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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 3289. Отображено 200.
27-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2342590C2
Принадлежит: НОРМА Джемани ГмбХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к соединительным устройствам. В соединительном устройстве, содержащем патрубки соединяемых элементов для приема текучей среды, патрубки снабжены каждый окружным стопорным ребром, за которым выполнена канавка и которое имеет коническую переднюю боковую поверхность и радиальную заднюю боковую поверхность. Передние боковые поверхности стопорных ребер расположены друг напротив друга. Задняя боковая поверхность, по меньшей мере, одного стопорного ребра ограничивает канавку. Соединительное устройство содержит также изогнутую по окружности пружинную ленту из стали, осевые концы которой имеют направленные внутрь фланцы, которые входят в зацепление за стопорными ребрами и прерываются, по меньшей мере, на стороне пружинной ленты, противоположной ее окружным концам. Патрубки вставлены друг в друга и уплотнены друг относительно друга. Для удобства в обращении и повышения прочности соединительного устройства передние боковые поверхности стопорных ребер составляют с центральной ...

16-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628356C2

Группа изобретений относится к области нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, а именно к трубным соединениям. Технический результат – эффективное уплотнение и предотвращение возникновения проблем в области высоких нагрузок деформируемого центрального выступа в соединениях трубных элементов. Система уплотнения металл-металл, соединяющая первый и второй трубные элементы, содержит первую конфигурацию уплотнения, расположенную на первом трубном элементе, и вторую конфигурацию уплотнения, расположенную на втором трубном элементе. Первая конфигурация уплотнения содержит первую кольцевую выемку и первый кольцевой зубец, а вторая конфигурация уплотнения содержит вторую кольцевую выемку и второй кольцевой зубец. Второй кольцевой зубец расположен в пределах первой кольцевой выемки, причем поверхность второго кольцевого зубца взаимодействует с примыкающей первой кольцевой поверхностью выступа таким образом, чтобы определять первый выступ. Первый кольцевой зубец расположен в пределах второй кольцевой ...

14-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2635616C2

Изобретение относится к сепараторному устройству для отделения частиц от потока текучей среды, в частности к сепараторному устройству для использования в системе отопления. Сепараторное устройство (10) содержит корпус (12), имеющий первое и второе отверстия (96) для входа и выхода текучей среды в корпус (12) и из него; первую сепараторную камеру (38), расположенную на одном конце корпуса; вторую сепараторную камеру (40), расположенную на другом конце корпуса; центральную камеру, расположенную между первой и второй сепараторными камерами (38, 40). В центральной камере предусмотрен магнит. Первое и второе отверстия соединены с центральной камерой. Первая и вторая сепараторные камеры (38, 40) каждая имеют отверстия для входа и выхода текучей среды в/из центральной камеры. Каждая сепараторная камера содержит заграждающее средство для замедления потока текучей среды в камере. Технический результат: эффективное удаление частиц в текучей среде при любом направлении потока, возможность изменения ...

05-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2679068C2

Изобретение относится к трубной муфте, содержащей кольцевой зажимной хомут, концы которого снабжены двумя противолежащими зажимными элементами. Предусмотрен один или несколько затяжных элементов для затяжки зажимных элементов навстречу друг другу в направлении, поперечном осевой длине кольцевого зажимного хомута, с целью приложения обращенного радиально внутрь усилия зажима к трубе, зажимаемой кольцевым зажимным хомутом. В кольцевом зажимном хомуте установлено кольцевое уплотнение. Кольцевой зажимной хомут содержит один или несколько усиленных круговых элементов жесткости. Изобретение обеспечивает равномерную круговую затяжку муфты. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

06-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2671744C2

Группа изобретений относится к магнитному сепаратору для применения в системе центрального отопления (варианты) и, в частности, к приспособлению для отсоединения магнитного сепаратора. Магнитный сепаратор (10) состоит из корпуса (12), включающего разделительную камеру и магнит, впускного и выпускного патрубков (20, 20а), вытянутых от корпуса. Впускной и выпускной патрубки содержат вставные соединители (30) с зажимными цангами, окружающими отверстие каждого из впускного и выпускного патрубков. Цанги нажимаются вовнутрь по направлению к основной части корпуса. Освобождающее приспособление (44) содержит первую и вторую опорные площадки (46, 48), плотно прилегающие к цангам впускного и выпускного соединителей (30), и выполнено в виде единого элемента для приложения усилия через опорные площадки (46, 48) на оба соединителя (30) одновременно. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании группы изобретений, заключается в обеспечении надежной сборки и легкого снятия магнитного сепаратора ...

28-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019102361A3

25-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017107130A3

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU175501U1

Полезная модель относится к ремонтным конструкциям нефтепроводов и нефтепродуктопроводов, а конкретно к тройникам разрезным для трубопроводов. В разрезном тройнике с велдолетом достигается снижение концентрации напряжений в зоне вокруг технологического отверстия за счет установки велдолета, имеющего более прочный сварной шов, выполненный в заводских условиях. Кроме того, в конструкции имеется двойной запас прочности за счет удвоенной толщины металла на трубе в зоне технологического отверстия. Это обеспечивает повышение надежности и увеличение срока эксплуатации разрезного тройника. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU175871U1

Полезная модель относится к области фиксирующих устройств и может быть использована для установки распорного кольца в муфту для герметичного прохода трубы. Согласно полезной модели устройство включает толкатель распорного кольца, который выполнен в виде ступенчатого цилиндра под распорное кольцо, имеющий осевое отверстие, сквозь пропущена шпилька, имеющая приводную гайку и упорный элемент, фиксирующий толкатель распорного кольца. Достигаемый технический результат – реализация своего назначения.

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU209374U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, в частности к трубным муфтам, заменяющим фланцевые и сварные соединения обращенных друг к другу концов труб в трубопроводах или трубчатых элементах. Техническим результатом, обеспечиваемым полезной моделью, является упрощение работ для монтажа и демонтажа муфт в стесненных условиях при сохранении надежности и безопасности муфтового соединения обращенных друг к другу концов труб в трубопроводах или трубчатых элементах. Конструкция трубной муфты состоит из находящихся в функционально-конструкционном единстве уплотнительной манжеты из эластомера, перед монтажом превосходящей по размеру наружный диаметр соединяемых труб и охваченной кольцеобразным корпусом с продольным осевым разрезом, выполненным с возможностью стягивания по окружности при установке уплотнительной манжеты посредством зажимного приспособления, имеющего по меньшей мере один направленный тангенциально корпусу стяжной болт, проходящий через два стяжных элемента, размещенных по ...

28-08-2018 дата публикации

Межниппельная вставка полимерная (МНВП) для защиты внутренней поверхности элемента для соединения труб

Номер: RU182696U1

Полезная модель представляет собой межниппельную вставку, которая устанавливается между двумя торцевыми концами двух труб, соединяемых друг с другом посредством резьбового соединительного элемента.Вставка содержит первый и второй кольцевые элементы, имеющие наружную поверхность с постоянным диаметром и внутреннюю поверхность с постоянным диаметром соответственно. Внутренний кольцевой элемент предварительно установлен в наружный кольцевой элемент посредством чередования выступов и впадин внутреннего и наружного элементов на один или два выступа. Благодаря предварительному вхождению второго кольцевого элемента в первый кольцевой элемент на некоторое расстояние под действием заданного минимального усилия обеспечивается гарантированное соосное перемещение кольцевых элементов без перекоса.Наружная поверхность внутреннего кольцевого элемента и внутренняя поверхность наружного кольцевого элемента являются коническими поверхностями. Кроме того, внутренний кольцевой элемент и наружный кольцевой ...

15-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212949U1

Полезная модель относится к раструбным соединениям и может быть использована с целью соединить гофрированные и гладкие трубы различных типоразмеров без использования специальных инструментов как по вновь проложенной кабеленесущей трассе, так и по ранее смонтированной системе труб, в том числе с переходом с гофрированной трубы на гладкий один типоразмер. Задачей является разработка универсальной цилиндрической разборной муфты, применяемой как по вновь проложенной кабеленесущей трассе, так и по ранее смонтированной системе труб. Техническим результатом является повышение удобства монтажа. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что муфта цилиндрическая разборная состоит из двух одинаковых частей, соединяющихся при помощи замков в виде защелки, на внутренней стороне частей на равном удалении от краев к центру выполнены выступы в виде ребер для фиксации гофрированной или гладкой труб, на внешней стороне на линии разьема при соединении частей сформирован паз, дающий возможность разомкнуть ...

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU176942U1

Полезная модель относится к ремонтным конструкциям нефтепроводов и нефтепродуктопроводов, а конкретно к тройниковым ремонтным конструкциям трубопроводов. Конструкция тройниковой катушки с велдолетом может быть использована при строительстве, реконструкции и ремонте трубопроводных систем, предназначенных для транспорта нефти и нефтепродуктов.Тройниковая катушка с велдолетом для трубопроводов состоит из трубной катушки с технологическим отверстием и велдолета, приваренного по периметру технологического отверстия к трубной катушке угловым сварным швом, причем трубная катушка выполнена с возможностью приварки к трубопроводу с двух концов кольцевыми стыковыми сварными швами, при этом на торцах трубной катушки выполнены фаски с разделкой кромок под углом α под сварку кольцевых стыковых швов, а соотношение диаметра велдолета к диаметру трубопровода составляет 0,2-1,0.Технический результат - увеличение срока эксплуатации тройника разрезного для трубопроводов.

22-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682938C1

Изобретение относится к фитингу для текучей среды, который механически прикреплен к трубе. Фитинг включает соединительный корпус, имеющий внутреннюю поверхность, образующую отверстие для приема трубы в нем, кольцо, расположенное для установки поверх по меньшей мере одного конца соединительного корпуса для механического присоединения соединительного корпуса к трубе, и основное уплотнение, образованное на внутренней поверхности соединительного корпуса, для зацепления с трубой. При установке, кольцо и соединительный корпус прикладывают сжимающее усилие к основному уплотнению, достаточное для того, чтобы прикрепить трубу к соединительному корпусу, в некотором смысле, без утечки. Электрически управляемое сенсорное устройство закреплено к поверхности одного из соединительного корпуса или кольца, которое, когда кольцо установлено на соединительном корпусе, создает электрический параметр в ответ на физическое перемещение соединительного корпуса или кольца, к которому сенсорное устройство прикреплено ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006147286A

... 1. Соединительное устройство, содержащее патрубки (1, 2) соединяемых элементов для приема текучей среды, таких как трубопроводы (34) и резервуары для текучей среды, при этом каждый из патрубков (1, 2) снабжен соосным с их центральной осью (М) стопорным ребром (12), за которым выполнена канавка (13) и которое имеет соосную с центральной осью (М) коническую переднюю боковую поверхность (14) и радиальную заднюю боковую поверхность (15); передняя боковая поверхность (14) одного стопорного ребра (12) расположена напротив передней боковой поверхности (14) другого стопорного ребра (12); задняя боковая поверхность (15) по меньшей мере одного стопорного ребра (12) образует одну стенку примыкающей канавки (13); соединительное устройство также содержит изогнутую по окружности на более чем 240° пружинную ленту (3) из стали, осевые концы которой имеют направленные внутрь фланцы (8) с дугообразной, соосной с центральной осью (М) внутренней кромкой, которые входят в зацепление за стопорными ребрами (12 ...

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151748A

... 1. Сепарационное устройство для удаления частиц из взвеси в жидкости, содержащее:корпус, имеющий первую камеру и вторую камеру;перегородки или другие средства для создания препятствия, предусмотренные во второй камере для замедления потока жидкости во второй камере;отверстия в корпусе, позволяющие вход жидкости в первую камеру и выход жидкости из первой камеры;средство для создания закручивания жидкости внутри первой камеры;отверстия, обеспечивающие поток жидкости между первой камерой и второй камерами;средство для направления потока жидкости внутри второй камеры, причем суммарный поток во второй камере проходит в направлении, по существу противоположном направлению закручивания потока в первой камере.2. Сепарационное устройство по п. 1, в котором поток в первой камере между входным элементом и выходным элементом по существу свободен от препятствий.3. Сепарационное устройство по п. 1 или 2, в котором средство для направления потока жидкости внутри второй камеры создает закручивание жидкости ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014137436A

... 1. Узел соединения полимерной армированной трубы, содержащей, по меньшей мере, одну армирующую систему, состоящую из армирующих элементов, характеризующийся тем, что содержит расположенную внутри трубы опорную втулку, снабженную стопорным буртиком, ограничивающим перемещение концевого участка соединяемой трубы, и обжимную гильзу, охватывающую снаружи трубу с опорной втулкой и содержащую по внутренней поверхности стопорную канавку для сопряжения со стопорным буртиком, причем обжимная гильза выполнена разрезной вдоль вертикальной оси симметрии и состоящей, по меньшей мере, из двух частей, представляющих собой сегменты цилиндра с радиально расположенными чередующимися выступами и пазами на внутренней поверхности, образующие в сомкнутом состоянии полый цилиндр с чередующимися кольцевыми выступами и пазами на внутренней поверхности, при этом обжимная гильза снабжена стопорными кольцами, охватывающими ее снаружи, выполненными с обеспечением возможности обжатия и фиксации сегментов гильзы в сомкнутом ...

23-07-2024 дата публикации

Насосно-смесительный узел системы низкотемпературного отопления

Номер: RU2823513C1

Заявленное изобретение предназначено для компоновки модулей циркуляции и распределения теплоносителя в коллекторных системах, требующих подачи теплоносителя с изменяемой температурой. Техническая результат заключается в создании насосно-смесительного узла, состоящего из двух корпусов, позволяющих компоновать насосно-смесительные узлы, являющиеся вариативными и легко модернизируемыми, обеспечивающими объединение теплоснабжающих магистралей и коллекторной группы при разнообразии их взаимных расположений, обеспечивая горизонтальное положение вала циркуляционного насоса, не зависимо от поворота насоса вокруг оси его присоединения. Предлагается насосно-смесительный узел системы низкотемпературного отопления, содержащий два корпуса, согласно изобретению на каждом корпусе патрубок выполнен двухсторонним, перпендикулярно оси трубы со смещением от оси трубы и с обеих сторон оканчивается внутренней резьбой, причем обе резьбы патрубка выполнены одинаковыми и равноудаленными от оси трубы, на каждом ...

30-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019134609A

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151738A

... 1. Магнитный фильтр для использования в водяной системе отопления, при этом магнитный фильтр содержит:корпус, имеющий первое и второе отверстия для входа и выхода текучей среды в корпус и из него;первую сепараторную камеру для удаления частиц из суспензии в текучей среде, при этом первая сепараторная камера расположена на одном конце корпуса;вторую сепараторную камеру для удаления частиц из суспензии в текучей среде, при этом вторая сепараторная камера расположена на другом конце корпуса;а также центральную камеру, расположенную между первой и второй сепараторными камерами, при этом в центральной камере предусмотрен магнит для притяжения ферритных частиц из текучей среды в центральной камере,при этом первая и вторая сепараторные камеры имеют отверстия для входа и выхода текучей среды из центральной камеры, при этом каждая содержит заграждающее средство для замедления потока текучей среды в камере.2. Магнитный фильтр по п. 1, в котором, по меньшей мере, одна из первой или второй сепараторной ...

15-11-1982 дата публикации

Приспособление для стыковки секций

Номер: SU974017A1

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Соединительное устройство

Номер: SU1536144A1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к прочноплотным соединениям деталей из материала с памятью формы, преимущественно труб в напорных и всасывающих магистралях. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности за счет усиления прижатия вкладыша к концам соединяемых труб и упрочнения обжатия соединенных элементов. Соединительное устройство содержит соединяемые трубы 1 и 2, муфту 3 из материала с памятью формы и помещенный между муфтой 3 и трубами 1 и 2 вкладыш 4 с зубцами 5, взаимодействующими с трубами. На поверхности муфты, обращенной к трубам 1 и 2, образован паз 6, а вкладыш 4 выполнен из отдельных частей и размещен в пазу 6 муфты, причем его части не контактируют между собой, имея гарантированный зазор "с". 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

14-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003905306A1

A high-pressure hose end fitting terminates an end of a high-pressure hose (12) and comprises a coupling having a portion (18) thereof inserted in the hose end, and a sleeve (24), enveloping both the hose end and the coupling inserted portion (18), crimped onto the hose end. A void (30) obtains within the sleeve at the end of the hose, and a capillary hole (32) formed in the sleeve (and in a circumferential wall of the coupling) communicates the void with the external surface of the sleeve. The hole, a weep hole, safely relieves fluid leakage or seepage from the void. ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren zum lötfreien Ausbilden eines Anschluss-Stutzens an einem Rohrende sowie Rohr mit einem lötfrei ausgebildeten Anschluss-Stutzen an einem Rohrende

Номер: DE102018108411A1

Ein erfindungsgemäßes Verfahren zum lötfreien Ausbilden eines Anschluss-Stutzens (4) an einem Rohrende (8), umfasst die folgenden Schritte:Umformen eines Umfangsbereiches des Rohres (2), beabstandet von einem Rohrende (8), sodass ein erster, nach außen kragender Abstütz-Vorsprung (10) entsteht;Aufschieben einer Hülse (14) von der Seite des Rohrendes (8), bis die Hülse (14) gegen den ersten Abstütz-Vorsprung (10) anschlägt; undUmformen des zwischen der Hülse (14) und dem Rohrende (8) gelegenen Rohr-Endabschnitts so, dass ein rohrendseitiger zweiter, nach außen kragender Abstütz-Vorsprung (26) entsteht und dass die Hülse (14) verrutschsicher in Axialrichtung zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Abstütz-Vorsprung (10, 26) gehalten wird.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013109233A1

Ein Verbinder für eine Bauteilanbringungsbaugruppe eines Klimatisierungssystems weist eine im Wesentlichen planare Platte mit einem vertieften Abschnitt und einem Schlitzabschnitt auf. Der vertiefte Abschnitt und der Schlitzabschnitt sind in der Platte ausgebildet, um eine Öffnung zum Aufnehmen eines Kanals darin zu begrenzen. Ein Verfahren zum Koppeln des Kanals in den Verbinder umfasst den Schritt, wenigstens den Abschnitt des Kanals durch den Schlitzabschnitt und in den vertieften Abschnitt zu drücken, wodurch wenigstens der Abschnitt des Kanals verformt wird, um einer Konfiguration der Öffnung zu entsprechen, um vor einem Lösen des Eingriffs zwischen der Platte und wenigstens dem Abschnitt des Kanals zu schützen, der in der Öffnung der Platte angeordnet ist.

24-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008006128U1

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Verbindungseinrichtung zum fluidischen Verbinden von von einem Kühlmittel durchströmbaren Komponenten eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102016006192A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verbindungseinrichtung (10) zum fluidischen Verbinden von von einem Kühlmittel durchströmbaren Komponenten (12a–c) eines Kraftfahrzeugs, mit wenigstens zwei jeweils zumindest einen von dem Kühlmittel durchströmbaren Kanal (18, 20) aufweisenden, separat voneinander ausgebildeten und aus einem Kunststoff hegestellten Verbindungselementen (14, 16) zum fluidischen Verbinden der Komponenten (12a–c), wobei die Verbindungselemente (14, 16) jeweilige Rastelemente (30, 32), mittels welchen die Verbindungselemente (14, 16) miteinander verbindbar sind, aufweisen, und wobei wenigstens eines der Verbindungselemente (14, 16) zumindest ein Formschlusselement (38) aufweist, mittels welchem die Verbindungseinrichtung (10) unter Ausbildung einer Steckverbindung an einem weiteren Bauelement (40) des Kraftfahrzeugs befestigbar ist.

11-02-1971 дата публикации

Dichte Hohlmuffe

Номер: DE0001665209A1

12-08-1971 дата публикации

Steckverbindung fuer Rohre oder Formstuecke aus Kunststoff

Номер: DE0002002740A1

18-04-2018 дата публикации

A seal assembly

Номер: GB0002554890A

A seal assembly 100 has a connector body 102 with first and second sections 172, 174 movable relative to one another. These sections each have an open end configured for receiving the free end of a pipe, each configured for sealing engagement their respective pipe. The seal assembly is movable between a first condition, in which the second section assumes a retracted position relative to the first section, and a second condition in which the second section assumes an extended position. A seal member is provides a seal between the first section and the second sections in both conditions. First and second adaptors 115 may be provided, each for association with a respective one of said sections of the connector body and configured for securing at the free end of a respective pipe. First and second mechanical interlock arrangements 104 may be provided, each for association with a respective one of said first and second adaptors, and each configured for driving the respective adaptor in the ...

28-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001403756A

23-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008328395D0

02-04-2008 дата публикации

Pipe insulating product

Номер: GB0002442342A

An intermediate insulating product comprises a planar insulating layer (11, figure 1A) having a top side into which is formed a plurality of parallel channels 14 having cross-sections with tapered sides. A vapour proof layer 28 is applied to the bottom side of the planar insulating layer, preferably by a self adhesive layer 28A. With subsequent mechanical manipulation, the intermediate insulating product can be bent in regions adjacent the bottom of the channels 14, thereby causing the channels to close to form a non-planar, derivative insulating product with an inner throughbore to envelop a pipe 32, the vapour proof layer 28 providing an outermost vapour proof layer. The ends 15,15' of the intermediate insulating product are held in place by a seal, preferably in the form of an adhesive strip 19, so that the derivative insulating product completely envelops the pipe 32 to be insulated, and substantially seals the pipe from the outer environment. Adhesive 16 may be provided in the channels ...

24-03-2010 дата публикации

HPLC seal with metal-coated structure

Номер: GB0201001782D0

22-08-1984 дата публикации

Joining pipes

Номер: GB0002135005A

Ends of pipes 1, 2 are joined together by a heat-shrunk sleeve 9 within shoulders 5 in the outer surfaces of the pipe ends. Connecting members such as dowels 7 engage the pipe ends to restrict relative angular and lateral movement of the pipes. Successive pipes may be joined for pipe jacking. ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации

Separator device

Номер: GB0002502384A

A separator device for removing particles from suspension in a liquid comprises a housing (12) having first (19) and second (40) chambers with apertures (98) for ingress and egress of liquid into the first chamber (19). Also provided is a means (100) for setting up a swirl of liquid within the first chamber (19) and apertures enabling flow of liquid between the first chamber (19) and the second chamber (40). Also provided is a means for setting up a swirl of liquid within the second chamber (40) wherein the swirl in the second chamber (40) is in substantially the opposite direction to the swirl in the first chamber. The separator device may be used for separating particles in a hydronic heating system. Advantageously by reversing the swirl of fluid so that the swirls in the first and second chambers are counter-rotating serves to further reduce the flow rate in the second chamber, whilst ensuring that the overall pressure drop across the device is minimised. Further inventions directed ...

25-03-1970 дата публикации

A Connection for Pipes.

Номер: GB0001185359A

... 1,185,359. Pipe connections. BOLKOW G.m.b.H. 7 July, 1967 [9 July, 1966], No. 31348/67. Heading F2G. [Also in Division F4] A pipe connection, particularly for securing inlet and outlet channels 11, 12 to a number of radiator sections each of which consists of a flow pipe 3 equipped with cooling webs or plates 1, 2, 4, 5, 28, comprises a packing sleeve 13, which is fitted into the end of the flow pipe and engages in a corresponding aperture in an adjacent wall of the channel, and either a clamp band 15 or a clip 22 which embraces the channel and is caused to exert a clamping force on the channel by a pair of tension screws 18 or 23 which threadedly engage nuts 20 or 24 disposed in cut-outs 19 in the webs 2, the clamp band or clip being of material having a high coefficient of thermal expansion, whilst the screws are of material having a relatively low coefficient of thermal expansion. Preferably, the channel, the clamp band or clip, and the radiator sections are all of aluminium, while the ...

03-09-1980 дата публикации

Pipe joint

Номер: GB0002041130A

A pipework system wherein a joint between a steel pipe and an asbestos pipe is effected by providing the steel pipe (16) with a thickened spigot end formed by welding a sleeve (10) to the pipe in encircling relation with the pipe. This enables the sleeve (10) to be centred accurately relative to the pipe. The outer periphery of the sleeve (10) is machined to match the internal periphery of a Widnes joint, the machining being carried out after or prior to welding the sleeve to the pipe. ...

10-10-1979 дата публикации

A pipe part with a displaceable abutment edge

Номер: GB0002017856A
Автор: de Lange, Tinus

A pipe part comprising an abutment-edge and a retaining ring being interconnected by means of retaining strips or dumb-bells which dumb-bells or strips will yield under a load without breaking. The pipe part consists of a polyolefin, preferably a polypropylene.

13-12-2005 дата публикации

An impeller assembly for a pump.

Номер: AP0000001508A

In a pump assembly, an impeller is urged from a free end of a shaft toward an inboard shoulder on the shaft. A compression assembly fits around the shaft intermediate the impeller and the shoulder, which has an oblique slide face. The compression assembly includes a radially outwardly expandable compression collar which is resistant to axial compression, and which includes an oblique slide face forming a first sliding interface with the oblique slide face of the shaft shoulder such that axial compression tends to expand the compression collar. Complemental oblique faces of respectively a constriction ring and the compression collar interface to form a second sliding interface oriented to promote relative sliding to allow the compression collar to expand.

31-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AP2002002670A0

31-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AP0200202670A0

31-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AP0200202670D0

15-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000243480A

15-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0019692000A

15-04-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum lösbaren Festhalten eins Schweißdrahts

Номер: AT0000513432A1

The invention relates to a device for detachably retaining a welding rod (9) in a welding rod guide (4). The device is characterised in that the welding rod guide (4) comprises a cage (5) for radially displaceable brake bodies (6), wherein the brake body (6) surrounds a locking cone (7) and in that of the two interacting function elements, formed on the one hand by the welding rod guide (4) and on the other by the locking cone (7), one is mounted in a holder (3) so as to be non-displaceable, and the other is mounted opposite the non-displaceable function element so as to be axially displaceable against a spring force.

15-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000127892T

26-11-1973 дата публикации

Butt joint of two construction units of ventilation systems

Номер: AT0000311615B

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000210258T

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Conduit joining apparatus

Номер: AU2008234410A1

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Material transfer system and method of transferring material

Номер: AU2013312393A1

The connector of the present invention provides a plurality of male and female connector portions in a plurality of geometric shapes and colors and specific key components that prevent the delivery of and mixing of incorrect and incompatible materials. A marking or label (25) that describes the material to be transferred is disposedly attached to the connector to improve safety and accuracy of the method of transfer of the material.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Separator device for heating system

Номер: AU2013264996A1

A separator device (10) for removing particles from suspension in a fluid comprises: a housing (12), having first and second apertures (96) for ingress and egress of fluid into and out of the housing (12); a first separator chamber (38) disposed at one end of the housing; a second separator chamber (40) disposed at the other end of the housing, and a central chamber disposed between the first and second separator chambers (38, 40), the first and second separator chambers (38, 40) being apertured for ingress and egress of fluid from the central chamber and each containing obstruction means to slow the flow of fluid within the chamber.

30-11-2000 дата публикации

Pipe coupling

Номер: AU0000727039B2

06-12-1999 дата публикации

Device for connecting two tubular elements

Номер: AU0003830499A

24-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1146727A

A clamp structure with a clamping band having open ends adapted to be mechanically interconnected by outwardly extending hooks in an inner band portion operable to engage in corresponding apertures provided in an outer band portion; at least one plastically deformable ear is provided in the clamp structure for tightening the clamping band about an object to be fastened by plastic deformation of the ear; a substantially gap-free transition in the circumferential direction from the inner band portion to the ring-like configuration of the clamp structure defined by the clamping band is obtained by the use of a tonguelike extension at the free end of the inner band portion which is operable to engage into a tongue-receiving aperture or channel provided in the outer band portion. In one embodiment, the mechanical connection consists of one suspension hook of tab-like configuration and one or more support hooks realized by cold-deformation and separated from the remaining band material by only ...

08-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1142371A

A b s t r a c t An arrangement in vertical tubular structures, such as rain-water drains and manholes, comprising a plurality of pipe sections placed one upon the other, for preventing the surrounding filling mass from penetrating the joints if the pipe sections move relative to one another. The arrangement comprises a sealing cuff arranged to be placed around the tubular structure in a manner such as to cover the joint between two mutually adjacent pipe sections, and to be pressed sealingly against the outer cylindrical surface of the two pipe sections. The sealing cuff is such as to permit a limited relative movement axially between the pipe sections. Suitably, a protective sleeve made of a rigid material is arranged around the pipe sections beneath the sealing cuff.

24-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002643351A1

03-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002655039C

A method and apparatus for securing an end fitting to a flexible pipe body are disclosed. The method includes the steps of securing an open end of a portion of flexible pipe body to an inner collar member (500), urging an open mouth of a body portion of an end fitting towards the flexible pipe body and inner collar member and securing the end fitting body portion to the inner collar member.

19-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2953462C
Принадлежит: OWEN OIL TOOLS LP

A quick connection for coiled tubing run tools eases the assembly and disassembly while deploying such tools. The quick connection utilizes a locking collet and an inner mandrel with locking sleeve system. Such a quick connection does not require perfect alignment between mating pieces.

29-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002976413C

The present invention relates to a submerged-motor-pump protection pumping-pipe for a deep well that can achieve safe construction of a pumping pipe to be installed in a deep well and stable pumping through a submerged motor pump. To achieve this, the present invention provides a submerged-motor-pump protection pumping-pipe for a deep well, comprising: a guide means for constructing a pumping pipe in a borehole, the pumping pipe including a first pipe to which a submerged motor pump is attached and second to nth pipes connected thereto; a packing that is divided into halves in the longitudinal direction to surround the first pipe and has first fixing parts formed on the upper and lower portion thereof, an extending part formed between the first fixing parts, and a longitudinal cutaway part formed on the surface thereof; a clamp band coupled to the first fixing parts to secure the packing to the pumping pipe; and a first coupling secured to the opposite ends of the packing through insertion ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002882577A1

The connector of the present invention provides a plurality of male and female connector portions in a plurality of geometric shapes and colors and specific key components that prevent the delivery of and mixing of incorrect and incompatible materials. A marking or label (25) that describes the material to be transferred is disposedly attached to the connector to improve safety and accuracy of the method of transfer of the material.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2873950C

A separator device (10) for removing particles from suspension in a fluid comprises: a housing (12), having first and second apertures (96) for ingress and egress of fluid into and out of the housing (12); a first separator chamber (38) disposed at one end of the housing; a second separator chamber (40) disposed at the other end of the housing, and a central chamber disposed between the first and second separator chambers (38, 40), the first and second separator chambers (38, 40) being apertured for ingress and egress of fluid from the central chamber and each containing obstruction means to slow the flow of fluid within the chamber.

10-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002029344A1

03-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002148431A1

The invention concerns a sealing arrangement for sealing conduits for gaseous or fluid agents, including a closable housing which fits sleeve-like around the conduit and a sealing member which comprises elastomer material, is arranged in the housing in an annular configuration and hag an annular bead which projects towards the wall of the conduit and has a sealing surface which can be applied against the wall . According to the invention the sealing member (8) has an annular gap (13) which subdivides the annular bead (12) in the axial direction into a first radial bead portion (14) at the inward side of the seal and a second radial bead portion (18) at the outward side of the seal, wherein the gap (13) extends from the sealing surface (15) into the annular bead (12) at such an inclination that an acute-angled sealing lip (21) is formed on the second radial bead portion (18) adjoining the gap (13). At the inward side of the seal the first radial bead (14) can have an axial annular groove ...

01-05-1924 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000103496A

01-02-1928 дата публикации

Schlauch- und Rohrverbindung.

Номер: CH0000124399A

31-03-1929 дата публикации

Rohrleitungselement mit Muffe und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung.

Номер: CH0000132097A

15-06-1932 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Abdichtung der Stossfugen an Betonrohrsträngen.

Номер: CH0000155201A

15-03-1933 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000160516A

30-11-1931 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000151015A
Принадлежит: F & P AECHERLI, F. & P. AECHERLI

15-03-1929 дата публикации

Rohrleitungselement mit Muffe und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung.

Номер: CH0000131880A

31-10-1940 дата публикации

Elément de canalisation.

Номер: CH0000211992A

17-12-1923 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000102596A

15-03-1965 дата публикации

Lösbare Muffenverbindung

Номер: CH0000389342A

28-02-1934 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000167580A

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Pipe clamp assembly with tightening element keeper

Номер: US20120146328A1

A pipe clamp assembly including a band having an inner annular seal element wrappable around a pipe, opposing clamp members extending from the band, tightening elements for clamping together the clamp members, the tightening elements passing through holders located at ends of the clamp members, and a keeper fastened to one of the holders at a first end of at least one of the tightening elements, the keeper having a cover portion that lies over the first end.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Pivoting Pipe Coupling Having a Movable Gripping Body

Номер: US20120256415A1
Автор: Douglas R. Dole
Принадлежит: Victaulic Co

A coupling for securing pipe elements together in end-to-end relation has segments joined at one end by a pivot attachment and at an opposite end by an adjustable connection member. The segments surround a central space which receives the pipe elements. A gripping body is captured between the segments. The segments have angularly oriented reaction surfaces. The gripping body has angularly oriented contact surfaces which interface with the reaction surfaces. When the segments are drawn toward each other by the connection members, interaction between the reaction surfaces and the contact surfaces forces the gripping body radially inwardly. Inwardly facing arcuate surfaces on the segments and the gripping body engage and retain the pipe elements. A method of inserting pipe elements into the coupling while the segments and the gripping body are supported on a seal is also disclosed.

31-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130025731A1
Автор: Spencer Nicholson

A coupling for attaching to an end of a tube, pipe, conduit or other round solid or hollow section. The coupling includes an inner body and a collar to be provided around the inner body. The inner body has an interior bore passing through at least a portion thereof to receive a tube and the bore has one or more interior annular protuberances extending into the bore. When the collar is provided around the inner body it applies a circumferential compressive force to deform the inner body such that the one or more annular protuberances engage the tube or the like to seal with it.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130099478A1

A machine, tooling and method for cold forming complex metal parts such as a banjo style hose fitting starting with a near net shape volume of wire and continuing with multiple forging blows and an intermediate rotation of the blank to produce a hose coupling shell end, a transition neck, a large counterbored annular coupling body and a perpendicular alignment tang. 14-. (canceled)5. A banjo style hose fitting comprising a cold formed metal part , the part including an extruded open end hollow , cylindrical shell at one end , a circular coupling body having opposed generally parallel faces and a counterbore open at each of said faces , and a round neck portion between the shell and coupling body , the shell neck and coupling body defining a common longitudinal axis of the fitting.6. A banjo style hose fitting as set forth in claim 5 , wherein the counterbore includes an end wall formed by shearing the wall of the counterbore.7. A banjo style hose fitting as set forth in claim 5 , including a locating tang projecting from the coupling body at a location opposite the neck.8. A banjo style hose fitting as set forth in claim 7 , wherein the tang is an extruded element having a diameter smaller than the diameter of the neck.9. A banjo style hose fitting as set forth in claim 8 , wherein the distal end of the tang is bent into an orientation parallel to an axis of the counterbore and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the fitting.1013-. (canceled) The invention relates to cold-forming complex metal parts and, in particular, seamless hollow parts having features developed on different axes.Multi-station or progressive cold-forging machines are well known. Up to now, as far as known, the versatility of such machines has been limited, inter alia, by the number of stations available in a given machine. When a part can be cold-formed from a metal blank that is at or near the volume of the finished part, sometimes referred to as net shape or near net shape, considerable ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Drill Pipe Connector and Method

Номер: US20130146305A1

A drill pipe connector assembly capable of connecting drill pipe segments without rotation. The assembly includes the pin end of a first drill pipe stabbed within the connector end of a second drill pipe. A connector nut is threadedly connected or snap locked to the connector end of the second drill pipe. The connector nut includes a retaining shoulder cooperating with a beveled shoulder on the pin end of the first drill pipe to retain the first drill pipe. The assembly includes seals to provide pressure integrity and prevent leaking. Cooperating rotational torque transfer profiles in the first and second drill pipes enable operational rotation of the drill string. 1. A drill pipe connector assembly , comprising:a first drill pipe segment including an outer surface, an inner surface, and a recess in said outer surface, said inner surface forming a first bore, said first drill pipe segment having a pin end with a first rotational torque transfer profile;a second drill pipe segment including an outer surface and an inner surface, said inner surface forming a second bore, said second drill pipe segment having a connector end adapted to receive said pin end of said first drill pipe segment within said second bore, wherein said inner surface of said connector end includes a second rotational torque transfer profile dimensioned to engage said first rotational torque transfer profile to transfer torque from said first drill pipe segment to said second drill pipe segment;a connector nut interconnecting said first drill pipe segment with said second drill pipe segment to achieve fluid communication between said first bore and said second bore, said connector nut including an outer surface, an inner surface, an upper section, a lower section, and a thru hole in said upper section, said lower section of said connector nut detachably affixed to said connector end of said second drill pipe segment, said upper section of said connector nut operatively retaining said pin end of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Compression Clamp

Номер: US20130186502A1
Принадлежит: Carl Brooks, Larry Mehlenbacher

Disclosed herein is a high compression pipe clamp which in one embodiment has a hollow rigid inner housing and a hollow rigid outer housing. The hollow rigid inner housing may have a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket. The hollow rigid outer housing may have a first end, and inner diameter and a second strap bracket wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing to fit thereover. A threaded rod is also disclosed, the threaded rod passing through the inner housing and outer housing and a threaded nut engaging the threads on the threaded rod.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193684A1
Автор: Bowie Angus George
Принадлежит: STATS (UK) LIMITED

A clamp has body portions adapted to be secured together and a longitudinally arranged seal device for sealing between the body portions. The seal device is located in a groove provided in an interface surface of one of the body portions and, in use, the seal device provides sealing between the clamp portions. 1. A clamp having a plurality of body portions adapted to be secured together , the clamp comprising:a longitudinally arranged seal device for sealing between body portions of the clamp.2. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the clamp comprises a single seal device.3. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the clamp comprises a plurality of seal devices.4. The clamp of claim 3 , wherein at least one seal device is provided on each body portion of the clamp.5. The clamp of claim 3 , wherein a plurality of seal devices are provided in one of the body portions.6. The clamp of claim 3 , wherein a seal device is provided for each interface between the body portions.7. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the body portions comprises a groove for receiving a seal device.8. The clamp of claim 7 , wherein the seal device comprises or defines a seal insert for location in the groove.9. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the seal device has an I-shaped cross section.10. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the seal device comprises at least one groove for receiving a seal element.11. The clamp of claim 10 , wherein the seal element comprises an o-ring seal.12. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein an annulus is provided between the seal elements.13. The clamp of claim 12 , wherein the annulus is accessed via a port.14. The clamp of claim 13 , wherein the port communicates with a groove.15. The clamp of claim 1 , further comprising flanges for facilitating connection between the body portions.16. The clamp of claim 1 , further comprising at least one end seal for providing sealing between the clamp and a pipe.17. The clamp of claim 16 , wherein the at least one end seal comprises a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Microfluidic Interconnect

Номер: US20130234432A1
Автор: Graham Craig

A microfluidic interconnect system and method for assembly thereof is described. The microfluidic interconnect has a port and a seal, with the port having a reverse taper. The port has a first port end, a second port end, and an inner port surface with a tapered portion. Each port end has an opening with a diameter, and in certain embodiments, the diameter of the first port end is smaller than the diameter of the second port end. The seal has a first end and a second end, and each seal end has a rim and an opening with an inner diameter and an outer diameter. The seal also has an inner surface and an outer surface, where in certain embodiments, each surface has a tapered portion. In certain embodiments, the inner diameter of the first seal end is equal to or larger than the inner diameter of the second seal end, the outer diameter of the first seal end is equal to or smaller than the outer diameter of the second seal end, and the outer diameter of the second seal end is larger than the outer diameter of each port end. In certain embodiments, a tube is slidably coupled to the inner surface of the seal, and the tube has an outer diameter that is equal to or larger than the inner diameter of the second seal end. 1. A microfluidic interconnect for use with an analytical instrument system , comprising:a) a port having a first port end, a second port end, and an inner port surface with a tapered portion, wherein each port end has an opening with a diameter, and further wherein the diameter of the first port end is smaller than the diameter of the second port end; i) wherein each seal surface has a tapered portion,', 'ii) wherein each seal end has a rim and an opening with an inner diameter and an outer diameter,', 'iii) and further wherein the inner diameter of the first seal end is equal to or larger than the inner diameter of the second seal end, the outer diameter of the first seal end is equal to or smaller than the outer diameter of the second seal end, and the outer ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Connecting structure for pressure piping

Номер: US20130285374A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention addresses the problem of connecting pressure piping in a fluid-tight manner on-site without requiring welding. A plurality of through holes (h 1 ) are provided in a cylindrical sleeve ( 1 a ) at separate locations in the lengthwise direction, and with identical angular intervals and without overlapping in the circumferential direction. Non-through holes (h 2 ) in which screw threads have been formed are provided in pressure piping (P 1 , P 2 ) at locations corresponding to the holes (h 1 ). An insert ( 2 a ) is provided with a pair of opposing annular faces (b 1 , b 2 ), and annular ring grooves (b 11 , b 21 ) are formed respectively in the annular faces (b 1 , b 2 ) to house O-rings ( 3 ). The insert ( 2 a ) is inserted into the sleeve ( 1 a ), after which the pressure piping (P 1 , P 2 ) are inserted one from either side into the interior of the sleeve ( 1 a ), bolts ( 4 ) are inserted into the plurality of holes (h 1 ) in the sleeve ( 1 a ), and screwed onto the screw threads of the pressure piping (P 1 , P 2 ).

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Angle connector for connecting a fluid sensor to a fluid line

Номер: US20130298637A1
Принадлежит: VERITAS AG

An angle connector for the connection of a fluid sensor connecting piece of a fluid sensor to a fluid line, with a line connection for connecting the fluid line and a connecting sleeve for holding of the fluid sensor connecting piece with positive locking.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Auxiliary wheel, unassisted lifting jack and apparatus for unlocking and locking self-locking device of auxiliary wheel

Номер: US20130300184A1
Автор: Lixin Zhou
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is an auxiliary wheel comprising a wheel hub and a tire. The auxiliary wheel is fixedly mounted on a wheel of an automotive vehicle in a manner that the auxiliary wheel and the wheel have a common rotary axis. The auxiliary wheel may further comprise one or more locking components located on the wheel hub, and the locking component is used to fix the auxiliary wheel on the wheel hub of the wheel, so that the auxiliary wheel is driven by the wheel hub of the wheel. The present invention further relates to an unassisted lifting jack used when the auxiliary wheel is mounted. The unassisted lifting jack comprises a climbing block and a supporting block connected in a rotary way, the climbing block and the supporting block have a common supporting bottom, and the climbing block has a slope provided to the auxiliary wheel for climbing.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Conveyance Joint

Номер: US20130327432A1

A transition fitting includes an exterior casing and a flexible fluid conveyance tube at least partially disposed radially interior the exterior casing. A stiffener is radially interior the flexible fluid conveyance tube. A first crimp extends radially interior from the interior surface of the exterior casing. A first annular retention device extends radially between the flexible fluid conveyance tube and the exterior casing and engages the first crimp. A gasket is disposed axially between the first annular retention device and a second annular retention device. A second crimp extends radially interior from the interior surface of the exterior casing and engages the second annular retention device. The second crimp secures the gasket between the first and second annular retention devices such that the gasket forms a fluid tight seal between the flexible fluid conveyance tube and the exterior casing. 1. A transition fitting comprising:an exterior casing having a first crimp extending radially interior from an interior surface of the exterior casing;a flexible fluid conveyance tube at least partially disposed radially interior the exterior casing such that a first end of the flexible fluid conveyance tube is located radially interior the exterior casing;a stiffener radially interior the flexible fluid conveyance tube, the stiffener engages the flexible fluid conveyance tube;a first annular retention device radially exterior the flexible fluid conveyance tube, the first annular retention device extending radially between the flexible fluid conveyance tube and the exterior casing, the first annular retention device engages the first crimp which prevents axial translation of the first annular retention device;a second annular retention device positioned axially to the flexible fluid conveyance tube and engages the flexible fluid conveyance tube, the second annular retention device extends radially in the direction of the exterior casing;a gasket disposed axially between ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Conductive Coupling Assembly

Номер: US20130327888A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for conducting an electrical current between a first transport member and a second transport member. In one illustrative embodiment, a coupling assembly comprises a first fitting associated with a first end of a first transport member, a second fitting associated with a second end of a second transport member, and a seal. The seal is configured for placement around the first fitting and the second fitting when the first end of the first transport member is positioned relative to the second end of the second transport member. The seal is further configured to seal an interface between the first transport member and the second transport member. The seal is comprised of a material configured such that the seal has a level of conductivity within a selected range and such that a conductive pathway is formed between the first transport member and the second transport member.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Composite Tubes for a Fluid Transport System

Номер: US20130328307A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for reducing an intensity of an electrical discharge that occurs within a fluid transport system in an aerospace vehicle. In one illustrative embodiment, an apparatus comprises a transport member. The transport member is configured for use in the fluid transport system. The transport member is comprised of a material configured to reduce voltages and currents, induced in response to an electromagnetic event, along the transport member.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Sealed fluidic component comprising a composite material of different paek materials

Номер: US20130341260A1
Автор: Bernhard Dehmer

A sealed fluidic component ( 280 ) for use in a fluidic flow path is made by providing a composite material ( 300 ) comprising a first material ( 305 ) and a second material ( 310 ), wherein the first material ( 305 ) and the second material ( 310 ) are different PAEK materials with the first material ( 305 ) having a lower melting point than the second material ( 310 ). The composite material ( 300 ) is heated in order to provide a sealing by the first material ( 305 ).

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Liquid dispenser with interchangeable heads and extension poles

Номер: US20130343802A1
Автор: John Vito
Принадлежит: Individual

A present invention liquid dispenser comprises a fluid transfer body, a reservoir with plunger, and an extender selectively attachable to the reservoir; the elongated tube shaped member has at least one wall that forms a forward rim and extends in a tubular fashion to a rearward end; the at least one wall also forms a longitudinal slot for receiving the handle of the plunger, or a lever attached to said handle; and the slot is disposed to allow the handle or lever to travel when a user pushes the handle of the plunger towards or away from the fluid transfer body end of the elongated reservoir.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023505A1

The device () can be housed coaxially inside a sleeve () in which the supplies are situated, and comprises: 1. A device for the blind coupling of fluidic , electrical or similar supplies to a receiving control mechanism such as an actuator-based control mechanism for a pitch control system for a turbomachine fan , said supplies being situated inside a cylindrical sleeve , and said mechanism outside the sleeve along the axis thereof , a hollow cylindrical body designed to fit inside the sleeve and accept the mechanism in the housing of the hollow body, and having passages for respectively connecting the supplies to the control mechanism;', 'a cover which is integrated or fixed, removably, on the front side of the cylindrical body and designed to connect the hidden supplies to the respective passages of the body; and', 'a ring for collecting and distributing provided on the rear side of the body, around the latter, and designed to connect the respective passages of the body to the control mechanism and to position the body, in axial abutment and in terms of rotation, relative to the sleeve., 'wherein the device is able to be housed coaxially inside the sleeve and comprises2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cylindrical body comprises at least two lateral passages formed in the lateral wall of the body and opening respectively claim 1 , at the front of the body claim 1 , into distinct cavities in communication with couplings of the cover claim 1 , and at the rear claim 1 , into radial communication orifices of the body facing and in communication with couplings of the ring.3. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in addition to the lateral passages claim 2 , the cylindrical body comprises an axial passage formed in a transverse wall of the body and opening claim 2 , at the front claim 2 , into a coupling of the cover and receiving claim 2 , at the rear claim 2 , inside the housing claim 2 , a tubular element for connection to the control ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Connection Assembly for Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

Номер: US20140026647A1

A fitting assembly having a nut, a ferrule, and a ferrule tip that may be assembled by an operator. The fitting assembly includes a nut with first and second ends, with the second end adapted to receive the first end of a ferrule, and a ferrule tip with a first end having an externally tapered portion adapted to abut the second end of the ferrule and a second end adapted to be received in a component or fitting of a liquid chromatography system. The nut, ferrule and ferrule tip of the fitting assembly have passageways therethrough for receiving and removably holding tubing. 1. A connection assembly for use an analytical instrument system , comprising:a) a component having a first end and a second end, and having a passageway therethrough, wherein said passageway has an internally tapered portion and a lip proximal said second end of said component;b) a ferrule having a first externally tapered end and a second end and having a passageway therethrough, wherein said first externally tapered end of said ferrule is adapted for engagement with said tapered portion of said passageway in said component; andc) a ferrule tip having a first externally tapered end, and a second externally tapered end, wherein said first externally tapered end has a, and wherein said first end of said ferrule tip is adapted for engagement with said second end of said ferrule within said passageway of said component, and said lip of said ferrule tip is adapted for engagement with said lip of said component.2. The connection assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said first externally tapered end of said ferrule comprises a plurality of members.3. The connection assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said ferrule and said ferrule tip may rotate independently.4. The connection assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said ferrule and said ferrule tip may actuate independently.5. The connection assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of an angle of said internally tapered ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Coupling Device

Номер: US20140041203A1

A coupling device may increase the integrity of a pipe joint. The coupling device may include a first pipe encircling device and a second pipe encircling device connected across the pipe joint by a spanning element. The pipe encircling device may be made up of at least two approximately c-shaped segments. The multi-part nature of the pipe encircling devices may facilitate installation of the coupling device at an excavation site. 1. A coupling device comprising;a first pipe encircling device and a second pipe encircling device;at least one spanning element reversibly coupling the first pipe encircling device and the second pipe encircling device;the first pipe encircling device and the second pipe encircling device comprising a first approximately c-shaped segment and a second approximately c-shaped segment, the first approximately c-shaped segments reversibly assembled with the second approximately c-shaped segment into the encircling device;the first pipe encircling pipe device dimensioned to encircle a first pipe and the second pipe encircling device dimensioned to encircle a second pipe;the first pipe comprising a mating end and the second pipe comprising a mating end;the mating end of the first pipe dimensioned to be mated with the mating end of the second pipe at a pipe joint;the first pipe and the second pipe further comprising at least one corrugation, the corrugation comprising a trough and a peak;the first pipe encircling device dimensioned for positioning within the trough of the corrugation of the first pipe and the second pipe encircling device dimensioned for positioning within the trough of the corrugation of the second pipe;the fastener capable of reversibly coupling the first pipe encircling device and the second pipe encircling device across the pipe joint.2. The coupling device of claim 1 , the spanning element further comprising a first fastener segment and a second fastener segment reversibly connected by a spanner coupling.3. The coupling ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054865A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A sealing device with a bearing unit for a distribution apparatus for media may include a shaft sleeve arranged in a stationary manner and inside which at least one supply line for a medium can be guided and a housing rotatable with respect to the shaft sleeve and arranged radially outside the shaft sleeve with respect to a rotation axis of the housing. The bearing unit bears the housing such that it can rotate with respect to the shaft sleeve, and the bearing unit is offset with respect to the sealing device in the direction of the rotation axis. 1. Sealing device with a bearing unit for a distribution apparatus for media , the sealing device comprising:a shaft sleeve arranged in a stationary manner and inside which at least one supply line for a medium can be guided; anda housing rotatable with respect to the shaft sleeve and arranged radially outside the shaft sleeve with respect to a rotation axis of the housing,wherein the bearing unit bears the housing such that it can rotate with respect to the shaft sleeve, the bearing unit being offset with respect to the sealing device in the direction of the rotation axis.2. Sealing device with a bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing unit is arranged above the sealing device.3. Sealing device with a bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the bearing unit is spaced apart from the sealing device in the direction of the rotation axis by means of connecting pins.4. Sealing device with a bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing device is a sliding ring seal.5. Sealing device with a bearing unit according to claim 1 , wherein a barrier medium can be guided between the shaft sleeve and the housing in a radial direction with respect to the rotation axis.6. Sealing device with a bearing unit according to claim 5 , further comprising a distributor block below the sealing device claim 5 , distributor block guiding the barrier medium in the radial direction with respect to the rotation axis.7. ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084583A1
Принадлежит: A. RAYMOND ET CIE

A hollow conduit is provided. In another aspect, a quick connector, suitable to carry fluid therethrough, is made of layers of material, a light curable material and/or multiple built-up materials. Another aspect uses a three-dimensional printing machine to emit material from an ink jet printing head to build up a conduit. 1. A method of making a conduit adapted for carrying fluid , the method comprising:(a) depositing a layer of material onto a support surface;(b) depositing subsequent layers of the material upon each prior layer until the conduit is completely created;(c) creating the conduit to comprise a hollow bore extending inside an outer wall made of the material with at least one die-locked bend therein between a female end and a male end of the conduit, as part of the depositing steps;(d) surrounding at least a majority of the conduit with a gas during the depositing and creating steps;(e) curing the conduit so that the layers of the material bond together; and(f) removing the completed conduit from the support surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the conduit is a liquid carrying tube-connector claim 1 , the method further comprising using the deposited layers to create the female end and the opposite male end of a smaller cross-sectional dimension than the female end.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising using the deposited layers to create a flexible coupling and a rigid insert substantially simultaneously with the tube connector in the same machine cycle claim 2 , at least part of the coupling and at least part of the insert being created inside the female end claim 2 , the insert being hollow claim 2 , and the insert being removeable from the coupling and female end after the curing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is air claim 1 , the bore inside the conduit includes at least two turns claim 1 , and the wall is a single piece.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising flowing the material from a head positioned above the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096355A1

A fluid coupler () for aligned engagement of fluid connectors (), comprising a support member (); a floating first connector member () housed in the support member () and engageable to a second connector member (); a piston member () axially slidable in the support member () and actuatable to push the first connector member () at pressurisation of a fluid circuit. 1. A fluid coupler for aligned engagement of fluid connectors , comprising: a support member;a floating first connector member housed in the support member and engageable to a second connector member; anda piston member axially slidable in the support member.2. The fluid coupler of wherein the piston member is axially slidable to push the first connector member when engaged to the second connector member into abutting engagement with the support member.3. The fluid coupler of comprising an alignment gap between the support member and the first connector member for floating movement of the first connector member.4. The fluid coupler of claim wherein the floating movement of the first connector member includes radial movement relative to the support member.5. The fluid coupler of claim 3 , wherein the floating movement of the first connector member includes pivotal movement relative to the support member.6. The fluid coupler of comprising a compressible element positioned between the support member and the first connector member to return the first connector member to a neutral position after disengagement from the second connector member.7. The fluid coupler of claim 1 , wherein the first connector member includes a fluid connector mounted in a fluid connector sleeve.8. The fluid coupler of claim 1 , wherein the piston member is pivotable in the support member.9. The fluid coupler of comprises further including a piston seal positioned between the piston member and the support member and configured for pivotal movement of the piston member.1016. The fluid coupler of further including a thrust seal disposed ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000017A1
Автор: Johnson Chad M.

An agricultural planter includes a chassis; a pneumatic system carried by the chassis; and a row unit carried by the chassis. The row unit includes: a unit body; a metering unit carried by the unit body and having a port with a channel formed therein; a flexible coupling locked onto the port by an inner lip formed on an inner surface of the coupling, the coupling having a sliding region formed on an outer surface of said coupling; a locking ring bound within the sliding region of the coupling, the locking ring being slidable across the sliding region between a locked position and an unlocked position, the locking ring preventing the coupling from deforming to allow the inner lip off the port in the locked position; and a hose connecting the pneumatic system to the channel of the port through the coupling. 1. An agricultural planter , comprising:a chassis;a pneumatic system carried by said chassis; and a unit body;', 'a metering unit carried by said unit body and having a port with a channel formed therein;', 'a flexible coupling locked onto said port by an inner lip formed on an inner surface of said coupling, said coupling having a sliding region formed on an outer surface of said coupling;', 'a locking ring bound within said sliding region of said coupling, said locking ring being slidable across said sliding region between a locked position and an unlocked position, said locking ring preventing said coupling from deforming to allow said inner lip off said port in said locked position; and', 'a hose connecting said pneumatic system to said channel of said port through said coupling., 'at least one row unit carried by said chassis, said row unit including2. The agricultural planter according to claim 1 , wherein said sliding region is defined between a coupling lip formed on said outer surface and an enlarged diameter portion of said coupling.3. The agricultural planter according to claim 2 , wherein said coupling includes a locking projection formed on said outer ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Air Intake Assembly and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20200001218A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Flow Engineering Inc

Disclosed herein are air intake assemblies for internal combustion engines. In some embodiments, an air intake assembly includes an air filter configured to produce filtered air, a sealed filter housing configured to house the air filter therein, and an intake tube configured to convey the filtered air to an internal combustion engine. The filter housing includes an air intake port configured to provide intake air to the air filter. The air filter is configured to remove particulate matter from the intake air and produce the filtered air. The air filter includes a multi-component coupling interface configured to accept an intake-end portion of the intake tube in the coupling interface. The filter housing includes an aperture configured to accept the coupling interface of the air filter in the aperture. Also disclosed herein are methods of the air intake assemblies.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Air Intake Assembly and Methods Thereof

Номер: US20200001219A1

Disclosed herein are air intake assemblies for internal combustion engines. In some embodiments, an air intake assembly includes an air filter configured to produce filtered air, a sealed filter housing configured to house the air filter therein, and an intake tube configured to convey the filtered air to an internal combustion engine. The filter housing includes an air intake port configured to provide intake air to the air filter. The air filter is configured to remove particulate matter from the intake air and produce the filtered air. The air filter includes a multi-component coupling interface configured to accept an intake-end portion of the intake tube in the coupling interface. The filter housing includes an aperture configured to accept the coupling interface of the air filter in the aperture. Also disclosed herein are methods of the air intake assemblies. 1. An air intake assembly for an internal combustion engine , comprising:an air filter configured to remove particulate matter from intake air to produce filtered air, the air filter including a multi-component coupling interface;a sealed filter housing configured to house the air filter therein, the filter housing including an aperture and an air intake port configured to provide the intake air to the air filter;an intake tube configured to convey the filtered air to the internal combustion engine; and wherein the coupling interface of the air filter is configured to accept an intake-end portion of the intake tube in the coupling interface, and', 'wherein the aperture of the filter housing is configured to accept the coupling interface of the air filter in the aperture., 'a service-determination enabling means for enabling a person to determine whether or not the air filter should be serviced,'}2. The air intake assembly of claim 1 , wherein the service-determination enabling means includes a window disposed in or over a window opening in a side or a top of the filter housing.3. The air intake assembly ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001683A1

A block fitting and seal structure for an air conditioning system includes a male block fitting and a female block fitting. The male block fitting includes an axially extending protuberant portion. A distal end of the protuberant portion has a tapered portion formed thereon. A female block fitting includes a recessed portion with a tapered portion formed therein. The tapered portion of the female block fitting is configured to engage the tapered portion of the male block fitting. An annular seal is disposed between the male block fitting and the female block fitting. The seal provides an axial seal and a radial seal between the male block fitting and the female block fitting. 1. A block fitting and seal structure for an air conditioning system comprising:a male block fitting adapted to be received in a female block component of the air conditioning system, the male block fitting including an axially extending protuberant portion; andan annular seal disposed about the protuberant portion, the seal configured to cooperate with the male block fitting and the female block component to provide an axial seal and a radial seal between the male block fitting and the female block component.2. The block fitting and seal structure of claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the protuberant portion has a tapered portion formed thereon claim 1 , the tapered portion configured to engage a tapered portion of the female block component to form a secondary seal.3. The block fitting and seal structure of claim 1 , wherein an annular protuberance is formed on the protuberant portion of the male block fitting claim 1 , and wherein the seal engages the annular protuberance to form a portion of the axial seal.4. The block fitting and seal structure of claim 1 , wherein the protuberant portion is divided into a first segment having a first outer diameter claim 1 , a second segment having a second outer diameter less than the first outer diameter claim 1 , and a third segment having a diameter ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003387A1
Принадлежит: DAISEN CO., LTD.

A fluid fitting of an embodiment mainly includes: a first connecting part connected to a supply path through which compressed air is supplied; a second connecting part connected to a use path through which the compressed air is used; a rotary fitting body by which the first connecting part and the second connecting part are rotatably connected; and a third connecting part rotatably connected to the second connecting part. Further, the rotary fitting body is capable of rotating such that the first connecting part can bend at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the second connecting part. 1. A fluid fitting to be rotatably interposed between paths for connecting a fluid supply source and a fluid using device , comprising:a first connecting part disposed in such a way as to communicate with one of the fluid supply source and the fluid using device;a second connecting part disposed in such a way as to communicate with the other of the fluid supply source and the fluid using device; anda rotary fitting body disposed between the first connecting part and the second connecting part and configured to rotate, whereinthe rotary fitting body includes a first fitting part and a second fitting part rotatably joined to the first fitting part,a dividing surface by which the first fitting part and the second fitting part are divided is inclined from an axial direction of the first fitting part and the second fitting part, andan outer periphery of the dividing surface has a circular shape.2. The fluid fitting according to claim 1 , wherein a bearing is disposed between the first fitting part and the second fitting part.3. The fluid fitting according to claim 1 , further comprising a third connecting part rotatably connected to one of the first connecting part and the second connecting part.4. The fluid fitting according to claim 3 , wherein a width of an opening of a portion of any one of the first connecting part and the second connecting part connected to the third connecting ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003388A1

A flexible coupling includes a liner, a bellow, and a liner sleeve preferably defined by a compressed woven mesh strip spirally wound around the liner between bellow and liner and moveable longitudinally with respect to the bellow and liner when the coupling expands linearly. An alternate sleeve in the form of a cylinder is disposed about the liner, under the bellow and is formed of a woven non-compressed mesh. 1. A flexible coupling for connecting first and second pipes , said coupling comprising:a flexible liner having an elongated axis;a flexible bellow oriented radially around said flexible liner;a flexible liner sleeve interposed between said liner and said bellow;said sleeve comprising a flexible strip wound spirally about said liner;said strip having adjacent elongated edges;said strip being moveable in a direction parallel to said axis with respect to both said bellow and said liner.2. A coupling as in wherein said liner sleeve is moveable radially in a direction of movement with radial movement of said axis.3. A coupling as in wherein edges of said flexible strip of said liner sleeve are abutting when the coupling is compressed and are at least spaced apart along portions of said liner sleeve upon one of elongating and bending of said coupling.4. A coupling as in wherein said liner sleeve comprises an elongated metallic mesh in the configuration of a cylinder.5. A coupling as in having an air gap between said liner sleeve and said bellow.6. A coupling as in wherein one side of said liner sleeve engages said liner and another side of said liner sleeve engages portions of said bellow.7. A flexible coupling for connecting first and second pipes claim 1 , said coupling comprising:a flexible liner having an elongated axis;a flexible bellow oriented above said axis;a flexible liner sleeve oriented between said bellow and said axis in contact with said liner;said liner sleeve comprising a flexible mesh material in the configuration of a cylinder;said sleeve ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003390A1

A quick coupling for the flexible tube supplying seeds from a storage bin to row crop units in a row crop seed planter. The quick coupling has an outer annular element with a bayonet connection and a central bore which receives an annular insert having two arcuate sections and holding the flexible tube in place through barbs. The inserts are removable from the outer annular coupling by means of a detent at which point the arcuate sections may be easily removed from the flexible tube. 1. A quick coupling for a flexible tube , said coupling comprising:an outer annular coupling element having a quick disconnect attachment feature, and a central bore; and,an annular insert having at least two arcuate sections forming an outer annular surface received within said central bore and an inner annular surface with a diameter sized to receive the end of the flexible tube, the outer surface of said insert and the central bore of said outer annular coupling element cooperating to form a detent for removable retention of said insert and the tube within said outer annular coupling element.2. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 1 , having two arcuate sections for said annular insert.3. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said two arcuate sections are connected by an axially directed hinge.4. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the edges of the arcuate sections remote from said hinge have an overlap.5. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said detent comprises a protrusion on one of said outer annular coupling and said annular insert with a recess on the other of said outer annular coupling and said annular insert.6. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 5 , wherein in the protrusion is a ramp formed on the central bore of said annular coupling and projecting inward claim 5 , said annular insert having a recessed section around its outer periphery for receiving said protrusion.7. The quick coupling as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003395A1

A push-on pipe joint for connecting polyethylene water pipes comprises a hollow tubular body portion () having a central parallel-sided section () of internal diameter greater than that of the pipe and having a central inwardly extending pipe-stopping flange () for limiting insertion of the pipe, an inwardly tapered section () at each end of the central portion () and a further parallel sided end section () at the end of the tapered sections () of diameter such as to allow insertion of the pipe into the joint until it contacts the flange (); a plurality of equidistantly spaced pipe-gripping members () inside the pipe joint and comprising a wedge section () having one surface () in sliding contact with the surface of the tapered section () and having ratchet teeth () on its opposite surface; means for forcing the wedge section () along the surface of the tapered section () to bring the ratchet teeth () into contact with, and to penetrate the surface of, the pipe; and a sealing ring (() located in a groove () towards the open end of the end sections () for forming a seal against the wall of a pipe inserted in the pipe joint. 1. A push-on pipe joint for connecting polyethylene water pipes comprising:a hollow tubular body portion having a central parallel-sided section of internal diameter greater than that of the pipe and having a central inwardly extending pipe-stopping flange for limiting insertion of the pipe, an inwardly tapered section at each end of the central portion and a further parallel sided end section at the end of the tapered sections of diameter such as to allow insertion of the pipe into the joint until it contacts the flange;a plurality of equidistantly spaced pipe-griping members inside the pipe joint and comprising a wedge section having one surface in sliding contact with the surface of the tapered section and having ratchet teeth on its opposite surface;means for forcing the wedge section along the surface of the tapered section to bring the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Gas-Fired Tube Swaged Joint

Номер: US20160003559A1

A heat exchange system for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) may comprise a burner box, a hot collector box, and a heat exchanger tube. The heat exchanger tube may be disposed between, and in fluid communication with, the hot collector box and the burner box. The heat exchanger tube may be rigidly connected to at least one of the hot collector box or burner box by a swaged joint. 1. A heat exchange system for heating , ventilation , and air conditioning (HVAC) comprising:a burner box;a hot collector box;a heat exchanger tube that is disposed between, and in fluid communication with, the hot collector box and the burner box, wherein the heat exchanger tube is rigidly connected to at least one of the hot collector box or burner box by a swaged joint.2. The heat exchange system of claim 1 , further comprising:a circulation air blower;an air and fuel mixing unit that is configured to be in fluid communication with the burner box; anda burner that is configured to be in fluid communication with the burner box, wherein the burner is gas-fired and is configured to be in fluid communication with a gas flow that is an at least partially combined mixture of air and fuel.3. The heat exchange system of claim 2 , wherein the air and fuel mixing unit is configured to combine a received predefined volumetric flow rate of air and a predefined volumetric flow rate of fuel such that the gas flow that is an at least partially combined mixture of air and fuel is in fluid communication with the burner.4. The heat exchange system of claim 2 , wherein the swaged joint is configured to maintain a seal during cyclical temperature loads of thermal heating and cooling claim 2 , and wherein the swaged joint comprises a fluid contour section that is configured to at least one of control down-stream heat release from the gas flow or at least partially shape a combustion fluid exiting the burner.5. The heat exchange system of claim 2 , wherein the swaged joint is radially swaged ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003333A1
Принадлежит: STRAUB WERKE AG

Disclosed is a pipe coupling or a pipe clamp which has an outer clamp band with an outer longitudinal slot, an inner clamp band with an inner longitudinal slot and a tensioning mechanism arranged on the outer clamp band. The inner longitudinal slot is offset in relation to the outer longitudinal slot. A separate flat spanning element is provided on the inner clamp band in order to span the inner longitudinal slot. The spanning element extends from one side of the inner longitudinal slot towards the other side of said longitudinal slot. 1. A pipe coupling for connecting two pipe ends or a pipe clamp for sealing a defective pipe comprising:an outer clamp band which has at least one outer longitudinal slot with mutually opposite outer longitudinal slot sides,{'b': 21', '81', '83, 'an inner clamp band which has at least one inner longitudinal slot with mutually opposite inner longitudinal slot sides, and at least one tensioning mechanism (; , ) arranged on the outer clamp band for reducing the inner diameter of the clamp bands,'}wherein the at least one inner longitudinal slot is arranged offset with respect to the outer longitudinal slot wherein at least one separate flat spanning element is provided to span the inner longitudinal slot on the inner clamp band which extends from one inner longitudinal slot side in the direction of the other inner longitudinal slot side.2. The pipe coupling or pipe clamp according to claim 1 , wherein at least one flat spanning element is fixed on one side on the inner clamp band.3. The pipe coupling or pipe clamp according to claim 1 , wherein in that the inner clamp band is fixed on the outer clamp band.4. The pipe coupling or pipe clamp according to claim 1 , wherein in that the inner clamp band is configured at least in two parts claim 1 , and each inner clamp band part is fixed on the outer clamp band.5. The pipe coupling or pipe clamp according to claim 4 , at each inner longitudinal slot respectively one spanning element is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003336A1
Автор: Chen Chi-Wen

A fitting structure is provided for supply of gas and connectable between an air supply tube in the form of a hose or a plastic pipe and an air outlet of an air compressor and includes a fitting and a thermal insulation tube. The fitting includes a first coupling opening connectable with the air outlet of the air compressor and a second coupling opening connectable with the air supply tube. The thermal insulation tube has a first end part fixed inside the second coupling opening of the fitting and a second end part extending outside the second coupling opening such that a portion of the thermal insulation tube that extends outside the second coupling opening is received in the interior of the air supply tube. High-temperature air from the air compressor is conducted through the thermal insulation tube into the air supply tube without being directly applied to the fitting. 1. A fitting structure for supply of gas , which is adapted to be mounted to an air outlet of an air compressor to receive air discharged from the air compressor , the fitting structure comprising:a fitting, which has an end forming a first coupling opening and an opposite end forming a second coupling opening, the first coupling opening being connectable with the air outlet of the air compressor, the second coupling opening being connectable with an air supply tube by having an end of the air supply tube fit over and coupled to the second coupling end of the fitting; anda thermal insulation tube, which is mounted to the fitting, the thermal insulation tube having an end forming a first end part and an opposite end forming a second end part, the first end part being fixed inside the second coupling opening of the fitting, the second end part being arranged to extend outside the second coupling opening such that a portion of the thermal insulation tube that extends outside the second coupling opening is received in interior of the air supply tube and has a distal tip of the second end part located ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Conduit fitting with components adapted for facilitating assembly

Номер: US20200003345A1
Принадлежит: Swagelok Co

A subassembly for a conduit fitting includes a first ferrule and a second ferrule alignable relative to an axis. The first ferrule includes a camming surface at a back portion thereof, and the second ferrule includes a surface that contacts the camming surface when the first ferrule and the second ferrule are axially moved together along the axis. A retaining structure retains the first ferrule and the second ferrule together as a subassembly, and includes a flange extending radially outward and axially rearward from the back portion of the first ferrule to define an outer diameter recess. The flange includes an end portion that extends radially inward to define an inner diameter recess retaining a forward portion of the second ferrule. The outer diameter recess and the inner diameter recess together define a hinge portion of the flange.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Gland assembly

Номер: US20220018472A1
Автор: Aurelian Ioan Furcoiu
Принадлежит: Mueller International LLC

A method for using a gland assembly includes sliding a gland assembly over an end of a pipe, the pipe defining an outer surface, the gland assembly comprising a gland, a joint restraint assembly, and a gasket, the joint restraint assembly comprising a gripper and a spring, the spring configured to engage the gripper and the gasket; inserting the end of the pipe into a socket of a piping element; fastening the gland to the piping element; disabling a deactivation mechanism of the joint restraint assembly; and engaging the joint restraint assembly with the outer surface of the pipe to prevent removal of the pipe from the piping element.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009916A1
Автор: Sorkin Felix

An embodiment is directed to a duct coupler for joining two segments of conduit. The duct coupler includes a coupler body. The coupler body is generally tubular and has an inner diameter generally corresponding to the outer diameter of a section of conduit measured at an annular locking rib positioned on the section of conduit. The duct coupler further includes one or more protrusions formed on the interior surface of the coupler body. Each protrusion is generally wedge shaped. The one or more protrusions are positioned to engage with at least one annular locking rib to retain the section of conduit within the coupler body. The duct coupler further includes a body gasket. The body gasket is generally tubular and positioned on the interior surface of the coupler body. The body gasket is positioned to form a seal between the inner wall of the coupler body and the outer wall of the section of conduit. 1. A duct coupler for joining two segments of conduit , the duct coupler comprising:a coupler body, the coupler body having a first end and a second end, the coupler body adapted to receive a segment of conduit at the first end and a second segment of conduit at the second end, the coupler body being symmetrical, the coupler body being tubular and having an inner diameter corresponding to an outer diameter of each of the sections of conduit measured at an annular locking rib positioned on each of the sections of conduit;one or more wedge-shaped protrusions formed on an interior surface of the coupler body at the first end of the coupler body, the one or more protrusions positioned to engage with the annular locking rib to retain the section of conduit within the coupler body at the first end;one or more wedge-shaped protrusions formed on the interior surface of the coupler body at the second end of the coupler body, the one or more protrusions positioned to engage with the annular locking rib to retain the section of conduit within the coupler body at the second end; anda ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Pipe Coupling

Номер: US20170009923A1
Автор: Chavan René

The coupling for connecting an end of a first tubular member () to a part () comprises a sleeve (), at least two bushings () said bushings being coupled to said tubular member by spreading means, compression means () acting on said bushings and able to compress said end of said first tubular member against said part through their coupling with the tubular member, wherein when said compression means compress said bushings, said bushings are moved away from said end of said first tubular member against an inner side of said sleeve by said spreading means. 120-. (canceled)21. A pipe coupling for connecting an end of a first tubular member to a part , the pipe coupling comprising:a sleeve;at least two bushings, the bushings being coupled to the first tubular member by spreading means; anda compression device that acts on the bushings and is configured to compress the end of the first tubular member against the part through a coupling with the first tubular member;wherein the bushings and the sleeve are configured such that when the compression device compresses the bushings, the bushings are moved away from the end of the first tubular member against an inner side of the sleeve by the spreading means.22. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 21 , wherein the part includes a second tubular member.23. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 21 , wherein the part includes a container.24. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 21 , wherein the sleeve is formed by a receiving bore of the part.25. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 23 , wherein the sleeve is formed by a flanged housing sleeve.26. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 21 , wherein the end of the first tubular member includes a concentric groove configured to retain a gasket.27. The pipe coupling as defined in claim 21 , wherein the end of the first tubular member includes two concentric grooves claim 21 , each of the two concentric grooves configured to retain a gasket claim 21 , or each end of the first ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010775A1

A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a substantially tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough. The coupling apparatus has a coupling body and at least one adapter. The coupling body has a passageway extending therethrough and at least one leg having at least one annular groove. The adapter has a passageway extending therethrough and a radially extending inward portion for engaging the annular groove on the leg of the coupling body for connecting the adapter to the coupling body. The adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus. 1. A coupling apparatus that is attachable to a tubular element having a passageway extending therethrough , comprising:a coupling body having a passageway extending therethrough and having at least two substantially similar legs, each leg having at least two annular grooves, wherein one of the at least two annular grooves is wider and shallower than the other annular groove; andat least one adapter having a passageway extending therethrough and an integrally formed, radially extending inward portion for frictionally engaging at least one of the at least two annular grooves of one of the at least two legs of the coupling body for connecting the at least one adapter to the coupling body, wherein the at least one adapter is connectable to the tubular element for forming a continuous passageway through the coupling apparatus.2. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body is molded from glass reinforced polybutylene terephthalate plastic.3. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has two legs that extend at a substantially right angle with respect to each other.4. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a substantially linear configuration with two legs extending substantially coaxially with respect to each other.5. The coupling apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the coupling body has a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010719A1

A seal assembly for an HVAC system includes a first block having a first aperture and a first sealing surface, a second block having a second aperture and a second sealing, and a conduit having a tube portion with an axially extending aperture and a flange extending radially outwardly from an end of the tube portion. The tube portion is disposed within the first aperture of the first block and the flange is disposed between the first sealing surface of the first block and the second sealing surface of the second block and is configured to deform when compressed therebetween. The seal assembly further includes an insert providing fluid communication between the aperture of the tube portion and the second aperture of the second block. A first end of the insert is received in the aperture of the tube portion of the conduit. 1. A seal assembly comprising:a first block having a first aperture and a first sealing surface extending radially outwardly from an end of the first aperture;a second block having a second aperture and a second sealing surface extending radially outwardly from an end of the second aperture;a conduit having a tube portion with an axially extending aperture and a flange extending radially outwardly from an end of the tube portion, the tube portion disposed within the first aperture of the first block and the flange disposed between the first sealing surface of the first block and the second sealing surface of the second block and configured to deform when compressed therebetween; andan insert providing fluid communication between the aperture of the tube portion and the second aperture of the second block.2. The seal assembly of claim 1 , wherein a first end of the insert is received in the aperture of the tube portion and a second end of the insert is received in the second aperture of the second block.3. The seal assembly of claim 2 , wherein an annular bead circumscribes an outer surface of the insert intermediate the first end and the second end ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010622A1

Methods, devices, and systems for a universal pipe sleeve junction for an aspirated smoke detection system are described herein. In some examples, one or more embodiments include a sleeve body having an outer surface and an inner surface, the inner surface defining an opening through the sleeve body, wherein the sleeve body further includes a first end surface and a second end surface opposite the first end surface, and a nozzle having an outer surface and an inner surface, the inner surface of the nozzle defining an opening through the nozzle and extending through to the inner surface of the sleeve body, where the nozzle opening is configured to couple with a pipe sleeve attachment mechanism.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010623A1
Автор: Bunn, SR. Keith R.

A pipe system for transporting liquid. The pipe system connects adjacent pipes and includes a pipe having a coupler cup formed in an end thereof. The coupler cup is configured for receiving and end of a second pipe therein. The pipe system includes a coupler cap adapted to snap onto the coupler cup. The coupler cap also has an opening for receiving the second pipe therethrough to couple the first pipe and the second pipe. A seal is disposed between the coupler cap and the coupler cup to provide a sealed pipe system. 1. A pipe system for connecting adjacent pipes comprising:a first pipe having a coupler cup formed in an end thereof, the coupler cup including a first engagement surface on an exterior surface thereof, the coupler cup configured for receiving an end of a second pipe therein;a coupler cap defining an interior surface and an exterior surface and comprising a second engagement surface on the interior surface, the coupler cap configured and arranged to have a snap fit connection with the coupler cup, the coupler cap disposed around the exterior surface of the coupler cup and having a central opening for receiving the second pipe therethrough; anda release ring disposed around the exterior surface of the coupler cup and beneath the coupler cap,wherein the second engagement surface is adapted to engage the first engagement surface when the coupler cap is snapped onto the coupler cup, and the release ring configured to disengage the second engagement surface from the first engagement surface when moved toward the coupler cap to remove the coupler cap from the coupler cup.2. The pipe system of claim 1 , the coupler cap including a sidewall and a plurality of flex tabs defined by a plurality of spaced slots in the sidewall claim 1 , the flex tabs configured to flex outwardly.3. The pipe system of claim 2 , the exterior surface of the coupler cup including an angled surface claim 2 , the interior surface of the coupler cap including an angled surface claim 2 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Coupling assembly for elongate elements

Номер: US20200011140A1
Автор: Olav Olsen
Принадлежит: Torsion Tools Co AS

A coupling assembly for elongate elements ( 1, 2 ) comprises a pin member ( 5 ) and a box member ( 6 ), said pin and box members having complementary and respective frusto-conical pin and box mating surfaces ( 12, 13 ). A bore ( 9; 9 ′) has as a first opening a port ( 9 a ) configured for connection to an injection fluid reservoir ( 10 ) and a second opening ( 9 b ) penetrating the pin mating surface ( 12 ) or the box mating surface ( 13 ). The surfaces ( 12, 13 ) may be plain surfaces without helical threads or other pronounced protrusions configured for mating engagement, but comprise a textured finish in order to augment static friction between the surfaces ( 12, 13 ) when the surfaces are connected. The pin surface may comprise a plurality of pin protruding portions ( 18 1-n ) separated by pin recessed portions ( 19 1-n ), and the box surface ( 13 ) comprise a plurality of box protruding portions ( 20 1-n ) separated by box recessed portions ( 21 1-n ). The pin protruding portions ( 18 n ) are shaped and dimensioned to fit into a designated box recessed portion ( 21 n ), and the box protruding portions ( 20 n ) are shaped and dimensioned to fit into a designated pin recessed portion ( 19 n ).

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011458A1
Принадлежит: CAILLAU

The device includes a sealing sleeve suitable for being disposed around the facing ends of two tubes and a clamping sleeve inside which the sealing sleeve extends. One of the elements constituted by the sealing sleeve and by the clamping sleeve has at least one retaining member suitable for co-operating in axial retention inside the clamping sleeve with a retaining surface of one of the tubes, which retaining surface is covered by the clamping sleeve. 1. A coupling device for coupling together two aligned tubes in sealed manner , the device comprising a sealing sleeve suitable for being disposed around the facing ends of the two tubes , and a clamping sleeve inside which the sealing sleeve extends ,one of the sealing sleeve and the clamping sleeve having at least one retaining member suitable for co-operating in axial retention inside the clamping sleeve with a retaining surface of one of the tubes, which retaining surface is covered by the clamping sleeve.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the retaining member has a cam surface suitable for co-operating with the retaining surface while the tube that has said retaining surface and said one of the sealing sleeve and the clamping sleeve that has the retaining member are being moved in rotation relative to each other claim 1 , in a direction tending to disengage the axial retention.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sealing sleeve has two sealing arrangements that are spaced apart axially claim 1 , and the retaining member is disposed axially between the two sealing arrangements.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the retaining member is carried by the sealing sleeve and is situated in a region of said sealing sleeve that is covered by the clamping sleeve.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the retaining member is mounted inside the clamping sleeve and passes through a window in the sealing sleeve.6. The device according to claim 1 , the retaining member comprises a catch that ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011459A1
Принадлежит: STRAUB WERKE AG

A pipe coupling for connecting two pipe ends includes: a clamp band which has a longitudinal slot, an inner housing arranged therein, and a clamping mechanism for reducing the internal diameter of the clamp band. The clamp band is designed as a flat single piece and has an outer band portion and inner band portions which are connected to the outer band portion via at least one connection. A connection assembly is provided for securing the inner housing in the clamp band, where the connection assembly includes a first connection part and a second connection part. The first connection part extends into the second connection part, and at least one of the connection parts of the connection assembly is designed to connect the at least first outer band portion to the at least first inner band portion of the clamp band. 110110210310410510. A pipe coupling (; ; ; ; ; ) for connecting two pipe ends , comprising:{'b': 20', '120', '220', '320', '420', '520', '40', '140', '240', '340', '440', '441', '540', '20', '120', '220', '320', '420', '520', '22', '122', '222', '12', '112', '212', '412', '20', '120', '220', '320', '420', '520', '20', '120', '220', '320', '420', '520', '28', '128', '228', '328', '428', '528', '25', '125', '225', '325', '425', '525', '26', '126', '226', '326', '426', '526, 'a clamp band (; ; ; ; ; ) and at least one inner housing (; ; ; ; ; ; ) arranged at least regionally therein, wherein the clamp band (; ; ; ; ; ) has a longitudinal slot (; ; ), and a clamping mechanism (; ; ; ) for reducing the internal diameter of the clamp band (; ; ; ; ; ), wherein the clamp band (; ; ; ; ; ) is further designed as a flat, single piece, and also has at least one first outer band portion (; ; ; ; ; ) and at least one first inner band portion (; ; ; ; ; ), which are connected via at least one connection means (; ; ; ; ; ); and'}{'b': 30', '130', '230', '330', '430', '530', '40', '140', '240', '340', '440', '441', '540', '20', '120', '220', '320', '420', '520', '32', ' ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Pipe Compression Clamp

Номер: US20150013816A1

Disclosed herein is a high compression pipe clamp which in one embodiment has an inner housing and an outer housing. The hollow rigid inner housing may have a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket. The hollow rigid outer housing may have a first end, and inner diameter and a second strap bracket wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing to fit thereover. A tensioning device such as for example threaded rod is also disclosed, the threaded rod passing through the inner housing and outer housing and a threaded nut engaging the threads on the threaded rod. 1. A high compression pipe clamp comprising:a. an inner housing having a first end, an outer diameter, and a first strap bracket at a first end of the inner housing;b. an outer housing having a first end, an inner diameter and a second strap bracket attached to the outer housing wherein the inner diameter of the outer housing is larger than the outer diameter of the inner housing and is positioned thereover;c. a tensioning device connecting the inner housing and outer housing;d. a strap having a first end attached to the first strap bracket and a second end attached to the second strap bracket;e. a strap length adjustment system allowing for adjustment of the effective length of the strap between the first end and the second end; andf. wherein actuation of the tensioning device repositions the first strap bracket towards the second strap bracket and reduces the effective inner diameter of the strap and housing combination.2. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the strap is removably coupled to one or both of the first strap bracket or second strap bracket.3. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the strap comprises a first strap portion and a separate second strap portion adjustably coupled to the first strap portion.4. The pipe clamp as recited in wherein the hollow rigid inner housing and the hollow rigid outer housing are rectangular in ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016055A1

A piping connection structure includes: a pipe; and an elastic tube connected to the pipe, the tube including a connection into which the pipe is inserted and fitted, and a main body linked seamlessly with the connection, wherein the main body includes a projection that is formed circularly along a circumferential direction of the main body, and across the main body in an axial direction, and projects into an inside of the tube in a radial direction with respect to an inner periphery of the connection. 1. A piping connection structure comprising:a pipe; and a connection into which the pipe is inserted and fitted, and', 'a main body linked seamlessly with the connection,, 'an elastic tube connected to the pipe, the tube including'} a projection that is formed circularly along a circumferential direction of the main body, and across the main body in an axial direction, and', 'projects into an inside of the tube in a radial direction with respect to an inner periphery of the connection., 'wherein the main body includes'}2. The piping connection structure according to claim 1 ,wherein an inner periphery of the main body is arranged flush with an inner periphery of the pipe.3. The piping connection structure according to claim 1 ,wherein the tube further includes a gap filler that projects from a corner on a connection side of an end of the projection, and is formed circularly along the circumferential direction of the projection, andwherein the gap filler is disposed in a gap between the inner periphery of the main body and the inner periphery of the pipe.4. The piping connection structure according to claim 1 ,wherein an end of the gap filler comes into contact with an end surface on a projection side of the pipe.5. The piping connection structure according to claim 1 ,wherein in a status before the pipe is fitted into the connection, the projection has a specific cross section across the main body in the axial direction.6. The piping connection structure according to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034434A1
Принадлежит: Sacs Aerospace GmbH

Fitting for fixing a threaded element to a wall section, including a base body which is penetrated by a recess, which recess is extended along a central axis, further including a clamping ring which is rotatably mounted on an outer surface of the base body, wherein a cam is assigned to the outer surface of the base body or to the clamping ring, which cam effectuates a change in diameter of the clamping ring during a rotary movement of the clamping ring relative to the base body, wherein a coupling part is movably received in the recess and forms with the base body a rotary coupling, wherein a threaded portion of the coupling part determines a thread axis, wherein the coupling part is accommodated in the recess with a variable orientation of the thread axis within a predetermined angular interval and/or within a predetermined distance interval to the central axis.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034442A1

A coupler having at least one protective bumper is provided. The protective bumper is located on the exterior surface of the side of a movable sleeve of a coupler. The sleeve moves with respect to a main body of the coupler to lock or release a mating plug. A second sleeve of the coupler may also have protective bands. The protective bumpers and bands protect the coupler from damage as might otherwise occur from external forces acting upon it during use. Preferably, the diameters of the plurality of bumpers decreases the closer to the distal end of the sleeve the bumpers are located. 1) A coupler comprising:a main body having a hollow interior channel;a first movable sleeve surrounding the main body; andwherein the first movable sleeve has at least one bumper located around an exterior side of the first movable sleeve.2) The coupler of wherein the main body and the first movable sleeve are made of a durable and non-corrosive metal.3) The coupler of wherein the first movable sleeve has a first end and a second end and wherein a diameter at the first end of the first movable sleeve is less than a diameter at the second end of the first movable sleeve.4) The coupler of wherein the bumper is made of rubber or plastic.5) The coupler of further comprising:at least one groove located on the exterior side of the first movable sleeve wherein the groove receives the bumper and wherein the bumpers are replaceable.5) The coupler of further comprising:a second movable sleeve surrounding the main body.6) The coupler of further comprising:a diameter at a first end of the second movable sleeve and a diameter at a second end of the second movable sleeve wherein the diameter at the first end and the diameter at the second end of the second movable sleeve are identical.7) The coupler of wherein the second movable sleeve has a groove which receives a removable band.8) The coupler of wherein the band is made of rubber or plastic.9) The coupler of wherein the bands have a flat exterior ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017635A1

Example aspects of a coupling segment and a method for assembling a pipe coupling are disclosed. The coupling segment can comprise a coupling body, the coupling body defining a first end and an opposite second end, the coupling body further defining a first axial end and an opposite second axial end; a leg extending from the first end, the leg defining a proximal end proximate the first end and a distal end distal from the first end, the leg angling from the first axial end to the second axial end, the distal end defining a bearing member, the bearing member defining a planar bearing surface; and a fastener pad extending from the second end. 1. A coupling segment comprising:a coupling body, the coupling body defining a first end and an opposite second end, the coupling body further defining a first axial end and an opposite second axial end;a leg extending from the first end, the leg defining a proximal end proximate the first end and a distal end distal from the first end, the leg angling from the first axial end to the second axial end, the distal end defining a bearing member, the bearing member defining a planar bearing surface; anda fastener pad extending from the second end.2. The coupling segment of claim 1 , wherein the distal end is bent at an angle relative to the proximal end.3. The coupling segment of claim 2 , wherein the angle is an obtuse angle.4. The coupling segment of claim 1 , wherein the bearing member defines a bearing surface.5. The coupling segment of claim 4 , wherein the bearing surface defines a planar surface.6. The coupling segment of claim 1 , wherein the fastener pad defines a fastener hole extending from a top surface of the fastener pad to a bottom surface of the fastener pad.7. The coupling segment of claim 1 , wherein the coupling body defines an arcuate inner surface.8. The coupling segment of claim 1 , wherein a first ridge extends from the first axial end and a second ridge extends from the second axial end.9. A pipe coupling ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017637A1
Автор: MITCHELL Timothy J.

A top bar coupling includes a coupling body defining a first body end and a second body end; a first end ring attached to the first body end, the first end ring including a first gasket and a first split ring, the first gasket disposed within the first split ring, the first split ring configured to compress the first gasket radially inward in a tensioned state; a second end ring attached to the second body end, the second end ring including a second gasket and a second split ring, the second gasket disposed within the second split ring, the second split ring configured to compress the second gasket radially inward in a tensioned state; and a bar linkage attached to the first end ring and the second end ring, the bar linkage including a first bar; a second bar; and a attaching the first bar to the second bar. 1. A top bar coupling comprising:a coupling body defining a first body end and a second body end, a coupling bore defined extending through the coupling body from the first body end to the second body end;a first end ring attached to the first body end, the first end ring comprising a first gasket and a first split ring, the first gasket disposed within the first split ring, the first split ring defining a first ring end and a second ring end, the first split ring configured to compress the first gasket radially inward in a tensioned state;a second end ring attached to the second body end, the second end ring comprising a second gasket and a second split ring, the second gasket disposed within the second split ring, the second split ring defining a first ring end and a second ring end, the second split ring configured to compress the second gasket radially inward in a tensioned state; and a first bar, the first bar extending between the first ring end of the first end ring and the first ring end of the second end ring;', 'a second bar, the second bar extending between the second ring end of the first end ring and the second ring end of the second end ring; and', ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020902A1

A dishwasher has a sump for collecting water. A discharge pipe leads from the sump. A pump for removing water from the sump is mounted within the dishwasher. An inlet pipe leads to the pump. A pipe coupler couples the discharge pipe to the inlet pipe. The coupler has a middle portion having a middle internal diameter; a first end portion disposed at a first end of the middle portion and arranged to receive an end of the discharge pipe; and a second end portion disposed at a second end of the middle portion and arranged to receive an end of the inlet pipe. The middle internal diameter is adapted to provide a smooth transition between an internal diameter of the discharge pipe and an internal diameter of the inlet pipe. 1. A pipe coupler for connecting a first pipe having an internal diameter to a second pipe having an internal diameter , the coupler comprising:a middle portion having a middle internal diameter;a first end portion disposed at a first end of the middle portion and arranged to receive an end of the first pipe; anda second end portion disposed at a second end of the middle portion and arranged to receive an end of the second pipe,wherein the middle internal diameter is adapted to provide a smooth transition between the internal diameter of the first pipe and the internal diameter of the second pipe.2. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the first pipe claim 1 , the second pipe and the middle portion all have the same internal diameter and an inner surface of the middle portion forms a right cylindrical surface claim 1 ,3. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the internal diameter of the second pipe is greater than the internal diameter of the first pipe and the internal diameter of the middle portion varies smoothly from the first end to the second end.4. The coupler of claim 3 , wherein an inner surface of the middle portion forms a part conical surface.5. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the coupler is formed of a resiliently deformable material.6. A ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Fittings Having Arcuate Stiffness Ribs

Номер: US20150021911A1

Fittings, including elbow fittings and Tee fittings have bodies that surround a central space and define openings to receive pipe elements. Ribs surround the openings, and gaps are positioned between the ribs to permit deformation of the body when ends of the body in facing relation are brought together. The body may be formed of two housings or unitary in construction. The ribs may be grooved to accommodate toothed retainer rings providing mechanical engagement with pipe elements. The ribs have surfaces with radii of curvature that, when the ribs are undeformed, are substantially equal to the radii of curvature of the pipe elements they engage. 1. A fitting for joining pipe elements together , said fitting comprising:a body surrounding a central space for receiving said pipe elements, said body defining first and second openings respectively positioned on first and second sides of said body for receiving said pipe elements;said body having a plurality of first arcuate ribs positioned end to end surrounding said first opening, a gap being positioned between adjacent pairs of said first arcuate ribs, each of said first arcuate ribs projecting toward a first axis oriented coaxially with said first opening, each of said first arcuate ribs having a surface facing said first axis, said surfaces on each of said first arcuate ribs having a radius of curvature substantially equal to a radius of curvature of an outer surface of said pipe elements when said first arcuate ribs are in an undeformed state;said body having a plurality of second arcuate ribs positioned end to end surrounding said second opening, a gap being positioned between adjacent pairs of said second arcuate ribs, each of said second arcuate ribs projecting toward a second axis oriented coaxially with said second opening, each of said second arcuate ribs having a surface facing said second axis, said surfaces on each of said second arcuate ribs having a radius of curvature substantially equal to a radius of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023733A1
Автор: Lai Hung-Lin
Принадлежит: WEN SHENG FU CO., LTD

A pipe adapter may comprise a main body, an O-ring, a conical ring, an engaging ring, a control unit and a locating, tube, and a front opening formed at a front end of the main body which is configured to receive a pipe. Since the conical ring, engaging ring and locating tube are coupled in sequence instead of covering one by one such that there is no need to enlarge a diameter of the front opening of the main body for receiving the above components thereby lowering the manufacturing cost. 1. A pipe adapter comprising:a main body having a front opening formed at a front end thereof, and a first flange and a second flange, which are formed in stepped shapes and located inside the front opening, configured to respectively receive an O-ring and a conical ring;the conical ring, which comprises a rear edge and a front edge, secured inside the main body after the O-ring settled and coupled in the main body such that the rear edge configured to, couple on the second flange of the main body thereby limiting the position of the conical ring, and a tapered surface formed around an inner periphery of the conical ring;an engaging ring having an annular base which is configured to hear against the front edge of the conical ring, and a plurality of second protruding teeth protruding from a rear edge of the annular base toward the conical ring;a control unit comprising a connecting tube, and a protruding edge, which has a tapered guiding surface, protruding from an outer periphery of a rear end of the connecting tube; anda locating tube having a first opening and a second opening which are communicated with each other, and an inner surface adjacent to the first opening having a blocking edge such that, after the connecting tube penetrating through the first opening, the protruding edge configured to bear against the blocking edge thereby limiting a position of the control unit in the locating tube without falling out from the second opening, the first opening of the locating tube ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042627A1

A pipe connection ring can include a plurality of segments and a plurality of deformable links. Each of the plurality of links can connect adjacent segments of the plurality of segments, the segments and links alternating about a circumference of the pipe connection ring, each pair of the adjacent segments and a corresponding link of the plurality of links connecting the adjacent segments and together with the adjacent segments defining a relief between the adjacent segments, each of the plurality of links configured to allow movement of the adjacent segments upon deformation of the link connecting the adjacent segments. The pipe connection ring can define a first axial end surface, a second axial end surface distal from the first axial end surface, an inner surface, and an outer surface distal from the inner surface. 1. A pipe connection ring comprising:a plurality of segments; anda plurality of deformable links, each of the plurality of links connecting adjacent segments of the plurality of segments, the segments and links alternating about a circumference of the pipe connection ring, each pair of the adjacent segments and a corresponding link of the plurality of links connecting the adjacent segments and together with the adjacent segments defining a relief between the adjacent segments, each of the plurality of links configured to allow movement of the adjacent segments upon deformation of the link connecting the adjacent segments;wherein the pipe connection ring defines a first axial end surface, a second axial end surface distal from the first axial end surface, an inner surface, and an outer surface distal from the inner surface.2. The pipe connection ring of claim 1 , wherein the pipe connection ring is a closed ring.3. The pipe connection ring of claim 1 , wherein an axial ring thickness of the pipe connection ring is constant.4. The pipe connection ring of claim 1 , wherein each of the inner surface and the outer surface define a radius claim 1 , the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042628A1

A flexible hose adapter configured for engagement with a coupling, the flexible hose adapter including an end piece, the end piece defining an inner end and an outer end, the end piece defining an axis extending from the inner end to the outer end, the end piece defining a raised lip, a sealing surface, and a groove, the raised lip axially positioned at the inner end, the sealing surface positioned between the raised lip and the groove; and a flexible hose attached to the outer end of the end piece. 1. A flexible hose adapter configured for engagement with a coupling , the flexible hose adapter comprising:an end piece, the end piece defining an inner end and an outer end, the end piece defining an axis extending from the inner end to the outer end, the end piece defining a raised lip, a sealing surface, and a groove, the raised lip axially positioned at the inner end, the sealing surface positioned between the raised lip and the groove; anda flexible hose attached to the outer end of the end piece.2. The flexible hose adapter of claim 1 , further comprising a socket end piece attached to the flexible hose opposite from the end piece.3. The flexible hose adapter of claim 1 , wherein the raised lip extends radially outward from the sealing surface relative to the axis.4. The flexible hose adapter of claim 1 , wherein the groove extends radially inward of from the sealing surface relative to the axis.5. The flexible hose adapter of claim 1 , wherein the end piece defines a pressure relief channel extending into the raised lip.6. The flexible hose adapter of claim 5 , wherein the pressure relief channel extends axially into at least a portion of the inner end.7. The flexible hose adapter of claim 1 , wherein the raised lip defines a ramped surface claim 1 , and wherein the ramped surface extends radially outward relative to the sealing surface and axially towards the inner end.8. A pre-assembled coupling assembly comprising:a coupling defining a first ridge and a second ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027410A1
Автор: Kromer Ralf

A component is described as including a base part, a sealing element, and an extrusion coat, which extends at least partially around the base part and at least partially around the sealing element, the extrusion coat keeping the sealing element in an elastically deformed state. 111-. (canceled)12. A component , comprising:a base part;a sealing element; andan extrusion coat that at least partially extends around the base part and at least partially around the sealing element, wherein the extrusion coat retains the sealing element in an elastically deformed state.13. The component as recited in claim 12 , wherein the sealing element and the base part define a sealed space between them claim 12 , in which a gas is situated.14. The component as recited in claim 13 , wherein the gas is a compressed gas.15. The component as recited in claim 13 , wherein the base part has a recess covered by the sealing element and creating the space between the base part and the sealing element.16. The component as recited in claim 13 , wherein the sealing element has one of a cup shape and a bowl shape provided with an opening claim 13 , the opening being covered by the base part and creating the space between the base part and sealing element.17. The component as recited in claim 13 , wherein the base part has two surfaces angled relative to each other claim 13 , wherein the sealing element extends between the angled surfaces thereby creating the space between the base part and sealing element.18. The component as recited in claim 12 , wherein at least one of the base part and the sealing element is completely surrounded by the extrusion coat.19. The component as recited in claim 12 , wherein the sealing element rests against two surfaces of the base part without interruption claim 12 , the surfaces being situated at an angle with respect to each other.20. A method for producing an extrusion-coated component claim 12 , comprising:providing a base part and a sealing element;securing the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025526A1

A tube arrangement includes a composite tube defining a centerline axis, wherein the composite tube comprises a proximal surface and a distal surface, and an end fitting comprising a first end disposed within the composite tube and a second end extending from the composite tube, wherein an outer surface of the end fitting defines a flared portion defining a terminus of the first end, a lobe portion disposed axially from the flared portion, and a terminating portion disposed axially from the lobe portion, the proximal surface conforms to a geometry of the outer surface of the end fitting, the lobe portion and the flared portion mechanically lock the end fitting to the composite tube to mitigate movement of the end fitting relative to the composite tube. 1. A tube arrangement , comprising:a composite tube defining a centerline axis, wherein the composite tube comprises a proximal surface and a distal surface; andan end fitting comprising a first end disposed within the composite tube and a second end extending from the composite tube;wherein an outer surface of the end fitting defines a flared portion defining a terminus of the first end, a lobe portion disposed axially from the flared portion, and a terminating portion disposed axially from the lobe portion,the proximal surface conforms to a geometry of the outer surface of the end fitting,the lobe portion and the flared portion mechanically lock the end fitting to the composite tube to mitigate movement of the end fitting relative to the composite tube.2. The tube arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the lobe portion defines an annular ridge disposed around the end fitting.3. The tube arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the annular ridge defines a first convex fitting surface.4. The tube arrangement of claim 1 , wherein an annular groove is formed into the proximal surface of the composite tube claim 1 , the annular groove receives the lobe portion.5. The tube arrangement of claim 4 , wherein the annular groove defines a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Pipe sealing apparatus & method

Номер: US20170030505A1
Автор: Angus George Bowie
Принадлежит: Stats UK Ltd

A pipe sealing apparatus, such as a split sleeve clamp, has a body including a first body portion and a second body portion. Each body portion includes axially extending flanges having bores for receiving bolts and nuts to secure the body portions together. The apparatus includes a seal arrangement, a lock arrangement, and an actuation arrangement including an actuation member configured to both actuate the seal arrangement and activate the lock arrangement. The lock arrangement is carried by the actuation member of the actuation arrangement.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Interface air filter and assembly

Номер: US20140116015A1

An interface air filter and assembly for use with an internal combustion engine is disclosed. The assembly has a housing having an air intake port and an opening. There is an air filter assembly comprising an air filter having a closed end and an open end and a reducing coupling. The reducing coupling has a first end with a first engaging member having an external circumference and outer surface, a second end with a second engaging member having an external circumference less than the first engaging member external circumference, and the second engaging member has an inner surface. The first end of the reducing coupling is attached to the open end of the air filter. The air filter assembly is in contact with the housing such that the air filter resides within the housing and the outer surface of the first engaging member engages the housing. The inner surface of the second engaging member is adapted to contact an air intake tube outer surface so that air can pass from the air intake port into the housing then through the air filter and into the air intake tube. 1. An interface air filter for use with an internal combustion engine comprising:an air filter having a closed end and an open end;a reducing coupling having a first end with a first engaging member having an external circumference and outer surface, a second end with a second engaging member having an external circumference less than the first engaging member external circumference, and the second engaging member having an inner surface; andthe first engaging member of the reducing coupling being attached to the open end of the air filter;wherein the inner surface of the second engaging member is adapted to contact an air intake tube outer surface and the outer surface of the first engaging member is adapted to contact a housing so that the air filter is within the housing and air can pass through the housing then through the air filter and into the air intake tube.2. The interface air filter for use with an ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Hybrid Push-to-Connect Fitting, Device and Assembly

Номер: US20180031156A1

A fitting device includes a fitting body having an interior surface defining an interior, a packing assembly maintained within the fitting body interior, a retaining nut, and a shoe member maintained between the retaining nut and the axially outer rim of the fitting body, whereupon inserted tubes or pipes can be securely inserted into the fitting interior and maintained therein. 1. A hybrid push-to-connect fitting , comprising:a fitting body member having an interior wall, an exterior wall and an axially outer rim, wherein the interior wall defines an internal cavity extending through the fitting along an internal axis;at least one packing arrangement comprising a release pusher maintained within the internal cavity of the fitting body member, wherein the release pusher comprises a wall having inner and outer surfaces, with at least one cavity formed in the wall;a nut connector threadably securable to the exterior wall of the fitting, with the nut connector having a radially extending end wall; anda single body shoe member secured between the axially outer rim of the fitting body member and the nut connector radially extending end wall, wherein the single body shoe member comprises a split body having exterior and interior surfaces, and further comprises at least one notch extending radially inwardly from the body interior surface, wherein the single body shoe member is compressible between the fitting body member and the nut connector so that the at least one notch extends into the at least one cavity formed in the wall of the release pusher.2. The fitting of claim 1 , wherein the axially outer rim of the fitting body member includes a sloped radially inner edge extending axially and radially outwardly from an axially inner edge to an axially outer edge claim 1 , and wherein the nut connector includes an axially extending wall and an angled wedge surface integrally formed with the axially extending wall and the radially extending end wall.3. The fitting of claim 2 ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150035275A1
Автор: Sudar Damir

A clamping belt () for a pipe coupling () for the friction-locked connection of, in particular, smooth-end pipes () comprises mutually overlapping ends (), wherein the width of the two mutually overlapping ends () of the clamping belt () together corresponds at most to the width of the clamping belt () in the longitudinal portion between these ends (), and at least one longitudinal slot () extending in the longitudinal direction of the clamping belt () is also provided in the end of the clamping belt () that is passed through the longitudinal slot () of the other end. 117-. (canceled)1861226667722666666666666666666a,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,bdacb. A damping belt () for a pipe coupling () for the friction-locked connection of pipes , in particular of smooth-end pipes () , by surrounding at least one of the pipes () , in particular its pipe end , in the circumferential direction , wherein the ends () of the clamping belt () can be connected by bolts () disposed essentially in the axial direction of the pipes () and overlap one another as viewed in the circumferential direction of the pipes () , wherein one of the ends of the clamping belt () is passed through at least one longitudinal slot of the other end , said longitudinal slot running in the circumferential direction , and wherein the spacing of the ends () can be varied for the tightening of the clamping belt () in such a way that the ends () are displaced away from the region of their overlapping , characterised in that the width of the two mutually overlapping ends () of the clamping belt () together corresponds at most o the width of the clamping belt () in the longitudinal portion between these ends () , and at least one longitudinal slot () extending in the longitudinal direction of the damping belt () is also provided in the end () of the damping belt () that is passed through the longitudinal slot () of the other end ().19666a,b. The damping belt according to claim 18 , characterised in that the width of each of the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Pre-assembled coupling assembly with flexible hose adapter

Номер: US20190032824A1
Принадлежит: Anvil International LLC

A flexible hose adapter configured for engagement with a coupling can comprise an end piece, the end piece defining an inner end and an outer end, the end piece defining an axis, the end piece defining a sealing surface and a raised lip, the raised lip defined between the inner end and the sealing surface; a flexible hose attached to the outer end of the end piece; and a socket end piece attached to the flexible hose opposite from the end piece.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032934A1

A pipe coupling includes a first coupling segment defining opposed ends, one end of the first coupling segment defining a first pivotal mount, and another end of the first coupling segment defining a second pivotal mount; a second coupling segment defining opposed ends, a proximal end of the second coupling segment configured to pivotally connect to the first pivotal mount, and a distal end of the second coupling segment configured to receive a fastener; and a third coupling segment defining opposed ends, a proximal end of the third coupling segment configured to pivotally connect to the second pivotal mount, and a distal end of the third coupling segment configured to receive the fastener. 1. A pipe coupling , comprising:a first coupling segment defining opposed ends, one end of the first coupling segment defining a first pivotal mount, and another end of the first coupling segment defining a second pivotal mount;a second coupling segment defining opposed ends, a proximal end of the second coupling segment configured to pivotally connect to the first pivotal mount, and a distal end of the second coupling segment configured to receive a fastener; anda third coupling segment defining opposed ends, a proximal end of the third coupling segment configured to pivotally connect to the second pivotal mount, and a distal end of the third coupling segment configured to receive the fastener.2. The pipe coupling of :wherein the distal end of the second coupling segment defines a first fastener pad defining a first fastener hole and the distal end of the third coupling segment defines a second fastener pad defining a second fastener hole; andfurther comprising the fastener extending through the first fastener hole and the second fastener hole when the pipe coupling assumes a closed position.3. The pipe coupling of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first coupling segment claim 1 , the second coupling segment claim 1 , and the third coupling segment further defines a cross- ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040635A1
Автор: Satarino Charles

An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising a molded elastomeric duct body having standing ribs constructed and arranged to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across the face of a joint of an adjoining duct body. A clamp secured to the duct causes the ribs to provide a continuous and sufficient contact force across a seal surface, eliminating the need for constant tension clamp and improving the air intake joint seal to prevent leakage that is especially common in cold environments. 1. An adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine comprising:{'b': 12', '15', '17', '15', '21', '19', '23', '14', '17', '23, 'a first duct body () having an interior surface () and an exterior surface (), said interior surface () providing a first air flow passageway () between a first end () and a receptacle end (), at least two ribs () positioned over the exterior surface () of said receptacle end ();'}{'b': 29', '31', '33', '31', '29', '32', '35', '37', '35', '23', '12', '33', '35', '15', '23', '41', '20', '14, 'a second duct body () having an interior surface () and exterior surface (), said interior surface () of said second duct body providing a second air flow passageway () between an insertion end () and a second end (), said insertion end insertable into said receptacle end () of said first duct body () with said exterior surface () of said insertion end () constructed and arranged to frictionally engage said interior surface () of said receptacle end () to form a joint (); and a clamp () positioned over said ribs ();'}{'b': 20', '14', '41', '21', '29', '19', '37, 'wherein said clamp () is tightened to cause compression of the ribs () to provide a constant pressure on the joint (), said first duct body () and said second duct body () forming a sealed passageway between said first () and second ends ().'}214. The adaptive air intake joint for an internal combustion engine according to wherein said ribs () are formed by ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040809A1

A securing assembly with a securing structural element adapted to couple a first exhaust system part to a second exhaust system part. The assembly includes a element having a first surface attached to an exterior surface of the first exhaust system part, the element engaging at least a portion of the exhaust system part. The element may be cylindrical or rectangular. A bottom surface of the element includes a plurality of energy directors extending from the bottom surface to a height above the bottom surface. The directors allow sonic welding of the element to an arcuate side of the exhaust system part. 1. A securing assembly for an exhaust system , comprising:a securing structural element adapted to couple a first exhaust system part to a second exhaust system part; anda button having a first surface configured to attach to an exterior surface of the first exhaust system part, the button engaging at least a portion of the securing structural element.2. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a generally rectangular shape having a length and a width claim 1 , the first exhaust system part having an arcuate surface claim 1 , the length oriented along the arcuate surface when attached thereto.3. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a plurality of raised energy directors.4. The securing assembly of wherein the height of the raised energy directors is in a range of about 0.007 inch to 0.03 inch.5. The securing assembly of wherein the length is a maximum of 1 inch for an exhaust system part has a diameter of two inches to 20 inches.6. The securing assembly of wherein the securing structural element comprises a securing ring having a hooked section engaging the second exhaust system part.7. The securing assembly of wherein the securing structural element comprises a retaining block having a recess engaging the button and a second end engaging the second exhaust system part.8. The securing assembly of wherein the button has a generally cylindrical shape ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Fluid conduit dielectric nipple for push-fit connector

Номер: US20160040811A1
Автор: Lesage Jean-Claude

A fluid conduit dielectric nipple for securement to a tank wall of a fluid holding tank, such as a steel tank of a water heater is described. The fluid conduit dielectric nipple has a tank securement end and a cylindrical conduit connecting end specifically configured for receiving a push-fit quick connector to secure to a water supply line and a hot water return line. The fluid conduit dielectric nipple is fabricated from inexpensive metal, such as plated steel, and has a plastics liner to protect parts thereof intended to be exposed to water to prevent corrosion while providing a leak-proof connection. Accordingly, there is provided an inexpensive dielectric nipple which provides quick connection and disconnection. 1. A fluid conduit dielectric nipple for securement to a tank wall , said fluid conduit dielectric nipple comprising a metallic tubular member having a through bore , a plastics material liner secure to the surface of said through bore and extending end-to-end thereof , said metallic tubular member having a tank connecting end and an opposed cylindrical conduit connecting end , said cylindrical conduit connecting end having a predetermined length and provided with a circumferential groove thereabout and disposed a predetermined distance from a free end of said cylindrical conduit connecting end whereby to receive a quick-connector to engage with said groove to secure a fluid conduit to said cylindrical conduit connecting end in a leak-proof condition.2. The fluid conduit dielectric nipple as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said quick connector is a push-fit connector having a grab ring with flexible gripping teeth to engage with said groove.3. The fluid conduit dielectric nipple as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said plastics material liner extends over an outer end edge of said cylindrical conduit connecting end.4. The fluid conduit dielectric nipple as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said outer end edge has an outer circumferential recessed ledge claim 3 , ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Micro-Duct Reclamation Compression Coupling

Номер: US20180038526A1

Herein disclosed is a sleeved compression micro-duct reclamation coupling which is utilized for interconnecting remnants of micro-duct and is of a sufficient size and shape to allow the interconnected micro-duct to be pulled through larger ducting for underground construction. The sleeved compression micro-duct reclamation coupling is easily installed without the need for tools and provides a strong connection which will not easily disengage while the micro-duct is pulled through larger ducting. The sleeved compression micro-duct reclamation coupling is of simple construction requiring only a male half section, a female half section and two slotted compression sleeves. 1. A sleeved compression micro-duct reclamation coupling comprising: an elongated tubular male half section; an elongated tubular female half section; a first elongated slotted compression sleeve; and a second elongated slotted compression sleeve; said elongated tubular male half section having a first end; a second end; a first segment; and a second segment; said first segment having an external surface area that is slightly ramped outwardly toward said second end forming a slightly protruding external rim of which intersects with an integrally formed smooth exterior surface area , said second segment having external threads terminating at said integrally formed smooth exterior surface area , said first segment having an internal surface area that is slightly ramped upwardly inwardly toward an internal surface area of said integrally formed smooth exterior surface area , said second segment having an internal surface area that is slightly ramped upwardly inwardly toward said internal surface area of said integrally , formed smooth exterior surface area , said internal surface area of said first segment merges with said internal surface area of said second segment , said elongated tubular female half section having a first end; a second end; a first segment; and a second segment; said first segment of ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047500A1
Автор: OLSEN Tomas Hecht

The invention relates to a coupling () for placement in a hole, where the coupling () is pipe shaped, includes at least a base part () and at least a first sealing part (), which is suited for sealing against the insert () and at least another sealing part (). The coupling includes at least one outgrowth () on the exterior side of the coupling (), where the coupling () includes an exterior surface () and an internal surface (). The first sealing part () is mounted with contact against the inner surface () and is designed to seal against the insert () and the second sealing part () is mounted with contact against the outer surface () and designed to seal against the hole part. The invention also relates to the use of the coupling () for connections where there is to be controlled and/or sealed in a hole. 117.-. (canceled)18. A coupling for placement in a hole , such as a hole in a machine part or in a pipe , and around an insert such as a pipe or an axle , where the said coupling is pipe shaped and comprises:an exterior surface and an interior surface;at least one base part;at least one first sealing part mounted with contact against the inner surface and configured to seal against the insert;at least one second sealing part mounted with contact against the exterior surface and configured to seal against the hollow part including the pipe; andat least one outgrowth on the exterior surface of the coupling;wherein the exterior surface includes an outer track and the interior surface includes an inner track;wherein the at least one first sealing part is mounted in the inner track and designed to seal towards the insert, andwherein the at least one second sealing part is mounted in the outer track and designed to seal against the hollow part including the pipe.19. The coupling according to claim 18 , wherein the outgrowth includes an outer surface in which the outer track is fully or partially placed and the at least one second sealing part is mounted in the outer track ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Slip-On Connector to Grip and Seal on Smooth OD Pipe/Casing and Method of Use

Номер: US20150048611A1

In general, a connector designed to slip on a tubular, or an extension thereof, may be locked onto the tubular and a seal created around the tubular to keep pressure trapped inside the tubular. Generally, the connector is slipped over and makes contact with the tubular via a sliding sleeve seal cover. In certain embodiments, when sufficient force is placed on the connector, one or more shear pins, which are holding the sleeve, are sheared, allowing the connector to be lowered onto the tubular and the seal to make contact with the tubular. The connector may be locked onto the tubular by means of a one piece slip energized by a cam typically held in place mechanically by one or more ratchets. 1) A slip-on connector to grip and seal on smooth a tubular outer casing , comprising:a) a substantially tubular body;b) a substantially tubular seal sleeve configured to be disposed about a first end of the substantially tubular body; i) a tubular gripping slip configured to be disposed about the substantially tubular body;', 'ii) a slip set piston vent port;', 'iii) a slip cam set piston configured to engage the tubular gripping slip and make the tubular gripping slip substantially conform to an outer surface of the substantially tubular body; and', 'iv) an end cap;, 'c) a slip cam and piston ratchet retract assembly configured to be disposed about the substantially tubular body, the slip cam and piston ratchet retract assembly comprisingd) a seal assembly configured to be disposed about the body proximate to the seal sleeve intermediate the seal sleeve and the slip cam and piston ratchet retract assembly, the seal assembly comprising a first seal test port; and i) a seal set piston vent port; and', 'ii) a seal set piston actuation port., 'e) a seal piston ratchet retract assembly configured to be disposed about the body proximate to the sleeve intermediate the sleeve and the slip cam and piston ratchet retract assembly, comprising2) The slip-on connector of claim 1 , wherein ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Plumbing Apparatus for Connecting a Tail Piece to a Waste Pipe

Номер: US20180045344A1
Автор: CLOUTIER Jean-Louis
Принадлежит: TOMLIN INDUSTRIES (2000) INC.

A plumbing apparatus for connecting a tail piece to a waste pipe is provided. The apparatus comprises a body having a top flanged end including an inlet configured for receiving the tail piece, a bottom end having an outlet for receiving the waste pipe, and a channel extending between the inlet and outlet. A seal extends about the channel for forming a watertight seal between the tail piece and the waste pipe. A plate is secured to the top flanged end for securing the apparatus to the floor above the waste pipe, may be removable to facilitate post-installation maintenance, and may have an off-center opening to fit various waste pipe configurations. The apparatus is useful for installing plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, particularly where there is no access from underneath such as in already built homes. 1. A plumbing apparatus for connecting a tail piece to a waste pipe , comprising: a top flanged end having an inlet configured for receiving the tail piece; and', 'a bottom end having an outlet opposite the inlet, the outlet configured for receiving the waste pipe;', 'the body having a channel formed by an inner wall thereof, the channel extending between the inlet and the outlet;, 'a body havinga seal extending about the channel for forming a watertight seal between the tail piece and the waste pipe when the tail piece is inserted through the inlet and into the waste pipe; andstop means disposed at the inner wall for stopping the waste pipe when the waste pipe is inserted into the channel via the outlet.2. The plumbing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the stop means comprises a stop ring.3. The plumbing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a plate secured to the top flanged end for mounting the plumbing apparatus to a floor over the waste pipe claim 1 , the plate having an opening surrounding at least a portion of the top flanged end and providing access to the inlet so that the tail piece may be inserted into the inlet.4. The plumbing ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Welded fencing system with prefabricated connectors

Номер: US20150054278A1
Автор: Humm Richard

A corner fitting includes a sleeve body having a hollow inner space and configured to coaxially fit over a pipe member of a predetermined size. An edge of the sleeve body at a second distal end has a corner cut portion, a protruding tab, and two recesses, the protruding tab being diametrically opposed to the corner cut portion in the radial direction of the sleeve body, and the recesses being diametrically opposed to each other in the radial direction of the sleeve body. The corner cut portion is configured and shaped such that the sleeve body fits together with an identical sleeve body on the pipe member of the predetermined size with the corner cut portions of the two sleeve bodies contacting each other and with the pipe being nested between the protruding tabs of the second distal ends of the two sleeve bodies. 1. A corner fitting comprising:a sleeve body having a hollow inner space and configured to coaxially fit over a pipe member of a predetermined size;wherein the sleeve body has a first distal end and a second distal end spaced apart from the first distal end in a longitudinal direction,wherein an edge of the sleeve body at the first distal end has two protruding tabs and two recesses, the protruding tabs protruding farther than the recesses in the longitudinal direction, the protruding tabs being diametrically opposed to each other in a radial direction of the sleeve body, and the recesses being diametrically opposed to each other in the radial direction of the sleeve body, such that the protruding tabs and the recesses are arranged alternately around a circumferential direction of the sleeve body,wherein the two protruding tabs and the two recesses of the first distal end of the sleeve body are configured and arranged such that the first distal end of the sleeve body fits over the pipe member of the predetermined size with the sleeve body contacting an outer periphery of the pipe member at the protruding tabs and at the recesses in a state in which a ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Push-on Tubing Coupler with Triple Seal and Adapter

Номер: US20160053923A1
Автор: Leggett Brit Ryan

A press-on fitting for tubing, piping and conduit is provided with an abutment seal to enhance liquid-tight and gas-tight performance, unitary seals to facilitate removal and installation of the seals, and a color-coded hand-manipulable retention cap to allow for tool-less removal and replacement of the collet to allow for ease of withdrawal of an installed tubing, pipe, or conduit, and to allow for color coding of the retention cap to indicate contents, pressure, safety, temperature, etc. 1. An apparatus for adapting a non-press-on plumbing fitting to receive a tubing or conduit through press-fit manipulation , the apparatus comprising:an adapter insert having a first end with an outer diameter suitable for a close fit to the inner diameter of a non-press-on plumbing fitting, a second end with a means for receiving and latching a retention cap, and a passageway through the adapter insert for conducting a fluid, gas, or flowable material through between the second end, through the first end, and into or out of the non-press-on plumbing fitting; anda retention cap configured to install onto and latch onto the second end of the adapter insert, and further configured to retain one or more components of a press-on fitting suitable for receiving and holding a tubing, pipe or conduit, the retention cap having a means for gripping by hand and operating the retention cap, thereby allowing installation and removal from the adapter insert without need for tools.2. The apparatus as set forth in further comprising a non-press-on fitting claim 1 , wherein the adapter insert is received and affixed into the non-press-on-fitting.3. The apparatus as set forth in wherein the adapter insert is affixed using a affixation selected from the group consisting of gluing claim 2 , sweating claim 2 , soldering claim 2 , welding claim 2 , and threading.4. The apparatus as set forth in further comprising one or more components of a press-on fitting retained in the adapter by the retention cap ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Connector unit and connecting system for connecting capillaries, in particular for high-performance liquid chromatography

Номер: US20140131997A1

A connector unit for connecting capillaries, in particular for high-performance liquid chromatography is described. A connector capillary projects through a bore of a connector housing. An annular sealing element is provided on a front end region of the connector capillary and which is composed of a plastically and/or elastically deformable material. The connector housing is formed so as to be releasably connectable to a bushing unit. The connector capillary has an inner shell composed of a plastically and/or elastically deformable material and an outer shell which engages around the inner shell and which is composed of a pressure-resistant material. The inner shell has a radially outwardly extending front end region which, on its own or together with the annular sealing element can generate a sealing action between the front end region of the connector capillary and the annular face side of the capillary receiving opening of the bushing unit.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mower having collection system with quick connect vacuum hose adapter

Номер: US20180054965A1
Автор: Bruce Fullerton
Принадлежит: Individual

A quick connect hose adapter connects a flexible transfer hose from a mower deck to an inlet tube on a container for storing debris. The adapter includes a first cylindrical portion fixed in the discharge end of the flexible hose, and a second portion with a clamp assembly that clamps to the inlet tube. The clamp assembly has first and second semi-cylindrical segments connected together on one side by a continuous hinge, and at least one latch for latching the other side of the semi-cylindrical segments together to cause the clamp assembly to be clamped to the inlet tube. When the latch is released, the second semi-cylindrical segment can be moved from a closed position to an open position. In the open position, the adapter is easily removable from the inlet tube. A seal ring provides a smooth inner surface and seal between the adapter and the inlet tube.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059150A1

A sealing configuration is configured for sealingly coupling a first fluid flow path of a first device to a second fluid flow path of a second device. The sealing configuration comprises a contact surface comprising a structure configured for increasing a surface pressure when coupling the first device to the second device. The contact surface comprises a metal coating configured for increasing sealing. 1. A sealing configuration configured for sealingly coupling a first fluid flow path of a first device to a second fluid flow path of a second device , the sealing configuration comprising:a contact surface comprising a structure configured for increasing a surface pressure when coupling the first device to the second device, the structure comprising one or more indentations; anda metal coating configured for increasing sealing, the metal coating disposed at least on portions of the contact surface between the indentations, wherein:the metal coating comprises a material softer than a material of the support body; andat least one of the first device and the second device comprises the contact surface.2. The sealing configuration of claim 1 , wherein the contact surface comprising the structure encloses a fluid path comprising the first fluid flow path and the second fluid flow path claim 1 , when the first device couples to the second device.3. The sealing configuration of claim 1 , wherein the structure comprises at least one of:one or more concentric indentations;one or more protrusions;one or more concentric protrusions;one or more micro-cavities for further acceptance of sealing components or impregnation;one or more inclusions for further acceptance of sealing components or impregnation;a serrated profile on at least one side facing one of the first and the second devices;a corrugated profile on at least one side facing one of the first and the second devices.4. The sealing configuration of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first device and the second device ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074527A1

A cap configured for engagement with a coupling, the cap defining an inner end and an outer end, the cap defining an axis extending from the inner end to the outer end, the cap defining a raised lip, a sealing surface, and a groove, the raised lip axially positioned at the inner end, the sealing surface positioned between the raised lip and the groove. 1. A cap configured for engagement with a coupling , the cap defining an inner end and an outer end , the cap defining an axis extending from the inner end to the outer end , the cap defining a raised lip , a sealing surface , and a groove , the raised lip axially positioned at the inner end , the sealing surface positioned between the raised lip and the groove.2. The cap of claim 1 , comprising:an annular ring extending circumferentially around an outer portion of the cap, the annular ring defining the inner end and the outer end; anda web enclosing the annular ring.3. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the raised lip extends radially outward from the sealing surface relative to the axis.4. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the groove extends radially inward from the sealing surface relative to the axis.5. The cap of claim 1 , wherein a pressure relief channel extends into the raised lip.6. The cap of claim 5 , wherein the pressure relief channel extends axially into at least a portion of the inner end.7. The cap of claim 1 , wherein the raised lip defines a ramped surface claim 1 , and wherein the ramped surface extends radially outward relative to the sealing surface and axially towards the inner end.8. A pre-assembled coupling assembly comprising:a coupling defining a first ridge and a second ridge positioned opposite from the first ridge, the coupling defining a coupling bore extending from the first ridge to the second ridge, the coupling comprising a gasket positioned within the coupling bore between the first ridge and the second ridge, the gasket defining a sealing ridge; and the sealing ridge is axially positioned ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Custom connector kit with a connector device for connecting two flexible ducts together, and method of use thereof

Номер: US20220074623A1
Автор: Gary A. HAMMOND
Принадлежит: Individual

A custom connector kit for connecting 2 flexible ducts together includes a connector device. The connector device is configured to connect two flexible ducts together. The connector device includes a first male connection end and a second male connection end. The first male connection end is at a first distal end of the connector device. The first male connection end is configured to be connected to a first flexible duct. The first male connection end includes a first diameter sized to fit securely inside of the first flexible duct. The second male connection end is at a second distal end of the connector device. The second male connection end is configured to be connected to a second flexible duct. The second male connection end includes a second diameter sized to fit securely inside of the second flexible duct.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061362A1
Автор: Kret Slawomir

The present disclosure generally relates to ducting apparatus and methods, and more specifically a ducting apparatus comprising a duct and a reinforcing member located at an end of the duct to oppose compressive forces that are applied to the duct. 1. A ducting apparatus comprising:a duct comprising an inner cavity proximate an end thereof; anda reinforcing member located within said duct end comprising one or more protrusions extending into said inner cavity of said duct so as to restrict relative movement between said duct and said reinforcing member.2. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said one or more protrusions comprises a circumferential bead extending around the periphery of said reinforcing member.3. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said one or more protrusions extend into said inner cavity of said duct so as to restrict axial movement of said reinforcing ring relative to said duct.4. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a press fit exists between said duct and said reinforcing member.5. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said duct comprises a composite and/or plastic material.6. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said duct and/or said reinforcing member comprises a cylindrical ring.7. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of said reinforcing member is substantially the same as an inner diameter of said duct.8. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein no adhesive is present between said duct and said reinforcing member.9. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said duct and said reinforcing member are not bonded to one another.10. A ducting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said duct is a first duct and said duct end is a first duct end claim 1 , and said ducting apparatus further comprises a second duct having a second duct end that is fluidly connected to said first duct end.11. A ducting apparatus as ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Fluid-conducting connection with clamping ring

Номер: US20160061363A1

A connection for conducting pressurized fluids between a tube and a connection component having a bore for receiving the tube. A clamping ring surrounds the tube and is seated on a seat between first and second bore segments and has an annular lip extending away from the seat. A locking bolt having a through-hole receiving the tube is threaded into the first bore segment and contacts the ring, an annular collar projecting from the locking bolt surrounding the lip and urging it radially inward to grip the tube when the bolt is tightened against the clamping ring. A sealing ring surrounding the tube is positioned between the clamping ring and a sealing ring seat defined between the second and third bore segments.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Advancements in mechanical sealing apparatus

Номер: US20150069753A1
Принадлежит: MAROKO Ltd

An apparatus for connecting two pipes in fluid communication is provided. The apparatus comprises a connector body configured to, in use, bridge a first and a second pipe, each pipe having a free end. It also comprises a mechanical interlock arrangement, for preventing or limiting axial movement of the connector body relative to the free ends of the first and second pipes. The apparatus also comprises a mechanical seal arrangement for providing a metal-to-metal seal between the pipes and the connector body.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Luer connectors

Номер: US20180064901A1
Автор: Joshua Lewis Colman
Принадлежит: Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd

Luer connector including a primary Luer male connector, having a secondary female section extending from a top distal part of the primary Luer male connector back towards a proximal part thereof, the primary Luer male connector including a first inner fluid flow channel extending from a proximal end thereof to the secondary female section, the primary Luer male connector being configured to mate with a primary Luer female connector having a secondary male section including a second inner fluid, flow channel.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixed Oxide Materials for Helium Leak Tight, Oxidation Resistant and High Strength Joints Between High Temperature Engineering Materials

Номер: US20180065212A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A high strength joint material. A material for a joint between a ceramic body and a metal body. A material for a joint between a ceramic body and a ceramic body.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063657A1
Автор: MITCHELL Timothy J.

A wide range coupling includes a body, the body defining a first body end and a second body end, a body bore defined extending through the body from the first body end to the second body end, the body bore defining an axis; a gasket positioned within the body bore; a sleeve positioned at least partially within the body bore proximate to the first body end; and a sleeve actuator attached to the body, the sleeve actuator mechanically engaging the sleeve, the sleeve actuator configured to axially translate the sleeve relative to the axis of the body bore about and between a disengaged position and an engaged position. 1. A wide range coupling comprising:a body, the body defining a first body end and a second body end, a body bore defined extending through the body from the first body end to the second body end, the body bore defining an axis;a gasket positioned within the body bore;a sleeve positioned at least partially within the body bore proximate to the first body end; anda sleeve actuator attached to the body, the sleeve actuator mechanically engaging the sleeve, the sleeve actuator configured to axially translate the sleeve relative to the axis of the body bore about and between a disengaged position and an engaged position.2. The wide range coupling of claim 1 , wherein:the gasket defines a radially inner lip relative to the axis of the body bore;the radially inner lip is positioned radially inward from the sleeve relative to the axis of the body bore when the sleeve is in the engaged position; andthe radially inner lip is positioned radially outward from the sleeve relative to the axis of the body bore when the sleeve is in the disengaged position.3. The wide range coupling of claim 2 , wherein:the sleeve defines an axially inner end and an axially outer end relative to the axis of the body bore;the axially inner end is positioned axially outward from the radially inner lip relative to the axis of the body bore when the sleeve is in the engaged position; andthe ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069491A1

A hose connector assembly includes first and second tubes, and a braided hose assembly connected to and extending between the first tube and the second tube. The braided hose assembly has a flexible inner fluid carrier and an outer braided shell, and the outer braided shell has a plurality of threads braided in a helix around the inner fluid carrier, with each individual thread completing one approximately 360 degree revolution around the inner fluid carrier. Two pairs of arms extend longitudinally from opposite lateral sides of the first and second tubes to approximately the longitudinal midpoint of the braided hose assembly and are pivotally connected along a common pivot axis to a ring surrounding the braided hose assembly. 1. A hose connector assembly comprising:a first tube and a second tube;a braided hose assembly connected to and extending between the first tube and the second tube, the braided hose assembly having a flexible inner fluid carrier and an outer braided shell, the outer braided shell having a plurality of threads braided in a helix around the inner fluid carrier, with each individual thread completing one approximately 360 degree revolution around the inner fluid carrier;a first pair of arms extending longitudinally from opposite lateral sides of the first tube to approximately the longitudinal midpoint of the braided hose assembly and being pivotally connected along a common first pivot axis to a ring surrounding the braided hose assembly; anda second pair of arms extending longitudinally from opposite lateral sides of the second tube to approximately the longitudinal midpoint of the braided hose assembly and being pivotally connected along a common second pivot axis, perpendicular to the first pivot axis, to the ring surrounding the brained hose assembly.2. The hose connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the outer braided shell is slidably fitted over an outer surface of the inner fluid carrier along an entire length of the inner fluid carrier ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071791A1
Принадлежит: Sartorius Stedim North America, Inc.

A connector for facilitating fluid transfer includes first fitting, a second fitting, a rigid conduit, a first retaining connector, and a second retaining connector. The rigid conduit includes a flexible tube surrounded by a deformable sleeve. The rigid conduit is connected on a first end to the first fitting and on a second end to the second fitting. The first retaining connector connects the first fitting to the rigid conduit and the second retaining connector connects the second fitting to the rigid conduit. A lumen extends through the rigid conduit and is capable of being sealed. The rigid conduit and the flexible tube are capable of being severed while maintaining the seal of the lumen to separate the first fitting from the second fitting. The connections of the first fitting and the second fitting to the rigid conduit are capable of withstanding at least 1 bar of pressure without leaking. 1. A connector for facilitating fluid transfer , the connector comprising:a first fitting suitable for receiving a fluid;a second fitting suitable for emitting the fluid;a rigid conduit including a flexible tube surrounded by a deformable sleeve and defining a lumen extending therethrough, the rigid conduit connected on a first end to the first fitting and on a second end to the second fitting, the lumen capable of being sealed;a first retaining connector connecting the first fitting to the rigid conduit; anda second retaining connector connecting the second fitting to the rigid conduit,{'b': '1', 'the rigid conduit and flexible tube capable of being severed while maintaining the seal of the lumen to separate the first fitting from the second fitting, and the connections of the first and second fittings to the rigid conduit being capable of withstanding at least bar of pressure without leaking.'}2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the deformable sleeve is formed of a material having plasticity such that pressure applied to the deformable sleeve causes the deformable sleeve ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158217A1

A fitting for connecting a hose to ports of a water filter bypass valve, the hose having an inner diameter less than that of the ports. The fitting includes a unitary base member, a second end connector, and first and second washers. The base member includes a first end connector securable to either of the ports, a neck having a truncated cone shaped inner wall, and a second end having a first outer diameter with a disk shaped flange extending outwardly to a second outer diameter greater than the first outer diameter. The second end connector has a radially inwardly extending flange disposed around the base member second end with and inner diameter greater than the first outer diameter and less than the second outer diameter of the base member second end. The first and second washers are in the first and second end connectors, respectively. 1. A fitting for selectively connecting a hose to ports of a water filter bypass valve , each of said ports and said hose being substantially tubular with said ports each having an inner diameter and said hose having an inner diameter less than said port inner diameters , said ports and said hose each having an outer thread therearound , said fitting comprising: a first end connector having an inner thread selectively securable to either of said port outer threads,', 'a neck having a hollow interior defined by an inner wall shaped as a truncated cone about a central axis aligned with a central axis of one of said ports when said unitary base member inner thread is secured to said one port outer thread,', 'a second end having a first outer diameter with a cylindrical opening therethrough open to and coaxial with said neck hollow interior, said second end cylindrical opening having an inner diameter substantially cylindrical with said hose inner diameter, and', 'a flange extending outwardly from said second end, said flange being disk shaped with a second outer diameter greater than said first outer diameter,', 'wherein said ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084412A1

A coupling barrel having cavities and roll-formed from a single unit of material is described. The coupling barrel includes a wall, lips angularly extending from the wall that define the cavities, and wings angularly extending from the lips. A coupling assembly include the coupling barrel, a pair of glands, and a pair of seals is also described. 1. A roll-formed coupling barrel with cavities comprising:a wall;lips angularly extending from the wall, the lips defining the cavities; andwings angularly extending from the lips.2. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wall defines a C111 cavity having a diameter greater than 12 inches.3. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have equal lengths.4. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips have unequal lengths.5. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at equal angles.6. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein the lips extend from the wall at unequal angles.7. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the lips extend from the wall at an angle selected from the group consisting of about 20 degrees claim 1 , about 25 degrees claim 1 , or about 30 degrees.8. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have equal lengths.9. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings have unequal lengths.10. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at equal angles.11. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings extend from the lips at unequal angles.12. The coupling barrel of claim 1 , wherein the wings are in horizontal alignment with a plane of the wall.13. The coupling barrel of claim 2 , wherein each of the lips define C111 cavities having diameters equal to at least one of about 14 inches claim 2 , about 16 inches claim 2 , about 18 inches claim 2 , about 20 inches claim 2 , about 24 inches claim 2 , about 30 inches claim 2 , about 36 inches claim 2 , about 42 inches claim 2 , or about 48 inches.14. A coupling ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082226A1

A fitting for coupling to at least one pipe, comprising: 2. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the opposite extremities of the at least one sealing member are connected to the pressure member and the sleeve respectively.3. The fitting according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one sealing member is connected with claim 1 , or pressed against claim 1 , the sleeve without being positioned between the slanting surfaces of the pressure ring and the pressure member.4. The fitting according to claim 1 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve.5. The fitting according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one sealing member is connected with claim 2 , or pressed against claim 2 , the sleeve without being positioned between the slanting surfaces of the pressure ring and the pressure member.6. The fitting according to claim 2 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve.7. The fitting according to claim 3 , further comprising a clip for attaching the sealing member to the sleeve. This application is a 371 National Stage of International Application No. PCT/EP2015/061204, filed on May 21, 2015, and published in English as WO 2015/177259 A1 on Nov. 26, 2015. This application claims priority to Netherlands Application No. 2012869, filed on May 22, 2014 and Netherlands Application No. 2013241, filed on Jul. 23, 2014. The entire disclosures of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The disclosure relates to a fitting for coupling to at least one pipe.This section provides background information related to the present disclosure which is not necessarily prior art.EP-A-0 794 378 discloses a fitting for coupling to at least one pipe, comprising:In the fitting of EP-A-0 794 378 the sealing member is arranged between the pressure member and the pipe and between the pressure member and the sleeve in order to provide the required seal between the sleeve and the pipe.A fitting according to the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082233A1

Ducting and/or duct couplings can be formed from shape memory polymer material, with the material for example being additively manufactured. The use of shape memory polymer material for one or more of the duct portions may allow for easier installation of the ducting, for example allowing the ducting to be warped and/or bent to fit into or through places that are hard to reach or hard to maneuver through, with the ducting then heated to cause it to return to a predetermined memory shape. The coupling of duct portions together may be accomplished by the duct portions including a shape memory polymer material, with for example ends of the duct portions fitted together, and then heated to use a shape memory property of the material to effect coupling. Heating of the shape memory polymer material also softens the material, allowing it to move to a previously set shape. 1. A method of installing a duct , the method comprising:placing together a first duct portion of the duct, and a second duct portion of the duct; andheating a shape memory polymer material that is at least part of the first duct portion above a transition temperature of the shape memory polymer material, the material to change shape toward a permanent shape, thereby mechanically coupling together the duct portions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating the shape memory polymer presses an end of the first duct portion against an end of the second duct portion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the placing includes inserting an end of one of the duct portions into an end of the other of the duct portions.4. The method of claim 1 ,wherein substantially all of the first duct portion is made of the shape memory polymer; andwherein the heating includes restoring shape of the first duct portion.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising claim 4 , prior to the placing:changing the shape of the first duct portion; andmoving the first duct portion to where the placing occurs;wherein the changing shape ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080671A1

A fitting spanner configured to couple a first fitting and a second fitting that are separated by a gap having a length that is less than a diameter of an insertion end of each of the first and second fittings. The fitting spanner includes a tubular body having a first end and a second end that are each pre-finished to be devoid of burrs and sharp edges, and an alignment element is positioned between the first end and the second end that is configured to properly align the fitting spanner between the first fitting and the second fitting. The alignment element is a permanent visual indicator provided on the tubular body, wherein the tubular body includes a length and diameter that is selected based on the diameter and a length of the insertion end of the first fitting and the second fitting that is configured for receipt of the fitting spanner. 1. A fitting spanner configured to couple a first fitting and a second fitting that are separated by a gap having a length that is less than a diameter of an insertion end of each of the first and second fittings , the fitting spanner comprising:a tubular body having a first end and a second end that are each pre-finished to be devoid of burrs and sharp edges, andat least one alignment element positioned between the first end and the second end that is configured to properly align the fitting spanner between the first fitting and the second fitting, the alignment element being a permanent visual indicator provided on the tubular body,wherein the tubular body includes a length and diameter that is selected based on the diameter and a length of the insertion end of the first fitting and the second fitting that is configured for receipt of the fitting spanner.2. The fitting spanner of claim 1 , wherein the at least one alignment element is defined by a groove that is recessed radially into the tubular body and formed about a circumference of the tubular body.3. The fitting spanner of claim 2 , wherein the at least one alignment ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150091298A1
Принадлежит: Parker Hannifin Ltd.

A coupling for attaching to an end of a tube, pipe, conduit or other round solid or hollow section. The coupling includes an inner body and a collar to be provided around the inner body. The inner body has an interior bore passing through at least a portion thereof to receive a tube and the bore has one or more interior annular protuberances extending into the bore. When the collar is provided around the inner body it applies a circumferential compressive force to deform the inner body such that the one or more annular protuberances engage the tube to seal with it. 1. A fitting assembly connected to an end of a length of tubing having a tubing wall , the fitting assembly comprising:a body having a socket portion, the socket portion having a forward end opening into an internal bore into which the tubing end is insertably received, the bore having a generally annular inner surface, and the body socket portion having a generally annular outer surface including an inclined portion tapering towards the body forward. end, the bore inner surface having a number of teeth, one of the teeth being spaced-apart rearwardly axially from the rest of the teeth, with said rest of the teeth being disposed adjacent the body forward end; anda generally annular collar received coaxially over the tubing, the collar having a forward end and a rearward end portion received coaxially over the outer surface of the body socket portion, the collar rearward end. portion having a generally annular inner surface including an inclined portion tapering towards the collar forward end,whereby with the collar rearward end portion having been moved over the body socket portion effecting a caroming engagement of the inclined portion of the body socket portion outer surface against the inclined portion of the collar inner surface, the body socket portion is radially compressed about the tubing wherein such compression initially causes the teeth to grippingly bite into the tubing wall and thereafter to ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Components for Fabrication of a Stable Base and Support Structure

Номер: US20140167404A1
Автор: Wilson Robert H.

A tetrahedron shaped pipe section core connector and an optional end connector that enable the quick fabrication of a stable tripod base with a stable post support. The core connector is made by machining, molding, casting, or forging the material from which the pipe connector is constructed (typically metal or plastic). The core component (hereinafter the “knuckle connector”) provides four pipe connections oriented at 109.5° angles to each other, forming a regular tetrahedron shape. Pipe sections may be screwed or press fit into each of the four pipe connections. Three of these fitted pipes may be oriented to form a tripod base. The remaining pipe connection extends vertically up to form a post support. The body of the knuckle connector optionally incorporates one or more smaller apertures, preferably threaded, that extend through the wall of the body of the connector. These apertures provide attachment points for ancillary components. 1. A pipe section core connector component comprising:a connector body comprising a walled enclosure; andfour connector extensions, each oriented to generally form a regular tetrahedral shape, extending from the connector body, each of the four connector extensions comprising an internally threaded cylinder;wherein the connector body further defines at least one threaded ancillary aperture positioned through the wall of the connector body.2. A pipe section end connector component comprising:a connector body comprising a base plate; anda connector extension, oriented at an acute angle from the base plate, extending from the connector body, the connector extension comprising a walled cylinder;wherein the walled cylinder of the connector extension further defines at least one threaded set screw aperture positioned through the wall of the connector extension. This application claims the benefit under Title 35 United States Code §119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/674,084, filed Jul. 20, 2012, the full disclosure of ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Compression couplings

Номер: US20180087697A1
Принадлежит: Hubbell Inc

A compression coupling includes a sealing joint for sealingly coupling a pipe to the compression coupling and a restraining joint separate from the sealing joint for restraining the pipe to the compression coupling.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096175A1

A rigid coupler for use in electrically isolating an electrically conductive fluid conveyance system is described. The rigid coupler includes a nonconductive liner having a first end configured to couple to a first adjoining section of the fluid conveyance system, and a second end, opposite said first end, configured to couple to a second adjoining section of the fluid conveyance system. A reinforcing structure circumscribes the nonconductive liner and is coupled to a portion of the nonconductive liner extending between the first and second ends of the nonconductive liner. The reinforcing structure includes a multi-axial braided fiber material impregnated with a matrix material. A fiber overwrap is hoop wound about at a least a portion of the reinforcing structure between the first and second ends of the nonconductive liner. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of making a rigid coupler for use in conveying fluid said method comprising:coupling a reinforcing structure to a portion of a non-conductive liner such that the reinforcing structure circumscribes the non-conductive liner, the reinforcing structure comprising an interior cavity defined therein, a multi-axial braided fiber material and a first matrix material;coupling a first outer end fitting to the reinforcing structure such that the first outer end fitting circumscribes a portion of the reinforcing structure;coupling a second outer end fitting to the reinforcing structure such that the second outer end fitting circumscribes a portion of the reinforcing structure, the first outer end fitting spaced apart from the second outer end fitting along a length of the reinforcing structure;coupling an inner end fitting to each of the first outer end fitting and the second outer end fitting;forming a composite overwrap about at least a portion of the reinforcing structure between the first and second outer end fittings, the composite overwrap comprising hoop wound fiber material and a second matrix material; andpositioning ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097369A1
Автор: Bernardo Giovanni F.

An apparatus includes a first duct having a first outer surface and a first inner surface. The first outer surface has a protuberance thereon, and the first inner surface defines a first passageway having a first passageway opening. The apparatus also includes a second duct having a second outer surface and a second inner surface. The second inner surface defines a second passageway having a second passageway opening. The apparatus further includes a sleeve that defines a chamber having a first chamber opening and a second chamber opening. The sleeve also defines a slot. The sleeve is rotatably connected to the second duct, and the protuberance on the second outer surface is disposed within the slot such that the sleeve and the protuberance cooperate to couple the first duct to the second duct. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first duct having a first outer surface having a protuberance thereon, and a first inner surface defining a first passageway having a first passageway opening;a second duct having a second outer surface and a second inner surface that defines a second passageway having a second passageway opening;a sleeve defining a slot;wherein the sleeve is rotatably connected to the second duct; andwherein the protuberance is disposed within the slot such that the sleeve and the protuberance cooperate to couple the first duct to the second duct.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second outer surface defines an annular groove; andwherein the sleeve includes an annular flange that extends into the annular groove.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve defines a chamber having a first chamber opening and a second chamber opening; andwherein the first and second ducts are at least partially disposed within the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the chamber is generally frusto-conical.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first and second passageway openings are disposed within the chamber.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Pre-assembled pipe coupling with an insertion boundary for axial receipt of pipe ends

Номер: US20200088330A1
Автор: Sandra M. Lippka
Принадлежит: Tyco Fire Products LP

A pre-assembled pipe coupling (10) includes a gasket (200), a housing (12) surrounding the gasket, and a fastener (20). The housing has three segments sequentially coupled to each other to define an insertion boundary (11). A bridge segment (12c) has a first mount (18) extending lateral from the wall and having a plurality of first lateral walls defining a first aperture (22) and a second mount (18) having a plurality of second lateral walls defining a second aperture (22). A first clamp segment (12a) has a first hook (14) disposed in the first aperture. A second clamp segment (12b) has a second hook (14) disposed in the second aperture. The fastener is disposed through the first fastener aperture and the second fastener aperture. The fastener has an adjusted length at which the first clamp segment grips the gasket, and the second clamp segment grips the gasket to locate the first sealing lip and the second sealing lip within the insertion boundary.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174108A1
Автор: OIKAWA Ken

A cold trap includes a duct, which is for connecting a volume to be evacuated to a vacuum pump, and a cold panel surrounded by the duct. The duct includes an inlet flange at an evacuation target side and an outlet flange at a vacuum pump side. The outlet flange is arranged at a distance from the inlet flange in the extending direction of the duct. The inlet flange has an outer diameter larger than an outer diameter of the outlet flange. 1. A cold trap provided between a volume to be evacuated and a vacuum pump for evacuation of the volume , the cold trap comprising:a duct configured to connect the volume to the vacuum pump; anda cold panel surrounded by the duct, whereinthe duct comprises an inlet flange arranged toward the volume to be evacuated and an outlet flange arranged toward the vacuum pump, the outlet flange is arranged at a distance from the inlet flange in an extending direction of the duct, andthe inlet flange has an outer diameter larger than an outer diameter of the outlet flange.2. The cold trap according to claim 1 , whereinthe cold panel comprises a radially inner portion and a radially outer portion, andthe radially outer portion is placed between the radially inner portion and the volume in the extending direction.3. The cold trap according to claim 2 , whereinthe radially outer portion has an outer diameter larger than an inner diameter of an end of the duct arranged toward the vacuum pump.4. The cold trap according to claim 2 , whereinthe radially outer portion has an outer diameter larger than an inner diameter of an end of the duct arranged toward the volume, andthe inlet flange has a recess configured to receive the radially outer portion.5. Amounting structure of a cold trap claim 2 , the mounting structure comprising:a duct extending from an evacuation target side to a vacuum pump side;an inlet flange provided on the duct at the evacuation target side; andan outlet flange provided on the duct at the vacuum pump side, whereinthe inlet flange ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Joint assembly

Номер: US20180094757A1
Автор: Naseer Niaz
Принадлежит: Perkins Engines Co Ltd

A joint assembly for connecting a first pipe having a first inner diameter and a second pipe having a second inner diameter which is larger than the first inner diameter comprises, an annular section comprising an annular wall defining a flow path through the annular section and configured to connect to the first pipe and the second pipe, and a clamp portion configured to clamp the second pipe between an outer surface of the annular section and an inner surface of the clamp portion. An inner diameter of the annular section varies from a first inner diameter at a first end of the annular section to a second inner diameter at a second end of the annular section. The first inner diameter is substantially equal to the inner diameter of the first pipe. The second inner diameter is substantially equal to the inner diameter of the second pipe.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093801A1
Автор: Lee Beng Poh

A closure indicator for a fluid coupling is disclosed where the fluid coupling has first and second semi-circular members hinged together at a first end and latched together at the opposite end, the indicator comprising an upper surface including a stop on a rear surface for arresting rotational travel in a first direction, first and second sidewalls with elongate slots, a spring biasing the indicator in the first direction, and first and second arms extending from said first and second sidewalls, respectively, to a position under a pin of a bracket only when the members are latched together. 1. A closure indicator for a fluid coupling , the fluid coupling having first and second semi-circular members hinged together at a first end and at the other end having opposed brackets each with a respective parallel pin with latches for closing the fluid coupling , the indicator comprising:an upper surface including a stop on a rear surface for arresting rotational travel in a first direction;first and second sidewalls, each sidewall including an elongate slot through which a first pin of a bracket is received, the elongate slots having a height substantially equal to a diameter of the first pin and a length greater than the height for rotational and translational movement of the indicator about the first pin;a spring biasing the indicator in the first direction; andfirst and second arms extending from said first and second sidewalls, respectively, to a position under a second pin of a bracket only when the latches are in a closed position and only when the indicator is moved along the first pin to a forward most position with respect to said elongate slot.2. The closure indicator of claim 1 , wherein the stop comprises first and second tabs rearwardly extending from a rear edge of the upper surface.3. The closure indicator of claim 2 , wherein the first and second tabs are spaced apart by a width equal to a width of a latch.4. The closure indicator of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160102795A1
Автор: OConnor Timothy
Принадлежит: Swan Products, LLC

Two piece male hose coupler assembly includes a nut and a separate expandable tube. The nut has a first end portion with male threads on the exterior surface, and a second end portion having a gripping collar on the exterior surface. The nut has an open through bore defining an interior surface. An expandable tube is positionable within the bore of the nut, wherein the tube is expanded outwardly to pinch one end of a hose between an exterior surface of the tube and the bore of the nut so that the hose is sealed between the tube and the nut. Further, the tube has a radial flange at one end that seats against a radial mating surface at or adjacent the first end of the nut. The assembly thus provides a relatively leak proof connection including sealing surfaces between the mating radial flanges, and also along the mating longitudinal surfaces of the nut and hose extending along the longitudinal axis of the hose. A method is provided for assembling the nut and tube at one end of the hose. 1. An apparatus comprising:a male hose coupler assembly comprising a nut and an expandable tube aligned along a longitudinal axis of a hose for connection to one end of the hose, the nut having opposing first and second longitudinal end portions and a central longitudinal bore defining an interior surface, the first end portion having a male thread on a generally cylindrical exterior surface portion and the second end portion having a griping collar on an exterior surface portion;the expandable tube being positionable within the bore of the nut, wherein the tube is expanded outwardly to pinch one end of the hose between an exterior surface of the tube and the bore of the nut so that the hose end is sealed between the tube and the nut; andwherein the tube has a radial flange at one end that seats against a radial mating surface in the bore of the nut located at or adjacent the first end of the nut.2. The apparatus of wherein the interior surface of the nut has a plurality of protrusions ...
