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27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2582856C2
Принадлежит: АОВ ХОЛДИНГС, ЛЛС (US)

Группа изобретений относится к установкам для пробирования драгоценных металлов. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности расчета рыночной стоимости драгоценного металла в слитке с учетом массы слитка, данных рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа слитка и рыночной стоимости единицы указанного драгоценного металла. Передвижная установка для пробирования, расположенная в оборудованном транспортном средстве, предпочтительно бронированном автомобиле, полностью оборудована для плавки и анализа драгоценных металлов, в частности золота и серебра. Индукционная печь адаптирована для плавки драгоценных металлов и изготовления слитка. Слиток взвешивают и анализируют с помощью рентгенофлуоресцентного анализатора сплава и точные данные пробирования золота и/или других металлов записываются в память компьютера. Стоимость золота рассчитывается путем умножения рыночной стоимости процентного содержания металла в слитке на общий вес слитка. Продавец может получить переплавленный слиток и оплатить ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2308024C2

Использование: для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа. Сущность: заключается в том, что держатель образца для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа содержит основание в форме кольца, гидрофобную пленку толщиной меньше 10 мкм, имеющую периферийную часть, опирающуюся на основание, и пропускающую часть для прохождения через нее рентгеновского излучения и абсорбирующий жидкость элемент в виде листа, нанесенный на пропускающую часть гидрофобной пленки и имеющий толщину в пределах от 1 до 100 мкм, при этом жидкий образец приспособлен для нанесения по каплям на абсорбирующий жидкость элемент и сушки на этом абсорбирующем жидкость элементе, вследствие чего на нем удерживается содержимое жидкого образца. Технический результат: повышение предела детектирования. 3 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

15-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2776251C2

Изобретение относится к способу оптимизации удаления кальция из углеводородного сырья в способе обессоливания для нефтепереработки. Причем способ обессоливания для нефтепереработки включает следующие стадии: (a) смешивание одного или нескольких потоков промывочной воды с одним или несколькими потоками углеводородного сырья; (b) по меньшей мере частичное отделение промывочной воды от углеводородов в обессоливателе для нефтепереработки и (c) удаление отделенной воды и углеводородов из обессоливателя для нефтепереработки в форме одного или нескольких потоков обессоленных углеводородов и одного или нескольких потоков сточной воды; где способ оптимизации включает: (i) обеспечение по меньшей мере одного рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализатора по меньшей мере в одной технологической точке обессоливания для нефтепереработки; (ii) измерение концентрации кальция по меньшей мере в одной технологической точке с применением по меньшей мере одного рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализатора и (iii) ...

08-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657055C2
Принадлежит: ИНГРЕЙН, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к способу и системе оценки интервала глубин ствола скважины по фрагментам пород. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности оценки интервала глубин ствола скважины по фрагментам пород. Способ включает преобразование измерений для образца фрагментов породы в массе и множества образцов отдельных фрагментов породы в процент концентрации, вычисление нормализированного отклонения для каждого из множества образцов отдельных фрагментов породы относительно образца фрагментов породы в массе, при этом указанное нормализированное отклонение получают из процента концентрации в образцах фрагментов породы в массе и в образцах отдельных фрагментов породы, ранжирование множества образцов отдельных фрагментов породы на основании соответствующего нормализированного отклонения, выбор одного или более образцов отдельных фрагментов породы из множества образцов отдельных фрагментов породы на основании соответствующего ранжирования, оценку свойств интервала глубин ствола скважины ...

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624096C1

Использование: для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа пульп обогатительного производства. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что устройство для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа пульп обогатительного производства содержит пробозаборник, измерительную камеру, малогабаритный многоканальный рентгенофлюоресцентный анализатор, электронный блок обработки информации и управления устройством, при этом пробозаборник выполнен в виде аэролифта, а измерительная камера выполнена в виде проточной емкости с переливом, при этом устройство дополнительно содержит динамический сократитель пробы, перекачивающий насос, вакуум-линию, вакуумный насос, датчик вакуума, держатель пробы, состоящий из корпуса фильтр-патрона, закрепленного на подвижной тяге, содержащей на противоположном от корпуса фильтр-патрона конце зубчатую рейку, находящуюся в зацеплении с ведущей шестерней, насаженной на ротор шагового электродвигателя, управляемого контроллером, обжимной механизм, устройство также дополнительно ...

18-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2625770C1

Изобретение относится к способам экспрессного контроля объемной концентрации цементного раствора в грунтоцементной пульпе при создании подземных строительных конструкций струйной цементацией. При осуществлении способа отбирают пробу исследуемого материала, перед струйной цементацией выбирают химические элементы для закачки их в грунт совместно с цементным раствором при струйной цементации из условия непревышения весового содержания каждого из них 0,1% в грунте и возможности его количественного определения рентгенофлуоресцентным методом, приготавливают цементный раствор замешиванием цемента в воде и при приготовлении цементного раствора вводят два или более химических элемента, рентгенофлуоресцентным методом производят измерение весовой концентрации каждого химического элемента в пробах и плотности материалов проб, по каждому химическому элементу определяют объемную концентрацию цементного раствора в грунтоцементной пульпе, и за результат принимают среднеарифметическое значение определенных ...

23-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019143782A3

10-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU197194U1

Использование: для рентгенофлюоресцентного экспресс-анализа кернов. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что сканирующее устройство для рентгенофлюоресцентного экспресс-анализа кернов снабжено компьютером с программами управления движением, визуализации и обработки полученных данных и включает опорную раму, одна из сторон которой оборудована линейным горизонтальным электроприводом, на котором установлена стойка, снабженная вертикальным линейным электроприводом с горизонтальной площадкой, на которой расположен модуль установки портативного рентгенофлюоресцентного анализатора, при этом опорная рама снабжена поддоном, выполненным из стали с толщиной стенок не менее 4 мм, а модуль установки анализатора выполнен в виде двух соосно установленных стаканов цилиндрической формы, внешний из которых неподвижно закреплен на горизонтальной площадке, а внутренний выполнен свободно перемещающимся внутри первого и снабжен винтами для крепления анализатора, а оба стакана и площадка снабжены соосно ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698718C1

Изобретение относится к области экологии и материаловедения, а именно нанотехнологии, и может быть использовано для количественного определения углеродных наноструктур (УН), в частности углеродных нанотрубок, в твердых и жидких образцах и различных средах. Для этого в исследуемом образце с неизвестным массовым содержанием УН измеряют массу присутствующих в УН сопутствующих примесей катализаторов методами масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой или атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрией с индуктивно-связанной плазмой. Содержание УН в исследуемом образце определяют путем сравнения массы технологической примеси в исследуемом образце с массой этой примеси в эталонном образце, содержащем известную массу УН. Изобретение позволяет повысить достоверность количественного измерения УН в образцах различного состава без изменения физико-химических свойств образцов. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

04-04-2023 дата публикации

Способ синхронизированной регистрации рентгеновского излучения и вторичного флуоресцентного излучения в монофотонном режиме при облучении образца рентгеновским излучением

Номер: RU2793568C1

Использование: для синхронизированной регистрации рентгеновского и вторичного флуоресцентного излучения в монофотонном режиме. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что осуществляют облучение исследуемого образца рентгеновским излучением с последующей регистрацией флуоресцентного излучения от образца в оптическом диапазоне, при этом дополнительно регистрируют монофотонным датчиком рентгеновское излучение от образца, определяя координаты прихода фотонов и время их прихода, а вторичное флуоресцентное излучение в оптическом диапазоне от образца регистрируют монофотонным датчиком оптического диапазона, определяя координаты прихода фотонов и время их прихода, при этом обеспечивают регистрацию времени задержки между приходом вторичного фотона флуоресцентного излучения оптического диапазона относительно времени прихода фотона рентгеновского излучения от образца путем использования синхронизирующих импульсов. Технический результат: повышение точности и достоверности исследования образца. 2 ил ...

04-10-2021 дата публикации

Способ определения содержания гафния в металлическом цирконии и сплавах на его основе

Номер: RU2756666C1

Изобретение относится к области аналитической химии и может быть использовано для определения концентрации гафния в металлическом цирконии и сплавах на его основе. Способ определения содержания гафния в металлическом цирконии и сплавах на его основе включает построение градуировочного графика зависимости интенсивности флуоресценции линии гафния HfLβ1 от его концентрации в пробах с установленными содержаниями гафния, прессование анализируемой пробы в темплет, размеры которого соответствуют пробоприемнику спектрометра, коллимацию излучения тонким коллиматором с угловым расхождением 14-17°, выделение спектрального интервала линии гафния HfLβ1 кристалл-анализатором LiF220, при этом установку порогов амплитудного дискриминатора проводят в узком интервале, достаточном для отсечения импульсов с высоким напряжением, генерируемых более высокоэнергетическими квантами циркония. Техническим результатом является разделение налагающихся линий циркония ZrKβ2_II во втором порядке отражения и гафния HfLβ1 ...

04-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756667C1

Изобретение относится к нефтегазовой геологии и применяется для повышения информативности и оперативности получения данных химического и минерально-компонентного состава пород черносланцевых нефтеносных формаций. Предложен способ определения минерально-компонентного состава пород черносланцевых нефтеносных формаций, который заключается в том, что посредством использования портативных рентгено-флуоресцентных анализаторов химического состава на продольно распиленном керне производят определение химического состава пород с детальной привязкой к геологическому разрезу и типу горной породы. При этом по результатам обработки этих данных производят расчет главных породообразующих минералов и компонентов породы отдельно по основной вмещающей массе пород и по включениям, и в результате получают максимально детальную характеристику химического состава породы по элементам, с расчетным содержанием наиболее важных параметров минерально-компонентного состава черносланцевых нефтеносных формаций: биогенного ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491578C1

Изобретение относится к устройству рентгеновской визуализации и способу рентгеновской визуализации с использованием рентгеновских лучей. Представлены устройство рентгеновской визуализации и способ рентгеновской визуализации для использования в устройстве рентгеновской визуализации. Устройство рентгеновской визуализации включает в себя разделяющий элемент, выполненный с возможностью пространственного разделения рентгеновских лучей, генерируемых блоком генератора рентгеновских лучей, и решетку сцинтилляторов, включающую в себя множество первых сцинтилляторов, расположенных в ней, причем разделенные рентгеновские лучи падают на первые сцинтилляторы. Каждый из первых сцинтилляторов выполнен так, чтобы интенсивность флуоресценции, вызванной рентгеновскими лучами, варьировалась в соответствии с местоположением падения рентгеновских лучей. Устройство рентгеновской визуализации дополнительно включает в себя детектор, выполненный с возможностью детектирования интенсивности флуоресценции, излучаемой ...

10-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2300756C1

Использование: для микро-рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа материалов с трехмерным разрешением. Сущность: заключается в том, что способ реализован в лабораторных условиях микрофокусной рентгеновской трубкой максимальной мощности 30 Вт с размером анодного пятна 50 мкм и поликапиллярной фокусирующей линзой, края ножа и энергодисперсионного детектора типа SDD (silicon drift detector), при этом распределение элементов по глубине образца определяется с использованием определенной математической формулы. Технический результат: исключение использования дорогого и малодоступного источника синхротронного излучения, а также исключение сложной системы юстировки двух рентгенооптических элементов на одну и ту же точку образца. 3 табл., 6 ил.

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009136636A

... 1. Устройство для выполнения как рентгеновского дифракционного анализа (XRD), так и рентгеновского флюоресцентного анализа (XRF) кристаллического образца, содержащее откачиваемую камеру; ! держатель образца, расположенный в откачиваемой камере, для установки кристаллического образца так, чтобы его можно было анализировать; ! рентгеновский источник флюоресценции, установленный в откачиваемой камере, для облучения кристаллического образца рентгеновским излучением; ! установку регистрации XRF для регистрации вторичного рентгеновского излучения, испущенного с поверхности кристаллического образца в результате облучения рентгеновским излучением от указанного рентгеновского источника флюоресценции; ! отличающееся тем, что содержит: ! рентгеновский источник дифракции, также установленный в откачиваемой камере, но отделенный от рентгеновского источника флюоресценции, для облучения кристаллического образца рентгеновским излучением; ! установку регистрации XRD для регистрации рентгеновского излучения ...

20-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006103781A

... 1. Система доставки лучевой терапии, содержащаягентри;устройство фиксации пациента, выполненное для закрепления пациента относительно устройства фиксации пациента;позиционирующий механизм для позиционирования пациента, выполненный соединенным с устройством фиксации пациента, так чтобы устройство фиксации пациента можно было расположить вдоль осей линейного перемещения и вращения в гентри;насадку лучевой терапии, соединенную с гентри и выборочно доставляющую лучевую терапию вдоль оси пучка;множество устройств измерения внешних параметров для определения местоположения по меньшей мере устройства фиксации пациента и насадки; иконтроллер, получающий информацию о местоположении по меньшей мере устройства фиксации пациента и насадки и передающий команды на перемещение позиционирующему механизму для позиционирования пациента для размещения позиционирующим механизмом пациента в заданной позе относительно оси пучка.2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что устройства измерения внешних параметров ...

23-07-2018 дата публикации

Способ рентгенофлуоресцентного определения золота

Номер: RU2662049C1

Использование: для определения золота рентгенофлуоресцентным методом. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что определение золота проводят размещая исследуемый объект в потоке рентгеновского излучения трубки с анодом из молибдена и измеряя спектр характеристического излучения на полупроводниковом кремниевом детекторе, при этом в качестве аналитической линии для золота выбирают Lα 1 линию, напряжение 35 кВ, силу тока 250 мкA. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности экспрессно проводить определение золота без разрушения образца. 6 ил., 3 табл.

24-04-2020 дата публикации

Способ автоматического контроля технологических сортов дроблёной руды в потоке

Номер: RU2720142C1

Изобретение относится к способам контроля технологических сортов дробленой руды в потоке и может быть использовано в области обогащения руд полезных ископаемых. Технический результат заключается в повышении представительности и точности автоматического контроля технологических сортов дробленой руды в потоке. Способ автоматического контроля технологических сортов дробленой руды в потоке, включающий измерение элементного и общего вещественного состава руды и компьютерную обработку полученных данных. Перед началом измерения элементного и общего вещественного состава руды производят подготовку пробы, включающую извлечение из потока руды пыли, образующейся в процессе дезинтеграции материала. Пыль фильтруют от посторонних инородных включений, аккумулируют в водной среде, образуя суспензию, задают предельное значение плотности суспензии, достаточное для выполнения последующего анализа инструментальным способом, выполняют анализ ее элементного и общего вещественного состава с помощью рентгенофлуоресцентного ...

10-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94022820A

В рентгеновском флюоресцентном спектрометре рентгеновская трубка 1 установлена относительно держателя 3 образца так, что максимальная освещенность поверхности образца 4 при напряжении рентгеновской трубки 50 кВ составляет не менее 15 Z эрг/смВт, где Z - атомный номер материала анода источника рентгеновского излучения, а расстояние r от входной щели 7 до центра 0 отбора излучения образца определяется соотношением r ≅= hD/L, где h - расстояние между фокусом F трубки 1 и образцом 4, D - диаметр фокальной окружности 6 и L - длина кристалла-анализатора 5. Для увеличения светосилы спектрометра путем уменьшения расстояния h при обеспечении воспроизводимости результатов измерении, угол β между линией FM, соединяющей фокус трубки 1 с точкой максимальной освещенности на поверхности образца 4, и линией FO, соединяющей фокус трубки с центром зоны отбора излучения образца, равен [(0,6-1,5)L/D-γ], где γ - угол наклона торца трубки 1 к поверхности образца 4, а угол v между указанной линией FO и линией ...

10-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005110658A

... 1. Фиксатор образца для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа, предназначенный для использования при предварительной обработке жидкого образца, а затем для рентгеновского флуоресцентного анализа содержимого жидкого образца, содержащий основание в форме кольца, гидрофобную пленку толщиной меньше 10 мкм, имеющую периферийную часть, размещенную на основании и пропускающую часть для прохождения через нее рентгеновского излучения, адсорбирующий жидкость пластинчатый элемент, нанесенный на пропускающую часть гидрофобной пленки и имеющий толщину в пределах от 1 до 100 мкм, отличающийся тем, что жидкий образец адаптирован для нанесения по капле и сушки на адсорбирующем жидкость элементе, причем содержимое жидкого образца впоследствии удерживается на указанном элементе. 2. Фиксатор образца по п.1, отличающийся тем, что гидрофобная пленка выполнена из материала, выбранного из группы, состоящей из полиэстера, полипропилена и полиимида, при этом адсорбирующий жидкость элемент выполнен из бумаги. 3 ...

30-05-1974 дата публикации

Рентгеновский микроанализатор

Номер: SU430313A2

12-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004028043A1

The proposal is for a process and device (10) for the analysis and determination of the concentration of elements at predetermined depths in substantially plane objects (11) of low roughness by the total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis method. Here, the object (11) is scraped externally by a pulverisation or evaporation process and immediately examined at a measurement point (14) in the scraped region of the object's surface by the total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis method.

06-12-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002944214C2

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Vakuumspannvorrichtung zum Aufspannen von Werkstücken, Messvorrichtungen und Verfahren zum Prüfen von Werkstücken, insbesondere Wafern

Номер: DE102016101842A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vakuumaufspannvorrichtung zum Aufspannen von Werkstücken (19), insbesondere Wafern, sowie eine Messvorrichtung und ein Verfahren zum Prüfen von Werkstücken, insbesondere Wafern, mittels Röntgenfluoreszenzstrahlung.

26-03-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001572803A1

25-11-1999 дата публикации

Kompaktes Röntgenspektrometer

Номер: DE0019820321A1

Ein Röntgenfluoreszenz-Spektrometer (1) zur Analyse einer in einer kompakten Probenkammer (2) mit einem Volumen 10 dm·3·, vorzugsweise < 1 dm·3· auf einem Probenhalter (3) in einer Meßposition angeordneten festen oder flüssigen Probe (4), die eine maximale lineare Ausdehnung von 1 dm aufweist, mit einer in die Probenkammer ragenden Röntgenröhre (6) zum Bestrahlen der Probe und mit einem in einer Detektorkammer (9) angeordneten Detektor (13), wobei die Detektorkammer durch ein Abschlußelement (8) vakuumdicht von der Probenkammer trennbar ist, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Probenkammer ein bewegliches Wandelement (5) aufweist, welches im geöffneten Zustand einen direkten Zugriff in die Probenkammer (2) auf die Probe (4) in Meßposition erlaubt und im geschlossenen Zustand die Probenkammer (2) gegenüber der umgebenden Atmosphäre abdichtet. Dadurch wird der mechanische Aufbau des Spektrometers kompakter und erheblich einfacher, eine Beschickung der Probenkammer mit einer Meßprobe unaufwendiger ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Online-Analysator und Analyseverfahren zur Anreicherung des Gesamtquecksilbers in Verbrennungsgas basierend auf dem Trockenprozess

Номер: DE102016208569A1

Die Erfindung stellt einen Online-Analysator und ein Analyseverfahren zur Anreicherung des Gesamtquecksilbers in Verbrennungsgas basierend auf einem Trockenprozess bereit und gehört zum technischen Gebiet der Umweltüberwachung. Online-Analysator umfasst ein Adsorptionsmittelfüllsystem, ein Probenanreicherungssystem, ein Nachweissystem, ein Filtermembranüberführungssystem und ein Steuerungs-Aufnahme-System, wobei das Adsorptionsmittelfüllsystem das Füllen eines pulverförmigen Adsorptionsmittels auf der Oberfläche einer Filtermembran ausführt, das Probenanreicherungssystem zum Anreichern des Gesamtquecksilbers im Probengas verwendet wird, das Nachweissystem verwendet wird, um einen nicht destruktiven Online-Nachweis an der erhaltenen Probe durchzuführen; das Filtermembranüberführungssystem zum Überführen der Filtermembran zwischen allen oben genannten Subsystemen verwendet wird und das Steuerungs-Aufnahme-System verwendet wird, um einen koordinierten Betrieb aller Systeme und von Aufnehmen ...

04-08-2005 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse

Номер: DE0019932275B4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse, bei der Röntgenstrahlung einer Röntgenstrahlungsquelle auf eine auf einem Probenträger befindliche Probe gerichtet und die Fluoreszenzstrahlung mit einem Detektor gemessen wird. Dabei soll die Nachweisempfindlichkeit, insbesondere gegenüber der Totalreflexionsröntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (TXRF) für verschiedenste Proben erhöht werden. Zur Lösung dieses Problems wird die zu analysierende Probe auf einem Multischichtsystem angeordnet oder eine fluidische Probe strömt über ein solches Multischichtsystem. Das Multischichtsystem besteht aus mindestens zwei oder mehreren sich periodisch wiederholend angeordneten Einzelschichten. Benachbarte Einzelschichten bestehen aus Materialien mit unterschiedlichem röntgenoptischen Brechungsindex, wobei die Periodendicken d im Multischichtsystem und der Einfallswinkel THETA der Röntgenstrahlung, bei der verwendeten Röntgenstrahlungswellenlänge lambda, die BRAGGsche-Gleichung erfüllen.

29-06-2000 дата публикации

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy apparatus has a detector for receiving and analyzing a fluorescence beam emanating from a predetermined target location on a sample as result of excitation by a primary X-ray beam

Номер: DE0019963331A1

An X-ray fluorescence analyzer device has a detector for receiving and analyzing a fluorescence beam emanating from at least one predetermined target location on a sample as result of excitation by a primary X-ray beam. The device has a wavelength dispersion detection unit comprising a sensor and a spectroscope and an energy dispersion detection unit with an energy dispersion sensor. An angle eta 1 is formed between the first fluorescence beam path (81) from the target area to the spectrometer and the sample surface, and an angle eta 2 is similarly formed between a second fluorescence beam path (82) from the target area to the energy dispersion detection unit (12) and the sample surface. The path length of the second beam (82) is shorter than the first beam path (81).

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur räumlichen Ausrichtung einer Röntgenoptik und Apparatur mit einer solchen

Номер: DE102013202487A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (98) zur räumlichen Ausrichtung einer Röntgenoptik (100) mit einem Eingangspunkt (104) und einem Ausgangspunkt (108). Die Vorrichtung (98) umfasst einen Parallelverschiebemechanismus (200) zur Justage des Eingangspunkts (104) der Röntgenoptik (100) auf einen ersten vorbestimmten Punkt mittels Parallelverschiebens der Röntgenoptik (100). Zudem umfasst die Vorrichtung (98) einen Goniometermechanismus (300) zur Justage des Ausgangspunkts (108) der Röntgenoptik (100) auf einen zweiten vorbestimmten Punkt (106) mittels wenigstens näherungsweisen Verschwenkens der Röntgenoptik (100) um den Eingangspunkt (104). Zudem betrifft die Erfindung eine Apparatur (96), welche die Vorrichtung (98) und eine Röntgenoptik (100), umfasst.

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Präparation und Analyse einer Probe eines metallischen Werkstoffs

Номер: DE102019106765A1

Es ist ein Verfahren zur Präparation und Analyse einer Probe eines metallischen Werkstoffs vorgesehen, bei dem zunächst als Probe vorgesehenes Probenmaterial aus einer Schmelze des metallischen Werkstoffs entnommen wird. Dieses Probenmaterial wird anschließend zur Ausbildung eines Probenkörpers 3 zur Erstarrung gebracht. Daran anschließend ist ein Abtragen einer Oberflächenschicht des Probenkörpers zum Freilegen einer zur Analyse geeigneten Probenoberfläche vorgesehen. Und daran anschließend erfolgt eine Analyse des die Probenoberfläche ausbildenden Probenmaterials mittels Laseremissionsspektroskopie.

06-09-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002110323C3

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Steuern der Herstellung leitender Strukturen in einer dielektrischen Schicht eines Mikrostrukturbauteils

Номер: DE0010346026B4

Verfahren zum Steuern der Herstellung leitender Strukturen in einer dielektrischen Schicht eines Mikrostrukturbauteiles mit den Schritten: Variieren eines oder mehrerer Prozessparameter für mehrere Testproben; Herstellen mehrerer Testproben eines Bereichs der leitenden Struktur, derart, dass der Bereich in der dielektrischen Schicht eingebettet bleibt, wobei die leitende Struktur entsprechend einer vordefinierten Herstellungssequenz für das Mikrostrukturbauteil hergestellt wird; Erhalten von Querschnittsanalysemessdaten der mehreren Testproben durch Elektronenmikroskopie und/oder Röntgenstrahlmikroskopie, während der Bereich der leitenden Struktur einer spezifizierten Belastungsbedingung ausgesetzt ist; Erstellen einer Korrelation zwischen dem mindestens einen Prozessparameter der Testproben und den Querschnittsanalysemessdaten; Herstellen einer weiteren Testprobe eines Bereichs einer leitenden Struktur, die in einem Dielektrikum eines Mikrostrukturbauelements eingebettet ist, derart, dass ...

12-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE102005023872A1

Ein Halbleitersubstrat wird einem sauren Dampf ausgesetzt, eine Verunreinigung auf der Fläche des Halbleitersubstrats, welches dem sauren Dampf ausgesetzt ist, wird mit einer sauren Lösung abgefahren und gesammelt, die saure Lösung wird nach dem Abfahren und Sammeln in ein konzentriertes und getrocknetes Objekt auf einem Substrat, welches eine Spiegelfläche hat, verändert, das konzentrierte und getrocknete Objekt wird unter Verwendung einer Säure in ein partikelähnliches konzentriertes Objekt verändert, und das partikelähnliche konzentrierte Objekt wird unter Verwendung einer Totalreflexions-Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysevorrichtung analysiert.

15-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002138740A1

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Combined XRD and XRF analyser

Номер: GB0002476255A

Apparatus for performing both X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of a sample 104 comprises X-ray source 102, sample holder 105, and combined XRD and XRF detection arrangement 110 comprising a scanning wavelength selector (wavelength dispersive element) 112 and at least one detector D1 for detecting X-rays selected by the wavelength selector. The sample is irradiated with X-rays and XRD analysis of the sample performed by selecting at least one fixed wavelength of X-rays diffracted by the sample using the wavelength selector and detecting them at one or more values of the diffraction angle at the sample; and/or XRF analysis of the sample performed by scanning wavelengths of X-rays emitted by the sample using the wavelength selector and detecting them. The apparatus may also include second detector D2, goniometers 140, 142, 150 and collimators 106, 114, 117.

26-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001385784A

... 1385784 Mixing apparatus APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES LTD 8 May 1972 [14 May 1971] 21350/72 Heading B1C [Also in Divisions G1 and G2] In a liquid cell for X-ray fluorescence analysis comprising a receptacle 27 for a liquid sample, a window opening 29 and an arrangement 45 for imparting rotary motion to the liquid, means, e.g. a baffle arrangement 83, are provided to inhibit creation of a vortex adjacent opening 29. In this way a substantially flat upper surface is presented to irradiating X-rays. The baffle 83 may comprise two connected inverted U-shaped members, Fig. 8 (not shown). As shown the rotor 45 is a bar magnet which is rotated by a motor-driven magnet arrangement 73-77 located below the receptacle base. Alternatively a rotating vane (112) may be coupled direct to the motor 47, Fig. 9 (not shown). Excess liquid drains away through passage 41. For Figure see next column ...

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427295A

... 1427295 Measuring gas in foamed oil GES FUER KERNFORSCHUNG mbH 5 June 1974 [5 June 1973] 24923/74 Heading G1A The proportion of gas or air in foamed oils is measured by use of radiation absorption measurement apparatus comprising test and comparison sample chambers 4, 5, the comparison chamber 5 having one of its windows 9 adjustable in position to alter the length of the chamber. A radioactive isotope 17 e.g. Am 241, emitting Y rays, is used to irradiate rotatably adjustable targets of zirconium 20, 21, thereby forming with the resultant fluorescent X-rays two beams 24, 25. A diaphragm arrangement 13 allows only one beam at a time via hole 15 or 14 to one of the chambers 4, 5, which have windows 6, 8 and 7, 9 respectively and input or output apertures for through flow of sample liquid. In operation the test chamber 4 is supplied with the gas-containing oil and the radiation transmitted measured NaI-(Tl) by scintillation crystal 11, coupled to a photo-multiplier. The diaphragm 13 is then ...

05-12-2012 дата публикации

X-Ray intensity correction method and x-ray diffractometer

Номер: GB0201219021D0

15-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008811459D0

17-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008926998D0

08-04-1970 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Sequential Sample Analysis

Номер: GB0001187202A

... 1,187,202. Automatic analysis apparatus; moving band filter. WRIGHT SCIENTIFIC Ltd. and A. POLLARD. 14 March, 1967 [14 March, 1966], No. 11082/66. Headings B1D and B1X. Apparatus for filtering precipitates for examination in automatic analysis procedures, for example the radio immune assay of insulin, comprises an extended strip 4 of filter medium, reinforcement applicator 20, 19 for applying for example rubber solution to the edges of strip 4, filtration unit 7 including a liquid permeable filter support and means included in 33-36 for discharging a liquidsolid mixture for filtration on to the strip, drying unit 8, laminating unit 9 for continuously securing a protective lamina 12 over at least one surface of the strip, and means for advancing strip 4 successively through applicator 20, 19, filtration unit 7, drying unit 8 and laminating unit 9. The strip may then pass through detector unit 55, for example a geiger or scintillation counter, and is then wound by reeling unit 17. Strip 4 ...

08-07-1970 дата публикации

X-Ray Spectrograph Apparatus

Номер: GB0001198125A

... 1,198,125. X-ray spectrographs. E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO. July 14, 1967 [July 18, 1966], No.32579/67. Heading G2J. X-ray spectrograph apparatus for detecting characteristic soft X-ray radiations of the elements of atomic no. 4 to 9 (Be to F) comprises a cathode C for causing a sample at target T to emit X-rays which are reflected by at least one mirror on to at least one detector having a boron wafer situated behind a positive grid. The reflector has a surface consisting only of atoms having atomic nos. 1 to 6 (H to C), the average atomic no. being 2-5, and receives X-rays at a variable low angle of incidence so that the soft rays present may be identified by critical external reflection. Preferably the reflector has a surface of a high purity hydrocarbon (e.g. a paraffin wax, polyethylene, polypropylene) or a borane. The apparatus may comprise two concave mirrors M, M1 each having an associated detector D, D- 2 movably mounted on arcuate rails I, I- respectively ...

12-07-1989 дата публикации

Monitoring pyrogenic processes

Номер: GB0002211930A

Pyrogenic processes in which gas or fume is evolved are monitored by impinging a beam of X-rays (3) on the gas or fume in an exit-duct. The radiation produced by the X-ray fluorescence is detected and analysed for the contribution of various elements. In this way the progress of the metallurgical process can be monitored and the information used for process control.

22-07-2003 дата публикации

Determining measuring spot during X-ray fluorescence analysis

Номер: GB0002340599A8

01-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008507535D0

14-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008721014D0

25-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009202515D0

20-04-1988 дата публикации

Ore analysis

Номер: GB0002196113A

PCT No. PCT/GB87/00626 Sec. 371 Date Mar. 10, 1989 Sec. 102(e) Date Mar. 10, 1989 PCT Filed Sep. 7, 1987 PCT Pub. No. WO88/02111 PCT Pub. Date Mar. 24, 1988.A method for the rapid and sensitive analysis of heavy metal ores, especially those of gold and uranium, uses high-engery X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The invention is of particular interest for the measurement of samples from gold or bodies which typically have concentrations up to 10 ppm by mass. Preferred features include the use of an X-ray tube as a source, the counting of emitted fluorescence photons in energy bands selected to correlate with the characteristic x-ray fluorescence emissions of elements of interest, the excitement of the ore sample by irradiation with high energy bremsstrahlung radiation filtered through tin, the exploitation of polarization in analysis for uranium, the interposition of a platinum-group metal filter between the sample and the detector, and the use of high-purity germanium detectors. Techniques ...

25-06-1980 дата публикации

An illumination device for fluorescence microscopes

Номер: GB0002036362A

An illumination device permitting microscopes, for use of the microscope as a fluorescence microscope, comprises a light-screening tube (2, 4) preferably of variable length, one end of the tube being connectible to the microscope objective and the other end being disposed to surround the sample which is intended for microscopic observation on the sample stage (1) of the microscope. An opening in the tube is arranged to direct high intensity UV and/or visible light towards the sample. In that the light is directed towards the sample bypassing the optics of the microscope, substantially unchanged light intensity will be realized from the light source to the sample, which considerably facilitates fluorescence studies with, in particular, microscope objectives of low magnifying power and low numerical aperture.

06-10-1982 дата публикации

X-ray device

Номер: GB0002095960A

A flourescent x-ray device for irradiating x-rays to a sample so that flourescent x-rays emitted from the sample can be detected is described. A stationary fixed collecting plate is used instead of the movable reflecting plate employed in the prior art. The reflecting plate possesses the characteristics of being transmissive to x-rays and being reflective to visible light so that an image of the sample can be viewed by an observer and the sample can be irradiated with x-rays passing through the plate. The invention permits a remarkable decrease in manufacturing cost. Moreover, the device can be operated in a stable condition with high accuracy for a long time.

20-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002084314B

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Electrochemical deposition and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

Номер: GB0201314322D0

12-06-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to x-ray spectrographic analysers

Номер: GB0001116865A

... 1,116,865. X-ray spectrometers. ELLIOTT BROS. (LONDON) Ltd. 10 Sept., 1965 [11 Sept., 1964], No. 37191/64. Heading H5R. [Also in Division G1] Photo-electric spectrometer apparatus comprises a casing 4 for an X-ray generator 2 and a plurality of segmental housings arranged in an arcuate array around the generator casing, each housing containing at least one spectrometer channel for the analysis of one element. The generator casing 4 is generally cylindrical is shape and has an aperture 10 in the base against which a sample holder is located. X- rays from the tube 2 are back-scattered from the sample and, by virtue of the shaping of the aperture 10, directed as a 180 degrees fan towards the array of six segmental housings which are arranged along one wall of the casing 4. Each housing has two apertures 9, provided if required with windows, for entry of X-rays into two collimators aligned with the apertures. One collimator 63 directs the rays on to an analyser crystal 50, from which they are ...

29-11-1995 дата публикации

X-ray fluorescence inspection apparatus and method

Номер: GB0009519771D0

20-10-1999 дата публикации

Determination of the measuring spot during x-ray fluorescence analysis

Номер: GB0009919467D0

13-10-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001249795A

... 1,249,795. Supply systems for X-ray apparatus. CHIRANA MODRANY NARODNI PODNIK. 22 Jan., 1970 [27 Jan., 1969] No. 3250/70. Heading H2H. [Also in Division G1] In various types of X-ray analysis, the X-ray tube 5 is supplied with a high D.C. voltage modulated with a small A.C. voltage. The D.C. voltage is obtained from an A.C. supply across which is connected autotransformer 10, rectifying circuit 12 and smoothing capacitor 13. Meters 14, 16 monitor the tube voltage and current. The A.C. modulation is via autotransformer 21.

01-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001512750A

... 1512750 Sorting solids YAKUT NI I PROEKT INST ALMAZODOBYVAJUSCHEI PROMYSHLEN "YAKUTNIIPROALMAZ" and LENINGRAD N PROIZVODSTVEN OBIEDINENIE "BUREVESTNIK" 30 Nov 1976 49814/76 Heading B2H [Also in Division G1] In an ore separator, e.g. for separating diamonds from a wet mixture, the mixture is fed to a rotating bowl 4, Fig. 3; the rotation breaks up lumps in the mixture and removes water, while distributing the mixture in a thin layer inside the bowl. The upper region of the bowl is irradiated with X rays 10 from sources 7, and luminescence from wanted components of the mixture is detected by photocells 8. As the wanted components are thrown out of the bowl, they are deflected into a chute 15 by air jets 12 actuated by the photocells. The mixture is fed into the bowl via pipe 2. The bowl has baffles 18 in its lower part; the bowl is parabolic, except for the upper region which is conical. The apparatus is closed at the top by a plate 6 having annular slots 10, 11 for the passage of X rays ...

16-05-2018 дата публикации

Nuget effectgrade assessment

Номер: GB0201805456D0

17-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002040037B

28-12-2022 дата публикации

Surface logging with cuttings-based rock petrophysics analysis

Номер: GB0002608347A

Drilling process methods and systems for drilling are described. The methods include performing a drilling operation through a downhole formation, the drilling operation generating drilling cuttings. A single drilling cuttings sample is obtained at a surface-based location. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and/or x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis are performed on the single drilling cuttings sample. Element information and mineral information of the single drilling cuttings sample is obtained from the XRF analysis regarding the downhole formation. From the obtained information, a determination of at least one rock petrophysics property of the downhole formation is made.

10-05-2023 дата публикации

System and method for probability-based determination of stratigraphic anomalies in a subsurface

Номер: GB0002612694A

Raw data corresponding to geochemical elemental analysis of rock samples are associated with the concentration of elements in the rock samples. P-values are calculated with a pairwise sum rank test between populations of data corresponding to a given well complex. Fingerprint elements from the rock samples are selected based on the p-values having a value above a given limit. Raw concentrations corresponding to the fingerprint elements are converted to isometric log-ratios ilr data. Mixture discriminant analysis is applied to the ilr data, using ilr sub-populations to calculate posterior probabilities of the rock samples. The stratigraphic anomaly is identified based on the posterior probabilities. In an aspect, the rock samples are assigned to corresponding stratigraphic units based on a priori data, the raw data are transformed to a centred log-ratios dataset, and a number of ilr sub-populations within each stratigraphic unit are determined from the ilr data using a Bayesian information ...

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile assay facility and method of using same to procure and assay precious metals

Номер: AP2014007369A0

31-12-1979 дата публикации

Gas-tube of emission of electrons for spectrometry with x-rays by direct exitation.

Номер: OA0000004232A

15-01-1980 дата публикации

Process and spectrometric equipment of analysis to x-rays.

Номер: OA0000004309A

05-05-1970 дата публикации

Vending machine of door sample for spectometer with x-ray fluorescence.

Номер: OA0000002029A

15-01-1966 дата публикации

Process of proportioning and devices by making application.

Номер: OA0000000017A

30-04-1981 дата публикации

Matter separation.

Номер: OA0000005510A

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile assay facility and method of using same to procure and assay precious metals

Номер: AP0201407369A0

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000417265T

10-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390842B

15-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000295891B

15-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA513777A

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000552493T

15-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000557478A

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000123573T

15-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000241136T

14-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000528079B2

04-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000557022B2

20-05-2021 дата публикации

System and method for detection and identification of foreign elements in a substance

Номер: AU2019361327A1

In one embodiment, a system and method for inspecting a substance to detect and identify predetermined foreign element(s) in the substance. The foreign element may carry X- ray responding material compositions, emitting X-ray signals in response to primary exciting X- ray or Gamma-ray radiation. The inspection is performed during a relative displacement between the substance and an inspection zone, defined by an overlap region between a solid angle of emission of an X-ray / Gamma-ray source and a solid angle of detection of X-ray radiation, along a predetermined movement path, as the substance moves along said path, the detected X-ray radiation includes X-ray response signals from successive portions of the substance propagating towards, through, and out of said overlap region. Measured data indicative of X-ray response signals is analyzed to identify a signal variation pattern over time indicative of a location of at least one foreign element carrying an X-ray responsive marker.

08-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000576831B2

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Specification for Patent of Addition Application Title "Copper Zinc or Lead X-Ray Flux Composition"

Номер: AU2019204086A1
Автор: BROWN DAVID, Brown, David

Abstract In the x-ray fluorescence analysis of minerals, ores and other materials, chemicals containing lithium and boron are melted together at high temperatures 5 to produce a borate of lithium which is then cooled and reduced in size to a powder or coarse material. Such material is known as x-ray flux and is usually represented or specified in the final commercial product as ratios of lithium tetraborate to lithium metaborate. The x-ray flux is melted with materials to be analyzed and cast into discs which 10 are then analyzed by an x-ray fluorescence spectrograph. In this invention, tantalum or tantalum compounds have been added, mixed and melted with the x-ray flux such as to function as an internal standard for the quantitative analysis of copper in copper containing substances, copper ores or copper concentrates, zinc in zinc containing substances, zinc ores or zinc 15 concentrates or lead in lead containing substances, lead ores or lead containing substances when such flux is mixed ...

14-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005518580A

23-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008172082A

10-04-2016 дата публикации

Устройство для контрастного анализа элементного состава вещества с помощью рентгеновского излучения

Номер: RU0000161079U1

Устройство для анализа элементного состава вещества с помощью рентгеновского излучения, включающее источник излучения, образец с механизмом крепления и его перемещения, два детектора рентгеновского излучения для регистрации спектра излучения, прошедшего через образец, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит вторичный излучатель в виде мозаичного кристалла, жестко закрепленного в подставке с возможностью ее перемещения, кроме того, детекторы рентгеновского излучения расположены симметрично под одним и тем же углом относительно направления брэгговского отражения от мозаичного кристалла. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G01N 23/223 (13) 161 079 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015132833/28, 06.08.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.08.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 1 6 1 0 7 9 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для анализа элементного состава вещества с помощью рентгеновского излучения, включающее источник излучения, образец с механизмом крепления и его перемещения, два детектора рентгеновского излучения для регистрации спектра излучения, прошедшего через образец, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит вторичный излучатель в виде мозаичного кристалла, жестко закрепленного в подставке с возможностью ее перемещения, кроме того, детекторы рентгеновского излучения расположены симметрично под одним и тем же углом относительно направления брэгговского отражения от мозаичного кристалла. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОНТРАСТНОГО АНАЛИЗА ЭЛЕМЕНТНОГО СОСТАВА ВЕЩЕСТВА С ПОМОЩЬЮ РЕНТГЕНОВСКОГО ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ 1 6 1 0 7 9 Адрес для переписки: 308015, Белгородская обл., г. Белгород, ул. Победы, 85, ОИС НИУ "БелГУ", Цурикова Н.Д. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

X-ray fluorescence analyzer and x-ray fluorescence analysis method

Номер: US20120051507A1
Принадлежит: SII NanoTechnology Inc

The X-ray fluorescence analyzer ( 100 ) includes: an enclosure ( 10 ); a door ( 20 ) for putting the sample into and out of the enclosure; a height measurement mechanism ( 7 ) capable of measuring a height at the irradiation point; a moving mechanism control unit ( 9 ) for adjusting a distance between the sample and the radiation source as well as the X-ray detector based on the measured height at the irradiation point; a laser unit ( 7 ) for irradiating the irradiation point with a visible light laser beam; a laser start control unit ( 9 ) for irradiating the visible light laser beam by the laser unit ( 7 ) when the door is open state; and a height measurement mechanism start control unit ( 9 ) for starting the height measurement mechanism to measure the height at the irradiation point when the door is opened.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

An x-ray detector system for assessing the integrity and performance of radiation protective garments

Номер: US20120219113A1
Автор: Thomas J. Beck
Принадлежит: Beck Thomas J

A method for quantitatively testing a radiation shielding garment to determine its radiation shielding integrity, utilizing a fluoroscopic system, the method comprising measuring the amount of radiation passing through the garment at a particular location believed to be possibly damaged; measuring the amount of radiation at one or more locations of the garment believed to be intact; determining the average undamaged transmission if more than one location is tested; and comparing the two values of transmitted radiation to determine whether the first location was damaged beyond an acceptable degree.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Adaptive scanning of materials using nuclear resonance fluorescence imaging

Номер: US20120224669A1
Принадлежит: Passport Systems Inc

A method for detecting nuclear species in a sample by adaptive scanning using nuclear resonance fluorescence may comprise illuminating the target sample with photons from a source; detecting a signal in an energy channel; determining a scan evaluation parameter using the signal detected; determining whether the scan evaluation parameter meets a detection efficiency criterion; adjusting one or more system parameters such that the scan evaluation parameter meets the detection efficiency criterion; and comparing the signal in an energy channel to a predetermined species detection criterion to identify a species detection event. In another embodiment, detecting a signal in an energy channel may further comprise detecting photons scattered from the target sample. In another embodiment, detecting a signal in an energy channel may further comprise detecting photons transmitted through the target sample and scattered from at least one reference scatterer.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Solid material characterization with x-ray spectra in both transmission and fluoresence modes

Номер: US20120321039A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods are disclosed utilizing synchrotron X-ray microscopy including x-ray fluorescence and x-ray absorption spectra to probe elemental distribution and elemental speciation within a material, and particularly a solid that may have one or more elements distributed on a solid substrate. Representative materials are relatively homogeneous in composition on the macroscale but relatively heterogeneous on the microscale. The analysis of such materials, particularly on a macroscale at which their heterogeneous nature can be observed, provides valuable insights into the relationships or correlations between localized concentrations of elements and/or their species, and concentrations of other components of the materials. Sample preparation methods, involving the use of a reinforcing agent, which are advantageously used in such methods are also disclosed.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Patient alignment system with external measurement and object coordination for radiation therapy system

Номер: US20120323516A1

A patient alignment system for a radiation therapy system. The alignment system includes multiple external measurement devices which obtain position measurements of components of the radiation therapy system which are movable and/or are subject to flex or other positional variations. The alignment system employs the external measurements to provide corrective positioning feedback to more precisely register the patient and align them with a radiation beam. The alignment system can be provided as an integral part of a radiation therapy system or can be added as an upgrade to existing radiation therapy systems.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079918A1
Принадлежит: SPECTRAMET, LLC

Systems for sorting materials, such as those made of metal, are described. The systems may operate by irradiating the materials with x-rays and then detecting fluoresced x-rays, transmitted x-rays, or both. Detection of the fluoresced x-rays may be performed using an x-ray fluorescence detector array. The systems may be configured to provide high throughput sorting of small pieces of materials. 1. A material sorting system , comprising:a conveyor configured to convey pieces of material;an x-ray source configured to irradiate the pieces of material with incident x-rays as they are conveyed by the conveyor to generate fluoresced x-rays from the pieces of material and transmitted x-rays transmitted through the pieces of material;an x-ray fluorescence detector array configured to detect the fluoresced x-rays and produce x-ray fluorescence data; andan x-ray transmission detector configured to detect the transmitted x-rays and produce x-ray transmission data.2. The material sorting system of claim 1 , further comprising a processor configured to:receive the x-ray fluorescence data and the x-ray transmission data;determine thickness data for one or more of the pieces based at least in part on the x-ray transmission data; andcombine the thickness data with the x-ray fluorescence data to determine at least a partial composition of one or more of the pieces of material.3. The material sorting system of claim 2 , wherein the x-ray transmission data comprises data about two or more energy levels claim 2 , and wherein the processor is configured to determine the thickness data at least in part by comparison of the x-ray transmission data of the two or more energy levels.4. The material sorting system of claim 1 , wherein the x-ray fluorescence detector array comprises an array of x-ray fluorescence detectors configured to detect fluoresced x-rays from pieces of material disposed on different parts of the conveyor.5. The material sorting system of claim 4 , wherein the array of x ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101085A1

The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer of the present invention includes a sample table () for a sample (S) having a crystalline structure, an X-ray source (), a detecting unit () for detecting secondary X-rays () from the sample (S), a rotating unit () for rotating the sample table (), a parallel translating unit () for causing the sample table () to undergo a parallel translational movement, a selecting unit () for selecting three of circumvent angles, at which diffracted X-rays can be circumvented, based on a diffraction profile obtained from the angle of rotation of the sample (S) and the intensity of secondary X-rays (), the interval between the neighboring circumvent angles being smaller than 180°, and a control unit () for controlling the rotating unit () so as to set the sample (S) at the circumvent angle at which the sample table () will not interfere with any other structures. 1. An X-ray fluorescence spectrometer which comprises:a sample table on which a sample having a crystalline structure is placed;an X-ray source for irradiating the sample with primary X-rays;a detecting unit for detecting secondary X-rays emitted from the sample;a rotating unit for rotating the sample table about an axis vertical to a sample measuring surface;a parallel translating unit for parallel translating the sample table to allow the primary X-rays to be directed to an arbitrarily chosen position of a half portion of the sample measuring surface while the rotating unit is halted;a control unit for storing a diffraction profile, in which the intensity of the secondary X-rays, emitted from the sample and incident on the detecting unit, and an angle of rotation of the sample are correlated with each other, by radiating the primary X-rays from the X-ray source, while the sample is rotated by the rotating unit an angle of 360 degrees about a predetermined point of the sample, and then displaying the diffraction profile by means of a display unit; anda selecting unit for allowing an ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Device for use in normalizing readings on a testing machine

Номер: US20130140444A1

Example apparatus and methods for use in normalization of testing machines used to test samples in vessels are disclosed. An example apparatus includes verification source and a photon emitter positioned in the verification source. The example photon emitter includes a C 14 source, a scintillator adjacent to the C 14 source, and a filter adjacent to the scintillator. The example photon emitter is to emit photons through the filter for detection by a photon counter.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Process and Installation for Inspection and/or Sorting Combining Surface Analysis and Volume Analysis

Номер: US20130141115A1

Automatic process and installation for inspecting and/or sorting objects or articles belonging to at least two different categories, and made to advance approximately in a single layer, for example on a conveyor belt or a similar transport support. The process includes subjecting the advancing flow of objects or articles to at least two different types of contactless analysis by radiation, whose results are used in a combined manner for each object or article to perform a discrimination among these objects or articles and/or an evaluation of at least one characteristic of the latter, the analyses including at least one surface analysis process able to determine the physical and/or chemical composition of the outer layer of an object or article exposed to the radiation used in this process, and at least one volume analysis process able to determine the equivalent thickness of material of the same object or article.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145827A1

In some variations, this disclosure provides a method of verifying the presence of an admixture in association with a solid base material, by combining the admixture with a stable inorganic tracer. A sample of the solid base material may be analyzed, using suitable analytical techniques, to detect the presence of the inorganic tracer in excess of any native inorganic tracer. When the inorganic tracer is positively detected, it is confirmed that the traceable admixture has been properly dosed within the base material. The inorganic tracer may comprise a rare earth metal, such as selenium, molybdenum, bismuth, and combinations, alloys, or oxides thereof, for example. The solid base material may be a cementitious material, in some embodiments. The traceable admixture may be a water-repellent admixture, in some embodiments. The principles of the invention, however, are widely applicable. 1. A method of verifying the presence of a water-repellent admixture in association with a cementitious material , said method comprising:(a) providing a water-repellent admixture suitable for combining with a cementitious material;(b) providing an inorganic tracer that is substantially water-insoluble and stable in the presence of said water-repellent admixture and said cementitious material;(c) combining said water-repellent admixture and said inorganic tracer to form a traceable water-repellent admixture;(d) obtaining a sample comprising said cementitious material, in uncured or cured form; and(e) analyzing said sample for the presence of said traceable admixture, by detecting said inorganic tracer, if present in said sample in excess of any native inorganic tracer associated with said cementitious material;wherein positive detection of said inorganic tracer within said sample indicates that a step of combining said traceable admixture with said cementitious material has been performed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said inorganic tracer is quantified within said sample claim 1 , ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156155A1
Принадлежит: i-Nalysis LLC

A handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometer includes a pyroelectric radiation source for directing X-rays toward a sample to be analyzed and a detector for receiving secondary X-rays emitted from the sample and converting the secondary X-rays into one or more electrical signals representative of the received secondary X-rays. A module is configured to receive the one or more electrical signals and send a representation of the one or more signals over a communication channel to a computing device without performing any spectral analysis on the one or more electrical signals to characterize the sample. The computing device is configured to perform spectral analysis on the one or more electrical signals and send the spectral analysis to the spectrometer over the communications channel. 1. A handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometer comprising:a pyroelectric radiation source for directing X-rays toward a sample to be analyzed;a detector for receiving secondary X-rays emitted from the sample and converting the secondary X-rays into one or more electrical signals representative of the received secondary X-rays;a module configured to receive the one or more electrical signals and send a representation of the one or more signals over a communication channel to a computing device without performing any spectral analysis on the one or more electrical signals to characterize the sample, the computing device configured to perform spectral analysis on the one or more electrical signals and send the spectral analysis to the spectrometer over the communications channel; andan output display for displaying the spectral analysis.2. The spectrometer of claim 1 , further comprising a standardization material positioned to receive X-rays from the pyroelectric radiation source.3. The spectrometer of claim 2 , wherein the detector receives secondary X-rays emitted from the standardization material.4. The spectrometer of claim 2 , wherein the standardization material comprises a rare earth ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Controlling bitumen quality in solvent-assisted bitumen extraction

Номер: US20130168294A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co

Described herein is a method of controlling bitumen quality in a process stream within a solvent-assisted bitumen extraction operation, for instance a hydrocarbon stream from a froth separation unit (FSU). Bitumen quality is a measure of the amount of selected contaminants in the process stream. Contaminants may include asphaltenes (comprising metal porphyrins), sulfur, and inorganic solids (comprising inorganic elements, e.g. Si, Al, Ti, Fe, Na, K, Mg, and Ca). First, the amounts of selected contaminants are measured. Next, these measured values are compared to maximum reference values. If one or more of these contaminants is higher than the maximum reference value, at least one variable of the solvent-assisted bitumen extraction is adjusted to improve bitumen quality.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Integrated, portable sample analysis system and method

Номер: US20130191046A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An integrated, portable sample analysis system and method. A viscometer subsystem receives a first portion of a sample. A spectrometer subsystem receives a second portion of the sample. A syringe pump subsystem receives a third portion of the sample and is configured to urge the third portion of the sample through a filter which collects particles in the sample thereon. An x-ray analysis subsystem is configured to x-ray the particles. The x-ray analysis subsystem also receives a fourth portion of the sample in order to determine the composition of any dissolved material in the sample. A processing subsystem provides a report concerning the sample and its viscosity, physical properties, particulate count and size distribution, and the composition of particulate and dissolved elements in the sample.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for identification of counterfeit gold jewelry using xrf

Номер: US20130202083A1

Techniques disclosed herein include systems and methods for identifying counterfeit gold jewelry and other counterfeit gold items. Techniques include determining—using a non-destructive mechanism—whether an item of interest (such as an article represented as true gold) is solid gold or a gold-plated object. Techniques include using an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer to differentiate true gold from gold plating. The XRF analyzer can distinguish between gold plating and bulk gold material by comparing a ratio of L-alpha and L-beta x-ray lines of gold. The analyzer measures a ratio of intensities of characteristic L-lines of gold using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. When implemented using an XRF analyzer, the system nondestructively determines whether a test object is made of solid gold/gold alloy or has gold plating only.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for execution of a secured environment initialization instruction

Номер: US20130205127A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for initiating secure operations in a microprocessor system is described. In one embodiment, one initiating logical processor initiates the process by halting the execution of the other logical processors, and then loading initialization and secure virtual machine monitor software into memory. The initiating processor then loads the initialization software into secure memory for authentication and execution. The initialization software then authenticates and registers the secure virtual machine monitor software prior to secure system operations.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

In-situ determination of thin film and multilayer structure and chemical composition using x-ray fluorescence induced by grazing incidence electron beams during thin film growth

Номер: US20130216022A1

A method utilizing characteristic x-ray emission from a single thin film or multilayer thin film when an electron beam impinges at a grazing angle with respect to the surface of the sample to capture structural and physical properties of the layers such as layer thickness, interfacial roughness, and stoichiometry of the sample. 1. A method comprising determining quantitative structural parameters of a thin film sample wherein the quantitative structural parameters are comprised of layer thickness and interfacial roughness wherein the determination comprisesmeasuring x-ray fluorescence of the sample generated by irradiating the sample with an electron beam at grazing angle incidence as a function of the take-off angle;measuring the intensity of x-rays for each characteristic energy corresponding to each chemical element present in the sample as a function of the take-off angle; andanalyzing these data to determine the electron beam's penetration, the electron beam's efficiency for x-ray fluorescence within the sample, and using the optical reciprocity theorem to make a non-linear least-squares fit to the data.2. The method of wherein a thin film sample is comprised of a single thin film layer of one material.3. The method of wherein a thin film sample is comprised of multiple thin layers of different materials.4. The method of wherein a thin film sample is comprised of multiple thin layers of one material.5. The method of further comprising simultaneously determining the stoichiometry of a thin film sample wherein the determination comprisesmeasuring the intensity of characteristic x-ray fluorescence of each element present in the sample generated by irradiating the sample with an electron beam at grazing angle incidence wherein the x-ray fluorescence is measured at a take-off angle wherein the take-off angle is large compared to the critical angle of characteristic x-rays emitted by the element with the largest critical angle and the critical angle is the angle of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251100A1

There is provided an X-ray composite apparatus capable of performing, with one unit, X-ray CT and element analysis by fluorescent X-rays. The X-ray composite apparatus includes an X-ray source generating cone beam X-rays, a sample support holding a sample S, collimator parts and capable of narrowing the cone beam X-rays to form parallel X-rays, depending on the intended use, between the X-ray source and the sample support , a two-dimensional detector detecting the cone beam X-rays transmitted through the sample S, and a fluorescent X-ray detector detecting fluorescent X-rays radiated from the sample S, and when the apparatus is used for X-ray CT, the apparatus irradiates the sample with the cone beam X-rays, while when the apparatus is used for fluorescent X-ray analysis, the apparatus irradiates the sample S with the parallel X-rays. 1. An X-ray composite apparatus comprising:an X-ray source generating cone beam X-rays;a sample support holding a sample to be irradiated with the cone beam X-rays;a collimator part capable of narrowing the cone beam X-rays to form parallel X-rays, depending on the intended use, between the X-ray source and the sample support;a two-dimensional detector detecting the cone beam X-rays transmitted through the sample; anda fluorescent X-ray detector detecting the fluorescent X-rays radiated from the sample, whereinwhen the apparatus is used for the X-ray CT, the apparatus irradiates the sample with the cone beam X-rays, while when the apparatus is used for the fluorescent X-ray analysis, the apparatus irradiates the sample with the parallel X-rays formed by the collimator part.2. The X-ray composite apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a two-dimensional detector detecting the cone beam X-rays transmitted through the sample or the X-rays diffracted by the sample, whereinwhen the apparatus is used for the X-ray diffraction analysis, the apparatus irradiates the sample with the parallel X-rays formed by the collimator part.3. ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Step Coverage Measurement

Номер: US20130272496A1

Determining an unknown step coverage of a thin film deposited on a 3D wafer includes exposing a planar wafer comprising a first film deposited thereon to X-ray radiation to create first fluorescent radiation; detecting the first fluorescent radiation; measuring a number of XRF counts on the planar wafer; creating an XRF model of the planar wafer; providing a portion of the 3D wafer comprising troughs and a second film deposited thereon; determining a multiplier factor between the portion of the 3D wafer and the planar wafer; exposing the portion of the 3D wafer to X-ray radiation to create second fluorescent radiation; detecting the second fluorescent radiation; measuring a number of XRF counts on the portion of the 3D wafer; calculating a step coverage of the portion of the 3D wafer; and determining a uniformity of the 3D wafer based on the step coverage of the portion of the 3D wafer. 1. A method of characterizing a film on a 3D device , comprising:exposing the film to radiation of sufficient energy to excite secondary X-ray emission from the film;detecting the emission from the film;{'sub': '1', 'quantifying the emission as a count;'}{'sub': '0', 'retrieving a count;'}determining a multiplier factor N; andcalculating a step coverage;{'sub': '0', 'wherein the countis derived from a measurement of secondary X-ray emission from a planar device;'}wherein the multiplier factor N is derived from an actual surface area of the film on the 3D device;{'b': 1', '0, 'wherein the step coverage comprises a ratio resulting from the division of the count by the count;'}and wherein the calculating of the step coverage further comprises multiplying the ratio by the multiplier factor N.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radiation comprises high-energy X-rays claim 1 , gamma rays claim 1 , or short-wavelength X-rays.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the emission is detected by a photomultiplier.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multiplier factor N is proportional to the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for protecting a radiation window

Номер: US20130279654A1
Принадлежит: Bruker AXS Handheld LLC

A radiation detector assembly and a method for using the same are provided. The radiation detector assembly includes an aperture, a window covering the aperture, the window is configured to permit radiation to pass through, the window is configured to prevent the passage of fluids and particles through the aperture, and a protective device covers the window. The protective device includes a plurality of holes at least partially aligned with the aperture, is configured to permit at least some radiation to pass through the holes, is configured to prevent objects larger than the holes to contact the window and is configured to withstand external forces and prevent those forces from damaging the window.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294577A1

In the wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer of the present invention, a counting loss correcting unit (), when correcting a counting rate of pulses determined by a counting unit () on the basis of a dead time of a detector (), stores beforehand a correlation between a predetermined pulse height range, within which pulses are selected by a pulse height analyzer (), and the dead time and determines the dead time so as to correspond to the predetermined pulse height range during a measurement on the basis of the stored correlation. 1. A wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer which comprises:an X-ray source for irradiating a sample with primary X-rays;a spectroscopic device for monochromating fluorescent X-rays emitted from the sample;a detector for receiving the fluorescent X-rays, which have been monochromated by the spectroscopic device, and generating pulses of a pulse height proportional to the energy of the fluorescent X-rays in a number dependent on the intensity of the fluorescent X-rays;a pulse height analyzer for selecting pulses of a pulse height within a predetermined pulse height range from the pulses generated by the detector;a counting unit for determining a counting rate of the pulses selected by the pulse height analyzer; anda counting loss correcting unit for correcting the counting rate of the pulses, determined by the counting unit, on the basis of a dead time of the detector with respect to a counting loss of the pulses to be counted;the counting loss correcting unit stores beforehand a correlation between each of a plurality of representative predetermined pulse height ranges and the dead time and determines the dead time, which corresponds to the predetermined pulse height range during a measurement, on the basis of the correlation so stored.2. The wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer as claimed in claim 1 , in which the counting loss correcting unit stores beforehand a correlation between each of a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and instrument for identifying jewelry with plated element using x-ray florescence

Номер: US20130322595A1
Автор: Brendan Connors
Принадлежит: Individual

The method uses an XRF instrument for identifying a specified element on a jewelry sample by illuminating its surface with excitation radiation and measuring first and second intensities of characteristic emission lines of a specified element and calculating the ratio between the intensities to establish a measured thickness and to determine based on a certain range criteria whether the sample can be considered to be plated jewelry.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014848A1

An inspection device for inspecting a surface of an inspection object using a beam includes a beam generator capable of generating one of either charge particles or an electromagnetic wave as a beam, a primary optical system capable of guiding and irradiating the beam to the inspection object supported within a working chamber, a secondary optical system capable of including a first movable numerical aperture and a first detector which detects secondary charge particles generated from the inspection object, the secondary charge particles passing through the first movable numerical aperture, an image processing system capable of forming an image based on the secondary charge particles detected by the first detector; and a second detector arranged between the first movable numerical aperture and the first detector and which detects a location and shape at a cross over location of the secondary charge particles generated from the inspection object. 1. An inspection device comprising:a laser generator generating a laser being irradiated to an inspection object supported within a working chamber;a secondary optical system having a detector detecting secondary charge particles generated from the inspection object irradiated with the laser; andan image processing system forming an image based on the secondary charge particles detected by the detector.2. The inspection device according to claim 1 , the detector detecting the secondary charge particles generated from a surface opposite a surface of the inspection object irradiated with the laser.3. The inspection device according to claim 1 , the detector detecting the secondary charge particles generated from a surface of the inspection object irradiated with the laser.4. The inspection device according to further comprising:a primary optical system guiding the laser generated by the laser generator to the inspection object.5. The inspection device according to further comprising:a hollow fiber or a hollow pipe guiding the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016745A1

The method of steel grade determination for a steel material having a substantially circular cross-section comprise: a detection step in which while a measurement section including an irradiation section for performing X-ray irradiation and a detection section for detecting fluorescent X-rays is relatively moved along an outer peripheral surface of the steel material with respect to the steel material for a predetermined time period necessary for analysis, the steel material is irradiated with X-rays from the irradiation section, and fluorescent X-rays radiated from the steel material are detected by the detection section; a calculation step of calculating a composition of the steel material based on fluorescent X-rays detected in the detection step; and a determination step of determining a steel grade of the steel material according to the composition calculated in the calculation step. 1. A method of steel grade determination for a steel material having a substantially circular cross-section by means of a fluorescent X-ray analysis method , the method of steel grade determination for a steel material having a substantially circular cross-section comprising:a detection step in which while a measurement section including an irradiation section for performing X-ray irradiation and a detection section for detecting fluorescent X-rays is relatively moved along an outer peripheral surface of the steel material with respect to the steel material for a predetermined time period necessary for analysis, the steel material is irradiated with X-rays from the irradiation section, and fluorescent X-rays radiated from the steel material are detected by the detection section;a calculation step of calculating a composition of the steel material based on fluorescent X-rays detected in the detection step; anda determination step of determining a steel grade of the steel material according to the composition calculated in the calculation step.2. The method of steel grade ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037053A1

An X-ray fluorescence analyser is provided which comprises: (1) an X-ray source selected to produce an intense X-ray beam, (2) a first optical element that focuses the X-ray beam produced by the X-ray source onto a sample and selects X-rays of a desired energy, (3) an energy resolving detector, and (4) a second optical element that receives fluorescent X-rays emitted from elements in the sample and focuses a selected energy range of said fluorescent X-rays onto said energy resolving detector. Each of the first and second optical elements includes a crystal component. The X-ray fluorescence analyser is configured such that: (i) the X-ray source has a spot size dimensioned so that it is substantially in a field of view of the first optical element, and (ii) the first optical element focuses the X-ray beam emitted by the X-ray source onto an area of the sample that corresponds to a field-of-view of the second optical element. Furthermore, the field of view for an optical element is defined as the area in the source plane of the respective crystal component over which X-rays are able to be emitted and still efficiently be reflected by said optical element. 1. An X-ray fluorescence analyser is provided comprising:an X-ray source selected to produce an intense X-ray beam;a first optical element that focuses the X-ray beam produced by the X-ray source onto a sample and selects X-rays of a desired energy;an energy resolving detector; anda second optical element that receives fluorescent X-rays emitted from elements in the sample and focuses a selected energy range of said fluorescent X-rays onto said energy resolving detector;wherein each of the first and second optical elements includes a crystal component, and wherein the X-ray fluorescence analyser is configured such that:(i) the X-ray source has a spot size dimensioned so that it is substantially in a field of view of the first optical element, and(ii) the first optical element focuses the X-ray beam emitted by the X- ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Sample Analyzer

Номер: US20140091216A1
Автор: Kinoshita Shingo
Принадлежит: JEOL LTD.

A sample analyzer is offered which creates a ternary scatter diagram representing a concentration ratio distribution of three elements out of several elements to be analyzed. This three-dimensional graph is created by adding an axis to the ternary scatter diagram and representing concentration information about the two additional elements on the added axis. The sample analyzer performs elemental analysis of a sample by scanning a primary beam over the sample and detecting a signal emanating from the sample. The added axis intersects the plane of the ternary scatter diagram. 1. A sample analyzer for performing elemental analysis of a sample by scanning a primary beam over the sample and detecting a signal emanating from the sample , said sample analyzer comprising:means for creating a three-dimensional graph having a ternary scatter diagram created based on concentration information about three elements out of several elements to be analyzed, adding an axis intersecting a plane of the ternary scatter diagram, representing concentration information about two additional elements on the added axis.2. The sample analyzer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said added axis is perpendicular to the plane of said ternary scatter diagram.3. The sample analyzer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said primary beam is an electron beam claim 1 , and wherein said signal is characteristic X-rays.4. The sample analyzer as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said primary beam is X-rays claim 1 , and wherein said signal is fluorescent X-rays.5. The sample analyzer as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising display means for displaying said three-dimensional graph.6. The sample analyzer as set forth in claim 5 , wherein the three-dimensional graph displayed by said display means is rotatable about a spatial coordinate axis. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a sample analyzer which performs elemental analysis of a sample by irradiating the sample with a primary beam ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001305A1

Provided is an electrode catalyst in which the contents of chlorine (Cl) species and bromine (Br) species are reduced to a predetermined level or lower, capable of exhibiting sufficient catalyst performance. The electrode catalyst has a core-shell structure including a support, a core part formed on the support and a shell part formed to cover at least a part of the surface of the core part. A concentration of bromine (Br) species of the electrode catalyst as measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is 400 ppm or less, and a concentration of chlorine (Cl) species of the electrode catalyst as measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy is 900 ppm or less. 1. An electrode catalyst having a core-shell structure comprising:a support;a core part formed on the support; anda shell part formed to cover at least a part of a surface of the core part,wherein the shell part includes a single-layered structure formed to cover at least a part of the surface of the core part, or a two-layered structure including a first shell part formed to cover at least a part of the surface of the core part, and a second shell part formed to cover at least a part of the surface of the first shell part,wherein in a case of the single-layered shell part, the shell part comprises platinum (Pt), and the core part comprises palladium (Pd), whilst in a case of the two-layered shell part, the first shell part comprises palladium (Pd), and the second shell part comprises platinum (Pt),wherein a concentration of bromine (Br) species measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, is not greater than 400 ppm, andwherein a concentration of chlorine (Cl) species measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, is not greater than 900 ppm.2. The electrode catalyst according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of bromine (Br) species is not greater than 300 ppm.3. The electrode catalyst according to claim 2 , wherein the concentration of bromine (Br) species is not greater than 200 ppm ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Identifying a characteristic of a material for additive manufacturing

Номер: US20180001565A1
Автор: Thomas Hocker
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

Systems, devices, and methods according to the present disclosure are configured for use in additive manufacturing, e.g. 3D printing. Various materials, including thermoplastic materials, can be used with an additive manufacturing system to create a part composite. Systems, devices, and methods described herein can be used to identify a characteristic of a material or of a material container for use with an additive manufacturing system. The identified characteristic can be used to determine an authenticity of the material. Based on the authenticity, one or more features or functions of the additive manufacturing system can be updated. The characteristic of the material may be optical information on the container of the material, e.g. a bar code, may be identified by emitting x-ray radiation and receiving a spectral characteristic, may be an electrical or magnetic characteristic or may be engraved on the surface of the material itself.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003652A1
Автор: Jakubek Jan, UHER Josef
Принадлежит: InsightART s.r.o.

For volumetric analysis of the elemental composition of a measured sample () the method of three-dimensional scanning is executing using fluorescence induced by electromagnetic radiation, in which the primary beam () of electromagnetic radiation is flattened and is directed at the measured sample () in which it irradiates the measured area (). From the measured area () there exits fluorescence radiation, which is almost completely shielded by the shielding means () to a secondary beam (), which is released towards the shielded detector () through the permeable area () formed in the shielding means (). The secondary beam () projects the image of the measured area () onto the shielded detector (), which records the data of the measured area () and subsequently uses the data to obtain an elemental composition of the measured sample (), including the distribution of concentration of elements in the sample volume. 112134533113136734789969449848343. A method of scanning using fluorescence induced by electromagnetic radiation in which there is generated a primary beam () of electromagnetic radiation from a source () , the primary beam () is directed to at least one part of the measured sample () , and by using at least one detector ( , ) fluorescence electromagnetic radiation is detected exiting from the material of the measured sample () , and on the basis of its spectral analysis the elemental composition of the measured sample () is determined , characterized in that the shape of the primary beam () is flattened , the flattened primary beam () is directed to the measured sample () at an angle (α) whose magnitude ranges from 0° to 90° , whereupon the penetration of the flattened primary beam () and the measured sample () forms the measured area () , inside which there is emitted fluorescent electromagnetic radiation , the fluorescence electromagnetic radiation is shielded using a shielding means () positioned between the measured sample () and the shielded detector () , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003711A1
Принадлежит: HORIBA, LTD.

To more accurately output a signal related to a source of particulate matter floating in the atmosphere, an analyzer is equipped with a mass concentration measuring unit, an element analysis unit, and a source-related signal output unit. The mass concentration measuring unit measures the mass concentration of fine particulate matter (FP) in the atmosphere. The element analysis unit analyzes an element contained in the FP. The source-related signal output unit outputs a signal related to the source of the FP on the basis of the mass concentration measurement result from the mass concentration measuring unit, and the analysis result for the element contained in the FP from the element analysis unit. 1. An analysis system comprising:an analyzer comprising:a mass concentration measuring unit that measures mass concentration of particulate matter;an element analysis unit that analyzes an element contained in the particulate matter, anda source-related signal output unit configured to output a signal related to a source of particulate matter, based on a mass concentration measurement result by the mass concentration measuring unit and an element analysis result by the element analysis unit about the element contained in the particulate matter.2. The analysis system according to claim 1 , wherein the analyzer further comprises a storage unit that stores correlation data indicating a correlation between the element contained in the particulate matter and mass concentration of the particulate matter claim 1 , whereinthe source-related signal output unit outputs the signal related to a source of particulate matter based on the correlation data, the element analysis result, and the mass concentration measurement result.3. The analysis system having an analyzer according to claim 2 , whereinthe correlation data further includes wind direction data related to a correlation between the element contained in the particulate matter and/or the mass concentration of the particulate ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003712A1

An X-ray fluorescence analysis method according to an FP method uses a predefined theoretical intensity formula in a standard sample theoretical intensity calculation step for obtaining a sensitivity constant and in an unknown sample theoretical intensity calculation step during iterative calculation. In the formula, only in an absorption term relating to absorption of X-rays, a mass fraction of each component is normalized so that a sum of the mass fractions of all components becomes 1. 1. An X-ray fluorescence analysis method comprising:a standard sample measurement step of irradiating a standard sample, which contains elements or compounds as components and whose composition is known, with primary X-rays, and measuring an intensity of fluorescent X-rays generated from the component in the standard sample;a standard sample theoretical intensity calculation step of calculating a theoretical intensity of the fluorescent X-rays generated from the component in the standard sample, based on a mass fraction of the component in the standard sample, by using a predefined theoretical intensity formula;a sensitivity constant calculation step of calculating a sensitivity constant, based on the intensity measured in the standard sample measurement step and the theoretical intensity calculated in the standard sample theoretical intensity calculation step;an unknown sample measurement step of irradiating an unknown sample, which contains elements or compounds as components and whose composition is unknown, with the primary X-rays, and measuring an intensity of fluorescent X-rays generated from the component in the unknown sample;a conversion step of converting the intensity measured in the unknown sample measurement step into a theoretical intensity scale by using the sensitivity constant, to obtain a converted measured intensity;an initial value assumption step of assuming an initial value of an estimated mass fraction for the component in the unknown sample;an unknown sample ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003462A1

An X-ray generator irradiates with an X-ray beam onto a polycrystalline sample on a sample stage . An X-ray detector including an array of X-ray detecting elements detects the intensities of diffracted X-rays which occur from the X-ray beam incident on the sample. A rotary drive rotates the X-ray generator, X-ray detector and sample-holding section so as to maintain a predetermined relationship between the angle formed by the sample surface and the incident X-ray beam, and the angle formed by the sample surface and the diffracted X-ray travelling toward the X-ray detector. A stress measurement section rotates, for a measurement of a stress value of the sample, either the X-ray generator and the X-ray detector or the sample stage so as to change the angle formed by the sample surface and the incident X-ray beam, while maintaining the positional relationship of the X-ray generator and the X-ray detector. 1. An X-ray stress measurement device configured to measure a stress in a sample made of a polycrystal by utilizing a diffraction phenomenon which occurs when an X-ray beam is irradiated onto the sample , the device comprising:a sample-holding section;an X-ray irradiating section configured to irradiate with an X-ray beam onto a sample held in the sample-holding section;an X-ray detector section including a plurality of X-ray detecting elements one-dimensionally arrayed in a predetermined direction, the X-ray detector section configured to detect intensities of diffracted X-rays which are a radiation of X-rays diffracted from the sample within a predetermined angular range when the X-ray beam is irradiated from the X-ray irradiating section onto the sample;a rotary drive section configured to individually rotate the X-ray irradiating section, the X-ray detector section and the sample-holding section so as to maintain a predetermined relationship between an angle formed by a surface of the sample held in the sample-holding section and the X-ray beam incident on the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003485A1

An environmental sampling system includes a passage in an aircraft component and a removable collector disposed in the passage. The passage has an inlet at a first region and an outlet at a second region. When the aircraft component is in operation the first region is at a greater pressure than the second region such that air flows through the passage from the inlet to the outlet. The removable collector is configured to retain constituents from the air and to react with the media designed to mimic corrosion effects seen at higher temperatures on engine parts. The constituents can then be characterized and correlated to engine deterioration to predict maintenance activity. 1. An environmental sampling system comprising:a passage in an aircraft component, the passage having an inlet at a first region and an outlet at a second region, wherein when the aircraft component is in operation the first region is at a greater pressure than the second region such that air flows through the passage from the inlet to the outlet; anda removable collector disposed in the passage, the removable collector configured to retain constituents from the air.2. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the aircraft component is selected from the group consisting of an airfoil claim 1 , a spinner claim 1 , a compressor bleed line claim 1 , a bypass duct claim 1 , a gas turbine engine inlet claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the removable collector is a rigid porous body.4. The system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the rigid porous body is selected from the group consisting of a porous ceramic claim 3 , a porous metal claim 3 , a porous polymer claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the rigid porous body is a porous ceramic.6. The system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the rigid porous body is a porous metal.7. The system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the rigid porous body is a porous polymer.8. The ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Apparatus and Calibration Method Thereof

Номер: US20210003520A1
Автор: Kinugasa Genki

An opening is formed on a horizontal plate. A center of the opening coincides with a center of an X-ray passage area. A line-shaped member for calibration is provided passing the center of the opening. When an X-ray is irradiated onto a sample, an X-ray fluorescence from the sample and an X-ray fluorescence from the line-shaped member are detected at an X-ray detector. An X-ray spectrum produced by this detection includes a reference peak corresponding to the X-ray fluorescence from the line-shaped member, and energy calibration or the like is executed based on the reference peak. 1. An X-ray fluorescence analysis apparatus comprising:a partitioning member that is provided between a first space which houses a sample and a second space adjacent to the first space, and on which an opening is formed;an X-ray generator that is provided in the second space, and that generates an X-ray configured to be irradiated onto the sample through the opening;a line-shaped member for calibration that is provided crossing the opening and along the partitioning member;an X-ray detector that is provided in the second space, and that detects an X-ray fluorescence from the sample and an X-ray fluorescence from the line-shaped member; anda spectrum producer that produces an X-ray fluorescence spectrum including a sample peak corresponding to the X-ray fluorescence from the sample and a reference peak corresponding to the X-ray fluorescence from the line-shaped member, based on a detection signal from the X-ray detector.2. The X-ray fluorescence analysis apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe line-shaped member crosses a central part of an X-ray passage area in the opening.3. The X-ray fluorescence analysis apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe X-ray generator irradiates the X-ray onto the sample from a first slanted direction,the X-ray detector detects the X-ray fluorescence emitted from the sample in a second slanted direction and the X-ray fluorescence emitted from the line- ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004184A1
Автор: Battyani Marc

Disclosed is a circuit for controlling the temperature and the bias voltage of a detector used by an X-ray analytical instrument. The circuit uses a single common reference voltage for the temperature measurement and for all the ADCs and DACs in the circuit, resulting in reduced drift and improved reproducibility of detector temperature and bias voltage. ADCs with a larger number of bits are used to produce precision values of the temperature, the bias voltage, and their respective setpoints. The setpoints are digitally varied until the precision setpoint values correspond to desired values of temperature and bias setpoints. 1. A circuitry for controlling a cooling power supply providing cooling power to a cooling unit of a detector of an X-ray analyzer , the circuitry comprises:a thermal measurement element producing a temperature measurement of the detector and subsequently a temperature voltage, a single common reference element providing a common reference voltage,', 'a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) configured to produce a setpoint voltage based on a pre-determined setpoint temperature value,', 'an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to digitize the temperature voltage and the setpoint voltage and produce a precision setpoint value, wherein the precision setpoint value is used to produce an adjusted setpoint voltage,', 'a comparator producing a differential value between the temperature voltage and the adjusted setpoint voltage wherein the differential value is used as a basis for the control signal, wherein the common reference voltage is referenced by the thermal measurement, the DAC and the ADC., 'a controlling circuit providing a control signal for controlling the cooling power, the controlling circuit further comprises2. The circuitry of wherein the ADC is referenced to the reference voltage.3. The circuitry of wherein the DAC is referenced to the reference voltage.4. The circuitry of wherein the thermal measurement element is referenced to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010228A1

The present invention includes an apparatus for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The apparatus comprises a plate having one or more holes passing through the plate. The holes are covered by a film on one side of the plate. The holes are less than 500 micrometers across in one dimension where the film covers the holes. The film is translucent to x-rays. The present invention also includes an apparatus for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The apparatus comprises a plate having one or more holes passing through the plate. The holes are covered on one side of the plate by a detachable cover forming a water-tight seal against the plate. The cover is substantially free of the elements osmium, yttrium, iridium, phosphorus, zirconium, platinum, gold, niobium, mercury, thallium, molybdenum, sulfur, lead, bismuth, technetium, ruthenium, chlorine, rhodium, palladium, argon, silver, and thorium. The holes are less than about 500 micrometers across in one dimension where the cover covers the holes. The present invention also includes a method for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The method comprises providing a solution of with less than 10 micromolar solute and a volume of between about 2 microliters and about 2 milliliters. The solution is concentrated and analyzed using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. 1. An apparatus for preparing one or more samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry , comprising a plate having at least one hole penetrating said plate; a film covering said hole , said film being at least 5% translucent to 2 ,300 eV X-rays oriented normal to said film; and said hole being less than about 500 micrometers in at least one dimension parallel to said film at the location where said hole adjoins said film.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said hole has an included angle of less than about 45 degrees.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Preparation of samples for XRF using flux and platinum crucible

Номер: US20160010920A1
Автор: Mark Ingham
Принадлежит: Panalytical BV

A method of of preparing samples for XRF using a flux and a platinum crucible includes forming the flux into a free-standing crucible liner. This may be achieved by mixing lithium borate particles with a liquid to form a paste; placing the lithium borate paste onto the inner surface of a mould; and after drying removing from the mould and firing the lithium borate paste to dry the lithium borate to form a free-standing crucible liner. The liner may be placed within a platinum crucible and then a sample placed in the liner. The temperature of the crucible is raised to a sufficient temperature that any oxidation reaction takes place before taking the temperature above the melting temperature of the flux to melt the crucible liner and dissolve the sample into the flux. The crucible can then be cooled and XRF measurements made on the sample.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Sample Plate for X-Ray Analysis and X-Ray Fluorescent Analyzer

Номер: US20160011129A1
Автор: SAKUTA Masahiro

An sample plate is for X-ray analysis to which a sample is fixed in performing an analysis using an X-ray fluorescent analyzer, and includes: a plate-like body that supports the sample; and a code-indicated portion provided on the plate-like body in which an information on the sample is encoded and indicated. 1. An sample plate for X-ray analysis to which a sample is fixed in performing an analysis using an X-ray fluorescent analyzer , the sample plate for X-ray analysis comprising:a plate-like body that supports the sample; anda code-indicated portion provided on the plate-like body in which an information on the sample is encoded and indicated.2. The sample plate for X-ray analysis according to claim 1 ,wherein the code-indicated portion is indicated as a two-dimensional code.3. The sample plate for X-ray analysis according to claim 1 ,wherein when the sample is a standard material used for performing a quantitative elemental analysis, the code-indicated portion includes information indicating element concentration of the standard material.4. The sample plate for X-ray analysis according to claim 1 ,wherein when the sample is a thickness standard foil used for performing film thickness measurement, the code-indicated portion includes information indicating thickness of the thickness standard foil.5. The sample plate for X-ray analysis according to claim 1 ,wherein the code-indicated portion is provided on both front and rear faces of the plate-like body.6. An X-ray fluorescent analyzer comprising:an X-ray tube that irradiates a sample with a primary X-ray;a detector that detects a fluorescent X-ray emitted from the sample irradiated with the primary X-ray;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a sample stage on which the sample plate for X-ray analysis according to is installed;'}an imaging unit that captures image of the code-indicated portion; anda code processor that decodes the information encoded in the code-indicated portion based on the image of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010957A1

Devices and methods are disclosed for identifying compounds using spectra generated by X-rays at two different voltage levels. 1. A method of identifying a compound comprisingobtaining a first X ray fluorescence spectrum of the compound at a first voltage level,identifying one or more elements from one or more corresponding peaks of the X ray fluorescence spectrum,selecting compounds within a library of compounds including the one or more elements and creating a subset of selected compounds,obtaining a second spectrum of the compound at a second voltage level higher than the first voltage level,comparing the second spectrum to reference spectra of the selected compounds of the subset generated at the second voltage level, andidentifying the compound by matching the second spectrum to a reference spectrum corresponding to a selected compound.2. The method of wherein the one or more elements have an atomic weight of magnesium or higher.3. The method of wherein the compound includes one or more elements having an atomic weight lower than magnesium.4. The method of wherein the compound is a salt or oxide compound including one or more elements having an atomic weight lower than magnesium.5. The method of wherein the library of compounds comprises salt or oxide compounds that cannot be discriminated by X ray fluorescence alone.6. The method of wherein the second spectrum is matched to a reference spectrum using a linear fitting model to compare and match the shape of the second spectrum to the shape of the reference spectrum.7. The method of wherein the second spectrum is matched to a reference spectrum using a least squares slope and intercept method claim 1 , and wherein the shape of the second spectrum is matched to the shape of the reference spectrum by a calculated slope of 1.0 and an intercept of 0.8. The method of wherein one or more microprocessors claim 1 , one or more electronic databases and one or more software programs are used (1) to identify the one or ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011382A1
Принадлежит: ICAGEN, INC.

The present invention is a method to quantify biomarkers. The method uses an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to perform an X-ray fluorescence analysis on the sample to obtain spectral features derived from the biomarker; and quantifying the X-ray fluorescence signal of the biomarker. 1. A method to quantify biomarkers , comprising providing a sample comprising a biomarker , the biomarker comprising one or more chemicals that are related to a physiological condition; preparing the sample for X-ray analysis by exposing the sample to a solution; using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to perform an X-ray fluorescence analysis on the sample to obtain spectral features derived from the biomarker; and quantifying the X-ray fluorescence signal of the biomarker; wherein the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer irradiates the sample with polychromatic X-rays.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is selected from the group of solution comprising a pH buffer claim 1 , a redox buffer claim 1 , a preservative claim 1 , a fixative claim 1 , and a sterilizing solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is free of at least one chemical element having an atomic number greater than eight claim 1 , where the element is present in the sample.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is free of at least one of the chemicals or functional groups selected from the group consisting of dimethylsulfoxide claim 1 , thiols claim 1 , sulfate anion claim 1 , sulfonate anions claim 1 , chloride anion claim 1 , bromide anion claim 1 , fluoride anion claim 1 , iodide anion claim 1 , perchlorate anion claim 1 , phosphate anion claim 1 , and phosphonate anions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution comprises one or more chemicals selected from the group consisting of amine claim 1 , imine claim 1 , nitrate anion claim 1 , nitrite anion claim 1 , ammonium cation claim 1 , acetate anion claim 1 , carboxylate anion claim 1 , conjugate bases of carboxylic acids claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011815A1

The present invention is a method to quantify biomarkers. The method uses an X-ray florescence spectrometer to perform an X-ray fluorescence analysis on the sample to obtain spectral features derived from the biomarker; and quantifying the X-ray fluorescence signal of the biomarker. 1. A method to quantify biomarkers , comprising providing a sample comprising a biomarker , the biomarker comprising one or more chemicals that am related to a physiological condition; preparing the sample for X-ray analysis by exposing the sample to a solution; using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to perform an X-ray fluorescence analysis on the sample to obtain spectral features derived from the biomarker; and quantifying the X-ray fluorescence signal of the biomarker; wherein the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer irradiates the sample with polychromatic X-rays.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is selected from the group of solution comprising a pH buffer claim 1 , a redox buffer claim 1 , a preservative claim 1 , a fixative claim 1 , and a sterilizing solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is free of at least one chemical element having an atomic number greater than eight claim 1 , where the element is present in the sample.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution is free of at least one of the chemicals or functional groups selected from the group consisting of dimethylsulfoxide claim 1 , thiols claim 1 , sulfate anion claim 1 , sulfonate anions claim 1 , chloride anion claim 1 , bromide anion claim 1 , fluoride anion claim 1 , iodide anion claim 1 , perchlorate anion claim 1 , phosphate anion claim 1 , and phosphonate anions.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution comprises one or more chemicals selected from the group consisting of amine claim 1 , imine claim 1 , nitrate anion claim 1 , nitrite anion claim 1 , ammonium cation claim 1 , acetate anion claim 1 , carboxylate anion claim 1 , conjugate bases of carboxylic acids claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014868A1

A material sorting system sorts materials, such as scrap pieces composed of unknown metal alloys, as a function of their detected x-ray fluorescence. The x-ray fluorescence may be converted into an elemental composition signature that is then compared to an elemental composition signature of a reference material in order to identify and/or classify each of the materials, which are then sorted into separate groups based on such an identification/classification. The material sorting system may include an in-line x-ray tube having a plurality of separate x-ray sources, each of which can irradiate a separate stream of materials to be sorted. 1. A method for sorting a plurality of metal alloy pieces into at least a first sorted collection of metal alloy pieces having a first metal alloy composition and a second sorted collection of metal alloy pieces having a second metal alloy composition different from the first metal alloy composition , the method comprising:determining an approximate length of each of the plurality of metal scrap pieces;classifying a first one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces as having the first metal alloy composition as a function of the determined approximate length of the first one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces;classifying a second one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces as having the second metal alloy composition as a function of the determined approximate length of the second one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces; andsorting the first one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces from the second one of the metal alloy pieces in response to (1) classifying the first one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces as having the first metal alloy composition, and (2) classifying the second one of the plurality of metal alloy pieces as having the second metal alloy composition.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the determining the approximate length of each of the plurality of metal alloy pieces comprises measuring the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Radiation Analyzer

Номер: US20220035053A1

To provide a radiation analyzer that can perform analyses by a long-term stable and high energy resolution without correcting a current flowing through a transition edge sensor (hereinafter referred to as TES) or a pulse height value of a signal pulse. The radiation analyzer includes: a TES configured to detect radiation; a current detection mechanism configured to detect a current flowing through the TES ; a pulse height analyzer configured to measure a pulse height value based on the current detected by the current detection mechanism ; a baseline monitor mechanism configured to detect a baseline current flowing through the TES ; a first heater whose output is adjusted to stabilize a temperature of a first thermometer disposed in a cold head that cools the TES ; and a second heater that is disposed fairly close to the TES and whose output is adjusted to stabilize a baseline current. 1. A radiation analyzer comprising:a transition edge sensor (hereinafter referred to as TES) configured to detect radiation;a current detection mechanism configured to detect a current flowing through the TES;a pulse height analyzer configured to measure a pulse height value based on the current detected by the current detection mechanism;a baseline monitor mechanism configured to detect a baseline current flowing through the TES;a cold head configured to cool the TES;a first heater whose output is adjusted to stabilize a temperature of the cold head; anda second heater whose output is adjusted to stabilize the baseline current.2. The radiation analyzer according to claim 1 , further comprising:a display unit, whereinthe display unit is configured to display an energy spectrum based on the pulse height value, or a GUI for adjusting the baseline current and the output of the second heater.3. The radiation analyzer according to claim 2 , whereinthe display unit is configured to display a graph of a time change of the obtained baseline current and a graph of a time change of the output of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017509A1

Methods and systems for generating an identifier include detecting emissions from a phosphor pattern with a sensor grid comprising one or more sensors when the phosphor pattern is stimulated with radiation. An output signal of each sensor in the sensor grid is compared to a threshold value to generate respective identifier bits. An identifier is generated from the identifier bits. 1. A method for generating an identifier , comprising:detecting emissions from a phosphor pattern with a sensor grid comprising one or more sensors when the phosphor pattern is stimulated with radiation;comparing an output signal of each sensor in the sensor grid to a threshold value to generate respective identifier bits; andgenerating an identifier from the identifier bits.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating respective identifier bits comprises assigning a logical ‘1’ if the output signal of a sensor is above the threshold value and assigning a logical ‘0’ if the output signal of a sensor is below the threshold value.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising illuminating the phosphor pattern with soft x-rays having a wavelength between about 2 nm and about 20 nm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein illuminating the phosphor pattern comprises illuminating the phosphor pattern through an optically opaque enclosure.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising changing a color sensitivity of the sensor grid.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising repeating said comparison and generation of an identifier after changing the color sensitivity of the sensor grid to generate a second identifier.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the phosphor pattern is directly above the sensor grid.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the phosphor pattern is screen printed onto the sensor grid in a manner that creates substantial spatial variability.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a distance separating the sensor grid from the phosphor pattern is less than about 10 μm.10. A non-transitory ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Substitution Site Measuring Equipment and Substitution Site Measuring Method

Номер: US20190017948A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

This substitution site measuring equipment using an electron beam analyzes, with high precision, the structure of a substitution site in a micrometer- to nanometer-order region, by reducing or vanishing the X-ray intensity of diffraction X-rays generated in a specimen. The substitution site measuring equipment measures a substitution site in a crystal by detecting, by means of an X-ray detector, X-rays generated from a specimen upon irradiation of the specimen with an electron beam. The substitution site measuring equipment is provided with: an input unit to which a crystal structure of a specimen, energy or wavelengths of X-rays to be detected, a tilt angle of the specimen, and positional information about the specimen and the X-ray detector are inputted; a diffraction X-ray incidence calculating means for calculating incidence of diffraction X-rays on the X-ray detector on the basis of parameters inputted to the input unit; a measurement condition setting means for setting a measurement condition according to the incidence of diffraction X-rays on the X-ray detector calculated by the diffraction X-ray incidence calculating means such that the diffraction X-rays are not incident on the X-ray detector; and an electron beam inclination/X-ray detection control unit that detects the X-rays in synchronization with the inclination of an electron beam. 1. A substitution site measuring equipment for taking measurement of a substitution site in a crystal by irradiating a specimen with an electron beam and detecting X-rays emitted from the specimen by means of an X-ray detector , the equipment comprising:an input unit for inputting a crystal structure of the specimen, energy or wavelength of X-ray to be detected, a tilt angle of the specimen, and positional information about the specimen and the X-ray detector;a diffraction X-ray incidence calculating means for calculating incidence of diffraction X-ray on the X-ray detector on the basis of parameters inputted to the input ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Analysis of X-ray spectra using fitting

Номер: US20190018824A1
Автор: Charalampos Zarkadas
Принадлежит: Malvern Panalytical BV

A method of analysis of X-ray spectra in an instrument fits a measured sample spectrum using a combination of at least one measured reference spectrum with at least one calculated function. The method includes measuring a reference spectrum as a plurality of measured values R pr (i) for a plurality of energy bins i from at least one reference sample; selecting n pr region or regions of interest indexed by j corresponding to a plurality of bins i and recording the profile R pr j (i) for the respective plurality of bins from the measured reference spectrum, where n pr is a positive integer; measuring a sample spectrum as a plurality of intensity values R spe (i) for a plurality of energy bins i; and fitting the measured sample spectrum R spe (i) to a fit function including the at least one profile R pr j (i) in at least one respective region of interest as well as at least one calculated function R gr j (i).

21-01-2021 дата публикации

X-Ray Fluorescence Measurement Apparatus

Номер: US20210018453A1
Автор: Kinugasa Genki

An X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus has a sample tank, and a measurement unit that has an X-ray generator and an X-ray fluorescence detector. A film mechanism takes out a used film from a partitioning position between the sample tank and the measurement unit in a slide direction which intersects a direction of arrangement of the sample tank and the measurement unit, and feeds an unused film portion to the partitioning position in the slide direction. The film portions may alternatively be exchanged using cassettes. 1. An X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus comprising:a sample tank that houses a liquid sample;a measurement unit that is provided adjacent to the sample tank, and that has an X-ray generator and an X-ray fluorescence detector; anda film mechanism that takes out a used film portion from a partitioning position between the sample tank and the measurement unit in a slide direction which intersects a direction of arrangement of the sample tank and the measurement unit, and that feeds an unused film portion to the partitioning position in the slide direction.2. The X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe film mechanism simultaneously executes taking-out of the used film portion and feeding of the unused film portion.3. The X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of film portions are transported from an upstream side toward a downstream side in the slide direction, andeach of the film portions becomes the unused film portion and the used film portion.4. The X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe film mechanism is a mechanism which stepwise transports a long-length film from the upstream side toward the downstream side in the slide direction, andthe plurality of film portions are created on the long-length film by the stepwise transporting of the long-length film.5. The X-ray fluorescence measurement apparatus according to claim 4 , ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

X-ray laser microscopy system and method

Номер: US20180020996A1
Принадлежит: Rising Star Pathway A California Corp

Improved system and method of X-ray laser microscopy that combines information obtained from both X-ray diffraction and X-ray imaging methods. The sample is placed in an ultra-cold, ultra-low pressure vacuum chamber, and exposed to brief bursts of coherent X-ray illumination further concentrated using X-ray mirrors and pinhole collimation methods. Higher resolution data from a sample is obtained using hard X-ray lasers, such as free electron X-ray lasers, and X-ray diffraction methods. Lower resolution data from the same sample can be obtained using any of hard or soft X-ray laser sources, and X-ray imaging methods employing nanoscale etched zone plate technology. In some embodiments both diffraction and imaging data can be obtained simultaneously. Data from both sources are combined to create a more complete representation of the sample. Methods to further improve performance, such as concave or curved detectors, improved temperature control, and alternative X-ray optics are also disclosed.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Well Plate

Номер: US20150023467A1

The present invention includes an apparatus for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The apparatus comprises a plate having one or more holes passing through the plate. The holes are covered by a film on one side of the plate. The holes are less than 500 micrometers across in one dimension where the film covers the holes. The film is translucent to x-rays. The present invention also includes an apparatus for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The apparatus comprises a plate having one or more holes passing through the plate. The holes are covered on one side of the plate by a detachable cover forming a water-tight seal against the plate. The cover is substantially free of the elements osmium, yttrium, iridium, phosphorus, zirconium, platinum, gold, niobium, mercury, thallium, molybdenum, sulfur, lead, bismuth, technetium, ruthenium, chlorine, rhodium, palladium, argon, silver, and thorium. The holes are less than about 500 micrometers across in one dimension where the cover covers the holes. The present invention also includes a method for preparing samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The method comprises providing a solution of with less than 10 micromolar solute and a volume of between about 2 microliters and about 2 milliliters. The solution is concentrated and analyzed using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. 1. An apparatus for preparing one or more samples for measurement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry , comprising a plate having at least one hole penetrating said plate; a film covering said hole , said film being at least 5% translucent to 2 ,300 eV X-rays oriented normal to said film; and said hole being less than about 500 micrometers in at least one dimension parallel to said film at the location where said hole adjoins said film.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said hole has an included angle of less than about 45 degrees.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Float glass for chemical strengthening

Номер: US20160023945A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a float glass for chemical strengthening, containing a bottom surface coming into contact with a molten metal at the time of forming and a top surface opposing the bottom surface, in which a difference Δ(N—Na 2 O 2 ) determined by subtracting a square of a normalized Na 2 O surface concentration of the bottom surface which is a value obtained by dividing an Na 2 O concentration in the bottom surface by an Na 2 O concentration at a depth position of 100 μM therefrom, from a square of a normalized Na 2 O surface concentration of the top surface which is a value obtained by dividing an Na 2 O concentration in the top surface by an Na 2 O concentration at a depth position of 100 μm therefrom, is 0.040 or less.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022403A1

Polymer formulations including urethane acrylates, adhesion promoters, and conductive monomers. By selecting suitable conductive monomers, it is possible to achieve formulations having a volume resistivity from 10to 10Ohm·cm after being conditioned for one week at 25° C. and 50% relative humidity. Such formulations are suitable for incorporation into electro-optic materials, such as electro-optic displays or variable transmission films, e.g., for architectural applications. In other embodiments, the formulations additionally include metal oxide nanoparticles to alter the refractive index and/or conductivity. The addition of certain metal nanoparticles additionally facilitates non-destructive measurement of layer thickness using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. 1) A composition comprising:a urethane acrylate;an adhesion promoter; and{'sup': 6', '10, 'a conductive monomer, wherein the composition has a volume resistivity from 10to 10Ohm·cm after being conditioned for one week at 25° C. and 50% relative humidity.'}2) The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a photoinitator.3) The composition of claim 1 , further comprising cross-linkers.4) The composition of claim 1 , further comprising metal oxide particles.5) The composition of claim 4 , wherein the metal oxide particles have an average particle size of 100 nm or less.6) The composition of claim 4 , wherein the metal oxide particles comprise a metal with an atomic number greater than 18.7) The composition of claim 6 , wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of titanium claim 6 , copper claim 6 , indium claim 6 , zinc claim 6 , nickel claim 6 , tin claim 6 , lanthanum claim 6 , cerium claim 6 , and zirconium.8) The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between 0.01% and 25% metal oxide particles (wt. particles/wt. composition).9) The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition contains less than 1% metal.10) The composition of claim 1 , wherein the molecular weight of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Visible x-ray indication and detection system for x-ray backscatter applications

Номер: US20160025658A1
Автор: Gary E. Georgeson
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

An X-ray backscatter indication and detection system, including an object disposed with respect to a target area targeted by X-rays, such that X-rays that backscatter from the target area strike the surface of the object. The surface of the object includes an X-ray sensitive indicator substance that fluoresces with a visible light when contacted by backscattered X-rays.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Sample Holder for X-ray Analysis

Номер: US20180024081A1
Принадлежит: Malvern Panalytical BV

A sample holder 2 for holding a capillary 40 for X-ray analysis has a first thermal transport member 36 on the base portion 14 on one side of a longitudinal slit 12 and a second thermal transport member 38 on the base portion 16 on the other side. The thermal transport members 36, 38 are compressed between a frame 30 and the base portion 14, 16 in the transverse direction to urge the edges of the first and second thermal transport members together, to hold a capillary 40 longitudinally aligned with the longitudinal slit 12.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Small-Angle X-Ray Scatterometry

Номер: US20220042933A1

A method for evaluating an array of high aspect ratio (HAR) structures on a sample includes illuminating the sample with an x-ray beam along a first axis parallel to within two degrees to the HAR structures in the array and sensing a first pattern of small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) scattered from the sample while illuminating the sample along the first axis. The sample is illuminated with the x-ray beam along a second axis that is oblique to the HAR structures in the array, and a second pattern of the SAXS scattered from the sample is sensed while illuminating the sample along the second axis. Information is extracted with respect to the HAR structures based on the first and second patterns. 1. A method for evaluating an array of high aspect ratio (HAR) structures on a sample , the method comprises:illuminating the sample with an x-ray beam along a first axis parallel to within two degrees to the HAR structures in the array;sensing a first pattern of small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) scattered from the sample while illuminating the sample along the first axis;illuminating the sample with the x-ray beam along a second axis that is oblique to the HAR structures in the array;sensing a second pattern of the SAXS scattered from the sample while illuminating the sample along the second axis; andextracting information with respect to the HAR structures based on the first and second patterns.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the HAR structures comprise holes having an aspect ratio exceeding 10:1.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the second axis deviates by at least three degrees from alignment with the holes.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein extracting the information comprises subtracting the second pattern from the first pattern.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein extracting the information comprises generating a model of background scattering responsively to the second pattern claim 1 , and applying the model in analyzing a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028219A1
Принадлежит: Polysecure GmbH

The present invention relates to a workpiece which, on its surface, displays a depression having an opening width of at least 0.2 mm and in which depression a carrier material which is connected in a substantially inseparable manner to the workpiece and contains a characteristic marking material for the workpiece is disposed; and to a method for manufacturing the same and to a method for authentication and/or identification of the workpiece. 1. A workpiece which , on its surface , displays a depression having an opening width of at least 0.2 mm and in which depression a carrier material which is connected in a substantially inseparable manner to the workpiece and which contains a characteristic marking material for the workpiece is disposed.2. The workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the workpiece is made from metal claim 1 , glass claim 1 , wood claim 1 , plastic and/or ceramic.3. The workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the depression displays a depth of 0.1-5 mm.4. The workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carrier material is introducible into the depression in a liquid or pasty form and is then curable in the depression.5. The workpiece as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the carrier material is selected from glass and polymer compounds.6. The workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the marking material is selected from Stokes pigments and/or Anti-Stokes pigments claim 1 , ceramic markers claim 1 , and a material which has a characteristic which can be differentiated from the carrier material.7. The workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on the surface of the depression claim 1 , a pretreatment agent for improving adhesion is applied.8. A method for manufacturing a workpiece as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said method comprises the steps of:a) introducing a depression having an opening width of at least 0.2 mm into the surface of a workpiece;b) introducing a carrier material, which contains a characteristic marking ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026034A1

A neutron imaging device employs a neutron source including a sealed enclosure, gamma ray detector(s) spaced from the neutron source, and particle detector(s) disposed in the sealed enclosure of the neutron source. The output of the particle detector(s) can be used to obtain a direction of particles generated by the neutron source and corresponding directions of neutrons generated by the neutron source. Such information can be processed to determine locations in the surrounding borehole environment where the secondary gamma rays are generated and determine data representing formation density at such locations. In one aspect, the gamma ray detector(s) of the neutron imaging device can include at least one scintillation crystal with shielding disposed proximate opposite ends of the scintillation crystal. In another aspect, the particle detector(s) of the neutron imaging device can include a resistive anode encoder having a ceramic substrate and resistive glaze. 1. A neutron imaging device comprising:a neutron source including a sealed enclosure, wherein the neutron source generates neutrons and associated particles whereby the neutrons are emitted into a surrounding borehole environment;at least one gamma ray detector, spaced from the neutron source, that detects secondary gamma rays generated by interaction between the neutrons emitted into the surrounding borehole environment;at least one particle detector disposed in the sealed enclosure of the neutron source, wherein the at least one particle detector detects the associated particles generated by the neutron source; and i) determine propagation directions of the associated particles generated by the neutron source based on output of the at least one particle detector;', 'ii) transform the propagation directions of the associated particles to propagation directions of corresponding neutrons;', 'iii) determine locations in the surrounding borehole environment where the secondary gamma rays are generated based on the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

X-ray imaging and chemical analysis of plant roots

Номер: US20170031053A1
Принадлежит: Uhv Technologies Inc

A linear x-ray tube having one or more x-ray sources is configured for insertion into the soil in proximity to a root system of a plant for emission of an x-ray beam detected by a linear array of one or more x-ray detectors. The linear x-ray tube and detector array may be inserted into rhizotrons previously inserted into the soil. Various combinations of multiple x-ray tubes and/or detector arrays may be utilized to customize the x-ray imaging of the root system.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033428A1

An x-ray analysis system having an x-ray engine with an x-ray source for producing an x-ray excitation beam directed toward an x-ray analysis focal area; a sample chamber for presenting a sample stream to the x-ray analysis focal area, the analysis focal area disposed within a sample analysis area defined within the chamber; an x-ray detection path for collecting secondary x-rays and directing the x-rays toward a detector; an x-ray transparent barrier on a wall of the chamber through which the x-rays pass; and a blocking structure partially blocking the sample analysis area, for creating sample stream turbulence in the sample analysis area and over the barrier. The blocking structure may be disposed asymmetrically about a central axis of the x-ray analysis focal area and/or the sample analysis area; and may be a rounded pin. A heating element may be used to heat the sample stream for improving flow. 1. An x-ray analysis sample handling apparatus , comprising:a sample chamber defining a sample analysis area within which a sample stream flows about an x-ray analysis focal area of an x-ray engine;an x-ray transparent barrier in a wall of said chamber for allowing x-rays to/from the sample analysis area;a blocking structure partially blocking the sample analysis area, for creating sample stream turbulence in the sample analysis area and over the barrier.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the blocking structure is disposed asymmetrically about a central axis of the x-ray analysis focal area and/or the sample analysis area.3. The apparatus of claims 2 , wherein the blocking structure comprises a rounded pin.4. The apparatus of in combination with an x-ray analysis system claim 1 , the x-ray analysis system comprising the x-ray engine including:an x-ray excitation path; andan x-ray detection path;wherein the x-ray excitation and/or the x-ray detection paths define the x-ray analysis focal area in said chamber.5. The combination of claim 4 , wherein the focal area is a ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033429A1
Автор: Geier Udo, Nensel Bernhard

The invention relates to a handheld instrument and a mobile device for x-ray fluorescence analysis, having a housing () and a handle (), having an x-ray fluorescence measurement device arranged in the housing () which comprises a radiation source, by which a primary beam is directed onto a measurement surface () of a measurement object () through an outlet window (), having a detector arranged in the housing () which detects the secondary radiation emitted by the measurement surface () of the measurement object (), having a data processing device arranged in the housing () which controls at least one display () which is provided on the housing () or is connected to it, wherein the outlet window () is provided on a front-side end of a first housing section () of the housing () and at least one positioning element () is provided on the first housing section (), allocated to this outlet window (), a support element () is provided on at least one further housing section () of the housing (), at a distance to the outlet window () on the first housing section (), and the handheld instrument () is aligned with respect to the measurement surface () after the positioning on the measurement surface () of the measurement object () by the at least one positioning element () and the at least one support element () and is positioned autonomously with respect to the measurement surface () in a measurement position (). 1. A handheld instrument for x-ray fluorescence analysis ,having a housing and a handle,having an x-ray fluorescence measurement device arranged in the housing, which comprises a radiation source, by which a primary beam is directed onto a measurement surface of a measurement object through an outlet window,having a detector arranged in the housing which detects the secondary radiation emitted by the measurement surface of the measurement object,having a data processing device arranged in the housing, which controls at least one display which is provided on the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033430A1

A handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) device may include communication circuitry for communicating over a network. In some embodiments information related to sale and/or pricing of material identified by the XRF device is communicated by and/or to the XRF device. In some embodiments the XRF device communicates information regarding rental of the XRF device. In some embodiments the XRF device may be used to ascertain whether an item, for example an item of evidence or a particular item in a manufacturing environment, includes a material composition expected for the item, and in some embodiments storing or logging a result of such a determination. 1. A handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) device , comprising:an x-ray source;a detector for detecting a return signal;circuitry for processing the return signal to determine material composition of a sample struck by x-rays of the x-ray source;cellular communication circuitry;a display; anda processor configured by program instructions, the program instructions including program instructions to provide information regarding the material composition of the sample to the cellular communication circuitry for transmission.2. The handheld XRF device of claim 1 , wherein the program instructions further include program instructions for receiving information regarding pricing of the sample claim 1 , and formatting the information regarding pricing of the sample for display by the display.3. The handheld XRF device of claim 1 , wherein the information regarding the material composition of the sample comprises an identification of the material composition of the sample.4. The handheld XRF device of claim 3 , further comprising a geographic locator claim 3 , and wherein the program instructions further include program instructions for providing a location of the sample along with the identification of the material composition of the sample to the cellular communication circuitry for transmission.5. The handheld XRF device of claim 4 , ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031497A1

A system and method for processing X-ray fluorescence data in a hand-held X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer are provided. The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer includes a radiation source assembly including a first centerline axis and configured to direct an X-ray beam to impinge on a sample to be tested. The XRF analyzer also includes a radiation detector assembly including a second centerline axis configured to sense X-ray fluorescence (XRF) emitted from the sample in response to the X-ray beam. The XRF analyzer further includes a processor configured to determine a property of the sample to be tested from the emitted XRF, and a proximity sensor configured to continuously measure a distance between the XRF analyzer and the sample to be tested, the distance being at least one of displayed to a user and used by the processor to determine the property. 1. An X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer comprising:a radiation source assembly comprising a first centerline axis and configured to direct an X-ray beam to impinge on a sample to be tested;a radiation detector assembly comprising a second centerline axis configured to sense X-ray fluorescence (XRF) emitted from the sample in response to the X-ray beam;a processor configured to determine a property of the sample to be tested from the emitted XRF; anda proximity sensor configured to continuously measure a distance between said XRF analyzer and said sample to be tested, the distance being at least one of displayed to a user and used by the processor to determine the property.2. The XRF analyzer of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of proximity sensors claim 1 , said processor configured to determine a positional orientation of the XRF analyzer with respect to the sample to be tested using the plurality of proximity sensors.3. The XRF analyzer of claim 1 , wherein the first centerline axis and the second centerline axis are offset laterally by a first angle.4. The XRF analyzer of claim 3 , wherein the first angle is ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050068A1
Автор: Tanaka Shin

A quantitative analysis method, which is performed by an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, includes: a step of acquiring a plurality of spectra at least having a first peak at a first energy position from a sample containing a plurality of elements under different measurement conditions; a step of designating, from among the plurality of spectra, a primary spectrum and a secondary spectrum having a second peak at a second energy position; a first fitting step of performing a fitting on the first peak included in the secondary spectrum to calculate a background intensity at the second energy position due to the first peak; and a second fitting step of performing a fitting on the first peak of the primary spectrum and performing a fitting on the second peak of the secondary spectrum under a condition that the calculated background intensity is included at the second energy position. 1. A quantitative analysis method , which is performed by an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer , the quantitative analysis method comprising:a step of acquiring a plurality of spectra at least having a first peak at a first energy position from a sample containing a plurality of elements under different measurement conditions;a step of designating, from among the plurality of spectra, a primary spectrum and a secondary spectrum having a second peak at a second energy position;a first fitting step of performing a fitting on the first peak included in the secondary spectrum to calculate a background intensity at the second energy position due to the first peak; anda second fitting step of performing a fitting on the first peak of the primary spectrum and performing a fitting on the second peak of the secondary spectrum under a condition that the calculated background intensity is included at the second energy position.2. The quantitative analysis method according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of elements include a first element that generates the first peak and a second element that ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033069A1

Methods and systems for feed-forward of multi-layer and multi-process information using XPS and XRF technologies are disclosed. In an example, a method of thin film characterization includes measuring first XPS and XRF intensity signals for a sample having a first layer above a substrate. The first XPS and XRF intensity signals include information for the first layer and for the substrate. The method also involves determining a thickness of the first layer based on the first XPS and XRF intensity signals. The method also involves combining the information for the first layer and for the substrate to estimate an effective substrate. The method also involves measuring second XPS and XRF intensity signals for a sample having a second layer above the first layer above the substrate. The second XPS and XRF intensity signals include information for the second layer, for the first layer and for the substrate. The method also involves determining a thickness of the second layer based on the second XPS and XRF intensity signals, the thickness accounting for the effective substrate. 1. A method of thin film characterization , the method comprising:measuring first XPS and/or XRF intensity signals for a sample having a first layer above a substrate, the first XPS and/or XRF intensity signals including information for the first layer and for the substrate;determining a thickness of the first layer based on the first XPS and/or XRF intensity signals;combining the information for the first layer and for the substrate to estimate an effective substrate;measuring second XPS and/or XRF intensity signals for a sample having a second layer above the first layer above the substrate, the second XPS and/or XRF intensity signals including information for the second layer, for the first layer and for the substrate; anddetermining a thickness of the second layer based on the second XPS and/or XRF intensity signals, the thickness accounting for the effective substrate.2. The method of claim 1 ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036804A1

A handheld x-ray analyzer, having an outer shell forming an inner cavity, the outer shell having at least one aperture; an x-ray engine positioned within the cavity; and a generally planar heat sink rigidly and thermally attached to the x-ray engine, and positioned in the aperture of the outer shell thereby substantially filling the aperture while providing thermal conduction between the engine and surrounding air. An outer face of the heat sink may be substantially conformal with the outer shell along one or both sides of the analyzer, and form a substantial portion of one or both sides of the analyzer. Longitudinal fins may be placed on an outer face of the heat sink to aid in thermal conduction from the engine to the surrounding air. Thermal handling, shock/vibration isolation, and moisture barriers are provided. 1. A handheld x-ray analyzer , comprising:an outer shell forming an inner cavity, the outer shell having at least one aperture;an x-ray engine positioned within the cavity;a generally planar heat sink rigidly and thermally attached to the x-ray engine, and positioned in the aperture of the outer shell thereby substantially filling the aperture while providing thermal conduction between the engine and surrounding air.2. The analyzer of claim 1 , wherein an outer face of the heat sink is substantially conformal with the outer shell along one or both sides of the analyzer.3. The analyzer of claim 2 , wherein the outer face of the heat sink forms a substantial portion of one or both sides of the analyzer.4. The analyzer of claim 1 , further comprising longitudinal fins on an outer face of the heat sink to aid in thermal conduction from the engine to the surrounding air.5. The analyzer of claim 1 , comprising a flexible material placed between an outer perimeter of the heat sink and an edge of the aperture of the outer shell claim 1 , thereby providing mechanical isolation between the heat sink and the outer shell.6. The analyzer of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033547A1

A method of analysing granular material in a slurry, the method comprising: compacting the granular material in the slurry to form one or more pucks; irradiating said pucks with X-Ray radiation and detecting X-ray energy transmitted through said one or more irradiated pucks; irradiating a reference material with X-Ray radiation, said reference material having known material characteristics and detecting X-ray energy transmitted through said reference material; comparing X-ray energy transmission through said one or more pucks with the reference material to compute, using a processing unit, one or more particle characteristics of the granular material in the one or more pucks. 1. A method of analysing granular material in a slurry , the method comprising:compacting the granular material in the slurry to form one or more pucks;irradiating a section of said pucks with X-Ray radiation and detecting X-ray energy transmission through said one or more irradiated pucks;irradiating a section of reference material with X-Ray radiation, said reference material having known material characteristics and detecting X-ray energy transmitted though said reference material; andcomparing X ray energy transmission through said one or more pucks with the reference material to compute, using a processing unit, one or more particle characteristics of the granular material in the one or more pucks.2. A method of analysing granular material in the slurry in accordance with wherein the step of comparing X ray energy transmission through said one or more pucks with the reference puck is used for computing average density or relative average density of the granular material in the one or more pucks.3. A method of analysing granular material in the slurry in accordance with wherein the step of forming said one or more pucks comprises the steps of directing one or more streams of slurry into a collection chamber claim 1 , filtering said slurry to separate the granular material from the slurry ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Metal analysis during pharmaceutical manufacturing

Номер: US20170038319A1
Принадлежит: Uhv Technologies Inc

A system and method for detecting, measuring, and analyzing for metallic impurities in pharmaceutical drugs and compounds utilizes an x-ray fluorescence system. The system and method may be co-located with a pharmaceutical manufacturing process for in-line continuous monitoring of metal impurities. The pharmaceutical products may be in a form selected from a powder, slurry, pill, tablet, and gel.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038320A1

A mercury emissions monitor includes a mercury sensor tape configured to be fed in a reel-to-reel manner between first and second tape reels, wherein the mercury sensor tape includes a thin metallic film configured to form an amalgam with detected mercury. A mercury collection unit is configured to receive into a chamber a sample of a gas containing mercury, wherein the mercury collection unit is further configured to permit passage of portions of the mercury sensor tape through the chamber containing the gas sample so that the amalgam is formed with the thin metallic film. A mercury analysis unit includes a total reflection x-ray fluorescence (“TXRF”) system configured to perform a TXRF analysis of the amalgam, wherein the mercury analysis unit is configured to permit passage of the mercury sensor tape within a proximity of an XRF detector of the TXRF system. The mercury collection unit and the mercury analysis unit are positioned between the first and second tape reels so that the mercury sensor tape can move in a continuous manner from the first tape reel through the chamber of the mercury collection unit, then within sufficient proximity to the XRF detector, to be then taken up onto the second tape reel. 1. A mercury emissions monitor comprising:a mercury sensor tape configured to be fed in a reel-to-reel manner between first and second tape reels, wherein the mercury sensor tape comprises a thin metallic film configured to form an amalgam with detected mercury;a mercury collection unit configured to receive into a chamber a sample of a gas containing mercury, wherein the mercury collection unit is further configured to permit passage of portions of the mercury sensor tape through the chamber containing the gas sample so that the amalgam is formed with the metallic film; anda mercury analysis unit comprising a total reflection x-ray fluorescence (“TXRF”) system configured to perform an x-ray fluorescence (“XRF”) analysis of the amalgam, wherein the mercury ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038321A1

Described herein is a method for analyzing an object using a particle beam apparatus, for example an electron beam apparatus and/or an ion beam apparatus, or using an x-ray beam device and a particle beam apparatus or an x-ray beam device, by means of which the method is carried out. In the method, information about the object is loaded from a data memory into a control device. Furthermore, a group of detection units from the multiplicity of detection units is identified using the information loaded into the control device. A first detector segment is formed from the group of detection units using the control device. Interaction particles and/or interaction radiation, which is/are detected, is/are generated by guiding a particle beam onto the object and scanning the object using the particle beam, where a detector segment signal is read from the detector segment. 115-. (canceled)16. A method for analyzing an object using an x-ray beam device having at least one beam generator for generating x-rays , wherein interaction radiation is generated in the case of an interaction between the x-rays and the object , at least one detector for detecting the interaction radiation , wherein the detector has at least one detection surface , wherein a multiplicity of detection units are arranged at the detection surface , wherein each detection unit of the multiplicity of detection units is individually actuatable and readable by way of a control device , at least one data memory , in which information is stored , wherein the information includes information about an interaction behavior of the x-rays with the material of the object and/or information about solid angle regions , into which the interaction radiation is emitted after the generation thereof , and at least one analysis unit for analyzing the object , the method comprising:identifying at least one first group of detection units from the multiplicity of detection units using the information stored in the data memory; ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038970A1

A method and apparatus for reconstructing an incident energy spectrum for a detector are disclosed. In this method, an object to be inspected is illuminated with rays, and then rays transmitted through the object to be inspected are received by the detector to convert the received rays into data of a detected energy spectrum. The incident energy spectrum for the detector is reconstructed based on the data of the energy spectrum using a statistical iterative algorithm with a pre-established detector response function. With the above solution of the embodiments, the incident energy spectrum for the detector can be more accurately acquired, thereby reducing a distortion of the incident energy spectrum caused by the detector. 1. A method for reconstructing an incident energy spectrum for a detector , comprising steps of:illuminating an object to be inspected with rays;receiving, by the detector, rays transmitted through the object to be inspected to acquire data of a detected energy spectrum; andreconstructing the incident energy spectrum for the detector based on the data of the energy spectrum using a statistical iterative algorithm with a detector response function.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein before the reconstructing step claim 1 , the method further comprises:calibrating parameters of the detector response function by collecting energy spectrums of X-ray fluorescence generated by different target materials in a plurality of energy segments.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the detector response function comprises a Gaussian peak portion and a baseline portion which is a function of the Gaussian peak portion.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the detector response function is weighted using a weighting parameter which is fitted using a quadratic function and depends on energy of the detected energy spectrum.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the detector response function further comprises a characteristic peak portion ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150043713A1
Автор: Chen Zewu

An x-ray tube includes a target on which electrons impinge to form a diverging x-ray beam. The target has a surface formed from first and second target materials, each tailored to emit a respective x-ray energy profile. A first x-ray optic may be provided for directing the beam toward the sample spot, the first x-ray optic monochromating the diverging x-ray beam to a first energy from the energy emitted by the first target material; and a second x-ray optic may be provided, for directing the beam toward the sample spot, the second x-ray optic monochromating the diverging x-ray beam to a second energy from the energy emitted by the second target material. Fluorescence from the sample spot induced by the first and second monochromated energies is used to measure the concentration of at least one element in the sample, or separately measure elements in a coating and underlying substrate. 1. An x-ray tube for an x-ray analyzer , comprising a target on which electrons impinge to produce x-rays , the target having a surface formed from at least two target materials , each target material emitting a respective energy profile upon impingement by the electrons.2. The x-ray tube of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two target materials is formed in a separate layer on the target.3. The x-ray tube of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least two target materials is combined into a single alloy layer on the target.4. The x-ray tube of claim 1 , wherein:one of the at least two target materials is formed in a first layer on the target; andat least two target materials are combined into a second, alloy layer on the target.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , further comprising:the target of the x-ray tube having a surface formed from a third target material, the third target material tailored to emit a respective energy profile upon impingement by the electrons; anda third x-ray optic for receiving the diverging x-ray beam and directing the beam toward the sample spot, the third x-ray ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057345A1

A method includes irradiating an energy storage device using an input radiation characterized by a first electromagnetic spectrum and detecting an output radiation reflected or backscattered by the energy storage device. The method also includes determining a second electromagnetic spectrum of the output radiation and comparing the second electromagnetic spectrum with a reference electromagnetic spectrum. The method further includes generating a sorting instruction based on comparison of the second electromagnetic spectrum with the reference electromagnetic spectrum. 1. A method , comprising:irradiating an energy storage device using an input radiation characterized by a first electromagnetic spectrum;detecting an output radiation reflected or backscattered by the energy storage device;determining a second electromagnetic spectrum of the output radiation;comparing the second electromagnetic spectrum with a reference electromagnetic spectrum; andgenerating a sorting instruction based on comparison of the second electromagnetic spectrum with the reference electromagnetic spectrum.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the input radiation includes an X-ray radiation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the output radiation is generated via an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) process.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:sorting the energy storage device based on the sorting instruction.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising packaging the energy storage device after sorting.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:measuring at least one physical attribute of the energy storage device via a physical sensing device, wherein generating the sorting instruction includes generating the sorting instruction based on: (1) the comparison of the second electromagnetic spectrum with the reference electromagnetic spectrum, and (2) comparison of the at least on physical attribute of the energy storage device with a reference physical attribute.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041342A1

An analysis apparatus, an analysis method, and an analysis program by which even unskilled ones can perform quantitative analysis of a composition of high-performance cement with high precision. An analysis apparatus for performing quantitative analysis of components of cement, includes: a content percentage conversion unit for converting content percentages of major elements of a cement sample to content ratios of main crystal phases composing the cement sample by predetermined formulae, the content percentages being obtained as an elemental analysis result; a scale factor estimation unit for estimating initial values of scale factors of Rietveld analysis from the content ratios of main crystal phases obtained in the conversion; and a Rietveld analysis unit for performing Rietveld analysis with respect to an X-ray diffraction measurement result of the cement sample using the initial values of scale factors previously been estimated to calculate content percentages of respective phases of the cement sample. 1. An analysis apparatus for performing quantitative analysis of components of cement , comprising:a content percentage conversion unit for converting content percentages of major elements of a cement sample to content ratios of main crystal phases composing the cement sample by predetermined formulae, the content percentages being obtained as an elemental analysis result;a scale factor estimation unit for estimating initial values of scale factors of Rietveld analysis from the content ratios of main crystal phases obtained in the conversion; anda Rietveld analysis unit for performing Rietveld analysis with respect to an X-ray diffraction measurement result of the cement sample using the initial values of scale factors having been estimated to calculate content percentages of respective phases of the cement sample.2. The analysis apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the main crystal phases are four phases of C3S claim 1 , C2S claim 1 , C3A and C4AF.3. The ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048399A1

A control system and method are presented for controlling operation of an X-ray Fluorescent (XRF) system for detecting at least one material carried by a sample, for example at least one marker carried by the sample. The control system comprises: data input utility for receiving input data comprising material/marker related data about said at least one material/marker; and data processor and analyzer utility. The data processor and analyzer utility is configured and operable for analyzing the input data and determining optimal geometrical characteristics of the XRF system for optimizing operational conditions of said XRF system to maximize amount of primary X-ray radiation that reaches a predetermined region of the sample and is absorbed by a volume of said region and to maximize a portion of secondary radiation emitted from said region that reaches a detector of the XRF system; and for generating operational data to the XRF system enabling adjustment of the geometrical characteristics of the XRF system. 1. A control system for controlling operation of an X-ray Fluorescent (XRF) system for detecting at least one material carried by a sample , the control system comprising:data input utility configured and operable for data communication with a storage utility, to obtain input data comprising material-related data about said at least one material carried by the sample;data processor and analyzer utility configured and operable to analyze the input data and determine optimal geometrical characteristics of the XRF system, and generate operational data indicative of corresponding optimal operational conditions of said XRF system, said optimal operational conditions comprising an operational condition of an X-ray source of the XRF system providing that maximized amount of primary X-ray radiation reaches a predetermined region of the sample and is absorbed by a volume of said region, and an operational condition of a detector of the XRF system providing that a portion of ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of preparing and using an armored truck as a mobile assaying platform

Номер: US20140122376A1
Автор: Chris M. Noyes
Принадлежит: AOW ASSETS LLC

There is provided a method for modifying an armored truck to create a self-contained, mobile smelting and assaying facility for the processing of precious metals. There is further provided a method for using the mobile facility to visit a client site, receive precious metal from the client, smelt the metal, pour an ingot therefrom, assay the ingot and pay the client for the received precious metal based on a current market price obtained within the mobile facility. A security/surveillance system included interior and exterior cameras whose images are both recorded and transmitted to a remote location. The communications system provides continuous Internet access within the facility.

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045423A1

Briefly, the invention provides a method for analyzing molten salt electrolyte involving extracting a sample of a molten salt electrolyte from an electrorefiner or other process vessel or conduit; generating droplets from the sample, where the droplets are at a first temperature; transporting the droplets to detectors, where during transport, the droplets attain a second temperature that is lower than the first temperature; analyzing the droplets at or below the second temperature; and returning the droplets to the process. Also provided is a system for analyzing molten salt electrolyte using a droplet generator. 1. A method for analyzing a process fluid , said method comprising the steps of:a) extracting fluid from a process stream;b) generating droplets from the extracted fluid, wherein the droplets are at a first temperature;c) transporting the droplets to detectors, wherein during transport, the droplets attain a second temperature that is lower than the first temperature;d) analyzing the droplets at or below the second temperature; ande) returning the droplets to the stream.2. The method of wherein the step of generating the droplets comprises directing the extracted fluid to a droplet generator comprising:a first molten salt reservoir and a second molten salt reservoir, where the first molten salt reservoir is positioned above the second molt salt reservoir;a first molten salt conduit providing fluid communication between the first reservoir and the second reservoir, wherein the first conduit defines an upstream region having a first cross sectional area and a downstream region having a second cross sectional area which is reversibly constricted.a midstream region of the conduit forming an aperture such that the aperture resides between the upstream region and the downstream region of the first conduit;and a means of molten salt egress from a depending end of the downstream region of the first molten salt conduit, said egress means positioned between the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124665A1
Принадлежит: HORIBA, LTD.

A radiation detector employed in a radiation detection apparatus and a fluorescent X-ray analyzer includes: a first circuit board on which a semiconductor radiation sensor is mounted and which is cooled by a Peltier device (an electronic cooling unit); and a second circuit board set apart from the first circuit board. A plurality of lead pins are joined to the second circuit board. Then, the first circuit board and the second circuit board are wire-bonded to each other. In comparison with conventional wire bonding performed onto the tips of lead pins, the work of connection is easy, the productivity is high, and the reliability of connection is high. Further, the second circuit board not requiring cooling is set apart so that cooling is concentrated on the first circuit board. This permits size reduction of the radiation detector. 1. A radiation detector comprising:a semiconductor radiation sensor;an electronic cooling unit cooling the semiconductor radiation sensor;a plurality of lead pins;a first circuit board on which the semiconductor radiation sensor is mounted and which is in thermal contact with a cold side of the electronic cooling unit; anda second circuit board which is not in thermal contact with the electronic cooling unit and is set apart from the first circuit board,wherein the plurality of lead pins are joined to the second circuit board, andthe first circuit board and the second circuit board are electrically connected to each other.2. The radiation detector according to claim 1 ,wherein the second circuit board is set apart from a plane containing a surface of the first circuit board and is arranged opposite to the semiconductor radiation sensor with respect to the plane.3. The radiation detector according to claim 1 ,wherein tips of the plurality of lead pins are joined to one surface of the second circuit board.4. The radiation detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a capacitor is mounted on the second circuit board.5. A radiation detection ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047191A1

We present a micro-x-ray fluorescence (XRF) system having a high-brightness x-ray illumination system with high x-ray flux and high flux density. The higher brightness is achieved in part by using x-ray target designs that comprise a number of microstructures of x-ray generating materials fabricated in close thermal contact with a substrate having high thermal conductivity. This allows for bombardment of the targets with higher electron density or higher energy electrons, which leads to greater x-ray flux. The high brightness/high flux x-ray source may then be coupled to an x-ray optical system, which can collect and focus the high flux x-rays to spots that can be as small as one micron, leading to high flux density at the fluorescent sample. Such systems may be useful for a variety of applications, including mineralogy, trace element detection, structure and composition analysis, metrology, as well as forensic science and diagnostic systems. 1. An x-ray fluorescence system comprising: 'an x-ray source and an x-ray optical train;', 'an x-ray illumination system comprising'}a mount to hold an object to be examined;a means for moving the mount; andan x-ray detector;in which the x-ray source additionally comprises:a vacuum chamber;a window transparent to x-rays attached to the wall of the vacuum chamber;and, within the vacuum chamber:at least one electron beam emitter, and a substrate comprising a first selected material, and', in a direction perpendicular to the first planar surface, and', 'two orthogonal lateral dimensions are measured', 'parallel to the first planar surface; and, 'a planar first surface, from which thickness is measured'}, 'a plurality of discrete structures, 'an anode target comprising 'selected for its x-ray generation properties;', 'one or more materials'}, 'the plurality of discrete structures comprising, 'embedded into the first planar surface of the substrate such that each of the plurality of discrete structures is in thermal contact with the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Metrology Tool With Combined XRF And SAXS Capabilities

Номер: US20150051877A1
Принадлежит: KLA Tencor Corp

Methods and systems for performing simultaneous X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements over a desired inspection area of a specimen are presented. SAXS measurements combined with XRF measurements enables a high throughput metrology tool with increased measurement capabilities. The high energy nature of x-ray radiation penetrates optically opaque thin films, buried structures, high aspect ratio structures, and devices including many thin film layers. SAXS measurements of a particular location of a planar specimen are performed at a number of different out of plane orientations. This increases measurement sensitivity, reduces correlations among parameters, and improves measurement accuracy. In addition, specimen parameter values are resolved with greater accuracy by fitting data sets derived from both SAXS and XRF measurements based on models that share at least one material parameter. The fitting can be performed sequentially or in parallel.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066057A1
Автор: CAO Peiyan, LIU Yurun

Disclosed herein is a detector, comprising: a plurality of strip pixels, wherein each of the strip pixel is configured to count numbers of radiation photons incident thereon whose energy falls in a plurality of bins, within a period of time. 1. A detector , comprising:a plurality of strip pixels, wherein each of the strip pixels is configured to count numbers of radiation photons incident thereon whose energy falls in a plurality of bins, within a period of time;wherein the detector is configured to add the numbers of radiation photons for the bins of the same energy range counted by all the strip pixels.2. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the strip pixels are arranged in an array.3. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the strip pixels are configured to receive radiation photons from a sidewall of an absorption layer of the detector.4. The detector of claim 1 , wherein each of the strip pixels comprises an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to digitize an analog signal representing the energy of an incident radiation photon into a digital signal.5. The detector of claim 1 , wherein the strip pixels are configured to operate in parallel.6. A system comprising the detector of claim 1 , and a radiation source claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to perform radiation radiography on human chest or abdomen.7. A system comprising the detector of claim 1 , and a radiation source claim 1 , wherein the system is configured to perform radiation radiography on human teeth.8. A cargo scanning or non-intrusive inspection (NII) system claim 1 , comprising the detector of claim 1 , and a radiation source claim 1 , wherein the cargo scanning or non-intrusive inspection (NII) system is configured to identify elements by energy dispersive analysis using radiation transmitted through an object inspected.9. A cargo scanning or non-intrusive inspection (NII) system claim 1 , comprising the detector of claim 1 , and a high-energy X-ray source claim 1 , or gamma ray source ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049421A1

Systems and methods for analyzing an unknown sample are disclosed. The system includes at least one subsystem to obtain molecular information about the sample and at least one other subsystem to obtain elemental information about the sample. The system also includes a data collection component to collect and combine the information from the subsystems to create combined analytical information and a multivariate model that relates known attributes to information previously generated with at least two analytical systems that are the same types of systems as the at least two analytical subsystems. A prediction engine applies the multivariate model to the combined analytical information to produce predictions of attributes in the unknown sample. 1. A system for analyzing an unknown sample , the system comprising:at least two subsystems including at least one subsystem to obtain molecular information about the sample and at least one other subsystem to obtain elemental information about the sample, so each of the at least two subsystems provides at least some different information about the sample than the other;a data collection component to collect and combine the information from the subsystems to create combined analytical information;a multivariate model that relates known attributes to information previously generated with at least two analytical systems that are the same types of systems as the at least two subsystems; anda prediction engine that applies the multivariate model to the combined analytical information to produce predictions of attributes in the unknown sample.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two subsystems are integrated within a single housing.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least two subsystems are discrete and separately operable units.4. The system of claim 1 , including a network connectivity component to couple the multivariate model with a remote multivariate database.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the attributes ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Portable Apparatus for Liquid Chemical Characterization

Номер: US20190049423A1

An apparatus or method determines a salinity or metal content a liquid sample by scanning the liquid sample using a PXRF spectrometer, receiving a PXRF spectra from the PXRF spectrometer, baseline correcting and smoothing the received PXRF spectra, extracting a Kα emission line of one or more elements from the baseline corrected and smoothed PXRF spectra using only one beam from the PXRF spectrometer, determining the salinity or the metal content of the liquid sample using the one or more processors and a predictive model that relates the Kα emission line of the one or more elements to the salinity or the metal content of the liquid sample, and providing the salinity or the metal content of the liquid sample to the one or more input/output interfaces. 1. A computerized method for determining a salinity of a liquid sample comprising:providing a x-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometer, a probe connected to the PXRF spectrometer, one or more processors communicably coupled to the PXRF spectrometer, and one or more input/output interfaces communicably coupled to the one or more processors;scanning the liquid sample using the PXRF spectrometer;receiving a PXRF spectra from the PXRF spectrometer;baseline correcting and smoothing the received PXRF spectra;extracting a Kα emission line of one or more elements from the baseline corrected and smoothed PXRF spectra using only one beam from the PXRF spectrometer;determining the salinity of the liquid sample using the one or more processors and a predictive model that relates the Kα emission line of the one or more elements to the salinity of the liquid sample; andproviding the salinity of the liquid sample to the one or more input/output interfaces.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising selecting the one or more element from a list of elements detectable by the PXRF spectrometer.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the selected elements are one or more of Cl claim 2 , K and Ca.4. The method as recited ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160054241A1

A sample may be prepared for measurement by pressing, for example for XRF. In some cases, the sample may include a component that may mobilise on pressing. Such samples may be prepared by adding a binder to the sample. The binder includes an additive for binding the component that may mobilise and may include an additional component or components such as wax. The binder may be activated carbon, graphite or a mixture. The sample may be mixed using a mill, for example, and pressed into a pellet. Measurements may then be made on the pressed sample. 1. A method of preparing a sample in which a component may mobilise when pressed in the absence of a stabilizing binder due to the component's physical characteristics and/or chemical composition , wherein the component is fat , moisture , protein or oil , the method comprising:adding a binder to the sample, the binder including a binding additive for binding the the component in the sample, wherein the binding additive comprises activated carbon;homogenizing the sample; andpressing the homogenised sample and binding additive into a pellet.24-. (canceled)5. The method according to wherein the binding additive comprises graphite.6. The method according to wherein the binder further comprises a wax.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the wax is a micronised wax.8. The method according to wherein the amount of wax is 30% to 65%.9. The method according to wherein the step of pressing into a pellet is carried out at a pressure greater than 2 ton/cm.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of homogenising is carried out in a mill.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of binder is 2% to 20% by weight of the total weight of the sample and binder.12. The method according to wherein the amount of binder is 6% to 15% by weight of the total weight of the sample and binder.13. A method of carrying out X-ray fluorescence claim 11 , on a sample in which a component may mobilise when pressed in the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

XRF Analyzer Communication

Номер: US20160054242A1

An x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis system can include an XRF analyzer which can communicate wirelessly with other devices. The system can also include remote-processor software configured to be loaded onto a handheld electronic device and/or remote-computer software configured to be loaded onto a remote-computer The XRF analyzer can include a microphone and/or an output device to allow a user to communicate conveniently with the XRF analyzer 1. An x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer comprising:a. a housing; i. the x-ray source is located and oriented to emit x-rays towards a sample; and', 'ii. the x-ray detector is located and oriented to receive fluoresced x-rays emitted from the sample;, 'b. an x-ray source and an x-ray detector attached to the housing, wherein i. the microphone is configured to receive a verbal command from a user and to transmit an initial signal, based on the verbal command, to the electronic-processor;', 'ii. the electronic-processor is configured to select or obtain a program based on the initial signal; and', 'iii. the electronic-processor is configured to operate the XRF analyzer based on the program selected., 'c. a microphone and an electronic-processor attached to the housing, wherein2. The XRF analyzer of claim 1 , wherein:a. the electronic-processor is configured to wirelessly-transmit the initial signal to a remote-processor attached to a handheld electronic device;b. the handheld electronic device is physically separate from and independently movable from the XRF analyzer;c. the electronic-processor is capable of receiving a wirelessly-transmitted return signal from the remote-processor, the return signal including a program, selected by the remote-processor, and based on the initial signal;d. the electronic-processor is configured to operate the XRF analyzer based on the program.3. The XRF analyzer of claim 2 , wherein the XRF analyzer forms part of an XRF analysis system claim 2 , the XRF analysis system further comprising remote- ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

XRF Analyzer Activation Switch

Номер: US20160054243A1
Принадлежит: Moxtek Inc

The invention includes various electronic devices for avoiding or minimizing XRF analyzer user fatigue. In one embodiment, the XRF analyzer can include a finger sensor for activating an XRF analysis. In another embodiment, the XRF analyzer can include a finger tap switch for activating the XRF analysis. In another embodiment, the XRF analyzer can include a microphone for activating the XRF analysis by receipt of a verbal command. Additional benefits of some embodiments include improving XRF analysis safety and avoiding XRF analyzer theft.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Combined Reflectometry And Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Номер: US20210055237A1

Methods and systems for measuring structural and material characteristics of semiconductor structures based on combined x-ray reflectometry (XRR) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are presented herein. A combined XRR and XPS system includes an x-ray illumination source and x-ray illumination optics shared by both the XRR and XPS measurement subsystems. This increases throughput and measurement accuracy by simultaneously collecting XRR and XPS measurement data from the same area of the wafer. A combined XRR and XPS system improves measurement accuracy by employing XRR measurement data to improve measurements performed by the XPS subsystem, and vice-versa. In addition, a combined XRR and XPS system enables simultaneous analysis of both XRR and XPS measurement data to more accurately estimate values of one of more parameters of interest. In a further aspect, any of measurement spot size, photon flux, beam shape, beam diameter, and illumination energy are independently controlled. 1. A metrology system comprising:an x-ray illumination source configured to generate an amount of x-ray illumination radiation;one or more x-ray illumination optical elements disposed in an illumination path between the x-ray illumination source and a specimen under measurement, wherein the one or more x-ray illumination optical elements direct the amount of x-ray illumination radiation from the x-ray illumination source to a measurement area of the specimen under measurement;an x-ray detector configured to receive an amount of radiation from the specimen in response to the amount of x-ray illumination radiation, wherein the x-ray illumination source and the x-ray detector are disposed in a X-Ray Reflectometry (XRR) measurement configuration, and wherein the x-ray detector generates an amount of XRR measurement data based on the received amount of radiation; anda photoelectron detector configured to receive an amount of electrons emitted from the specimen in response to the amount of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051380A1

The present invention provides a homogenization method of a Cu alloy containing Ru, which method comprises a step of adding at least one substance selected from the group consisting of Fe, Ni, FeSi, and Si to a Cu alloy containing at least Ru to homogenize Ru that is segregated within the Cu alloy. The homogenization method improves solubility of Ru in a Cu alloy containing Ru and thus accurate measurement of a precious metal content in the Cu alloy can be performed. 1. A homogenization method of a Cu alloy containing Ru , which method comprises a step of adding at least one substance selected from the group consisting of Fe , Ni , FeSi , and Si to a Cu alloy containing at least Ru to homogenize Ru that is segregated in the Cu alloy.2. The homogenization method according to claim 1 , wherein the Cu alloy further contains precious metal(s).3. A measurement method of a metal content in a Cu alloy containing Ru claim 1 , which method comprises a step of adding at least one substance selected from the group consisting of Fe claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , FeSi claim 1 , and Si to a Cu alloy containing at least Ru to homogenize Ru that is segregated in the Cu alloy and a step of measuring a content of a desired metal in the homogenized Cu alloy.4. The measurement method according to claim 3 , wherein the Cu alloy further contains precious metal(s).5. A recovery method of a metal in a Cu alloy containing Ru claim 3 , which method comprises a step of adding at least one substance selected from the group consisting of Fe claim 3 , Ni claim 3 , FeSi claim 3 , and Si to a Cu alloy containing at least Ru to homogenize Ru that is segregated in the Cu alloy and a step of recovering a desired metal from the homogenized Cu alloy.6. The recovery method according to claim 5 , wherein the Cu alloy further contains precious metal(s). The present invention relates to a homogenization method of a Cu alloy containing Ru. Moreover, the present invention relates to a measurement method of a metal ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052127A1

According to an embodiment, a photodetector includes a light converting unit, a first layer, a light detecting unit, and a second layer. The light converting unit converts radiation into light. The first layer absorbs the radiation. The light detecting unit is provided between the light converting unit and the first layer and detects light. The second layer is provided between the first layer and the light detecting unit, has a smaller average atomic weight than an average atomic weight of the first layer, and absorbs radiation scattered in the first layer and a fluorescent X-ray generated in the first layer. 1. A photodetector comprising:light converting unit that converts radiation into light;a first layer that absorbs the radiation;a light detecting unit that is provided between the light converting unit and the first layer and detects light; anda second layer that is provided between the first layer and the light detecting unit, has a smaller average atomic weight than an average atomic weight of the first layer, and absorbs radiation scattered in the first layer and a fluorescent X-ray generated in the first layer.2. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer includes an element having a smaller atomic number than an atomic number of an element of the first layer.3. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer includes at least one kind of element selected from Ag claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , and Mo.4. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer includes at least one kind of element selected from Si claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Mg.5. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer has a thickness of equal to or larger than 0.5 mm.6. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer is a multilayer stack made of a plurality of layers.7. The photodetector according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer is arranged such that a first projection area obtained by ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052128A1
Принадлежит: Sigray, Inc.

An x-ray spectrometer system comprising an x-ray imaging system with at least one achromatic imaging x-ray optic and an x-ray detection system. The optical train of the imaging system is arranged so that its object focal plane partially overlaps an x-ray emitting volume of an object. An image of a portion of the object is formed with a predetermined image magnification at the x-ray detection system. The x-ray detection system has both high spatial and spectral resolution, and converts the detected x-rays to electronic signals. In some embodiments, the detector system may have a small aperture placed in the image plane, and use a silicon drift detector to collect x-rays passing through the aperture. In other embodiments, the detector system has an energy resolving pixel array x-ray detector. In other embodiments, wavelength dispersive elements may be used in either the optical train or the detector system. 1. An x-ray spectrometer system , comprising:an x-ray imaging system having an object plane and an image plane; andan x-ray detector system; to collect x-rays emitted from a portion of an object such that the object plane overlaps with a predetermined x-ray emitting volume, and', 'to form an image of the collected x-rays in the image plane; and, 'said x-ray imaging system comprising at least one achromatic x-ray optical element, and being positioned'}said x-ray detector system comprising:a means for detecting x-rays from at least one predetermined spatially distinct sub-portion of the x-ray image corresponding to a predetermined volume within the x-ray emitting volume of the object; and 'related to the number of x-rays having specific energy values detected for said predetermined spatially distinct sub-portion of the image.', 'a means for producing electronic signals'}2. The x-ray spectrometer system of claim 1 , wherein 'within the x-ray emitting volume of the object of the x-ray detection system comprises at least one aperture that transmits x-rays corresponding ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200051873A1

According to one embodiment, in a processing system and determining method, a X-ray intensity of character X-rays generated by irradiating a catalytic layer of a noble metal formed on a surface of a substrate with X-rays is detected. In the processing system and the determining method, either the detected X-ray intensity or a parameter calculated using the X-ray intensity is obtained as a determination parameter. In the processing system and the determining method, based at least on the determination parameter, whether or not the catalytic layer has been formed into a state suitable for etching the surface of the substrate is determined. 1. A processing system comprising one or more processing devices , the one or more processing devices being configured to:detect an X-ray intensity of character X-rays that are generated by irradiating a catalytic layer of a noble metal formed on a surface of a substrate with X-rays;obtain, as a first determination parameter, any one of the detected X-ray intensity and a parameter calculated using the X-ray intensity; anddetermine, based at least on the first determination parameter, whether or not the catalytic layer has been formed into a state suitable for etching the surface of the substrate.2. The processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more processing devices are configured to:calculate, from the detected X-ray intensity, the deposition amount of the noble metal per unit area in the catalytic layer; andobtain, as the first determination parameter, the calculated deposition amount.3. The processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more processing devices are configured to determine claim 1 , based on whether or not the first determination parameter is within a predetermined range claim 1 , whether or not the catalytic layer is formed into a state suitable for the etching.4. The processing system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more processing devices are configured to:detect, using ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054879A1
Автор: DINSMORE Mark T.

An embodiment of a device for producing x-rays is described that comprises an x-ray tube and a high-voltage power supply electrically coupled to the x-ray tube, where the high-voltage power supply comprises a first stack of D shaped capacitors arranged in an opposed relationship with a second stack of D shaped capacitors. 1. A device for producing x-rays , the device comprising:an x-ray tube; anda high-voltage power supply electrically coupled to the x-ray tube, wherein the high-voltage power supply comprises a first stack of D shaped capacitors arranged in an opposed relationship with a second stack of D shaped capacitors.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second stacks each comprise a single layer capacitor arrangement comprising a breakdown voltage value of about 25 kV.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the first stack of D shaped capacitors is separated from the second stack of D shaped capacitors by a circuit board.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein:the first and second stacks attach to the circuit board in a cantilevered arrangement.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein:the first and second stacks are pre-assembled prior to attachment to the circuit board.6. The device of claim 3 , wherein:the D shaped capacitors comprise an attachment extension that attaches to the circuit board.7. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:a feedback resistor positioned in the same plane as the circuit board.8. The device of claim 7 , further comprising:the feedback resistor is positioned in a slot of circuit board.9. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of diodes positioned between the first and second stacks of D shaped capacitors.10. The device of claim 9 , further comprising:the diodes comprise a cylindrical form of about 2 mm in diameter.11. The device of claim 9 , further comprising:the diodes comprise a fast recovery time of about 20 ns and a low capacitance value of about 0.3 pF.12. The device of claim 1 , wherein:each D shaped capacitor ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074876A1
Автор: Morichi Massimo

A method and a device for the detection of radioactive sources, based on the simultaneous use of two or more radiation detectors of different types and the composition of the data collected by the two or more radiation detectors. 1. A method for identifying a radioactive source comprising the steps of:detecting, from said radioactive source, gamma emitting sources with a gamma spectroscopic, type I, detector;detecting, from said radioactive source, the plurality of impulses associated with respective neutron emissions and gamma emissions with a gamma/neutron, type II, detector;identifying a first portion of said plurality of impulses associated with respective neutron emissions and a second portion of said plurality of impulses associated with respective gamma emissions, said step of identifying said first and second portion of impulses including the calculation for each impulse of a respective total integral Ltot of the impulse, and further comprising the steps of:{'sub': ['n', 'γ'], '#text': 'determining a first number nof impulses belonging to the first portion and a second number nof impulses belonging to the second portion;'}{'sub': ['n', 'γ', 'n', 'Nn', 'n', 'γ', 'Ng', 'γ'], '#text': 'calculating a first average value Eand a second average value Eof the total integral Ltot, wherein E=Σ(Ltot/n), and E=Σ(Ltot/n);'}{'sub': ['γ', 'n', 'γ', 'n'], '#text': 'calculating parx=n/nand pary=E/E;'}identifying if the radioactive source belongs to a first group of neutron sources or to a second group of gammas sources by the data parx, pary;if the radioactive source belongs to the first group of neutron sources, perform identification of the gamma sources detected with a type I detector, through spectroscopy;double confirmation of the identification if both gamma and neutron are detected;detection of masking condition of neutrons in presence of gamma, performed by merging the results of the identification of the Type I detector with the results of the identification of the ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074878A1

A monitoring system and method are provided for determining at least one property of an integrated circuit (IC) comprising a multi-layer structure formed by at least a layer on top of an underlayer. The monitoring system receives measured data comprising data indicative of optical measurements performed on the IC, data indicative of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements performed on the IC and data indicative of x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) measurements performed on the IC. An optical data analyzer module analyzes the data indicative of the optical measurements and generates geometrical data indicative of one or more geometrical parameters of the multi-layer structure formed by at least the layer on top of the underlayer. An XPS data analyzer module analyzes the data indicative of the XPS measurements and generates geometrical and material related data indicative of geometrical and material composition parameters for said layer and data indicative of material composition of the underlayer. An XRF data analyzer module analyzes the data indicative of the XRF measurements and generates data indicative of amount of a predetermined material composition in the multi-layer structure. A data interpretation module generates combined data received from analyzer modules and processes the combined data and determines the at least one property of at least one layer of the multi-layer structure. 1. A monitoring system for determining at least one property of an integrated circuit (IC), the system comprising a computer system comprising data input and output utilities, a memory utility, and a data processor and analyzer utility. This application is a continuation-in-part of PCT Application No. PCT/US2016/060147, filed Nov. 2, 2016, which claims priority benefit from U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/249,845, filed on Nov. 2, 2015, the disclosures of each of which being hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The invention generally ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074911A1

A method for the handling of melt samples in a steelworks laboratory may involve processing and/or analyzing a melt sample in at least one first treatment apparatus and subsequently transporting the melt sample via at least one first transport path to at least one second treatment apparatus where the melt sample is subjected to further processing and/or analysis. As part of the transporting step, the method may involve clamping the melt sample on a sample carrier so that the sample carrier is transported together with the clamped-in melt sample between the treatment apparatuses and is positioned in the treatment apparatuses for processing and/or analysis. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method for handling melt samples in a steelworks laboratory , the method comprising:processing and/or analyzing a melt sample in a first treatment apparatus; andtransporting the melt sample after the processing and/or analyzing via a first transport path to a second treatment apparatus where the melt sample is further processed and/or analyzed, wherein the melt sample is clamped on a sample carrier and transported with the sample carrier between the first and second treatment apparatuses and is positionable in the first and second treatment apparatuses for the respective processing and/or analyzing.16. The method of wherein the sample carrier together with the clamped-in melt sample is placed on a transport apparatus for transport between the first and second treatment apparatuses.17. The method of wherein the sample carrier together with the clamped-in melt sample are transferred from the transport apparatus into each of the first and second treatment apparatuses.18. The method of wherein the sample carrier together with the clamped-in melt sample are positioned in a rotated position during transfer between the transport apparatus and the first or second treatment apparatus.19. The method of wherein the sample carrier together with the clamped-in melt sample are positioned in a rotated ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056337A1

A sample handling apparatus/technique/method for a material analyze including a sample carrier for presenting a pressurized sample (e.g., LPG) to a sample focal area of the analyzer; a removable fixture for charging the pressurized sample into the sample carrier; the removable fixture including at least one port to provide sample to and from the fixture and carrier. The sample handling apparatus may include a retainer, wherein the sample carrier is removeably combined with the fixture using the retainer, the apparatus being insertable into the analyzer for sample analysis; and wherein the retainer includes an aperture for presenting the sample to the focal area from a filmed, lower end of the carrier in proximity therewith. 1. A sample handling apparatus for a material analyzer , comprising:a sample carrier for presenting a pressurized sample to a sample focal area of the analyzer;a removable fixture for charging the pressurized sample into the sample carrier; andthe removable fixture including at least one port to provide sample to and from the fixture and carrier.2. The sample handling apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a retainer claim 1 , wherein the sample carrier is removeably combined with the fixture using the retainer claim 1 , the apparatus being insertable into the analyzer for sample analysis.3. The sample handling apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the retainer includes an aperture for presenting the sample to the focal area from a filmed claim 2 , lower end of the carrier in proximity therewith.4. The sample handling apparatus of any of the above claims claim 2 , in combination with an x-ray analyzer claim 2 , the x-ray analyzer comprising an x-ray engine including:an x-ray excitation path; andan x-ray detection path;wherein the x-ray excitation and/or the x-ray detection path defines the sample focal area.5. The combination of claim 4 , wherein the focal area is a focal point.6. The combination of claim 5 , wherein the focal point is defined by ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056338A1

The present disclosure discloses a ray transmission and fluorescence CT imaging system and method. The system comprises: a ray source configured to emit a beam of rays; a rotational scanning device configured to perform rotational CT scanning on an object to be inspected; a transmission CT detector configured to receive the beam of rays which has passed through the object; a fluorescence CT detector configured to receive fluorescent photons excited by irradiation of the beam of rays on the object; a data acquisition unit configured to acquire a transmission data signal and a fluorescence data signal respectively; and a control and data processing unit configured to control the ray source to emit the beam of rays, control the rotational scanning device to perform the rotational CT scanning, and obtain a transmission CT image and a fluorescence CT image simultaneously based on the transmission data signal and the fluorescence data signal. 1. A ray transmission and fluorescence Computed Tomography (CT) imaging system , comprising:a ray source configured to emit a beam of rays;a rotational scanning device configured to perform rotational CT scanning on an object to be inspected;a transmission CT detector configured to receive the beam of rays which has passed through the object to be inspected after being emitted by the ray source;a fluorescence CT detector configured to receive fluorescent photons excited by irradiation of the beam of rays emitted by the ray source on the object to be inspected;a data acquisition unit configured to acquire a transmission data signal from the transmission CT detector and a fluorescence data signal from the fluorescence CT detector respectively; anda control and data processing unit configured to control the ray source to emit the beam of rays, control the rotational scanning device to perform the rotational CT scanning on the object to be inspected, and obtain a transmission CT image and a fluorescence CT image simultaneously based on ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Method and Installation for Determining an Improved Mineralogical Composition of a Rock Sample

Номер: US20190056374A1
Автор: Ammar Mahdi, Rocher Yohann

The disclosure relates to determining a mineralogical composition of a geological sample, comprising estimating mineralogical and elemental compositions of the sample using measurements. The method also predicts an elemental composition from the mineralogical composition, and corrects the measured mineralogical composition, by: 1. Method for determining a mineralogical composition of a sample of a geological formation , comprising:Collecting at least a rock sample originated from the formation,estimating a measured mineralogical composition of the sample based on a first measurement, wherein the mineralogical composition is indicative of relative amounts of a set of predetermined minerals in the sample,Estimating a measured elemental composition of the sample based on a second measurement, wherein the elemental composition is indicative of relative amounts of predetermined chemical elements in the sample,Based on a mineralogy break-down model, estimating an initial predicted elemental composition of the sample from the mineralogical composition, adjusting an amount of at least a mineral within a family of minerals while the total amount of the minerals of the family is kept constant,', 'correcting a total amount of at least a family of minerals within a system comprising at least two families of minerals while the relative amounts of each of the mineral within the family is kept constant', 'adding an amount of at least an additional mineral distinct from the predetermined minerals while the relative amount of each of the predetermined minerals within the set of predetermined minerals, is kept constant,, 'Correcting the measured mineralogical composition of the sample to obtain a corrected mineralogical composition and a corresponding corrected predicted elemental composition based on the model, wherein the correction comprises at least one of the followingdetermining an indicator relative to the match of the predicted elemental composition and the measured elemental ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061753A1
Автор: YAGI Isao

An X-ray fluorescence analyzer includes a sample stage, a sample moving mechanism, an X-ray source, a detector detecting a fluorescent X-ray generated from the sample irradiated with a primary X-ray, an imaging device imaging the sample, a display device displaying the image on a screen, a pointing device designating a specific position on the screen for allowing an input at the specific position, an image processing device displaying a mark at the input position on the screen by the pointing device and a control device controlling the sample moving mechanism and the image processing device and, when the sample stage is moved, controlling the image processing device to display the mark on the screen with moving the mark in the same moving direction as that of the sample stage by the same moving distance. 1. An X-ray fluorescence analyzer comprising:a sample stage on which a sample is placed;a sample moving mechanism configured to move the sample stage;an X-ray source configured to irradiate the sample with a primary X-ray;a detector configured to detect a fluorescent X-ray generated from the sample irradiated with the primary X-ray;an imaging device configured to image the sample on the sample stage;a display device which displays the image obtained by the imaging device on a screen;a pointing device configured to designate a specific position on the screen for allowing an input at the specific position;an image processing device configured to display a mark at the input position on the screen by the pointing device; and control the sample moving mechanism and the image processing device; and', 'when the sample stage is moved by the sample moving mechanism, control the image processing device to display the mark on the screen with moving the mark in the same moving direction as that of the sample stage by the same moving distance., 'a control device configured to2. The X-ray fluorescence analyzer according to claim 1 ,wherein the control device is configured to ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Analyzer Communication

Номер: US20180059038A1

An analysis system can include an analysis tool , such as an XRF analyzer, a LIBS spectrometer, an XRD analyzer, or Raman spectroscopy equipment which can communicate wirelessly with other devices. The system can also include remote-processor software configured to be loaded onto a handheld electronic device and/or remote-computer software configured to be loaded onto a remote-computer . The analysis tool can include a microphone and/or an output device to allow a user to communicate conveniently with the analysis tool 1. A tool , the tool being a LIBS spectrometer , an XRD analyzer , or Raman spectroscopy equipment , the tool comprising:a housing;an x-ray source and an x-ray detector attached to the housing, the x-ray source being located and oriented to emit x-rays towards a sample and the x-ray detector being located and oriented to receive fluoresced x-rays emitted from the sample; andan electronic-processor, attached to the housing, and configured to: obtain an initial signal from a user; wirelessly-transmit the initial signal to a remote-processor; receive a wirelessly-transmitted return signal from the remote-processor, the return signal based on the initial signal; and operate the tool based on the return signal.2. An analysis system comprising the tool of claim 1 , the analysis system further comprising the remote-processor claim 1 , the remote-processor configured to wirelessly receive the initial signal claim 1 , select a program from a library of programs stored on the remote-processor for operation of the tool claim 1 , and wirelessly transmit the return signal claim 1 , the return signal including the program.3. The analysis system of claim 2 , wherein the remote-processor is attached to a handheld electronic device that is physically separate from and independently movable from the tool.4. The analysis system of claim 2 , wherein the remote-processor is configured to receive a signal transmitted wirelessly from a remote-computer to modify the library. ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063327A1

Systems and methods are provided for determining an exposure temperature in an engine. One or more particles filtered from lubrication fluid of an engine may be analyzed. The chemical composition of filtered particles may be compared to reference data which includes a relationship between chemical composition and exposure temperature. An estimate of the exposure temperature may be determined. An output may be generated based on the exposure temperature. 1. A method for determining an exposure temperature in an engine , the method comprising:receiving input data representative of a chemical composition of a particle filtered from a lubrication fluid of the engine; comparing the chemical composition of the particle with reference data including a relationship between the chemical composition and the exposure temperature of the particle;', 'based on the comparing, determining the exposure temperature of the particle; and', 'generating an output based on the exposure temperature of the particle; and, 'using one or more data processorsperforming a maintenance action relative to the engine based on the output.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the relationship between the chemical composition and the exposure temperature of the particle is a function of alloy constituents in the particle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition of the particle is by mass fraction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particle includes tin claim 1 , copper and lead and the relationship between the chemical composition and the exposure temperature is a function of an amount of lead in the chemical composition of the particle.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining a fluid sample from the engine; andfiltering the fluid sample to obtain the particle from the fluid sample.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the input data comprises obtaining the input data representative of the chemical composition for the particle using data acquisition equipment.7. The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063328A1

An apparatus for selecting products on the basis of their composition via X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy comprises an X-ray source that emits an X-ray beam towards a product sample, and a particle detector for receiving an X-ray beam diffused by said product sample and generating a signal received that can be analysed to determine a chemical composition of said product sample and select a type of product corresponding to said chemical composition of the product sample. 1. An apparatus for selecting products on the basis of their composition via X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy , comprising an X-ray source that emits an X-ray beam towards a product sample , and a particle detector for receiving an X-ray beam diffused by said product sample and generating a received signal that can be analysed to determine a chemical composition of said product sample and select a type of product corresponding to said chemical composition of the product sample ,said apparatus being wherein:it comprises a first vacuum chamber located between an output of the apparatus facing the product sample and said X-ray source, and a second vacuum chamber located between said output of the apparatus facing the product sample and said detector.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said apparatus further comprises an optical module with polycapillary lens located downstream of said X-ray source claim 1 , which is configured for focusing said X-ray beam and is moreover associated in a vacuum-tight way to said first vacuum chamber.3. The apparatus according to said apparatus for selecting products on the basis of their composition via X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy comprises a thermal shield between said first and second vacuum chambers and said product sample claim 1 , comprising a window at said output of the apparatus.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises a mechanical arrangement configured for modifying an angle between an axis of said X-ray beam and an axis of ...
