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10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2474944C2

Техническое решение относится к области электротехники и электромашиностроения и касается конструкции ротора синхронной неявнополюсной электрической машины - синхронного неявнополюсного генератора, в частности турбогенератора большой мощности. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании данного изобретения, состоит в повышении мощности синхронной неявнополюсной электрической машины без изменения габаритов ее ротора. Предлагаемый ротор, в частности турбогенератора, содержит обмотку, выполненную катушек (1) из токопроводящих жил с витками, охватывающими полюс и уложенными в пазы (2), при этом, согласно изобретению, каждая катушка (1) имеет концентрическое расположение витков, размещенных в один слой во всех пазах (2), относящихся к полюсному делению ротора. Настоящее изобретение особенно актуально для синхронных неявнополюсных электрических машин с воздушным охлаждением. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

22-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2658631C2

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к статору электрической машины. Технический результат – улучшении качества изоляции и теплоотвода, повышение технологичности изготовления обмотки. Статор электрической машины содержит обмотку, состоящую из нескольких катушек, и листовой пакет с пазами, через которые проходят витки катушек обмотки. При автоматизированном изготовлении обмотки изготавливают множество пучков прямых, параллельных друг другу и электрически изолированных друг от друга проводников, которые длиннее, чем паз. Каждый пучок проводников вставляют в паз статора так, что оба конца каждого проводника выступают из паза, и концы проводников на обоих осевых концах листового пакета электрически соединяют через соответствующую лобовую часть обмотки с катушками обмотки. Для каждого проводника изготавливают изоляционное полое тело или блок изоляционных полых тел со сквозными отверстиями для проводников и для получения проводников заливают электрически проводящим материалом ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016147632A3

19-11-2019 дата публикации

Асинхронное мотор-колесо с повышенным магнитным сцеплением

Номер: RU2706669C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению. Мотор-колесо с повышенным магнитным сцеплением содержит колесо со встроенным в него электродвигателем, выполненным в виде асинхронной электромашины, статор которой закреплен на неподвижной оси колеса, и подвижный короткозамкнутый ротор. Двигатель имеет обмотки статора, собранные одна в звезду, другая в треугольник, большего, чем у стандартного двигателя с одной обмоткой, числа фаз и сложения магнитных полей этих двух обмоток. Также содержится блок управления асинхронным двигателем и жгуты проводов, объединяющие мотор-колесо с источником питания и блоком управления. Ротор содержит независимо попарно короткозамкнутые витки, проходящие в пазах магнитопровода ротора, представляющие собой пары короткозамкнутых стержней, расположенные по периметру ротора, замыкая пары пазов, расстояние между которыми соответствует расстоянию между зонами, прилегающими к границам полюсного деления статора, и зонами, прилегающими к границам половины полюсного деления статора ...

02-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2707883C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники, в частности к статору электрической машины. Технический результат – улучшение электрических и термических свойств статора. Статор содержит статорный листовой пакет со стержнями катушки и по меньшей мере одну статорную пластину лобовой части обмотки с изолирующим основным корпусом. Для того чтобы уменьшить осевую длину статора, предложено, что в изолирующий основной корпус встроены проводящие дорожки, причем по меньшей мере одна статорная пластина лобовой части обмотки на торцевой стороне лежит на статорном листовом пакете. При этом проводящие дорожки наглухо соединены со стержнями катушки. 5 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716007C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике. Технический результат состоит в упрощении изготовления. Статор вращающейся электрической машины содержит сердечник и катушку, которая наматывается вокруг сердечника. Катушка статора включает в себя первую сегментную катушку, вторую сегментную катушку и первый соединительный элемент, который имеет первый посадочный утопленный участок на первом конце первого соединительного элемента и второй посадочный утопленный участок на втором конце первого соединительного элемента. Первый соединительный элемент соединяет первую и вторую сегментные катушки посредством посадки первой сегментной катушки в первый посадочный утопленный участок и посредством посадки второй сегментной катушки во второй посадочный утопленный участок. 4 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012116142A

... 1. Электрическая машина, содержащая статорное устройство и подвижное устройство,причем, статорное устройство является многофазным статорным устройством, содержащим множество фаз, расположенных в ряд в боковом направлении, перпендикулярном направлению движения подвижного устройства, причем, статорное устройство содержит множество наборов зубцов, причем, каждый зубец выступает к подвижному устройству и содержит поверхность сопряжения, обращенную к подвижному устройству, причем, зубцы каждого набора распределены вдоль направления движения, причем, множество наборов зубцов содержит два внешних набора и множество внутренних наборов, расположенных в боковом направлении между внешними наборами; причем, зубцы внутренних наборов шире в боковом направлении, чем зубцы внешних наборов, и обеспечивают путь общего магнитного потока, совместно используемого двумя соседними фазами; причем, поверхности сопряжения зубцов внешних наборов определяют боковое пространство активной области воздушного зазора между ...

07-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010312441A1

Wanderfeldmaschine mit einem Ständer und einem Läufer, die jeweils wenigstens eine Ständerspule bzw. eine Läuferspule aufweisen, wobei der Ständer bzw. der Läufer einen weichmagnetischen Eisenkörper mit einem Ständer- bzw. Läuferrücken aufweist, an dem unter Bildung von Zähnen beabstandete Nuten ausgebildet sind, und die Ständer- bzw. Läuferspulen in den Nuten des Ständers bzw. des Läufers angeordnete Leiterstäbe und an den Stirnseiten des Ständers bzw. Läufers angeordnete, die Leiterstäbe verbindende Stirnverbinder aufweisen, die mit den Leiterstäben elektrisch leitend verbunden sind, um Leiterstäbe in voneinander beabstandeten Nuten elektrisch zu verbinden, wobei die Stirnverbinder ein geschichtetes Paket bilden, von dem wenigstens ein thermisch leitendes Element absteht, das zu einer Wärmesenke reicht.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Wickelschema für eine elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102019215094A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Wellenwicklung für eine elektrische Maschine, wobei zumindest eine der Lochzahl q entsprechende Anzahl an Spulensträngen parallel geschalten vorgesehen sind, wobei jeder Teilstrang durch eine Mehrzahl von Hairpins (6, 6') gebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zwei unterschiedliche Varianten von Hairpins (6, 6') vorgesehen sind, dass bei einer ersten Variante der Hairpins (6) der Wendebereich W zwischen den Leiterelementen einen um eins verkürzten Wickelschritt WK, also WK = WS - 1, aufweist, dass bei einer zweite Variante der Hairpins (6') der Wendebereich W einen verlängerten Wickelschritt WL, der gegenüber dem verkürzten Wickelschritt WK um die Lochzahl q größer ist, also WL = WK + q, aufweist, und dass bei allen Varianten der Hairpins (6, 6') die Kontaktbereiche K jeweils um den halben Standard-Wickelschritt WS in dem Wendebereich W entgegengesetzter Richtung umgeformt sind. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist eine elektrische Maschine mit einer derartigen Wellenwicklung ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016003500T5

Ein Rotorkern (21) in einer elektrischen Drehstrommaschine mit Permanentmagnet (1) wird gebildet durch Laminieren einer Mehrzahl von Plattenmaterialien (21A) , (21B) , (21C) und (21D) und weist einen oder eine Mehrzahl von Mittelstegen (26), die zwischen benachbarten Magnetschlitzen (23) gebildet sind, um eine äußere Umfangskante (24) und einen Kernabschnitt (25) in einem Magnetpol zusammenzukoppeln, auf. Nicht-magnetische Abschnitte (30) werden an einem Teil der oder sämtlichen des einen oder der Mehrzahl von Mittelstegen (26) gebildet. Isolierfilme (32) sind auf Flächen von anderen Teilen/Stellen als jenen Bereichen, wo die nicht-magnetischen Abschnitte (30) auf der Mehrzahl entsprechender Plattenmaterialien (21A) , (21B) , (21C) und (21D) zur Bildung des Rotorkerns (21) gebildet sind, angeordnet.

21-01-1999 дата публикации

Electrical machine stator/rotor arrangement e.g. for asynchronous machine

Номер: DE0019741200C1

An electrical machine with laminated rotor (3) arranged on a shaft (2), and with rotor bars (4) installed in the rotor, the bars being electrically and mechanically joined to one another at each rotor bar end (4',4'') by a short-circuiting ring (5,6). The laminated stator (10') equipped with its windings, is separated by a cylindrical gap (16) from the laminated rotor (3), the stator windings extending out of the laminated stator end face to form overhangs (12,13). The stator (10) is screened in the region of the rotor bar ends (4'4'') extending over the laminated rotor (3).

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102012223705A1

Elektrische Maschine (10), mit einem Stator (16), der ein Ständereisen (17) aufweist, welches eine im Wesentlichen zylindrische Öffnung (60) mit einer zentralen Achse (63) und einem Innendurchmesser (D17i) sowie einem Außendurchmesser (D17a) hat und die Öffnung (60) einen Rotor (20) aufnimmt, wobei das Ständereisen (17) eine axiale Länge (L17a) hat, und das Ständereisen (17) eine Ständerwicklung (18) hält, mit dem Rotor (20), der eine Drehachse (66) besitzt, wobei der Rotor (20) eine axiale Stirnseite (69) hat, an der ein Lüfter (30) mit Lüfterschaufeln (72) angeordnet ist, der drehfest mit dem Rotor (20) verbunden ist, wobei der Rotor (20) einen elektromagnetisch erregbaren Pfad (75) aufweist, der einen Polkern (78) hat, an den sich an beide drehaxialen Enden (80, 82) je eine Polplatine (22, 23) anschließt, wobei von der einen Polplatine (22) Klauenpole (24) ausgehen, die eine Nordpolarität haben und von der anderen Polplatine (23) Klauenpole (25) ausgehen, die eine Südpolarität haben, ...

27-03-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002552794B2

12-05-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000089908A1

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021102645A1

Diese Offenbarung stellt einen Stator für eine elektrische Maschine mit einer mehrteiligen Leiterbaugruppe bereit. Ein Stator für eine elektrische Maschine wird durch ein Zusammenbauen eines Kerns und einer ersten und einer zweiten Wicklungsbaugruppe hergestellt. Die erste Wicklungsbaugruppe (FWA) wird durch einen 3D-Druckprozess hergestellt und beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von U-förmigen Leitern (Haarnadeln), die jeweilige Wicklungsköpfe aufweisen, die in einer gegenseitig axial verschachtelten Beziehung zueinander angeordnet sind, um einen Ring zu bilden, und ferner zwei Stützen aufweisen, die in einem der Schlitze des Kerns angeordnet sind. Wicklungsköpfe verbinden jeweilige Paare der Stützen und sind einer Endfläche des Kerns benachbart angeordnet, wobei distale Enden der Stützen axial über eine gegenüberliegende Endfläche des Kerns herausragen. Die zweite Wicklungsbaugruppe (SWA) beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von Brücken, die einen zweiten Ring bilden. Gegenüberliegende Enden jeder Brücke definieren ...

31-10-2012 дата публикации

Anker für eine drehende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE112011100077T5
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO, AISIN AW CO., LTD.

Ein Zwischenlagenverbindungsbereich 30 ist auf einer Außenseite eines Ankerkerns 2 in axialer Richtung L vorgesehen. Der Zwischenlagenverbindungsbereich 30 ist durch Verbinden eines Verbindungserstreckungsbereichs 23a auf einer ersten Lagenseite und eines Verbindungserstreckungsbereichs 23b auf einer zweiten Lagenseite gebildet, die Verbindungserstreckungsbereiche 23 sind, die sich von Leiterrandbereichen 22 erstrecken, die entsprechend in verschiedenen Schlitzen 3 angeordnet sind, so dass sie benachbarte Lagen bilden, und wenigstens einer aus dem Verbindungserstreckungsbereich 23a auf der ersten Lagenseite und dem Verbindungserstreckungsbereich 23b auf der zweiten Lagenseite, die das durch den Zwischenlagenverbindungsbereich 30 zu verbindende Paar bilden, einen Versatzbiegebereich zum Verschieben des entsprechenden Verbindungserstreckungsbereichs 23 in einer radialen Richtung R zu einer Seite enthält, die sich an den anderen Verbindungserstreckungsbereich 23 des Paars annähert. Ferner ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Stator für eine drehende elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE112013006903T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt einen kompakten, hoch leistungsfähigen Stator für eine drehende elektrische Maschine bereit, indem eine Spulenform einer Spule mit verteilter Wicklung so angepasst wird, dass sich aus einem Spurwechsel ergebende Vergrößerungen eines Durchmesser eines Spulenendes unterbunden werden, während auch sich aus einer Interphasenisolierung ergebende Vergrößerungen des Durchmessers des Spulenendes unterbunden werden. Eine Statorwickung umfasst achtundvierzig Wicklungskörper 22, die jeweils hergestellt werden, indem ein nahtloser, durchgehender Leiterdraht, der mit einer Isolierung beschichtet ist, gewickelt wird, und die in einer Teilung einer Nut in einer Umgangsrichtung so angeordnet werden, dass sie in einer ersten Nut 131, einer zweiten Nut 132 und einer dritten Nut 133 angebracht sind, die umfänglich in einer Winkelbeanstandung von sechs Nuten aufeinanderfolgen. Die Wicklungskörper 22 werden zu einem -förmigen Spulenmuster aufgebaut, das gebildet wird, indem ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Stromversorgungseinheit und elektrische Maschine mit einer solchen Stromversorgungseinheit

Номер: DE102020101991A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Stromversorgungseinheit (200) für eine elektrische Maschine. Dabei umfasst die Stromversorgungseinheit (200): eine Vielzahl von Leitungsabschnitten (211a-n); eine erste maschinenvorderseitige leistungselektronische Schaltung mit einer Vielzahl von Halbbrücken (201a-n), welche ausgebildet ist, die Vielzahl von Leitungsabschnitten (211a-n) mit einem jeweiligen Strom zu beaufschlagen; und eine zweite maschinenrückseitige leitungselektronische Schaltung mit einer Vielzahl von bidirektionalen Schaltern (203aa-nn). Dabei weist die zweite maschinenrückseitige leitungselektronische Schaltung eine Matrixtopologie auf und ist ausgebildet, jeden der Vielzahl von Leitungsabschnitten (211a-n) über eine Vielzahl von Strompfaden, welche durch die Vielzahl von bidirektionalen Schaltern (203aa-nn) und Kombinationen davon definiert werden, mit allen anderen Leitungsabschnitten (211a-n) elektrisch leitend zu verbinden.

11-07-2002 дата публикации

Elektrische Maschine und Stator für eine elektrische Maschine und Herstellungsverfahren dafür

Номер: DE0010059575A1

Elektrische Maschine mit einem Stator, der mehrere, nebeneinander angeordnete Wicklungskammern bildende Nuten zur Aufnahme von wenigstens einer Statorwicklung aufweist. Dabei ist jede Statorwicklung aus im Querschnitt im wesentlichen rechteckigen Leiterstäben in den Wicklungskammern und Wicklungsköpfe bildenden Leiterteilen aufgebaut. Die Leiterstäbe sind an ihren Enden mit den Leiterteilen materialschlüssig elektrisch verbunden, indem jedes der Leiterteile einen im wesentlichen U-förmig gestalteten Endabschnitt mit zwei gegenüberliegenden Schenkeln aufweist, deren einander zugewandte Innenseiten mit entsprechenden Seitenflächen eines Endabschnittes eines der Leiterstäbe verbunden sind.

30-10-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002356433C3

14-12-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002503428C3

09-08-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Läufers für eine elektrische Maschine sowie Läufer für eine elektrische Maschine und elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102013223785B4
Принадлежит: BOSCH GMBH ROBERT, Robert Bosch GmbH

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Läufers (1) für eine bürstenkommutierte elektrische Maschine, wobei ein Anker (2) mit im Wesentlichen quer zu seiner Umfangsrichtung verlaufenden Nuten (21) mit Spulenwicklungen (5), die durch eine variierende Anzahl der Windungen mit variierenden elektrischen Widerständen ausgebildet sind, bewickelt wird,wobei das Bewickeln in einer Wicklungsreihenfolge durchgeführt wird, so dass Stirnverbindungen (52) der Spulenwicklungen entlang der Stirnseiten des Ankers (2) verlaufen und in axialer Richtung abschnittsweise übereinander liegen und so dass die axiale Lage der Stirnverbindungen (52) der Spulenwicklungen (5) relativ zueinander so gewählt ist, dass die aufgrund einer gewählten Wicklungsreihenfolge der Spulenwicklungen (5) als auch die aufgrund einer Wahl der Windungszahlen der einzelnen Spulenwicklungen (5) auftretenden Variationen der elektrischen Widerstände einander überlagern und zu resultierenden elektrischen Widerständen für jede der Spulenwicklungen ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Verbesserte Wicklung für einen Rotor einer stromerregten elektrischen Maschine

Номер: DE102015213134A1

Die Erfindung offenbart einen Rotor (1; 13) einer stromerregten elektrischen Maschine, aufweisend eine Mehrzahl Zähne (6), die sich in radialer Richtung des Rotors (1) erstrecken; eine erste Zahnwicklung (2), die um einen ersten Zahn (6) gewickelt ist; eine zweite Zahnwicklung (2), die um einen zweiten Zahn (6) gewickelt ist, der zum ersten Zahn (6) benachbart ist und mit diesem ein erstes Zahnpaar bildet; und eine erste Zwischenwicklung (4; 16), die durch einen ersten Zwischenraum zwischen der ersten und zweiten Zahnwicklung (2) verläuft und die an zumindest einer der Zahnwicklungen (2) entlang eines vorbestimmten Teils der Länge der Zahnwicklung (2) zumindest abschnittsweise anliegt.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Elektrisches Kraftwerkzeug

Номер: DE102017114830A1

Ein elektrisches Kraftwerkzeug (1) weist einen bürstenlosen Motor (4) als Antriebsquelle auf. Der bürstenlose Motor (4) weist einen Stator (20) und einen Rotor (21) auf. Der Stator (20) weist Wicklungen (25) auf, die in drei Phasen gewickelt sind. In einem Drahtwicklungsverfahren der Wicklung (25) des Stators (20), wenn die Anzahl von Schlitzen pro Phase gleich N ist, die Anzahl von Serien der Wicklungen (25) pro Phase gleich A ist und die Anzahl von parallelen Wicklungen (25) pro Phase gleich B ist, ist eine Beziehung N = A × B erfüllt (N ist eine natürliche Zahl von 3 oder größer und 10 oder kleiner, A ist eine natürliche Zahl von 1 oder größer, und B ist eine natürliche Zahl von 2 oder größer).

20-01-2011 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung für einen Stator mit Stabwicklungen mit gedrehten Leitern

Номер: DE102010023945A1

Ein Stator mit Stabwicklungen enthält eine Vielzahl von Stableitern, die in der Vielzahl von Nuten angeordnet sind, wobei in jeder Nut mindestens einer der Stableiter eine Orientierung aufweist, die sich von den übrigen Stableitern in dieser Nut um einen vorbestimmten Winkel unterscheidet. Zum Beispiel können Leiter mit rechteckigen Querschnitten derart eingeführt sein, dass die Leiter, die der Innenfläche des Stators am nächsten liegen, um 90° mit Bezug auf die übrigen Leiter gedreht sind.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Rotierende elektrische Maschine in Mehrfach-Luftspalt-Ausführung

Номер: DE102013113655A1

Eine rotierende elektrische Maschine der Mehrfach-Luftspalt-Bauart wird geschaffen, bei welcher die Maschine mit einer Welle (4) versehen ist, die von einer an einem Gehäuse (2) befestigten Lagerung (3) abgestützt ist. Ein ringförmiger Rotor (6) ist an der Welle (4) befestigt und so ausgebildet, dass er zusammen mit der Welle (4) umläuft. Zwei Statoren (7, 8) sind an dem Gehäuse (2) befestigt und so ausgebildet, dass sie jeweils Luftspalte zwischen den jeweiligen Statoren (7, 8) und dem Rotor (6) ausbilden. Die Beziehungen 3,5 < P13/P6(1) und P7/P6 > 0,5(2)werden eingehalten, wobei P6 eine umfangsmäßige Breite jedes der äußeren ausgeprägten Pole (6B) bezeichnet, P7 eine umfangsmäßige Breite jedes der inneren ausgeprägten Pole (6A) bezeichnet und P13 eine umfangsmäßige Breite jedes der äußeren Magneten (10) bezeichnet.

08-03-2007 дата публикации

Wechselstromgenerator für Fahrzeuge

Номер: DE0060030073T2

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Stator einer elektrischen Maschine und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Stators

Номер: DE102018208321A1

Es ist schon ein Stator einer elektrischen Maschine bekannt, mit einem Statorkörper, der in axialer Richtung bezüglich einer Statorachse verlaufende Nuten zur Aufnahme von elektrischen Leiterelementen einer Steckwicklung aufweist, wobei die Leiterelemente an ihren Enden jeweils mit einem anderen der Leiterelemente unter Bildung einer innerhalb einer der Nuten liegenden Fügestelle elektrisch verbunden sind. Im Bereich der Fügestellen weisen die Leiterelemente jeweils keine Isolationsbeschichtung auf, um einen guten elektrischen Kontakt zwischen zwei miteinander gefügten Leiterelementen zu erreichen.Bei dem erfindungsgemäßen Stator wird die elektrische Steckwicklung hinsichtlich des erzeugbaren Drehmomentes und der elektrischen Durchschlagfestigkeit verbessert.Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass in den Nuten (4) jeweils zumindest zwei Leiterelemente (5) in radialer Richtung bezüglich der Statorachse (3) gesehen übereinander angeordnet sind und die in derselben Nut (4) liegenden Fügestellen ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Stator mit versetzen Pins für eine elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE102019135426A1

Stator (1) für eine elektrische Maschine (100), umfassend- eine Vielzahl von Pins (21 - 26), die auf konzentrischen Kreisen mit unterschiedlichen Abständen zu einem Statormittelpunkt (M) in Nuten (51 - 58, 71 - 78, 81 - 88) im Stator angeordnet sind, und jeder konzentrische Kreis einen Layer (L1 - L6) bildet;- wobei jeweils sechs Pins (21 - 26) in unterschiedlichen Layer (L1 - L6) miteinander seriell verbunden sind und eine Windung (41 - 43) bilden,- ein erster Pin (21, 27) der Windung (41 - 43) befindet sich in einer ersten Nut (51, 53, 55) im 6n-1 Layer (L5), wobei n eine natürliche Zahl ist;- ein zweiter Pin (22) der Windung (41 - 43) befindet sich in einer zweiten Nut (52, 54, 56) im 6n Layer (L6), wobei die zweite Nut (52, 54, 56) einen ersten radialen Abstand (11) in einer ersten Umfangsrichtung des Stators (1) zu der ersten Nut (51, 53, 55) aufweist;- ein dritter Pin (23) der Windung (41 - 43) befindet sich in der ersten Nut (51, 53, 55) im 6n-2 Layer (L4) ;- ein vierter Pin (24) ...

18-07-1996 дата публикации

Mehrphasige elektrische Maschine

Номер: DE0004326124C2

21-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102006038582A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Wicklungsprofil für einen Elektromotor mit Stäben (11, 11', 21, 21' und 31, 31') aus einem elektrisch leitfähigen Material, deren Längsachsen im Wesentlichen auf einer Mantelfläche eines Kreiszylinders angeordnet sind und die jeweils ein erstes Stabende an einer ersten Grundfläche des Kreiszylinders und ein zweites Stabende an einer zweiten Grundfläche des Kreiszylinders aufweisen, mit ersten Verbindungselementen (12, 22) zum galvanischen Verbinden der Stäbe an deren ersten Stabenden und mit zweiten Verbindungselementen (13, 23) zum galvanischen Verbinden der Stäbe an deren zweiten Stabenden. Hierbei sind die ersten und zweiten Verbindungselemente so angeordnet, dass die durch sie bewirkte Verbindung der Stabenden einen Wicklungsstrang (10, 20), bestehend aus einer Reihenschaltung der Stäbe oder bestehend aus einer Kombination aus Reihenschaltung und Parallelschaltung der Stäbe, ergibt.

12-01-2006 дата публикации

Statorspule mit sequentiell verbundenen Segmentleitern, vorzugsweise für drehende elektrische Maschinen

Номер: DE102005022280A1

Eine Statorspule enthält einen Spulenabschnitt (100), der um einen Statorkern (110) gewickelt ist, sowie eine Anschlußplatte (200), die als eine Sammelschienenanordnungsplatte dient. Der Spulenabschnitt (100) wird durch sequentielles Verbinden von Segmentleitern angeordnet bzw. ausgebildet. Die Anschlußplatte (200) ist ein geformtes bzw. gegossenes Ringplattenteil, das benachbart zu einem Kopfspulenende bzw. vorderen Spulenende (121) des Spulenabschnitts (100) in der axialen Richtung angeordnet ist und sich in der radialen Richtung verlängert. Die Windungszahl der Statorspule ist durch Auswählen einer optimalen Anschlußplatte aus einer Vielzahl von Anschlußplatten leicht einstellbar.

16-03-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to dynamo electric machines

Номер: GB0000726060A

... 726,060. Winding layouts for dynamo-electric machines. PARSONS & CO., Ltd., C. A. Dec. 11, 1953 [Jan. 13, 1953], No. 981/53. Class 35. In a ring winding for a polyphase electric machine, the outer conductors of all the phases are arranged in groups so that the resultant external field is reduced to a minimum. As shown for a 3-phase stator, the outer conductors may be arranged in groups at the edge as at 3, or in open slots as at 4, or in closed slots as at 5. The conductors may be arranged sideby-side in wide slots or concentric conductors may be used.

13-11-2013 дата публикации

Electric machine

Номер: GB0201317307D0

11-08-1999 дата публикации

Electrical machine

Номер: GB0002329528B

21-11-2007 дата публикации

Electric submersible pumps

Номер: GB0002419039B

30-10-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in dynamo electric machines

Номер: GB0000223708A

... 223,708. English Electric Co., Ltd., and Schroeder, G. Sept. 19, 1923. Rotary converters; coils and conductors; field magnets, dampers on poles of.-To render more uniform the heating distribution in the armature of a rotary converter, the section of conductor comprising the winding is varied from point to point around the core, the greater section being located where the higher effective current values are found, constant-pitch winding slots of different widths being employed. The, six pole machine shown has ninety armature slots arranged in groups of five, three slots 4 in each group being narrow and two 5 accommodating the wider conductors 7. With a leading power factor the conductors 7 are located in front of the alternating-current tappings 13, 14, the armature rotating to the left as shown. Owing to the unequal iron section of tooth per slot in this construction the damping windings on the field poles are arranged to be non-inductive to the flux pulsations produced thereby, the usual ...

13-10-1999 дата публикации

End winding layout for stator of an alternator

Номер: GB0002336251A

The stator has a core 2 with slots 2a. The windings 3 are composed of coil units formed by winding coil strands 4 a number of times and having coil end portions 3b joining the ends of adjacent straight portions. The windings are incorporated into the core by inserting the straight portions into the slots 2a in sequence at intervals of e.g. three slots and allowing the end portions 3b to protrude axially outward from the end of the core. Each strand 4 is shaped so that, after coming out of a slot, the strand extends in one direction around the circumference so as to be pointed axially outward and away from the end of the core, then turns around towards the radially inner edge, extends in the one direction around the circumference so as to approach the end of the core, and enters a slot three slots away from the slot out of which the strand came in the one direction around the circumference. The strands 4 are arranged so as to overlap around the circumference in the turn around region of ...

02-06-1966 дата публикации

Two-layer winding for induction machines

Номер: GB0001031669A

... 1,031,669. Windings for dynamo-electric machines. GENERAL MANAGER OF MINISTERUL METALURGIEI SI CONSTRUCTIILOR DE MASINI. March 23, 1963, No. 11604/63. Heading H2A. The end-turns of a two-layer induction motor rotor winding are bent down at 3 to act as fan blades.

05-12-1922 дата публикации

Improvements relating to armatures of direct-current electrical machines

Номер: GB0000189861A

... 189,861. Fletcher, G. H., and Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. Sept. 5, 1921. Coils and conductors; cores. - An armature winding for use in stepped or tapered slots is formed of conductors or coils having different thicknesses on the two sides of a turn. Fig. 2 is a section of the conductor shown in Fig. 3, and the part 2 may be formed by re-rolling one-half of a conductor having the shape 3. For a tapered slot, a bar 3, Fig. 6, may be similarly treated. Alternatively, the two sides of a turn may be cut from a single bar, Figs. 7 and 8, the intermediate parts being removed from between the sides 2, 3, or two bars of the required shapes may be welded together as at 11. Connection to the commutator segments 9 is such that the thick conductors 3 in the upper parts of the slots fit into the wider parts of the commutator necks 8. In a modification, Fig. 9, where the conductors are grouped together into rectangular coils, the slot has such a shape that the coil side which fits into the ...

20-04-1988 дата публикации

Cooling stator coil and winding of alternating current generator for vehicles and a method of winding the stator coil

Номер: GB0002196189A

A stator coil of a generator for vehicles is provided with a stator coil construction and method for winding the stator coil around the core. The coil is wound around the stator core so that a portion of the stator coil projects from one or both sides of the stator core in the axial (longitudinal) direction of the core. The projecting portion of the stator coil closely surrounds the rotor core and is composed of inner and outer wire batches between which are formed slits which permit cooling air to pass therethrough and cool the coil more efficiently. The cooling air is generated by a fan which is attached to the rotor core facing the inner surface of the projecting portion of the stator coil.

25-07-2007 дата публикации

Downhole permanent magnet motors

Номер: GB0000711394D0

22-08-2007 дата публикации

Downhole electric motors

Номер: GB0000713757D0

11-05-1942 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to coils for dynamo-electric machines

Номер: GB0000545101A

... 545,101. Conductors for dynamo-electric machines. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. May 14, 1941, No. 6199. Convention date, May 15, 1940. [Class 35] A preformed conductor coil for dynamo-electric machines comprises a plurality of flat strands each bent edgewise into hairpin shape, the legs of the strands being superimposed on one another so that the top strand of a group in one leg lies at the bottom in the other leg, the strands crossing one another at the bend of the hairpin so that the bottom surface of a strand in one leg remains at the bottom in the other leg. Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show top, side and end views of a hairpin 7 of three strands a, band c. Three such hairpins may be pushed into adjacent stator slots and the ends joined in series by clips 11, Fig. 4. Each strand may be subdivided transversely to facilitate bending.

08-08-1979 дата публикации

A rotor for an electric machine

Номер: GB0002013412A
Автор: Wurth, Hans

The rotor (1) has parallel sided slots (2) which are wider at their open end than at the bottom. This shape is stated to be suitable for use with inexpensive aluminium windings instead of copper windings without impairing the performance characteristic. The rotor may be formed of laminated plates, or metal strips wound edgeways; and the windings may be shaped to fit the groove and have an impregnating agent applied to them in the slots. ...

15-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001504238A

... 1504238 Making coils SIEMENS AG 22 Sept 1976 [22 Sept 1975] 39396/76 Heading B3A [Also in Division H2] A superconducting rotor coil winding has an end portion 13 which is prefabricated in bowed form prior to being connected to at least one of two axial portions 9, 10. Portion 13 may be connected by soldering, welding or screwing, and it may have a greater cross sectional area than the axial portions (as in Fig. 2, not shown). It may also include axial portions (as in Fig. 3, not shown).

16-10-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in dynamo electric machines

Номер: GB0000223064A

... 223,064. English Electric Co., Ltd., and Barnes, H. Nov. 9, 1923. Rotary converters; coils and conductors; cores. -An armature having a winding varying in section from point to point around the core and located in slots of varying dimensions for the, purpose of rendering the heating more uniform, is provided with teeth and slots so proportioned that the flux pulsations which would be produced by teeth of different widths passing across the pole face are avoided. In the winding scheme shown, the slots 4, 5 are of uniform depth and varying width and pitch to accommodate wide and narrow conductors 7, 8 and the width of the slots is so varied that the same proportion of slot and tooth per tooth pitch area exists. Specification 223,708 is referred to.

20-11-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in the construction of windings for dynamo electric machines

Номер: GB0000188789A

... 188,789. Ayres, W. E. M. Aug. 18, 1921. Coils and conductors; cores. - A winding for squirrel-cage rotors of induction motor and the like consists of a number of superposed layers of sheet or tubular material in which parallel longitudinal cuts are made through the material so as to divide it into strips which remain connected together at one or both ends, after which the strips are bent through an angle. The longitudinal cuts D, Fig. 1, may terminate in pearshaped holes E to facilitate the twisting of the strips A<1>. Instead of using a .number of separate sheets, a single long sheet may be wrapped around the core the desired number of times, or a tube may be used, the necessary increase or decrease in diameter being obtained by crimping the end parts A. In an alternative. form, particularly applicable to material in the form of tubes, one only of the end-members is formed integrally with a set of bars, and these bars can be inserted from opposite ends of the core and jointed in any suitable ...

24-05-2023 дата публикации

High-torque electric motor assembly

Номер: GB0002605011B
Принадлежит: MAGNIX USA INC [US]

08-06-2022 дата публикации

System and method for stator slot encapsulation using injected polymer

Номер: GB0002601656A

A method for improving thermal conduction in a stator, which comprises: Fitting a plug 116 between the stator teeth 14 to close off the gaps; injecting a thermally conductive filler 104 compound into each slot under pressure to fill the remaining space and to encapsulate the windings 102; curing the polymer filler compound. The plugs are co-planar with end portions of the teeth to form a smooth inner surface within the stator. The plugs may be made of resilient material and may be a press-fit into the gaps. The filler may be injected using a nozzle extended into the gaps, or through a manifold plate (304, Fig. 8) at a mid-point of the stator (300, Fig. 9), the manifold plate including ports (302, 308, Fig. 8) around the inside or outside of the manifold plate, and passageways (206, Fig. 7) communicating with the ports and the gaps. The thermally conductive filler compound may be a two-part resin. The electrically conductive windings may be ribbon windings, or may have a circular cross-section ...

15-03-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA961573A

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469456T

15-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000521580A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Bereitstellen von Formstäben (2) aus Formstabrohlingen (5) für den Einsatz in elektrischen Maschinen umfassend die Schritte Vorbereiten der Formstabrohlinge (5) und Umformung der Formstabrohlinge (5), wobei mehrere Formstabrohlinge (5) vor der Umformung auf einem Warenträger (12) positioniert und fixiert werden und auf dem Warenträger (12) sich befindend gemeinsam bearbeitet werden.

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525788T

10-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325143B

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376715T

15-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512040B1

Es wird eine elektrische Maschine, insbesondere bürstenloser Torquemotor, mit einem drehbar gelagerten Läufer (10), der mindestens einen Permanentmagneten (11) aufweist, und mit einem, elektromagnetische Pole (4) ausbildenden Stator (3) gezeigt, der ein wenigstens magnetisch leitfähiges Joch (5) und wenigstens vier unterschiedliche Wicklungsstränge (6, 7, 8, 9) einer Statorwicklung (2) aufweist, wobei diese Wicklungsstränge (6, 7, 8, 9) mit mindestens einem Permanentmagneten (11) des Läufers (10) zur gleichzeitigen Ausbildung eines Drehmoments (12) und einer Querkraft (13) zusammenwirken. Um eine leistungsarme Erzeugung von Drehmoment und Querkräften zu ermöglichen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Wicklungsstränge (6, 7, 8, 9) je mindestens zwei elektrisch miteinander verbundene Spulen (6', 6" bzw. 7', 7" bzw. 8', 8" bzw. 9', 9") aufweisen, wobei bei wenigstens einem Wicklungsstrang (6, 7, 8, 9) seine Spulen (6', 6" bzw. 7', 7" bzw. 8', 8" bzw. 9', 9"), vorzugsweise bei allen Wicklungssträngen ...

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128581T

15-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000071242T

15-11-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000016543T

27-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000340524B

31-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000616455B2

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003240760A1

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle alternating-current generator

Номер: AU2014213482B1

VEHICLE ALTERNAITNG-CURRENT GENERATOR Abstract The present invention relates to a vehicle alternating-current generator. The vehicle alternating-current generator comprises a wound stator and a rotor. The wound stator 5 comprises: a stator and a plurality of wires. The stator has a plurality of radial grooves arranged at an inner circumference of the stator. Each of the plurality of wires comprises: a first end, a second end, and a plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end. Each wave-shaped coil is formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other. The straight portions of each wire are sequentially embedded in 0 corresponding grooves of the stator, so that each of the grooves is embedded with the wires. The rotor is placed in the wound stator in a coaxial form.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Stator segment unit adapted to build a ring-shaped stator when assembled

Номер: AU2011202460A1

Stator segment unit adapted to build a ring-shaped stator when assembled Abstract Stator segment unit (1, 5, 10, 16, 21, 25, 26, 32, 38), adapted to build a ring-shaped stator when assembled, having a stator yoke (3, 7, 11, 17) with at least one stator tooth (2, 6, 12, 13, 23) protruding from the yoke, comprising at least one stator winding (A, B, C, D, E, F) having a first winding section (a, b, c, d, 5 e, f) fixed close to the tooth (2, 6, 12, 13, 23) and a second winding section (a', b', c', d', e', f) extending freely from the stator segment unit (1, 5, 10, 16, 21, 25, 26, 32, 38). - - In a IDAI-OOA 5\ A a 6 1 12 12b2 1 1 ...

28-06-1999 дата публикации

High voltage winding

Номер: AU0001358399A

29-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002075076A

10-04-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1165414A

A coupling unit of two multilayer cables of a stator winding of a high-voltage generator, located in the endface portion thereof, comprises terminations of multilayer cables, wherein conducting layers are concentrically arranged and separated from one another by insulating layers, jumpers electrically coupling said conducting layers. A portion of each insulating layer, facing the jumpers has a shape of an end insulation frustum. Each jumper is a totality of components made as a portion of a hollow cylinder limited by two planes. Each jumper carries an insulating bushings. Thin-walled insulation cylinders are secured in each end insulation frustums and in frustums of the insulation bushings. The surfaces of the frustum of the insulating bushing, the end insulation frustum, two adjacent jumpers and conducting layers coupled thereto form an insulation chamber. The surface of the jumper, the tube of the exterior conducting layer connected to said jumper, the end insulation frustum, the frustum ...

09-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524302A1

The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator (20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first winding (22).

16-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002521640A1

The invention relates to a winding (20) for a dynamo-electric machine, especially for the stator (33) of a hydrogenerator. The inventive winding comprises a plurality of winding bars (22, 24) that axially extend in a laminated core and whose ends (23, 23'; 25, 25') projecting from the laminated core are bent from the axial direction and are interlinked in pairs at junction points (26, 26'). The production of a winding of the aforementioned kind is simplified by providing the bar ends (23, 23'; 25, 25') with a plurality of respective straight sections (28, 30) that are separated from each other by intervening kinks (29, 29'; 32, 34).

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003101428A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The invention relates to a device designed in order to model hairpins so as to promote the insertion of winding sets of such hairpins on a stator or rotor so as to allow an increased filling of the slot space in the assembly of winding sets on such a stator or rotor. The application of this forming not only relates to electric stators or rotors, but to any device using electric wires having any gauge.

16-06-1959 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000577991A

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003078536A1

A solid-state electromagnetic rotor, comprising a plurality of salient pole pieces arranged around a supporting structure, wherein a first end of each salient pole piece is attached to the support structure and a second end of each salient pole piece points outward away from the supporting structure; and wires wound around each salient pole piece, wherein when the wires of the plurality of salient pole pieces are sequentially excited by an excitation circuit, the salient pole pieces are energized to provide a moving polar magnetic field in the form of distinct magnetic poles as desired to accomplish power generation.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003001944A1

The invention relates to a mechanism for introducing a winding mat (2) comprising a wave winding made of wire into a rotor or stator body (4), having a receiving device (5) for receiving and holding the rotor or stator body (4), and a feeding device (1) that feeds the winding mat (2) to the receiving device (5). The receiving device (5) further comprises an insertion device (50), which can individually separate the coils (2a) of the winding mat (2) and can insert the same into the rotor or stator body (4) in the depth direction (R) of the grooves.

18-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002524302C

... ²²²The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator ²(20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a ²current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first ²winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be ²used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first ²winding (22).² ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002955695A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a form-wound coil (44) for fitting into a laminated stator core (40) of a synchronous generator (1) of a gearless wind turbine (100), comprising the steps of cutting out at least one first flat strip conductor from a metal sheet with a first slot-strip portion (48), for inserting into a first slot (42) of the laminated core (40), cutting out at least one second flat strip conductor from a metal sheet with a second slot-strip portion, for inserting into a second slot (42) of the laminated core (40), and angling away the first and/or second cut-out strip conductor in such a way as to create an angled-away winding head portion (52), for connecting the first and second slot-strip portions (48).

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002988353A1

The invention relates to a pre-formed coil (10) of a stator (132) of a generator (130) of a gearless wind turbine (100). The pre-formed coil (10) comprises an electrical conductor (26) with a first and a second connection (18, 20). The connections (18, 20) are each used for electrically connecting to another pre-formed coil (10). For this purpose, the connections (18, 20) each comprise a thread in order to establish the electrical connections by means of screw connections. The invention further relates to a winding structure and a stator (132) comprising the pre-formed coil (10) and a method for producing the stator (132).

17-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957203C

A rotor for an electrical machine comprising: an elongate rotor core assembly comprising a rotor core and a plurality of permanent magnets arranged in a plurality of rings around the rotor core; and a composite sleeve around the rotor core assembly, the sleeve comprising: an outer layer; and a segmented layer beneath the outer layer comprising a plurality of discrete, non-overlapping, spaced apart circumferential bands of composite material positioned orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the rotor core assembly, wherein the rotor axially thermally expands during operation, and two or more adjacent circumferential bands reside in a non-overlapping relation when thermally expanded during operation.

15-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002981217A1

The invention relates to a stator ring (16) for an electric generator (1), in particular a synchronous generator or ring generator of a wind turbine (100), comprising a plurality of grooves (17) for accommodating the stator winding (W), and a magnetic yoke (J). According to the invention the stator ring (16) has at least one cooling cut-out (15) having two cooling walls (39, 41) lying opposite each other in the region of the magnetic yoke (J), in which cooling cut-out a first and a second heat sink (19, 21) are arranged, which have wedge surfaces (31, 33) that face each other and slide on each other and, opposite each wedge surface, a thermal coupling surface (35, 37) facing one of the cooling walls for removing thermal energy from said cooling wall. The heat sinks are slid in relation to each other in such a way that the thermal coupling surfaces are pressed against the cooling walls.

12-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002804207A1

A method (100) is described for twisting preformed bar conductors (25) of electric machines, said conductors (25) comprising a first and a second leg (5) joined together by a connection portion (15). The method (100) comprises the steps of: a) providing (101) a twisting apparatus (30) comprising a twisting device (50) having at least a first (51) and a second body (52) coaxial with each other and extended around a twisting axis (Zt-Zt), respectively comprising a first Al and a second A2 circular array of pockets with center on such axis (Z-Z), b) loading (102), in a subset of said pockets, a first plurality of said preformed conductors (25) the loading step (102) being such to leave a1 first residual subset of pockets free; c) driving (103) the first (51) and the second (52) body in relative rotation around said axis (Zt-Zt), in order to distance such legs (5) from each other by a first pre-established twisting pitch; d) loading (104), in a second subset of said second plurality of pockets ...

15-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002836087C

The invention includes an electric machine (10) having a rotor (12), stator (20) and at least one winding (22) in the stator (20) adapted to conduct a current, and a secondary winding (24), electrically isolated from the first winding (22) and inductively coupled to the first winding (22), which may be used to control at least one of the output voltage and current of the first winding (22).

01-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002122917C

An armature coil winding method,in which, out of slots S1-S12 in an armature core (12), the slots S5, S8 which are away from eccentric portions (13a; 14a) of first and second balancers (13,14) provided on the opposite sides of the armature core (12) are designated as slots in winding starting positions, coils (16) being woun d from the slots S, S8 to the slots S2, S11 so as not to contact the eccentric potions (13a, 14a).

25-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002165558C

Known bar windings and pulled coils are made of bent bar conductors with a constant cross section and thus insufficiently use the space available in the winding overhang. In addition, because of the bending radii to be respected, in particular in high-pole machines, long connection sections are obtained in relation to the pitch value, so that weight losses are increased. The disclosed shaped conductors are produced without bending radii in a single piece according to their final shape. Their cross section varies in the winding overhangs, so that the space available is utilized to a high extent and short connection sections are produced. Successive shaped conductors are arranged in different layers, so that interlaced multiphase double layers are produced. The length of a conductor lane formed by shaped conductors connected in series is independent from the depth of the grooves and all phase conductors of an interlaced double layer have the same design. Enlarged connection sites accessible ...

05-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002165558A1

Known bar windings and pulled coils are made of bent bar conductors with a constant cross section and thus insufficiently use the space available in the winding overhang. In addition, because of the bending radii to be respected, in particular in high-pole machines, long connection sections are obtained in relation to the pitch value, so that weight losses are increased. The disclosed shaped conductors are produced without bending radii in a single piece according to their final shape. Their cross section varies in the winding overhangs, so that the space available is utilized to a high extent and short connection sections are produced. Successive shaped conductors are arranged in different layers, so that interlaced multiphase double layers are produced. The length of a conductor lane formed by shaped conductors connected in series is independent from the depth of the grooves and all phase conductors of an interlaced double layer have the same design. Enlarged connection sites accessible ...

19-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002187096A1

In prior art three-phase electric machines with a layered winding, the conductor elements either make non-optimum use of the space in the slot or the conductors for each phase are in the form of large elements designed to be fitted into each other and whose manufacture is complicated and costly. The invention calls for the conductors (5-7) for each phase in the three-phase conductor layer (11) to be identical in construction and for the construction to be repeated every four pole pitches. While the phase conductors (5-7) occupy the full height of the layer within the magnetic field, two phase conductors (5-7) superposed one above the other in the slot share the space at the coil ends (9). At the slot exit, the conductor cross-section increases and only later, at the coil end (9), halved from only one side at each passage through the coil end. In order to alternate the layer halves, contact surfaces are available which are large in comparison to the conductor cross-section and the two winding ...

04-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002238600C

A stator winding has a plurality of conductor members forming coil ends, and each of the conductor members of the coil ends is hardened and heat treated to have hardness which changes along the length of conductor members. Therefore, the stiffness of the coil ends changes and resonant vibration of the stator can be reduced.

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Высокооборотный индукторный двигатель

Номер: RU0000189962U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электромашиностроения и может быть использована в качестве источника электрической энергии для задач, где требуется от ротора двигателя больше миллиона оборотов в минуту.Технический результат: обеспечение быстроходности высокооборотного индукторного двигателя.Сущность полезной модели в том, что в пазах статора обмотка уложена из литцендрата, а зубцы статора выполнены клиновидной формы, при этом ротор выполнен с лабрисообразной сердцевиной, окаймленный бандажом из титана и набран из пластин стали со вставками из алюминия, имеющими каплевидную форму.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Dynamoelectric machine coil spacerblock having flow deflecting channel in coil facing surface thereof

Номер: US20120098362A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A dynamoelectric machine includes a rotor having a plurality of adjacent coils; and a spaceblock disposed between adjacent coils so as to define at least a first cavity adjacent the spaceblock and between mutually adjacent coils, the spaceblock including a channel disposed in a coil facing surface of the spaceblock for intercepting and redirecting a circulating coolant flow to the first cavity.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Stator and cage coil

Номер: US20120112595A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A cage coil includes a first combined conductor constituted of six first conductors each being formed in a continuous zig-zag pattern, the first conductors being overlapped sequentially with displacement, and a second combined conductor including six second conductors each being formed in a continuous zig-zag pattern, the second conductors being overlapped sequentially with displacement, and the second combined conductor being placed with displacement of one pitch from the first combined conductor, the first and second combined conductors are overlapped into a conductor assembly, the conductor assembly being wound by five turns. A stator includes the above cage coil.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Stator Winding of an Electric Machine, in particular an Alternator

Номер: US20120119605A1

A method is disclosed for producing a stator winding of an electric machine, in particular an alternator, the stator winding comprising at least one phase winding and the phase winding having a plurality of coils, the plurality of coils being wound in one direction, a given number of turns being wound and the coil having a plurality of coil sides, two coil sides of the coil transitioning integrally into coil connectors. The turns of the coil are subsequently moved relative to each other in such a way that the coil sides transitioning into coil connectors are outermost coil sides of the coil.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Stator for electric rotating machine and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120161567A1
Автор: Tetsuya Gorohata
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A stator includes a stator core and a stator coil formed of electric conductor segments. Each of the electric conductor segments has a pair of in-slot portions, a first end portion, and a pair of second end portions. The in-slot portions are respectively received in corresponding two slots of the stator core. The first end portion extends, on one axial side of the stator core, to connect the in-slot portions. The second end portions extend respectively from the in-slot portions on the other axial side of the stator core. Each of the second end portions includes an oblique part and a distal part. The oblique part extends obliquely with respect to an axial end face of the stator core. Corresponding pairs of the distal parts of the electric conductor segments are joined by welding. The oblique parts of the electric conductor segments have a higher hardness than the in-slot portions.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Rotor of an Electric Generator for Generating Electricity in Power Plants

Номер: US20120286598A1
Автор: Johann Schubert

The invention relates to a rotor of an electric generator for generating electricity in power plants, comprising support elements ( 9 ) having spacers ( 10 ) between the conductors ( 6 ) in the area of the winding overhang ( 7 ). The spacers ( 10 ) are distributed over the surface of the support elements ( 9 ) as island-shaped structures so that the conductors can be cooled uniformly.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Interspersed multi-layer concentric wound stator

Номер: US20120299431A1
Автор: John F. Bangura
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A stator includes a stator support having multiple axially extending circumferentially arranged slots. Multiple phases each include multiple coils. Each of the coils has first and second opposing sides of conductor provided in the slots. A conductor in a second side of a first phase first coil is interspersed with a conductor in a second phase first coil. The conductors in a first side of the first phase first coil are arranged adjacent to one another and non-interspersed.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Fiber optic magnetic flux sensor for application in high voltage generator stator bars

Номер: US20130027030A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A magnetic flux sensor for measuring the radial component of the magnetic flux impinging on a stator bar of a high voltage generator. The magnetic flux sensor includes a fiber Bragg grating formed in an optical fiber and enclosed within a magnetostrictive coating. The magnetostrictive coating responds to changes in magnetic flux by applying a strain on the fiber that changes the reflected wavelength of the Bragg grating that can be measured to provide a measurement of the flux. In one embodiment, one or more of the magnetic flux sensors is positioned directly within an insulating layer of the particular stator bar.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134818A1

A three-phase axial flux motor is disclosed. The axial flux motor includes a stator, a rotor and a driving unit. The stator includes three coils. The rotor is pivotally disposed on the stator and includes a magnet which has a magnetizing state. The driving unit outputs a sinusoidal phase voltage to the coils. The magnetizing state of the magnet is corresponding to the inductance waveform and the IEF (induced electromotive force) waveform of the stator to let the waveform of the driving phase current to be an approximative sine wave. 1. A three-phase axial flux motor , comprising:a stator comprising three coils;a rotor pivotally connected at the stator, wherein the rotor comprises a magnet, and the magnet has a magnetizing state; anda driving unit outputting a sinusoidal phase voltage to the coils, wherein the magnetizing state of the magnet is provided in correspondence to an inductance waveform and an IEF (induced electromotive force) waveform to let a waveform of a driving phase current flowing through the coils be an approximative sine wave.2. The three-phase axial flux motor according to claim 1 , wherein the stator comprises a core claim 1 , the core has a plurality of slots disposed independently to each other claim 1 , the number of the slots is a multiple of three claim 1 , and the coils are divided by three sets wound at the slots respectively.3. The three-phase axial flux motor according to claim 1 , wherein the inductance waveform and the IEF waveform of the stator are approximative sine waves.4. The three-phase axial flux motor according to claim 1 , wherein the ripple error of the inductance waveform in each phase is 78% to 80% claim 1 , and the maximum value difference and the minimum value difference between the phases are less than 1%.5. The three-phase axial flux motor according to claim 1 , wherein the difference between the waveform area of the IEF waveform and the waveform area of the sine wave having the same peak value and period is less than 5 ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Active part of an electrical machine having inclined coils in the winding head area

Номер: US20130154429A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An active part of an electrical machine has a carrier, a plurality of coils which are arranged on the carrier and which each include a plurality of sub-conductors and a winding head area, in which the coils project out of the carrier in a curved shape, respectively and are connected to one another. At least one of the plurality of coils has a coil arc in the winding head area, and the center line of the coil runs in one plane in the coil arc. The sub-conductors of one coil run parallel to the plane in the coil arc of the coil and themselves in each case form sub-conductor arcs. The vertices of the sub-conductor arcs of the coil form a line of inclination which runs at an angle to the plane.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181547A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

An electric motor includes a rotor including an iron core and a plurality of windings, and a stator including a plurality of permanent magnets forming a plurality of poles. The iron core has a plurality of primary teeth around each of which a winding is wound and a plurality of secondary teeth around each of which no winding is wound. The primary teeth and the secondary teeth are formed alternately with each other. The electric motor is configured such that a ratio between the number of poles formed by the permanent magnets of the stator and the number of phases formed by the windings of the rotor is 4m:3n (m and n are any natural numbers, excluding the case where m:n=2:3 is satisfied). 1. An electric motor comprising:a first electric motor element that comprises an iron core and a plurality of windings; anda second electric motor element that comprises a plurality of permanent magnets forming a plurality of poles and that is oppositely situated against the first electric motor element, whereinthe plurality of windings of the first electric motor element are configured such that, when three-phase alternating current is supplied, they cooperate with the plurality of permanent magnets of the second electric motor element to generate thrusts of the electric motor, wherein,the iron core has a plurality of teeth that project toward the second electric motor element, the plurality of teeth including primary teeth around each of which a winding is wound and secondary teeth around each of which no winding is wound, these primary teeth and secondary teeth being situated alternately with each other, and whereina ratio between the number of poles formed by the plurality of permanent magnets of the second electric motor element and the number of phases formed by the plurality of windings of the first electric motor element is 4m:3n (m and n are any natural numbers, excluding the case where m:n=2:3 is satisfied).2. The electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Stator for electric rotating machine

Номер: US20130181555A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A stator coil includes first to fourth in-slot portions and first and second turn portions. Both the first and third in-slot portions are received in one slot of a stator core, while both the second and fourth in-slot portions are received in another slot. The first and second turn portions both protrude from an axial end face of the stator core and respectively connect the pair of the first and second in-slot portions and the pair of the third and fourth in-slot portions. The second turn portion is located inside the first turn portion. When viewed along an axial direction of the stator core, the first and second turn portions extend so as to cross each other with a reference line C interposed therebetween; the reference line C is defined to extend along a circumferential direction of the stator core through an intersection between the first and second turn portions.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Electric motor

Номер: US20130193797A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Electric SA

A DC electric motor has a stack of laminations defining a rotor with at least two pairs of poles and an even number of slots at least equal to 8. The rotor also has a commutator with an even number of segments and a closed distributed rotor winding. The winding extends in the slots and is connected in a predetermined manner to the segments of the commutator. The rotor winding has a winding section of the lap type, connected to two consecutive segments of the commutator and, in series with this, a plurality of winding sections of the wave type. These winding sections all span an identical number of slots.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Rotary electric machine

Номер: US20130193798A1
Автор: Kiyotaka Koga
Принадлежит: Aisin AW Co Ltd

A rotary electric machine including a core having a plurality of slots disposed in a distributed manner in a circumferential direction of a cylindrical core reference surface, the slots each having a slot opening portion that opens in an opening direction toward one side in a radial direction of the core reference surface, and a coil conductor wire wound around the core. The coil conductor wire has a deformable cross-sectional shape, a diameter of the coil conductor wire with a circular cross-sectional shape is larger than a slot opening width which is a width of the slot opening portion in the circumferential direction, and the coil conductor wire is flexible enough to be flattened so as to be equal to or less than the slot opening width.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200743A1
Автор: OKIMITSU Takeomi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO,. LTD.

The manufacturing cost of a stator for a rotary electric machine can be reduced, and the volume of coil end portions can be reduced to enable downsizing. A stator for a rotary electric machine includes: a cylindrical stator core with plural slots formed at an inner circumferential surface; a plurality of coil segments received by the slots; a plurality of first coil end plates electrically connected with the coil segments on either one of end surfaces of the stator core; and a plurality of second coil end plates electrically connected with the coil segments on the other end surface of the stator core. The plate portion of at least one of the plurality of the first coil end plates is formed longer than the plate portions of the other first coil end plates and has a stepped portion. 1. A stator for a rotary electric machine , comprising:a stator core in a sleeve shape with a plurality of slots formed at an inner circumferential surface thereof;a plurality of coil segments received by the slots;a plurality of first coil end plates electrically connected with the coil segments on either one of end surfaces of the stator core; anda plurality of second coil end plates electrically connected with the coil segments on the other end surface of the stator core,wherein each of the coil segments comprises connecting end portions protruding respectively from the one and the other end surfaces of the stator core,wherein each of the first coil end plates comprises:a plate portion in a flat plate shape extended along a circumferential direction of the stator core; anda pair of extended portions respectively extended along a radial direction of the stator core from one end side of the plate portion such that the connecting end portions of the corresponding coil segments are connected to the pair of extended portions,wherein the plurality of first coil end plates and the plurality of second coil end plates are disposed being laminated on the corresponding end surfaces of the stator ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214623A1

Disclosed herein is a switched reluctance motor including: a salient pole type rotor provided with a plurality of salient poles; and a stator including a stator body provided with a plurality of salient poles facing the rotor and a plurality of auxiliary slots disposed between the salient poles, a plurality of phase windings formed by winding coils around the salient poles, and a plurality of electromagnets formed by winding coils in the auxiliary slots, wherein magnetic fluxes generated due to excitation of the phase windings interact with magnetic force generated from the electromagnets, such that a magnetic flux amount may increase and torque density may be improved, and an intersection line is not generated in the magnetic fluxes generated due to the excitation of the phase windings.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214634A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

The stator winding has winding assemblies that are disposed in a stator core so as to be stacked in three or more layers in a radial direction such that slot-housed portions line up in single columns in a clot depth direction inside slots, and radial widths of return portions of the winding assemblies that are mounted so as to be stacked in a radial direction are made sequentially narrower in order of return portions of a winding assembly that is positioned centrally, return portions of a winding assembly that is positioned on an inner circumferential side, and return portions of a winding assembly that is positioned on an outer circumferential side. 1. An automotive rotary electric machine comprising a stator comprising:an annular stator core in which a plurality of slots that have openings on an inner circumferential side are disposed at a predetermined pitch circumferentially; anda stator winding that is constituted by a plurality of winding assemblies that are mounted into said stator core,wherein:said winding assemblies are configured by arranging wire pairs that are equal in number to a predetermined slot pitch so as to be offset from each other by a pitch of one slot, said wire pairs being formed by arranging two wires so as to be offset by said predetermined slot pitch from each other such that slot-housed portions are stacked, said wires being constituted by continuous wires that are formed into a pattern in which said slot-housed portions are linked by return portions and are arranged at said predetermined slot pitch, and adjacent slot-housed portions are offset by said return portions so as to alternately occupy an inner layer and an outer layer in a slot depth direction, and said slot-housed portions are plastically deformed so as to have a squared cross section;said stator winding is configured by mounting said winding assemblies into said stator core so as to be stacked in three or more layers in a radial direction such that said slot-housed portions ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method for stamping coil sides of a stator winding

Номер: US20130257215A1

Method for stamping multiple coil sides ( 96 ) for a stator winding ( 18 ), characterized in that the multiple coil sides ( 96 ) are arranged in a grooved row ( 90 ), the shaping process taking place at a force (F), the direction of which runs at an angle (α) greater than zero relative to the grooved row ( 90 ).

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264893A1
Принадлежит: Höganas AB (publ)

Disclosed is a stator device adapted to be arranged in an electrical machine, where the electrical machine further includes a moving device, where the stator device is a multi-phase stator device, where the phases are arranged side-by-side in a direction perpendicular to direction of motion of the moving device, and where each phase comprises a first stator core section having a set of teeth, a second stator core section having a set of teeth, and a coil, and where the teeth are arranged to protrude towards the moving device; and wherein at least two neighboring phases share a stator core section, so that the first stator core section of a first phase and a second stator core section of a second phase is formed as a single unit. 1. An electrical machine comprising a stator device and a moving device ,wherein the stator device is a multi-phase stator device comprising a plurality of phases arranged side-by-side in a lateral direction, perpendicular to a direction of motion of the moving device, where the stator device comprises a plurality of sets of teeth, each tooth protruding towards the moving device and comprising an interface surface facing the moving device, wherein the teeth of each set are distributed along the direction of motion, wherein the plurality of sets of teeth comprises two peripheral sets and a plurality of inner sets arranged in the lateral direction between the peripheral sets; where the teeth of the inner sets are wider, in the lateral direction, than the teeth of the peripheral sets and provide a common magnetic flux path shared by two neighbouring phases; wherein the interface surfaces of the teeth of the peripheral sets define a lateral extent of an active air gap region between the stator device and the moving device;wherein the stator device comprises at least two separate stator core sections;wherein the moving device comprises a plurality of permanent magnets separated from each other in said direction of motion by pole sections formed ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293037A1

The disclosed is a rotating electric machine, comprising a magnetic iron stator and a surface permanent magnet type rotor, wherein a wire-winding axis and a rotating axial core of the stator cross each other orthogonally, and inner diameter portion of the stator is provided with an iron core having m wire-winding salient-poles arrayed circumferentially, and becomes gradually smaller from one side to another side in its axial direction, wherein the rotor has n poles with an arrangement that north poles and south poles are arrayed alternately in its circumferential direction, peripheral portion of the rotor becomes gradually smaller from one side to another side in its axial direction, and the stator and the rotor are engaged rotatably via a tapered air gap, wherein m is a positive integer of two or more, and n is a positive even number. 1. A rotating electric machine comprising a rotor and a stator ,wherein the stator is made of magnetic iron, a wire-winding axis and a rotating axial core of which cross each other orthogonally, and an inner diameter portion of which is provided with an iron core which has m numbers of wire-winding salient-poles which are arranged and distributed circumferentially, and the inner diameter portion of which becomes gradually smaller with a linear or step-wise degression from one side to another side in its axial direction so as to form an air gap in a tapered or step-wise shape with the rotor,wherein the rotor is one member selected from the group consisting of(a) a surface permanent magnet type rotor, an outer peripheral portion of which becomes gradually smaller with a linear or step-wise degression from one side to another side in the axial direction so as to form the air gap in the tapered or step-wise shape with the stator, and the surface of which is magnetized by using permanent magnets so that n numbers of poles are formed with an arrangement that the north poles and the south poles are arrayed alternately in its circumferential ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Rotating Electrical Machine

Номер: US20130300246A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

A rotating electrical machine includes a stator with an iron core having a plurality of slots and a stator winding configured by connecting a plurality of segment conductors each formed by a rectangular wire including an end portion and an insulating film; and a rotator that faces the stator through a gap, wherein the conductor includes a portion coated with the insulating film and a peel-off portion from which the insulating film is peeled off and has a cross-section smaller than the coated portion, the segment conductor and another segment conductor are bonded to each other outside the slots so as to bring at least parts of the peel-off portions as bonding faces into contact with each other, at least one segment conductor of the bonded segment conductors includes a straight portion that is formed in a linear shape in an axial direction and an arc portion. 1. A rotating electrical machine comprising:a stator that includes a stator iron core having a plurality of slots and a stator winding configured by connecting a plurality of segment conductors each formed by a rectangular wire including an end portion and an insulating film; anda rotator that faces the stator through a gap,wherein the segment conductor includes a coated portion coated with the insulating film and a peel-off portion from which the insulating film is peeled off and has a cross-section smaller than the coated portion,the segment conductor and another segment conductor are bonded to each other outside the slots so as to bring at least parts of the peel-off portions as bonding faces into contact with each other,at least one segment conductor of two segment conductors that are bonded to each other includes a straight portion that is formed in a linear shape in an axial direction and an arc portion that is continuous to the straight portion and is formed in an arc shape in the end portion, andthe peel-off portion as the bonding face is configured by the straight portion and the arc portion, or the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300247A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A stator of a rotating electric machine includes: a plurality of teeth having a same shape are arranged in a radial direction toward a rotary shaft core with base ends thereof being coupled to a core back in a ring shape; a slot formed between the adjacent teeth; a flange portion formed projecting to opposite sides of apical ends of the teeth; a slot inlet formed between the adjacent flange portions; a winding area formed around each teeth; and a wire wound via an insulator having a same shape in each winding area. A first wire is wound around first teeth provided alternately, and a second wire is wound around second teeth put between the first teeth, and the first wire and the second wire are wound in a different shape in a sectional shape of opposing portions. 17-. (canceled)8. A stator of a rotating electric machine comprising:a plurality of teeth having a same shape are arranged in a radial direction toward a rotary shaft core with base ends thereof being coupled to a core back in a ring shape; a slot formed between the adjacent teeth;a flange portion formed projecting to opposite sides of apical ends of the teeth;a slot inlet formed between the adjacent flange portions;a winding area formed around each teeth; and a first wire is wound around first teeth provided alternately, and a second wire is wound around second teeth put between the first teeth, and', 'the first wire and the second wire are wound in a different shape in a sectional shape of opposing portions, so that a convex portion of the first wire corresponds to a concave portion of the second wire, a concave portion of the first wire corresponds to a convex portion of the second wire, and a closest distance between the first wire and the second wire becomes a minimum insulating distance., 'a wire wound via an insulator having a same shape in each winding area, wherein'}9. The stator of a rotating electric machine according to claim 8 , wherein in the first wire and the second wire claim 8 , the number ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334924A1

According to one embodiment, there is provided a 3-phase 2-pole 2-layer armature winding, housed in 72 slots provided in a laminated iron core, a winding of each phase including six parallel circuits separated into two phase belts. Upper coil pieces of first and fourth parallel circuits are placed at 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 12th positions, and lower coil pieces of the first and fourth parallel circuits are placed at 1st, 6th, 9th, and 10th positions, upper and lower coil pieces of second and fifth parallel circuits are placed at 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th positions, and upper coil pieces of third and six parallel circuits are placed at 1st, 6th, 9th, and 10th positions, and lower coil pieces of the third and six parallel circuits are placed at 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 12th positions, from the center of a pole. 1. A 3-phase 2-pole 2-layer armature winding of a rotating electrical machine , housed in 72 slots provided in a laminated iron core , the winding for each phase comprising:six parallel circuits separated into two phase belts comprising first and second phase belts, each parallel circuit comprising two coil pieces, an upper coil piece and a lower coil piece connected in series with each other at a connection side coil end and at a non-connection side coil end; andthe parallel circuits being connected such that upper and lower coil pieces of first and fourth parallel circuits are placed at 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 12th positions from the center of a pole; upper and lower coil pieces of second and fifth parallel circuits are placed at 1st, 6th, 10th, and 11th positions from the center of a pole; and upper and lower coil pieces of third and six parallel circuits are placed at 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th positions from the center of a pole, when relative positions of the upper and lower coil pieces in one phase belt are indicated by positions counted sequentially from the center of a pole.2. The armature winding of the rotating electrical machine according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130342048A1
Автор: Högmark Conny

A method of producing a cylindrical laminated winding with radial slots for electrical machines is disclosed. The method includes providing a strip of conducting material, cutting cuts in a strip where the cuts form the radial slots of the laminated winding, and winding the strip to form the cylindrical laminated winding whereby a radial distance is enclosed between adjacent winding turns. A laminated winding for an electrical machine is also disclosed, and includes a strip of conducting material. The strip is wound in a cylindrical manner and is provided with cuts which are located between winding turns of the laminated winding such that they together form continuous radial slots, wherein a radial distance is enclosed between adjacent winding turns. 1. A method of producing a cylindrical laminated winding with radial slots for electrical machines , the method including:providing a strip of conducting material,cutting cuts in a strip where the cuts form the radial slots of the laminated winding, andwinding the strip to form the cylindrical laminated winding whereby a radial distance is enclosed between adjacent winding turns.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of cutting cuts in the strip is made through punching.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of cutting cuts includes cutting the cuts alternatingly from either side of the strip claim 1 , thereby forming a wave-like laminated winding.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of cutting the cuts includes calculating individual distances between adjacent cuts.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the step of cutting cuts includes increasing a distance between adjacent cuts for each winding turn of the laminated winding.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of cutting cuts in the strip is preceded by the step of cutting the strip to a desired width.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of winding the strip includes providing the cuts in ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001914A1

A novel stator for an electric drive, is described and which includes—a stator body defining a coil space for accommodating a coil wire in the form of a coil, and wherein the coil space comprises a plurality of slots, which are delimited by a stator wall and pole horns made integral with the stator; and wherein—the coil wire is inserted into the coil space, and is subsequently wound out via the slot in the region which is located between the two pole horns. In addition, the disclosed invention relates to a method for producing a stator. 1. A Stator of an electric drive , comprising:a stator body having two pole horns and further defining a coil space for accommodating a coil wire in the form of a coil having multiple turns, and wherein the coil space comprises a plurality of slots, which are delimited by a stator wall and the two pole horns of the stator, and wherein;the coil wire which is inserted into the coil space is wound out via the slot which is located in the region between two pole horns.2. A Stator to as claimed in claim 1 , and wherein a cohesive connection between the turns of the coil is provided at least partially claim 1 , at least in parts claim 1 , of that region of the coil which is located outside the slot.3. A Stator as claimed in claim 2 , and wherein the coil wire is at least partially in the form of a baked-enamel wire.4. A Stator as claimed in claim 3 , and wherein about 40-60% of the coil wire is arranged outside of the slot.5. A Stator as claimed in claim 4 , and wherein the cohesive connection is formed claim 4 , at least partially claim 4 , by an impregnating resin.6. A Method for producing a stator comprising:providing a stator body with at least two stator segments, and two pole horns;defining a coil space in the stator body for accommodating a coil wire in the form of a coil, and wherein the coil space has a slot;inserting a former into one of the stator segments;introducing the coil wire into the coil space, and wherein the coil wire ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Arrangement of Coil Wires in a Rotor of an Electric Motor

Номер: US20140009029A1
Автор: Schmid Juergen

An armature for an electric motor, the armature comprising a plurality of teeth and a plurality of cavities, wherein each one of the cavities is arranged between two of the plurality of teeth, and wherein at least one of the plurality of cavities is configured and arranged for receiving coil windings adjacent to a wall portion of the at least one cavity, wherein the at least one of the plurality of cavities comprises a switching wire receptor. 1. An armature for an electric motor , the armature comprising a plurality of teeth and a plurality of cavities , wherein each one of the cavities is arranged between two of the plurality of teeth , and wherein at least one of the plurality of cavities is configured and arranged for receiving coil windings adjacent to a wall portion of the at least one cavity , wherein the at least one of the plurality of cavities comprises a switching wire receptor.2. The armature of claim 1 , wherein the at least one of the plurality of cavities has a radial innermost wall portion and wherein the switching wire receptor is arranged at the radial innermost wall portion.3. The armature of claim 1 , wherein the switching wire receptor comprises a recess in a wall portion of the at least one of the plurality of cavities for receiving a switching wire.4. The armature of claim 3 , wherein the recess has a depth substantially corresponding to the diameter of the switching wire.5. The armature of claim 3 , wherein the recess has a depth larger than the diameter of the switching wire.6. The armature of claim 1 , wherein the switching wire receptor has a guiding surface for at least one switching wire.7. The armature of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cavity has two substantially opposite guiding wall portions for coil wires.8. The armature of claim 7 , wherein the two substantially opposite guiding wall portions form a tapered cavity which is tapered towards the radial innermost wall portion.9. The armature of claim 1 , wherein the two ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015352A1
Принадлежит: LCDRIVES CORP.

A permanent magnet motor, generator or the like that is constructed such that each coil is manufactured as two individual coils. 1. A rotary electric machine comprising a stator having a circumaxially spaced series of axially extending teeth defining a similar series of circumaxially spaced outwardly open winding slots therebetween , a plurality of stator coils at least partially disposed respectively in the slots , each stator coil being of the non-overlapping concentrated type and comprising at least two discrete windings.2. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein each winding is configured in a double layer configuration.3. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein the windings are generally concentric with each other.4. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein at least some of the windings are electrically in parallel with each other.5. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein a wicking material is inserted between at least two of the windings6. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein an inner coil section takes a generally triangular configuration.7. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein an inner coil section takes a generally quadrilateral configuration with at least three sides of the quadrilateral unequal.8. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein means are provided defining a plurality of elongated coolant passageways disposed respectively in the slots claim 1 , a manifold interconnecting the coolant passageways at one end and supplying at least partially electrically conductive coolant to the passageways claim 1 , and means are provided defining a series of passageways communicating with the coolant passageways and serving to directly interconnect the same and thus provide cooling loops confined entirely within the slots for the flow of coolant in one and an opposite direction to and from the manifold.9. A rotary electric machine as set forth in wherein means is provided defining a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Twisting Bar Conductors, In Particular For Bar Windings of Electric Machines

Номер: US20140015366A1
Автор: Guercioni Sante
Принадлежит: TECNOMATIC S.P.A.

A method () is described for twisting preformed bar conductors () of electric machines, said conductors () comprising a first and a second leg () joined together by a connection portion (). The method () comprises the steps of: a) providing () a twisting apparatus () comprising a twisting device () having at least a first () and a second body () coaxial with each other and extended around a twisting axis (Zt-Zt), respectively comprising a first A1 and a second A2 circular array of pockets with center on such axis (Z-Z), b) loading (), in a subset of said pockets, a first plurality of said preformed conductors () the loading step () being such to leave a1 first residual subset of pockets free; c) driving () the first () and the second () body in relative rotation around said axis (Zt-Zt), in order to distance such legs () from each other by a first pre-established twisting pitch; d) loading (), in a second subset of said second plurality of pockets, a second plurality of preformed conductors (; e) driving () the first () and the second () body in relative rotation around said axis (Zt-Zt), in order to distance the legs () of the conductors of the second plurality of conductors from each other by a second pre-established twisting pitch and to further distance the legs of the second plurality of conductors from each other by said second pre-established twisting pitch. 11002525515100. Method () for twisting preformed bar conductors () for bar windings of electric machines , said conductors () comprising a first and a second leg () joined together by a connection portion () , the method () comprising the steps of:{'b': 101', '30', '50', '51', '52', '51', '52, 'a) providing () a twisting apparatus () comprising a twisting device () having at least a first () and a second () body coaxial with each other and extended around a twisting axis (Zt-Zt), and respectively comprising a first (A1) and a second (A2) circular array of pockets with center on such axis (Zt-Zt), said ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015368A1

A stator includes: a stator core having a plurality of slots and teeth parts; and coils each formed by winding a flat conductor and disposed in the slots. Of the corners of the rectangular cross-section of the flat conductor, a first corner located on the inner circumference side of the coil when the flat conductor is wound to form the coil is provided with a round chamfer having a radius larger than that of another corner. When the coil is inserted into the slots of stator core elements, the rectangular cross-section of the coil is disposed such that the first corner faces toward the outer circumference side of the stator. 1. A stator including a stator core having a plurality of slots and teeth parts , and coils each formed of a wound flat conductor and placed in the slots ,wherein the flat conductor has a rectangular cross section with corners including a first corner located on an inner circumference side of the coil when the flat conductor is wound in the coil, the first corner being formed with a round chamfer having a radius larger than the other corners, andwhen the coils are inserted in the slots of the stator core, the rectangular cross section of each coil is arranged so that the first corner faces toward an outer circumference side of the stator core.2. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the round chamfer of the first corner is formed with a larger radius than a corner round-chamfer provided in a joint portion joining a clamp flange and a guide shaft claim 1 , the clamp flange being configured to clamp the flat conductor in a thickness direction when the flat conductor is edgewise bent claim 1 , and the guide shaft being configured to contact with an inner circumference portion of the flat conductor during bending.3. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the rectangular cross section includes a second corner located opposite on a diagonal to the first corner claim 1 , the second corner being formed as with the first corner with a round chamfer ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021823A1

A stator includes: coils each made of a conductor wire wound to form in-slot wire portions and coil-end wire portions; and a split-type stator core including slots receiving the in-slot wire portions and teeth parts formed adjacent to the slots. The coils includes: a first concentrically wound coil wound with gaps between adjacent portions of the wound conductor wire to allow insertion of the conductor wire; and a second concentrically wound coil. The in-slot wire portions of the first and second concentrically wound coils are alternately arranged in each slot. A lane changing section formed on the coil end is formed to make a displacement by the thickness of one conductor used in the second concentrically wound coil. 1. A stator including: coils each made of a conductor wire wound to form in-slot wire portions and coil-end wire portions; and a split-type stator core including slots receiving the in-slot wire portions and teeth parts formed adjacent to the slots , a first concentrically wound coil formed in a concentric winding shape to have gaps between adjacent portions of the wound conductor wire to allow insertion of the conductor wire; and', 'a second concentrically wound coil wound as with the first concentrically wound coil,, 'wherein the coils includeswherein the in-slot wire portions of the first concentrically wound coil and the in-slot wire portions of the second concentrically wound coil are alternately arranged in each slot, anda lane-change portion is formed in the coil-end wire portion of the first concentrically wound coil to bypass an area corresponding to a width of one conductor wire used for the coil-end wire portion of the second concentrically wound coil,the stator includes a cage-shaped distributed winding coil formed from the first concentrically wound coil and the second concentrically wound coil arranged in an annular form.2. A method for manufacturing a stator by winding conductor wires to form coils each including in-slot wire portions ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035400A1
Автор: ASANO Nobuhiro

A rotating electric machine includes a hollow cylindrical stator core and a stator coil mounted on the stator core. The stator core has a plurality of slots that are arranged in a circumferential direction of the stator core. The stator coil is formed of a plurality of substantially U-shaped electric conductor segments to include at least one Δ-Y connection. The Δ-Y connection is comprised of a Δ-connected first three-phase winding and a Y-connected second three-phase winding. The first three-phase winding includes three phase windings that are Δ-connected to define three terminals of the first three-phase winding therebetween. The second three-phase winding includes three phase windings that are respectively connected to the three terminals of the first three-phase winding. Further, the number of turns of the first three-phase winding and the number of turns of the second three-phase winding are respectively set to two different odd numbers. 1. A rotating electric machine comprising:a rotor; anda stator including a hollow cylindrical stator core and a stator coil mounted on the stator core, the stator core having a plurality of slots that are arranged in a circumferential direction of the stator core, the stator coil being formed of a plurality of substantially U-shaped electric conductor segments to include at least one Δ-Y connection, the Δ-Y connection being comprised of a Δ-connected first three-phase winding and a Y-connected second three-phase winding, the first three-phase winding including three phase windings that are Δ-connected to define three terminals of the first three-phase winding therebetween, the second three-phase winding including three phase windings that are respectively connected to the three terminals of the first three-phase winding,whereinthe number of turns of the first three-phase winding and the number of turns of the second three-phase winding are respectively set to two different odd numbers.2. The rotating electric machine as set ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Stator for rotating electric machine and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20140035406A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp

A stator includes a hollow cylindrical stator core and a stator coil formed of a plurality of electric conductor segments. Each of the electric conductor segments includes, at least, an in-slot portion received in a corresponding slot of the stator core and a protruding portion that protrudes from the in-slot portion outside of the corresponding slot. Each of the electric conductor segments also has an insulating coat covering its outer surface. For each intersecting pair of the protruding portions of the electric conductor segments, at least one of the two protruding portions of the intersecting pair has an indentation formed in a side face thereof radially facing the other protruding portion at the intersection of the two protruding portions. Further, a thickness of the insulating coats at the indentations is substantially equal to a thickness of the insulating coats at the in-slot portions of the electric conductor segments.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035427A1

Method for producing a stator winding () of an electric machine (), in particular an AC generator, wherein the stator winding () has at least n phase windings (), and one phase winding () has a plurality of directly successive wound coils () with coil sides () and coil side connectors (), wherein the coils () are divided into first coils () and second coils (), with a forming tool (), in which slots (′) are provided which are suitable for accommodating the coils (), wherein a first coil () is arranged in a slot (′), and a second coil () is arranged in another slot (′), characterized in that n−1 slots (′) are arranged between the first coil () and the second coil (). 11810181201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231241201211221231248288918282182210010510682821105105822105105105106105106821822aaaa ( , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ) , wherein a partial phase winding ( , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ; , , , , ) has a plurality of directly successive wound coils () with coil sides () and coil side connectors () , with the coils () being subdivided into first coils (.) and second coils (.) , having a shaping tool () , in which slots ( , ) are provided which are suitable for holding the coils () , with a first coil (.) being arranged in one slot (; ′) and a second coil (.) being arranged in another slot ( , ′) , and n−1 slots ( , ; ′ , ′) being arranged between the first coil (.) and the second coil (.).28285. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that each coil () is wound with an even or odd number of turns ().382858285. The method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that one coil () is wound with an even number of turns () claim 1 , and another coil () is wound with an odd number of turns ().48282182822158821822. The method as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that one coil () is a first coil (.) and the other coil () is a second coil (.) claim 3 , with ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049133A1

A distributed winding arrangement for an electric motor is provided that reduces brush arcing while reducing the size of the commutator. The electric motor is comprised generally of an armature having a plurality of spaced apart posts defining a plurality of spaced apart winding slots; a stator disposed coaxially with the armature; and a commutator having a plurality of commutator bars, where the number of commutator bars is an integer greater than the number of winding slots but less than twice the number of winding slots provided by the armature. 1. An electric motor , comprising:an armature having a plurality of spaced apart posts defining a plurality of spaced apart winding slots;a commutator having a plurality of commutator bars, where the number of commutator bars is an integer greater than the number of winding slots but less than twice the number of winding slots;a stator disposed coaxially with the armature, the stator having a plurality of spaced apart field coils; a first coil having a first plurality of winding turns wound only in a first pair of spaced apart ones of the winding slots and;', 'a second coil having a first and second subcoil portions serially coupled together, the first subcoil portion having a plurality of winding turns wound in the first pair of spaced apart winding slots, and the second subcoil portion having a plurality of winding turns wound in a second pair of spaced apart winding slots that are circumferentially offset from the first pair of spaced apart winding slots, wherein the first coil and the first subcoil portion of the second coil are wound with different number of winding turns so that a resultant magnetic axis of the first coil lies at a predetermined angular position relative to a first pair of commutator bars to which the first coil is secured;', 'a third coil having a first and second subcoil portions serially coupled together, the first subcoil portion having a plurality of winding turns wound in the second pair of ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084736A1

A stator for a rotating electric machine includes an annular stator core and a plurality of winding groups mounted on teeth of the stator core. Each of the winding groups is either a short-pitch winding group which consists of windings wound at a pitch shorter than 180° in electrical angle or a full-pitch winding group which consists of windings wound at a pitch equal to 180° in electrical angle. The winding groups include at least one short-pitch winding group pair which consists of two short-pitch winding groups that respectively belong to two different phases and are circumferentially adjacent to each other. The two short-pitch winding groups are arranged so as not to overlap each other in a radial direction of the stator core. There are no other winding groups interposed between the two short-pitch winding groups in the circumferential direction of the stator core. 1. A stator for a rotating electric machine , the stator comprising:an annular stator core having a plurality of teeth and a plurality of slots formed therein, the teeth being spaced from one another in a circumferential direction of the stator core, each of the slots being formed between one circumferentially-adjacent pair of the slots; anda plurality of winding groups mounted on the teeth of the stator core, each of the winding groups belonging to one of a plurality of phases,whereineach of the winding groups is either a short-pitch winding group which consists of windings wound at a pitch shorter than 180° in electrical angle or a full-pitch winding group which consists of windings wound at a pitch equal to 180° in electrical angle,the winding groups include at least one short-pitch winding group pair which consists of two short-pitch winding groups that respectively belong to two different phases and are circumferentially adjacent to each other,the two short-pitch winding groups are arranged so as not to overlap each other in a radial direction of the stator core, andthere are no other winding ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091665A1

A DC electric rotating machine, mainly for the starter of an automotive vehicle. The machine includes a stator including a wound structure forming a plurality of poles extending along the circumference of the stator, a rotor, and a set of brushes adapted for the electric supply of the rotor by commutation of the electric current in sections of the rotor. The wound structure of the stator includes a plurality of slots between two central parts of consecutive poles of the stator, these slots being formed in a magnetic body of the stator. At least one of the slots including at least one conducting segment forming a winding of an electrical coil. 1. A DC electric rotating machine , for the starter of an automotive vehicle , the machine including:{'b': 3', '50', '3, 'a stator () having a wound structure () forming at least 4 poles, extending along the circumference of the stator ();'}{'b': '2', 'a rotor (); and'}{'b': 13', '14', '2', '2, 'a set of brushes (, ) adapted for the electric supply of the rotor () by commutation of the electric current in sections of the rotor ();'}{'b': 50', '3', '56', '62', '61', '3, 'the wound structure () of the stator () comprising (n) slots () between central parts () of the consecutive poles () of the stator (), the number (n) being an even number higher than or equal to 4;'}{'b': 56', '54', '3, 'the slots () being formed in a magnetic body () of the stator ();'}{'b': 56', '55', '58', '52, 'the slots () including conducting segments () forming primary windings () of an electrical coil ();'}{'b': 50', '3', '60', '61, 'the wound structure () of the stator () comprising at least one sector () forming the pole ();'}{'b': 56', '63', '64', '62', '61, 'the slots () being disposed on zones (, ) surrounding the central part () of the pole ();'}{'b': 50', '3', '62', '61', '58', '59', '9', '2', '3, 'the wound structure () of the stator (), around the central part () of one of the poles (), comprising the primary windings () and windings () allowing ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Direct Drive Segmented Generator

Номер: US20140091666A1
Автор: Neumann Raphael

The present invention relates an electrical machine comprising a plurality of stator segments;each segment has a plurality of electrical phase windings embedded in stator slots in a phase sequence, wherein the phase of the first slot of a segment is different from the phase of the first slot of an adjacent segment. 115-. (canceled)16. An electrical machine comprising a plurality of stator segments , each segment has a plurality of electrical phase windings embedded in stator slots in a phase sequence , wherein a phase of a first slot of a segment is different from a phase of a first slot of an adjacent segment.17. An electrical machine according to wherein a sequence of the phase windings is so that the phase windings form a plurality of electrical phases distributed equally with the same phase angle between the electrical phases.18. An electrical machine according to claim 16 , wherein each of the phase windings in each segment is connected in series with the phase winding of a corresponding electrical phase in the adjacent segment.19. An electrical machine according to wherein a number of windings connected in series equals a number of phase windings in each segment times N claim 18 , wherein N is an integer.20. An electrical machine according to claim 19 , wherein P times segments forms a first set of electrical phases and Q times segments forms a second set of electrical phases claim 19 , wherein the phases of the first set is not aligned with the phases of the second set of electrical phases.21. An electrical machine according to claim 16 , wherein a length of at least one of windings in a segment differs from a length of the other windings.22. An electrical machine according to claim 16 , wherein the windings are embedded in the slots in a single layer.23. An electrical machine according to claim 16 , wherein the windings are embedded in the slots in a double layer.24. An electrical machine according to claim 16 , wherein each of the windings is a concentrated ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004900A1
Автор: AOI Tsuneo, Ishii Yohei

An insulated wire having a conductor coated with at least one layer of an insulating material, and having at least one layer of a bubble layer in a thickness direction in a coating layer, wherein the insulated wire has a part in which a thickness is small in a length direction or a circumferential direction in an identical coating layer; a method of producing the same; a method of producing a stator for a rotating electrical machine; and the rotating electrical machine. 1. An insulated wire having a conductor coated with at least one layer of an insulating material , and having at least one layer of a bubble layer in a thickness direction in a coating layer , wherein the insulated wire has a part in which a thickness is small in a length direction or a circumferential direction in an identical coating layer.2. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the part in which the thickness is small is compressed in the thickness direction and the thickness is reduced.3. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein a resin in the coating layer is a resin selected from polyester claim 1 , polyesterimide claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , polyamideimide claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide and polyether ether ketone.4. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein a resin in the bubble layer is a thermosetting resin selected from polyester claim 1 , polyesterimide claim 1 , polyimide and polyamideimide claim 1 , or a thermoplastic resin selected from polyethylene naphthalate claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide and polyether ether ketone.5. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the coating layer is composed of the bubble layer and at least one layer having no bubble claim 1 , and a resin in the layer having no bubble is a thermoplastic resin selected from polyphenylene sulfide and polyether ether ketone.6. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein a cross-sectional shape of the conductor is circular or rectangular.7. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Rotary Electric Machine

Номер: US20170005537A1

A rotational electric machine achieving both of productivity and insulation property is provided. A rotational electric machine includes an iron core having a plurality of slots, and a plurality of segment conductive bodies arranged in the slots, wherein the iron core includes a coil guide arranged at, at least, one of opening portions of the slots, and the coil guide includes a slot insertion portion located between the slot and the segment conductive body and at least one separation portion located between the segment conductive bodies, and the slot insertion portion and the separation portion are arranged in the slot together with the segment conductive body. 1. A rotational electric machine comprising:an iron core having a plurality of slots; anda plurality of segment conductive bodies arranged in the slots,wherein the iron core includes a coil guide arranged at, at least, one of opening portions of the slots, and the coil guide includes a slot insertion portion located between the slot and the segment conductive body and at least one separation portion located between the segment conductive bodies, andthe slot insertion portion and the separation portion are arranged in the slot together with the segment conductive body.2. The rotational electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein an insulation material filling material is filled between the segment conductive body and the slot.3. The rotational electric machine according to claim 2 , wherein two coil guides arranged at both ends of the slots form a space for accumulating the insulation material filling material between the end portions facing each other in the slot.4. The rotational electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein at an axial direction end portion of an opening portion of the coil guide claim 1 , a coil clearance having an R surface or an inclined surface is provided in a circumferential direction.5. The rotational electric machine according to claim 4 , wherein the coil clearances are ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Wound Stator for Alternating-Current Generator

Номер: US20160006308A1

The present invention relates to a wound stator. The wound stator comprises: a stator and a plurality of wires. The stator comprises: an annular body and a plurality of radial grooves defined therein. The annular body has a plurality of separating posts protruding inwardly and radially from an inner circumference of the annular body. An end of each of the separating posts extends from its two sides to form a plurality of magnetic shoes. The plurality of radial grooves is defined between the separating posts. Each of the grooves has an opening defined between adjacent two of the plurality of magnetic shoes. The plurality of wires comprises: a first end, a second end, and a plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end. Each wave-shaped coil is formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other. 1. A stator for an alternating-current generator , said stator comprising:an annular body having a plurality of separating posts protruding inwardly and radially from an inner circumference of the annular body, an end of each of the separating posts extending from its two sides to form a plurality of magnetic shoes; anda plurality of radial grooves defined between the separating posts, each of the grooves having an opening defined between adjacent two of the plurality of magnetic shoes;wherein the width of each of the plurality of grooves is only sufficient for receiving one wire and the width of the openings of the plurality of grooves is slightly larger than a wire diameter of the straight portions of the wire, so that the straight portions of the wires can be directly embedded into the grooves from the openings.2. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein an electrical insulating material is laid on all surfaces of the grooves.3. The stator according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulating material comprises a material selected from a group consisting of a pressed paper board claim 1 , a plastic film claim 1 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Vehicle Alternating-Current Generator

Номер: US20160006309A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle alternating-current generator. The vehicle alternating-current generator comprises a wound stator and a rotor. The wound stator comprises: a stator and a plurality of wires. The stator has a plurality of radial grooves arranged at an inner circumference of the stator. Each of the plurality of wires comprises: a first end, a second end, and a plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end. Each wave-shaped coil is formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other. The straight portions of each wire are sequentially embedded in corresponding grooves of the stator, so that each of the grooves is embedded with the wires. 1. A vehicle alternating-current generator , comprising: a stator, having a plurality of radial grooves arranged at an inner circumference of the stator;', a first end;', 'a second end; and', 'a plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end, each wave-shaped coil being formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other;, 'a plurality of wires for the stator, each wire comprising], 'A wound stator, comprisingwherein the straight portions of each wire are sequentially embedded in corresponding grooves of the stator, so that each of the grooves is embedded with the wires; anda rotor, comprising a first claw magnetic pole piece and an opposite second claw magnetic pole piece, the first claw magnetic pole piece having a plurality of N pole claw bodies, the second claw magnetic pole piece having S pole claw bodies of the same number as the plurality of N pole claw bodies of the first claw magnetic pole piece, and when the first claw magnetic pole piece and the second claw magnetic pole piece are combined with each other, the plurality of N pole claw bodies of the first claw magnetic pole piece and the plurality of S pole claw bodies of the second claw magnetic pole piece being adjacent to each other and ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Wound Stator and Wires for the Same

Номер: US20160006310A1

The present invention relates to a wound stator and wires for the same. The wound stator for an alternating-current generator comprises: a stator, having a plurality of radial grooves arranged at an inner circumference of the stator; and a plurality of wires for the stator. Each wire comprises: a first end, a second end, and a plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end. Each wave-shaped coil is formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other. The straight portions of each wire are sequentially embedded in corresponding grooves of the stator so that each of the grooves is embedded with the wires. 1. A wire for a stator of an alternating-current generator , comprising:a first end;a second end; anda plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second end, each wave-shaped coil being formed of straight portions and curved portions that alternate with each other.2. The wire for a stator according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of the wave-shaped coils of the wire has 6 to 8 curved portions in a same curving direction.3. The wire for a stator according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of the wave-shaped coils of the wire has 12 to 16 curved portions in a same curving direction.4. The wire for a stator according to claim 1 , wherein cross sections of the straight portions of the wire have a square shape claim 1 , a rectangular shape or an elliptic shape.5. The wire for a stator according to claim 1 , wherein both the cross sections of the straight portions and the curved portions of the wire have a square shape claim 1 , a rectangular shape or an elliptic shape.6. A wound stator for an alternating-current generator comprising:a stator, having a plurality of radial grooves arranged at an inner circumference of the stator; anda plurality of wires for the stator, each wire comprising:a first end;a second end; anda plurality of wave-shaped coils located between the first end and second ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006311A1
Автор: LI PING

A direct current (DC) electric motor assembly with a closed type overlap stator winding which is commutated with a timed commutating sequence that is capable of generating a stator rotating magnetic field. The coil overlap of the winding and a timed commutation sequence are such that the current in each slot of the stator is additive and when a previous magnetic pole collapses according to a commutation sequence; the energy released by that previous collapsing magnetic field is captured to strengthen the next magnetic field on the commutation sequence schedule. Electrical currents produced by the collapsing magnetic fields flow to low electric potential and add or subtract to the DC current provided by the commutator thus promoting formation of the next magnetic on commutation schedule. When used with a suitable commutator and rotor, the electric motor assembly provides a true brushless high torque speed controlled Real Direct Current (RDC) motor that operates with higher efficiency and higher power density. 1. A direct current (DC) electric motor system comprising:a stator having a closed type winding including at least three coils which produce a stator rotating magnetic field which is coupled with a rotor magnetically, the rotor capable of rotating when induced by the stator rotating magnetic field;a commutator coupled to the stator and which controls the stator rotating magnetic field through a timed commutation sequence; andwherein the stator and the at least three coils are configured so that energy released from a collapsing stator rotating magnetic field on a de-energizing commutation step in a first of the at least three coils is captured by a second of the at least threes coils energized on a next step of an energizing commutation step.2. The motor system of wherein the stator comprises:at least three stator slots in mechanically defined geometric positions with respect to each other separated by ridges formed from magnetically active material.3. The motor ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006515A1

A winding support () for an electric machine (), having multiple pole teeth (), wherein each pole tooth () has a tooth shank () around which at least one winding can be arranged, and wherein a tooth shank () has an increasing width of the tooth shank () in an axial direction () of the winding support () proceeding from an axial face side of the winding support (). At least one tooth shank () has an increasing or decreasing width in or counter to the radial direction () of the winding support (). 1110010101414143111451. A winding support () for an electric machine () , having multiple pole teeth () , wherein each pole tooth () has a tooth shank () around which at least one winding can be arranged , and wherein a tooth shank () has an increasing width of the tooth shank () in an axial direction () of the winding support () proceeding from an axial face side of the winding support () , characterized in that at least one tooth shank () has an increasing or decreasing width in or counter to a radial direction () of the winding support ().2114141. The winding support () according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one tooth shank () has an increasing width axially toward a center of the tooth shank () proceeding from the axial face sides of the winding support ().3112020221051. The winding support () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the winding support () has a base element () claim 1 , and in that the base element () has a circumferential region () on which the pole teeth () are arranged so as to project in or counter to the radial direction () of the winding support ().411101. The winding support () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the winding support () is assembled from individual elements which have in each case one pole tooth () and which claim 1 , when assembled claim 1 , form the winding support ().51145120. The winding support () according to claim 3 , characterized in that the width of at least one tooth shank () increases or ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Polyphase ac electric motor

Номер: US20180006516A1
Автор: Eigo TACHIKAWA, Tsuneo Aoi

Object: To provide a polyphase AC electric motor whereby partial discharge can be suppressed. Resolution Means: The winding of each phase includes a first partial conductor that is an input side partial conductor; an nth partial conductor connected to a neutral point; and second to n-1th partial conductors. Moreover, a partial conductor disposed within the stator adjacent to the first partial conductor of each phase, or a partial conductor including a coil end portion disposed adjacent to a coil end portion where the first partial conductor extends out of the slot, is any of the following: (1) of the intermediate partial conductors, an ath (where a is a natural number greater than or equal to 2) partial conductor of the same phase or a different phase where voltage takes an extreme value when AC voltage is applied from the inverter; (2) any of an a-3th to a-1th partial conductors of the same phase or a different phase, or any of an a+1th to a+3th partial conductors of the same phase or a different phase connected to the intermediate partial conductor taking the extreme value; (3) any of a n-3th to nth partial conductors of the same phase or a different phase.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006139A1

A winding mat formed as a flat winding and to coil mat formed from it for producing a coil winding for an electric machine. To be able to manufacture different coil mats also with layer swap and conductor swap in an automated manner and in large series and with a high degree of reliability, it is proposed to join wave winding wires by plugging. To produce the coil mat, it is proposed, among other things, to join two individual mats by plugging the mats together. 115-. (canceled)16. A winding mat for forming a coil winding of a component of an electric machine , comprising straight wire sections spaced apart in the longitudinal direction and extending in a transverse direction running transversely to the longitudinal direction, and', 'intermediate roof-shaped winding heads,', 'such that adjacent straight wire sections are connected to each other by a winding head bent in a roof-shaped manner to form a half-wave section, such that first half-wave sections with first winding heads bent in a first direction and second half-wave sections with second winding heads bent in an opposite second direction are alternately provided and a first half-wave section and an adjacent second half-wave section respectively form a wave section,, 'several wave winding wires extending in a longitudinal direction and bent in a wave shape, said wave winding wires having'}wherein the wave winding wires are not interlaced or twisted, but are joined together by plugging the wave winding wires together in the transverse direction to each other in such a way that at least one insertion region of the winding mat, a first and an adjacent second sub-section of the one wave winding wire and a first and an adjacent second sub-section of the other wave winding wire are plugged into each other in such a way that the first sub-section of the one wave winding wire is plugged-in under the first sub-section of the other wave winding wire and the second sub-section of the one wave winding wire is plugged-in ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Rotor for electric motor

Номер: US20190006895A1
Автор: Somi SIM

A rotor for an electric motor includes a rotor core defining a plurality of slots that are spaced apart from each other and arranged along a circumferential direction of the rotor core, and a rotor winding provided at the plurality of slots and configured to flow current. The rotor winding includes a plurality of conductor bars that extend in an axial direction of the rotor core and that are disposed in a slot of the plurality of slots, and end rings that are disposed at both sides of the plurality of conductor bars and that connect the plurality of conductor bars to each other. The rotor further includes deformation preventing units each of which surrounds and contacts an outer surface of one of the end rings. The deformation preventing units are configured to restrict deformation of the end rings.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006903A1

A stator of the present invention includes a conductor wire. A portion of the conductor wire disposed adjacent to a coil winding center is connected to a power supply. A portion of the conductor wire disposed outwardly away from the coil winding center is connected to a neutral point. 1. A stator comprising:a stator core; anda coil disposed on the stator core, the coil being formed by winding a conductor wire, whereina portion of the conductor wire disposed adjacent to a winding center of the coil is connected to a power supply, and a portion of the conductor wire disposed outwardly away from the winding center of the coil is connected to a neutral point.2. The stator according to claim 1 , whereinthe coil includes a double-layer lap-wound coil that includes a pair of slot-held portions held in a slot of the stator core, one of the slot-held portions being located on a first circumferential side and disposed in a radially outward portion of the slot, the other slot-held portion being located on a second circumferential side and disposed in a radially inward portion of the slot.3. The stator according to claim 2 , whereinthe coil further includes a coil end portion protruded from an end face of the stator core facing in a rotation axis direction, andthe stator further comprises an annular insulating member disposed such that the insulating member extends outward from the center of the coil and covers the slot-held portions and the coil end portion of the coil in a substantially U-shaped manner.4. The stator according to claim 3 , whereinthe annular insulating member has a sheet shape and is bent in a substantially U-shaped manner, anda portion of the coil corresponding to a portion of the conductor wire adjacent to the winding center of the coil and connected to the power supply is disposed inside an inner portion of the insulating member bent in a substantially U-shaped manner, and a portion of the coil corresponding to a portion of the conductor wire outwardly away ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006910A1

The invention relates to an electric machine () having a stator (), with magnetic-field-conductive material, in which substantially axial grooves () are positioned, wherein a winding system (), which is surrounded and/or penetrated by impregnating resin, is provided in the grooves, wherein the impregnating resin has energy-absorbing particles (). 16.-. (canceled)7. A method for producing an electric machine , comprising:providing a magnetic-field-conductive body with grooves;inserting a winding system into the grooves of the magnetic-field-conductive body; andimpregnating the winding system with an impregnating resin containing particles in a substantially thread-shaped manner, with the particles in the impregnating resin forming during or after impregnation of the winding system with the impregnating resin oscillation-absorbing structures within the impregnating resin by a physical and/or chemical process, such that the particles assume a spiral, helical, spherical, zigzag-shaped or skein-like configuration.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising allowing the impregnating resin to cure claim 7 , with the particles being dispersed within the cured impregnating resin homogeneously or in accordance with a predefined distribution.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the particles are arranged at oscillation loops of the winding system.10. An electric machine claim 8 , comprising:a stator having a magnetic-field-conductive material with substantially axial grooves;a winding system received in the grooves; andimpregnating resin surrounding and/or penetrating the winding system, said impregnating resin containing oscillation-absorbing particles having a spiral, helical, spherical, zigzag-shaped or skein-like configuration.11. The electric machine of claim 10 , wherein the particles are arranged on sections or components of the magnetic-field-conductive material that are subjected to oscillation.12. The electric machine of claim 10 , wherein the particles are arranged ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006993A1

A motor includes a stator including a stator core and teeth respectively protruding from the stator core in predetermined directions of protrusion, and coils respectively wound onto the teeth n (n is an integer of 3 or greater) turns including first to n-th turns. A k-th (k is an integer, 1 Подробнее

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006994A1
Автор: Koga Kiyotaka
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A stator that includes a stator core having a plurality of slots; a first coil that is disposed in a first slot of the plurality of slots; and a second coil that is disposed in a second slot of the plurality of slots that is different from the first slot in which the first coil is disposed. 1. A stator , comprising:a stator core having a plurality of slots;a first coil that is disposed in a first slot of the plurality of slots; and a tip end of a lead of the first coil faces one side in a circumferential direction at a coil end,', 'a tip end of a lead of the second coil faces the other side in the circumferential direction at the coil end,', 'the tip end of the lead, extending toward the one side in the circumferential direction, of the first coil and the tip end of the lead, extending toward the other side in the circumferential direction, of the second coil are joined together, and', 'the tip end of the lead of the first coil and the tip end of the lead of the second coil are located radially outside a root of the first slot and radially inside a radially outermost part of the stator core as viewed in a direction of a rotation axis., 'a second coil that is disposed in a second slot of the plurality of slots that is different from the first slot in which the first coil is disposed, wherein'}2. The stator according to claim 1 , whereinthe lead of the first coil first extends in the direction of the rotation axis at a position on a radially inner side of the first slot and then extends toward the one side in the circumferential direction from a radially inner side toward a radially outer side, andthe lead of the second coil first extends in the direction of the rotation axis at a position on a radially outer side of the second slot and then extends toward the other side in the circumferential direction at a position near the coil end.3. The stator according to claim 2 , whereinthe lead of the second coil first extends in the direction of the rotation axis at the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200007014A1
Автор: Flower Paul David

A novel method of manufacture and an improved construction of windings of a stator of an electrical machine are provided, which minimise the axial overhang length of the windings at an end of the stator. The invention further enables the conductor cross-section in the overhang region to be greater than when is passes through the core, which can improve overall electrical efficiency and thermal management in the stator. This is enabled by use of casting methods to cast pre-formed conductors outside of the stator core, and then inserting the cast conductors into slots of the stator core. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method of manufacturing a multi-phase electrical machine , the method comprising the steps of:casting in a mould a conductor for a winding of a stator of the multi-phase electrical machine, the conductor being cast having first and second substantially parallel legs and a bridge portion extending, in a direction substantially perpendicular to the legs, between respective first ends of the first and second legs, to electrically connect the first and second legs, the bridge portion being cast so as to comprise: a first bridge part extending in a first plane substantially perpendicular to the first and second legs, from a first end of the first leg; a second bridge part, extending from a first end of the second leg, in a second plane substantially perpendicular to the first and second legs, to connect the second leg to the first bridge part; and a longitudinally extending portion extending longitudinally to the stator and connecting the first bridge part and the second bridge part;removing the conductor from the mould; andinserting the first and second legs of the conductor into slots in a stator core of the multi-phase electrical machine, such that at least a portion of the bridge portion lies in a plane substantially parallel with an end face of the core, the legs of the conductor being cast so as to extend within the first and second slots of the stator core, ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Stator, motor and compressor

Номер: US20150010412A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss Tianjin Ltd

A stator, a motor and a compressor are provided. A stator applied to a motor includes: a stator iron core; a plurality of stator teeth extending inwards along a radial direction of the stator; stator slots distributed between the plurality of stator teeth; and a winding wound around the stator teeth to generate a rotating magnetic field, where at least one phase of winding or a coil forming the at least one phase of winding is formed by different wires, and the different wires are connected in a serial or serial-parallel manner to form the coil or the least one phase winding.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010414A1

The present invention provides a stator, a three-phase induction motor and a compressor. The stator is applied to a three-phase induction motor of a compressor. The stator includes: a stator iron core; a plurality of stator teeth extending inwards along a radial direction of the stator; stator slots distributed between the plurality of stator teeth; and three phases of windings wound around the stator teeth to generate a rotating magnetic field, where a coil of each phase of winding in the three phases of windings is made of a composite wire. The composite wire includes a wire core made of a first conductive metal material, and an outer layer wrapping an outer circumferential surface of the wire core and made of a second conductive metal material, wherein the first conductive metal material and the second conductive metal material have different electrical conductivities. 1. A stator applied to a three-phase induction motor of a compressor , comprising:a stator iron core;a plurality of stator teeth extending inwards along a radial direction of the stator;stator slots distributed between the plurality of stator teeth; andthree phases of windings wound around the stator teeth to generate a rotating magnetic field, whereina coil of each phase of winding among the three phases of windings is made of a composite wire, and the composite wire comprises a wire core made of a first conductive metal material, and an outer layer wrapping an outer circumferential surface of the wire core and made of a second conductive metal material, wherein the first conductive metal material and the second conductive metal material have different electrical conductivities.2. The stator according to claim 1 , whereinthe first conductive metal material is aluminum, and the second conductive metal material is copper or a copper alloy; or,the first conductive metal material is an aluminum alloy, and the second conductive metal material is copper or a copper alloy.3. The stator according to claim ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013149A1

A method for manufacturing a coil that is formed by winding a conductor in a loop shape and stacking loops of the conductor and that includes a slot placement portion to be placed in a slot of a stator core, and a coil end placement portion to be placed outside the slot. The method preferably involves a winding step, a protrusion forming step, a crank forming step, an opening step, and an arc forming step. The winding step forms a winding having slot placement and coil end placement portions. The protrusion forming step forms a protruding shape that protrudes in a radially outward direction of the winding. In the crank forming step a stepped portion. The opening step of forming the winding so that an interval between the pair of expected slot placement portions gradually increases. The arc forming step forms an arc-shaped portion curved in the stacking direction. 1. A method for manufacturing a coil that is formed by winding a conductor in a loop shape and stacking loops of the conductor and that includes a slot placement portion to be placed in a slot of a stator core , and a coil end placement portion to be placed outside the slot , comprising:a winding step of forming a winding having a pair of expected slot placement portions corresponding to the slot placement portion and a pair of expected coil end placement portions corresponding to the coil end placement portion by winding the conductor in the loop shape and stacking the loops of the conductor so that a clearance having a size corresponding to a width of the conductor is provided between adjoining loops of the conductor;a protrusion forming step of forming the expected coil end placement portion into a protruding shape that protrudes in a radially outward direction of the winding;a crank forming step of forming, in the expected coil end placement portion, a stepped portion having a size corresponding to the width of the conductor in a stacking direction of the loops of the conductor;an opening step of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Electric Rotating Machine

Номер: US20150015110A1

An electric rotating machine is provided that can ensure insulation quality between a coil end and an inside wall of a housing or of a case. The electric rotating machine includes a stator including a stator core and a stator winding. The stator core has a plurality of slots rowed in a circumferential direction. The stator winding is formed of a conductor rectangular in a cross section and is inserted into the slots, the conductor being provided with an insulating coated layer. The stator winding has a first segment transition bent section provided on a radially outside of the stator and a second segment transition bent section provided on a radially inside of the stator. The first segment transition bent section has a layer-transition bent section angle greater than a layer-transition bent section angle of the second segment transition bent section. 1. An electric rotating machine , comprising:a stator including a stator core and a stator winding, the stator core having a plurality of slots rowed in a circumferential direction, the stator winding being formed of a conductor rectangular in a cross section and being inserted into the slots, the conductor being provided with an insulating coated layer,wherein the stator winding has a first segment transition bent section provided on a radially outside of the stator and a second segment transition bent section provided on a radially inside of the stator, andthe first segment transition bent section has a layer-transition bent section angle greater than does the second segment transition bent section.2. The electric rotating machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a central bending of a layer-transition bent section of the first segment transition bent section or the second segment transition bent section is different from a center between leg portions of the segments inserted into the respective slots.3. The electric rotating machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a central bending of a layer-transition bent section of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013692A1

In one embodiment, a stator includes a stator core and a winding assembly. The stator core has an axis and a slot extending a radial depth from a slot opening. The winding assembly is disposed in the slot, and includes a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of radial location within the slot. 1. A stator comprising:a stator having an slot extending a slot depth from a slot opening; anda winding assembly disposed in the slot, the winding assembly comprising a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shapes that vary as a function of depth within the slot.2. The stator of claim 1 , wherein the stator has an axis claim 1 , and the slot depth is a radial depth from the slot opening.3. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands have substantially the same cross-sectional area claim 1 , despite varying in cross-sectional shape.4. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand has a substantially rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section though a plane normal to the axis.5. The stator assembly of claim 4 , wherein a radial depth of each winding strand decreases as a function of radial distance from the slot.6. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of winding strands are arranged in a plurality of radial sections claim 1 , each radial section having a different number of winding strands per radial layer.7. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein each winding strand is displaced across a range of radial locations over the course of one or more full turns.8. The stator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the winding strands form twisted bundles.9. A method of forming a stator winding assembly for a stator slot claim 1 , the method comprising:additively manufacturing a plurality of winding strands with cross-sectional shape that varies as a function of depth within the slot; andadditively manufacturing an insulating gap matrix that separates separating the winding strands.10. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013329A1
Автор: AOYAMA Kiyoshi

An electric power tool includes a brushless motor as a driving source. The brushless motor includes a stator and a rotor. The stator includes coils wound around in three phases. In a wire winding method of the coil of the stator, when the number of slots per phase is N, the number of series of the coils per phase is A, and the number of parallel of the coils per phase is B, a relation of N=A×B (note that, N is a natural number of 3 or more and 10 or less, A is a natural number of 1 or more, and B is a natural number of 2 or more) is satisfied. 1. An electric power tool comprising:a brushless motor as a driving source, the brushless motor including a stator and a rotor, the stator including coils wound around in three phases, whereinin a wire winding method of the coil of the stator, when the number of slots per phase is N, the number of series of the coils per phase is A, and the number of parallel of the coils per phase is B, a relation of N=A×B (note that, N is a natural number of 3 or more and 10 or less, A is a natural number of 1 or more, and B is a natural number of 2 or more) is satisfied.2. The electric power tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe brushless motor is an outer rotor type where a cylindrical rotor is disposed on an outer periphery of the stator on which a plurality of teeth are radially disposed to protrude, and the coils are wound around the plurality of the teeth.3. The electric power tool according to claim 2 , wherein:in the wire winding method, the number N of the slots is four, the number A of the series is two, and the number B of parallel is two, andterminal wires of the coils of the respective phases are alternately led out with intervals of 60°.4. The electric power tool according to claim 3 , whereinthe terminal wires of the coils are led out from between the teeth around which the coils are wound.5. The electric power tool according to claim 4 , wherein:the stator includes a stator core and insulators, the stator core is made of a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013744A1
Автор: McLean Graham W.

An auxiliary winding for use in an engine-driven generator system is disclosed. The auxiliary winding is separate from but resides with the main winding in the stator slots of an alternator in the generator system. The auxiliary winding is configured to utilize the fundamental component of the flux in the airgap of the alternator along with selected spatial harmonic components to provide power to an automatic voltage regulator during all operating conditions. 1. An alternator for a generator system , comprising:a rotor having an excitation winding;a stator having a plurality of slots, wherein a main winding and an auxiliary winding are each wound in the plurality of slots; andan airgap defined between the stator and the rotor, wherein the auxiliary winding includes a plurality of turns of wire, each turn wound in a first direction in a first slot selected from the plurality of slots of the stator and in a second direction in a second slot selected from the plurality of slots of the stator and wherein each of the plurality of turns of wire are wound in the plurality of slots according to a distribution function, wherein the distribution function is defined to couple the auxiliary winding to a fundamental component and a desired spatial harmonic component selected from a plurality of spatial harmonic components of a magnetic flux generated in the airgap and wherein the distribution function is defined to minimize coupling of the auxiliary winding to the plurality of spatial harmonic components of the magnetic flux other than the desired spatial harmonic component.2. The alternator of wherein the desired spatial harmonic component is the third harmonic.3. The alternator of wherein the distribution function includes a first distribution component configured to couple the auxiliary winding to the fundamental harmonic component of the magnetic flux and a second distribution component configured to couple the auxiliary winding to the desired spatial harmonic component of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013709A1
Автор: Suzuki Koutarou
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A rotor includes: a cylindrical rotor core fixed to an outer peripheral side of a rotary shaft rotatable about an axis center, the rotor core including multiple first slots arranged at intervals in the peripheral direction of the rotor core and penetrating the rotor core in the axis direction of the rotary shaft, and multiple second slots formed at an inner position of the rotor core with respect to the first slots, arranged at intervals in the peripheral direction of the rotor core, and penetrating the rotor core in the axis direction of the rotary shaft; and a secondary conductor including multiple conductor bars arranged in the first slots and the second slots, and a pair of ring-like end rings arranged at opposite end surfaces of the rotor core and connecting end portions of the multiple conductor bars. 1. A rotor comprising: multiple first slots arranged at intervals in a peripheral direction of the rotor core and penetrating the rotor core in an axis direction of the rotary shaft; and', 'multiple second slots formed at an inner position of the rotor core with respect to the first slots, arranged at intervals in the peripheral direction of the rotor core, and penetrating the rotor core in the axis direction of the rotary shaft; and, 'a cylindrical rotor core fixed to an outer peripheral side of a rotary shaft rotatable about an axis center, the rotor core including multiple conductor bars arranged in the first slots and the second slots; and', 'a pair of ring-like end rings arranged at opposite end surfaces of the rotor core and connecting end portions of the multiple conductor bars., 'a secondary conductor including2. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein the multiple first slots are arranged at substantially regular intervals and have substantially equal sectional areas claim 1 , andthe multiple second slots are arranged at substantially regular intervals and have substantially equal sectional areas.3. The rotor according to claim 1 , wherein the first ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Windings for an electric machine

Номер: US20190013711A1

There are disclosed winding configurations for electric machines that employ printed circuit board (PCB) type end winding connections to enable an automatic and faster assembly of the electric machines. The winding configurations provide a compact PCB-type end winding arrangement with an optimal fewer number of turns/bars in the slots of the board to complete the loop of winding connections. The winding configurations have application in three phase or multiple phase inner rotor or outer rotor electric machine topologies 1. An electric machine , comprising:at least one board including a yoke area of non-conductive material around a connector area, the board including a first surface and an opposite second surface, the first and: second surfaces extending from an inner circumferential edge of the at least one board to an outer circumferential edge of the at least one board;a plurality of slots in the connector area that open toward the inner circumferential edge;at least one conductor bar in each of the slots, each of the at least one conductor bars extending from the slot for connection to one of a second board and another conductor bar extending from an opposite slot of the at least one board; anda winding configuration including a first end winding in the yoke area on the first surface, the first end winding extending from respective ones of a first portion of the slots to the outer circumferential edge, the winding configuration further including a second end winding in the yoke area on the second surface, the second end winding extending from respective ones of a second portion of the slots to the outer circumferential edge, wherein each of the first and the second end windings is electrically connected to the conductor bars in the plurality of slots.2. The electric machine of claim 1 , wherein the outer circumferential edge includes an outer conductive trace thereon.3. The electric machine of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second end windings on the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013720A1
Автор: Pydin Andrii
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a method of manufacturing a stator for a rotary electric machine that can easily form the stator using coil segments. A first coil segment is moved outward in a radial direction after being arranged inside a stator core and is inserted into an outer diameter side of a slot, and a second coil segment is moved outward in the radial direction after being arranged inside the stator core and is inserted into an inner diameter side of the slot. Then, one end portions of the first and second coil segments protruding from an end face of the stator core are joined to each other, and the other end portions of the first and second coil segments protruding from an end face of the stator core are joined to each other. 1. A method of manufacturing a stator for a rotary electric machine including: a stator core; and a coil including a plurality of coil segments inserted respectively into a plurality of slots formed in a circumferential direction at an inner periphery of the stator core and protruding outward in an axial direction of the stator core from the slots ,the plurality of coil segments including a plurality of first coil segments inserted respectively into the plurality of slots and a plurality of second coil segments inserted respectively into the plurality of slots,the first coil segments including one end portions that are joined to one end portions of the second coil segments inserted into the another slots located at a position apart in one circumferential direction of the stator core from the slots into which the first coil segments,the first coil segments including the other end portions that are joined to the other end portions of the second coil segments inserted into the further another slots located at a position apart in the other circumferential direction of the stator core from the slots into which the first coil segments,the method comprising:a first step in which the plurality of first coil segments are disposed inside the stator core, the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210013783A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

An object of the invention is to increase productivity of a coil. 19.-. (canceled)10. A coil forming device , comprising:a first bending unit configured to perform a first bending process with respect to a linear conductor,wherein the first bending unit includes a core metal and a bending pin, andwherein the core metal is formed by two types of grooves which have different widths and are disposed in a cross shape.11. The coil forming device according to claim 10 ,wherein a second bending unit is configured to perform a second bending process with respect to the linear conductor, wherein the first bending unit and the second bending unit are integrated in said coil forming device, wherein the first bending unit and the second bending unit are switched to access the linear conductor so as to perform the first bending process and the second bending process onto the linear conductor, andwherein the first bending process is a compression bending process and the second bending process is a draw bending process.12. The coil forming device according to claim 11 , wherein the first bending unit is located on an upstream side in the conveyance direction of the linear conductor.13. A stator for a rotating electric device claim 11 , comprising:a plurality of split coils, wherein each split coil of the plurality of split coils are coated with an insulating film, a first bent portion which bending inner peripheral side is formed to be thicker than the outer peripheral side, and', 'a second bent portion having an impression which is formed on the inner peripheral side., 'wherein each split coil includes14. The stator for a rotating electric device according to claim 13 , wherein the impression is formed only in an inner periphery of the second bent portion among the first bent portion and the second bent portion.15. A rotating electric device claim 13 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00013', 'claim 13'}, 'a stator for a rotating electric device according to ; and'}a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Stator of Rotating Electric Machine

Номер: US20160020658A1
Автор: TAMURA Akito
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

In a stator of a rotating electric machine, an annular stator core has slots. A stator winding includes phase windings of three phases of differing electrical phases that are housed in the slots and wound around the stator core. Three phase bus bars electrically connect the respective phase windings to an external apparatus. Each of the phase windings are configured by multiple parallel windings. The phase bus bars are integrated with a fixing member to form a bus bar module. Each of the phase bus bars include branch portions and a trunk portion. The branch portions are electrically connected to the respective phase windings. The trunk portion electrically connects together the branch portions, and is configured that a cross-sectional area of an end portion closest to the phase winding is smaller than a cross-sectional area of an end portion closest to the external apparatus.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037938A1

A magnetizing yoke prevents coils from being damaged and/or broken when an object to be magnetized is magnetized, more securely as compared with any conventional arts. The magnetizing yoke includes a slot member made of thermosetting resin and formed with slots for inserting and fixing windings of an iron core, wherein the slot member is inserted into and fixed to the iron core. The magnetizing yoke is manufactured using a simple step of mounting the slot members made of resin on the iron core. 1. A magnetizing yoke comprising:a slot member made of thermosetting resin and formed with slots for inserting and fixing windings of an iron core,wherein the slot member is inserted into and fixed to the iron core.2. The magnetizing yoke as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe iron core is superimposed on end faces thereof with end-face plates made of thermosetting resin.3. The magnetizing yoke as claimed in claim 2 , whereinthe end-face plates are formed with winding supporters to support the windings extending out of the slots.4. The magnetizing yoke as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe thermosetting resin is crystalline resin.5. A manufacturing method of a magnetizing yoke comprising:a step of arranging through-holes in an iron core side by side in a circumferential direction about an axis of the iron core, so that the through-holes each extend along the axis;a step of forming slot members made of thermosetting resin and each having slots for inserting and fixing windings of the iron core;a step of inserting the slot members into the respective through-holes; anda step of inserting the windings into the slots for fixing.6. The manufacturing method of a magnetizing yoke as claimed in claim 5 ,wherein the windings each include covering material made of thermosetting resin to cover a wire as core material, and a step of preparing a number of sets of the windings bent in a U-shape to have a biforked form, according to the number of turns around the iron core;', 'a step of arranging ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037945A1
Принадлежит: KOMATSU LTD.

The basic coil segment is arranged in the slot such that at least part of the basic coil bent portion is arranged outside the insertion end, in an axial direction parallel to a center axis of the stator core and the pair of the basic coil insertion end portions is arranged outside the welded end, in the axial direction. The power coil segment is arranged in the slot such that the power coil lead end portion and at least part of the power coil connection portion are arranged outside the insertion end, in the axial direction and the power coil insertion end portion is arranged outside the welded end, in the axial direction. The height of an end surface of the basic coil segment from the insertion end is equal to the height of an end surface of the power coil segment from the insertion end. 1. A rotary electric machine stator comprising:a stator core that includes a slot having an insertion end and a welded end;a basic coil segment that includes a pair of basic coil insertion end portions and a basic coil bent portion arranged between the pair of basic coil insertion end portions; anda power coil segment that includes a power coil insertion end portion, a power coil lead end portion, and a power coil connection portion arranged between the power coil insertion end portion and the power coil lead end portion, whereinthe basic coil segment is arranged in the slot such that at least part of the basic coil bent portion is arranged outside the insertion end, in an axial direction parallel to a center axis of the stator core, and the pair of the basic coil insertion end portions is arranged outside the welded end, in the axial direction,the power coil segment is arranged in the slot such that the power coil lead end portion and at least part of the power coil connection portion are arranged outside the insertion end, in the axial direction, and the power coil insertion end portion is arranged outside the welded end, in the axial direction, anda height of an end surface of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Radial Flux Alternator

Номер: US20180019629A1
Принадлежит: Leidos Inc

An energy conversion system includes rotor, stator and shell components configurations for increasing power efficiency and improving replacement and repair efficiency. The system harvests environmental energy for lower power generation and accounts for non-mechanical sources of rotational resistance within the generator.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Wind power generator and stator iron core therof, and stator iron core module

Номер: US20180019632A1

A wind power generator and stator iron core thereof, and stator iron core module; the iron core module ( 4 ) has an overall dimension consistent with a principle of the number of slots per pole per phase q=1; the iron core module ( 4 ) is provided with two three-phase winding units therein, an electrical angle formed by the two three-phase winding units is 30 degrees. The method of arranging winding in the stator iron core module ( 4 ) is changed to effectively reduce fifth and seventh winding harmonic magnetomotive forces.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022036A1

Various embodiments include apparatuses adapted to include a dynamoelectric machine rotor with a modified outer surface. In some embodiments apparatuses include a dynamoelectric machine rotor including a rotor body having a spindle, pole regions, the pole regions having a non-uniform radial distance from an axis of rotation of the rotor to an outer surface of the pole regions and a plurality of slots in the outer surface of the rotor body, the plurality of slots being spaced apart in a circumferential direction of the rotor body, each of the plurality of slots extending in an axial direction of the rotor body. 1. A dynamoelectric machine rotor comprising: a spindle;', 'pole regions, the pole regions having a non-uniform radial distance from an axis of rotation of the rotor to an outer surface of the pole regions; and', 'a plurality of slots in the outer surface of the rotor body, the plurality of slots being spaced apart in a circumferential direction of the rotor body, each of the plurality of slots extending in an axial direction of the rotor body., 'a rotor body including2. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the rotor is a two-pole rotor.3. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when in use within the dynamoelectric machine claim 1 , a radial distance between an inner stator surface of the dynamoelectric machine and the outer surface of the pole regions is non-uniform.4. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the pole regions each include a flat outer surface.5. The rotor of claim 4 , wherein the pole regions each include a plurality of flat outer surfaces.6. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the pole regions each include a convex outer surface.7. The rotor of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of slots are shaped to accept excitation windings.8. A dynamoelectric machine comprising:a stator; a spindle;', 'pole regions having a non-uniform radial distance from an axis of rotation of the rotor to an outer surface of the pole regions; and', 'a plurality of slots in an outer surface ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020228A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A stator for a rotary electric machine includes: a collar portion provided at an end portion of each of the tooth portions so as to project to the slot side and includes: a connection portion; a bent portion extending in the circumferential direction and forming a first gap; and a stop portion projecting at an end side thereof in the circumferential direction to the slot side and formed so as to have a width in the radial direction larger than a width in the radial direction of the bent portion. An R dimension of a side surface, in the circumferential direction and at a side opposite to a projection side of the tooth portion, of the bent portion is not less than the width in the radial direction of the bent portion. 1. A stator for a rotary electric machine , comprising:a core having an annular back yoke portion and a plurality of tooth portions spaced apart from each other at intervals in a circumferential direction of the back yoke portion and projecting in a radial direction; anda coil mounted to a plurality of slots between the adjacent tooth portions via insulating portions, whereina collar portion is provided at an end portion at a projection side in the radial direction of each of the tooth portions so as to project to the slot side in the circumferential direction, a connection portion connected to the tooth portion,', 'a bent portion extending from the connection portion in the circumferential direction and forming a first gap across which the bent portion is spaced apart from the end portion of the tooth portion, and', 'a stop portion extending from the bent portion in the circumferential direction, projecting at an end side thereof in the circumferential direction to the slot side, and having a width in the radial direction larger than a width in the radial direction of the bent portion, and, 'the collar portion includes'}an R dimension of a side surface, in the circumferential direction and at a side opposite to the projection side of the tooth portion, ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020237A1
Автор: Neet Kirk

A stator includes a cylindrical core with a plurality of longitudinally extending slots, a first winding set formed as a first cascaded wire in two radial layers of the slots, a second winding set formed as a second cascaded wire in two other radial layers of the slots, and a jumper connecting the first and second wires. A first winding set may have three cascaded phase wires in first and second layers of the slots, and a second winding set may have three cascaded phase wires in third and fourth layers of the slots. A winding set of a first phase may have a first cascaded wire in two radial layers of a first one of the slots, and a winding set of a second phase may have a second cascaded wire in two other radial layers of the first one of the slots. 1. A stator , comprising:a substantially cylindrical core having two axial ends and a plurality of longitudinally extending slots formed therebetween;a first wire disposed about substantially the entire circumference of the core, is disposed in a radial layer other than a radially outermost layer of a first slot of the plurality of slots and in a radially outermost slot of a second slot of the plurality of slots and one other radial layer of the second slot, the second slot being circumferentially adjacent to the first slot;a second wire disposed about substantially the entire circumference of the core, is disposed in the radially outermost layer of the first slot and is disposed in two radial layers other than the radially outermost layer of the second slot;wherein the first and second wires define a first plurality of slot groups of circumferentially adjacent slots wherein the first plurality of slot groups are circumferentially distributed about the stator core and define a first phase and wherein the first and second wires are disposed in a set of circumferentially adjacent slots including the first and second slots which define a first one of the slot groups of the first plurality of slot groups;wherein, between the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Coiling procedure for the stator of an electrical rotating machine, and corresponding coiled stator

Номер: US20190020238A1

The invention mainly concerns a coiling procedure of a stator for a multiphase electrical rotating machine: the said stator comprising grooves, each intended to take up an uneven number of conductors of a coil, the said coil comprising two systems, each comprising one group of conductors (C 1 -C 3, C 1 ′-C 3 ′) respectively, the said procedure comprises stages of installation of the conductors (C 1 -C 3, C 1 -C 3 ′) into the said grooves, repeated in order to form a coil comprising several turns (S 1 -S 9 ) completed alternately according to a first direction of rotation (K 1 ) and according to a second direction of rotation (K 2 ) is opposite the first direction of rotation, with the characteristic that at least two changes of direction of rotation (CH 1 -CH 8 ) from one turn to the other are carried out in different angular zones.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Stator for rotating electric machine and method of manufacturing the stator

Номер: US20190020239A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corp, Toyota Motor Corp

A stator includes an annular stator core having slots formed therein, a stator coil received in the slots, and insulating sheets each being interposed, in a corresponding one of the slots, between the stator coil and an interior wall surface of the stator core defining the corresponding slot. Each of the insulating sheets includes a sheet-like substrate and a resin layer provided on an outer surface of the substrate. The resin layer is formed of a curable and foamable resin that is foamed and cured by external stimulation. Each of the insulating sheets has an extension portion located outside the corresponding slot and extending nonparallel to an axial direction of the stator core so as to face an axial end face of the stator core. In each of the insulating sheets, the resin layer is provided, on the outer surface of the substrate, in a region including the extension portion.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021157A1

An electric motor may comprise a rotor and a stator. One or more first cables connected to a first inverter circuit of are wrapped adjacent to at least some stator teeth of a stator core to form at least a first portion of one or more coil windings. One or more second cables connected to a second inverter circuit of the plurality of inverter also may be wrapped adjacent to at least some of the stator teeth to form at least a second portion of the one or more coil windings. 1. A device comprising:a power bus;a rotor;a stator core;a plurality of power converter circuits coupled to the power bus; anda plurality of first cables coupled to a first power converter circuit of the plurality of power converter circuits, each of the first cables comprising at least a first conductor and a second conductor, the first and second conductors being electrically isolated, the plurality of first cables being wrapped over the stator core to form a first portion of one or more multi-filar coil windings;a plurality of second cables coupled to a second power converter circuit of the plurality of power converter circuits, each of the second cables comprising at least a third conductor and a fourth conductor, the third and fourth conductors being electrically isolated, the plurality of second cables being wrapped over the stator core to form at least a second portion of the one or more multi-filar coil windings.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first power converter circuit is adaptable to provide a first voltage waveform signal to the at least one of the first cables and the second power converter circuit is adaptable to provide a second voltage waveform signal to the at least one of the second cables claim 1 , the first and second voltage waveform signals being substantially identical.3. The device of claim 1 , and wherein at least one of the first cables and at least one of the second cables are wrapped together adjacently over a first overlapped portion of the stator core.4. The ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Stator for Rotating Electrical Machine, Rotating Electrical Machine, and Method of Producing Stator for Rotating Electrical Machine

Номер: US20200021158A1

A stator for a rotating electrical machine includes a stator coil, a stator iron core having slots into which the stator coil is mounted, and insulating slot liners inserted into the slots, wherein conductive wire materials constituting the stator coil are inserted into the slot liners, and sections of the slot liners protruding from the slots are each provided with a bellows portion.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025907A1
Автор: IKI Tomotaka
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A stator for an electric rotary machine including a stator core and a coil, wherein: the coil has plural slot coils, each slot coil being inserted into the slot, and plural connection coils, each connection coil connecting the slot coils in a position lying further axially outwards than an axial end face of the stator core; the connection coil has an inner connection coil portion and an outer connection coil portion, the inner connection coil port on and the outer connection coil portion being disposed individually on planes that intersect an axial direction at a right angle and that lie in different axial positions, and an axial extending portion that connects the inner connection coil portion and the outer connection coil portion; and the inner connection coil portion, the outer connection coil portion, and the axial extending portion are configured by an integral conductor. 1. A stator for an electric rotary machine comprising:a stator core, which has plural slots; anda coil, which is attached to the stator core, wherein:the coil has plural slot coils, each slot coil being inserted into the slot, and plural connection coils, each connection coil connecting the slot coils in a position lying further axially outwards than an axial end face of the stator core;the connection coil has an inner connection coil portion and an outer connection coil portion, the inner connection coil portion and the outer connection coil portion being disposed individually on planes that intersect an axial direction at a right angle and that lie in different axial positions, and an axial extending portion that connects the inner connection coil portion and the outer connection coil portion; andthe inner connection coil portion, the outer connection coil portion, and the axial extending portion are configured by an integral conductor.2. The stator for an electric rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein:the inner connection coil portion, the outer connection coil portion, and the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025913A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A stator for an electric rotary machine including a stator core and a coil, wherein: the coil has plural slot coils and plural connection coils, each slot coil being inserted into the slot, each connection coil connecting the slot coils in a position lying further axially outwards than an axial end face of the stator core, and the coil being constituted in such a way that the slot coil and the connection coil are joined at an abutment portion; and in a hole portion, where the abutment portion is accommodated, of a insulation plate, the connection coil and the slot coil are spaced apart from the insulation plate in the circumferential direction to thereby form a first gap portion. 1. A stator for an electric rotary machine comprising:a stator core, which has plural slots; anda coil, which is attached to the stator core, wherein:the coil has plural slot coils and plural connection coils, each slot coil being inserted into the slot, each connection coil connecting the slot coils in a position lying further axially outwards than an axial end face of the stator core, and the coil being constituted in such a way that the slot coil and the connection coil are joined at an abutment portion;the connection coil is accommodated in an accommodating portion, which is provided in an insulation plate that is made of an insulation material and that is disposed outwards of the axial end face of the stator core;the connection coil is such that a connection coil main body extends from one side to an other side in a circumferential direction;the connection coil main body abuts against the insulation plate in such a state that the connection coil is accommodated in the accommodating portion; andin a hole portion, where the abutment portion is accommodated, of the insulation plate, the connection coil and the slot coil are spaced apart from the insulation plate in the circumferential direction to thereby form a first gap portion.2. The stator for an electric rotary machine according to ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025914A1

The present disclosure relates to an insulated conductor bar, a use of a certain material for manufacturing an insulated conductor bar, and to a method for impregnating an insulated conductor bar. An object of the invention is to provide an alternative impregnation of a conductor bar for an electric machine. The invention discloses an insulated conductor bar for an electric machine having an insulation from a tape made from mica material, mica material on a glass fabric, or mica material on a polyester film, whereas a thermoplastic material is applied to the mica material or the mica material on a glass fabric. 1. An insulated conductor bar for an electric machine , comprising:an insulation comprised of a tape made from one of a mica material, a mica material on a glass fabric, or a mica material on a polyester film, wherein a thermoplastic material is applied to the one of the mica material, the mica material on the glass fabric, or the mica material on the polyester film.2. The insulated conductor bar according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic material is dispersed or scattered on the mica material on the glass fabric claim 1 , and the mica material on the glass fabric is fused with the thermoplastic material.3. The insulated conductor bar according to claim 2 , wherein a method of calendaring is used for fusing the mica material on the glass fabric and the thermoplastic material.4. The insulated conductor bar according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic material is created from at least a precursor material claim 1 , at least a monomer claim 1 , or at least an oligomer claim 1 , and the at least a precursor material claim 1 , the at least a monomer claim 1 , or the at least an oligomer is converted to the thermoplastic material in a moulding tool for moulding the insulated conductor bar.5. The insulated conductor bar according to claim 4 , wherein the thermoplastic material is the precursor of polyamide 6 (PA6) claim 4 , caprolactam claim 4 , or a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028284A1
Автор: Dajaku Gurakuq

The invention proposes an electric machine with a stator and a rotor that is movably supported relative thereto. The stator features a plurality of slots for accommodating a stator winding. The stator winding comprises several conductor sections that are respectively placed into each slot of the stator. On one side of the stator, the conductor sections are electrically short-circuited with one another in a short-circuit means. The short-circuit means comprises a cooling device. 1. An electric machine with a stator and a rotor that is movably supported relative thereto , wherein:the stator comprises a plurality of slots for accommodating a stator winding,one conductor section of the stator winding is respectively placed into each slot,the conductor sections of at least one pair of poles are short-circuited with one another on a first side of the stator in a short-circuit means, andthe short-circuit means comprises a cooling device.2. The electric machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a short-circuit ring is provided for short-circuiting the conductor sections and the short-circuit ring comprises an annular cooling channel for conveying a fluid.3. The electric machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the annular cooling channel is integrated into the short-circuit ring.4. The electric machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the annular cooling channel has a rectangular cross section.5. The electric machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the annular cooling channel has an essentially L-shaped or U-shaped or elliptical cross section.6. The electric machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the annular cooling channel is arranged adjacent to the short-circuit ring in the axial and/or radial direction and thermally coupled thereto.7. The electric machine according to one of to claim 2 ,wherein the conductor sections are respectively connected to a terminal of a power supply unit on a second side of the stator that lies opposite of the first side.8. The electric machine according to ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160028296A1

A double-stator rotating electric machine includes a rotor and a pair of outer and inner stators. The outer stator has a first multi-phase coil wound thereon so as to form magnetic poles upon energization of the first multi-phase coil. The inner stator has a second multi-phase coil wound thereon so as to form magnetic poles upon energization of the second multi-phase coil. The number of the magnetic poles formed by the outer stator is equal to the number of the magnetic poles formed by the inner stator. Each of the magnetic poles formed by the outer stator is located at the same circumferential position as and has an opposite polarity to a corresponding one of the magnetic poles formed by the inner stator. The rotor has yoke portions each of which radially extends so as to form a magnetic flux passage magnetically connecting the outer and inner stators. 1. A double-stator rotating electric machine comprising:a rotor;an outer stator disposed radially outside the rotor with an outer gap formed therebetween, the outer stator having a first multi-phase coil wound thereon; andan inner stator disposed radially inside the rotor with an inner gap formed therebetween, the inner stator having a second multi-phase coil wound thereon,whereinthe outer stator is configured to form a plurality of magnetic poles upon energization of the first multi-phase coil,the inner stator is configured to form a plurality of magnetic poles upon energization of the second multi-phase coil,the number of the magnetic poles formed by the outer stator is equal to the number of the magnetic poles formed by the inner stator,each of the magnetic poles formed by the outer stator is located at the same circumferential position as and has an opposite polarity to a corresponding one of the magnetic poles formed by the inner stator, thereby causing magnetic flux to flow in a radial direction of the rotor, andthe rotor has a plurality of yoke portions each of which radially extends so as to form a magnetic ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140111066A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A rotary machine includes two sets of three-phase stator winding wires and two sets of inverters connected to the same direct-current power supply. Alternating-current terminals of the inverters are respectively connected to the three-phase stator winding wires. Stator winding wires are housed in a plurality of slots to form a stator. The two sets of three-phase stator winding wires and the stator winding wires in the same phase of the sets are started to be wound from the slot positions, with phases thereof being different from each other by 180 degrees, among the plurality of slots and are finished being wound in the slot positions, with phases thereof different from each other by 180 degrees. Winding end points of the three-phase stator winding wires are respectively connected in common, and alternating-current voltages having the same magnitude and opposite phases are applied to the two sets of three-phase stator winding wire. 1. A rotary machine , whereinstator winding wires are housed in a plurality of slots to form a stator,two sets of three-phase stator winding wires are provided and the stator winding wires in a same phase of the sets are started to be wound from slot positions, phases of electric angles of which are different from each other by 180 degrees, among the plurality of slots and finished being wound in slot positions, phases of electric angles of which are different from each other by 180 degrees,winding end points of the three-phase stator winding wires of the sets are respectively connected in common, andalternating-current voltages having a same magnitude and opposite phases are applied to the two sets of three-phase stator winding wires.2. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary machine is an alternating-current excitation generator.3. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary machine is a synchronous machine.4. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary machine is an induction ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Rotor winding having a braze joint spaced apart from stress concentration

Номер: US20150028702A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Inc

A winding for a rotor for use in an electrical generator utilized in the power generation industry. The winding includes a plurality of axial sections and a plurality of transversely oriented end arc sections. An integrated leg section extends from each end arc section to form an associated corner section at an intersection of each leg section and associated end arc section. Each leg section is affixed to an associated axial section at a joint that is spaced apart from an associated corner section such that the joint is not subjected to stress concentration which occurs at the associated corner section.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Rotating Electrical Machine and Manufacturing Method Therefor

Номер: US20150028704A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

A high-output, high-efficiency and high-quality rotating electrical machine is provided which has a stator shaped to avoid interference between coil end portions even in cases where the coil space factor of stator coils is raised and the stator coils are formed by winding continuous wires, each having a rectangular cross-section, for high productivity. 1. A rotating electrical machine comprising:a stator; anda rotor rotatably supported on an inner peripheral side of the stator via a gap formed between the rotor and the stator,the stator having an annular stator core which includes a plurality of slots open toward an inner peripheral surface of the stator and a stator coil which includes a plurality of coil portions inserted in the slots, the coil portions each being formed of a conductor with an approximately rectangular cross-section, and connectors interconnecting the coil portions,wherein the coil portions are formed of the conductors wound to mutually differ in height in the rotation axis direction.2. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the coil portions are formed of the conductors wound by a plurality of turns to mutually differ in height in the rotation axis direction.3. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 2 ,wherein the coil portions are formed approximately in two levels in the rotation axis direction.4. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 3 ,wherein the coil portions are formed of the conductors wound, on one side or both sides of the stator core, to mutually differ in height in the rotation axis direction.5. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 4 ,wherein the coil portions are each inserted, at two locations, in different slots formed in the stator core, one of the two locations being on an outer peripheral side relative to the other of the two locations.6. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 5 ,wherein a highest portion of each of the coil portions is approximately Z- ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028714A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Conductors comprising a U-phase coil, a V-phase coil and a W-phase coil are arranged in multiple slots in a stator forming a rotating electric machine. These U-phase coils, V-phase coils and W-phase coils are equipped with wave-wound parts, which have bridging parts on one end-face side of the stator core, and lap-wound parts, which are adjacent to the wave-wound parts and are formed so as to encircle the one end face and the other end face of the stator core. The wave-wound parts and the lap-wound parts are arranged so as to alternate in the winding direction of the conductors. 16.-. (canceled)7. A rotary electric machine that is equipped with coils disposed in slots of a core , wherein the coils comprise:wave windings, which are wound with respect to the slots at a first slot pitch; andlap windings, which are wound adjacent to the wave windings at a second slot pitch,wherein the wave windings and the lap windings are arranged alternately in a direction of the first and second slot pitches, and in at least a portion of the slots among the slots, respective windings of different phases are arranged together,wherein the coils are U-shaped divided conductors including respective pairs of straight line portions, in each of the divided conductors, one of the straight line portions being inserted into the slot in which respective windings of same phase are arranged, and another of the straight line portions being inserted into the slot in which respective windings of different phases are arranged, andwherein in a predetermined circumferential direction in the core, the other straight line portions in the windings of the same phase are all disposed on an outer circumferential side with respect to a midpoint in a radial direction.8. The rotary electric machine according to claim 7 , wherein in the coils claim 7 , windings of the same phase are arranged in a distributed manner in plural adjacent slots claim 7 , and in at least a portion of the slots among the slots claim 7 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026487A1
Автор: Koga Kiyotaka
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

In this rotating electrical machine, each of coil centers of a first concentric coil and a third concentric coil is located on one side in a circumferential direction with respect to a center of a magnetic pole, and each of coil centers of a second concentric coil and a fourth concentric coil is located on the other side in the circumferential direction with respect to the center of the magnetic pole. 18-. (canceled)9. A rotating electrical machine , comprising:a rotor core having a permanent magnet placed therein;a stator core placed so as to face the rotor core in a radial direction and having a plurality of slots; anda concentric coil formed by concentrically winding a wire and placed in the slots of the stator core, wherein the concentric coil includes a first concentric coil and a second concentric coil which are of the same phase and are connected in series with each other, and a third concentric coil and a fourth concentric coil which are of the same phase and are connected in series with each other,the first concentric coil and the second concentric coil are connected in parallel with the third concentric coil and the fourth concentric coil, andeach of coil centers of the first concentric coil and the third concentric coil is located on one side in a circumferential direction with respect to a center of a magnetic pole, and each of coil centers of the second concentric coil and the fourth concentric coil is located on the other side in the circumferential direction with respect to the center of the magnetic pole.10. The rotating electrical machine according to claim 9 , whereineach of the first concentric coil, the second concentric coil, the third concentric coil, and the fourth concentric coil has a plurality of coil portions formed by concentrically winding a wire, and a connection portion connecting the coil portions,a connection center in the connection portion of each of the first and third concentric coils is located on the one side in the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Dynamo-electric machine and vehicle

Номер: US20190027977A1

In a stator for a rotating electrical machine in which six or more slot conductors are inserted through one slot, the stator for a rotating electrical machine straddles slots such that a slot pitch of a jumper wire connecting round windings having different positions in a radial direction has at least two kinds or more different slot pitches.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027989A1

A stator includes: a stator core that includes a plurality of slots; a stator coil that is formed by connecting a plurality of segment conductors to each other; and an insulating member that has insulating properties, in which the segment conductor includes a slot portion and an inclined portion, the slot portion is disposed inside the slot, the inclined portion is disposed outside the slot to be inclined from the slot portion, the insulating member is mounted on the stator core and includes a first insulating portion and a plurality of second insulating portions, the first insulating portion is disposed next to the slot portion, the second insulating portions extend from the first insulating portion in an axial direction and are provided along a radial direction of the stator core, and the second insulating portions insulate adjacent segment conductors in an coil end from each other. 1. A stator comprising:a stator core that includes a plurality of slots;a stator coil that is formed by connecting a plurality of segment conductors to each other; andan insulating member that has insulating properties, whereinthe segment conductor includes a slot portion and an inclined portion,the slot portion is disposed inside the slot,the inclined portion is disposed outside the slot to be inclined from the slot portion,the insulating member is mounted on the stator core and includes a first insulating portion and a plurality of second insulating portions,the first insulating portion is disposed next to the slot portion,the plurality of second insulating portions extend from the first insulating portion in an axial direction and are provided along a radial direction of the stator core, andthe second insulating portions insulate adjacent segment conductors in a coil end from each other.2. The stator according to claim 1 , whereinthe second insulating portion is disposed between the inclined portion of one segment conductor and the inclined portion of another segment conductor ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028390A1

An electric motor has a first carrier having an array of electromagnetic elements and a second carrier having electromagnetic elements defining magnetic poles. The first and second carriers each define an axis. An airgap is formed between the first and second carriers when in an operational position. An inner thrust bearing connects the first and second carriers and is arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the carriers. An outer thrust bearing connects the first and second carriers and is arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the carriers. The electromagnetic elements of each of the first and second carriers are arranged radially inward of the outer thrust bearing and radially outward of the inner thrust bearing. The inner thrust bearing and the outer thrust bearing are arranged to maintain the airgap against a magnetic attraction of the electromagnetic elements of the first and second carriers. 1. An electric machine comprising:a stator having an array of electromagnetic elements, the stator defining a stator axis;a rotor having permanent magnetic elements defining magnetic poles, the rotor carrier defining a center rotor axis;an airgap being formed between the rotor and the stator when the stator and the rotor are in an operational position;an inner bearing connecting the rotor and the stator, the inner bearing being arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the stator and the rotor;an outer bearing connecting the rotor and the stator, the outer bearing being arranged to allow relative rotary motion of the stator and the rotor;the electromagnetic elements of the stator and the permanent magnetic elements of the rotor having a magnetic attraction between each other; andwherein the rotor further comprises a plurality of posts in which the permanent magnetic elements of the rotor are placed between the plurality of posts, and the rotor further comprising a plurality of inner flux restrictors lying radially inward from the plurality of posts and radially ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200028398A1

A stator of a brushless motor includes a stator core including a plurality of teeth arranged in a circumferential direction thereof, a slot being formed between any adjacent two teeth; and a plurality of phases of windings wound on the teeth and received in the corresponding slots. Each phase of winding includes two leading terminals, adjacent leading terminals of any adjacent two phases of windings extending out of the same slot, which simplifies the winding structure of the stator winding and reduces the short circuit risk between turns of coils of the winding. The windings can be formed by winding a single conductive wire uninterruptedly on the stator teeth. It is easily automated. 1. A stator of a brushless motor , comprising:a stator core comprising a plurality of teeth arranged in a circumferential direction thereof, a slot being formed between any adjacent two teeth; anda plurality of phases of windings wound on the teeth and received in corresponding slots, each phase of winding comprising two leading terminals, adjacent leading terminals of any adjacent two phases of windings extending into or out of the same slot.2. The stator of claim 1 , wherein all leading terminals of the plurality of phases of windings are located at the same side of the stator core.3. The stator of claim 2 , wherein each phase of winding further comprises a bridge wire located outside of the slots claim 2 , a coil unit connected between one of the two leading terminals and an end of the bridge wire claim 2 , and another coil unit connected between the other of the two leading terminals and the other end of the bridge wire.4. The stator of claim 3 , wherein all of the leading terminals and the bridge wire are located at the same axial end of the stator core.5. The stator of claim 3 , wherein the leading terminals are located at an axial end of the stator core claim 3 , and the bridge wires are located at an opposite axial end of the stator core.6. The stator of claim 3 , wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033619A1
Автор: TAMURA Akito
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A stator includes a stator core having slots and a stator coil comprised of three star-connected phase windings. In each of the slots, there are arranged in-slot portions of the phase windings in six layers. Each of the phase windings is comprised of five parallel-connected sub-windings. At each of the six layers, the in-slot portions of the sub-windings are arranged in a plurality of slot pairs; the slot pairs are circumferentially spaced from one another and each consist of two consecutive slots that are respectively identified as types A and B of the slots. Moreover, for each of the sub-windings, the in-slot portions of the sub-winding are evenly distributed to the two types A and B so that the number of the in-slot portions of the sub-winding arranged in the slots of the same type at each of the six layers is equal to 2. 1. A stator for a rotating electric machine , the stator comprising:an annular stator core having a plurality of slots arranged in a circumferential direction thereof; anda three-phase stator coil comprised of three phase windings that are mounted on the stator core so as to be different in electrical phase from each other, the phase windings being star-connected with each other to define a neutral point therebetween, each of the phase windings including a plurality of in-slot portions each of which is received in one of the slots of the stator core,whereinin each of the slots of the stator core, there are arranged K of the in-slot portions of the phase windings of the stator coil in K layers so as to be radially aligned with each other, where K is an even number,the number of the slots formed in the stator core per magnetic pole of a rotor of the rotating electric machine and per phase of the stator coil is set to M, where M is a natural number greater than or equal to 2,each of the phase windings of the stator coil is comprised of L sub-windings that are connected parallel to each other, where L is an odd number greater than or equal to 3,for ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Rotor, and Permanent-Magnet-Type Rotational Electric Machine, Electric Drive System, and Electric Vehicle Which are Provided with Said Rotor

Номер: US20170033624A1
Автор: Kikuchi Satoshi

A permanent magnet type rotational electric machine for an electric vehicle capable of ensuring an electric power generation torque or a peak torque instantaneously assisting a torque of an engine even by using a rare earth-less magnet and also capable of ensuring characteristics for high speed driving is provided. A rotator includes permanent magnets of which at least one side in an axial direction cross section is formed in an arc shape, and includes a plurality of permanent magnets, wherein where a center axis of a magnetic pole is denoted as d axis, and an axis that is 90 degrees from the d axis in an electrical angle is denoted as q axis, the rotator for the permanent magnet type rotational electric machine includes a first permanent magnet pair in which a line connecting a center point of the arc and the arc does not cross the d axis, and a second permanent magnet pair in which the line crosses the d axis. 1. A rotator for a permanent magnet type rotational electric machine , the rotator comprising:a permanent magnet of which at least one side in an axial direction cross section is formed in an arc shape,wherein in the rotator having a plurality of permanent magnets,where a center axis of a magnetic pole is denoted as d axis, and an axis that is 90 degrees from the d axis in an electrical angle is denoted as q axis, the rotator includes a first permanent magnet pair in which a line connecting a center point of the arc and the arc does not cross the d axis, and a second permanent magnet pair in which the line crosses the d axis.2. A rotator for a permanent magnet type rotational electric machine , the rotator comprising:a permanent magnet of which axial direction cross section is formed in a rectangular shape, and a magnetic domain orientation of a magnet has a radial orientation,wherein where a center axis of a magnetic pole is denoted as d axis, and an axis that is 90 degrees from the d axis in an electrical angle is denoted as q axis,the rotator includes:a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170033630A1
Автор: TAMURA Akito
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A stator includes a stator core having slots, a stator coil comprised of three phase windings, phase busbars each electrically connecting a corresponding one of the phase windings to an inverter, and a neutral busbar star-connecting the phase windings to define a neutral point therebetween. In each of the slots of the stator core, there are arranged K in-slot portions of the phase windings of the stator coil in K layers so as to be radially aligned with each other, where K is an even number. The phase and neutral busbars are electrically connected with those in-slot portions of the phase windings of the stator coil which are arranged at the radially outermost layer or the radially innermost layer in the respective slots of the stator core so as to be circumferentially spaced from one another by M slot-pitches or more, where M is a slot multiplier number. 1. A stator for a rotating electric machine , the stator comprising:an annular stator core having a plurality of slots arranged in a circumferential direction thereof;a three-phase stator coil comprised of three phase windings that are mounted on the stator core so as to be different in electrical phase from each other, each of the phase windings including a plurality of in-slot portions each of which is received in one of the slots of the stator core;a plurality of phase connecting members each of which is provided to electrically connect a corresponding one of the phase windings of the stator coil to an external electrical device; anda neutral connecting member provided to star-connect the phase windings of the stator coil to define a neutral point therebetween,whereinin each of the slots of the stator core, there are arranged K of the in-slot portions of the phase windings of the stator coil in K layers so as to be radially aligned with each other, where K is an even number,the number of the slots formed in the stator core per magnetic pole of a rotor of the rotating electric machine and per phase of the stator ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036277A1

A winding configuration for an electric machine includes a stator core with a plurality of winding slots, a plurality of conductor strands distributed in a winding slot of the plurality of winding slots, and an insulation matrix that surrounds each of the plurality of the conductor strands. The winding slot includes a slot cavity with a cross-section area and the plurality of distributed conductor strands are configured to maximize slot fill factor. 1. A winding configuration for an electric machine , comprising:a stator core with a plurality of winding slots;a plurality of conductor strands distributed in a winding slot of the plurality of winding slots; andan insulation matrix that surrounds each of the plurality of the conductor strands;wherein the winding slot includes a slot cavity with a cross-section area; andwherein the plurality of distributed conductor strands are configured to maximize slot fill factor.2. The winding configuration of claim 1 , wherein each conductor strand is one of copper claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , silver claim 1 , or a combination of copper claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and silver3. The winding configuration of claim 1 , wherein the insulation matrix is one of ceramic claim 1 , glass claim 1 , polymer claim 1 , and a glass-filled polymer4. The winding configuration of claim 1 , wherein the insulation matrix is configured as a honeycomb structure.5. The winding configuration of claim 4 , wherein the honeycomb structure that defines each of the plurality of conductor strands is filled with a conductive material by casting or other process.6. The winding configuration of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of conductor strands is arranged orthogonally to the cross-section area to define the slot fill factor.7. The winding configuration of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of conductor strands are configured to be radially stacked with each radially stacked conductor strand acting as a turn.8. The winding configuration claim 1 , wherein ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Curable Composition

Номер: US20210032433A1
Автор: Jin Kyu Lee, Sang Bum Ahn
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

A curable composition includes a curable resin and a magnetic body, wherein the magnetic body comprises magnetic particles and a surface treatment agent present on a surface of the magnetic particles. The curable composition has low viscosity, and fluidity, and capable of effectively cured without causing curing shrinkage or the like to form a cured product having desired physical properties.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034332A1
Автор: Takahashi Yuki
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A rotary electric machine includes a rotor having a plurality of magnetic poles and a stator having a core and coil, the core including slots and the coil being formed of phase windings of three phases wound in the core. A slot multiple n is set to 2, each windings of the coil being wound as short windings extending over (n+1) adjacent slots. With the axis of rotation of the rotor as center, designating α as the arc ratio of a magnetic pole, β as the circumferential-direction angular range of magnetic flux interchange faces of the rotor, which face the core and at which magnetic flux is interchanged with the core, and designating γ as a slot pitch of the slots in the circumferential direction, relationships β≦2nγ and β<α are established, to efficiently obtain magnetic flux flowing between the stator and the rotor. 115-. (canceled)16. A rotary electric machine comprising:a rotor which has a plurality of magnetic poles arranged with polarities that alternate in a circumferential direction, anda stator which has a stator core having a plurality of slots circumferentially arranged and radially facing the rotor, and which has a stator coil housed in the slots and formed of phase windings of three phases that are wound as distributed windings in the stator core, whereina slot multiple of the slots in the stator core is set as n, with a proportion of n slots per one phase of the stator coil (where n is a natural number of 2 or more),each of the phase windings of the stator coil is wound as a short winding extending over (n+1) adjacent ones of the slots,the rotor includes a Randle-type core and a field coil, the Randle-type core including a combination of a first pole core having first claw magnetic pole portions and a second pole core having second claw magnetic pole portions, with the first claw magnetic pole portions and the second claw magnetic pole portions being arranged to alternate in the circumferential direction, and the field coil being wound in the Randle-type ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034333A1
Автор: Neet Kirk E.

A multi-phase electric machine having plurality of windings are mounted on the stator core that define a plurality of phases wherein, for each phase, the windings include at least two parallel windings, each winding comprising a pair of continuous wires which are connected in series. For each pole, the parallel windings fill one or more central slots and two outer slots. Each winding fills each central slot twice the number of times that the winding fills each outer slot to thereby define a slot fill ratio of 2:1 between central slots and outer slots and wherein each wire of the wire pair forming a winding fills the slots in a ratio that differs from the slot fill ratio. Phase shift end loops shift the windings from one outer slot to the other outer slot. Position change end loops alter the relative positions of the parallel windings. 1. A multi-phase electric machine comprising:a stator operably coupled with a rotor wherein the rotor is rotatable relative to the stator;the stator including a stator core defining a central opening and a plurality of axially extending slots which circumscribe the central opening;a plurality of windings mounted on the stator core wherein the plurality of windings define a plurality of phases and wherein, for each phase, the plurality of windings include:at least two parallel windings, each winding comprising a pair of continuous wires which are connected in series; wherein, for each pole, the parallel windings are disposed in one or more central slots and two outer slots disposed on opposite sides of the central slots; each winding disposed in each of the central slots an equal number of times and disposed in each of the outer slots an equal number of times and wherein each winding is disposed in each central slot twice the number of times that the winding is disposed in each outer slot to thereby define a slot fill ratio of 2:1 between central slots and outer slots and wherein each wire of the wire pair forming one of the parallel ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034335A1

A multi-phase electric machine having plurality of windings are mounted on the stator core that define a plurality of phases wherein, for each phase, the windings include at least two parallel windings, each winding comprising a pair of continuous wires which are connected in series. For each pole, the parallel windings fill one or more central slots and two outer slots. Each winding fills each central slot twice the number of times that the winding fills each outer slot to thereby define a slot fill ratio of 2:1 between central slots and outer slots and wherein each wire of the wire pair forming a winding fills the slots in a ratio that differs from the slot fill ratio. Each of the parallel windings include a phase shift end loop that shift the windings from one outer slot to the other outer slot. 1. A multi-phase electric machine comprising:a stator operably coupled with a rotor wherein the rotor is rotatable relative to the stator;the stator including a stator core defining a central opening and a plurality of axially extending slots which circumscribe the central opening;a plurality of windings mounted on the stator core wherein the plurality of windings define a plurality of phases and wherein, for each phase, the plurality of windings include:at least two parallel windings, each winding comprising a pair of continuous wires which are connected in series and are disposed in an equal number of slots; wherein, for each pole, the parallel windings are disposed in at least one central slot and two outer slots disposed on opposite sides of the central slots; each winding disposed in each of the central slots an equal number of times and disposed in each of the outer slots an equal number of times and wherein each winding is disposed in each central slot twice the number of times that the winding is disposed in each outer slot to thereby define a slot fill ratio of 2:1 between central slots and outer slots and wherein each wire of the wire pair is disposed in the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034336A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rotary electric machine includes: a rotor rotating about an axis; a stator formed by annularly combining cores having electric wires wound therearound and placed on the outer side of the rotor in a direction orthogonal to the axis; and an insulator including an outer portion placed on the radially outer side of the stator; an inner portion placed on the radially inner side of the stator; a trunk portion coupling the outer portion and the inner portion and having the electric wire wound therearound; a recess portion formed in a portion of the outer portion facing the inner portion to accommodate the electric wire; and a wall placed at the recess portion on the side of the inner portion to partially cover the recess portion The insulator is attached to one end portion of the cores in a direction parallel with the axis. 1. A rotary electric machine comprising:a rotor that rotates about an axis;a stator formed by annularly combining a plurality of cores around each of which an electric wire is wound and placed on an outer side of the rotor in a direction orthogonal to the axis; andan insulator that includes an outer portion placed on an outer side in a radial direction of the stator; an inner portion placed on an inner side in the radial direction of the stator and having a groove portion that introduces the electric wire to the cores; a trunk portion coupling the outer portion and the inner portion, the electric wire being wound around the trunk portion; a recess portion formed in a portion of the outer portion that faces the inner portion and connected to the groove portion to accommodate the electric wire; and a wall placed at the recess portion on a side of the inner portion to partially cover the recess portion, the insulator being attached to one end portion of the cores in a direction parallel with the axis.2. The rotary electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein the recess portion and the wall extend in the direction parallel with the axis.3. A rotary ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034337A1
Автор: ISHIGAMI Takashi
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

The present disclosure generally relates to a rotary electric machine having a stator winding in which bobbins forming a coil are arranged in a circumferential direction. The bobbin includes plate-like flanges on an inner and outer circumferential side. Each flange has edges corresponding to a circumferential and an axial direction. One or more plate-like members form two or more groove portions in a radial direction in parallel with the flanges between the flanges provided on the inner and outer circumferential sides. The coil includes an electric wire wound around the groove portion between the flange and the plate-like member and the groove portion between adjacent plate-like members. As such, the electric wires can be wound in an aligned manner between the plate-like members. Also, slot space factor is improved, coil end is reduced, and output and efficiency of the rotary electric machine is improved. 1. A rotary electric machine comprising a stator winding in which a plurality of bobbins forming a coil are arranged in a circumferential direction ,wherein the bobbin comprises plate-like flanges provided on an inner circumferential side and on an outer circumferential side, each flange having edges corresponding to a circumferential direction and an axial direction, andone or more plate-like members forming two or more groove portions in a radial direction in parallel with the flanges between the flanges provided on the inner circumferential side and on the outer circumferential side, andwherein the coil comprises an electric wire wound around the groove portion provided between the flange and the plate-like member and the groove portion provided between adjacent plate-like members.2. The rotary electric machine according to claim 1 ,wherein the electric wire is wound in a line around each groove portion.3. The rotary electric machine according to claim 1 ,wherein a notch is formed on a portion of an edge of the plate-like member.4. The rotary electric machine ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034339A1
Принадлежит: AISIN AW CO., LTD.

A stator that includes a stator core including a plurality of teeth with a slot in between; a plurality of coils each formed of a conductor, each of the coils including: an accommodated portion accommodated in the corresponding slot, a coil end disposed on an outer side of an end face of the stator core, and a lead wire protruding from the accommodated portion and extending radially outward of the stator core; and a connector connected to ends of the lead wires of the coils. 19-. (canceled)10. A stator comprising:a stator core including a plurality of teeth with a slot in between; an accommodated portion accommodated in the corresponding slot,', 'a coil end disposed on an outer side of an end face of the stator core, and', 'a lead wire protruding from the accommodated portion and extending radially outward of the stator core; and, 'a plurality of coils each formed of a conductor, each of the coils including the connector is disposed between the coil ends and an outer peripheral face of the stator core in a radial direction of the stator core and between an axial end face of the stator core and the ends of the lead wires in an axial direction of the stator core,', 'the connector is connected to at least three of the lead wires in a state in which the connector is adjacent to the ends of the lead wires in a circumferential direction of the stator core,', a first lead wire having an end disposed outward in the axial direction, and', 'a second lead wire having an end disposed inward in the axial direction with respect to the end of the first lead wire, and, 'the lead wires include, 'the connector is disposed between the end of the first lead wire and the end of the second lead wire in the axial direction of the stator core., 'a connector connected to ends of the lead wires of the coils, wherein11. The stator according to claim 10 , wherein a plurality of lead wire connectors joined to the ends of the lead wires in a state in which the lead wire connectors are adjacent ...
