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28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683416C2

Группа изобретений относится к измерительной технике, в частности к средствам измерения по меньшей мере одной электрической переменной тока, который должен протекать в электрическом устройстве. Предложено устройство (1) для измерения по меньшей мере одной электрической переменной тока, который должен протекать в электрическом устройстве (D), а также узел (Е), содержащий такое устройство. Заявленное устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну соединительную клемму, причем каждая соединительная клемма выполнена с возможностью электрического соединения с концом соответствующего электрического проводника. Устройство (1) содержит по меньшей мере один датчик (5) тока, причем каждый датчик (5) тока выполнен с возможностью измерения тока, протекающего в соответствующем электрическом проводнике. Устройство (1) дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере одну электропроводную прокладку (6, 6’), причем каждая прокладка (6, 6’) выполнена с возможностью вставки между соответствующей соединительной клеммой и ...

06-10-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения компонент вектора плотности тока в проводящих средах

Номер: RU2632589C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике и может быть использовано для измерения составляющих вектора плотности электрического тока в проводящих средах. Устройство для измерения компонент вектора плотности тока в проводящих средах состоит из по меньшей мере одного установленного в корпусе 1 датчика плотности тока 2, состоящего из токопровода 3 с размещенным на нем трансформатором тока 4, и по меньшей мере одного электронного блока. Электронный блок выполнен в виде последовательно соединенных блока 5 преобразования и первичного усиления сигнала, блока 6 настраиваемых аналоговых фильтров, блока 7 аналого-цифрового преобразователя (АЦП) на основе микросхемы звукового АЦП с выходным цифровым сигналом формата USB, блока 8 трансляции сигнала и питания интерфейса USB, выполненного в виде двух установленных на концах кабеля передатчиков-приемников 9 и 10. Выход датчика плотности тока 2 соединен с входом блока 5 преобразования и первичного усиления сигнала, выход блока 8 трансляции сигнала ...

15-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015115510A3

18-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU213016U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники, в частности к датчикам тока быстродействующих выключателей. Технический результат заключается в повышении быстродействия. Датчик тока содержит сборный изоляционный корпус, магнитопровод, в котором установлен изоляционный цилиндр, якорь, закрепленный на изоляционных рычагах, установленных на оси, и изоляционную колодку с контактным мостиком на другом конце изоляционных рычагов. 1 ил.

19-02-2019 дата публикации

Устанавливаемое на проводник измерительное устройство для измерения активной и реактивной электрической энергии, тока и напряжения

Номер: RU187100U1

Полезная модель относится к электроизмерительной технике и может быть использована для измерения активной и реактивной электрической энергии, тока и напряжения. Устройство для контроля и учета потребляемой электроэнергии содержит печатную плату с электронными компонентами в разъемном герметичном корпусе, механически связанном только с контролируемыми проводниками, а также ответвительный зажим или ответвительные зажимы для питания устройства и измерения напряжения. При этом введены разъемные трансформаторы тока (от одного до четырех) для измерения тока, а все конструктивные элементы устройства целиком расположены внутри корпуса. Технический результат заключается в исключении необходимости в разрыве проводника или отсоединении фазного провода от питающей линии при установке устройства на контролируемых проводниках. Отличительной особенностью устройства является так же высокая защищенность от внешних воздействий, обеспечиваемая расположением всех компонентов устройства внутри корпуса. Устройство ...

27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2412832C1

Изобретение относится к области железнодорожного транспорта и направлено на усовершенствование железнодорожного транспортного средства на электрической тяге. Транспортное средство оборудовано, по меньшей мере, одним токоприемником и потолочной линией, направляющей ток, снимаемый с контактной линии от соединения с указанным токоприемником к электрическим тяговым устройствам транспортного средства, при этом электрическое оборудование содержит прибор разъединения для защиты электрических тяговых устройств и установлено на механической опоре. Электрическое оборудование также содержит: измерительное устройство, содержащее, по меньшей мере, средства измерения силы тока, передаваемого от контактной линии на потолочную линию и вычислительное устройство, которое управляет активацией указанного прибора разъединения. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157570A

... 1. Датчик высокого напряжения для измерения напряжения между первой и второй контактными точками (2, 3, 20, 30, 21, 31), содержащийизолятор (1) из изолирующего материала, проходящий вдоль осевого направления между первой и второй контактными точками (2, 3, 20, 30, 21, 31),множество проводящих электродов (Eij, Es), расположенных в упомянутом изоляторе (1), причем упомянутые электроды (Eij, Es) взаимно разделены упомянутым изолирующим материалом и связаны друг с другом емкостной связью,по меньшей мере один датчик (6) электрического поля, расположенный по меньшей мере в одной полости (7; 70, 71) датчика, в частности, точно в одной полости (7) датчика упомянутого изолятора (1),при этом по меньшей мере для части упомянутых электродов (Eij, Es) каждый электрод по оси перекрывается по меньшей мере с другим из упомянутых электродов (Eij, Es),причем упомянутые электроды (Eij, Es) расположены так, чтобы создавать в упомянутой полости (7; 70, 71) датчика электрическое поле, имеющее среднюю напряженность ...

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014125260A

... 1. Компоновка гибкого датчика тока, содержащая множество дискретных токочувствительных элементов, распределенных вдоль удлиненного гибкого несущего элемента, причем удлиненный гибкий несущий элемент содержит множество катушек связанных друг с другом связывающими участками, при этом катушки выполнены с возможностью приема, по меньшей мере, одного токочувствительного элемента, причем связывающие участки выполнены с возможностью вращения соседних катушек вокруг оси вращения, причем связывающие участки совмещены с продольной осью удлиненного гибкого несущего элемента или смещены относительно продольной оси таким образом, чтобы соседние катушки вращались вокруг связывающих участков, причем межцентровое расстояние соседних катушек в среднем поддерживается ближе к постоянному значению, чем в случае, когда связывающие участки совмещены с продольной осью.2. Компоновка гибкого датчика тока по п. 1, причем поперечное сечение каждого чувствительного элемента, через который проходит гибкий несущий элемент ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015115510A

... 1. Устройство (1, 1a, 1b, 1c) для измерения по меньшей мере одной электрической переменной тока, который должен протекать в электрическом устройстве (D), причем электрическое устройство содержит по меньшей мере одну соединительную клемму, причем каждая соединительная клемма выполнена с возможностью электрического соединения с концом соответствующего электрического проводника, при этом устройство содержит по меньшей мере один датчик (5) тока, причем каждый датчик тока выполнен с возможностью измерения тока, протекающего в соответствующем электрическом проводнике,при этом устройство дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере одну электропроводную прокладку (6, 6′), причем каждая прокладка (6, 6′) выполнена с возможностью вставки между соответствующей соединительной клеммой и концом соответствующего электрического проводника, ипри этом каждый датчик (5) тока также расположен около соответствующей прокладки (6, 6′) для измерения тока, протекающего через упомянутую прокладку (6, 6′) между электрическим ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Stromfühler und Messvorrichtung

Номер: DE112015005689T5

Es wird ein Signal über einen Übertragungsweg mit einer geringen Dämpfung ausgegeben, während Hochfrequenzstörungen beseitigt werden. Dafür ist ein Stromfühler ausgestattet mit: einer Spule 5, die um einen magnetischen Kern 2 gewickelt ist, durch dessen Inneres ein gemessener elektrischer Weg 21 eingeführt wird, die an einem Ende 5a mit Erde G verbunden ist, und einen Strom I2 mit einen Stromwert in Übereinstimmung mit einem Stromwert eines Messstroms I1 abgibt, der auf dem gemessenen elektrischen Weg 21 fließt; einen Filter 7 mit konstanter Impedanz, dessen Eingangsanschluss 7a mit einem anderen Ende 5b der Spule 5 verbunden ist, der einen Frequenzbereich des vom Eingangsanschluss 7a eingegebenen Stroms I2 auf einen erwünschten Frequenzbereich begrenzt und den Detektionsstrom aus einem Ausgangsanschluss 7b abgibt; einem Übertragungsweg 8, der direkt an ein Ende 8a des Ausgangsanschlusses 7b angeschlossen ist; und einem Abschlusswiderstand 9, der zwischen ein anderes Ende 8b des Übertragungswegs ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации

Befestigungselement für einen Stromsensor

Номер: DE102014102793A1

Der vorliegenden Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, den händischen Montageaufwand von Stromsensoren zu verringern, und ein Bauform für ein Befestigungselement (1) anzugeben, mit dem ein Stromsensor (2) mit möglichst geringem Aufwand nicht nur liegend sondern auch stehend auf einer Befestigungsfläche (3) befestigt werden kann. Dazu wird vorgeschlagen, dass das erfindungsgemäße Befestigungselement (1) mindestens eine, bevorzugt zwei Rastvorrichtungen aufweist und somit mit nur geringstem händischen Aufwand an dem Stromsensor befestigt (geklipst) werden kann. Beispielsweise können zwei erfindungsgemäße Befestigungselemente (1, 1´) mit ihren Rastvorrichtungen von gegenüberliegenden Seiten in die selben Schraubdurchlässe (23, 24) des Stromsensors (2) gesteckt werden und insbesondere in einer zum jeweiligen Schraubdurchlass (23, 24) gehörenden Schraubbohrung (231, 241) mit ihren Rastvorrichtungen aneinander verrasten und so am Stromsensor (2) gehalten sein.

11-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004392104T1

15-05-1997 дата публикации

Converter for converting effective value of AC in to corresponding measurement signal

Номер: DE0019542153A1

The measurement converter has a magnetically coupled converter (20) supplied by AC current and a controlled source (30) fed by the converter, prepares a measurement signal. The control signal for the source is derived directly from the AC current to be converted. The magnetically coupled converter is a current-voltage converter with a following connected rectifier, for the preparation of a supplying DC voltage for the controlled source. The controlled source has a controlled voltage source and/or controlled current source.

17-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602008004301D1

15-01-2014 дата публикации

Distributed electricity metering system

Номер: GB0201321183D0

11-02-1998 дата публикации

Current transducer

Номер: GB0002315872A

A current measuring method or transducer comprises an electromagnetic sensor with an output signal Is which is proportional to the differential, relative to time, of a current Ip flowing in a conductor 20 close to the sensor. The said output signal Is is connected to an integrator 14 such that it has an output 16 proportional to the current Ip in the conductor 20. The integrator 14 includes means to adjust its output value to a predetermined level (including zero) prior to measuring the current within a conductor. The electromagnetic sensor may comprise a coiled member 12 with or without a magnetic core 10, which may be toroidal. The current measuring system may be employed in electrical machines.

13-09-2000 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: GB0000018142D0

19-11-1980 дата публикации

Current leakage detector

Номер: GB0002047029A
Автор: Smith, Geoffrey

A current leakage detector comprises: a power input 1, one or more power outputs 15, and means for giving an indication 25, 28 of leakage without disconnecting the or each output from the input. The detector may be incorporated in a portable power distribution unit for a lighting system. The unit is contained in a box 40 having an associated protective frame structure 52 which can be hinged downwards to provide a stand. Each hinge 56 comprises (Figure 4, not shown) a member (64) pinned to the bars 55, 57 of the frame and a siding collar 60 which engages with projections (61, 68) on bar 57 to lock the hinge in either of its positions. ...

06-03-2019 дата публикации

A device and method for generating a measurement signal for an AC current in a phase line

Номер: GB0002566044A
Автор: STEPHAN BOLZ, Stephan Bolz

A device and method for generating a measurement signal (Vm, DS) for an AC current i in a phase line, wherein the device 1 comprises at least one decoupling means 2 for decoupling a current signal from the phase line, wherein the device further comprises at least one burden resistance element 5 electrically connected to the decoupling means, wherein the measurement signal is provided by the voltage falling across the at least one burden resistance element or by a signal which is a function of the voltage falling across the at least one burden resistance element, characterized in that the device further comprises at least one rectifying means 11, wherein the at least one burden resistance element is electrically connected to the decoupling means via the at least one rectifying means such that a rectified decoupled current signal is provided to at least one terminal T1 of the burden resistance element. The decoupling means may be a current transformer and the rectifying means may be a bridge ...

15-02-1995 дата публикации

Voltage measuring circuit

Номер: GB0009423240D0

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381023T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000494558T

15-12-2020 дата публикации

Device for measuring current and voltage

Номер: AT0000521644B1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Messung von Stromstärke und Spannung in einem Wechselstrom führenden elektrischen Leiter (1), umfassend einen induktiven Wechselstromsensor (2), welcher einen mit einer Messspule (3) versehenen oder einen aus einer Messspule (3) bestehenden Induktionsring (4) umfasst und einen Spannungssensor (5), welcher wenigstens ein kapazitives Element, insbesondere eine Kondensatoranordnung (6), und/oder wenigstens ein resistives Element, insbesondere eine Widerstandsanordnung (7), umfasst, wobei die Vorrichtung derart ausgeführt ist, dass der elektrische Leiter (1) durch einen inneren Umfangsbereich (8) des Induktionsrings (4) führbar ist, und wobei der Spannungssensor (5) zumindest teilweise, vorzugsweise gänzlich im inneren Umfangsbereich (8) des Induktionsrings (4) angeordnet ist. Ferner betrifft die Erfindung eine Anordnung einer erfindungsgemäßen Vorrichtung in einem elektrischen Leitungsnetz.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Induction powered electricity current monitoring

Номер: AU2018295115A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

09-10-2014 дата публикации

High-voltage sensor with axially overlapping electrodes

Номер: AU2011263774B2

A voltage sensor comprises an insulator (1) with mutually insulated electrodes (Eij, E ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermal management of self-powered power sensors

Номер: AU2016208249A1
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

Apparatus and methods are provided for handling the heating resulting from the operation of a self-powered power sensor (SPPS). The SPPS periodically switches between a sense mode and a harvest mode, each contributing to power dissipation that translates into heat, 5 which may become a safety hazard. A duty cycle that is the ratio between the period in which sensing take place and the total time elapsed between sensing periods defines the duty cycle of the SPPS. In order to prevent overheating of the SPPS it is configured to provide a dynamic duty cycle that is higher for lower currents in the primary power wire and lower, for higher primary currents. This allows for better power dissipation of the SPPS and removing it from operation in 0 unfavorable or dangerous conditions. Fig.1 Microcontroller 200 Analog Current Input , ADSignal Transformer Processing 260 22225 224 27o 22 : Memory Curet oPuse -Interrupt- *=Counter 250 Converter MAC RIF Transceiver Energy Discharge A/D 2 240 Harvester ...

16-09-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus for measuring a.c. current in a cable

Номер: AU0002227397A

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467054C

The present invention provides a method of determining a current in a conductor. The method comprises the steps of determining the n th spatial derivative of at least one vector component of the magnetic field associated with the current at at least one position and calculating the current from the n th spatial derivative. The present invention also provides an apparatus for determining a current in a conductor. The apparatus comprises a means for determining at least one vector component of the magnetic field associated with the current at at least two different positions and a means for determining the n th spatial derivative of at least one vector component of the magnetic field from the or each vector component of the magnetic field measured at the at least two positions. The apparatus also comprises a means for calculating the current from the n th spatial derivative.

07-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002720996C

In another embodiment, the invention provides a clamp meter configured to receive a removable and rechargeable battery pack. The clamp meter includes a main body having a first axis, a handle, a clamp, a trigger, and a display. The handle has a second axis and includes a first recess configured to receive the battery pack. The first recess includes at least first and second electrical terminals which are exposed when the battery pack is not inserted into the first recess. The second axis forms an oblique angle with the first axis, and the battery pack is inserted into the first recess along the second axis. The clamp is coupled to the main body, aligned with the first axis, and operable to measure an electrical characteristic of a conductor based on an induced current. The trigger is operable to selectively open and close the clamp, and the display configured to display an indication of the electrical characteristic.

31-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1198786A

DE DIVULGATION Capteur de courant comportant un fourreau magnétique (4) allongé et un cadre isolant (2) introduit par coulissement à l'intérieur du fourreau et comportant un compartiment central (20) qui loge une bobine (3), entouré d'un réceptacle en U ouvert sur une face (21) qui loge une portion de conducteur (1) repliée en U. Application à la mesure du courant circulant dans les appareils de commutation.

03-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001292766C

In an overhead power transmission system, a sensing member for detecting the condition of overhead power transmission or distribution lines or the ground wire is secured to an anchor and clamp member for anchoring and clamping the power line or overhead ground wire so as to prevent undesired movement of the sensing member.

31-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001198786A1

17-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002442308A1

A current sensor for measuring one or more currents supplied from a power source to a load, the sensor comprising: (a) an inlet connecting to the source; (b) an outlet for connecting to the load; (c) one or more conductive paths (94a, 94b, 94c; 250, 260) connected between the inlet and outlet for guiding the one or more currents through the sensor; and (d) one or more sensors (70) for sensing one or more local magnetic fields generated around the one or more paths (94, 250, 260) by the current flowing therethrough, thereby providing a current measure indicative of the magnitude of the one or more currents. The sensor is distinguished in that it comprises a plurality of elongate current coil elements (78) arranged in a substantially common plane and arranged to be substantially insensitive to remotely-generated magnetic fields and responsive to the one or more local magnetic fields for generating the current measure, the coil elements (78) being disposed in zones (75, 76, 77) having more ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115214A1

A smart current transformer for determining primary current or power consumption, by stepping down the primary current to a secondary current for subsequent measurement by a connected meter. The current transformer is provided with a connected non-volatile memory for storing calibration data (and optionally identification data) regarding that particular current transformer. The calibration data can include the gain error and/or phase delay for the current transformer, as determined from prior calibration testing of the current transformer. The calibration data may be communicated to or otherwise determined by the meter, and used to calibrate the measurement of the secondary current, in order to determine the primary current or power consumption. Also disclosed is a system and method utilising such a smart current transformer.

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002972702A1

A current leakage detector (100) is configured for detecting current leakage between a power source and a load. The current leakage detector (100) includes a first sensing coil (122) and a second sensing coil (124) positioned opposite the first sensing coil (122). The current leakage detector (100) further includes a magnetic field sensor (126) proximate the first sensing coil (122) and the second sensing coil (124) and the magnetic field sensor has a response range. The current leakage detector also includes a bias circuit (132) configured to adjust the response range of the magnetic field sensor. A method for detecting current leakage includes the steps of providing a first sensing coil (122) and a second sensing coil (124). The method continues with the steps of providing a magnetic field sensor in proximity to the first and second sensing coils and providing a bias circuit. The method continues with the step of utilizing the bias circuit to place the response of the magnetic field sensor ...

30-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002273376A1

The alternating current measuring device of the present invention has a transformer-like iron core structure , the circuit in which the current to be measured is connected to the primary winding (current input winding), the secondary winding comprises two independent units, namely output current winding and measuring winding. The conductor for the output current winding is of high stability with low temperature coefficient of resistance. Nearly the entire induced current in the secondary side flows in the output current winding, finally the induced voltage in the measuring winding is detected by the measuring device. By this scheme those disadvantages of the conventional measuring device such as high temperature rise , high resistance caused by increased temperature coefficient of the conductor and the load resistance effect are minimized to achieve the aim of high accuracy alternating current measurement.

30-06-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000577231A5

31-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000574160A5

15-01-1990 дата публикации

Electronic contactless test equipment for electrified cattle fence - detects electromagnetic field radiated from fence during voltage pulses and gives synchronous audible and visual indications

Номер: CH0000672960A5
Принадлежит: ALTORFER & CO, ALTORFER & CO.

An insulated double Cu wire antenna (A) detects the voltage pulses applied to the fence. The signals from the antenna (A) are supplied to a two-stage transistor amplifier (V1,V2). The amplified pulses are evaluated by an integrated logic circuit (IC) from which two outputs are forwarded (1) to a piezoelectric speaker (W,2) via a low-power transistor driver stage (V3) to a light-emitting diode (LED). The appts. is powered from a battery (B) with an on/off switch (T). Optical and acoustic indications are given at the frequency of the pulses. ADVANTAGES - It is not necessary to drive earthing spike into ground near every test point. Labour of checking long fence is reduced, and risk of electric shock to tester is avoided.

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Instrument transformer for static watthour meters.

Номер: CH0000682860A5

15-04-2019 дата публикации

Galvanically separated measurement system with high common mode rejection.

Номер: CH0000714225A2

Das erfindungsgemässe galvanisch getrennte Messsystem (10) dient zur Messung einer Spannung zwischen einem ersten Anschluss (11) und einem zweiten Anschluss (12) des Messsystems (10). Es weist ein Schirmgehäuse (3) und einen Messverstärker (4) auf, wobei das Messsystem (10) einen ersten Spannungsteiler (1) und einen zweiten Spannungsteiler (2) jeweils mit einem Mittelabgriff aufweist. Der Messverstärker (4) ist zum Bilden einer differentiellen Messausgangsspannung aus der Differenzspannung zwischen dem Mittelabgriff des ersten Spannungsteilers (1) und dem Mittelabgriff des zweiten Spannungsteilers (2) angeordnet.

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Galvanisch getrenntes Messsystem mit hoher Gleichtaktunterdrückung.

Номер: CH714225B1
Принадлежит: ETH ZUERICH, ETH Zürich

Das erfindungsgemässe galvanisch getrennte Messsystem (10) dient zur Messung einer Spannung zwischen einem ersten Anschluss (11) und einem zweiten Anschluss (12) des Messsystems (10). Es weist ein Schirmgehäuse (3) und einen Messverstärker (4) auf, wobei das Messsystem (10) einen ersten Spannungsteiler (1) und einen zweiten Spannungsteiler (2) jeweils mit einem Mittelabgriff aufweist. Der Messverstärker (4) ist zum Bilden einer differentiellen Messausgangsspannung aus der Differenzspannung zwischen dem Mittelabgriff des ersten Spannungsteilers (1) und dem Mittelabgriff des zweiten Spannungsteilers (2) angeordnet.

23-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CN0108872915A

19-11-2019 дата публикации

Detector for overhead network and overhead network comprising detector

Номер: CN0105467267B

07-01-1994 дата публикации

Measuring apparatus off the ground, to high-voltage overhead lines

Номер: FR0002693275A1

Trois lignes à haute tension aériennes A, B, C d'un sous ensemble triphasé équilibré sont disposées à proximité d'autres lignes aériennes GAMMA, DELTA formant un sous ensemble non équilibré. Sont disposés sur le sol à proximité de chaque ligne A, B, C dont on veut mesurer l'intensité du courant et de préférence au droit de celle-ci, au moins un châssis 1 supportant un appareil 2 de détection et de mesure du champ magnétique induit par les lignes A, B, C, l'intensité du courant étant déduite par calcul.

09-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003037162A1

Le compteur (110), comporte : un dispositif de traitement (112) ; un circuit d'entrée (114) destiné à être associé à une mise à terre (106) reliant un système de protection foudre (104) à la terre (108), la mise à terre (106) étant destiné à être parcouru par un courant de foudre (i) impulsionnel suite à un impact de foudre sur le système de protection foudre (104), le circuit d'entrée (114) étant destiné à fournir un courant d'entrée (i') impulsionnel à partir du courant de foudre (i) ; un étage de réveil (116) destiné à détecter l'impact de foudre à partir du courant d'entrée (i') et, suite à la détection de l'impact de foudre, à fournir au dispositif de traitement (112) un signal de détection (D) destiné à faire passer le dispositif de traitement (112) d'un mode de veille à un mode opérationnel; au moins un étage de mesure (120, 122) destiné à fournir au dispositif de traitement (112) un signal de mesure (u1, u2) impulsionnel à partir du courant d'entrée (i'). Une fois passé dans son ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101522272B1

10-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101885325B1
Принадлежит: KO, HAE YOUNG

The present invention relates to a short turn detector and a short turn detection method. According to the present invention, the short turn detector includes a magnetic field generating device and a current measuring device. The magnetic field generating device includes a first horseshoe part and a first solenoid part wound on one end of the first horseshoe part in one direction. The current measuring device includes a second horseshoe part, a second solenoid part wound on the upper end of the second horseshoe part in one direction, and a current measuring part. Further, according to the present invention, the short detection method includes a current supply step through a short turn detector, a polarity formation step, an induced current generation step, and a current measurement step. It is possible to easily detect whether there is a short circuit without applying a current directly to a coil. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: KR101842576B1

The present invention provides a magnetic resonance RF coil capable of improving RF transmission efficiency without the reduction of signal sensitivity by replacing a conventional RF shield disposed on the outside of the RF coil. The magnetic resonance RF coil includes a loop-shaped coil (110) for transmission and reception which is connected to a cable for RF transmission and reception and includes a first inductor (111); and a loop-shaped coil (120) for power transmission which is adjacent to the first inductor (111), includes a second inductor (121), and is arranged on a different plane to be separated from the coil (110) for transmission and reception. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2018 ...

08-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102053547B1

13-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR101796159B1

The present invention relates to a defect detection apparatus capable of easily removing magnetic foreign substances. More specifically, the present invention relates to a defect detection apparatus which is able to effectively remove magnetic foreign substances attached to a leakage flux detection apparatus for a non-destructive inspection of a small-bore heat transfer tube or a partial saturation-type eddy current detection system. According to the present invention, the defect detection apparatus capable of easily removing magnetic foreign substances is able to minimize the attachment of magnetic foreign substances which lower performance of a leakage flux detection system for a non-destructive inspection of a small-bore pipe made of ferromagnetic metal or a partial saturation-type eddy current detection system. In addition, according to the present invention, the defect detection apparatus capable of easily removing magnetic foreign substances is able to easily remove attached magnetic ...

17-09-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0102021924B1

26-06-2019 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101993320B1

24-12-2018 дата публикации

멀티 클램프 계측 장치 및 전류 계측 시스템

Номер: KR0101931559B1
Автор: 김규태, 정재갑
Принадлежит: 한국표준과학연구원

... 본 발명에 따른 멀티 클램프 계측 장치는 도체 주변의 제1 및 제2 자기장들 각각을 출력하도록 구성되는 제1 및 제2 철심들을 포함하는 멀티 클램프, 및 제1 및 제2 자기장들을 기반으로 도체 주변의 잡음 자기장을 제거하여 도체를 통해 흐르는 전류를 검출하도록 구성되는 전류 계측 제어기를 포함한다.

10-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200037980A

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170136843A

The present invention relates to a leakage current sensing device capable of detecting positive and negative signals, an electric leakage blocking device, and a leakage current sensing method using the same, more specifically, to a leakage current sensing device and a method thereof capable of detecting both positive and negative signals, and an electric leakage blocking device and a method thereof using the same. Unlike a leakage current sensing circuit used in an existing circuit breaker, which detects only negative waveforms or positive waveforms from electric leakage detection signals of inputted AC, the leakage current sensing device and method of the present invention extract a positive signal as the same positive signal from electric leakage detection signals of inputted AC and extract a negative signal after reversing the same into a positive signal, merge the extracted signals, amplify the merged signal, and compare the amplified signal with a reference level to determine whether ...

17-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: SE0009403984L

24-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014203787A1

A current sensor has a measurement unit for measuring the current flowing through an electrical wire using electromagnetic induction caused by the magnetic flux around the electrical wire, a wireless transmission unit for wirelessly transmitting measurement results, a power generation unit for generating power using the same electromagnetic induction caused by the magnetic flux around the electrical wire, and a battery that is charged by the power generation unit and supplies power to the measurement unit and the wireless transmission unit. A sudden change in the current flowing through the electrical wire causes measurement to be carried out. The timing at which transmission is carried out is controlled according to the size of the current flowing through the electrical wire. When the measurement unit is measuring, power generation by the power generation unit is stopped. Measurement results obtained during insufficient charging are stored and sent after charge is secured. The measurement ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013093249A1
Автор: STOICHITA, Catalin

The invention relates to a current sensor measuring the magnetic field created by the current that is to be measured and flows in a conductor. According to the invention, said sensor includes a magnetic field measurement device positioned inside the conductor such that the magnetic flow, in accordance with Ampere's law and traveling along the majority of the magnetic field lines involved in the operation of the measurement device, is less than the magnetic flow generated by the total current to be measured.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008031029A3

An apparatus, method, and system for measuring the magnetic field produced by phase conductors in multi-phase power lines. The magnetic field measurements are used to determine the current load on the conductors. The magnetic fields are sensed by coils placed sufficiently proximate the lines to measure the voltage induced in the coils by the field without touching the lines. The x and y components of the magnetic fields are used to calculate the conductor sag, and then the sag data, along with the field strength data, can be used to calculate the current load on the line and the phase of the current. The sag calculations of this invention are independent of line voltage and line current measurements. The system applies a computerized fitter routine to measured and sampled voltages on the coils to accurately determine the values of parameters associated with the overhead phase conductors.

11-04-2017 дата публикации

Compact electrical connection system

Номер: US0009620868B2
Принадлежит: WOOTTON MATTHEW, Wootton Matthew

An electrical connection system (10) for connecting at least two electrical wires (W) together in a secure housing. A non-electrically conductive base (12) has a plurality of ports (16) corresponding to at least the number of wires being connected together with an end of each wire being inserted through a respective port. Exposed ends of the wires are then twisted together. A non-electrically conductive cap (14) is sized and shaped to align with and fit over a top of the base with the twisted together exposed ends of the wires fitting within the cap. The base and cap together form a shell in which the twisted together wires are securely enclosed.

01-11-2007 дата публикации

Electrical measuring instrument having detachable current clamp

Номер: US20070252579A1
Автор: Shounan Luo, Wang Yong
Принадлежит: Fluke Corporation

A current clamp meter having a current meter body and a detachable current clamp. The current meter body and the current clamp are configured so that the current clamp is detachable from the current meter body and the meter is operable with the current clamp either attached to the current meter body or detached from the current meter body.

26-09-1995 дата публикации

Current sensor employing a mutually inductive current sensing scheme

Номер: US0005453681A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Company

An alternating current sensor employing a mutually-inductive current sensing scheme comprises a conductive pipe and a cylindrical-shaped conductive element at least partially surrounded by the pipe. The pipe is substantially concentric to the conductive element and a conductor electrically connects a pair of corresponding ends of the pipe and conductive element to form a connected conductive path through the sensor. The conductive element may include a passage or opening shaped to form a magnetic field within the passage during current flow along the conductive path.

30-11-2021 дата публикации

Capacitance-coupled voltage transformer monitoring

Номер: US0011187727B2

The present disclosure pertains to systems and methods for monitoring a capacitance-coupled voltage transformer (CCVT) in electrical communication with the electric power delivery system, the CCVT comprising a stack of capacitors and an electrical contact to a first ground connection. A first current transformer is disposed between the stack of capacitors and the first ground connection. The current transformer provides an electrical signal corresponding to a current associated with the CCVT. A second current transformer is disposed between a primary winding of a step-down transformer associated with the CCVT and a second ground connection. An intelligent electronic device (IED) in electrical communication with the current measurement devices monitors a ratio of magnitudes from the current transformers at a single frequency. The ratio is compared against an acceptable range. When the ratio exceeds the acceptable range, an alarm is generated.

19-11-2009 дата публикации

Sensor, Method and System of Monitoring Transmission Lines

Номер: US2009284249A1

An apparatus, method, and system for measuring the magnetic field produced by phase conductors in multi-phase power lines. The magnetic field measurements are used to determine the current load on the conductors. The magnetic fields are sensed by coils placed sufficiently proximate the lines to measure the voltage induced in the coils by the field without touching the lines. The x and y components of the magnetic fields are used to calculate the conductor sag, and then the sag data, along with the field strength data, can be used to calculate the current load on the line and the phase of the current. The sag calculations of this invention are independent of line voltage and line current measurements. The system applies a computerized fitter routine to measured and sampled voltages on the coils to accurately determine the values of parameters associated with the overhead phase conductors.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180231589A1
Автор: Jong-Kug SEON

The apparatus for detecting current includes: a charging stage having one end connected to a power source and another end connected to an inductor and configured to charge the inductor with a current; a discharging stage having one end connected to the inductor and another end connected to ground potential and configured to discharge the current charged in the inductor; and a detecting stage configured to detect a magnitude of a current flowing through the inductor based on a first output voltage output from a first output node of the charging stage when the inductor is charged by the charging stage or on a second output voltage output from a second output node of the discharging stage when the inductor is discharged by the discharging stage.

31-08-2021 дата публикации

Current sensors and associated measurement systems

Номер: US0011105833B2

Current sensors and associated measurement systems. A current sensor includes:an insulating substrate provided with a central opening;a Rogowski winding surrounding the central opening and including a first coil and a second coil which are superposed and electrically connected in series, the first coil and the second coil being wound around the substrate along a first contour line and a second contour line, respectively, each contour line defining, in the plane of the substrate, a contour in the shape of a quadrilateral centred on the central opening;wherein a length of the contour in the shape of a quadrilateral defined by the first contour line is greater than a length of the quadrilateral defined by the second contour line and a width thereof is smaller than a width of the quadrilateral defined by the second contour line.

29-11-2022 дата публикации

Power connector with integrated status monitoring

Номер: US0011515677B2
Принадлежит: Hubbell Incorporated

An electronic power connector including at least one contact configured to electrically connect a power supply to a load. The electronic power connector further including an insulating sleeve configured to receive the at least one contact. The insulating sleeve includes a sensor slot located at a first end of the insulating sleeve.

13-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220326313A1
Автор: Sanguk KIM, Taekho LEE

Disclosed is an electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes a first substrate, a second substrate arranged to be spaced apart from the first substrate, a first cable electrically connecting a first point on the first substrate and a second point on the second substrate, and a second cable electrically connecting a third point on the first substrate and a fourth point on the second substrate. The first substrate may include a first communication circuit, a second communication circuit, a detection circuit, a voltage application unit, and a ground unit, and a second substrate may include a first antenna, a first capacitive element, a second antenna, a second capacitive element, and an isolation circuit. The isolation circuit may isolate a radio frequency (RF) signal between the first path and the second path, and electrically connect the detection circuit to the ground unit through the first cable and the second cable.

14-03-2023 дата публикации

Current detection device

Номер: US0011604214B2

Provided is a current detection device including a first stacked board; a second stacked board provided on a first region on the first stacked board; a third stacked board provided on a second region on the first stacked board; a magnetic measurement element provided in a third region on the first stacked board, the magnetic element provided between the first region and the second region; and a first coil provided on the magnetic measurement element or below the magnetic measurement element.

11-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: US20240012042A1
Автор: Pascal Becker

A method and an electric circuit arrangement for determining a branch insulation resistance and a branch leakage capacitance of a line branch to be monitored in a branched, ungrounded power supply system having active conductors and a measuring voltage fed centrally by a controllable measuring voltage source and a residual current caused by the measuring voltage being registered using a current sensor in the line branch to be monitored. The centrally supplied measuring voltage is formed over a generator period having a characteristic signal form defined via the frequency composition. By this (frequency) modulation of the measuring voltage, information is transmitted from the central feed location of the measuring voltage to the current sensor disposed in the line branch to be monitored. Based on this information, the current sensor can establish with which resistance value the coupling circuit feeds the measuring voltage in the corresponding generator period, without another communication ...

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения дифференциального тока

Номер: RU2628306C1

Изобретение относится к области измерительной техники и может быть использовано для измерения токов утечки с объектов, подключенных к источникам электрического напряжения. Техническим результатом заявляемого технического решения является упрощение процедуры преобразования сигнала вторичной обмотки дифференциального трансформатора. Устройство для измерения дифференциального тока содержит чувствительный элемент в виде тороидального трансформатора с двумя первичными и одной вторичной обмотками, источник переменного тока, усилитель и блок питания. Дополнительно введены преобразователь переменного напряжения в постоянное напряжение, микроволновой генератор с варакторной перестройкой частоты и частотомер. 1 ил.

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718758C1

Индуктивный датчик тока, содержащий обмотку (13) возбуждения, модуль (20) возбуждения, предназначенный для генерирования напряжения возбуждения (Ve), измерительную обмотку (14), в которой проходит индуцируемый ток измерения (Iim), синхронный демодулятор (22) измерения, предназначенный для умножения индуцируемого тока измерения на сигнал демодуляции с частотой 2.f, чтобы получить напряжение, характеризующее измеряемый ток. Напряжение возбуждения (Ve) получают на основании первого напряжения с частотой fи второго напряжения с частотой 3.f, при этом индуктивный датчик тока содержит обмотку (15) автоматического регулирования, в которой проходит индуцируемый ток автоматического регулирования, и синхронный демодулятор (30) автоматического регулирования, предназначенный для умножения индуцируемого тока автоматического регулирования на сигнал демодуляции с частотой 3.f. Синхронный демодулятор автоматического регулирования связан с модулем возбуждения для автоматического регулирования напряжения ...

07-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206349U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительной технике, в частности к калибровке измерительных модулей конфигурируемой модульной системы для комплексной автоматизированной проверки полупроводниковых приборов. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении высокой точности формирования и измерения напряжения. Заявленное устройство содержит последовательно подключенные аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок управления, драйвер полумоста, силовой каскад, LLC трансформатор и выпрямитель. К входу аналого-цифрового преобразователя подключены усилители сигнала обратной связи по току и напряжению и вычитатель. Вход усилителя сигнала обратной связи по току подключен к LLC трансформатору. Вход усилителя сигнала обратной связи по напряжению подключен к выходу выпрямителя. К входу вычитателя подключены усилители, между входами которых подключен шунт. Блок управления выполнен с возможностью модулирования плотности импульсов. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

17-10-2022 дата публикации

Измерительный трансформатор тока

Номер: RU2781691C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении уменьшения погрешности, обеспечение линейности точности трансформации в рабочем диапазоне, за счёт снижения потерь на перемагничивание и на увеличение магнитопроницаемости. Измерительный трансформатор тока содержит первичную и вторичную обмотки и составной магнитопровод, размещенный в защитном контейнере. Магнитопровод состоит из внешнего и внутреннего сердечников, выполненных из одного и более колец. Внутреннее кольцо выполнено на основе аморфного сплава железа. А внешнее кольцо выполнено на основе аморфного сплава кобальта. Внутренний сердечник трансформирует ток с низкой погрешностью при низких электромагнитных полях и внешний сердечник трансформирует ток с низкой погрешностью при высоких электромагнитных полях. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001958920B2

17-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002330813A1

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018112003A1

Gemäß einem Verfahren zur Zustandsanalyse eines induktiven Betriebsmittels (TR) werden ein akustisches Referenzsignal und veränderliche Betriebsgrößen während eines Referenzzeitraums erfasst. Aus dem Referenzsignal wird ein Referenzdatensatz erzeugt und basierend darauf eine Regressionsanalyse durchgeführt. Daraus wird ein Modell zur Beschreibung des akustischen Referenzsignals erstellt. Während eines Produktivzeitraums werden ein akustisches Signal und die Betriebsgrößen erfasst und daraus ein Produktivdatensatz erzeugt. Es wird eine Abweichung zwischen dem Produktivdatensatz und modellierten Werten bestimmt und aus der Abweichung wird eine Zustandsbewertung durchgeführt.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Sicherungsvorrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug und Verfahren zum Betrieb einer derartigen Sicherungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102014016577A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Sicherungsvorrichtung (40) für ein Kraftfahrzeug, welche eine erste Sicherung (F1) mit einem ersten Strom (I1) sowie eine zweite Sicherung (F2) mit einem zweiten Strom (I2) aufweist, wobei die erste Sicherung (F1) und die zweite Sicherung (F2) elektrisch miteinander zu einer Parallelschaltung verbunden sind, und wobei die Sicherungsvorrichtung (40) einen Magnetfeldsensor (46) aufweist, welcher dazu ausgelegt ist, in Abhängigkeit des ersten Stroms (I1) durch die erste Sicherung (F1) und des zweiten Stroms (I2) durch die zweite Sicherung (F2) einen Messwert für ein von mindestens einer der beiden Sicherungen (F1, F2) erzeugtes Magnetfeld zu ermitteln. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Kraftfahrzeug mit einer derartigen Sicherungsvorrichtung (40). Überdies betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Betrieb einer derartigen Sicherungsvorrichtung (40).

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Stromsensor mit Selbsttestfunktion

Номер: DE102009054943A1

Ein Stromsensor zum Messen eines Stromes in einem Leiter anhand eines von dem Strom erzeugten Magnetfeldes, der Stromsensor wenigstens aufweisend einen um den Leiter angeordneten Kern, vorzugsweise aus einem magnetischen Material, ein an dem Kern angeordnetes Sensorelement, welches ausgebildet ist, eine von einem Magnetfeld in dem Kern abhängige Ausgangsgröße zu erzeugen, und eine Messeinheit, welche ausgebildet ist, die Ausgangsgröße zu erfassen und einen Messwert des Stromes in dem Leiter aus der erfassten Ausgangsgröße abzuleiten. Der Stromsensor weist außerdem eine um den Kern angeordnete Prüfwicklung, einen mit der Prüfwicklung verbundenen Teststromgenerator, welcher ausgebildet ist, auf ein Steuersignal hin ein Teststromsignal vorbestimmter Amplitude zu erzeugen und an die Prüfwicklung auszugeben, und eine Prüfeinheit auf, die mit der Messeinheit und dem Teststromgenerator verbunden und ausgebildet ist, an einem ersten Zeitpunkt einen ersten Messwert von der Messeinheit entgegenzunehmen ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Schalten eines halbleiterbasierten Schalters und Sensor zur Erfassung einer Stromänderungsgeschwindigkeit an einem halbleiterbasierten Schalter

Номер: DE102014214246B3

Eine elektrische Schaltung umfasst einen halbleiterbasierten Schalter mit einem ersten Anschluss und einem zweiten Anschluss zum Leiten eines Leistungsstroms. Die elektrische Schaltung umfasst ferner einen Sensor zur Erfassung einer Stromänderungsgeschwindigkeit des Leistungsstroms, der durch den halbleiterbasierten Schalter fließt. Der Sensor umfasst eine isolierenden Folie, die ausgebildet ist, um mit dem ersten oder zweiten Anschluss des halbleiterbasierten Schalters verbunden zu werden, und eine Induktivität, die an der isolierenden Folie an einer Seite derselben angeordnet ist, die gegenüberliegend von einer Seite, die während eines Messbetriebs des Sensors dem halbleiterbasierten Schalter zugewandt angeordnet ist, um ein durch den Leistungsstrom erzeugtes magnetisches Feld zu erfassen, und um eine Messspannung basierend auf dem erfassten magnetischen Feld bereitzustellen. Die Induktivität ist während des Messbetriebs zumindest durch die isolierende Folie von dem halbleiterbasierten ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE202019103330U1

Stromsensor, umfassend ein Gehäuse (2), wobei das Gehäuse (2) Folgendes umfasst:- ein erstes Modul (3), das dazu ausgelegt ist, um ein Stromkabel (5) geklemmt zu werden;- ein zweites Modul (4), das eine Verarbeitungseinheit (6) und eine Kommunikationseinheit (7) umfasst;- wobei das erste Modul (3) ferner ein Mittel zum Messen des Stroms durch das Kabel und zum Senden des gemessenen Stroms über eine erste Kommunikationsverbindung (8) an die Verarbeitungseinheit (6) umfasst;- wobei die Verarbeitungseinheit (6) eine erste Zeiterfassung umfasst; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Verarbeitungseinheit (6) ferner ein Mittel zum Hochzählen der ersten Zeiterfassung, wenn der gemessene Strom über einem ersten vorherbestimmten Schwellenwert liegt, umfasst, und dass die Kommunikationseinheit (7) ein GSM-Modul umfasst, das dazu ausgelegt ist, den Wert der ersten Zeiterfassung drahtlos zu senden.

14-12-2005 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: GB0000522649D0

25-10-2006 дата публикации

Current measurement apparatus

Номер: GB0000618355D0

13-03-2013 дата публикации

Infrared thermometer with pistol grip handle and rechargeable battery pack

Номер: GB0002494584A

An infrared thermometer 810 has a removable and rechargeable battery pack in a pistol grip handle. The thermometer includes a main body 820 having a first axis 850 and a handle 815 having a second axis 855. The handle is offset from the main body and is attached to a lower portion of the main body along the second axis, forming an oblique angle with respect to the first axis. A first recess includes a mating interface for receiving the battery pack, and a second recess receives an operational control for the thermometer, such as a trigger 830. The battery pack includes a casing and an outer housing. The casing is shaped and sized to fit within the first recess to connect the battery pack to the thermometer. The outer housing follows contours of the thermometer to match the shape of an outer casing of the handle and extend a length of the handle.

10-09-2003 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to current measurement

Номер: GB0002353598B

18-04-2001 дата публикации

Current transducer

Номер: GB0002315872B

19-11-2003 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: GB0002375611B

30-09-2009 дата публикации

Current sensor

Номер: GB0002432008B

05-07-2017 дата публикации

Distributed electricity metering system

Номер: GB0002543684B
Автор: ADI SHAMIR, Adi Shamir
Принадлежит: PANORAMIC POWER LTD, Panoramic Power Ltd

12-11-2014 дата публикации

Electrical measurement apparatus and method of measurement

Номер: GB0201417382D0

15-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000143733T

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Current sensor structure

Номер: US20120032667A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A current sensor structure includes a substantially ring-shaped magnetic core comprising layers of magnetic plates to be accommodated in an insulating case and secured to the case via a molding compound. Projections protruding in the magnetic plate's thickness direction are provided either on a front-side wall portion of the case in the thickness direction or on a surface of the magnetic core in the thickness direction. By virtue of, the surface of the magnetic core is supported by the front-side wall portion via the projections, leaving a gap between this surface and the wall portion to the same height as that of the projections. The gap is filled with the molding compound. Dilative and contractive deformation of the case in the direction orthogonal to the thickness direction is absorbed by the molding compound in the gap to prevent the stress from acting upon the magnetic core.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Mounting an Overhead Monitoring Device

Номер: US20120038446A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

An apparatus is provided for securing to and collecting power from an electrical conductor including a wire clamp that clamps and secures to an electrical conductor, a current transformer (“CT”) that clamps to the electrical conductor and collects power from the electrical conductor, and a housing that supports the wire clamp and the current transformer. According to various aspects, the apparatus may include a wire clamp including a compression post and clamp arms that surround and compress an electrical conductor in a closed position of the wire clamp, where each of the clamp arms includes pivot posts, and the clamp arms pivot between closed and open positions. According to other various aspects, the apparatus may include a split magnetic core that surrounds an electrical conductor in a closed position of the current transformer, where the split magnetic core includes pivot posts, and the split magnetic core pivots between closed and open positions.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Direct-current current transformer

Номер: US20120063055A1
Автор: William Henry Morong
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a direct-current current transformer, or DCCT, yielding bandwidth from DC to several MHz. The DCCT according to this invention is a simple, open-loop, device in which flux densities occur at very low levels, avoiding difficulties occasioned by core saturation.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Current Sensor Array for Measuring Currents in a Primary Conductor

Номер: US20120091996A1

Disclosed are a method and an array for measuring a primary current in a primary conductor that is magnetically coupled to a secondary conductor via a ferromagnetic core. In said method and array, the following is done; a voltage having a specific amplitude is applied to the secondary conductor such that a secondary current flows for reversing the magnetization of the ferromagnetic core; the secondary current is measured while the magnetization of the ferromagnetic core is reversed in order to obtain a first measured value; the polarity of the voltage is reversed such that a secondary current flows for once again reversing the magnetization of the ferromagnetic core; the secondary current is measured while the magnetization of the core is reversed in order to obtain a second measured value; the primary current is calculated in accordance with the first and the second measured value, the polarity of the voltage being regularly reversed at a certain sensor frequency that is continuously varied.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Mixed mode fluxgate current transducer

Номер: US20120139527A1

Electrical current transducer comprising a measuring circuit ( 6 ) and an inductor ( 4 ) for measuring a primary current I P flowing in a primary conductor ( 2 ), the inductor comprising a saturable magnetic core ( 10 ) made of a highly permeable magnetic material and a secondary coil ( 12 ) for carrying an alternating excitation i configured to alternatingly saturate the magnetic core, the coil being connected to the measuring circuit. The measuring circuit is configured to measure a mean value of the excitation current in the secondary coil and determine therefrom a value of the primary current for small current amplitudes, the measuring circuit being further configured for evaluating the frequency of the excitation current i and determining therefrom the value of the primary current for large currents.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and Device for Determining a Charge State of a Battery with the Aid of a Fluxgate Sensor

Номер: US20120191389A1
Автор: Axel Wenzler

A method for determining the charge state of a battery in a motor vehicle includes steps of applying a measuring voltage to a coil, cyclically reversing the polarity of the measuring voltage if the absolute value of the secondary current flowing through the coil exceeds a predetermined threshold value, scanning the secondary current, reconstructing the curve of the secondary current based on the scanned secondary current values, and determining the charge state based on the curve of the secondary current values.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Active core current sensor

Номер: US20120194171A1
Автор: John Herman Blakely
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

Methods and system for sensing current include detecting current through a sensing coil resulting from a field produced by current through a primary conductor. The sensing coil has a core that may become saturated by the primary current field. If the core is not saturated, a sensing circuit may detect the current through the sensing coil by changing the state of at least one controlled switch. If the core is saturated, the sensing circuit changes the state of the at least one controlled switch to pull the core out of saturation, at which time a current measurement is made. The technique may be used with AC currents, including changing currents, as well as with DC currents, and currents that may be AC at times and become essentially DC at other times.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Mechanical Packaging and Method for a Single Current Sensor Integrated into an Electricity Meter

Номер: US20120194174A1
Автор: Garry M. Loy
Принадлежит: Elster Solutions Llc

An electricity meter comprises a single current sensor with a toroidal coil that has an inner bore extending substantially through the sensor. The meter also has two current conductors that form one of a pair of line-side blades of the meter. The electricity meter also has a disconnect switch with a pair of moveable contacts and a pair of fixed contacts. One of the pairs contacts is electrically connected to the current conductors. The other pair forms a respective load-side blade of the meter. One current conductor passes through the inner bore of the current sensor in a first direction relative to its line-side blade and the other current conductor passes through the inner bore of the current sensor in a substantially opposite direction relative to its line-side blade so that current passing through the conductors passes through the inner bore of the current sensor in a same direction.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Device and Assembly for Measuring an Electric Current

Номер: US20120256617A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

The device for measuring an electric current is provided to measure currents flowing in a cable. It comprises means for securing a flexible Rogowski coil able to occupy an open position enabling engagement around the cable and a closed position designed to surround the cable. The device comprises actuating means designed to move said coil from one position to the other. The measuring assembly comprises at least one such measuring device and measurement and/or transmission electronics of the result of the measurements receiving data from the coil of the measuring device.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Isolated resistive current sensor

Номер: US20120306657A1
Принадлежит: Lear Corp

An isolated current-sensing system for use with a resistive current sense element includes an analog front-end configured to receive a voltage from the resistive current sense element, and to provide an analog output. A processing circuit receives the analog output, and provides a measurement signal indicative of the sensed current. An isolation circuit provides an isolation barrier, and is configured to pass the measurement signal. A programmable over-current protection alarm may be included, and configured to generate an alarm signal when the analog output exceeds a programmable threshold. The processing circuit may include a voltage-to-PWM converter.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Power Transmission in an Electric Power Transmission Network

Номер: US20120310555A1
Автор: Pal Even Gaarder
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus and method for measurement of power in an electric power transmission line and disturbances in a power grid is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a magnetic field sensor with at least two sensing coils for measuring the magnetic field at the electric power transmission line and transmitting magnetic field data to a processor. The magnetic field sensor is arranged proximate to but at a distance from the electric power transmission line.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Current sensor arrangement

Номер: US20130057272A1
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmelze GmbH and Co KG

Current sensor comprising a primary conductor for conducting a current that is to be measured, at least two magnetic field probes for measuring magnetic fields, and a magnetic core, which has a closed ring structure that encloses the primary conductor and at least two recesses that in each case receive one of the magnetic field probes.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Circuit breaker and method for checking a rogowski converter in a circuit breaker

Номер: US20130057307A1
Автор: Andreas Fischer
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A circuit breaker is disclosed. A Rogowski converter is checked for wire breakage by applying the Rogowski converter with a voltage which is output by a digital/analog converter in response to a digital signal. The digital signal is dependent on the switch rated current of the circuit breaker.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Rogowski Coil Assembly

Номер: US20130154616A1

A Rogowski coil assembly () for measurement of high frequency electrical currents includes coil segments () disposed in series with retrospective impedance influence reduction coupling. 1. A Rogowski coil assembly useful for measurement of high frequency electrical currents comprising:at least two coil segments disposed in series; andretrospective impedance influence reduction coupling of said at least two coil segments.2. A Rogowski coil assembly according to claim 1 , wherein each coil segment includes an input and an output claim 1 , and further comprising:a signal decoupling circuit having an input and an output;wherein the at least two coil segments are connected to each other in series through the signal decoupling circuit, with the output of one coil segment connected to the input of the signal decoupling circuit and the input of a subsequent coil segment connected to the output of the signal decoupling circuit.3. A Rogowski coil assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the signal decoupling circuit comprises an impedance converting electrical component with high input impedance and low output impedance.4. A Rogowski coil assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the impedance converting electrical component comprises an operational amplifier mounted as a voltage follower.5. A Rogowski coil assembly according to claim 3 , wherein:the impedance converting electrical component comprises an operational amplifier and two resistances in series configured as a voltage divider, the operational amplifier having a non-inverting input and the voltage divider having an input;the operational amplifier and the voltage divider are configured as a non-inverting amplifier; andthe output of said one coil segment is connected to the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier and the input of said one coil segment is connected to the input of the voltage divider.6. A Rogowski coil assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the signal decoupling circuit comprises a signal ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162242A1
Автор: Goinga Ydo

A circuit for detecting a DC current in a conductor (L) includes a current transformer (CT) having a ferromagnetic core (), a primary winding comprising the conductor (L) and at least one secondary winding (W). The circuit further includes an oscillator () for supplying an oscillating signal across the secondary winding and means for detecting a dc offset in the current flowing in the oscillator circuit. The circuit includes a capacitor (C) in series with the secondary winding, and the detecting means is arranged to detect a non-zero voltage across the capacitor above a certain level. 1. A circuit for detecting a DC current in at least one conductor , the circuit including:a current transformer having a ferromagnetic core, a primary winding comprising the conductor and at least one secondary winding,an impedance in series with the secondary winding,an oscillator for supplying an oscillating signal across the impedance and the secondary winding andmeans for detecting a dc offset in the current flowing in the impedance and the secondary winding,wherein:the impedance comprises a first capacitor,the current transformer has two secondary windings and the first capacitor is connected in series between the secondary windings, andthe detecting means is arranged to detect a non-zero voltage across the first capacitor above a certain level, the non-zero voltage corresponding to a dc offset greater than a predetermined magnitude, andwherein the detecting means comprises:a pair of transistors each of which is turned on in response to a detected non-zero voltage in a respective one of the two opposite directions across the first capacitor,a resistance and a second capacitor mutually connected in parallel, the parallel combination of the resistance and second capacitor being connected in series with each transistor so that the second capacitor is charged up when either transistor is turned on, andmeans for monitoring the voltage on the second capacitor.210-. (canceled)11. A ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Electrical sensor for a two-wire power cable

Номер: US20130187635A1

The invention discloses an electrical sensor for a two-wire power cable. The sensor includes: a flexible substrate joined onto the power cable or the protective jacket thereon; an inductive coil formed on the flexible substrate; a pair of metal electrodes formed on the flexible substrate and at the opposite sides of the power cable, respectively; and a readout circuit formed on the flexible substrate, electrically connected to the inductive coil so as to measure the current in the power cable, and electrically connected to the metal electrodes so as to measure the voltage in the power cable.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Energy Harvest Split Core Design Elements for Ease of Installation, High Performance, and Long Term Reliability

Номер: US20130187636A1
Принадлежит: Sentient Energy Inc

A power distribution monitoring system is provided that can include a number of features. The system can include a plurality of power line sensing devices configured to attach to individual conductors on a power grid distribution network. In some embodiments, the power line sensors can include a split-core transformer. In some embodiments, a power line sensing device is disposed on each conductor of a three-phase network. The sensing devices can be configured to measure and monitor, among other things, current and electric-field on the conductors. Methods of installing, sealing, and protecting the split-core transformers of the power line sensors are also discussed.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Instrument with Non-contact Infrared Temperature Measurement and Current Clamp

Номер: US20130208761A1
Автор: Roger Mavrides
Принадлежит: General Tools and Instruments Co LLC

A multi-meter performs multiple measurement functions and includes a housing with a longitudinal axis and a measurement display. The multi-meter further includes a clamp arm type current measuring instrument. The clamp arms are generally aligned with the longitudinal axis of the multi-meter housing. The multi-meter also includes a non-contact infrared temperature measurement device contained in a module attached to the stationary clamp arm of the current measuring instrument. The module is arranged so that the non-contact infrared temperature measurement instrument receives a cone of infrared energy along the longitudinal axis and the cone of infrared energy is not obstructed by the housing or clamp arms.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229171A1
Автор: Gunn Colin N.
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA, Inc.

A device for sensing electrical current or voltage in an electrical distribution system using an actively compensated current ratio transformer that includes a first magnetic core having a first permeability and a second magnetic core having a second permeability higher than the first permeability. A primary winding having P turns is coupled with the first and second magnetic cores, a measurement winding having M turns is coupled with the first and second magnetic cores so that current in the primary winding induces current in the measurement winding, and a sense winding having S turns is coupled with the second magnetic core. An amplifier coupled to the sense winding receives a voltage developed across the sense winding and produces a compensation current in response to the received voltage. The amplifier has an output coupled to the sense winding to feed the compensation current through the sense winding to reduce the voltage developed across the sense winding voltage to substantially zero. A burden resistor is coupled to the measurement winding and the sense winding for receiving the sum of the current induced in the measurement winding and the compensation current. 114-. (canceled)15. A device for sensing electrical voltage in an electrical distribution system , said device comprising:an actively compensated voltage ratio transformer comprising:a first magnetic core having a first permeability and a second magnetic core having a second permeability higher than said first permeability,a primary winding comprising P turns coupled with said first and second magnetic cores and connected to a source of voltage to be measured,a measurement winding comprising M turns coupled with said first and second magnetic cores so that currents produced in said primary winding by said connection to said voltage source induces current in said measurement winding,a sense winding comprising S turns coupled with said second magnetic core,an amplifier coupled to said sense winding for ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, Sensor Circuit, and Method for Operating an Apparatus or a Sensor Circuit

Номер: US20130241540A1

A sensor system comprises a sensor element adapted to sense at least one physical quantity, wherein the sensor element is adapted to generate a sensor signal in response to the at least one physical quantity, an evaluation circuit adapted to detect a manipulation of the sensor system based on the sensor signal and stored reference values and to output an indication signal in response to a detected manipulation and a package, the package housing at least the sensor element and the evaluation circuit.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Current detection printed board, voltage detection printed board, current/voltage detection printed board, current/voltage detector, current detector and voltage detector

Номер: US20130285644A1
Принадлежит: Daihen Corp

A current and voltage detection printed board includes a board formed with a penetration hole; a first pattern wire formed at a periphery of the penetration hole; a second pattern wire formed at the periphery of the penetration hole; a plurality of first through holes that penetrate the board between the first and second pattern wires; a third pattern wire formed at the periphery of the penetration hole; a fourth pattern wire formed at the periphery of the penetration hole; and a plurality of second through holes that penetrate the board between the third and fourth pattern wires.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods Thereof for Power Consumption Measurement at Circuit Breaker Points

Номер: US20130285645A1
Принадлежит: Panoramic Power Ltd

Apparatus and methods are provided for the measurement of power consumption at points of interest, such as circuit breakers, machines, and the like. Accordingly, means are provided for measurement of power consumption for each electrical sub-network that is controlled by a circuit breaker. Each apparatus is enabled to communicate its respective data, in an environment of a plurality of such apparatuses, to a management unit which is enabled to provide finer granularity power consumption profiles. Challenges of measuring relatively low supply currents, wireless operation in an environment of a large number of apparatuses, and self-powering are addressed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and voltage measuring device

Номер: US20130307551A1
Автор: Ryosei Makino
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

In an assembled battery including plural cells series-coupled in multiple stages, each voltage measuring unit includes an analog front end unit which measures the voltages of cells, an interface unit for interfacing with a common bus, a voltage measurement control unit which controls the analog front end unit and the interface unit, and an insulating element which allows communication between the voltage measurement control unit and the interface unit in a state of being insulated from each other. The interface unit of each voltage measuring unit is electrically insulated, so that it can be coupled to a low-voltage power supply system of the electrical system that includes the battery system control unit. Since there is no potential difference between the interface unit and the battery system control unit, they can be coupled to each other via the common bus.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320961A1

A low-cost and high-precision current sensing device and methods for use and manufacturing. In one embodiment, the current sensing apparatus comprises a Rogowski-type coil which is manufactured in segments so as to facilitate the manufacturing process. In an exemplary embodiment, the current sensing apparatus segments are asymmetric in shape and/or composition (e.g., bobbin shape, size, and/or winding configuration) so as to account for asymmetries in the magnetic field distribution around a bus bar, or to accommodate its shape in a more compact form factor, and/or to improve the immunity to the effects of an external magnetic field. Methods of manufacturing and using the aforementioned current sensing apparatus are also disclosed. 1. A current sensing inductive device , comprising:a plurality of coil-like sensing elements, at least one of said sensing elements having a configuration different than that of each of the remainder of the plurality of elements; andwherein the at least one sensing element having the different configuration is configured to be disposed relative to a sensed structure such that one or more electrical attributes of the current sensing inductive device are enhanced.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the different configuration comprises a different number of winding turns.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the structure comprises a bus conductor associated with one phase of a multiple-phase electrical system.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more attributes comprises enhanced current sensing sensitivity.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more attributes comprises reduced cross-phase interference. This application claims priority to co-pending and co-owned U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/653,655 filed May 31, 2012 of the same title, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.This application is also related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/954,546 filed Nov. 24, 2010 of the same title ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Power Line Takeoff Clamp Assembly

Номер: US20130328546A1
Автор: JR. Regis J., Nero
Принадлежит: Tollgrade Communications, Inc.

In a power line takeoff clamp assembly and method of use thereof an electrical power distribution line is clamped to a body of the clamp assembly. A power takeoff supported by the body clamped to the power line generates direct current from alternating current flowing in the power line. One or more sensors supported by the body clamped to the power line sense one or more values related to an electrical current flowing in a power line. A wireless transceiver supported by the body clamped to the power line communicates data regarding the one or more sensed values. Each sensor and the wireless transceiver utilize direct current generated by the power takeoff for the operation thereof. 1. A power line takeoff clamp assembly comprising:a body including a first housing and a second housing;means for moving the first housing and the second housing apart and together;means for sensing one or more values related to an electrical current flowing in a power line disposed between the first housing and the second housing when together;means for wirelessly communicating data regarding the electrical current sensed by the means for sensing; andmeans for converting alternating current (AC) flowing in the power line into direct current (DC) that is provided to the means for sensing and the means for wirelessly communicating data for the operation thereof, wherein the means for sensing, the means for wirelessly communicating data, and the means for converting are supported by the body.2. The power line takeoff clamp assembly of claim 1 , further including means for clamping the power line between the first housing and second housing when said first housing and said second housing are moved together by the means for moving.3. The power line takeoff clamp assembly of claim 2 , wherein the means for moving includes:a spring disposed between the first housing and the second housing for biasing the first housing and the second housing apart; and rotating the screw in a first direction ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

An ac current or voltage sensor

Номер: US20140015516A1

A current sensing device ( 1 ) for producing a voltage indicative of an alternating current flowing in a conductor ( 2 ) comprises a support element ( 5 ) within which a carrier element ( 11 ) is located. The carrier element ( 11 ) comprises a primary substrate ( 12 ) which is formed into a multi-channel arcuate configuration defining a plurality of longitudinally extending channels ( 13 ) with side walls ( 16 ) on which planar coils ( 17 ) are formed on respective opposite first and second major surfaces ( 14,15 ) of the primary substrate ( 12 ). The carrier element ( 11 ) is located and retained in the multi-channel arcuate configuration in a primary retaining recess ( 38 ) in the support element ( 5 ) with the planar coils ( 17 ) defining planes which extend radially from a main central axis ( 6 ) defined by the support element ( 5 ). The planar coils ( 17 ) are connected in series so that the voltages produced in the coils by the alternating current flowing in the conductor ( 2 ) are summed in phase and the sum of the respective voltages is produced across terminals ( 20,21 ) of a first output port ( 19 ). Capacitive plates of a capacitor may also be formed on the first and second major surfaces ( 14,15 ) of the primary substrate ( 12 ) or on a separate substrate in order to produce a signal indicative of the alternating voltage in the conductor ( 2 ).

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006279A1

An arc detection system for an aircraft high voltage and direct current electrical circuit which includes a sensor sensing high-frequency magnetic fields created by current pulses, a signal conditioning block, a database including a time threshold, status signals of events occurring in aircraft normal operation procedures, a processing unit configured to calculate a statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses of the signals measured by the sensor, calculate a threshold under no-arc conditions as a function of the previous measured signals, check if the signals measured by the sensor are above the threshold under no arc-conditions during the time threshold, if positive, check if any status signal of events due to normal operation procedures has been activated, and if negative, activate the operation of an electrical protection. 1. An arc detection system for an aircraft high voltage and direct current electrical circuit , the arc detection system comprising:a sensor configured to measure an analogue signal of high-frequency magnetic fields created by current pulses of the electrical signal flowing through the electrical circuit,a signal conditioning block comprising an analogue to digital converter for converting the analogue signal measured by the sensor into a conditioned signal being a digital signal, a time threshold,', 'status signals of events occurring in aircraft normal operation procedures,', 'a processing unit configured to receive:', 'the conditioned signal measured by the sensor,', 'the time threshold from the database, and', calculate a statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses in a time domain of the conditioned signals measured by the sensor,', 'calculate a threshold under no-arc conditions as a function of the statistical dispersion of the high-frequency magnetic fields of the current pulses of conditioned previous signals measured by the sensor,', 'check if the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003324A1
Принадлежит: TESTO AG

In a measuring arrangement () for contactless electric current measurement, it is provided to detect a common signal of a measuring coil arrangement () and a compensating coil arrangement () by a first detection device () and to detect a signal from at least one measuring coil () of the measuring coil arrangement () separately therefrom by a second detection device () (cf. FIG. ). 11234235672. A measuring arrangement () for contactless electric current measurement , comprising a measuring coil arrangement () and a compensating coil arrangement () , a first detection device () that detects a common signal of the measuring coil arrangement () and the compensating coil arrangement () , and a second detection device () that detects a signal of at least one measuring coil ( , ) of the measuring coil arrangement ().2186726735368672111213143. The measuring arrangement () as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an electric conductor receptacle () claim 1 , wherein the at least one measuring coil ( claim 1 , ) of the measuring coil arrangement () comprises a first measuring coil () and a second measuring coil () located on both sides or on mutually opposite sides ( claim 1 , ) of the electric conductor receptacle () claim 1 , and one claim 1 , or each claim 1 , of the measuring coils ( claim 1 , ) of the measuring coil arrangement () has electrically assigned thereto at least one compensating coil ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of the compensating coil arrangement ().3111121314671516171867. The measuring arrangement () as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the compensating coils ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) assigned to each of the measuring coils ( claim 2 , ) are each arranged at one end ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) of the measuring coils ( claim 2 , ).41111213146767. The measuring arrangement () as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the compensating coils ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) assigned to each of the measuring coils ( claim 2 , ) are aligned at an angle of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Contactless Device for Characterising An Electric Signal

Номер: US20160003871A1

A contactless device for characterising the electrical signal passing through an electrical conductor, comprising an inductive electromagnetic coupling means able to surround the conductor, the inductive electromagnetic coupling means further comprising means for short-circuiting the output of the inductive electromagnetic coupling means, the output being connected to an electronic circuit for measuring the potential difference with respect to a floating earth configured to deliver a signal representing the voltage between the segment of the conductor passing through the device, and a fixed potential reference. 111-. (canceled)12. A contactless device for characterising the electrical signal passing through an electrical conductor , comprising an inductive electromagnetic coupling means able to surround said conductor , said inductive electromagnetic coupling means further comprising means for short-circuiting the output of said inductive electromagnetic coupling means , said output being connected to an electronic circuit for measuring the potential difference with respect to a floating earth configured to deliver a signal representing the voltage between the segment of said conductor passing through the device , and a fixed potential reference.13. The contactless device for characterising the electrical signal passing through an electrical conductor according to claim 12 , wherein said electrical circuit comprises means for conditioning the signal measured between the short-circuited output and the floating earth claim 12 , configured to amplify the signal and adapt the impedance according to the means for measuring the potential difference.14. The contactless device for characterising the electrical signal passing through an electrical conductor according to claim 12 , further comprising an energy-storage circuit supplied by the output of said inductive coupling means when it is not in a short-circuit state.15. The contactless device for characterising the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Low Profile Current Measurement Connector and Use

Номер: US20160003872A1
Автор: Pasternak David R.

A current measurement connector may include a first part and a second part. Each part may include a mount and a joint. The first and second part may be joined via the respective joints through a current transformer interposed between the first and second parts. The respective mounts may be configured to receive a current from a current source and pass the received current through the current transformer via the first and second parts inducing a current in the current transformer. The induced current may be useable to measure the current from the current source. Methods for fabricating the current measurement connector may include die casting the first and second parts and press fitting the first and second parts at the respective joints through the current transformer. Methods for use may include withstanding a fault current pulse and dissipating heat associated with the pulse via the first and second parts. 1. A current measurement connector , comprising: a first mount; and', 'a first joint;, 'a first part, wherein the first part comprises a second mount; and', 'a second joint; and, 'a second part, wherein the second part is physically separate and distinct from the first part, and wherein the second part comprisesa current transformer, interposed between the first part and the second part;wherein the first part and the second part physically connect together at and via the first and second joints and extend through the current transformer, thereby electrically coupling the first mount to the second mount, wherein the first mount and the second mount are configured to receive a first current from a current source; andwherein the current measurement connector is configured to pass the first current from the current source through the first and second joints thereby inducing a second current in the current transformer, wherein the second current is useable to measure the first current.2. The current measurement connector of claim 1 , wherein the first joint is a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Detecting and Compensating Measurement Errors Due to Transformer Saturation in a Meter

Номер: US20160003873A1

A current measurement circuit includes an integrator, first and second transformers, and a current measurement unit. The first transformer includes a first winding about a magnetic core. The magnetic core has an opening through which a current to be measured passes. The first winding is configured to generate a first current based on a first flux in the magnetic core. The second transformer includes second and third windings. The second winding is coupled to receive the first current from the first winding. The second winding has a terminal coupled to the third winding. The third winding is coupled to a first input of the integrator circuit. The output of the integrator circuit is operably coupled to provide an error current to the second transformer. The current measurement unit measures the current through the second winding of the second transformer. 1. A current measurement circuit comprising:an integrator circuit having a first input, a second input, and an output;a first transformer including a first winding about a magnetic core, the magnetic core including an opening through which a conductor carrying measurement current passes, the first winding having a first terminal and a second terminal, the first winding configured to generate a first current based on a first flux in the magnetic core;{'b': '106', 'a second transformer including second and third windings, each of the second and third windings having a first terminal and a second terminal, the first terminal of the second winding coupled to receive the first current from the first terminal of the first winding , the second terminal of the second winding coupled to the second terminal of the third winding, the first terminal of the third winding coupled to the first input of the integrator circuit; and'}a current measurement unit operably coupled to measure the current through the second winding of the second transformer;wherein the output of the integrator circuit is operably coupled to provide an error ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004095A1

A current detector includes a ring-shaped core for inserting a wire; a detection winding on the core; and resistor connectors for connecting a resistor in series to the detection winding. The detection winding has a first winding at a first end and a second winding at a second end that are connected in series. The first winding and second winding each have n (where n is three or higher) first or second unit windings in series. The core surface is partitioned into 2n regions around the core. The first unit windings are formed in odd-numbered regions and the second unit windings are formed in even-numbered regions. A j(where j is 1 to n) first unit winding from the first end and a jsecond unit winding from the second end are not adjacent and are formed with an equal number of turns. 1. A current detector comprising:a ring-shaped magnetic core through which a measured wire is inserted;a detection winding formed on an outer surface of the magnetic core; anda pair of resistor connecting terminals disposed on the detection winding for connecting a detection resistor, which converts a current flowing in the detection winding due to a measured current flowing on the measured wire that has been inserted through the magnetic core to a voltage, in series to the detection winding,wherein the detection winding is composed of a first winding at a first end side and a second winding at a second end side that is connected in series to the first winding,the first winding is constructed by connecting n (where n is an integer that is three or higher) first unit windings in series,the second winding is constructed by connecting n second unit windings in series,the outer surface is partitioned into 2n formation regions along a circumferential direction of the magnetic core, and{'sup': th', 'th, 'the n first unit windings are formed in odd-numbered formation regions along the circumferential direction with one out of the 2n formation regions as a first formation region, the n second unit ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Two-Step Self-Test Circuit for Microcontroller Unit and Antenna

Номер: US20190004107A1
Принадлежит: Southwire Company, LLC

A system is disclosed. The system includes an antenna and a processor. The processor has at least four ports: a first input port coupled to a first portion of the continuity component; a first output port coupled in series to a first resistor coupled to the first portion of the antenna and to ground via a second resistor; a second output port coupled through a third resistor to the first portion of the antenna; and a second input port coupled to a second portion of the antenna and through a fourth resistor to ground. The processor is operable to activate and deactivate the appropriate ports to put the processor in one of three operating modes: an AC detection mode, an AC self-test mode, and a continuity test mode. 1. A system , comprising:an antenna having a first portion and a second portion; and a first input port coupled to the first portion of the antenna;', 'a first output port coupled in series to a first resistor coupled to the first portion of the antenna and to ground via a second resistor; and', 'a second output port coupled through a third resistor to the second portion of the antenna., 'a processor having2. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the processor is in an AC detection mode claim 1 , the first input port is active and the first output port and second output port are inactive.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the processor is in an AC self-test mode claim 1 , the first input port and the first output port are both active claim 1 , while the second output port is inactive.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein an alternating voltage is placed on the first output port.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the first input port detects the presence of the alternating voltage.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the first input port fails to detect the presence of an alternating voltage a self-test failed is indicated.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein when the processor is in a continuity test mode claim 1 , the first input port and second output port ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Signal-processing circuit

Номер: US20220011349A1
Автор: JAMY Roman, TRETHAN Stefan

The invention relates to a signal-processing circuit (), comprising at least one signal path () between an input () and an output () of the signal-processing circuit (), wherein: the signal path () has a first passive integrating element () and an active integrator (); the active integrator () is designed as a non-inverting active integrator (); the first passive integrating element () and the active integrator () are connected in series within the signal path (). According to the invention, the signal path () additionally has a second passive integrating element () and a differentiating element (). 112341256665626527207. Signal-processing circuit () having at least one signal path () between an input () and an output () of the signal-processing circuit () , wherein the signal path () comprises a first passive integrating element () and an active integrator () , wherein the active integrator () is designed as a non-inverting active integrator () , wherein the first passive integrating element () and the active integrator () are connected in series within the signal path () , characterized in that the active integrator () is designed for integrating signal components of an input signal having a frequency between 0 Hz and a first cut-off frequency f , and in that the first passive integrating element () is designed for integrating signal components having a frequency above the first cut-off frequency f , in that the signal path () further comprises a second passive integrating element () and a differentiating element () and in that the second passive integrating element () is designed for integrating signal components of the input signal with a frequency which lies only between the first cut-off frequency fand a second cut-off frequency f , wherein the second cut-off frequency f is greater than the first cut-off frequency f.23.-. (canceled)41207. Signal-processing circuit () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the differentiating element () is designed to ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011350A1

The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for simulating and designing structural parameters of an air-core coil. The method for simulating and designing structural parameters of the air-core coil includes: building an impedance function of the air-core coil according to a structural parameter variable, the air-core coil being of a differential structure and being wound in a completely parallel winding fashion; building an index function of the air-core coil by calculating an equivalent bandwidth, sensitivity and an equivalent noise power spectrum by means of the impedance function. The method is intuitive, and makes calculation of the optimized technological and structural parameters easier and more convenient, thus reducing the amount of calculation and shortening the calculation time. 1. A method for simulating and designing structure parameters of an air-core coil , comprising:building an impedance function of an air-core coil according to structure parameters, the air-core coil being of a differential structure and being wound in a completely parallel winding fashion;building a target function of the air-core coil by calculating an equivalent bandwidth, sensitivity and an equivalent noise power spectrum by means of the impedance function;building a qualified function with reference to the target function and structure parameters limit by using a mass and/or volume limit; andacquiring structure parameters of the air-core coil by calculating an optimal solution of the qualified function.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said building the target function of the air-core coil by calculating the equivalent bandwidth claim 1 , the sensitivity and the equivalent noise power spectrum by means of the impedance function specifically comprises:building an equivalent bandwidth relation function, a sensitivity relation function and an equivalent noise power spectral density relation function by calculating the equivalent bandwidth, the sensitivity ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006667A1

A cooking appliance apparatus includes at least one current supply line, and at least one current sensor unit configured to measure a high-frequency current in the at least one current supply line. The at least one current sensor has a first sensor inductance, at least one second sensor inductance, and at least one conduction path, which connects the first sensor inductance to the at least one second sensor inductance in an electrically conducting manner. 113-. (canceled)14. A cooking appliance apparatus , comprising:at least one current supply line; andat least one current sensor unit configured to measure a high-frequency current in the at least one current supply line, said at least one current sensor having a first sensor inductance, at least one second sensor inductance, and at least one conduction path, which connects the first sensor inductance to the at least one second sensor inductance in an electrically conducting manner.15. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , constructed in the form of a cooktop apparatus.16. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein a first magnetic field claim 14 , generated by a hypothetical current flow through the first sensor inductance claim 14 , cancels out a second magnetic field generated by a hypothetical current flow through the at least one second sensor inductance claim 14 , at least at one point.17. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance have at least essentially identical inductance values.18. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance are at least essentially identical.19. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein the first sensor inductance and the at least one second sensor inductance are connected antiserially.20. The cooking appliance apparatus of claim 14 , wherein at least one of the first and second sensor ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006240A1

An electronic power switch drive module for a power semiconductor unit, comprising a gate drive and a current transducer mounted on one or more circuit boards, the gate drive comprising at least one circuit portion for controlling at least one transistor of a power semiconductor module of said power semiconductor unit, the current transducer configured to be coupled to an output of the power semiconductor module for measuring an output current of the power semiconductor module, said at least one circuit portion connected to an output potential of the output current to be measured. The current transducer comprises at least one magnetic field sensor, the current transducer being connected to said at least one circuit portion of the gate drive at said output potential in a non-isolated manner. 121.-. (canceled)22. An electronic power switch drive control module for a power semiconductor unit , comprising an electronic power switch drive and a current transducer mounted on one or more circuit boards , the electronic power switch drive comprising at least one circuit portion for controlling at least one electronic power switch of a power semiconductor module of said power semiconductor unit , the current transducer configured to be coupled to an output of the power semiconductor module for measuring an output current of the power semiconductor module , said at least one circuit portion connected to an output potential (Vout) of the output current to be measured , wherein the current transducer comprises at least one magnetic field sensor , the current transducer being connected to said at least one circuit portion of the electronic power switch drive at said output potential in a non-isolated manner , said at least one circuit portion comprising a control logic circuit configured for connection to a control board of said power semiconductor module , a measurement output signal of the current transducer being fed into the control logic circuit.23. The electronic power ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018337A1

An electrical power generating assembly () for a wind turbine (). The electrical power generating assembly comprises a gearbox () comprising a gearbox output shaft, a generator () comprising a rotor () that is coupled to the gearbox output shaft; and a current measuring module () located between the gearbox () and the generator (). The current measuring module () comprises: an electrical pickup () mounted to the electrical power generating assembly (), wherein the electrical pickup () includes an electrical contact () that engages with a slip ring () associated with the rotor (). The current measuring module further comprises: a first current measuring device () mounted with respect to the electrical pickup () to detect current flowing at least through the electrical pickup; and a second current measuring device () mounted with respect to the electrical pickup () to detect current flowing through at least a component associated with the gearbox output shaft. 1. An electrical power generating assembly for a wind turbine comprising:a gearbox comprising a gearbox output shaft,a generator comprising a rotor that is coupled to the gearbox output shaft; anda current measuring module located between the gearbox and the generator, the current measuring module comprising:an electrical pickup mounted to the electrical power generating assembly, wherein the electrical pickup includes an electrical contact that engages with a slip ring associated with the rotor;a first current measuring device mounted with respect to the electrical pickup to detect current flowing at least through the electrical pickup; anda second current measuring device mounted with respect to the electrical pickup to detect current flowing through at least a component associated with the gearbox output shaft.2. The electrical power generating assembly of any claim 1 , wherein the current measuring module is provided as an integrated unit.3. The electrical power generating assembly of claim 1 , wherein each ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Mutual Inductance-Type Current Sensing

Номер: US20220018878A1

Mutual inductance-type current sensing apparatus () is described which includes a mutual inductance current sensor () having a first transfer function. The apparatus () also includes a low-pass filter () which receives a signal from the current sensor (). The low-pass filter () has a second transfer function configured to attenuate one or more harmonic components of the signal. The apparatus () also includes an analogue-to-digital converter () which receives and digitises a filtered signal output from the low-pass filter. The apparatus () also includes a controller () configured to process a digitised signal from the analogue-to-digital converter () using a digital processing chain configured to compensate for the frequency and phase responses of the first transfer function and the second transfer function. 1. Apparatus comprising:a mutual inductance current sensor having a first transfer function;a low-pass filter which receives a signal from the current sensor, the low-pass filter having a second transfer function configured to attenuate one or more harmonic components of the signal;an analogue-to-digital converter which receives and digitises a filtered signal output from the low-pass filter;a controller configured to process a digitised signal from the analogue-to-digital converter using a digital processing chain configured to compensate for the frequency and phase responses of the first transfer function and the second transfer function;wherein the apparatus is for measuring a signal corresponding to an alternating current having a fundamental frequency and wherein the apparatus is configured to measure up to a predetermined harmonic of the fundamental frequency;wherein the second transfer function of the low-pass filter has a −3 dB corner frequency which lies between the fundamental frequency and the predetermined harmonic.2. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the digital processing chain comprises a first digital filter stage having a third transfer ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Electricity Meter

Номер: US20220022322A1

An electricity meter () is described which includes a conductor () for transferring energy from a supply () to a load (). The electricity meter () also includes a multi-layer printed circuit board () mechanically attached to the conductor (). The multi-layer printed circuit board () includes two or more insulating layers (). The two or more insulating layers () include a first insulating layer () having an attachment surface () facing the conductor (). The multi-layer printed circuit board () also includes a first conductive layer () including a first planar sensor coil (). The first insulating layer () is between the first conductive layer () and the conductor (). The multi-layer printed circuit board () also includes a second conductive layer () including a second planar sensor coil (). The multi-layer printed circuit board () also includes a second insulating layer () between the first () and second () conductive layers. The first planar sensor coil () and the second planar sensor coil () are electrically connected to one another by a buried via (), or the first planar sensor coil () and the second planar sensor coil () are electrically connected to one another by a blind via () extending inwards from a back surface () of the multi-layer printed circuit board (), the back surface () being opposed to the attachment surface (). 1. An electricity meter comprising:a conductor for transferring energy from a supply to a load;a multi-layer printed circuit board mechanically attached to the conductor, the multi-layer printed circuit board comprising:two or more insulating layers, the two or more insulating layers comprising a first insulating layer having an attachment surface facing the conductor, wherein the attachment surface is mechanically attached to the conductor directly or indirectly;a first conductive layer comprising a first planar sensor coil, wherein the first insulating layer is between the first conductive layer and the conductor;a second conductive layer ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010307A1
Автор: Komiyama Shinji

Disclosed herein is a detection apparatus including: a resonant circuit provided with a Q-factor measurement coil and one or more capacitors to serve as a circuit for receiving pulses; a response-waveform detecting section configured to detect the waveform of a response output by the resonant circuit in response to the pulses; and a Q-factor measuring section configured to measure a Q factor of the resonant circuit from the response waveform detected by the response-waveform detecting section. It is possible to increase the precision of detection of a metallic foreign substance existing between a power transmitting side and a power receiving side. 1. (canceled)2. A detection apparatus comprising:a signal source configured to input a signal to a resonant circuit, the resonant circuit including a coil and one or more capacitors;a response-waveform detecting section to detect a response waveform that is output by the resonant circuit in response to the signal;a Q-factor measuring section configured to measure a Q factor of the resonant circuit from the response waveform detected by the response-waveform detecting section; anda determination section configured to determine whether or not a foreign object exists in close vicinity of the coil by comparing the Q factor measured by the Q-factor measuring section with a predetermined reference value.3. The detection apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the signal source comprises:a pulse generator with circuitry to generate signal pulses; anda resistor to generate the signal based on the signal pulses.4. The detection apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a control section operative to stop transmission of electric power by a power transmitter to a power receiver in response to detection of a foreign object in the close vicinity of the coil.5. A power transmitting apparatus comprising:a signal source configured to input a signal to a resonant circuit, the resonant circuit including a coil and one or more capacitors;a response- ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010308A1

Enhanced surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors and SAW sensor-tag wireless interface devices, including low loss devices, devices that enable enhanced use of time diversity for device identification, and devices suitable for use in band-limited environments (such as ISM band) and for use in ultra-wideband applications are disclosed. Antennas for use with both SAW sensors and/or tags, and wireless transceiver systems also are disclosed, including antennas suitable for operation in conductive media and in highly metallic environments, said antennas being used to activate and read said SAW sensors and/or tags. SAW sensors and sensor-tags and related methods for measuring scaled voltage and current in electrical conductors via measurements of the electric and magnetic fields thereof are disclosed. 1. An apparatus for wirelessly measuring the strength of electric and/or magnetic fields , comprising:one or more acoustic wave sensor or sensor-tag devices;at least one transistor;at least one field probe operable to interact with the field being measured and produce a voltage; andone or more antennas.2. An apparatus for wirelessly measuring the strength of electric and/or magnetic fields according to claim 1 , wherein said transistor is a field effect transistor (FET).3. An apparatus for wirelessly measuring the strength of electric and/or magnetic fields according to claim 2 ,wherein the drain and source of said FET are electrically connected to at least one transducer on said one or more acoustic wave devices; andwherein the voltage produced by said at least one field probe is applied to the FET gate.4. An apparatus according to for wirelessly measuring the strength of the electric field around a conductor carrying an AC voltage claim 1 ,wherein said at least one field probe comprises two conductive objects located at different radial distances from the conductor.5. An apparatus according to for wirelessly measuring the strength of the magnetic field around a conductor ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011235A1

A method of interfacing an LC sensor with a control unit is described. The control unit may include first and second contacts, and the LC sensor may be connected between the first and second contacts. The method may include starting the oscillation of the LC sensor, and monitoring the voltage at the second contact, in which the voltage at the second contact corresponds to the sum of the voltage at the first contact and the voltage at the LC sensor. The voltage at the first contact may be varied such that the voltage at the second contact does not exceed an upper voltage threshold and does not fall below a lower voltage threshold. 114-. (canceled)15. A method of interfacing an LC sensor with a controller , the controller comprising first and second contacts , and the LC sensor being coupled between the first and second contacts , the method comprising:starting an oscillation of the LC sensor;monitoring a voltage at the second contact, the voltage at the second contact corresponding to a sum of a voltage at the first contact and a voltage associated with the LC sensor; andvarying the voltage at the first contact so that the voltage at the second contact does not exceed an upper voltage threshold and does not fall below a lower voltage threshold.16. The method of wherein varying the voltage at the first contact comprises generating a counter-oscillation at the first contact claim 15 , the counter-oscillation being phase-shifted with respect to the oscillation of the LC sensor.17. The method of wherein varying the voltage at the first contact comprises:when the voltage at the second contact reaches the upper voltage threshold, decreasing the voltage at the first contact; andwhen the voltage at the second contact reaches the lower voltage threshold, increasing the voltage at the first contact.18. The method of wherein the controller comprises a clamping circuit defining the upper voltage threshold and the lower voltage threshold.19. The method of wherein the clamping ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011247A1

A meter circuit apparatus and a method for implementing metering are disclosed, wherein the apparatus includes: an electric energy meter (), a combining unit () and a current transformer (), wherein the current transformer () is connected to the combining unit () and the electric energy meter () and is configured to acquire an electrical quantity of a intelligent substation, and input the electrical quantity to the combining unit () and the electric energy meter (); the combining unit () configured to combine and synchronize the electrical quantity inputted by the current transformer (), and forward a processed digital signal in a specific format; and the electric energy meter () is configured to charge for the electrical quantity inputted by the current transformer (). Requirements of regular metering and intelligent measurement are satisfied within adding an independent current transformer (). 1. A metering circuit apparatus , comprising: an electric energy meter , a combining unit and a current transformer , whereinthe current transformer is connected to the combining unit and the electric energy meter and is configured to acquire an electrical quantity of an intelligent substation and input the electrical quantity to the combining unit and the electric energy meter;the combining unit is configured to combine and synchronize the electrical quantity inputted by the current transformer, and forward a processed digital signal in a specific format;the electric energy meter is configured to charge for the electrical quantity inputted by the current transformer.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a junction box, configured to connect the current transformer to the combining unit.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe junction box is further configured to connect the current transformer to the electric energy meter.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the current transformer connects electric energy meter to the combining ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011129A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

A device for measuring electric currents includes multiple current sensors of Rogowski type, each suitable for measuring an electric current flowing through an electrical conductor, these current sensors being in adjacent pairs and each including coils for measuring the current and a central aperture for receiving the corresponding electrical conductor. Each current sensor includes two of the coils, which coils are positioned in parallel and facing one another on opposite edges of the central aperture and two ferromagnetic bars extending between ends of the coils, perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the coils. 2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein each current sensor has a ferromagnetic bar in common with the immediately adjacent current sensor.3. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises first and second armatures arranged parallel to each other and common to all the current sensors of the device claim 1 , the two coils of each current sensor being arranged on the first and second armatures claim 1 , respectively.4. The measuring device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second armatures have a rectilinear part claim 1 , and coils being arranged on these first and second armatures by winding about this rectilinear part.5. The measuring device according to claim 4 , wherein both the first and second armatures comprise housings each adapted to receive one end of one of the ferromagnetic bars.6. The measuring device according to claim 4 , wherein the first and second armatures are identical and each comprise fastening elements claim 4 , adapted for securing together the first and second armatures to form the measuring device.7. The measuring device according to claim 3 , wherein the first and second armatures each comprise a main part of rectilinear shape and secondary parts which protrude from the main part perpendicularly to the main part claim 3 , and coils being formed by winding on the first ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011056A1
Автор: Weinstein Jeffrey Jay

A current transformer includes a first housing including a first handle portion and a first distal portion, a second housing including a second handle portion and a second distal portion, a first core having a first proximal core end and a first distal core end the first core mounted in rotational contact within the first distal portion, and a second core having a second proximal core end and a second distal core end, the second core mounted in rotational contact within the second distal portion, wherein the first housing is rotationally coupled to the second housing about a fulcrum point. 1. A current transformer comprising:a first housing comprising a first handle portion and a first distal portion;a second housing comprising a second handle portion and a second distal portion;a first core having a first proximal core end and a first distal core end, the first core mounted in rotational contact within the first distal portion; anda second core having a second proximal core end and a second distal core end, the second core mounted in rotational contact within the second distal portion;wherein the first housing is rotationally coupled to the second housing about a fulcrum point and wherein, when the first housing and the second housing are rotated into a closed position, the first core is adapted to rotate within the first distal portion and the second core is adapted to rotate within the second distal portion to enable contact between the first proximal core end and the second proximal core end and to enable contact between the first distal core end and the second distal core end.2. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein a pivot member is attached to the first core and the first housing comprises an indentation to receive the pivot member.3. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein a pivot member is attached to the first housing and the first core comprises an indentation to receive the pivot member.4. The current transformer of claim 1 , wherein there is ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011057A1

A current transformer assembly includes a first current transformer, a plug, a first wire and a second wire between the plug and the first current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the first current transformer; and a memory chip adapted to store a first scale factor of the first current transformer. 1. A current transformer assembly comprising:a first current transformer;a plug;a first wire and a second wire between the plug and the first current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the first current transformer; anda memory chip adapted to store a first scale factor of the first current transformer.2. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , wherein the memory chip is situated inside the plug.3. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a third wire between the plug and the memory chip;wherein the memory chip is connected to the second wire.4. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a third wire between the plug and the memory chip; anda fourth wire between the plug and the memory chip.5. The current transformer assembly of claim 1 , comprising:a second current transformer; anda third wire and a fourth wire between the plug and the second current transformer adapted to transmit a measurement of the second current transformer; andwherein the memory chip is adapted to store a second scale factor of the second current transformer.6. The current transformer assembly of claim 5 , wherein the memory chip is connected to the second wire and the fourth wire.7. The current transformer assembly of claim 6 , wherein the memory chip is adapted to store the first scale factor of the first current transformer and the second scale factor of the second current transformer.8. A system comprising:a current transformer assembly comprising a plug, a first current transformer, and a memory chip; read a first scale factor for the first current transformer from the memory chip,', 'receive a first sensor value from the first ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011523A1

A system measures wireless power transfer between a transmitter and a receiver. The system includes a sensor circuit including a sensor. The sensor is configured and positioned to generate sensor data indicative of a field. The field is generated in connection with the wireless power transfer. The system further includes a processor coupled to the sensor circuit and configured to determine a power measurement based on the sensor data. The processor is further configured to determine misalignment of the transmitter or the receiver. The processor is also configured to correct an estimate of the power measurement based on the misalignment. 1. A system for measuring wireless power transfer between a transmitter and a receiver , the system comprising:a sensor circuit comprising a sensor, the sensor being configured and positioned to generate sensor data indicative of a field, the field generated in connection with the wireless power transfer; anda processor coupled to the sensor circuit and configured to determine a power measurement based on the sensor data.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is positioned between the transmitter and the receiver.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor circuit comprises a plurality of sensors configured and positioned to generate sensor data indicative of the field claim 1 , the plurality of sensors comprising the sensor.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the processor is configured to determine the power measurement using pair-wise products of the plurality of sensors.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein each sensor of the plurality of sensors includes a respective capacitive sense plate such that the field is an electric field.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor comprises a sense coil.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the field comprises a magnetic field.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to determine a misalignment of the transmitter or the receiver claim 1 , and to correct ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011900A1
Автор: CIMA Lionel Fabien

A current sensor includes at least one primary circuit that is intended to conduct the current to be measured, and a secondary circuit containing at least four Neel-effect® transducers, each having a coil and a superparamagnetic core. The current sensor is designed on the basis of a printed circuit board, the primary circuit including at least two distinct metal tracks that are composed of one and the same metal and connected to one another by a via made of a rivet, of a tube or of an electrolytic deposit of the same metal. 1. A current sensor comprising: at least one primary circuit intended to conduct the current to be measured , and a secondary circuit comprising at least four Neel Effect® transducers each constituted by a coil and a superparamagnetic core , said sensor is designed on the basis of a printed circuit , the primary circuit comprising at least two distinct metal tracks composed of one and the same metal and connected together by at least two vias constituted by the same metal as the metal tracks.2. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the primary circuit is a multilayer conductor of the printed circuit.3. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the Neel Effect® coils are solenoids wound round an elongated core claim 1 , the whole being a component embedded in the printed circuit.4. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that each Neel Effect® transducer is a flat coil produced in the printed circuit.5. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that each superparamagnetic core is composed of a matrix produced from epoxy resin.6. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that the four Neel Effect® transducers constitute two antiparallel-mounted differential pairs.7. The sensor according to claim 1 , characterized in that it further comprises at least one pair of transducers wound without magnetic cores with differential arrangement with respect to a single one of the two metal tracks.8. ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011901A1
Автор: Lin Chih-Chieh

A device for accurate measurement based on wire diameter includes a clamp and two-space compensators. The clamp includes depressible grip handles to control opening and closing of two measurement sections. Two space compensators are respectively combinable with the two measurement sections. The space compensators each have a side that is recessed to form a first clamping section, such that the first clamping section is combinable with at least two fixing elements, which are each in an arc curved shape having one side recessed to form a second clamping section. The fixing elements are structured such that inside diameters defined by the second clamping sections thereof are reduced one by one in a direction away from the first clamping section. The fixing elements are selectable to have the inside diameter of the second clamping section matching a size of an electric wire to be measured. 1. A device for accurate measurement based on wire diameter , comprising:a clamp, which is provided for measurement a voltage/a current, the clamp having an end that is provided with two depressible grip handles movable with respect to each other for selective opening/closing, the clamp having an opposite end that is provided with two measurement sections movable with respect to each other for selective opening/closing, wherein when the two depressible grip handles are depressible to cause the two measurement sections to move away from each other to show a separate and open condition, the two measurement sections having sides that are opposite to each other and are each recessed to form an arc curved section; andtwo space compensators, which are removably combinable with the arc curved sections of the two measurement sections, the space compensators each comprising a base, the base having one lateral side that is provided with two clip sections and an opposite lateral side that is recessed to form a first clamping section, the space compensators being respectively combinable with the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Tracking energy consumption using a buck-boosting technique

Номер: US20150015233A1

The invention relates to an apparatus and method for tracking energy consumption. An energy tracking system comprises at least one switching element, at least one inductor and a control block to keep the output voltage at a pre-selected level. The switching elements are configured to apply the source of energy to the inductors. The control block compares the output voltage of the energy tracking system to a reference value and controls the switching of the switched elements in order to transfer energy for the primary voltage into a secondary voltage at the output of the energy tracking system. The electronic device further comprises an ON-time and OFF-time generator and an accumulator wherein the control block is coupled to receive a signal from the ON-time and OFF-time generator and generates switching signals for the at least one switching element in the form of ON-time pulses with a constant width ON-time.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015244A1

A temperature compensated current measurement device comprises a Rogowski coil having a terminating impedance arranged to adjust the attenuation of the coil to balance changes in coil sensitivity so that the output voltage indicative of measured current remains substantially unchanged, the terminating impedance having different values above and below a threshold frequency. 1. A current measuring device comprising a conductive coil , said conductive coil being arranged to produce a voltage as a result of a current being measured by the current measuring device , said conductive coil having a temperature-dependent coil sensitivity factor associated therewith;the device further comprising a terminating impedance connected to the conductive coil, said terminating impedance being arranged to attenuate the voltage produced by the conductive coil by a temperature-dependent attenuation factor and to connect the conductive coil to an output; said output being arranged to produce an output indicative of the current being measured;wherein the terminating impedance is arranged so that, when there is a temperature change in the conductive coil which causes a corresponding change in the coil sensitivity factor, the attenuation factor also changes so that a value of the output voltage remains substantially unchanged, and the terminating impedance has a first impedance value below a predetermined threshold frequency for the output and a second, different impedance value above said predetermined threshold frequency.2. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the conductive coil comprises a Rogowski coil.3. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the Rogowski coil comprises any of: a clip-around coil claim 2 , a closed-loop coil claim 2 , a printed circuit Rogowski coil and a coil wound on a non-conductive former.4. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the output includes an integrator.5. A current measuring device as claimed in wherein the terminating ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034942A1

A Rogowski coil is used for determining the magnitude of the electrical current of a conductor of a low-voltage AC circuit, which outputs an analogue voltage which is equivalent to the magnitude of the electrical current of the conductor. The Rogowski coil is connected to an analogue integrator, which is followed by an analogue-digital converter, which converts the integrated analogue voltage into a digital signal which is further processed by a microprocessor in such a way that the phase shift generated by the Rogowski coil and the components connected downstream of the Rogowski coil is compensated such that there are in-phase current values for the detection of error situations in order to protect the low-voltage AC circuit, in particular for a low-voltage power switch or an arc fault detection unit. 1. A low-voltage power switch for a low-voltage AC circuit , comprising:a Rogowski coil, for ascertaining an electrical current level of a conductor of the low-voltage AC circuit, to output an analog voltage equivalent to the electrical current level of the conductor;an interrupter unit including contacts for interrupting the low-voltage AC circuit; andan electronic trip unit including a microprocessor connected to the Rogowski coil and the interrupter unit, configured to initiate an interruption of the low-voltage AC circuit upon at least one of current limit values and current-time-voltage limit values of the phase conductor being exceeded,the Rogowski coil being connected to an analog integrator followed by an analog-digital converter, to convert the integrated analog voltage into a digital signal, andwhereinthe microprocessor is configured to process the digital signal to compensate for phase shift generated by the Rogowski coil and by components that follow the Rogowski coil, so that correct-phase current values are present for recognition of fault situations to protect the low-voltage AC circuit.2. The low-voltage power switch of claim 1 , whereinthe recognition ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034943A1

A current sensor is configured to detect a current flowing through an electrical conductor. The current sensor includes a core and a coil wound around the core. The core has a hollow therein configured to allow the electrical conductor to pass through the hollow. The core substantially has a C-shape having a gap connected to the hollow. The core has a pair of end surfaces facing each other in a facing direction across the gap. The core includes plural split cores joined to one another. Each pair of split cores of the plural split cores adjacent to each other have respective joining surfaces joined to each other. The respective joining surfaces of the each pair of split cores being parallel to the facing direction. This current sensor has a desired sensitivity characteristic. 1. A current sensor configured to detect a current flowing through an electrical conductor , the current sensor comprising:a core having a hollow therein configured to allow the electrical conductor to pass through the hollow; anda coil wound around the core, whereinthe core substantially has a C-shape having a gap connected to the hollow,the core has a pair of end surfaces facing each other in a facing direction across the gap,the core includes a plurality of split cores joined to one another, andeach pair of split cores of the plurality of split cores adjacent to each other have respective joining surfaces joined to each other, the respective joining surfaces of the each pair of split cores being parallel to the facing direction.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereina number of the plurality of split cores is equal to or larger than three.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , further comprisinga bobbin having the coil wound thereon, the bobbin being made of non-magnetic material, whereinthe bobbin contacts the pair of end surfaces of the core to stop the pair of end surfaces of the core, and surrounds the gap.4. The current sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016937A1
Принадлежит: Media Tek Inc.

Apparatus and methods for sensing current carried by one or more planar conductors is described. A plurality of sensing coils may be fabricated adjacent to one or more planar, current-carrying conductors. The sensing coils may detect a magnetic field generated by time-varying current flowing through the one or more planar conductors. The sensing coils may be arranged to cancel uniform and linear-gradient magnetic fields. 1. A current sensor for a pair of conductors that carry an electrical current , the current sensor comprising:a first winding located on a first side of a first conductor of the pair of conductors;a second winding located between the first conductor and a second conductor of the pair of conductors, wherein the second conductor is configured to carry the electrical current in a direction opposite to a flow of the electrical current in the first conductor; anda third winding located on a first side of the second conductor.2. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein the first winding and third winding are wound in a first winding direction that is opposite a second winding direction for the second winding.3. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein the pair of conductors claim 1 , first winding claim 1 , second winding claim 1 , and third winding are planar.4. The current sensor of claim 3 , wherein the pair of conductors are formed on a printed circuit board or an integrated circuit.5. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein an area of the second winding is approximately equal to a sum of an area of the first winding and an area of the third winding.6. The current sensor of claim 5 , wherein the first winding claim 5 , second winding claim 5 , and third winding are arranged to generate negligible total secondary current due to a spatially-uniform claim 5 , time-varying magnetic field passing through the first winding claim 5 , second winding claim 5 , and third winding that is generated by a source other than the pair of conductors.7. The current sensor ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Current transformer and method for converting a conductor current flowing in an electrical conductor to an output signal

Номер: US20160018444A1
Принадлежит: Weidmueller Interface GmbH and Co KG

A current transformer arrangement, and method, include a current sensor for producing a sensor output voltage that is proportional to the input current flowing in a conductor; a first processing branch including a voltage calculating device for calculating the effective voltage value of the sensor output voltage; a second processing branch including a polarity detecting device having an input terminal connected with the current sensor output terminal to produce a polarity signal having one polarity when the conductor input current is either an alternating current, a hybrid current, or a direct current flowing in one direction, and the opposite polarity when the conductor input current is a direct current flowing in the opposite direction; and a multiplier device for modifying the effective voltage value to produce a signed effective voltage having a polarity corresponding with the polarity of the polarity signal. A modifying circuit modifies the signed effective voltage.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Current detection element, transmission device, and electric power transmission system

Номер: US20180017599A1
Автор: Keiichi Ichikawa
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

A current detection element includes a laminate where multiple insulator layers are laminated, a main line conductor formed in the laminate, extending in one direction, a coil-shaped current detection conductor that is formed in the laminate and that is magnetically coupled with the main line conductor, and electrostatic shielding conductors that are formed in the laminate, and that are grounded. The electrostatic shielding conductors overlap at least one of the main line conductor and the current detection conductor in plan view from a winding axis direction along a winding axis of the current detection conductor. Accordingly, a current detection element that accurately detects high-frequency AC current flowing through a line, and a transmission device and electric power transmission system having the same, are provided.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017600A1

The invention, which relates to an arrangement for current measurement at a current lead-through, addresses the problem of specifying an arrangement for current measurement by means of which a reliable, galvanically isolated measurement of motor phase currents can be carried out, wherein the space requirement of the arrangement is reduced. This problem is resolved thereby that the sensor is a measuring coil and that the measuring coil is disposed on the lead-through contact such that it is galvanically isolated from the same. 1. An arrangement for current measurement at a current lead-through , comprising a planar board in which at least one lead-through contact is disposed , wherein between the planar board and the lead-through contact an electrically insulating casting compound is disposed , a sensor for generating a sensor signal and an amplifier configuration for the amplification of the generated sensor signal , wherein the sensor is a measuring coil and wherein the measuring coil is disposed on the lead-through contact such that the measuring coil is galvanically isolated therefrom.2. An arrangement as in claim 1 , wherein on the lead-through contact a coil former is disposed on the lead through contact on which several wire windings forming the measuring coil are applied.3. An arrangement as in claim 1 , wherein on the lead-through contact an annular magnetic support is disposed on the lead through contact around which several wire windings forming the measuring coil are disposed.420. An arrangement according to as in claim 2 , wherein the coil former or the annular magnetic support is disposed tightly on the lead-through contact () using an adhesive or casting compound.5. An arrangement according to claim 2 , wherein the coil former of the measuring coil comprises a synthetic material or Teflon.629. An arrangement according to claim 3 , wherein the annular magnetic support () is comprised of comprises a ferrite or a ferrite alloy with a permeability greater ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017610A1

A sensor to monitor health of surge arresters such as metal oxide arresters is disclosed. The sensor including a housing; a sensor assembly contained in the housing, and a voltage measurement strap extending around a periphery of the housing. The voltage measurement strap being electrically connected to the electronics board and configured to measure voltage using electric field. The sensor assembly including: an electronics board to receive, transmit, process, and store signals; a Rogowski coil electrically connected to the electronics board to measure surge currents diverted by the surge arrestor; and a current transformer electrically connected to the electronics board to measure leakage current. 1. A surge arrestor sensor configured to monitor a health of a surge arrester , comprising:(a) a housing; (i) an electronics board to receive, transmit, process, and store signals;', '(ii) a Rogowski coil electrically connected to the electronics board to measure surge currents diverted by the surge arrestor; and', '(iii) a current transformer electrically connected to the electronics board to measure leakage current; and, '(b) a sensor assembly contained in the housing, the sensor assembly including(c) a voltage measurement strap extending around a periphery of the housing, the voltage measurement strap being electrically connected to the electronics board and configured to measure voltage using electric field.2. The surge arrester sensor according to claim 1 , further including a central shaft extending through a center of the housing between a first arrester side of the housing and a second non-arrester side of the housing claim 1 , the central shaft being grounded only to the second non-arrester side of the housing to reduce the capacitive current measured from the surge arrestor sensor to ground.3. The surge arrester sensor according to claim 2 , wherein the current transformer is positioned around the central shaft claim 2 , the current transformer being ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for detecting current using a kinetic inductance magnetic current imager

Номер: US20190018078A1
Автор: Robert H. Nelson
Принадлежит: Aerospace Corp

Under one aspect, a method for characterizing current of an operating device under test (DUT) includes injecting a signal into a superconducting sensor; determining a property of the superconducting sensor based on the injected signal; disposing the superconducting sensor in spaced relationship to the operating DUT; inducing a magnetic field in the superconducting sensor based on the spaced relationship, the current of the operating DUT, and the injected signal; determining a change in the property of the superconducting sensor resulting from the induced magnetic field; and estimating current of the operating DUT based on the change in the property of the superconducting sensor.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103905A1
Принадлежит: OutSmart Power Systems, LLC

A device and method are provided for monitoring voltage and current in a continuous conductor. A current sensor is configured to sense current in the continuous conductor. A voltage sense conductor is provided and a guided path is configured to bring the voltage sense conductor into contact with the continuous conductor at a pre-determined orientation. A communication interface is configured to receive information about a common reference voltage from a source, the source being external to the device. A voltage measuring circuit is configured to estimate voltage between a voltage sensed by the voltage sense conductor and the common reference voltage using the information about a common reference voltage. 1. A device for monitoring the voltage on and current in a continuous conductor , said device comprising:a current sensor configured to sense current in said continuous conductor;a voltage sense conductor;a guided path configured to bring said voltage sense conductor into contact with said continuous conductor at a pre-determined orientation;a communication interface configured to receive information about a common reference voltage from a source, wherein said source is external to said device; anda voltage measuring circuit configured to estimate voltage between a voltage sensed by said voltage sense conductor and said common reference voltage using said information about a common reference voltage.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said voltage sense conductor is an insulation displacement conductor.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said received information about a common reference voltage is the common reference voltage.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein said current sensor is a Rogowski coil.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an energy measurement circuit configured to calculate energy values based on samples of said estimated voltage and samples of said sensed current.6. The device of claim 5 , further comprising a controller circuit configured to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018539A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Hiroyuki

A current detection device is configured by a current path through which a first current flows, a current path through which a second current flows, a switching element that switches the current paths and allows the first current and the second current to flow alternately, a common coil section through which an induction current flows by the first current and the second current, and a turn current path that alternates a first induction current flowing through the coil section by the first current and a second induction current flowing through the coil section by the second current. 1. A current detection device comprising:a first current path through which a first current flows and a second current path through which a second current flows;a switching element that switches between the first current path and the second current path and allows the first current and the second current to flow alternately;a common coil section through which an induction current flows by the first current and the second current; anda current alternation unit that alternates the induction current flowing through the coil section by the first current and the induction current flowing through the coil section by the second current.2. The current detection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the coil section includes a first coil and a second coil, andthe first coil and the second coil are bifilar-wound around one core.3. The current detection device according to claim 1 ,wherein the switching element includes a first transistor pair including two transistor elements that allow the first current to flow through the first current path, and a second transistor pair including two transistor elements that allow the second current to flow through the second current path, andthe coil section generates an induction current by a current flowing between the two transistor elements included in the first transistor pair or between the two transistor elements included in the second transistor pair.4. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Device And Method For Detecting High-Voltage Power Distribution Line Path Having Improved Stability

Номер: US20210018540A1
Автор: Hyun Chang Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

In an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure for solving the problem, disclosed is a stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus. The stability-improved high voltage power line path exploration apparatus for tracking a high voltage power line and determining a buried path and a connection configuration up to a final power source of a power distribution system, wherein the high voltage power line is connected to a primary winding of a distribution transformer to supply voltage and current, wherein the distribution transformer converts high voltage for distribution to low voltage in proportion to a ratio of a winding combination may include: an exploration current generator for generating a current pulse signal in inverse proportion to a winding ratio for detecting a magnetic field signal around the high voltage power line, in which the exploration current generator is connected to a secondary winding of the distribution transformer; a buried path probe for tracking the buried path and connection configuration of the high voltage power line by detecting the magnetic field signal which is generated around the high voltage power line when the current pulse signal flows through the high voltage power line; and a reverse current limiter for suppressing a generation of a reverse magnetic field generated by an external conductor of the high voltage power line, to improve a reception performance of the buried path probe.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020466A1

A combination includes: an electricity conducting element and a connector cable. The electricity conducting elements includes: a body of insulating material; an electrical conductor extending through the body; at least one passive electrical sensor embedded or integrated in the body of insulating material; and at least one shielded connector with one or more terminals arranged on an outer surface of the body, the at least one shielded connector being electrically connected to the at least one passive electrical sensor. The connector cable includes: a first shielded connector with one or more terminals for connecting with the at least one shielded connector; a second shielded connector with one or more terminals for connecting with an appliance or a further connector cable; and electrical components arranged closely to the first shielded connector and electrically connected to the terminals of the first shielded connector. 1. A combination , comprising: a body of insulating material;', 'an electrical conductor extending through the body;', 'at least one passive electrical sensor embedded or integrated in the body of insulating material; and', 'at least one shielded connector with one or more terminals arranged on an outer surface of the body, the at least one shielded connector being electrically connected to the at least one passive electrical sensor, and, 'an electricity conducting element, comprisinga connector cable, 'a first shielded connector with one or more terminals configured to connect with the at least one shielded connector;', 'comprisinga second shielded connector with one or more terminals configured to connect with an appliance or a further connector cable; andelectrical components arranged closely to the first shielded connector and electrically connected to the terminals of the first shielded connector, the electrical components being arranged at a distance from the second shielded connector and being electrically connected via a cable to the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020480A1
Автор: COQUINCO Bernard

Methods and systems are presented for configuring a rectifier across a secondary side of a current transformer; configuring circuitry to harvest energy across one or more loads coupled across an output of the rectifier selectively in response to an indication that a variable line current at a primary side of the current transformer is small enough; configuring circuitry to shunt at least a first load of the one or more loads coupled across the output of the rectifier selectively in response to an indication that a line current at the primary side is large enough; and configuring circuitry to harvest energy across the first load of the one or more loads coupled across the output of the rectifier again selectively in response to an indication that a line current at the primary side is again small enough. 1. A power scavenging system comprising:at least one rectifier across a secondary side of a current transformer;circuitry configured to harvest energy across one or more selectively switchable loads coupled across an output of said rectifier selectively in response to an indication that a variable line current at a primary side of said current transformer is small enough;circuitry configured to shunt at least a first selectively switchable load of said one or more selectively switchable loads coupled across said output of said rectifier selectively in response to an indication that a line current at said primary side is large enough; andcircuitry configured to harvest energy across said first selectively switchable load of said one or more selectively switchable loads coupled across said output of said rectifier again selectively in response to an indication that a line current at said primary side is again small enough.2. The power scavenging system of claim 1 , wherein said indications that said variable line current at said primary side is small enough claim 1 , that said line current at said primary side is large enough claim 1 , and that said line current at said ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025778A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A measuring apparatus has a physical amount transformer that transforms a physical amount into a current, a measuring circuit that measures an output current of the physical amount transformer, a power supply circuit that inputs an output of the measuring circuit, a circuit switching unit that switches between a first state and a second state, the first state constituting a circuit inputting the output of the measuring circuit into the power supply circuit, the second state constituting a circuit directly inputting the output of the measuring circuit into the physical amount transformer, and a switching controller driven by the power supply circuit to control the circuit switching unit. 1. A measuring apparatus comprising:a physical amount transformer that transforms a physical amount into a current;a measuring circuit that measures an output current of the physical amount transformer;a power supply circuit that inputs an output of the measuring circuit;a circuit switching unit that switches between a first state and a second state, the first state constituting a circuit inputting the output of the measuring circuit into the power supply circuit, the second state constituting a circuit directly inputting the output of the measuring circuit into the physical amount transformer; anda switching controller driven by the power supply circuit to control the circuit switching unit,wherein the switching controller controls the circuit switching unit such that the circuit switching unit is in the first state during waiting, and the switching controller controls the circuit switching unit such that the circuit switching unit is in the second state during measurement.2. The measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a rectifier circuit that rectifies the output current transformed by the physical amount transformer into a direct current,wherein the output current of the physical amount transformer is an alternating current.3. The measuring apparatus ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Monitoring a Power Line without Connecting to Ground

Номер: US20170023619A1
Автор: Roberson Hershel

An improved system and method for monitoring power tines without connecting to ground is disclosed herein. An improved sensory assembly can comprise a first end, a second end, a voltage sensor, a current sensor, an analog to digital converter, and a sensory transceiver. The first end can be electrically connectable to a first phase of a power line. The second end can be electrically connectable to a second phase of the power line. The voltage sensor can be capable of measuring a voltage between the first phase and the second phase. The current sensor can be magnetically coupled to the power line. The analog to digital converter that can be capable of receiving a first signal from the voltage sensor, and can be capable of receiving a second signal from the current sensor. 1. An improved sensory assembly comprisinga first end electrically connectable to a first phase of a power line;a second end electrically connectable to a second phase of said power line;a voltage sensor capable of measuring a voltage between said first phase and said second phase;a current sensor magnetically coupled to said power line; receives a first signal from said voltage sensor, said first signal proportional to said voltage;', 'receives a second signal from said current sensor, said second signal proportional to a current on said first phase of said power line;', 'samples said first signal to produce a digital voltage signal, said digital voltage signal representative of said voltage; and', 'samples said second signal to produce a digital current signal representing said current on said first phase; and, 'an analog to digital converter that'}a sensory transceiver electrically connected to said analog to digital converter that wirelessly receives timing device, and transmits wirelessly said digital voltage signal and said digital current signal, said digital voltage signal and said digital current signal comprising timing data related to said timing information.2. The system of wherein each ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023624A1
Автор: GAO CHAO, WANG Chenglong

A digital clamp meter includes a common input, a voltage/resistance input, a current transformer, a voltage/resistance measuring circuit, an AC measuring circuit, a MPU and a displayer. A detecting input of the voltage/resistance measuring circuit is connected to the voltage/resistance input, a detecting output of the voltage/resistance measuring circuit is connected to a signal input of the MPU, and a controlled terminal of the voltage/resistance measuring circuit is connected to a controlling output of the MPU. The signal output of the MPU is connected to the displayer. The common input is grounded. A detecting input of the AC measuring circuit is connected to a secondary winding of the current transformer, a detecting output of the AC measuring circuit is connected to the signal input of the MPU, and a controlled terminal of the AC measuring circuit is connected to the controlling output of the MPU. 1. A digital clamp meter , comprising:a common input;a voltage/resistance input cooperating with the common input for inputting voltage to be measured or resistance to be measured;a voltage/resistance measuring circuit for detecting and processing the voltage to be measured or resistance to be measured;a current transformer for induction detecting when the measured signal is alternating current;an AC measuring circuit for detecting and processing induction current generated in a secondary winding of the current transformer;a displayer for displaying values of measured voltage, resistance or alternating current; anda MPU for controlling working of the voltage/resistance measuring circuit and processing outputting signal of the voltage/resistance measuring circuit, controlling the displayer to display value of measured voltage or resistance, controlling working of the AC measuring circuit and processing outputting signal of the AC measuring circuit, and controlling the displayer to display measured AC value;wherein a detecting input of the voltage/resistance measuring ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024169A1
Автор: Walker Norman C.

A small wire is wound several times around a powdered metal toroidal core to sense voltage produce by single polarity current flowing through a larger wire passing through the toroid. An integrator circuit integrates the voltage in the small wire to produce an output voltage as a measure of AC and DC components of the single polarity current, such as a full wave rectified current. 1. A circuit comprising:at least one first wire wound plural times on a magnetic core;a single second wire for carrying i(t), wherein i(t) is a current to be sensed, the single second wire extending through an opening formed by the magnetic core;locations at which an output voltage v(t) representing the current to be sensed i(t) on the first wire; andan integrator connected to the locations and configured to integrate the output voltage v(t) to produce an indication of AC and DC components of the current to be sensed i(t).2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the second wire has a larger diameter than the first wire.3. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic core is a powdered metal toroidal core (PMTC).4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein a size and permeability of the PMTC are established so that the PMTC will not be saturated by a maximum expected current to be sensed i(t).5. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the output voltage v(t) is present on at least part of the first wire when the second wire carries the current to be sensed claim 1 , the output voltage v(t) being:{'br': None, 'i': v', 't', 'N', 'AL', 'di', 't', 'dt, '()=−()()/, wherein'}N=number of turns of the first wire around the toroidal core, and AL=inductance of a single turn of first wire on the toroidal core.6. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the integrator comprises an integrator circuit portion integrating the output voltage v(t).7. The circuit of claim 6 , wherein the integrator circuit portion comprises:{'b': '1', 'a first resistor R in series with a first one of the locations of the first wire;'}{'b': 1', '1', '1, ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Sensing Electrical Characteristics via a Relay Coil

Номер: US20220043037A1

A current sense system may include a relay, a load conductor, and an integrator sub-circuit. Current may be provided to an electrical load via the load conductor and a latch of the relay. The current carried via the load conductor may induce a sense voltage in a coil of the relay. Based on the sense voltage induced in the relay coil, the integrator sub-circuit may determine a load sense voltage that indicates a level of the current carried via the load conductor. In some implementations, a current indication module may provide an indicator signal based on the load sense voltage. In addition, the indicator signal may be provided to additional components or devices, such as a relay controller configured to activate the latch. In some implementations, the relay controller may be configured to open the latch based on the current level described by the indicator signal. 1. A current sensing system comprising:a relay having (i) a coil and (ii) a latch that is capable of connecting to a power source via an input of the latch and to an electrical load via an output of the latch, wherein the latch is configured to provide a current to the electrical load from the power source;a load conductor that is connected to the output of the latch and a power input of the electrical load, wherein the current provided by the latch is carried via the load conductor,wherein the load conductor is located in proximity to the coil, such that the current carried via the load conductor induces a sense voltage in the coil; andan integrator sub-circuit that has a first connection to an output of the coil and a second connection to an input of the coil,wherein the coil is configured for an activation state, in which, responsive to an activation signal received by the coil, the latch transitions between an open state and a closed state,wherein the coil is further configured for a sensing state, in which the latch is closed and in which the current is provided to the electrical load via the latch ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025346A1
Автор: Latham Alexander
Принадлежит: Allegro Microsystems, LLC

A current sensor for sensing a direct magnetic field generated by a current through a conductor includes at least one first magnetic field sensing element spaced from at least one second magnetic field sensing element, with the magnetic field sensing elements configured to sense the direct magnetic field at different magnitudes. The direct magnetic field has a first direct coupling factor with respect to the at least one first magnetic field sensing element and a second direct coupling factor with respect to the at least one second magnetic field sensing element. A feedback conductor configured to carry a feedback current generates a feedback magnetic field that has a first feedback coupling factor with respect to the at least one first magnetic field sensing element and a second feedback coupling factor with respect to the at least one second magnetic field sensing element. A circuit generates the feedback current based on the direct and feedback magnetic fields and a sense element senses the feedback current. 1. A current sensor for sensing a direct magnetic field generated by a current through a primary conductor comprising:a plurality of magnetic field sensing elements comprising at least one first magnetic field sensing element spaced from at least one second magnetic field sensing element, wherein the at least one first magnetic field sensing element and the at least one second magnetic field sensing element are configured to sense the direct magnetic field at different magnitudes, the direct magnetic field having a first direct coupling factor with respect to the at least one first magnetic field sensing element and a second direct coupling factor with respect to the at least one second magnetic field sensing element;a feedback conductor configured to carry a feedback current generating a feedback magnetic field, the feedback magnetic field having a first feedback coupling factor with respect to the at least one first magnetic field sensing element and a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028850A1

An exemplary method for calibrating a current transducer of the Rogowski type including a Rogowski coil sensor and an electronic device is performed by determining and correcting the sensitivity of the current transducer of the Rogowski type through the measurement of the self-inductance Lof the coil using the electronic device. 1. A method for calibrating a current transducer of a Rogowski type using an arrangement including a Rogowski coil sensor and an electronic device , the method comprising:{'sub': 'RCCT', 'determining and correcting a sensitivity of the current transducer of the Rogowski type by measuring a self-inductance Lof a coil using the electronic device.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the self-inductance is measured with a test current or a test voltage superimposed to a coil winding.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein an output voltage generated by a primary current to be measured with the coil sensor is measured simultaneously with the self- inductance of the coil of the current transducer of the Rogowski type.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the self-inductance measurement is used to diagnose and calibrate the current transducer of the Rogowski type.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the self-inductance is measured through a response of the coil of the current transducer of the Rogowski type to a step voltage source which is connected in series with a resistor.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the self-inductance is measured by measuring a frequency response of a serial circuit of the coil of the current transducer of the Rogowski type and a resistor by exciting the current transducer with AC signals of varying frequency.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein coil design parameters of the coil of the current transducer of the Rogowski type are automatically detected by the electronic device.8. The method according to claim 2 , wherein coil design parameters of the coil of the current ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028852A1

An arrangement for measuring a current with a Rogowski type current transducer and transducer electronics. The current transducer has a primary conductor winding for carrying the rated current to be measured, and a secondary conductor winding. The secondary conductor winding adapted to induce a voltage signal V′ between a pair of second terminals. The current transducer having a third conductor winding adapted to receive a calibration current signal. The voltage signal V′ contains a coil sensitivity S and is a superposition of a rated current voltage signal and an additional calibration signal. The transducer electronics being adapted to amplify both the current voltage signal and the calibration signal in the same amplifier and divide the amplified current voltage signal by that part of the amplified calibration signal that contains the coil sensitivity and the gain. 1. An arrangement for measuring a current , comprising:a Rogowski type current transducer; andtransducer electronics, a primary conductor winding having a first number of loops for carrying the rated current to be measured;', 'a secondary conductor winding of a helical shape, the secondary conductor having a pair of second terminals and a second number of loops, said secondary conductor winding encircling the primary conductor in a toroidal manner;', 'a third conductor winding having a pair of third terminals with a third number of loops, wherein the third conductor winding is adapted to receive a calibration current signal,', {'sub': S', 'S, 'wherein the secondary conductor winding is adapted to induce a voltage signal V′ between the pair of second terminals, said voltage signal V′ including a coil sensitivity S and being a superposition of a rated current voltage signal and an additional calibration signal, the rated current voltage being generated in response to a derivative of the rated current, and the additional calibration signal being generated in response to the derivative of the calibration ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Arrangement for measuring a current with a current transducer of the rogowski type

Номер: US20150028853A1

An arrangement for measuring a current with a Rogowski type current transducer and transducer electronics. The current transducer has a primary conductor winding for carrying the rated current to be measured, and a secondary conductor winding. The secondary conductor winding adapted to induce a voltage signal V S ′ between a pair of second terminals. The current transducer having a third conductor winding adapted to receive a calibration current signal. The voltage signal V S ′ contains a coil sensitivity S and is a superposition of a rated current voltage signal and an additional calibration signal. The transducer electronics being adapted to amplify both the current voltage signal and the calibration signal in the same amplifier and divide the amplified current voltage signal by that part of the amplified calibration signal that contains the coil sensitivity and the gain.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Current transformer of air circuit breaker

Номер: US20220044869A1
Автор: Han-Baek CHUNG
Принадлежит: LS Electric Co Ltd

A current transformer according to the present invention may comprise a magnetic core, a secondary coil, and a magnetic flux compensation member. A main circuit of an air circuit breaker penetrates the magnetic core. In addition, the secondary coil is arranged to be adjacent to the magnetic core, and a secondary current is induced through a current flowing in the main circuit. In addition, the secondary coil supplies the induced secondary current to a relay. The magnetic flux compensation member may be coupled to the magnetic core so as to correct magnetic flux of the secondary coil.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027692A1
Автор: Schmit Christopher J.

An electrical assembly includes a heat conducting housing. A conductor is supported by the housing and conducts electrical current. An electrical insulator member surrounds the conductor. A core surrounds the insulator member and the conductor so that current flowing through the conductor induces a magnetic field in the core. A transducer is coupled to the core for generating a signal representing current in the conductor. A thermal interface member engages the core and engages the housing. The interface member conducts or can conduct heat to the housing. 1. An electrical assembly comprising:a conductor for conducting electrical current;an insulator member surrounding the conductor;a core surrounding the insulator member and the conductor so that current flowing through the conductor induces a magnetic field in the core;a transducer coupled to the core for generating a signal representing current in the conductor;a thermal interface member engaging the core; anda housing supporting the insulator member, the housing engaging the thermal interface member so that the interface member conducts heat to the housing.2. The electrical assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the core comprises an annular ring; andthe thermal interface member comprises a curved wall and a curved lip joined to an end of the curved wall.3. The electrical assembly of claim 2 , wherein:the curved wall has a concave surface which engages an outer surface of the core; andthe lip engages an end of the core.4. The electrical assembly of claim 3 , wherein:the curved wall has a convex surface which engages a portion of the housing; andthe lip engages the housing.5. The electrical assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the core comprises an annular ring; andthe thermal interface member comprises a curved wall.6. The electrical assembly of claim 5 , wherein:the curved wall has a concave surface which engages an outer surface of the core.7. The electrical assembly of claim 5 , wherein:the curved wall has a convex surface ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Flexible sensor technology

Номер: US20200029427A1
Принадлежит: UT Battelle LLC

A system and method (referred to as a method) to fabricate sensors and electronic circuits. The method prints a first thin-film having an electronic conductivity of about less than a millionth of a Siemens per meter and a permalloy directly onto the first thin-film. The permalloy has a magnetic permeability greater than a predetermined level and has a thickness within a range of about 1 to 20 microns. The system prints a second thin-film directly onto the permalloy to encapsulate the permalloy onto the first thin-film and prints conductive traces directly onto the surfaces of the first-thin-film, the permalloy, and the second thin-film. In some applications, a sensor is packaged in an additively manufactured three-dimensional cylindrical shape that can be mounted on or is a unitary part of a current carrying conductor without incising, sharing, or severing (e.g., cutting) the current carrying conductor or its insulation.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermal Management of Self-Powered Power Sensors

Номер: US20170030952A1

Apparatus and methods are provided for handling the heating resulting from the operation of a self-powered power sensor (SPPS). The SPPS periodically switches between a sense mode and a harvest mode, each contributing to power dissipation that translates into heat, which may become a safety hazard. A duty cycle that is the ratio between the period in which sensing take place and the total time elapsed between sensing periods defines the duty cycle of the SPPS. In order to prevent overheating of the SPPS it is configured to provide a dynamic duty cycle that is higher for lower currents in the primary power wire and lower, for higher primary currents. This allows for better power dissipation of the SPPS and removing it from operation in unfavorable or dangerous conditions. 1. An apparatus comprising:at least one analog section having a current transformer with a transformer core configured to mount around an alternating current (AC) power line making the AC power line a primary winding of the current transformer, the at least one analog section for harvesting energy from a secondary winding wound around the transformer core, and storing harvested energy for use by components of the apparatus and for periodically switching to allow sampling of a current flowing through the current transformer by a sense resistor, wherein a ratio between a first period of time in which the apparatus harvests energy and a total cycle time comprising at least the first period of time plus a second period of time in which the apparatus senses current samples is a duty cycle of the apparatus;a microcontroller coupled to the at least one analog section to receive harvested energy, to determine at least a value respective of at least an analog signal responsive to the alternating current in the AC power line by the sense resistor, and a time synchronization signal, the time synchronization signal configured to account for an internal drift of a clock of the microcontroller to be smaller than ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033345A1
Автор: HENRARD Pierre Henri

A current measuring device is protected against electrical surges in the event of the device being open circuit. The device includes a first current transformer, a first connection terminal having connected thereto a first terminal of the first current transformer, a second connection terminal having connected thereto a second terminal of the first current transformer, a protective resistance having a first terminal connected to the second connection terminal, and a load resistance connected between the first and second connection terminals across the terminals of which a voltage is measured from which the current flowing in a circuit passing through the first current transformer is determined. The device also includes a second current transformer connected to the terminals of the protective resistance, and current branch connection structure connected between the first connection terminal and a second terminal of the protective resistance. 1. A current measuring device that is protected against electrical surges when opening the electric circuit of said device , said device comprising:a first current transformer,a first connection terminal having connected thereto a first terminal of said first current transformer,a second connection terminal having connected thereto a second terminal of said first current transformer distinct from said first terminal of said first current transformer,a protective resistance having a first terminal connected to said second connection terminal,a load resistance connected between said first and second connection terminals across the terminals of which a voltage is measured from which the current flowing in a circuit passing through said first current transformer is determined,a second current transformer connected to said first and second terminals of the protective resistance, andcurrent branch connection means connected between said first connection terminal and said second terminal of said protective resistance.2. The device ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Sensitive DC Current Imbalance Detector And Calibration Method

Номер: US20200033391A1
Автор: TOMKINS Kenneth

A current leakage detector for detecting current leakage between a power source and a load including a first sensing coil and a second sensing coil positioned opposite the first sensing coil. The current leakage detector further includes a magnetic field sensor proximate the first sensing coil and the second sensing coil and the magnetic field sensor has a response range. The current leakage detector also includes a bias circuit configured to adjust the response range of the magnetic field sensor. A method for detecting current leakage includes providing a first sending coil and a second sensing coil. The method continues with the steps of providing a magnetic field sensor in proximity to the first and second sensing coils and providing a bias circuit. The method continues with the step of utilizing the bias circuit to place the response of the magnetic field sensor within a preferred response range. 1. A current leakage detector for detecting current leakage between a power source and a load , the current leakage detector comprisinga first sensing coil;a second sensing coil positioned opposite the first sensing coil;a magnetic field sensor proximate the first sensing coil and the second sensing coil, wherein the magnetic field sensor has a response range; anda bias circuit configured to adjust the response range of the magnetic field sensor.2. The current leakage detector of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field sensor is a giant magneto-restrictive sensor.3. The current leakage detector of claim 1 , wherein the bias sensor circuit comprises:a control unit;a bias coil driver operably connected to the control unit; anda bias coil driven by the bias coil driver.4. The current leakage detector of claim 3 , wherein the bias sensor circuit further comprises:a sensor amplifier, wherein the sensor amplifier is operably connected to the magnetic field sensor; anda sensor analog-to-digital converter.5. An electrically powered device comprising:a power supply;a load; anda ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033435A1

A system and method for phase and gain calibration of a current sensor system. The system comprises a microcontroller configured to execute software in an energy measurement component and a calibration computer having a calibration application. The energy measurement component receives first and second digital signals representing current and voltage signals, respectively, received from a test source, and calculates active power and a power factor, and provides those values to the calibration computer. The power factor is converted to a converted phase angle. Based on the information received from the energy measurement component, the calibration application calculates parameters used to update components within the microcontroller to maximize the accuracy of the current sensor system. 1. A method for phase calibration of a current sensor , the method comprising:converting a first signal representing a measured current from a test source to a first digital signal using a first analog-to-digital converter;converting a second signal representing a measured voltage from the test source to a second digital signal using a second analog-to-digital converter;calculating a calculated phase angle between the first digital signal and the second digital signal;calculating a phase difference by subtracting a test source phase angle from the calculated phase angle;calculating a total sample delay between the first digital signal and the second digital signal by dividing the phase difference by a fractional sample resolution representing an angle that a phase of the first digital signal will shift based on changing a preload parameter of the first analog-to-digital converter by one unit, wherein the preload parameter represents a delay before the first analog-to-digital converter begins sampling; andcalculating an updated preload parameter as the total sample delay mod an oversampling rate of the first analog-to-digital converter.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033647A1
Автор: Lartigue Norbert

A sensor is configured to sense the rate of change of a current in order to protect the bridge arms in a power module with power layers and measurement layers. The sensor includes at least three conductors (C, C, Cp) and coils. One end of each conductor is connected to a common node, while the other end of each conductor is used respectively as an electrical terminal. The at least three conductors are contained in the same plane, referred to as the primary plane, while each conductor has a plane of symmetry perpendicular to the primary plane, each plane of symmetry passing through the common node and the corresponding terminal. A first conductor and a second conductor are identical and positioned symmetrically relative to a third conductor, and at least one pair of coils is positioned symmetrically relative to a plane of symmetry. 112. A sensor configured to sense a rate of change of a current to protect bridge arms in a power module with power layers and measurement layers , comprising at least three conductors (C , C , Cp) and coils , wherein:one end of each of said conductors is connected to a common node (N),{'b': 1', '2, 'and the other end of each of said conductors is used respectively each as an electrical terminal (T, T, Tp),'}said at least three conductors are contained in a same plane, called the primary plane (P),{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'each conductor (C, C, Cp) has a plane of symmetry (P, P, Pp) perpendicular to the primary plane, each plane of symmetry passing through the common node (N) and the corresponding terminal (T, T, Tp),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'a first conductor (C) and a second conductor (C) are identical and positioned symmetrically with respect to a third conductor (Cp), and'}{'b': 10', '11', '20', '21', '30', '31', '1', '2, 'at least one pair of coils (, and/or , and/or, , ) are positioned symmetrically with respect to a plane of symmetry (P, P, Pp).'}21212. The sensor according to wherein the first conductor (C) and the second conductor ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033652A1

Provided is a sensor in which a current sensor that detects a current of a power line as a change in a magnetic field and a voltage sensor that detects a voltage of the power line using capacitive coupling are integrally formed. The transmission of signals related to substantially the same sections is omitted in order to effectively compress an output signal from the sensor and an output signal from the voltage sensor. When the amplitude and phase of a fundamental wave which are estimated from the output signal from the sensor and the amplitude and phase of harmonics are encoded, the amplitude and phase of the harmonics are relativized with a value for the fundamental wave. 1. A power line signal encoder comprising:an estimation unit that estimates an amplitude and phase for each of a fundamental wave and a harmonic with a voltage waveform in a predetermined section;a relativization unit that relativizes information on the amplitude and phase of the harmonic of the voltage waveform based on information on the amplitude and phase of the fundamental wave of the voltage waveform; anda quantization unit that quantizes the information on the amplitude and phase of the fundamental wave of the voltage waveform and the relativized information on the amplitude and phase of the harmonic of the voltage waveform by the relativization unit with a predetermined amount of bits, whereinthe estimation unit estimates an amplitude and phase for a fundamental wave and harmonic with a current waveform in the predetermined section,the relativization unit relativizes information on the amplitude and phase of the harmonic of the current waveform based on information on the amplitude and phase of the fundamental wave of the current waveform, andthe quantization unit quantizes the information on the amplitude and phase of the fundamental wave of the current waveform, and the information of the relativized amplitude and phase of the harmonic of the current waveform by the relativization unit. ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037582A1
Принадлежит: Weiss Controls Inc.

A safety circuit to disrupt power to a heating element of an appliance to be powered through a solid state switch (Tri-ac Q), typically a triac, from an AC power source (V) having a positive half cycle and a negative half cycle delivering power. A low resistance condition is sensed by detecting either the current through or voltage across the solid state switch during the positive half cycle and the negative half cycle of the AC power line, when the solid state AC switch is not actuated. A fault signal is generated to interrupt power to the heating element, preferably by a crowbar circuit opening a fuse, whenever the low resistance condition is detected. 1. A safety circuit for use in disrupting power to a heating element of an appliance to be powered through a solid state switch from an AC power source having a positive half cycle and a negative half cycle delivering power , including detection circuitry for detecting a low resistance condition in said solid state switch during the positive half cycle of the AC power through said solid state switch and detecting a low resistance condition in said solid state switch during the negative half cycle of the AC power through said solid state switch to generate a fault signal to interrupt power to said heating element whenever said low resistance condition is detected while said solid state switch is not activated.2. A safety circuit as set forth in claim 1 , said detection circuitry comprising an NPN transistor switch responsive to the positive voltage drop across said solid state switch and a PNP transistor switch responsive to the negative voltage drop across said solid state switch claim 1 , said PNP transistor switch connected to the base of said NPN transistor switch to actuate said NPN transistor in response to either positive or negative voltage drop across said solid state switch claim 1 ,said detection circuitry providing a high logical level output to a microcontroller whenever said solid state switch is ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035590A1

A differential electrical protection device D including N-1 phase conductors, each phase conductor including, between an input, or upper, connection land and an output, or lower, connection land, a portion able to pass through a torus and a portion able to pass through a current measurement and supply sensor, the input connection lands being situated in a first plane P, and the output connection lands extending in a second plane P, in that the supply and measurement sensors of the N−1 phase conductors are each positioned in the space situated between the two planes P,P, and wherein it includes an additional phase conductor including an input connection land and an output connection land, a portion able to pass through the torus and a portion able to pass through an additional measurement sensor only measuring the current, this additional measurement sensor being of small size and being positioned directly above the torus in such a way that the assembly formed by the torus and the additional sensor is situated substantially in the space between the two planes P,P 1. A differential electrical protection device intended to protect at least N electrical lines and including a switching device and a trip module intended to be connected to the switching device , said trip module including firstly a device for measuring the differential current in at least two current lines , this device for measuring the differential current including a magnetic circuit including a torus intended to surround primary conductors that are respectively associated with the current lines , and secondly current measurement and power supply sensors for each current line , respectively , said switching device including power supply means and processing means connected electrically upstream to the device for measuring the differential current and to the various current measurement and power supply sensors , and downstream to a device for actuating a mechanism for opening the contacts ,{'b': 1', '2', ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190036506A1
Автор: Krause Axel

The invention relates to an interference suppressor for a direct current circuit, a vehicle component, a high-voltage intermediate circuit and a vehicle. The interference suppressor for a direct current circuit, which comprises two conductors, is characterized in that the interference suppressor comprises a first connection for connecting the interference suppressor to a first conductor of the direct current circuit; a second connection for connecting the interference suppressor to a second conductor of the direct current circuit; a sensor, wherein the sensor can be coupled in noncontact manner to the direct current circuit and is designed to detect the passing of a predetermined limit value of a superimposed alternating voltage in the first conductor of the direct current circuit; and is designed, by impressing a current in the first connection, to reduce the alternating voltage in the first conductor of the direct current circuit substantially to the predetermined limit value. 1. An interference suppressor for a direct current circuit , comprising two conductors , a first connection (VCc) for connecting the interference suppressor to a first conductor of the direct current circuit;', 'a second connection (Mc) for connecting the interference suppressor to a second conductor of the direct current circuit;', can be coupled in noncontact manner to the direct current circuit;', 'is designed to detect the passing of a predetermined limit value of a superimposed alternating voltage in the first conductor of the direct current circuit; and', 'is designed, by impressing a current in the first connection (VCc), to reduce the alternating voltage in the first conductor of the direct current circuit substantially to the predetermined limit value., 'a sensor, wherein the sensor], 'wherein the interference suppressor comprises2. The interference suppressor as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the sensor for the noncontact coupling to the first conductor of the direct current circuit ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041204A1

A sensor device for use in detecting current in a conductor is provided. The sensor includes a non-magnetic substrate defining an aperture structured to receive a conductor therein, a coil comprising a plurality of turns wound about at least a portion of the substrate, and a housing for enclosing the substrate and coil. The housing includes a dielectric material having a dielectric constant and positioned adjacent to the coil and at least partially within the aperture such that the dielectric material is disposed between the coil and the conductor when the conductor is received through the aperture and at least one spacer coupled to the aperture to facilitate maintaining a position of the coil relative to the conductor, wherein each of the spacers is positioned offset from the dielectric material such that each of the spacers does not radially extend between the coil and the conductor. 1. A sensor device for use in detecting current in a conductor , said sensor device comprising:a non-magnetic substrate defining an aperture structured to receive a conductor therein;a coil comprising a plurality of turns wound about at least a portion of said substrate; and a dielectric material having a dielectric constant and positioned adjacent to said coil and at least partially within said aperture such that said dielectric material is disposed between said coil and said conductor when said conductor is received through said aperture; and', 'at least one spacer coupled to said aperture of said housing to facilitate maintaining a position of said coil relative to said conductor, wherein each of said spacers is positioned offset from said dielectric material such that each of said spacers does not radially extend between said coil and said conductor., 'a housing for enclosing said substrate and coil, said housing comprising2. The sensor device of claim 1 , wherein said housing further comprises:a first portion; anda second portion, wherein said second portion couples to said first ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036292A1
Принадлежит: Silanna Asia Pte Ltd

A switch-mode power supply controller controls a circuit that includes a flyback-based, switch-mode power supply in the context of an input voltage source, a USB Type-C PD controller and an output load. The switch-mode power supply controller may be configured to estimate input voltage based on a measured magnetizing inductance discharge time. Furthermore, the switch-mode power supply controller may be configured to estimate output voltage based on the measured magnetizing inductance discharge time and the estimated input voltage. Still further, the estimated voltages may be used by the switch-mode power supply controller to limit certain currents and optimize power efficiency. Even further, the estimated and measured value may be employed by the switch-mode power supply controller to estimate and indicate brownout conditions. 1. A method comprising:measuring a magnetizing inductance discharge time of a switch-mode power supply, the switch-mode power supply comprising a plurality of flyback cells, each flyback cell comprising a respective flyback cell switching device;locating, in a first lookup table using the measured magnetizing inductance discharge time, an input voltage of the switch-mode power supply that is correlated to the measured magnetizing inductance discharge time, the located input voltage providing an estimate of an actual input voltage of the switch-mode power supply;locating, in a second lookup table using the located input voltage, a maximum on-time value that is correlated to the located input voltage; andusing the located maximum on-time value as a maximum on-time for the flyback cell switching devices.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the first lookup table is populated with a plurality of magnetizing inductance discharge times correlated with a plurality of respective input voltages for the switch-mode power supply; andthe second lookup table is populated with a plurality of input voltages correlated with a plurality of flyback cell switching ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038414A1
Автор: BARBA JIMENEZ Eduardo
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA, Inc.

Two cylindrical capacitors of different values are created in series within a single dielectric resin body to form a capacitive voltage divider for a Medium Voltage sensor. By eliminating temperature variance both capacitors' permittivity is the same, and consistent measurements may be achieved. A first capacitor in the picofarad capacitance range is formed by a rod-shaped central primary conductor, one layer of a wrapped foil capacitor as a second conductor, and the resin body as a dielectric. The wrapped foil capacitor provides a second capacitor in the nanofarad capacitance range and is also embedded within the resin body. The resin body provides a dielectric material almost impervious to ambient changes in operating range and allows for a compact design. A precision resistor can be added in parallel to the first and second capacitors to damp transients and increase the transformation ratio. 1. A capacitive voltage sensor comprising:a) a cast body composed of a first dielectric material;b) a center conductor rod in the cast body;c) a wrapped foil capacitor in the cast body, the wrapped foil capacitor wrapped to concentrically surround a portion of the center conductor rod, the wrapped foil capacitor having a near-side conductive foil layer facing the center conductor rod, a far-side conductive foil layer at a farther radial distance from the center conductor rod, and a second dielectric material layer facing each conductive foil layer;d) whereby a first capacitor of smaller capacity is formed between the center conductor rod and the near-side conductive foil layer,e) and a second capacitor of larger capacity is formed by the wrapped foil capacitor in series with the first capacitor; where the near-side conductive foil layer is electrically floated and the far-side conductive foil layer is electrically grounded, thus creating two series-connected capacitances;f) an input terminal for connecting the center conductor rod to a conductor to be sensed;g) an voltage ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038897A1
Принадлежит: Allegro Microsystems, LLC

A current sensor includes a ferromagnetic core having a substantially central opening for receiving a current conductor and at least two gaps portions, each of the gap portions having an associated gap spacing. A detector of the current sensor includes at least one first sensing element disposed in a first one of the gap portions and configured to generate a respective first magnetic field signal in response to a first magnetic field generated in the first gap portion in response to a current through the current conductor. The detector also includes at least one second sensing element disposed in a second one of the gap portions and configured to generate a respective second magnetic field signal in response to a second magnetic field generated in the second gap portion in response to the current through the conductor. A method of sensing a current through a current conductor is also provided. 1. A current sensor , comprising:a ferromagnetic core having a substantially central opening for receiving a current conductor and at least two gaps portions, each of the gap portions having an associated gap spacing; anda detector comprising at least one first magnetic field sensing element disposed in a first one of the gap portions and configured to generate a respective first magnetic field signal in response to a first magnetic field generated in the first gap portion in response to a current through the current conductor, and at least one second magnetic field sensing element disposed in a second one of the gap portions and configured to generate a respective second magnetic field signal in response to a second magnetic field generated in the second gap portion in response to the current through the conductor, wherein the first magnetic field has a magnitude greater than the second magnetic field.2. The current sensor of claim 1 , wherein the at least one first magnetic field sensing element is configured to sense a first current level range through the current conductor ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Health monitor for an electric machine

Номер: US20200041571A1
Принадлежит: Regal Beloit America Inc

A health monitor circuit for an electric machine includes a plurality of sensors, a rectifier, a memory device, and a microprocessor. The plurality of sensors includes a current transformer configured to be electromagnetically coupled to an electrical conductor that feeds a stator winding of the electric machine. The rectifier is coupled to the current transformer and is configured to convert an AC signal generated by the current transformer to a DC signal to supply power for the health monitor circuit. The microprocessor is coupled to the memory device and the plurality of sensors. The microprocessor is configured to periodically collect a stator current measurement from the current transformer and write the stator current measurement to the memory device.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041581A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A current sensor which can cancel an effect of a varying external magnetic field at a low cost is provided. A current sensor includes a magnetic field detecting element configured to detect a magnetic field generated due to a current flowing through a bus bar. An induced current is generated in a first coil due to an external magnetic field generated around the magnetic field detecting element. A second coil is connected to the first coil and configured to generate, upon flow of the induced current, a magnetic field that cancels the external magnetic field generated around the magnetic field detecting element. 1. A current sensor comprising:a magnetic field detecting element configured to detect a magnetic field generated by a current flowing through an object to be measured;a first coil in which an induced current is generated due to an external magnetic field varying around the magnetic field detecting element; anda second coil connected to the first coil and configured to generate, upon flow of the induced current, a magnetic field that cancels the external magnetic field varying around the magnetic field detecting element.2. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe magnetic field detecting element is arranged in vicinity of the second coil.3. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe magnetic field detecting element is arranged inside the second coil.4. The current sensor according to claim 1 , whereinthe magnetic field detecting element is arranged outside the second coil along the magnetic field generated by the second coil. The present invention relates to a current sensor.A current sensor using a magnetic field detecting element is conventionally known. This current sensor detects, using the magnetic field detecting element, a magnetic field generated by a current flowing through an object to be measured, and calculates a current value from the magnetic field detected by the magnetic field detecting element.The above-described current ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060001A1

The present invention relates to a busbar adapter for connection to a polyphase busbar system, wherein the busbar adapter comprises a top covering element and a bottom covering element, contact devices and contact lines. The busbar adapter also comprises a current measuring device which is designed such that current measurement can be carried out for each phase of the busbar adapter in the busbar adapter. 11010121416. A busbar adapter for connection to a polyphase busbar system () , preferably to a three-phase busbar system () having three busbars ( , , ) ,{'b': 300', '200', '300', '200', '12', '14', '16', '10, 'wherein a housing of the busbar adapter comprises a top covering element () and a bottom covering element (), and wherein the top covering element () is designed to fasten electrical devices thereto, and wherein the bottom covering element () is designed to produce an electrical connection to the busbars (, , ) of the busbar system (),'}{'b': 100', '270', '12', '14', '16', '112', '114', '116', '112', '114', '116', '270', '270', '200, 'wherein the busbar adapter () comprises at least two contact devices (), each for connection to one busbar (, , ), and at least two contact lines (, , ) for an electrical connection to an electrical device, wherein each contact line (, , ) is electrically connected to one contact device (), and wherein the contact devices () are arranged on the bottom covering element (),'}{'b': 100', '212', '214', '216', '212', '214', '216, 'wherein the busbar adapter () comprises a current measuring device (, , , ′, ′, ′) which is designed such that current measurement can be carried out for each phase of the busbar adapter in the busbar adapter.'}2212214216212214216200. The busbar adapter according to claim 1 , characterised in that the current measuring device ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′ claim 1 , ′) is arranged on or in the bottom covering element ().3212214216212214216. The busbar adapter according to claim 1 , ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and Device for Detecting Current of Inductor of PFC Circuit

Номер: US20170045555A1

A method and device for detecting inductor current of a PFC circuit are disclosed, which relates to the field of power supply technology. The method includes: detecting a voltage on a boost inductor of a critical-conduction mode PFC circuit, and obtaining an inductor voltage detection signal (S1); converting the inductor voltage detection signal into a voltage signal whose waveform is consistent with a current waveform of the inductor to serve as an inductor current detection signal, to perform loop protection on the PFC circuit or perform over-current protection on the PFC circuit by using the inductor current detection signal (S2). 1. A method for detecting inductor current of a power factor correction (PFC) circuit , comprising:detecting a voltage on a boost inductor of a critical-conduction mode PFC circuit, and obtaining an inductor voltage detection signal;converting the inductor voltage detection signal into a voltage signal whose waveform is consistent with a current waveform of the inductor to serve as an inductor current detection signal, to perform loop protection on the PFC circuit or perform over-current protection on the PFC circuit by using the inductor current detection signal.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the step of detecting a voltage on a boost inductor of a critical-conduction mode PFC circuit claim 1 , and obtaining an inductor voltage detection signal comprises:connecting in series a sense resistor with the boost inductor of the PFC circuit, and obtaining a voltage drop in conformity with a current of the boost inductor of the PFC circuit through the sense resistor; andtaking the obtained voltage drop as the inductor voltage detection signal.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the step of detecting a voltage on a boost inductor of a critical-conduction mode PFC circuit claim 1 , and obtaining an inductor voltage detection signal comprises:enwinding an inductor auxiliary winding on a magnetic core of ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049856A1
Автор: Zhang Yiqiang Jake

An active switching rectifier circuit uses a MOSFET and applies a current based control to turn the MOSFET on and off. The MOSFET has its source and drain connected between an AC phase line and the DC output. A current detection and control circuit has an input current conductor coupled in series with the source-drain current of the MOSFET; it outputs a switching control signal based on the current in its input conductor and applies the signal to the gate of the MOSFET for on/off control. A Hall-effect switch may be used in the current detection and control circuit. The rectifier may also include a voltage supply circuit coupled to the AC source for supplying a floating DC voltage to the current detection and control circuit. The rectifier circuit can be adapted for various configurations including single-phase half-wave, center-tap dual-phase full-wave, single-phase full-wave, and three-phase full-wave. 1. A current detection device comprising:a ferromagnetic core defining a gap;a conductor wound around the core, wherein the core generates a magnetic field within the gap when a current flows through the conductor; anda Hall-effect switch disposed inside the gap,wherein the Hall-effect switch generates an ON and OFF signal during a half cycle of an AC or half wave current passing through the conductor.2. A circuit for rectifying an AC voltage from an AC source to generate a DC voltage on a DC output , comprising:a MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) having its source and drain electrodes coupled between a phase line of the AC source and one end of the DC output for passing a current between the source and the drain electrodes;a current detection and control circuit having an input current conductor which is coupled in series with the current that passes between the source and the drain electrodes of the MOSFET, the current detection and control circuit outputting a switching control signal based on a current in the input current conductor, ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Power inductor

Номер: US20170047157A1
Автор: Zhao TANG
Принадлежит: Bel Fuse Macao Commercial Offshore Ltd

A power inductor includes a core and winding. The winding has at least two portions, one made of pure copper and the other made of a low-TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance) alloy, wherein the alloy portion is used to form a current sensor. The two portions are joined to provide a unitary winding. The inductor can provide accurate current detection sensor while minimizing total resistance of the winding.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125321A1
Принадлежит: Sentec Ltd.

A current sensor comprises a first component comprising plural coils. Each coil comprises one or more turns printed on at least one planar surface of a respective substrate, and the planes of the coils are parallel to one another and are perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the first component. A second component comprises soft magnetic material and has first and second planar faces that are at opposite ends of the first component and are arranged perpendicularly to and are intersected by the longitudinal axis of the first component. 1. A sensor comprising: each coil comprises one or more turns printed on at least one planar surface of a respective substrate, and', 'the planes of the coils are parallel to one another and are perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the first component; and', 'a second component comprising soft magnetic material and having first and second planar faces that are at opposite ends of the first component and are arranged perpendicularly to and are intersected by the longitudinal axis of the first component., 'a first component comprising plural coils, wherein2. A sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a separation between adjacent coils is approximately the same for all coils of the first component.3. A sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coils of the first component each include the same number of turns and have the same area on the substrate.4. A sensor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second component comprises a U-shaped soft magnetic component and wherein the first and second faces are parallel faces within the mouth of the U.5. A sensor as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the second component is separable from the first component so as to allow a conductor to be introduced into the U before the second component is placed within the mouth of the U of the second component.6. A sensor as claimed in claim 4 , wherein a separation between adjacent coils is approximately the same for all coils of the first component and wherein a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220068527A1
Автор: Kopejtko Petr

A current controlling element includes: a first magnetic core forming a magnetic circuit; a coil for generating a magnetic flux in the first magnetic core when energized; a second magnetic core arranged at a distance from the first magnetic core; and a magnetoresistive conductor arranged in a first air gap between the first magnetic core and the second magnetic core.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160054359A1

This current measurement device includes a conductor, a first terminal block, a pair of detection coils and a current calculator. A magnetic field, proportional to the magnitude of a conducted to-be-measured current, is generated around the conductor. The first terminal block has a placement surface on which the conductor is disposed. The pair of detection coils has the configuration, connected in series and in opposite polarities, and disposed on the placement surface of the first terminal block such that the conductor is between the pair of detection coils, and each coil is spaced from the conductor by an insulating distance. The detection coils output an inductive voltage signal produced by the magnetic field generated by the conductor and an external magnetic field which is magnetic noise. A current calculator calculates the value of the to-be-measured current on the basis of the inductive voltage signals from the pair of detection coils. 1. A current measurement device comprising:a conductor in which a to-be-measured current flows;a base including a placement surface on which the conductor is disposed;a pair of detection coils having the same configuration, connected in series and in opposite polarity with respect to each other, and disposed on the placement surface of the base such that the conductor is positioned between the pair of detection coils, and each detection coil of the pair of detection coils is spaced from the conductor by an insulating distance; anda calculator configured to calculate a value of the to-be-measured current based on an inductive voltage signal from the pair of detection coils, whereinthe conductor has a height longer than a width of the conductor, the height being perpendicular to the placement surface, the width being in a direction orthogonal to a direction of conduction of the conductor, andeach coil of the pair of detection coils has a winding height that is in the same direction as the height of the conductor.2. The current ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160054360A1
Автор: Higuma Toshiyasu

The current measurement apparatus measures the current flowing through a power cable that connects electrical equipment to an AC power source that supplies power to the electrical equipment. Said current measurement apparatus is provided with the following: a sensor that sandwiches the power cable and detects the common mode current flowing therein; a determiner that acquires current information indicating change in the detected common mode current; and a transmitter that transmits the acquired current information to a control apparatus that detects the operating state of the electrical equipment. 1. A current measurement apparatus for measuring a current flowing through a power cable , having a plurality of conducting wires , that connects electrical equipment to a power source that supplies power to the electrical equipment , the current measurement apparatus comprising:a first body and a second body configured to hold the power cable therebetween; anda sensor configured to detect the current flowing through one conducting wire of the plurality of conducting wires, and provided in at least one of the first body and the second body, whereinthe sensor comprises a magnetic core configured to surround the one conducting wire as viewed from a direction of the current flowing through the plurality of conducting wires, and a magnetic flux detector configured to be disposed within a gap formed in the magnetic core.23-. (canceled)4. The current measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a display configured to display strength of a current value that is detected by the sensor.5. The current measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a determiner configured to acquire current information that indicates a change in the current value of the current that is detected by the sensor at predetermined intervals.6. The current measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a determiner configured to acquire current ...
