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10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2569910C2

Изобретение относится к обнаружению повреждений кабелей. Сущность: система обнаружения повреждений содержит первый амперметр для измерения первого фазного тока, второй амперметр для измерения второго фазного тока, третий амперметр для измерения третьего фазного тока, первый блок вычисления для вычисления тока отрицательной последовательности из первого фазного тока, второго фазного тока и третьего фазного тока и первый блок обнаружения для обнаружения изменения тока отрицательной последовательности. Кроме того, описан соответствующий способ и машиночитаемый носитель. Технический результат: возможность обнаружения повреждения кабелей для непосредственного электрического нагрева подводных трубопроводов. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

14-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2697483C2
Принадлежит: АББ С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к измерению электрических величин. Способ (200) содержит этапы, на которых: подсоединяют измерительное устройство (8) к электрической цепи (1); передают сигнал (S1) синхронизации в направлении измерительного устройства (8); принимают сигнал (S1) синхронизации в измерительном устройстве (8); измеряют с помощью измерительного устройства электрическую величину (I(t)), связанную с упомянутой электрической цепью (1), и обеспечивают соответствующие коэффициенты преобразования Фурье, производят оценку значения (∆1) запаздывания, которое зависит от смещения по времени между моментом (T) измерения, связанным с мерой электрической величины, и моментом (T) приема сигнала (S1) синхронизации в измерительном устройстве (8); обрабатывают коэффициенты преобразования Фурье и значения (Δ1) запаздывания и обеспечивают сдвинутые по времени коэффициенты преобразования Фурье, представляющие первую синхронизированную измеренную электрическую величину. 2 н. и 13 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

06-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2660384C2
Принадлежит: АББ Швайц АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к обнаружению короткозамкнутого диода в мостовом выпрямителе. Сущность: способ включает определение междуфазного напряжения (V, V, V) между двумя фазными входами (20) мостового выпрямителя (16), причем фазный вход (20) обеспечен между двумя последовательно соединенными диодами (26) соответствующей фазы, и индикацию неисправности в виде короткозамкнутого диода посредством определения, является ли междуфазное напряжение равным нулю дольше, чем время переключения мостового выпрямителя (16). Технический результат: возможность быстрого, надежного и простого обнаружения неисправности диода. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2178582C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам для сравнения двух комплексных векторных величин в реальном времени и может быть использовано для формирования нестационарных сигналов. Техническим результатом является ускорение сравнения двух сигналов. Изобретение использует цифровые методы, основанные на свойствах цилиндрического устройства для сравнения комплексных векторных величин в реальном времени, в одном случае используется сигнал вращательного момента, генерируемый цифровым компаратором, для обнаружения наличия сбоя в передающей линии, в другом случае используется выходной сигнал для определения направления потока мощности в передающей линии, в третьем случае, чтобы определить, превосходят или нет напряжение или ток заданный пороговый уровень. 3 с. и 20 з. п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

11-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2624988C1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, в частности к способам контроля и определения параметров определения синфазности или противофазности двух анализируемых сигналов, например, для фазировки обмоток трансформаторов. Раскрыт способ автоматизированного определения синфазности или противофазности двух сигналов произвольной формы. Для реализации способа с помощью цифрового осциллографа в автоматическом режиме снимают осциллограммы сигналов, перемножают полученные значения в одни и те же моменты времени и определяют среднее значение массива произведений за заданный интервал времени. Для определения фазировки двух анализируемых сигналов произвольной формы достаточно учитывать только знак полученного среднего значения, при этом положительное значение соответствует синфазным сигналам, отрицательное значение соответствует противофазным сигналам. Степень синфазности определяется из отношения полученного среднего значения к произведению действующих значений исследуемых сигналов: чем ближе ...

20-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2757712C1

Способ определения угла между током и напряжением в одной фазе у потребителя относится к области электротехники и предназначен для вычисления коэффициента мощности с последующим определением реактивной составляющей тока. Техническим результатом является определение угла между током и напряжением потребителя посредством только токоизмерительных клещей. Технический результат достигается тем, что для определения угла между напряжением и током на декартовых осях координат по оси действительных чисел располагают вектор напряжения, строят треугольник измеренных токов: вектор тока через емкость, расположенный от начала координат по мнимой оси, опережающий вектор напряжения на 90°, при этом из начала координат проводят первую дугу длиной вектора общего тока, потребляемого из сети, из конца вектора через емкость проводят вторую дугу длиной вектора нагрузки, на пересечении дуг получают третью вершину треугольника, из которого по теореме косинусов находят угол между вектором тока через емкость и вектором ...

11-07-2018 дата публикации

Цифровой фазометр

Номер: RU2661065C1

Изобретение относится к радиотехнике, в частности к устройствам измерения сдвига фаз между сигналами несинхронизированных по частоте генераторов близких частот для радионавигационных и радиогеодезических приложений. Сущность заявленного технического решения заключается в том, что в цифровой фазометр введены дополнительно такие элементы как : элемента И, блока измерения длительности периода измерительного сигнала, блока измерения длительности периода опорного сигнала, блока вычитания цифровых эквивалентов длительностей периодов сигналов, блока сравнения разности длительностей периодов с порогом, RS-триггера. Данные элементы, а также соответствующие связи между ними позволяют проводить измерение разности фаз между гармоническими несинхронизированными по частоте сигналами близких частот. Техническим результатом при реализации заявленного решения является возможность измерения разности фаз между синусоидальными сигналами высокостабильных несинхронизированных генераторов близких частот при допущении ...

11-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002462255B2

12-12-1930 дата публикации

Einrichtung zur Messung des Leistungsfaktors in Wechselstromanlagen

Номер: DE0000514348C

18-06-1998 дата публикации

Relative phase angle measuring device for AC signals of equal frequency

Номер: DE0019640922C1

The device divides each of the AC signals (A,B) using frequency dividers (1,2) with the same division ratio, with one of the signals (B) fed to the frequency divider via an inverter (3). The divided signals (D,E) are combined via an Exclusive-OR logic (4), with evaluation of the pulse/pause ratio of the output signals (G(I)) from the latter. One of the frequency dividers (1) may be synchronised using the output signal from the other frequency divider (2), supplied via a signal converter (6) providing setting pulses for the setting input of the frequency divider.

12-04-1954 дата публикации

Anordnung zur Messung von Phasenwinkeln

Номер: DE0000909002C

11-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003778729D1

31-05-1961 дата публикации

Schaltanordnung zum Messen der Phasendifferenz

Номер: DE0001107819B

13-09-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002735053B2

09-04-1927 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Kenntlichmachung des cosªÎ-Wertes einer Anlage

Номер: DE0000442667C

08-06-1934 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Vergleichen der Frequenzen zweier elektrischer Schwingungen

Номер: DE0000598207C

08-08-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to circuit arrangements for detecting or measuring the phase shift effect of a network

Номер: GB0000933431A

... 933,431. Phase measurement. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Jan. 19, 1960 [Jan. 6, 1959], No. 528/59. Class 37. [Also in Group XL (c)] A circuit for detecting or measuring phase shift of a network comprises an oscillator producing an original waveform of constant shape, e.g. sinusoidal, a wave shaper producing therefrom a modified wave having substantially straight and parallel sides, e.g. a square wave; a circuit wherein the original oscillator waveform after passing the test network is combined with the modified wave by mutual clipping, and an instrument measuring the average unidirectional output of the circuit. A sine wave PSW (Fig. 1), is applied to a test network and the output is fed to the collector and base of a transistor (not shown), while the input sine wave is converted without phase change to a square wave SQW applied to the transistor base, so that the negative going portions of the square wave are suppressed, and the centre lines M 1 , M 2 of corresponding positive ...

08-04-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in phasemeters for measuring the phase difference between two a.c. voltages of the same frequency

Номер: GB0000954912A

... 954,912. Automatic phase control systems. CESKOSLOVENSKA AKADEMIE VED. July 11, 1960 [July 25, 1959], No. 24053/60. Heading H3A. [Also in Division G4] In a digital phase meter for measuring the phase shift produced by a network 2 on a selectable input frequency fx the latter is converted in mixers 100, 110 to a constant I.F. fm and then by circuits 41, 42 into pulses of constant recurrence frequency fm, where fm is an exact submultiple of the frequency fn of a clock pulse generator 129 whose output is gated into a counter 10 for a period determined by the phase difference of the pulses from circuits 41, 42, and therefore phase shift due to the network 2. Moreover fm is phase controlled relative to the clock pulse generator 129 by phase comparing it with a subdivided frequency fm from the pulse generator 129 in a phase detector 127 whose output through a control reactance tube 126 adjusts the phase of a variable frequency generator 125 which beats with fx to produce the I.F., or after frequency ...

10-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001427604A

... 1427604 Phase detectors COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE 23 July 1973 [3 Aug 1972] 34972/73 Heading H3A A phase detector comprises: a ramp generator 13 controlled by a reference signal V ref ; a logic circuit 14 controlled by the reference signal and the signal whose phase is to be compared V # ; samplers 15, 16 controlled by outputs S4, S4a from the logic circuit, to sample the ramp; a sign changing circuit 17 which passes the output from sampler 16 either directly or inverted depending on a further output S5 from the logic circuit; and a gate 18 connected to the output of the circuit 17 which is inhibited by a signal from threshold detector 19 whenever the amplitude of the signal V # is below a threshold value. The signals V ref and V # are squared in respective shapers 11, 12 to produce signals S1, S2 which are applied as inputs to a D-type flip-flop in logic circuit 14 to set the flip-flop in one state when S1 leads S2, and in the other state when S2 leads S1, Figs. 4a1, 4a2 (not shown ...

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Electrical energy storage device and system

Номер: GB0201518658D0

17-11-1947 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to phasemeters

Номер: GB0000594658A

... 594,658. Phase - difference measurements. PHILIPS LAMPS, Ltd. Sept. 8, 1944, No. 17184. Convention date, Sept. 23, 1943. [Class 37] A direct-reading phasemeter depends upon the principle that the product of two oscillations, obtained by means of a multiplying mixer, contains a D.C. component proportional to the cosine of the phase angle between the oscillations and also an A.C. component of double frequency, the amplitude of which corresponds to the factor of proportionality of the D.C. component. By rectifying the A.C. component both currents may be compared in a quotient meter, the deflection of which is proportional only to the cosine of the phase angle and is independent of the amplitude and frequency of the oscillations. Two oscillations e1, e2 of the same frequency but displaced in phase are applied to the input terminals 1, 2 of a multiplying mixer M, the supply circuit of which comprises a resistance 3 and an inductance 4 in series, the resistance 3 having a byepass condenser 7< ...

29-08-1956 дата публикации

An apparatus for ascertaining the departure from synchronism of correlated electric impulses

Номер: GB0000756009A

... 756,009. Automatic registration control systems. LICENTIA PATENT-VERWALTUNGS-GES. June 15, 1954 [June 16, 1953], No. 17540/54. Class 38 (4). [Also in Group XL (c)] A control signal depending on the sense and magnitude of the phase difference between two pulses is derived in an automatic registration control system by means of a pair of controllable discharge tubes in a bridge arrangement (see Group XL (c)), the said control signal being developed across a capacitor. The invention is described with reference to a multi-colour printing device. Pulses may be derived by photo-electric scanning of the registration marks of the different colour prints, or from a magnetic pick-up actuated by a steel edge revolving synchronously with the conveying roller. The control signal may be applied for example, to a magnetic amplifier.

08-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008618941D0

22-09-1993 дата публикации

Phase Discriminator with Spatial Sampling

Номер: GB0002265223A

The discriminator comprises a transmission line (1) travelled in opposite directions by two signals (Eoe and Eoe of the same frequency whose phase shift is to be measured. Detectors (4) which are regularly distributed along the transmission line (1) perform a spatial sampling of the standing-wave pattern established in the transmission line (1). A spatial phase discriminator which is connected to the outputs of the detectors (4) and which comprises at least first computing means (9) provides a weighted sum ( SIGMA s of the output signals from the detectors (4) proportional to the sine of the phase shift angle (o) to be measured, second computing means (7) providing a weighted sum ( SIGMA c) of the output signals from the detectors (4) proportional to the cosine of the phase shift angle (o) to be measured. Arc tangent ROM (12) provides the phase value (o). Extra amplitude weighting may be provided, (Fig. 2), to enhance noise performance.

13-10-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001249547A

... 1,249,547. Transistor frequency sensitive switches. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET L. M. ERICSSON. 17 Sept., 1969 [26 Sept., 1968], No. 45916/69. Heading H3T. In a frequency sensitive switching circuit, a switch Ty is actuated by pulses derived from the signal E, whose frequency is to be detected, to connect the supply to a timer 1. If the frequency is below the predetermined frequency, capacitor C T charges producing a signal which opens switch Ty, and the next pulse in the input signal recloses Ty. If the frequency of E s is above the predetermined frequency, capacitor C T cannot discharge between input pulses, no signal is produced to open Ty, and a delayed operate relay R is actuated to energize indicator L. When switch Ty closes, capacitor C T charges through transistor T,1 which is cross-coupled with T r 2. The charging current cuts off both transistors, and a pulse is fed via transformer T to momentarily turn on transistor T r 3 to commutate Ty. Ty and T,3 may be replaced by a bistable circuit ...

10-05-1950 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to amplifier systems for alternating voltages

Номер: GB0000636931A

... 636,931. Valve amplifying circuits. MILSOM, F. R., FURZEHILL LABORATORIES, Ltd., and SMITH & SONS (ENGLAND), Ltd., S. Dec. 1, 1947, No. 31751. [Class 40 (vi)] An amplifier for alternating current of constant frequency but variable amplitude which selectively amplifies the component which is in phase with a constant reference signal comprises means for selecting the quadrature component in the output of the amplifier and for feeding it back so as to oppose the quadrature component in the input. The quadrature component in the output of amplifier 12 is selected by mixing in a demodulator 15 with oscillations from a constant source 22 which are in quadrature with the in-phase reference signal. The demodulated amplitude variations are selected by means of filters and are remodulated from the source 22 in a modulator 17, the output being fed back to the input of the amplifier 12 out of phase, over a path which may include amplifying and phase-adjusting means 23, 24. The in-phase component in ...

06-06-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to power factor measuring instruments

Номер: GB0000393589A

... 393,589. Power-factor measurements. ELLIOTT BROS. (LONDON), Ltd., Century Works, Lewisham, London, and SHOTTER, G. F., 14, The Ridgeway, Friern Barnet, Middlesex. Dec. 4, 1931, No. 33641. [Class 37.] A power factor meter has a series winding in the field of which move two coils connected to a pointer, one coil being connected across the supply and the other fed with a current displaced 90 degrees from that of the voltage coil, and means for varying the current in the two coils to give zero deflection. The series coil 4 is wound in two portions on projecting poles 2, 3, the coils 8, 9 embracing a fixed core-piece 7. The ends of each coil 8, 9 are connected to opposite ends of a potentiometer resistance 13 and to its slider 19, one of the coils being connected through a resistance 18 and the other through a condenser 21 or reactance. A reversing switch 20 is located in the circuit of coil 9. The resistance 13 is connected across the supply in series with a zero fine-adjusting resistance 16 ...

30-01-2008 дата публикации

Instrument for identifying the required connections for an interconnection cable between two high voltage three phase supplies

Номер: GB0002440354A

An instrument for identification of correct high voltage (11,000 volt) AC phase relationships on long distance interconnection cables (16, 17), comprising two transmitter modules (11, 12), which in turn comprise 5 inputs for connection to the low voltage terminals of a distribution transformer, 3 single phase 230V/9V transformers connected in Wye formation, 4 outputs for connection to the cable under test, in addition to a receiver module (13), which in turn comprises 8 inputs for connection to the cable under lest, an integral power supply and continuity tester, a zero crossing detection circuit, a phase pattern identifier and an output display. The invention allows for the identification of the correct 11,000 Volt phase connections between two separate locations over large distances prior to final connection, utilising non direct phase connection between the low voltage outputs of the distribution transformers to determine the low voltage phase relationships. The instrument presents a ...

08-03-1967 дата публикации

Phase responsive circuit

Номер: GB0001061315A

... 1,061,315. Phase comparison circuits. BILLMAN-REGULATOR AB. Oct. 27, 1965 [Oct. 28, 1964], No. 45393/65. Heading H3A. In a phase comparator, two signals to be compared are applied at terminals 1, 2 and 3, 4 respectively. Alternate half-cycles of the supply across 1, 2 switch on transistor T to allow current to flow through relay L1 or L2 depending on whether the signal at 3, 4 is in-phase or out-of-phase with that at 1, 2.

06-11-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to phase sensitive detectors

Номер: GB0000940818A

... 940,818. Phase sensitive circuits. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES Ltd. Feb. 1, 1962, No. 3814/62. Heading H3A. A phase sensitive detector for selecting from a composite wave a wanted component wave in the presence of an unwanted wave, the waves all being of the same frequency, in which the composite wave is gated by reference signal pulses of the same frequency as the composite wave. In Fig. 1, the invention is applied to selecting one of the two outputs in quadrature of an impedance measuring bridge 2. The bridge output is applied to one input of a detector 5 via an amplifier 4, the other detector input being derived from a pulse generator 7 connected to the bridge supply source 3 via a phase shifter 6. Operation.-Assuming that only the reactive component 2 (b) is required, phase shifter 6 is adjusted until the generated pulses are in quadrature with the oscillator output, when the " wanted " output m will be as shown at 2 (c) and the " unwanted " output at 2 (e) is of zero mean value. The ...

21-03-1984 дата публикации

Detection of movement of a cyclic interference waveform such as in a ring laser gyroscope

Номер: GB0002126336A

Detection means comprise at least three photodiodes 1, 2 and 3 which are spaced so as to expand to half a wavelength of an interference waveform produced in a ring laser gyroscope. The three photodiodes 1, 2 and 3 produce respective currents A, B and C the magnitudes of which are detected to sense the magnitude and direction of the movement of the interference waveform. The currents A, B and C are fed to a current mirror configured as a Norton amplifier input state 4, the latter producing signals which are fed to logic circuitry for obtaining signals representative of the rate and direction of the movement of the interference waveform.

04-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008630815D0

12-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009126250D0

08-09-1965 дата публикации

Phase and frequency comparator

Номер: GB0001003601A

... 1,003,601. Frequency and phase detectors. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES Ltd. Sept. 8, 1961 [Sept. 9, 1960], No. 32345/61. Addition to 952,835. Heading H3A. In a phase detector as in the parent Specification producing also an output D.C. of polarity indicating the sense of any recurrence frequency error above a certain frequency error, the non-linear bi-directional element in series with storage capacitor 26 comprises a pair of parallel opposed diodes 28, 29 and these are back biased by a voltage varying with the amplitudes of the two inputs (normally bi-polar pulses) being compared (applied through capacitors 25, 26) to obviate errors due to amplitude changes of the inputs. This back bias may be self-produced by an R.C. circuit 30-32 energized by the mean rectified current through the diodes, and the output voltage derived from the junction of equal resistors 31, 32 or from a tapping of a single resistor in place of 31, 32. Alternatively one input may be applied through the storage capacitor ...

11-10-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electrical measuring instruments

Номер: GB0000204798A

... 204,798. Edgcumbe, K., and Everett, E. I. July 14, 1922. Phase-differences and power-factors, measuring.- Relates to electric meters for indicating phase-difference, power-factor, synchronism, &c., of the kind in which a field produced by one or more current coils acts upon a rotatable iron member magnetized by one or more fixed coils. According to the invention, a system of currentcarrying coils produces a rotating field in which is located the moving member carrying segments magnetized by fixed pressure coils astatically connected and mounted in close relationship. In this way the circuits are rendered non-inductive, disturbance from external fields is eliminated, and the current in the pressure coils is substantially independent of frequency variations. As a power-factor meter for three-phase unbalanced loads, the current coils a, Fig. 2, are arranged with their magnetic axes in one plane and 120‹ apart, and the moving system, comprising a spindle b, Fig. 1, carrying soft-iron segments ...

16-05-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for electrical frequency measurement

Номер: GB0000749060A

... 749,060. Frequency measurement. CINEMATELEVISION, Ltd. Feb. 9, 1954 [Feb. 19, 1953], No. 4685/53. Class 37. In frequency-measuring apparatus of the kind described in Specification 747,489 circuit means are provided which, when the maximum range of the component frequency determining circuit is exceeded and due to intrinsic imperfections of the low pass filter a difference signal persists at the output thereof, operate the selector to apply to the mixer the known signal of next highest frequency in sequence, whereby the filter output is reduced to zero and the mixer output signal falls within the range of measurement of the frequency determining circuit. Unknown frequency signals at input 1 (Fig. 1) are applied to a mixer circuit 2 where they beat with a signal of known frequency selected by a multipositional stepping switch 3 from a range of frequencies derived from a 1 Mc/s. crystal oscillator incorporated in the timing unit 8, by a harmonic selector 4. The beat frequency from the mixer ...

31-12-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in servo controlled phasemeters

Номер: GB0000806641A

... 806,641. Phase measurement. COMPAGNIE POUR LA FABRICATION DES COMPTEURS ET MATERIEL D'USINES A GAZ. July 29, 1955, No. 21968/55. Class 37. [Also in Group XXXVIII] A servomotor-controlled phasemeter indicating the phase difference between two electrical signals comprises a bridge phase detector with an asymmetrical conducting device and a series non-linear resistance in each arm, to alternate diagonals of which the respective signals are applied to generate an output controlling a servomotor, which adjusts a phase-shifter in series with one signal for zero phase detector output, and drives a mechanical indicator for the phase difference ; one input signal being a reference signal and the other derived from a second phase shifter responsive to a mechanical input to be remotely transmitted. Fig. 1 shows a phase detector 1 comprising a bridge rectifier, network having a non-linear resistance in series with each rectifier receiving an input signal E1 of phase angle #1 on one diagonal, and on ...

13-07-1960 дата публикации

Improvements relating to phase detection

Номер: GB0000841161A

... 841,161. Phase discriminators. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. July 31, 1957, No. 24318/57 Class 40(5). Two waves have their phase difference measured up to almost 360 degrees by vectorially adding them in an amplifier 16, after limiting at 13, 15, then detecting the phase difference between the vector sum and one of the waves. The latter waves to this end may be amplified and limited in line amplifiers 17, 18 to equal amplitudes, then 90 degrees delayed versions of each wave added on to the other by an interconnecting #/4 transmission line 19 conducting energy both ways, but without reflection of energy at each end, and the combined waves each rectified by rectifiers 20, 21 to derive two outputs whose amplitude/phase difference graphs are successive half waves of like polarity but phase displaced by 90 degrees whose difference is taken by inverting one in a phase inverting amplifier then adding them in a network 24. Phase differences varying over +90 degrees to -90 degrees between the outputs of ...

20-09-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to power factor measurement

Номер: GB0000877621A

... 877,621. Phase-measuring devices. ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd. Nov. 12, 1958 [Oct. 14, 1957], No. 32025/57. Class 37. Apparatus for measuring the power factor of an A.C. circuit comprises two Hall crystals 1, 2, a coil 3 carrying the load current IL producing a magnetic field across the crystals, the current in crystal 1 being obtained from a transformer T1 connected across the load voltage VL and current IL being provided from a transformer T2 connected across a resistance R carrying current IL to crystal 2 having both a phase shifter S and a potentiometer P in its circuit, the Hall e.m.f.s being connected in opposition to a detector D tuned to the second harmonic of the supply frequency #/2#, the amount by which S and P have to be adjusted to make the reading of the detector D zero corresponding to the phase angle between VL and IL and the difference in their magnitudes respectively. The theory of operation is given in the Specification.

15-04-2015 дата публикации

Steuervorrichtung und Verfahren zur Datenübertragung über eine Lastleitung

Номер: AT14097U1

A data transmission from a control device (100) to a load (52) is carried out via a load line (40). The control device (100) comprises a first switching means (121) and a second switching means (122) which are switched in a series circuit between an input terminal (101) and an output terminal (102) of the control device (100). A control circuit (110) is coupled to the first switching means (121) and the second switching means (122) and is configured to generate a control signal (ctrl) for controlling the first switching means (121) and/or the second switching means (122) so as to transmit data bits.

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019203600A1
Принадлежит: Madderns Pty Ltd

Abstract A method of compensating for the effects of crosstalk on voltage measurements in an electrical system. The method comprises obtaining characteristic measurements K and a of an electrical system, by injecting a reference voltage at a first terminal of the system; measuring a voltage at a second terminal of the system to obtain a measured voltage; measuring a ratio of amplitude between the reference voltage and the measured voltage to obtain a characteristic K; and measuring a phase angle difference between the reference voltage and the measured voltage to obtain an angle characteristic a. The method further consists of providing a measurement which compensates for the effects of crosstalk, by receiving a voltage measurement and removing at least a capacitive component of the error, based on K and a, to provide a compensated voltage measurement. Ul VI W1 2c 2 V2 Measured R3 Figure 3 V, on V2 V1 .Vma 1 _ V2measure Vlmax Figure 4 ...

25-06-1998 дата публикации

Digital phase comparator

Номер: AU0000693216B2

21-08-1969 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001947967A

18-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001179743A1

14-02-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1250041A

Data points for a sinusoidal waveform are assigned 2 bit values which indicate the state of the amplitude (positive or negative) and the slope of the sinusoidal signal at the particular data point (positive or negative). The 2 bit values for a plurality of sinusoidal waveforms are compared to determine the phase misalignment between the plurality of sinusoidal waveforms.

20-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA921572A

15-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1244883A

... of the Invention Apparatus and method for monitoring a self-regulating heater comprising a PTC conductive polymer while it is being powered by a power supply signal. The apparatus is connected to a power supply and to the heater, the heater then producing a heater signal which is fed to a comparator. The comparator determines the phasal relationship between the power supply signal and the heater signal and indicates when the signals are out of phase by a predetermined magnitude.

21-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001299255C

CE00260G For use in a radio synthesizer (110), a digital phase detector (118) indicates the phase error between a reference signal provided by a reference oscillator (117) and an output frequency signal (114) provided by a voltage controlled oscillator (112). The digital phase detector (118) includes four flip/flops (310, 312, 314 and 316) which receive the frequency signals (116 and 120) provided by the oscillators (117 and 112) to generate steering signals (126) which optimally indicate the phase error between the frequency signals (116 and 120) as well as providing optimal (maximum) frequency steering when a frequency difference between the frequency signals (116 and 120) exists. Responsive to the flip/flops, digital logic circuitry (306) is used to provide a non-integrated level-type indication when the frequency signals (116 and 120) are phase locked.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003017268A1

The present invention aims at a more efficient solution for a detection of operating conditions in an inductive power transfer system (10; 34) and for improved control of the inductive power transfer system (10; 34). According to the present invention an operating condition at a secondary side of an inductive power transfer system is detected by measuring (S10) at least one electric variable at a primary side of the inductive power transfer system (10; 34) which is dynamically coupled to the operating condition at the secondary side of the inductive power transfer system (10; 34). Then follows an analysis of the at least one electric variable over time at the primary side of the inductive power transfer system (10; 34). This allows to detect a change of the operating condition at the secondary side of the inductive power transfer system (10; 34). The present invention also relates to a control method and related controller apparatus (70) using the detection method according to the present ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003075486A1

System and methods for determining loading on supply lines of a three-phase power distribution system. Load meters are connected to the supply lines to receive power. A feeder meter is connected to a supply line designated the reference supply line having a known reference phase. A device generates a timing pulse received by the load meters and the feeder meter. The load meters and feeder meter each determine a respective time delay and feeder meter delay from receiving the timing pulse until a landmark value of the power received. The feeder meter delay corresponds to the reference phase. Each load meter and feeder meter includes a transmission device to transmit the time delay or feeder meter delay. An end server receives the time delays and feeder meter delay and assigns each load meter to a phase by comparing the time delay for a load meter to the feeder meter delay.

03-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001192954A1

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913208A1

A system and method for measurement of one or more parameters of a power grid (10) is disclosed. This comprises determining a plurality of events in at least one power waveform on the power grid using at least two sensors (30, 50) and recording timings of the plurality of events in at least two different locations in the power grid. The data gathered is used to determine differences between the timings recorded in the at least two locations. A processing unit (40) is used to analyse the differences of the timings to determine the one or more parameters. These parameters include power flow, short circuits, and breaks in the power grid (10).

31-10-1959 дата публикации

Circuit discriminateur de phase

Номер: CH0000341868A

15-04-1961 дата публикации

Verfahren zur n-zeiligen Anzeige von Phasenwinkeln

Номер: CH0000353450A

30-04-1961 дата публикации

Verfahren zur n-zeiligen Anzeige von Phasenwinkeln

Номер: CH0000353808A

28-02-1950 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000266925A

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Phasenabhängige Schaltungsanordnung

Номер: CH0000429886A

15-02-1967 дата публикации

Elektro-optischer Entfernungsmesser

Номер: CH0000430238A

31-07-1967 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000440448A

15-10-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000580817A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

30-11-1969 дата публикации

Phasenmesser, insbesondere für elektromagnetische Entfernungsmesser

Номер: CH0000482202A

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Wafer probe station capable of actively controlling tilt of chuck and controlling method thereof

Номер: US20120074977A1
Автор: Hong-Jun Yang
Принадлежит: Semics Inc

The wafer probe station includes: a plurality of the pressure sensors; a tilt correction unit which is constructed with a plurality of actuators, a plurality of displacement sensors which are disposed at positions adjacent to the corresponding actuators and a microcomputer; and a control unit which allows the wafer to be come in contact with the probe card by lifting up a Z-axis stage by a predetermined overdriving amount, extracts the pressure values of the installation positions from the pressure sensors, calculates driving amounts of the actuators of the tilt correction unit by using the pressure values so that a uniform load is applied to the chuck, calculates X and Y directional displacement values w occurring according to a change in a tilt of the chuck, lifts down the Z-axis stage, and after that, corrects an eccentric load of the chuck by driving the actuators of the tilt correction unit according to the driving amounts, and controls movement of the XY-axis stage by using the X and Y directional displacement values w. Accordingly, it is possible to accurately sense an eccentric load occurring at the time of performing the overdriving, and it is possible to rapidly and accurately perform initial setting for the eccentric load by adjusting a tilt of the chuck, so that it is possible to reduce a read time of a testing process.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Automatic Stein Hall Viscosity Cup

Номер: US20120158322A1
Принадлежит: Marquip Inc

A Stein Hall cup for measuring the viscosity of a starch adhesive is automated to provide viscosity measurement in real time using a PLC or other data gathering and control processor. Temperature of the adhesive is measured concurrently with viscosity and temperature signals are processed with the timed viscosity signal to provide a temperature compensated value of starch viscosity.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Synchronizing Sensor Data

Номер: US20120158335A1
Принадлежит: Allegro Microsystems LLC

A magnetic field sensor including a bidirectional node is configured to perform at least one of generating sensor data, storing sensor data, or communicating sensor data in a serial data signal in response to a trigger signal received at the bidirectional node. An alternative sensor having a node that may or may not be a bidirectional node is configured to reset at least one of a sensor data signal, a clock, a register, or a counter in response to a trigger signal received at the node and is further configured to communicate the sensor data signal in response to the trigger signal.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127442A1

This invention provides an electronic circuit component authenticity determination method capable of determining whether an electronic circuit component is a component manufactured by an authorized manufacturer. The electronic circuit component is operated under a predetermined condition at the time of manufacturing or initialization of the electronic circuit component. The waveform of power consumption or an electromagnetic wave at the time of the operation is measured and stored as first waveform data. An authenticity determination target electronic circuit component is operated under the predetermined condition. The waveform of power consumption or an electromagnetic wave is measured and temporarily stored as second waveform data. The stored first waveform data is compared with the second waveform data. It is determined that the electronic circuit component is a genuine when the waveform data match. It is determined that the electronic circuit component is a counterfeit product when the waveform data are different. 1. An electronic circuit component authenticity determination method , comprising:operating an electronic circuit component under a predetermined condition at a time of manufacturing or initialization of the electronic circuit component, measuring a waveform of one of power consumption and an electromagnetic wave at a time of the operation, and storing the waveform as first waveform data;operating an authenticity determination target electronic circuit component under the predetermined condition, measuring a waveform of one of power consumption and an electromagnetic wave, and temporarily storing the waveform as second waveform data; andcomparing the stored first waveform data with the second waveform data, determining that the electronic circuit component is a genuine when the waveform data match, and determining that the electronic circuit component is a counterfeit product when the waveform data are different.2. The electronic circuit component ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Resampling a Signal to Perform Synchrophasor Measurement

Номер: US20130154878A1
Автор: Chen Zhang, Qiao Guo, Yijun Shi
Принадлежит: Individual

Performing power quality and synchrophasor analysis on a resampled signal. A first signal may be initially received which corresponds to a power system. The first signal may have a plurality of cycles and may have a frequency that varies over time. One or more parameters may be determined from the first signal. Based on the one or more parameters, the first signal may be resampled to produce an even angle signal. Various power quality measurements may be performed on the even angle signal. Similarly, further processing may be performed to perform synchrophasor measurements, e.g., to determine phasor, frequency, and/or rate of frequency change for the first signal. In some embodiments, the resampling processing elements (e.g., circuitry, programmable hardware elements, processors and memories, etc.) may be shared between the two analyses.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169265A1

There is provided a voltage amplitude detection circuit including a first comparison unit configured to compare a voltage amplitude of an input signal with a predetermined voltage and output a comparison result; a first comparison result holding unit configured to hold the comparison result output from the first comparison unit in predetermined periods of a driving clock, and output the held comparison result; and a first comparison result evaluation unit configured to evaluate the comparison result output from the first comparison result holding unit in the predetermined periods of the driving clock and output an evaluation result. 1. A voltage amplitude detection circuit comprising:a first comparison unit configured to compare a voltage amplitude of an input signal with a predetermined voltage and output a comparison result;a first comparison result holding unit configured to hold the comparison result output from the first comparison unit in predetermined periods of a driving clock, and output the held comparison result; anda first comparison result evaluation unit configured to evaluate the comparison result output from the first comparison result holding unit in the predetermined periods of the driving clock and output an evaluation result.2. The voltage amplitude detection circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a delay unit configured to delay the output of the first comparison unit by a predetermined time claim 1 , and output the delayed output to the first comparison result holding unit and the first comparison result evaluation unit.3. The voltage amplitude detection circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a delay unit configured to delay the input signal by a predetermined time claim 1 , and output the delayed input signal to the first comparison result holding unit and the first comparison result evaluation unit.4. The voltage amplitude detection circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a first frequency dividing unit ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Three phase power quality measurement using asynchronous, isolated single phase circuits

Номер: US20130197839A1
Принадлежит: Cirrus Logic Inc

A system and method utilize multiple, asynchronous, voltage isolated integrated power data circuits (IPDCs) to respectively determine one or more power parameters of a multi-phase power distribution system. In at least one embodiment, the power parameters represent differences between voltage phases of a multi-phase power distribution system. In at least one embodiment, the IPDCs each sense a voltage or current from a single phase of a three-phase power distribution system. Additionally, the IPDCs are electrically isolated from each other and, thus, in at least one embodiment, can utilize voltage divider or shunt resistor sensing without being subject to high voltages representative of the difference between voltage phases. Additionally, in at least one embodiment, each of the IPDCs utilizes a separate clock signal to determine phase sequence and phase angle deltas of one or more three phase voltages of the three-phase power distribution system.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Multi-bit delta-sigma time digitizer circuit and calibration method thereof

Номер: US20130214945A1

According to one embodiment, a multi-bit delta-sigma time digitizer circuit includes a delay array including delay selection circuits respectively including a delay element and a multiplexer, a phase comparator calculating a time difference, an integrator integrating the time difference output, a flash A/D converter executing digital conversion, a ring oscillation circuit including the delay array, a counter measuring a number of clock signal pulses, a memory storing a delay value of the delay element, and a processor correcting an output result of the A/D converter based on the delay value when the rising timing interval is measured.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for measuring the phase-noise spectrum of a pulsed sinusoidal signal

Номер: US20130221946A1
Принадлежит: Rohde and Schwarz GmbH and Co KG

A device for measuring the phase-noise spectrum of a pulsed sinusoidal signal generates a pulsed sinusoidal signal, converts the analog pulsed sinusoidal signal into a corresponding digital, pulsed sinusoidal signal and mixes the digital, pulsed sinusoidal signal into the baseband by means of quadrature mixing. Following this, the phase of the pulsed sinusoidal signal in the baseband is determined by means of Fourier transform of the phase of the pulsed sinusoidal signal, the phase spectrum of the pulsed sinusoidal signal is determined, and the phase-noise spectrum of the pulsed sinusoidal signal is determined by removing the spectral lines associated with the sinusoidal signal from the phase spectrum. According to the invention, the pulse pauses are removed from the pulsed sinusoidal signal in the baseband.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Motion Sensor, Method, and Computer-Readable Storage Medium Providing a Motion Sensor with a State Processor Having a Reduced Amount of State Chatter

Номер: US20130226490A1
Принадлежит: Allegro Microsystems, LLC

A motion sensor has a state processor to identify states associated with a magnetic field signal provided by a magnetic field sensing element. The state processor includes a state peak logic module configured to generate states that have a reduced amount of state chatter. 1. A motion sensor , comprising:a magnetic field sensing element configured to generate a magnetic field signal indicative of a magnetic field associated with an object; and 'a state peak logic module coupled to receive the STATE_SM signal and configured to generate a STATE_PEAK signal, wherein the STATE_PEAK signal comprises a plurality of state peak transitions, wherein the plurality of state peak transitions has reduced state transition chatter.', 'a state processor coupled to receive a signal representative of the magnetic field signal, wherein the state processor is configured to generate a STATE_SM signal indicative of a plurality of states associated with the magnetic field signal, wherein the plurality of states is indicative of a respective range of signal values of the magnetic field signal, wherein the STATE_SM signal comprises a plurality of state transitions, wherein the plurality of state transitions is capable of state transition chatter, and wherein the state processor comprises2. The motion sensor of claim 1 , wherein the state peak logic module is further coupled to receive a POSCOMP_PK signal having state transitions that occur when a state represented by the STATE_PEAK signal differs from a state represented by the STATE_SM signal by a predetermined number of states claim 1 , and wherein the state peak logic module comprises a state peak logic processor configured claim 1 , if the POSCOMP_PK signal is equal to a first state claim 1 , and a state value of the STATE_SM signal is greater than a state value of the STATE_PEAK signal claim 1 , to set a state value of the STATE_PEAK signal to equal a state value of the STATE_SM signal.3. The motion sensor of claim 2 , wherein the state ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric potential measuring apparatus

Номер: US20130271110A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An electric potential measuring apparatus includes a detecting unit, a generating unit, and a measuring unit. The detecting unit is provided on a surface of a measurement subject and detects a second signal including a first signal within a first frequency range from the measurement subject. The generating unit generates a fourth signal by averaging a third signal within a second frequency range outside the first frequency range. The measuring unit measures electric potential of the first signal included in the second signal detected by the detecting unit with reference to electric potential of the fourth signal generated by the generating unit.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Reference-Less Frequency Detector

Номер: US20130285752A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

Embodiments provide a reference-less frequency detector that overcomes the “dead zone” problem of conventional circuits. In particular, the frequency detector is able to accurately resolve the polarity of the frequency difference between the VCO clock signal and the data signal, irrespective of the magnitude of the frequency difference and the presence of VCO clock jitter and/or ISI on the data signal.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293217A1

Certain embodiments of the invention may include systems, methods, and apparatus for detecting shifts in redundant sensor signals. According to an example embodiment of the invention, a method is provided for detecting and indicating a shift shift in redundant sensor signals. The method can include receiving a sensor channel closeness signal for two or more redundant sensors, receiving a spike confidence signal for at least one of the two or more redundant sensors, receiving a spike duration signal for the at least one of the two or more redundant sensors, determining a shift confidence based at least in part on the received sensor channel closeness signal, the received spike confidence signal, and the received spike duration signal, and outputting the shift confidence. 1. A method for detecting and indicating a shift in redundant sensor signals , comprising:receiving a sensor channel closeness signal for two or more redundant sensors;receiving a spike confidence signal for at least one of the two or more redundant sensors;receiving a spike duration signal for the at least one of the two or more redundant sensors;determining a shift confidence based at least in part on the received sensor channel closeness signal, the received spike confidence signal, and the received spike duration signal; andoutputting the shift confidence.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the shift confidence comprises determining a valid shift in a sensor signal when:the received spike confidence signal indicates no detected impulse disturbance;the received sensor channel closeness signal initially indicates channel differences for the two or more redundant sensors are within a predefined range; andthe received sensor channel closeness signal indicates whether the channel is differences for the two or more redundant sensors are not within the predefined range after a period of time defined by the spike duration signal.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the predefined range comprises ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130304407A1

A computer-implemented method can include determining an amplitude for each of a plurality of input channels, corresponding to respective nodes. A measure of similarity can be computed between the input channel of each node and the input channel of its neighboring nodes. The method can also include comparing an amplitude for each node relative to other nodes to determine temporary bad channels. For each of the temporary bad channels, a measure of similarity can be computed between the input channel of each node and the input channel of its neighboring nodes. Channel integrity can then be identified based on the computed measures of similarity. 1. A non-transitory computer readable medium having instructions , the instructions comprising:a preprocessing stage to analyze input channel data for a plurality of input channels to detect channels having an integrity that is considered one of bad or good, each of the plurality of input channels corresponding to a respective one of a plurality of nodes; 'an amplitude analyzer to determine a subset of channels meeting amplitude criteria;', 'a first spatial similarity measurement function to compute a measure of similarity between the input channel data for each of the plurality of nodes and a set of neighboring nodes to identify a spatial correlated set of channels having an integrity that is considered one of bad or good;'}a second spatial similarity measurement function to compute, for each channel in the subset of channels meeting the amplitude criteria, a measure of similarity between the input channel data for each node and a set of neighboring nodes to identify an amplitude correlated set of channels having an integrity that is considered one of bad or good; anda combiner to store output data representing the integrity of the plurality of input channels based on the integrity of the channels detected by the preprocessing stage, the spatial correlated set of channels and the amplitude correlated set of channels.2. The ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314072A1

The polarity detection circuit includes a first diode with anode receiving a first phase of the AC power supply voltage and a second diode with anode receiving a second phase, opposite the first phase. The detection circuit further includes a constant-voltage power supply outputting a positive constant voltage. A first reference-voltage output circuit outputs a voltage corresponding to the constant voltage when the AC voltage of the first phase is positive, and outputs a voltage at a cathode of the second diode when the AC voltage of the first phase is negative. The detection circuit also includes a first signal output circuit that compares a first voltage, corresponding to a voltage at the cathode of the first diode, and a voltage output from the first reference-voltage output circuit and that outputs a signal indicative of polarity of the AC voltage having the first phase according to a comparison result. 1. A polarity detection circuit configured to output a signal indicative of polarity of an alternate-current voltage outputted from an alternating-current power supply , the polarity detection circuit comprising:a first diode having an anode to which an alternate-current voltage having a first phase is applied, the alternate-current voltage outputted from the alternating-current power supply;a second diode having an anode to which an alternate-current voltage having a second phase opposite to the first phase is applied, the alternate-current voltage outputted from the alternating-current power supply;a constant-voltage power supply configured to output a positive constant voltage; when the alternate-current voltage having the first phase is positive, output a voltage corresponding to the constant voltage, and,', 'when the alternate-current voltage having the first phase is negative, output a voltage corresponding to a voltage at a cathode of the second diode; and, 'a first reference-voltage output circuit configured to,'} compare a first voltage corresponding to ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320852A1

A phase difference detector detects the phase difference between two AC signals at a high speed and with high accuracy. A phase difference computation unit computes the phase difference φ(=φ−φ) between two detected voltages v(phase angle: φ) and v(phase angle: φ). The phase difference computation unit uses a sine wave vand a cosine wave vgenerated separately and having the same frequency as the fundamental frequency of the voltages vand v, to perform computation of v=v×v, v=v×v, v=v×v, v=v×v, and then extracts DC components I=(−A/2)·sin(φ), R=(A/2)·cos(φ), I=(−A/2)·sin(φ), R=(A/2)·cos(φ) at low-pass filters. The phase difference computation unit computes R=R×R+I×Iat a complex multiplying unit to obtain R=(A·A/4)·cos(φ), computes I=R×I−R×Ito obtain I=(A·A/4)·sin(φ), and computes φ=tan(I/R) at the arctangent calculation unit, thereby obtaining the phase difference φ. 1. A phase difference detector for detecting a phase difference between a first AC signal and a second AC signal having a same frequency as a fundamental frequency of the first AC signal , the detector comprising:a sine wave generator that generates a sine wave signal having the same frequency as the fundamental frequency;a cosine wave generator that generates a cosine wave signal having the same frequency as the fundamental frequency;a first signal multiplier that multiplies the first AC signal and the sine wave signal;a second signal multiplier that multiplies the first AC signal and the cosine wave signal;a third signal multiplier that multiplies the second AC signal and the sine wave signal;a fourth signal multiplier that multiplies the second AC signal and the cosine wave signal;a DC component extraction unit that extracts four DC components by removing an AC component from a result of multiplication in each of the first through the fourth signal multipliers;a trigonometric function computation unit that obtains a sine value and a cosine value of the phase difference by a computation using the four ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Power Device Analyzer

Номер: US20130320959A1

A device analyzer for analyzing power devices. An example device analyzer comprises a collector supply to generate supply signal pulses with selected voltage or current levels and a supply signal pulse width at a high current. The supply signal pulses are applied at a collector supply source terminal when DUT is connected to conduct current between the collector supply source terminal and a collector supply common terminal. A supply switch closes or opens the DUT current path in narrow pulses having a narrow pulse width narrower than the supply signal pulses to conduct the supply signal pulses as narrowed sweep signal pulses having the high current capacity of the collector supply current. The supply switch alternatively regulates the current in the current path at constant current levels. Other modules capable of high power test capabilities may also be added. 1. A device analyzer comprising:a collector supply configured to generate a plurality of supply signal pulses with selected voltage or current levels and a supply signal pulse width at a high current capacity at a collector supply source terminal when a device-under-test (“DUT”) is connected to form a current path between the collector supply source terminal and a collector supply common terminal;a supply switch connected to the collector supply source terminal, the supply switch optionally triggered to close and open the current path in a narrow pulse width narrower than the supply signal pulse width to conduct the plurality of supply signal pulses as a plurality of narrowed sweep signal pulses having the high current capacity of the collector supply current, or to regulate the current in the current path to a selected constant current level;a first DUT port configured to connect to the supply switch;a second DUT port configured to connect to the collector supply common terminal, where the plurality of supply signal pulses are applied to the DUT when the DUT is connected to the first and second DUT ports;a ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130325376A1

One example discloses a system for determining a power phase and/or a phase rotation in a three-phase power system. The system can comprise at least three different computer nodes that communicate over a network, wherein each of the at least three different computer nodes receives a power signal comprising (i) one of three separate single phase power signals of a three-phase power signal or (ii) a three-phase power signal. The at least three different computer nodes can comprise a master computer node to determine (i) the phase of the power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes and/or (ii) a phase rotation of the power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes. The determination can be based on power data that characterizes waveform properties of the power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes. 1. A system for determining a power phase and/or a phase rotation in a three-phase power system comprising: 'a master computer node to determine (i) the phase of the power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes and/or (ii) a phase rotation of the power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes, wherein the determination is based on power data that characterizes waveform properties of each power signal provided to each of the at least three computer nodes, wherein each of the at least three computer nodes generates a portion of the power data before and/or after a time reference identified in a message transmitted over the network.', 'at least three different computer nodes that communicate over a network, wherein each of the at least three different computer nodes receives a power signal comprising (i) one of three separate single phase power signals of a three-phase power signal or (ii) a three-phase power signal, the at least three different computer nodes comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the three different computer nodes are to synchronize clocks by ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140002056A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Systems and corresponding methods for determining characteristics of an output signal generated by a high-frequency medical device using low-frequency measurement systems are disclosed. A digital measurement system includes an oscillator, a mixer, and a controller coupled to each other. The oscillator provides a reference signal having a second frequency. The mixer generates a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal. The controller then determines a characteristic of the output signal (e.g., frequency or phase) based on the down-converted signal. An analog measurement system includes a filter having a center frequency, a rectifier, and a controller. The filter filters the output signal and the rectifier rectifies the filtered signal. The controller samples the rectified signal and determines a characteristic of the output signal based on the level of the rectified signal. The reference signal controller may adjust a characteristic of the output signal based on the determined frequency and/or phase of the output signal. 1. A system for measuring a characteristic of an output signal generated by a generator , the output signal having a first frequency , the system comprising:an oscillator configured to provide a reference signal having a second frequency;a mixer configured to generate a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal; anda controller configured to operate at a clock frequency lower than the first frequency and to determine a characteristic of the output signal based on the down-converted signal.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic of the output signal is frequency or phase.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the output signal is a digital signal or an analog signal.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the output signal based on the determined characteristic of the output signal.5. The system according ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140043014A1

A phase-locked loop and method for estimating a phase angle of a three-phase reference signal is disclosed, which includes an adaptive quadrature signal generator configured to calculate an estimated first state and an estimated second state of a model of an unbalanced three-phase system at a fundamental frequency of the reference signal on a basis of the reference signal and an estimated fundamental frequency; a reference frame transformation block configured to calculate a direct component and a quadrature component in a rotating reference frame synchronous with an estimated phase angle on a basis of the fundamental positive sequence component and the estimated phase angle, and configured to determine an estimate of an amplitude of the fundamental positive sequence component on the basis of the direct component; and an estimator configured to determine estimates of the estimated fundamental frequency and the estimated phase angle on the basis of the quadrature component. 1. A phase-locked loop for estimating a phase angle of a three-phase reference signal , wherein the phase-locked loop comprises:an adaptive quadrature signal generator configured to calculate an estimated first state and an estimated second state of a model of an unbalanced three-phase system at a fundamental frequency of the reference signal on a basis of the reference signal and an estimated fundamental frequency, wherein the model includes a first state representing a sum of a positive and a negative sequence component of the reference signal at a harmonic frequency, and a second state representing a difference between the positive sequence component and the negative sequence component;a positive sequence generator configured to calculate a fundamental positive sequence component of the reference signal on a basis of the estimated first state and the estimated second state;a reference frame transformation block configured to calculate a direct component and a quadrature component in a rotating ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062457A1
Автор: Zheng Ping

The disclosure provides a three-phase AC phase sequence detecting method, including the steps of: 1) sampling instant values of three-phase AC electrical signal in real-time; 2) converting said instant values into electrical signal components in a two-phase still coordinate system in manner of coordinate conversion; 3) performing an arc tangent calculation on the electrical signal components to obtain a output signal value; 4) executing step 1) to step 3) one or more times, so as to obtain one or more output signal values; 5) the output signal values obtained from step 3) and the one or more output signal values obtained from step 4) composing a periodic function, if the periodic function is a increasing function within one minimum positive period, the three-phase AC phase sequence is decided to be positive sequence; otherwise, negative sequence. Three-phase AC phase detecting a detecting apparatus using the above detecting method is also provided. 1. A three-phase AC phase sequence detecting method , including the steps of:1) sampling instant values of three-phase AC electrical signal in real-time so as to obtain a set of instant values;2) converting said set of instant values into electrical signal components in a two-phase still coordinate system in manner of coordinate conversion;3) performing an arc tangent calculation on the electrical signal components to obtain an output signal value corresponding to a sampling timing;4) executing step 1) to step 3) one or more times, so as to obtain one or more output signal values corresponding to one or more sampling timings adjacent with said sampling timing at step 3);5) the output signal values obtained from step 3) and the one or more output signal values obtained from step 4) composing a periodic function, which is a linear function within one minimum positive period, and the period of the periodic function is the same as that of the three-phase AC electrical signal, deciding the three-phase AC phase sequence to be ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140077849A1

The invention provides a phase-locked loop with loop gain calibration and methods for measuring an oscillator gain, gain calibration and jitter measurement for a phase-locked loop. The method for measuring an oscillator gain of a phase-locked loop includes the steps of providing a varying code at an input end of the oscillator; outputting excess reference phase information by a reference phase integral path and outputting excess feedback phase information based on the varying code by a feedback phase integral path; and obtaining an estimated gain information of the oscillator based on the excess reference phase information and the excess feedback phase information. 1. A method for measuring an oscillator gain of a phase-locked loop (PLL) , in which the PLL includes a feedback phase integral path with a loop filter , an oscillator , and a counter , a reference phase integral path with a delta-sigma modulator and an accumulator , and a phase quantizer for comparing outputs of the feedback phase integral path and the reference phase integral path , the method comprising the following steps of:(1) providing a varying code at an input end of the oscillator;(2) outputting excess reference phase information by the reference phase integral path and outputting excess feedback phase information based on the varying code by the feedback phase integral path; and(3) obtaining an estimated gain information of the oscillator based on the excess reference phase information and the excess feedback phase information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (3) further includes calculating a difference between the excess reference phase information and the excess feedback phase information to produce phase difference information claim 1 , and allowing the phase difference information to become zero at a steady state in order to obtain the estimated gain information of the oscillator.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a speed of changes of the varying code is within the bandwidth of the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Three-frequency phase digitizing system and method of three-phase digitizing an interferometer signal using the same

Номер: US20140085116A1

A phase digitizing system includes an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), multiple phase accumulators and a processing device. The ADC generates sample segments of digital signal waveform samples based on an analog composite input signal received in a measurement channel, the composite input signal includes a first signal having a first frequency F1 and a second signal imported from a reference channel having a second frequency F2. The processing device is coupled to the phase accumulators, and digitally processes each sample segment with outputs of the phase accumulators, and continually generates digital phase data The processing device further provides increment values to each of the phase accumulators based on the digital phase data, causing an output of a first phase accumulator to represent an instantaneous phase of the first signal, and an output of a second phase accumulator to represent an instantaneous phase of the second signal.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002186A1
Автор: Taft Jeffrey D.

An outage intelligence application receives event messages indicative of occurrences associated with various devices within a power grid. The outage intelligence application determines a state of the various devices based on the event messages. Based on the event messages, the outage intelligence application can determine can determine and confirm an outage condition associate with a particular device. A fault intelligence application receives synchrophasor data for each phase in a multi-phase power grid. The synchrophasor includes phasor magnitude and phasor angle information for each phased. Based on the synchrophasor data, the fault intelligence application determines the presence of a fault involving one or more of the phases and identifies a particular fault type.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003874A1
Автор: MARIEN Jan

The invention relates to a measuring system for measuring electrical measurement variables (I I I U U U) in an electrical installation, in particular in a medium voltage installation or in a high voltage installation, including a plurality of sensors (--) which each measure at least one electrical measurement variable (I I I U U U) and output a measurement signal corresponding to the measurement variable (I I I U U U), and including a central evaluating unit () which receives the measurement signals from the sensors (--). 117-. (canceled)18. A measuring system for measuring electrical measurement variables in an electrical installation , comprising:a) a plurality of sensors each of which measures at least one electrical measurement variable and outputs a measurement signal corresponding to the at least one electrical measurement variable, andb) a central evaluating unit which receives measurement signals from the sensors.191. The measuring system as claimed in claim , whereina) at least one sensor of the plurality of sensors is at a potential close to high voltage,b) the central evaluating unit is at a potential close to earth, andc) the at least one sensor at the potential close to high voltage is galvanically separated from the central evaluating unit at the potential close to earth.20. The measuring system as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the central evaluating unit is connected via a light conductor to the at least one sensor at the potential close to high voltage claim 19 , in order to read out the measurement signal and to separate the central evaluating unit galvanically from the at least one sensor.21. The measuring system as claimed in claim 19 , whereina) a current supply unit is provided for supplying current to the at least one sensor at the potential close to high voltage, wherein the current supply unit is connected to the at least one sensor and is at a potential close to earth, andb) the current supply unit at the potential close to earth is ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003879A1

The present invention relates to apparatus () for determining a contribution of at least one grid subsystem of plural grid subsystems to oscillation in angle or grid oscillation in an electrical grid (). The apparatus () is configured to receive a first quantity which corresponds to oscillation in angle at a first grid subsystem (). The apparatus () is also configured to receive a second quantity which corresponds to oscillation in angle at a second grid subsystem (). The apparatus () comprises a processor () which is operative to determine a contribution of at least one of the first and second grid subsystems to oscillation in angle or grid oscillation with the contribution being determined in dependence on a phase relationship between the first and second quantities. 1. A method of determining a contribution of at least one grid subsystem of plural grid subsystems to oscillation in angle or grid oscillation in an electrical grid , the method comprising:receiving a first quantity which corresponds to oscillation in angle at a first grid subsystem;receiving a second quantity which corresponds to oscillation in angle at a second grid subsystem; anddetermining a contribution of at least one of the first and second grid subsystems to oscillation in angle or grid oscillation, the contribution being determined in dependence on a phase relationship between the received first and second quantities, the first and second quantities being based on a same measurable property.2. (canceled)3. The method according to wherein the measurable property is one of frequency claim 2 , angle and power.4. (canceled)5. The method according to further comprising determining relative contributions of the first and second grid subsystems to oscillation in angle.6. The method according to wherein the step of determining relative contributions comprises determining relative damping contributions of the first and second grid subsystems to oscillation in angle.7. The method according to further ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003750A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Filter circuitry is constituted by transversal filters which are connected in parallel to each other. The transversal filters change amplitude and a phase of an input digital signal X[n·T] and output different digital signals X[n·T], X[n·T], and X[n·T] as respective resulting digital signals whose amplitude and phase have been changed. A phase frequency computer computes a phase θ[n·T] and a frequency f[n·T] of the input digital signal X[n·T] by performing phase computation and frequency computation using the digital signals X[n·T], X[n·T], and X[n·T] output by the transversal filters. 1. (canceled)2. A phase frequency detection device comprising:filter circuitry including a plurality of transversal filters which are connected in parallel to each other, the plurality of transversal filters changing amplitude and a phase of an input digital signal and outputting different digital signals as respective resulting digital signals whose amplitude and phase have been changed; anda phase frequency computer to compute a phase and a frequency of the input digital signal by performing phase computation and frequency computation using the digital signals output by the plurality of transversal filters,whereinthe filter circuitry is constituted such that a first transversal filter, a second transversal filter, and a third transversal filter, as the plurality of transversal filters, are connected in parallel to each other, andthe phase frequency computer includes:first division computation circuitry to perform a division computation between a digital signal output by the first transversal filter and a digital signal output by the second transversal filter, and to output a first division computation signal being a result of the division computation;second division computation circuitry to perform a division computation between a digital signal output by the third transversal filter and the digital signal output by the second transversal filter, and to output a second division ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003626A1

A method for predicting a fault location in a distribution system is provided. In the disclosed method, voltage signals and current signals are obtained from phasor measurement units (PMUs) placed at two terminals of a distribution line (DL) in the distribution system. The two terminals include a sending terminal and a receiving terminal. The voltage signals and current signals of the DL are converted into phasors. A fault type of a faulty line of the DL is subsequently classified in the distribution system based on the converted phasors. The fault type includes a symmetric type and an asymmetric type. A fault location of the faulty line of the DL is predicted based on the fault type through an impedance-based fault location model. Further, inaccuracy mitigation measures on the predicted fault location are applied to improve prediction accuracy. 1. A method for predicting a fault location in a distribution system , comprising:obtaining, by processing circuitry of an apparatus, voltage signals and current signals from phasor measurement units (PMUs) placed at two terminals of a distribution line (DL) in the distribution system, the two terminals including a sending terminal and a receiving terminal;converting, by the processing circuitry, the voltage signals and current signals of the DL into phasors;classifying, by the processing circuitry, a fault type of a faulty line of the DL in the distribution system based on the converted phasors, the fault type including a symmetric type and an asymmetric type;predicting, by the processing circuitry, a fault location of the faulty line of the DL based on the fault type through an impedance-based fault location model; andapplying, by the processing circuitry, inaccuracy mitigation measures on the predicted fault location to improve a prediction accuracy.2. The method of claim 1 , when the fault type is the symmetric type claim 1 , wherein predicting the fault location of the faulty line of the DL further comprises:calculating ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004099A1

A digital measurement system includes an oscillator, a mixer, and a controller coupled to each other. The oscillator provides a reference signal having a second frequency. The mixer generates a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal. The controller then determines a characteristic of the output signal (e.g., frequency or phase) based on the down-converted signal. An analog measurement system includes a filter having a center frequency, a rectifier, and a controller. The filter filters the output signal and the rectifier rectifies the filtered signal. The controller samples the rectified signal and determines a characteristic of the output signal based on the level of the rectified signal. The reference signal controller may adjust a characteristic of the output signal based on the determined frequency and/or phase of the output signal. 1. A system for measuring a characteristic of an output signal generated by a generator , the output signal having a first frequency , the system comprising:an oscillator configured to provide a reference signal having a second frequency;a mixer configured to generate a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal; anda controller configured to operate at a clock frequency lower than the first frequency and to determine a characteristic of the output signal based on the down-converted signal.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the characteristic of the output signal is frequency or phase.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the output signal is a digital signal or an analog signal.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the output signal based on the determined characteristic of the output signal.5. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the reference signal is a signal having a fixed or variable frequency.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the second frequency is set to a frequency such ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Duty Cycle Measurement, Analysis, and Compensation

Номер: US20190004111A1
Автор: MIWA Hitoshi

A duty cycle measurement circuit obtains differential duty cycle measurements corresponding to the duty cycle of a signal at two or more different locations along a propagation path. The differential duty cycle measurements may include measurements of an input duty cycle and measurements of an output duty cycle. The duty cycle measurements may be acquired by use of duty-cycle-to-voltage converter circuitry. The duty cycle measurements may be used to determine a measure of the duty cycle deterioration of the propagation path, and an adjustment factor to compensate for the measured duty cycle deterioration. 1. A circuit comprising a data path , the circuit further comprising:a first measurement circuit configured to acquire first duty cycle measurements from the data path; anda second measurement circuit configured to acquire second duty cycle measurements from the data path;wherein the first measurement circuit and the second measurement circuit are communicatively coupled to different positions along the data path such that a difference between the first duty cycle measurements and the second duty cycle measurements corresponds to a duty cycle degradation along the data path.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein:the first measurement circuit is communicatively coupled to a first position along the data path, the first position configured such that the first duty cycle measurements correspond to an input duty cycle, andthe second measurement circuit is communicatively coupled to a second position along the data path, the second position configured such that the second duty cycle measurements correspond to an output duty cycle.3. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the data path comprises input circuitry claim 1 , and wherein the first measurement circuit is communicatively coupled to the input circuitry.4. The circuit of claim 3 , wherein the data path comprises data output circuitry claim 3 , and wherein the second measurement circuit is communicatively coupled to the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Voltage converting device and wireless power transmitting device

Номер: US20180006581A1
Автор: Hiroaki Ishihara
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, a voltage converting device includes a DC power source; an inverter generating AC power; an AC component detector configured to detect an AC component of current flowing through a first terminal or a second terminal of the inverter in the DC power source side; and a phase estimator configured to estimate a phase relation between a phase of voltage of the AC power and a phase of current of the AC power based on an amplitude of a specific frequency component contained in a first absolute value signal of the AC component. The AC power generated by the inverter is supplied to a loading device, and an impedance of the loading device at a fundamental of a driving frequency of the inverter is smaller than an impedance of the loading device at an odd-order harmonic of the driving frequency.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010626A1

Method for avoiding voltage instability in an electrical grid of an offshore wind park, the offshore wind park electrical grid being connected at a first end of a high voltage alternating current (HVAC) transmission and the main land electrical grid being connected at a second end of the HVAC transmission, each of the wind turbines being connected to the wind park electrical grid, the method comprises determining a main land phase angle at or near the second end of the HVAC transmission; measuring an individual wind turbine phase angle at one or more wind turbines; determining the difference between each of the measured individual wind turbine phase angles and the main land phase angle; and determining whether the difference between one of the measured individual wind turbine phase angle and the main land phase angle exceeds a threshold phase angle difference. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for predicting a voltage instability in an electrical grid of an offshore wind park , the offshore wind park electrical grid being connected at a first end of a high voltage alternating current transmission and a main land electrical grid being connected at a second end of the high voltage alternating current transmission , andthe offshore wind park having a plurality of wind turbines connected to the wind park electrical grid, the method comprising:determining a main land phase angle at or near the second end of the high voltage alternating current transmission,measuring an individual wind turbine phase angle at one or more of the wind turbines,determining a difference between each of the one or more measured individual wind turbine phase angles and the main land phase angle,determining a threshold phase angle difference, andpredicting voltage instability when at least one of the differences between the measured individual wind turbine phase angles and the main land phase angle exceeds the threshold phase angle difference.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the main ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011910A1
Автор: Moro Paolo, TEBOULLE Henri

A method for verifying the wiring of an electrical energy meter, the meter comprising an upstream phase terminal, a downstream phase terminal and a cut-off member mounted between the upstream phase terminal and the downstream phase terminal, the verification method comprising the steps of: opening the cut-off member; measuring an upstream phase voltage upstream from the cut-off member and a downstream phase voltage downstream from the cut-off member; detecting, particularly according to a measurement of the upstream phase voltage and a measurement of the downstream phase voltage, a possible wiring error; if a wiring error is detected, generating and alert; if no wiring error is detected, closing the cut-off member and putting the meter in a nominal operating mode. 1. A verification method for verifying the wiring of a meter for measuring the consumption of electricity supplied by a network to an electrical installation , the meter having an upstream phase terminal , a downstream phase terminal , and a cutoff member connected between the upstream phase terminal and the downstream phase terminal , the verification method comprising the following steps:opening the cutoff member;measuring an upstream phase voltage upstream from the cutoff member and measuring a downstream phase voltage downstream from the cutoff member;detecting a potential wiring error, in particular as a function of a measurement of the upstream phase voltage and a measurement of the downstream phase voltage;if a wiring error is detected, generating a warning;if no wiring error is detected, closing the cutoff member and putting the meter into a nominal mode of operation.2. The verification method according to claim 1 , wherein the meter is a single-phase meter and wherein the wiring error is also detected as a function of a measurement of a first phase difference between the upstream phase voltage and the downstream phase voltage.3. The verification method according to claim 2 , wherein the wiring ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Electronic measurement device and method for operating an electronic measurement device

Номер: US20170016953A1
Автор: Beer Matthias

The invention relates to an electronic measurement device and a method for operating the electronic measurement device. The electronic measurement device comprises a signal generating unit which is configured to generate a signal that is applied to an input node of a device under test. The electronic measurement device comprises a controlling unit which is configured to control the signal generating unit in that the generated signal is at least adjustable in its signal frequency. Furthermore, the electronic measurement device comprises at least a receiving unit, wherein the receiving unit retrieves a signal from an output node of the device under test in time domain. 1. An electronic measurement device , comprising:a signal generation unit, which is configured to generate a signal that is applied to an input node of a device under test;a controlling unit which is configured to control the signal generation unit in that the generated signal is at least adjustable in its signal frequency; andat least a receiving unit, wherein the receiving unit retrieves a signal from an output node of the device under test in time domain and has a broadband input bandwidth.2. The measurement device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controlling unit adjusts the signal frequency in a stepwise manner, especial wherein the step width is adjustable.3. The measurement device according to claim 1 ,wherein the generated signal is a single-frequency-signal.4. The measurement device according to claim 1 ,wherein the signal generation unit is an arbitrary waveform generator.5. The measurement device according to claim 1 ,wherein the electronic measurement device comprises at least a second receiving unit, wherein the second receiving unit retrieves the applied generated signal from the input node of the device under test.6. The measurement device according to claim 1 ,wherein the controlling unit analyzes the device under test behavior by comparing the generated signal and the retrieved signal. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018543A1

A power converter circuit included in a computer system may charge and discharge a switch node coupled to a regulated power supply node via an inductor. The power converter circuit may generate a reference clock signal using a system clock signal and a voltage level of the switch node. The reference clock signal may be used to initiate a charge cycle, whose duration may be based on generated ramp signals. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a voltage regulator circuit that includes a switch node coupled to a regulated power supply node via an inductor, wherein the voltage regulator circuit is configured to source a charge current to the switch node during a charge cycle; and determine a phase difference between a system clock signal and a voltage level of the switch node;', 'generate a reference clock signal using the phase difference;', 'generate a plurality of ramp signals using the voltage level of the switch node;', 'initiate the charge cycle using the reference clock signal; and', 'halt the charge cycle using the plurality of ramp signals., 'a control circuit configured to2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein to generate the reference clock signal claim 1 , the control circuit is further configured claim 1 , based on the phase difference claim 1 , to selectively charge or discharge a capacitor.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the control circuit is further configured to generate a control current using a voltage level across the capacitor.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the control circuit is further configured to delay the system clock signal to generate the reference clock signal.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control circuit is further configured to halt the charge cycle using a result of a comparison of a voltage level of the switch node and a reference voltage level.7. A method claim 1 , comprising:receiving, by a power converter circuit, a system clock signal, wherein the power converter circuit includes a switch node coupled ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Phase Identification in a Three-Phase Power Distribution Network using Servers

Номер: US20150022180A1

A remote phase identification system identifies the unknown phase attribute of any energized conductor within a three-phase power distribution network. A base station at a reference location obtains a reference phase each GPS second and stores it on one or more servers. A field probe at a remote location obtains an instantaneous phase measurement at a GPS second and communicates this phase to a field client. The field client communicates with the server either by wireless Internet or satellite modem to compare its field location phase measurement with the reference location phase measurement taken at the same GPS second. Field client tagging reference phase configuration files are automatically created for any circuit. Configuration files can be named, saved, and loaded and are used by the field client to identify and display the unknown field location phase attribute. A field client can be any personal computer, smartphone, or personal digital assistant. 1. A method of identifying phase in a three-phase power distribution network , said method comprising:providing a base station at a reference location, said base station configured to measure said reference location instantaneous phase each GPS second and store said instantaneous phase on a server;providing a field probe at a field location, said field probe configured to measure said field location instantaneous phase at a GPS second;providing a field client at said field location, said field client configured to communicate with said field probe and said server;communicating said field probe instantaneous phase to said field client;transmitting said field location instantaneous phase at a GPS second and said GPS second from said field client to said server;comparing said field location instantaneous phase and said reference location instantaneous phase in said server to determine said field location phase attribute; andtransmitting said phase attribute to said field client for display on said field client.2. A ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Mobile electric field sensor based phasor measurement unit for monitoring an electric power grid

Номер: US20160025785A1

A system may include an electric field sensor, an analog to digital converter, and an estimator. The electric field sensor may measure electric fields of electric power grid. The analog to digital converter may generate digital output based upon measurements from the electric field sensor. The estimator may estimate phasor data of the electric power grid based upon the digital output.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Precision Phasor Measurements Through a Medium-voltage Distribution Transformer

Номер: US20170023627A1

A means and method for measuring precise voltage phasors on medium-voltage alternating current (AC) distribution grids, using existing distribution transformers as voltage sensors. The errors introduced by the distribution transformers are minimized by taking into account the transformer's vector impedance, combined with measuring the transformer secondary current phasor. The invention includes a means and a method of measuring the distribution transformer's vector impedance. 19-. (canceled)10. An apparatus for measuring a phasor vector of a fundamental primary voltage applied to a primary winding of an alternating current transformer , said apparatus using only measurements on a secondary winding of the alternating current transformer ,said fundamental primary voltage having a magnitude between 1,000 volts and 100,000 volts,said transformer having a fundamental secondary voltage magnitude less than 1,000 volts,said transformer having a transformer's effective ratio equal to the fundamental primary voltage magnitude divided by the fundamental secondary voltage magnitude;said secondary winding connected to a secondary load that draws a fundamental secondary current, said fundamental secondary current not being constant in time;said transformer having a transformer's fundamental vector impedance;said apparatus making a plurality of measurements of the fundamental secondary voltage and a plurality of simultaneous measurements of the fundamental secondary current, then using the plurality of measurements of the fundamental secondary current to calculate a plurality of phasor vectors of change in the secondary fundamental current, and using the plurality of measurements of the fundamental secondary voltage to calculate a plurality of phasor vectors of change in the secondary fundamental voltage, the plurality of phasor vectors of change in the secondary fundamental voltage being substantially simultaneous in time with the plurality of phasor vectors of change in the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043042A1

A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing a program that causes a computer to execute a process including, calculating, for each of a plurality of groups each of which is a combination of two power distribution lines selected from a plurality of power distribution lines, an index value that indicates a correlation between time-series data of a sum of line currents that flow through the two power distribution lines included in a group and time-series data of consumed power consumed by at least one consuming subject coupled to a transformer coupled to any one of phases that corresponds to combinations of two of the plurality of power distribution lines or current that corresponds to the power; and determining that a phase that corresponds to the group that corresponds to the index value indicating a highest correlation among the plurality of groups is a connection phase to which the transformer is coupled. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing a transformer connection phase determination program that causes at least one computer to execute a process , the process comprising:calculating, for each of a plurality of groups each of which is a combination of two power distribution lines selected from a plurality of power distribution lines, an index value that indicates a correlation between time-series data of a sum of line currents that flow through the two power distribution lines included in a group and time-series data of consumed power consumed by at least one consuming subject coupled to a transformer coupled to any one of phases that corresponds to combinations of two of the plurality of power distribution lines or current that corresponds to the power; anddetermining that a phase that corresponds to the group that corresponds to the index value indicating a highest correlation among the plurality of groups is a connection phase to which the transformer is coupled.2. The non-transitory computer-readable medium according to claim 1 , whereina ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Thévenin equivalent based static contingency assessment

Номер: US20170025853A1
Принадлежит: Danmarks Tekniskie Universitet

The present invention relates to a method for static security assessment of a power system and a real time static security assessment system for assessing a power system, the power system having a plurality of generators, the plurality of generators being represented in the network by a plurality of voltage controlled nodes, wherein the method for static security assessment of the power system comprises receiving information of a present state of the power system, determining a Thevenin equivalent for each voltage controlled node, determining for each voltage controlled node on basis of the determined present state of the power system and determining a first representation of the network based on the determined Thevenin equivalents, determining a modified representation of the network, wherein the modified representation is a representation of the network having at least one contingency, wherein at least one Thevenin equivalent of at least one voltage controlled node is modified due to the at least one contingency, the modified network representation being determined on the basis of the modified Thevenin equivalents, calculating voltage angles of the modified Thevenin equivalents, and evaluating the voltage angles to determine whether the network having at least one contingency admit a steady state. Also a method of providing information on a real time static security assessment of a power system is disclosed.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140111185A1

In at least one embodiment, an apparatus for detecting a phase sequence in a vehicle is provided. The apparatus includes a control module for being operatively coupled to a power grid for receiving an incoming power signal therefrom, the incoming power signal providing a first voltage and a second voltage in a vehicle. The control module is configured to determine a phase difference between the first voltage and the second voltage and to determine a signal frequency of the incoming signal to determine a country type for the power grid. The control module is further configured to control a number of switching devices to generate an output voltage signal based on the phase difference and the signal frequency to charge at least one battery on the vehicle. 1. An apparatus for detecting a phase sequence in a vehicle , the apparatus comprising: determine a phase difference between the first voltage and the second voltage; and', 'control a number of switching devices to generate an output voltage signal based on the phase difference to charge at least one battery on the vehicle., 'a control module for being operatively coupled to a first sensing device and a second sensing device in a vehicle that receives an incoming power signal from a power grid, the first sensing device being arranged to provide a first voltage in response to the incoming power signal and the second sensing device being arranged to provide a second voltage in response to the incoming power signal, the control module being configured to2. The apparatus of wherein the control module is further configured to determine a signal frequency of the incoming signal to determine a country type for the power grid.3. The apparatus of wherein the control module is further configured to control the number of switching devices to generate the output voltage signal based on the phase difference and the signal frequency.4. The apparatus of wherein the control module is further configured to generate a number of pulse ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028851A1

A measurement device that performs a predetermined measurement task together with a plurality of other measurement devices is provided. This measurement device is provided with a sampling phase generator for generating a sampling phase for instructing a timing of sampling, and a communication unit for communicating with at least one of the plurality of other measurement devices. The communication unit transmits the sampling phase generated by the sampling phase generator to at least one of the plurality of other measurement devices. The sampling phase generator is configured to generate a third sampling phase, using an operation that is based on a generated first sampling phase and a second sampling phase received by the communication unit from at least one of the plurality of other measurement devices. 1. A device that performs a predetermined task together with a plurality of other devices , comprising:an internal value generator for generating a prescribed internal value; anda communication unit for communicating with at least one of the plurality of other devices,wherein the internal value generator is configured to generate a third internal value, based on a first internal value generated by the internal value generator and a second internal value received by the communication unit from at least one of the plurality of other devices.2. A measurement device that performs a predetermined task together with a plurality of other measurement devices , comprising:a sampling phase generator for generating a sampling phase for instructing a timing of sampling; anda communication unit for communicating with at least one of the plurality of other measurement devices,wherein the communication unit is configured to transmit the sampling phase generated by the sampling phase generator to at least one of the plurality of other measurement devices, andthe sampling phase generator is configured to generate a third sampling phase, using an operation that is based on a generated ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150032397A1

The present invention relates to the field of electrical power systems and automation technologies thereof, and disclosed is a method for estimating a dynamic power transmission line capacity by using a synchronized phasor technology. Synchronized phasor measurement units are arranged at two sides of a power transmission line. The synchronized phasor measurement units measure voltage and current phasors of the power transmission line and transmit the voltage and current phasors to a data buffer of a measurement system for calculation. In the method for estimating a dynamic power transmission line capacity by using a synchronized phasor technology in the present invention, through a power transmission line model of mechanical characteristics, thermodynamic characteristics, and power characteristics, the length of the power transmission line is calculated by using values of synchronized voltage and current phasors at the two sides of the power transmission line, and a resistivity of the power transmission line is obtained according to a total resistance of the power transmission line, so as to obtain an estimated value of a real-time temperature of the power transmission line, thereby achieving the objective of determining the on-line power transmission capacity of the power transmission line without adding any additional device. The invention relates to the field of electrical power systems and automation technologies thereof, in particular to a method for estimating a dynamic power transmission line capacity by using a synchronized phasor technology.New construction of power transmission lines is increasingly difficult due to the scarcity of land resources and high construction cost. The worst external environment is taken as a reference to consider power transmission capacity in a static method basically. Therefore, a larger margin is kept on estimation of transmission line capacity based on the static method so as to guarantee safety of power transmission lines. ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Food Waste Disposer Monitoring Using Phase Difference Between Motor Voltage And Motor Current

Номер: US20220048038A1
Принадлежит: Emerson Electric Co.

A control unit for a food waste disposer has a controller that determines operational status of the food waste disposer based on motor loading of an induction motor of the food waste disposer. 1. In a food waste disposer comprising a motor that rotates a rotatable shredder plate of a grind and discharge section of the food waste disposer and a control unit comprising a controller programmed with control logic comprising an auto-off timer routine , and wherein the food waste disposer is powered by an alternating current electrical power source having a line frequency , a line voltage and a line current , a method of operating the food waste disposer comprising:powering ON the food waste disposer;after expiration of a start-up period and at regular intervals of the line frequency, determining a phase shift between the line voltage and the line current, communicating the phase shift to the controller, and comparing the phase shift to a grind check phase shift threshold;determining that the food waste disposer is grinding in response to each of a first predetermined number of consecutively determined phase shifts being below a grind check phase shift threshold;determining that the food waste disposer is not grinding in response to each of the first predetermined number of consecutively determined phase shifts being not below the grind check phase shift threshold;determining whether the auto-off timer routine has expired in response to determining that the food waste disposer is not grinding; andpowering OFF the food waste disposer in response to determining that the auto-off timer routine has expired.2. The method of further including determining the grind check phase shift threshold with a calibration routine that includes claim 1 , upon a user initiating the calibration routine claim 1 , having the controller turn the motor of the food waste disposer on claim 1 , after expiration of the start-up period claim 1 , having the controller record a second predetermined ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041208A1

A high voltage digital voltmeter and wireless phaser includes first and second voltmeters/phasers. Each voltmeter/phaser has a probe for accessing a point in a circuit, circuitry connected to the probe and including a microprocessor, and a ground reference associated with the circuitry. Each microprocessor is programmed to measure line-to-ground voltage of the respective voltmeter/phaser. This information is shared between the microprocessors and is used to determine voltage measurements and phase angle difference. 1. A voltmeter and wireless phaser comprising:a first voltmeter/phaser having a first probe for accessing a first point in a circuit, first circuitry connected to the first probe and including a first microprocessor, and a ground reference associated with said first circuitry; anda second voltmeter/phaser having a second probe for accessing a second point in the circuit which is spaced apart from said first point, second circuitry connected to the second probe and including a second microprocessor, and a ground reference associated with said second circuitry;wherein said first microprocessor is programmed to measure line-to-ground voltage of the first voltmeter/phaser and to communicate this information to said second microprocessor, and said second microprocessor is programmed to measure line-to-ground voltage of the second voltmeter/phaser and to receive the information from said first microprocessor.2. The voltmeter and wireless phaser of claim 1 , wherein said first voltmeter/phaser further comprising a first high-voltage resistor connected between the first probe and the first circuitry claim 1 , and a first insulating housing enclosing the first high-voltage resistor and carrying the first probe; and wherein said second voltmeter/phaser further comprises a second high-voltage resistor connected between the second probe and the second circuitry claim 1 , and a second insulating housing enclosing the second high-voltage resistor and carrying the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037515A1

A system and method for the wireless synchronization of a self-powered power sensor (SPPS) to a central controller for calculating a value of an electrical parameter. The method includes receiving from a central controller a message that includes timing information of the central controller time base; sampling at least an electrical signal respective of a powerline connected to an SPPS; estimating from the samples of the at least an electrical signal at least a first electrical parameter, where the at least a first electrical parameter is adjusted using the timing information; generating a packet; appending to the packet the estimated at least a first electrical parameter; and transmitting the packet to the central controller. 1. A method for the wireless synchronization of a self-powered power sensor (SPPS) to a central controller for calculating a value of an electrical parameter , the method comprising:receiving from a central controller a message that includes timing information of the central controller time base;sampling at least an electrical signal respective of a powerline connected to an SPPS;estimating from the samples of the at least an electrical signal at least a first electrical parameter, where the at least a first electrical parameter is adjusted using the timing information;generating a packet;appending to the packet the estimated at least a first electrical parameter; andtransmitting the packet to the central controller.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:estimating via the SPPS at least a second electrical parameter from the sampled information.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:appending to the packet the at least a second electrical parameter.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least a second electrical parameter is a root mean square value of the at least an electrical signal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least an electrical signal is a current.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:receiving from ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049790A1

An electrical energy storage device comprises an electrical connection arranged to detachably connect to a power distribution system on a site; an energy store having an input arranged selectively to charge the energy store from the distribution system, and an output arranged selectively to discharge the energy store to the distribution system; a processor arranged to monitor at least one condition relating to the site, and to monitor at least one condition relating to the energy store, and to control the energy store to charge or to discharge dependent upon the monitored conditions; and preferably a communication interface for the processor. Such a device could be provided in a domestic site, in particular a site having a generation capacity such as PV panels, in order for the energy consumer at the site to obtain an electrical energy supply more efficiently or more cheaply, and in order to smooth out fluctuations in energy supply and/or demand from the site. 124.-. (canceled)25. An electrical energy storage device for a site comprising:an electrical connection arranged to detachably connect to an electrical power system on the site;an energy store having an input arranged selectively to charge the energy store from the electrical power system, and an output arranged selectively to discharge the energy store to the electrical power system; anda processor arranged to monitor at least one condition relating to the site, and to monitor at least one condition relating to the energy store, and to control the energy store to charge or to discharge dependent upon the monitored conditions.26. The electrical energy storage device as claimed in claim 25 , comprising a communication interface for the processor.27. The electrical energy storage device as claimed in claim 25 , in which the condition relating to the site includes one or more of the level of power generated at the site claim 25 , the level of power demand at the site claim 25 , the time and/or date claim 25 , the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051852A1

A method includes obtaining a voltage phasor, a current phasor and a mechanical rotor angle of a source end generator. A receiving end generator impedance and a line impedance between the source end generator and a receiving end generator is also estimated. Furthermore, a swing angle between an internal voltage of the source end generator and an internal voltage of the receiving end generator as a function of obtained voltage phasor, current phasor, mechanical rotor angle and the impedances is estimated. A power swing condition is then determined based on the estimated swing angle. 1. A method , comprising:{'sub': 'S', 'obtaining a voltage phasor (V) of a source-end generator;'}{'sub': 'S', 'obtaining a current phasor (I) of the source-end generator;'}obtaining a mechanical rotor angle (δs) of the source end generator;{'sub': R', 'L, 'estimating a receiving end generator impedance (Z) and a line impedance (Z) between the source-end generator and the receiving-end generator;'}{'sub': S', 'R', 'S', 'S', 'L', 'R, 'estimating a swing angle (θ) between an internal voltage Eof the source-end generator and an internal voltage Eof the receiving-end generator as a function of the obtained V, the obtained I, the obtained δs and the estimated Zand Z; and'}detecting a power swing condition based on the estimated θ.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein estimating the swing angle (θ) comprises determining a real power value (P) and a reactive power value (Q) based on the obtained Vand the obtained Iand the estimated Zand Z.3. The method of further comprising estimated a rate of change of swing angle ({dot over (θ)}).4. The method of claim 3 , wherein estimating the rate of change of swing angle comprises estimating the rate of change of swing angle ({dot over (θ)}) as a function of the mechanical rotor angle (δs) claim 3 , the determined P and the determined Q.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the detecting the power swing condition comprises detecting the power swing condition ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Switching device for operating at least one load

Номер: US20180048303A1

Switching device ( 1 ) for operating at least one load, comprising at least one switching unit ( 7; 8; 9 ), which switches a tapped current phase (L) to a load ( 2 - 1; 2 - 2; 2 - 3 ) connectable to the switching unit ( 7; 8; 9 ) to supply said load with current and which has a measurement unit ( 7 C; 8 C; 9 C) which measures a current phase progression of the at least one current phase (L); a local control unit ( 18 ), which after receiving a control command from an external control system ( 24 ) actuates a semiconductor switch ( 7 B; 8 B; 9 B) of the switching unit ( 7; 8; 9 ) in such a way that the semiconductor switch ( 7 B; 8 B; 9 B) switches at a zero of the current phase (L) measured by the measurement unit ( 7 C; 8 C; 9 C), and a local monitoring unit ( 20 ), which evaluates the current phase progression, measured by the measurement unit ( 7 C; 8 C; 9 C), of the at least one current phase (L) to detect an operational deviation from a normal current supply to the associated load ( 2 - 1; 2 - 2; 2 - 3 ) connected to the switching unit ( 7; 8; 9 ), and reports any detected operational deviation.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069828A1
Автор: PANG Rui, Wang Boming, Yang Qin

A phase detection method and apparatus, and a storage medium and an electronic apparatus are provided. A sampling operation is performed on a clock signal to be detected to obtain binary sequences. Phase intervals of the clock signal to be detected in initial sampling periods are determined, according to the binary sequences, as first phase intervals. Based on a reference phase interval in the first phase intervals, a standardization operation is performed on other phase intervals in the first phase intervals to obtain second phase intervals, wherein the reference phase interval is a phase interval determined within a first sampling period after the sampling operation is triggered, and the other phase intervals are phase intervals determined within sampling periods following the first sampling period. The second phase intervals are converged, and phase information of the clock signal to be detected is obtained according to the converged second phase intervals.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052193A1

A generator waveform is measured using one or more techniques that reduce the computing resources for measuring the generator waveform and the time required for measuring the generator waveform. One example includes a template matching technique that iteratively selects templates to estimate the phase offset of the generator waveform. One example includes a root mean squared value calculated from less than sample time period that is less than one half of a cycle of the generator waveform. A generator controller calculates a command or parameter for the generator based on the estimated phase offset or the root mean squared value. 1. A method for iteratively analyzing operation of a generator , the method comprising:identifying a generator waveform;performing a discrete analysis on the generator waveform;performing a first comparison of a first set of waveform templates to a result of the discrete analysis of the generator waveform;selecting one of the first set of waveform templates based on the first comparison;performing a second comparison of a second set of waveform templates to a result of the discrete analysis of the generator waveform;selecting one of the second set of waveform templates based on the second comparison;identifying a characteristic value for the generator waveform based on the selected one of the second set of waveform templates; andcalculating a generator parameter based on the characteristic value from the selected one of the second set of waveform templates.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the characteristic value is a phase angle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the characteristic value is a first characteristic phase value and the generator waveform is a first generator waveform claim 1 , the method comprising:identifying a second characteristic value for a second generator waveform, wherein the generator parameter is based on a difference between the first characteristic phase value and the second characteristic phase value.4. The ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132245A1

A method and a system are provided for clock phase detection. A set of delayed versions of a first clock signal is generated. The set of delayed versions of the first clock is used to sample a second clock signal, producing a sequence of samples in a domain corresponding to the first clock signal. At least one edge indication is located within the sequence of samples. 1. A method comprising:generating a set of delayed versions of a first clock signal;sampling a second clock signal using the set of delayed versions of the first clock signal to produce a sequence of second clock samples in a domain corresponding to the first clock signal; andlocating at least one edge indication within the sequence of second clock samples.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the set of delayed versions of the first clock signal are generated using an open delay loop circuit.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:sampling the first clock signal using the set of delayed versions of the first clock signal to produce a sequence of first clock samples in the domain corresponding to the first clock signal; andlocating a first edge indication within the sequence of first clock samples.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising computing a period of the first clock signal based on the first edge indication within the sequence of first clock samples.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising processing the at least one edge indication to compute a phase value representing a phase of the second clock signal relative to the first clock signal.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the at least one edge indication includes a first edge that is a most recent edge claim 5 , and the processing of the at least one edge indication comprises setting a next phase value to a location of the first edge.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:generating a second set of delayed versions of the first clock signal;sampling the second clock signal using the second set of delayed versions of the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140132246A1

A circuit configuration detects zero-crossings and/or a brownout condition. The circuit configuration contains a zero-crossing detection circuit, a brownout detection circuit, an isolation and digitization circuit connected to the zero-crossing detection circuit and the brownout detection circuit, and a filtering circuit connected to the isolation and digitization circuit. The single circuit configuration can be used for detecting zero-crossings of single-phase and multi-phase systems as well as ascertaining a brownout condition of either the single-phase or the multi-phase systems. 1. A circuit configuration for detecting zero-crossings and a brownout condition of a power supply , the circuit configuration comprising:a zero-crossing detection circuit for detecting zero-crossings of single-phase signals and multiple-phase signals;a brownout detection circuit;an isolation and digitization circuit connected to said zero-crossing detection circuit and said brownout detection circuit; anda filtering circuit connected to said isolation and digitization circuit and outputting an output signal indicating at least the zero-crossings and the brownout condition.2. The circuit configuration according to claim 1 , wherein said isolation and digitization circuit has an optocoupler with an input side connected to said zero-crossing detection circuit and said brownout detection circuit and an output connected to said filtering circuit.3. The circuit configuration according to claim 2 , wherein said isolation and digitization circuit has a pull up resistor connected to said optocoupler.4. The circuit configuration according to claim 1 , wherein said zero-crossing detection circuit has a series circuit of resistors and a diode connected to said series circuit of resistors.5. The circuit configuration according to claim 4 , wherein:said diode has a first terminal connected to said isolation and digitization circuit, said diode blocking negative half waves traversing said isolation ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061609A1

A reference signal generating circuit is provided that generates a reference signal corresponding to an input signal for power factor compensation of a power converter. The reference signal generating circuit includes a detector sampling the input signal according to a reference clock to detect and hold the maximum input signal and a phase measuring unit measuring a phase of the sampled input signal based on the sampled input signal and the detected maximum input signal. The circuit also includes a reference signal generating unit configured to generate a reference signal having a specific value in response to the measured phase. 1. A reference signal generating circuit for generating a reference signal based on an input signal for power factor compensation of a power converter , the reference signal generating circuit comprising:a detector configured to sample the input signal according to a reference clock signal and to detect a maximum input signal to hold;a phase measuring unit configured to measure a phase of the sampled input signal based on the sampled input signal and the detected maximum input signal; anda reference signal generating unit configured to generate a reference signal having a specific value in response to the measured phase.2. The reference signal generating circuit of claim 1 , wherein the detector comprises:a sampling unit configured to repeatedly sample the input signal and hold the sampled input signal based on the reference clock signal; anda peak detector configured to detect and hold the maximum input signal.3. The reference signal generating circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase measuring unit comprises a selection switch configured to alternately couple the sampling unit and an output terminal of the detector to an input terminal of the phase measuring unit based on the reference clock signal.4. The reference signal generating circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase measuring unit comprises:a calculation unit configured to alternately ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061761A1

A method of controlling an envelope tracking amplification stage comprising: in a characterization mode: measuring parameters of the amplification stage to determine at least two of gain, phase and efficiency characteristics for instantaneous values of input power and supply voltage of the amplifier; and for the at least two of gain, phase and efficiency characteristics, generating a three-dimensional plot representing the characteristic with respect to input power and supply voltage applied to the amplifier, and in a use mode: using at least one of the three-dimensional plots to determine a shaping function for the shaping table in dependence on a primary system objective associated with one or more of gain, phase or efficiency; and using the determined shaping function and at least one of the three dimensional plots to determine the pre-distortion coefficients for the pre-distortion block to meet a secondary system objective associated with at least one of gain, phase or efficiency. 121-. (canceled)22. A method of controlling an envelope tracking amplification stage comprising an amplifier for amplifying an input signal , an envelope tracking modulated power supply for generating a modulated supply voltage for the amplifier in dependence on the input signal envelope , and in which the input signal envelope to the envelope tracking modulated supply voltage is shaped by a shaping function , and a pre-distortion block for pre-distorting the input signal to the amplifier , the method comprising: i. measuring parameters of the amplification stage to determine at least two of gain, phase and efficiency characteristics for instantaneous values of input power and supply voltage of the amplifier; and', 'ii. for each of the at least two of gain, phase and efficiency characteristics, generating a three-dimensional plot representing the characteristic with respect to input power and supply voltage applied to the amplifier, and, 'a. in a characterisation mode of the amplifier ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059153A1

Disclosed herein are methods, systems, and devices for identifying computational operations based on power measurements. Disclosed herein are systems that may include a phase measurement unit configured to generate a first measurement based on a power signal, the first measurement characterizing a phase angle of the power signal. The systems may also include a power measurement unit configured to generate a second measurement based on the power signal, the second measurement characterizing an amplitude of one or more aspects of the power signal. The systems may further include a processing unit configured to identify a computational operation implemented by a target processing device, the identifying of the computational operation being based on a comparison of the first measurement and the second measurement with reference measurements. 1. A system comprising:a phase measurement unit configured to generate a first measurement based on a power signal, the first measurement characterizing a phase angle of the power signal;a power measurement unit configured to generate a second measurement based on the power signal, the second measurement characterizing an amplitude of one or more aspects of the power signal; anda processing unit configured to identify a computational operation implemented by a target processing device, the identifying of the computational operation being based on a comparison of the first measurement and the second measurement with reference measurements.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the phase measurement unit is configured to generate the first measurement based on a difference between phases of a voltage signal and a current signal included in the power signal.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the power measurement unit is configured to generate the second measurement based on a first amplitude of the voltage signal and a second amplitude of the current signal.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is configured to identify ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059156A1

An apparatus is provided which comprises: an amplifier; a first slicer coupled to the amplifier; a de-serializer coupled to an output of the first slicer; a multiplexer which is operable to select one of data or a test signal for the amplifier; a filter coupled to an input of the multiplexer to provide test signal; and a frequency modulator coupled to the filter, wherein the frequency modulator is operable to modulate frequency of the test signal. An apparatus is also provided which comprises: an analog multiplexer having a first input to receive serial data, and a second input; an analog front-end (AFE) coupled to an output of the analog multiplexer; and a filter coupled to the second input of the analog multiplexer. 1. An apparatus comprising:an amplifier;a first slicer coupled to the amplifier;a de-serializer coupled to an output of the first slicer;a multiplexer which is operable to select one of data or a test signal for the amplifier;a filter coupled to an input of the multiplexer to provide the test signal; anda frequency modulator coupled to the filter, wherein the frequency modulator is operable to modulate frequency of the test signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the amplifier is coupled to an equalizer claim 1 , and wherein a combination of the amplifier and the equalizer is coupled to an input of the first slicer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an output of the de-serializer is received by a pin of a chip.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the frequency modulator comprises a divider.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the filter is a harmonic filter.6. The apparatus of comprises a phase interpolator coupled to an input of the frequency modulator claim 1 , wherein an output of the phase interpolator is coupled to the first slicer.7. The apparatus of comprises a clock generator to provide a clock to an input of the phase interpolator claim 6 , wherein the phase interpolator is to vary in delay one or more edges of the clock.8. The ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063453A1

The present system relates to a power topology mapping system for identifying which one of one or more equipment components are being powered from a specific phase of a multi-phase AC power source. The system makes use of a plurality of power receiving subsystems which each receive an AC power signal from at least one phase of the multi-phase AC power source. Each power receiving subsystem has a communications card, an identification designation unique to it, and a controller. One of the power receiving subsystems is designated as a reference power domain component. The controllers each carry out phase angle measurements associated with the AC power signal being received by its power receiving subsystem. A topology mapping subsystem is included which analyzes phase angle measurement data reported by the power receiving subsystems and determines which subsystem is being powered by which phase of the multi-phase AC signal. 1. A power topology mapping system for identifying which one of one or more equipment components are being powered from a specific phase of a multi-phase AC power source , the system comprising: a communications card;', 'an identification designation uniquely identifying the power receiving subsystem;', 'a controller;, 'a plurality of power receiving subsystems each receiving an AC power signal from at least one phase of the multi-phase AC power source, each one of said plurality of power receiving subsystems includinga topology mapping subsystem for analyzing phase angle data to identify if a given one of the power receiving subsystems is receiving AC power from a given one of the phases of the multi-phase AC power source;at least one of the plurality of power receiving subsystems being designated as a reference power domain component whose relationship to a specific one of the phases of the multi-phase AC power source is known, and wherein remaining ones of the plurality of power receiving components each have a relationship relative to the phases ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of static phase offset correction for a linear phase detector

Номер: US20140139266A1
Принадлежит: Analog Devices Inc

A method for calibrating a clock and data recovery circuit may include configuring a phase detector as a bang-bang phase detector. The bang-bang phase detector may be used to determine a phase difference between a sampling clock provided by an interpolator and a calibration signal. The phase detector may also be configured as a linear phase detector. While using the linear phase detector, a linear phase detector parameter may be adjusted such that the phase difference between the calibration signal and the sampling clock is zero, while keeping the phase of the sampling clock fixed.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062378A1

A system level electrostatic discharge (ESD) detection device includes a phase detection unit including at least one phase detector suitable for detecting a phase difference between a plurality of supply voltages or between a plurality of input signals; a storage unit suitable for shifting between a first and a second state, the second state indicating a phase difference detected by the phase detection unit; and an output unit suitable for outputting a system level electrostatic discharge (ESD) detection signal according to the first or second state of the storage unit. 1. A system level electrostatic discharge (ESD) detection device , comprising:a phase detection unit including at least one phase detector suitable for detecting a phase difference between a plurality of supply voltages or between a plurality of input signals;a storage unit suitable for shifting between a first and a second state, the second state indicating a phase difference detected by the phase detection unit; andan output unit suitable for outputting system level electrostatic discharge (ESD) detection signal according to the first or second state of the storage unit.2. The system level ESD detection device of claim 1 , wherein the phase detection unit comprises at least one ofa first phase detector suitable for detecting a phase difference between a first power supply voltage and a second power supply voltage;a second phase detector suitable for detecting a phase difference between a first ground voltage and a second ground voltage; anda third phase detector suitable for detecting a phase difference between a first input signal and a second input signal,wherein the phase detection unit outputs a phase difference detection signal to the storage unit according to the phase difference detected by at least one of the first phase detector, the second phase detector and the third phase detector.3. The system level ESD detection device of claim 1 , wherein the storage unit shifts to and maintains the ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Synchronous Detection Circuit And Method For Determining A Bio-Impedance Of A Biological Tissue

Номер: US20180067063A1
Принадлежит: Silicon Laboratories Inc

Embodiments of synchronous detection circuits and methods are provided for extracting magnitude and phase information from a waveform. One embodiment of a synchronous detection circuit includes a driver circuit, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a controller. The driver circuit is configured to supply an input waveform at an input frequency to a load. The ADC is coupled to receive an output waveform from the load, and configured for generating four digital samples, each spaced 90° apart, for every period of the output waveform. The controller is configured for setting an oversampling rate (OSR) of the ADC, so that the ADC generates an integer number, M, of sub-samples for each digital sample generated by the ADC, where the integer number, M, of sub-samples is inversely proportional to the input frequency of the input waveform. The controller is further configured to use the digital samples generated by the ADC to extract magnitude and phase information from the output waveform.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Synchronous Detection Circuit And Method For Extracting Magnitude And Phase From A Waveform

Номер: US20180067154A1

Embodiments of synchronous detection circuits and methods are provided for extracting magnitude and phase information from a waveform. One embodiment of a synchronous detection circuit includes a driver circuit, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a controller. The driver circuit is configured to supply an input waveform at an input frequency to a load. The ADC is coupled to receive an output waveform from the load, and configured for generating four digital samples, each spaced 90° apart, for every period of the output waveform. The controller is configured for setting an oversampling rate (OSR) of the ADC, so that the ADC generates an integer number, M, of sub-samples for each digital sample generated by the ADC, where the integer number, M, of sub-samples is inversely proportional to the input frequency of the input waveform. The controller is further configured to use the digital samples generated by the ADC to extract magnitude and phase information from the output waveform. 1. A synchronous detection circuit , comprising:a driver circuit configured to be coupled to a load, the driver circuit supplying an input waveform at an input frequency to the load;an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to be coupled to the load, the ADC receiving an output waveform from the load, and configured for generating four digital samples, each spaced 90° apart, for every period of the output waveform; anda controller coupled to the ADC, the controller configured for setting an oversampling rate (OSR) of the ADC, so that the ADC generates an integer number, M, of sub-samples for each digital sample generated by the ADC, wherein the integer number, M, of sub-samples is inversely proportional to the input frequency of the input waveform.2. The synchronous detection circuit as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ADC is configured for generating the digital samples and the sub-samples in synchronization with a clock signal having a fixed clock frequency claim 1 , and ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067949A1

A system and method sequentially measure phases of selected comb teeth of a comb signal using a local oscillator (LO) signal whose frequency and phase are changed for each sequential measurement, and adjust the measured phases to account for the change of phase in the LO signal from measurement of one selected comb tooth to the next to ascertain reference phase differences between the selected comb teeth. The measured phases of the selected comb teeth are adjusted by applying a phase offset determined from a first phase and a second phase of a pilot tone which are measured using the LO signal, respectively, before and after the frequency and phase of the LO signal change from measurement of one comb tooth to the next. The frequency of the pilot tone is maintained to be substantially the same when measuring the first phase and the second phase of the pilot tone. 1. A method , comprising:producing a pilot tone with a pilot tone generator;receiving a comb signal having a plurality of comb teeth, wherein selected comb teeth among the plurality of comb teeth span a selected bandwidth of the comb signal;sequentially converting the selected comb teeth to a first intermediate frequency (IF) signal in a first IF channel by mixing the comb signal with a local oscillator (LO) signal, wherein a frequency of the LO signal is changed for each sequential conversion such that for each frequency of the LO signal at least one of the selected comb teeth is converted to fall within the first IF channel, and sequentially measuring calibration phases of the converted selected comb teeth in the first IF channel using a first measurement device whose measurement bandwidth for any frequency of the LO signal is less than the selected bandwidth of the comb signal;mixing the pilot tone with the LO signal to produce a converted pilot tone in a second IF channel, measuring a first phase of the converted pilot tone with the converted pilot tone at a first frequency in the second IF channel prior ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and Device for Measuring Electrical Quantities

Номер: US20150073734A1
Автор: Svasek Maximilian

A method and a device for measuring electrical quantities, at least voltage and current, preferably also power, in three-phase systems (L1, L2, L3), wherein, for the three phases (L1, L2, L3), the phase voltages U, U, U) and phase currents (I, I, I) are sensed by means of voltage and current sensors (), and corresponding voltage and current signals are evaluated in processing means () into measurement data (D) which are displayed on display means (), wherein by means of the processing means () the relative phase positions of the voltage signals (U, U, U) as well as of the current signals (I, I, I) in comparison with a given phase sequence and therefrom the correctness or incorrectness of the connections of the voltage and current sensors () to phase lines (L1, L2, L3) are determined, wherein corresponding display signals are output for the display means (). Therein, preferably also an automatic correction of the measurement is provided. 1. A method for measuring electrical quantities , the method comprising:sensing phase voltages and phase currents in phase lines of a three-phase system by way of voltage and current sensors connected to the phase lines; andevaluating, by a processor, voltage and current signals that correspond to the sensed phase voltages and phase currents, to form corresponding measurement data that are displayed on a display, 'comparing, by way of the processor, relative phase positions of the voltage signals and the current signals with a given phase sequence; and', 'wherein said evaluating includesbased on said comparing, determining a correctness or incorrectness of the connections of the voltage and current sensors to the phase lines, wherein corresponding display signals are output to the display.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , for the phase voltages and the phase currents claim 1 , a respective direction of rotation in the three-phase system is determined.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , for ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072295A1
Автор: REN Xuegang

A circuit and method for realizing a combined connection of neutral wires or live wires using phase information of the neutral wires and the live wires are provided. The circuit includes a phase detection module. The phase detection module is connected to a power grid via the live wire VL and the neutral wire VN. The phase detection module includes a high-voltage phase detector, a first inverter and a second inverter. The output of the high-voltage phase detector is sequentially connected to the first inverter and the second inverter. The method includes: arranging nodes on the live wire VL and the neutral wire VN of the power grid, respectively; defining the nodes by determining a phase relationship that a high-voltage signal first appears on the live wire VL or the neutral wire VN; and connecting systems to be connected in parallel to the power grid through the nodes. 1. A circuit for realizing a combined connection of neutral wires or live wires using phase information of the neutral wires and the live wires , comprising:a phase detection module; whereinthe phase detection module is connected to a power grid via the live wires and the neutral wires;the phase detection module comprises a high-voltage phase detector, a first inverter and a second inverter;an output of the high-voltage phase detector is sequentially connected to the first inverter and the second inverter;a plurality of nodes are arranged on each live wire of the live wires and a plurality of nodes are arranged on each neutral wire of the neutral wires;an output of the first inverter is connected to a first node of the plurality of nodes on the each live wire and a first node of the plurality of nodes on the each neutral wire, respectively; andan output of the second inverter is connected to a second node of the plurality of nodes on the each live wire and a second node of the plurality of nodes on the each neutral wire, respectively.2. The circuit according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,a number of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Phase adjustment device, phase difference detecting device and phase-adjusting method

Номер: US20160072495A1
Автор: Toshihiro Shimura
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A phase adjustment device includes: a detection signal generator configured to generate a pair of first and second detection signals for detecting a phase difference between two signals whose phases have been adjusted by two phase adjusters, respectively, a maximum sensitivity phase difference of one of the first and second detection signals being not overlap with that of the other, and detection sensitivity of the phase difference becoming maximum at the maximum sensitivity phase difference; a detection signal selector configured to select one of the first and second detection signals whose predetermined range around the maximum sensitivity phase difference covers a preset phase difference; and a phase controller configured to control an amount of phase-adjusting by at least one of the two phase adjusters based on a difference between the phase difference detected within the predetermined range using the selected detection signal and the preset phase difference.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070846A1

Provided herein are methods and devices for the detection, quantification, and/or monitoring of characteristics in samples. The disclosed methods and devices can be used, for example, to identify the presence and location of atrial fibrillation indicators with high spatial resolution. The disclosed methods and devices can even be used to identify the presence and location of atrial fibrillation indicators using non-simultaneously collected data. 1. A method , comprising:collecting a first electrical signal from each of a first plurality of locations in a sample at a first time;processing the first electrical signals to obtain a first sample parameter for each of the first plurality of locations in the sample at the first time;collecting a second electrical signal from each of a second plurality of locations in a sample at a second time;wherein the first plurality of locations and the second plurality of locations have at least one location in common;processing the second electrical signals to obtain a second sample parameter for each of the second plurality of locations in the sample at the second time;comparing the second sample parameters to the first sample parameters to obtain a third sample parameter at each of the first plurality of locations and the second plurality of locations; andprocessing the third sample parameters to determine a sample characteristic.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample comprises an organ.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the organ comprises the heart.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first electrical signal claim 1 , the second electrical signal claim 1 , or a combination thereof comprises voltage.5. (canceled)6. The method of any of claim 1 , wherein processing the first electrical signals claim 1 , the second electrical signals claim 1 , or a combination thereof comprises applying a transform function claim 1 , a trigonometric function claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The method of claim ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074120A1

Approaches for testing phase rotators are provided. A circuit for testing phase rotators includes a compare element including a first input and a second input, wherein the compare element is configured to compare a first phase of a first signal provided at the first input to a second phase of a second signal provided at the second input. The circuit also includes a first test bus connected to the first input and a second test bus connected to the second input. 1. A circuit for testing phase rotators , comprising:a compare element comprising a phase detector including a first input and a second input, wherein the compare element is configured to compare a first phase of a first signal provided at the first input to a second phase of a second signal provided at the second input;a first test bus connected to the first input; anda second test bus connected to the second input.2. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase detector comprises an analog phase detector.3. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase detector comprises a bang bang phase detector.4. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein the phase detector includes another input that determines a sensitivity of the phase detector.5. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein:a first subset of the plurality of phase rotators are associated with and selectively connectable to the first test bus; anda second subset of the plurality of phase rotators are associated with and selectively connectable to the second test bus.6. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein:a single one of the plurality of phase rotators is selectively connectable to the first test bus; andall other ones of the plurality of phase rotators, other than the single one, are selectively connectable to the second test bus.7. The circuit of claim 1 , wherein a phase source that is separate from the plurality of phase rotators is selectively connectable to the first test bus.8. The circuit of claim 7 , wherein the phase source comprises an output of a phase locked loop (PLL ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074121A1

Approaches for testing phase rotators are provided. A circuit for testing phase rotators includes a compare element including a first input and a second input, wherein the compare element is configured to compare a first phase of a first signal provided at the first input to a second phase of a second signal provided at the second input. The circuit also includes a first test bus connected to the first input and a second test bus connected to the second input. 1. A method of testing phase rotators , comprising:connecting a first phase source to a first input of a compare element;connecting a second phase source to a second input of a compare element, wherein the second phase source comprises an output of one a plurality of phase rotators that are selectively connectable to the second input;generating an expected value of a phase relationship between the first phase source and the second phase source; andcomparing the expected value to an output of the compare element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first phase source comprises one of:an output of another one of the plurality of phase rotators; andan output of a phase locked loop.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting at least one of a first phase and a first weight for the first phase source; andselecting at least one of a second phase and a second weight for the second phase source.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising repeating the connecting the second phase source claim 1 , the generating claim 1 , and the comparing for each one of the plurality of phase rotators.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compare element comprises a tunable AND gate.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising providing a control signal to the tunable AND gate claim 5 , wherein the control signal provides timing control.7. The method of claim 5 , further comprising providing a control signal to the tunable AND gate claim 5 , wherein the control signal provides minimum pulse width control.8. The ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Multiple phase measurement device

Номер: US20190072596A1
Автор: Peter Radda, Ronald Steuer
Принадлежит: Fluke Corp

Systems and methods that measure electrical parameters of a multi-phase electrical system may utilize a multi-phase measurement device that includes a sensor subsystem that has a voltage sensor and a current sensor. Each of the voltage sensor and the current sensor may be a contact-type sensor or a “non-contact” sensor that does not require galvanic contact. In operation, a multi-phase measurement device may utilize the voltage sensor and the current sensor to sequentially obtain single phase measurements for each phase of a multi-phase electrical system. The measurements may be synchronized to obtain various multi-phase power parameters, such as various parameters relating to power, phase, voltage, current, etc. The multi-phase measurement device may be operative to automatically detect when an operator has positioned a sensor of the sensor subsystem proximate a conductor under test so the multi-phase measurement device can initiate detection of one or more electrical parameters in the conductor.

19-03-2015 дата публикации

RF Signal Meter

Номер: US20150081238A1

A radio frequency (RF) meter configured to measure both scalar power and phase information is disclosed. The meter performs a calibration to account for properties of an external coupler connected to the meter inputs. Internal couplers are optionally provided which direct the input signals to a phase detector. The meter is optionally connected to a display and network connections for transmitting the scalar power and phase information. 1. A radio-frequency (RF) meter , comprising:a) a forward-signal input and a reflected-signal input;b) respective couplers attached to the inputs;c) respective power detectors attached to the respective couplers;d) a phase detector attached to both of the respective couplers; ande) a processor connected to the power detectors and the phase detectors.2. The meter according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is adapted to determine an impedance mismatch using data from the power detectors and the phase detectors.3. The meter according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is adapted to perform a calibration to account for properties of an external coupler attached to the inputs.4. The meter according to claim 1 , wherein said respective couplers comprise microstrip couplers.5. The meter according to claim 4 , wherein a first port of the microstrip coupler is connected to the phase detector and a second port of the microstrip coupler is connected to a ground via a resistor.6. The meter according to claim 1 , wherein the meter is configured to connect to a four-port external coupler.7. The meter according to claim 6 , wherein said respective couplers comprise microstrip couplers.8. The meter according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to transmit phase and amplitude information to a display.9. The meter according to claim 8 , wherein the processor is adapted to perform a calibration prior to transmitting said phase and amplitude information to the display claim 8 , the calibration accounting for properties of an ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Differential Phase and Amplitude Detector

Номер: US20200072882A1
Автор: Adamski Jaroslaw

A differential phase and amplitude detector circuit is presented. Two source follower circuits respectively based on NMOS and PMOS transistors are used to charge and discharge a sampling capacitor asymmetrically to provide a measurement of phase and/or amplitude difference between two signals of a substantially same frequency. The measurement can be made in one cycle, with the charging of the sampling capacitor performed during a first half cycle where a voltage difference between the two signals is positive, and the discharging during a second half cycle where a voltage difference between the two signals is negative. Biasing of the two source follower circuits enable an excess current flow between the two transistors of the two source follower circuits beyond a biasing current of the transistors to charge the sampling capacitor during the first half cycle, and disable the excess current flow between the two transistors during the second half cycle. 1. A circuit arrangement comprising: an NMOS transistor;', 'a PMOS transistor;', 'a first input coupled to a gate node of the NMOS transistor, the first input configured for receiving a first radio frequency (RF) signal having a first voltage;', 'a second input coupled to a gate node of the PMOS transistor, the second input configured for receiving a second RF signal having a second voltage;', 'a differential output comprising a first node coupled to a source node of the NMOS transistor and a second node coupled to a source node of the PMOS transistor, and', 'a sampling capacitor coupled between the first node and the second node;, 'a first differential phase and amplitude detector, comprising when the first voltage and the second voltage are equal, a first DC biasing current flows through the NMOS transistor, a second DC biasing current flows through the PMOS transistor, and no current flows between the first node and the second node,', 'when the first voltage is larger than the second voltage, an excess current sourced ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Dynamic System Resonant Frequency Detection and Compensation Methods for WPT and Relevant Technologies

Номер: US20190074776A1
Автор: TIAN Jianlong

A switch mode DC-AC converter driven oscillation system which always works on square wave driving, soft-switching and resonant conditions supported by the following techniques is disclosed. {circle around (1)} the techniques composed of totally analog circuitry to dynamically detect the innate resonant frequency of the system through comparison between the phases of the gate driving and zero voltage or current crossing signals of the main oscillation of the system and to drive the system with the detected innate resonant frequency to realize resonant operation and soft-switching. Based on different types of PLL technologies, two of such techniques are disclosed. {circle around (2)} the technique to realize a Voltage Controlled Soft-switching Capacitor (VCSC) to compensate the innate resonant frequency or to adjust the output voltage or power of the system through its tuning/detuning effect. The disclosed techniques can be combined to realize “square wave driving, soft-switching and resonant” systems which operate in either variable or fixed frequency conditions. 5. The switch mode DC-AC converter driven oscillation system in wherein the VCSC is configured to adjust an output voltage and power of the system claim 1 , wherein:the VCSC is connected as a parallel or serial tuning capacitor in the secondary side resonant tank;an average equivalent capacitance of the VCSC is adjusted by a control voltage from the PI controller;the PI controller monitors fluctuations of the output voltage of the system and outputs the control voltage to adjust the average equivalent capacitance of the VCSC for compensating the fluctuations of the output voltage of the system making it stabilized. This invention relates generally to dynamic resonant frequency detection and compensation methods for switch mode DC-AC converter driven oscillation systems, for example Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems, switch mode power supplies, etc. With the techniques proposed in this patent, these ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Transmitter For Transmitting a Process Variable to a Programmable Logic Controller

Номер: US20220094156A1

The invention relates to a transmitter for transmitting a process variable to a programmable logic controller. In a current mode a 4-20 milliamp current is fed into a burden and in a voltage mode 0-10 Volt signals are generated. The transmitter includes a process value input, a current stage, a voltage stage and a U/I output for the current or the voltage signal, and a U/I control input for switching between the two modes. The transmitter is configured to feed a current which is dependent on the voltage across the burden into the current stage via a resistor and thus to compensate for a current loss at the voltage stage which is dependent on the voltage across the burden. 112345666ab. A Transmitter for transmitting a process variable to a programmable logic controller , wherein in a current mode a 4-20 mA current is fed into a burden () and in a voltage mode 0-10 V signals are generated , comprising a process value input () , a current stage () , a voltage stage () and a U/I output () for the current or the voltage signal , and a U/I control input ( , , ) for switching between the two modes , wherein{'b': 1', '3', '7', '4', '1, 'the transmitter is configured to feed a current which is dependent on the voltage across the burden () into the current stage () via a resistor () and thus to compensate for a current loss at the voltage stage () which is dependent on the voltage across the burden ().'}2753. The transmitter according to claim 1 , wherein the resistor () is disposed between the U/I output () and the input of the current stage ().334. The transmitter according to claim 1 , wherein the transmitter is configured to avoid a mutual interference of the operating modes by switching off the current stage () by means of interrupting its supply voltage in the voltage mode claim 1 , and by short-circuiting the input of the voltage stage () in the current mode.434. The transmitter according to claim 2 , wherein the transmitter is configured to avoid a mutual interference ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210080494A1
Автор: Byrd Reginald Alan

Various embodiments are directed to apparatuses and methods for testing an electrical circuit related to an electrical circuit. The electrical testing meter may generate electrical measurement data based at least in part on electrical signals received via at least one electrical measurement terminal in contact with one or more references points of the electrical circuit. Electrical circuit characteristic data may be generated based at least in part on the electrical measurement data. The electrical measurement data and/or the electrical circuit characteristic data may be transmitted to one or more remote computing entities to generate a consolidated record of electrical measurement data for the electrical circuit, which may be rendered for display at the one or more remote computing entities. The transmitted data may be stored for future reproduction and/or analysis. 1. An electrical testing meter , the electrical testing meter comprising:a housing;at least one electrical measurement terminal configured to engage an electrical circuit at one or more reference points and to generate electrical measurement data related to the electrical circuit;a controller; anda wireless transmitter configured to transmit the electrical measurement data to one or more remote computing entities.2. The electrical testing meter of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to generate one or more electrical circuit characteristic data based at least in part on the electrical measurement data.3. The electrical testing meter of claim 2 , wherein the one or more electrical circuit characteristic data comprise one or more phase voltage difference data and one or more phase angle measurement data.4. The electrical testing meter of claim 1 , wherein the electrical testing meter is a phasing voltmeter.5. The electrical testing meter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrical measurement terminal is configured to measure a first electrical measurement data at a first reference point ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

System and method of measuring power produced by a power source

Номер: US20150084616A1
Автор: Isaac S. Frampton
Принадлежит: Kohler Co

Some embodiments relate to a system for measuring power produced by a power source. The system includes a first voltage sensor for sensing a first voltage difference between a first voltage and a second voltage and a second voltage sensor for sensing a second voltage difference between a third voltage and the second voltage. The system further includes a first current sensor for sensing a current difference between a first current and a second current, and a second current sensor for sensing a current difference between a third current and the second current. The system further includes a power measuring device that determines the power produced by the power source using the first and second voltage differences and the first and second current differences.

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Phase measurement device and method in microwave tomography system

Номер: US20150084644A1

A phase measurement method in a microwave tomography system may include: transmitting a first Tx frequency signal, receiving a signal corresponding to the first Tx frequency signal, and measuring a first phase value; transmitting a second Tx frequency signal separated by a predetermined discrete frequency from the first Tx frequency signal, receiving a signal corresponding to the second Tx frequency signal, and measuring a second phase value; calculating a first phase difference based on a difference between the first and second phase values; calculating a second phase difference based on the discrete frequency; and determining an unwrapped phase value through comparison between the first and second phase differences.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084894A1

The invention provides a method and system for precisely measuring AC power and detecting load impedance using a precise analog front-end, zero-crossing detectors, and a phase detection system capable of extracting precise phase information from the sensed voltage and current measurements. More particularly, the invention provides an apparatus, comprising a transmit circuit configured to generate a wireless field via an antenna for transferring charging power to a receiver device, for determining a phase difference between a first signal and a second signal. The apparatus further comprises a phase detection circuit to output a phase signal indicating a duration of a phase offset between a time-varying voltage and a time-varying current of the transmit circuit. The apparatus further comprises a capacitor configured to receive a variable current from a current source for the duration of the phase offset between the time-varying voltage and a time-varying current. 1. An apparatus for determining a phase difference between a time-varying voltage and a time-varying current , comprising:a transmit circuit comprising an antenna, the transmit circuit configured to generate a wireless field via the antenna for transferring charging power to a receiver device, the wireless field based on the time-varying voltage and the time-varying current;a phase detection circuit configured to output a phase signal indicating a duration of a phase offset between the time-varying voltage and the time-varying current;a capacitor configured to receive a current from a current source for the duration of the phase offset between the time-varying voltage and the time-varying current; andat least one switch operably coupled to the capacitor and configured to selectively couple the current from the current source to the capacitor in response to the phase signal, the phase signal allowing activation of the at least one switch.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the current source comprises a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084919A1

This application describes a state deviation technique for identifying transient instabilities in power systems. Such instabilities may result from disturbances such as external faults and power swing conditions. Detection of transient instabilities is based on the direction of change of phase angle of a machine such as a generator at an equilibrium point. Method and apparatus as disclosed may also be used for assessing system-wide transient stability of a power system or portion thereof. 1. A method for assessing transient stability and/or an out-of step condition of a power system , the method comprising:obtaining a measure, Pm, of mechanical power driving a synchronous machine;obtaining a measure, Pe, of electrical power output of the machine;determining a sign of a measure, ω, of a rate that a phase angle of the synchronous machine is changing relative to a reference phase angle; andif the difference, (Pm−Pe), of Pm and Pe changes sign from negative to positive, generating an output signal based on the sign of ω.2. A method according to wherein obtaining Pe comprises monitoring voltage and current at an output of the synchronous machine.3. A method according to wherein determining Pe comprises computing{'br': None, 'i': 'IV', '√{square root over (3)}cos φ'}wherein: I is the magnitude of positive sequence current phasors; V is the magnitude of positive sequence voltage phasors; and, ω is an angle between the current phasors and voltage phasors.4. A method according to wherein obtaining Pm comprises measuring a torque driving the synchronous machine.5. A method according to wherein obtaining Pm comprises obtaining a pre-disturbance value for Pe.6. A method according to wherein monitoring the voltage and current is performed locally to a processor in which the method is being performed.7. A method according to comprising encoding measures of the voltage and current claim 2 , transmitting the encoded measures to a processor at a location remote from the output of ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084722A1

An induction heating device includes a working coil, an inverter including a first switching element and a second switching element that are configured to perform a switching operation and to apply a resonance current to the working coil, a snubber capacitor including a first snubber capacitor connected to the first switching element, and a second snubber capacitor connected to the second switching element, a phase detector configured to detect a phase difference between the resonance current applied to the working coil and a switching voltage applied to the second switching element, and a controller configured to receive, from the phase detector, phase information including the phase difference, provide the inverter with a switching signal to thereby control the switching operation, and adjust an operating frequency of the switching signal based on the phase information to thereby control an output of the working coil. 1. An induction heating device , comprising:a working coil;an inverter comprising a first switching element and a second switching element that are configured to perform a switching operation and to apply a resonance current to the working coil based on the switching operation;a snubber capacitor comprising a first snubber capacitor electrically connected to the first switching element, and a second snubber capacitor electrically connected to the second switching element;a phase detector electrically connected between the inverter and the working coil, the phase detector being configured to detect a phase difference between the resonance current applied to the working coil and a switching voltage applied to the second switching element; and receive, from the phase detector, phase information including the phase difference,', 'provide the inverter with a switching signal to thereby control the switching operation, and', 'adjust an operating frequency of the switching signal based on the phase information to thereby control an output of the working ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Dynamic characterisation of amplifier using multiple envelope shaping functions

Номер: US20150088445A1
Принадлежит: Nujira Ltd

A method of characterizing an envelope tracking amplification stage, the method comprising: generating an input test waveform which is representative of an input waveform under normal operating conditions of the amplification stage; applying a respective one of a plurality of different shaping functions, each comprising a non-linear transfer function, to the input signal envelope in each of a plurality of test periods during the period in which the input test waveform is applied as the input signal to generate the input to the envelope tracking modulated supply voltage; measuring parameters of the amplification stage during the period in which the input test waveform is applied in order to allow determination of the gain, phase and efficiency characteristics of the amplifier; and for each of the gain, phase and efficiency characteristics, generating a three dimensional plot of the characteristic with respect to input power and supply voltage applied to the amplifier.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Measurement of Motor Rotor Position or Speed

Номер: US20150091548A1
Принадлежит: TRW LIMITED

A measurement circuit for measuring at least one of the rotational position and rotational speed of the rotor of an electric motor, typically such as may be used in an electric power assisted steering apparatus, the circuit comprising: first and second inputs for receiving first and second input signals which vary cyclically with the rotational position of the rotor, the first and second input signals at the first and second inputs varying in quadrature with each other; a phase detector circuit; and an observer circuit; in which the observer circuit is arranged to generate estimates indicative of the frequency and phase of the first and second input signals; in which the phase detector circuit is arranged to determine the phase difference between first and second estimated signals varying cyclically and at the frequency indicated by the estimates with a phase difference dependent on the phase difference indicated by the estimates, the first and second estimated signals varying in quadrature with each other on the one hand and the first and second input signals on the other by adding a multiplicative combination of the first input signal with the first estimated signal to a multiplicative combination of the second input signal with the second estimated signal to result in a sum signal dependent upon the phase difference; and in which the observer circuit is arranged to vary the estimates dependent upon the sum signal. 1. A measurement circuit for measuring at least one of the rotational position and rotational speed of the rotor of an electric motor , the circuit comprising:first and second inputs for receiving first and second input signals which vary cyclically with the rotational position of the rotor, the first and second input signals at the first and second inputs varying in quadrature with each other;a phase detector circuit; andan observer circuit;in which the observer circuit is arranged to generate estimates indicative of the frequency and phase of the ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Method for Checking an Exciting Current of a Synchronous Machine in Generator Operation

Номер: US20150091606A1
Автор: Ge Jie, Mehringer Paul

The method includes operating the synchronous machine in idle operation; recording a phase voltage measured value of the synchronous machine; ascertaining a phase voltage expected value by allocating stored characteristics map values for the phase voltage, for the exciting current and the recorded rotational speed of the synchronous machine; and comparing the phase voltage expected value to the phase voltage measured value. Also described is a diagnostic device for carrying out this method, as well as a corresponding computer program product. 19-. (canceled)10. A method for checking a current sensor for an exciting current measurement of a synchronous machine in generator operation having a regulated exciting current , the method comprising:operating the synchronous machine in idling operation of the synchronous machine;{'b': '2', 'recording a phase voltage measured value of the synchronous machine () during idling of the synchronous machine, and recording the exciting current;'}ascertaining a phase voltage expected value by allocating stored characteristics map values for the phase voltage, for the recorded exciting current and the recorded rotational speed of the synchronous machine; andcomparing the phase voltage expected value to the phase voltage measured value;wherein, when the comparison shows that the phase voltage measured value lies within the value interval between a lower and an upper boundary value, no fault signal is generated, and a fault signal is generated if the phase voltage measured value lies outside this value interval.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the stored characteristics map values for the phase voltage claim 10 , the exciting current and the rotational speed of the synchronous machine are ascertained before the initial start-up during idling of the synchronous machine.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein a monitoring window is formed claim 10 , having a lower and an upper boundary value claim 10 , for the phase voltage expected ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Identifying phase connections in an electric distribution system

Номер: US20140167735A1
Автор: Edward J. Beroset
Принадлежит: Elster Solutions Llc

Electrical power may be delivered to nodes in a network with a phase that is selected from a plurality of phases. According to various embodiments, the phase with which electrical power may be delivered to a particular node may be determined by varying, or identifying a variation in, the voltage of the electrical power that is delivered to a subset of nodes that is associated with a known phase. A variation in a voltage of the electrical power that is received by the particular node may also be identified. The phase with which the particular node is associated may be determined by correlating the identified voltage variation in the electrical power delivered to the subset of nodes that is associated with the known phase with the identified voltage variation in the electrical power received by the particular node.

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Power Grid Parameters

Номер: US20160091537A1
Автор: Gaarder Paal Even

A system and method for measurement of one or more parameters of a power grid () is disclosed. This comprises determining a plurality of events in at least one power waveform on the power grid using at least two sensors () and recording timings of the plurality of events in at least two different locations in the power grid. The data gathered is used to determine differences between the timings recorded in the at least two locations. A processing unit () is used to analyse the differences of the timings to determine the one or more parameters. These parameters include power flow, short circuits, and breaks in the power grid (). 1. A method for measurement of one or more parameters of a power grid , the one or more parameter being selected from the group of parameters comprising power flow , short circuits , added circuits , changes in a circuit , and breaks in the power grid , the method comprising:determining a plurality of events in at least one power waveform on the power grid;recording timings of the plurality of events in at least two different locations in the power grid;determining differences between the timings recorded in the at least two different locations in the power grid; andanalysing the differences of the timings to determine the one or more parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the plurality of events in the at least one power waveform comprises:determining a point in the at least one power waveform at which the at least one power waveform passes a given level.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the plurality of events in the at least one power waveform comprises:determining a point in the at least one power waveform at which the at least one power waveform has a given phase angle.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one power waveform is a voltage waveform.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the determining of the plurality of events in the voltage waveform is done at a low-voltage part of the power grid.6. ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091542A1

A transformer connection phase determination device includes a processor that executes a process. The process includes: acquiring a power value consumed by at least one consumer connected to a transformer that is connected to a phase corresponding to a combination of two of plural distribution lines, and acquiring respective current values flowing in the plural distribution lines; computing a frequency component of the power value or of a current value caused by the power value, and a frequency component of the respective current values flowing in the plural distribution lines; and computing respective correlation values indicating a correlation between the power value or the current value caused by the power value and the respective current values flowing in the plural distribution lines, using each of the computed frequency components, and determining the phase to which the transformer is connected based on the respective correlation values. 1. A transformer connection phase determination device , comprising: acquiring a power value consumed by at least one consumer connected to a transformer that is connected to a phase corresponding to a combination of two of a plurality of distribution lines, and acquiring respective current values flowing in the plurality of distribution lines;', 'computing a frequency component of the power value or of a current value caused by the power value, and a frequency component of the respective current values flowing in the plurality of distribution lines; and', 'computing respective correlation values indicating a correlation between the power value or the current value caused by the power value and the respective current values flowing in the plurality of distribution lines, using each of the computed frequency components, and determining the phase to which the transformer is connected based on the respective correlation values., 'a processor configured to execute a process, the process comprising2. The transformer connection ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091548A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

A method of estimating a periodic voltage, such as an input voltage, of one of the phases of an electrical circuit with at least two phases including a voltage sensor for each of its phases, each voltage sensor being capable of outputting a signal representative of at least a part of period of the periodic voltage of the phase. The method including the following steps: measure the representative signal starting from the voltage sensor; amplify the representative signal by a gain determined in the absence of an electrical fault in the circuit and based on a reference voltage common to all phases in the electrical circuit (); use the amplified representative signal to estimate the periodic voltage. A device for estimating a voltage and an electrical circuit including such a device. 1. A method of estimating a periodic voltage , such as an input voltage , the periodic voltage being one of the phases of an electrical circuit with at least two phases , the electrical circuit comprising a voltage sensor for each of its phases , each voltage sensor being capable of outputting a signal representative of at least a part of period of the periodic voltage of said phase , the method comprising the following steps:measuring the representative signal representative of at least a portion of a period of the periodic voltage of the phase using the voltage sensor,amplifying the representative signal by a gain determined in the absence of an electrical fault in the electrical circuit and based on a reference voltage common to all phases in the electrical circuit,using the amplified representative signal to estimate the periodic voltage.2. The method of estimating according to claim 1 , wherein a gain determination step is included claim 1 , said step comprising the following sub-steps once every n iterations claim 1 , where n is a positive integer greater than 1:detecting an electric fault if there is one,if no electrical defect is detected, calculating the gain based on the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091555A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

Method for the directional determination of an earth fault in an electric power distribution network, characterised in that it comprises the steps of: 1. Method for the directional determination of an earth fault in an electric power distribution network , characterised in that it comprises the steps of:{'b': '2', 'Determining (E) a residual current phasor,'}{'b': '2', 'Determining (E) a residual voltage phasor,'}{'b': '3', 'Determining (E) an active current by projection of the residual current phasor on the residual voltage phasor,'}{'b': '7', 'Determining (E) of the residual voltage phasor module,'}{'b': '7', 'Comparing (E) the residual voltage phasor module with a threshold (SVR),'}and in that it comprises the following steps, as long as the residual voltage phasor module remains higher than the threshold (SVR) or a fraction of the threshold (SVR), and for a predetermined number of iterations starting from the moment when the residual voltage phasor module is greater than the threshold (SVR):{'b': 9', '12, 'Determining (E, E) the integral of the active current and of the sign of the integral of the active current,'}{'b': '5', 'Determining (E) the residual current phasor module,'}Determining the number of times when the residual current phasor module is greater than a predetermined threshold (SIR), during the predetermined number of iterations,If the residual current phasor module is greater than the predetermined threshold (SIR) at least one time, during the predetermined number of iterations,{'b': '16', 'Determining (E) the location upstream or downstream of the defect according to the number of times when the sign of the integral of the active current was positive or negative during the predetermined number of iterations.'}2. Method for the directional determination of an earth fault according to claim 1 , characterised in that the number and the frequency of the iterations are chosen in such a way that the iterations are carried out over one network period.4. ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150094975A1

Wavelet transform systems and methods for voltage events detection and classification are provided and include a wavelet multiresolution analysis-based real time detection and classification for voltage events, as developed on a LabVIEW® platform. In the wavelet transform systems and methods for voltage events detection and classification, a finest detail level is utilized to detect the start time, the end time, and the duration of the voltage events, whereas a coarsest approximation level is used to classify the voltage event types. The wavelet transform systems and methods for voltage events detection and classification are applied on several typical short duration voltage events, such as sag, swell, and interruption. 2. The computer implemented wavelet transform method for voltage events detection and classification according to claim 1 , wherein the finest detail level is utilized to detect a start time claim 1 , an end time claim 1 , and a duration of a voltage event claim 1 , and the coarsest level is utilized to classify a voltage event.4. The voltage events detection and classification system according to claim 3 , wherein the finest detail level is utilized to detect a start time claim 3 , an end time claim 3 , and a duration of a voltage event claim 3 , and the coarsest level is utilized to classify a voltage event.6. The computer software product according to claim 5 , wherein the finest detail level is utilized to detect a start time claim 5 , an end time claim 5 , and a duration of a voltage event claim 5 , and the coarsest level is utilized to classify a voltage event. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to power quality (PQ) measurements, and particularly to a wavelet transform systems and methods for voltage events detection and classification.2. Description of the Related ArtModern electric power systems with new distributed renewable power sources such as wind power and solar power have seen the participation of a large amount of ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089962A1

A digital measurement system includes an oscillator, a mixer, and a controller coupled to each other. The oscillator provides a reference signal having a second frequency. The mixer generates a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal. The controller then determines a characteristic of the output signal (e.g., frequency or phase) based on the down-converted signal. An analog measurement system includes a filter having a center frequency, a rectifier, and a controller. The filter filters the output signal and the rectifier rectifies the filtered signal. The controller samples the rectified signal and determines a characteristic of the output signal based on the level of the rectified signal. The reference signal controller may adjust a characteristic of the output signal based on the determined frequency and/or phase of the output signal. 120-. (canceled)21. A generator comprising:a first oscillator configured to generate an output signal having a first frequency;a second oscillator configured to generate a reference signal having a second frequency;a first mixer coupled to the first oscillator and the second oscillator and configured to generate a down-converted signal based on the output signal and the reference signal; anda controller configured to determine an actual frequency of the output signal based on the down-converted signal.22. The generator according to claim 21 , wherein the output signal is a digital signal or an analog signal.23. The generator according to claim 21 , wherein the controller is further configured to control the output signal based on the actual frequency of the output signal.24. The generator according to claim 21 , wherein the second frequency is a fixed frequency or a variable frequency.25. The generator according to claim 21 , wherein the second frequency is set to a frequency such that the difference between the first frequency and the second frequency is less than a clock frequency of the generator. ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Method for startup of crystal oscillator with aid of external clock injection, associated crystal oscillator and monitoring circuit therein

Номер: US20210091720A1
Принадлежит: MediaTek Inc

A method for startup of a crystal oscillator (XO) with aid of external clock injection, associated XO and a monitoring circuit therein are provided. The XO includes an XO core circuit, an external oscillator, and an injection switch, where a quality factor of the external oscillator is lower than a quality factor of the XO core circuit. The method includes: utilizing the external oscillator to generate an injected signal; turning on the injection switch to make energy of the injected signal be injected into the XO core circuit, where an amplitude modulation (AM) signal is generated according to combination of the injected signal and an intrinsic oscillation signal from the XO core circuit; and controlling the external oscillator to selectively change an injection frequency of the injected signal according to the AM signal. More particularly, the injection switch is not turned off until the startup process is completed.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140172338A1

A method of detecting whether a receiver coil is near a transmit coil in a wireless power transfer system (WPTS), the method involving: applying a pseudo-random signal to the transmit coil; while the pseudo-random signal is being applied to the transmit coil, recording one or more signals produced within the WPTS in response to the applied pseudo-random signal; by using the one or more recorded signals, generating a dynamic system model for some aspect of the WPTS; and using the generated dynamic system model in combination with stored training data to determine whether an object having characteristics distinguishing the object as a receiver coil is near the transmit coil. 1. A method of detecting whether a receiver coil is near a transmit coil in a wireless power transfer system (WPTS) , said method comprising:applying a pseudo-random signal to the transmit coil;while the pseudo-random signal is being applied to the transmit coil, recording one or more signals produced within the WPTS in response to the applied pseudo-random signal;by using the one or more recorded signals, generating a dynamic system model for some aspect of the WPTS; andusing the generated dynamic system model in combination with stored training data to determine whether an object having characteristics distinguishing the object as a receiver coil is near the transmit coil.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , if the receiver coil is determined to be near the transmit coil claim 1 , initiating a wireless power transfer through the transmit coil to the receiver coil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pseudo-random signal is a pseudo-random voltage signal.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pseudo-random signal is sufficiently strong to stimulate nonlinearities in a receiver system connected to the receiver coil.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more signals includes a current signal of the transmit coil.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more signals ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097574A1

A non-transitory computer-readable recording medium stores therein a program that causes a computer to execute a phase determining process. The phase determining process includes: transmitting electricity to a consumer via a power distribution line branched from a power distribution line using a three-phase three-wire system; identifying a time change pattern of a highest correlation with a time change pattern of power consumption, voltage, or current at the consumer out of time change patterns of power consumption, voltage, or current of respective phases of a high-voltage power distribution line using the three-phase three-wire system; and determining a phase corresponding to the identified time change pattern to be a phase at a time of branching the power distribution line to the consumer. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable recording medium having stored therein a program that causes a computer to execute a phase determining process comprising:transmitting electricity to a consumer via a power distribution line branched from a power distribution line using a three-phase three-wire system;identifying a time change pattern of a highest correlation with a time change pattern of power consumption, voltage, or current at the consumer out of time change patterns of power consumption, voltage, or current of respective phases of a high-voltage power distribution line using the three-phase three-wire system; anddetermining a phase corresponding to the identified time change pattern to be a phase at a time of branching the power distribution line to the consumer.2. The non-transitory computer-readable recording medium according to claim 1 , whereinthe phase determining process further includes combining power consumption, voltage, or current obtainable from a plurality of consumers connected to a same branched power distribution line, and measuring a time change pattern of the combined power consumption, voltage, or current of the plurality of consumers at a branch, ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

In-Band Signaling Within Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Номер: US20170093218A1

Systems and methods for in-band communication across a wireless power interface from a load device to a source device. The load device selectively modifies the timing of switches within a voltage rectifier coupled to an output of a receive coil within the load device that receives power from a transmit coil within the source device. The source device detects changes in the power transfer (or in the relative timing of a voltage or a current) as digital information received from the load device. 1. A method of operating a wireless power transfer system comprising a source device and a load device , the method comprising:transferring power from the source device to the load device; and determining, by the load device, a data signal to be communicated to the source device; and', 'modifying a timing, by the load device, of a synchronous rectifier within the load device in a pattern based on the data signal., 'during power transfer from the source device to the load device2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the synchronous rectifier comprises a set of switches; andthe operation of modifying the timing, by the load device, of the synchronous rectifier within the load device in the pattern based on the data signal is a timing adjustment; andthe timing adjustment comprises delaying a turn-off of at least one switch of the set of switches of the synchronous rectifier until after a zero-crossing of an induced current.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the timing adjustment comprises delaying a turn-off time of the at least one switch so that current through the switch reverses.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the timing adjustment is configured to suppress a voltage spike associated with current conduction through a diode within the load device.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the diode is coupled in parallel with at the least one switch.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein:the at least one switch is a transistor; andthe diode is a body diode incorporated within the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220143412A1

Apparatus and methods for applying a phase-agnostic stimuli are disclosed herein. Certain embodiments include methods and apparatus that are configured to receive a detected signal from a subject and transmit a stimulation signal that is configured to optimize a response signal without regard to the phase of the detected signal. 1. An apparatus for applying a therapeutic treatment to a subject , the apparatus comprising:a stimulation electrode; and receive a detected signal from the subject;', 'transmit a first stimulation signal to the subject via the stimulation electrode, wherein the first stimulation signal is transmitted at a phase of the detected signal;', 'receive a response signal from the subject; and', 'transmit a second stimulation signal to the subject via the stimulation electrode, wherein the second stimulation signal is configured to optimize the response signal without regard to the phase of the detected signal., 'a programmable arbitrary waveform generator, wherein the programmable arbitrary waveform generator is configured to2. The apparatus of wherein the detected signal is received from a detection electrode.3. The apparatus of wherein the detection electrode is a separate component coupled to the apparatus.4. The apparatus of wherein the detection electrode is integral to the apparatus.5. The apparatus of wherein the programmable arbitrary waveform generator is configured to:transmit a third stimulation signal via the stimulation electrode;receive a second response signal from the subject; andtransmit a fourth stimulation signal, to the subject via the stimulation electrode, wherein the fourth stimulation signal is configured to optimize the second response signal without regard to the phase of the detected signal.6. The apparatus of wherein the programmable arbitrary waveform generator is configured to apply subsequent stimulation signals and receive subsequent response signals in an iterative process.7. The apparatus of wherein the second ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220144118A1

An energy supply system has a switch, which in an on state connects first conductors of a first line to second conductors of a second line and in an off state disconnects the first conductors of the first line from the second conductors of the second line. A measurement apparatus determines a difference value characterizing the phase difference between a first AC voltage signal at one first conductor and a second AC voltage signal at one second conductor. A control apparatus outputs a command via a signal transmission apparatus depending on the phase difference value. The first command enables a vehicle connected to the charging station to change the phase position of a fed-in AC voltage signal in the feed-in mode to reduce the phase difference, and the control apparatus enables a first change of state of the switch from the off state to the on state. 1. An energy supply system comprising: a control apparatus , a measurement apparatus , a switch unit , a charging station for a vehicle and a signal transmission apparatus ,the switch unit being designed so that, in an on state, the switch unit connects first conductors of a first line to associated second conductors of a second line and in an off state disconnects the first conductors of the first line from the associated second conductors of the second line,the charging station being connected electrically to the first line and being a bidirectional charging station to enable energy transmission from the charging station to a vehicle in a charging mode and to enable energy transmission from a vehicle to the charging station in a feed-in mode,the measurement apparatus being configured to determine at least one phase difference value characterizing the phase difference between a first AC voltage signal at one of the first conductors and a second AC voltage signal at one of the second conductors,the control apparatus being configured to output a first command by means of the signal transmission apparatus depending on ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150100256A1

A non-transitory computer-readable recording medium has stored therein a program that causes a computer to execute an imbalance determining process. The imbalance determining process includes: analyzing fluctuation situations of voltage values of respective phases in a power distribution line using a three-phase three-wire system; determining whether a location at which degree of divergence in voltage values among the phases exceeds a predetermined criterion is present; and outputting a result of the determining. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable recording medium having stored therein a program that causes a computer to execute an imbalance determining process comprising:analyzing fluctuation situations of voltage values of respective phases in a power distribution line using a three-phase three-wire system;determining whether a location at which degree of divergence in voltage values among the phases exceeds a predetermined criterion is present; andoutputting a result of the determining.2. The non-transitory computer-readable recording medium according to claim 1 , wherein the location is an installation location of a transformer.3. The non-transitory computer-readable recording medium according to claim 2 , wherein:the analyzing includes analyzing the fluctuation situations of voltage values of respective phases in a power distribution line using a three-phase three-wire system, from a voltage value of any of the phases in the three-phase three-wire system by using a voltage value of the transformer;the determining includes determining whether a location at which the degree of divergence in voltage values among the phases exceeds the predetermined criterion is present; andthe outputting includes identifying and outputting a transformer corresponding to the location when the location is present.4. The non-transitory computer-readable recording medium according to claim 3 , wherein either one of two neighboring transformers is identified and output as a ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Phase Identification Display Method

Номер: US20210096159A1

Methods are described to provide a new and improved display of phase identification measurements in a three-phase power distribution network, that is easier and more intuitive to interpret and define tagging reference phase. A short sequence of individual phase measurements are displayed as dots inside a static phase attribute display circle. The 3 primary, 12 secondary, and 6 three-phase attributes are displayed around the outside of the phase circle. When using a touch screen Smartphone or Tablet display device, the user simply touches inside the phase circle to rotate the dots around the center of the phase circle, so they line up with the known conductor phase attribute. This rotation defines the tagging reference phase for the circuit. 1. A method of providing a new and improved method for displaying results of phase identification measurements on a display device , said method comprising:taking one or more phase measurement on an energized conductor;displaying each said phase measurement on a phase attribute display on said display device;indicating a tagging reference phase of said energized conductor by moving said phase measurements displayed on said phase attribute display to indicate known phase attribute of said energized conductor; andsaving said tagging reference phase in a configuration file on said display device.2100200150155160150155101150201150301150. The method as claimed in wherein said phase attribute display or is composed of outer circle claim 1 , inner circle claim 1 , spokes every 15 degrees between inside said outer circle and said inner circle claim 1 , primary phase attributes every 120 degrees around said outer circle claim 1 , secondary phase attributes every 30 degrees around said outer circle claim 1 , and three phase attributes every 60 degrees around said outer circle .3120150155. The method as claimed in wherein each said phase measurement is displayed as a dot between said outer circle and said inner circle .4120150120120. The ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180095123A1

In example embodiments, there is provided enhanced disturbance management for an electrical power system. An enhanced disturbance management component can be operable to read monitoring data based on power flow measurements associated with measurement devices connected to an electrical power system, wherein the monitoring data can comprise alarm data indicative of an electrical disturbance within the electrical power system, and topology data indicative of a topology of the electrical power system. The enhanced disturbance management component can be operable to correlating the alarm data with a change in the topology data. 1. A device , comprising:a processor; anda memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, facilitate performance of operations, comprising: [ alarm data indicative of an electrical disturbance within the electrical power system, and', 'topology data indicative of a topology of the electrical power system;}, 'correlating the alarm data with changed topology data resulting from a change in the topology data; and', 'characterizing the electrical disturbance in the electrical power system based on the correlating of the alarm data with the changed topology data., 'obtaining monitoring data based on power flow measurements associated with measurement devices connected to an electrical power system, the monitoring data comprising2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the operations further comprise determining a coherency level representative of a degree of correlation between the alarm data and the changed topology data.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the measurement devices comprise a phasor measurement unit device that monitors electrical parameters associated with the electrical power system.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the alarm data relates to an angle disturbance alarm generated in response to a detection by the phasor measurement unit device of a difference in phase angle of a voltage associated with ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200091767A1

Methods and systems are disclosed for determining active and/or reactive power flows in a distribution line of a distribution network. The determined power flows may be linear in nature, and they may further be used to determine an overall network power flow for the distribution network. Further, the network power flow can be used to determine a voltage magnitude for any distribution bus in the distribution network. The methods and systems are capable of considering a plurality of sensitivity factors that may affect one or more distribution buses. 1. A method comprising:receiving, by a computing device, voltage data indicative of respective voltage magnitudes and voltage angles for a point of interest (“POI”), a first bus, and a second bus in a distribution network;determining, based on the voltage data, respective differences between the voltage magnitude and the voltage angle at the POI and the voltage magnitude and the voltage angle at the first and second bus;determining, based on the respective voltage magnitudes and voltage angles at the first and second bus, a first power flow for a distribution line between the first and second bus;determining, based on the first power flow and the respective differences between the POI voltage magnitude and the voltage magnitudes at the first and second bus, a second power flow for the distribution line between the first and second bus; andgenerating, based on a network power flow, a plurality of sensitivity factors associated with each bus in the distribution network, wherein the network power flow is based on the determined first and second power flows.2. The method claim 1 , wherein the distribution network comprises at least three buses.3. The method claim 2 , wherein the point of interest is a position in the distribution network at which the distribution network is coupled to an upstream sub-transmission network.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distribution network is a radial distribution network.5. The method ...
