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27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595944C2

Изобретение относится к технологиям предоставления стереоскопического меню на трехмерных дисплеях. Техническим результатом является обеспечение улучшенного управления внешним видом стереоскопического меню, путем воздействия на внешний вид меню во время воспроизведения видеоданных. Предложен способ управления внешним видом стереоскопического меню во время воспроизведения видеоданных. Стереоскопическое меню содержит два или более графических элементов, причем данные элементы расположены на соответствующих глубинах. Способ включает в себя этап, на котором осуществляют проверку, запрещено ли управление внешним видом стереоскопического меню. В случае если управление внешним видом стереоскопического меню не запрещено, осуществляют прием, по меньшей мере, одного входного сигнала, указывающего, следует ли увеличить или уменьшить глубину стереоскопического меню и на какую величину. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для записи изображения в трехмерном масштабе, способ создания 3D-изображения и способ формирования устройства для записи изображения в трехмерном масштабе

Номер: RU2668404C2
Принадлежит: Тесто АГ (DE)

Изобретение относится к записи изображения в трехмерном пространстве. Техническим результатом является упрощение формирования приближенного 3D-изображения. Устройство обработки изображения для идентификации группы элементов изображения в серии изображений, снятых устройством записи изображения, устройство обработки изображения для вычисления трехмерного пространственного положения группы элементов изображения, устройство обработки изображения для вычисления положения записи устройства записи изображения из соответствующих положений изображения элементов изображения группы и устройство обработки изображения для масштабирования вычисленного трехмерного пространственного положения с помощью информации касательно расстояния, измеренной дальномером, устройство обработки изображения для вычисления информации касательно расстояния, относящегося к одной группе элементов изображения, которым не может быть присвоена измеренная информация касательно расстояния, методом экстра- и/или интерполяции измеренной ...

27-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2168192C2
Принадлежит: ВИЗУАЛАБС ИНК. (CA)

Изобретение относится к оптике. В соответствии с изобретением получают трехмерное изображение из двухмерного изображения путем изменения кажущегося расстояния изображения от наблюдателя на поэлементной основе (пиксель за пикселем). Это осуществляют установкой решетки пиксельных оптических элементов соосно с пикселями изображения. В преимущественном формате каждый из оптических элементов является главным образом продолговатым и имеет фокусное расстояние, которое изменяется по его длине, в результате чего точка вдоль его длины, в которой свет входит в оптический элемент, определяет кажущееся визуальное расстояние объединенного с ним пикселя от наблюдателя. В случае применения электронной лучевой трубки управление положением входа света осуществляется за счет точного вертикального смещения электронного луча при его горизонтальном сканировании. Технический результат - создание негромоздкой системы и устройства. 2 с. и 28 з.п.ф-лы, 23 ил.

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2502214C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности воспроизведения видеопотока как устройством трехмерного воспроизведения, так и устройством двухмерного воспроизведения. Устройство воспроизведения для воспроизведения видеопотока в соответствии с информацией о списке воспроизведения, содержащее блок считывания, считывающий файл транспортного потока с носителя записи, при этом файл транспортного потока идентифицируется справочной информацией о файлах, включенной в информацию о списке воспроизведения; декодер; регистр режима, хранящий режим вывода устройства воспроизведения; и блок вывода, при этом когда режим вывода является режимом вывода плоского вида, блок считывания считывает файл транспортного потока нормального формата, который идентифицирован комбинацией справочной информации о файлах, включенной в информацию о списке воспроизведения, и расширения файла, указывающего, что видеопотоки хранятся нормальным образом, а когда режим ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533300C2

Изобретение относится к средствам воспроизведения стереоскопического видео. Техническим результатом является повышение качества воспроизведения трехмерных графических изображений. В способе формируют видеопоток основного вида стереоскопических видеоизображений, формируют видеопоток изображений субвида стереоскопических видеоизображений, формируют поток данных моноскопических графических изображений, формируют информацию списка воспроизведения; записывают видеопоток основного вида, видеопоток субвида, графический поток, информацию списка воспроизведения на носитель записи. В способе видеопоток субвидавключает в себя множество групп изображений, каждая из множества групп изображений включает в себя метаданные, включающие множество фрагментов информации смещения и множество идентификаторов смещения, где множество фрагментов информации смещения находятся во взаимно однозначном соответствии с множеством идентификаторов смещения. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 113 ил.

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2530347C2

Изобретение относится к средствам обработки и воспроизведения контента. Технический результат заключается в уменьшении объема обработки в случае, когда требуется воспроизвести только один поток. Устанавливают первый транспортный поток и второй транспортный поток, включающий в себя расширенный поток, полученный кодированием видеопотока, снятого со второй точки обзора, с использованием стандарта Н.264 AVC/MVC. Устанавливают файл списка воспроизведения для управления воспроизведением основного потока и расширенного потока, в котором информация об элементе списка воспроизведения, указывающая основной путь воспроизведения, ссылающийся на основной поток, и идентификатор PID транспортного пакета основного потока описаны в поле "PlayItem", являющемся полем внутри поля "PlayList", информация о подпути воспроизведения, ссылающемся на расширенный поток, описана в первом поле внутри расширенного поля, являющегося полем, находящимся за пределами поля "PlayList", а идентификатор PID транспортного пакета ...

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525482C2

Изобретение относится к области устройств воспроизведения и записи файлов. Техническим результатом является сокращение времени обращения к носителю записи и уменьшение объема памяти устройства воспроизведения. Устройство 22 воспроизведения непрерывно считывает чередующиеся данные с диска 21, на котором записан файл в формате медиафайлов ISO. Файл включает в себя чередующиеся данные, физически и непрерывно записанные на диск 21, полученные путем разделения каждого из потоков данных файлов В и D на элементы чередования и чередования элементов чередования, и позиционную информацию, указывающую при помощи элемента чередования, являющегося фрагментом данных в формате медиафайлов ISO, позицию указанного элемента чередования, образующего указанный фрагмент данных. Кроме того, устройство 22 воспроизведения разделяет чередующиеся данные на элементы чередования каждого из файлов В и D на основе позиционной информации. 5 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 23 ил.

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525751C2

Изобретение относится к средствам распределения видеопотока на носителе записи при воспроизведении трехмерного видео. Техническим результатом является обеспечение непрерывности воспроизведения за счет исключения опустошения буфера. Устройство содержит блок считывания блоков экстентов с носителя записи, блок переключения, выделяющий потоки главного и дополнительного ракурсов из блоков экстентов. В устройстве каждый поток сохраняется в буфере считывания, блок декодирования считывает и декодирует каждый поток из соответствующего буфера считывания, время (t), необходимое блоку декодирования для декодирования всех блоков данных в одном блоке экстентов, больше или равно сумме (t+t+t) времени (t), необходимого для считывания блоков данных, кроме начального блока данных в блоке экстентов, времени (t), необходимого для считывания начальной части следующего блока экстентов с момента окончания считывания конца блока экстентов, времени (t), необходимого для считывания начального блока данных в следующем ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462771C2

Предложены компьютерно-читаемый носитель, способ и терминальное устройство. Носитель включает в себя поле медиа-данных, содержащее множество последовательностей стереоскопических изображений, и поле медиа-заголовка. Поле медиа-заголовка содержит поле дорожки, содержащее информацию, указывающую, что поле дорожки ссылается на другое поле дорожки. Техническим результатом является расширение арсенала средств воспроизведения стереоскопического изображения. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019112847A

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011110045A

... 1. Устройство воспроизведения для воспроизведения графического потока, записанного на носителе записи, хранящем таблицу выбора потока, которая показывает множество выбираемых графических потоков в соответствии с номерами потоков, при этом устройство воспроизведения содержит:регистр номера потока, хранящий один из номеров потоков, зарегистрированных в таблице выбора потока, который соответствует графическому потоку, который нужно воспроизвести; ирегистр возможности, указывающий возможность воспроизведения графики, причемвоспроизведение графического потока включает в себя процесс выбора типа воспроизведения графического потока из первого типа воспроизведения и второго типа воспроизведения, причем первый тип воспроизведения использует графический поток в качестве моноскопического графического потока, а второй тип воспроизведения реализует стереоскопическое отображение с использованием пары из графического потока для левого глаза и графического потока для правого глаза,возможность воспроизведения ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120907A

... 1. Носитель записи, на котором записаны видеопоток, составляющий стереоскопическое изображение, информация списка воспроизведения и совокупность потоков субтитров, в котороминформация списка воспроизведения включает в себя таблицу выбора потока и совокупность фрагментов дополнительной информации,в таблице выбора потока указаны номер потока, потоковая запись и атрибут потока для каждого потока субтитров, разрешенного к воспроизведению в режиме моноскопического воспроизведения,каждый из фрагментов дополнительной информации соответствует номеру потока, икаждый из фрагментов дополнительной информации включает в себя флаг сохранения области, указывающий, в качестве области отображения субтитра в режиме стереоскопического воспроизведения устройства воспроизведения, верхний конец или нижний конец в плоскости видео,причем субтитр получен путем декодирования потока субтитров, соответствующего фрагменту дополнительной информации,при воспроизведении носителя записи на устройстве воспроизведения,если ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010140053A

... 1. Носитель записи, на который записан поток с перемежением, включающий в себя множество блоков данных, и информацию управления, в которомпоток с перемежением включает в себя поток общего вида, используемый для воспроизведения моноскопического видеоизображения, и поток подвида, используемый для стереоскопического воспроизведения видеоизображения, в комбинации с потоком основной точки обзора,множество блоков данных включают в себя множество блоков данных общего вида, содержащихся в потоке общего вида, и множество блоков данных подвида, содержащихся в потоке подвида,информация управления включает в себя информацию 2D управления, которая относится к блокам данных общего вида при воспроизведении моноскопического видеоизображения, и информацию 3D управления, которая относится к блокам данных общего вида, при воспроизведении стереоскопического видеоизображения,множество блоков данных сгруппированы в группу блоков общих данных, группу блоков 2D данных и группу блоков 3D данных,группа блоков общих ...

01-08-2002 дата публикации

Stereoskopische Bildanzeigevorrichtung und zugehöriges Speichergerät

Номер: DE0069525711T2

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Three-dimensional recording and playback method for realistic perception of e.g. sports event, involves matching size and distance convergence plane respectively with display screen size, and average viewing distance

Номер: DE102011115791A1

The method involves matching the size of convergence plane with respect to size of a display screen, and distance of convergence plane with respect to average viewing distance. Viewing angle is large when shooting with unchanged distance of convergence plane to camera, without increasing viewing distance. Three-dimensional space in front of display screen is increased, thus objects closer to viewer is perceived without increasing size of optical region. Size of screen is smaller than maximum size specified by image areas cut from edge, to maintain actual image size.

29-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069426728D1

28-06-2001 дата публикации

Multifunktionelles Datenträger-Abspielgerät

Номер: DE0020104682U1

18-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060008247D1

21-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003472171D1

03-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069714551T2

07-06-2017 дата публикации

A device and method for optically scanning and measuring an environment

Номер: GB0002545145A

A method for scanning and measuring an environment is provided. The method includes providing a three-dimensional (3D) measurement device having a controller. Images of the environment are recorded and a 3D scan of the environment is produced with a three-dimensional point cloud. A video image of the environment is recorded. The video image is displayed on a first portion of a display. A portion of the three-dimensional point cloud is displayed on a second portion of the display, the second portion of the display being arranged about the periphery of the first portion of the display. Wherein a portion of the 3D point cloud displayed in the second portion represents a portion of the environment outside of a field of view of the video image.

28-06-2017 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses relating to the handling of a plurality of content streams

Номер: GB0002545729A

A method comprises selecting at least one content stream from a plurality of content streams based on at least one detected characteristic (property, parameter) associated with the content streams or an intended viewer of the content streams, each content stream being captured by a corresponding recording (e.g. camera) device and at least one of the plural content streams not being selected, and compressing data representing the at least one selected content stream such that the content has a lower quality (e.g. reduced resolution, by low-pass filtering, downsampling, sample domain quantization, transform domain quantization) compared to the content of the at least one non-selected content stream. Characteristics may relate to the recording (capture) devices, such as relative position, direction, or spatial or temporal resolution; content stream characteristics may include amount of high frequency components, disparity, presence of regions of interest (ROI) or motion. User or viewer related ...

07-08-1996 дата публикации

Graphic display unit

Номер: GB0009611676D0

01-04-1987 дата публикации

Method for the stereoscopic representation of image scenes with relative movement between imaging sensor and recorded scene

Номер: GB2180719A

Method for the binocular stereoscopic moving image representation of image scenes sensed with relative movement between a single monocular imaging sensor and a scene area, in particular aerial image scenes. The method uses left and right frames for said representation which are sensed at different times during said relative movement. For the continuous stereoscopic representation of almost the whole image the frames are each combined from parts of at least three consecutive sensed images of an image sequence overlapping in pairs. The parts of the at least three images are rectified under consideration of the geometric parameters of the actually sensed images such that the image scale for said parts is equal. The method is also applicable if sensed images are transmitted from said imaging sensor with a reduced frame rate and by imaging-adapted interpolation and/or extrapolation on the basis of two transmitted images. In each case intermediate images are reproduced and for the representation ...

20-08-2003 дата публикации

Apparatus for creating or viewing three dimensional photography

Номер: GB2385428A

An apparatus 1 provides left and right eye images to a conventional camera lens 7 such that the images are recorded on focal plane 16 of camera 3 as head-to-head images that is, the elements of one image appear to be upside-down with respect to corresponding elements of the other image (see Figs 2a, 2b). The apparatus 1 may include left and right plane mirrors 11, 12 that direct light rays from the left and right images onto respective faces of a triangular prism 9, the triangular prism directing the light rays to the camera lens 7. Coupling ring 5 of the apparatus can be used to attach the apparatus onto lens 7 of camera 3. Alternatively, the apparatus may be incorporated within a camera lens, being located between the front and rear lens group of the camera lens. The plane mirrors 11, 12 can be moved along their image axes, effectively adjusting the interocular distance of the apparatus. The angle which the plane mirrors 11, 12 subtend to each other and to the triangular prism 9 may also ...

02-11-1988 дата публикации

Method for obtaining images for use in displaying a three-dimensional illusion

Номер: GB0002204211A

A method is provided for obtaining images for use in displaying a three-dimensional illusion which includes the step of obtaining first and second images of a subject volume having foreground and background portions with the points of origin of those images located in a first plane which includes left and right points of origin of an observer of the subject volume and which is normal to the optical axis of that observer. The first and second points of origin are also respectively located equidistant above and below a first line interconnecting the left and right points of origin and are located along a second line which is normal to and bisects the first line. The first and second optical axes are aligned to converge in a second plane parallel to the first plane which includes the foreground portion of the subject volume within the field of view of the observer which is closest to the first plane. A support apparatus is provided for using one or two imaging devices in implementing the method ...

28-10-1992 дата публикации

Colour anaglyph 3D television with field rate doubling

Номер: GB0002255251A

Colour cameras 1 capture left and right views of a scene and relay them to time division multiplexer 2 which alternately outputs left view and right view representing fields. These may be stored in video recorder 3 or passed directly to a processor in which they are first demultiplexed 4 to form respective left view and right view signals each having only alternate fields present. The display of such a signal would lead to objectionable flicker and to prevent this the field rate of both left and right view signals is doubled 5, 6 after which they may be encoded into a 3D anaglyph signal 9-11 for display on suitable equipment with doubled field rate. The signal is observed through spectacles 13 having complementary coloured red/cyan filters. ...

28-02-2001 дата публикации

Head-mounted display apparatus with a single image display device

Номер: GB0002319424B

05-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002312819A

A graphic display unit makes it possible for a blink operation to be implemented on a window system with each window having an arbitrary contour, and on a window by window basis. The graphic display unit of this invention comprises a frame buffer 500 for storing image data a frame buffer 501 for colour information for blinking, a window-id buffer 502 which stores a window-id corresponding to the contour and position of windows on the frame buffer, a look-up table 503 which stores control information related to the display and is accessed based on a window-id, a frame counter 504 that issues the timing of switching frame buffers, a display control circuit for switching buffers based on signals from both the look-up table and from the frame counter.

28-03-2001 дата публикации

Locating arrays with periodic structures relative to composite images

Номер: GB0002354659A

To position an array with periodic structures (8) relative to an image formed on a part of the array (60), a light beam is passed through the array from a source (80). A light line (100) formed by the beam is perpendicular to the long axes of the periodic structures. Rotating the array (73) causes the light line to rotate across a detector (110) which produces a signal dependent upon the amount of light received. Alignment of the array with the image is determined when a maximum signal is produced by the detector. A further embodiment able to determine fine alignment after the coarser method outlined above includes using two detectors (120 and 130). The phases of the signals from these two detectors are compared (see fig. 10B), any difference in phase indicating a small lack of alignment.

03-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002101446B

20-04-1988 дата публикации

Display means for stereoscopic images

Номер: GB0002196166A

A stereoscopic display device in which a plurality of independently controllable and discrete light sources are provided in fixed relation to a lenticular screen. The light sources are adapted and arranged for the display of a pair of interlaced images such that the display device produces a three-dimensional image comprising a pair of spaced-apart images having parallax therebetween. A moving stereoscopic display which can be viewed by the naked eye can thus be achieved.

17-04-2002 дата публикации

Method of prompting a user in recording a 3-D visual image

Номер: GB0000205005D0

26-07-2000 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for locating arrays with periodic structures relative to composite images

Номер: GB0000013583D0

28-07-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus for stereoscopic photography

Номер: GB0000414261D0

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Imaging arrangements

Номер: GB0000020733D0

04-09-1996 дата публикации

Method and apparatus

Номер: GB0009614835D0

29-09-1999 дата публикации

3D Visualisation methods

Номер: GB0009917658D0

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA110888A

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000379927T

15-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345650T

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000147221T

15-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000760476A

15-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000076548T

15-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000230124T

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000238140T

16-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006828581A

25-06-2020 дата публикации

System and method for image processing

Номер: AU2018233015B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Some embodiments relate to a machine-implemented method of packing volumetric image data executed by at least one processing device, the method comprising: 5 determining a first block size; writing to memory a first block of image data from a first image, the first block having the first block size; determining a second block size; and writing to memory a second block of image data from a second image, the second block having the second block size; wherein the first image contains X by Y pixels of one of colour data and depth data, and the second image contains X by Y pixels of the 10 other of colour and depth data; and wherein the first image is related to the second image. Embodiments also relate to methods of unpacking volumetric image data. Further embodiments relate to systems and computer-readable media storing or having access to code to execute the packing and unpacking methods. IC)O (Uco CD IUCaC - C0 W00 (1n _ a) 0 0-V o IL UC) C-C> 0) 0 C 0) 0 4-, - a.:a ...

26-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0009024991A

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, reproduction device, reproduction method, and program

Номер: AU2010235565A1

20-10-1998 дата публикации

Autostereoscopic projection system

Номер: AU0008937998A

11-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003226614A1

03-10-2002 дата публикации

System for multiple viewpoint video signal recording and reproduction

Номер: AU2002237447A1

25-10-2001 дата публикации

Autostereoscopic projection system

Номер: AU0000739910B2

01-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003059389A

04-10-2000 дата публикации

A method and an apparatus for stereoprojection of pictures

Номер: AU0003465600A

19-02-2004 дата публикации

A stereo pair and method of making stereo pairs

Номер: AU0000770450B2

23-10-2001 дата публикации

Projection screen for multiplanar volumetric display

Номер: AU0005324101A

03-10-2001 дата публикации

Hand-held stereoscopic imaging system with wireless communication capability

Номер: AU0004587401A

03-03-1994 дата публикации

Apparatus for stereoscopically viewing screened images

Номер: AU0004720893A

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002772417A1

Disclosed are a method and apparatus which can three-dimensionally reproduce video images, and which can two-dimensionally reproduce video images at a speed N times higher than the recording speed (where N is a natural number of 2 or larger) upon receipt of request for reproducing video images at a speed N times higher than the recording speed of said video images.

04-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002691727C

A recording medium in which a left-view video stream and a right-view video stream are recorded in an interleaved transport stream file. The interleaved transport stream file is identified by a combination of (i) an equivalent identification number being equivalent with the file reference information and (ii) a file extension indicating that video streams are stored in the interleaved manner, the equivalent identification number. Among Extents that constitute the interleaved transport stream file, Extents constituting the left-view or right-view video stream are identified as a normal-format transport stream file by a combination of (i) the equivalent identification number being equivalent with the file reference information and (ii) a file extension indicating that video streams are stored in a normal manner.

04-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724975C

The present invention relating to an information processing device, information processing method, playing device, playing method, and program that enables playing of stereo image (3D image) contents appropriately. In the case that 3D playing using Base view video and D1 view video is instructed, "10000.ilvt (ref_to_D1--B_interleaved_file_name) described in interleaved_file_info () of the PlayList file is specified, and Base view video chunks and D1 view video chunks are read out from an optical disc through a UDF file system. The Base view video chunks and D1 view video chunks that are read out are supplied to a decoder unit and played. The present invention is applicable to a playing device compatible with the BD-ROM standard.

27-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001317044C

An active matrix LCD light valve between crossed polarizers, utilizing individual transistors to control each "pixel area" of the LCD with optically shielded "dead spaces" between pixels to eliminate electric field crosstalk and non-information-bearing light bleed through, is illuminated with a bright independent light source which creates a video image, projected via specialized projection optics onto an internal or external screen without distortions regardless of the angle of projection onto the screen. Use of heat sinks, IR reflective coatings, heat absorbing optics, optional fluid, and a thermistor controlled pixel transistor bias voltage injection servo circuit stabilizes image performance, maintaining accurate color and contrast levels as the LCD changes temperature. In one embodiment of the invention, use of a multi-color LCD with a stepped cavity, producing different thicknesses of LCD for the different: wavelengths that pass through it, allows a linear correspondence between the ...

16-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001314623C

... 33 In an image pickup system for use in combination with a craft (50) flying over an object zone (51), a plurality of photoelectric transducers are arranged in the craft to pick up partial images of the object zone, respectively, and are divided into forward and backward halves that are operable in cooperation with a signal processing unit (65) to obtain a stereo image of the object zone from the partial images. A selected one of the partial images is picked up from a selected one of the forward half transducers at a time instant and is thereafter picked up again at another time instant with an interval left between the time instances from another one of the backward half transducers that is symmetrical with the selected forward half transducer and spaced apart a predetermined number of photoelectric transducers from the selected forward half transducer. The interval is defined by the predetermined number. The signal processing unit may be located either in the craft or in a ground station ...

31-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001198808A1

23-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002632123C

The invention relates to a surgery system comprising a surgical manipulator positioning an end effector in a patient. The manipulator includes an elongate member which has a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end of the member is movable in a plurality of degrees of freedom. The end effector is further movable relative to the distal end of the member in a plurality of distal degrees of freedom. The system comprises an operator's station including a handle supported by a movable controller linkage and a computer coupling the handle to the end effector so that movement of the controller linkage effects movement of the end effector by driving the proximal end of the member in the proximal degrees of freedom from outside the patient and by articulating the end effector in the distal degrees of freedom.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992304A1

Some embodiments relate to a machine-implemented method of packing volumetric image data executed by at least one processing device, the method comprising: determining a first block size; writing to memory a first block of image data from a first image, the first block having the first block size; determining a second block size; and writing to memory a second block of image data from a second image, the second block having the second block size; wherein the first image contains X by Y pixels of one of colour data and depth data, and the second image contains X by Y pixels of the other of colour and depth data; and wherein the first image is related to the second image. Embodiments also relate to methods of unpacking volumetric image data. Further embodiments relate to systems and computer-readable media storing or having access to code to execute the packing and unpacking methods.

02-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002696147C

On a recording medium, stereoscopic and monoscopic specific areas are located one after another next to a stereoscopic/monoscopic shared area. The stereoscopic/monoscopic shared area is a contiguous area to be accessed both in stereoscopic video playback and monoscopic video playback. The stereoscopic specific area is a contiguous area to be accessed immediately before a long jump occurring in stereoscopic video playback. In both the stereoscopic/monoscopic shared area and the stereoscopic specific area, extents of base-view and dependent-view stream files are arranged in an interleaved manner. The extents on the stereoscopic specific area are next in order after the extents on the stereoscopic/monoscopic shared area. The monoscopic specific area is a contiguous area to be accessed immediately before a long jump occurring in monoscopic video playback. The monoscopic specific area has a copy of the entirety of the extents of the base-view stream file recorded on the stereoscopic specific ...

22-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002713857C

A computer readable medium having data stored thereon is provided. A structure of the data includes a media data box including two or more media data, and a movie data ('moov') box including information on view sequence data in the media data. The 'moov' box includes track reference information indicating that a track box for one view sequence references a track box of another view sequence.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002745587A1

The invention relates to an apparatus, a method and a system for obtaining a plurality of images of a sample arranged in relation to a sample device. The apparatus comprises at least a first optical detection assembly having an optical axis and at least one translation unit arranged to move the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other. The movement of the sample device and the first optical detection assembly relative to each other is along a scanning path, which defines an angle theta relative to the optical axis, wherein theta is larger than zero.

24-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002816434C

An Index.bdmv file is recorded in a BDMV directory of a rewritable recording medium. The Index.bdmv file contains an editability_flag and an extended_editability_flag. When the recording medium is loaded into a device, the editability_flag specifies whether the recording medium will be handled as an editable medium by the device. For a legacy device that does not support 3D video recording or editing, the recording medium is handled as a non-editable medium by means of the editability_flag being set to OFF. When the recording medium is loaded into a non-legacy device that supports 3D video recording and editing, even if the editability_flag is set to OFF, the extended_editability_flag specifies that the recording medium will be handled as an editable medium by the non-legacy device, and that editing of a stream file is possible.

19-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002816264A1

The present invention relates to a digital receiver and a method for processing contents in the digital receiver. A digital receiver for 3D service according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises: a receiving unit which receives a 3D video base stream and system information including PVR support information of the 3D video base stream; a download module which adds a time-stamp to the 3D video base stream, and controls to configure and store an index file including information for PVR function performance of the 3D base stream, which is extracted from the PVR support information; a PVR module including an upload module which uploads the stored 3D video base stream on the basis of at least one of the index file and time-stamp values; a decoder which decodes the uploaded 3D video base stream; a formatter which formats the decoded 3D video data according to an output format; and an output unit which outputs the formatted 3D video data.

14-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002724975A1

The present invention relating to an information processing device, information processing method, playing device, playing method, and program that enables playing of stereo image (3D image) contents appropriately. In the case that 3D playing using Base view video and D1 view video is instructed, "10000.ilvt (ref_to_D1--B_interleaved_file_name) described in interleaved_file_info () of the PlayList file is specified, and Base view video chunks and D1 view video chunks are read out from an optical disc through a UDF file system. The Base view video chunks and D1 view video chunks that are read out are supplied to a decoder unit and played. The present invention is applicable to a playing device compatible with the BD-ROM standard.

03-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002045542C

Integrated process for three-dimensional taking, copying and reproducing of still and moving pictures, in which (a) the taking of still or moving three-dimensional pictures is done using conventional cameras which expose as many two-dimensional pictures as there are cameras, there are n cameras which are distributed in groups or supergroups, there being inserted between each two horizontal camera groups which have their optical axes mutually perpendicular a semitransparent plate forming 45.degree. with the groups, the optical axis of a camera remaining situated in such a way that its projection remains at the mid-point between optical axes of two adjacent cameras of the other conjugated group; the undesired rays are suppressed using a completely black plate; (b) in order to copy the n pictures taken, the latter are grouped together in trios, the left and right pictures being copied in a specularly inverted state with respect to the central picture, each one of the trios being situated at ...

16-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002040145C

In an image pickup system which is used on a craft flying over an object zone and comprises a first (photoelectric) transducer (21) for producing a first partial (electric) signal representative of a partial image of a partial zone lying forwardly of the craft flying at a first position and a second transducer (22) for producing a second partial signal representative of another partial image of the partial zone lying directly under the craft flying, an interval of time later, at a second position spaced from the first position by a distance between two partial zones picked up by the first and the second transducers when the craft is at the first position, a compression unit (90 ) compresses the first and the second partial signals into first and second compressed signals. A delay circuit ( 54-1) gives the first compressed signal a delay equal to the interval of time and produces a delayed signal. A subtracter (55-1) calculates a difference between the delayed signal and the second compressed ...

14-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002005138A1

This invention relates to a method and apparatus for recording of a panorama or large portion thereof in a manner for display or selective display of a portion thereof on a video display device. The method initially records the panorama in a manner not suitable for video display and thereafter projects the recorded image and records the projection of the panorama in a manner suitable for selective reproduction on a video display device. The method and apparatus are particularly suitable for recording of real time panoramas where the initial recording is time dependent and occurs quickly with sufficient accuracy for effective recording of the panorama, allowing the projecting step and second recording step to be independent of the initial demanding time restraint. Staging the recording of the panorama simplifies the recording and allows specialization of the steps to improve the quality of the final reproduction. The apparatus includes a panoramic lens in combination with a camera arrangement ...

28-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002069707A1

... -40- 61496/DMW/1715 ELECTRONICALLY INTERPOLATED INTEGRAL PHOTOGRAPHY SYSTEM An integral, autostereoscopic three-dimensional image suitable for lenticular display is generated from a plurality of image perspectives by interpolating additional images from hypothetical perspectives, as follows. Initially, actual image signals axe generated from a plurality of actual images obtained from a plurality of actual image perspectives. The additional images are obtained by operating upon the actual image signals and forming interpolated image signals from hypothetical image perspectives. Finally, an integral three-dimensional image is generated from the combination of images obtained from the actual image perspectives and the hypothetical image perspectives, and is suitably displayed. According to one suitable display, the integral image may be exposed upon a photosensitive sheet that is attached to a lenticular faceplate for subsequent viewing.

11-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002208711A1

A 3-dimensional image is obtained from a 2-dimensional display by varying the apparent distance of the image from the viewer on a pixel by pixel basis. This is done by positioning an array of pixel-level optical elements in alignment with the pixels in the image. In a preferred format, each of the optical elements is generally elongate and has a focal length which varies along its length with the result that the point along its length at which light enters the optical element determines the apparent visual distance of the associated pixel from the viewer. In the case of a cathode-ray tube application, controlling the position of entry of the light is done by controlling the electron beam to move a minute distance vertically as it scans horizontally. In a television application, the vertical distance may be determined by a depth component incorporated in the broadcast signal received by a television set. Applications and embodiments relating to computer monitors, film and still printed imagery ...

09-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002225400A1

A system for generating three-dimensional (3D) mosaics from a plurality of input images representing an imaged scene. The plurality input images contain at least two images of a single scene, where at least two of the images have overlapping regions. The system combines the images using a parallax-based approach that generates a 3D mosaic comprising an image mosaic representing a panoramic view of the scene and a shape mosaic representing the threedimensional geometry of the scene. Specifically, in one embodiment, the system registers the input images along a parametric surface within the imaged scene and derives translation vectors useful in aligning the images into a twodimensional image mosaic. Once registered, the system generates a shape mosaic representing objects within the scene.

12-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002240961C

A system (300) for combining a panning camera (308) with one or more display s (304), such as head-mounted displays, is provided. The electronic panning control circuit may be responsive to a view selector (306), such as a head- tracker located on a user's HMD. The electronic panning circuit selects the desired portion of the panoramic view to send to the user's display. One or more electronic panning cameras may output panoramic views to a communicatio ns network using high bandwidth lines (because the electronic panning cameras typically output a signal having a bandwidth equivalent to several video signals). The desired portions of the panoramic view may be extracted and se nt to the user via conventional video bandwidth lines (because the selected vie ws are typically equivalent to one or two video signals).

14-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002274442A1

An improved method of making stereoscopic pictures comprising photographing a scene with a camera spaced from the scene, moving the camera generally parallel to the scene while producing a plurality of pictures of the scene each taken at a different position relative to the scene, and separating the pictures into stereo pairs for viewing. In performing the method, the photographing and moving steps can be performed and the separating step can be done as soon as the pictures are available for viewing to produce the stereo pairs. Alternatively, the photographing and moving steps can be done at one time and the separating step can be done at subsequent times to produce the stereo pairs of the invention thereby allowing stereo pairs to be produced from existing motion pictures, videotapes and still photographs. The method can be used utilizing conventional photographic and viewing equipment in all existing mediums. A film chip and a stereo pair made in accordance with the method of the invention ...

22-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002280694A1

A method and apparatus are provided for correcting for optical misalignment of the dual (left and right) images produced by a stereo electronic endoscope, or of the corresponding dual images produced by coupling electronic imaging devices to each of two monocular teaching ports of a stereo optical endoscope. The stereo image alignment technique comprises electronically capturing the video image data of the dual images (44R and 44L), and subsequently processing that data electronically to correct for optical alignment errors (42). The method involves digitizing (24R and 24L) the electronic data and digitally performing the equivalent of vertical image shift, and/or image size change, and/or image rotation as required to correct for any visual image misalignment.

15-08-1984 дата публикации

Method and facility for taking pictures and for stereoscopic reproduction of television signals

Номер: CH0000644726A5

The facility comprises: a television antenna (1) and a receiver for producing video signals intended to be recorded in a multi-picture memory, means for receiving a synchronisation signal serving in the timing of a synchronous motor (3) linked to an analysis projector (5) and in the timing of a video unit (2), the said projector containing one or more identical facets (11), a video steering detector serving to retain a stereoscopic scene, a fixed lamp (4) serving to illuminate the video unit (2) sequentially by way of optical members (6, 7) provided on each facet of the analysis projector (5), means for detecting a variation in a picture-element characteristic forming part of the video unit (2), means for steering the said video unit across the optical projection members (6, 7) which are mounted on the said analysis projector (5), a fixed semi-specular viewing screen (12) which serves to receive the projected representations and to return the incident projected light towards a transversely ...

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991372A1

30-03-2016 дата публикации

A method for determining a visual effect of an ophthalmic lens

Номер: CN0105452834A

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Image display device and method as well as program

Номер: US20120019532A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Three-dimensional processing is applied to more than one images taken from different points of view to generate a stereoscopic image, and the stereoscopic image is stereoscopically displayed. An instruction to control a stereoscopic effect of the stereoscopically displayed stereoscopic image is received, and the three-dimensional processing is applied to the more than one images to achieve a stereoscopic effect according to the instruction. Then, control values of the stereoscopic effect according to the instruction are recorded in a recording unit with the control values being associated with the more than one images. At this time, if there are the control values of the stereoscopic effect recorded in the recording unit, difference values between the control values of the stereoscopic effect according to the instruction and the recorded control values of the stereoscopic effect are recorded in the recording unit.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Image output apparatus and image output method

Номер: US20120019630A1
Автор: Joji Yamashita
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an image output apparatus includes a counter and an output module. The counter is configured to count a 3D image output time. The output module is configured to output a 3D image and 3D image output time information used to provide notification of the 3D image output time.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Coding method, decoding method, coding apparatus, decoding apparatus, program, and integrated circuit

Номер: US20120020414A1
Принадлежит: Chong Soon Lim, Takahiro Nishi, Youji Shibahara

A coding method includes: defining an access unit; and coding each of the pictures included in the access unit, for each access unit. The defining includes: determining a unit of coding for determining whether the pictures included in the access unit are to be uniformly coded on a per-field basis or on a per-frame basis; and determining a field type for determining whether the pictures are to be uniformly coded as top fields or bottom fields when it is determined that the pictures included in the access unit are to be coded on a per-field basis. In the coding, each of the pictures is coded for each access unit in a format determined in the determining of a unit of coding and in the determining of a field type.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Video displaying system and reproducing apparatus

Номер: US20120033934A1
Автор: Nobuaki Kabuto
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd

When reproducing 3D contents, a video signal reproducing apparatus connected to a 3D display device of various 3D display schemes provides a guide display or a guide voice conformed to each of the 3D display schemes. Viewing requirements concerning the 3D display scheme of the 3D display device are transmitted to the video signal reproducing apparatus. When reproducing contents, the video signal reproducing apparatus is configured to conduct suitable guide display or voice guide on the basis of viewing requirements concerning the 3D display scheme.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Entry points for 3d trickplay

Номер: US20120063742A1

Providing entry points for 3D video data is described. An entry point unit ( 18 ) generates an entry point table by defining entry points in an incoming 3D video data stream and storing entry point addresses giving the location of the defined entry points. The video data stream comprises a multitude of sub-streams, which multitude encodes one stream of 3D video data and comprises at least one 2D sub-stream that independently encodes a 2D version of the 3D video data and at least one auxiliary sub-stream that dependently encodes part of the 3D video data. The entry points include main entry points in the 2D sub-stream and auxiliary entry points in the auxiliary sub-stream for enabling 3D trickplay of the 3D video data by retrieving and decoding nonadjacent fragments of the 2D sub-stream and retrieving and dependently decoding corresponding fragments of the auxiliary sub-stream.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for performing display management regarding a three-dimensional video stream, and associated video display system

Номер: US20120069144A1
Автор: Geng Li, Sheng-Nan Wang
Принадлежит: Mediatek Singapore Pte Ltd

A method for performing display management regarding a three-dimensional (3-D) video stream is provided, where the 3-D video stream includes a plurality of sub-streams respectively corresponding to two eyes of a user. The method includes: dynamically detecting whether video information corresponding to all of the sub-streams is displayable; and when it is detected that video information corresponding to a first sub-stream of the sub-streams is not displayable, temporarily utilizing video information corresponding to a second sub-stream of the sub-streams to emulate the video information corresponding to the first sub-stream. An associated video display system is also provided.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Video processing apparatus, content providing server, and control method thereof

Номер: US20120075418A1

Disclosed are a video processing apparatus, a content providing server, and control methods thereof. The video processing apparatus includes: a receiver which receives a two-dimensional (2D) video signal; a communication unit which communicates with a content providing server providing a supplementary video signal for a three-dimensional (3D) video signal corresponding to the 2D video signal; a signal processor which processes the 2D video signal and the supplementary video signal; and a controller which controls the communication unit to receive the supplementary video signal corresponding to the received 2D video signal from the content providing server, and the signal processor to generate the 3D video signal based on the received supplementary video signal and the received 2D video signal. Accordingly, it is possible to generate and reproduce the 3D video signal corresponding to the 2D video signal.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for providing and processing 3d image

Номер: US20120086773A1

A method and apparatus for providing a three-dimensional (3D) image is provided. In the method, first-viewpoint image data and second-viewpoint image data that provide a 3D image are obtained. Time information that represents points of time that the first-viewpoint image data and the second-viewpoint image data are to be processed is produced, based on relation information to indicate that the first-viewpoint image data and the second-viewpoint image data are a pair of pieces of image data. The first-viewpoint image data, the second-viewpoint image data, and the time information are transmitted. The first-viewpoint image data is transmitted in a first stream, and the second-viewpoint image data is transmitted in a second stream.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Information recording medium, device and method for playing back 3d images

Номер: US20120141097A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A recording medium allows random access to be performed in playing back 3D graphics. The recording medium includes a digital stream area where a digital stream including temporally-arranged GOP pairs is recorded, and a map information area where map information is recorded. The map information indicates entry addresses in one to one correspondence with entry times on a time axis of the digital stream, and each entry address shows a beginning of a corresponding GOP pair region in the digital stream area. Each GOP pair includes first-type and second-type GOPs, wherein each first-type GOP is data indicating a plain view picture set to be played back from a corresponding entry time, and each second-type GOP is data to be played back with a corresponding first-type GOP to provide a stereoscopic view. The data indicates a difference between a stereoscopic picture set and the plain view picture set.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Door mounted 3d video messaging system

Номер: US20120182382A1
Автор: Pedro Serramalera
Принадлежит: Individual

A video communication system includes a 3D video recording system, a 3D video display system, a first control for activating the 3D recording system to record a video message, a second control for playing back the video message on the 3D display, a power supply, and a microprocessor configured to: receive input commands from the first control and the second control, receive video data from the 3D video recording system, and control the 3D video recording system and the 3D video display system.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Content distribution system, playback apparatus, distribution server, playback method, and distribution method

Номер: US20120188340A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A content distribution system capable of playing back a stream without missing out an initial frame. The content distribution system includes a distribution server and a playback apparatus. The distribution server transmits a video stream and an initial frame state flag indicating whether an initial frame of the video stream is a 3D video frame or a 2D video frame. Receiving the video stream and the initial frame state flag, the playback apparatus determines whether the initial frame is a 3D video frame or a 2D video frame by using the initial frame state flag and sets, prior to decoding the video stream, an output mode to be applied to the initial frame to a 3D output mode when the initial frame is a 3D video frame and to a 2D output mode when the initial frame is a 2D video frame.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Optical disk for high resolution and general video recording, optical disk reproduction apparatus, optical disk recording apparatus, and reproduction control information generation apparatus

Номер: US20120189278A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A high resolution video signal is divided by video division means into a main signal and a sub signal, and the main signal and the sub signal are MPEG-encoded. The stream of the main signal and the stream of the sub signal are divided into 1 GPO or more of frames. First interleave blocks each including 1 GOP or more of the stream of the main signal and second interleave blocks each including 1 GOP or more of the stream of the sub signal are recorded on an optical disk. A high resolution reproduction apparatus reproduces both the first and second interleave blocks to obtain a high resolution video output. A non-high quality picture reproduction apparatus reproduces only the first or second interleave blocks to obtain a standard resolution video output.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Recording medium, playback device, system lsi, playback method, glasses, and display device for 3d images

Номер: US20120275765A1
Автор: Tomoki Ogawa, Wataru Ikeda
Принадлежит: Individual

A recording medium in which a left-view video stream and a right-view video stream are recorded in an interleaved transport stream file. The interleaved transport stream file is identified by a combination of (i) an equivalent identification number being equivalent with the file reference information and (ii) a file extension indicating that video streams are stored in the interleaved manner, the equivalent identification number. Among Extents that constitute the interleaved transport stream file, Extents constituting the left-view or right-view video stream are identified as a normal-format transport stream file by a combination of (i) the equivalent identification number being equivalent with the file reference information and (ii) a file extension indicating that video streams are stored in a normal manner.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information recording medium, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20130011117A1
Автор: Toshiya Hamada
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

In processing of recording data on a recording medium, three-dimensional image discrimination data representing whether or not there is a possibility of a three-dimensional image being included in recorded data is recorded as management information. The three-dimensional image discrimination data is recorded in a clip information file set in association with a stream file as a storage file of image data, a playlist file including reproduction section designating information for the clip information file, a disc management file which directly or indirectly designates the playlist file, or the like. A reproducing apparatus can thereby easily determine the presence/absence of a three-dimensional image without performing analysis on reproduction target data.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-Person Stereo Display System

Номер: US20130021457A1
Автор: Ian McDowall, Mark Bolas
Принадлежит: Fakespace Labs Inc

The multi-person stereo display system permits several independent viewers to see different stereo images on a single projection surface. This is accomplished through the innovative use of video multiplexing, software, control electronics, and special viewing glasses. The system is particularly useful in situations where the viewers see computer generated images from their own independent perspectives.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Converting 3d video into 2d video based on identification of format type of 3d video and providing either 2d or 3d video based on identification of display device type

Номер: US20130044192A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Aspects of the subject disclosure relate to techniques for extracting a 2D video from a 3D video. A 3D video uploaded by a source is analyzed to identify its 3D format type, for example, a side-by-side, a top and bottom, or frame alternate format. Upon the identification of the 3D format type, 2D video information is extracted from the frames of the 3D video to generate a 2D video. Both the 3D video and 2D video are stored in a database. When a device requests the video, it is determined if the device is associated with a 3D or 2D display device type, and based on that determination either the 2D or the 3D video is provided to the device.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Display driver and method of operating image data processing device

Номер: US20130100121A1
Автор: Chi Ho CHA

A display driver is provided. The display driver includes a compressor outputting first data by compressing input data, a first selection circuit transmitting the input data or the first data to a memory in response to a first selection signal, a de-compressor outputting third data by de-compressing second data output from the memory, and a display interface for transmitting fourth data generated by processing the third data to a display.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for processing sensory effects

Номер: US20130103703A1

A system and method for processing sensory effects. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, sensory effects included in content may be implemented in the real world by generating command data for controlling a sensory device based on sensory effect information and specific information about the sensory device. In addition, the data transmission rate is high and a low bandwidth may be used by encoding metadata as binary before transmission, or encoding as XML before transmission, or encoding as XML and then further encoding as binary before transmission.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Adaptive Projector

Номер: US20130106692A1

An apparatus for processing data includes a projector, which is configured to project content onto at least a part of a scene. A processor is configured to detect a location of an eye of a person in the scene and to control the projector so as to reduce an intensity of the projected content in an area of the eye.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Playback device, playback method, program, and recording medium

Номер: US20130195430A1
Автор: Kouichi Uchimura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention relates to a playback device, a playback method, a program, and a recording medium that enable 3D playback in accordance with the capabilities of the playback device. A storage unit 24 stores a one-plane offset capability flag indicating whether or not 3D playback is possible in a one-plane offset mode, which is a mode in which one of two images obtained by shifting an image recorded on a disc 11 in a horizontal direction is output as a left-eye image and the other is output as a right-eye image, and a two-plane capability flag indicating whether or not 3D playback is possible in a two-plane mode, which is a mode in which a left-eye image and a right-eye image that are recorded on the disc are output as they are. A control unit 22 sets a playback mode for 3D playback in accordance with the one-plane offset capability flag and the two-plane capability flag stored in the storage unit 24 . The present invention can be applied to, for example, a playback device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for processing medical images and computer-readable medium

Номер: US20130257860A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

A medical image processing system according to an embodiment includes a display unit, a generating unit, and a controlling unit. The display unit displays a medical image. The generating unit generates a display image used for stereoscopically displaying either text data or image data representing content of an item contained in either additional information or examination information of the medical image. The controlling unit causes the display image to be displayed on the display unit.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Recording medium, playback device, recording device, and recording method

Номер: US20130279883A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

On a recording medium, a monoscopic video specific section and a stereoscopic video specific section are continuous immediately after an extended data specific section. A shared section includes a continuous, interleaved arrangement having one each of main-view extents, sub-view extents, and extended extents. The stereoscopic video specific section includes a continuous, interleaved arrangement of extents having one each of the main-view extents and the sub-view extents. The monoscopic video specific section includes a continuous arrangement of a copy of the main-view extent arranged in the stereoscopic video specific section. The extended data specific section includes one of the extended extents that is to be used in combination with the copy of the main-view extent arranged in the monoscopic video specific section. The shared section is accessed when stereoscopic video images are played back, when monoscopic video images are played back, and when an extended stream is used. The stereoscopic video specific section is accessed during playback of the stereoscopic video images. The monoscopic video specific section is accessed during playback of the monoscopic video images. The extended data specific section and the monoscopic video specific section are accessed when the extended stream is read, immediately before or after a long jump.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method of Acquisition, Storage and Use of Data Relating to a Three-Dimensional Video Stream, and Video Processing Apparatus Thereof

Номер: US20130302015A1
Принадлежит: Sisvel SpA

A method for acquiring and storing data relating to video streams selectable on a video processing apparatus adapted to select a video stream reproducible on an associated reproduction device includes: identifying the source of the video stream by identification data, the video stream having a coding and transport configuration adapted to produce a three-dimensional display; verifying if, for the identified video stream, any data relating to the coding and transport configuration of the video stream are stored by the video processing apparatus in storage of the video processing apparatus including associations between video stream identification data and video stream coding and transport configurations; when affirmative, acquiring from the storage the coding and transport configuration associated with the video stream identified by the identification data, and using the data for a following selection of the video stream in order to reproduce the selected video stream on an associated video reproduction device.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Recording device/method/medium and replaying device/method

Номер: US20130336632A1
Автор: Akinobu Watanabe
Принадлежит: Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co Ltd

The present invention is to provide a play list in which information with which 3D contents can be displayed in a display correctly is recorded, a recording/reproducing device/method/medium and a reproducing device/method of the play list. For example, the present invention is to provide the recording/reproducing device/method/medium and the reproducing device/method in which a 3D system is recorded/reproduced in the play list. The recording method of recording information in the recording medium, includes a step of recording AV streams and a step of recording the play list in which reproduce order of the AV streams is prescribed and the play list includes user interface application information, the interface application information including 3D type information representing the 3D system of 3D contents in the play list.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

3d video decoding apparatus and 3d video decoding method

Номер: US20130343469A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A 3D decoding apparatus according to the present invention includes: a decoding unit which decodes left-eye and right-eye code signals to generate left-eye and right-eye decode signals; an error determining unit which determines an error of the left-eye and the right-eye code signals; an output determining unit which determines, when there is an error in one of the left-eye and the right-eye code signals, whether the one of the code signals that is determined as including an error has an error data mount equal to or greater than a first threshold; and an output unit which outputs neither the left-eye nor the right-eye code signal when the error data amount is smaller than the first threshold, and outputs only the decode signal obtained by decoding the other of the code signals when the error data amount is equal to or greater than the first threshold.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20140003793A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention relates to an information processing device, an information processing method, and a program, whereby playback of PG and TextST images can be controlled from a BD-J application. There are defined a mono PG/TextST stream of a PG/TextST image that is a mono image serving as a 2D image, a stereo PG/TextST stream of a PG/TextST image that is a stereo image serving as a 3D image, and a PG/TextST stream for offset of a PG/TextST image that is a mono image to be used fro generating a stereo image along with an offset value for giving disparity to the mono image, as a PG/TextST stream of a PG/TextST image. An stream selecting API selects a mono PG/TextST stream, a stereo PG/TextST stream, or a PG/TextST stream for offset. The present invention may be applied to a BD player configured to play a BD, or the like.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20140023345A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

The present invention relates to an information processing device, an information processing method, and a program, capable of drawing, in 3D image display, an image for the left eye and an image for a right eye of graphics, in a matched state. In the event that there is a call-up for an API (Application Programming Interface) ensuring the drawing integrity of drawing graphics images as to a graphics plane, which is a storage region in which storage regions for two images of an L region that is a storage region for one image to store an image for the left eye, and a R region that is a storage region for one image to store an image for the right eye, are collaterally arranged, images drawn on the graphics plane are output for display. The present invention may be applied to a BD player for playing BDs, and the like.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and Device for 3-D Display Based on Random Constructive Interference

Номер: US20140085427A1
Автор: Zhiyang Li
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for 3-D display based on random constructive interference. It produces a number of discrete secondary light sources by using an amplitude-phase-modulator-array, which helps to create 3-D images by means of constructive interference. Next it employs a random-secondary-light-source-generator-array to shift the position of each secondary light source to a random place, eliminating multiple images due to high order diffraction. It could be constructed with low resolution liquid crystal screens to realize large size real-time color 3-D display, which could widely be applied to 3-D computer or TV screens, 3-D human-machine interaction, machine vision, and so on.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Image playback device, image playback method, image playback program, image transmission device, image transmission method and image transmission program

Номер: US20140089962A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Video playback device for performing realtime playback of 3D video by playing back first view-point video and second view-point video in combination, first view-point video being received via broadcasting in real time over broadcast waves, second view-point video being stored in advance before broadcasting of first view-point video, video playback device comprising: storage storing second view-point video; video receiving unit receiving first view-point video; information obtaining unit obtaining inhibition/permission information that indicates, for each video frame, whether displaying video frame before current time reaches scheduled presentation time is inhibited or permitted, scheduled presentation time being time at which video frame is scheduled to be broadcast for realtime playback; playback unit playing back second view-point video; and control unit inhibiting second view-point video from being played back when scheduled presentation time of next video frame is later than current time and inhibition/permission information indicates that displaying next video frame is inhibited.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006770A1

Methods and apparatus for using selective resolution reduction on images to be transmitted and/or used by a playback device are described. Prior to transmission one or more images of an environment are captured. Based on image content, motion detection and/or user input a resolution reduction operation is selected and performed. The reduced resolution image is communicated to a playback device along with information indicating a UV map corresponding to the selected resolution allocation that should be used by the playback device for rendering the communicated image. By changing the resolution allocation used and which UV map is used by the playback device different resolution allocations can be made with respect to different portions of the environment while allowing the number of pixels in transmitted images to remain constant. The playback device renders the individual images with the UV map corresponding to the resolution allocation used to generate the individual images. 1. An image capture and content streaming method , comprising:capturing a first image of a first portion of an environment and a second image of a second portion of the environment;identifying a region of interest in the environment;determining whether the second portion of the environment includes the region of interest;performing a resolution reduction operation on the second image, based on a determination that the second portion of the environment does not include the region of interest, to form a reduced resolution second image;encoding the first image and the reduced resolution second image; andoutputting the encoded first image and the encoded reduced resolution second image for transmittal to a playback device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the region of interest in the environment is identified based on motion in the environment.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the region of interest in the environment is identified based on motion detected in one or more video streams of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Single-click system for mobile environment awareness, performance status, and telemetry for central station depository and monitoring

Номер: US20190019353A1
Автор: Kevin G. D. Brent
Принадлежит: Individual

An all-encompassing system for a mobile vehicle that contributes to an overall monitoring and diagnostic function for a plurality of vehicles, as well, is provided. In other words, such a base system for a single vehicle accords access to analyze and monitor conditions and statuses for not only a single vehicle, but a plethora thereof simultaneously, ostensibly to permit both the ability for a driver (or passenger) to monitor the individual vehicle as well as a central station to monitor such a single vehicle, as well as many others within the same system. Thus, the single vehicle system is employed individually within other vehicles, if desired, for a fleet monitoring capability. Alternatively, such a system may be limited to a single vehicle for an individual person (or persons) to monitor situations for the sole vehicle while in use or while parked.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190026566A1

For detecting a free area located inside a parking lot using at least one video camera, in particular a stereo-video camera, which is fixedly installed inside the parking lot, the visual range of the video camera including a section of the floor of the parking lot, a method includes: recording a camera image and/or an image sequence of camera images of at least a section of the floor of the parking lot using the video camera; comparing the camera images to a reference in order to identify a change in the section of the floor of the parking lot; and detecting a free area if no change is identified. 1. A method for detecting a free area located inside a parking lot using a video camera fixedly installed inside the parking lot , wherein a visual range of the video camera includes a section of a floor of the parking lot , the method comprising:recording a camera image or an image sequence of camera images of the section of the floor of the parking lot using the video camera;comparing the recorded camera image or image sequence of camera images to a reference in order to identify whether there is a change in the section of the floor of the parking lot; andperforming a detection by executing an algorithm that defines that the section is detected as being a free area responsive to a result of the comparison being that no change is identified.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the algorithm further defines that an object is detected responsive to the result of the comparison being that a change is identified.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the comparison is accomplished by forming a difference.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reference includes one or more reference camera images previously recorded using the same video camera under predefined conditions.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting claim 1 , as the reference claim 1 , one reference camera image from a plurality of reference camera images that were previously recorded using the same video ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026126A1

Various approaches in which an image-recording parameter is varied between a plurality of images of an object and a stereo image pair is displayed on the basis of the images recorded thus are described. Here, in particular, the image-recording parameter can be a focal plane or an illumination direction. 1. A method for presenting stereo images , comprising:recording a plurality of images of an object by an image-recording device, wherein an image-recording parameter is varied over the plurality of images,calculating a first result image and a second result image by a computer device, wherein at least two images of the plurality of images are combined in each case for calculating the first result image and the second result image, wherein the first result image and the second result image form a stereo image pair for presenting stereo images.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:displaying the first result image for a left eye of a user and the second result image for a right eye of the user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image-recording parameter comprises a focal plane such that the plurality of images are recorded with different defocusing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image-recording parameter comprises an illumination direction such that the plurality of images are recorded with different illumination directions.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the first and second result image comprises:calculating a first phase-contrast image, which has an increased phase contrast in a first direction, and a second phase-contrast image, which has an increased phase contrast in a second direction that differs from the first direction, on the basis of the plurality of images, andcalculating the first and second result image on the basis of the first and second phase-contrast image.6. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:predetermining an observation perspective, wherein the first and second result image is determined on the basis of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Compensating for Camera Error in a Multi-Camera Stereo Camera System

Номер: US20170034502A1
Принадлежит: Dell Products LP

A system and method multi-camera error compensation including recording a plurality of raw images via a plurality of digital cameras and an application processor processing with a multi-view stereo imaging system one or more plural image frames from the raw images captured by the plurality of digital cameras. The plural images may be stored in memory and the detection conducted for calibration loss of at least one digital camera via the processor executing instructions for a multi-camera error compensating system to determine loss of calibration in plural images. The multi-camera error compensating system conducts dynamic recalibration of plural image calibration parameters based on at least one plural image frame and in response to detection of calibration loss via the multi-camera error compensating system and a processor reprocesses the plural image frame from a reprocessing queue according to the recalibrated plural image parameters.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037201A1

There is provided an image processing apparatus which is connected to a camera head capable of imaging a left eye image and a right eye image having parallax on one screen based on light at a target site incident on an optical instrument, the apparatus including: an image processor that performs the signal processing of the left eye image and the right eye image which are imaged by the camera head; and an output controller that outputs the left eye image and the right eye image on which the signal processing is performed to a monitor, in which the image processor adjusts an extraction position of at least one of the left eye image and the right eye image in accordance with a user operation based on the left eye image and the right eye image which are displayed on the monitor. 1. An image processing apparatus which is connected to a camera head capable of imaging a left eye image and a right eye image having parallax on one screen based on light at a target site incident on an optical instrument , the apparatus comprising:an image processor that performs the signal processing of the left eye image and the right eye image which are imaged by the camera head; andan output controller that outputs the left eye image and the right eye image on which the signal processing is performed to a monitor,wherein the image processor adjusts an extraction position of at least one of the left eye image and the right eye image in accordance with a user operation based on the left eye image and the right eye image which are displayed on the monitor.2. The image processing apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the image processor saves an adjustment result of the extraction position of at least one of the left eye image and the right eye image in a setting value storage.3. The image processing apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein the image processor adjusts an extraction position in a horizontal direction of at least one of the left eye image and the right eye image which are imaged by the camera ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060672A1

There is provided a video reproduction apparatus, a reproduction method, and a program that can suppress a decline in the degree of immersion of a viewer. A video generation apparatus of the present disclosure acquires a first 3D shape video generated from a plurality of viewpoint videos obtained by capturing images of a subject from different viewpoints, and a second 3D shape video being a video different from the first 3D shape video, and switches a frame to be reproduced, from a frame of the first 3D shape video to a frame of the second 3D shape video on the basis of a state of a viewer viewing the first 3D shape video. The present disclosure may be applied, for example, to a video generation apparatus, a video processing apparatus, a video reproduction apparatus, or the like. 1. A video reproduction apparatus comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire a first 3D shape video generated from a plurality of viewpoint videos obtained by capturing images of a subject from different viewpoints, and a second 3D shape video being a video independent of the first 3D shape video; anda switching processing unit configured to switch a frame to be reproduced, from a frame of the first 3D shape video to a frame of the second 3D shape video on a basis of a state of a viewer viewing the first 3D shape video.2. The video reproduction apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina subject targeted by the second 3D shape video is a same subject as a subject targeted by the first 3D shape video, and the first 3D shape video and the second 3D shape video are videos representing different motions of the same subject.3. The video reproduction apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe switching processing unit switches a frame on a basis of a positional relationship between a viewpoint position of the viewer within a viewing space that serves as the state of the viewer, and a 3D shape of a subject in the first 3D shape video.4. The video reproduction apparatus according to claim ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045299A1

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging device, a first imaging optical system and a second imaging optical system that form respective input images from mutually different viewpoints onto the imaging device, and a first modulation mask and a second modulation mask that modulate the input images formed by the first imaging optical system and the second imaging optical system. The imaging device captures a superposed image composed of the two input images that have been formed by the first imaging optical system and the second imaging optical system, modulated by the first modulation mask and the second modulation mask, and optically superposed on each other, and the first modulation mask and the second modulation mask have mutually different optical transmittance distribution characteristics. 119-. (canceled)20. An apparatus , comprising:an acquirer that acquires a superposed image composed of two or more resulting images viewed from mutually different viewpoints, two or more input images being modulated to generate the two or more resulting images, the two or more resulting images being optically superposed to generate the superposed image; andan output that outputs information indicating a distance to an object, reconstructed images including images of the object,wherein the reconstructed images corresponding to the two or more input images are generated on the basis of the superposed image and modulation information that indicates modulation modes corresponding to the two or more resulting images,wherein the modulation modes are different,wherein a parallax between the reconstructed images is calculated on the basis of the superposed image and the modulation information, andwherein the distance is calculated on the basis of the parallax without using the reconstructed images.21. A method , comprising:acquiring a superposed image composed of two or more resulting images viewed from mutually different viewpoints, two or more input images being modulated to ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Display an Image During a Communication

Номер: US20190052841A1
Автор: Lyren Philip Scott

An electronic device displays an image during a communication between two people. The image represents one of the people to the communication. The electronic device determines a location where to place the image and displays the image such that the image appears to exist at the location. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method that displays suggested locations where to place three dimensional (3D) images representing people to telephone calls , the method comprising:displaying, with a wearable electronic device worn by a first person and before the first person answers a telephone call from a second person, two different suggested locations where a 3D image that represents the second person can be displayed during the telephone call to the first person with the wearable electronic device;receiving, at the wearable electronic device and from the first person, a selection of one of the two different suggested locations; anddisplaying, with the wearable electronic device worn by the first person during the telephone call, the 3D image that represents the second person at the one of the two different suggested locations selected by the first person.22. The method of further comprising:simultaneously displaying, with a display of the wearable electronic device during the telephone call, the two different suggested locations with color to visually distinguish the two different suggested locations from other locations being displayed to the first person.23. The method of further comprising:displaying, with the wearable electronic device during the telephone call, the two different suggested locations as 3D images that represent the second person so the first person has a preview of where the 3D image that represents the second person will be placed after the first person selects the one of the two different suggested locations.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the wearable electronic device is one of a head mounted display and electronic glasses claim 21 , and the two different ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210058597A1

A system and method are disclosed to display advertisements in an augmented window implemented within a capsule traversing an evacuated tube transportation (ETT) structure, where advertisement(s) are displayed within different perspectives rendered in an augmented window. Additional perspectives are continuously computed for rendering in the augmented window each time a passenger moves to a different location within the capsule, where such additional perspectives are derived from pre-recorded video data in real-time and displayed in the display along with the advertisement. 1. A system for displaying advertisements comprising:a capsule traversing an evacuated tube transportation (ETT) structure, the capsule having at least one augmented window system; a display;', 'a tracking camera tracking at least a head position of a passenger within the capsule, the passenger located proximate to the display, the tracking camera tracks location using any of the following: face tracking or eye tracking;', 'a computer:', 'receiving a first location of the passenger within the capsule;', 'providing, via a three-dimensional rendering on the display, a first perspective to the passenger corresponding to the first location;', 'displaying an advertisement within the first perspective;', 'receiving a second location of the passenger within the capsule;', 'providing, via another three-dimensional rendering on the display, a second perspective corresponding to the second location, the second perspective different than the first perspective;', 'displaying the advertisement within the second perspective;', 'wherein the first and second perspectives are derived from pre-recorded video data, the first and second perspectives representing different perspectives of a same scene, and the first and second perspectives are each calculated based on a virtual camera placed in an equivalent 3D pose and frustum to that of the passenger, and the second perspective showing less of the same scene ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for processing content based on viewing information and/or communicating content

Номер: US20200053341A1
Принадлежит: Nextvr Inc

Methods and apparatus for collecting user feedback information from viewers of content are described. Feedback information is received from viewers of content. The feedback indicates, based on head tracking information in some embodiments, where users are looking in a simulated environment during different times of a content presentation, e.g., different frame times. The feedback information is used to prioritize different portions of an environment represented by the captured image content. Resolution allocation is performed based on the feedback information and the content re-encoded based on the resolution allocation. The resolution allocation may and normally does change as the priority of different portions of the environment change.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

3D Camera Calibration for Adjustable Camera Settings

Номер: US20190058870A1

Described are calibration and rectification systems and methods for 3D cameras. The calibration methods described herein derive calibration parameters in real time for multiple camera settings. Calibration parameters are used to rectify stereo images as part of a process for creating 3D images, videos, and VR or AR experiences. Additionally multi-camera systems for implementing the calibration and rectification methods are disclosed. 3D camera calibration methods involving a limited number of calibration points reduce the cost and complexity of conventional calibration methods while also allowing for higher performing 3D cameras having many possible configurations of camera settings. 1. A method of interpolating camera calibration parameters comprising:providing a calibration file having a plurality of calibration points, each calibration point associated with unique camera setting values and mapped to unique calibration metadata, the calibration metadata arranged as a matrix of calibration parameters;detecting real time camera settings at a real time camera position and locating, within the calibration file, calibration points having camera setting values most proximate to the real time camera settings;storing calibration metadata for the calibration points having camera settings most proximate to the real time camera settings in memory as proximate calibration metadata and extracting, from proximate calibration metadata, intrinsic calibration parameters and extrinsic calibration parameters; andapplying an interpolation process to the intrinsic calibration parameters and extrinsic calibration parameters to calculate real time intrinsic calibration parameters and real time extrinsic calibration parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the interpolation process is a one dimensional interpolation process comprising:applying an interpolation function to the intrinsic calibration parameters to generate the real time intrinsic calibration parameters for a first ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210067759A1

Methods and apparatus for collecting user feedback information from viewers of content are described. Feedback information is received from viewers of content. The feedback indicates, based on head tracking information in some embodiments, where users are looking in a simulated environment during different times of a content presentation, e.g., different frame times. The feedback information is used to prioritize different portions of an environment represented by the captured image content. Resolution allocation is performed based on the feedback information and the content re-encoded based on the resolution allocation. The resolution allocation may and normally does change as the priority of different portions of the environment change. 1. (canceled)2. A method of encoding video captured in an environment based on the relative importance of each portion of the environment , the method comprising:receiving a first video frame captured in an environment;encoding the first video frame in accordance with a first resolution allocation to produce a first encoded video frame;transmitting the first encoded video frame to at least one of a plurality of head-mounted displays, each head-mounted display configured to determine a head position of the viewer and display a portion of the environment that corresponds to the head position of the viewer;receiving, from each of the plurality of head-mounted displays, information indicative of the portion of the environment corresponding to the head position of the viewer;determining a relative importance of each portion of the environment based on the portions of the environment corresponding to the head positions of the plurality of viewers;selecting a second resolution allocation that differs from the first resolution allocation based on the determined relative importance of each portion of the environment;receiving a second video frame captured in the environment;encoding the second video frame in accordance with the second ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Image decoding method, image coding method, image decoding apparatus, image coding apparatus, and image coding and decoding apparatus

Номер: US20220086471A1
Принадлежит: Velos Media LLC

An image includes a plurality of rows of largest coding units (LCUs). Encoding the image includes determining whether or not wavefront parallel processing is enabled, and partitioning the plurality of rows of LCUs to comprise a normal slice and a group of dependent slices. The normal slice includes at least one LCU, and the group of dependent slices includes at least one LCU and consists of every dependent slice that uses information from a slice header of the normal slice for encoding. Based on the determination that wavefront parallel processing is enabled, the partitioning of the plurality of rows of LCUs is restricted such that a last LCU in the group of dependent slices belongs in a same row as a first LCU of the normal slice when the first LCU of the normal slice is not a first LCU of the row.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Method for optically measuring three-dimensional coordinates and controlling a three-dimensional measuring device

Номер: US20160073104A1
Принадлежит: Faro Technologies Inc

A method for scanning and obtaining three-dimensional (3D) coordinates is provided. The method includes providing a 3D measuring device having a projector, a first camera and a second camera. The method records images of a light pattern emitted by the projector onto an object. The 3D measuring device is moved from a first position and a second position along a second path. A gesture and a corresponding control function are determined based at least in part on the first position and the second position.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Electronic device for storing depth information in connection with image depending on properties of depth information obtained using image and control method thereof

Номер: US20190068889A1

An electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes a first camera, a second camera, and a processor. The processor is configured to obtain a first image using the first camera and obtain a second image using the second camera, determine depth information corresponding to an external object, using the first image and the second image, when properties of the depth information meet a first specified condition, store the depth information in connection with the first image and the second image, and when the properties of the depth information meet a second specified condition, skip the storing of the depth information in connection with the first image and the second image.

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Display an Image During a Communication

Номер: US20200068173A1
Автор: Lyren Philip Scott

An electronic device displays an image during a communication between two people. The image represents one of the people to the communication. The electronic device determines a location where to place the image and displays the image such that the image appears to exist at the location. 120-. (canceled)21. A method executed by one or more electronic devices , the method comprising:mapping, by the one or more electronic devices, locations of objects where a first user is located;determining, by the one or more electronic devices and from the mapping of the locations of the objects, available locations where to place an augmented reality (AR) image representing a second user for an electronic communication between the first user and the second user;selecting, by the one or more electronic devices, one of the available locations where to place the AR image representing the second user for the electronic communication between the first user and the second user; anddisplaying, with wearable electronic glasses (WEG) worn on a head of the first user and at the one of the available locations selected by the one or more electronic devices, the AR image representing the second user during the electronic communication between the first user and the second user.22. The method of further comprising:receiving, at a smartphone in communication with the WEG and from the second user, an incoming call that is the electronic communication; anddisplaying, with the WEG and before the first user answers the incoming call, a preview of the AR image representing the second user so the first user can see where the WEG will display the AR image representing the second user when the first user answers the incoming call.23. The method of further comprising:determining, by the one or more electronic devices, movement of the first user to a different location with respect to the one of the available locations where the AR image representing the second user is located; andchanging, in response ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200068191A1
Автор: Lin Mingtian, YU Zhixiong

Embodiments of this application disclose a display including a display screen, a liquid crystal lens layer, and a control module. The display screen comprises a plurality of pixel groups, each of which includes at least one pixel. The liquid crystal lens layer comprises a plurality of liquid crystal lens units, each pixel group being correspondingly disposed with a liquid crystal lens unit. The control module is configured to obtain virtual display depth information of to-be-displayed content of each pixel group. The control module is configured to control, when displaying the to-be-displayed content on a pixel group and according to the virtual display depth information, an electric field applied to a liquid crystal lens unit corresponding to the pixel group, to change a refractive index of the corresponding liquid crystal lens unit, and is configured to adjust a first virtual image of the content displayed by the pixel group. 1. A display , comprising a display screen , a liquid crystal lens layer , and a control module ,wherein the display screen comprises a plurality of pixel groups, and each pixel group comprising at least one pixel;wherein the liquid crystal lens layer comprises a plurality of liquid crystal lens units, each pixel group being correspondingly disposed with a liquid crystal lens unit, and the liquid crystal lens unit comprising liquid crystal molecules; andwherein the control module is electrically coupled to the display screen and the liquid crystal lens layer, and is configured to obtain virtual display depth information of to-be-displayed content of each pixel group on the display screen, and is configured to control, when displaying the to-be-displayed content on a pixel group and according to the virtual display depth information, an electric field applied to a liquid crystal lens unit corresponding to the pixel group, to change a refractive index of the corresponding liquid crystal lens unit, and is configured to adjust, by using the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210075991A1

One embodiment provides a communication device for transmitting a video to an external device through first to third transmission lines, the communication device including: a transmission module configured to transit first color difference information and second color difference information concerned with adjacent two pixels through the first transmission line, to transmit first luminance information concerned with one of the two pixels through the second transmission line, and to transmit second luminance information concerned with the other of the two pixels through the third transmission line. 1. An electronic apparatus configured to transmit a signal via a cable , the electronic apparatus comprising:input circuitry configured to receive video data, the video data comprising a first pixel, a second pixel, a third pixel, and a fourth pixel, wherein the first pixel is adjacent to the second pixel, and the third pixel is adjacent to the fourth pixel; 'wherein the TMDS differential signal comprises (1) a first luminance value of the first pixel, (2) a second luminance value of the second pixel, (3) a third luminance value of the third pixel, (4) a fourth luminance value of the fourth pixel, (5) a first color difference value for at least both the first pixel and the second pixel, and (6) a second color difference value for at least both the third pixel and the fourth pixel; and', 'a Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) encoder configured to encode the video data to generate a TMDS differential signal, wherein the TMDS differential signal comprises the video data, and a format of the video data is YCbCr 4:2:0,'} receive information used to control the electronic apparatus; and', 'transmit the TMDS differential signal via channels 0, 1, and 2 of the cable by allocating the first color difference value to the channel 0 within a first TMDS clock, allocating the first luminance value to the channel 1 within the first TMDS clock, allocating the second ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076022A1

Mathematical relationships between the scene geometry, camera parameters, and viewing environment are used to control stereography to obtain various results influencing the viewer's perception of 3D imagery. The methods may include setting a horizontal shift, convergence distance, and camera interaxial parameter to achieve various effects. The methods may be implemented in a computer-implemented tool for interactively modifying scene parameters during a 2D-to-3D conversion process, which may then trigger the re-rendering of the 3D content on the fly. 1. A method for stereography , comprising:defining, by at least one processor, perception values comprising a shape ratio and a width magnification factor for a result of a stereographic image generating process based at least in part on parameters of an assumed viewing environment of a display on a screen;selecting, by the at least one processor, mathematical algorithms for generating input parameters of the stereographic image generating process based on the perception values; andgenerating the result using the stereographic image generating process and the input parameters.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining claim 1 , based in part on a screen size parameter claim 1 , a three-dimensional (3D) magnification factor defined by a ratio of displayed size of a scene object in a 3D stereographic image on a display to an actual width of the scene object in an actual or virtual scene from which the 3D stereographic image is generated claim 1 , wherein the displayed size of the scene object is a distance between the edges of the scene object displayed on the screen as would be perceived by the assumed observer; andwherein selecting the mathematical algorithms for the generating input parameters is further based on maintaining constant at least one of the 3D magnification factor or a factor derived from the 3D magnification factor.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the parameters of the assumed viewing ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Virtual Reality Helmet and Method for Using Same

Номер: US20190075288A1

The present disclosure discloses a virtual reality (VR) helmet and a method for using same. The virtual reality helmet has two optional playing modes: playing a VR video stored in the storage module, or playing a VR video inputted by the video input device when it is detected that the video input device is connected. Therefore, the VR helmet does not only have the function of inputting a video in a wired way in traditional helmets, but also can play a video which is stored in advance locally, so the user can move around freely without the limitation of the wired input when a local video is played. In a preferred embodiment, the VR helmet, by having a proximity sensor used to monitor the wearing state of the user, enters a standby mode and turns off the display module to reduce the power consumption of the helmet when it is detected that the user takes off the helmet, and exits the low power consumption standby mode and turns on the display module when it is detected that the user is wearing the helmet. 1. A virtual reality helmet comprising an application processor , a display module , and a power management module , a memory module , a video interface conversion module and a motion sensor which are connected with the application processor , the display module being connected to the application processor through the video interface conversion module , whereinthe virtual reality helmet further comprises a storage module storing a virtual reality video;an interface for connecting a video input device to access is provided on the application processor; andthe virtual reality helmet has two playing modes: playing the virtual reality video stored in the storage module, or playing a virtual reality video inputted by the video input device when it is detected that the video input device is connected.2. The virtual reality helmet according to claim 1 , whereinthe application processor is connected to the video input device through an HDMI input interface and a USB interface ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for reducing horizontal misalignment in 360-degree video

Номер: US20180084236A1
Принадлежит: CyberLink Corp

A computing device for reducing horizontal misalignment in a 360-degree video converts the 360-degree video to a rectilinear 360-degree video. At least a pair of views of rectilinear images from the rectilinear 360-degree video are generated and displayed. A user interface for facilitating adjustment of a view angle is generated, the user interface displaying the at least the pair of views of the rectilinear images from the rectilinear 360-degree video. The computing device obtains vertical reference object is obtained in one of the views of rectilinear images; at least one of: a roll angle adjustment, a pitch angle adjustment, and a yaw angle adjustment for aligning the vertical reference object with a vertical axis; and a view angle adjustment corresponding to reduction of the horizontal misalignment. A panoramic 360-degree video is then generated.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for requesting, receiving and/or playing back content corresponding to an environment

Номер: US20190082158A1
Автор: Alan Moss, David Cole
Принадлежит: Nextvr Inc

Methods and apparatus for receiving content including images of surfaces of an environment visible from a default viewing position and images of surfaces not visible from the default viewing position, e.g., occluded surfaces, are described. Occluded and non-occluded image portions are received in content streams that can be in a variety of stream formats. In one stream format non-occluded image content is packed into a frame with occluded image content with the occluded image content normally occupying a small portion of the frame. In other embodiments occluded image portions are received in an auxiliary data stream which is multiplexed with a data stream providing frames of non-occluded image content. UV maps which are used to map received image content to segments of an environmental model are also supplied with the UV maps corresponding to the format of the frames which are used to provide the images that serve as textures.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082159A1

Methods and apparatus for supporting the capture of images of surfaces of an environment visible from a default viewing position and capturing images of surfaces not visible from the default viewing position, e.g., occluded surfaces, are described. Occluded and non-occluded image portions are packed into one or more frames and communicated to a playback device for use as textures which can be applied to a model of the environment where the images were captured. An environmental model includes a model of surfaces which are occluded from view from a default viewing position but which maybe viewed is the user shifts the user's viewing location. Occluded image content can be incorporated directly into a frame that also includes non-occluded image data or sent in frames of a separate, e.g., auxiliary content stream that is multiplexed with the main content stream which communicates image data corresponding to non-occluded environmental portions. 1receiving a first image corresponding to a portion of an environment, said first image including a non-occluded image portion corresponding to a portion of the environment visible from a first location;receiving an additional image of the environment including at least a first occluded image portion corresponding to a portion of the environment occluded from view from said first location;generating a first frame including image content from said non-occluded image portion of said first image and image content from said first occluded image portion of the additional image; andstoring said first frame in a storage device or transmitting said first frame to another device.. A method of operating an image processing system, the method comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/058,125 filed Mar. 1, 2016 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/126,701 filed Mar. 1, 2015, U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/126,709 filed Mar. 1, 2015, and U.S. ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082161A1

Methods and apparatus for using selective resolution reduction on images to be transmitted and/or used by a playback device are described. Prior to transmission one or more images of an environment are captured. Based on image content, motion detection and/or user input a resolution reduction operation is selected and performed. The reduced resolution image is communicated to a playback device along with information indicating a UV map corresponding to the selected resolution allocation that should be used by the playback device for rendering the communicated image. By changing the resolution allocation used and which UV map is used by the playback device different resolution allocations can be made with respect to different portions of the environment while allowing the number of pixels in transmitted images to remain constant. The playback device renders the individual images with the UV map corresponding to the resolution allocation used to generate the individual images. 1. A content playback method comprising:receiving an encoded image;decoding the encoded image;mapping the decoded image to a mesh model of an environment in accordance with a first image map to produce a first rendered image, said first image map mapping different numbers of pixels of the decoded image to different segments of said mesh model of the environment; anddisplaying the first rendered image on a display device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the different numbers of pixels are mapped to environmental regions of the same size but located at different locations in the environment. The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/046,331 filed Feb. 17, 2016 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/117,427 filed Feb. 17, 2015, U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/262,374 filed Dec. 2, 2015, and U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/296,065 filed Feb. 16, 2016, each of which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Stereoscopic (3d) panorama creation on handheld device

Номер: US20190089941A1
Принадлежит: Fotonation Ireland Ltd

A technique of generating a stereoscopic panorama image includes panning a portable camera device, and acquiring multiple image frames. Multiple at least partially overlapping image frames are acquired of portions of the scene. The method involves registering the image frames, including determining displacements of the imaging device between acquisitions of image frames. Multiple panorama images are generated including joining image frames of the scene according to spatial relationships and determining stereoscopic counterpart relationships between the multiple panorama images. The multiple panorama images arc processed based on the stereoscopic counterpart relationships to form a stereoscopic panorama image.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Spatial image projection apparatus

Номер: US20160100138A1

A spatial image projection apparatus including a receiver configured to receive an image signal; a display unit configured to display an image acquired by processing the image signal; a projection unit configured to project a spatial image to a prescribed space by reflecting light corresponding to the image displayed on the display unit. Further, the projection unit includes a plate having a first surface facing the display unit and a second surface opposite to the first surface; and a protrusion arranged on the first surface or the second surface of the plate. In addition, the protrusion includes first and second slopes tilted at about 45 degrees relative to the surface of the plate, and an angle between the first and second slopes is about 90 degrees.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190094981A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap, Inc.

Configurations are disclosed for presenting virtual reality and augmented reality experiences to users. The system may comprise an image capturing device to capture one or more images, the one or more images corresponding to a field of the view of a user of a head-mounted augmented reality device, and a processor communicatively coupled to the image capturing device to extract a set of map points from the set of images, to identify a set of sparse points and a set of dense points from the extracted set of map points, and to perform a normalization on the set of map points. 1. A system for generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of a face of a user , the system comprising:a head-mounted display (HMD) configured to present virtual content to a user;an inward-facing imaging system comprising at least one eye camera, wherein the inward-facing imaging system is configured to image at least a portion of the face of the user while the user is wearing the HMD;an inertial measurement unit (IMU) associated with the HMD and configured to detect movements of the HMD; and detect a trigger to initiate imaging of a face of the user, wherein the trigger comprises a movement detected by the IMU involving putting the HMD onto a head of the user or taking the HMD off of the head of the user;', 'activate, in response to detecting the trigger, the at least one eye camera to acquire images;, 'a hardware processor programmed todetect a stopping condition for stopping the imaging based on data acquired from at least one of the IMU or the inward-facing imaging system;analyze the images acquired by the at least one eye camera with a stereo vision algorithm; andfuse the images to generate a face model of the user's face based at least partly on an output of the stereo vision algorithm.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein to detect the trigger claim 1 , the hardware processor is programmed to:determine an acceleration of the HMD;compare the acceleration of the HMD with a threshold acceleration ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220150461A1
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corporation

Provided are an information processing device, an information processing method, a reproduction processing device, and a reproduction processing method that provide a high-quality viewing experience to a user. A metadata generation unit generates transition identification information for identifying a second viewpoint that is a viewpoint position of a second video transitionable from a first video whose viewpoint position is a first viewpoint. A file generation unit generates a file including data of the first video data and the transition identification information. 1. An information processing device comprising:a metadata generation unit that generates transition identification information for identifying a second viewpoint which is a viewpoint position of a second video transitionable from a first video whose viewpoint position is a first viewpoint; anda file generation unit that generates a file including data of the first video and the transition identification information.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the metadata generation unit generates the transition identification information including identification information for specifying the second viewpoint.3. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the metadata generation unit generates the transition identification information including identification information of a viewpoint group including a plurality of the second viewpoints.4. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the metadata generation unit generates the transition identification information including information regarding access to another video specified by URL (a uniform resource locator).5. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the file generation unit stores the transition identification information in ViewpointTrackGroupBox in TrackBox of an ISOBMFF file.6. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the file ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210103340A1
Принадлежит: Magic Leap, Inc.

Configurations are disclosed for presenting virtual reality and augmented reality experiences to users. The system may comprise an image capturing device to capture one or more images, the one or more images corresponding to a field of the view of a user of a head-mounted augmented reality device, and a processor communicatively coupled to the image capturing device to extract a set of map points from the set of images, to identify a set of sparse points and a set of dense points from the extracted set of map points, and to perform a normalization on the set of map points. 1. A system for generating a three-dimensional (3D) model of a face of a user , the system comprising:a head-mounted device (HMD) associated with an inward-facing camera, wherein the inward-facing camera is configured to image at least a portion of the face of the user while the user is wearing the HMD;an inertial measurement unit (IMU) associated with the HMD and configured to detect movements of the HMD; and detect a trigger to initiate imaging of a face of the user, wherein the trigger comprises a movement detected by the IMU involving putting the HMD onto a head of the user or taking the HMD off of the head of the user;', 'activate, in response to detecting the trigger, the inward-facing camera to acquire images;', 'detect a stopping condition for stopping the imaging based on data acquired from at least one of the IMU., 'a hardware processor programmed to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the hardware processor is also programmed to:analyze the images acquired by the inward-facing camera with a stereo vision algorithm; andfuse the images to generate a face model of the user's face based at least partly on an output of the stereo vision algorithm.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the stereo vision algorithm comprises at least one of: a block-matching algorithm claim 2 , a semi-global matching algorithm claim 2 , a semi-global block-matching algorithm claim 2 , a disparity map claim 2 , a ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220172474A1

The present technology relates to an image processing apparatus, a 3D model generation method, and a program capable of reducing failed image capturing in multi-view image capturing for 3D model generation. The image processing apparatus includes a 3D region calculation unit that generates a 3D region of image capturing ranges generated from a plurality of multi-view images, and a determination unit that determines a situation in which an image capturing device captures a subject on the basis of a region image obtained by projecting the 3D region onto a specific viewpoint and a subject image from the image capturing device corresponding to the specific viewpoint. The present technology can be applied to, for example, an image processing apparatus for 3D model generation. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a generation unit that generates a 3D region of image capturing ranges generated from a plurality of multi-view images; anda determination unit that determines a situation in which an image capturing device captures a subject on a basis of a region image obtained by projecting the 3D region onto a specific viewpoint and a subject image from the image capturing device corresponding to the specific viewpoint.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the determination unit uses the region image and the subject image as a pair to determine whether or not the subject is out of image capturing ranges of a plurality of the image capturing devices that have captured the plurality of multi-view images.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the determination unit uses the region image and the subject image as a pair to determine whether or not the subject is about to be out of image capturing ranges of a plurality of the image capturing devices that have captured the plurality of multi-view images.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein, in a case where the subject is out of the image capturing ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for playing video

Номер: US20160112698A1

A method of playing video on an electronic device is provided. The method includes playing a video in a first mode, detecting attribute information of the video as the video is being played in the first mode, changing the first mode to a second mode based on the detected attribute information, and playing the video in the second mode.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110041A1

Methods and apparatus for using selective resolution reduction on images to be transmitted and/or used by a playback device are described. Prior to transmission one or more images of an environment are captured. Based on image content, motion detection and/or user input a resolution reduction operation is selected and performed. The reduced resolution image is communicated to a playback device along with information indicating a UV map corresponding to the selected resolution allocation that should be used by the playback device for rendering the communicated image. By changing the resolution allocation used and which UV map is used by the playback device different resolution allocations can be made with respect to different portions of the environment while allowing the number of pixels in transmitted images to remain constant. The playback device renders the individual images with the UV map corresponding to the resolution allocation used to generate the individual images. 1. A method of operating a content playback device , the method comprising:receiving a first encoded image;decoding the first encoded image to recover a first image;using a first texture map corresponding to a first resolution allocation to apply at least a portion of said first image to a surface of a first portion of a model of an environment to generate a first rendered image; andoutputting the first rendered image to a display device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a third encoded image;decoding the third encoded image to recover a third image; andusing a second texture map corresponding to a second resolution allocation to apply at least a portion of said third image to a surface of the first portion of the model of the environment to generate an additional rendered image; andoutputting the additional rendered image to the display.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:operating said content playback device to store said first texture map and said second ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Camera Array Including Camera Modules with Heat Sinks

Номер: US20190110042A1

A camera system is configured to capture video content with 360 degree views of an environment. The camera array comprises a housing including a first quadrant, a second quadrant, a third quadrant, and a fourth quadrant, wherein each of the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant form a plurality of apertures, a chassis bottom that is removably coupled to the housing, and a plurality of camera modules, each camera module comprising a processor, a memory, a sensor, and a lens, wherein each of the camera modules is removably coupled to one of the plurality of apertures in the housing, wherein the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant each include a subset of the plurality of camera modules. Each of the plurality of camera modules includes a heat sink. 1. A camera array configured to capture video content with 360 degree views of an environment , the camera array comprising:a housing comprising a first quadrant, a second quadrant, a third quadrant, and a fourth quadrant, wherein one or more of the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant form a plurality of apertures; anda plurality of camera modules that include a first set of camera modules arranged around an equator of the camera array, a second set of camera modules arranged above the equator, and a third set of camera modules arranged below the equator, wherein each camera module comprises a sensor and a lens, wherein each of the camera modules is removably coupled to one of the plurality of apertures in the housing, wherein one or more of the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant include a subset of the plurality of camera modules.2. The camera array of claim 1 , wherein the first quadrant claim 1 , the second quadrant claim 1 , the third quadrant claim 1 , and the fourth quadrant are each separately coupled to the chassis bottom by one or more ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

System and method for generating and releasing stereoscopic video films

Номер: US20180115768A1
Автор: Alexander KLESZCZ

The invention relates to a system ( 1 ) for releasing a stereoscopic video film ( 2 ). The system ( 1 ) has a data processing unit ( 3 ), which is configured to receive and to process a monoscopic video film ( 7 ), and to release the stereoscopic video film ( 2 ). The monoscopic video film ( 7 ) has been recorded using a video recording device ( 4 ) having a one single objective ( 8 ). The system ( 1 ) is characterized in that the data processing unit ( 3 ) is configured to receive and to evaluate a motion information ( 14 ) allocated to the monoscopic video film ( 7 ), or to determine the motion information ( 14 ) to be allocated to the monoscopic video film ( 7 ). The motion information ( 14 ) is characterized by a motion direction ( 27 ) of the video recording device ( 4 ) in regard to a filmed object ( 11 ). The data processing unit ( 3 ) is configured to generate the stereoscopic video film ( 2 ) from two content-identical and temporally delayed monoscopic video films.

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190116350A1

The orientation and/or position estimation system includes: a movable operating unit configured to be held by a user and having an image capturing section; and a stereoscopic image providing unit including a display portion configured to display a stereoscopic image, a contact portion configured to come into contact with a part of a face of a user who is viewing the stereoscopic image, and a detection subject portion configured to be captured by the image capturing section. A detection subject portion image in the image captured by the image capturing section is detected and the position and the orientation of the movable image capturing unit are estimated on the basis of the detection subject portion image. On the basis of a result of the estimation, the stereoscopic image is generated and displayed. 1. An orientation and/or position estimation system comprising:a movable image capturing unit configured to be held by a user and having an image capturing section configured to capture a surrounding area;a stereoscopic image providing unit including at least one display portion configured to display a stereoscopic image composed of a left-eye image and a right-eye image having parallax therebetween, a contact portion configured to come into contact with a part of a face of the user who is viewing the stereoscopic image, and a detection subject portion configured to be captured by the image capturing section of the movable image capturing unit that is being held by the user;a detection section configured to detect a detection subject portion image indicating the detection subject portion and included in an image captured by the image capturing section;a specifying section configured to specify a position and/or a shape, in the captured image, of the detection subject portion image detected by the detection section;an estimation section configured to estimate an orientation and/or a position of the movable image capturing unit on the basis of the position and/or the ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200118241A1

Provided is an image processing method including: generating an omnidirectional spherical image; determining information regarding a director's view that indicates some regions of the omnidirectional spherical image; generating a projection image by projecting the omnidirectional spherical image to a development view of a polyhedron; dividing, from the projection image, a director's view projection image corresponding to the director's view, based on the information regarding the director's view; reshaping the director's view projection image into a director's view rectangular image by moving a location of at least one of pixels of the director's view projection image; and generating a bitstream which the director's view rectangular image is encoded into. 1. An image processing method comprising:generating an omnidirectional spherical image;determining information regarding a director's view that indicates some regions of the omnidirectional spherical image;generating a projection image by projecting the omnidirectional spherical image to a development view of a polyhedron;dividing, from the projection image, a director's view projection image corresponding to the director's view, based on the information regarding the director's view;reshaping the director's view projection image into a director's view rectangular image by moving a location of at least one of pixels of the director's view projection image; andgenerating a bitstream which the director's view rectangular image is encoded into.2. The image processing method of claim 1 , whereinthe information regarding the director's view comprises a direction vector indicating a center of the director's view from a center of the omnidirectional spherical image, information regarding a horizontal length of the director's view, and information regarding a vertical length of the director's view.3. The image processing method of claim 1 , whereinthe information regarding the director's view is included in Supplemental ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200120327A1
Автор: Presler Ari M.

A digital camera system includes an optical assembly to gather light from a desired scene, a modular imaging subsystem aligned with the optical assembly, and an image processing, recording and display subsystem. 1. A method for encoding or decoding and visualizing raw video and metadata captured by a digital camera or portable recording system , comprising:encoding received raw image sensor data at 10-bit or higher depth and 2K or higher resolution at film or video rates;combining raw coded video data with audio and metadata into a container for file writing;decoding the raw video to decompress the raw video to high dynamic range 10-bit or higher depth video;color processing the raw video with white balance or color correction Look Up tables based on the encoded metadata, and outputting the color processed video for visualization with synchronized audio.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the encoding provides constant quality claim 1 , variable bit rate encoding to allow rates to rise dynamically for more complex scenes.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the raw image sensor data is 12-bit or higher depth and 4K or Higher Resolution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the raw image sensor data is demosaiced prior to encoding.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the encoding provides compression of 4K raw video data to a data rate of 1 Gb/sec or lower.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the raw video data is encapsulated into a Quicktime (MOV) container.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein uninterpolated raw video data is encoded using wavelets.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the decoding provides for simultaneous editing of multiple streams of raw video and audio.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metadata includes encapsulated 3D Look Up tables.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein decoded imagery from multiple streams is synchronized and processed for 3D display on virtual reality (VR) goggles.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein decoded imagery from multiple ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Customizing Virtual Reality Data

Номер: US20200120370A1

An exemplary virtual reality system provides an experience selection data structure to a media player device. The experience selection data structure comprises a plurality of entries each corresponding to a different virtual reality dataset, and each virtual reality dataset is customized to a different virtual reality experience associated with a different virtual viewpoint positioned at a different location with respect to a three-dimensional (3D) scene. The virtual reality system detects that the media player device selects an entry from the plurality of entries by way of the experience selection data structure. The selected entry corresponds to a particular virtual reality dataset customized to a particular virtual reality experience. Thus, in response to the detecting, the virtual reality system provides the particular virtual reality dataset to the media player device. Corresponding methods and systems, including details regarding corresponding media player devices, are also disclosed. 1. A method comprising:providing, by a virtual reality system to a media player device, an experience selection data structure comprising a plurality of entries each corresponding to a different virtual reality dataset, each virtual reality dataset customized to a different virtual reality experience associated with a different virtual viewpoint positioned at a different location with respect to a three-dimensional (3D) scene;detecting, by the virtual reality system, that the media player device selects, by way of the experience selection data structure, an entry from the plurality of entries, the selected entry corresponding to a particular virtual reality dataset customized to a particular virtual reality experience; andproviding, by the virtual reality system in response to the detecting, the particular virtual reality dataset to the media player device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the different virtual reality datasets customized to the different virtual reality ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and image processing method

Номер: US20190132529A1
Автор: Hironao Ito
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus obtains a three-dimensional shape model representing a shape of an object captured from a plurality of directions by a plurality of image-capturing apparatuses arranged at different positions, obtains, as an image used to generate a virtual viewpoint image including at least one of a plurality of objects captured by the plurality of image-capturing apparatuses, an image based on image-capturing by an image-capturing apparatus selected based on the positional relationship between the plurality of objects, the position and orientation of an image-capturing apparatus included in the plurality of image-capturing apparatuses, and the position of a designated virtual viewpoint, and generates the virtual viewpoint image based on the obtained three-dimensional shape model and the obtained image.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190132577A1

A system of calibrating a multi-camera device that include two or more planar calibration targets, arranged in a non-planar orientation. The system mechanically moves the calibration targets relative to the multi-camera device to change the relative orientation. The system records images with the multi-camera device at various orientations. The recorded images contain one or more of the constituent planar calibration targets. The system identifies and extracts the pixel coordinates of each constituent planar calibration target from each image. 1. A system of calibrating a multi-camera device , comprising:a. Two or more planar calibration targets, arranged in a non-planar orientation;b. Mechanically moving the calibration targets relative to the multi-camera device to change the relative orientation;c. Recording images with the multi-camera device at various orientations, wherein the recorded images contain one or more of the constituent planar calibration targets;d. Identifying and extracting the pixel coordinates of each constituent planar calibration target from each image.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pixel coordinates of each planar target in each image are used to compute the intrinsic camera calibration parameters of each camera module in the multi-camera device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pixel coordinates of each planar target in each image and the computed camera intrinsic parameters are used to compute one or more stereoscopic camera calibration parameters.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the multi-camera device is a stereoscopic camera claim 3 , where each of the two camera modules contains a fisheye lens.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein one or more multi-camera devices record calibration images as the non-planar calibration target moves relative to all of the multi-camera devices simultaneously.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the one or more multi-camera devices being calibrated remain stationary claim 5 , as the non-planar ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128226A1

Three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems and methods are disclosed for analyzing idle time duration in a storage area. A 3D-depth camera non-concurrently captures frames having respective 3D image datasets. A 3D data analytics application maintains a plurality of records including a first record, associated with a 3D image dataset of a least-recent frame in a series of frames; a third record, associated with a 3D image dataset of a most-recent frame in the series of frames; and a second record, associated with a 3D image dataset of an intermediate frame captured between the least-recent frame and the most-recent frame. Based on comparisons of the first, second, and third records, an activity status type is determined defining an activity occurring within the storage area during a particular time segment. A cumulative idle time duration is incremented based on the activity status type having a non-loading status type. 1. A three-dimensional (3D) imaging system configured to analyze idle time duration in a storage area , the 3D imaging system comprising:a 3D-depth camera configured to non-concurrently capture frames each having a respective 3D image dataset; and maintain a plurality of records including a first record, a second record, and a third record, the first record being associated with a 3D image dataset of a least-recent frame in a series of frames, the third record being associated with a 3D image dataset of a most-recent frame in the series of frames, and the second record being associated with a 3D image dataset of an intermediate frame, the intermediate frame being captured between the least-recent frame in the series of frames and the most-recent frame in the series of frames;', 'perform a first comparison between the third record and the first record to determine if a difference between the 3D image dataset associated with the third record and the 3D image dataset associated with the first record is less than or greater than a first threshold value;', ' ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128233A1

A mobile device is provided comprising a housing, at least two cameras supported by the housing and arranged to capture image data and a multi-view display. The multi-view display may be a lightfield display and may comprise a diffractive lightfield backlighting system. The multi-view display may be configured to display multi-view video derived from image data captured by the at least two cameras and optionally operate in at least one of a multi-view mode or a multi-dimensional display mode. 1. An mobile device comprising:a housing;at least two cameras supported by the housing and arranged to capture image data; anda multi-view display.2. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display is a lightfield display.3. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display comprises a diffractive lightfield backlighting system.4. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display is configured to display multi-view video derived from image data captured by the at least two cameras.5. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display is configured to operate in at least one of a multi-view mode or a multi-dimensional display mode.6. The mobile device of claim 5 , wherein the multi-dimensional display mode comprises a two-dimensional display mode and a three-dimensional display mode.7. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the at least two cameras are configured to capture stereoscopic image data.8. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display is configurable to operate in a playback mode to play multi-view video previously recorded.9. The mobile device of claim 1 , wherein the multi-view display is configurable to operate as a viewfinder to present multi-view video in real time.10. The mobile device of further comprising a module connector for connecting at least a first functional module to the mobile device to enhance image capture or display functionalities of the mobile device.11. An mobile device comprising ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Multi-view video processing method and apparatus

Номер: US20220286659A1
Автор: Cheng Huang, Qiuting LI
Принадлежит: ZTE Corp

Methods, apparatus, and systems for effectively reducing media content transmissions and efficiently rendering immersive media contents are disclosed. In one example aspect, a method includes requesting, by a user, media files from a server according to the current viewing position and viewing direction of the user, receiving, by the user, the media files from the server according to the current viewing position and the viewing direction of the user, extracting a patch of an atlas, and synthesizing the visual content in the current window area of the user, and obtaining, by the user, three-dimensional stereoscopic video content according to the current viewing position and viewing direction of the user.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Context-Sensitive White Balancing for Surgical Microscopes

Номер: US20210176443A1

A computer-implemented method and a corresponding system for context-sensitive white balancing for a stereomicroscope are presented. The method comprises recording a first digital image by way of a first camera in a first optical path of the stereomicroscope, and recording a second digital image by way of a second camera in a second optical path of the stereomicroscope. Furthermore, the method comprises determining, by means of a trained machine learning system, the context identified in the images, and determining, by means of the trained machine learning system, camera parameters suitable for controlling color channels of the first and second cameras for white balancing. 118-. (canceled)19. A computer-implemented method for context-sensitive white balancing for a stereomicroscope , the method comprising:recording a first digital image by way of a first camera in a first optical path of the stereomicroscope;recording a second digital image by way of a second camera in a second optical path of the stereomicroscope;determining, by means of a trained machine learning system, the context identified in the images; anddetermining, by means of the trained machine learning system, camera parameters suitable for controlling color channels of the first and second cameras for white balancing,wherein the machine learning system is represented by a network comprising a first pipeline and a second pipeline,wherein the first pipeline performs a processing of the first digital image,wherein the second pipeline performs a processing of the second digital image,wherein the first pipeline is trained to determine the identified context of the first digital image andwherein the second pipeline is trained to determine the identified context of the second digital image independently of the identified context of the first image.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the camera parameters additionally comprise a color consistency value indicative of a color difference between the first ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации

A method for determining a visual effect of an ophthalmic lens

Номер: US20160154255A1

A method implemented by computer means for determining a visual effect of an ophthalmic lens, the method comprising: an optical data receiving step (S 1 ), during which optical data relating to the optical function of an ophthalmic lens is received, an acquisition step (S 2 ), during which at least one image of the visual environment of a user is acquired, a depth map determining step (S 3 ), during which a depth map of the acquired image of the visual environment of the user is determined, a visual effect determining step (S 4 ), during which based on the depth map and the optical data, a visual effect that would be introduced by the ophthalmic lens if the visual environment was seen through the ophthalmic lens is determined.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Stereo viewing

Номер: US20170155884A1

The invention relates to creating and viewing stereo images, for example stereo video images, also called 3D video. At least three camera sources with overlapping fields of view are used to capture a scene so that an area of the scene is covered by at least three cameras. At the viewer, a camera pair is chosen from the multiple cameras to create a stereo camera pair that best matches the location of the eyes of the user if they were located at the place of the camera sources. That is, a camera pair is chosen so that the disparity created by the camera sources resembles the disparity that the user's eyes would have at that location. If the user tilts his head, or the view orientation is otherwise altered, a new pair can be formed, for example by switching the other camera. The viewer device then forms the images of the video frames for the left and right eyes by picking the best sources for each area of each image for realistic stereo disparity.

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Laser frame tracer

Номер: US20140240460A1
Принадлежит: Pro Fit Optix Inc

A laser frame tracer ( 12 ) including a laser measuring unit ( 20 ) with a laser ( 36 ) and one or more cameras ( 38, 40 ) for optically measuring dimensions of eyeglass frames ( 10 ). A frame carrier ( 22 ) is provided for moving the eyeglass frames ( 10 ) through a laser line emitted by the laser ( 36 ). The frame carrier ( 22 ) includes a linear carriage ( 44 ) and a rotary carriage ( 88 ). Movement of the linear carriage ( 44 ) and the rotary carriage ( 88 ) are controlled by an on-board computer ( 116 ) which collects image data from the one or more cameras ( 38, 40 ). Image data is processed to determine a 3D model from which selected dimensions for the eyeglass frames ( 10 ) may be measured. The dimensions may be stored in a cloud database for access by others in cutting lenses to fit the eyeglass frames ( 10 ).

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Geo-location video archive system and method

Номер: US20170161383A1
Принадлежит: Radiant Group Inc

A system and method for recording, uploading, and archiving video recordings, including a front-end and a back-end application. The preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a front-end application wherein video is recorded using a mobile device. The recorded video is embedded with date, time and GPS location data. The video is stored on an online back-end database which catalogues the video according to the embedded data elements. The video may be selectively reviewed by relevant experts or emergency personnel for immediate response to the uploaded video and/or distribution to the proper parties. The video may also be archived for later review and use by any number of end-users.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

System and Method for Producing Three-Dimensional Images from a Live Video Production that Appear to Project Forward of or Vertically Above an Electronic Display

Номер: US20180160078A1
Принадлежит: Maxx Media Group LLC

A system and method for communicating between a first person at a first location and one or more people at remote locations. A production set is established at the first location where the first person is imaged with stereoscopic video cameras. The stereoscopic footage is digitally enhanced with 3D effects to create a production video file. The production video file is transmitted to an electronic device at one or more remote locations. The production video file is played and creates images of the first person at the first location. On a display screen at the remote locations, the images appear three dimensional to the remote viewers. Furthermore, the images appear to extend in front of, or above, the display screen of the electronic device.

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Instantaneous 180-degree 3D Recording and Playback Systems

Номер: US20180160097A1
Автор: Juyang Weng
Принадлежит: Genisama LLC

The term instantaneous in this invention means that the roughly 180° horizontal visual field of view that a human senses in real time. The major novelty of the instantaneous 180° (i180°) 3D technology includes (a) a combination of multiple binocular and monocular fields of view for image acquisition, (b) a combination of binocular and monocular fields of view in content playback, (c) a multi-resolution scheme for sensing, processing, transmission, and playback, (d) a realization of physical consistency of the line of sight with minimal distortion of all projection lines between imaging and display, and (e) a method for two-way compatibility for systems with conventional binocular 3D and monocular 2D systems. In addition to applications in consumer electronics, the invention has potential applications in professional business, such as film industry, theaters, museums, advertisements, surgery, rehabilitation, and assistance to the handicapped and elderly.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190158741A1
Принадлежит: Fyusion, Inc.

Various embodiments of the present invention relate generally to systems and methods for analyzing and manipulating images and video. In particular, a multi-view interactive digital media representation can be generated from live images captured from a camera. The live images can include an object. An angular view of the object captured in the live images can be estimated using sensor data from an inertial measurement unit. The determined angular views can be used to select from among the live images and determine when a three hundred sixty degree view of the object has been captured. When the plurality of images is output to a display, the object can appear to undergo a 3-D rotation, such as a three hundred sixty degree rotation, through the determined angular view where the 3-D rotation of the object is generated without a 3-D polygon model of the object. 1. A method comprising:on a mobile device including a processor, a memory, a camera, an inertial measurement unit, a microphone and a touchscreen display,receiving via an input interface on the mobile device a request to generate a multi-view interactive digital media representation of an object;causing capture of live images from the camera on the mobile device as the mobile device moves along a path and wherein an orientation of the camera varies along the path such that the object in the live images is captured from a plurality of camera views;based upon sensor data from the inertial measurement unit, determining angular changes in the orientation of the camera along the path;based upon the angular changes, determining an angular view of the object captured in each of the live images;based upon the determined angular view of the object in each of the live images, selecting a sequence of images from among the live images;determining the angular view of the object is about three hundred sixty degrees in one of the live images;selecting a final image in the sequence of images wherein the angular view of the ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Real Time Re-Calibration of Stereo Cameras

Номер: US20190158813A1

Described are image and video processing systems and methods for auto re-calibration of stereo camera devices. The auto re-calibration processes described herein transform image data into re-calibration data used to correct calibration errors in real time. The auto re-calibration processes leverage position data shifting, image data filtering, and disparity analysis to generate one or more calibration profiles that track the position of the camera modules included in stereo camera devices. Calibration profiles are then used to generate pixel shift parameters describing how to modify the position of image pixels and or camera modules to improve rectification and projection of 3D images and video frames. Additionally multi-camera systems implementing the auto re-calibration processes are disclosed. 1. A method of re-calibrating a stereo camera comprising:receiving, by a processor, a first set of image data extracted from a right stereo image frame and a second set of image data extracted from a left stereo image frame, the first set of image data and the second set of image data including at least position data and color data, the right stereo image frame and the left stereo image frame extracted from a stereoscopic video sequence; shifting the first set of image data to a plurality of shift positions, each shift position having a different alignment of color data included in the first set of image data relative to color data included in the second set of image data;', 'filtering the first set of image data and the second set of image data at each shift position to remove inaccurate, unreliable, or noisy image data;', 'comparing the first set of image data and the second set of image data to generate one or more disparity values describing a distance in pixels separating the left stereo image frame and the right stereo image frame from a rectified image frame, the rectified image frame having a common image plane for the left stereo image frame and the right stereo ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190158820A1

A stereoscopic video display method includes steps of receiving a video display operation for displaying a stereoscopic video, the QR code for which being input through an input unit. The stereoscopic video is displayed on a display screen in response to the video display operation. 1. A stereoscopic video display device comprising:an input unit;a display screen;at least one processor; and receive a video display operation for displaying a stereoscopic video, which is input through the input unit; and', 'display the stereoscopic video on the display screen in response to the video display operation., 'a memory coupled to the at least one processor and storing one or more programs, wherein when executed by the at least one processor, the one or more programs cause the at least one processor to2. The stereoscopic video display device of claim 1 , wherein the input unit comprises a camera claim 1 , the one or more programs further cause the at least one processor to:receive the video display operation input by scanning QR code associated with the stereoscopic video through the camera;obtain the stereoscopic video associated with the QR code; anddisplay the obtained stereoscopic video on the display screen in response to the video display operation.3. The stereoscopic video display device of claim 2 , wherein a physical storing address of the stereoscopic video is coded to generate the QR code claim 2 , thereby associating the QR code with the stereoscopic video.4. The stereoscopic video display device of claim 2 , wherein the one or more programs further cause the at least one processor to:detect whether the camera scans the QR code when the display module displays the stereoscopic video; andstop displaying the stereoscopic video associated with the QR code when the camera doesn't scan the QR code.5. The stereoscopic video display device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more programs further cause the at least one processor to:display an operation interface on the ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200154075A1
Автор: ENDO Kazuo

Disclosed herein is a camera system including, a camera apparatus having, an image sensor, a correction section, a first transmission processing section, and a synchronization processing section, and a video processing apparatus having a second transmission processing section and a conversion section, wherein the video processing apparatus outputs the video data obtained by the conversion by the conversion section. 110-. (canceled)11. A video system comprising: an image sensor that includes pixels arranged in an array and that is configured to output an image signal having a pixel sequence corresponding to the array of the pixels, and', 'a first input/output section at the camera apparatus configured to output the image signal and communicate synchronous data used for synchronizing at least part of the camera apparatus;, 'a camera apparatus including'} a second input/output section at the video processing apparatus configured to communicate synchronous data with the camera apparatus; and', 'a cable, coupled to the camera apparatus and to the video processing apparatus, configured to transmit the image signal and synchronous data used for synchronizing at least part of the camera apparatus and the video processing apparatus;, 'a video processing apparatus including'} process the received image signal into a first video data having a pixel array specified by a first video format and at least substantially 4K horizontal resolution, and a second video data having a pixel array specified by a second video format and resolution less than the first video format, and', 'output the first video data and the second video data for displaying the image signal on a first display having at least substantially 4K horizontal resolution and on a second display having less resolution than the first display., 'a transmission processor configured to'}, 'wherein the video processing apparatus further includes12. A method for a video camera system comprising a camera apparatus having an ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210192836A1
Автор: HORIE Gen

A recording device includes: a memory; and a processor including hardware. The processor is configured to generate, based on temporal change in plural sets of image data that have been generated by an endoscope and arranged chronologically, biological information on a subject, associate the plural sets of image data with the biological information to record the plural sets of image data with the biological information into the memory, and select, based on the biological information, image data from the plural sets of image data that have been recorded in the memory to generate three-dimensional image data. 1. A recording device comprising:a memory; anda processor comprising hardware, the processor being configured togenerate, based on temporal change in plural sets of image data that have been generated by an endoscope and arranged chronologically, biological information on a subject,associate the plural sets of image data with the biological information to record the plural sets of image data with the biological information into the memory, andselect, based on the biological information, image data from the plural sets of image data that have been recorded in the memory to generate three-dimensional image data.2. The recording device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to perform at least one of: correction to reduce change in shape that differs according to the biological information; and correction to enhance change in a color tone that differs according to the biological information.3. An image observation device comprising: 'acquire data on a three-dimensional image, the data being generated by selection of a set of image data from plural sets of image data that have been generated by an endoscope and arranged chronologically, the selection being based on biological information on a subject, the biological information being generated based on temporal change in the plural sets of image data,', 'a processor comprising hardware, the ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200159229A1
Автор: BOUSANI Amir, HORESH Nizan
Принадлежит: R-Go Robotics Ltd.

Techniques for controlling a robotic device in motion using image synthesis are presented. A method includes determining local motion features based on image patches included in first and second input images captured by a camera installed on the robotic device; determining a camera motion based on the local motion features, wherein the camera motion indicates a movement of the camera between capture of the first input image and capture of the second input image; determining a scene geometry based on the camera motion, wherein the scene geometry is a set of three-dimensional coordinates corresponding to two-dimensional image coordinates of the image patches; generating a single perspective synthesized image based on the camera motion and the scene geometry; detecting a change between the first and second input images based on the synthesized image; and modifying motion of the robotic device based on the detected at least one change. 1. A method for controlling a robotic device in motion using image synthesis , comprising:determining a plurality of local motion features based on a plurality of image patches included in a plurality of input images captured by a camera installed on the robotic device, the plurality of input images including a first input image and a second input image;determining a camera motion based on the plurality of local motion features, wherein the camera motion indicates a movement of the camera between capture of the first input image and capture of the second input image;determining a scene geometry based on the camera motion, wherein the scene geometry is a set of three-dimensional coordinates corresponding to two-dimensional image coordinates of the plurality of image patches;generating a synthesized image based on the camera motion and the scene geometry, wherein the synthesized image is a single perspective image;detecting at least one change between the first input image and the second input image based on the synthesized image; ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

3d video recording device, processing method, and electronic device

Номер: US20170171529A1
Автор: Ruike LI

A 3D video recording device, a 3D video processing method, and an electronic device, are provided wherein the recording device includes a camera and further includes: a baffle located in the middle of the camera and vertical to the camera; a first reflective mirror, and a second reflective mirror parallel to the first reflective mirror and used to receive light reflected by an object in front of the camera and reflect the light to the first reflective mirror, so that the first reflective mirror further reflects the light to the camera; and a second reflective mirror group located at the other side of the baffle including: a third reflective mirror disposed symmetrically to the first reflective mirror with respect to the baffle and a fourth reflective mirror disposed symmetrically to the second reflective mirror with respect to the baffle.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Display an Image During a Communication

Номер: US20190166331A1
Автор: Lyren Philip Scott

An electronic device displays an image during a communication between two people. The image represents one of the people to the communication. The electronic device determines a location where to place the image and displays the image such that the image appears to exist at the location. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method that displays a suggested location where to place three dimensional (3D) images representing people to telephone calls , the method comprising:displaying, with a wearable electronic device worn by a first person and before the first person answers a telephone call from a second person, one or more suggested locations where a 3D image that represents the second person can be displayed during the telephone call to the first person with the wearable electronic device;receiving, at the wearable electronic device and from the first person, a selection of one of the one or more suggested locations; anddisplaying, with the wearable electronic device worn by the first person during the telephone call, the 3D image that represents the second person at the one of the one or more suggested locations selected by the first person.22. The method of further comprising:displaying, with a display of the wearable electronic device before receiving the selection, the one or more suggested locations with color to visually distinguish the one or more suggested locations from other locations being displayed to the first person.23. The method of further comprising:displaying, with the wearable electronic device and before receiving the selection, the one or more suggested locations as a 3D image that represents the second person so the first person has a preview of where the 3D image that represents the second person will be placed after the first person selects the one or more suggested locations.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the wearable electronic device is one of a head mounted display and electronic glasses claim 21 , and the one or more suggested locations are ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Method and device for transmitting video content by using edge computing service

Номер: US20220312057A1

A method of transmitting video content by using an edge computing service (e.g., a multi-access edge computing (MEC) service) is provided. The method includes obtaining sensor information including orientation information and pupil position information from an electronic device connected to the edge data network, obtaining a first partial image including a user field-of-view image and an extra field-of-view image, the user field-of-view image corresponding to the orientation information, and the extra field-of-view image corresponding to the pupil position information, generating a first frame by encoding the first partial image, and transmitting the generated first frame to the electronic device.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Customizing Virtual Reality Data

Номер: US20190172496A1

An exemplary virtual reality system accesses metadata describing a plurality of frame sequences that each include two-dimensional color data frames and depth data frames that depict a different view of a three-dimensional (3D) scene. The virtual reality system identifies a set of experience parameters defining a particular virtual reality experience associated with the 3D scene and that is to be experienced by a user using a media player device. Based on the metadata and the set of experience parameters, the virtual reality system selects frame sequences from the plurality of frame sequences for inclusion in a frame sequence subset that is customized to the particular virtual reality experience and that collectively includes data sufficient to allow the media player device to generate a virtual 3D representation of the 3D scene. The virtual reality system also provides the selected frame sequences of the frame sequence subset to the media player device. 1. A method comprising:accessing, by a virtual reality system, metadata descriptive of a plurality of frame sequences that each include two-dimensional (2D) color data frames and depth data frames that depict a different view of a three-dimensional (3D) scene;identifying, by the virtual reality system, a set of experience parameters defining a particular virtual reality experience associated with the 3D scene and that is to be experienced by a user using a media player device;selecting, by the virtual reality system based on the metadata and the set of experience parameters, frame sequences from the plurality of frame sequences for inclusion in a frame sequence subset that is customized to the particular virtual reality experience and that collectively includes data sufficient to allow the media player device to generate a virtual 3D representation of the 3D scene; andproviding, by the virtual reality system to the media player device, the selected frame sequences included within the frame sequence subset.2. The ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174076A1

A three-dimensional imaging system includes a ladar sensor with a first field of view adapted to produce a three-dimensional image. The system also includes a visible light camera with a second field of view overlapping the first field of view and adapted to produce a two-dimensional image output. At least one digital processor is connected to the ladar sensor and the visible light camera and adapted to merge the three-dimensional image output with the two-dimensional image output into a three-dimensional point cloud output. 1. A three-dimensional imaging system comprising: a laser transmitter configured to produce a modulated laser light output upon command from a system controller, said laser transmitter providing a zero range reference output indicating the initiation of laser light output,', 'an optical receiver comprised of an array of optical detector elements, each of said detector elements connected to a unit cell electrical circuit,', 'each unit cell electrical circuit also connected to said zero range reference output,', 'each unit cell electrical circuit adapted to measure the range to a reflecting surface in the first field of view and to produce a pixel range output, and', 'a readout integrated circuit connected to each unit cell electrical circuit and adapted to produce a three-dimensional image output comprised of a plurality of the pixel range outputs;, 'a ladar sensor having a first field of view, said ladar sensor including'}a visible light camera having a second field of view overlapping the first field of view and adapted to produce a two-dimensional image output; andat least one digital processor connected via a first communications link to said at least one ladar sensor and connected via a second communications link to said visible light camera;said at least one digital processor adapted to merge the three-dimensional image output with the two-dimensional image output into a three-dimensional point cloud output.2. The three-dimensional imaging ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174091A1
Автор: ENDO Kazuo

Disclosed herein is a camera system including, a camera apparatus having, an image sensor, a correction section, a first transmission processing section, and a synchronization processing section, and a video processing apparatus having a second transmission processing section and a conversion section, wherein the video processing apparatus outputs the video data obtained by the conversion by the conversion section. 111-. (canceled)12. A video system comprising: an image sensor that includes pixels arranged in a predetermined array and that is configured to output an image signal having a pixel sequence corresponding to the array of the pixels, the image signal having at least substantially 4K horizontal pixels per frame, and', 'a first input/output section at the camera apparatus configured to output the image signal and receive synchronous data for synchronizing operation of the image sensor;, 'a camera apparatus including'}a cable, coupled to the camera apparatus, configured to transmit the image signal; and a second input/output section at the video processing apparatus configured to output the synchronous data to the camera apparatus, and', process the received image signal into a first video data having a pixel array specified by a first video format and at least substantially 4K horizontal resolution, and a second video data having a pixel array specified by a second video format and resolution less than the first video format, and', 'output the first video data and the second video data for displaying, respectively, on a first display having at least substantially 4K horizontal resolution and on a second display having less resolution than the first display., 'processor apparatus configured to'}], 'a video processing apparatus coupled to the cable to receive the image signal and operable in synchronization with at least part of the camera apparatus, the video processing apparatus including'}13. The video system according to claim 12 ,wherein the processor ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200169764A1
Автор: Aflaki Beni Payman

This specification describes a method comprising selecting at least one content stream from a plurality of content streams based on at least one detected characteristic associated with the content streams or an intended viewer of the content streams, wherein each content stream is captured by a corresponding recording device and at least one of the plurality of content streams is not selected, and compressing data representing the at least one selected content stream such that the content of the at least one selected content stream has a lower quality compared to the content of the at least one non-selected content stream. 132-. (canceled)33. A method , comprising:selecting at least one content stream from a plurality of content streams based on at least one detected characteristic associated with the content streams or an intended viewer of the content streams, wherein each content stream is captured by a corresponding recording device and at least one of the plurality of content streams is not selected; andcompressing data representing the at least one selected content stream such that content of the at least one selected content stream has a lower quality compared to content of the at least one non-selected content stream.34. The method according to claim 33 , further comprising:causing at least one of transmission and storage of the data representing the at least one selected content stream and the data representing the at least one non-selected content stream.35. The method according to claim 33 , further comprising:detecting a change in the at least one characteristic;making a new selection of at least one content stream from the plurality of content streams based on the detected change in the at least one characteristic, wherein at least one of the plurality of content streams is not selected in the new selection; andcompressing data representing the at least one newly selected content stream such that content of the at least one newly selected content stream ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

3d recording device, method for producing a 3d image, and method for setting up a 3d recording device

Номер: US20160189362A1
Принадлежит: Testo SE and Co KGaA

A 3D recording device ( 1 ) is provided including an image recording device ( 2 ), a distance measuring device ( 3 ), and an output unit ( 5 ). An image processing device ( 4 ) is used to calculate, for a sequence ( 8 ) of images ( 9, 10 ) recorded in different poses ( 15, 16, 17 ), groups ( 29, 30, 31, 32 ) of image elements ( 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 ) corresponding to each other and to determine for each group ( 29, 30, 31, 32 ) a three-dimensional position indication ( 48, 49, 50 ) and to scale the three-dimensional position indication ( 48, 49, 50 ) with the aid of distance information ( 42 ) measured by the distance measuring device ( 3 ).

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210211632A1
Принадлежит: DWANGO CO., LTD.

The present disclosure causes live content to be drawn on the basis of specification data on a virtual object, operation data on the virtual object, and the like, and causes the drawn content to be provided for viewing reproduction on a terminal for viewing. 111-. (canceled)12. A three-dimensional content distribution system distributing a content using a virtual three-dimensional virtual space to a terminal for viewing o be provided for viewing , the system comprising:a recording unit recording content data including at least (A) first data relevant to a specification of each virtual object disposed in the three-dimensional virtual space and (B) second data relevant to an operation of each of the virtual objects;a first transmitting unit transmitting data including at least the first data and the second data, in accordance with a request for the terminal for viewing to perform the viewing; anda second transmitting unit transmitting data including at least the second data that is generated by a manipulation unit to the recording unit, as motion data including information of joints corresponding to each part of a body of a viewer and information of a ramus connecting the joints, according to a result of sensing a movement of each part of the body in order to allow an avatar to perform a desired operation, in order for the viewer to input the avatar that is the viewer itself into the content while viewing the content, by receiving the transmitted data.13. The three-dimensional content distribution system according to claim 12 ,wherein the recording unit further records (C) third data relevant to a viewpoint of a virtual camera disposed in the three-dimensional virtual space.14. The three-dimensional content distribution system according to claim 12 , further comprising:a change accepting unit generating new content data by performing a change for adding or correcting at least any one of the first data and the second data, in accordance with a change request from the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210211702A1

An image decoding method for decoding a bitstream including a coded signal resulting from coding tiles and slices into which an image is partitioned, the method including decoding the coded signal, wherein each of the slices is either a normal slice having, in a header, information used for an other slice or a dependent slice which is decoded using information included in a slice header of another slice, and when the normal slice starts from a position other than a beginning of a first tile, a second tile coded next to the first tile does not start from the dependent slice. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A method for transmitting a bitstream via network , the method comprising:transmitting the bitstream via network, partitioning an image into tiles and slices; and', 'coding the tiles and slices,, 'wherein the bitstream is generated by performing the steps ofwherein each of the slices is either a normal slice or a dependent slice,wherein the normal slice is coded without referring to an another slice and has, in a header, information that is required to decode the slice, and can be used for an another slice,wherein the dependent slice is decoded using information included in a slice header of another slice, andwherein (i) a tile does not include a normal slice starting from a position other than a beginning of the tile or (ii) when a first tile includes a normal slice starting from a position other than a beginning of the first tile, a second tile coded next to the first tile includes a normal slice starting from a beginning of the second tile.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein a slice header of a slice includes information indicating whether the slice is a normal slice or a dependent slice.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein a slice at a beginning of the image is a normal slice claim 3 , and all other slices are dependent slices.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the first tile is subdivided into an integer number of slices.7. The method ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Camera array including camera modules

Номер: US20190180783A1
Принадлежит: Jaunt Inc

The disclosure includes a camera array comprising camera modules, the camera modules comprising a master camera that includes a processor, a memory, a sensor, a lens, a status indicator, and a switch, the switch configured to instruct each of the camera modules to initiate a start operation to start recording video data using the lens and the sensor in the other camera modules and the switch configured to instruct each of the camera modules to initiate a stop operation to stop recording, the status indicator configured to indicate a status of at least one of the camera modules. The camera modules of the camera array are configured to provide a 3× field of view overlap.

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for optimizing playback of stereoscopic film source and apparatus

Номер: US20170188009A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to the field of multimedia technology, and discloses a method and electronic device for optimizing playback of a stereoscopic film source and an apparatus. Some embodiments of the present disclosure include the following steps: acquiring a stereoscopic adjustment parameter related to a timeline of a stereoscopic film source, wherein the stereoscopic adjustment parameter includes T offset adjustments and time periods corresponding to the T offset adjustments, wherein T is a natural number; and when the stereoscopic film source is played in a stereoscopic mode, adjusting an offset of a frame that is in the time period, wherein the adjusted offset is the offset adjustment corresponding to the time period.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200177864A1
Автор: KATO Yoshinaga

A relay apparatus for transferring image data transmitted from a transmission source to a transmission destination, including circuitry to: receive video image data from a first apparatus being the transmission source; determine whether a second apparatus being a transmission destination is capable of reproducing the video image data received from the first apparatus; based on a determination that the second apparatus is not capable of reproducing the video image data received from the first apparatus, apply image processing to the video image data to generate image data compatible with the second apparatus; and transfer the image data compatible with the second apparatus, to the second apparatus. 1. A relay apparatus for transferring image data transmitted from a transmission source to a transmission destination , the relay apparatus comprising circuitry configured to:receive video image data from a first apparatus being the transmission source;determine whether a second apparatus being a transmission destination is capable of reproducing the video image data received from the first apparatus;based on a determination that the second apparatus is not capable of reproducing the video image data received from the first apparatus, apply image processing to the video image data to generate image data compatible with the second apparatus; andtransfer the image data compatible with the second apparatus to the second apparatus.2. The relay apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the determination indicates that the second apparatus is not capable of reproducing the video image data claim 1 , but capable of reproducing still image data claim 1 ,the circuitry selects one of a plurality of frames of the video image data to generate still image data, and transfer the still image data to the second apparatus.3. The relay apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the video image data received from the first apparatus is spherical video image data claim 1 , and the ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Video Communication Including Holographic Content

Номер: US20210218931A1

A video communication system uses a light field display to present a holographic image of a remote scene (e.g., a hologram of a remote participant). The system may include a local light field display assembly and a controller. The controller generates display instructions based on visual data corresponding to a remote scene received from a remote image capture system (e.g., a remote light field display system). The display instructions cause the local light field display assembly to generate a holographic image of the remote scene. 139.-. (canceled)40. A light field display system in a local physical space , the light field display system comprising:a controller configured to generate display instructions based on visual data corresponding to a remote scene, the visual data received from a remote image capture system located in a remote physical space; anda local light field display assembly located within a local physical space that includes a local participant, the light field assembly including a bidirectional surface configured to simultaneously capture image data corresponding to local physical space and project holographic content generated from the display instructions, the holographic content including a holographic video of the remote scene,wherein the controller is further configured to send, to a remote image display system in the remote physical space, outgoing visual data derived from the captured image data;wherein the remote image display system is operable to generate video content including the local participant based on the outgoing visual data.41. The light field display system of claim 40 , wherein the local light field display assembly comprises a plurality of light field display modules.42. The light field display system of wherein the plurality of light field display modules are tiled to form a seamless display surface.43. The light field display system of claim 40 , wherein the remote image capture system is a remote light field display ...
