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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600320C2
Принадлежит: НЕКСАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к устройству для контактирования с содержащим алюминий электрическим экраном высоковольтного электрического кабеля, имеющего кабельную жилу, которая по всей длине этого высоковольтного кабеля окружена указанным экраном. Экран по меньшей мере на одном конце высоковольтного кабеля зажат между деталями выполненной из металла арматуры, включающей в себя по меньшей мере два кольцевых контактных элемента - первый контактный элемент (9) и второй контактный элемент (10), которые в смонтированном состоянии соединены друг с другом с помощью резьбового соединения. Первый контактный элемент (9) имеет коническую наружную поверхность (16), которая расширяется к концу высоковольтного кабеля (1) и охватывает кабельную жилу (2) высоковольтного кабеля (1). Второй контактный элемент (10) размещен на деталях резьбового соединения и имеет тоже расширяющуюся к концу высоковольтного кабеля (1) коническую внутреннюю поверхность (22), которая в смонтированном состоянии проходит параллельно ...

27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2325743C2

Электрическое соединительное устройство предназначено для соединения многожильного машинного кабеля с другим электрическим устройством и подачи мощности более 100 кВт или даже более 2 МВт и содержит корпус, имеющий торцевую поверхность с апертурами и множеством изоляционных втулок, проходящих вокруг апертур, и множество соединяющих жилы средств, каждое из которых, по меньшей мере, частично расположено в соответствующей втулке. Каждое соединяющее жилу средство поддается контактному взаимодействию с соответствующей жилой машинного кабеля и имеет первую контактную поверхность для соединения с клеммой другого электрического устройства. Устройство содержит разнесенные заземляющие средства, которые окружают, по меньшей мере, часть соответствующих изоляционных втулок. Каждое заземляющее средство поддается контактному взаимодействию с соответствующим заземляющим слоем машинного кабеля и имеет вторую контактную поверхность для соединения с клеммой заземления другого электрического устройства, так ...

21-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611053C2

Изобретение относится к изолятору, который выполнен с возможностью вставления в корпус (11) штепсельного разъема (10), который образован соединительной деталью (2) и контактирующей деталью (3), причем в контактирующей детали (3) расположены контактирующие средства (4), а соединительная деталь (2) снабжена выемками, в которых зажаты отдельные проводники многожильного кабеля, соединительная деталь (2) и контактирующая деталь (3) выполнены с возможностью скрепления, в результате чего отдельные проводники многожильного кабеля являются электрически контактирующими с отдельными контактирующими средствами (4). Соединительная деталь (2) выполнена, по меньшей мере, из двух частей и имеет средства, которые выставляют отдельные проводники вдоль выемок соединительной детали (2) таким образом, что каждый из проводников вдавливается в соответствующие выемки (5), и направление проводника изменяется вдоль выемок. Техническим результатом является упрощение процесса сборки. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

18-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657870C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано для штекерного разъема. Техническим результатом является повышение термостойкости, механической прочности, обеспечение защитного заземления при установке в металлический корпус штекерного разъема и упрощение обслуживания. Технический результат достигается за счет изготовления удерживающей рамки, по меньшей мере, частично из упругого металлического листа. Благодаря упругим свойствам металлического листа создается возможность устанавливать или извлекать модули (3) по отдельности лишь с очень незначительными затратами. Такой металлический лист в определенных зонах может быть изогнут и/или сложен и за счет этого целенаправленно усилен на отдельных участках, чтобы обеспечить особенно предпочтительную комбинацию удерживающей силы и управляющего усилия. 5 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544839C2
Принадлежит: ЭППЛ ИНК. (US)

Штекерный соединитель имеет вывод соединителя с первой и второй главными противоположными сторонами и третьей и четвертой противоположными сторонами, протягивающимися между первой и второй главными сторонами, а также множество электрических контактов, переносимых выводом соединителя. Множество контактов включает в себя первый набор внешних контактов, сформированный на первой главной стороне, и второй набор внешних контактов, сформированный на второй главной стороне. Первое множество контактов симметрично разнесено со вторым множеством контактов, а вывод соединителя имеет форму со 180-градусной симметрией, так что он может быть вставлен и функционально соединен с соответствующим розеточным соединителем в любой из двух ориентаций вставки. При этом средства фиксации, сформированные на третьей и четвертой сторонах около дистального конца вывода соединителя, выступают в качестве заземляющих контактов. Технический результат - создание штекерного соединителя с двойной ориентацией, который имеет ...

26-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788954C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, а именно к узлу заделки экранированного кабеля в электросоединитель. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении надежного электрического контакта наружного экрана кабеля с корпусом электросоединителя по всему периметру для максимальной защиты от ЭМП. Узел заделки экранированного кабеля в электросоединитель содержит экранированный кабель, токоведущие жилы которого соединены с контактами электрического соединителя, электропроводный кожух с полым хвостовиком, выполнен в виде втулки, на боковой поверхности которой выполнены сквозные прорези с образованием лепестков, с возможностью их деформирования при обжатии неэкранированной части кабеля, при этом экранирующая оболочка кабеля натянута на втулку и зафиксирована бандажом из проволоки, концы которой соединены с разрезной втулкой путем сварки. 2 ил.

06-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789532C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Электрический соединитель содержит вилку с размещенными контактными штырями, изолированными от корпуса вилки, розетку с контактными гнездами, установленными в изолятор корпуса розетки, и замыкатель, выполненный в виде установленных на каждый контактный штырь втулок с фланцем, поджатых со стороны фланцев цилиндрическими пружинами к электропроводящему сепаратору с отверстиями по числу контактных штырей, установленному на контактные штыри и закрепленному на корпусе. Втулки выступают из отверстий сепаратора с возможностью перемещения на контактных штырях от взаимодействия с изолятором розетки. Поверхности фланца втулок выполнены электропроводящими, а крайний удаленный от фланца втулки торцевой виток каждой пружины выполнен с уменьшенным внутренним диаметром, не превышающим диаметр контактного штыря. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении безопасности при использовании в малогабаритных технических объектах с плотной компоновкой, критичных к статическому ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2484564C1
Принадлежит: ЯНГ Кёунг-Хо (KR)

Изобретение относится к устройству, которое соединяет вместе электроэнергечические аппараты с помощью кабельного штепсельного соединения. Это устройство включает: кабель, состоящий из токопроводящей жилы и наружной оболочки; узел контактного гнезда, включающий первый кожух и проводящий соединительный элемент, размещенный в первом кожухе и имеющий гнездо; и узел наконечника. Узел контактного гнезда установлен в электроэнергетическом оборудовании с формированием соединительной части для электрического соединения кабеля с энергетическим оборудованием. Узел наконечника снабжен проводящим кольцом, насаженным на токопроводящую жилу, выступающую из одного конца кабеля, с которого удалена наружная оболочка, и смонтирован на кабеле с возможностью вставки в первый кожух узла контактного гнезда так, чтобы проводящее кольцо было вставлено в гнездо проводящего соединительного элемента для электрического соединения кабеля с энергетическим оборудованием. Технический результат - обеспечение безопасности ...

07-08-2024 дата публикации

Электрический соединитель

Номер: RU2824446C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в расширении спектра применения и повышении эксплуатационной и ремонтной технологичности электрического соединителя за счет изменения его конструкции, обеспечивающей возможность использования комбинации колодок, в том числе низкочастотных, радиочастотных и высоковольтных. Для этого электрический соединитель состоит из двух ответных частей - вилки и розетки, содержащих каркас, выполненный из двух параллельно расположенных швеллеров с отверстиями для установки комбинации колодок и отверстиями для фиксации конструкции, два корпуса из высокопрочного электроизоляционного полимера, имеющих два сквозных отверстия для фиксации вилки с ответной розеткой и два отверстия в торцах для фиксации конструкции, закрепленных в швеллерах с двух противоположных сторон, а также комбинацию колодок, закрепленную в швеллерах между корпусами, состав которой определяется в зависимости от применения электрического соединителя, причем ...

19-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2730239C1

Изобретение касается монтажной рамки (5), имеющей по меньшей мере один PE-контакт (1), причем эта монтажная рамка (5) может вставляться в корпус со стороны вставки и/или со стороны подключения. Указанный по меньшей мере один PE-контакт (1) расположен на монтажной рамке (5). Известные PE-контакты (1) доступны для контакта только с одной стороны. PE-контакт (1) доступен для контакта со стороны подключения и/или стороны вставки, на всех четырех углах монтажной рамки (5) смонтировано по одному PE-контакту (1). Техническим результатом является упрощение монтирования и экономичности в изготовлении. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562914C1
Принадлежит: ЭППЛ ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к разъемам (соединителям) для соединения двух электронных устройств, в частности к реверсивным разъемам с конфигурируемыми контактами. Техническим результатом является динамическое конфигурирование контактов разъема стороны хоста на основе информации, полученной от подключенного аксессуара. Предложен способ конфигурирования контактов первого разъема, где контакту в разъеме стороны хоста может быть назначена одна из нескольких функций, которая может зависеть от аксессуара, связанного с хост-системой, и сигналов, подаваемых/используемых аксессуаром. Например, когда только аудиоаксессуар соединен с хост-системой, по меньшей мере один из контактов на разъеме стороны хоста может быть сконфигурирован для переноса аудиоданных. Способ включает: обнаружение сопряжения второго разъема с первым разъемом и в ответ на обнаружение посылку команды через один из контактов и ожидание ответа на команду. Если действительный ответ на команду принят, система определяет ориентацию второго ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012157740A

... 1. Штекерный соединитель, содержащий:- вывод соединителя, имеющий первую и вторую противоположные стороны и третью и четвертую противоположные стороны, протягивающиеся между первой и второй главными сторонами, при этом каждая из третьей и четвертой сторон является значительно более узкой, чем первая и вторая стороны;- множество электрических контактов, переносимых посредством вывода соединителя, причем множество контактов включает в себя первое множество контактов, сформированных на первой главной стороне, и второе множество контактов, сформированных на второй главной стороне, при этом первое множество контактов симметрично разнесено со вторым множеством контактов, и вывод соединителя имеет форму со 180-градусной симметрией, так что вывод соединителя может быть вставлен и функционально соединен с соответствующим розеточным соединителем в любой из двух ориентаций; и- средства фиксации, сформированные на третьей и четвертой сторонах около дистального конца вывода соединителя, которые адаптированы ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151389A

... 1. Устройство связи с объектом (УСО), содержащее сетевой модуль, многофункциональные малоканальные (одно-, двух- и трехканальные) модули ввода/вывода, базовую печатную плату с установленными на ней разъемными соединителями для подключения модулей и клеммными соединителями для подключения объектовых кабелей, отличающееся тем, что для объединения сигналов в группы с общими потенциалами клеммные соединители имеют дополнительные клеммы, а многофункциональные модули ввода/вывода дополнительно содержат функциональные устройства для обеспечения требуемого уровня защиты как самих модулей ввода/вывода, так и подключенного к ним объектового оборудования от возможных воздействий, превышающих максимально допустимые значения напряжений и токов, а также для обеспечения контроля целостности цепей подключенных объектовых кабелей.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что количество клеммников, выделенных под каждый модуль ввода/вывода, равно девяти.

28-08-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002625893B2

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016000523B4

Abschirmverbinder (10), umfassend:eine Mehrzahl von Drähten (12 bis 15), beinhaltend wenigstens einen Stromversorgungsdraht, einen Erdungsdraht und eine Mehrzahl von Kommunikationsd rähten;eine Mehrzahl von Anschlüssen (20), um jeweils mit der Mehrzahl von Drähten (12 bis 15) verbunden zu sein;ein Gehäuse (30) für ein Anordnen und Halten einer ersten Anschlussreihe (24A) und einer zweiten Anschlussreihe (24B) in zwei Stufen in einer vertikalen Richtung, wobei die erste und zweite Anschlussreihe (24A, 24B) durch ein laterales Anordnen der Mehrzahl von Anschlüssen (20) ausgebildet sind; undeine Abschirmschale oder -ummantelung (40) für ein Abdecken des Gehäuses (30);wobei:jeder der Mehrzahl von Anschlüssen (20) einen Anschlussverbindungsabschnitt (21), um mit einem zusammenpassenden Anschluss verbunden zu sein, und einen Drahtverbindungsabschnitt (23) beinhaltet, um auf den entsprechenden einen der Mehrzahl von Drähten (12 bis 15) gelötet zu sein;das Gehäuse (30) einen Gehäusekörper (31) ...

23-08-2007 дата публикации

Mehrpoliger Verbinder

Номер: DE602004007467D1

05-09-2019 дата публикации

Erdungsanschlusselement zur Abschirmung von in Kunststoffgehäusen angeordneten elektrischen Komponenten sowie Verfahren zu seinem Einbau

Номер: DE102018104843A1

Bei einem Erdungsanschlusselement zur elektrischen Erdung und/oder elektromagnetischen Abschirmung von in einem Kunststoffgehäuse (410) angeordneten elektrischen Komponenten, wobei das Erdungsanschlusselement wenigstens einen, bezüglich des Kunststoffgehäuses (410) nach außen geführten elektrischen Kontakt bereitstellt, ist insbesondere vorgesehen, dass das Erdungsanschlusselement durch ein im Wesentlichen spiralförmiges, metallisches Einlegeteil (200) mit einem aus einem spiralförmigen Bereich des Einlegeteils (200) herausragenden Kontaktpin (205) gebildet ist, welches in einer nach außen hin zugänglichen, im Wesentlichen zylinderförmigen Ausnehmung (415) des Kunststoffgehäuses (410) fest angeordnet ist.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019213576A1

Ein Kabelbaum beinhaltet einen Standard-Unter-Kabelbaum, der eine Standard-Schaltkreis-Leitung beinhaltet, einen Optional-Unter-Kabelbaum, der eine Auswahl-Schaltkreis-Leitung beinhaltet, und einen Protektor, der Haupt-Leitungen, welche den Standard-Unter-Kabelbaum beinhalten, schützt. Der Protektor beinhaltet ein Schaltkreis-Netzwerk, das einen Teil der Auswahl-Schaltkreis-Leitung konfiguriert, um so zusätzliche Funktionen in dem Kabelbaum selektiv zu implementieren. Die Auswahl-Schaltkreis-Leitung von dem Optional-Unter-Kabelbaum, abgezweigt von der Haupt-Leitung, ist mit dem Schaltkreis-Netzwerk von dem Protektor verbunden.

15-05-1986 дата публикации

Screened plug connector (II)

Номер: DE0003439931A1

A screened plug connector for screened cables, having a single-pole or multi-pole plug insert or socket insert, has a bent contact sleeve which is pushed onto the cable end and has preferably conical outer surfaces, and has an annular cap, which is pushed on to the one end of this contact sleeve and hence reliably fixes the screen, and is filled with potting compound via specially arranged openings which do not allow any interference waves to penetrate into the interior of the plug connector. The plug connector has an ideal strain-relief means.

16-07-1970 дата публикации

Mehrpolige elektrische Steckvorrichtung

Номер: DE0001640372A1

16-08-2007 дата публикации

Shielding arrangement for electrical connecting device, has electrically conducting housing wall engaged in or interspersed in recess, where shielding material is provided on side of housing wall and edge section extends into edge gap

Номер: DE102006006565A1

The arrangement (10a) has an electrically conducting housing wall arranged at a recess (14a). The housing wall (16a) is engaged in or interspersed in the recess. A two-dimensional flexible shielding material is provided on a side of the housing wall surrounding the recess. An edge section (22a) extends into an edge gap between the edge of the recess and the electrical connecting device. An independent claim is also included for a method for mounting an electrical connecting device arranged at recess of an electrically conducting housing wall.

19-07-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical connectors and like fittings

Номер: GB0000570714A

... 570,714. Two-part couplings. LOEBL, F. S., LOEBL, R., and LOBLITE, Ltd. Oct. 4, 1943, No. 16215). [Class 38 (i)] A socket connector having a divided body X of mounted plastic material is fitted with a heat-resisting block A<*> of porcelain &c. in which are tubular recesses A for housing the contacts E. an extension B on the block forming a partition between the terminals C of the contacts. The block is mounted in a divided body X, the halves of which are secured together by screws G that also hold in place a pair of external earthing contacts H pressed apart by a spring f housed in a cavity K. An earthing terminal F exposed through a slot F* so as to be accessible from the exterior connects one of the contacts H to a lead F<1>. The contacts H may be reinforced by blade springs instead of the helical spring J.

13-03-1925 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electric plug and socket connections

Номер: GB0000230549A

... 230,549. Reyrolle & Co., Ltd., A., and Secretan, H. F. Dec. 13, 1923. Plug couplings and connectors; earth-continuity couplings.- Relates to plug-andsocket couplings of the type in which the socket portion of the coupling is surrounded by a metal sleeve or ring and the plug portion is provided with an earthed metal cap so that when in use the whole connector is enclosed in an earthed metal casing, and consists in providing a ring which can be slipped over the socket portion and turned into locking engagement therewith. The ring D is provided with internal projections D<1> which are passed over flats A<3> formed on an enlarged portion at the lower end of the socket body A, and engaged by a turning movement in grooves A<4> beneath lips AS provided on the socket body. The grooves A<4> are undercut as shown so that when the body A is screwed hard down on its base or against a wall C, disengaging movement of the ring is prevented.

26-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008716894D0

27-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009101046D0

21-02-1941 дата публикации

Overload time limit relay

Номер: GB0000533861A

... 533,861. Electrically - tripped switches. MASCHINENFABRIK OERLIKON. Dec. 5, 1939, No. 31541. Convention date, Dec. 13, 1938. [Class 38 (v)] A time-limit overload relay comprises a trip lever 7 and armature 6 both pivoted at 8 and joint 16 of which is held by a lever 17 until the lag expires. The toggle is pivoted to an extension 12 of lever 7 and to a fork 15 which is pivoted at 18, and restrained by an adjustable spring 20. The initial movement of 6, 7, on overload, causes 12 to move clear of a pin 34 and release an induction-motor rotor 3 driving a worm 19, and also causes fork 18 to rotate against a stop 21 and move a disc 24 and worm wheel 11 axially on a spindle 25, whereby the worm 19 meshes with the wheel 11. At the end of the time-delay, a pin 26 on the wheels. 11 deflects the latch 17, the toggle breaks upwards, and the armature 6 and lever 7 are released, a spring 27 and the weight of the armature subsequently restoring the parts to their original positions. The member 17 can ...

18-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002223892A

A connector (10), includes a contact-carrying insulator (14), a conductive casing (16) round the insulator (4) attached to a cable shield (26) via a shield clamp (24, 30) and an outer non-conductive body (36) covering the casing (16). The non-conductive body includes a non-conductive clamp nut (44) and coupling ring (44). …… ...

26-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002239358A

A backshell for connecting screened multi-core cables includes a tubular body portion which in a preferred embodiment includes a plurality of circumferentially arranged holes one of which, in use, receives the free end of an electrically conductive ribbon wound round the wires of the cable and in contact with their individual screens. Rotation of the body portion winds the ribbon around the periphery of the cable until the space is filled, the ribbon being wound externally round the tubular body portion and secured with termination means whereby the individual screens are connected electrically to the backshell. Attachment means facilitate attachment of the backshell either to a cylindrical connector body or to a hollow box member for connection in turn to a rectangular connector body.

15-06-1994 дата публикации

Shielded connector

Номер: GB0002273400A

A watertight type shielded connector includes a housing assembly (2A) and a terminal assembly (2B). The housing assembly (2A) includes an integrally moulded shield element (3). The terminal assembly (2B) includes a resilient plug (13) fitted over the sheath (11) of a shielded wire (6) and a connector (10) in electrical contact with the shielding material (8) of the shielding wire (6). Upon inserting the terminal assembly (2B) into the housing assembly (2A), the conductor (10) electrically engages the shield element (3) of the housing assembly (2A) so that the conductor establishes electric continuity between the shield element (3) of the housing assembly and the shielding material (8) of the terminal assembly while at the same time the plug (13) fits to the fitting bore of the housing assembly (2A) so that the terminal assembly engages the housing assembly in a watertight relation. ...

19-09-2012 дата публикации

Connector for use in a wet or severe environment

Номер: GB0002489130A

A connector for use underwater, or in a wet or severe environment, comprises a first connector part with at least one pin 4 and a second connector part with at least one electrical contact for engagement by the pin 4 when the connector parts are interengaged to establish an electrical connection. The pin 4 comprises an axially extending electrically conductive portion and an axially extending electrically insulating sleeve 22 around the conductive portion, wherein the pin 4 is supported by, and projects axially forwardly from, a support 6 such that a longitudinally extending portion of the insulating sleeve 22 is exposed to ambient conditions when the connector parts are disengaged. The pin 4 has a wider diameter portion where it is carried by the support 6 and a narrower diameter portion extending forwardly from the support 6. A sealing means comprising one or more o-ring seals 40 engage the narrower diameter portion of the pin 4 to protect a portion 25 of the insulating sleeve 22 forwardly ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации

High voltage coupler

Номер: GB0002506149B

13-04-2005 дата публикации

Electronic part-mounting socket

Номер: GB0000504858D0

23-08-2006 дата публикации

Electrical connection apparatus

Номер: GB0000614054D0

04-11-1981 дата публикации

Ground terminating connector for flat cable

Номер: GB0002074797A
Автор: Narozny, Ronald S

A connector for ground terminating a flat multiconductor cable includes first and second sets of insulation- piercing contacts in a support body 12, the first set of contacts 14 being separately accessible outside the support body and the second set of contacts 16 being accessible in unison 26 outside the support body. All contacts share common attitude in the support body and have identical insulation piercing portions. ...

28-02-2018 дата публикации

An electrical fitting

Номер: GB0201800561D0

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009211564D0

02-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008802267D0

30-08-1946 дата публикации

Improvements relating to plug and socket connectors for use in flexible electric current leads

Номер: GB0000580216A

... 580,216. Two-part couplings. TURNOCK, Ltd., G., and JACKSON, E. D. June 19, 1944, No. 11621. [Class 38 (i)] A plug-and-socket connector for use in flexible electric leads has an earth connection comprising a blade 19, Fig. 1, mounted on the socket 10 engaging a resilient U-shaped clip connector 18 on the plug 11, the socket also being provided with a shroud 25 entirely enclosing the plug pins 23 when contact is made with the sockets 27, Fig. 3. A projecting block 24 on the plug engages a recess 31 in the socket to ensure proper connection of the coupling. The mounting screws 14, 13 of the earthing blade and clip respectively, serve both to hold together the two halves of the longitudinally-divided plug and socket casings in addition to screws 12, and for attachment of the earth wires. The blade 19 may be provided with locking means such as a projection engaging a hole in the clip 18, to prevent accidental disengagement of the coupling.

06-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000708362D0

20-08-1980 дата публикации

Flexible electrical connector assembly

Номер: GB0002040113A
Автор: Kotski, Edward J

An electrical connector and cable assembly comprising a predetermined length of cable and a pair of opposed flexible connector sections at each end thereof adapted to be separably engaged respectively with corresponding flexible connector sections on other connector cable assemblies to form an electrical cable of required size. Each opposed flexible connector section includes electric contact members connected to a live conductor or a plurality of live conductors in its associated cable with the contact members being adapted to engage complementary contact members in a connector section associated with another cable to form a connector assembly therebetween when the sections are matingly engaged thereby joining the live conductors together. A flexible ground strap is spirally wound or wrapped about the complementary engaged sections after joinder thereof, the strap being disposed within a complementary spiral recess in the encasement formed by the engaged sections, and is then connected ...

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497272T

15-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293297T

15-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000050667T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000179029T

15-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000033324T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000274243T

05-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006138980A
Автор: LAW J P, J.P. LAW

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Techniques for configuring contacts of a connector

Номер: AU2012247024B2

Systems and methods for configuring contacts of a first connector includes detecting mating of a second connector with the first connector and in response to the detection, sending a command over one of the contacts and waiting for a response to the command. If a valid response to the command is received, the system determines the orientation of the second connector. The response also includes configuration information for contacts in the second connector. The system then configures some of the other contacts of the first connector based on the determined orientation and configuration information of the contacts of the second connector. K__ 600 Detect physical connection between an accessory-side 602 connector and a host-side connector Send a command to the accessory requesting 604 configuration information Receive response from the accessory including 606 configuration information for the contacts in the accessory-side connector Configure the contacts in the host-side connector based 608 ...

04-09-2008 дата публикации

An electrical connection device

Номер: AU2004223349B2

11-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003232042A1

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Grounding link for electrical connector mechanism

Номер: AU2015252103B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A grounding link for use with an elbow-type power cable electrical connector. The grounding link includes a bushing interface portion, a cap receiving portion, and a tap portion, wherein the grounding link further includes a grounding element extending between the bushing interface portion and a cap receiving portion, and wherein the bushing interface portion of the grounding link is configured for insertion into a bore in elbow-type power cable electrical connector. The grounding element includes an exposed portion projecting above a surface of the grounding link, wherein the exposed portion of the grounding element is configured for attachment by a grounded hot line clamp to ground the electrical connector assembly. The tap portion is configured for receipt of a second elbow connector to conductively couple the second elbow connector to the elbow-type power cable electrical connector. 7087760_1 (GHMatters) P101512.AU JENNIFER- ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

An electrical connector

Номер: AU2014401665A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An electrical connection component that is suitable for transmission of power with voltage levels greater than or equal to 1 kV and comprises a housing having an internal region, and having a machine cable end, a connection end, an electrical contact assembly, at least a portion of which is arranged at the connection end of the housing, the electrical contact assembly being arranged for electrically coupling with a further electrical contact assembly of another electrical connection component. The electrical connection component also comprises a removable member disposed at least partially within the housing at the connection end to provide a closure of an end portion of the housing to reduce contamination of the internal region. The housing and the removable member are arranged such that at least a portion of the internal region can be inspected when the removable member has been at least partially removed from the housing.

29-05-1997 дата публикации

Patch connector

Номер: AU0000678499B2

16-09-1997 дата публикации

Electrical connector with enhanced grounding characteristics

Номер: AU0001427897A

23-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001694376A

15-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004931385A

09-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1185340A

A latching apparatus for coupling together two mating connector housings includes a toothed latch member supported on a spring arm which is attached to a first one of the housings. The latch member includes a transverse surface formed with one or more teeth. The second housing carries a release member having a spring portion, a manually operable portion and openings to receive the teeth. When the housings are joined, the latch member enters the second housing such that the transverse surface overlies a spring extension of the manually operable member. Movement thereof extracts the teeth from the openings to release the housings. The latching apparatus forms a ground between the connectors.

05-01-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1115795A

FLEXIBLE ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY An electrical connector and cable assembly comprising a predetermined length of cable and a pair of opposed flexible connector sections at each end thereof adapted to be separably engaged respectively with corresponding flexible connector sections on other connector cable assemblies to form an electrical cable of required size. Each opposed flexible connector section includes electric contact members connected to a live conductor or a plurality of live conductors in its associated cable with the contact members being adapted to engage complementary contact members in a connector section associated with another cable to form a connector assembly therebetween when the sections are matingly engaged thereby joining the live conductors together. A flexible ground strap is spirally wound or wrapped about the complementary engaged sections after joinder thereof, the strap being disposed within a complementary spiral recess in the encasement formed by the ...

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1063221A

ELECTRIC WALL RECEPTACLE WITH GROUND FAULT PROTECTION An electric receptacle with ground fault protection characterized by an insulating housing of rectangular configuration adapted for mounting in a wall outlet box. The housing comprises opposite end and edge walls with front and rear sides open and with a transverse partition dividing a chamber formed by the ends and side walls into a pair of side-by-side compartments. Partition aperture means between the compartments and the first compartment communicating with the open front side and the second compartment communicating with the open rear side. At least one portion of the partition being nearer the front side than the remaining portions. Receptacle components are disposed in the first compartment and electronic components are disposed in the second compartment, and the components in each compartment are so disposed as to minimize the space requirements for the receptacle.

02-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002488174A1

In order to transmit the shielding potential of an electric cable that is connected to a circular connector and surrounded by a braided shield to a mating connector, the invention proposes to arrange a shield transfer element comprising an insulation displacement connector, a transfer contact and a spring bow in the connector housing of the circular connector. In this case, the spring bow contacts the electrically conductive screw cap arranged on the outside of the connector housing through an opening provided in said connector housing while the transfer contact contacts a neutral wire of the circular connector in the center of the circular connector. The braided shield is connected to the shield transfer element by the insulation displacement connector.

31-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000996243A1

08-05-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001167129A1

08-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002568544A1

22-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003009245A1

Self-supporting equipotential grounding grates are used to create an equipotential zone for workers and equipment. The grates have a plurality of supports that cooperate to position the upper surface of a conductive grid above the surface on which the grates are used. The inner supports include upper and lower structural grids that allow debris to be readily removed from the grate after use. The grate supports workers and equipment. A plurality of the grates are electrically connected with cables to define a platform with the entire structure grounded with one or more grounding pins.

20-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001128156A1

29-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002409477A1

A circuit breaker panel includes a panel having a surface; an electrically conductive grounding member, such as a grounding strip, adapted for electrical connection to ground; a circuit breaker having an electrically conductive surface; and one or more fasteners fastening the circuit breaker to the panel. The electrically conductive grounding member is sandwiched between the surface of the panel and the electrically conductive surface of the circuit breaker. The electrically conductive circuit breaker surface electrically engages the electrically conductive grounding member.

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001063221A1

24-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002610552C

A watthour meter socket adapter includes a housing having internal jaw contacts and external blade terminals. A power switch is electrically connected between the jaw contacts and the blade terminals. A rocker member on the power switch faces a side of the housing. An actuator is mounted in the housing and has a first end coupled to the rocker member for simultaneous movement of the rocker member and the actuator. A second end of the actuator extends through an aperture in the side of the housing allowing external manipulation of the actuator and the rocker member to indicate and/or manipulate the on and off state of the power switch. An electrically insulating safety shield may be mounted over the exposed portions of the jaw contacts and the conducting elements in the housing.

30-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002631959C

The invention provides a connector plug in which a necessary and sufficient engaging force of a latch can be ensured irrespective of the thickness of a metal case. The connector plug of the invention has: a synthetic-resin made body (10) having a fitting portion (11) to which a counter connector socket is to be fitted, and which is projected from one end side; contacts (20) which are held by the body (10); and a metal case (40) which covers the body (10). A latch (30) which, when the fitting portion (11) of the body (10) is inserted into the counter connector socket, causes the fitting portion to be engaged with the counter connec-tor socket, and which is formed by a metal plate is config-ured separately from the metal case (40). The latch (30) is held by the body (10).

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002954691A1

An electrical connection component that is suitable for transmission of power with voltage levels greater than or equal to 1 kV and comprises a housing having an internal region, and having a machine cable end, a connection end, an electrical contact assembly, at least a portion of which is arranged at the connection end of the housing, the electrical contact assembly being arranged for electrically coupling with a further electrical contact assembly of another electrical connection component. The electrical connection component also comprises a removable member disposed at least partially within the housing at the connection end to provide a closure of an end portion of the housing to reduce contamination of the internal region. The housing and the removable member are arranged such that at least a portion of the internal region can be inspected when the removable member has been at least partially removed from the housing.

25-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002863697A1

A permanent ground point for a splicing connector is provided. The ground point is comprised of a ground rod that is permanently attached to a port on the splicing connector. A grounding clamp may then be attached to the ground point after the system is de-energized in order to provide a safe connection to system ground.

24-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002140059C

The present invention teaches a multi-wire locking system incorporating a novel and unique ground contact which is formed in a unitary manner in a single piece or element from a single piece of metal stock, without the need for machining or assembly. The subject ground contact is utilized withi n and the present invention contemplates a receptacle or connector assembly which performs in a superior manner when compared to the prior art.

06-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002008268A1

13-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002021563A1

25-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002034114C

A modular higher density communications coupling system including a universal platform for supporting multiple connectors from a single outlet hole is disclosed. The platform includes a main body member having a registration ridge extending forward of the main body member for extending into a standard sized outlet hole. A pair of apertures adjacent to each other extend through the main body member and are generally surrounded by the registration ridge. A pair of connector housings are attachable to the sear of the platform in alignment with the apertures for housing connectors. A pair of retaining members on two sides of the apertures hold the connector housings in position. A pair of support members extend rearwardly from the main body of the platform on the other two sides of the apertures. A termination plate is mounted in the support members, the termination plate having a plurality of electrical couplings for connecting the wire from a wall to the connector. A grounding screw mount ...

16-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002034494A1

22-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002262017C

A rail member and ground clip assembly useable for mechanically and electrically coupling printed circuit boards to chassis. The assembly having a stud protruding into an electrical contact opening in the rail member, wherein a first end portion of the resilient electrical contact is disposed on a fastener boss proximate the electrical contact opening, a bifurcated curved portion of the resilient electrical contact protrudes at least partially through the electrical contact opening beyond a bottom side of the rail member, and the stud is disposed through an opening in the resilient electrical contact to engagably couple the resilient electrical contact to the rail member. The resilient electrical contact also includes a compression wave portion between the first end portion and the curved portion to bias the curved portion into engagement with the chassis. A non-threaded rivet fastens the rail member to the printed circuit board.

11-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002283096A1

A connector (100) for connecting to ribbon cable (122) corresponding to the SFF-8049 specification. The connector (100) includes a plurality of ground contacts (132) having an insulation displacement end (134) that are positioned within a retainer plate (106) so that the insulation displacement end of the ground contacts (132) pierce the insulation surrounding every other conductor (124) of the ribbon cable (122) which comprise the grounded conductors forming the ground bus. Signal contacts (130) having an insulation displacement end (134) and a mating end are positioned within a body of the connector so that the insulation displacement end can be positioned through the retainer plate (106) in an orientation where they will be able to engage with signal conductors within the ribbon cable (122). The plurality of ground contacts (132) are configured to have tabs to engage with selected signal contacts (130) so that grounded signal conductors within the ribbon cable (122) can be connected ...

06-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002311191A1

A wiring device includes a one piece metal strap having end portions adapted to be attached to a junction box, a central opening, and a ground plate integral with the mounting strap having a first portion extending parallel to and adjacent the mounting strap, and a second portion substantially at right angles to the mounting strap.

15-02-1959 дата публикации

Elektrischer Stecker und dessen Verwendung

Номер: CH0000336106A

13-11-1981 дата публикации

Cable fitting for connecting a screened heavy-current cable to an electrical apparatus

Номер: CH0000626474A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

15-11-2000 дата публикации

Electrical plug connector, in particular for the medical technology.

Номер: CH0000690636A5
Принадлежит: W W FISCHER S A, W. W. FISCHER S.A.

30-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000699773A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (1) zum Reduzieren von Störsignalen in geschirmten elektrischen Signalübertragungssystemen. Die Vorrichtung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie zwischen einem Abschirmungs-Buchsenkontakt einer Steckverbindung einerseits und einem Abschirmungs-Steckerkontakt einer Steckverbindung andererseits anbringbar ist, derart, dass die einander entsprechenden signalübertragenden Stecker- und Buchsenkontakte der genormten Steckverbindung miteinander galvanisch verbunden sind und die Abschirmungen der zwei durch die Steckverbindung miteinander verbundenen Kabel gleichstromentkoppelt sind.

30-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000003808B1

... 1. Штепсель (1), содержащий гильзу (2), изолятор (3), расположенный в рабочем положении в гильзе (2), и продолговатые штифтообразные контакты (4), фиксированные в рабочем положении во вмещающих их перфорациях или отверстиях (6) изолятора посредством выступов, которые входят в выполненные поперечно продольному направлению контактов (4) канавкообразные углубления (7) в них, причем перфорации или отверстия (6) с продолговатыми контактами (4) располагаются на воображаемом цилиндре, проходящем концентрично середине гильзы (2) или изолятора, и, тем самым, на равном расстоянии от внутренней стороны гильзы (2) или поверхности (3а) изолятора (3), причем внутри воображаемого цилиндра параллельно остальным контактам (4) внутри перфорации или отверстия (6) расположен дополнительный контакт (41), отличающийся тем, что изолятор (3) имеет, по меньшей мере, одну огибающую его внешнюю сторону (3а) и открытую наружу канавку (8), которая пересекает перфорации или отверстия (6) для контактов (4) на части их ...

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for connecting connection parts between power apparatuses

Номер: US20120094516A1
Автор: Kyoung-Ho Yang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an apparatus for connecting connection parts between power apparatuses. The apparatus of the present invention comprises: a cable constituted by a conductive wire, and an outer coating which covers the conductive wire; socket means having a first housing, and a conductive connection element which is arranged in the first housing and which has an insertion groove, wherein the socket means is installed in a power apparatus to form a connection part for electrically connecting the cable to the power apparatus; and plug means which has a conductive ring fitted to the conductive wire exposed by removing the outer coating from one end of the cable, and which is arranged at the cable and fitted to the first housing of the socket means such that the conductive ring is inserted into the insertion groove of the conductive connection element so as to electrically connect the cable to the power apparatus. The present invention provides an apparatus for connecting connection parts between power apparatuses which interconnects power apparatuses through a cable plug-in connection method to accomplish remarkable effects in the aspects of economical advantages, safety, and ease of maintenance and recovery from failure, etc.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Audio interface

Номер: US20120134525A1

An audio interface used for mating with an earphone plug having an electronic conductor is disclosed. The audio interface comprises a socket body; and an insulation wrap protruding from the socket body, the insulation wrap defining a receptacle, the electronic conductor inserted in the receptacle and wholly wrapped by the insulation wrap.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

USB Connector and USB Device

Номер: US20120196489A1
Автор: Bin Zhang, Menglong Zhao
Принадлежит: Huawei Device Co Ltd

A USB connector for connecting with a USB female includes a rotating shaft assembly which is capable of rotating, metal legs, a connecting line, and a substrate. The rotating shaft assembly includes a rotating shaft, a rotating shaft sleeve and a rotating shaft support. The rotating shaft is disposed in the rotating shaft sleeve and is capable of rotating relative to the rotating shaft sleeve. The rotating shaft sleeve is located in a support hole of the rotating shaft support. The rotating shaft assembly with the rotating shaft support is fixed on the surface of the substrate by the rotating shaft support. The metal legs are formed on the surface of the substrate to ensure the connecting strength of the metal legs and reduce the thickness of the USB device.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Insulating structure for l-shaped terminal

Номер: US20120252272A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

To electromagnetically-shield an L-shaped terminal in a compact and reliable manner while easily and securely fixing the L-shaped terminal, there is employed an insulating split inner housing having an L-shaped terminal receiving portion including an electric-contact-portion-side receiving portion covering an electric contact portion of the L-shaped terminal connected to a shielded wire and a wire-connection-portion-side receiving portion covering a wire connection portion of the L-shaped terminal, the electric-contact-portion-side receiving portion is covered by a conductive shield shell, the wire-connection-portion-side receiving portion is covered by a conductive housing connected to the shield shell and to a shield portion of the shielded wire, and the L-shaped terminal is insulated by the inner housing from the shield shell and the conductive housing.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Conductive frame for an electrical connector

Номер: US20130075149A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A dual orientation connector having a connector tab with first and second major opposing sides and a plurality of electrical contacts carried by the connector tab. The plurality of contacts includes a first set of external contacts formed at the first major side and a second set of external contacts formed at the second major side. The first plurality of contacts are symmetrically spaced with the second plurality of contacts and the connector tab is shaped to have 180 degree symmetry so that it can be inserted and operatively coupled to a corresponding receptacle connector in either of two insertion orientations.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Connector and method of manufacturing same

Номер: US20130078859A1
Принадлежит: Iriso Electronics Co Ltd

A connector which permits the resistance against the deformation of a shield to be increased and a method of manufacturing the connector. The shield is made up of an inner shield member disposed on the inner surface side of the shield and anouter shield member disposed on the outer surface side and, therefore, the strength of the shield can be increased by the double structure of the shield members. As a result of this, the shield is not deformed easily even in the case where an excessive external force is applied to the shield in the vertical direction or in the horizontal direction, for example, in inserting and extracting a mating connector into and out of the shield.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130084728A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A shield connector includes a housing and a shield terminal. The housing, has a tubular shape so that a shield electric wire is inserted thereinto, and is attached to an objective body so as to communicate with an insert hole of the objective body. The shield terminal, has a tubular shape, is electrically conductive, is attached to an inner peripheral side of the housing, and is electrically conducted to the objective body and the shield layer. A seal member having a tubular shape is provided between an inner periphery of the insert hole and the shield electric wire and between the shield terminal and the shield electric wire, so as to seal a part between the inner periphery of the insert hole and an outer periphery of the shield electric wire and a part between an inner periphery of the shield terminal and the outer periphery of the shield electric wire. 1. A shield connector , to which a shield electric wire including an inner coating , a shield layer and an outer coating provided in this order in a periphery of a core wire is connected , attached to a grounded objective body to guide the shield electric wire to an insert hole formed in the objective body , and electrically conduct the shield layer to the objective body , the shield connector comprising:a housing, having a tubular shape so that the shield electric wire is inserted thereinto, and attached to the objective body so as to communicate with the insert hole of the objective body;a shield terminal, having a tubular shape, being electrically conductive, attached to an inner peripheral side of the housing, and electrically conducted to the objective body and the shield layer; anda seal member, having a tubular shape, provided between an inner periphery of the insert hole and the shield electric wire and between the shield terminal and the shield electric wire, and configured to seal a part between the inner periphery of the insert hole and an outer periphery of the shield electric wire and a part between an ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Shielded connector

Номер: US20130095698A1
Принадлежит: Lotes Co Ltd

A shielded connector includes a conductive body having a plurality of receiving holes formed through, a plurality of insulating members respectively fixed in the receiving holes, and a plurality of terminals respectively fixed to the insulating members. Each terminal has a contact portion exposed upward to the insulating member and a soldering portion exposed downward to the insulating member. The terminal and the conductive body are in an nonconductive state. The conductive body is formed by integral injection molding, which does not require pre-molding an insulating body having a plurality of receiving holes and plating metal layers in the receiving holes, so that the process is simple yet novel and the problem that metal layers easily peel off is solved while ensuring a stable and good shielding effect.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Power Connector

Номер: US20130143422A1

Disclosed herein is a power connector. The power connector includes a body, a power source terminal provided in the body, and connected with a power source line, a ground terminal provided in the body, and connected with a ground line, and an interference removal unit connected between the power source terminal and the ground terminal to remove electromagnetic interference. Here, a stop band filter is formed inside the power connector, so that parasitic component signals generated in the internal power source line are prevented from being transmitted as a constant power source even though a separate EMI filter is not formed inside the system. 1. A power connector , comprising:a body;a power source terminal provided in the body, and connected with a power source line;a ground terminal provided in the body, and connected with a ground line; andan interference removal unit connected between the power source terminal and the ground terminal to remove electromagnetic interference.2. The power connector according to claim 1 , wherein the interference removal unit is a capacitor.3. The power connector according to claim 1 , wherein the interference removal unit is positioned inside or outside the body.4. The power connector according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ground connection unit electrically connecting the ground terminal to the outside of the body.5. The power connector according to claim 1 , wherein the body includes a latching unit fixing the body to an external case.6. The power connector according to claim 5 , further comprising:a ground connection unit electrically connecting the ground terminal to the outside of the body,wherein the ground connection unit is formed in a portion in which the latching unit and the external case are brought into contact with each other.7. A power connector claim 5 , comprising:a body;a power source terminal provided in the body, and connected with a power source line;a ground terminal provided in the body, and connected with ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143442A1
Принадлежит: Amphenol Corporation

An electrical connector provides shielded signal pathways. The electrical connector includes a shield plate, a first finger that extends from an edge of the shield plate, and a second finger that extends from the edged of the shield and that is adjacent to the first finger. A channel is formed between the first finger and the second finger. A coupling is placed within the channel adjacent the first finger. The coupling includes a contact, a first connecting arm extending from a first end of the contact to a first portion of the first finger, and a second connecting arm extending from a second end of the contact to a second portion of the first finger. The first connecting arm and the second connecting arm provide at least two current paths from the contact to the first finger. 120-. (canceled)21. An electrical connector , the electrical connector comprising:a first wafer, the first wafer including,a first shield plate,a plurality of first shield couplings disposed in pairs along an edge of the first shield plate to form a first column of first shield couplings, anda plurality of first signal conductors disposed adjacent the first shield plate between respective pairs of first shield couplings; anda second wafer disposed adjacent the first wafer, the second wafer including,a second shield plate,a plurality of second shield couplings disposed along an edge of the second shield plate to form a second column of second shield couplings parallel to the first column of first shield couplings, anda plurality of second signal conductors disposed in pairs adjacent the second shield plate,wherein the first wafer and the second wafer are unique with respect to their arrangements of signal conductors and shield couplings,wherein at least one of the pair of first shield couplings is adjacent to one of the plurality of first signal conductors and at least one of the plurality of second signal conductors, andwherein at least one of the plurality of second shield couplings is ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149881A1

An electrical connector includes a dielectric housing, a plurality of electrical signal contacts carried by the dielectric housing, and a ground plate carried by the dielectric housing. The electrical signal contacts are arranged along a first plane, wherein the signal contacts define signal pairs such that a respective gap is disposed between adjacent signal pairs. The signal contacts further define respective mating and mounting ends. The ground plate includes a ground plate body oriented in a second plane that is substantially parallel to the first plane and offset from the first plane. The ground plate body defines first and second opposed surfaces. The ground plate includes at least one rib that defines first and second opposed surfaces, wherein the first surface of the rib projects from the first surface of the ground plate body in a direction toward the gap, and the second surface is recessed into the second surface of the ground plate body. The ground plate further includes a plurality of mating ends and mounting ends extending from the ground plate body and disposed in the first plane so as to be aligned with the respective mating ends and mounting ends of the electrical signal contacts. 1. A vertical electrical connector comprising:a dielectric housing defining a mating interface and a mounting interface that is spaced from the mating interface along a longitudinal direction, wherein the mounting interface extends substantially parallel to the mating interface;a plurality of electrical signal contacts carried by the dielectric housing and arranged along a first plane, wherein the signal contacts define signal pairs such that a respective gap is disposed between adjacent signal pairs, and the electrical signal contacts further define respective mating ends that extend along the mating interface and mounting ends that extend along the mounting interface;a ground plate carried by the dielectric housing, the ground plate including a ground plate body oriented ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Board-mounted connector

Номер: US20130149902A1
Автор: Kazuhiko Tsuchiya
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

An object is to provide a board-mounted connector which has an assembly fitting opening provided on the attachment surface side of an external shield shell onto a circuit board such that a housing assembly can be fit from the assembly fitting opening into the external shield shell, and is capable of improving the ease of assembling the housing assembly. In a board-mounted connector 1 A, a housing assembly 21 A to be fit from an assembly fitting opening 34 provided at an external shield shell 11 A into the external shield shell 11 A is made by integrally forming an internal housing 23 that accommodates a plurality of connection terminal members 22 and an external housing 26 that covers the outer circumference of the internal housing 23 and accommodates and holds the internal shield shell 25.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178100A1

A connector is provided in which a connector member is secured to a case and a shielding effect can be maintained even if a mating plug-type connector to be engaged therewith has a flat insulating plate with connecting portions on both of its faces, forming mutually parallel arrays of pluralities of upper terminals and lower terminals, which are strips of conductive segments. The connector member and the case are included. The connector member includes an inner shield cover that includes engaging portions having press-fractured faces, formed in its rear end. The case has resin springs which are disposed inside the tube-shaped portion of the case and extend toward the back and fixing stops which are disposed at free ends of the resin springs and increase in thickness inward from back to front. 1. A connector comprising a connector member and a case , the connector member comprising:a body being made of an insulator, having an insertion opening where a mating plug-type connector can be inserted, in a fore part of the body, and an insertion space extending from the insertion opening toward the back of the body; a contact portion which comes into contact with a contact of the mating plug-type connector;', 'a first terminal portion which becomes a terminal to a printed circuit board when the connector is mounted on the board; and', 'a trunk portion which connects the contact portion and the first terminal portion; and, 'a plurality of contacts being arranged on inner walls of the insertion space of the body, each comprising'} a cover portion which covers the outer walls of the body;', 'second terminal portions which become terminals to the board when the connector is mounted on the board; and', 'engaging portions having press-fractured faces, formed in a rear end of the inner shield cover;, 'an inner shield cover comprising'}the case being made of a tube-shaped insulator and having portions of the inner walls thereof formed to cover the outer walls of the connector ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183840A1
Автор: CHANG Nai-Chien

A socket module of electrical connector includes a first socket, a second socket arranged in a row with the first socket, and an electric conduction elastic piece. The first socket includes a first terminal base and a first ground piece circumferencing the first terminal base. The second socket includes a second terminal base and a second ground piece circumferencing the second terminal base. The electric conduction elastic piece contacts and electrically connects the first ground piece and the second ground piece. 1. A socket module of electrical connector , comprising:a first socket including a first terminal base and a first ground piece circumferencing the first terminal base;a second socket including a second terminal base and a second ground piece circumferencing the second terminal base, the second socket and the first socket arranged in a row;an electric conduction elastic piece disposed between the first ground piece and the second ground piece, and the electric conduction elastic piece contacting and electrically connecting the first ground piece and the second ground piece.2. The socket module according to further comprising an insulating base claim 1 , the insulating base providing a first accommodation space for accommodating the first socket and the electric conduction elastic piece claim 1 , the insulating base also providing a second accommodation space for accommodating the second socket claim 1 , and a connection port disposed between the first accommodation space and the second accommodation space claim 1 , and the connection port connecting the first accommodation space and the second accommodation space claim 1 , the electric conduction elastic piece electrically connecting the first ground piece and the second ground piece via the connection port.3. The socket module according to claim 1 , wherein the second ground piece electrically connects a ground.4. The socket module according to claim 1 , wherein the first socket comprises an extension ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183866A1

A three-phase electric power connector (), comprising a plug () and a socket (), which each comprise respectively a casing () and three electrically conductive contacts ( ) housed at least in part inside the casing () and each corresponding to an electric phase of the electric current transmitted by the connector (), in which each of the three electrically conductive contacts () is surrounded at least in part by an electrically insulating sheath. 111-. (canceled)12. Three-phase electric power connector comprising a plug and a socket , which each comprise respectively a casing and three electrically conductive contacts housed at least in part inside the casing and each corresponding to an electric phase of the electric current transmitted by the connector in which each of the three electrically conductive contacts is surrounded at least in part by an electrically insulating sheath , in which the sheaths of each contact are arranged in such a way that , when the plug and the base are connected , the sheaths surrounding the contacts of the same phase each form a closed chamber that electrically insulates the contacts of that phase.13. Three-phase electric power connector according to claim 12 , wherein the sheaths are of tubular configuration surrounding each of the electrically conductive contacts.14. Three-phase electric power connector according to claim 12 , wherein the cross-section of the sheaths is circular.15. Three-phase electric power connector claim 12 , wherein each sheath consists of an electric insulating material claim 12 , such as a dielectric plastics material claim 12 , the thickness of which depends on the voltage of the electric current transmitted by the connector.16. Three-phase electric power connector according to claim 12 , wherein each sheath is covered at least in part on the inside and/or outside by an electric screening layer claim 12 , for example a metallisation layer or a metal braid claim 12 , connected to an electric earth.17. Three- ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189879A1
Автор: KONDO Tomoyuki

A device connector includes a first housing () accommodating first terminals () connected to terminals of a device and a second housing () accommodating second terminals () connected to ends of wires () and connectable to the first housing (). Connecting portions () of the first and second terminals () are placed one over the other and bolted as the housings () are connected. The first housing () has a work hole () for bolting the connecting portions () of the terminals () together. A metal shield shell () covers the connected housings () and is bolted to a case () at three mounting portions () and () arranged on an outer part of the shield shell () to form a triangle having substantially equal sides. 1203040555020. A device connector to be connected to at least one terminal of a device housed in a conductive case , comprising a first housing () accommodating at least one first terminal () to be connected to the terminal of the device and a second housing () accommodating at least one second terminal () to be connected to an end of a wire () and connectable to the first housing () , wherein:{'b': 31', '56', '30', '55', '20', '40', '20', '34', '31', '56', '30', '55, 'connecting portions (, ) of the corresponding first and second terminals (, ) being placed one over the other and bolted as the two housings (, ) are connected, the first housing () having at least one work hole () used to bolt the connecting portions (, ) of the terminals (, ) together; and'}{'b': 60', '20', '40', '65', '66', '97', '60', '60, 'a shield shell () made of conductive material and arranged to at least partly cover the connected housings (, ), three mounting portions (, , ) being arranged on the shield shell () for fixing the shield shell () to the case by bolting.'}265669760. The device connector of claim 1 , wherein the three mounting portions ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) are arranged on an outer edge part of the shield shell () to form a triangle claim 1 , a ratio of a longest side to a ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Electrical connector assembly used for shielding

Номер: US20130237090A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electrical connector includes an insulative housing has a mating surface and a mounting surface opposite to the mating surface, a plurality of receiving holes penetrated from the mating surface to the mounting surface, a plurality of terminals received in the receiving holes and a grounding route assembled on the mating surface, wherein a shielding device exposed in the receiving holes and electrically connecting with the grounding route.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237093A1
Принадлежит: Molex Incorporated

An electrical connector includes an insulator body, a number of terminals arranged on the insulator body, and a shell surrounding the insulator body. The insulator body comprises a main body and a mating portion extending forward from the main body, the front end of the mating portion has a mating aperture, and the top and bottom sides of the mating aperture have a number of terminal grooves. Each terminal includes an elastic portion, a contact portion extending from the elastic portion, and an abutting portion located at the end of the contact portion. The terminals can be configured as to become gradually thinner toward the abutting portion. 1. An electrical connector , comprising:at least one insulator body, the insulator body comprises a main body and a mating portion extending forward from the main body, the mating portion including a front end with a mating aperture, the mating aperture having a top and a bottom side and each of the sides includes a number of terminal grooves that extend vertically through the sides, each ending in an abutting wall that extends between the front end and the terminal groove;a plurality of terminals supported by the insulator body and arranged in two rows and positioned partially in the terminal grooves, each terminal comprising a base portion, a soldering portion extending backward from the base portion, an elastic portion extending forward from the base portion, an arched contact portion extending forward from the elastic portion, and an abutting portion located at a forward end of the arched contact portion; anda shell surrounding the insulator body, wherein the mating aperture is in communication with the shield via the terminal grooves and wherein the abutting portion of the terminals is elastically supported in the respective terminal grooves between the abutting wall and the shell.2. The electrical connector of claim 1 , wherein the abutting portion has a first thickness and the elastic portion has a second thickness ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243106A1

[Object] To provide a connector enabling high quality signal transmission while maintaining compatibility with the current HDMI connector, in a new HDMI interface using pins assigned to a shield, as a data pair. 1. A connector , configured of a plurality of signal electrode pins which are disposed within a cuboid-shaped dielectric and which correspond to differential signals of a predetermined number of channels and extend in a first direction which is a predetermined axial direction of the cuboid , with the perimeter of the dielectric being covered by a square-tube grounding conductor opened in the first direction;wherein each of the signal electrode pins is arrayed near the grounding conductor so as to couple with the grounding conductor, and differential signals are transmitted with single end.2. The connector according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of signal electrode pins corresponding to the differential signals of the predetermined number of channels are arrayed being divided into a first stage and a second stage, in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction;and wherein the plurality of signal electrode pins of each stage are arrayed with a predetermined interval in a third direction orthogonal to the first direction and second direction;and wherein a ground plane is disposed between the plurality of signal electrode pins of the first stage and the plurality of signal electrode pins of the second stage within the dielectric, and connecting conductors electrically connecting the ground plane and the grounding conductor are disposed between each of the signal electrode pins of each of the stages within the dielectric.3. A connector claim 1 , configured of a plurality of signal electrode pins which are disposed within a cuboid-shaped dielectric and which correspond to differential signals of a predetermined number of channels and extend in a first direction which is a predetermined axial direction of the cuboid claim 1 , with the perimeter of the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260601A1

The present invention provides a connector which can prevent a short circuit between the actuation lever and a conductive member positioned on a board and has an actuation lever actuatable without an actuation tag. A distance between the board and an actuation portion is larger than another distance between the board and an engage portion under a locked state where the engage portion is engaged with an engaged portion Under the locked state, the actuation portion is positioned away from the conductive member (a SMT terminal and the conductive pattern formed on the board ) so that the actuation lever can be prevented from making the short circuit with the conductive member. 1. A connector configured to be connected with a mating connector which has an engaged portion and is mounted on an object , comprising:a holding portion; andan actuation lever which has an actuation portion, a held portion, an engage portion and a stopper portion and is held by the holding portion so as to rotate when the actuation portion is shifted, the engage portion being provided between the actuation portion and the held portion, the engage portion being engaged with the engaged portion under a connection state, where the connector is connected with the mating connector, so as to lock the connection state, the stopper portion preventing the engage portion from moving to the object under a locked state where the connection state is locked, a distance between the object and the actuation portion being larger than another distance between the object and the engage portion in the locked state.2. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein a distance between the object and the stopper portion is smaller than another distance between the object and the engage portion under the locked state.3. The connector according to claim 1 , wherein the connector is connected with the mating connector in a connection direction claim 1 , the held portion extending in the pitch direction perpendicular to the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288501A1

Aspects of the present disclosure include a connector, an array of connectors, a method for manufacturing the connectors, and a method for using the connectors. The connectors are capable of carrying electrical or electric signal and include geometries to operate in holding, latching, or locking applications. The connector can include a contact housing formed by a first electrically conductive housing, a second electrically conductive housing and a housing sealing component at least partially isolating said first and second electrically conductive housings from each other. A body, such as a pin, a rod, or an elongated member, is provided. A first electrically conductive spring is located in a first groove and a second electrically conductive spring is located in a second groove inside the contact housing. Wherein a first electrical path and a second electrical path are formed when the body is inserted into the contact housing. In other examples, more than two electrical paths can be provided. 1. A connector comprising:a first electrically conductive housing section, a second electrically conductive housing section and a housing sealing component at least partially isolating said first and second electrically conductive housing sections from each other; said first and second electrically conductive housing sections and housing sealing component defining a bore;a body insertable into said bore, said body comprising a first electrical terminal and a second electrical terminal;a first electrically conductive spring positioned in a first groove defined at least in part by the first electrically conductive housing section and a second electrically conductive spring positioned in a second groove defined at least in part by the second electrically conductive housing section; andsaid first electrically conductive housing section, said first electrically conductive spring and said first electrical terminal defining at least a portion of a first electrical path, and said ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288521A1

A contact module includes a conductive holder and a frame assembly received in the conductive holder with receptacle signal contacts arranged in differential pairs. A ground shield is received in the conductive holder between the frame assembly and the conductive holder. The ground shield has a mounting end with ground pins extending from a mounting edge at the mounting end of the ground shield. Forces are imparted on the ground pins during coupling with a circuit board. The mounting end has a plurality of bearing surfaces proximate to the ground pins. The bearing surfaces engage at least one of the conductive holder and the frame assembly to transfer the forces between the ground shield and at least one of the conductive holder and the frame assembly. 1. A contact module for a receptacle assembly comprising:a conductive holder having a mating end and a mounting end, the mounting end being configured to be coupled to a circuit board in a mounting direction;a frame assembly received in the conductive holder and electrically shielded by the conductive holder, the frame assembly having a plurality of receptacle signal contacts, the receptacle signal contacts having mounting portions extending from the conductive holder, the receptacle signal contacts being arranged in differential pairs carrying differential signals; anda ground shield received in the conductive holder between the frame assembly and the conductive holder, the ground shield being electrically connected to the conductive holder, the ground shield having a mounting end with ground pins extending from a mounting edge at the mounting end of the ground shield, the ground pins extending along the mounting portions of the receptacle signal contacts, the ground pins being configured to be coupled to the circuit board when the conductive holder is mounted to the circuit board in the mounting direction, wherein forces are imparted on the ground pins during coupling with the circuit board, the mounting end having ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303005A1
Принадлежит: ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A socket for electronic components configured to connect each electrode terminal of an electronic component to a wiring of a wiring board with a shield member having electrical conductivity and multiple openings being disposed on the wiring board, with a contact unit configured to electrically conduct the electrode terminal of the electronic component and the wiring of the wiring board PB being disposed in the openings, and with the contact unit including a ground contacting portion configured to electrically conduct with the shield member, and when the contact unit is for grounding, grounding is performed by the ground contacting portion and the shield member being brought into contact and electrically conducting. 1. A socket for an electronic component configured to connect each electrode terminal of the electronic component to a wiring of a wiring board comprising:a shield member having electrical conductivity and including a plurality of openings disposed in a housing to be mounted on the wiring board;a contact unit for signals configured to electrically conduct between an electrode terminal of the electronic component and a wiring of the wiring board, anda contact unit for grounding;wherein the contact unit for grounding is disposed in an opening; andwherein the contact unit for grounding has a ground contacting portion, and in accordance with mounting of the electronic component on the housing, grounding is performed by the ground contacting portion and the shield member electrically conducting.2. The socket for the electronic component according to claim 1 , wherein the contact unit includes:a moving member, andan elastic member;and wherein the moving member includes a contact portion having electrical conductivity configured to be in contact with the electrode terminal of the electronic component, and an electroconductive portion configured to electrically conduct with the contact portion, and is also movable in accordance with coming into contact with the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309884A1
Автор: Pamart Olivier
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics France SAS

The present invention relates to an electrical connector for a plug-in connection, comprising a connector housing having a mating part defining a receiving section adapted for receiving a mating section of a counter-connector, at least two contact elements that are placed in the receiving section, and a ground contact assembly comprising a ground contact having a contacting portion adapted for being electrically connected with a grounding element of a retainer. For providing an electrical connector, which can be coupled with standard counter-connectors, the ground contact assembly of the electrical connector according to the present invention is arranged outside the receiving section with the contacting portion extending at least section-wise into the receiving section. 114-. (canceled)15. Electrical connector for a plug-in connection , comprising a connector housing having a mating part defining a receiving section adapted for receiving a mating section of a counter-connector , at least two contact elements that are placed in the receiving section , and a ground assembly comprising a ground contact having a contacting portion adapted for being electrically connected with a grounding element of the counter-connector and an attachment element for mounting the ground contact wherein the ground contact assembly is arranged outside the receiving section with the contacting portion extending at least section-wise into the receiving section.16. Electrical connector according to claim 15 , wherein the attachment element is arranged at an outer surface of the mating part.17. Electrical connector according to claim 15 , wherein the attachment element comprises a ground contact housing shielding the ground contact against the outside.18. Electrical connector according to claim 17 , wherein the ground contact housing is formed integrally with the connector housing.19. Electrical connector according to claim 15 , wherein the ground contact is mounted with positive locking at ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Lock mechanism of shield connector

Номер: US20130316579A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A shield connector is for assembling of a connector housing and a shield shell acted by a small insertion force and locking the connector housing and the shield shell by a large holding force. A flexible lock arm having a projection projecting outwardly is arranged at an insulation connector housing. A locked member engaged with the projection is arranged at a shield shell in which the connector housing is inserted. When the projection is half locked with the locked member, the lock arm is prevented from bending to unlock. When the connector housing is inserted into the shield shell, the lock arm is bent and also the projection is press-fitted along an inner surface of the shield shell. A stopper facing and abutting on an inner surface along a bending direction of the lock arm is arranged at an outer surface of the connector housing.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004740A1

A connector () is provided with wires () including shield layers (C), L-shaped terminal fittings () mounted on ends of the wires (), a resin molded part () provided to include connected parts of the wires () and the terminal fittings (), a first shield shell () configured to cover a predetermined part of the resin molded part () and including a through hole (A), a wire shield connecting member () connected to the shield layers (C) of the wires () and including a through hole (A) and a bolt () configured to fasten the first shield shell () and the wire shield connecting member () by being inserted through the respective through holes (A, A) and electrically connect the first shield shell () and the wire shield connecting member (). 1. A connector , comprising:a wire with a shield layer;an L-shaped terminal fitting to be mounted on an end of the wire;a resin molded part provided to include a connected part of the wire and the terminal fitting;a first shield shell configured to cover a predetermined part of the resin molded part and including a through hole;a wire shield connecting member to be connected to the shield layer of the wire and including a through hole; anda fastening member configured to fasten the first shield shell and the wire shield connecting member by being inserted through the respective through holes of the first shield shell and the wire shield connecting member and electrically connect the first shield shell and the wire shield connecting member.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first shield shell and the wire shield connecting member are respectively placed one next to each other on a part not including the resin molding and include fastened portions formed with the respective through holes.3. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the respective fastened portions are fastening pieces extending from the first shield shell and the wire shield connecting member.4. The connector of claim 3 , wherein the fastening pieces extend toward a back ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017915A1

An electrical grounding system has a frame containing one or more line component subassemblies supporting multiple lines of conductive material traveling linearly in parallel in a horizontal direction, and one or more preload subassemblies positioned in a vertical direction above the respective line component subassemblies. The line component subassembly has an array of grounding contact rollers positioned below and supporting the respective lines of conductive material traveling in electrical contact thereon. The preload subassembly has an array of preload rollers positioned above and applying a preload force to the respective lines of conductive material in electrical contact with the rollers of the line component subassembly below. 1. An electrical grounding system comprising:a frame containing one or more stations of a line component subassembly having multiple lines of conductive material traveling linearly in parallel in a horizontal direction spaced apart in a transverse direction from each other, and one or more stations of a preload subassembly positioned in a vertical direction above each respective line component subassembly,wherein each said line component subassembly has an array of multiple grounding contact rollers spaced apart in a transverse direction from each other and positioned below and supporting respective lines of conductive material traveling linearly in electrical contact thereon, andwherein each said preload subassembly has an array of multiple preload rollers spaced apart in a transverse direction from each other and positioned above and applying a preload force to respective lines of conductive material traveling linearly in electrical contact with respective grounding contact rollers of said line component subassembly below.2. An electrical grounding system according to claim 1 , wherein the grounding contact rollers of the line subassembly are each supported by a bearing to allow for relative rotation to be free-wheeling and ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017917A1
Автор: Molnar Nathan J.

An electronics module housing includes an external recess adapted to receive an associated DIN rail or other associated mounting structure. A latch mechanism is associated with the external recess and is adapted to engage the DIN rail. An electronics circuit board is located in the housing. An electrical connector is physically and electrically connected to the circuit board. The electrical connector includes: (i) a connector body; (ii) a plurality of electrical contacts secured to said connector body and comprising contact pins physically and electrically connected to the circuit board; and (iii) a ground contact secured to the connector body and including a ground pin physically and electrically connected to said circuit board. The ground contact includes a ground contact body that extends from the connector body into the housing recess. The ground contact body includes a ground contact face located adjacent the recess and adapted to contact the associated DIN rail to which the module is mounted. 1. An electronics module comprising:a housing comprising an external recess adapted to receive an associated mounting structure;a latch mechanism associated with said external recess and adapted to engage the associated mounting structure;an electronics circuit board located within said housing;an electrical connector physically and electrically connected to said electronics circuit board, said electrical connector comprising: (i) a connector body; (ii) a plurality of electrical contacts secured to said connector body and comprising contact pins physically and electrically connected to said circuit board; and (iii) a ground contact secured to said connector body and comprising a ground pin physically and electrically connected to said circuit board;said ground contact comprising a ground contact body that extends from said connector body into said recess, said ground contact body comprising a ground contact face located adjacent said recess and adapted to contact the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024260A1

A plug connector for use with a receptacle connector having at least two resilient plates has a metal shell having at least two recesses defined in a side face thereof to correspond to and receive the at least two resilient plates of the receptacle connector therein and an insulating housing securely received in the metal shell and having multiple terminals therein. 1. A plug connector comprising a metal shell including multiple side walls and surrounded by the side wall to form a receiving space and an insulating housing securely received in a receiving space of the metal shell and a plurality of terminals is located on the insulating housing , the characterized in that:the metal shell with at least two recesses defined in one of the side wall thereof to correspond to and receive the at least two resilient plates of a receptacle connector therein.2. The plug connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the insulating housing further has a first body and a second body to be securely connected to the first body.3. The plug connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two recesses are formed by stretching.4. The plug connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the terminals comply with USB 2.0 transmission standard.5. The plug connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the terminals comply with USB 3.0 transmission standard. The invention relates to a plug connector, and more particular, to a plug connector having therein at least two recesses defined in a side face thereof to effectively avoid EMI and prevent contamination to the internal structure of the plug connector.USB (Universal Serial Bus), a standard serial bus for connecting a computer to a foreign device and also an input/output interface protocol, with the advantage of plug-in and fast transmission speed, is widely used in information products such as personal computers, mobile communication devices and can also be expanded to cameras, digital TVs, video game machines . . . etc..Following the demands ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Plug and power connector

Номер: US20140045359A1

The embodiments of the present invention provide a plug and a power connector. The plug is applied in a power connector connected between a power supply device and a radio frequency module. The plug includes a jack and a crimping component set at a tail end of the jack, and the crimping component is configured to connect a power cable introduced from the power supply device to the jack in a manner of fixing. A power connector that includes the plug is further provided. By using the technical solutions according to the embodiments, easy on-site installation of the power connector that includes the plug during use may be ensured.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140045375A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

An interface connector includes a connection terminal unit configured to be connected with an external connector, and a metallic shell configured to enclose the connection terminal unit. The metallic shell includes a first shell unit, in which the connection terminal unit is mounted, and which is grounded with a printed circuit board, and a second shell unit mounted to be separated and spaced from the first shell unit. An electronic device comprises a connection terminal unit configured to be connected with an external connector and a metallic shell configured to enclose the connection terminal unit, wherein the metallic shell comprises a first shell unit in which the connection terminal unit is mounted, and a second shell unit mounted to be separated and spaced from the first shell unit. 1. An interface connector comprising:a connection terminal unit configured to be connected with an external connector; anda metallic shell configured to enclose the connection terminal unit,wherein the metallic shell comprises a first shell unit in which the connection terminal unit is mounted, and a second shell unit mounted to be separated and spaced from the first shell unit.2. The interface connector of claim 1 , wherein the first shell unit is grounded with a printed circuit board.3. The interface connector of claim 1 , wherein the metallic shell is separated into a front part and a rear part claim 1 , which are electrically separated from each other.4. The interface connector of claim 3 , wherein the first shell unit is provided behind the second shell unit to enclose the connection terminal unit claim 3 , and is grounded with the printed circuit board claim 3 , and5. The interface connector of claim 4 , wherein the second shell unit is provided in front of the first shell unit.6. The interface connector of claim 4 , further comprising a support unit configured to enclose the first shell unit and the second shell unit claim 4 , and to fix the positions of the first shell unit ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Electrical Connector Assembly and Housing

Номер: US20140045378A1
Автор: Kawashima Shoji
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Japan G.K.

An electrical connector assembly that includes a housing having a shield receiving space, a retainer receiving opening, and a retainer support disposed along a terminal edge surface of the retainer receiving opening and extending into the retainer receiving opening. The housing includes a shield positioned in the shield receiving space, and a retainer positioned in the retainer receiving opening. 1. An electrical connector assembly comprising:a housing having a shield receiving space, a retainer receiving opening, and a retainer support disposed along a terminal edge surface of the retainer receiving opening and extending into the retainer receiving opening;a shield positioned in the shield receiving space; anda retainer positioned in the retainer receiving opening and supported on the retainer support in an intermediate locking position.2. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the retainer is displaceable towards a mating end of the retainer receiving opening by the shield.3. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the displaced retainer is released from contact with the retainer support.4. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the retainer is displaceable from contact with the retainer support in an intermediate locking position by a load from the shield.5. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the retainer includes a load receiving surface claim 2 , andthe shield includes a load transfer member contactable with the load receiving surface.6. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a first lock receiving slot and a second lock receiving slot.7. The electrical connector assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the retainer includes a lock engageable with the first lock receiving slot when in the intermediate locking position and engageable with the second lock receiving slot when in a final locking position.8. The ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051268A1

A male connector having an electrostatic discharge (ESD) function includes a metal portion, an insulating portion and a cable. The metal portion is inserted into a female connector. One end of the insulating portion is connected to the metal portion and another end of the insulating portion is connected to the cable. The cable includes a plurality of sub-cables and a grounded metal layer. The metal layer surrounds the sub-cables, and is in electrical contact with the metal portion. Static electricity on the metal portion is conducted to ground via the metal layer. 1. A male connector , comprising:a metal portion insertable into a female connector; andan insulating portion connected an end of the metal portion and cooperating with the metal portion to form a receiving space for receiving a plurality of metal terminals, the insulating portion comprising a supporting member configured to support the metal terminals, the insulating portion comprising a plurality of sidewalls surrounding the receiving space;wherein a plurality of through holes are defined on at least one of the sidewalls, at least one conductive plate is received in the receiving space and arranged adjacent to the at least one of the sidewalls corresponding to the through holes, and the at least one conductive plate is grounded.2. The male connector according to claim 1 , wherein the male connector further comprises a cable passing through an opening on an end away from the male portion; the cable comprises a plurality of sub-cables and a first metal layer; each metal terminal is electronically coupled to each sub-cable claim 1 , the first metal layer surrounds the plurality of sub-cables and is grounded.3. The male connector according to claim 2 , wherein the male connector further comprises a resistor claim 2 , the resistor is electronically coupled between the conductive plate and first metal layer.4. The male connector according to claim 2 , wherein the cable further comprises an insulating layer and ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Shield shell and shield shell attachment structure

Номер: US20140051283A1
Автор: Daichi Shinba
Принадлежит: Individual

A shield shell ( 21 ) covering a connector housing ( 11 ) includes a first attachment piece ( 23 ) in contact with a first attached surface ( 71 ) of an attached portion ( 70 ) having a hole ( 71 a ) for the connector housing ( 11 ), and a second attachment piece ( 25 ) projecting from an end portion ( 24 ) of the first attachment piece ( 23 ) to an opposite side to the first attached surface ( 71 ) and being in contact with a second attached surface ( 72 ) of the attached portion ( 70 ). The second attachment piece ( 25 ) is fastened to the second attached surface ( 72 ) so that the second attachment piece ( 25 ) is in elastic contact with the second attached surface ( 72 ) with an elastic restoring force bringing the first attachment piece ( 23 ) into pressure contact with the first attached surface ( 71 ).

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Electrostatic discharge protection device and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140055892A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an electrostatic discharge protection device. The electrostatic discharge protection device in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention includes a substrate, an electrostatic discharge absorbing layer having a plating film formed on the substrate, electrodes disposed on the substrate to be spaced apart from each other by a predetermined interval with the electrostatic discharge absorbing layer interposed therebetween, and an insulating layer for covering the substrate and the electrodes.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Reinforcing Bars in I/O Connectors

Номер: US20140073182A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Reinforcing bars or a reinforcing element with holes can be embedded within the shell of a receptacle connector to strengthen the shell, and potentially provide shielding. For example, a receptacle connector having a plurality of contacts configured to mate with corresponding contacts of a corresponding plug connector can include a shell having an opening for receiving the corresponding plug connector. The shell can include an upper portion and reinforcing bars embedded within the upper portion. The shell can include an upper portion and a reinforcing element with holes embedded within the upper portion. Methods for manufacturing the shell are also provided. 1. A receptacle connector for an electronic device , the receptacle connector for receiving a corresponding plug connector , the receptacle connector comprising:a plurality of contacts configured to mate with corresponding contacts of the corresponding plug connector; and an upper portion; and', 'reinforcing bars embedded within the upper portion., 'a shell having an opening for receiving the corresponding plug connector, the shell comprising2. The receptacle connector of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion is adjacent to the corresponding plug connector when the plug connector is inserted into the receptacle connector.3. The receptacle connector of claim 1 , wherein the shell further comprises:a lower portion;a back portion;a right portion; anda left portion;wherein reinforcing bars are embedded within more than one portion of the shell.4. The receptacle connector of claim 3 , wherein reinforcing bars are also embedded within the lower portion.5. The receptacle connector of claim 3 , wherein reinforcing bars are also embedded within one or more of the left claim 3 , right and back portions.6. The receptacle connector of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing bars are in a grid configuration.7. The receptacle connector of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing bars are in a diagonal grid configuration.8. The receptacle ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073183A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A plug connector module that includes a metal frame having a base portion, an insertion end and a cavity that extends from the base portion into the insertion end. The insertion end is configured to be inserted into a cavity of a corresponding receptacle connector. A substrate extends through the base portion of the frame and into the insertion end. A first plurality of external contacts is positioned in a first opening and a second plurality of contacts positioned within a second opening. One or more electronic components is coupled to the substrate, and a first encapsulant that covers and environmentally seals the one or more electronic components. A second encapsulant covers and environmentally seals a metal shield and at least a portion of a leg that extends from the shield. 1. A plug connector module comprising:a metal frame having a base portion, an insertion end and a cavity that extends from the base portion into the insertion end, the insertion end being configured to be inserted into a cavity of a corresponding receptacle connector and having width, height and length dimensions along with first and second opposing exterior surfaces extending in the width and length dimensions, the first exterior surface including a first opening and the second exterior surface including a second opening directly opposite the first opening;a substrate that extends through the base portion of the frame and into the insertion end, the substrate having a plurality of contact bonding pads at one end positioned within the frame, a plurality of conductor bonding pads at the opposing end and at least one ground pad contact between the contact bonding pads and conductor bonding pads;a first plurality of external contacts positioned within the first opening and bonded to some of the plurality of contact bonding pads on the substrate;a second plurality of contacts positioned within the second opening and bonded to some of the plurality of contact bonding pads on the substrate;one or ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Plug connector protecting against overvoltage discharge

Номер: US20140078627A1
Автор: Stimpfl Kurt

A plug connector for protecting an electrical system, in particular an electronic device, a semiconductor component or cable harness, against overvoltage discharge, includes contact pins embedded in a plastic body, wherein the plastic has an area between the contact pins that exhibits an electrical resistance with an essentially electrically insulating property within an operating range up to a limiting voltage, and further exhibits a diminished electrical resistance above the limiting voltage, allowing a discharge of the overvoltages between the contact pins. A method of manufacturing the plug connector and its use are also disclosed. 1. A plug connector for protecting an electrical system against overvoltage discharge , comprising:a plurality of contact pins embedded in a body of plastic,wherein the body of plastic has an area between the contact pins which:(a) exhibits an electrical resistance with an essentially electrically insulating property within an operating range up to a limiting voltage, and(b) exhibits a diminished electrical resistance above the limiting voltage, allowing the overvoltages between the contact pins to discharge.2. The plug connector according to claim 1 , wherein the limiting voltage measures between 60 and 1100 V.3. The plug connector according to claim 2 , wherein the limiting voltage measures between 270 and 310 V.4. The plug connector according to claim 3 , wherein the limiting voltage measures 275 V.5. The plug connector according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical resistance has an electrically insulating property that measures at least 2 GΩ.6. The plug connector according to claim 5 , wherein the electrical resistance has an electrically insulating property that measures at least 200 GΩ.7. The plug connector according to claim 1 , wherein the area above the limiting voltage has a diminished electrical resistance of less than 60 GΩ.8. The plug connector according to claim 7 , wherein the area above the limiting voltage has a ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080327A1

An electrical connector electrically connecting a chip module to a printed circuit board includes an insulative housing having a matching surface, a mounting surface and a receiving slot penetrated from the matching surface to the mounting surface, a number of terminals received in the receiving slot and a number of shielding plates received in the receiving slot; the shielding plate includes a body portion, a supporting portion bending outwardly from one side of the body portion and a contact portion extending outwardly from another side of the body portion, the contact portion includes a main body, a spring beam extending upwardly from the main body and a clip extending downwardly from the main body, the spring beam extending upwardly beyond the matching surface and the clip extending downwardly beyond the mounting surface. 1. An electrical connector electrically connecting a chip module to a printed circuit board , and comprising:an insulative housing comprising a matching surface, a mounting surface and a receiving slot penetrated from the matching surface to the mounting surface, the receiving slot comprises a first receiving slot and a second receiving slot;a plurality of terminals received in the second receiving slot;a plurality of shielding plates received in the first receiving slot; andthe shielding plate comprises a body portion, a supporting portion bending outwardly from one side of the body portion and a contact portion extending outwardly from another side of the body portion, the contact portion comprises a main body, a spring beam extending upwardly from the main body and a clip extending downwardly from the main body, the spring beam extending upwardly beyond the matching surface and the clip extending downwardly beyond the mounting surface.2. The electrical connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said spring beam is used to electrically connect with the chip module.3. The electrical connector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said clip is used to ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080332A1

A USB plug connector structure can use the same set of terminals to apply on different USB connector patterns, such as plate edge connector or wire edge connector, through the design of various soldering portions and base portions being positioned on the same plane. Furthermore, the common mode signals generated from first and second differential signal transmission conductor sets can be restrained by means of first and second grounding base portions of a grounding transmission conductor surrounding first and second differential signal transmission conduct sets. In addition, crosstalk interference generated from the first and second differential signal transmission conductor sets to a signal transmission conductor set can be similarly isolated through the first and second grounding base portions. Furthermore, a bended angle of each bended portion ranges from 120 to 150 degrees, thereby guide scattered radio frequency interference. 1. A USB plug connector structure , comprising:a ground transmission conductor, defining a plate grounding contact portion at a front end thereof, said plate grounding contact portion being diverged rearward and extended with a respective first grounding base portion and a first grounding soldering portion extended from said first grounding base portion, said plate grounding contact portion being bended and extended in a direction deviating from said first grounding base portion to form a second grounding base portion parallel to said first grounding base portion, and said second grounding base portion being extended to define a second grounding soldering portion connected to said first grounding soldering portion;a first differential signal transmission conductor set, disposed between said two first grounding base portions, said first differential signal transmission conductor set defining a first elastic differential signal contact set at a front end thereof, and said first elastic differential signal contact portion set being extended ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097015A1
Автор: Kato Hajime, SUZUKI Toru
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A shielded cable fixing structure includes a shielded cable that includes an electric wire, a braid for covering the electric wire, and a sheath for covering the braid, an insulation housing that receives a terminal fitting electrically connected to the electric wire, a pair of split shield shells in which the insulation housing is mounted, a groove-shaped portion press-formed on a section of each of the split shield shells to cover a wire lead-out port of the insulation housing, from which the electric wire is led out, and is recessed on an outer surface of each of the split shield shells, and a braid fixing member fixed on an annular mounting groove constituted by the groove-shaped portions of the split shield shells, in a state where the braid is disposed between the annular mounting groove and the braid fixing member. 1. A shielded cable fixing structure , comprising:a shielded cable that includes an electric wire, a braid for covering the electric wire, and a sheath for covering the braid;an insulation housing that receives a terminal fitting electrically connected to the electric wire;a pair of split shield shells that is formed in a half-cylindrical shape, and in which the insulation housing is mounted;a groove-shaped portion that is press-formed on a section of each of the split shield shells to cover a wire lead-out port of the insulation housing, from which the electric wire is led out, and is recessed on an outer surface of each of the split shield shells along a circumferential direction of the electric wire extending therethrough; anda braid fixing member that is fastened and fixed on an annular mounting groove constituted by the groove-shaped portions of the pair of the split shield shells fitted and fixed to each other, in a state where an end portion of the braid is disposed between the annular mounting groove and the braid fixing member.2. The shielded cable fixing structure according to claim 1 , wherein the pair of split shield shells include a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004814A1
Автор: FELDMEIER Guenter

The invention relates to a housing having a seal, the seal being formed from a resilient material, characterised in that the resilient material is electrically conductive. 114-. (canceled)15. A housing having a seal , the seal being formed from a resilient material , wherein the resilient material is electrically conductive.16. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the resilient material is constructed in a purely resilient and/or viscoelastic manner.17. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the resilient claim 15 , electrically conductive material has a silica gel.18. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the seal is produced from an admixture of a resilient material and an electrically conductive material.19. The housing according to claim 18 , wherein the electrically conductive material has carbon black and/or graphite.20. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the seal is produced from an admixture of a resilient material and electrically conductive particles.21. The housing according to claim 20 , wherein the electrically conductive particles are constructed in the form of metal particles claim 20 , electrically conductive nanoparticles and/or graphite particles claim 20 , in particular as graphite tubes.22. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the housing is connected to another housing claim 15 , the seal being in abutment against a receiving member of the other housing in a sealing manner claim 15 , in particular being in abutment in an axially and/or radially sealing manner.23. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein there is provided an opening for introducing an electrical cable claim 15 , and wherein the seal surrounds the opening and is provided for sealing the introduction of the electrical cable and/or for electrically contacting an electrical shield of the cable.24. The housing according to claim 15 , wherein the housing is a connector housing claim 15 , in particular a housing for an RJ-45 connector.25. The housing ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004815A1

A number of variations may include a casting having a raised integrated cast grounding block with tunable surfaces for routing an electrical grounding wire/strap via an eyelet and an anti-rotational tab attachment. 1. A product comprising:a cast structural component for a vehicle including a first portion and a raised grounding block extending from the first portion, wherein the raised grounding block and the first portion are an integral, single piece casting, and wherein the raised grounding block has tunable surfaces constructed and arranged for routing an electrical grounding wire or strap attached to the raised grounding block via an electrical connector including an eyelet and an anti-rotational tab.2. A product as set forth in wherein the cast structural component comprises a cast aluminum alloy.3. A product as set forth in wherein the cast structure component is a front hinge pillar for a vehicle.4. A product as set forth in wherein the raised grounding block include at least one mounting hole for attaching an electrical connector thereto.5. A product as set forth in wherein the raised grounding block includes a first side face and opposite second side face claim 1 , a third side face and opposite fourth side face each extend upward from the first portion and meeting a top face.6. A product as set forth in wherein the first face is planar and wherein the first portion includes a top edge and an opposite bottom edge and wherein the first face is formed at an angle with respect to at least one of the top edge or bottom edge of the first portion.7. A product as set forth in wherein the first portion includes a top edge and an opposite bottom edge and wherein the raised grounding block is an elongated structure is formed at an angle with respect to at least one of the top edge or bottom edge of the first portion.8. A product as set forth in wherein the top face includes at least one mounting hole for attaching an electrical connector thereto.9. A product as set ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004816A1

An electrical connector comprises an insulative block, a plurality of contacts received in the insulative block. The contacts each include a retaining portion retaining in the insulative block, a contacting portion extending forwardly from the retaining portion and a soldering portion. The contacts include a plurality of differential signal contacts and a plurality of grounding contacts. The soldering portion of differential signal contacts arranged to a plurality of rows and the soldering portion of grounding contacts arranged to a plurality of another rows which parallel to the row of the differential contacts. The row of the differential contacts and the row of the grounding contacts are spaced from each other. 1. An electrical connector comprising:an insulative block;a plurality of contacts received in the insulative block, the contacts each include a retaining portion retaining in the insulative block, a contacting portion extending forwardly from the retaining portion and a soldering portion, the contacts include a plurality of differential signal contacts and a plurality of grounding contacts;the soldering portion of differential signal contacts arranged to a plurality of rows and the soldering portion of grounding contacts arranged to a plurality of another rows which parallel to the row of the differential contacts, the row of the differential contacts and the row of the grounding contacts are spaced from each other.2. The electrical connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electrical connector includes a first connector having upper insulative block claim 1 , the contacts include a plurality of upper contacts received in the upper insulative block claim 1 , the upper contacts include a plurality of first contacts and second contacts claim 1 , the first and second contacts each has a first and a second retaining portion retaining in the upper insulative block claim 1 , a first and a second extending portion and a first and a second soldering portion.3. ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013958A1

A connector includes a housing, a holder, and a short-circuiting terminal. The holder is non-movable to a formal locking position when terminals, which are short-circuiting targets, are not inserted into a terminal receiving chamber. The holder is movable to the formal locking position when the terminals, which are short-circuiting targets, are inserted into a sufficient insertion position of the terminal receiving chamber. A contact member of the short-circuiting terminal is in contact with the terminals, which are short-circuiting targets, and the terminals, which are short-circuiting targets, are short-circuited when the terminals, which are short-circuiting terminals, are inserted into the sufficient insertion position and the holder is moved to the formal locking position. 1. A connector comprising:a housing: having a terminal receiving chamber to hold a terminal; and a lance;a holder mounted on the housing to be movable in a fitting direction of the housing and a counterpart housing between a temporary locking position and a formal locking position, the holder having a detection member, the holder being configured to be movable to the formal locking position by being allowed a movement of the detection member without an interference to the lance upon the terminal being at a sufficient insertion position, and the holder being configured to be non-movable to the formal locking position due to the interference of the detection member to the lance upon the terminal being at an insufficient insertion position; anda short-circuiting terminal fixed to the housing and having an elastically deformable contact member, the contact member making a contact with a plurality of the terminals received in a plurality of the terminal receiving chambers to cause a short-circuit of the plurality of the terminals,the holder and the short-circuiting terminal being configured not to allow a movement of the holder to the formal locking position under a first state where the holder is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006903A1
Автор: Huber Martin, Ohni Josef

An electrical connector for a multi-wire electrical cable includes at least two cable-side electrical contact elements, including associated terminals to each of which is to be connected a wire of the electrical cable, and at least two output-side electrical contact elements, from each of which projects an electrical connector element by which an electrical connection is establishable to a mating connector. A carrier body is disposed between the cable-side electrical contact elements and the output-side electrical contact elements. The cable-side electrical contact elements, the output-side electrical contact elements and the carrier body are disposed in a spaced-apart relationship to each other, and the cable-side and output-side contact elements are electrically connected to each other via an electrical device disposed on the carrier body. 1. An electrical connector for a multi-wire electrical cable , the electrical connector comprising:at least two cable-side electrical contact elements, including associated terminals to each of which is to be connected a wire of the electrical cable;at least two output-side electrical contact elements, from each of which projects an electrical connector element by which an electrical connection is establishable to a mating connector; anda carrier body disposed between the cable-side electrical contact elements and the output-side electrical contact elements, andwherein the cable-side electrical contact elements, the output-side electrical contact elements and the carrier body are disposed in a spaced-apart relationship to each other, and wherein the cable-side and output-side contact elements are electrically connected to each other via an electrical device disposed on the carrier body.2. The electrical connector as recited in claim 1 , wherein the carrier body forms a support region which extends from a first connecting section to a second connecting section claim 1 , and wherein at each of the two connecting sections claim 1 , ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for providing a resistive shunt within a light string

Номер: US20150011124A1
Автор: McRae Michael M.

A shunting mechanism is provided within a socket of a light string system having a resistive element that substantially mirrors the resistive characteristic of the bulb inserted in the socket. The shunting mechanism is disabled when the bulb is inserted into the light string socket. When the bulb is removed from the light string socket, the shunting mechanism bridges the internal socket leads so as to maintain current flow and power delivery at levels similar to those provided when the bulb is present. In one embodiment, the resistive element is a resistive coating on the shunting mechanism or a resistive node on the shunting mechanism. In other embodiments, the resistive element is applied to the socket's internal leads. In yet other embodiments, the resistive element consists of sophisticated electronic circuitry specifically designed to mirror the resistive characteristics of the bulb assembly. 1. A light string socket having at least two leads through which electrical power is delivered to said socket , said socket configured to receive a bulb assembly having two bulb leads , said two bulb leads being in electrical contact with said at least two socket leads such that when said bulb assembly is seated in said socket said electrical power flows through said bulb , said socket comprising:a shunt within said socket, said shunt bridging said at least two electrical leads within said socket when said bulb is not seated in said socket, anda resistive element coupled to either said shunt or said leads such that said electrical power flows through said resistive element and said shunt when said bulb is not seated in said socket, said resistive element being matched to a resistive characteristic of said bulb so that said electrical power provided to said socket is substantially similar whether said electrical power is consumed by said bulb or said resistive element.2. The light string socket of wherein said resistive element is one of: a carbon coating deposited on said ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Assembly for Clamping and Grounding Objects

Номер: US20220029317A1
Автор: Ash Jon, Meine Shawn

In various representative aspects, an apparatus for clamping and grounding solar panel frames to a mounting rail is disclosed herein. The apparatus includes a fastener with an enlarged end, and a shank, with the enlarged end having one or more sharp protrusions that resemble teeth, and a washer with one or more sharp protrusions, and an opening. When installed, the shank is inserted through the opening of the washer, the sharp protrusions of the enlarged end penetrate either the lower or upper surface of the mounting rail and the sharp protrusions of the washer penetrate the other surface of the solar panel frames while at the same time creating a grounding path through the apparatus. 1. A clamping assembly for securing a pair of parallel solar panel mounting frames to a mounting rail , the clamping assembly comprising: a body,', 'a central opening passing through the body,', 'a pair of flanges positioned on opposing sides of the body, and', 'at least one tooth structure extending downward from each flange, wherein the at least one tooth structure is configured to penetrate a top surface of at least one of the solar panel mounting frames;, 'a washer comprisinga nut; and a threaded shank configured to pass through the central opening of the washer and engage with the nut, and', 'an enlarged end positioned on a bottom portion of the fastener, wherein the enlarged end comprises a plurality of raised ridges extending across a top surface of the enlarged end, wherein the plurality of raised ridges are configured to at least partially penetrate at least a surface layer of a channel formed in the mounting rail when the nut is tightened., 'a fastener comprising2. The clamping assembly of claim 1 , wherein the enlarged end defines a T-bolt end.3. The clamping assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nut is hexagonal and is coupled to a top portion of the fastener at a position above a top surface of the body of the washer.4. The clamping assembly of claim 3 , wherein the nut ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Installation structure of sunken fpc connector

Номер: US20220029328A1
Автор: Guofang Xia, Jinsong Chen
Принадлежит: Goldenconn Electronic Technology Co Ltd

A sunken FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) connector includes an FPC connector and a circuit board, which are fixedly connected to each other, wherein the FPC connector comprises an insulating plastic base, an outer shell, wiring terminals and an FFC; the outer shell comprises a top plate, a bottom plate, and a connecting plate; an installation notch adapted to the shape of the FPC connector is provided on the circuit board; and a left bending fixed arm and a right bending fixed arm respectively extend upward from the left and right ends of the bottom plate. When being put in place relative to the installation notch, the FPC connector is welded and fixed with the circuit board by means of the left bending fixed arm and the right bending fixed arm, respectively.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015203A1

Provided a power receiving connector and a charging system that, during a communication such as inband communication wherein a communication signal is superposed in a control wire incorporated in a charging cable connecting a vehicle and a feed device, can reduce the mutual effect resulting from electromagnetic waves caused by the communication signal transmitted within the vehicle and a device in the vehicle. A power receiving connector to be placed as a vehicle-mounted feeding port is formed by integrating connection terminals, internal wirings, a superposition separation element, and a capacitor with a housing as a replaceable unit. 19-. (canceled)10. A power receiving connector , which can be placed in a vehicle and can be connected with a feeder wire to be used for power feeding , with a ground wire , and with a control wire configured to transmit a control signal to be used for power feeding control , comprising:a plurality of connection terminals to be connected with the feeder wire, the ground wire and the control wire;a plurality of internal wirings to be connected with the feeder wire, the ground wire and the control wire via the connection terminals; anda superposition separation element, which is interposed in at least one of the internal wiring to be connected with the ground wire and the internal wiring to be connected with the control wire, configured to superpose and separate a communication signal, which is different from the control signal, for the internal wiring.11. The power receiving connector according to claim 10 , further comprisinga housing configured to incorporate the connection terminals and the superposition separation element.12. The power receiving connector according to claim 10 , further comprisinga path section which passes the connection terminal to be connected with the ground wire, the superposition separation element, and the connection terminal to be connected with the control wire, and which bridges the internal wiring to be ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013239A1

A shield connector includes wires (), terminals () connected respectively to the wires, a housing () for arranging upper and lower rows of terminals, and a shield shell () for covering the housing. Each terminal () includes a terminal connecting portion () to be connected to a mating terminal and a wire connecting portion () to be soldered to the corresponding wires. The housing () includes a housing body for accommodating the terminal connecting portions and an extending plate () extending rearward along a connecting direction to a mating housing from the housing body and arranged between the wire connecting portions of the first and second terminal rows. The shield shell () includes first and second open portions () for exposing each of one and other surfaces of the housing extending portion, and first and second covers (A, B) for covering the first and second open portions. 1. A shield connector , comprising:a plurality of wires;a plurality of terminals, each of the terminals having a terminal connecting portion to be connected to a mating terminal and a wire connecting portion to be soldered respectively to one of the plurality of wires;a housing having a housing body configured for arranging and holding the terminal connecting portions in a first terminal row and a second terminal row arranged in two stages in a vertical direction, the first and second terminal rows being formed by laterally arranging the terminals in the respective terminal row, the housing further including a housing extending plate extending rearward from the housing body along a connecting direction to a mating housing and arranged between the wire connecting portions of the first terminal row and the wire connecting portions of the second terminal row, the housing extending plate including groove walls arranged between the wire connecting portions of adjacent ones of the terminals; anda shield shell covering the housing;the shield shell including a first opening portion and a second ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013593A1

A terminal-equipped wire configured by crimping a pair of barrel pieces provided on a terminal to an external sheath of a wire, the external sheath being provided on an outer circumferential surface of a core wire. The pair of barrel pieces are wrapped around the external sheath into a polygonal tube shape that has a plurality of corner portions in a circumferential direction of the external sheath, leading end edges of the pair of barrel pieces are arranged on opposite sides of at least one corner portion out of the plurality of corner portions. 1. A terminal-equipped wire configured by crimping a pair of barrel pieces provided on a terminal to an external sheath of a wire , the external sheath being provided on an outer circumferential surface of a core wire ,wherein the pair of barrel pieces are wrapped around the external sheath into a polygonal tube shape that has a plurality of corner portions in a circumferential direction of the external sheath, andleading end edges of the pair of barrel pieces are arranged on opposite sides of at least one corner portion out of the plurality of corner portions.2. The terminal-equipped wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the wire includes a shield layer between the core wire and the external sheath,the shield layer is exposed at an end of the wire and folded back onto an outer circumferential surface of the external sheath, andthe pair of barrel pieces are crimped to the external sheath via the shield layer.3. The terminal-equipped wire according to claim 1 ,wherein mutually matching abutting edge portions of the pair of barrel pieces have an uneven shape on a leading end side in an extension direction of the barrel pieces.4. The terminal-equipped wire according to claim 3 ,wherein an outer barrel is crimped to the pair of barrel pieces from the outside, anda pair of leading end edges of the outer barrel are arranged on opposite sides of at least one corner portion out of the plurality of the corner portions.5. The terminal- ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Magnetic field-compatible components of a medical diagnostic and/or therapeutic system

Номер: US20170014112A1

A medical device assembly comprises a medical device comprising a shaft having proximal and distal end portions. The device further comprises a sensor at the distal end portion of the shaft that comprises first and second leads extending therefrom to the proximal end portion of the shaft. The device further comprises an electromechanical connector having a plurality of pins at a first end thereof. First and second of the pins are electrically connected to the first and second sensor leads, respectively, thereby forming a first partial magnetic loop between the first and second pins. The connector further comprises first and second jumpers electrically connecting the first pin and third pins, and second and fourth pins, respectively, thereby forming a second partial magnetic loop. The partial magnetic loops are configured to combine with partial magnetic loops of another connector to form a pair of magnetic noise cancellation loops. 120-. (canceled)21. An electromechanical connector comprising:a first end including a first plurality of electrical contacts;a second end including a second plurality of electrical contacts electrically coupled to the first plurality of electrical contacts;a first electrical jumper electrically coupling a first and a third electrical contact disposed at the first end to form a first partial loop;a second electrical jumper electrically coupling a second and a fourth electrical contact at the first end to form a second partial loop;a printed circuit board electrically coupled to each of the first, second, third, and fourth electrical contacts; andwherein the first electrical jumper is a first electrical trace on the circuit board, and the second electrical jumper is a second electrical trace on the circuit board.22. The electromechanical connector of claim 21 , wherein the first end is configured and arranged to mechanically and electrically coupled to an electrical cable; first and second electrical conductors extending across the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Safety Power Connector

Номер: US20200014154A1

A safety power connector includes a male section that has contacts for carrying electric current, one or more magnets, and a protrusion. A female section has a receptacle for receiving the protrusion and contacts that mate with contacts of the male section. When the male section is absent, no “hot” electrical potential is present at the contacts of the female section, thereby reducing potential for an electric shock. When the male section aligns with the female section and the protrusion inserted into the centrally located receptacle of the female section causes closure of a switch in the female section and a magnetic field from the one or more magnets of the male section cause closure of a magnetically actuated switch caused, providing electrical potential to the contacts of the female section that are now in contact with the contacts of the male section. 1. A safety power connector comprising:a male section having two or more contacts, a permanent magnet, and a protrusion; anda female section having two or more mating contacts arranged to mate with the two or more contacts of the male section when the protrusion of the male section is within a receptacle of the female section, the female section having a first normally open switch that is closed when the protrusion is within the receptacle and a magnetically operated switch that is closed when the permanent magnet of the male section is in range of the magnetically operated switch, the normally open switch and the magnetically operated switch are arranged in electrical series between a source of electric potential and one contact of the two or more contacts;whereby the source of electric potential is disconnected from the one of the two or more contacts until the male section is mated with the female section.2. The safety power connector of claim 1 , wherein the magnetically operated switch is a reed switch.3. The safety power connector of claim 1 , wherein the two or more contacts comprise a hot contact and a ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150017829A1
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

A connection structure of a braided-shield-type electric wire for connecting the braided-shield-type electric wire including a plurality of sheathed electric wires and a braided shield member surrounding the sheathed electric wires to a connector and for electrically connecting the braided shield member to a shield shell in a connector housing, the connection structure comprising: a retainer that is arranged inside the braided shield member to hold the sheathed electric wires in a slidable state; a first annular conductive member that is fitted to an outer peripheral side of the retainer in a state where the braided shield member is sandwiched therebetween; and a second annular conductive member that is fitted to an outer peripheral side of the first annular conductive member in a state where the braided shield member is sandwiched therebetween. 1. A connection structure of a braided-shield-type electric wire for connecting the braided-shield-type electric wire including a plurality of sheathed electric wires and a braided shield member surrounding the sheathed electric wires to a connector and for electrically connecting the braided shield member to a shield shell in a connector housing , the connection structure comprising:a retainer that is arranged inside the braided shield member to hold the sheathed electric wires in a slidable state;a first annular conductive member that is fitted to an outer peripheral side of the retainer in a state where the braided shield member is sandwiched therebetween; anda second annular conductive member that is fitted to an outer peripheral side of the first annular conductive member in a state where the braided shield member is sandwiched therebetween, andthe braided shield member being sandwiched and fixed between the retainer and the first annular conductive member at a position behind a leading end of an end terminal portion and being also sandwiched and fixed by caulking between the first and second annular conductive members ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160020558A1

An electrical connector includes an insultive housing and defining a base seat and a mating portion extending from the base seat. A plurality of conductive terminals are retained in the mating portion and include a plurality of differential signal terminal pairs and grounding terminals, each conductive terminal defines a contacting portion disposed on the mating portion, a retaining portion fixed to the base seat and a connecting portion extending outside of the base seat, the contacting portion of each grounding terminal has a free end extending toward the inside of the mating portion and abutting against a first grounding bar. A second grounding bar defines a base portion and a plurality of abutting portions extending from the base portion and abutting against the retaining portions of the grounding terminals. The first grounding bar and the second grounding bar are connected by a bridging portion thereof. 1. An electrical connector , comprising:an insultive housing extending along a longitudinal direction and defining a base seat and a mating portion extending from the base seat along a mating direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, the mating portion defining a mating surface and a plurality of terminal slots recessed on the mating surface;a plurality of conductive terminals retained in the terminal slots and comprising a plurality of differential signal terminal pairs and a plurality of grounding terminals located between the plurality of differential signal terminal pairs, each conductive terminal defining a contacting portion disposed on the mating surface, a retaining portion fixed to the base seat and a connecting portion extending outside of the base seat, the contacting portion of each grounding terminal having a free end extending toward the inside of the mating portion;a first grounding bar facing to the contacting portions of the conductive terminals, and the free ends of the grounding terminals abutting against the first grounding bar; ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019547A1

A shield connector includes a shielded cable () with wires () enclosed by a shield layer (). An inner housing () accommodates terminals () connected to the wires (). A shield shell () covers the inner housing () and includes a connecting portion () to be connected electrically to the shield layer (). An outer housing () accommodates the shield shell () and is locked to a mating connector. The outer housing () includes a body () enabling the shield shell () to be inserted therein through an opening (A) on a rear side, and two covers (A, B) integrally hinged to the body () to close the opening (A) and cover the connecting portion (). Each cover (A, B) includes a first lock () to be locked to the mating cover and a second lock () to be locked to the body. 1. A shield connector , comprising:a shielded cable including wires collectively enclosed by a shield layer and an insulation coating covering an outer periphery of the shield layer;an inner housing configured to accommodate terminals connected to the wires inside;a shield shell configured to cover the inner housing and including a connecting portion to be electrically connected to the shield layer of the shielded cable exposed on an end part; andan outer housing configured to accommodate the shield shell inside and to be locked to a mating connector,wherein:the outer housing includes a body portion enabling the shield shell to be inserted therein through an opening on a rear side in a connecting direction to the mating connector, and two covers integrally provided to the body via hinges and configured to close the opening and cover the connecting portion; andeach of the covers includes a first locking means to be locked to the mating cover and a second locking means to be locked to the body portion.2. The shield connector of claim 1 , whereinthe first locking means is provided on a tubular portion of the covers and is configured to cover the connecting portion.3. A shield connector claim 1 , comprising:an inner ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019548A1

A communication connector () includes a plurality of wires ( to ) for transmitting communication signals, a plurality of terminals () to be connected to the respective wires ( to ), a housing () for accommodating the plurality of terminals (), and a wire holding member () for arranging and holding the plurality of wires ( to ) at intervals. 1. A communication connector , comprising:a plurality of wires for transmitting communication signals;a plurality of terminals to be connected to the respective wires;a housing for accommodating the plurality of terminals; anda wire holding member for arranging and holding the plurality of wires at intervals,wherein:the plurality of wires include a plurality of first communication wires, a second communication wire having a lower transfer speed than the first communication wires and a power supply wire connected to a power supply;a first wire row including the plurality of first communication wires and the power supply wire and a second wire row including the plurality of first communication wires and the second communication wire are provided;the wire holding member holds the first and second wire rows in parallel; andthe plurality of first communication wires of the first wire row and the plurality of first communication wires of the second wire row are arranged in areas distant from each other.2. The communication connector of claim 1 , wherein the wire holding member includes a plurality of groove portions for pinching and holding the respective wires.3. The communication connector of claim 2 , comprising a shield case including a body for covering the housing and an extending portion extending toward the wire holding member claim 2 , wherein:the wire holding member includes a restricting portion for restricting a moving direction with respect to the shield case by being engaged with the extending portion.4. A communication connector claim 2 , comprising:a plurality of wires for transmitting communication signals;a plurality ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020137A1
Принадлежит: FCI USA LLC

An electrical connector includes a dielectric housing, a plurality of electrical signal contacts carried by the dielectric housing, and a ground plate carried by the dielectric housing. The electrical signal contacts are arranged along a first plane, wherein the signal contacts define signal pairs. The signal contacts further define respective mating and mounting ends. The ground plate includes a ground plate body oriented in a second plane that is substantially parallel to the first plane and offset from the first plane. The ground plate body defines first and second opposed surfaces. The ground plate includes at least one rib that defines first and second opposed surfaces, wherein the first surface of the rib projects from the first surface of the ground plate body in a direction toward the first plane between adjacent signal pairs, and the second surface is recessed into the second surface of the ground plate body. 1. An electrical connector comprising:a dielectric housing;a plurality of electrical signal contacts supported by the dielectric housing and comprising respective mating ends and respective mounting ends, at least some of the plurality of signals contacts being arranged in differential pairs, wherein adjacent differential pairs are separated by respective gaps;a ground plate supported by the dielectric housing and comprising a plurality of ribs, each of the plurality of ribs projecting from a surface of the ground plate toward a respective gap; anda plurality of ground mating ends disposed between mating ends of adjacent differential pairs, wherein the plurality of ground mating ends are electrically coupled to the ground plate.2. The electrical connector as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ground mating ends are in contact with respective ribs of the ground plate.3. The electrical connector as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of electrical signal contacts lie substantially in a first plane and the ground plate lies substantially ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Functional contactor

Номер: US20200021051A1
Автор: Byung Guk LIM
Принадлежит: Amotech Co Ltd

A functional contactor is provided. Provided according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention is a functional contactor comprising: a conductor which has elasticity and comes into contact with a conductor of an electronic device; a functional element which is connected to the conductor having elasticity and has a first and a second electrode respectively disposed on at least a part of an upper and a lower surface thereof; and a solder through which a lower surface of the conductor having elasticity is coupled with the first electrode of the functional element. The first electrode includes a first part outwardly extending from the lower surface of the conductor having elasticity along one side surface of the conductor having elasticity, and the solder includes an exposure part formed between the first part and a partial lateral surface of the one side surface of the conductor having elasticity.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021088A1
Автор: McRae Michael M.

An artificial lighted tree is presented with power routed through the trunk and three-wire safety grounding. The tree comprising a fused electrical plug having improved safety features comprising: a body portion surrounding respective first ends of a first, a second and a third electrical wire, the body portion further comprising a fuse holder embedded within an upper region of the body portion, and a fuse adapted to be releasably secured within the fuse holder via releasable securing means, a live blade in communication with the first end of the first electrical wire, a neutral blade in communication with the first end of the second electrical wire, a ground pin receptacle in communication with the first end of the third electrical wire, wherein the body portion surrounds and maintains the live blade, neutral blade, and ground pin receptacle in spaced apart orientation corresponding to polarized sockets on an electrical wall outlet. 1. A multi-function electrical safety system for use with a decorative lighted Christmas tree , the system comprising:a pole mounted molded electrical junction box comprising a housing configured to attach to a conductive metal trunk of the decorative lighted Christmas tree;a circuit breaker located within the housing of the electrical junction box and having stationary and movable contacts operable between open and closed positions; anda manually operable reset button located on the molded electrical junction box, the manually operable reset button being electrically connected to the circuit breaker for selectively actuating the circuit breaker for opening the movable contacts.2. The multi-function electrical safety system of claim 1 , further comprising first and second flanges on the housing that are configured to attach the pole mounted electrical junction box to the conductive metal trunk.3. The multi-function electrical safety system of claim 2 , further comprising a three-prong safety grounded plug coupled to the housing of the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028183A1

A water bonding device for electrically grounding a swimming pool is described. Embodiments include a bonding electrode installed in a pool skimmer or pump strainer. The bonding electrode typically resides in a skimmer or strainer cavity, and a ground conductor coupled directly to the electrode extends out of the skimmer or strainer through a port. A plug assembly forms a water tight seal against the port and the ground conductor, providing a water tight access point for the ground conductor to enter the pool skimmer or pump strainer. The ground conductor is typically electrically connected to both the bonding electrode and a ground pole residing at ground potential. 1. A water bonding device comprising:a filter inlet component having a main cavity, the main cavity including a port;a plug removably installed in the port, the plug forming a water tight seal with the port; anda bonding electrode (i) comprising a metal structure having a surface area of at least 9.0 square inches, (ii) residing substantially within the main cavity, (iii) being removably coupled to the plug, and (iv) being removably coupled to a ground conductor.2. The water bonding device of claim 1 , the device further including a gasket adapted to interface with the port and the plug to form the water tight seal.3. The water bonding device of claim 1 , wherein the bonding electrode is directly coupled to the ground conductor by a split bolt connector.4. The water bonding device of claim 1 , wherein the bonding electrode forms a water tight seal with the plug.5. The water bonding device of claim 1 , wherein the ground conductor comprises a solid copper wire.6. The water bonding device of claim 1 , wherein the ground conductor is located outside the main cavity.7. The water bonding device of claim 1 , wherein the bonding electrode includes a first portion located in the main cavity and a second portion located outside of the main cavity.8. The water bonding device of claim 7 , wherein the first portion ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027908A1

An object of the present invention is to prevent, as much as possible, a braid from having inductance. A tubular conductive braid includes first conductive wires that describe a helix and second conductive wires that describe a helix in a direction opposite to the first conductive wires about a helix axis that is the same as a helix axis (X) of the first conductive wire, the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires being combined so as to form a tubular shape. The first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at multiple locations on a line that extends along the helix axis. 1. A tubular conductive braid comprising:first conductive wires that describe a helix and second conductive wires that describe a helix in a direction opposite to the first conductive wires about a helix axis that is the same as a helix axis of the first conductive wires, the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires being combined so as to form a tubular shape,wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at a plurality of locations on a line that extends along the helix axis.2. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected at intersections therebetween.3. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 2 , wherein a linear conductor is arranged along the line claim 2 , and an electrical and mechanical connection portion of the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires is electrically and mechanically connected to the linear conductor.4. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second conductive wires are electrically and mechanically connected by soldering or welding.5. The tubular conductive braid according to claim 1 , wherein the first conductive wires and the second ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113466A1

Power plugs that provide reliable functionality, may be reliably manufactured, and have a pleasant appearance. One example may provide a power plug that functions in a reliable manner by providing a ground connection that may maintain its shape over several insertions and removals from a wall socket. A relatively large ground block may act as a heat sink to help reduce plug temperature during operation. Another example may provide a power plug that may be reliably manufactured by forming the ground block as a solid piece to prevent buckling and bending during plug manufacturing that may otherwise result. Another example may provide a power plug that has an attractive appearance by employing a bridge having a flat surface such that after an overmold is formed over the bridge, a face of the plug has a resulting flat, smooth appearance. 1. A power plug comprising:a plurality of power prongs;a ground block having a first terminal to receive a ground wire and a second terminal to accept a ground prong, the second terminal having side openings;a ground contact having contacting portions fit in the side opening of the second terminal of the ground block;a bridge having a back side to accept the ground block such that the ground contact is between the bridge and ground block, the bridge including a plurality of side openings, each to accept one of the plurality of power prongs, and a bottom opening to accept the second terminal of the ground block; andan overmold over the bridge and ground block.2. The power plug of wherein the ground block further includes a post and a holder for the ground contact has an opening claim 1 , the opening fit over the post.3. The power plug of wherein the ground block fits in a central passage of the bridge.4. The power plug of further comprising an inner mold over the back side of the bridge and the ground block.5. The power plug of wherein the bridge has a substantially flat front side.6. The power plug of wherein ground contact is formed of ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

I/o plug connector adapted for normal insertion and reverse insertion into i/o receptacle connector and connector assembly having the two

Номер: US20140113487A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

An Input/Output (I/O) plug connector ( 100 ) includes an insulative housing ( 1 ) having a base portion ( 11 ) and a mating portion ( 12 ) extending forwardly from the base portion, the mating portion having a top wall ( 121 ), a bottom wall ( 122 ), a pair of sidewalls ( 123 ) cooperatively and peripherally defining a receiving space ( 125 ), a number of first contacts ( 21 ) retained in the top wall and a number of second contacts ( 22 ) retained in the bottom wall, the first contacts and the second contacts facing toward each other across the receiving space along a vertical direction; a circuit plate ( 4 ) assembled to the base portion of the insulative housing and sandwiched between the first contacts and the second contacts for electrical connection; and a metal shield ( 5 ) covering the insulative housing.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Common ground connection clamp for at least one coaxial line

Номер: US20150031236A1
Принадлежит: Leoni Bordnetz Systeme GmbH

The device allows simple ground contacting of the shielding of a coaxial line, in particular a parallel ground contacting. For this purpose the connection holder has a housing for receiving preferably multiple coaxial lines which are fed through the housing in a parallel manner. A ground contacting strip lies in the housing, and the shieldings of the coaxial lines, which are stripped in a contact region, are placed against the ground contacting strip and clamped thereagainst.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Connector assembly

Номер: US20210028580A1
Автор: Che-Yuan YANG
Принадлежит: MOLEX LLC

A connector assembly includes a metal shielding cage. The metal shielding cage includes a cage body, a back cover and a grounding member. The cage body has a top wall, a mounting side and two side walls, the top wall, the mounting side and the two side walls together define a receiving space extending along a front-rear direction, the receiving space has a front opening toward the front and a rear opening positioned at the rear, the back cover and the grounding member are assembled at the rear opening of the cage body, and the grounding member is provided with an elastic grounding finger row toward the mounting side.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030339A1

A physiological signal monitoring device includes a base and a transmitter. The base is provided with a biosensor. The transmitter is removably coupled to the base, and includes a casing and an electrostatic-discharge protective unit. The casing has a socket for the biosensor to be removably inserted thereinto. The electrostatic-discharge protective unit is disposed to at least surround the periphery of the socket to dispel static electricity when electrostatic discharge occurs. 1. A physiological signal monitoring device adapted for monitoring a physiological parameter of at least one analyte of a host , comprising:a base adapted to be mounted to a skin surface of the host, and provided with a biosensor, the biosensor having a sensing section and a signal output section, the sensing section of the biosensor being adapted to be inserted underneath the skin surface of the host for measuring at least one physiological signal corresponding to the physiological parameter of the host, and outputting the physiological signal via the signal output section; and a casing that defines an inner space therein for receiving a circuit board and that has a connecting surface facing the base, the connecting surface being provided with a connecting port, the connecting port having a socket that is communicated with the inner space and that is for the signal output section of the biosensor to be removably inserted thereinto, so as to permit the biosensor to be coupled to the circuit board and to output the physiological signal to the circuit board for processing the physiological signal, and', 'an electrostatic-discharge protective unit that is at least disposed to the periphery of the socket of the connecting port for bearing and dispelling static electricity when electrostatic discharge occurs., 'a transmitter removably coupled to the base, and including'}2. The physiological signal monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the transmitter further includes a potential ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Electrical connector

Номер: US20200036122A1
Автор: Zhi Jun Feng
Принадлежит: Lotes Co Ltd

An electrical connector is mounted on a circuit board and used to mate with a mating member. The electrical connector includes: a body made of a wave-absorbing material, the body having an upper surface, a lower surface and at least one first accommodating groove; and at least one ground terminal accommodated in the first accommodating groove. An upper end of the ground terminal is exposed to the upper surface and is in electrical contact with the mating member, and a lower end of the ground terminal is exposed to the lower surface and is electrically connected with the circuit board.

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036139A1
Автор: TAGUCHI Etsushi

The charger includes first and second connectors, each including an opposing surface. One of the opposing surface of the first connector and the opposing surface of the second connector includes, on a first opposing surface, a male power terminal and a male signal terminal for a power cutoff signal projecting from the first opposing surface, and the other one of the opposing surface of the first connector and the opposing surface of the second connector is provided with a female power terminal which the male power terminal is to be fitted into and a female signal terminal which the male signal terminal is to be fitted into on a second opposing surface. A length of the male signal terminal in a direction in which the male signal terminal projects is shorter than a length of the male power terminal in a direction in which the male power terminal projects. 1. A charger comprising:a first connector provided on a power supply side; anda second connector provided on a moving body side, whereinthe charger is configured to be charged in a state in which the first connector and the second connector are connected to each other by a magnetic force,the first connector and the second connector include opposing surfaces facing each other,one of the opposing surface of the first connector and the opposing surface of the second connector includes, on a first opposing surface, a male power terminal and a male signal terminal for a power cutoff signal projecting from the first opposing surface, and the other one of the opposing surface of the first connector and the opposing surface of the second connector is provided with a female power terminal which the male power terminal is to be fitted into and a female signal terminal which the male signal terminal is to be fitted into on a second opposing surface, anda length of the male signal terminal in a direction in which the male signal terminal projects is shorter than a length of the male power terminal in a direction in which the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040742A1
Автор: HU Gang

An electronic card connector, cooperated with a plug-in component and defining an insertion direction and a transverse direction perpendicular to the insertion direction, includes an insulative housing, a number of contacts retained in the insulative housing, a metal shell attached to the insulative housing and forming a cavity therebetween, and an ejector movable in the insulative housing. The metal shell has a number of lateral walls located at two sides and a front end thereof. One of the lateral walls has a resisting portion protruding to the cavity and resists the resisting portion to confine a movement thereof in a horizontal plane 1. An electronic card connector , cooperated with a plug-in component and defining an insertion direction and a transverse direction perpendicular to the insertion direction , comprising:an insulative housing;a plurality of contacts retained in the insulative housing;a metal shell attached to the insulative housing and forming a cavity therebetween, the metal shell having a plurality of walls located at two sides and a front end thereof, one of the walls having a resisting portion protruding to the cavity; andan ejector movable in the insulative housing and resisted against by the resisting portion to confine a movement thereof in a horizontal plane.2. The electronic card connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ejector has a lever and a cam driven by the lever claim 1 , the metal shell has a metal sheet affixed to the insulative housing and forming a sliding cavity therebetween claim 1 , and the resisting portion is defined in the metal sheet and protrudes to the sliding cavity to resist against the lever.3. The electronic card connector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a width of the sliding cavity is larger than that of the lever along the transverse direction.4. The electronic card connector as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the metal shell has a shielding shell claim 2 , the insulative housing has a base portion and a side ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Power inlet socket for providing power to electronic device

Номер: US20170040744A1

A power inlet socket coupled to a power delivering member of an electronic device to supply power from an external power plug to the electronic device includes a socket body comprising a power plug connector connected to the external power plug and a power delivering member connector connected to the power delivering member; three terminal pins, each terminal pin comprises a projecting pin extending from the power plug connector in parallel with one another to correspond to a terminal of the external power plug and a connection terminal exposed to the power delivering member connector; and an insulating barrier provided between at least a pair of connection terminals of the three terminal pins to cut off an electric current flowing among the connection terminals. Thus, the insulating distance of power inlet socket is improved.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180040986A1

A grounding connector includes a shell having a mating end and a mounting end. The shell defines a cavity open at the mating end configured to receive a mating component. The shell has a base at the mounting end having a plurality of contact channels open to the cavity. Grounding contacts are received in corresponding contact channels. The grounding contacts have mating ends and compliant portions opposite the mating ends. The mating ends are positioned in the cavity for mating with the mating component. The compliant portions are received in the contact channels to mechanically and electrically connect each of the grounding contacts to the shell and to each other through the shell. 1. A grounding connector comprising:a shell having a mating end at a front of the shell and a mounting end at a rear of the shell, the shell defining a cavity open at the mating end configured to receive a mating component, the shell having a base at the mounting end having a plurality of contact channels open to the cavity, the base having a mounting surface; andgrounding contacts received in corresponding contact channels and contained forward of the mounting surface, the grounding contacts having mating ends and compliant portions opposite the mating ends, the mating ends being positioned in the cavity for mating with the mating component, the compliant portions being received in the contact channels to mechanically and electrically connect each of the grounding contacts to the shell and to each other through the shell.2. The grounding connector of claim 1 , wherein the compliant portions are directly supported by the shell and physically engage the shell to electrically connect to the shell.3. The grounding connector of claim 1 , wherein the compliant portions are press-fit into the shell.4. The grounding connector of claim 1 , wherein the compliant portions are eye-of-the-needle pins.5. The grounding connector of claim 1 , wherein each compliant portion includes an enlarged area ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Coaxial electric connector

Номер: US20150044912A1
Принадлежит: Dai Ichi Seiko Co Ltd

Good signal transmission characteristics can be stably obtained by a simple structure. A pressure-contact surface of a cover inner surface of a shell cover part 13 b , which is openably/closably coupled to a cylindrical opening of an external conductor shell 13 a , and an insulative pressing plate 11 d is provided with a void part 14 , which separates at least one of them from the other one. By virtue of this, it is configured that the characteristic impedance about the cable-shaped signal transmission medium SC can be adjusted by the void part 14 , and the matching degree (VSWR) of the characteristic impedance with respect to transmission signals can be easily and appropriately matched.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Adapter Plug and Electronics Module comprising an Adapter Plug

Номер: US20220059972A1
Автор: Schneider Claus

An adapter plug and an electronics housing includes an adapter plug of this kind, and a valve comprising an electronics housing of this kind. The valve has at least one electric actuator. The adapter plug has at least one receptacle for an actuator-side electrical contact element and a receptacle for an electronics-side electrical contact element. The two receptacles are electrically connected to one another. A main body of the adapter plug is designed for insertion into a recess of a wall portion of the electronics housing, which wall portion faces the actuator. The main body can be fastened to an edge of the recess with tolerance or play so as to be able to compensate for positional deviations of the at least one actuator relative to the electronics housing. 1. An adapter plug , comprising:a main body;at least one actuator-side receptacle for at least one actuator-side electrical contact element; andat least one electronics-side receptacle for at least one electronics-side electrical contact element,wherein the at least one actuator-side receptacle and the at least one electronics-side receptacle are electrically connected to one another,wherein the main body is configured for insertion into a recess of an actuator-side wall portion of an electronics housing,wherein the main body is further configured to be inserted into the recess with tolerance or play relative to an edge of the recess in relation to displacement in the x-direction and/or displacement in the y-direction and/or displacement in the z-direction and/or pivoting about the x-direction and/or pivoting about the y-direction and/or pivoting about the z-direction and can be fastened to the edge.2. The adapter plug according to claim 1 , further comprising a securing mechanism configured to hold the adapter plug loosely on the edge.3. The adapter plug according to claim 1 , further comprising an insulation cover fastened to the main body claim 1 , wherein:the at least one actuator-side receptacle and the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056824A1
Принадлежит: PANDUIT CORP.

Embodiments of the present invention are generally related to communication connectors, and more specifically, to communication connectors such as jacks which are compatible with more than one style of a plug. In one embodiment, the electrical and mechanical design of a jack in accordance with the present invention may extend the usable bandwidth beyond the IEC 60603-7-71 requirement of 1000 MHz to support potential future applications such as, but not limited to, 40GBASE-T. In addition, the jack may be backwards compatible with lower speed BASE-T applications (e.g., 10GBASE-T and/or below) when an RJ45 plug is mated to the jack. 1. A communication jack capable of mating with either one of a first type of a communication plug and a second type of a communication plug , said first type and second type of a communication plug being different , said communication jack comprising:a housing having a front portion, said front portion including an aperture for receiving said either one of said first type of a communication plug and said second type of a communication plug;a first set of plug interface contacts (PICs) configured to interface said first type of a communication plug, and a second set of PICs configured to interface said second type of a communication plug;jack contacts, said jack contacts being one of insulation displacement contacts (IDCs) and connector pin contacts; anda printed circuit board (PCB), said PCB being movable between a first position and a second position along a longitudinal plane relative to said communication jack, said first position providing a first electrical path from said first set of PICs to said jack contacts, and said second position providing a second electrical path from said second set of PICs to said jack contacts,said PCB being positioned at said first position when mated with said first type of a communication plug, and said PCB being positioned at said second position when mated with said second type of a communication plug.2 ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056859A1

In a connector that includes a board connector mounted on a board and a cable connector attached to ends of both a shielded cable and a non-shielded cable and connected to the board connector, the cable connector includes contacts connected respectively to the core wires of the shielded cable and the non-shielded cable and a shield shell that surrounds only the contacts connected to the core wires of the shielded cable, and the board connector includes board contacts connected respectively to the contacts of the cable connector and a shield shell that surrounds only the board contacts connected to the contacts surrounded by the shield shell of the cable connector. The connector properly shields the contacts connected to the core wires of the shielded cable in both of the mutually connected connectors and makes it easy to perform impedance matching. 1. A connector comprising:a board connector mounted on a board; anda cable connector attached to ends of both a shielded cable and a non-shielded cable and connected to the board connector; contacts connected respectively to core wires of the shielded cable and the non-shielded cable; and', 'a shield shell surrounding only the contacts connected to the core wires of the shielded cable;, 'the cable connector comprising board contacts connected respectively to the contacts of the cable connector; and', 'a shield shell surrounding only the board contacts connected to the contacts surrounded by the shield shell., 'the board connector comprising2. A connector according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing mounted on the board claim 1 , a tubular part to which an insertion joint of the cable connector is coupled; and', 'a window which catches a projection on the cable connector; and, 'wherein the housing comprisesthe housing guides the cable connector with respect to the board connector and prevents the cable connector from falling out.3. A connector according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing that is disposed at ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Receptacle connector flexibly connected to a mother board

Номер: US20150056865A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A receptacle connector ( 100 ) includes an insluative housing ( 1 ), a number of contacts ( 2 ) retained in the insulative housing; a metal shield ( 4 ) covering the insulative housing for defining a space for receiving a plug connector along an insertion direction, and a cable ( 3 ) having a first end soldered to a mother board of an electronic appliance and a second end directly soldered with the soldering portions of the contacts in a first embodiment and indirectly connected with the contacts via a printed circuit board in a second embodiment.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160056578A1

A rigid electrical panel has both a flexible printed circuit and an electrically conductive grounding layer embedded therein. The electrically conductive grounding layer is electrically connected to a grounding insert which is also embedded in the rigid material. The grounding insert has a base portion and an exposed portion. The electrically conductive grounding layer is connected to the base portion, and the exposed portion allows the grounding insert, and thus the electrically conductive grounding layer, to be electrically connected to a grounding point, for example on a gas turbine engine. 1. A rigid electrical panel for an electrical harness comprising:a rigid material;at least one electrical conductor embedded in the rigid material, each electrical conductor being arranged to transfer at least one electrical signal;an electrically conductive grounding layer embedded in the rigid material; anda grounding insert electrically connected to the electrically conductive grounding layer, wherein the grounding insert comprises:a base portion which is embedded in the rigid material and permanently fixed in position by the rigid material; andan exposed portion that is accessible from outside the panel to allow the grounding insert to be electrically connected to an external grounding element.2. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive grounding layer is in direct electrical contact with the base portion.3. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 1 , wherein:the grounding insert comprises an externally threaded portion that extends from the base portion; andthe electrically conductive grounding layer is clamped between the base portion and a nut that is threaded onto the externally threaded portion.4. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 3 , further comprising an electrically conductive washer between the nut and the electrically conductive grounding layer.5. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 4 , wherein:the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20160056581A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An electronic device includes the memory card connector including a loading opening for the memory card in the side face thereof and has a first sidewall and a second sidewall facing each other, the printed wire board on which a ground is formed, and a resin case having an opening portion, through which the memory card is inserted and formed in the sidewall of the loading opening. On the second main face of the printed wire board, there are formed a first electrode and a second electrode that are connected with the ground, that are disposed on the respective ends thereof at the loading opening side, and that are independent from each other, and the first electrode is disposed below the first sidewall of the memory card connector and the second electrode is disposed below the second sidewall of the memory card connector.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160056590A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A connector includes an integrated housing integrated with a shield shell, an end portion of an electric wire, and a terminal fitting in a state where a tip portion of the terminal fitting is exposed to the outside of the integrated housing so as to integrally fix the shield shell, the end portion of the electric wire, and also the terminal fitting.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Shielded Electric Connector

Номер: US20180054026A1

The present disclosure relates to a shielded electric connector for connecting or distributing shielded electric lines or plug connectors with one another, and to methods for producing the shielded electric connector. Connector elements belong to a line or to a plug connector. Shielding sleeves or shielding housings of the lines and/or of the plug connectors are surrounded by a shielding housing, which consists of a cast metal body that has been cast in situ onto annular regions of the shielding sleeves or shielding housings in order to produce a local anchoring means with low electric contact resistance. 1. A shielded , electrical connector for connecting or distributing shielded electric lines or plug connectors with one another , comprisingone or several conductor elements belonging to at least one line or to at least one plug connector,one or several shielding sleeves or shielding housings, belonging to at least one line or to at least one plug connector,a shielding housing connecting with one another either several shielding sleeves, or at least one shielding sleeve with at least one shielding housing, or several shielding housings with one another, or forming a part of the shielding housing, wherein the shielding housing consists of a cast metal body, which has been cast in situ onto annular regions of one or several shielding sleeves, or of one or several shielding housings, the shielding housing producing an anchoring means having a low electric contact resistance and effecting a complete shielding of the connector.2. The connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shielding housing has been cast in situ at least partially on and around an intermediate insulation made of temperature-resistant claim 1 , electrically insulating material claim 1 , wherein the intermediate insulation protects the conductor elements during the casting process of the shielding housing.3. The connector as claimed in claim 1 , formed as a plug connector for connecting with a ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160057873A1

A rigid electrical panel has both a flexible printed circuit and an electromagnetic protection layer embedded therein. The flexible printed circuit has an integral electromagnetic shield. The integral electromagnetic shield and the electromagnetic protection layer are electrically isolated, so as to provide independent grounding paths. The independent grounding paths can be individually tested for safe operation. 1. A rigid electrical panel comprising at least a part of an electrical system of a gas turbine engine , the panel comprising:a rigid material;a flexible printed circuit at least partly embedded in the rigid material, the flexible printed circuit comprising at least one electrical track arranged to carry electrical signals relating to the operation of the gas turbine engine in use, and at least one integral electromagnetic shield;an electromagnetic protection layer electrically isolated from the flexible printed circuit;a flexible printed circuit outlet terminal to which at least the integral electromagnetic shield is electrically connected; andan electrically conductive grounding element to which the electromagnetic protection layer is electrically connected, whereinthe flexible printed circuit outlet terminal and the electrically conductive grounding element are electrically isolated, such that the integral electromagnetic shield can be grounded via the flexible printed circuit outlet terminal and the electromagnetic protection layer can be separately grounded via the electrically conductive grounding element.2. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 1 , wherein the rigid material comprises a fibre and resin composite.3. A rigid electrical panel according to claim 1 , wherein:the flexible printed circuit outlet terminal is at least a part of an electrical connector; andat least one electrical track of the flexible printed circuit is electrically connected to the flexible printed circuit outlet terminal so as to be able to transfer the electrical ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Dual Material Ground Clip For A Busway Plug In Unit

Номер: US20140134855A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA, Inc.

A ground clip for a PIU of a busway system has a two part assembly made with two different materials, a first hard material designed to remove dielectric coating on the busway section and a second highly conductive material to establish necessary electrical contact, cooperating together as the PIU is installed on the busway case to establish a reliable ground automatically and without tools. 1. A ground clip for a PIU comprisinga two part assembly made with two different materials, includinga first clip structure of a hard material having a tooth designed to remove a busway section coating, anda second clip structure of a highly conductive material to establish necessary electrical contact with metal underlying the busway coating.2. The ground clip for a PIU according to an area of the clip being adapted to receive a fastener for connecting the ground clip to a PIU.3. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the first clip structure has teeth to remove coating from the busway case.4. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the first clip structure has a row of offset teeth.5. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein each clip structure has two perpendicular and generally planar portions.6. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein each clip structure has a row of offset teeth along two edges of one of its planar portions.7. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the second clip structure has teeth adjacent to the cutting teeth of the first clip structure.8. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the ground clip is a two part assembly of overlapping clip elements.9. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the first clip structure and the second clip structure are fastenable to each other to make a ground clip assembly which can be fastened to the PIU.10. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the second clip structure is nested under the first clip structure.11. The ground clip for a PIU according to wherein the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057948A1
Автор: LIN Hsin-Yung

The present invention provides a gas generator and comprises an electrolytic cell, a gas pathway, and an anti-static device. The electrolytic cell is for electrolyzing electrolyzed water to generate a gas with hydrogen. The gas generated from the electrolytic cell is transferred by the gas pathway. The anti-static device is set in the gas generator for reducing or eliminating the static electricity. The present invention uses the anti-static device to prevent the gas with hydrogen in the gas pathway from exploding by the static electricity, thereby providing a safe gas generator. 1. A gas generator , comprising:an electrolytic cell, accommodating an electrolyzed water comprising an electrolyte, for electrolyzing the electrolyzed water to generate a gas with hydrogen;a gas pathway, connected to the electrolytic cell, for transferring the gas with hydrogen; andan anti-static device, set in the gas generator, for reducing or eliminating the static electricity in the gas generator.2. The gas generator of claim 1 , wherein the gas pathway comprises a pathway inlet for being connected to the electrolytic cell claim 1 , and the anti-static device is set on the gas pathway.3. The gas generator of claim 1 , further comprising an atomization device connected to the gas pathway for generating an atomized gas and receiving the gas with hydrogen to mix the atomized gas with the gas with hydrogen to generate a healthy gas.4. The gas generator of claim 3 , wherein the atomization device comprises an atomizing chamber and a mixing reaction chamber claim 3 , and the atomizing chamber is configured for generating the atomized gas claim 3 , and the mixing reaction chamber is configured for receiving the gas with hydrogen to mix the atomized gas with the gas with hydrogen to generate the healthy gas.5. The gas generator of claim 3 , wherein the anti-static device is set on the atomization device.6. The gas generator of claim 3 , wherein the anti-static device is set between the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Protective Guard For A Wall-Mounted Electrical Interface And Method For Using The Same

Номер: US20180062300A1

A protective guard prevents undesired access to a wall-mounted electrical interface such as an electrical switch or outlet, particularly by small children. The protective guard includes a baseplate, cover and spring-biased latch. The baseplate is mounted to the wall and contains at least one opening to expose the electrical interface. The cover slidably attaches to the baseplate for sliding movement between a closed position that blocks access to the electrical interface and an open position that exposes the electrical interface. The spring-biased latch is attached to the cover. The latch is actively spring-biased to a locked position that holds the cover in the closed position and has an unlocked position offset from the locked position which allows sliding movement of the cover to its open position to expose the electrical interface. Advantageously, exposing the electrical interface requires no additional parts or tools that should be procured, removed, stored, or could be misplaced. The required actions to expose the electrical interface are difficult to achieve by a small child while an adult has the required strength, motor skills, and cognitive abilities to easily and intuitively accomplish the necessary actions with a one-handed operation. 1. A protective guard for a wall-mounted electrical interface comprising:a baseplate adapted to be mounted to the wall and containing at least one opening to expose the electrical interface;a cover slidably attached to the baseplate for sliding movement between a closed position that blocks access to the electrical interface and an open position that exposes the electrical interface;a spring-biased latch attached to the cover, the latch being actively spring-biased to a locked position that holds the cover in the closed position and having an unlocked position offset from the locked position which allows sliding movement of the cover to its open position to expose the electrical interface.2. The protective guard of claim 1 ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059043A1
Автор: RITCHIE Austen

An electrical safety system, for use in a wet area, the electrical safety system comprising a resealable housing, for installation into the wet area, a conductive bar extending through a side of the housing, for installation against a conductive element adjacent to the housing and an electrical coupling, coupled to the bar and housed in the housing, for coupling to an earth wire to earth the bar and thus the conductive element. 1. An electrical safety system , the electrical safety system comprising:a resealable housing, the cast into a concrete structure of or associated with a wet area, the resealable housing including a removable lid providing resealable access to an inside of the resealable housing;a conductive element extending through the housing and coupled to metal reinforcing in the concrete structure that is adjacent to and outside of the housing to form a conductive coupling between the conductive element and the metal reinforcing; andan electrical coupling, housed in the housing, coupling an earth wire to earth the conductive element and thus the conducive metal reinforcing.2. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal reinforcing claim 1 , the housing and the conductive element are cast in the concrete structure such that the metal reinforcing and conductive element are concealed by the concrete structure.3. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the outer surface of the resealable housing is flush with a surface of the concrete structure.4. An electrical safety system as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the housing includes a substantially planar base with at least one substantially perpendicular sidewalls claim 3 , through which the conductive element extends claim 3 , the conductive element oriented substantially horizontally in use.5. (canceled)6. An electrical safety system as claimed in wherein a seal is provided between the housing and the lid.7. An electrical safety system as claimed in wherein the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Electrically Conductive Conduit Assembly

Номер: US20180062322A1

A conduit assembly with a tube formed from a polymeric material with a nanoparticulate component. The polymeric material has an electrical conductivity in a range between 1×10and 4.7×10(S/m) at 20° C. An electrical contact is electrically coupled with the conduit assembly to receive electrical current. A ground is electrically coupled with the conduit assembly to ground the electrical current passed through the conduit assembly. 1. A conduit assembly comprising:a tube and at least one connector connected with the tube;{'sup': −14', '6, 'the tube and at least one connector are formed from a polymeric material with a nanoparticulate component, the polymeric material having an electrical conductivity in a range between 1×10and 4.7×10(S/m) at 20° C.;'}an electrical contact electrically coupled with the conduit assembly for receiving electrical current; anda ground electrically coupled with the conduit assembly for grounding the electrical current while the conduit assembly is heated by the electrical current.2. The conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the electrical current flows between the at least one connector and tube.3. The conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the conduit assembly is a urea tube system.4. A method of passing electric current through a conduit assembly comprising:providing a conduit assembly formed from a polymeric material with a nanoparticulate component;providing an electrical contact electrically coupled with the conduit assembly;providing a ground electrically coupled with the conduit assembly;passing electrical current into the electrical contact through the conduit assembly to the ground; andheating the conduit assembly with the electrical current.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the conduit assembly having an electric conductivity in a range of 1×10to 4.7×10(S/m) at 20° C.6. A conduit assembly comprising:{'sup': −14', '6, 'a tube, the tube is formed from a polymeric material with a nano particulate component, the polymeric ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210066868A1

Various connector and sensor assemblies are described. In some embodiments, the connector and sensor assembly comprises a connector and a sensor assembly. The connector can have an opening that has a first surface and second surface that are opposite each other. The connector can have a plurality of retractable electrical connectors that extend from the first surface and a lock structure that is located on the second surface. The sensor assembly is comprised of a body portion and a proximal end. The proximal end has a top side and a bottom side. The top side includes a plurality of electrical contacts that is configured to interact with the plurality of retractable electrical connectors. The bottom side includes a key structure that is configured to interact with the lock structure in the connector. 1. (canceled)2. A male connector assembly which physically connects to and electrically communicates with a corresponding female connector , the male connector comprising:a flat board portion;a plurality of electrical contacts arranged on the flat board portion in a staggered configuration, wherein at least one of the electrical contacts is a ground contact, the ground contact is arranged to physically contact and electrically communicate with a corresponding electrical contact of a female connector before any other contact comes into electrical communication with a corresponding contact of the female connector.3. The male connector of wherein the electrical contacts are configured into a plurality of rows claim 2 , wherein each row can include a plurality of electrical contacts.4. The male connector of wherein the male connector includes a color indicator that corresponds with the color indicator of the female connector.5. The male connector of wherein the male connector includes a visual indicator that indicates the type of male connector to a user.6. The male connector of wherein the ground contact is located near the proximal end of the male connector.7. The male ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20180063945A1
Автор: Jochen Kuhn

The invention relates to an electronic device, in particular a control device, having a housing. The housing has a cavity, in which there is arranged a circuit carrier fitted with electric and/or electronic components, forming an electric and/or electronic circuit. Furthermore, the electronic device has a fuse element making contact with the circuit carrier in order to protect the electric and/or electronic circuit against electrostatic discharges. In addition, the electric and/or electronic circuit comprises a plug contact which has connecting pins, and the connecting pins make contact with the circuit carrier. Here, the at least one connecting pin is formed as the fuse element, in that the at least one connecting pin is connected to a ground line. Furthermore, an extremely small distance of the housing from an electrically conductive region of the electronic and/or electronic circuit is provided at a point of the at least one connecting pin formed as a fuse element, by which means, in the event of an electrostatic discharge, a preferred discharge path is formed between the housing and the ground line.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148053A1
Автор: KOJO Hidehiko
Принадлежит: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.

A line filter includes a flat plate-shaped cable and a flat core. A through hole is formed in the core. The cable includes: a first penetrating portion which enters the through hole in the core from an inlet of the through hole and is passed through an outlet of the through hole; a second penetrating portion which enters the through hole in the core from the inlet of the through hole and is passed through the outlet of the through hole; and a first connecting portion which connects the first penetrating portion on a side of the outlet of the through hole to the second penetrating portion on a side of the inlet of the through hole not through the through hole. When viewed in a normal direction of a main surface of the core, the second penetrating portion overlaps with the first penetrating portion at least partially. 1. A line filter comprising:a flat plate-shaped cable; anda flat core;wherein a through hole having a shape corresponding to the cable is formed in the core, a first penetrating portion which enters the through hole in the core from an inlet of the through hole and is passed through an outlet of the through hole;', 'a second penetrating portion which enters the through hole in the core from the inlet of the through hole and is passed through the outlet of the through hole; and, 'the cable includesa first connecting portion which connects the first penetrating portion on a side of the outlet of the through hole to the second penetrating portion on a side of the inlet of the through hole not through the through hole, andwhen viewed in a normal direction of a main surface of the core, the second penetrating portion overlaps with the first penetrating portion at least partially.2. A line filter according to claim 1 , whereinwhen viewed in the normal direction of the main surface of the core, the second penetrating portion entirely overlaps with the first penetrating portion in the through hole.3. A line filter according to claim 1 , whereinwhen viewed in the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072225A1

A carrier for a flexible printed circuit (FPC) includes a number of latching members. The latching members secure the carrier to a printed circuit board (PCB). 1. A carrier for a flexible printed circuit (FPC) comprising a plurality of latching members , wherein the plurality of latching members secure the carrier to a printed circuit board (PCB).2. The carrier as described in claim 1 , wherein each latching member is latched to the PCB through a corresponding hole defined in the PCB.3. The carrier as described in claim 2 , wherein the FPC is located on surfaces of the carrier.4. The carrier as described in claim 3 , wherein the carrier further comprises a main body and a plurality of contacting members claim 3 , the contacting members extending from the main body; the FPC is located on surfaces of the main body and of the contacting portions.5. The carrier as described in claim 4 , wherein there are two contacting members extending from the main body claim 4 , a first contacting member extending from an upper portion of the main body claim 4 , and a second contacting member extending from a lower portion of the main body.6. The carrier as described in claim 5 , wherein the latching members are connected to the main body of the carrier.7. The carrier as described in claim 6 , wherein there are two latching members claim 6 , a first latching member connected to the upper portion of the main body claim 6 , and a second latching member connected to the lower portion of the main body.8. The carrier as described in claim 7 , wherein the first contacting member and the second latching member are located adjacent to one side of the main body claim 7 , and the second contacting member and the first latching member are located adjacent to another side of the main body.9. The carrier as described in claim 8 , wherein the two latching members are resilient; each latching member comprises a latching portion and a hooked portion; a distance between the two latching portions is ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Grounding Clip For Electrical Components

Номер: US20160072229A1

Grounding clips for electrical components are disclosed to eliminate or significantly reduce ESD and EMI. A grounding clip includes a first leg disposed with respect to a second leg, and hook members that extend outwardly from an edge of at least the first leg to form an electromagnetic gasket with respect to a front panel and grounding clip. The grounding clips also have mounting tabs for connecting the first and second legs to a PCB, and resilient flanges formed in the legs and angled inwardly toward toward one another. 1. A grounding clip comprising:at least two legs whereby each leg has one end for coupling with the other leg and a second end for mounting on a printed circuit board to create a ground connection, the two legs being coupled such that the second end each of the two legs are displaced from each other to accommodate a component disposed between the two legs; andplural hook members that extend from an edge of at least one of the legs to contact a surface adjacent to the printed circuit board to facilitate the ground connection and reduce electrostatic discharge introduced via the surface.2. The grounding clip of claim 1 , wherein the plural hook members are disposed along the entire edge of the at least one leg.3. The grounding clip of claim 1 , wherein the plural hook members are disposed on the two legs to form an electromagnetic gasket.4. The grounding clip of claim 1 , wherein the plural hook members are disposed immediately adjacent each other along the edge of the leg.5. The grounding clip of claim 1 , wherein a hook member has one portion extending from the edge of the leg and a second portion that is semi-cylindrical and mechanically compressed against the surface.6. The grounding clip of claim 1 , wherein each leg has a flange forming an angle therewith that extends inwardly toward the other leg and is biased to create a compression fit against the component disposed between the two legs.7. The grounding clip of claim 6 , wherein at least one ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072432A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Company

A module clip for use in grounding a photovoltaic module through electrical connection with a racking assembly on which the photovoltaic module is mountable. The module clip includes upper and lower clip jaws at least partially defining a press-fit channel for press fitting the module clip onto a lower flange of the photovoltaic module. A piercing member on at least one of the upper and lower clip jaws pierces an electrically non-conductive outer layer on the lower flange of the photovoltaic module and contacts an electrically conductive material of the lower flange as the module clip is press fit onto the lower flange. A lead-connecting member of the module clip is used in securing a ground wire to the module clip. 117-. (canceled)18. A ground lead assembly for electrically connecting electrically conductive first and second components , the ground lead assembly comprising:a first clip configured for securement to the first component, the first clip including upper and lower clip jaws at least partially defining a press-fit channel for press fitting the first clip onto the first component, and a piercing member on at least one of the upper and lower clip jaws for piercing an electrically non-conductive outer layer on the first component and contacting an electrically conductive material of the first component as the module clip is press fit onto the first component;a second clip connected electrically to the first clip, the second clip configured to clip onto the second component to form an electrical connection with the second component; anda ground wire secured and electrically connected to the first clip and the second clip, wherein the ground wire electrically connects the first and second clips.19. The ground lead assembly set forth in claim 18 , wherein at least one of the upper and lower clip jaws is resiliently deflectable generally away from the other of the upper and lower clip jaws to facilitate press-fitting of the first clip onto the first component ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Shield Case and Connector Provided with Same

Номер: US20180069350A1
Автор: Toshiharu Miyoshi
Принадлежит: Hosiden Corp

A first shell 400 includes a first and a second base 410 a, 420 a arranged side-by-side, a center plate 430 a , a first and a second inner plate 440 a, 450 a , and a first and a second holding plate 460 a, 470 a . The center plate 430 a is arranged on the Z-direction side relative to the first and second bases 410 a, 420 a . The first inner plate 440 a extends from a first end 411 a of the first base 410 a to a first end 431 a of the center plate 430 a . The second inner plate 450 a extends from a first end 421 a of the second base 420 a to a second end 432 a of the center plate 430 a . The first holding plate 460 a is integral and contiguous with a second end 412 a of the first base 410 a . The second holding plate 470 a is integral and contiguous with a second end 422 a of the second base 420 a.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067852A1

An electronic device includes a ground element, a conductive assembly, a circuit board, an insulating element and a conductive element. The conductive assembly includes a base and a screw element. The base is disposed at the ground element and contacts the ground element. The screw element has a fixing portion and a clamping portion connected to the fixing portion. The outer diameter of the clamping portion is larger than the outer diameter of the fixing portion, and the fixing portion is fixed to the base. The circuit board is disposed between the base and the clamping portion of the screw element. The insulating element is disposed between part of the clamping portion and the circuit board. The conductive element is disposed at the circuit board and contacts the conductive assembly. The circuit board is electrically connected to the ground element through the conductive element and the conductive assembly. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a ground element; a base, disposed at the ground element and contacting the ground element; and', 'a screw element, having a fixing portion and a clamping portion connected to the fixing portion, wherein an outer diameter of the clamping portion is larger than an outer diameter of the fixing portion, and the fixing portion is fixed to the base;, 'a conductive assembly, wherein the conductive assembly comprisesa circuit board, disposed between the base and the clamping portion of the screw element;an insulating element, disposed between part of the clamping portion and the circuit board; anda conductive element, disposed at the circuit board and contacting the conductive assembly, wherein the circuit board is electrically connected to the ground element through the conductive element and the conductive assembly.2. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is in contact with the screw element of the conductive assembly claim 1 , and the conductive element is electrically connected to the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200067221A1

An electrical assembly includes mated plug connector and receptacle connector. The plug connector includes an insulative main body, a flat flexible cable attached upon the main body, a rotatable presser assembled upon the main body and retaining the flat flexible cable in position, and a metallic unitary latch assembled upon the main body with pair of resilient latches on two opposite lateral sides. Correspondingly, the receptacle connector includes an insulative housing, a plurality of contacts disposed in the housing, a metallic shell enclosing the housing, and a metallic cover attached upon the shell to shield the rear side of the receptacle connector 1. An electrical assembly comprising:a plug connector adapted to be mated with a receptacle connector;the plug connector including:an insulative main body forming a mating tongue at a front end in a front-to-back direction;a flat flexible cable assembled into the main body and including a metallic reinforcement plate and a plurality of conductors on two opposite surfaces thereof in a vertical direction perpendicular to the front-to-back direction; anda metallic support plate assembled to the main body to support the cable and mechanically and electrically connected to the metallic reinforcement plate;the receptacle connector including:an insulative housing;two rows of contacts retained in the housing; whereinduring mating, the conductors are mechanically and electrically connected to the corresponding contacts of one row, and the metallic support plate is mechanically and electrically connected to the corresponding contacts of the other row for grounding.2. The electrical assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said plug connector further includes a presser pressing the cable in position in the main body.3. The electrical assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said presser and the support plate are respectively located by the two opposite surfaces of the cable to exert opposite forces thereon.4. The electrical ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210075149A1
Автор: Chaize Eric, Rogan Philip

A wet-mateable coupling member for making an electrical connection having: a body having a cavity wall which defines an internal cavity, and a hollow sleeve located inside the internal cavity. The sleeve is arranged in the internal cavity to define: an outer chamber between the sleeve and the cavity wall. The sleeve defines an inner chamber inside the sleeve. The sleeve has an electrically-insulating layer and an electrically-conductive layer. The electrically-conductive layer defines an outer surface of the sleeve in the outer chamber and has a semi-conductive layer, the semi-conductive layer being a conductive elastomer. An electrical contact is adapted to be housed inside the inner chamber and configured for making the electrical connection. 1. A wet-mateable coupling member for making an electrical connection , comprising:a body having a cavity wall which defines an internal cavity; anda hollow sleeve located inside the internal cavity;wherein the hollow sleeve is arranged in the internal cavity to define an outer chamber between the hollow sleeve and the cavity wall, and to define an inner chamber inside the hollow sleeve;wherein the hollow sleeve comprises an electrically-insulating layer and an electrically-conductive layer, the electrically-conductive layer defining an outer surface of the hollow sleeve in the outer chamber and comprising a semi-conductive layer, the semi-conductive layer being a conductive elastomer; andwherein an electrical contact is adapted to be housed inside the inner chamber and configured for making the electrical connection.2. The wet-mateable coupling member according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second electrically-conductive layer which defines an inner surface of the hollow sleeve.3. The wet-mateable coupling member according to claim 2 ,wherein the electrically-conductive layer which defines the inner surface of the hollow sleeve is electrically connected to the electrical contact.4. The wet-mateable coupling member ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Communication connecting device and lead frame assembly thereof

Номер: US20150079842A1
Принадлежит: Topconn Electronic Kunshan Co Ltd

A lead frame assembly includes two lead frames detachably coupled to each other. Each lead frame has an insulating frame, several signal terminals fixed on the insulating frame, and a ground terminal fixed on the insulating frame. One of the ground terminals has a shielding sheet and several groups of elastic arms, and the shielding sheet and the elastic arms are protruding from the corresponding insulating frame; another ground terminal has several shielding portions protruding from the corresponding insulating frame. The ground terminals are contact with each other along a shielding direction, and the groups of elastic arms are respectively abutted against the shielding portions. In a space, which is surroundingly defined by the contour of the shielding sheet extending along the shielding direction, the shielding direction passes through at least one of the shielding sheet, the elastic arms, and the shielding portions.

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154908A1

A clip assembly includes a first clip comprising two opposing contact surfaces connected by a U-shaped hinge, where each of the two opposing contact surfaces has protruding flanges with teeth for engaging a surface inserted between the flanges. The clip assembly further includes a second clip comprising two opposing contact surfaces connected by a U-shaped hinge, wherein each of the two opposing contact surfaces has protruding flanges with teeth for engaging a surface inserted between the flanges. The clip assembly also includes a wire connected to the first clip at one end of the wire and to the second clip at another end of the wire. 1. A clip assembly , comprising:a first clip comprising two opposing contact surfaces connected by a first U-shaped hinge, wherein each of the two opposing contact surfaces has protruding flanges for engaging a surface inserted between the flanges and wherein at least one of the protruding flanges has teeth; anda wire connected to the first clip at one end of the wire and to a first lug at another end of the wire.2. The clip assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a second clip comprising two opposing contact surfaces connected by a second U-shaped hinge, wherein each of the two opposing contact surfaces has protruding flanges for engaging a surface inserted between the flanges and wherein at least one of the protruding flanges has teeth,wherein the wire includes a second lug at the one end of the wire and wherein the second lug attaches to the first clip and the first lug attaches to the second clip.3. The clip assembly of claim 1 , wherein the protruding flanges comprise two flanges that protrude approximately perpendicular to a contact surface of the two opposing contact surfaces.4. The clip assembly of claim 3 , wherein the two flanges protrude from one of the opposing contact surfaces towards another of the opposing contact surfaces.5. The clip assembly of claim 1 , wherein each of the two opposing contact surfaces has a flat ...
