in a vicinity of the spark plug. The stratification level estimation unit estimates the level of stratification according to the air-fuel ratio acquired by the air-fuel ratio acquisition unit and the concentration of nitrogen oxide acquired by the nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit. 1. A control apparatus of an internal combustion engine having an injector which directly injects fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder , and a spark plug which ignites an air-fuel mixture containing the fuel injected by the injector , comprising:an air-fuel ratio acquisition unit acquiring an air-fuel ratio of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber;a nitrogen oxide concentration acquisition unit acquiring a concentration of nitrogen oxide in a combustion gas exhausted from the internal combustion engine; anda stratification level estimation unit estimating a level of stratification as a measure of level of distribution of the air-fuel mixture at a predetermined air-fuel ratio or below in a vicinity of the spark plug,wherein the stratification level estimation unit estimates the level of stratification according to the air-fuel ratio acquired by the air-fuel ratio acquisition unit and the concentration of nitrogen oxide acquired by the nitrogen oxide concentration ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003112A1
Автор: Mulye Nirmal

An internally cooled internal combustion piston engine and method of operating a piston engine is provided, with the combination of liquid water injection, higher compression ratios than conventional engines, and leaner air fuel mixtures than conventional engines. The effective compression ratio of the engines herein is greater than 13:1. The engines may employ gasoline or natural gas and use spark ignition, or the engines may employ a diesel-type fuel and use compression ignition. The liquid water injection provides internal cooling, reducing or eliminating the heat rejection to the radiator, reduces engine knock, and reduces NOx emissions. The method of engine operation using internal cooling with liquid water injection, high compression ratio and lean air fuel mixture allow for more complete and efficient combustion and therefore better thermal efficiency as compared to conventional engines. 125-. (canceled) This application is a continuation application of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/949,523 filed Nov. 23, 2015, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/598,935 filed Jan. 16, 2015, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,194,339 issued Nov. 24, 2015, which is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/444,533 filed Apr. 11, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,935,996 issued Jan. 20, 2015, which has been filed as U.S. Reissue patent application Ser. No. 15/410,356 filed Jan. 19, 2017, which application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/474,240, filed Apr. 11, 2011, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present disclosure pertains to the field of internal combustion engines, including engines for motor vehicles, railways, ships, aircraft, or electrical power generation.This disclosure pertains to internal combustion engines that operate far more efficiently than conventional engines. The principles set forth herein can be used ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003085A1
Автор: Fisher Kevin Michael

Various methods and systems are provided for a multi-fuel capable engine. The system includes a liquid fuel system to deliver liquid fuel to an engine, a gaseous fuel system to deliver gaseous fuel to the engine, and a control system. The control system, during a gaseous fuel system test mode, controls the liquid fuel system and the gaseous fuel system to deliver the liquid fuel and the gaseous fuel to the engine over a range of engine operating points, and indicate degradation of the gaseous fuel system based on engine output at each of the engine operating points. 110.-. (canceled)11. The system of claim 15 , wherein the one or more gaseous fuel valves includes a bypass valve coupled across a pressure regulator.12. The system of claim 17 , further comprising a purge line coupled to the gaseous fuel supply line claim 17 , and wherein the control system is configured to open a purge line admission valve positioned in the purge line responsive to the request to vent the gaseous fuel.13. The system of claim 15 , wherein the control system is further configured to maintain the one or more gaseous fuel valves and one or more gas admission valves open for a predetermined amount of time or until a gaseous fuel detection unit positioned in a gaseous fuel supply line near the engine indicates an amount of gaseous fuel in the supply line has dropped below a threshold amount.14. The system of claim 13 , wherein the control system is configured to claim 13 , after the predetermined amount of time is reached or after the amount of gaseous fuel in the supply line has dropped below the threshold amount claim 13 , take a default action including shutting down the engine or operating in liquid fuel-only mode.15. A system claim 13 , comprising:a liquid fuel system to deliver liquid fuel to an engine;a gaseous fuel system to deliver gaseous fuel to the engine; anda control system configured to: send a request to the gaseous fuel system to deliver gaseous fuel to the engine;', 'send a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003088A1

Using machine learning for cylinder misfire detection in a dynamic firing level modulation controlled internal combustion engine is described. In a classification embodiment, cylinder misfires are differentiated from intentional skips based on a measured exhaust manifold pressure. In a regressive model embodiment, the measured exhaust manifold pressure is compared to a predicted exhaust manifold pressure generated by neural network in response to one or more inputs indicative of the operation of the vehicle. Based on the comparison, a prediction is made if a misfire has occurred or not. In yet other alternative embodiment, angular crank acceleration is used as well for misfire detection. 1. A vehicle , comprising:an internal combustion engine having a plurality of pistons operating within a plurality of cylinders respectively;a dynamic firing level modulation module arranged to operate the internal combustion engine in a dynamic firing level modulation mode;an exhaust manifold fluidly coupled to outputs of the plurality of pistons and arrange to provide exhaust gases from the plurality of cylinders to an aftertreatment system; anda machine learning module arranged to:(a) receive a measured exhaust manifold pressure signal indicative of the pressure in the exhaust manifold; and(b) detect a misfire of one of the cylinders while operating in the dynamic firing level modulation mode, the machine learning module arranged to detect the misfire of the one cylinder by learning to differentiate between the intentional skipping or modulation of the one cylinder versus an actual misfire of the one cylinder at least partially based on the received measured exhaust manifold pressure signal indicative of the pressure in the exhaust manifold.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the machine learning module includes a neural network arranged to rely on a first distribution model for exhaust manifold pressure readings for successful cylinder firings and a second distribution model for ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010744A1

Using machine learning for cylinder misfire detection in a dynamic firing level modulation controlled internal combustion engine is described. In a classification embodiment, cylinder misfires are differentiated from intentional skips based on a measured exhaust manifold pressure. In a regressive model embodiment, the measured exhaust manifold pressure is compared to a predicted exhaust manifold pressure generated by neural network in response to one or more inputs indicative of the operation of the vehicle. Based on the comparison, a prediction is made if a misfire has occurred or not. In yet other alternative embodiment, angular crank acceleration is used as well for misfire detection. 1. A system , comprising:an internal combustion engine having a plurality of cylinders;a skip fire engine controller arranged to operate the cylinders of the internal combustion engine in a skip fire manner, the skip fire operation involving firing the cylinders during some working cycles and skipping the cylinders during other working cycles; a first model of exhaust pressures indicative of successful firings of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; and', 'a second model of exhaust pressures indicative of successful skips of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; and, 'a storage unit arranged to storea neural network arranged to generate fault signals for working cycles of the cylinders that were either unsuccessfully fired or unsuccessfully skipped by comparing a measured exhaust pressure with (a) the first model for fire commands and (b) the second model for skip commands.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first model includes:a first distribution range of exhaust pressures for successful firings;a second distribution range of exhaust pressures for unsuccessful firings; anda threshold exhaust pressure between the first distribution range and the second distribution range.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the neural network makes a decision to generate a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method For Operating An Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20220010746A1
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Company Limited

The present invention refers to a method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode, comprising the steps of determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold and a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine, if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, the engine is temporally operated in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold to a raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold, and a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio is supplied into the combustion chamber of the engine. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine in a transition operating mode , comprising the steps of:{'sub': 'limit', 'determining an initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) for a fuel mixture to be supplied to a combustion chamber of the engine;'}determining a demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) of the fuel mixture to be supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine;{'sub': limit', 'limit', 'limit, 'if the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) exceeds the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR), temporally operating the engine in a raised response mode, in which a fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is increased from the initial fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (iFOR) to an raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR), and supplying a fuel mixture having the demanded fuel oxidizer ratio (dFOR) into the combustion chamber of the engine.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine operated in the raised response mode up to a predefined first period of time (t).3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the engine claim 1 , after being operated in the raised response mode claim 1 , is subsequently switched to a normal response mode in which the fuel oxidizer ratio threshold is decreased from the raised fuel oxidizer ratio threshold (rFOR) to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009681A1
Автор: Green Jason

A system and attendant structural assembly operative to establish a coordinated mixture of gaseous and distillate fuels for an engine including an electronic control unit (ECU) operative to monitor predetermined engine data determinative of engine fuel requirements and structured to regulate ratios of the gaseous and distillate fuel of an operative fuel mixture for the engine. The system and assembly includes at least one mixing assembly comprising an integrated throttle body and air gas mixer directly connected to one another, wherein the throttle body is disposed in fluid communication with a pressurized gaseous fuel supply and the air gas mixer is disposed in fluid communication with a flow of intake air to a combustion section of the engine. In use, the throttle body is structured to direct a variable gaseous fuel flow directly to the air gas mixer for dispensing into the intake air flow to the combustion section. 1. A control system for establishing gaseous fuel input for an engine operative on a variable mixture of gaseous and distillate fuels , said control system comprising:a monitor, said monitor comprising a plurality of sensors disposed and structured to monitor operating parameters over variable load conditions of the engine,said plurality of sensors further comprising at least one mass airflow (MAF) sensor, at least one temperature sensor, and at least one knock sensor,an electronic control unit (ECU) configured to interpretively process data from said monitor associated with said operating parameters, andsaid ECU operative to establish a concentration of the gaseous fuel in the variable fuel mixture to comply with any of said operating parameters being monitored.2. The control system as recited in wherein one of said operating parameters comprises a mass flow rate of intake air to a combustion section of the engine.3. The control system as recited in wherein one of said operating parameters comprises an exhaust gas temperature of the engine.4. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009688A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

An internal combustion engine control apparatus includes a cylinder pressure sensor, a driving condition detector, a reference crank angle setter, a reference cylinder pressure calculator, an air-fuel ratio estimator, and a controller. The cylinder pressure sensor detects a cylinder pressure. The driving condition detector detects a driving condition in an engine. The reference crank angle setter calculates a reference crank angle immediately before which an air-fuel mixture starts combusting in accordance with the driving condition. The reference cylinder pressure calculator calculates a reference cylinder pressure in the cylinder at the reference crank angle based on temperature characteristics of a specific-heat ratio of the air-fuel mixture under a condition. The air-fuel ratio estimator calculates an air-fuel ratio based on a pressure difference between the reference cylinder pressure and the cylinder pressure at the reference crank angle. The controller controls the engine in accordance with the air-fuel ratio. 1. An internal combustion engine control apparatus for estimating an air-fuel ratio of an air-fuel mixture , with which a cylinder is filled , and controlling an internal combustion engine using the estimated air-fuel ratio , the control apparatus comprising:a cylinder pressure sensor that detects a pressure in the cylinder as a cylinder pressure;an operational status detection unit that detects an operational status of the internal combustion engine;a reference crank angle setting unit that sets, as a reference crank angle, a crank angle immediately before combustion of the air-fuel mixture is started in accordance with the detected operational status of the internal combustion engine;a reference cylinder pressure calculation unit that calculates, as a reference cylinder pressure, a pressure in the cylinder generated at the set reference crank angle on a basis of a temperature property of a specific-heat ratio of the air-fuel mixture on the conditions ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025802A1

A heavy-duty truck has a diesel engine, an exhaust after-treatment system, and an engine control unit. The exhaust after-treatment system includes a close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system and an underbody selective catalytic reduction system, a first NOsensor upstream of the close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system, a second NOsensor between the two selective catalytic reduction systems, and a third NOsensor downstream of the underbody selective catalytic reduction system. The engine control unit may perform methods allowing intrusive diagnostics to be performed on exhaust gas NOsensors using the selective catalytic reduction systems during normal operation of the heavy-duty truck. 1. A method , comprising:operating a diesel engine of a heavy-duty truck such that the diesel engine generates an exhaust gas flow and the exhaust gas flow flows into an exhaust after-treatment system of the heavy-duty truck, the exhaust after-treatment system including a close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system and an underbody selective catalytic reduction system downstream of the close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system with respect to the exhaust gas flow;controlling a DEF injector upstream of the close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system to increase a rate at which the DEF injector injects DEF into the exhaust gas flow;{'sub': x', 'x', 'x', 'x, 'measuring a first level of NOgases with a first NOsensor upstream of the close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system and a second level of NOgases with a second NOsensor downstream of the close-coupled selective catalytic reduction system as the rate at which the DEF injector injects DEF increases; and'}{'sub': 'x', 'using the measurements to determine a level of error in measurements provided by the first NOsensor.'}2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling NOtailpipe emissions using the underbody selective catalytic reduction system.3. The method of claim 1 , further ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Heater control device for exhaust gas sensor

Номер: US20170010236A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An exhaust gas sensor includes a sensor element having a plurality of cells, and a heater heating the sensor element. A heater control device for the exhaust gas sensor includes a heater power control unit that performs an impedance control, in which an energization of the heater is controlled by detecting an impedance of one cell to be measured, of the plurality of cells, such that the impedance of the one cell agrees with a target impedance. The heater power control unit, in the impedance control, estimates a temperature of the other cell other than the one cell based on at least one parameter of an energization condition of the heater and an operating condition of the internal-combustion engine, and corrects the target impedance so that the temperature of the other cell becomes lower than or equal to a permissible upper limit temperature.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010539A1

A control device for an internal combustion engine is provided with a target air-fuel ratio setting part including a first setting control part performing normal control alternately switching a target air-fuel ratio between a predetermined first lean air-fuel ratio and a predetermined first rich air-fuel ratio and a second setting control part performing control for restoration of the storage amount stopping normal control and increasing the oxygen storage amount of a second catalyst when an output air-fuel ratio of a third air-fuel ratio sensor becomes a predetermined rich judgment air-fuel ratio or less. Further, the second setting control part is configured to set the target air-fuel ratio to a predetermined second lean air-fuel ratio larger than the first lean air-fuel ratio at the time of start of the control for restoration of the storage amount and set the target air-fuel ratio to a predetermined third lean air-fuel ratio smaller than the second lean air-fuel ratio after an exhaust with a larger air-fuel ratio than the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio flows out from the first catalyst in the time period of setting the target air-fuel ratio to the second lean air-fuel ratio. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine for controlling an internal combustion engine provided with:an engine body;a first catalyst arranged in an exhaust passage of the engine body and having an oxygen storage ability;a second catalyst arranged in the exhaust passage at the further downstream side in the direction of flow of exhaust from the first catalyst and having an oxygen storage ability;a first air-fuel ratio sensor arranged in the exhaust passage at the further upstream side in the direction of flow of exhaust from the first catalyst for detecting an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust flowing into the first catalyst;a second air-fuel ratio sensor arranged in the exhaust passage between the first catalyst and the second catalyst for detecting an air-fuel ratio of the exhaust ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010410A1

A rotation adjusting device is controlled such that an engine speed rising rate at the time of acceleration request is made smaller when a turbocharging pressure is lower than the turbocharging pressure is higher. Therefore, an engine speed can be increased at such a low speed that a rising delay in the turbocharging pressure hardly occurs, in a low turbocharging pressure region. Further, when the rotation adjusting device is controlled such that the engine speed rising rate at the time of the acceleration request is set to a value corresponding to the turbocharging pressure, an MG2 torque is controlled to compensate for an insufficient drive torque of an actual engine torque for a request engine torque. Therefore, even when the engine torque is increased slowly by increasing the engine speed at a slow speed, the insufficient drive torque is compensated for by the MG2 torque. 1. A control device for a hybrid vehicle including an engine having a turbocharger , a rotation adjusting device that mechanically adjusts an engine speed of the engine , drive wheels to which power of the engine is transmitted , and a rotating machine connected to the drive wheels to transmit power , the control device comprising:a rotation speed controller configured to control the rotation adjusting device such that a rate of change of the engine speed at a time of increasing the engine speed according to an acceleration request is smaller when turbocharging pressure by the turbocharger is lower than when the turbocharging pressure is higher; anda rotating machine controller configured to control output torque of the rotating machine to compensate for an insufficient drive torque of an actual output torque of the engine for a request output torque that is requested for the engine, when the rotation adjusting device is controlled such that the rate of change of the engine speed is set to a value corresponding to the turbocharging pressure.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Exhaust gas purification system of working machine

Номер: US20190010843A1
Автор: Kenta Saitou
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

An exhaust gas purification system of a working machine is operable to reduce a loss of a working time caused by a point that it takes a long time to renew an exhaust gas purification device by throttle devices. The exhaust gas purification system of the working machine is provided with a common rail type engine which is mounted to the working machine, an exhaust gas purification device which is arranged in an exhaust system of the engine, and at least one of the intake air throttle device and the exhaust gas throttle device. It is provided with mode selection input means which selects whether an auxiliary renewing mode is executed or a forced renewing mode is executed in the case that a clogged state of the exhaust gas purification device is equal to or more than a prescribed level.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20210010434A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A control device for the internal combustion engine is provided with a carbon dioxide concentration control part configured to cause a concentration of carbon dioxide in exhaust flowing into the filter to decrease when the temperature of the filter becomes a predetermined first temperature setting or more and less than a predetermined second temperature setting. The first temperature setting is made a temperature selected from a temperature band at which ash deposited on the filter can be made to be separate from the filter when the inside of the filter is in an atmosphere where the concentration of carbon dioxide is lower than when it is in an exhaust atmosphere. The second temperature setting is made a temperature set so as to prevent excessive temperature rise of the catalyst device.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Takeoff power boost

Номер: US20210010436A1
Принадлежит: Bell Textron Inc

Embodiments are directed to boosting aircraft engine performance for takeoff and critical mission segments by reducing airflow used for cooling exhaust gases. The airflow is reduced by stopping an accessory blower or by closing an external air vent. Eliminating the cooling airflow to the exhaust has the effect of lowering the backpressure on the engine, which thereby increases maximum engine power.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010438A1

A turbocharger system () of a combustion engine () comprises a turbocharger turbine () operable by exhaust gases, a valve () configured to control gas flow of pressurized gas from a pressurized gas reservoir () to the turbocharger turbine (), and a sensor (). Turbocharger system operation comprises injecting a test pulse of pressurized gas from the pressurized gas reservoir () to drive the turbocharger turbine () by means of controlling the valve (), detecting an impact of injected pressurized gas on the turbocharger turbine () by means of the sensor (), collecting data from the sensor (), and diagnosing the turbocharger system () by evaluating an operational response of the turbocharger turbine () as a result of the injected test pulse of pressurized gas, based on the collected data. 2. A method according to claim 1 , characterized by that the step of evaluating the operational response of the turbocharger turbine comprises the further step ofcomparing the data collected after the test pulse has been injected to data collected before the test pulse is injected.3. (canceled)5. A method according to claim 4 , characterized by the further steps of when a current delay time has been determined claim 4 ,injecting a control pulse of pressurized gas from the pressurized gas reservoir to drive the turbocharger turbine, wherein the control pulse is longer than the current delay time,detecting impact of injected pressurized gas on the turbocharger turbine by means of the sensor,collecting data from the sensor, andevaluating if the operational response as a result of the injected control pulse indicates that the turbocharger system operates as expected.6. A method according to claim 4 , characterized by the further step ofstoring current delay time as a stored system delay time, whereby stored system delay time is used to optimize operation of the turbocharger system.7. A method according to claim 6 , characterized by the further step ofcorrelating and storing the stored ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Control device of engine and control method of engine

Номер: US20190010862A1
Автор: Tsuyoshi Matsuda
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An engine includes a variable compression-ratio mechanism adapted to change a compression ratio of an engine and a supercharger adapted to supply a compressed air to the engine. An engine control device that controls the engine controls the variable compression-ratio mechanism by setting target compression ratio such that the higher responsiveness of a supercharging pressure rise by the supercharger is, the lower the target compression ratio is.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Control device of internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190010863A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

A control device is provided capable of reliably preventing occurrence of a surging state by judging a possibility of the surging state in a relatively easy manner and promptly executing a surging state avoidance control. When a supercharging pressure decreasing state in which a target supercharging pressure decreases is detected, an operating speed of a wastegate valve is determined based on a detected engine rotational speed. That is, by lowering the operating speed as the engine rotational speed lowers, reduction in flow rate of the air passing through a compressor is prevented, and the occurrence of the surging state is reliably prevented. By lowering the operating speed instead of changing a target opening degree of the wastegate valve, a maximum opening degree of the wastegate valve can be suppressed, and responsiveness in the case where an acceleration request is made immediately after deceleration of an engine can be improved.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010890A1

A direct-injection internal combustion engine is described and includes a pressure sensor that is disposed to monitor in-cylinder combustion pressure. A method, executed as a control routine in an attached controller, includes monitoring engine speed, engine load, temperature and combustion pressure. Combustion variation parameters are determined based upon the combustion pressure. A desired state for a combustion parameter can be determined based upon the engine speed, the engine load, and the temperature, and an adjustment to the desired state for the combustion parameter can be determined based upon the combustion variation parameters, wherein the adjustment to the desired state is selected to achieve acceptable states for the combustion variation parameters. Operation of the internal combustion engine is controlled based upon the desired state for the combustion parameter and the adjustment to the desired state for the combustion parameter. 1. A method for controlling operation of a direct-injection internal combustion engine , wherein the internal combustion engine includes a pressure sensor disposed to monitor in-cylinder pressure , the method comprising:monitoring engine speed, engine load, temperature;monitoring, via the pressure sensor, a combustion pressure;determining desired states for combustion variation parameters based upon the combustion pressure, wherein the combustion variation parameters include a ringing index and a coefficient of variation (COV);determining a desired state for a combustion parameter based upon the engine speed, the engine load, and the temperature; determining a desired ringing index and a measured ringing index,', 'determining a first adjustment in the desired state for the combustion parameter based upon a difference between desired ringing index and a measured ringing index,', 'determining a desired COV and a measured COV,', 'determining a second adjustment in the desired state for the combustion parameter based upon a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011258A1

A system is provided for automatically shutting down an engine in response to the engine operating while in an enclosed space to prevent dangers associated with carbon monoxide accumulating in the enclosed space. The engine has an oxygen sensor in its exhaust that is configured to detect oxygen in the exhaust or ambient. A controller can be programmed to shut down the engine based on a determination that the engine is operating in a confined or enclosed space by analyzing a rate of change of the oxygen content in the exhaust or ambient, and compares the rate to a threshold. The shutdown may be commanded if the rate exceeds the threshold. In some embodiments, the shutdown may additionally be in response to a temperature of the ambient air or intake air increasing, which furthers the confidence of the determination that the engine is operating in a confined or enclosed space. 1. A system for automatically shutting down an engine , the system comprising:an internal combustion engine having an intake passage configured to transfer an intake, a combustion chamber, and an exhaust passage selectively coupled to the combustion chamber and configured to transfer an exhaust after combustion within the combustion chamber to an ambient;an oxygen sensor configured to output a first signal indicating an oxygen content of the exhaust;a temperature sensor configured to output a second signal indicating a temperature of the intake or the ambient; and estimate a size of a room in which the engine is located based on changes in the first signal and the second signal over time, and', 'shut down the engine based on the estimated size of the room., 'a controller programmed to'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is programmed to estimate the size of the room based on a rate of change of the first signal over time.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is programmed to estimate the size of the room based on a rate of change of the second signal over time.4. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and Device for Operating an Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20200011262A1
Автор: Eser Gerhard, ZHANG Hong
Принадлежит: CPT Group GmbH

Various embodiments include a method comprising: determining a torque output of each cylinder resulting from a fuel injection into the cylinder; determining a difference in the respective torque; comparing the difference in the respective torque output with a threshold; if the difference exceeds the threshold, changing the injection mass for at least one cylinder based on the difference; determining a further torque output of the cylinder resulting from the injection of the changed injection mass; determining whether the further torque output corresponds to the changed injection mass; if the further torque output lies outside a predetermined tolerance range for a corresponding injection mass, setting the injection mass to be injected to the original value; and changing the injection time in at least the one of the at least two cylinders. 1. A method for operating an internal combustion engine having at least two cylinders , the method comprising:determining a respective torque output of each of the at least two cylinders resulting from a respective injection of fuel into the respective cylinder;determining a difference in the respective torque;comparing the difference in the respective torque output with a predetermined threshold value;if the determined difference exceeds the threshold value,changing the injection mass for at least one of the at least two cylinders based at least in part on the determined difference;determining a further torque output of the at least one of the at least two cylinders resulting from the injection of the changed injection mass;determining whether the further torque output corresponds to the changed injection mass;if the further torque output lies outside a predetermined tolerance range for a corresponding injection mass,setting the injection mass to be injected to the original value; andchanging the injection time in at least the one of the at least two cylinders.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:determining a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Radio Frequency Process Sensing, Control, and Diagnostics Network

Номер: US20200014470A1
Принадлежит: Filter Sensing Technologies Inc

A sensing and control system and method is disclosed, which utilizes cavity resonance and waveguide measurements to directly monitor process state variables or detect changes in the state of a system and provide direct in situ feedback control top optimize the process. The same system may be used to monitor a number of different process parameters including the composition, amount, distribution, and physical or chemical properties of a material, or to monitor the state or health of a system or sub-system. The system is broadly applicable to wide range of systems and process including ranging from engines and exhaust systems to production plants.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Exhaust Gas Purifying Apparatus

Номер: US20150017070A1
Принадлежит: Yanmar Co Ltd

Provided is an exhaust gas purifying apparatus capable of making a filter entrance temperature reach a target temperature while suppressing excessive temperature increases and release of THC even upon extension of the exhaust path or decreases in outside air temperature. The exhaust gas purifying apparatus includes an oxidation catalyst 18 and a filter 19 that are placed in an exhaust path 5 of an engine 1 , a fuel injection device 13 for injecting fuel in accordance with a fuel injection pattern, and a control device 50 configured to be capable of setting the fuel injection pattern including post-injection, wherein an upper-limit value of post-injection quantity increases with decreasing outside air temperature and/or with elongating path length of the exhaust path 5.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015326A1

A working vehicle includes an engine, a pair of right and left traveling portions rotated by a power of the engine, a pair of right and left brake operation devices for respectively operating to brake the traveling portions, an engine controller which controls driving of the engine, and a control mode selection switch which can alternatively select the isochronous control and the droop control. The engine controller selects any of an isochronous control and a droop control so as to control the engine. In the case that the isochronous control is designated by the control mode selection switch, the engine is controlled according to the isochronous control when one of the right and left brake operation devices is under a non-operation state, and the engine is controlled according to the droop control when both of the right and left brake operation devices are under an operation state. 1. A working vehicle comprising:an engine which is mounted to a travel machine body;a pair of right and left traveling portions which are rotated by a power of the engine;a pair of right and left brake operation devices for respectively operating to brake the pair of right and left traveling portions;an engine controller which controls driving of the engine; andthe engine controller selecting any of an isochronous control and a droop control so as to control the engine,wherein the working vehicle has a control mode selection switch which can alternatively select the isochronous control and the droop control, andwherein in the case that the isochronous control is designated by the control mode selection switch, the engine is controlled according to the isochronous control when one of the right and left brake operation devices is under a non-operation state, and the engine is controlled according to the droop control when both of the right and left brake operation devices are under an operation state.2. The working vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein the engine controller stores a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034251A1

An apparatus includes circuitry configured to: calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing into an exhaust after-treatment system as a first exhaust temperature, calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing out from the exhaust after-treatment system as a second exhaust temperature, calculate a rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and a rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature, and judge if the exhaust after-treatment system is in a removed state removed from the exhaust passage based on a difference between the rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and the rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature. 1. An apparatus comprising:an engine body;an exhaust after-treatment system installed in an exhaust passage of the engine body; and calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing into the exhaust after-treatment system as a first exhaust temperature;', 'calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing out from the exhaust after-treatment system as a second exhaust temperature;', 'calculate a rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and a rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature; and', 'judge if the exhaust after-treatment system is in a removed state removed from the exhaust passage based on a ratio between the rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and the rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature; and', 'judge that a state is the removed state if an average value of a constant number or more of values of the ratio is less than a predetermined threshold value., 'circuitry configured to2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe circuitry is further configured so that when a predetermined condition stands, the circuitry judges if the state is the removed state, andthe predetermined condition includes being in a transition state where a flow rate of intake air of the engine body becomes a predetermined flow rate or more within a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20220034252A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An apparatus includes circuitry configured to: calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing into an exhaust after-treatment system as a first exhaust temperature, calculate a temperature of exhaust flowing out from the exhaust after-treatment system as a second exhaust temperature, calculate a rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and a rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature, and judge if the exhaust after-treatment system is in a removed state removed from the exhaust passage based on a difference between the rate of change over time of the first exhaust temperature and the rate of change over time of the second exhaust temperature.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017826A1

System for controlling emissions of an engine is disclosed. The system includes a controller to determine one or more aging parameters of the engine, and to control one or more operating parameters of the engine, at least, based on the one or more aging parameters, such that the emissions from the engine are maintained to be substantially constant during a useful life of the engine. Method and non-transitory computer readable media for controlling emissions of an engine are also disclosed.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017828A1

This control device for an internal combustion engine is equipped with: an air/fuel ratio sensor provided to the exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine; and an engine control device that controls the internal combustion engine according to the output of the air/fuel ratio sensor. The air/fuel ratio sensor is equipped with: a gas chamber to be measured, into which exhaust gas flows; a pump cell that pumps oxygen into or out of the gas chamber to be measured according to the pump current; and a reference cell of which the reference cell output current detected varies according to the air/fuel ratio inside the gas chamber to be measured. The reference cell is equipped with: a first electrode that is exposed to the exhaust gas in the gas chamber to be measured; a second electrode exposed to a reference atmosphere; and a solid electrolyte layer arranged between the electrodes. The air/fuel ratio sensor is equipped with: a reference cell voltage applying device that applies a sensor applied voltage between the electrodes; and a reference cell output current detection device that detects, as the reference cell output current, the current flowing between the electrodes.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017829A1

This control device for an internal combustion engine is equipped with: an air/fuel ratio sensor; and an engine control device that controls the internal combustion engine according to the output of the air/fuel ratio sensor. The air/fuel ratio sensor is configured so that the applied voltage at which the output current reaches zero varies according to the exhaust air/fuel ratio, and the output current increases if the applied voltage is increased at the air/fuel ratio sensor when the exhaust air/fuel ratio is the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio. When the air/fuel ratio of exhaust gas is to be detected by the air/fuel ratio sensor, the applied voltage at the air/fuel ratio sensor is fixed at a constant voltage, said constant voltage being different to the voltage at which the output current reaches zero when the exhaust air/fuel ratio is the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, and being the voltage at which the output current reaches zero when the exhaust air/fuel ratio is different to the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio. Thus provided is a control device for an internal combustion engine that uses an air/fuel ratio sensor capable of detecting an absolute value for the air/fuel ratio of exhaust gas even if the air/fuel ratio of the exhaust gas is not the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016967A1
Автор: Moore Wayne R.

A GDCI engine control system provides rapid heating of intake air to the combustion chamber when the engine is cold. The engine uses an intake air pathway that includes a compressor having a compressor inlet and a compressor outlet. A loop fluidly connects the compressor outlet to the compressor inlet. First and second valves are arranged in the loop and are arranged near the compressor outlet and the compressor inlet respectively. First and second passages converge at a first junction, and the first passage fluidly connects the first valve and the first junction. The second passage fluidly connects to the loop at a second junction arranged fluidly between the first and second valves. An intake air heat exchanger is arranged in the first passage and fluidly between the first valve and the first junction. 1. An engine control system comprising:an intake manifold configured to supply intake air to a combustion chamber;a sensor configured to detect a temperature associated with the intake air;a compressor includes a compressor inlet and a compressor outlet;an intake air heat exchanger fluidly arranged between the compressor outlet and the intake manifold;a recirculation passage fluidly interconnect the compressor outlet to the compressor inlet;a heat exchanger bypass passage fluidly interconnects the recirculation passage to the intake manifold and bypasses the intake air heat exchanger;a charge air bypass valve arranged downstream from the compressor outlet and configured to regulate the flow of fluid from the compressor outlet to intake air heat exchanger and through the recirculation and heat exchanger bypass passages;a compressor bypass valve arranged in the recirculation passage and configured to regulate the flow of air therethrough; anda controller is in communication with the sensor and the charge air and compressor bypass valves, the controller is configured to provide a first command to the charge air bypass valve and a second command to the compressor bypass ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016993A1
Автор: Moore Wayne R.

A GDCI engine control system includes a heated catalyst in an engine exhaust port that is in close proximity to a combustion chamber and is used to heat rebreathed exhaust gases. The engine more quickly reaches operating temperatures, and emissions are reduced during cold running. 1. An engine control system comprising:a combustion chamber configured to provide an in-cylinder combustion condition including a temperature;an exhaust port in fluid communication with the combustion chamber;a catalyst is arranged in the exhaust port and includes an electric heater;an exhaust valve is arranged in the exhaust port;an actuator is operatively coupled to the exhaust valve and is configured to selectively control a flow of exhaust into the combustion chamber during a rebreath condition;at least one sensor configured to detect the temperature; anda controller is in communication with the sensor and the actuator, the controller is configured to provide a first command to the electric heater and a second command to the actuator to rebreath heated exhaust flowing into the combustion chamber in response to the detected temperature being below a desired temperature.2. The engine control system according to claim 1 , comprising a cylinder head supporting the exhaust valve claim 1 , the exhaust port arranged in the cylinder head.3. The engine control system according to claim 2 , comprising an exhaust manifold claim 2 , the exhaust port arranged in the exhaust manifold claim 2 , and the catalyst is arranged in the exhaust manifold.4. The engine control system according to claim 3 , wherein the exhaust manifold is cast iron.5. The engine control system according to claim 3 , wherein the exhaust manifold is secured to the cylinder head.6. The engine control system according to claim 1 , comprising multiple combustion chambers that each include a corresponding exhaust port claim 1 , the exhaust ports converging to a collector claim 1 , and the catalyst arranged in each of the exhaust ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017427A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Systems and methods for diagnosing operation of a sensor of an exhaust system are presented. In one example, the systems and methods may diagnose operation of the sensor when an engine is combusting air and fuel. Further, operation of the sensor may be diagnosed when the engine is not combusting air and fuel so that vehicle occupants may not be disturbed by the diagnostic. 1. A vehicle operating method , comprising:in response to an exhaust system sensor diagnostic request, rotating an engine in a reverse direction without fueling the engine;receiving data from a differential pressure sensor to a controller while rotating the engine in the reverse direction; andadjusting engine operation via the controller in response to the data from the differential pressure sensor.2. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting engine operation includes regenerating a particulate filter.3. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting engine operation includes limiting engine power output.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising closing an engine intake throttle valve while rotating the engine in the reverse direction.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising opening an engine intake throttle valve while rotating the engine in the reverse direction.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising opening an engine intake throttle valve and closing an exhaust valve while rotating the engine in the reverse direction.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising opening an engine intake throttle valve and opening an exhaust valve while rotating the engine in the reverse direction.8. The method of claim 1 , where adjusting engine operation via the controller in response to the data from the differential pressure sensor includes adjusting engine operation when the data from the differential pressure sensor indicates a pressure change between a first condition when an exhaust valve is open and a second condition when the exhaust valve is closed is less than a threshold.9. The method of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017449A1

A method of calculating a residual gas mass in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine, wherein the cylinder has at least one intake valve and one exhaust valve, comprising: obtaining a cylinder residual gas mass base value that is based on a predefined model; determining a first cylinder residual gas mass value that indicates a cylinder residual gas mass remaining in the cylinder clearance volume after an expulsion of exhaust gas; determining a second cylinder residual gas mass value that indicates a cylinder residual gas mass flowing into the cylinder due to a valve overlap of the intake valve and the exhaust valve, wherein the second cylinder residual gas mass value is determined based on the cylinder residual gas mass base value and the first cylinder residual gas mass value; and calculating the residual gas mass in the cylinder, based on the first and second cylinder residual gas mass values. 1. A method for calculating a residual gas mass in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine , wherein the cylinder has at least one intake valve and one exhaust valve , comprising:obtaining a cylinder residual gas mass base value that is based on a predefined model;determining a first cylinder residual gas mass value that indicates a cylinder residual gas mass remaining in the cylinder clearance volume after an expulsion of exhaust gas;determining a second cylinder residual gas mass value that indicates a cylinder residual gas mass flowing into the cylinder due to a valve overlap of the intake valve and the exhaust valve, wherein the second cylinder residual gas mass value is determined based on the cylinder residual gas mass base value and the first cylinder residual gas mass value; andcalculating the residual gas mass in the cylinder, based on the first and second cylinder residual gas mass values.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the second cylinder residual gas mass value is determined by subtracting the first cylinder residual gas mass value from the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017450A1

A method for determining the quantity of filling components in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine. The cylinder is connected to an air supply via an inlet valve and to an exhaust gas conduit via an outlet valve. The method includes the steps of obtaining an exhaust gas back pressure at a specified point in time when the outlet valve is opened during a work cycle of the internal combustion engine and calculating the quantity of the filling components at the specified point in time on the basis of the obtained exhaust gas back pressure. A controller is also provided for carrying out the method and a motor vehicle is also provided that includes the controller. 1. A method for determining a quantity of a charge component in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine , wherein the cylinder is connected by an intake valve to an air inlet and by an exhaust valve to an exhaust duct , the method comprising:obtaining an exhaust gas back pressure at a predetermined point in time during an operating cycle of the internal combustion engine when the exhaust valve is open; andcalculating the quantity of the charge component at the predetermined point in time based on the exhaust gas back pressure obtained.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined point in time during the operating cycle is a point in time when the intake valve is open.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge component includes a residual gas quantity claim 1 , a fresh air quantity claim 1 , and/or a scavenging air quantity.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein there is a predetermined relationship between the exhaust gas back pressure at the predetermined point in time and the quantity of the charge component.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge component is additionally dependent on a state parameter of the internal combustion engine.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the quantity of the charge ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Fuel Injection Control

Номер: US20190017462A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

Various embodiments may include a method for setting injection timing for injection of a fuel into a combustion chamber of a cylinder of an internal combustion engine including: determining a torque; determining a speed; determining a cylinder wall temperature; selecting the injection timing based at least on the cylinder wall temperature, the torque, and the speed; and controlling an injection of fuel into the combustion chamber using the selected injection timing.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Gasoline particulate filter brick detection techniques

Номер: US20210017892A1
Автор: Jaideep Singh
Принадлежит: Individual

A gasoline particulate filter (GPF) diagnostic technique utilizes an upstream temperature sensor arranged at an upstream point relative to a GPF brick that the GPF is configured to house and configured to measure an upstream temperature of exhaust gas produced by an engine, a downstream temperature sensor arranged at a downstream point relative to the GPF brick and configured to measure a downstream temperature of the exhaust gas produced by the engine, and a controller configured to detect whether the GPF brick is damaged or missing based on a temperature difference between the upstream and downstream exhaust gas temperatures, a set of temperature thresholds, and a current operational mode of the engine.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018249A1

The invention relates to a method () for operating a solenoid valve () for metering a fuel () in a fuel injection system (). The solenoid valve can be actuated against a restoring force () by an electromagnet (), wherein •the time curve l(t) of the current I flowing through the electromagnet () and/or the time curve U(t) of the voltage U applied to the electromagnet () are detected during at least one opening process of the solenoid valve (). The opening time tand the closing time tof the solenoid valve () are evaluated () from the time curve I(t) and/or U(t), and the actual opening duration T=t−tof the solenoid valve () is compared () with a reference value Tand/or •the mass flow dm/dt flowing through the solenoid valve () is detected () and compared () with a reference value Mduring at least one opening process of the solenoid valve (); and/or a leakage dm′/dt of fuel () through the solenoid valve () is detected () in the closed state of the solenoid valve (). The invention also relates to a corresponding controller (), a fuel injection system (), and a computer program product. 11001231211. A method () for operating a solenoid valve () for metering a fuel () in a fuel injection system () , wherein the solenoid valve is configured to be actuated counter to a return force () by an electromagnet () , characterized in that the method comprising:{'b': 1', '11', '11, 'detecting, at at least one opening of the solenoid valve (), either or both of a temporal profile I(t) of a current I flowing through the electromagnet () and a temporal profile U(t) of a voltage U applied to the electromagnet ();'}{'b': '1', 'evaluating, from either or both of the temporal profile I(t) and the temporal profile U(t), an opening time tON and a closure time tOFF of the solenoid valve ();'}{'b': '1', 'comparing an actual opening duration TT=tOFF−tON of the solenoid valve ().'}210011. The method () as claimed in claim 1 , the method further comprising evaluating a degree of wear W of the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and system for removing sulfur from a lean nox trap

Номер: US20170022863A1

A method of removing sulfur from a lean NOx trap of a mild hybrid vehicle while the vehicle is stationary is disclosed, the method comprising connecting an electrical system of the vehicle to a large capacity external battery, operating an integrated starter generator driven by an engine of the vehicle as a generator to load the engine thereby allowing the engine to be operated at a higher torque level and rich of stoichiometric and storing the electrical energy produced by the integrated starter generator in the large capacity battery during the time period required for the removal of sulfur from the lean NOx trap.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022919A1

A system for sensing and controlling a fuel gas composition may include a plurality of micro-sensors mounted in a single chamber, with each of the micro-sensors being configured to sense a characteristic of a mixture of gaseous fuel introduced into the chamber. The system may also include a plurality of heating elements, with each of the heating elements being associated with one of the plurality of micro-sensors, and the plurality of heating elements being configured to implement a different temperature level at each of the micro-sensors. The system may also include a microprocessor configured to determine a thermodynamic property of the mixture of gaseous fuel at the different temperature levels at each of the micro-sensors as a function of the characteristic sensed by each micro-sensor, correlate the thermodynamic property to a fuel gas composition of the mixture of gaseous fuel, and control an amount of at least one constituent in the mixture of gaseous fuel as a function of the fuel gas composition determined by the correlation. 1. A system for sensing and controlling a fuel gas composition , the system comprising:a plurality of micro-sensors mounted in a single chamber, each of said micro-sensors being configured to sense a characteristic of a mixture of gaseous fuel introduced into the chamber;a plurality of heating elements, each of said heating elements being associated with one of said plurality of micro-sensors, and said plurality of heating elements being configured to implement a different temperature level at each of the micro-sensors; and determine a thermodynamic property of the mixture of gaseous fuel at the different temperature levels at each of the micro-sensors as a function of the characteristic sensed by each micro-sensor;', 'correlate the thermodynamic property to a fuel gas composition of the mixture of gaseous fuel; and', 'control an amount of at least one constituent in the mixture of gaseous fuel as a function of the fuel gas composition ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Spark plug fouling detection for ignition system

Номер: US20180023531A1

Methods and systems are provided for determining a type of spark plug fouling. In one example, a method may include differentiating spark plug fouling due to soot accumulation from spark plug fouling due to fuel additive accumulation based on a current on a control wire of the spark plug following application of a dwell command. Further, exhaust oxygen sensor degradation and/or exhaust catalyst degradation may be determined based on switching frequencies of one or more exhaust oxygen sensors and the type of spark plug fouling.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042475A1

An internal combustion engine (), with an engine regulating device () and an exhaust gas aftertreament device () with an SCR catalytic converter () for the reduction of at least one NOcomponent, and with a catalytic converter regulating device (), wherein the engine regulating device () is prescribed a target value for an NOmean value of the NOcomponent of the exhaust gases, which mean value results at an outlet point () of the exhaust gas aftertreatment device () in relation to a predefinable time period, and the engine regulating device () is configured at least in one operating mode to continuously calculate an NOreference value for the catalytic converter regulating device () with consideration of Nocomponents which have already been emitted and the predefined target value, which reference value is selected in such a way that the predefined target value results at the outlet point of the exhaust gas aftertreatment device () at the end of the predefinable time period when the calculated NOreference value of the catalytic converter regulating device () is fed as NOsetpoint value to the regulating means. 1. A system , comprising: [{'sub': 'x', 'an engine block having a plurality of piston-cylinder units configured to combust an air-fuel mixture to produce exhaust gases containing a NOproportion or component;'}, {'b': '16', 'sub': 'x', 'an exhaust gas aftertreatment apparatus () configured to aftertreat the exhaust gas to reduce the NOproportion or component, wherein the exhaust gas aftertreatment apparatus has at least one SCR catalytic converter and a catalytic converter closed-loop control configured to open-loop or closed-loop control the at least one SCR catalytic converter; and'}, 'an engine closed-loop control unit configured to control operation of the engine block, wherein:, 'an internal combustion engine, comprising{'o': [{'@ostyle': 'single', 'sub': 'x', 'NO'}, {'@ostyle': 'single', 'sub': 'x', 'NO'}], 'sub': ,Tar', 'x', 'x', 'av, 'the engine closed-loop ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024552A1

Methods and systems are provided for adjusting engine compression ratio (CR) and spark timing to attain particulate filter (PF) regeneration temperature. In one example, a method may include, in response to PF load reaching a threshold and PF temperature being lower than the PF regeneration temperature, lowering the CR and then selectively adjusting spark timing based on an estimated residual gas fraction (RGF) at the lower CR. 1. A method , comprising:responsive to each of a higher than threshold load and a lower than threshold temperature at an exhaust particulate filter (PF),selectively lowering an engine compression ratio (CR), mechanically, via a variable compression ratio (VCR) mechanism; andselectively adjusting spark timing based on each of a PF temperature and an estimated residual gas fraction (RGF) at the lower CR.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the estimated RGF includes a fraction of residuals remaining after completion of an exhaust stroke in each engine cylinder claim 1 , the method further comprising claim 1 , estimating the RGF at the lower CR based on each of an exhaust pressure measured upstream of the PF claim 1 , and the lower CR.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein selectively lowering the CR includes claim 2 , in response to a torque converter being in a locked position claim 2 , lowering the CR from a current CR to a lowest possible CR claim 2 , and in response to the torque converter being in an unlocked position claim 2 , maintaining the CR at the current CR.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein selectively adjusting spark timing includes claim 3 , in response to the PF temperature at the lower CR being higher than the threshold temperature claim 3 , maintaining the spark timing at maximum brake torque (MBT) timing claim 3 , and in response to the PF temperature at the lower CR being lower than the threshold temperature claim 3 , retarding spark timing to a first spark timing based on a difference between the threshold temperature and the PF ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024557A1

Exhaust gas systems includes an oxidation catalyst (OC) capable of receiving exhaust gas and oxidizing one or more of combustable hydrocarbons (HC) and one or more nitrogen oxide (NOx) species, a selective catalytic reduction device (SCR) disposed downstream from and in fluid communication with the OC, an upstream NOx sensor disposed upstream from the SCR, and a downstream NOx sensor disposed downstream from the SCR. Methods for controlling systems include providing exhaust gas to the OC and subsequently the SCR, measuring an upstream exhaust gas NOx concentration, measuring a downstream exhaust gas NOx concentration, determining a NOx differential by subtracting the downstream exhaust gas NOx concentration from the upstream exhaust gas NOx concentration; and comparing the NOx differential to a differential threshold to determine OC catalytic performance. The method is conducted under while OC is above a NOx to NH3 conversion yield threshold, and/or under rich conditions. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the exhaust gas provided to the OC comprises rich-phase exhaust gas generated by an internal combustion engine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upstream NOx sensor is disposed upstream from the OC.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the OC is above an NHconversion yield threshold.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CC comprises one or more platinum group metals.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the SCR comprises a selective catalytic reduction filter device.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the upstream NOx sensor and the downstream NOx sensor are each cross-sensitive to NOx and NH3.8. A method for diagnosing an exhaust gas treatment system claim 1 , wherein the system comprises an oxidation catalyst device (OC) including a catalytic composition (CC) and capable of receiving exhaust gas and oxidizing one or more of combustable hydrocarbons (HC) and one or more nitrogen oxide (NOx) species claim 1 , a selective catalytic reduction device (SCR) disposed ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024597A1

A smoke amount estimation device includes a component amount acquisition unit and an estimation unit. The component amount acquisition unit acquires the amount of aromatic components contained in a fuel to be used for the combustion of an internal combustion engine, and acquires the amount of aromatic variable components that are components that decompose and polymerize before combustion to form aromatic components among components contained in the fuel. The estimation unit estimates the amount of smoke contained in the exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine based on the amount of aromatic components and the amount of aromatic variable components acquired by the component amount acquisition unit. 1. A smoke amount estimation device comprising:a component amount acquisition unit that acquires an amount of aromatic components contained in a fuel to be used for combustion of an internal combustion engine, and acquires an amount of aromatic variable components that are components that decompose and polymerize before combustion to form aromatic components among components contained in the fuel; andan estimation unit that estimates an amount of smoke contained in exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine based on the amount of aromatic components and the amount of aromatic variable components acquired by the component amount acquisition unit.2. The smoke amount estimation device according to claim 1 , whereinat least naphthene components are contained in the aromatic variable components whose amount is to be acquired by the component amount acquisition unit.3. The smoke amount estimation device according to claim 2 , whereinat least naphthene components, each having a structure having two or more of cyclic structures, are contained in the naphthene components whose amount is to be acquired by the component amount acquisition unit.4. The smoke amount estimation device according to claim 1 , whereinat least isoparaffin components are ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024599A1
Автор: Dudar Aed M.

Methods and systems are provided for indicating a presence or absence of a source of degradation stemming from one of an intake manifold, exhaust system, or engine of an engine system. In one example, a method comprises rotating the engine unfueled and indicating the source of degradation based on both an intake air flow and an exhaust flow, as compared to baseline intake air flow and baseline exhaust flow. In this way, a source of degradation may be pinpointed, which may increase a lifetime of a vehicle engine system, reduce undesired emissions, and which may increase customer satisfaction resulting from shorter time spent on diagnosing such a source of degradation. 1. A method comprising:conducting an engine system diagnostic by rotating an engine of a vehicle unfueled to draw an intake air flow into the engine via an intake manifold and to route an exhaust flow via an exhaust system to atmosphere; andindicating a source of degradation stemming from one of the engine, the intake manifold, or the exhaust system based on both the intake air flow and the exhaust flow during the rotating.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:prior to conducting the engine system diagnostic, obtaining a set of baseline comparator data that includes a baseline intake air flow and a baseline exhaust flow under a substantially equivalent set of conditions as that for conducting the engine system diagnostic, including rotating the engine unfueled via a motor powered via a battery.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the substantially equivalent set of conditions further comprises rotating the engine at a predetermined speed for a predetermined duration of time claim 2 , and controlling a throttle positioned in the intake manifold to a predetermined position to allow air to be drawn into the engine via the intake manifold.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the intake air flow and the baseline intake air flow is measured via a mass air flow sensor positioned in the intake manifold ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Engine control system and method

Номер: US20140109870A1

Methods and systems are provided for purging condensate from a charge air cooler to an engine intake while reducing misfire events related to the water ingestion. During the purging, a spark timing is adjusted based on the amount of condensate purged per cycle. The spark timing is adjusted differently when the condensate is purged during a tip-in versus a pro-active clean-out routine.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025056A1

Methods and systems are provided for diagnosing operation of a catalyst in the presence of oxygen sensor degradation over a vehicle life cycle. The methods and systems described herein filter the output of one oxygen sensor according to a time constant of a different oxygen sensor so that determination of a catalyst index ratio is compensated for oxygen sensor degradation. 1. An engine operating method , comprising:filtering output of an oxygen sensor located upstream of a catalyst in an exhaust system of an engine via a controller according to response of an oxygen sensor located downstream of the catalyst; andadjusting an actuator via the controller responsive to the filtered output of the oxygen sensor.2. The method of claim 1 , where the actuator is a fuel injector and where the fuel injector is adjusted to reduce an amplitude of an engine air-fuel ratio.3. The method of claim 1 , where the actuator is a fuel injector and where the fuel injector is adjusted to increase a frequency of an engine air-fuel ratio.4. The method of claim 1 , where filtering includes digitally filtering output of the oxygen sensor located upstream of the catalyst.5. The method of claim 1 , where filtering includes applying a first order low-pass filter having a time constant or a smoothing factor that is based on output of the oxygen sensor located downstream of the catalyst.6. The method of claim 1 , where filtering includes adding a weighted past output of the oxygen sensor located upstream of the catalyst to a weighted present output of the oxygen sensor located upstream of the catalyst.7. The method of claim 1 , where the oxygen sensor located upstream of the catalyst is a wide band linear oxygen sensor.8. The method of claim 1 , where actuator is an ignition system.9. An engine operating method claim 1 , comprising:entering an engine into a fuel cut-off mode via a controller;estimating a time constant of an oxygen sensor located downstream of a catalyst in an exhaust system of the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025117A1
Автор: SHIRAI Hayato

A controller having a part for calculating provisional target values of a plurality of control outputs, a reference governor for deriving target values of the control outputs by correcting the provisional target values, and a feedback controller for determining control inputs so that the values of the control outputs approach the target values. The reference governor derives the target values by correcting the provisional target values of the plurality of control outputs using a calculation model which outputs a relationship between the correction amounts from the provisional target values of the plurality of control outputs, by inputting the current values of the state quantities a ratio of the correction amounts from the provisional target values between the plurality of control outputs is set to a predetermined correction ratio. The correction ratio is set based on the values of the operating parameters of the internal combustion engine. 1. A controller for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a provisional target value calculation part for calculating provisional target values of a plurality of control outputs of the internal combustion engine based on values of operating parameters of the internal combustion engine,a reference governor for deriving target values of the control outputs by correcting the provisional target values so that a degree of satisfaction of constraint conditions related to state quantities of the internal combustion engine is high when it is predicted that the constraint conditions related to the state quantities of the internal combustion engine will not be satisfied in the future assuming that the target values of the plurality of control outputs are set to the respective provisional target values, anda feedback controller for determining control inputs of the internal combustion engine so that the values of the control outputs approach the target values, whereinthe reference governor derives the target values by correcting the ...
