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11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618772C2
Принадлежит: ДАБ ПАМПС С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к крепежной манжете (10) для труб, резервуаров и тел с цилиндрическими частями в целом, которая представляет собой полосу, обернутую вокруг закрепляемого элемента (11) на опорной конструкции с помощью крепежного средства (12). Манжета (10) содержит по меньшей мере три дугообразные части (15а, 15b, 15с), последовательно сцепленные посредством по меньшей мере двух шарниров (16) в позициях, в которых они не являются диаметрально противоположными, и замыкаются так, чтобы охватывать указанный закрепляемый элемент (12) путем защелкивания быстрозакрывающегося средства (17), размещенного на концах первой дугообразной части (15а) и последней дугообразной части (15с) указанных последовательно расположенных трех дугообразных частей (15а, 15b, 15с), которые снабжены также упругими элементами (23), предназначенными для компенсации отклонений по размерам диаметра указанного закрепляемого элемента (11). Изобретение упрощает процесс монтажа. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

14-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653715C2

Изобретение может быть использовано в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Компонент системы отвода выхлопных газов для двигателя внутреннего сгорания содержит множество взаимно соединенных элементов (1) системы отвода выхлопных газов, через которые протекают выхлопные газы двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Элементы (1) системы отвода выхлопных газов опираются на первую раму (2) и на вторую раму (4). Вторая рама (4) расположена на расстоянии от первой рамы (2). Соединительные распорки (5) прочно соединяют рамы (2), (4) между собой. Каждая из соединительных распорок (5) образует опорную поверхность, на которой расположена рубашка, образующая периферийную стенку. Раскрыты варианты компонента системы отвода выхлопных газов для двигателя внутреннего сгорания и варианты способа изготовления компонента системы отвода выхлопных газов. Технический результат заключается в защите элементов системы отвода выхлопных газов от поворота нежелательным образом. 6 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

26-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU214399U1

Полезная модель относится к крепежным изделиям, применяемым при производстве строительно-монтажных работ, а более конкретно - к устройствам для крепления длинномерных изделий: кабелей, проводов и труб к полнотелым поверхностям, таким как кирпич, бетон, газобетон, гипсокартон, камень и т.п. Задачей заявляемой полезной модели является повышение скорости монтажа, удобства монтажа и усилия фиксации дюбель-хомута в месте посадки. Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в дюбеле-хомуте, состоящем из U-образной пластины, включающей петлевую часть, предназначенную для размещения закрепляемого объекта, и хвостовую часть, образованную двумя концами U-образной пластины, на внешних поверхностях которых выполнены распорные элементы в виде усеченной пирамиды с основаниями в форме прямоугольника, ограничивающие возможность поворота, а на внутренней поверхности хвостовой части, образованной двумя концами U-образной пластины выполнены четыре оппозитно размещенных участка с поперечно распложенными ...

28-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU177521U1

Описана усовершенствованная конструкция затвора трубопровода с беспроводной системой позиционирования и оповещения. Усовершенствованный затвор трубопровода состоит из верхней платформы, расширения, нижней платформы, ряда болтов и ряда компрессионных колец, включающих в себя ряд крепежных отверстий для размещения и фиксации кабельной линии. Внутри затвора трубопровода устанавливается газочувствительное устройство для обнаружения концентраций газа внутри пространства канала смотрового колодца при установке в подземном канале смотрового колодца. Измеренные данные передаются на устройство для мониторинга посредством беспроводной связи в целях мониторинга концентраций газа внутри канала смотрового колодца. Это позволяет предотвращать ущерб здоровью и гибель людей, работающих в канале смотрового колодца, в результате нехватки кислорода или вдыхания вредных газов.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU176899U1

Полезная модель относится к монтажному инструменту полевого магистрального трубопровода и предназначена для подъема труб и приведения их в соосное положение при монтаже и демонтаже полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов.Технической задачей полезной модели является улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик рычага-подставки расширения технологических возможностей инструмента и повышения его надежности при монтаже и демонтаже полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов.Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, что усовершенствованная рычаг-подставка, состоящая из крючка, рычага, отличается тем, что рычаг-подставка имеет ребра жесткости в месте соединения крючка и рычага, а также упор рычага.Ребра жесткости усиливают конструкцию и повышают площадь соприкосновения рычага-подставки с грунтом, что в совокупности с подвижным упором рычага не дает усовершенствованному рычагу-подставке увязнуть в грунте, позволяя своевременной корректировкой положения труб для предотвращения перекоса при монтаже (демонтаже) трубопровода, обеспечивая снижение времени монтажа (демонтажа) соединения «Раструб» трубопровода.Таким образом, предложенный усовершенствованный рычаг-подставка для монтажа (демонтажа) полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов обладает новизной, обеспечивающий новые полезные характеристики, удобство при эксплуатации рычага, снижает время монтажа (демонтажа) трубопровода.Эффективность использования усовершенствованного рычага-подставки для монтажа (демонтажа) полевого магистрального сборно-разборного трубопровода заключается в удобстве эксплуатации и сокращении времени монтажа (демонтажа) соединения «Раструб».Предлагаемая полезная модель решает задачу повышения эффективности использования трубопровода по подаче горючего войскам. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 899 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 3/00 (2017.08); F16L 3/003 ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU188245U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам крепления в щебне железнодорожного полотна электротяговых соединителей, дроссельных и других перемычек.Проходной держатель электротяговых соединителей, дроссельных и других перемычек, содержащий стержень с острием на одном конце, и монтажный узел дополнен на конце стержня с острием сплошной винтовой поверхностью вдоль продольной оси (шнеком).Конструкция предлагаемой полезной модели обеспечивает исключение эффекта заклинивания держателя при извлечении его из тела железнодорожного полотна в случае необходимости проведения работ по обслуживанию пути, например работ по подбивке балласта.

09-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU188381U1

Техническое решение относится к области защиты конструкции опор металлических резервуаров, трубопроводов и подобных сооружений от вредного влияния блуждающих токов и может быть использовано для снижения потерь токов катодной защиты, предотвращения проявлений гальванической и щелевой коррозии, а также защиты антикоррозионных защитных покрытий конструкций от механических повреждений.Задачей настоящего технического решения является создание электроизолирующего ложемента, способного обеспечить работоспособность в течении длительного срока с сохранением требуемых эксплуатационных показателей. Техническим результатом является улучшение взаимосвязанных физических свойств ложемента, а именно - повышения термической стабильности геометрических размеров изделия, снижение хладотекучести при эксплуатационных нагрузках, увеличения стойкости к растрескиванию без ухудшения его электроизолирующих свойств, что обеспечивается за счет увеличения стойкости ложемента к действию возникающих в процессе эксплуатации ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU190357U1

Полезная модель относится к области прокладки трубопроводов и может быть использована для протаскивания трубопровода внутри защитного кожуха, внутри другой трубы или бетонном туннеле при сооружении переходов через естественные и искусственные преграды.Опорно-направляющее кольцо для трубопровода содержит полукруглые сегменты, стыковочные концы которых отогнуты наружу и снабжены ребрами жесткости, соединены при этом между собой разъёмным болтовым соединением. По окружности кольца равномерно распределены демпфирующие элементы, состоящие из корпуса с пружиной и демпфирующих опорных роликов из диэлектрического материала. С одной стороны соединение стыковочных концов полукруглых сегментов выполнено в виде шарнира. Технический результат – расширение арсенала технических средств аналогичного назначения с одновременным уменьшением времени, затрачиваемого на монтаж опорно-направляющего кольца на трубопровод, а также снижением нагрузок на демпфирующие опорные ролики.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008149907A

... 1. Устройство для крепления трубы (1) на поддерживающей балке (2), содержащее подвеску для трубы (3), поддерживающую плиту (4), а также хомут (5) для трубы, отличающееся тем, что поддерживающая плита (4) соединена с поддерживающей балкой (2), подвеска для трубы (3) содержит боковые направляющие элементы (7), выполненные таким образом, что подвеска для трубы (3) точно входит в поддерживающую плиту (4), соединенную с поддерживающей балкой (2), при этом поддерживающая плита (4) содержит крепежные части (8), выступающие за подвеску для трубы (3), причем крепежные части (8) могут входить в крепежные канавки (9) в хомуте (5) для трубы для прикрепления трубы (1), при этом хомут (5) для трубы в закрепленном состоянии точно охватывает как трубу (1), так и подвеску для трубы (3) и может прочно соединяться с подвеской для трубы посредством крепежных средств. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в качестве крепежных средств для присоединения хомута (5) для трубы к подвеске (3) для трубы служит ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013126213A

... 1. Опора трубопровода, содержащая:a) наружную опорную стенку, в основном, трубчатой формы, имеющую нижнюю часть для закрепления на поверхности и поддерживающую трубопровод верхнюю часть;b) внутреннюю опорную стенку, отступающую вовнутрь от наружной опорной стенки и имеющую, в основном, форму усеченного конуса, с нижней частью для закрепления на поверхности и поддерживающей трубопровод верхней частью; иc) соединяющий участок для поддержания наружной опорной стенки и внутренней опорной стенки в фиксированном, разнесенном одна от другой взаимном положении.2. Опора трубопровода по п.1, в которой наружная опорная стенка имеет, в основном, форму усеченного конуса.3. Опора трубопровода по п.1 или 2, в которой внутренняя опорная стенка имеет, в основном, форму сужающегося вниз усеченного конуса, а наружная опорная стенка имеет, в основном, форму сужающегося вверх усеченного конуса.4. Опора трубопровода по п.3, в которой соединяющий участок простирается между верхней частью внутренней поддерживающей ...

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010108428A

... 1. Конструктивный компонент (10), который выполнен как несущий компонент, для упрочнения обшивки (1) самолета или космического летательного аппарата, причем конструктивный компонент (10) включает пустотелый профиль (3) для приема по меньшей мере одной системной среды (М), отличающийся тем, что конструктивный компонент (10) имеет приемную стойку (4), посредством которой конструктивный компонент (10) может быть прикреплен к обшивке (1), причем приемная стойка (4) имеет основание (4а), которое может быть расположено на обшивке (1) и может быть прикреплено к обшивке (1), и приемную часть (4d), которая конфигурирована для приема пустотелого профиля (3). ! 2. Конструктивный компонент (10) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что конструктивный компонент (10) выполнен как шпангоут, в частности кольцеобразный шпангоут, как стрингер, герметичная переборка и т.д. ! 3. Конструктивный компонент (10) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что конструктивный компонент (10) может быть прикреплен к внутренней стороне обшивки ...

07-02-1990 дата публикации

Блок сборных строительных конструкций

Номер: SU1541458A1

Изобретение относится к строительству, преимущественно прокладке магистральных трубопроводов, и позволяет повысить надежность в обращении блока сборных строительных конструкций путем уменьшения потери его заполнителя при наружном нарушении целостности блока. Блок выполнен в виде рулона (или двух рулонов) из двухслойного полосового полотнища 2 с заполнителем 1, при этом торцы рулона заглушены. Для сборки в конструкцию опоры-утяжелителя или основания дорожного покрытия рулон может быть снабжен стержнем-сердечником 4 и жесткими или гибкими связями скрепления рулонов между собой. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013109233A1

Ein Verbinder für eine Bauteilanbringungsbaugruppe eines Klimatisierungssystems weist eine im Wesentlichen planare Platte mit einem vertieften Abschnitt und einem Schlitzabschnitt auf. Der vertiefte Abschnitt und der Schlitzabschnitt sind in der Platte ausgebildet, um eine Öffnung zum Aufnehmen eines Kanals darin zu begrenzen. Ein Verfahren zum Koppeln des Kanals in den Verbinder umfasst den Schritt, wenigstens den Abschnitt des Kanals durch den Schlitzabschnitt und in den vertieften Abschnitt zu drücken, wodurch wenigstens der Abschnitt des Kanals verformt wird, um einer Konfiguration der Öffnung zu entsprechen, um vor einem Lösen des Eingriffs zwischen der Platte und wenigstens dem Abschnitt des Kanals zu schützen, der in der Öffnung der Platte angeordnet ist.

24-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003716376A1

08-02-2001 дата публикации

Aus einem Profilelement gebildete Montageschiene

Номер: DE0029917734U1

14-02-1985 дата публикации

Process for producing wear-resistant pipes and pipes produced thereby

Номер: DE0003422724A1

A pipe or conduit section having a compensating piece for carrying abrasive or corrosive materials is formed by shaping a conduit or pipe section of ceramic abrasion-resistant material, after which the outer surface of the section receives a covering of fibre-reinforced plastics material. The covering can be applied in the form of flexible strips which are adhesively bonded to the section or the plastics material can be sprayed or blown onto the section. …… ...

08-02-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE7832626U1

17-09-1964 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001900837U

11-06-1952 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001639612U

04-06-1970 дата публикации

Lager und Verfahren zu deren Verwendung

Номер: DE0001958379A1

29-07-1964 дата публикации

Fenders for hoses, pipes or cables and the like

Номер: GB0000965270A

... 965,270. Buoyant pipes. FIRESTONE BURLEIGH MARINE PNEUMATIC FENDERING CO. Ltd. Feb. 15, 1963 [Nov. 17, 1961], No. 37142/61. Heading F2P. [Also in Division H1] A fender for hoses, pipes &c. comprises an inflatable vessel, or forms an inflatable vessel in association therewith, constructed in the form of a doughnut, bolster or a long cylindrical shape, having a passageway along the axis thereof for engagement upon a hose &c. and removal therefrom for subsequent re-use. As shown in Fig. 1, the device comprises a nylon tube 2, an outer rubber portion 3 having wirereinforced treads 6 and an inner tube 3a fitted with an inflating valve 4. In modifications, (a) the fender is seated on a pair of rubber rings disposed over the hose; (b) the fender is attached upon inflation thereof to a metal tube 24, Fig. 5, secured on the hose by rubber cones 25; (c) the reinforced edges of the fender are clamped between rings 15, 18, Fig. 4, secured to the hose by annular rubber rings 22 provided with inflating ...

11-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in drain or like pipes or sockets

Номер: GB0000493604A

... 493,604. Supporting pipes. TAYLOR, J. April 5, 1938, No. 10346. [Class 99 (ii)] A rain pipe socket has ears with' rear faces in a plane outside the external surface of the pipe, the roots 2 of the ears being connected by a web 3 extending from the pipe. The ears are recessed at 4 and 5.

24-12-2014 дата публикации

Cable support bracket, cable assembly and attachment method

Номер: GB0201420150D0

11-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008506222D0

13-01-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to nozzles, branchpipes or other like liquid-directing devices

Номер: GB0000596897A

... 596,897. Supporting nozzles. JEROME, J. A. Aug. 3, 1945, No. 20035. [Class 47 (ii)] A supporting device for a branch-pipe, or nozzle, e.g. of a fire-hose, consists of a suctioncup c which is secured by means of a ball-joint to the nozzle a. The nozzle a is provided internally with a jet-pump e which is connected by air passages to the suction cup and produces the vacuum therein. A further'jet pump h may be fitted in order to draw foam-making substances &c. through the pipe i into the nozzle. A ball valve f is used to retain the vacuum in the suction cup when the liquids are not passing through the nozzle. Spray producing means such as the deflector g may be attached. In a modification the jet pump is formed inside the suction cup and a ball-joint in the nozzle allows directional flow to be given to the liquid.

19-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002220055B

24-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002201177A

A clamp for use in clamping conduits (such as power cables and control lines) to tubular structures (such as drill pipe) comprises a first part-annular member (1) for seating on said tubular structure so as to span a coupling thereon and a second part-annular member (4) hingedly connected to said first member and pivotable between an open position and a closed position in which the first and second members define at least part of an annular clamp extending around the tubular structure, the first and second members co-operating to define a passageway (12) extending longitudinally of the tubular structure for receiving power cables and/or control lines. ...

25-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001324222A

... 1324222 Clamps LONDON ENGS PATTERN CO Ltd 5 April 1972 [5 April 1971] 8655/71 Heading E2B A clamp for securing bus-bars to a support comprises a movable jaw 14, 15 which slides in a hollow jaw member 11, both parts having an axial hole 18 for receiving a bolt securing them together and, if desired, to the support, at surface 12. The bar is gripped between jaw surfaces 15, 17 and rests on ledge 13. The movable jaw may be of aluminium.

30-11-1983 дата публикации

Hose clamp

Номер: GB0002120313A

A hose clamp for supporting a vertically extending control line or hose from a position above water to subsea equipment below the water from a vertically extending vertical support such as a wire cable. The clamp includes a circular body with semi-circular halves pivotally connected at one side and having coacting locking means at their second sides for encircling the control line. The interior of the body includes a plurality of projections, preferably a plurality of vertically spaced circular rows of arcuate projections. The hose includes matching and coacting recesses on the exterior of the hose for mating with the projections on the body when the clamp is locked on the hose. Preferably, the recesses are formed by placing a heated clamp mold around the control line having heated projections similar to the projections on the body which will form the recesses by melting the exterior of the lines. Connecting means for securing the body to the wireline may include three J-shaped hooks which ...

10-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002129082B

30-10-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in pipe and like supports

Номер: GB0000223824A

... 223,824. Billand, C. April 25, 1924. Holdfasts. - For the purpose of securing a fall pipe to a wall, the pipe is formed with a projection b lying in or at right angles to the plane containing the axis of the pipe, and adapted to be fixed to an eyebolt d, which is provided with a spiked or flanged portion for securing to a wall.

10-02-2021 дата публикации

A connection device

Номер: GB0002586137A

A pipe gripping device 10 comprises a housing 12 having a body section 18 with two opposing walls extending therefrom 20, each of the opposing walls provided with a lip 26 to create a guide recess 28 such that the two guide recesses face one another and wherein the body section of the housing has an aperture (24, figure 5) therethrough. The device further comprising a gripping element (14, figure 2) mounted in the housing, the gripping element having flanges (32, 34, figure 6) which engage the lips of the housing allowing the gripping element to slide within the housing. A range of motion limiter comprising a step on the housing (22, figure 4) and a step on the gripping element (36, figure 7) limits the extent to which the gripping element can slide. The gripping element further comprises a gripping face 38 to engage with the pipe. The device further comprises an elongate actuator 16, such as a screw, which is received within the aperture of the body section and can apply a force on the ...

14-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002127518B

29-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002123057B

24-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002521424A

A device that will suspend, support hold and substantially lock in any desired position any flexible hose, cable, rope or lengthpiece comprises a wrap body around which the lengthpiece is wrapped at least approximately once in a helical or spiral path. The wrap body can be any cylindrical, conical, polygonal shape suitable. Preferably a helical or spiral slot is formed in the wrap body around which the lengthpiece is wrapped. At least one pressure actuator may be provided which applies pressure on the lengthpiece to substantially hold the lengthpiece on the wrap body and prevent slippage. At least one pressure actuator cut-out may be provided on the wrap body for engagement by the pressure actuator. At least one angular adjustment fixing or indexing device may be provided on the wrap body to accommodate the optimum approach angles between the lengthpiece and wrap body. The device essentially works by holding and locking under its own weight and friction against the surface of peripheral ...

24-02-1921 дата публикации

Means for supporting and strengthening the inspection tubes inserted in flexible piping

Номер: GB0000159076A

... 159,076. Heath, W. H. Dec. 17, 1919. Junction-pieces ; joints with yielding outer pipe compressed. -Tl]e clamps c by which an inspection tube b is fastened in a flexible tube a are united by one or more rigid connecting-bars. These may be secured as at e, by the screws d which tighten the clamps c, or may be riveted as at e<1>. The bars e, e<1> hold the tubes together if the inspection tube b should be cracked or broken.

13-11-2019 дата публикации

A fuel line attachment assembly

Номер: GB0002573514A

A fuel line attachment assembly 100 comprising: a fuel line coupler 120 for coupling fuel line 110 to a vehicle frame 4 in an attachment plane P; and an impact structure 130 comprising an impact surface 138 angled relative to the attachment plane such that an impact on the impact surface acts to displace the fuel line in a direction with a component parallel to attachment plane. The impact structure may comprise a housing of first (133 Fig.3) and second portions (134,135) configured to couple together around the fuel lines. Said portions may be joined by a living hinge and comprise a one-piece plastics component. Said coupler may comprise a fixed part (122, Fig. 4) for attachment to the vehicle frame and a movable part (124) configured to movably couple the fuel line to the fixed part. The coupler may further comprise a stop element (125) to resist movement up to a threshold applied force. The impact surface may conform to a face of a vehicle component 10. Coupler also claimed in isolation ...

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to connecting devices

Номер: GB0201518343D0

09-08-1967 дата публикации

Means for supporting or fixing piping, radiators and other objects or appliances

Номер: GB0001078217A

... 1,078,217. Brackets. D. GREGOROVIC. Nov. 29, 1965 [Nov. 30, 1964], No. 50552/65. Heading A4B. A bracket for supporting piping, radiacors, shelving or other articles comprises a longitudinally split tube formed from sheet material, one end 6 of the tube being slightly conical or chamfered to facilitate easy releasable fitment into a preformed socket 7 in a wall 8 or other support and the opposite end being formed to support the article. The tube 1 is formed with perforation 2 and with notches 3 along its split edges. The tube 1 is formed at its protruding end with a notch 11 to receive a bracket 12 carried by the supported article. In a modification (Figs. 6, 7), a notch (13) is formed in the flattened free end of the tube 1. Alternatively (Figs. 8, 9), a separate plate member (14) with a hooked portion (16) is secured to the tube 1. In another embodiment (Figs. 10, 11), the free end of the tube 1 is flatttened and bent into an arcuate hook form (17) to support a tube, the latter being engaged ...

20-04-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to rain-water soil or like pipes or sockets therefor

Номер: GB0000391033A

... 391,033. Casting. MELTON, A., 197, Thelwall Lane, Latchford, and WARRING- TON LIGHT CASTINGS CO., Ltd., Melton Foundry, Napier Street, Warrington, both in Lancashire. Oct. 5, 1932, No. 27677. [Class 83 (i).] A rain-water &c. pipe 1 or socket therefor is provided with relatively thick supporting ears or lugs 2, the front surfaces 3 of which are merged into the curved surface of the pipe by arcuate surfaces 4 of not more than 90‹, i.e. without the formation of any re-entrant angles or curves. The overall width W of the ears is preferably slightly reduced from the front faces 3 towards the rear face 6, and the latter face may be hollowed out. The above construction facilitates the casting operation since the patterns for the ears may be made integral with the pipe pattern.

22-03-1967 дата публикации

A spacer device

Номер: GB0001062975A

... 1,062,975. Linkwork. COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'ELECTRICITE. June 18, 1964 [June 21, 1963], No. 25338/64. Heading F2K. A low temperature vessel 10, cooled by a liquefied gas or heat exchanger, is spaced from an outer vessel 11 by a vacuum and supported by an adjustable rod 18 and a low thermal conductivity synthetic fibre cable loop 25. The cable 25 engages slots 13, 14 in a stainless steel or plastics tube 12 stuck on the inner vessel 10, and is held by a plate 29 in grooves 27, 28 in a cap 25 pivoted on the conical end of rod 18. Rod 18 may have a polyester end and a metallic lower portion screwed in a stub 19 of the outer vessel 11 and welded thereto after initial adjustment of rod 18. In a modification, Fig. 3 (not shown), a tube (53) (which may be conical), a cable (53) and a cap (58) are interposed between the adjustable rod (50) and a tube (51) on the inner vessel (52).. The vessel 10 is used for obtaining low temperatures to facilitate the production of intense magnetic fields.

27-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009122069D0

16-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008327578D0

25-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000618322D0

22-10-2008 дата публикации

Cable tie

Номер: GB0000816893D0

25-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001213294A

... 1,213,294. Clamps; stud and socket fastenings. ACTIVATED SLUDGE Ltd. 29 Feb., 1968 [21 April, 1967], No. 18361/67. Heading E2B. '[Also in Divisions F2 and A4] A combined clip and stand for a pipe 13 has mating parts 29, 30 which provide for relative adjustment between them and thereby in use adjustment of the effective height of the combined clip and stand relative to a support from which the stand is mounted, the stand having a split hollow collet-like anchoring sleeve 32, for insertion in said support and a plug 34 for forcing the sleeve against the sides of the hole thereby to anchor said clip and stand. In the construction shown the socket part consists of two oppositely disposed arcuate wings 29 formed integrally with the clip 26, the wings together forming a tubular stem for the clip 26 which is annular except for diametrically opposite gaps 27; the gaps enable the clip resiliently to grip the pipe. The spigot part 30 of the stand is hollow and is formed with the sleeve 32 which has ...

09-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001520512A

... 1520512 Peristaltic fluid-machines C GUSTAFSSON 28 April 1976 [30 April 1975] 18085/75 Heading F1U [Also in Division E2] A hose clamp comprises rotatable members 16, 17, Figs. 3 and 4, each having meshing teeth 18 and having a groove 21 of progressively increasing cross-sectional size which, as the members are rotated, together form corresponding hosereceiving aperture 22. The surface of the groove 21 may be knurled. Each member 16 or 17 has a portion 23 which limits its rotation between fully-closed and fully-open positions. In the latter position a "U"-shaped slot 19, Fig. 6, is available for receiving the hose in the clamp. A pump assembly 10, Figs. 1 and 2, has two such clamps 15 for a hose (not shown), a hose-compressing rotor, or "delta pump", 12, hose channels 14 in an end-wall 13 of a case 11, a speed-control 28, and a control 29 for selecting the direction of rotation of the rotor 12.

01-07-2020 дата публикации

Connection apparatus

Номер: GB0002561441B

12-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001497948A

... 1497948 Cable grips NIFCO Inc 25 Sept 1975 [26 Sept 1974] 39215/75 Headings E2A and E2B A cable grip comprises two L-shaped parts 1, 2, each part having an inner flat face which can engage a corresponding flat face of the other part, and an L-shaped groove 6, 7 in its flat face, the parts being interconnected by a hinge 3 along one leg of each part, the other leg being formed with an outer raised catch portion 13, 14. When the flat faces mate (and are optionally held by integral catches 12 and detents 11) the grooves register to form a channel 8 for an electrical cable 10, and the catch portions 13, 14 in use grip the surrounds of a hole 15 in an electrical article 9.

25-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403724B

15-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA878777A

15-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA706676A

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA341077A

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341973A

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000625779A

11-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000347106B

10-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352663B

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007693A

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341077A

15-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000140777T

15-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000132601T

15-09-2015 дата публикации

Anlage mit Leitungsrohren und Rohrstück hierfür

Номер: AT14055U3

Anlage mit Leitungsrohren, wie Heizungsanlage, Kühlanlage, Sanitäranlage, Wasseraufbereitungsanlage u.dgl., in welcher sich Einrichtungen und Geräte, wie Pumpen, Filter, Steuergeräte, Messgeräte od.dgl., bzw. Baugruppen derselben zum Betrieb dieser Anlage befinden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sich in den Leitungsrohren mindestens ein Rohrstück (22) befindet, welches mit mindestens einem Befestigungselement (3, 31) für die Einrichtungen, Geräte od.dgl. bzw. Baugruppen derselben ausgebildet ist und Rohrstück (22) hierfür.

15-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043167T

15-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000093030T

26-03-1973 дата публикации

Channel for the transfer of lines

Номер: AT0000306143B

11-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345164B

26-06-1972 дата публикации

Tubing owner for the transfer of pipes in bases

Номер: AT0000299639B

25-05-1962 дата публикации

Pressure pipeline for hydroelectric power plants

Номер: AT0000221445B

15-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000197635T

07-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032547767B

11-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032783410B

25-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032935526B

14-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032319372B

09-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035292315B

09-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033754566B

14-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030764976B

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Foundations for subsea pipeline accessories

Номер: AU2014300717A1

A pipeline including an accessory such as a flowline end termination or an in-line tee is lowered to the seabed and a mudmat foundation is subsequently lowered toward the seabed for subsea docking with the accessory to provide a permanent foundation support for the accessory. Once docked and with a mudmat of the foundation landed on the seabed, weight loads of the accessory structure and the attached pipe are transferred to the mudmat to provide a permanent foundation for the accessory structure. Before and during installation of the mudmat foundation, the pipe may be allowed to become embedded in the seabed. Temporary interim support such as buoyancy may be provided to the accessory to limit embedment into the seabed.

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Cable management devices

Номер: AU2016226557B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Cable management devices for use in photovoltaic (PV) module systems are described, including a cable support clip, a cable support stand, and a cable support tray. The cable management devices may be easily mounted on support surfaces, e.g., a roof or a frame rail, to lock electrical wiring in place and prevent contact with external structures. Furthermore, the cable management devices may be fabricated from low-cost and weather-resistant materials, e.g., spring wire or recycled automobile tires.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

A sensor assembly, sensor bracket, and tube ring for a vibratory conduit

Номер: AU2016410370A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A sensor assembly (100, 300) for a vibratory conduit (130a, 330) is provided. The sensor assembly (100, 300) includes a sensor bracket (110, 310) having an outer surface (112, 312) substantially symmetric about an axis (S) and including a complementary portion (112c, 312c). The sensor assembly (100, 300) also includes a tube ring (120, 220, 320) having an outer surface (122, 222, 322) including a complementary portion (122c, 222c, 322c) affixed to the complementary portion (112c, 312c) of the sensor bracket (110, 310). The axis (S) of the sensor bracket (110, 310) is external of the vibratory conduit (130a, 330) when the tube ring (120, 220, 320) is affixed to the vibratory conduit (130a, 330).

16-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000529712B2

08-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000521491B2

02-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001045650A1

28-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002506502C

A clothing dryer including: a housing; an exhaust pipe; a first fixing bracket disposed at the exhaust pipe; and a second fixing bracket disposed at the bottom of the housing, the~ first fixing bracket being fitable in the second fixing bracket. The exhaust pipe is fixed without using an additional fixing member, whereby assembly and disassembly of the clothing dryer are accomplished.

28-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002759652A1

Un support coudé de câbles ou de canalisations, soutenu par la structure d'un appareil de l'aéronautique, est original en ce qu'une nervure (17) de renfort de la plaque principale coudée (13) n'est pas assemblée à celle-ci par soudage mais par un serrage consécutif à une torsion d'embouts (23) traversant des lumières (22) de la plaque principale (13) et exerçant un coincement de la face externe (27) de la plaque (13) contre la face supérieure de fentes (24) obliques entaillant partiellement les embouts (23). Le support est beaucoup plus rapide à construire et sa résistance est suffisante.

18-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1062686A

HYDRAULIC MATERIALS HANDLING SYSTEM An overhead support apparatus for a slurry hose transportation system has a monorail anchored to a support system a predetermined distance above the surface of the earth. A plurality of space rollers are movably engaged and supported by the support system. A slurry hose is attached to the plurality of space rollers by means of a beam which has pivotly attached hose supporting clamps spaced along the beam. The apparatus may further include a brake for restraining the beam until the particular section of hose supported by the beam is under tension. A cable is also provided for retracting the plurality of beams to a storage area as required by the use of the slurry transsportation system.

17-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CA969467A

31-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001041569A1

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002963448A1

A connecting device (10) for connecting an article to a carrier (14) is disclosed. The connecting device comprises a securing arrangement (12) for securing the connecting device to the article, and an attaching arrangement (26) for attaching the connecting device to the carrier. The attaching arrangement comprises a first projecting formation (28) for engaging the carrier, and a second projecting formation (32) for insertion through the carrier. When the second projecting formation is inserted through the carrier, a portion of the carrier can be received between the first and second projecting formations, thereby attaching the connecting device to the carrier.

08-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713918A1

A multi-purpose universal support is disclosed that can be configured to support multiple pipes, pipe junctions, vertical strut channels, horizontal strut channels, and thread rods. The disclosed support system allows for quicker installation, easy height adjustments, and a fewer supports than previously known supports.

02-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002800377A1

A pipe support is disclosed having an outer tubular support wall, an inner tubular support wall, spaced inwardly from the outer tubular support wall, and a connecting portion for maintaining the outer tubular support wall and the inner tubular support wall in a fixed, spaced apart relationship. The pipe support is intended for use in-trench and out-of-trench for supporting a pipeline during assembly, installation, testing and operation.

27-12-2016 дата публикации

Устройство для крепления трубы

Номер: RU0000167240U1

1. Устройство для крепления трубы, содержащее две горизонтально установленные на едином основании трубы-центратора, один конец каждой из которых укреплен на опоре, а другой выполнен консольным и коническим, при этом опора одной из труб-центраторов жестко укреплена на указанном основании, а опора другой трубы-центратора укреплена на платформе с возможностью перемещения по основанию, отличающееся тем, что основание выполнено с возможностью перемещения.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что указанное основание установлено на санях или тележке.3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена в виде салазок или тележки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 167 240 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) B08B 9/023 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016100370/06, 11.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.01.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Бурнашев Рашид Ильмарович (RU), Мухаметшин Айрат Анварович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 1 6 7 2 4 0 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для крепления трубы, содержащее две горизонтально установленные на едином основании трубы-центратора, один конец каждой из которых укреплен на опоре, а другой выполнен консольным и коническим, при этом опора одной из трубцентраторов жестко укреплена на указанном основании, а опора другой трубыцентратора укреплена на платформе с возможностью перемещения по основанию, отличающееся тем, что основание выполнено с возможностью перемещения. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что указанное основание установлено на санях или тележке. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена в виде салазок или тележки. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ ТРУБЫ 1 6 7 2 4 0 Адрес для переписки: 450049, Респ. Башкортостан, г. Уфа, ул. Самаркандская, 1/2, ООО НПП "Август", Бахтегарееву И.Х. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ...

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Центрирующая опора

Номер: RU0000171404U1

Центрирующая опора предназначена для обеспечения требуемых геометрических параметров кольцевой полости межтрубного пространства при производстве предварительно изолированных труб и фасонных изделий с тепловой изоляцией из пенополиуретана (ППУ). Центрирующая опора 1 содержит хомут в виде жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2 и стяжной замок 3 Стяжной замок 3 состоит из двух частей, закрепленных соответственно на концах жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2. На одном конце незамкнутого кольца 2 закреплена первая часть стяжного замка, в которую входит направляющая, выполненная в виде прижимной пружины 9 и снабженная по бокам ограничителями 11, и первая зубчатая гребенка 10, расположенная под прижимной пружиной 9. Между направляющей - прижимной пружиной 9 и первой зубчатой гребенкой 10 присутствует щелевой зазор. На другом конце жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2, закреплена вторая часть стяжного замка, в которую входит пружинный элемент 6, работающий на стягивание, и упомянутая выше вторая зубчатая гребенка 7. Пружинный элемент 6, работающий на стягивание, закреплен на хомуте, при этом на свободном конце пружинного элемента 6 выполнена или закреплена вторая зубчатая гребенка 7. Технический результат от использования полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности фиксации центрирующей опоры на наружной поверхности рабочей трубы за счет создания усилия стягивания на элементах стяжного замка и исключения его самопроизвольного раскрытия. 5 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 404 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016138463, 28.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.09.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Павлюк Евгений Сергеевич (RU), Наркевич Сергей Леонидович (BY) 30.05.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.09.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о ...

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Pump attachment interface providing a fixed link between a pump line coupled to a mobile tank and a line disposed in a reservoir

Номер: US20120187676A1
Автор: Randal K. VanConett
Принадлежит: Individual

A pump attachment interface provides a fixed link between a first line in communication with a fluid reservoir, and a second line in communication with a mobile storage tank via a pump of a pump truck. The interface includes an interface body with a sloping surface that supports a fixed conduit such that a lower end of the conduit is at a height that is lower than an upper end of the conduit. The lower end is for coupling to the first line, and the second end is for coupling to the second line. The attachment interface also has a spill containment catch basin over which the second end of the conduit is located so as to catch any spillage from the second line when it is coupled to the conduit. The body can be a concrete block, or be molded plastic filled with sand or water.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Pipe-to-pipe brace assembly

Номер: US20130068900A1
Автор: Richard W. Heath
Принадлежит: Nibco Inc

A pipe brace assembly includes a main clamp body that can be secured to a brace pipe. A cable, or other flexible tensioning member, can be wrapped around a braced pipe and secured to the main clamp body. The pipe brace assembly includes a method or mechanism for tensioning the cable or flexible tensioning member around the braced pipe. In some embodiments, the tensioning method or mechanism involves moving, such as rotating, the main clamp body to tension the cable or tensioning member. The clamping of the main clamp body and tensioning of the cable or tensioning member can occur simultaneously.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074971A1

A fuel pipe which is inexpensive and is excellent in salt spray corrosion resistance, characterized by being comprised of a steel pipe member having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains, by mass %, C: 0.015% or less, Si: 0.01 to 0.50%, Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%, P: 0.050% or less, S: 0.010% or less, N: 0.015% or less, Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, and Cr: 13.0 to 18.0% and further, one or both of Ti: 0.03 to 0.30% and Nb: 0.03 to 0.30% and a metal fitting part, the metal fitting part and the steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment, an opening amount at a crevice part of the crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, and an inside of the crevice part being coated by electrodeposition. 15-. (canceled)6. A fuel pipe comprised of a steel pipe member which is formed from , a steel pipe having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains , by mass % ,C: 0.015% or less,Si: 0.01 to 0.50%,Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%,P: 0.050% or less,S: 0.010% or less,N: 0.015% or less,Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, andCr: 13.0 to 18.0% andfurther, one or both ofTi: 0.03 to 0.30% andNb: 0.03 to 0.30%, andhaving a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, anda metal fitting part which is attached to said steel pipe member,said racial fitting part and said steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment,an opening amount at a crevice part of said crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, andan inside of said crevice part being coated by electrodepositionhere, the “crevice opening amount” being the penetratable thickness of metal roll which was measured by the method of inserting metal foil of a minimum unit thickness of 10 μm and a width of 5 mm into a crevice by a 0.5 mm penetration depth.7. The fuel pipe as set forth in claim 6 , characterized by further containing claim 6 , by mass % claim 6 ,B: 0.0002 to 0.0050%.8. The fuel pipe ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Docking Station

Номер: US20130082153A1
Принадлежит: AGCO Corp

A hydraulically-operated implement has a hydraulic system with a hose and a coupler connecting the hose to a mating port on a tractor. A docking station is mounted on the implement receives the coupler on the free end of the hose when disconnected from the tractor. The docking station includes a station body having a coupler receiving portion and a leakage collection portion. The coupler receiving portion has a primary side with at least one circular bore and the leakage collection portion contains a drain opening. A retention device positioned on the inner periphery of each of the circular bores receives the coupler. The drain opening is sealed with a drain plug and the docking station has an inside bulkhead parallel with the primary side of the station body. The bulkhead has a circular hole formed therein aligned with the at least one cylindrical bore in the primary side.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Positioning device for a drain pipe in a drying cylinder

Номер: US20130153075A1
Автор: Johnny ÅNERUD

A device for positioning a drain pipe ( 6 ) of a draining system in a drying cylinder ( 1 ), the jacket ( 2 ) of which has inner circumferential grooves ( 3 ) for condensate which is formed as a result of heat transfer, said draining system comprising an outlet means and a plurality of drain pipes which are connected to the outlet means, wherein the draining system removes the condensate from the grooves via the drain pipes and the outlet means, wherein the device has a pipe positioner ( 14 ) which is disposed in an end portion ( 12 ) of the drain pipe located closest to the outlet means, said pipe positioner comprising a mounting device ( 15 ) for mounting the drain pipe onto the outlet means, and a lockable connection ( 16 ) that connects the drain pipe to the mounting device ( 15 ). According to the invention, the lockable connection is a joint connection, which defines a fulcrum for pivoting of the drainpipe in a plane to enable positioning of the drain pipe relative to the bottom surface of the groove.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Support system for process piping and method of installation

Номер: US20130174931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A support system for process piping and method of installation are presented. An adjustable hanger rod assembly includes a rod with oppositely oriented external threads at opposite ends thereof. These threads are adapted to mate with internal threads in respectively associated sleeves. One of the sleeves is fixed to a support system, while the other sleeve is fixedly secured to a pipe clamp. The oppositely oriented threading of the rod allows the rod to operate as a turnbuckle, such that rotation of the rod adjusts the elevation of the pipe clamp and an associated pipe retained thereby. Once a desired adjustment has been achieved, the rod and associated pipe clamp may be locked into position by tack or spot welding of the rod to the associated sleeves.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187001A1

A supporting component is provided for reinforcing the skin of an aircraft or spacecraft, for example a stringer or former, this component being configured as a closed profile (hollow profile), such that a system medium (M) can be conducted through the structural component. In this respect, the hollow profile itself serves as a load-bearing component. 1101103. Structural component () which is configured as a load-receiving component for reinforcing a skin () of an aircraft or spacecraft , characterised in that the structural component () comprises a hollow profile () for receiving at least one system medium (M).21010. Structural component () according to claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () is configured as a former claim 1 , in particular an annular former claim 1 , as a stringer claim 1 , a pressure bulkhead or the like.310101. Structural component () according to either or claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () can be attached to an inner side of the skin () of the aircraft or spacecraft.410104101. Structural component () according to at least one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () has a receiving stand () by which the structural component () can be attached to the skin ().51044143ad. Structural component () according to claim 4 , characterised in that the receiving stand () has a foot portion () which can be attached to the skin () claim 4 , and a receiving portion () which is configured for receiving the hollow profile ().61010534. Structural component () according to either or claim 4 , characterised in that the structural component () also has a clamp () by which the hollow profile () is attached to the receiving stand ().7104. Structural component () according to any one of to claim 4 , characterised in that the receiving stand () is produced from titanium.810383. Structural component () according to at least one of the preceding claims claim 4 , characterised in ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Delivery Assembly (1-In, Combined with Centering Stop)

Номер: US20130192686A1

The invention provides a fluid delivery assembly for use with a water discharge fixture, such as a faucet. The fluid delivery assembly includes a tube assembly, a housing and a retaining assembly. The fluid delivery assembly provides for water flow from hot and cold water inlets to the faucet. The fluid delivery assembly may be assembled by hand without the need for tools, allowing for easy replacement of the fluid delivery assembly without the need to disassemble the faucet assembly, or to replace the entire faucet assembly. 1300300. A fluid delivery assembly () for use with a fluid discharge fixture , the fluid delivery assembly () comprising:{'b': '320', 'a housing () comprising at least one fluid inlet and at least one fluid outlet;'}{'b': 310', '340', '310', '350', '310', '320, 'at least one tube assembly () defining at least one fluid flow path, wherein a first portion () of the tube assembly () is configured to connect to a fluid source line, and wherein a second portion () of the tube assembly () is configured to connect to the housing (); and'}{'b': 330', '310', '320', '375', '330', '320', '310', '375, 'a retaining assembly () to secure the tube assembly () and the housing (), wherein a securing member () of the retaining assembly () is configured to be engaged or disengaged by hand without the use of tools, and wherein the housing (), the tube assembly () and the securing member () are separate components that are not integrally formed together.'}2300325500. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 1 , further comprising a cartridge housing () configured to receive a fluid flow cartridge ().3300310320. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 1 , wherein the tube assembly () is comprised of PERT plastic tubing and the housing () is comprised of plastic.4300330. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 3 , wherein the retaining assembly () comprises:{'b': 375', '310', '375', '370', '375', '315', '315, 'the securing member () that is a portion of the tube ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199640A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Limited

A fixture for delivering a first fluid over the basin of a sink includes a supply inlet and a delivery outlet for the fluid, the inlet connected to the outlet through a hollow body of the fixture, the hollow body including two straight, hollow metal tubes: a first tube arranged to be mounted next to the basin of the sink in use, and a second tube joined to the wall of the first tube so as to project out over the basin of the sink in use. One or more inserts are provided inside the first metal tube and together define a curved elbow duct inside the first metal tube for guiding the fluid from the first metal tube into the second metal tube. The tubes can be cut at relatively low cost from conventional rolled steel tubing, and the curved elbow duct limits pressure losses inside the first tube. 1. A fixture for delivering a first fluid over the basin of a sink , the fixture comprising a supply inlet for the fluid and a delivery outlet for the fluid , the inlet being connected to the outlet through a hollow body of the fixture , the hollow body comprising two straight , hollow metal tubes: a first tube arranged to be mounted next to the basin of the sink in use , and a second tube joined to the wall of the first tube so as to project out over the basin of the sink in use , one or more inserts being provided inside the first metal tube , which inserts together define a curved elbow duct inside the first metal tube for guiding the fluid from the first metal tube into the second metal tube.2. The fixture of for additionally delivering a second fluid over the basin of the sink claim 1 , the fixture comprising a second delivery outlet for delivery of the second fluid claim 1 , the second delivery outlet arranged for connection to a supply of the second fluid.3. The fixture of claim 2 , wherein the second delivery outlet is connected to the supply of second fluid via a pipe which runs through the curved elbow duct.4. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein the inserts extend into the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228231A1

A mounting for an injector includes at least one main body and a cap jointly or commonly forming a receptacle for the injector. The main body is formed of metal sheets which are connected to each other and together form at least one annular chamber which extends around the receptacle. In particular, a mounting for an injector is provided, which has a simple technical construction and can be cooled (optionally in a controlled manner). Moreover, the mounting has a particularly lightweight construction and is adapted to operation with considerable temperature differences. An injection device integrated in a mounting is also provided. 1. A mounting for an injector , the mounting comprising:at least one main body and a cap jointly forming a receptacle for the injector;said at least one main body being formed by interconnected metal sheets together forming at least one annular chamber extending around said receptacle.2. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has a housing claim 1 , and said at least one annular chamber is at least partially formed by said housing.3. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said metal sheets of said at least one main body are deep-drawn components being brazed to one another.4. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has a housing claim 1 , and said at least one main body is adhesively bonded or crimped to said housing.5. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has an electric motor claim 1 , and said at least one annular chamber has a widening in which said electric motor is at least partially positioned.6. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has an electrical terminal leading out of the mounting between said at least one main body and said cap.7. The mounting according to claim 1 , which further comprises a cooling medium ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Pipe assembly for differential pressure sensor

Номер: US20130240075A1
Автор: Xu Yang

A pipe assembly includes an enclosure and two pipes. The enclosure includes a bottom panel and a first side panel. The first side panel includes a side panel body, a first securing tab, and a second securing tab extending from the side panel body. The first securing tab and the second securing tab are located on opposite sides of the side panel body. The first securing tab defines a first securing hole. The second securing tab defines a second securing hole. Two first elastic gaskets are mounted in the first and second securing holes. Each elastic gasket defines a first through opening. Each pipe includes a pipe body and an input portion. The pipe bodies extend through the first through opening of each elastic gasket, thereby being secured to the enclosure. The two input portions are substantially parallel to each other and substantially parallel to the side panel body.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240263A1
Автор: Onodi Tamas
Принадлежит: Woertz AG

A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact, including a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable. The bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin. The textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device. The attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable. An installation kit for an electrical installation, and an electrical installation with cable trays of this sort are also described. 1. A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact ,wherein the cable tray comprises a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable, which bed extends over a length of the cable tray,wherein the bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin and the textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device,wherein the attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable.2. The cable tray according to claim 1 ,wherein the textile woven material is electrically non-conductive, andwherein the textile woven material is configured to form an electrically insulating support for the cable which support extends over the entire length of the cable tray when the resin and the cable insulation have ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256212A1

A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line, at least one filtration flow path extending between the main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line, each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a three or more filter units extending from a manifold configured on the filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line. 1. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , at least one filtration flow path extending between said main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line , each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a three or more filter units extending from a manifold configured on said filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line.2. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the manifold extends coaxial with the filtration flow path.3. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the manifold extends in a plane defined by the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line and intersecting the longitudinal axis of the raw fluid supply line and of the main filtered fluid collecting line.4. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line extend parallel to one another.5. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line extend substantially horizontally.6. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axis of the manifold extends substantially vertically.7. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256213A1

A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line, at least one filtration flow path extending between the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line; each of the at least one filtration flow path is configured with a filtering assembly comprising a pair of filter units coaxially extending from a common manifold configured on the filtration flow path and is in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line, each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members. 1. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , at least one filtration flow path extending between said main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line , each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a pair of filter units coaxially extending from a common manifold configured on said filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line , each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members.2. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line with at least one filtering assembly disposed therebetween; each of said at least one filtering assembly comprising two coaxially extending filter units radially extending from a common manifold and extending in flow communication with a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members.3. A filtering assembly for mounting between a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line; said filtering assembly comprising two filter units coaxially and radially extending from a common manifold configured for being in ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Expansion Splice Plate for a Cable Tray Run

Номер: US20130264433A1

A cable tray expansion splice plate for connecting first and second cable tray sections end-to-end is disclosed. The splice plate includes an elongate body having a central section, an upper flange section, and a lower flange section. In one embodiment, the lower flange section defines a channel for receiving components of the first and second cable tray sections such that the lower flange section underlies the components. Fastener openings in the central section receive fasteners to fasten the body to the cable tray sections. These openings include slots which permit the cable tray sections to move relative to one another in a longitudinal direction. 1. A cable tray assembly comprising:a first cable tray section including two parallel rails forming sides of the first cable tray section and a first longitudinal end;a second cable tray section including two parallel rails forming sides of the second cable tray section and a second longitudinal end; and an elongate body having a length extending between opposite ends, and a generally planar central section,', 'a first set of fastener openings in the central section of a first longitudinal portion of the body and a first set of fasteners received in the respective fastener openings of the first set of fastener openings fastening the central section of the first longitudinal portion of the body to the first cable tray section, each fastener opening of the first set of fastener openings comprising a slot having a major axis extending lengthwise of the body to permit movement of the cable tray sections relative to one another in a direction extending longitudinally of the cable tray sections,', 'a second set of fastener openings in the central section of the first longitudinal portion of the body spaced apart from the first set of fastener openings along the length of the body and a second set of fasteners received in the respective fastener openings of the second set of fastener openings fastening the central section of ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for uniform pumping within a substrate process chamber

Номер: US20130284287A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Substrate supports for use in process chambers having limited physical space for configuring chamber components are disclosed. In some embodiments, a substrate support may include a body having a support surface; a utilities feed coupled to the body and comprising a second portion coupled to and extending laterally away from the body beyond a diameter of the body, and first portion coupled to the second portion and extending perpendicularly away from the body; and a cover plate movably disposable beneath and with respect to the body between a first position disposed completely beneath the body, and a second position wherein the cover plate is disposed over the first portion of the utilities feed and includes a first portion disposed beneath the body, and wherein the first portion has a curved edge having a radius equal to the distance from a central axis of the support surface to the curved edge.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Fuel dispensing unit comprising a locking member for retaining a fuel conduit in a locked position

Номер: US20130284300A1

The invention relates to a fuel dispensing unit comprising a fuel conduit comprising an external annular bead, and a locking member comprising inwardly extending resilient tongues and the being arranged to retain the fuel conduit in a locked position and receive the fuel conduit in an open position, wherein the external annular bead of the fuel conduit is arranged to put the locking member in the open position when receiving.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305514A1

An air transport duct, and sections of such duct, capable of connection to a support by support members and attachment members formed from two mating members. Each section has two terminal open ends and a flange disposed around each open end for connection to a flange of an adjacent section. Each flange includes two relatively transverse receiving channels adjacent to a corner of the flange, and an insertable corner member positioned into the channels. The corner member is attached to the flange by a load-bearing connection, and can support a predetermined portion of a weight of the duct by connection of the corner member to a first mating member connectable to a second mating member secured to a corresponding support member. A method of connecting a duct to a support by forming a load-bearing connection between a corner member and a flange. 1. A method of connecting an air transport duct to a support by means of a plurality of support members located between said duct and said support , said duct comprising a plurality of interconnected duct sections , each of said duct sections comprising two terminal open ends and a flange disposed around each of said open ends for abutting connection to the flange of an adjacent duct section of said duct , each said flange comprising a first receiving channel adjacent to a first corner thereof , a second receiving channel that is generally transverse to said first receiving channel and adjacent said first corner , and a first insertable corner member positioned into said first receiving channel and into said second receiving channel , said method comprising the step of: forming a load-bearing connection between each said first insertable corner member and at least one of said first receiving channel and said second receiving channel into which each said first inserted corner member is positioned , such that each said first insertable corner member is thereafter capable of supporting a predetermined portion of a weight of said ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327899A1
Автор: SMITH Roger A.

A support for electrical cables having a nonconductive telescoping pole. A frictional locking collar couples sections of the telescoping pole to one another. The bottom end of the pole fits into a round conical base formed of recycled tires. The top end of the pole is affixed to a nonconductive head that is shaped to cradle electrical cables. 1. A portable support tower for temporarily supporting one or more electrical cables above ground level at a construction site , the support tower comprising:an elongated lightweight member having a proximal end and a distal end, the elongated lightweight member being formed of a nonconductive, rigid first material;a base having a downwardly-extending cavity formed therein, the cavity being sized to accept the proximal end of the elongated lightweight member, the base being formed of a nonconductive second material that provides the base with substantially more mass than the first material provides the lightweight member; anda support head having two or more recesses formed therein, each recess shaped to cradle one or more cables, the support head being removably affixed to the distal end of the elongated lightweight member.2. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the first material is selected from the group consisting of: plastic claim 1 , fiberglass claim 1 , and carbon fiber composite.3. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the elongated lightweight member comprises:a hollow bottom portion; anda top portion sized to move freely inside the hollow bottom portion; andwherein the support tower further comprises a frictional locking collar disposed to encompass both the hollow bottom portion and the top portion and to selectably lock the hollow bottom portion and the top portion in fixed relation to one another.4. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the second material comprises shredded claim 1 , recycled tire rubber.5. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the support head is affixed to the distal end of the elongated ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Anchor System for Pre-Insulated Piping

Номер: US20140000746A1
Автор: Keyes Thomas Joseph
Принадлежит: Thermacor Process, LP

An anchor system is shown for use with a pre-insulated piping system having an inner steel carrier pipe surrounded by a layer of insulation and then by an outer protective jacket. The anchor system includes an inner carrier pipe for insertion within the length of the piping system at a selected point. A steel anchor sleeve surrounds a portion of the length of carrier pipe and insulation. It terminates at one end at an outwardly flaring anchor plate which is subsequently embedded within a concrete anchor block. A steel end cap is welded to a second, opposite end of the sleeve and to the inner carrier pipe at a point along the length of piping which is outside the concrete anchor block and which is spaced apart from the location of the anchor plate, whereby heat from the high temperature fluids in the piping is transferred to the end cap at a location along the length of piping which is distant from the location of the anchor plate. 1. A method of installing an anchor in a section of pre-insulated piping , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first and second length of insulated and jacketed pipe, each having a joining end to be joined to an end of the other length, each pipe length comprising an inner metal pipe having an interior surface and an exterior surface;applying an envelope of foamed insulation which surrounds the inner pipes exterior surface and envelopes the inner pipes;applying an outer protective jacket which surrounds the envelope of insulation, the joining ends of adjacent pipe lengths being welded together to form fixed joints, whereby the adjacent pipe lengths provide a continuous fluid conduit for conveying high temperature fluids;installing an anchor assembly at a selected location within the length of the piping system, the anchor assembly having an inner carrier pipe for joining with ends of adjacent pipe lengths in the length of piping, including an inner carrier pipe for joining to the joining end of an adjacent length of piping in ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001315A1

A cable management system for a patch panel component having a connectivity interface configured to connect with cables includes a cable support plate and two cable support brackets. Each cable support bracket includes a support bar, a first bracket and a second bracket. A fastener hingedly attaches the first bracket to the second bracket and is positioned to slideably mount the first and second brackets to the support bar. The first and second brackets include mounting plates that move toward and away from one another when sliding the cable support brackets. The brackets mount to opposed projecting pins on a patch panel. The fastener holds each cable support bracket in the desired position. 1. A cable management system comprising:a cable support plate; a support bar defining an elongated slot;', 'a first bracket including a first mounting plate defining an opening;', 'a second bracket including a second mounting plate defining an opening;', 'a fastener which hingedly attaches the first bracket to the second bracket;', 'the fastener positioned in the elongated slot to slideably mount the first bracket and the second bracket to the support bar;, 'two cable support brackets, one cable support bracket on each end of the cable support plate, each cable support bracket includingwherein the support bar includes an upper rail and a lower rail;wherein the first bracket and the second bracket each include at least one rail to mate with at least one of the upper rail and the lower rail of the support bar;wherein sliding movement of the fastener in the elongated slot causes the first mounting plate and the second mounting plate to move toward and away from one another.2. The cable management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a patch panel with an upper mounting post and a lower mounting post on each end of the patch panel.3. The cable management system according to claim 2 , wherein the first mounting plate is positioned over the lower mounting post and the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014785A1
Автор: LEE Peter

An organiser for an electrical plug and cable extending away from the plug includes a body having a first surface and a three-dimensional second surface. The first surface includes a plurality of openings for receiving the pins of a plug, the openings arranged to permit the reception of the pins of more than one standard plug type. The second surface is configured to allow the cable to be wound therearound and retaining means is provided for holding the cable in its wound condition. 1. An organiser for an electrical plug and cable extending away from the plug , the organiser comprising a body providing a first surface having a plurality of openings for receiving the pins of a plug , the arrangement of the openings permitting the reception of the pins of more than one standard plug type , the body also providing a three-dimensional second surface configured to permit the winding of the cable therearound , there being retaining means for holding the cable in its wound condition around the second surface.2. An organiser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retaining means comprises a member mounted in a carrier and configured for movement between a cable-retaining position and a non-retaining position.3. An organiser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the retaining means comprises a bar slidably mounted in the carrier for movement between the cable retaining and non-retaining positions.4. An organiser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the retaining means further comprises a flange extending around the second surface claim 2 , at or adjacent one end thereof claim 2 , to assist retention on the second surface of a cable wound therearound claim 2 ,5. An organiser as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the carrier of the retaining means is provided on the flange claim 4 ,6. An organiser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the body is of a substantially triangular prismatic form having two opposed substantially triangular end faces claim 1 , and wherein the first surface is defined by one ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017098A1
Автор: Lewis Daniel Jay

A float device for use in a body of water includes a float configured to transform between a deflated state and an inflated state. The float includes at least one internal chamber. The float includes a manual inflation value configured to provide a passageway for adding gas to the at least one internal chamber and a deflation valve configured to provide a passageway for releasing gas from the at least one internal chamber. A float attachment member is attached to the float, such that when the float is placed in the body of water, the float attachment member is underwater. 1. A float assembly for supporting an inlet end of a hose in a body of water , comprising:a float configured to transform between a un-inflated configuration, wherein the float has a first dimension and an inflated configuration, wherein the float has a second dimension, the second dimension being greater than the first dimension;at least one internal inflatable chamber located within the float;a mechanism for quickly inflating the float into the inflated state, wherein the mechanism is configured to fluidly couple a source of compressed gas to the at least one internal chamber;a manual inflation valve accessible from an exterior of the float and being configured to provide a fluid passageway to the at least one internal chamber; andan attachment member secured to the float, wherein the inflated configuration is sized to prevent a vortex from drawing air into the inlet end of the hose when it is supported in the body of water by the float.2. The float device according to wherein the float is made of flexible claim 1 , lightweight claim 1 , buoyant material.3. The float device according to wherein the float is made from vinyl.4. The float device according to further comprising:a deflation valve configured to allow fluid to be released from the at least one internal chamber.5. The float assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the source of compressed gas is carbon dioxide.6. The float device ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054425A1
Автор: Jang Gyu Cheol

The present invention relates to an assembling channel of a supporting tool, including: a steel plate which is bent in three layers to configure a central supporting plate, and a wide-width supporting plate and a small-width plate configured at both sides of the central supporting plate; coupling holes formed on each of the supporting plates; cutting portions configured at equal interval on a bent portion, wherein the cutting portions located at both ends are always located toward the central supporting plate in opened states thereof such that firm assembly by using only bolts and nuts after overlapping connective parts without additional connective brackets during assembling of the supporting tool using the channels as well as rapid assembly of the supporting tool can be performed thereby. 1. An assembling channel of a supporting tool in which a steel plate on which a plurality of coupling holes are punched is configured to be bent in three layers , the channel comprising:{'b': 30', '40', '20, 'a wide-width supporting plate () and a small-width supporting plate () bent on both sides of a central supporting plate ();'}{'b': 22', '12', '20, 'a pair of cutting portions () disposed at equal intervals on a bent portion () of the central supporting plate (), and'}{'b': 23', '22, 'a cutting indicating portion () disposed between the pair of the cutting portions (),'}wherein,{'b': 10', '23', '22, 'the channel () is cut on the basis of the cutting indicating portion () such that the cutting portions () located on a cut portion has one side opened;'}{'b': 1', '30', '20', '2', '40', '20, 'a width (L) of the wide-width supporting plate () configured to be bent at one side of the central supporting plate () is about two time wider than a width (L) of the small-width supporting plate () configured to be bent at the other side of the central supporting plate ();'}{'b': 30', '31', '31', '40', '41, 'the wide-width supporting plate () has wide-width surface coupling holes ( and ′) ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Sealed Gimbal for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Cold Water Pipe

Номер: US20140059825A1
Автор: Riggs David C.

A gimbal that provides for passive vertical latching and unlatching of a Cold Water Pipe (CWP) in a floating vessel such as an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) facility is sealingly connected to a cold water sump on the floating vessel. The CWP gimbal is capable of reacting all static and dynamic forces of the suspended CWP at angles on the order of +/−20 degrees while remaining sealed at high differential pressures. 1. A support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel comprising:a gimbal connected to the floating vessel and having means for connecting to a Cold Water Pipe suspended below the vessel;a seal comprising overlapping frusto-spherical shells at least partially surrounding the gimbal; and, a rolling diaphragm seal between the overlapping frusto-spherical shells.2. A method for installing a Cold Water Pipe on a floating OTEC vessel comprising:suspending a Cold Water Pipe from a support vessel proximate the OTEC vessel;transferring the Cold Water Pipe from the support vessel to the OTEC vessel such that the Cold Water Pipe is suspended below a moon pool well on the OTEC vessel;raising a pull-in rod that passes through a mechanically-engaged, flexible connector and is attached to a structural support for the upper end of the suspended Cold Water Pipe;engaging the mechanically-engaged, flexible connector from which the Cold Water Pipe is suspended; and, inflating an inflatable packer seal between an upper frusto-spherical shell and the sides of the moon pool well on the OTEC vessel.3. The support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel recited in further comprising:a web structure comprising a plurality of substantially vertical plates in a radial array each connected at a first end thereof to the gimbal and at an opposing second end thereof to the Cold Water Pipe.4. The support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel recited in wherein the web structure is connected to the gimbal with a pull-in rod that passes ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060668A1

An aeration and drainage system includes an aeration & drain pipe which contains slots on its upper surface, a stand which holds said aeration & drain pipe above a bottom surface, an air and liquid transfer element attached to the aeration & drain pipe and positioned over said slots. Additionally the air and liquid transfer element extends upward from the slots, and the air and liquid transfer element contains openings on its top to allow fluids to flow into the air and liquid transfer element and through the slots in the aeration & drain pipe. 1. An aeration system , comprising:an air pipe having a plurality of holes formed therein;a plurality of stands which support said air pipe above a surface, said plurality of stands being spaced in the longitudinal direction of said air pipe;wherein each of said plurality of stands surrounds the circumferential outer surface of said air pipe,wherein each of said plurality of stands includes a projection which projects in upward, the projection including a hole formed therein, andwherein said hole in said projection of each of said plurality of stands is positioned such that said hole in said projection coincides with one of said plurality of holes formed in said air pipe, to thereby form an air passage.2. The aeration system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one holder including a projection which projects in an upward direction opposite to the surface and which includes a hole formed therein,wherein said holder surrounds the circumferential outer surface of said air pipe without supporting said air pipe on the surface.3. The aeration system of claim 2 , wherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said plurality of stands.4. The aeration system of claim 3 ,wherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said plurality of stands, andwherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said at least one holder.5. The aeration system of claim 1 , further ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068920A1
Автор: Williams Tiffany J.

A cable management attachment bracket is disclosed that includes a bracket body with a first attachment tab, a second attachment, and a cable management assembly (CMA) connection point for hingedly connecting with a CMA. The first attachment tab extends from a front edge of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a first receiving portion of a rack slide. The second attachment tab extends from a center portion of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a second receiving portion of a rack slide. Additionally, the CMA connection point is formed on the rear edge of the bracket body. 1. A method for attaching a cable management assembly to a rack comprising:attaching a rack slide assembly to a rack, the rack slide assembly having a stationary member and a slide member;providing a cable management attachment bracket having a front attachment tab and a second attachment tab;securing the cable management attachment bracket to the rack slide assembly by aligning the first attachment tab and the second attachment tab with a first receiving slot and a second receiving slot formed in the slide member; andsecuring the second end of the cable management assembly to a cable management assembly connection point of the cable management attachment bracket.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing a first end of a cable management assembly to the rack.3. The method of wherein attaching the rack slide assembly further comprises tool-lessly attaching the rack slide assembly to an interface portion of the rack.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing the cable management attachment bracket having a button receiving aperture;providing a locking button on the stationary member; andaligning the locking button with the locking button aperture.5. The method of wherein;the locking button of the stationary member is selectively movable between a recessed position and a locking position; andthe button receiving aperture of the cable management ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096856A1

The invention relates to an exhaust gas system component for an internal combustion engine, in particular for an automotive engine of a commercial vehicle, having a plurality of mutually connected exhaust gas system elements which can be flowed through by the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine, characterized in that the exhaust gas system elements are supported in a first frame and in a second frame spaced apart therefrom and connection struts fixedly connect the frames to one another. 11. An exhaust gas system component for an internal combustion engine having a plurality of mutually connected exhaust gas system elements () which can be flowed through by the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine ,{'b': 1', '2', '4', '5', '2', '4, 'wherein the exhaust gas system elements () are supported in a first frame () and in a second frame () spaced apart therefrom and connection struts () fixedly connect the frames (, ) to one another.'}2. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 1 ,{'b': 5', '17', '19, 'wherein the connection struts () each form a support surface onto which a jacket (, ) forming a peripheral wall is placed.'}31751917. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the jacket comprises an inner jacket () lying on the connection struts () and an outer jacket () surrounding the inner jacket ().41719. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 3 , further comprising an insulation space which is at least regionally filed with heat insulation material and which is arranged between the inner jacket () and the outer jacket ().5. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the insulation material comprises a needle mat.6. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 4 , wherein a material is provided as the heat insulation material which is simultaneously suitable for acoustic absorption.7171817518. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Actuatable fingerboard latch assembly

Номер: US20180002994A1
Автор: Jesse Tyler ALBANESE

A fingerboard latch assembly includes a latch body, a finger member pivotably connected to the latch body at a first pin, and an actuator assembly coupled to the finger member, wherein the actuator assembly is configured to actuate the finger member from a closed position to an open position in response to the application of fluid pressure to the actuator assembly.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007901A1

A pressure-releasing breather hose mounted on a urea water tank is dividably constituted by a flexible joint portion with an end capable of being fitted over a hose joint on the tank and a vertical portion connected to the other end of the joint portion and suspending downward along a side surface of the tank The joint and vertical portions and are constituted by a rubber hose made of ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) and a polyethylene pipe (resin pipe) made of high density polyethylene (HDPE), respectively. 1. A pressure-releasing breather hose for a urea water tank , dividably comprising a flexible joint portion with an end capable of being fitted over a hose joint on an upper portion of the urea water tank , and a vertical portion connected to the other end of said joint portion and suspending downward along a side surface of the urea water tank , the joint and vertical portions being constituted by a rubber hose and a resin pipe , respectively.2. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resin pipe is a polyethylene pipe.3. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the joint portion is preformed such that the joint portion extends straight at its one end in a projecting direction of the hose joint and is bent downward at the other end thereof.4. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the joint portion is preformed such that the joint portion extends straight at its one end in a projecting direction of the hose joint and is bent downward at the other end thereof. The present invention relates to a breather hose for a urea water tank.Conventionally, some diesel engines are provided with selective reduction catalyst incorporated in an exhaust pipe for exhaust gas flow and having a property of selectively reacting NOwith a reducing agent even in the presence of oxygen; a required amount of reducing agent is added upstream of the reduction catalyst and is ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008993A1
Автор: RAGO William, TODD Brad

A gypsum slurry modifier device is provided for use with a gypsum mixer outlet boot having at least one tubular outlet leg, and includes a support bracket mountable to the outlet boot; at least one clamp member associated with the support bracket and constructed and arranged for engaging the at least one tubular outlet leg of the outlet boot. Each at least one clamp member is constructed and arranged for exerting a vertical compression force on the associated at least one tubular outlet leg for expanding a slurry outlet flow from the at least one leg laterally beyond an exterior surface of the leg. 1. A gypsum slurry modifier device for use with a gypsum mixer outlet boot having at least one tubular outlet leg , comprising:a support bracket mountable to the outlet boot;at least one clamp member associated with said support bracket and constructed and arranged for engaging the at least one tubular outlet leg of the outlet boot; andeach said at least one clamp member constructed and arranged for exerting a vertical compression force on the associated at least one tubular outlet leg for expanding a slurry outlet flow from the at least one leg laterally beyond an exterior surface of the leg.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one outlet leg has an outside surface diameter ranging from 2 to 2.5 inches claim 1 , and said clamp member being constructed and arranged for compressing the at least one leg for achieving a width of slurry flow in the range of 4-5 inches.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outlet boot has three legs claim 1 , and said device includes three clamp members claim 1 , one for each of the legs.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outlet boot has two legs claim 1 , and said device includes two clamp members claim 1 , one for each of the legs.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein each said clamp member is generally “U”-shaped claim 1 , and is provided with a pressure member slidably disposed on vertical claim 1 , parallel uprights for ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009295A1
Автор: Beagen Joseph

Provided herein is a fire protection sprinkler system including a hanging connector joining together a plurality of flexible conduits. In one approach a sprinkler assembly includes a sprinkler body coupled to a first flexible conduit, and a hanging connector coupled to the first flexible conduit and to a second flexible conduit, wherein the hanging connector includes a hanging member extending outwardly from the hanging connector. The sprinkler assembly further includes a metallic connector extending between the hanging member and a support structure. 1. A sprinkler assembly comprising:a sprinkler body coupled to a first flexible conduit;a hanging connector coupled to the first flexible conduit and to a second flexible conduit, the hanging connector including a hanging member extending outwardly from the hanging connector; anda metallic connector extending between the hanging member and a support structure.2. The sprinkler assembly of claim 1 , wherein the metallic connector extends through an opening of the hanging member.3. The sprinkler assembly of claim 1 , wherein the hanging member is an eye loop extending from a sidewall of the hanging connector.4. The sprinkler assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a sprinkler head coupled at one end of the sprinkler body; anda t-joint connector coupled at another end of the sprinkler body, wherein the t-joint connector is directly coupled to the first flexible conduit.5. The sprinkler assembly of claim 4 , further comprising a first mounting cuff of the first flexible conduit secured to the hanging connector and a second mounting cuff of the second flexible conduit secured to the hanging connector.6. The sprinkler assembly of claim 5 , the hanging connector comprising:a body including a first side opposite a second side; anda first connection arm extending from the first side and a second connection arm extending from the second side.7. The sprinkler assembly of claim 6 , wherein the first connection arm and the second ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010763A1

A holster for mounting a bar gun to a surface, the bar gun having a nozzle and a handle magnet. The holster has an elongated mounting plate having a top side, bottom side, first end and second end, and an aperture located between the first end and second end where the aperture penetrates the mounting plate from the top side to the bottom side and is configured to receive the nozzle of the bar gun. A holster magnet is fixed to the mounting plate adjacent the aperture between the aperture and the second end. 1. A holster for a bar gun , the bar gun including a nozzle , a handle and a handle magnet disposed on the handle , the bar gun connected to multiple fluid lines communicating with the nozzle , the holster comprising:a member having a top side, bottom side, a first end, a second end and a connector portion oriented at or adjacent to the first end, the member being configured to connect the holster to a surface;an aperture penetrating the member from the top side to the bottom side and configured to receive the bar gun nozzle; anda holster magnet disposed on the member between the aperture and the second end and positioned to magnetically couple with handle magnet when the bar gun nozzle is received in the aperture.2. The holster of wherein the holster magnet is disposed to the bottom side of the member.3. The holster of wherein the first end of the member is configured to mount to the bottom side of a table.4. The holster of claim 3 , further comprising at least one mounting hole located between the aperture and the first end for mounting the holster to a surface.5. The holster of claim 4 , further comprising a bend between the first end and the aperture such the second end angles downward when the holster is mounted to the underside of a surface.6. The holster of further comprising an aperture sidewall extending from the aperture.7. The holster of wherein the aperture sidewall extends from the member bottom side.8. The holster of further comprising a magnet ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Toilet Flange Cover

Номер: US20220034438A1
Автор: Cleve Wallace
Принадлежит: Individual

A toilet flange cap with cleaning basin is presented. The toilet flange cap with cleaning basin contains a cap body and a flange seal. The flange seal is connected adjacent to the cap body. The toilet flange cap with cleaning basin allows a user to plug and seal a flange aperture along a toilet flange insert, preventing sewage gas and airborne pathogens from emitting from the flange aperture.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016437A1

A box structural arrangement () for an aircraft including first () and second composite layers (), at least one spar web () extended between opposite edges of the first and second composite layers () along a longitudinal direction, and a conduit piece () extended between opposite edges of the first and second composite layers (). The conduit piece () has a hollow section () comprising at least one conduit () dimensioned to receive pipes or harnesses and surrounded by a resilient material (). The conduit piece () is mounted on the spar web () to provide a channeled box structural arrangement (). The box structural arrangement can be applicable in a torsion box or a wing. The invention further refers to a method for manufacturing the box structural arrangement for an aircraft. 1. A box structural arrangement for an aircraft comprising:a first composite layer and a second composite layer;at least one spar web spanning between the first and second composite layers and extending between opposite edges of the first and second composite layers along a longitudinal direction, anda conduit piece having a hollow section comprising at least one conduit dimensioned to receive pipes and/or harnesses, and surrounded by a resilient material, wherein the conduit piece extends between the opposite edges of the first and second composite layers and is mounted on the spar web.2. The box structural arrangement for the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient material includes a foam bed configured to support the pipes and/or harnesses.3. The box structural arrangement for the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the conduit piece has in cross-section an omega shape or a trapezoidal shape claim 1 , and the conduit piece includes a flat mounting surface.4. The box structural arrangement for the aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein the resilient material includes foam or plastic.5. The box structural arrangement as in claim 1 , further comprising:a horizontal tail plane ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Modular Mounting System

Номер: US20180023757A1
Автор: Baiera Steven Marc

The present invention is a Modular Mounting System used to mount a hollow or solid, elongated or partially elongated member such as, but not limited to, a tube, hose, wiring harness, spindle, baluster, post, shaft or pipe to another hollow or solid, elongated or partially elongated member such as those previously listed where the exterior shape of the short-side cross-section of either member may be of any shape and not simply limited to a circular form. And where the elongated or partially elongated members may or may not run parallel to one another, and where one mounted member supports the other mounted member so that no other mounting is required or provided for. 1. A modular mounting system comprised of:a three-part main body (front, middle, back) held together by fasteners;a rounded front modular insert, which can be rotated;a directionally oriented rectangular-shaped back modular insert, with rounded front corners;used to mount a hollow or solid, elongated or partially elongated member such as, but not limited to, a tube, hose, wiring harness, spindle, baluster, post, shaft or pipe to another hollow or solid, elongated or partially elongated member such as those previously listed.2. The modular mounting system according to claim 1 , wherein the modular mounting system may be utilized with or without either or both the front and/or back modular inserts in any combination such that either the three-part main body alone or the three-part main body in conjunction with either or both front and back modular inserts secure the elongated or partially elongated members through applied force and friction.3. The modular mounting system according to claim 2 , wherein the interior shape of the passages formed by use of either the front or back modular inserts may be of any shape and not simply limited to circular form in order to accept and support elongated or partially elongated members with an exterior shape of the short-side cross-section itself being of any shape and ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

End hose holder for placing booms of concrete pumps, concrete pump having an end hose holder and method for mounting an end hose holder

Номер: US20210025185A1
Автор: Martin Mayer

The invention relates to an end hose holder (20) for distributor booms (2) of concrete pumps (1), to a concrete pump (1) with corresponding end hose holder (20) and to a method for assembly thereof. The end hose holder (20) is used for the selective provision of an attachment point for an end hose (6′) and comprises a foot shell coupling (21), which is fastened by way of its foot (23) to a support element (24), for the rotary pipe connection of two concrete line segments (11, 14), the support element (24) having a flange (26) which is configured for the coupling connection to a concrete line segment (11, 14), the relative position of which flange in relation to the foot shell coupling (21) corresponds to a predetermined concrete line segment (11, 14).

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Pipe retainer

Номер: US20160039264A1
Автор: Calogero Alu
Принадлежит: Air International US Inc

A pipe retainer assembly according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a mount including one of a slot and a projection, and a pipe retainer including a latch and the other of a slot and a projection. The slot is received in the projection and the latch is engaged with the mount. The assembly further includes a fluid conduit held in place by the mount and the pipe retainer. A method is also disclosed.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Mount for a Contact Conductor of a Device for Monitoring Brake Pad Wear

Номер: US20150041258A1
Автор: ASEN Alexander

A mount is provided for fastening a contact conductor of a brake pad wear monitoring device of a disc brake, in particular of a commercial vehicle, on a brake caliper. The contact conductor is secured in a cable guide, which bears against a retaining bracket which extends across a mounting opening of the brake caliper. The cable guide is covered by a cover. The cable guide and/or the cover have at least one spacer element which is arranged in an intermediate space accommodating the contact conductor and bounds the height of the latter. 1. A mount for fastening a brake pad wear monitoring contact conductor to a caliper of a disc brake having a retaining bracket that spans an opening of the caliper , comprising:a cable guide configured to bear against the retaining bracket;a cover configured to cover the cable guide, whereinthe cable guide and/or the cover comprises at least one spacer element forming an abutment, the spacer element being arranged in an intermediate space that receives the contact conductor, andthe spacer element delimiting a vertical height of the intermediate space.2. The mount according to claim 1 , wherein the spacer element is molded integrally onto the cable guide and/or the cover.3. The mount according to claim 2 , wherein at least two spacer elements are arranged on the cable guide claim 2 , said spacer elements being positioned on two limbs of the cable guide that are arranged parallel to one another and spaced apart from one another.4. The mount according to claim 1 , wherein at least two spacer elements are arranged on the cable guide claim 1 , said spacer elements being positioned on two limbs of the cable guide that are arranged parallel to one another and spaced apart from one another.5. The mount according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the at least one spacer element is dimensioned to be greater than a diameter of the contact conductor.6. The mount according to claim 3 , wherein the height of each spacer element is dimension to be ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047849A1

A large manipulator includes an articulated boom that can be folded out. The articulated boom includes boom segments including a last boom segment having a boom tip. The articulated boom includes an end hose and end-hose holder. The end hose is flexible, arranged on the last boom segment, and can be removably coupled to the last boom segment by the end-hose holder. The end-hose holder includes a holding bracket arranged on the last boom segment. The holding bracket is configured to be pivotable into a first pivot position, a second pivot position, and a third pivot position relative to the last boom segment. 115.-. (canceled)16. A large manipulator comprising: a plurality of boom segments including a last boom segment having a boom tip, wherein the boom segments can be pivoted about respective articulation axes relative to an adjacent boom segment at articulation joints,', 'an end hose that is flexible and that is arranged on the last boom segment, wherein the end hose is removably coupled to the last boom segment by an end-hose holder, and', in the first pivot position, the end hose is held by the holding bracket,', 'in the second pivot position, the end hose is able to be released in a direction of release by the holding bracket, and', 'in the third pivot position, the holding bracket is configured to be folded onto the last boom segment., 'the end-hose holder including a holding bracket arranged on the last boom segment, the holding bracket is configured to be pivotable into a first pivot position, a second pivot position, and a third pivot position relative to the last boom segment, wherein'}], 'an articulated boom which can be folded out and which includes17. The large manipulator of claim 16 , wherein a shape of the holding bracket is adapted to an outer contour of the last boom segment such that the holding bracket in the third pivot position lies substantially over its entire longitudinal extent against the last boom segment.18. The large manipulator of ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049294A1

A flow substrate mounting structure comprising a fastener aperture and an alignment feature, wherein the alignment feature comprises at least one of an alignment pin removably coupled with the flow substrate mounting structure, an alignment slot, and an alignment step. A structure for coupling a plurality of flow substrates comprising a flow substrate mounting structure comprising a first fastener aperture, and a second fastener aperture, wherein the first fastener aperture is configured to couple with a first fastener and the second fastener aperture is configured to couple with a second fastener, wherein an alignment fixture is used to align the flow substrate mounting structure with the plurality of flow substrates. 1. A flow substrate mounting structure comprising:a fastener aperture; andan alignment feature, wherein the alignment feature comprises at least one of an alignment pin removably coupled with the flow substrate mounting structure, an alignment slot, and an alignment step.2. The flow substrate mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the alignment pin is configured to removably couple with a substrate body aperture3. The flow substrate mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the alignment slot is configured to couple with an alignment element of a flow substrate claim 1 , wherein the alignment element comprises a plate.4. The flow substrate mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the alignment step is configured to couple with a portion of a flow substrate edge portion.5. The flow substrate mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the flow substrate mounting structure comprises one or more of an aluminum alloy and a polymer.6. The flow substrate mounting structure of claim 1 , wherein the flow substrate mounting structure is configured to couple with a flow substrate of any thickness.7. A flow substrate comprising:a substrate body comprising a component attachment surface, wherein the component attachment surface comprises a plurality of conduit ports; ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061354A1

A spool assembly and a cable management assembly are provided for supporting cables in a rack or housing. A mounting member is provided having a spool opening for receiving a spool. The spool opening has a longitudinal dimension and a transverse dimension where the longitudinal dimension is greater than the transverse dimension. A detent extends from a longitudinal side edge of the spool opening toward a second longitudinal side edge of the spool opening to define a first open portion and a second open portion. In one embodiment, the first open portion and second open portion can be substantially same size and have a substantially circular configuration. In another embodiment, the first open portion can have a dimension greater than a dimension of the second open portion. 1. A spool assembly for supporting a cable in the cable management assembly , said spool assembly comprising:a mounting member in the cable management assembly having a spool opening, said spool opening having a longitudinal dimension greater than a transverse dimension of said spool opening; anda spool having a shaft with a longitudinal dimension, a first longitudinal end and a second longitudinal end, a first prong and a second prong extending axially from said first longitudinal end and received in said spool opening; each said prong having an outwardly extending base configured for contacting a first side of said mounting member and an outwardly extending shoulder configured for contacting a second side of said mounting member, said spool being rotatable between a first position where said spool is removable from said spool opening and a second position where said spool is retained in said spool opening of said mounting member.2. The spool assembly of claim 1 , whereinsaid mounting member has a detent extending transversely into said spool opening to define a first open portion, and a second open portion, each said open portion having a dimension to receive said prongs and enable rotation of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058771A1

A method includes building a tubular object by a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process. A structure integrally connected to the tubular object for supporting a portion of the tubular object is formed during building of the tubular object. The structure provides vibration dampening, heat shielding, heat transfer, stiffening, energy absorption, or mounting after the tubular object is built. 1. A method comprising:building a tubular object by a layer-by-layer additive manufacturing process;forming, while building the tubular object, a structure integrally connected to the tubular object for supporting a portion of the tubular object with the structure during building of the tubular object, and for providing vibration dampening, heat shielding, heat transfer, stiffening, energy absorption, or mounting after the tubular object is built.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the structure comprises a heat-shield structure claim 1 , mounting structure claim 1 , honeycomb structure claim 1 , fin structure claim 1 , matrix structure claim 1 , lattice structure claim 1 , rib structure claim 1 , filter structure claim 1 , bushing structure claim 1 , or slot.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tubular object includes at least one channel therein extending for the length of the tubular object claim 1 , and the at least one channel is configured to allow transport of a fluid through the tubular object.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the structure is disposed within the tubular object and the structure is configured to allow transport of the fluid through the tubular object.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the fluid comprises oil claim 3 , fuel claim 3 , gas claim 3 , or air.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tubular object comprises a tube designed for use in a gas turbine engine.7. A method comprising:designing a component having a tubular body and a structure that performs at least one of vibration dampening, heat shielding, heat transfer, ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062493A1
Автор: Lombardo Christopher

The disclosure is directed to a discharge system for usage in fluid transportation. Further, embodiments relate to a discharge system comprising a plurality of discharge apparatuses that may remove a fluid from one area and transport it to another area. A discharge system may comprise a first discharge apparatus, wherein the first discharge apparatus comprises a tubular, wherein the tubular comprises a plurality of sections, a central bore, a first opening, and a second opening; and a second discharge apparatus, wherein the second discharge apparatus comprises the tubular. 1. A discharge system comprising:a first discharge apparatus, wherein the first discharge apparatus comprises a tubular, wherein the tubular comprises a plurality of sections, a central bore, a first opening, and a second opening; anda second discharge apparatus, wherein the second discharge apparatus comprises the tubular;wherein the first discharge apparatus is configured to be disposed into an opening of an existing underground drainage system.2. The discharge system of claim 1 , further comprising an elbow claim 1 , wherein the elbow couples the plurality of sections together.3. The discharge system of claim 2 , wherein the elbow is set at about 90 degrees.4. The discharge system of claim 1 , wherein the first discharge apparatus comprises a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein the first opening of the first discharge apparatus is disposed at the first end of the first discharge apparatus claim 1 , wherein the second opening of the first discharge apparatus is disposed at the second end of the first discharge apparatus claim 1 , wherein the second discharge apparatus comprises a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein a first opening of the second discharge apparatus is disposed at the first end of the second discharge apparatus claim 1 , wherein a second opening of the second discharge apparatus is disposed at the second end of the second discharge apparatus.5. The discharge ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137973A1
Автор: Dickinson James L.

A clog resistant leak tight smooth transition fluid path directional turn in a fluid pathway that minimizes back pressure turbulence and fluid friction and is configured to be snakeable with a fish line or other wire product to clear or remove potential blockages due to particulate carried by fluid flowing in the fluid pathway is presented. In one example the transition fluid path is an insert having a predefined size and shape configured to be received in a complementary sized and shaped opening in the layer of a fluidic manifold. A leak tight communication passageway is defined by a groove following a smooth curved path located between a surface of the insert in facing relationship with a matching surface of the opening in the layer between the entry fluid path and the exit fluid path. 1. A fluidic module , comprising:a body, comprising:one or more layers having a width, height and length dimension, a first major face surface and an oppositely disposed second major face surface;a fluid pathway, comprising:an entry fluid path;an exit fluid path;a transition fluid path arranged and configured to provide a smooth directional turn between said entry fluid path and said exit fluid path.2. The fluidic module as set forth in wherein said transition fluid path comprises an insert having a predefined size and shape configured to be received in a complementary sized and shaped opening in said layer to provide a leak tight communication passageway between said entry fluid path and said exit fluid path.3. The fluidic module as set forth in wherein said transition fluid path comprises a leak tight passageway defined between a surface of said insert in facing relationship with a matching surface of said opening in said layer.4. The fluidic module as set forth in further comprising said entry fluid path arranged on one of said first major face surface and said second major face surface claim 2 , and said exit fluid path arranged on the other of said first major face surface and ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Television Mounting Device

Номер: US20180064247A1

Television mounting devices that can be stand-alone wall mounted, wall mounted with furniture positioned in front, or attached/mounted to furniture, and that also accommodate differing types of television or other electronics and wires in an efficient and visually appealing manner. 1a support means or supporting the weight of a television suspended above a weight-bearing floor of a structure;a mounting means for mounting a television to said support means;a cover means for attaching to said support means so as to create an enclosed space defined by said cover means forming at least one side and a wall of said structure forming at least one side, said enclosed space configured to accept a plurality of cables from said mounted television.. A television mounting system comprising; This application is a Divisional of U.S. Utility patent application Ser. No. 15/464,864, filed Mar. 21, 2017. which is a continuation of U.S. Utility patent application Ser. No. 13/893,119, filed May 13, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,631,769, which claims the benefit or U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/645,792, filed May 11, 2012. The entire disclosure of all these documents is incorporated herein by reference.This disclosure relates generally to video display devices, and more particularly, to television mounting systems for flat panel televisions.Historically, electronic equipment was, and still largely is, located and stored on some type of shelving system, console, or stand for convenient operation and use. For example, a home entertainment center (or stereo console) is a piece of furniture seen in many homes, which houses major electronic items, such as a television set, a VCR and or DVD player, stereo components (such as an AM/FM tuner, multi-disc compact disc changer, record player, one or more cassette players, and graphic equalizer), and cable or satellite television receivers. These electronics typically require some type of cords, cables and/or wires (which are generally ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Strut and Clip Assembly for Stiffening a Hanger Rod

Номер: US20220082120A1
Автор: Duggan Daniel C.

A hanger-rod clip can be configured for use with a strut that at least partially surrounds a hanger rod to provide stiffness to the hanger rod. The hanger-rod clip can include a handle portion and a rod-clamping portion. The rod-clamping portion can be configured to urge the hanger rod into engagement with an internal surface of the strut as the handle portion is moved towards the strut. 1. A unitary hanger-rod clip to provide stiffness to a hanger rod that is at least partially surrounded by a strut , the strut including a channel having a first sidewall , a second sidewall , a third wall that extends between the first and second sidewalls , a channel opening that is opposite the third wall , a first internal edge on a first side of the channel opening , and a second internal edge on a second side of the channel opening , the unitary hanger-rod clip comprising:a handle wall;a rod-engaging wall extending from a first end of the handle wall and including a strut-engagement surface opposite a rod-engagement surface;a locking wall extending from a second end of the handle wall and including a latching surface;wherein the strut-engagement surface is spaced apart from the handle wall to engage one or more of the first internal edge of the strut or the second internal edge of the strut;wherein the rod-engagement surface is angled relative to the strut-engagement surface to urge the hanger rod into engagement with one or more of the first sidewall, the second sidewall, or the third wall of the strut as the handle wall is pivoted towards the strut about contact between the strut-engagement surface and the one or more of the first or second internal edges of the strut, to place the unitary hanger-rod clip into an operational position; andwherein the latching surface is spaced apart from the handle wall to engage an interior surface of the strut and secure the unitary hanger-rod clip in the operation position.2. The unitary hanger-rod clip of claim 1 , wherein the handle wall ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069480A1
Автор: Rego Lawrence

A cord support assembly includes: a threaded rod; a pipe fitting over the threaded rod; an upper flange nut with a shank and a flange, the upper flange nut fits on the threaded rod, and the shank fits into the pipe and the flange rest on the pipe; a lower flange nut with a shank and a flange, the lower flange nut threads on the threaded rod, the shank fits into the pipe and the flange rests on the pipe; a support bar engages the threaded rod; and a nut, the support bar engages the threaded rod between the lower flange nut and the nut. The threaded rod, pipe, upper and lower flange nuts, when assembled, reducing any sway of the support bar. 1. A cord support assembly comprises:a threaded rod;a pipe fitting over the threaded rod;an upper flange nut with a shank and a flange, the upper flange nut fits on the threaded rod, and the shank fits into the pipe and the flange rest on the pipe;a lower flange nut with a shank and a flange, the lower flange nut threads on the threaded rod, the shank fits into the pipe and the flange rests on the pipe;a nut; anda support bar engages the threaded rod; the support bar engages the threaded rod between the lower flange nut and the nut;the threaded rod, pipe, upper and lower flange nuts, when assembled, reducing any sway of the support bar.2. The assembly of wherein a diameter of the flange of the upper flange nut is greater than an outer diameter of the pipe.3. The assembly of wherein the flange diameter is at least 50% greater than the outer diameter of the pipe.4. The assembly of wherein a diameter of the flange of the lower flange nut is greater than an outer diameter of the pipe.5. The assembly of wherein the flange diameter is at least 50% greater than the outer diameter of the pipe.6. The assembly of wherein a gap is located between the shank of the upper flange nut and the pipe.7. The assembly of wherein a gap is located between the shank of the lower flange nut and the pipe.8. The assembly of wherein the assembly has a pair ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075824A1

In one example embodiment, a bracket for a sprinkler fitting is provided having a first flange, a second flange connected to the first flange, and a mounting flange connected to at least one of the first and second flanges. The mounting flange may for example be substantially orthogonal to the first and second flanges. One of the first and second flanges has a preferably circular hole formed therethrough, and the other has a polygonal opening formed therethrough and aligned with the circular hole. An adapter having a polygonal end is inserted in the bracket such that the polygonal end aligns with the polygonal opening so as to limit rotation of the adapter with respect to the bracket, the adapter disposing a sprinkler coupled thereto with respect to a finished ceiling surface of a structure. 1. A bracket for a sprinkler fitting , comprising:a first flange;a second flange connected to the first flange, the first and second flanges being substantially parallel to each other; anda mounting flange connected to at least one of the first and second flanges,wherein one of the first and second flanges comprises a first hole formed therethrough, and the other one of the first and second flanges comprises a polygonal opening formed therethrough and aligned with the first hole, the polygonal opening to align with a polygonal end of an adaptor inserted in the bracket such to limit rotation of the adapter with respect to the bracket, the adapter disposing a sprinkler coupled thereto with respect to a finished ceiling surface of a structure.2. A bracket according to claim 1 , wherein the first hole is circular.3. A bracket according to claim 1 , wherein the first flange has a tab claim 1 , and the bracket further comprises a hold-down bracket for retaining the adapter and limiting vertical movement of the adapter claim 1 , the hold-down bracket being removably attached to the tab of the first flange.4. The bracket according to claim 3 , wherein the hold-down bracket is formed in ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Sensor for a Fingerboard Latch Assembly

Номер: US20160076920A1
Принадлежит: Salunda Ltd

A sensor assembly is provided for a fingerboard latch assembly that comprises: a latch bracket; bolts for mounting the latch bracket to a fingerboard; a latch; and a bracket pin rotatably supporting the latch on the latch bracket to allow rotation of the latch between an open position and a closed position. The sensor assembly has a mounting arrangement that mounts to the bolts, holding a closed-position proximity sensor probe facing downwardly for sensing proximity of a crank portion of the latch and/or the piston head in the closed position, and also holding an open-position proximity sensor probe facing forwardly for sensing proximity of an arm of the latch in the open position.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Tool Suspension Connector

Номер: US20190072232A1
Принадлежит: Bru Tools, LLC

A device, kit of parts, and method of connecting tools to a container or other object or surface are disclosed. The device may be attached to a side of a container or other surface or object. The device may include a riser which extends substantially up relative to an opening in the container. The device may also include a platform which may extend over or into the container. The platform may be substantially perpendicular to the riser. The riser, the platform, or both may include one or more openings configured to receive connectors, pipes, hose, lines, or other tools or instruments. One or more of the openings may be elongated so as to allow for selection of the height of the connected item or the amount of overhang into the container. One or more thumbscrews or optional washers may be included with the device. 1. A device for connecting two or more objects , comprising:a riser member with a first longitudinal axis; anda deck plate comprising at least one surface which is substantially perpendicular to the first longitudinal axis;wherein at least one of the riser member and the deck plate defines a first opening, and further wherein the first opening is configured to receive at least part of a first item, and wherein the deck plate further comprises a compression feature which is offset from the riser member and configured to seat at least partially against a feature of a second item on an opposing side of the feature of the second item from at least part of the riser member.2. The device according to claim 1 , further wherein the other of the riser member and the deck plate defines a second opening configured to receive at least part of a third item.3. The device according to claim 1 , further wherein the riser member defines a riser member opening which is elongated relative to the first longitudinal axis.4. The device according to claim 3 , further wherein the riser member opening is configured to allow for variable placement of the first item along the first ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154013A1
Автор: Mehr Nasser Fred

A wet well design that utilizes recycled material in sectional components to construct wet wells on site is disclosed. Traditional wet well components are made of pre-cast concrete. Green Recycled Material Component Wet Well components are constructed using recycled plastic, recycled steel and recycled Styrofoam. The method described herein for constructing the components and assembling the wet well on site addresses several logistical problems associated with the pre-cast concrete design including reducing project start to completion time, delivery costs, large crane rental costs and power line relocation costs. This design also enables construction of oblong wet wells in medians and other restricted areas as components can be straight or curved sections. Finally, this design eliminates the shifting of traditional cement well components due to uplift from underground water pressure through the use of a new anchoring system. Shifting can result in groundwater intrusion into the well. 1. Green wastewater pump station circular and oblong wet wells constructed by stacking 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 modular circular cylinder and straight sections for required well depths of 12′ , 18′ , 24′ and 30′ respectively and having a mechanical anchoring system; said modular cylinder and straight sections constructed from recycled plastic , recycled Styrofoam and recycled steel scraps in the form of welded wire mesh forming the walls of the wet well and by wet well top and bottom slabs enclosing the modular cylinder wet well walls; said circular and straight sections comprising identical top and bottom frames made of recycled plastic with an inner diameter equal to the desired wet well diameter , vertical members constructed from recycled PVC materials , Styrofoam space refill that fills the space between the vertical members , connecting angles used to connect said vertical members to said top and bottom frames and module stacking connecting bolts that connect said top module frames to ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154139A1

An exhaust aftertreatment system for a diesel-powered genset includes a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) injection system, a housing, a Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) section disposed within the housing and a support configured to support the exhaust aftertreatment system. The DEF injection system includes a housing having an inlet region and an outlet region. A stationary upstream mixer increases turbulence of exhaust entering the inlet region. A stationary downstream mixer increases turbulence of exhaust exiting the outlet region. The DEF injection system includes a DEF injector. The SCR section includes a housing having an inlet and outlet, an SCR catalyst mounted in the housing, and a diameter that is greater than a diameter of the DEF injection section housing. A Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) section can be disposed within the housing between the DEF injection section and the SCR section. 1. An exhaust aftertreatment system for a diesel-powered genset , comprising:a support; a housing mounted to the support and having an inlet region, an outlet region, and a first diameter;', 'a stationary upstream mixer to increase turbulence of exhaust entering the inlet region;', 'a stationary downstream mixer to increase turbulence of the exhaust exiting the outlet region; and', 'a DEF injector to inject DEF into the turbulent exhaust between the upstream and downstream mixers; and, 'a diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) injection section, including a housing mounted to the support and having an inlet region coupled to the outlet region of the DEF injection section, an outlet region, and a second diameter that is larger than the first diameter of the DEF injection section housing; and', 'an SCR catalyst mounted in the housing, wherein the SCR catalyst has a diameter that is greater than the first diameter of the DEF injection section housing., 'a selective catalyst reduction (SCR) section, including2. The exhaust aftertreatment system of claim 1 , wherein the SCR section housing ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072387A1

An ancillary system for a motor vehicle is provided. The system comprises a housing; a duct for carrying a fluid to or from the housing, wherein the duct comprises a duct portion and a connector portion connecting the duct to the housing, wherein the duct portion is spaced apart from the housing in a first direction; and a spacer, the spacer being coupled to one of the duct and the housing and arranged between the duct and the housing to reduce a dimension of a gap between the duct and the housing in the first direction, and thereby reduce a displacement of the duct in the first direction during a collision. A motor vehicle assembly comprising the air ancillary system is also provided. 1. An ancillary system for a motor vehicle , the ancillary system comprising:a housing;a duct for carrying a fluid to or from the housing, wherein the duct comprises a duct portion and a connector portion connecting the duct to the housing, wherein the duct portion is spaced apart from the housing in a first direction; anda spacer, the spacer being coupled to one of the duct and the housing and arranged between the duct and the housing to reduce a dimension of a gap between the duct and the housing in the first direction, and thereby reduce a displacement of the duct in the first direction during a collision.2. The ancillary system of claim 1 , wherein the spacer comprises an abutment face arranged to abut the other of the duct and the housing when the duct is displaced in the first direction claim 1 , wherein the abutment face is angled relative to the first direction so as to encourage the duct to be displaced in a direction with a component perpendicular to the first direction during the collision.3. The ancillary system of claim 1 , wherein the spacer is integrally formed with the housing.4. The ancillary system of claim 1 , wherein the spacer comprises a rib integrally formed on the housing.5. The ancillary system of claim 1 , wherein the spacer protrudes from a surface of the ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079775A1
Принадлежит: FMC Technologies, Inc.

An illustrative modular manifold disclosed herein includes, among other things, a low-pressure manifold comprising a frac fluid outlet valve, wherein a fracturing fluid is adapted to be supplied from the low-pressure manifold via the frac fluid outlet valve to a suction side of a frac pump, and a high-pressure manifold comprising at least one frac fluid inlet valve, wherein the high-pressure manifold is adapted to receive, via the frac fluid inlet valve, a fracturing fluid discharged from the frac pump. In this example, the modular manifold also includes a support structure for mechanically supporting the low- and high-pressure manifolds and a plurality of height-adjustable support legs operatively coupled to the support structure. 1. A system , the system comprising: a first low-pressure manifold configured to supply fracturing fluid to a suction side of a first frac pump; and', 'a first high-pressure manifold configured to receive a fracturing fluid discharged from the first frac pump;, 'a first modular manifold, the first modular manifold comprisinga frac fluid inlet manifold separate from the first module manifold; anda first dedicated low-pressure line providing fluid communication only between the frac fluid inlet manifold and the first low-pressure manifold.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first frac pump is disposed on a frac truck adjacent to the first modular manifold.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising at least another frac truck adjacent to the first modular manifold claim 2 , the at least another frac truck having an another frac pump.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising: a second low-pressure manifold configured to supply fracturing fluid to a suction side of a second frac pump; and', 'a second high-pressure manifold configured to receive a fracturing fluid discharged from the second frac pump; and, 'a second modular manifold operatively coupled to the first modular manifold, the second modular manifold comprisinga second ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080029A1

An adapter for mounting cable hangers includes: a floor, a ceiling and side walls that span the floor and ceiling, wherein the ceiling includes a mounting hole; and a cross-member that extends between the side walls that defines at least one window between the cross-member, the floor and one of the side walls. 1. An assembly , comprising:(a) an adapter for mounting cable hangers comprising:a floor, a ceiling and side walls, wherein the ceiling includes a mounting hole;a cross-member that extends between the side walls; anda divider that extends between the side walls and the floor, the floor, sidewalls and divider defining two windows;(b) two clamping bands, each of the clamping bands inserted into a respective one of the two windows; and(c) a cable hanger mounting in the mounting hole in the ceiling.2. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the adapter is formed of a polymeric material.3. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the adapter is a monolithic component.4. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the adapter further comprises feet extending from the floor.5. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the mounting hole has a nominal diameter of ¾ inch.6. The assembly defined in claim 1 , wherein the clamping band is secured to a mounting structure.7. The assembly defined in claim 6 , wherein the clamping band is a radial clamp.8. The assembly defined in claim 1 , further comprising a cable mounted in the cable hanger.9. An assembly claim 1 , comprising:(a) an adapter for mounting cable hangers comprising:a floor, a ceiling and side walls, wherein the ceiling includes a mounting hole, the mounting hole having a nominal ¾ inch diameter;a cross-member that extends between the side walls; anda divider that extends between the side walls and the floor, the floor, sidewalls and divider defining two windows;wherein the adapter is formed of polymeric material;(b) two clamping bands, each of the clamping bands inserted into a respective one of the two ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080031A1

A hose caddy employs a hose stand connected to a liquid receptacle. The hose stand is designed to hold a hose, a sponge and/or other cleaning items used in cleaning an object such as a car, off of the ground. This prevents the cleaning items from picking up debris. Since the hose stand holds the hose at a convenient height, the person cleaning the object is not required to constantly bend down to pick up the hose. The hose stand includes a shaft having an attachment structure at its lower end which is designed to clip to the wall of a bucket, preferably a standard 5-gallon paint bucket. A handle is connected to the upper end of the shaft with a cap creating at least at least one recess sized and shaped to hold one the hose, and at least one cleaning item. 1110010201719. A hose stand designed to attach to a liquid receptacle and hold a hose and cleaning items , at a height to be easily reached by an average height person washing an object , comprising:{'b': 120', '10, 'a. an attachment structure {clamp} extending from the liquid receptacle ;'}{'b': 110', '111', '113', '113', '120, 'b. an elongated shaft having an upper end and a lower end extending substantially vertically, the lower end connected to the attachment structure ;'}{'b': 130', '111', '110', '150', '151', '153, 'claim-text': {'b': 135', '20, 'i. at least one recess sized and shaped to hold one of the hose , and at least one cleaning item.'}, 'c. a support structure {handle} connected to the upper end of the shaft with a connection device {threaded protrusion and threaded cap }, comprising2110010. The hose stand of wherein the liquid receptacle is a standard 5-gallon paint bucket.31100120. The hose stand of claim 1 , wherein the attachment structure is a clamp designed to attach to a wall of the liquid receptacle.41100120. The hose stand of claim 2 , wherein the attachment structure is a clamp sized and shaped to fit over a lip of the standard 5-gallon paint bucket and attach to the bucket's wall. ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083876A1

A clamp for overhead assemblies has a clamp portion including a frame with first and second spaced apart side portions connected at respective ends to a top portion. The first and second side portion can have first and second openings therethrough to form a clamp opening. A plate is disposed through third and fourth openings in the first and second spaced apart side portions, respectively. The plate includes a tapped recess for receiving a threaded rod. A screw is disposed in a tapped recess in the top portion. An engagement end of the screw is selectively extendible into the clamp opening to engage a structural member inserted within the clamp opening to couple the structural member to the threaded rod. A longitudinal axis of the screw is aligned with the tapped recess to eliminate eccentric loading of the clamp. A method of stocking clamps is also disclosed. 1. A clamp for overhead assemblies , comprising:a clamp portion comprising a frame having first and second spaced apart side portions connected at respective ends to a top portion, the first and second side portion comprising first and second openings therethrough to form a clamp opening;a plate disposed through third and fourth openings in the first and second spaced apart side portions, respectively, the plate including a tapped recess for receiving a threaded rod; anda screw disposed in a tapped recess in the top portion, an engagement end of the screw being selectively extendible into the clamp opening to engage a structural member inserted within the clamp opening to couple the structural member to the threaded rod.2. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein first and second ends of the plate extend through the third and fourth openings claim 1 , and the plate is crimped adjacent to the third and fourth openings to fix the plate to the clamp portion claim 1 , thereby closing the frame into a rectangular tubular profile.3. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the screw is coaxial with the tapped ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158834A1

A cable management device includes a first cable management arm, a second cable management arm, a cable management seat pivotably connected between the first and second cable management arms, an extension board fixed to the cable management seat, a support seat, a first support member pivotably connected to the support seat, a second support member slidably connected to the first support member, a guide member connected to the second support member and extended between the first and second cable management arms, a first resilient member connected between the first and second support members and a slide pivotably connected to the extension board and slidably connected to the second support member. When the second cable management arm is retracted, the second cable management arm pushes the guide member and drives the first and second support member to swing relative to the support seat. 1. A cable management device comprising:a first cable management arm;a second cable management arm;a cable management seat pivotably connected between the first and second cable management arms;an extension board fixed to the cable management seat;a support seat having a support board;a first connection element connected to the first cable management arm;a second connection element connected to the second cable management arm;a third connection element connected to the support seat;a first support member having a first connecting end and a first free end which is located corresponding to the first connecting end, the first support member pivotably connected to the support seat by the first connecting end, the first support member contacting the support board of the support seat;a second support member having a second connecting end and a second free end which is located corresponding to the second connecting end, the second support member slidably connected to the first support member so as to extend relative to the first support member to move the second free end away from the first ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Method of installing a pipeline and pipeline support system

Номер: US20150086273A1
Автор: Scott E. Forse
Принадлежит: Individual

A method is disclosed for installing a pipeline made up of a plurality of pipe lengths or sections to extend along a predetermined underground grade in a trench. Pillow blocks are secured to the underside of the pipe lengths at predetermined intervals and the pipe lengths are respectively lifted with the pillow blocks suspended thereunder and sequentially placed in the trench with the blocks positioned thereunder on the grade surface in the trench. The pipe sections are then secured together to form a pipeline and the trench is backfilled. The pillow blocks may be adhered to the underside of the pipe sections or the pillow blocks may be loosely secured to the underside of the pipe lengths whereby the blocks will maintain a position by force of gravity under the respective pipe sections to which they are attached when the respective pipe sections are suspended in the air above ground.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Gas outlet extender

Номер: US20180080581A1
Принадлежит: Amico Interiors Inc

A gas outlet extender allows for relocation of existing medical gas outlets to positions that are more ergonomic to care-givers at the point-of-use. In various aspects, the gas outlet extender may take one source of gas supply and provide the facility with a plurality of separate sources of that gas supply. By taking measurements of various parameters of the gas supply, an installer may obtain confidence that the gas flow for each of the plurality of separate sources meets regulatory requirements.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080955A1

A coupler head and mounting bracket combination for supporting a brake hose fitting uses a lug formed integrally with the coupler head and a support bracket mating with the lug. In embodiments, the bracket may be installed in a plurality of vertical positions on the coupler head. The bracket is maintained in a position inboard of the lateral side of the coupler head, to reduce or eliminate the likelihood that the bracket will interfere with the other equipment or the car body. Embodiments of the invention are particularly adapted for “E” type and “F” type coupler heads. 1. A railcar coupler adapted to mount a brake line support bracket , comprising:a coupler head having a guard arm side, a knuckle side, and a lock hole delimited on at least the guard arm side by a lock hole wall, anda lug plate comprising a receiving surface and at least two apertures, each aperture configured to receive a fastener through each aperture and through a respective aperture in the brake line support bracket;wherein the lug plate is integral with an outboard surface of the lock hole wall and is inboard of a peripheral lateral surface of the guard arm side of the coupler head.2. The railcar coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the lug plate further comprises at least one raised horizontal locking rib on the lug plate receiving surface configured to mate with at least one locating surface on the brake line support bracket.3. The railcar coupler according to claim 2 , wherein the lug plate receiving surface comprises first and second horizontal slots adjacent the horizontal locking rib claim 2 , respectively above and below the horizontal locking rib claim 2 , configured to mate with the at least one locating surface on the brake line support bracket at different vertical positions of the brake line support bracket with respect to the coupler.4. The railcar coupler according to claim 1 , wherein the lug plate receiving surface further comprises a clamping face and a pair of vertical guide ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Multipurpose, Adjustable, Portable Stand

Номер: US20170087580A1
Автор: John Patrick Griffin
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-faceted multi-task system for horticultural adaptations including water dispersion and irrigation, animal and plant/crop protection, and plant shading, which allows a user to operate an irrigation system or a radial misting apparatus while using a tarp for shade and construct a fence to create an animal control zone. The present device features a telescoping main pole that can be adjusted to different heights to fit any situation. The device is highly portable as it can be folded up onto itself and carried to a destination by hand and provides water dispersion for irrigation and temperature control, while offering users the opportunity to construct a shade and/or animal control zone. A ball containment system for athletic activities.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089509A1

An interchangeable ground mount system comprises (a) a ground mount, (b) at least one post segment, and (c) an interchangeable head. A variety of interchangeable heads can be mounted to one or more post segments, which are inserted into a semi-permanently installed ground mount, typically for lawn and garden use. 1. An interchangeable ground mount system comprising:(a) a ground mount,(b) at least one post segment, and(c) an interchangeable head.2. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 1 , wherein the ground mount comprises a top plate claim 1 , a side wall claim 1 , and a wedge.3. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the ground mount further comprises a female hollow and a lip.4. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the top plate lies flush with the ground into which the ground mount is inserted.5. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the top plate has a hole in the middle thereof which can accept the at least one post segment.6. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 5 , wherein the hole has a diameter slightly larger than a diameter of the at least one post segment.7. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the side wall is continuous around the entirety of the ground mount.8. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the side wall defines a hollow running through the length of the ground mount from the interface with the top plate to partially extending into the wedge.9. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 2 , wherein the wedge comprises a tapered bottom end of the ground mount.10. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 3 , wherein the female hollow is located entirely within the wedge.11. The interchangeable ground mount system according to claim 3 , wherein the female hollow is a female screw groove or a flat claim 3 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Hose Management System for Large Format 3D Printing System

Номер: US20220136265A1

A hose management system for a 3D printing system having a print medium pump and a print nozzle may include a base, a vertical tower extending upward from the base, a vertical pipe rotatably coupled to the vertical tower, a boom pipe extending laterally outward from and rotating with the vertical pipe, a stick connected to the boom pipe for relative rotation about at least two perpendicular axes, and a print hose connected between the boom pipe and the print nozzle so that the vertical pipe, the boom pipe and the print hose place the print medium pump in fluid communication with the print nozzle. The print hose may be suspended from the stick such that the vertical pipe, the boom pipe, the stick and the print hose follow movement of the print nozzle by the 3D printing system to print a 3D object.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136470A1

A fuel supply apparatus to be mounted in a vehicle includes an injector, a rear delivery pipe and a front delivery pipe connected to the injector, and a fixed flange that is provided in the rear delivery pipe to fix the rear delivery pipe to a PCU. The fixed flange includes a cutout.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174582A1

A heating, ventilation, and air cooling (HVAC) assembly including a blower subassembly and an HVAC subassembly. The blower subassembly includes a first heater core pipe retention member. The HVAC subassembly includes a second heater core pipe retention member. The first and the second heater core pipe retention members are configured to secure at least one heater core pipe therebetween. 1. A heating , ventilation , and air cooling (HVAC) assembly comprising:a blower subassembly including a first heater core pipe retention member; andan HVAC subassembly including a second heater core pipe retention member;wherein the first and the second heater core pipe retention members are configured to secure at least one heater core pipe therebetween.2. The HVAC assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first heater core pipe retention member includes a flange extending from the blower subassembly;3. The HVAC assembly of claim 2 , wherein the flange defines a recess configured to partially receive the heater core pipe therein.4. The HVAC assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second heater core pipe retention member defines a recess configured to receive the heater core pipe therein.5. The HVAC assembly of claim 1 , wherein the blower subassembly includes a first coupling member and the HVAC subassembly includes a second coupling member configured to cooperate with the first coupling member to couple the blower subassembly and the HVAC subassembly together.6. The HVAC assembly of claim 5 , wherein the first coupling member is pivotally coupled to the second coupling member.7. The HVAC assembly of claim 1 , wherein the HVAC subassembly includes a heater core with two heater core pipes extending therefrom.8. A heating claim 1 , ventilation claim 1 , and air cooling (HVAC) assembly comprising:a blower subassembly;an HVAC subassembly configured to couple with the blower subassembly;a heater core with a first pipe and a second pipe extending therefrom;a first retention member included with the ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150102184A1
Автор: Buckner Don M.

A folding hose storage rack is disclosed. The rack includes two spaced apart support members with each support member having a vertical member configured to rotate about a vertical axis, an upper arm extending outward from the vertical member, a lower arm extending outward from the vertical member, where the lower arm is aligned under the upper arm, and a boss along a lower edge of the lower arm. In addition, the rack includes a retainer having intersecting slots such that each slot is configured to receive the boss to prevent the support member from rotating. Each support member is configured to lift up to remove the boss from the intersecting slots, rotate to a desired position, and lower down to insert the boss into a desired slot of the intersecting slots. The intersecting slots form a T-configuration to rotate and secure each supporting arm to either side. 1. A folding hose storage rack , the rack comprising: a vertical member configured to rotate about a vertical axis;', 'an upper arm extending outward from the vertical member;', 'a lower arm extending outward from the vertical member, wherein the lower arm is aligned under the upper arm;', 'a boss along a lower edge of the lower arm;', 'a retainer having intersecting slots such that each slot is configured to receive the boss to prevent the support member from rotating;, 'two spaced apart support members, each support member havingwherein each support member is configured to lift up to remove the boss from the intersecting slots, rotate to a desired position, and lower down to insert the boss into a desired slot of the intersecting slots.2. The rack of claim 1 , wherein the upper arm and the lower arm each having a thickness for engaging a groove between corrugations in a hose.3. The rack of claim 2 , wherein the upper arm and the lower arm each having an elbow portion to prevent the hose from rolling off the respective arm.4. The rack of claim 3 , further comprising an upper bracket having an aperture for ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Retention apparatus

Номер: US20220146027A1
Принадлежит: Deere and Co

A retaining apparatus includes a barrier having an interior surface defining an aperture extending from a first end of the barrier to a second end of the barrier. The retaining apparatus has a first distance between opposing sides of the interior surface near the first end of the barrier, a second distance between the opposing sides of the interior surface at a position between the first and second ends of the barrier, and a third distance between the opposing sides of the interior surface at the second end of the barrier. The second distance is smaller than the first and third distances. The interior surface is configured to partially surround and support a work line, restricting movement of the work line in a transverse direction, allowing movement of the work line in a longitudinal direction, and allowing bending of the work line about an axis in the transverse direction.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Polymer bag grouting method for repairing settlement of underground pipelines

Номер: US20160102782A1

A polymer bag grouting method for repairing a settlement of an underground pipeline includes steps of: (1) detecting a settled pipeline section and determining a grouting plan; (2) drilling holes for containing bags; (3) placing the bags into the holes; (4) injecting a polymer material into the bags; (5) uplifting the settled pipeline section; and, (6) filling a cavity and reinforcing a soft soil layer. The polymer material is a non-water reacted two-component polymer material. The method provided by the present invention has advantages of rapidness, small cut, light mass, high tenacity, economy and durability. The method is advanced, highly-efficient, economical and practical and able to rapidly repair the settlement of the pipeline section through uplifting. The method of the present invention is successfully applied to multiple projects of uplifting the underground pipelines, showing great economic and social benefits and a wide development and application prospect. 1. A polymer bag grouting method for repairing a settlement of an underground pipeline , wherein in order to repair the settlement of the underground pipeline , a settled pipeline section is uplifted , and a polymer material is injected into soil below the pipeline to fill a cavity caused by uplifting the settled pipeline section and to reinforce a soft soil layer surrounding the settled pipeline section; the polymer bag grouting method comprises steps of:(1) completely detecting the underground pipeline with a ground penetrating radar or a closed circuit television, and determining a location of the settled pipeline section and a settlement value of the settled pipeline section;(2) drilling a plurality of holes for containing bags, at a bottom part of the settled pipeline section which needs to be uplifted, along a radial direction of a settling end of the settled pipeline section;(3) placing first grouting pipes respectively at an opening of each of the bags; fixing the opening of each bag on the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable Modular Pipe Support Stand

Номер: US20170102097A1

An adjustable modular pipe support stand includes a base, a vertical post having an inner tubing adapted to be inserted into an outer tubing secured to the base, a length of the inner tubing extending outside of the outer tubing being adjustable, and a threaded bolt adapted to be inserted into a threaded opening at a top end of the inner tubing, a length of the threaded bolt extending outside of the inner tubing being adjustable. The pipe support stand further includes a top plate secured to a top end of the threaded bolt and configured to support a pipe. 1. An adjustable modular support stand comprising:a base;a vertical post having an inner tubing adapted to be inserted into an outer tubing secured to the base, a length of the inner tubing extending outside of the outer tubing being adjustable, and a threaded bolt adapted to be inserted into a threaded opening at a top end of the inner tubing, a length of the threaded bolt extending outside of the inner tubing being adjustable; anda top plate secured to a top end of the threaded bolt and configured to support a load.2. The adjustable modular support stand of claim 1 , wherein the inner tubing has a first series of spaced through holes along its length claim 1 , and the outer tubing has a second series of spaced through holes along its length claim 1 , the size and spacing of the first and second series of through holes being compatible to permit a fastener to be inserted to selectively fix the length of the inner tubing extending outside of the outer tubing.3. The adjustable modular support stand of claim 2 , wherein the bolt is a threaded bolt and a threaded nut is used to secure the threaded bolt in the through holes of the inner and outer tubing.4. The adjustable modular support stand of claim 1 , further comprising a load-bearing C-channel securely fastened to the top plate and sized to support the load.5. The adjustable modular support stand of claim 1 , further comprising at least two vertical posts.6. The ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107541A1

A cantilever supports a catenary to supply energy to a vehicle. The cantilever includes a cross-member adapted to be attached to a support structure, the cross-member extending along a longitudinal axis (X-X), and at least one attachment connected to the cross-member. The cross-member includes an outer surface, the outer surface including at least a first side having a non-circular shape in a section plane (II-II) that is orthogonal to the longitudinal axis (X-X). The attachment includes at least one collar encircling the cross-member, and the collar includes at least one contact face in contact with the at least first side. 1. A cantilever for supporting a catenary to supply energy to a vehicle , the cantilever comprising a cross-member adapted to be attached to a support structure , the cross-member extending along a longitudinal axis , and at least one attachment connected to the cross-member ,wherein the cross-member includes an outer surface, the outer surface comprising at least a first side having a non-circular shape in a section plane that is orthogonal to the longitudinal axis,wherein the attachment comprises at least one collar encircling the cross-member, andwherein the collar comprises at least one contact face in contact with said at least first side.2. The cantilever according to claim 1 , wherein the contact face of the collar has a shape that is complementary with said first side.3. The cantilever according to claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the cross-member has a convex shape in the section plane.4. The cantilever according to claim 3 , wherein the outer surface of the cross-member has a barrel-shape in the section plane.5. The cantilever according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment includes a cable clamp able to support a cable of the catenary.6. The cantilever according to claim 1 , wherein at least one attachment comprises two collars.7. The cantilever according to claim 1 , wherein the cantilever includes a guy-wire for supporting the ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106408A1

A connection device for pipes, of a type comprising a hose-holder () mounted on an end portion () of the pipe, a hose-holder () mounted on the other end portion () of the same pipe and an element () for the connection of said hose-holders () consisting of a substantially tubular body having a longitudinal hole () therethrough, wherein said element () comprises a circulating ball portion () for the connection to one () of said hose-holders. The device has the advantage that no connection threads having a shoulder protruding on the pipe surface and capable of damaging it are required. 1183166151618301517161618. An improved connection device for pipes , of a type comprising a hose-holder () mounted on an end portion () of the pipe , a hose-holder () mounted on the other end portion () of the same pipe and an element () for the connection of said hose-holders ( ,) consisting of a substantially tubular body having a longitudinal hole () , characterized in that said element () comprises a circulating ball portion () for the connection to one () of said hose-holders , wherein the inner diameter of said hose-holder () is the same as the inner diameter of said hose-holder ().215192018. A device according to claim 1 , characterized in that said element () further comprises a threaded portion () for the connection to a corresponding thread () of the other hose-holder () of said connection device.321221723241721222526. A device according to claim 2 , characterized in that said circulating ball portion comprises semi-channels ( claim 2 ,) for housing said balls () claim 2 , as well as holes ( claim 2 ,) for inserting the same balls () into the mentioned semi-channels ( claim 2 ,) which are in turn closed by means of corresponding threaded caps ( claim 2 ,).416276282921221715212822291727161715. A device according to claim 3 , characterized in that said hose-holder () has an end portion () protruding from the mentioned end portion () of said pipe and having semi-channels ( claim 3 ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190586A1
Принадлежит: L & W Engineering

A support structure may include a metallic tube having two opposing ends. The first end may have a first length, a first wall thickness, and a first outer diameter. The second end may have a second length, a second wall thickness, and a second outer diameter. A transition area may be disposed between the first length and the second length. The first wall thickness may be greater than the second wall thickness thereby providing variable thickness. 1. A support , comprising:a metallic tube having two opposing ends;the first end having a first length, a first wall thickness, and a first outer diameter;the second end having a second length, a second wall thickness, and a second outer diameter; anda transition area disposed between the first length and the second length,wherein the first wall thickness is greater than the second wall thickness.2. The support of claim 1 , wherein the first outer diameter is substantially equal to the second outer diameter.3. The support of claim 1 , wherein the first wall thickness is generally constant and the second wall thickness is generally constant.4. The support of claim 1 , wherein the transition area starts with the first wall thickness in the region adjacent to the first end and terminates with the second wall thickness in the region adjacent to the second end.5. The support of claim 4 , wherein the wall thickness varies generally consistently along the length of the transition tube claim 4 , being generally triangular in cross-section.6. The support of claim 1 , wherein the second end further comprises a third length claim 1 , a third wall thickness claim 1 , and a third outer diameter claim 1 , wherein a second transition area is disposed between the second length and the third length.7. The support of claim 6 , wherein the third wall thickness is less than the second wall thickness.8. The support of claim 7 , wherein the third outer diameter is equal to the first and second outer diameter.9. The support of claim 6 , wherein ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Pipe-to-Pipe Brace Assembly

Номер: US20140191091A1
Автор: Heath Richard W.
Принадлежит: COOPER B-LINE, INC.

A pipe brace assembly includes a main clamp body that can be secured to a brace pipe. A cable, or other flexible tensioning member, can be wrapped around a braced pipe and secured to the main clamp body. The pipe brace assembly includes a method or mechanism for tensioning the cable or flexible tensioning member around the braced pipe. In some embodiments, the tensioning method or mechanism involves moving, such as rotating, the main clamp body to tension the cable or tensioning member. The clamping of the main clamp body and tensioning of the cable or tensioning member can occur simultaneously. 1. A brace assembly for bracing a braced pipe relative to a brace pipe , comprising:a cable;a main body comprising an annular portion defining an opening that receives the brace pipe, a cable stop that supports a first portion of the cable, a pipe support surface that supports the braced pipe;a cable anchor that can fix a second portion of the cable relative to the main body such that the cable can be placed in tension between the first and second portions;a cable tensioning arrangement configured to move the cable stop relative to the cable anchor to tension the cable around the braced pipe and secure the braced pipe against the pipe support surface.2. The brace assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cable stop is on a first side of the annular portion and the cable anchor is on a second side of the annular portion opposite the first side.3. The brace assembly of claim 2 , wherein the pipe support surface is on the second side of the annular portion.4. The brace assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cable stop comprises a hook structure.5. The brace assembly of claim 4 , wherein the hook structure and the main body are formed from a single piece of material.6. The brace assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pipe support surface is rounded and defines a radius about a pipe support surface axis that is parallel to the braced pipe.7. A brace assembly for bracing a braced pipe relative to a ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Strut And Clip Assembly For Stiffening A Hanger Rod

Номер: US20160115981A1
Автор: Daniel C. Duggan
Принадлежит: Vibration & Seismic Technologies LLC

The present invention is a clip for use with a strut that at least partially surrounds a hanger rod for the purpose of providing stiffness to the hanger rod. The clip includes a handle portion, a rod-clamping portion, and a fulcrum spaced away from the handle portion. The fulcrum is for being mounted to the strut. The rod-clamping portion is for forcing the hanger rod into tight engagement with an engagement surface of the strut in response to the handle being actuated to an operational position. The present invention also relates to a hanger rod stiffening system that uses a clip and a strut, whereby a handle of the clip is actuated to force a rod-clamping portion of the clip into tight engagement with an internal surface of the strut.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116082A1

A spray nozzle holder has a pole member. A head device is removably attached to a top end of the pole member. The head member has a holding unit. A support rod extends from the holding unit. A mounting rod is removably attached to the top end of the pole member. The support rod is positioned through the mounting rod. A securing device is used for securing the holding unit at different angles. 1. spray nozzle holder comprising:a pole member;a head device removably attached to a top end of the pole member, wherein the head device comprises:a holding unit;a support rod extending from the holding unit;a mounting rod removably attached to the top end of the pole member, the support rod positioned through the mounting rod; anda securing device for securing the holding unit at different angles, wherein the securing device is a ball detent mechanism.2. The spray nozzle holder of claim 1 , further comprising a stand removably attached to a bottom end of the pole member.3. The spray nozzle holder of claim 1 , further a holding rod extending from the securing device and having at least one holding area.4. The spray nozzle holder of claim 3 , further comprising a plurality of end members positioned on the holding rod forming the at least one holding area.5. The spray nozzle holder of claim 1 , wherein the pole member is a telescopic pole member.6. The spray nozzle holder of claim 1 , wherein the holding unit is a tubular member.7. (canceled)8. A spray nozzle holder comprising:a telescopic pole member; anda head device removably attached to a top end of the pole member, wherein the head device holds the spray nozzle at a plurality of angles, wherein the head device comprises:a tubular holding unit;a support rod extending from the holding unit;a mounting rod removably attached to the top end of the pole member, the support rod positioned through the mounting rod;a securing device for securing the holding unit at different angles, wherein the securing device is a ball detent ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Pipe Crib-Block

Номер: US20140197283A1
Автор: Lake John W.
Принадлежит: Western Oilfields Supply Company

A pipe crib-block for supporting a portion of hose or pipe in an elevated disposition. The pipe crib-block comprises a body portion causing a generally flat lower support surface and an upper surface defining a generally wedge-shaped trough in a central portion thereof. A pair of engagement keys project upwardly from the upper surface on opposed sides of the trough and a pair of key receiving apertures are disposed in the lower surface of the body portion. The apertures are axially aligned with the engagement keys and configured to receive therein and cooperate with the engagement keys on a second pipe crib-block such that two or more pipe crib-blocks can be stacked in interlocked parallel or perpendicular orientations so as to define a supporting structure for the pipe or hose at variable elevations. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. A pipe and hose support comprised of a plurality of interlocked crib-blocks and defining a pair of axially spaced generally wedge-shaped surfaces for supporting therein portions of a hose or pipe in a stable disposition at a desired elevation , each of said crib-blocks comprising a body portion having a generally flat lower support surface and an upper support surface , said upper support surface defining a generally wedge-shaped trough in a central portion thereof , a pair of engagement keys projecting upwardly from said upper surface ,. said engagement keys being disposed on opposed sides of said trough and proximate opposed ends of said body portion and a pair of key receiving apertures disposed in said lower surface of said body portion , said apertures being axially aligned with said engagement keys and configured to receive and cooperate with an engagement key on another of said crib-blocks so as to prevent relative rotation thereof and form an interlocked stack of vertically adjacent pairs of parallel crib-blocks wherein the parallel crib-blocks in each of ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122956A1
Автор: Aramli Mark

A retention unit that grasps a periphery of a flexible hose and that clamps onto bed sheets to prevent relative movement of the hose and bed sheets where the grasping and clamping takes place. The retention unit includes a grasping portion, a fixing portion, a rising portion and a fixing portion. The rising portion may have at least two pieces mounted in a sliding manner to slide relative to each other so as to separate the grasping portion and the fixing portion from each other and different elevations. The two pieces may be slid relative to each other and held against further relative movement by securing them. The fixing portion is positioned underneath a mattress. 1. A bedding climate control apparatus retention unit , comprisinga retention unit having:grasping means for grasping, in a secure manner with a grasping portion, an air conduit that terminates into an open end portion;fixing means for fixing, with a fixing portion, the air conduit into position with respect to a side of a bed against relative movement; andclamping means for clamping, with a clamping portion, a bed sheet in a position extending over the open end portion of the air conduit even as said grasping means grasps the air conduit in the secure manner.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said retention unit also has a rising portion that separates the grasping and clamping portions from the fixing portion by a separation distance claim 1 , said grasping and fixing portions extending from said rising portion in opposite directions relative to each other.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the rising portion has at least two pieces movable with respect to each other through a plurality of relative positions so as to vary an amount of the separation distance; andreleasable retaining means for releasably retaining the at least two pieces to each other to prevent the at least two pieces from moving relative to each other until manually released from each other.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160121815A1

An arrangement for fastening at least one elongated object () in a motor vehicle is suggested, where by means of a fastening means () the elongated object () is attached to at least one fixed point on the fastening element (). The fastening element () is releasably connectable to the receiving element () and fixedly mounted at the fixed point. 1. Arrangement for fastening at least one elongated object in a motor vehicle comprising:at least one fixed point of the motor vehicle a receiving element;a fastening element arranged in the mounting position, on which a fastening means connected to the elongated object is fastened,wherein the fastening element in the assembly position is fastened on the receiving element and is connected through a releasable locking mechanism.2. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the elongated object is an electric cable tree or a fluid transport line.3. Arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein said arrangement is fastening arrangement within an engine compartment of a motor vehicle. This application claims the benefit of priority from European Patent Application No. 14 306 744.5, filed on Oct. 30, 2014, the entirety of which is incorporated by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to an arrangement for fastening at least one elongated object in a motor vehicle, wherein by means of a fastening means a fastening element is mounted on the motor vehicle and the elongated object is connected to at least one fixed point.2. Description of Related ArtA plurality of different types of conductors is used in a motor vehicle. For example, the electrical elements or devices must be supplied with electrical energy. Among the electrical elements are, for example, light diodes in vehicle lamps and back lights, motors to raise and lower the windows, as well as movement of the rear view mirror, lighting the dashboard, sensors and control elements. Other systems, for example, the windshield wipers, must be supplied with liquids. ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128663A1
Автор: Lee Seul Gi

A washing machine includes a cabinet forming an external appearance of the washing machine, a tub provided in the cabinet to accommodate wash water, a drain pump coupled to a drain hose configured to guide wash water pumped by the drain pump to outside of the cabinet, and a holder coupled to an outer surface of the cabinet to fix the drain hose to the cabinet. The holder is coupled to the outer surface of the cabinet while having both ends coupled to each other to form an accommodation hole surrounding the outer circumferential surface of the drain hose, and at least one movement preventing protrusion formed on an inner circumferential surface of the holder to prevent the drain hose from being separated from the holder protrudes toward inside of the holder to come into contact with the outer circumferential surface of the drain hose. 1. A washing machine comprising:a cabinet forming an external appearance of the washing machine;a tub provided in the cabinet to accommodate wash water;a drain pump provided at a lower side of the tub to discharge the wash water accommodated in the tub to an outside of the cabinet;a drain hose configured to guide the wash water pumped by the drain pump to the outside of the cabinet; anda holder coupled to an outer surface of the cabinet to fix the drain hose to the cabinet,wherein the holder is coupled to the outer surface of the cabinet while having both ends thereof coupled to each other to form an accommodation hole surrounding the outer circumferential surface of the drain hose; andat least one movement preventing protrusion formed on an inner circumferential surface of the holder to prevent the drain hose from being separated from the holder protrudes toward an inside of the holder to come into contact with the outer circumferential surface of the drain hose.2. The washing machine of claim 1 , wherein:the holder includes a support part fixed to the outer surface of the cabinet; andone end of the support part has a fastening hole ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Hose And Cable Support Device

Номер: US20210156494A1
Автор: Getts Thomas James

A multi-component hose and cable support device that provides vertical support to the hoses and cables extending from a tractor to its trailer to prevent such hoses and cables from coming into contact with the tractor, trailer, or any frame components and thereby avoiding damage to such hoses and cables. The present invention comprising first and second elongated support members designed and adapted to be longitudinally coupled to one another via trapezoidal fastener plates and a support member connector plate, a universal head mount, a base mounting assembly having a base mounting member and a vertical base support member, a plurality of anchor fasteners to secure the present invention to the tractor frame, and a plurality of aperture fasteners to connect the various invention components to one another. 1. A hose and cable support device comprising: an upper end defined by a trapezoidal top fastener plate disposed therein, said trapezoidal top fastener plate having a plurality of fastener apertures, and', 'a lower end defined by a trapezoidal bottom fastener plate disposed therein, said trapezoidal bottom plate having a plurality of fastener apertures,', 'wherein said first elongated support member having generally an open trapezoidal cross-sectional shape;, 'a first elongated support member having a length comprising'} an upper end defined by a trapezoidal top fastener plate disposed therein, said trapezoidal top fastener plate having a plurality of fastener apertures, said trapezoidal top fastener plate of said upper end of said second elongated support member being aligned and fastened to said trapezoidal bottom fastener plate of said lower end of said first elongated support member, and', 'a lower end defined by a trapezoidal bottom fastener plate disposed therein, said trapezoidal bottom fastener plate having a plurality of fastener apertures,', 'wherein said second elongated support member having generally an open trapezoidal cross-sectional shape;, 'a second ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130871A1

A pipeline termination arrangement to be mounted to a pipeline end section to support a pipeline hub of the pipeline end section during and after a subsea connection of the pipeline hub to a spool piece hub fixed to a spool piece termination structure is provided. The pipeline termination arrangement includes a landing structure for supporting the spool piece termination structure; a connection porch fixed to the landing structure; and a support structure which is fixed to the pipeline end section and provided with a guide frame. The guide frame slidably supports the landing structure so as to allow the landing structure and the connection porch to slide along the guide frame from a first position, in which the connection porch is located in front of and at a distance from the pipeline hub, to a second position, in which the connection porch is in contact with the pipeline hub. 1. A pipeline termination arrangement to be mounted to a pipeline end section in order to support a pipeline hub of the pipeline end section during and after a subsea connection of the pipeline hub to a corresponding spool piece hub that is fixed to a spool piece termination structure , wherein the pipeline termination arrangement comprises:a landing structure, which is configured to support the spool piece termination structure when landed onto the pipeline termination arrangement; and the pipeline termination arrangement comprises a support structure, which is provided with a guide frame, wherein the support structure is fixed to the pipeline end section with the pipeline hub located in a position above the guide frame;', 'the guide frame is configured to slidably support the landing structure to allow the landing structure and the connection porch to slide along the guide frame from a first position, in which the connection porch is located in front of and at a distance from the pipeline hub, to a second position, in which the connection porch is in contact with the pipeline hub; and', ' ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Irrigating Liquids Over an Obstacle

Номер: US20140216588A1
Автор: Tasch Chad

A system, apparatus, and method for use in liquid fertilizer irrigation to transport liquid fertilizer, such as manure, over an obstacle. A raised pipeline apparatus includes a raised pipeline for transporting liquid fertilizer having a first end and a second end, and a first support structure operably connected to the raised pipeline near the first end and the second support structure operably connected to the raised pipeline near the second end. The first and second support structures suspend the arched pipeline in an upright position so as to enable the transport of liquid fertilizer over the obstacle. 1. A raised pipeline apparatus for use in transporting liquid over an obstacle , comprising:a raised pipeline having a first end and a second end; anda first support structure operably connected to the raised pipeline near the first end and a second support structure operably connected to the raised pipeline near the second end,wherein the first and second support structures suspend the raised pipeline in an upright position so as to enable the transport of liquid over an obstacle.2. The pipeline apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first or second support structure is a tripod having three legs operably extending to a ground surface.3. The pipeline apparatus of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the legs is adjustable in length.4. The pipeline apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the raised pipeline forms a continuous curve shape.5. The pipeline apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the raised pipeline forms three sections claim 1 , a first and a second section extending primarily in the vertical direction and operably connected by a third section that extends primarily in the horizontal direction.6. The pipeline apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the raised pipeline is formed of two or more rigid pipe portions.7. The pipeline apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the raised pipeline is formed of a curved pipe portion operably connected between two straight pipe portions ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135778A1

An adapter for mounting cable hangers to a mounting structure includes: a plurality of mounting panels, each mounting panel including a mounting hole, the mounting panels attached to each other at edges thereof, each mounting panel being disposed at an angle relative to its adjacent mounting panels; two base segments, each of the base segments attached to the edge of an endmost one of the mounting panels and extending therefrom toward the other of the base segments; wherein the mounting panels and the base segments define an interior of the adapter; two locking arms, each of the locking arms extending from an end of a respective base segment away from the interior of the adapter, each of the locking arms including a locking feature, the locking arms extending generally parallel to each other and defining a gap therebetween; wherein the adapter can be deflected from a relaxed state to a deflected state by forcing the locking arms toward each other; and wherein in the deflected state the adapter may be mounted to a mounting structure, with the locking arms inserted through a hole in the mounting structure and exerting outward pressure on edges of the hole, and the locking features maintaining the adapter in a mounted position on the mounting structure. 1. An adapter for mounting cable hangers to a mounting structure , comprising:a plurality of mounting panels, each mounting panel including a mounting hole, the mounting panels attached to each other at edges thereof, each mounting panel being disposed at an angle relative to its adjacent mounting panels;two base segments, each of the base segments attached to the edge of an endmost one of the mounting panels and extending therefrom toward the other of the base segments;wherein the mounting panels and the base segments define an interior of the adapter;two locking arms, each of the locking arms extending from an end of a respective base segment away from the interior of the adapter, each of the locking arms including a ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Conduit system and method

Номер: US20140224372A1
Принадлежит: Holocom Inc

A conduit system includes an open-ended sleeve with aligned openings through upper and lower walls of the sleeve for insertion of a fastener to secure the lower wall of the sleeve to a support. A cover member or bridge is inserted into the sleeve between two conduit ends to cover the opening in the upper wall after the lower wall is attached to the support, restricting access to the previously inserted fastener. The ends of two adjacent lengths of conduit to be connected are inserted into opposite ends of the sleeve to abut the opposite ends of the cover member, and the adjacent lengths of conduits are thereby attached to the support.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Pneumatic hose fastener

Номер: US20210172545A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pneumatic hose fastener having a flange with a pair of overlapping non-concentric holes attached by a neck to a hook. The overlapping non-concentric holes are adapted to receive a pneumatic hose and quick-connect coupler body. The hook includes an inner hook leg attached to an outer hook leg by a bridge. The bridge connects to the neck. A side profile of the inner hook leg, the bridge and the outer hook leg form substantially a u-shape adapted to secure the hook of the pneumatic hose fastener to another surface.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142713A1
Автор: COURBIS Hervé

The present invention relates to a device () for securing an element () on a pipe (), the device () comprising: a compensating member () made from elastic material, and two strands () that each extend between a first end () secured to the compensating member () and a second free end (); where the strands () are able, by junction of the second ends (), to form a strap () provided to secure the element () to the pipe (); and where the compensating member () is, on the one hand, stretchable when the device () is tightened around the pipe () and, on the other hand, gradually shrinkable over time to keep the strap () taut when the pipe () shrinks. The invention also relates to an assembly () comprising such a device (), and an installation () comprising such an assembly (). The invention also relates to a method for implementing such a device (). 2. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the compensating member is overmolded on the first ends of the strands.3. Device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the first ends include recesses receiving material of the compensating member during overmolding.4. Device according to claim 3 , characterized in that the recesses comprise hollows formed alternating between slots.5. Device according to claim 3 , characterized in that the recesses comprise through orifices between two opposite surfaces of the first ends.6. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the compensating member comprises a median portion and two end portions receiving the first ends of the strands claim 1 , the end portions having cross-sections larger than the cross-section of the median portion.7. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the compensating member comprises intermediate portions having cross-sections varying gradually between the median portion and the end portions.8. Device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the compensating member is made from polyurethane.9. Device according to claim 1 , ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Cable Mounting Bracket Apparatus And System

Номер: US20160149386A1

A bracket and a cable mounting system which includes a bracket with a center panel or channel and with magnetic pads located on the distal ends of the center panel or channel so that the bracket may be attached to a structure by magnetic attraction. The cable mounting system may also consist of two brackets set a distance apart and a support rail placed in between and coupled to the brackets. 1. A bracket for securing components to a surface of a structure with a radius of curvature , the bracket comprising;a center connecting member with a first and second end;at least two separate leg elements detachably secured to and extending outwardly and downwardly from the first and second ends of the connecting member and terminating at a distal end wherein a curvature of the distal end of the at least two leg elements is matched to a radius of curvature of the structure to which the bracket is to be secured;at least one hole in the center connecting member for securing a component to the bracket; andat least one magnetic pad secured to each distal end of the at least two leg elements, wherein due to the curvature of the at least two leg elements a surficial contact of each magnetic pad with the surface of the structure is maximized and the bracket has an aspect ratio of at least 10%.2. The bracket of claim 1 , wherein the at least two leg elements comprise a total of four legs.3. The bracket of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic pads comprise a magnet with a contact surface fitted into a socket.4. The bracket of claim 1 , wherein there is at least one hole in each of the at least two leg elements for securing components to the bracket.5. The bracket of claim 1 , wherein the components mounted to the bracket and secured to the structure are conduits and cables.6. The bracket of claim 1 , wherein the components are secured to the bracket using clamps.7. A bracket for securing components to a surface of a structure claim 1 , the bracket comprising;a center panel with a first and ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Pipe Stand

Номер: US20150152979A1
Принадлежит: PIPESAK INC.

A pipe support has an outer tubular support wall, an inner tubular support wall, spaced inwardly from the outer tubular support wall, and a connecting portion for maintaining the outer tubular support wall and the inner tubular support wall in a fixed, spaced apart relationship. The pipe support is intended for use in-trench and out-of-trench for supporting a pipeline during assembly, installation, testing and operation. 125-. (canceled)26. A pipe support for supporting a pipe section off a ground surface , the pipe support comprising:an outer support wall having a first bottom end for engaging the ground surface and a. first top end;an inner support wail spaced inwardly from the outer support wall, the inner support wall having a second bottom end for engaging the ground surface, and a second top end, the second bottom end being spaced apart from the first bottom end; anda connecting portion for maintaining the outer support wall and the inner support wall in a fixed, spaced apart relationship;at least the first top end forming a pipe saddle for supporting the pipe section above the ground surface when the first and second bottom ends engage the ground surface;wherein the pipe support is shaped to be nestable with another like pipe support.27. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the pipe support is shaped for nesting with a like pipe support only when stacked in an aligned orientation with the like pipe support.28. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the inner support wall has a generally frustoconical shape.29. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the outer support claim 26 , wall has a generally frustocomcal shape.30. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein both the inner support wall and the outer support wall each have a generally frustroconical shape claim 26 , whereby a taper of the inner support wall decreases in a direction opposite to a taper of the outer support wall.31. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the inner support wall has a generally ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140239129A1
Автор: Roopnarine

A disconnect device for suspended lines has: (1) a ground member that provides a supporting structure for mechanically grounding and/or tying the device to a supporting pole and (2) a disconnect member to which a suspended line or cable is attached that is movable or rotatable for detachment from the ground member. 1. A disconnect device for suspended lines comprising:(a) a ground member that provides a supporting structure for mechanically grounding and/or tying the device to a supporting pole; and(b) a disconnect member to which a suspended line or cable is attached, which is movable or rotatable for detachment from the ground member.2. The disconnect device in claim 1 , in which the suspended line or cable is an electrical cable.3. The disconnect device in claim 1 , comprised of a first part mechanically fixed to the supporting pole and a second part that can rotate with respect to the first part.4. The disconnect device in claim 3 , in which the two parts are separable following rotation of the second part with respect to the first part.5. The disconnect device in claim 3 , in which the two parts do not separate after rotation of the second part with respect to the first part.6. The disconnect device in claim 4 , in which a suspended cable or wire is mechanically fastened to the second part.7. The disconnect device in claim 5 , in which a suspended cable or wire is mechanically fastened to the second part.8. The disconnect device in claim 3 , in which the first part forms a continuous electrical path from the suspended line or cable from contact with a holder or fitting through a bracket through a supporting bar and to a second suspended line or cable.9. The disconnect device in claim 3 , in which the first part is adjustable or is free to translate and be fixed to a supporting bar at various positions by means of a ratchet claim 3 , fastener or clamp.10. The disconnect device in claim 3 , in which the parts are attached to a supporting pole with one or more ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161025A1
Автор: Lewis Daniel Jay

A float device for use in a body of water includes a float configured to transform between a deflated state and an inflated state. The float includes at least one internal chamber. The float includes a manual inflation value configured to provide a passageway for adding gas to the at least one internal chamber and a deflation valve configured to provide a passageway for releasing gas from the at least one internal chamber. A float attachment member is attached to the float, such that when the float is placed in the body of water, the float attachment member is underwater. 1. A float assembly for supporting an inlet end of a hose in a body of water , comprising:a float configured to transform between a un-inflated configuration, wherein the float has a first dimension and an inflated configuration, wherein the float has a second dimension, the second dimension being greater than the first dimension, wherein the float is defined by only a single inflatable chamber having only a single layer of material;a mechanism for quickly inflating the float into the inflated state, wherein the mechanism is configured to fluidly couple a source of compressed gas to the float;a manual inflation valve accessible from an exterior of the float and being configured to provide a fluid passageway to an interior of the float; andan attachment member secured to the float, wherein the inflated configuration is sized to prevent a vortex from drawing air into the inlet end of the hose when it is supported in the body of water by the float.2. The float device according to wherein the float is made of flexible claim 1 , lightweight claim 1 , buoyant material.3. The float device according to wherein the float is made from vinyl.4. The float device according to further comprising:a deflation valve configured to allow fluid to be released from the float.5. The float assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the source of compressed gas is carbon dioxide.6. The float device according to further ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167864A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

A pipe buried structure includes: a pipe whose outer periphery on a cross section has a flattened shape obtained by curving both ends in a longitudinal direction; a base material including a concave portion to which the pipe is fitted, the concave portion having an inner wall which abuts a portion corresponding to the longitudinal direction of the outer periphery; and a deposition layer formed by accelerating powder made of metal or alloy together with gas to spray and deposit the powder in a solid phase state on surfaces of 1. A pipe buried structure comprising:a pipe made of metal or alloy, an outer periphery on a cross section of the pipe having a flattened shape obtained by curving both ends in a longitudinal direction;a base material made of metal or alloy comprising a concave portion to which the pipe is fitted, the concave portion having an inner wall which abuts a portion corresponding to the longitudinal direction of the outer periphery; anda deposition layer formed by accelerating powder made of metal or alloy together with gas to spray and deposit the powder in a solid phase state on surfaces of the pipe and the base material in a state in which the pipe is fitted to the concave portion, whereina ratio h/R between a protruding amount h by which the pipe protrudes from the surface of the base material and a curvature R at the both ends is not smaller than 0.25 and not larger than 0.5.2. The pipe buried structure according to claim 1 , wherein a clearance between the concave portion and the pipe on the cross section is not smaller than 0 mm and not larger than 0.05 mm.3. The pipe buried structure according to claim 1 , wherein the pipe is made of stainless steel claim 1 , a copper alloy claim 1 , a nickel alloy claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , or an aluminum alloy.4. The pipe buried structure according to claim 1 , wherein the base material is made of copper claim 1 , a copper alloy claim 1 , aluminum or ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Bathtub Spout Adapter For Hose Or Sprayer Coupling

Номер: US20160168830A1
Автор: Steve Medina
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure provides a plumbing adapter for coupling a hose and a spout. The plumbing adapter is provided as a plumbing assembly. The plumbing adapter includes a first portion having a hose pipe, a second portion having a support assembly and a third portion having a lock assembly. The hose pipe connects to a tap spout of a water dispensing system. The support assembly includes two parallel arms to support the hose pipe at a first side. The lock assembly includes a pivoting assembly. The pivoting assembly includes a lever component, an arm component and a vertical threaded post connecting the lever component and the arm component at a second side. The pivoting assembly rotates to enable the plumbing assembly to make a transition between a lock position and an unlock position when the hose pipe is connected to the tap spout of the water dispensing system.

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Foundations for Subsea Pipeline Accessories

Номер: US20160169414A1

A pipeline including an accessory such as a flowline end termination or an in-line tee is lowered to the seabed and a mudmat foundation is subsequently lowered toward the seabed for subsea docking with the accessory to provide a permanent foundation support for the accessory. Once docked and with a mudmat of the foundation landed on the seabed, weight loads of the accessory structure and the attached pipe are transferred to the mudmat to provide a permanent foundation for the accessory structure. Before and during installation of the mudmat foundation, the pipe may be allowed to become embedded in the seabed. Temporary interim support such as buoyancy may be provided to the accessory to limit embedment into the seabed. 1. A method of installing a subsea pipeline including an accessory structure that requires foundation support when in use at a seabed location , the method comprising:lowering the accessory structure to the seabed location attached to a pipe being laid;subsequently, lowering a foundation structure to unite the foundation structure with the accessory structure at the seabed location; andwith at least one mudmat of the foundation structure landed on the seabed, transferring weight loads of the accessory structure and the pipe to the mudmat to provide a permanent foundation for the accessory structure.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising temporarily embedding the pipe and/or the accessory structure in the seabed at the seabed location.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising lifting the pipe and/or the accessory structure from the seabed after the foundation structure is united with the accessory structure.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising lowering mudmats of the foundation structure around the accessory structure when the foundation structure is being united with the accessory structure at the seabed location.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising positioning a support structure of the foundation adjacent to the accessory structure and using the ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251481A1

An additive layer manufacturing method is disclosed for producing a three-dimensional object and to a corresponding object. Layers of a powder material are applied to a carrier and irradiated, before the following layer is applied, with a laser beam or particle beam selectively only in the areas of the layer which correspond to the three-dimensional object to be produced. Irradiation occurs such that the powder material in the corresponding areas is locally melted or sintered. A first portion is constructed before a second portion or the first portion is provided as a separate component, on which a support structure and second portion are constructed. The support structure is constructed in the form of a plurality of support legs, which extend from the first portion to the second portion and are connected thereto at their opposite ends and are spaced apart from one another at least along part of their length.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167637A1
Автор: Daren Healy, Michael Webb
Принадлежит: Airbus Operations Ltd

A raceway and method of forming a raceway is disclosed in which one or more intumescent layers are disposed on the raceway.
