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01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733302C2
Принадлежит: МАН ТРАК УНД БАС АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к компоненту транспортного средства с установленной на нем навесной деталью. Компонент (1) транспортного средства, в частности часть двигателя, с по меньшей мере одной навесной деталью (2), причем компонент (1) транспортного средства и навесная деталь (2) соединены друг с другом посредством клеящего средства (3), и в клеящее средство (3) введены твердые частицы (4). Твердые частицы (4) действуют между компонентом (1) транспортного средства и навесной деталью (2), увеличивая коэффициент трения, или указанные твердые частицы (4) обеспечивают повышение прочности на сдвиг. В случае потенциального нарушения клеевого соединения между компонентом (1) транспортного средства и навесной деталью (2) ввиду нарушения когезии с помощью упомянутых твердых частиц (4) трещина направляется вокруг твердых частиц (4), поскольку их прочность превышает прочность клеевого средства (3). Технический результат: создание альтернативного и/или способного выдерживать более высокие нагрузки, целесообразно ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2499070C2

Изобретение относится к поршневым двигателям, в частности к балансировочному валу поршневого двигателя. Уравновешивающий вал (1) включает опорную шейку (2), на которой уравновешивающий вал (1) установлен в подшипнике, участок (10), на котором зубчатое колесо (5) соединено с уравновешивающим валом без возможности проворота или на котором уравновешивающий вал (1) и зубчатое колесо (5) выполнены монолитно, и участок (8) дисбаланса, на котором расположен дисбаланс, причем зубчатое колесо выполнено из чугуна с шаровидным графитом с незакаленными зубьями (11). Изобретение также относится к зубчатому колесу для уравновешивающего вала и поршневому двигателю с установленным в нем уравновешивающим валом (1). В случае установки через подшипники скольжения уравновешивающий вал (1) может быть выполнен из стали или чугуна, а его опорные шейки (2) могут быть выполнены закаленными или незакаленными. Если уравновешивающий вал (1) устанавливается в подшипниках качения с прямым контактом тел качения с рабочей ...

10-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2466307C2

Трущаяся в смазочной среде деталь предназначена для работы при контактном давлении, превышающем 200 МПа. Поверхность детали текстурируют и до или после текстурирования подвергают обработке поверхностного упрочнения для снижения коэффициента трения поверхности детали. Поверхность имеет периодичную сеть микрометрических полостей, большая длина которых составляет от 5 до 500 мкм, а период меньше половины ширины контактирующей поверхности. Глубина упомянутых полостей меньше или равна 3 мкм, что способствует переходу в режим эласто- гидродинамического смазывания. 4 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 пр.

23-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018109730A3

27-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2437958C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к изготовлению стальных деталей, используемых в качестве конструкционных компонентов машин. Используют сталь, содержащую в мас.%: С: 0,005-0,8, Si: 2,0 и менее, Mn: 0,2-3,0, P: 0,03 и менее, S: 0,005-0,10, Ni: 3,0 и менее, включая 0, Сr: 5,0 и менее, включая 0, Мо: 2,0 и менее, включая 0, W: 1,0 и менее, включая 0, В: 0,0050 и менее, включая 0, О: 0,0050 и менее и N: 0,003-0,03, и, кроме того, содержащую один или оба Аl: 0,005-0,2 и Ti: 0,005-0,2 и один или оба V: 0,3 и менее, включая 0, и Nb: 0,3 и менее, включая 0, железо и неизбежные примеси остальное. Подвергают сталь нитроцементации, последующей закалке в масле или соли, последующему индукционному нагреву и закалке водой или полимерным закалочным веществом при температуре менее 40°С. Получают деталь с концентрацией N на поверхности 0,1-0,8 мас.%, суммой концентраций N и С 1,0-2,0% по мас., количеством остаточного аустенита на поверхности менее 15 об.%, глубиной неполностью закаленного ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Zahnrads

Номер: DE102017208193A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Zahnrads, das am äußeren Umfang eine Verzahnung trägt, deren Oberfläche zumindest abschnittsweise behandelt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass durch die Behandlung eine Aktivierung der Oberfläche erreicht wird, so dass eine Erhöhung der Oberflächenenergie der Oberfläche in den behandelten Abschnitten erzielt wird.

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Hubkolben-Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Ausgleich für freie Massenkräfte und -momente

Номер: DE102017220193A1

Hubkolben-Brennkraftmaschine mit einem Ausgleich für freie Massenkräfte und -momente, bestehend aus einem Kurbeltrieb mit einer Kurbelwelle, an deren einen Kurbelwellenende radial außen ein erstes Zahnrad angeordnet ist und einer, parallel zur Kurbelwelle angeordneten Ausgleichswelle, an deren, zu dem Kurbelwellenende korrespondierenden Ausgleichswellenende radial außen ein zweites Zahnrad angeordnet ist, das mit dem ersten Zahnrad kämmt, wobei das erste und das zweite Zahnrad eine metallische Nabe aufweisen und einen Zahnkranz aus einem Kunststoff, wobei das erste und das zweite Zahnrad ein Gleichteil sind.Durch die erfindungsgemäße Ausgestaltung werden ein Gewichtsvorteil und akustische Verbesserungen erzielt, die rotatorische Massenträgheit in vorteilhafter Weise reduziert, bei deutlich geringeren Herstellkosten.

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Zusammensetzung für Schneckenrad mit ausgezeichneter Haltbarkeit und Feuchtigkeitsabsorptionsbeständigkeit und unter Verwendung derselben hergestelltes Schneckenrad

Номер: DE102020108050A1

Die vorliegende Offenbarung bezieht sich auf eine Zusammensetzung für ein Schneckenrad mit ausgezeichneter Haltbarkeit und Feuchtigkeitsabsorptionsbeständigkeit und ein unter Verwendung derselben hergestelltes Schneckenrad. In einer Ausführungsform umfasst die Zusammensetzung für ein Schneckenrad 30 Gew.-% bis 70 Gew.-% eines Polyketon-Copolymers und 30 Gew.-% bis 70 Gew.-% eines Polyamidharzes und weist einen gemäß JIS K7218 gemessenen Reibungskoeffizienten von 0,3 oder weniger, einen gemäß JIS K7218 gemessenen Abriebverlust von 0,002 g oder weniger und eine gemäß ASTM D570 (23°C und 50% relative Feuchtigkeit) gemessene Feuchtigkeitsabsorptionsrate von 4% oder weniger auf.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020101075A1

Es wird ein Mehrkomponentenzahnrad (10) für einen Aktuator (34) bereitgestellt. Das Zahnrad (10) weist einen ersten Zahnradabschnitt (12) mit einem Eingriffskopf (16) und einem Zahnradschaft (22) auf, der sich axial vom Eingriffskopf (16) erstreckt, und einen zweiten Zahnradabschnitt (14) mit einem Zahnradkörper (26), der eine Mehrzahl von Zahnradzähnen (32) an einem Umfang davon aufweist, wobei der Zahnradkörper (26) um den Eingriffskopf (16) des ersten Zahnradabschnitts (12) herum aufgenommen ist. Der erste Zahnradabschnitt (12) ist aus einem ersten Material gebildet und der zweite Zahnradabschnitt (14) ist aus einem zweiten Material gebildet, das eine geringere dynamische Härte als das erste Material hat.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Getriebe für eine in einer Höhe verstellbare Ablage sowie Verfahren zum Verändern einer Höhe einer Ablage

Номер: DE102014210253B4

Ausführungsbeispiele betreffen ein Getriebe (27) für eine in einer Höhe (H) verstellbare Ablage, beispielsweise einen Patiententisch. Das Getriebe (27) umfasst wenigstens eine Antriebswelle (25) und wenigstens eine Abtriebswelle (26). Ferne umfasst das Getriebe (27) auch wenigstens ein Zahnrad (28), das ausgebildet ist, um eine Rotationsbewegung der Antriebswelle (25) auf die Abtriebswelle (26) zu übertragen, wobei das Zahnrad (28) als Material einen Kunststoff umfasst.

27-06-2019 дата публикации

Schneckenrad für ein Schneckenradgetriebe einer Kraftfahrzeuglenkung mit einem zwischen einer Nabe und einem Zahnkranz eingespritzten Trägerring

Номер: DE102017131173A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Schneckenrad (12) für ein Schneckenradgetriebe (11) einer Kraftfahrzeuglenkung mit einer Nabe (15), einem Trägerkörper (16) und einem Zahnkranz (17), wobei der Zahnkranz (17) eine Vielzahl an Zähnen (171) aufweist, die von einem zentralen umlaufenden ringförmigen Steg (172) radial nach außen abgehen, und wobei der Trägerkörper (16) ein zwischen den Zahnkranz (17) und der Nabe (15) mittels Spritzgussverfahren eingespritzter Trägerring ist, der die Nabe (15) und den Zahnkranz (17) formschlüssig verbindet.

24-06-2004 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Getrieberades

Номер: DE0059811415D1

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Zahnstange für Greiferwebmaschinen

Номер: DE102017223577B3

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Zahnstange (1) für Greiferwebmaschinen, wobei die Zahnstange (1) mit einem Antriebsritzel einer Antriebseinrichtung der Greiferwebmaschine in Eingriff bringbar ist, mit einem Grundkörper (2) aus einem Kunststoff, wobei der Grundkörper (2) ein Zahnprofil (3) aufweist, sowie mit einer Faserverbund-Kunststoff-Schicht (11) auf dem Grundkörper (2), wobei die Faserverbund-Kunststoff-Schicht (11) endlose Verstärkungsfasern (12) enthält und dem Zahnprofil (3) des Grundkörpers (2) in Längsrichtung (L) der Zahnstange (1) über mehrere Zähne (4) folgt. Des weiteren betrifft die Erfindung eine Greiferstange (22) mit einem Greiferrohr (23) aus vorzugsweise Carbonfaser-verstärktem Kunststoff sowie mit einer derartigen in das Greiferrohr (23) formschlüssig eingezogenen Zahnstange (1). Gleichfalls betrifft die Erfindung einen Greifer (20) für Greiferwebmaschinen mit einer derartigen Greiferstange (22) sowie einem auf der Greiferstange (22) angeordneten Greiferkopf (28).

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Schneckenrad für eine elektromechanische Hilfskraftlenkung

Номер: DE102014115804B4
Принадлежит: THYSSENKRUPP AG, ThyssenKrupp AG

Schneckenrad (4) für eine elektromechanische Hilfskraftlenkung, umfassend einen Einleger (40), der zur Ausbildung eines Zahnkranzes (48) mit einem Kunststoff umspritzt ist, wobei der Zahnkranz (48) konzentrisch zu einer Schneckenradachse (400) angeordnet ist und an seiner äußeren Oberfläche eine umlaufende Verzahnung (49) aufweist, wobei der Zahnkranz (48) mindestens einen Anspritzabschnitt (45) umfasst, in dem mindestens ein Anspritzpunkt (44) angeordnet ist, und der eine, in Richtung der Schneckenradachse (400) gemessen, erste Materialdicke aufweist, und der Zahnkranz (48) mindestens einen Rückstauabschnitt (43) umfasst, der eine, in Richtung der Schneckenradachse (400) gemessen, relativ zum Anspritzabschnitt (45) reduzierte Materialdicke aufweist, wobei der Rückstauabschnitt (43) reduzierter Materialdicke zwischen einem Anspritzpunkt (44) und der äußeren Oberfläche der umlaufenden Verzahnung (49) angeordnet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Zahnkranz (48) mindestens eine Einformung ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Planetenträgeranordnung eines Planetengetriebes, insbesondere eines Planetengetriebes eines Seitentürantriebes, sowie Verfahren zum Herstellen einer derartigen Planetenträgeranordnung

Номер: DE102019109616A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Planetenträgeranordnung eines Planetengetriebes, insbesondere eines Planetengetriebes eines Seitentürantriebes, umfassend einen vorzugsweise einstückigen Planetenträger (12) mit einem Flansch (18), der sich entlang einer Drehachse (APT) erstreckt und eine erste Seite (20) und eine zweite Seite (22) aufweist, mindestens ein Planetenrad (16), welches beabstandet zu der Drehachse (APT) um eine Planetenraddrehachse (APR) drehbar gelagert gehalten ist, wobei zwischen der ersten Seite (20) und der zweiten Seite (22) mindestens eine Aussparung (24) angeordnet ist, in welcher das mindestens eine Planetenrad (16) mit mindestens einer Planetenradachse (34) drehbar gelagert gehalten ist, wobei der Planetenträger (10) und das Planetenrad (16) aus Kunststoff und die Planetenradachse (34) aus Stahl oder Kunststoff bestehen. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Herstellen einer derartigen Planetenträgeranordnung (10).

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Elektromechanisch antreibbarer Bremsdruckerzeuger für ein hydraulisches Bremssystem eines Fahrzeuges sowie Fahrzeug, umfassend einen elektromechanischen Bremsdruckerzeuger

Номер: DE102019205975A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen elektromechanisch antreibbaren Bremsdruckerzeuger für ein hydraulisches Bremssystem eines Fahrzeuges, mit einer über eine elektronische Steuereinheit (2) nach Maßgabe eines aufzubringenden Bremsdrucks ansteuerbaren elektrischen Motoreinheit (1), deren hierdurch erzeugte Rotationsbewegung (a) eine untersetzende Getriebeeinheit (3) mit ausgangsseitiger Spindeltriebeinheit (4) in eine Translationsbewegung (b) zur Betätigung eines Kolbens (9) einer hydraulischen Kolben-/Zylindereinheit (5) umwandelt, wobei ein Hydraulikblock (6) der Kolben-/Zylindereinheit (5) auch die elektrische Motoreinheit (1) zumindest teilweise derart beherbergt, dass eine zumindest überwiegend im Bereich des Hydraulikblocks (6) verlaufende Motorwelle (7) der elektrischen Motoreinheit (1) achsparallel zu einer Längsachse (8) des im Hydraulikblock (6) axial beweglichen Kolbens (9) der Kolben-/Zylindereinheit (5) angeordnet ist.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013112246A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Zahnrades (1) in net shape oder near-net shape Qualität, insbesondere eines Kettenrades, für ein VVT-System aus einem Pulver, wobei das Zahnrad (1) ein zumindest annährend zylinderförmiges Gehäuse (2) aufweist, das in axialer Richtung von jeweils einer Stirnfläche (6, 7) begrenzt ist und das Außenoberfläche (3) aufweist, wobei an der Außenoberfläche (3) eine Verzahnung (8) mit Zähnen (9) und Zahnfüßen (10) zwischen den Zähnen (9) im Abstand zu den beiden Stirnflächen (6, 7) ausgebildet ist, und wobei die Verzahnung (8) einen Zahnfußkreis (25) mit einem Zahnfußkreisdurchmesser aufweist, wobei das Pulver in eine Matrize (28) gefüllt und mit zumindest einem Stempel verpresst wird, und wobei zumindest im Bereich der Zähne (9) an der Außenoberfläche (3) des Gehäuses (2) und über diese in radialer Richtung vorragend Vorsprünge (11, 20) ausgebildet werden.

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Drehelement und Herstellverfahren dafür

Номер: DE102019124437A1

Es werden ein Drehelement, das mit einer einfachen Konfiguration die Herstellung von Vorsprüngen ermöglicht, die sich in eine gegenüberliegende Fläche eingraben, und mit der eine richtungsabhängige Verringerung des Antirutscheffekts verhindert werden kann und eine ausreichende Rutschverhinderung in der Richtung eines Drehmoments sowie in der radialen Richtung geschaffen werden kann, und ein Verfahren zum Herstellen dieses Drehelements geschaffen. Das Drehelement weist einen Ansatz und eine Antirutschfläche auf mindestens einer der beiden axialen Endflächen des Ansatzes auf. Die Antirutschfläche weist eine Vielzahl von kraterartigen Vertiefungen mit jeweils einem Umfangsvorsprung auf. Zumindest einige der Vielzahl von kraterartigen Vertiefungen sind seriell angeordnet, um eine Vielzahl von Kraterketten zu bilden.

23-07-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001625513A1

18-08-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von hochfesten Bauteilen mittels adiabatischen Stanzens

Номер: DE102010007955A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Bauteils einer Verstellvorrichtung für Fahrzeugsitze, wobei in einem ersten Schritt ein Werkstück derart bearbeitet wird, dass das Werkstück in einem ersten Bereich härter ist als in einem zweiten Bereich und/oder dass das Werkstück in einem dritten Bereich eine größere geometrische Abmessung aufweist als in einem vierten Bereich, wobei in einem zweiten Schritt das Werkstück derart umgeformt wird, dass ein Werkzeug mit einer Geschwindigkeit größer als 1 m/s auf das Werkstück bewegt wird.

01-12-2011 дата публикации

Baureihe von drehmomentübertragenden Getriebebauteilen

Номер: DE102010022072A1

Bei einer Baureihe von drehmomentübertragenden Getriebebauteilen sind Getriebebauteile jeweils in zumindest ein erstes Bauteilelement, dessen Funktion, Ausführung bzw. Dimensionierung innerhalb der Baureihe invariant ist, und in zumindest ein zweites Bauteilelement unterteilt, dessen Funktion, Ausführung bzw. Dimensionierung innerhalb der Baureihe variiert. Hinsichtlich Gebrauchseigenschaften bzw. Verwendungszweck verschiedene Varianten eines Getriebebauteils innerhalb einer Größen- bzw. Leistungsklasse sind durch Zusammenfügen eines ersten Bauteilelements mit mehreren unterschiedlichen zweiten Bauteilelementen gebildet. Dabei sind erste Bauteilelemente mit zweiten Bauteilelementen jeweils mittels eines stoffschlüssigen thermischen Fügeverfahrens zusammengefügt.

23-08-2007 дата публикации

Pinion gear used in machines with a slip-less transfer of movements comprises a connecting part made from a metal matrix composite material having a metal component and a ceramic component

Номер: DE102007002959A1

Pinion gear (1) comprises a connecting part (2) made from a metal matrix composite material having a metal component consisting of a light metal or its alloy and a ceramic component consisting of a carbide, nitride, oxide and/or boride of a light metal and/or a compound of the ceramic-forming elements with the light metal.

06-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009120360D0

19-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002229249A

Phenol resin toothes wheel (10) has toothed portion (18) formed by moulding phenol resin impregnated with a reinforcing spun fibre cloth of meta-aromatic polyamide and thermally pressurised. The phenol resin is also impregnated with epoxy resin. - ...

22-04-1992 дата публикации

Motor with worm reduction gear

Номер: GB0002248902A

A miniature motor (1) coupled to a worm reduction gear (2) via a worm (4) and a worm wheel (5), in which the tooth surface of the worm (4) is roughened to a depth of 2 mu m-30 mu m, and then subjected to a surface treatment to improve wear resistance. The worm wheel (5) may be made of a synthetic resin. ...

05-11-2008 дата публикации

Composite gear having a permanent compressive stress at the root portion of each tooth

Номер: GB0002448992A

The composite gear 10 includes a body portion 28 having a plurality of teeth 14. The gear 10 is formed by placing it in a suitable tool 30 such that a compressive stress (hoop stress) 32 is exerted on the teeth 14 adjacent the root portion of each tooth (fig 3A). A portion of the gear adjacent the teeth is wrapped with a resin fibrous material 22,24 that is allowed to cure while the compressive stress 32 is maintained on the gear. When the resin fibrous material 22,24 has at least substantially cured and the gear 10 is removed from the tool 30, a permanent compressive stress is formed at the root portion adjacent each tooth. The compressive stress counteracts the tension stress that is experienced at the root portions of the teeth when the gear is in use, thus significantly strengthening (i.e., toughening) the gear and increasing its fatigue life. This allows smaller and lighter gears to transmit the same forces as larger prior art gears. The invention may be applied to different types ...

26-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002097091B
Принадлежит: ALGAT SPA

17-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002579217A

A gear 10 comprises a first component 12 of a first material, and a second, composite material component 14 of a second, different material. The composite material component includes an engagement section 18 bearing against the first component 12 wherein the engagement section 18 is of composite material form and designed such that the coefficients of thermal expansion of the composite material and the material of the first component substantially match one another in the axial direction of the first component. The composite material may be of braided or fibre wound form. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the composite material may be altered to match the CTE of the first component by choosing a winding angle of the wound fibre material. A further embodiment comprises designing the composite material to achieve a peak compressive load between the engagement section and the first component at a selected operating temperature of the gear. A further embodiment comprises a face ...

21-09-1983 дата публикации

Toothed transmission pulley

Номер: GB0002116285A

A pulley particularly developed for timing belt systems for engines where the outer pulley surface is formed from a corrugated strip butt welded together. The resulting cylindrical ring is fixed to an inner formed wheel and conveniently positioned during assembly by tabs protruding inwardly from the cylindrical ring. The wheel is further fixed to an inner hub for placement on a shaft or the like. Protrusions on the outer surface of the wheel cooperate with recesses on the inside of the cylindrical ring to help interlock and locate the ring thereon.

26-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008625078D0

15-07-1970 дата публикации

Composite Drive Wheel

Номер: GB0001199084A

... 1,199,084. Toothed gearing. BORG-WARNER CORP. 2 Oct., 1968 [30 Oct., 1967], No. 46731/68. Heading F2Q. In a composite sprocket or gear-wheel, the teeth are formed by a plastics overlay 25 moulded over tooth root portions 24 formed by serrating, at 23, the peripheral edge of a stamped plate 22 to form segments which are twisted at right angles to the plate 22 to form tooth roots 24, the plastics overlay 25 extending over the whole periphery and tooth roots 24 and extending inwardly to the flat surface of the plate 22. In Fig. 4 (not shown), the tooth roots are strengthened by folding back their outer ends to form double thickness tooth roots (34). The embodiment illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6 (not shown) is similar to that of Figs. 2 and 3 with the addition of a peripheral flange formed by three overlapping folds (45, 46, 47) immediately radially inward of the tooth roots (44). In Fig. 7 (not shown) two stamped metal plates (52) similar to the earlier plate 22 but slightly dished are bolted ...

22-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008530694D0

22-01-2020 дата публикации

High power epicyclic gearbox and operation thereof

Номер: GB0201917759D0

09-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201805106D0

23-05-2018 дата публикации

Methods of Manufacture

Номер: GB0201805904D0

30-01-2019 дата публикации

Attachment of an end fitting to a composite material tube

Номер: GB0201820363D0

01-03-2023 дата публикации

Double-helical device, method for manufacturing a double-helical device and a holding jig

Номер: GB0002610212A

A double-helical gear device comprising a left-hand helical gear element 101 and a right-hand helical gear element 102. The two helical gear elements are connected coaxially through a connection element 110 positioned radially inwards or outwards from teethed surfaces 106 of the helical gear elements. A method for manufacturing a double-helical gear device, and a holding jig 120 to be used for the manufacturing of the double-helical gear device, are also disclosed.

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: ATA11142004A

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413216B

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000299535T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442538T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000491903T

15-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521959A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Zahnrad (1) umfassend ein erstes, radial inneres Ringelement (2), ein zweites, radial äußeres Ringelement (3) und ein Verbindungselement (4), wobei das zweite, radial äußere Ringelement (2) eine Verzahnung (8) aufweist, wobei weiter das Verbindungselement (4) in radialer Richtung zwischen dem ersten, radial inneren Ringelement (2) und dem zweiten, radial äußeren Ringelement (3) angeordnet ist und mit dem ersten, radial inneren Ringelement (2) und dem zweiten, radial äußeren Ringelement (3) verbunden ist, und wobei das Verbindungselement (4) zumindest teilweise aus einem gummielastischen Werkstoff besteht, und wobei eine Abweichung der Koaxialität des Außendurchmessers (9) des ersten, radial inneren Ringelementes (2) zum Innendurchmesser (10) des zweiten, radial äußeren Ringelementes (3) maximal 0,8 mm beträgt und/oder dass die Verzahnung (8) des radial äußeren Ringelementes (3) mit Zähnen (11) unterschiedlicher Zahndicke (12) ausgebildet ist.

15-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AT522873B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein metallisches Zahnrad (1) für den kämmenden Eingriff in ein weiteres Zahnrad (2) eines Zahnradgetriebes (3) aus zumindest zwei miteinander kämmenden Zahnrädern (1, 2), bestehend aus einem einstückigen Zahnradkörper (4), der eine äußere Mantelfläche (5) und zwei axiale Stirnflächen (7, 8) aufweist, wobei auf dem Zahnradkörper (4) an seiner äußeren Mantelfläche (5) nur eine Verzahnung (6) mit Zähnen (9) ausgebildet ist, und die Zähne (9) Zahnfüße (10) aufweisen und sich über eine Zahnhöhe (11) erstrecken, und wobei an einer der beiden axialen Stirnflächen (7, 8) ein scheibenförmiges oder ringförmiges Verstärkungselement (13) angeordnet ist, das sich in radialer Richtung zumindest bis zur halben Zahnhöhe (11) und die Zahnfüße (10) überdeckend erstreckt. Der einstückige Zahnradkörper (4) ist als Sinterbauteil ausgebildet, wobei das Verstärkungselement (13) bis maximal fluchtend mit Zahnköpfen (14) der Zähne (9) ausgebildet ist, und das Verstärkungselement (13) eine ...

15-04-2018 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a stator for a cam phaser

Номер: AT0000519135A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Stators (6) für einen Nockenwellenversteller (2), wobei der Stator (6) mit einem ringförmigen Grundkörper (9) mit einer äußeren Stirnverzahnung (4) und mit von einer radial inneren Mantelfläche (10) des Grundkörpers (9) radial nach innen vorragenden, voneinander im Umfangsrichtung des Grundkörpers (9) beabstandeten Stegen (11) hergestellt wird, umfassend die Schritte Bereitstellen einer Form zur einteiligen Ausbildung des Grundkörpers (9) mit der Stirnverzahnung (4) und den radial nach innen vorragenden Stegen (11), Einfüllen eines metallischen Pulvers in die Form, Pressen des Pulvers zu einem Grünling und Sintern des Grünlings zu einem Statorrohling. Die Stirnverzahnung (4), die radial nach innen weisende Mantelfläche (10) des Grundkörpers (9), die zwischen den Stegen (11) ausgebildet worden ist, sowie an die Mantelfläche (10) angrenzende Seitenflächen (16) der Stege (11) werden ohne vorherige mechanische Bearbeitung in mehreren ...

15-07-2020 дата публикации

Method for adjusting a tooth flank clearance

Номер: AT0000521780A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Einstellung eines Zahnflankenspiels innerhalb eines vordefinierbaren Bereichs von einem kämmenden Zahnradpaar aus einem ersten Zahnrad (3), das eine erste Verzahnung (4) mit ersten Zähnen (12) aufweist, und einem zweiten Zahnrad (6), das eine zweite Verzahnung (7) mit zweiten Zähnen (13) aufweist, in einer Antriebsvorrichtung (1), die eine erste Welle (2) und eine Massenausgleichswelle (5) aufweist, wobei das erste Zahnrad (3) auf der ersten Welle (2) und das zweite Zahnrad (6) auf der Massenausgleichswelle (5) angeordnet werden, sodass die erste Verzahnung (4) des ersten Zahnrades (3) mit der zweiten Verzahnung (7) des zweiten Zahnrades (6) in kämmendem Eingriff steht, und wobei ein erster Grundkreisdurchmesser (17) von in Umfangsrichtung des ersten Zahnrades (3) aufeinanderfolgender ersten Zähnen (12) des ersten Zahnrades (3) oder ein zweiter Grundkreisdurchmesser (19) von in Umfangsrichtung des zweiten Zahnrades (6) aufeinanderfolgender zweiter ...

15-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521968A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Sinterzahnrad (1) mit einem Zahnradkörper (4) hergestellt nach einem pulvermetallurgischen Verfahren aus einem metallischen Sinterpulver, mit einer Zähne (6) umfassenden Verzahnung (5), die Zahnfüße (11) mit Zahnfußflächen (12) aufweist, wobei die Verzahnung (5) eine mittlere Zahnfußfestigkeit nach DIN 3990 von mindestens 900 MPa aufweist und zumindest die Kante (17) zwischen zumindest einer der axialen Stirnflächen (2) und den Zahnfußflächen (12) der Verzahnung (5) entfernt ist.

15-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522433A4

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Zahnrad (6) umfassend einen ringförmigen Zahnradkörper (13) mit einer inneren Mantelfläche (14) und einer äußeren Mantelfläche (8), wobei auf der äußeren Mantelfläche (8) eine Verzahnung (7) mit Zähnen (15) angeordnet ist, wobei die Verzahnung (7) eine Oberflächenrauheit nach DIN EN ISO 4287 zwischen Rz 1 und Rz 25 und die innere Mantelfläche (14) eine Oberflächenrauheit nach DIN EN ISO 4287 zwischen Rz 0,3 und Rz 12 aufweist oder dass die Verzahnung (7) eine Oberflächenrauheit nach DIN EN ISO 4287 zwischen Rz 0,3 und Rz 25 und die innere Mantelfläche (14) eine Oberflächenrauheit nach DIN EN ISO 4287 zwischen Rz 0,3 und Rz 25 aufweisen und auf der inneren Mantelfläche (14) und diese in radialer Richtung überragend zumindest drei Vorsprünge (21) angeordnet sind.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Method for setting a tooth flank clearance

Номер: AT0000519887A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Einstellung eines gewünschten Zahnflankenspiels von wenigstens zwei miteinander kämmenden, jeweils eine Verzahnung mit Zahnflanken (4) aufweisenden Zahnrädern, umfassend die Schritte zumindest teilweises Beschichten der Zahnflanken (4) zumindest eines der Zahnräder mit einer abreibbaren Beschichtung (7), in Kontakt bringen der beiden Verzahnungen der Zahnräder und Einstellen eines Zahnflankenspiels von Null, Abwälzen der bei- den Verzahnungen aneinander zum zumindest teilweisen Abreiben der Beschich- tung (7), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass als Beschichtung (7) ausschließlich ein Polymer oder ein Gemisch ausschließlich bestehend aus zumindest zwei Polyme- ren verwendet wird.

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510282B1

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512390B1

Es wird eine Zahnradgetriebestufe aus zwei miteinander kämmenden, durch eine Wärmebehandlung gehärteten Zahnrädern beschrieben. Um das Geräuschverhalten zu verbessern, wird vorgeschlagen, dass eines der beiden Zahnräder eine durch eine Hartfeinbearbeitung bestimmte Endform und das andere Zahnrad eine durch die Wärmebehandlung bestimmte, endkonturnahe Form aufweisen.

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510282A4

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000510575B1

The invention relates to a toothed wheel (1) having a sequence of X teeth (4), wherein each Nth tooth (4) at least partially has a smaller tooth rigidity compared to the remaining X-N teeth (4), N being a number which is selected from a range with a lower limit of 2 and an upper limit of X, in particular X/2, or wherein a number of M teeth at least partially have a smaller tooth rigidity than the remaining X-M teeth, where M is selected from a range with a lower limit of 1 and an upper limit of X-1 or an upper limit of X provided that at least individual teeth are divided or all the teeth have a different geometry, and/or wherein the tooth system (3) has a pitch in which each Nth tooth (4) stands out compared to the remaining X-N teeth (4).

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Sintered part

Номер: AT0000515352A3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Sinterbauteil (1), insbesondere ein ringförmiges Sinterbauteil (1), mit einer Verzahnung (2), wobei die Verzahnung (2) Zähne (3) mit Zahnfüßen (6) und Zahnflanken (4) aufweist. Sämtliche Zähne (3) und Zahnfüße (6) der Verzahnung (2) weisen eine plasmanitrierte oder plasmanitrocarburierte Schicht (7) auf, wobei die Zahnfüße (6) eine Zahnfußdauerfestigkeit σF lim nach DIN 3990 von mindestens 200 MPa aufweisen.

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010838U1

The gear (1) has teeth (2), between which a tooth root surface (5) is formed. The root surface has an upper surface, which is machine-finished in a thermo-mechanical manner. The upper surface has surface roughness with an arithmetic mean roughness index according to DIN EN ISO 4287, where the roughness index is selected from a range with a lower limit of 0.2 micrometer and an upper limit of 2 micrometer. The upper surface has a maximum roughness profile height according to DBN 31007, and has residual porosity of maximum 12 percent. An independent claim is also included for a method for manufacturing a sintered gear.

18-06-2009 дата публикации

Method of superfinishing a hollow wheel gear

Номер: AU2009202133A1

09-07-2009 дата публикации

Method of superfinishing a hollow wheel gear

Номер: AU2009202133A8

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Gear tooth crowning arrangement

Номер: AU2015324416B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A parallel axis gear configuration constructed in accordance to one example of the present disclosure can include a first gear having a first gear tooth that includes a lead crowning across a face width thereof. The lead crowning can include (i) a first lead crown defined from a centerline to a transition point and (ii) a second lead crown defined from the transition point to a first end point. The lead crowning can include a drop-off magnitude that is greater at the second lead crown than the first lead crown.

14-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002611625A1

Disclosed is a method for producing an at least partly surface-compressed metallic gear element that comprises a compressed sintered material in order to improve a strength curve. A blank of the gear element is produced with a locally selective oversize (701) relative to a final size of the gear element and is rolled by means of at least one rolling tool so as to obtain the final size. The gear element is compressed in a locally varied manner at least in the area of at least one flank (705; 706) and/or one root (704) of a tooth of the gear element in order to create a compressed surface layer.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003095601A1

An electric drive module (e-drive module) for an electric motor vehicle and chain driven electric-drive (e-drive) gearbox therefor is provided. The e-drive gearbox has first and second chain members operably coupling an output shaft of an electric motor to a shaft of a driven output member. A first drive gear is rotatable with the output shaft of the electric motor. A first driven gear is coupled to the first drive gear via the first chain member. A second driven gear is coupled to the first driven gear via a common shaft and co-rotatable with the first driven gear. A second drive gear is coupled to the second driven gear via the second chain member. The respective rotational axes of the first and second drive gears and the first and second driven gears are parallel to each other.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075690A1

A torque transfer device has plural planets arranged for planetary rotation about one or more sun gears and within one or more ring gears. Each planet includes at least one planetary gear set comprising plural planetary gears connected to rotate together, but having a different diameter to form a differential gear system. To improve load sharing, the plural planetary gears of each planetary gear set may have a different helical angle, the plural planetary gear sets being axially movable with respect to one another. Alternatively or in addition, the planetary gears may be made flexible with respect to radial forces.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002917303A1

A toothed mechanical structural component obtained by cold-forging and carburizing a raw material which is steel having a component composition containing, by mass%, 0.10 to 0.35% C, 0.01 to 0.13% Si, 0.30 to 0.80% Mn, 0.03% or less P, 0.03% or less S, 0.01 to 0.045% Al, 0.5 to 3.0% Cr, 0.0005 to 0.0040% B, 0.003 to 0.080% Nb, and 0.0080% or less N, Ti mixed in as an impurity being suppressed to 0.005% or less, the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities, wherein in terms of the austenite grain size after carburization, the area ratio of crystal grains measuring 50 µm or less is equal to or greater than 80% and the area ratio of crystal grains exceeding 300 µm is equal to or less than 10%, and the total tooth trace error of teeth after carburization satisfies the following relationship (1), whereby a toothed mechanical structure component having exceptional dimensional accuracy is obtained. (Bmax/L) × 103 = 5 ...(1) (Where Bmax represents the maximum total tooth trace error (mm) in ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002847256A1

L'invention concerne une roue d'engrenage (26) s'étendant selon une direction axiale et une direction radiale, comprenant un voile radial (30) portant une jante annulaire axiale (34), ladite jante (34) portant des dents d'engrenage (40), L'invention se caractérise par le fait que ledit voile (30) est muni d'un dispositif d'amortissement de vibrations (42), que le dispositif d'amortissement de vibrations (42) est constitué d'une couche de matériau viscoélastique (44) et d'une contre-couche (46), que la couche de matériau viscoélastique (44) est disposée axialement entre le voile radial (30) et la contre-couche (46), et que la couche de matériau viscoélastique (44) est fixée directement au voile (30).

26-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002240426A1

A unitary powder metal gear or sprocket (10) has a teeth region (16) which extends 2-5 mm below the tooth root diameter and a body region (14) radially inside of the teeth region (16). The teeth region (16) is pressed to a higher density than the body region (14) in a two chamber compaction die. The teeth region (16) is made of a sinter or induction hardening material, and the body region (14) is made of a liquid phase sintered material. Materials for the teeth (16) and body (14) regions are selected for compatibility by compacting them into a bimetallic strip (20, 22) with the teeth material (18) on one side and the body material (19) on the other side, sintering the strip (20,22) and observing the amount it bends.

01-08-1928 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Maschinengetriebeteilen.

Номер: CH0000127098A
Принадлежит: WINKLER CARL

16-12-1915 дата публикации

Tooth piston (pinion)

Номер: CH0000071238A

15-02-1955 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000305342A
Принадлежит: LEDER & CO AG, LEDER & CO. AG.

31-03-1964 дата публикации

Mit einer Welle unlösbar verbundenes Zahnrad

Номер: CH0000376324A

15-07-1935 дата публикации

Pièce présentant une denture de bronze et un moyeu d'un autre métal.

Номер: CH0000178300A

05-03-1973 дата публикации

Moulded plastics gears - with reinforcing core so shaped it extends deep into each tooth

Номер: CH0000533261A

The core which extends from the central hub outwards into the tooth is either a single piece of cast or forged metal or is built up from sheet metal pressings, a slot being provided for the keyway. Alternatively >=1 glass fibre reinforced plastic part may be used to made up the core.

14-11-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000569148A5
Принадлежит: BERTIN & CIE

15-06-1965 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Hartgeweben

Номер: CH0000393735A

15-10-1970 дата публикации

Kunststoffzahnrad mit Metallseele

Номер: CH0000497269A

31-03-1982 дата публикации

Gearwheel made of plastic and method for its production

Номер: CH0000628769A

30-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000659414A5

15-03-1993 дата публикации

Solid lubricant coating prodn. for reducing friction between soft parts - by applying nickel@-phosphorus@ layer and gold@ layer and then heat treating

Номер: CH0000681370A5

The lubricating composn. is formed on a micro-mechanical part made of a first material, which is to be contacted by a part made of a second material, by coating the first material part with a Ni-P cpd. layer and then a thinner Au-based layer, followed by heat treating the coated part. A coated part, made by the process, is also claimed. The coating is pref. applied by chemical plating onto a part made e.g. of soft or hardened Cu-Be alloy or brass. The Ni-P layer is pref. 2-8 microns thick and may contain 6-12% P, while the Au-based layer is pref. 0.1-0.8 microns thick. The heat treatment may be carried out before applying the Au-based layer and pref. comprises heating at 200-600 deg.C for 1-6 hrs. USE/ADVANTAGE - The solid lubricant compsn. is used esp. for reducing friction and wear between a relatively soft part, e.g. a copper alloy gear wheel, and a relatively hard part, e.g. a steel pinion. It is easily applied onto small, relatively soft parts.

15-03-2016 дата публикации

Mechanical component, movement, timepiece and method of manufacturing the mechanical component.

Номер: CH0000710107A2

Fourniture dun composant mécanique (1), un mouvement, et une pièce dhorlogerie qui présentent dexcellentes propriétés en termes de productivité et de résistance à lusure, et méthode de fabrication associée dun composant mécanique (1). Le composant mécanique (1), qui est formé au moyen dun électroformage dans lequel la matrice de moulage est immergée dans un liquide délectroformage contenant des ions de nickel et des ions dun additif, comprend un corps principal (2) et une portion de contact (3) recouvrant au moins une partie du corps principal (2); cette portion de contact (3) est amenée à venir en contact avec dautres composants. La portion de contact (3) a une teneur en additif plus grande que le corps principal (2). La méthode de fabrication du composant mécanique (1) comprend un processus de modelage dune portion de contact (3) pour former la portion de contact (3) au moyen dun électroformage dans lequel la matrice de moulage est immergée dans le liquide délectroformage, et un processus ...

30-04-2018 дата публикации

Clock escapement mechanism without lubrication.

Номер: CH0000709609B1
Принадлежит: NIVAROX SA, Nivarox-FAR S.A.

L’invention vire à améliorer la tribologie d’un mécanisme d’échappement (100). Celui-ci comporte au moins un premier composant (2) et un deuxième composant (3) comportant respectivement une première surface de frottement (20) et une deuxième surface de frottement (30) qui sont agencées pour coopérer en contact l’une avec l’autre, et dont une desdites première ou deuxième surface de frottement (20; 30) comporte du nitrure de silicium, et dont l’autre desdites première ou deuxième surface de frottement (20; 30) comporte au moins un matériau à base de silicium pris parmi un groupe comportant le silicium Si, le dioxyde de silicium SiO 2 , le silicium amorphe a-Si, le silicium polycristallin p-Si et le silicium poreux.

14-06-2019 дата публикации

Mechanical component, movement, timepiece and method of manufacturing the mechanical component.

Номер: CH0000710107B1
Принадлежит: SEIKO INSTR LNC, Seiko Instruments lnc.

Fourniture d’un composant mécanique (1), un mouvement (100A), et une pièce d’horlogerie (100) qui présentent d’excellentes propriétés en termes de productivité et de résistance à l’usure, et méthode de fabrication associée d’un composant mécanique (1). Le composant mécanique (1), qui est formé au moyen d’un électroformage dans lequel la matrice de moulage (30) est immergée dans un liquide d’électroformage (41) contenant des ions de nickel et des ions d’un additif, comprend un corps principal (2) et une portion de contact (3) recouvrant au moins une partie du corps principal (2); cette portion de contact (3) est amenée à venir en contact avec d’autres composants. La portion de contact (3) a une teneur en additif plus grande que le corps principal (2). La méthode de fabrication du composant mécanique (1) comprend un processus de modelage d’une portion de contact (3) pour former la portion de contact (3) au moyen d’un électroformage dans lequel la matrice de moulage (30) est immergée dans ...

15-11-2016 дата публикации

Gear part.

Номер: CH0000710214B1

L’invention décrit une pièce d’engrenage qui est une pièce d’entraînement à véhicule électrique. L’engrenage comprend un substrat (1) en acier sur lequel un trou de montage (2), dans lequel une première cannelure annulaire (3) est agencée sur une paroi périphérique extérieure du substrat, un premier insert annulaire (4) en nylon est coulé dans la première cannelure annulaire, de multiples premières dents sont usinées sur une surface circulaire extérieure du substrat, et de multiples deuxièmes dents sont usinées, sur une surface circulaire extérieure du premier insert annulaire, chaque dent complète de la pièce d’engrenage étant composée d’une deuxième dent disposée entre deux premières dents correspondantes. La pièce d’engrenage de l’invention a l’avantage d’une haute résistance à l’usure et d’entraîner une réduction de bruit de fonctionnement.

13-11-2015 дата публикации

Clock escapement mechanism without lubrication.

Номер: CH0000709609A2

Linvention vise à améliorer la tribologie dun mécanisme déchappement (100). Celui-ci comporte au moins un premier composant (2) et un deuxième composant (3) comportant respectivement une première surface de frottement (20) et une deuxième surface de frottement (30) qui sont agencées pour coopérer en contact lune avec lautre, et dont une desdites première ou deuxième surface de frottement (20; 30) comporte du nitrure de silicium, et dont lautre desdites première ou deuxième surface de frottement (20; 30) comporte au moins un matériau à base de silicium pris parmi un groupe comportant le silicium Si, le dioxyde de silicium SiO 2 , le silicium amorphe a-Si, le silicium polycristallin p-Si et le silicium poreux.

26-02-2021 дата публикации

Mécanisme régulateur d'horlogerie.

Номер: CH0000716518A2

L'invention concerne un mécanisme régulateur (300) d'horlogerie, comportant un mécanisme résonateur (100) à pivot virtuel et à guidage flexible, de facteur de qualité supérieur à 1000, dont l'élément inertiel (2) coopère indirectement avec un mécanisme d'échappement (200) libre dans le cycle de fonctionnement duquel le mécanisme résonateur (100) possède au moins une phase de liberté où il est sans contact avec le mécanisme d'échappement (200), ce mécanisme régulateur (300) comporte un couple de composants comportant des surfaces de frottement agencées pour coopérer en contact l'une avec l'autre, où la première surface de frottement est constituée par la surface d'un élément comportant du carbure de silicium.

15-01-2018 дата публикации

Plastic tooth part.

Номер: CH0000712699A1

Bei einem Kunststoffverzahnungsteil (1), welches spritzgusstechnisch hergestellt ist, umfassend einen Zahnradkörper (2) mit einem kreisförmigen Zahnkranz (3), ist es vorgesehen, dass der Zahnradkörper (2) eine kreisringförmige Angussstelle (4) aufweist, wobei die kreisringförmige Angussstelle (4) mit dem kreisförmigen Zahnkranz (3) und dessen Drehachse (A) konzentrisch angeordnet ist.

15-03-2022 дата публикации

Procédé de fabrication d'un mobile d'horlogerie, avec surface de contact revêtue.

Номер: CH0000717842A2

Procédé de fabrication de mobile d'horlogerie, selon lequel on réalise un substrat avec un premier matériau comportant au moins du nickel et du phosphore, on met en forme le substrat à la géométrie du mobile, et on effectue un revêtement du substrat, par voie galvanique et/ou chimique, au niveau d'au moins une surface du substrat du mobile, avec au moins un deuxième matériau, qui constitue la couche périphérique du mobile au niveau de la au moins une surface du substrat du mobile, et qui comporte au moins du nickel et qui est plus pauvre en phosphore que le premier matériau, ou qui comporte du nickel et est dépourvu de phosphore.

18-08-2017 дата публикации

Gear, and image forming device with same

Номер: CN0107073777A

25-05-2021 дата публикации

Узел привода агрегатов

Номер: RU0000204454U1

Полезная модель относится к области авиадвигателестроения и энергетического машиностроения, преимущественно к системам приводов вспомогательных агрегатов, обеспечивающих работу газотурбинного двигателя, и может быть использована для привода вспомогательных агрегатов газотурбинных двигателей с размещением приводных агрегатов как во внутренних полостях газотурбинного двигателя, так и с внешней стороны корпуса газотурбинного двигателя, имеющих частоты вращения, отличные от ротора турбокомпрессора.Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлено данное техническое решение, является снижение массы узла привода агрегатов путем минимизации массы зубчатых колес за счет не только применения более легкого материала – титанового сплава, но и за счет уменьшения размеров зуба, а именно применения мелкомодульных унифицированных по типоразмеру зубчатых колес с высоким углом зацепления и коррекцией профиля зуба по вершине. Использование этих признаков совместно приводит к уменьшению массы зубчатых колес и к снижению массы узла привода агрегатов в целом.Технический результат достигается тем, что в узле привода агрегатов, расположенном в корпусе неразъемной конструкции с боковыми окнами, содержащий зубчатые колеса, установленные непосредственно в корпусе, промежуточные зубчатые колеса, установленные на осях и монтированные в корпус через боковые окна, на которых устанавливаются заглушки, в отличие от известного, зубчатые колеса выполнены из титанового сплава с последующим упрочнением рабочих поверхностей зуба альфированием и для предотвращения схватывания контактирующих поверхностей серебрением, при этом сами зубчатые колеса по профилю зуба имеют единый типоразмер по модулю. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 454 U1 (51) МПК F16H 55/06 (2006.01) F16H 55/08 (2006.01) F02C 7/32 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16H 55/06 (2021.02); F16H 55/08 (2021.02); F02C 7/32 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120111144A1
Автор: Yuji Wakugawa
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A gear ( 27; 27 A; 27 B; 27 C) includes: an annular metal core ( 28; 28 A; 28 B) having a recess ( 37; 67: 37 B) provided in a first side face ( 34 ) thereof; and an annular resin member ( 29 ) molded on the metal core ( 28; 28 A; 28 B) as covering an outer peripheral surface ( 32 ) of the metal core ( 28; 28 A; 28 B) and the first side face ( 34 ) of the metal core ( 28; 28 A; 28 B) and having teeth ( 46 ) provided on an outer peripheral surface thereof by injecting a resin material toward the recess ( 37; 67; 37 B).

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Intermediate bearing device with toothing reinforcement for starter

Номер: US20120227529A1

The subject matter of the present invention relates to an intermediate bearing device ( 1 ) for a cranking apparatus, in particular for a starter for cranking an internal combustion engine, comprising a toothing region ( 3 ) with a base section ( 4 ) and toothing sections ( 5 ) formed thereon, for receiving gearwheels in a bearing manner, wherein the toothing region ( 3 ) is formed as a composite toothing region ( 8 ), in which means for increasing a toothing strength are integrated, a cranking apparatus, in particular a starter for cranking an internal combustion engine, comprising an intermediate bearing device ( 1 ) according to the invention and a system comprising an internal combustion engine and a starter for cranking the internal combustion engine with a cranking apparatus according to the invention.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

High-strength transmission gear and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130068349A1
Автор: Bong Lae JO, Jae Hong Park
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co, Kia Motors Corp

Disclosed herein is a high-strength transmission gear, manufactured by gas-nitriding a nitriding steel having a composition including iron (Fe) as a main component, 0.25˜0.40 wt % of carbon (C), 0.50˜1.0 wt % of manganese (Mn), 2.0˜3.0 wt % of chromium (Cr), 0.3˜1.0 wt % of molybdenum (Mo), 0.2˜0.7 wt % of copper (Cu), 0.03˜0.1 wt % of niobium (Nb), 0.03˜0.1 wt % of aluminum (Al), 0.05˜0.15 wt % of vanadium (V), 0.001˜0.005 wt % of boron (B) and other inevitable impurities. More specifically, while gas-nitriding of the nitriding steel, the temperature is increased in steps, and the ratio of nitrogen gas in the nitriding steel is decreased in steps.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Rotary body driver with planetary gear transmission and image forming apparatus incorporating same

Номер: US20130109529A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

A rotary body driver includes a driving source and a planetary gear transmission to receive a driving force from the driving source. The planetary gear transmission includes a sun gear rotatable by the driving force received from the driving source, a plurality of planet gears meshed with and surrounding the sun gear with an identical interval between the adjacent planet gears, a rotatable carrier to rotatably support the plurality of planet gears, an outer gear encircling and meshed with the plurality of planet gears, and an output shaft combined with and supporting the carrier. A rotary body shaft mounting a rotary body is connected to the output shaft of the planetary gear transmission to transmit the driving force received from the output shaft to the rotary body. The outer gear is made of resin and the output shaft and the carrier are made of metal.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Resin gear, and method and apparatus for producing the same

Номер: US20130139630A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Gasket Co Ltd

Gear-shaped resin sheets Sa are laminated such that tooth portions 2 b are aligned in an axial direction, thereby preparing a spur gear-shaped net-shape body 4 . The net-shape body is accommodated in a net-shape body holder 14 having a spur gear-shaped holding space 14 a. A spur gear-shaped pushing member 15 a provided in an upper die 15 is lowered to heat and compress the net-shape body 4, while tooth portions of the resin gear formed in a lower die 12 are pressed in a helical tooth-shaped molding space to deform the tooth portions 4 a of the net-shape body 4 into a helical tooth tilted relative to the axial direction, and the direction of reinforcement fibers at the tooth portions 2 b of the molded resin gear 1 is tilted relative to the axial direction. A resin gear that hardly causes peeling off of resin by a load applied to a tooth surface can be obtained, and a production apparatus suitable for producing such resin gear is provided.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180352A1
Автор: Meis Jean-Andre

A coated cogwheel includes a cogwheel body made from a basis material. A layer which is harder than the basis material is arranged at least on a part of the cogwheel body, for example on the flanks of a tooth. The layer is subdivided by seams into a multiplicity of mutually separated segments. 1. A coated cogwheel , comprising:a cogwheel body made from a basis material having a hardness;a layer arranged at least on a part of the cogwheel body and having a hardness which is greater than the hardness of the basis material, said layer being subdivided by seams into in a multiplicity of segments in spaced-apart relationship.2. The coated cogwheel of claim 1 , wherein the layer forms a surface of the coated cogwheel.3. The coated cogwheel of claim 1 , wherein the layer is arranged on at least one tooth flank of the cogwheel body.4. The coated cogwheel of claim 1 , wherein the seams are sized to cut completely through the layer.5. The coated cogwheel of claim 1 , wherein the seams are sized to extend into the cogwheel body.6. The coated cogwheel of claim 1 , wherein the seams have a width sufficient wide to leave room for a lateral expansion when the coated cogwheel is subjected to a pressure load.7. A method for producing a coated cogwheel claim 1 , comprising the steps of:arranging a layer of a first hardness on at least a part of a cogwheel body made from a basis material of a second hardness, with the first hardness being greater than the second hardness; andsubdividing the layer by seams into a multiplicity of segments in spaced-apart relationship.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the arranging step includes covering a region of the seams with a mask claim 7 , applying the layer to non-covered regions of the cogwheel body claim 7 , and removing the mask.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the arranging step includes applying a closed layer to the cogwheel body claim 7 , and segmenting the closed layer by forming the seams.10. The method of claim 9 , the seams are ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220048A1
Автор: Iijima Gaku

In a resin gear, which has a height h of a rim on a side including a gate from a surface including the gate of the web, a thickness T of the rim on the side including the gate, a height h of the rim on a side opposite to the side including the gate from a surface opposite to the surface including the gate of the web, and a thickness T of the rim on the side opposite to the side including the gate and in which h≧h, it is configured so that T Подробнее

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing High-Strength Components by Means of Adiabatic Blanking

Номер: US20130220049A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls GmbH

The present invention relates to a method for producing a component of an adjustment device for vehicle seats, wherein, in a first step, a work piece is machined such that the work piece is harder in a first region than in a second region, and/or in that the work piece is of a larger geometrical size in a third region than in a fourth region, wherein, in a second step, the work piece is deformed in such a way that a tool is moved onto the work piece at a speed greater than 1 m/s. 1. A method for producing a component of ah adjusting device for vehicle seats , characterized in that in a first a step a workpiece is machined such that the workpiece is harder in a first region than in a second region and/or such that the workpiece has a larger geometric dimension in a third region than in a fourth region , wherein in a second step the workpiece is shaped in such a way that a tool , is moved onto the workpiece at a speed greater than 1 m/s.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the tool is moved onto the workpiece at a speed greater than 3 m/s.3. The method as claimed claim 1 , characterized in that the workpiece is present in the form of a plate or of unrolled strip material.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the workpiece comprises a steel material.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that in the first step first of all the workpiece is rolled and after the rolling the first region of the workpiece is hardened.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , Characterized in that in the second step the workpiece is stamped with a high-speed press.7. A component of an adjusting device for vehicle seats claim 1 , produced by a method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the component has a hardened toothing and/or a hardened bearing point in the first region.8. A device for carrying out a method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the device has a high-speed press for stamping the component out of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220050A1
Автор: KOIKE Mamoru
Принадлежит: Globeride, Inc.

One object is to provide a gear to be included in a fishing reel to produce excellent rotation feeling while reducing the weight relative to the strength. In accordance with one aspect, a drive gear included in a fishing reel is formed of a circumferential part having tooth surfaces and a body part radially inside the circumferential part which are made of different materials and integrated together. These materials satisfy the following conditions: S>S, P>P, and FS, P>P, and F Подробнее

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279307A1

The invention relates to a method () of manufacturing a silicon-metal composite micromechanical component () combining DRIE and LIGA processes. The invention also relates to a micromechanical component () including a layer wherein one part () is made of silicon and another part () of metal so as to form a composite micromechanical component (). The invention concerns the field of timepiece movements. 132-. (canceled)33. A silicon-metal composite micromechanical component including a part formed in a silicon layer , wherein said silicon part includes a toothing for forming a wheel or a pinion and , at least over one portion of the thickness thereof , a metal part with a thickness of more than 6 microns for insulating the silicon part from destructive stress.34. The micromechanical component according to claim 33 , wherein the metal part forms a sleeve that covers the peripheral wall of said silicon part.35. The micromechanical component according to claim 34 , wherein said sleeve is connected to said peripheral wall by bridges of material.36. The micromechanical component according to claim 34 , wherein said metal part includes claim 34 , in the extension thereof claim 34 , a second metal part projecting from said silicon part.37. The micromechanical component according to claim 33 , wherein the metal part forms a sleeve in a cavity made in the silicon part in order to receive a pivoting arbour that is driven therein.38. The micromechanical component according to claim 37 , wherein said sleeve is connected to the wall of said cavity by bridges of material.39. The micromechanical component according to claim 37 , wherein the metal part includes claim 37 , in the extension thereof claim 37 , a second metal part projecting from the silicon part.40. The micromechanical component according to claim 39 , wherein the second metal part includes a toothing for forming a wheel or a pinion.41. The micromechanical component according to claim 33 , wherein each metal part ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312560A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A steel gear includes a substantially cylindrical outer peripheral ring portion having a toothed shape formed on its outer peripheral surface; and a flange portion extended radially inward from an inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral ring portion. The steel gear has a thermal history layer formed in the outer peripheral ring portion, and the depth of the thermal history layer in the direction inward from the tooth bottom of the toothed shape of the outer peripheral surface is greater in the first protruding portion and the second protruding portion than in the coupling portion with the flange portion, and is substantially the same between the first protruding portion and the second protruding portion. As a result, even if the “carburization/slow cooling/high-frequency quenching treatment” is used as a manufacturing method of the steel gear, the steel gear has high dimensional accuracy. 15-. (canceled)6. A steel gear comprising:a substantially cylindrical outer peripheral ring portion having a toothed shape formed on its outer peripheral surface; and a flange portion extended radially inward from an inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral ring portion, whereinthe outer peripheral ring portion includes a first protruding portion protruding to one side in an axial direction with respect to a coupling portion with the flange portion, and a second protruding portion protruding to the other side in the axial direction with respect to the coupling portion with the flange portion, and an axial length of the first protruding portion is substantially equal to that of the second protruding portion,a carburized layer that is formed in a surface layer of the toothed shape and a thermal history layer that is formed in a region including the carburized layer and having a greater depth in a direction inward from the outer peripheral surface than a depth of the carburized layer and that has a history of having been heated to austenite by high-frequency induction ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319154A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A steel gear includes a generally cylindrical outer peripheral ring portion , on an outer peripheral surface of which a toothed shape is formed, and a flange portion provided to extend radially inward from an inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral ring portion . The outer peripheral ring portion includes a first projecting portion that projects toward one side in the axial direction with respect to a coupling position at which the first projecting portion is coupled to the flange portion , and a second projecting portion that projects toward the other side in the axial direction with respect to a coupling position at which the second projecting portion is coupled to the flange portion . The axial length of the first projecting portion is longer than the axial length of the second projecting portion . The outer peripheral ring portion includes a carburized layer formed in a surface layer of the toothed shape , and a thermal history layer formed in a region including the carburized layer and at a depth, in the inward direction from the outer peripheral surface , larger than the depth of the carburized layer , the thermal history layer having a history of being heated through high-frequency induction heating until becoming austenite. The depth T of the thermal history layer in the inward direction from a tooth bottom of the toothed shape is larger at the second projecting portion than at the first projecting portion 16.-. (canceled)7. A steel gear comprising:a generally cylindrical outer peripheral ring portion, on an outer peripheral surface of which a toothed shape is formed; anda flange portion provided to extend radially inward from an inner peripheral surface of the outer peripheral ring portion, wherein:the outer peripheral ring portion includes a first projecting portion that projects toward one side in an axial direction with respect to a coupling position at which the first projecting portion is coupled to the flange portion, and a second projecting ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007725A1
Автор: Enghels Florence
Принадлежит: Hispano Suiza

A method of manufacturing a mechanical component made of steel including a surface-hardening phase. The method includes creating a rough form of the component with regions to be hardened, then successive case hardening with cooling without quenching, heating to an austenitizing temperature of the steel by induction heating the zones, and quenching. 16-. (canceled)7. A method of manufacturing a steel toothed gearwheel with a phase of hardening surface zones , comprising:creating a blank of a component with zones that are to be hardened; and thencarburizing, the carburizing being followed by a cooling without quenching;localized induction heating using at least one medium-frequency or low-frequency current generator, which is applied to an entire depth of the gearwheel tooth set, up to an austenitizing temperature of the steel; andquenching.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the material is a steel with a carbon content of at least 0.3%.9. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the component is carburized such that surface carbon content is at least 0.8%.10. A gearwheel obtained according to the method of claim 7 , wherein surface hardness of the gearwheels is at least 680 HV.11. The gearwheel as claimed in claim 10 , wherein the hardness of the quenched but not carburized zones is at least 450 HB.12. The gearwheel as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the hardness of the non-quenched base material is between 100 and 400 HB. The present invention relates to the field of the treatment of metal components made of steel to make them better able to withstand the loadings to which they are subjected while they are in use. It relates in particular to the treatment of gearwheels.A gearwheel, an example embodiment of which is depicted in , is a mechanical component that transmits rotational load. The gearwheel depicted in the figure comprises a wheel disk with a tooth set formed at its periphery. The wheel disk is extended axially by cylindrical surfaces forming the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013888A1

Balance shaft for a piston engine comprises a bearing journal, on which the balance shaft is supported, a gear section, on which a gear is connected in a rotation-locked manner thereto via a press fit or another shaft-hub-connection, and an unbalanced section having an integrally connected unbalanced mass or an unbalanced mass fastened on this unbalanced section using machine elements or via another shaft-hub connection. The balance shaft can alternately comprise steel or cast iron material in the case of a friction mounting and its bearing journals can alternately be implemented as hardened or also unhardened. If the balance shaft is mounted in roller bearings and if the roller bodies have direct contact with the bearing surface, it is implemented in a suitable steel and the bearing journals are hardened. The gear comprises nodular cast iron and is not hardened. 1. A gearwheel configured to be fastened to a balance shaft of a piston engine in a rotation-locked manner , the gearwheel comprising unhardened gearing and being formed from nodular cast iron having a fracture elongation of at least 4%.2. The gearwheel of claim 1 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a carbon component of 2.9 to 3.8 mass percent.3. The gearwheel of claim 2 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a carbon component of 3.20 to 3.70 mass percent.4. The gearwheel of claim 3 , wherein nodular cast iron has a carbon component of 3.35 to 3.65 mass percent.5. The gearwheel of claim 1 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a silicon component of 1.5 to 3.5 mass percent.6. The gearwheel of claim 5 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a silicon component of 2.2 to 3.5 mass percent.7. The gearwheel of claim 6 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a silicon component of 2.5 to 3.3 mass percent.8. The gearwheel of claim 1 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a manganese component of less than 0.5 mass percent.9. The gearwheel of claim 8 , wherein the nodular cast iron has a manganese component of 0.15 to 0.3 mass ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043019A1

An angle sensor for determining a rotation angle of a rotatable body, such as a steering column in a motor vehicle, includes a gear wheel. The orientation of a magnetic field generated by the gearwheel is configured to be detected by a magnetic field sensor. The gear wheel is comprised of a magnetisable material, such as hard ferrite, into which a magnetisation is introduced. The gear wheel is stronger in a central region than in an edge region in which the teeth are arranged. In order to weakly magnetise the edge region, which minimizes a negative influence of the teeth on the homogeneity of the generated magnetic field, the front face of the gear wheel is configured to be magnetized. The magnetisation process advantageously takes place at the same time as an injection moulding process to form the gearwheel. A method is implemented to produce the gear wheel. 1. A toothed wheel for an angle sensor , comprising:a toothed wheel body; anda plurality of teeth arranged along the periphery of the toothed wheel body,wherein the toothed wheel is embodied completely from a magnetizable material, andwherein a level of magnetization is introduced into the toothed wheel, the level of magnetization being greater in a central region of the toothed wheel than in an edge region in which the teeth are arranged.2. The toothed wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an end face of the toothed wheel is magnetized.3. The toothed wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a magnetization that is essentially homogeneous in the central region of the toothed wheel in a plane that is orthogonal with respect to an axis of rotation of the toothed wheel is introduced into the toothed wheel.4. The toothed wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnetizable material comprises magnetizable particles that are embedded in a moldable matrix material.5. The toothed wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the magnetizable material comprises hard ferrite.6. An angle sensor for ascertaining an angle of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069219A1
Автор: Ahn Hee Chul

A reduction gear for electric power steering includes a first reduction gear composition for electric power steering containing 95 to 97 parts by weight of polyamide 66 (PA66) among polyamide-based materials, and a second reduction gear composition for electric power steering containing 3 to 5 parts by weight of an ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer (EMAA) among polyolefin-based materials, wherein a weight ratio of the PA66 to the EMAA is 24:1 to 49:1. 1. A reduction gear for electric power steering comprising:a first reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 95 to 97 parts by weight of polyamide 66 (PA66) among polyamide-based materials; anda second reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 3 to 5 parts by weight of an ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer (EMAA) among polyolefin-based materials,wherein a weight ratio of the polyamide 66 (PA66) to the ethylene-methacrylic acid copolymer (EMAA) is 24:1 to 49:1.2. A reduction gear for electric power steering comprising:a first reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 95 to 97 parts by weight of polyamide 66 (PA66) among polyamide-based materials; anda third reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 3 to 5 parts by weight of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) among polyolefin-based materials,wherein a weight ratio of the polyamide 66 (PA66) and the linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is 24:1 to 49:1.3. A reduction gear for electric power steering comprising:a first reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 95 to 97 parts by weight of polyamide 66 (PA66) among polyamide-based materials; anda fourth reduction gear composition for electric power steering comprising 3 to 5 parts by weight of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) among polyolefin-based materials, wherein a weight ratio of the polyamide 66 (PA66) and the ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is 24:1 to 49:1.4. A method for manufacturing a reduction ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076083A1
Принадлежит: Kabushiki Kaisha F.C.C.

An integrated member can comprise different members each formed of materials having different mechanical characteristics. A method for manufacturing such an integrated member can comprise an electric resistance welding step in which the first member is press-fit into the second member and the press-fit portion can be electrically energized to achieve the electric resistance welding so as to integrate the first member and the second member. The method can further comprise a carburized layer forming step in which carburizing-quenching and tempering, or carbonitriding-quenching and tempering, is performed on the integrated member obtained in the electric resistance welding step to form carburized layers therein in accordance with the mechanical characteristics of the first member and the second member. 1132. A method for manufacturing an integrated member () integrally formed by welding a first member () and a second member () having different mechanical characteristics from each other characterized in:{'b': 3', '2, 'that the first member () is made of material having higher carbon content than that of the second member ();'} [{'b': 3', '2', '3', '2, 'an electric resistance welding step in which the first member () is press-fit into the second member () and the press-fit portion is electrically energized to achieve the electric resistance welding so as to integrate the first member () and the second member (); and'}, {'b': '1', 'a carburized layer forming step in which carburizing-quenching and tempering, or carbonitriding-quenching and tempering, is performed on the integrated member () obtained in the electric resistance welding step forming carburized layers therein.'}], 'that the method comprises2132233232bb. A method for manufacturing an integrated member () of claim 1 , wherein the first member () comprises a shaft component and the second member () comprises an annular component formed with a central opening () into which the shaft component () can be press-fit ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

System of sliding elements

Номер: US20140093196A1

The invention relates to a system of sliding elements which are formed by a base body and a counter-body. It is the object of the invention to provide a system of sliding element comprising a base body and a counter-body which has a reduced mass with a sufficient strength and which achieves improved properties of friction and wear. The system of sliding elements in accordance with the invention is formed by a counter-body and a base body as friction partners. The base body is formed from a fiber-reinforced polymer material and the counter-body is coated with diamond-like carbon at the surface subject to friction. At least the base body is formed from a textile-reinforced polymer matrix structure.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003302A1
Автор: Moritani Yuichiro

A rotating component includes a metal plate fixed to an end portion of the metal shaft, and a resin valve gear integrally formed with the plate by insert molding. The plate is formed with a circular fitting hole that fits with the end portion of the shaft, and a positioning recess that is recessed from one side to the other side of the plate. 1. A rotating component , comprising:a metal shaft configured to be rotatably supported around an axis;a metal plate fixed to an end portion of the shaft; anda resin gear made of resin formed integrally with the plate by insert molding,whereinthe plate is formed with a circular fitting hole that fits with the end portion of the shaft, and a positioning recess that is recessed from one side to the other side of the plate, anda cross section of the end portion of the shaft has a circular shape, and the end portion of the shaft is fitted into the fitting hole.2. The rotating component according to claim 1 , whereinthe end portion of the shaft and the plate are welded along an outer circumference of the end portion of the shaft.3. The rotating component according to claim 1 , further comprising:a yoke and a magnet configured to form a magnet circuit by being insert-molded into the resin gear, whereinthe yoke and the magnet are arranged radially outside a predetermined radius centered on the axis, andthe positioning recess is arranged radially inside the predetermined radius centered on the axis.4. The rotating component according to claim 1 , whereinthe positioning recess is formed so as to penetrate between one surface side and the other surface side of the plate.5. The rotating component according to claim 1 , whereinthe positioning recess is formed so as to close between one surface side and the other surface side of the plate.6. The rotating component according to claim 1 , whereinthe resin gear has a filling portion formed of resin that has filled into the positioning recess of the plate.7. The rotating component according to ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003339A1

A gear set may include a gear having improved operating performance by including location specific strength and wear properties, more specifically the gear may include a hub that may be made from a first material and a plurality of gear teeth that may be made from a second material and mounted to the hub. 1. A gear , comprising:a hub made from a first material; anda plurality of gear teeth made from a second material and mounted to the hub;wherein the first material is alternately ductile than the second material.2. The gear of wherein the first material comprises at least one of a metal claim 1 , a metal matrix composite claim 1 , a polymer matrix composite claim 1 , or a polymer plastic.3. The gear of wherein the second material comprises a ceramic matrix composite claim 2 , a ceramic claim 2 , a metal claim 2 , a metal matrix claim 2 , a polymer matrix composite claim 2 , or a polymer plastic.4. The gear of wherein the first material comprises the polymer matrix composite and the second material comprises the ceramic matrix composite.5. The gear of wherein the first material comprises the polymer matrix composite and the second material comprises the metal matrix composite.6. The gear of wherein the plurality of gear teeth comprises discrete sections of gear teeth mounted to the hub.7. The gear of wherein the plurality of gear teeth comprise a gear tooth ring that is mounted to the hub.8. The gear of wherein the plurality of gear teeth comprise a gear tooth ring that is mounted to the hub.9. The gear of wherein the gear tooth ring and the hub comprise corresponding pin holes.10. The gear of wherein the hub comprises bolting pucks for bolting the hub to a rotor assembly.11. The gear of wherein the second material comprises hoop-based fiber ply arcs or cross-ply based fiber ply tapes.12. The gear of wherein the first material comprises a hoop-based fiber-winding ply or radial based fiber ply tapes.13. A gear claim 1 , comprising:a hub made from a polymer matrix ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003281A1

Plural ejector pins are made to project before a molten resin containing reinforcing fibers is injected into an inside of a cavity through pin point gates in a web forming portion in the inside of the cavity and at positions outside the pin point gates in a radial direction. The ejector pins are retracted from the inside of the cavity after a flow of the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates impinges on the ejector pins and is divided and before a tooth portion forming portion in the inside of the cavity is filled with the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers. Accordingly, weld lines which extend along the radial direction are formed at positions outside the ejector pins in the radial direction, and the molten resin is filled in portions formed after the ejector pins are retracted. 1. A method of injection molding of a fiber reinforced resin gear by injecting a molten resin containing reinforcing fibers into the inside of a cavity through a plurality of pin point gates to form a tooth portion on an outer peripheral side of a web , whereina plurality of ejector pins are made to project in a web forming portion in the inside of the cavity and at positions outside the pin point gates in the radial direction before the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers is injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates, andthe plurality of ejector pins are retracted from the inside of the cavity after the flow of the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates impinges on the plurality of ejector pins and is divided and before a tooth portion forming portion in the inside of the cavity is filled with the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers, so that weld lines which extend along the radial direction are formed at positions outside the plurality of ejector pins in the radial direction and the molten resin ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003290A1

The present disclosure is directed to a shaft assembly () for a turbine engine (), the shaft assembly () defining an axial direction and a radial direction, wherein the turbine engine () includes a fan or propeller assembly () and an engine core () and further wherein the fan or propeller assembly () includes a gearbox (). The shaft (assembly ) includes a coupling shaft () defining a plurality of coupling shaft teeth () extended in the axial direction, wherein each coupling shaft tooth () is in circumferential arrangement along the coupling shaft (). The coupling shaft () includes a first material () and the plurality of coupling shaft teeth () include a second material () different from the first material (). 1. A shaft assembly for a turbine engine , the shaft assembly defining an axial direction and a radial direction , wherein the turbine engine includes a fan or propeller assembly and an engine core , and further wherein the fan or propeller assembly includes a gearbox , the shaft assembly comprising:a coupling shaft defining a plurality of coupling shaft teeth extended in the axial direction, wherein each coupling shaft tooth is in circumferential arrangement along the coupling shaft, and further wherein the coupling shaft comprises a first material, and wherein the plurality of coupling shaft teeth comprise a second material different from the first material.2. The shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the coupling shaft further defines a first end and a second end along the axial direction claim 1 , and wherein the first end is proximate to the engine core and the second end is proximate to the gearbox claim 1 , and wherein the coupling shaft is connected to the engine core at the first end and to the gearbox Eat the second end.3. The shaft assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of coupling shaft teeth extend in the axial direction from the second end of the coupling shaft.4. The shaft assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second material is a permanent ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003291A1

The present disclosure provides an internal ring gear, a driving assembly having the internal ring gear, and an application device employing the driving assembly. The internal ring gear includes at least two ring gears integrally arranged in parallel at an inner surface of a single housing. 1. An internal ring gear comprising:a housing; andat least two internal ring gears integrally arranged at an inner surface of the housing, wherein the housing and the internal ring gears are a one piece monolithic integral unit.2. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , comprising: a helical ring gear and a spur ring gear claim 1 , the teeth of the helical ring gear are disposed at an oblique angle with respect to an axial direction of the housing claim 1 , and the teeth of the spur ring gear are disposed along the axial direction of the housing.3. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of one or more of plastic claim 1 , powder metal material and metal.4. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the powder metal material claim 1 , and has a density less than 92% of its theoretical density claim 1 , and a mass of 6.0 to 8.0 grams per cubic millimeter.5. A driving assembly comprising:a motor; anda gearbox comprising an internal ring gear, the internal ring gear comprising a housing; andat least two internal ring gears integrally arranged at an inner surface of the housing, wherein the housing and the internal ring gears are a one piece monolithic integral unit.6. The driving assembly of claim 5 , wherein the internal ring gears comprises a helical ring gear and a spur ring gear claim 5 , the teeth of the helical ring gear are disposed at an oblique angle with respect to an axial direction of the housing claim 5 , and the teeth of the spur ring gear are disposed along the axial direction of the housing.7. The driving assembly of claim 5 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of one or more of plastic claim 5 , powder metal material and metal.8. ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007680A1

A plurality of ejector pins are made to project before a molten resin containing reinforcing fibers is injected into the inside of a cavity through pin point gates in a web forming portion in the inside of the cavity and at positions outside the pin point gates in the radial direction. The plurality of ejector pins are retracted from the inside of the cavity after the flow of the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates impinges on the plurality of ejector pins and is divided and before a tooth portion forming portion in the inside of the cavity is filled with the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers. Accordingly, weld lines which extend along the radial direction are formed at positions outside the ejector pins in the radial direction, and the molten resin is filled in portions formed after the ejector pins are retracted. 1. A fiber reinforced resin gear including a tooth portion formed on an outer peripheral side of a web by injecting a molten resin containing reinforcing fibers into the inside of a cavity through a plurality of pin point gates , whereina plurality of ejector pins are made to project in a web forming portion in the inside of the cavity and at positions outside the pin point gates in the radial direction before the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers is injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates, andthe plurality of ejector pins are retracted from the inside of the cavity after the flow of the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers injected into the inside of the cavity through the pin point gates impinges on the plurality of ejector pins and is divided and before a tooth portion forming portion in the inside of the cavity is filled with the molten resin containing reinforcing fibers, so that weld lines which extend along the radial direction are formed at positions outside the plurality of ejector pins in the radial direction and the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018429A1
Автор: SMITH David A.
Принадлежит: Endurance Innovations LLC

A gear unit includes a gear having a gear face and a plurality of gear teeth extending outwardly from the gear face. The gear unit also includes a hub integrally formed with the gear and arranged coaxially to the gear. The hub extends outwardly of the gear in a direction of a central axis of the gear. The gear unit also includes an undercut defined at an interface of the gear and the hub and includes a curved portion arranged at proximate to an inner end of the gear. The undercut reduces a stress concentration at the interface of the gear and the hub. 1. A gear unit , comprising:a gear having a gear face and a plurality of gear teeth extending outwardly from the gear face;a hub integrally formed with the gear and arranged coaxially to the gear, the hub extends outwardly of the hub in a direction of a central axis of the gear; andan undercut defined at an interface of the gear and the hub and including a curved portion arranged proximate to an inner end of the gear, wherein the undercut reduces a stress concentration at the interface of the gear and the hub.2. The gear unit of claim 1 , wherein the undercut further includes a straight portion extending from the curved portion to an end of the hub.3. The gear unit of claim 2 , wherein the straight portion tapers outwardly from the curved portion to the end of the hub.4. The gear unit of claim 3 , wherein the straight portion extends tangentially to the curved portion.5. The gear unit of claim 1 , wherein the curved portion includes a radius between 0.35/diametral pitch of the gear and 0.65/diametral pitch of the gear.6. The gear unit of claim 1 , wherein the gear is a bevel gear and the plurality of gear teeth extends obliquely relative to the central axis of the gear.7. The gear unit of claim 1 , wherein the hub includes an inner surface defining an elongated bore claim 1 , wherein the inner surface tapers inwardly from a free end of the hub towards the gear.8. The gear unit of claim 1 , wherein the gear unit is made ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180009030A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Hidefumi

A gear includes a sintered body, in which Fe is contained as a principal component, Ni is contained in a proportion of 2 mass % or more and 20 mass % or less, Si is contained in a proportion of 0.3 mass % or more and 5.0 mass % or less, C is contained in a proportion of 0.005 mass % or more and 0.3 mass % or less, and one element selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Y, Zr, Nb, Hf, and Ta is defined as a first element, that is contained in a proportion of 0.01 mass % or more and 0.7 mass % or less. 1. A gear , comprising a sintered body , in whichFe is contained as a principal component,Ni is contained in a proportion of 2 to 20 mass %,Si is contained in a proportion of 0.3 to 5.0 mass %,C is contained in a proportion of 0.005 to 0.3 mass %, anda first element is contained in a proportion of 0.01 to 0.7 mass %, anda second element is contained in a proportion of 0.01 to 0.7 mass %,wherein the first element is selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Y, Zr, Nb, and Hf,and the second element is selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Zr, Nb, Hf, and Ta, and(i) has a higher group number in the periodic table than the first element or(ii) has the same group number in the periodic table as the first element and a higher period number in the periodic table than the first element.2. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein when a ratio X1/X2 of a value X1 which is obtained by dividing the content E1 of the first element by the mass number of the first element to a value X2 which is obtained by dividing the content E2 of the second element by the mass number of the second element is 0.3 to 3.3. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein the sum of the content of the first element and the content of the second element is 0.05 to 0.8 mass %.4. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered body further contains Cr in a proportion of 9 to 19.5. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein the sintered body further contains Co in a proportion of 6 to 14.6. A ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and processes of forming gears

Номер: US20180016650A1
Автор: Bruce D. Hansen
Принадлежит: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp

A method of manufacturing a part is provided. The method includes heating a gear in the presence of carbon to carburize a material of the gear to create a carburized gear, the gear having a plurality of gear teeth and which comprises a selected material. Next, the carburized gear is high pressure gas quenched to drive the carbon into the material of the gear to create a quenched gear. Next, the quenched gear is at least one of cavitation peened and laser peened to create a peened gear. Finally, superfmishing is performed on surfaces of the peened gear.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Quiet Gear Wheel and Method for Producing Such a Gear Wheel

Номер: US20180017150A1
Принадлежит: GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH

The present invention relates to a gear wheel containing at least one sintered material having a porosity, the gear wheel having, in addition to the porosity, another noise-reducing means.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016688A1

A composite metal flexplate is disclosed that includes an aluminum center plate and a steel ring gear joined to the aluminum center plate by a solid-state joint. The solid-state joint that joins together the aluminum center plate and the steel ring gear may be formed by friction welding. During the friction welding process, a surface of an annular body of the steel ring gear is preheated, followed by bringing the preheated surface of the annular body into contact with a surface of a periphery of a circular body of the aluminum center plate. The two contacting surfaces are then caused to experience relative rotational contacting movement, which generates frictional heat therebetween and softens adjacent regions of the steel ring gear and the aluminum center plate. Once this occurs, an applied force is administered to compress and forge the contacting surfaces together, thereby establishing the solid-state joint. 1. A composite metal flexplate comprising:an aluminum center plate having a circular body that defines a central opening about an axis of rotation of the composite metal flexplate, the circular body having a periphery; anda steel ring gear that includes an annular body and external gear teeth that are integral with and circumferentially disposed about the annular body, the annular body of the steel ring gear being affixed to the periphery of the circular body of the aluminum center plate by a solid-state joint.2. The composite metal flexplate set forth in claim 1 , wherein the periphery of the circular body of the aluminum center plate comprises an axial rim that extends axially from a distal end of the circular body claim 1 , and wherein the solid-state joint is established between the axial rim of the circular body and the annular body of the steel ring gear.3. The composite metal flexplate set forth in claim 1 , wherein the periphery of the circular body comprises an axial rim that extends axially from a distal end of the circular body claim 1 , and ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102234A1

A component includes a component body which has a toothed section. An adaptive coating is applied, at least in parts, to the toothed section, the coating having a thickness of a maximum 5 μm. The adaptive coating may have a hardness gradient that has an increasing hardness from an outer coating surface in the direction towards the component body. 1214464: Component () comprising a component body () which has a toothing () , wherein an adaptive coating () having a maximum thickness of 5 μm is applied , at least in parts , to the toothing ().22614: Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () has a hardness gradient that has an increasing hardness from an outer coating surface in the direction towards the component body ().32610: Component () according to claim 2 , wherein the adaptive coating () has a hardness at the outer coating surface () which is selected from a range having a lower limit of HV 40 and an upper limit of HV 1000.42610149: Component () according to claim 2 , wherein the adaptive coating () at a second surface claim 2 , lying opposite the outer coating surface () claim 2 , pointing in direction of the component body () has a hardness which is selected from a range having a lower limit of HV 400 and an upper limit of HV 1000.526: Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is made of several different sub-layers.626: Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is at least partly metallic.726: Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is formed from a multi-element system claim 1 , with at least one element being selected from a group including transition metals claim 1 , transition metal nitrides claim 1 , transition metal carbides claim 1 , transition metal oxides claim 1 , as well as mixtures thereof.82: Component () according to claim 7 , wherein a further element of the multi-component system is selected from a group including Sn claim 7 , Mg claim 7 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Gear structure and servo motor

Номер: US20180019644A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An embodiment of the present invention stably eliminates high-frequency electromagnetic noise in a servo motor. A gear structure ( 10 ) includes: a first metal gear ( 1 ); a second metal gear ( 2 ); a first metal member (second housing 4 b , motor bearing section 4 c ) electrically continuous with the first metal gear ( 1 ); a second metal member (shaft part 2 a ) electrically continuous with the second metal gear ( 2 ); and an electrical connector (conductive gasket 9 ) electrically connecting the first metal member and the second metal member to each other.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021807A1
Автор: Lassalle Christophe

The invention concerns an output element () for a motorisation device () for driving at least one windscreen wiper arm of a motor vehicle, comprising an output shaft () and a toothed wheel () integral to and coaxial with the output shaft (), characterized in that the output shaft () is made of plastic material and in that the output element () comprises a metallic insert (), the plastic material of the output shaft () being moulded partially over the metallic insert (), revealing an insert head () protruding from the end of the output shaft () and intended to connect to a windscreen wiper element in order to drive this in rotation. 1. An output element for a motorization device for driving at least one windscreen wiper arm of a motor vehicle , comprising:an output shaft; anda toothed wheel integral to and coaxial with the output shaft,wherein the output shaft is made of plastic material and the output element comprises a metallic insert, the plastic material of the output shaft being moulded partially over the metallic insert, revealing an insert head protruding from the end of the output shaft and intended to connect to a windscreen wiper element in order to drive this in rotation.2. The output element according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic insert comprises said insert head and an inner portion over which the plastic material of the output shaft is moulded.3. The output element according to claim 2 , wherein said inner portion has peripheral radial reliefs and hollows.4. The output element according to claim 3 , wherein the peripheral radial reliefs and hollows of the inner portion are formed by axial splines.5. The output element according to claim 3 , wherein the peripheral radial reliefs and hollows of the inner portion are formed by at least two radial bosses.6. The output element according to claim 2 , wherein the metallic insert is made of two separate parts joined together axially claim 2 , a first part carrying the insert head and a second part ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021174A1

A deceleration mechanism is provided with first and second gears, a first tooth part arranged in the first gear and extending spirally in an axial direction of the first gear, an engagement projected part arranged on the first tooth part, second tooth parts arranged on the second gear, and an engagement recessed part arranged between the adjacent second tooth parts. The engagement projected part is formed in an arc shape in a direction orthogonal to the axial direction of the first gear and has a curvature center eccentric from a rotation center of the first gear. The second tooth parts are inclined with respect to the axial direction of the first gear and arranged in a circumferential direction of the second gear. The engagement projected part is formed in an arc-shape in a direction orthogonal to the axial direction of the first gear and engaged with the engagement projected part. 1. A deceleration mechanism , comprising a first gear and a second gear , the deceleration mechanism having:a first tooth part, arranged in the first gear and extending spirally in an axial direction of the first gear;an engagement projected part, arranged on the first tooth part, formed in an arc shape in a direction orthogonal to the axial direction of the first gear, and having a curvature center at a position eccentric from a rotation center of the first gear;a plurality of second tooth parts, arranged on the second gear, inclined with respect to the axial direction of the first gear, and arranged in a circumferential direction of the second gear; andan engagement recessed part, arranged between the adjacent second tooth parts, formed in an arc shape in a direction orthogonal to the axial direction of the first gear, and engaged with the engagement projected part.2. The deceleration mechanism according to claim 1 ,wherein a deceleration ratio of the first gear and the second gear is equal to a ratio of a first distance between the curvature center of the engagement projected part and ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042588A1
Принадлежит: Flender GmbH

A toothed transmission element includes a partial region formed with a first material, teeth defining an edge region which is formed additively with a second material having a hardness which is greater than a hardness of the first material, and a third material located between the first material and the second material, wherein a hardness decreases stepwise along a section leading from the edge region to the partial region. 114-. (canceled)15. A toothed transmission element , comprising:a partial region formed with a first material;an edge region formed additively with a second material having a hardness which is greater than a hardness of the first material; anda third material located between the first material and the second material, wherein a hardness decreases stepwise along a section leading from the edge region to the partial region.16. The transmission element of claim 15 , wherein the hardness is a Vickers hardness claim 15 , with a difference in the Vickers hardness of the second material and the Vickers hardness of the first material is at least 100 claim 15 , preferably at least 200 claim 15 , ideally at least 400 claim 15 , degrees of hardness claim 15 , and in particular the second material has a Vickers hardness of at least 500 claim 15 , preferably at least 600 claim 15 , preferably at least 780 HV claim 15 , and/or the first material has a Vickers hardness of at most 400 HV claim 15 , preferably at most 350 HV.17. The transmission element of claim 15 , further comprising at least one or more teeth defining the edge region claim 15 , wherein at least one or more claim 15 , preferably all claim 15 , of the teeth has or have the edge region formed additively with the second material.18. The transmission element of claim 15 , wherein the partial region is formed additively or the partial region is formed through primary forming claim 15 , preferably casting claim 15 , forming claim 15 , preferably forging claim 15 , subtractively claim 15 , in ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109709A1

A component includes a component body which has a toothed section. An adaptive coating is applied, at least in parts, to the toothed section, the coating having a thickness of at least 5 μm. The adaptive coating may have a hardness gradient that has an increasing hardness from an outer coating surface in the direction towards the component body. 1214464. Component () comprising a component body () which has a toothing () , wherein an adaptive coating () having a minimum thickness of 5 μm is applied , at least in parts , to the toothing ().22614. Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () has a hardness gradient that has an increasing hardness from an outer coating surface in the direction towards the component body ().32610. Component () according to claim 2 , wherein the adaptive coating () has a hardness at the outer coating surface () which is selected from a range having a lower limit of HV 40 and an upper limit of HV 500.42610149. Component () according to claim 2 , wherein the adaptive coating () at a second surface claim 2 , lying opposite the outer coating surface () claim 2 , pointing in direction of the component body () has a hardness which is selected from a range having a lower limit of HV 500 and an upper limit of HV 2000.526. Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is made of several different sub-layers.626. Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is at least partly metallic.726. Component () according to claim 1 , wherein the adaptive coating () is formed from a multi-element system claim 1 , with at least one element being selected from a group comprising transition metals claim 1 , transition metal nitrides claim 1 , transition metal carbides claim 1 , transition metal oxides claim 1 , as well as mixtures thereof.82. Component () according to claim 7 , wherein a further element of the multi-component system is selected from a group including Sn claim 7 , Mg claim 7 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Metal compression rings

Номер: US20190024774A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

An example shaft assembly includes a metal shaft and a plastic ring element interference-fitted to the metal shaft. The plastic ring element includes a footing proximate to an outer diameter of the metal shaft. The shaft assembly also includes a metal compression ring interference-fitted to the footing of the plastic ring element to apply a radial locking force between the footing and the metal shaft.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025279A1

A hybrid gear includes a first portion having a plurality of first engagement features formed from a first material and having a first stiffness and a second portion having a plurality of second engagement features in intermeshing arrangement with the plurality of first engagement features. The plurality of second engagement features is formed from a second material distinct from the first material and having a second stiffness. The first stiffness of the plurality of first engagement features is within 20% of the second stiffness of the plurality of second engagement features. 1. A hybrid gear comprising:a first portion having a plurality of first engagement features, the plurality of first engagement features being formed from a first material and having a first stiffness; anda second portion of the hybrid gear connected to the first portion, the second portion including a plurality of second engagement features in intermeshing arrangement with the plurality of first engagement features, the plurality of second engagement features being formed from a second material distinct from the first material and having a second stiffness;wherein the first stiffness of the plurality of first engagement features is within 20% of the second stiffness of the plurality of second engagement features.2. The hybrid gear of claim 1 , wherein the first stiffness is equal to the second stiffness.3. The hybrid gear of claim 1 , wherein the first stiffness is greater than second stiffness.4. The hybrid gear of claim 1 , wherein first portion includes a hub portion and the second portion includes a web portion.5. The hybrid gear of claim 4 , further comprising a third portion coupled to second portion claim 4 , the third portion being formed from a third material having a third stiffness.6. The hybrid gear of claim 5 , wherein the third stiffness is greater than the second stiffness.7. The hybrid gear of claim 5 , wherein the third stiffness is the same as the first stiffness.8. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031108A1
Автор: SAKATA Masaaki

A robot includes a first member, a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member, and a gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to the other side of the first member and the second member. The gear device includes internal teeth and external teeth provided halfway in a transmission path of the driving force and configured to mesh with each other and lubricant disposed between the internal teeth and the external teeth. An average grain size of a constituent material of the external teeth is smaller than an average grain size of a constituent material of the internal teeth. 1. A robot comprising:a first member;a second member provided to be capable of turning with respect to the first member; anda gear device configured to transmit a driving force from one side to the other side of the first member and the second member, wherein internal teeth and external teeth provided halfway in a transmission path of the driving force and configured to mesh with each other; and', 'lubricant disposed between the internal teeth and the external teeth, and, 'the gear device includesan average grain size of a constituent material of the external teeth is smaller than an average grain size of a constituent material of the internal teeth.2. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size of the constituent material of the internal teeth is within a range of 20 μm or more to 150 μm or less.3. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the average grain size of the constituent material of the external teeth is within a range of 0.5 μm or more to 30 μm or less.4. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the internal teeth and the external teeth are respectively made of metal materials.5. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the internal teeth are made of either one of cast iron and precipitation hardening type stainless steel.6. The robot according to claim 1 , wherein the external teeth are made of any one of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033894A1

A sintered gear serving as a mechanical structure component is a mechanical structure component made of a metal sintered body, and includes a base region; and a high density region formed so as to include a maximum stress position at which a maximum tensile stress or a maximum shear stress is applied, and to include a surface, in which the high density region is lower in porosity than the base region. A surface hardened layer is formed in a region including the surface by performing a hardening process. 1. A mechanical structure component made of a metal sintered body , said mechanical structure component comprising:a base region; anda high density region formed so as to include a maximum stress position at which a maximum tensile stress or a maximum shear stress is applied, and to include a surface, said high density region being lower in porosity than said base region,a surface hardened layer being formed in a region including said surface by performing a hardening process.2. The mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , wherein said surface hardened layer is less in thickness than said high density region in a cross section perpendicular to said surface.3. The mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , wherein said high density region has a thickness of 700 μm or less in a cross section perpendicular to said surface.4. The mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , wherein said high density region has a porosity of less than 2%.5. The mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , wherein said surface has hardness of HRA 75 or more.6. The mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , wherein said high density region is formed by performing cold working.7. A sintered gear made of the mechanical structure component according to claim 1 , said sintered gear comprising:a tooth root region;an engagement region located closer to a top land than said tooth root region is; anda tooth tip region located closer to said top ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031253A1
Автор: BAER Stanley, JAGER Willem

There is provided a method of forming a ring gear, including providing a tube having an inner surface comprising gear teeth, the tube being a hollow tube formed by extrusion. The method also includes inserting a shaping tool into the tube, the shaping tool having tool teeth to mate with the gear teeth, and extended and retracted configurations. The shaping tool may be inserted into the tube in its retracted configuration. Moreover, the method includes extending the shaping tool into its extended configuration to cause the tool teeth to mate with the gear teeth and to exert a radially outward force on the tube. Furthermore, the method includes fixing a shape of an outer perimeter of the tube, retracting the shaping tool into its retracted configuration to reduce the radially outward force exerted by the shaping tool on the tube, and removing the shaping tool from the tube. 1. A method of forming a ring gear , the method comprising:providing a tube having an inner surface comprising gear teeth, the tube being a hollow tube formed by extrusion;inserting a shaping tool into the tube, the shaping tool having tool teeth to mate with the gear teeth, the shaping tool having an extended configuration and a retracted configuration, the shaping tool inserted into the tube in its retracted configuration;extending the shaping tool into its extended configuration to cause the tool teeth to mate with the gear teeth and to exert a radially outward force on the tube;fixing a shape of an outer perimeter of the tube;retracting the shaping tool into its retracted configuration to reduce the radially outward force exerted by the shaping tool on the tube; andremoving the shaping tool from the tube.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing the tube comprises extruding the tube.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing the tube comprises providing a hollow metallic tube.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the providing the tube comprises providing an aluminum tube.5. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Methods for Fabricating Strain Wave Gear Flexsplines Using Metal Additive Manufacturing

Номер: US20220055114A1
Принадлежит: California Institute of Technology

Methods for the fabrication of metal strain wave gear flexsplines using a specialized metal additive manufacturing technique are provided. The method allows the entire flexspline to be metal printed, including all the components: the output surface with mating features, the thin wall of the cup, and the teeth integral to the flexspline. The flexspline may be used directly upon removal from the building tray. 1. A method for fabricating a strain wave gear flexspline comprising: depositing a cylindrical wall disposed atop a bottom and defining a cylindrical volume, wherein the strain wave gear flexspline is fabricated by depositing layer by layer;', 'wherein the bottom of the cylindrical shape is a circle and defines a circumference on a build platform,, 'using an additive manufacturing process for manufacturing metal to form a strain wave gear flexspline, wherein the strain wave gear flexspline is a cylindrical shape comprisingwherein the material physical properties of grain size, toughness, hardness, fracture toughness, fatigue limit, ductility, elastic modulus, and any combinations thereof of the strain wave gear flexspline within any single deposition layer are the same and are axially symmetric;wherein the material physical properties of grain size, toughness, hardness, fracture toughness, fatigue limit, ductility, elastic modulus, and any combinations thereof of the strain wave gear flexspline in at least two adjacent deposition layers are different such that the mechanical properties of the strain wave gear flexspline vary between the bottom and the wall; andwherein the additive manufacturing process is selected from the group consisting of powder bed fusion printing, direct energy deposition printing, direct metal laser sintering, and selective laser melting.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the strain wave gear flexspline is attached to the building platform for support during fabrication only at the bottom during fabrication.3. The method of claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040941A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

Provided is a worm wheel formed by combining a metal part and a synthetic resin part to realize a reduction in weight. The worm wheel () is formed by combining an inner wheel element () and an outer wheel element (). The inner wheel element () includes a metal core () made of metal and formed in an annular shape, and a resin core () made of a synthetic resin and formed in an annular shape to surround an outer circumference of the metal core (). The outer wheel element () is made of a synthetic resin and formed in an annular shape, includes a worm wheel tooth part () on an outer circumferential surface, and surrounds an outer circumference of the resin core (). 1. A worm wheel comprising:an inner wheel element; andan outer wheel element, wherein:the inner wheel element includes: a metal core made of metal and formed in an annular shape; and a resin core which is made of a synthetic resin and formed in an annular shape to surround an outer circumference of the metal core; andthe outer wheel element is made of a synthetic resin, formed in an annular shape, includes a worm wheel tooth part on an outer circumferential surface, and surrounds an outer circumference of the resin core;the dimension of an inner diameter of the outer wheel element is smaller than the dimension of an outer diameter of the metal core.2. (canceled)3. The worm wheel according to claim 1 , wherein:the metal core includes a metal annular part and a metal flange part extending radially outwards from an axial part of an outer circumferential surface of the metal annular part; andthe resin core surrounds the metal flange part.4. The worm wheel according to claim 3 , wherein:cutout parts are provided at one or more positions in a circumferential direction of the metal flange part; anda portion of the synthetic resin forming the resin core enters into the cutout parts.5. The worm wheel according to claim 4 , whereina projecting part projecting in an axial direction is provided on an axial side surface of ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods and processes of forming gears

Номер: US20200040414A1
Автор: Bruce D. Hansen
Принадлежит: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp

A method of manufacturing a part is provided. The method includes heating a gear in the presence of carbon to carburize a material of the gear to create a carburized gear, the gear having a plurality of gear teeth and which comprises a selected material. Next, the carburized gear is high pressure gas quenched to drive the carbon into the material of the gear to create a quenched gear. Next, the quenched gear is at least one of cavitation peened and laser peened to create a peened gear. Finally, superfinishing is performed on surfaces of the peened gear.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047463A1

Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the invention implement bulk metallic glass-based macroscale gears. In one embodiment, a method of fabricating a bulk metallic glass-based macroscale gear, where at least either the thickness of the gear is greater than 3 mm or the diameter of the gear is greater than 9 mm, includes: obtaining design parameters of the gear to be formed; selecting a bulk metallic glass from which the gear will be formed based on the obtained design parameters, where the selected bulk metallic glass is characterized by a resistance to standard modes of wear and a resistance to brittle fracture such that a gear can be formed from the selected bulk metallic glass that accords with the obtained design parameters; and fabricating the gear from the selected bulk metallic glass that accords with the obtained design parameters. 1. A method of fabricating a bulk metallic glass-based macroscale gear , wherein at least either the thickness of the gear is greater than 3 mm or the diameter of the gear is greater than 9 mm , comprising:obtaining design parameters of the gear to be formed;selecting a bulk metallic glass from which the gear will be formed based on the obtained design parameters, wherein the selected bulk metallic glass is characterized by a resistance to standard modes of wear and a resistance to brittle fracture such that a gear can be formed from the selected bulk metallic glass that accords with the obtained design parameters; andfabricating the gear from the selected bulk metallic glass that accords with the obtained design parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtained design parameters are based on the gear's anticipated operational setting.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the obtained design parameters include at least one of: the dimensions of the gear to be formed; the desired extent of the gear's resistance to brittle fracture; and the desired extent of the gear's resistance to standard modes of wear.4. ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047453A1
Принадлежит: Enplas Corporation

Provided is a fiber reinforced resin gear whose durability in use under a high temperature is enhanced. A fiber reinforced resin gear is formed by injecting a resin material containing glass wool into the inside of a cavity of a mold. A fiber diameter of the glass wool is scattered in a wide range of 0.1 to 15 μm, and is distributed such that a most frequent value of the fiber diameter appears within a range of 2 to 5 μm, and an average fiber diameter of the glass wool falls within a range of 3 to 5 μm. The fiber reinforced resin gear according to the present invention can enhance durability and abrasion resistance under a high temperature compared to a conventional fiber reinforced resin gear. 1wherein a fiber diameter of the glass wool is scattered in a wide range of 0.1 to 15 μm, and is distributed such that a most frequent value or the fiber diameter appears within a range of 2 to 5 μm, and an average fiber diameter of the glass wool falls within a range of 3 to 5 μm.. A fiber reinforced resin gear formed by injecting a resin material containing glass wool into the inside or a cavity of a mold, The present invention relates to a fiber reinforced resin gear containing glass wool.Conventionally, there has been developed a fiber reinforced resin gear containing glass fibers each having a fixed fiber diameter. The fiber reinforced resin gear has a higher strength than a gear formed using only a resin material and is more light-weighted than a metal-made gear and hence, the fiber reinforced resin gear has been popularly used as power transmission parts of automobiles which aim at the enhancement of fuel consumption and various machines which aim at the reduction of weight thereof (see PTL 1).PTL JP-A-2008-8404However, recently, in an automobile industry where fiber reinforced resin gears are used, there has been a demand for the enhancement of abrasion resistance of fiber reinforced resin gears it use under a high temperature environment (under an environment of 130° ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044519A1

A polyamide 6,6 resin composition having improved toughness, abrasion resistance and frictional resistance is provided herein. The polyamide 6,6 resin composition comprises a graft copolymer of polyethylene and maleic anhydride, layered nanoclay, and a nucleating agent with a predetermined composition ratio in a base resin of polyamide 6,6 having ultra high viscosity. The polyamide 6,6 resin composition has properties of tensile strength (ISO527) of 83 Mpa or greater, elongation at break (ISO527) of 30% or greater, a kinematic friction coefficient of steel to metal measured by a ring-on-ring friction and abrasion tester of 0.30 or less, and a specific abrasion amount of 0.020 mm/Kgf·km or less. The resin composition is useful as a worm gear for a motor-driven power steering device. 1. A polyamide 6 ,6 resin composition , comprising:a) about 100 parts by weight of an ultra-high viscosity polyamide 6,6 resin having relative viscosity of about 150 or greater measured by ASTM D789;b) about 1 to about 3 parts by weight of a graft copolymer of polyethylene and maleic anhydride;c) about 0.5 to about 3 parts by weight of layered nanoclay; andd) about 0.1 to about 1 part by weight of a nucleating agent.2. The polyamide 6 claim 1 ,6 resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyamide 6 claim 1 ,6 resin has ultra high viscosity claim 1 , in which relative viscosity measured by ASTM D789 is from about 150 to about 380.3. The polyamide 6 claim 1 ,6 resin composition of claim 1 , wherein in the graft copolymer claim 1 , from about 0.5 wt % to about 3.5 wt % of maleic anhydride to a weight of polyethylene is graft-copolymerized.4. The polyamide 6 claim 1 ,6 resin composition of claim 1 , wherein the layered nanoclay is at least one selected from the group consisting of montmorillonite claim 1 , bentonite claim 1 , mica claim 1 , kaolinite claim 1 , hectorite claim 1 , fluorohectorite claim 1 , saponite claim 1 , beidelite claim 1 , nontronite claim 1 , stevensite claim 1 , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045286A1

A gear assembly that can prevent a reduction in power transmission efficiency and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. The gear assembly comprises a first gear and a second gear. The gear assembly is designed in such a manner that first gear tooth and the second gear tooth are contacted properly to each other in a plane of action when operated in a predetermined condition. A rigidity reducing portion is formed on a first base portion to avoid improper contact in the plane of action when the gear assembly is operated in a different condition. 1. A gear assembly comprising:a first gear including a first base portion, and first gear teeth formed on the first base portion; anda second gear including a second base portion, and second gear teeth formed on the second base portion;wherein the first base portion of the first gear is arranged around a first shaft member,the second base portion of the second gear is arranged around a second shaft in such a manner that the second gear teeth are meshed with the first gear teeth,the gear assembly is designed in such a manner that the first gear tooth and the second gear tooth are contacted to each other in the most preferable condition in a plane of action when operated in a predetermined condition, anda rigidity reducing portion is formed on the first base portion to avoid an increase in a contact area between a tooth flank of the first gear tooth and the second gear tooth in the plane of action when the gear assembly is operated in a condition different from the predetermined condition.2. The gear assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein rigidity of the rigidity reducing portion formed on the first base portion is lower than rigidity of the second base portion of the second gear.3. The gear assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rigidity reducing portion is formed of material with lower Young's modules than that of the remaining portion of the first base portion.4. The gear assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048983A1
Принадлежит: Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

A hybrid composite reinforced ring gear minimizing radial deformation during high RPM conditions includes a composite backing secured to a metal rim. In use, at operating temperature the composite backing contracts while the metal rim expands thus creating a compressive stress on the metal rim and significantly reduces radial deformation due to centrifugal forces as compared to an all steel ring gear. 1. A composite reinforced ring gear , comprising:a metal rim having a rim inner circumference and a rim outer circumference;a set of engagement features formed on the rim inner circumference; anda composite backing positioned circumferentially around the rim outer circumference.2. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the composite backing has a lower density than the metal rim.3. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the composite backing has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than the metal rim.4. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , wherein at an operating temperature claim 1 , the composite backing imparts a radial compressive stress on the metal rim.5. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , wherein at an operating temperature claim 1 , the composite backing affects radial deformation of the metal rim.6. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , wherein at an operating temperature claim 1 , the metal rim expands and the composite backing contracts.7. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , further comprising a sacrificial layer between the metal rim and the composite backing.8. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive layer between the metal rim and the composite backing.9. The composite reinforced ring gear of claim 1 , further comprising a set of mating tabs between the metal rim and the composite backing.10. A power train system of a rotorcraft claim 1 , comprising:an engine operatively connected to a gearbox;a rotor mast operatively connected to the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Hybrid Composite and Metallic Gear with Interlocking Interface

Номер: US20190048984A1
Принадлежит: Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.

A hybrid composite and metallic gear includes a generally cylindrical shaft interface. A composite web is coupled to the shaft interface. The composite web includes a generally cylindrical rim having an outer surface. The outer surface includes a plurality of locks each having a radially outwardly extending profile. A generally cylindrical metallic gear ring having a plurality of external teeth includes an inner surface. The inner surface includes a plurality of detents each having a radially outwardly extending profile that corresponds with one of the locks of the composite web. When the composite web is positioned within the metallic gear ring, the corresponding locks and detents each form a lock and detent coupling establishing an interlocking interface between the composite web and the metallic gear ring. 1. A hybrid composite and metallic gear comprising:a generally cylindrical shaft interface;a composite web coupled to the shaft interface, the composite web including a generally cylindrical rim having an outer surface, the outer surface including a plurality of locks each having a radially outwardly extending profile; anda generally cylindrical metallic gear ring having a plurality of external teeth, the metallic gear ring having an inner surface, the inner surface including a plurality of detents each having a radially outwardly extending profile that corresponds with one of the locks of the composite web;wherein, the composite web is positioned within the metallic gear ring such that corresponding locks and detents each form a lock and detent coupling establishing an interlocking interface between the composite web and the metallic gear ring.2. The hybrid composite and metallic gear as recited in further comprising a plurality of mechanical fasteners coupling the composite web to the shaft interface.3. The hybrid composite and metallic gear as recited in wherein the outer surface of the generally cylindrical rim of the composite web further comprises a lobed ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048754A1
Автор: Gomez Alan J.

An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization including a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a carburizing gas; an article support base within the chamber; an article disposed or secured on the article support base; and an electromagnetic induction structure shaped and disposed with respect to the article to direct an electromagnetic field into a first portion of a surface the article for directed induction heating of the article. The carburization chamber includes a low-pressure carburizing gas that was received into the chamber through the inlet port, and the first portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature in excess of a carburizing temperature. 1. An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization comprising:a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a carburizing gas;an article support base within the chamber;an article disposed or secured on the article support base; andan electromagnetic induction structure shaped and disposed with respect to the article to direct an electromagnetic field into a first portion of a surface the article for directed induction heating of the article,wherein the carburization chamber comprises a low pressure carburizing gas that was received into the chamber through the inlet port, and wherein the first portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature in excess of a carburizing temperature.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a cooling object disposed with respect to a second portion of the surface of the article claim 1 , and wherein the second portion of the surface of the article is at a temperature below the carburizing temperature.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an additional inlet port for receiving a neutral gas.4. An apparatus for low pressure induction carburization comprising:a hermetic, low pressure carburization chamber fitted with an inlet port for receiving a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051790A1

The present disclosure provides an internal ring gear, a driving assembly having the internal ring gear, and an application device employing the driving assembly. The internal ring gear includes at least two ring gears integrally arranged in parallel at an inner surface of a single housing. 1. An internal ring gear comprising:a housing; andat least two ring gears integrally arranged at an inner surface of the housing.2. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , comprising: a helical ring gear and a spur ring gear claim 1 , the teeth of the helical ring gear are disposed at an oblique angle with respect to an axial direction of the housing claim 1 , and the teeth of the spur ring gear are disposed along the axial direction of the housing.3. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of one or more of plastic claim 1 , powder metal material and metal.4. The internal ring gear of claim 1 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of powder metal material claim 1 , and has a density less than 92% of its theoretical density claim 1 , and a mass of 6.0 to 8.0 grams per cubic millimeter.5. A driving assembly comprising:a motor; anda gearbox comprising an internal ring gear, the internal ring gear comprising a housing; andat least two ring gears integrally arranged at an inner surface of the housing.6. The driving assembly of claim 5 , wherein the internal ring gears comprises a helical ring gear and a spur ring gear claim 5 , the teeth of the helical ring gear are disposed at an oblique angle with respect to an axial direction of the housing claim 5 , and the teeth of the spur ring gear are disposed along the axial direction of the housing.7. The driving assembly of claim 5 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of one or more of plastic claim 5 , powder metal material and metal.8. The driving assembly of claim 5 , wherein the internal ring gear is made of powder metal material claim 5 , and has a density less than 92% of its theoretical density ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056961A1

A method of manufacturing a multi-material gear is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of (a) heating a first pre-form element of a first material to a temperature at which the first material can be formed; (b) heating a second pre-form element of a second material to a temperature at which the second material can be formed; and (c) forming the first and second pre-form elements in a die at least towards the shape of the gear, thereby providing bonding between the elements. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method of manufacturing a multi-material gear comprising the steps of:(a) in a first furnace, heating a first pre-form element of a first material to a first temperature at which the first material can be formed;(b) in a second furnace, heating a second pre-form element of a second material to a second temperature at which the second material can be formed; and(c) forming the first and second pre-form elements in a die at least towards the shape of the gear, thereby providing bonding between the elements.14. A method according to claim 13 , wherein the temperature at which the first material can be formed is substantially different from the temperature at which the second material can be formed.15. A method according to and comprising the step of juxtaposing the heated pre-form elements.16. A method according to and comprising applying a force to the elements to deform at least part of each element.17. A method according to claim 16 , wherein the deformation is such as to provide mechanical bonding between the elements; and/or the deformation is such as to provide diffusion bonding between the elements; and/or the deformation is such as to provide adhesion between the elements.18. A method according to claim 17 , wherein the bonding and/or adhesion is to resist relative angular movement of the elements.19. A method according to claim 16 , wherein the force is a substantially axial force to cause substantially radial deformation.20. A method according to claim 13 , ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Gear wheel

Номер: US20210062906A1

The present invention relates to a gear wheel comprising an outer part () having a gear rim (), an insert () which has an insert outer diameter (dEa) and a receptacle section () having an insert part inner diameter (dEi) for forming a shaft-hub connection, and a connecting part () which is arranged between the insert part () and the outer part () and which connects the insert part () and the outer part () in a formfitting and/or materially-bonded and/or friction-locked manner, wherein the connecting part () has a number of ribs () or the connecting part () is formed by a number of ribs (), wherein the ribs () each extend along a tangent (T) which abuts a tangent circle (CT), wherein the tangent circle (CT) has a tangent circle diameter (dCT) which is larger than or equal to the insert inner diameter (dEi) and smaller than or equal to the insert outer diameter (dEa). 1. A gear wheel , comprising{'b': 16', '32', '44, 'an insert () which has an insert outer diameter (dEa) and a receptacle section () having a torque-transmitting diameter (dD) for forming a connection to an adjacent component (), and'}{'b': 18', '16', '14, 'a connecting part (), connected in a formfitting and/or materially-bonded and/or friction-locked manner to the insert (), having a gear rim (),'}{'b': 18', '27', '18', '27, 'wherein the connecting part () has a number of ribs () or the connecting part () is formed by a number of ribs (),'}{'b': '27', 'the ribs () each extend along a tangent (T) that abuts a tangent circle (CT),'}{'b': '27', 'the ribs () have a rib thickness (RB), and'} {'br': None, 'dA=dEa+6 RB'}, 'the tangent circle (CT) has a tangent circle diameter (dCT), which is larger than or equal to the torque-transmitting diameter (dD) and is smaller than or equal to a maximum diameter (dA), which is defined as follows2. The gear wheel as claimed in claim 1 ,{'b': 32', '44, 'characterized in that the receptacle section () has an insert inner diameter (dEi) for forming a shaft-hub connection ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141929A1

An article comprises a metal alloy substrate and a plated wear interface layer disposed over a surface of the metal alloy substrate. The wear interface layer has a chemical composition including between about 0.005 wt % and about 0.050 wt % of antimony (Sb), and the balance silver (Ag) and incidental impurities. 1. An article comprising:a metal alloy substrate; anda plated wear interface layer disposed over a surface of the metal alloy substrate, the plated wear interface layer having a chemical composition including between about 0.005 wt % and about 0.050 wt % of antimony (Sb), and the balance silver (Ag) and incidental impurities.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the wear interface layer includes a microstructure having an average grain dimension of less than about 10 nm.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the microstructure has an average grain dimension of less than about 5 nm.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the wear interface layer includes a hardness value measuring at least about 150 on the Vickers scale.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the metal alloy substrate comprises case-hardenable steel.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the wear interface layer is an inner surface of the article and is configured to rotate about a journal bearing.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article is a component for an epicyclic gear system.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition includes between about 0.015 wt % and about 0.025 wt % of antimony (Sb).9. A gear element comprising:a gear body;a plurality of gear teeth distributed circumferentially around the gear body; anda plated wear interface layer disposed over an inwardly facing gear surface, the plated wear interface layer having a chemical composition including between about 0.005 wt % and about 0.050 wt % of antimony (Sb), with the balance silver (Ag) and incidental impurities.10. The gear element of claim 9 , wherein the chemical composition includes between about 0.010 wt % and ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063848A1

A transmission includes an input drive shaft, a drive gear, an idler gear, and a driven gear. The drive gear is rotationally fixed to the input drive shaft which, in turn, may but not necessarily, be powered by an engine. The idler gear may include a second set of gear teeth mounted to a bearing wherein the second set of gear teeth are formed from polymeric material. The second set of gear teeth for the idler gear may be in meshing engagement with the first set of gear teeth. The driven gear may include a third set of gear teeth in meshing engagement with the second set of gear teeth. The driven gear may be rotationally fixed to a pump shaft for a transmission pump. The input drive shaft, the drive gear, the idler gear, and the driven gear are configured to power a transmission pump. 1. A transmission comprising:an input drive shaft;a drive gear rotationally fixed to the input drive shaft and having a first set of gear teeth;an idler gear having a second set of gear teeth wherein the second set of gear teeth are formed from polymeric material which are in meshing engagement with the first set of gear teeth, the second set of gear teeth being mounted to a bearing, and the bearing being disposed on an idler shaft; anda driven gear having a third set of gear teeth in meshing engagement with the second set of gear teeth, the driven gear being rotationally fixed to a pump shaft for a transmission pump;wherein the input shaft, the drive gear, the idler gear, and the driven gear are configured to power the transmission pump.2. The transmission as defined in wherein the bearing defines a groove along an outer surface of the bearing claim 1 , the groove being off-center relative to the width of the bearing.3. The transmission as defined in wherein the groove defines a groove depth which varies along a circumferential length of the groove.4. The transmission as defined in wherein the groove is configured to retain an inner circumference of the second set of gear teeth.5. The ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Silent Sprocket/Gear For Transmission Chains, In Particular For Motorcycles, And Mold Components For Its Production

Номер: US20170067551A1
Автор: OGNIBENE Franco

The problem of progressive deforming of the silencing rubber by the motion transmission member (chain) is present in silenced sprockets. In particular for a toothed crown, lacking a central hub, the problem of the deforming or “lowering” of the rubber hasn't been resolved adequately. In the case of a pinion with a hub, an excessive quantity of rubber is used. The silenced sprocket of the present invention comprises, adjacent to the base of its teeth (), a circular channel, or bilateral channel (), on the metal body of the sprocket itself. On the inner circular step () of the channel () are discharged the forces created in the rubber by the transmission chain. The bilateral channel has a minimal radial extension, such as about ½ cm in the motorcycle field. In general the silencing rubber element () and the bilateral channel (), which creates its housing, have a minimal radial extension compared to the sprocket radius. The invention also comprises a molding technique that uses special molding components (), adapted to apply the rubber silencing element on the sprocket metal body. These components are of annular circular shape, U cross section and a width essentially corresponding to the channel () width, rendering the mold independent from the specific shape of the sprocket metal 1. Silent sprocket/gear of the toothed crown type without a hub , comprising a circular disc-shaped metal body having a plurality of peripheral teeth and a center with a possible central hole , further comprising an elastic silencing member applied by means of injection molding on the metal body of the silent sprocket/gear , said elastic silencing member having the following characteristics:it is extended on each side of the metal body, in an area arranged all around the center, starting from a substantially circular ideal line and directly adjacent to the base of said peripheral teeth;it passes through a plurality of through openings obtained in the metal body and arranged in said area;it ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069156A1

A coin hopper is capable of simultaneously realizing high reliability, long lifetime, low cost and downsizing at a level equal to or higher than the prior art. A rotating disk, an electric motor, and a rotating disk driving mechanism for driving the disk by rotation of an output shaft of the motor are provided. The driving mechanism includes a planetary gear mechanism for generating an output by decelerating a rotation of the output shaft at a first reduction ratio, and a first gear train for transmitting the output of the planetary gear mechanism to the disk after decelerating the output of the planetary gear mechanism at a second reduction ratio. The output shaft, the rotation axis of the disk, and the rotation axis of each gear of the first gear train are extended approximately parallel to each other and not coaxially. 1. A coin hopper comprising:a body section;a hopper head for storing coins, attached to the body section;a rotating disk for temporarily holding coins stored in the hopper head to transfer the coins toward a predetermined coin outlet, wherein the rotating disk is rotatably provided on the body section;an electric motor provided on the body section; and a rotating disk driving mechanism for driving the rotating disk by rotation of an output shaft of the motor, wherein the rotating disk driving mechanism is provided on the body section; wherein the rotating disk driving mechanism comprises a planetary gear mechanism for generating an output by decelerating rotation of the output shaft of the motor at a first reduction ratio, and a first gear train for transmitting the output of the planetary gear mechanism to the rotating disk after decelerating the output of the planetary gear mechanism at a second reduction ratio; the output shaft of the motor and a rotation axis of the rotating disk are arranged so as not to be coaxially; andthe output shaft of the motor, the rotation axis of the rotating disk, and a rotation axis of each gear of the first gear ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072992A1

A steering shaft for a motor vehicle steering system may be used with a steering assistance means. The steering shaft may include an output shaft and a carrier that is connected rotationally conjointly to the output shaft. A worm gear toothing may be disposed on the radially outer region of the carrier. The worm gear toothing may comprise plastic and may form a worm gear for connection to the steering assistance means. Further, the carrier may be formed in one piece with the output shaft. 18.-. (canceled)9. A steering shaft for a motor vehicle steering system for use with a steering assistance means , the steering shaft comprising:an output shaft;a carrier that is connected rotationally conjointly to the output shaft; anda worm gear toothing disposed on a radially outer region of the carrier, the worm gear toothing comprised of plastic and forming a worm gear for connection to a steering assistance means,wherein the carrier and the output shaft are comprised of a single piece.10. The steering shaft of wherein the carrier has a disk-shaped form and a ratio of a height of the carrier beyond the output shaft to a width of the carrier is greater than or equal to one.11. The steering shaft of wherein the radially outer region of the carrier further comprises at least one of a knurling claim 9 , a toothing claim 9 , bores parallel to an axis of the output shaft claim 9 , or a form-fitting structure that helps create a form-fitting connection to the worm gear toothing.12. The steering shaft of wherein a height of the radially outer region of the carrier that is surrounded by the worm gear toothing is smaller than a height of a radially-extending portion of the carrier beyond the output shaft that is not surrounded by the worm gear toothing.13. The steering shaft of wherein the carrier and the output shaft are integral.14. The steering shaft of further comprising at least one of a force-fitting interface or a form-fitting interface disposed integrally in the output shaft ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073622A1
Принадлежит: SRAM, LLC

A bicycle chainring, including a generally annular body formed of at least an inner material, the inner material including a first side and a second side opposite the first side and a plurality of teeth disposed about a periphery of the body. At least some of the plurality of teeth are formed of both the inner material and an outer material, the outer material disposed on one or both of the first and second sides, the outer material having a greater wear resistance relative to the inner material and a thickness greater than 0.1 millimeter. 1. A sprocket for a bicycle drivetrain , comprising:a generally annular body formed of at least an inner material, the inner material including a first side and a second side opposite the first side; anda plurality of teeth disposed about a periphery of the body, at least some of the plurality of teeth formed of both the inner material and an outer material, the outer material disposed on both of the first and second sides, the outer material having a greater wear resistance relative to the inner material and a thickness greater than 0.1 millimeter, wherein the outer material of the first side and the second side comes into contact at the tip of at least one tooth.2. The sprocket of claim 1 , wherein the inner material includes an aluminum alloy and the outer material includes an iron alloy.3. The sprocket of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth include a first group of teeth and a second group of teeth claim 1 , each of the teeth of the first group of teeth wider than each of the teeth of the second group of teeth.4. The sprocket of claim 3 , wherein each of the first group of teeth is arranged between an adjacent pair of the second group of teeth.5. The sprocket of claim 3 , wherein each of the first group of teeth is arranged between each of the second group of teeth in an alternating pattern.6. The sprocket of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of teeth is an even number of teeth.7. The sprocket of claim 6 , wherein the first ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090668A1

The present invention relates to a multi-component gear () with an axis of rotation (X) and a first end face () and a second end face (), having an inner part () and an outer part () made of a plastic with at least one injection-molding section (), wherein the outer part () is arranged on an outer lateral surface () of the inner part () in a form-fitting and/or integral manner on the inner part (), and wherein the outer part () on the first and/or the second end face () has at least one tab () which is free-standing in the circumferential direction around the axis of rotation (X) and which protrudes over the relevant end face () of the inner part (). The present invention also relates to a gear () and a planetary gearset (). 111112. A multi-component gear () with an axis of rotation (X) and a first end face () and a second end face () , comprising:{'b': '20', '#text': 'an inner part (), and'}{'b': ['30', '32'], '#text': 'an outer part () made of a plastic with at least one injection-molding section (),'}{'b': ['30', '24', '20', '20'], '#text': 'wherein the outer part () is arranged on an outer lateral surface () of the inner part () in a form-fitting and/or integral manner on the inner part (), and'}{'b': ['30', '11', '12', '40', '11', '12', '20'], '#text': 'wherein the outer part () on the first and/or the second end face (, ) has at least one tab () which is free-standing in the circumferential direction around the axis of rotation (X) and which protrudes over the relevant end face (, ) of the inner part ().'}213035. The multi-component gear () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the outer part () has a toothed ring ().3140. The multi-component gear () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the tabs () are arranged symmetrically around the circumference.41401112. The multi-component gear () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the number of tabs () on the first and the second end face ( claim 1 , ) is the same.5140361112. The multi-component ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090669A1
Принадлежит: Enplas Corporation

A gear includes: an outer circumferential rim provided integrally with a plurality of tooth portions disposed side-by-side in a circumferential direction on an outer circumferential surface; and a plurality of reinforcing ribs disposed inside the outer circumferential rim to be spaced from each other in the circumferential direction by thinning portions, wherein a position where each of the plurality of reinforcing ribs and the outer circumferential rim are joined corresponds, in the circumferential direction, to a position of a tooth groove between the plurality of tooth portions. 1. A gear comprising:an outer circumferential rim provided integrally with a plurality of tooth portions disposed side-by-side in a circumferential direction on an outer circumferential surface; anda plurality of reinforcing ribs disposed inside the outer circumferential rim to be spaced from each other in the circumferential direction by thinning portions, whereina position where each of the plurality of reinforcing ribs and the outer circumferential rim are joined corresponds, in the circumferential direction, to a position of a tooth groove between the plurality of tooth portions.2. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein the gear is a resin gear claim 1 , andpositions of the thinning portions between the plurality of reinforcing ribs correspond, in the circumferential direction, to positions of the plurality of tooth portions.3. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein a weld line is formed to extend from one of the thinning portions into a corresponding tooth portion.4. The gear according to claim 1 , wherein:an inner circumferential rim is provided inside the outer circumferential rim,outer ends of the plurality of inner circumferential side ribs extending radially from a central side are joined to the inner circumferential rim, andeach of the plurality of reinforcing ribs connects the outer circumferential rim and the inner circumferential rim with each other.5. The gear according ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Power transmission device

Номер: US20200072335A1
Принадлежит: Safran Transmission Systems SAS

An annular power transmission element with a longitudinal axis that has a first annular part, a second annular part with torque transmission means and a third annular part. The first, second and third annular parts are integral with each other. The first annular part and the third annular part are made of a first metallic material and the second annular part is made of a second metallic material having a density greater than the density of the first metallic material. The second annular part is locked longitudinally between the first annular part and the third annular part and radially on the first annular part, the first annular part is in contact with the third annular part and welded thereto.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Miniature Shredding Tools for Use in Medical Applications, Methods for Making, and Procedures for Using

Номер: US20180078274A1
Принадлежит: Microfabrica Inc.

The present disclosure relates generally to the field of tissue removal and more particularly to methods and devices for use in medical applications involving selective tissue removal. One exemplary method includes the steps of providing a tissue cutting instrument capable of distinguishing between target tissue to be removed and non-target tissue, urging the instrument against the target tissue and the non-target tissue, and allowing the instrument to cut the target tissue while automatically avoiding cutting of non-target tissue. Various tools for carrying out this method are also described. 1. A method of removing tissue from a target location in a subject , comprising:positioning a distal housing of a medical device to a target tissue site, wherein the distal housing comprises a first rotatable member and a second rotatable member;rotating the first and second rotatable members in opposite directions;directing tissue at the tissue site into the distal housing between the oppositely rotating first and second rotatable members.2. The method of further comprising advancing the first rotatable member and the second rotatable member into tissue to cause the first and second rotating members to direct tissue at the tissue site into the distal housing via a movement selected from the group consisting of: (1) distally oriented movement of the housing claim 1 , and (2) laterally oriented movement of the housing.3. The method of wherein the rotating of the first and second rotatable members comprises a function selected from the group consisting of (1) rotating the first rotatable member in a direction opposite that of the second rotatable member; (2) rotating each of the plurality of rotatable members around an axis which is fixed in position relative to the distal housing; and (3) the first and second rotatable member rotate about spaced apart parallel axes of rotation that are substantially orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the distal housing.4. The method of ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080538A1

A method for producing a stator for a camshaft adjuster, the produced stator having an annular main body with outer spur toothing and with webs extending radially inwards from a radially inner surface of the main body spaced part from one another in the circumferential direction of the main body, includes the steps of providing a mold for forming the main body integrally with the spur toothing and the webs extending radially inwards, filling the mold with a metallic powder, pressing the powder to form a green compact and sintering the green compact to obtain a stator blank. The spur toothing, the surface of the main body facing radially inwards and formed between the webs as well as side faces of the webs adjoining the surface are compacted to the desired final dimensions in several steps without prior mechanical processing. 1626941110999411410911161110. Method for producing a stator () for a camshaft adjuster () , the produced stator () having an annular main body () with outer spur toothing () and with webs () extending radially inwards from a radially inner surface () of the main body () spaced apart from one another in the circumferential direction of the main body () , comprising the steps of providing a mold for forming the main body () integrally with the spur toothing () and the webs () extending radially inwards , filling the mold with a metallic powder , pressing the powder to form a green compact and sintering the green compact to obtain a stator blank , wherein the spur toothing () , the surface () of the main body () facing radially inwards and formed between the webs () as well as side faces () of the webs () adjoining the surface () are compacted to the desired final dimensions in several steps without prior mechanical processing.241091611. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the spur toothing () claim 1 , the radially inward facing surface () of the main body () and the side faces () of the webs () are compacted in one work step.341091611. Method ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099169A1

A gear assembly includes a first gear having a first hub surrounded by a first plurality of teeth. The first plurality of teeth each define a respective first contact region. The gear assembly includes a second gear having a second hub surrounded by a second plurality of teeth. The second plurality of teeth are adapted to mesh with the first plurality of teeth at the respective first contact region in order to drive a respective load in a first direction. The first hub and the first plurality of teeth include respective zones defining a respective elastic modulus. A three-dimensional distribution of the respective physical size and the respective elastic modulus of the respective zones is optimized such that a fluctuation of mesh stiffness along the respective first contact region is at or below a first predefined threshold. 1. A gear assembly comprising:a first gear having a first hub surrounded by a first plurality of teeth, the first plurality of teeth each defining a respective first contact region;a second gear having a second hub surrounded by a second plurality of teeth, second plurality of teeth being adapted to mesh with the first plurality of teeth at the respective first contact region in order to drive a respective load in a first direction;wherein the first hub and the first plurality of teeth include respective zones defining a respective physical size and a respective elastic modulus; andwherein a three-dimensional distribution of the respective physical size and the respective elastic modulus of the respective zones is optimized such that a fluctuation of mesh stiffness along the respective first contact region is at or below a first predefined threshold.2. The gear assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the respective elastic modulus is modulated by varying a material composition of the respective zones.3. The gear assembly of claim 2 , wherein:the respective zones are composed of a thermoplastic and/or a thermoset material.4. The gear assembly of claim 1 , ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086868A1
Принадлежит: SHIMANO INC.

A bicycle rear sprocket assembly comprises a plurality of sprockets and a sprocket carrier. The sprocket carrier includes at least ten internal spline teeth and a circumferentially extending non-splined portion. The at least ten internal spline teeth extend in an axial direction with respect to a rotational center axis of the bicycle rear sprocket assembly. The at least ten internal spline teeth includes a plurality of internal-spline driving surfaces. The plurality of internal-spline driving surfaces each includes a radially outermost edge, a radially innermost edge, and a radial length. The total of the radial lengths ranges from 11 mm to 14 mm. The circumferentially extending non-splined portion is disposed to be adjacent to the at least ten internal spline teeth in the axial direction and recessed from the at least ten internal spline teeth in a radial direction with respect to the rotational center axis. 1. A bicycle rear sprocket assembly configured to be mounted to a sprocket support body of a bicycle rear hub assembly , the bicycle rear sprocket assembly comprising:a plurality of sprockets; and [ a radially outermost edge,', 'a radially inneimost edge, and', 'a radial length defined from the radially outermost edge to the radially innermost edge, the total of the radial lengths ranges from 11 mm to 14 mm; and, 'at least ten internal spline teeth configured to engage with the sprocket support body of the bicycle rear hub assembly, the at least ten internal spline teeth extending in an axial direction with respect to a rotational center axis of the bicycle rear sprocket assembly, the at least ten internal spline teeth including a plurality of internal-spline driving surfaces to transmit a driving rotational force during pedaling, the plurality of internal-spline driving surfaces each including'}, 'a circumferentially extending non-splined portion disposed to be adjacent to the at least ten internal spline teeth in the axial direction and recessed from the at ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088112A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

An inner wheel element () is embedded in an outer wheel element (), such that a continuous range from an inner diameter side circumferential surface configuring an inner surface of a first annular concave part (), through an outer circumferential surface of the inner wheel element (), to an inner diameter side circumferential surface configuring an inner surface of a second annular concave part () in a surface of the inner wheel element () is covered over the entire circumference. Accordingly, a structure is achieved which easily secures a holding power of the synthetic resin outer wheel element with respect to the inner wheel element. 1. A worm reduction gear comprising:a housing;a rotation shaft which is supported to be rotatable with respect to the housing;a worm wheel which has a worm wheel tooth part in an outer circumferential surface and is externally fitted and fixed to the rotation shaft; anda worm shaft which has a worm tooth part in an axial intermediate portion of an outer circumferential surface and is supported to be rotatable with respect to the housing in a state where the worm tooth part is engaged with the worm wheel tooth part, wherein: an inner wheel element; and', 'an outer wheel element;, 'the worm wheel includesthe inner wheel element has a first annular concave part provided to be recessed in an axial direction in an axial one-side surface;the outer wheel element is made of a synthetic resin, and has a worm wheel tooth part in an outer circumferential surface, and the inner wheel element is embedded in the outer wheel element, such that a continuous range from an inner diameter side circumferential surface configuring an inner surface of the first annular concave part, through an outer circumferential surface of the inner wheel element, to a portion near a radially inner end of an axial other-side surface of the inner wheel element in a surface of the inner wheel element is covered over an entire circumference; andthe outer circumferential ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Actuator and electronic equipment having the same

Номер: US20160091052A1
Принадлежит: Moatech Co Ltd

Provided herein is an actuator including a housing unit, a drive unit installed in the housing unit, the drive unit having a rotating shaft, a plurality of gears installed in the housing unit and rotated by rotational power of the shaft, the gears being engaged with each other, and a reinforcement part installed in an inside portion of one of the plurality of gears to create reinforcing force. Also, provided herein is an electronic apparatus having the actuator.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085966A1
Автор: MOETAKEF Mohammad Ali

A gear train for an engine is provided with a driving gear and a driven gear. The driving gear is formed by a laminate structure of a plurality of plastic sheets and a plurality of metal sheets, with the plastic and metal sheets alternating with one another. The driven gear is formed by another laminate structure of another plurality of plastic sheets and another plurality of metal sheets, with the plastic and metal sheets alternating with one another. The gear train may be provided for use with an engine crankshaft and an associated balance shaft. A method of forming the gear is also provided. 1. An engine system comprising:a crankshaft gear coupled to an engine crankshaft for rotation therewith; anda balance gear coupled to a balance shaft for rotation therewith, the balance and crankshaft gears in meshed engagement, the balance gear is formed from a plurality of layers of a first material and a plurality of layers of a second material, the first and second material layers alternating with one another to form a laminate structure.2. The engine system of wherein the crankshaft gear is formed from another plurality of layers of the first material and another plurality of layers of the second material claim 1 , the another first and second material layers alternating with one another to form a laminate structure.3. The engine system of wherein the plurality of first material layers interface with the another plurality of second material layers; andwherein the plurality of second material layers interface with the another plurality of first material layers.4. The engine system of wherein the plurality of first material layers interface with the another plurality of first material layers; andwherein the plurality of second material layers interface with the another plurality of second material layers.5. The engine system of wherein each layer of the plurality of first material layers comprises metal; andwherein each layer of the plurality of second material layers ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096395A1

A gear transmission stage is described, consisting of two intermeshing gears hardened by heat treatment. In order to improve the noise behaviour, it is proposed that one of the two gears has a final form determined by hard fine machining and the other gear has a form which is determined by heat treatment and is close to finished contours. 1. A gear transmission stage , consisting of two intermeshing gears which are hardened by heat treatment , wherein one of the two gears has a final form determined by hard fine machining and the other gear has a form which is determined by heat treatment and is close to finished contours.2. A gear transmission stage according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two gears is made of sintered steel.3. A gear transmission stage according to claim 1 , wherein the gears are arranged as spur-toothed spur gears. The invention relates to a gear transmission stage consisting of two intermeshing gears hardened by heat treatment.Heat treatment for hardening the tooth flanks in particular is generally provided for heavy-duty gears. Such heat treatments lead to distortions however which impair the meshing quality, so that the gears are usually subjected to hard fine machining after heat treatment, usually by grinding. Despite the low production tolerance enabled by this subsequent treatment and the resulting high meshing quality, the noise behaviour remains unsatisfactory. Spur gears with helical toothing which are more difficult to produce are used in the case of higher requirements placed on the noise behaviour of gear transmission stages, as are used for example in gear transmissions for balancing of masses or for control drives of internal combustion engines, which spur gears offer advantages concerning the noise behaviour.The invention is therefore based on the object of providing a heavy-duty gear transmission stage in which the noise behaviour can be improved considerably.Based on a gear transmission stage of the kind mentioned ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088284A1
Автор: Bartusch Ian, Hahn Joseph

A gear assembly rotates about a pin in an actuator. The gear assembly includes a gear. The gear includes a gear body including a first polymer surrounding and extending radially away from a rotational axis. The gear body has an internal surface that defines a bore along and about the rotational axis. The gear further includes a plurality of teeth extending from the gear body. The gear assembly further includes a bushing including a second polymer, different than the first polymer. The bushing is disposed within the bore. One of the bushing and the gear body is overmolded to the other one of the bushing and the gear body along the internal surface. The bushing has a bearing surface defining a hole along and about the rotational axis for rotatably engaging the bearing surface with the pin in the hole. 1. A gear assembly for rotation about a pin in an actuator , said gear assembly comprising: a gear body comprising a first polymer surrounding and extending radially away from a rotational axis, with said gear body having an internal surface defining a bore along and about said rotational axis; and', 'a plurality of teeth extending from said gear body; and, 'a gear comprisinga bushing comprising a second polymer, different than said first polymer, with said bushing disposed within said bore and one of said bushing and said gear body overmolded to the other one of said bushing and said gear body along said internal surface, and with said bushing having a bearing surface defining a hole along and about said rotational axis for rotatably engaging said bearing surface with the pin in said hole.2. The gear assembly as set forth in claim 1 , wherein one of said gear body and said bushing has a protrusion extending radial to said rotational axis and the other one of said gear body and said bushing defines a recess configured to receive said protrusion to rotationally retain together said gear body and said bushing about said rotational axis.3. The gear assembly as set forth in ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143696A1

A method of making a sintered part includes a step of applying a machining process to a compacted part with a tool to make a machined compacted part having a cogwheel shape, and a step of sintering the machined compacted part to make a sintered part, wherein the machining process is such that a surface of the compacted part on a side where the tool exits is supported by a plate member having a tooth pattern with same specifications as a tooth pattern of the cogwheel shape, and the tool is used to machine portions of the compacted part corresponding to tooth spaces of the plate member. 1. A method of making a sintered part , comprising:a step of applying a machining process to a first compacted part with a tool to make a machined compacted part having a cogwheel shape; anda step of sintering the machined compacted part to make a sintered part,wherein the machining process is such that a surface of the first compacted part on a side where the tool exits is supported by a plate member having a tooth pattern with same specifications as a tooth pattern of the cogwheel shape, and the tool is used to machine portions of the first compacted part corresponding to tooth spaces of the plate member.2. The method of making a sintered part as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a step of stacking a raw material plate having no tooth pattern and a second compacted part and applying a machining process to the second compacted part together with the raw material plate to form a tooth pattern in the raw material plate claim 1 , thereby making the plate member.3. The method of making a sintered part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the plate member has a first surface supporting the first compacted part and a second surface connected to the first surface claim 1 , andwith the first compacted part supported by the plate member, a ridge line between the first surface and the second surface is situated further out than an outer edge of the first compacted part.4. The method of making ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Driven hatch arrangement for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20150105207A1
Принадлежит: IMS Gear SE and Co KGaA

A driven hatch arrangement is provided, particularly a rear hatch arrangement, for a motor vehicle with a hatch and with a hatch drive for opening and/or closing the hatch, with the hatch drive comprising a motor with a motor shaft and a motor pinion and at least one planetary gear with a sun gear, planetary carriers with planetary rolling elements arranged on bearing pins, and an annulus, with the sun wheel of the planetary gear being formed by the motor pinion and a driven shaft being driven via the planetary gear, in which the motor pinion is slid onto the motor shaft.

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Driven hatch arrangement for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20150105208A1
Принадлежит: IMS Gear SE and Co KGaA

A driven hatch arrangement is provided, particularly a rear hatch arrangement, for a motor vehicle with a hatch and with a hatch drive for opening and/or closing the hatch, with the hatch drive comprising a motor with a motor shaft and a motor pinion and at least one planetary gear with a sun gear, planetary carriers with planetary rolling elements arranged on bearing pins, and an annulus, with the sun wheel of the planetary gear being formed by the motor pinion and a driven shaft being driven via the planetary gear, in which the bearing pins of the planetary gear projecting beyond the planetary rolling elements arranged on the bearing pins in the direction towards the motor.

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102752A1
Автор: Yelvington Richard D.

A planetary gear drive system in which the planetary gears are made of a resilient plastic or polymer compound so as to allow slippage within the system in response to over-torqueing, and a reverse drive incorporating the planetary gear drive system for use on motor vehicles. 1. A drive system , comprising:a) a planetary gear system comprising a plurality of planet gears rotatably mounted on a planet gear carrier, a sun gear, and a ring gear; andb) a locking means for locking and unlocking the sun gear relative to the ring gear and for allowing and preventing the planet gear carrier from rotating, a first position for locking the sun gear relative to the ring gear and for allowing the planet gear carrier to rotate', 'to a second position for unlocking the sun gear relative to the ring gear and for preventing the planet gear carrier from rotating,, 'wherein the locking means is movable from'}wherein when the locking means is in the first position, the sun gear rotates in the same rotational direction as the ring gear providing a first drive direction, andwherein when the locking means is in the second position, the sun gear rotates in the opposite rotational direction as the ring gear providing a second drive direction opposite to the first drive direction.2. The drive system of claim 1 , wherein the locking means comprises:a) a first locking means for locking the sun gear relative to the ring gear, the first locking means being movable from a first position for locking the sun gear relative to the ring gear to a second position for unlocking the sun gear relative to the ring gear; andb) a second locking means for preventing the planet gear carrier from rotating, the second locking means being movable from a first position for allowing the planet gear carrier to rotate to a second position for preventing the planet gear carrier from rotating.3. The drive system of claim 2 , wherein:a) the first locking means comprises a prong and a locking base, wherein the prong is ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Forged Composite Inner Race for a CVJ

Номер: US20180100571A1
Автор: Geiman Timothy E.

A forged composite inner race for a constant velocity joint is forged from a composite preform compact including a first powder metal material and a second powder metal material. The forged composite inner race includes a plurality of ball tracks formed on an outer section of the forged composite inner race with corresponding lands between adjacent ball tracks and an axially-extending splined opening formed in an inner section of the forged composite inner race. The outer section comprises the first powder metal material in a higher concentration than the second powder metal material and the inner section comprises the second powder metal material in a higher concentration than the first powder metal material. 1. A forged composite inner race for a constant velocity joint forged from a composite preform compact including a first powder metal material and a second powder metal material , the forged composite inner race comprising:a plurality of ball tracks formed on an outer section of the forged composite inner race with corresponding lands between adjacent ball tracks, the outer section comprising the first powder metal material in a higher concentration than the second powder metal material; andan axially-extending splined opening formed in an inner section of the forged composite inner race, the inner section comprising the second powder metal material in a higher concentration than the first powder metal material.2. The forged composite inner race of claim 1 , wherein the first powder metal material of the outer section has greater hardness than the second powder metal material of the inner section.3. The forged composite inner race of claim 1 , wherein the first powder metal material has a greater hardenability than the second powder metal material.4. The forged composite inner race of claim 1 , wherein the first powder metal material has a higher carbon content than the second powder metal material.5. The forged composite inner race of claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Forged Composite Bevel Gear

Номер: US20180100572A1
Автор: Geiman Timothy E.

A forged composite bevel gear is forged from a composite preform compact including a first powder metal material and a second powder metal material. The forged composite bevel gear includes a gear core formed in an inner section of the forged composite bevel gear with the gear core defining a rotational axis and a plurality of teeth formed on an outer section of the forged composite bevel gear and extending from the gear core. The plurality of teeth extend in the same general direction as the rotational axis of the gear core, but are also inclined with respect to the rotational axis of the gear core. The outer section comprises the first powder metal material in a higher concentration than the second powder metal material. 1. A forged composite bevel gear forged from a composite preform compact including a first powder metal material and a second powder metal material compacted to from the composite preform compact , the forged composite bevel gear comprising:a gear core formed in an inner section of the forged composite bevel gear, the gear core defining a rotational axis;a plurality of teeth formed on an outer section of the forged composite bevel gear and extending from the gear core, the plurality of teeth extending in the same general direction as the rotational axis of the gear core, but also angularly inclined with respect to the rotational axis of the gear core, the outer section comprising the first powder metal material in a higher concentration than the second powder metal material.2. The forged composite bevel gear of claim 1 , wherein the first powder metal material at least partially forms the plurality of teeth and the second powder metal material forms the gear core and partly forms a core of the plurality of teeth claim 1 , the first powder metal material and the second powder metal material being sintered and forged to form a continuous variable boundary profile between the first powder metal material and second powder metal material.3. The forged ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Speed reduction ratio automatic switching device

Номер: US20200096080A1
Принадлежит: SMC Corp

A speed reduction ratio automatic switching device includes a planetary gear mechanism. The planetary gear mechanism includes a sun gear provided for an input shaft, planetary gears in mesh with an outer circumferential side of the sun gear, an internal gear in mesh with an outer circumferential side of the planetary gears, and first and second carriers made of a semi-rigid magnetic material. The first and second carriers support the planetary gears in a rotatable manner, and rotate together with the planetary gears along with revolution of the planetary gears. Each of the sun gear, the planetary gears and the internal gear is a helical gear. First and second magnets for generating a thrust force in an axial direction are provided between the first and second carriers and the internal gear.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096087A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a sprocket that reduces impact and knocking sound of contact or seating when meshing with a chain, and that improves the durability of an entire chain drive system by reducing vibration and noise. The sprocket includes a cushion ring having an outer circumferential surface that is configured to come into contact with link plates of the chain. The cushion ring includes a circumferential groove extending in a circumferential direction on the outer circumferential surface, and the circumferential groove has a width smaller than that of the link plates. 1. A sprocket comprising a sprocket body having a plurality of teeth formed on a circumferential surface thereof , and a cushion ring provided on at least one side surface of the sprocket body and having an outer circumferential surface that is configured to come into contact with link plates of a chain ,the cushion ring including a circumferential groove extending in a circumferential direction on the outer circumferential surface, the circumferential groove having a width smaller than that of the link plates.2. The sprocket according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the circumferential grooves are formed in a width direction of the cushion ring.3. The sprocket according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential grooves include at least circumferential grooves provided in non-pressed regions on both outer sides of a pressed region that is configured to be pressed by the link plates.4. The sprocket according to claim 3 , wherein a plurality of the circumferential grooves are disposed in the non-pressed regions claim 3 , andthe plurality of circumferential grooves disposed in the non-pressed regions include circumferential grooves that are disposed close to each other.5. The sprocket according to claim 2 , wherein the circumferential grooves are formed over an entire area in a width direction of the cushion ring.6. The sprocket according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099931A1

A resin gear includes a web with a side surface on which a first annular rib and a second annular rib are formed to be concentric with a boss. The web has an inner web portion coupling the first annular rib to the second annular rib, and an outer web portion coupling the second annular rib to a rim. The inner web portion is formed to have a thickness gradually reduced from one intersection point toward another intersection point, the intersection points being intersection points of a virtual radial direction line passing through a center of the boss with the second annular rib. The first annular rib has a side surface on which only one gate mark of an injection molding is formed at a position on a radially outer side with respect to a first tooth portion and a position biased to the other intersection point on the virtual radial direction line. 1. A resin gear comprising:a circular plate-shaped web;a cylindrically-shaped boss formed at a radially inward end of the web;a first tooth portion formed on one side surface side of the web and an outer peripheral surface of the boss, the first tooth portion including a plurality of teeth;a cylindrically-shaped rim positioned at a radially outward end of the web and concentric with the boss; anda second tooth portion formed on an outer peripheral surface of the rim, the second tooth portion including a plurality of teeth, whereina first annular rib is formed on another side surface of the web and in proximity to the boss, the first annular rib being concentric with the boss,a second annular rib is formed on the other side surface of the web and between the first annular rib and the rim, the second annular rib being concentric with the rim,the web has an inner web portion and an outer web portion, the inner web portion coupling the first annular rib to the second annular rib, the outer web portion coupling the second annular rib to the rim,the inner web portion is formed to have a thickness gradually reduced from one ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170541A1

A decoupling ring suitable for a planetary gear is disclosed. A decoupling ring includes an annular elastomeric base body and elastomeric formations. In embodiments, the elastomeric formations are uniformly spaced apart from one another, project in the radial direction from the base body, and run parallel to a central longitudinal axis passing centrally through the decoupling ring. With embodiments of the decoupling ring it is possible for the decoupling ring to be arranged on the circumferential side of a ring gear of a planetary gear. 1. A decoupling ring for a planetary gear , comprising:an annular elastomeric base body, andelastomeric moldings which are uniformly spaced apart from one another, project in a radial direction from the base body, and run parallel to a central longitudinal axis passing centrally through the decoupling ring;wherein the decoupling ring is configurable for arrangement on a circumferential side of a ring gear of a planetary gear.2. The decoupling ring according to claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric moldings include at least one press-fit surface disposed against a component.3. The decoupling ring according to claim 2 , wherein the component comprises a housing.4. The decoupling ring according to claim 2 , wherein the component comprises a ring gear.5. The decoupling ring according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one press-fit surface is disposed at an angle relative to a longitudinal center plane of the decoupling ring.6. The decoupling ring according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on an inner circumference or outer circumference claim 1 , a carrier ring is arranged on the elastomeric base body with the moldings.7. The decoupling ring according to claim 6 , wherein the carrier ring is vulcanized.8. The decoupling ring according to claim 6 , wherein the carrier ring comprises outer-circumferential-side or inner-circumferential-side core teeth and/or inner-circumferential-side or outer-circumferential-side carrier teeth.9. The decoupling ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105112A1

Solving a problem in strength that occurs as a result of forming a shaft outside-fitting gear for an electric retractable view device for a vehicle, using a material including a resin as a base material. A shaft outside-fitting gear is formed of a material including a resin as a base material. The gear includes a clutch surface in one end face in an axis direction thereof. The clutch surface is disposed on an inner circumferential side and an outer circumferential side of a radial position of a tooth bottom of each gear tooth of the gear relative to the radial position of the tooth bottom, in a radial direction of the gear. One end face in the axis direction of the gear has a structure in which a valley of each gear tooth of the gear is occluded at a radial region at which the clutch surface is disposed. 1. An electric retractable view device for a vehicle , the view device comprising:a shaft attached to a vehicle body side;a rotating body supported by the shaft so as to be rotatable in a direction around an axis of the shaft;a motor mounted in the rotating body; anda power transmission mechanism including a shaft outside-fitting gear fitted on an outer circumference of the shaft so as to be rotatable in the direction around the axis of the shaft and a clutch mechanism that locks rotation, in the direction around the axis of the shaft, of the shaft outside-fitting gear via a spring force and cancels the locking via an external force against the spring force to allow the rotation, whereinthe clutch mechanism includes a shaft outside-fitting gear-side clutch surface and a shaft-side clutch surface each including a clutch crest and a clutch valley that are arranged in the direction around the axis of the shaft and, upon a fitting force being provided by the spring force, are fitted to each other,the power transmission mechanism transmits a driving force of the motor to the shaft via the shaft outside-fitting gear and the clutch mechanism brought in the fitted state by ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105113A1

This invention intends to prevent generation of abnormal sound. A motor shaft is inserted in a center hole of a worm and fitted in the center hole in a direction around an axis of the worm. A distal end of the worm is received in a bearing recess. A worm wheel engages with the worm. A radial gap and rotational play are formed between the motor shaft and the center hole of the worm. A radial gap is formed between the distal end of the worm and the bearing recess. The gap between the distal end of the worm and the bearing recess is formed so as to have a size that prevents an outer circumferential surface of the distal end of the worm and an inner circumferential surface of the bearing recess from coming into contact with each other when the worm is rotating. 1. An electric retractable view device for a vehicle , the view device comprising:a motor;a worm including a center hole allowing a motor shaft of the motor to be inserted thereto, thereby the worm being fitted on the motor shaft in a direction around an axis and being driven to rotate;a bearing recess that receives and supports a distal end of the worm; anda worm wheel that engages with the worm and rotates following the worm, whereinthe view device is configured so that rotation of the worm wheel is transmitted to a view device rotating section of the view device to rotate the view device rotating section in a direction around an axis of rotation relative to a vehicle body and thereby move the view device rotating section to an extended position and a retracted position, a radial gap and rotational play are formed between the motor shaft and the center hole of the worm,a radial gap is formed between the distal end of the worm and the bearing recess, andthe radial gap between the distal end of the worm and the bearing recess is formed so as to have a size that prevents an outer circumferential surface of the distal end of the worm and an inner circumferential surface of the bearing recess from coming into ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105197A1

A method of making a worm gear. The method includes forming a gear blank having a plurality of individual lugs formed about an outer circumferential edge of said blank to facilitate a uniform flow of a material around said plurality of individual lugs. The method also includes molding said material around said plurality of individual lugs to form a ring. 1. An electric power steering system comprising:a steering shaft connected to a handwheel at one end and a rack and pinion steering mechanism at an opposite end;a steering assist unit comprising an electric motor operated by a controller and driving a worm and a worm gear interposed between said worm and said steering shaft, said worm having worm teeth and said worm gear fitted on said steering shaft; a disk having a first face axially disposed opposite a second face;', 'a first plurality of individual lugs formed on said first face circumferentially adjacent an outer circumferential edge of said disk, wherein each lug of said first plurality of individual lugs having a first inner circumferential edge formed on said first face along a first retaining diameter, said first retaining diameter generally less than a disk diameter, circumferentially adjacent lugs of said first plurality of individual lugs having a first circumferential spacing therebetween;', 'a ring overlaying a portion of said disk including said first plurality of individual lugs, said ring having an outer diameter, said outer diameter generally greater than said disk diameter; and', 'a plurality of gear teeth on an outer edge surface of said ring for meshing with said worm teeth., 'said worm gear further comprising2. The electric power steering system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second plurality of individual lugs formed on said second face circumferentially adjacent said outer circumferential edge of said disk and opposite and offset the first plurality of individual lugs, wherein each lug of said second plurality of individual lugs having a ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160114544A1
Автор: KUNISHIMA Takeshi

A reinforcing fiber sheet and a first thermoplastic resin sheet are stacked into a cylindrical shape to form a sleeve portion, and a second thermoplastic resin sheet is stacked around an outer periphery of the sleeve portion to form a tooth formation portion. Thereafter, the sleeve portion and the tooth formation portion are heated and pressed, and teeth are then formed in an outer periphery of the tooth formation portion to form a tooth portion. A gear is manufactured by this process. 1. A manufacturing method of a gear , comprising the steps of:(a) stacking a reinforcing fiber sheet and a first thermoplastic resin sheet into a cylindrical shape to form a sleeve portion;(b) stacking a second thermoplastic resin sheet around an outer periphery of the sleeve portion to form a tooth formation portion;(c) heating and pressing the sleeve portion and the tooth formation portion; and(d) forming teeth in an outer periphery of the tooth formation portion to form a tooth portion.2. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinstep (d) is performed simultaneously with step (c) by using a tooth form in step (c).3. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinstep (d) includes cutting the tooth formation portion after step (c) to form the teeth.4. The manufacturing method according to claim 1 , whereinthe first thermoplastic resin sheet contains a resin having a number average molecular weight of 25,000 or less, andthe second thermoplastic resin sheet contains a resin having a number average molecular weight of more than 25,000.5. The manufacturing method according to claim 2 , whereinthe first thermoplastic resin sheet contains a resin having a number average molecular weight of 25,000 or less, andthe second thermoplastic resin sheet contains a resin having a number average molecular weight of more than 25,000.6. The manufacturing method according to claim 3 , whereinthe first thermoplastic resin sheet contains a resin having a number average molecular ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123451A1
Принадлежит: NETUREN CO., LTD.

A metal core for a resin gear and a resin gear composite member are provided. The metal core includes a boss portion into which a shaft is press-fitted, a ring portion to which an outer peripheral resin is joined, and a connecting portion via which the boss portion and the ring portion are coaxially provided. The boss portion is arranged on one side of the connecting portion at an inner circumference of the connecting portion and extends annularly in an axial direction. The ring portion is arranged on the same side of the connecting portion at an outer circumference of the connecting portion and extends annularly in the axial direction. The boss portion, the connecting portion, and the ring portion are formed of an integrally continuous material. The boss portion is thicker than the connecting portion and the ring portion. 1. A metal core for a resin gear , the metal core comprising:a boss portion into which a shaft is press-fitted;a ring portion having an outer circumferential surface provided with a concave-convex structure and to which an outer peripheral resin is joined; anda connecting portion via which the boss portion and the ring portion are coaxially provided,wherein the boss portion is arranged on one side of the connecting portion at an inner circumference of the connecting portion and extends annularly in an axial direction,wherein the ring portion is arranged on the same side of the connecting portion at an outer circumference of the connecting portion and extends annularly in the axial direction,wherein the boss portion, the connecting portion, and the ring portion are formed of an integrally continuous material, andwherein the boss portion is thicker than the connecting portion and the ring portion.2. The metal core according to claim 1 , wherein the metal core is adapted to be used for a resin gear of a power steering apparatus claim 1 , and the boss portion is adapted to receive a shaft to which a steering force is transmitted.3. The metal core ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120487A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT EUROPE

The invention relates to a method for producing a gear, said method including a step (a) during which a supporting core is made from a first polymer material, said supporting core comprising a hub, with a director axis (XX′), as well as a flange which extends radially from said hub to a peripheral flanged edge, said method then involves a coating step (b) which comprises producing a permanent coating layer, made of a second polymer material, by overmoulding on the supporting core, including integrally both a front layer which covers the upper surface of the flange, and a side layer which extends said front layer axially by covering the outer radial surface of the flanged edge, such that said side layer forms a rim, the teeth of the gear being made in the radial body of said rim. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for manufacturing a toothed wheel , said method wherein a carrier core realization step (a) , during which a carrier core is made of a first polymer material , said carrier core including a hub with a main axis (XX′) , as well as a collar which extends substantially radially from said hub , away from the main axis (XX′) , up to a peripheral flanged edge said collar being delimited axially by a surface called <> surface orientated on the side axially opposite to the flanged edge and by a surface called <> surface axially orientated on the side of the flanged edge said method then comprising a coating step (b) during which is carried out by overmolding on the carrier core in a second polymer material , a permanent coating layer which remains permanently on the completed toothed wheel said coating layer comprising in one piece , on the one hand , a frontal layer which covers the upper surface of the collar as an axial over-thickness of said collar and , on the other hand , a lateral layer which axially extends said frontal layer by covering the radially outer surface of the flanged edge as a radial over-thickness of said flanged edge , so that said ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266891A1
Автор: PARK Su Ju
Принадлежит: Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.

A sensor device for a steering actuator, the sensor device may include: a pinion shaft mounted on a housing part; a first pinion gear integrated with the pinion shaft by injection molding; and a sensor unit coupled to the first pinion gear. 1. A sensor device for a steering actuator , the sensor device comprising:a pinion shaft mounted on a housing part;a first pinion gear integrated with the pinion shaft by injection molding; anda sensor unit coupled to the first pinion gear.2. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the pinion shaft comprises a metallic material and the first pinion gear comprises a plastic material.3. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein the pinion shaft comprises a first pinion shaft coupled to the sensor unit claim 1 , the first pinion shaft comprising a first coupling recess on an outer circumferential portion thereof.4. The sensor device of claim 3 , wherein the first pinion gear comprises:a first pinion gear protrusion fitted into and integrally coupled to the first coupling recess; anda first pinion gear body extending outwardly from the first pinion gear protrusion, and being in contact with an outer portion of the first pinion shaft.5. The sensor device of claim 4 , wherein a width of the first pinion gear body is greater than a width of the first pinion gear protrusion.6. The sensor device of claim 3 , further comprising a second pinion gear integrated with the pinion shaft by injection molding and being engaged with a rack bar.7. The sensor device of claim 6 , wherein the second pinion gear comprises a plastic material.8. The sensor device of claim 6 , wherein the pinion shaft further comprises a second pinion shaft connected to the first pinion shaft claim 6 , the second pinion shaft comprising a second coupling recess on an outer circumferential portion thereof.9. The sensor device of claim 8 , wherein the second pinion gear comprises:a second pinion gear protrusion fitted into and integrally coupled to the second coupling recess; ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118716A1

Crest-valley repeated shapes that are fitted to each other by a biasing force of a spring are disposed so as to be opposed to each other in opposed surfaces that are opposed to each other and rotate relative to each other between a view device base side and a view device rotating section side. Respective height maintaining protrusions are disposed so as to be opposed to each other in the opposed surfaces. Upon the view device rotating section being rotated from an extended position toward a forward-tilted position by an external force, respective top surfaces of the height maintaining protrusions are brought into abutment with and slide on each other in a position in which abutment between respective top surfaces of the crests of the crest-valley repeated shapes is cancelled, to maintain a height of the view device rotating section. 1. An electric retractable view device for a vehicle , the view device comprising:a view device base on which a shaft stands;a view device rotating section supported by the view device base so as to be rotatable in a direction around an axis of the shaft;a motor that electrically drives the view device rotating section to reversibly rotate in the direction around the axis of the shaft and thereby move the view device rotating section to a retracted position and an extended position;a spring that biases the view device rotating section in a direction toward the view device base along the axis of the shaft; andcrest-valley repeated shapes disposed so as to be opposed to each other in opposed surfaces that are opposed to each other and rotate relative to each other in the direction around the axis of the shaft between the view device base side and the view device rotating section side, each of the crest-valley repeated shapes being arranged in the relevant opposed surface in the direction around the axis of the shaft, the crest-valley repeated shapes being fitted to each other by a biasing force of the spring while allowing the view device ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods implementing wear-resistant copper-based materials

Номер: US20170121799A1
Принадлежит: California Institute of Technology

Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the invention implement copper-based materials in applications where resistance to wear is desired. In one embodiment, a wear-resistant gear includes a gear defined by a rotatable body having teeth disposed on an outer surface of the rotatable body, where the gear body is formed at least in part from a material including copper and X, where X is one of zirconium, titanium, hafnium, rutherfordium, and mixtures thereof and where the atomic ratio of copper to X is approximately between 2:3 and 3:2. 1. A wear-resistant alloy comprising:Cu, Zr, Al, Be and optionally Z,wherein Z is one of: Y, Nb, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, B, C, Si, P, Mo, Pd, Ag, Sn, Sb, Hf, Ta, W, Pt, Au, and mixtures thereof;wherein the atomic % of Cu is at least 39.77;wherein the atomic % of Al is between approximately 3% and 10%;wherein the atomic % of Be is between approximately 3% and 10%;wherein the atomic ratio of Cu to Zr is approximately between 2:3 and 3:2; andwherein the alloy has the ability to form a metallic glass material.2. The wear resistant alloy of claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Cu to Zr is approximately between 9:11 and 11:9.3. The wear resistant alloy of claim 2 , wherein Zr is replaced partially or entirely with one of: Ti claim 2 , Hf claim 2 , Rf claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The wear resistant alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy composition is one of:{'sub': 43', '43', '7', '7', '40', '40', '10', '10', '39.77', '40.74', '6.79', '9.7', '3', '42.7', '42.7', '6.8', '4.9', '3', '41.7', '41.7', '6.8', '6.8', '3', '41', '40', '7', '7', '5', '42', '41', '7', '7', '3', '42', '41', '7', '7', '3', '44', '44', '5', '3', '4', '41.5', '41.5', '7', '10', '44', '44', '7', '5', '47', '47', '3', '3', '46', '46', '3', '5', '45', '45', '5', '5, 'CuZrAlBe, CuZrAlBe, CuZrAlBeNb, CuZrAlBeNb, CuZrAlBeNb, CuZrAlBeCo, CuZrAlBeCo, CuZrAlBeCr, CuZrAlNiBe, CuZrAlBe, CuZrAlBe, CuZrAlBe, CuZrAlBe, and CuZrAlBe.'}5. The wear resistant alloy of ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150129348A1

Worm wheel construction that is able to sufficiently increase the strength of the connecting portion between a hub and a gear portion , and to maintain sufficient durability even when applied to an electric power steering apparatus that applies a large auxiliary torque, is achieved. 1. A worm wheel comprising:a metal hub, anda synthetic resin gear portion;the hub comprising:an installation hole that is provided in a center portion thereof, and in which a rotating shaft is fitted and fastened inside;a first annular concave portion that is provided in a portion nearer an inner diameter thereof than an outer circumferential edge thereof on one surface in an axial direction thereof;a second annular concave portion that is provided in a portion near an outer diameter thereof; andconcave and convex portions in a circumferential direction thereof that are provided around an outer circumferential edge portion thereof;the gear portion being formed by a synthetic resin that covers an entire circumference of an outer-diameter side end portion of the hub; andan inner circumferential edge portion of the gear portion that is located on one surface side in the axial direction of the hub fits inside a portion near the outer diameter of the first annular concave portion, and part of the synthetic resin forming the gear portion also fills the second annular concave portion.2. The worm wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe second annular concave portion is formed on other surface in the axial direction of the hub, and a circumferential surface on the inner-diameter side and a circumferential surface in the outer-diameter side of the second annular concave portion are inclined surfaces that are inclined in a direction such that a width dimension in a radial direction of the second annular concave portion becomes larger going in a direction toward an opening portion of the other surface side in the axial direction of the hub, and a portion near the outer diameter and a portion near ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156461A1

Provided is a rotation drive device, which has a driving-force transmission mechanism configured such that a drive transmission member provided on a driving shaft and a disk-shaped driven member attached to a main shaft are directly or indirectly engaged with each other and which is further configured such that an increase in diameter of the driven member due to thermal expansion can be suppressed as much as possible. The driven member includes an inner ring attached to the main shaft, and an outer ring attached to the inner ring by shrinkage fit and having an engaging groove formed to be opened on an outer circumferential surface thereof. The inner ring is formed by a low thermal expansion member, which is an alloy having a thermal expansion coefficient of 5×10/K or less. The outer ring is formed of a hardenable iron-based material. 1wherein the driven member comprises an inner ring attached to the main shaft, and an outer ring attached to the inner ring by shrinkage fit and having an engaging groove formed to be opened on an outer circumferential surface thereof,{'sup': '−6', 'the inner ring is formed by a low thermal expansion member, which is an alloy having a thermal expansion coefficient of 5×10/K or less, and'}the outer ring is formed of a hardenable iron-based material.. A rotation drive device comprising a driving-force transmission mechanism for transmitting rotation of a driving motor to a main shaft, to which a to-be-driven object is attached, wherein the driving-force transmission mechanism comprises a driving shaft connected to the driving motor, a drive transmission member provided on the driving shaft, and a disk-shaped driven member attached to the main shaft, and is configured such that the drive transmission member and the driven member are directly or indirectly engaged with each other, The present application claims priority from Japanese Patent Application No. 2019-213324, filed Nov. 26, 2019, the entire content of which is incorporated herein ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156462A1

An electric power steering drive pulley assembly includes a motor shaft. The pulley assembly also includes a drive pulley coupled to the motor shaft. The drive pulley includes a radial retention portion having an inner diameter defining a first portion of a central opening that the motor shaft is disposed within. The drive pulley also includes an axial retention portion extending in the axial direction from the radial retention portion, the axial retention portion defining a second portion of the central opening that the motor shaft is disposed within, the inner diameter of the axial retention portion in splined engagement with the motor shaft to rotationally couple the drive pulley to the motor shaft, the axial retention portion including a flange protruding radially inwardly from the inner diameter of the axial retention portion to be disposed in a groove of the motor shaft. 1. An electric power steering drive pulley assembly comprising:a motor shaft extending in an axial direction from an electric motor; and a radial retention portion having an inner diameter defining a first portion of a central opening that the motor shaft is disposed within, the radial retention portion transmitting a radial load of the belt to the motor shaft; and', 'an axial retention portion extending in the axial direction from the radial retention portion, the axial retention portion defining a second portion of the central opening that the motor shaft is disposed within, the inner diameter of the axial retention portion in splined engagement with the motor shaft to rotationally couple the drive pulley to the motor shaft, the axial retention portion including a flange protruding radially inwardly from the inner diameter of the axial retention portion to be disposed in a groove of the motor shaft to axially retain the drive pulley relative to the motor shaft., 'a drive pulley coupled to the motor shaft and disposed between the motor shaft and a belt to transmit rotation of the motor shaft ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130316A1
Автор: Gomez Alan J.

A method for selective carburization of an article using low pressure induction carburization includes: providing or procuring an article including a surface; subjecting the article to directed induction heating, wherein a first portion of the surface of the article is inductively heated to a temperature that exceeds a carburizing temperature, while a second portion of the surface of the article remains at a temperature below the carburizing temperature; and simultaneously with subjecting the article to directed induction heating, subjecting the article to low pressure carburization, thereby selectively carburizing the first portion of the surface of the article while not carburizing the second portion of the surface of the article. 1. A method for selective carburization of an article using low pressure induction carburization comprising:providing or procuring an article comprising a surface;subjecting the article to directed induction heating, wherein a first portion of the surface of the article is inductively heated to a temperature that exceeds a carburizing temperature, while a second portion of the surface of the article remains at a temperature below the carburizing temperature; andsimultaneously with subjecting the article to directed induction heating, subjecting the article to low pressure carburization, thereby selectively carburizing the first portion of the surface of the article while not carburizing the second portion of the surface of the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises a gear comprising a plurality of teeth.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first portion of the surface of the article comprises the plurality of teeth and wherein the second portion of the surface of the article comprises a surface of the gear that is radially inward from the plurality of teeth.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises an iron alloy.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the iron alloy comprises steel.6. The method of ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162639A1

Provided is a method for manufacturing a rotary power transmission member including a ring-shaped main body part fixed to a rotating shaft, and a ring-shaped gear part formed on an outer circumference part of the main body part to transmit rotational force of the rotating shaft to other members. The method includes gear part molding for injecting a high melting point resin into a first mold to mold the gear part, and main body part molding for injecting a low melting point resin to mold the main body part while the gear part being inserted into a second mold. The first mold includes a runner defined on an inner circumference side of a ring-shaped cavity for molding the gear part, and a gate which communicates the runner with the cavity to supply a resin into the cavity. 1. A method for manufacturing a rotary power transmission member including a ring-shaped main body part fixed to a rotating shaft , and a ring-shaped gear part formed on an outer circumference of the main body part to transmit a rotational force of the rotating shaft to other members ,the method comprising:gear part molding for injecting a high melting point resin into a first mold to mold the gear part, andmain body part molding for injecting a low melting point resin to mold the main body part while the gear part being inserted into a second mold,wherein the first mold includes a runner defined on an inner circumference side of a ring-shaped cavity for molding the gear part, and a gate which communicates the runner with the cavity to supply a resin into the cavity.2. The method for manufacturing a rotary power transmission member according to claim 1 , wherein the gate is a disk gate.3. The method for manufacturing a rotary power transmission member according to claim 1 ,wherein the rotary power transmission member is a worm wheel,the first mold includes a radially outer mold for molding a tooth of the worm wheel, andthe radially outer mold includes a plurality of split cores which are split ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216191A1
Принадлежит: TURBOMECA

A gearwheel extending in an axial direction and in a radial direction, the gearwheel including a radial web carrying an axial annular rim, the rim carrying gear teeth. The web includes a vibration damper device including a layer of viscoelastic material and a backing layer. The layer of viscoelastic material is arranged axially between the radial web and the backing layer, and the layer of viscoelastic material is fixed directly to the web. 19-. (canceled)10: A gearwheel extending in an axial direction and in a radial direction , the gearwheel comprising:a radial web carrying an axial annular rim, the rim carrying gear teeth;wherein the web includes a vibration damper device including a layer of viscoelastic material and a backing layer, the layer of viscoelastic material being arranged axially between the radial web and the backing layer, and the layer of viscoelastic material being fixed directly to the web, andwherein the radial web is substantially frustoconical in shape, the vibration damper device being placed on an inner side of the frustoconical shape.11: A gearwheel according to claim 10 , wherein the vibration damper device is in a form of a ring that is continuous claim 10 , split claim 10 , or in multiple segments.12: A gearwheel according to claim 10 , wherein the backing layer presents a radial length that is at least equal to a length of the layer of viscoelastic material.13: A gearwheel according to claim 10 , wherein the layer of viscoelastic material presents an axial thickness in a range of 0.1 mm to 3 mm.14: A gearwheel according to claim 10 , wherein the backing layer presents an axial thickness in a range of 0.5 mm to 2 mm.15: A gearwheel according to claim 10 , further comprising a hub claim 10 , and wherein the vibration damper device is arranged closer to the annular rim than to the hub.16: A turbine engine comprising a gearwheel according to claim 10 , wherein the gearwheel is a pinion.17: A method of fabricating a gearwheel according to ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164290A1

A window covering includes a housing, a covering material, a spindle, and a driving device. The spindle and the driving device are provided at the housing. The driving device includes a motor having a shaft, and an epicyclic gearing decelerating device having an input end and an output end connected to the shaft and the spindle, respectively. Whereby, the spindle can drive the covering material to expand or to collapse. The epicyclic gearing decelerating device includes a ring portion and at least a planet gear assembly which is coupled between the input end and the output end. The planet gear assembly includes a plurality of planet gears having a Shore A durometer hardness of 45-90, which is rotatable along the fixedly provided ring portion. While being driven to move, a lower end of the covering material moves at a speed higher than 65 mm per second. 1. A driving device of a window covering , wherein the window covering includes a covering material and a spindle for raising or lowering the covering material; the driving device comprising:a motor having a shaft; andan epicyclic gearing decelerating device having an input end and an output end, wherein the input end is connected to the shaft, and the output end is connected to the spindle; the epicyclic gearing decelerating device comprises a first planet gear assembly, which is coupled to and located between the input end and the output end, and a first ring portion; the first planet gear assembly comprises a plurality of first planet gears; the first ring portion is fixedly provided around the first planet gears, and the first planet gears are adapted to be driven by the input end to rotate along the first ring portion; each of the first planet gears has a Shore A durometer hardness of 45 to 90.2. The driving device of claim 1 , wherein the epicyclic gearing decelerating device comprises a second planet gear assembly and a second ring portion; the second planet gear assembly is coupled to and located between the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220281000A1

A sintered material containing a parent phase composed of a metal and a plurality of pores present in the parent phase, wherein the pores in a cross section have an average cross-sectional area of 500 μmor less, and the sintered material has a relative density in the range of 93% to 99.5%. 1. A sintered material comprising:a parent phase composed of an iron-based alloy; anda plurality of pores present in the parent phase,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the pores in a cross section have an average cross-sectional area of 300 μmor less,'}the pores in a cross section have an average perimeter of 55 μm or less,the pores in a cross section have other shapes than circular or elliptical shape, andthe sintered material has a relative density in the range of 93% to 99.5%.29.-. (canceled)10. The sintered material according to claim 1 , wherein the relative density is 96.5% or more.11. The sintered material according to claim 1 , wherein the pores have an average maximum diameter in the range of 5 μm to 30 μm.12. The sintered material according to claim 10 , wherein the pores have an average maximum diameter in the range of 5 μm to 30 μm.13. The sintered material according to claim 1 , whereinthe iron-based alloy contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of C, Ni, Mo, Mn and B.14. The sintered material according to claim 10 , whereinthe iron-based alloy contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of C, Ni, Mo, Mn and B.15. The sintered material according to claim 11 , whereinthe iron-based alloy contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of C, Ni, Mo, Mn and B.16. The sintered material according to claim 12 , whereinthe iron-based alloy contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of C, Ni, Mo, Mn and B.17. A method for producing a sintered material claim 12 , comprising the steps of:compressing a raw powder to produce a green compact with a relative density in the range of 93% to 99.5%; andsintering ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171092A1

A worm gear for a worm gear system of a motor vehicle steering device may include a hub, a support element, and a gear rim. The gear rim may have a multiplicity of teeth that extend radially outward from a central encircling annular web. The support element may be a support ring that by means of an injection-molding method is injected between the gear rim and the hub. The support element may connect in a form-fitting manner the hub and the gear rim. The gear rim may include reinforcement ribs that, on both end sides, from the teeth extend radially in a direction of a worm gear longitudinal axis. 117.-. (canceled)18. A worm gear for a worm gear system of a motor vehicle steering device , the worm gear comprising:a hub;a support element configured as a support ring; anda gear rim having teeth that extend radially outward relative to a worm gear longitudinal axis,wherein the support element is injected molded between the gear rim and the hub, wherein the support element connects the hub and the gear rim in a form-fitting manner.19. The worm gear of wherein the gear rim includes reinforcement ribs that claim 18 , on both end sides claim 18 , from the teeth extend radially in a direction of the worm gear longitudinal axis.20. The worm gear of wherein the gear rim is a single-component plastics material part.21. The worm gear of wherein an insert part that forms the hub is comprised of steel.22. The worm gear of wherein the gear rim is a first gear rim claim 21 , wherein the insert part has a second gear rim that engages in a corresponding recess in an internal side of the first gear rim.23. The worm gear of wherein the gear rim includes injection bores that claim 18 , between the worm gear longitudinal axis and reinforcement ribs of the gear rim claim 18 , are configured for injecting a plastics material for configuring the support ring.24. The worm gear of wherein the support ring does not project beyond end sides of the teeth of the gear rim.25. The worm gear of ...
