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20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2427053C2

Изобретение касается вспомогательного устройства (1; 201; 304; 402) передачи данных для прерывателя цепи, содержащего средство (5; 51; 202) обработки, которое содержит первый вход (33; 57; 207) для приема (606) первого элемента данных о состоянии (О, С) прерывателя цепи, и по меньшей мере один командный выход (7, 8; 58, 59; 213, 214) для инициации передачи данных. Средство обработки содержит: второй вход (6; 55; 206) для приема по меньшей мере одного второго элемента данных, представляющего повреждение в электрической цепи или вспомогательную команду; средство (31; 56) распознавания для распознавания (605) типа повреждения (SD, SDT, SDV) в электрической цепи; и средство (34; 60) установки в рабочее состояние по меньшей мере одного командного выхода. Технический результат - оптимизация последовательности операций. 4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 22 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 427 053 (13) C2 (51) МПК H01H 71/46 H01H 71/12 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2007146180/07, 11.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.12.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ШНЕЙДЕР ЭЛЕКТРИК ЭНДЮСТРИ САС (FR) 2 4 2 7 0 5 3 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.06.2009 Бюл. № 17 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2011 Бюл. № 23 2 4 2 7 0 5 3 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. Ю.Д.Кузнецову, рег.№ 595 C 2 C 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЕР 0591074 А1, 06.04.1994. RU 2170441 C2, 10.07.2001. WO 0169632 A2, 20.09.2001. DE 2814070 B1, 26.04.1979. (54) ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО И СПОСОБ ПЕРЕДАЧИ ДАННЫХ, ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ УЗЕЛ И ПРЕРЫВАТЕЛЬ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ ЦЕПИ, СОДЕРЖАЩИЕ УПОМЯНУТОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО (57) Реферат: Изобретение касается вспомогательного устройства (1; 201; 304; 402) передачи данных для прерывателя цепи, содержащего средство (5; 51; 202) обработки, которое ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505878C2

Прерыватель среднего напряжения содержит электронный блок (1) защиты и управления, имеющий основание (2), прикрепленное к прерывателю. Основание (2) содержит основной корпус (21) с крепежным средством (210) для крепления к прерывателю и съемный блок (3). Первая сторона (22) основного корпуса (21) содержит замкнутое пространство (220), включающее в себя соединения (221) с прерывателем и его внутреннее оборудование. Вторая сторона (23) основного корпуса (21) содержит множество первых средств (231) силового и/или сигнального соединения. Съемный блок (3) содержит кожух (31). Первая часть (310) кожуха (31) вмещает в себя одно или более Интеллектуальных Электронных Устройств, вторая часть (320) кожуха (31) соединена с возможностью съема с основанием и содержит множество вторых средств (321) силового и/или сигнального соединения, соединенных с первым средством силового и/или сигнального соединения. Технический результат - создание прерывателя среднего напряжения с функцией защиты и управления, ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2622385C1
Принадлежит: ЭлЭсАйЭс КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Изобретение относится к устройству мгновенного отключения выключателя в литом корпусе. Устройство включает в себя корпус, магнитную часть, расположенную в корпусе для генерирования силы магнитного притяжения при протекании через нее аварийного тока, якорь, выполненный с возможностью быть обращенным к магнитной части, при этом якорь совершает поворот к магнитной части под действием силы магнитного притяжения, пружину якоря, чтобы позволить якорю упруго возвратиться в свое исходное положение после устранения силы магнитного притяжения, а также часть для поддержания зазора, ограничивающую поворот якоря, так что при возникновении аварийного тока сохраняется зазор, образованный между якорем и магнитной частью. Часть для поддержания зазора включает в себя звено ограничения поворота, выполненное с возможностью нахождения на траектории поворота якоря между якорем и магнитной частью. Таким образом, сплавление между якорем и магнитной частью вследствие возникновения аварийного тока можно предотвратить ...

10-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2378730C1

Воздушный выключатель имеет механизм переключения, привод с выходным звеном для обеспечения механической движущей силы, первый соединительный блок, включенный между выходным звеном привода и механизмом переключения для приложения механической движущей силы от выходного звена к механизму переключения и выполнения операции размыкания, пластину передней поверхности, снабженную манипуляторным блоком, доступным для пользователя. Кроме того, воздушный выключатель содержит: первый рычаг вращения, соединенный с первым соединительным блоком, второй соединительный блок, ограниченно перемещаемый первым рычагом вращения, смещающую пружину для приложения упругой силы смещения ко второму соединительному блоку для перемещения в одном направлении, второй рычаг вращения, установленный так, что он может вращаться в контакте с одной частью конца второго соединительного блока, и механизм индикации механического размыкания, удерживаемый пластиной передней поверхности и имеющий индикаторную часть, наружную к ...

27-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007146832A

... 1. Устройство защиты для воздушного автоматического выключателя, содержащее: индикатор напряжения для детектирования тока, подаваемого на нагрузку через воздушный автоматический выключатель, и для преобразования тока в напряжение; выпрямитель для выпрямления продетектированного напряжения индикатора напряжения; компаратор для сравнения выходного напряжения выпрямителя с заданным опорным напряжением для определения необходимости отключения воздушного автоматического выключателя; и катушку расцепителя, приводимую в действие в ответ на определение компаратором необходимости отключения воздушного автоматического выключателя. ! 2. Устройство защиты по п.1, в котором выпрямитель содержит: положительный полупериодный выпрямитель для выделения напряжения положительных полупериодов из продетектированного напряжения выпрямителя и для вывода напряжения на компаратор; и отрицательный полупериодный выпрямитель для выделения напряжения отрицательных полупериодов из продетектированного напряжения выпрямителя ...

20-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010145930A

... 1. Прерыватель среднего напряжения, содержащий электронный блок (1) защиты и управления, отличающийся тем, что электронный блок (1) защиты и управления содержит: ! основание (2), прикрепленное к прерывателю, содержащее основной корпус (21) с крепежным средством (210) для крепления к прерывателю, причем первая сторона (22) основного корпуса (21) содержит замкнутое пространство (220), включающее в себя соединения (221) с прерывателем и его внутреннее оборудование, а вторая сторона (23) основного корпуса (21) содержит множество первых средств (231) силового и/или сигнального соединения; ! съемный блок (3), содержащий кожух (31), причем первая часть (310) кожуха (31) вмещает в себя одно или более Интеллектуальных Электронных Устройств, а вторая часть (320) кожуха соединена с возможностью съема с основанием (2) и содержит множество вторых средств (321) силового и/или сигнального соединения, соединенных с первым средством силового и/или сигнального соединения (231). ! 2. Прерыватель по п.1, отличающийся ...

30-12-1999 дата публикации

Over-current trigger for multi-pole power switch

Номер: DE0019830017A1

The power switch (1) includes a switch mechanism with switching contacts (2) which are electromagnetically operated by an over-current release (4) evaluating the current of a connected load, measured by a current converter (5). A voltage converter (6), arranged parallel to each switching contact of the power switch, is connected with the over-current release, causing an activation of the over-current release at opening of a switching contact. The voltage converters are preferably connected in series with an auxiliary contact (7) operated through the power switch (1).

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Kontaktüberwachungseinrichtung für eine sicherheitskritische Auslösevorrichtung eines Schaltgeräts

Номер: DE102018215536A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kontaktüberwachungseinrichtung für eine sicherheitskritische Auslösevorrichtung eines Schaltgeräts mit einer auf einem ersten Schaltträgermedium (1, 12) angeordneten Schaltbild für eine Auslösevorrichtung (5, 16) und einer auf einem zweiten Schaltträgermedium (2, 13) angeordneten Auslöseelektronik (4, 15).Die Erfindung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Kontaktüberwachungseinrichtung redundante elektrische Verbindungen (3, 14) aufweist, die derart überwacht werden, dass bereits der Ausfall einer redundanten elektrischen Verbindung (3, 14) erkannt wird.

04-12-2003 дата публикации

Elektrischer Leistungsschalter mit einem elektronischen Speicher für Kenngrößen und/oder Umrechnungsfaktoren

Номер: DE0010221571A1

Ein Leistungsschalter (1) weist eine Schutzeinrichtung (10) und eine von der Schutzeinrichtung (10) getrennt im Leistungsschalter (10) untergebrachte elektronische Speichereinrichtung (40) für Kenngrößen und/oder Umrechnungsfaktoren auf. Eine zu der Speichereinrichtung (40) gehörende Trennschaltung sorgt dafür, dass ein in der Speichereinrichtung (40) befindlicher Speicher (41), insbesondere ein EEPROM, eine geeignete Betriebsspannung erhält, obwohl bestimmte Eigenschaften der Versorgungsspannung geändert werden, die der Speichereinrichtung (40) über Verbindungsleitungen (22, 23) zugeführt werden. Durch die Änderung wird ein Steuersignal für einen Schreibschutzanschluss (WC) des Speichers (41) gewonnen, um den Speicher (41) wahlweise gegen Beschreiben zu sperren.

08-05-2002 дата публикации

Niederspannungs-Leistungsschalter mit einem Bemessungsstromstecker

Номер: DE0010054436A1

A rating plug may conventionally be provided with an electrical coding such that unsuitable identification of the rating plug is not transmitted to the trigger unit, but rather the attempt to make use of such a rating plug leads to a signal. According to the invention, the signalling unit may be arranged on the housing of the low-voltage power breaker (1), or on the trigger unit (5). Thus, in addition to the conventional solution, the states wrong rating plug, wrong contact connection and defective rating plug may be recorded.

25-05-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002055899A1

16-06-2004 дата публикации

Electronic circuit breaker with magnetic mechanism

Номер: GB0000410911D0

14-12-1994 дата публикации

Circuit breaker trip system

Номер: GB0009421600D0

20-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008617200D0

11-05-1994 дата публикации

Shield device for magnetic interference

Номер: GB0009405720D0

22-05-1996 дата публикации

Circuit breaker

Номер: GB0002295275A

A circuit breaker comprises first and second spring biased movable contacts 33x, (33y, Fig 1) engageable with respective fixed contacts 31x, (31y) and a link 48 connecting the movable contacts together for ganged movement. The link 48 has two legs, one of which 48a is coupled to an operating handle 41 and the other of which 48b is coupled to the first movable contact 33x and to the lower end of a pivotable member (121) carrying the second movable contact (33y). The upper end of the contact carrier (121) is pivotable about an axis parallel to the other leg 48b of the link 48. In response to a leakage current detected by a current transformer (92), an electromagnetic actuator (100) is operated to trip the circuit breaker and to move an indicator (133) against the bias of a spring (134) to an actuation indicating position in which it is held by a latch (131). ...

03-05-1995 дата публикации

Circuit breaker trip assembly

Номер: GB2283364A

A trip solenoid assembly for initiating separation of a pair of contacts within a circuit breaker incorporates a solenoid 90 having a metal sleeve 105 with a plunger 91 that moves reciprocatingly within the metal sleeve. A cap 93 is disposed at one end of the plunger and has a tab 92 extending therefrom with a tab aperture therein. The plunger 91 has a slot defined by a pair of prongs for receiving the tab 92, the pair of prongs each have a plunger aperture therein. A retaining pin 95 located within the cap aperture and the plunger apertures retains the cap 93 on the plunger 91 in such a way as to allow the cap and the plunger to have relative movement with respect to each other thereby avoiding damage to other components. A compression spring 94 is positioned between the solenoid and the retaining pin 95 for biasing the plunger 91 in a direction away from the solenoid so that when the solenoid is energized the plunger will move in a direction away from the solenoid. ...

12-03-2008 дата публикации

Multi-pole circuit breaker

Номер: GB0002431047B

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Isolating circuit breaker and circuit protection arrangement

Номер: GB0002365627A

An isolating circuit breaker (40) for pole mounting (12) in relation to a electrical distribution line, said isolating circuit breaker including: an isolating switch (50) with a pivoting link (52), said isolating switch having respective terminals (45, 44) for electrical coupling to load and supply conductors (54, 53) of the electrical distribution line; a circuit interrupter (55) disposed in series with the isolating switch (50), intermediate said load and supply conductors and preferably incorporated in the pivoting link of the isolating switch; an actuator (58) arranged for selectively opening and closing the circuit interrupter (55); an electronic controller (61) controlling operation of the isolating circuit breaker in response to electrical conditions in the distribution line; and said isolating switch, circuit interrupter, actuator and electronic controller arranged together on a mounting structure (41,42,43) adapted for pole mounting. A circuit protection arrangement comprising ...

11-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001397415A

... 1397415 Protective arrangements RUCKER CO 25 April 1972 [7 May 1971] 17044/74 Divided out of 1397414 Heading H2K The subject matter of this Specification is identical with that of Specification 1,397,414 but the claims relate to the manner in which the operating coil of the interrupting device functions. Reference has been directed by the Comptroller to Specification 1,353,411.

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000482463T

15-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001086873A

25-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331897B

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000243885T

20-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000604591B2

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Configurable arc fault or ground fault circuit interrupter and method

Номер: AU2008220502B2

13-11-2003 дата публикации

Circuit Interrupter Trip Unit

Номер: AU2003203606A1

09-09-1999 дата публикации

Electronic relay

Номер: AU0000709763B2

04-06-2001 дата публикации

An improved low-voltage power circuit breaker

Номер: AU0001131801A

30-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002384210A1

A circuit breaker includes a housing; separable contacts mounted in the housing; a latchable operating mechanism including a latch lever which when released opens the separable contacts; and an overcurrent assembly responsive to selected conditions of current flowing through the separable contacts for releasing the latch lever to trip the separable contacts open. The circuit breaker also includes an arc fault indicator; an arc fault trip actuator which when energized moves a first indicator latch for actuating the arc fault indicator and a second latch for releasing the latch lever to trip the separable contacts open; and an arc fault current assembly responsive to selected arc fault conditions of current flowing through the separable contacts for energizing the arc fault trip actuator to actuate the arc fault indicator and to trip the separable contacts open.

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001081767A1

17-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1249002A

GROUND FAULT MODULE FOR GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT BREAKER A ground fault module is disclosed for ease of assembly within a ground fault circuit breaker. The module houses the pre-assembled signal processor module, which contains the ground fault circuit interruption logic, along with the mechanical components required for translating the trip initiating response from the signal processor solenoid to the circuit breaker operating mechanism. The ground fault test button and related circuitry are also supported within the ground fault module.

19-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1144961A

... 41PR-6130 TRIP INTERLOCK FOR STATIC TRIP CIRCUIT BREAKERS A static trip unit is comprised of a current transformer module and an electronic programmer module physically and electrically mated together for incorporation in a molded case industrial circuit breaker. Current transformer modules and programmer modules are separately interchangeable to change breaker current ratings and functional capabilities. A trip interlock is included to prevent breaker closure in the absence of either the trip unit or the trip solenoid.

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1081767A

An electrical receptacle assembly affording ground fault protection includes a housing containing fixed contacts supported by socket connector subassemblies. A support plate mounts an electronics magnetics module and operating mechanism sub-assembly including a pivotal, movable contact carrying arm, a latch, a reset button and a trip solenoid. The reset button positions the latch to detain the arm with the contacts in circuit completing relation. On a ground fault, the module effectuates energization of the solenoid to unlatch the arm which moves to separate the contacts.

17-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA995341A

09-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1046119A

A multipole circuit breaker including a latch release actuator having a trip coil and a hold-in coil coaxially surrounding a plunger and mounted within a hollow cylindrical actuator support frame. The actuator is mounted in association with a latch mechanism and includes a spring biasing the plunger toward release of the latch mechanism. The hold-in coil is responsive to voltage conditions on an external control line and serves to oppose the action of the bias spring and maintain the plunger in a position to prevent release of the latch mechanism when the voltage on the control line is above a predetermined level. The trip coil is connected to an electronic sensing circuit which activates the trip coil upon overcurrent conditions through the circuit breaker contacts to cause the trip coil to aid the action of the bias spring and overcome the action of the hold-in coil to move the plunger into engagement with the latch mechanism, effecting release of the latch mechanism and separation of ...

31-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002538557A1

An encapsulated medium voltage vacuum circuit interrupter (1, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150) includes a line terminal (2), a load terminal (3), a vacuum interrupter (4), an operating mechanism (5) and an elongated, insulated, generally cylindrical encapsulating housing (32). The vacuum interrupter includes a vacuum envelope (6) containing a fixed contact assembly (8) and a movable contact assembly (10) movable between a closed circuit position in electrical communication with the fixed contact assembly and an open circuit position spaced apart from the fixed contact assembly. The fixed contact assembly is electrically interconnected with the line terminal. A flexible conductor (24) electrically connects the movable contact assembly with the load terminal. The operating mechanism moves the movable contact assembly between the closed circuit position and the open circuit position. The housing includes a first end supporting the line terminal and an opposite second end supporting the load terminal ...

10-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001079357A1

26-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002350514C

An arc fault circuit breaker (10) conducting an electric current to a protected load is presented. The circuit breaker (10) has a first (mechanical) compartment (24) and a second (electrical) compartment (62). A bimetal resistor (50) is disposed within the first compartment (24) and conducts the current therethrough. The bimetal resistor (50) has a stud (56) extending into the second compartment (62). A single sense line (160) is electrically connected to the bimetal resistor (50) and routed into the second compartment (62). The sense line (60) and said stud (56) conduct a voltage signal indicative of arcing of the current. A circuit board (84) is disposed within the second compartment (62) and is connected to the sense line (60) and stud (56) within the second compartment (62) to process the voltage signal. The circuit board (84) has a first conductive path (104) electrically connected to the stud (56), and a second conductive path (106) electrically connected to the sense line (60). The ...

01-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002605392C

A saw blade (10) includes a circular core (21) having a plurality of cutters (12) disposed along a periphery thereof, and a central bore (14) configured to receive an arbor of a rotating power tool. A plurality of gullets (16) is located in spaced relation between the cutters (12), extending radially inward from the periphery. Each of the gullets (16) includes a neck portion (18) defined by side walls (22) extending radially inward and fairing divergently from one another into an arcuate (20) base. The arcuate base (20) extends along concave arcs (28) to a linear base portion (30) disposed at a radially innermost portion thereof, and which intersects a radius (AA) of the saw blade (10).

22-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002662241C

A universal trip unit for use with a circuit breaker apparatus is provided and includes a communication unit configured to communicate with a personality module of the circuit breaker apparatus and to thereby receive key breaker personality parameters that relate to operational characteristics of the circuit breaker apparatus, and a controller. The controller includes a memory on which a universal register, previously stored key parameters and the received key breaker personality parameters are stored, the controller being configured to control the communication unit to receive the key breaker personality parameters in accordance with information determined from the universal register, and components to execute trip protection when at least one of a current and a voltage within the circuit breaker apparatus exceeds a respective predetermined threshold as defined by the previously stored key parameters and the received key breaker personality parameters.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002970971A1

A trip apparatus (10) for a circuit interruption device (12) comprises a coil (22) that is operatively connectable to a circuit interruption device (12). The coil (22) is configured to selectively operate the circuit interruption device (12) to interrupt a current flowing through the circuit interruption device (12) when the current exceeds a threshold. The trip apparatus (10) also includes a current measuring device (24) that is configured to selectively measure a coil current (It) flowing through the coil (22) to determine a measured coil current signal (26). In addition the trip apparatus (10) includes a monitoring device (28) which is configured to determine the derivative (30) of the measured coil current signal (26) and to perform a correlation of the derivative (30) of the measured coil current signal (26) and a reference derivative (42) of a reference coil current signal (44) to determine a correlation output. The monitoring device (28) is further configured to compare the correlation ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002715643A1

A system and associated components for providing an intelligent circuit breaker being adapted to communicate with, monitor and control various devices within a commercial or residential premises. In one embodiment, the system is adapted for low cost, ease of installation and operation, and ease of manufacture. The intelligent circuit breaker may also be adapted to send data relating to sensed parameter or conditions to, and receive commands from, a user interface. Methods for operating such breakers and converting existing circuit breakers to intelligent circuit breakers consistent with the aforementioned system and components are also described.

06-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713270A1

A circuit breaker includes separable contacts, an operating mechanism structured to open and close the separable contacts, and a trip mechanism cooperating with the operating mechanism to trip open the contacts. The trip mechanism includes a current transformer structured to sense a current flowing through the contacts and provide a signal representative of the current. A manually operable selector selects one of a plurality of predetermined current conditions by using a plurality of different zener diodes. Each of the predetermined current conditions is greater than an arc reduction maintenance current condition of four times the maximum rated current of the trip mechanism. An instantaneous trip circuit cooperates with the current transformer and the manually operable selector to compare the signal representative of the current with respect to the selected one of the predetermined current conditions. The instantaneous trip circuit responsively causes the operating mechanism to instantaneously ...

05-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814005C

An electronic circuit breaker includes controllable mechanical contacts (12) adapted to connect a primary power source (10) to at least one load (11); and control circuitry (14-19) for monitoring the flow of power from the primary power source (10) to the load (11), detecting fault conditions and automatically opening the contacts (12) in response to the detection of a fault condition. A primary power source (10) supplies power to the control circuitry (14-19) when the contacts (12) are closed, and an auxiliary power source (20) supplies power to the control circuitry (14-19) when the contacts (12) are open, whether by a trip or by manual opening.

24-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814483C
Принадлежит: GEFRAN SPA, GEFRAN S.P.A.

The invention relates to a circuit breaker (100) for protecting an electrical system (10). The circuit breaker comprises a semiconductor switching element (T1) with a first (1) and a second (2) electrical terminal connected to a mains supply line (LIN) and a control terminal (3). Such switching element (T1) is controlled by enabling/disabling a control signal (S) applied to the control terminal (3) for switching between an open/closed status and a closed/open status for connecting/disconnecting at least one load (LD) to/from the supply line (LIN). Moreover, the circuit breaker comprises a drive (DV) adapted to enable/disable the control signal (S). The circuit breaker (100) is characterised in that it comprises: - a current limiting circuit (200) operatively associated with the mains supply line (LIN) configured for sending a first signal (S1) to the drive (DV) for disabling the control signal (S) switching the switching element (T1) from the closed status to the open status subsequent ...

04-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002814483A1

The invention relates to a circuit breaker (100) for protecting an electrical system (10). The circuit breaker comprises a semiconductor switching element (T1) with a first (1) and a second (2) electrical terminal connected to a mains supply line (LIN) and a control terminal (3). Such switching element (T1) is controlled by enabling/disabling a control signal (S) applied to the control terminal (3) for switching between an open/closed status and a closed/open status for connecting/disconnecting at least one load (LD) to/from the supply line (LIN). Moreover, the circuit breaker comprises a drive (DV) adapted to enable/disable the control signal (S). The circuit breaker (100) is characterised in that it comprises: - a current limiting circuit (200) operatively associated with the mains supply line (LIN) configured for sending a first signal (S1) to the drive (DV) for disabling the control signal (S) switching the switching element (T1) from the closed status to the open status subsequent ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002802595A1

The disclosed concept relates to an overload relay and, more specifically, to an overload relay switch having a reduced number of components and less complex components. The reduced number of components includes the lack of a return spring on the manual actuators. Further, the relay switch member, which was typically a snap switch conducting member structured to change its configuration, is a substantially flat blade. Further, a circuit is used to detect an over-current condition and a solenoid actuates the relay switch assembly, thereby eliminating the need for a mechanical over-current detection and switch actuation device.

12-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002073442A1

28-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002085670A1

... 41PR-6729 MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERPROCESS LOOP CONTROLLER UNIT An integrated protection unit is a circuit breaker which includes basic overcurrent protection facility along with selective electrical accessories. A molded plastic accessory access cover secured to the integrated protection unit cover protects the accessory components contained within the integrated protection unit cover from the environment. A combined overcurrenttrip actuator and accessory unit is either field-installed or factory-installed within the integrated protection unit. One such actuator-accessory responds to a process current loop signal upon command to interrupt circuit current to associated electrical equipment.

15-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002134181C

For a circuit breaker a trip solenoid assembly is provided for initiating separation of a pair of contacts within the circuit breaker. The trip solenoid assembly incorporates a solenoid having a metal sleeve with a plunger that moves reciprocatingly within the metal sleeve. A cap is disposed at one end of the plunger having a tab extending therefrom with a tab aperture therein. The plunger has a slot defined by a pair of prongs for receiving the tab, the pair of prongs each have a plunger aperture therein. A retaining pin located within the cap aperture and the plunger apertures retains the cap on the plunger together. The retaining pin retains the cap to the plunger in such a way as to allow the cap and the plunger to have relational movement with respect to each other. A compression spring is positioned between the solenoid and the retaining pin for biasing the plunger in a direction away from the solenoid so that when the solenoid is energized the plunger will move in a direction away ...

15-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002142249A1

A circuit breaker has a pair of poles, either of which can experience a ground fault. A sensing device senses an imbalance of current between the phases and neutral, and a trip device responsive to the sensing device simultaneously trips both of the poles when an imbalance of current (ground fault) is sensed in either of the poles. The trip device includes a trip lever engageable with each of the poles and a single solenoid for controlling operation of the trip lever.

15-01-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000571764A5

31-01-2000 дата публикации

Safety socket, esp. for wall mounting, has contact carrier moved into contact closure position to activate protective device until leakage/difference current activates electronic switch

Номер: CH0000689927A5

The safety socket has a socket housing (11) contg. plug contacts connected to a protective device (17) reactive to leakage current or difference current. A contact carrier (30) is moved from a contact free position into a contact closure position to activate the protective device and is electromagnetically retained in this position until a leakage or difference current activates switching electronics.

07-06-2006 дата публикации

Switchgear unit for a consumer

Номер: CN0001258799C

13-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002516305A


12-05-1995 дата публикации

Circuit breaker comprising a connecting device of triggers.

Номер: FR0002703506B1
Принадлежит: MERLIN GERIN

08-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002615035B1

26-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002837619A1

Un disjoncteur limiteur comporte deux contacts séparables 68, 70 et un mécanisme 12 à ressort d'accumulation 36, piloté par un verrou d'ouverture 30. Le mécanisme 12 entraîne une cage mobile entre une position fermée et une position ouverte pour assurer l'ouverture des contacts. L'un des contacts est mobile par rapport à la cage en position fermée et peut ainsi prendre une position de séparation. Pour entraîner le contact mobile 68 en position de séparation est prévu un actionneur électromécanique 100 à effet Thomson. Un verrou - permet de maintenir le contact mobile en position de séparation. En cas de défaut nécessitant une réponse ultrarapide, la séparation des contacts est obtenue grâce à l'actionneur à effet Thomson, puis confirmée par l'ouverture du mécanisme. Dans les autres cas, seul le mécanisme intervient pour assurer l'ouverture.

30-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003028661B1

02-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003054716A1

Déclencheur électronique pour appareil électrique multipolaire de protection de ligne, du type disjoncteur, comprenant un bloc de mesure (1) de courant et un bloc de traitement (2) électrique de la mesure de courant. Chacun desdits blocs (1, 2) s'étend essentiellement le long d'une direction de référence (X). Ce déclencheur se caractérise en ce que lesdits blocs de mesure (1) et de traitement (2) consistent en des blocs tripolaires raccordés l'un à l'autre, et en ce qu'il comporte des moyens d'adjonction d'un neutre devant ou derrière lesdits blocs de mesure (1) et de traitement (2) selon la direction de référence (X).

09-04-1993 дата публикации

Circuit breaker with units of electronic disjonctage and plates on terminals of load and ligneinterchangeables and connector of terminals of load for such a circuit breaker

Номер: FR0002682220A1

Ce disjoncteur comprend un capot (12) qui reçoit une unité de disjonctage électronique (16) perfectionnée, une unité d'affichage et de clavier et une unité de disjonctage de base permettant l'ouverture du circuit sans l'unité de disjonctage de base. Les bornes de charge relient électriquement des transformateurs de détection de courant au circuit extérieur et reçoivent des plaquettes (22) de même taille que celles qui relient le disjoncteur au système de distribution de puissance électrique.

03-07-1992 дата публикации

Circuit breaker comprising an interface board with a release

Номер: FR0002671228A1

La carte d'interface, fixée au disjoncteur, comporte des résistances (R1,R2) destinées à venir se connecter en parallèle sur une résistance (R3) d'un pont diviseur définissant, dans le déclencheur (8) le seuil de déclenchement instantané. Les valeurs des résistances (R1,R2) de la carte d'interface sont adaptées au type et au calibre du disjoncteur. Il est ainsi possible d'utiliser un déclencheur amovible standard (8), la carte d'interface modifiant le seuil de déclenchement instantané en fonction du type et du calibre du disjoncteur. La carte d'interface peut également servir d'interface électrique entre le déclencheur et divers éléments du disjoncteur, notamment les transformateurs de courant et la bobine de déclenchement.

18-01-2002 дата публикации

Electrical differential protection circuit switch reinforcing isolation mechanism having primary conductors rotating section attached and freeing conductor ends apparatus connection.

Номер: FR0002811805A1

La présente invention concerne un appareil de protection électrique différentiel, comprenant un mécanisme d'ouverture et de fermeture d'au moins deux contacts électriques, un dispositif de déclenchement différentiel, le dispositif de déclenchement différentiel étant monté sur un support de traitement d'informations tel une carte et comprenant un tore fixé sur ledit support et traversé par des conducteurs primaires formés par les conducteurs de l'installation électrique à protéger. Cet appareil est caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte un séparateur (12) destiné à renforcer l'isolement entre les différents conducteurs primaires précités (11) et étant apte en outre à assurer le guidage en rotation du support d'information (1) sur lequel est monté le tore précité (9), autour des conducteurs primaires (11), de manière à libérer l'accès à l'une des extrémités (11a) desdits conducteurs primaires (11) afin de permettre l'opération de fixation de ces extrémités (11a) aux plages de raccordement correspondantes ...

09-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002940853A1

Un module de commande de puissance à semi-conducteurs (28, 52, 70) contient une mémoire non volatile (30). Un commutateur (32) destiné à s'ouvrir est prévu pour interrompre une alimentation d'un composant. Le commutateur peut être actionné pour déclencher (s'ouvrir) lorsqu'une condition indésirable est détectée, et en outre pour être ouvert lors de la réception d'un signal de commande. Un état du commutateur est mémorisé dans la mémoire non volatile. Un détecteur est prévu pour identifier si un module a été installé dans un logement, et communique avec la mémoire non volatile s'il est déterminé que le module est nouvellement installé dans un logement. Un système et un procédé sont également revendiqués.

18-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002478367A1

01-12-2000 дата публикации

Circuit breaker/electronic card connection having flexible U-shaped support/connection end and card position slotting card contact elements connecting.

Номер: FR0002794281A1

Ce dispositif comporte une pièce de connexion (5) réalisée au moins en partie en un matériau conducteur rigide ou semi-rigide présentant une légère élasticité, ladite pièce de connexion (5) comportant d'une part, des moyens de fixation (6, 7, 8) à un support tel une carte électronique (4), lesdits moyens étant aptes à relier électriquement pendant cette fixation la partie conductrice de la pièce de connexion (5) aux éléments de contact (3) de la carte (4) et d'autre part, une partie de contact (15) apte à être amenée en contact par pression sur la plage précitée (2) pendant l'opération de fixation de la carte (4) au boîtier de l'appareil.

21-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: KR19900006771B1

The circuit interrupter comprises an interrupting unit and an automatic trip unit for tripping the unit to open separable contacts in response to an overcurrent. The automatic trip unit is a replaceable unit selected from a number of differing type trip units including an electronic trip unit and a thermally responsive electromagnetic trip unit. The automatic unit is operatively connectable to the interrupting unit. The interrupting units and automatic trip unit are housed in a device having a cavity for receiving the automatic unit in it. The housing comprises a base having formed in it a recessed portion in which a bottom portion of the automatic top trip unit is received. Copyright 1997 KIPO ...

03-11-2020 дата публикации

Vacuum circuit breaker

Номер: KR0102173320B1
Автор: 장민호
Принадлежит: 엘에스일렉트릭(주)

본 발명은 대용량 진공 차단 구조에 적합한 크래들 접속 구조를 구비한 진공차단기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따르면, 크래들의 접속 시 높은 접촉 하중을 제공할 수 있어 사고전류 인입 시에도 정상적으로 기능을 수행할 수 있다. 또한, 본 발명에 따른 진공차단기는 스프링력이 상하 방향으로 일정하게 제공되므로 크래들 접속 시 균일한 접촉 하중을 제공하여 안정적인 전류 공급이 가능하다. The present invention relates to a vacuum breaker having a cradle connection structure suitable for a large-capacity vacuum break structure. According to the present invention, a high contact load can be provided when the cradle is connected, so that the function can be performed normally even when an accident current is drawn in. In addition, since the vacuum circuit breaker according to the present invention provides a constant spring force in the vertical direction, it is possible to supply a stable current by providing a uniform contact load when the cradle is connected.

20-07-2020 дата публикации

housing insert type temperature detecting circuit breaker

Номер: KR0102135903B1

15-05-2020 дата публикации

Circuit Breaker

Номер: KR0102111463B1

30-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170098627A
Автор: OH, KI HWAN

An objective of the present invention is to provide an instant trip mechanism for a molded-case circuit breaker which reduces an operating distance of an armature sucked by an electromagnet when a fault current occurs to shorten blocking time of the fault current to improve performance and reliability of a molded-case circuit breaker. According to the present invention, the instant trip mechanism for a molded-case circuit breaker comprises: an adjustment dial to set a current to perform an instant trip operation; an instant bar having an upper portion to come in contact with the adjustment dial, an shaft portion becoming a rotary shaft, and a lower extension portion extended downwards from the shaft portion; an electromagnet unit connected to a circuit to generate a magnetic attraction force proportional to a conduction current amount on the circuit; an armature attracted towards the electromagnet unit by the magnetic attraction force, wherein a lower end thereof is axially supported to ...

13-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007104048A2

A circuit protection system includes a normal mode and a maintenance mode. A current sensor senses current in the circuit. An enclosure includes an access panel that is movable between a closed position and open position. A circuit breaker is mounted within the enclosure. An electronic trip unit is in communication with the current sensor and controls interruptions of the current by the circuit breaker based on a trip setting. An interface device is accessible when said access panel is closed and allows selections of the normal and maintenance modes. A display, which is in communication with both of the user interface device and the electronic trip unit, monitors the interface device and transmits data to the trip unit that is based on the selected mode. The display receives data from the trip unit and displays information based on the received data. The display is viewable when the access panel is closed. The trip unit changes the trip setting when said maintenance mode is selected to ...

04-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008104850A2

An arc fault and/or ground fault circuit interrupter (100) includes an operating mechanism (115) structured to open and close separable contacts (110), a trip mechanism (150) cooperating with the operating mechanism (115) to trip open the separable contacts (110), a test button (140) structured to test the trip mechanism (150), an indicator (145, 146), and a controller (120) structured to configure a setting of the circuit interrupter (100) and operate the indicator (145, 146) to indicate the setting in response to an actuation of the test button (140).

22-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO0002065498A1

The invention concerns a switchgear device comprising an elongated base provided with power poles whereon act a switch-contactor part and a protective part. The base houses power current lines (15) and their control mechanism (20). With said mechanism are associated two respective mobile rods (30, 40), namely a first rod (30) controlled by the electromagnet of the switch-contactor part (16) and a second rod (40) driven by the triggering member (18) of the protective part or by the manual control knob (17). The rods activate signalling contacts (31, 32; 41, 42, 43, 44) arranged multistage on different levels, said contacts capable of being housed in mobile blocks (A, B) mounted on the housing and in a fixed subjacent part (C) of the housing.

29-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120300348A1

In at least some embodiments, a system includes a plurality of circuit breakers and trip control logic external to and coupled to the circuit breakers. The trip control logic enables a plurality of different tripping options to be selected for each of the circuit breakers.

05-12-1995 дата публикации

Combination load controller

Номер: US0005473495A1
Автор: Bauer; James A.
Принадлежит: Eaton Corporation

A combination load controller for controlling application of power to a load such as a motor, has an input terminal coupleable to a power source, and an output terminal coupleable to a load. A conductive polymer and a protective, electromagnetic switch are disposed along a current path between the input and output terminals. The conductive polymer has a relatively low electrical resistance during conduction at nominal currents. The resistance of the conductive polymer increases substantially promptly upon conduction of excessive current, e.g., due to a short-circuit. In this manner the load is protected from even short bursts of excessively high, short-circuit current by the insertion of additional series resistance by the conductive polymer. The electromagnetic switch protects the line and load by opening the current path. The switch includes a current or voltage sensor coupled to a logic controller that opens the switch if over-current or under-voltage conditions persist for a predetermined ...

21-09-2004 дата публикации

Electrical circuit interrupting device

Номер: US0006794596B2

A circuit interrupting device for use with an electrical power distribution system including a circuit interrupter having a closed position allowing current to pass through the circuit interrupter and an open position preventing current from passing through the circuit interrupter. An actuator is electrically and mechanically coupled to the circuit interrupter. The actuator moves the circuit interrupter between the closed and open positions upon occurrence of a fault current. First and second terminals are electrically connected to the circuit interrupter and are adapted for electrical connection to the power distribution system, defining a current path between the first terminal, the circuit interrupter, and the second terminal, allowing current of the power distribution system to pass through the current path so that the potential of the circuit interrupter is the same as the potential of the power distribution system. The circuit interrupter and the actuator are not mounted in a grounded ...

05-07-2011 дата публикации

Protective relay and human-machine interface therefor

Номер: US0007974064B2
Принадлежит: ABB Technology AG, ABB TECHNOLOGY AG

A fully operational digital protective relay or Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) are provided for protecting electrical equipment of a power distribution system. The relay includes an input module, a processing module and an output module. Signals received from current transformers connected to the input module are evaluated by the processing module, and in reaction thereto, trip signals can be output to an actuator of a circuit breaker via the output module. A base Human Machine Interface (HMI) enables a user to enter operating parameters such as a delay time or nominal current to the processing module. Optionally, a further HMI may be attached to the protective relay and connected, via a suitable interface for data exchange, to the processing module for the purpose of displaying protection-related information to a user. This further HMI is both optional and detachable. For example, the further HMI can be repeatedly attached to and detached from the protection device. The detachable ...

24-02-2009 дата публикации

Fusible switching disconnect modules and devices

Номер: US0007495540B2

Fusible switch disconnect modules including a housing means adapted to receive at least one fuse therein, switchable contacts for connecting the fuse to circuitry and having at least one stationary contact and at least one movable contact selectively positionable between an open position and a closed position to connect or disconnect an electrical connection through the fuse, and a means for biasing or bias element assisting movement of the movable contact to the open or disconnected position.

26-05-2009 дата публикации

Multi-pole circuit breaker

Номер: US0007538644B2
Автор: Ki-Hwan Oh, OH KI-HWAN

Disclosed is a multi-pole circuit breaker. The multi-pole circuit breaker includes: a substrate disposed between the single pole breaking unit, spaced relatively far from the switching mechanism as compared to the other single pole breaking units among the plurality of single breaking units, and the adjacent single pole breaking unit; a link mechanism rotatably supported on the substrate; and springs having one ends supported by the substrate and the other ends supported by the link mechanism.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140146431A1
Принадлежит: Edison Global Circuits, LLC

In at least some embodiments, a system includes a plurality of circuit breakers and trip control logic external to and coupled to the circuit breakers. The trip control logic enables a plurality of different tripping options to be selected for each of the circuit breakers.

03-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: US2005024172A1

A trip unit includes a housing, a rotary plunger, and a pivotally mounted trip bar, which latches the plunger in an on position and releases the plunger to a tripped position. A first plunger portion is biased outside the housing in a tripped position by a spring mechanism. A pivotally mounted rotary trip lever includes an elastic arm. A second plunger portion is inside the housing in a reset position and engages the elastic arm. When a trip solenoid is energized, its linear plunger rotates the rotary trip lever, in order to engage and rotate the trip bar and release the rotary plunger. The rotary trip lever rotates in an opposite direction in response to the rotary plunger reset position and engages the trip solenoid linear plunger, in order to reset the same. The elastic arm flexes after the linear plunger is reset and accommodates overtravel of the rotary plunger.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013159A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

An electronic trip unit is for a low-voltage circuit breaker of a three-phase AC circuit. The electronic trip unit includes a housing with a front, rear, left-hand, right-hand, top and bottom face; a controller to compare current measurement values of the three-phase AC circuit with at least one of current limit values, current period limit values and time period limit values and to output a tripping signal, for interrupting the three-phase AC circuit, upon the values being exceeded. The electronic trip unit further includes a receptacle to provide a connection between the electronic trip unit and the module, the module being receivable by the left-hand, right-hand, top or bottom side face of the housing. At least one function of the electronic trip unit is activated upon the module being received. The front face of the housing includes a viewing window. At least a portion of a received module is visible.

14-04-1903 дата публикации


Номер: US725259A

26-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120098347A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA, Inc.

An electronic circuit breaker includes controllable mechanical contacts adapted to connect a primary power source to at least one load; and control circuitry for monitoring the flow of power from the primary power source to the load, detecting fault conditions and automatically opening the contacts in response to the detection of a fault condition. A primary power source supplies power to the control circuitry when the contacts are closed, and an auxiliary power source supplies power to the control circuitry when the contacts are open, whether by a trip or by manual opening.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Power circuit breaker

Номер: US20130162378A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A power circuit breaker is disclosed wherein an electric current is monitored by an electronic trip unit in order to detect an electrical fault. In an embodiment, a first magnetic device of the power circuit breaker, in the event of a fault being detected, is configured to be excited which, when it is excited, trips a trip mechanism via a plunger. As a result of tripping, the trip mechanism disconnects two contacts via which the current flows. The power circuit breaker of an embodiment includes a second magnetic device which is likewise able to be excited by the ETU and by which the trip mechanism is likewise able to be tripped.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020539A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

A method for estimating a property of an electrical switching device includes: 1. A method for estimating a property of an electrical switching device , notably an energy value of an electric arc during an opening phase of the device , the method comprising:detecting a movement of electrical contacts of the switching device beyond an opening threshold;measuring, for at least one phase of the electrical device, the electric current through this phase;evaluating, for at least one phase of the electrical device, the voltage of an electric arc between the electrical contacts that are associated with this phase; andcalculating, for at least said phase of the electrical device, an energy value associated with the electric arc, by numerically integrating the product of the measured electric current and of the evaluated voltage, the integration being performed over a time interval starting from the detection of the movement of the electrical contacts.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an anomaly condition is identified if the energy value exceeds a predefined threshold.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said time interval is ended on the expiry of a predefined period.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the predefined period is equal to 50 ms or to 100 ms.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said time interval is ended when the electric current measured for this electrical phase reaches a zero value.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the switching device is a contactor including an electromagnetic actuator.8. A method for estimating a state of wear of electrical contacts of an electrical switching device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'estimating an energy value associated with an electric arc appearing between electrical contacts of a phase of the device during an opening phase of the contacts, by means of a method according to ; and'}calculating a value representative of a state of wear ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012992A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A rotary switch includes a housing having an interior and an exterior, a plurality of moving contacts entirely disposed within the interior of the housing, a plurality of stationary contacts disposed partially within the interior of the housing and extending to an exterior of the housing, and a rotary element coupled to the plurality of moving contacts and being structured to rotate between a closed state where at least one of the plurality moving contacts contact a corresponding one of the plurality of stationary contacts and an open state where the plurality of moving contacts and the plurality of stationary contacts are separated. 1. A rotary switch comprising:a housing having an interior and an exterior;a plurality of moving contacts entirely disposed within the interior of the housing;a plurality of stationary contacts disposed partially within the interior of the housing and extending to an exterior of the housing; anda rotary element coupled to the plurality of moving contacts and being structured to rotate between a closed state where at least one of the plurality moving contacts contact a corresponding one of the plurality of stationary contacts and an open state where the plurality of moving contacts and the plurality of stationary contacts are separated.2. The rotary switch of claim 1 , further comprising:a conductive element structured to electrically couple a first one of the plurality of moving contacts to a second one of the plurality of moving contacts.3. The rotary switch of claim 1 , further comprising:a first conductive element structured to electrically couple a first one of the plurality of moving contacts to a second one of the plurality of moving contacts when the rotary element is in the closed state; anda number of second conductive elements each structured to electrically couple two of the plurality of moving contacts when the rotary element is in the closed state and when the rotary element is in the open state.4. The rotary switch of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037097A1

A switching apparatus for electric power distribution grids including: a withdrawable first switching unit having one or more first electric poles; a withdrawable second switching unit having one or more second electric poles and electrically connected ins series with said first switching unit; and a controller implementing control strategies directed to increase the safety of the withdrawal manoeuvres of said first and second switching units. 1. A switching apparatus for electric power distribution grids comprising:one or more first and second line terminals electrically connectable to corresponding first and second line conductors of an electric line, respectively;a first switching unit having one or more first electric poles, each first electric pole comprising a first pole contact electrically connectable to a corresponding first line terminal, a second pole contact and one or more solid-state switches electrically connected to said first and second pole contacts and adapted to operate in a conduction state or in an interdiction state to allow or interrupt a current flow,wherein said first switching unit is reversibly switchable between a closed condition, in which said solid-state switches are in a conduction state, and an open condition, in which said solid-state switches are in an interdiction state,wherein said first switching unit is reversibly movable between an insertion condition, in which said first pole contacts are coupled with said first line terminal, and a withdrawal condition, in which said first pole contacts are uncoupled from said first line terminals;a second switching unit having one or more second electric poles, each second electric pole comprising a third pole contact electrically connectable to a corresponding second pole contact of the first switching unit, a fourth pole contact electrically connectable to a corresponding second line terminal and electric contacts electrically connected to said third and fourth pole contacts and adapted ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022290A1

A trip unit is provided for a circuit breaker that includes electrical contacts, a trip mechanism, a bimetallic strip, and an armature. The trip unit includes a first trip bar coupled to the trip mechanism and disposed about a pivot point, and a second trip bar coupled to the first trip bar and disposed about the pivot point. In a first operating condition, the first trip bar rotates about the pivot point substantially independently of the second trip bar, and activates the trip mechanism to open the electrical contacts. In a second operating condition, the second trip bar rotates about the pivot point, causing the first trip bar to rotate about the pivot point and activate the trip mechanism to open the electrical contacts. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A trip unit for a circuit breaker that includes electrical contacts , a trip mechanism , a bimetallic strip , and an armature , the trip unit comprising:a first trip bar coupled to the trip mechanism and disposed about a pivot point; anda second trip bar coupled to the first trip bar and disposed about the pivot point, in a first operating condition, the first trip bar rotates about the pivot point substantially independently of the second trip bar, and activates the trip mechanism to open the electrical contacts;', 'in a second operating condition, the second trip bar rotates about the pivot point, causing the first trip bar to rotate about the pivot point and activate the trip mechanism to open the electrical contacts., 'wherein2. The trip unit of claim 1 , wherein in the first operating condition claim 1 , the bimetallic strip causes the first trip bar to rotate about the pivot point.3. The trip unit of claim 1 , wherein the first operating condition comprises an over-current condition.4. The trip unit of claim 1 , wherein in the first operating condition claim 1 , the second trip bar does not rotate about the pivot point.5. The trip unit of claim 1 , wherein in the second operating condition claim 1 , ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220044901A1

A system may include a power supply that generates a first voltage. The power supply may couple upstream from an electrical load. The electrical load may operate based at least in part on the first voltage. In some cases, a solid-state circuit breaker may be coupled between the power supply and the electrical load. Furthermore, a control system may be communicatively coupled to the power supply, the electrical load, and the solid-state circuit breaker. The control system may receive an operational status from the solid-state circuit breaker and may update a visualization rendered on a graphical user interface based at least in part on the operational status. The operational status may indicate an operation of the solid-state circuit breaker coupling the power supply to the electrical load. 1. A motor starter , comprising:a metal enclosure configured to house a solid-state circuit breaker, wherein the solid-state circuit breaker is configured to respectively couple between a power supply and a motor; anda thermal management device comprising a plurality of fins, wherein the thermal management device is mounted to the solid-state circuit breaker in a north-south orientation perpendicular to a ground plane, and wherein the thermal management device is configured to reduce a temperature of the metal enclosure while the solid-state circuit breaker performs one or more switching operations.2. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to leverage conduction of heat from the solid-state circuit breaker through passive air conduction or active air conduction.3. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to thermally connect to the solid-state circuit breaker via a heat pipe design.4. The motor starter of claim 1 , wherein the thermal management device is configured to couple to the solid-state circuit breaker via a direct metal-to-metal contact.5. The motor starter of claim 4 , wherein the metal ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Direct current air circuit breaker

Номер: US20190035588A1
Принадлежит: LSIS Co Ltd

A direct-current (DC) air circuit breaker for opening and closing a circuit according to various embodiments includes a circuit unit having a main circuit, a detecting unit having a detection circuit for detecting a fault current in the main circuit, and a circuit operating device configured to allow connection or isolation between the main circuit and the detection circuit.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Electrical device for supplying electrical power to electrical power units

Номер: US20190035589A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

An electrical device for supplying electrical power to multiple power units includes a first module, including an electrical circuit breaker; a second, removable module, including a control circuit, programmed to trip the circuit breaker depending on values of the electric current that is flowing through power lines; a connection interface provided with output connectors that are connected to the power lines; removable elements, each containing an item of electrical equipment that is intended to be connected to an electrical power unit and to one of the power lines by the output connectors, the control circuit being connected to an interface for controlling each removable element via a data link by virtue of the connection interface.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035762A1

A device for door and phase segregation in low voltage circuit breakers, in particular in molded case circuit breakers, having a plurality of phases each provided with a lug for electrical connection of said circuit breaker and a venting aperture for venting off gases, the device comprising a conductive element adapted to be fixed to a corresponding lug of the circuit breaker and provided with electrical connection means for electrical connection of the circuit breaker, comprising a first insulating element covering the conductive element and/or a second insulating element adapted to be interposed between two adjacent phases of the circuit breaker. 1. A device for door and phase segregation in low voltage circuit breakers , in particular in molded case circuit breakers , having a plurality of phases each provided with a lug for electrical connection of said circuit breaker and a venting aperture for venting off gases , said device comprising a conductive element adapted to be fixed to a corresponding lug of said circuit breaker and provided with electrical connection means for electrical connection of said circuit breaker , and a first insulating element covering said conductive element and/or a second insulating element adapted to be interposed between two adjacent phases of said circuit breaker.2. The device for door and phase segregation in low voltage circuit breakers according to claim 1 , wherein said conductive element is substantially L-shaped and said first insulating element comprises a first insulating body substantially L-shaped fitted onto said conductive element and having a first and a second lateral surface substantially continuous and substantially L-shaped claim 1 , and a top surface provided with an opening for accessing the connection means of said conductive element.3. The device for door and phase segregation in low voltage circuit breakers according to claim 2 , wherein said first insulating body has a rear and a bottom surface provided with ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066013A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) with self-diagnostic, self-maintenance, and self-protection capabilities includes: a power semiconductor device; an air gap disconnect unit connected in series with the power semiconductor device; a sense and drive circuit that switches the power semiconductor device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration; and a microcontroller unit (MCU) that triggers the air gap disconnect unit to form an air gap and galvanically isolate an attached load, after the sense and drive circuit switches the power semiconductor device OFF. The MCU is further configured to monitor the operability of the air gap disconnect unit, the power semiconductor device, and other critical components of the SSCB and, when applicable, take corrective actions to prevent the SSCB and the connected load from being damaged or destroyed and/or to protect persons and the environment from being exposed to hazardous electrical conditions. 1. A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) , comprising:line-in and line-out terminals;a power semiconductor device configured between the line-in and line-out terminals;a sense and drive circuit configured to monitor a current flowing through the power semiconductor device and switch the power semiconductor device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or over overload of unacceptably long duration; anda microcontroller unit (MCU) configured to monitor the operability of the power semiconductor device during normal operating conditions when the power semiconductor device is ON, and upon determining that the power semiconductor device has failed or has likely failed, generate an alert indicating that the power semiconductor device has failed or has likely failed.2. The SSCB of claim 1 , further comprising an air gap disconnect unit connected in series with the power semiconductor device claim 1 , between the line-in and line-out terminals claim 1 , configured to form an air-gap between the line-in and line- ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066014A1
Автор: Gibson Jeffrey Scott

Circuit interrupter devices have a first housing with a circuit interrupter, a second housing coupled to the first housing, a ground fault circuit and current transformer in the second housing. The current transformer has an open channel. The circuit interrupter devices also include at least one power conductor having a rigid or semi-rigid body with opposing first and second end portions extending between the first and second housings. The second end portion of the at least one power conductor extends through the open channel in the current transformer and terminates in a breaker load collar(s). 1. A circuit interrupter device , comprising:a first housing comprising a circuit interrupter;a second housing coupled to the first housing;at least one load collar in the second housing;a current transformer in the second housing, wherein the current transformer has an open channel; andat least one power conductor having a rigid or semi-rigid body with opposing first and second end portions extending between the first and second housings, wherein the second end portion extends through the open channel in the current transformer into the at least one load collar.2. The circuit interrupter device of claim 1 , wherein the second housing further comprises a ground fault circuit claim 1 , and wherein the at least one power conductor comprises a plurality of power conductors with each power conductor extending through the open channel of the current transformer.3. The circuit interrupter device of claim 1 , wherein the first end portion of the at least one power conductor is coupled to the first housing claim 1 , and wherein the second end portion of the at least one power conductor is a free end portion that extends into the second housing through the open channel in the current transformer into the at least one load collar.4. The circuit interrupter device of claim 1 , further comprising a support member coupled to the first housing and also coupled to a segment of the at least ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190066959A1

A fusible switch disconnect device includes a housing adapted to receive at least one fuse therein, and a switchable contact for connecting the fuse to circuitry. A tripping mechanism and control circuitry are provided to move the switchable contact to an open position in response to a predetermined electrical condition. 149-. (canceled)50. A fusible switch disconnect device comprising: 'wherein the removable electrical fuse includes a housing, first and second terminals attached to the housing, and a fusible element defining a circuit path electrically connected between the first and second terminals, the fusible element being configured to permanently open the circuit path in response to a predetermined electrical overcurrent condition;', 'a disconnect housing adapted to receive and engage a removable electrical fuse;'}line side and load side terminals in the disconnect housing completing an electrical connection to the respective first and second terminals of the fuse when the fuse is received and engaged by the disconnect housing; a switch actuator partially projecting from the disconnect housing and being rotatably movable relative to the disconnect housing between first and second positions; and', 'a pair of switchable contacts in the disconnect housing at a location between the line side terminal and the removable electrical fuse, the pair of switchable contacts being attached to the switch actuator by a first link and also being linked to one another for simultaneous movement thereof along a first linear axis by the first link as the switch actuator is rotatably moved between the first and second positions, the pair of switchable contacts being selectively positionable between an open position and a closed position to respectively disconnect or connect an electrical connection between the line side terminal and the circuit path of the fusible element;, 'a mechanical switch assembly comprisinga trip mechanism for the mechanical switch assembly, the trip ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Hybrid Air-Gap / Solid-State Circuit Breaker

Номер: US20200083699A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

A hybrid air-gap/solid-state device protection device (PD) for use in an electrical power distribution system includes an air-gap disconnect unit connected in series with a solid-state device, a sense and drive circuit, and a microcontroller. Upon the sense and drive circuit detecting an impending fault or exceedingly high and unacceptable overvoltage condition in the PD's load circuit, the sense and drive circuit generates a gating signal that quickly switches the solid-state device OFF. Meanwhile, the microcontroller generates a disconnect pulse for the air-gap disconnect unit, which responds by forming an air gap in the load circuit. Together, the switched-OFF solid-state device and air gap protect the load and associated load circuit from being damaged. They also serve to electrically and physically isolate the source of the fault or overload condition from the remainder of the electrical power distribution system. 1. A hybrid air-gap/solid-state circuit breaker , comprising:line-in and line-out terminals;a solid-state device configured between the line-in and line-out terminals;a control circuit configured to monitor a current flowing through the solid-state device and a connected load and switch the solid-state device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration;an air-gap forming apparatus coupled in series with the solid-state device, between the line-in and line-out terminals; anda microcontroller configured to generate an air gap control signal that triggers the air-gap forming apparatus to form an air gap between the line-in and line-out terminals after the control circuit has detected a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration and switched the solid-state device OFF.2. The hybrid air-gap/solid-state circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the air-gap forming apparatus comprises a solenoid configured to trigger in response to the air gap control signal and force electrical contacts of the air-gap forming ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096161A1

A circuit-breaker includes an electronic trip unit, which initiates an interruption or reduction of the current flow in a low-voltage circuit when current or current-time limits are exceeded in the low-voltage circuit. The electronic trip unit includes at least two processors that independently check whether current or current-time limits are being exceeded. A test signal is fed to the circuit-breaker via a first communication interface, which is fed to one of the two processors during operation so that a test of the circuit-breaker is carried out during operation, while at the same time an active protection is provided with regard to the exceeding of current or current-time limits. 1. A circuit-breaker for protecting a low-voltage circuit , comprising:a housing;input connections and output connections, for conductors of the low-voltage circuit, connected internally by current paths having a contact system;a current sensor to determine a level of current of at least one conductor of the conductors of the low-voltage circuit,an electronic trip unit, connected to the current sensor and the contact system, to initiate an interruption or reduction of current flow in the low-voltage circuit via the contact system upon current or current-time limits in the low-voltage circuit being exceeded, the electronic trip unit including at least one analog-to-digital converter, to which a signal is fed from the current sensor, digitized and fed in parallel to two processors, each processor of the two processors being configured to evaluate the signal independently of the other processor of the two processors, with regard to the current or current-time limits being exceeded; anda first communication interface, connected to the electronic trip unit, the circuit-breaker being designed to allow test signals to be fed to one processor of the two processors via the first communication interface during operation, to carry out a test of the circuit-breaker during operation, a protection ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Single-Pole Breaking Unit Comprising a Rotary Contact Bridge, and a Switchgear Device, and Circuit Breaker Comprising Such a Unit

Номер: US20160104591A1

A single-pole breaking unit which includes a rotary contact bridge, a stationary contact operating with the contact bridge and connected to a current input, a rotary bar having radially extending axial end surfaces, and radial side surfaces with a transverse hole for the contact bridge which is salient through opposite radial side surfaces of the bar, an arc extinguishing chamber opening onto an opening volume for the contact bridge, two parallel side panels parallel to the axial end surfaces of the bar, with the rotary bar located between two sealing flanges between the axial end surfaces of the rotary bar and the side panels and movable axially toward the side panels to ensure tightness between the inside and the outside of the breaking unit, the sealing flanges each comprising a radially extending portion, and a cylindrical portion, both co-axial with the rotary bar, which cylindrical portion has an inside radius slightly less than the radial extent of the rotary bar, providing a space between the inside surface of the cylindrical portion and the rotary bar, the space permitting quenching gases to flow directly to push a sealing flange axially against a side panel to achieve tightness. 1. A single-pole breaking unit comprising:a rotary contact bridge,at least one stationary contact operating in conjunction with said contact bridge and connected to a current input conductor,a rotary bar having radially extending axial end surfaces and radial side surfaces, and having a transverse hole accommodating said contact bridge with clearance, which contact bridge is salient diametrically through opposite radial side surfaces of the bar,at least one arc extinguishing chamber opening onto an opening volume for the contact bridge,two side panels substantially parallel to one another and to the radially extending axial end surfaces of the bar, with the rotary bar located between said side panels,two sealing flanges, with the radially extending axial end surfaces of the rotary ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Protective electrical device

Номер: US20160111832A1
Принадлежит: Pass and Seymour Inc

The present invention is directed to a protective device including a fault protection circuit configured to provide a fault detection stimulus in response to detecting at least one type of predetermined fault condition. A circuit interrupter is disposed on a first side of a PCB and an auxiliary switch is at least partially disposed on a second side of the at least one PCB. The auxiliary switch includes a switch throw element movably extending through an opening in the PCB between the first state and the second state, the auxiliary switch being configured to decouple at least a portion of the fault protection circuit assembly from the plurality of line terminals in the second state.

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Solid-State Circuit Breaker With Self-Diagnostic, Self-Maintenance, and Self-Protection Capabilities

Номер: US20210126447A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) with self-diagnostic, self-maintenance, and self-protection capabilities includes: a power semiconductor device; an air gap disconnect unit connected in series with the power semiconductor device; a sense and drive circuit that switches the power semiconductor device OFF upon detecting a short circuit or overload of unacceptably long duration; and a microcontroller unit (MCU) that triggers the air gap disconnect unit to form an air gap and galvanically isolate an attached load, after the sense and drive circuit switches the power semiconductor device OFF. The MCU is further configured to monitor the operability of the air gap disconnect unit, the power semiconductor device, and other critical components of the SSCB and, when applicable, take corrective actions to prevent the SSCB and the connected load from being damaged or destroyed and/or to protect persons and the environment from being exposed to hazardous electrical conditions. 1. A solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) , comprising:a power semiconductor device; andan air gap disconnect unit with a closeable air gap connected in series with the power semiconductor device,wherein at any given time the air gap disconnect unit is configured in one one of three operational states:an engaged state during which the closeable air gap is closed,a disengaged state during which the closeable air gap is open and a reset of the air gap disconnect unit to the engaged state remains possible, anda mechanically locked-out state during which the closeable air gap is open but a reset of the air gap disconnect unit to the engaged state is prevented.2. The SSCB of claim 1 , further comprising a controller configured to:monitor and diagnose the vitality and operability of principal components and core functions of the SSCB when the air gap disconnect unit is configured in the engaged state;determine whether a principal component or core function of the SSCB has failed or is likely failing; andupon ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180115142A1
Принадлежит: PASS & SEYMOUR, INC.

The present invention is directed to switch device disposed in a housing with a back body portion, the device includes a switch actuator having a user-accessible surface, the user accessible surface includes an indicator element and an interior channel optically coupled to the indicator element. A light emitting portion is disposed within the interior channel and optically coupled to the indicator element so that the interior channel moves relative to the light emitting portion when the switch actuator moves between the first actuator position and the second actuator position. The light emitting portion is optically coupled to the indicator element when the interior channel moves relative to the lighting portion. A modular lighting assembly is removably coupled to the back body portion at a fixed position so that a light emitting portion of the modular lighting assembly is disposed within the interior channel and optically coupled to the indicator element. 1. A switch device comprising:a device housing configured to be installed in an outlet box, the device housing including front portion and a back body portion;a switch assembly disposed in the device housing, the switch assembly including a switch actuator having a user-accessible surface and coupled to the front portion, the user accessible surface including an indicator element disposed therein, the switch actuator also including an interior channel optically coupled to the indicator element, wherein the switch actuator includes a light transmitting element having a first optical port and a second optical port, the first port being coupled to the indicator element and the second port being coupled to the interior channel, and wherein the first optical port is substantially aligned with a predetermined axis of the device housing and the second optical port is substantially offset from the predetermined axis; anda modular lighting assembly removably coupled to the back body portion at a fixed position so that a ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210142971A1
Автор: YANG Seungpil

Disclosed is an air circuit breaker including a safety cover. According to embodiments disclosed herein, a setting unit of an overcurrent trip relay exposed to the outside through an opening is covered by the safety cover, and thus manipulation of the setting unit is not allowed before opening the safety cover. Accordingly, an accident due to malfunction or manipulation of the overcurrent trip relay by an unauthorized person may be prevented. 1. An air circuit breaker , comprising:a main cover installed on one surface of a circuit breaker body and having an overcurrent trip relay accommodating groove provided on one side thereof;an overcurrent trip relay accommodated in the overcurrent trip relay accommodating groove and provided with a setting unit configured to set a set value for a circuit breaking operation;an auxiliary cover connected to the main cover so as to cover between the main cover and the overcurrent trip relay, and provided with an opening through which the overcurrent trip relay is exposed to outside; anda safety cover connected to the auxiliary cover so as to cover the setting unit of the overcurrent trip relay exposed to the outside through the opening, and designed to be rotatable with respect to the auxiliary cover.2. The air circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary cover further comprises a lever hook configured to reciprocate on the auxiliary cover in a specific direction claim 1 , so that the safety cover is coupled to the auxiliary cover claim 1 , or is separated from the auxiliary cover.3. The air circuit breaker of claim 2 , wherein the lever hook comprises:a first member disposed at a front surface of the auxiliary cover;a second member disposed in a position on a rear surface of the auxiliary cover that corresponds to the first member; andan elastic body interposed between the second member and the auxiliary cover, andwherein the first member and the second member are coupled to each other with the auxiliary cover interposed ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Connecting device for control terminals in withdrawable type circuit breaker

Номер: US20180123329A1
Автор: Jaekwan Seo
Принадлежит: LSIS Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a connecting device for control terminals in a withdrawable type circuit breaker, and more particularly, a connecting device for control terminals in a withdrawable type circuit breaker, capable of automatically connecting or separating control power source terminals for controlling the circuit breaker upon pulling out or inserting a breaker main body.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220277911A1

A system includes an electrical apparatus configured to monitor or control one or more aspects of an electrical power distribution network; and a control system including more than one electronic processor, where the electronic processors are configured to cause the control system to interact with the electrical apparatus, an interaction between the control system and the electrical apparatus including one or more of the control system providing information to the electrical apparatus and the control system receiving information from the electrical apparatus, and if some of the electronic processors are unable to cause the control system to interact with the electrical apparatus, at least one of the other electronic processors is able to cause the control system to interact with the apparatus. 1. A system comprising:an electrical apparatus configured to control or monitor one or more aspects of a power distribution network; and 'a command module comprising more than one electronic processor, each of the electronic processors having a plurality of readiness states, the electronic processors consuming different amounts of power in each readiness state, and, when the control system receives power from the back-up energy source, the command module is configured to place at least some of the electronic processors in one of the plurality of readiness states, at least some of the electronic processors being placed in a readiness state in which the electronic processors consume less power than the electronic processors consume in at least one other readiness state.', 'a control system configured to interact with the electrical apparatus, and the control system configured to receive power from the power distribution network or from a back-up energy source, the control system comprising2. The system of claim 1 , whereinthe control system being configured to interact with the electrical apparatus comprises the control system being configured to provide different types of ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200152407A1
Автор: Askan Kenan

A circuit-breaker includes: an input terminal for connecting the circuit-breaker to a voltage source; an output terminal for connecting t the circuit-breaker to a load; a switching circuit having an input side connected to the input terminal and having an output side; and a separation switching unit connected to the output terminal and to the output side of the switching circuit. The switching circuit includes a first current path and a second current path, the first and the second current path being connected in parallel between the input side and the output side. The switching circuit includes a varistor device and a controllable switching component, the varistor device and the controllable switching component being connected in series between the first and the second current path. 1. A circuit-breaker , comprising:an input terminal configured to connect the circuit-breaker to a voltage source;an output terminal configured to connect the circuit-breaker to a load;a switching circuit having an input side connected to the input terminal and having an output side; anda separation switching unit connected to the output terminal and to the output side of the switching circuit,wherein the switching circuit comprises a first current path and a second current path, the first and the second current path being connected in parallel between the input side and the output side, andwherein the switching circuit comprises a varistor device and a controllable switching component, the varistor device and the controllable switching component being connected in series between the first and the second current path.2. The circuit-breaker of claim 1 , wherein the switching circuit comprises a controllable switching unit arranged between the first and the second current path so as to be configured to short-circuit the first and the second current path.3. The circuit-breaker of claim 1 , wherein the controllable switching unit comprises at least one controllable switch connected to the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Current Sensor Output Converter for Circuit Breakers that are Configured for Rogowski Coils

Номер: US20210193423A1

In a circuit breaker arrangement, this disclosure describes a method and circuit design enables a current transformer to be used to detect ground faults in circuit breakers (such as a main-tie-main circuit breakers) that have been designed to receive signals from Rogowski coils. 1. A converter circuit for receiving signals from one or more current transformers and outputting a signal to a circuit breaker trip unit , the converter circuit comprising:an input component that is electrically connected to receive an output signal from each of one or more current transformers of a circuit breaker;a burden resistor that is electrically connected across a coil of the input component;a passive differentiator that is electrically connected across the burden resistor, wherein the passive differentiator comprises a resistor and a capacitor; andan output that is configured to deliver, from the passive differentiator during operation, a converted output voltage that is proportional to a time rate of change of a signal that is received by the input component.2. The converter circuit of claim 1 , wherein the input component comprises a current transformer claim 1 , and the coil of the input component across which the burden resistor is electrically connected comprises a secondary coil of the current transformer.3. The converter circuit of claim 1 , wherein a resistance value of the resistor of the passive differentiator is substantially less than an impedance value of the capacitor of the passive differentiator at a given operating frequency.4. The converter circuit of claim 1 , further comprising an inductor that has one end that is electrically connected to a circuit reference and serves to add phase shift lost at a high end of an operating range of the converter circuit.5. The converter circuit of claim 1 , wherein:the circuit breaker is a component of a main-tie-main system;the input component is electrically connected to a plurality of current transformers of the main-tie-main ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190164713A1

A guide member is for an electrical switching apparatus. The electrical switching apparatus includes a primary cover, a secondary cover structured to move between a closed position and an open position, a first printed circuit board, a second printed circuit board spaced from the first printed circuit board, and a cable member electrically connecting the first and second printed circuit boards. The guide member includes a body having a base coupled to the primary cover, a ramp engaging the cable member when the secondary cover is in the closed position, the ramp having first and second opposing end portions, the first end portion extending from the base, and a number of guide portions each extending from the ramp and engaging the cable member when the secondary cover moves between the closed position and the open position in order to minimize twisting and folding of the cable member. 1. A guide member for an electrical switching apparatus , said electrical switching apparatus comprising a primary cover , a secondary cover structured to move between a closed position and an open position , a first printed circuit board coupled to said primary cover , a second printed circuit board coupled to said secondary cover and being spaced from said first printed circuit board , and a cable member electrically connecting said first printed circuit board to said second printed circuit board , said guide member comprising: a base structured to be coupled to said primary cover,', 'a ramp structured to engage said cable member when said secondary cover is in the closed position, said ramp having a first end portion and a second end portion disposed opposite and distal the first end portion, the first end portion extending from said base, and', 'a number of guide portions each extending from said ramp and being structured to engage said cable member when said secondary cover moves between the closed position and the open position in order to minimize twisting and folding of said ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220310343A1

A fusible switch disconnect device includes a housing adapted to receive at least one fuse therein, and a switchable contact for connecting the fuse to circuitry. A tripping mechanism and control circuitry are provided to move the switchable contact to an open position in response to a predetermined electrical condition. 1. A fusible switch disconnect device comprising: 'wherein the removable electrical fuse includes a housing, first and second terminals attached to the housing, and a fusible element defining a circuit path electrically connected between the first and second terminals, the fusible element being configured to permanently open the circuit path in response to a predetermined electrical overcurrent condition;', 'a disconnect housing adapted to receive and engage a removable electrical fuse;'}line side and load side terminals in the disconnect housing and completing an electrical connection to the respective first and second terminals of the removable electrical fuse when the removable electrical fuse is received and engaged by the disconnect housing; a switch actuator partially projecting from the disconnect housing and being rotatably movable relative to the disconnect housing between first and second positions; and', 'a pair of switchable contacts in the disconnect housing at a location between the line side terminal and the removable electrical fuse, the pair of switchable contacts being attached to the switch actuator by an actuator link and also being linked to one another for simultaneous movement thereof along a first linear axis by the actuator link as the switch actuator is rotatably moved between the first and second positions, the pair of switchable contacts being selectively positionable between an open position and a closed position to respectively disconnect or connect an electrical connection between the line side terminal and the circuit path of the fusible element;, 'a mechanical switch assembly comprising an electromagnetic actuator;', ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160181048A1

A hinge assembly includes a first portion having first and second receptacles and a second portion having first and second cylindrical members extending in opposite directions along a hinge axis and a thickened portion having a contoured outer surface disposed adjacent the cylindrical members. The second portion is moveable from: a first state wherein the first and second cylindrical members are disposed in the first and second receptacles such that the second portion is coupled to the first portion and generally free to rotate about the hinge axis through at least a predetermined degree range, and a second state in which the second portion is decoupled from the first portion responsive to the second portion being rotated beyond the predetermined degree range and the contoured outer surface interacting with a portion of the first portion. 1. A hinge assembly comprising:a first portion having a first receptacle and a second receptacle; anda second portion having a first cylindrical member extending along a hinge axis in a first direction, a second cylindrical member extending along the hinge axis in a second direction opposite the first direction, and a thickened portion having a contoured outer surface disposed adjacent the first cylindrical member and the second cylindrical member, (i) a first state wherein the first cylindrical member is disposed in the first receptacle and the second cylindrical member is disposed in the second receptacle such that the second portion is coupled to the first portion and generally free to rotate about the hinge axis through at least a predetermined degree range, and', '(ii) a second state in which the second portion is decoupled from the first portion responsive to the second portion being rotated beyond the predetermined degree range and the contoured outer surface interacting with a portion of the first portion., 'wherein the second portion is moveable from2. The hinge assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the first receptacle ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Control system for an electrical apparatus

Номер: US20180197705A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

A system includes an electrical apparatus configured to monitor or control one or more aspects of an electrical power distribution network; and a control system including more than one electronic processor, where the electronic processors are configured to cause the control system to interact with the electrical apparatus, an interaction between the control system and the electrical apparatus including one or more of the control system providing information to the electrical apparatus and the control system receiving information from the electrical apparatus, and if some of the electronic processors are unable to cause the control system to interact with the electrical apparatus, at least one of the other electronic processors is able to cause the control system to interact with the apparatus.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Line side power, double break, switch neutral electronic circuit breaker

Номер: US20200203108A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA Inc

A circuit breaker has a first stationary contact connected to line power and a second stationary contact connected to neutral. A first moveable contact coupled to a load power terminal, is mounted on a moveable actuator and juxtaposed with the first stationary contact to form a power circuit when the first moveable and first stationary contacts are closed. A second moveable contact connected to a load neutral terminal is mounted on the moveable actuator juxtaposed with the second stationary contact to form a neutral circuit when the second moveable and second stationary contacts are closed. The movable actuator moves the first and second moveable contacts in unison to open the power circuit between the first stationary and first moveable contacts and to simultaneously open the neutral circuit between the second stationary and second moveable contacts, in response to actuation of an operating handle or to sensing a tripping event.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Selective Coordination of Solid-State Circuit Breakers and Mechanical Circuit Breakers in Electrical Distribution Systems

Номер: US20210241989A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

In an electrical distribution system including a solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) and one or more downstream mechanical circuit breakers (CBs), a solid-state switching device in the SSCB is repeatedly switched ON and OFF during a short circuit event, to reduce a root-mean-square (RMS) value of the short circuit current. The resulting pulsed short circuit current is regulated in a hysteresis control loop, to limit the RMS to a value low enough to prevent the SSCB from tripping prematurely but high enough to allow one of the downstream mechanical CBs to trip and isolate the short circuit. Pulsing is allowed to continue for a maximum short circuit pulsing time. Only if none of the downstream mechanical CBs is able to trip to isolate the short circuit within the maximum short circuit pulsing time is the SSCB allowed to trip. 1. An electrical distribution system , comprising:one or more mechanical circuit breakers (CBs); and a processor;', 'a solid-state switching device through which a main current flows;', 'a driver circuit configured to control an ON/OFF status of the solid-state switching device;', 'and a computer-readable medium having computer program instructions stored thereon, which when executed by the processor cause the processor to direct the driver circuit to repeatedly switch the solid-state switching device ON and OFF during short circuit events., 'a solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) disposed upstream from the one or more mechanical CBs configured to serve as a main circuit breaker, the SSCB including2. The electrical distribution system of claim 1 , wherein the computer program instructions include instructions which when executed by the processor cause the processor to direct the driver circuit to restrict switching the solid-state switching device ON and OFF during short circuit events to times in each cycle of a line voltage waveform that the magnitude of the line voltage is less than a predetermined voltage threshold.3. The electrical distribution ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации

Trip unit with captive trip bar

Номер: US20140320242A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

A trip unit wherein one sidewall of a trip unit housing assembly captivates a trip bar is provided. A captivation assembly is coupled, or directly coupled, to a trip unit housing assembly, thereby limiting tolerance buildup. The captivation assembly includes a trip bar bearing cap having a stop feature, thereby limiting tolerance buildup. The trip bar includes a radial stop paddle having hemispherical protrusions structured to contact the trip unit housing, thereby limiting tolerance buildup. The captivation assembly elements are incorporated into the trip unit housing assembly and captivates the trip bar in all but one axis, thereby limiting tolerance buildup and improving repeatability.

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210265124A1

A system may include a power supply that generates a first voltage. The power supply may couple upstream from an electrical load. The electrical load may operate based at least in part on the first voltage. In some cases, a solid-state circuit breaker may be coupled between the power supply and the electrical load. Furthermore, a control system may be communicatively coupled to the power supply, the electrical load, and the solid-state circuit breaker. The control system may receive an operational status from the solid-state circuit breaker and may update a visualization rendered on a graphical user interface based at least in part on the operational status. The operational status may indicate an operation of the solid-state circuit breaker coupling the power supply to the electrical load. 1. A system , comprising:a power supply configured to generate a first voltage;an electrical load coupled downstream from the power supply, wherein the electrical load operates based at least in part on the first voltage;a solid-state circuit breaker configured to couple between the power supply and the electrical load; and initiating a soft-start operation according to a start-up profile associated with the electrical load;', 'receiving one or more operational statuses from the solid-state circuit breaker during the soft-start operation of the solid-state circuit breaker including a first operational status indicative of the solid-state circuit breaker coupling the first voltage to the electrical load;', 'updating a visualization rendered on a graphical user interface based at least in part on the first operational status; and', 'adjusting an operation of the solid-state circuit breaker in response to the one or more operational statuses being greater than an expected value., 'a control system communicatively coupled to the power supply, the electrical load, and the solid-state circuit breaker, wherein the control system is configured to perform operations comprising2. The system ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Circuit breaker having circuit operating device

Номер: US20180240634A1
Принадлежит: LSIS Co Ltd

A circuit breaker having a circuit operating device according to one embodiment of the present invention includes a circuit unit having a main circuit, a detecting unit having a detection circuit for detecting a fault current in the main circuit, and a circuit operating device configured to allow connection or isolation between the main circuit and the detection circuit, wherein the circuit operating device includes a first fixed unit and a second fixed unit connected to the main circuit and the detection circuit, respectively, and arranged in parallel to each other, and a moving unit rotatably coupled between the first fixed unit and the second fixed unit to connect or isolate the main circuit and the detection circuit to or from each other.

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Interlocking outlet and associated method

Номер: US20160268742A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

An interlocking outlet includes terminals configured to electrically connect to a power source; a receptacle structured to receive a plug; at least one sensor; and a control unit structured to determine whether an electrical condition is met and the plug is physically inserted into the receptacle based on outputs of the at least one sensor and to electrically connect the receptacle to the terminals when the electrical condition is met and the plug is physically inserted into the receptacle to energize the receptacle.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Short circuit current suppression circuit for flying capacitor converter and energy storage system having the same

Номер: US20210336529A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Shanghai Co Ltd

The present invention discloses a flying capacitor converter, a short circuit current suppression circuit for the same and an energy storage system. The flying capacitor converter comprises a controller, and has a high voltage side connected to a first power source and a low voltage side connected to a second power source. The short circuit current suppression circuit comprises: at least one current detection unit connected to the low voltage side and/or the high voltage side of the flying capacitor converter; and at least one switch set connected in series to the high voltage side and/or the low voltage side of the flying capacitor converter, wherein the controller controls the switch set to cut off a connection between the flying capacitor converter and the first power source and/or between the flying capacitor converter and the second power source, when the current detection unit detects a short circuit.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Control and protection device for low-voltage electrical appliance

Номер: US20140368961A1

Disclosed is a control and protection device for a low-voltage electrical apparatus, comprising a pedestal and a control and protection module. The control and protection module may be plugged into the pedestal and is replaceable. The pedestal comprises a base and a housing, and is further provided with a moving contact, a static contact, and a current conductor connected to a main circuit current; a control electromagnet operation mechanism for controlling close and open of the moving contact and the static contact according to a control signal, and maintaining a close or open status of the moving contact and the static contact; a manual operation knob providing a control signal for controlling the close and open of the moving contact and the static contact; a control contact connected to the manual operation knob; and a current sensor for detecting a current that flows through the main circuit current conductor and generating a sensing signal. The control and protection device further comprises: a signal processing unit for controlling a state of the control electromagnet according to the sensing signal via an electrical circuit; and a tripping device for controlling actions of the operation mechanism with a mechanical connection in response to the signal processing unit. The current sensor has a secondary circuit connection detection device.

09-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210383993A1
Автор: Villiger Beat

A circuit breaker with improved trip unit fixation is disclosed. Another circuit breaker and a system also perform the functions of the circuit breaker. A circuit breaker includes a frame and a trip unit mounted in the frame. The trip unit includes a terminal for securing a wire to the trip unit. One of a wall of the frame and the trip unit include a protrusion and the wall of the frame or the trip unit without the protrusion includes an opening. The protrusion conforms to the opening and the protrusion and opening are positioned to oppose movement of the trip unit in a direction of a force resulting from securing the wire in the terminal. 1. A circuit breaker comprising:a frame; anda trip unit mounted in the frame, the trip unit comprising a terminal for securing a wire to the trip unit,wherein one of a wall of the frame and the trip unit comprises a protrusion and the wall of the frame or the trip unit without the protrusion comprises an opening, wherein the protrusion conforms to the opening and wherein the protrusion and opening are positioned to oppose movement of the trip unit in a direction of a force resulting from securing the wire in the terminal.2. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the protrusion and the opening are located on a side of the trip unit where the wire is inserted.3. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the terminal comprises a threaded shaft that is rotated to apply a force to the wire to secure the wire to the trip unit and wherein rotating the threaded shaft produces the force that secures the wire to the trip unit in a direction perpendicular to the threaded shaft.4. The circuit breaker of claim 3 , wherein the threaded shaft comprises a head accessible from a top side of the trip unit and the wire is secured to the trip unit on a side of the trip unit and the protrusion or opening is on a bottom portion of the side of the trip unit distal to the head of the threaded shaft.5. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the frame ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Control circuit for electric leakage circuit breaker

Номер: US20170316896A1
Автор: Jongkug SEON
Принадлежит: LSIS Co Ltd

A control circuit for an electric leakage circuit breaker, capable of preventing an error in determining an electric leakage generation due to an offset voltage of an input amplifier, including, a zero phase current transformer configured to detect a zero phase current on a circuit as a leakage detection signal, a filter circuit section configured to remove a high frequency noise included in the leakage detection signal, an input amplifier configured to a voltage formed by a current of the leakage detection signal and an impedance of the filter circuit section, and includes a pair of transistors, a base current generator commonly connected to the bases of the pair of transistors and configured to supply the same amount of base current to the pair of transistors, and a trip determination circuit section configured to determine whether to output a trip control signal.

09-11-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable thermal trip mechanism for circuit breaker

Номер: US20170323753A1
Автор: Kwangwon Lee
Принадлежит: LSIS Co Ltd

An adjustable thermal trip mechanism for a circuit breaker is provided which can improve the reliability of over-current tripping by minimizing an influence upon thermal tripping even if an assembly error such as skewing or twisting occurs during assembly of bimetallic strips. The adjustable thermal trip mechanism for the circuit breaker comprises: a crossbar that is rotatable and has at least one power receiving portion for receiving rotary power; a bimetallic strip that can bend towards the power receiving portion when an over current occurs on the circuit; and an adjustment screw installed to face the power receiving portion, wherein the power receiving portion comprises a plurality of planar portions which are at different distances from the adjustment screw.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200321180A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Limited

A hybrid switch assembly for use in a circuit interrupter, the hybrid switch assembly including an input, an output, separable contacts electrically connected between the input and the output, a solid state switching circuit electrically connected between the input and the output and in parallel with the separable contacts, and a fuse electrically connected in series with the solid state switching circuit. The solid state switching circuit is structured to turn on and allow current to flow through it between the input and the output for a predetermined amount of time after the separable contacts separate. 1. A hybrid switch assembly for use in a circuit interrupter , the hybrid switch assembly comprising:an input;an output;separable contacts electrically connected between the input and the output;a solid state switching circuit electrically connected between the input and the output and in parallel with the separable contacts; anda fuse electrically connected in series with the solid state switching circuit,wherein the solid state switching circuit is structured to turn on and allow current to flow through it between the input and the output for a predetermined amount of time after the separable contacts separate.2. The hybrid switch assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a current limiting inductor electrically connected between the input and the solid state switching circuit.3. The hybrid switch assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a moveable arm structured to move to separate the separable contacts.4. The hybrid switch assembly of claim 3 , further comprising:a trigger switch disposed in a path of the moveable arm and structured to be actuated when the moveable arm moves to separate the separable contacts.5. The hybrid switch assembly of claim 4 , wherein the solid state switching circuit includes a trigger circuit structured to cause the solid state switching circuit to turn on claim 4 , and wherein the trigger circuit is structured to wait a predetermined ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170345598A1

A trip apparatus for a circuit interruption device that comprises a coil operatively connectable to a circuit interruption device. The coil is configured to selectively operate the circuit interruption device to interrupt when a current flowing through the circuit interruption device exceeds a threshold. The trip apparatus also includes a current measuring device configured to selectively measure a coil current flowing through the coil to determine a measured coil current signal. In addition, the trip apparatus includes a monitoring device configured to determine the derivative of the measured coil current signal and to perform a correlation of the derivative of the measured coil current signal and a reference derivative of a reference coil current signal to determine a correlation output. The monitoring device is further configured to compare the correlation output with a reference correlation threshold to determine whether an operating condition of the coil is normal or abnormal. 1. A trip apparatus for a circuit interruption device comprising:a coil operatively connectable to a circuit interruption device, wherein the coil is configured to selectively operate the circuit interruption device to interrupt a current flowing through the circuit interruption device when the current exceeds a threshold;a current measuring device configured to selectively measure a coil current flowing through the coil to determine a measured coil current signal; anda monitoring device configured to determine the derivative of the measured coil current signal further configured to perform a correlation of the derivative of the measured coil current signal and a reference derivative of a reference coil current signal to determine a correlation output, wherein the monitoring device is further configured to compare the correlation output with a reference correlation threshold to determine whether an operating condition of the coil is normal or abnormal.2. The trip apparatus according to ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170345600A1

A circuit breaker having, in a current path, a switching device having a thermal and/or magnetic tripping device for interruption of a current circuit having the current path comprehensive in an event of overcurrent or short-circuit, wherein a functional component of the switching device connected into the current path is bridged by means of a bypass which carries the load current detected by means of a current sensor when the current is below a current threshold, and is shut off when the current threshold is exceeded. 1. A circuit breaker comprising:an input terminal;a load terminal;a switching device arranged in a current path between the input terminal and the load terminal, the switching device having a thermal and/or magnetic tripping device for an interruption of a current circuit, which comprises the current path, in an event of an overcurrent or a short-circuit,wherein a functional component of the switching device is connected in the current path and is bridged via a bypass, which carries a current detected via a current sensor when the current is below a current threshold and is shut off when the current threshold is exceeded, andwherein the current and/or voltage supply of the switching device and/or of the control circuit is provided via a function component based on a principle of energy harvesting.2. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the bypass is a switching element connected in parallel to the functional component.3. The circuit breaker according to claim 2 , wherein the switching element is a semiconductor switch claim 2 , a relay claim 2 , and/or a reed contact with an associated control circuit that is connected to the current sensor.4. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the functional component based on the principle of energy harvesting comprises an energy converter for converting the energy supplied by a switch-internal or external source into a supply voltage or into a supply current for the control circuit.5. ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Selective Coordination of Solid-State Circuit Breakers and Mechanical Circuit Breakers in Electrical Distribution Systems

Номер: US20190341213A1
Принадлежит: Atom Power, Inc.

In an electrical distribution system including a solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) and one or more downstream mechanical circuit breakers (CBs), a solid-state switching device in the SSCB is repeatedly switched ON and OFF during a short circuit event, to reduce a root-mean-square (RMS) value of the short circuit current. The resulting pulsed short circuit current is regulated in a hysteresis control loop, to limit the RMS to a value low enough to prevent the SSCB from tripping prematurely but high enough to allow one of the downstream mechanical CBs to trip and isolate the short circuit. Pulsing is allowed to continue for a maximum short circuit pulsing time. Only if none of the downstream mechanical CBs is able to trip to isolate the short circuit within the maximum short circuit pulsing time is the SSCB allowed to trip. 1. A method of selectively coordinating a solid-state circuit breaker (SSCB) among one or more downstream mechanical circuit breakers (CBs) in an electrical distribution system , comprising:determining whether a short circuit current is flowing through the SSCB and one or more downstream mechanical CBs in the electrical distribution system;if a short circuit current is determined to be flowing, pulsing the short circuit current by repeatedly switching a solid-state switching device, through which the short circuit current is flowing in the SSCB, ON and OFF;limiting a root-mean-square (RMS) value of the pulsed short circuit current to a value low enough to prevent the SSCB from tripping prematurely and high enough to allow one of the downstream mechanical CBs to trip and isolate the short circuit; andswitching the solid-state switching device in the SSCB OFF permanently if none of the downstream mechanical CBs trips to isolate the short circuit after a predetermined short circuit pulsing time.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein limiting the RMS value of the pulsed short circuit current comprises regulating the pulsed short circuit current in a ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160372289A1

A fusible switch disconnect device includes a housing adapted to receive at least one fuse therein, and a switchable contact for connecting the fuse to circuitry. A tripping mechanism and control circuitry are provided to move the switchable contact to an open position in response to a predetermined electrical condition. 128-. (canceled)29. A fusible switch disconnect device comprising:a disconnect housing adapted to receive and engage at least a portion of a removable overcurrent protection fuse having a current rating, the overcurrent protection fuse including first and second terminal elements and a fusible element electrically connected therebetween;at least a first terminal in the disconnect housing that connects to the fusible element when the fuse is received and engaged;at least one switchable contact in the disconnect housing and associated with the first terminal, the at least one switchable contact selectively positionable in an open position and a closed position to respectively connect or disconnect an electrical connection through the the fusible element when the fuse is received and engaged; and monitor current flow through at least one of the first terminal and the circuit path of the fusible element; and', 'compare the monitored current flow to a baseline set of time-current data that would cause an expected permanent opening of a typically performing fusible element in a typical overcurrent protection fuse having the same rating as the overcurrent protection fuse., 'electronic circuitry configured to30. The fusible switch disconnect device of claim 29 , wherein the first terminal comprises one of a line side terminal and a load side terminal respectively engageable to the first and second terminal elements of the overcurrent protection fuse claim 29 , the at least one switchable contact comprising a first switchable contact provided on one of the line side and load side terminal.31. The fusible switch disconnect device of claim 30 , wherein the ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Fusible switching disconnect modules and devices with tripping coil

Номер: US20160372292A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

A fusible switch disconnect device includes a housing adapted to receive at least one fuse therein, and a switchable contact for connecting the fuse to circuitry. A tripping mechanism and control circuitry are provided to move the switchable contact to an open position in response to a predetermined electrical condition.

22-08-2002 дата публикации

Contact wear detection method for electronic trip circuit of circuit breakers, involves integrating sensed signals obtained based on current flow in contacts after contact separation

Номер: DE10204849A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The separation of a pair of contacts, in an electronic trip unit is detected. Current through the contacts is sensed and a current signal is output. The detected current signals after separation of the contacts are integrated to obtain wear value. An independent claim is also included for breaker assembly.

07-08-1996 дата публикации

Safety device for a current line in vehicles

Номер: EP0725412A2
Принадлежит: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

The electrical fuse system of a road vehicle is protected against a major overload condition by having a current monitoring module (6) connected in the main power cable (2). This has a threshold detector (8) that responds when a maximum voltage is attained and an amplifier (9) gives an output to a detonator capsule (10). This drives a cutting blade into the cable to effect complete mechanical and electrical isolation of the battery from the wiring looms of the vehicle.

20-05-1998 дата публикации

Circuit breaker having a breaker block and modules for processing, calibration and indication

Номер: EP0843332A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric SE

The remote control adjustable modular units have a circuit breaker with attached modules, which are connected mechanically and electrically to the circuit breaker. The modules are made up of a communications unit (4) which allows bus communications via an input/output connector (28), a processing unit (2) and a calibration unit (3). There is an isolation block (11) between the processing unit and the circuit breaker.

27-05-2005 дата публикации

A circuit breaker with a circuit breaker unit and processing, calibration and communication modules

Номер: KR100475219B1

회로차단기는 그 위에 통신모듈 (4), 처리모듈 (2) 및 교정모듈 (3) 이 고정되는 회로차단기 유니트를 구비한다. 교정모듈 (3) 은 처리모듈과 전기적으로 접속 (25) 되는데 반하여, 통신모듈은 오직 갈바니 아이솔레이션 (galvanic isolation) (11) 을 갖는, 광접속이 바람직한, 접속을 통해서만 처리모듈과 통신한다. 게다가, 통신모듈은 기계적인 접속에 의해 회로차단기의 상태를 나타내는 회로차단기 유니트의 부분에 연결되고 양방향의 전기적 접속 (28) 에 의해 외부 통신버스에 연결된다. 회로차단기 유니트와 접속된 인터페이스 (23) 는 교정모듈 (3) 을 위한 지지물 및 회로차단기의 차단 용량을 나타내는 정보를 포함하고 처리모듈 (2) 과 전기적으로 접속된 부가모듈 (15) 을 위한 지지물로서의 역할을 한다. The circuit breaker has a circuit breaker unit to which the communication module 4, the processing module 2 and the calibration module 3 are fixed. The calibration module 3 is in electrical connection 25 with the processing module, whereas the communication module communicates with the processing module only via a connection, in which optical connection is preferred, with a galvanic isolation 11. In addition, the communication module is connected to the part of the circuit breaker unit indicating the state of the circuit breaker by mechanical connection and to the external communication bus by the bidirectional electrical connection 28. The interface 23 connected with the circuit breaker unit includes a support for the calibration module 3 and information indicating the breaking capacity of the circuit breaker and serves as a support for the additional module 15 electrically connected to the processing module 2. Play a role.

12-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN112366104A
Принадлежит: Atom Power Inc


20-12-2013 дата публикации

Система защиты и диагностики размыкателя цепи

Номер: RU2012124037A

Система защиты и диагностики размыкателя цепи, содержащая модуль получения электрических сигналов, модуль передачи, модуль параметризации и модуль принятия решения, отличающаяся тем, что включает модуль получения неэлектрических сигналов (NESAM), вход (U1) которого соединен с датчиком неэлектрических сигналов размыкателя цепи (CB), причем один выход соединен с модулем сравнения (СМ), а другой с модулем передачи (ТМ), который соединен с выходом (U6) системы, причем второй вход модуля сравнения (СМ) соединен с модулем опорных стандартных неэлектрических диагностических сигналов (NDSRSM), один из выходов модуля сравнения (СМ) соединен с модулем принятия решения (DM), выход (U5) которого соединен с системой управления размыкателем цепи (CS), а второй выход модуля сравнения (СМ) соединен с модулем передачи (ТМ), второй вход которого соединен с выходом модуля получения электрических сигналов (ESAM), а третий вход соединен с выходом модуля защиты (PM), второй выход которого соединен с входом модуля принятия решения (DM), а вход соединен с выходом модуля параметризации сигналов (SPM), с входом которого соединен второй выход модуля получения электрических сигналов (ESAM), и со входами напряжения (U3) модуля получения электрических сигналов (ESAM) соединены выходы трансформаторов напряжения (TU), с токовыми входами (U2) соединены выходы трансформаторов тока (TI), и бинарные входы (U4) принимают бинарные сигналы (WDW) размыкателя цепи (СВ). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01H 9/16 (13) 2012 124 037 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012124037/07, 09.11.2010 (71) Заявитель(и): ИНСТИТУТ ТЕЛЕ- И РАДИОТЕХНИЧНИ (PL) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 12.11.2009 PL P389546 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 13.06.2012 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.12.2013 Бюл. № 35 (72) Автор(ы): ЛИСОВЕЦ Александр (PL), НОВАКОВСКИ Анджей (PL), КОЛОДЗЕЙЧИК Здзислав (PL) ( ...

30-01-2018 дата публикации

Trip mechanism for dc molded case circuit breaker

Номер: KR101823516B1
Автор: 오기환
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

An objective of the present invention is to provide a trip apparatus of a circuit breaker for direct current wiring which increases an inter-polarity insulation distance without increasing an overall product size, and provides a reliable trigger output for an overcurrent and a momentary fault current. According to the present invention, a trip mechanism of a circuit breaker for direct current wiring comprises: a trip mechanism unit which includes a momentary trip mechanism unit having an operating unit connected to a circuit to be operated by a momentary fault current flowing in the circuit and a thermostatic trip mechanism unit having a bimetal connected to a circuit to be operated by an overcurrent flowing in the circuit, and is arranged on any one polarity among two adjacent polarities; a crossbar to be rotated by contact or compression of the operating unit of the momentary trip mechanism unit or the bimetal of the thermostatic trip mechanism unit; and a shooter which is arranged to be rotated by contact of the rotating crossbar, and provides an output of a trip mechanism.

22-11-2011 дата публикации

Trip mechanism for current limiting type mold cased circuit breaker

Номер: KR101085267B1
Автор: 오기환
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

The present invention is to provide a tripping mechanism that can shorten the trigger speed for the opening and closing mechanism in the current-circuit type circuit breaker, the shaft (shaft) rotatably supporting the movable contact according to the present invention; A crossbar rotatable to a position that triggers the opening and closing mechanism to drive the movable contactor to the circuit breaking position; And one end which is supported by the shaft so as to move horizontally through the shaft and is pressed by the movable contactor rotated during the current-limiting operation, and receives a driving force for horizontal movement, and horizontally moves the crossbar to the trigger position. Disclosed is a tripping mechanism of a current-circuit type circuit breaker, including a shooter having the other end.

04-10-2006 дата публикации

Pressure trip device of the circuit breaker

Номер: KR100631827B1
Автор: 서정우
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 배선용차단기의 압트립 장치에 관한 것으로, 각상별 전류 회로를 개폐하기 위해 가동접촉자 및 고정접촉자를 절연물의 케이스내에 밀폐하여 내장하고, 아크가스 배출공이 구비되어 있으며 서로 축으로 연동하게 접속되는 다수의 상별 단극차단유닛과; 상기 단극차단유닛들중 어느 하나와 접속되어, 접속된 단극차단유닛내의 가동접촉자를 고정접촉자에 접촉 또는 고정접촉자로부터 분리하도록 개폐시키는 주 회로개폐기구와; 상기 주 회로 개폐기구를 트립시키기 위해 상기 주 회로 개폐기구에 접속되고 하부에 수압돌부가 형성된 트립바와; 상기 주 회로 개폐기구와 상기 트립바를 양측에서 지지하는 측판과; 상기 측판에 수평이동 가능하게 지지되는 수평작동봉과, 상기 수평작동봉의 끝단에 연결되고 상기 아크가스배출공에 대향하게 설치되어 가스압을 받는 수압판과, 상기 수평작동봉의 타단에 연결되고 상기 트립바의 수압돌부에 압력을 가하도록 접촉한 갈고리형 가압부재;를 구비하는 가스압 슈터를 포함하여 구성함으로써, 종래의 다단계에 걸쳐 개폐 기구부를 트립하는 과정에 비해 보다 빠른시간내에 개폐 기구부를 트립시켜 주며 이는 아크가 개폐 기구부에 머무는 시간을 단축하고 이에 따라 배선용차단기의 성능을 높여줄 수 있으며 한류시 접점 재접촉에 의한 접점 용착현상도 방지할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a pressure trip device for a circuit breaker, and includes a movable contactor and a fixed contactor enclosed in a case of an insulator for opening and closing a current circuit for each phase, and are provided with arc gas discharge holes and connected to each other in an axially connected manner. A plurality of phase single pole blocking units; A main circuit opening and closing mechanism connected to any one of the single pole blocking units to open and close the movable contact in the connected single pole blocking unit to or from the fixed contactor; A trip bar connected to the main circuit switch mechanism to trip the main circuit switch mechanism and having a hydraulic pressure protrusion formed at a lower portion thereof; Side plates for supporting the main circuit opening and closing mechanism and the trip bar on both sides; A horizontal actuating rod supported by the side plate so as to be movable horizontally, a hydraulic pressure plate connected to an end of the horizontal actuating rod and installed opposite to the arc gas discharge hole and receiving a gas pressure, and connected to the other end of the horizontal actuating rod, By including a gas pressure shooter having a hook-type pressing member in contact to apply pressure to the hydraulic pressure protrusion, it trips the opening and ...

15-07-2000 дата публикации

Apparatus for breaking leakage of electricity

Номер: KR200188852Y1
Автор: 양영모
Принадлежит: 엘지산전주식회사

본 고안은 전기 기기에 있어서, 특히 변류기(CT : Current Transformer)의 출력 전류를 이용하여 피씨비(Printed Circuit Board ; 이하, PCB 라 약칭함)를 구동시키고, 또한 트립 코일(trip coil)을 동작시키는 누전 차단 장치에 관한 것으로, 변류기의 각 상(R상, S상, T상)에서 검출된 전류를 전파 정류하는 정류 회로부와, 상기 정류 회로부의 출력을 증폭하는 증폭회로부와, 상기 증폭회로부의 출력을 디지털로 변환하는 디지털 변환회로부와, 상기 디지털 변환회로부의 출력을 미리 설정되어 있던 전류 기준치와 비교하여, 그에 따른 결과에 의해 누전 전류가 발생되었다고 판단될 경우 트립신호를 출력하는 마이크로 프로세서와, 상기 마이크로 프로세서로부터 출력된 트립신호에 의해 동작하는 트립 코일로 구성되는 누전 차단 장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention, in particular in the electrical device to drive the PCB (Printed Circuit Board; abbreviated as PCB) by using the output current of the current transformer (CT) (short circuit board), and also a short circuit for operating a trip coil (trip coil) A circuit breaker comprising: a rectifier circuit section for full-wave rectifying current detected in each phase (R phase, S phase, T phase) of a current transformer, an amplifier circuit section for amplifying the output of the rectifier circuit section, and an output of the amplifier circuit section. A digital processor for converting a digital signal, a microprocessor for comparing the output of the digital converter circuit part with a preset current reference value, and outputting a trip signal when it is determined that a short circuit current is generated according to the result; The present invention relates to a ground fault interruption device configured of a trip coil operated by a trip signal output from a processor.

11-10-2022 дата публикации

Manual Motor Starter

Номер: KR102453179B1
Автор: 조현근
Принадлежит: 엘에스일렉트릭(주)

본 발명은 모터 보호용 차단기에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 단락 사고시 트립 표시 기능을 갖는 모터 보호용 차단기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 모터 보호용 차단기는 전원 또는 부하에 연결되는 고정접촉자 및 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉 또는 분리되어 회로를 통전 또는 차단시키는 가동접촉자; 상기 가동접촉자를 동작시키는 개폐기구부; 과전류 발생시 상기 개폐기구부를 트립 동작시키는 지연 트립장치 및 단락 전류 발생시 상기 개폐기구부를 트립 동작시키는 순시 트립장치;를 포함하고, 상기 개폐기구부에는 사용자의 동력을 받는 핸들; 상기 핸들과 가동접촉자 사이에 구비되어 개폐 동력을 전달하는 래치; 상기 래치를 구속 또는 해제하는 래치홀더;를 포함하고, 상기 래치에는 트립 걸림부가 돌출 형성되어, 상기 지연 트립장치에 의해 트립 동작하는 경우 복귀 시 상기 래치 홀더에 걸리지 않고, 상기 순시 트립장치에 의해 트립 동작하는 경우 복귀 시 상기 래치 홀더에 걸리는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a motor protection circuit breaker, and more particularly, to a motor protection circuit breaker having a trip display function in case of a short circuit accident. A motor protection circuit breaker according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a fixed contact connected to a power source or a load, and a movable contact that is in contact with or separated from the fixed contact to energize or cut off the circuit; an opening/closing mechanism for operating the movable contactor; and a delay trip device for tripping the opening/closing mechanism unit when an overcurrent occurs and an instantaneous trip device for tripping the opening/closing mechanism unit when a short-circuit current occurs, wherein the opening/closing mechanism unit includes: a handle receiving power from a user; a latch provided between the handle and the movable contactor to transmit opening/closing power; and a latch holder for constraining or releasing the latch, wherein a trip locking portion is formed to protrude from the latch, so that when a trip operation is performed by the delay trip device, the latch does not catch on the latch holder when returning, and trips by the instantaneous trip device In the case of operation, it is characterized in that it is caught by the latch holder when returning.

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Ground fault protective relaying method using distance relay in traction power supply system

Номер: KR100694279B1
Принадлежит: 한국철도기술연구원

본 발명은 전기철도용 직류 급전계통에서 지락사고가 발생하게 되면 지락사고에 따른 사고전류에 근거하여 지락사고가 발생한 지락구간을 식별할 수 있게 함은 물론 지락지점도 용이하게 검측할 수 있도록 하여 건전구간의 전력은 정상적으로 공급되게 하면서 사고구간의 전력만을 차단할 수 있도록 하는 전기철도용 직류 급전계통에서의 지락보호계전방법에 관한 것으로서, 전기철도용 직류 급전계통에서 지락사고가 발생하면 접지스위치를 단락시키고, 상기 접지스위치가 단락됨에 따라 형성되는 각 급전선에 흐르는 전류의 변화량을 연산하여 지락사고 지점까지의 거리를 산출하는 단계 및 상기 단계에서 산출된 지락사고 지점까지의 거리가 사전에 설정된 보호구역의 범위에 포함되면 차단기를 트립 제어하는 단계를 포함하여 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. According to the present invention, when a ground fault occurs in a DC power feed system for an electric railway, the ground fault section can be easily identified based on the fault current according to the ground fault, and the ground fault can be easily detected. The present invention relates to a ground fault protection relay method in a DC feed system for electric railway that allows power to be normally supplied and cuts only the power of an accident section. When a ground fault occurs in a DC feed system for electric railway, a grounding switch is shorted and Calculating a distance to the ground fault point by calculating a change amount of current flowing in each feed line formed as the switch is short-circuited; and if the distance to the ground fault point calculated in the step is included in the preset protection zone Tripping the circuit breaker And a gong. 지락보호계전기, 보호계전기, 거리계전기, 전기철도, 직류급전계통 Ground protection relay, protection relay, distance relay, electric railway, DC feed system

25-07-2019 дата публикации

개선된 트립바 구조를 포함하는 소형 배선차단기

Номер: KR102003328B1
Автор: 김현동
Принадлежит: 상도전기통신(주)

개선된 트립바 구조를 포함하는 소형 배선차단기가 개시된다. 본 발명은 전원과 접속하는 전원 측 터미널과 부하가 접속되는 부하 측 터미널 및 배선차단을 위한 구성요소를 수용할 수 있는 공간을 형성하는 하부 하우징과 상기 하부 하우징의 상부에서 하부 하우징을 덮는 상부 하우징과 과전류가 흐를 경우 회로를 차단하는 트립바와 과전류가 흐를 경우 만곡되어 상기 트립바를 움직이게 하는 바이메탈 및 피봇점이 형성되며 상기 피봇점을 기준으로 회동함에 따라 회로를 차단하는 조작핸들이 연결되는 프레임을 포함하고, 상기 트립바는 상기 바이메탈과 상기 프레임간의 절연을 위한 제1차단벽을 포함한다. 본 발명에 의하면 차단 시 발생하는 아크에 의해 생성된 외력 또는 기체로부터 차단기의 내부 구조가 파손되는 것을 방지할 수 있으며, 프레임과 바이메탈 간의 절연성능을 향상시킬 수 있다.

15-09-2006 дата публикации

Remote open and close device of circuit breaker attached a distributer box

Номер: KR100623931B1
Автор: 강필구
Принадлежит: 강필구

본 발명은 배선 또는 누전 방지를 위해 사용되는 차단기의 스위치 원격 개폐장치에 관한 것으로, 조작핸들에 의해 구동실린더로부터 유압을 발생시키고 이를 유압호스를 통해 차단기에 연결되어 있는 피동측 실린더를 동작시켜서 스위치를 원격으로 온/오프 동작시킨다. 따라서 분전함에 다수개가 설치된 차단기의 수리 보수 후 별도의 스위치 조작위치를 정확히 맞추어야 하는 불편이 없어지는 등 덮개판의 조립 작업성이 월등히 향상된다. The present invention relates to a switch remote switchgear of a circuit breaker used for wiring or short circuit prevention, and generates a hydraulic pressure from a driving cylinder by an operation handle and operates the driven cylinder connected to the circuit breaker through a hydraulic hose. Remote on / off operation Therefore, assembling workability of the cover plate is greatly improved, such as the inconvenience of having to accurately adjust a separate switch operation position after repair and repair of a plurality of circuit breakers installed in a distribution box. 개폐기, 차단기, 누전, 배전, 분전함, 방폭, 실린더, 유압호스 Switchgear, Breaker, Leakage, Distribution, Distribution Box, Explosion Proof, Cylinder, Hydraulic Hose

07-02-2007 дата публикации

Electronic trip device with a power supply circuit means, and circuit breaker comprising such device

Номер: CN1909314A
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric SE


30-11-2009 дата публикации

Instantaneous tripping mechanism of wiring breaker

Номер: KR100928936B1
Автор: 박기억
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 배선용 차단기에 있어서 순시전류에 대한 트립 동작 감도 조정이 가능한 배선용 차단기를 제공하려는 것으로서, 배선용 차단기의 개폐기구에 접촉가능한 위치에 설치되어 상기 개폐기구를 트립 위치로 트리거(TRIGGER)하게 회전가능한 크로스 바(CROSS BAR); 상기 크로스 바에 접촉하여 회전구동가능한 회전 경로를 가지며, 상기 고정접촉자 상에 회동가능하게 설치되는 아마추어(ARMATURE); 상기 아마추어를 대향하게 고정 설치되고, 상기 회로에 통전 접속되어, 순시 전류 발생시 자기(磁氣) 흡인력을 발생시켜 상기 크로스 바를 회동시키도록 상기 아마추어를 회전구동가능한 전자석; 및 상기 아마추어를 상기 전자석에 근접하도록 회동시켜 크기가 작은 순시전류에 대해서도 트립 동작하도록 감도를 민감하게 조정할 수 있고, 상기 아마추어를 상기 전자석으로부터 이격되도록 회동시켜 크기가 비교적 큰 순시전류에 대해서 트립 동작하도록 감도를 둔감하게 조정할 수 있으며, 상기 아마추어의 후방에 전후로 이동가능하게 설치되는 조정수단을 포함하여 구성된다. The present invention is to provide a circuit breaker that can adjust the trip operation sensitivity to the instantaneous current in the circuit breaker, it is installed in a position that can be contacted to the opening and closing mechanism of the circuit breaker is rotatable to trigger the switching mechanism to the trip position (TRIGGER) Cross bars (CROSS BAR); An armature having a rotation path rotatable in contact with the cross bar and rotatably installed on the fixed contactor; An electromagnet fixedly mounted so as to face the armature, and electrically connected to the circuit and capable of rotating the armature so as to rotate the crossbar by generating a magnetic attraction force during instantaneous current generation; And sensitively adjust the sensitivity to rotate the armature close to the electromagnet so as to trip the small instantaneous current, and rotate the armature away from the electromagnet to trip the relatively instantaneous current. Sensitivity can be adjusted insensitively, it is configured to include an adjustment means that is installed to be movable back and forth in the rear of the armature. 배선용 차단기, 순시전류, 감도조정 Circuit breaker, instantaneous current, sensitivity adjustment

28-07-2011 дата публикации

Switchgear of small circuit breaker

Номер: KR101052634B1
Автор: 조현길
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 개극거리를 증가시킬 수 있는 소형 배선용 차단기의 개폐기구를 제공하려는 것으로서, 본 발명에 따라서 핸들; 동력전달 레버(power transmission lever); 상기 동력전달 레버를 통해 전달되는 동력에 의해 회전하는 래치(latch); 회로의 전원 또는 부하에 접속되는 고정접촉자; 회로를 개폐하도록 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉하는 위치 또는 상기 고정접촉자로부터 분리되는 위치로 회전이동 가능하며, 상기 래치에 접속되는 일 단부를 갖는 가동접촉자; 상기 가동접촉자에 접속되는 일 단부와 상기 소형 배선용 차단기에 고정되는 타 단부를 가지며, The present invention is to provide an opening and closing mechanism of a small circuit breaker that can increase the opening distance, the handle according to the present invention; Power transmission levers; A latch that rotates by power transmitted through the power transmission lever; A fixed contactor connected to a power supply or a load of the circuit; A movable contact that is rotatable to a position contacting the fixed contactor or to a position separate from the fixed contactor to open and close a circuit, the movable contact having an end connected to the latch; Has one end connected to the movable contactor and the other end fixed to the small wiring breaker, 상기 가동접촉자가 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉하는 투입 동작시, 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉하는 압력으로서 탄성력을 상기 가동접촉자에 부과하고, In the closing operation in which the movable contactor makes contact with the fixed contactor, an elastic force is applied to the movable contactor as the pressure contacting the fixed contactor, 상기 가동접촉자가 상기 고정접촉자로부터 분리되는 차단 동작시, 상기 고정접촉자로부터 분리되는 방향으로 탄성력을 부과하는 스프링; 및 A spring for applying an elastic force in a direction to be separated from the fixed contact when the movable contact is separated from the fixed contact; And 회로 개폐를 위한 상기 가동접촉자의 회전이동시에 상기 가동접촉자의 외측면에 접촉하여 회전지지점을 제공하는 고정축;을 포함하는 소형 몰드 케이스 회로차단기의 개폐기구가 개시된다. An opening and closing mechanism of a small mold case circuit breaker is provided, including; a fixed shaft which contacts a outer surface of the movable contactor to provide a rotation support point when the movable contactor rotates to open and close a circuit. 소형 배선용 차단기, 개폐기구 Small wiring breaker, switchgear

06-12-2019 дата публикации

Molded case circuit breaker

Номер: KR102053166B1
Автор: 강성우

본 발명은, 코어홀더를 구성하는 한 쌍의 지지부재(사이드패널)에 각각 축받이홈이 마련되고, 가동코어의 양옆에 지지부재의 축받이홈에 각각 안착되는 축부재가 마련되며, 가동코어의 하단 쪽에 어느 한쪽 지지부재의 하단과 걸림작용에 의하여 축받이홈의 입구를 통한 축부재의 이탈을 방지하는 턱부가 마련된, 배선용 차단기를 제공한다.

29-09-2021 дата публикации

Blocking element and molded-case circuit breaker including the same

Номер: KR20210117806A
Автор: 조성열
Принадлежит: 엘에스일렉트릭(주)

차단 부재 및 이를 포함하는 배선용 차단기가 개시된다. 본 발명의 실시 예에 따른 배선용 차단기는 차단 부재를 포함한다. 차단 부재는 복수 개의 연장부를 포함하여, 아크와 함께 발생된 가스를 다단으로 차단할 수 있다. 이에 따라, 아크와 함께 발생된 가스가 배선용 차단기의 내부에 잔류하지 않고, 배선용 차단기의 외부로 배출될 수 있다.

05-07-2019 дата публикации

Arc Chamber of Molded Case Circuit Breaker

Номер: KR20190001706U
Автор: 오경환, 오기환
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 고안은 전술한 문제점을 해결하고자 안출된 것으로, 그 목적은 조립성을 향상시키고 제품의 일관성을 보장하는 배선용 차단기의 아크 챔버를 제공하는 것이다. 본 고안의 일 실시예에 따른 배선용 차단기의 아크챔버는 가동 접촉자의 운동 궤적의 외측에 소정 간격으로 다수개가 배열되고, 몸체부와 다리부를 포함하는 그리드; 및 상기 다리부에 압입 방식으로 끼워지는 고정캡;을 포함하되, 상기 고정캡의 일측에는 상기 몸체부의 측면까지 연장되는 결합부가 구비되는 것을 특징으로 한다.

04-01-2001 дата публикации

Arc fault circuit breaker

Номер: WO2001001536A1

An arc fault circuit breaker (10) comprising an electronics portion (22) that is interconnected with a mechanical portion (12) is presented. A plunger arm (50) affixed to the end of a plunger shaft (42) of a solenoid (40) connects the electronics portion (22) with the mechanical portion (12). A protrusion (64) is provided to assist in assembly of the circuit breaker (10). The protrusion (64) depends from the plunger arm (34). An assembler applies a light downward force with one finger (60) on the protrusion (64) and the plunger arm (34) tends to assume a position at right angles to the surface of the printed circuit board (38). When the electronics portion (22) is connected with the mechanical portion (12), the plunger arm (34) is properly aligned and it enters into the slot (46). If the electronics portion (22) is slightly offset, the finger (60) on the protrusion (64) can move the plunger arm (34) slightly to align the plunger arm (34). Thus, the invention enables an assembler to hold and guide the plunger arm (34) into the correct position with one hand while assembling the circuit breaker (10).

15-05-2001 дата публикации

Arc fault circuit breaker

Номер: US6232857B1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An arc fault circuit breaker ( 10 ) conducting an electric current to a protected load is presented. The circuit breaker ( 10 ) has a first (mechanical) compartment ( 24 ) and a second (electrical) compartment ( 62 ). A bimetal resistor ( 50 ) is disposed within the first compartment ( 24 ) and conducts the current therethrough. The bimetal resistor ( 50 ) has a stud ( 56 ) extending into the second compartment ( 62 ). A single sense line ( 60 ) is electrically connected to the bimetal resistor ( 50 ) and routed into the second compartment ( 62 ). The sense line ( 60 ) and said stud ( 56 ) conduct a voltage signal indicative of arcing of the current. A circuit board ( 84 ) is disposed within the second compartment ( 62 ) and is connected to the sense line ( 60 ) and stud ( 56 ) within the second compartment ( 62 ) to process the voltage signal. The circuit board ( 84 ) has a first conductive path ( 104 ) electrically connected to the stud ( 56 ), and a second conductive path ( 106 ) electrically connected to the sense line ( 60 ). The first and second conductive paths ( 104,106 ) run substantially parallel and proximate to each other such that electromagnetic interference of the voltage signal is substantially reduced.

03-12-2019 дата публикации

Trip unit providing remote electrical signal to remotely indicate that an arc reduction maintenance mode is remotely enabled, and electrical switching apparatus including the same

Номер: CA2823281C
Принадлежит: Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd

An electrical switching apparatus includes separable contacts; an operating mechanism structured to open and close the separable contacts; and a trip mechanism cooperating with the operating mechanism to trip open the separable contacts. The trip mechanism includes an input structured to receive a remote signal to remotely enable an arc reduction maintenance mode, a first circuit structured to enable the arc reduction maintenance mode in response to the received remote signal, and a second circuit structured to provide an electrical signal remote from the trip mechanism in order to remotely indicate that the arc reduction maintenance mode is remotely enabled.

05-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN103370762B


24-11-2016 дата публикации

Control system and method

Номер: AU2012307073B2
Принадлежит: NEPEAN POWER Pty Ltd

A control system and method to operate a switching device, particularly to selectively connect a power supply to a load. The control system (1) including a reader (5) to read an identification plate of a load (4) and transmit an identification signal (7), and, a controller (6). The controller (6) includes a memory (11), which has a repository of protocol settings pertaining to a plurality of loads, and, a processor (9), which receives the identification signal and communicates with the memory (11) to provide a control signal to thereby operate the switch (2).

30-06-2009 дата публикации

Circuit breaker with trip signal output apparatus

Номер: KR100905019B1
Автор: 손종만
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 트립신호 출력장치를 구비한 차단기에 관한 것으로서, 고정접점부와 가동접점부를 개폐하는 개폐기구와; 사고전류를 검출하여 트립 신호를 출력하는 과전류 계전기와; 상기 과전류 계전기의 트립 신호 출력 시 조작력을 발생시키는 액츄에이터와, 상기 액츄에이터의 트립 동작 시 트립 위치로 이동되는 트립슬라이더를 가지는 트립기구모듈과; 상기 트립기구모듈과 연동하여 상기 트립기구모듈의 트립동작 수행 시 외부에 트립 신호를 출력하는 트립신호 출력장치를 구비하여 구성된다. 이에 의해, 트립 신호를 지속시키기 위한 별도의 회로 사용을 배제할 수 있는 트립신호 출력장치를 구비한 차단기가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a circuit breaker having a trip signal output device, comprising: an opening and closing mechanism for opening and closing a fixed contact portion and a movable contact portion; An overcurrent relay for detecting a fault current and outputting a trip signal; A trip mechanism module having an actuator for generating a manipulation force when outputting the trip signal of the overcurrent relay, and a trip slider moving to a trip position when the actuator is tripped; It is configured to include a trip signal output device for outputting a trip signal to the outside during the trip operation of the trip mechanism module in conjunction with the trip mechanism module. Thereby, a circuit breaker having a trip signal output device capable of eliminating the use of a separate circuit for sustaining the trip signal is provided.

22-05-2008 дата публикации

An automatic and manual section switching system

Номер: KR100831389B1
Автор: 신인숙, 이한신
Принадлежит: 신인숙, 이한신

An automatic and manual load switching system is provided to protect switching when a rated breaking current is generated and allow a load switch to be operated by automatic operation and manual operation. An automatic and manual load switching system includes a first spring(103) and a second spring. The first spring storing compression force by linear movement and the second spring storing compression force by rotation force are connected to a center shaft(70) and are installed to maintain the balance of power at the center shaft. When the first spring is compressed, the second spring rotates on the center shaft in one direction and stores reaction force to rotate in the other direction. When the second spring is mounted on a rotation disk(21), both ends are supported on a casing connected to the rotation disk.

07-11-2012 дата публикации

Thermal Adjustable Trip Device

Номер: KR101198972B1
Принадлежит: 현대중공업 주식회사

본 발명의 배선용 차단기의 열동 가조정형 트립장치 구조는, 배선용 차단기에 있어서, 축방향 양측에 각각 구비되되, 축 방향을 따라 장홈 형태를 가지는 조립공을 형성한 트립샤프트; 상기 트립샤프트의 후방에서 좌우로 이동가능하도록 상기 조립공에 대응 체결되는 결합축을 전방에 형성하고, 후방 길이방향을 따라 복수의 경사부가 형성된 가동트립샤프트; 상기 가동트립샤프트의 상기 경사부와 대응 위치에 배치되는 트립조절볼트와, 상기 트립조절볼트를 고정함과 아울러 전원이 공급되는 바이메탈이 구비되는 가열부재; 및 상기 가동트립샤프트를 이동시켜 상기 경사부와 상기 트립조절볼트의 간격 조절하기 위하여 수평 회전에 의해 상기 가동트립샤프트를 좌우로 이동시키되, 최대 회전각도가 표시되어 회전각을 제한할 수 있는 조정노브; 를 포함한다. The thermally adjustable type tripping device structure of the circuit breaker of the present invention includes: a trip shaft having a assembly hole having a long groove shape along the axial direction, respectively provided on both sides of the axial direction; A movable trip shaft having a coupling shaft fastened to the assembly hole in a forward direction so as to be movable from side to side in the rear of the trip shaft, and having a plurality of inclined portions along the rear longitudinal direction; A heating member provided with a trip adjustment bolt disposed at a corresponding position with the inclined portion of the movable trip shaft, and a bimetal to which the power is supplied while fixing the trip adjustment bolt; And a moving knob to move the movable trip shaft left and right by horizontal rotation to adjust the distance between the inclined portion and the trip adjustment bolt by moving the movable trip shaft, and the maximum rotation angle is displayed to limit the rotation angle. ; It includes. 배선용 차단기, 트립샤프트, 가동트립샤프트, 조정노브, 조정노브지지대, 바이메탈, 트립조절볼트, 편심로드, 스토퍼 Circuit breaker, trip shaft, movable trip shaft, adjusting knob, adjusting knob support, bimetal, trip adjusting bolt, eccentric rod, stopper

25-11-2010 дата публикации

Swiching mechanism for motor protection circuit breaker

Номер: KR100996806B1
Автор: 길환창
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

회로를 차단하는 성능은 향상되고 핸들의 조작력은 감소될 수 있는 모터 보호용 차단기의 개폐기구를 제공하려는 것으로서, 본 발명에 따른 모터 보호용 차단기의 개폐기구는, 가동접점 대를 눌러 회로를 차단하는 성능이 증대되도록, 변화하는 캠 프로파일(cam profile)의 외주 곡면을 가진 푸쉬 링크(push link)를 포함하여 구성된다. It is an object of the present invention to provide an opening and closing mechanism of a circuit breaker for protecting a motor that can improve the performance of breaking a circuit and reduce an operation force of a handle. It is configured to include a push link having an outer circumferential surface of a changing cam profile so as to be augmented. 모터 보호용 차단기, 개폐기구, 푸쉬 링크 Motor protective circuit breaker, switchgear, push link

01-09-2008 дата публикации

Apparatus for protecting Air Circuit Breaker

Номер: KR200441685Y1
Автор: 엄재필
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 고안은 매우 큰 레벨의 전류가 부하로 공급될 경우에 기중차단기를 바로 트립시켜 전력 공급을 차단하고, 기중차단기 및 부하를 보호한다. The present invention trips the circuit breaker immediately when a very large level of current is supplied to the load to cut off the power supply, and protects the circuit breaker and the load. 본 고안에 따르면, 기중차단기를 통해 부하로 공급되는 전류를 전압 검출부가 검출하여 전압으로 변환하고, 검출 전압을 정류기가 정류한 후 미리 설정된 기준전압과 비교기가 비교하여 트립 여부를 결정한다. 비교기가 트립을 결정할 경우에 트립코일이 구동되어 트립시키고, 부하로 공급되는 전력을 차단한다. According to the present invention, the voltage detected by the voltage detector detects and converts the current supplied to the load through the air circuit breaker, and after the rectifier rectifies the detected voltage, compares the preset reference voltage with the comparator to determine whether the trip. When the comparator decides to trip, the trip coil is tripped to trip and cut off the power to the load. 기중차단기, 단락전류, 트립, 비교기, 플러스주기 전압, 마이너스주기 전압 Circuit breaker, short circuit current, trip, comparator, plus cycle voltage, minus cycle voltage

19-06-2007 дата публикации

Arc extinguishing device of air circuit breaker

Номер: KR100728863B1
Автор: 나기철, 박우진, 연영명
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

An arc extinguishing device of an air circuit breaker is provided to prevent the gas from inputting to an opposite direction of a pressure outlet by installing a puffer device at a lower end of a guide arm. An arc extinguishing device of an air circuit breaker includes a movable contactor(14), a fixing contactor(16), a puffer device(100), a guide arm(17), and a slot. When the movable contactor(14) is isolated from the fixing contactor(16), the puffer device(100) partitions an arc extinguishing unit and an instrument unit by shielding an interval between the movable contactor(14) and the fixing contactor(16). The puffer device(100) is installed at a lower end of the guide arm(17). The guide arm(17) is mounted on the slot(100) which is formed at an upper part of the puffer device(100). An installation unit which is installed on the slot of the puffer device(100) is formed at a lower end which connects the puffer device(100) to the guide arm(17). A pin hole into which a fixing pin is inserted, is formed on the puffer device(100).

10-02-2017 дата публикации

Circuit Breaker

Номер: KR101705565B1
Автор: 김흥수
Принадлежит: 혜인전기(주)

The present invention relates to a circuit breaker for a household having a pressing-type mechanism which can accurately perform a disconnection operation. The circuit breaker for a household having a pressing-type mechanism comprises: a support frame (10) which is supported and fixated to a lower housing (1); a handle (20) which is supported by the support frame (10) to enable the middle portion (20a) to pivot and has an upper portion (20b) exposed toward the upside of an upper housing (3); a pressing link (30) which has an upper end portion joined to a lower portion (20c) of the handle (20) to it can pivot, and a lower end portion pressing a crossbar (30); the crossbar (40) which has a moving member insertion hole (41) formed on a lower portion, moves downward as an upper portion is pressed by the descending pressing link (30) and, at the same time, presses the moving member (60) and makes the moving member (60) come in contact (ON) with a terminal; a latch (50) which supports a lower portion of the pressing link (30), which is moved down by rotation of the handle (20) to prevent the lower portion of the pressing link (30) from being moved backward and thus enables the pressing link (30) to press the crossbar (40); a trip bar (60) which comprises a lower support piece (61) for supporting a lower end rear side (40a) of the latch (50) in a horizontal direction and an upper touch unit (65), touched by a trip device unit (5), and is supported to be pivoted by the support frame (10); and the moving member (70) which is inserted in the moving member insertion hole (41) of the crossbar (40), is pressed by the cross bar (40) moving downward to come in contact with the terminal, has a recovery means, and thus recovers a location thereof when pressing force is removed.

19-04-2005 дата публикации

A Mould Cased Circuit Breaker

Номер: KR200382138Y1
Автор: 서정우
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 고안은 배선용차단기의 한류트립장치에 관해 개시한다. 개시된 본 고안은, 각각 한류형 고정접촉자와, 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉하거나 분리되는 위치로 이동가능한 가동접촉자를 내장하고, 회로의 상별로 마련되는 다수의 단극차단유닛과;상기 단극차단유닛내의 가동접촉자를 상기 접촉 또는 분리의 위치로 구동하기 위한 개폐기구와; 상기 개폐기구를 트립위치로 동작시키기 위해 상기 단극차단유닛의 상부위치에 회동가능하게 설치되는 트립바와; 상기 단극차단유닛마다에 마련되고, 상기 가동접촉자를 회동가능하게 지지하며, 상기 개폐기구의 구동에 따라 온, 오프 또는 트립의 위치로 회동가능한 다수의샤프트와, 여기서 상기 가동접촉자는 온, 오프 또는 트립시에는 상기 샤프트에 의해서 구동가능하고 한류동작시에는 상기 샤프트에 무관하게 독립적으로 회동가능하며; 상기 개폐기구의 구동에 따라 상기 다수의 샤프트를 동시 구동하기 위하여, 상기 다수의 샤프트에 공통적으로 구동접속되는 샤프트핀과를 구비하는 배선용 차단기에 있어서, 상기 단극차단유닛의 가동접촉자와 함께 회동가능하게 상기 가동접촉자에 접속설치되어, 한류동작시에는 정지하는 상기 샤프트에 대해 상기 가동접촉자의 회동에 따라 상대 회동가능하고, 온, 오프 또는 트립시에는 상기 샤프트와 함께 회동가능한 한류트립핀과; 상기 샤프트핀을 회전중심축으로 하여 회전가능하게 상기 샤프트핀에 결합되는 일단부와, 상기 일단부로부터 연장하여 상기 샤프트핀을 중심으로 회전가능한 레버부를 가지며, 온, 오프 또는 트립시에는 상기 샤프트핀에 의해서 상기 샤프트와 함께 회동가능하고, 한류동작시에는 정지하는 상기 샤프트에 대해서 상대적으로 상기 한류트립핀에 의해 상기 레버부가 가압되어 회동하는 제 1 레버와; 한류동작시에 정지하는 상기 샤프트에 대해서 상대적으로 회동하는 상기 제 1 레버의 회동경로상에 설치되어, 한류동작시 회동하는 상기 제 1 레버에 의해 가압되어 회동하는 제 2 레버와; 한류동작시 회동하는 상기 제 2 레버의 회동경로상에 설치되어 상기 제 2 레버로부터 회동력을 전달받는 일단부와, 상기 트립바를 접촉할 수 있는 위치에 위치하여 한류동작시 상기 트립바를 가압하여 회전구동하는 타단부를 가지는 제 3 레버를 포함하여 구성된다. The present invention discloses a current-limiting trip device for a circuit breaker. Disclosed is a current-type fixed contactor, a movable contactor which is movable to a position in contact with or separated from the fixed contactor, and includes a plurality of single-pole blocking units provided for each phase of the circuit; and a movable contactor in the single-pole blocking unit. An opening / closing mechanism for driving the to the contact or disconnection position; A trip bar rotatably installed at an upper position of the single pole blocking unit to operate the opening and closing mechanism in a trip position; A plurality of shafts provided for each of the single pole blocking units, the shafts rotatably supporting the movable contactors, and rotatable to a position of on, off or trip according to the driving of the opening / closing mechanism, wherein the movable contacts are on, ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Magnetic trip device for circuit breaker

Номер: KR101869724B1
Автор: 이규호
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

The present invention provides a magnetic trip device for a circuit breaker capable of maintaining fault information indication until a user removes the cause of an accident subsequent to a trip operation and resets the magnetic trip device. The magnetic trip device for the circuit breaker of the invention includes: an actuator coil part having a plunger movable back and forth; an output plate configured to rotate in a first direction by pressing of the plunger; a micro switch configured to output an electrical signal indicating a state of the circuit breaker according to the pressing of an actuating lever portion; a switch driving lever mechanism configured to rotate to a first position for pressing the micro switch and a second position for releasing the micro switch; a driving lever bias spring configured to elastically bias the switch driving lever mechanism to rotate to the second position; an automatic reset mechanism configured to press the plunger to the retracted position by interworking with a main opening/closing shaft of the circuit breaker; and a driving lever latch configured to rotate to a restraining position for preventing the switch driving lever mechanism from rotating to the first position even if the plunger is moved to the retracted position by the automatic reset mechanism, and a release position for allowing the switch driving lever mechanism to rotate to the first position.

10-11-2017 дата публикации

Air circuit breaker

Номер: KR20170124383A
Автор: 박용익
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 다수개의 핑거 중 일부에 접속단자가 끼워진 다음 나머지 핑거에 재차 접속단자가 끼워지도록 하여 적은 힘을 가하더라도 접속단자가 쉽게 핑거에 끼워지게 하는 효과가 있다.

05-10-2011 дата публикации

A door locking apparatus of a dish washer

Номер: KR101070104B1
Автор: 신재규
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 식기 세척기에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세히, 식기 세척기의 도어에 삽입되는 도어 잠금장치에 부착된 스위치에 세척수가 흘러들어 전기적 문제를 일으키는 것을 방지하기 위한 도어 잠금장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a dishwasher, and more particularly, to a door lock device for preventing the washing water flows into the switch attached to the door lock device inserted into the door of the dishwasher to cause electrical problems. 본 발명에 따른 식기 세척기의 도어 잠금 장치는 도어; 상기 도어의 내부에 장착되며, 터브와 결합되도록 하는 래치; 상기 래치가 수용되기 위하여 중앙부에 형성되는 래치 수용 공간과, 적어도 일측면에 소정의 폭을 가지고 형성되는 스위치 커버가 포함되는 래치 바디; 상기 래치 바디의 측면에 부착되며 배면에 접촉 단자가 구비되는 스위치; 및 상기 스위치를 지지하기 위하여, 상기 래치 바디의 측면으로부터 소정의 높이로 돌출형성되며 상기 스위치의 배면을 지지하는 걸림턱이 포함되고, 상기 스위치 커버에는 상기 접촉단자 측으로 만곡되어 형성되며, 상기 접촉 단자 측으로 물이 흐르는 것을 방지하기 위한 물흐름 방지리브가 구비되고, 상기 접촉 단자는 상기 걸림턱과 상기 물흐름 방지리브 사이에 위치되는 특징을 가진다. The door lock device of the dishwasher according to the present invention comprises a door; A latch mounted inside the door to engage with the tub; A latch body including a latch accommodating space formed at a central portion to accommodate the latch and a switch cover formed at least on one side thereof with a predetermined width; A switch attached to a side of the latch body and having a contact terminal at a rear surface thereof; And a latching jaw protruding from a side surface of the latch body to a predetermined height to support the switch, and supporting a rear surface of the switch, wherein the switch cover is formed to be curved toward the contact terminal side, and the contact terminal A water flow prevention rib is provided to prevent water from flowing to the side, and the contact terminal has a characteristic of being located between the locking jaw and the water flow prevention rib. 도어; 상기 도어의 내부에 장착되며, 터브와 결합되도록 하는 래치; 상기 래치가 수용되기 위하여 중앙부에 형성되는 래치 수용 공간과, 적어도 일측면에 소정의 폭을 가지고 형성되는 스위치 커버가 포함되는 래치 바디; 및 상기 래치 바디의 측면에 부착되며, 상기 스위치 커버에 의하여 흘러 내리는 세척수로부터 보호되는 스위치;가 포함된다.  door; A latch mounted inside the door to engage with the tub; A latch body including a latch accommodating space formed at a central ...

22-05-2015 дата публикации

Withdraw prevention mechanism for air circuit breaker and air circuit breaker having the withdraw prevention mechanism

Номер: KR101522263B1
Автор: 강태우
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 인출 방지 상태일 때 사용자가 이를 인지하지 못하고 인입출 장치를 이용한 인출을 시도하는 경우에 인입출 장치에 대한 접근이 원천적으로 방지됨에 따라서 인입출 장치의 손상을 방지할 수 있는 기중 차단기의 인출 방지 장치를 제공하려는 것으로서, 본 발명에 따라서 기중 차단기의 양 측면 사이를 가로지르게 연장하는 수평 연장 대; 상기 수평 연장 대로부터 하방으로 연장하는 인출 방지 돌 부; 상기 수평 연장 대의 길이방향 양 단 부로부터 상방으로 각각 연장형성되어 상기 기중 차단기에 접속되는 한 쌍의 접속 지지 부;를 포함하는 기중 차단기의 인출 방지 장치가 개시된다. The present invention relates to an air circuit breaker capable of preventing damage to the inlet / outlet device due to the fact that when the user attempts to withdraw using the inlet / A horizontal extension extending transversely between both sides of the air circuit breaker according to the present invention; A protrusion protrusion protruding downward from the horizontal extension; And a pair of connection supporting portions formed respectively extending upward from both ends in the longitudinal direction of the horizontal extension bar and connected to the air circuit breaker.

30-06-2022 дата публикации

Manual Motor Starter

Номер: KR20220091061A
Автор: 조현근
Принадлежит: 엘에스일렉트릭(주)

본 발명은 모터 보호용 차단기에 관한 것으로, 보다 상세하게는 단락 사고시 트립 표시 기능을 갖는 모터 보호용 차단기에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 모터 보호용 차단기는 전원 또는 부하에 연결되는 고정접촉자 및 상기 고정접촉자에 접촉 또는 분리되어 회로를 통전 또는 차단시키는 가동접촉자; 상기 가동접촉자를 동작시키는 개폐기구부; 과전류 발생시 상기 개폐기구부를 트립 동작시키는 지연 트립장치 및 단락 전류 발생시 상기 개폐기구부를 트립 동작시키는 순시 트립장치;를 포함하고, 상기 개폐기구부에는 사용자의 동력을 받는 핸들; 상기 핸들과 가동접촉자 사이에 구비되어 개폐 동력을 전달하는 래치; 상기 래치를 구속 또는 해제하는 래치홀더;를 포함하고, 상기 래치에는 트립 걸림부가 돌출 형성되어, 상기 지연 트립장치에 의해 트립 동작하는 경우 복귀 시 상기 래치 홀더에 걸리지 않고, 상기 순시 트립장치에 의해 트립 동작하는 경우 복귀 시 상기 래치 홀더에 걸리는 것을 특징으로 한다.

10-03-2005 дата публикации

A gas pressure trip device for the circuit braker

Номер: KR200376470Y1
Автор: 안병수
Принадлежит: 엘지산전 주식회사

본 고안은 배선형 차단기의 압트립 장치에 관한 것으로, 더욱 자세하게는 한류동작시에 가동접점과 고정접점의 분리시에 발생하는 아크가스의 압력을 이용하여 보다 빠르게 배선용 차단기를 트립시키는 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 고안에 의한 장치는 단극차단 유닛, 크로스 바, 트립 슈터 및 네일부를 포함한 배선용 차단기의 압 트립 장치에 있어서, 상기 단극차단 유닛에 연결되고 상기 단극차단 유닛내에 발생하는 아크압의 이동경로가 되는 트립 케이스를 더 포함하며, 상기 크로스 바는 압력판을 포함하여 구성됨으로써 상기 아크압에 의해 트립 기구부가 구동되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a pressure tripping device for a circuit breaker, and more particularly, to an apparatus for quickly tripping a circuit breaker using the pressure of arc gas generated during separation of a movable contact and a fixed contact during a current-limiting operation. . The device according to the present invention is a pressure trip device for a circuit breaker including a single pole blocking unit, a cross bar, a trip shooter and a nail part, the trip being connected to the single pole breaking unit and serving as an arc pressure movement path generated in the single pole blocking unit. It further comprises a case, wherein the cross bar is configured to include a pressure plate is characterized in that the trip mechanism part is driven by the arc pressure.

10-05-2005 дата публикации

Circuit contact maker-breaker

Номер: RU2251755C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Замыкатель-размыкатель цепи содержит управляющий электромагнит и устройство защиты, способные воздействовать на подвижные контакты в ответ, соответственно, на командное управление и на обнаружение неисправности в электрической цепи через многополюсник. К контактному механизму управления добавляют электромагнитный отключающий механизм. Устройство защиты, предпочтительно взаимозаменяемое, подсоединено к электромагниту через линию управления и к механизму управления через линию отключения так, что оно подсоединяет источник электрического питания к электромагниту в линии управления и, в случае неисправности, сигнал отключения в линию отключения. Электромагнит является электромагнитом постоянного тока, а устройство защиты адаптирует его напряжение источника электропитания. Технический результат - обеспечение высокой надежности работы в режиме замыкателя и высокой скорости отключения в режиме размыкателя в заданном диапазоне напряжений и токов с использованием минимального количества компонентов. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) (13) 2 251 755 C2 H 01 H 73/00 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2002112237/09, 10.10.2000 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÁÎÐÀÍ Æèëëü (FR), ËÅÃËÅÉ Äîìèíèê (FR), ÒÅËËÜÅ Æàí-Ïüåð (FR) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 10.10.2000 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 11.10.1999 FR 9912746 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 10.05.2005 Áþë. ¹ 13 2 2 5 1 7 5 5 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: FR 2759489 À, 14.08.1998. SU 336716 À, 19.06.1972. EP 0366519 À, 02.05.1990. GB 2234396 À, 30.01.1991. DE 4123563 À, 23.01.1992. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 13.05.2002 (86) Çà âêà PCT: FR 00/02808 (10.10.2000) 2 2 5 1 7 5 5 R U Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á. Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Þ.Ä.Êóçíåöîâó, ðåã.¹ 595 C 2 C 2 (87) ...

05-03-2018 дата публикации

apparatus for earth leakage circuit breaker

Номер: KR101834428B1
Автор: 황규찬
Принадлежит: 제일전기공업 주식회사

The present invention is provided to improve driving reliability of a test switch while improving production economic efficiency by simplifying components. The earth leakage circuit breaker of the present invention includes: a main body unit which is coupled with a cover penetrated by a pressing type test switch at the upper part and has a power terminal unit and a load terminal unit in both sides; a trip switching unit which is mounted on the main body unit, switches a selective connection of the power terminal unit and the load terminal unit, and has a trip driving unit for a trip operation when leakage is sensed; a zero current transformer which senses leakage by being included to be penetrated by a connecting wire of the power terminal unit and the load terminal unit; a solenoid unit which includes a bobbin wound by a coil to which driving power of a plunger is applied to drive the trip driving unit when leakage is sensed in the zero current transformer; a printed circuit board which includes a circuit unit of controlling the appliance of the driving power by being combined with the rear side of the solenoid unit and the zero current transformer; a separation support member which is formed of an electrical insulation material so that a gap space is maintained between the rear surface of the solenoid unit and the front surface of the printed circuit board; a test pin which is arranged inside the gap space by penetrating the printed circuit board; and an elastic contact piece which is included to make a terminal connection unit, extended downwards from a base elastic unit, be in elastically contact with the test pin according to pressure of the test switch. The base elastic unit is bent and joined to face the upper side surface of the separation support member by being extended upwards from a pair of fixed end parts whose end is fixated by penetrating the printed circuit board.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Circuit breaker

Номер: KR101301335B1

[과제] 열동전자식(熱動電磁式)의 과전류 트리핑 장치이면서, 자동조립에 적절한 높은 차단용량의 회로차단기를 얻는다. [해결수단] 개폐기구부(51)와, 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)와, 개폐기구부(51)와 연동하여 회동하는 크로스바(12)에 마련된 가동접촉자(13)와, 베이스(3)에 수납되어 아크를 재단하는 소호장치(53)를 포함하는 차단부와, 미들 베이스(2), 베이스(3) 및 미들 베이스(2)에 수납된 각 부품을 덮는 커버(1)를 구비하고, 미들 베이스(2)에는 미들 베이스(2)를 베이스(3)에 삽입하는 방향에 대해 직교하는 면에 차단부와 마주보도록 제1 구멍(2d)이 마련되며, 제1 구멍(2d)은 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)의 요크(7)에 의해 접착되어 있는 회로차단기에 있어서, 커버(1)는 개폐기구부(51)가 놓여 있지 않은 극의 과전류 트리핑 장치를 걸리게 하는 돌설부를 가지고, 개폐기구부(51)와 과전류 트리핑 장치(52)와의 사이에 절연부재(54)를 배치했다. [PROBLEMS] To provide a thermoelectric electromagnetic overcurrent tripping device, a circuit breaker having a high breaking capacity suitable for automatic assembly. SOLUTION MEASURES The movable contactor 13 provided in the opening-closing mechanism part 51, the overcurrent tripping device 52, and the crossbar 12 which rotates in cooperation with the opening-closing mechanism part 51, and the base 3 are housed in an arc And a blocking part including an extinguishing device 53 for cutting the lower part, and a cover 1 covering each part accommodated in the middle base 2, the base 3, and the middle base 2, and the middle base 2. ) Is provided with a first hole (2d) to face the blocking portion on a surface perpendicular to the direction in which the middle base (2) is inserted into the base (3), the first hole (2d) is the overcurrent tripping device 52 In the circuit breaker bonded by the yoke (7), the cover (1) has a protruding portion for locking the overcurrent tripping device of the pole in which the open / close mechanism (51) is not placed, and the open / close mechanism (51) and the overcurrent tripping. The insulating member 54 was disposed between the apparatus 52.

15-03-2006 дата публикации

A rated current adjusting mechanism for a circuit breaker

Номер: KR200411507Y1
Автор: 송기봉
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 고안은, 차단기의 트립 감도 조정기구에 관한 것으로서, 이상전류의 감도를 조정할 수 있도록, 일단이 트립 기구의 일측과 접촉되고 타단이 커버에 구비되는 노출공을 통하여 외부로 노출되는 조정다이얼과; 사용자에게 상기 조정다이얼로 조정할 수 있는 감도 정도를 표시해 주도록, 외부로 노출되는 면에 복수의 감도표시가 구비되어 커버에 설치되는 감도 표시 부재와; 감도표시 위치의 변동에 따른 트립 감도 오조정이 방지될 수 있도록, 커버의 판 면에 대한 상기 감도 표시 부재의 회동을 구속하는 회동 구속 기구를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 감도 표시 부재를 모터 보호용 차단기 또는 배선용 차단기의 제조시 일정 기준점과 일치시킨 후 사용 중 외력에 의한 회동이 방지되도록 하여 트립 감도의 오조정 및 그로 인한 차단기의 오동작을 방지할 수 있는 차단기용 트립 감도 조정기구가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a trip sensitivity adjusting mechanism of a circuit breaker, and an adjustment dial having one end in contact with one side of the trip mechanism and the other end exposed to the outside so as to adjust the sensitivity of the abnormal current; A sensitivity display member provided on the cover with a plurality of sensitivity displays provided on a surface exposed to the outside so as to display a sensitivity degree which can be adjusted by the adjustment dial to the user; And a rotation restraint mechanism for restraining the rotation of the sensitivity display member with respect to the plate surface of the cover so that trip sensitivity misadjustment due to the variation of the sensitivity display position can be prevented. Accordingly, after the sensitivity display member is matched with a predetermined reference point in the manufacture of the motor protection circuit breaker or the circuit breaker, the rotation of the circuit breaker can be prevented by external force during use, thereby preventing tripping of the trip sensitivity and the malfunction of the circuit breaker. Trip sensitivity adjustment mechanism is provided.

15-06-1991 дата публикации

Over current and leakage

Номер: KR910004126Y1
Автор: 이상권
Принадлежит: 김덕현, 주식회사 대 륙

내용 없음. No content.

07-06-2005 дата публикации

operate device for trip structure in circuit breaker accessories

Номер: KR100493401B1
Автор: 김기영
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 회로차단기의 내부에 설치되는 부속장치를 이용하여 차단기의 트립(Trip)기구를 구동시키는 장치에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 부속장치를 차단기의 개폐기구로부터 먼 위치에 설치하고 이 부속장치가 트립바 또는 동작 연계기구를 구동하여 차단기를 트립시킬 수 있도록 한 차단기용 부속장치의 트립기구 구동장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a device for driving a trip mechanism of a circuit breaker by using an accessory installed inside the circuit breaker. More particularly, the accessory is installed at a position far from the breaker opening and closing device. The present invention relates to a trip mechanism driving device of a breaker accessory for driving a trip bar or an operation linkage mechanism to trip a breaker. 본 발명은 회로차단기의 내부에 설치되는 전압트립장치, 경보장치 및 보조접점장치 등을 포함하는 회로차단기용 부속장치와, 상기 부속장치가 과도한 전압강하를 감지할 경우 돌출되어 트립바를 회전시키는 동작핀을 구비하는 회로차단기용 부속장치의 트립기구 구동장치에 있어서, The present invention provides a circuit breaker accessory device including a voltage trip device, an alarm device, and an auxiliary contact device installed inside the circuit breaker, and an operation pin for protruding to rotate the trip bar when the accessory device detects an excessive voltage drop. In the trip mechanism drive device of the circuit breaker accessory comprising: 상기 부속장치를 별도의 트립부 커버 상측 외함의 요홈부에 설치하고 상기 부속장치의 동작핀을 트립요소의 동작을 취합하는 트립바측으로 근접되게 설치하여 부속장치가 트립바를 구동시킬 수 있게 한 것을 특징으로 하는 회로차단기용 부속장치의 트립기구 구동장치이다. The accessory is installed in the recess of the upper cover of the separate trip part cover, and the operating pin of the accessory is installed close to the trip bar side which collects the operation of the trip element, thereby enabling the accessory to drive the trip bar. Trip mechanism drive device for circuit breaker accessory.

28-12-2022 дата публикации

A circuit breaker

Номер: KR102482074B1
Автор: 이용준, 임봉주, 정준영
Принадлежит: 주식회사 비츠로이엠

본 발명은 차단기에 관한 것으로, 하부 케이스와 상부 케이스를 포함하는 케이스와, 상기 하부 케이스에 결합되며, 외부 전선이 연결되는 입력단과, 상기 하부 케이스에 결합되며 과전류 발생에 따라 입력단의 고정 접점으로부터 단락되는 가동 접점을 포함하는 가동 모듈과, 상기 가동 모듈의 상부측에 결합되며, 수동 개폐가 가능하도록 하는 순시동작 모듈과, 상기 하부 케이스에 삽입 결합되며, 상기 가동 모듈과 전기적으로 연결되어, 누전 및 아크 발생을 검출하고, 상기 순시동작 모듈을 동작시키는 PCB 모듈을 포함할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a circuit breaker, which includes a case including a lower case and an upper case, an input terminal coupled to the lower case and to which an external wire is connected, and a short circuit from a fixed contact of the input terminal coupled to the lower case and when an overcurrent occurs. A movable module including a movable contact that is coupled to the upper side of the movable module and capable of manual opening and closing, an instantaneous operation module inserted into the lower case and electrically connected to the movable module to prevent leakage and A PCB module for detecting arc generation and operating the instantaneous operation module may be included.

11-07-2017 дата публикации

Movable contactor assembly for molded case circuit breaker

Номер: KR101752300B1
Автор: 오기환
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 한류 동작과 트립 동작에 방해요소로 작용하는 마찰 면의 개소를 최소화할 수 있는 배선용 차단기의 가동접촉자 어셈블리를 제공하려는 것으로서, 본 발명에 따라서 각각의 교류 상에 대응되게 마련되는 가동접촉자; 위치 고정되는 고정 기판 부와, 상기 가동접촉자를 사이에 끼우도록 서로 마주 보게 형성되는 한 쌍의 접촉 판 부를 가지며, 전기적 도전성을 갖는 지지 기판 부재; 회로 상 대전류 통전 시 전자반발력에 의한 상기 가동접촉자의 한류동작을 허용하도록 일 측면에 원호 형의 개구부를 갖는 샤프트(SHAFT); 가동접촉자가 회동가능하도록 지지 축을 제공하는 회전 축; 각각 상기 한 쌍의 접촉 판 부와 상기 샤프트 사이에 설치되고, 각각 상기 회전 축을 끼우는 축수 공과 변화하는 곡률반경의 외주 면을 가지며, 상기 축수 공의 주위에 복수의 치 부(齒 部)를 구비하는 한 쌍의 캠 판; 각각의 상기 캠 판과 각각의 상기 접촉 판 부 사이에 설치되어, 접촉 판 부에 직접 탄성력을 부과하는 일 단 부를 갖는 한 쌍의 도전 유지 스프링; 캠 판의 외주 면에 접촉하는 제 1 핀과 상기 캠 판의 핀 홀에 끼워지는 제 2 핀을 갖는 한 쌍의 접압 핀; 한 쌍의 접압 핀과 상기 캠 판 및 상기 회전 축을 통해 상기 가동접촉자에 대응하는 고정접촉자에 접촉하는 접촉압력을 제공하는 한 쌍의 접압 스프링;을 포함하는 배선용 차단기의 가동접촉자 어셈블리가 개시된다. The present invention provides a movable contactor assembly for a circuit breaker capable of minimizing the location of a friction surface which acts as an obstacle to both current and trip operations, comprising: a movable contact correspondingly provided on each alternating current according to the present invention; A support substrate member having an electrically conductive fixed substrate portion and a pair of contact plate portions formed opposite to each other so as to sandwich the movable contactor; A shaft having an arc-shaped opening at one side thereof for allowing a current-flow of the movable contact by an electromagnetic repulsive force when a large current is applied in a circuit; A rotation shaft for providing a support shaft so that the movable contact can rotate; And a plurality of tooth portions provided on the periphery of the axis of the shaft, the shaft having an outer circumferential surface with a varying radius of curvature, and a plurality of tooth portions provided between the pair of contact plate portions and the shaft, A pair of cam plates; A pair of conductive holding springs provided between each of the cam plates and each of the contact plate portions and having one end that directly applies an elastic force to the contact plate portion; A ...

29-04-2015 дата публикации

Movable contactor assembly for molded case circuit breaker

Номер: CN102956410B
Автор: 吴基焕
Принадлежит: LS Industrial Systems Co Ltd


20-09-2000 дата публикации

Electromagnetic contactor having overload relay

Номер: CN1267075A
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp


27-06-2007 дата публикации

Pressure-trip apparatus for molded case circuit breaker

Номер: KR100732508B1
Автор: 박우진
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 배선용 차단기의 압트립장치에 관한 것으로서, 아크 가스가 배출될 수 있도록 하부에 형성되는 가스배출구를 구비하고 각 상별로 마련되는 케이스와, 상기 케이스 내에 설치되는 고정접촉자 및 가동접촉자를 구비하는 접촉자부와, 상기 가동접촉자에 접속되어 상기 가동접촉자를 개로 또는 폐로 위치로 이동시키는 개폐기구부와, 발생된 아크를 소호할 수 있도록 상기 고정접촉자의 둘레에 설치되는 소호부를 각각 구비하는 복수의 단극차단유니트를 구비한 배선용 차단기에 있어서, 상기 단극차단유니트의 상측에 회동가능하게 설치되어, 상기 가동접촉자를 개로의 트립위치로 이동시키게 상기 개폐기구부를 작동시키는 방향으로 회동가능한 트립바와; 상기 가스배출구의 하류 측에 아크 가스의 압력을 받을 수 있도록 배치되는 수압판과, 일단은 상기 수압판에 연결되고 타 단은 상기 트립바를 가격하여 회동시킬 수 있도록 상기 트립바 측으로 연장되게 배치되는 레버부를 구비하여 상기 케이스의 외부에 회동가능하게 설치되는 가스압 회동레버를; 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 한류동작 시 트립 시간을 단축하여 피해의 확산을 방지할 수 있으며 기기의 신뢰성을 제고시킬 수 있는 배선용 차단기의 압트립장치가 제공된다. The present invention relates to a pressure trip device for a circuit breaker, comprising a case having a gas discharge port formed at a lower portion so that arc gas can be discharged, and a case provided for each phase, and a fixed contactor and a movable contactor installed in the case. A plurality of single-pole blockers each having a contactor portion, an opening / closing mechanism portion connected to the movable contactor to move the movable contactor to an open or closed position, and a arcing portion provided around the fixed contactor so as to extinguish the generated arc. A circuit breaker having a unit, comprising: a trip bar rotatably provided on an upper side of the single pole blocking unit, the trip bar being rotatable in a direction to operate the opening and closing mechanism to move the movable contact to an open trip position; A pressure plate disposed on the downstream side of the gas outlet so as to receive the pressure of the arc gas, and one end connected to the hydraulic plate and the other end extended to the trip bar side to rotate by hitting the trip bar; A gas pressure rotation lever provided with a rotatably installed outside of the case; Characterized in that it comprises a. Accordingly, a pressure tripping device for a circuit breaker which can shorten a trip time during a current-limiting operation, prevents the spread of damage, ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006128031A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2006 128 031 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ H01H 81/00 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006128031/09, 01.08.2006 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ØÍÅÉÄÅÐ ÝËÅÊÒÐÈÊ ÝÍÄÞÑÒÐÈ ÑÀÑ (FR) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.02.2008 Áþë. ¹ 4 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÓÁÐ Ïàñêàëü (FR) A 2 0 0 6 1 2 8 0 3 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU A (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ýëåêòðîííîå îòêëþ÷àþùåå óñòðîéñòâî ñîäåðæèò ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå, îäèí äàò÷èê òîêà (T1, T2, T3) äë ïîäà÷è òîêà âòîðè÷íîé îáìîòêè, îòîáðàæàþùèé òîê ïåðâè÷íîé îáìîòêè â îñíîâíîì ïðîâîäíèêå (1) óïîì íóòîãî àâòîìàòè÷åñêîãî âûêëþ÷àòåë , âûïð ìë þùóþ ñõåìó (3) äë âûïð ìëåíè òîêà âòîðè÷íîé îáìîòêè è ïîäà÷è ïèòàþùåãî òîêà (Ia), ýëåêòðîííûé áëîê (6) îáðàáîòêè äë óïðàâëåíè èñïîëíèòåëüíûì ìåõàíèçìîì, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûì äë òîãî, ÷òîáû ïðèâîäèòü â äåéñòâèå ðàçìûêàþùèé ìåõàíèçì (9) îñíîâíîãî ïðîâîäíèêà (1), è ñõåìó (4) ýëåêòðîïèòàíè , îñíàùåííóþ íàêîïèòåëüíûì êîíäåíñàòîðîì (16), ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûì äë òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîäàâàòü ýëåêòðîýíåðãèþ â èñïîëíèòåëüíûé ìåõàíèçì, è ñòàáèëèçàòîðîì (17) íàïð æåíè , ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûì äë òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîäàâàòü ïèòàþùåå íàïð æåíèå (VA) â ýëåêòðîííûé áëîê îáðàáîòêè, ïðè ýòîì óïîì íóòûé íàêîïèòåëüíûé êîíäåíñàòîð çàð æàåòñ ïîñðåäñòâîì ïèòàþùåãî òîêà (Ia), îòëè÷àþùååñ òåì, ÷òî ñõåìà ýëåêòðîïèòàíè ñîäåðæèò ñðåäñòâî (19, 20) ïîâûøåíè íàïð æåíè , ïîçâîë þùåå ïîâûøåííîå íàïð æåíèå (VB) ïîäàâàòü íà âõîä ñòàáèëèçàòîðà (17) íàïð æåíè , ïðåäíàçíà÷åííîãî äë òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîäàâàòü ïèòàþùåå íàïð æåíèå (VA) â ýëåêòðîííûé áëîê îáðàáîòêè, ïðè ýòîì óïîì íóòîå ïîâûøåííîå íàïð æåíèå (VB) áîëüøå íàïð æåíè (VM) íà êëåììàõ íàêîïèòåëüíîãî êîíäåíñàòîðà (16). 2. Ýëåêòðîííîå îòêëþ÷àþùåå óñòðîéñòâî ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùååñ òåì, ÷òî ñðåäñòâî ïîâûøåíè íàïð æåíè ñîäåðæèò ðåçèñòîð (19), ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíî ïîäêëþ÷åííûé ê íàêîïèòåëüíîìó êîíäåíñàòîðó (16) òàêèì îáðàçîì, ÷òî êîãäà ïèòàþùèé òîê (Ia) ïîñòóïàåò, ÷òîáû çàð æàòü óïîì íóòûé íàêîïèòåëüíûé êîíäåíñàòîð, ïîâûøåííîå íàïð ...

08-04-2013 дата публикации

Trip device for circuit breaker

Номер: KR200466276Y1
Автор: 송수양
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 고안은 회로 차단기의 트립 장치에 관한 것이다. 본 고안은, 인스턴트 스프링을 걸어 고정하는 아마추어 또는 아마추어 지지대에 복수 개의 스프링 고정점을 단계적으로 형성함으로써, 한 개의 스프링으로도 차단기의 정격 전류를 가변할 수 있으므로 회로 차단기의 조립공정을 간소화할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 인스턴트 스프링의 오조립으로 인한 차단기의 성능 및 신뢰성 저하를 미연에 방지할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a tripping device of a circuit breaker. The present invention can simplify the assembly process of the circuit breaker by forming a plurality of spring fixing points in the armature or the armature support that is fixed by hanging the instant spring in stages, so that the rated current of the breaker can be changed even with one spring. In addition, it is possible to prevent the degradation of the performance and reliability of the breaker due to the incorrect assembly of the instant spring.

16-10-2006 дата публикации

Circuit breaker for having use-limited device

Номер: KR100633759B1
Автор: 서정우
Принадлежит: 엘에스산전 주식회사

본 발명은 배선용 차단기에 관한 것으로, 특히 사용자가 배선용 차단기의 사용을 간편하고 편리하게 제한할 수 있도록 하는 사용 제한 장치를 갖는 배선용 차단기에 관한 것이다. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a circuit breaker, and more particularly, to a circuit breaker having a usage limiting device that enables a user to easily and conveniently restrict the use of the circuit breaker. 본 발명에 따른 사용 제한 장치를 갖는 배선용 차단기는 온, 오프 또는 트립의 어느 한 위치로 이동가능한 개폐기구와, 사고전류발생시 상기 개폐기구를 트립위치로 작동하게하는 트립기구와, 상기 트립기구에 의해서 작동하여 상기 개폐기구를 트립위치로 작동시키는 트립바를 포함한 내부 구성품들을 수납하는 외함과, 상기 외함의 상부에 결합된 주커버와, 상기 개폐기구에 결합되어 개폐기구를 수동으로 온, 오프의 위치로 조작할 수 있게 하는 핸들과, 상기 주커버의 상부에 개폐가능하게 결합되고 상기 핸들의 위치이동을 안내하는 안내개구가 구비된 보조커버와를 포함하는 배선용 차단기에 있어서, 상기 보조커버의 일측위치에 설치되고, 상기 트립바를 가압하여 상기 개폐기구가 트립위치로 작동된 상태에서 구속함으로서 핸들의 온 또는 오프 조작이 불가하게 구속하는 위치 및 상기 트립바에 대한 가압을 해제하여 핸들의 온 또는 오프 조작을 허용하는 위치로 수직방향 이동가능한 푸시풀바를 추가적으로 포함하여 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The circuit breaker having a use limiting device according to the present invention is provided with an opening / closing mechanism which can move to any position of on, off or trip, a trip mechanism for operating the opening / closing mechanism to a trip position when an accident current occurs, and by the trip mechanism An enclosure containing internal components including a trip bar to operate the switch mechanism to a trip position, a main cover coupled to an upper portion of the enclosure, and a switch coupled to the switch mechanism to a manual on / off position; A circuit breaker including a handle to enable operation, and an auxiliary cover having a guide opening for guiding opening and closing of the handle and coupled to an upper portion of the main cover, the wiring breaker comprising: The handle is turned on or off by pressing the trip bar to restrain the opening / closing mechanism in a tripped position. It further comprises a push-pull bar vertically movable to a position where the operation is impossible to restrain and to release the pressure on the trip bar to allow the on or off operation of ...
