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04-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2649639C2

Изобретения относятся к лазерной технике. Способ и устройство предназначены для сведения лазерных пучков различных длин волн, состояния поляризации которых ортогональны в выходной пучок. Используют поляризационный светоделитель, которым совмещают в пространстве два пучка во взаимно ортогональных поляризационных состояниях, и затем направляют на набор двулучепреломляющих пластин, который сохраняет параметр качества лазерного пучка М2. Толщина, материал и ориентация пластин обеспечивают за счет их поворота вокруг нормали к направлению распространения пучков на угол менее 30° перестраиваемое изменение состояния поляризации одного из пучков по отношению к другому таким образом, что состояние поляризации выходного пучка становится одинаковым для всех длин волн выходного пучка. Техническим результатом является разработка комбинированной поляризационной спектрально-селективной оптической схемы, пригодной для сведения практически неограниченного количества отдельных лазерных пучков в общий пучок ...

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для формирования лазерного излучения

Номер: RU2017104613A

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Laserstrahlmaschine und Berechnungsvorrichtung für eine Laserstrahlmaschine

Номер: DE112016007261T5

Eine Laserstrahlmaschine (1) umfasst mehrere Lasermodule (41), die jeweils einen Laserstrahl (La) erzeugen, und eine Strahlzusammenführung (42), die mehrere der mit Hilfe der Lasermodule (41) erzeugten Laserstrahlen (La) erfasst, um einen einzigen Laserstrahl (L) abzugeben. Die Laserstrahlmaschine (1) umfasst ferner mehrere Betriebsstromversorgungen (43), die die Lasermodule (41) jeweils mit Strom versorgen, eine Berechnungsvorrichtung (70), die einen einer empfangenen Bearbeitungsbedingung entsprechenden Betriebszustand für jedes der Lasermodule (41) berechnet, und eine Stromversorgungssteuerungsvorrichtung (80), die bewirkt, dass die Betriebsstromversorgungen (43) die Lasermodule (41) dem Betriebszustand entsprechend mit Strom versorgen. Die Berechnungsvorrichtung (70) steuert die Stromversorgungssteuerungsvorrichtung (80), um Unterschiede in den integrierten Lasereinschaltzeiten der von den Lasermodulen (41) erzeugten Laserstrahlen (La) zu verringern.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Laserzündkerze für eine Brennkraftmaschine und Betriebsverfahren hierfür

Номер: DE102010042909A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Laserzündkerze (100) für eine Brennkraftmaschine (10), mit einer Lasereinrichtung (110) zur Erzeugung von Laserimpulsen (24). Erfindungsgemäß weist die Lasereinrichtung (110) eine Mehrzahl von oberflächenemittierenden Halbleiterlasern zur Erzeugung der Laserimpulse (24) auf.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Sendeeinrichtung mit einem durch ein kollimierendes Abdeckelement überdeckten Scanspiegel

Номер: DE102017123878A1

Sendeeinrichtung, enthaltend bevorzugt wenigstens zwei Laserdioden (1, ..., 1), und einen um seinen Mittelpunkt (MP) auslenkbaren Scanspiegel (2), der innerhalb eines Gehäuses (3) mit einem transparenten Abdeckelement (4) angeordnet ist. Das Abdeckelement (4) ist wenigstens in einem Auskoppelbereich (4.2) durch einen Ausschnitt einer monozentrischen Halbkugelschale (HK) mit einem Krümmungsmittelpunkt (K) gebildet, die so den Scanspiegel (2) überdeckend angeordnet ist, dass der Krümmungsmittelpunkt (K) und der Mittelpunkt (MP) des Scanspiegels (2) zusammenfallen und wird in einem Einkoppelbereich (4.1) durch einen optischen Block (5) gebildet, mit einer torodialen Eintrittsfläche (5.1), wenigstens einer torodialen Austrittsfläche (5.2) und wenigstens einer dazwischen angeordneten ersten Spiegelfläche 5.3, zur Umlenkung und Vorkollimation der Laserstrahlen (S, ..., S).

29-03-2001 дата публикации

Optische Anordnung zur Verwendung bei einer Laserdiodenanordnung sowie Laserdiodenanordnung mit einer solchen optischen Anordnung

Номер: DE0019939750A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine neuartige optische Anordnung zur Verwendung bei einer Laderdiodenanordnung sowie Laserdiodenanordnung mit einer solchen optischen Anordnung.

12-07-2007 дата публикации

Bildaufzeichnungsgerät und Lichtquelleneinheit

Номер: DE0060210556T8

17-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010260628A1

Ein Kollimatorfeld beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von Kollimatoren 71, 72, 73, 74. Jeder Kollimator beinhaltet eine Linse 21, 22, 23, 24 und eine optische Faser 25, 26, 27, 28, welche mit der Linse optisch gekoppelt ist. Die Linse ist so angeordnet, dass ihre optische Achse parallel zu der einer anderen ist. In jedem Kollimator wird eine Achse des Kerns der optischen Faser relativ zur optischen Achse der Linse so positioniert, dass ein optischer Strahl von einer vorher festgelegten Position unter einem vorher festgelegten Winkel emittiert wird.

02-04-2009 дата публикации

Optische Anordnung zum Pumpen von Festkörperlasern

Номер: DE102006039074B4

Optische Anordnung zum Pumpen von Festkörperlasern, die entlang einer optischen Achse angeordnet, eine Diodenlaser-Pumpstrahlungsquelle (5), einen stabförmigen Homogenisierer (1) und eine dem Homogenisierer (1) im Strahlengang nachgeordnete fokussierende Optik (9, 10) enthält, wobei der Homogenisierer (1) zwei sich gegenüberliegende polierte Endflächen (2, 3) als Strahleintritts- und Strahlaustrittsflächen, ebene seitliche Begrenzungsflächen (4), die parallel zur optischen Achse (O-O) angeordnet sind und eine Querschnittsfläche senkrecht zur optischen Achse (O-O) aufweist, die ein regelmäßiges Vieleck bildet, wobei dieses Vieleck auf solche Eckenzahlen beschränkt ist, die ein raumfüllendes Aneinandersetzen mehrerer regelmäßiger Vielecke auf einer Fläche zulassen.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Lichtleiter zur Übertragung von Strahlung sowie Herstellverfahren

Номер: DE102009009367B4
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

Lichtleiter beinhaltend eine Mehrzahl optischer Fasern mit einem Einkoppelende (1) und einem Auskoppelende, wobei das Einkoppelende (1) aufweist – eine Verschmelzzone (8), in welcher die Fasern (4, 5) formschlüssig verbunden sind, – daran anschließend eine Übergangszone (9), in welcher der Querschnitt der optischen Fasern (4, 5) von einer mehreckigen Form in eine kreisförmige Form übergeht, und – daran anschließend eine Auslaufzone (10), in der die Fasern (12, 13) ihre ursprüngliche kreisförmige Querschnittsform aufweisen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Fasern in einer Monolage oder auch mehreren Lagen auf einer Trägerplatte (2) zu einem Faserband angeordnet sind, die Fasern der untersten Lage im Bereich der Verschmelzzone (8) formschlüssig mit der Trägerplatte (2) verbunden sind und die den Fasern zugewandte Oberfläche der Trägerplatte (2) eine mittlere Rautiefe Rz < 1µm aufweist.

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010061265A1

Bei einer Diodenlaseranordnung besteht die Aufgabe, eine in der Leistung skalierbare Strahlungsquelle so zu gestalten, dass unterschiedliche Arten der Kühlung Anwendung finden können und die Konfiguration des Strahlungsfeldes in einfacher Weise zur Anpassung an unterschiedliche Aufgaben geeignet ist. DOLLAR A Dazu ist jeder Diodenlaser mit einer Wärmekontaktfläche eines separaten, wärmespreizenden Trägers verbunden, der elektrisch isoliert auf einer kühlenden Oberfläche eines gemeinsamen Kühlelementes befestigt ist. Die Träger sind derart nebeneinander angeordnet, dass die linienförmigen Emissionsbereiche der Diodenlaser in einer Reihe benachbart sind und die p-n-Übergangs-Ebenen parallel zu den Wärmekontaktflächen verlaufen. DOLLAR A Die Diodenlaseranordnung ist besonders als Pumplichtquelle geeignet.

23-02-2011 дата публикации

Tunable pumping light source for optical amplifiers

Номер: GB0201100225D0

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Light emitting systems

Номер: GB0201118214D0

10-05-1995 дата публикации

Surface-emitting laser diode array and photodetector array

Номер: GB2283613A

The LD array 100 includes a plurality of surface-emitting LDs 101a to 1011 each including a secondary diffraction grating 16. These LDs are radially arranged on a substrate 10 so that the diffraction gratings face a center point. The laser oscillation regions of the adjacent LDs are spaced apart so that the respective LDs are not affected by adjacent LDs and operate with high stability. When these LDs are oscillated with the same driving current, a high power laser light, comprising a plurality of laser emissions from the respective LDs and having the same phase and wavelength, is output stably in a prescribed direction. On the other hand, when the LDs are oscillated with different driving currents, a phase composite wave is output stably in a prescribed direction. The LDs may be DFB or DBR type including a primary diffraction grating. An array of photodetectors and a multi-wavelength optical communication system is also described. ...

09-12-1992 дата публикации

Solid state laser diode light source

Номер: GB0002256503A

PCT No. PCT/GB91/00207 Sec. 371 Date Sep. 12, 1991 Sec. 102(e) Date Sep. 12, 1991 PCT Filed Feb. 12, 1991 PCT Pub. No. WO91/12641 PCT Pub. Date Aug. 22, 1991.A laser diode light source comprises at least two laser diodes (1,2). The beams (3,4) of the diodes (1,2) are combined together by, for example, a polarising beam combiner (11) and the combined beam (18) is focused by a lens (19) onto an optical cable (20). The beams (3,4) are also acted on in the long direction of the laser stripes of the diodes (1,2) by anamorphic beam shaping means (7,8;9,10) to reduce the length of the image formed at the end of fibre (20) by a predetermined factor, chosen such that the numerical aperture of the focused beam (18) in said long direction does not substantially exceed that of the optical fibre (20).

06-11-1996 дата публикации

Coupling laser diode to optic fibre using half wave plate

Номер: GB0002300490A

A method and apparatus for coupling a multi-mode diode laser with an optical fiber suitable for incorporation into fiber optic medical instruments, welding equipment, laser copiers, laser printers and facsimile machines. In one embodiment, light emitting from a diode laser 40 is collected by collecting optics. One-half of the light which passes through the collecting optics is passed through a half-wave plate 44 which rotates the polarization of that light which passes through the half-wave plate 44 thereby producing two distinct beams of polarized light (43,49). The two beams of light then pass through a Wollaston or Rochon prism 46 which causes the two beams to overlap upon exiting the prism, where the exiting light is allowed to enter an optical fiber 48. In another embodiment, one-half of the light emitted from a laser diode 40 is rotated by a half-wave plate 44. Both rotated and non-rotated light is then passed through collecting optics and subsequently through a double refractor 50 ...

11-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009003097D0

07-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009216126D0

17-02-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for spectral beam-combining

Номер: GB202100082D0

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358346T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522012T

15-08-2015 дата публикации

Lasereinheit für einen Fahrzeugscheinwerfer sowie Lasermodul

Номер: AT515375A1

The invention relates to a laser unit (2) for a vehicle headlight, which laser unit has a laser diode (11) and an adjustable optical system assigned to the laser diode (11) and having optical elements including at least one collimator. At least one of the optical elements selected from the group consisting of a collimator (13, 22) and a deflective mirror (20) is mounted such that it can be pivoted about at least one spatial axis.

15-03-2014 дата публикации

Pumpeinrichtung zum Pumpen eines verstärkenden Lasermediums

Номер: AT0000513254A4

The invention relates to a pump device for pumping an amplifying laser medium (1), comprising a radiation source (13) with a plurality of laser diodes (15, 16) that emit laser beams (17) which have parallel beam axes (a) running in the direction of a z axis and which diverge at least twice as much in the direction of an x axis perpendicular to the z axis as in the direction of a y axis perpendicular to the z axis and to the x axis. The pump device also comprises at least one optical component (22, 22', 22") with at least one cylinder surface (23), with which at least some of the laser beams (17) emitted by the laser diodes (15, 16) interact. The cylinder surface (23) lies parallel to the x axis and is curved on a plane perpendicular to the x axis.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Near-Eye Display with Laser Diode Illumination

Номер: AU2019284095A1
Принадлежит: Wallington-Dummer

A near-eye display has a light-guide optical element (LOE) with two major parallel external surfaces. An image projector introduces image illumination into the LOE so as to propagate by internal reflection. The image projector includes one or more light-generating laser diode operated by a controller. A coupling-out arrangement includes a set of mutually parallel, partially-reflective surfaces associated with the LOE at an oblique angle to the major external surfaces for coupling the illumination out of the LOE towards the eye of the observer. The light-generating laser diode has a characteristic variation of coherence length of generated light as a function of diode actuation power. The controller actuates the laser diode at a level of diode actuation power that generates light with a coherence length that is less than twice a spacing between adjacent partially-reflective surfaces of the coupling-out arrangement.

08-10-2002 дата публикации

Tuneable laser assembly and method

Номер: AU2002251198A1

25-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003254872A1

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Scanning depth engine

Номер: AU2013219966A1

Mapping apparatus (22) includes a transmitter 44, which emits a beam comprising pulses of light, and a scanner (46), which is configured to scan the beam (38), within a predefined scan range, over a scene. A receiver (48) receives the light reflected from the scene and generates an output indicative of a time of flight of the pulses to and from points in the scene. A processor (42) is coupled to control the scanner so as to cause the beam to scan over a selected window (32, 34, 36) within the scan range and to process the output of the receiver so as to generate a 3D map of a part of the scene that is within the selected window.

24-09-2001 дата публикации

Laser optics and a diode laser

Номер: AU0005210301A

26-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436227A1

A set (50) of laser pulses (52) is employed to sever a conductive link (22) in a memory or other IC chip. The duration of the set (50) is preferably shorter than 500 ns; and the pulse width of each laser pulse (52) within the set (50) is preferably within a range of about 0.1 ps to 30 ns. The set (50) can be treated as a single "pulse" by conventional laser positioning systems (62) to perform on-the-fly link removal without stopping whenever the laser system (60) fires a set (50) of laser pulses (52) at each link (22). Conventional IR wavelengths or their harmonics can be employed.

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002365952A1

A single semiconductor laser deviceused in a semiconductor laser module of an optical amplifier and having a first light emittingstripe with a diffraction grating and at least one othelight emitting stripe with a diffraction grating and which are aligned to respectively emit a first laser beam and at least one other laser beam through one edge surface ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3125594A1

Systems for combining multi-mode (MM) and single-mode (SM) illumination beams of differing wavelengths together and creating a uniform, multi-wavelength laser line at a sample plane with minimal or no loss of optical power. A system includes correction optics configured to reduce the beam waist size of the MM illumination beam to substantially the same size as the beam waist size of the SM illumination beam, and beam-combining optics configured to combine the SM illumination beam and the MM illumination beam into a combined illumination beam along a first light path.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003020631A1

Systems, devices, and methods for focusing laser projectors are described. A laser projector includes N = 1 laser diodes, each of which emits laser light having a divergence. Each laser diode is paired with a respective primary or collimation lens to at least reduce a divergence of the laser light that the laser diode produces. Downstream from the primary lens(es) in the optical path(s) of the laser light, a single dedicated secondary or convergence lens converges the laser light to a focus. By initiating the convergence of the laser light at the secondary or convergence lens as opposed to at the primary or collimation lens(es), numerous benefits that are particularly advantageous in laser projection-based wearable heads-up displays are realized.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003072763A1

Disclosed herein are various embodiments for laser apparatuses. In an example embodiment, the laser apparatus comprises (1) a laser-emitting epitaxial structure having a front and a back, wherein the laser-emitting epitaxial structure is back-emitting and comprises a plurality of laser regions within a single mesa structure, each laser region having an aperture through which laser beams are controllably emitted, (2) a micro-lens array located on the back of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure, wherein each micro-lens of the micro-lens array is aligned with a laser region of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure, and (3) a non-coherent beam combiner positioned to non-coherently combine a plurality of laser beams emitted from the apertures.

06-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003065978A1
Принадлежит: INTEGRAL IP

A near-eye display has a light-guide optical element (LOE) with two major parallel external surfaces. An image projector introduces image illumination into the LOE so as to propagate by internal reflection. The image projector includes one or more light-generating laser diode operated by a controller. A coupling-out arrangement includes a set of mutually-parallel, partially-reflective surfaces associated with the LOE at an oblique angle to the major external surfaces for coupling the illumination out of the LOE towards the eye of the observer. The light-generating laser diode has a characteristic variation of coherence length of generated light as a function of diode actuation power. The controller actuates the laser diode at a level of diode actuation power that generates light with a coherence length that is less than twice a spacing between adjacent partially-reflective surfaces of the coupling-out arrangement.

17-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002442712A1

A semiconductor laser device increased in energy density at the focus; and a semiconductor laser excitation solid laser device using the same. A row of dotted-line-wise series-connected laser beams are disposed in front of stack array laser elements emitting a group of two-dimensional array-like parallel laser beams, each row of laser beams refracted substantially normal to the direction of the dotted lines and collimated are received, the direction of the laser beams from emitters or a group of emitters is turned through a right angle and the laser beams are emitted, whereby the laser beams are converted into a plurality of rows of laser beams paralleled substantially in a ladder form, which rows of laser beams are beam-compressed into a row of laser beams, the latter being converted into a series disposition, a row of parallel compressed laser beams are turned through a right angle and emitted, whereby all laser beams are converted into a group of laser beams paralleled in a single row ...

15-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957343A1

A device for shaping laser radiation (2), with a first array (7) of optical elements for deflecting and/or imaging and/or collimating the laser radiation (2), the first array (7) having a plurality of optical elements arranged side by side in a first direction (X), and a second array (8) of optical elements for deflecting and/or imaging and/or collimating the laser radiation (2), the second array (8) having a plurality of optical elements arranged side by side in the second direction (Y), wherein the optical elements of at least one of the arrays (7, 8) are mirror elements (9, 10).

28-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002709166A1

Included are a plurality of cylindrical LD holders (20) having holes (20m, 201) into which LDs (19) are fitted and fixed, respectively; a plate-like base (1) that has a first surface (1k), a second surface (1j) opposite to the first surface (1k), and a plurality of through holes (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, g) through which the laser beams from the plurality of laser modules (19) fixed to the holder (20) pass, the holders (20) abutting against the first surface (1k) so as to connect the holes (20m, 20l) thereof to the through holes (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g) of the base (1), the second surface (1j) of the base (1) being arranged with a plurality of lenses (2, 4) corresponding to the through holes (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1g); and adhesives (20a, 20b) applied to outer corners of abutment portions, at which the base (1) and the LD holders (20) abut against each other, for fixing the base (1) and the LD holders (20) to each other.

07-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002863712C

A laser light source module (100) includes: a plate-shaped stem (1); a power supply lead pin (2A, 2B) having an upper end protruding from an upper surface being one of main surfaces of the stem (1) and a lower end penetrating to extend toward a lower surface side, the lower surface being the other of the main surface of the stem (1); a block (3) fixed to the upper surface of the stem (1); a submount substrate (4) that is fixed to a surface of the block (3) and includes the semiconductor laser array (5) mounted thereon, the surface being parallel to the upper surface of the stem (1); the semiconductor laser array (5) located on the submount substrate (4) such that a light emitting direction is parallel to the upper surface of the stem (1); and a collimator lens array (6) that is located on a front surface of the semiconductor laser array (5) and converts an output light beam of the semiconductor laser array (5) into a parallel light beam. The collimator lens array (6) is fixed to the surface ...

03-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002216793A1

An optical multiplexing device spatially disburses collimated light from a fiber optic waveguide into individual wavelength bands, or multiplexes such individual wavelength bands to a common fiber optic waveguide or other destination. The optical multiplexing device has application for dense channel wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems for fiber optic telecommunications, as well as compact optical instrument design. Multiple wavelength light traveling in a fiber optic waveguide is separated into multiple narrow spectral bands directed to individual fiber optic carriers or detectors. An optical block has an optical port for passing the afor esaid multiple wavelength collimated light, and multiple ports arrayed in spaced relation to each other along a multiport surface of the optical block. A continuous, variable thickness, multicavity interference filter (22) extends on the multiport surface (20) of the optical bl ock over the aforesaid multiple ports. At each of the multiple ports ...

15-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN0107166231A

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Optical combiner, laser device using same, and method for manufacturing optical combiner

Номер: CN0105452920A

26-11-2019 дата публикации

Temperature control multi-channel light emitting sub-module and optical transceiver module with same

Номер: CN0105144508B

17-04-2018 дата публикации

Laser irradiation apparatus

Номер: CN0105209954B

31-10-2017 дата публикации

Laser device

Номер: CN0107306007A

10-11-2017 дата публикации

The laser synthesis of optical device

Номер: CN0104849843B

19-03-2019 дата публикации

Direct diode laser processing device and its output monitoring method

Номер: CN0107073643B

31-10-2007 дата публикации

Multiple band pass filtering for pyrometry in laser based annealing systems

Номер: CN0101065649A

A thermal processing system includes a source of laser radiation emitting at a laser wavelength, beam projection optics disposed between the reflective surface and a substrate support capable of holding a substrate to be processed, a pyrometer responsive to a pyrometer wavelength, and a wavelength responsive optical element having a first optical path for light in a first wavelength range including the laser wavelength, the first optical path being between the source of laser radiation and the beam projection optics, and a second optical path for light in a second wavelength range including the pyrometer wavelength, the second optical path being between the beam projection optics and the pyrometer. The system can further include a pyrometer wavelength blocking filter between the source of laser radiation and the wavelength responsive optical element.

18-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002883384B1

05-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003024244B1
Принадлежит: BBRIGHT

10-03-2006 дата публикации

Bragg grating laser and micro-lens laser combining device, has collimation micro-lenses placed between laser bar and Bragg grating whose index layers form specific angle with fiber rod`s longitudinal axis, and beam splitter at rod`s output

Номер: FR0002875018A1

La présente invention est relative à un dispositif de combinaison de lasers ayant des longueurs d'onde différentes, du type à source laser (7) comportant plusieurs émetteurs laser élémentaires disposés linéairement côte à côte, et selon l'invention, il comporte un barreau optique (10) en forme de parallélépipède rectangle dans lequel est inscrit un réseau de Bragg épais réfléchissant (8), ce barreau étant disposé face à la source de façon que son grand axe (11) soit sensiblement perpendiculaire à la direction d'émission des émetteurs laser élémentaires, un réseau de micro-lentilles de collimation (9) étant interposé entre la source et le réseau, et une lame semi-réfléchissante (12) étant disposée à la sortie (10a) du barreau, les strates d'indice du réseau de Bragg faisant un angle d'environ 45° par rapport au grand axe du barreau.

22-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002883384A1

... le domaine de l'invention est celui des dispositifs optiques de multiplexage en longueur d'onde permettant de générer à partir d'une pluralité de faisceaux optiques (410, 420, 430) émis par des sources différentes (110, 120, 130) à des longueurs d'onde différentes un faisceau de lumière unique polychromatique dans une direction commune. L'invention a pour objet un dispositif optique de multiplexage en longueur d'onde compact comprenant plusieurs sources de lumière (110, 120, 130) de type diodes laser comportant chacune un dispositif de sélection spectral de type transmissif (210, 220, 230) disposé au voisinage des sources et permettant de sélectionner les longueurs d'onde des faisceaux d'émission en fonction de leur direction d'incidence sur un réseau de dispersion (4) de façon que les directions des faisceaux diffractés soient toutes identiques, assurant ainsi le multiplexage des sources de lumière. Les diodes laser peuvent être montées en barrette. Des optiques supplémentaires (310, 320 ...

24-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003040319B1

21-03-2017 дата публикации

레이저 조사장치

Номер: KR0101718429B1
Автор: 슈도 카즈마사

... 레이저 다이오드가 속축 및 지축방향으로 2차원적으로 배치되어, 반도체 레이저 발진기가 구성된다. 반도체 레이저 발진기로부터 사출된 레이저빔이 호모지나이저에 입사한다. 호모지나이저는, 피조사면에 있어서 장척의 입사 영역에 레이저빔을 집광시킨다. 호모지나이저는, 입사 영역의 단축방향에 관하여 레이저빔을 복수의 빔으로 분할하며, 분할된 복수의 빔을 피조사면에 있어서 중첩하여 입사 영역에 입사시킨다. 반도체 레이저 발진기의 지축방향이, 입사 영역의 장축방향에 대하여 경사져 있다.

18-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR0102145444B1

31-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020110097856A

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Light emitting module and manufacturing method

Номер: TW0200730023A

A light emitting module (19), comprising at least one semiconductor light source (20a-c) capable of emitting light, and a light-modifying member (21) arranged adjacent to the at least one semiconductor light source (20a-c) in a direction of emission of the light. The light-modifying member (21) is formed by a stacked sheet element (21) separated from an integral stacked sheet structure comprising first and second stacked sheets, so that the stacked sheet element (21) includes first and second sheet portions of the first and second stacked sheets, and at least the first sheet portion is configured to modify the emitted light. By providing the light-modifying member as a stacked sheet element which has been separated from an integral stacked sheet structure, batch manufacturing of the light-modifying member and/or the light emitting module is enabled, such that manufacturing steps requiring manual labor, or use of expensive equipment may be performed to produce the integral stacked sheet ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012061761A2

An optical gain architecture includes a pump source and a pump aperture. The architecture also includes a gain region including a gain element operable to amplify light at a laser wavelength. The gain region is characterized by a first side intersecting an optical path, a second side opposing the first side, a third side adjacent the first and second sides, and a fourth side opposing the third side. The architecture further includes a dichroic section disposed between the pump aperture and the first side of the gain region. The dichroic section is characterized by low reflectance at a pump wavelength and high reflectance at the laser wavelength. The architecture additionally includes a first cladding section proximate to the third side of the gain region and a second cladding section proximate to the fourth side of the gain region.

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011112367A1

A method and apparatus for two-dimensional wavelength beam combining of laser sources. In one example, an external cavity multi- wavelength laser includes an array of laser emitters each producing an optical beam having a specified wavelength, a grating stack comprising a plurality of first-order diffraction gratings arranged linearly in a first dimension, and a dispersive element. The laser further includes a cylindrical telescope that images the optical beams from the array of laser emitters onto the grating stack. A first cylindrical transform lens spatially overlaps the optical beams in a second dimension forming a first region of overlap at the grating stack. A second cylindrical transform lens spatially overlaps the optical beams from the grating stack in the first dimension forming a second region of overlap at the dispersive element. The dispersive element transmits a multi-wavelength output beam comprising the spatially overlapped optical beams from the array of laser emitters.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013115179A1
Автор: KIYOTA, Kazuaki

This semiconductor optical element is provided with an optical waveguide formed on a semiconductor substrate. The optical waveguide is provided with: a single mode waveguide section for guiding inputted light in a single mode; a bent section positioned in the latter part of the single mode waveguide section with respect to the waveguide direction of the light; and a flared section that is positioned in the latter part of the bent section with respect to the waveguide direction, is formed in such a manner that the waveguide width widens in the waveguide direction, guides the light in a single mode on the side on which the light is incident, and has a waveguide width that enables the light to be guided in multiple modes on the side on which the light exits.

20-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006075760A1

A light source apparatus provided with a modulating function has a wavelength converting module (75), which has a structure wherein a nonlinearity constant is periodically modulated and is made of a nonlinear optical material. The light source apparatus outputs a difference frequency or a sum frequency, which are generated by multiplexing excitation lights having different wavelengths from semiconductor laser light sources (71, 72) by a WDM coupler (74) and by permitting the light to enter a light guide. The light source apparatus is characterized in that the semiconductor laser light source (72) houses a diffraction grating, and the semiconductor laser light source (71) includes a means for modulating an output light emitted from the semiconductor laser, is externally connected with an FBG (73) having a reflection band narrower than a resonance wavelength decided by an element length of the semiconductor, and inputs an modulated output to the FBG (73).

02-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006021298A1

The invention relates to a diode laser containing an optical device (10) which is used to increase the beam density of an output laser beam (12) which is emitted by said laser to the place of an object (16), said laser being made of a plurality of partial beams (8(1), 8(2), ... 8(n)) which are produced by a plurality of diode laser elements (2(1), 2(2), ... 2(n)). The optical device (10) is arranged downstream from the diode laser elements (2(1), 2(2), ... 2(n)) and contains a first Bragg grating volume (18) which only reflects a spectral region (λB (1), ΔλB (l), … λB (2), ΔλB (2), λB (n), ΔλB (n)) of the partial beams (8(1), 8(2), ... 8(n)) emitted by the diode laser elements (2(1), 2(2), ... 2(n)), in the respective diode laser element (2(1), 2(2), ... 2(n)) and only transmits the predominant part of said spectral region (λB (1), ΔλB (l), … λB (2), ΔλB (2), … λB (n), ΔλB (n)). The average wave lengths (λB (1), λB (2), ... λB (n)) of the different partial beams (8(1), 8(2), ... 8(n)), ...

16-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO0003085435A1

An optical fiber aligning method comprising a first step of aligning an optical fiber by moving the optical fiber by using a power meter so that the optical output power of the optical fiber is maximized, and a second step of aligning the optical fiber by moving the optical fiber in the optical axis direction (Z-direction) from a position aligned in the first step so that the degrees of polarization of two laser beams (K1 and K2) are below a predetermined value when measured by using a polarization degree meter.

08-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: WO1995015510A2

A beam shaping device (20) for a laser device having a beam (32-40) with a beam quality factor Mx2 in one direction and a beam quality factor My2 in an orthogonal direction, comprises a plurality of substantially parallel reflecting surfaces (22, 24) defining a plurality of different propagation paths through the beam shaping device, each path involving a respective different number of reflections between the reflecting surfaces, so that, in use, portions of an input beam from the laser device entering the beam shaping device follow respective different propagation paths and are reconfigured to form an output beam in which one of the beam quality factors Mx2 and My2 is decreased.

21-08-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for coherent beam combining of laser arrays

Номер: US0008248700B1

Systems and methods for coherent beam combining are provided. In some aspects, a system may comprise a first array of laser emitters configured to emit a first array of output beams along a first optical path. The system may also comprise a first array of collimating lenses configured to collimate the first array of output beams. The system may also comprise a first lens configured to focus the first array of output beams at a first focal plane. The system may also comprise a first phase screen configured to combine the first array of output beams at the first focal plane to generate one or more first coherently combined beams. Each of the one or more first coherently combined beams corresponds to a phase combination of the first array of output beams.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170141531A1

An optical module 1 according to an embodiment includes a plurality of laser diodes (LDs) 21 to 23, a multiplexing optical system 30 combining a plurality of laser beams from the respective plurality of LDs, and a package 10 accommodating the plurality of LDs and the multiplexing optical system. The package includes a support mounted with the plurality of LDs and the multiplexing optical system, and a cap having a transmissive window that allows a resultant light beam to pass through. At least one of the LDs has an oscillation wavelength of nor more than 550 nm. The package has an internal moisture content of not more than 3000 ppm. The multiplexing optical system is fixed to the support by a resin curing adhesive.

01-02-2011 дата публикации

System and method for generating intense laser light from laser diode arrays

Номер: US0007881355B2

Laser modules using two-dimensional laser diode arrays are combined to provide an intense laser beam. The laser diodes in a two-dimensional array are formed into rows and columns, and an optical assembly images light generated by laser diodes in a column into an optical fiber. The laser light outputs of the laser modules are combined by a spectral combiner into an optical fiber to form an intense laser beam.

13-07-2021 дата публикации

Optical module having structure to reduce stray light

Номер: US0011060907B2

An optical module includes a base member, a red semiconductor laser, a green semiconductor laser, a blue semiconductor laser, a first light receiving device having a first light receiving face that receives backward red light emitted from the red semiconductor laser, a second light receiving device having a second light receiving face that receives backward green light emitted from the green semiconductor laser, a third light receiving device having a third light receiving face that receives backward blue light emitted from the blue semiconductor laser, wherein the first light receiving face, the second light receiving face, and the third light receiving face are inclined relative to planes perpendicular to optical axes of the backward red light, the backward green light, and the backward blue light, respectively, to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of stray light.

01-03-2007 дата публикации

Use of volume bragg gratings for the conditioning of laser emission characteristics

Номер: US20070047608A1
Принадлежит: PD-LD, Inc.

Apparatus and methods for altering one or more spectral, spatial, or temporal characteristics of a light-emitting device are disclosed. Generally, such apparatus may include a volume Bragg grating (VBG) element that receives input light generated by a light-emitting device, conditions one or more characteristics of the input light, and causes the light-emitting device to generate light having the one or more characteristics of the conditioned light.

20-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: US20040095983A1
Автор: Richard Whitley

The optical system includes a stack of lensed, AR-coated laser diode bars and optics to brighten the stack's output. A spatial filter forces each bar to lase in one or a few high-order modes having two strong emission lobes. Radiation in the first lobe is passed to a collimating optic to form a filtered image of each of the lensed diode bars on an associated grating, whose angle then determines the lasing wavelength of that bar. Radiation in the second lobe is directed into an output path where another collimating optic produces an array of spatially separated, collimated beams. The wavelengths set for each beam allow them to be spectrally combined into a single, multi-wavelength, collimated output beam possessing substantially the same cross section and divergence as an individual input beam.

22-10-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for efficient concentration of light from laser diode arrays

Номер: US0005568318A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A lens system for use with a linearly arrayed light beam including a first optical element for receiving and redirecting different portions of the linearly arrayed light beam to different locations on an imaginary plane so as to generate a two-dimensional pattern of light beams on the imaginary plane; and a second optical element located at the imaginary plane and aligned with the two-dimensional pattern of light beams for redirecting each of the light beams of the two-dimensional pattern of light beams to any arbitrary direction.

17-12-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for generating bright light sources

Номер: US0005586132A1
Автор: Levy; Uri
Принадлежит: Laser Industries Ltd.

A method and apparatus for generating bright light sources includes a first plurality of semiconductor lasers in which each of the first plurality of semiconductor lasers emits a beam of light of a first frequency; a second plurality of semiconductor lasers in which each of the second plurality of semiconductor lasers emits a beam of light of a second frequency; a first bundle of optical fibers for receiving the light from ones of the first plurality of semiconductor lasers and providing a first combined laser beam of a predetermined shape and having a cross-sectional area and a solid angle; a second bundle of optical fibers for receiving the light from ones of the second plurality of semiconductor lasers and providing a second combined laser beam of a predetermined shape and having a cross-sectional area and a solid angle; and frequency responsive optics for combining the first and second combined laser beams into a composite laser beam, the composite laser beam having substantially the ...

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Multi-mode interference waveguide-including semiconductor laser diode module, fiber-type optical amplifier, optical relay and optical communication system

Номер: US20030174954A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

In a semiconductor laser diode module, a semiconductor laser diode including a multi-mode interference type active waveguide is provided.

26-09-2000 дата публикации

Device for providing the cross-section of the radiation emitted by several solid-state and/or semiconductor diode lasers with a specific geometry

Номер: US0006124973A

PCT No. PCT/EP97/00823 Sec. 371 Date Jan. 11, 1999 Sec. 102(e) Date Jan. 11, 1999 PCT Filed Feb. 20, 1997 PCT Pub. No. WO97/31284 PCT Pub. Date Aug. 28, 1997The invention concerns an arrangement for shaping the geometrical cross-section of a radiation field of a plurality of solid and/or semiconductor laser, in particular a plurality of diode laser arrays or field arrangements whose beam-outlet openings extend in a direction lying in the x-y plane and whose ray beam is radiated in the z direction, the x, y and z directions establishing a rectangular co-ordinate system, with an optical structure for generating a defined cross-section for a radiation field. The optical structure comprises reflective elements onto which the radiation of the respective lasers or laser field arrangements is guided and at which the radiation is reflected. The arrangement according to the invention is characterized in that each laser or laser field arrangement both in the x direction and in the y direction; and ...

14-01-1997 дата публикации

Diode laser source with concurrently driven light emitting segments

Номер: US0005594752A

A diode laser source including a laser diode whose emitting element or elements is divided into a plurality of concurrently driven laser segments. Beam filling and focusing optics are disposed in front of the segments so that light from the segments in each element converges to a single overlapping spot. The optics include a beam filling lens array collimating the light from the segments and either a single focusing lens or a second lens array focusing the collimated light to corresponding spots. In the case of a multi-element laser diode array, each multi-segment element of the array is individually addressable so as to be driven independently from the other array elements. The segmentation of laser elements improves laser life by reducing thermal gradients and isolating any local failures to a single segment, while the focusing of the segments to overlapping light spots increases the tolerance of the source to local failures. Two or more segments in a given element must fail before the ...

26-12-1995 дата публикации

Method of modulating feedback signal in optical amplifier to compensate for pump laser saturation

Номер: US0005479423A

In a of modulating a feedback signal in an optical amplifier, employing a laser diode LD, which can directly amplify an optical signal, the amplified optical signal is modulated by the feedback signal SV which is controlled in such a way as to compensate for the saturation characteristics of the laser diode LD to correctly modulate the feedback signal even if the laser diode is nearly saturated due to aging or fluctuations in temperature.

26-04-2016 дата публикации

Off quadrature biasing of mach zehnder modulator for improved OSNR performance

Номер: US0009323128B1

An integrated optical modulator device. The device can include a driver module coupled to an optical modulator. The optical modulator is characterized by a raised cosine transfer function. This optical modulator can be coupled to a light source and a bias control module, which is configured to apply an off-quadrature bias to the optical modulator. This bias can be accomplished by applying an inverse of the modulator transfer function to the optical modulator in order to minimize a noise variance. This compression function can result in an optimized increased top eye opening for a signal associated with the optical modulator. Furthermore, the optical modulator can be coupled to an EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) that is coupled to a filter coupled an O/E (Optical-to-Electrical) receiver.

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266658A1

A pumped fluorescent light source includes a parabolic mirror that is positioned to focus pumping light from one or more pump sources on a fluorescent body. The resulting assembly provides for heat collection from a back surface of the light source for both the fluorescent body and the pumping sources in a compact package that may be hermetically sealed. The parabolic mirror has reflective surfaces disposed outside of a collection area of an output beam of the light sources, so that the collection area is not obstructed by the parabolic mirror. The light source also includes a collecting lens for collecting the light emitted by the body. The parabolic mirror focuses the stimulus light on the fluorescent body to stimulate emission. An additional parabolic mirror may be included behind the fluorescent body to focus the fluorescent emissions that do not directly enter the collection area at a point of collection.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021082A1

Methods and apparatus to control the optical frequency of a laser are disclosed. An apparatus includes: a first laser to emit a first beam of light, the first beam of light to have an adjustable frequency based on an input current; a second laser to emit a second beam of light, the second beam of light to have a substantially fixed frequency; a photodetector to generate a feedback signal indicative of a frequency difference between the first and second beams of light; and logic circuitry to control the input current based on the feedback signal. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first laser to emit a first beam of light, the first beam of light to have an adjustable frequency based on an input current;a second laser to emit a second beam of light, the second beam of light to have a substantially fixed frequency;a photodetector to generate a feedback signal indicative of a frequency difference between the first and second beams of light; andlogic circuitry to control the input current based on the feedback signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including an optical combiner to combine at least a portion of the first beam of light with the second beam of light claim 1 , the photodetector to generate the feedback signal based on an output of the combiner claim 1 , the feedback signal corresponding to a beat frequency of the combined first and second beams of light.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the optical combiner is an optical coupler in a monolithic integrated circuit claim 2 , the monolithic integrated circuit including the first laser claim 2 , the second laser claim 2 , the optical coupler claim 2 , and the photodetector.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the beat frequency is within the radio frequency spectrum.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the feedback signal generated by the photodetector is to have a feedback frequency corresponding to the beat frequency.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , further including a frequency divider to reduce the ...

24-11-2020 дата публикации

Optical mode matching

Номер: US0010848247B2

An apparatus includes a first and second VCSEL, each with an integrated lens. The VCSELs emit a first light beam having first optical modes at first wavelengths and a second light beam having second optical modes at second wavelengths. The apparatus also has an optical block with a first and second surface, a mirror coupled to the second surface, and a wavelength-selective filter coupled to the first surface. The first integrated lens mode matches the first beam to the optical block, and the second integrated lens mode matches the second beam to the optical block such that the first beam and second beam each have substantially a beam waist with a beam waist dimension at the first and second input region, respectively. An exit beam that includes light from the first beam and the second beam is output from the second surface of the optical block.

24-03-2005 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser device and solid-state laser device using same

Номер: US2005063435A1

A semiconductor laser device including a laser element stack array emitting a two-dimensional array shaped group of laser beams consisting of rows of laser beams arranged linearly in parallel in a broken line configuration and optical elements arranged in front of the array, receiving rows of laser beams bent and collimated in a direction substantially perpendicular to the orientation of the broken line configuration. Laser beams are emitted from emitters or groups of emitters and are rotated by right angles so as to convert the laser beams to a plurality of rows aligned in parallel in an approximate ladder rung configuration and the distance between center axes of the rows of laser beams is shortened to condense the laser beams by converting them to a group of laser beams emitted from a common object and thereby making all laser beams converge to a single image.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190089130A1

A wavelength beam combining device includes: a light source unit comprising a plurality of laser light sources, each being configured to emit a laser beam with a predetermined wavelength width; a light condensing member configured to condense the laser beams emitted from the light source unit; a diffraction grating on which the laser beams condensed by the light condensing member are incident; a resonator mirror disposed in an optical path of a diffracted beam from the diffraction grating; and an output control unit configured to turn off, among the plurality of laser light sources, at least laser light sources located farthest from an optical axis of the light condensing member, to reduce an output of the wavelength beam combining device relative to an output of the wavelength beam combining device when all the plurality of laser light sources are turned on.

24-02-2015 дата публикации

Coherent light source apparatus and projector

Номер: US0008960927B2

A coherent light source apparatus includes a coherent light source, a first optical system, a light deflection unit, a second optical system and a light mixing unit disposed in that order. The coherent light source forms a first light emission region, and light projected therefrom forms a second light emission region near the light deflection unit, which deflects light flux from the second light emission region. The second optical system forms a third light emission region which is conjugate to the second light emission region near an input end of the light mixing unit, which mixes angle and a position components of incident light. The light deflection unit is configured to continuously changing a direction in which the light flux is deflected, thereby reducing speckling in light emitted from the light mixing unit.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013255A1

Apparatus and methods for altering one or more spectral, spatial, or temporal characteristics of a light-emitting device are disclosed. Generally, such apparatus may include a volume Bragg grating (VBG) element that receives input light generated by a light-emitting device, conditions one or more characteristics of the input light, and causes the light-emitting device to generate light having the one or more characteristics of the conditioned light. 1. Apparatus for compressing laser pulses , the apparatus comprising:an optical amplifier; anda volume Bragg grating element comprising a three-dimensional bulk of optical material having a Bragg grating formed therein, the Bragg grating defining a Bragg grating vector and having a grating period that varies as a function of position along the Bragg grating vector,wherein the Bragg grating element is configured to compress chirped laser pulses received from the optical amplifier.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the Bragg grating element is configured to receive the chirped laser pulses from the optical amplifier.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the Bragg grating defines an entrance aperture of the Bragg grating element and an exit aperture of the Bragg grating element claim 1 , and wherein the entrance aperture and exit aperture coincide.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the entrance aperture defines a plane claim 3 , and the Bragg grating vector is normal to the plane defined by the entrance aperture.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the Bragg grating element is configured such that an incident chirped laser pulse that is incident on the entrance aperture is compressed and reflected through the exit aperture as a compressed laser pulse.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the incident chirped laser pulse has first pulse width before incidence on the entrance aperture claim 5 , and the compressed laser pulse has a second pulse width after reflection through the exit aperture claim 5 , and wherein the ...

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Laser device and light-source device

Номер: US0011011885B2

A laser device that is easily assembled and can be manufactured at low cost and a light-source device using the same are provided. The laser device includes a base plate portion, a semiconductor laser element placed on the base plate portion, a lid portion provided on the base plate portion, on which the semiconductor laser element is placed, and including a top plate, and a side wall portion covering a part or all of lateral sides of a space between the base plate portion and the top plate. The top plate is integrally formed with a part or all of the side wall portion.

18-05-2021 дата публикации

Manufacturable multi-emitter laser diode

Номер: US0011011889B2

A multi-emitter laser diode device includes a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer. The carrier chip has a length and a width, and the width defines a first pitch. The device also includes a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region. Each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions is arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions. Each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions includes epitaxial material, which includes an n-type cladding region, an active region having at least one active layer region, and a p-type cladding region. The device also includes one or more laser diode stripe regions, each of which has a pair of facets forming a cavity region.

11-08-2005 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for illumination of light valves

Номер: US2005175285A1

In an illumination system the radiation from one or more laser arrays is directed into a light pipe. The light pipe mixes the individual radiation contributions from the laser arrays and forms a uniform illumination line. The pointing direction of each of the laser arrays is monitored and controlled to preserve the brightness of the composite illumination line.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200227880A1

Embodiments of the present application provide a laser light source and a laser projection device. The laser light source includes a laser assembly, where the laser assembly includes a laser and a circuit board, the laser includes a substrate and a light emitting chip arranged on the substrate, a lateral surface of the substrate is provided with a plurality of pins extending outwards therefrom, the circuit board is arranged on a side where the pins extend, and the circuit board is electrically connected to the pins. The laser light source of the present application features simple assembling and disassembling, reliable performance and relatively low cost.

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140241726A1

A temperature controlled multi-channel transmitter optical subassembly (TOSA) may be used in a multi-channel optical transceiver. The temperature controlled multi-channel TOSA generally includes an array of lasers optically coupled to an optical multiplexer, such as an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG), to combine multiple optical signals at different channel wavelengths. The lasers may be thermally tuned to the channel wavelengths by establishing a global temperature for the array of lasers and separately raising local temperatures of individual lasers in response to monitored wavelengths associated with the lasers. A temperature control device, such as a TEC cooler coupled to the laser array, may provide the global temperature and individual heaters, such as resistors adjacent respective lasers, may provide the local temperatures. The optical transceiver may be used in a wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical system, for example, in an optical line terminal (OLT) in a WDM passive ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210159977A1

A packaged integrated white light source configured for illumination and communication or sensing comprises one or more laser diode devices. An output facet configured on the laser diode device outputs a laser beam of first electromagnetic radiation with a first peak wavelength. The first wavelength from the laser diode provides at least a first carrier channel for a data or sensing signal.

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220352689A1

In various embodiments, the concentration and deposition of siloxane materials within components of laser systems, such as laser resonators, is reduced or minimized utilizing mitigation systems that may also supply gas having low siloxane levels into multiple different components in series or in parallel.

03-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220352694A1
Принадлежит: NLIGHT. INC.

Some embodiments may include a packaged laser diode assembly, comprising: a length of optical fiber having a core and a cladding layer, the length of optical fiber having a first section and a second section, the first section of the length of optical fiber including a tip of an input end of the optical fiber; one or more laser diodes to generate laser light; one or more optical components to direct a beam derived from the laser light into the input end of the length of optical fiber; a clad light stripper on the second section of the length of optical fiber; wherein, in the first section of the length of optical fiber, the cladding layer includes: a light scattering feature at the tip of the input end of the optical fiber and/or a void along a length of the optical fiber.

22-03-2006 дата публикации

Method and system for superimposing light beams

Номер: EP0001637919A1

Es werden ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung beschrieben, mit denen Strahlenbündel, die von einer Vielzahl von Einzelstrahlungsquellen (201) ausgehen, mit Hilfe einer Strahlformungs- und Fokussieroptik zusammengeführt werden. Die Einzelstrahlungsquellen (201) liegen auf mindestens einer die optische Achse (202) der Strahlformungs- und Fokussieroptik umgebenden Kurve. Sie sind dabei so plaziert, daß ihre Anordnung zu keiner die optische Achse (202) enthaltenden Ebene spiegelsymmetrisch ist. Hierdurch wird vermieden, daß am Werkstück rückreflektierte Strahlung eine Einzelstrahlungsquelle (201) beschädigen kann.

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Use of volume bragg gratings for the conditioning of laser emission characteristics

Номер: EP2034570A1

Apparatus and methods for altering one or more spectral, spatial, or temporal characteristics of a light-emitting device are disclosed. Generally, such apparatus may include a volume Bragg grating (VBG) element that receives input light generated by a light-emitting device, conditions one or more characteristics of the input light, and causes the light-emitting device to generate light having the one or more characteristics of the conditioned light.

26-03-2003 дата публикации

Image recorder and light source unit

Номер: EP0001296316A1

A light source unit (30) is provided with light source parts (300), a fixable member (31) and a positioning member (32). Each light source part comprises a submount (302,303) receiving a bare chip (301) of a laser diode thereon and a collimator lens (306) collimating laser beam emitted from the bare chip of the laser diode for defining the emitting direction. The plurality of light source parts are directly fixed to the fixable member consisting (31) of a member having excellent thermal conductivity for quickly transmitting generated heat to a cooling unit (33) and radiating the same and having a wiring function (305) for supplying current to the light source parts. The positioning member (32) has lens holes on prescribed positions so that the collimator lenses (306) of the light source parts are fit therein for positioning the light source parts. Thus, a light source unit, having a plurality of channels, improving the degree of integration and precision of laser diodes and an image recorder ...

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: JP2004151720A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an input coupling device which avoids loss substantially by improving an input coupling device to input couple the light of a plurality of light sources into one light guide. SOLUTION: An input coupling device has a plurality of focusing optical systems (5) for the light from various different light sources (8). COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691381C1

Изобретение относится к полупроводниковым лазерам, в частности к конструкции оптических передающих модулей с волоконным выходом, и может быть использовано в лазерных системах инициирования пиротехнических приборов автоматики и взрывчатых веществ. Устройство лазерного инициирования содержит корпус, в котором соосно размещены лазерные излучатели, линзы и градиентные линзы, и оптоволокно. Устройство снабжено электродвигателем, на валу которого с возможностью вращения закреплен барабан, по периметру которого равномерно размещены светофильтры, и патронами, закрепленными па торцевой поверхности корпуса по окружности равномерно. В корпусе каждого патрона выполнен паз для светофильтров и последовательно от торцевой поверхности корпуса размешены градиентная линза, дополнительная градиентная линза, линза и лазерный излучатель, паз для светофильтров выполнен между градиентными линзами. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности осуществления управляемого разрыва оптической схемы, ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Beam Shaping Device for Focusing Light Beams from Semiconductor Laser

Номер: US20120019909A1
Автор: Yi-Xuan Xiao
Принадлежит: QIAN DING-RONG

A beam shaping device, consists of a polarization beam splitter interface (PBS interface), four light surfaces and at least one light processing surface, as well as various entities are described. The PBS interface passes light in P polarization and reflects light in S polarization; two of the four light surfaces are light I/O surfaces, and the other two of them are light surfaces for processing (LSFP); the light processing surface is arranged and oriented to retro-reflect, or close to retro-reflect light beam coming from said PBS interface and back it to where it comes from, and, in the meantime, physically rotate the reflected light beam around its propagating direction by 90°, or close to 90°. The invention works for light beam in any polarization status including non-polarized beam.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Determining the Degradation and/or Efficiency of Laser Modules

Номер: US20120020382A1
Принадлежит: Trumpf Laser Gmbh

A method for monitoring a laser system including a plurality of laser modules connected in series, there being connected in parallel to each laser module a bypass arrangement for bridging the corresponding laser module, includes determining a first laser power of the laser system with a plurality of laser modules operational; activating the bypass arrangement of at least one laser module so that at least one of the plurality of laser modules is bypassed; determining a second laser power of the laser system with the at least one of the plurality of laser modules bypassed; and monitoring the laser system based on a difference between the first and second laser power.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

High power multi-chip pump modules with protection filter for 1060nm, and pump modules including the same

Номер: US20120027043A1
Автор: Bernhard Valk

A multi-chip pump unit comprising a light source and a filter for directing light from the light source towards an optical fiber, wherein the filter exhibits one of either (i) relatively low transmissivity and high reflectivity at a wavelength of the light source, and relatively high transmissivity and low reflectivity at a wavelength greater than the wavelength of the light source; or (ii) relatively high transmissivity and low reflectivity at a wavelength of the light source, and relatively low transmissivity and high reflectivity at a wavelength greater than the wavelength of the light source.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Multi-wavelength high output laser source assembly with precision output beam

Номер: US20120068001A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A laser source assembly ( 210 ) for generating an assembly output beam ( 212 ) includes a first laser source ( 218 A), a second laser source ( 218 B), and a dispersive beam combiner ( 222 ). The first laser source ( 218 A) emits a first beam ( 220 A) having a first center wavelength, and the second laser source ( 218 B) emits a second beam ( 220 B) having a second center wavelength that is different than the first center wavelength. The dispersive beam combiner ( 222 ) includes a common area 224 that combines the first beam ( 220 A) and the second beam ( 220 B) to provide the assembly output beam ( 212 ). The first beam ( 220 A) impinges on the common area ( 224 ) at a first beam angle ( 226 A), and the second beam ( 220 B) impinges on the common area ( 224 ) at a second beam angle ( 226 B) that is different than the first beam angle ( 226 A). Further, the beams ( 220 A) ( 220 B) that exit from the dispersive beam combiner ( 222 ) are substantially coaxial, are fully overlapping, and are co-propagating.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Compact Interdependent Optical Element Wavelength Beam Combining Laser System and Method

Номер: US20120105968A1
Автор: Bien Chann, Robin Huang
Принадлежит: Teradiode Inc

A Compact Interdependent Optical Laser System and Method is designed for use with wavelength beam combining (WBC) systems that utilize both slow-axis and fast-axis WBC. Multiple optical elements having individual and interdependent functionality allow for the system to compact reducing the overall footprint of the system. Additional, configurations incorporating the compact system described herein allow for high-power and brightness scaling.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Light-emitting device

Номер: US20120147602A1
Принадлежит: Alps Electric Co Ltd

A holding hole of a holding body has an edge portion and an inner peripheral surface which is a concavely curved surface connected to the edge portion. In a light source unit which supports a light source, projections are formed at three locations, and each of front surfaces thereof has a convexly curved line having a curvature radius longer than that of the inner peripheral surface. When the light source unit is inserted into the holding hole, the front surfaces of the projections at the three locations are brought into point contact with the edge portion at contact portions on the convexly curved lines. By performing laser welding at these contact portions, the attitude of the light source unit after its tilt adjustment can be stabilized and fixed to the holding body.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Optical combiner and fiber laser device having the same

Номер: US20120206793A1
Автор: Hironori Tanaka
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

An optical combiner 100 includes: fibers for propagation of pumping light 20 configured to propagate pumping light; a fiber for propagation of laser light 10 configured to propagate laser light having a longer wavelength than the pumping light; and a large area fiber 30 having a core 31 and a clad 32 and configured to propagate laser light and pumping light, in which one end surface of the fiber for propagation of laser light 10 and one end surface of the large area fiber 30 are fused, one end surfaces of the fibers for propagation of pumping light 20 and the one end surface of the large area fiber 30 are fused, and the fiber for propagation of laser light 10 and the fibers for propagation of pumping light 20 are not fused to each other.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Light projection unit and light projection apparatus

Номер: US20120275134A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light projection unit capable of improving light use efficiency is provided. This light projection unit includes: a fluorescent member that includes an illuminated surface to which laser light is directed, converts at least part of the laser light into fluorescent light and outputs the fluorescent light from chiefly the illuminated surface; and a reflection member that includes a first reflection surface which reflects the fluorescent light output from the fluorescent member. The illuminated surface of the fluorescent member is inclined with respect to a predetermined direction in such a way that the illuminated surface faces in a direction opposite to a light projection direction.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Light projection unit and light projection device

Номер: US20120275174A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A light projection unit is provided that can reduce the production of a portion where the light density is excessively increased on a fluorescent member. This light projection unit includes: a light collection member that includes a light entrance surface and a light emission surface which has an area smaller than that of the light entrance surface; a fluorescent member that includes an application surface to which the laser light emitted from the light collection member is applied and that mainly emits fluorescent light from the application surface; and a light projection member that projects the fluorescent light. The light emission surface of the light collection member is arranged a predetermined distance from the application surface of the fluorescent member.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting systems

Номер: US20130100974A1
Принадлежит: BARCO NV

A laser diode grid element comprising laser diodes arranged along a corresponding substantially flat surface; and a collimator for each laser diode for generating collimated light beams substantially perpendicular on the respective substantially flat surface. The laser diodes are comprised in standard packages including a base plate serving as cooling surface of the laser diode, a metal housing arranged on the base plate to protect the laser diode, and at least two driving pins which extend from the laser diode through the base plate and which are used for driving the laser diode within the package. The laser diode grid element includes a heat sink arranged in contact with the base plates, and the at least two driving pins of each laser diode extend at least partially through the heat sink. Also provided are light emitting systems comprising such grid elements, and an optical component for use in such system.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System for managing thermal conduction on optical devices

Номер: US20130156367A1
Автор: Amir Hanjani
Принадлежит: Kotura Inc

The system includes an optical device having both optical components and one or more waveguides on a base. The system also includes a heat sink and a zone definer contacting the base and the heat sink. The zone definer is configured to conduct thermal energy from the optical device to the heat sink. The zone definer includes a thermal insulator having a lower thermal conductivity than both the heat sink and the base. The zone definer also includes a thermal via that extends through the thermal insulator. A via medium is positioned in the thermal via and has a higher thermal conductivity than the thermal insulator. The via medium is located under one of the optical components.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Laser apparatus

Номер: US20130215916A1

A laser apparatus includes a master oscillator capable of outputting a laser beam having a spectrum that includes at least three wavelength peaks, a multi-wavelength oscillation control mechanism capable of controlling energy of each of the wavelength peaks, a spectrum detecting unit that detects the spectrum of the above-mentioned laser beam, and a controller that controls the multi-wavelength oscillation control mechanism based on a detection result detected by the spectrum detecting unit.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Light source device and endoscope apparatus comprising the same

Номер: US20130267781A1
Автор: Takeshi Ito
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

A light source device includes a first semiconductor light source, a second semiconductor light source, and a wavelength converter. The first semiconductor light source emits light in a first wavelength range. The second semiconductor light source emits light in a second wavelength range different from the first wavelength range. The wavelength converter absorbs the light in the first wavelength range to emit light in a third wavelength range different from either of the first wavelength range and the second wavelength range, and transmits the light in the second wavelength range substantially entirely.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Laser spark plug for an internal combustion engine and operating method for the same

Номер: US20130291818A1

A laser spark plug for an internal combustion engine has a laser device including a plurality of surface emitting semiconductor lasers for generating laser pulses.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor Laser Device

Номер: US20130322478A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Beams of light having wavelengths different from each other are generated in a plurality of light generation portions, the beams of light each generated in the plurality of light generation portions are reflected by a monolithic integrated mirror and are incident to a condenser lens, and emission positions on the condenser lens of the beams of light each generated in the plurality of light generation portions deviate from a central position of the condenser lens by a predetermined amount.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Tunable Pumping Light Source for Optical Amplifiers

Номер: US20140010251A1

A tunable external cavity laser for use as a pump laser in an optical amplifier such as a Raman amplifier or erbium doped fibre amplifier comprising a semiconductor gain device ( 12 ) operable to provide light amplification, a diffraction grating ( 18 ) for selecting the wavelength of operation of the laser and a MEMs actuator for changing the selected wavelength. A plurality of gain devices can be coupled together to improve the bandwidth or gain of the optical amplifier.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Patterned retarder and optical engine for laser projection apparatus

Номер: US20140036943A1
Принадлежит: BARCO NV

A patterned retarder is described that may be used with a laser source array to obtain a combined beam suitable for three-dimensional laser image projection using orthogonal polarization states and/or orthogonal color spaces.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Light Source with Controllable Linear Polarization

Номер: US20170003170A1
Принадлежит: Agilent Technologies

A light source having first and second wire-grid polarizers and a laser that emits a beam of linearly polarized light that is characterized by a propagation direction is disclosed. The first wire-grid polarization filter is characterized by a first linear polarization pass direction and a first actuator for causing the first linear polarization pass direction to rotate relative to the beam of linearly polarized light. The second wire-grid polarization filter is characterized by a second linear polarization pass direction and a second actuator for causing the second linear polarization pass direction to rotate relative to the beam of linearly polarized light. A controller sets the first and second linear polarization pass directions to provide linearly polarized light having a specified polarization direction. 1. A light source comprising:a first laser that emits a beam of linearly polarized light that is characterized by a propagation direction;a first wire-grid polarization filter characterized by a first linear polarization pass direction and a first actuator for causing said first linear polarization pass direction to rotate relative to said beam of linearly polarized light, said first wire-grid polarization filter being positioned such that said beam of linearly polarized light passes through said first wire-grid polarization filter;a second wire-grid polarization filter characterized by a second linear polarization pass direction and a second actuator for causing said second linear polarization pass direction to rotate relative to said beam of linearly polarized light, said second wire-grid polarization filter being positioned such that said beam of linearly polarized light passes through said second wire-grid polarization filter after passing through said first wire-grid polarization filter; anda controller for setting said first and second linear polarization pass directions to provide linearly polarized light having a specified polarization direction, said ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006035A1

A multi-section laser device is configured with a gain section and an integrated photodetector section. The photodetector section, rather than being a separate component, is integrated directly into the body of the laser. The integrated photodetector section absorbs photons generated by the gain section and creates a photocurrent that is proportional to the output of the multi-section laser device. The measured photocurrent is usable to calculate power output of the multi-section laser device and to identify any adjustments that may be needed to be made to the laser in order to achieve desired laser light output. 1. A multi-section laser device comprising:a gain section that is electrically biased in a forward direction; anda photodetector section that is electrically biased in a reverse direction, the photodetector section being controllable independently of the gain section;wherein the photodetector section is configured to absorb a portion of the photons generated by the gain section and to generate photocurrent that is proportional to an output power of the multi-section laser device such that the photodetector section is usable to determine the output power of the multi-section laser device.2. The multi-section laser device according to claim 1 , wherein the photodetector section is positioned between the gain section and a light emitting facet of the multi-section laser device.3. The multi-section laser device according to further comprising an unpumped section claim 2 , wherein the photodetector section is positioned directly adjacent to the unpumped section of the multi-section laser claim 2 , such that the photodetector section and the unpumped section share a common bounding edge.4. The multi-section laser device according to claim 1 , wherein the gain section is positioned between the photodetector section and a light emitting facet of the multi-section laser device.5. The multi-section laser device according to claim 1 , wherein the photodetector section ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Diode Pumped High Peak Power Laser System for Multi-Photon Applications

Номер: US20190006813A1
Принадлежит: Newport Corporation

The present application discloses various embodiments of a high peak power laser system which includes a diode pump source configured to directly pump at least one optical crystal positioned within the laser cavity, the diode pump source emitting at least one pump beam comprised of two or more vertically stacked optical signals having a wavelength from about 400 nm to about 1100 nm., the optical crystal configured to output at least one optical output having a wavelength of about 750 nm to about 1100 nm and having an output power of about 25 kW or more. 1. A diode pumped high peak power laser system , comprising:at least one diode pump system configured to output at least one pump beam, the pump beam comprising two or more vertically stacked optical signals having a wavelength from about 400 nm to about 1100 nm;at least one laser cavity formed by at least one high reflectivity mirror and at least one output coupler;at least one optical crystal positioned within the laser cavity and configured to be pumped by the pump beam, the optical crystal configured to output at least one optical output having a wavelength of about 750 nm to about 1100 nm and having an output power of about 25 kW or more.2. The diode pumped high peak power laser system of wherein the diode pump system comprises a first diode pump system configured to output a first diode source signal and at least a second diode pump system configured to output at least a second diode pump signal.3. The diode pumped high peak power laser system of further comprising at least one signal combiner positioned within the diode pump system claim 2 , the signal combiner configured to receive and vertically position the first diode source signal and second diode source signal along a common vertical axis to produce at least one vertically stacked output signal.4. The diode pumped high peak power laser system of further comprising at least one signal combiner positioned within the diode pump system claim 3 , the signal ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

High Power Laser Grid Structure

Номер: US20190006819A1
Автор: Joseph John Richard

Disclosed herein are various embodiments for laser apparatuses. In an example embodiment, the laser apparatus comprises (1) a laser-emitting epitaxial structure having a front and a back, wherein the laser-emitting epitaxial structure is back-emitting and comprises a plurality of laser regions within a single mesa structure, each laser region having an aperture through which laser beams are controllably emitted, (2) a micro-lens array located on the back of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure, wherein each micro-lens of the micro-lens array is aligned with a laser region of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure, and (3) a non-coherent beam combiner positioned to non-coherently combine a plurality of laser beams emitted from the apertures. 1. An apparatus comprising:a laser-emitting epitaxial structure having a front and a back, wherein the laser-emitting epitaxial structure is back-emitting and comprises a plurality of laser regions within a single mesa structure, each laser region having an aperture through which laser beams are controllably emitted;a micro-lens array located on the back of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure, wherein each micro-lens of the micro-lens array is aligned with a laser region of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure; anda non-coherent beam combiner positioned to non-coherently combine a plurality of laser beams emitted from the apertures.2. The apparatus of wherein each of a plurality of the laser regions comprises a laser cavity that extends to the back of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure.3. The apparatus of wherein each of the laser cavities has an optical axis for laser beam emissions claim 2 , wherein the optical axes are perpendicular to the back of the laser-emitting epitaxial structure.4. The apparatus of wherein the micro-lenses are covered with reflective coatings to reflect laser light from the emitted laser beams back through the laser cavity.5. The apparatus of wherein the micro-lenses have a smooth radius of ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Applications, Methods and Systems for a Laser Deliver Addressable Array

Номер: US20220021183A1
Принадлежит: Nuburu Inc

There is provided assemblies for combining a group of laser sources into a combined laser beam. There is further provided a blue diode laser array that combines the laser beams from an assembly of blue laser diodes. There are provided laser processing operations and applications using the combined blue laser beams from the laser diode arrays and modules.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Laser device

Номер: US20180013263A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

A laser device has a plurality of laser diodes; a plurality of optical elements installed corresponding to the plurality of the laser diodes; a plurality of units formed by fixing the laser diodes and the optical elements per each laser diode and installed corresponding to the plurality of the laser diodes; a converging element that converges laser beams emitted from the plurality of the laser diodes to a fiber; a housing element houses the plurality of the units and the converging element; and a thermal transfer plate performs heat dissipation of the plurality of the units. The heat resistance reducing element having a heat resistance value that is smaller than a predetermined value is installed between the thermal transfer plate and each unit or the processing for reducing the heat resistance is performed.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Multiplexed laser light source

Номер: US20190013650A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

A combined-wave laser light source comprises a two-dimensional laser light source 1 in which laser light sources are arranged two-dimensionally along a common plane, and a two-dimensional deflection optic element that is arranged corresponding to the two-dimensional laser light source 1 and which has an x-direction steering optic element 3 that deflects each laser optic axis of the two-dimensional laser light source in an x-direction and a y-direction steering optic element 4 that deflects each laser optic axis of the two-dimensional laser light source in a y-direction; and a combining lens 5 that converges the laser lights from the two-dimensional deflection optic elements, 3, 4 to combine said laser lights to an optical fiber.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Laser module and laser apparatus

Номер: US20210013698A1
Автор: Yohei Kasai
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

A laser module includes: a laser device that emits a laser beam including a major polarization component and a minor polarization component; a beam splitter that splits the laser beam into the major polarization component and the minor polarization component and that directs the major polarization component and the minor polarization component in different directions; an optical fiber that is optically coupled to the major polarization component split by the beam splitter and externally outputs the major polarization component; a package housing that houses the laser device and that has an inner surface including a minor polarization component irradiation portion that is irradiated by the minor polarization component split by the beam splitter; and a temperature measurement element that is attached to the package housing and that detects a temperature change of the minor polarization component irradiation portion.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

CO2 Laser

Номер: US20180019567A1
Автор: Robert Neil Campbell
Принадлежит: Individual

Efficient laser diode excited Thulium (Tm) doped solid state systems, directly matched to a combination band pump transition of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ), have matured to the point that utilization of such in combination with CO 2 admits effectively a laser diode pumped CO 2 laser. The laser diode excited Tm solid state pump permits Continuous Wave (CW) or pulsed energy application. Appropriate optical pumping admits catalyzer free near indefinite gas lifetime courtesy of the absence of significant discharge driven dissociation and contamination. As a direct consequence of the preceding arbitrary multi isotopologue CO 2 , symmetric and asymmetric, gas mixes may be utilized without significant degradation or departure from initial mix specifications. This would admit, at raised pressure, a system continuously tunable from ˜9 μm to ˜1.5 μm, or sub picosecond amplification. This methodology offers advantages in regards scalability, pulse energy and power over alternative non linear conversion techniques in access to this spectral region.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019576A1
Принадлежит: BWT Beijing Ltd.

A laser beam combination apparatus includes: a lasers array, an optical turning element, a transformation lens, a dispersion element and an external cavity mirror. The lasers array comprises M rows of lasers, and each row of the lasers comprises N lasers; M×N laser beams output by the lasers array, after passing through the optical turning element, parallel exit, where the N laser beams corresponding to each row of the lasers constitute a coplanar laser beam array, planes where the M laser beam arrays lie are parallel to one another, and planes where two adjacent laser beam arrays lie are spaced apart by a designated distance; the N laser beams in each laser beam array, after going through the convergence by the transformation lens, individually incident on the dispersion element at different angles; and the N laser beams in each laser beam array, after going through the dispersion element, are combined into one beam of output light, and M output beams corresponding to the M laser beam arrays are parallel output through the external cavity mirror. 1. A laser beam combination apparatus , comprising: a lasers array , an optical turning element , a transformation lens , a dispersion element , and an external cavity mirror;the lasers array comprises M rows of lasers, and each row of the lasers comprises N lasers, wherein both M and N are positive integers greater than 1;M×N laser beams output by the lasers array, after passing through the optical turning element, parallel exit, wherein the N laser beams corresponding to each row of the lasers constitute a coplanar laser beam array, planes where M laser beam arrays lie are parallel to one another, and planes where two adjacent laser beam arrays lie are spaced apart by a designated distance;the M laser beam arrays incident on the transformation lens, and the N laser beams in each laser beam array, after converged by the transformation lens, individually incident on the dispersion element at different angles; andthe N ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020178A1

A laser apparatus includes light source elements outputting laser beams; a wavelength-selecting element disposed in an optical path of each of the laser beams and configured to cause light in a predetermined wavelength band to selectively transmit therethrough; and a partially transmissive-reflector that receives the light transmitted through the wavelength-selecting element, reflects a part of the input light toward the wavelength-selecting element, and causes its remainder to transmit therethrough. The wavelength-selecting element causes a part of the respective laser beams output from the respective light source elements to selectively transmit therethrough, the partially transmissive-reflector reflects a part of the respective transmitted laser beams, and the wavelength-selecting element causes a part of the respective reflected laser beams to transmit to return to the light source elements, and each of the light source elements preferentially oscillates at a wavelength of the laser beam that transmits through the wavelength-selecting element. 1. A laser apparatus comprising:a plurality of light source elements, each of which outputs a laser beam;a wavelength selecting element disposed in an optical path of each of the laser beams and configured to cause light in a predetermined wavelength band to selectively transmit therethrough; anda partially transmissive reflector disposed so as to receive the light transmitted through the wavelength selecting element and configured to reflect a part of the input light toward the wavelength selecting element and cause a remaining part to transmit therethrough, whereinthe wavelength selecting element causes a part of each of the laser beams output from each of the light source elements to selectively transmit therethrough, the partially transmissive reflector reflects a part of each of the transmitted laser beams, and the wavelength selecting element causes a part of each of the reflected laser beams to transmit therethrough ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Laser machining device

Номер: US20170021449A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

A laser machining device machines a machining target subject by irradiating the converged laser beam output from each laser diode of a plurality of laser diodes connected in series to each other. A machining laser beam output-power driving circuit Q 1 outputs a machining laser beam by driving the plurality of laser diodes 11 a - 11 d, 13 . A guide light output-power driving circuit Q 2 outputs a guide light by driving a partial laser diode 13 of the plurality of laser diodes. A selection means SW 1 , SW 2 selects the guide light output-power driving circuit on determining the position and selects the machining laser output-power driving circuit on a laser machining. A setup value comparison circuit 16 controls the electric current flowing through the part of laser diodes to be below the electric current setup value to output the guide light having electric current not higher than the predetermined value.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024303A1
Автор: NAKANISHI Hiromi
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An optical module includes a light-forming part; a protective member and including an output window and disposed so as to surround the light-forming part; an adapter connected to the protective member and including an optical passage through which light emitted from the light-forming part and transmitted by the output window passes; and an optical coupling component that is connected to the adapter and that light passing through the optical passage enters. The light-forming part includes semiconductor light-emitting devices and lenses configured to convert, in terms of spot size, light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting devices. The optical coupling component includes an optical component and a support member supporting the optical component. The support member and the adapter are connected together. 1. An optical module comprising:a light-forming part configured to form light;a protective member that includes an output window configured to transmit light from the light-forming part and that is disposed so as to surround the light-forming part;an adapter connected to the protective member and including an optical passage through which light emitted from the light-forming part and transmitted by the output window passes; andan optical coupling component that is connected to the adapter and that light passing through the optical passage enters,wherein the light-forming part includesa semiconductor light-emitting device, anda lens configured to convert, in terms of spot size, light emitted from the semiconductor light-emitting device,wherein the optical coupling component includesan optical component, anda support member supporting the optical component, andwherein the support member and the adapter are connected together.2. The optical module according to claim 1 , wherein the protective member and the adapter are connected together by welding.3. The optical module according to claim 1 , wherein the support member and the adapter are connected together by ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025687A1
Автор: Raring James W., RUDY PAUL

The present invention is directed to a laser light source for a vehicle. 120-. (canceled)21. A light apparatus for a vehicle , the apparatus comprising:a housing coupled to the vehicle; a gallium and nitrogen containing material;', {'b': '100', 'an n-cladding layer with a thickness of greater than about nm and a Si doping level of about 1E17 cm−3 to about 3E18 cm−3;'}, 'an n-side separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) layer comprised of InGaN;', 'multiple quantum well active region layers;', 'a p-cladding layer; and', 'a p++ contact layer;, 'an edge emitting laser diode device coupled to the housing, the edge emitting laser diode device comprisingan optical member configured to receive a laser beam output from the edge emitting laser diode device, the optical member including a phosphor material arranged to be excited by the laser beam, the optical member configured to provide a substantially white light output.22. The apparatus of wherein the substantially white light output is provided in a projection system.23. The apparatus of wherein the phosphor material is selected from at least one of a red phosphor claim 21 , a green phosphor claim 21 , or a blue phosphor.24. The apparatus of further comprising a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device.25. The apparatus of wherein the edge emitting laser diode device includes a plurality of edge emitting laser diode devices.26. The apparatus of further comprising a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.27. The apparatus of further comprising a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device and a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.28. The apparatus of wherein the optical member comprises a waveguide coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device.29. The apparatus of further comprising a controller coupled to the edge emitting laser diode device and a reflector coupled to an output of the edge emitting laser diode device ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser oscillator

Номер: US20180026425A1
Автор: Kaori USUDA
Принадлежит: Amada Holdings Co Ltd

A semiconductor laser oscillator includes laser diode modules. A temperature sensor directly or indirectly detects a temperature of at least one of the laser diode modules. A collimating lens collimates respective lasers emitted from the laser diode modules. A grating performs spectrum beam coupling for the lasers emitted from the collimating lens. An incident angle varying mechanism changes incident angles of the respective lasers, at which the lasers emitted from the collimating lens are incident onto the grating in response to the temperature detected by the temperature sensor.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026080A1

Systems, devices, and methods of manufacturing optical engines and laser projectors that are well-suited for use in wearable heads-up displays (WHUDs) are described. Generally, the optical engines of the present disclosure integrate a plurality of laser diodes (e.g., 3 laser diodes, 4 laser diodes) within a single, hermetically or partially hermetically sealed, encapsulated package. Photonic integrated circuits may be used to wavelength multiplex beams of light emitted by the plurality of laser diodes into a coaxially superimposed aggregate beam. Such optical engines may have various advantages over existing designs including, for example, smaller volumes, better manufacturability, faster modulation speed, etc. WHUDs that employ such optical engines and laser projectors are also described. 1. An optical engine , comprising:a base substrate;a plurality of laser diodes, each of the plurality of laser diodes bonded directly or indirectly to the base substrate;a cap comprising at least one wall that, with the base substrate, defines an interior volume sized and dimensioned to receive at least the plurality of laser diodes, the cap being bonded to the base substrate to provide a hermetic or partially hermetic seal between the interior volume of the cap and a volume exterior to the cap; anda photonic integrated circuit comprising at least one optical input edge and at least one optical output edge, in operation, the photonic integrated circuit receives a plurality of beams of light at the at least one optical input edge and wavelength multiplexes the plurality of beams of light to provide an aggregated beam of light at the output optical edge.2. The optical engine of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of coupling lenses positioned between the plurality of laser diodes and the input optical edge of the photonic integrated circuit, each of the plurality of coupling lenses positioned and oriented to couple respective ones of the beams of light emitted from the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045483A1

In various embodiments, pointing errors in a non-wavelength-beam-combining dimension of a laser system are at least partially alleviated via staircased collimation lenses. 120.-. (canceled)21. A laser system comprising:a plurality of beam emitters each emitting one or more beams;a dispersive element for receiving the beams and combining the beams, in a wavelength-beam-combining (WBC) dimension, into a multi-wavelength beam;a plurality of collimators disposed optically downstream of the beam emitters and optically upstream of the dispersive element, wherein each collimator receives the one or more beams from a beam emitter and collimates the one or more beams in a non-WBC dimension; anda partially reflective output coupler for receiving the multi-wavelength beam from the dispersive element, transmitting a first portion of the multi-wavelength beam as an output beam, and reflecting a second portion of the multi-wavelength beam back toward the dispersive element, the dispersive element is tilted, in the non-WBC dimension, at a non-zero angle such that first-order reflections of the beams from the dispersive element are directed away from the beam emitters, whereby pointing error is introduced into the multi-wavelength beam, and', 'optical axes of two or more of the collimators are displaced from each other in the non-WBC dimension, whereby the pointing error arising from the tilted dispersive element is reduced., 'wherein22. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein the non-WBC dimension corresponds to a slow axis of the beams.23. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein the non-WBC dimension corresponds to a fast axis of the beams.24. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein the dispersive element comprises a diffraction grating.25. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the beam emitters comprises a diode bar configured to emit a plurality of discrete beams.26. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein the collimators introduce beam smear in the non-WBC ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028332A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A wavelength combining laser apparatus includes: a semiconductor laser emitting laser beams in an optical-axial direction perpendicular to a laser beam combining direction; a wavelength combining element combining the laser beams in the laser beam combining direction into a single laser beam; a cross-coupling reduction optical system having positive power in the laser beam combining direction perpendicular to an optical axis of the single laser beam output from the wavelength combining element; and a partially-reflective mirror reflecting the single laser beam having passed through the cross-coupling reduction optical system and also allowing the single laser beam to transmit through and exit the partially-reflective mirror. The cross-coupling reduction optical system is disposed to image the light emitting end face on the partially-reflective mirror by causing the light emitting end face to be conjugate to the partially-reflective mirror in a plane formed by the optical axis and the laser beam combining direction. 1. A wavelength combining laser apparatus comprising:a semiconductor laser to emit, in a direction of an optical axis, a plurality of laser beams from a light emitting end face of a plurality of light emitting portions aligned in a laser beam combining direction, the direction of the optical axis being perpendicular to the laser beam combining direction;a wavelength combining element to combine the plurality of laser beams in the laser beam combining direction into a single laser beam and output the single laser beam;a cross-coupling reduction optical system having a positive power in the laser beam combining direction perpendicular to an optical axis of the single laser beam that is output from the wavelength combining element; anda partially-reflective mirror to reflect the single laser beam that passes through the cross-coupling reduction optical system and to allow the single laser beam to transmit through and exit the partially-reflective mirror, ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Laser device

Номер: US20180034237A1
Автор: Yasuyuki Tanaka
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

To provide a laser device including an electrically conductive member, which shortens an operation time during electrical connection of laser diode modules, appropriately performs positioning during connection, is highly effective in reducing the number of processes, is highly versatile, and has a simple structure. The laser device includes: a plurality of laser diode modules each including two electrodes; and an electrically conductive member for electrically connecting the electrodes of different ones of the laser diode modules through soldering. The electrically conductive member includes: two electrode insertion portions respectively corresponding to the two electrodes of the laser diode modules; and at least one or more bent portions formed between the two electrode insertion portions, and the electrically conductive member has an overall shape such that a barycenter thereof is located substantially on a straight line that connects the two electrode insertion portions.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Laser component and laser generating apparatus

Номер: US20180034578A1
Автор: Takashi Kondo
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A laser component includes multiple laser devices arranged in an array to include different emission wavelengths, and a driving unit that, while switching each of the laser devices along the array into a turn-ON-enabled state that enables the laser device to turn to an ON state, brings one of the laser devices that has an emission wavelength corresponding to a predetermined wavelength into an ON state and maintains the ON state.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Optical Transmitter and Light Intensity Monitoring Method

Номер: US20190036293A1

The present invention provides an optical transmitter and a light intensity monitoring method that provide reliable APC feedback for a semiconductor laser equipped with an SOA. The optical transmitter includes an SOA integrated EA-DFB having a DFB laser, an EA modulator connected to the DFB laser, and an SOA connected to the EA modulator. In the structure of the optical transmitter, a light detector part is disposed forward of the output end side of an SOA part. The light detector part changes part of an output light beam from the SOA part into an electric current and detects light, while guiding the remaining part of the output light beam to a waveguide. With the light detector part disposed forward for the SOA part, it is possible to feed back the output result from the SOA part. Hence, good APC is possible. 1. An optical transmitter comprising:an SOA integrated EA-DFB including a DFB laser, an EA modulator connected to the DFB laser, and an SOA connected to the EA modulator;a first light detector for monitoring a signal light beam emitted from the SOA of the SOA integrated EA-DFB; anda drive device connected to the DFB laser and the SOA by a single control terminal, for controlling a drive current in accordance with light intensity detected by the first light detector.2. The optical transmitter according to claim 1 , further comprising a second light detector for monitoring a light beam emitted from the DFB laser claim 1 , the light beam being monitored without passing through the SOA.3. The optical transmitter according to claim 2 , wherein the second light detector is disposed to be connected to an end surface of the DFB laser opposite from an end surface thereof connected to the EA modulator.4. The optical transmitter according to claim 2 , wherein the second light detector is disposed between the DFB laser and the SOA of the SOA integrated EA-DFB.5. (canceled)6. A light intensity monitoring method in an SOA integrated EA-DFB including a DFB laser claim 2 , an ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054011A1

Multi-modality imaging systems and methods for enabling controllable and/or automated switching between different imaging systems or modes. An imaging system includes a base plate having a first exposed region and a second region, a sample stage configured to hold a sample platform, and a first translation mechanism configured to translate the sample stage on the base plate along a first axis between a first position and a second position. In the first position the sample stage is positioned proximal to the first exposed region, and in the second position, the sample stage is positioned proximal to the second region. An illumination device is configured to illuminate a portion of the first exposed region, and a second translation mechanism is configured to translate the illumination device along a second axis substantially perpendicular to the first axis. 1. An imaging system , comprising:a base plate having a first exposed region and a second region;a sample stage, configured to hold a sample platform;a first translation mechanism, coupled with the base plate and the sample stage and configured to translate the sample stage on the base plate along a first axis between a first position and a second position, wherein when in the first position a first portion of the sample stage is positioned proximal to the first exposed region in the base plate, and when in the second position, the first portion of the sample stage is positioned proximal to the second region of the base plate;an illumination device located proximal to the base plate, and configured to illuminate a portion of the first exposed region in the base plate;a second translation mechanism, coupled with the base plate and the illumination device and configured to translate the illumination device along a second axis, the second axis being substantially perpendicular to the first axis;a first imager located proximal to the base plate on a side opposite the sample stage and configured to image the portion of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037183A1
Автор: Xu Kai

Laser safety systems, devices, and methods for use in laser projectors are described. A laser projector includes any number of laser diodes that each emit laser light, a laser diode power source, a current sensor to detect a magnitude of the electric current output by the power source, a photodetector to detect a power/intensity of the laser light, a beam splitter to direct a first portion of the light towards the photodetector and a second portion of the light towards an output on the projector, and first and second laser safety circuits responsive to signals from the photodetector and the current sensor, respectively. The laser safety circuits selectively electrically couples/uncouples the laser diodes from the power source depending on signals from the photodetector and/or the current sensor. Particular applications of the laser safety systems, devices, and methods in a wearable heads-up display are described. 1. A laser projector comprising:at least one laser diode;a power source;a photodetector responsive to laser light output by the at least one laser diode;a current sensor responsive to electric current output by the power source;a beam splitter positioned and oriented to direct a first portion of laser light from the at least one laser diode along a first optical path towards the photodetector and a second portion of laser light from the at least one laser diode along a second optical path towards an output of the laser projector;a first laser safety circuit communicatively coupled to the photodetector and responsive to signals therefrom, the first laser safety circuit comprising a first switch that mediates an electrical coupling between the power source and the at least one laser diode, wherein in response to a signal from the photodetector indicative that a power of the laser light output by the at least one laser diode exceeds a first threshold, the first switch interrupts a supply of power to the at least one laser diode from the power source; anda ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Multi-Wavelength Laser Diode Package Arrangement

Номер: US20170040768A1
Автор: Bart Waclawik
Принадлежит: Amd Lasers

A laser diode packaging arrangement for a multi-wavelength and/or multi-power laser apparatus and system. A high-power laser diode module is configured within the packaging arrangement that includes a butterfly or half-butterfly package while one or more laser diodes in a TO-CAN are packaged and configured to provide a single common light output. The TO-CAN diodes can be optically combined with a laser diode mounted inside of the package. The diodes are configured to independently and/or simultaneously emit laser of differing wavelengths and/or power from the same optical output.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

One plus one redundant optical Interconnects with automated recovery from light source failure

Номер: US20170040772A1
Автор: Oded Raz, Teng Li
Принадлежит: Eindhoven Technical University

An optical interconnect device is provided that includes a first vertical cavity of surface emitting laser (VCSEL), connected in parallel with a second VCSEL, an optical coupler that is configured to direct the light output from the first VCSEL and the second VCSEL to a single optical fiber, where a common connection of each VCSEL is controlled using a MOSFET/inverter, where in normal operation only one of the first VCSEL or the second VCSEL is enabled, where a common connection of each VCSEL is not directly connected to a ground, and a microcontroller that is configured to switch output from the first VCSEL to the second VCSEL in the event of failure by the first VCSEL, where a failure of the first VCSEL does not result a communication in link failure.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041012A1

In various embodiments, a modular laser system features an enclosure having interfaces for accepting input laser beam modules, optical elements for combining beams from the modules into a combined output beam, and a heat-exchange manifold for interfacing with and cooling the modules during operation. 1. A laser system for combining a plurality of input beams into a combined output beam , the laser system comprising:an enclosure comprising a beam output for outputting the combined output beam;a heat-exchange manifold comprising (i) a reservoir for containing heat-exchange fluid, and (ii) a plurality of heat-exchange interfaces each comprising (a) an output conduit for supplying heat-exchange fluid and (b) an input conduit for receiving heat-exchange fluid;a plurality of input beam modules, each input beam module comprising (i) a housing, (ii) a laser beam source disposed within the housing, (iii) disposed within the housing, a focusing optical element for receiving and focusing one or more input beams emitted by the laser beam source, (iv) disposed on the housing, an optical interface for transmitting the focused one or more input beams out of the housing, (v) disposed on the housing, an electrical interface for transmitting electrical power into the housing and to the laser beam source, and (vi) a cooling interface comprising (a) a cooling input for receiving heat-exchange fluid from one of the output conduits of the heat-exchange manifold and disposing the heat-exchange fluid in thermal contact with the laser beam source and (b) a cooling output for receiving heat-exchange fluid from the laser beam source after heat exchange therebetween and outputting the heat-exchange fluid to an input conduit of the heat-exchange manifold;disposed on the enclosure, a plurality of input receptacles, each input receptacle configured to accept one of the input beam modules, wherein each input receptacle comprises (i) an electrical output for supplying electrical power, (ii) an ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041255A1

A deformometer includes: a cavity body; entry and exit optical cavity optics, such that the optical cavity produces filtered combined light from combined light; a first laser that provides first light; a second laser that provides second light; an optical combiner that: receives the first light; receives the second light; combines the first light and the second light; produces combined light from the first light and the second light; and communicates the combined light to the entry optical cavity optic; a beam splitter that: receives the filtered combined light; splits the filtered combined light; a first light detector in optical communication with the beam splitter and that: receives the first filtered light from the beam splitter; and produces a first cavity signal from the first filtered light; and a second light detector that: receives the second filtered light; and produces a second cavity signal from the second filtered light. 1. A deformometer for determining deformation of an optical cavity optic disposed on an optical cavity , the deformometer comprising: a cavity body;', 'an entry optical cavity optic disposed at an entry end of cavity body and that receives combined light; and', 'an exit optical cavity optic disposed at an exit end of cavity body, the entry optical cavity optic in optical communication and optically opposing the exit optical cavity optic, such that the exit optical cavity optic receives the combined light from the entry optical cavity optic,', 'such that the optical cavity produces filtered combined light from the combined light;, 'the optical cavity comprisinga first laser in optical communication with entry optical cavity optic and that provides first light;a second laser in optical communication with entry optical cavity optic and that provides second light; receives the first light from the first laser;', 'receives the second light from the second laser;', 'combines the first light and the second light;', 'produces combined light ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041256A1

A deformometer includes: a cavity body; entry and exit optical cavity optics, such that the optical cavity produces filtered combined light from combined light; a first laser that provides first light; a second laser that provides second light; an optical combiner that: receives the first light; receives the second light; combines the first light and the second light; produces combined light from the first light and the second light; and communicates the combined light to the entry optical cavity optic; a beam splitter that: receives the filtered combined light; splits the filtered combined light; a first light detector in optical communication with the beam splitter and that: receives the first filtered light from the beam splitter; and produces a first cavity signal from the first filtered light; and a second light detector that: receives the second filtered light; and produces a second cavity signal from the second filtered light. 1. A deformometer for determining deformation of an optical cavity optic disposed on an optical cavity , the deformometer comprising: a cavity body;', 'an entry optical cavity optic disposed at an entry end of cavity body and that receives combined light; and', 'an exit optical cavity optic disposed at an exit end of cavity body, the entry optical cavity optic in optical communication and optically opposing the exit optical cavity optic, such that the exit optical cavity optic receives the combined light from the entry optical cavity optic,', 'such that the optical cavity produces filtered combined light from the combined light;, 'the optical cavity comprisinga first laser in optical communication with entry optical cavity optic and that provides first light;a second laser in optical communication with entry optical cavity optic and that provides second light; receives the first light from the first laser;', 'receives the second light from the second laser;', 'combines the first light and the second light;', 'produces combined light ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041257A1

A deformometer includes: a cavity body; entry and exit optical cavity optics, such that the optical cavity produces filtered combined light from combined light; a first laser that provides first light; a second laser that provides second light; an optical combiner that: receives the first light; receives the second light; combines the first light and the second light; produces combined light from the first light and the second light; and communicates the combined light to the entry optical cavity optic; a beam splitter that: receives the filtered combined light; splits the filtered combined light; a first light detector in optical communication with the beam splitter and that: receives the first filtered light from the beam splitter; and produces a first cavity signal from the first filtered light; and a second light detector that: receives the second filtered light; and produces a second cavity signal from the second filtered light. 1. A deformometer for determining deformation of an optical cavity optic disposed on an optical cavity , the deformometer comprising: a cavity body;', 'a first entry optical cavity optic disposed at an entry end of the cavity body; and', 'a first exit optical cavity optic disposed at an exit end of cavity body, the first entry optical cavity optic in optical communication and optically opposing the first exit optical cavity optic,', [{'b': '1', 'receives a reference gas at a first pressure P;'}, 'receives a first light; and', 'produces a first filtered light from the first light;, 'such that the first optical cavity], 'a first optical cavity comprising a second entry optical cavity optic disposed at the entry end of the cavity body; and', 'a second exit optical cavity optic disposed at the exit end of the cavity body, the second entry optical cavity optic in optical communication and optically opposing the second exit optical cavity optic,', [{'b': '2', 'receives a second gas at a second pressure P;'}, 'receives a second light; and', ' ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059985A1

The invention relates to a radiation-emitting semiconductor chip comprising a semiconductor layer sequence having at least two active regions which generate electromagnetic radiation during operation and at least one reflective outer surface which is arranged to the side of each active region wherein the reflective outer surface includes an angle of at least 35° and at most 55° with a main extension plane of the semiconductor chip. The invention also relates to a method for producing a radiation-emitting semiconductor chip. 1. A radiation-emitting semiconductor chip comprising:a semiconductor layer sequence having at least two active regions, which generate electromagnetic radiation during operation,at least one reflective outer surface arranged laterally of each active region, andan electrically insulating region arranged between the active regions, whereinthe electrically insulating region has a reflective inner surface arranged opposite the reflective outer surface,the reflecting inner surface includes an angle of at least 35° and at most 55° with a main extension plane of the semiconductor chipthe reflecting outer surface includes an angle of at least 35° and at most 55° with a main extension plane of the semiconductor chip anda reflective coating is arranged on the semiconductor layer sequence in the region of the reflective outer surface and an anti-reflective coating is arranged on the semiconductor layer sequence in the electrically insulating region, oran anti-reflective coating is arranged on the semiconductor layer sequence in the region of the reflective outer surface and a reflective coating is arranged on the semiconductor layer sequence in the electrically insulating region.2. The radiation-emitting semiconductor chip according to claim 1 , in which the reflective outer surface is formed continuously and completely encloses the electrically insulating region.3. The radiation-emitting semiconductor chip according to claim 1 ,in which the reflective ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Light guide device, light guide method, and ld module

Номер: US20190049676A1
Автор: Yohei Kasai
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

To increase the reliability of an LD module without decreasing the efficiency of coupling between the laser diode and the optical fiber, an LD module (1) includes a light-guiding device mounted therein that includes (i) a dividing optical system (DM) configured to divide a laser beam so as to generate a partial beam group and (ii) a compositing optical system (RM1, RM2, PRE, PBC) configured to composite the partial beam group so as to generate a partial beam bundle including a plurality of partial beams each having an S axis parallel to a particular spatial axis.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052050A1
Принадлежит: nLIGHT, Inc.

A device for cooling a laser diode pump comprising a Low Size Weight Power Efficient (SWAP) Laser Diode (LSLD) assembly, including a laser diode coupled to a submount on a first surface, the submount comprising a first thermally conductive material and a heatsink coupled to a second surface of the submount, wherein the heatsink comprises a second thermally conductive material, the heatsink comprising one or more members formed on a side opposite the coupled submount. The device further comprising a housing coupled to the LSLD assembly, the housing comprising a carrier structure having an aperture configured to support the LSLD assembly on a first side and having a plurality of channels on a second side, a bottom segment configured to couple to the carrier segment to create an enclosure around the channels between a top side of the bottom segment and the second side of the carrier structure, an inlet and outlet formed in the housing for transporting a coolant into and out of the channels in the enclosure, wherein the members are disposed within the enclosure so as to expose the members to the coolant. 1. A device for cooling a laser diode pump comprising:a Low Size Weight Power Efficient (SWAP) Laser Diode (LSLD) assembly, including:a laser diode coupled to a submount on a first surface, the submount comprising a first thermally conductive material; anda heatsink coupled to a second surface of the submount, wherein the heatsink comprises a second thermally conductive material, the heatsink comprising one or more members formed on a side opposite the coupled submount; anda housing coupled to the LSLD assembly, comprising:a carrier structure comprising an aperture configured to support the LSLD assembly on a first side and having a plurality of channels on a second side;a bottom segment configured to couple to the carrier segment to create an enclosure around the channels between a top side of the bottom segment and the second side of the carrier structure;an inlet and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Tunable Laser Array Integrated with Separately Tuned Wavelength-Division Multiplexer

Номер: US20190052063A1
Автор: Valery Tolstikhin
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co Ltd

A tunable laser array photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is disclosed. The PIC may include an epitaxial structure on a substrate and multiple laser diodes in the epitaxial structure. Each laser diode may operate in a range of wavelengths and may be continuously tunable within the range based at least in part on a temperature of the substrate and a bias current applied to the laser diode. A wavelength-division multiplexer (WDM), configured to receive light from each laser diode, is provided in the epitaxial structure of the PIC. A passband center wavelength of the WDM is selectively temperature tunable by a local heater coupled to the WDM.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057887A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A laser device includes a plurality of laser diodes that generate laser light beams having different wavelengths from each other, a partial reflective mirror constituting a resonator along with the laser diodes, a wavelength dispersive element set in the resonator, which combines parts of the laser light beams outputted by the laser diodes to each other, emits the combined parts of the laser light beams as a first laser light beam toward the partial reflective mirror, and emits other parts of the laser light beams as second laser light beams in directions different from the direction toward the partial reflective mirror, and an output detecting unit detecting intensities of the second laser light beams. 1. A laser device comprising:a plurality of laser diodes to generate laser light beams having their respective wavelengths different from each other;a partial reflective mirror by which a resonator is formed along with the laser diodes;a wavelength dispersive element placed in the resonator, to combine parts of the laser light beams outputted by the laser diodes with each other, emit the laser light beams obtained by the combination as a first laser light beam toward the partial reflective mirror, and emit other parts of the laser light beams as second laser light beams in directions different from the direction toward the partial reflective mirror; andan output detecting unit in which a beam damper placed across two or more optical paths of the second laser light beams and a plurality of thermocouples provided on the optical paths of the second laser light beams, respectively, on the beam damper are included, to detect intensities of the second laser light beams.23-. (canceled)4. A laser device comprising:a plurality of laser diodes to generate laser light beams having their respective wavelengths different from each other;a partial reflective mirror by which a resonator is formed along with the laser diodes;a wavelength dispersive element placed in the resonator, ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Laser assembly that provides an adjusted output beam having symmetrical beam parameters

Номер: US20140133509A1
Принадлежит: Daylight Solutions Inc

A laser assembly ( 10 ) for providing a beam ( 20 ) includes a gain chip ( 12 ) and an axisymmetric optical assembly ( 16 ). The gain chip ( 12 ) emits an astigmatic, output beam ( 14 ). The optical assembly ( 16 ) adjusts the output beam ( 14 ) so that an adjusted output beam ( 20 ) has an adjusted first axis divergence angle and an adjusted second axis divergence angle. In certain embodiments, a magnitude of the adjusted first axis divergence angle is approximately equal to a magnitude of an adjusted second axis divergence angle in the far field.

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Laser power distribution module

Номер: US20180056442A1
Принадлежит: NLight Inc, NLight Photonics Corp

A laser system including a rack, a plurality of laser modules mounted in the rack to drive light through an optical fiber exiting the system, and a power distribution module to distribute electricity through circuit branches coupled to the laser modules is generally presented. In some embodiments, the rack includes a horizontal cross-member with a bottom rack flange extending vertically and defining a bottom of an opening in the rack. In some embodiments, the power distribution module includes an enclosure disposed in the rack opening, a face of the enclosure including a bottom lip to engage an edge of the bottom rack flange as a fulcrum point over a range to allow the enclosure to pivot between first and second pivot angles relative to the rack, one or more rails mounted within the enclosure, and one or more circuit components associated with each circuit branch disposed within the enclosure, each of the components including a rail-mount by which the component is affixed to the one or more rails, and a plurality of electrical cables coupling the power distribution module to the laser modules. In some embodiments, the one or more rails comprise a first and second rail bifurcating an interior volume of the enclosure into front and back volumes, and the one or more components further comprise a first component mounted to the first rail and occupying a portion of the front volume and a second component mounted to the second rail and occupying a portion the back volume. Other embodiments are also disclosed and claimed.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056266A1
Автор: Islam Mohammed N.

A spectroscopy system includes a light source having an input light source, including semiconductor diodes generating an input beam with a wavelength shorter than 2.5 microns. Cladding-pumped fiber amplifiers receive the input beam and form an amplified optical beam having a spectral width. A nonlinear element broadens the spectral width of the amplified optical beam to 100 nm or more through a nonlinear effect forming an output beam that is pulsed. A filter is coupled to at least one of a lens and a mirror that receives the output beam and delivers the filtered output beam to a sample. A detection system includes detectors configured to receive the output beam reflected or transmitted from the sample. The detection system is configured to use a lock-in technique with the pulsed output beam and the spectroscopy system is adapted to detect chemicals in the sample. 1. A spectroscopy system , comprising: an input light source, including one or more semiconductor diodes, configured to generate an input beam that comprises a wavelength shorter than 2.5 microns;', 'one or more optical amplifiers configured to receive at least a portion of the input beam and to form an amplified optical beam having a spectral width, wherein at least a portion of the one or more optical amplifiers comprises a cladding-pumped fiber amplifier; and', 'a nonlinear element configured to receive at least a portion of the amplified optical beam and to broaden the spectral width of the received amplified optical beam to 100 nm or more through a nonlinear effect forming an output beam, wherein the output beam is pulsed;, 'a light source comprisinga filter coupled to at least one of a lens and a mirror configured to receive at least a portion of the output beam, and to deliver at least a portion of the received output beam to a sample; anda detection system comprising one or more detectors configured to receive at least a part of the output beam reflected or transmitted from the sample, wherein the ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058640A1

A method and device for emitting electromagnetic radiation at high power using nonpolar or semipolar gallium containing substrates such as GaN, AlN, InN, InGaN, AlGaN, and AlInGaN, is provided. In various embodiments, the laser device includes plural laser emitters emitting green or blue laser light, integrated a substrate. 144.-. (canceled)45. A lighting system comprising:an apparatus comprising a white lighting device, a multi-colored lighting device, a flat panel device, a beam projector device, or a display device; a free space with a non-guided characteristic capable of transmitting the laser beam from each of the 1 to N laser diode devices;', 'an optical device configured to receive the laser beam from each of the 1 to N laser diode devices and to provide an output beam characterized by a selected wavelength range, a selected spectral width, a selected power, and a selected spatial configuration;', 'an output power characterizing the output beam, the output power being at least 0.5 W, at least 5 W, at least 50 W, at least 100 W, or at least 200 W;', 'a phosphor material optically coupled to the output beam;', 'a support member configured to transport thermal energy from the 1 to N laser diode devices to a heat sink;', 'a free space optics included in the optical device and configured to create one or more free space optical beams;', 'a thermal path from the 1 to N laser diode devices to the heat sink characterized by a thermal impedance; and', 'whereupon the output beam is characterized by an optical output power degradation of less than 20% in 500 hours when the 1 to N laser diode devices are operated at the output power and with a substantially constant input current at a base temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius., '1 to N laser diode devices configured to provide light for the apparatus, wherein N ranges from 2 to 50, at least one of the 1 to N laser diode devices comprises gallium and nitrogen, and each of the 1 to N laser diode devices is configured to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059856A1
Автор: WAGATSUMA Yoshiaki

A light source emits a laser light. A driver drives the light source based on a driving signal constituted by a pulse that changes a driving current value. When a luminance corresponding to a first laser output power that exceeds a threshold value is to be expressed, a controller controls the driver to supply to the light source a pulse having a first duty cycle at a first driving current value corresponding to the first laser output power. When a luminance corresponding to a second laser output power that is equal to or less than the threshold value is to be expressed, the controller controls the driver to supply to the light source a pulse having a second duty cycle that is smaller than the first duty cycle at a second driving current value corresponding to a third laser output power that exceeds the threshold value. 1. A light source driving apparatus comprising:a light source constituted by a semiconductor laser that emits a laser light;a driver configured to drive the light source based on a driving signal constituted by a pulse having a predetermined duty cycle that changes a driving current value; anda controller configured to control the driver, when a luminance corresponding to a first laser output power exceeding a threshold value, which is a predetermined laser output power, is to be expressed by the laser light that is output by the light source, is configured to control the driver to supply to the light source a driving signal constituted by a pulse having a first duty cycle at a first driving current value corresponding to the first laser output power such that the light source emits a laser light having the first laser output power,', 'when a luminance corresponding to a second laser output power that is equal to or less than the threshold value is to be expressed by the laser light that is output by the light source, is configured to control the driver to supply to the light source a driving signal constituted by a pulse having a second duty cycle ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190058305A1
Принадлежит: nLIGHT, Inc.

A high brightness diode laser package includes a plurality of flared laser oscillator waveguides arranged on a stepped surface to emit respective laser beams in one or more emission directions, a plurality of optical components situated to receive the laser beams from the plurality of flared laser oscillator waveguides and to provide the beams in a closely packed relationship, and an optical fiber optically coupled to the closely packed beams for coupling the laser beams out of the diode laser package. 1. A high brightness diode laser package , comprising:a plurality of flared laser oscillator waveguides arranged on a stepped surface to emit respective laser beams in one or more emission directions;a plurality of optical components situated to receive the laser beams from said plurality of flared laser oscillator waveguides and to provide the beams in a closely packed relationship; andan optical fiber optically coupled to the closely packed beams for coupling the laser beams out of the diode laser package.2. The package of wherein said plurality of flared laser oscillator waveguides includes a first set of three or more of said flared laser oscillator waveguides arranged on a first stepped surface portion of said stepped surface at successive heights thereof such that a first set of beams is emitted parallel to each other and said first stepped surface portion in a first stepped configuration in a first emission direction;wherein said plurality of optical components includes a first set of optical components associated with said first set of three or more flared laser oscillator waveguides, said first set of optical components including fast-axis collimation optics and slow-axis collimation optics for collimating the respective fast and slow axes of the first set of beams and beam-turning optics coupled to each first set beam so as to provide each first set beam in a first set turn direction such that the first stepped configuration of beams becomes a first stacked ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057287A1

A lighting system for a navigational system of a vehicle includes a scanning unit and one or more lighting assemblies. Each lighting assembly includes one or more laser diodes configured to emit light, a lens array including one or more lens elements, and a controller electrically coupled with each of the laser diodes. The lens array receives incoming light from the laser diodes and direct the incoming light from the lens array as a collimated beam. The controller individually controls a power level of each of the laser diodes. The laser diodes, the lens array, and the controller are disposed on a substrate and disposed in a common housing. Each lighting assembly is arranged in an arc relative to the scanning unit. The scanning unit receives the collimated beam from each lighting assembly and directs the collimated beam from each lighting assembly in two orthogonal directions. 1. A lighting system for a navigational system of a vehicle , comprising:a scanning unit; and one or more laser diodes configured to emit light;', 'a lens array comprising one or more lens elements, the lens array configured to receive incoming light from the one or more laser diodes and direct the incoming light from the lens array as a collimated beam;', 'a controller electrically coupled with each of the one or more laser diodes, the controller configured to individually control a power level of each of the one or more laser diodes; and, 'one or more lighting assemblies, each of the one or more lighting assemblies comprisingwherein the one or more laser diodes, the lens array, and the controller are disposed on a substrate and disposed in a common housing, andwherein each of the one or more lighting assemblies is arranged in an arc relative to the scanning unit, wherein the scanning unit is configured to receive the collimated beam from each of the one or more lighting assemblies and direct the collimated beam from each of the one or more lighting assemblies in two orthogonal directions.2. ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063758A1

A system and method for combining multiple emitters into a multi-wavelength ouput beam having a certain band and combining a plurality of these bands into a single output using non-free space combining modules. 115-. (canceled)16. A laser system comprising:a plurality of beam emitters each configured to emit an optical beam having a different wavelength;a non-free-space optical module positioned to receive the optical beams;a diffraction grating for combining the optical beams into a multi-wavelength beam; andpositioned to receive the multi-wavelength beam, a reflector for (i) transmitting a first portion of the multi-wavelength beam as an output beam, and (ii) reflecting a second portion of the multi-wavelength beam, thereby causing transmission of the second portion of the multi-wavelength beam through the non-free-space optical module back to the plurality of beam emitters, whereby each beam emitter is stabilized to its emission wavelength.17. The system of claim 16 , further comprising an optic for converging the plurality of optical beams toward the diffraction grating.18. The system of claim 17 , wherein the optic is spaced away from a surface of the non-free-space optical module.19. The system of claim 17 , wherein the optic is disposed on a surface of the non-free-space optical module.20. The system of claim 16 , wherein the diffraction grating is disposed on a surface of the non-free-space optical module or within the non-free-space optical module.21. The system of claim 20 , wherein the reflector is disposed on a surface of the non-free-space optical module or within the non-free-space optical module.22. The system of claim 16 , wherein the reflector is disposed on a surface of the non-free-space optical module or within the non-free-space optical module.23. The system of claim 16 , wherein each of the beam emitters is a diode emitter disposed within a diode bar.24. The system of claim 16 , wherein at least a portion of the non-free-space optical module ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200059061A1

A system and method for stabilizing and combining multiple emitted beams into a single system using both WBC and WDM techniques. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of forming a multi-wavelength beam output , the method comprising:stabilizing beams emitted by a plurality of emitters each to a unique wavelength by introducing each beam to a stabilizing dispersive element that (i) reflects a portion of the beam back to its emitter to stabilize the beam and (ii) transmits the stabilized beam; andtransmitting the stabilized beams to a combining dispersive element, the combining dispersive element combining the stabilized beams into the multi-wavelength beam output.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein claim 21 , for each emitted beam claim 21 , the stabilizing dispersive element comprises a grating claim 21 , a chirped grating claim 21 , a surface grating claim 21 , a volume grating claim 21 , a transmission grating claim 21 , or a prism.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein claim 21 , for each emitted beam claim 21 , the stabilizing dispersive element comprises a diffraction grating.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the combining dispersive element comprises a grating claim 21 , a chirped grating claim 21 , a surface grating claim 21 , a volume grating claim 21 , a transmission grating claim 21 , or a prism.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the combining dispersive element comprises a diffraction grating.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein each of the beam emitters comprises a diode laser.27. The method of claim 21 , further comprising collimating each beam after emission thereof by its beam emitter.28. The method of claim 21 , wherein transmitting the stabilized beams to the combining dispersive element comprises converging the stabilized beams toward the combining dispersive element.29. The method of claim 21 , wherein the multi-wavelength beam output is transmitted away from the beam emitters.30. A system for forming a multi-wavelength beam output claim 21 , the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170063047A1
Принадлежит: Soraa Laser Diode, Inc.

A multi-emitter laser diode device includes a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer. The carrier chip has a length and a width, and the width defines a first pitch. The device also includes a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region. Each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions is arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions. Each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions includes epitaxial material, which includes an n-type cladding region, an active region having at least one active layer region, and a p-type cladding region. The device also includes one or more laser diode stripe regions, each of which has a pair of facets forming a cavity region. 1. A multi-emitter laser diode device , the laser diode device comprising:a carrier chip singulated from a carrier wafer, the carrier chip being characterized by a length and a width; wherein the width defines a first pitch;a plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions transferred to the carrier chip from a substrate and attached to the carrier chip at a bond region; each of the epitaxial mesa dice regions arranged on the carrier chip in a substantially parallel configuration and positioned at a second pitch defining the distance between adjacent epitaxial mesa dice regions, each of the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions comprising epitaxial material; the epitaxial material comprising an n-type cladding region, an active region comprising at least one active layer overlying the n-type cladding region, and a p-type cladding region overlying the active layer region;one or more laser diode stripe regions formed in the plurality of epitaxial mesa dice regions; andeach of the laser diode stripe regions configured with a pair of facets wherein the first facet is configured on a first end of the ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Wavelength beam combining laser systems utilizing etalons

Номер: US20210066889A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In various embodiments, wavelength beam combining laser systems incorporate etalons to establish external lasing cavities and/or to combine multiple input beams into a single output beam.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser beam combining device

Номер: US20210066890A1
Принадлежит: II VI Suwtech Inc

A semiconductor laser beam combining device includes at least two modular laser input equipments, a second diffraction grating, and an output coupler. The modular laser input equipment includes a semiconductor laser, a beam shaping component, a transformation lens, and a first diffraction grating arranged along an optical path in sequence. The semiconductor laser generates a beam. The semiconductor laser is located at a front focal point of the transformation lens. The first diffraction grating is located in front of a back focal point of the transformation lens. Each beam is gathered by the transformation lens and diffracted by the first diffraction grating to the second diffraction grating. Each beam is combined at an identical position and an identical diffraction angle on the second diffraction grating to generate a combined beam. The combined beam from the second diffraction grating enters the output coupler vertically and is outputted by the output coupler.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Semiconductor laser module and method of manufacturing semiconductor laser module

Номер: US20210066891A1
Автор: Ken Katagiri, Yohei Kasai
Принадлежит: Fujikura Ltd

A semiconductor laser module includes: an optical fiber that outputs a first laser beam to an exterior of the semiconductor laser module; semiconductor laser devices each including an emission portion that emits a second laser beam, an electrically conductive portion that supplies electric power to the emission portion, and a mount on which the emission portion and the electrically conductive portion are disposed; a mount base including mount surfaces that form steps; and an optical system that optically couples the second laser beams from the emission portions to an incident end face of the optical fiber. The mounts of the semiconductor laser devices are disposed on the mount surfaces. The semiconductor laser devices include an upper semiconductor laser device and a lower semiconductor laser device adjacent to each other in a step direction of the mount base.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Laser emitting unit and lidar device using the same

Номер: US20210066893A1
Принадлежит: SOS Lab Co Ltd

A vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) array, comprising: a first sub-array includes a plurality of VCSEL units arranged along a first axis, and wherein the first sub-array includes: a first VCSEL unit includes a first upper contact and a first bottom contact; and a second VCSEL unit includes a second upper contact and a second bottom contact; a first contact electrically connected to the first upper contact and the second bottom contact; and a second contact electrically connected to the second upper contact and the first bottom contact, wherein the first VCSEL unit is operated when a first voltage is applied to the first contact and a second voltage smaller than the first voltage is applied to the second contact, and wherein the second VCSEL unit is operated when the second voltage is applied to the first contact and the first voltage is applied to the second contact.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Coherent Optical Distance Measurement Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20190064358A1
Принадлежит: Mezmeriz Inc.

This disclosure presents a non-contact, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) coherent optical distance measuring system and method for determining a measured distance over a wide distance range and simultaneously with fine range resolution. The approach and apparatus presented within eliminates the need for expensive, high frequency post-detection electronics to perform the necessary signal processing to accurately determine distance. 1. A distance measuring apparatus , comprising:{'sub': 1', '1', '1, 'a first laser diode with a first frequency chirp dFand first chirp rate (dF/Tp);'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'a second laser diode with a second frequency chirp dFand second chirp rate (dF/Tp);'}a planar lightwave circuit including a pair of photodetectors, a combiner optomechanically connected to a cascaded pair of 3 dB directional couplers, a gradient index rod lens, and a partially reflectiveFaraday mirror optomechanically coupled to the gradient index rod lens, wherein the first laser diode is optically coupled to a first input port of the combiner, the second laser diode is optically coupled to a second input port of the combiner, a first output port of the combiner is optically coupled to a first input port of a first 3 dB directional coupler, a first output port of the first directional coupler is optomechanically coupled to the gradient index rod lens, the second input port of the first directional coupler is optomechanically connected to a first input port of a second directional coupler, and the two output ports of the second directional coupler are each optomechanically coupled to a photodetector;further comprising a third laser diode optomechanically coupled to a first input port of a second combiner on the planar lightwave circuit, and a fourth laser diode optomechanically coupled to a second input port of the second combiner, a third photodetector coupled to a first output port of the second combiner, and a fourth photodetector optomechanically coupled ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066810A1

Light apparatuses including a light source generating a blue-colored light, a phosphorus filter transforming the blue-colored light into white light, and a light dispersing element receiving the light and projecting a plurality of discrete points of light onto a target surface that have been transformed into white light by the phosphorus filter. Methods for creating a plurality of discrete points of light on a target surface using a light apparatus including a light source and a phosphorus filter and a light dispersing element, including generating a light using the light source, in which the generated light is blue-colored light, transforming the light into white light by passing the light through a phosphorus filter, and causing the light to be incident on the light dispersing element, such that the light dispersing element disperses the light and creates a plurality of individual points of light on the target surface. 1. A lighting apparatus , comprising:a light source generating a blue-colored light;a phosphorus filter transforming the blue-colored light into white light;a light dispersing element receiving the blue-colored light or the white light and projecting an output, the output, when reaching a target surface, includes a plurality of discrete points of light.2. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light dispersing element is parabolic.3. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light dispersing element includes a faceted parabolic reflector.4. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source includes a laser.5. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source includes a plurality of lasers.6. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source includes an LED.7. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source includes a plurality of LEDs.8. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the phosphorus filter includes a fluorescent phosphorus-coated optical element.9. The light apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064189A1
Автор: Islam Mohammed N.

A diagnostic system is provided with a plurality of semiconductor light emitters, each configured to generate an optical beam, and a beam combiner to generate a multiplexed optical beam. An optical fiber or waveguide communicates at least a portion of the multiplexed optical beam to form an output beam, wherein the output beam is pulsed. A filter, coupled to at least one of a lens and a mirror to receive at least a portion of the output beam, forms an output light. A beam splitter splits the light into a sample arm and a reference arm and directs at least a portion of the sample arm light to a sample. A detection system is configured to receive from the sample at least a portion of reflected sample light, to generate a sample detector output, and to use a lock-in technique with the pulsed output beam. 1. A diagnostic system , comprising: an input light source, including one or more semiconductor diodes, configured to generate an input beam that comprises a wavelength shorter than 2.5 microns, and', 'one or more optical amplifiers configured to receive at least a portion of the input beam and form an amplified optical beam having a spectral width;, 'a light source comprisinga nonlinear element configured to receive at least a portion of the amplified optical beam and to broaden the spectral width of the received amplified optical beam to 100 nm or more through a nonlinear effect forming an output beam, wherein the output beam is pulsed;at least one of a lens and a mirror configured to receive at least a portion of the output beam;a filter coupled to the lens or the mirror and configured to form an output light; receive at least part of the output light,', 'split the received output light into a sample arm and a reference arm, and', 'direct at least a portion of the sample arm light to a sample;, 'a beam splitter configured to receive from the sample at least a portion of reflected sample light,', 'generate a sample detector output, and', 'use a lock-in technique with ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064476A1

The present disclosure provides a mobile machine including a laser diode based lighting system having an integrated package holding at least a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode and a wavelength conversion member. The gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode is configured to emit a first laser beam with a first peak wavelength. The wavelength conversion member is configured to receive at least partially the first laser beam with the first peak wavelength to excite an emission with a second peak wavelength that is longer than the first peak wavelength and to generate the white light mixed with the second peak wavelength and the first peak wavelength. The mobile machine further includes a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system configured to generate a second laser beam and manipulate the second laser beam to sense a spatial map of target objects in a remote distance. 188.-. (canceled)89. A distance detecting system comprising:a power source;a processor coupled to the power source and configured to supply power and generate a driving current;a gallium and nitrogen containing laser diode configured to be driven by the driving current to emit a first light with a first peak wavelength;a wavelength conversion member configured to receive at least partially the first light to reemit a second light with a second peak wavelength that is longer than the first peak wavelength and to combine a portion of the first light with the second light to produce a white light;the distance detecting system further comprising a first sensing light signal based on the first peak wavelength;one or more optical elements configured to direct at least partially the white light to illuminate one or more target objects or areas and to transmit respectively the first sensing light signal for sensing at least one remote point including the one or more target objects or areas and their surroundings; anda detector configured to detect reflected signals of the first sensing light ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064567A1
Автор: KASAI Yohei
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

A light-guiding device includes: a group of mirrors that converts a first beam bundle including a plurality of first laser beams into a second beam bundle including a plurality of second laser beams; a group of collimating lenses disposed at a stage previous to the group of mirrors and including collimating lenses that each collimate a divergence, in an F-axis direction, of a corresponding one of the plurality of first laser beams; and a converging lens disposed at a stage subsequent to the group of mirrors, the converging lens converges the second beam bundle by refracting each of the plurality of second laser beams. 113-. (canceled)14. A light-guiding device , comprising:a group of mirrors that converts a first beam bundle comprising a plurality of first laser beams into a second beam bundle comprising a plurality of second laser beams;a group of collimating lenses disposed at a stage previous to the group of mirrors and comprising collimating lenses that each collimate a divergence, in an F-axis direction, of a corresponding one of the plurality of first laser beams; anda converging lens disposed at a stage subsequent to the group of mirrors, the converging lens converges the second beam bundle by refracting each of the plurality of second laser beams, whereina traveling direction of each of the plurality of second laser beams at a portion where the second beam bundle has not been converged is given an offset from a reference direction to compensate for a change in the traveling direction caused by an expansion of a resin that fixes the collimating lenses, andthe reference direction is a direction that causes the plurality of second laser beams at a portion where the second beam bundle has been converged by the converging lens to form a single intersection on an optical axis of the converging lens.15. The light-guiding device as set forth in claim 14 , wherein the traveling direction is offset from the reference direction so that offset amounts of propagation ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072468A1
Автор: Uchiyama Masahiro
Принадлежит: FUJIKURA LTD.

A laser module, includes: an optical fiber; n laser diodes LD(i=, . . . , n) arranged in an order corresponding to a descending order of optical path lengths LOof optical paths respectively extending from the laser diodes LDto the optical fiber; and n collimating lenses SLrespectively disposed in the optical paths to be distant from the respective laser diodes LDand from the optical fiber. When a distance from each of the laser diodes LDto a corresponding one of the collimating lenses SLis defined as a collimation length LC, at least one of a collimation length LCand a collimation length LCdiffers from a certain distance SL that is set with respect to each of the collimating lenses SL. 1. A laser module , comprising:an optical fiber;{'sub': i', 'i', 'i, 'n laser diodes LD(i=1, 2, . . . , n) arranged in an order corresponding to a descending order of optical path lengths LOof optical paths respectively extending from the laser diodes LDto the optical fiber; and'}{'sub': i', 'i, 'n collimating lenses SLrespectively disposed in the optical paths to be distant from the respective laser diodes LDand from the optical fiber, wherein'}{'sub': i', 'i', 'i', '1', 'n', 'i, 'when a distance from each of the laser diodes LDto a corresponding one of the collimating lenses SLis defined as a collimation length LC, at least one of a collimation length LCand a collimation length LCdiffers from a certain distance SL which that is set with respect to each of the collimating lenses SL, and'}{'sub': 1', '1', 'n', 'n, 'the collimation length LCcorresponds to a laser diode LDand the collimation length LCcorresponds to a laser diode LD.'}2. The laser module as set forth in claim 1 , wherein{'sub': i', 'i, 'the certain distance SL is set such that optical paths of rays of a laser beam emitted from each of the laser diodes LDare parallel to one another or diverged after the rays have passed through the corresponding one of the collimating lenses SL, and'}{'sub': 1', '1, 'a collimating lens ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Wavelength conversion element, light source device, and projector

Номер: US20190068936A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A wavelength conversion element includes a wavelength conversion layer having a first surface which excitation light enters, and a second surface opposed to the first surface, and adapted to perform wavelength conversion on the excitation light, a substrate disposed so as to be opposed to the second surface, and a bonding layer adapted to bond the wavelength conversion layer and the substrate to each other, and the bonding layer has a first bonding material disposed in a first region opposed to an incident area of the excitation light in the second surface, and a second bonding material disposed in at least a second region located on an outer periphery of the first region and lower in Young's modulus than the first bonding material.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Laser light source and projection display device

Номер: US20160077416A1

The present disclosure relates to a laser light source and a projection display device. The laser light source includes: N groups of laser devices, N convex lenses, a concave lens and at least one reflector component; each convex lens corresponds to a group of laser devices, and is configured to converge light beams emitted by the corresponding group of laser devices; each reflector component corresponds to at least one convex lens and is disposed in a emergent light direction of a corresponding convex lens, and the concave lens is disposed in a emergent light direction of the at least one reflector component; and an emergent light beam of the convex lens corresponding to each reflector component passes through the reflector component and then arrives at the concave lens.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220091444A1

An optoelectronic module comprising at least one semiconductor laser and a photonic chip is described herein. The semiconductor laser emits a primary electromagnetic radiation which is coupled into the photonic chip. The photonic chip comprises at least one first waveguide and at least one optical Bragg reflector having a reflectivity which is modulated by an electrical modulation signal. A secondary electromagnetic radiation is coupled out of the photonic chip by means of at least one second waveguide, wherein the secondary electromagnetic radiation has a dominant wavelength which is modulated in dependence of the electrical modulation signal. Further, a method for operating an optoelectronic module and a Head-Mounted Display comprising an optoelectronic module are provided. 1. An optoelectronic module comprising at least one semiconductor laser and a photonic chip , whereinthe semiconductor laser emits a primary electromagnetic radiation via a front facet of the semiconductor laser,the primary electromagnetic radiation is coupled into the photonic chip via an incoupling facet of the photonic chip,the photonic chip comprises at least one first waveguide, an electrical terminal, and at least one optical Bragg reflector having a reflectivity which is modulated by an electrical modulation signal applied via the terminal, anda secondary electromagnetic radiation is coupled out of the photonic chip by means of at least one second waveguide,wherein the secondary electromagnetic radiation has a dominant wavelength which is modulated in dependence of the electrical modulation signal.2. The optoelectronic module according to claim 1 , whereinthe front facet is covered with an antireflection coating.3. The optoelectronic module according to claim 1 , wherein the primary electromagnetic radiation has a primary spectral bandwidth and the secondary electromagnetic radiation has a secondary spectral bandwidth which is larger than the primary spectral bandwidth and which is ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Device, system, and method of aircraft protection and countermeasures against threats

Номер: US20200072582A1

Device, system, and method of aircraft protection and countermeasures against threats. A system for protecting an aircraft against a threat, includes a dual frequency Radio Frequency (RF) module, which includes: a dual-band RF transmitter and a dual-band RF receiver, to transmit and receive high-band RF signals and low-band RF signals; and a threat confirmation and tracking module, to confirm and track a possible incoming threat based on processing of high-band RF signals and low-band RF signals received by the dual-band RF receiver. The system further includes a dual frequency band antenna, to transmit and receive the high-band RF signals and the low-band RF signals. The system also includes a directed high-power laser transmitter, to activate a directed high-power laser beam as countermeasure towards a precise angular position of a confirmed threat.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079728A1

A semiconductor laser module includes: a semiconductor laser element emitting a laser light; an optical fiber, into which the laser light emitted from the semiconductor laser element is incident, guiding the laser light; and an optical-fiber-holding unit having a fixing agent and holding the optical fiber, the fixing agent being for fixing the optical fiber. The fixing agent is provided at an area in which a power of a leakage light of the laser light having been incident into the optical fiber and then emitted to outside the optical fiber is low. 1. A semiconductor laser module comprising:a semiconductor laser element emitting a laser light;an optical fiber, into which the laser light emitted from the semiconductor laser element is incident, guiding the laser light; andan optical-fiber-holding unit having a fixing agent and holding the optical fiber, the fixing agent being for fixing the optical fiber, whereinthe fixing agent is provided at an area in which a power of a leakage light of the laser light having been incident into the optical fiber and then emitted to outside the optical fiber is low.2. The semiconductor laser module according to claim 1 , wherein an output of the laser light emitted from the semiconductor laser element is equal to or greater than 10 W claim 1 , the intensity of the leakage light in the area in which the fixing agent is provided is less than 130 W/mmin a plane that is orthogonal to the laser light.3. The semiconductor laser module according to claim 1 , wherein the area in which the power of the leakage light is low includes an outer fixing area and an inner fixing area the outer fixing area having an angle equal to or greater than 15° from a cross-sectional center of an end portion of a side claim 1 , into which the laser light is incident claim 1 , of the optical fiber relative to a center axis of the optical fiber in a direction in which a diameter of a field of the laser light incident into the optical fiber is the longest claim 1 ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079735A1

An optical comb generator for generating multiple optical wavelengths from a single source simultaneously for many optical channels on a semiconductor substrate. The comb generator provides narrow channel spacing using chirped Bragg grating with uniformly spaced grating pitches but with tapered waveguide to facilitate the fabrication process and generate laser comb channels with uniform line widths across all channels. The laser comb generator facilitates monolithic integration of many photonic integrated circuit elements. 1. A laser comb generator for generating multiple optical wavelengths from a single source , the laser comb generator comprises:at least two chirped Bragg grating providing narrow channel spacing with uniformly spaced grating pitches a tapered waveguide to facilitate the fabrication process and for generating laser comb channels with uniform line widths across all channels;a set of optical gain chip to increase the signal power transmitted from at least two chirped Bragg grating;a set of phase element to change the phase of the signal transmitted from the set of optical gain chip;a multimode interference coupler to combine the output transmitted from the set of phase element;a phase adjustment element to control and align the optical comb wavelengths from the multimode interference coupler;an optical amplifier to amplify the optical comb wavelengths with sufficient power from the phase adjustment element;an optical splitter positioned to separate individual frequencies of an output from the optical amplifier to provide a plurality of output from the laser comb device to facilitate monolithic integration.2. The laser comb generator of claim 1 , wherein the generator is implemented on a semiconductor material selected from a group consisting oxides claim 1 , layered semiconductors claim 1 , magnetic semiconductors claim 1 , organic semiconductors claim 1 , charge-transfer complexes claim 1 , Group I claim 1 , II claim 1 , III claim 1 , IV claim 1 , ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160084008A1
Принадлежит: FORO ENERGY, INC.

Systems, apparatus and methods for performing laser operations in boreholes and other remote locations, such operations including laser drilling of a borehole in the earth, and laser workover and completion operations. Systems, apparatus and methods for generating and delivering high power laser energy below the surface of the earth and within a borehole. Laser operations using such down hole generated laser beams. 1. A high power laser down hole system for performing down hole operations , the system comprising:a. a down hole assembly, wherein the down hole assembly is configured for operation within a bore hole; i. a high power laser;', 'ii. the high power laser source comprising a plurality of semiconductor lasers and a beam combiner, whereby the high power laser source is capable of providing a high power laser beam; wherein the high power laser beam has at least about 5 kW of power, has a wavelength selected from the range of 455 nm to 810 nm;', 'iii. a working fluid, the working fluid having an absorptivity for the laser beam; wherein the absorptivity is less than 0.01 1/cm;', 'iv. a bottom hole assembly, comprising laser optics and an opening for discharging the working fluid;', 'v. the high power laser, the laser optics and the opening in optical communication; and,', 'vi. a cooling system for the high power laser; and,, 'b. the down hole assembly comprisingc. a conveying system for advancing the down hole assembly into a borehole.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power laser source comprises a plurality of diode lasers.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power laser source comprises a plurality of high brightness diode lasers.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power laser source comprises a plurality of high brightness diode lasers; and wherein the laser beam has an Mof less than 2.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the high power laser source comprises a plurality of phase arrayed diode lasers.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Laser array beam combiner

Номер: US20180081184A1
Принадлежит: Wenzhou Fibre Laser Co Ltd

Disclosed is a laser array beam combiner. A laser array emits a laser beam bundle that is incident on and transmits through a fast-axis collimator to form a one-dimensional quasi-parallel beam bundle A. The first quasi-parallel beam bundle is then incident on and transmits through the cylindrical lens to form a two-dimensional quasi-parallel beam bundle B. The quasi-parallel beam bundle B is then incident on and transmits through the dispersion unit and returns along the original path to the cylindrical lens, and then transmits through the cylindrical lens to be focused onto a common image point. Thus, the wavelengths of various light emitting spots of the laser array can be locked and the individual array beams can be automatically synthesized as a single-point beam bundle, improving the brightness of the laser array.

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Handheld, Low-Level Laser Apparatuses and Methods for Low-Level Laser Beam Production

Номер: US20160085079A1
Автор: Gerlitz Yonatan

A handheld, low-level laser apparatus includes a laser diode configured to generate a laser emission having an astigmatism. The apparatus further includes one or more corrective lens configured alone or in combination to correct the astigmatism and to collimate the laser emission, a divergence lens configured to diverge the laser emission after the laser emission passes through the one or more corrective lens, and a front lens configured to collimate the laser emission after the laser emission passes through the divergence lens. A low-level laser beam producing method includes repeatedly directing an IR laser emission through a series of lenses during a first set of time periods and repeatedly directing a visible laser emission through the series of lenses during a second set of time periods, each time period of the first set of time periods being distinct from each time period of the second set of time periods. 1. A handheld , low-level laser apparatus comprising:a laser diode configured to generate a near infrared (NIR) laser emission having an astigmatism and propagating along a laser path;one or more corrective lens positioned in the laser path and configured to receive the NIR laser emission therethrough, the one or more corrective lens being further configured alone or in combination to correct the astigmatism of the NIR laser emission and to collimate the NIR laser emission;a divergence lens positioned in the laser path after the one or more corrective lens and configured to receive the NIR laser emission therethrough and to diverge the NIR laser emission after the NIR laser emission passes through the one or more corrective lens; anda front lens positioned in the laser path after the divergence lens and configured to receive the NIR laser emission therethrough and to collimate the NIR laser emission after the NIR laser emission passes through the divergence lens.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising another laser diode claim 1 , the other laser ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180083412A1

A system and method for stabilizing and combining multiple emitted beams into a single system using both WBC and WDM techniques. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of stabilizing and combining an array of emitters each emitting a beam , the method comprising:forming a stabilizer cavity wherein each emitter forms a resonator with an external reflective surface to thereby stabilize the beam emitted by each emitter to a unique wavelength, wherein each beam emitted by the array of emitters is introduced to a dispersive element disposed within the resonator, wherein the dispersive element comprises a grating, a chirped grating, a surface grating, a volume grating, a transmission grating, or a prism;transmitting the beams of the stabilizer from the dispersive element into a wavelength combiner; andcombining the beams, within the wavelength combiner, along one dimension to form a multi-wavelength beam output.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the beams of the stabilizer are transmitted into the wavelength combiner through back facets of the emitters.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the beams of the stabilizer transmitted into the wavelength combiner do not pass through the emitters before entering the wavelength combiner.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the wavelength combiner comprises at least one combining optical element.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the multi-wavelength beam output is transmitted away from the array of emitters.26. The method of claim 21 , wherein the beams of the stabilizer transmitted into the wavelength combiner comprise the zero-order dispersion of the dispersive element.27. The method of claim 21 , wherein the dispersive element disperses the beams along only a single optical axis.28. The method of claim 21 , wherein the dispersive element is the external reflective surface.29. The method of claim 21 , wherein the external reflective surface receives a portion of the beams from the dispersive element to form the resonator.30. The ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Operating a laser diode in an optical network

Номер: US20160087393A1
Автор: Guido Gentner, Lutz Rapp
Принадлежит: Xieon Networks SARL

A method and a device is provided driving an optical laser diode ( 710, 711 ) during operation in an optical communication network, by determining a laser transfer function ( 741, 742 ) during operation of the laser diode ( 710, 711 ) and providing a control signal ( 750, 749 ) for driving the laser diode ( 710, 711 ) according to the laser transfer function ( 741, 742 ). Further, a method for driving a first and a second optical laser diode during operation in an optical communication network is provided. Furthermore, an optical amplifier and a communication system is suggested.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Lidar system with semiconductor optical amplifier

Номер: US20210088657A1
Принадлежит: Lazr Inc, Luminar Holdco LLC

In one embodiment, a lidar system includes a light source configured to emit an optical signal. The light source includes a seed laser diode configured to produce a seed optical signal and a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) configured to amplify the seed optical signal to produce an amplified seed optical signal, where the emitted optical signal includes the amplified seed optical signal. The light source further includes an electronic driver configured to supply electrical current to the seed laser diode and electrical current to the SOA. The lidar system also includes a receiver configured to detect a portion of the emitted optical signal scattered by a target located a distance from the lidar system. The lidar system further includes a processor configured to determine the distance from the lidar system to the target.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160094016A1

Techniques for increasing the spatial and spectral brightness of laser arrays such as laser diode arrays are provided. Passive cavity designs are described that produce wavefront phase locking across the face of large arrays. These designs enable both spatial and spectral selectivity in order to coherently link the individual emitters that make up the diode array. Arrays of customized micro-optics correct aberrations of the individual apertures of the arrays while highly spectrally selective partial reflectors overcome the deleterious effects of inhomogeneities in local thermal environments of the individual emitters that are being phase locked together. Using these two technologies, along with intracavity diffractive beam coupling, solves two long standing problems that have prevented effective and robust phase locking of laser diode arrays. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an array of laser emitters for emitting a plurality of laser beams;at least one fast-axis collimating lens positioned to collimate the fast axis of said plurality of laser beams to produce first collimated beams;means for collimating the slow axis of said first collimated beams to produce second collimated beams;means for correcting smile error in said second collimated beams to produce corrected beams;a partial reflector operatively located to reflect each corrected beam of said corrected beams back into the respective laser emitter of said laser emitters from which said each corrected beam was emitted; anda diffractive coupler located between said means for correcting smile errors and said partial reflector.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said array comprises a laser diode array having output facets from which said plurality of laser beams are emitted claim 1 , wherein said output facets comprise a low reflectivity coatings.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said array comprises a 2-D laser diode array.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said array is selected from the group consisting ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220137420A1

Systems, devices, and methods of manufacturing optical engines and laser projectors that are well-suited for use in wearable heads-up displays (WHUDs) are described. Generally, the optical engines of the present disclosure integrate a plurality of laser diodes (e.g., 3 laser diodes, 4 laser diodes) within a single, hermetically or partially hermetically sealed, encapsulated package. Such optical engines may have various advantages over existing designs including, for example, smaller volumes, better manufacturability, faster modulation speed, etc. WHUDs that employ such optical engines and laser projectors are also described.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220140571A1
Автор: DOMNITS Alex
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics Ltd

A compact optical package includes an RGB laser unit containing red, green, and blue laser diodes within a single package, with three lenses adjacent the RGB laser unit to collimate red, green, and blue laser light emitted by the red, green, and blue laser diodes. A beam combiner combines the red, green, and blue laser light into a single RGB laser beam and also outputs a lower power feedback beam. The compact optical package also includes a movable mirror apparatus, and a fixed folding mirror upon which the single RGB laser beam output by the beam splitter impinges and reflects the single RGB laser beam toward the movable mirror apparatus. The movable mirror apparatus directs the single RGB laser beam through an exit window and to scan the single RGB laser beam in a scan pattern to form at least one desired image on a target.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Laser Module for Optical Data Communication System within Silicon Interposer

Номер: US20190089461A1

An interposer device includes a substrate that includes a laser source chip interface region, a silicon photonics chip interface region, an optical amplifier module interface region. A fiber-to-interposer connection region is formed within the substrate. A first group of optical conveyance structures is formed within the substrate to optically connect a laser source chip to a silicon photonics chip when the laser source chip and the silicon photonics chip are interfaced to the substrate. A second group of optical conveyance structures is formed within the substrate to optically connect the silicon photonics chip to an optical amplifier module when the silicon photonics chip and the optical amplifier module are interfaced to the substrate. A third group of optical conveyance structures is formed within the substrate to optically connect the optical amplifier module to the fiber-to-interposer connection region when the optical amplifier module is interfaced to the substrate. 1. An interposer device , comprising:a substrate, the substrate including a laser source chip interface region configured to receive a laser source chip, the substrate including a silicon photonics chip interface region configured to receive a silicon photonics chip, the substrate including an optical amplifier module interface region configured to receive an optical amplifier module;a fiber-to-interposer connection region formed within the substrate;a first group of optical conveyance structures formed within the substrate to optically connect the laser source chip to the silicon photonics chip when the laser source chip and the silicon photonics chip are interfaced to the substrate;a second group of optical conveyance structures formed within the substrate to optically connect the silicon photonics chip to the optical amplifier module when the silicon photonics chip and the optical amplifier module are interfaced to the substrate; anda third group of optical conveyance structures formed within ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170093125A1

The invention relates to bi-directional long-cavity semiconductor lasers for high power applications having two AR coated facets (2AR) to provide an un-folded cavity with enhanced output power. The lasers exhibit more uniform photon and carrier density distributions along the cavity than conventional uni-directional high-power lasers, enabling longer lasers with greater output power and lasing efficiency due to reduced longitudinal hole burning. Optical sources are further provided wherein radiation from both facets of several 2AR lasers that are disposed at vertically offset levels is combined into a single composite beam. 114-. (canceled)15. A semiconductor laser device comprising: a first facet and a second facet defining a laser cavity therebetween; and', 'comprising an active layer for generating laser light, wherein', 'a laser waveguide, extending between the first facet and the second facet,'}, 'the first facet and the second facet each include an anti-reflection coating that is configured for reflecting back into the laser cavity a first portion of the laser light and for outputting a second portion of the laser light, and', 'a buildup of a carrier density near the first facet and the second facet is reduced, thereby providing for greater gain uniformity along the laser cavity., 'a semiconductor laser chip comprising16. The semiconductor laser device of claim 15 , wherein at least 90% of the laser light travels the laser cavity one time before exiting through the first facet or the second facet.17. The semiconductor laser device of claim 15 , further comprising:a ridge that extends between the first facet and the second facet.18. The semiconductor laser device of claim 15 , wherein the laser waveguide has a width in a range of:3 to 5 microns, or80 to 200 microns.19. The semiconductor laser device of claim 15 , wherein the laser cavity is at least 5 mm long.20. The semiconductor laser device of claim 15 , further comprising:first beam collimating optics for ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Light emitting device and projector

Номер: US20210096451A1
Автор: Yoshiki Nakashima
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

The light emitting device includes an excitation light source, and a light emitting light source, wherein the light emitting light source includes a substrate, a photonic crystal structure which is provided to the substrate and has a light emitting layer, and an electrode configured to inject an electrical current into the light emitting layer, the excitation light source irradiates the light emitting layer with excitation light, the light emitting layer generates light due to the electrical current injected from the electrode and the excitation light, and in the photonic crystal structure, the light emitted in the light emitting layer resonates in an in-plane direction of the substrate, and a laser beam is emitted in a normal direction of the substrate.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180095285A1
Автор: DEJIMA Norihiro

A light source device includes: a laser diode bar comprising a plurality of strips configured to emit light in a wavelength region with a predetermined width; a light guiding part comprising a plurality of cores, each of which corresponds to a respective one of the plurality of strips, and on each of which light emitted from the respective one of the strips is incident; a diffraction grating on which light emitted from the cores is incident; and a resonator mirror on which light emitted from the diffraction grating is incident. The cores are disposed such that light emitted from the cores is incident on a region of the diffraction grating at different angles. The diffraction grating comprises a pattern configured to diffract light incident on the diffraction grating from the cores such that the diffracted light is emitted along a single optical axis. 1. A light source device comprising:a laser diode bar comprising a plurality of strips configured to emit light in a wavelength region with a predetermined width;a light guiding part comprising a plurality of cores, each of which corresponds to a respective one of the plurality of strips, and on each of which light emitted from the respective one of the strips is incident;a diffraction grating on which light emitted from the cores is incident; anda resonator mirror on which light emitted from the diffraction grating is incident,wherein the cores are disposed such that light emitted from the cores is incident on a region of the diffraction grating at different angles,wherein the diffraction grating comprises a pattern configured to diffract light incident on the diffraction grating from the cores such that the diffracted light is emitted along a single optical axis, andwherein the resonator mirror is disposed such that an optical axis of light from the resonator mirror is coincident with the single optical axis of the diffracted light.2. The light source device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , of the plurality of ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

183NM Laser And Inspection System

Номер: US20160099540A1

A laser assembly for generating laser output light at an output wavelength of approximately 183 nm includes a fundamental laser, an optical parametric system (OPS), a fifth harmonic generator, and a frequency mixing module. The fundamental laser generates fundamental light at a fundamental frequency. The OPS generates a down-converted signal at a down-converted frequency. The fifth harmonic generator generates a fifth harmonic of the fundamental light. The frequency mixing module mixes the down-converted signal and the fifth harmonic to produce the laser output light at a frequency equal to a sum of the fifth harmonic frequency and the down-converted frequency. The OPS generates the down-converted signal by generating a down-converted seed signal at the down-converted frequency, and then mixing the down-converted seed signal with a portion of the fundamental light. At least one of the frequency mixing, frequency conversion or harmonic generation utilizes an annealed, deuterium-treated or hydrogen-treated CLBO crystal. 1. A laser assembly for generating laser output light having an output wavelength in the range of approximately 180 nm and approximately 185 nm , the laser assembly comprising:a fundamental laser configured to generate fundamental light having a fundamental frequency;an optical parametric system (OPS) coupled to the fundamental laser such that said OPS receives a first portion of the fundamental light, and said OPS is configured to generate a down-converted signal having a down-converted frequency that is less than the fundamental frequency;a fifth harmonic generator coupled to the fundamental laser such that the fifth harmonic generator receives a second portion of the fundamental light, and said fifth harmonic generator is configured to generate fifth harmonic light having a fifth harmonic frequency equal to five times the fundamental frequency; anda frequency mixing module that is optically coupled to receive the down-converted signal from the OPS ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200091675A1
Автор: KAWASAKI Kazushige
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A semiconductor device according to the present invention includes a substrate, a semiconductor laser that is provided on an upper surface of the substrate and emits laser light, a waveguide having a first conductive layer provided on the upper surface of the substrate, and a waveguide layer that is provided on the first conductive layer and guides the laser light and an embedment layer provided on the upper surface of the substrate and surrounding the semiconductor laser and the waveguide, wherein on both sides of an end part, of the waveguide, which is connected to the semiconductor laser, an exposed part is provided in which the substrate is exposed from the embedment layer by the embedment layer separated in a waveguide direction of the waveguide, and in the end part, a separation region is provided in which the first conductive layer is separated in the waveguide direction. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a substrate;a semiconductor laser that is provided on an upper surface of the substrate and emits laser light;a waveguide having a first conductive layer provided on the upper surface of the substrate, and a waveguide layer that is provided on the first conductive layer and guides the laser light; andan embedment layer provided on the upper surface of the substrate and surrounding the semiconductor laser and the waveguide, whereinon both sides of an end part, of the waveguide, which is connected to the semiconductor laser, an exposed part is provided in which the substrate is exposed from the embedment layer by the embedment layer separated in a waveguide direction of the waveguide, andin the end part, a separation region is provided in which the first conductive layer is separated in the waveguide direction.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein in the substrate claim 1 , a groove greater in width in a direction perpendicular to the waveguide direction than the waveguide is provided right below the separation region.3. The ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146844A1
Автор: ZHANG Ou

An optical system of a cross line laser, and a cross line laser. The optical system of the cross line laser includes light emitting elements, which include a first light emitting element and a second light emitting element, which emit a first light ray and a second light ray, respectively, of different colors; the control unit is connected with the light emitting elements, and turns on or off the first light emitting element and the second light emitting element; the optical means includes a semi-transparent mirror fixed on the optical path of the first light ray and the second light ray; the first light ray passes through the semi-transparent mirror and is emitted as a third light ray; and the second light ray is refracted by the semi-transparent mirror as a fourth light ray. The colors of the cross line laser can be switched using the optical system. 1. An optical system of a cross line laser , comprising light emitting elements , a control unit , and an optical means , wherein:the light emitting elements comprise a first light emitting element and a second light emitting element which emit a first light ray and a second light ray, respectively, of different colors;the control unit is connected with the light emitting elements, and turns on or off the first light emitting element and the second light emitting element;the optical means comprises a semi-transparent mirror fixed on optical paths of the first light ray and the second light ray;the first light ray passes through the semi-transparent mirror and is emitted as a third light ray; andthe second light ray is refracted by the semi-transparent mirror as a fourth light ray.2. The optical system of a cross line laser according to claim 1 , wherein the optical means further comprises a convex lens fixed on optical paths of the third light ray and the fourth light ray claim 1 , andwherein the convex lens levels the third light ray and the fourth light ray.3. The optical system of a cross line laser according to ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210098973A1
Автор: Chen Jiajia, GONG WEI, SI Ke
Принадлежит: Zhejiang University

A structured beam generation device based on beam shaping and a method adopting the device are provided. Linearly polarized beam emitted by a laser sequentially passes through an electro-optic intensity modulator, a half-wave plate, and a first beam expander, and then enters a first polarization beam-splitting prism to be transmitted and reflected. The transmitted beam sequentially passes through a beam shaper, an optical delay line, and a first reflector to form a parallel ring-shaped beam to be transmitted by a second polarization beam-splitting prism. The reflected beam sequentially passes through an electro-optic phase modulator, a second reflecting mirror, and a second beam expander, and is then reflected by the second polarization beam-splitting prism and combined with the transmitted beam into a beam, which is then adjusted by a polarizing plate to have consistent polarization direction, and is finally focused at a focal plane by a focusing lens for interference. 11. A structured beam generation device based on beam shaping , comprising: a laser () , an electro-optical intensity modulator , a half-wave plate , a first beam expander , a first polarization beam-splitting prism , a beam shaper , an optical delay line , a first reflector , an electro-optical phase modulator , a second reflector , a second beam expander , a second polarization beam-splitting prism , a polarizing plate , and a focusing lens on optical paths of the structured beam generation device;wherein a linearly polarized beam emitted by the laser, after sequentially being power modulated by the electro-optical intensity modulator, polarization state adjusted by the half-wave plate, collimated and expanded by the first beam expander, and incident on the first polarization beam-splitting prism, is transmitted and reflected to be divided into two beams with equal power;the beam transmitted by the first polarization beam-splitting prism is a first path beam, wherein the first path beam, after ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170098921A1

A laser apparatus includes first and second gain media; first, second, and third wavelength selection filters; and first and second mirrors. The wavelengths of first and second laser light emitted from end surfaces of the first and second gain media, respectively, are different from each other. The third wavelength selection filter is a wavelength selection filter to select light having wavelengths that cyclically exist in the light, as light to be selected. The other end surfaces of the first and second gain media are connected with the first input/output ports of the first and second wavelength selection filters, respectively. The fourth input/output ports of the first and second gain media are connected with the first and second mirrors, respectively. The first and second input/output ports of the third wavelength selection filter are connected with the second input/output ports of the first and second wavelength selection filters, respectively. 1. A laser apparatus comprising:a first gain medium;a partially-reflecting mirror placed on a side of one end surface of the first gain medium;a second gain medium;a partially-reflecting mirror placed on a side of one end surface of the second gain medium;a first wavelength selection filter;a second wavelength selection filter;a third wavelength selection filter;a first mirror; anda second mirror,wherein a wavelength of first laser light emitted from the one end surface of the first gain medium is different from a wavelength of second laser light emitted from the one end surface of the second gain medium,wherein each of the first wavelength selection filter, the second wavelength selection filter, and the third wavelength selection filter includes a first input/output port, a second input/output port, a third input/output port, and a fourth input/output port,wherein for light to be selected having a selected wavelength, the first input/output port is connected with the second input/output port, and the third input/output ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170098923A1

In various embodiments, wavelength beam combining laser systems incorporate etalons to establish external lasing cavities and/or to combine multiple input beams into a single output beam. 114.-. (canceled)15. A laser system comprising:an array of beam emitters each emitting a beam, the beams being emitted substantially parallel to each other in a propagation direction;an etalon for receiving the beams and combining the beams into a multi-wavelength beam, the etalon having an optical axis, a front surface, and a back surface optically downstream of the front surface;disposed optically downstream of the beam emitters and optically upstream of the etalon, focusing optics for focusing the beams toward the etalon; anda partially reflective output coupler for receiving the multi-wavelength beam, reflecting a first portion thereof back toward the etalon, and transmitting a second portion thereof as an output beam composed of multiple wavelengths.16. The laser system of claim 15 , further comprising collimation optics disposed optically downstream of the etalon and optically upstream of the partially reflective output coupler.17. The laser system of claim 15 , wherein the front surface of the etalon is substantially parallel to the back surface of the etalon.18. The laser system of claim 15 , wherein the etalon comprises at least one of glass claim 15 , sapphire claim 15 , or fused silica.19. The laser system of claim 15 , wherein the output coupler comprises at least one of a mirror claim 15 , a volume Bragg grating claim 15 , or a fiber Bragg grating.20. The laser system of claim 15 , wherein the optical axis of the etalon is tilted at a non-zero angle with respect to the propagation direction.21. The laser system of claim 15 , wherein the front surface of the etalon is partially reflective to the beams.22. The laser system of claim 21 , wherein a reflectivity of the front surface of the etalon to the beams is greater than approximately 75% but less than 100%.23. The ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149586A1

The laser device includes a substrate, a laser element disposed on the substrate for emitting a laser light ray, a light guide member disposed on the substrate, and a wavelength conversion layer. The light guide member is light-transmissible and thermally conductive, and has at least one reflection surface for reflecting the laser light ray from the laser element so as to change travelling direction of the laser light ray. The wavelength conversion layer converts wavelength of the laser light ray from the light guide member to result in a laser beam, and contacts the light guide member so that heat from the wavelength conversion layer is transferred to the substrate through the light guide member. 1. A laser device comprising:a substrate;a plurality of laser elements that are disposed on said substrate and that are adapted for emitting laser light rays;a light guide member that is disposed on said substrate, that is light-transmissible and thermally conductive, and that has a plurality of reflection surfaces for reflecting the laser light rays from said laser elements so as to change travelling direction of the laser light rays; anda wavelength conversion layer that is adapted to convert wavelengths of the laser light rays from said light guide member to result in a plurality of laser beams.2. The laser device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said light guide member has a light transmittance that is not less than 80% when said light guide member has a thickness of 1 mm.3. The laser device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said light guide member is made of a material selected from the group consisting of silicon dioxide claim 1 , sapphire claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The laser device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said light guide member further has a light-exit surface through which the laser light rays exit said light guide member; and said wavelength conversion layer is disposed on said light-exit surface.5. The laser device as claimed in ...
