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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 22727. Отображено 200.
10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321948C2

Изобретение относится к способу управления системой связи и к радиостанциям для использования в такой системе. Технический результат заключается в способствовании улучшенной эффективности использования системы. Для этого в системе связи, в зависимости от колебаний в качестве канала, используют управление мощностью передачи, чтобы снизить отклонения в качестве принятого сигнала. Если качество канала ухудшается до такой степени, что могла бы потребоваться высокая мощность передачи, чтобы гарантировать хорошее качество принятого сигнала, мощность передачи уменьшают и не увеличивают до тех пор, пока качество канала не восстановится в достаточной мере, чтобы предоставить возможность использования допустимого уровня мощности передачи. Пока мощность находится на уменьшенном уровне, передача блока данных может продолжаться или может быть приостановлена с блоком данных, являющимся усеченным, если весь блок не был передан по окончании периода времени, имеющегося в распоряжении для передачи блока ...

09-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2622042C2

Изобретение относится к области связи. Техническим результатом является увеличение пропускной способности связи во вторичной системе связи. Предложено устройство управления связью, содержащее модуль управления мощностью для определения мощности передачи беспроводного сигнала, передаваемого устройством, создающим помехи, с использованием индекса замираний, оценка которого получена на основе изменения относительного расстояния между устройством, создающим помехи, и устройством, которому создаются помехи. 4 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2257672C2

Изобретение относится к области мобильной связи. Технический результат заключается в получении возможности управления мощностью прямой линии связи, даже когда имеется задержка от момента, когда устройство выбора вычисляет коэффициент усиления сигнала графика. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что каждая базовая станция выполняет независимые, но одинаковые алгоритмы. Устройство выбора выполняет тот же алгоритм управления мощностью, что и каждая базовая станция, и координирует управление мощностью между двумя базовыми станциями и подвижной станцией во время мягкой передачи обслуживания. Результаты алгоритма, выполняемого устройством выбора, задерживаются из-за обратной передачи. Устройство выбора обеспечивает базовые станции информацией о коэффициенте усиления сигнала графика и о задержке кадра, соответствующей коэффициенту усиления сигнала графика. Интегральная схема прикладной ориентации базовой станции модифицирует мощность сигнала базовой станции, выдаваемого в соответствии с данными ...

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2226316C2

Изобретение относится к сотовым телефонным системам. Мощность передачи от базовой станции к мобильной станции предпочтительно управляется. Базовая станция принимает сигнал от мобильной станции и определяет отношение сигнала к помехе (ОСП), связанное с принимаемым сигналом. Базовая станция управляет своей мощностью передачи к мобильной станции с использованием определенной величины ОСП вместе с командой управления мощностью передачи, принимаемой от мобильной станции. Когда мобильная станция находится в процессе гибкого переключения каналов связи с участием двух или более базовых станций, каждая из этих базовых станций определяет величину ОСП, связанную с сигналом, принимаемым от мобильной станции. Кроме того, каждая из базовых станций управляет своей соответствующей мощностью, используя как команду управления мощностью, принимаемую от мобильной станции, так и ОСП, определяемое этой базовой станцией. Аналогичным образом, когда мобильная станция находится в процессе более гибкого переключения ...

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2381622C2

Способ для динамического выбора скорости передачи данных и/или мощности передачи (ПД) и устройство, его реализующее. Изобретение относится к системам, основанным на протоколе управления доступом к среде передачи при сверхширокополосной связи. ! Способ состоит из периодической передачи устройствами кадров маяка, в которые они внедряют обратную связь скорости передачи данных и/или мощности ПД для всех передатчиков потоков данных, для которых данные устройства являются приемниками. Обратная связь может состоять из рекомендованных значений для скорости передачи данных и/или мощности ПД или из информации о состоянии канала. Передатчик выбирает скорость передачи данных и/или мощность передачи, учитывая обратную связь от одного или нескольких приемников потока. 2 н. и 19 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл., 14 ил.

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2524674C2

Изобретение относится к технике беспроводной связи и может быть использовано для определения мощности передачи. Способ управления мощностью исходящего соединения заключается в том, что на обслуживающей базовой станции получают информацию (NI) об уровне взаимных помех и шума от, по меньшей мере, одной соседней базовой станции, получают запрос от мобильной станции на определение формулы вычисления для определения расчетного значения соотношения уровня сигнала к уровню взаимных помех и шума (SINR)определяют и передают на мобильную станцию коэффициент регулирования, включающий, в том числе, определение формулы вычисления для определения SINR, получают сигнал от, по меньшей мере, одной антенны мобильной станции, мощности передачи сигнала исходящего соединения от, по меньшей мере, одной антенны, вычисленной мобильной станцией с использованием коэффициента регулирования. Технический результат - уменьшение взаимных помех, оказываемых на другие базовые станции. 3 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 2 табл.

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446573C2

Изобретение относится к системам беспроводной связи. Техническим результатом является регулирование мощности передачи по обратному каналу для всех пользователей в пределах соты. Для этого в первом варианте сначала измеряют помехи первого типа (шаг S600), затем измеряют помехи второго типа (шаг S605), определяют отношение между результатами первого и второго измерений (шаг S610) и передают измеренное отношение множеству мобильных устройств (шаг S615). Во втором варианте принимают переданное отношение, в котором указано отношение между помехами двух различных типов (шаг S650), рассчитывают уровень мощности передачи по обратному каналу, исходя из переданного отношения, которое было принято (шаг S655). В третьем варианте сначала регулируют мощность передачи в режиме многостанционного доступа с ортогональным частотным разделением каналов (OFDMA), исходя из первых сигналов обратной связи во время передачи в режиме OFDMA (шаг S725), и затем регулируют мощность передачи в режиме OFDMA, исходя из ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446587C2
Принадлежит: НТТ ДоСоМо, Инк. (JP)

Изобретение относится к технике связи и может использоваться для мультиплексирования каналов управления для нескольких приемных устройств. Технический результата состоит в повышении качества приема информации. Для этого при мультиплексировании каналов управления для нескольких приемных устройств в символ OFDM в одинаковые временные интервалы при радиодоступе в нисходящем направлении используют OFDM, которое содержит модуль генерации профилей, выполненный с возможностью генерации профиля отображения частот, индивидуального для передающего устройства; и модуль назначения частот, выполненный с возможностью назначения поднесущих каналам управления для нескольких приемных устройств в соответствии с профилем отображения частот. 3 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

10-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2237975C1

Изобретение относится к системам мобильной связи, поддерживающей мультимедийный сервис, и касается способа управления мощностью во время гибкого переключения каналов связи в системе мобильной связи. Мобильная станция, находящаяся на связи с множеством базовых станций при гибком переключении каналов связи, измеряет уровни сигналов прямых общих каналов пилот-сигналов, принимаемых от базовых станций, и передает их последовательно на эти базовые станции. Затем базовые станции осуществляют управление мощностью передачи прямых общих каналов управления мощностью в соответствии с полученными результатами измерений уровней сигналов. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности управления мощностью передачи. 7 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

10-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006123550A

... 1. Способ планирования передач, содержащий выбор множества пар терминалов, каждая из которых содержит передающий терминал и соответствующий принимающий терминал, определение целевого параметра качества для каждого из принимающих терминалов, и планирование одновременных передач сигналов от каждого из передающих терминалов к соответствующему ему принимающему терминалу, причем планирование одновременных передач включает в себя выбор уровня мощности для каждой из передач сигналов, который удовлетворяет целевому параметру качества для каждого из принимающих терминалов. 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий планирование отличающегося кода расширения для каждой из передач сигналов. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором параметр качества содержит отношение несущей к взаимной помехе. 4. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий планирование скорости передачи данных для каждой из передач сигналов. 5. Способ по п.4, в котором запланированная скорость передачи данных из одного из передающих терминалов используется ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006131702A

... 1. Способ управления мощностью, содержащий активизацию управления мощностью в замкнутом контуре в ответ на обнаружение широкополосной помехи, превышающей пороговое значение; отключение управления мощностью в замкнутом контуре в ответ на определение, что широкополосная помеха ниже порогового значения; и передачу сигнала обратной связи по мощности, указывающего уровень мощности передачи, при активизации управления мощностью в замкнутом контуре. 2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий отключение управления мощностью в разомкнутом контуре в ответ на обнаружение широкополосной помехи, превышающей пороговое значение; и активизацию управления мощностью в разомкнутом контуре в ответ на определение того, что широкополосная помеха ниже порогового значения. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором сигнал обратной связи по мощности представляет собой команду повышения мощности, указывающую на увеличение уровня мощности передачи. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором сигнал обратной связи по мощности представляет собой ...

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010108527A

... 1. Способ беспроводной связи, содержащий: ! определение максимальной интенсивности принятого сигнала приемника, ! определение минимальных потерь из-за переходного затухания и ! определение значения передаваемой мощности на основании определенной максимальной интенсивности принятого сигнала приемника и определенных минимальных потерь из-за переходного затухания. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором значение передаваемой мощности содержит значение максимальной передаваемой мощности. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором значение передаваемой мощности содержит значение передаваемой мощности для общего канала управления. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором значение передаваемой мощности содержит значение передаваемой мощности на нисходящей линии связи для базовой станции. !5. Способ по п.1, в котором максимальная интенсивность принятого сигнала и минимальные потери из-за переходного затухания заранее заданы. ! 6. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий прием индикации максимальной интенсивности принятого сигнала ...

20-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010104567A

... 1. Устройство, содержащее !средство для приема, по меньшей мере, одного отчета о помехе, по меньшей мере, от одного соседнего сектора, причем, по меньшей мере, один отчет о помехе дополнительно содержит информацию о помехе, относящуюся к помехе, измеренной, по меньшей мере, в одном соседнем секторе, вызванной передачами данных, по меньшей мере, одного терминала в секторе; и ! средство для регулирования передач данных для, по меньшей мере, одного терминала в секторе на основании, по меньшей мере, одного полученного отчета о помехе. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее: ! средство для управление доступом терминалов в сектор на основании, по меньшей мере, одного из полученного отчета о помехе, класса приоритета пользователя, класса качества обслуживания (QoS) или их комбинации. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, дополнительно содержащее: ! средство для блокирования доступа к сектору или отмену назначения терминалов, которым уже предоставлен доступ к сектору, на основании, по меньшей мере, ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009140041A

... 1. Базовая станция, содержащая процессор, конфигурированный для ! создания, по меньшей мере, двух ортогональных подканалов (OSC) в пределах канала для осуществления связи, при этом мощность передачи управляется независимо в каждом подканале; ! мультиплексирования информации для первого модуля беспроводной передачи/приема (WTRU) и информации для второго WTRU в общем временном интервале в сигнале нисходящей линии связи, где первый OSC выделен для первого WTRU, и второй OSC выделен для второго WTRU; ! контроля условий канала; и ! повторного назначения информации для второго WTRU из мультиплексируемого общего временного интервала для другого временного интервала в ответ на контролируемые условия канала. ! 2. Базовая станция по п.1, в которой процессор выполнен с возможностью осуществления адаптивного управления мощностью. !3. Базовая станция по п.2, в которой процессор конфигурирован для выполнения адаптивного управления мощностью, используя критерии, включающие в себя, по меньшей мере, уровень ...

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009113016A

... 1. Способ обеспечения обратной связи для управления мощностью в системе беспроводной связи, содержащий этапы, на которых: ! определяют объединенное значение запаса по мощности усилителя мощности (УМ) и помех для связи с точкой доступа; и ! передают объединенное значение к точке доступа. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором передача включает в себя передачу объединенного значения в заголовке управления доступом к среде передачи (MAC) пакета. ! 3. Способ по п.1, в котором передача включает в себя передачу объединенного значения в выделенном канале. ! 4. Способ по п.1, в котором передача включает в себя передачу объединенного значения как часть обратной связи информации о состоянии канала. ! 5. Способ по п.1, в котором определение включает в себя этапы на которых: ! получают одну или большее количество из информации о помехах и информации о качестве канала от точки доступа и одной или большего количества соседних точек доступа; и ! определяют объединенное значение, основываясь по меньшей мере частично ...

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012108647A

... 1. Способ доступа к пользовательскому оборудованию включает:пользовательское оборудование, получающее вторичный сигнал синхронизации, переданные от базовой станции на каналы передач, выбранных в восходящем канале для передачи нисходящих данныхпользовательское оборудование, определяющее мощность передачи от вторичных сигналов синхронизации, а такжепользовательское оборудование, передающее RACH, предпочтение доступа к базовой станции при мощности передачи для выполнения процесса доступа RACH.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пользовательское оборудование определяет мощность передачи из вторичных сигналов синхронизации, а такжепользовательское оборудование, обнаруживающее мощность приема сигнальной последовательности полученных вторичных сигналов синхронизации;определение потерь при передаче в восходящем канале в соответствии с определенной мощности приема и передачи, защитной мощности на базовой станции, а такжепользовательское оборудование, определяющее мощность передачи как сумму ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011109020A

... 1. Способ для сигнализирования по нисходящей линии связи отрегулированных параметров, чтобы точно устанавливать уровень мощности передачи для восходящей линии связи, содержащий этап, на котором: ! - используют процессор, выполняющий машиноисполняемые инструкции, сохраненные на машиночитаемом носителе данных, чтобы реализовывать следующие этапы, на которых: ! - определяют целевой уровень мощности передачи, который желателен для абонентского устройства, который находится вне заданного диапазона для команды мощности на значение смещения; ! - передают команду мощности на значении в пределах заданного диапазона, которое является ближайшим к целевому уровню мощности передачи; ! - передают сигнал уменьшения на основе значения смещения; и ! - принимают канал восходящей линии связи на целевом уровне мощности передачи, ! - при этом абонентское устройство регулирует свою мощность передачи из команды мощности согласно сигналу уменьшения. ! 2. Способ по п.1, в котором канал нисходящей линии связи содержит ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106336A

... 1. Способ беспроводной связи, содержащий этапы, на которыхизмеряют интенсивность сигнала для сигнала нисходящей линии связи от базовой станции и определяют мощность передачи пользовательского оборудования (UE) на основе измеренной интенсивности сигнала для сигнала нисходящей линии связи, причем UE осуществляет одноранговую связь с другим UE и не осуществляет связь с базовой станцией.2. Способ по п.1, дополнительно содержащий этап, на которомдетектируют сигнал нисходящей линии связи от базовой станции на основе, по меньшей мере, одного сигнала синхронизации, или, по меньшей мере, одного опорного сигнала, или их обоих, передаваемых базовой станцией.3. Способ по п.1, в котором этап определения мощности передачи UE содержит определение мощности передачи UE на основе функции измеренной интенсивности сигнала для сигнала нисходящей линии связи.4. Способ по п.1, в котором этап определения мощности передачи UE содержит определение мощности передачи UE на основе измеренной интенсивности сигнала для ...

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006105631A

... 1. Способ выделения мощности конкретным каналам управления для удаленных станций, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых A) сортируют множество терминалов доступа в порядке возрастания требуемой мощности канала управления доступом к передающей среде (MAC) на множество элементов разрешения, B) если два или более терминала доступа имеют одинаковую требуемую мощность MAC-канала, сортируют терминалы доступа с одинаковой требуемой мощностью MAC-канала в порядке уменьшения соотношения "сигнал-интерференция и шум" линии обратной связи (FL_SINR), C) определяют общую доступную мощность ARQ на основе общей мощности MAC-канала, общей мощности, выделяемой каналам управления мощностью обратной связи (RPC), и общей мощности, выделяемой каналам битов активности обратной связи (RAB), D) сравнивают общую доступную мощность ARQ с общей требуемой мощностью ARQ терминалов доступа, и E) если общая доступная мощность ARQ меньше общей требуемой мощности ARQ терминалов доступа в ответ на этап D: a) уменьшают ...

23-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060209256T2

18-09-2008 дата публикации

Übertragungsverfahren mit dynamischer Sendeleistungsanpassung und entsprechendes Hörgerätesystem

Номер: DE102007011841A1

Bei der Datenübertragung in einem Hörgerätesystem sollen Übersteuerungen vermieden und der Energieverbrauch beim Senden möglichst gering gehalten werden. Dazu wird ein Übertragungsverfahren und ein entsprechendes System zu induktiven Übertragung vorgeschlagen, bei dem der Empfänger (20) eine Qualitätsinformation über das empfangene Signal zu dem Sender (10) rücksendet. Die Sendeleistung des Senders (10) wird dann dynamisch in Abhängigkeit von der Qualitätsinformation variiert. Bei unidirektionaler Übertragung kann der Sender eine Entfernungsinformation über die Entfernung des Empfängers von deentsprechend anpassen.

08-03-2000 дата публикации

A packet scheduler and method therefor

Номер: GB0000001212D0

24-01-2001 дата публикации

Reception power level calculating circuit and receiver using the same

Номер: GB0000030062D0

05-01-2011 дата публикации

Wireless communication system and method of controlling a transmission power

Номер: GB0201019933D0

18-08-2010 дата публикации

Buffering in telecommunication networks

Номер: GB0201011168D0

03-07-2002 дата публикации

CDMA transmission power control using previous SIR value and path delay quantity

Номер: GB0002370729A

A CDMA receiving apparatus includes a receiving section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, a memory circuit 8, an estimating circuit 7 and a generating circuit 9. The receiving section generates a baseband signal from a received radio signal, searches a path having the highest correlation with the received radio signal, generates a path delay quantity for the searched path and generates a demodulated signal as an object signal from the baseband signal based on the path delay quantity. The memory circuit stores at least one SIR value as a previous SIR value. The estimating circuit estimates the SIR value from the object signal and stores the estimated SIR value in the memory circuit. The generating circuit generates a TPC (transmission power control) bit signal for controlling transmission power from the estimated SIR value and the previous SIR value stored in the memory circuit based on the path delay quantity and a reference SIR value.

01-10-2008 дата публикации

Power control in a cellular communication system

Номер: GB0002447889A

A power control apparatus for a fixed network of a cellular communication system comprises a transmitter (109) transmitting a downlink communication to a user equipment (103) at a transmit power level. A receiver (107) receives power control commands representing a requested transmit power change of the transmit power level to achieve a quality level for the downlink communication. A transmit power controller (111) adjusts the transmit power level in response to the power control commands thereby implementing a downlink power control loop. A quality processor (129) determines a quality parameter for the downlink communication in response to measurement reports received from the user equipment (103) and a mode processor (131) switches the power control apparatus between a default power control mode of operation and a bias power control mode of operation in response to the quality parameter. A bias processor (133) biases the transmit power level when the power control apparatus is in the ...

01-07-1998 дата публикации

Power control and rate information method for a mobile radio communications system

Номер: GB0009809145D0

31-07-2013 дата публикации

Setting user equipment maximum uplink power in a basestation coverage area

Номер: GB0002498698A

Setting a maximum uplink power for user equipment devices (26) in a coverage area of a first basestation (18) located in a coverage area of one or more second basestations (12) in a cellular communications network. The maximum uplink power is set for user equipment devices based on a measure of the path losses between the one or more second basestations and user equipment devices in the coverage area of the first basestation. The measure of the path losses between the one or more second basestations and the user equipment devices is formed from a measure of the path loss between the one or more second basestations and the first basestation and an estimate of the excess of the path losses between the one or more second basestations and the user equipment devices over the path loss between the one or more second basestations and the first basestation.

11-10-2000 дата публикации

Method for communication of information and apparatus employing the method

Номер: GB0000020599D0

22-01-2003 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for powder control for a transmitter in a cellular communication system

Номер: GB0000229397D0

11-09-2002 дата публикации

Procedure for increasing a pilot power for high speed dedicated physical control chanel in a user equipment

Номер: GB0000218119D0

22-11-2000 дата публикации

Method for the communication of information and apparatus employing the method

Номер: GB0000024699D0

06-05-1998 дата публикации

Method for controlling transmitting power in base station transceiver subsystem

Номер: GB0009804992D0

31-07-1996 дата публикации

Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system

Номер: AP0009600832D0

31-03-1998 дата публикации

Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system

Номер: AP0009801214D0

14-09-1998 дата публикации

Code division multiple (CDMA) communication system.

Номер: AP0000000681A

A multiple acces, spread-spectrum communiction system processes a plurality of information signals received by a radio carrier station (rcs)over telecommunication lines for simultaneous transmission over a radio frequency (rf)channel as a code-division-multiplexed (cdm)signal to a group of subscriber units (sus). The rcs receives a call request signal that corresponds to a telecommunication line information signal, and a user indentification signal that idenifies a user to receive the call. The rcs includes a plurality of code division multiple access (cdma)modems, one of which provides a global pilot code signal. The modems provide message code signals synhronized to the global pilot signal. Each modem combines an information signal with a message signal to provide a cdm processed signal. The rcs includes a system channel controller coupled to receive a remote call. An rf transmitter is connected to all of the modems to combine the cdm processed signals with the global pilot code signal ...

14-09-1998 дата публикации

Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system.

Номер: AP0000000682A

A multiple access, sprea-spectrum communication sysyem processes a plurality of information signals received by a radio carrier station (rcs)over telecommunication lines for simultaneous transmission over a radio frequency (rf)channel as a code-division-nultiplexed (cdm)signal to a group of subscriber units (sus0. The rcs receives a call request signal that corresponds to a telecommunication line information signal, and a user indentification signal that indentifies a suer to receive the call. The rcs includes a plurality of code division multiple access (cdma)modems, one of which provides message code signals synchronize to the global pilot signal. Each modem on information signal with a message signal to provide a cdm processed signal. The rcs includes a system channel controller coupled to receive a remote cal. An rf transmitter is connected to all of the modems to combine the cdm processed signals with the global pilot code signal to generate a cdm signal. The transmitter also modulates ...

31-03-1998 дата публикации

Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system

Номер: AP0009801214A0

31-07-1996 дата публикации

Code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system

Номер: AP0009600832A0

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397345T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362243T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374975T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368329T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426276T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468722T

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000478479T

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000482594T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452392T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000453967T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468727T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000469528T

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396553T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415745T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415759T

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000115818T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322769T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000338387T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000300813T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000295026T

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349815T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000244957T

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Radio Base Station, a Network Control Node and Methods therein for Outer Loop Power Control in Dual-Carrier HSUPA

Номер: US20120002610A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

The invention relates to a radio base station ( 13 ) for handling Outer Loop Power Control of a user equipment ( 12 ) in a radio communications network of a multiple cell ( 10,11 ) High Speed Uplink Packet Access configuration: The user equipment ( 12 ) is connected to at least two cells ( 10,11 ) using at least two carriers, one cell per carrier, wherein the radio base station ( 13 ) reports number of hybrid automatic repeat requests of the two or more carriers to a network control node ( 14 ). The radio base station ( 13 ) and the network control node ( 14 ) are comprised in the radio communications network. The radio base station determines ( 401 ) a number of hybrid automatic repeat requests over a first carrier of the at least two or more carriers, and signals ( 402 ) a user plane frame to the network control node ( 14 ). The user plane frame comprises the determined number of hybrid automatic repeat requests and an identity associated to the first carrier, enabling the network control node ( 14 ) to control an Outer Loop Power Control parameter to be used in an Outer Loop Power Control process for the first carrier.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Reverse link power control for wireless communication systems

Номер: US20120003986A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Assigning power spectrum density to access terminals within a wireless network environment is provided. Assignment information that includes assignment of reverse link transmission resources is determined and a power control instruction is created for the assigned reverse link transmission resource. An assignment message that includes both the assignment information and the power control instruction is formatted and communicated to the access terminals. The assignment message includes a Reverse Link Power Control field that indicates a transmit power spectral density assigned by the access point to the reverse-link transmission by the terminal.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Cognitive Interference Management in Wireless Networks with Relays, Macro Cells, Micro Cells, Pico Cells and Femto Cells

Номер: US20120015659A1
Принадлежит: Centre of Excellence In Wireless Tech

Cognitive interference management in Cellular wireless network with relays and micro/pico/femto cells operated in distributed scheduling mode. A cellular system may use RS to improve capacity or for coverage extension. A RS relays the signals between BS 104 and MS by using wireless links between BS-RS and RS-MS during both downlink and uplink transmissions. Embodiments herein disclose a mechanism to explicitly indicate to the MS whether the MAC management messages sent by the BS to the MS are to inform it to perform scanning for interference measurement. Also, disclosed herein is a mechanism to explicitly indicate to the BS whether the message sent by the MS is related to interference measurement.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus of transmission power control in the presence of interference

Номер: US20120015678A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method of operating a wireless device is provided in which an interference level on a resource is determined. In addition, a signal is transmitted on the resource with a first power when the interference level is low. The first power is such that the signal is received with a first SNR. Furthermore, the signal is transmitted on the resource with a second power when the interference level is high. The second power is such that the signal is received with a second SNR less than the first SNR.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for sending feedback for a downlink shared service and estimating a number of wireless transmit/receive units

Номер: US20120026913A1
Принадлежит: InterDigital Patent Holdings Inc

A method and an apparatus for sending a signal on a contentious feedback channel for a downlink shared service and for estimating a number of wireless transmit/receive units (WTRUs) are disclosed. When a transmission criterion associated with a physical random access feedback channel (P-RAFCH) is satisfied, a physical resource is randomly selected among a plurality of physical resources assigned for the P-RAFCH and a pre-configured signal is sent using the selected physical resource. A Node-B receives the pre-configured signal from a plurality of WTRUs and calculates a number of the WTRUs based on a number of used physical resources. The transmission criterion is at least one of successful reception of a data packet on a downlink physical channel, successful reception of a data block on a data service, reception of a signaling command, occurrence of a measurement event, and failure to receive a transmission after a specified number of times.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for setting a transmit power level

Номер: US20120028629A1
Принадлежит: IP Access Ltd

An access point for supporting communication in a femto cell of a cellular communication network. The access point comprises transceiver circuitry arranged to enable communication with at least one cell subscribed wireless communication unit located within the femto cell, and signal processing logic module. The signal processing logic is arranged to configure a transmit power level of a Common Pilot CHannel (CPICH) for transmission based at least on cell subscribed wireless communication unit information.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling uplink power in wireless communication system

Номер: US20120028673A1
Автор: Su-Ryong Jeong

A method is provided for controlling an uplink (UL) power by a Mobile Station (MS) in a wireless communication system including an upper-layer Base Station (BS) and a lower-layer BS whose cell coverage is narrower than that of the upper-layer BS. The method also includes measuring a first received signal strength indicating a received signal strength of a first reference signal received from the upper-layer BS, and a second received signal strength indicating a received signal strength of a second reference signal received from the lower-layer BS, acquiring a transmission (TX) power ratio representative of a ratio of a first TX power indicating a TX power of the upper-layer BS to a second TX power indicating a TX power of the lower-layer BS, selecting a first serving BS indicating a UL serving BS to which the MS will transmit a UL signal, from among the upper-layer BS and the lower-layer BS, and determining a UL TX power, based on the first received signal strength, the second received signal strength, and the TX power ratio, and transmitting the UL signal to the first serving BS using the UL TX power.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and arrangement for power control

Номер: US20120033578A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for setting a power control level ( 600 ) in a wireless communication system. The method includes the steps of obtaining ( 620 ) transmission information from a wireless subscriber unit, and modifying a power control level and/or a communication channel format ( 660 ) in response to said transmission information. Preferably, the transmission information is re-transmission requests from a wireless subscriber unit, which are transmitted frequently. In this manner, rapid adjustment of power control can be attained utilising an optimal selection of the available communication channel format, followed by a fine-tuning power control operation.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Telecommunication network

Номер: US20120034915A1
Принадлежит: EUTELSAT SA

A network for establishing RF links between a main ground station connected to a NOC center and ground terminals via a multispot satellite, the network being composed of a coverage area composed of a plurality of cells in which terminals are located, each cell being associated with at least one link spot beam with the satellite to which a frequency band is allocated, the center including a determination module to determine the transmission parameters characteristic of the position of terminals in the coverage area, the parameters covering the entire coverage area and a transmitter to transmit all parameters to each of the terminals. Each of the terminals includes a storage device to store at least part of all the parameters, a positioning device to determine its geographic position in the coverage area and a processor to determine, from the parameters and its geographic position, the transmission parameters to be utilized.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Transmission power control system, base station, and transmission power control method

Номер: US20120034947A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A transmission power determination system configured to control a transmission power of a radio signal transmitted by a small base station in a mobile communication network including a general base station forming a predetermined cell and the small base station forming a small cell smaller in size than the predetermined cell, the transmission power determination system comprising: a reception power acquisition unit configured to acquire a reception power of a radio signal from one of a different small base station or the general base station, which can be received by the small base station; a determination unit configured to determine one of the different small base station and the general base station which transmits the radio signal acquired by the reception power acquisition unit; a pathloss value calculation unit configured to calculate, when it is determined by the determination unit that the radio signal is transmitted from the different small base station, pathloss value between the different small base station and the small base station based on a difference between a transmission power of the radio signal from the different small base station and the reception power of the radio signal from the different small base station acquired by the reception power acquisition unit; and a transmission power determination unit configured to determine the transmission power of the radio signal transmitted by the small base station, based on the pathloss value calculated by the pathloss value calculation unit.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Receiving apparatus

Номер: US20120039206A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A receiving apparatus ( 10 ) provided with: a management unit ( 13 ) configured to manage a target error rate Pt in a target number of retransmission Nt; a measurement unit ( 14 ) configured to measure the initial transmission rate TPUT init of the data at a transmitting apparatus ( 10 ); and a calculation unit ( 15 ) configured to calculate, with respect to an error rate P(n) in a number of retransmission n, the reception rate TPU of data at a receiving apparatus ( 10 ) by a Equation (2A). TPUT = TPUT init Nt + Pt + 1 . [ Equation   2  A ]

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Proximity agent based out of band communication for femtocell operation

Номер: US20120046025A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Out of band (OOB) communication facilitates femtocell operation. One or more proximity agent provides out of band communication with nodes (e.g., mobile client devices) to provide assistance in or otherwise facilitate femtocell discovery, reselection, and/or interference mitigation. Out of band communication techniques provide for low power discovery, association, and communication as compared to corresponding femtocell or cellular network communication techniques. An OOB proximity agent is provided in association with a femtocell to provide transmit power level control with respect to the femtocell. In operation, if a client device searches for and finds an OOB proximity agent, it will find a femtocell, thereby avoiding a need to aggressively search for femtocells.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling inter-cell interference between femtocells and macrocells

Номер: US20120046028A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

An apparatus and method for controlling inter-cell interference comprising detecting and measuring uplink interference; and reporting the level of the uplink interference to an inter cell interference coordination (ICIC) server using a backhaul link. In one example, it may include receiving a measured uplink interference level through a first backhaul link; determining a transmit power level based on the measured uplink interference level; and sending through a second backhaul link the transmit power level for reconfiguring either a user equipment or a femtocell eNodeB. From the downlink perspective, it includes measuring a downlink interference; and reporting the level of the downlink interference to an ICIC server using a backhaul link. In one example, it may include receiving a measured downlink interference through a first backhaul link; determining a transmit power level based on the measured downlink interference; and sending a message comprising the transmit power level to a femtocell eNodeB using a second backhaul link.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of Power Control

Номер: US20120052902A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

In a cellular radio system the power control status of a mobile station is used in the base stations to generate power control commands. Hereby a radio base station can select a power control method that is optimal for the situation at hand. This is obtained by communicating power control status to base stations or deriving power control status in a radio base station. The radio base station is adapted to select power control method based on the power control status. Thus, a base station can select the most suitable power control improvement method, even during soft handover, thereby making make use of the advantages of different types of power control improvement methods.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for supporting coverage expansion of compact cell in heterogeneous network system

Номер: US20120087247A1

An apparatus and method of operating a compact base station for supporting coverage area expansion of a compact cell in a heterogeneous network system are provided. The method includes determining whether an overload takes place in a coverage area where a compact base station and a plurality of terminals communicate using a first Frequency Assignment (FA) in a compact cell, determining whether resources are redistributable using a second FA in a coverage area expanded according to coverage area expansion of the compact cell, and when the resources are redistributable using the second FA in the coverage area expanded according to the coverage area expansion of the compact cell, changing the FA of at least one of the plurality of terminals communicating with the compact base station using the first FA in the compact cell, from the first FA to the second FA.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for data transmission based on distributed discrete power control in cooperative multi-user multi-input multi-output system

Номер: US20120093250A1

Disclosed are a method and apparatus capable of enhancing a closed loop multi-input multi-output (MIMO) capacity through distributed discrete power control in the case of cooperatively transmitting information to multiple users through a downlink.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Independent power consumption management in a mimo transceiver and method for use therewith

Номер: US20120094611A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

An integrated circuit (IC) includes a multi-input multi-output transceiver system that includes a plurality of RF transceivers. Each RF transceiver includes an RF transmitter that transmits a transmit signal at a selected transmit power, based on a transmit power control signal and a corresponding RF receiver for receiving a corresponding one of a plurality of received signals from an external device and for generating a signal strength indication corresponding to each of the plurality of received signals. A processing module generates the transmit power control signal for each RF transmitter based on the signal strength indication of the corresponding RF receiver, and that generates a power mode signal for adjusting a power consumption parameter of each RF transmitter in accordance with the selected transmit power for each RF transmitter.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Radio base station apparatus, mobile terminal apparatus and transmission power control method

Номер: US20120127911A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

To provide a radio base station apparatus, mobile terminal apparatus and transmission power control method for enabling conventional inter-cell interference reduction techniques and ULCoMP to be used together, a radio base station apparatus of the invention is characterized by having a ULCoMP processing section ( 2085 ) that applies ULCoMP to a mobile terminal ( 100 1 ) when a difference (PL 2 −PL 1 ) between a pass loss PL 1 between the mobile terminal ( 100 1 ) and a base station apparatus ( 200 1 ) connected to the mobile terminal ( 100 1 ) and a pass loss PL 2 between the mobile terminal ( 100 1 ) and a base station apparatus ( 200 2 ) with the lowest pass loss for the mobile terminal ( 100 1 ) is within a predetermined range, and a transmission power control section ( 2089 ) that performs transmission power control for application of ULCoMP when the ULCoMP is applied, while performing transmission power control for non-application of the ULCoMP when the ULCoMP is not applied.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Establishing additional reverse link carriers in multi-carrier wireless systems

Номер: US20120134330A1

A method and apparatus for reliably and quickly establishing multiple reverse links in multi-carrier wireless networks is provided. Signaling channels are established the on an existing forward link in order to transmit reverse link power control bits and the acknowledgment indications.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Transmit opportunity detection

Номер: US20120135779A1
Принадлежит: University of Minnesota

The present application discusses, among other things, apparatus and methods for detecting and using a excess capacity on a wireless network medium. A method embodiment includes calculating a differential metric based on a first metric and a second metric for a primary network. The primary network can have a medium shared with a secondary network. The first metric can be based on a first distribution of traffic on the primary network and can correspond to absence of a perturbation of the medium. The second metric can be based on a second distribution of traffic on the primary network and can correspond to a perturbation of the medium from a node of the secondary network. The method can include selecting a transmission power for the node based on the differential metric.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Interference control method, macro terminal, macro base station, and femtocell base station

Номер: US20120142339A1
Автор: Jinsong Duan
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

Provided is an interference control method that, in the case where a macro terminal does not exist close to the femtocell terminal, improves the coverage performance and bit rate of femtocell terminals, and also prevent deterioration in the performance of femtocell base stations, femtocell terminals, or macro terminals. In this method, the macro terminals ( 102, 103 ) will transmit, when the difference value between the RSRQs of the femtocell base stations ( 104 ) and the RSRQ of a macro base station ( 101 ) is greater than a prescribed threshold value, a request to start an interference control, the difference value, and identification information of the femtocell base station ( 104 ), to the macro base station ( 101 ). The macro base station ( 101 ) will transmit, on the basis of the request, the difference value, and identification information, an interference-control start-up request signaling to the femtocell base station ( 104 ) specified by the identification information. The femtocell base station ( 104 ) will conduct interference control, on the basis of the interference-control start-up request signaling, to femtocell terminals ( 105 ) registered with the femtocell base station ( 104 ).

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Power Control Loop Stability Monitoring

Номер: US20120147765A1
Автор: Karl Torbjörn WIGREN
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

New load measures are provided for a base station in a wireless communication network using interference suppression receivers. The new load measures are based on the estimation of neighbor cell interference and reflect the load after interference suppression. The improved load measures are used to monitor the stability of the uplink power control loops of the user terminals served by the base station.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Power Reduction Control in Home Network Environment

Номер: US20120149363A1

There are provided measures for power reduction control in a home network environment, which may be applicable in an interworking of a home network area and a macro network area. Such measures for power reduction control may for example include, upon receipt of an initial power reduction command from a network element of a macro network area, reducing a transmit power in a home network area by a predetermined power reduction amount and starting a timer with a predetermined time period, and upon receipt of a further power reduction command from a network element of a macro network area as long as the timer is not expired, discarding the further power reduction command.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Rach procedures and power level for mtc devices

Номер: US20120155310A1

The present document relates to a wireless device in a digital cellular telecommunications network. For example, the present document relates to the request of an access channel from a wireless device to a base station of the digital cellular telecommunications network. Example methods for controlling one or more transmissions between a wireless device and a base station are described. The one or more transmissions include at least an initial transmission. One example method comprises determining the quality of a radio uplink between the wireless device and the base station, the quality being based on at least one parameter associated with a previous transmission; setting a control parameter for controlling the transmission between the wireless device and the base station based on the determined quality of the radio uplink; and transmitting the initial transmission.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Wireless communication system, wireless base station, control method, and control device

Номер: US20120156987A1
Автор: Eiji Nakayama
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

Each of the plurality of wireless base stations determines whether the accuracy of a synchronizing signal generated at a corresponding synchronizing signal generation unit is below a predetermined level, and when the accuracy of synchronizing signal is below the predetermined level, refers to the management unit to determine whether there is, among other wireless base stations arranged adjacent to its own station, a wireless base station connected to a synchronizing signal generation unit differing from its own connected synchronizing signal generation unit, and when there is a wireless base station connected to a synchronizing signal generation unit differing from its own connected synchronizing signal generation unit, reducing its own transmission power.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Method of controlling inteference from femto cells in consideration of macrocell

Номер: US20120165032A1

A method of controlling femtocell interference considering a macrocell is provided. The method of controlling the interference includes a method of setting transmission power of the femtocell and methods of avoiding the interference of the femtocell. The methods of avoiding the interference include a PRB rotation method, a PRB transmission power restriction method, a hybrid method and a UB rotation method. The method of setting the transmission power and the methods of avoiding the interference may be implemented independently or implemented in combination with each other. Hence, according to the present invention, the femtocell itself can control the interference without affecting an interface of an existing macrocell base station and without signaling through the interface with the macrocell.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for controlling uplink transmission power in wireless communication system

Номер: US20120176915A1

A method for controlling uplink transmission power in a wireless communication system is provided. The method includes estimating a downlink path loss, determining a target Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) depending on the downlink path loss, determining an amount of power to compensate for a difference between the target SNR and an estimated SNR, and transmitting a power control message including a Transmit Power Control (TPC) command value to a terminal based on the determined amount of power.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

High data rate aircraft to ground communication antenna system

Номер: US20120202430A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method for ground to air communication includes receiving a first pilot signal on a first wide beam from a first ground base station by a first antenna element covering a first range of azimuth angles from an aircraft. Data is received on a directed data beam from the first ground base station by the first antenna element. A second pilot signal is received on a second wide beam from a second ground base station by a second antenna element covering a second range of azimuth angles different than the first range of azimuth angles. A signal strength of the second pilot signal is compared with a signal strength of the first pilot signal. Data reception is switched from the first antenna element to the second antenna element if the signal strength of the second pilot signal is greater than the signal strength of the first pilot signal.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and system enabling use of white space radio spectrum using digital broadcast signals

Номер: US20120202510A1
Автор: Rajendra Singh

A system ( 10 ) and method ( 50 or 70 ) of dynamic allocation of spectrum for a communication device where a UHF band is currently unused for licensed television broadcasting involves determining ( 51 ) a location of a user device, determining ( 52 ) which UHF television broadcast channels are available for use by the user device and determining ( 53 ) a maximum allowed transmission power for a given channel based on signal strength for the given channel and on adjacent channels before transmitting ( 54 ) the maximum allowed transmission power and location by the user device to a remote server. The method can receive ( 55 ) polygon endpoints from a television broadcast defining the location of usable reception of the television broadcast.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for wireless coexistence based on transceiver chain emphasis

Номер: US20120207032A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Methods and apparatus for reduction of interference between a plurality of wireless interfaces. In one exemplary embodiment, a device having a first (e.g., Wi-Fi) interface and a second (e.g., Bluetooth) interface monitors interference between its interfaces. A reduction in transmit power of the Wi-Fi module causes a disproportionately larger reduction in undesirable interference experienced at the Bluetooth antennas. For example, when the Bluetooth interface detects interference levels above acceptable thresholds, the Wi-Fi interface adjusts operation of one or more of its transmit chains based on various conditions such as duty cycle, Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI), etc. Various embodiments of the present invention provide simultaneous operation of WLAN and PAN interfaces, without requiring time division coexistence, by reducing power on a subset of interfering antennas.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for setting data transmission parameters and communication device

Номер: US20120221719A1
Принадлежит: Intel Mobile Communications GmbH

A method for setting data transmission parameters of a communication connection comprising exchanging interface management capabilities between a plurality of communication devices; selecting from the plurality of communication devices, an active interference manager and at least one passive interference manager; collecting information about communication connections to the active interference manager, including information messaged from the at least one passive interference manager; and setting the plurality of data transmission parameters of the communication connections based on the collected information, wherein the collected information includes database information generated through simulations or measurements and stored on the plurality of communication devices.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for addressing in a resource-constrained network

Номер: US20120226822A1
Автор: John Peter Norair
Принадлежит: Blackbird Technology Holdings Inc

An electronic device may receive a protocol data unit (PDU) comprising a plurality of addressing bits. Data-link-layer processing of the PDU may be based on each of the addressing bits. Network layer processing of the PDU may be based on a first subset of the plurality of addressing bits. Transport-layer processing of the PDU may be based on a second subset of plurality of addressing bits. The data-link-layer processing may comprise determining whether the PDU is unicast-addressed or non-unicast-addressed. For a unicast-addressed PDU, the data-link-layer processing may comprise determining whether the PDU is destined for the electronic device based on a comparison of a Target ID field of the PDU and a device ID of the electronic device. For a non-unicast-addressed PDU, the Target ID field may not be present, and whether the PDU is destined for the electronic device may be determined based on other criteria.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for forward error correction (fec) in a resource-constrained network

Номер: US20120226955A1
Автор: John Peter Norair
Принадлежит: Blackbird Technology Holdings Inc

An electronic device may utilize or support adaptive use of forward error correction (FEC) in a resource-constrained network. The adaptive FEC use may comprise determining whether use of FEC encoding in transmissions from another electronic device to the electronic device is necessary, desirable, and/or feasible, and when use of FEC encoding is deemed feasible and either necessary or desirable, instructing the another electronic device to utilize FEC encoding when transmitting signals destined for the electronic device. Use of FEC encoding may be determined to be feasible, necessary and/or desirable based on power loss associated with the communications from the another electronic device; based on determination of latency associated with the communications from the another electronic device; and/or based on power and/or processing related resources in the electronic device. The electronic device may separately and selectively apply FEC encoding to transmissions to the another electronic device.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Transmission Power Control

Номер: US20120231833A1

There is provided solution for controlling transmission power characteristics of a local area base station. The solution includes determining the level of radio interference on a first frequency band used by a local area base station and on at least one second frequency band adjacent to the first frequency band. The solution may further comprise controlling the transmission power characteristics of the local area base station by taking into account at least one of the determined levels of interference.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Interference control

Номер: US20120238302A1

Controlling interference towards a first access node from uplink transmissions made by a user device to a second access node, wherein said controlling is carried out on the basis of an indication of the pathloss between said first and second access nodes without using any measurement of pathloss between said user device and said first access node.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Femto parameter profiles based upon nearby access point

Номер: US20120252423A1

A system and methodology that facilitates efficiently and accurately defining operating parameters for a femto access point (FAP) is provided. In particular, during provisioning of the FAP, the system obtains operating parameters utilized by a nearby FAP expected to have a substantially similar radio environment as the provisioning FAP. Moreover, weighting is applied to the nearby FAP to determine which set of operating parameters to utilize at the provisioning FAP. Accordingly, pre-existing operating parameters, optimized by the nearby FAP are employed to augment initial network listen measurements performed at the provisioning FAP, and thus improve speed and accuracy of initial FAP parameter provisioning.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Dynamic electromagnetic radiation emission control in wireless communication devices

Номер: US20120257657A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods and apparatus for active and passive dynamic electromagnetic radiation emission control in wireless devices by limiting transmit power in individual devices is disclosed. In various embodiments, electromagnetic radiation emissions from wireless devices are dynamically controlled using variable transmit power limits acquired through the use of RF ID/NFC tags that indicate transmit power limits, where such power limiting tags are embedded in clothing, furniture, etc., communication of transmit power limits over Bluetooth or other short range technologies, location-based transmit power limits, user input transmit power limits. Controlling the transmit power of mobiles as well as femtocells/access points for the purpose of minimizing SAR using variable transmit power limits is detailed.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Transmit Power Control Algorithms for Sources and Sinks in a Multi-Link Session

Номер: US20120276942A1
Автор: Ralph D. Mason, Renyuan Li
Принадлежит: Individual

Transmit power control functionality in wireless audio systems may be implemented by way of a Transmit Power Control (TPC) algorithm devised to control power for both source and sinks in a multi sink session, to reduce power consumption. Information may be passed back and forth between the source and sink devices to adjust power based on the shared information. The TPC algorithm may allow power control on both ends of an RF link, and may have multiple sink devices communicating with a source device. Furthermore, the multiple sink devices and the source device may each be operating at different power levels, and adjust their respective power levels as instructed by the TPC algorithm. Power control is therefore implemented on both ends of the link, where multiple sources and sinks may all operate at different power levels, and all individually adjust their respective power levels.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for maintaining the performance quality of a communication system in the presence of narrow band interference

Номер: US20120282920A1
Принадлежит: ISCO International LLC

A system that incorporates teachings of the subject disclosure may include, for example, a method for analyzing a wide frequency band with respect to signal power levels in specified narrow frequency bands, detecting narrow band signal power levels received in the specified narrow frequency bands, determining an average composite wideband power level from the narrow band signal power levels, determining an adaptive threshold, detecting narrow band interference according to the adaptive threshold, and configuring a variable bandwidth of a filter to substantially suppress the detected narrow band interference. Other embodiments are disclosed.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Outer Loop Transmit Power Control in Wireless Communication Systems

Номер: US20120302279A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson AB

Outer-loop power control methods and apparatus are disclosed. In an exemplary embodiment, a short-term block error rate is measured for a received signal, and a coarse adjustment to a target signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is calculated as a function of the short-term block error rate, a target block error rate, and a first loop tuning parameter. In some embodiments, a fine adjustment to the target SIR is also calculated, as a function of a smoothed block error rate, the target block error rate, and a second loop tuning parameter. The coarse adjustment provides quick responsiveness to received block errors, while the fine adjustment moderates the coarse adjustments by accounting for a longer-term view of the received block error rate. The target SIR adjustments disclosed herein may be computed in each of several iterations of an outer-loop power control loop.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Station Operation Method and Apparatus in TV Whitespace

Номер: US20120314658A1
Автор: Eunsun Kim, Yongho Seok
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a station (hereinafter, ‘STA’) operation method and apparatus in a TV whitespace. In a TVWS band, when an STA operating as an unlicensed device with permission to operate in an available channel not used by a licensed device needs to operate in the TVWS band by acquiring information on the available channel, the STA transmits an available channel information request message to a device having database information; receives, from the device having database information, an ACK message for the available channel information that includes (a) identification information on an available channel, (b) information on the maximum allowable power level in the available channel, and (c) information on valid time of the available channel; and transmits/receives a signal using the information of (a), (b) and (c), i.e., using the maximum allowable power level within the valid time in the available channel.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Communication control method, communication system, and management server

Номер: US20120315936A1
Автор: Ryo Sawai, Ryota Kimura
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A management server in a network including a first transmitting device that communicates with a first receiving device and a second transmitting device that communicates with a second receiving device. The management server includes a network interface that receives a parameter corresponding to a level of improvement of communication quality at the second receiving device, and a processor that calculates an allowable interference amount at the first receiving device based on the parameter.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Communication control method, communication system, and management server

Номер: US20120322388A1
Автор: Ryo Sawai
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is a communication control method including: determining whether or not reception quality of a second reception device satisfies a predetermined reference in a communication system including a first transmission device, a first reception device, a second transmission device secondarily using a frequency having been assigned to the first transmission device, and the second reception device; and, when it is determined that the reception quality of the second reception device does not satisfy the predetermined reference, additionally performing reception beam steering by the first reception device, beam steering by the first transmission device, reception beam steering by the second reception device, or transmission beam steering by the second transmission device in a predetermined order.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Mobile communication system, base station, cell coverage control method

Номер: US20120327909A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

There is provided a mobile communication system, a base station, and a method of controlling cell coverage that is capable of operating a mobile communication system such that the cell coverage is maintained approximately and timely at a target level without requiring much labor. In this mobile communication system, a mobile station reports to the base station the position information of the mobile station and the value of reception power of reference signal from the base station. The base station obtains the measured cell coverage as a result of measurement of cell coverage based on the position information and the value of reception power from the mobile stations, and controls at least one of plural parameters including transmission power to the mobile stations, tilt angle of antenna, etc., so as to minimize deviation of the measured cell coverage from the target cell coverage.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and circuit intended for high-frequency communication between an interrogator and a smart tag

Номер: US20130003712A1
Принадлежит: IDS doo

When communicating with a traditional interrogator of passive smart tags, an actively transmitting smart tag of the invention, even within a data frame being transmitted, observes a first phase (Φi) being a phase of a voltage induced in a tag's antenna by an interrogator's high-frequency carrier signal and transmits wave packets in that it excites the antenna with a voltage having a phase (Φt), which is always set at the beginning of transmission of each said wave packet shifted with respect to said first phase (Φi) by the same phase angle (ΔΦ). At ΔΦ=180° an amplitude of voltage across an interrogator's antenna, when some of said wave packets influence this antenna, attains the largest attainable interference rise. Miniature actively transmitting smart tags are enabled to wirelessly communicate with said traditional interrogator and a communication range of pocket-sized tags is herewith increased.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling downlink transmission power and apparatus for same

Номер: US20130010635A1

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system. Particularly, the present invention relates to a method in which a home base station performs power control and an apparatus for the same, the method comprising the steps of: acquiring information on downlink signal strength of a macrocell; and determining an upper limit of downlink transmission power of the home base station by taking into consideration of the downlink signal strength of the macrocell, wherein: when a predetermined condition is satisfied, the upper limit of the downlink transmission power of the home base station is determined to be an intermediate value among a minimum transmission power value, a maximum transmission power value, and a power control value proportional to the downlink signal strength of the macrocell; and when the predetermined condition is not satisfied, the upper limit of the downlink transmission power of the home base station is determined to be a predetermined fixed value, the predetermined condition being a value indicating the downlink signal strength of the macrocell is equal to or greater than a first threshold value.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Sub-channelization with power boost

Номер: US20130010749A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and system are provided for boosting power for a communications link between a base station and a user device, or user equipment, in a cellular communications network. In one embodiment, the communications link is a downlink between the base station and the user device established via a downlink channel having a full channel bandwidth including a number of sub-carrier frequencies. The base station determines whether a power boost is needed for a downlink to the user device. If so, the base station uses a subset of the sub-carrier frequencies from the full channel bandwidth as a reduced bandwidth channel, or sub-channel, for the downlink to the user device such that signal power is concentrated on the sub-carrier frequencies of the reduced channel bandwidth rather than spread across the sub-carrier frequencies of the full channel bandwidth. As a result, a power boost for the downlink is provided.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Automated parameter adjustment to compensate self adjusting transmit power and sensitivity level at the node b

Номер: US20130016681A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A small base node such as a Home Base Node (HNB), or femto cell, may reduce its transmit power in order to prevent co-channel or adjacent channel interference, or to limit its coverage area. Once the power is set, the HNB signal to a served Home User Equipment (HUE) its transmit Common Pilot Channel (CPICH) transmit power for accurate path loss estimation. When this power is outside of the permissible range, the HNB adjusts other parameters (such as Random Access Channel (RACH) constant value) to compensate for the error in signaled CPICH power, and thus compensate in that process the error in determining path loss. Similarly, if the uplink sensitivity is adjusted, to prevent interference, parameters would also be adjusted and signaled to the HUE to reflect the link imbalance.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Reverse link feedback for interference control in a wireless communication system

Номер: US20130021974A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Systems and methodologies are described that provide techniques for generating and utilizing reverse link feedback for interference management in a wireless communication system. Channel quality and/or interference data can be obtained by a terminal from a serving sector and one or more neighboring sectors, from which an interference-based headroom value can be computed that contains interference caused by the terminal to an allowable range. The interference-based headroom value can then be provided with power amplifier (PA) headroom feedback to the serving sector. Based on the provided feedback from the terminal, the serving sector can assign resources for use by the terminal in communication with the serving sector. Further, the serving sector may choose to honor or disregard a received interference-based power value based on quality of service and/or other system parameters.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Management of storage of measurement data

Номер: US20130040659A1

A management of storage of measurement Data is provided. A method of managing storage of a set of measurement data comprises the steps of determining whether a value of at least one of said plurality of parameters has changed by more than a threshold amount from a value of the parameter in a previously stored set of measurement data and storing the set of measurement data, dependent upon the determination being affirmative.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for power cutback in a simultaneous dual frequency band call

Номер: US20130053088A1

A method and apparatus can cut back power in a simultaneous dual frequency band call. The method may operate a dual frequency band transmit device. The method may include determining if a transmit frequency in a first frequency band from the device combined with a transmit frequency in a second frequency band from the device causes receiver desensitization at the device. The method may include determining if the transmit power in the first frequency band is above a threshold power. The method may include reducing maximum transmit power in the second frequency band by an amount proportional to transmit power in the first frequency band and transmit signal bandwidth in the second frequency band in only the portion of the second frequency band where a resultant frequency component can cause desensitization.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the efficient transmission of control information for supporting uplink transmission using multiple antennas

Номер: US20130070702A1

The present invention relates to a wireless communication system, and to a method and apparatus for efficiently transmitting control information for supporting an uplink transmitting technique using multiple antennas. According to one embodiment of the present invention, the method for transmitting control information for an uplink transmission using multiple antennas comprises the following steps: receiving a plurality of data blocks; transmitting ACK/NACK information for the received data blocks via a PHICH; transmitting, via a PDCCH, information containing an indicator which indicates whether to retransmit each of the plurality of data blocks; and receiving an uplink transmission in accordance with the combination of the ACK/NACK information and the information indicated by the indicator.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method, audio/video apparatus and communication device

Номер: US20130076987A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp, Sony Europe Ltd

A method and apparatus reducing interference to reception of television signals received by a television receiver. The television receiver includes an antenna receiving television signals and a tuner selecting the television signals transmitted on a carrier signal. The interference is produced by a communication device transmitting radio communication signals that can be received by the television receiver when the tuner is tuned to the television signals. The method transmits a radio beacon signal from a location substantially same as a location of the television receiver, and if the radio beacon signal is detected at the communication device, adapts transmission of the radio communication signals from the communication device to reduce interference at the television receiver. As examples, the communications device is a mobile communications device, mobile telephone, personal computer, or a base station, for example disposed within a house for forming a femto cell.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for uplink transmission power control and timing in coordinated multipoint transmission schemes

Номер: US20130083730A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method, an apparatus, and a computer program product for wireless communication are provided. The apparatus of a first cell communicates with a second cell in relation to a coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission of control information by the second cell and data by the first cell to a user equipment (UE) in a range expanded region of the first cell, determines a desired transmission power level for an uplink transmission to the first cell by the UE, and provides the desired transmission power level for the uplink transmission to the second cell.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130089051A1
Автор: Bai Wei, Yan Zhiyu, Zheng Juan
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

The disclosure provides a method and apparatus for data transmission in a radio network. The method includes: a first access point sends transmission information of a data channel allocated to a user terminal to a second access point, enabling the second access point sending data to the user terminal through the data channel according to the transmission information of the data channel, where the first access point sends no data through the data channel, or sends data through the data channel to other user terminals than the user terminal through the data channel at a transmit power less than or equal to a first power. The technical solution of the present disclosure can avoid channel interference between the second access point and the first access point in a heterogeneous network scenario, and improve transmission performance. 1. A method for data transmission in a radio network , comprising:sending, by a first access point, transmission information of a data channel allocated to a user terminal to a second access point,enabling the second access point sending data to the user terminal through the data channel according to the transmission information of the data channel;wherein the first access point sends no data through the data channel, or sends data to other user terminals than the user terminal through the data channel at a transmit power less than or equal to a first power.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:before the first access point sending the transmission information of the data channel allocated to the user terminal to the second access point, the method further comprises:selecting, by the first access point, the second access point for the user terminal.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein:before the first access point sends the data channel transmission resource information allocated to the user terminal to the second access point, the method further comprises:allocating, by the first access point, the transmission information of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for virtual adaptive uplink attenuation

Номер: US20130094374A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Techniques are provided for overcoming uplink (UL) interference at a femtocell or the like by modifying the estimated interference-plus-noise power in UL power control. In one example, the modification can be specified by a method, operable by a network entity, that may involve determining a level of excess received interference based at least in part on out-of-cell interference (Ioc). In another example, the modification can be specified by a method, operable by a network entity, that may involve determining a difference between the downlink transmit powers of the high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) serving and non-serving cells, with which the UE are in soft handover (SHO) in uplink and is served by the HSDPA serving cell in downlink.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Mobile communication method and mobile station

Номер: US20130094450A1
Автор: Anil Umesh, Mikio Iwamura
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A mobile communication method according to the present invention includes a step of transmitting, by a radio base station eNB, “RRC Connection Reconfiguration” instructing to add new DL CC to a mobile station UE, a step of calculating, by the mobile station UE, Power headroom on the basis of a path loss estimated from the new DL CC, in response to the “RRC Connection Reconfiguration”, and a step of transmitting, by the mobile station UE, “MAC Control Element” including the Power headroom to the radio base station eNB.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095872A1

For each base station, transmit power level variables (I values) for each resource block allocated by the base station are initialized. The I values are used in a model to find sub-gradients for each base station. Neighboring base stations exchange the sub-gradients. For each base station, the base station's sub-gradient and the base station's neighbors' sub-gradients are used in the model to update the I values. Neighboring base stations then exchange the updated I values. For each base station, the base station's updated I value and the base station's neighbors' updated I values are used in the model to update the initial sub-gradients. The updated sub-gradients are then exchanged and used for another update of the I values. After a number of iterations, the I values are used to establish a transmit power level per resource block. 1. A method for managing a wireless network , the method comprising:accessing, by a communications controller, a first value for a power level variable associated with a first resource block that is allocated by a first base station that serves a first sector of the wireless network;updating, by the communications controller, the first value for the power level variable according to an iterative process, the iterative process comprising: i) receiving a second value from a second base station that serves a second sector of the wireless network, the second value corresponding to the effect of power level for a second resource block allocated by the second base station on a measure of utility for the second sector; and ii) determining an updated value for the power level variable according to the second value; andsetting, by the communications controller, a transmit power level for the first resource block according to the updated value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising rounding the updated value to the nearest binary value claim 1 , wherein the first resource block is turned on if the updated value has a first binary value and ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100828A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

The present invention is directed to providing a transmission power control method and a mobile station apparatus that can adequately control the transmission power of a mobile station apparatus having a plurality of transmitting antennas. Uplink transmission power control for a mobile station apparatus having a plurality of transmitting antennas provides a step of measuring the path loss (PL) of at least one transmitting antenna in a plurality of transmitting antennas, a step of setting representative value path loss (PL′) based on the measured path loss values, a step of determining the total transmission power (P) of the mobile station apparatus based on the representative value path loss (PL′), and a step of determining the transmission power (P) of each transmitting antenna by distributing the total transmission power (P) to the plurality of transmitting antennas. 1. A transmission power control method to control uplink transmission power of a mobile station apparatus having a plurality of transmitting antennas , the transmission power control method comprising the steps of:measuring path loss (PL) of at least one transmitting antenna in the plurality of transmitting antennas;setting representative value path loss (PL′) based on the measured path loss (PL) measurement value;{'sub': 'TX', 'determining total transmission power (P) of the mobile station apparatus based on the representative value path loss (PL′); and'}{'sub': TXn', 'TX, 'determining transmission power (P) of each transmitting antenna by distributing the total transmission power (P) to the plurality of transmitting antennas.'}2. The transmission power control method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the representative value path loss (PL′) is an average value of path loss (PL) measurement values of the plurality of transmitting antennas.3. The transmission power control method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the representative value path loss (PL′) is a minimum path loss (PL) measurement value in ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100842A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

It is an object to provide a transmission power control method, mobile terminal apparatus and radio base station apparatus for enabling a mobile terminal apparatus that performs radio communications in a system band including a plurality of component carriers to suitably control uplink transmission power in each component carrier, and a transmission power control method of controlling uplink transmission power of a mobile terminal apparatus that performs radio communications in a system band including a plurality of component carriers is provided with the steps of receiving a transmission power control command generated in a radio base station apparatus, and applying the received transmission power control command to a plurality of component carriers in common and setting transmission power of each component carrier. 1. A transmission power control method of controlling uplink transmission power of a mobile terminal apparatus that performs radio communications in a system band including a plurality of component carriers , comprising:receiving a transmission power control command generated in a radio base station apparatus; andapplying the received transmission power control command to at least a particular component carrier group in common and setting transmission power of each component carrier.2. The transmission power control method according to claim 1 , further comprising:receiving offset information for compensating for a reception quality difference between the plurality of component carriers measured in the radio base station apparatus, wherein in setting transmission power of the each component carrier, transmission power is determined based on the offset information.3. The transmission power control method according to claim 2 , wherein the offset information is information on target transmission power specific to each component carrier determined corresponding to the reception quality difference in the each component carrier.4. The transmission power ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Terminal, the transmission power of which is limited in accordance with an adjacent channel interference ratio

Номер: US20130100891A1

The present description relates to a terminal. The terminal comprises: a transceiving unit; and a control unit which controls the transceiving unit. When transmitting a signal in an uplink band that is spaced apart by a predetermined band so as to avoid continuity with the uplink band used by a terminal in an adjacent cell, the transceiving unit has an adjacent channel interference ratio, the value of which can be limited to a preset value in accordance with an offset relative to a predetermined band.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for Transmitting Data Between a Radio Transmitting Device and a Radio Receiving Device

Номер: US20130101061A1
Автор: Thorsten Clevorn
Принадлежит: Intel Mobile Communications GmbH

A method for transmitting data between a radio transmitting device and a radio receiving device includes transmitting a frame structure over a radio channel, the frame structure including a control channel and a data channel. The method further includes detecting a quality degradation of the radio channel, selecting a bit from the data channel and increasing a transmission power of the selected bit when the quality degradation of the radio channel is detected.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102302A1

The present invention refers to a method for managing power levels in the uplink communications of user equipments attached to the base station of a network small cell wherein the contribution of neighbouring cells user equipments in the interference level produced at said base station is taken into account in the determination of the attached user equipment power levels. 1. Method for managing power levels in the uplink communications of user equipments attached to the base station of a network small cell wherein the contribution of neighbouring cells user equipments in the interference level produced at said base station is taken into account in the determination of the attached user equipment power levels.2. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein the maximum power levels of the user equipments attached to the base station decrease when the contribution of the neighbouring cell user equipments in the interference level produced at said base station increases.3. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein said management is dynamic in order to take into account the traffic variations and the interference level variations.4. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein the maximum power levels of the attached user equipments vary along the time according to a pseudo-random algorithm.5. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein the pseudo-random algorithm is configured in function of the number of neighbouring cells.6. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein the uplink traffic is transmitted through an enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) technology.7. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein said method is used in a cell cluster leading to an interference reduction within said cell cluster.8. Method for managing power levels in accordance with wherein the pseudo-random algorithm is configured to reduce the probability that the maximum power levels of the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102309A1

Methods and apparatuses are provided that include calibrating transmit power of a femto node based on measuring one or more parameters related to usage of the femto node. The femto node can temporarily increase transmit power and analyze received measurement reports to determine a transmit power calibration. The femto node can additionally measure uplink received signal strength indicators over multiple time periods following handover of a user equipment (UE) to determine whether to increase transmit power to cover the UE. 1. A method for calibrating transmission power of a femto node , comprising:increasing a transmit power of a femto node from a base transmit power for a duration of time;receiving one or more measurement reports from one or more user equipments (UEs) during the duration of time; andcalibrating the base transmit power of the femto node based in part on the one or more measurement reports and the increased transmit power.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising detecting a switch of at least one UE of the one or more UEs served by the femto node from an idle communications mode to an active communications mode claim 1 , wherein the increasing the transmit power is based on the switch claim 1 , and the duration of time corresponds to a time the at least one UE is in the active communications mode.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the increasing the transmit power comprises increasing the transmit power by a fixed value.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the increasing the transmit power comprises increasing the transmit power by a dynamic value computed based on at least a portion of the one or more measurement reports.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the dynamic value is computed based on a signal strength measurement of a strongest macro node received by the at least one UE.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dynamic value is computed further based on a pathloss edge measurement of the femto node at which handover to the strongest macro ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102319A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Transmission power of each base station of a secondary system is determined in such away that a transmission capacity of the secondary system is increased as much as possible while interference with a first radio system (primary system) is suppressed by properly controlling the transmission power of a plurality of second transmission stations. A second transmission station transmission power determination means is provided, which determines the transmission power used in each of the second transmission stations based on a first condition that satisfies an allowable value in relation to a system interference amount as an interference amount given to a first reception station as a predetermined reception station of the first radio system by all of the plurality of second transmission stations as transmission stations of a second radio system using a frequency band allocated to the first radio system or a frequency band allowed to be preferentially used. 1. A radio control apparatus for determining transmission power used in a plurality of second transmission stations as transmission stations of a second radio system using a frequency band allocated to a first radio system or a frequency band allowed to be preferentially used , the radio control apparatus comprising:a second transmission station transmission power determination unit configured to determine the transmission power used in each of the second transmission stations based on a first condition satisfying an allowable value in relation to a system interference amount as an interference amount given to a first reception station as a predetermined reception station of the first radio system by all of the second transmission stations.2. The radio control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second transmission station transmission power determination unit determines the transmission power used in each of the second transmission stations based on the first condition and a second condition in relation to a ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102321A1
Автор: Matsunaga Yasuhiko
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Terminals and base stations belonging to service areas of plural radio operators periodically measure a radio-link quality and an availability ratio of a radio link to notify them to a radio-resource management server. The server alters a frequency of the base station, and a transmitted-power quantity of the base station and the terminal based on these measured results to improve the radio-link quality, and reduces interference with a neighboring radio system. When a load is concentrated on a network of a specific radio operator, handover instruction is given to the terminal from the server to realize a load distribution. When the server detects excessive radio interference between the radio operators, it notifies occurrence of a fault, an interference quantity, a quantity of the transmitted power that the base station should attenuate, and the frequency that the base station should alter to the radio operator that becomes an interference source. 1. A radio terminal in a wireless network system including a radio-resource , management apparatus for managing a radio resource , and radio base stations belonging to a plurality of respective different radio operators , said radio terminal comprising:means for measuring a quality of a radio link and notifying radio-link quality information that is this measured result to said radio-resource management apparatus; andmeans for, in reply to transmitted-power control based on said measured result from said radio-resource management apparatus, taking alteration control of transmitted power.2. The radio terminal base station according to claim 1 , wherein said means for notifying makes notification at a predetermined notification period.3. The radio terminal according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the event that the radio-link quality exceeded a predetermined threshold claim 2 , said notification period is set to be longer than it is set in the event that it is equal to or less than said threshold.4. The radio terminal ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107751A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO, INC.

A base station includes a first target receiving power calculation unit that calculates first target receiving power for controlling transmission power based on a path loss and a first parameter used by the user equipment transmitting user data in a predetermined sub-frame through an uplink shared channel to control the transmission power, a difference calculation unit that calculates, based on the path loss, a difference between the first target receiving power and second target receiving power used by the user equipment transmitting the user data through the uplink shared channel at every constant interval to control the transmission power, a second parameter calculation unit that calculates a second parameter by subtracting the difference from the first parameter, and a notification unit that reports the second parameter. The first target receiving power calculation unit calculates the first target receiving power to be greater as the path loss becomes smaller. 1. A base station that performs wireless communication with user equipment , the base station comprising:a path loss calculation unit that calculates a path loss at the user equipment;a first target receiving power calculation unit that calculates first target receiving power based on the path loss and a first parameter, wherein the first parameter is used by the user equipment that transmits user data in a predetermined sub-frame through an uplink shared channel when the user equipment controls transmission power, and the first target receiving power is for the user equipment that transmits the user data in the predetermined sub-frame through the uplink shared channel when the user equipment controls the transmission power;a difference calculation unit that calculates a difference between the first target receiving power that has been calculated by the first target receiving power calculation unit based on the path loss and a second target receiving power that is to be used by the user equipment when the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Transmit power control techniques for nodes in an ad-hoc network

Номер: US20130107758A1
Автор: Khurram Waheed

A technique for controlling transmit power of nodes in an ad-hoc network includes receiving, by a receiver of a leaf node included in the nodes of the ad-hoc network, a signal from a coordinator node included in the nodes of the ad-hoc network. The leaf node sets a transmit power of a transmitter of the leaf node based on a level of the signal and a desired minimum sensitivity for the receiver.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and Arrangement For Reducing Interference and Enhancing Coverage

Номер: US20130109420A1

In a method of controlling downlink transmitting power and antenna coverage of base stations in a communication system, the system comprising a plurality of base stations and a plurality of user equipment each associated with at least one of the plurality of base stations, providing (S) interference and noise information for each of at least a subset of the plurality of user equipment. Subsequently, identifying (S) at least one interfering base station for at least one user equipment of the subset, and jointly analyzing (S) the provided interference and noise information for the subset together with the identified at least one interfering base station. Finally, jointly adapting (S) a transmitting power level and/or an antenna beam of the at least one identified interfering base stations based on the analysis, to provide reduced power consumption and increased coverage in the communication system. 1. A method of controlling downlink transmitting power and antenna coverage of base stations in a communication system , said system comprising a plurality of base stations and a plurality of user equipment each associated with at least one of said plurality of base stations , characterized by:{'b': '10', 'providing (S) interference and noise information for each of at least a subset of said plurality of user equipment,'}{'b': '20', 'identifying (S) at least one interfering base station for at least one user equipment of said subset;'}{'b': '30', 'jointly analyzing (S) said provided interference and noise information for said subset together with said identified at least one interfering base station,'}{'b': '40', 'jointly adapting (S) a transmitting power level and/or an antenna beam of said at least one identified interfering base stations based on said analysis, to provide reduced power consumption and increased coverage in said system.'}2303132. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said analyzing step (S) comprising the further step of identifying (S) a first ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Interference Management

Номер: US20130109429A1

A technique of determining whether or not to limit the wireless transmission power of a first access node serving a first area within a second area served by a second access node, wherein the first and second access node share at least some frequency resources; wherein the determining is based on an indicator of the number of other access nodes operating within a predetermined range of said first access node that also share at least some frequency resources with said second access node and serve further areas within said second area. 1. A method , comprising: determining whether or not to limit the wireless transmission power of a first access node serving a first area within a second area served by a second access node , wherein the first and second access node share at least some frequency resources; wherein the determining is based on an indicator of the number of other access nodes operating within a predetermined range of said first access node that also share at least some frequency resources with said second access node and serve further areas within said second area.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the determining is also based on whether or not the frequency resources available to said second access node include frequency re-sources not available to said first access node.3. A method according to claim 2 , comprising determining to limit the transmission power of said first access node if (i) the frequency resources available to said second access node do include frequency resources not available to said first access node claim 2 , and (ii) said indicator is not lower than a predetermined threshold number.4. A method according to claim 2 , comprising determining not to limit the transmission power of said first access node if (i) the frequency resources available to said second access node do include frequency resources not available to said first access node claim 2 , and (ii) said indicator is lower than a predetermined threshold number.5. A ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109432A1

Techniques are described that provide uplink power control techniques that can support different uplink multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmission schemes. Open and closed loop power control schemes can be used to prescribe the power level of the mobile station. 1. A mobile station comprising:logic to receive a control factor, minimum signal to interference and noise ratio, and noise plus interference level information; andlogic to determine an uplink transmit power per antenna based in part on the control factor, minimum signal to interference and noise ratio, and noise plus interference level information.2. The mobile station of claim 1 , wherein the logic to receive a control factor claim 1 , minimum signal to interference and noise ratio claim 1 , and noise plus interference level information is to receive the control factor claim 1 , minimum signal to interference and noise ratio claim 1 , and noise plus interference level information from a base station.4. The mobile station of claim 1 , wherein the logic to determine an uplink transmit power per antenna is to determine:{'br': None, 'i': P', 'L, 'sub': Target', 'perAMS', 'perAMS, '(dBm)=+SINR+NI+Offset_AMS+Offset_ABS, where'}{'sub': 'Target', 'L comprises an estimated average current uplink propagation loss, SINRcomprises a target uplink signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) received by an advanced base station (ABS),'}{'sub': 'perAMS', "NI comprises estimated average power level of noise and interference per subcarrier at the ABS, not including ABS's receive antenna gain, Offset_AMScomprises a correction term for AMS-specific power offset, and"}{'sub': 'perAMS', 'Offset_ABScomprises a correction term for AMS-specific power offset.'} The subject matter disclosed herein relates generally to techniques to determine transmitter power of a wireless signal.In wireless networks, OFDM/OFDMA with multi-input multi-output (MIMO) is an important technology for next-generation mobile broadband networks. Uplink ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Signaling and traffic carrier splitting for wireless communications systems

Номер: US20130114473A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods, systems, and devices for separating signaling data and traffic data onto separate carriers for wireless communications systems are provided. Some embodiments utilize flexible bandwidth that may utilize portions of spectrum that may not be big enough to fit a normal waveform through utilizing flexible waveforms. Flexible bandwidth systems may lead to reduced data rate on the signaling or other channels. Separating the signaling and the data traffic into different flexible bandwidth carriers so that assigned resources can be customized to different traffic patterns may address this issue. In some embodiments, the signaling data is received and/or transmitted over a first carrier separate from any other traffic data. For example, the signaling data may be received and/or transmitted over the first band carrier without any other traffic data. The traffic data and/or network data associated with the signaling data may be received and/or transmitted over a separate, second carrier.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Power control in a wireless network

Номер: US20130114541A1

A wireless network for allocating resources and controlling transmit power is provided. Uplink resource allocation information and a multilevel transmit power command is sent to a user equipment (UE) on a single downlink physical channel. In response to the information, the UE sends information on an uplink channel.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Power control in a wireless network

Номер: US20130114569A1

Power control is a wireless network is disclosed. On a single downlink physical channel an uplink resource allocation and a multilevel transmit power command is provided. An uplink transmission power level for an uplink signal provided on an uplink channel is based on the multilevel transmit power command.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121279A1

A method and apparatus for transmitting an aperiodic sounding reference signal (SRS) in a wireless communication system is provided. The method include receiving a power offset parameter for an aperiodic SRS set by a base station (BS) through an higher layer, setting transmission power of the aperiodic SRS based transmission power on the power offset parameter, and transmitting the aperiodic SRS to the BS based on the set transmission power of the aperiodic SRS. 1. A method for transmitting an aperiodic sounding reference signal (SRS) by a user equipment (UE) in a wireless communication system , the method comprising:receiving a power offset parameter for an aperiodic SRS set by a base station (BS) through an higher layer;setting transmission power of the aperiodic SRS based on the power offset parameter; andtransmitting the aperiodic SRS to the BS based on the set transmission power of the aperiodic SRS.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the power offset parameter has a length of 4 bits.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the power offset parameter is radio resource control (RRC) signaled.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transmission power of the aperiodic SRS is determined by Equation shown below based on the power offset parameter claim 1 , and in the Equation claim 1 , m is 1:{'br': None, 'i': P', 'i', 'P', 'i', 'P', 'm', 'M', 'P', 'j', 'j', 'PL', '+f', 'i, 'sub': SRS,c', 'CMAX,c', 'SRS', {'sub2': '—OFFSET,c'}, '10', 'SRS,c', 'O', {'sub2': '—'}, 'PUSCH,c', 'c', 'c', 'c, '()=min{(), ()+10 log()+()+α()·()}'}{'sub': CMAX,c', 'SRS', {'sub2': '—'}, 'OFFSET,c', 'SRS,c', 'O', {'sub2': '—'}, 'PUSCHH,c', 'O', {'sub2': '—'}, 'NOMINAL', {'sub2': '—'}, 'PUSCH', 'O', {'sub2': '—'}, 'UE', {'sub2': '—'}, 'PUSCH', 'c', 'c, 'wherein i is a subframe index, c is a serving cell, P(i) is pre-set transmission power of the UE, P(m) is the power offset parameter, Mis a bandwidth of the SRS transmission indicated by the number of resource blocks, P(j) is a parameter configured by ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for mitigating interference caused by base stations, and terminals and base stations supporting the method

Номер: US20130122924A1
Принадлежит: Humax Co Ltd

Provided is a method of mitigating interference caused by a base station. The method includes (a) determining whether there is an accessible base station among one or more base stations, and (b) sequentially determining channel information, which enables minimization of transmission power of each of the base stations, by base station among channel information between each of the base stations and a terminal to transmit the determined channel information to each of the base stations until an accessible base station is found when there is no accessible base station.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122947A1
Автор: Laroia Rajiv, Li Junyi

Methods and apparatus related to the sharing of wide area network (WAN) uplink bandwidth with peer to peer communication signaling usage are described. A base station transmits a signal to be used by a peer to peer wireless terminal in controlling its peer to peer transmit power level. The peer to peer wireless terminal receives and measures the strength of the base station signal. The measurement information is used in determining whether or not peer to peer signal transmission is permitted and/or in determining a peer to peer transmission power level. Current service level information and/or encoded information, e.g., an interference level indicator value, conveyed by the received base station signal are, in various embodiments, also utilized in determining a peer to peer transmission power level. 1. A method of operating a base station , comprising:measuring during an uplink null time period uplink background interference; andtransmitting a first uplink transmission power control value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:prior to transmitting the first uplink transmission power control value, determining said first uplink transmission power control value as a function of the measured background interference.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:storing interference budget information.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein determining said first uplink transmission power control value includes using said stored interference budget information in combination with the measured background interference to generate said first uplink transmission power control value.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:maintaining synchronization with at least one adjacent base station to maintain synchronization of uplink null time periods between adjacent base stations.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein said uplink null time period corresponds to a period of time in which at least a fraction of uplink bandwidth used by said base station is intentionally not used ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128762A1
Принадлежит: Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.

A method and an apparatus for controlling an intelligent antenna system are provided. The method includes: pre-configuring a Request Min Rate (RR), a Request Max PER (RP) and a request TX power (RTP); A). determining a current antenna configuration and a current transmitting power of the intelligent antenna system; B). reducing the transmitting power as long as the packet loss ratio does not exceed the RP with the current antenna configuration and with RR as a current transmitting rate, and adopting a reduced transmitting power as the current transmitting power; and C). switching between different antenna configurations at intervals with the current transmitting rate and the current transmitting power to obtain an antenna configuration under which the packet loss ratio is lower than the current packet loss ratio, and performing B). 1. A method for controlling an intelligent antenna system , comprising:pre-configuring a Request Min Rate (RR), a Request Max PER (RP) and a request TX power (RIP);A). determining a current antenna configuration and a current transmitting power of the intelligent antenna system;B). reducing the transmitting power as long as the packet loss ratio does not exceed the RP with the current antenna configuration and with RR as a current transmitting rate, and adopting a reduced transmitting power as the current transmitting power; andC). switching between different antenna configurations at intervals with the current transmitting rate and the current transmitting power to obtain an antenna configuration under which the packet loss ratio is lower than the current packet loss ratio, and performing B).2. The method of claim 1 , wherein C) comprises:C1). judging whether the transmitting power obtained in B) is not larger than RTP, performing C2) if the transmitting power is not larger than RTP; otherwise, performing C3);C2). increasing the transmitting rate as long as the packet loss ratio does not exceed RP with RTP as the transmitting power, ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Radio communication system, radio base station, and communication control method

Номер: US20130136074A1
Автор: Kenta Okino
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A picocell base station (PeNB) uses a downlink control channel, the frequency band of which overlaps with the frequency band of the downlink control channel used by a macrocell base station (MeNB), to transmit downlink control information for controlling radio communication with a radio terminal (PUE) connected to the picocell base station (PeNB). The picocell base station (PeNB) comprises an X2 interface communication unit ( 140 ) which uses inter-base station communication to transmit to the macrocell base station (MeNB) usage control information for controlling the control channel usage that is the usage of a radio resource used as the downlink control channel by the macrocell base station (MeNB).

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137474A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

Transmission power relative to a propagation path having a variation in gain is controlled to increase communication channel capacity, and a data rate is controlled in accordance with the variation of the increased communication channel capacity. In order to increase the communication channel capacity, the transmission power is determined so that the sum of noise power (=received noise power/propagation path gain) converted into one at a transmitter and the transmission power becomes constant. As a result, contrary to the background art, the transmission power is controlled to be reduced when the propagation path gain decreases and to be increased when the propagation path gain increases. 1a transmitter configured to transmit a first pilot signal, a second pilot signal and a data signal from a transmitting station to a receiving station, the first pilot signal and the second pilot signal working as reference signals and the data signal being used for information transmission;a measuring section configured to measure an equivalent noise power on a communication path between the transmitting station and the receiving station using the first pilot signal; anda transmission power control section configured to correct a transmission power so as to have negative correlation with the equivalent noise power,wherein the transmission power control section operates for the second pilot signal and the data signal while the transmission power control section does not operate for the first pilot signal.. A wireless communication system, comprising: The present application is a continuation application of application Ser. No. 12/820,555, filed Jun. 22, 2010 which is a continuation application of application Ser. No. 11/812,693, filed Jun. 21, 2007, which is a divisional application of application Ser. No. 10/287,676, filed Nov. 5, 2002 (now U.S. Pat. No. 7,428,264), which claims priority to JP 2001-338879, filed Nov. 5, 2001 and JP 2002-009380, filed Jan. 18, 2002. All contents of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Power Control

Номер: US20130137478A1

The invention relates to apparatuses, a method, system, computer program, computer program product and computer-readable medium. 1. An apparatus comprising:at least one processor and at least one memory including a computer program code, the at least one memory and the computer program code configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus at least to:obtain information on load experienced by a node, overlaying cell of the node and/or neighbouring cell of the node;increase transmission power for the node being able to provide services to more users in case the overlaying cell and/or the neighbouring cell are overloaded; andotherwise decrease transmission power for reducing interference caused by the node in case the load experienced by the node allows it.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the node is a micro claim 1 , pico or femto node and the overlaying cell is a macro cell.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the information on the load experienced by the overlaying cell of the node is obtained from cell access restriction (IE) information.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein most significant neighbours for the node are the strongest ones claim 1 , or the ones having overlapping area with the node.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further configured to:use as a criterion for the overload a comparison to a predetermined first threshold which first threshold is set by using at least one of: upon network configuration based on available statistical information and slowly adjusted based on self-organizing networks mechanism.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further configured to:control the transmission power increase by using an upper limit which is based on available power headroom and free resources.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further configured to:monitor the node load by using a predetermined second threshold which second threshold is set by using at least one of: upon network configuration based on available statistical information and slowly ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Mobile communication system, radio controller, base station, and mobility control method

Номер: US20130143567A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A radio controller 100 includes a transmission power acquisition unit 111 configured to acquire a neighboring cell transmission power value that is a transmission power value of a radio signal transmitted from a base station forming the neighboring cell, an offset determination unit 115 configured to determine a power offset of the neighboring cell to be added to the predetermined transmission power value, based on a difference between the predetermined transmission power value and the neighboring cell transmission power value acquired by the transmission power acquisition unit, and an offset notification unit 117 configured to notify the power offset determined by the offset determination unit to the mobile station.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and Apparatuses for Power Control Using Variable Step Size

Номер: US20130143617A1
Принадлежит: Telefonaktiebolaget lM Ericsson (publ)

The invention relates to a method in a radio communications network for controlling a transmission power of a user equipment () transmitting data to a radio base station () in the radio communications network. The radio base station () retrieves a target signal to interference ratio value and measures a signal to interference ratio of a signal transmitted with a current transmission power from the user equipment (). The radio base station () then determines a user equipment capability of power control of the user equipment (). Furthermore, the radio base station () computes a power control command based on the measured signal to interference ratio, the retrieved target signal to interference ratio, and the user equipment capability of power control, which power control command indicates a power control adjustment step of the user equipment (). The radio base station () then transmits the power control command to the user equipment (). The user equipment () calculates a transmission power step based on said received power control command and adjusts the transmission power by applying the calculated transmission power step to the current transmission power. 115-. (canceled)16. A method in a radio communications network for controlling a transmission power of a user equipment transmitting data to a radio base station in the radio communications network , the method comprising:retrieving a target signal-to-interference ratio value in the radio base station;measuring, in the radio base station, a signal-to-interference ratio value of a signal transmitted with a current transmission power from the user equipment;determining whether the user equipment comprises a zooming quantization function;computing a power control command based on the measured signal-to-interference ratio value, the retrieved target signal-to-interference ratio value, and whether the user equipment comprises a zooming quantization function, by applying a model predictive control strategy based on a ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid codebook design for wireless systems

Номер: US20130156075A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Briefly, in accordance with one or more embodiments, a codebook for wireless transmissions may be generated by dividing a codebook into a fixed set of codewords and an adaptive set of codewords. The adaptive set of codewords may be scaled to cluster together and then rotated to be centered or nearly centered about a target. The adaptive set of codewords may then be merged with the fixed set of codewords to provide a hybrid codebook. A codeword from the hybrid codebook may be selected for precoding a transmission to provide a minimum, or nearly minimum, quantization error.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for deployment and control of base stations

Номер: US20130157651A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods and apparatuses are provided for performing power control for a femto node deployed in a wireless network that include adjusting a transmission parameter of the femto node based on one or more signal energy parameters, such as a received signal strength indicator (RSSI). A comparison between the signal energy, a noise floor, and a threshold signal energy can be determined, and a transmission parameter of the femto node is accordingly adjusted based on the comparison.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for deployment and control of small cells

Номер: US20130157652A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods and apparatuses are provided for performing power control for a femto node deployed in a wireless network that include adjusting a transmission parameter of the femto node based on one or more radio frequency (RF) environment parameters. An RF environment parameter can be determined for a femto node related to a location in a coverage area. A different RF environment parameter related to other femto nodes at the location in the coverage area can be received from one or more devices, a network listening module, etc. A transmission parameter of the femto node, such as a transmit power, can be adjusted based on the RF environment parameter and the different RF environment parameter.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method and system of setting transmitter power levels

Номер: US20130165107A1
Автор: Andrew Richardson
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a method and system of setting transmitter power levels, particularly in a Local Network Node transmitter, providing a pico cell for private use. A User Equipment (UE) is used to make measurements of the transmission link properties, such as downlink power and round trip time. Based on the measurements made at one or a plurality of locations, the power of the Local Network Node can be determined such that interference is minimized with any overlying cells of a macro-network. Call handovers between the UE and the cell of a macro network can also be arranged based on properties measure by the UE.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165132A1

A wireless communication entity schedulable in a wireless communication network, including a controller () communicably coupled to a power amplifier (), wherein the controller varies a spectrum emissions level of the wireless communication entity based on the radio resource assignment information receiver by the radio receiver, such as whether NS signaling is active. Examples of NS signaling include sending an NS_07 signaling flag for band signaling or one of a NS_12-15 signaling flag for band 1. A method in schedulable wireless communication entity that communicates in a wireless communication network , method comprising:receiving a radio resource assignment;varying a spectral emissions level of the wireless communication entity based on the radio resource assignment;the radio resource assignment comprising a signaling flag indicating whether NS signaling is active.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signaling flag comprises a NS07 signaling flag.3. The method of claim 2 , varying the spectral emissions level of the wireless communication entity based on the radio resource assignment and based on an interference impact.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the signaling flag comprises one of a NS12 signaling flag claim 1 , a NS13 signaling flag claim 1 , a NS14 signaling flag claim 1 , or a NS15 signaling flag.5. The method of claim 1 , varying the spectral emissions level of the wireless communication entity based on the radio resource assignment and based upon spectral emissions level adjustment information of more spectral limitations of one or more adjacent bands.6. The method of claim 5 , the spectral emissions level adjustment information comprising maximum allowable A-MPR.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising accessing a first voltage value look-up table when the NS signaling is active.8. The method of claim 7 , the first voltage value look-up table instructing varying the spectral emissions level of the wireless communication entity to a maximum ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171985A1

Power management is provided in a femtocell basestation in a cellular communications network, in order to ensure that the effect of a mass deployment of femtocells on the key performance indicators of the surrounding macro network is bounded, for all femtocell traffic profiles. An expected area density of femtocells is determined; a macro layer quality criterion is set; a network performance indicator impact level is set; a maximum impact area allowed for the femtocell is calculated, based on the expected area density of femtocells, the macro layer quality criterion, and the network performance indicator impact level; a distance of a macro layer user from the femtocell is estimated; and the downlink power in the femtocell is controlled, based on the estimated distance of the macro layer user from the femtocell and based on the calculated maximum impact area. 1. A method of controlling a downlink power in a femtocell , the method comprising:determining an expected area density of femtocells;setting a macro layer quality criterion;setting a network performance indicator impact level;calculating a maximum impact area allowed for the femtocell, based on the expected area density of femtocells, the macro layer quality criterion, and the network performance indicator impact level;estimating a distance of a macro layer user from the femtocell; andcontrolling the downlink power in the femtocell based on the estimated distance of the macro layer user from the femtocell and based on the calculated maximum impact area.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of controlling the downlink power in the femtocell based on the estimated distance of the macro layer user from the femtocell and based on the calculated maximum impact area is performed when the femtocell has only idle traffic.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of controlling the downlink power in the femtocell based on the estimated distance of the macro layer user from the femtocell and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172001A1

A Method for inter-cell interference coordination in a cellular communication network () comprising multiple macro base stations () controlling at least one of multiple macro cells () of the cellular network () and at least one pico base station () controlling at least one pico cell () of the cellular network (), said pico cell () being located at least partially within at least one macro cell () comprises—assigning () a first portion (B) of radio transmission resources () of the cellular network () and a second portion (B) of said transmission resources () to each of said multiple macro base stations () for transmitting a radio signal using the first portion (B) and the second portion (B) of said transmission resources () and—limiting a maximum transmission power of the radio signal to be transmitted using the second portion (B) to a transmit power limit (P) less than a maximum transmit power (PE) of the signal to be transmitted using the first portion (B). In order to improve an overall throughput of the cellular network () and/or the spectral efficiency of transmission resources () of the cellular network (), the method further comprises—assigning () the second portion (B) of said transmission resources () to the pico base station () for transmitting the radio signal using the second portion (B) of said transmission resources. 2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion corresponds to a first frequency range and/or the second portion corresponds to a second frequency range of the transmission resources.3. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the cellular network has a group of multiple pico base stations and the method comprises assigning the second portion of the transmission resources to all pico base stations of said group.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises determining at least one characteristic of communication traffic related to at least one terminal registered with a macro base station and/or the pico base station ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172045A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

An electronic device such as a portable electronic device may have an antenna and associated wireless communications circuitry. A sensor such as a proximity sensor may be used to detect when the electronic device is in close proximity to a user's head. Control circuitry within the electronic device may be used to adjust radio-frequency signal transmit power levels. When it is determined that the electronic device is within a given distance from the user's head, the radio-frequency signal transmit power level may be reduced. When it is determined that the electronic device is not within the given distance from the user's head, proximity-based limits on the radio-frequency signal transmit power level may be removed. Data may be gathered from a touch sensor, accelerometer, ambient light sensor and other sources for use in determining how to adjust the transmit power level. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a capacitive proximity sensor that detects when objects are present within a given distance of the electronic device;a radio-frequency antenna with which radio-frequency signals are transmitted with a transmit power; andcircuitry that adjusts the transmit power based at least partly on data from the capacitive proximity sensor.2. The electronic device defined in wherein the circuitry comprises a power amplifier with an adjustable gain claim 1 , wherein the circuitry generates a control signal for the power amplifier that reduces the gain of the power amplifier when it is determined that an object is present within the given distance of the electronic device.3. The electronic device defined in wherein the circuitry comprises:an adjustable gain radio-frequency power amplifier that generates the radio-frequency signals at the transmit power;a radio-frequency coupler that is interposed between the radio-frequency power amplifier and the antenna; anda detector that detects signals from the coupler to measure the transmit power.4. The electronic device defined in ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176874A1

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, a serving base station determines a path loss and/or a distance measurement between the serving base station and a neighbor base station. A cell-specific power control parameter and a UE transmission power may be determined based on the determined path loss and/or distance measurement. Finally, the serving base station assigns a UE transmission rate based at least on a region where a UE is located, the region being within a serving cell 1. A method of wireless communication , comprising:determining, by a serving base station, a path loss and/or a distance measurement between the serving base station and a neighbor base station; andsetting a UE transmission power based at least in part on the determining.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:determining a cell-specific power control parameter based at least in part on the path loss and/or the distance measurement; andassigning a UE transmission rate based at least on a region where a UE is located, the region being within a serving cell.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the determining comprises:increasing the cell-specific power control parameter from a baseline value when the path loss and/or the distance measurement is greater than a threshold; anddecreasing the cell-specific power control parameter from the baseline value when the path loss and/or the distance measurement is less than the threshold.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising receiving from the neighbor base station a neighbor base station power control parameter and/or a serving base station power control parameter requirement; andin which the determining further comprises determining the cell-specific power control parameter based at least in part on the neighbor base station power control parameter and/or the serving base station power control parameter requirement.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving a measurement of a UE path loss between a served UE and the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178240A1
Автор: KIYOMOTO Moriaki

Wireless control units perform plural communication operations in parallel using plural different communication systems. Transmission power detecting units detect the transmission power in the communication operation using the respective communication systems performed by the wireless control units. A transmission power managing unit calculates the total sum of specific absorption rates in the respective communication operations based on the transmission power detected by the transmission power detecting units and determines lowering the transmission power of the communication operation using a predetermined communication system out of the plural communication systems when the calculated total sum of the specific absorption rates is greater than a predetermined reference value. Transmission power control units control the wireless control units to transmit data with the transmission power determined by the transmission power managing unit. 1. A wireless communication terminal device comprising:a wireless communication unit that performs a plurality of communication operations in parallel using a plurality of different communication systems;a transmission power detecting unit that detects transmission power in the communication operations using the respective communication systems performed by the wireless communication unit; anda control unit that calculates the total sum of specific absorption rates in the respective communication operations based on the transmission power detected by the transmission power detecting unit and that controls the wireless communication unit to lower the transmission power of the communication operation using a predetermined communication system out of the plurality of different communication systems when the calculated total sum of the specific absorption rates is greater than a reference value.2. The wireless communication terminal device according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit stores correlation information indicating the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182588A1
Принадлежит: Asoka USA Corporation

A method and a system for providing wireless communication facility with low interference between multiple wireless devices providing hotspot wireless coverage within a local area of an integrated enterprise or integrated home environment is disclosed. The sensor devices implementing hotspots are connected to a local area network (LAN) based on power line communication (PLC) and enabled with wireless power output control capability, allowing the coverage of area of each sensor device to be adjusted. The power output control is by a switch which allows the power output to be increased and decreased depending on coverage required and the output of the nearest hotspot. The power output level is indicated on the sensor by LEDs to enable resetting and adjustment. The use of power control and elimination of coverage overlap allow multiple hotspots to be used for achieving good connectivity while reducing interferences and noise within hotspots during connection and use. 2. The wireless hotspot sensor system of claim 1 , wherein:a first wireless hotspot sensor is adjusted to transmit at a first radio frequency power level;a second wireless hotspot sensor is adjusted to transmit at a second radio frequency power level; andthe first radio frequency power level is different from the second radio frequency power level.3. The wireless hotspot sensor system of claim 2 , wherein the first wireless hotspot sensor generates a first transmitted power lobe claim 2 , and the second wireless hotspot sensor transmits a second transmitted power lobe;wherein the first wireless hotspot sensor and the second wireless hotspot sensor having overlapping transmitted power lobes when operated at a maximum power level; andwherein the first radio frequency power level and the second radio frequency power level are adjusted to values that reduce an overlap of the first and second transmitted power lobes.4. The wireless hotspot sensor system of claim 3 , wherein the first and second wireless hotspot ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182600A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

A method for interference-aware scheduling is provided. The method can include acquiring a plurality of interference characteristics, each of the interference characteristics associated with a range of communication resources. The method may further include combining at least two of the interference characteristics into a combined interference characteristic, and transmitting a message encoding the combined interference characteristic. 131.-. (canceled)32. A method , comprising:acquiring a plurality of interference characteristics, each of the plurality of interference characteristics associated with a range of communication resources;combining at least two of the plurality of interference characteristics into a combined interference characteristic; andtransmitting a message encoding the combined interference characteristic.33. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the acquiring comprises at least one of:requesting an interference level report from at least one communications node;receiving the interference level report from the at least one communications node; anddetermining an interference characteristic associated with a communications resource.34. The method according to claim 33 , wherein the determining comprises:measuring at least one of a wanted signal strength, an interfering signal strength, and a noise level, on multiple resources and combining a result of the measuring into one report covering the multiple resources.35. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the combining comprises at least one of:determining an average of the plurality interference characteristics;combining interference characteristics from interfered communications nodes based on a path loss estimate between the interfered communications nodes;combining interference characteristics from interfered communications nodes based on a path loss estimate between the interfered communications nodes.36. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the combined interference ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Interference mitigation techniques for air to ground systems

Номер: US20130182790A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

A method for air to ground communication interference mitigation within an aircraft equipped with a multi-beam array antenna includes adjusting a modulation symbol interleaving and/or forward error correction of an aircraft receiver interface in response to detected interference from an interferer. The method further includes reducing a data rate of the aircraft receiver interface when the adjusting of the modulation symbol interleaving and/or forward error correction does not mitigate the detected interference. Another method for interference mitigation may include performing antenna beam-steering away from a geographic (GEO) arc during an aircraft turn. This method further includes reducing an aircraft transmitter transmit power when a signal quality of a forward link is within a predetermined range of a signal quality threshold.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Techniques for Coordinated Uplink Power Control

Номер: US20130188501A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Examples are disclosed for determining, at a base station, a target received power parameter for a wireless device in communication with the base station. In some examples, the target received power parameter may be determined based on one or more uplink status signals received from the wireless device at the base station and/or one or more other base stations. For these examples, the wireless device may adjust one or more transmit power levels responsive to receiving the target received power parameter from the base station. Other examples are described and claimed.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Pathloss Reference Configuration in a Wireless Device and Base Station

Номер: US20130188614A1
Автор: Esmael Hejazi Dinan
Принадлежит: Individual

A base station transmits message(s) assigning each of at least one secondary cell to a cell group in cell groups comprising a primary cell group and a secondary cell group. The at least one message comprises a pathloss reference for a secondary cell. The pathloss reference is a configurable parameter if the secondary cell is in the primary cell group. The configurable parameter is configurable to a downlink of the secondary cell or the primary cell. The pathloss reference is only configurable as a downlink of the secondary cell if the secondary cell is in the secondary cell group.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Radio communication system, radio base station, radio communication terminal, radio communication method, and a non-transitory computer readable medium embodying instructions for controlling a device to implement a control method

Номер: US20130189999A1
Автор: Atsushi Nakata
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

When one base station forms a plurality of cells that use different frequency bands, a handover caused by movement between cells can be successfully performed with a high probability. A radio base station adapted to communicate with a radio communication terminal, comprising: a communication unit which performs a first communication with the radio communication terminal by using a first frequency, wherein the communication unit performs a second communication with the communication terminal by using a second frequency that is different from the first frequency; and a controller which performs a control, of at least one of a first power of the first communication and a second power of the second communication, based on a first power-related quality of the first communication and a second power-related quality of the second communication.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190025A1
Автор: Sakata Masayuki
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

The invention has the object of avoiding congestion while reducing differences between parameters for communication among vehicles. The vehicle-mounted device performing communication by radio signals with predetermined vehicle-mounted devices respectively equipped in a plurality of vehicles includes: a radio unit detecting radio signals to measure congestion level; a processor receiving, from each of the predetermined vehicle-mounted devices, a value of, among parameters relating to communication of the predetermined vehicle-mounted devices, a predetermined parameter for which the degree of contribution to congestion increases with increase in the value of the predetermined parameter; and a controller decreasing, when the congestion level measured by the radio unit exceeds a predetermined threshold value, the value of the predetermined parameter of its own device if the value of the predetermined parameter of its own device is greater than the average of the values of the predetermined parameter received at the processor. 1. A vehicle-mounted device that performs communication by radio signals with predetermined vehicle-mounted devices respectively mounted in a plurality of vehicles , comprising:a radio unit detecting said radio signals to measure congestion level;a processor receiving, from each of said predetermined vehicle-mounted devices, a value of, among parameters relating to communication of the predetermined vehicle-mounted devices, a predetermined parameter for which degree of contribution to congestion increases with increase in the value of the predetermined parameter; anda controller decreasing, when the congestion level measured by said radio unit exceeds a predetermined threshold value, the value of said predetermined parameter of its own device when the value of said predetermined parameter of its own device is greater than an average of values of the predetermined parameter that are received by said processor.2. The vehicle-mounted device as set ...
