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31-01-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения частоты трехфазного синусоидального напряжения

Номер: RU0000168373U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения параметров электрической энергии и может быть использована в устройствах измерения частоты трехфазного переменного напряжения или тока, а также в устройствах автоматики и релейной защиты. Устройство содержит три дифференциатора, три квадратора, сумматор, блок извлечения квадратного корня, блок деления и пиковый детектор, причем фазные входы устройства через последовательно соединенные дифференциаторы и квадраторы подключены соответственно входам сумматора, выход которого через блок извлечения квадратного корня присоединен ко второму входу блока деления, выход которого является выходом устройства, а первый вход блока деления присоединен к выходу пикового детектора, вход которого соединен с первым фазным входом устройства. Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является повышение точности измерения частоты. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 373 U1 (51) МПК G01R 23/02 (2006.01) G01R 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016138643, 29.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.09.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Колесников Евгений Борисович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Колесников Евгений Борисович (RU) R U Дата регистрации: 31.01.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.09.2016 Адрес для переписки: 301650, Тульская обл., г. Новомосковск, ул. Октябрьская, 12, кв. 25, Колесникову Евгению Борисовичу 1 6 8 3 7 3 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения частоты трехфазного синусоидального напряжения, содержащее дифференциатор, пиковый детектор и блок деления, первый вход которого присоединен к выходу пикового детектора, вход которого соединен с первым фазным входом устройства, отличающееся тем, что в него дополнительно введены два дифференциатора, три квадратора, сумматор и блок извлечения квадратного корня, причем первый, второй и третий фазные входы устройства ...

06-05-2019 дата публикации

Устройство оценки допплеровского смещения частоты гармонического сигнала

Номер: RU0000188982U1

Полезная модель относится к области электрорадиотехники, а именно к технике радиосвязи, и может быть использована в системах одночастотной передачи данных, а также в системах радиозондирования для измерения допплеровского смещения несущей частоты сигнала в информационно-измерительных. Устройство содержит аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок накопления, первый счетчик, второй счетчик, умножитель, сумматор-накопитель, делитель, блок памяти, блок нормировки и решающее устройство.Техническим результатом является определение допплеровского смещения частоты по гармоническому синусоидальному сигналу. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 982 U1 (51) МПК G01R 23/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H04L 27/26 (2019.02); G01R 23/00 (2019.02); H04L 27/2672 (2019.02); H04B 7/165 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2019103158, 05.02.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.02.2019 06.05.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 06.05.2019 Бюл. № 13 1 8 8 9 8 2 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 186027 U1, 26.12.2018. RU 183781 U1, 02.10.2018. RU 2643708 C2, 05.02.2018. Статья: "МЕТОД ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ДОППЛЕРОВСКОГО СМЕЩЕНИЯ ЧАСТОТЫ ПО СУММЕ ГАРМОНИЧЕСКИХ СИГНАЛОВ", 5-я Международная молодежная научнотехническая конференция "Современные проблемы радиотехники и телекоммуникаций РТ-2009", 20 - 25 апреля 2009 г., Севастополь, Украина. RU (см. прод.) (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ОЦЕНКИ ДОППЛЕРОВСКОГО СМЕЩЕНИЯ ЧАСТОТЫ ГАРМОНИЧЕСКОГО СИГНАЛА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области цифровой преобразователь, блок накопления, электрорадиотехники, а именно к технике первый счетчик, второй счетчик, умножитель, радиосвязи, и может быть использована в сумматор-накопитель, делитель, блок памяти, системах одночастотной передачи данных, а блок нормировки и решающее устройство. также в системах радиозондирования для Техническим результатом является измерения допплеровского смещения несущей ...

09-07-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения частоты трехфазного синусоидального напряжения

Номер: RU0000190694U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения параметров электрической энергии и может быть использована в устройствах измерения частоты трехфазного переменного напряжения или тока, а также в устройствах автоматики и релейной защиты. Устройство содержит дифференциатор, делительное устройство, пиковый детектор, блок выделения модуля, три формирователя зоны нечувствительности, первые входы которых подключены соответственно к трем фазным проводам трехфазного напряжения, сумматор, блок масштабирования и фильтр нижних частот, причем выход дифференциатора соединен с первым входом делительного устройства, выход которого соединен с входом блока выделения модуля, второй вход делительного устройства соединен с выходом пикового детектора, вход которого подключен к первому фазному проводу трехфазного напряжения, выходы формирователей зоны нечувствительности соединены с соответствующими входами сумматора, выход которого соединен с входом дифференциатора, выход пикового детектора соединен с входом блока масштабирования, выход которого соединен со вторыми входами формирователей зоны нечувствительности, а выход блока выделения модуля соединен с входом фильтра нижних частот, выход которого является выходом устройства.Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является повышение точности измерения частоты. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 694 U1 (51) МПК G01R 23/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01R 23/02 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019110721, 10.04.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Колесников Евгений Борисович (RU) Дата регистрации: 09.07.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 168373 U1, 31.01.2017. SU 577469 A1, 25.10.1977. US 8190387 B2, 29.05.2012. KR100823832 B1, 21.04.2008. US 6985824 B2, 10.01.2006. (45) Опубликовано: 09.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 1 9 0 6 9 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ЧАСТОТЫ ТРЕХФАЗНОГО ...

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения частоты трехфазного синусоидального напряжения

Номер: RU0000204749U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения параметров электрической энергии и может быть использована в устройствах измерения частоты трехфазного переменного напряжения или тока, а также в устройствах автоматики и релейной защиты. Устройство содержит трехфазный мостовой выпрямитель, два измерительных резистора, блок выделения максимума, инвертор, пиковый детектор, сумматор, блок масштабирования, вычитающее устройство, дифференциатор, делительное устройство, блок выделения модуля и фильтр нижних частот, причем первый, второй и третий входы трехфазного мостового выпрямителя подключены соответственно к первому, второму и третьему фазным проводам трехфазного напряжения, плюсовой вывод выпрямителя соединен с первым входом сумматора и через первый измерительный резистор соединен с нейтральным проводом, минусовой вывод выпрямителя через второй измерительный резистор соединен с нейтральным проводом, выход дифференциатора соединен с первым входом делительного устройства, выход которого соединен с входом блока выделения модуля, выход которого соединен с входом фильтра нижних частот, выход которого является выходом устройства, а второй вход делительного устройства соединен с выходом пикового детектора, вход которого подключен к первому фазному проводу трехфазного напряжения, минусовой вывод выпрямителя через инвертор соединен со вторым входом сумматора и со вторым входом блока выделения максимума, первый вход которого подключен к плюсовому выводу выпрямителя, выход блока выделения максимума соединен с первым входом вычитающего устройства, выход которого соединен с входом дифференциатора, а выход сумматора через блок масштабирования соединен со вторым входом вычитающего устройства.Техническим результатом заявляемой полезной модели является повышение быстродействия устройства. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 749 U1 (51) МПК G01R 23/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01R 23/02 ( ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

System and method for frequency measurement based on quadratic forms

Номер: US20120084035A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA Inc

A system and methods for determining points for an algorithm to calculate the frequency of a waveform measured from a monitoring device. Data points are measured from the waveform. A last point of interest from the previous cycle of the waveform is referenced. Four points of interest at equally spaced phase angles from the current cycle of the waveform are determined by calculating the average of the data points around each of the respective equally spaced phase angles of the current cycle of the waveform. The average value of the points of interest in the current cycle is subtracted from the four points of interest and the last point of interest from the previous cycle to compensate for DC bias. A frequency of the waveform is determined based on the determined four points of interest of the current cycle and the last point of interest from the previous cycle. The correction factor for determining sample frequency may be reduced for subsequent cycles in order to increase stability.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Production Testing of DCO Capacitors

Номер: US20120112768A1
Автор: Jeroen Kuenen
Принадлежит: St Ericsson SA

Systems provide for a test system for capacitors in a digitally controllable oscillator (DCO). The system includes: capacitor toggling logic configured to switch on and off a selected one of the capacitors at a modulation frequency; a tone generator configured to generate a tone; a mixer configured to receive the tone and an output carrier signal from the DCO while the capacitor toggling logic is switching the selected one of the capacitors on and off and to output an intermediate frequency signal having FM sidebands based on the modulation frequency and relative capacitor size; and an evaluation circuit configured to evaluate a frequency deviation associated with the selected one of the capacitors based on at least one of the FM sidebands.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Monitoring occurrence of transmission and distribution grid code event by power consumption device

Номер: US20120209548A1
Автор: Mark Andrew Runkle
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Disclosed herein is a power consumer approach that monitors the occurrence of grid code events within electric power transmission operations. In one aspect, a grid code event meter is used to detect the occurrence of a grid code event. The grid code meter includes a metering component configured to obtain data for power-related parameters associated with consumption needs. A grid code criteria tracking component tracks the data related to the power-related parameters obtained by the metering component for compliance with grid code criteria required by a transmission company of a consumer for power quality and reliability. A grid code event detection component detects an occurrence of a grid code event in accordance with the tracked data for the power-related parameters.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Frequency judgment device, voltage comparator circuit, and frequency measurement device

Номер: US20120326751A1
Автор: Fujio Kurokawa
Принадлежит: Nagasaki University NUC

The frequency decision device determines frequency of the measured rectangular signal by simple and easy means. The frequency decision device inputs the measured rectangular signal that frequency (or period) changes dynamically. It generates a rectangular reference signal of predetermined on width τ synchronizing to the edge based on a positive going edge of this measured rectangle signal. And it watches the order of measured rectangle signal and falling edges of the rectangular reference signal. When this sequential order reversed, it detects that length of the ON time of ON time of the measured rectangle signal and the measured rectangular signal reversed.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for monitoring a synchronous machine

Номер: US20130030742A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for monitoring a synchronous machine is described. The method includes injecting a narrowband sinusoidal signal at a first end of a field winding of the synchronous machine. The method further includes monitoring a voltage at a second end of the field winding with respect to ground. The method then identifies a resonant frequency based on the monitored voltage, and generates a winding health indicator based on the identified resonant frequency and an expected resonant frequency.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for providing frequency domain display with visual indication of fft window shape

Номер: US20130044112A1
Принадлежит: Tektronix Inc

A test and measurement instrument includes a display having a time domain graticule and a frequency domain graticule. A processor is configured to process an input signal to generate a time domain waveform for display in the time domain graticule, the input signal being correlated to a time base. The processor is also configured to process a second input signal and generate a frequency domain waveform for display in the frequency domain graticule, the second input signal being correlated to the same time base. The frequency domain waveform is correlated to a selected time period of the time base. The processor is also configured to generate a spectrum time indicator configured to graphically illustrate a transform parameter, a location and the selected time period in the time domain graticule with respect to the frequency domain waveform.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Electromagnetic method for sensing the relative position of two items using coupled tuned circuits

Номер: US20130093436A1
Автор: John Thorn
Принадлежит: AND Technology Research Ltd

An electromagnetic method for sensing the relative position of two items using coupled tuned resonant circuits. Two co-resonant tuned circuits are attached to two items 1 and 2 that move relative to one another. The coupling between the circuits is arranged to vary with their relative physical position. One of the tuned circuits is excited at or close to its resonant frequency. The degree of coupling between the tuned circuits is detected by its effect on the way the resultant oscillation changes with time, and this allows the relative position of the items to be established. The inductive elements of the tuned circuits can comprise anti-symmetrical regions 3, 4, 9 and 10 so that the magnetic fields generated by the oscillations are localised and sensitivity to externally applied magnetic fields is minimised. The inductive elements can be implemented directly as printed circuit board tracks.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for Suppression of Spurs from a Free Running Oscillator in Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD) Wireless Systems

Номер: US20130116004A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Embodiments of this disclosure include methods in which spurs generated by the drifting of an oscillation frequency of an oscillation signal provided by a free-running oscillator may be minimized and/or eliminated from an output signal of a phase locked loop (PLL). Methods include minimizing the mixing gain between the oscillation signal and a power signal provided to the PLL. The oscillation signal and the power signal may be mixed in a phase frequency detector (PFD) included in the PLL. The minimizing of the mixing gain for the PFD also minimizes the degrading effect that the spurs have on the overall performance of the communications device. The mixing gain may be minimized by minimizing the impedance provided at nodes included in the PFD where the oscillation signal and the power signal mix. The mixing gain may also be minimized by maximizing the power supply rejection ratio for the PFD.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116957A1

The disclosure discloses a fine frequency offset estimation method and apparatus. The method comprises: calculating a first accumulated estimation value corresponding to a first multiframe state according to a phase relevant value of a subframe and a phase of a subframe in the first multiframe state; calculating a second accumulated estimation value corresponding to a second multiframe state according to the phase relevant value of the subframe and a phase of a subframe in the second multiframe state; determining that a decision result of a multiframe state is the first multiframe state or the second multiframe state according to the first accumulated estimation value and the second accumulated estimation value; and performing a fine frequency offset estimation according to the decision result of the multiframe state. The apparatus disclosed in the disclosure is less coupled with other modules, has excellent performance in various environments, and realizes the unbiased estimation of timing offset. 1. A fine frequency offset estimation method , comprising:calculating a first accumulated estimation value corresponding to a first multiframe state according to a phase relevant value of a subframe and a phase of a subframe in the first multiframe state;calculating a second accumulated estimation value corresponding to a second multiframe state according to the phase relevant value of the subframe and a phase of a subframe in the second multiframe state;determining that a decision result of a multiframe state is the first multiframe state or the second multiframe state according to the first accumulated estimation value and the second accumulated estimation value; andperforming a fine frequency offset estimation according to the decision result of the multiframe state.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of calculating the first accumulated estimation value corresponding to the first multiframe state according to the phase relevant value of the subframe ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128396A1

The present invention relates to current measurement apparatus. The current measurement apparatus comprises first and second measurement devices with each of the first and second measurement devices being operative to measure current in a respective one of a live conductor and a neutral conductor substantially simultaneously. The current measurement apparatus is operative to make plural different determinations in dependence on the substantially simultaneous current measurements. 1. Current measurement apparatus comprising first and second measurement devices , each of the first and second measurement devices being operative to measure current in a respective one of a live conductor and a neutral conductor substantially simultaneously , the current measurement apparatus being operative to make plural different determinations in dependence on the substantially simultaneous current measurements.2. Current measurement apparatus according to in which at least one of the plural different determinations comprises a measurement relating to operation of an electrical circuit comprising the live and neutral conductors.3. Current measurement apparatus according to in which at least one of the plural different determinations comprises a decision relating to operation of an electrical circuit comprising the live and neutral conductors.4. Current measurement apparatus according to in which the decision comprises determining a fault condition claim 3 , the current measurement apparatus further comprising a circuit breaker which is operative to break at least one of the live and neutral conductors in dependence on the decision.5. Current measurement apparatus according to operative to perform calibration in respect of measurement paths associated with the first and second measurement devices claim 4 , the current measurement apparatus being further operative to delay operation of the circuit breaker to reconnect at least one of the live and neutral conductors until completion of ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147462A1
Автор: JUNG Jae Ho, Lee Hui Dong

A frequency comparator outputs an input reference signal and a comparison target signal as pulse-form signals, and is charged or discharged with a voltage corresponding to the reference signal to output a reference voltage having a variable first frequency range, and charged or discharged with a voltage corresponding to the comparison target signal to output a comparison target voltage having a variable second frequency range. The frequency comparator compares the reference voltage having the first frequency range and the comparison output voltage having the second frequency range. 1. A frequency comparator comprising:a pulse generation unit that outputs an input reference signal and a comparison target signal as pulse-form signals;a capacitor unit that is charged or discharged with a voltage corresponding to the reference signal output from the pulse generation unit to output a reference voltage having a variable first frequency range, and charged or discharged with a voltage corresponding to the comparison target signal output from the pulse generation unit to output a comparison target voltage having a variable second frequency range; anda voltage comparison unit that compares the reference voltage and the comparison output voltage, which are output from the capacitor unit, to output a comparison result signal.2. The frequency comparator of claim 1 , whereinthe capacitor unit comprises:at least one first capacitor;a first switch that operates in response to the reference signal output from the pulse generation unit, and that charges or discharges a voltage corresponding to the reference signal to or from the first capacitor;at least one second capacitor; anda second switch that operates in response to the comparison target signal output from the pulse generation unit, and that charges or discharges a voltage corresponding to the comparison target signal to or from the second capacitor.3. The frequency comparator of claim 2 , whereinthe first capacitor is provided ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for ground fault detection and fault type evaluation

Номер: US20130154660A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd

The embodiments disclose a circuit for detecting and determining a type of ground fault in a security system. An operational amplifier (OA) having positive and negative inputs and an output may receive AC input signals having different frequencies, f 1 and f 2 at a positive input and provide an AC output signal at the output. An OA feedback loop may comprise a ground fault equivalent impedance connected at the OA negative input and a feedback resistor connected between the OA output and the OA negative input. A rectifier may convert the AC output signal to a DC signal and a filter to obtain a steady DC voltage from the rectified DC signal. A steady DC voltage for two different AC input signals may be obtained and converted to a relative voltage with respect to a constant input voltage amplitude. The relative voltages may be compared to detect and determine a type of ground fault condition.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Resampling a Signal to Perform Synchrophasor Measurement

Номер: US20130154878A1
Автор: Chen Zhang, Qiao Guo, Yijun Shi
Принадлежит: Individual

Performing power quality and synchrophasor analysis on a resampled signal. A first signal may be initially received which corresponds to a power system. The first signal may have a plurality of cycles and may have a frequency that varies over time. One or more parameters may be determined from the first signal. Based on the one or more parameters, the first signal may be resampled to produce an even angle signal. Various power quality measurements may be performed on the even angle signal. Similarly, further processing may be performed to perform synchrophasor measurements, e.g., to determine phasor, frequency, and/or rate of frequency change for the first signal. In some embodiments, the resampling processing elements (e.g., circuitry, programmable hardware elements, processors and memories, etc.) may be shared between the two analyses.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Pulse width modulated voltage measuring circuit and method

Номер: US20130158920A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd

A voltage measuring circuit includes a rectifier to receive an alternating current (AC) voltage to be measured and to provide a rectified output; a comparator for comparing the rectified output and producing therefrom a square wave having a pulse width indicative of the rectified output exceeding a threshold; a calculation circuit for converting a measurement of the pulse width into a measurement of the voltage and optionally an opto-isolator interconnecting the comparator to the calculation circuit. The rectifier may provide operating power to the comparator and an input side of the opto-isolator, from the AC voltage signal being measured. The remainder of the measuring circuit may powered by a source isolated from the voltage to be measured.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Frequency mask trigger with non-uniform bandwidth segments

Номер: US20130158923A1
Принадлежит: Tektronix Inc

Disclosed is a test and measurement instrument having a multiple variable bandwidth frequency mask. The instrument includes an input processor for receiving an input signal and producing a digital signal, as well as a trigger signal generator for generating a trigger signal on the occurrence of a trigger event. A time to frequency converter converts a frame of digital data from the digital signal into a frequency spectrum having at least two frequency bins of dissimilar frequency widths. Each frequency bin has a power amplitude value. The trigger signal is generated when the power amplitude value of any of the at least two frequency bins violates an associated reference power level. In some cases the output may be shown as a density trace, and the trigger signal generated when any point of the density trace violates an associated density threshold.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158924A1

An AC measurement circuit includes a rectifier for receiving an AC signal; a peak detection circuit; and a voltage divider, interconnected with an output of the rectifier, and the input of the peak detection circuit to provide the peak detection circuit with a voltage value equal to a fraction of the AC signal. An analog to digital converter, has its analog input interconnected with an output of the peak detection circuit, for providing a digital output corresponding to its analog input. A summing circuit sums n samples of the digital output. The voltage divider is configured so that the summing circuit calculates an average measurement of the AC signal by summing n samples and without floating point division. 1. An AC measurement circuit comprising;a rectifier for receiving an AC signal;a peak detection circuit;a voltage divider, interconnected with an output of said rectifier, and the input of said peak detection circuit to provide said peak detection circuit with a voltage value equal to a fraction of said AC signal;an analog to digital converter, having its analog input interconnected with an output of said peak detection circuit, for providing a digital output corresponding to its analog input;a summing circuit to sum n samples of said digital output;wherein said voltage divider is configured so that said summing circuit calculates an average measurement of said AC signal by summing n samples and without floating point division.2. The AC measurement circuit of claim 1 , wherein said voltage divider is configured so that said summing circuit calculates said average measurement without floating point operation.5. The AC measurement circuit of claim 1 , wherein said summing circuit is calibrated to account for any voltage drop across said rectifier.6. The AC measurement circuit of claim 1 , wherein n is chosen based on a ratio of the peak AC voltage to be measured and the dynamic range of an input to said analog to digital converter.7. The AC measurement circuit ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182815A1
Автор: Zink Fabian

In a method for determining a frequency of an input signal, a first count value is determined by counting clock edges of a reference clock signal while the input signal corresponds to a first level value. Further, a second count value is determined by counting clock edges of the reference clock signal while the input signal corresponds to a second level value. The frequency of the input signal is determined as a function of the first and the second count value. 1. A method for determining a frequency of an input signal (IN) comprising:{'b': 1', '1, 'determining a first count value (N) by counting clock edges of a reference clock signal (CLK) while the input signal (IN) corresponds to a first level value (L);'}{'b': 2', '2, 'determining a second count value (N) by counting clock edges of the reference clock signal (CLK) while the input signal (IN) corresponds to a second level value (L); and'}{'b': 1', '2, 'determining the frequency as a function of the first and the second count values (N, N).'}212. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frequency is determined as a function of the sum of the first and the second count value (N claim 1 , N).3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the frequency is determined as a function of the sum of the first and second count values of one or more successive measuring periods in the input signal (IN).4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the frequency is only determined when the sum of the first and second count values of one or more successive measuring periods in the input signal (IN) exceeds a limit.512. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first count value (N) is determined in a first count operation claim 1 , and the second value (N) in a second count operation.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein{'b': '1', 'the first count value (N) is determined by a counter result of the first count operation on a level change of the input signal (IN); and'}{'b': '2', 'the second count value (N) is ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Domain Identification and Separation for Precision Measurement of Waveforms

Номер: US20130191062A1

A machine-implemented method for computerized digital signal processing obtains a digital signal from data storage or from conversion of an analog signal and determines, from the digital signal, Measuring Matrices (MM). Each measuring matrix has a plurality of cells, each cell having an amplitude corresponding to the signal energy in a frequency bin for a time slice. Cells in each measuring matrix having maximum amplitudes within a time slice are identified as maximum cells. Maxima that coincide in time and frequency are identified and a correlated maxima matrix (PMM) is constructed showing the coinciding maxima and the adjacent marked maxima are linked into partial chains. If only one MM is constructed, multiple types of maxima are identified to generate the (PMM). The partial chains are isolated by parameters for a single domain or multiple domains to identify partial chains and possible separation of complex compound waveforms in the digital signal. 1. A method for digital signal processing , implemented on a computer having one or more processors and one or more memory devices , the method comprising:receiving a digital waveform signal from data storage or from conversion of a physical analog signal received from an analog source or captured by a physical analog device;determining two or more measuring matrices from the digital waveform, each matrix consisting of a plurality of cells, each cell representing a corresponding time slice and frequency bin and having an amplitude corresponding to the signal energy for that frequency bin and time slice;identifying various types of maximum cells in each measuring matrices based on their having a local maximum amplitude;identifying correlated maxima as maximum cells from multiple measuring matrices that coincide in time and frequency or multiplies type of maxima or a combination of measuring matrices;constructing a correlated maxima matrix that indicates the correlated maxima;identifying, in the correlated maxima matrix ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Plasma Supply Device

Номер: US20130214680A1
Принадлежит: Huettinger Elektronik GmbH and Co KG

A plasma supply device generates an output power greater than 500 W at an essentially constant basic frequency greater than 3 MHz and powers a plasma process to which is supplied the generated output power, and from which reflected power is returned to the plasma supply device. The plasma supply device includes at least one inverter connected to a DC power supply, which inverter has at least one switching element, and an output network, wherein the at least one output network includes at least one inductance that has at least one magnetic field strengthening element that is a Perminvar ferrite.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241598A1

In a frequency difference calculation circuit, a first frequency difference calculation section calculates a difference between the first input frequency and an oscillation frequency of the non-integer multiple oscillation section of which an oscillation frequency is a non-integer multiple of the first input frequency. Meanwhile, a second frequency difference calculation section calculates a difference between a second input frequency in which a difference between frequency having an integer multiple of the first input frequency and the second input frequency being within a predetermined error range, and the oscillation frequency of the non-integer multiple oscillation section and an addition section calculates a difference between the first input frequency and the second input frequency adding a calculation result of the first calculation section and a calculation result of the second calculation section. 1. A frequency difference calculation circuit comprising:an oscillation section of which an oscillation frequency is a non-integer multiple of a first input frequency;a first calculation section that calculates a difference between the first input frequency and the oscillation frequency of the oscillation section;a second calculation section that calculates a difference between a second input frequency and the oscillation frequency of the oscillation section, a difference between frequency which has an integer multiple of the first input frequency and the second input frequency being within a predetermined error range; anda third calculation section that calculates a difference between the first input frequency and the second input frequency using a calculation result of the first calculation section and a calculation result of the second calculation section.2. The frequency difference calculation circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the oscillation section includes a ring oscillator.3. The frequency difference calculation circuit according to claim 2 , wherein ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric potential measuring apparatus

Номер: US20130271110A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An electric potential measuring apparatus includes a detecting unit, a generating unit, and a measuring unit. The detecting unit is provided on a surface of a measurement subject and detects a second signal including a first signal within a first frequency range from the measurement subject. The generating unit generates a fourth signal by averaging a third signal within a second frequency range outside the first frequency range. The measuring unit measures electric potential of the first signal included in the second signal detected by the detecting unit with reference to electric potential of the fourth signal generated by the generating unit.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatuses for measuring high speed signals and methods thereof

Номер: US20130278295A1

An apparatus for measuring a high speed signal may comprise a plurality of Analog-Digital converters (AD converter) that are arranged in parallel to each other to sample an input signal at different frequencies; a plurality of frequency synthesizers configured to provide each AD converter with a different sampling frequency; a signal processor configured to receive an output of the plurality of AD converters to reconstruct the input signal; and/or a controller configured to receive and process a trigger signal.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285740A1

There is disclosed a method of determining an AM-PM distortion measurement for an amplifier, the method comprising: generating a test waveform to be provided to the input of the amplifier; periodically puncturing the test waveform with a fixed-level reference signal to generate a modified test waveform which alternates between test periods in which a portion of the test waveform is present and reference periods in which the fixed-level reference signal is present; measuring the amplifier AM-PM distortion in a test period; measuring the phase difference between the input and the output of the amplifier in reference periods either side of the test period; estimating a phase error in the test period in dependence on phase differences measured in the reference periods; and estimating the true amplifier AM-PM distortion by removing the estimated phase error from the measured amplifier AM-PM distortion. 1. A method of determining an AM-PM distortion measurement for an amplifier , the method comprising:generating a test waveform to be provided to the input of the amplifier;periodically puncturing the test waveform with a fixed-level reference signal to generate a modified test waveform which alternates between test periods in which a portion of the test waveform is present and reference periods in which the fixed-level reference signal is present;measuring the amplifier AM-PM distortion in a test period;measuring the phase difference between the input and the output of the amplifier in reference periods either side of the test period;estimating a phase error in the test period in dependence on phase differences measured in the reference periods; andestimating the true amplifier AM-PM distortion by removing the estimated phase error from the measured amplifier AM-PM distortion.2. The method of wherein the step of estimating the phase error comprises measuring the amplifier phase shift during the reference period either side of the test period claim 1 , and using ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Reference-Less Frequency Detector

Номер: US20130285752A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Embodiments provide a reference-less frequency detector that overcomes the “dead zone” problem of conventional circuits. In particular, the frequency detector is able to accurately resolve the polarity of the frequency difference between the VCO clock signal and the data signal, irrespective of the magnitude of the frequency difference and the presence of VCO clock jitter and/or ISI on the data signal.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289914A1
Автор: Taylor Carolyn
Принадлежит: ZTE (USA) INC.

Methods are directed towards determining a total measurement uncertainty for LME and LEE UEs. Methods include representing the at least one quantity subject to measurement as a function of at least one physically observably quantity. Methods also include obtaining a value of the at least one quantity subject to measurement. Based on the obtained values, values of the sources of uncertainty are derived. 1. A method for evaluating uncertainty for free space measurements of a radio frequency (RF) device , the method comprising:identifying sources of uncertainty associated with at least one quantity subject to measurement;representing the at least one quantity subject to measurement as a function of at least one physically observable quantity;obtaining values of the at least one quantity subject to measurement; andbased on the obtained values, deriving values of the sources of uncertainty.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the obtaining comprises making at least one measurement using a repeatability test.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RF device comprises laptop mounted equipment.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RF device comprises laptop embedded equipment.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the RF device comprises:an antenna configured to propagate an RF signal suitable for measuring an uncertainty evaluation.6. An article of manufacture including a computer-readable medium having instructions stored thereon claim 1 , comprising:instructions for identifying sources of uncertainty associated with at least one quantity subject to measurement;instructions for representing the at least one quantity subject to measurement as a function of at least one physically observable quantity;instructions for obtaining values of the at least one quantity subject to measurement; andbased on the obtained values, instructions for deriving values of the sources of uncertainty.7. The article of manufacture of claim 5 , wherein the instructions for obtaining comprises making at ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307524A1
Принадлежит: Ramot at Tel-Aviv University Ltd.

A method for testing a signal comprises obtaining a signal, determining whether the signal has at least one period, measuring that period and providing the measurement as output. A power spectral density estimation can be used for signals having a single period, and an autocorrelation function with slicing can be used in an iterative procedure for finding multiple periods within signals. 1. A method for testing a signal comprising:obtaining the signal;determining whether the signal has at least one period;measuring the period; andoutputting the period.2. The method of comprising using power spectral density if only one period is detected claim 1 , to measure the period claim 1 , and if multiple periods are detected then obtaining an autocorrelation of the signal claim 1 , slicing the autocorrelation into slices claim 1 , for each slice finding peaks and lags claim 1 , and wherein the measuring the signal comprises setting a current period as a longest one of the lags.3. The method of claim 2 , comprising iteratively coarsening the slices to find further ones of the multiple periods in the signal.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising stopping the iterative coarsening when all determined periods are contained within a single slice.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the determining whether the signal has at least one period comprises determining that the signal has only one period claim 1 , using a power spectral density to determine the frequency of the only one period.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the outputting the period comprises outputting a list of all periods found in the obtained signal claim 1 , and providing a confidence value for each period in the list.7. The method of claim 6 , comprising calculating the confidence value by dividing a number of lags found by a number of lags expected for the current period.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising finding successively longer periods in the obtained signal by iteratively relaxing a time- ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338954A1
Автор: Seki Kempei
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

An alternating-current electrical quantity measuring apparatus calculates, as a frequency coefficient, a value obtained by normalizing, with a differential voltage instantaneous value at intermediate time, a mean value of a sum of differential voltage instantaneous values at times other than the intermediate time among differential voltage instantaneous value data at three points each representing an inter-point distance between voltage instantaneous value data at adjacent two points in voltage instantaneous value data at continuous at least four points obtained by sampling an alternating voltage set as a measurement target at a sampling frequency twice or more as high as a frequency of the alternating voltage. 1. An alternating-current electrical quantity measuring apparatus comprising:a frequency-coefficient calculating unit configured to calculate, as a frequency coefficient, a value obtained by normalizing, with a differential voltage instantaneous value at intermediate time, a mean value of a sums of differential voltage instantaneous values at times other than the intermediate time among differential voltage instantaneous value data at three points each representing an inter-point distance between voltage instantaneous value data at adjacent two points in voltage instantaneous value data at continuous at least four points obtained by sampling an alternating voltage set as a measurement target at a sampling frequency twice or more as high as a frequency of the alternating voltage; anda frequency calculating unit configured to calculate a frequency of the alternating voltage using the sampling frequency and the frequency coefficient.2. The alternating-current electrical quantity measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a gauge-differential-voltage calculating unit configured to calculate, as a gauge differential voltage, a value obtained by averaging differences between a square value of a differential voltage instantaneous value at ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002056A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Systems and corresponding methods for determining characteristics of an output signal generated by a high-frequency medical device using low-frequency measurement systems are disclosed. A digital measurement system includes an oscillator, a mixer, and a controller coupled to each other. The oscillator provides a reference signal having a second frequency. The mixer generates a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal. The controller then determines a characteristic of the output signal (e.g., frequency or phase) based on the down-converted signal. An analog measurement system includes a filter having a center frequency, a rectifier, and a controller. The filter filters the output signal and the rectifier rectifies the filtered signal. The controller samples the rectified signal and determines a characteristic of the output signal based on the level of the rectified signal. The reference signal controller may adjust a characteristic of the output signal based on the determined frequency and/or phase of the output signal. 1. A system for measuring a characteristic of an output signal generated by a generator , the output signal having a first frequency , the system comprising:an oscillator configured to provide a reference signal having a second frequency;a mixer configured to generate a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal; anda controller configured to operate at a clock frequency lower than the first frequency and to determine a characteristic of the output signal based on the down-converted signal.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic of the output signal is frequency or phase.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the output signal is a digital signal or an analog signal.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the output signal based on the determined characteristic of the output signal.5. The system according ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028284A1

A method for obtaining electric power information is applied with a power supply and includes following steps of coupling the power supply to an AC power source; detecting a voltage of the AC power source to obtain a first voltage; detecting a frequency of the AC power source to obtain a first frequency; and estimating an electric power information of the power supply in accordance with the first voltage and the first frequency. The electric power information includes an input current, an input voltage or an input power outputted from the AC power source to the power supply. 1. A method for obtaining electric power information , which is applied with a power supply , comprising steps of:coupling the power supply to an AC power source;detecting a voltage of the AC power source to obtain a first voltage;detecting a frequency of the AC power source to obtain a first frequency; andestimating an electric power information of the power supply in accordance with the first voltage and the first frequency;wherein, the electric power information includes an input current, an input voltage or an input power outputted from the AC power source to the power supply.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising steps of:detecting the voltage of the AC power source to obtain a second voltage;comparing the second voltage and the first voltage; andif the difference between the second voltage and the first voltage is greater than a threshold voltage, estimating and updating the electric power information in accordance with the second voltage.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising steps of:detecting the frequency of the AC power source to obtain a second frequency;comparing the second frequency and the first frequency; andif the difference between the second frequency and the first frequency is greater than a threshold frequency, estimating and updating the electric power information in accordance with the second frequency.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising steps of: ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Power Supply Testing

Номер: US20140035362A1
Автор: Wolfgang Scherr

In one embodiment, a method of verifying a component coupled to an output of a power supply includes measuring a frequency response from a control input of the power supply to the output of the power supply. The method also includes comparing the frequency response to a predetermined metric based on the measuring. The component is determined to be valid if the frequency response falls within the predetermined metric.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041454A1

A piezoelectric resonator includes a plate-shaped crystal element, excitation electrodes, and an unwanted response suppression portion. The excitation electrodes are disposed on both surfaces of the crystal element. The unwanted response suppression portion is formed by inverting a crystallographic axis of the crystal element to suppress an unwanted response that oscillates at a different frequency from a frequency of a main vibration of the crystal element. 1. A piezoelectric resonator , comprising:a plate-shaped crystal element;excitation electrodes disposed on both surfaces of the crystal element; andan unwanted response suppression portion formed by inverting a crystallographic axis of the crystal element to suppress an unwanted response that oscillates at a different frequency from a frequency of a main vibration of the crystal element.2. The piezoelectric resonator according to claim 1 , whereinthe unwanted response suppression portion is formed by inverting an X-axis, the X-axis being the crystallographic axis of the crystal element.3. The piezoelectric resonator according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of the unwanted response suppression portions are disposed symmetrically to the center of the excitation electrode.4. The piezoelectric resonator according to claim 3 , whereinthe excitation electrode is formed in a quadrangular shape, the quadrangular shape being one of a rectangular shape and a square shape where lengths of four sides are equal to one another, a first unwanted response suppression portion and a second unwanted response suppression portion disposed on one diagonal line of the quadrangular shape that is an outline of the excitation electrode, the first and second unwanted response suppression portions being symmetrical to each other with respect to a center of gravity of the quadrangular shape; and', 'a third unwanted response suppression portion and a fourth unwanted response suppression portion disposed on another diagonal line of the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052399A1

Circuits and methods for identifying or verifying frequencies are disclosed herein. A frequency verification circuit comprises: an input port for receiving an input signal; a phase frequency difference detector for determining a difference in phase and frequency between the input signal and a feedback signal and for providing a control signal based on the detected difference; a voltage controlled crystal oscillator for producing an output signal based on the control signal; and a feedback loop including a feedback divider for frequency dividing the output signal by a factor R to produce the feedback signal, the feedback divider being programmable to a plurality of values of the factor R to correspond to a plurality of different test frequencies. 1. A frequency identification circuit comprising:a port configured to receive an input signal; determine a difference in phase and frequency between the input signal and a feedback signal; and', 'provide a control signal based on the detected difference;, 'a phase frequency difference detector configured toan oscillator configured to produce an output signal based on the control signal;a feedback divider coupled between an output of the oscillator and an input of the phase frequency detector, the feedback divider configured to divide the output signal by a factor R to produce the feedback signal, the feedback divider being settable to a plurality of values of the factor R to correspond to a plurality of different test frequencies; anda processor coupled to the phase frequency difference detector and the feedback divider, the processor configured to set a value of the factor R of the feedback divider.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:step through a plurality of test frequencies by adjusting the value of the factor R;determine whether a locked state has been achieved based on an output of the phase frequency detector; andidentify a frequency of the input signal based on the value of the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062455A1
Автор: NAKAYAMA Yoshikazu

To accurately measure a frequency characteristic of a waveform generating apparatus, provided is a measurement apparatus that measures a frequency characteristic of a waveform generating apparatus generating a signal having a waveform corresponding to waveform data, comprising a control section that causes a plurality of sine wave signals having different frequencies to be sequentially output from the waveform generating apparatus; a measuring section that measures each of the sine wave signals output from the waveform generating apparatus; and a calculating section that calculates a frequency characteristic of the waveform generating apparatus based on the measurement results of the measuring section. The control section causes trigger signals to be output from the waveform generating apparatus and causes the sine wave signals to be output in synchronization with the trigger signals, and the measuring section measures a phase of each sine wave signal with the corresponding trigger signal as a reference. 1. A measurement apparatus that measures a frequency characteristic of a waveform generating apparatus generating a signal having a waveform corresponding to waveform data , comprising:a control section that causes a plurality of sine wave signals having different frequencies to be sequentially output from the waveform generating apparatus;a measuring section that measures each of the sine wave signals output from the waveform generating apparatus; anda calculating section that calculates a frequency characteristic of the waveform generating apparatus based on the measurement results of the measuring section.2. The measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe control section causes trigger signals to be output from the waveform generating apparatus and causes the sine wave signals to be output in synchronization with the trigger signals, andthe measuring section measures a phase of each of the sine wave signals with the corresponding trigger signal as a ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for securing a wireless device for rf testing

Номер: US20140071001A1
Принадлежит: ATC Logistics and Electronics Inc

A system and method for testing RF characteristics of a wireless device. The wireless device is positioned in an x-position and a y-position of a horizontal plane of a test fixture. An RF antenna coupler is positioned in an x-position and a y-position of a vertical plane. The positioning of the wireless device and the RF antenna coupler correspond to acceptable RF characteristics for testing the wireless device. Positions of the wireless device and the RF antenna coupler are identified. The identified positions are utilized to perform subsequent testing of similar wireless devices.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091783A1
Принадлежит: Canara, Inc.

A system capable of identifying various possible technical malfunctions with an uninterruptible power supply system by detecting AC ripple on a power bus of the UPS system. A battery monitor is positioned on the terminal posts of one or more batteries of the UPS system. The monitor, since it is connected with the power bus, is configured to measure and/or record AC ripple on the power bus. At the monitor or by way of communicating the AC ripple to a remote database and server, excessive ripple changes may generate an alert when such changes exceed a threshold or may be viewed through a graphical user interface. 1. An apparatus for identifying a problem with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system comprising:at least one battery monitor coupled with at least one of a plurality of batteries forming part of a UPS system, the at least one battery monitor configured to record AC ripple measurements present on a DC power bus of the UPS system, the DC power bus coupled with the plurality of batteries.2. The apparatus of wherein the battery monitor is configured to measure a battery parameter by applying a current load to the battery that the monitor is coupled with claim 1 , the battery monitor further configured to measure and record the AC ripple when the current load is applied to the battery.3. The apparatus of wherein the battery monitor further includes at least one network connection claim 1 , the battery monitor configured to transmit the recorded AC ripple measurements to a remote database over the network connection.4. The apparatus of wherein the battery monitor further includes a local memory storing at least one threshold claim 3 , the battery monitor comparing the monitored AC ripple measurement with the threshold and generating an indicator when the threshold is met.5. The apparatus of wherein the battery monitor transmits the indicator to the remote database.6. The apparatus of wherein the DC power bus upon which AC ripple is measured is electrically ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Duty Cycle Detecting Circuit for Pulse Width Modulation

Номер: US20140097825A1
Автор: Hsu Lu-Yueh

A duty cycle detecting circuit for pulse width modulation (PWM). The circuit includes a clock generating circuit, a sampling circuit and a calculation circuit. The clock generating circuit is for generating a clock signal. The sampling circuit receives a PWM signal and the clock signal, samples the PWM signal based on the clock signal, and generates a sampling signal. The calculation circuit is for calculating the duty cycle of the PWM signal based on the sampling signal. 1. A duty cycle detecting circuit for pulse width modulation , applied for detecting a duty cycle of a PWM signal , comprising:a clock generating circuit arranged for generating a clock signal;a sampling circuit, in communication with the clock generating circuit without any intermediate component, arranged for receiving the PWM signal and the clock signal, sampling the PWM signal based on the clock signal, and generating a sampling signal; anda calculation circuit, in communication with the sampling circuit and the clock generating circuit without any intermediate component, arranged for calculating the duty cycle of the PWM signal based on the sampling signal in a predetermined time period;wherein the sampling signal comprises a high electric potential state and a low electric potential state;wherein the calculation circuit accumulates signal samples in high electric potential states and total signal samples respectively;wherein the calculation circuit divides a number of signal samples in high electric potential states by a total number of signal samples to obtain the duty cycle.2. The duty cycle detecting circuit for pulse width modulation of claim 1 , wherein the clock generating circuit is an oscillator.3. The duty cycle detecting circuit for pulse width modulation of claim 1 , wherein the calculation circuit comprises:a microprocessor unit for processing an operation required to calculate the duty cycle; anda memory unit for storing a computer code required to calculate the duty cycle.4. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Automatic Frequency Prescaler

Номер: US20170003321A1

A test and measurement instrument including an input port configured to receive an input signal. One or more divider circuits, coupled to the input port, employ a plurality of divide ratios such that each divide ratio scales an event signal indicating events in the input signal by a predetermined integer value. A control system is also included. The control system is configured to iteratively determine an estimated signal frequency of the event signal, and automatically select a divide ratio for the event signal based on the estimated signal frequency. The instrument may also include one or more counters to count triggers in the event signal subsequent to application of the divide ratio. The instrument may also employ frequency hysteresis to prevent chatter in divide ratio selection. 1. A test and measurement instrument , comprising:{'b': 105', '201', '301', '125, 'an input port (//) configured to receive an input signal ();'}{'b': 205', '305, 'one or more divider circuits (/) employing a plurality of divide ratios such that each divide ratio scales an event signal indicating events in the input signal by a predetermined integer value; and'}{'b': 210', '310, 'claim-text': [{'b': '413', 'iteratively determine an estimated signal frequency of the event signal (), and'}, {'b': '415', 'automatically select a divide ratio for the event signal based on the estimated signal frequency ().'}], 'a control system (/) configured to2209309409413. The test and measurement instrument of claim 1 , further comprising a frequency range counter (/) configured to count a number of trigger events in the event signal and forward the count to the control system claim 1 , wherein the control system is further configured to determine an elapsed time result based on the counted number of trigger events () claim 1 , and wherein the control system determines the estimated signal frequency based on the determined elapsed time result ().3308309325310. The test and measurement instrument of claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Crystal unit and method of measuring characteristics of the crystal unit

Номер: US20160003877A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A crystal unit includes: a crystal piece; an excitation electrode configured to excite the crystal piece; a case configured to accommodate the crystal piece; an external electrode formed in the case and configured to be electrically connected to the excitation electrode; and an antenna formed in the case and configured to be electrically connected to the external electrode.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Oscillation-based systems and methods for testing rfid straps

Номер: US20160003899A1

Systems and methods are provided for testing remote frequency identification (RFID) straps. A testing system includes an amplifier electrically coupled to an inductor or inductive component. The system further includes a pair of contact points to be placed in contact with a pair of contact pads of an RFID strap. Connecting the contact points and the contact pads places the RFID strap in parallel with the inductor to define a resonant circuit. The characteristics of the resonant circuit as an oscillator depend at least in part on the capacitance and the resistance of the RFID strap. As such, the characteristics of the resonant circuit as an oscillator may be monitored to determine the capacitance and/or the resistance of the RFID strap. One or more characteristics of the RFID strap may be compared to one or more threshold values to determine whether the RFID strap is acceptable or defective.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Reel Device

Номер: US20180003740A1
Автор: Shih-Hsiang Chien
Принадлежит: Peaceful Thriving Enterprise Co Ltd

A reel device is a casing device for rollingly storing wire. The casing has a turnplate and is coupled with a measuring model. The measuring model has a function of testing the external circuit or power source plug and providing warning or presenting information regarding the external circuit or power source plug.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003749A1

Embodiments of the invention include a resonant sensing system comprising driving circuitry to generate a drive signal during excitation time periods, a first switch coupled to the driving circuitry, and a sensing device coupled to the driving circuitry via the first switch during the excitation time periods. The sensing device includes beams to receive the drive signal during a first excitation time period that causes the beams to mechanically oscillate and generate a first induced electromotive force (emf) in response to the drive signal. The first switch decouples the sensing device and the driving circuitry during measurement time periods for measurement of the induced emf. 1. A resonant sensing system comprising:driving circuitry to generate a drive signal during excitation time periods;a first switch coupled to the driving circuitry;a sensing device coupled to the driving circuitry via the first switch during the excitation time periods, the sensing device having beams to receive the drive signal during a first excitation time period that causes the beams to mechanically oscillate and generates a first induced electromotive force (emf) in response to the drive signal, wherein the first switch to decouple the sensing device and the driving circuitry during measurement time periods for measurement of the induced emf.2. The resonant sensing system further comprising:a second switch; anda signal conditioning interface circuitry coupled to the sensing device via the second switch during the measurement time periods and decoupled from the sensing device during the excitation time periods, the signal conditioning interface circuitry to receive a sense signal associated with the first induced emf during a first measurement time period and to generate a conditioned sense signal that is amplified and filtered by the signal conditioning interface circuitry.3. The resonant sensing system of further comprising:frequency detection circuitry coupled to the signal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003926A1

A metal detector for buried and abandoned chemical weapons is provided, comprising: a transmitting circuit to transmit a detection signal; a frequency selection unit electrically connected to the transmitting circuit and configured to regulate a frequency of the detection signal; a receiving circuit to receive a reflected signal returned from the substance detected; an analog-digital conversion unit electrically connected to the receiving circuit and configured to convert the reflected signal into a digital signal; and a control unit electrically connected to the analog-digital conversion unit. In the present disclosure, the frequency of the detection signal can be regulated by changing a current frequency of the transmitting circuit, so that several forms of iron compound can be detected, thereby increasing the detection accuracy of the ACWs. 1. A metal detector for buried and abandoned chemical weapons , comprising:a transmitting circuit configured to transmit a detection signal;a frequency selection unit electrically connected to the transmitting circuit and configured to regulate a frequency of the detection signal;a receiving circuit configured to receive a reflected signal returned from the substance detected;an analog-digital conversion unit electrically connected to the receiving circuit and configured to convert the reflected signal into a digital signal; anda control unit electrically connected to the analog-digital conversion unit.2. The metal detector of claim 1 , wherein the frequency selection unit comprises:an operational amplifier; [{'b': 4', '4, 'a resistor R, two ends of the resistor R being respectively and electrically connected to an inverting input of the operational amplifier and an output of the operational amplifier;'}, {'b': 1', '1', '1, 'a resistor R, one end of the resistor R being grounded and the other end of the resistor R being electrically connected to the inverting input of the operational amplifier; and'}], 'a first amplifying ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004099A1

A digital measurement system includes an oscillator, a mixer, and a controller coupled to each other. The oscillator provides a reference signal having a second frequency. The mixer generates a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal. The controller then determines a characteristic of the output signal (e.g., frequency or phase) based on the down-converted signal. An analog measurement system includes a filter having a center frequency, a rectifier, and a controller. The filter filters the output signal and the rectifier rectifies the filtered signal. The controller samples the rectified signal and determines a characteristic of the output signal based on the level of the rectified signal. The reference signal controller may adjust a characteristic of the output signal based on the determined frequency and/or phase of the output signal. 1. A system for measuring a characteristic of an output signal generated by a generator , the output signal having a first frequency , the system comprising:an oscillator configured to provide a reference signal having a second frequency;a mixer configured to generate a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal; anda controller configured to operate at a clock frequency lower than the first frequency and to determine a characteristic of the output signal based on the down-converted signal.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic of the output signal is frequency or phase.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the output signal is a digital signal or an analog signal.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the output signal based on the determined characteristic of the output signal.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the reference signal is a signal having a fixed or variable frequency.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the second frequency is set to a frequency such ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for motor imagery classification using eeg

Номер: US20220012489A1
Автор: Dong-Joo Kim, Seho Lee

The present disclosure relates to an apparatus and method for motor imagery classification using electroencephalography (EEG), and more particularly, to an apparatus and method for motor imagery classification that extracts features in different domains included in EEG signals generated during motor imagery in real time and classifies a user's intentions using the features.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008898A1

A method and a device are provided for monitoring an electrical power supply network. A temporal frequency change value is determined for at least two sections or for at least two points of the power supply network. The frequency change value indicates the respective temporal frequency change of the network frequency. A conclusion is drawn regarding a possible islanding within the power supply network, and a warning signal which indicates the possible islanding within the power supply network is generated when the difference between the frequency change values, exceeds a predetermined frequency change threshold value. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of monitoring an electrical power supply network , the method comprising:determining a temporal frequency change value for at least two sections of the power supply network or for at least two points of the power supply network, the change value indicating a respective temporal frequency change in a network frequency; andif a difference between the frequency change values exceeds a predetermined frequency change threshold value, drawing a conclusion regarding possible islanding within the power supply network and generating and outputting a warning signal indicating the possible islanding within the power supply network.14. The method according to claim 13 , which comprises:measuring the network frequencies for each of the at least two sections or the at least two points of the power supply network by forming a time-dependent frequency value; andforming a derivative of the time-dependent frequency values with respect to time by forming one of the temporal frequency change values respectively.15. The method according to claim 13 , which comprises drawing a conclusion regarding the existence of islanding within the power supply network and generating an islanding signal indicating islanding within the power supply network if the difference between the frequency values exceeds a predetermined frequency threshold value.16. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011248A1

A crystal unit includes: a crystal piece; a first excitation electrode disposed on a first surface of the crystal piece and made of non-magnetic material; and a second excitation electrode disposed on a second surface in the opposite side to the first surface in the crystal piece facing the first excitation electrode, and made of magnetic material, the second excitation electrode includes a first magnetic portion and a second magnetic portion closer to the center of the crystal piece than the first magnetic portion, wherein the second magnetic portion is larger than the first magnetic portion in terms of at least one of thickness, density and permeability. 1. A crystal unit comprising:a crystal piece;a first excitation electrode disposed on a first surface of the crystal piece and made of non-magnetic material; anda second excitation electrode disposed on a second surface in the opposite side to the first surface in the crystal piece facing the first excitation electrode, and made of magnetic material, the second excitation electrode includes a first magnetic portion and a second magnetic portion closer to the center of the crystal piece than the first magnetic portion,wherein the second magnetic portion is larger than the first magnetic portion in terms of at least one of thickness, density and permeability.2. The crystal unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe second excitation electrode is made of conductive magnetic material.3. The crystal unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe second excitation electrode includes a permanent magnet.4. The crystal unit according to claim 1 , whereinat least one of thickness, density and permeability of the second excitation electrode at a plurality of positions along a direction perpendicular to the thickness direction of the crystal piece is proportional to vibration energy in oscillation at each corresponding position of the crystal piece.5. A crystal unit comprising:a crystal piece;a first excitation electrode disposed on a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011486A1

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for estimating a period and frequency of a waveform. In one embodiment a system may comprise an input configured to receive a signal comprising a representation of the waveform. A period determination subsystem may calculate an estimated period of the signal based on a period determination function. An estimated period adjustment subsystem may determine an adjustment to the estimated period based on a result of the period determination function. A quality indicator subsystem configured to evaluate a measurement quality indictor function based on the estimated period, and to selectively update the period of the waveform based on the measurement quality indicator. A control action subsystem configured to implement a control action based on the period of the waveform. 1. A system configured to determine a period of a waveform , the system comprising:an input configured to receive a signal comprising a representation of the waveform of a power delivery system;a period determination subsystem configured to calculate an estimated period of the signal based on a period determination function;an estimated period adjustment subsystem configured to determine an adjustment to the estimated period based on a result of the period determination function; determine a measurement quality indicator of the estimated period by evaluating a measurement quality indicator function based on the estimated period; and', 'update a previously determined period of the waveform with the estimated period based at least in part on the measurement quality indicator; and, 'a quality indicator subsystem configured toa control action subsystem configured to implement a control action based on the updated estimated period of the waveform.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the quality indicator subsystem is configured to apply a variable gain to samples of the signal based on the measurement quality indicator function.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011911A1

A high-precision frequency measuring system and method. The system includes: an analog-to-digital conversion module for receiving an analog intermediate frequency signal to convert the analog intermediate frequency signal into a digital intermediate frequency signal; a frequency mixing module for generating two orthogonal local carriers to convert the digital intermediate frequency signal to a digital baseband signal; an extraction filter module for performing low-pass filtering and extraction of the digital baseband signal, so as to reduce a data rate; a Fourier transform module for obtaining a frequency domain signal; a frequency measurement module for obtaining a first frequency measurement value; a scanning module for obtaining a scanned second frequency measurement value; and a selector for selecting either the first frequency measurement value or the second frequency measurement value as a result of frequency measurement. The system and method can improve the accuracy of frequency measurement. 1. A high-precision frequency measuring system , comprising:an analog-to-digital conversion module, receiving an analog intermediate frequency signal to convert the analog intermediate frequency signal into a digital intermediate frequency signal;a frequency mixing module, an input end of the frequency mixing module is connected to an output end of the analog-to-digital conversion module to generate two orthogonal local carriers to convert the digital intermediate frequency signal to a digital baseband signal;an extraction filter module, an input end of the extraction filter module is connected to an output end of the frequency mixing module to perform low-pass filtering and extraction of the digital baseband signal, so as to reduce a data rate;a Fourier transform module, an input end of the Fourier transform module is connected to an output end of the extraction filter module to obtain a frequency domain signal by performing discrete Fourier transform on a short data;a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015239A1
Автор: ANTONESEI Gabriel

In one embodiment, a measuring device may comprise two oscillators. The first oscillator may generate a local reference signal in a frequency detector to detect a fundamental frequency of the AC. The second oscillator may generate two substantially mutually orthogonal sinusoid signals having the selected frequency. The measuring device further may comprise a first group of multipliers that mixes the two sinusoid signals with a current and a voltage data signal of the AC respectively, a group of low-pass filters for removing high frequency components from the multiplication products, a second group of multipliers for mixing the filtered multiplication produces respectively, and a plurality of adders each to sum together a pair of multiplication products of the second group of multipliers. 1. A device for measuring power of an alternating current (AC) with respect to a selected frequency , comprising:a frequency detector having a first oscillator to generate a local reference signal to detect a fundamental frequency of the AC; and a second oscillator to generate first and second substantially mutually orthogonal sinusoid signals at the selected frequency;', 'a first group of multipliers for mixing the first and second sinusoid signals with a current data signal and a voltage data signal of the AC respectively;', 'a group of low-pass filters for respectively removing high frequency components from a multiplication product of the first group of multipliers;', 'a second group of multipliers for respectively mixing the filtered multiplication products; and', 'a plurality of adders each to sum together a pair of multiplication products of the second group of multipliers., 'a power analyzer to analyze power of the AC, the power analyzer comprising231-. (canceled) This application relates to co-pending application “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING A FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY OF AN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM,” application Ser. No. 13/097,796, also filed Apr. 29, 2011.The present ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Motor Control System

Номер: US20220034969A1

The present disclosure relates to a motor control system including: a motor control device, including a semiconductor integrated circuit having a memory and forming a control loop for a motor so as to control a drive of the motor; and an external debug device, externally connected to the motor control device and accessible to the memory in the motor control device. The external debug device includes a disturbance signal superimposer and a frequency characteristics deriver. The interference signal superimposer generates a disturbance signal for the control loop and superimposes the disturbance signal on a signal generated in the control loop. The frequency characteristics deriver derives frequency characteristics of the control loop based on the signal generated in the control loop by superimposition. 1. A motor control system , comprising:a motor control device, including a semiconductor integrated circuit having a memory and forming a control loop for a motor to control a drive of the motor; and a disturbance signal superimposer, configured to generate a disturbance signal for the control loop and superimposing the disturbance signal on a signal generated in the control loop; and', 'a frequency characteristic deriver, configured to derive frequency characteristics of the control loop based on the signal generated in the control loop by superimposition., 'an external debug device, externally connected to the motor control device and accessible to the memory in the motor control device, wherein the external debug device includes2. The motor control system of claim 1 , wherein the external debug device further includes:a debugger including an external signal output unit and externally connected to the motor control device; and the debugger is arranged between the computing device and the motor control device and wherein', 'under the instruction of the computing device, the disturbance signal is superimposed and the signal generated in the control loop by ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017603A1
Автор: GOTO Hayato

According to one embodiment, an oscillation device includes a resonator, an electromagnetic wave application portion, a filter, and a conductive portion. The resonator includes a Josephson junction. The electromagnetic wave application portion applies a first electromagnetic wave and a second electromagnetic wave to the resonator. The first electromagnetic wave has a component of a first frequency. The second electromagnetic wave has a component of the first frequency and a component of a second frequency. The conductive portion transmits an electromagnetic wave passing through the filter. The resonator oscillates at a third frequency due to the first electromagnetic wave and oscillates at the third frequency and a fourth frequency due to the second electromagnetic wave. A transmittance of the filter for the fourth frequency is higher than a transmittance of the filter for the third frequency. 1. An oscillation device , comprising:a resonator including a Josephson junction;an electromagnetic wave application portion applying a first electromagnetic wave and a second electromagnetic wave to the resonator, the first electromagnetic wave having a component of a first frequency, the second electromagnetic wave having a component of the first frequency and a component of a second frequency;a filter; anda conductive portion transmitting an electromagnetic wave passing through the filter,the resonator oscillating at a third frequency due to the first electromagnetic wave and oscillating at the third frequency and a fourth frequency due to the second electromagnetic wave, a transmittance of the filter for the fourth frequency being higher than a transmittance of the filter for the third frequency.2. The oscillation device according to claim 1 , whereinthe third frequency is equal to half of the first frequency, andthe fourth frequency is equal to the sum of the second frequency and the third frequency.3. The oscillation device according to claim 1 , whereina transmittance ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Parameter estimation and control method and apparatus

Номер: US20180017604A1
Принадлежит: University of Sheffield

A method for recursively estimating at least one parameter of a first oscillating component represented by one or more sampled noisy input signal waveforms, the method comprising, recursively generating from the one or more sampled noisy input signals an estimate of a Z-transform component corresponding to the first oscillating component, forming, from the estimated Z-transform component, one or more signals providing an indication of one or more of a frequency and an amplitude of the Z-transform component; and estimating, from the one or more signals, one or more of a frequency, a relative phase and an amplitude parameter of the first oscillating component.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017605A1

A C/N ratio detection circuit includes a voltage detector, an averaging section, a time variation range calculator, and a C/N ratio calculator. The voltage detector measures an input voltage of a signal. The averaging section calculates an average of the input voltage over a predetermined time. The time variation range calculator calculates a time variation range of the input voltage over the predetermined time. The C/N ratio calculator calculates a C/N ratio of the signal by using the average and time variation range of the input voltage. 1. A carrier to noise (C/N) ratio detection circuit comprising:a voltage detector that measures an input voltage of a signal;an averaging section that calculates an average of the input voltage over a predetermined time;a time variation range calculator that calculates a time variation range of the input voltage over the predetermined time; anda C/N ratio calculator that calculates a C/N ratio of the signal by using the average and the time variation range.2. The C/N ratio detection circuit according to claim 1 , whereinthe voltage detector is electrically connected to an output terminal of a bandpass filter and measures a voltage of a signal output from the bandpass filter as the input voltage,the C/N ratio detection circuit further comprises a time variation range correction section that, when a value of the time variation range is less than a reference value set in accordance with a bandwidth of the bandpass filter, corrects the value of the time variation range so that the value of the time variation range becomes the reference value, andwhen the value of the time variation range is less than the reference value, the C/N ratio calculator calculates the C/N ratio by using the average and the value of the time variation range corrected by the time variation range correction section.3. The C/N ratio detection circuit according to claim 1 , whereinthe voltage detector is electrically connected to an output terminal of a bandpass ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Aging-sensitive recycling sensors for chip authentication

Номер: US20190018058A1

Various devices, methods and systems are provided for aging-sensitive chip authentication. In one example, among others, a chip includes a reference Schmitt trigger ring oscillator (STRO) configured to enter a sleep mode during operation of the chip; a stressed STRO; a VDD charge pump configured to boost a positive voltage supplied to the stressed STRO during operation of the chip; and/or a GND charge pump configured to under-drive a ground voltage supplied to the stressed STRO during operation of the chip. In another example, a method includes detecting activation of a chip including a reference STRO and a stressed STRO and, in response to the activation of the chip, initiating sleep mode operation of the reference STRO. In response to the activation of the chip, a VDD voltage supplied to the stressed STRO can be boosted and/or a GND voltage supplied to the stressed STRO can be under-driven.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018713A1

A system for low power chemical sensing can include a voltage shift unit which receives a voltage signal from a chemical sensor unit. The voltage signal can be determined by a concentration of an analyte. The voltage shift unit can transform the voltage signal to an input voltage signal, and send the input voltage signal to a plurality of frequency selective surface (FSS) units of an FSS array. The FSS array can communicate a radio frequency (RF) signal in an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) S band with a resonant frequency based on the input voltage to provide the concentration of the analyte. 1. A system for low power chemical sensing , comprising: receive a voltage signal from a chemical sensor unit, wherein the voltage signal is determined by a concentration of an analyte;', 'transform the voltage signal to an input voltage signal;', 'send the input voltage signal to a plurality of frequency selective surface (FSS) units of an FSS array;, 'a voltage shift unit configured to [ a first nested split ring resonator (SRR) configured to receive a first voltage from the input voltage signal via a first bias line;', 'a second nested SRR configured to receive a second voltage from the input voltage signal via a second bias line; and', 'a variable capacitance unit coupled to the first nested SRR and the second nested SRR, wherein the variable capacitance unit is configured to convert a voltage bias from the first bias line and the second bias line to a capacitance; and, 'the plurality of FSS units, wherein each FSS unit comprises, 'wherein the FSS array is configured to produce a radio frequency (RF) signal in an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) S band for communication to an RF receiver; and, 'the FSS array comprising receive the RF signal in the S band;', 'identify a resonant frequency from a peak reflection magnitude from the RF signal; and', 'determine the concentration of the analyte based on the resonant frequency., ' ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Radio-Frequency Nanopore Sensor

Номер: US20160025655A1

An electrically conductive nanoscale pore may be employed as an antenna to provide precise localized measurements of the impedance-altering characteristics of a molecule such as DNA or RNA or the like passing through the pore. The use of radiofrequency measurements promises high-speed analysis of long molecules (polymers).

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Radio-Frequency Nanopore Sensor

Номер: US20170023545A1

An electrically conductive nanoscale pore may be employed as an antenna to provide precise localized measurements of the impedance-altering characteristics of a molecule such as DNA or RNA or the like passing through the pore. The use of radiofrequency measurements promises high-speed analysis of long molecules (polymers).

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Asset management system for HF sensitive measurement devices

Номер: US20160025784A1

An asset management system comprising an asset management server connected to a plurality of distributed HF sensitive measurement devices each having at least one inseparable asset tag being located outside a high frequency shield which shields an internal circuitry of the measurement device from external high frequency signals and being configured to provide asset data of the respective measurement device to be processed by the asset management server. 1. A high frequency , HF , sensitive measurement device comprising a measurement circuitry with a surrounding high frequency shield adapted to shield the measurement circuitry from external high frequency interference signals ,wherein said measurement device comprises at least one inseparable asset tag located outside the high frequency shield,said asset tag being configured to communicate with an external interrogator of an asset management system.2. The measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one asset tag is integrated in a housing of said measurement device and/or attached inseparable to the housing of said measurement device.3. The measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the asset tag is connected to the internal measurement circuitry of the measurement device to derive or receive asset data of said measurement device.4. The measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one asset tag is an autonomous asset tag configured to communicate with the external interrogator of the asset management system independently from an operation state of said measurement device.5. The measurement device according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement device comprises at least one data interface for connecting the measurement device via a data network to a control server and/or an asset management server of a production facility.6. The measurement device according to claim 5 , wherein the asset management server is configured to perform an asset management of a plurality of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Mobile electric field sensor based phasor measurement unit for monitoring an electric power grid

Номер: US20160025785A1

A system may include an electric field sensor, an analog to digital converter, and an estimator. The electric field sensor may measure electric fields of electric power grid. The analog to digital converter may generate digital output based upon measurements from the electric field sensor. The estimator may estimate phasor data of the electric power grid based upon the digital output.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043061A1
Автор: Sander Kay-Uwe

The present invention relates to a processing of a signal under test in order to compensate frequency variations in the signal under test. For this purpose, the signal under test is mixed with a further digital signal. A frequency of the further signal which is used for mixing with the signal under test may be adapted in real-time according to frequency variations in the signal under test. 1. A signal processing apparatus for mixing a high frequency signal with frequency variation to a predetermined frequency bandwidth , the signal processing apparatus comprising:an input for receiving an analogue signal under test;an analogue-to-digital converter for digitizing the received analogue signal under test;a numerically-controlled oscillator, NCO, for generating a digital signal with a predetermined frequency;a digital frequency converter for mixing the digitized signal under test provide by the analogue-to-digital converter and the digital representation of a waveform generated by the NCO; anda frequency tracking device for tracking a frequency of the analogue signal under test or the digitized signal under test,wherein the NCO is configured to set the predetermined frequency of the NCO based on the frequency tracked by the frequency tracking device.2. The signal processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined frequency of the digital signal generated by the NCO is continuously adapted in response to a variation of the frequency tracked by the frequency tracking device in real-time.3. The signal processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the frequency tracking device comprises a phase-locked loop.4. The signal processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined frequency of the digital signal generated by the NCO is set to the tracked frequency tracked by the tracking device.5. The signal processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an offset is added to the tracked frequency tracked by the tracking device to obtain the predetermined frequency which is ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029078A1

Systems and methods of quasi-resonant induction heating are provided. In particular, a method for evaluating the resonant frequency of a quasi-resonant induction cooking device can be provided. The method can include generating a startup pulse, receiving multiple feedback pulses from a resonant frequency feedback circuit, measuring a pulse width of each of the feedback pulses, calculating an average pulse width based upon the feedback pulses and determining the resonant frequency based at least in part on the average pulse width and a transfer function. 1. A method for determining a resonant frequency of a quasi-resonant inverter in an induction cooking device , wherein the quasi-resonant inverter includes a parallel configuration of an inductor , a capacitor , a cooking vessel , a switching element and a resonant frequency feedback circuit , the method comprising:generating, by one or more controllers, a startup pulse;receiving, by one or more controllers, multiple feedback pulses from a resonant frequency feedback circuit;measuring a pulse width of each of the feedback pulses;calculating a sync pulse width based at least in part on the feedback pulses; anddetermining the resonant frequency based at least in part on the sync pulse width and a transfer function.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feedback pulses are based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , a voltage across a collector-emitter junction of the switching element.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the resonant frequency feedback circuit is a voltage comparator.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the switching element is an insulated gate bipolar transistor.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the method further comprises determining if the number of feedback pulses received claim 4 , by the one or more controllers claim 4 , is within a first predetermined range.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the method further comprises determining if the pulse width of feedback pulses received claim 5 , by the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050131A1

A method of frequency estimation. A clock output from a frequency synthesizer is received at an input of a ring encoder. The ring encoder generates outputs including a ring encoder output clock and an encoded output which represents LSBs of a clock cycle count of the clock output. A binary counter is run using the ring encoder output clock which provides an output count which represents MSBs of the clock cycle count. Using a reference clock, the encoded output is sampled to provide a sampled encoded output and the output count is sampled to provide a sampled output count. Error correcting is applied to the sampled encoded output to provide a corrected sampled encoded output. The corrected sampled encoded output and sampled output count are combined to provide a combined output which is used for estimating an instantaneous or average frequency of the clock output. 1. An integrated circuit device comprising:{'claim-text': ['a first input configured to receive an edge count signal associated with a first clock signal having a first frequency;', 'a second input configured to receive a second clock signal having a second frequency;', 'a resampler circuit coupled to the first input and to the second input and configured to provide an intermediate edge count signal based on the edge count signal and the second clock signal; and', 'a differential circuit coupled to the resampler circuit and configured to provide an output signal representative of the first frequency divided by the second frequency based on a difference between the intermediate edge count signal at a first time and the intermediate edge count signal at a second time.'], '#text': 'a frequency measurement circuit that includes:'}2. The integrated circuit device of claim 1 , wherein the resampler circuit includes:a first latch that includes an input coupled to the first input, a clock signal input coupled to the second input, and an output; anda second latch that includes an input coupled to the output of the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Periodic Signal Measurement Using Statistical Sampling

Номер: US20160041212A1

A fully-digital probabilistic measurement methodology in which a periodic signal generated on an IC device is sampled multiple times during a test period, with the asserted/de-asserted state of the periodic signal determined during each sampling event. A statistically significant number of sampling events are executed according to a reference signal frequency that is uncorrelated to the IC's system clock, whereby each successive sampling event involves detecting an essentially random associated phase of the periodic signal such that the probability of detecting an asserted state during any given sampling event is proportional to the duty cycle of the periodic signal. A first count value records the number of sampling events in which the periodic signal is asserted, and a second count value records the total number of sampling events performed, whereby a ratio of these two count values provides a statistical measurement of the periodic signal's duty cycle. 1. A method for performing analysis of a periodic signal having an associated duty cycle that is generated in accordance with operations of at least one of a functional circuit and an embedded memory circuit and , the method comprising:performing multiple sampling events during a test period according to a sample timing schedule determined by repeatedly detecting a recurring signal feature of a reference signal, wherein each said sampling event includes determining an asserted/de-asserted state of an associated signal phase of said periodic signal occurring at an associated sample time determined by detecting an associated said recurring signal feature, and wherein the reference signal has a reference frequency that is uncorrelated to the periodic signal such that each recurring signal feature of said reference signal coincides in time with a substantially random signal phase of said periodic signal, whereby the probability of detecting an asserted state during any given sampling event is proportional to the duty ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042407A1

A method for detecting frequency offset of an oscillator includes: receiving an oscillation signal having an oscillation frequency; generating a self-mixing signal according to the oscillation signal; performing frequency division upon the self-mixing signal to obtain a down-converted self-mixing signal; obtaining a down-converted self-mixing frequency corresponding to a maximum power in a specific frequency range of the down-converted self-mixing signal; and computing a frequency offset of the oscillation frequency according to at least the oscillation frequency and the down-converted self-mixing frequency. A related circuit is also disclosed. 1. A method for detecting frequency offset of an oscillator , comprising:receiving an oscillation signal having an oscillation frequency;generating a self-mixing signal according to the oscillation signal;performing frequency division upon the self-mixing signal to obtain a down-converted self-mixing signal;obtaining a down-converted self-mixing frequency corresponding to a maximum power in a specific frequency range of the down-converted self-mixing signal; andcomputing a frequency offset of the oscillation frequency according to at least the oscillation frequency and the down-converted self-mixing frequency.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving an input signal having an input frequency.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of generating the self-mixing signal according to the oscillation signal comprises:mixing the oscillation signal and the input signal to generate a mixed signal, and self-mixing the mixed signal to produce the self-mixing signal; and 'computing the frequency offset according to the oscillation frequency, the input frequency and the down-converted self-mixing frequency.', 'the step of computing the frequency offset comprises4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting a temperature of a crystal oscillator for generating the oscillation signal; andstoring the frequency ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Algorithm for Passive Power Factor Compensation Method with Differential Capacitor Change and Reduced Line Transient Noise

Номер: US20160043635A1
Автор: Neal George Stewart

A computer-implementable control algorithm that measures: 1) the reactive power; 2) the power factor; 3) the voltage; and 4) the line frequency. The algorithm calculates the differential compensation capacitance required that is either positive (capacitance to be added), or negative (capacitance to be removed). The new compensation capacitance is calculated from the sum or difference of the differential compensation capacitance and the current compensation capacitance. The algorithm compares the capacitor switching bit pattern for the current compensation capacitance and the capacitor switching bit pattern for the new compensation capacitance, and selects a capacitor switching bit map accordingly. The capacitor switch combination for the new compensation capacitance is switched in incrementally according to the capacitor switching bit map. To reach the selected capacitor switch combination, only one switch is switched at a time to minimize the line transient noise. This part of the algorithm continues to run until the PF is corrected, with the capacitor switches being switched on/off each delayed by a millisecond interval to minimize line transient noise.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Filter Component Tuning Using Size Adjustment

Номер: US20180041181A1

A method for tuning a filter component using size adjustment includes measuring a first frequency of a first resonant mode of a dielectric resonator component of an RF filter, said dielectric resonator component being a block of dielectric material having a cuboid shape with three pairs of opposite faces. The first resonant mode has an electric-field component oriented in a direction perpendicular to one of the pairs of opposite faces and parallel to the other two pairs of opposite faces. When a measured value of the first frequency of the first resonant mode is less than a desired value, dielectric material is removed uniformly from at least one face of the two pairs of opposite faces parallel to the electric-field component of the first resonant mode to maintain the cuboid shape of the block of dielectric material. The removal of the dielectric material may be by at least one of lapping, grinding, and milling. The first frequency of the first resonant mode is remeasured to check whether a remeasured value therefor is closer or equal to the desired value without exceeding the desired value. The method is also applicable for tuning multiple modes of dielectric resonator component in the form of a block of dielectric material having a cuboid shape, as well as for tuning multiple modes in dielectric resonator components in the form of blocks of dielectric material having cylindrical and spherical shapes. 1. A method comprising:measuring a first frequency of a first resonant mode of a dielectric resonator component of an RF filter, said dielectric resonator component being a block of dielectric material having a cuboid shape with three pairs of opposite faces, said first resonant mode having an electric-field component oriented in a direction perpendicular to one of said pairs of opposite faces and parallel to the other two pairs of opposite faces;when a measured value of said first frequency of said first resonant mode is less than a desired value, removing dielectric ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057440A1

Disclosed herein is an exceptional points of degeneracy (EPD) system with a resonator by introducing a linear time-periodic variation. In contrast, prior art systems with EPD require two coupled resonators with precise values of gain and loss and a precise symmetry of inductances and capacitances. The disclosed EPD system only requires the tuning of the modulation frequency or modulation depth, which can be easily achieved in electronic systems. The EPD is a point in a system parameters' space at which two or more eigenstates coalesce, and this leads to unique properties not occurring at other non-degenerate operating points. Also disclosed are experimental data showing the existence of a second order EPD in a time-varying single resonator and the expected sensitivity of its resonances to circuit perturbations. The disclosed EPD system exhibits structural degenerate and non-degenerate resonances whose dynamics dramatically boosts its sensitivity performance to very small perturbations. The unique sensitivity induced by an EPD can be employed to create exceptionally-sensitive sensors based on a resonator by simply applying time modulation. 1. A circuit comprising:an LC resonator; anda modulation circuit configured to modulate the LC resonator to cause the LC resonator to operate proximal to an exceptional point of degeneracy (EPD).2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the modulation circuit comprises a time-varying voltage source configured to modulate the LC resonator at a first frequency.3. The circuit of claim 2 , wherein the modulation circuit is configured to modulate a capacitor of the LC resonator.4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein the modulation circuit is configured to modulate the capacitor of the LC resonator between two or more capacitance levels or even in periodic continuous fashion.5. The circuit of claim 4 , wherein the two or more capacitance levels comprise a low and a high voltage level.6. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the LC resonator comprises ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041440A1

In certain aspects of the disclosure, a frequency monitor includes a counter configured to receive a monitored clock signal, to count a number of periods of the monitored clock signal over a predetermined time duration, and to output a count value corresponding to the number of periods of the monitored clock signal. The frequency monitor also includes a comparator configured to receive the count value from the counter, to receive an expected count value, to compare the count value from the counter with the expected count value, and to output a pass status signal or a fail status signal based on the comparison. 1. A frequency monitor , comprising:a counter configured to receive a monitored clock signal, to count a number of periods of the monitored clock signal over a predetermined time duration, and to output a count value corresponding to the number of periods of the monitored clock signal; anda comparator configured to receive the count value from the counter, to receive an expected count value, to compare the count value from the counter with the expected count value, and to output a pass status signal or a fail status signal based on the comparison.2. The frequency monitor of claim 1 , wherein the comparator is further configured to mask out N least significant bits (LSBs) of the count value from the counter claim 1 , to mask out N LSBs of the expected count value claim 1 , and to compare the count value from the counter with the expected count value by comparing unmasked bits of the count value from the counter with unmasked bits of the expected count value.3. The frequency monitor of claim 2 , wherein the comparator is configured to output the pass status signal if the unmasked bits of the count value from the counter match the unmasked bits of the expected count value.4. The frequency monitor of claim 3 , wherein the comparator is configured to output the fail status signal if the unmasked bits of the count value from the counter do not match the unmasked ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Frequency synthesizer output cycle counter including ring encoder

Номер: US20200041551A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A method of frequency estimation. A clock output from a frequency synthesizer is received at an input of a ring encoder. The ring encoder generates outputs including a ring encoder output clock and an encoded output which represents LSBs of a clock cycle count of the clock output. A binary counter is run using the ring encoder output clock which provides an output count which represents MSBs of the clock cycle count. Using a reference clock, the encoded output is sampled to provide a sampled encoded output and the output count is sampled to provide a sampled output count. Error correcting is applied to the sampled encoded output to provide a corrected sampled encoded output. The corrected sampled encoded output and sampled output count are combined to provide a combined output which is used for estimating an instantaneous or average frequency of the clock output.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047847A1

Systems and methods for sensing voltage on a chip are described herein. In one embodiment, a voltage sensor comprises a voltage-controlled oscillator coupled to a voltage being sensed, and a plurality of transition detectors, wherein each of the transition detectors is coupled to a different location on the oscillator, and wherein each of the transition detectors is configured to count a number of transitions at the respective location over a time period. The voltage sensor also comprises an adder configured to add the numbers of transitions from the transition detectors to generate an output value that is approximately proportional to the voltage. 1. A voltage sensor , comprising:a voltage-controlled oscillator coupled to a voltage being sensed;a plurality of transition detectors, wherein each of the transition detectors is coupled to a different location on the oscillator, and wherein each of the transition detectors is configured to count a number of transitions at the respective location over a time period; andan adder configured to add the numbers of transitions from the transition detectors to generate an output value that is approximately proportional to the voltage.2. The voltage sensor of claim 1 , wherein the oscillator comprises a plurality of inverters coupled into a loop claim 1 , each of the inverters is biased by the voltage claim 1 , and each of the transition detectors is coupled to an output of a different one of the inverters.3. The voltage sensor of claim 2 , wherein each of the transition detectors is configured to count transitions corresponding to rising edges at the respective location.4. The voltage sensor of claim 2 , wherein each of the transition detectors is configured to count transitions corresponding to rising edges and falling edges at the respective location.5. The voltage sensor of claim 1 , wherein each of the transition detectors is configured to receive a clock signal claim 1 , and the time period comprises a cycle of the clock ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210050184A1
Принадлежит: SEMES CO., LTD.

Disclosed are an apparatus for monitoring pulsed high-frequency power and a substrate processing apparatus including the same. The apparatus includes an attenuation module configured to attenuate a pulsed high-frequency power signal; a rectifier module configured to convert the pulsed high-frequency power signal into a direct current signal; and a detection module configured to detect a pulse parameter based on the direct current signal. 1. An apparatus for processing a substrate , the apparatus comprising:a chamber;a substrate support assembly within the chamber, the substrate support assembly including a lower electrode;a lower impedance matching unit connected to the lower electrode;a first RF power source connected to the lower impedance matching unit, the first RF power source configured to generate a first pulsed power signal according to a first ON/OFF pulse;a second RF power source connected to the lower impedance matching unit, the second RF power source configured to generate a second pulsed power signal according to a second ON/OFF pulse;a pulse input unit configured to apply the first ON/OFF pulse to the first RF power source and apply the second ON/OFF pulse to the second RF power source; and a rectifier module configured to convert the first pulsed power signal into a first direct current signal and convert the second pulsed power signal into a second direct current signal, and', 'a detection module configured to detect a first pulse parameter including at least one of a pulse frequency of the first direct current signal, a pulse duty ratio of the first direct current signal, and a pulse phase difference of the first direct current signal and the second direct current signal., 'a monitoring unit including'}2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the monitoring unit further includes an attenuation module configured to attenuate the first pulsed power signal and attenuate the second pulsed power signal claim 1 , andwherein the rectifier module is further ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140125315A1

Determining a high frequency operating parameter in a plasma system including a plasma power supply device coupled to a plasma load using a hybrid coupler having four ports is accomplished by: generating two high frequency source signals of identical frequency, the signals phase shifted by 90° with respect to one another; generating a high frequency output signal by combining the high frequency source signals in the hybrid coupler; transmitting the high frequency output signal to the plasma load; detecting two or more signals, each signal corresponding to a respective port of the hybrid coupler and related to an amplitude of a high frequency signal present at the respective port; and based on an evaluation of the two or more signals, determining the high frequency operating parameter. 1. A plasma power evaluation device comprising:a measurement circuit configured to be coupled to a port of a hybrid coupler in a plasma system having two high frequency power sources coupled to a plasma load through the hybrid coupler;a detector coupled to the measurement circuit and configured to generate a signal corresponding to an amplitude of a high frequency signal received by the detector; anda processing device coupled to the detector to receive the signal and operable to determine one or more high frequency operating parameters based on the signal; a reflection factor of the plasma load,', 'a voltage standing wave ratio,', 'a phase angle between a wave running to the plasma load and a wave reflected by the plasma load,', 'a power of a high frequency signal reflected by the plasma load,', 'a sum of a power of the high frequency output signal and the power of the high frequency signal reflected by the plasma load, and', 'a sum of powers reflected by the high frequency power sources., 'wherein the one or more high frequency operating parameters are selected from the group consisting of2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the processing device is operable to determine at least two ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170047501A1

A method for driving a piezo actuator includes detecting consumption current by stepwise sweeping the frequency of an actuator driving signal to drive the piezo actuator vibrated in response to first and second vibration modes from a first reference frequency and determining a frequency at which the consumption current is inflected to be a first resonant frequency, detecting consumption current by stepwise sweeping the frequency of the actuator driving signal from a second reference frequency and determining a frequency at which the consumption current is inflected to be a second resonant frequency, and outputting an actuator driving signal in response to the first resonant frequency and the second resonant frequency. 1. A method for driving a piezo actuator , which is performed by an apparatus for driving the piezo actuator , the method comprising:detecting consumption current by stepwise sweeping a frequency of an actuator driving signal to drive the piezo actuator vibrated in response to first and second vibration modes from a first reference frequency and determining a frequency at which the consumption current is inflected to be a first resonant frequency;detecting consumption current by stepwise sweeping the frequency of the actuator driving signal from second reference frequency and determining a frequency at which the consumption current is inflected to be a second resonant frequency; andoutputting an actuator driving signal in response to the first resonant frequency and the second resonant frequency.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the first resonant frequency and determining the second resonant frequency comprise stepwise sweeping the frequency of the actuator driving signal within a range of 40 Hz to 50 Hz.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the first resonant frequency and determining the second resonant frequency comprises:stepwise sweeping the frequency of the actuator driving signal from a low frequency to a high frequency, ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054490A1
Принадлежит: E GEAR LLC

A combiner box capable of monitoring energy output from a photovoltaic system (or other alternative energy system) having improved troubleshooting functionality, the ability to independently verify utility charges, and a mechanism for reducing incorrect readings of energy output and consumption due to noise and interference. 1. A device , comprising:a housing;power distribution blocks mounted in said housing for combining utility-compliant alternating current from a plurality of inverters, carried over wires containing monitoring signals from said inverters at a first monitoring frequency, to provide combined alternating current carrying said monitoring signals;wherein said combined alternating current is connected in parallel with alternating current from a utility grid at a utility connection to trigger said inverters to produce said utility-compliant alternating current;wherein said combined alternating current feeds power to said utility grid and a local load connected to said utility connection;noise filters tuned to block interference with said first monitoring frequency, interposed between said power distribution blocks and said utility connection; anda power outlet box having at least two outlets electrically connected to one of said power distribution blocks, wherein an alternative energy monitoring device can be plugged into one of said outlets and an internal Ethernet bridge adapter that is connected to the Internet can be plugged into another of said outlets, wherein said alternative energy monitoring unit and said internal Ethernet bridge adapter can be connected for data transfer, wherein said power distribution blocks provide said combined alternating current to said alternative energy monitoring device which extracts said monitoring signals as extracted monitoring signals, and wherein said internal Ethernet bridge adapter connected to said alternative energy monitoring device communicates said extracted monitoring signals at a second monitoring ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054491A1
Автор: ANTONESEI Gabriel

A system and method to detect the fundamental frequency of an electric input signal using a feedback control loop including a phase error detector, a loop controller, and a digitally controlled oscillator. The frequency detector may detect the fundamental frequency of an electric input signal and produce an output signal representing the fundamental frequency of the electric input signal. The frequency detector may further include a filter that may be coupled to the frequency detector output signal in order to remove spurious tones or noise from the output signal. 1. A frequency detector system , comprising:a phase error detector having inputs for an externally supplied input signal and a local reference input signal, and an output for a signal representing a comparison between them;a loop controller having an input coupled to the phase error detector output and an output for a control word representing an estimated frequency of the externally supplied input signal;a digitally controlled oscillator having an input coupled to the output of the loop controller and an output for the local reference input signal;wherein the output of the loop controller is the output of the frequency detector system.222-. (canceled) Frequency detectors are devices that determine frequency and phase information for Signals. Frequency detectors are used in communication and power systems as well as consumer electronic devices to aid in synchronizing multiple signals at varying frequencies to a known frequency. A first electrical system may be embodied, for example, as a power grid transmitting electricity with a frequency that may drift over time. A second electrical system may be embodied as a generator for injecting electricity into the power grid, In order to be injected efficiently, however, the frequency of the generated power must be phase aligned with the grid power. Thus, a frequency detector may be used within the generator to detect the shifting power grid frequency and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Frequency multiplying device

Номер: US20200049747A1
Принадлежит: Smart Grid Solutions Gmbh

The invention relates to a frequency multiplying device for determination of a fundamental frequency f of an analogue target signal. The device comprises a generating device for generating a reference signal having a frequency f OSC , wherein f OSC is greater than f, and a first counter being coupled to a terminal, the terminal to be fed with the analogue target signal, and being coupled to the generating device such that the first counter counts a number of signal edges generated from the reference signal in a time interval corresponding substantially to 1/f and outputs a first counter signal, wherein a frequency divider is coupled between the generating device and the first counter and a second counter is coupled to the generating device for counting signal edges of a signal generated from the reference signal the second counter outputting a second counter signal and a comparator is coupled to the first counter to receive the first counter signal and coupled to the second counter to receive the second counter signal, wherein the comparator generates a signal in the event the first counter signal is equal to the second counter signal, and the output of the comparator is coupled to reset the second counter.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

State Monitoring or Diagnostics System

Номер: US20140132281A1
Принадлежит: Phoenix Contact GmbH and Co KG

The present disclosure concerns a state monitoring or diagnostics system, and also a method for monitoring the state of devices or for diagnosing devices, in particular for overvoltage protection devices, as well as a method for transmitting measured values. Each of the devices comprises a functional component to be monitored and a monitoring and transmitting apparatus, wherein the monitoring and transmitting apparatus consists solely of a resonator circuit made of passive electrical components with no microchip, in particular with no RFID transponder. The information to be interrogated resides in the resonant frequency of the resonator circuit.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150058646A1
Автор: Kim Minsung

Disclosed is an operating method of an electronic apparatus. The method includes measuring the load rate of the electronic apparatus that operates at the first driving frequency level. The method also includes determining a second driving frequency level based on the measured load rate. The method further includes determining whether or not to change the first driving frequency level into the second driving frequency level after the operational duration time of the first driving frequency level. The method includes based on determining the change from the first driving frequency level to the second driving frequency level, controlling to operate at the first driving frequency level or the second driving frequency level. 1. An operating method of an electronic apparatus , the method comprising:measuring a load rate of the electronic apparatus that operates at the first driving frequency level;determining the second driving frequency level on the basis of the measured load rate;determining whether or not to change the first driving frequency level into the second driving frequency level after the operational duration time of the first driving frequency level; andbased on the determination of the change from the first driving frequency level to the second driving frequency level, controlling to operate at the first driving frequency level or the second driving frequency level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether or not to change the first driving frequency level into the second driving frequency level is based on a dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) table for controlling a driving voltage and the driving frequency and a delay mapping table in which a delay time is mapped with each driving frequency.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining whether or not to change from the first driving frequency level into the second driving frequency level comprises:if the operational duration time of the first driving frequency level is greater than the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Dead-Time Selection In Power Converters

Номер: US20150061639A1

A method is provided of determining a time interval between switching events for a switching device in a power converter, the switching device being for coupling a direct current (DC) source to provide an alternating current (AC) output at a particular switching frequency. The method comprises selecting an initial length of a time interval between a first switching event and a second, subsequent switching event for the switching device and obtaining a current measurement value for the switching device when the time interval between the first switching event and the second, subsequent switching event takes said initial length. The method further comprises changing the length of the time interval between the first switching event and the second, subsequent switching event and obtaining a current measurement value for the switching device when the length of the time interval is changed. The current measurement values which have been obtained are used to detect generation of a current in the switching device. It is then determined, from the change made to the length of the time interval and the current measurement values obtained, a length (t) of the time interval at which said generation of a current in the switching device occurs. 1. A method of determining a time interval between switching events for a switching device in a power converter , the switching device being for coupling a direct current (DC) source to provide an alternating current (AC) output at a particular switching frequency , the method comprising the steps of:selecting an initial length of a time interval between a first switching event and a second, subsequent switching event for the switching device;obtaining a current measurement value for the switching device when the time interval between the first switching event and the second, subsequent switching event takes said initial length;changing the length of the time interval between the first switching event and the second, subsequent switching ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and Device for Sensorless Control of a Separately Excited Synchronous Machine

Номер: US20150061640A1
Автор: Baumann Thomas
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A method for sensorless control of a separately excited synchronous machine having a rotor includes the following steps: feeding a test signal on a parameter of an electrical current driving the rotor; measuring the parameter of the electrical current driving the rotor on an axis of the coordinate system describing the synchronous machine; determining an error signal by correlating the measured parameter of the electrical current driving the rotor with a temporally delayed test signal which is determined from the fed test signal; and adjusting a rotor angle as a reaction to the error signal if the error signal has a value not equal to zero. 1. A method for sensorless control of a separately excited synchronous machine having a rotor , the method comprising:feeding a test signal into a characteristic variable of an electrical current driving the rotor;measuring the characteristic variable of the electrical current driving the rotor on an axis of a coordinate system describing the synchronous machine;determining an error signal by correlating the measured characteristic variable of the electrical current driving the rotor with a temporally delayed test signal determined from the test signal that has been fed in; andadapting a rotor angle based on the determined error signal in response to determining that the error signal has a value that is not equal to zero.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the test signal is a PRBS signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coordinate system describing the synchronous machine is a dq coordinate system which is fixed with respect to the rotor.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coordinate system describing the synchronous machine is an αβ coordinate system which is fixed with respect to the stator.5. The method of claim 1 , comprising determination of the error signal by continuously multiplying and integrating the measured characteristic variable of the electrical current driving the rotor with the test signal which has been ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Making determination of inductance-change immune to changes in environmental conditions

Номер: US20220074979A1
Принадлежит: Ningbo Aura Semiconductor Co Ltd

A device includes a first oscillator, a second oscillator and a frequency comparison block. The first oscillator includes a first LC tank circuit and is designed to generate first sustained oscillations at a first resonant frequency. The second oscillator includes a second LC tank circuit and is designed to generate second sustained oscillations at a second resonant frequency. The frequency comparison block is designed to perform a comparison of the frequencies of the second sustained oscillations and the first sustained oscillations to determine a change in inductance in one of a first inductor of the first LC tank circuit and a second inductor of the second LC tank circuit. One of the oscillators serves as a reference oscillator, and enables determination of the change in inductance to be immune to changes in environmental conditions.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Buried Cable Break Detector and Method

Номер: US20220074983A1
Автор: Melbourne David J.
Принадлежит: Robin Autopilot Holdings, LLC

A buried perimeter loop wire break detector with a base unit and probe unit. The base unit injects different frequencies into the two ends of the loop wire and the probe unit detects the frequencies at a test location along the wire. If a signal is not detected, that indicates the direction toward the break. By halving the distance along the wire toward the break and retesting, the location is quickly determined. Both frequencies and amplitude are measured, sometimes with amplification, both earth and wired grounds may be employed, and a micro-ohmmeter measures resistance of the loop wire to indicate satisfactory operation. 1. A system for locating breaks in a buried loop wire that has first and second ends , comprising:a base unit, having a signal generator coupled to a first terminal and a second terminal, for connection to the first and second ends of the loop wire respectively, and having a first ground terminal, said signal generator enabled to sequentially couple a first frequency signal to said first terminal and a second frequency signal to said second terminal;a probe unit, having a signal detector responsive to said first frequency signal and said second signal frequency that is coupled to a probe terminal, and having a second ground terminal, and having a first direction indicator and a second direction indicator corresponding to directions along the loop wire to said first terminal and said second terminal, respectively;an electrical ground means connected between said first ground terminal and said second ground terminal;a test probe connectable between said probe terminal and a location along the loop wire, and whereinsaid probe unit, upon detection of said first frequency signal, activates said second direction indicator to indicate there is a break in the loop wire in the direction of said second terminal, and upon detecting said second frequency signal, activates said first direction indicator to indicate there is a break in the loop wire in the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Adaptive learning based on electroencephalographic data

Номер: US20190056438A1
Автор: Joseph A. Jaroch
Принадлежит: Colossio Inc

Systems and a method for adaptive learning style curriculum tailoring through electroencephalography (EEG) are provided. In one or more aspects, a system includes one or more devices to capture raw EEG data associated with one or more first persons attending an information exchange session. A first processor can perform a first processing of the captured raw EEG data to generate EEG frequency data. A communication circuit communicates the EEG frequency data to a central processor. The central processor can process the EEG frequency data to generate a feedback related to attentiveness of the one or more first persons. The feedback can enable a second person to adapt one or more materials presented in the information exchange session based on the feedback for enhanced audience attentiveness.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059154A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

A method determines the frequency of an alternating input signal includes storing the input signal, sampling the input signal at a first sampling frequency, a first calculation and a first angular comparison of two phasors representing the input signal at two respective instants, as a function of the input signal sampled at the first sampling frequency, estimating the frequency of the input signal, and searching for a modification of frequency of the input signal. When a modification is detected the method includes, determining a second sampling frequency, sampling the stored input signal with the second sampling frequency, a second calculation and a second angular comparison of two phasors representing the input signal, at two respective instants, as a function of the input signal sampled at the second sampling frequency and of the stored input signal sampled at the second sampling frequency, and estimating the frequency of the input signal. 1. A method for determining a frequency of an alternating input signal , comprising the steps of:sampling the input signal at a first sampling frequency,performing first calculation and first angular comparison of two phasors representing the input signal, at two respective instants offset by a predetermined duration, as a function of the input signal sampled at the first sampling frequency,estimating the frequency of the input signal as a function of the result of the angular comparison of the two calculated phasors,storing the input signal,searching for a modification of frequency of the input signal, when a modification of frequency of the input signal is detected, the method further comprises:determining a second sampling frequency, as a function of the modified frequency of the input signal,sampling the stored input signal with the second sampling frequency, over a time window preceding the instant of frequency modification detection,second calculation and second angular comparison of two phasors representing the input ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Frequency Ratio Measurement Device

Номер: US20210067170A1

A frequency ratio measurement device includes a counter section configured to count a time event of a first signal and output a count value obtained by multiplying the time event by k, a time to digital converter section configured to output a time digital value corresponding to a phase difference between the first signal and a second signal, a combiner section configured to output a combined value of the count value and the time digital value, a subtractor section configured to output a difference value between a first value based on the combined value and a second value, a quantizer section configured to compare a third value based on the difference value with a predetermined threshold to thereby output a quantized value obtained by quantizing the third value, and a feedback section configured to output, based on a time event of the second signal, the second value based on the quantized value. The frequency ratio measurement device outputs, based on the quantized value, a delta-sigma modulated signal corresponding to a frequency ratio of the first signal and the second signal. 1. A frequency ratio measurement device that outputs a delta-sigma modulated signal corresponding to a frequency ratio of a first signal and a second signal , the frequency ratio measurement device comprising:a counter section;a time to digital converter section;a combiner section;a subtractor section;a quantizer section; anda feedback section, wherein{'sub': 0', '0, 'the counter section counts a time event of the first signal and outputs a count value obtained by multiplying the time event by k, where kis a rational number,'}the time to digital converter section outputs a time digital value corresponding to a phase difference between the first signal and the second signal,the combiner section outputs a combined value of the count value and the time digital value,the subtractor section outputs a difference value between a first value based on the combined value and a second value output from ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Modular meter

Номер: US20220082597A1
Принадлежит: Dish Wireless LLC

A technique is described for metering signals transmitted from a variety of frequency bands. As an example, receiving, at the software-defined multiband power meter, a first selection of a first modulation scheme corresponding to a first frequency range, configuring the software-defined multiband power meter to accept detection of a first set of one or more signals within the first frequency range, wherein the software-defined multiband power meter is configured to isolate the first set of one or more signals of the first frequency range, detecting the first set of one or more signals within the first frequency range, measuring a first signal quality of the first set of one or more signals, and transmitting one or more data packets identifying at least one signal quality measurement of the first set of one or more signals.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Measuring error in signal under test (sut) using multiple channel measurement device

Номер: US20220082603A1
Автор: Steven D. Draving
Принадлежит: Keysight Technologies Inc

A method and system measure a characteristic of a signal under test (SUT) using a signal measurement device. The method includes receiving and digitizing the first and second copies of the SUT through first and second input channels to obtain first and second digitized waveforms; repeatedly determining measurement values of the SUT characteristic in the first and second digitized waveforms to obtain first and second measurement values, which are paired in measurement value pairs; multiplying the first and second measurement values in each of the measurement value pairs to obtain measurement products; determining an average value of the measurement products to obtain an MSV of the measured SUT characteristic; and determine a square root of the MSV to obtain an RMS value of the measured SUT characteristic. The RMS value substantially omits variations not in the SUT, which are introduced by only one of the first and second input channels.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Measuring error in signal under test (sut) using multiple channel measurement device

Номер: US20220082604A1
Автор: Steven D. Draving
Принадлежит: Keysight Technologies Inc

A method and system measure a characteristic of a signal under test (SUT) using a signal measurement device. The method includes receiving the SUT through first and second input channels; digitizing first and second copies of the SUT to obtain first and second digitized waveforms; repeatedly determining first and second measurement trends to obtain measurement trend pairs; cross-correlating the first and second measurement trends in each measurement trend pair to obtain cross-correlation vectors; extracting zero-displacement values from the cross-correlation vectors, respectively; summing the zero-displacement values to obtain a sum of measurement products for the measurement trend pairs; divide the sum of zero-displacement values by a total number of measurement products to obtain an average value of the measurement products, corresponding to MSV of the measured SUT characteristic; and determining a square root of the average value of the MSV to obtain an RMS value of the measured SUT characteristic.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064235A1

A software-defined radiometer includes dual RF front end channels. One RF front end channel processes the horizontal polarization signals and the other RF front end channel processes the vertical polarization signals. Each RF front end channel includes a power splitter for splitting the polarization signals into a plurality of identical polarization signals, a filter bank of N-bandpass filters that have the same bandwidth but different center frequencies and a multi-input switch. The bandpass filters filter the horizontal and vertical polarization signals and provide a plurality of filtered horizontal and vertical polarization signals. A control circuit issues a control signal to the multi-input switch so as to route a desired one of the plurality of filtered horizontal and vertical polarization signals to a programmable frequency converter. The programmable frequency converter includes a programmable local oscillator that is configured to generate signals having any one of N frequencies and is used to produce intermediate frequency representations of the horizontal and vertical polarization signals. The intermediate frequency representations are converted into digital signals and processed to extract desired information and data. 1. A radiometer for receiving and processing RF signals of the same frequency but with different polarizations , comprising:a plurality of RF signal paths, each RF signal path configured to receive and process RF signals having a particular polarization;an input bandpass filter in each RF signal path for filtering the received RF signal having the particular polarization and outputting a filtered received RF signal, wherein the input bandpass filter has a predetermined bandwidth and center frequency;a signal splitting device in each RF signal path for splitting the filtered received RF signal into a plurality of identical RF signals;a filter bank of bandpass filters in each RF signal path wherein each bandpass filter of the filter bank has ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067153A1

In various embodiments, a method for processing a Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal is provided. The method includes determining of at least one drop in a signal level of the time-variable Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal and at least one next rise in the signal level after the drop in the signal level, determining a time interval between the drop and the next rise in the signal level, and determining a quality of the Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal by using the time interval. 1. A method for processing a Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal , the method comprising:determining of at least one drop in a signal level of the time-variable Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal and at least one next rise in the signal level after the drop in the signal level;determining a time interval between the drop and the next rise in the signal level; anddetermining a quality of the Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal by using the time interval.2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the determining of the quality of the Single-Edge Nibble Transmission Signal comprises comparing the time interval with at least one of a predetermined minimum time interval or with a predetermined maximum time interval, the signal quality being evaluated as being poor at least one of if the time interval is less than the predetermined minimum time interval or if the time interval is greater than the predetermined maximum time interval.3. The method of claim 1 , comparing the dropping signal level with a predetermined first reference value; and', 'when the first reference value is reached by the dropping signal level, determining an associated point in time as a first point in time., 'wherein the determining of at least one drop in the signal level comprises4. The method of claim 3 , comparing the signal level rising after the drop with a predetermined second reference value; and', 'when the second reference value is reached by the rising signal level, determining an associated point ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Measuring Vibrational Spectra in Living Cells and Tissue Over Time

Номер: US20200064252A1
Принадлежит: Digital Harmonic LLC

Disclosed are systems and methods for measuring vibrational spectra of a living cells and tissue that includes a low noise consistent optical source creating a photon beam, a support device, a photon-to-electron converter/detector outputting a streamed analog electrical signal, an analog-to-digital converter, and a digital signal processor with specialized software for measuring and characterizing the signal contained in the photon beam and its subsequent detector's streamed analog converted to digital signal. Motion of the living sample causes modulation to the photon beam as it passes through the living samples by how much of the photon beam is blocked, absorbed or deflected. In addition, specific sub-cellular vibrational features can be segregated utilizing fluorescent markers. 1. A system for measuring vibrational spectra of living tissue , comprising:a photon source configured to output a photon beam;a support device configured to expose living tissue to the photon beam, wherein cellular motion of the living tissue varies an amount of the photon beam that is blocked, absorbed or deflected, thereby directly modulating a remaining portion of the photon beam;a detector configured to detect the modulated portion of the photon beam and produce an analog signal;an analog-to-digital converter configured to receive the analog signal and output a digital representation of the modulated portion of the photon beam; anda digital signal processor configured to:map the digital representation of the modulated photon beam to partials, each partial representing an amplitude specified over a narrow range of time and frequency;chain the partials into events, which are collections of partials localized in time and frequency and having similar topological properties; andcharacterize the events into one or more of vibrational spectra and discrete frequencies of the living tissue over time.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the digital signal processor performs the mapping claim 1 , ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for evaluating the performance of a system in a control loop

Номер: US20150073739A1

A monitoring circuit for monitoring the performance of a phase locked loop having a divider therein, the divider comprising at least a first counter, the monitoring circuit comprising at least one memory element for capturing a value of the first counter after a predetermined time from a system event in the operation of the phase locked loop, a variability calculator for comparing a value of the counter with a preceding value of the counter to calculate a variation, and a circuit responsive to the estimate of variation for outputting a status signal.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070846A1

Provided herein are methods and devices for the detection, quantification, and/or monitoring of characteristics in samples. The disclosed methods and devices can be used, for example, to identify the presence and location of atrial fibrillation indicators with high spatial resolution. The disclosed methods and devices can even be used to identify the presence and location of atrial fibrillation indicators using non-simultaneously collected data. 1. A method , comprising:collecting a first electrical signal from each of a first plurality of locations in a sample at a first time;processing the first electrical signals to obtain a first sample parameter for each of the first plurality of locations in the sample at the first time;collecting a second electrical signal from each of a second plurality of locations in a sample at a second time;wherein the first plurality of locations and the second plurality of locations have at least one location in common;processing the second electrical signals to obtain a second sample parameter for each of the second plurality of locations in the sample at the second time;comparing the second sample parameters to the first sample parameters to obtain a third sample parameter at each of the first plurality of locations and the second plurality of locations; andprocessing the third sample parameters to determine a sample characteristic.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample comprises an organ.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organ comprises the heart.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first electrical signal claim 1 , the second electrical signal claim 1 , or a combination thereof comprises voltage.5. (canceled)6. The method of any of claim 1 , wherein processing the first electrical signals claim 1 , the second electrical signals claim 1 , or a combination thereof comprises applying a transform function claim 1 , a trigonometric function claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The method of claim ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140152293A1

The present invention discloses a sensing circuit including a sensing device, a first amplifier circuit, a high-pass filter, a second amplifier circuit and a determination circuit. The sensing device produces a sensing signal. The first amplifier circuit reduces high-frequency components of the sensing signal and amplifies low-frequency components of the sensing signal to produce a first amplified signal. The high-pass filter removes the direct current of the first amplified signal to produce a filtered signal. The second amplifier amplifies low-frequency components of the filtered signal according to a first predetermined voltage to produce a second amplified signal. The determination circuit determines whether the second amplified signal is higher than a second predetermined voltage and lower than a third predetermined voltage, and produces a detection result when the second amplified signal is higher than the second predetermined voltage or lower than the third predetermined voltage. 1. A sensing circuit , comprising:a sensing device, arranged to produce a sensing signal;a first amplifier circuit, arranged to reduce high-frequency components of the sensing signal and amplify low-frequency components of the sensing signal to produce a first amplified signal;a high-pass filter, arranged to remove the direct current of the first amplified signal to produce a filtered signal;a second amplifier circuit, arranged to amplify low-frequency components of the filtered signal according to a first predetermined voltage to produce a second amplified signal; anda determination circuit, arranged to determine whether the second amplified signal is higher than a second predetermined voltage and lower than a third predetermined voltage, and produce a detection result when the second amplified signal is higher than the second predetermined voltage or lower than the third predetermined voltage.2. The sensing circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first amplifier circuit further ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190072594A1

A vector network analyzer for obtaining at least one wave frequency ratio with respect to a frequency-converting device under test is provided. The vector network analyzer comprises a transmitter side configured to be controlled by at least one transmitter side clock signal, a receiver side configured to be controlled by at least one receiver side clock signal, and a central clock configured to generate a central clock signal. The at least one transmitter side clock signal and the at least one receiver side clock signal are based on the central clock signal, the at least one transmitter side clock signal and the at least one receiver side clock signal are generated with a fixed phase relation to each other with the aid of a start pulse. 1. A vector network analyzer for obtaining at least one wave frequency ratio with respect to a frequency-converting device under test , the vector network analyzer comprising:a transmitter, including a transmitter synthesizer, configured to be controlled by at least one transmitter clock signal;a receiver, including a receiver synthesizer, configured to be controlled by at least one receiver clock signal; anda clock generator configured to generate a central clock signal; andwherein the at least one transmitter clock signal and the at least one receiver clock signal are based on the central clock signal, andwherein an output signal of the transmitter synthesizer and an output signal of the receiver synthesizer are generated with a fixed phase relation to each other with the aid of a common start pulse.2. The vector network analyzer according to claim 1 , wherein each of the transmitter synthesizer and the receiver synthesizer comprises:a direct digital source configured to generate a reference signal;a voltage controlled oscillator;a phase detector; anda first integer divider; andwherein the voltage controlled oscillator is configured to receive a voltage from the phase detector in order to generate an oscillator signal,wherein the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Multiple phase measurement device

Номер: US20190072596A1
Автор: Peter Radda, Ronald Steuer
Принадлежит: Fluke Corp

Systems and methods that measure electrical parameters of a multi-phase electrical system may utilize a multi-phase measurement device that includes a sensor subsystem that has a voltage sensor and a current sensor. Each of the voltage sensor and the current sensor may be a contact-type sensor or a “non-contact” sensor that does not require galvanic contact. In operation, a multi-phase measurement device may utilize the voltage sensor and the current sensor to sequentially obtain single phase measurements for each phase of a multi-phase electrical system. The measurements may be synchronized to obtain various multi-phase power parameters, such as various parameters relating to power, phase, voltage, current, etc. The multi-phase measurement device may be operative to automatically detect when an operator has positioned a sensor of the sensor subsystem proximate a conductor under test so the multi-phase measurement device can initiate detection of one or more electrical parameters in the conductor.
