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10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580505C2
Принадлежит: МАКВЕТ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к вспомогательной медицинской технике. Устройство для ручного деблокирования находящегося под нагрузкой стопорного механизма включает орган управления, который для деблокирования стопорного механизма вручную активируется приводным усилием, которое возрастает с увеличением нагрузки, преобразующий механизм, который имеет соединенный с органом управления элемент передачи усилия и соединенный с элементом передачи усилия расцепляющий механизм, который для деблокирования стопорного механизма приводным усилием, которое элемент передачи усилия передает на расцепляющий механизм, из положения блокировки, в котором расцепляющий механизм функционально отсоединен от стопорного устройства, выполнен с возможностью перемещения в положение деблокирования, в котором расцепляющий механизм функционально соединен со стопорным механизмом для его деблокирования. Согласно изобретению, преобразующий механизм имеет упругодеформируемый ограничитель усилия, посредством которого элемент передачи ...

10-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2435689C2
Принадлежит: БЛЕСС Вернер М. (CH)

Изобретение может быть использовано в безрельсовых транспортных средствах с двигателем (автомобилях). Передаточный механизм имеет, по меньшей мере, одно цилиндрическое зубчатое колесо (1, 2) и одно зубчатое устройство, с которым входит в зацепление цилиндрическое зубчатое колесо (1, 2). Цилиндрическое зубчатое колесо (1, 2) имеет зубья (11), которые расположены по кривой. Кривая имеет радиус кривизны, который монотонно возрастает в угловом диапазоне кривой свыше 90°. Спираль, особенно логарифмическая спираль, является предпочтительной формой кривой. Этот передаточный механизм имеет компактную и простую конструкцию, плавный ход и позволяет увеличить конечную точку вращательного движения. 2 н. и 30 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

15-12-2017 дата публикации

Бесшатунный поршневой двигатель внутреннего сгорания

Номер: RU2638700C1

Бесшатунный поршневой двигатель внутреннего сгорания предназначен для использования в качестве силового агрегата в транспортных машинах, а также в других передвижных и стационарных устройствах. В цилиндре 2 картера 1 расположен поршень 3, соединенный со штоком 4, на котором расположены две зубчатые рейки 5, входящие в зацепления с зубчатыми секторами 6, закрепленными на валах 7, кинематически связанных между собой установленными на их торцах на выходе из двигателя кривошипами 8, соединенных при помощи шарнирных рычагов 9 с зубчатыми шестернями 10, входящими в зацепления с центральной шестерней 11, установленной на выходном валу двигателя 12 совместно с маховиком 13. Снижаются внутренние механические потери в цилиндро-поршневой группе двигателя, повышается долговечность его работы и создаются предпосылки для форсирования путем повышения скоростей перемещения поршней внутри цилиндров и увеличения частоты вращения выходного вала. 2 ил.

06-04-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018133029A3

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное

Номер: RU2705441C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения. Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное содержит корпус, в котором с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения установлен ведомый элемент, кинематически связанный с ведущим элементом, имеющим возможность вращения и выполненным в виде приводного вала с закрепленным на нем ведущим зубчатым колесом. Ведомый элемент оснащен рейкой, причем устройство снабжено ведомым валом, смонтированным в корпусе, а также ведомым зубчатым колесом и двумя зубчатыми секторами. Ведомое зубчатое колесо закреплено на ведомом валу и находится в постоянном зацеплении с ведущим зубчатым колесом, один зубчатый сектор закреплен на ведущем валу, а другой - на ведомом, при этом зубчатые секторы имеют возможность вращения в противоположных направлениях и поочередного зацепления своими зубьями с зубьями зубчатой рейки ведомого элемента. Обеспечивается повышение надежности работы устройства. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

19-02-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное

Номер: RU2743489C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное. Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное содержит корпус с направляющими, внутри которого расположен вал, а на направляющих корпуса расположен ползун. На нижнем торце ползуна жестко закреплен постоянный магнит, направляющие своими нижними концами упираются на фиксирующую пластину из немагнитного электропроводящего материала, а ниже направляющих на валу жестко закреплен цилиндр из немагнитного электропроводящего материала, на боковой поверхности которого выполнены продольные канавки. Обеспечивается увеличение срока эксплуатации. 1 ил.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683347C1
Принадлежит: СМСи КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Поворотный исполнительный механизм (10) снабжен линейным приводным механизмом (40а), выполненным с возможностью обеспечения поворотного движения шестерни (80), и корпусом (12) цилиндра, в котором сформировано отверстие (28а) цилиндра. Линейный приводной механизм (40а) включает в себя зубчатую рейку (42), снабженную множеством зубьев (44), выполненных с возможностью зацепления с шестерней (80), и поршень (48а, 48b). Поршень (48а, 48b) включает в себя корпус (50а, 50b) поршня, имеющий форму, соответствующую отверстию (28а) цилиндра. Корпус (50а, 50b) поршня включает в себя основной участок (52а, 52b) и выступающий участок (54а, 54b). Оба торца зубчатой рейки (42) соединены с выступающими участками (54а, 54b) пары поршней (48а, 48b), а между основными участками (52а, 52b) пары поршней (48а, 48b) образован отсек (73а), герметизированный относительно отверстия (28а) цилиндра. Технический результат – уменьшение габаритов. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

02-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754404C1

Группа изобретений относится к области очистки устройств, генерирующих аэрозоль. Инструмент для чистки выполнен с возможностью чистки нагревательного элемента устройства, генерирующего аэрозоль, и содержит механический исполнительный элемент, один или более чистящих элементов и приводной элемент. Приводной элемент выполнен с возможностью передачи механического приводного усилия от механического исполнительного элемента на чистящий элемент. Приводной элемент содержит одну или более шестерней. Обеспечивается удаление нежелательных отходов из нагревательного элемента устройства, генерирующего аэрозоль. 3 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

23-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2724376C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к механизмам передачи движения, используемым в поршневых двигателях внутреннего сгорания (ДВС), в частности к механизму преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное и наоборот. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала средств. Предложенный реечный механизм содержит сборный выходной вал с жестко закрепленными на его оси посредством переходных втулок подшипниками, изготовленными из немагнитного материала, постоянные магниты, имеющие аксиальное намагничивание и разноименные полюса (S и N) вдоль оси вращения выходного вала, изготовленные с возможностью работы в условиях высокой температуры (рабочая температура магнита 180 градусов по Цельсию) в форме колец. Также реечный механизм содержит боковые кольцевые накладки, изготовленные из ферромагнитного материала, обладающие высокой магнитной проницаемостью и способностью к самопроизвольному намагничиванию, выполняющие функцию создания направления магнитного поля на ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662597C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а более конкретно к волновым реечным передачам. Волновая реечная передача содержит корпус с направляющими пазами, подвижную зубчатую рейку и устройство для перемещения рейки. Устройство для перемещения рейки включает вал и элементы, взаимодействующие с зубьями рейки, установленные в корпусе и упруго с ним связанные. Вал имеет винтовую поверхность синусоидального профиля, при этом элементы, взаимодействующие с зубьями рейки, выполнены в виде пальцев, расположенных в направляющих пазах корпуса, взаимодействующих с винтовой поверхностью вала и объединенных пластинами. В корпусе и пластинах имеются отверстия для пальцев, причем сопряженные поверхности отверстий и пальцев выполнены сферическими. Достигается повышение надежности. 5 ил.

15-01-2020 дата публикации

Шариковинтовой гидроусилитель рулевого управления транспортного средства.

Номер: RU2711092C1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению, в частности к рулевым механизмам со встроенным гидравлическим усилителем. Шариковинтовой гидроусилитель рулевого управления транспортного средства содержит корпус, в котором установлена рейка-поршень с шариковинтовой передачей, размещённой в её осевом отверстии, взаимодействующая своими зубьями с зубьями секторного вала и делящая корпус на две рабочие камеры, сообщающиеся с источником подачи рабочей жидкости через гидравлический распределитель, созданный взаимодействием комплекта продольных канавок винта шариковинтовой передачи и ротором, расположенным в его осевом отверстии. Контур зубьев рейки выполнен по огибающей семейства эвольвентных профилей секторного вала, а начальная линия реечной передачи выполнена по огибающей семейства начальных окружностей, диаметр которых плавно возрастает при переходе с нейтрального в крайние положения. Контур зубьев рейки, сопрягающийся с зубьями секторного вала, в нейтральном положении выполнен криволинейным ...

27-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009106250A

... 1. Устройство (1) червячно-реечной передачи, в котором вращательное движение преобразуется в линейное движение, ! отличающееся тем, что !предусмотрена линейная рейка (2), наружная поверхность которой имеет большое количество зубьев (2а), расположенных с определенным шагом (Р); ! червячное колесо (3) имеет тело (4) в форме усеченного конуса, наружная поверхность которого имеет зубчатую последовательность (5), проходящую по нему спиралевидно в контакте с упомянутыми зубьями (2а) рейки от части (S2) с минимальным диаметром до части (S1) с максимальным диаметром упомянутого тела (4) в форме усеченного конуса с той же величиной шага (Р), что и у линейной рейки (2); ! изогнутая боковая сторона (6) выполнена на боковой поверхности каждого из упомянутых зубьев (2а) рейки, контактирующей с упомянутой зубчатой последовательностью (5), для формирования выемки, образованной частью эллипсоидальной поверхности (Е) в направлении (Т) по ширине наружной поверхности упомянутых зубьев (2а) рейки, с большим ...

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008144467A

... 1. Рулевое устройство реечного типа, включающее ! картер с цилиндрическим фиксирующим отверстием внутри него; зубчатое колесо, с возможность вращения установленное в упомянутом картере и вращающееся при управлении; подвижную зубчатую рейку с зубцами, входящими в зацепление с упомянутым зубчатым колесом; направляющую зубчатой рейки, с возможностью перемещения установленную в фиксирующем отверстии внутри упомянутого картера, и служащую подвижной направляющей и опорой для зубчатой рейки; и упругое средство, расположенное между упомянутым картером и упомянутой направляющей зубчатой рейки и посредством упомянутой направляющей зубчатой рейки упруго прижимающее зубцы упомянутой зубчатой рейки к упомянутому зубчатому колесу; ! при этом направляющая зубчатой рейки включает корпус направляющей зубчатой рейки с цилиндрической наружной краевой поверхностью, широким кольцевым углубленным участком на наружной краевой поверхности и по меньшей мере одной узкой кольцевой канавкой на нижней поверхности широкого ...

07-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003928496A1

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Abstands- und Vorspannungseinstellung für Lenkmechanismus unter Verwendung piezoelektrischer Elemente

Номер: DE102017101437A1

Ein Lenkmechanismus mit einem piezoelektrischen Element zum Einstellen von Komponentenabstand und -vorspannung basierend auf Lenkeingaben, Straßeneingaben und Betriebszeit. Das piezoelektrische Element ist zur elektrischen Einstellung im Lenkmechanismus positioniert, so dass der Abstand und die Vorspannung in Reaktion auf Lenkeingaben, Straßeneingaben und Betriebszeit elektrisch eingestellt werden können. Diese Anordnung ermöglicht niedrige Vorspannung und geringe Reibung, wenn das Fahrzeug über ebene Straßenbedingungen gefahren wird. Wenn eine raue Straßenbedingung detektiert wird, können Abstand und Vorspannung elektrisch erhöht werden, um Geräusche zu minimieren. Das offenbarte erfindungsgemäße Konzept kann in einer Vielzahl von Lenkmechanismen Anwendung finden, um NVH zu minimieren oder zu eliminieren, wenn das Fahrzeug über raue Oberflächen gefahren wird. Unter anderem kann das piezoelektrische Element in elektrischen Zahnstangenservolenksystemen oder in elektrischen Schneckenrad-( ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Bewegungsmechanismus und Außenspiegel für ein Fahrzeug, der mit einem solchen Bewegungsmechanismus ausgestattet ist

Номер: DE112013007022T5

Bewegungsmechanismus, umfassend einen im Wesentlichen sphärischen Halter und einen im Wesentlichen napfförmigen Ring, die relativ zueinander um eine erste Achse und eine zweite Achse drehbar sind, die einen Winkel von ungefähr 90° zur ersten Achse einschließt. Antriebsmittel sind vorgesehen, um eine Bewegung des Halters relativ zu dem Ring zu ermöglichen, und umfassen eine ersten nicht gerade Antriebsstange, die in dem Halter gelagert ist, sowie Mittel zum Aktivieren der Antriebsstange und eine zweite nicht gerade Antriebsstange, die in dem Halter gelagert ist, sowie Mittel zum Aktivieren der Antriebsstange. Die erste Antriebsstange und die zweite Antriebsstange sind um eine dritte bzw. eine vierte Achse drehbar, wobei die dritte und die vierte Achse zueinander parallel sind und in einer Ebene liegen, die gleich der oberen Oberfläche des Halters oder parallel zu dieser ist und wobei die dritte und die vierte Achse parallel zur ersten Achse sind oder mit dieser zusammenfallen.

25-01-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003732572C2

08-02-2007 дата публикации

Drive system for stretch rods in machines for making containers from plastic sheet by blow molding comprises plate, to which stretch rod is attached, mounted on drive rod with serrated sides which cooperate with synchronized gear wheels

Номер: DE102005055209B3

Drive system for stretch rods in machines for making containers from plastic film or sheet by vacuum- or blow molding comprises a plate (23) to which the stretch rod is attached. This is mounted on a drive rod (15) with two serrated sides which cooperate with synchronized gear wheels (17).

23-01-1997 дата публикации

Rattle-free rack=and=pinion drive, esp. for steering on vehicle

Номер: DE0019539864C1

The drive has a rack which is guided in a bore in a housing, and which is acted upon by a pinion in the region of a pinion casing. The bore widens eccentrically in the engagement region between the rack and the pinion, and a splined bearing element (10) is also arranged in this region. The element is roughly sleeve-shaped, and has at least two sleeve sections (11,12) which lie one behind the other axially, and which are eccentric to one another. These sections may have different diameters, and the section (12) with the smaller diameter may be longer than the other section. One of the sections may also have different wall thicknesses around its circumference.

15-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003013855A1

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Modular construction linear drive has a guide block fitted over a combined support and drive track and supporting two separate drive blocks with external motor

Номер: DE0020319548U1

A modular construction linear drive has a single track (2) with an integral ratchet track (3) and fitted with a drive block (4) via a shaped slot and with bearings to grip either side of the track. The drive block is fitted with two drive housings (10, 11) containing a pinion which meshes with the track via an aperture in the top of the drive block, and with the drive via an external servo motor. The two housings over lap the drive block and are separately secured by threaded fasteners.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Antriebswagen für eine Transporteinrichtung sowie Transportsystem

Номер: DE102014010556A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebswagen für eine Transporteinrichtung (31), welcher ein Fahrwerk (41) aufweist, mittels welchem der Antriebswagen (4) entlang einer Antriebsschiene (13) verfahrbar ist. Der Antriebswagen (4) weist eine mit dem Fahrwerk (41) verbundene Rahmenstruktur (42), einen von der Rahmenstruktur (42) getragenen Schlitten (43) und mindestens einen mit der Transporteinrichtung (31) koppelbaren Mitnehmer (56) auf. Der Schlitten (43) und der Mitnehmer (56) sind gegenüber der Rahmenstruktur (42) verschiebbar gelagert. Außerdem ist ein Transportsystem mit einem solchen Antriebswagen (4) und mit mindestens einer Transporteinrichtung (31) für ein Transportgut (32) angegeben, bei welchem die Transporteinrichtung (31) von mindestens einem Tragwagen (3) getragen wird und die Transporteinrichtung (31) einen Mitnehmer (33) aufweist, welcher mit dem Mitnehmer (56) des Antriebswagens (4) koppelbar ist.

10-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002938987A1

14-08-2008 дата публикации

Partial flexible gear for reversing movement between stoppers, has center piece and end pieces consisting of sections connected with each other in force-fit manner, where end pieces are fixed to center piece by longitudinal-aligned spring

Номер: DE102007006951A1

The gear has a force transmission element (1) divided into a center piece (13) and two adjacent end pieces (14), where the center piece and the end pieces are arranged longitudinally one behind the other. The center piece and the end pieces consist of sections (11) connected with each other in force-fit manner. The end pieces are attached on both sides of the center piece by a longitudinal-aligned spring (15). The center piece is laterally overlapped with the end piece on length of sections.

22-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001450613A

... 1450613 Gearbox for toy construction kit A FISCHER 7 Nov 1974 [10 Nov 1973] 48198/74 Heading A6S A gear unit for a toy construction set comprises a number of toothed gear wheels 8 mounted in a housing 2, the housing having at its end faces re-entrant slots 11 into which fit re-entrant bars 16 on other components of the set, e.g. electric motor unit 10, and a T-shaped guide slot 3 for a similarly shaped rack 4 having teeth 6 engageable with gear wheel 5 of the gear unit. One of the end faces 12 of the gear unit has an aperture 14 open on the underside 13 of the housing 2 to permit the insertion of a drive shaft carrying a worm 15 of the electric motor 10, which when in position engages worm wheel 17. On rotation of worm 15 rack 4 is caused to move linearly along slot 3. On reversing the polarity of the motor, rack 4 can be caused to undergo reciprocating motion. The rack 4 has a connection bar 7 extending therealong to enable two such racks to be connected using one construction component ...

03-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009319359D0

10-06-1987 дата публикации

A rack and pinion steering gear assembly

Номер: GB0002183778A

A rack and pinion steering gear assembly has a rack bar 5 displaceable through a cylindrical bush 7 secured by a pin 38 in a rack bar housing 11. A flexible concertina-type bellows 21 is provided between the housing 11 and a tie rod on the end of the rack bar. The bush 7 has an annular recess 42 which is in constant communication by way of longitudinal grooves 39 in the surface of the bush with the interior of the bellows 21. The recess 42 coincides with an aperture 43 in the housing wall 11 within which is snap fitted a tubular plug 44 through which the bellows 21 breathes by way of the recess 42 and grooves 39. The bellows 21 can breathe through the plug 44 to atmosphere (preferably by way of a filter) or by way of a pipe to the interior of bellows located at the opposite end of the rack bar. The bush 7 can partly define a pressure chamber 23 of a piston and cylinder unit for power assisted steering.

06-10-1976 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001451656A

23-12-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to machines for removing and replacing covers on charging holes

Номер: GB0000978335A

... A charging larry for a coke oven battery has an arm 35 which is both vertically movable and mounted for swinging about a vertical axis, the arm carrying mechanical gripping means 36 operative for gripping and releasing a charging hole cover 31, and control means 34 for swinging the arm 35 from one position to another, for raising and lowering the arm, and for actuating the means 36. The apparatus operates as follows: starting with the arm 35 in its rest position 35A, Fig. 8, and in its raised position 35R, Fig. 5, and with jaws 94 of gripping device 36 open, Fig. 11-An operator causes pressure fluid to be supplied to a cylinder 151, Fig. 8, to move a piston 152 and hence a member 110, which has raised end portions 112, 113 see Fig. 9, (not shown), leftwards. Rack 118 rotates shaft 141, gears 144, 145, Fig. 5, transmitting the movement to a shell 40 and to the arm 35 which moves over a charging hole 31, the portion 112 maintaining the arm 35 ...

21-09-2016 дата публикации

Clutch relay device

Номер: GB0002536512A

Disclosed is a clutch relay device. The device comprises a driving shaft (3). A gear (1) is arranged on the driving shaft (3), a spring box (2) is arranged on a lateral side of the gear (1), a plane volute spring (4) is arranged between the driving shaft (3) and the spring box (2), the inner end of the plane volute spring (4) is wound on the driving shaft (3), and the outer end thereof is connected to the spring box (2). By means of the change of a relative angle between the driving shaft (3) and the gear (1), the device achieves the bidirectional clutch effect, solves the problems of collision and interference caused by the engagement and disengagement of a gear and a rack and the non-synchronization of two motors, and guarantees the stable operation in a relay process. The plane volute spring (4) can achieve overrunning within a certain range, provides an overrunning space within a certain range, and keeps a pre-tightening force in an unloaded state, so that the gear can be reset.

18-06-1980 дата публикации

Rack and pinion gear assembly

Номер: GB0002035507A

In a rack and pinion gear assembly, the rack bar 2 is substantially T-shaped in lateral section for roll stabilisation of the rack bar. The cross bar of the T-shape provides a head portion 2b and the stem of the T-shape a rail portion 2a which rail portion is adapted to slide longitudinally in a recess in a non-rotatable bearing means 8 of the gear assembly. Preferably the bearing means is in the form of a saddle. In the recess of the saddle an end surface of the rail portion remote from the head portion is in contact with the saddle and transversely extending side surfaces 2c, of the head portion 2b are not in contact with the saddle 8 when the rack bar is not under load, the side surfaces being adapted to contact the saddle when the rack bar is under load. ...

19-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002130682B

02-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008910983D0

11-03-1998 дата публикации

Rack and pinion assembly

Номер: GB0009800512D0

30-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002013304B
Принадлежит: CAM GEARS LTD

06-08-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or connected with time consuming or delay action mechanism

Номер: GB0000799149A

... 799,149. Speed governors. THOMAS, H. E. R. Dec. 11, 1956 [Jan. 4, 1956], No. 264/56. Addition to 613,328. Class 57. A time-delay mechanism comprises a reciprocable operating rack 1 having teeth 2 adapted to engage a toothed wheel 6 secured to a shaft 10 connected by a free-wheel to a gear-wheel mounted on the shaft 10 and meshing with a gear train controlled by an escapement, vane or like device. The free-wheel and gearwheel &c. (not shown), are housed in a casing 5 and the rack 1 slides in a tube 4. In the position shown in Fig. 3, as the rack is moved forward, i.e. to the left, it drives the gear train and its movement is retarded until the teeth 2 clear the wheel 6 and allow unrestricted or fast movement of the rack during the remainder of its stroke. On the return stroke, re-engagement of the teeth 2 with the wheel 6 is ensured by a spring-urged ball detent 7 which locates the wheel 6 and the free-wheel permits free movement until the end of the rack abuts an adjustable stop screw 8 ...

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: ATA147696A

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000443597T

15-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA132679A

26-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378564B

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000418485T

25-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410126B

15-06-2015 дата публикации

Materialpaarung für einen Zahnstangenantrieb eines Schiebetürmoduls/Schwenkschiebetürmoduls

Номер: AT514883A3

Es wird ein Schiebetürmodul/Schwenkschiebetürmodul (1) für ein Schienenfahrzeug angegeben, das einen Türflügel (21, 22) und einen in Schieberichtung des Türflügels (21, 22) längs ausgerichteten Träger (3) umfasst, welcher insbesondere quer zu seiner Längserstreckung in horizontaler Richtung verschiebbar gelagert ist. Weiterhin weist das Schiebetürmodul/Schwenkschiebetürmodul (1) eine Linearführung zur Lagerung der der Türflügel (21, 22) auf, welche auf dem Träger (3) befestigt oder in diesem integriert ist. Die Türflügel (21, 22) werden mit Hilfe eines Zahnstangenantriebs bewegt, dessen Zahnrad (9) eine härtere Oberfläche beziehungsweise ein härteres Material aufweist als dessen Zahnstange (71, 72).

21-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006579674A

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Race car for performing non-powered driving by using gravity and momentary acceleration by using power unit

Номер: AU2017337532A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Disclosed is a race car for performing non-powered driving by using gravity and momentary acceleration by using a power unit, the race car comprising: a first power device for supplying power to the race car during momentary acceleration; two one-way clutches connected to the first power device; and two wheels respectively connected to the two one-way clutches, wherein the two one-way clutches can respectively rotate at different speeds, and the power supplied from one first power device is simultaneously received during momentary acceleration through the one-way clutches respectively connected to the two wheels.

06-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000550194B2

23-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005511686A

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Force transfer mechanism

Номер: AU2011294021B2

The present invention relates to a force transfer mechanism which has a simpler structure and smaller volume than conventional force transfer mechanisms adopting cams, cranks, or gears, and which converts a linear reciprocating motion performed by force into a linear reciprocating motion in a direction perpendicular to the movement direction of the force. The force transfer mechanism of the present invention comprises: a cylindrical guide housing; a movable body which is slidably arranged in the guide housing so as to move in a linear direction by means of an externally applied force, and which comprises a cutout groove having one or more inclined surfaces, and through-holes formed in a direction perpendicular to the linear motion direction in portions corresponding to the inclined surfaces; and a slave unit, one end of which is coupled to the movable body such that said end passes through the through-holes of the movable body and moves along the inclined surfaces of the cutout groove vertically ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Force transfer mechanism

Номер: AU2011294021A1

The present invention relates to a force transfer mechanism which has a simpler structure and smaller volume than conventional force transfer mechanisms adopting cams, cranks, or gears, and which converts a linear reciprocating motion performed by force into a linear reciprocating motion in a direction perpendicular to the movement direction of the force. The force transfer mechanism of the present invention comprises: a cylindrical guide housing; a movable body which is slidably arranged in the guide housing so as to move in a linear direction by means of an externally applied force, and which comprises a cutout groove having one or more inclined surfaces, and through-holes formed in a direction perpendicular to the linear motion direction in portions corresponding to the inclined surfaces; and a slave unit, one end of which is coupled to the movable body such that said end passes through the through-holes of the movable body and moves along the inclined surfaces of the cutout groove vertically ...

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008447691A

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Mechanical assembly for a chair and chair with such a mechanical assembly

Номер: AU2016232337A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The invention relates to a mechanical assembly (2), said mechanical assembly (2) comprising, in addition to a leaf spring, at least one further spring element, the elastic restoring force of the at least one further spring element and the elastic restoring force of the one or more leaf springs supporting the seat shell (S) with a total restoring force, and/or the mechanical assembly (2) comprising at least two leaf springs and at least two supports, each support being associated with one of the leaf springs, and at least two supports being displaceable beneath the leaf springs by means of an adjustment mechanism and being displaceable on their trajectories by different extents.

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Energy transfer arrangement of a wave energy recovery apparatus

Номер: AU2014394661B2
Принадлежит: Collison & Co

This invention relates to an energy transfer arrangement of a wave energy recovery apparatus comprising at least a base (1), a reciprocating panel (2), supporting legs (3) and a pivot shaft (4) for the reciprocating panel (2), and a driving and power-take-off (PTO) arrangement (5) equipped with an actuating mechanism (6) and one or more power-take-off (PTO) units (7) to convert kinetic energy of waves or tidal currents to another type of energy, each PTO unit (7) comprising a power transmission mechanism (6d, 9). The actuating mechanism (6) is arranged to transfer the reciprocating motion of the panel (2) mechanically to a linear motion of the power transmission mechanism (6d, 9) of each PTO unit (7).

21-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000528222B2

05-08-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000523540B2

24-07-2001 дата публикации

Device for locking/unlocking the movement of a notched member

Номер: AU0003187701A

15-03-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003321671A

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1261649A

A gear is disclosed for converting a rotary motion into a translation motion. The device has a rotary drive and a motion transmission member held for movement along a guide. The motion transmission member (5) is divided longitudinally into at least two parts (7,8) as viewed in the direction of the guide (6). The parts (7,8) are provided with a toothing (9). They interengage the guide (6). Outside the guide (6), the parts (7,8) are deformable transversely to the direction of the guide and are each guided separately. The parts (7,8) are connected to the drive (1) in a geared manner by means of a screw coupling (10). The advance in the art is seen in simplified structure of the mechanism. Besides, the mechanism provides low friction and a small mass.

24-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1080087A

A rack and pinion assembly includes a rack bar and a transmission bar slidable in a housing. A bearing straddles the transmission bar. A portion of the bearing carries a flat face which imposes on and is substantially in face-to-face contact with a second flat face on the transmission bar. The flat faces cooperate to resist turning movement of the transmission bar and rack bar in the housing.

09-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1085433A

DEVICE FOR CLOSING A SLIDABLE ELEMENT SUCH AS A SLIDING ROOF OF AN AUTOMOBILE VEHICLE.. Mounted on the slidable element is a transverse spindle which is guided in rectilinear translation. A driving gear pinion meshed with a fixed longitudinal rack is fixed on the spindle. The device comprises a toothed member which is pivotally mounted on the front end of the rack and has a set of teeth including a curved front portion and a rectilinear rear portion. A device is provided for constraining the pinion to remain meshed with the curved portion at the end of the closing travel.

04-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1154615A

A rack and pinion steering assembly includes a housing with a first bore for rotatably receiving the pinion and a second bore for movably receiving the rack. A support member slidably engages the rack and includes a pair of arms opposing the wall of the first bore to prevent separation of the support member and rack away from the pinion. A resilient member cooperates with one of the arms to bias the support member to pivot about the other arm. An optional ring cooperates with the other arm to adjust the position of the support member and the rack to take up wear between the rack and pinion or between the rack and support member.

29-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA966690A

22-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001126132A1

26-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001261649A1

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004352A1

A stair traversing device comprising a payload body for transporting a payload, a step frame, and a mechanism between the step frame and the payload body to move the step frame relative to the payload body along a cyclical path. The mechanism drives a movement of one of the payload body and the step frame along a first segment of the cyclical path from a retracted configuration to an extended configuration, and drives a movement of the other one of the payload body and the step frame along a second segment of the cyclical path back into the retracted configuration. The payload body and the step frame are configured to remain fixedly in position on a stair when the other one of the payload body and the step frame is moved. The mechanism is configured to maintain the relative orientation between the payload body and the stair.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002999112A1

An actuatable axial piston valve comprising a gear system to transform linear movement from an actuator to linear movement of the valve piston wherein said gear system comprises racks (2,3) and at least one idler pinion (1).

04-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001154615A1

07-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002945565A1
Принадлежит: NA

An energy saving system in escalator includes a synchronizing mechanism (Synchronizer) 2, energy storing, releasing mechanism 3 and energy storing device 4 shown in Figure 1a. This system can be installed in between two or more parallel operating escalators where one or more escalator is used to transport people from upper floor to lower floor and others are to lower floor to upper floor The Escalators are synchronized by this invention and use the potential energy of the people moving down and transmit to the other one which moves up. This invention claims that it is capable of storing the surplus energy which produced by the people (potential energy) moving from upper floor to lower floor and can be utilized upon need The basic objective of this invention is to utilize the available energy generated by the self weight of the people in the escalator system in order to minimize the total energy consumption.

12-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2927404C
Принадлежит: MYD L, MYD"L"

L'invention concerne un dispositif d'assistance (1) pour le franchissement d'un obstacle par un véhicule à roues, comprenant un châssis, (2), un plateau supérieur (4) un plateau inférieur (3) avec des rebords latéraux (41), un volet (5) et un organe de verrouillage (71; 72). Le plateau supérieur (4) est supporté sur les rebords latéraux (41). En translatant entre une position déployée et une position rangée, le plateau inférieur (3) détermine mécaniquement la position en hauteur du plateau supérieur (4) par coulissement sur les rebords latéraux (41). Le volet (5) pivote par rapport au plateau supérieur (4) entre une position de repos sensiblement verticale et une position déployée reposant sur le plateau inférieur (3). Le volet (5) forme jonction entre le plateau inférieur (3) et le plateau supérieur (4). L'organe (71; 72) de verrouillage est supporté par les rebords latéraux (41) et verrouille le volet (5) en position rangée du plateau inférieur (3) et libère le volet (5) lorsque le plateau ...

24-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002975593A1

A wave power generation apparatus includes: a rack device having plural columns, and the bottom of the column being fixed to a nearshore seabed; at least one linking device installed on the rack device and having at least one frame; a sliding assembly installed to the frame and having a longitudinally installed first sliding element and a longitudinally installed second sliding element; a first buoy connected to the bottom of the frame; a gear set including a first gear and a second gear; a rotating shaft pass and installed to the gear set and linked by the gear set for a one-way rotation; a power conversion device transmissively connected to the rotating shaft; and a power generation device transmissively connected to the power conversion device to generate electric power.

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932890A1

A method for storing and retrieving or shifting containers (4, 34) in high-bay warehouses (1) of a transfer facility, in particular of a sea port or inland port, wherein the containers (4, 34) are transported, and stored and retrieved or shifted, by storage-and-retrieval units (7) which can be displaced in aisles (6) extending parallel to compartments (3) of the high-bay warehouse (1), said compartments being arranged on a number of levels in storage modules (2). The intention is to create, for such a high-bay warehouse (1), a method and an apparatus which reduce usage of transporting means and, with the high-bay warehouse (1) being of narrow construction, make it possible for any individual container (4, 34) to be accessed even by floor-going stackers (7). For this purpose, raisable and lowerable telescopic holders (35 to 38; 40, 41) of the storage-and-retrieval unit (7) are used to store the containers (4, 34) telescopically, with their longitudinal sides (11) in front, in the compartments ...

10-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002804821A1

A two-stage linear actuator particularly applicable to aircraft control surfaces is provided. The first stage comprises a rotary input shaft driven by an electric motor having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end and a plurality of first helical roller gears configured to engage with the rotary input shaft in its helical threaded zone for rotating together. The second stage comprises a plurality of second helical roller gears configured to engage with the first helical roller gears for rotating together and with an output shaft having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end for converting the rotation of the second helical roller gears in a linear movement of the output shaft.

15-01-1957 дата публикации

Selbsthemmendes Kraftgetriebe

Номер: CH0000318565A

15-04-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000574258A5

14-11-1975 дата публикации

Workpiece indexing mechanism - disc has two pins engaging in rack and turning by half-revolutions

Номер: CH0000569208A5

The mechanism is for use when carrying out a series of drilling or milling operations etc. at regular intervals on a workpiece. A rotary disc (3) carries two pins (1, 2) perpendicular to it and diametrally opposite each other. These engage in a rack (7) so as to index it forward with each half-revolution of the disc. The number of half-revolutions is counted by arms attached to the disc and actuating a detector. The rack can be straight or curved. An alternative design incorporates a circular rack.

15-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571744A5

15-04-1969 дата публикации

Lenkgetriebe für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: CH0000470992A

31-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000558234A

31-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000557216A

15-11-1990 дата публикации

Displacement drive for two coordinate directions - has two perpendicular cogs cooperating with teeth on opposite sides of plate attached to displaced object

Номер: CH0000675900A5
Принадлежит: CONTRAVES AG

The displacement drive uses a respective setting drive (21,31) for each coordinate direction, the movable object (10) having a plate (11) with planar perpendicular teeth (12, 13) on its opposing sides. Each set of teeth (12, 13) is engaged by a drive log (20,30) of a respective setting drive (21,31). Pref. the plate (11) is permanently held between the 2 drive logs (20, 30), one of the latter supported by a parallel sliding axis (33) and spring biased against the surface of the plate, each log (20, 30) having a rotation limiting stop. USE/ADVANTAGE - For machining tool, measuring device, plotter, etc. Play-free displacement with good stability characteristics.

31-01-1992 дата публикации

Dual axis pivot support for directional antenna - uses two perpendicular shafts each rotated by respective electric motor

Номер: CH0000679326A5
Принадлежит: BEDA MEIER

The support uses a hollow shaft (8) extending perpendicular to a reference plane (2). This in turn supports a second shaft at right angles, via which the antenna (1) supported, at a required inclination and rotation angle relative to the reference plane (2). Each of the shafts (8,9) is rotated via a respective setting motor (6,7) supported by the reference plane, via a simple gear mechanism (10) and via a rack and pinion mechanism respectively. USE - For automatic adjustment of directional antenna.

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000680681A5

31-01-1991 дата публикации

Play-free toothed rod drive - has cable disc fixed on shaft supporting pinion

Номер: CH0000676491A5

The gearbox has a pinion engaging in a toothed rod without play. A draw tension element (4) elastically resilient over at least a part of its length is fixed with one end on a component connected to the toothed rod and with the other end on a disc (6) which is seated on the shaft (1) which supports the pinion (2). The rolling diameter of the tension element (4) on the disc is equal to the engagement of the tension element (4) on the disc is equal to the engagement diameter of the pinion (2). The tension element (4) is made of a substantially non-elastic cable or belt and a tension spring (5) or of an elastic material. The pinion can roll on a locally fixed toothed rod. ADVANTAGE - Weaker drive motors can be used since the tensile force applies a moment on the disc and via the shaft on the pinion to keep the teeth against the toothed rod.

31-05-2010 дата публикации

Rack-and-pinion gear.

Номер: CH0000699907B1

Zahnstangengetriebe geometrisch vorbestimmter Spreizung der Übersetzung, wobei die Profilmittelline 20 auf den Zähnen 2 der Zahnstange 1 eine Kurve bilden kann und das Ritzel ein Kegelrad ist. Auf diese Art wird erreicht, dass die Übersetzung des Zahnstangengetriebes über den Bereich mit verschiedenartiger Übersetzung ausgebildet werden kann.

25-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991872A1

30-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490280A1

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201792600A1

09-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108621605A

13-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113260552A

In this linear drive shaft in which a rack shaft part and a ball screw shaft part are joined to each other through friction pressure welding, the coaxiality between a portion having the rack shaft part and a portion having the ball screw shaft part is improved. In a state in which a screw shaft part 29 is provided with a centering gripping part 56, the gripping part 56 of the screw shaft part 29 is gripped by a centering first gripping tool 57, and a rack shaft part 28 is gripped by a centering second gripping tool 58, axial end portions of the rack shaft part 28 and the screw shaft part 29 abut each other while the screw shaft part 29 and the rack shaft part 28 are rotated relative to each other through rotational driving of the first gripping tool 57, so that the rack shaft part 28 and the spring shaft part 29 are joined to each other through friction pressure welding.

27-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002539839A1

16-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002497850A1

14-07-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное

Номер: RU0000198515U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована в составе механизмов, преобразующих вращательное движение в возвратно-поступательное. Устройство содержит корпус, в котором с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения установлен ведомый элемент, кинематически связанный с ведущим элементом, имеющим возможность вращения, а также два зубчатых сектора, один из которых установлен на ведущем валу, а другой - на ведомом, и зубчатая рейка, установленная на ведомом элементе. Устройство оснащено второй рейкой, закрепленной на ведомом элементе, один из зубчатых секторов имеет возможность зацепления своими зубьями с зубьями одной из зубчатых реек ведомого элемента при прямом ходе ведомого элемента, а другой зубчатый сектор имеет возможность зацепления своими зубьями с зубьями другой зубчатой рейки при обратном ходе ведомого элемента, при этом зубчатые рейки установлены на ведомом элементе с возможностью настроечного перемещения и фиксации в заданном положении. Техническим результатом настоящей полезной модели является повышение надежности устройства. 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 515 U1 (51) МПК F16H 19/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16H 19/04 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019144059, 26.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 14.07.2020 Бюл. № 20 1 9 8 5 1 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2705441 C2, 07.11.2019. RU 107311 U1, 10.08.2011. RU 2189472 C2, 20.09.2002. RU 2180062 C2, 27.02.2002. FR 2850438 B3, 14.01.2005. (54) Устройство для преобразования вращательного движения в возвратно-поступательное (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области элементе, один из зубчатых секторов имеет машиностроения и может быть использована в возможность зацепления своими зубьями с составе механизмов, преобразующих зубьями одной из зубчатых реек ведомого ...

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Geared motor and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20130047765A1
Автор: Mamoru Yamaoka
Принадлежит: Nidec Sankyo Corp

A geared motor may include a motor and a gear mechanism for transmitting rotation of the motor. The gear mechanism includes an output gear which outputs rotation of the motor and a gear in a preceding stage which is connected with the output gear through another gear and the output gear is formed with a first positioning part showing an angular position of the output gear and the gear in the preceding stage is formed with a second positioning part showing an angular position of the gear in the preceding stage. After an assembling angular position of the output gear and an assembling angular position of the gear in the preceding stage have been determined, another gear is assembled.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Slide-Out Room System Having Wall-Mounted Drive Mechanisms With Brake

Номер: US20130106130A1

An apparatus for moving a slide-out room disposed in an aperture of a side wall of a vehicle from a retracted position to an extended position in a drive direction. The apparatus includes a drive assembly supported by the side wall of the vehicle within the aperture, and the drive assembly includes a prime mover having a brake engagable to inhibit unintentional movement of the slide-out room. A driven assembly is driven by the drive assembly. The driven assembly is connected to a wall of the slide-out room such that the slide-out room moves with the driven assembly from the retracted position to the extended position in the drive direction. 1. An apparatus for moving a slide-out room disposed in an aperture of a side wall of a vehicle from a retracted position to an extended position in a drive direction , the apparatus comprising:a drive assembly supported by the side wall of the vehicle at one side of the aperture, the drive assembly including a prime mover having a brake engagable to inhibit unintentional movement of the slide-out room; anda driven assembly driven by the drive assembly, the driven assembly being connected to a wall of the slide-out room at a side of the slide-out room adjacent said one side of the aperture such that the slide-out room moves with the driven assembly from the retracted position to the extended position in the drive direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the brake is a dynamic brake that is automatically engaged when the prime mover is de-energized.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the prime mover further includes a rotary encoder.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly includes a rotatable pinion driven by the prime mover and the driven assembly includes a rack driven by the pinion.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the drive assembly includes a drive support rotatably supporting the pinion claim 4 , and the drive support engages the rack to inhibit the rack from disengaging the pinion.6. The ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Mandrel, set of mandrels, and hollow rack bar

Номер: US20130125689A1
Автор: Takashi Yamawaki
Принадлежит: Neturen Co Ltd

The present invention includes a bar having a maximum cross section region smaller than a minimum cross section region of a hollow portion of a pipe P, and projected portions mounted along an axial direction of the bar and including a projected portion with maximum extent Hb, extent Ha of the projected portion positioned at a leading end side of the bar is set to be smaller than extent Hb of the projected portion positioned at a center side in the axial direction, and extent Hc of the projected portion positioned at a base end side of the bar is set to be less than or equal to extent Hb of the projected portion.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140105A1
Автор: JI Sung Ho

Disclosed are a pinion sensor assembly and an electric power steering apparatus having the same. According to the present invention, it is possible to substantially reduce the number of constitutional elements to be assembled when assembling a torque sensor and neighboring elements, to reduce an error in change of torque caused by accumulation of assembling errors of the constitutional elements, thereby preventing a malfunction, and to enhance assemblability. 1. A pinion sensor assembly comprising:an input shaft connected with a steering shaft;a pinion shaft, the top side of which is coupled with the input shaft, and the bottom side of which is inserted into a rack housing to be engaged with a rack bar; anda torque sensor provided with a wire harness connector, the input shaft and the pinion shaft being axially inserted through and coupled to the torque sensor.2. The pinion sensor assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the torque sensor is provided with a first cylinder part on the top side thereof claim 1 , and a second cylinder part on the bottom side claim 1 , and the outer peripheries of the input shaft and the pinion shaft are inserted into the first and second cylinder parts claim 1 , respectively.3. The pinion sensor assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the input shaft is provided with a first diametrically protruding seating part on the bottom side outer peripheral part claim 2 , and an end of the first cylinder part is supported by and coupled to the first seating part claim 2 , and wherein the pinion shaft is formed with a second diametrically protruding seating part on the top side outer peripheral part claim 2 , and a terminal end of the second cylinder part is supported by and coupled to the second seating part.4. The pinion assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the torque sensor is provided with a diametrically extending support part claim 1 , and the wire harness connector is formed on the top side of the support part to axially protrude.5. A ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Force Transfer Mechanism

Номер: US20130152713A1
Автор: Kim Young Hee

A force transfer mechanism includes cylindrical guide housing; a movable body which is slidably arranged in the guide housing so as to move in a linear direction by means of an externally applied force, and which includes a cutout groove having one or more inclined surfaces, and through-holes formed in a direction perpendicular to the linear motion direction in portions corresponding to the inclined surfaces; and a slave unit, one end of which is coupled to the movable body such that said end passes through the through-holes of the movable body and moves along the inclined surfaces of the cutout groove vertically relative to the movement direction of the movable body, and the other end of which is elastically supported. 1. A force transfer mechanism comprising:a guide housing having a container shape;a movable body arranged slidably in the guide housing, moving in a linear direction by means of an externally applied force, including a cutout groove having one or more inclined surfaces, and including a through-hole formed in a direction perpendicular to the linear moving direction at a part corresponding to the inclined surfaces; anda slave unit including a first end coupled to the movable body such that the first end passes through the through-hole of the movable body and moves along the inclined surfaces in the direction perpendicular to the linear moving direction of the movable body, further including a second end elastically supported to the guide housing, and moving in the direction perpendicular to the linear moving direction of the movable body by interlocking with a linear motion of the movable body.2. The force transfer mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the movable body and the slave unit are returned to original positions when the force externally applied to the movable body is removed.3. The force transfer mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the slave unit includes:a shaft passing through both the movable body and the guide housing and installed movably;a slider ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167675A1
Автор: KIM Hyung Choon

Provided is a sector gear including: a drive gear having a drive part that forms a part of a circle and has a plurality of teeth and a non-drive part that forms a remaining part of the circle and provides a non-contact angle of at least approximately 90 degrees; first and second movers forming a disconnector and a grounded breaking switch, respectively; and first and second driven gears engaged with the drive gear and respectively engaged with the first and second movers and configured to make the first mover or the second mover operate in conjunction with the drive part of the drive gear according to a direction of rotation of the drive gear, wherein an intermediate angle between the first and second movers is between approximately 90-135 degrees. The present invention can reduce the size of the gas-insulated switchgear having the sector gear. 1. A sector gear comprising:a drive gear including a drive part that forms a part of a circle and includes a plurality of teeth and a non-drive part that forms a remaining part of the circle and provides a non-contact angle of at least 90 degrees;a first mover forming a disconnector;a second mover forming a grounded breaking switch; andfirst and second driven gears engaged with the drive gear and respectively engaged with the first and second movers and configured to make the first mover or the second mover operate in conjunction with the drive part of the drive gear according to a direction of rotation of the drive gear, whereinan intermediate angle between the first and second movers is between approximately 90-135 degrees.2. The sector gear as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the first and second movers include first and second rack gears claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , and wherein the first and second rack gears are engaged with the first and second driven gears claim 1 , respectively.3. A gas-insulated switchgear having a sector gear claim 1 , the sector gear comprising:a drive gear including a drive part that forms a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186213A1
Автор: Lim Sun Ho
Принадлежит: SEJIN-IGB CO., LTD.

Disclosed is a power transmission device. A power transmission device according to one embodiment of the present invention includes: an input gear connected to a motor so that the input gear may rotate by the motor in a forward and backward direction; a planetary gear train circumscribing the input gear with respect to the input gear and rotating in association with the rotation of the input gear; a ring gear inscribing the planetary gear train and rotating relative to the planetary gear train; a main frame having a plurality of rollers coupled along the circumferential direction and interacting with a rack, and coupled with the ring gear on the outside of the ring gear; an irrotational rear side fixture disposed on an area where the input gear is positioned; and an irrotational front side fixture disposed at the opposite side of the irrotational rear side fixture via the ring gear and the main frame therebetween and coupled with the irrotational rear side fixture. 1. A power transmission device comprising:an input gear connected to a motor and rotated by the motor in forward and backward directions;a planetary gear train circumscribing the input gear around the input gear and rotating in association with a rotation of the input gear;a ring gear inscribed by the planetary gear train and relatively rotated by the planetary gear train;a main frame to which a plurality rollers that interact with a rack and relatively rotate are coupled in a circumferential direction, the main frame being coupled to the ring gear around the ring gear;an irrotational rear side fixture arranged in an area where the input gear is located; andan irrotational front side fixture arranged between the ring gear and the main frame at a side opposite to the irrotational rear side fixture and coupled to the irrotational rear side fixture.2. The power transmission device of claim 1 , wherein the main frame comprises:a front frame portion having a plurality of first roller insertion holes into which ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186215A1
Автор: Tsuchiya Manabu

It is possible to reduce influence of backlash effectively and to carry out precise position control even if a drive mechanism uses rotary drive of gears. For this, in moving a subject to be moved by rotation of the gears, an original point for position control is positioned by use of a sensor flag, and afterward the position control is carried out. When positioning, a bias means generates a bias in a moving direction for movement to be moved that backlash of gear drive may be removed. This sets the backlash to substantial “zero” in positioning the original point, and stabilizes an original point reset position. 1. A gear drive mechanism which makes a subject to be moved move by rotation of a gear , wherein:an original point of the subject to be moved, which is used for position control, is positioned by use of a prescribed indicator of the original point, and when positioning the original point, a bias mechanism generates a bias in a direction of movement of the subject to be moved so that backlash of gear drive may be removed.2. A gear drive mechanism which makes a subject to be moved move by rotation of a gear , wherein:an original point indicator to define an original point of the subject to be moved which is used for controlling a position of the subject to be moved; andbias mechanism to generate a restoration force according to elastic deformation in a vicinity of the original point in a direction leaving from the original point and in a direction of movement of the subject to be moved when the subject to be moved stays in the vicinity of the original point.3. The gear drive mechanism according to claim 2 , further comprising a detection mechanism claim 2 , which is arranged on the subject to be moved claim 2 , to detect the original point indicator claim 2 , whereinthe original point indicator is made of a tabular member, anda position, where the detection mechanism detects a prescribed position, which is at an end of the tabular member, by movement of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192910A1

Rotary motion devices () are provided. In one embodiment, the rotary motion devices () may comprise: a mass (); a circumferential component (); a plurality of spokes () connecting the mass () to the circumferential component (), at least one of the spokes () comprising an electroactive polymer, wherein: the at least one spoke () has at least one input electrode and is configured to deflect upon application of an electrical potential across the at least one input electrode, and the rotary motion device () is configured such that deflection of the at least one spoke () causes the mass () to move, thereby causing the rotary motion device () to become off balance with respect to gravity, and rotate. 1. A rotary motion device , comprising:a mass;a circumferential component; and 'the at least one spoke has at least one input electrode and is configured to deflect upon application of an electrical potential across the at least one input electrode, and the rotary motion device is configured such that deflection of the at least one spoke causes the mass to move, thereby causing the rotary motion device to become off balance with respect to gravity, and rotate.', 'a plurality of spokes connecting the mass and the circumferential component, at least one of the spokes comprising an electroactive polymer, wherein2. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , wherein the electroactive polymer comprises an ionic electroactive polymer.3. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , wherein the electroactive polymer comprises an ionic polymer metal composite.4. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , wherein the mass is configured to support a payload.5. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spokes extend in a two dimensional plane and the circumferential component forms a wheel.6. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of spokes extend in three dimensions and the circumferential component forms a sphere.7. The rotary motion device of claim 1 , further ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200285A1

An actuator for a valve assembly is provided. The actuator has an actuator body and at least one piston configured to travel within the actuator body. The actuator has an output shaft located at least partially within the actuator body and configured to couple to a valve stem of a valve wherein the output shaft has a plurality of teeth protruding from a pinion. The actuator has at least one rack configured to move with each of the at least one piston, the rack having a piston end and a terminal end and wherein the rack has a plurality of rack teeth configured to engage the plurality of teeth on the output shaft. The terminal end of the rack is configured to be maintained a minimum distance beyond an engagement point, wherein the engagement point is located between the rack teeth and the teeth in all operating positions. 1. An actuator for a valve assembly , comprising:an actuator body;at least one piston configured to travel within the actuator body;an output shaft located at least partially within the actuator body and configured to couple to a valve stem of a valve wherein the output shaft has a plurality of teeth protruding from a pinion;at least one rack coupled to and configured to move with each of the at least one piston the rack having a piston end and a terminal end and wherein the rack has a plurality of rack teeth configured to engage the plurality of teeth on the output shaft; andwherein the terminal end of the rack is configured to be maintained a minimum distance beyond an engagement point, wherein the engagement point is located between the rack teeth and the teeth in all operating positions.2. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rack has at least one of the rack teeth between the terminal end and the engagement point at all times.3. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rack has at least two of the rack teeth between the terminal end and the engagement point at all times.4. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the at least ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213160A1
Принадлежит: EADS Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A.

A two-stage linear actuator particularly applicable to aircraft control surfaces. The first stage comprises a rotary input shaft driven by an electric motor having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end and a plurality of first helical roller gears configured to engage with the rotary input shaft in its helical threaded zone for rotating together. The second stage comprises a plurality of second helical roller gears configured to engage with the first helical roller gears for rotating together and with an output shaft having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end for converting the rotation of the second helical roller gears in a linear movement of the output shaft. 1. A linear actuator comprising:a rotatory input shaft driven by an electric motor;an output shaft having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end;a first roller gear configured to rotate with respect to it axis when the input shaft rotates; the input shaft having a helical threaded zone in its external surface at its inner end;', 'a plurality of first roller gears being helical gears configured to engage with the rotatory input shaft in its helical threaded zone; and', 'the second roller gears being helical gears configured to engage with the first helical roller gears., 'a plurality of second roller gears configured to engage with the first roller gear and with the output shaft in its helical threaded zone so that the rotation of the first roller gear is firstly transmitted to the second roller gears, which rotate with respect to their axis, and secondly converted in a linear movement of the output shaft,'}2. A linear actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the input shaft is a hollow shaft and the output shaft is placed in an inner conduit comprising the inside of the input shaft.3. A linear actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the first helical roller gears are arranged tangentially with respect to the input shaft and the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130213161A1
Принадлежит: ThyssenKrupp Presta AG

Rack and pinion drive for a motor vehicle, with a steering housing (), in which a steering pinion () is rotatably mounted and is in engagement with a tooth segment () of a toothed rack () displaceably mounted in the steering housing () in the direction of a longitudinal axis (), wherein the tooth segment () forms an even surface with the upper face thereof facing the steering pinion (), wherein the toothed rack () has two guide surfaces (), which are even and are oriented at an acute angle to a surface normal of the tooth segment (), and wherein at least one guide roller () is provided on either side of the toothed rack (), said rollers being in contact with the guide surfaces (), wherein the two guide rollers () are provided respectively on a left and a right side of the pinion when viewed from a toothing engagement point with the toothed rack. 1. A rack and pinion drive for a motor vehicle , including:a steering housing, having a steering pinion is rotatably mounted and in engagement with a tooth segment of a toothed rack displaceably mounted in the steering housing in the direction of a longitudinal axis of the steering housing ,wherein the tooth segment forms an even surface, with an upper face thereof facing the steering pinion,wherein the toothed rack has two guide surfaces, which are even and are oriented at an acute angle to a surface normal of the tooth segment,wherein at least one guide roller is provided on each either side of the toothed rack said guide rollers being in contact with the guide surfaces, andwherein the two guide rollers are provided respectively on a left and a right side of the steering pinion when viewed from a toothing engagement point with the toothed rack.2. The rack and pinion drive according to claim 1 , further including further guide roller is provided on a left and/or a right side opposite a respective guide roller .3. The rack and pinion drive according to claim 1 , wherein the toothed rack is guided into the guide rollers in ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Continuously variable transmission

Номер: US20130220039A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A continuously variable transmission includes: an input movement, a control system, a continuously variable reciprocating movement, a first holder, a second holder, an output gear. The holders having the reciprocating movement. Each of the holders having a linearly movable teeth. The movable teeth are perpendicularly oscillated to the reciprocating movement. Each of the movable teeth having an internal end and an exposed end. The exposed end having a first slope and a second slope. The first slope having a greater slope than the second slope.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Advancing/retracting actuation device with meshing chain

Номер: US20130298705A1
Принадлежит: Tsubakimoto Chain Co

An interlocking chain type forward and backward actuating device is provided that does not increase workload involved in assembling the device, adjusting the rotation phase, and servicing and maintaining the device. The device is capable of smoothly actuating a driven body by advancing and retracting the body, and of preventing any pulsation or the like of the meshing chain. The interlocking chain type forward and backward actuating device includes chain-guide grooves formed so as to equalize an interlocked-state pin-to-pin distance (D 1 ) between a pair of connecting pins that face each other in a chain interlocking imaginary plane (S) and a rigid-state pin-to-pin distance (D 2 ) between a pair of connecting pins

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319141A1

A rack shaft support device includes: a support yoke, a plug, an intermediate cam component and a rotation force generating spring. The plug includes a plug body, a plug cap component and a locknut. The plug body has a plug fixing portion, a plug back wall portion, a plug cam portion, a plug internal space and a first restricting portion. The first restricting portion has a first body portion and a first facing portion. The intermediate cam component includes an intermediate cam body, an intermediate cam portion and a second restricting portion. The second restricting portion has a second body portion and a second facing portion. The second facing portion faces the first facing portion. 1. A rack shaft support device characterized by comprising:a support yoke that is arranged in an accommodating portion of a rack housing for accommodating a rack shaft and that moves the rack shaft in a pressing direction toward the pinion shaft in the accommodating portion; the plug fixing portion being arranged across the support yoke from the rack shaft in the accommodating portion and being fixed to the rack housing,', 'the plug cam portion being arranged closer to the support yoke than the plug fixing portion and having a first cam face,', 'the plug back wall portion being formed across the plug fixing portion from the support yoke,', 'the first restricting portion protruding from the plug back wall portion toward the support yoke;, 'a plug that has a plug fixing portion, a plug cam portion, a plug back wall portion and a first restricting portion,'} the intermediate cam body being arranged closer to the support yoke than the plug in the accommodating portion and having an axis extending in the pressing direction,', 'the intermediate cam portion being formed around the intermediate cam body and having a second cam face that contacts the first cam face,', 'the second restricting portion protruding from the intermediate cam body toward the plug and facing the first restricting ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333494A1
Автор: LEE Seung-jae

Disclosed are a scanner and an image forming apparatus including the same. The scanner may include a scanner unit; a support unit configured to support the scanning unit; a first pinion rotatably disposed on the support unit and configured to move along a first rack of a first surface of a guide member; and a second pinion rotatably disposed on the support unit and configured to move along a second rack of a second surface of the guide member such that the direction of rotation of the second pinion is opposite to the direction of rotation of the first pinion, the second surface of the guide member being different from the first surface of the guide member. 1. An operating method of a scanner comprising a scanning unit , a movable unit on which the scanning unit is mounted and on which first and second pinions are disposed , and a stationary guide member , the method comprising:moving the first pinion along a first rack of a first surface of the stationary guide member; andlimiting an amount of tilting of a moving object in the scanning unit,wherein the limiting comprises transferring a rotation force generated when the first pinion moves, to the second pinion, and moving the second pinion along a second rack of a second surface of the stationary guide member different from the first surface thereof, such that a direction of rotation of the second pinion is opposite to a direction of rotation of the first pinion.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein moving the second pinion comprises rotating such that a second rotational moment caused by the rotation of second pinion has the same magnitude and is opposite in direction to a first rotational moment caused by the rotation of the first pinion.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first pinion and the second pinion have substantially the same pitch.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first surface and the second surface of the guide member are opposite from each other.5. The method ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340546A1

A transmission mechanism includes a guide rod, a gear assembly meshed with the guide rod, a blocking member attached to the guide rod, and a resilient member. The resilient member surrounds the guide rod. A first end of the resilient member abuts the blocking member, and a second end opposite to the first end is configured to abut a printer. The resilient member drives the guide rod to rotate the gear assembly. 1. A transmission mechanism comprising:a guide rod;a gear assembly meshed with the guide rod;a blocking member attached to the guide rod; anda resilient member surrounding the guide rod, a first end of the resilient member abutting the blocking member, and a second end opposite to the first end configured to abut a printer,wherein the guide rod is movable to rotate the gear assembly by the resilient member.2. The transmission mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the guide rod comprises a guide rod body claim 1 , the blocking member comprises a ring claim 1 , and the ring surrounds the guide rod body.3. The transmission mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the first end of the resilient member abuts the ring.4. The transmission mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the guide rod body defines a circular groove in the middle of the guide rod claim 2 , the blocking member comprises a plurality of latch tabs located on the ring claim 2 , and the plurality of latch tabs are engaged in the circular groove.5. The transmission mechanism of claim 2 , wherein the guide rod further comprises a protruding portion located on the guide rod body claim 2 , and the gear assembly is meshed with the protruding portion.6. The transmission mechanism of claim 5 , wherein a plurality of racks are located on the protruding portion claim 5 , the gear assembly comprises a gear claim 5 , and the plurality of racks are meshed with the gear.7. A printer comprising:a lid defining an opening and comprising a receiving portion located on one side of the opening, the receiving portion defining a receiving slot; ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007716A1
Автор: KOMETANI Hideo

A rack shaft supporting device includes a support yoke, a plug that closes the other opening of an accommodation chamber, a ball screw mechanism between the support yoke and the plug, and a torsion urging member between the ball screw mechanism and the plug. The ball screw mechanism includes: a first threaded portion in which a first thread groove is formed; a second threaded portion in which a second thread groove is formed; and balls arranged in a rolling path formed of the first thread groove and the second thread groove. The torsion urging member rotates the second threaded portion relative to the plug and moves the second threaded portion toward the support yoke. 1. A rack shaft supporting device arranged in an accommodation chamber formed on a back side of a rack shaft , the back side being an opposite side of the rack shaft from a side on which the rack shaft meshes with a pinion , the accommodation chamber having one opening opposed to the rack shaft , an inner peripheral wall recessed from the one opening in a direction away from the rack shaft , and the other opening opened at a bottom side of the inner peripheral wall , the rack shaft supporting device being configured to push the rack shaft toward the pinion ,the rack shaft supporting device comprising,a support yoke that faces the rack shaft from the one opening, and that supports the rack shaft such that the rack shaft is slidable in an axial direction of the rack shaft;a plug that closes the other opening;a ball screw mechanism provided between the support yoke and the plug in the accommodation chamber, the ball screw mechanism including a first threaded portion fixed to an inner peripheral wall portion and having an inner peripheral face in which a first thread groove is formed, a second threaded portion arranged radially inward of the inner peripheral face of the first threaded portion and having an outer peripheral face in which a second thread groove is formed, and a plurality of balls arranged in ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013883A1

A gear drive system includes a securing panel, a first slave gear, a drive gear, and an adjusting structure. The securing panel includes a panel body, a rack, and a rotating shaft. An upper part of the first slave gear is adjacent to the rack and aligned with the rack. The drive gear engages the first slave gear. The adjusting structure includes an elastic element, a slave element pivotally mounted to the panel body, and a third slave gear. The third slave gear defines a rotating hole. The rotating shaft is received in the rotating hole. The second slave gear is movable related to the panel body to enable the rotating shaft to be located in different positions of the rotating hole. The third slave gear is driven to move and rotate. The slave element is driven to rotate to press the elastic element. 1. A gear drive system , comprising:a securing panel, the securing panel comprises a panel body, a rack extending from the panel body, and a rotating shaft extending from the panel body;a first slave gear, an upper part of the first slave gear is adjacent to the rack and aligned with the rack;a drive gear, the drive gear engages the first slave gear; andan adjusting structure, the adjusting structure comprises an elastic element mounted to the securing panel, a slave element pivotally mounted to the panel body, and a second slave gear; the second slave gear defines a rotating hole; the rotating shaft is received in the rotating hole; the second slave gear is movable related to the panel body to enable the rotating shaft to be located in different positions of the rotating hole; the second slave gear is configured to is driven by the first slave gear to move relative to the panel body and rotate when the drive gear rotates from the first slave gear to the rack; and the slave element is configured to be driven by the second slave gear to rotate to press the elastic element when the second slave gear rotates.2. The gear drive system of claim 1 , wherein the slave element ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Rack shaft supporting device and vehicle steering system

Номер: US20140020492A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A support member that supports a support yoke is received by an intermediate member. Along with progress of abrasion of the support yoke, a rotational force applying spring rotates the intermediate member. A cam mechanism formed in facing portions of the intermediate member and the support member drives the support member toward the support yoke. A set length regulation mechanism that regulates a set length of a coned disc spring includes a recessed portion in a rear face of the support yoke, and a projection shaft fixed to a front face of the support member. A nut that receives the washer abuts on a positioning stepped portion of a distal end portion of the projection shaft.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020493A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Kensaku

A rack shaft supporting device includes a support yoke, a plug, an intermediate component, a torque generation spring, and rolling elements. The plug has a plug end portion and plug cam faces formed in the plug end portion. The intermediate component is arranged between the plug and the support yoke in a state where the intermediate component is rotatable relative to the rack housing and movable relative to the rack housing in a pushing direction. The intermediate component has an intermediate opposed portion opposed to the plug end portion and intermediate cam faces opposed to the plug cam faces. The rolling elements are arranged between the plug cam faces and the intermediate cam faces, and make contact with each of the plug cam faces and the intermediate cam faces. 1. A rack shaft supporting device , comprising:a support yoke accommodated in a rack housing, and movable in a pushing direction in which a rack shaft is pushed toward a pinion shaft;a plug having a plug end portion formed on a support yoke side and a plug cam face formed in the plug end portion, the plug being arranged on a side opposite to the support yoke in a direction opposite to the pushing direction, and the plug being fixed to the rack housing;an intermediate component arranged between the plug and the support yoke in a state where the intermediate component is rotatable relative to the rack housing and movable relative to the rack housing in the pushing direction, the intermediate component having an intermediate opposed portion opposed to the plug end portion and an intermediate cam face formed in the intermediate opposed portion and opposed to the plug cam face;a torque generation spring that applies, to the intermediate component, a spring force for rotating the intermediate component relative to the plug; anda rolling element arranged between the plug cam face and the intermediate cam face and making contact with each of the plug cam face and the intermediate cam face.2. The rack shaft ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Power transmission device

Номер: US20140026692A1
Автор: Sun Ho Lim
Принадлежит: Sejin IGB Co Ltd

Disclosed is a power transmission device. A power transmission device according to one embodiment of the present invention includes: a rack having a plurality of rack tooth profiles; a plurality of pin gears, which have a plurality of power transmission pins that rotate relative to the rack tooth profiles for power transmission, and are provided at a distance from each other along the lengthwise direction of the rack; and input gears which are disposed between the pin gears and rotatively connect the plurality of pin gears such that the pin gears rotate at the same speed as each other.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026693A1
Автор: Eller Derek R.

A drive system is provided for rotating a biopsy member. The drive system includes a pinion connected to the biopsy member and a rack that drives the pinion during a drive stroke. During the return stroke, the rack rotates away from the pinion so that the rack is not engaged with the pinion during the return stroke. Thus, the pinion is only driven during the drive stroke but not during the return stroke. As a result, the biopsy member rotates in a single direction as a trigger is repeatedly pressed and released. 1. A drive system for rotationally driving a biopsy member , comprising:a housing comprising a first trackway and a second trackway and a divider between said first and second trackways;a pinion comprising a series of first teeth disposed circumferentially thereon, said pinion being connected to said housing and being rotatable relative to said housing and being configured to be rotationally fixed to said biopsy member;a trigger connected to said housing and being moveable relative to said housing during a drive stroke and a return stroke;a rack comprising a series of second teeth disposed longitudinally thereon, said rack being connected to said housing and being pivotal relative to said housing and moving in a first direction during said drive stoke and moving in a second direction during said return stroke, said rack comprising a guide member following said first and second trackways;wherein said guide member follows said first trackway during said drive stroke, said guide member and said first trackway engaging said first and second teeth of said pinion and said rack as said rack moves in said first direction, said rack thereby rotating said pinion during said drive stroke, and said guide member follows said second trackway during said return stroke, said guide member and said second trackway separating said first and second teeth of said pinion and said rack as said rack moves in said second direction, said rack thereby not rotating said pinion during ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060220A1
Автор: Li Bing, WANG HONG-QI, Yang Bo

A positioning device includes a base and two positioning mechanisms oppositely positioned on the base to position a workpiece. Each positioning mechanism includes a driver positioned on the base, a mounting member mounted on the base, a gear rack, a gear, and a positioning member. The mounting member defines a sliding groove. The gear rack slidably is received in the sliding groove and connected with the driver. The gear is rotatably connected with the mounting member and is meshed with the gear rack. The positioning member is fixedly-connected with the gear. The driver drives the gear rack to slide along the sliding groove to make the positioning member rotate and outstretch into an interior of the workpiece. The drivers drive two positioning members apply two opposite forces on the workpiece to positioning the workpiece. 1. A positioning device for positioning a workpiece , comprising:a base; andtwo positioning mechanisms oppositely positioned on the base, each of the two positioning mechanisms comprising:a driver positioned on the base;a mounting member movably mounted on the base adjacent to the driver, the mounting member defining a sliding groove with an end wall thereof being adjacent to the driver;a gear rack slidably received in the sliding groove, and connected to the driver;a gear rotatably connected to the mounting member, and meshed with the gear rack; anda positioning member non-rotatably connected to the gear, wherein the driver drives the gear rack to slide along the sliding groove to make the positioning member rotate and outstretch into an interior of the workpiece, when the gear rack resists against the end wall of the sliding groove, the driver drives the mounting member to move together with the positioning member, such that two positioning members of the two positioning mechanisms apply opposite forces on the workpiece to positioning the workpiece.2. The positioning device of claim 1 , wherein the gear rack comprises a teeth portion and a ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083223A1
Принадлежит: NETUREN CO., LTD.

A rack bar includes a shaft portion and a rack toothed portion provided on the shaft portion. The rack toothed portion includes a plurality of rack teeth provided side by side in an axial direction of the shaft portion to mesh with a pinion gear. Each of the rack teeth includes a tooth tip portion, a contact face arranged obliquely relative to the axial direction and configured to contact the pinion gear, and a rounded corner portion between the tooth tip portion and the contact face. A first radius defining a central area of the rounded corner portion with respect to a tooth width direction is larger than a second radius defining another area of the rounded corner portion other than the central area. 1. A rack bar configured to mesh with a pinion gear , the rack bar comprising a shaft portion and a rack toothed portion provided on the shaft portion ,wherein the rack toothed portion comprises a plurality of rack teeth provided side by side in an axial direction of the shaft portion to mesh with the pinion gear,wherein each of the rack teeth comprises a tooth tip portion, a contact face arranged obliquely relative to the axial direction and configured to contact the pinion gear, and a rounded corner portion between the tooth tip portion and the contact face, andwherein a first radius defining a central area of the rounded corner portion with respect to a tooth width direction is larger than a second radius defining another area of the rounded corner portion other than the central area.2. The rack bar according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first radius and the second radius is different for each of the rack teeth.3. A teeth forming die configured to form rack teeth of a rack bar to be meshed with a pinion gear claim 1 , the teeth forming die comprising a securing portion configured to be secured to an outside clamp case claim 1 , and a rack teeth transfer portion provided on the securing portion claim 1 ,wherein the rack teeth transfer portion comprises a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Agricultural trench depth systems, methods, and apparatus

Номер: US20190000004A1

Systems, methods and apparatus for adjusting the depth of a trench opened by a row unit of an agricultural planter. The row unit includes a trench depth adjustment assembly configured to modify the furrow depth. In one embodiment, the depth adjustment assembly may include a gear box having one or more gears which engage with a gear rack. The gear box may be pivotally connected to a depth adjustment body supporting a rocker that adjusts upward travel of gauge wheel arms. In another embodiment, the depth adjustment assembly may include a depth adjustment arm having a screw receiver that cooperates with a driven screw that adjusts the position of the depth adjustment arm acting on the gauge wheels to adjust trench depth. 1. An agricultural row unit , comprising:a row unit frame;a furrow opening disc rotatably supported by said row unit frame for opening a furrow in a soil surface as the row unit frame advances in a forward direction of travel;a gauge wheel disposed adjacent to said furrow opening disc and pivotably supported from said row unit frame by a gauge wheel arm such that said gauge wheel is displaceable with respect to said furrow opening disc; a depth adjustment body pivotaly connected via a pivot to said row unit frame;', 'a gear rack disposed on said row unit frame;', 'a gear box connected to said depth adjustment body, said gear box driving a gear in engagement with said gear rack to adjustably position said depth adjustment body to control a depth of the furrow opened by the furrow opening disc by limiting an amount of upward displacement of said gauge wheel with respect to said furrow opening disc., 'a depth adjustment assembly, comprising2. The agricultural row unit of claim 1 , wherein the gear is a pinion.3. The agricultural row unit of claim 1 , wherein the gear is a worm gear.4. The agricultural row unit of claim 1 , wherein said gear is driven by an electric motor.5. The agricultural row unit of claim 1 , wherein said gear rack has a surface with a ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000010A1

This invention belongs to a seedling separating device based on a rack and pinion drive in the field of transplanting machine in the agricultural automation facility, including a rack, a power unit, a linear drive, a number of seedling cups and a cylinder pushing device. The linear actuator is driven by the power unit to move on the frame; these seedling cups are mounted on the linear drive; the cylinder pushing device is mounted on the frame and is located behind the seedling cups and it drives the lower part of the seedling cup to open and retracts to close. The seedling device has simple structure, controllable program and high reliability. The motor drives the seedlings cups to move left and right; the cylinder pushes the cups to be opened and closed; the trust cup is straight down, the seedling attitude is better and the location of seedling can also be adjusted. The device can not only achieve the exact location in the designated seedling, but also to achieve the seedling movement of separating seedlings to two points from the mouth of the seedling cups. 1. A seedling separating device based on the rack and gear drive , which comprisesa frame;a power device;a linear transmission device;a plurality of cups;a cylinder pushing device; anda control system; anda sensor and a sensor holder mounted on the frame; one end of the sensor holder is mounted on the frame through a sensor mounting hole; wherein the sensor is mounted on the other end of the sensor holder; wherein the power device includes a motor connection plate, a gear, a sleeve and a motor;wherein the motor is fixed on the upper end of the motor connection plate; the shaft sleeve is arranged on the rotation shaft of the motor and is fixedly connected with the motor; the lower end of the gear is braced and fixedly connected with the rotating shaft of the motor;wherein the linear transmission device includes a cup holder, cup mounting holes, a slider connecting plate, a slider, a cup connecting plate and a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000433A1
Автор: Farcy Marc

The invention relates to a steering actuator piston with a rack () for an aircraft landing gear () characterized in that the piston comprises a body () made of a lightweight alloy having an externally threaded main span () terminated on one side by a shoulder () and extended on the other side by a skirt (), the body having screwed to it a tapped bronze bushing having on its outer wall at least one groove for receiving a seal, the skirt having a drilling to receive a pin for securing the piston to the rack, the bushing extending in service between the shoulder and the pin so that it is retained axially between the shoulder and the pin. 16110111213. A steering actuator piston with a rack () for an aircraft landing gear () , characterized in that the piston comprises a body () made of lightweight alloy having an externally threaded main span () terminated on one side by a shoulder () and extended on the other side by a skirt () , the body having screwed to it a tapped bronze bushing having on its outer wall at least one groove for receiving a seal , the skirt having a drilling to receive a pin for securing the piston to the rack , the bushing extending in service between the shoulder and the pin so that it is retained axially between the shoulder and the pin.222. The piston as claimed in claim 1 , in which a groove is formed in an upright face of the shoulder facing the bushing in order to receive a seal () which bears against the bushing when the latter is screwed onto the body.32118115. The piston as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a shoe () bearing on a bottom () of the body () in order to cooperate with a hemispherical end of the rack such that a pressure applied to the piston generates a force which is transmitted to the rack by thrust on its spherical end claim 1 , without stressing the pin ().43357810111213. An aircraft landing gear comprising a steerable part () and also a rack steering actuator for steering the steerable part () claim 1 , the actuator ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Patient Support Systems With Rotary Actuators Having Cycloidal Drives

Номер: US20180000675A1

A patient support system comprises a patient support apparatus for patients. The patient support apparatus comprises a support structure and a patient support surface supported by the support structure. The patient support apparatus also comprises movable members. One or more rotary actuators are coupled to the movable members. The rotary actuator comprises a gear assembly with a cycloidal drive arranged to drive movement of the movable member. The gear assembly also restricts back drive torque from backdriving the movable member. 1. A patient support apparatus comprising:a patient support surface;a first member and a movable member, said movable member movable relative to said first member; and a gear assembly having an input member, an output member connected to said movable member, and a gear arrangement operable between said input member and said output member; and', 'a motor configured to apply torque to said input member to rotate said output member through said gear arrangement,', 'said gear arrangement comprising a cycloidal drive arranged to drive said output member when said motor applies torque to said input member., 'an actuator coupled to said movable member to move said movable member relative to said first member, said actuator comprising2. The patient support apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said input member claim 1 , said output member claim 1 , and said gear arrangement operable between said input member and said output member form a multi-stage cycloidal gear train.3. The patient support apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said multi-stage cycloidal gear train comprises an even number of stages such that both said input member and output member rotate about a center axis fixed relative to said motor.4. The patient support apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said input member comprises an eccentric drive member rotatable about said center axis claim 3 , said output member comprises a moving ring gear rotatable about said center axis claim 3 , and said gear ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001365A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit coupled to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a fixed cover connected to the case and including a lifting gear provided on one side thereof and extending in an up-down direction and a guide bar provided on the other side thereof and extending in the up-down direction, a lifting cover movably accommodated inside the fixed cover, a lifting motor coupled to the lifting cover and configured to interwork with the lifting motor, and a water ejection nozzle installed at a lower end of the lifting cover and configured to eject water. One side of the gear module is in contact with and supported by the lifting gear and the other side thereof is in contact with and supported by the guide bar. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a case; and a lifting gear extending in a first direction;', 'a guide bar extending in parallel to the lifting gear in the first direction;', 'a lifting cover configured to be movable in the first direction with respect to the case;', 'a gear assembly having (i) a first side that contacts with and is supported by the lifting gear and (ii) a second side that contacts with and is supported by the guide bar;', 'a lifting motor coupled to the lifting cover and configured to engage with the gear assembly; and', 'a liquid ejection nozzle disposed at an end of the lifting cover and configured to eject liquid., 'a liquid ejector at least partially protruding from the case and comprising2. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liquid ejector further comprises:a fixed cover connected to the case and having a first side and a second side opposite to the first side, wherein the lifting gear is disposed in the first side and the guide bar is disposed in the second side, andwherein the lifting cover is received in the fixed cover.3. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the fixed cover comprises:a plate defining the first side and the second ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001366A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit coupled to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a rotator seated inside at a front of the case, a first lifting cover coupled to one side of the rotator and allowing a lifting gear extending in an up-down direction to be fixed thereto, a second lifting cover movably accommodated inside the first lifting cover, a lifting motor coupled to the second lifting cover and configured to interwork with the lifting motor, and a water ejection nozzle installed at a lower end of the second lifting cover and configured to eject water. A water ejection pipe having one end connected to the water ejection nozzle and the other end extending to an inside of the case is disposed in a lower space of the lifting motor and the gear module. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a case; and a rotator disposed in the case;', 'a first lifting cover connected to the rotator;', 'a lifting gear fixed to the first lifting cover and extending in a first direction;', 'a second lifting cover received in the first lifting cover;', 'a lifting motor coupled to the second lifting cover;', 'a gear assembly engaged with the lifting motor and the lifting gear;', 'a liquid ejection nozzle disposed at an end of the second lifting cover and configured to eject liquid; and', 'a liquid ejection pipe having an end fluidly connected to the liquid ejection nozzle and an opposite end disposed in the case, wherein the liquid ejection pipe is routed through a space below the lifting motor and the gear assembly in the first direction., 'a liquid ejector at least partially protruding from the case and comprising2. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the gear assembly comprises:a gear bracket coupled to the second lifting cover; anda gear rotatably mounted to the gear bracket and engaged with the lifting gear,wherein the lifting motor rotates the gear such that the gear bracket that mounts the gear moves along the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001367A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit connected to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a fixed cover, a lifting cover, a lifting motor, a water ejection nozzle, a touch bar, a detection sensor, and a controller. The fixed cover is connected to the case. The lifting cover is movably received in the fixed cover and coupled to the lifting motor. The water ejection nozzle is installed at a lower end of the lifting cover and configured to eject water. The touch bar is at least partially received in the lifting cover and moves when in contact with a container placed below the water ejection nozzle. The detection sensor detects movement of the touch bar. The controller changes operation of the lifting motor when the detection sensor detects movement of the touch bar. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a case; and a lifting gear;', 'a lifting cover that is movable in a direction along the lifting gear;', 'a lifting motor included in the lifting cover;', 'a gear assembly engaged with the lifting motor and the lifting gear;', 'a liquid ejection nozzle disposed at an end of the lifting cover and configured to eject liquid into a liquid receiving container;', 'a touch bar at least partially housed in the lifting cover and configured to move as the touch bar contacts the liquid receiving container;', 'a detection sensor that is housed in the lifting cover, that includes a transmitter and a receiver, and that is configured to detect the touch bar as the touch bar moves between the transmitter and the receiver; and', 'a controller configured to control the lifting motor, wherein the controller is configured to change operation of the lifting motor based on the detection sensor detecting the touch bar., 'a liquid ejector comprising2. The liquid ejecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the liquid ejector further comprises:a fixed cover connected to the case and fixing the lifting gear, wherein the lifting cover is received in ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001521A1

An input apparatus for a vehicle includes a cover member for covering an upper part of an input unit installed in a center plate provided between a driver seat and a passenger seat, wherein the cover member moves forward from a center console located in a back part of the center plate to cover the upper part of the input unit. 1. An input apparatus for a vehicle comprising a cover member for covering an upper part of an input unit installed in a center plate provided between a driver seat and a passenger seat ,wherein the cover member moves forward from a center console located in a back part of the center plate to cover the upper part of the input unit.2. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cover member is accommodated below an arm rest formed in an upper part of the center console.3. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cover member moves through an opening formed in front of the center console to be accommodated in the center console.4. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cover member is guided by rails disposed in the center plate to move forward or backward.5. The input apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein when the cover member moves forward claim 4 , a fore end of the cover member contacts the center plate to shield the upper part of the input unit.6. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a screw configured to rotate by power provided by a driver; anda nut member connected to the cover member, screw-coupled with the screw, for moving translationally in a forward/backward direction according to rotation of the screw.7. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pinion gear configured to rotate by power provided by a driver; anda rack gear connected to the cover member, gear-coupled with the pinion gear, for moving translationally in a forward/backward direction according to rotation of the pinion gear.8. The input apparatus according to claim 1 , further ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Water ejecting apparatus

Номер: US20210002119A1

A water ejecting apparatus includes a case and a water ejection unit connected to one side of the case. The water ejection unit includes a first lifting cover having a lifting gear extending in an up-down direction, a second lifting cover movably accommodated inside the first lifting cover, a lifting motor coupled to the second lifting cover and configured to interwork with the lifting motor, a water ejection nozzle installed at a lower end of the second lifting cover and configured to eject water, and a light source disposed inside the second lifting cover and configured to output light to a lower side or a side surface of the second lifting cover.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001982A1
Автор: Utt Larry

An improved aircraft system is provided. The improved aircraft system comprises an adjustable vortices device that may be attached to an aircraft to create various vortices effects, which increase take-off weight and improve low-speed handling of the aircraft. The adjustable vortices device comprises a linear actuator, a pivot mechanism, and a vortex generator. The pivot mechanism is operably connected to the linear actuator in a way such that the translational energy of the linear actuator causes the pivot mechanism to rotate about a central axis. The vortex generator is moveably attached to a surface of the aircraft and coupled to the pivot mechanism in a way such that rotating the pivot mechanism causes the vortex generator to rotate about a central axis, which alters the angle the vortex generators move through the air. 1. An aircraft system comprising:a fuselage, [ an internal structure,', 'an upper surface coupled to said internal structure, and', 'a lower surface coupled to said internal structure,', 'wherein said streamlined airfoil-contoured body is arranged such that said fluid moves at a higher average velocity over said upper surface and at a lower average velocity over said lower surface,, 'a streamlined airfoil-contoured body that generates lift when propelled through a fluid at an angle of incidence of at least zero, wherein said streamlined airfoil-contoured body is defined by,'}, a linear actuator configured to convert rotational energy into translational energy,', 'wherein said translational energy of said linear actuator causes said pivot mechanism to rotate about a central axis, and', 'a pivot mechanism operably connected to said linear actuator,'}, 'wherein rotating said pivot mechanism causes said vortex generator to rotate about said central axis,', 'a vortex generator coupled to said pivot mechanism,'}], 'an adjustable vortices device operably connected to said streamlined airfoil-contoured body, wherein said adjustable vortices device ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002904A1
Автор: Behle Christoph
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A motor vehicle includes an airfoil assembly which is arranged in a region of a rear window of the motor vehicle. The airfoil assembly includes at least one airfoil, a guide arranged on a side of the rear window, and an actuator configured to move the at least one airfoil along the guide. 1. A motor vehicle , comprising an airfoil assembly arranged in a region of a rear window of the motor vehicle , said airfoil assembly including at least one airfoil , a guide arranged on a side of the rear window , and an actuator configured to move the at least one airfoil along the guide.2. The motor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the at least one actuator is arranged on the at least one airfoil.3. The motor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the actuator includes a belt drive claim 1 , an output shaft rotatably mounted on the airfoil and having a gear claim 1 , a driveshaft connected to the output shaft via the gear and the belt drive.4. The motor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil assembly includes a toothed rack arranged in the guide claim 1 , said actuator including a driveable gear in mesh with the toothed rack.5. The motor vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil assembly includes two of said guide disposed in opposing relationship and arranged on opposite sides on the rear window.6. The motor vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a holding element guided in the guide for movement along the guide claim 1 , said holding element connecting the airfoil with the guide.7. The motor vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the airfoil assembly includes two of said guide claim 4 , two of said toothed rack arranged in the guides in one-to-one correspondence claim 4 , and two gears claim 4 , said actuator being connected to the gears.8. The motor vehicle of claim 4 , wherein the airfoil assembly includes two of said actuator claim 4 , two of said guide claim 4 , two of said toothed rack arranged in the guides in one-to-one correspondence claim 4 , and two gears in mesh with the toothed racks ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002957A1

Disclosed is a formwork for producing concrete products including at least one supporting beam with an axis of extension, at least one panel bendable around a transverse direction with respect to the axis and at least one adjustment device adapted to connect the panel to the beam and to vary the curvature of the panel between a flat undeformed condition and curved condition, where the outer surface is convex or, if necessary, concave, wherein the adjustment device is connected at least at one intermediate point of the panel and at least at one edge point, positioned at a lateral edge substantially parallel to the direction of curvature, in order to simultaneously move the points to vary the curvature of the outer surface of the panel. 23031313141422424102525ababab. Formwork according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustment device () comprises at least one drive mechanism ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) adapted to generate a movement of at least the intermediate point ( claim 1 , ) along a direction transverse to the axis of extension (X) of the beam () claim 1 , and of the edge point ( claim 1 , ) along a direction substantially parallel to or with at least one component parallel to said axis of extension.31313131414224242525ababab. Formwork () according to claim 2 , wherein said drive mechanism ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) comprises mechanically interconnected elements adapted to cause the simultaneous movement of at least said intermediate point ( claim 2 , ) and said edge point ( claim 2 , ).413131314142ab. Formwork () according to claim 2 , wherein said drive mechanism ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) comprises gears claim 2 , an articulated system claim 2 , or both.51313141422424202525222220abababab. Formwork () according to claim 2 , wherein the adjustment device comprises a pair of adjustment mechanisms ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) claim 2 , each acting on at least one intermediate point ( claim 2 , ) of the panel () and ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003274A1
Автор: Lim Sun Ho

A power transmission device includes a pin gear having a plurality of power transmission pins that are relatively moved corresponding to a tooth shape formed on an outer gear, a motor arranged in a direction crossing a rotation axis of the pin gear, and generating power to rotate the pin gear, and a motion transfer unit connected to the pin gear and the motor between the pin gear and the motor, and transferring a rotational motion of the motor to a rotational motion of the pin gear. 1. A power transmission device comprising:a pin gear having a plurality of power transmission pins that are relatively moved corresponding to a tooth shape formed on an outer gear;a motor arranged in a direction crossing a rotation axis of the pin gear, and generating power to rotate the pin gear; anda motion transfer unit connected to the pin gear and the motor between the pin gear and the motor, and transferring a rotational motion of the motor to a rotational motion of the pin gear.2. The power transmission device of claim 1 , wherein the motion transfer unit comprises:a unit housing; anda built-in deceleration module provided in the unit housing, and decelerating a rotation force of the motor and transferring a decelerated rotational force to the pin gear.3. The power transmission device of claim 2 , wherein the built-in deceleration module comprises:a drive gear inserted in a first opening formed in the unit housing in a direction crossing the rotation axis of the pin gear, and rotated by the motor; anda driven gear inserted in a second opening communicating with the first opening and formed in a direction crossing the first opening, and decelerating a rotation force of the drive gear by being engaged with the drive gear.4. The power transmission device of claim 3 , wherein the drive gear is a drive bevel gear and the driven gear is a driven bevel gear.5. The power transmission device of claim 4 , wherein the built-in deceleration module further comprises:a drive bevel gear fixing ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Gear-Driven Automated Window or Door System

Номер: US20190003236A1

A motorized window with one or more motors and a frame with a slidable segment is disclosed. A drive system with gears, transmission or worm drive engage with a gear track mounted to the frame or slidable segment. Rotating a first gear in a first rotational direction causes the first gear to pull the slidable segment in a first linear direction. Rotating the first gear in a second rotational direction causes the first gear to pull the slidable segment in a second linear direction. Preferably, a controller controls the operation of the motors. Sensors inform the controller, and user input via a mobile device enables both direct user control and programming of the controller. 1. A device comprising:a frame and a slidable segment that is slidably mounted within the frame;a first motor mounted on the slidable segment;a controller that controls the operation of the first motor;a first gear driven by the first motor;a first gear track mounted to a first stationary member of the frame; wherein teeth of the first gear mesh with teeth of the first gear track;wherein rotating the first gear in a first rotational direction moves the slidable segment in a first linear direction as the first gear walks along the first gear track; andwherein rotating the first gear in a second rotational direction moves the slidable segment in a second linear direction as the first gear walks along the first gear track.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a second motor mounted on the slidable segment claim 1 , a second gear driven by the second motor claim 1 , a second gear track mounted to a second stationary member of the frame claim 1 , wherein teeth of the second gear align with teeth of the second gear track claim 1 , and wherein the second motor is controlled by the controller.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein:the first gear and the second gear are oriented anti-parallel to each other,rotating the second gear in the second rotational direction causes the second gear to move the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003564A1

This invention is an all gear infinitely variable transmission that is non-dependent on friction. It can me be used in high torque applications. It offers a steady and uniform output for a steady and uniform input. It allows a co-axial input and output thereby by using a planetary gear system the output can be made continuous from forward to reverse. This uses a “scotch-yoke” mechanism to convert rotational motion to a linear reciprocating motion. The linear distance of this reciprocating motion-“stroke” is changed by altering the crankpin location of the scotch-yoke mechanism. This reciprocating motion is converted to a rocking motion by using a “rack and pinion” and later converted to a unidirectional motion via a One-Way-Bearing. A set of non-circular gears are used to achieve a steady and uniform output. It employs a very simple mechanism to change the ratio between the input and output of the transmission. 1. An infinitely variable transmission wherein: [{'b': '18', 'a) an Input-Disk having a radial slot with a length extending in a substantially radial direction, disposed between a Ratio-Cam-Disk comprising a non-radial slot extending at least partially in a non-radial direction, and a slotted Cross-Rack-Holder comprising a first slot for receiving a Crank-Pin, a longitudinal axis of the first slot being orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of a Rack coupled with the slotted Cross-Rack-Holder that is restricted to move only along a substantially straight line that is substantially orthogonal to the first slot, a Crank-Pin engaged in the slot on the Input-Disk, the first slot of the Cross-Rack-Holder, and the slot of the Ratio-Cam-Disk , and extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the Input-Disk,'}, 'b) at least one Rectifier-Module that includes:, 'At least one Scotch-Yoke-Module which consists of 'and c) an Angular-Velocity-Modifier-Module comprising at least one Non-Circular-Gear and an Input-Shaft, arranged such that', 'the Rack, a Pinion, a Shaft-Pinion, ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008695A1

An apparatus for moving a slide-out room disposed in an aperture of a side wall of a vehicle from a retracted position to an extended position in a drive direction. The apparatus includes a drive assembly supported by the side wall of the vehicle and a driven assembly driven by the drive assembly. The driven assembly is connected to a wall of the slide-out room such that the slide-out room moves with the driven assembly from the retracted position to the extended position in the drive direction and the driven assembly is movable in a transverse direction generally perpendicular to the drive direction relative to the wall of the slide-out room. 1. An apparatus for moving a slide-out room disposed in an aperture of a side wall of a vehicle from a retracted position to an extended position in a drive direction , the apparatus comprising:a drive assembly supported by the side wall of the vehicle; anda driven assembly driven by the drive assembly, the driven assembly being connected to a wall of the slide-out room such that 1) the slide-out room moves with the driven assembly from the retracted position to the extended position in the drive direction, and 2) the driven assembly is movable in a transverse direction generally perpendicular to the drive direction relative to the wall of the slide-out room.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly includes a drive support that engages the driven assembly to inhibit the driven assembly from disengaging the drive assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drive assembly includes a rotatable pinion driven by a prime mover and the driven assembly includes a rack driven by the pinion.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the drive assembly includes a drive support rotatably supporting the pinion claim 3 , and the drive support engages the rack to inhibit the rack from disengaging the pinion.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the driven assembly further includes:a room engaging bracket connected to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Steering rack and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20170008551A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD

A steering rack meshes with a pinion rotatably driven by the input shaft of a steering gear constituting an automotive steering device. The steering rack is provided with a an axially extending rod part of round cross section, and a plurality of rack teeth formed on a radial one side surface of an axial portion of the rod part, the rack teeth meshing with the pinion. At least one dummy tooth is formed in portions that are axial parts of the rod part and are adjacent to both axial sides of the plurality of rack teeth. The dummy tooth has a tooth height less than the rack teeth and does not mesh with the pinion.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024581A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a gripping mechanism capable of stably gripping transportation articles of various sizes. 1. A gripping mechanism attached to a moving body so as to grip and convey a transportation article , comprising:a rotating body provided so as to be rotatable about a rotation axis;a first arm and a second arm disposed so as to be separated from the rotation axis by the same distance, with the rotation axis as a center, in order to grip the transportation article; anda width adjusting mechanism which engages with the rotating body, the first arm and the second arm and which is configured such that the first arm and the second arm move toward the rotation axis in the case where the rotating body rotates about the rotation axis in a predetermined direction, and the first arm and the second arm move away from the rotation axis in the case where the rotating body rotates about the rotation axis in a direction opposite from the predetermined direction.2. The gripping mechanism according to claim 1 ,wherein the rotating body includes a pinion on which a pinion gear is formed, andthe width adjusting mechanism includes a first rack on which a first rack gear meshing with the pinion gear is formed and which is connected with the first arm, and a second rack on which a second rack gear meshing with the pinion gear is formed and which is connected with the second arm.3. The gripping mechanism according to claim 2 , further including a locking means for suppressing movement of the first arm and the second arm away from the rotation axis.4. The gripping mechanism according to claim 3 ,wherein the locking means includes: a first engagement portion that engages with the first rack, a second engagement portion that engages with the second rack, and an elastic member for pressing the first rack and the second rack in a direction perpendicular to the moving directions of the first arm and the second arm by the first engagement portion and the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010794A1

An adjustable hanging device for securing an electronic device and being capable of angular adjustment is provided. One control screw is disposed for the operation along one dimension. When the adjustable hanging device is used for multi-dimensional angular adjustments, the control screws are disposed to extend to one operational side. Due to the mechanical integration and the compact design of the adjustable hanging device, the advantages of volume reduction and simpler manipulation at one operational side would be expectable. 1. An adjustable hanging device , comprising:a bearing base including a first housing and a dome member, said dome member having two first inner flat surfaces oppositely facing each other and a first inner cambered surface connecting said two first inner flat surfaces; and a first sliding member being slidably fitted in said dome member, said first sliding member having two second outer flat surfaces oppositely facing away from each other and a second outer cambered surface connecting said two second outer flat surfaces, wherein said second outer cambered surface corresponds to said first inner cambered surface and said second outer flat surfaces correspond to said first inner flat surfaces;', 'a first gear being disposed on said first housing and concentrically assembled to said bearing base and said first sliding member, said first gear having two wings, each of said wings respectively having a first curved groove, one of said wings having a plurality of teeth, each of said curved grooves having a first end and a second end, wherein a first radius of curvature defined by a straight line between a center of said first gear and said first end is smaller than a second radius of curvature defined by a straight line between said center of said first gear and said second end;', 'a first screw rod being disposed on said first housing and engaging with said teeth of said first gear; and', 'a first adjusting column being connected to said first ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010882A1

A dehumidifier may be provided that includes a water tank, a tank drawer, a frame, a main guide and a sub guide. The main guide on first and sides of the frame to guide the tank drawer when being moved inward and when being moved outward. The sub guide on the first and second sides of the frame to accommodate a rotation protrusion that protrudes from each of first and second side surfaces of the tank drawer. 1. A dehumidifier comprising:a main body in which a heat exchange module is provided;a water tank under the heat exchange module to collect condensed water from the heat exchange module;a tank drawer to accommodate the water tank, the tank drawer to be slidably provided at the main body;a frame to support the heat exchange module, the frame to partition a first space to accommodate the tank drawer from a second space to provide a compressor;a main guide on first and second surfaces of the frame to guide the tank drawer when the tank drawer is moved inward and when the tank drawer is moved outward; anda sub guide on the first and second sides of the frame to accommodate a rotation protrusion that protrudes from each of first and second surfaces of the tank drawer, the sub guide to guide slidable movement and rotation of the rotation protrusion at the tank drawer.2. The dehumidifier according to claim 1 , wherein the main guide includes a rack gear is provided in a direction in which the tank drawer is moved outward claim 1 , and the dehumidifier further comprises:a pinion gear, at the tank drawer, to be provided at the rack gear and to move along the main guide.3. The dehumidifier according to claim 2 , further comprising a driving motor to rotate the pinion gear.4. The dehumidifier according to claim 1 , wherein the main guide includes:a horizontal part extending in a direction corresponding to inward movement of the tank drawer and outward movement of the tank drawer; anda rotation part extending from the horizontal part, the rotation part to guide rotation of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010674A1
Автор: Horng Chin-Hsing

A torque position-limiting device includes a pivot member affixed to an external substrate, two compressible arms respectively extended from two opposite ends thereof toward each other with a gap defined therebetween and a smoothly curved bearing surface located on an outer side of each elastically compressible arm, and a position-limiting member including a circular pivot hole pivotally coupled to the pivot member, an abutment surface located on an inner perimeter thereof and abutted against each smoothly curved bearing surface of the pivot member and an outer ring gear portion located on an opposing outer perimeter thereof and drivable by an external force to turn the position-limiting member about the pivot member and to further cause generation of a friction force between each smoothly curved bearing surface of the pivot member and the abutment surface of the position-limiting member. 1. A torque position-limiting device , comprising:a pivot member comprising a base portion, at least one elastically compressible arm extended from said base portion, a flexible space surrounded by said at least one elastically compressible arm and said base portion, and a smoothly curved bearing surface located on an outer side of each said elastically compressible arm opposite to said flexible space; anda position-limiting member comprising a body portion, a circular pivot hole defined in said body portion and pivotally coupled to said pivot member, an abutment surface located on an inner perimeter of said body portion around said circular pivot hole and abutted against said smoothly curved bearing surface of said pivot member, and an outer ring gear portion located on an opposing outer perimeter of said body portion and drivable by an external force to turn said position-limiting member about said pivot member and to further cause generation of a friction force between each said smoothly curved bearing surface of said pivot member and said abutment surface of said position- ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010451A1
Принадлежит: INGINE, INC.

Disclosed are a wave force generation system for producing electric energy by a hydraulic circuit and a controlling method. The wave force generation system comprises a power conversion portion including a hydraulic cylinder which generates a hydraulic pressure by six degrees-of-freedom motion of a moving object floating on waves, wherein: when force is applied to the hydraulic cylinder in one direction thereof, the power conversion portion makes a fluid flow along a first path so as to produce electric energy; and when force is applied to the hydraulic cylinder in the other direction thereof, the power conversion portion makes the fluid flow through second path which makes the fluid bypass and flow in a direction opposite to the first path, whereby the fluid in the second path meets the first path and thus can produce electric energy. 1. A wave force generation system comprising:a power conversion portion comprising a hydraulic cylinder configured to generate a hydraulic pressure by a six degrees-of-freedom motion of a movable object floating on waves,wherein when a force is applied to the hydraulic cylinder in one direction thereof, the power conversion portion allows a fluid to flow along a first path, to produce electric energy, andwherein when a force is applied to the hydraulic cylinder in another direction thereof, the power conversion portion allows the fluid to flow through a second path that allows the fluid to bypass and flow in a direction opposite to the first path, and the second path is merged with the first path, to produce electric energy.2. The wave force generation system of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of tensile force transmission members connected to at least three portions of the movable object are included.3. The wave force generation system of claim 2 , whereineach of the tensile force transmission members comprises a first driving portion configured to drive the hydraulic cylinder, and a restoring force transmission portion,when a tensile ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010574A1
Принадлежит: Segos Co Ltd

One embodiment of the present invention provides an actuator comprising: a housing having a mounting space part formed therein; a motor part provided inside the housing and generating power; a reduction gear part of which a plurality of gears respectively having an internal gear and an external gear sequentially engage with each other so as to transmit the power generated in the motor part; and a rod part engaging with the gear disposed at the last position, and linearly moving according to the rotation of the gear, wherein one of the plurality of gears is formed such that the internal gear and the external gear can rotate together or rotate independently.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011100A1

An exemplary damper module is configured for use with a latchbolt assembly, and generally includes a mounting bracket, a first slowing mechanism, and a second slowing mechanism. The latchbolt assembly generally includes a drive member, a latchbolt, and a retractor connected between the drive member and the latchbolt. Each of the slowing mechanisms is independently operable to slow the extension speed of the latchbolt. The first slowing mechanism includes a rack gear and a rotary damper including a pinion gear. The rack gear is configured to be mounted to the drive member, and the rotary damper is mounted to the mounting bracket. The second slowing mechanism includes a slowing arm and a biasing member engaged with the slowing arm. The slowing arm is movably mounted to the mounting bracket and is configured to engage the retractor. 1. A system , comprising:a mounting assembly configured for mounting to a door;an actuation assembly movably mounted to the mounting assembly;a drive member operably connected with the actuation assembly, wherein the drive member is configured to move in a drive member actuating direction in response to actuation of the actuation assembly, and wherein the drive member is operable to move in a drive member deactuating direction in response to deactuation of the actuation assembly;a retractor operably connected with the drive member, wherein the retractor is configured to move in a retractor actuating direction in response to movement of the drive member in the drive member actuating direction, and wherein the retractor is operable to move in a retractor deactuating direction in response to movement of the drive member in the drive member deactuating direction;a latchbolt operably connected with the retractor, the latchbolt having an extended position and a retracted position, wherein the latchbolt is configured to move in a retracting movement toward the retracted position in response to movement of the retractor in the retractor actuating ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031077A1
Автор: CHEN Fu-Ming, CHEN Te-Chun

A chair armrest which includes an armrest body, a first component, a second component, and a mounting seat is revealed. The armrest body consists of an armrest cover, an armrest base and a rectangular space formed therein. The first component is mounted in the rectangular space of the armrest body and arranged at a first sliding slot of the armrest base while the second component is mounted in the rectangular space of the armrest body and disposed on the first component. The mounting seat is for loading the armrest body. The armrest body can be moved relative to the first component, the second component, the mounting seat and the protruding axis in the lengthwise direction by the first sliding slot for position adjustment. Thereby the chair arrest can be rotated or moved in the lengthwise/widthwise direction for adjustment under the condition that the overall thickness thereof is effectively reduced. 2. The chair armrest as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a bottom surface of the second component is mounted with a locking slot whose inner bottom surface is adjacent to and communicating with the locking hole; wherein the mounting seat further includes a rotating slot and a cover plate; wherein the protruding axis of the mounting seat is removably mounted in the rotating slot while a top surface and a bottom surface of the protruding axis are further provided with a top-side protrusion and a bottom-side rotating disc respectively; wherein the cover plate is provided with an insertion hole through which the protruding axis and the top-side protrusion are inserted to be locked into the locking slot of the second component and the fastener is secured into the protruding axis and the top-side protrusion; wherein the cover plate and the mounting seat remain still while the armrest body claim 1 , the first component claim 1 , the second component claim 1 , the top-side protrusion and the bottom-side rotating disc are rotated synchronously around the center of the protruding ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014896A1

A surgical instrument is configured for coupling with an instrument drive unit that drives an actuation of the surgical instrument and operatively supports the surgical instrument. The surgical instrument includes a housing, an elongate body extending distally from the housing, an end effector extending distally from the elongate body, and a plurality of driven members rotatably fixed and longitudinally moveable relative to the elongate body. The plurality of driven members are longitudinal moveable relative to one another. Each driven member of the plurality of drive members is coupled to a respective cable that is attached to the end effector. The plurality of driven members is configured for engagement with an instrument drive unit. 1. A surgical assembly , comprising: a housing;', 'an elongate body extending distally from the housing;', 'an end effector extending distally from the elongate body; and', 'first and second circular racks rotatably fixed and longitudinally movable relative to the elongate body, wherein the first circular rack is slidably receivable within the second circular rack; and, 'a surgical instrument including a first drive motor operably connected to the first circular rack for longitudinally moving the first circular rack relative to the elongate body; and', 'a second drive motor operably connected to the second circular rack for longitudinally moving the second circular rack relative to the elongate body., 'an instrument drive unit configured to operatively and releasably support the surgical instrument, the instrument drive unit including2. The surgical assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the surgical instrument includes a first cable extending distally from the first circular rack and a second cable extending distally from the second circular rack.3. The surgical assembly according to claim 2 , wherein each cable operably extends to the end effector of the surgical instrument.4. The surgical assembly according to claim 1 , wherein ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Depth adjustment system for seed planting units of an agricultural implement and related assemblies

Номер: US20200015405A1
Принадлежит: CNH Industrial Canada Ltd

A system for adjusting penetration depth settings of seed planting units of an agricultural implement, the system may include a plurality of seed planting units and a common drive assembly. Each of the seed planting units may have a depth adjustment assembly. The common drive assembly may be configured to drive the depth adjustment assemblies of the plurality of seed planting units so as to simultaneously adjust a penetration depth setting of each respective seed planting unit.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016369A1

A rack guide for a rack and pinion steering device, a rack and pinion steering device, and a manufacturing method for a rack guide for a rack and pinion steering device have a simple configuration with a close contact property being kept between a rack guide and a rack guide base member to ensure quietness. A rack guide for a rack and pinion steering device includes: a casing; a pinion to be slidably supported by the casing; a rack bar having a rack tooth meshed with the pinion; a rack guide including an abutment portion to which the rack bar is to be slidably abutted and a recessed portion, which is continued to the abutment portion, to be spaced from the rack bar; a rack guide base member for receiving the rack guide; and an urging unit to urge the rack guide against the rack bar through the rack guide base member. 1. A rack and pinion steering device comprising:a casing;a pinion to be slidably supported by said casing;a rack bar having a rack tooth meshed with said pinion;a rack guide comprising an abutment portion to which said rack bar is to be slidably abutted and a recessed portion, which is continued to said abutment portion, to be spaced from said rack bar;a rack guide base member for receiving said rack guide; andan urging unit for urging said rack guide against said rack bar through said rack guide base member,wherein said recessed portion is plastically deformed in such a manner that a thickness dimension of said recessed portion is different from that of said abutment portion.2. A rack and pinion steering device according to claim 1 , wherein said thickness dimension of said recessed portion becomes gradually decreasing as the recessed portion becomes away from said abutment portion.3. A rack and pinion steering device according to claim 1 , wherein an abutment surface of abutment portion to be abutted to said rack bar has a surface constituted by a plastic material.4. A rack and pinion steering device according to claim 1 , wherein an outer surface of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016490A1
Принадлежит: FUJI IMPULSE CO., LTD.

A valve device includes a control device adapted to control a valve without being supplied with electricity. The control device includes at least one rotatable control cam having an outer periphery with a concave and convex shape, and a driving device adapted to rotate the control cam only in a first rotational direction, out of the first rotational direction and a second rotational direction opposite from the first rotational direction, by being supplied with a pressurized medium. The valve is placed such that a switch portion comes in contact with the outer peripheral portion of the control cam, in order that the valve is opened and closed by the control cam being rotated. 1. A valve device comprising:at least one valve having a switch portion and adapted to be opened and closed by the switch portion being operated; anda control device adapted to control the valve without being supplied with electricity;whereinthe control device includes at least one rotatable control cam having an outer periphery with a concave and convex shape, and a driving device adapted to rotate the control cam only in a first rotational direction, out of the first rotational direction and a second rotational direction opposite from the first rotational direction, by being supplied with a pressurized medium, andthe valve is placed such that the switch portion comes in contact with the outer peripheral portion of the control cam, in order that the valve is opened and closed by the control cam being rotated.2. The valve device according to claim 1 , wherein the control cam is placed such that the control cam comes into contact with the switch portion and separates from the switch portion claim 1 , by being rotated.3. The valve device according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of the valves and a plurality of the control cams are provided, andthe driving device includes a rolling member secured to the plurality of the control cams, such that the rolling member rotates integrally with the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102260A1
Автор: Pusateri Daniel
Принадлежит: Snap-on Incorporated

A device that automatically actuates the reversing lever of a ratchet mechanism when the radial direction of the motor is changed. The auto-shift mechanism includes a worm gear that rotates with the motor, and a disc coupled to the worm gear that moves laterally as the worm gear rotates. Axial movement of the disc actuates a reversing lever of a ratchet mechanism by either pulling or pushing the reversing lever. A lost-motion mechanism can absorb an initial amount of torque so that the auto-shift mechanism can run its course prior to applying the torque to a fastener. 1. A tool adapted to apply a torque to a work piece comprising:a ratchet gear adapted to transmit the torque to the work piece in either of a first or second rotational drive direction, wherein the first rotational drive direction is opposite the second rotational drive direction;a pawl mechanism adapted to engage the ratchet gear to selectively permit rotation of the ratchet gear in the first rotational drive direction and substantially prevent rotation of the ratchet gear in the second rotational drive direction, and selectively permit rotation of the ratchet gear in the second rotational drive direction and substantially prevent rotation of the ratchet gear in the first rotational drive direction;a reversing lever operably coupled to the pawl mechanism and adapted to shift to selectively chose either of the first and second rotational drive directions for the ratchet gear; and a first driveshaft extending in an axial direction and rotatable in a radial direction;', 'a worm gear coupled to the first driveshaft and having gear threads;', 'a disc having disc threads cooperatively engageable with the gear threads;', 'an arm coupled to the disc and the reversing lever,, 'an auto-shift mechanism includingwherein the disc is axially movable along the first driveshaft to shift the reversing lever upon rotation of the worm gear.2. The tool of claim 1 , further comprising a rail along which the disc moves ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017587A1

The disclosure concerns a rack-and-pinion gear for a motor vehicle. The rack-and-pinion gear includes a pinion shaft and a toothed rack, which are mounted inside a housing. In order to provide a rack-and-pinion gear with precise engagement, which can be produced economically, according to the disclosure it is provided that a position of the pinion shaft in the housing can be adjusted by at least one adjustment element so that a tilt of the pinion shaft relative to the toothed rack can be set. 1. A rack-and-pinion gear for a motor vehicle , comprising:a pinion shaft; anda toothed rack mounted inside a housing, wherein a position of the pinion shaft in the housing is adjusted by at least one adjustment element so that a tilt of the pinion shaft relative to the toothed rack is set.2. The rack-and-pinion gear as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tilt of the pinion shaft is set inside a plane parallel to a running direction of the toothed rack.3. The rack-and-pinion gear as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pinion shaft is mounted inside the housing via an end-side first bearing and a second bearing opposite the first bearing relative to the toothed rack claim 1 , wherein the at least one adjustment element is assigned to the first or second bearing.4. The rack-and-pinion gear as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the at least one adjustment element is assigned to the first bearing.5. The rack-and-pinion gear as claimed in claim 3 , wherein precisely one of the first or second bearings is adjusted by the adjustment element such that a position of the pinion shaft inside the one of the first or second bearings is changed transversely to a running direction of the first or second bearing.6. The rack-and-pinion gear as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adjustment element is a bearing bushing that indirectly mounts the pinion shaft claim 1 , wherein the bearing bushing is formed eccentrically and has various angular positions around the shaft inside the housing.7. The rack-and-pinion ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Sprocket-Driven Door

Номер: US20150020617A1
Автор: Neumann Rodney H.

Where access doors are used for pets, poultry, farm animals, traps, or human access, this invention describes a drive mechanism for moving the door. The access door panel could be applied to a cage, house, coop, trap, feed receptacle, or other application. The drive mechanism of the automatic door is described here as a sprocket that directly engages with the movable door panel. Manufacture of the sprocket and door panel is such that can be punched from raw sheet metal and not requiring precision milling processes. The function provides opening and closing by sliding or swiveling the door panel. Holding the door panel in place is an important additional function of the direct drive mechanism of this invention. 1. A drive mechanism comprising:A sprocket with at least eight sprocket teeth, rigidly attached to a shaft turned by a gear-motor and a movable door panel where the sprocket teeth are engaged in a series of sprocket holes in the movable door panel.2. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket holes in the movable door panel are round where the sprocket teeth contact the movable door panel.3. The mechanism of wherein the shaft protrudes directly out of and is an integral part of the gear-motor.4. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket is manufactured by an automatic punch machine that punches the sprocket from a sheet of material by making a sequence of rectangular holes each aligned on the circumference of the sprocket claim 1 , turning the punch tool each step by the amount of angle necessary to make the teeth with given angular separation.51. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket teeth are triangular.6. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket holes in the door panel are round holes.7. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket engaged with the door panel couples a force between the moveable door panel and the sprocket through the contact of no more than three sprocket teeth at a time.8. The mechanism of wherein the sprocket is punched from a sheet using a custom-machined ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020618A1
Автор: KAWAKUBO Akitake

A rack bush, which constitutes a rack and pinion type steering system and supports a rack shaft in which rack teeth are formed at one circumferential portion, includes a bush main body and a rigidity reducing portion. The bush main body has an annular shape into which the rack shaft is inserted. The bush main body is divided, in a circumferential direction, into two portions including a rack teeth-side portion located on the same side as the rack teeth in the circumferential direction and a back face-side portion other than the rack teeth-side portion. The rigidity reducing portion is provided in the rack teeth-side portion, and makes a rigidity of the rack teeth-side portion lower than a rigidity of the back face-side portion. 1. A rack bush constituting a rack and pinion type steering system and supporting a rack shaft in which rack teeth are formed at one circumferential portion , the rack bush comprising:an annular bush main body into which the rack shaft is inserted, and which is divided, in a circumferential direction, into two portions including a rack teeth-side portion located on the same side as the rack teeth in the circumferential direction and a back face-side portion other than the rack teeth-side portion; anda rigidity reducing portion that is provided in the rack teeth-side portion, and that makes a rigidity of the rack teeth-side portion lower than a rigidity of the back face-side portion.2. The rack bush according to claim 1 , wherein the rigidity reducing portion includes an axial groove extending in an axial direction of the bush main body.3. The rack bush according to claim 2 ,wherein the axial grooves are respectively provided at least at boundaries at two circumferential portions between the rack teeth-side portion and the back face-side portion in the bush main body, and in a region other than the boundaries in the rack teeth-side portion, andwherein each of the axial grooves extends from one end or the other end of the rack teeth-side ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020619A1

A rack bar supporting device is a device for supporting a rack bar of a steering apparatus of a vehicle toward a pinion shaft and includes a rack bearing and a biasing assembly. The biasing assembly includes an adjustment plug, an adjustment assembly and a support plate assembly. The adjustment assembly includes an adjustment member and a first biasing member. The support plate assembly includes a first support plate, a second support plate, a second biasing member which provides a force for pushing the first support plate along the biasing axis against the second support plate, and a connection structure which connects the first and the second support plates together so as to restrict movement of the second plate in a direction away from the rack bearing. 1. A rack bar supporting device for supporting a rack bar of a steering apparatus of a vehicle toward a pinion shaft , comprising;a rack bearing which is disposed at an opposite side of the pinion in a state of contacting the rack bar; anda biasing assembly which provides a force of pushing the rack bearing along a biasing axis toward the rack bar so that the rack bearing pushes the rack bar to be engaged with the pinion shaft,wherein the biasing assembly comprises:an adjustment plug which can be fixed at a plurality of positions along the biasing axis;an adjustment assembly comprising an adjustment member which is formed to be able to move along the biasing axis relatively to the adjustment plug toward the rack bearing and a first biasing member which is connected respectively to the adjustment plug and the adjustment member so as to provide a force of pushing the adjustment member toward the rack bearing with respect to the adjustment plug; anda support plate assembly comprising a first support plate which is supported by the rack bearing, a second support plate which is disposed to face the first support plate in a state of being supported by the adjustment member, a second biasing member which is interposed ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017822A1

A drilling carriage adapted to move along a drilling mast extending in a longitudinal direction includes a body structure having a first side and a second side each parallel to the longitudinal direction and parallel to each other separated in a first direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction. The drilling carriage includes a first motor having a first output shaft and a second output shaft and a second motor having a third output shaft and a fourth output shaft. The drilling carriage may include a pinion coupled to each of the output shafts. Each pinion may engage a respective rack coupled to the drilling mast. 1. A drilling carriage , the drilling carriage comprising:a body structure having a first side and a second side, the first and second sides parallel to the longitudinal direction and parallel to each other, separated in a first direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction;a first motor coupled to the body structure, the first motor having a first output shaft and a second output shaft;a first pinion coupled to the first output shaft of the first motor, the first pinion engaged with a first rack coupled to a drilling mast and extending in the longitudinal direction;a second pinion coupled to the second output shaft of the first motor, the second pinion engaged with a second rack coupled to the drilling mast and extending in the longitudinal direction;a second motor coupled to the body structure, the second motor having a third output shaft and a fourth output shaft;a third pinion coupled to the third output shaft of the second motor, the third pinion engaged with a third rack coupled to the drilling mast and extending in the longitudinal direction; anda fourth pinion coupled to the fourth output shaft of the second motor, the fourth pinion engaged with a fourth rack coupled to the drilling mast and extending in the longitudinal direction.2. The drilling carriage of claim 1 , wherein the first motor is offset horizontally from the second ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018075A1
Автор: Voegeli Ronald C.
Принадлежит: CV Group, LLC

A motion conversion apparatus () comprises a rodrack assembly () and a gearshaft member (). The rodrack assembly () comprises a first gear connection member () and two guide members (). The gearshaft member () comprises a second gear connection member () configured to engage with the first gear connection member (), and a guiding surface arrangement () configured to contact the guide members (). The rodrack assembly () is configured to provide rotation of the gearshaft member () about a rotational axis (A) by reciprocating linear motion of the rodrack assembly () along a first spatial dimension (D) orthogonal to the rotational axis (A), and/or the gearshaft member () is configured to provide reciprocating linear motion of the rodrack assembly () along the first spatial dimension (D) by rotational motion of the gearshaft member () about the rotational axis (A). The guiding surface arrangement () is configured to simultaneously contact each guide member () during at least a portion of the reciprocating linear motion of the rodrack assembly (). 1100. A motion conversion apparatus () comprising:{'b': 110', '120', '140, 'at least one rodrack assembly () comprising a first gear connection member () and two guide members (); and'}{'b': 150', '160', '120', '170', '140, 'a gearshaft member () comprising a second gear connection member () configured to engage with the first gear connection member (), and a guiding surface arrangement () configured to contact the two guide members (),'}{'b': 110', '150', '110', '1', '150', '110', '1', '150, 'the at least one rodrack assembly () being configured to provide rotation of the gearshaft member () about a rotational axis (A) by reciprocating linear motion of the at least one rodrack assembly () along a first spatial dimension (D) orthogonal to the rotational axis (A), and/or the gearshaft member () being configured to provide reciprocating linear motion of the at least one rodrack assembly () along the first spatial dimension (D) by ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Multiple-Rodrack Assembly for Motion Conversion Technology

Номер: US20210018076A1
Автор: Voegeli Ronald C.
Принадлежит: CV Group, LLC

A motion conversion apparatus () comprises at least one set including a rodrack assembly () between two gearshaft member end sections (), and a gearshaft member mid section () between the two gearshaft member end sections (). The rodrack assembly () comprises a first gear connection member () and two guide members (). The gearshaft member mid section () comprises a second gear connection member () configured to engage with the first gear connection member (). The two gearshaft member end sections () each comprise a guiding surface arrangement () configured to contact the two guide members (). The rodrack assembly () is configured to provide rotation of the gearshaft member mid section () about a rotational axis (A) by reciprocating linear motion of the rodrack assembly () along a first spatial dimension (D) orthogonal to the rotational axis (A), or vice versa. 1400500. A motion conversion apparatus ( , ) comprising: [{'b': 110', '155', '110', '120', '140, 'a rodrack assembly () between two gearshaft member end sections (), the rodrack assembly () comprising a first gear connection member () and two guide members (); and'}, {'b': 156', '155', '156', '160', '120, 'a gearshaft member mid section () between the two gearshaft member end sections (), the gearshaft member mid section () comprising a second gear connection member () configured to engage with the first gear connection member (),'}, {'b': 155', '170', '140, 'the two gearshaft member end sections () each comprising a guiding surface arrangement () configured to contact the two guide members (),'}, {'b': 110', '156', '110', '1', '156', '110', '1', '156, 'the rodrack assembly () being configured to provide rotation of the gearshaft member mid section () about a rotational axis (A) by reciprocating linear motion of the rodrack assembly () along a first spatial dimension (D) orthogonal to the rotational axis (A), and/or the gearshaft member mid section () being configured to provide reciprocating linear motion of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038595A1

A power switching device for switching power between translational motion and rotational motion includes an active gear, a transmission mechanism, a translation mechanism, a functional gear, and a reset mechanism. The active gear can rotate in a first direction or a second direction opposite the first direction. The translation mechanism includes a runner and a pushing member. The active gear can switch between a first position and a second position. In the first position, the active gear meshes with the runner and rotates in the first direction or the second direction to drive the runner to rotate. In the second position, the active gear meshes with the transmission gear and rotates in the second direction to drive the functional gear to rotate. 1. A power switching device for switching power between translational motion and rotational motion , the power switching device comprising:an active mechanism comprising an active gear and a driver, the driver connected to the active gear and used to drive the active gear to rotate in a first direction or a second direction opposite to the first direction;a transmission mechanism comprising a transmission gear coaxial with the active gear; a runner coaxial with the active gear and located on a side of the active gear away from the transmission gear;', 'a pushing member for pushing the active gear in the direction of the transmission gear to switch power;, 'a translation mechanism comprisinga rotating mechanism comprising a functional gear connected to the transmission mechanism; anda reset mechanism for pushing the active gear in the direction of the runner to switch power; wherein:the active gear can switch between a first position and a second position;in the first position, the active gear meshes with the runner and rotates in the first direction or the second direction to drive the runner to rotate;in the second position, the active gear meshes with the transmission gear and rotates in the second direction to drive the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020245A1
Автор: Yu Chun

The present invention relates to the field of motor technologies, and provides a motor, a gimbal and a mechanical arm having same. The motor includes a rotary shaft, a first magnetic element, a first circuit board and a second circuit board. The first magnetic element is mounted on the rotary shaft and is capable of rotating with the rotary shaft. The first circuit board is mounted on the rotary shaft and disposed opposite to the first magnetic element. The first circuit board includes a coil circuit and the coil circuit faces toward the first magnetic element. The second circuit board is mounted on the rotary shaft, the second circuit board including an electronic speed control circuit, the second circuit board being electrically connected to the first circuit board. In the motor in the present invention, the second circuit board including the electronic speed control circuit is mounted on the rotary shaft, so that space of the motor can be properly used, thereby making a structure of the motor compact. 1. A motor , comprising:a rotary shaft;a first magnetic element, wherein the first magnetic element is mounted on the rotary shaft and is capable of rotating with the rotary shaft;a first circuit board, wherein the first circuit board is mounted on the rotary shaft and disposed close to the first magnetic element, the first circuit board being opposite to the first magnetic element, the first circuit board being provided with a coil circuit, and the coil circuit being disposed on a surface of the first circuit board facing toward the first magnetic element; anda second circuit board, wherein the second circuit board is mounted on the rotary shaft and disposed far away from the first magnetic element, the second circuit board being provided with an electronic speed control circuit, the second circuit board being electrically connected to the first circuit board.2. The motor according to further comprising a first supporting seat sleeved on the rotary shaft claim 1 , ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024737A1
Автор: DESPREZ Francois

A device for translationally maneuvering a structure able to move with respect to a fixed support, includes at least one rack and at least one output pinion which is driven by motor elements via a gear train borne by a chassis. At least one element of the gear train consists in a slave element borne by a shaft equipped with torque limiting elements collaborating with the chassis and having a limit torque which is determined so as to: immobilize the slave element in terms of rotation with respect to the chassis when its torque is below the limit torque to permit translational maneuvering of the mobile structure by the turning of the output pinion; and allow the slave element to rotate with respect to the chassis when its torque is higher than the limit torque, to avoid a static or dynamic overload being applied to the gear train. 115-. (canceled)1718. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , wherein the limit torque of the torque limiting means () is comprised between 0.1 and 3 times the nominal effort.1818. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , wherein the torque limiting means () include means for adjusting the limit torque during the manoeuvre.19181816. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , wherein the torque limiting means () include means for piloting them to an inactive position claim 16 , allowing a deactivation of said torque limiting means () claim 16 , in which the controlled element () is immobilized in rotation with respect to said frame (C).2018. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , wherein the torque limiting means () consist in a multi-disk brake.2118. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , wherein the torque limiting means () are associated with water cooling means.222351015. The maneuvering device according to claim 16 , further including a vertical rack () associated with an output pinion () claim 16 , and wherein the gear train () includes two parallel groups ( claim 16 , ) in which:{'b': 10', '3', '4, 'a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023109A1
Автор: Ellison Adam Charles

A transmission and components thereof are provided. In one aspect, the transmission component has one or more formations, the one or more formations being substantially elongate and running along an engagement face of the component, the formation(s) configured to be frictionally engagable with a substantially elongate recess of a second transmission component; and/or (ii) one or more recesses, the one or more recesses being substantially elongate and running along an engagement face of the component, the recess(es) configured to be frictionally engagable with a substantially elongate formation of a second transmission component. In a second aspect, the transmission has a first transmission component and a second transmission component having one or more substantially elongate recesses, wherein the formation(s) of the first transmission component are frictionally engageable with the recess(es) of the second transmission component, such that in use the first transmission component is capable of driving the second transmission component. In a third aspect, a method for improving the torque density of a transmission is provided by setting or adjusting an amount of frictional engagement between two components involved in the torque flow through the transmission. 1. A transmission component , comprising:a component having an engagement face;one or more formations wherein each formation is substantially elongate, the one or more formations running along the engagement face of the component, the one or more formations configured to be frictionally engagable with a substantially elongate recess of a second transmission component; orone or more recesses wherein each recess is substantially elongate, the one or more recesses running along the engagement face of the component, the one or more recesses configured to be frictionally engagable with a substantially elongate formation of a second transmission component.2. The transmission component of claim 1 , wherein the component ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023177A1
Автор: YOMOGITA Yasukazu
Принадлежит: MINEBEA CO., LTD.

There is provided a tilting mechanism. The tilting mechanism includes a drive source configured to drive a plate, a movement unit connected to the drive source, a conveyance unit configured to be moved linearly by the movement unit, and a plate support member to which the plate is fixed and which is partially engaged with the conveyance unit so that the plate support member is moved by the conveyance unit. The plate is moved linearly by linearly moving the conveyance unit together with the plate support member. Tilting operation of the plate is performed by tilting the plate support member, the tilting of the plate support member being caused by pushing the plate support member by the conveyance unit, which moves linearly in a state that the linear movement of the plate support member is stopped. 1. A tilting mechanism , comprising:a drive source configured to drive a plate;a movement unit connected to the drive source;a conveyance unit configured to be moved linearly by the movement unit; anda plate support member to which the plate is fixed and which is partially engaged with the conveyance unit so that the plate support member is moved by the conveyance unit,wherein the plate is moved linearly by linearly moving the conveyance unit together with the plate support member; andtilting operation of the plate is performed by tilting the plate support member, the tilting of the plate support member being caused by pushing the plate support member by the conveyance unit which moves linearly in a state that the linear movement of the plate support member is stopped.2. The tilting mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising:a side rail member configured to support a shaft for tilting to guide the shaft for tilting in a movement direction thereof, and configured to support a shaft for conveyance to guide the shaft for conveyance in a movement direction thereof, the shaft for conveyance being inserted into the conveyance unit, the shaft for tilting being inserted ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Display device for vehicle

Номер: US20210022259A1

A display device for a vehicle includes a main body, a guide, and a flexible display. The flexible display is configured to be inserted between a pair of guide plates of the guide. The pair of guide plates are transparent, and an area of the flexible display positioned between the pair of guide plates is configured to vary. The display device allows a front area of the vehicle to be viewed through the transparent guide plates, and allows a rear area of the vehicle to be disposed on the flexible display. The flexible display is configured to be protected by the pair of guide plates and deformed along the pair of guide plates.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Laminated Rack Assembly for Powered Motion of Aircraft Seats

Номер: US20220042589A1
Принадлежит: BE Aerospace Inc

A rack is made from a plurality of laminated layers. Each layer defines an alignment feature that allows all of the layers to be affixed to a base plate of an aircraft seat assembly and align the teeth of the rack to within five ten-thousandths of an inch. The rack includes a straight portion and a curved portion such that a pinion gear on the aircraft seat assembly can move the aircraft seat assembly along tracks with straight and curved portions.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024624A1
Автор: JEONG Jae Hui

The present invention relates to a buoyancy-driven power generation apparatus, which generates electricity by means of water power, gravity, and buoyancy, and differentially supplies fluid according to a water level so as to enable the efficiency of a pump for supplying the fluid to improve. 1. A buoyancy-driven power generation apparatus comprising:{'b': 10', '11, 'a main body housing () having a main body outlet () formed at a lower side thereof and an opened upper portion thereof;'}{'b': 20', '10, 'a buoyant body () provided inside the main body housing ();'}{'b': 30', '11, 'a discharge turbine () provided in a discharge direction of the main body outlet ();'}{'b': 40', '11', '11, 'a storage tank () provided at a lower side of the main body outlet () and storing the fluid discharged from the main body outlet ();'}{'b': 50', '40', '10', '52, 'a pumping pipe () supplying the fluid received in the storage tank to the main body housing () using a pump ();'}{'b': 60', '61', '20', '62', '10', '61, 'a buoyant-driven power generator () including a rack gear () vertically provided at a central portion of the upper surface of the buoyant body () and a pinion gear () provided at the upper portion of the main body housing () to engage with the rack gear (); and'}{'b': 70', '30', '60, 'a power generator () converting rotational energy transmitted from the discharge turbine () and the buoyant-driven power generator () into electric energy.'}22022102021203121. The buoyancy-driven power generation apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the buoyant body () has a hallow shape therein and includes an inlet () through which some of the fluid supplied to the inside of the main body housing flows into the buoyant body (); and a buoyant body outlet () for discharging the fluid flowing into the buoyant body () claim 1 , and a second discharge turbine () is provided in a discharge direction of the buoyant body outlet ().35051. The buoyancy-driven power generation apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023916A1
Автор: GREGORY Norman Scott

A system for controlling a sun blocking structure in a vehicle is disclosed. The system can automatically move/position the sun blocking structure between ambient light from the sun and a person located in the vehicle. Also, the sun blocking structure can be located in the vehicle such that the system automatically drives the sun blocking structure in a manner that avoids contact between the person and the sun blocking structure. The system includes a GPS unit that provides location information of the vehicle as well as current time and date information to a controller. The controller uses this information to determine a location of the ambient light incident on the vehicle, and provides instructions that cause a motor to move the sun blocking structure to a location between the ambient light and the person's eyes, thereby blocking the person's eyes from direct ambient light. 1. A system for controlling a sun blocking structure in an automobile , the system comprising:an input mechanism configured to receive an input;a controller configured to receive the input from the input mechanism and configured to generate instructions based on the one or more inputs; anda motor configured to drive the sun blocking structure around a person in the automobile and locate the sun blocking structure between the person and ambient light based on the instructions from the controller.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the input mechanism comprises a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit claim 1 , and wherein the input comprises location coordinates provided by the GPS unit.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to determine a direction of travel of the automobile based on the location coordinates claim 2 , and wherein the controller is configured to provide the instructions based on the direction of travel.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the controller is further configured to receive solar data information and provide the instructions based on the solar ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Drive Devices for Movement Units of Machine Tools and Related Machine Tools

Номер: US20150027246A1

A drive device for a movement unit of a machine tool includes a first toothed element driven by a drive motor and provided as a drive pinion including a first tooth arrangement and a second toothed element provided as a toothed rack including a second tooth arrangement. One of the first and second toothed elements is connected to a machine frame, and the other of the first and second toothed elements is connected to the movement unit. The first and second toothed elements are moved relative to each other along a movement axis of the first and second toothed elements by the drive motor via a meshing between the first and second tooth arrangements and via an engagement between the first and second tooth arrangements along an engagement axis that extends perpendicularly to the movement axis. 1. A drive device for a movement unit of a machine tool , comprising:a first toothed element driven by a drive motor and provided as a drive pinion including a first tooth arrangement; anda second toothed element provided as a toothed rack including a second tooth arrangement,wherein one of the first and second toothed elements is connected to a machine frame, and the other of the first and second toothed elements is connected to the movement unit,wherein the first and second toothed elements are moved relative to each other along a movement axis of the first and second toothed elements by the drive motor via a meshing between the first and second tooth arrangements and via an engagement between the first and second tooth arrangements along an engagement axis that extends perpendicularly to the movement axis,{'sub': D', 'D, 'wherein the first and second toothed elements are resiliently supported on each other parallel to the engagement axis via at least one of the first and second toothed elements that serves as a resilient toothed element, the resilient toothed element being supported by a bearing device on a connection element, by which the resilient toothed element is connected ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027247A1
Автор: KAMADA Toru

A gear mechanism may include a first gear, a second gear which is coaxially disposed with the first gear and is provided with a recessed part on an end face of a first gear side, and a torque limiter provided between the first gear and the second gear. The torque limiter includes inner teeth provided on a ring-shaped inner peripheral face of the recessed part, and a torque limiter member provided with an engaging claw capable of engaging with the inner teeth and integrally rotating with the first gear in the recessed part. The second gear is an inclined teeth gear whose teeth bottoms are inclined with respect to an axial line direction and teeth bottoms of the inner teeth are extended in parallel with the axial line direction. The gear mechanism may be utilized in a drawer drive device in a refrigerator which includes a motor, a rack linearly moved by the motor for moving a drawer in the refrigerator, an output gear engaged with the rack, and a rotation transmission mechanism for transmitting rotation of the motor to the output gear. The rotation transmission mechanism includes the gear mechanism and a worm gear. 1. A gear mechanism comprising:a first gear;a second gear which is coaxially disposed with the first gear and is provided with a recessed part on an end face of a first gear side; anda torque limiter provided between the first gear and the second gear, inner teeth which are provided on a ring-shaped inner peripheral face of the recessed part; and', 'a torque limiter member which is provided with an engaging claw which is capable of engaging with the inner teeth and integrally rotates together with the first gear in the recessed part; and, 'wherein the torque limiter compriseswherein the second gear is an inclined teeth gear whose teeth bottoms are inclined with respect to an axial line direction and teeth bottoms of the inner teeth are extended in parallel with the axial line direction.2. The gear mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein one end portion in ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024967A1

The present invention provides a refrigerator comprising: a cabinet having a storage chamber; an inner case that forms the exterior of the storage chamber; a first door rotatably installed on the cabinet so as to expose/cover one side of the storage chamber; a second door having a pillar that rotates such that the same can contact the first door, the second door being rotatably installed on the cabinet so as to expose/cover the other side of the storage chamber; and a transfer member provided on the inner case so as to sense the rotation of the first door and to guide the rotation of the pillar. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet;an inner case that is located inside of the cabinet and that defines a storage chamber;a first door rotatably coupled to the cabinet and configured to open and close a first side of the storage chamber;a second door rotatably coupled to the cabinet and configured to open and close a second side of the storage chamber, the second door comprising a pillar that is configured to rotate relative to the second door and that is configured to, based on rotation of pillar relative to the second door, contact the first door in a state in which the first and second doors are closed;a transmission member that is located at the inner case, that is configured to detect rotation of the first door relative to the cabinet, and that is configured to guide rotation of the pillar relative to the second door based on detection of rotation of the first door relative to the cabinet;a pillar magnetic portion located at an upper area of the pillar;a transmission member magnetic portion located at the transmission member and configured to generate magnetic force that interferes with the pillar magnetic portion; anda first door magnetic portion located at an upper area of the first door and configured to operate the transmission member.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the transmission member is configured to:guide the pillar to rotate from an unfolded ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025282A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

A steering device includes: an input shaft main body portion including an input shaft first region, and protruding from the housing, and an input shaft second region received within the steering shaft receiving space; and an input shaft cover including; an input shaft cover main body portion surrounding a portion of the input shaft first region which is closer to the input shaft second end portion than the first input shaft seal portion in the rotation axis direction, and an input shaft cover seal portion provided to the input shaft cover main body portion, abutted on the first input shaft seal portion, and arranged to suppress moisture from entering between the input shaft and the input shaft cover. 1. A steering device comprising:a housing including a steering shaft receiving space, and a seal member receiving space; an input shaft main body portion which has a rod shape, which is rotatably received in the steering shaft receiving space, which includes an input shaft first end portion and an input shaft second end portion that are both end portions in a rotation axis direction of the input shaft main body portion, and which includes an input shaft first region that includes the input shaft first end portion, and that protrudes from the housing, and an input shaft second region that includes the input shaft second end portion, and that is received within the steering shaft receiving space,', 'a torsion bar insertion hole which is provided within the input shaft main body portion, and which extends from the input shaft second end portion to the input shaft first end portion,', 'an input shaft retaining pin insertion hole which is provided in the input shaft first region, which extends across the torsion bar insertion hole in a radial direction of the input shaft main body portion, and', 'a first input shaft seal portion provided in the input shaft first region between the input shaft first end portion and the input shaft retaining pin insertion hole in the rotation ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028898A1

A drive assembly for a slide out in an expandable enclosure, the drive assembly comprising a beam attached to a beam guide in an arcuate support rail attachable to the slide out, the beam having a first row of teeth and a second row of teeth thereon, the first row of teeth and the second row of teeth extending, parallel to each other on opposite sides of the beam wherein the teeth in the first row of teeth are offset relative to the teeth in the second row of teeth and a drive gear having a first gear Wheel engageable with the first row of teeth and a second gear wheel engageable with the second row of teeth, and an actuator coupled to the beam to selectively extend and retract the beam. The beam can deflect with respect to the arcuate support rail based on its location and the location of the beam guide to aid in leveling of the slide out. 1. A drive assembly for a slide out in an expandable enclosure , the drive assembly comprising:a beam attachable to the slide out, the beam having a first row of teeth and a second row of teeth thereon, the first row of teeth and the second row of teeth extending parallel to each other on opposite sides of the beam;a beam guide attached to the beam;an arcuate support rail enclosing at least a portion of the beam guide;a drive gear having a first gear wheel engageable with the first row of teeth and a second gear wheel engageable with the second row of teeth; andan actuator coupled to the beam to selectively extend and retract the beam,the angular orientation of the slide out Changes according to an angle of the beam in relation to the arcuate support rail based on the position of the beam guide.2. The drive assembly of claim 1 , wherein the teeth in the first row of teeth are offset relative to the teeth in the second row of teeth.3. The drive assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first gear wheel is rotationally offset relative to the second gear wheel.4. The drive assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a belt that drives the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048557A1

A rack and pinion steering system includes a rack housing, a rack bearing, and an adjuster plug. The rack housing defines a rack housing bore extending along an axis. The rack bearing is disposed within the rack housing bore. The rack bearing has a first bearing portion that is biasingly connected to a second bearing portion. The first bearing portion and the second bearing portion extend along the axis between a first rack bearing end and a second rack bearing end. The adjuster plug is disposed within the rack housing bore. The adjuster plug extends along the axis between a first adjuster plug end that engages the second rack bearing and a second adjuster plug end. 1. A rack bearing for a rack and pinion steering system , the rack bearing comprising:a first bearing portion biasingly connected to a second bearing portion, the first bearing portion and the second bearing portion extending along a first axis between a first rack bearing end and a second rack bearing end, the second rack bearing end defines a rack bearing engagement surface that is disposed in a nonparallel and a non-perpendicular relationship with respect to the first rack bearing end.2. The rack bearing of claim 1 , wherein the rack bearing engagement surface is arranged to engage an adjuster plug engagement surface of an adjuster plug. This application is a divisional application of, and claims the benefit of priority to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/803,612, filed Nov. 3, 2017, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.A rack and pinion steering system functions to convert rotational motion to linear motion. The rack and pinion steering system may include an elongated steering rack (i.e., toothed bar), tie rods, a steering shaft and a pinion gear. The tie rods may be connected to at least one steerable wheel that is attached to the steering rack. The pinion gear operably meshes with the teeth of the steering rack such that in response to the rotation of the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116164A1

A drive assembly is provided. The drive assembly includes a gear housing comprising a. support surface for a hand of a user, a gear drive mechanism disposed within the gear housing, and a handle member disposed on the gear housing proximate to the support surface. The gear drive mechanism includes a first drive gear rotatable about a first axis of rotation and engaged to the handle member, a second drive gear rotatable about a second axis of rotation, and a driven member engaged to the implement and driven by the second drive gear about a third axis of rotation that extends through the support surface. The driven member is disposed at least partially outside of the gear housing and is driven only when the handle member is moved from an unfired position to a fired position. The handle member does not cross the third axis of rotation during such movement. 1. A device for driving an implement , comprising:a gear housing that can be attached to a container;an actuating lever disposed on the gear housing in a lever bearing, the actuating lever being pivotable about a first axis of rotation; anda gear drive mechanism disposed within the gear housing, the gear drive mechanism being driven by the actuating lever to rotate an output shaft about a second axis of rotation that is perpendicular to the first axis of rotation, the output shaft extending from the gear housing into the container,wherein the actuating lever is lowered from an upright position in the direction of the gear housing for driving the gear drive mechanism, and the lever bearing is located such that the actuating lever passes through an area, during its actuation, that is located laterally next to a plane, and wherein the plane is perpendicular to the first axis of rotation, and is parallel to and passes through the second axis of rotation.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the gear housing includes a support surface for a hand of an operator claim 1 , the support surface being arranged on the side of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Inherently Balanced Control Stick

Номер: US20190031320A1
Принадлежит: WOODWARD, INC.

The subject matter of this specification can be embodied in, among other things, a control apparatus includes a first mounting member, an elongate member having a first elongate portion, a second elongate portion, a first axis member between the first elongate portion and the second elongate portion, pivotally mounting the elongate member to the first mounting member and defining a first axis, a track configured as an arc defined about the first axis, and a first feedback assembly supported upon the second elongate portion and providing a first interface device configured to travel along the track in response to movement of the second elongate portion partly about the first axis, wherein the mass of the second elongate portion and the first feedback assembly substantially offsets the mass of the first elongate portion about the first axis member. 1. A method of actuating a control apparatus , the method comprising: a first mounting member;', a first elongate portion;', 'a second elongate portion; and', 'a first axis member between the first elongate portion and the second elongate portion, pivotally mounting the elongate member to the first mounting member and defining a first axis;, 'an elongate member comprising, 'a track configured as an arc defined about the first axis; and', 'a first feedback assembly supported upon the second elongate portion and providing a first interface device and a motor configured to urge travel of the interface along the track;', 'wherein the mass of the second elongate portion and the feedback assembly substantially offsets the mass of the first elongate portion about the axis member;, 'providing a control apparatus comprisingurging, by the first motor, travel of the first interface device;modifying, by the first interface device, a movement of the second elongate portion along the track; andmodifying, by the movement of the second elongate portion along the track, a first torque developed about the first axis.2. The method of claim 1 ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032110A1

A rotary shaft link device has a simplified structure occupying less room and is easy to assemble and includes a transmission unit disposed on a first shaft, a reaction unit disposed on a second shaft and a link unit disposed between the transmission unit and the reaction unit. Two ends of the link unit are formed with driving sections engaged with the transmission unit and the reaction unit. The link unit is assembled in the rail of the restriction plate. When the first shaft is rotated, the link unit responsively moves from a first position to a second position to drive the reaction unit and the second shaft to synchronously rotate. According to the specification of the product, the number of the link devices can be easily adjusted to achieve the object of modularized assembly. 1. A rotary shaft link device comprising a first shaft , a transmission unit disposed on the first shaft , a second shaft in parallel to the first shaft and a reaction unit disposed on the second shaft , each of the first and second shafts having a pivoted section and an assembled section , at least one link unit in the form of a plate-like body being disposed between the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft , two ends of the link unit being formed with driving sections respectively engaged with the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft , whereby when the first shaft is rotated , the link unit responsively moves from a first position to a second position to drive the reaction unit and the second shaft to synchronously rotate.2. The rotary shaft link device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a tail end section of the pivoted section of the first shaft is formed with a rectangular cross-sectional structure and a tail end section of the pivoted section of the second shaft is also formed with a rectangular cross-sectional structure claim 1 , the assembled sections of the first and second shafts being assembled with ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032953A1

An adjustable screen lift arm includes a support frame assembly with a frame base, a balance adjustment mechanism including a gear set consisting a drive gear and a sector-like driven gear, a gear rack meshed with the drive gear and a spring connected between the frame base and the driven gear, and a holder block assembly has a holder block body that combined with the gear rack and a first sliding rail, the other side combined with a second sliding rail. When the holder block body is moved vertically, the gear rack rotates the drive gear, causing the driven gear to stretch or compress the spring so that the arm of force is relatively changed to offset the spring force of the spring, enabling the holder block assembly to be freely adjusted to the desired elevation and then automatically positioned. 1. An adjustable screen lift arm , comprising:a support frame assembly comprising a frame base and an outer cover, said frame base defining an accommodation chamber and a front opening in communication with said accommodation chamber, said outer cover being fastened to said frame base over said front opening, said outer cover defining an upper opening in communication with said front opening and said accommodation chamber;a balance adjustment mechanism mounted in said accommodation chamber of said frame base, comprising a gear set, a gear rack and a spring, said gear set comprising a drive gear and a driven gear made in the form of a sector and meshed with said drive gear, said gear rack being meshed with said drive gear, said spring being connected between said frame base and said driven gear; anda holder block assembly comprising a holder block body, a first sliding rail and a second sliding rail respectively mounted to two opposite lateral sides inside of said frame base, a connection plate affixed to a back side of said holder block body and inserted through said upper opening of said outer cover into the inside of said frame base with one lateral side thereof ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033175A1

A mechanical converter for converting rotary motion to reciprocating motion, and vice versa, featuring a gear rack, one or more half-gears alternately engaged with the gear rack, the gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the one or more half-gears. 1. A mechanical converter comprising a gear rack , a first and second half-gear , a first and second shaft , and a first and second corresponding gear ,the first shaft fixed to the first half-gear and the first corresponding gear, the second shaft fixed to the second half-gear and the second corresponding gear;the first and second half-gear having a toothed section for half a circumference each;the first and second half-gears being configured to rotate synchronously and in alternately toothed engaged with the gear rack so that only one half-gear is engaged with the gear rack at a time;the gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the first and second half-gears.2. The mechanical converter of claim 1 , the gear rack being a gear wheel.3. The mechanical converter of claim 1 , the first and second corresponding gears being toothedly engaged with each other in opposing rotation claim 1 , the first and second half-gears being in opposing rotation.4. The mechanical converter of claim 3 , the mechanical converter comprising an additional gear rack and a third and fourth half-gear claim 3 , the third half-gear being fixed to the first shaft and the fourth half-gear being fixed to the second shaft claim 3 , the third and fourth half-gear being in opposing rotation and alternately engaged with the additional gear rack so that only either the third or fourth half-gear is engaged with the additional gear rack at a time; with the additional gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the third and fourth half-gears.5. The mechanical converter of claim 4 , the first ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035565A1

A multi-axis rotary shaft link device has a simplified structure occupying less room and is easy to assemble. The multi-axis rotary shaft link device includes a transmission unit disposed on a first shaft, a reaction unit disposed on a second shaft and a link unit disposed between the transmission unit and the reaction unit for making the first and second shafts synchronously rotate. The second shaft and a third shaft are assembled with a driven module for rotating the third shaft and a transmission unit disposed on the third shaft. A link unit is disposed between the third shaft and a fourth shaft, whereby the fourth shaft and a reaction unit disposed on the fourth shaft can synchronously rotate with the third shaft. The multi-axis rotary shaft link device can freely rotate around multiple rotational centers, which can be smoothly opened and closed. 1. A multi-axis rotary shaft link device at least comprising:an assembly of a first link device and a second link device, the first link device including a first shaft, a transmission unit disposed on the first shaft, a second shaft in parallel to the first shaft and a reaction unit disposed on the second shaft, at least one link unit in the form of a plate-like body being disposed between the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft, two ends of the link unit being formed with driving sections respectively engaged with the transmission unit of the first shaft and the reaction unit of the second shaft, whereby the first and second shafts can synchronously rotate, the second link device being identical to the first link device in structure, the second link device including a third shaft, a transmission unit disposed on the third shaft, a fourth shaft in parallel to the third shaft and a reaction unit disposed on the fourth shaft, at least one link unit in the form of a plate-like body being disposed between the transmission unit of the third shaft and the reaction unit of the fourth ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Positioning System

Номер: US20160039061A1
Автор: Feyrer Thomas

A positioning system includes a slide support, on which is mounted a positioning slide, which can be driven to perform a positioning movement in a positioning plane with the aid of drive gears of the slide support, wherein the positioning plane is defined by a Cartesian x-y coordinate system. The drive gears are represented by at least one x-drive gear, which can cause a positioning movement in the x-axis direction, and at least one y-drive gear, which can cause a positioning movement in the y-axis direction. The drive gears are in engagement with a driven toothing structure of the positioning slide, which includes a plurality of driven teeth distributed in a punctiform arrangement in a regular two-dimensional tooth matrix. Although the drive gears are short, the positioning system facilitates a traverse of the positioning slide within a large positioning area. 1. A positioning system comprising at least one positioning slide which is variably traversable and positionable relative to a slide support of the positioning system while performing a positioning movement in a positioning plane defined by a Cartesian x-y coordinate system , wherein the slide support comprises at least one y-drive gear which can be driven by drive means of the positioning system to perform a drive rotary movement about an axis of rotation parallel to the x-axis of the coordinate system and at least one x-drive gear which can be driven by drive means to perform a drive rotary movement about an axis of rotation parallel to the y-axis of the coordinate system , wherein each y-drive gear and each x-drive gear has a drive toothing at its outer circumference and wherein the positioning slide has a driven toothing structure with which it is simultaneously in tooth engagement with the drive toothing of at least one x-drive gear and at least one y-drive gear during the positioning movement and can be driven to perform a positioning movement in the x-axis direction of the x-y coordinate system by ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Damper mechanism of turning member, relay conveying unit, and image forming apparatus

Номер: US20170036877A1
Автор: Sachio Izumichi
Принадлежит: Kyocera Document Solutions Inc

The damper mechanism includes a rack and a damper unit. The rack is provided in an apparatus main body. The damper unit is provided in a turning member. The damper unit has a movable gear, a fixed gear and a supporting member. The movable gear is configured to engage with the rack and to rotate by the turning of the turning member. The fixed gear is configured to be engaged with the movable gear and to apply a load to the rotation of the movable gear. The movable gear is supported by the supporting member so as to move relatively with respect to the fixed gear in a direction to be engaged with the fixed gear at the turning of the turning member in one direction and in another direction to be separated from the fixed gear at the turning of the turning member in the other direction.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040693A1

A motor vehicle steering gear with a gear rack and a drive pinion that meshes with it, which drive pinion comprises a rigidly attached drive projection in a rotational bearing that is on a front face and eccentric to the pinion teething for coupling a motor vehicle steering spindle, said rotational bearing being guided in a direction transverse and parallel to a diametrical plane formed by the pinion teething, such that when the pinion is rotating, compensation strokes for the rotational bearing are specified in a direction transverse to the gear rack, said compensation strokes being caused by the eccentric attachment of the drive projection, a retaining projection rigidly attached at a front face concentrically to the pinion teeth, the retaining projection being rotatably in engagement with the retaining piece that is guided within a gear housing parallel to the gear rack teeth, is and that during pinion rotation compensation strokes parallel with and at a constant distance to the gear rack teeth are specified, which compensation strokes are caused by the eccentric attachment of the driving projection. 123127107810212111014110111012. A motor vehicle steering gear , comprising a gear rack () and a drive pinion () that meshes with the gear rack , which drive pinion has a drive projection () in a rotational bearing () for coupling a motor vehicle steering shaft , the drive projection being rigidly attached at an end face to pinion teeth () , the rotational bearing ( , ) being guided in a direction transverse to a front face that is formed by the pinion teeth () , so that when the pinion rotates , compensation strokes (H) are specified in the a direction transverse to the gear rack () , said compensation strokes being caused by an eccentric attachment of the drive projection () , characterized in that a retaining projection () is rigidly attached at an end face concentrically to the pinion teeth () , the retaining projection being rotatably in engagement with a ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040700A1
Автор: Walls Lawrence E.

An apparatus for moving a slide-out room disposed in an aperture of a side wall of a vehicle from a retracted position to an extended position in a drive direction. The apparatus includes a drive assembly supported by the side wall of the vehicle and a driven assembly driven by the drive assembly. The driven assembly is connected to a wall of the slide-out room such that the slide-out room moves with the driven assembly from the retracted position to the extended position in the drive direction and the driven assembly is movable in a transverse direction generally perpendicular to the drive direction relative to the wall of the slide-out room. 1. An apparatus for moving a slide-out room in a side wall of a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a drive assembly that is supported by the side wall of the vehicle and that includes a motor;a driven assembly that is driven by the drive assembly and that is connected to a wall of the slide-out room; anda manual override allowing a user to move the slide-out room in the event of failure of the motor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , the drive assembly comprising a shaft and a drive gear on the shaft.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , the manual override comprising an override drive gear claim 2 , an override driven gear in mesh with the override drive gear claim 2 , and an override drive head connected to the override drive gear.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , the override driven gear keyed to the shaft of the drive assembly.5. The apparatus of wherein the override drive and the override driven gear are helical gears.6. The apparatus of wherein the override drive gear has an axis of rotation perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the override driven gear.7. The apparatus of wherein the override drive gear and override driven gear have a gear ratio of about 2:1.8. The apparatus of wherein the override drive head is a hex head.9. The apparatus of wherein the drive gear is a pinion gear and the driven assembly comprises a rack in mesh with ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040764A1

A display apparatus including: a display body including a display configured to display an image and a case disposed around an outside of the display; a handle unit disposed with at least a portion thereof outside the display body; and a link unit configured to linearly move and to vary a curvature of the display according to a rotational movement of the handle unit. 1. A display apparatus comprising: a display configured to display an image; and', 'a case disposed around an outside of the display;, 'a display body comprisinga handle unit disposed with at least a portion thereof outside the display body; anda link unit configured to linearly move and to vary a curvature of the display according to a rotational movement of the handle unit.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the handle unit comprises:a rotary dial configured to be gripped and rotated by a user; anda rotary gear disposed between a rear surface of the display and the case and configured to be rotated by a rotation of the rotary dial.3. The display apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the link unit comprises:a movable link comprising a gear meshed with the rotary gear; anda rotary link rotatably connected between the movable link and the display.4. The display apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the movable link comprises:a first movable link connected to an upper end of the rotary gear; anda second movable link connected to a lower end of the rotary gear.5. The display apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the first movable link and the second movable link are configured to be moved in opposite directions according to the rotation of the rotary gear.6. The display apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the rotary link comprises:a first rotary support section rotatably connected to the display;a first hinge support section rotatably connected to the first movable link;a second rotary support section rotatably connected to the display; anda second hinge support section ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037778A1
Автор: GANGLMAYR Josef

A connecting rod is described for an internal combustion engine comprising a shaft () and two connecting rod eyes (), of which the connecting rod eye () accommodating a piston pin has an eccentric () forming a pin bearing (), and comprising a positioning drive (), which is drivable via a hydraulic positioning cylinder (), for a gear ring () of the eccentric (). To provide advantageous design conditions, it is proposed that the eccentric () be mounted so it is rotationally-adjustable between two stop-limited operating positions, which are offset by at least approximately 180° from one another, in which the axis () of the pin bearing () is located at least approximately in a shared axial plane () of the two connecting rod eyes (), and the positioning drive () comprise a gearwheel () meshing with the gear ring () of the eccentric (). 112334520164475192320984. A connecting rod for an internal combustion engine comprising a shaft () and two connecting rod eyes ( , ) of which the connecting rod eye () accommodating a piston pin has an eccentric () forming a pin bearing () , and comprising a positioning drive () , which is drivable via a hydraulic positioning cylinder () for a gear ring (B) of the eccentric () , wherein the eccentric () is mounted so it is rotationally-adjustable between two stop-limited operating positions , which are offset by at least approximately 180° from one another , in which the axis () of the pin bearing () is located at least approximately in a shared axial plane () of the two connecting rod eyes ( , ) , and the positioning drive () comprises a gearwheel () meshing with the gear ring () of the eccentric ().24. The connecting rod according to claim 1 , wherein the eccentric () assumes a stop-limited top dead center position in the two operating positions.32012151613. The connecting rod according to claim 1 , wherein the positioning drive () has a toothed rack () claim 1 , which is connected to the piston () of the positioning cylinder () and ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Rack guide and rack-and-pinion type steering apparatus having the rack guide

Номер: US20170037952A1
Принадлежит: Oiles Corp

A rack-and-pinion type steering apparatus 1 includes a pinion 2 which is rotatable in an R direction; a rack bar 4 which has rack teeth 3 meshing with the pinion 2 and is linearly movable in a sliding direction A; a gear box 5 for rotatably supporting the pinion 2 in the R direction; a rack guide 6 for slidably supporting the rack bar 4 ; and a resilient means 7 for pressing the rack guide 6 toward the pinion 2.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Steering device

Номер: US20220055681A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Astemo Ltd

A steering device includes: a housing; and a spring configured to urge the retainer toward the rack bar in the second axis direction, and the rack bar, the retainer, the spring, and the spring holding member being disposed in this order in the second axis direction; the retainer chamfering portion provided on the retainer second end portion near the spring holding member, on a retainer second end portion outer circumference portion, and the retainer chamfering portion formed at a portion which is nearest the spring holding member abutment surface in the retainer second end portion outer circumference portion in a section that passes through the second axis, and that is perpendicular to the first axis, when the retainer main body portion is inclined with respect to the second axis.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039638A1

A rack adjuster plug assembly for a steering system of a vehicle includes an outer bearing seat coupled to a rack housing and in abutment with a rack bearing. Also included is an inner spring seat disposed within a central aperture of the outer bearing seat. Further included is a spring disposed between the rack bearing and the inner spring seat. 1. A rack adjuster plug assembly for a steering system of a vehicle comprising:an outer bearing seat coupled to a rack housing and in abutment with a rack bearing;an inner spring seat disposed within a central aperture of the outer bearing seat; anda spring disposed between the rack bearing and the inner spring seat.2. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a locating and locking assembly fixing the position and engagement between the inner spring seat and the outer bearing seat.3. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 2 , wherein the locating and locking assembly comprises:a protrusion extending radially outwardly from the inner spring seat; anda groove defined within an aperture wall of the outer bearing seat.4. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 2 , wherein the locating and locking assembly comprises:a groove defined by the inner spring seat; anda protrusion extending radially inwardly from the aperture wall of the outer bearing seat.5. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 1 , wherein the spring is repeatedly removable claim 1 , wherein removal and replacement of the spring does not require resetting a clearance of the rack.6. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an o-ring seal fixed to an outer surface of the inner spring seat.7. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an o-ring seal fixed to an outer surface of the outer bearing seat.8. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a seal plug disposed within a central aperture of the inner spring seat.9. The rack adjuster plug assembly of claim 8 , wherein the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040938A1
Автор: Chien Hung-Chang

An electronic device includes a motor, a gear set, a meter frame set, a first screw rod, and a second gear rack. The gear set is driven by the motor and includes a first gear. The meter frame set includes a first gear rack extending along an arc line and adapted to be engaged with the first gear of the gear set. When the motor is operated and the first gear rack is engaged with the first gear, the first gear drives the first gear rack such that the meter frame set moves along the arc line. The first screw rod is linked with the gear set and extends along a first axis. The second gear rack is adapted to be linked with the meter frame set. When the motor is operated and the second gear rack is engaged with the first screw rod, the first gear rack is not engaged with the first gear, and the meter frame set is linked with the second gear rack to move along the first axis with the second gear rack. 1. An electronic device comprising:a motor;a gear set, driven by the motor and comprising a first gear;a meter frame set, comprising a first gear rack extending along an arc line, wherein the first gear rack is adapted to be engaged with the first gear of the gear set, and when the motor is operated and the first gear rack is engaged with the first gear, the first gear drives the first gear rack such that the meter frame set moves along the arc line;a first screw rod, linked with the gear set and extending along a first axis; anda second gear rack, adapted to be linked with the meter frame set, wherein when the motor is operated and the second gear rack is engaged with the first screw rod, the first gear rack is not engaged with the first gear, the meter frame set is linked with the second gear rack to move along the first axis with the second gear rack.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a moving lever, comprising a first bump, wherein the gear set comprises a second gear engaged with the first gear, the second gear comprises a first track ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041276A1
Автор: LEE Chan, Oh Sehoon

Provided is an elastically actuating device including an actuator configured to generate a rotary force, a gear part connected to the actuator and configured to transfer the rotary force from the actuator to an outside, and an elastic member including one end fastened to a ground and the other end connected to the gear part, and an elastic member including one end fastened to a ground and another end connected to the gear part, disposed outside the actuator to cover the actuator from the one end to the other end, and deformed in response to the gear part rotating relative to the actuator. 1. An elastically actuating device comprising:an actuator configured to generate a rotary force;a gear part connected to the actuator and configured to transfer the rotary force from the actuator to an outside; andan elastic member including one end fastened to a ground and the other end connected to the gear part, disposed outside the actuator to cover the actuator from the one end to the other end, and deformed in response to the gear part rotating relative to the actuator.2. The elastically actuating device of claim 1 , wherein the gear part comprises:a first actuating member connected to the actuator to be rotatable relative to the actuator;a second actuating member configured to transfer the rotary force from the first actuating member to the outside; anda third actuating member engaged with the first actuating member or the second actuating member and connected to the other end of the elastic member.3. The elastically actuating device of claim 2 , wherein the second actuating member is engaged with the first actuating member claim 2 , and the third actuating member is engaged with the second actuating member.4. The elastically actuating device of claim 3 , wherein the first actuating member is a sun gear claim 3 , the second actuating member is a planetary gear claim 3 , and the third actuating member is a ring gear.5. The elastically actuating device of claim 3 , wherein the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046873A1

A power telescoping external vehicle rearview assembly comprising a drive gear assembly for telescopically moving a rearview head between a retracted and an extended position is disclosed. An embodiment of the rearview assembly comprises a bracket mountable to a vehicle, a rearview head telescopically mounted to the bracket via a plurality of arm assemblies, a rearview element mounted to the rearview head, an electric motor mounted to the rearview head, and a gear assembly connected between the motor and the plurality of arm assemblies. An embodiment of the gear assembly comprises pinion drive gear assemblies with rolling clutches for selectively disengaging the motor from the arm assemblies, a fixed clutch assembly for transferring power from the motor to the pinion drive gear assemblies, and a drive shaft connecting the fixed clutch assembly to the pinion drive gear assemblies. 1. A power telescoping vehicle rearview assembly , comprising:a bracket mountable to a vehicle;a rearview head telescopically mounted to the bracket via a plurality of arm assemblies;a rearview element mounted to the rearview head;an electric motor mounted to the rearview head; and pinion drive gear assemblies coupled to the plurality of arm assemblies, wherein each pinion drive gear assembly comprises a rolling clutch for selectively disengaging the motor from the arm assemblies;', 'a fixed clutch assembly for transferring power from the motor to the pinion drive gear assemblies; and', 'a drive shaft connecting the fixed clutch assembly to the pinion drive gear assemblies., 'a gear assembly connected between the motor and the plurality of arm assemblies, wherein the gear assembly comprises2. The power telescoping vehicle rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotation of the gear assembly causes the plurality of arm assemblies to telescopically move the rearview head between a retracted and an extended position.3. The power telescoping vehicle rearview assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048229A1
Принадлежит: MAQUET GMBH

The invention relates to a device () for manually unlocking a holding mechanism () to which a load can be applied, comprising an operating element () which is to be operated manually for unlocking the holding mechanism () with an operating force becoming larger as the load increases, a conversion mechanism () which includes a force transfer element () coupled to the operating element (), and a trigger () coupled to the force transfer element (), wherein in order to unlock the holding mechanism () the trigger is movable by the operating force transferred by the force transfer element () to the trigger () from a locked position in which the trigger () is operatively decoupled from the holding mechanism into an unlocked position in which the trigger () is operatively coupled to the holding mechanism in order to unlock said holding mechanism. The conversion mechanism () includes an elastically deformable force limiter () via which the force transfer element () is coupled to the trigger () and which prevents the transfer of the operating force to the trigger () due to the elastic deformation thereof, if the operating force exceeds a predetermined force. 1. A device for manually unlocking a holding mechanism to which a load can be applied , comprising:an operating element which is to be operated manually for unlocking the holding mechanism with an operating force becoming larger as the load increases,a conversion mechanism which includes a force transfer element coupled to the operating element, anda trigger coupled to the force transfer element, wherein in order to unlock the holding mechanism the trigger is movable by the operating force transferred by the force transfer element to the trigger from a locked position in which the trigger is operatively decoupled from the holding mechanism into an unlocked position in which the trigger is operatively coupled to the holding mechanism for unlocking said holding mechanism,whereinthe conversion mechanism includes an ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047594A1
Автор: Ayoung Choo, Jaeyoul LEE

A refrigerator may include guide members mounted to a storage chamber, with each guide member including a vertical guide hole and a vertical guide groove. A shelf may be mounted to the guide members, to be vertically movable, and switch members mounted to the shelf, to be movable forwards and rearwards. Each switch member may include a body, and a protrusion protruding from the body, to be guided along the guide groove of the corresponding guide member. A rotating shaft may be mounted beneath the shelf, to be guided along the guide holes. Pinions may be provided at the rotating shaft. Rack gears may be vertically mounted to the guide members, to be coupled to the pinions. A connecting device may transmit a force to vertically move a front half portion of the shelf to a rear half portion of the shelf such that the shelf is vertically movable while being maintained in a horizontal state.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045069A1
Автор: Todorovic Predrag

A device of a turbomachine actuates a setting device to vary a flow cross-section of a flow channel of the turbomachine passable by a fluid flow. The device includes a displacement mechanism having an adjustable actuation appliance and couplable with the setting device, and a drive device for displacing the actuation appliance. The displacement mechanism has a centrifugal force appliance displaceable between a basic position and a maximally displaced working position depending on a number of revolutions of the drive device, wherein the actuation appliance is displaceable depending on the position of the centrifugal force appliance with respect to the drive device. A reset device applies a force to the centrifugal force appliance by which the centrifugal force appliance is pressed in the direction of its basic position. 1. The device of a turbomachine for actuating a setting device by means of which a flow cross-section of a flow channel of the turbomachine through which a fluid can flow may be varied , with a displacement mechanism that has an adjustable actuation appliance and can be coupled with a setting device , and with an drive device embodied for displacing the actuation appliance , wherein in that the displacement mechanism has a centrifugal force appliance that is displaceable between a basic position and a maximally displaced working position depending on a number of revolutions of the drive device , wherein the actuation appliance is displaceable depending on the position of the centrifugal force appliance with respect to the drive device , and wherein a reset device is provided that is embodied for applying a force to the centrifugal force appliance , by which the centrifugal force appliance is pressed in the direction of its basic position.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the centrifugal force appliance is mounted so as to be axially fixated and rotatable with respect to the actuation appliance in a first area claim 1 , and so as to be ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045167A1

A wave-wind mutually supplementing power supply system for continuous power generation is disclosed. The system of the present invention has a wave kinetic energy module (), which comprises a wave energy harnessing unit (), a transmission shaft (), a generator unit (), a torque adjusting unit () and an automatic control unit (). The wave kinetic energy module () is disposed on/in a sea and may generate electricity through the motion of sea water. The electricity so generated is combined with a wind power generation device to provide continuous power generation. The automatic control unit () has a microprocessor () and a sea water motion sensor unit () so as to adjust the torque of the transmission shaft and control the activation of the generator unit according to the motion of the sea water. 1. A wave-wind mutually supplementing power supply system for continuous power generation , comprising:a wave kinetic energy module, which is disposed on/in a sea and may generate electricity through the motion of sea water, characterized in that the electricity so generated is combined with a wind power generation device for continuous power generation, and characterized in that:the wave kinetic energy module comprises a wave energy harnessing unit, a transmission shaft, a generator unit, a torque adjusting unit and an automatic control unit, wherein the wave energy harnessing unit may harness the kinetic energy generated through the motion of sea waves and the transmission shaft may transmit the kinetic energy harnessed by the wave energy harnessing unit to the generator unit, and wherein the generator unit may receive the kinetic energy transmitted from the transmission shaft and convert it to electricity and the torque adjusting unit is disposed on the transmission shaft so as to adjust the torque of the latter, and wherein the automatic control unit has a microprocessor and a sea water motion sensor unit so as to control the activation of the generator unit and adjust the ...
