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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 19598. Отображено 200.
27-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2468528C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам записи информации. Техническим результатом является возможность записи информации о положении совместно с содержанием. Результат достигается тем, что модуль 250 съемки изображения генерирует снятое изображение. Модуль 220 получения информации о положении получает информацию о положении во время, когда генерируют снятое изображение. Модуль 230 определения области запрета добавления информации о положении определяет, следует или нет включить положение (текущее положение), установленное на основе информации о положении, полученной модулем 220 получения информации о положении, в область запрета добавления информации о положении. Модуль 240 определения добавления информации о положении определяет, на основе результата определения, полученного модулем 230 определения области запрета добавления информации о положении, следует или нет разрешить запись информации о положении в ассоциации со снятым изображением, в момент времени, когда снятое изображение, сгенерированное ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632468C2

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для динамического управления устройством захвата изображения и видео, используя кнопки, виртуальные кнопки и/или жесты. Техническим результатом является возможность управлять устройством захвата изображения посредством определения при помощи пользовательской команды, сохранять ли захваченное видео в виде изображения или в виде видеофайла. Результат достигается тем, что удержание кнопки захвата сверх порогового времени указывает, что захват должен сохраняться как видео, тогда как отпускание кнопки захвата до порогового времени указывает, что захват должен сохраняться как изображение. 4 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004133772A

... 1. Печатающее устройство для непосредственной связи с цифровой камерой, имеющей блок отображения, через общий интерфейс, и приема данных изображения из упомянутой цифровой камеры, и печати изображения, причем упомянутое устройство содержит средство приема для приема информации, относящейся к функции цифровой камеры, после установления связи с упомянутой цифровой камерой, средство принятия решения для принятия решения о том, какие из функций, относящиеся к процессу печати, предназначаются либо печатающему устройству, либо цифровой камере на основании информации, принятой упомянутым средством приема, и функции печатающего устройства, средство приема для приема данных изображения из цифровой камеры, причем данные изображения соответствуют изображению, выбранному для печати, с помощью блока отображения, и средство управления печатью для управления печатью изображения с помощью функций, о которых принято решение о предназначении печатающему устройству посредством упомянутого средства принятия ...

27-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006113590A

... 1. Способ определения информации местоположения беспроводного устройства, содержащий захват изображения сцены; подготовку захваченного изображения для передачи; передачу подготовленного изображения к центру обработки, выполненного для обработки подготовленного изображения для получения информации местоположения беспроводного устройства; прием информации местоположения из центра обработки; и отображение информации местоположения. 2. Способ по п. 1, в котором захваченное изображение подготавливается с помощью по меньшей мере одного алгоритма, выбранного из группы, состоящей из сжатия изображения, сжатия видео, кадрирования, контроля ошибок и адресации. 3. Способ определения информации местоположения беспроводного устройства, содержащий захват изображения сцены; и обработку захваченного изображения сцены для получения информации местоположения беспроводного устройства. 4. Способ по п. 3, в котором захваченное изображение обрабатывается для получения информации местоположения беспроводного ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004139119A

... 1. Печатающее устройство, которое непосредственно соединяется с цифровым фотоаппаратом через средство связи, использует цифровой фотоаппарат в качестве устройства интерфейса пользователя и распечатывает воспринятое изображение, сохраненное и хранимое цифровым фотоаппаратом, содержащее средство запроса, выполненное с возможностью осуществления запроса подсоединенному внешнему устройству послать информацию, которой владеет внешнее устройство, с целью опознавания на ранней стадии соединения с внешним устройством через упомянутое средство связи, является ли внешнее устройство цифровым фотоаппаратом, имеющим функцию прямой печати; и средство уведомления, выполненное с возможностью, когда, в качестве результата запроса, выполненного средством запроса, информация, посланная из подсоединенного устройства, описывает информацию опознавания, которой владеет фотоаппарат, имеющий функцию прямой печати, определения того, что устройство является цифровым фотоаппаратом, имеющим функцию прямой печати, и ...

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011103134A

... 1. Устройство конфигурирования для конфигурирования устройства вывода данных, содержащее: ! блок связи, который должен соединяться с устройством вывода данных посредством беспроводной связи ближнего радиуса действия и обменивается с этим подсоединенным устройством вывода данных; ! блок обнаружения, который обнаруживает состояние соединения с устройством вывода данных; ! блок связи, принимающий от устройства вывода данных информацию об устройстве вывода данных, если блок обнаружения обнаружил установление первого соединения с устройством вывода данных через блок связи, и ! блок ввода, который принимает от пользователя введенные конфигурации данных, выводимые устройством вывода данных, на основании информации об устройстве вывода данных после приема информации об устройстве вывода данных, ! при этом после того, как блок ввода ввел конфигурации вывода данных, и блок обнаружения обнаружил разъединение первого соединения и затем установление второго соединения с устройством вывода данных через ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110203A

... 1. Устройство обработки информации, содержащее:блок обнаружения касания, сконфигурированный с возможностью обнаружения операции касания для касания блока отображения, а также операции подправки, представляющей собой операцию для прерывания касания блока отображения;блок управления отображением, сконфигурированный с возможностью управления блоком отображения с целью отображения первого объекта отображения в первой области блока отображения и отображения второго объекта отображения во второй области, являющейся отличной от первой области;блок подсчета времени, сконфигурированный с возможностью подсчета периода времени непрерывного касания в первой области блока отображения; иблок управления, сконфигурированный с возможностью, когда блок обнаружения касания обнаруживает, что была обнаружена операция подправки на блоке отображения от первой области, в которой была обнаружена операция касания, и если период времени непрерывного касания, подсчитанный посредством блока подсчета времени, не достиг ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009147444A

... 1. Устройство отображения изображения, отличающееся тем, что содержит: ! модуль дисплея, который отображает, по меньшей мере, изображение; ! сенсорную панель, которая разделена на множество областей, причем заданные операции назначены для соответствующих областей; и ! модуль управления, который отображает заданный экран ручного ввода операций в модуле дисплея в течение заданного времени, когда начинается обработка полноэкранного отображения, который представляет содержание операций, назначенных для соответствующих областей сенсорной панели экраном ручного ввода операций, и выполняет управление для выполнения, когда нажимают на одну из областей сенсорной панели, операции, назначенной для этой области. ! 2. Устройство отображения изображения по п.1, отличающееся тем, что сенсорная панель разделена на три области, и что заданные операции включают в себя отображение предыдущего изображения, назначенное левой области, переход к экрану меню, назначенный центральной области, и отображение следующего ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009141616A

... 1. Устройство захвата изображения, содержащее: ! блок формирования изображения, выполненный с возможностью захватывать цифровое изображение; ! блок получения позиции захвата изображения, выполненный с возможностью получать позицию захвата изображения, указывающую позицию, в которой захвачено цифровое изображение; ! блок получения направления захвата изображения, выполненный с возможностью получать информацию направления захвата изображения, указывающую направление, в котором захвачено цифровое изображение; ! блок получения дополнительной информации, выполненный с возможностью получать множество элементов дополнительной информации из устройства хранения дополнительной информации, которое хранит множество элементов дополнительной информации, причем в множестве элементов дополнительной информации каждый элемент соответствует заранее заданному объекту, и каждый элемент содержит информацию позиции объекта, указывающую позицию соответствующего одного из объектов; ! блок выбора, выполненный с ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009144110A

... 1. Устройство обработки изображения, содержащее: ! средство детектирования указанного по инструкции положения, предназначенное для приема операции инструкции пользователя на экране дисплея устройства дисплея, детектирования положения, где была выполнена операция инструкции, и вывода детектированного положения; ! средство сохранения, предназначенное для сохранения множества элементов данных изображения, каждый из которых включает в себя информацию, соответствующую ключу поиска; ! средство управления отображением ключа поиска, предназначенное для обеспечения избирательного отображения, по меньшей мере, одного ключа поиска на экране дисплея устройства дисплея; ! средство поиска, предназначенное для, если ключ поиска, отображаемый на экране дисплея устройства дисплея, указан как инструкция средством управления отображением ключа поиска через средство детектирования положения, указанного по инструкции, поиска в средстве сохранения данных изображения, соответствующих указанному по инструкции ...

23-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004200875A1

13-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069326744T2

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Entsorgungsfahrzeug mit zumindest einer Einschüttöffnung für unterschiedliche Behälter

Номер: DE202011110829U1
Принадлежит: HS FAHRZEUGBAU GMBH, HS Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Entsorgungsfahrzeug (1) mit zumindest einem fahrzeuggestützten Aufnahmebehälter (2) für Reststoffe, Wertstoffe oder dergleichen und mit zumindest einer Zuführungseinrichtung (3) mit einer ein- oder mehrteiligen Einschüttöffnung (9) zur Aufnahme von zu entsorgendem Gut, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Einschüttöffnung (9) voneinander beabstandete Schienen (14; 15) zur Zusammenwirkung mit seitlichen Zapfen (16) eines zu entleerenden Großbehälters (6) und zusätzlich weiter innen liegende, bewegliche Schienen (29; 30) zur Zusammenwirkung mit Zapfen (31) eines schmaleren Behälters (5), insbesondere eines 1,1-cbm-Behälters, zugeordnet sind.

27-02-1997 дата публикации

Elektronische Kamera

Номер: DE0069124146D1

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Bildkodierungs- und -aufzeichnungsgerät und Methode

Номер: DE0069133320T2

12-02-2014 дата публикации

Tragbare elektronische Vorrichtung für Fotoverwaltung

Номер: DE202007019585U1
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

Elektronische Vorrichtung (100), aufweisend: eine Berührungsbildschirmanzeige (112); einen oder mehrere Prozessoren (120); Speicher (102); und ein Programm, wobei das Programm im Speicher gespeichert und konfiguriert ist, durch die einen oder mehreren Prozessoren ausgeführt zu werden, wobei das Programm aufweist: Befehle zum Anzeigen eines ersten digitalen Objekts (2300-1), das mit einem Satz von digitalen Objekten assoziiert ist; Befehle zum Erfassen (2402) einer ersten im Wesentlichen horizontalen Bewegung (2310) eines physischen Objekts auf oder in der Nähe der Berührungsbildschirmanzeige (112); Befehle zum Bestimmen, ob das erste digitale Objekt (2300-1) anfänglich in einem hineingezoomten Modus angezeigt wird, so dass seine Kanten versteckt und daher einem Benutzer nicht bekannt sind, und, wenn dies der Fall ist und während des Erfassens der ersten Bewegung (2310), zum Verschieben (2404) des ersten digitalen Objekts (2300-1) in eine erste Richtung, die der Richtung der ersten Bewegung ...

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Tragbare elektronische Vorrichtung für Fotoverwaltung

Номер: DE112007000067T5
Принадлежит: APPLE INC, APPLE INC.

Ein computer-implementiertes Verfahren, umfassend: auf einer tragbaren elektronischen Vorrichtung mit einer Berührungsbildschirmanzeige, Anzeigen eines Felds von Vorschaubildern, die einem Satz von fotografischen Bildern entsprechen; Ersetzen des angezeigten Felds von Vorschaubildern durch ein benutzer-ausgewähltes fotografisches Bild auf das Detektieren eines Benutzerkontakts mit einem entsprechenden Vorschaubild im Feld hin, wobei das Benutzer-ausgewählte fotografische Bild mit einem größeren Maßstab als das entsprechende Vorschaubild angezeigt wird; und Anzeigen eines unterschiedlichen fotografisches Bilds in Ersetzung des Benutzer-ausgewählten fotografischen Bilds, wobei das unterschiedliche fotografische Bild in Übereinstimmung mit einer Scrollgeste ausgewählt wird, die eine im Wesentlichen horizontale Bewegung eines Benutzerkontakts mit der Berührungsbildschirmanzeige umfasst.

06-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069901360D1

28-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069837241T2

31-01-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Kalibrieren einer elektronischen Kamera

Номер: DE102006034350A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Kalibrieren einer elektronischen Kamera oder eines Sensors, insbesondere einer Zeilenkamera, in der einer Reihe von Bildpunkten bzw. Pixeln auf der Projektionsebene (P) der Kamera fortlaufende Nummern zugeordnet werden können, und der durch die Optik der Kamera erfassbare Messbereich mittels eines Kalibrierstücks in Hell/Dunkel-Übergänge mit bekanntem Abstand voneinander aufgeteilt wird, wobei jedem Hell/Dunkel-Übergang eine bestimmte Pixel-Nummer zugeordnet wird, eine Auswertung der festgestellten Hell/Dunkel-Übergänge dahingehend vorgenommen wird, welche der Hell/Dunkel-Übergänge von möglicherweise mehreren Ebenen einer oberen und welche einer unteren Ebene des Kalibrierstücks zuzuordnen sind, und berechnet wird, wo ein Hell/Dunkel-Übergang auf der unteren Ebene anzuordnen ist, wenn nur der senkrecht darüber liegende Hell/Dunkel-Übergang auf der oberen Ebene wegen schräger Betrachtung durch die Kamera sichtbar ist.

14-02-2002 дата публикации

Neigungsschalter in einem digitalen Fotoapparat

Номер: DE0020118022U1

21-09-2000 дата публикации

Digitale Kamera für Einzelbilder mit eingebautem Sendeteil zur drahtlosen Übertragung der Aufnahmen per Funk

Номер: DE0029823571U1

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Disposal vehicle e.g. side loader, for disposing e.g. domestic waste, has set of rails and set of inwardly movable rails attached with thin aperture, where rails are connected with lateral pin of to-be emptied large container

Номер: DE102011115086A1

The vehicle (1) has a vehicle-mounted receptacle (2) for residual substances or valuable substances. A supply device (3) includes a single-or multi-part thin aperture (9) for receiving material to be discharged. A set of rails and a set of inwardly movable rails are attached with the thin aperture. The rails are spaced from each other and connected with a lateral pin of a to-be emptied large container i.e. four-wheeled large tank. The inwardly movable rails are connected with the pin of a narrow container i.e. 1, 1-cbm container. The receptacle is designed as a fixed container or a bag.

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Bewegtbildaufnahmeanlage und digitale Kamera

Номер: DE0060041296D1

13-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060129656D1
Принадлежит: CANON KK, CANON K.K.

17-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069832923T2

15-02-2007 дата публикации

Kamerasteuervorrichtung und digitale Standbildkamera

Номер: DE602004003998D1

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006002336D1

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Pufferspeicher mit Heizstab

Номер: DE102011106659A1

Eine Warmwasserversorgungseinrichtung weist eine Heizquelle auf, die auf einen Pufferspeicher (13) einwirkt, dessen Ausgang (21a) an den Eingang (23a) eines ersten Mischreglers (25a) angeschlossen ist. Der Mischreglerausgang (33a) ist mit einem Warmwasserverbraucher oder einem Wärmeverbraucher (29) verbunden. Die Heizquelle umfasst mindestens einen Heizstab (11a) oder mindestens eine Heizspirale, deren Betriebsmodus von einem Netzbetreiber (3) eines elektrischen Versorgungsnetzes (1) über eine Kommunikationseinrichtung (35) einstellbar ist. Ziel der Anordnung ist es, durch vom Netzbetreiber generierte Steuersignale (S) sein Versorgungsnetz zu stabilisieren.

26-11-2009 дата публикации

Dialogue performing method for use between touch-screen and e.g. electronic device, involves observing contact on touch-screen of electronic device, and increasing encircled region of picture on touch-screen if contact is circular track

Номер: DE102008027954A1

The method involves observing a contact on a touch-screen (10) of an electronic device e.g. digital camera (1), and determining whether the contact is a point contact, line track or a circular track. An encircled region of a picture on the touch-screen is increased if the contact is the circular track, where the touch-screen contains a region of a man-machine-interface for toolbars. The toolbars are disabled, and are not shown on the touch-screen if the contact lies outside the region of the man-machine-interface, where the toolbars contain a shift key. An independent claim is also included for a dialogue electronic device comprising a memory unit.

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Image capture apparatus and method of controlling the same

Номер: GB0002516193B
Принадлежит: CANON KK, Canon Kabushiki Kaisha

09-04-1997 дата публикации

Interface card with an electronic camera and method of use therefor

Номер: GB0009703411D0

02-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009325076D0

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Peer to peer camera communication

Номер: GB0201412093D0

13-03-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002235846A

Sound and picture signals are recorded onto respective first and second tracks of a recording medium (eg magnetic disc 48) together with first and second code signals. Audio or video signals, to be associated with a particular video or audio signal, may, later on, be recorded onto an appropriate second or first track. In order to avoid accidental erasure of an already recorded track, such post-recording is permitted only when no code signal is already present on the track to be used. ...

02-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB2224412A

An electronic camera of the type having an image pick up for generating electrical image signals representing a received optical image, a recorder responsive to a record control signal for recording the image signals on a magnetic medium, and a shutter release operable to carry out a recording operation whereby the image signals are recorded. A standby switch, separate from and operable independently of the shutter release, functions to condition the recorder to carry out the recording operation upon subsequent operation of the shutter release. A separate recording switch is actuated by the shutter release for causing a record control signal to be supplied to the conditioned recorder, whereby image signals are recorded on the magnetic medium.

13-11-2002 дата публикации

Combining image and linked information signals

Номер: GB0002375450A

Apparatus for providing composite electronic image of a scene including at least one link to other information comprises a camera 1 for providing an image signal, link generating means responsive to the scene or the immediate environment for generating a link signal and means for combining the image and link signals to provide said electronic image. As shown, the viewed scene includes a zoo information display 7 with a barcode which is read by the camera to provide the final part of the link information for concatenation onto a first part which loaded into the camera at entry to the zoo (or preloaded if the camera belongs to the zoo). Clicking on the display 7 on the viewed image provides a link to a zoo web page associated with the enclosure 4.

09-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009216036D0

09-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002224618A

A still image recording/playback apparatus 1 includes a camera 2 having a section for recording an electrical signal from an image sensor 48 on a recording medium 27 as image data in synchronism with depression of a shutter release button 16, and a player 3 having a playback section for sequentially processing frames of stored signals from the camera 2 in response to depression of a frame feed switch 36a to supply the processed signal as a video signal, wherein when the camera 2 is coupled to the player 3, such coupling is detected, the camera is switched to a playback mode and the shutter release button 16 of the camera 2 serves as the frame feed switch. …… ...

16-05-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002224905A

Still image recording/playback apparatus comprising an electronic still camera having operating components including an image sensor for sensing an image and producing image signals representative thereof, a recorder for recording image signals derived from the image sensor, playback circuitry for playing back the recorded image signals and a camera controller for controlling at least the recorder and playback circuitry. An electronic player is selectively connectable to the camera and has a signal processor for processing the image signals played back by the playback circuitry to produce viewable picture signals, and a player controller for selectively controlling the operation of the electronic player. When a connection between the camera and player is detected, a predetermined operating mode for both the camera and player is established.

24-10-2012 дата публикации

An attachment for a personal communication device

Номер: GB0002490294A

A personal communication device, such as a smartphone handset (1) comprises a main body (2) incorporating a camera (4) having a lens (5). An attachment (6) for the personal communication device is detachably mountable to the main body (2) by means of a cover (8). The attachment (6) also comprises an optical device (7) arranged to reflect light into the lens from a panoramic field of view. The optical device (7) includes a convex mirror (9), which preferably reflects light from a 360° field of view into the camera (4). Such an arrangement enables the user to completely capture an image of his surroundings, so that the image is an objective record of a moment in time as experienced by the user. The invention is more portable and versatile than previous arrangements.

10-09-2014 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus, control method thereof, and program

Номер: GB0002511679A

The conventional method cannot achieve, at the same time, both of reducing the load of a control unit during a continuous shooting and appropriately controlling the acquisition of information to be added to images acquired by the continuous shooting. There are included: a continuous shooting means for performing multiple shootings to acquire a plurality of images; a position acquiring means for acquiring position information; and an azimuth acquiring means for acquiring azimuth information. When the continuous shooting means is used to perform multiple shootings, the position acquiring means acquires no position information for each shooting by the continuous shooting means, and the azimuth acquiring means acquires azimuth information for each shooting by the continuous shooting means.

16-04-1997 дата публикации

Interface card with an electronic camera and method of use therefor

Номер: GB0002305808A

An interface card (10) for use with a personal communicator is provided as well as a method of use therefor. An electronic camera (12) is used to capture a plurality of image data. The image data is transferred to the personal communicator by an interface circuit (14).

04-08-2010 дата публикации

Self-timer photography

Номер: GB0002467391A

A self-timer photographing apparatus and method involves checking the number of persons using an image capturing device having a self-timer function. The number of persons is checked by a digital image processing device and the apparatus includes a digital signal processing unit for detecting a change in the number of faces of a live view image and detecting positions of faces of the live view image. When there is nochange in the positions of faces during a predetermined period of time, controlling to perform self-timer photographing.

09-06-2021 дата публикации

Electronic device, control method of electronic device, program, and computer readable medium

Номер: GB0002589668A

An electronic device according to the present invention controls so that in a case where a first screen is displayed, a first function is executed in response to a first type of operation in which touch is performed again at one location within a first time from touch at one location, and in a case where a second screen is displayed, a second function is executed in response to a second type of operation in which touch is performed at one location, without waiting for the first time to elapse, and a third function is executed in response to a third type of operation in which touch is performed again at two locations within a predetermined time from touch at two locations.

18-09-2013 дата публикации

Digital camera with automatic remote backup storage

Номер: GB0002500224A

A digital camera 10 with wireless transmission means 13 for automatically transmitting photographs 20 to a pre-programmed remote storage location 30 upon generation of the image file and security means to prevent unauthorised alteration of the remote location address, which may be an internet protocol (IP) address of a website. Data input, such as a security password or PIN number, may be via the camera itself or a computer or other electronic device. A real-time clock may time and date stamp the images during capture and a global positioning system (GPS) may geo-tag the images with location information before transmission. Wireless transmission may comprise Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and data may be transmitted based on a user-initiated signal 114. Secondary security means at the remote location may prevent unauthorised access to the stored data. The camera may comprise integrated photo editing software. Backup cloud storage is useful if the memory card becomes ...

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Electronic device with image capture command source identification and corresponding methods

Номер: GB0002574101A

An electronic device 100 receives, at a user interface, a command 106 to capture image(s); captures image(s) with an imager 107; identifies 108, with sensor(s), a source 102 of the command; and applies 117 a digital data identifier 119 to the image(s) identifying the source of the command. Identifying the source of the command may determine “who took the picture”; it may comprise capturing audio and comparing to reference audio; and/or it may comprise capturing image(s) of an object, scanning the object with a depth imager and comparing the image(s) to reference images and the depth scan to predefined facial maps. In another embodiment, an electronic device comprising imager(s) captures image(s) depicting a plurality of persons; identifies at least one person; receives a command to transmit the image(s) to a remote electronic device belonging to the at least one person; and alters a portion of the image(s) containing a depiction of the at least one person. In a third embodiment, an electronic ...

01-02-2012 дата публикации

Digital photographing apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: GB0201121696D0

23-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001440791A

22-05-2019 дата публикации

Image capture apparatus and method of controlling

Номер: GB0201904980D0

30-06-2007 дата публикации

Viewing system

Номер: AP2007003988A0

30-06-2007 дата публикации

Viewing system

Номер: AP0200703988A0

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388529T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000534234T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000379822T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406037T

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000315287T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321666T

08-10-2020 дата публикации

Devices and methods for capturing and interacting with enhanced digital images

Номер: AU2019257437B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method, comprising: at an electronic device with a display and a touch-sensitive surface: storing a plurality of sequences of images, wherein a respective sequence of images includes: a respective representative image taken by a camera, one or more images acquired by the camera after acquiring the respective representative image, and one or more images acquired by the camera before acquiring the respective representative image; storing a plurality of images that are distinct from the images in the plurality of sequences of images, wherein a respective image in the plurality of images is not part of a sequence of images in the plurality of sequences of images; displaying a first image on the display; while displaying the first image on the display, detecting a first input; in response to detecting the first input: in accordance with a determination that the first image is an image in a first sequence of images, performing a first operation that includes displaying at least some of the ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AU2011101746A4

... 2011101746 An attachment for a personal communication device comprising a main body incorporating a camera, the attachment comprising an optical device arranged to be detachably mountable to the main body in a fixed relationship with respect to the lens of the camera, the optical device being arranged to reflect light into the lens from a panoramic field of view.

17-06-1999 дата публикации

A method and apparatus (pprint01)

Номер: AUPQ056099A0

06-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002325078A1

24-03-2003 дата публикации

Recyclable, digital one time use camera

Номер: AU2002329974A1

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Controller for a printer module

Номер: AU2003261517B2

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Method, system and apparatus for detecting a change in angular position of a camera

Номер: AU2017202584A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

... -39 Abstract METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING A CHANGE IN ANGULAR POSITION OF A CAMERA A method of detecting a change in angular position of a camera. A plurality of frames 5 captured by the camera is received, each frame being associated with brightness and acceleration metadata. The brightness metadata is associated with a frame being representative of brightness of a scene captured by the frame. A contiguous set of candidate panning motion frames is selected from the plurality of frames, based on similarity of acceleration characteristics, to determine a change of brightness metadata in the selected contiguous set of 10 frames. An angular movement score is determined for the selected contiguous set of frames using the change of brightness metadata. A change in the angular position of the camera is detected based on the angular movement score to adjust a manner in which the plurality of frames is displayed by a display device coupled with the camera. 12841109v1 -1/9 C\J C%4 ...

01-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002373167C

A printer module for a compact printer system comprises a stationary printhead, an ink reservoir, a motive means and an image storing means, all housed within an elongate body. The motive means carries a printable media past the printhead which prints a full width image in a single pass. A power supply is also preferably housed within the elongate body. The body is preferably cylindrical and approximately the size of a large pen. The printhead is suitably a monolithic drop-on-demand inkjet printer.

04-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1089119A

... : In an X-ray examining device comprising a television chain and a (disc) image recording memory, the deflection signals Or the television pick-up tube and a drive of the recording memory are synchronized via the power supply mains, When the high voltage generator is switched on, inductive loading of the power supply mains occurs. Consequently, the resultant phase shifts cause errors in the synchronization. This gives rise to the appearance of artefacts in a monitor image formed from the recording via the memory. Uncoupling of the synchronization from the power supply mains between an instant some time before and an instant some time after the switching on respectively off of the high voltage generator prevents the undesired recording errors. - i1 ...

04-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001089119A1

30-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002390678A1

A color conversion method and apparatus for a compact printer system. An image processor converts a stored image from a first tri-color space to a second tri- color space. Resultant transformation values are read from lookup tables for each color component of the stored image pixels and a single cycle interpolator unit performs linear interpolation to generate a single color component in the second tri-color space in 14 cycles. In one example, the L*a*b* color space is converted to CMY color space. In another example, the RGB form is converted to the L*a*b* form and two extra L* components for use in sharpening a converted image.

19-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002935875C
Принадлежит: APPLE INC., APPLE INC

A portable electronic device with a touch screen display for photo management is disclosed One aspect of the invention involves a computer- implemented method in which the portable electronic device displays an array of thumbnail images corresponding to a set of photographic images The device replaces the displayed array of thumbnail images with a user-selected photographic image upon detecting a user contact with a corresponding thumbnail image in the array. The user-selected photographic image is displayed at a larger scale than the corresponding thumbnail image The portable device displays a different photographic image in replacement of the user-selected photographic image in accordance with a scrolling gesture. The scrolling gesture comprises a substantially horizontal movement of user contact with the touch screen display ...

03-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002744912C

A portable device for the storage and display of digital images, using an integrated projector for image display. The device itself might be a camera, smart phone or other portable or handheld electronic device capable of capture or storage of digital images. The integrated projector would allow projection of images at a larger size on an external surface than an internal display would permit. Certain embodiments of the device might also include image capture hardware, in addition to image storage, along with image editing or manipulation software. Method of display of digital images using a portable device with integrated projector is also disclosed.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002853273A1

... ²² A portable electronic device with a touch screen display for photo ²management is disclosed. One aspect of the invention involves a computer-²implemented ²method in which the portable electronic device displays an array of ²thumbnail images corresponding to a set of photographic images. The device ²replaces ²the displayed array of thumbnail images with a user-selected photographic ²image upon ²detecting a user contact with a corresponding thumbnail image in the array. ²The user-selected ²photographic image is displayed at a larger scale than the corresponding ²thumbnail image. The portable device displays a different photographic image ²in ²replacement of the user-selected photographic image in accordance with a ²scrolling ²gesture. The scrolling gesture comprises a substantially horizontal movement ²of user ²contact with the touch screen display.² ...

21-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002012721A1

24-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002012966C

A still video camera using a solid-state memory device as the image recording medium, includes a plurality of data compression circuits including a non-compression one, wherein one of the plurality of data compression circuits are selectively operated according to image data.

11-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002070745A1

Techniques of video cameras or the like which may be effectively used with photo-camera, for instance, are disclosed. In response to the detection of a greater image pick-up signal level change than a predetermined extent, a shutter pulse is generated. In addition, in response to the shutter button operation, the blanking area of image is increased or reduced to provide a special effect of indicating the shutter operation. The output signal of an optical sensor having the same characteristic as the image pick-up device is integrated, and when the integral signal exceeds a predetermined value, the AGC circuit gain is reduced to a predetermined extent to prevent the image pick-up signal level from being excessively increased. Further, when the integral signal exceeds a predetermined value, a read pulse is supplied to the image pick-up device, thus permitting charge accumulation time increase in the image pick-up device to increase the sensitivity without leading to saturation of the charge ...

16-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218354A1

In a system for file managing image data of an electronic camera, so long as the image data is recorded by the same image pickup apparatus, a peculiar file name which is not overlapped is generated and in order to prevent that a plurality of files of the same name exist, when an electronic camera is connected to a main body of a computer, a storage device in the electronic camera is examined from a host application of the computer, and when a file of a file name including numerical values exceeding a predetermined value is found, a message is displayed for the user in a manner such that after all of the files having the file names which had automatically been formed were transferred to the computer, all of the contents in the storage device are deleted or formatted. When the detachable storage device is loaded or a power source is turned on, if the file having the unique file name which was automatically generated does not exist in the storage device, the numerical values held in the electronic ...

31-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000576218A5

28-11-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000570088A5

31-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000675804A5

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus and method for imaging.

Номер: CH0000702723B1

Die erfindungsgemässe Ausführungsform betrifft eine Bildaufnahmevorrichtung (1), die wenigstens ein Objektiv (20) enthält. Weiterhin enthält die Bildaufnahmevorrichtung (1) einen digitalen Bildaufzeichner (10), der wenigstens in einer Richtung relativ zum Objektiv (20) bewegbar gelagert ist. Die Bildaufnahmevorrichtung (1) weist im optischen Pfad zwischen Bildaufzeichner (10) und Objektiv (20) eine Kompositionsoptik zum Verkleinern, Vergrössern und/oder Abbilden in unveränderter Grösse eines auf dem Bildaufzeichner (10) abgebildeten Bildes auf.

13-04-2012 дата публикации

Mechanism for releasing producing of person photographies.

Номер: CH0000703925A2

Die erfindungsgemässe Einrichtung zum selbstauslösenden Erzeugen von Personen-Fotografien ist aus Modulen aufgebaut. Diese enthalten eine Kamera vor welcher ein halbdurchlässiger Spiegel (4) schiefwinklig angeordnet ist, einen Bildschirm (9) für das Aufnahmebild der Kamera, dessen Ebene seitlich verschobenen parallel zur Kamera-Linsenachse angeordnet ist, sodass der halbdurchlässige Spiegel (4) den Bildschirm (9) in Blickrichtung der zu fotografierenden Person abbildet und daher für diese Person einsehbar ist, und einen Selbstauslöser in Form eines am Ort der zu fotografierenden Person befindlichen Schalters (32). Als Besonderheit besteht die Einrichtung aus mindestens zwei passgenau unverrückbar aufeinander aufsetzbaren kastenförmigen Modulen (1, 2), wobei das obere (1) auf seiner Frontseite einsehbar im Innern den halbdurchlässigen Spiegel (4) enthält, welcher sich von der oberen Vorderkante (5) des kastenartigen Moduls (1) schiefwinklig zur hinteren Unterkante (6) des kastenartigen Moduls ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Solid-state image pickup device

Номер: US20120002091A1
Принадлежит: Hamamatsu Photonics KK

A solid-state imaging device 1 according to an embodiment of the present invention, in a solid-state imaging device for which M pixel units P( 1 ) to P( 16 ) for performing photoelectrical conversion are arrayed, includes N holding units H( 1 ) to H( 4 ) (N is smaller than M) that sequentially hold output signals from different pixel units out of the M pixel units P( 1 ) to P( 16 ), and an amplifying section 30 that sequentially amplifies output signals from the N holding units H( 1 ) to H( 4 ).

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus, method for controlling imaging apparatus, and computer program product for controlling imaging apparatus

Номер: US20120008014A1
Автор: Yoichi Ito
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An imaging apparatus includes: an operation unit operated by a user; a setting unit that sets a function for image shooting through an operation of the operating unit; a guidance information storage unit that stores guidance information including at least either of a description about the function that can be set and an operational method for setting the function; a display unit that display the guidance information; a cumulative shot-frame counter that counts a cumulative number of shot frames, as a cumulative value of the number of image frames that have been shot; a proficiency level determining unit that determines the user's level of proficiency to be higher as the cumulative number of shot frames is large; and a display switching unit that switches between display and non-display settings of the guidance information on the display unit depending on determined level of proficiency.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Display device and image display method

Номер: US20120019545A1
Автор: Osamu Nonaka
Принадлежит: Individual

An image display device of the present invention comprises a first determination section for monitoring information respectively appended to a plurality of images, and detecting information that has been appended to the most images among the plurality of images as first information, a second determination section for detecting information other than the first information, among the information that has been respectively appended to the plurality of images, as auxiliary information, and a third determination section for detecting an image to which the first information has been appended, and which is an image having the auxiliary information, as a priority image.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for selling digital photography services in combination with a single-use digital camera

Номер: US20120047095A1
Автор: Werner Krachtus

The present disclosure comprises a system for offering digital photography services in combination with a single-use digital camera that includes a provider and a distribution system. One or more cameras are offered and provided by the provider in combination with digital processing services for processing digital pictures and/or a product, e.g., a printout of the photographs, a photobook, a recording medium such as DVD, CD with print data of the photographs, etc.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and image processing system

Номер: US20120050769A1
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

An image processing apparatus comprises a storage configured to store an original image, a processor configured to change a tone of a reduced image of the original image, a display configured to display a tone-changed reduced image, a connection determination unit configured to determine whether the image processing apparatus is connected to a network, a transmitter configured to transmit the original image to the server via the network together with data indicating a tone when the image processing apparatus is connected to the network, a controller configured to cause the processor to change the tone of the original image when the image processing apparatus is not connected to the network, and a receiver configured to receive the original image whose tone is changed by the server when the image processing apparatus is connected to the network.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Photographing device having game function, and method of executing game

Номер: US20120057008A1
Принадлежит: Hoya Corp

A photographing device having a game function which determines win/loss of photographing devices based on information regarding image files, is provided with a first parameter obtaining unit configured to obtain a first parameter regarding a first image file which was generated by the photographing device, a second parameter obtaining unit configured to obtain a second parameter regarding a second image file which is stored in another photographing device, a score calculating unit configured to calculate scores regarding the first image file and the second image file based on the first parameter and the second parameter, respectively, a win/loss determining unit configured to determine win/loss of the photographing device and the other photographing device, and generate win/loss information, a recording unit configured to store the win/loss information, in accumulated manner, as intrinsic information which is intrinsic to the photographing device, and a notifying unit configured to output the accumulated win/loss information.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Real-Time Face Tracking in a Digital Image Acquisition Device

Номер: US20120062761A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptics Corp Europe Ltd

A database includes an identifier and associated parameters for each of a number of faces to be recognized. A new acquired image from an image stream is received potentially including one or more face regions. Face detection is applied to at least a portion of the acquired image to provide a set of candidate face regions each having a given size and a respective location. Using the database, face recognition is selectively applied to at least one of the candidate face regions to provide an identifier for a face recognized in a candidate face region. A portion of the image is stored including the recognized face in association with at least one image of the image stream.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Location-based av flashlight and method of displaying map related video thereof

Номер: US20120069165A1
Принадлежит: PHAROBIT Co Ltd

An audio and video (AV) flashlight has a head portion, a body portion and a rear portion. Mounted on the head portion is a video camera module incorporating a visible light source and an infrared light source. Mounted on the body portion are a GPS module, an electronic compass module, a display module, a map database module, and a control module to read map information from the map database within a predetermined angle range with reference to an azimuth angle detected through the electronic compass module, display the read information on the display module, and display current location information and current location information of one or more main objects in a forward direction along with linear distance information to the current location. The flashlight enables relative measuring of distance with an eye with respect to a monitoring object based on the linear distance information of the main objects.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Real-Time Face Tracking in a Digital Image Acquisition Device

Номер: US20120070087A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptics Corp Europe Ltd

An image processing apparatus for tracking faces in an image stream iteratively receives an acquired image from the image stream including one or more face regions. The acquired image is sub-sampled at a specified resolution to provide a sub-sampled image. An integral image is then calculated for a least a portion of the sub-sampled image. Fixed size face detection is applied to at least a portion of the integral image to provide a set of candidate face regions. Responsive to the set of candidate face regions produced and any previously detected candidate face regions, the resolution is adjusted for sub-sampling a subsequent acquired image.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Image processing method and apparatus, image processing program and medium storing this program

Номер: US20120082380A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Whether purple fringing (PF) has occurred is determined for every pixel of interest P(i,j) (step 41 ). The RGB ratio of a purple-fringed pixel P(i,j) at which PF has been determined and the RGB ratio of a PF convergence pixel P(m,n) spaced N pixels away from the purple-fringed pixel P(i,j) within a zone in the proximity of the purple-fringed pixel P(i,j) are calculated (steps 42, 43 ). A correction coefficient Rev (i,j) that causes the RGB ratio of the purple-fringed pixel P(i,j) to approach the RGB ratio of the PF convergence pixel P(m,n) is calculated (step 44 ). The purple-fringed pixel P(i,j) is color-corrected using the correction coefficient Rev (i,j) calculated. Purple fringing is made inconspicuous by changing the color of image portions at which purple fringing has occurred.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Printhead integrated circuit with a solenoid piston

Номер: US20120113191A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook

A printhead integrated circuit comprising a wafer substrate defining a nozzle outlet port; an electromagnetic piston mounted to the wafer substrate via torsion springs, said piston operatively forced towards the outlet port when activated; and a solenoid coil positioned on the wafer substrate about the piston to activate the piston when a current is passed through the coil. The piston is magnetised during a final high temperature step in a fabrication process of the nozzle apparatus to ensure that the Curie temperature is not exceeded after magnetisation

31-05-2012 дата публикации

System for real-time photograph printing service and method for the same

Номер: US20120135706A1
Принадлежит: Prodigid Ltd

A system for real-time photograph printing service includes a personal terminal, a telecom terminal, and a printing service terminal. The personal terminal is triggered to transmit a digital photograph file and a phone number according to the personal terminal. The telecom terminal fetches a communication address of a user of the personal terminal according to the received telephone number, and the printing service terminal receives the digital photograph file to print out a physical photograph. Finally, the printed photograph is send to the communication address for user by post.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus and camera

Номер: US20120140062A1
Автор: Dai Shintani
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An imaging apparatus having a function of enabling focus detection at high speed while exposing an image sensor to light. Imaging apparatus 1 has: a first photoelectric converting element (image sensor 10 ) that converts an optical image formed on an imaging plane into an electrical signal for forming an image signal; and a second photoelectric converting element (phase difference detecting sensor 20 ) that receives light having passed through the first photoelectric converting element and converts light into an electrical signal for distance measurement.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Camera system and camera body

Номер: US20120154613A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The camera system is constituted by the camera main body and the interchangeable lens, which is removably attachable to the camera main body. The camera main body has an imaging unit, a main body shake detector, a main body image blur corrector, and a body microcomputer configured to control the imaging unit, the shake detector, and the image blur corrector. The interchangeable lens has a shake detector, an image blur corrector, and a lens microcomputer configured to control the shake detector and the image blur corrector. The body microcomputer selects either the main body or lens shake detector, activates the selected shake detector, and stops the other shake detector.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Reproducing apparatus, image data reproducing method, program, and storage medium

Номер: US20120154664A1
Автор: Yasuhiro Harada
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A reproducing apparatus, an image data reproducing method, a program, and a storage medium each detects an attitude state of the reproducing apparatus, extracts a part of an area of image data obtained by an image pickup device, and reproduces the part of the area of the extracted image data. According to the detection result, the part of the area of the image data is changed to another part of the area and rotation processing of another part of the area is performed, thereby reproducing the another part of the area which was subjected to the rotation processing.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Digital photographing apparatuses, methods of controlling the same, and computer-readable storage media

Номер: US20120188393A1
Автор: Hye-jin Kim

A disclosed example method of controlling a digital photographing apparatus includes: combining a photographed image and object information indicating information regarding a subject; generating a composite image by combining the photographed image and the object information; and generating an image file including the composite image in a main image region and including the object information in an object property region.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Display control apparatus, image pickup apparatus, display control method, and storage medium

Номер: US20120200598A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A display control apparatus that enables to reliably and quickly search for a desired image. When a wheel is operated by a user by an amount less than a predetermined operation amount, image feeding is made in a first display mode where a plurality of images are displayed on an image display unit. When the wheel is operated by the user by an amount equal to or greater than the predetermined operation amount, image feeding is made in a second display mode where a larger number of images than in the first display mode are displayed on the image display unit in a smaller size than in the first display mode.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Omni-directional camera and related viewing software

Номер: US20120206565A1
Автор: Jason Villmer
Принадлежит: Jason Villmer

Creating spherical video and corresponding audio utilizing a plurality of cameras by acquiring images via the cameras, processing the images, and mathematically converting and/or transforming the images into a combined spherical image file. A camera device creates the spherical image file and transfers it to devices running a viewer application, whereby the transfer occurs by saving the file to a storage file, streaming it to the devices via wired/wireless communication, or both.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Memory Emulation In An Image Capture Device

Номер: US20120212646A1
Автор: Robert Norman
Принадлежит: Unity Semiconductor Corp

An image capture device using a memory array that is directly addressed and non-volatile is disclosed. The memory array can be used to replace and emulate multiple memory types such as DRAM, SRAM, non-volatile RAM, a non-volatile memory card, and FLASH memory, for example. The memory array may be randomly accessed. Data stored in the memory array is retained in the absence of electrical power. One or more memory arrays may be used in the image capture device. At least one of the memory arrays may be in the form of a removable memory card.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Digital image filtration methods

Номер: US20120229673A1
Автор: Neal Solomon
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-functional digital imaging system is described that controls and manages digital image filtration processes. The camera CPU and DSP are used to filter digital sensor files using algorithms to correct optical and digital aberrations.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Photography device, photography method, and program

Номер: US20120236163A1
Автор: Tomokazu Teruya
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A photography device can perform a continuous shooting operation. The photography device includes: an image determination unit configured to determine whether determination values of a plurality of determination elements for images input by an image input unit are equal to or higher than determination threshold values of the plurality of determination elements; a continuous shooting stopping control unit configured to stop the continuous shooting operation if the image determination unit determines that the determination values of the determination elements are equal to or higher than the respective determination threshold values; and a determination threshold value correction unit configured to decrease the determination threshold value of the corresponding determination element if the image determination unit determines that the determination value of any of the determination elements is lower than the determination threshold value of the corresponding determination element.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Portable equipment

Номер: US20120245846A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Portable device, like a digital camera, is equipped with a GPS receiver, thereby detecting a current position. When a change does not occur in the detected current position for a given period of time or more, the position is considered to be a living sphere, like a user's home. When the user is situated in the living sphere, a receive cycle of the GPS receiver is increased so as to become larger than a normal receive cycle, thereby reducing power consumption.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for photographing information management

Номер: US20120249832A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Imaging Co Ltd

A photographing information management method, which includes: judging whether there is equality between photographing position information added to an image file stored in an external storage medium which is detachably attachable to an imaging apparatus and photographing position information stored in an internal memory of the imaging apparatus; and when it is judged that the two pieces of photographing position information have the equality, displaying an image and the photographing position information of the image file on a display screen of the imaging apparatus.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Embedding Symbology in Digital Images and Using the Symbology to Organize and Control the Digital Images

Номер: US20120293521A1
Автор: Leigh M. Rothschild
Принадлежит: Rothschild Trust Holdings LLC

A method and system for designing and affixing symbology, e.g., an identifier, into digital and printed images and using that symbology to link these images to a global computer network to allow the organization and processing of these images both while in digital form, and later when in printed form are provided. The method includes the steps of capturing an image with a digital image capture device and creating a digital image file; associating at least one identifier to the digital image file; and encoding the at least one identifier of the digital image file. The identifier includes a site location number (SLN), a customer identification number (CIN), a date the image was taken (DIT) and a picture sequence number (PSN). The identifier will be printed with the image and be used to retrieve the image at a later date and process user requests.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Portable electronic device

Номер: US20120293683A1
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

According to an aspect, a portable electronic device includes an imaging unit, a moving unit, and a control unit. The imaging unit images a subject in an imaging region. The moving unit changes orientation and/or a position of the portable electronic device. The control unit causes the moving unit to change the orientation and/or the position of the portable electronic device so as to move the imaging region of the imaging unit.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Orientation-based generation of panoramic fields

Номер: US20120300019A1
Автор: Dahey Yoo, William X. Yang
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A field sensor may be capable of generating a panoramic field, e.g., by instructing the user to capture a sequence of fields of the panorama, performing a field evaluation to identify one or more landmarks depicted in overlapping areas of two contiguous fields, performing a field registration therebetween, and stitching together the panoramic field. However, panoramic field stitching based on field evaluation may fail to register two fields accurately or at all. Rather, panoramic field stitching may be performed using a device having an orientation sensor that detects the orientation of the device while capturing each field with a field sensor. The detected orientation may be used to orient the fields within a projection, from which a panoramic field may be accurately stitched. Additional variations include stitching together projections of the panorama captured at different times and utilizing fields captured at a distance from the root location of the panorama.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Image file data structure, image file generation device, image file generation method, and electronic camera

Номер: US20120307094A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

In an electronic camera that captures still images when capturing a moving image records associated images in a moving image file, the data structure of which includes metadata for both of the moving image and the still images captured when the moving image is being captured. The metadata includes identification data, which unambiguously identifies a still image that is associated with the moving image.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20120314955A1
Автор: Koji Ozaki
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An information processing device includes: an information processing unit that performs information processing sequentially using data with respect to each unit of processing, and obtains information processing results using a predetermined number of data in the order of processing with reference to data to be processed in the information processing of the data; and a data supplementation unit that extracts data contained in the predetermined number for obtaining the information processing result of the data of the next unit of processing to be subjected to the information processing and holds the data as supplementary data in the data with respect to each unit of processing supplied to the information processing unit, and allows the information processing unit to perform the information processing sequentially using the held supplementary data and the data of the next unit of processing to be subjected to the information processing.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Image processing device, image processing method and program

Номер: US20120320249A1
Автор: Kimu Higashimoto
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing device may include a control unit. The control unit may be operable, in a first mode, to control display on a display screen of a representative image of a group of images and, in a second mode, to control display on the display screen of an image of the group of images corresponding to a posture of the device. In addition, the control unit may be operable to switch between operation in the first mode and the second mode.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Guidance for image capture at different locations

Номер: US20120327252A1
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

A method for providing guidance to a user as to what images should be captured by the user as the user moves from location to location, comprising receiving a first captured digital image having pixel data captured of a scene at a first location, using a processor to analyze the pixel data of the first captured digital image and determining based on such analysis a second possible image capture location for the user, wherein the second possible image capture location is selected from a plurality of different possible locations, and transmitting guidance to the user over a communications network, the guidance including information concerning a next scene to be captured at the second location.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Camera distance measurement device

Номер: US20130002861A1
Автор: Tatsuya Mitsugi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A camera distance measurement device displays an image in which a plurality of graduation lines which are arranged in the form of a grid with respect to a vehicle is superimposed on a camera image which is captured by a camera mounted to the vehicle on a display unit, and estimates a distance in a direction of the width of the vehicle, and a distance in a direction of the capturing by the camera from a unit distance defined for each grid side of the graduation lines.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Imaging system, imaging instruction issuing apparatus, imaging apparatus, and imaging method

Номер: US20130002892A1
Автор: Yoichiro Sako
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An imaging system includes an imaging instruction issuing apparatus and one or more imaging apparatuses. The imaging instruction issuing apparatus includes a generation unit that generates notification data including identification information unique to each imaging instruction issuing apparatus and an imaging request signal, and a first communication unit that transmits and outputs the notification data to each imaging apparatus. Each imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit that obtains captured image data of a subject, a saving unit that saves the captured image data obtained by the imaging unit, a second communication unit that receives the notification data from the imaging instruction issuing apparatus, and a control unit that causes the saving unit to save the captured image data and the identification information included in the notification data in an associated manner in a case where the notification data received by the second communication unit includes the imaging request signal.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Multi-core processor for hand-held, image capture device

Номер: US20130010127A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC, Silverbrook Pty Ltd

A multi-core processor for installation in a hand-held device that has first and second image sensors. The multi-core processor has a first sensor interface for receiving data from the first image sensor, and a second sensor interface for receiving data from the second image sensor. Multiple processing units in the multi-core processor are configured to operate in parallel for processing data from the first and second sensor interfaces. The multiple processing units and the first and second sensor interfaces are all integrated onto a single chip.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Portable imaging device with multi-core processor

Номер: US20130010148A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A portable imaging device that has a CMOS image sensor, a color display for displaying an image sensed by the CMOS image sensor and a central processor. The central processor has an image sensor interface for receiving data from the CMOS image sensor, multiple processing units for parallel operation to simultaneously process the data, and an image display interface for sending processed data to the color display. The central processor is integrated onto a single chip.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Hand-held quad core processing apparatus

Номер: US20130016227A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A hand-held apparatus is provided having a digital camera, a display, a miniature keyboard, a network interface, and four interconnected processing units arranged to jointly run programs for the operation of the digital camera, display, miniature keyboard, and network interface.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Handheld imaging device with image processor provided with multiple parallel processing units

Номер: US20130016232A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A handheld imaging device includes an image sensor for sensing an image; a micro-controller integrating therein a dedicated image processor for processing the sensed image, a bus interface, and an image sensor interface; and a plurality of processing units connected in parallel by a crossbar switch, the plurality of processing units provided within the micro-controller to form a multi-core processing unit for the processor. The image sensor interface provides communication between the micro-controller and the image sensor. The bus interface provides communication between the micro-controller and devices external to the micro-controller other than the image sensor.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Handheld imaging device with multi-core image processor integrating image sensor interface

Номер: US20130016236A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A handheld imaging device includes an image sensor for sensing an image; a processor for processing the sensed image; a multi-core processing unit provided in the processor, the multi-core processing unit having a plurality of processing units connected in parallel by a crossbar switch; and an image sensor interface for converting signals from the image sensor to a format readable by the multi-core processing unit, the image sensor interface sharing a wafer substrate with the processor. A transfer of data from the image sensor interface to the plurality of processing units is conducted entirely on the shared wafer substrate.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Handheld imaging device with vliw image processor

Номер: US20130016266A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A handheld imaging device includes an image sensor for sensing an image: a Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processor for processing the sensed image; a plurality of processing units provided in the VLIW processor, the plurality of processing units connected in parallel by a crossbar switch to form a multi-core processing unit for the VLIW processor; and an image sensor interface for receiving signals from the image sensor and converting the signals to a format readable by the VLIW processor, the image sensor interface sharing a wafer substrate with the VLIW processor. A transfer of data from the image sensor interface to the VLIW processor is conducted entirely on the shared wafer substrate.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Camera system with color display and processor for reed-solomon decoding

Номер: US20130021443A1
Автор: Kia Silverbrook
Принадлежит: Google LLC

A camera system including: a substrate having a coding pattern printed thereon and a handheld digital camera device. The camera device includes: a digital camera unit having a first image sensor for capturing images and a color display for displaying captured images to a user; an integral processor configured for: controlling operation of the first image sensor and color display; decoding an imaged coding pattern printed on a substrate, the printed coding pattern employing Reed-Solomon encoding; and performing an action in the handheld digital camera device based on the decoded coding pattern. The decoding includes the steps of: detecting target structures defining the extent of the data area; determining the data area using the detected target structures; and Reed-Solomon decoding the coding pattern contained in the determined data area.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for mobile image capture and remittance processing

Номер: US20130022231A1
Принадлежит: Mitek Systems Inc

Systems and methods are provided for capturing and processing images of remittance coupons using a mobile device and obtaining data from the captured image which is used to set up or carry out payment of a bill that corresponds to the remittance coupon. Optimization and enhancement of image capture and image processing are provided on the mobile device to improve the initial quality of the captured image and provide a user with real time feedback. The image is then sent from the mobile device to a remote server, where additional image processing is performed to improve the quality of the image and then extract data from the image that is relevant to paying the bill. The extracted data may be verified through comparisons with databases which store information on billers, bill formats and other relevant content that will appear on the bill.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130038753A1
Автор: Shigeo Ogawa
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit to acquire image data, an integration unit to calculate a white balance integration value, a first calculation unit to calculate a still image white balance control value, a second calculation unit to calculate a histogram white balance control value, and a histogram processing unit. The second calculation unit calculates the histogram white balance control value by converting a white balance control value which is used in white balance processing on the image data acquired by the imaging unit in an electronic view finder (EVF) mode to the still image white balance control value, and the histogram processing unit adjusts color balance of the image data acquired by the imaging unit using the calculated histogram white balance control value and performs the histogram processing in parallel with calculation of the white balance integration value.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling camera using terminal and terminal thereof

Номер: US20130076918A1

A method of controlling a mobile terminal, and which includes establishing a wireless communication connection with an external camera located at a near distance from the mobile terminal; receiving, by the mobile terminal and from the external camera, a preview picture generated by the external camera; displaying, on a display unit of the mobile terminal, the preview picture generated by the external camera; receiving an input on the mobile terminal for commanding the external camera to perform a predetermined camera function; and transmitting, by the mobile terminal, the input to the external camera for commanding the external camera to perform the predetermined camera function.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for mobile image capture and remittance processing

Номер: US20130085935A1
Принадлежит: Mitek Systems Inc

Systems and methods are provided for capturing and processing images of remittance coupons using a mobile device and obtaining data from the captured image which is used to set up or carry out payment of a bill that corresponds to the remittance coupon. Optimization and enhancement of image capture and image processing are provided on the mobile device to improve the initial quality of the captured image and provide a user with real time feedback. The image is then sent from the mobile device to a remote server, where additional image processing is performed to improve the quality of the image and then extract data from the image that is relevant to paying the bill. The extracted data may be verified through comparisons with databases which store information on billers, bill formats and other relevant content that will appear on the bill.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Digital camera that transmits data to external system

Номер: US20130107076A1
Автор: Ryuichi Shiohara
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

With a digital camera ( 100 ), a photographed image ( 31 ) is displayed on a liquid crystal display and the user selects a desired image and specifies print specifications of the number of print sheets, a print paper size, a print color mode, etc., then print image data is prepared. The prepared print image data is transmitted from the digital camera ( 100 ) to a color printer of an output unit. An image is printed at the color printer in accordance with the print image data.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Data reproducing apparatus, content management method, program, and storage medium

Номер: US20130107079A1
Автор: Satoshi Nakama
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A data reproducing apparatus comprises: a reproducing unit adapted to read out data from a plurality of recording media; a list generating unit adapted to generate a content list which describes storage location information in association with contents stored in the plurality of recording media; and a communication unit adapted to communicate with an external device and sending the content list to the external device, wherein the list generating unit checks if the contents stored in the plurality of recording media include identical contents, and if the identical contents are detected, the list generating unit generates the content list including information indicating that the storage location information of the identical contents are integrated.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Image processing method and image processing system and image capturing device using the same

Номер: US20130107081A1
Автор: Masui Hikaru
Принадлежит: Ability Enterprise Co Ltd

An image processing method applied to an image capturing device includes the following steps. Firstly, a number of shooting parameters, provided by an image capturing module of the image capturing device, are obtained. Next, a number of super resolution parameters are obtained according to the shooting parameters. Then, a captured image is obtained through the image capturing module. After that, a super resolution operation is executed on the captured image based on the super resolution parameters.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20130120255A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

An image processing apparatus provided with a display unit for displaying an operation picture, showing control indicia (e.g., icons) corresponding to multiple image processing functions, is operated to display the operation picture on an external display device. The operator selects one of the indicia shown on the external display device by operating an input device, such as touch screen of the apparatus or a remote control, to indicate the position of the desired one of the indicia. The operator can thereby quickly and reliably select an image processing function to be executed, without any need to view an operation picture on the display unit when making the selection.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Printing system, control method therefor, and photo-direct printing apparatus

Номер: US20130148166A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

In a printing system in which a digital camera (DSC) and PD printer apparatus are directly connected via a USB, and image data is transmitted from the DSC to the PD printer apparatus and printed, Capability of the PD printer apparatus is transmitted from the PD printer apparatus to the DSC after communication procedures are established by an application (NCDP) installed in the PD printer apparatus and DSC. The PD printer apparatus is caused to execute print operation in accordance with print conditions set by the DSC on the basis of the transmitted Capability.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for creating or storing resultant image which changes in selected area

Номер: US20130162856A1

An image processing method includes: defining a selection area in a first still image according to a user input; extracting image data that correspond to the selected area from a second still image; combining the image data extracted from the second still image on the selection area of the first still image to create a composite image; and sequentially displaying the first still image and the composite image.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Control apparatus, control method, and computer-readable recording medium

Номер: US20130176444A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A control apparatus for controlling an image capture apparatus includes a communication unit and a control unit. The communication unit transmits a first command to the image capture apparatus if a predetermined area in a captured image received from the image capture apparatus and a pointer operated by an operation unit are overlapped. The communication unit transmits a second command to the image capture apparatus if a button of the operation unit is clicked in a state that the predetermined area and the pointer are overlapped.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Communication device, communication system, image presentation method, and program

Номер: US20130196591A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A communication device including an image capturing device having a RF-ID unit for performing proximity wireless communication with a RF-ID reader/writer connected via an infrared communication path to a TV. The image capturing device includes: an antenna for the proximity wireless communication; a data receiving unit receiving an input signal from the RF-ID reader/writer; a nonvolatile second memory storing at least UID and an execution program; and a data transmission unit transmitting the UID and the execution program to the RF-ID reader/writer via the antenna according to the input signal. The UID is used to identify the communication device, and the execution program is executed by the TV with reference to the UID. The transmitted UID and execution program are transferred to the TV via the RF-ID reader/writer.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, control method thereof, and recording medium for performing data transmission

Номер: US20130201351A1
Автор: Jun Matsuda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus includes a control unit configured to control a transmission of an image to an external device, a shifting unit configured to shift a mode between an operation mode and a standby mode, a selection unit configured to select whether to permit shifting to the standby mode based on a user operation, and a determination unit configured to determine a type of the external device, wherein in a case where the determination unit determines that the type of the external device is a first type, the control unit enables transmission of an image to the external device in a mode associated with the first type without selection, and wherein in a case where the determination unit determines that the type of the external device is a second type, the control unit enables transmission of an image to the external device after selection.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, terminal apparatus, image capturing apparatus, information processing method, and information provision method for an image capturing apparatus

Номер: US20130222621A1
Автор: Nodoka Tokunaga
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided an information processing apparatus including a motion detection part detecting motion information of an object included in a moving image frame, and a cutout region decision part deciding a region to be cutout from the moving image frame using the motion information detected for each object by the motion detection part.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Automatic Face and Skin Beautification Using Face Detection

Номер: US20130229549A1
Принадлежит: DigitalOptics Corp Europe Ltd

Sub-regions within a face image are identified to be enhanced by applying a localized smoothing kernel to luminance data corresponding to the sub-regions of the face image. An enhanced face image is generated including an enhanced version of the face that includes certain original pixels in combination with pixels corresponding to the one or more enhanced sub-regions of the face.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Image display apparatus, imaging apparatus, image display method, and program

Номер: US20130235248A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

This image display apparatus includes a display unit that displays at least an image, an operation input unit that is divided into a plurality of areas, predetermined operations being assigned to the respective areas, and a control unit that displays an operation manual screen on the display unit for a predetermined time when a full-screen display process starts, that presents content of the operations assigned to the respective areas of the operation input unit by the screen, and that performs control to perform, when one of the areas is pressed, the operation assigned to the area.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Pixel array module with self-test function and method thereof

Номер: US20130265066A1

A pixel array module with a self-test function including a test circuit unit, a plurality of test lines, and a pixel array is provided. The test circuit unit provides the self-test function. The test lines are connected between the test circuit unit and the pixel array. The pixel array is connected to the test circuit unit through the test lines and includes a plurality of pixels. Each pixel includes a transistor. Each transistor has a first terminal and a second terminal. Regarding each of the pixels, a driving signal of the transistor is transmitted from the first terminal to the second terminal thereof under a normal mode, and a test signal of the transistor is transmitted from the second terminal to the first terminal thereof under a test mode. Furthermore, a self-test method of the foregoing pixel array module is also provided.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Electronic system with augmented reality mechanism and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20130293579A1
Автор: Jeff Beene, Yun Z. Wu

A method of operation of an electronic system includes: scanning an image for detecting a subject; detecting a potential adjustment for moving the subject within the image; and selecting an augmentation for recommending the potential adjustment and for displaying the augmentation on a device.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Image processing architectures and methods

Номер: US20130295894A1
Принадлежит: Digimarc Corp

Cell phones and other portable devices are equipped with a variety of technologies by which existing functionality is improved, and new functionality is provided. Some aspects relate to imaging architectures, in which a cell phone's image sensor is one in a chain of stages that successively act on instructions/data, to capture and later process imagery. Other aspects relate to distribution of processing tasks between the device and remote resources (“the cloud”). Elemental image processing, such as filtering and edge detection—and even some simpler template matching operations—may be performed on the cell phone. Other operations are referred out to remote service providers. The remote service providers can be identified using techniques such as a reverse auction, though which they compete for processing tasks. Other aspects of the disclosed technologies relate to visual search capabilities, and determining appropriate actions responsive to different image inputs. Still others concern metadata generation, processing, and representation. A great number of other features and arrangements are also detailed.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, image processing method, photographic imaging apparatus, and recording device recording image processing program

Номер: US20130308012A1
Автор: Takeshi Fukutomi
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An image processing apparatus includes: a gray-scale conversion characteristic deriving unit that sets a reference image out of a plurality of input images obtained by shooting an identical object with a different amount of exposure and derives a gray-scale conversion characteristic from the reference image; a normalizing unit that generates a correction image by correcting brightness of the reference image based on an amount of exposure of the reference image and an amount of exposure of a non-reference image other than the reference image; a position alignment processing unit that computes a positional deviation between the correction image and the non-reference image and generates a position alignment image by aligning a position of the non-reference image with the reference image based on the positional deviation; and an image synthesis processing unit that derives a new pixel value for each pixel using a pixel value of a single or a plurality of images selected out of a plurality of the input images based on the gray-scale conversion characteristic to generate a synthesized image.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Electronic camera that wirelessly transfers data, which includes a power save mode

Номер: US20130321652A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

An electronic camera comprises a wireless communication unit that performs wireless communication with a computer or a printer, and a power save mode changeover unit that changes over a power save mode to either an ON or an OFF state according to the operational state of the electronic camera, if the power save mode is changed over to ON by the power save mode changeover unit, the wireless communication unit stops its operation when radio waves are not being transmitted, and if the power save mode is changed over to OFF, the wireless communication unit operates in a standby state when radio waves are not being transmitted.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Image capture apparatus and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20130321666A1
Автор: Hironori Aokage
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

In an image capture apparatus and a method of controlling the apparatus which can apply image correction processing which influences the contrast of a shot image, image quality degradation of an image shot by using input-output characteristics where an output value logarithmically increases with a linear increase in input value is suppressed. When using input-output characteristics where an output value logarithmically increases with a linear increase in input value (S 101 ), internal functional blocks are controlled to invalidate image correction functions which influence the tone characteristics or contrast of an image (S 103 ).

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Data recording apparatus and camera configured to selectively process data stored in a recording medium

Номер: US20140022413A1
Автор: Koji Ozaki
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

A data recording apparatus includes: a data recording device that records acquired data in a recording medium; a target data specifying device that specifies target data to which data processing is to be performed out of data recorded in the recording medium based on, an instruction by a user; a recordable data number calculation device that calculates a number of the acquired data that will be able to be recorded in the recording medium by performing the data processing to the target data based on a remaining capacity of the recording medium and a content of processing of the data processing; a display control device that displays on a display device a result of the calculation by the recordable data number calculation device before the data processing is performed.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Photographing apparatus and photographing method

Номер: US20140036129A1
Принадлежит: Olympus Imaging Corp

A digital camera includes: a display section displaying a photographing image obtained by photographing a subject; a signal processing and control section reading out information related to the subject and information related to surroundings of the subject from a database on the basis of position information and compass direction information about the digital camera; and a display control section selecting the information related to the subject according to the lens condition and performing control so as to display the selected information on the display section by superimposing the selected information on the photographing image.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Filing digital images using voice input

Номер: US20140049665A1
Принадлежит: BlackBerry Ltd

Method and device for naming digital image data files stored on a camera enabled device having an image sensor, an audio sensor, a display and a memory, including: capturing image data through the image sensor; automatically displaying on the display a default filename for an image data file for the captured image data; monitoring the audio sensor for voice input upon detecting a user input selecting the default filename, and determining a new filename for the image data file in dependence on a text translation of the voice input. A folder name can alternatively be determined in dependence on a text translation of a voice input and an image data file for the captured image data saved in the memory using a folder having the folder name.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20140063305A1
Автор: Yoichi Sato
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image pickup apparatus in which a pixel area including arrangement of a plurality of pixels each having a photoelectric conversion portion and a common output portion for sequentially amplifying and outputting signals from the plurality of pixels included in the pixel area are formed on a single semiconductor substrate, comprises a power supply unit for effecting power supply control of the common output portion independently of control on power supply to the pixel area, and a control circuit for effecting control to supply no power to the common output portion in a predetermined period after starting photo charge accumulation in the photoelectric conversion portion and supply the power to the common output portion before the end of a photo charge accumulation period in the photoelectric conversion portion.

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Camera system

Номер: US20140092269A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A camera system includes an interchangeable lens and a camera body. The camera body includes a first detecting unit for detecting an autofocus evaluation value, a second detecting unit for detecting that a position of a focus lens comes close to a focus position before running past the focus position, and a signal generating unit. In an autofocus control, the signal generating unit generates a control signal for controlling a driving unit to drive the focus lens at a first speed before the second detecting unit detects that the position of the focus lens comes close to the focus position, and to drive the focus lens at a second speed lower than the first speed based on a change rate of the autofocus evaluation value after the second detecting unit detects that the position of the focus lens comes close to the focus position.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Camera Control Using A Virtual Button And Gestures

Номер: US20160004378A1
Автор: VOSS Neil

A method and apparatus for dynamically controlling a image and video capture device using buttons, virtual buttons, and/or gestures. The system permits the user to control an image capture device by determining through a user command whether to save a captured video as an image or as a video file. For example, holding the capture button beyond a threshold time indicates the capture should be saved as a video, while releasing the capture button before the threshold time indicates the capture should be saved as an image. 1. A method comprising the steps of:receiving a start of a control signal indicating the start of a capture mode;initiating a capture mode in response to said start of said control signal to generate a captured video data;initiating a timer in response to said start of said control signal;receiving an end to said control signal;stopping said timer in response to said end of said control signal to generate an elapsed time;comparing said elapsed time to a threshold time; andsaving a portion of said captured video data in response to said elapsed time being less that said threshold time.2. The method of wherein said start of said control signal is generated in response to the activation of an image capture key and said end of said control signal is generated in response to the release of said image capture key.3. The method of wherein said image capture key is displayed on a touch screen.4. The method of wherein said capture mode is stopped in response to said end of said control signal.5. The method of wherein said portion of said captured video data is an image.6. The method of wherein said captured video data is saved as a video file in response to said elapsed time being greater than said threshold time.7. An apparatus comprising:a touch screen for displaying an image capture key and for generating a first control signal in response to an activation of said image capture key and a second control signal in response to a deactivation of said image ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Photometric optimization with t-splines

Номер: US20160005221A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

One example method is disclosed that includes the steps of capturing a plurality of images of a scene, wherein each of the plurality of images of the scene captures a different perspective of a portion of an object; establishing a three-dimensional (“3D”) model of the object using at least some of the plurality of images of the scene; initializing a T-spline based at least in part on the 3D model; determining a first photometric error associated with the 3D model and the T-spline; and optimizing the T-spline based on the first photometric error to create an optimized T-spline.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006921A1

Embodiments of the invention include a method of predicting that a person appearing in an image is an operator of a device capturing the image. Embodiments of the method include designating a first person appearing in a first image stored in a storage-unit associated with the device and designating a second person appearing in a second image stored in the storage-unit. Embodiments of the method further include calculating a first probability that the first person is the operator of the device, calculating a second probability that the second person is the operator of the device and comparing the first probability to the second probability. 1. A method of predicting that a person appearing in an image is an operator of a device capturing the image , the method comprising:designating a first person appearing in a first image stored in a storage-unit associated with the device;designating a second person appearing in a second image stored in the storage-unit;calculating a first probability that the first person is the operator of the device;calculating a second probability that the second person is the operator of the device; andcomparing the first probability to the second probability.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating at least one of the first probability and the second probability claim 1 , comprises detecting that a camera capturing at least one of the first image and the second image was located on a front-side of the device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating at least one of the first probability and the second probability claim 1 , comprises detecting that a camera capturing at least one of the first image and the second image is located on a back-side of the device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein calculating at least one of the first probability and the second probability claim 1 , comprises calculating a portion of the first image that is occupied by a face of the first person claim 1 , and calculating a portion of the second image ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006926A1

A solid-state image pickup device including a lens, a first light receiving element, a second light receiving element, and an element separation area. The first light receiving element is configured to receive light from the lens. The second light receiving element is configured to receive light from the lens. The element separation area is between the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element. The lens has an optical axis, which is offset from a center of the element separation area. 1. An image pickup apparatus , comprising:an image sensor configured to perform photoelectric conversion on incident light to generate an electric signal, the image sensor including (a) a lens, (b) a first light receiving element configured to convert light from the lens into an electric signal, (c) a second light receiving element configured to convert light from the lens into an electric signal, and (d) an element separation area between the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element; anda signal processing unit configured to (i) generate a first data corresponding to an electric signal from the first light receiving element, and (ii) generate a second data corresponding to an electric signal from the second light receiving element, an image interval is calculated based on the first data and the second data, and', 'the first and second light receiving elements are asymmetrically positioned with respect to a center of the lens., 'wherein,'}2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the element separation area comprises insulating material electrically separating the first light receiving element and the second light receiving element.3. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the image sensor includes a focus detection region claim 1 , the focus detection region including at least the first pixel and the second pixel.4. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006945A1
Автор: Furuhashi Yukihito

An imaging apparatus includes an object database, a composition database, an imaging unit, a determination unit, a search unit, a priority setting unit, and a display. The determination unit extracts an image feature amount from a photographed image data, and determines a kind of an object of the photographed image data, based on data stored in the object database. The search unit detects composition assisting information corresponding to the photographed image data from the composition database, based on the kind of the object and data stored in the composition database. The priority setting unit extracts characteristic information and determines presentation priority based on characteristic information differences. The display displays the composition assisting information based on the priority. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an object database storing data in which an image feature amount extracted from image data is associated with a kind of an object corresponding to the image feature amount, for each of objects;a composition database storing data in which the kind of the object and composition assisting information corresponding to the kind of the object are associated with each other;an imaging unit which acquires photographed image data by photography;a determination unit which extracts an image feature amount from the photographed image data, and which determines the kind of the object of the photographed image data, based on the data stored in the object database;a search unit which detects composition assisting information corresponding to the photographed image data from the composition database, based on the kind of the object determined by the determination unit and the data stored in the composition database;a priority setting unit which extracts characteristic information regarding each image from the photographed image data and sample image data related to the composition assisting information detected by the search unit, and which determines ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006990A1
Принадлежит: AXIS AB

The present invention provides a method for configuration of video stream output from a digital video camera that comprises: at the digital video camera connected to a communication network, producing a first video stream of a scene and producing a second video stream of the scene; at a client connected to the communication network, receiving the first and second video streams and causing at least one video stream parameter of the first set of video stream parameters to be adjusted such that a bit rate of the first video stream is affected; at the digital video camera, continuously adjusting the producing of the first video stream based on the caused adjustment of the at least one video stream parameter of the first set of video stream parameters; and on a display of the client, continuously displaying at least a portion of each frame of the first video stream. 1. A method for configuration of video stream output from a digital video camera arranged to produce a first and a second video stream depicting the same scene , the method comprising:at the digital video camera, the digital video camera being connected to a communication network, producing, using a first set of video stream parameters, the first video stream of the scene;at the digital video camera, producing, using a second set of video stream parameters, the second video stream of the scene;at a client being connected to the communication network, receiving the first and second video streams;at the client, causing at least one video stream parameter of the first set of video stream parameters to be adjusted such that a bit rate of the first video stream is affected;determining the bit rate of the first video stream;at the digital video camera, continuously adjusting the producing of the first video stream based on the caused adjustment of the at least one video stream parameter of the first set of video stream parameters; andon a display of the client, continuously displaying at least a portion of each ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012270A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

This application is directed to dynamic control for data capture. A device may comprise a capture logic module to receive at least one of biometric data from a biometric sensing module, context data from a context sensing module or content data from a content sensing module. The capture logic module may determine if a capture scenario exists based on at least one of the biometric data and context data. The determination may be weighted based on an operational mode. If a capture scenario is determined to exist, the capture logic module may then determine whether to capture data based on at least the content data. Captured data may be stored in a capture database in the device (e.g., along with enhanced metadata based on at least one of the biometric data, the context data or the content data). The device may also comprise a feedback database including feedback data. 1. A device to control data capture , comprising:a capture database to store captured data; and receive biometric data from a biometric sensing module;', 'receive context data from a context sensing module;', 'determine whether a capture scenario exists based on at least one of the biometric data or context data;', 'receive content data from a content sensing module based on at least the determination of whether a capture scenario exists;', 'determine whether to capture data based on at least the content data;', 'cause a capture module to capture data based on at least the determination of whether to capture data; and', 'cause the captured data to be stored in the capture database., 'a capture logic module to2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a communication module to allow the capture logic module to interact with at least part of the biometric sensing module external to the device.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the communication module is further to allow the capture logic module to interact with at least part of the context sensing module external to the device.4. The device of claim 2 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012562A1
Автор: Sanno Masato

A device includes a generating unit configured to acquire RAW data for a moving image and RAW data for a still image, a calculation unit configured to calculate an evaluation value from the RAW data for the still image, an encoding unit configured to encode the RAW data for the moving image to moving image data, a recording unit configured to record the encoded moving image data, and a control unit configured to, in response to an instruction to record a still image, exercise control to record moving image data corresponding to a predetermined time period before the recording instruction. The encoding unit is configured to encode the moving image data, by applying an evaluation value calculated from the RAW data for the still image by the calculation unit to the RAW data for the moving image. 1. An image processing device comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire RAW data for a moving image and RAW data for a still image;a calculation unit configured to calculate an evaluation value from the RAW data for the still image;an encoding unit configured to encode the RAW data for the moving image acquired by the acquisition unit into moving image data;a recording unit configured to record the encoded moving image data; anda control unit configured to, in response to an instruction to record a still image, exercise control to record the moving image data obtained during a predetermined time period before the recording instruction,wherein the encoding unit is configured to encode the RAW data for the moving image into the moving image data, by using the evaluation value calculated from the RAW data for the still image.2. The image processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the evaluation value includes a white balance coefficient.3. The image processing device according to claim 1 , wherein when encoding the RAW data for the moving image to obtain the moving image data claim 1 , a value calculated from a final frame of the RAW data for the moving image is ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014320A1

A camera, method and computer program for communicating between a primary camera device and other camera devices comprising: detecting orientation and position of the primary camera device and range of a primary subject in focus on the primary camera device; locating other networkable camera devices for communication; receiving subject data for a real time image of a subject from one or more of the located networkable camera devices; and determining from subject data which networkable camera devices are shooting the primary subject whereby the primary camera can utilize the subject data and image data from both its own detectors and determined network cameras to take a picture of the subject. 1. A primary camera device for communicating with other camera devices , said primary camera device comprising:detectors for detecting orientation and position of the primary camera device and range of a primary subject in focus on the primary camera device;a camera network identifier for locating networkable camera devices for communication;a camera network database for receiving subject data for a real time image of a subject from one or more of the networkable camera devices; anda primary subject camera identifier for determining from the subject data which networkable camera devices are shooting the subject whereby the primary camera device can utilize the subject data and image data from the detectors and networkable camera devices, to take a picture of the subject.2. The primary camera device of claim 1 , further comprising:an interface for requesting one or more networkable camera devices to take one or more pictures of the subject.3. The primary camera device of claim 1 , wherein said camera network database can receive camera capability data from the networkable camera devices.4. The primary camera device of claim 1 , further comprising:a camera condition range identifier for determining a range of camera conditions from the networkable camera devices.5. The primary ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013956A1
Принадлежит: FACEBOOK, INC.

Techniques to selectively capture media using a single user interface element are described. In one embodiment, an apparatus may comprise a touch controller, a visual media capture component, and a storage component. The touch controller may be operative to receive a haptic engagement signal. The visual media capture component may be operative to be configured in a capture mode based on whether a haptic disengagement signal is received by the touch controller before expiration of a first timer, the capture mode one of a photo capture mode or video capture mode, the first timer started in response to receiving the haptic engagement signal, the first timer configured to expire after a first preset duration. The storage component may be operative to store visual media captured by the visual media capture component in the configured capture mode. Other embodiments are described and claimed. 1. A computer-implemented method , comprising:sending, from an application to an operating system under which the application is running, a first instruction to configure a visual media capture controller in a photo capture mode in response to receiving a report of a haptic engagement signal;receiving, at the application, a captured photograph from the operating system; andsending, from the application to the operating system, a second instruction to configure the visual media capture controller in a video capture mode in response to receiving the captured photograph from the operating system.2. At least one non-transitory computer-readable storage medium comprising instructions that , when executed , cause a system to:send, from an application to an operating system under which the application is running, a first instruction to configure a visual media capture controller in a photo capture mode in response to receiving a report of a haptic engagement signal;receive, at the application, a captured photograph from the operating system;send, from the application to the operating system ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus and control method for image capturing apparatus

Номер: US20160014331A1
Автор: Hiroshi Tsunoda
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A mobile phone includes a display, a capturing module configured to obtain a photographed image, a touch detection module configured to receive a touch operation, a main storage module and an auxiliary storage module, and a control module. The control module temporarily stores in the main storage module successively photographed images photographed at a predetermined time interval by the capturing module, and displays a postview screen for allowing a user to select a predetermined photographed image from a successively photographed image group stored in the main storage module when the touch detection module receives a touch operation with respect to a shutter icon. The control module stores a selected photographed image in the auxiliary storage module when the touch detection module receives a touch operation with respect to a photographed image.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014358A1
Автор: ITOH Shinya

Provided is a method of controlling a solid-state image pickup device according to an embodiment, the method including: resetting a potential of a floating diffusion shared by a plurality of photodiodes; sequentially transferring signal charges, which are photoelectrically converted by the photodiodes, to the floating diffusion in which the potential is reset, in a sequence allocated to the photodiodes, thereby accumulating the transferred signal charges in the floating diffusion; performing a sampling operation on a voltage signal corresponding to the potential of the floating diffusion every time when the signal charge is completely transferred to the floating diffusion from the photodiode; and calculating the voltage signal corresponding to the signal charge transferred to the floating diffusion for each of the photodiodes, based on a difference between two of the voltage signals which are continuously subjected to the sampling operation. 1. A method of controlling a solid-state image pickup device , comprising:resetting a potential of a floating diffusion shared by a plurality of photodiodes;sequentially transferring signal charges, which are photoelectrically converted by the photodiodes, to the floating diffusion in which the potential is reset, in a sequence allocated to the photodiodes, thereby accumulating the transferred signal charges in the floating diffusion;performing a sampling operation on a voltage signal corresponding to the potential of the floating diffusion every time when the signal charge is completely transferred to the floating diffusion from one of the photodiodes; andcalculating the voltage signal corresponding to the signal charge transferred to the floating diffusion for each of the photodiodes, based on a difference between two of the voltage signals which are continuously subjected to the sampling operation.2. The method of controlling a solid-state image pickup device according to claim 1 , further comprising:performing a sampling ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and non-transitory computer readable medium for setting function for entity in real space

Номер: US20200014810A1
Автор: Kengo Tokuchi
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

An information processing apparatus includes a registration unit that registers an entity and an executable function in association with each other, the entity being an entity in real space identified by sensing, the executable function being a function executable in response to the entity being identified again.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus and wireless system

Номер: US20140104443A1
Принадлежит: Olympus Corp

An imaging apparatus includes an imaging unit, a display unit, an antenna, an antenna control unit, a wireless unit, a reception strength detection unit, an identification information extraction unit, a recording control unit, a recording unit, a relative angle extraction unit, an estimated position calculation unit, a display control unit, an instruction input detection unit, and a wireless connection switching control unit.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus

Номер: US20190020806A1

An electronic apparatus includes a display unit, a communication unit configured to read, from another electronic apparatus having a plurality of operation modes, information regarding a current operation mode of the another electronic apparatus, and a controller configured to select a user interface screen which is displayed on the display unit in accordance with the information regarding the operation mode read by the communication unit.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Storing metadata related to captured images

Номер: US20200021740A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

The present disclosure relates to user-selected metadata related to images captured by a camera of a client device. User-selected metadata may include contextual information and/or information provided by a user when the images are captured. In various implementations, a free form input may be received at a first client device of one or more client devices operated by a user. A task request may be recognized from the free form input, and it may be determined that the task request includes a request to store metadata related to one or more images captured by a camera of the first client device. The metadata may be selected based on content of the task request. The metadata may then be stored, e.g., in association with one or more images captured by the camera, in computer-readable media. The computer-readable media may be searchable by the metadata.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043569A1
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corporation

A display device, method, computer-readable storage medium and user interface, each of which detects contact to or proximity of an object with respect to a generated image, and responsive to detection of contact to or proximity of the object to the generated image, disables any operational functions associated with a first portion of the generated image. Additionally, operation associated with a second portion of the generated image is allowed responsive to the detection of contact to or proximity of the object to the generated image, where the second portion of the generated image is different from the first portion of the generated image. An indication corresponding to the second portion of the generated image for which operation is enabled may be displayed on the generated image. 1. A display method , comprising:detecting, using circuitry, a first contact on a first operational portion of an image generated on a touch screen;detecting, using the circuitry, a second contact on a second operational portion of the image generated on the touch screen, the second operational portion being different from the first operational portion;expressly displaying on the touch screen, using the circuitry, a first indicator that identifies a first operational area of a generated image that is operational, in response to said detecting the first contact on the first operational portion of the generated image, the first indicator not being visible prior to the detection of contact on the first operational portion of the generated image, the first indicator being displayed such that a first area on the touch screen where the first contact is detected being included within the first operational area indicated by the first indicator;expressly displaying on the touch screen, using the circuitry, a second indicator that identifies a second operational area of the generated image that is operational, in response to said detecting the second contact on the second operational portion of ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025476A1
Автор: Akahane Takashi

An image processing apparatus includes a range-information acquisition unit configured to acquire range information on an input image, a gradation assigning unit configured to assign a gradation to each area of the input image using the range information and to convert luminance data on the input image according to the assigned gradation, a representative-color setting unit configured to set a representative color, and a toning unit configured to convert color data on the input image according to the representative color. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a range-information acquisition unit configured to acquire range information on an input image;a gradation assigning unit configured to assign a gradation to each area of the input image using the range information and to convert luminance data on the input image according to the assigned gradation;a representative-color setting unit configured to set a representative color; anda toning unit configured to convert color data on the input image according to the representative color.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the representative-color setting unit sets the representative color based on image data on a background area in the input image.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the representative-color setting unit sets the representative color based on photographic information on the input image.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the photographic information comprises at least one of AWB (auto-white balance) calculation information claim 1 , photographed-scene determination information claim 1 , and infrared-sensor output information.5. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the toning unit converts the color data on the input image according to color data in which saturation of the representative color is lowered using the luminance data on the input image.60. The image processing apparatus ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Augmented Video Processing

Номер: US20180027162A1
Принадлежит: Google LLC

Embodiments described herein may allow for dynamic image processing based on biometric data. An example device may include: an interface configured to receive video data that is generated by an image capture device; an interface configured to receive biometric data of a user of the image capture device from one or more sensors generated synchronously with the video data; and an image processing system configured to apply image processing to the video data to generate edited video data. The image processing may be based, at least in part, on the biometric data.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150036002A1
Автор: YOSHIDA Masashi

If connection to an output apparatus is detected, a configuring apparatus acquires information about the output apparatus. If disconnection of communication connection with the output apparatus is detected, the configuring apparatus makes various configurations based on the acquired information. If communication connection with the output apparatus is detected again after the configuration, the configuring apparatus transmits the configured information to the output apparatus. 129-. (canceled)30. A configuring apparatus for configuring a data processing apparatus , comprising:a communication control unit which controls wireless communication between the configuring apparatus and the data processing apparatus connected to the configuring apparatus;a detection unit which detects status of a connection with the data processing apparatus, wherein the communication control unit controls the configuring apparatus to receive information about the data processing apparatus from the data processing apparatus if the detection unit has detected establishment of a first connection with the data processing apparatus; anda display control unit which displays, on a display unit, a configuration screen to input configurations of a data process in the data processing apparatus based on the information about the data processing apparatus if the detection unit has detected disconnection of the first connection, whereinafter the configurations of the data process have been input via the configuration screen, and the detection unit has detected establishment of a second connection with the data processing apparatus, the communication control unit controls the configuring apparatus to transmit, to the data processing apparatus, information based on the configurations of the data process input via the configuration screen, andif the detection unit has not detected disconnection of the first connection after reception of the information about the data processing apparatus, configurations ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037026A1
Автор: Kintner Michael J.

A camera holding assembly that is configured to hold a plurality of cameras in a predetermined orientation includes a support having a plurality of receptacles. Each of the receptacles include at least one feature enabling a camera to be releasably retained therein as well as at least one and preferably at least three attachment features configured for enabling the camera holding assembly to be secured to another object. The receptacles are oriented about the support so that each camera, when loaded into the defined receptacles, is aimed in a different angular orientation. Images obtained from each retained camera can be stitched to create either a composite 360 degree×180 degree full spherical image or a composite 360 degree composite image of a scene of interest. 1. A holding assembly configured to releasably retain a plurality of cameras in a predetermined orientation , said holding assembly comprising:a support;a plurality of receptacles disposed radially about said support, each of said receptacles being configured for releasably retaining a photographic camera and having at least one feature for enabling the camera to be removed from the receptacle wherein the receptacles are oriented about said support such that each camera provides a different field of view, the cameras being disposed to create either a 360 degree by 180 degree full spherical composite image or a 360 degree composite image.2. A holding assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein said support includes a plurality of radially extending arms and in which a receptacle is retained at a distal end of each arm.3. A holding assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the receptacles are integral to the support.4. A holding assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein at least some of said camera receptacles are oriented about a common plane.5. A holding assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein each said camera receptacle is defined by an enclosure having a releasably securable latch claim 1 , enabling the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160037062A1
Автор: Sasaki Takashi

An image processing apparatus includes an acquisition unit configured to acquire a plurality of divided filters being configured such that a calculation result becomes a target filter to be applied to an input image, a filter processing unit configured to apply the plurality of divided filters to the input image to generate intermediate images for the plurality of respective divided filters, and an addition unit configured to add the intermediate images generated for the plurality of respective divided filters while shifting positions of the respective intermediate images so that positions of focused pixels of the plurality of respective divided filters align with a position of a focused pixel of the target filter to generate an output image, wherein the filter processing unit generates the intermediate images while changing an area to be used for performing calculation, for each of the plurality of divided filters. 1. An image processing apparatus , comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire a plurality of divided filters being configured such that a calculation result becomes a target filter to be applied to an input image;a filter processing unit configured to apply the plurality of divided filters to the input image to generate a plurality of intermediate images; andan addition unit configured to add the plurality of intermediate images while shifting positions of the respective intermediate images so that positions of the respective intermediate images correspond to a position of a focused pixel of the target filter to generate an output image,wherein the filter processing unit generates the intermediate images while changing an area to be used for performing calculation, for each of the plurality of divided filters.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the filter processing unit generates the intermediate images by performing calculation in such areas that include at least a part of the input image respectively.3. The image ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Wearable camera and a method for encoding video captured by the wearable camera

Номер: US20220053125A1
Принадлежит: AXIS AB

A method and wearable camera for encoding video captured by a wearable camera determines a centre of rotation for an image frame to be encoded. The centre of rotation relates to a rotation of the wearable camera at the time of capturing the video and the image frame comprises multiple groups of pixels. Furthermore, compression levels are set for the multiple groups of pixels of the image frame. The compression levels for the multiple groups of pixels of the image frame are set such that a level of compression increases with a radial distance from the centre of rotation. The image frame is encoded using the compression levels.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037097A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

A computer vision processing device is provided which comprises memory configured to store data and a processor. The processor is configured to store captured image data in a first buffer and acquire access to the captured image data in the first buffer when the captured image data is available for processing. The processor is also configured to execute a first group of operations in a processing pipeline, each of which processes the captured image data accessed from the first buffer and return the first buffer for storing next captured image data when a last operation of the first group of operations executes. 1. A computer vision processing device comprising:memory configured to store data; and store captured image data in a first buffer;', 'acquire access to the captured image data in the first buffer when the captured image data is available for processing;', 'execute a first group of operations in a processing pipeline, each of which processes the captured image data accessed from the first buffer; and', 'return the first buffer for storing next captured image data when a last operation of the first group of operations executes., 'a processor configured to2. The processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first buffer is an input buffer allocated to a camera capture plug-in.3. The computer vision processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to:execute a second group of operations in the processing pipeline, each of which processes data derived from the captured image data accessed from the first buffer;acquire access to a second buffer when a last operation of the second group of operations is available to be scheduled for processing in the processing pipeline;store, in the second buffer, a plurality of portions of processed data from the processing pipeline; andoutput each portion of processed data from the second buffer when each portion of processed data is stored in the second buffer.4. The processing device ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190037163A1

A cellular phone is capable of telephone-calling with an external device, and includes an antenna by which to communicate with the external device; a lens; an image sensor that outputs an image signal; a display; a loudspeaker; and a processer. The processor controls the display to display an announcement of an incoming call from the external device after receiving a calling signal via the antenna, and in a case that the calling signal is received during operation of the image sensor in a moving image mode, the processor permits communication between the cellular phone and the external device via the antenna and using the loudspeaker and a microphone of the cellular phone after the announcement of the incoming call is displayed by the display and after the processor receives an instruction from an input device of the cellular phone to allow starting of the telephone-calling with the external device. 1. A cellular phone capable of telephone-calling with an external device , the cellular phone comprising:an antenna by which the cellular phone communicates with the external device;a lens;an image sensor that outputs an image signal from an image formed on the image sensor by the lens;a display;a loudspeaker; and the processor controls the display to display an announcement of an incoming call from the external device after receiving a calling signal via the antenna, and', 'in a case that the calling signal is received during operation of the image sensor in a moving image mode, the processor permits communication between the cellular phone and the external device via the antenna and using the loudspeaker and a microphone of the cellular phone after the announcement of the incoming call is displayed by the display and after the processor receives an instruction from an input device of the cellular phone to allow starting of the telephone-calling with the external device., 'a processer electrically connected to the antenna, the image sensor, the display and the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036887A1

An image pickup apparatus that is capable of correcting an in-focus position even if a state of an optical system changes. A focus detecting unit receives an incident light beam from an object. The focus detecting unit includes a focus detecting sensor that converts a light amount distribution of an object image into an electrical signal, an image forming lens that makes the incident light beam form object images on the sensor, a field mask arranged at the object side of the lens and having an opening for defining an image field of the object images, a storage unit that stores an initial value about the opening that is comparable with the output signal, and a correction unit that sets a correction value for detecting a focusing state to an object based on a value about the opening calculated from the output signal and the initial value. 1. An image pickup apparatus comprising:an optical element that guides an incident light beam from an object; anda focus detecting unit configured to receive the incident light beam guided by the optical element, the focus detecting unit comprising:a focus detecting sensor that converts a light amount distribution of an object image into an electrical signal;an image forming lens that makes the incident light beam form object images on the focus detecting sensor;a field mask that is arranged between the optical element and the image forming lens and that has an opening for defining an image field of the object images formed on the focus detecting sensor;a storage unit configured to store an initial value about the opening of the field mask that is comparable with the output signal from the focus detecting sensor; anda correction unit configured to set up a correction value for detecting a focusing state to an object based on a value about the opening of the field mask calculated from the output signal of the focus detecting sensor at a predetermined timing and the initial value.2. The image pickup apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042860A1

An image-displaying device includes a storage section, an image data generation section, a timing information acquisition section, and a display control section. The image data generation section is configured to generate image data indicative of an image of a subject and output to the storage section the image data including an Nth image data and an (N+i)th image data. The timing information acquisition section is configured to acquire timing information indicative of a timing related to generation of the image data and a timing at which output of each of the Nth image data and the (N+i)th image data to the storage section is completed. The display control section is configured to control a display section to commence reading and displaying the Nth image data in accordance with acquisition of the timing information indicating that the output of the (N+i)th image data to the storage section is completed. 1. An image-displaying device comprising:a storage section;an image data generation section configured to perform processing for generating image data indicative of an image of a subject based on output data from an image-capturing section that captures the image of the subject, and to output the image data to the storage section with the image data including an Nth image data and an (N+i)th image data, where N is a natural number and i is a nonnegative integer;a timing information acquisition section configured to acquire timing information indicative of a timing related to generation of the image data in the image data generation section and a timing at which output of each of the Nth image data and the (N+i)th image data to the storage section is completed; anda display control section configured to control a display section to commence reading and displaying the Nth image data in the display section in accordance with the timing information acquisition section receiving the timing information indicating that the output of the (N+i)th image data from the image ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042868A1

An automatic focus adjustment method for transmitting, from a camera main body side to a lens side, a driving amount of a focus operation member configured to drive a lens, the automatic focus adjustment method includes, when a driving amount according to defocus of an object is transmitted, transmitting a driving permissible time of the focus operation member according to a control method of automatic focus adjustment as well. On the camera main body side, the driving permissible time is acquired according to the set control method of the automatic focus adjustment. On the lens side, drive control of the focus operation member is switched so that a driving time of the focus operation member satisfies the driving permissible time.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Social networking for surfers

Номер: US20160042475A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods are disclosed for communicating surfing experience by capturing digital surf content including pictures or videos; uploading the digital surf content including pictures or videos to a remote host computer; creating at least one collage from the digital surf content including pictures or videos, wherein items in the collage are variably sized based on one or more predetermined factors; and sharing the collage with at least another user. Digital surf content is “bundled” into discrete digital packages that can be shared on the site directly or on the system's social media outlets, or can be downloaded to a user's desktop for a user to distribute on his/her. Bundling via system and methods disclosed enables viral distribution and monetization of uploaded digital surf content.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Web-sourced device control

Номер: US20210049200A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A method, computer program product and computer system are provided to promote device usage compliance. A processor retrieves a current position for a device. A processor determines at least one nearby location based on the current position of the device. A processor retrieves search data regarding the at least one nearby location. A processor determines compliance information regarding the at least one location based, at least in part, on the search data. A processor configures the device based on the compliance information regarding the at least one location.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220060627A1

A camera, having: microphones including: a first microphone; and a second microphone. The camera including a sensor controller. The sensor controller being configured to receive audio, select between the microphones, and record the audio. The sensor controller receives the audio inputs from the first microphone and the second microphone. The sensor controller selects the first microphone or the second microphone based on the audio inputs so that one of the first and second microphones is a selected microphone, wherein the selected microphone receives the audio input having the lowest level of background noise within a predetermined frequency range associated with background noise. The sensor controller records audio data from only the selected microphone. 1. A camera , comprising: a first microphone; and', 'a second microphone; and, 'microphones comprising receive audio inputs from the first microphone and the second microphone;', 'based upon the audio input select a selected microphone from the first microphone and the second microphone so that one of the first microphone and the second microphone is a selected microphone, wherein the selected microphone receives the audio input having the lowest level of background noise within a predetermined frequency range associated with background noise; and', 'record audio data from only the selected microphone., 'a sensor controller configured to2. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the sensor controller is further configured to:switch recording the audio data between the first microphone and the second microphone based on a change in at least one of wind noise, wind direction, or camera orientation.3. The camera of claim 1 , wherein the sensor controller is further configured to continue to record the audio data using the selected microphone for at least one of:a pre-determined period of time;until a user selects an input associated with stopping a recording of audio/video; oruntil an above-threshold change in motion of the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190044906A1

A server device includes a receiving unit, a browse page creation unit, a mail creation unit, and a mail transmission unit. The receiving unit receives an image transmitted from an electronic camera via a wireless network. The browse page creation unit creates a browse page for browsing the transmitted image from the electronic camera, the image having been received by the receiving unit. The mail creation unit creates a notification mail for introducing the browse page that has been created by the browse page creation unit to a person other than a user of the electronic camera. Furthermore, the mail transmission unit transmits the notification mail that has been created by the mail creation unit to a specified mail address. 1. An electronic device comprising:an image capturing unit that captures an image of a subject and outputs image data;a communication unit that performs a wireless communication with an external device; anda control unit that transmits the image data to the external device via the communication unit after the image capturing unit captures the image of the subject, whereinthe image capturing unit performs image capturing after the image data is transmitted to the external device.2. An electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinwhile transmitting the image, the control unit displays on a display unit a screen related to transmission of the image data, andafter transmitting the image data, the control unit displays an image based on the image output by the image capturing unit.3. An electronic device according to claim 2 , whereinthe control unit displays on the display unit an image based on the image data output from the image capturing unit, displays the screen related to transmission of the image data after receiving an instruction from a user, and displays the image based on the image output by the image capturing unit after the image data is transmitted to the external device.4. An electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinbased on ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220066174A1

An optical lens assembly includes five lens elements and provides a TTL/EFL<1.0. In an embodiment, the focal length of the first lens element f1 Подробнее

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150054999A1
Автор: Bock Nikolai

An image sensor may include an array of image sensor pixels arranged in rows and columns. Each image pixel arranged along a given column may be coupled to analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuitry that is capable of converting analog pixel signals into a digital floating point equivalent representation. The ADC circuitry may be configured to perform exponent conversion during a first time period at a nominal reference voltage level and to perform mantissa conversion a subsequent time period at an adjustable reference voltage level that can be less than the nominal reference voltage level. Readout circuitry implemented in this way can perform conversion in a shorter period of time using a reduced resolution ADC to serve effectively as a higher resolution ADC. 1. An image sensor , comprising:a plurality of image sensor pixels;an output line that is coupled to the plurality of image sensor pixels; andreadout circuitry that is coupled to the output line and that converts an analog pixel signal received from a selected image sensor pixel in the plurality of image sensor pixels via the output line into a corresponding floating point number.2. The image sensor defined in claim 1 , wherein the readout circuitry comprises:an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that generates an exponent value for the floating point number during a first time period and that generates a mantissa value for the floating point number during a second time period after the first time period.3. The image sensor defined in claim 2 , wherein the readout circuitry further comprises:an exponent memory circuit that stores the exponent value; anda mantissa memory circuit that stores the mantissa value.4. The image sensor defined in claim 2 , wherein the readout circuitry further comprises:a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that receives an output signal from the ADC and that supplies an adjustable reference voltage to the ADC.5. The image sensor defined in claim 4 , wherein DAC supplies a first ...
