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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 16555. Отображено 200.
10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570801C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к конструкции взрывозащищенного электродвигателя постоянного тока. Интегральная конструкция (3) двигателя состоит из участка (A) двигателя, содержащего ротор (2) и статор (1), участка (B) электроники и участка (C) клеммной коробки. Участок (B) электроники выполнен во взрывозащищенном исполнении согласно директиве ЕС 94/9/EG в соответствии с II 2G Ex d e, внутреннее пространство (4) которого образует взрывонепроницаемую оболочку согласно EN 60079-1. Другие участки (A, C) двигателя выполнены как области с повышенной защитой согласно EN 60079-7. Технический результат состоит в компактной конструкции двигателя с интеграцией электроники в общий корпус взрывозащищенного исполнения. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

24-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651950C2

Изобретение относится к электрическим тяговым системам транспортных средств. Блок управления источником электропитания содержит понижающий преобразователь DC/DC и повышающий преобразователь. Причем повышающий преобразователь содержит дроссель и конденсатор. Дроссель и понижающий преобразователь DC/DC закреплены на корпусе бортового устройства, причем дроссель и понижающий преобразователь DC/DC уложены один на другой. Конденсатор размещен вблизи с дросселем или понижающим преобразователем DC/DC по отношению к направлению, в котором дроссель и понижающий преобразователь DC/DC уложены один на другой. Конденсатор и понижающий преобразователь DC/DC или дроссель скреплены друг с другом посредством шины, причем шина выполнена с возможностью электрически соединять вывод конденсатора с выводом понижающего преобразователя DC/DC или дросселя. Блок управления преобразует мощность постоянного тока в мощность переменного тока и подает преобразованную мощность на электродвигатель. Блок управления источником ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525884C2
Принадлежит: ЭРСЕЛЬ (FR)

Устройство реверса тяги содержит по меньшей мере один капот, установленный с возможностью перемещения между закрытым положением и открытым положением и приводимый в движение по меньшей мере одним актуатором, управляемым по меньшей мере одним электродвигателем. Каждый электродвигатель подключен по меньшей мере к двум отдельным источникам питания, причем электродвигатель представляет собой двухобмоточный электродвигатель, каждая из обмоток которого подключена к источнику питания, отдельному от источника питания другой обмотки. Изобретение позволяет повысить надежность устройства реверса тяги. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2510561C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к электрическим машинам. В предлагаемом электродвигателе с редуктором в монтажном узле (26d) держателей щеток корпуса редуктора (26) поочередно расположены две плоские поверхности (19b) и две изогнутые поверхности (26b) таким образом, чтобы они образовывали эллипс. При этом одна из двух плоских поверхностей сформирована с первыми теплоотводящими элементами (26i), а две щетки (20) и (20) электродвигателя смонтированы вблизи от первых теплоотводящих элементов (26i) на блоке (19) держателей щеток (20), встроенном в монтажный узел 19 щеток, расположенный в монтажном узле (26d) держателей щеток (20). Причем, согласно данному изобретению, первый теплоотводящий элемент сформирован на внешней периферийной поверхности корпуса редуктора, расположенной на задней поверхности монтажной части, а две вышеупомянутые щетки расположены вдали от платы управления и вблизи от первого теплоотводящего элемента, так что тепло, выделяемое щетками, передается ...

20-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018133464A3

31-07-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017118905A3

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2518431C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может быть использовано во вращающихся электрических машинах. Техническим результатом является повышение технологичности электрической машины. Вращающаяся электрическая машина содержит: каркас, включающий в себя первую часть кожуха для вмещения электронного компонента, и вторую часть кожуха, сформированную как единое целое с первой частью кожуха, для вмещения ротора и статора; и держатель, включающий в себя первое соединительное отверстие, соединенное с первой частью кожуха, и второе соединительное отверстие, соединенное со второй частью кожуха. В соответствии с этой вращающейся электрической машиной может быть улучшена эффективность работы рабочего. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

07-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702299C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам и приспособлениям силовых установок, связанных с охлаждением. Электрическое транспортное средство содержит блок управления мощностью, приводной мотор, первый и второй теплообменники, первый и второй насосы, первый и второй охлаждающие каналы. Блок управления мощностью преобразует постоянный ток от аккумулятора в переменный ток. Первый охлаждающий канал оборудован первым насосом, который вынуждает первую охлаждающую жидкость, охлажденную в первом теплообменнике, протекать через блок управления мощностью и второй теплообменник в таком порядке и возвращаться к первому теплообменнику. Второй охлаждающий канал оборудован вторым насосом, который вынуждает вторую охлаждающую жидкость, охлажденную посредством первой охлаждающей жидкости во втором теплообменнике, протекать через приводной мотор и возвращаться ко второму теплообменнику. При этом второй насос является электрическим насосом. Причем второй насос регулирует циркуляцию или циркулирующий объем второй ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Система питания установки электроцентробежного насоса

Номер: RU2745800C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к оборудованию для добычи нефти, в частности к конструкции системы питания установки электроцентробежного насоса (УЭЦН) на добывающих и нагнетательных скважинах. Технический результат заключается в повышении эргономичности и надежности. Система питания установки электроцентробежного насоса содержащая оборудование устья добывающих и нагнетательных скважин, наземное электрическое оборудование: трансформаторную подстанцию, станцию управления, электрические кабельные линии и устьевой удлинитель. Электрическая кабельная линия проложена под землей в защитном кожухе. Причем защитный кожух выполнен в виде трубы и заполнен наполнителем и на концах отводов имеет заглушки. Для фиксации защитного кожуха служат тумбы. Электрическая кабельная линия протянута в защитном кожухе от станции управления до выхода возле устья скважины и соединяется с устьевым удлинителем, что позволит демонтировать соединительную клемм коробку в связи с отсутствием потребности ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007117721A

... 1. Моторное судно с корпусом судна, на который пользователь по меньшей мере частично ложится или становится, с проходящим в корпусе судна проточным каналом, с приводимым в движение электромотором гребным винтом, при этом электромотор и батареи, а также прибор управления электромотором и гребной винт по меньшей мере на отдельных участках размещены в проточном канале, отличающееся тем, что батареи (5, 6) установлены в водонепроницаемом кожухе (9) и находятся по меньшей мере на отдельных участках в теплопроводном контакте с кожухом (9), причем кожух (9) по меньшей мере частично состоит из теплопроводного материала и, выполнен с возможностью нахождения в теплопроводном контакте с протекающей водой. 2. Моторное судно по п.1, отличающееся тем, что кожух (9) по меньшей мере частично состоит из алюминия. 3. Моторное судно по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что батареи (5, 6) имеют напряжение меньше или равное 60 В. 4. Моторное судно по п.1, отличающееся тем, что кожух (9) расположен по меньшей мере ...

05-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015155464A

11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714042C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения. Приводное устройство содержит высокоскоростной электродвигатель (1) с пассивным охлаждением, питаемый силовым электронным преобразователем (2), причем ротор указанного двигателя поддерживается подшипниками (3) совместно с ведущим зубчатым колесом (4) входной прямозубой/косозубой зубчатой передачи (5). Выходной вал (6) зубчатой передачи (5) является частью следующей конической зубчатой передачи (7). Выходной вал конической зубчатой передачи (7) может быть соединен либо прямо, либо при помощи муфты (12) с осью (8) самоходного транспортного средства или с колесом (9). Альтернативно, если необходимо более высокое передаточное число, он может быть соединен с другими зубчатыми передачами (10), причем выходной вал зубчатых передач (10) либо прямо, либо при помощи муфты (12) соединен с колесом (9) или осью (8) самоходного транспортного средства. Приводное устройство может быть снабжено тормозом (13). Обеспечивается уменьшение массы и габаритов устройства ...

15-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718996C1
Принадлежит: ЦИЛЬ-АБЕГГ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение касается двигателя для воздуходувок, соответственно вентиляторов, насосов или компрессоров. Двигатель, имеющий интегрированную электронику двигателя и сенсорный блок для непосредственного или опосредствованного регулирования давления/расхода, регулирование которого может осуществляться изнутри или извне, при этом сенсорный блок выполнен в виде насаживаемого на электронику двигателя или вставляемого в электронику двигателя модуля или по меньшей мере частично интегрирован в электронику двигателя и снабжается энергией изнутри, причем сенсорный блок включает в себя сенсор давления, который через соединение по потоку определяет локальное давление или разность давления в двух местах и передает соответствующий этому давлению аналоговый или цифровой сигнал в обрабатывающий блок. Это позволяет создать двигатель, который пригоден для привода вентиляторов, насосов, компрессоров, при наиболее низких возможных издержках техники коммутации и техники управления, соответственно регулирования ...

12-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2672224C1

Изобретение относится к холодильным компрессорам. В компрессорном блоке (12) с корпусом (22) компрессора расположен компрессорный элемент (24) для сжатия хладагента. В приводном блоке (14) с корпусом (26) привода расположен в корпусе (26) привода электродвигатель (32), а на корпусе (26) привода расположены присоединительные клеммы (42, 44, 46) для электродвигателя (32). Содержит электронный функциональный блок (92). Присоединительные клеммы (42, 44, 46) предусмотрены в расположенном на корпусе (26) привода корпусе (142), а в корпусе (142) предусмотрен электронный функциональный блок (92), выполняющий по меньшей мере одну компрессорную функцию и снабженный коммуникационным блоком (312) для обмена данными с внешними приборами (316). Техническим результатом является упрощение соединения холодильного компрессора с электронным функциональным блоком. 3 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

03-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2659767C1

Изобретение относится к автомобильной конструкции. Преобразователь электрической энергии преобразует электрическую энергию для тягового электродвигателя. Преобразователь электрической энергии закреплен на кожухе, в котором размещен тяговый электродвигатель. Преобразователь электрической энергии расположен перед верхней частью обтекателя в продольном направлении транспортного средства. Высоковольтный разъем расположен на задней поверхности преобразователя электрической энергии. Высоковольтный разъем находится в положении, которое ниже, чем верхняя часть обтекателя. Сигнальный разъем расположен на правой или левой боковой поверхности преобразователя электрической энергии, определенной в поперечном направлении транспортного средства. Такая конструкция позволяет избежать контакта высоковольтного разъема и сигнального разъема с верхней частью обтекателя во время столкновения. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012127129A

... 1. Ударный инструмент, который приводит в возвратно-поступательное движение рабочий орган в продольном направлении рабочего органа для выполнения операции долбления на заготовке, содержащий:бесщеточный электродвигатель постоянного тока, который включает в себя вращательный вал, при этом бесщеточный электродвигатель постоянного тока приводит в движение рабочий орган посредством вращения вращательного вала;аккумулятор для приведения в движение бесщеточного электродвигателя постоянного тока;обеспечивающее электрический ток устройство, которое подает электрический ток от аккумулятора на бесщеточный электродвигатель постоянного тока;контроллер, который управляет обеспечивающим электрический ток устройством; иохлаждающий вентилятор, который приводится в движение посредством вращения вращательного вала,отличающийся тем, что бесщеточный электродвигатель постоянного тока, контроллер и обеспечивающее электрический ток устройство расположены рядом друг с другом и охлаждаются посредством охлаждающего ...

17-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015133232A

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005127852A

... 1. Ротационная электрическая машина с аксиальным полем, имеющая клеммы положительной и отрицательной полярности для многофазного электрического тока, характеризующаяся тем, что она содержит ротор, имеющий множество полюсов постоянных магнитов, и статор, имеющий множество рабочих проводниковых слоев, выполненных в виде печатных плат, среди которых имеется, по меньшей мере, по одному рабочему проводниковому слою для каждой фазы электрического тока, причем каждый из рабочих проводниковых слоев состоит из множества радиальных проводников, соединяющих внутренние сквозные отверстия с внешними сквозными отверстиями, причем внутренние сквозные отверстия расположены на их внутренней части упомянутого рабочего проводникового слоя, а внешние сквозные отверстия расположены на внешней стороне упомянутого рабочего проводникового слоя, каждый рабочий слой дополнительно имеет пару внешних проводников, предназначенных для электрического соединения положительной и отрицательной клеммы одной фазы электрического ...

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004113453A

... 1. Роторный электрический двигатель, содержащий ротор, имеющий множество постоянных магнитов, расположенных в кольцеобразной кольцевой конфигурации, где магниты чередуются в магнитной полярности вдоль внутренней кольцеобразной поверхности, статор кольцеобразной кольцевой конструкции, заключенный внутри ротора и отделенный от него радиальным воздушным промежутком, причем статор содержит множество сегментов ферромагнитных сердечников, ферромагнитно изолированных друг от друга, где каждый из сегментов сердечников имеет соответствующие катушки, намотанные на них для образования обмоток статора, внешнюю радиальную периферию у воздушного промежутка, и внутреннюю радиальную периферию, определяющую объем, внутри которого магнитный поток по существу не проходит, и регулятор, содержащийся внутри объема, для прикладывания тока возбуждения к обмоткам статора. 2. Роторный электрический двигатель по п.1, в котором двигатель является бесщеточным двигателем, и в котором упомянутый объем дополнительно содержит ...

19-02-2009 дата публикации

Elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE202008015895U1

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Dichtungsanordnung und elektronisch kommutierter Gleichstrommotor mit dieser Dichtungsanordnung

Номер: DE102019212165A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Dichtungsanordnung, welche einen durch ein Schutzgehäuseteil (4) begrenzten Schutzraum (14) von einem ungeschützten Bereich abdichtet, wobei ein elektrisches Leiterbauteil (9) eine elektrische Verbindung zwischen dem Schutzraum (14) und dem ungeschützten Bereich herstellt. Die Erfindung betrifft weiter einen elektronisch kommutierten Elektromotor (1) mit der Dichtungseinheit (10). Aufgabe der Erfindung ist es Übergangsfreie Durchführungsdichtungen zu schaffen, die einfach herzustellen und zu montieren sind. Diese Aufgabe wird erfindungsgemäß durch die Merkmale des Anspruchs 1 und des Anspruchs 36 gelöst.

19-07-2001 дата публикации

Einschubmodul für Verstellmotoren

Номер: DE0020004338U1

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Elektromotor- und Inverteranordnung

Номер: DE112017008053T5
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Die vorliegende Anmeldung offenbart eine Elektromotor- und Inverteranordnung, die in einem Elektrofahrzeug oder einem Hybridelektrofahrzeug zum Drehantrieb der Räder des Fahrzeugs verwendet wird, wobei die Elektromotor- und Inverteranordnung Folgendes umfasst: einen Elektromotor, wobei der Elektromotor ein Gehäuse, einen Kühldurchgang, der in einer Wand des Gehäuses ausgebildet ist, so dass Kühlmittel in dem Kühldurchgang strömen kann, wobei das Gehäuse des Elektromotors eine Hauptschale und eine Endabdeckung und eine Verbindungsabdeckung, die mit gegenüberliegenden Enden der Hauptschale verbunden sind, enthält; und einen Inverter, wobei der Inverter ein Gehäuse enthält, in dem ein Leistungselement und/oder eine elektrische Einrichtung aufgenommen ist/sind, wobei das Gehäuse des Inverters die Verbindungsabdeckung berührt, so dass zwischen der Verbindungsabdeckung und dem Gehäuse des Inverters eine Grenzfläche definiert wird und das durch den Kühldurchgang strömende Kühlmittel die Grenzfläche ...

07-01-1999 дата публикации

Elektrischer Antriebsmotor

Номер: DE0019727165A1

The present invention relates to an electric drive motor that comprises an outer rotor (11) as well as a stator (12) comprising a base body (13) made of a thermo-conductive material. This base body comprises a receiving hub (131) for the rotor (11) as well as a support (132) which is capable of radial displacement away from said hub. The support is designed for receiving a circuit board (19) which is fitted with electronic components and is mounted on the support (132) side opposite from the rotor (11). The purpose of this invention is to improve the draining of excess heat generated by the electronic components. To this end, a plurality of cooling vanes (27) is provided on the radial face of the support (132) in the rotor (11) direction.

02-09-1999 дата публикации

Drive system, e.g. for use as a servo motor

Номер: DE0019742800C1

Has measurement systems shafts roller bearing acting simultaneously as bearing for measurement system and of motor shaft and stator coupling supports measurement system's stator to permit axial swaying movement but not radial movement. The system has an electric motor with a shaft mounted in roller bearings at both ends and a rotation angle measurement system whose measurement system shaft has at least one roller bearing (26) and is rigidly coupled to one end of the motor shaft (10). The measurement system's stator (28) is coupled to rotate with the motor's stator via a stator coupling (30). The measurement system's shaft's roller bearing simultaneously acts as the roller bearing for the measurement system end of the motor shaft and the stator coupling supports the measurement system's stator to permit axial and swaying movement but not radial movement.

26-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202007018771U1

06-08-1998 дата публикации

Electric drive arrangement

Номер: DE0019703655A1

The electric drive arrangement includes an electric motor with adjustable number of revolutions, as well as a voltage supply unit and a regulator unit for the provision of a supply voltage with variable amplitude and/or variable frequency for the electric motor. The voltage supply unit, the regulator unit, and the electric motor (12) are formed as a common structural unit (10), and are integrated in a casing (16) shielded against electromagnetic radiation. The voltage supply unit and the regulator unit include preferably carrier elements (27, 28, 29, 30) for receiving electronic components (31), which are arranged adjacent to the electric motor, especially surrounding the motor.

18-03-2004 дата публикации

Elektrischer Aktuator

Номер: DE0020319996U1

Elektrischer Aktuator (10), der einen in Winkelrichtung hin und her gehenden Antrieb bereitstellt und ein Gehäuse (100), einen in dem Gehäuse (100) untergebrachten Stator (200) und einen axial durch den Stator (200) verlaufenden Rotor (300) umfasst, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Stator (200) eine ringförmige Anordnung von Polen (216) und eine Spule, die durch einen Wechselstrom erregt wird und die Pole (216) so magnetisiert, dass sie zu jeweils benachbarten Polen eine entgegengesetzte Polarität besitzen, umfasst, der Rotor (300) eine Welle (310), die von dem Gehäuse (100) für eine Winkelbewegung unterstützt ist, sowie mehrere Permanentmagneten (320), die an der und um die Welle (310) fest angebracht sind, umfasst und die Magneten (320) proximate Seiten zwischen benachbarten Magneten besitzen, die entgegengesetzte Polaritäten aufweisen, wobei bei wiederholten Umkehrungen des Wechselstroms die Magneten mit den Polen (216) magnetisch in Wechselwirkung stehen, um die Welle (310) zu einer ...

08-06-1995 дата публикации

Bürstenloser Gleichstrommotor

Номер: DE0029504636U1

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Elektrischer Blindverbinder zu einer gedruckten Schaltungsplatte in einem Gehäuse

Номер: DE102015225814A1

Offenbart wird ein elektrischer Verbinder mit nachgiebigen Einschnapparmen, einem Ausrichtelement und einer Vielzahl von Kontaktstiftelementen, die mit Öffnungen an einer PCB zusammenpassen.

16-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029723145U1

19-06-1997 дата публикации

Elektronisch kommutierter Motor

Номер: DE0029707440U1

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016103244A1

Ein motorgetriebener Verdichter hat ein Gehäuse, einen Verdichtungsabschnitt und einen Elektromotor, einen Antriebsschaltkreis, ein Schaltkreisgehäuse, einen Steuerschaltkreis, eine Verbindungsleitung und ein metallisches Abschirmelement. Der Verdichtungsabschnitt und der Elektromotor sind in dem Gehäuse aufgenommen. Das Schaltkreisgehäuse ist außerhalb des Gehäuses angeordnet und definiert eine Aufnahmekammer, die den Antriebsschaltkreis empfängt. Der Steuerschaltkreis ist konfiguriert, den Elektromotor durch Steuern des Antriebschaltkreises zu steuern. Die Verbindungsleitung ist mit dem Steuerschaltkreis verbunden und von dem Inneren zu dem Äußeren der Aufnahmekammer gezogen. Das metallische Abschirmelement ist in der Aufnahmekammer angeordnet und bedeckt die Verbindungsleitung. Das Schaltkreisgehäuse hat einen metallischen Abschirmabschnitt, der elektrisch geerdet ist. Das Abschirmelement ist elektrisch mit dem Abschirmabschnitt verbunden.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016120314A1

Aufgabe: Bereitstellen eines Elektromotors mit verbesserter Wärmeabfuhrfähigkeit, wobei sich eine Vergrößerung der Fläche und/oder eine Steigerung der Kosten der Platine vermeiden lassen. Mittel zum Lösen der Aufgabe: Der erfindungsgemäße Elektromotor (1) umfasst einen Motorhauptkörper (10) mit einem Rotor (11) und einem Stator (12), wobei auf den Stator (12) eine Spule (123) gewickelt ist, einen Antriebsschaltungsabschnitt (20) mit einer Leiterplatte (22), wobei überwiegend an einer Fläche (22a) eine Antriebsschaltung mit einem Leistungsbauelement (221) montiert ist, eine Wärmesenke (30), die an einer anderen Fläche (22b) der Leiterplatte (22) angeordnet ist, um Wärme vom Antriebsschaltungsabschnitt (20) abzuführen, und einen Wicklungsanschluss (40), der auf einer Seite mit einem Ende der Spule (123) des Motorhauptkörpers (10) elektrisch verbunden ist und auf einer anderen Seite teilweise mit dem an der Leiterplatte (22) montierten Leistungsbauelement (221) elektrisch verbunden ist und ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Motor und Drehanordnung davon

Номер: DE102017108971A1

Es werden ein Motor und eine Drehanordnung des Motors vorgeschlagen. Der Motor umfasst eine Drehanordnung und eine die Drehanordnung stützende stationäre Anordnung. Die Drehanordnung umfasst eine Drehwelle (11), einen Halter (13), der sich zusammen mit der Drehwelle (11) dreht, und einen Läufermagnet (17), der durch den Halter (13) gehalten wird. Ein Teil des Läufermagnets (17) befindet sich über eine Presspassung im Eingriff mit einem Teil des Halters (13), und zwischen einem weiteren Teil des Läufermagnets (17) und einem weiteren Teil des Halters (13) ist ein Spalt definiert.

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeug und Stromrichtereinrichtung für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE102017208632A1

Kraftfahrzeug, umfassend eine elektrische Maschine (1) zum Antrieb des Kraftfahrzeugs (25) und eine eine Kühlvorrichtung (10) aufweisende Stromrichtereinrichtung (9) zur Bereitstellung eines Wechselstroms für die elektrische Maschine (1), wobei die Kühlvorrichtung (10) wenigstens einen Kühlflüssigkeitsanschluss (11) aufweist, welcher zur Ausbildung eines gemeinsamen Kühlkreislaufs mit einer Kühlflüssigkeitsschnittstelle (6) der elektrischen Maschine (1) flüssigkeitsleitend verbunden ist.

03-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015009703U1
Принадлежит: NIDEC CORP, Nidec Corporation

Elektromotor umfassend:eine Rotoreinheit, welche um eine vertikale Mittelachse dreht;eine Statoreinheit, welche um die Rotoreinheit angeordnet ist/wird;ein Gehäuse, in welchem die Statoreinheit im Inneren fixiert ist/wird;ein Lagermechanismus, welcher drehbar die Rotoreinheit relativ zu der Statoreinheit stützt, wobei das Gehäuse einen zylindrischen Wandabschnitt mit einem Boden und einer Abdeckplatte, welche eine Öffnung des zylindrischen Wandabschnitts abdeckt, umfasst wobei der Lagermechanismus zumindest zwei Lager umfasst, ein oberes Lager, welches durch die Abdeckplatte gehalten wird/ist, und ein unteres Lager, welches durch den Boden des Gehäuses gehalten wird/ist;wobei die Abdeckplatte aus elektrisch leitfähigen Elementen besteht unddadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass die Abdeckplatte zumindest einen Vorsprung umfasst, welcher hin zu der oberen Außenseite der Abdeckplatte vorspringt, derart, dass der zumindest eine Vorsprung ausgestaltet ist, um direkt oder indirekt zumindest einen ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung und motorintegrierte Spannungsformer-Vorrichtung

Номер: DE112011105452T5

Eine Fläche einer Platte (102) mit einer vorab festgelegten Dicke wird als Kühlfläche (101) verwendet. Ein Paar von Kühlmittel-Eintritt und Kühlmittel-Austritt (111, 112) ist auf der einen Endfläche (102a) vorgesehen. Folgende Komponenten sind auf einer Fläche ausgebildet, die der Kühlfläche (101) gegenüberliegt: Erste und zweite Kühlmittel-Strömungswege (131, 132); ein Kühlmittel-Verzweigungspfad (121), der mit dem Kühlmittel-Eintritt (111) in Verbindung steht und zum Aufteilen eines Kühlmittels verwendet wird, so dass es in die Kühlmittel-Strömungswege (131, 132) hineinfließt; und ein Kühlmittel-Vereinigungspfad (122), bei welchem sich die Kühlmittel vereinigen, die ausgehend von den Austritten der Kühlmittel-Strömungswege (131, 132) fließen. Das Kühlmittel, das im Uhrzeigersinn durch den ersten Kühlmittel-Strömungsweg (131) fließt, fließt durch einen Kühlmittel-Kommunikations-Strömungsweg (123), der derart ausgebildet ist, dass er auf dreidimensionale Weise den ersten Kühlmittel-Strömungsweg ...

30-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012101869U1

Aktuator, umfassend: einen Ständer und ein bewegliches Element (30), das in dem Ständer beweglich montiert ist, wobei der Ständer umfasst: ein Joch (21); eine Leiterplatte (31), die an einem axialen E22), der in dem Joch montiert ist, wobei der Spulenkörper eine Mehrzahl von Erstreckungsbereichen (22c) aufweist, die voneinander beabstandet sind und sich in Richtung auf die Leiterplatte erstrecken; mindestens eine Wicklung (24) mit Spulenenden (25), die um den Spulenkörper gewickelt sind; und eine Mehrzahl von Anschlüssen (26), die an den jeweiligen, der Leiterplatte (31) gegenüberliegenden Enden der Erstreckungsbereiche (22c) des Spulenkörpers montiert sind, wobei die Anschlüsse von dem Joch (21) beabstandet sind und die Spulenenden (25) elektrisch mit der Leiterplatte (31) verbinden, wobei eine freie Länge des Anschlusses (26) zwischen dem Spulenkörper (22) und der Leiterplatte (31) ausreichend kurz ist, um ein Verbiegen zu vermeiden, was zu...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Fördereinrichtung für Flüssigkeiten mit elektrischem Antrieb

Номер: DE102020104203A1

Es wird eine Fördereinrichtung zum Fördern von Flüssigkeiten vorgeschlagen. Bei dieser Fördereinrichtung wird eine Pumpe (3) von einem Gleichstrommotor (7) angetrieben. Um eine thermische Überbelastung des Gleichstrommotors zu vermeiden, sind ein Lüfter (53) und ein Druckluftanschluss (21) an einer Umhausung (5) vorgesehen. Im Normalfall ist der Lüfter (53) aktiv und der Druckluftanschluss (21) ist geschlossen. Wenn die Betriebstemperatur des Gleichstrommotors (7) ansteigt, wird Druckluft über den Druckluftanschluss (21) in die Umhausung (5) eingeblasen. Diese Druckluft kühlt das Motorgehäuse des Gleichstrommotors (7) zusätzlich und senkt dadurch die Betriebstemperatur des Gleichstrommotors (7) wirkungsvoll ab.

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Rotierende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE112018006699T5

Eine rotierende elektrische Maschine (10) weist einen Rotor (40), der eine Magneteinheit (42) mit einer Vielzahl von Magnetpolen aufweist, deren Polaritäten in einer Umlaufsrichtung abwechseln, und einen Stator (50) auf, der eine mehrphasige Statorspule (51) aufweist. Die Magneteinheit ist konfiguriert, eine leichte Achse der Magnetisierung derart orientiert aufzuweisen, dass, je näher die Position zu einer d-Achse in der Umlaufsrichtung ist, desto stärker die Richtung der leichten Achse der Magnetisierung parallel zu der d-Achse wird. Insbesondere weist die Magneteinheit erste Magneten (146), die jeweils einem der Magnetpole der Magneteinheit entsprechen, und zweite Magnete (147) auf, die jeweils einem der Magnetpole der Magneteinheit entsprechen. Die ersten Magnete sind zu vorbestimmten Intervallen in der Umlaufsrichtung angeordnet. Jeder der zweiten Magnete ist zwischen zwei in Umlaufsrichtung zueinander benachbarten ersten Magneten angeordnet. Die Magnetpole, die den ersten Magneten ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации

Elektromotor mit integrierten elektrischen Komponenten im B-Flansch

Номер: DE202012100716U1

Elektromotor mit einem Motorgehäuse (2) und einem B-Flansch (3), der an dem dem Abtrieb gegenüberliegenden axialen Ende des Elektromotors (1) angeordnet ist, wobei der B-Flansch (3) zumindest eine elektrische Komponente aufnimmt, der B-Flansch (3) durch einen B-Flanschdeckel (9) abgeschlossen ist und in einer Seitenfläche des B-Flansches (3) eine Ausnehmung (13) zur Aufnahme eines Verbindungssteckers (8) vorgesehen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die den Elektromotor (1) abgewandte Stirnseite (10) des B-Flansches (3) zumindest abschnittsweise gegenüber einer gedachten Fläche normal auf die Längsachse (15) des Elektromotors (1) in Richtung zum Motorgehäuse (2) zurückgesetzt ist und die am B-Flansch (3) anliegende Stirnseite des B-Flanschdeckels (9) gegengleich geformt ist.

02-11-2017 дата публикации

Elektrische Antriebsvorrichtung und elektrische Servolenkvorrichtung

Номер: DE112016000637T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung ist so konfiguriert, dass eine elektronische Steueranordnung in eine auf einem Metallsubstrat montierte Stromversorgungsschaltungseinheit, eine auf einem Metallsubstrat montierte Stromumwandlungsschaltungseinheit und eine auf einem Harzsubstrat montierte Steuerschaltungseinheit unterteilt ist; ein Stromversorgungsverbinder-Verdrahtungselement, das elektrischen Strom von der Stromversorgungsschaltungseinheit der Stromumwandlungsschaltungseinheit und der Steuerschaltungseinheit zuführt, und ein Signalübertragungsverbinder-Verdrahtungselement, das Signale, die in die Steuerschaltungseinheit eingegeben oder aus dieser ausgegeben werden sollen, in einer Verbinderanschlussanordnung eingebettet sind; und Verbinderanschlüsse des Stromversorgungsverbinder-Verdrahtungselements und des Signalübertragungsverbinder-Verdrahtungselements, die aus der Verbinderanschlussanordnung freiliegen, direkt mit den entsprechenden Schaltungseinheiten verbunden sind.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Rotierende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE112018003744T5

Eine rotierende elektrische Maschine (10) weist eine Magnetfelderzeugungseinheit (4), die mit einer zylindrischen Magneteinheit (42) ausgerüstet ist, die eine Vielzahl von Magnetpolen mit Nord- und Süd-Polaritäten aufweist, die abwechselnd in einer Umlaufrichtung der Magneteinheit angeordnet sind, einen Anker (50), der mit einer mehrphasigen Ankerwicklung (51) ausgerüstet ist, und einen Rotor auf, der durch die Magnetfelderzeugungseinheit oder den Anker bereitgestellt ist. Die Magneteinheit weist einen ersten Abschnitt (250) und einen zweiten Abschnitt (260) auf. Der erste Abschnitt befindet sich näher an einer d-Achse in einem d-q-Achsen-Koordinatensystem, als es der zweite Abschnitt ist. Der zweite Abschnitt befindet sich näher an einer q-Achse in dem d-q-Achsen-Koordinatensystem, als es der erste Abschnitt ist. Die Magneteinheit ist magnetisch derart ausgerichtet, dass sie eine Bedingung erfüllt, in der ein Winkel (θ11), den eine leichte Achse der Magnetisierung (300) des ersten Abschnitts ...

20-11-2008 дата публикации

Electrical machine i.e. permanent magnet-excited electronically commutated engine, for driving pump i.e. water pump, in motor vehicle, has blower arranged in scatter field arising at axial end of rotor, and coupled with flux of rotor

Номер: DE102007021917A1

The machine has a separating can (5) for separating a rotor (2) from a stator (4) in a sealed manner. An blower (7) is arranged coaxial to the rotor. The blower is arranged outside the separating can, and the rotor is arranged within the separating can. The blower is arranged in a scatter field (6) arising at an axial end (2a) of the rotor. The rotor projects in an axial direction over an iron core (4a) of the stator. The blower is coupled with a leakage flux of the rotor and rotated with a rotation of the rotor. The blower is formed from magnetizable plastic.

24-07-2008 дата публикации

Gleichstrommotor in Kompaktbauweise

Номер: DE102007046227A1

Es wird ein bürstenloser Elektromotor mit einem Rotormodul, mit einem Statormodul und mit einer Mehrzahl von Spulen vorgeschlagen, wobei das Statormodul zumindest teilweise mittels einer MID-Technologie (moulded interconnected device) hergestellt vorgesehen ist, wobei das Statormodul Befestigungselemente zur Befestigung der Mehrzahl von Spulen an dem Statormodul aufweist.

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010302791A1

Bei einem Elektrokompressor mit einem Motor (30) und einem elektrischen Schaltkreis (40), der mit einem Kompressionsbereich (20) zusammengefasst ist, ist ein Teil (42) der elektrischen Bauteile des elektrischen Schaltkreises in Räumen zwischen einer zylindrischen äußeren Fläche eines Motorgehäuses und einer imaginären flachen Fläche (S) angeordnet, die in imaginärer Weise die zylindrische äußeren Fläche berührt. Daher können die Räume wirksam genutzt werden, und kann der Elektrokompressor in seiner Größe klein gestaltet werden. Weiter kann der Teil der elektrischen Bauteile wirksam durch ein Kühlmittel im Motorgehäause gekühlt werden. Andererseits wird die äußere Fläche des Motorgehäuses als eine Fläche (122) verwendet, diei einen inneren Raum eines Gehäuses (131) zur Unterbringung des elektrischen Schaltkreises begrenzt. In diesem Fall kann der elektrische Schaltkreis durch das Kühlmittel im Motorgehäuse wirksam gekühlt werden.

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Kompaktantrieb, Spiroplangetriebe und Verfahren zur Fertigung eines Antriebs

Номер: DE102004054601B4

Kompaktantrieb,umfassend zumindest drei Antriebskomponenten, bestehend aus einem Elektromotor (51), einem Getriebe (40) und einer elektronischen Schaltung, die als Umrichter ausgeführt ist,wobei ein zentrales, keine den Wärmeabtransport behindernden Schnittstellen aufweisendes Gehäuseteil (71) vorgesehen ist,wobei jede Antriebskomponente zur Bildung eines jeweiligen Gehäuses (60) umgeben ist von dem zentralen Gehäuseteil (71) und zumindest einem Gehäusedeckel (3) der jeweiligen Antriebskom ponente,wobei ein Gehäusedeckel (3) mit einer elektronischen Schaltung verbunden ist und/oder eine elektronische Schaltung im Gehäusedeckel (3) integriert ist,wobei der Gehäusedeckel (3) mit der elektronischen Schaltung elektrisch mittels elektrischem Steckverbinder mit dem restlichen Kompaktantrieb verbunden ist zur schnellen und einfachen Austauschbarkeit des Gehäusedeckels (3) bei Wartungsarbeiten oder Reparaturen,wobei der Umrichter seitlich von der Rotorwelle (13) angeordnet ist,wobei der Gehäusedeckel ...

15-07-1999 дата публикации

Steuerung für Elektromotor

Номер: DE0019855424A1

30-08-2001 дата публикации

Elektromotorischer Möbelantrieb

Номер: DE0020110840U1

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Elektrische Baueinheit mit einer Wicklung sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung einer solchen Baueinheit

Номер: DE102017126880A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine elektrische Baueinheit (1) mit einer Wicklung, insbesondere Maschinenbaueinheit, wie Stator, mit in einen Aufnahmekörper (2) eingebrachten Leiterabschnitten (22) und an diese zum Herstellen der Wicklung endseitig anschließenden elektrisch leitenden Verbindungsstrukturen. Eine für einen kompakten Aufbau mit effizienter Betriebsweise vorteilhafte Ausgestaltung wird dadurch erhalten, dass mindestens eine Verbindungsstruktur durch eine in einer elektrisch isolierenden Trägerstruktur (5) eingebrachte Leiterbahnstruktur (30) ausgebildet sind ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Ständerwicklung für eine rotierende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102017217751A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Ständer (12) für eine rotierende elektrische Maschine (10) mit:- einem Blechpaket (14), welches Ständerzähne (16) bezüglich eines Luftspalts (18) der rotierenden elektrischen Maschine (10) bereitstellt, und- einer Ständerwicklung (20), die eine Mehrzahl von Zahnwicklungen (22) aufweist, wobei eine jeweilige der Zahnwicklungen an einem jeweiligen der Ständerzähne (16) an geordnet ist und einen jeweiligen ersten elektrischen Leiter (24) aufweist, der in einer Mehrzahl von Windungen umlaufend um den jeweiligen Ständerzahn (16) herum angeordnet ist.Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, die elektrische Sicherheit in Bezug auf Kurzschlüsse im Bereich der Ständerwicklung zu verbessern.Es wird vorgeschlagen, dass die jeweilige Zahnwicklung (22) einen jeweiligen vom ersten elektrischen Leiter (24) elektrisch isolierten zweiten elektrischen Leiter (26) mit einer Mehrzahl von umlaufend um den jeweiligen Ständerzahn (16) herum angeordneten Windungen aufweist, wobei ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015200866A1

Es wird eine Motoranordnung mit einem in einem Gehäuse (1) angeordneten Motor (2) mit einer Ansteuerelektronik (3) und einem Kühlkörper (4), wobei der Kühlkörper (4) und die Ansteuerelektronik (3) mit Umspritzmaterial (5) als mediendichte Einheit umspritzt sind, und wobei die mediendichte Einheit kühlkörperseitig an dem Gehäuse (1) des Motors (2) befestigt ist.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Umrichter, elektrisches Polyphasen-System und Verfahren zum effizienten Leistungsaustausch

Номер: DE102017124126B4

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen modularen Multilevel-Umrichter (10) mit einer Mehrzahl von Einzelmodulen (12), die jeweils eine Mehrzahl von Schaltelementen und mindestens einen elektrischen Energiespeicher aufweisen, wobei eine erste Anzahl von Einzelmodulen (12) hintereinander zu einem geschlossenen Ring verschaltet sind, und mindestens zwei Abgriffe (14) jeweils zwischen zwei benachbarten Einzelmodulen (12) des Rings angeordnet sind, wobei zwischen zwei benachbarten Abgriffen (14) mindestens ein Einzelmodul (12) des Rings angeordnet ist, das ein Ringsegment bildet, und wobei an mindestens zwei Abgriffen je eine zweite Anzahl von Einzelmodulen als von der Ringanordnung (11) abzweigendes und einen Sternstrang bildendes Phasenmodul (20) aus mindestens zwei Einzelmodulen (12) vorgesehen ist, das mit einem Ende an dem jeweiligen Abgriff (14) angeschlossen ist und an dem anderen Ende einen Phasenanschluss bildet, wobei die Mehrzahl von Schaltelementen ein Verschalten von Energiespeichern ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018101830A1

Ein Antriebsstrang für ein Fahrzeug beinhaltet eine elektrische Maschine und eine Vielzahl von Wechselrichtern. Die elektrische Maschine kann einen Stator beinhalten, der eine Vielzahl von Statorzähnen definiert, die durch Schlitze getrennt sind, die dazu ausgelegt sind, Wicklungen aufzunehmen. Die Vielzahl von Wechselrichtern kann jeweils dazu ausgelegt sein, ausschließlich einen Strom in einigen, aber nicht allen Wicklungen innerhalb von Schlitzen anzutreiben, sodass einige der Vielzahl von Statorzähnen innerhalb eines Sektors des Stators dazu ausgelegt sind, durch nur einen der Wechselrichter mit Energie versorgt zu werden.

18-09-2014 дата публикации

"Elektromotor mit Funktionsüberwachung der Motorlager"

Номер: DE102013102648A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Elektromotor (1), umfassend einen Stator (2) mit einem relativ zu diesem drehbar in Lageranordnungen (11) gelagerten Rotor (4) sowie ein Motorgehäuse (3, 12) und einen Schwingungssensor (16) zur Aufnahme von im Elektromotor (1) auftretenden Schwingungen, die durch Funktionsstörungen an den Lageranordnungen (11) verursacht werden. Es ist hierbei die Ausbildung als Außenläufermotor vorgesehen. Der Stator (2) weist ein Lagertragrohr (7) auf, das einendig mit einem ringförmigen Statorflansch (8) verbunden ist. In dem Lagertragrohr (7) sind in Richtung einer mittleren Längsachse (X-X) des Lagertragrohrs (7) zueinander beabstandete Lageranordnungen (11) angeordnet, in denen eine Welle (9) des Rotors (4) gelagert ist. Der Schwingungssensor (16) ist am Statorflansch (8) befestigt.

03-11-2005 дата публикации

Antriebseinheit für ein Tor und Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Antriebseinheit für ein Tor

Номер: DE0019918414B4
Принадлежит: TORMATIC GMBH

Antriebseinheit für ein Tor mit einem elektromechanischen Antriebsmotor (10), mit einem Getriebe (12), wobei mittels dessen Abtriebsachse (13) das Tor bewegbar ist, mit einer Positionserfassungseinrichtung, bestehend aus einer elektronischen Steuerungseinheit (14) und einem Informationsgeber (17) und mit einem Informationsträger (15), der auf der Abtriebsachse (13) zentrisch angeordnet ist, an dessen Umfang beabstandete Informationsinhalte (2 bis 8) abgelegt sind, wobei mindestens ein ungleichmäßig beabstandeter Informationsinhalt (1) und/oder mindestens ein ungleichmäßig ausgebildeter Informationsinhalt (1) vorhanden ist und dass die elektronische Steuerungseinheit (14) ein Abtastsystem (16) aufweist, das mit dem Informationsträger (15) so zusammenwirkt, dass pro Umdrehung des Informationsträgers (15) ein in der zeitlichen Länge veränderter Impuls erfasst wird und in der elektronischen Steuerungseinheit (14) nicht flüchtig speicherbar und weiterverarbeitbar ist.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015013337A1

Ein Elektromotor ist bereitgestellt umfassend eine Rotoreinheit, eine Statoreinheit, ein Gehäuse und ein Lagermechanismus. Die Rotoreinheit dreht um eine vertikale Mittelachse. Die Statoreinheit ist um die Rotoreinheit angeordnet. Die Statoreinheit ist im Inneren des Gehäuses fixiert. Der Lagermechanismus stützt drehbar die Rotoreinheit relativ zu der Statoreinheit. Das Gehäuse umfasst einen zylindrischen Wandabschnitt mit einem Boden und einer Abdeckplatte, welche eine Öffnung des zylindrischen Wandabschnittes abdeckt. Der Lagermechanismus umfasst weiter zumindest zwei Lager, ein oberes Lager, welches durch die Abdeckplatte gehalten wird, und ein unteres Lager, welche durch den Boden des Gehäuses gehalten wird. Die Abdeckplatte besteht aus elektrisch leitfähigen Elementen und umfasst zumindest einen Vorsprung, welcher hin zu der oberen Außenseite der Abdeckplatte vorspringt, derart, dass der zumindest eine Vorsprung ausgestaltet ist, um direkt oder indirekt einen Massekontakt eines Controllers ...

30-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003427994A1

Signal processing units are more and more widely used as portable apparatuses or susceptible of being installed in very compact units. It is therefore necessary to obtain a face-to-face dimension which is further reduced and a decrease of the cost of the drive mechanisms. These problems are solved by fixing the shield ring (30) to the plate support (31) by adhesion (86) and by simultaneously fitting and cutting a plurality of finished units (30, 31). The invention may be used in the field of drive mechanisms for hard or flexible disk memories of video units and record players.

19-06-1986 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: DE0003443024A1

Published without abstract.

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Drehfeldmaschine mit Außenläufer, insbesondere in modularer Bauweise

Номер: DE102013101084A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehfeldmaschine mit einem Gehäuse, in dem zumindest ein Stator, ein Rotor, insbesondere Außenläufer-Rotor und eine Welle angeordnet sind. Erfindungsgemäß ist zumindest ein Trägerteil (2, 4) vorgesehen, auf dem der Stator und zumindest ein Lager (10, 12) angeordnet ist und am Gehäuse (6) eine Aufnahme (24) für Elektronik.

16-03-2000 дата публикации

Water pump for cooling water circuit of IC engine for cars is located with motor completely inside lines and/or reservoir of cooling water circuit, in pipe enlargement of cooling line

Номер: DE0019842168A1

A water pump for the cooling water circuit of an IC engine for cars which is driven by an electric motor is located with the motor (3) completely inside the lines and/or the reservoir (1) of the cooling water circuit. The pump (2) is located in a pipe enlargement of the cooling line and also in a reservoir inserted into the cooling water circuit. It is also located in the equalizing container of the cooling circuit and fastened in it in detachable fashion. The pump is a plunger pump.

22-02-2001 дата публикации

Elektromotorisch angetriebene Kreiselpumpe mit außenliegendem Rotor

Номер: DE0019939522A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kreiselpumpe 1 mit einem die Pumpe 1 antreibenden Elektromotor 7 in Radialflußbauweise, dessen mit dem Pumpenlaufrad 5 drehfest verbundener Rotor 19 als Naßläufer in Kontakt mit dem geförderten Medium ist und dessen Stator 14 durch Abdichtungsmittel 15, 16, 17, 18 von dem geförderten Medium getrennt ist, wobei der Rotor 19 mehrere Magnete 22 und der Stator 14 mehrere Ständerwicklungen 13 aufweist und wobei die Magnete 22 des Rotors 19 radial außerhalb der Ständerwicklungen 13 des Stators 14 umlaufen.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Antreiben eines Verdichters

Номер: DE102019107509A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zum Antreiben eines Verdichters eines dampfförmigen Fluids, insbesondere einen Elektromotor. Die Vorrichtung weist einen Rotor und einen Stator (1) auf, welche sich entlang einer gemeinsamen Längsachse (5) erstreckend angeordnet sind. Dabei ist an einer ersten in einer axialen Richtung ausgerichteten Stirnseite des Stators (1) ein Trägerelement (6) anliegend angeordnet, welches mit mindestens einem Aufnahmeelement (7) für ein Steckergehäuse (7b) zur Aufnahme von mindestens einem Steckverbinder als eine zusammenhängende Einheit und einteilige Komponente ausgebildet ist. Das Trägerelement (6) ist in axialer Richtung an einem fest mit dem Stator verbundenen Isolationselement (4) mit einer zylinderförmigen Wandung anliegend angeordnet und weist eine axial ausgerichtete Ringfläche (6a) auf.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019125565A1

Die Offenbarung stellt eine elektrische Wechselrichterbaugruppe bereit. In dieser Schrift wird eine Elektronikbaugruppe bereitgestellt. Die Elektronikbaugruppe beinhaltet eine Wechselrichterspeichereinheit, die in einem Gehäuse bereitgestellt ist. Ein Elektronikmodul versorgt einen Elektromotor mit Leistung. Das Elektronikmodul ist in die Wechselrichterspeichereinheit integriert. Ein oder mehrere Kondensatoren sind innerhalb des Elektronikmoduls angeordnet. Eine Heizvorrichtung ist thermisch an den einen oder die mehreren Kondensatoren gekoppelt und außerhalb dieser angeordnet.

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Elektrische Antriebseinheit mit einem Gehäuse

Номер: DE102019215371A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine elektrische Antriebseinheit (10), insbesondere zum Verstellen beweglicher Teile im Kraftfahrzeug, mit einem Gehäuse (11), aufweisend ein metallenes Motorgehäuse (12), das einen Stator und einen Rotor (20) aufnimmt, und ein sich axial daran anschließendes Elektronikgehäuse (30), das eine Elektronikeinheit (89) aufnimmt, und einen offenen Flansch (22) des Motorgehäuses (12) abschließt, wobei das Elektronikgehäuse (30) ein erstes axiales Gehäuseteil (31) aus Kunststoff (122) aufweist, wobei im Kunststoff (122) mindestens ein Leiterstreifen (120) integriert ist, der eine elektrisch leitende Verbindung zwischen dem Motorgehäuse (12) und dem Elektronikgehäuse (30) bildet, um eine Masseverbindung herzustellen, wobei die elektrisch leitende Verbindung mittels einer Schraube (38) hergestellt ist, die durch eine Aufnahme (118) im Flansch (22) hindurch in den Kunststoff (122) eingeschraubt ist.

02-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019107675A1

Ein elektrischer Kompressor (10) weist einen Elektromotor (13), ein Motorsteuergerät (19), das gestaltet ist, um den Elektromotor (13) anzutreiben, und ein Gehäuse (18) auf, in dem das Motorsteuergerät (19) untergebracht ist. Das Motorsteuergerät (19) weist ein Hochspannungssubstrat (41), auf dem ein Schaltelement (Qu1, Qu2, Qv1, Qv2, Qw1, Qw2) und eine Filterschaltung (20) mit einem Kondensator (25) und einer Spule (26) montiert sind, ein Niederspannungssubstrat (51), auf dem eine Steuerungsschaltung (21), die gestaltet ist, um das Schaltelement (Qu1, Qu2, Qv1, Qv2, Qw1, Qw2) zu steuern, montiert ist, und eine Sammelschienenbaugruppe (61) auf, die aus einem Harz hergestellt ist und eine Sammelschiene (67) aufweist, die eine elektrische Verbindung zwischen dem Schaltelement (Qu1, Qu2, Qv1, Qv2, Qw1, Qw2) und der Steuerungsschaltung (21) vorsieht. Das Hochspannungssubstrat (41), das Niederspannungssubstrat (51) und die Sammelschienenbaugruppe (61) sind derart geschichtet, dass die Sammelschienenbaugruppe ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019118384A1

Eine Vorrichtung (1) zum Bereitstellen von hydraulischer Energie in einem Fahrwerksystem (2) eines Fahrzeugs umfasst eine erste hydraulische Pumpe (11) und einen ersten Elektromotor (12) zum Antreiben der ersten hydraulischen Pumpe, eine zweite hydraulische Pumpe (21) und einen zweiten Elektromotor (22) zum Antreiben der zweiten hydraulischen Pumpe und eine gemeinsame Elektronikeinheit (30), welche eingerichtet ist, den ersten und den zweiten Elektromotor anzusteuern, wobei die beiden Elektromotoren und die beiden Pumpen vorzugsweise baugleich ausgestaltet sind und/oder jeweils erste und zweite Motor-Pumpe-Gruppen (12, 20) bilden.

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019204927A1

Eine Antriebsvorrichtung beinhaltet einen Motor (80) mit zwei Sätzen Wicklungsdrähten, einen Controller (20), der koaxial mit dem Motor zum Steuern des Motors angeordnet ist, und einen Verbinder (35, 36, 37) zum Verbinden des Controllers mit einem externen Verbinder. Der Controller (20) hat eine Erstsystem-Steuereinheit (201) zum Steuern von Energie, die einem Satz Wicklungsdrähten bereitgestellt wird, und eine Zweitsystem-Steuereinheit (202) zum Steuern von Energie, die dem anderen Satz Wicklungsdrähten bereitgestellt wird. Der Verbinder hat einen ersten Pluspolanschluss (121) und einen ersten Minuspolanschluss (131) für Energie, die der Erstsystem-Steuereinheit bereitgestellt wird, und einen zweiten Pluspolanschluss (122) und einen zweiten Minuspolanschluss (132) für Energie, die der Zweitsystem-Steuereinheit bereitgestellt wird. Ein Abschnitt einer planaren Fläche des ersten Pluspolanschlusses (121) ist positioniert, um einen Abschnitt einer planaren Fläche des ersten Minuspolanschlusses ...

24-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE502007003766D1

07-03-1996 дата публикации

Pump system supplied by frequency inverter e.g. for room heating medium circulation pump

Номер: DE0004435510C1

The pump system has an electric motor and a gyro-pump driven by it. A clamp-on casing (8) attached to the motor housing (7) contains a frequency inverter, the base of the casing having an opening to allow heat from the power stage to escape. A heat conducting plate (6) arranged near the opening is thermally connected to a corresp. motor housing connecting surface (5). The clamp-on casing is made of metal and designed as a cooling body for convection cooling. The heat generating components of the power electronics are encapsulated in a metal intermediate housing (12) open to the casing opening, but otherwise closed, whereby at least two chambers at different temp. levels are formed in the clamp-on casing.

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Linear drive, has drive unit and electronic unit for controlling drive unit and both are arranged in housing and drive unit has two or more electric motors arranged in series

Номер: DE102006058153A1

The linear drive has a drive unit and an electronic unit (6) for controlling the drive unit. The drive unit and the electronic unit are arranged in a housing (1). The drive unit has two or more electric motors arranged in series. The electric motor has a coupling (4), which is connected with the drive linkage (3). The electric motor is arranged without crankshaft housings in the housing of the linear drive.

05-05-2011 дата публикации

Kraftfahrzeuggenerator, Lagerschild-Schaltungs-Einrichtung und Lagerschild mit optimierten Kühleigenschaften

Номер: DE102009046192A1

Der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Erfindung betrifft einen Kraftfahrzeuggenerator mit einer Lagerschild-Schaltungs-Einrichtung (10), die ein Lagerschild (1) aufweist, wobei das Lagerschild (1) für einen Kraftfahrzeuggenerator zur Umwandlung mechanischer Energie in elektrische Energie oder reversibel zur Umwandlung von elektrischer in mechanische Energie, ausgebildet ist, umfassend einen topfförmigen, mindestens eine Luftdurchgangsöffnung (4) für Kühlluft aufweisenden Grundkörper mit einem Bodenabschnitt (2) und einem Umfangsabschnitt (3), wobei an der von dem Umfangsabschnitt (3) umgebenden Innenfläche (2a) des Bodenabschnitts (2) mindestens ein Kühlkörper (30, 31, 32) vorgesehen ist, der von der Kühlluft an- und/oder umströmbar ist, und wobei der Bodenabschnitt (2) luftdurchgangsöffnungsfrei ausgebildet ist.

14-08-2013 дата публикации

Motorbetriebener Kompressor

Номер: DE0010251219B4

Motorbetriebener Kompressor (10), der folgende Bauteile aufweist: ein Gehäuse (11, 12, 13) zum Einführen eines Kältemittels und zum Ausstoßen des Kältemittels; einen Kompressionsabschnitt (20) zum Komprimieren des Kältemittels, wobei der Kompressionsabschnitt in dem Gehäuse angeordnet ist; einen Motor (30) zum Antreiben des Kompressionsabschnittes, wobei der Motor in dem Gehäuse angeordnet ist; eine Antriebsschaltung (40) zur Steuerung des Motors; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Verbindungsbauteil (50), das eine plattenförmige Gestalt besitzt, das an einem Ende des Motors angeordnet ist, zur Verbindung einer Mehrzahl von Spulen (33) des Motors mit der Antriebsschaltung vorgesehen ist, wobei das Verbindungsbauteil (50) an einer vorbestimmten Position in einer Umfangsrichtung eine Kältemittelöffnung (50b) aufweist.

08-12-2011 дата публикации

Internal rotor electromotor e.g. power assist motor, for steering system of vehicle, has electronic part arranged on side of base of support structure turned away from stator, where base and wall of structure are formed as cooling bodies

Номер: DE102010029769A1

The electromotor (1) has a stator (3) held at a radial inner side wall (11) of a pot-shaped support structure (9), and a rotor (4) rotatably supported within the stator. A base (10) and the side wall of the support structure are formed as cooling bodies. An electronic part (13) is arranged at the base of the support structure on a side of the base turned away from the stator. A bearing (8) is arranged at the base of the support structure on a side of the base turned towards the stator for supporting the rotor.

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011013659A1

Ein elektronisch kommutierter Außenläufermotor hat einen Innenstator (20) mit einem Statorblechpaket (64) und einer diesem zugeordneten Wicklungsanordnung (66), sowie einer zentralen Ausnehmung (149) des Statorblechpakets (64), in welcher ein Lagerrohr (56) angeordnet ist. Ferner hat der Motor einen vom Statorblechpaket (64) durch einen magnetisch wirksamen Luftspalt (99) getrennten permanentmagnetischen Außenrotor (26), welcher eine Welle (42) hat, die in dem Lagerrohr (56) gelagert ist. Im Lagerrohr (56) sind im Abstand voneinander zwei Wälzlager (48, 50) angeordnet, nämlich ein erstes Wälzlager (48) auf einer dem Rotor (28) zugewandten Seite, und ein zweites Wälzlager (50) auf einer vom Rotor (28) abgewandten Seite. Beim zweiten Wälzlager (50) ist ein Außenring mit einer Seite an einer im Lagerrohr (56) vorgesehenen Schulter (82) abgestützt. Dieser Außenring ist mit seiner anderen Seite über ein Distanzglied (52) gegen eine gegenüberliegende Seite des Außenrings des ersten Wälzlagers ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Elektronische Baugruppe und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung

Номер: DE102011105346A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine elektronische Baugruppe (50, 50') mit einem Leiterplattenmehrschichtaufbau (10) aus mindestens zwei elektrisch leitenden Schichten (12, 14), die jeweils mindestens einen über den Mehrschichtaufbau (10) hinausragenden Schichtabschnitt (12.2, 14.1, 14.2) aufweisen, der einen zur direkten Ankontaktierung eines zusätzlichen passiven Bauelements (C, C'; L;) ausgebildeten Anschlussbereich definiert.

17-02-2005 дата публикации

Gleichstrommotor mit Umdrehungsdetektor

Номер: DE0069828536D1

14-09-2006 дата публикации

Integrierter elektrischer Motor und Antrieb, der für Hochtemperaturoperationen optimiert wurde

Номер: DE102006002010A1

Die wärmeerzeugenden Komponenten eines integrierten Motorsystems sind in der näheren Umgebung des Motoraufbaus für eine wirkungsvolle Wärmeableitung angeordnet, und die wärmeempfindlichen Komponenten sind davon physisch und thermisch isoliert.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Lüfterhaube für einen Umrichtermotor, Umrichtermotor und Baureihe von Umrichtermotoren

Номер: DE102007034913B4

Lüfterhaube für einen Umrichtermotor, mit einem ersten rohrförmigen Teil (2), welches eine Seitenwand bildet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das erste rohrförmige Teil (2) an einem axialen Ende durch einen abnehmbaren Deckel (6) verschlossen ist und am ersten rohrförmigen Teil (2) seitlich ein Anschlusskasten (7) ausgebildet ist, wobei der Deckel (6) einen Bereich mit Ausnehmungen (52), insbesondere einen durchbrochenen Bereich, aufweist, und dass der Deckel (6) eine Grundplatte (50) umfasst, auf der ein Luftleitring (28) befestigt ist, wobei der Ansatzbereich, insbesondere der Ansatzkreis, des Luftleitrings (28) auf der Grundplatte (50) den durchbrochenen Bereich begrenzt.

28-05-2009 дата публикации

Electric drive, particularly electrically-powered axle, for traction drive and working drive of industrial truck, has electrical machine with multiple windings arranged in machine housing

Номер: DE102007056383A1

The electric drive has an electrical machine with multiple windings arranged in a machine housing (1). A power module (2) is provided outside the machine housing, and is electrically connected with the windings. A housing opening is provided for electrical connection of the windings with the power module in machine housing. A cable socket (4) is passed through locking cover (5) by the housing opening, and is provided with a formed conductor line section (4b), which stays in electrically conductive connection with the power module.

27-02-2013 дата публикации

Turbo-machine with toroidal inductor

Номер: GB0002493976A

A turbo-machine 1 comprises a rotor assembly 3, a stator assembly 4, and a toroidal inductor 22. The rotor assembly comprises an impeller 15, and the inductor surrounds the rotor assembly. The inductor is located between the impeller and the stator assembly and is exposed to an airflow generated by or acting upon the impeller. The rotor assembly may comprise a shaft 12 to which a rotor core 13, a bearing assembly 14 and the impeller are mounted. The bearing assembly may be located between the rotor core and the impeller, with the inductor surrounding the bearing assembly. The turbo-machine may comprise a circuit board, the inductor being electrically coupled thereto. The stator assembly may be located between the circuit board and the inductor. In a second aspect, a turbo-machine comprises an impeller 15, while a shroud 16 covers the impeller, and a toroidal inductor 22 surrounds the shroud.

02-03-1994 дата публикации

Electric fans and method of assembly thereof

Номер: GB0009400089D0

02-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: GB0201512807D0

27-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008729361D0

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Motor, electric equipment, and method of manufacturing motor

Номер: US20120025746A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In a motor driven by a drive circuit such as an inverter, there is a problem that electric current flowing through a bearing causes electric corrosion, which impairs the durability of the bearing. A motor of the invention includes: a stator in which a winding is applied through an insulating part to a stator core formed by laminating a predetermined number of electromagnetic steel plates which have been punched into a predetermined shape; a rotor assembly in which a rotor and bearings and formed by rolling bearings are fitted to a shaft; a printed wiring board which is arranged at an end part of the stator in an axial direction and to which a drive circuit is mounted; a bracket imposed to at least the end part of the stator in the axial direction to which the printed wiring board is arranged; and a conductive sheet provided between the printed wiring board and the bracket.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for synchronized distributed controllers

Номер: US20120056572A1
Принадлежит: Animatics Corp

Intelligent servomotor controller, including integrated servomotor controller having motor with rotor in first housing; rotor position encoder producing measured position of rotor; microprocessor within second housing mating to first housing, electrically connected to rotor position encoder, serial communications port connecting to another integrated servomotor controller communicating desired rotor position command using serial digital data, microprocessor having software receiving desired position commands through communications port, computing error between desired position command and encoder-transmitted measured rotor reducing error signals to zero. Microprocessor is a position based servo system within second housing and rotor within first housing to desired position defined by communication with another integrated servo element. Microprocessor produces actuation signal to direct PID filter connected to microprocessor, PID filter providing drive amplifier servo control of supplying current to the motor. Cooperative communication facilitates synchronized action with integrated servo element. Embodiments also include method of operating IISMC group, including setting combined path target acceleration for IISMC; setting combined target velocity for IISMC; setting individual target position for IISMC; and initiating synchronized motion in the IISMC.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Pump motor control assembly

Номер: US20120104878A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Motor Corp

A pump motor assembly operable to provide driving power to a fluid pump includes a rotor, a stator, a case housing the rotor and the stator, and a control assembly mounted to the case and operable to control motor operation. The control assembly includes an information display and a cover overlying the display, with a window section in general alignment with the display. The control assembly also includes a filler plate underlying the window section to prevent any air gap along an underside thereof, allowing the display to be visible while reducing the risk of condensation buildup. The control assembly further includes a low voltage housing with the display disposed in a first compartment defined thereby, and a high voltage housing with a high voltage component disposed in a second compartment defined thereby. The low voltage housing includes a thermal and fluid barrier that substantially fluidly separates the first and second compartments to reduce the risk of liquid electrical conduction therebetween and to reduce heat transfer into the low voltage housing.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Drive device

Номер: US20120161558A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd, Denso Corp

A drive device includes a motor, a control unit and a holder. The motor has a motor case, a stator, a winding wire, a rotor and a shaft. The control unit includes a semiconductor module, a receiving member, and a cover. The control unit is arranged on a side of the motor in an axis direction of the motor. The holder is arranged between the motor and the control unit, and has a wall portion extending toward the control unit and fitting with the control unit.

05-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120169163A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd

A motor includes a motor case, and a rotor and a stator, which are disposed in the case. The case has a tubular portion, a front cover mounted to an axial end of the portion, and a rear cover mounted to the other axial end of the portion. The rotor has a rotary shaft and the stator includes a plurality of teeth, which extend toward a central axis of the shaft and are circumferentially disposed at equal intervals. Between each circumferentially adjacent pair of the teeth, a slot extending toward the axis is formed. In each slot, a U-shaped segment is inserted in parallel with the axis. The distal ends of the segments projecting out from the slots are electrically interconnected, thereby forming an SC coil including the segments disposed circumferentially. The SC coil includes a receiving terminal, and the terminal includes leads extending in parallel to the axis.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Electromechanical actuator with dual excitation

Номер: US20120175198A1
Принадлежит: Messier Bugatti Dowty SA

A braking actuator for a brake of an aircraft, the actuator comprising: an electric motor; a pusher actuated by the motor; and a position sensor for sensing the position of the movable portion of the motor and provided with transmitter and receiver members. The motor has first and second exciters adapted to move the movable portion of the motor and adapted to be powered independently from each other. The transmitter member of the position sensor comprises first and second transmitters adapted to be powered independently, and the receiver member generates the signal representative of position on being excited by at least one of the transmitters.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for a spatially resolved introduction of an intensity pattern comprising electro-magnetic radiation into a photosensitive substance as well as applications thereof

Номер: US20120218535A1
Принадлежит: Nanoscribe GmbH

A method for the spatially resolved introduction of an intensity pattern of electro-magnetic radiation by at least one optic display system into a photosensitive substance having properties which can be changed by photon exposure. These properties include a first, liquid and at least one second state, with the electro-magnetic radiation being conducted via the optic display system into the photosensitive substance and here being projected on predetermined spatial coordinates, in order to create at or in an area of these spatial coordinates a change of the properties of the substance. A surface of an objective lens of the optic display system, through which the electro-magnetic radiation 4 is emitted, is immersed in the liquid photosensitive substance 2. A corresponding device is provided, and the device and method can be used for the creation of micro or nano-scaled structures.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Connecting Element Between a Motor and a Control Unit

Номер: US20120223604A1

A connecting element between a motor and a control unit includes a flat base plate having electrical bushings and an, in particular centered, opening. The base plate further includes a shaft around the opening. A first seal is provided at the edge of the base plate and a second seal is provided at the upper edge of the shaft.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Motor and motor for electric power steering

Номер: US20120223624A1
Принадлежит: Asmo Co Ltd, Denso Corp

A motor body has feeder terminals. Connecting ends of the corresponding feeder terminals are exposed radially outward from a motor case. The motor body has an end frame having an attachment portion. In this configuration, a control unit is fixed to the attachment portion and connecting terminals of the control unit are arranged to be allowed to contact the corresponding connecting ends. By fastening the fastening screws at positions radially outward of the motor case, the connecting terminals of the control unit are connected to the connecting ends of the motor body.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Brushless electric motor provided with rotor having intermediate magnetic pole

Номер: US20120235615A1
Автор: Masayuki Nashiki
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

An AC electric motor includes an annular A-phase winding WA wound in the circumferential direction of a stator, a stator pole group SPGA configured to generate magnetic flux φA to interlink with the A-phase winding WA, an annular B-phase winding WB wound in the circumferential direction, and a stator pole group SPGB configured to generate magnetic flux φB to interlink with the B-phase winding WB. The motor additionally includes a third stator pole group SPGC, N and S magnetic poles of the rotor, and X magnetic poles, which serve as third rotor poles, showing magnetic characteristics between the N and S magnetic poles of the rotor. DC currents are supplied to the A-phase and B-phase windings WA and WB to generate rotational torque.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Electronic switching module for a power tool

Номер: US20120293099A1
Принадлежит: Black and Decker Inc

An electronic power apparatus is provided, including a circuit board having a conductive pads and a sense pad coupled to an output signal, and an actuator having a wiper portion accommodating a conductive wiper. The wiper includes a first end arranged to engage the sense pad and a second end arranged to slidably engage at least one of the conductive pads on the circuit board. The conductive pads are arranged in a first row of conductive pads and a second row of conductive pads in parallel with and at a distance to the first row of conductive pads. An alignment of the second row of conductive pads is offset with respect to the first row of conductive pads.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Valve device for internal combustion engines

Номер: US20120318217A1
Принадлежит: PIERBURG GMBH

A valve device for an internal combustion engine includes a drive unit. A drive housing in which the drive unit is arranged. A valve unit is configured to be moved by the drive unit. The valve unit comprises a valve rod and a valve closure member. A flow housing comprises a fluid inlet channel and a fluid outlet channel. A connection cross section of the fluid inlet channel and the fluid outlet channel is configured to be controlled by the valve closure member. A pressure detection chamber is fluidically connected with the fluid inlet channel. A pressure sensor is arranged in the pressure detection chamber and is integrated in the drive housing. The pressure sensor comprises a pressure detection surface arranged in a plane. A normal of the pressure detection surface is arranged so as to be perpendicular to a direction of a fluid flow into the pressure detection chamber.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Inverter-integrated driving module and manufacturing method therefor

Номер: US20120319542A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Phase coils are each configured by winding a conductor wire in a concentrated winding consecutively on three circumferentially consecutive tooth portions, six inverter units of an inverter module are each disposed in close proximity to a motor so as to face each of the phase coils axially, and the motor and the inverter module are electrically connected by connecting an alternating-current output terminals of each of the plurality of inverter units to output wires of the phase coils that face the inverter units axially.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Motor unit

Номер: US20120326540A1
Автор: Gerhard Dorr
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

The invention relates to a motor unit ( 5 ) comprising a motor ( 1 ), a heat exchanger ( 2 ) and an inverter ( 3 ) for the motor ( 1 ). In order to provide a compact, low-cost motor unit it is proposed that the heat exchanger ( 2 ) is embodied for cooling both the motor ( 1 ) and the inverter ( 3 ).

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for controlling a motor

Номер: US20130026962A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A control system for a motor includes an inverter coupled to the motor. The control system further includes a microcontroller coupled to the inverter. The microcontroller includes a processor programmed to measure an input voltage and acquire a back EMF voltage of the motor. The processor is also programmed to control the inverter to regulate the motor voltage based on the input voltage and the back EMF voltage to facilitate controlling the motor.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Electric Motor

Номер: US20130076172A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electric motor is disclosed that includes a first electric motor frame; a second electric motor frame positioned outside the first electric motor frame; a first ventilation path between the first frame and the second frame; and a first ventilation path fan installed within the first ventilation path. The first ventilation path fan can be integral with a shaft of the electric motor. The first ventilation path can be at least partially defined by the first and second electric motor frame. The electric motor of Claim 1 further comprising a control apparatus attached outside of the second frame. The electric motor can also include a second ventilation path between the control apparatus and the second frame wherein the second ventilation path is in communication with the first ventilation path. The electric motor can also include a second ventilation path fan located in the second ventilation path.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Driving apparatus

Номер: US20130099610A1
Автор: Hiroshi Imai, Yuuji Suga
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

It is an object to provide a driving apparatus, according to which a control unit can be detachably connected to a motor unit in a condition that electronic circuits are not exposed to an outside of a housing. The electronic circuits are accommodated in the housing. A first connecting member is supported by a holder unit, which holds a motor terminal connected to a winding of a stator of the motor unit. A second connecting member is attached to the housing from the outside thereof, in such a way that a circuit-board terminal connected to the electronic circuits and the motor terminal are interposed between the first and second connecting members. As a result, the circuit-board terminal and the motor terminal are mechanically and electrically connected to each other.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Dial switch for motor control

Номер: US20130106322A1
Автор: Edward L. Drye
Принадлежит: Individual

A motor assembly includes an electric motor having a stator and a rotor. A housing is coupled to the electric motor. A motor controller is disposed within the housing. A human machine interface (HMI) is coupled to the housing and in communication with the motor controller for user control of the electric motor. The HMI includes a rotatable user input providing simultaneous mode selection and mode indication.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Motor-driven compressor

Номер: US20130108485A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A motor-driven compressor includes a compression mechanism compressing refrigerant gas, an electric motor driving the compression mechanism, a housing made of a thermally conductive material and accommodating the compression mechanism and the electric motor and an inverter assembly controlling rotation of the electric motor. The inverter assembly includes an elastic member made of a thermally conductive material and disposed in contact with the housing, a circuit board supported directly by the elastic member, an electronic part mounted on the circuit board and a base member made of a thermally conductive material, fixed to the housing and having a closed end. The base member fixes the electronic part. The base member and the housing cooperate to form an accommodation space that accommodates the elastic member, the circuit board and the electronic part. The closed end of the base member and the elastic member forms therebetween a space.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Power module for electric power steering and electric power steering drive control apparatus using the same

Номер: US20130141871A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

An object is to release heat efficiently to heat-resistance abilities of individual components by enhancing a heat-radiation performance of power circuit components forming a power module ( 100 ) and by enhancing a heat generation balance. The power circuit components formed of power switching elements ( 107 and 108 ) forming a bridge circuit and a motor relay switching element ( 109 ) are mounted on conductive members ( 102 ) while a heat generation balance is maintained. Then, the conductive members ( 102 ) are disposed on a heat-releasing heat sink ( 30 ) by abutment, and the power circuit components and the heat sink ( 30 ) are integrally molded using mold resin ( 101 ).

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Electric motor with a power output stage and with efficient heat transport and method

Номер: US20130187490A1

The invention relates to an electric motor, in particular an electronically commutated electric motor. The electric motor has a stator, a rotor and a housing, which accommodates at least the stator and the rotor in a cavity. The electric motor also has a power output stage, which is connected to the stator and is designed to energize the stator in order to induce a rotating magnetic field. The power output stage has at least one power semiconductor with a thermal contact area, wherein the thermal contact area is thermally conductively connected to the housing, with the result that heat generated in the power semiconductor can be dissipated to the housing. According to the invention, the housing has a housing cup, which at least partially surrounds the cavity and is preferably thermally conductive and which has a cup wall, wherein the cup wall has a mating contact area corresponding to the thermal contact area.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Electrical machine

Номер: US20130207490A1
Принадлежит: Controlled Power Technologies Ltd

An integrated starter generator device comprising a housing, a stator and a rotor contained within the housing, the device further comprising control electronics operable to configure the device as either a starter or generator and contained entirely within the housing. The device may include a high current terminal having brass and rubber bonded together. The rubber forms both a sealing and an insulating function.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Motor driving device and vehicle

Номер: US20130241327A1
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

This motor driving device includes a motor including a high speed drive coil and a low speed drive coil, a coil switching portion arranged in a direction along a rotating shaft of the motor with respect to the motor, a power converter arranged in a direction intersecting with the rotating shaft with respect to the motor, and a plurality of case portions storing at least the motor, the coil switching portion, and the power converter. The plurality of case portions are coupled with each other.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Adjusting drive of a motor vehicle adjusting element

Номер: US20130242484A1
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

An electronics and/or gearing housing, in particular for a worm wheel of a window lifting drive, of a motor vehicle is provided. The electronics and/or gearing housing has a housing body, within which an electronic assembly is arranged, and a cover, which is joined to the housing body via ultrasonic welding.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Pump unit

Номер: US20130300330A1
Принадлежит: Grundfos Holdings AS

A pumping set includes an electric motor, which exhibits a stator, a rotor and a can arranged between the stator and rotor, and at least one impeller linked with the rotor, wherein the electric motor has engine electronics designed for electronically commutating the electric motor, and the electric motor and commutation are configured in such a way that, in a state where the rotor chamber inside the can and/or the impeller is not filled with liquid, the rotor is shut down.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Control device, and motor unit including control device

Номер: US20130301229A1
Автор: Takuya YANAGI
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A control device includes: a metal housing having a bottom wall and a side wall; a first circuit board having a principal surface, the principal surface facing the bottom wall; and a second circuit board upright to the first circuit board, and having a principal surface and a power element, the power element being mounted on the principal surface and facing the side wall.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Tool having integrated electricity generator with external stator and power conditioner

Номер: US20130313836A1
Автор: Jon J. Leininger
Принадлежит: Jon J. Leininger

A tool cover for receiving a tool housing of a pneumatic tool is disclosed. The tool cover supports and aligns an inductor element of a stator with magnets of a rotor within the tool housing. The tool cover also supports a circuit to which the inductor element is electrically connected, where the circuit comprises a power conditioner for receiving current from the inductor element and conditioning the current to be acceptable for supply to a load that comprises one or more logic processing devices.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Drive system

Номер: US20130334916A1
Автор: Stefan Basler

The invention relates to a drive system ( 10 ) with an electromotor ( 20 ) having an encoder-free control unit ( 30 ), such that the electromotor ( 20 ) has an interface for digital data transmission.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Pump motor control assembly

Номер: US20130343905A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Motor Corp

A pump motor assembly operable to provide driving power to a fluid pump includes a rotor, a stator, a case housing the rotor and the stator, and a control assembly mounted to the case and operable to control motor operation. The control assembly includes an information display and a cover overlying the display, with a window section in general alignment with the display. The control assembly also includes a filler plate underlying the window section to prevent any air gap along an underside thereof, allowing the display to be visible while reducing the risk of condensation buildup. The control assembly further includes a low voltage housing with the display disposed in a first compartment defined thereby, and a high voltage housing with a high voltage component disposed in a second compartment defined thereby. The low voltage housing includes a thermal and fluid barrier that substantially fluidly separates the first and second compartments to reduce the risk of liquid electrical conduction therebetween and to reduce heat transfer into the low voltage housing.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Motor unit

Номер: US20140021833A1
Принадлежит: JTEKT Corp

A motor unit includes an electric motor that has a motor bracket that is fixed to an end portion of a motor housing that houses a rotor and a stator; a gear housing fixed to the motor bracket; and a circuit board that controls driving of the electric motor. The circuit board is wrapped on an outer face of a side wall of the gear housing.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Spindle Motor

Номер: US20140035408A1
Автор: Hoeop Yoon
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

A spindle motor is provided, the motor including: a base plate; a PCB Printed Circuit Board arranged on an upper surface of the base plate; a bearing assembly coupled to the base plate; a stator coupled to a periphery of the bearing assembly; and a rotor rotationally coupled to the bearing assembly, wherein the base plate is formed with a foreign object inflow prevention fence to inhibit inflow of foreign objects into the stator and the base plate.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Electric hand tool having a discrete operating element

Номер: US20140042838A1

An electric hand tool has an electric consumer, a movable operating element and a control unit for controlling a current flow between the energy store and the consumer on the basis of the position of the operating element. The control unit is constructed separately from the operating element and the mechanical position of the operating element is converted into an electrical control signal in the control unit.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Motor driving system

Номер: US20140042878A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Servo Corp

A motor driving system that changes a rotation speed of a motor pursuant to a speed command includes a main device including a drive circuit configured to drive the motor, an input device configured to input the speed command to the drive circuit, and a signal insulating unit configured to insulate the input device from the main device and to transmit the speed command from the input device to the drive circuit of the main device.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Controller-integrated electric rotating machine and assembling and disassembling methods of the same

Номер: US20140091682A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In a controller-integrated electric rotating machine configured to assemble a front side semi-manufactured assembly E formed from an electric rotating machine main body 1 and a front bracket 4 with the rear side semi-manufactured assembly D to which a rear bracket 5 , a control unit assembly A, a power unit assembly B, and a brush unit assembly C are integrated, a series of brush restricting pin insertion holes 24 are disposed from a rear side end surface of the control unit assembly through the brush, and therefore assembling workability is improved without failures in assembling work which occur due to breaking away of a brush from a brush holder to the rotary shaft side.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Passenger transportation system and relative control method

Номер: US20150000552A1

A passenger transportation system having at least one rail extending along a path; at least one trolley movable along the rail; an actuating device having a linear electric motor, in turn having at least one slide fitted to the trolley, and a linear stator extending at least partly along the path, and having an elongated body, and a quantity of power windings embedded in the elongated body; and a quantity of sensors configured to control the position of the trolley, the sensors being fitted to the elongated body and so positioned as to minimize noise generated by the power windings on the sensors.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001526A1

A power tool includes an output shaft, a motor, a housing, a detection unit, a storage device and a control unit. The output shaft is configured to output a torsion. The motor is configured to drive the output shaft to rotate. The housing is configured to accommodate the motor. The detection unit is configured to detect an operational parameter of the power tool. The storage device is configured to store at least a first threshold corresponding to a first operating condition set and a second threshold corresponding to a second operating condition set. The control unit is communicatively connected to the detection unit and the storage device. 1. A power tool , comprising:an output shaft configured to output a torsion;a motor configured to drive the output shaft to rotate;a housing configured to accommodate the motor;a detection unit configured to detect an operational parameter of the power tool;a storage device configured to store a first threshold corresponding to a first operating condition set and a second threshold corresponding to a second operating condition set; anda control unit communicatively connected to the detection unit and the storage device;wherein the control unit is configured to establish a functional relationship f(x, y, M) so as to drive the motor to operate in different operation modes, x is first feature data, the first feature data is any one of a first operational parameter, a first derivative of the first operational parameter, or a second derivative of the first operational parameter, y is second feature data, the second feature data is any one of a second operational parameter, a first derivative of the second operational parameter, or a second derivative of the second operational parameter, and M is a first operation mode or a second operation mode;wherein the control unit is configured to determine the first operating condition set among a plurality of operating condition sets through the first feature data and the second feature data ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Hand-Held Power Tool having an Electronically Commutated Motor

Номер: US20210001464A1

A hand-held power tool includes an electronically commutated motor including a motor winding. Motor electronics of the hand-held power tool are configured to electronically commutate the motor winding using a selected one of a plurality of electrical precontrol angles, thereby adapting the motor winding to different mechanical load conditions of the electronically commutated motor.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001304A1
Автор: KATO Yusuke

A plurality of intermediate shafts, which are placed between an input shaft and an output shaft, respectively includes a large diameter gear and a small diameter gear. The large diameter gear of each intermediate shaft is meshed with a corresponding one of an input gear of the input shaft or the small diameter gear of another one of the intermediate shafts located on the input shaft side. The small diameter gear of each intermediate shaft is meshed with a corresponding one of an output shaft of the output shaft or the large diameter gear of another one of the intermediate shafts located on the output shaft side. 1. An actuator to be used at a joint of a robot , comprising:an electric motor;an input shaft member that is rotated about an axis of the input shaft member by rotation of the electric motor;an input gear that is fixed to and is rotated integrally with the input shaft member;an output shaft member that is rotated about an axis of the output shaft member and has a through-hole, which is formed to extend in an axial direction of the output shaft member and receives an electric line used to control the robot;an output gear that is fixed to and is rotated integrally with the output shaft member;at least two intermediate shaft members, each of which is rotated about an axis of the intermediate shaft member;at least two large diameter gears, each of which is fixed to and is rotated integrally with a corresponding one of the at least two intermediate shaft members;at least two small diameter gears, each of which is fixed to and is rotated integrally with the corresponding one of the at least two intermediate shaft members, wherein a diameter of each of the at least two small diameter gears is smaller than a diameter of the large diameter gear, which is fixed to the corresponding one of the at least two intermediate shaft members; andtwo angle sensing devices, which respectively sense rotational angles of two sensing-subject shaft members among the input shaft ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001713A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A drive unit includes: a rotary electric machine; a rotary electric machine case accommodating the rotary electric machine; an electric power conversion device electrically connected to the rotary electric machine and configured to convert electric power supplied to the rotary electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotary electric machine; and an output shaft extending out from the rotary electric machine case and configured to output power of the rotary electric machine. The electric power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotary electric machine. The output shaft is arranged between the rotary electric machine and the electric power conversion device. 1. A drive unit comprising:a rotary electric machine;a rotary electric machine case accommodating the rotary electric machine;an electric power conversion device electrically connected to the rotary electric machine and configured to convert electric power supplied to the rotary electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotary electric machine; andan output shaft extending out from the rotary electric machine case and configured to output power of the rotary electric machine, wherein:the electric power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotary electric machine; andthe output shaft is arranged between the rotary electric machine and the electric power conversion device.2. The drive unit according to claim 1 , whereina cooling part through which a refrigerant passes is provided between a board of the electric power conversion device and the output shaft.3. The drive unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe rotary electric machine case is formed integrally with the electric power conversion device.4. The drive unit according to claim 1 , wherein:the rotation shaft of the rotary electric machine is provided so as to extend in a horizontal direction;the electric power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotary electric machine in an orthogonal direction ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001714A1
Автор: Oechslen Stefan

A drive train () for a motor vehicle () has an electric machine () with a rotor (), a stator () and an air gap () between the rotor () and the stator (). The drive train () also has a transmission () and a cooling circuit () for conducting a coolant through the electric machine () and the transmission (). The coolant is provided for lubricating and cooling the transmission () and for directly cooling electrical conductors of the stator (). The cooling circuit () is provided in such a way that the coolant does not enter the air gap (). 1. A drive train for a motor vehicle , comprising:an electric machine with a rotor, a stator and an air gap arranged between the rotor and the stator;a transmission; anda cooling circuit for conducting a coolant through the electric machine and the transmission,wherein the coolant is provided for lubricating and cooling the transmission and for directly cooling electrical conductors of the stator, and wherein the cooling circuit is provided so that the coolant does not enter the air gap.2. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein the stator has stator grooves and the drive train further comprises a can separating the stator grooves of the stator in a fluid-tight fashion from a rotor space in which the rotor is arranged.3. The drive train of claim 2 , wherein the can is laminated into the electric machine.4. The drive train of claim 2 , wherein the can is inserted into the electric machine.5. The drive train of claim 2 , wherein the stator grooves are part of the cooling circuit.6. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein the coolant is an oil.7. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein the coolant is dielectric.8. The drive train of claim 1 , wherein the cooling circuit is configured to cool the rotor.9. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a heat exchanging device for transferring heat from the coolant to a further medium.10. The drive train of claim 9 , wherein the drive train has a further cooling circuit that is configured to cool a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006244A1
Автор: Oda Masato, SATO Yuto

A connecting member includes a first electrically-conductive member, a second electrically-conductive member, and an insulating member that accommodates the first electrically-conductive member and the second electrically-conductive member. Each of the first electrically-conductive member and the second electrically-conductive member includes an electric power supply-side connecting portion, a first substrate-side connecting portion, a second substrate-side connecting portion, and a branching portion that branches off to a second electric power supply channel to the second substrate-side connecting portion, at an intermediate point on a first electric power supply channel from the electric power supply-side connecting portion to the first substrate-side connecting portion. The branching portion of the first electrically-conductive member and the branching portion of the second electrically-conductive member are disposed inside the insulating member. 1. A connecting member comprising:a first electrically-conductive member that electrically connects an electric power source and a functional part of a first system on a substrate, the functional part being a target of electric power supply, and electrically connects the electric power source and a functional part of a second system on the substrate;a second electrically-conductive member that electrically connects a ground and the functional part of the first system on the substrate and electrically connects the ground and the functional part of the second system on the substrate; andan insulating member that accommodates the first electrically-conductive member and the second electrically-conductive member, whereineach of the first electrically-conductive member and the second electrically-conductive member includes a single electric power supply-side connecting portion to be connected to a connection terminal provided in the electric power source, a first substrate-side connecting portion connected to the functional ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002807A1
Автор: Kogiso Yoshinori
Принадлежит: KYB Corporation

An electric pump includes a pump configured to suck, pressurize and discharge working fluid, a motor coupled with the pump and configured to drive the pump, a motor controller arranged laterally to the motor and configured to control the drive of the motor, and a cooling unit arranged between the motor and the motor controller and configured to cool the motor controller by a refrigerant circulating inside. The cooling unit includes a raised portion projecting into an inner space of the motor controller and formed with a flow passage for the circulation of the refrigerant inside. 1. An electric pump for discharging working fluid , comprising:a pump configured to suck, pressurize and discharge the working fluid;a motor coupled with the pump and configured to drive the pump;a motor controller arranged laterally to the motor and configured to control the drive of the motor; anda cooling unit arranged between the motor and the motor controller and configured to cool the motor controller by a refrigerant circulating inside,wherein the cooling unit includes a raised portion projecting into an inner space of the motor controller, the raised portion being formed with a flow passage for the circulation of the refrigerant inside.2. The electric pump according to claim 1 , wherein:the cooling unit further includes a guide portion configured to guide the refrigerant to pass through the flow passage formed in the raised portion.3. The electric pump according to claim 1 , wherein:the raised portion has an inclined surface inclined with respect to a direction perpendicular to a board arranged in the motor controller; andthe electric pump further comprises a circuit element including a terminal portion fixed to the board and a main body portion fixed to the inclined surface.4. The electric pump according to claim 1 , further comprising:a heat insulating layer provided between the motor and the cooling unit and configured to suppress heat transfer from the motor to the cooling unit.5 ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003185A1
Автор: Afshar Reza

A two-speed motor is stored in mounted in a housing with an end cap. The end cap has a tubular structure defining an interior space, including an open first end connectable to the motor casing. The second end includes at least one planar surface and at least one air grate configured to permit airflow into and/or out of the interior space. A dual speed pump controller includes a motor controller for operating the dual speed motor. The controller includes an operating speed circuit for operating the motor in one of a first speed or a second speed, the first speed being greater than the second speed; an event circuit for operating the motor at the first speed before a predetermined event and operating the pump at the second speed after the predetermined event. 1. A motor assembly , comprising:a housing having an interior containing a motor capable of operating at two speeds and a motor controller adapted to control operation of the motor, electrically coupled to the motor, and sealed within the interior of the housing;the motor controller including an operating speed circuit configured or programmed to automatically cause the motor to operate, without input from a user, in one of a first speed or a second speed, the first speed faster than the second speed;an event circuit, configured or programmed to automatically determine when a pre-set event occurs and automatically send a signal to the motor controller to indicate that the event has occurred;the motor controller configured or programmed to automatically control operation of the motor at the first speed before receiving the signal indicating that the event occurred and to automatically control operation of the motor at the second speed after receiving the signal indicating that the event occurred, without interference from a user.2. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the event circuit comprises a timing circuit and the event is the expiration of a pre-set period of time claim 1 , the motor controller adapted ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Motor System and Compressor Equipped Therewith

Номер: US20180003224A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

To provide a motor system that can control the position of a control object in multiple directions while suppressing the number of required switching elements. A motor system includes: a power conversion device including first, second, and third up-down arms each including two switching elements connected in series; a control object; and a first load including a magnetic pole tooth facing the control object, and a winding wound around the magnetic pole tooth. The motor system includes a second load including two magnetic pole teeth facing each other in a second direction with the control object therebetween, and a winding wound around one or both of the magnetic pole teeth. The power conversion device provides a force with respect to a first direction to the control object through an output to the first load, and provides a force with respect to the second direction to the control object through an output to the second load. 1. A motor system comprising:a power conversion device including first, second, and third up-down arms each including two switching elements connected in series;a control object; anda first load including a magnetic pole tooth facing the control object, and a winding wound around the magnetic pole tooth, whereinthe motor system includes a second load including two magnetic pole teeth facing each other in a second direction with the control object therebetween, and a winding wound around one or both of the magnetic pole teeth, and provides a force with respect to a first direction to the control object through an output to the first load, and', 'provides a force with respect to the second direction to the control object through an output to the second load., 'the power conversion device'}2. The motor system according to claim 1 , wherein connects the first up-down arm and the second up-down arm to the first load,', 'connects the second up-down arm and the third up-down arm to the second load,', 'outputs a sinusoidal AC signal or rectangular-wave ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Two-axis gimbal and three-axis gimbal

Номер: US20180003340A1
Автор: Jiang Wenyan, TIAN YU

A three-axis gimbal includes a carrier, a first fixing frame, a second fixing frame, a third fixing frame, a first motor, a second motor and a third motor. The first motor is connected respectively with the first fixing frame and the second fixing frame, so that the second fixing frame rotates relative to the first fixing frame. The second motor is connected respectively with the second fixing frame and the third fixing frame, so that the third fixing frame rotates relative to the second fixing frame. The third motor is connected respectively with the third fixing frame and the carrier, so that the carrier rotates relative to the third fixing frame. An axis of the second motor is parallel to an axis of the carrier; an axis of the third motor is perpendicular to the first fixing frame; axes of the three motors are perpendicular to each other. 1. A three-axis gimbal , comprising a carrier , a first fixing frame , a second fixing frame , a third fixing frame , a first motor , a second motor and a third motor , wherein:the first motor is connected respectively with the first fixing frame and the second fixing frame, and is configured to drive the second fixing frame to rotate relative to the first fixing frame;the second motor is connected respectively with the second fixing frame and the third fixing frame, and is configured to drive the third fixing frame to rotate relative to the second fixing frame;the third motor is connected respectively with the third fixing frame and the carrier, and is configured to drive the carrier to rotate relative to the third fixing frame; andan axis of the second motor is parallel to an axis of the carrier, and an axis of the third motor is perpendicular to the first fixing frame; an axis of the first motor, the axis of the second motor and the axis of the third motor are perpendicular to each other.2. The three-axis gimbal claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein: the first fixing frame comprises a base and an extension arm ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003132A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

At an electric pump, a first gasket is interposed between a stator and a motor housing, and a supporting member, and a second gasket is interposed between the supporting member and a substrate housing. Further, the electric pump has a first snap-fit structure that assembles the stator to the supporting member, a second snap-fit structure that assembles the motor housing the supporting member, and a third snap-fit structure that assembles the substrate housing to the supporting member. 1. An electric pump comprising:an impeller;a motor section having a rotor that is fixed to the impeller, and a stator that is provided at a radial direction outer side of the rotor;a pump housing having a pump chamber that accommodates the impeller;a motor housing having an inner tube portion that accommodates the rotor at an inner side, and an outer tube portion that is formed at a radial direction outer side of the inner tube portion and accommodates the stator between the inner tube portion and the outer tube portion;a supporting member that is disposed at a side of the motor housing which is opposite the pump housing;a circuit board that is disposed at a side of the supporting member which is opposite the motor housing;a substrate housing that is disposed at the side of the supporting member which is opposite the motor housing, and that accommodates the circuit board;a first gasket that is interposed between the stator and the motor housing, and the supporting member;a second gasket that is interposed between the supporting member and the substrate housing;a first snap-fit structure having a first anchoring portion that is formed at the stator, and a first elastic piece that is formed at the supporting member and has a first anchored portion that is anchored at the first anchoring portion;a second snap-fit structure having a second anchoring portion that is formed at the motor housing, and a second elastic piece that is formed at the supporting member and has a second anchored ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003485A1

A valve device for a cooling water system of a motor vehicle, with a housing including a first connection and a second connection for a first liquid circuit, and a third connection and a fourth connection for a second liquid circuit, wherein the first connection is permanently fluidically connected to the second connection, and with a valve unit including a movably mounted valve element with which a thermally activatable spring element is associated, and which opens a connection between the third connection and the fourth connection in a first end position and cuts off the connection in a second end position. The thermally activatable spring element is arranged in a chamber located between the first connection and the second connection, which is permanently cut off from the third and the fourth connection and which preloads the valve element in the direction of the second end position. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:a resin upper casing,a resin lower casing,an impeller,a motor, anda circuit board,wherein the impeller, the motor and the circuit board are housed between the resin upper casing and the resin lower casing,ribs are formed at a bottom surface of the lower casing,the lower casing includes primary pins for fixing the circuit board to the lower casing, andthe primary pins are reinforced by the rib.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 , wherein the ribs include primary ribs extending along a radial direction and secondary ribs extending along a circumferential direction claim 1 , andeach of the primary pins is provided in a standing manner at a part where the primary rib and the secondary rib intersect.3. The centrifugal fan according to claim 2 , wherein the lower casing includes a circular protruding part reinforced by the primary ribs claim 2 , anda hollow cylindrical bearing holder, rotatably holding a shaft, which is a rotating axis of the impeller, is held in the circular protruding part.4. The centrifugal fan according to claim 3 , wherein each ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005539A1
Автор: Yamasaki Masashi

A motor unit is received in a first space of a motor case. A frame contacts an inner peripheral wall of the motor case and is fixed in an inside of the motor case. A cutout, which is formed in at least one of the motor case and the frame, forms a seal groove, which extends in a circumferential direction between the motor case and the frame. A cover covers the seal groove and forms a second space in an inside of the cover. A seal material is received in the seal groove and limits intrusion of liquid, such as water, from an outside of the motor case and the cover into the first space and the second space. In this way, intrusion of the liquid into the first space and the second space can be limited with the seal material provided in the single seal groove. 1. A drive apparatus comprising:a motor unit;a motor case that is shaped into a tubular form and has a first space, which receives the motor unit;a frame that contacts an inner peripheral wall of the motor case at a contact location and is fixed to an inside of the motor case;at least one cutout that is formed in at least one of the inner peripheral wall of the motor case and an outer peripheral wall of the frame and is located on an opposite side of the contact location, which is opposite from the first space, wherein the at least one cutout forms a seal groove, which is located between the motor case and the frame and extends in a circumferential direction;a cover that covers the seal groove and forms a second space on an opposite side of the frame, which is opposite from the first space; anda seal material that is received in the seal groove.2. The drive apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the motor case contacts the cover.3. The drive apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the frame is press fitted to the motor case at the contact location.4. The drive apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one cutout includes a cutout claim 1 , which is formed in the outer peripheral wall of the frame.5. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005599A1

A driving device for motors for drive wheels of a vehicle includes a plurality of in-wheel motor assemblies and motor drivers. The motor drivers include a smoothing circuit, an inverter unit to convert the direct current power, inputted through the smoothing circuit, into a three phase alternating current power, an inverter control unit for controlling the inverter unit, and a cooler for cooling the inverter unit. The plurality of the motor drivers are disposed within a single common casing and the plurality of the motor drivers share the smoothing circuit. The inverter control unit of the plurality of the motor drivers is of a control type capable of driving the driving element of the inverter unit according to the PWM scheme and the plurality of the motor drivers have equal cycles of PWM relative to each other and are configured to displace ON and OFF timings of the driving element. 1. A driving device for motors for drive wheels of a vehicle , comprising:a plurality of in-wheel motor assemblies incorporated in at least two of a plurality of drive wheels of the vehicle; anda plurality of motor drivers for controlling the respective in-wheel motor assemblies, the motor drivers including a smoothing circuit that includes a smoothing capacitor and is configured to smooth a direct current power supplied from a battery unit, an inverter unit that includes a plurality of driving elements each configured to perform switching operation and is configured to convert the direct current power, inputted through the smoothing circuit, into a three phase alternating current power through an intermittent operation of the driving elements, and an inverter control unit for controlling the inverter unit and a cooler for cooling the inverter unit;wherein the plurality of the motor drivers are disposed within a single common casing and, the plurality of the motor drivers share the smoothing circuit which is a component part of those motor drivers, andwherein the inverter control unit ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Electromechanical Drive Device

Номер: US20160006315A1
Автор: Mario Winterer
Принадлежит: Dr Fritz Faulhaber GmbH and Co KG

An electromechanical drive device having a housing ( 1 ) and an electric drive part ( 1 a) having a stator part ( 3 ) and a rotor part ( 4 ). The drive part ( 1 a) is held circumferentially in the housing in a force-fitting manner, and the housing ( 1 ) is formed by a base part ( 6 ) having a bottom section ( 7 ) and two mutually opposing lateral wall sections ( 8 ) formed thereon on its longitudinal edges, and a housing opening formed by the lateral wall sections ( 8 ) at the end side. The housing opening ( 9 ) is closed by a housing cover ( 11 ) which in the mounted state is connected to the lateral wall sections ( 8 ) in a force and form fitting manner, wherein the force-fitting between the drive part ( 1 a) and the housing ( 1 ) is present due to a bending of the lateral wall sections ( 8 ) toward each other.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006519A1

A motor assembly includes a motor, a controller for controlling at least one aspect of operation of the motor, a housing, and an insulation system. The housing defines a motor chamber at least substantially receiving the motor and a controller chamber at least substantially receiving the controller. The housing includes a generally annular sidewall at least in part defining the controller chamber. The sidewall includes an electrically conductive portion adjacent the controller, such that a generally radially extending potentially electrical pathway is defined between the controller and the electrically conductive portion. The insulation system extends along the electrically conductive portion, in electrically insulative engagement therewith, to at least in part obstruct the pathway. 1. A motor assembly comprising:a motor including a rotor rotatable about an axis, and a stator;a controller for controlling at least one aspect of operation of the motor;a housing defining a motor chamber at least substantially receiving the motor and a controller chamber at least substantially receiving the controller,said housing including a generally annular sidewall at least in part defining the controller chamber,said sidewall including an electrically conductive portion adjacent the controller, such that a generally radially extending potentially electrical pathway is defined between the controller and the electrically conductive portion; andan insulation system extending along the electrically conductive portion, in electrically insulative engagement therewith, to at least in part obstruct the pathway.2. The motor as claimed in claim 1 ,said insulation system including an at least substantially electrically insulative insert,said insert extending along and conforming to the electrically conductive portion.3. The motor assembly of claim 2 ,said insert comprising a substantially continuous sheet of insulative material.4. The motor as claimed in claim 2 ,said insert being secured to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Electric Driving Device and Electric Power Steering Device

Номер: US20180006521A1
Автор: FUJIMOTO Masao

The present invention is configured such that an electronic control assembly is divided into a power-supply circuit unit mounted on a metal substrate, a power-conversion circuit unit mounted on a metal substrate, and a control circuit unit mounted on a resin substrate; a power-supply-connector wiring part, which supplies electric power from the power-supply circuit unit to the power-conversion circuit unit and the control circuit unit, and a signal-transmission-connector wiring part, which transmits signals to be input to or output from the control circuit unit, are embedded in a connector terminal assembly; and connector terminals of the power-supply-connector wiring part and the signal-transmission-connector wiring part, which are exposed from the connector terminal assembly, are directly connected to the corresponding circuit units. 1. An electric driving device constructed by an electric motor for driving a mechanical-system control element and an electronic control unit located opposite to an output shaft of the electric motor and configured to control the electric motor , the electronic control unit being equipped with an ECU housing connected to a motor housing in which the electric motor is housed and an electronic control assembly housed in the ECU housing for driving and controlling the electric motor , whereinthe electronic control assembly is divided into a power-supply circuit unit having a main function that generates a power supply and mounted on a metal substrate, a power-conversion circuit unit having a main function that drives the electric motor and mounted on a metal substrate, and a control circuit unit having a main function that controls the power-conversion circuit unit and mounted on a resin substrate, in that at least a power-supply-connector wiring part that supplies electric power from the power-supply circuit unit to the power-conversion circuit unit and the control circuit unit and a signal-transmission-connector wiring part that ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Connector device

Номер: US20180006523A1

A motor case ( 10 ) has connectors ( 30 ) fixed at motor case mounting holes ( 11 ), and an inverter case ( 50 ) has connectors ( 60 ) radially movable at inverter case mounting holes ( 65 ). The inverter case ( 50 ) is mounted on the motor case ( 10 ) so that the connectors ( 30, 60 ) fit together. A surface seal ( 45 ) is disposed on a lower surface of a flange ( 42 ) at an outer periphery of a housing ( 35 ) of the motor-side connectors ( 30 ), and is compressed elastically against an upper surface of the motor case ( 10 ) at an outer periphery of the motor case mounting holes ( 11 ). A metal pressing member ( 20 ) is fixed on the motor case ( 10 ) and presses the flange ( 42 ). An axial seal ( 47 ) is fit on the outer periphery of the housing ( 35 ) and is compressed elastically between the outer periphery and an inner periphery of the second mounting hole ( 65 ).

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006536A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A vehicle AC power generator includes a protection cover disposed at the rear side of a rear bracket included in a housing of the vehicle AC power generator, an attachment bolt that penetrates a through-hole formed in a bottom portion of a protection cover and is fixed to a portion at one axle-direction side of the housing, an output terminal bolt that extends from a rectifier, which rectifies AC electric power, toward the outside of one axle-direction side of the protection cover, and an insert coated conductor that is supported by the output terminal bolt and the attachment bolt and is provided at the rear surface of the protection cover. 1. A vehicle AC power generator comprising:a rotor that is fixed on a rotation axle pivotably supported by a housing and is disposed in the housing;a stator that has a stator iron core and a stator winding wound around the stator iron core and is supported by the housing in such a way as to surround the rotor;a rectifier that is disposed at the outside of one axle-direction side of the housing, that is fixed to the housing, and that rectifies AC electromotive force generated across the stator winding;a voltage adjuster that is disposed at the outside of one axle-direction side of the housing, that is fixed to the housing, and that adjusts the voltage value of the AC electromotive force to a specified value; anda resin-made protection cover that is produced in the shape of a bottomed tube having a bottom portion and a tubular circumferential wall portion and that is mounted on the housing in such a way as to cover the rectifier and the voltage adjuster, an attachment member that penetrates a through-hole formed in the bottom portion of the protection cover and is fixed to a portion at one axle-direction side of the housing,', 'an output terminal that extends from the rectifier toward the outside of one axle-direction side of the protection cover, and', 'an insert coated conductor that is supported by the output terminal and the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006124A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A drive unit includes: a rotating electric machine having a rotation axis extending in a horizontal direction; a rotating electric machine case which accommodates the rotating electric machine; and a power conversion device converting electric power supplied to the rotating electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotating electric machine. The power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotating electric machine. A first connector portion, to which a power line connected to a battery is connected, is provided on an upper portion of the power conversion device to face the horizontal direction. The first connector portion includes an internal connection portion connected to a conductive member arranged inside the power conversion device, and the first connector portion has a configuration in which the internal connection portion permits access from an upper side of the power conversion device. 1. A drive unit comprising:a rotating electric machine having a rotation axis extending in a horizontal direction;a rotating electric machine case which accommodates the rotating electric machine; anda power conversion device electrically connected to the rotating electric machine and configured to convert electric power supplied to the rotating electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotating electric machine, wherein:the power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotating electric machine in an orthogonal direction orthogonal to both a rotation axis direction and an up-down direction;a first connector portion, to which a power line connected to a battery is connected, is provided on an upper portion of the power conversion device to face the horizontal direction;the first connector portion includes an internal connection portion connected to a conductive member arranged inside the power conversion device; andthe first connector portion has a configuration in which the internal connection portion permits access from an upper ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006128A1

An electric motor assembly includes a stator, a rotor, a motor housing, a rotatable shaft, a radial fan, and an air scoop. The motor housing at least partly houses the stator and rotor and presents an exterior motor surface. The rotatable shaft is associated with the rotor for rotational movement therewith, with the rotatable shaft extending along a rotational axis. The radial fan is mounted on the rotatable shaft exteriorly of the motor housing and is rotatable with the shaft to direct airflow in a radially outward direction. The air scoop extends radially outwardly relative to the radial fan and axially to receive radial airflow from the radial fan and turn the airflow axially to flow along the exterior motor surface. The air scoop includes spaced apart axially extending airflow vanes to guide the airflow as the airflow is turned axially. 1. An electric motor assembly comprising:a stator;a rotor rotatable relative to the stator;a motor housing in which the stator and rotor are at least partly housed, with the motor housing presenting an exterior motor surface;a rotatable shaft associated with the rotor for rotational movement therewith, with the rotatable shaft extending along a rotational axis;a radial fan mounted on the rotatable shaft exteriorly of the motor housing and rotatable with the shaft to direct airflow in a radially outward direction; andan air scoop extending radially outwardly relative to the radial fan and axially to receive radial airflow from the radial fan and turn the airflow axially to flow along the exterior motor surface,said air scoop including spaced apart axially extending airflow vanes to guide the airflow as the airflow is turned axially.2. The electric motor assembly as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a fan guard mounted relative to the motor housing and covering at least part of the radial fan,said fan guard including the air scoop.3. The electric motor assembly as claimed in claim 2 ,said motor housing cooperating with the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006134A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The electric power steering device includes a motor and a control unit integrated coaxially therewith at an output shaft end of the motor. The motor has two sets of windings independently of each other. The control unit includes two inverter circuits having a plurality of switching elements for supplying currents, and two control circuits for respectively outputting drive signals to the inverter circuits. The inverter circuits are formed by power modules, and have detection terminals for detecting voltages between both ends of shunt resistors for detecting currents. Shield walls for shielding noise are provided to a heatsink for supporting the power modules and control boards forming the control circuits. The shield walls support the control boards. 1. An electric power steering device comprising:a motor having two sets of windings provided independently of each other; and two inverter circuits respectively supplying currents to the two sets of windings and each composed of a plurality of switching elements, and', 'control circuits respectively connected to the two inverter circuits, wherein, 'a control unit including'}the control unit includes a detection circuit for detecting current of each inverter circuit, and a detection terminal extending from the detection circuit,a shield wall made of metal and for shielding noise emitted by driving of one of the two inverter circuits is provided near the detection terminal of the other inverter circuit, andat least one of the shield walls has a support member for supporting the control circuit.2. The electric power steering device according to claim 1 , whereineach inverter circuit is a power module including the plurality of switching elements and a shunt resistor which is the detection circuit,the detection terminal comprises a pair of adjacent detection terminals extended for detecting voltage between both ends of the shunt resistor, andthe shield wall is provided near the pair of detection terminals.3. The electric ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006137A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A drive unit includes: a rotating electric machine having a rotation axis extending in a horizontal direction; a rotating electric machine case; and a power conversion device. The power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotating electric machine in an orthogonal direction. The power conversion device includes a first connector to which a first electric power line through which electric power supplied to the rotating electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotating electric machine flow are connected. The first connector is provided on a first end side and is arranged to protrude from the power conversion device at a predetermined angle in a direction away from the rotating electric machine in the orthogonal direction, as the first connector goes away from the power conversion device in the rotation axis direction, when viewed from above. 1. A drive unit comprising:a rotating electric machine having a rotation axis extending in a horizontal direction;a rotating electric machine case including a rotating electric machine accommodation portion for accommodating the rotating electric machine; anda power conversion device electrically connected to the rotating electric machine and configured to convert electric power supplied to the rotating electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotating electric machine, wherein:the power conversion device is arranged on one side of the rotating electric machine in an orthogonal direction orthogonal to both the rotation axis direction and an up-down direction;the power conversion device includes a first end and a second end in the rotation axis direction, and a first connector to which a first electric power line through which electric power supplied to the rotating electric machine and electric power supplied from the rotating electric machine flow are connected; andthe first connector is provided on the first end side and is arranged to protrude from the power conversion device at a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006190A1

A motor control assembly is configured to operate an electric motor and includes a control housing and a controller. The control housing presents a controller chamber. The controller includes a control board mounted within the controller chamber. The controller further includes an inductor attached to the control housing and positioned within the controller chamber adjacent the control board. The inductor defines maximum first and second inductor dimensions measured along corresponding first and second directions parallel to a board plane and orthogonal to one another. The inductor further defines a maximum third inductor dimension measured along a third direction transverse to the board plane, with at least one of the first and second inductor dimensions being less than the maximum third inductor dimension. 1. A motor control assembly configured to operate an electric motor , said motor control assembly comprising:a control housing presenting a controller chamber; anda controller including a control board mounted within the controller chamber, said control board defining a board plane,said controller further including an inductor attached to the control housing and positioned within the controller chamber adjacent the control board,said inductor defining maximum first and second inductor dimensions measured along corresponding first and second directions parallel to the board plane and orthogonal to one another,said inductor further defining a maximum third inductor dimension measured along a third direction transverse to the board plane, with at least one of the first and second inductor dimensions being less than the maximum third inductor dimension.2. The motor control assembly as claimed in claim 1 ,said inductor including a toroidal metal core and windings wrapped around the core,said inductor defining an inductor axis about which the core extends,said inductor axis extending substantially parallel to the board plane.3. The motor control assembly as claimed in ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006193A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rotating machine power conversion device is obtained which achieves operational continuation in a rotational speed range in which the operational continuation is enabled, even when a single phase of an electrical power conversion device made of switching devices causes a disconnection or turn-off failure. The rotating machine power conversion device comprises: a normality-case/abnormality-case current control device selection device for transferring between a normality-case current control device and an abnormality-case current control device in accordance with a determination result of an abnormality determination device; and an abnormality-case current control device/power conversion halt device selection device, using a rotational speed calculation device, for transferring between the abnormality-case current control device used when a rotational speed is lower than that being prespecified, and the power conversion halt device used when a rotational speed is higher than that being prespecified. 16-. (canceled)7. A rotating machine power conversion device , being mounted between a three-phase alternating-current rotating machine and a direct-current power source , and having an electrical power conversion device in which series-connected circuits of three phases connected in series with upper-side switching devices and lower-side switching devices each other are connected in parallel with the direct-current power source and in which midpoints between the upper-side switching devices and the lower-side switching devices in each of the series-connected circuits are individually connected to windings of each phase of the three-phase alternating-current rotating machine , for converting into alternating-current power thereto direct-current power from the direct-current power source , the rotating machine power conversion device comprising:a rotational speed calculation device for calculating a rotational speed of the three-phase alternating-current rotating machine; ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006896A1

In an electric motor, a first magnet and a second magnet are accommodated in magnet accommodating apertures of a rotor core. On outer circumferential core portions that exist on a radially outer side of the magnet accommodating apertures, two slits as a pair of first slits, and two slits that are respectively adjacent to each of the first slits are disposed circumferentially outside the pair of first slits as a pair of second slits. The outer circumferential core portions include: a first magnetic portion that exists between the pair of first slits; and a pair of second magnetic portions that respectively exist between the first slits and the second slits. An inter-magnet space portion that exists between the first magnet and the second magnet is positioned within a range of the first magnetic portion in the circumferential direction of the rotor. 1. An electric motor comprising:a stator; anda rotor that is disposed radially inside the stator, and that is rotatable relative to the stator,wherein: a rotor core; and', 'a plurality of permanent magnets that are disposed on the rotor core;, 'the rotor comprisesmagnet accommodating apertures that are equal in number to a number of magnetic poles in the rotor are disposed on the rotor core so as to be spaced apart from each other in a circumferential direction of the rotor;two of the permanent magnets are accommodated as a first magnet and a second magnet in each of the magnet accommodating apertures;the first magnet and the second magnet that are accommodated in the shared magnet accommodating apertures are disposed so as to be separated from each other in the circumferential direction of the rotor;the rotor core comprises a plurality of outer circumferential core portions that respectively exist on a radially outer side of each of the magnet accommodating apertures;on each of the outer circumferential core portions, two slits that are adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction of the rotor are disposed at a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20200006999A1
Принадлежит: Kolektor Group doo

An electric motor, especially for a fluid-handling system, comprises an external stator and an internal rotor mounted to rotate around an axis. The said external stator comprises a multiplicity of ferromagnetic pole pieces disposed around the axis and having winding cores extending substantially radially, an injection-molded plastic structure having a bushing and, molded thereon, winding supports enveloping the winding cores, as well as stator windings received on the winding supports. The bushing comprises a sleeve having a closed inner face extending radially inside the pole pieces and an end piece that closes the sleeve in the end region. The rotor is disposed inside the sleeve and mounted in a bearing disposed in the end piece.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007003A1

A two-pole TEFC (totally enclosed, fan-cooled) electric motor is concerned. A housing of the motor as an inner space, into which a stator assembly, a motor shaft and a rotor assembly fixed to and surrounding the motor shaft is fitted. A mounting foot structure radially protrudes from the outer surface of the housing for mounting the induction motor to a planar base structure. The mounting foot structure includes four mounting points defining corner points of a rectangular mounting footprint of the motor, such that the rectangular mounting foot print has two opposite sides parallel with the motor shaft. Furthermore, the mounting foot structure including at least an additional mounting point positioned on each side of the mounting footprint parallel with the motor shaft, between the corner points of the mounting footprint. 1. A two-pole TEFC (totally enclosed , fan-cooled) electric motor , comprising:a housing having an inner space;a mounting foot structure radially protruding from the outer surface of the housing for mounting said motor to a planar base structure;a stator assembly arranged annularly within the inner space of the housing;a motor shaft rotatably supported so as to concentrically extend through the stator assembly, anda rotor assembly fixed to and surrounding the motor shaft within the inner space, the rotor assembly being disposed concentrically with and inside the stator assembly,wherein the mounting foot structure comprises four mounting points defining corner points of a rectangular mounting footprint of the motor, such that the rectangular mounting foot print has two opposite sides parallel with the motor shaft,the mounting foot structure further comprising at least an additional mounting point positioned on each side of the mounting footprint parallel with the motor shaft, between the corner points of the mounting footprint, andwherein each of the mounting points are provided as openings, through which the motor is bolt-mountable to the base ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007017A1

An electric drive system for a vehicle includes a speed/position feedback device coupled to an electric machine and configured to provide an index pulse. The system further includes an inverter having a line voltage sensor. The system includes a controller programmed to, responsive to the electric machine rotating at a generally constant speed without commanding the inverter, generate a resolver offset from a time difference between a zero crossing of a line voltage and the index pulse and operate the inverter according to the resolver offset. 1. A vehicle comprising:a resolver coupled to an electric machine and configured to provide an index pulse;an inverter having a line voltage sensor; anda controller programmed to, responsive to the electric machine rotating at a constant speed not powered by the inverter, generate an offset for the resolver from a time difference between the index pulse and a zero crossing indicated by the line voltage sensor, and operate the inverter using the offset.2. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further programmed to cause an engine that is coupled to the electric machine to rotate at a predetermined constant speed.3. The vehicle of wherein the inverter is configured to provide a U-phase voltage claim 1 , a V-phase voltage claim 1 , and W-phase voltage and wherein the line voltage sensor is configured to measure a voltage difference between the V-phase voltage and the W-phase voltage.4. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further programmed to derive the offset from a period of oscillation indicated by the line voltage sensor.5. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further programmed to derive the offset as a ratio of the time difference and the period.6. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further programmed to derive the offset during a drive cycle.7. The vehicle of wherein the controller is further programmed to derive the offset responsive to a diagnostic mode request.8. The vehicle of wherein the controller ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Motor control unit

Номер: US20150008804A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

A motor control unit is obtained by integrating an inverter unit and a motor unit having a motor, the inverter unit having a control board erected on a support board.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021273A1

An electric motor assembly includes a stator, a rotor, a motor housing, a rotatable shaft, a radial fan, and an air scoop. The motor housing at least partly houses the stator and rotor and presents an exterior motor surface. The rotatable shaft is associated with the rotor for rotational movement therewith, with the rotatable shaft extending along a rotational axis. The radial fan is mounted on the rotatable shaft exteriorly of the motor housing and is rotatable with the shaft to direct airflow in a radially outward direction. The air scoop extends radially outwardly relative to the radial fan and axially to receive radial airflow from the radial fan and turn the airflow axially to flow along the exterior motor surface. The air scoop includes spaced apart axially extending airflow vanes to guide the airflow as the airflow is turned axially. 1. A clamp assembly operable to engage at least three heat-generating electrical components arranged side-by-side and clamp the electrical components relative to a heat sink , said clamp assembly comprising:a clamp bar and a fastener to secure the clamp bar to the heat sink,said clamp bar including at least three spaced apart projections configured to be located in engagement with the respective electrical components,said clamp bar including a clamp margin and a backing flange that supports the clamp margin, with the clamp margin defining the projections and presenting a clamping surface,said clamp bar presenting a slot positioned between a spaced apart pair of the projections and defining respective clamp bar sections on opposite sides thereof,said slot extending through the flange to present flange sections separated by the slot and associated with respective clamp bar sections,said slot being spaced from the clamping surface, with the slot permitting the clamp bar sections to shift relative to one another and thereby facilitate clamping engagement of the projections with the electrical components.2. The clamp assembly as ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Series Wound Direct-current Motor Driving Device and Equipment

Номер: US20220021281A1
Автор: JIN Aijuan, Li Shaolong

The invention provides a series wound DC motor driving device and electrical equipment. The series wound DC motor driving device provided by the invention comprises a series wound DC motor, a DC power supply and a chopper, wherein the chopper comprises m chopping units; control signals comprise m unit control signals formed according to preset phase stagger rules and corresponding to the m chopping units separately, and each unit control signal comprises w switch control signals corresponding to w switch control ends in the corresponding chopping units; m pairs of power output terminals are formed at m first power output ends and m second power output ends of the chopping units correspondingly, and m pairs of external terminals of the series wound DC motor are connected with m pairs of power output terminals correspondingly one by one; m is a positive integer not smaller than 2, and w is 1, 2 or 4. 1. A series wound DC motor driving device , characterized in that it comprises:a series wound DC motor with a rated voltage;a DC power supply with a constant voltage corresponding to the rated voltage; anda chopper used for converting the constant voltage into a variable voltage and providing the variable voltage to the series wound DC motor based on the control signals,wherein the chopper comprises m chopping units;each chopping unit comprises first power output ends and second power output ends and w switch control ends;the control signals comprise m unit control signals formed according to preset phase stagger rules and corresponding to the m chopping units separately;each unit control signal comprises w switch control signals corresponding to the w switch control ends in the corresponding chopping units;the w switch control ends are used for receiving the w switch control signals correspondingly;m pairs of power output terminals are formed at the m first power output ends and m second power output ends of the chopping units correspondingly;the series wound DC motor ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021284A1

A motor assembly for driving a pump or rotary device features a power plane with a circular geometry to be mounted inside a space envelope having a similar circular geometry formed on an end-plate between an inner hub portion and a peripheral portion that extends circumferentially around the space envelope of the end-plate. The power plane is a multi-layer circuit board or assembly having: a power layer with higher temperature power modules for providing power to a motor, a control layer with lower temperature control electronics modules for controlling the power provided to the motor, and a thermal barrier and printed circuit board layer between the power layer and the control layer that provides electrical connection paths between the power modules of the power plane and the control electronics modules of the control layer, and also provides insulation between the power layer and the control layer. 119.-. (canceled)20. A motor assembly , comprising:a motor housing;an electrical motor within the motor housing and having a rotor;a mid-plate disposed in-line with and proximate at least a portion of the motor housing;an end-plate disposed in-line with and proximate at least a portion of the mid-plate such that the mid-plate is between the motor housing and the end plate, the end plate having a peripheral wall and an end wall that together at least partially define a cavity; and a circuit board;', 'a plurality of power switching components mounted to the circuit board; and', 'a plurality of power control components mounted to the circuit board., 'a variable frequency drive electronics unit disposed within the cavity and configured to provide power to the motor, the variable frequency drive electronics unit comprising21. The motor assembly of claim 20 , further comprising a thermal insulator interposed between the mid-plate and the end-plate.22. The motor assembly of claim 20 , wherein the variable frequency drive electronics unit implements a matrix converter that ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021287A1
Автор: Tanahashi Fumiki

An electric drive unit includes a multi-phase AC motor including a plurality of first terminals, and a power converter including a plurality of second terminals. The power converter is fixed to an electric motor case so as to partially overlap the AC motor in an axial direction with a wall portion interposed therebetween. Each first terminal includes a first extended portion extending from the stator along the axial direction, and a first fastening portion. Each second terminal includes a second extended portion extending along an extending direction at a portion of the power converter that does not overlap the AC motor in the axial direction; and a second fastening portion. The electric motor case includes a communication hole formed in the wall portion, and a service hole formed in a portion located on an extension line of the fastener parallel to an insertion direction of the fastener. 1. An electric drive unit , comprising:a multi-phase AC motor including a rotor, a stator, and a plurality of first terminals through which a current of each phase of multi-phase alternating current flows;a power converter including a plurality of second terminals associated with the plurality of first terminals; andan electric motor case that includes a wall portion formed to partition between the AC motor and the power converter, and is formed to house the AC motor, whereinthe power converter is fixed to the electric motor case so as to partially overlap the AC motor in an axial direction of the rotor while interposing the wall portion between the power converter and the AC motor,each of the plurality of first terminals includes: a first extended portion extending from the stator along the axial direction; and a first fastening portion which is a tip of one of the plurality of first terminals,each of the plurality of second terminals includes: a second extended portion extending along an extending direction at a portion of the power converter that does not overlap the AC motor in ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220021562A1

A multi-channel digital isolator includes a digital isolator and an interlock circuit. The isolator includes a transmitter having a transmitter output, a receiver having a receiver input and a receiver output, an isolation barrier coupled between the transmitter output and the receiver input, and an output buffer having a buffer input and configured to output an isolated signal. The transmitter is configured to transmit an input signal across the isolation barrier. The interlock circuit has an interlock input coupled to the receiver output and an interlock output coupled to the buffer input. The interlock module is configured to prevent overlapping active states between the first isolated signal and a complementary isolated signal. In some implementations, the digital isolator also includes a dead-time insertion circuit. 1. A multi-channel digital isolator , comprising: a transmitter having a transmitter output;', 'a receiver having a receiver input and a receiver output;', 'an isolation barrier coupled between the transmitter output and the receiver input, the transmitter configured to transmit an input signal across the isolation barrier; and', 'an output buffer having a buffer input, the output buffer configured to output an isolated signal; and, 'a digital isolator comprisingan interlock circuit having an interlock input coupled to the receiver output and an interlock output coupled to the buffer input, the interlock circuit configured to prevent overlapping active states between the isolated signal and a complementary isolated signal.2. The multi-channel digital isolator of claim 1 , wherein: an inverter having an inverter input and an inverter output, the inverter input coupled to the receiver output; and', 'a complementary output buffer having a complementary buffer input, the complementary output buffer configured to output the complementary isolated signal; and, 'the digital isolator further comprisesthe interlock circuit further comprises a complementary ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008554A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rotating electric machine with a built-in control device that can be downsized. The rotating electric machine with a built-in control device includes a rotor including a permanent magnet of sensor use provided on a rear side of a rotor shaft, a front side housing fixed with a first bearing supporting a front side of the rotor shaft, a motor frame including a rotor and a stator, a heat sink fixed with a second bearing supporting the rear side of the rotor shaft, a control substrate mounting a rotary sensor, a microcomputer, and a driving circuit. The microcomputer controls the driving circuit based on signals from the rotary sensor and drives a plurality of switching elements. At least one of a smoothing condenser and a noise reduction coil, connected to the switching elements, is arranged at a far rear side of the control substrate. 135-. (canceled)36: A rotating electric machine with a built-in control device , the machine comprising:a rotor including a permanent magnet of sensor use, the magnet attached to a rear side of a rotor shaft;a stator including a stator core and an armature winding, the armature winding connected to a plurality of motor terminals;a front side housing fixed with a first bearing, the bearing supporting a front side of the rotor shaft;a motor frame coupled with the front side housing, the frame containing the rotor and the stator;a heat sink fixed with a second bearing supporting a rear side of the rotor shaft, formed of a first through hole through which the motor terminals pass and mounting a plurality of switching elements;a control substrate arranged at a position far rear side of the heat sink, and mounting a rotary sensor, a microcomputer, and a driving circuit;a smoothing condenser connected to the plurality of switching elements;a noise reduction coil connected to the plurality of switching elements; anda first circuit wiring member arranged at a position far rear side of the control substrate and mounting the smoothing condenser ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008300A1

An electronic module is provided including power switches mounted on a circuit board and configured as an inverter circuit for an electric motor. A sliding member is coupled to an actuator. A power contact switch is provided including a first conductive body, a second conductive body, and a contact switch. The first and second conductive bodies are mounted on a first surface of the circuit board and include pins received through through-holes of the circuit board to make electrical contact with two conductive tracks on a second surface of the circuit board. The contact switch pivotably is secured to the first conductive body and pivotably moveable by the sliding member to make contact with the second conductive body with movement of the actuator. A flyback diode is electrically connected between the first and second conductive track on the second surface of the circuit board parallel to the power contact switch. 1. An electronic module comprising:a circuit board defining a longitudinal axis and having a first surface and a second surface;a plurality of power switches mounted on the circuit board and configured as an inverter circuit to supply electric power from a power supply to an electric motor;a sliding member coupled to an actuator, the actuator causing movement of the sliding member in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the circuit board;a first conductive body mounted on the first surface of the circuit board, the first conductive body including a terminal tab coupled to a positive node of the power supply and a first pin received through a first through-hole of the circuit board to make electrical contact with a first conductive track on the second surface of the circuit board;a second conductive body mounted on the first surface of the circuit board, the second conductive body including a second pin received through a second through-hole of the circuit board to make electrical contact with a second conductive track on the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic Control Device

Номер: US20200008314A1

An electronic control device includes a relay including a relay case and an electromagnet and a contact part. The relay case is structured to contain the electromagnet and the contact part. The contact part is structured to be opened and closed by action of the electromagnet. A connector terminal is electrically connected to the relay. A circuit board is structured to mount the relay and the connector terminal thereon. An exterior shell is structured to contain the circuit board such that the connector terminal is exposed outside the exterior shell. A thermal mass element is disposed in a wiring route between the relay and the connector terminal.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024017A1

A brushless DC motor includes a stator, a rotor, and motor terminals mounted on the stator. Each motor terminal includes a planar portion extending circumferentially from the end insulator, a wire-receiving member extending from a first end of the planar portion and folded over an outer surface of the planar portion away from the center axis of the stator at an angle of less than 90 degrees, and a tab portion extending from a second end of the planar portion parallel to the center axis of the stator. A circuit board is disposed adjacent the motor including power switches mounted thereon for energizing the stator windings. Slots are formed in the circuit board to align with and securely receive the tab portions of the motor terminals, thus electrically connecting the motor terminals to the power switches. 1. A power tool including a brushless DC (BLDC) motor and a circuit board disposed within a tool housing , the motor comprising:a rotor;a stator including a stator core, a plurality of stator teeth projecting radially from the stator core, a plurality of stator windings wound respectively around the plurality of stator teeth, and an end insulator disposed at a longitudinal and of the stator core to insulate the plurality of stator windings from an axial end of the plurality of stator teeth; anda plurality of motor terminals mounted on the end insulator, each motor terminal including a planar portion extending circumferentially from the end insulator substantially parallel to a longitudinal center axis of the stator, a wire-receiving member extending from a first end of the planar portion and folded over an outer surface of the planar portion away from the center axis of the stator at an angle of less than 90 degrees, and a tab portion extending from a second end of the planar portion parallel to the center axis of the stator,wherein the circuit board is disposed adjacent the motor along a plane substantially perpendicular to the center axis of the stator, the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008972A1

A control apparatus for a vehicle cooling apparatus that includes: a PCU cooling unit for cooling a power control unit controlling an electric motor; a T/A cooling unit for cooling a drive-force transmitting apparatus including the electric motor; and a heat exchanger for transferring heat between the PCU cooling unit and the T/A cooling unit. The T/A cooling unit includes a first pump for circulating a refrigerant of the T/A cooling unit, while the PCU cooling unit includes a second pump for circulating a refrigerant of the PCU cooling unit. The control apparatus includes a controlling portion configured to cause the first pump to be driven when a temperature of the power control unit is higher than a threshold temperature value and a temperature of the refrigerant of the PCU cooling unit is higher than a temperature of the refrigerant of the T/A cooling unit. 1. A control apparatus for a cooling apparatus that is to be installed on a vehicle ,wherein the vehicle includes (i) a drive-force transmitting apparatus including an electric motor for driving the vehicle, and (ii) a power control unit for controlling the electric motor,wherein the cooling apparatus includes:a PCU cooling unit for cooling the power control unit;a T/A cooling unit for cooling the drive-force transmitting apparatus; anda heat exchanger for transferring heat between the PCU cooling unit and the T/A cooling unit,wherein the T/A cooling unit includes a first pump for circulating a refrigerant of the T/A cooling unit, while the PCU cooling unit includes a second pump for circulating a refrigerant of the PCU cooling unit, andwherein the control apparatus comprises a controlling portion configured to cause the first pump to be driven when a temperature of the power control unit is higher than a threshold temperature value and a temperature of the refrigerant of the PCU cooling unit is higher than a temperature of the refrigerant of the T/A cooling unit.2. The control apparatus according to claim 1 ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010096A1

A drive system for a rail vehicle includes at least one drive motor and at least one cooling apparatus for cooling the at least one drive motor and/or other components of the drive system, in particular a current converter. The drive system is constructed and intended to use kinetic energy of the rail vehicle for operation of the cooling apparatus. A rail vehicle having the drive system and methods for the forward movement of a rail vehicle are also provided. 1. A drive system for a rail vehicle , the drive system comprising:at least one drive motor;other drive system components; andat least one cooling apparatus for cooling at least one of said at least one drive motor or said other drive system components;said at least one cooling apparatus configured to be operated by kinetic energy of the rail vehicle.2. The drive system according to claim 1 , wherein said other drive system components include a current converter.3. The drive system according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one cooling apparatus is operated exclusively by the kinetic energy of the rail vehicle.4. The drive system according to claim 1 , which further comprises an energy conversion apparatus connected to said at least one cooling apparatus claim 1 , said energy conversion apparatus configured to convert the kinetic energy of the rail vehicle into a form of energy being suitable for operation of said at least one cooling apparatus.5. The drive system according to claim 4 , wherein said energy conversion apparatus is a generator for generating electrical energy.6. The drive system according to claim 4 , wherein said energy conversion apparatus is a hydraulic pump for generating a hydraulic circuit.7. The drive system according to claim 4 , which further comprises a drive shaft claim 4 , a gear unit shaft and a wheelset shaft claim 4 , said energy conversion apparatus being disposed on at least one of said drive shaft or said gear unit shaft or said wheelset shaft.8. The drive system according to ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Cooling System In A Hybrid Electric Propulsion Gas Turbine Engine For Cooling Electrical Components Therein

Номер: US20190010866A1

A cooling system is provided in a hybrid electric propulsion gas turbine engine for cooling electrical components therein. The cooling system includes an electrical component disposed in proximity to a power generation component in the hybrid electric propulsion gas turbine engine. The cooling system further includes a vapor chamber having an evaporator portion and a condenser portion, wherein the evaporator portion is disposed adjacent to and in thermal communication with the electrical component to transfer heat away from the electrical component. The vapor chamber includes biphasic working fluid therein that transitions between liquid and gaseous states as the working fluid flows proximal to the condenser portion and the evaporator portion respectively.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011545A1

A refrigeration cycle apparatus includes a partition plate that partitions the inside of a housing of an outdoor unit into a blower chamber and a machine chamber, a reactor attached to the partition plate on a side of the machine chamber, a fixing member that fixes the reactor to the partition plate, and a plate-like first heat transfer member provided between the reactor and the partition plate, and in the refrigeration cycle apparatus, the first heat transfer member is provided between the partition plate and the reactor, and the thermal resistance of the first heat transfer member is smaller than the thermal resistance of the fixing member. 1. A refrigeration cycle apparatus comprising:a partition plate that partitions an inside of a housing of an outdoor unit into a blower chamber and a machine chamber;a reactor attached to the partition plate on a side of the machine chamber;a fixing member that fixes the reactor to the partition plate; anda plate-like first heat transfer member provided between the reactor and the partition plate, whereinthe first heat transfer member is provided between the partition plate and the reactor,thermal resistance of the first heat transfer member is smaller than thermal resistance of the fixing member, andgrooves wider than the first heat transfer member are formed in a portion of the partition plate facing the first heat transfer member.2. (canceled)3. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor comprises a second heat transfer member that covers a part of an outer peripheral surface of a winding wound around a core of the reactor claim 1 , and covers a part of an outer peripheral surface of the core.4. The refrigeration cycle apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the reactor comprises a heat insulating member that covers a part of an outer peripheral surface of a winding wound around a core of the reactor claim 1 , and covers a part of an outer peripheral surface of the core.5. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012506A1

A vehicle inverter device is configured to convert DC power to AC power. The vehicle inverter device includes a circuit having switching elements and a noise reducer. The noise reducer is provided on an input side of the circuit and is configured to reduce common mode noise and normal mode noise contained in the DC power. The noise reducer is configured by a common mode choke coil, which includes a core, a first winding wound about a first winding portion of the core, and a second winding wound about a second winding portion of the core. 1. A vehicle inverter device configured to convert DC power to AC power , comprising:a circuit configured by a plurality of switching elements; anda noise reducer, which is provided on an input side of the circuit and is configured to reduce common mode noise and normal mode noise contained in the DC power, whereinthe noise reducer is configured by a common mode choke coil, which includes a core, a first winding wound about a first winding portion of the core, and a second winding wound about a second winding portion of the core, andDC power in which the common mode noise and the normal mode noise have been reduced by the common mode choke coil is input to the circuit.2. A vehicle inverter device according to claim 1 , further comprising a smoothing capacitor claim 1 , which is provided on an output side of the common mode choke coil and an input side of the circuit claim 1 , whereinthe smoothing capacitor cooperates with the common mode choke coil to configure a low-pass filter circuit, anda frequency of a carrier signal used to perform PWM control of the switching elements is set to be higher than a cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter circuit.3. The vehicle inverter device according to claim 2 , whereina frequency of the normal mode noise varies depending on a vehicle type, anda resonance frequency of the low-pass filter circuit is set to be higher than a noise frequency band, which includes an assumed frequency fluctuation ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012519A1
Автор: Neff Edward A., Vu Toan M.

Disclosed herein are apparatus and methods for linear actuators that can deliver strokes and forces at different values. The linear actuators include both multi-coil and single-coil actuator designs. The linear actuators include a controller that is removably or permanently coupled to a piston assembly having any number of coils. An encoder may also be removably or permanently coupled to the piston assembly. The piston assembly, controller and encoder move as one unit during actuation of the linear actuator. 1. A piston assembly apparatus , comprising:a piston shaft;an encoder sensor assembly coupled to the piston shaft;a direct current coil coupled to the piston shaft; anda controller coupled to the piston shaft and electrically connected to the encoder sensor assembly and the direct current coil wherein the controller outputs direct current to the direct current coil in order to generate a magnetic field.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller claim 1 , the encoder sensor assembly claim 1 , and the direct current coil move together with a change in position of the piston assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the piston assembly has only one power input.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises an amplifier and a driver circuit.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises a processor and a memory to store programming.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises an alternating current to direct current power converter.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more additional direct current coils coupled to the piston shaft and electrically coupled to the controller.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the controller is interposed on the piston shaft between the one or more additional direct current coils and the direct current coil.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the piston assembly has only one power input.10. The apparatus of claim 7 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013334A1

Provided is a motor device that makes the influence of noise more equal between two signal processing circuits. A rotation angle sensor has a bias magnet, a magnetic sensor unit, a first signal processing circuit, and a second signal processing circuit. The first signal processing circuit is placed symmetrically with the second signal processing circuit in a longitudinal direction of a substrate with respect to the magnetic sensor unit located on a line extended from a central axis of a rotary shaft. An inverter is also placed symmetrically with an inverter in the longitudinal direction of the substrate with respect to the magnetic sensor unit. 1. A motor device , comprising:a motor having a rotary shaft;a rotation angle sensor that is disposed on a first end of the rotary shaft and that detects a rotation angle of the rotary shaft; anda control device that is disposed on an end of the motor which is located on a same side as the first end of the rotary shaft and that controls driving of the motor based on the rotation angle detected by the rotation angle sensor, wherein,the rotation angle sensor includesa magnet that is disposed on the first end of the rotary shaft,a magnetic sensor unit that is disposed so as to face the magnet and that generates an output signal corresponding to a change in magnetic field which occurs with rotation of the magnet, andat least two signal processing circuits that are arranged symmetrically with respect to a straight line passing through a center of the magnetic sensor unit and that process the output signal.2. The motor device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the magnetic sensor unit and the at least two signal processing circuits are disposed on a same substrate, andthe at least two signal processing circuits are arranged symmetrically with respect to a first axis of symmetry passing through the center of the magnetic sensor unit and perpendicular to an axial direction of the rotary shaft, as viewed in the axial direction of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Grouped tooth electric motor

Номер: US20180013337A1
Принадлежит: ARM LTD

An electric motor may comprise a rotor and a stator comprising rotor and stator teeth, respectively. A non-uniform angular spacing or grouping of rotor teeth may facilitate desired rotational speeds of the rotor.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013360A1

A power tool is provided including a brushless direct-current (BLDC) electric motor having a stator and a rotor. The power tool includes power switches including high-side switches and low-side switches disposed on a direct-current (DC) bus line between a power supply and the electric motor, and a controller configured to electronically brake the motor by simultaneously closing the high-side switches or the low-side switches to electrically short the stator windings. In an embodiment, the controller is configured to monitor a voltage of the DC bus line, and if the voltage of the DC bus line is lower than a voltage threshold, execute electronic braking by toggling between closing the high-side switches and closing the low-side switches over braking cycles, and if the voltage of the DC bus line is greater than the voltage threshold, execute braking by closing only the high-side switches or the low-side switches over the braking cycles. 1. A power tool comprising:a housing;a brushless direct-current (BLDC) electric motor disposed inside the housing, the motor including a stator and a rotor, the stator having a plurality of stator windings;a plurality of power switches including a plurality of high-side switches and a plurality of low-side switches disposed on a direct-current (DC) bus line between a power supply and the electric motor; anda controller configured to control a switching operation of the plurality of power switches to operate the electric motor and electronically brake the motor by simultaneously closing the plurality of high-side switches or the plurality of low-side switches to electrically short the plurality of stator windings, if the voltage of the DC bus line is lower than a voltage threshold, execute electronic braking by toggling between closing the plurality of high-side switches and closing the plurality of low-side switches over a plurality of braking cycles; and', 'if the voltage of the DC bus line is greater than the voltage threshold, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013740A1

A power tool and a printed circuit board assembly (“PCBA”) for the power tool. The PCBA includes, for example, a printed circuit board (“PCB”), a heat sink, a spacer between the PCB and the heat sink, and a gap pad. The PCB and the heat sink are fastened to one another via fasteners so the spacer absorbs excess forces torsional forces from torques applied to the fasteners. The gap pad is placed within an opening or recess of the spacer to contact one or more FETs on the PCB. In some embodiments, the PCBA includes a second heat sink or rigid member on the opposite side of the PCB than the spacer to further distribute excess torsional forces from torques applied to the fasteners. 1. A power tool comprising:a motor; and a printed circuit board (“PCB”) including a switch,', 'a heat sink operable to dissipate heat generated by the switch, the heat sink coupled to the PCB by one or more fasteners, and', 'a spacer located between the PCB and the heat sink, the spacer operable to absorb torsional forces from torque applied to the one or more fasteners., 'a printed circuit board assembly (“PCBA”) electrically connected to the motor for powering the motor, the PCBA including'}2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the switch is a field-effect transistor (“FET”).3. The power tool of claim 2 , wherein the FET is a DirectFET.4. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the spacer is a rigid spacer.5. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the rigid spacer is a peripheral outline spacer that includes a recess.6. The power tool of claim 5 , further comprising a gap pad located between the heat sink and the PCB in the recess of the peripheral outline spacer.7. The power tool of claim 6 , wherein the gap pad is made of a heat transfer material and provides a thermally conductive pathway between the switch and the heat sink.8. The power tool of claim 1 , further comprising a rigid member claim 1 , the rigid member separated from the spacer by the PCB and located on an opposite side of the PCB ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013712A1

Provided is a stacking-type stator using a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) in which torque generation can be maximized in an opposite rotor, and a single-phase motor and a cooling fan both using the same. The stacking-type stator includes: a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) that is stacked and integrated with a penetration opening; and a coil pattern patterned on each layer of the multilayer PCB, wherein throughholes are formed to penetrate the multilayer PCB and connect the coil patterns, wherein the coil pattern comprises: inner and outer rotating direction pattern portions which are arranged in a circumferential direction at intervals along an inner circumference and an outer circumference concentrically with the penetration opening; and a radial pattern portion that interconnects the inner rotating direction pattern portion and the outer rotating direction pattern portion that are adjacent to each other and is disposed along the radial direction. 1. A stacking-type stator for a single-phase motor , the stacking-type stator comprising:a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) that is stacked and integrated with a penetration opening; anda coil pattern patterned on each layer of the multilayer PCB,wherein throughholes are formed to penetrate the multilayer PCB and connect the coil patterns,wherein the coil pattern comprises:inner and outer rotating direction pattern portions which are arranged in a circumferential direction at intervals along an inner circumference and an outer circumference concentrically with the penetration opening; anda radial pattern portion that interconnects the inner rotating direction pattern portion and the outer rotating direction pattern portion that are adjacent to each other and is disposed along the radial direction.2. The stacking-type stator for a single-phase motor of claim 1 , whereinthe coil pattern is patterned in a spiral pattern so that protrusions and recesses are repeated along the perimeter of the penetration ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Motor sleeve and motor device

Номер: US20210013766A1
Автор: Chen-Shi CHOU, Zong-Lin LI
Принадлежит: Chicony Power Technology Co Ltd

A motor sleeve is applied to a motor housing and a motor driver housing. The motor sleeve includes a sleeve base, a second fixing structure, a second coupling structure, a plurality of base fins, a sleeve chassis, a plurality of chassis fins, and a third fixing structure. The second fixing structure is disposed on an inner surface of the sleeve base and correspondingly fixed to a first fixing structure of the motor housing. The sleeve base is installed on a lateral portion of the motor housing. The base fins are separately disposed on an outer surface of the sleeve base and corresponding to a first coupling structure of the motor driver housing. The motor driver housing is coupled to the sleeve base by the first and second coupling structures. The third fixing structure is correspondingly fixed to a fourth fixing structure of the motor housing.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric Compressor

Номер: US20210013769A1
Автор: Kobayashi Mikio

There is provided an electric compressor in which the connection strength between an inverter circuit section and an electrical circuit section connected thereto by a connection terminal is improved. An inverter circuit section () includes an inverter control board () and a resin-molded sleeve assembly (). In the sleeve assembly, a sleeve () and a terminal connection portion () are integrally resin-molded in a state in which a screw groove portion is protruded. The inverter control board () and a filter side connection terminal () of a filter circuit section () are fastened together to the terminal connection portion with a nut () screwed into the screw groove portion, whereby the inverter control board and the filter circuit section are electrically connected. 1. An electric compressor comprising:a housing having a motor incorporated therein;an inverter circuit section for supplying power to the motor; andan electric circuit section having a connection terminal,wherein the inverter circuit section and the electric circuit section are installed in an inverter storing section constituted on an outer surface of the housing,wherein the inverter circuit section includes an inverter control board on which a control circuit is mounted, and a resin-molded sleeve assembly,wherein the sleeve assembly includes a sleeve through which a bolt for fixing the inverter circuit section to the housing is inserted, and a terminal connection portion comprised of a male screw having a screw groove portion, both being integrally resin-molded in a state in which the screw groove portion is protruded, andwherein the inverter control board and the connection terminal of the electric circuit section are fastened together to the terminal connection portion with a nut screwed into the screw groove portion, whereby the inverter control board and the electric circuit section are electrically connected.2. The electric compressor according to claim 1 , wherein the sleeve assembly includes a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013770A1

A connector portion includes a first system connector that holds a first system terminal and a second system connector that holds a second system terminal. An insertion/removal direction of the first system connector and the second system connector are the same as an axial direction of a motor. The first system connector and the second system connector are arranged close to each other such that the long length directions of the frontages of the connectors are aligned, and that the interval between the connectors is smaller than the width in the short length direction of both connectors. The connectors have protrusions that project in a direction orthogonal to the direction in which the connectors are arranged. 1. A drive device comprising:a motor having winding sets in two systems;a control portion arranged coaxially with the motor and being configured to control a drive of the motor; anda connector portion configured to connect an external connector which is a connector of an external cable and the motor, whereinthe control portion includes a first system control portion configured to control energization of one of the winding sets, and a second system control portion configured to control energization of the other winding set,the first system control portion and the second system control portion are mounted on one circuit board,the connector portion includes a first system terminal connected to the first system control portion, a first system connector holding the first system terminal, a second system terminal connected to the second system control portion, and a second system connector holding the second system terminal,an insertion/removal direction of the first system connector and an insertion/removal direction of the second system connector are the same as an axial direction of the motor,the first system connector and the second system connector are arranged close to each other such that a long length direction or a short length direction of the frontages of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013777A1

A system and kit for dissipating heat generated by a motor assembly and methods for manufacturing and using same. The motor assembly includes a housing that defines an internal chamber. The internal chamber communicates with an air inlet and an air outlet each being formed in the housing, and can at least partially receive motor inner workings. A pump assembly can be included in the internal chamber for generating an air flow during operation of the motor assembly. The pump assembly can draw air into the internal chamber via the air inlet, generating an air flow within the internal chamber. The air drawn into the internal chamber is applied to the motor inner workings, and the air heated by the motor inner workings is expelled from the internal chamber via the air outlet. Thereby, the air flow advantageously can cool the motor assembly as the air traverses the internal chamber. 120-. (canceled)21. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) , comprising:a UAV body having a first housing for accommodating a control device for controlling operation of the UAV, the first housing having a central air inlet for drawing air from an external environment of the UAV;a plurality of motor assemblies for providing propulsion forces for moving the UAV;a plurality of motor arms for coupling the motor assemblies and the UAV body and for supporting the motor assemblies, the motor arms being hollow and having a duct-type structure,wherein each motor assembly includes a motor installation base and a motor installed on the motor installation base, the motor comprising a second housing and motor inner workings hosted in the second housing, the second housing comprising an air inlet and air outlet, andwherein the first housing, the motor arms, and the second housing of each motor assembly are coupled in such way that the air drawn from the external environment sequentially passes by the control device in the first housing to dissipate heat from the control device, passes through an air transport ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric Compressor

Номер: US20210013782A1
Автор: Mikio Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Sanden Automotive Components Corp

An electric compressor is provided which is capable of reducing the number of components in an inverter circuit section installed in an inverter storing section and attaining its miniaturization as well. A sleeve assembly ( 18 ) of an inverter circuit section ( 3 ) has positioning pins ( 37 ) and ( 38 ) for an inverter control board ( 17 ) and a power module ( 14 ). The positioning pins ( 37 ) and ( 38 ) are thermally caulked in a state in which the sleeve assembly ( 18 ) is interposed by the inverter control board ( 17 ) and the power module ( 14 ) to thereby make the inverter circuit section ( 3 ) integral. The integrated inverter circuit section ( 3 ) is installed in an inverter storing section ( 8 ) constituted on an outer surface of a housing ( 2 ).

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014285A1

An inverter integrated motor having a frame (), a motor body (), a cap (), a fan (), an inverter (), and a heat transfer module () is provided. The motor body () is received in the frame (), and a heat dissipation passage () is formed between them, the motor body () is covered and closed by the cap (), and the cap () and the motor body () are presented in a continuous form. The inverter () is attached on an outer side surface of the frame (). The heat transfer module () is located between the cap () and the fan () and thermally connected to the inverter (). Airflow is generated by the fan () to flow through the heat transfer module () and exchange heat therewith, and the airflow then flows into the heat dissipation passage () along the cap (). Accordingly, an attached additional fan () for the inverter () is not necessary. 1. An inverter integrated motor , comprising:a frame;a motor body received in the frame, the motor body including a casing disposed inside the frame and a rotation shaft inserted through the casing, the casing being spaced apart from the frame, a first heat dissipation passage and a second heat dissipation passage being formed inside the casing, two ends of the rotation shaft forming an output shaft and a connection shaft inserted through the casing respectively;a cap receiving the connection shaft, the cap covering and closing the casing, the cap and the casing being presented in a continuous form;a fan arranged on the connection shaft and driven by the rotation shaft;an inverter disposed on an outer side surface of the frame, the inverter including a motor control circuit board; anda heat transfer module disposed between the cap and the fan and thermally connected to the motor control circuit board, the motor control circuit board transferring heat via the heat transfer module to between the cap and the fan, wherein the fan sends airflow through the heat transfer module for the airflow to make heat exchange therewith, and then the airflow flows ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034328A1

A radial ventilator () has a base part (), a housing part (), with a discharge , placed on the base part (), a motor electronics unit (), and an internal rotor electric motor. The motor drives a ventilator wheel () via a shaft (). The motor electronics unit () and a stator () of the electric motor are encapsulated by an extrusion coating () in the base part () and together form an integral one-piece structural unit. The radial ventilator () has a pressure chamber (D) enlarging in a spiral shape around the ventilator wheel (). The pressure chamber (D) is formed and defined by the housing part () and the extrusion coating (). 116.-. (canceled)17. A radial ventilator comprising: a base part , a housing part placed on the base part , a motor electronics unit , and an internal rotor electric motor;a ventilator wheel drive via a shaft of the electric motor;the motor electronics unit and a stator of the electric motor are encapsulated by an extrusion coating in the base part and together form an integral one-piece structural unit; the radial ventilator has a pressure chamber expanding in a spiral shape around the ventilator wheel, the pressure chamber is formed and defined by the housing part and the extrusion coating.18. The radial ventilator as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the extrusion coating comprises a protruding ring section extending in the axial direction claim 17 , the axial end face of the ring section defines the pressure chamber and the ring section defines a receptacle chamber for the motor electronics unit.19. The radial ventilator as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the spiral-shaped pressure chamber is formed by an axial and radial expansion.20. The radial ventilator as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the housing part has a constant diameter delimiting the pressure chamber and a spiral shape of the pressure chamber is exclusively defined by the extrusion coating.21. The radial ventilator as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the electric motor is arranged on a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016208A1

In a drive circuit unit of a vehicle, a first terminal is electrically connected to a drive circuit that performs power conversion, and configured to input or output electric power with respect to the exterior of the drive circuit unit via a first cable. A front protruding portion is formed by extending a portion of a front side surface of the drive circuit unit in a forward direction in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle. The first terminal is disposed on the front protruding portion in an upwardly facing manner, at a more rearward position than a front end of the front protruding portion. 1. A vehicle comprising:a motor;a power source; anda drive circuit unit configured to convert electric power from the power source and supply the converted electric power to the motor;the drive circuit unit including:a drive circuit configured to perform power conversion;a first terminal electrically connected to the drive circuit, and which is configured to input or output electric power with respect to an exterior of the drive circuit unit via a first cable; anda front protruding portion formed by extending a portion of a front side surface of the drive circuit unit in a forward direction in a longitudinal direction of the vehicle;wherein the first terminal is disposed on the front protruding portion in an upwardly facing manner, at a more rearward position than a front end of the front protruding portion.2. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the drive circuit unit further includes:a case in which the drive circuit is accommodated; anda heat sink fixed to the case, and arranged along the longitudinal direction of the vehicle; andwherein the front protruding portion is configured as a portion of the heat sink, the portion thereof being positioned in front of the case.3. The vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein:a fastening part, in which a fastening member is disposed, is formed on the front protruding portion, the fastening member being configured to fasten the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016325A1
Принадлежит: ADVICS CO., LTD.

This electric braking device is provided with: an electric motor MTR that, in accordance with an operation amount Bpa of a braking operation member BP, generates a pressing force Fba, being a force pressing a friction member MSB against a rotary member KTB that rotates integrally with a wheel WHL of the vehicle; and a circuit board KBN to which a processor MPR and a bridge circuit BRG are mounted. The device is further provided with a rotation angle sensor MKA for detecting the rotation angle Mka of the electric motor, and drives the electric motor MTR on the basis of the rotation angle Mka. An end face Mmk of the rotation angle sensor MKA is fixed so as to be in contact with the circuit board KBN. The device is further provided with a pressing force sensor FBA for detecting the pressing force Fba, and drives the electric motor MTR on the basis of the pressing force Fba. An end face Mfb of the pressing force sensor FBA is fixed so as to be in contact with the circuit board KBN. 1. An electric braking device for a vehicle , the device comprising:an electric motor configured to generate a pressing force in accordance with an operation amount of a braking operation member by a driver of the vehicle, the pressing force being a force for pressing a friction member against a rotary member that rotates integrally with a wheel of the vehicle;a rotation angle sensor configured to detect a rotation angle of the electric motor; anda circuit board configured to implement a microprocessor and a bridge circuit so as to drive the electric motor based on the rotation angle,wherein an end face of the rotation angle sensor is fixed to contact the circuit board.2. An electric braking device for a vehicle , the device comprising:an electric motor configured to generate a pressing force in accordance with an operation amount of a braking operation member by a driver of the vehicle, the pressing force being a force for pressing a friction member against a rotary member that rotates ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016371A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A power-source connector is situated at or in the vicinity of the radial-direction middle portion of a housing and is fixed to the housing, and a first connection portion and a second connection portion for connecting the winding terminal of an armature winding with a control circuit unit are substantially symmetrically arranged at positions corresponding to the radial-direction peripheral portions of the power-source connector. 1. An electric power steering apparatus comprising:an electric motor that has two groups of armature windings having the same configuration and generates assist torque corresponding to steering torque produced by a vehicle driver;a controller that has two groups of control circuits capable of separately controlling the two groups of armature windings and that is disposed on the axle-direction end portion, at the anti-output side, of the electric motor so as to be integrally fixed to the electric motor; anda housing that is fixed to the electric motor and covers the controller, a power-source connector that connects the controller with an external power source,', 'a first connection portion where the winding terminal of the armature winding of one of the two groups of armature windings is connected with one of the two groups of control circuits, and', 'a second connection portion where the winding terminal of the armature winding of the other one of the two groups of armature windings is connected with the other one of the two groups of control circuits,, 'wherein the controller includes'}wherein the power-source connector is situated at or in the vicinity of the radial-direction middle portion of the housing and is fixed to the housing, andwherein the first connection portion and the second connection portion are substantially symmetrically arranged at positions corresponding to the radial-direction peripheral portions of the power-source connector.2. The electric power steering apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the controller has a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Electric Drive Device and Electric Power Steering Device

Номер: US20190016374A1

An electric drive device has a motor housing accommodating therein an electric motor; a pair of supporting stems arranged so as to face to each other on an end surface, which is an opposite side to an output shaft portion of a rotation shaft of the electric motor, of the motor housing and extending in a direction of the rotation shaft which is an opposite direction to the output shaft portion; a heat radiation base body arranged between the pair of supporting stems and extending in the same direction as those of the supporting stems; fixing bolts screwed into the heat radiation base body from a radially outer side to a radially inner side through the supporting stems and connecting the supporting stems and the heat radiation base body; one electronic control unit of a redundant system, arranged along a direction in which the heat radiation base body extends and having a board that is fixed to the heat radiation base body with thermal conduction to the heat radiation base body allowed; and the other electronic control unit of the redundant system, arranged along a direction in which the heat radiation base body extends and having a board that is fixed to the heat radiation base body with thermal conduction to the heat radiation base body allowed. 1. An electric drive device comprising:a motor housing accommodating therein an electric motor that drives a mechanical control element;a pair of supporting stems arranged so as to face to each other on an end surface, which is an opposite side to an output shaft portion of a rotation shaft of the electric motor, of the motor housing and extending in a direction of the rotation shaft which is an opposite direction to the output shaft portion;a heat radiation base body arranged between the pair of supporting stems and extending in the same direction as those of the supporting stems;fixing bolts screwed into the heat radiation base body from a radially outer side to a radially inner side through the supporting stems and ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Energy transfer circuit

Номер: US20210016033A1
Автор: David Paul BOEHM
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

An apparatus for treating a respiratory disorder in a patient includes a power supply, a first power supply circuit coupled to the power supply, a pressure generator to generate a flow of air, a transducer to generate a flow signal representing a property of the flow of air, and motor power supply circuitry. The motor power supply circuitry includes: a motor controller to control operation of a motor in the pressure generator based on the flow signal; one or more storage elements to store energy generated by motor deceleration; an energy dissipation circuit to dissipate a portion the energy generated by the deceleration of the motor; and an energy transfer circuit to couple the one or more storage elements to the first power supply circuit and transfer the energy generated by motor deceleration and/or the energy stored by the one or more storage elements to the first power supply circuit.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016428A1
Автор: Nakashima Tatsuo

A power tool (), such as an impact wrench (), includes: a brushless motor (); a motor housing (), which houses the brushless motor (); an anvil (), which is rotationally driven by the brushless motor () and disposed forward of the brushless motor (); a handle (), which is disposed downward of the motor housing (); a battery-mount part (), which is disposed downward of the handle (); a battery pack (), which is mounted on the battery-mount part () by being slid relative to the battery-holding housing (); and a controller () for controlling the brushless motor (). A switch panel () having at least one manipulatable button () and at least one display part is provided downward of the handle () and is tilted such that the switch panel () is higher in the front. 1. A power tool comprising:a motor;a motor housing, which houses the motor;a battery-holding housing, which is connected to the motor housing;a battery pack, which is mounted on the battery-holding housing by being slid relative to the battery-holding housing in a sliding direction; anda controller for controlling the motor, the controller being housed in the battery-holding housing;wherein the battery pack and the controller overlap one another in the sliding direction of the battery pack.2. A rotary tool comprising:a motor;a tool-accessory retaining part, which is rotationally driven by the motor and extends forward of the motor in a front-rear direction of the rotary tool;a motor housing, which houses the motor;a grip housing disposed downward of the motor housing;a battery-holding housing disposed downward of the grip housing;a battery pack mounted on the battery-holding housing by being slid relative to the battery-holding housing in the front-rear direction;a controller configured to control the motor, the controller being housed in the battery-holding housing;wherein:a portion of an upper surface of the battery pack is inclined at a first tilt angle relative to the front-rear direction such that the first ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Inverter-integrated electric compressor

Номер: US20160020664A1

An inverter-integrated electric compressor for which an inverter device is integrally incorporated, with a main circuit board being housed while the four corners thereof are supported by boss parts at locations above high-voltage electrical components and semiconductor switching elements. The multiple high-voltage electrical components are arranged in parallel along one side of the main circuit board at one side of an inverter housing part, with one side of the main circuit board being supported from below by the upper surface of these components. The multiple semiconductor switching elements are arranged in parallel along the other side opposing the one side of the main circuit board, at the other side of the inverter housing part, with the other side of the main circuit board being supported from below by multiple lead terminals extending upwards.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Electromechanical integrated motor and method of assembling electromechanical integrated motor

Номер: US20160020678A1
Принадлежит: Nissan Motor Co Ltd

An electromechanical integrated motor has a motor housing for housing a stator and a rotor, and a power-converter housing for housing a power conversion module integrally joined to the motor housing. The power-converter housing has a radiator wall including the power conversion module attached to a surface on the motor-housing side of the radiator wall, and an outer-peripheral wall having a cylindrical shape, extending further toward the motor-housing side rather than the radiator wall, and being disposed on an outer-peripheral side of the power conversion module. The radiator wall and the outer-peripheral wall are separate members. The radiator wall is supported by the motor housing being capable of rotational movement. A plurality of power conversion modules are attached to the surface on the motor-housing side of the radiator wall, being arranged along a virtual circle having a rotation center of the rotational movement as a center thereof.
