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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000010789U1

Бесконтактная система зажигания, содержащая датчики сигналов зажигания, последовательно подключенные к схеме дешифровки и/или усиления, катушки зажигания в количестве, соответствующем числу цилиндров двигателя, к высоковольтным обмоткам которых с обеих сторон подключены свечи зажигания: по две на каждый цилиндр, при этом каждая пара катушек зажигания подключена к своей паре цилиндров, отличающаяся тем, что в нее дополнительно введены датчики воспламенения, датчик системы пуска, сигнальное устройство и блок включения цепи параллельного искрообразования, включенные таким образом, что датчики воспламенения, датчик системы пуска и сигнальное устройство подключены к схеме дешифровки и/или усиления через блок включения цепи параллельного искрообразования, подключенный к одной из пары катушек зажигания каждого цилиндра. (19) RU (11) 10 789 (13) U1 (51) МПК F02P 15/08 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (71) Заявитель(и): Военная академия тыла и транспорта (21), (22) Заявка: 98119013/20, 16.10.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Пустозеров А.В., Сидоров Б.Н., Крайнов А.Н., Синчин Ю.Г., Смирнов О.А. 1 0 7 8 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Бесконтактная система зажигания, содержащая датчики сигналов зажигания, последовательно подключенные к схеме дешифровки и/или усиления, катушки зажигания в количестве, соответствующем числу цилиндров двигателя, к высоковольтным обмоткам которых с обеих сторон подключены свечи зажигания: по две на каждый цилиндр, при этом каждая пара катушек зажигания подключена к своей паре цилиндров, отличающаяся тем, что в нее дополнительно введены датчики воспламенения, датчик системы пуска, сигнальное устройство и блок включения цепи параллельного искрообразования, включенные таким образом, что датчики воспламенения, датчик системы пуска и сигнальное устройство подключены к схеме дешифровки и/или усиления через блок включения цепи параллельного искрообразования, ...

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000057383U1

1. Система зажигания, содержащая аккумуляторную батарею, выключатель зажигания, добавочные резисторы, коммутатор и прерыватель, соединенные последовательно в замкнутую цепь, при этом коммутатор через катушку зажигания электрически соединен со свечой зажигания, отличающаяся тем, что система снабжена обмоткой индуктивности в виде электрического провода, навитого вокруг камеры сгорания, батареей конденсаторов, датчиком положения коленчатого вала двигателя, электронным ключом, установленным с возможностью подключения контуров батареи конденсаторов с упомянутой обмоткой индуктивности и батареи конденсаторов с генератором, при этом электронный ключ электрически связан с датчиком положения коленчатого вала и коммутатором. 2. Система зажигания по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что гильза блоков цилиндров выполнена из ферритового сплава. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 57 383 (13) U1 (51) МПК F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2006100682/22 , 10.01.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.01.2006 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФГОУ ВПО Рязанская сельскохозяйственная академия им. профессора П.А. Костычева (RU) U 1 5 7 3 8 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Система зажигания, содержащая аккумуляторную батарею, выключатель зажигания, добавочные резисторы, коммутатор и прерыватель, соединенные последовательно в замкнутую цепь, при этом коммутатор через катушку зажигания электрически соединен со свечой зажигания, отличающаяся тем, что система снабжена обмоткой индуктивности в виде электрического провода, навитого вокруг камеры сгорания, батареей конденсаторов, датчиком положения коленчатого вала двигателя, электронным ключом, установленным с возможностью подключения контуров батареи конденсаторов с упомянутой обмоткой индуктивности и батареи конденсаторов с генератором, при этом электронный ключ ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000072728U1

1. Комбинированная лазерно-искровая система зажигания двигателя внутреннего сгорания, включающая в себя систему электронного искрового зажигания, содержащую датчик положения коленчатого вала двигателя, модуль зажигания, высоковольтные импульсы которого подаются на искровой промежуток свечи зажигания для искрового разряда в конце такта сжатия в камере сгорания и систему лазерного подогрева, содержащую в своем составе лазерный модуль, излучение которого через световод подается к области искрового промежутка свечи зажигания, отличающаяся тем, что система дополнительно снабжена микроконтроллером лазерного подогрева (ЛП), устройством установки мощности ЛП при переключении системы питания с бензиновой на газовую и наоборот, устройством отключения ЛП при переходе на обычный режим работы и устройством индикации, при этом микроконтроллер ЛП связан на входе с группой датчиков, а на выходе - через цепь управления с главным входом генератора накачки, устройство установки мощности ЛП состоит из переключателя установки мощности ЛП, сблокированного с переключателем вида топлива, и связано с реле установки мощности ЛП, один из контактов которого электрически связан с дополнительным входом микроконтроллера, а другой заземлен, устройство отключения ЛП при переходе на обычный режим работы без подогрева состоит из двухпозиционного переключателя с ручным управлением и реле отключения ЛП, контакты которого включены в разрыв силового провода питания генератора накачки, а устройство индикации электрически связанно с выходами микроконтроллера (выходами индикации). 2. Комбинированная лазерно-искровая система зажигания двигателя внутреннего сгорания по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что входы микроконтроллера лазерного подогрева электрически связаны с датчиком положения распределительного вала, датчиком частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя, датчиком температуры охлаждающей жидкости и датчиком температуры воздуха во впускном коллекторе. 3. Комбинированная лазерно-искровая система зажигания ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129158U1

Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая первый преобразователь напряжения, подключенный к цепи, состоящей из первого выпрямителя, накопительного конденсатора, к которому подключен коммутирующий элемент; свечу зажигания, второй преобразователь напряжения, подключенный к цепи, состоящей из второго выпрямителя и низковольтного конденсатора, отличающаяся тем, что введены управляемый коммутирующий элемент и импульсный трансформатор, причем управляемый коммутирующий элемент подключен между низковольтным конденсатором и свечой зажигания, первичная обмотка импульсного трансформатора подключена последовательно с коммутирующим элементом, а вторичная обмотка импульсного трансформатора подключена между общей точкой соединения свечи зажигания и управляемого коммутирующего элемента и управляющим электродом управляемого коммутирующего элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 129 158 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/00 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012157585/07, 26.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 1 2 9 1 5 8 R U Формула полезной модели Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая первый преобразователь напряжения, подключенный к цепи, состоящей из первого выпрямителя, накопительного конденсатора, к которому подключен коммутирующий элемент; свечу зажигания, второй преобразователь напряжения, подключенный к цепи, состоящей из второго выпрямителя и низковольтного конденсатора, отличающаяся тем, что введены управляемый коммутирующий элемент и импульсный трансформатор, причем управляемый коммутирующий элемент подключен между низковольтным конденсатором и свечой зажигания, первичная обмотка импульсного трансформатора подключена последовательно с коммутирующим элементом, а вторичная обмотка импульсного трансформатора подключена между общей точкой соединения свечи зажигания и управляемого коммутирующего ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129159U1

Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая высоковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, коммутирующий элемент, низковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, свечу зажигания и высоковольтный трансформатор, отличающаяся тем, что введен управляемый коммутирующий элемент, подключенный последовательно со свечой зажигания, причем вторичная обмотка высоковольтного трансформатора подключена между общей точкой соединения первичной обмотки высоковольтного трансформатора и свечи зажигания и управляющим электродом управляемого коммутирующего элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 129 159 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012157472/07, 26.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 R U 1 2 9 1 5 9 Формула полезной модели Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая высоковольтный зарядноразрядный контур, коммутирующий элемент, низковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, свечу зажигания и высоковольтный трансформатор, отличающаяся тем, что введен управляемый коммутирующий элемент, подключенный последовательно со свечой зажигания, причем вторичная обмотка высоковольтного трансформатора подключена между общей точкой соединения первичной обмотки высоковольтного трансформатора и свечи зажигания и управляющим электродом управляемого коммутирующего элемента. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КОМБИНИРОВАННАЯ СИСТЕМА ЗАЖИГАНИЯ 1 2 9 1 5 9 Адрес для переписки: 450000, Республика Башкортостан, г.Уфа, ул. К. Маркса, 12, УГАТУ, ОИС, В.П. Ефремовой (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 26.12.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Гизатуллин Фарит Абдулганеевич (RU), Салихов Ренат Мунирович (RU), Дмитриев Дмитрий Николаевич (RU), ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129160U1

Емкостная система зажигания с одним преобразователем на две свечи, содержащая преобразователь напряжения, зарядный вентиль, коммутирующий элемент и первую и вторую параллельные цепи, каждая из которых содержит соответственно первый и второй накопительные конденсаторы, первый и второй высоковольтные вентили, первый и второй импульсные трансформаторы, первую и вторую свечи зажигания, и элемент, соединяющий общие точки соединения первого и второго накопительных конденсаторов и первичной и вторичной обмоток первого и второго импульсных трансформаторов, отличающаяся тем, что элемент, соединяющий общие точки соединения первого и второго накопительных конденсаторов с первичной и вторичной обмотками первого и второго импульсных трансформаторов, выполнен в виде дополнительного коммутирующего элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 129 160 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012157588/07, 26.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 1 2 9 1 6 0 R U Формула полезной модели Емкостная система зажигания с одним преобразователем на две свечи, содержащая преобразователь напряжения, зарядный вентиль, коммутирующий элемент и первую и вторую параллельные цепи, каждая из которых содержит соответственно первый и второй накопительные конденсаторы, первый и второй высоковольтные вентили, первый и второй импульсные трансформаторы, первую и вторую свечи зажигания, и элемент, соединяющий общие точки соединения первого и второго накопительных конденсаторов и первичной и вторичной обмоток первого и второго импульсных трансформаторов, отличающаяся тем, что элемент, соединяющий общие точки соединения первого и второго накопительных конденсаторов с первичной и вторичной обмотками первого и второго импульсных трансформаторов, выполнен в виде дополнительного коммутирующего элемента. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 ...

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000132498U1

Емкостная система зажигания с одним преобразователем на две свечи, содержащая преобразователь напряжения, первый и второй выпрямители, первый и второй накопительные конденсаторы, первый и второй коммутирующие элементы, первую и вторую свечи зажигания, импульсный трансформатор с одинаковыми первой и второй обмотками и катушку индуктивности, отличающаяся тем, что введены первый и второй высоковольтные вентили, подключенные параллельно цепям, состоящим из соответствующих обмотки импульсного трансформатора и свечи зажигания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 132 498 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013105875/07, 12.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.02.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2013 Бюл. № 26 R U 1 3 2 4 9 8 Формула полезной модели Емкостная система зажигания с одним преобразователем на две свечи, содержащая преобразователь напряжения, первый и второй выпрямители, первый и второй накопительные конденсаторы, первый и второй коммутирующие элементы, первую и вторую свечи зажигания, импульсный трансформатор с одинаковыми первой и второй обмотками и катушку индуктивности, отличающаяся тем, что введены первый и второй высоковольтные вентили, подключенные параллельно цепям, состоящим из соответствующих обмотки импульсного трансформатора и свечи зажигания. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ЕМКОСТНАЯ СИСТЕМА ЗАЖИГАНИЯ С ОДНИМ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЕМ НА ДВЕ СВЕЧИ 1 3 2 4 9 8 Адрес для переписки: 450000, Республика Башкортостан, г.Уфа, ул. К. Маркса, 12, УГАТУ, ОИС, Ефремовой В.П. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.02.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Гизатуллин Фарит Абдулганеевич (RU), Салихов Ренат Мунирович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ...

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000132499U1

1. Разрядное устройство для воспламенения топливно-воздушной смеси, содержащее корпус с размещенными в нем высоковольтным (1) и заземленным (2) электродами, разделенными между собой диэлектрическим слоем (3), отличающееся тем, что диэлектрический слой (3) имеет переменную толщину, причем максимальная толщина Н слоя расположена в зоне контакта указанных электродов. 2. Разрядное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что максимальная толщина Н диэлектрического слоя выбрана удовлетворяющей следующему неравенству: U/(EN) Подробнее

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000136494U1

1. Электролитический мотор малогабаритный, включающий пульт управления, не менее одного рабочего цилиндра, снабженного подвижным поршнем и рабочей камерой для электролита, электродуговой активатор электролита, соединенный по входу с электрическим аккумулятором и выходом электромеханического генератора, приводной вал которого кинематически соединен через кривошипно-шатунный механизм с подвижным поршнем рабочего цилиндра, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит электронно-вычислительную машину (ЭВМ) управления, отдельную емкость для воды и отдельную емкость для жидкого химического катализатора, емкости соединены через соответствующие электромагнитные вентили и впускные клапаны с полостью рабочей камеры, установленной под цилиндром и соосно с ним, в нижней части рабочей камеры и соосно с ней установлен термостойкий электрод, электрически изолированный от токопроводящего корпуса рабочей камеры и соединенный с потенциальной шиной электродугового активатора, заземленная шина которого соединена с токопроводящим корпусом рабочей камеры, причем управляющие входы электромагнитных вентилей, электромеханического генератора и электродугового активатора соединены через ЭВМ с пультом управления. 2. Электролитический мотор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электродуговой активатор электролита выполнен в виде высоковольтного емкостного и/или индуктивного накопителя энергии с цифровым управлением частотой подачи активирующих высоковольтных разрядов на электролитическую смесь, сформированную в рабочей камере цилиндра. 3. Электролитический мотор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что высоковольтный емкостной накопитель электрической энергии содержит последовательно соединенные мультивибратор, повышающий трансформатор с ферритовым магнитопроводом, высоковольтный выпрямитель, блок высоковольтных конденсаторов и электронный коммутатор, управляющий вход которого по частоте активации электролита соединен с выходом ЭВМ. 4. Электролитический мотор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термостойкий ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000141017U1
Принадлежит: ДИР ЭНД КОМПАНИ

1. Рабочая машина, содержащая: устройство ввода оператора, первый двигатель внутреннего сгорания, второй двигатель внутреннего сгорания, цепь зажигания, функционально соединенную с первым двигателем и вторым двигателем, содержащую электрический аккумулятор для подачи электрического потенциала для запуска первого двигателя и второго двигателя, и систему управления, электрически соединенную с устройством ввода оператора и цепью зажигания, выполненную с возможностью: подачи команды запуска первого двигателя автоматически в ответ на манипуляцию устройством ввода оператора и подачи команды запуска второго двигателя автоматически в ответ на запуск первого двигателя. 2. Рабочая машина по п. 1, в которой система управления выполнена с возможностью подтверждения запуска первого двигателя перед подачей команды запуска второго двигателя. 3. Рабочая машина по п. 2, в которой система управления выполнена с возможностью подачи команды запуска второго двигателя, если система управления подтверждает запуск первого двигателя, и выполнена с возможностью выдержки паузы, если система управления не подтверждает запуск первого двигателя. 4. Рабочая машина по п. 1, в которой манипуляцией является вторая манипуляция устройством ввода оператора, причем система управления содержит контроллер первого двигателя, функционально связанный с первым двигателем, и контроллер второго двигателя, функционально связанный со вторым двигателем, при этом контроллер первого двигателя выполнен с возможностью включения питания автоматически в ответ на первую манипуляцию устройством ввода оператора, а контроллер второго двигателя выполнен с возможностью включения питания автоматически в ответ на вторую манипуляцию устройством ввода оператора. 5. Рабочая машина по п. 1, содержащая температурный датчик для определения температуры, при этом система управления электрически соединена с температурным датчиком и система управления выполнена с возможностью определения, находится ли температура ниже температурного ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000145341U1

1. Система для подачи искры в двигатель, которая содержит цепь предварительного возбуждения первой катушки зажигания; интерпретирующий логический блок, электрически соединенный с цепью предварительного возбуждения первой катушки зажигания и имеющий два выходных сигнала возбудителей катушек зажигания; а также две цепи возбуждения катушек зажигания, электрически соединенные с интерпретирующим логическим блоком. 2. Система по п. 1, которая содержит две катушки зажигания, электрически соединенные с двумя цепями возбуждения катушек зажигания. 3. Система по п. 2, которая содержит цепь предварительного возбуждения второй катушки зажигания, электрически соединенную с интерпретирующим логическим блоком. 4. Система по п. 3, в которой цепь предварительного возбуждения второй катушки зажигания электрически соединена с интерпретирующим логическим блоком для совокупности цилиндров двигателя. 5. Система по п. 4, в которой цепь предварительного возбуждения первой катушки зажигания электрически соединена только с одной цепью возбуждения катушек зажигания из совокупности цепей возбуждения катушек зажигания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 145 341 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/04 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013145974/07, 15.10.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.10.2013 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ХЬЮБЕРТС Гарлан Дж. (US), ЧЕКАЛА Майкл Дэмиан (US), ЦЮЙ Цюпин (US) 15.10.2012 US 61/714,058; 14.03.2013 US 13/804,443 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Форд Глобал Технолоджис, ЛЛК (US) (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2014 Бюл. № 26 1 4 5 3 4 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Система для подачи искры в двигатель, которая содержит цепь предварительного возбуждения первой катушки зажигания; интерпретирующий логический блок, электрически соединенный с цепью предварительного возбуждения первой катушки зажигания и имеющий два выходных сигнала ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000154788U1

Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая преобразователь напряжения и первый выпрямитель, накопительный конденсатор, первый коммутирующий элемент, второй выпрямитель, низковольтный накопительный конденсатор, второй коммутирующий элемент, свечу зажигания и высоковольтный трансформатор, отличающаяся тем, что в преобразователе напряжения предусмотрен второй выход, к которому через второй выпрямитель подключен низковольтный накопительный конденсатор, свеча зажигания подключена последовательно с первичной обмоткой высоковольтного трансформатора, а вторичная обмотка высоковольтного трансформатора подключена между одним из выводов второго коммутирующего элемента и общей точкой соединения первичной обмотки высоковольтного трансформатора и свечи зажигания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 154 788 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014148778/07, 03.12.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.12.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2015 Бюл. № 25 1 5 4 7 8 8 R U Формула полезной модели Комбинированная система зажигания, содержащая преобразователь напряжения и первый выпрямитель, накопительный конденсатор, первый коммутирующий элемент, второй выпрямитель, низковольтный накопительный конденсатор, второй коммутирующий элемент, свечу зажигания и высоковольтный трансформатор, отличающаяся тем, что в преобразователе напряжения предусмотрен второй выход, к которому через второй выпрямитель подключен низковольтный накопительный конденсатор, свеча зажигания подключена последовательно с первичной обмоткой высоковольтного трансформатора, а вторичная обмотка высоковольтного трансформатора подключена между одним из выводов второго коммутирующего элемента и общей точкой соединения первичной обмотки высоковольтного трансформатора и свечи зажигания. Использование: полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электромеханики и может быть ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164400U1

Генератор импульсов зажигания с наносекундным фронтом на базе дрейфовых диодов с резким восстановлением, характеризующийся тем, что содержит: преобразователь напряжения бортовой сети автомобиля в стабилизированное напряжение +24В, линейные стабилизаторы +18В и +5В для питания цепей управления и драйверов, преобразователь напряжения +24В в напряжение +160В..+320В для питания силовой цепи генератора, микросхемы формирователей импульсов SN74HC123D (U1), драйверы IGBT транзисторов MIC4452YM (U3), силовые IGBT транзисторы IRG4PF50WD (Q1), сборки ДДРВ диодов (D6), повышающий трансформатор на ферритовых сердечниках B64290L0618X087 х 3 шт. (ТR1), катушку индуктивности на каркасе RM14 с ферритовым сердечником B65887E0160R087 (L1), силовые накопительные конденсаторы C3 и C4, диоды (D1-D8), резисторы (R1-R8, RV1), конденсаторы (С1-С2), высоковольтные провода, свечи зажигания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 400 U1 (51) МПК F02P 15/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016116502/07, 26.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.04.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Вильчинский Василий Федорович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2016 Бюл. № 24 1 6 4 4 0 0 R U Формула полезной модели Генератор импульсов зажигания с наносекундным фронтом на базе дрейфовых диодов с резким восстановлением, характеризующийся тем, что содержит: преобразователь напряжения бортовой сети автомобиля в стабилизированное напряжение +24В, линейные стабилизаторы +18В и +5В для питания цепей управления и драйверов, преобразователь напряжения +24В в напряжение +160В..+320В для питания силовой цепи генератора, микросхемы формирователей импульсов SN74HC123D (U1), драйверы IGBT транзисторов MIC4452YM (U3), силовые IGBT транзисторы IRG4PF50WD (Q1), сборки ДДРВ диодов (D6), повышающий трансформатор на ферритовых сердечниках B64290L0618X087 х 3 шт. (ТR1), катушку индуктивности на каркасе RM14 с ферритовым ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации

Двигатель внутреннего сгорания с объемным многоочаговым зажиганием

Номер: RU0000181683U1

Полезная модель относится к двигателестроению, и может быть использована при реализации двигателя внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) с системой зажигания на основе СВЧ-излучения, применяемым в автомобилестроении, в авиации и в иных областях, в которых используются ДВС. Технический результат - обеспечение сжигания топлива по всему объему камеры сгорания, значительное снижение затрат энергии пробоя; увеличение скорости и полноты сгорания топлива, а также повышение экологичности. ДВС содержит, по меньшей мере, одну камеру сгорания, образованную цилиндром и рабочей поверхностью поршня, установленного в цилиндре с возможностью совершения возвратно-поступательных перемещений внутри цилиндра, с отверстиями для впускного и выпускного клапанов. Как минимум, одна камера сгорания снабжена генератором СВЧ-излучения и инициаторами, расположенными или выполненными, как минимум, на рабочей поверхности поршня. Инициаторы, находящиеся на рабочей поверхности поршня, выполнены в виде стержней, длина определена из условия соответствия половине длины волны СВЧ-излучения, возникающего при работе генератора СВЧ-излучения. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. И 1 181683 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 184 683” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 24.06.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 24.06.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 24.06.2021 Бюл. №18 Стр.: 1 па СЗЗ ЕП

27-08-2018 дата публикации

Комбинированная система зажигания

Номер: RU0000182653U1

Использование: полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электроэнергетики и может быть использована в современных системах зажигания основных газотурбинных двигателей, топливовоздушных турбостартеров и бортовых вспомогательных силовых установок. Технический результат: повышается энергетическая эффективность комбинированной системы зажигания. Сущность полезной модели: комбинированная система зажигания содержит высоковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, низковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, управляемый коммутирующий элемент и свечу зажигания, причем дополнительно введены катушка индуктивности и диод. Катушка индуктивности подключена между свечой зажигания и управляемым коммутирующим элементом, положительный вывод диода подключен к «массе», а отрицательный вывод диода - к общей точке соединения катушки индуктивности и управляемого коммутирующего элемента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 653 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01); F02P 3/10 (2006.01); F02P 15/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018112846, 09.04.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.08.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2018 Бюл. № 24 U1, 2008.08.10. RU 74667 U1, 2008.07.10. GB 1493391 A, 1977.11.30. US 2008092865 A1, 2008.04.24. JPH 084637 A, 1996.01.09. (54) КОМБИНИРОВАННАЯ СИСТЕМА ЗАЖИГАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Использование: полезная модель относится к низковольтный зарядно-разрядный контур, области электротехники и электроэнергетики и управляемый коммутирующий элемент и свечу может быть использована в современных зажигания, причем дополнительно введены системах зажигания основных газотурбинных катушка индуктивности и диод. Катушка двигателей, топливовоздушных турбостартеров индуктивности подключена между свечой и бортовых вспомогательных силовых установок. зажигания и управляемым коммутирующим Технический результат: ...

21-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000209725U1

Использование: полезная модель относится к импульсной технике и может быть использована в современных емкостных системах зажигания газотурбинных двигателей, топливовоздушных турбостартеров и бортовых вспомогательных силовых установок. Технический результат: расширение функциональных возможностей системы зажигания, повышение надежности работы свечи зажигания. Сущность полезной модели: комбинированное устройство зажигания, содержащее преобразователь, к выходу которого через выпрямитель подключен высоковольтный накопительный конденсатор, соединенный через первый разрядник со свечой зажигания, второй выпрямитель, низковольтный накопительный конденсатор, подключенный через второй разрядник к общей точке соединения высоковольтного накопительного конденсатора и первого разрядника, введен второй преобразователь, выход которого через второй выпрямитель подключен к низковольтному накопительному конденсатору, введены импульсный трансформатор, дополнительный конденсатор и резистор, причем дополнительный конденсатор через первичную обмотку импульсного трансформатора подключен к первому разряднику, вторичная обмотка импульсного трансформатора подключена между первым разрядником и свечой зажигания, резистор подключен параллельно цепи, состоящей из вторичной обмотки импульсного трансформатора и свечи зажигания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 725 U1 (51) МПК F02P 3/06 (2006.01) F02P 3/10 (2006.01) F02P 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F02P 3/06 (2022.01); F02P 3/10 (2022.01); F02P 15/003 (2022.01); F02C 7/266 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021133358, 17.11.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 21.03.2022 Бюл. № 9 2 0 9 7 2 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 86251 U1, 27.08.2009. RU 139888 U1, 27.04.2014. RU 2106518 C1, 10.03.1998. RU 156114 U1, 27.10.2015. GB 686747 A, 28.01.1953. US 2016226225 A1, ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Igniter with integral pressure sensing line

Номер: US20120110975A1
Автор: Hannes A. Alholm
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

An igniter device for a combustor system includes an igniter housing and a pressure sense passage. The igniter housing surrounds an electrode and an insulating body. The igniter has a tip to be positioned within a chamber for combustion. The pressure sense passage is attached to an exterior surface of the igniter housing. The pressure sense passage is configured to direct fluid to a pressure sensor.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Pre-chamber spark plug with tubular electrode and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20120125279A1
Принадлежит: Woodward Governor Co

A pre-chamber spark plug that includes a shell, and an end cap attached to the shell. Additionally, the pre-chamber spark plug includes an insulator disposed within the shell. In a particular embodiment, a center electrode has a first portion surrounded by the insulator, and a second portion that extends from the insulator into a pre-chamber. The pre-chamber defined by the shell and end cap. In a further embodiment, a ground electrode is attached to the shell. In particular embodiments, the ground electrode is tubular in shape and includes an inner spark surface ring spaced in surrounding relation to the center electrode to create a spark gap, an outer ring attached to the shell, and a plurality of rounded spokes connecting the inner and outer rings. In a particular embodiment, the ground and center electrodes accommodate attachment of precious metal alloys to increase electrode surface life.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Advanced Optics and Optical Access for Laser Ignition for Gas Turbines Including Aircraft Engines

Номер: US20120131927A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A laser ignition system for an internal combustion engine, and more specifically a gas turbine engine, is provided. The system including a laser light source configured to generate a laser beam, an ignition port configured to provide optimized optical access of the laser beam to a combustion chamber and an optical beam guidance component disposed between the laser light source and the ignition port. The optical beam guidance component is configured to include optimized optic components to transmit the laser beam to irradiate on a fuel mixture supplied into the combustion chamber to generate a combustor flame in a flame region. A method for igniting a fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine is also presented.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130081584A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An internal combustion engine can include a first ignition plug disposed on the inner side of a range surrounded by a plurality of intake valves and a plurality of exhaust valves with a cylinder head viewed in parallel to a cylinder axial line and standing uprightly along the cylinder axial line. A second ignition plug is inclined with respect to the cylinder axial line on the outer side of the range. The second ignition plug is disposed on the opposite side to a valve driving mechanism with respect to the cylinder axial line on the outer side of the range.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Ignition control apparatus

Номер: US20130092136A1
Автор: Kimihiko Tanaya
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Ignition is performed in such a way that a bias voltage is applied to a first electrode of an ignition plug and a current detection device detects a current that flows in the first electrode, that based on the value of the detected current, a smolder level detection device detects the level of a smolder produced in the ignition plug, and that a control device controls, based on the detected smolder level, at least one of the timing of ignition, the number of ignition events per power stroke of an internal combustion engine, and the amount of energy accumulated in an ignition coil device.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for operating a laser spark plug for a combustion engine

Номер: US20130098331A1

In a method for operating a laser spark plug for a combustion engine, the laser spark plug having a precombustion chamber, within an operating cycle of the combustion engine, the laser spark plug irradiates an ignition location situated inside the precombustion chamber with a plurality of laser ignition pulses temporally offset from one another.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Electric field generating apparatus for combustion chamber

Номер: US20130146010A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, SNU R&DB FOUNDATION

An electric field generating apparatus for a combustion chamber, may include an electric field generator located within a space of the combustion chamber where combustion flames may be produced to create electric fields within the space of the combustion chamber through an applied predetermined voltage, a lead-in wire connected to the electric field generator to flow the predetermined voltage to the electric field generator, and a high voltage providing unit connected to the lead-in wire for selectively applying the predetermined voltage to the lead-in wire in accordance with an output signal of a controller generated depending on an operation condition of an engine.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160752A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a barrier discharge device capable of increasing the combustion efficiency of an engine while overcoming the problems of the cumbersome replacement of the electrodes and the commercialization of the device. 1. A barrier discharge device of an engine , comprising:a dielectric body; andat least two barrier discharge electrodes which are held inside the dielectric body and to which voltages for barrier discharge are applied;wherein the respective barrier discharge electrodes are not exposed to an inside of a cylinder bore and are arranged so as to surround the cylinder bore.2. The barrier discharge device according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier discharge electrodes are embedded into a head gasket.3. The barrier discharge device according to claim 1 ,wherein the barrier discharge electrodes include three or more electrodes and the barrier discharge electrodes to which voltages are applied can be changed according to an internal pressure of a cylinder. The invention relates to a barrier discharge device for use in an engine, which includes a dielectric body and a barrier discharge electrode.Conventionally, in the case of, for example, a spark ignition engine, a structure has been known in which multipoint ignition electrodes (hereinafter referred to as “peripheral electrodes”) are embedded into a head gasket which is disposed between a cylinder head and a cylinder block in order to obtain larger flames than only using a single ignition gap (see, for example, Patent Document 1).In such a structure, flames spread both concentrically and three-dimensionally in a combustion chamber from a central ignition plug arranged at the center of a ceiling of the combustion chamber and a plurality of peripheral electrodes. Accordingly, the time required for the flames to spread over the entire space of the combustion chamber is shortened, resulting in less time-loss and approaching a theoretical cycle, so that thermal efficiency can ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233291A1
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

An ignition device () includes a power supply () for discharge; an AC power supply (); an ignition coil () for generating a secondary voltage in a secondary coil (B); an ignition plug () connected to the secondary coil (B); an AC electrode () electrically connected to the AC power supply (); a high-voltage electrode () located between the secondary coil (B) and the ignition plug (); an insulator () located between the two electrodes (); and a second insulator () which covers the ignition coil () and a capacitor () composed of the two electrodes () and an insulator (). The secondary voltage and AC power are supplied to the ignition plug () via the high-voltage electrode (). Thus, excellent ignition performance can be implemented while the occurrence of misfire is restrained. 1. An ignition device comprising:a power supply for discharge;an AC power supply for supplying AC power;an ignition coil which includes a primary coil and a secondary coil and which generates a high secondary voltage in the secondary coil by stepping up a voltage applied to the primary coil from the power supply for discharge and; andan ignition plug electrically connected to the secondary coil;the ignition device being characterized by further comprising:an AC electrode electrically connected to the AC power supply;a high-voltage electrode located between the secondary coil and the ignition plug and electrically connected to the secondary coil and the ignition plug;an insulator disposed between the high-voltage electrode and the AC electrode; anda second insulator which covers the ignition coil and a capacitor composed of the AC electrode, the high-voltage electrode, and the insulator,wherein the secondary voltage and the AC power are supplied to the ignition plug via the high-voltage electrode.2. An ignition device according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitor is connected to one end of the secondary coil at which there is generated higher voltage than that generated at the other end of the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Ignition device and ignition method for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20130263834A1
Автор: Kimihiko Tanaya
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

The ignition device for the internal combustion engine includes: an ignition plug including a first electrode and a second electrode opposed to each other via a predetermined gap, for generating in the predetermined gap a spark discharge for igniting a combustible mixture in a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine; an ignition coil including a primary coil and a secondary coil, for generating a high voltage in the secondary coil by supplying or stopping a primary current flowing through the primary coil, and then applying the generated high voltage to the first electrode; and a control unit for driving the ignition coil for a plurality of times within a single ignition process, and changing a primary voltage for driving the ignition coil within the single ignition process.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269643A1
Автор: Kameda Hiroyuki

An ignition apparatus which facilitates improvement in energy efficiency as well as materializing an excellent ignitability through effectively utilizing energy used for inductive discharge as a blowout power. The ignition apparatus is used for an ignition plug that includes a center electrode, a ground electrode and a cavity surrounding at least a portion of a clearance formed between the two electrodes to thereby form a discharge space. The ignition apparatus includes a voltage application portion which applies voltage to the clearance and a power supply portion which supplies electric power to the clearance. In addition, a capacitance portion for storing a capacitance is provided, in parallel with the ignition plug, in a voltage application path of the voltage application portion. 1. An ignition apparatus used for a plasma jet ignition plug which includes a center electrode , a ground electrode , and a cavity which surrounds at least a portion of a clearance formed between the center electrode and the ground electrode to thereby form a discharge gap , the ignition apparatus comprising:a voltage application portion which applies voltage to the clearance; anda power supply portion which supplies electric power to the clearance,wherein a capacitance portion for storing a capacitance is provided, in parallel with the plasma jet ignition plug, in a voltage application path of the voltage application portion.2. The ignition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a capacitance of the capacitance portion is equal to or larger than that of the plasma jet ignition plug.3. The ignition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the capacitance of the capacitance portion falls within a range of 20 pF to 500 pF.4. An ignition system claim 1 , comprising:a plasma jet ignition plug including a center electrode, a ground electrode, and a cavity which surrounds at least a portion of a clearance formed between the center electrode and the ground electrode to thereby form a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284148A1

Systems and methods for controlling an internal combustion engine include an ignition coil that generates a pre-discharge ionization signal during charging of the ignition coil after reaching a first threshold charge level and prior to spark discharge and a controller that determines an engine operating condition, such as pre-ignition or plug fouling, in response to the pre-discharge ionization signal. The ignition coil may also generate digital feedback and ionization signals used to by the controller to control ignition coil dwell and repetitive sparking, as well as providing various combustion diagnostics. 1. A method for controlling an engine , comprising:generating digital feedback signals from an ignition coil each combustion cycle, at least a first digital feedback signal generated in response to an ignition control signal prior to spark discharge;generating a third signal being either a digital feedback signal or a pre-discharge ionization signal after the first digital feedback signal; andcontrolling the engine in response to the digital feedback signals and the third signal.2. The method of wherein signals from at least two ignition coils are combined and communicated to a controller on a single wire claim 1 , the method further comprising:determining a plug fouling condition in response to the third signal exceeding a corresponding plug fouling threshold.3. The method of wherein the first digital feedback signal terminates when the ignition coil charges to a first threshold claim 1 , the first threshold being less than a spark discharge threshold.4. The method of wherein the second digital feedback signal is generated in response to a transition in the ignition control signal while the ignition coil charge exceeds the first threshold.5. The method of wherein the third signal is generated in response to an asserted ignition control signal while the ignition coil charge exceeds a first threshold.6. The method of further comprising:repetitively charging the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298886A1

A method for control of spark ignition in a spark-ignited internal combustion engine that includes an ignition plug and generates plasma to ignite an air-fuel mixture, where the plasma is caused by a reaction between a product resulting from spark discharge generated by a high voltage applied via an ignition coil connected to the ignition plug and an electric field generated in a combustion chamber by an electric generation means via the ignition plug, the method including generating the electric field by a positive pulsating current. Thus, the method allows a spark-ignited internal combustion engine to promote expansion of combustion after ignition. 1generating the electric field by a positive pulsating current.. A method for control of spark ignition in a spark-ignited internal combustion engine that includes an ignition plug and generates plasma to ignite an air-fuel mixture, where the plasma is caused by a reaction between a product resulting from spark discharge generated by a high voltage applied via an ignition coil connected to the ignition plug and an electric field generated in a combustion chamber by an electric generation means via the ignition plug, the method comprising: The present invention relates to a method for control of spark ignition in a spark-ignited internal combustion engine that promotes combustion by plasma generation as a result of a reaction between an electric field generated in a combustion chamber and a product resulting from spark discharge by an ignition plug.Conventionally, for example, in an internal combustion engine for automobile, a high voltage is applied between a center electrode and a ground electrode of an ignition plug. An air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber is ignited at each ignition timing by spark discharge generated at a gap between the both electrodes. Such ignition by the ignition plug may result in, for example, insufficient spark energy and thus hardly cause a flame core.To solve such a problem with spark ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Ignition Apparatus, Internal-Combustion Engine, Ignition Plug, Plasma Equipment, Exhaust Gas Degradation Apparatus, Ozone Generating/Sterilizing/Disinfecting Apparatus and Odor Eliminating Apparatus

Номер: US20130336849A1
Автор: Yuji Ikeda
Принадлежит: Imagineering Inc

A plasma equipment comprising a microwave oscillator for generating a predetermined microwave band, a microwave resonant cavity for allowing the predetermined microwave band to resonate, and microwave radiation means for radiating the microwave into the microwave resonant cavity, wherein the microwave radiation means is a microwave radiation antenna having the shape and the size so as to form a strong electric field of the microwave in a plasma generation field formed by the microwave.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020646A1
Автор: KAWASHIMA Yasushi

A gasket for attaching a spark plug to an internal combustion engine, the gasket having an annular portion. The annular portion is annular to surround the spark plug, and has contact surfaces on both axial ends, one of the contact surfaces being to contact the spark plug, the other being to contact the internal combustion engine. The annular portion is composed of copper alloy containing aluminum oxide. The aluminum oxide content of the copper alloy is 0.3 wt % or more, and 0.7 wt % or less. 1. A gasket for attaching a spark plug to an internal combustion engine , comprising:an annular portion capable of surrounding the spark plug, being composed of copper alloy containing aluminum oxide, the aluminum oxide content of the copper alloy being 0.3 wt % or more, and 0.7 wt % or less; andcontact surfaces on both axial ends of the annular portion, one of the contact surfaces being configured to contact the spark plug, the other being configured to contact the internal combustion engine.2. An ignition system , comprising:a spark plug having an axis;a wall member configured to form a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine; anda gasket capable of being sandwiched between the wall member and the spark plug with axial load of the spark plug,wherein:the gasket has an annular portion capable of surrounding the outer periphery of the spark plug, and has contact surfaces, one of the contact surfaces being configured to contact the spark plug, the other being configured to contact the wall member;the annular portion is composed of copper alloy containing aluminum oxide; andthe aluminum oxide content of the copper alloy is 0.3 wt % or more, and 0.7 wt % or less.3. The ignition system according to claim 2 , wherein:the wall member has an attachment seating surface configured to contact the gasket, the wall member having an attachment hole inside which an attachment hole screw portion is formed, the attachment seating surface being formed on the periphery of the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041629A1
Автор: Ikeda Yuji, Makita Minoru

An engine control device that cannot output a control signal to an electromagnetic wave emission device is used to emit electromagnetic wave at an appropriate timing from the device to a combustion chamber A signal processing device is connected to the engine control device that outputs an ignition signal for instructing an ignition device of the engine to ignite fuel air mixture in the combustion chamber of the engine The signal processing device upon receiving the ignition signal, outputs to the electromagnetic wave emission device an electromagnetic wave drive signal that determines based on the ignition signal an emission period, which is a period for the electromagnetic wave emission device to emit an electromagnetic wave to the combustion chamber so that an ignition operation is performed during the emission period of the electromagnetic wave. 1. A signal processing device , which is connected to an engine control device that outputs an ignition signal for instructing an ignition device of an engine to perform an ignition operation of igniting fuel air mixture in a combustion chamber of the engine , and adapted to , upon receiving the ignition signal , output to an electromagnetic wave emission device attached to the engine , an electromagnetic wave drive signal that determines based on the ignition signal an emission period , which is a period for the electromagnetic wave emission device to emit an electromagnetic wave to the combustion chamber , so that the ignition operation is performed during the emission period of the electromagnetic wave.2. The signal processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe ignition signal is a pulse signal having a falling timing, which serves as a timing of performing the ignition operation,the electromagnetic wave drive signal is a pulse signal having a rising timing and a falling timing, anda period starting from the rising timing thereof until the falling timing serves as a period of driving the electromagnetic wave ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090628A1
Автор: AIDA Futoshi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A resonance inductor is connected with a charging path through which an ignition condenser is charged; a first switching device controls charging of the ignition condenser; discharging of the ignition condenser is controlled by a second switching device whose collector terminal is connected with the other end of the primary coil of an ignition coil unit and whose emitter terminal is connected with the negative-polarity terminal of the ignition condenser; a clamp diode is connected between the one end of the primary coil and the collector terminal of the second switching device. 1. An internal combustion engine ignition apparatus comprising:a power source circuit unit that generates a predetermined output;a resonance inductor connected with the output terminal of the power source circuit unit;an ignition condenser that is charged with the output of the power source circuit unit by way of the resonance inductor;an ignition coil unit provided with a primary coil whose one end is connected with the positive-polarity terminal of the ignition condenser and a secondary coil that is magnetically coupled with the primary coil and generates an ignition voltage when energy produced through discharge of the ignition condenser is supplied thereto;an ignition plug that is provided with a pair of electrodes facing each other through a gap, one of the pair of electrodes of which is connected with the secondary coil, and that causes a spark discharge between the electrodes when the ignition voltage is applied across the pair of electrodes so as to ignite an inflammable fuel-air mixture supplied to an internal combustion engine;a control circuit unit provided with a first switching device connected with a charging path through which the ignition condenser is charged and a second switching device whose collector terminal is connected with the other terminal of the primary coil and whose emitter terminal is connected with the negative-polarity terminal of the ignition condenser; anda ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002724A1
Автор: KIMURA Koshiro

A control system for a spark-ignition internal combustion engine configured to produce tumble flow in a cylinder is provided. The spark-ignition internal combustion engine includes an ignition plug configured to ignite an air-fuel mixture in the cylinder. The control system includes a tumble flow rate controller configured to change a position of a vortex center of the tumble flow as viewed in a direction of a center axis of the cylinder, so as to control a flow rate of the tumble flow around the ignition plug at the ignition timing of the ignition plug. 1. A control system for a spark-ignition internal combustion engine , the spark-ignition internal combustion engine configured to produce tumble flow in a cylinder , and the spark-ignition internal combustion engine including an ignition plug configured to ignite an air-fuel mixture in the cylinder , the control system comprising:a tumble flow rate controller configured to change a position of a vortex center of the tumble flow in a direction of a center axis of the cylinder, so as to control a flow rate of the tumble flow around the ignition plug at the ignition timing of the ignition plug.2. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe tumble flow rate controller is configured to increase the flow rate of a part of the tumble flow at a first point in time, the first point in time being determined such that said part of the tumble flow reaches a position opposite to the ignition plug with respect to the vortex center of the tumble flow, when the ignition timing comes after the flow rate of said part of the tumble flow is increased.3. The control system according to claim 2 , wherein:the internal combustion engine includes a fuel injection valve configured to inject a fuel into the cylinder such that the injected fuel flows along the tumble flow; andthe tumble flow rate controller is configured to cause the fuel injection valve to inject the fuel during an intake stroke or a compression stroke, so as to ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170002788A1

An internal combustion engine including at least one cylinder with a piston moveable therein in an engine block in which microwaves are introduced into a combustion chamber through a microwave window, wherein the combustion chamber is formed by a piston base and a cylinder head, characterized in that the combustion chamber includes a combustion chamber wall which functions as a microwave window at least in portions wherein the combustion chamber wall is made from a wall layer that is made from a ceramic material in which wall layer at least one annular circumferential hollow conductor cavity is arranged with at least one inlet opening for the microwave and which includes at least one outlet opening for the microwave that is run in the annular hollow conductor cavity of the wall layer. In general the invention provides safe ignition of lean fuel air mixtures.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003209A1
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A method for operating a combustion engine is disclosed. In an embodiment, the method includes: generating several sparks to ignite a fuel-air mixture in a combustion chamber by an ignition device of the combustion engine, determining a combustion duration of at least one of the sparks, detecting a deviation of an actual operation from a target operation of the combustion engine at least depending on the combustion duration, compensating for the deviation by implementing at least one measure which influences a combustion of the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber, determining the combustion duration of the chronological first of the sparks, allocating the first spark to a first spark type or to a second spark type depending on the combustion duration, and implementing the at least one measure if at least one value which characterizes a frequency of one of the spark types exceeds a threshold value. 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for operating a combustion engine , comprising the steps of:generating a plurality of sparks to ignite a fuel-air mixture in a combustion chamber by an ignition device of the combustion engine;determining a combustion duration of at least one of the plurality of sparks;detecting a deviation of an actual operation from a target operation of the combustion engine depending on the combustion duration;compensating for the deviation by implementing a measure which influences a combustion of the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber;determining the combustion duration of a chronological first spark of the plurality of sparks;allocating the first spark to a first spark type or to a second spark type depending on the combustion duration of the first spark; andimplementing a measure if a value which characterizes a frequency of one of the spark types exceeds a threshold value.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the combustion duration is determined by the ignition device.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein a signal ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Control apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170009727A1
Автор: Satoshi Nakamura
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An ECU outputs an ignition signal and a discharge waveform control signal. An ignition device closes an ignition switching element in a period during which the ignition signal is input. After a stop of the input of the ignition signal and in a period of input of the discharge waveform control signal, the ignition device controls current flowing through a primary coil to a discharge current command value that is determined by the discharge waveform control signal by opening or closing a control switching element. A discharge control unit determines whether there is an abnormality. When it is determined that there is an abnormality, the ECU avoids control executed by the discharge control unit, and causes the discharge control unit to execute control during times of low-rotation and low-load operation of an internal combustion engine in order to determine whether the discharge control unit has returned to a normal state.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Ignition control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20160010615A1
Автор: Kenichi Ishii
Принадлежит: Fuji Electric Co Ltd

An ignition control device for an internal combustion engine can include an ignition coil supplying a discharge voltage to an ignition device of an ignition combustion engine, a voltage-controlled type semiconductor element connected to a primary side of the ignition coil and an ignition control section capable of repeating, multiple time in an ignition period, operations of turning ON and turning OFF of the voltage-controlled type semiconductor element by giving a gate signal to a gate of the voltage-controlled type semiconductor element. The ignition control section can include an active element that discharges gate charges accumulated on the gate of the voltage-controlled type semiconductor element upon turning OFF operation of the voltage-controlled type semiconductor element to the ground, and that is connected between the gate and a resistor at a side of the gate inserted in a gate wiring connected to the gate of the voltage-controlled type semiconductor element.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010567A1
Автор: HIROOKA Hisato

A control device for an internal combustion engine is programmed, during a catalyst warm-up control, to perform first fuel injection by an injector in an intake stroke, control an ignition device so as to generate a discharge spark in a predetermined period in an expansion stroke, and perform second fuel injection, at a timing retarded from a compression top dead center, such that its injection period overlaps with at least a part of the predetermined period and an end timing of the injection period is advanced from an end timing of the predetermined period. Further, the control device is programmed, during the catalyst warm-up control, to control an actual tumble ratio depending on a result of determination using a first index value representing a speed of initial combustion accompanying an ignition by the ignition device and a second index value representing a speed of main combustion accompanying the ignition. 1. A control device for an internal combustion engine that includes:an ignition device arranged in a vicinity of a center of an upper part of a combustion chamber, and includes a spark plug for igniting an air-fuel mixture in a cylinder using a discharge spark;an injector arranged nearer to an intake valve than the spark plug in the vicinity of the center of the upper part of the combustion chamber, and includes one or more injection holes provided such that a contour surface of a fuel spray injected from the one or more injection holes toward the spark plug passes under an electrode portion of the spark plug;an in-cylinder pressure sensor configured to detect in-cylinder pressure; andan exhaust gas purification catalyst configured to purify exhaust gas from the combustion chamber,wherein a tumble flow that flows so as to go toward a side of an exhaust valve from a side of the intake valve in the upper part of the combustion chamber is generated in the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine,wherein the control device comprises:a tumble flow ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Engine knock control system for carburetor engines

Номер: US20220034289A1
Автор: Clarence Huckaby
Принадлежит: Individual

An engine-knock controlling system for a carburetor-based engine includes one or more cylinders in which combustion occurs, wherein the system also includes a plurality of knock sensors coupled to an engine block, a first wiring harness, a first control unit, a second wiring harness, and a second control unit or an intermediate control unit, or a second control unit and intermediate control unit. The knock sensor(s) detects threatening engine-knock noise as an audible signal and transmits a signal through the wiring harnesses and control units to generate an ignition retarding action to correct the engine misfire and eliminate the knock/ping. Once the engine knock event is resolved, the processor of the first control unit transmits via the second wiring harness a signal to the second control unit or to the intermediate control unit, or to the second control unit and the intermediate control unit, to allow full-advance of ignition timing.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Spark plug

Номер: US20210021106A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A spark plug has a housing of a cylindrical shape and an insulator supported to an inside of the housing. A channel part is formed at a distal end side of the housing. The channel part is open so that the inside of the housing communicates with an outside of the housing through the channel part. The channel part has a channel bottom having a tapered shape oblique relative to a plug central axis. An overall channel bottom is arranged in the housing closer to a proximal end side than to the distal end side of the housing.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022957A1

An ignition apparatus inputs energy during a predetermined energy input period after the interruption of a primary electric current by an ignition switch and a discharge of an ignition plug caused by a secondary electric current. Moreover, the ignition apparatus includes a blow-off detection unit that detects, during the energy input period IGW after the start of the discharge by the ignition plug, occurrence of blow-off of the discharge. When the secondary electric current I drops below a blow-off detection electric current threshold value Ibo at a time instant tbo in a “second region” where it is impossible to perform a re-discharge after blow-off, the blow-off detection unit determines that blow-off has occurred and the ignition apparatus stops the energy input from an energy input unit to an ignition coil. By preventing unnecessary energy input, it is possible to suppress unnecessary electric power consumption and wear of electrodes of the ignition plug. 1. An ignition apparatus that controls operation of an ignition plug for igniting an air-fuel mixture in a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine , the ignition apparatus comprising:an ignition coil that includes a primary coil in which a primary electric current supplied from a DC power supply flows, and a secondary coil which is connected to an electrode of the ignition plug and in which a secondary voltage is generated by supply and interruption of the primary electric current and thus a secondary electric current flows;an ignition switch that is connected to a ground side of the primary coil and switches the supply and interruption of the primary electric current according to an ignition signal, the ground side being an opposite side of the primary coil to the DC power supply;an energy input means capable of inputting energy during a predetermined energy input period after the interruption of the primary electric current by the ignition switch and a discharge of the ignition plug caused by the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022958A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

An ignition system for an internal combustion engine that utilizes a single primary coil and a single secondary coil to drive a pair of spark plugs. Current flowing in both a first direction and a second direction passes through the primary coil. The current flowing through the primary coil induces corresponding current in the secondary coil, which flows from the secondary coil to one of two spark plugs. Each spark plug is coupled to the secondary coil such that each of the two spark plugs receives current flowing only in a single direction. The current flowing through the ignition system can be from either a power source or created by the rotation of a flywheel having a series of magnet clusters. 17-. (canceled)8. An ignition system for use with an internal combustion engine , comprising:a power supply;a primary coil positioned to receive either a first current flowing in a first direction or a second current flowing in a second direction from the power supply;a secondary coil positioned such that first and second currents are induced into the secondary coil from the primary coil;a first spark plug spark plug coupled to the secondary coil such that only the first current induced in the secondary coil passes to the first spark plug;a second spark plug coupled to the secondary coil such that only the second current induced in the secondary coil passes to the second spark plug; anda controller having a first output and a second output, wherein when the first output is actuated, the first current flows in the first direction through the primary coil and when the second output is activated, the second current flows in the second direction through the primary coil.9. The ignition system of wherein the first and second currents flow in opposite directions through the primary coil.10. The ignition system of wherein the primary coil forms part of an H-bridge circuit connecting the power supply to the primary coil.11. The ignition system of wherein the power supply is a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025837A1

Described is an ignition coil comprising a housing, in which a transformer is arranged, and a plug connector, wherein the plug connector has a high voltage contact, which is connected to the secondary side of the transformer by means of a wire, which resiliently presses against an electrical contact surface. The contact surface is concavely shaped. 1. An ignition coil , comprising:a housing in which a transformer is arranged; anda plug connector;wherein the plug connector comprises a high voltage contact connected to a secondary side of the transformer by a wire resiliently pressing against an electrical contact surface; andwherein the electrical contact surface is concavely shaped.2. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein an end surface of the wire presses against the electrical contact surface.3. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein the wire presses a rounded end face against the electrical contact surface.4. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein the high-voltage contact is a rod claim 1 , which provides the electrical contact surface on its end facing the transformer.5. The ignition coil according to claim 4 , wherein the contact surface is provided as a cap placed on the rod.6. The ignition coil according to claim 5 , wherein the cap has an annular bead claim 5 , which rises in the longitudinal direction of the rod and surrounds one end of the wire piece.7. The ignition coil according to claim 4 , wherein the rod contains an interference resistor.8. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein the wire is a lead of a diode arranged between the high-voltage contact and secondary side of the transformer.9. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein the wire is bent in the shape of an L claim 1 , so that an end section of the wire pressing against the contact surface forms an acute angle with the plugging direction of the plug connector of less than 30°.10. The ignition coil according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030319A1

When an abnormality judgement section judges that there is a failure of an energy inputting circuit, an energy inputting line, through which electrical energy is inputted from the energy inputting circuit to a primary winding, is changed over to a disconnected state by output halt switching means. As a result, since inputting of electrical energy to the primary winding is thereby halted, problems arising due to continuation of inputting electrical energy to the energy inputting circuit can be prevented, even in the event of a failure of the energy inputting circuit, so that reliability can be enhanced. 1. An ignition apparatus for an internal combustion engine , wherein the ignition apparatus comprises:a main ignition circuit which generates a spark discharge in a spark plug by control of passing current through a primary winding of an ignition coil;an energy inputting circuit which, during the spark discharge produced by operation of the main ignition circuit, inputs electrical energy from a negative end of the primary winding towards a supply side of a battery voltage, thereby continuing the spark discharge that is generated by operation of the main ignition circuit; and{'b': '3', 'a first switch which performs switching between connected and disconnected states of an energy inputting line or an energy inputting power source line, and connects/disconnects the energy inputting circuit to/from a current flow path that extends from the battery to the main ignition circuit, where the energy inputting line inputs electrical energy from the energy inputting circuit towards the primary winding () and the energy inputting power source line supplies electric power to the energy inputting circuit.'}2. The ignition apparatus for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1 , wherein the ignition apparatus further comprises abnormality judgement section for changing over the first switch to a disconnected state when a failure is detected in the energy inputting circuit. ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System and method for controlling operation of an engine

Номер: US20160032859A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method involves comparing a determined operating parameter of an engine, with a predefined operating parameter. The method further involves controlling a fuel source and an ignition source of the engine so as to operate at least one engine cylinder in a skip fire mode for at least one cycle of a crank shaft when the determined operating parameter is greater than the predefined operating parameter. The controlling involves transitioning the fuel source from a normal mode to the skip fire mode for the at least one cycle of the crank shaft either before transitioning the ignition source from the normal mode to the skip fire mode or when the ignition source is operated in the normal mode.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032884A1

A fuel property determination apparatus for an internal combustion engine is applied to an internal combustion engine that is equipped with an ignition plug and an ignition timing controller. An electronic control unit provided in the fuel property determination apparatus executes a determination process of making a determination on a property of a fuel supplied to the internal combustion engine based on an ignition sufficiency ratio, during a predetermined period after startup of the internal combustion engine. The electronic control unit is configured to determine that the property of the fuel is heavy when a determination index value that is obtained by subjecting the ignition sufficiency ratio to a smoothing process is equal to or larger than a predetermined threshold. The electronic control unit is configured to set a smoothing coefficient to a value corresponding to each of a first period, a second period, and a third period. 1. A fuel property determination apparatus for an internal combustion engine including an ignition plug having a spark generation portion , the fuel property determination apparatus comprising:an electronic control unit that is configured to:(i) correct an ignition timing as a timing for generating a spark from the spark generation portion,(ii) execute feedback control of an engine rotational speed such that an engine rotational speed converges to a target rotational speed,(iii) calculate an ignition sufficiency ratio during a preset period after startup of the internal combustion engine, and execute a determination process of making a determination on a property of a fuel supplied to the internal combustion engine based on the ignition sufficiency ratio, the ignition sufficiency ratio being a ratio of an advancement correction amount of the ignition timing to a maximum ignition correction width as a maximum width that allows the ignition timing to be corrected when the ignition timing is corrected in the feedback control,(iv) determine ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030921A1
Автор: Montgomery David

A piston for a premixed spark-ignited or premixed dual fuel internal combustion engine is disclosed. The piston may be configured to reciprocate along a longitudinal axis of a combustion chamber defined by a cylinder of the engine. The piston may comprise a piston head, a top annular groove configured to receive a top annular ring, and a skirt having a pin bore extending along a pin bore axis that is configured to receive a wrist pin for connecting the piston to a connecting rod. The piston may further comprise a top land formed in the piston head that is chamfered in a direction perpendicular to the pin bore axis such that the top land does not contact an inner wall of the cylinder when the piston rocks about the pin bore axis. The top land may be non-chamfered in a direction parallel to the pin bore axis. 1. A piston for a premixed spark-ignited or a premixed dual fuel internal combustion engine , the piston being configured to reciprocate along a longitudinal axis of a combustion chamber defined by a cylinder of the internal combustion engine , comprising:a piston head including an upper surface facing the combustion chamber, and a top annular groove configured to receive a top piston ring;a skirt extending from the piston head and including a pin bore configured to receive a wrist pin for connecting the piston to a connecting rod, the pin bore extending along a pin bore axis; anda top land formed on the piston head and extending between the upper surface and the top annular groove of the piston head, the top land including an upper annular edge that adjoins the upper surface of the piston head and a lower annular edge that adjoins the top annular groove, the upper annular edge having an elliptical shape with a major axis extending parallel to the pin bore axis and a minor axis extending perpendicular to the pin bore axis, the lower annular edge having a circular shape with a diameter substantially equivalent to a length of the major axis of the upper annular ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Ignition system

Номер: US20150034059A1

An ignition system for an internal combustion engine includes an ignition transformer with two primary windings. The ignition system is designed to generate, for a given ignition event, a unipolar current through the secondary winding by way of a control circuit that is configured to first energize and deenergize the first primary winding to establish a first electrical arc across the spark-plug electrodes and, when the current in the secondary winding reaches, or drops below, a current threshold, repeatedly energizes and deenergizes the second primary winding to establish a plurality of second current pulses across the electrodes in order to maintain the burn phase.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034246A1

A spark plug includes a cylindrical housing, a cylindrical insulator, a center electrode, a terminal bracket, a ground electrode, and a resistor. The insulator is held on the inside of the housing. The center electrode is held on the inside of the insulator, with a tip end being projected therefrom. The terminal bracket is held on the inside of the insulator, with a base end part and being projected therefrom. The ground electrode forms a spark discharge gap G between itself and the center electrode. The resistor contains carbon and is disposed on the inside of the insulator so as to be located between the center electrode and the terminal bracket. In an axial direction X of the spark plug, the resistor has a higher carbon content in a first region positioned on a tip side, compared to a second region positioned on a base end side. 1. A spark plug for an internal combustion engine comprisinga cylindrical housing;a cylindrical insulator held on the inside of the housing;a center electrode held on the inside of the insulator so that a tip end of the center electrode is project from the insulator;a terminal bracket held on the inside of the insulator so that a base end of the terminal bracket is projected from the insulator;a ground electrode forming a spark discharge gap between the ground electrode and the center electrode; anda resistor containing carbon disposed on the inside of the insulator so as to be located between the center electrode and the terminal bracket, wherein:in an axial direction of the spark plug, the resistor has a higher carbon content in a first region positioned closer to a tip side than a center of the resistor is, compared to a second region positioned closer to a base end side than the center of the resistor is the resistor includes at least two uniform portions in the axial direction, each uniform portion having a uniform carbon content;at least one of the uniform portions of the resistor serves as a tip side portion disposed on the tip ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037738A1
Автор: McAlister Roy Edward

Methods, systems, and devices are disclosed for delivery a fluidic substance using Lorentz forces. In one aspect, a method to accelerate particles into a chamber includes distributing a fluidic substance between electrodes configured at a location proximate a chamber, in which electrodes include a low work function material, generating a current of ionized particles by applying an electric field between the electrodes to ionize at least some of the fluidic substance, and producing a Lorentz force to accelerate the ionized particles into the chamber. In some implementations, the method further includes applying an electric potential on an antenna electrode interfaced at the port to induce a corona discharge into the chamber, in which the corona discharge ignites the ionized particles within the chamber. 1. A method to produce an ignition in a chamber , comprises:generating a positive corona discharge at a predetermined location in a chamber;producing a Lorentz force to thrust ions into the chamber; andgenerating a negative corona discharge at the or another predetermined location proximate the port toward the chamber at a faster rate than that of the positive corona discharge,wherein the negative corona discharge combines with the positive corona discharge to ignite of an ignitable substance in the chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chamber contains a fluidic substance present in the chamber claim 1 , the fluidic substance including at least one of a fuel or an oxidant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating the positive corona discharge at the predetermined location includes applying an electric field at a corona-generating electrode positioned proximate to the port of the chamber.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the corona-generating electrode comprises a high work function material.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the corona-generating electrode is structured to include a plurality of electrodes having at least two different structural ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Ignition apparatus for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170037826A1
Автор: Satoru Nakayama
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An ignition apparatus includes a blow-off determining unit 5 b . The blow-off determining unit 5 b determines, when the value ΔI 2 of the time derivative of a secondary electric current exceeds a predetermined threshold value Z during a determination period, that blow-off has occurred; the determination period is a predetermined time period ΔT from the start of a spark discharge by a main ignition circuit 3 . Further, when it is determined that blow-off has occurred during a main ignition (full-transistor ignition), it is controlled to perform a continuing spark discharge after the main ignition in a next cycle. Moreover, a secondary electric current command value in performing the continuing spark discharge is set-to an electric current value that is obtained by adding a predetermined electric current value a to the secondary electric current value I 2 x immediately before the occurrence of blow-off. Consequently, in the next cycle, it is possible to reliably prevent blow-off, thereby reliably preventing misfire.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Plasma jet plug

Номер: US20180038337A1
Принадлежит: NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd

A plasma jet plug includes: a tubular insulator having an axial hole; a center electrode disposed inside the axial hole; metal shell disposed on an outer circumference of the insulator; and an orifice electrode electrically connected to the metal shell and disposed on a front side of the insulator. A plasma generating cavity is formed by a surface of the center electrode, an inner surface of the insulator, and an inner surface of the orifice electrode. In the plasma jet plug, a shortest path length D 1 of a surface path is greater than or equal to 5 times an aerial gap G, where the surface path extends, inside the cavity, from a surface of the center electrode via an inner surface of the insulator to an inner surface of the orifice electrode, and the aerial gap G is a shortest distance between the center electrode and the orifice electrode.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038338A1

An ignition apparatus for an internal combustion engine provided with an ignition coil and a spark plug. An ECU enables operation of a plurality of continuous discharges in the spark plug and also detects a flow speed of a combustible air/fuel mixture. In a first discharge, a supply of a primary current terminates the first discharge, with energy remaining in the ignition coil, from an initiation of the ignition to an initiation of the spark plug, when the detected flow speed exceeds a predetermined first threshold. Thereafter, a second discharge is performed by shutting off the primary current. 1. An ignition apparatus of an internal combustion engine characterized in that the ignition apparatus comprises:an ignition coil provided with a primary coil and a secondary coil;a spark plug igniting a combustible air/fuel mixture by shutoff of a primary current, after the primary current is supplied to the primary coil to generate an ignition discharge by a secondary voltage which is generated by the secondary coil;a controller configured to perform a plurality of continuous discharges in the spark plug during an initial combustion period which is a period from an initial time of the ignition until a combustion ratio of the fuel contained in the combustible air/fuel mixture has reached a predetermined value, anda speed detector which detects a flow speed of the combustible air/fuel mixture, whereinthe controller is configured to terminate the first discharge by supplying the primary current while having energy remaining in the ignition coil for the first discharge generated at the spark plug, which is initiated from the initial time of the ignition, when the flow speed detected by the speed detector exceeds a predetermined first threshold anda second discharge is implemented thereafter by shutting off the primary current.2. The ignition apparatus according to claim 1 , characterized in that:the ignition coil accumulates a predetermined amount of energy at the initial time ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041013A1
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

An ignition plug capable of improving ignition performance while preventing pre-ignition includes a center electrode, a bottomed cylindrical insulator enclosing a front end portion of the center electrode and a cylindrical metal shell holding therein the insulator. The insulator has, on a front end side thereof, a protruding portion protruding from and located frontward of a front end of the metal shell. In the ignition plug, a difference between an outer diameter of the center electrode and an inner diameter of the insulator is 0.01 mm or more; an axial length of the protruding portion is 6.7 mm to 12.7 mm; and the following condition is satisfied: 1.07≦S/V1≦1.35 where S is an outer surface area of the protruding portion; and V1 is a volume of the protruding portion. 3. The ignition plug according to claim 2 ,wherein the protruding portion includes a first region formed with a first outer diameter and a second region located frontward of the first region and formed with a constant second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter; andwherein a thickness of the second region in a direction perpendicular to the axis is 0.75 mm to 2.4 mm.4. The ignition plug according to claim 2 ,wherein the protruding includes a first region formed with a first outer diameter, a second region located frontward of the first region and formed with a constant second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter, and a third region extending between the first region and the second region; andwherein, when viewed in cross section along the axis, an outer surface of the third region has an tapered shape that gradually increase in diameter from the front toward the rear.5. The ignition plug according to claim 1 ,wherein the outer surface of the protruding portion is formed with an uneven section.6. An ignition device claim 1 , comprising:the ignition plug having a center electrode extending along an axis of the ignition plug;a bottomed cylindrical insulator enclosing a ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Ignition control apparatus

Номер: US20190040835A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An ignition control apparatus applied to an internal combustion engine including a spark plug includes an in-cylinder pressure acquisition section, a frequency signal transmitting section which transmits a frequency signal having a predetermined frequency to a switching element, and a weak discharge generating section which causes the frequency signal to be transmitted during an intake stroke and controls the frequency signal such that a weak discharge is generated at the spark plug a plurality of times. The weak discharge generating section controls the frequency signal so as to cause a duty ratio of the switching element to be changed in accordance with the in-cylinder pressure, such that the frequency of generating weak discharges during a time period in which the frequency signal is transmitted becomes higher than a predetermined frequency.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods of controlling pre-primary ignition of an internal combustion engine

Номер: US20190040837A1

A method of controlling pre-primary ignitions of an internal combustion engine includes accessing data corresponding to an exhaust gas recirculation error and data corresponding to at least one of a rotational speed of the engine, a throttle position of a throttle, and a combustion mode of the engine. A voltage of the electrical power to be applied to an ignition source and a number of pre-primary ignitions to be applied are calculated based on the data corresponding to the exhaust gas recirculation error and the data corresponding to at least one of the rotational speed of the engine, the throttle position, and the combustion mode of the engine.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Ignition system

Номер: US20160047352A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

It is possible to adjust electromagnetic energy introduced from a low-voltage side of a primary winding 20 of an ignition coil 2 after start discharging to a spark plug 1 from the ignition coil 2 in the correct proportion by threshold-determining either one or both of a primary voltage V1 applied to a primary side of the ignition coil 2 and a secondary current I2 flowing in a secondary side of the ignition coil 2 , and by opening and closing a discharging switch 32 disposed between an auxiliary power supply 3 including an energy storage coil 330 and a low-voltage side terminal 201 of the ignition coil 2.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044970A1

A pre-chamber spark plug that includes a shell. Additionally, the pre-chamber spark plug includes an insulator disposed within the shell. In a particular embodiment, a center electrode has a first portion surrounded by the insulator, and a second portion that extends from the insulator into a pre-chamber. The pre-chamber defined by the shell. In a further embodiment, a ground electrode is attached to the insulator. In particular embodiments, the ground electrode is tubular in shape and includes an inner spark surface ring spaced in surrounding relation to the center electrode to create a spark gap, an outer ring attached to the shell, and a plurality of rounded spokes connecting the inner and outer rings. In a particular embodiment, the ground and center electrodes accommodate attachment of precious metal alloys to increase electrode surface life. In another embodiment the ground electrode and insulator is coaxial to the center electrode. 135-. (canceled)36. A pre-chamber igniter comprising:a pre-chamber housing defining an enclosed pre-chamber;a first body in the pre-chamber housing, the first body comprising a portion extending forward from a back of the pre-chamber into the pre-chamber; a portion spaced in surrounding relation to the first body to define an ignition region between the second body and the first body, and', 'a radial offset circumferential extension extending axially forward past the end of the first body forming an aerodynamic nose cone., 'a second body in the pre-chamber housing and surrounding the first body, the second body comprising37. The pre-chamber igniter of claim 36 , comprising a first stage defined by a cavity formed between the first body and a velocity control tube surrounding the entire portion of the first body extending into the pre-chamber.38. The pre-chamber plug of claim 37 , comprising a second stage defined by a cavity between the velocity control tube and the pre-chamber housing.39. The pre-chamber plug of claim 38 , wherein ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045025A1

An ignition device at least equipped with a DC power source, an ignition coil unit, a spark plug, an ignition switch, and an auxiliary power source, wherein the auxiliary power source is at least equipped with a discharge energy accumulating means, a discharge switch, and a discharge driver. The ignition device is further equipped with a secondary-current feedback controlling means comprising a secondary current detecting means for detecting a secondary current flowing during the ignition coil unit discharge period, and a secondary current feedback control circuit-for determining an upper limit and a lower limit for the secondary current from binary threshold values, and driving so as to open and close the discharge switch on the basis of the determination results. Furthermore, energy is introduced from the auxiliary power source without switching the polarity of the secondary current. 1. An ignition device , comprising:a direct-current power source;an ignition coil unit including a primary coil and secondary coil, an electric current through the primary coil being increased and decreased by interrupting the electric current from the direct-power source, thereby generating a high voltage in the secondary coil;an ignition switch switching between supply of and interrupt of the electric current to the primary coil according to an ignition signal, the ignition signal being sent according to an operating condition;an ignition plug connected to the secondary plug and generating electric sparks due to spark discharge caused by the high voltage applied from the secondary coil; andan auxiliary power source superimposing electric energy on a downstream side of the primary coil after start of the spark discharge from the ignition plug,the auxiliary power source including a discharge energy accumulating means, a discharge switch, a discharge driver turning and a secondary current feedback controlling means,the discharge energy accumulating means being for accumulating electric ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180047503A1
Принадлежит: Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.

An ignition transformer includes a primary winding and a secondary winding and are electromagnetically coupled to each other. A battery is connected to a first end of the primary winding. A switch connected to a second end of the primary winding is turned on or off in response to an ignition signal. A saturable reactor includes a saturable core and includes a first winding, and a second winding the first and second windings electromagnetically coupled to each other. A first end of the first winding is connected to a first end of the second winding. A second end of the first winding is connected to the ignition plug. A reset circuit applies a reset voltage to the first and second ends of the second winding. The reset voltage is a voltage to switch a magnetization status of the saturable core between a saturated state and an unsaturated state. 1. An ignition device that causes an ignition plug to ignite , comprising:an ignition transformer that includes a primary winding and a secondary winding that are electromagnetically coupled to each other;a battery connected to a first end of the primary winding;a switch that is connected to a second end of the primary winding and is turned on or off in response to an ignition signal; a saturable core;', 'a first winding including first and second ends; and', 'a second winding including a first and second ends, wherein, 'a saturable reactor comprisingthe first and second windings electromagnetically coupled to each other, the first end of the first winding connected to the first end of the second winding, the second end of the first winding connected to the ignition plug; anda reset circuit that applies a reset voltage to the first and second ends of the second winding, the reset voltage being a voltage to switch a magnetization status of the saturable core between a saturated state and an unsaturated state.2. An ignition device that causes ignition plugs to ignite , comprising:an ignition transformer that includes a primary ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Spark Plug for a Gas-Powered Internal Combustion Engine

Номер: US20150059456A1

A spark plug for a stationary, gas-powered internal combustion engine, having a metallic body, an insulator mounted in a passage of the body, a center electrode passing through the insulator, a ground electrode mounted on the body that, together with the center electrode, forms a spark air gap, and a cap attached to the body. The cap shields the center and ground electrodes from the combustion chamber after the spark plug is installed in a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and that, together with the body of the spark plug, forms a prechamber in which the center and ground electrodes are located. The cap has at least one opening that permits gas exchange between the prechamber and the space outside of the prechamber. A sensor receiving space is provided in the body of the spark plug, which space opens into the prechamber and serves to receive a pressure sensor in a replaceable manner, and a connecting channel for routing a connecting line of the pressure sensor leads from the sensor receiving space to the end of the body opposite the cap. 1. Spark plug for a stationary , gas-powered internal combustion engine ,having a metallic body;having an insulator mounted in a passage of the body;having a center electrode passing through the insulator;having a ground electrode mounted on the body that, together with the center electrode, forms a spark air gap;and having a cap that is attached to the body, that shields the center electrode and the ground electrode from the combustion chamber after the spark plug is installed in a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine, and that, together with the body of the spark plug, forms a prechamber in which the center electrode and the ground electrode are located;wherein the cap has at least one opening that permits gas exchange between the prechamber and the space outside of the prechamber;characterized in that a sensor receiving space is provided in the body of the spark plug, which space opens into ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074379A1

A method of controlling an ignitor for a spark-ignition engine includes receiving, by a controller, at least one of fuel quality data regarding a fuel for the spark-ignition engine or a characteristic regarding the ignitor for the spark-ignition engine. The method additionally includes controlling, by the controller, an ignition energy characteristic of the ignitor in response to the at least one of the fuel quality data regarding the fuel or the characteristic regarding the ignitor for the spark-ignition engine. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, by a controller, at least one of fuel quality data regarding a fuel for a spark-ignition engine or a characteristic regarding an ignitor for the spark-ignition engine; andcontrolling, by the controller, an ignition energy characteristic of the ignitor in response to the at least one of the fuel quality data regarding the fuel or the characteristic regarding the ignitor for the spark-ignition engine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the characteristic regarding the ignitor comprises a condition of the ignitor claim 1 , the condition comprising at least one of an age of the ignitor claim 1 , a number of operating hours of the ignitor claim 1 , or a number of firing cycles of the ignitor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein controlling the ignition energy characteristic of the ignitor comprises adjusting at least one of a spark current of the ignitor claim 1 , a spark voltage of the ignitor claim 1 , a spark duration for the ignitor claim 1 , or a current waveshape of the ignitor.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein controlling the ignition energy characteristic of the ignitor comprises adjusting a number of sparks generated by the ignitor within a single combustion cycle.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the at least one of the fuel quality data regarding the fuel comprises receiving at least one of a methane number or a lower heating value of the fuel claim 1 , and wherein the method further comprises comparing the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061177A1

An ignition control apparatus of the present embodiment controls operation of an ignition plug provided so as to ignite an air-fuel mixed gas. The ignition control apparatus is characterized in that the ignition control apparatus includes: an ignition coil provided with a primary winding which allows a current to pass as a primary current therethrough and a second winding connected to the ignition coil, an increase and a decrease in the primary current generating a secondary current passing through the secondary winding; a DC power supply provided with a non-ground side output terminal, the non-ground side output terminal being connected to one end of the primary winding so that the primary current is made to pass through the primary winding; a first switching element configured of a semiconductor switching element provided with a first control terminal, a fist power side terminal, and a first ground side terminal, the semiconductor switching element controlling on and off states of current supply between the first power side terminal and the first ground side terminal based on a first control signal inputted to the first control terminal, the first power side terminal being connected to the other end side of the primary winding, the first ground side terminal being connected to a ground side; a second switching element configured of a semiconductor switching element provided with a second control terminal, a second power side terminal, and a second ground side terminal, the semiconductor switching element controlling on and off states of current supply between the second power side terminal and the second ground side terminal based on a second control signal inputted to the second control terminal, the second ground side terminal being connected to the other end side of the primary winding; a third switching element configured of a semiconductor switching element provided with a third control terminal, a third power side terminal, and a third ground side terminal, ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Control device for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20170058854A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An ECU outputs an ignition signal and a discharge waveform control signal. An ignition device performs a closing operation of an ignition switching device while the ignition signal is input into the ignition device. The ignition device adjusts a current flowing through a primary coil to a discharge current command value determined based on the discharge waveform control signal, by performing an opening-closing operation of a control switching device in a period in which the discharge waveform control signal is input into the ignition device after an input of the ignition signal into the ignition device is stopped. The ECU sets the discharge current command value that is a command value for a discharge current of a spark plug to a higher value as a rotation speed is higher, and prolongs a duration, in which discharge controller controls the discharge current, as the rotation speed is lower.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Internal combustion engines

Номер: US20180073424A1
Принадлежит: Amaroq Ltd

Disclosed is a piston ported two-stroke compression ignition internal combustion engine comprising: a cylinder having a fixed closed end, and a piston for reciprocation within the cylinder, wherein the closed end of the cylinder and the piston together define a combustion chamber therebetween; at least one heater to heat the combustion chamber; and a controller to control the heater to heat the combustion chamber when the controller determines that a temperature of the combustion chamber has fallen below a threshold temperature during reciprocation of the piston within the cylinder.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073481A1

An ignition device and strategies are provided for extending spark plug life and air-fuel mixture lean limits in natural gas engines while maintaining or improving the engine thermal efficiency. The ignition device may include a plug body extending between a terminal end and an electrode end, a plurality of electrode pairs radially disposed on the electrode end each having an inner electrode and an outer electrode and an insulating body electrically isolating each of the electrode pairs from one another and each of the inner electrodes from the outer electrodes. 1. An ignition device , comprising:a plug body extending between a terminal end and an electrode end;a plurality of electrode pairs radially disposed on the electrode end each having an inner electrode and an outer electrode; andan insulating body electrically isolating each of the electrode pairs from one another and each of the inner electrodes from the outer electrodes.2. The ignition device of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of orifices radially disposed on the electrode end.3. The ignition device of claim 2 , wherein each orifice is radially disposed between the inner electrode and the corresponding outer electrode of one of the electrode pairs and configured to supply a gas therethrough.4. The ignition device of claim 2 , wherein the electrode end includes four orifices and four corresponding electrode pairs claim 2 , the inner electrode of each electrode pair being radially disposed along a first radius of the electrode end and the outer electrode of each electrode pair being radially disposed along a second radius of the electrode end claim 2 , the first radius being less than the second radius claim 2 , the orifices being radially disposed between the inner electrodes and the outer electrodes.5. The ignition device of claim 1 , wherein each of the electrode pairs at least partially extends through the electrode end and the plug body.6. The ignition device of claim 1 , wherein each electrode ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072174A1

A flow control actuator includes at least one side wall, an upstream wall coupled to an upstream end of the side wall, a downstream cap coupled to a downstream end of the side wall, the downstream cap comprising at least one orifice disposed therein, at least one fuel injector disposed in at least one of the upstream wall, and the sidewall, the fuel injector dispersing fuel into the interior of the flow control actuator, and at least one oxidizer inlet disposed in at least one of the upstream wall and the sidewall, the at least one oxidizer inlet introducing an oxidizer into the interior of the flow control actuator. The flow control actuator includes at least one external fuel injector disposed adjacent to the side wall. The fuel from the fuel injector and oxidizer from the oxidizer inlet ignite in the interior of the flow control actuator. 1. A flow control actuator comprising:at least one side wall;an upstream wall coupled to an upstream end of the at least one side wall;a downstream cap coupled to a downstream end of the at least one side wall, the downstream cap comprising at least one orifice disposed therein;at least one fuel injector disposed in at least one of the upstream wall and the at least one sidewall, the at least one fuel injector dispersing fuel into an interior of the flow control actuator;at least one oxidizer inlet disposed in at least one of the upstream wall and the at least one sidewall, the at least one oxidizer inlet introducing an oxidizer into the interior of the flow control actuator; andat least one external fuel injector disposed adjacent to the at least one side wall;wherein fuel from the at least one fuel injector and oxidizer from the at least one oxidizer inlet ignite in the interior of the flow control actuator;wherein combustion gases from the interior of the flow control actuator exit the flow control actuator via the at least one orifice, andwherein the at least one external fuel injector disperses fuel at the exterior of the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170077679A1

A spark plug for an internal combustion engine is provided which includes a housing, a porcelain insulator, a center electrode, and an annular ground electrode. The housing has a small-diameter portion which has a smaller inner diameter and defines a front end thereof. The ground electrode is secured to a front end surface of the small-diameter portion and forms a spark gap between itself and an outer periphery of the center electrode. A pocket is formed between the inner periphery of the housing and a portion of the porcelain insulator which is located closer to a front end of the porcelain insulator than the mounting shoulder is. An air vent extends from outside the ground electrode in a radial direction of the spark plug to the pocket to establish communication between the pocket and the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine. 1. A spark plug for an internal combustion engine comprising:a cylindrical housing which is designed to be mounted in an internal combustion engine so as to be exposed to a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine;a cylindrical porcelain insulator which is retained inside the housing;a center electrode which is retained inside the porcelain insulator and has a head extending outside a front end of the porcelain insulator; andan annular ground electrode which is secured to a front end of the housing,wherein the housing has a small-diameter portion formed on the front end thereof, the small-diameter portion having an inner diameter which is smaller than that of a rest of the housing,wherein the ground electrode protrudes from a front end surface of the small-diameter portion and has an inner peripheral surface facing an outer peripheral surface of the center electrode,wherein the ground electrode has an outer diameter which is smaller than an outer diameter of the front end surface of the small-diameter portion,wherein the porcelain insulator has a mounting shoulder formed on an outer periphery thereof, and the ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170077680A1
Автор: Chirila Laurian Petru

A multi-electrode spark plug having a large spark target volume is disclosed. The spark plugs have a plurality of ground electrode rods which extend from the base of the spark plug and are twisted around center electrode to provide a plurality of substantially equidistant spark points relative to the center electrode. The spark points are formed in parallel and around the elongated axis of the spark plug. This configuration enables the spark to be created where the localized concentration of fuel to air is richer, such as that which may exist when the engine is operating with lower revolutions per minute. Test results indicate that automobiles equipped with the multi-electrode spark plugs exhibit improved fuel economy, and substantially reduced emissions and air pollution. 1. A spark plug comprising:an insulating body having an open bore;a tubular conductive shell surrounding at least a portion of the insulating body;a cylindrical center electrode positioned within the bore of the insulating body, the center electrode having a central longitudinal axis, the center electrode protruding from the insulating body forming a terminal end portion adapted to act as a spark generating portion; and,a plurality of ground electrodes surrounding the center electrode, each ground electrode having a base end coupled to the conductive shell and an upper portion forming a generally curved path having a generally constant radial spark gap distance from the center electrode and extending partially along the longitudinal axis.2. The spark plug of claim 1 , wherein the curved path comprises a portion of a helix formed about the longitudinal axis of the center electrode.3. The spark plug of claim 1 , wherein the radial spark gap is in the range of approximately 1.7 millimeters to approximately 4.75 millimeters.4. The spark plug of claim 1 , wherein the spark generating portion of the center electrode and the upper portions of the ground electrodes form a three-dimensional spark target ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084214A1
Автор: OKUDA Hiroshi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An internal combustion engine control apparatus includes: an ignition coil including a primary coil and a secondary coil that are magnetically coupled to each other; a first switch element for turning on and off a current to the primary coil; and a spark plug, for igniting an air-fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine by using a spark discharge caused by switching the first switch element from the ON state to the OFF state. The internal combustion engine control apparatus is configured to: determine occurrence of one of an abnormality in a discharge voltage and a misfire of the spark plug, when the calculated time duration in which a voltage of the primary coil after the switching of the first switch element from the ON state to the OFF state is above a predetermined comparison reference voltage does not fall within an allowable range. 1. An internal combustion engine control apparatus , comprising:an ignition coil including a primary coil and a secondary coil that are magnetically coupled to each other;a first switch element for turning on a current to the primary coil when the first switch element is brought into an ON state, and turning off the current to the primary coil when the first switch element is brought into an OFF state;a control computing section for controlling switching between the ON state and the OFF state of the first switch element; anda spark plug, which is to be driven by a current-interruption type ignition circuit, for igniting an air-fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine by using a spark discharge caused by a magnetically induced voltage generated in the secondary coil by switching of the first switch element from the ON state to the OFF state, calculate, as a time duration for determination, a time duration in which a voltage of the primary coil after the switching of the first switch element from the ON state to the OFF state is above a predetermined comparison reference voltage; and', 'determine occurrence of one of an ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084215A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An ignition apparatus includes an adjuster. The adjuster adjusts, according to at least one of a primary voltage and a secondary voltage detected by a voltage detector, at least one of an application timing and an application level of auxiliary electrical energy to an ignition coil while main electrical energy is applied to a spark plug by the ignition coil. The application timing includes whether the auxiliary electrical energy is applied to the ignition coil. 1. An ignition apparatus for igniting , via a spark plug , fuel in a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine according to a DC voltage supplied from a DC power supply , the ignition apparatus comprising:an ignition coil comprising a primary coil and a secondary coil, the primary coil having one end connected to a ground terminal, the ignition coil being configured to boost the DC voltage applied to the primary coil to generate a secondary voltage across the secondary coil, and apply the secondary voltage to the spark plug as main electrical energy, thus generating a discharge in the combustion chamber;at least one auxiliary power supply for applying auxiliary electrical energy to the one end of the primary coil of the ignition coil, the one end of the primary coil being connected to the ground terminal;a voltage detector that detects at least one of a primary voltage generated across the primary coil and the secondary voltage;an adjuster that adjusts, according to at least one of the primary voltage and the secondary voltage detected by the voltage detector, at least one of an application timing and an application level of the auxiliary electrical energy to the ignition coil while the main electrical energy is applied to the spark plug by the ignition coil, the application timing including whether the auxiliary electrical energy is applied to the ignition coilwherein:the adjuster comprises:a determiner configured to compare at least one of the primary voltage and the secondary voltage detected by ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160087412A1

An ignition device for a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine includes a first electrode and a second electrode, which is movable with the aid of an actuator. The ignition device is configured to generate a first ignition spark when a contact between the first and second electrode is interrupted. To accomplish this, the second electrode is moved away from the first electrode. A third electrode is also provided, which is spaced apart from the first electrode. With the aid of the third electrode, a second ignition spark can be generated by moving the second electrode away from the other two electrodes. With the three electrodes, the ignition unit is configured to allow the two ignition sparks to pass through a volume formed between the electrodes in the direction transverse to the longitudinal extension of the ignition sparks in the course of the movement of the second electrode. 111-. (canceled)12. An ignition device for a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine , comprising: a first electrode;', 'a second electrode, which is movable with the aid of an actuator, wherein the ignition arrangement is configured to generate a first ignition spark when a contact between the first electrode and the second electrode is interrupted by moving the second electrode away from the first electrode; and', 'a third electrode, which is spaced apart from the first electrode, wherein a second ignition spark is additionally generated when the second electrode is moved away from the other two electrodes;, 'an ignition arrangement, includingwherein the three electrodes are configured so that the two ignition sparks pass through a volume formed between the electrodes in the direction transverse to the longitudinal extension of the ignition sparks in the course of the movement of the second electrode.13. The ignition device of claim 12 , wherein the three electrodes are situated so that claim 12 , before the movable second electrode moves claim 12 , it contacts ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Controlled Spark Ignited Flame Kernel Flow

Номер: US20140165980A1
Принадлежит: WOODWARD, INC.

In some aspects, a spark plug includes a spark gap in an enclosure of the spark plug. The spark plug includes a passage in the interior of the enclosure. During operation of the engine, the passage directs flow through the spark gap, primarily away from a combustion chamber end of the enclosure. The passage can direct flow at a velocity of 5 meters/second or greater. 1. An igniter for an engine , comprising:an ignition location in an enclosure of the igniter; anda passage in the interior of the enclosure that during operation of the engine receives flow from outside of the enclosure and directs the flow to the ignition location predominantly away from a combustion chamber end of the enclosure, the igniter adapted to produce a peak flow velocity at the ignition location that is at least 10% of the peak flow velocity into the enclosure.2. The igniter of claim 1 , where the igniter is adapted to produce a peak flow velocity at the ignition location of 5 meters/second or greater.3. The igniter of claim 1 , where the ignition location has a height H and the peak flow velocity is V claim 1 , and where the igniter is adapted to produce H/V*360*RPM less than or equal to 3 crank angle degrees of the engine.4. The igniter of claim 3 , where the igniter is an M14 to M24 and H is 2.5 mm or larger.5. The igniter of claim 1 , where the igniter is an M14 to M24 size igniter and the passage extends at least 1.0 mm beyond an end of the ignition location toward the combustion chamber end of the enclosure.6. The igniter of claim 5 , where the passage comprises the ignition location and extends at least 0.1 mm beyond an opposing end of the ignition location away from the combustion chamber end of the enclosure.7. The igniter of claim 5 , comprising:a hole in the combustion chamber end of the enclosure that is oriented to direct flow into the passage; anda hole in the combustion chamber end of the enclosure that is oriented to direct flow around an exterior of the passage and to an end ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087998A1

An internal combustion engine having at least one cylinder bank comprising multiple cylinders, each cylinder comprises a rocker arm box for accommodating rocker arms of a valve train, and each cylinder comprises a rocker arm cover pivotable relative to the rocker arm box. The rocker arm cover carries an ignition coil contactable with a spark plug via an extension extending through a protective tube between the cylinder head and the rocker arm box or the rocker arm cover. The rocker arm cover comprises a first portion with a first introduction aid, into which the protective tube is threaded during closure of the rocker arm cover and a second portion with a second introduction aid, into which the spark plug extension is threaded during closure of the rocker arm cover to automatically and self-centringly form an electrical contact between the spark plug extension and the ignition coil. 1. An internal combustion engine , comprising:a cylinder crankcase in which a crankshaft is mounted; a spark plug for igniting a fuel to be combusted in a respective cylinder;', 'a cylinder head having at least one inlet-side gas exchange valve and at least one exhaust-side gas exchange valve;', 'a rocker arm box configured to accommodate rocker arms of a valve train for the at least one inlet-side gas exchange valve and the at least one exhaust-side gas exchange valve;', 'a rocker arm cover that is pivotable relative to the rocker arm box, wherein the rocker arm cover carries an ignition coil for the spark plug of the respective cylinder, which is contactable with the spark plug via a spark plug extension extending through a protective tube between the cylinder head and the rocker arm box or the rocker arm cover of the respective cylinder;', a first portion with a first introduction aid, into which the protective tube is threaded during pivoting closure of the rocker arm cover;', 'a second portion with a second introduction aid, into which an end of the spark plug extension protruding ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089252A1
Автор: Hiltner Joel, Loetz Andrew

An internal combustion engine having a main combustion chamber, a prechamber, a first ignition plug and a second ignition plug. The main combustion chamber in fluid communication with the prechamber. The first ignition plug disposed in the prechamber for igniting a charge to form a flame jet directed into the main combustion chamber. The second ignition plug disposed in the main combustion chamber for igniting the charge in the main combustion chamber in the path of the flame jet from the prechamber. The second ignition plug configured to ignite the charge in the main combustion chamber prior to the ignition of the charge by the first ignition plug in the prechamber. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:a main combustion chamber in fluid communication with a prechamber;a first ignition plug disposed in the prechamber for igniting a charge to form a flame jet directed into the main combustion chamber; anda second ignition plug disposed in the main combustion chamber for igniting the charge in the main combustion chamber in the path of the flame jet from the prechamber, the second ignition plug configured to ignite the charge in the main combustion chamber prior to the ignition of the charge by the first ignition plug in the prechamber.2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , further comprising a charge valve configured to introduce the charge into the prechamber.3. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein the second ignition plug is disposed near the center of the main combustion chamber.4. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein the second ignition plug is proximate to the prechamber.5. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to control the firing timings of the first and the second ignition plugs.6. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein the prechamber is centrally disposed with the main combustion chamber.7. The internal combustion engine of further comprising an ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097366A1
Принадлежит: Cummins, Inc.

A method for energy ignition management of a spark-ignition engine includes receiving, by a controller, at least one ignition energy characteristic to affect control of at least one combustion cylinder. The method further includes controlling the at least one combustion cylinder via the controller. Controlling the at least one combustion cylinder via the controller includes adjusting the at least one ignition energy characteristic in response to at least one operating condition of the engine. The at least one ignition energy characteristic is a magnitude of one of a current or voltage of spark energy. 1. A method for energy ignition management of a spark-ignition engine , the method comprising:receiving, by a controller, at least one ignition energy characteristic to affect control of at least one combustion cylinder, andcontrolling the at least one combustion cylinder via the controller, the control comprising adjusting the at least one ignition energy characteristic in response to at least one operating condition of the engine,wherein the at least one ignition energy characteristic is a magnitude of at least one of a current or voltage of spark energy,wherein controlling the at least one combustion cylinder comprises controlling each of a plurality of combustion cylinders individually.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the at least one ignition energy characteristic comprises independently adjusting the magnitude of spark energy of each of a plurality of combustion cylinders.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one operating condition comprises at least one condition selected from the group consisting of a sensed EGR fraction claim 1 , an estimated EGR fraction claim 1 , a sensed air-fuel ratio claim 1 , an estimated air-fuel ratio claim 1 , a sensed in-cylinder pressure claim 1 , an estimated in-cylinder pressure claim 1 , a sensed in-cylinder temperature claim 1 , an estimated in-cylinder temperature claim 1 , a knock detection metric claim ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Method of controlling engine, and engine system

Номер: US20220145824A1
Принадлежит: Mazda Motor Corp

A method of controlling an engine is provided, which includes the steps of injecting main fuel by a fuel injector during an intake stroke or a compression stroke, providing a mixture gas containing fuel and air inside a cylinder, applying by an ignition device a high voltage between electrodes of a spark plug at a timing when the mixture gas is not ignited, detecting a parameter related to a current value of an electric-discharge channel generated between the electrodes, determining by a controller whether the detected parameter is within a range between a first threshold and a second threshold to determine a flowing state of a vortex inside the cylinder, operating the spark plug to carry out a supplemental ignition when the parameter is determined to be outside the range, and igniting the mixture gas by operation of the spark plug after the supplemental ignition.

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Ignition device controlling streamer discharge and arc discharge

Номер: US20170096979A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An ignition device includes: an ignition plug producing plasma discharge between a pair of discharge electrodes of an ignition plug; an ignition coil provided with a primary coil and a secondary coil, the secondary coil applying voltage between the pair of discharge electrodes; a voltage applying unit applying alternating current voltage to the primary coil, a frequency of the alternating current voltage being set to produce voltage resonance in a circuit including the ignition plug and the secondary coil. The voltage applying unit sets an output period of the alternating current voltage to be longer than a first period at which a partial breakdown start to occur at the pair of discharge electrodes, and shorter than a second period at which a total breakdown occurs at the pair of discharge electrodes, when an air/fuel ratio is lower than a predetermined threshold.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150108914A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A high-frequency discharge ignition apparatus is obtained that can stably make a high-frequency current flow into a spark discharge path and efficiently forms large discharge plasma. The high-frequency discharge ignition apparatus is configured with an ignition plug, a spark discharge path generation device that generates a high voltage and supplies the generated high voltage to the ignition plug so as to form a spark discharge path in the gap of the ignition plug, a voltage boosting device that boosts the voltage of an AC current, and a high-frequency current supply apparatus that supplies an AC current to the spark discharge path formed in the gap by way of the voltage boosting device. 1. An ignition apparatus comprising:an ignition plug that is provided with a first electrode and a second electrode facing each other through a gap and produces a spark discharge in the gap so that an inflammable fuel-air mixture inside a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine is ignited;a spark discharge path generation device that generates a high voltage and supplies the generated high voltage to the first electrode so as to form a spark discharge path in the gap;a voltage boosting device that boosts a voltage of an current; anda high-frequency current supply apparatus that supplies an AC current to the spark discharge path formed in the gap by way of the voltage boosting device, wherein the voltage boosting device boosts an output voltage of the high-frequency current supply apparatus so that a high-frequency current can be made to flow into the ignition plug.2. The ignition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the voltage boosting device is a resonance circuit including an inductor and capacitors.3101a. The ignition apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the voltage boosting device is configured with an inductor connected with the output of the high-frequency current supply apparatus claim 1 , a capacitor B that is connected between the inductor and ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101048A1

The present invention relates to an internal-combustion engine comprising a combustion chamber provided with a single intake valve (), a single exhaust valve (), two plugs () and a fuel injector (). Furthermore, the combustion chamber comprises means for forming an aerodynamic swirling motion structure of the intake gas in the combustion chamber. Besides, fuel injector () is oriented so as to inject the fuel into the central area of the combustion chamber in the direction of the aerodynamic swirling motion structure. 1. An internal-combustion engine comprising at least one cylinder in which a piston moves , the cylinder being associated with a combustion chamber provided with a single intake valve , a single exhaust valve , a fuel injector and two plugs , wherein the combustion chamber comprises means for forming an aerodynamic motion structure of the intake gas with turbulences within the combustion chamber , and the fuel injector is oriented so as to inject the fuel into the central area of the combustion chamber between the two plugs , in the direction of the aerodynamic motion structure of the intake gas.2. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector is arranged between the intake valve and a plug.3. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector has a machined part of cylindrical shape.4. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector is inclined with respect to the direction of the axis of cylinder at an angle below 15°.5. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector is arranged within the combustion chamber claim 1 , close to the periphery of the combustion chamber.6. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plugs are positioned between said intake valve and the exhaust valve.7. A combustion engine as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fuel injector is positioned at a distance ranging between 5 and 15 mm claim 1 , more specifically between 9 and 10 mm ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150114334A1

This patent application of Utility Model refers to a spark plug of the type that has a diode positioned between two portions of the core (), being said diode () disposed internally to the ceramic body () of the spark plug (); the diode () acts with the purpose of improving the conduction of the electric current that crosses the spark plug and reaches its electrode (); said spark plug () differs from the spark plugs that belong to the state of the art due to the fact that the unit diode () is mounted between two conical concave connectors (A) and (B), of which one has a spring (M) incorporated, thus enabling the mounting of diodes () of different diameters and lengths; the use of a tubular spacer (E) is optionally provided to enable the use of diodes () of different diameters on such way that the diode () is kept correctly positioned, centered within the hole of the ceramic insulator (); this patent application of Utility Model further provides a diode (′) having two contact ends (C) where at least one of it is shaped as a spring (M′). 113454678912324121. “SPARK PLUG FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES INCORPORATING A DIODE” , of the type used to promote the burn of the air/fuel mixture in internal combustion engines , which is indicated by the numerical reference () and comprises a core () , which crosses its ceramic body () , wherein around the bottom portion () of the aforementioned ceramic body () is provided the hexagonal terminal () that has a head () equipped with thread () , of which the electrode is projected (); the spark plug () has a unit of diode () mounted between two portions of the core () , being said diode () disposed internally to the ceramic body () of the spark plug () , which is characterized in that the diode () is installed between two conical concave contacts (A) on the portion of the spark plug () terminal inserted in the hole of the thermal insulator; and a conical concave contact (B) with spring (M) incorporated.22. “SPARK PLUGS FOR INTERNAL ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190438A1
Автор: Ikeda Yuji

The size of the plasma produced by a plasma-generating device that generates plasma using electromagnetic (EM) radiation is enlarged. The plasma-generating device has an EM-wave-generating device that generates EM radiation, a radiation antenna that emits the EM radiation supplied from the EM-wave-generating device to a target space, and a receiving antenna located near the radiation antenna. The receiving antenna is grounded such that an adjacent portion that is close to the radiation antenna has a higher voltage while the EM radiation is emitted from the radiation antenna. The plasma-generating device generates plasma in the target space near the radiation antenna and the adjacent portion by emitting EM radiation from the radiation antenna. 1. A plasma-generating device comprising:an electromagnetic (EM)-wave-generating device that generates EM radiation,a radiation antenna that emits the EM radiation supplied from the EM-wave-generating device to a target space, anda receiving antenna located near the radiation antenna, whereby the receiving antenna is grounded such that an adjacent portion close to the radiation antenna has a high voltage while the EM radiation is emitted from the radiation antenna,wherein the plasma is generated near the radiation antenna and the adjacent portion.2. The plasma-generating device as claimed in whereinthe radiation antenna is annular or C-shaped in form,the plasma-generating device includes a plurality of receiving antennas, andeach receiving antenna is rod-shaped in form and extends in a direction away from the radiating antenna at the outer side of the radiating antenna from said adjacent portion.3. The plasma-generating device as claimed in further comprising:a connecting conductor, which electrically connects the adjacent portions in the plurality of receiving antennas.4. The plasma-generating device as claimed in claim 2 , whereineach receiving antenna is grounded by a grounding circuit such that the adjacent portion has a ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Ignition coil for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20180109079A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

In an ignition coil for an internal combustion engine, a spark plug is incorporated which has an insulator including an insulator head that has no corrugation. The ignition coil has a coil body part generating high voltage and a joint part, which holds therein a conducting member electrically connecting the coil body part and a spark plug. The joint part has a plug cap into which the insulator head of the spark plug is inserted and which is formed of an elastic member having a cylindrical shape. The plug cap has a close-contact part whose inner peripheral surface is closely brought into contact with an outer peripheral surface of the insulator. The close-contact part has a tip end-side close-contact part positioned at a tip end side with respect to a middle position in an axial direction, and a base end-side close-contact part positioned at a base end side with respect to the middle position. At least part of the base end-side close-contact part is provided with a strong strained force part that has strained force for fastening the insulator head, the strained force being stronger than strained force of all portions of the tip end-side close-contact part.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170110855A1

An ignition coil includes a circuit which generates a spark-generating current; a case within which the circuit is disposed; and a mounting boss attached to the case such that the mounting boss is rotatable relative to the case about a mounting boss axis, the mounting boss being configured to mount the ignition coil. 1. An ignition coil for delivering a spark-generating current to a spark plug; said ignition coil comprising:a circuit which generates said spark-generating current;a case within which said circuit is disposed; anda mounting boss attached to said case such that said mounting boss is rotatable relative to said case about a mounting boss axis, said mounting boss being configured to mount said ignition coil.2. An ignition coil as in wherein said case includes a case pivot having a constant radius centered about said mounting boss axis and said mounting boss includes a mounting boss pivot having a constant radius and centered about said mounting boss axis such that said mounting boss pivot engages said case pivot.3. An ignition coil as in wherein said case pivot is cylindrical.4. An ignition coil as in wherein said mounting boss pivot is cylindrical.5. An ignition coil as in further comprising means for holding said mounting boss relative to said case at discrete positions.6. An ignition coil as in further comprising a connector body which houses an electrical terminal which is in electrical communication with said circuit claim 1 , said connector body being attached to said case such that said connector body articulates relative to said case about a connector body articulation axis.7. An ignition coil as in wherein said case includes a case opening defining a pair of opposing walls such that a portion of said connector body is located between said opposing walls.8. An ignition coil as in wherein said opposing walls include wall protrusions centered about said connector body articulation axis and said connector body includes complementary recesses centered ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114767A1

A maximum value of a discharge current from a capacitor , detected by a primary-side current detection means disposed at a grounded end of the capacitor , is controlled such as not to exceed a predetermined first control value Y. The first control value Y is derived based on magnetic saturation of a primary winding , with the control being performed by controlling the on-off state of an energy injection switching means . As a result, magnetic saturation of the primary winding can be prevented, and the reliability of an ignition apparatus which incorporates an energy injection circuit can be increased. 1. An ignition apparatus for an internal combustion engine , comprising:a main ignition circuit which produces a spark discharge in a spark plug by controlling current flow in a primary winding of an ignition coil; andan energy injection circuit which, after a spark discharge has commenced to be generated by operation of the main ignition circuit, supplies electrical energy into the primary winding such as to produce a flow of a secondary current through a secondary winding of the ignition coil in an unchanged direction of flow, to thereby continue the spark discharge that is produced by operation of the main ignition circuit, wherein:the energy injection circuit comprises:a step-up circuit which steps up a battery voltage;a capacitor which stores electrical energy that has been subjected to voltage step-up by the voltage step-up circuit;a primary-side current detection means which detects a capacitor discharge current that is supplied from the capacitor to the primary winding; anda first protection means which controls the electrical energy that is supplied into the primary winding from the capacitor, based on the capacitor discharge current that is detected by the primary-side current detection means, to thereby limit a maximum value of the capacitor discharge current detected by the primary-side current detection means to be less than a specific first control value. ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113016A1

An ignition device for igniting an air-fuel mixture in a combustion chamber, in particular an internal combustion engine, having a spark plug, which has a first electrode and a second electrode, and a high voltage source for generating an electrical high voltage pulse at an output of the high voltage source and having a high frequency voltage source for generating an electrical high frequency alternating voltage at an output of the high frequency voltage source, wherein the output of the high voltage source is electrically connected to the first electrode of the spark plug via a first electrical conductor path such that the high voltage pulse is applied to the first electrode, wherein the second electrode is electrically connected to an electrical ground potential, wherein the spark plug has a third electrode, wherein the output of the high frequency voltage source is electrically connected to the third electrode via a second electrical conductor path, such that the high frequency alternating voltage is applied to the third electrode. 1. An ignition device for igniting an air/fuel mixture in a combustion chamber , having a spark plug which has a first electrode and a second electrode , having a high voltage source for generating an electrical high voltage pulse at an output of the high voltage source and having a high frequency voltage source for generating an electrical high frequency alternating voltage at an output of the high frequency voltage source , wherein the output of the high voltage source is electrically connected to the first electrode of the spark plug via a first electrical conductor path such that the high voltage pulse is applied to the first electrode , wherein the second electrode is electrically connected to an electrical ground potential , wherein the spark plug has a third electrode , and wherein the output of the high frequency voltage source is electrically connected to the third electrode via a second electrical conductor path such that the ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117078A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An ignition apparatus includes a blow-off determining unit. The blow-off determining unit determines, when a secondary electric current drops below a predetermined threshold value Ia during a determination period, that blow-off has occurred; the determination period is a predetermined time period ΔT from the start of a spark discharge by a main ignition circuit. Further, when it is determined that blow-off has occurred during a main ignition (full-transistor ignition), it is controlled to perform a continuing spark discharge after the main ignition in a next cycle. Moreover, a secondary electric current command value Ia in performing the continuing spark discharge is set to an electric current value that is obtained by adding a predetermined electric current value α to the predetermined threshold value Ia used in the blow-off determination. Consequently, in the next cycle, it is possible to reliably prevent blow-off, thereby reliably preventing a misfire. 1. An ignition apparatus for an internal combustion engine , the ignition apparatus comprising:a main ignition circuit that performs an energization control of a primary coil of an ignition coil, thereby causing a spark discharge in an ignition plug;an energy input circuit that inputs electrical energy to the primary coil during the spark discharge started by operation of the main ignition circuit, thereby applying a secondary electric current in the same direction to a secondary coil of the ignition coil, the energy input circuit also keeping the secondary electric current at a secondary electric current command value, thereby continuing the spark discharge started by operation of the main ignition circuit; anda blow-off determining unit which determines, when the secondary electric current drops below a predetermined threshold value Ia during a determination period, that blow-off has occurred, the determination period being a predetermined time period ΔT from the start of the spark discharge by the main ignition ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128577A1
Автор: Eguchi Takuya

An ignition control device for an engine provided with ignition plugs for each cylinder. The ignition control device includes a sensor that detects a signal that determines whether the engine is in an idling state or not, and an ignition control unit that determines whether the engine is in the idling state on the basis of a signal from the sensor and controls the ignition plugs to be simultaneously ignited if the engine is in the idling state, and controls part of the ignition plugs to be ignited if the engine is in a state other than the idling state. 1. An ignition control device for an engine provided with a plurality of ignition plugs for each cylinder , the ignition control device comprising:a sensor that detects a signal that determines whether the engine is in an idling state or not; andan ignition control unit that determines whether the engine is in the idling state on the basis of a signal from the sensor and controls the plurality of ignition plugs to be simultaneously ignited if the engine is in the idling state, and controls part of the plurality of ignition plugs to be ignited if the engine is in a state other than the idling state.2. The ignition control device of claim 1 , wherein two ignition plugs are provided for each cylinder and the ignition control unit determines whether the engine is in the idling state on the basis of a signal from the sensor and controls two ignition plugs to be simultaneously ignited if the engine is in the idling state claim 1 , and controls one ignition plug to be ignited if the engine is in a state other than the idling state.3. The ignition control device of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an engine speed sensor for detecting engine speed.4. The ignition control device of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a throttle opening sensor for detecting opening of a throttle valve that adjusts air intake quantity to the engine.5. An ignition control device for an engine provided with a plurality of ignition plugs for each ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122271A1

In an intake device for an internal combustion engine, a difference in the air-fuel ratio between the cylinders is reduced without increasing the lengths of the branch passages. An intake device () for an internal combustion engine () having at least three cylinders () includes: an intake chamber () configured to be connected with an air inlet (); and multiple branch passages () connected at upstream ends () thereof to the intake chamber and connected at downstream ends thereof to intake ports () communicating with the cylinders, respectively, wherein the upstream ends of the branch passages are arranged in a direction of rotation about a predetermined center line X in a same order as an order of ignition of the cylinders. 1. An intake device for an internal combustion engine having first to fourth cylinders arranged along a predetermined cylinder row direction , the intake device comprising:an intake chamber formed in a shape of a rectangular pyramid having a rectangular bottom plate and configured to be connected at a top portion thereof to an air inlet; anda first to fourth branch passages connected at upstream ends thereof to the bottom plate of the intake chamber and connected at downstream ends thereof to intake ports communing with the first to fourth cylinders, respectively,wherein:the upstream ends of the branch passages are arranged in a direction of rotation about a predetermined center line in a same order as an order of ignition of the cylinders;the order of ignition is first, third, fourth, and second cylinder or first, second, fourth, and third cylinder;the center line is positioned on a plane perpendicular to the cylinder row direction to pass through a part between the second and third cylinders;the bottom plate is disposed such that a pair of diagonally positioned corners thereof are arranged in the cylinder row direction about the center line, and a remaining pair of corners are arranged in a first direction that is perpendicular to the cylinder ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122282A1

The ignition system () of an engine (particularly for a UAV) has a primary (), and a secondary () ignition system to provide redundancy for ‘get you home’ capability should the primary ignition system fail. The secondary ignition provides a lower energy or shorter duration spark than the higher energy or longer duration sparking of the primary ignition system, and is retarded relative to primary sparking. Timing of the secondary sparking can be advanced in the event of primary sparking failure. Fuelling strategy can be shifted from a leaner stratified charge to a richer homogenous charge when relying just on the secondary ignition system for ignition. The secondary ignition system can be of a lower spark energy and/or duration than the primary ignition system, avoiding the cost, complexity and weight of replicating the primary ignition system, and to improve packaging within the engine housing, particularly within the limited payload and space limits of a UAV. 1. An ignition system for a spark ignited engine for a UAV , the ignition system including a primary ignition system and a secondary ignition system , the primary ignition system configured to provide an ignition spark of a first spark energy or spark duration for combustion of a fuel-air mixture during normal operating conditions of the engine , the secondary ignition system configured to provide an ignition spark of a second spark energy or spark duration to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the event that the primary ignition system is inoperative or partially operative , wherein the second spark energy or spark duration capability of the secondary ignition system is less than the respective first spark energy or spark duration capability of the primary ignition system.2. (canceled)3. The ignition system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ignition system includes an inductive coil and the secondary ignition system includes a capacitive discharge coil.4. The ignition system of claim 1 , wherein the primary ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120144A1
Автор: Cook Charles Marshall

An apparatus and a method for a circuit can include a voltage divider having a first and a second impedance in series, and having a voltage divider output. A switchable element is arranged in parallel with the first impedance and connected with the voltage divider output. The switchable element has an open state and a closed state. A spark gap device is configured to not generate a spark when the switchable element is in the open state and generate a spark when the switchable element is in the closed state. 1. A circuit comprising:a voltage divider having a first impedance and a second impedance in series, with a voltage divider output between the first and second impedances;a switchable element arranged electrically in parallel with the first impedance and connected with the voltage divider output, and having an open state enabling a first current path through the first impedance and a closed state enabling a second current path bypassing the first impedance; anda spark gap device arranged electrically in parallel with at least a portion of the voltage divider and defining a breakdown voltage whereby the spark gap device generates a spark in response to application of voltage greater than the breakdown voltage;wherein, the first impedance and the second impedance are selected such that, in response to the circuit receiving a voltage supply greater than the breakdown voltage, the spark gap device does not generate the spark when the switchable element is in the open state and the spark gap device generates the spark when the switchable element is in the closed state and bypasses the first impedance.2. The circuit of wherein the spark gap device includes two spaced electrodes enclosed in a fluidly sealed housing.3. The circuit of wherein the spark gap device includes a gas within the housing.4. The circuit of wherein the gas is non-radioactive.5. The circuit of wherein the spark gap device is arranged electrically in parallel with the second impedance and connected ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120198A1

In an ignition apparatus, a controller outputs a discharge start signal instructing a start of a discharge in the spark plug, and a discharge control signal instructing control of a discharge current in the spark plug after the start of the discharge. A signal line connects between the controller and a control circuit. The discharge start signal and the discharge control signal are transferred from the controller to the control circuit via the signal line. The controller modulates, based on the plural command values, the discharge control signal such that the modulated discharge control signal includes information representing the plural command values and change timings for the respective command values. The control circuit controls, based on the discharge start signal and the modified discharge control signal, the energization circuit to thereby adjust the discharge current to each of the command values at a corresponding one of the change timings. 1. An ignition apparatus for controlling a discharge current in a spark plug , the ignition apparatus comprising:an ignition coil comprising a primary coil and a secondary coil connected to the spark plug;an energization circuit configured to change an energization state of the primary coil;a controller configured to output a discharge start signal instructing a start of a discharge in the spark plug, and a discharge control signal instructing control of a discharge current in the spark plug after the start of the discharge;a control circuit; anda signal line connecting between the controller and the control circuit, the discharge start signal and the discharge control signal being transferred from the controller to the control circuit via the signal line,wherein:the controller is configured to modulate, based on plural command values, the discharge control signal such that the modulated discharge control signal includes information representing the plural command values and change timings for the respective command ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120199A1

A turbine engine ignition system comprising a spark plug having excitation and return terminals, and a spark plug exciter connected to the excitation terminal. The return terminal is connected to an equipotential reference-forming structure, the exciter device is connected to a command line for a signal to supply an excitation signal to the spark plug. The ignition system comprises a control device comprising current and voltage sensors, a first voltage comparator, a second current comparator, and a microcontroller receiving output from the two comparators. The first comparator compares the voltage sensor signal to a first reference value and the second comparator compares the current sensor signal to a second reference value. The microcontroller generates a signal indicating a malfunction of the ignition system if the current sensor signal is lower than the second reference value while the voltage sensor signal is higher than the first reference value. 1. An ignition system of a turbine engine , comprising:an ignition spark plug having an excitation terminal and a return terminal, the return terminal being, in use, connected to an equipotential reference-forming structure of the turbine engine,', 'the exciter device being, in use, connected to a command line and to an electrical power source supplying an excitation signal to the spark plug on reception of an excitation signal over the command line,, 'a spark plug exciter device connected to the excitation terminal of the spark plug,'} the first comparator being configured to compare a value of an amplitude of the signal generated by the voltage sensor to a first reference value and', 'the second comparator being configured to compare a value of the signal generated by the current sensor to a second reference value,', 'the microcontroller configured to implement an AND logic gate whose output is a signal indicative of a malfunction of the ignition system if the value of an amplitude of the signal generated by the ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Multi-Electrode Spark Plug

Номер: US20180123322A1
Автор: Chirila Laurian Petru

A multi-electrode spark plug having a large spark target volume is disclosed. The spark plugs have a plurality of ground electrode rods which extend from the base of the spark plug and are twisted around center electrode to provide a plurality of substantially equidistant spark points relative to the center electrode. The spark points are formed in parallel and around the elongated axis of the spark plug. This configuration enables the spark to be created where the localized concentration of fuel to air is richer, such as that which may exist when the engine is operating with lower revolutions per minute. Test results indicate that automobiles equipped with the multi-electrode spark plugs exhibit improved fuel economy, and substantially reduced emissions and air pollution. 120-. (canceled)21. A spark plug comprising:an insulating body having an open bore;a tubular conductive shell surrounding at least a portion of the insulating body;a cylindrical center electrode positioned within the bore of the insulating body, the center electrode having a central longitudinal axis, the center electrode protruding from the insulating body forming a terminal end portion adapted to act as a spark generating portion; and,a plurality of ground electrodes surrounding the center, each ground electrode having a base end coupled to the conductive shell and an elongated upper portion that extends from the base end to a distal end that is longitudinally spaced from the base end and that also curves around the central longitudinal axis to form a generally curved path and provide an elongated inner surface having a radial spark gap distance from the spark generating portion of the center electrode.22. The spark plug of claim 21 , wherein the plurality of ground electrodes further comprises a first set of ground electrodes and a second set of ground electrodes claim 21 , the first set of ground electrodes having a first radial spark distance claim 21 , the second set of ground electrodes ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Method for modifying combustion chamber in a reciprocating piston internal combustion engine and resulting engine

Номер: US20140209057A1
Принадлежит: Sonex Research Inc

A method for improving combustion in a main combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine and a resulting engine are disclosed. The engine includes a main combustion chamber arranged between a head and a reciprocating piston. A heat retaining element is provided between the head and the main combustion chamber. The heat retaining element is configured to reduce heat transfer from the main combustion chamber into the engine head. A precombustion chamber is provided having a reaction chamber. The reaction chamber is configured to be provided with a secondary charge of air/fuel and a first spark igniter.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Pre-chamber ignition system

Номер: US20180128157A1
Автор: Brad Alan VanDerWege

Methods and systems are provided for a pre-chamber ignition system. In one example, a pre-chamber ignition system may include a pre-chamber extending into a combustion chamber, a piston protrusion shaped to fit through a bottom aperture of the pre-chamber, and a plurality of orifices formed by sidewall of the pre-chamber. A method for the pre-chamber ignition system includes adjusting spark timing within the pre-chamber and pressing the protrusion into the pre-chamber to ignite air/fuel within a main chamber.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Ignition coil control system and method

Номер: US20220275782A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Corp

An ignition coil control system includes: a first ignition coil; a second ignition coil; a spark plug generating spark discharge by a discharge current generated in the first ignition coil and the second ignition coil; and an ignition controller that controls spark discharge of the electrode by adjusting an amount and duration of the discharge current of the first ignition coil and the second ignition coil based on a step pulse signal including different voltages transmitted from an engine control unit (ECU).

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128232A1

An ignition system for an internal combustion engine has a power source, a transformer having a first primary winding and a second primary winding and a secondary winding, a connector extending from the secondary winding so as to connect with a terminal of a spark plug, and a multi-strike circuit cooperative with the electronic spark timing circuit so as to fire the transformer with multiple strikes between the falling edge and the rising edge. A booster circuit is cooperative at the electronic spark timing circuit so as to collect and store energy from the power source while the electronic spark timing circuit fires the transformer. A delay circuit fires the transformer at a time subsequent to the falling edge and before the rising edge. 1. An ignition system for an internal combustion engine , the ignition system comprising:a power source;a transformer having a first primary winding and a second primary winding and a secondary winding, said first and second primary windings connected to said power source such that said transformer produces an alternating voltage output from said secondary winding of between 1 kHz and 100 kHz and the voltage of at least 20 kV;a connector extending from said secondary winding, said connector adapted to connect with a terminal of a spark plug of the internal combustion engine;electronic spark timing circuit cooperative with said transformer so as to activate deactivate voltage to said first and second primary windings, said electronic spark timing circuit producing a square wave of voltage in which the square wave has a rising edge and a falling edge, said electronic spark timing circuit firing said transformer at or subsequent to said falling edge and before said rising edge; anda multi-strike circuit cooperative with said electronic spark timing circuit so as to fire said transformer with multiple strikes between said falling edge and said rising edge.2. The ignition system of claim 1 , said multi-strike circuit having an ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138329A1

An ignition system and a method for suppressing an ignition spark discharge at a spark gap at an unsuitable time are provided. The method includes a recognition of a spark breakaway and/or a failed ignition and, in response thereto, by producing a conductive path via an ignition spark at the spark gap at a suitable time. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for operating an ignition system for an internal combustion engine , the ignition system including a voltage generator and a spark gap for producing an ignition spark , the method comprising:recognizing at least one of a spark breakaway and a failed ignition; andproducing, in response thereto, a conductive path via an ignition spark at the spark gap in a suitable working stroke of the internal combustion engine or at a suitable ignition time.15. The method of claim 14 , wherein the suitable working stroke includes a working stroke claim 14 , wherein at least one of the following is satisfied:(i) in which at least one of a combustion and an ejection of fluid from a combustion chamber containing the spark gap occurs; and(ii) in which at least one of an intake and a compression occurs, and in which the residual energy stored in at least one electrical energy storage device of the ignition system is below a specified threshold value.16. The method of claim 14 , wherein the production of the conductive path occurs via the ignition spark at the spark gap following each ignition time of an operating state under consideration claim 14 , or of all operating states.17. The method of claim 14 , wherein the recognizing and producing tasks include the following:ascertaining a secondary-side current,ascertaining whether an exceeding condition is met by ascertaining whether a change in the secondary-side current exceeds a specified first threshold value,ascertaining whether an ignition condition is met by ascertaining whether no ignitable mixture is present in a combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, andproducing a ...
