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20-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772444C2

Изобретение относится к устройствам, генерирующим аэрозоль, и системам, таким как удерживаемые рукой электрически управляемые устройства, генерирующие аэрозоль, и системы. Устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит корпус и блок питания, выполненный с возможностью подачи электропитания на нагревательный элемент посредством трансформатора в сборе внутри корпуса. Трансформатор в сборе содержит магнитопровод, первичную цепь, содержащую первичную обмотку, проходящую вокруг первой части магнитопровода и электрически соединенную с блоком питания, и вторичную цепь, содержащую вторичную обмотку, индуктивно связанную с первичной обмоткой и проходящую вокруг второй части магнитопровода. Количество витков в первичной обмотке превышает количество витков во вторичной обмотке. Вторичная цепь содержит по меньшей мере два электрических контакта, выполненных с возможностью образования электрического соединения с нагревательным элементом. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении большей гибкости ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2752636C2

Группа изобретений относится к устройству, генерирующему аэрозоль, и к способу использования листа субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, в устройстве, генерирующем аэрозоль. Устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит корпус устройства, мундштук, связанный с корпусом устройства, приемную камеру, выполненную с возможностью приема снаружи устройства по меньшей мере части листа субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, в несвернутой форме, и выполненную с возможностью вмещения субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, цилиндрической формы, и держатель для удерживания листа субстрата, образующего аэрозоль. Устройство дополнительно содержит заворачивающее устройство для приема плоского или несвернутого листа субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, и для сворачивания листа субстрата, образующего аэрозоль, вокруг держателя из несвернутой формы в субстрат, образующий аэрозоль, цилиндрической формы. Группа изобретений направлена на обеспечение устройства, генерирующего аэрозоль, и способа, не требующих сложного и дорогостоящего ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018142140A3

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019104909A3

25-09-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019103982A3

19-11-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019123313A3

11-05-2018 дата публикации

Обогреватель емкости

Номер: RU179355U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к электротермии, а именно к конструкциям обогревателей емкостей, предназначенных для подогрева в них застывающих и вязких продуктов в любых отраслях промышленности.Задача предлагаемого изобретения – повысить эффективность нагрева и уменьшить потери тепла в атмосферу.Поставленная задача в предлагаемом обогревателе емкостей, содержащим корпус, внутри которого размещен резистивный нагреватель в изоляции, достигается тем, что корпус выполнен коробчатым, с конфигурацией сечения в горизонтальной плоскости подобной конфигурации сечения в горизонтальной плоскости обогреваемой емкости, верхняя теплоизлучающая стенка которого жестким опорным элементом соединена с нижней стенкой, на внешней стороне которой по периметру и радиально укреплены трубки, резистивный нагреватель размещен в корпусе вокруг жесткого опорного элемента, свободный объем полости корпуса заполнен фиксирующим резистивный нагреватель твердеющим диэлектрическим наполнителем, а между последним ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2579527C1
Принадлежит: НОРМА Германи ГмбХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к соединителю для трубопровода для текучей среды. Соединитель содержит корпус, имеющий соединительный патрубок для соединения с трубой и соединительный геометрический элемент для соединения с сопряженным элементом. Корпус в выходной части имеет выходное отверстие, через которое наружу из корпуса выведено нагревательное устройство, проходящее через заглушку. Заглушка расположена в выходном отверстии. Выходная часть снабжена литьевой массой, закрывающей выходное отверстие. Между литьевой массой и заглушкой установлен разделительный элемент. Изобретение упрощает процесс изготовления соединителя. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

05-12-2023 дата публикации

Водоохлаждаемый вакуумный токоввод для электропечей

Номер: RU2808772C1

Изобретение относится к вакуумным электропечам и может быть использовано в различных отраслях машиностроения. Технический результат - упрощение конструкции токоввода и уменьшение габаритов. Водоохлаждаемый вакуумный токоввод для электропечей содержит медный стержень, выполненный в форме болта, имеющего внутреннюю полость и снабженный клеммой, соединенной с нагревателем, крепежную гайку, крышку, снабженную резьбой, с двумя штуцерами для подачи/отвода воды, патрубком и клеммой и уплотнительным кольцом. Полый стержень и крышка имеют центральные отверстия, через которые проходит сплошной медный стержень, коаксиально расположенный внутри полого стержня и крышки и снабженный клеммами с полярностью, противоположной полярности клеммам полого стержня, для соединения с источником тока и нагревателем, и двумя крепежными гайками, двумя уплотнительными кольцами и уплотнительной втулкой. 1 ил.

18-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691891C1

Устройство относится к электронагревателям, в частности к электронагревателям в системах безопасности ядерных реакторов АЭС. В блоке трубчатых электронагревателей оборудования, включающем крышку, в которой жестко герметично закреплены трубчатые электронагреватели с выводами, предлагается на крышке блока трубчатых электронагревателей со стороны выводов трубчатых электронагревателей установить цилиндрическую обечайку, на верхней половине которой выполнить сквозную перфорацию, на внутренней поверхности цилиндрической обечайки жестко закрепить несколько тепловых экранов с отверстиями для каждого трубчатого электронагревателя, причем диаметр отверстий в тепловых экранах превышает наружный диаметр трубчатого электронагревателя. Технический результат - уменьшение теплового воздействия от элементов обогреваемого оборудования на выводы трубчатого электронагревателя и, как следствие, снижение температуры выводов. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013107609A

... 1. Высокоэффективный, генерирующий горячую воду и устанавливаемый на автомобиле обогреватель с внутренним проточным каналом жидкости, содержащий:блок обогревателя, включающий в себяэлемент с положительным температурным коэффициентом (ПТК), имеющий пару обращенных к электродам поверхностей,пару пластинчатых электродов, соединенных с каждой из пары обращенных к электродам поверхностей, между которыми расположен элемент с ПТК,изолирующий лист, в который обернуты элемент с ПТК и пластинчатые электроды и который обладает свойствами гибкости, теплопроводности и электроизоляционными свойствами,трубчатый корпус в сплющенной форме, в котором заключены элемент с ПТК и пластинчатые электроды, обернутые в изолирующий лист, и который имеет пару поверхностей излучения в форме пластины, противоположных паре обращенных к электродам поверхностей,уплотнительный материал, укупоривающий отверстия на обоих концевых участках трубчатого корпуса в продольном направлении, ирадиатор, предусмотренный на поверхностях ...

27-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015140135A

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014120902A

... 1. Охлаждающий и удерживающий корпус для нагревательных элементов (10), прежде всего нагревательных элементов с положительным ТКС, содержащий плоский корпус (11) по меньшей мере с одним нагревательным каналом (12), в котором расположен по меньшей мере один нагревательный элемент (10), причем нагревательный канал (12) содержит противоположные стенки (13а, 13b) канала, между которыми зажат нагревательный элемент (10), и по меньшей мере один боковой разрез (14), который разделяет стенки (13а, 13b) канала таким образом, что расстояние между стенками (13а, 13b) канала является изменяемым для монтажа нагревательного элемента (10), и причем к плоскому корпусу (11) присоединен по меньшей мере один выступающий наружу за плоский корпус зажимной сегмент (15), который стягивает боковой разрез (14) и в смонтированном состоянии нагревательного элемента (10) эластично деформирован для создания воздействующей на нагревательный элемент (10) прижимной силы стенок (13а, 13b) канала.2. Охлаждающий и удерживающий ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2543967C1

Изобретение относится к нагревательному модулю, эффективному при управлении температурой аккумуляторного модуля, изготовленного посредством пакетирования определенного числа аккумуляторных элементов. Нагревательный модуль (22L, 22R) предоставляется вдоль нагреваемой поверхности (13CLa) объекта (13CL, 13CR), который должен быть нагрет и включает в себя пластинчатый основной элемент (34) нагревателя, который обращен к нагреваемой поверхности объекта, который должен быть нагрет; Г-образный элемент (31), включающий в себя основную поверхность (31m) модуля, на которой предоставляется пластинчатый основной элемент нагревателя, и фрагмент (31c) изогнутого плеча, изогнутый относительно основной поверхности модуля, и клемму (35) подключения источника питания, предоставляемую в фрагменте изогнутого плеча и соединенную с пластинчатым основным элементом нагревателя. Изобретение повышает эффективность нагрева за счет обеспечения размещения нагревательного элемента и подключения его источника питания ...

05-04-1980 дата публикации

Электрический нагреватель

Номер: SU727131A3

29-07-2004 дата публикации

A tubular electric heater cartridge has a flanged end embedded in a plastic molded housing

Номер: DE0010303133A1

The cartridge (11) has a closed end tubular housing (13) with the upper end (15) formed into a large diameter flange (14) which is embedded into the head (12) by injection mouldings with the connecting wires (16) and an electrical connector housing (17).

02-11-2011 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizvorichtung mit Anschlussdraht

Номер: DE202011105348U1

Elektrische Heizvorrichtung (100, 200, 300, 1600, 1700, 2200) mit einem äußeren Mantel (101, 201, 301, 1601, 1701, 2201) und einem zumindest abschnittsweise innerhalb des äußeren Mantels (101, 201, 301, 1601, 1701, 2201) angeordneten elektrischen Heizelement (102, 202, 302, 2202), das über mindestens einen Anschlussdraht (106, 107, 206, 207, 306, 307, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906, 1006, 1106, 1206, 1306, 1406, 1506, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1706, 1806, 2206, 2207) mit elektrischem Strom versorgbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Anschlussdraht (106, 107, 206, 207, 306, 307, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906, 1006, 1106, 1206, 1306, 1406, 1506, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1706, 1806, 2206, 2207) einen Hohlraum aufweist, in den ein Abschnitt (104, 105, 204, 205, 2204, 2205) des elektrischen Heizelements (102, 202, 2202) oder eine elektrische Zuleitung (330, 331) zum elektrischen Heizelement (302) aufgenommen ist.

04-03-1932 дата публикации

Anschluss fuer schraubenfoermige elektrische Heizkoerper

Номер: DE0000545716C

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Elektrische Flächenheizelement-Anordnung mit elektrischen Steckverbindungen und Steckverbindung

Номер: DE102015015144B4
Принадлежит: TOMS WOOD S A, TOMS WOOD S.A.

Elektrische Flächenheizelement-Anordnung mit elektrischen Steckverbindungen,mit mehreren, aneinanderreihbaren Flächenheizelementen (2a, 2b, 2c; 3a, 3b, 3c; 4a, 4b, 4c) mit jeweils einer Basisplatte (5) mit einer darauf unmittelbar oder mittelbar angebrachten elektrisch aktiven Heizschicht als Flächenbeschichtung (6), die von zwei randseitig parallelen, elektrisch leitenden Leiterstreifen (7) begrenzt ist, wobei die Flächenheizelemente (2a bis 4c) in Element-Längsreihen (2, 3, 4) entsprechend der Ausrichtung der Leiterstreifen (7) aneinanderliegend gereiht sind und jeweils gegenüberliegende und einander zugeordnete Leitersteifen-Längsenden mittels Steckverbindungen (8) elektrisch verbunden sind, wobei- eine Steckverbindung (8) jeweils drei Steckerelemente, nämlich zwei gleiche Einsteckelemente (9) und ein diese Einsteckelemente (9) elektrisch und mechanisch verbindendes Brückensteckelement (10) aufweist,- die Einsteckelemente (9) jeweils einen Flachsteckschuh (11) mit einer eben in Einsteckrichtung ...

01-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003153393C2

13-12-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001565015B2

04-02-1954 дата публикации

Klemmbefestigung zur loesbaren Verbindung zweier Koerper

Номер: DE0000903391C

28-07-2011 дата публикации

Abschlußmuffe für Mineralisoliertes Kabel

Номер: DE0010197076B4

Verbindung zwischen zwei mineralisolierten Kabeln (130, 150), die jeweils ein äußeres Metallrohr (132, 152) und zwei Innenleiter (135, 155) aufweisen, wobei die Verbindung umfasst: eine Muffe (140) mit mindestens einem gecrimpten Abschnitt (142), der eines der beiden äußeren Metallrohre (132, 152) eines der beiden mineralisolierten Kabel (130, 150) festhält; eines und eine Epoxidharzfüllung (180) des Inneren der Muffe (140); wobei ein elektrischer Durchgang zwischen den jeweiligen Innenleitern (135, 155) der beiden mineralisolierten Kabel (130, 150) besteht.

07-02-2008 дата публикации

Stabbaugruppe mit PTC-Heizelementen und Vorheizer der diese enthält

Номер: DE102006032772B4

Stabbaugruppe (1000) mit PTC-Heizelementen umfassend: einen ersten Stab (100), der in Form eines Kanals mit vorgegebener Länge aufgebaut ist, um eine Kontaktplatte (300), einen Isolierrahmen (400), die PTC-Elemente (500) und Wärmeübertragungsblöcke (600) aufzunehmen, und einen zweiten Stab (200), der eine identische Länge wie der erste Stab (100) aufweist, und mit dem ersten Stab (100) gekoppelt ist, um einen offenen Abschnitt des ersten Stabs (100) abzudecken; der Isolierrahmen (400) umfasst ein Paar Kopplungsränder (410), an denen die Längsränder der Kontaktplatte (300) anliegen, sowie erste und zweite Halterungselemente (422, 424); die PTC-Elemente (500) und die Wärmeübertragungsblöcke (600) sind jeweils zwischen benachbarten Paaren erster Halterungselemente (422) und zwischen benachbarten Paaren zweiter Halterungselemente (424) angeordnet, so dass sie in Kontakt mit der Kontaktplatte (300) sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kontaktplatte (300) mehrere Paare von Durchbrechungen ( ...

11-12-1969 дата публикации

Hochtemperatur-Ausgleicher zur Dehnungsaufnahme

Номер: DE0001540750A1

24-06-1982 дата публикации

Electric heating element insulating handle - has firmly coupled lug for fastening to heating element support

Номер: DE0003042417A1

The handle assembly is intended for fan heaters, hot air blowers, hair dryers, etc., and comprises a firmly connected lug (2) for fastening to a heater conductor support (3). Pref. The lug has an extension, running from its peripheral rims (4) to clamp firmly a flange of the handle. Alternately a clamping flange may be provided on the lug periphery to grip an extension on the handle. The lug may be integrally formed with the handle, the latter being hook-shaped (7). The lug may have a lateral flange (5) at right angles to the lug peripheral rim. At a distance from the lug, the flange may be bent parallel to the lug axis (A), its end (8) extending beyond the lug and forming the handle hook-shaped configuration.

28-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011051605A8

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizeinrichtung

Номер: DE102018215398A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektrischen Heizeinrichtung (1) mit zumindest zwei fluiddurchströmbaren, einen Fluidkanal (4) bildenden Scheibenpaaren (2), welche aus zwei Scheiben (3) zusammengesetzt sind und einen Fluidkanal (4) zwischen sich ausbilden, wobei die Scheibenpaare (2) einen vordefinierten Abstand zueinander einnehmen und einen Freiraum (5) ausbilden, wobei zumindest zwischen zwei der Scheibenpaare (2) in dem Freiraum (5) zumindest eine Heizeinheit (8) angeordnet ist, welche zumindest ein Heizelement (9) und damit elektrisch verbundene Kontaktelektroden (10) zur elektrischen Kontaktierung des zumindest einen Heizelements (9) aufweist. Auch betrifft die Erfindung eine solche elektrische Heizeinrichtung (1).

29-10-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002206268C3
Принадлежит: LESCHKE, WERNER, 3257 SPRINGE, DE

02-10-1969 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Befestigen von elektrischen Rohrheizkoerpern

Номер: DE0001440402A1

14-06-2006 дата публикации

Dichtungsaufbau für Keramikheizung

Номер: DE102005033690A8

13-08-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Verbindung eines elektrischen Panzerwiderstandes an einem Flansch

Номер: DE0001904698A1

07-02-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002022169C3

22-01-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to liquid circulating systems and heating means therefor

Номер: GB0000566952A

... 566,952. Engine - cooling systems. CALDWELL, P. G. April 16, 1943, No. 6150. [Class 64 (iii)] In a thermo-syphonic liquid circulating system, e.g. for cooling a motor car engine, an auxiliary system including an electric heater 5 .is provided for facilitating starting the engine from cold. As shown, the heater has an inlet 6 at its lower end, connected by a rubber downtake pipe 7 to the inflow pipe 3 leading from the radiator 2 to the engine block 1, and an outlet 8 at its upper end which is connected by a rubber pipe 9 to an obliquely-disposed inlet 11 of a venturi tube 10 in the engine outflow pipe 4. Preferably, the heater comprises a horizontally arranged cylinder 12 and surmounting header 13, the cylinder locating a heating unit of the loop-rod resistance type, and, in addition to the outlet 8, the header may be provided with two further outlets 8a, 8b which are normally plugged but used when the invention is applied to a V-type engine block, the outlet 8 then being plugged. Specification ...

04-06-1952 дата публикации

Sealing device for mineral-insulated sheathed electric cables

Номер: GB0000673235A

... 673,235. Cable end sleeves. MAUPAS, C. F. E. March 13, 1950 [March 18, 1949], No. 6289/50. Class 36. An end sleeve for a mineralinsulated metal sheathed cable comprises an insulating member 1 through which the conductor or conductors 5 is or are led, the member being sealed within the cable sheath 6 by means of a liquid material 8 which subsequently hardens, the member 1 being surrounded by a metallic skirt 4 which is secured to the outside of the cable sheath 6 and also to the member 1. The member 1 is provided with a number of passages equal to the number of conductors to be led therethrough, each, of the passages having a recess 1b to receive an insulating sleeve 9 for the conductor 5. The member 1 is formed with an annular groove 2 or projection, and the skirt 4 is provided with a corresponding internal annular projection or groove so that the two parts are secured together.

01-11-1967 дата публикации

Electrical infra-red heat-radiating element, particularly for drying washed vehicles

Номер: GB0001089471A

... 1,089,471. Lamp caps. R. CARR, and G. CARRE. April 29, 1965 [April 29, 1964], No. 18123/65. Heading H2E. [Also in Division H1] One half 5 of a bayonet-type plug-and-socket connection is resiliently attached to the end of the quartz tube 1 of an infra-red heat radiating element by means of a tube 4 of resilient silicone glass. The tube 4 is hermetically sealed to the quartz tube and is sealed to the part 5 by means of a gland 6. The other half 9 of the connection is secured to a fixed member 11. The flexible tube 4 enables the plug and socket to be engaged or disengaged and also supports the heat radiating element.

24-03-1932 дата публикации

Electrical immersion heater

Номер: GB0000369417A

... 369,417. Heating water by electricity. SCRYMGEOUR, R. A., 7, Ward Road, Dundee. April 1, 1931, No. 9837. [Class 39 (iii).] An immersion heater arranged in a chamber or enlargement 2 incorporated in the pipes connecting the radiator and the water jacket of an internal-combustion engine, comprises a copper or brass tube 3 containing the heating element and provided at the inner end with a cap 4 and at the outer end with a flange 5 bearing against a flange 6 on the wall of the chamber 2. The tube is closed by a plate 7 carrying a plug 8 to which the leads are attached.

04-03-1970 дата публикации

A Method of Securing a Feed Conductor for Electric Current to Heating Wires of a Kind Suitable for Incorporation in a Laminated Panel

Номер: GB0001183316A

... 1,183,316. Soldering. TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CO. Ltd. 5 June, 1967 [11 June, 1966], No. 26126/66. Heading B3R. In securing a feed conductor for electric current to heating wires suitable for incorporation in a laminated panel, the wires are placed on an even surface, the feed conductor, which comprises a metal strip coated with solder, is placed across the wires and the feed conductor is heated by high frequency induction to melt or soften the solder. Tungsten wires 10 of diameter 0À0005 inch are laid on a sheet of glass 11 forming part of a transparent panel, e.g. for a windscreen of a motor vehicle or aircraft and are sprayed with a solution of resin in chloroform and a solder coated copper strip 12 of thickness 0-003 inch is laid across the wires so that it forms arches over the wires and lies against the glass sheet between the wires. An induction coil 13 mounted on a carriage 14 is moved along the strip to heat the strip and soft heat resisting, e.g., silicone rubber rollers 15 on the ...

05-02-2014 дата публикации

A PIP trace heating connection assembly

Номер: GB0201322696D0

18-08-2004 дата публикации

Termination coupling for mineral insulated cable

Номер: GB0002386482B

18-06-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to bar elements for electric fires

Номер: GB0000569985A

... 569,985. Couplings. BARRIE, D. G. E. Sept. 20, 1943, No. 15387. [Class 38 (i)] [Also in Group XI] A bar heating element 16 for an electric radiator, having an axial screw 22 for engagement with a contact fitting, is lengthened by the provision of an adapter 25 threaded at 26 to engage the screw 22 and having a projecting screw 27 to engage the contact fitting. If the contact fitting has a concave, convex, or other form, the end of the adapter is made of corresponding form to engage it. If the cap 18 is slotted, instead of apertured, to receive the screw 19, a further axial extension is provided.

16-07-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in electric immersion-heaters

Номер: GB0000675803A

... 675,803. Immersion heaters. BEST, F. L., and BEST PRODUCTS, Ltd. Jan. 4, 1951 [March 20, 1950], No. 6911/50. Class 39(iii) In an electric immersion heater suitable e.g. for kettles and like utensils, the heater is earthed by contact members on the mains connector engaging the internal surface of a housing 13 which at one end supports a resistance element, and at the other end is supported in the wall of the vessel. Contact members 15 for current supply are so positioned within the housing that when the connector is inserted, earthing is effected before contact with the pins 15 is made. A ratchet wheel 25 is normally restrained from rotation by fusible metal, but if the element 12 is overheated, wheel 25 is released and a sping-loaded plunger 24 ejects the connector.

24-02-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in heating attachments for liquid circulating systems

Номер: GB0000266137A

... 266,137. Johnstone, E. C. March 1, 1926. Heating by electricity.-A heating attachment for preventing freezing is permanently combined with the circulating water system of a motor car and consists of a casing 10 threaded to receive a heater 25 occupying the major part of the casing so as to leave a narrow water-space 30, 31 communicating with a circulation pipe 4 by the tubes 7, 8 or by a single connection.

07-02-1929 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electric heating devices

Номер: GB0000305160A

... 305,160. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Warren, H. W. H., and Green, R. G. Sept. 11, 1928. Couplings. - The units 1 of electric heating devices, consisting of refractory material, such as silicon carbide, are provided with terminals by moulding or pressing on to the end of each unit a cap or end piece 2 formed from a paste of powdered, non-metallic conducting-material which is subsequently hardened, spring clips or other fastening devices being provided to engage the caps. To provide a larger area of contact between the end of the unit and the cap, the unit may be formed with transverse grooves or apertures 3 into which the paste is forced during moulding, or the grooves &c. may be filled with metal before forming the cap. The terminals may be machined after hardening and be provided with cooking fins. The paste may be obtained by mixing finely powdered graphite, or other non-metallic conducting-material, with a bonding-agent such as water glass or acacid gum. A portion of the graphite ...

06-12-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to heating elements for electric radiators

Номер: GB0000289421A

... 289,421. Frister Akt.-Ges., R. April 27, 1927, [Convention date]. Electric radiators. - A heating element b for a radiator employing a reflector is provided with a protective basket or cage k which does not appreciably prevent radiation of heat to the reflector and is secured to the element by rivets, screws or the like, so that it cannot be removed therefrom without the aid of tools. The cake is formed of wire loops and provided with a ring d of strip metal. Metal strips c are secured by rivets f to the heating element and the ring. A star-shaped cap k<1> of mica or glass is secured in position by a second ring d<1>. The contact pins a of the heating element do not extend materially beyond the end of the cage.

11-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002168229A

An electric blanket having a terminal block for connecting the tortuous flexible heating element of the blanket to a detachable power cord with the terminal block being mounted by means of flexible tabs positioned on strain relief members, the tabs being sewn or stitched to the blanket shell with a portion of the terminal block extending through a slot in the blanket shell.

26-05-1965 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electrical heating elements

Номер: GB0000992926A

... 992,926. Electric heating element. CONSTRUCTA-WERKE G.m.b.H. Dec. 4, 1962 [Aug. 11, 1962], No. 45818/62. Heading H5H. Thu resistive core of a heating element is embedded within a heat-resistant cover, and is of material-of sintered metal/ceramic compositionhaving an abrupt increase of resistance with temperature, of at least an order of magnitude in 5‹ C., such that the element exhibits self-regulation about the temperature of abrupt increase. The resistive core 2 of an immersion heater fills a glass or ceramic cover 3 which is held within a protective tube 4. Screw threaded sockets 7 are pressed into each end of the element, and receive terminal screws 9 which project into the cap 5, which cap is tightened by screw 13 against the resilient washer 11. In a modification (Fig. 4, not shown), the core is in the form of a sheet or panel, the edges of the cover of which are held in a metal frame; contacts are soldered to metal coatings formed by evaporation or immersion. The heating element ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Electric heaters

Номер: GB0000402488D0

06-09-1923 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electric heaters or driers

Номер: GB0000203198A

... 203,198. Wright, A. E. Sept. 22, 1922. Clips, band; clips, screw.-A portable electric heater or drier for insertion into a barrel or the like through a hole therein, is secured in position by a clip 11 provided with jaws 7 for gripping the edges of the hole. The jaws may be reversed to grip a flanged hole or mounting. The clip 11 grips a collar 12 on the handle 6 of the heater by means of screws 13, The collar may be integral with the handle or may consist of a split wooden bush having a metal cover in halves, the parts being secured together and to the handle by means of screws. The distance between the jaws 7 may be varied by means of extension pieces one.of which is telescopic and adapted to engage at its opposite ends the lugs 27 and the part 9 respectively, the other extension piece being adapted to engage the lugs 25 and the part 10. Figure 10 shows a bracket 16 mounted on a rod 41 and provided with bolts 42a for engaging the lugs 25, the part 10 and the corresponding jaw being removed ...

21-11-1984 дата публикации

Heat flux simulators

Номер: GB0002140259A

The simulator has a uniform external electrode (10) and a shaped internal electrode (11) with insulant (13) between the electrodes. The electrodes are connected in series at an end disc (14). ...

03-06-1942 дата публикации

Improvements in electric water heaters and heating elements therefor

Номер: GB0000545596A

... 545,596. Electric water heaters. WORCESTER WINDSHIELDS & CASEMENTS, Ltd., and SOUTHALL, H. March 17,1941, No. 3611. [Class 39 (iii)] An electric heating element for a water heater comprises a coiled resistance wire within a metal sheath 6 which is formed into two flattened helical turns 7, 8. The element is mounted on a base plate 12 so that it is removable through an aperture 13 in a plate 5 without disturbing the water inlet and outlet pipes 3, 4. The height of the element 1 is less than half the height of the pipe 4, whereby scale around the inlet of the pipe 4 is minimized. The heating element may be screwed into or bolted to the underside of the water container, or may be inserted into a tube through which water flows.

12-02-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electric heating elements

Номер: GB0000598195A

... 598,195. Electric heating resistances. WILKINSON, G. H. June 2, 1945, No. 13904. [Class 39 (iii)] [Also in Group XXXVI] A heater comprising a rod 1 of insulating material with a helically. wound resistance element 2 or incorporating resistance material therein has fixed at each end a metal cap 3 with a supporting arm 8 welded thereon and connected to clamps serving as terminals. The inner end of the cap is swaged into an annular groove 4 in the reduced end of the ceramic rod, and lugs 5 on the inner end of the cap are bent over the ends of resistance wire 2 wound on the caps. A rivet 7 passes through the end cap and rod, or the cap is depressed into grooves 6 on the rod to prevent rotation. The metal arm 8 may be of " Inconel " (Registered Trade Mark) and has a slotted end 11 engaging a terminal post 12 in a support 14 on an electric fire.

29-12-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001301265A

15-03-1950 дата публикации

New or improved electrically heated means or appliance for preventing freezing of the water systems of internal combustion engines and their radiators

Номер: GB0000634032A

... 634,032. Heating liquids by electricity. DUFF, G. March 11, 1948, No. 7418. [Class 39 (iii)] A heater for preventing the freezing of the cooling liquid in i/c engines comprises an electric heating element a1 in a waterproof casing a which is removably located in a T-shaped coupling member b, b1, interposed in the cooling liquid circuit of the engine. The casing a is brazed to a disc d fitted in a cap c which screws on to the upright of the member b, b1, the cap c carrying a top member e of insulating material in which contact sockets f, or alternatively pins, are provided. A thermostat may be associated with the device.

18-10-1967 дата публикации

Electrical heating element

Номер: GB0001087794A

... 1,087,794. Direct connectors. VICKERS Ltd. July 7, 1965 [June 17, 1964], No. 25160/64. Heading H2E. [Also in Division H5] An electric heating element comprises a conducting sheet 1 between electrodes each formed of two metal strips 2, 3, positioned against opposite faces of the sheet, one of the strips 2, carrying a portion 4 engaging the other strip. The sheet may be a conductive polymer film or a fabric having a conductive coating supporting A1, Cu or brass electrodes. V-shaped tags punched in strip 2 extend through slits 6, 5 in sheet 1 and strip 3 respectively and are bent over to clamp the strips together.

06-09-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to contact connections for wire-shaped heating elements

Номер: GB0001081908A

... 1,081,908. Uniting ceramics to metal; soldering. PHILIPS ELECTRONIC & ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Ltd. Feb. 24, 1965 [Feb. 27, 1964], No. 7968/65. Headings B3R and B3V [Also in Division H2] A contact connection between a pin 7 and an element 2 insulated by a powdered metal oxide 3 from its metallic envelope 1 comprises a ceramic insulating sleeve 6 secured by solder, and a soldered joint 14 between the element 2 and the pin 7. The insulator 6 may be connected direct to the envelope 1 by soldering with a eutectic of Ag and Cu containing Ti, or the insulator could be metallized locally for use with a Cu-Ag solder. Preferably an intermediate metal sleeve 5 of Fe-Ni is used which is connected at 11 to the envelope by a Cu-Ag solder, the insulators 6 being connected to the sleeve 5 and the Fe-Ni pin 7 at 12, 13 by the Ti solders. The insulator 6 may be of a lighttransmitting sintered aluminium oxide. After degreasing, the parts are assembled with the rings 11-14 of solder and a further ring 8 of aluminium ...

06-11-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electric heating elements

Номер: GB0000337578A

... 337,578. Sykes, C., Alger, R. G., and Associated, Electrical Industries, Ltd. Oct, 15, 1929. Wire resistances, encased and embedded.-In an electric heating-element of the type comprising a wire embedded in powdered magnesia &c. in a metal tube, the end of the wire being soldered to a lead, the joint and the end of the tube are enclosed in a cap of steatite &c. In the arrangement shown the wire 1 leaves the tube 2 through an insistating plug 4, the metal of the tube being turned over a shoulder on the plug, and is soldered at 6 to a lead 5. Over the end of the tube 2 and the plug 4 is fitted a steatite cap 7 formed with a shoulder against which the end of the plug 4 abuts, a recess 10 to contain the soldered joint 6, and an opening 11 through which issues the lead 5. The cap 7 is fitted with cement which secures it to the tube 2.

19-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008905014D0

29-12-1967 дата публикации

Electric heating coil with reinforced terminal connectors, and method of providing electric heating coils with such connectors

Номер: GB0001096759A

... 1,096,759. Direct connections between wires. T. MOE. Dec. 10, 1965 [Dec. 15, 1964], No. 52590/65. Heading H2E. To avoid undue heat or mechanical stress at a terminal, the end of a heating coil 1 is wound tightly around a pair of intertwined wires 2 of a lower resistivity, the wires 2 being connected directly to the terminal.

31-07-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to domestic appliances

Номер: GB0001121797A

... 1,121,797. Electric heater for a kettle. WIREOHMS UNIVERSAL Ltd. 14 July, 1967 [2 Aug., 1966], No. 34522/66. Heading H5H. An electric heating device for a kettle comprises a metal sheathed heating element 13 terminating in a thin pressed metal housing 1 and electrically connected to a thermostat 8 located in a heat-insulating ring 4 secured to the housing. The ring 4 is secured to the housing by a turned-over peripheral flange, a sealing ring 12 being interposed between the flange and ring 4. The ring is externally threaded at 5 for securing to the kettle. The thermostat 8 is retained on a threaded shaft 15 by a nut 18. A cover-plate 16 is secured by a self-tapping screw 19 which enters a bore 20 in the thermostat. The ring 4 is located in the housing by co-operating lugs. The ring 4 is made of acrylic resin.

04-09-1969 дата публикации

Electrical connectors for sheets of glass having electrically conductive strips on one surface thereof

Номер: GB0001163224A

... 1,163,224. Electric connector. COMPAGNIE DE SAINT-GOBAIN. 13 Sept., 1967 [13 Sept., 1966], No. 41809/67. Heading H2E. An electrical connector, Fig. 1, comprises a strip 6 of metal provided with a current pick-up 8 and joined at two spaced-apart places to a collector strip 3 which is sealed to the surface of a glass sheet 1 carrying electrically conductive strips 2. The portion of the connector between the two joins is resilient. The connector is preferably made of copper or brass of about 0À5 mm. thickness. In general the connector is E-shaped and the two outer arms 5, 6 are soldered to the collector strip 3 the current being picked up by the middle arm 7 which is bent to provide resilience. To provide further resilience the portion of the connector between the joins may be bowed away from the collector strip (Fig. 3, not shown). The length of each of the two outer arms 5, 6 is slightly less than the width of the collector strip 3 so that there is a minimum distance A of preferably 0À5 ...

08-05-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the connection of leading wires to electrodes on surface electro-conductive elements

Номер: GB0001112473A

... On an electrode 3 mounted on the electro-conductive layer 2 of a surface electroconductive element is placed a mixture 6 of a conductive material, a small proportion of a vitreous material, and a binder; a leading wire 4 is inserted in the mixture; a piece of heat- and oxygen-resisting material 5 is placed on the mixture; and the assembly is fired. Alternatively, the electroconductive layer may be applied after the electrodes are mounted on the base, the leading wire then being connected to the electrode as described above. The element may be a plate or tube 1, e.g. of glass, particularly crystalline or quartz glass, ceramic, porcelain, or metals, bearing layer 2. Layer 2 may be an oxide of a metal, e.g. Sn, Sb, In, Cd, or combinations thereof. The conductive material may be Ag powder; the vitreous material, lead glass; and the binder, turpentine. Wire 4 may be Ag. The material of piece 5 may be the same as that of 1. The articles may be used as cooking utensils, dryers ...

31-08-1933 дата публикации

Method of and means for mounting electric immersion heaters in containers

Номер: GB0000397709A

... 397,709. Heating liquids by electricity. HAUSSAUER, L. P., 455, Princes Gardens, West Acton, London. Nov. 3, 1932, No. 31021. [Class 39 (iii).] Electric immersion heaters are mounted in a tank by cutting an elongated hole in the wall 2 of the tank, positioning a backing frame 4 in the container to line the lip of the aperture and securing a plate 10, which carries the heaters in sockets 11, to the frame 4 by screws passing through holes 13 in the plate and holes in the lip of the aperture and entering blanked-off stud holes 8 in the backing frame. The cross section of the backing frame may be as shown in Fig. 4. The backing frame 4 acts as a bracing element to flatten out the container wall around the aperture and render preliminary flattening unnecessary.

28-11-2007 дата публикации

Bonding of thermoplastics

Номер: GB0000720415D0

04-08-2021 дата публикации

Liquid vaporization device and method

Номер: GB2591664A

A vaporizer device (100) and associated methodology for providing accurate sampling through substantially efficient, complete and uniform single pass vaporization of a liquid sample by avoiding liquid pre-vaporization and downtime attributable to system damage from incomplete vaporization, particularly in the distribution, transportation, and custody transfer of natural gas. The vaporizer device (100) includes at least one input port (104) for receiving a liquid sample, a channel (120) for directing the liquid to a vaporizer core (130) and a heating assembly (131, 132, 133) within the vaporizer core (130) configured to flash vaporize the liquid sample. The vaporized sample can then be passed to an outlet (118) for sample analysis.

07-11-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in electric couplings employed in electric heating devices

Номер: GB0000437900A

... 437,900. Band clips. KING, A., The Crescent, Sandy Hill Road, Birmingham, and ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES, Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London. May 16, 1934, No. 14840. [Class 44] [See also Group XXXVI] The end cap 1 of an electric heater-element is gripped by a contact clip comprising a resilient strip of stainless steel &c. forming a base 3 and gripping-members 4, 5 spaced therefrom by shanks 6, 7. The members 4, 5 are drawn together by a pair of pivoted links 9, 11 and fastened by the toggle action of the links. The member 4 carries the links which after insertion of the cap 1 are lowered the hooked arm 15 engaging with the overhanging edge 10 of the member 5. The end 17 acting as a hand lever is then moved outwards causing the members 4, 5 to bend around and grip the cap. In the position shown in Fig. 1, the links have moved past a dead-centre and so retain the members 4, 5 under pressure.

20-08-1997 дата публикации

Electric heaters

Номер: GB0009712665D0

17-05-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in terminals for electric conductors

Номер: GB0000505783A

... 505,783. Wire terminals. CRESSALL MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., and ROBERTS, R. Nov. 17, 1937, No. 31563. [Class 38 (i)] A terminal for an electric resistance wire 5 is formed as an eyelet 10 associated with a contact plate 19 that is anchored to prevent rotational movement about the axis of the eyelet and serves for the connection of the wire thereto. The resistance wire is wound on a strip 6 and the plate 19 is secured to the strip by eyelets 20 and another eyelet 22 secures the bent-over end 21 of the plate that holds the wire 5. The plate 19 is formed with a tubular extension 24 that surrounds the terminal 10 and is riveted over with it to secure together the strip 6, covering strips 7, metal plates 8, insulating washers 12, 16 and metal washers 15. The strips are further held by an eyelet 11. Alternatively, the plate 19 may be formed integral with the eyelet 10. The eyelet 10 and extension 24 may be made slightly conical and expanded to a cylindrical form during the riveting operation.

27-08-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in connections for electric heating elements

Номер: GB0000452705A

... 452,705. Couplings. STIEBEL, T., 22, Eresburgstrasse, Tempelhof, Berlin. March 30, 1936, No. 9366. [Class 38 (i)] Heating elements, such as immersion heaters, are connected to the electric supply conductor by an intermediate ribbon conductor having a specific resistance lying between that of the heating resistance and the electric supply conductor. The intermediate conductor is welded to the heating resistance and forms a twisted connection with the supply conductor. In the form shown, the supply conductor is twisted with the intermediate conductor c and is formed into a loop s which is threaded through apertures r in the mica plate a carrying the heating resistance b.

18-10-1940 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to electric heaters

Номер: GB0000527948A

... 527,948. Electric heating resistances. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO., Ltd. April 24, 1939, No. 12277. Convention date, April 26, 1938. [Class 39 (iii)] In an electric resistance heater of the type described in Specification 144,767, [Class 39 (iii)], the resistance 10 is embedded in magnesium oxide 11, and is connected to the terminals 13, 13a, which project beyond the ends of the metallic sheath 12. Each terminal is surrounded by an insulating body 14, and a metallic, cup-shaped, protective shield 18; which are placed in the flared mouth of the sheath 12. The four members 12, 13, 14 and 18 are bound together by a vitreous mass, of lead glass 21, 22, so as to provide a fluidtight' seal, the said four members being positioned in the mass so that they do not touch. The terminal assembly described is particularly applicable to hot-plates such as are described in Specification 524,306.

17-08-1960 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to connections between electrical conductors and parts to which electric current is to be supplied

Номер: GB0000844898A

... 844,898. Couplings; preventing corrosion and access of moisture. METAL & PIPELINE ENDURANCE Ltd., and CURRER, G. W. Dec. 16, 1958, No. 4503/58. Class 38(1). An electrical connection between a conductor 20 and graphite anode 10 comprising a terminal piece 15 tightly set in a stepped bore 11, 12 in the anode, is protected from moisture by a neoprene or rubber ring 18 held between anode and terminal by an element 23 of resin bonded fabric engaging the terminal. Another such ring 25 is held between the element and hollow plug 24, also of resin bonded fabric, screwed into it. Shoulder 13 between parts 11, 12 of the bore has a recess 14 for ring 18. The bared end 20 of the conductor is soldered into hole 19 in the terminal piece. Element 23 is screw threaded at both ends to engage terminal end 16 and plug 24. Hard setting compound 27 surrounds plug and element. For an anode of silicon-iron, terminal 15 is screwed into a mild steel insert fitting into a frusto-conical recess in the anode and a ...

11-12-2019 дата публикации

Flexible connector

Номер: GB0201915414D0

25-07-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in the connection of electrically conductive elements intended for the passage in the hot state of an electric current

Номер: GB0000901821A

... 901,821. Electric-heating resistances. SOC. NATIONALE D'ETUDE ET DE CONSTRUCTION DE MOTEURS D'AVIATION. April 6, 1960 [April 10, 1959], No. 12247/60. Class 39 (3). [Also in Groups XXVII and XXXVI] Metallic connection tips 2, 3, e.g. of steel, are bonded to a heating element in the form of a rod 1 of refractory material, e.g. silicon carbide by a paste, constituted by a mixture of a fatty substance and a solvent with a powder of metal or metalloid having a melting-point appreciably lower than that of the metal of the tips 2, 3, which is applied to the ends 4, 41 of the rod 1 and to the bores 5 of the tips 2, 3, and the assembled rod and tips then heated by passage of current or in an oven or by a blowpipe. The paste may be a mixture of 97% powdered aluminium, 2% dammar gum, and 1 % turpentine oil. Alternative fatty substances are tallow and glycerine, and alternative solvents petrol and white spirit. The element can be mounted in an ignition plug for aero-engines.

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Flexible connector

Номер: GB0201817357D0

05-05-2021 дата публикации

Liquid vaporization device and method

Номер: GB202103763D0

16-08-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001521274A

... 1521274 Two part electrical connector MOLEX Inc 10 Oct 1975 [17 Oct 1974] 41659/75 Heading H2E In a zero insertion force connector of the type disclosed in Specification 1,497,606 the movement of housing 22 relative to housing 24 to abut the initially spaced pairs of terminals is effected by an actuation device comprising a cam surface formed on one housing and cam means which is movable from a released to a latched position. Interengaging means formed on the cam surface and cam means holds the cam means in the latched position. As described, the actuation device comprises two elements 80 situated on the outside of side walls 72 of a socket housing 24. Each element 80 comprises an arm portion 84 extending from an integral hinge portion 82 of reduced crosssection. A wedge shaped cam portion 86 extends perpendicularly from the free end of each arm portion 84 and is received in a respective aperture 90 in each of the walls 72. Two cam surfaces 92 are formed on the interior of an end wall of ...

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Fitting for hot water cylinder

Номер: GB0000913623D0

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Flexible connector

Номер: GB0002583155A
Автор: MATTHEW WEBB, Matthew Webb

A flexible solder bridge 1 has a first foot portion 11A and a second foot portion 11B for connection to a vehicle windscreen, interconnected by a flexible electrically conductive portion 12, which may be a thin metal foil such as copper with thickness less than 100 microns and which may bend easily without damage or breaking, reducing stress on the windscreen. Each foot portion 11A, 11B may have a polyimide polymer insulation layer 13 with a window aperture 15A, 15B. Adhesive tape may also be provided on a surface of the solder bridge. The flexible portion 12 may provide an electrical connection to a power source. A second aspect includes a pane having an electrically conductive structure on it. An electrical connector is secured to the electrically conductive structure at a mounting portion which is a flat electrically conductive body covered in insulating material.

17-05-1967 дата публикации

Electric heating element

Номер: GB0001069592A

... 1,069,592. Resistance heating etements. C. ROMANIEC. Sept. 6, 1965 [Jan. 8, 1965], No. 864/65. Heading H5H. A laminated heating element comprises a fabric sheet (16), Fig. 4 (drawings not shown), of woven glass or synthetic fibre which is impregnated or coated on one or both sides with a conductive silicone rubber (17) or polymer material containing carbon particles, bonded to a sheet of foamed plastics material (18), parallel metallic conductors (19) being secured to the fabric, e.g. by sewing. Alternate conductors are connected together to a cable (22), Fig. 3, attached to a 24 V supply supply controlled manually or thermostatically The elements may be inserted in pockets (12) of a blanket (10), Fig. 1, or used in under-floor heating installations and in heaters for livestock sheds, seed beds, roads and for the prevention of freezing in plumbing installations. The Provisional Specification refers to elemente beneath carpets and elements to prevent ths freezing of ground.

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609282D0

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP2016009282A0

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201609282A0

15-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA838275A

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000436171T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427641T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400980T

15-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA631175A

15-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA197997A

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000529708T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533650T

15-02-2020 дата публикации

A method for heating a medium

Номер: AT0000521541A5

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Erhitzen eines Mediums mittels eines Heizaggregats mit einem Gehäuse und einem darin angeordneten Heizstab und mit mindestens einem Leitelement, das konzentrisch zu dem Heizstab angeordnet ist, wobei eine Ableitung als Luftauslass für das erhitzte Medium am Gehäuse angeordnet ist. Um ein kompaktes, verschleißarmes und effizientes Heizaggregat bereitzustellen, ist vorgesehen, dass ein konzentrisch zum Heizstab angeordnetes Lochblech als Leitelement angeordnet ist.

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000121774A

10-05-1971 дата публикации

Arrangement for close fastening of an electrical tubing heating element

Номер: AT0000289977B

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Integrated resistive heaters for microelectronic devices and methods utilizing the same

Номер: US20120074131A1
Автор: Scott Eugene Olson

A device having a substrate having a first surface and a second opposing surface; and at least one electrical connection assembly, wherein each electrical connection assembly includes: a resistive heater disposed on the first surface of the substrate, wherein the resistive heater is electrically connected to a circuit via a heater electrical connection; an electrical connection precursor, wherein the electrical connection precursor includes a fusible conductive material that is electrically connected to a lead; and a first insulating layer, wherein the resistive heater is disposed beneath the electrical connection precursor, wherein the first insulating layer functions to electrically insulate the resistive heater and the heater electrical connection from the electrical connection precursor and the lead, and wherein activation of the resistive heater functions to at least partially flow the fusible conductive material, wherein each electrical connection assembly can be activated individually by passing a current through the resistive heater.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Micro electro-mechanical heater

Номер: US20120292528A1
Принадлежит: Hysitron Inc

A sub-micron scale property testing apparatus including a test subject holder and heating assembly. The assembly includes a holder base configured to couple with a sub-micron mechanical testing instrument and electro-mechanical transducer assembly. The assembly further includes a test subject stage coupled with the holder base. The test subject stage is thermally isolated from the holder base. The test subject stage includes a stage subject surface configured to receive a test subject, and a stage plate bracing the stage subject surface. The stage plate is under the stage subject surface. The test subject stage further includes a heating element adjacent to the stage subject surface, the heating element is configured to generate heat at the stage subject surface.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087550A1
Принадлежит: RITTAL GMBH & CO. KG

The invention relates to a heating device for installation in a switchgear cabinet, having a support and a heating body, wherein the support replaceably accommodates the heating body in a holder. Simple and secure mounting of the heating body on the support is achieved in that the holder has a contact surface to which limiting elements are attached, in that the limiting elements immobilize the heating body in a form-fitting manner transversely to the contact surface plane, and in that one or a plurality of locking elements are provided in the region of the holder, which immobilize the heating body in a form-fitting manner perpendicularly to the contact surface. 111-. (canceled)12. A heating device for installation in a switchgear cabinet , having a support and a heating body , wherein the support replaceably accommodates the heating body in a holder comprising a contact surface which is arranged upright between limiting elements spaced apart from another , wherein one or a plurality of snap-lock elements are provided in the region of the holder , which immobilize the heating body within the holder such that the limiting elements immobilize the heating body in a form-fitting manner transversely to the contact surface plane , whereinthe limiting elements are discontinuous in an end region of the contact surface to form the snap-lock elements,a support is arranged in the region of the holder which comprises a guiding slope inclined at an angle <90° with respect to the contact surface guiding the heating body into the holder during assembly, andthe holder comprises a protrusion engaging a recess of the heating body or that the snap-lock element engages a recess of the heating body.13. The heating device of claim 12 , wherein the holder comprises an interface for heating bodies of varying length which are embodied as profiled sections.14. The heating device of claim 12 , wherein the limiting elements are embodied as parallel webs claim 12 , the heating body abutting ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Integral heater assembly and method for carrier or host board of electronic package assembly

Номер: US20130094148A1
Автор: Jeffrey Sloane
Принадлежит: Integrated Microwave Corp

A multilayer printed circuit board has an embedded heater layer having at least one elongated heater element trace of copper which is densely arranged in a predetermined circuitous path over at least part of the area of the board. The heater element has inputs configured for connection to a standard high current, low voltage power supply, and may also have ground connections for selective connection to a ground layer. The heater layer may be embedded in a carrier board of a surface mount module close to the lower solder interface layer, or may be embedded in a host board of an electronics assembly close to the mounting surface.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Sauna Heating Panel Power Distribution Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130105458A1

Power feed connections and sauna heating panels include a power feed having a first insulated conductor electrically coupled to a first terminal and a second insulated conductor electrically coupled to a second terminal. The first and second terminals are electrically coupled with at least one heating element. In some cases the power feed includes a supply portion, a connection portion, and an extension portion. The extension portion has one or more conductors in a twisted configuration extending away from the first and second terminals. In some cases the power feed includes an extension conductor portion coupled to a return conductor portion in a twisted configuration. The extension portion extends away from a second terminal past a second connection point and the return portion returns back to and connects to the second connection point at the second terminal. Methods for providing power connections to heating panels are also provided. 1. An electrically-powered heating panel , comprising:a substrate;at least one heating element positioned on the substrate;a first terminal electrically coupled to the at least one heating element;a second terminal electrically coupled to the at least one heating element, the second terminal positioned adjacent to the first terminal on the substrate; and the supply portion comprising first and second insulated conductors having a twisted configuration,', 'the connection portion comprising a first electrical coupling between the first insulated conductor and the first terminal and a second electrical coupling between the second insulated conductor and the second terminal, and', 'the extension portion comprising one or more insulated conductors in a twisted configuration extending away from the first and the second terminals such that current flows in opposite directions through the extension portion in order to reduce electromagnetic field emissions generated by the power feed., 'a power feed comprising a supply portion, a connection ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for controlling a thermal array

Номер: US20130105463A1
Принадлежит: Watlow Electric Manufacturing Co

A system and method is provided. In one aspect, the system and method may calculate a time period for each mode of a plurality of modes. The system and method may index through each mode for the corresponding time period to provide power to the plurality of thermal elements according to the mode. In another aspect the system and method may index sequentially through each mode of a plurality of modes and apply power to an indexed mode while measuring an electrical characteristic of the thermal elements for the indexed mode.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Towel warmer

Номер: US20130153560A1
Автор: Mordechai Lev
Принадлежит: Sidus Technologies Inc

A towel warmer is provided that has a frame assembly and one or more heating fabric sleeves affixed to the frame assembly. The heating fabric sleeves have electric heating wires that when connected to an electrical power supply to produce a more uniform heat transfer to a contacting article such as a towel than a conventional towel warmer. A thermostat is optionally provided to moderate sleeve temperature. Additionally, a controller is optionally provided to adjust operating parameters of the thermostat. A kit is also provided that includes the towel warmer partially disassembled and instructions for assembly of the frame assembly and attaching the one or more heating fabric sleeves to the frame assembly.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Heat medium heating device

Номер: US20130186883A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A heat medium heating device 10 includes an inner case main body 21 having a flow path of a heat medium formed inside, an outer case main body 31 arranged on an outer peripheral side of the inner case main body 21 and having a flow path of the heat medium formed outside, and a PTC heater 40 held as being interposed between the inner case main body 21 and the outer case main body 31 . The inner case main body 21 and the outer case main body 31 each may have a circular outer shape or a rectangular outer shape. Also, the inner case main body 21 and the outer case main body 31 are preferably provided with fins 24 and 34 , respectively, facing the flow path of the heat medium.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251354A1
Автор: Durisek Niklaus R.
Принадлежит: West Coast Gifts, Inc.

A removable heater assembly is provided for a vaporizer by which to easily mechanically and electrically connect and disconnect the heater assembly from a base for removal and/or replacement thereof without requiring tools or specialized skills. 1. A removable heater assembly for a vaporizer comprising:a generally cylindrical mounting support extending between first and second ends, an electrical contact tab associated with the first end, and an annular electrical contact band mounted about the support between the first and second ends, anda generally cylindrical ceramic heating element supported to extend from the mounting support second end, and electrically coupled to the contact tab and the contact band, whereby the heater assembly can be axially slid into and out of a base associated with said vaporizer to mechanically and electrically connect the heater assembly to said vaporizer and disconnect the heater assembly from said vaporizer, respectively.2. The removable heater assembly of claim 1 , the mounting support having a cross-dimension larger than a cross-dimension of the ceramic heating element.3. The removable heater assembly of claim 2 , the mounting support having first and second portions each having a respective cross-dimension larger than the cross-dimension of the ceramic heating element and extending claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , from the first and second ends claim 2 , the cross-dimension of the first portion being larger than the cross-dimension of the second portion claim 2 , the annular contact being mounted on the first portion.4. The removable heater assembly of claim 1 , the mounting support having first and second portions each having a respective cross-dimension and extending claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , from the first and second ends claim 1 , the cross-dimension of the first portion being larger than the cross-dimension of the second portion claim 1 , the annular contact being mounted on the first portion.5. A removable heater ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130277360A1

There is disclosed a honeycomb structure including a tubular honeycomb structure part having porous partition walls with which a plurality of cells are formed and an outer peripheral wall, and a pair of electrode parts arranged on a side surface of the honeycomb structure part, an electrical resistivity of the honeycomb structure part is from 10 to 200 Ωcm, each of the pair of electrode parts is formed into a band-like shape extending in a direction in which the cells extend, in a cross section perpendicular to the extending direction of the cells, the one electrode part is disposed opposite to the other electrode part via the center of the honeycomb structure part, and the electrode part has portions having a thickness of 0 to 70% of the maximum thickness of the electrode part. 16-. (canceled)7. A honeycomb structure comprising:a tubular honeycomb structure part having porous partition walls with which a plurality of cells extending from one end surface to the other end surface are formed to become through channels of a fluid and an outer peripheral wall positioned on an outermost periphery; anda pair of electrode parts arranged on a side surface of the honeycomb structure part,wherein an electrical resistivity of the honeycomb structure part is from 10 to 200 Ωcm,each of the pair of electrode parts is formed into a band-like shape extending in a direction in which the cells of the honeycomb structure part extend,in a cross section perpendicular to the cell extending direction, the one electrode part in the pair of electrode parts is disposed opposite to the other electrode part in the pair of electrode parts via the center of the honeycomb structure part, andthe electrode part has portions having a thickness of 0 to 70% of the maximum thickness of the electrode part.8. The honeycomb structure according to claim 7 , wherein the electrode part is provided with through holes.9. The honeycomb structure according to claim 7 , wherein the maximum thickness of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306618A1

A cooking appliance includes a glass cooktop panel and a cooktop frame. A radiant heating element is positioned between the cooktop frame and the glass cooktop panel. The heating element has an upper surface biased toward a lower surface of the glass cooktop panel. A screwless spring clip is coupled to both the heating element and the cooktop frame so as to secure the heating element to the cooktop frame. 1. A cooking appliance comprising:a cooktop panel;a cooktop frame configured to support the cooktop panel;a radiant heating element disposed between the cooktop frame and the cooktop panel, wherein a sidewall and a lower surface of the radiant heating element are substantially perpendicular, anda screwless spring clip configured to engage the heating element in a first position and retain mechanical engagement to the heating element sidewall and lower surface in a second position.2. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the spring clip further comprises a locking tab positioned in a slot formed in the lower surface of the heating element.3. The cooking appliance of claim 2 , wherein the spring clip further comprises a biasing tab configured to push against the sidewall of the heating element.4. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the spring clip comprises a locking flange positioned in a slot formed in the cooktop frame.5. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the spring clip urges the heating element upwardly so as bias the upper surface of the heating element into contact with the lower surface of the cooktop panel.6. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the spring clip comprises:a support flange positioned under a lower surface of the heating element so as to support the heating element, anda locking tab extending upwardly form the support flange and positioned in a slot formed in the lower surface of the heating element.7. The cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the first position is a squeezed position.8. The cooking appliance of ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130341319A1

A heater module (L, R) of the present invention is provided along a heated surface (CLa) of an object to be heated (CL, CR). The heater module includes a plate-like heater body () that faces the heated surface of the object to be heated, and an insulating holder () that holds the plate-like heater body in a manner as to face the heated surface of the object to be heated. The insulating holder is fixed, at one edge thereof, to a mounting surface () on which the object to be heated is mounted, and located on one side of the plate-like heater body away from the heated surface of the object to be heated. The insulating holder is provided, at another edge opposite to the one edge, with a regulation member () that projects toward the heated surface of the object to be heated from the plate-like heater body. 1. A heater module provided along a heated surface of an object to be heated , the heater module comprising:a plate-like heater body that faces the heated surface of the object to be heated; andan insulating holder that holds the plate-like heater body in a manner as to face the heated surface of the object to be heated,the insulating holder being fixed, at one edge of the insulating holder, to a mounting surface on which the object to be heated is mounted, and located on one side of the plate-like heater body away from the heated surface of the object to be heated, andthe insulating holder being provided, at another edge opposite to the one edge, with a regulation member that projects toward the heated surface of the object to be heated from the plate-like heater body.2. The heater module according to claim 1 , wherein the regulation member is a heater body locking portion with which the insulating holder locks the plate-like heater body.3. The heater module according to claim 1 , wherein the plate-like heater body is a joined body of a plate-like heating element and a heat equalizing plate claim 1 , and the heat equalizing plate is located to face the heated surface ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130344370A1

A heater module (L, R) of the present invention is provided along a heated surface (CLa) of an object to be heated (CL, CR). The heater module includes: a plate-like heater body () that faces the heated surface of the object to be heated; an L-shaped member () including a module main surface () to which the plate-like heater body is provided, and a bent arm portion () bent with respect to the module main surface; and a power source connection terminal () provided in the bent arm portion and connected to the plate-like heater body. 15-. (canceled)6. A heater module provided along a heated surface of an object to be heated , the heater module comprising:a plate-like heater body that faces the heated surface of the object to be heated;an L-shaped member including a module main surface to which the plate-like heater body is provided, and a bent arm portion bent with respect to the module main surface; anda power source connection terminal provided on an inner side of the bent arm portion and connected to the plate-like heater body.7. The heater module according to claim 6 , wherein the plate-like heater body includes a heat equalizing plate that equally transfers generated heat to the heated surface of the object to be heated claim 6 , the heat equalizing plate being formed into an L-shape in a manner as to extend along the bent arm portion.8. The heater module according to claim 6 ,wherein more than one object to be heated serves as battery modules arranged in a battery pack, and the heated surface of each object to be heated is a surface of each battery module in a laid state, andthe L-shaped member is fixed onto a battery module mounting surface in a vertical state in a manner such that the bent arm portion is located outside of a region in the battery pack where the battery modules are arranged.9. The heater module according to claim 8 , further comprising a heater harness to connect the power source connection terminal to a power supply cable claim 8 ,wherein the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034783A1

An electrical mat (20) is adapted for coupling to lead lines (30). The electrical mat (20) comprises a plurality of layers (41-48), a heater element (50), and a window (60) aligned with a connection face on a heater bus (52). A fastener part (71) extends through each window (60) so as to allow mechanical attachment of a terminal (32) and establish an electrical connection between the lead line (30) and a heater bus (52). 12041484350435260527060. An electrical mat () comprising a plurality of layers (-) including an electrical layer () , an electrical element () on the layer () including at least one bus () , a window () for each bus () , and a fastener () for each window (); wherein:{'b': 52', '53', '30, 'each bus () has a connection face () for electrical connection to a lead line (),'}{'b': 60', '53', '51, 'each window () is aligned with the connection site () on the corresponding bus (),'}{'b': 70', '71', '74', '60, 'each fastener () has a threaded part (, ) that extends through the corresponding window (), and'}{'b': 71', '74', '32', '30', '36', '30', '53', '52, 'the threaded part (, ) is adapted to mechanically attach a terminal () of the lead line () so as to establish an electrical connection between a connection face () of the lead line () and the connection face () of the corresponding bus ().'}22050515251. An electrical mat () as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the electrical element () comprises at least one electrically conductive path () and a bus () is connected to each end of this path ().3205051. An electrical mat () as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the electrical element () is a heater element and the conductive path () has a resistance corresponding to a desired heat output.42060414243. An electrical mat () as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the window () reaches through the thickness of layers ( claim 3 , ) located nonbondside of the electrical layer ().52060414243. An electrical mat () as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the window () reaches ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Portable Heating Arrangement

Номер: US20140097178A1
Автор: Whitcraft Josh

A portable heating arrangement for providing heat to a surface, such as a roof and rain gutter is provided. The portable heating arrangement includes a base configured to rest upon the surface and at least one heating conduit directly or indirectly mounted to at least a portion of the base and configured to provide heat to the surface. The heating arrangement may further include at least one connector configured to directly or indirectly attach at least a portion of the base to the surface. The heating conduit may include a metal wire enclosed within a conductive core and polymer sheath. A method of forming a portable heating arrangement and a method for heating a surface are also provided herein. 1. A portable heating arrangement for providing heat to a surface comprising:a base configured to rest upon the surface; andat least one heating conduit directly or indirectly mounted to at least a portion of the base and configured to provide heat to the surface.2. The portable heating arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a flexible sheet capable of being rolled and unrolled.3. The portable heating arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the flexible sheet at least partially comprises at least one of the following: a wire material claim 2 , a mesh material claim 2 , a polymer mesh material claim 2 , a weather resistant material claim 2 , or any combination thereof.4. The portable heating arrangement of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the at least one heating conduit is mounted on the base in a substantially zig-zag pattern having upper crest portions and lower crest portions claim 1 , and defining an amplitude claim 1 , which is the vertical distance between an apex of the upper crest portion and an apex of the lower crest portion.5. The portable heating arrangement of claim 4 , wherein the lower crest portions extend beyond a lower edge of the base claim 4 , such that at least a portion of the lower crest portions can be at least partially positioned in ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Interchangeable lens goggle adaptable to prevent fogging

Номер: US20180000648A1

Anti-fog, interchangeable-lens goggle adapted for use with a battery comprising: a body with a flexible posterior portion for engaging a user's face and an anterior portion; a lens having a resistive anti-fog element thereon, the lens adapted for engaging the anterior portion of the body; an engagement mechanism for releasably interconnecting the lens and the body; an interconnection mechanism preferably protected by a tortuous path electrical interconnection system and depending from the body adapted for detachably interconnecting the heating element of the lens and the battery, the interconnection means operable or integral with the engagement mechanism such that interconnecting the heating element of the lens with the battery also reinforces interconnecting of the lens with the semi-rigid anterior portion of the body; and a strap adapted for holding the goggle on one of a user's head and helmet.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001206A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

An electric cartridge type heater () has at least one the tubular metallic jacket (), at least one electric heat conductor () arranged in the interior space of the tubular metallic jacket with two ends for electrically contacting the electric heat conductor, wherein the at least one electric heat conductor is electrically isolated from the tubular metallic jacket by an electrically insulating material () arranged in the interior space of the tubular metallic jacket (). The electric heat conductor is self-supporting. A method is also provided for manufacturing such an electric cartridge type heater.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001086A1

A cartridge of an electronic vaping device includes a reservoir configured to store a pre-vapor formulation and a heating element configured to heat the pre-vapor formulation. The heating element includes a metal tube having a first end and a second end. The metal tube defines an opening therethrough. The metal tube includes a sidewall defining at least one spiral channel extending substantially continuously along a portion of the metal tube. 1. A cartridge of an electronic vaping device comprising:a reservoir configured to store a pre-vapor formulation; and 'a sidewall defining at least one spiral channel extending substantially continuously along a portion of the metal tube.', 'a metal tube having a first end and a second end, the metal tube defining an opening therethrough, the metal tube including,'}, 'a heating element configured to heat the pre-vapor formulation, the heating element including,'}2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the spiral channel begins at a location about 0.5 mm to about 1.0 mm from the first end of the metal tube.3. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the spiral channel ends at a location about 0.5 mm to about 1.0 mm from at least one of the first end of the metal tube and the second end of the metal tube.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the spiral channel includes about 2 to about 20 turns around a circumference of the metal tube.5. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein each turn is spaced from adjacent turns by about 0.05 mm to about 0.25 mm.6. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein each turn is uniformly spaced from adjacent turns.7. The cartridge of claim 4 , wherein each turn is non-uniformly spaced from adjacent turns.8. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the spiral channel has a width ranging from about 0.1 mm to about 0.5 mm.9. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the metal tube has a length ranging from about 3.0 mm to about 6.0 mm.10. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the spiral channel extends along about 2.0 mm to about 3.5 mm of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001425A1

To provide a heating apparatus and a method for producing a plate-like object that can heat a heating target object uniformly. The heating apparatus includes a heater for heating target object W, and a support member disposed on a front face of the heater and for supporting a face Wf of the heating target object W. The support member supports the heating target object W in such a manner that: the support member prevents direct heat transfer between the face Wf and the support member a clearance between the front face and the face Wf is maintained in a predetermined clearance S, wherein the predetermined clearance S allows a fluid to be present in the clearance but does not induce convection of the fluid. The method includes supporting the heating target object W with the support member and heating the heating target object W with the heater to produce the plate-like object. 1. A heating apparatus for heating a plate-like heating target object , the heating apparatus comprising:a heater having a front face formed to have a size capable of covering a whole face of the heating target object and configured to generate heat to be applied to the heating target object; anda support member for supporting the face of the heating target object in such a manner that the support member is configured to prevent direct heat transfer between the face of the heating target object and the support member and a clearance between the front face and the face of the heating target object is maintained in a predetermined clearance when the heating target object is supported, wherein the predetermined clearance allows a fluid to be present between the front face and the face of the heating target object but does not induce convection of the fluid; a heating source for receiving external energy and converting the external energy into heat; and', 'a jig having the front face formed thereon, the jig being configured to receive heat from the heating source and transfer heat to the fluid ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001787A1
Автор: TAKEUCHI Yuta

A heater of the present disclosure includes: a columnar heater main body including a ceramic body, and a heat generating resistor embedded within the ceramic body, the heat generating resistor being drawn out at a rear end portion of the ceramic body to a side surface of the heater main body; a tubular metal support member attached to the side surface of the heater main body, the metal support member including a first region joined via a bonding material to the heater main body and a second region spaced away from the heater main body, the metal support member being configured so as to open toward the rear end portion; and a lid body which is disposed between the heater main body and the second region to separate front end-side space and rear end-side space of the heater. 1. A heater , comprising:a heater main body having a columnar shape, comprising a ceramic body, and a heat generating resistor embedded within the ceramic body, the heat generating resistor being drawn out at a rear end portion of the ceramic body to a side surface of the heater main body;a metal support member having a tubular shape and attached to the side surface of the heater main body, the metal support member comprising a first region joined via a bonding material to the heater main body and a second region spaced away from the heater main body, the metal support member being configured so as to open toward the rear end portion; anda lid body which is disposed between the heater main body and the second region to separate front end-side space and rear end-side space of the heater.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the lid body is formed of ceramics.3. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the lid body is disposed between the heater main body and the second region so as to leave a spacing from at least one of the heater main body and the second region.4. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein a part of an inner wall of the metal support member corresponding to a front end of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Aluminum nitride film, method of manufacturing aluminum nitride film, and high withstand voltage component

Номер: US20190002281A1

An aluminum nitride film includes a polycrystalline aluminum nitride. A withstand voltage of the aluminum nitride film is 100 kV/mm or more.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011139A1
Автор: Lamesch Laurent

A system for capacitive object detection. In order to provide means for efficiently using the circuitry of an electrical heating device for capacitive object detection, the system includes: an elongate conductive element extending between a first terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal is coupled to ground via a capacitive element and is connectable to an electrical power source, and the second terminal is connected to ground; and a detection circuit connected to at least one detection node disposed on the conductive element between the first and second terminal. The detection circuit is adapted to capacitively detect the presence of an object in the proximity of the conductive element based on an impedance associated with the object. 1. A system for capacitive object detection , comprising:an elongate conductive element extending between a first terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal is coupled to ground via a first capacitive element and is connectable to an electrical power source, and the second terminal is connected to ground; anda detection circuit connected to at least one detection node disposed on the conductive element between the first and second terminal;wherein the detection circuit is adapted to capacitively detect the presence of an object in the proximity of the conductive element based on a impedance associated with the object, the detection circuit being configured to operate at least one detection node in a loading mode, in which the detection circuit applies a detection signal to the at least one detection node and detects the object based on a response signal at the detection node; andwherein the detection circuit is adapted to sequentially and/or simultaneously apply two different frequencies as the detection signal to the at least one detection node and to detect the object based on a frequency-dependent response signal.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the detection circuit is connected to a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Non-nicotine e-vaping device with integral heater-thermocouple

Номер: US20220015426A1
Автор: Eric Hawes, Raymond W. Lau
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A non-nicotine e-vaping device may include a device body configured to receive a non-nicotine cartridge. The non-nicotine cartridge includes a non-nicotine pre-vapor formulation, a wick, and an integral heater-thermocouple. The wick is configured to transport the non-nicotine pre-vapor formulation by capillary action. The integral heater-thermocouple includes a first segment made of a first alloy and a second segment made of a second alloy. The device body includes a power supply, at least one sensor, and a controller. The power supply is configured to deliver electrical energy to the integral heater-thermocouple to heat the non-nicotine pre-vapor formulation to generate a non-nicotine vapor. The at least one sensor is configured to measure a voltage difference between the first segment and the second segment of the integral heater-thermocouple during such heating. The controller is configured to adjust the electrical energy to the integral heater-thermocouple based on the measured voltage difference.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006095A1
Автор: MIWA Kaname
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

A holding apparatus including a holding substrate having a first main face on one side in a thickness direction thereof, and a heat generation section which is disposed in the holding substrate and generates heat when energized. The heat generation section includes a plurality of first heating elements arrayed in a planar direction orthogonal to the thickness direction of the holding substrate, and a second heating element disposed on a side toward the first main face in the thickness direction with respect to the plurality of first heating elements. Any one of the plurality of first heating elements is electrically connected to the second heating element in series through a first via extending in the thickness direction within the holding substrate. 1. A holding apparatus comprising a holding substrate having a first main face on one side in a thickness direction thereof , and a heat generation section which is disposed in the holding substrate and generates heat when energized , the holding apparatus being characterized in thatthe heat generation section includes a plurality of first heating elements arrayed in a planar direction orthogonal to the thickness direction of the holding substrate, and a second heating element disposed on a side toward the first main face in the thickness direction with respect to the plurality of first heating elements; andany one of the plurality of first heating elements is electrically connected to the second heating element in series through a first via extending in the thickness direction within the holding substrate.2. A holding apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the holding substrate is divided into a plurality of heating zones in plan view in the thickness direction claim 1 , and the one of the plurality of first heating elements and the second heating element are disposed in at least one of the plurality of heating zones.3. A holding apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a conductive section for electricity ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007410A1

The invention relates to a device for generating a vapor for a CVD or PVD apparatus, with at least two thermal transfer bodies arranged successively in the direction of flow of a carrier gas and having thermal transfer surfaces, each of which can be heated to a thermal transfer temperature, with an inlet pipe () for feeding an aerosol to one of the thermal transfer bodies for vaporization of the aerosol by bringing the aerosol particles into contact with the thermal transfer surfaces. A provision is made that at least one of the thermal transfer bodies has an opening in which an inlet pipe () is located, the inlet pipe () having a first flow channel () for feeding the aerosol in and a second flow channel () for feeding a carrier gas in, gas passage openings () being provided through which the carrier gas can flow out of the second flow channel () into the first flow channel (), and a provision particularly being made that the second flow channel () is sealed in the area of the mouth (′) of the inlet pipe. 1123124523123678451231111212123123456781239101223454523. A device for generating a vapor for a CVD or PVD apparatus , with at least two thermal transfer bodies ( , , ) arranged successively in a housing () in the direction of flow of a carrier gas and having thermal transfer surfaces , each of which can be heated to a thermal transfer temperature , with an inlet pipe ( , ) for feeding an aerosol to one of the thermal transfer bodies ( , ) for vaporization of the aerosol by bringing the aerosol particles into contact with the thermal transfer surfaces , wherein at least one of the thermal transfer bodies ( , , ) has an opening ( , , ) in which an inlet pipe ( , ) is located , characterized in that the thermal transfer bodies ( , , ) can be heated to different temperatures , an upstream thermal transfer body () first in the direction of flow being a preheating body for the carrier gas , which can be fed through a carrier gas feed line () upstream from the first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007411A1

Substrate temperature control apparatus including groove-routed optical fibers. Substrate temperature control apparatus includes upper and lower members including grooves in one or both, and a plurality of optical fibers routed in the grooves. In one embodiment, the optical fibers are adapted to provide light-based pixelated heating. In another embodiment, embedded optical temperature sensors are adapted to provide temperature measurement. Substrate temperature control systems, electronic device processing systems, and methods including groove-routed optical fiber temperature control and measurement are described, as are numerous other aspects. 1. A substrate temperature control apparatus , comprising:a lower member;an upper member proximate to the lower member;a plurality of grooves formed in one or more of the upper member and the lower member; anda plurality of optical fibers adapted to provide light-based heating extending within the grooves.2. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of optical fibers include a metal film.3. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an upper support body of the upper member and a lower support body of the lower member each comprise a ceramic material.4. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the lower member comprises a transition leg extending downwardly from the lower support body.5. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of grooves are formed in an upper surface of the lower member.6. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of grooves are formed in a lower surface of the upper member.7. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lower member includes a passage claim 1 , and the plurality of optical fibers pass through the passage as a bundle and are then routed into the plurality of grooves.8. The substrate temperature control apparatus ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007412A1

Substrate temperature control apparatus and electronic device manufacturing systems provide pixelated light-based heating to a substrate in a process chamber. A substrate holder in the process chamber may include a baseplate. The baseplate has a top surface that may have a plurality of cavities and a plurality of grooves connected to the cavities. Optical fibers may be received in the grooves such that each cavity has a respective optical fiber terminating therein to transfer light thereto. Some or all of the cavities may have an epoxy optical diffuser disposed therein to diffuse light provided by the optical fiber. A ceramic plate upon which a substrate may be placed may be bonded to the baseplate. A thermal spreader plate may optionally be provided between the baseplate and the ceramic plate. Methods of controlling temperature across a substrate holder in an electronic device manufacturing system are also provided, as are other aspects. 1. A substrate temperature control apparatus , comprising: a plurality of cavities formed in a first surface of the baseplate; and', 'a plurality of optical fibers wherein each one of the plurality of optical fibers terminates in a respective one of the plurality of cavities and is configured to transmit light thereto., 'a substrate holder baseplate comprising2. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of grooves formed in the first surface and configured for optical fiber routing claim 1 , wherein each one of the plurality of cavities is connected to one of the plurality of grooves.3. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an optical diffuser disposed in at least some of the plurality of cavities.4. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the optical diffuser comprises diffusing particles suspended therein.5. The substrate temperature control apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the optical diffuser comprises a diffusing particle ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007474A1

A heating circuit assembly and method of manufacture includes an electrically conductive heating element having a pattern. An electrically non-conductive substrate is additive manufactured and secured to the element for structural support. The substrate has a topology that generally aligns with the pattern of the element thereby reducing the assembly weight and minimizing substrate material waste. 1. A heating circuit assembly comprising:an electrically conductive element arranged in a pattern; andan electrically non-conductive substrate secured to the element and having a topology that generally aligns with the pattern.2. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is thermoplastic.3. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a thermosetting substrate.4. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the pattern and topology are three-dimensional.5. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 4 , wherein the substrate includes at least one of a glass and a ceramic material to enhance structural integrity.6. The heating circuit assembly set forth in further comprising:an electrically non-conductive and thermally conductive layer secured to at least the element with the element disposed between the substrate and layer.7. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 6 , wherein the layer is an additive manufactured layer.8. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 7 , wherein the layer has a topology that generally corresponds to the pattern.9. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of glass and ceramic materials to enhance structural integrity.10. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of boron nitride claim 8 , aluminum oxide claim 8 , aluminum nitride claim 8 , silicon carbide claim 8 , and diamond particles to control thermal conductivity.11. The heating circuit ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007655A1

An exemplary atomizer includes a shell, a liquid supply received in the shell, and an atomizing assembly. The liquid supply is configured for storing tobacco liquid, and the liquid supply has an open end. The atomizing assembly includes a liquid conducting element, a heating disk, and a liquid absorbing body. An end of the liquid conducting element is engaged in the open end. The heating disk is arranged at an opposite end of the liquid conducting element. The liquid absorbing body is sandwiched between the liquid conducting body and the heating disk. The liquid conducting element is configured for conveying the tobacco liquid from the liquid supply to the liquid absorbing body. The heating disk is configured for heating the tobacco liquid in the liquid absorbing body to vaporize. 1. An atomizer , comprising:a shell;a liquid supply received in the shell, the liquid supply being configured for storing tobacco liquid, the liquid supply having an open end; and a liquid conducting element, an end of the liquid conducting element being engaged in the open end;', 'a heating disk arranged at an opposite end of the liquid conducting element; and', 'a liquid absorbing body sandwiched between the liquid conducting body and the heating disk, the liquid conducting element being configured for conveying the tobacco liquid from the liquid supply to the liquid absorbing body, the heating disk being configured for heating the tobacco liquid in the liquid absorbing body to vaporize., 'an atomizing assembly, the atomizing assembly comprising2. The atomizer according to claim 1 , wherein the heating disk comprises a heating wire spirally wound to form a disk shape.3. The atomizer according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid conducting element is made of material consisting of porous ceramic claim 1 , porous metal claim 1 , and porous fiber.4. The atomizer according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid absorbing body is made of fiber cloth.5. The atomizer according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008165A1
Принадлежит: The General Hospital Corporation

A transparent portable warming device to insure normothermia during medical transport, particularly for transporting pediatric patients and infants is disclosed. The warming device includes a one or more layers of a thin, flexible, transparent material. A heating element includes a parallel circuit of resistive wires controlled by a battery-powered power controller. The controller maintains the temperature of the blanket at a predetermined temperature level for periods of time suitable for transporting patients. In one embodiment, the resistive wires are nichrome, and the flexible material comprises polyvinylchloride. The system can be powered by a lightweight twelve volt battery. 1. A portable transparent warming device comprising:a flexible transparent layer sized and dimensioned to cover a portion of a body of a medical patient;a plurality of resistive wires integrated with the flexible transparent layer; anda power controller electrically connected to the resistive wires so to apply a current to sufficient to produce heat from the resistive wires, wherein heat produced from the wires is sufficient to achieve and maintain a steady state temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius beneath a substantial portion of the flexible transparent layer.2. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the power controller is sized to produce a steady state temperature of about 40 degrees within an environment having an ambient temperature of about 23 degrees Celsius or less.3. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the power controller is sized to provide sufficient power to the resistive heating element to raise the temperature of the flexible transparent layer from ambient to a predetermined steady state temperature within a time period of about 14 minutes.4. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the steady state temperature can be achieved within a time period of about 2 minutes.5. The portable transparent warming ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007392A1

An automatically resettable smoking paraphernalia includes the following components: an outer upper shell, a smoking cup provided inside the outer upper shell, a pushing key, and a spring, etc., wherein the smoking cup, the spring, the outer upper shell can be detached and replaced as a whole, the smoking cup can stick out of the outer upper shell by a distance to extract and unload the cigarette, and then automatically reset. Besides, the smoking cup is hidden inside the upper outer shell, so as to prevent the exposed smoking cup with an excessively high temperature from burning users, meanwhile avoiding a risk of losing the smoking cup. 1. An automatically resettable smoking paraphernalia , comprising the following components:an outer upper shell, wherein the outer upper shell is cylindrical with openings at two ends, the opening at a first end of the outer upper shell is provided with an inner flange, a side wall of the outer upper shell is provided with a pushing key sliding groove;a smoking cup provided inside the outer upper shell, wherein an outer wall of the smoking cup is provided with an outward protruded annulus, a bottom of the smoking cup is provided with a heating element socket, the bottom of the smoking cup or a wall of the smoking cup is provided with an air inlet hole, the wall of the smoking cup is sleeved with a spring, and two ends of the spring abut between the inner flange and the outward protruded annulus; anda pushing key, wherein the pushing key comprises a pushing key annulus and a pushing key block, the pushing key annulus is engaged with the outward protruded annulus, and the pushing key block is provided inside the pushing key sliding groove.2. The automatically resettable smoking paraphernalia according to claim 1 , further comprising an outer lower shell claim 1 , wherein the outer lower shell is detachably connected to the outer upper shell claim 1 , a heating element is provided in the outer lower shell claim 1 , extending in a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Atomizer capable of preventing liquid leakage caused by air inside a liquid reservoir and electronic cigarette with the same

Номер: US20210007399A1
Автор: Zhiping CHEN
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Smoore Technology Ltd

The present disclosure provides an atomizer and an electronic cigarette with the atomizer. The atomizer includes a cartridge assembly and a mouthpiece assembly; the cartridge assembly includes a liquid reservoir, an opening communicating the liquid reservoir with an external environment, and an atomization chamber communicating with the liquid reservoir; the mouthpiece assembly is inserted into the opening; the cartridge assembly includes an engaging portion located adjacent to the opening, and the mouthpiece assembly includes an inserting portion inserted into the engaging portion; the inserting portion defines a discharging hole, air discharges through the discharging hole while the inserting portion is being inserted into the engaging portion, and after the inserting portion is inserted into the engaging portion in place, the discharging hole is blocked, thus, e-liquid in the liquid reservoir can be prevented from being pushed to flow into the atomization chamber and liquid leakage can be prevented.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007400A1

An axially rotating electric heating device for extracting tobacco, comprising a heating cavity outer shell, a heating cavity inner shell, and a heating assembly; the heating assembly comprises a heating cavity that accommodates a smoking product and a heating element located in a cigarette heating cavity; the heating cavity is surrounded by the heating cavity inner shell; the heating element may be inserted into the smoking product so as to heat the smoking product; the heating cavity inner shell is located at the front end of the heating assembly; the heating cavity outer shell and the heating cavity inner shell form an integral body; the heating cavity may rotate relative to the axis of the heating element to separate the smoking product from the heating element, thereby facilitating the extraction of the smoking product after smoking is finished. Configuring the heating cavity to be able to axially rotate relative to the heating element may effectively separate a cigarette from a needle-shaped heater; and after the cigarette is loosened from the needle-shaped heater, a tobacco section in the cigarette becomes looser, thereby more easily extracting the tobacco part so that said tobacco will not remain inside of the heating cavity. 1. An electric heating device that is axially rotatable for extracting tobacco , comprising an outer shell for heating chamber , an inner shell for heating chamber and a heating assembly , wherein the heating assembly includes a heating chamber configured for receiving a smoking product and a heating element located in the heating chamber , the heating chamber is surrounded and delimited by the inner shell for heating chamber , and the heating element is configured to insert into and heat the smoking product , characterized in that , the inner shell for heating chamber is located at a front end of the heating assembly , the outer shell for heating chamber and the inner shell for heating chamber form an integral body , and the heating ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008317A1
Автор: Alexander Clayton

An actively heated or cooled portable container has a body with a chamber that receives and holds a liquid, and one or more heating or cooling elements in thermal communication with at least a portion of the chamber. An outer surface of the body has one or more electrical contacts. A module is removably coupled to a portion of the body. The module has one or more electrical contacts on an outer surface of the module that contact the one or more electrical contacts on the outer surface of the body, control circuitry, and one or more power storage elements that provide power to the control circuitry and/or the one or more heating or cooling elements. The control circuitry wirelessly communicates with a mobile electronic device to wirelessly transmit information to the mobile electronic device associated with the operation of the module and/or wirelessly receive instructions from a user via the mobile electronic device. 1. (canceled)2. An actively heated or cooled drinkware container system , comprising:a body having a chamber configured to receive and hold a liquid, one or more heating or cooling elements disposed in the body and in thermal communication with at least a portion of the chamber, a distal outer surface of the body having one or more electrical contacts; one or more electrical contacts on a proximal outer surface of the module configured to provide an electrical connection with the one or more electrical contacts of the body when the body is placed on the module, and', 'one or more power storage elements;, 'a module removably coupleable to a bottom portion of the body to thereby contact at least a portion of the body and provide an electrical connection with the body when the body is placed on the module, the module comprising'}one or more magnets in one or both of the module and the body that magnetically couple the module and the body, allowing the module and body to be mobile as one unit; andcontrol circuitry operable to control the operation of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008322A1

A heating element for a cooking appliance includes terminals that act as electrically conductive contact points. One or more buses are arranged between the terminals, and connect one or more heating element segments in a zig-zag configuration. The heating element segments are connected in series and are arranged parallel with one another. Each heating element segment includes a plurality of cutouts linked together and having an elliptical shape. The terminals, heating element segments, and buses are a continuous single sheet of conductive material. A method of making the heating element includes forming a pattern into the sheet of conductive material by etching the pattern into the conductive sheet using photolithography. 1. A heating element for a cooking appliance , the heating element comprising:first and second terminals; andone or more heating element segments extending between the first and second terminals, each heating element segment having a plurality of cutouts arranged in a repeating pattern, each cutout having an elliptical shape;wherein the first and second terminals and the one or more heating element segments are a continuous single sheet of material.2. The heating element of claim 1 , further comprising one or more buses arranged between the first and second terminals claim 1 , the one or more buses connecting the one or more heating element segments in a zig-zag configuration.3. The heating element of claim 1 , further comprising a first set of heating element segments having a first length claim 1 , a second set of heating element segments having a second length claim 1 , and a third set of heating element segments having a third length;wherein the third set of heating element segments are arranged between the first and second sets of heating element segments, and wherein the first length is less than the second length, and the second length is less than the third length.4. The heating element of claim 3 , wherein the length of the first set of ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Heating device for apparatus for heating smokable material and method of manufacture

Номер: US20220022542A1

Described herein is a heating device for use with apparatus for heating smokable material to volatilize at least one component of the smokable material. The heating device includes a heating element, and smokable material bonded to the heating element. The heating element includes a layer of electrically-conductive material, a first layer of polyimide, and a second layer of polyimide. The layer of electrically-conductive material is located between the first and second layers of polyimide. Also described are cartridges including the heating device, apparatus including the heating device, and methods of manufacturing the heating device.

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022555A1

A method of manufacturing a heater for an aerosol-generating device is provided, the method including: forming a heater body including a heater body frame and a heating element, the heater body defining at least a portion of a boundary of a heating chamber configured to receive an aerosol-generating article such that the heating element is configured to heat the heating chamber, at least part of the heater body frame being manufactured by additive manufacturing. A method of manufacturing an aerosol-generating device; and a heater; and an aerosol-generating device are also provided. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method of manufacturing a heater for an aerosol-generating device , the method comprising:forming a heater body comprising a heater body frame and a heating element, the heater body defining at least a portion of a boundary of a heating chamber configured to receive an aerosol-generating article such that the heating element is configured to heat the heating chamber,wherein at least part of the heater body frame is manufactured by additive manufacturing.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the step of forming the heater body further comprises manufacturing the heating element by manufacturing a heat generating layer using additive manufacturing claim 15 , the heat generating layer defining a cavity delimited by an inner cavity wall and a cavity opening claim 15 , so that the portion of the boundary of the heating chamber configured to receive the aerosol-generating article is defined by the inner cavity wall and the cavity opening.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the step of forming the heater body further comprises providing a heat conductive layer on the inner cavity wall.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the step of forming the heater body further comprises providing an insulating layer on a side of the heat generating layer opposite the inner cavity wall.19. The method of claim 15 , wherein the step of forming the heater body further comprises ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008475A1
Автор: Ding Yi, LAI Chuanzhi

A pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco, the pot structure is disposed in a rod portion of the electronic cigarette, and the pot structure is in communication with a mouth piece of the electronic cigarette; the structure includes: a cage, configured to receive tobacco shreds; a heating device, configured to heat tobacco shreds within the cage to generate smoke; the heating device is a heating pot in a cup-shaped, and the cage is a cup-shaped body made of a good heat conductive material; the heating pot heats the tobacco shreds in the cage from a side of the cage, and the heat conductive tube is configured to bring the heat of the heating pot to the center of the tobacco shreds to heat the tobacco shreds, such that the heating to the tobacco shreds is more evenly. 2. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 1 , wherein the cage cover is in screwed connection with the cage.3. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 1 , wherein a width of the gap between the inner wall of the heating pot and the outer wall of the cage is in a range of 0.1-0.25 mm.4. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 1 , wherein an outer wall of the heating pot is further provided with a heat retaining device.5. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 4 , wherein the heat retaining device comprises a heat retaining cotton wrapped around the outer wall of the heating pot claim 4 , and a mica tube sleeved outside the heat retaining cotton.6. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 1 , wherein the cage cover is further provided with a heat insulating pad thereon claim 1 , a middle of the heat insulating pad is provided with a filter device claim 1 , and the filter device is disposed outside the root portion of the heat conductive tube of the cage cover.7. The pot structure of electronic cigarette for baking tobacco of claim 6 , wherein ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008478A1
Автор: OUYANG Junwei

The present invention discloses an electronic cigarette, which comprises a main body, a heating device and a locking device movably mounted to the main body, wherein the main body is provided with a mounting chamber having an opening, the heating device is detachably mounted in the mounting chamber, the heating device is provided with a locking portion, when the locking device moves to engage with the locking portion, the heating device is locked in the first position in the mounting chamber to electrically connect the heating device to the main body, the locking device moves to be disengaged from the locking portion, and the heating device moves from the first position to the second position, so that the heating device partially protrudes from the opening of the mounting chamber. The technical solution of the present invention effectively facilitates detaching and cleaning the internal heating device. 1. An electronic cigarette , comprising:a main body,a heating device, anda locking device movably mounted to the main body,wherein the main body is provided with a mounting chamber having an opening, the heating device is detachably mounted in the mounting chamber, the heating device is provided with a locking portion, when the locking device moves to engage with the locking portion, the heating device is locked in the first position in the mounting chamber to electrically connect the heating device with the main body, when the locking device moves to be disengaged from the locking portion, and the heating device moves from the first position to the second position, so that the heating device partially protrudes from the opening of the mounting chamber.2. The electronic cigarette according to claim 1 , wherein the locking device comprises a locking head and a controlling member claim 1 , one end of the controlling member is movably mounted to the main body and exposed to the outside of the main body claim 1 , and the other end extends into the main body to be ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008493A1
Автор: Holtz Arie, Levitz Robert
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A reservoir refill system for an electronic vaping device includes a refill container and a reservoir. The refill container contains a pre-vapor formulation. The refill container includes a body, an opening in the body, and a first interlocking ring including at least one groove or at least one protrusion therein. The reservoir is configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation and includes a reservoir body, an opening in the reservoir body, and a second interlocking ring including at least one groove or at least one protrusion therein at an opening of the reservoir. The first interlocking ring is configured to mate with the second interlocking ring so as to release the pre-vapor formulation from the refill container to the reservoir. 1. A reservoir refill system comprising: a container body,', 'an opening in the container body,', 'a perforated disk having one or more holes therein, and', 'a spring-loaded disk; and, 'a refill container containing a pre-vapor formulation, the refill container including,'} a reservoir body configured to contain the pre-vapor formulation;', 'an opening in the reservoir body; and', 'a crown including one or more teeth thereon, the teeth sized and configured to be received in the one or more holes in the perforated disk, the crown configured to depress the spring-loaded disk so as to allow pre-vapor formulation to flow into the reservoir., 'a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation, the reservoir comprising2. The reservoir refill system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first interlocking ring including one or more of at least one groove and at least one protrusion therein at an opening in one of the container body and the reservoir body; anda second interlocking ring including one or more of at least one groove and at least one protrusion therein at an opening of one of the container body and the reservoir body.3. The reservoir refill system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first interlocking ring and the second ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Heater structure for a sensor device

Номер: US20160011134A1
Принадлежит: SENSIRION AG

The sensor device comprises a hotplate on a membrane. The hotplate is heated by a N-fold rotationally symmetric heater structure having N>1 heater elements of identical design. Each heater element comprises an inner section, an intermediate section and an outer section arranged in series, with the inner section having a larger electrical cross section than the outer section. This design allows to heat the hotplate to a homogeneous temperature at moderate supply voltages.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Exposed structure heating apparatus and methods of making and use

Номер: US20190010706A1
Автор: Casey Brian T.

Structure heating systems and methods of making and use. One embodiment has a unitary or integral roof edge heating element with a single heating cable mounted in a heating cable channel running laterally through the heating element and a roof edge heating panel extending from the portion of the heating element bearing the heating cable. Another embodiment includes a single heating cable mounted in a heating element surrounded by a heating element cover. Some embodiments can reduce the amount of heat transfer contact with supporting roof or adjacent structure, reducing heat transfer to the supporting roof or other adjacent structure. 1. A roof edge heating apparatus mountable adjacent an edge of a roof of a building , the roof edge heating apparatus comprising in combination:A. a unitary heating element having a thickened outer flange and a laterally-extending thinner section extending from the thickened outer flange and extendable laterally over a portion of the roof adjacent the roof edge;B. a heating cable channel within the thickened outer flange of the unitary heating element, the heating cable channel being extendable along and adjacent the edge of the roof of the building, the channel having an open portion provided by a first channel side, a second channel side opposite the first channel side, and a distal channel side intermediate the first channel side and second channel side;C. a heating cable mountable in the heating cable channel through the open portion of the heating cable channel and extendable along the edge of the roof,; andD. a fastener passage extending through the laterally-extending heating element section, whereby the unitary heating element can be fastened to the roof adjacent the edge of the roof.2. The roof edge heating apparatus of wherein the roof edge heating apparatus includes a roof edge seal abuttable against the edge of the roof3. (canceled)4. The roof edge heating apparatus of wherein the laterally-extending section has a thin ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030670A1

An electric heating device, in particular for automotive application, includes a dielectric, planar, flexible carrier, at least one electrically resistive conductor line fixedly attached onto a surface of the flexible carrier and, at least for each end of the conductor line, an electrically conductive terminal line. The terminal lines abut and are electrically connected to a respective end of the conductor line, wherein the terminal lines have a width (w) that is narrower than a width (w) of the conductor line. At least one electrically conductive shunt member is attached to at least one out of at least a portion of at least one of the terminal lines and a portion of the at least one conductor line for at least partially electrically shunting the respective portion. 1. An electric heating device , in particular for automotive application , comprising: a dielectric, planar, flexible carrier,', 'at least one electrically resistive conductor line of uniform thickness (t) that is fixedly attached onto a surface of the flexible carrier,', 'at least for one end of the at least one electrically resistive conductor line an electrically conductive terminal line, being attached onto the surface of the flexible carrier, and abutting and being electrically connected to the respective end of the at least one electrically resistive conductor line, wherein the electrically conductive terminal lines have a width that is narrower than a width of the at least one electrically resistive conductor line, and, 'at least one electric heater member that includesat least one electrically conductive shunt member, being attached to at least one out of at least a portion of at least one of the electrically conductive terminal lines and a portion of the at least one electrically resistive conductor line for at least partially electrically shunting the respective portion.2. The electric heating device claimed in claim 1 , including an electrically conductive adhesive layer that is arranged ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160013771A1

An acoustic resonator device includes an annular acoustic resonator, a heater coil and a heat sensor. The annular acoustic resonator is positioned over a trench formed in a substrate of the acoustic resonator device. The heater coil is disposed around a perimeter of the annular acoustic resonator, the heater coil including a resistor configured to receive a heater current. The heat sensor is configured to adjust the heater current in response to a temperature of the heater coil. A feedback circuit is used to control a temperature of the acoustic resonator device. 1. An acoustic resonator device , comprising:an acoustic resonator positioned over a trench formed in a substrate;a heater disposed around at least a portion of a perimeter of the acoustic resonator, the heater configured to receive a heater current; anda heat sensor resistor disposed adjacent to the heater;a reference resistor; andan amplifier configured to receive a first input from the reference resistor and a second input from the sense resistor, and to provide an output proportional to a difference between the first input and the second input, wherein the heater current is adjusted based on the difference.2. The acoustic resonator device of claim 1 , wherein the sensor resistor has a temperature coefficient of resistance such that its sensor impedance (R) varies in response to a temperature of the acoustic resonator.3. The acoustic resonator device of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of tethers connected to the acoustic resonator, the plurality of tethers being configured to limit transfer of externally applied forces to the acoustic resonator.4. The acoustic resonator device of claim 3 , wherein a first tether of the plurality of tethers comprises a first conductive trace for providing the heater current to the heater coil claim 3 , and the heater coil is disposed around an outer perimeter of the acoustic resonator.5. The acoustic resonator device of claim 4 , wherein a second tether of the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Thermocompression bonding apparatus and method

Номер: US20150016083A1

A multi-layer aluminum nitride ceramic, multi-heating element substrate is provided for forming electrical bonds between integrated circuits and an interposer structure using a thermocompression bonding process. The individually energizable heater element traces can be run through common regions of the heater surface platform. A network of cooling vias can be run through other parts of the substrate. The traces are then separately controlled and energized during a predetermined routine resulting in a temperature profile that maintains a substantially constant temperature plateau phase near a reflow temperature, and a more uniform temperature across the spaced apart surface regions of the heater substrate, thus imparting a more precisely uniform heating to the parts being bonded. 1. A solid state electrical heater apparatus for heating the surface of a part , said apparatus comprises:a part-contacting platform;said platform including a medial zone and a peripheral region laterally spaced a distance apart form said medial zone;a first heater element coursing along and being in thermal communication with said zone;a second heater element spaced apart from said first heater element;said second heater element coursing along and being in thermal communication with said region; and,wherein said first and second heater elements are separately energizable.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , which further comprises:said first element coursing along both said zone and said region; andsaid second element coursing along both said zone and said region.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first heater element disproportionately heats said zone more than said region over a given time frame; and claim 1 , wherein said second heater element is adapted to provide proportionately greater heat flux to said region than said zone during a given energization period.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said first heater element comprises a first trace having a first circuitous pattern ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and package for packaging a thermal conductive strip with power supply terminals

Номер: US20180014356A1
Автор: Chen-San Cheng
Принадлежит: Taiwan Tech Co Ltd

A thermal conductive strip with a power supply terminal includes: a carbon fiber unit including a carbon fiber connecting end; a plastic envelope which encapsulates the carbon fiber unit and has a length smaller than a length of the carbon fiber connecting end, and further includes a broken portion which covers a part of the carbon fiber connecting end; and the power supply terminal sleeved onto the broken portion and the carbon fiber connecting end, and including a clamping section for clamping the broken portion, and an electrically conductive section for contacting the carbon fiber connecting end. The power supply terminal is partially clamped on the plastic envelope and partially eclectically connected to the carbon fiber, which improves the yield rate and the bending durability of the thermal conductive strip of the present invention.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014844A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

An electric heater () includes a metal sheath () defining an interior space, an electric heating element, arranged in the interior space, an insulating material filling and electric terminals. At least one electric terminal is a plug contact () made in one piece, which has a section () arranged in the interior space with a contact point (), which is arranged in the interior space and at which the plug contact is connected conductively to the electric heating element directly or via an auxiliary wire (). A process for manufacturing such an electric heater is provided. 1. An electric heater comprising:a metal sheath defining an interior space;at least one electric heating element arranged in the interior space of the metal sheath;an insulating material electrically insulating the at least one electric heating element; andat least one electric terminal for the at least one electric heating element, wherein:the at least one electric terminal comprise a one piece plug contact;the at least one electric terminal has a section arranged in the interior space of the metal sheath;the section has a contact point arranged in the interior space of the metal sheath;the contact point comprises an electrical connection of the plug contact to the at least one electric heating element.2. An electric heater in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising another electric terminal comprising a one piece plug contacts claim 1 , wherein:the other electric terminal comprise another one piece plug contact;the other electric terminal has another electric terminal section arranged in the interior space of the metal sheath;the other electric terminal section has another electric terminal contact point arranged in the interior space of the metal sheath; andthe another electric terminal contact point comprises an electrically conductive connection of the plug contact to the at least one electric heating element, at which contact point the other plug is connected to the at least one electric ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014845A1

An integrated circuit is provided having an active circuit. A heating element is adjacent to the active circuit and configured to heat the active circuit. A temperature sensor is also adjacent to the active circuit and configured to measure a temperature of the active circuit. A temperature controller is coupled to the active circuit and configured to receive a temperature signal from the temperature sensor. The temperature controller operates the heating element to heat the active circuit to maintain the temperature of the active circuit in a selected temperature range. 1. A wireless device , comprising:a battery;an antenna coupled to the battery; and a semiconductor die;', 'an active circuit in the semiconductor die;', 'a temperature sensor in the semiconductor die, the temperature sensor configured to measure a temperature of the active circuit;', 'a heating element configured to heat the active circuit; and', 'a temperature controller configured to receive temperature data from the temperature sensor and data regarding a level of use of the active circuit from the active circuit, and to cause the heating element to heat the active circuit to maintain the temperature of the active circuit above a minimum threshold temperature and below a maximum threshold temperature., 'an integrated circuit package coupled to the antenna and the battery, the integrated circuit package including2. The wireless device of claim 1 , comprising a memory coupled to the temperature controller.3. The wireless device of wherein temperature controller reads data from the memory to calculate the heat to output from the heating element to maintain the temperature of the active circuit above the minimum threshold temperature and below the maximum threshold temperature.4. The wireless device of claim 1 , comprising a dielectric stack on a surface of the semiconductor die claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed in the dielectric stack.5. The device of wherein the heating element is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015325A1

A heated floor panel assembly contains a positive temperature coefficient heater secured in the assembly through a number of welded joints through a thermoplastic dielectric layer. The positive temperature coefficient heater is on a thermoplastic substrate, which is bonded to the thermoplastic dielectric layer. The assembly further includes an impact layer, a core layer, and structural layers. 1. A floor panel assembly having a top surface and a bottom surface , the assembly comprising:an impact layer proximate the top surface;a core layer between the impact layer and the bottom surface; a first dielectric layer;', 'a positive temperature coefficient heater element on the first dielectric layer; and', 'a second dielectric layer overlaying and welded to the positive temperature coefficient heater element; and, 'a positive temperature coefficient heater between the impact layer and the core layer, the heater comprisingat least one structural layer between the impact layer and the bottom surface.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heater further comprises a bus bar on the first dielectric layer claim 1 , the bus bar overlapping with the positive temperature coefficient heater element.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first dielectric layer and the second dielectric layer comprise a thermoplastic selected from the group consisting of thermoplastic polyimide claim 1 , polyether ether ketone claim 1 , polyetherimide claim 1 , polyphenylene sulfide claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyphenylsulfone claim 1 , fluorinated ethylene propylene claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second dielectric layer is welded to the first dielectric layer through weld joints made from ultrasonic welding claim 1 , laser welding claim 1 , radio frequency welding claim 1 , or heat sealing.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a second core layer between the impact layer and the positive temperature coefficient heater.6. ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Heater for electronic thermostat and method for manufacturing electronic thermostat

Номер: US20170016382A1
Принадлежит: Woo Jin Ind Co Ltd

The present invention is aimed at providing an improved heater for electronic thermostats which can increase clamping force between a wax case and the heater while allowing reduction in the number of components and cost reduction, thereby improving productivity and reducing manufacturing costs in manufacture of an electronic thermostat, while improving durability and operational reliability of an electronic thermostat. The present invention provides a heater for electronic thermostats including: a hollow tube open at one end thereof and closed at the other end thereof; a heating member disposed inside the tube and generating heat by electrical resistance; and lead wires supplying electric power to the heating member, wherein the tube is directly inserted into a fastening hole of a wax case through interference fitting such that the heater is mounted on the wax case.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037833A1

A contact arrangement with a flat contact element with an upper side and an underside, the thickness of which decreases toward three of its edges from the upper side to the underside, and with a connecting element, which is electrically and mechanically connected to the contact element and is further away from the underside of the contact element than from its upper side. Also disclosed is a device with a base plate and a contact arrangement arranged thereon and a conductor track, which is formed on the contact element and a region of the base plate. 1. A contact arrangement comprising a flat contact element with an upper side and an underside , the thickness of which decreases toward three of its edges from the upper side to the underside , and with a connecting element , which is electrically and mechanically connected to the contact element and is further away from the underside of the contact element than from its upper side.2. The contact arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , in which the contact element is of a rectangular form claim 1 , its underside being of a planar form and its upper side being of a convex form.3. The contact arrangement as claimed in claim 2 , in which the upper side of the contact element is planar in a central region and runs parallel to the underside and runs straight in the edge regions claim 2 , so that the thickness of the edge regions tapers constantly toward the edge of the underside.4. The contact arrangement as claimed in claim 1 , in which at least part of the connecting element and part of the contact element are surrounded by a plastic housing.5. The contact arrangement as claimed in claim 4 , in which the plastic housing has bores for fastening to a base plate.6. A device with a base plate and a contact arrangement arranged thereon and a conductor track claim 4 , which is formed on the contact element and a region of the base plate.7. The device as claimed in claim 6 , in which the conductor track is sprayed on. This ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Vaporizer Related Systems, Methods, and Apparatus

Номер: US20160021930A1
Принадлежит: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

An electronic cigarette (e-Cig) or personal vaporizer device generates a vapor that is inhaled by a user. Liquid in a cartridge is vaporized or atomized by a heating element that heats the liquid. When the e-Cig is activated, and the user provides suction, the liquid to be vaporized is drawn out of the cartridge, through a wick, and is atomized by the wick into a cavity containing the heating element. The heating element may be directly written onto substrate. Various sensors may be employed to optimize the liquid usage. 1. An electronic cigarette comprising:a cartridge that stores a liquid to be atomized;a battery portion that provides power from a battery;a support member that includes an infrared absorption material; anda heating element directly written onto the support member, wherein the directly written heating element includes one or more contacts directly written onto the support member and the one or more contacts connect with the battery to receive power for heating the heating element and atomizing the liquid.2. The electronic cigarette of wherein the infrared reflective material directs infrared thermal energy away from the heating element.3. The electronic cigarette of wherein the support member comprises a cylindrical sleeve within the electronic cigarette.4. The electronic cigarette of wherein the support member comprises a wire guide.5. The electronic cigarette of wherein the support member comprises a ceramic substrate.6. The electronic cigarette of wherein directly written heating element comprises a conductive metal that is printed onto the support member.7. A personal vaporizing unit comprising:a mouthpiece;a cartridge with a liquid to be vaporized; anda heating element that comprises a conductive material directly written onto a substrate, wherein the heating element heats the liquid into a vapor that can pass through the mouthpiece.8. The personal vaporizing unit of further comprising:a wick receives the liquid from the cartridge and the wick ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Electronic smoking article

Номер: US20160021931A1
Автор: Barry S. Smith, Eric Hawes
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An electronic smoking article is disclosed, which includes an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction; a micro pump system configured to pump a liquid material contained within a liquid supply reservoir through an outlet of the supply reservoir into a capillary; the capillary having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet in communication with the outlet of the liquid supply reservoir; a heating arrangement operable to heat the capillary to a temperature sufficient to at least initially volatilize the liquid material contained within the capillary; a power supply operable to apply voltage to the micro pump gas cell to generate a gas to drive the liquid material out of the liquid supply reservoir into the inlet of the capillary; at least one air inlet; and whereby air is mixed with the volatilized material to form an aerosol.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039209A1

Ovens for atomic clocks may include a body including a cavity within the body. A plurality of heating elements may be distributed around the body, each heating element of the plurality including coils of electrically resistive material. An arrangement of the plurality of heating elements may be such that far fields of magnetic fields having opposite polarities induced by respective coils of the heating elements overlap. 1. An oven for an atomic clock , comprising:a body comprising a cavity within the body; andheating elements, each comprising at least one coil, distributed around the body, wherein, for each of the coils configured to produce a magnetic field of a first polarity, the heating elements comprise another coil configured to produce a magnetic field of a second, opposite polarity.2. The oven of claim 1 , wherein the heating elements having coils configured to produce the magnetic field of the first polarity alternate with are interleaved with the heating elements having coils configured to product the magnetic field of the second polarity claim 1 , such that a coil configured to produce the magnetic field of the first polarity is between two coils configured to produce the magnetic field of the second claim 1 , opposite polarity.3. The oven of claim 1 , wherein each of the heating elements comprises two complementary coils claim 1 , a first coil configured to produce the magnetic field of the first polarity and a second coil to produce the magnetic field of the second polarity.4. The oven of claim 1 , wherein each of the heating elements comprises a set of coils configured to produce the magnetic field of the first polarity or of the second polarity.5. The oven of claim 1 , wherein a first coil configured to produce the magnetic field of the first polarity and a second coil configured to produce the magnetic field of the second polarity are in series.6. The oven of claim 1 , wherein the heating elements comprise an even number of heating elements.7. The ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039213A1

An electric heating device, in particular for automotive application, includes at least one heating member and electric terminals that are provided as electric connections connectable to an electric power supply. The heating member includes at least one dielectric, planar, flexible carrier formed as a textile carrier or as a polymeric foam carrier and having an upper surface and an opposite lower surface arranged in parallel to the upper surface, wherein at least one out of the upper surface and the lower surface is equipped with an attached continuous layer of electrically conductive material, which extends over a major part of an area of the respective surface of the at least one flexible carrier. At least one electric terminal is arranged at and electrically connected to each end of the electrically conductive material layer of each heating member. 1. An electric heating device , in particular for automotive application , comprising:at least one heating member including at least one dielectric, planar, flexible carrier being formed as a textile carrier or as a polymeric foam carrier and having an upper surface and an opposite lower surface arranged in parallel to the upper surface, wherein at least one out of the upper surface and the lower surface is equipped with an attached continuous layer of electrically conductive material, which extends over a major part of an area of the respective surface of the at least one flexible carrier, andat least one electric terminal arranged at and electrically connected to each end of the electrically conductive material layer of each heating member, wherein the electric terminals are provided as electric connections that are connectable to an electric power supply.2. The electric heating device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in an operable state claim 1 , the at least one heating member comprises a double bend in opposite directions and perpendicular to a direction of the largest extension such that in a direction ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020730A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present invention there is provided an electronic smoking device, comprising an outer tube mounted around at least a portion of an inner tube. The outer tube can comprise an outer surface and an inner surface. The inner tube can comprise an inner surface defining an air path and an outer surface. An annular liquid storage tank is defined between the outer surface of the inner tube and the inner surface of the outer tube. A heater enclosure can define a heater coil chamber. A heater coil can be mounted at least partially within the heater enclosure. A wick can include a first end portion. The wick can extend through a center of the heater coil and the first end portion can extend into a first wick bore in a first wall of the heater enclosure. 110. An electronic smoking device () , comprising the following:{'b': 104', '142', '104', '142', '123', '140', '142', '104, 'an outer tube () mounted around at least a portion of an inner tube (), wherein the outer tube () comprises an outer surface and an inner surface, wherein the inner tube () comprises an inner surface defining an air path () and an outer surface, and wherein an annular liquid storage tank () is defined between the outer surface of the inner tube () and the inner surface of the outer tube ();'}{'b': 144', '142', '104, 'a mouth piece () connected to a proximal end of the inner tube () and to the outer tube ();'}{'b': 150', '152, 'a heater enclosure () defining a heater coil chamber (); and'}{'b': 176', '150, 'a heater coil () mounted at least partially within the heater enclosure (); and'}{'b': 174', '174', '176', '174', '140', '162', '1', '308', '1', '150, 'claim-text': [{'b': 150', '174', '140', '162', '2', '308', '2', '150, 'the wick further comprises a second end portion that extends into a second wick bore in a second wall of the heater enclosure (), wherein the second end portion of the wick () is in fluid communication with the annular liquid storage tank () via a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Detachable aerosol-generating article

Номер: US20200022415A1
Принадлежит: Shenzhen FirstUnion Technology Co Ltd

A detachable aerosol-generating article is disclosed, the article includes: a cartridge, with a reservoir and a path formed therein; the path formed inside the reservoir and an atomizer, disposed inside the path and detachably connected with the cartridge; the cartridge further includes a first tube and a second tube; the second tube is sleeved on the first tube; the first tube and the second tube are relatively rotatable to each other; and the path is formed inside the first tube; the first tube is bored with a first liquid conductive hole; the second tube is bored with a second liquid conductive hole; when the cartridge and the atomizer are assembled, the first liquid conductive hole is aligned with the second liquid conductive hole, enabling tobacco liquid in the reservoir to flow to the atomizer; when the cartridge and the atomizer are detached.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022213A1

An apparatus for treating a substrate includes a process chamber having a treatment space defined therein, a support unit for supporting the substrate in the treatment space, a liquid supply unit for supplying treating liquid to the substrate supported on the support unit, and a heating unit disposed in the support unit for heating the substrate supported on the support unit, wherein the heating unit includes a plurality of lamps to heat the substrate, and a window disposed above the lamps to transmit light emitted from the lamps, wherein the window includes a base in a form of a plate, and light adjustment means formed on the base to spread or converge light emitted from the lamps. 1. An apparatus for treating a substrate , the apparatus comprising:a process chamber having a treatment space defined therein;a support unit for supporting the substrate in the treatment space;a liquid supply unit for supplying treating liquid to the substrate supported on the support unit; anda plurality of lamps disposed in the support unit for heating the substrate supported on the support unit, a rotatable chuck stage; and', a base in a form of a plate; and', 'light adjustment means formed on the base to adjust a direction or an amount of light emitted from the lamps., 'a window disposed above the lamps to transmit light emitted from the lamps, wherein the window includes], 'wherein the support unit includes2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light adjustment means includes an edge convex portion protruding from the base claim 1 , wherein a position of the edge convex portion corresponds to an edge region of the substrate placed on the support unit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light adjustment means includes a central convex portion protruding from the base claim 1 , wherein a position of the central convex portion corresponds to a central region of the substrate placed on the support unit.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light adjustment means includes: ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022397A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A cartridge for an electronic vaping device includes an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction and a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation. The reservoir is in the outer housing. The reservoir has a first reservoir end and a second reservoir end. The cartridge also includes a seal at the first reservoir end, a transfer pad at the second reservoir end, and a wick in contact with the transfer pad. The transfer pad includes a plurality of fibers. Each of the plurality of fibers is substantially parallel to the longitudinal direction. 1. A cartridge for an electronic vaping device comprising:an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction;a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation, the reservoir in the outer housing;a transfer pad at an end of the reservoir, the transfer pad including a plurality of fibers, each of the plurality of fibers being substantially parallel to the longitudinal direction; anda wick in contact with the transfer pad.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir is under atmospheric pressure.3. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a density ranging from about 0.08 g/cc to about 0.3 g/cc.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 5.0 mm to about 10.0 mm and a density of about 0.08 g/cc to about 0.1 g/cc.5. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 0.5 mm to about 10.0 mm and a density of about 0.1 g/cc to about 0.3 g/cc.6. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 3.0 mm and the transfer pad has a generally square-shaped cross-section with rounded corners.7. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad includes a plurality of channels claim 1 , each of the plurality of channels between adjacent ones of the plurality of fibers.8. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad includes an outer side wall claim 1 , the outer side wall having a coating thereon.9. The ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Vaping device

Номер: US20210022410A1

A vaping device includes: a main body with a heating chamber, an air entry aperture, a vapor exit aperture, a heating canal, a herb loading shovel with a sliding knob, a residue tray; a mouthpiece with a vapor exit aperture, a vapor canal, a vapor cooler; such that a herb material is insertable into an interior of the heating chamber, such that the herb material is heated by the heating element, such that a vapor is produced by the herb material, and such that an external surface of the heating chamber is heated; such that the air is heated from a convective heat emitted by the external surface of the heating chamber. 1. A vaping device , comprising:a heating chamber, which comprises a heating element, such that a herb material is insertable into a heating interior of the heating chamber, such that the herb material is heated by the heating element, such that a vapor is produced by the herb material, and such that an external surface of the heating chamber is heated by the heating element; andan air entry aperture, which is positioned on a surface of the vaping device;a vapor exit aperture, which is positioned on the surface of the vaping device, such that the vapor exit aperture is fluidly connected to the heating interior of the heating chamber;a heating canal, which is connected in a first end to the air entry aperture and in a second end to the heating chamber, wherein the heating canal is helix-shaped, such that the heating canal is configured to spiral around the heating chamber;such that air is configured to enter via the air entry aperture, pass through via the heating canal and the heating chamber, and exit via the vapor exit aperture;such that the air is heated from a convective heat emitted by the external surface of the heating chamber.2. The vaping device of claim 1 , further comprising: the heating chamber;', 'the air entry aperture, which is positioned on a surface of the main body; and', 'the heating canal; and, 'a main body, which comprises the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042639A1
Автор: Grande William J.

A fluid conduit assembly that includes a fluid conduit comprising a tubular member extending between at least a first end and a second end is disclosed. The tubular member has an inner surface configured to convey a fluid and an outer surface. A heater trace is deposited on the outer surface of the fluid conduit and configured, in use, to heat the fluid within the inner surface of the fluid conduit. An insulation shell is located over the heater trace and configured to suppress heat losses from the fluid conduit. An interconnect device is located proximate to each of the first end and the second end on the fluid conduit. A portion of the interconnect device extends through the insulation shell to electrically connect the heater trace to one or more external devices. Fluid transport systems including the fluid conduit assembly are also disclosed. 1. A fluid conduit assembly comprising:a fluid conduit comprising a tubular member extending between at least a first end and a second end, the tubular member having an inner surface configured to convey a fluid and an outer surface;a heater trace deposited on the outer surface of the fluid conduit and configured, in use, to heat the fluid within the inner surface of the fluid conduit;an insulation shell located over the heater trace and configured to suppress heat losses from the fluid conduit; andan interconnect device located proximate to each of the first end and the second end on the fluid conduit, a portion of the interconnect device extending through the insulation shell to electrically connect the heater trace to one or more external devices.2. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heater is a thick film heater trace.3. The fluid conduit assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid conduit is one of a cylindrical fluid component claim 1 , a u-shaped fluid component claim 1 , a tee-shaped fluid component claim 1 , or an elbow shaped fluid component.4. The fluid conduit assembly of further comprising:a flange ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027471A1

A cartomizer assembly of an electronic cigarette which is formed from automated assembly compatible parts comprises a container assembly including a container and a heater coil surrounding a wick in an airflow space of the container. The entire coil of the heater coil is inside the container and the heater coil is configured to heat liquid on the wick to generate an aerosol mist during a vaporization process. A liquid storage space is in liquid communication with the wick and is operable to supply liquid to the wick. The heater, the wick, and the container are shaped such that the heater and wick can be dropped into the container during automated assembly thereof and be directed to and located at a desired location in the container. 1. A cartomizer assembly of an electronic cigarette which is configured to connect with a battery portion of the electronic cigarette , the cartomizer assembly formed from automated assembly compatible parts , the cartomizer assembly comprising:a container assembly including a container and a heater coil surrounding a wick in an airflow space of the container wherein the entire coil of the heater coil is inside the container and the heater coil is configured to heat liquid on the wick to generate an aerosol mist during a vaporization process; anda liquid storage space in liquid communication with the wick operable to supply liquid to the wick;wherein the heater, the wick, and the container are shaped such that the heater and wick can be dropped into the container during automated assembly thereof and be directed to and located at a desired location in the container.2. The cartomizer assembly of claim 1 , further comprising: an inner post which is disposed in an outer post claim 1 , wherein the container is disposed on the inner post claim 1 , and the inner post and outer post support conductors which are electrically connected to heater coil leads of the heater coil that are held in location notches of the container claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027581A1

A pipeline system is enclosed including unlined or plastic lined pipes. A mechanical metal to metal connection is employed that can provide a fluid tight seal. A pipe coupling may be employed to span the connection. Plastic lined pipes can have their plastic liners connected to form a fluid tight bladder. Electro-fusion may be employed. 1. A pipe connection assembly comprising:a first pipe section and a second pipe section, each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section including:a metal tube having a length, an inner surface defining an inner diameter, an outer surface, and a wall thickness defined by the distance between the inner surface and the outer surface; and;a pipe coupling for mechanically engaging the first pipe section to the second pipe section, the pipe coupling formed as a cylindrical tube and including a first tubular end configured to mechanically engage the first pipe section and a second tubular end configured to mechanically engage the second pipe section.2. The pipe connection assembly of wherein the wall thickness of each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section is 0.250 inches or less.3. The pipe connection assembly of wherein at least the first pipe section includes a retaining flange secured without welding onto the outer surface of the metal tube claim 1 , the retaining flange having an axial length and extending radially and outwardly from the outer surface of the metal tube near an end of the metal tube.4. The pipe connection assembly of wherein the retaining flange is connected by a method selected from the group consisting of threading claim 3 , plastic deformation or frictional engagement.5. The pipe connection assembly of wherein each of the first pipe section and the second pipe section include a plastic liner formed of a plastic material compatible with electro-fusion claim 1 , the plastic liner having a length and an inner diameter claim 1 , wherein the plastic liner is positioned within the metal tube.6. ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110396A1
Принадлежит: BACKER EHP INC.

A band heater assembly for heating an object includes a band heater that extends around at least a portion of a perimeter of the object. The band heater includes a cable and a band. The cable includes a resistive element, a first cable end and a second cable end. The resistive element generates thermal energy based on a current received from a power source. The first cable end and the second cable end are connected to respective ends of the band heater assembly. The band is connected to the cable and transfers a first portion of the thermal energy to an exterior surface of the object. At least a portion of the cable is exposed from the band heater to contact the exterior surface when the band heater assembly is connected to the object. 1. A band heater for heating an object , comprising:a cable comprising first and second ends defining a working length of the cable and an electrically resistive element for generating thermal energy over the working length when an electrical current from a power source is passed therethrough; and a center section comprising one or more walls defining a channel extending over the working length, the channel configured to retain the cable thereto, and', 'first and second flanges extending outwardly from the center section and opposite one another over the working length,, 'a band connected to and partially surrounding a circumference of the cable over the working length, the band comprising'}wherein a portion of an exterior surface of the cable is exposed between and protrudes below the first and second flanges opposite the center section and over the working length.2. The band heater of claim 1 , comprising first and second transition portions positioned distally offset from the respective first and second ends of the cable and extending from respective ends of the band claim 1 , the first and second transition portions connected to respective first and second clamp portions.3. The band heater of claim 2 , wherein an end of each of ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140110399A1

Provided is a wire connection structure for a three-phase sheath type heater that enables to maintain insulation properties, electrical safety, and reliability, without damaging a wire connection portion, even if an installation location is a high-temperature, high-pressure environment, and enables to flow a large electric current, while suppressing the production cost. A canister made of metal is disposed on the distal end side of three sheath type heating elements in a state that a distal end of each of the sheath type heating elements is inserted through a bottom plate . A wire connection plate made of metal is disposed in the canister for star-connection. Distal ends of core wires of the sheath type heating elements are joined to the wire connection plate by welding. An insulating material is compressively filled in the remaining space of the canister. 1. A wire connection structure for a three-phase sheath type heater , wherein:a canister made of metal is disposed on a distal end side of three sheath type heating elements in a state that a distal end of each of the sheath type heating elements is inserted through a bottom plate,distal ends of core wires of the sheath type heating elements are star-connected to each other directly or indirectly via another member by welding in the canister, andan insulating material is filled in the canister.2. The wire connection structure for a three-phase sheath type heater according to claim 1 , whereineach of the sheath type heating elements is fixed to a peripheral portion of a through-hole in the bottom plate directly or indirectly via another member attached to an outer circumferential portion of a sheath by welding from an inner side of the canister.3. The wire connection structure for a three-phase sheath type heater according to claim 2 , whereina hexagonal caulk bushing is attached to the distal end of each of the three sheath type heating elements, andeach of the hexagonal caulk bushings, as the another member, to ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025052A1
Автор: GROSS Joerg

A heating module for heating a fluid in a tank of a motor vehicle, a heating module arrangement that includes at least two heating modules, and a tank device having a heating module arrangement. The heating module includes a heating element having a heating element carrier and at least one heating wire arranged on the heating element carrier, and a carrier module which surrounds and supports the heating element at both sides of the heating element carrier, the carrier module having an open support structure so that there is no material arranged between the at least one heating wire and an outer side of the heating module. 1. A heating module for heating a fluid in a tank of a motor vehicle , the heating module comprising:a heating element having a heating element carrier and at least one heating wire arranged on the heating element carrier; anda carrier module which surrounds and supports the heating element at both sides of the heating element carrier, the carrier module having an open support structure so that there is no material arranged between the at least one heating wire and an outer side of the heating module.2. The heating module of claim 1 , wherein the carrier module moveable to an open position to facilitate receipt of the heating element therein and removal of heating element therefrom.3. The heating module of claim 1 , wherein the carrier module comprises a hinge claim 1 , arranged at a first end thereof claim 1 , to facilitate movement of the carrier module between an open position and a closed position.4. The heating module of claim 1 , wherein the carrier module comprises an auxiliary positioning member at the open support structure to facilitate correct positioning of the heating element in the carrier module.5. The heating module of claim 1 , wherein the carrier module comprises at least one clip-fitting member to facilitate connection of the carrier module to the tank.6. The heating module of claim 1 , wherein the carrier module comprises:a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025643A1

According to one of embodiments, a gas leak detecting device of a heater pipe and a gas leak detecting method of a heater pipe which are able to reliably detect a leak of gas from a heater pipe in which a fine hole is formed are provided. There is provided a gas leak detecting device of a heater pipe which is provided with an inside pipe housing a heater element and an outside pipe sealed surrounding this inside pipe and which is adjusted through piping by a pressure adjustment mechanism in gas pressure in a space between the outside pipe and the inside pipe to a predetermined pressure value, comprising a gas flow resistance part () provided at the piping and locally resistant to flow of gas, a pressure detection unit detecting gas pressure of a space between the outside pipe and the inside pipe between the gas flow resistance part and the heater pipe in the piping , and a leak judging means for judging whether gas is leaking from the heater pipe based on a detected pressure value obtained by the pressure detection unit 1. A gas leak detecting device of a heater pipe which is provided with an inside pipe housing a heater element and an outside pipe sealed surrounding the inside pipe , is coupled by piping with a pressure adjustment mechanism , and is adjusted by the pressure adjustment mechanism in gas pressure in a space between the outside pipe and the inside pipe to a predetermined pressure value , the gas leak detecting device comprising:a gas flow resistance part provided at the piping and locally resistant to flow of gas at the piping defining a gas flow path,a pressure detection unit detecting gas pressure in the space between the outside pipe and the inside pipe of the heater pipe at a position between the gas flow resistance part and the heater pipe in the piping, andleak judging means for judging whether the heater pipe is leaking based on a detected pressure value obtained by the pressure detection unit.2. The gas leak detecting device of a heater pipe ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027022A1
Автор: Hong Gyu-Sik

A driver selection type rapid heating control method is provided. In an eco-vehicle, when an off signal of a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) input pressed by a driver is received in response to detecting a heating signal while being driven in an electric vehicle mode (EV mode), the rapid heating is performed by an idling of an engine and an operation of a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heater. When an on signal of the HEV input is detected, rapid heating is performed by a driving of an engine and the operation of the PTC heater. Thus, the rapid heating is performed with minimal fuel consumption against battery consumption under conversion into the EV mode, in particular, rapid windshield glass defrosting is performed for securing a field of view while driving by the driver selection. 1. A driver selection type rapid heating control method , comprising:providing a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) input to a driver and detecting, by a controller, on and off signals of the HEV input, when a heating signal is detected during a driving of an electric vehicle mode (EV mode);performing, by the controller, an idling of an engine and an operation of a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heater, when the off signal of the HEV input is detected; andoperating, by the controller, the engine and the positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heater, when the on signal of the HEV input is detected.2. The driver selection type rapid heating control method of claim 1 , wherein the HEV input is provided at a seat cluster.3. The driver selection type rapid heating control method of claim 2 , wherein the HEV input includes a character output of “press the HEV button for rapid heating”.4. The driver selection type rapid heating control method of claim 1 , wherein the PTC heater is a low voltage type.5. The driver selection type rapid heating control method of claim 1 , further comprising:detecting, by the controller, a cooling water temperature based on the driving of the engine; ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Air heater having two-piece ceramic holder and ceramic holder for air heater and methods of assembly

Номер: US20160029436A1

An air heater, method of assembling an air heater and a ceramic holder for an air heater are provided. The ceramic holder is formed from two parts that are operably mounted to the housing for securing a ceramic insulator to the housing.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029700A1

An exemplary atomizing core includes a cylindrical main body and an atomizing rod. The cylindrical main body has a central axis. The cylindrical main body extends from the main body along the central axis. The main body and the atomizing rod are both made of porous bodies. The main body defines a through hole along the central axis. 1. An atomizing core , comprising:a cylindrical main body having a central axis; andan atomizing rod extending from the main body along the central axis, the main body and the atomizing rod both being made of porous bodies, the main body defining a through hole along the central axis.2. The atomizing core according to claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises a connector at an end claim 1 , the connector is configured for connecting with the atomizing rod claim 1 , the connector defines a plurality of air slots extending along a direction parallel to the central axis claim 1 , and the air slots are in communication with the through hole.3. The atomizing core according to claim 2 , wherein a quantity of the air slots is four claim 2 , and the four air slots are equiangularly arranged along a circumference of the connector.4. The atomizing core according to claim 2 , wherein the through hole is coaxial with the main body.5. The atomizing core according to claim 1 , further comprising a heating wire wound around the atomizing rod.6. The atomizing core according to claims 1 , wherein the atomizing core is made of ceramic.7. The atomizing core according to claim 1 , wherein the main body and the atomizing rod are integrally formed.8. An electronic cigarette comprising:a housing defining an air passage;a liquid storing component configured for reserving tobacco liquid, the liquid storing component being received in the housing; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'an atomizing core according to ;'}wherein an end of the atomizing core abuts against the main body, the atomizing rod and the heating wire are positioned in the air ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046761A1
Автор: HWANG Chul Ho, YUN Soo Won

The present invention relates to a ceramic heater and, more specifically, to a ceramic heater characterized in that connecting portions connecting concentric circumferences of a heating element included in the ceramic heater are formed such that the symmetrical axes of pairs of connecting portions do not pass through the center of the heating element. The present invention has the benefit of providing a ceramic heater in which the heating surface of a ceramic plate has improved temperature uniformity as a result of the reduction of a low temperature region of the heating element included in the ceramic heater. In addition, the present invention has the benefit of providing a ceramic heater in which the heating surface of a ceramic plate has improved temperature uniformity by only changing the design of the structure of the connecting portions connecting the concentric circumferences of the heating element without adding an additional device. 1100400420. A ceramic heater () comprising a heating element () wherein concentric circumference connection portions of the heating element are formed such that connection portion pair symmetrical axes of pairs of connection portions connecting concentric circumferences of the heating element do not extend through a center () of the heating element.2420420. The ceramic heater of claim 1 , wherein connection portion pair symmetrical axes of the pairs of connection portions of the heating element claim 1 , disposed in a first direction which is one direction from the center () of the heating element claim 1 , are parallel to each other claim 1 , and connection portion pair symmetrical axes of the pairs of connection portions of the heating element claim 1 , disposed in a second direction which is another direction different from the first direction from the center () of the heating element claim 1 , are parallel to each other.3. The ceramic heater of claim 2 , wherein the connection portion pair symmetrical axes of the pairs of ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046766A1

Provided is a tubular heater whose attachment process is facilitated and whose heating efficiency is high. Features of the tubular heater are that the tubular heater includes a tubular elastic body and a flexible printed circuit board provided integrally with the elastic body and formed with a heating circuit and a heating unit of the flexible printed circuit board formed with the heating circuit is provided in the elastic body in a state in which the heating unit is exposed on an inner peripheral side and extends along an inner peripheral surface of the elastic body with tip ends of the heating unit being separated from each other with a clearance S in a circumferential direction. 1a tubular elastic body; anda flexible printed circuit board provided integrally with the elastic body and formed a heating circuit,wherein a heating unit of the flexible printed circuit board formed with the heating circuit is provided in the elastic body in a state in which the heating unit is exposed on an inner peripheral side and extends along an inner peripheral surface of the elastic body with tip ends of the heating unit being separated from each other with a clearance in a circumferential direction.. A tubular heater comprising: The present invention relates to a tubular heater having a flexible printed circuit board formed with a heating circuit.Typically, a tubular heater provided to cover an outer peripheral surface of a tubular member or a columnar member to heat such a member has been known. A tubular heater according to a typical example will be described with reference to . shows a schematic sectional view of the tubular heater according to the typical example.The shown tubular heater includes a double-sided tape , a flexible printed circuit board bonded to the double-sided tape , and a holding member configured to hold the flexible printed circuit board . A heating circuit is formed at the flexible printed circuit board , and has the function of generating heat by voltage ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046989A1
Автор: Liu Liu, YAN Huabin

A heating module is provided by the present application, which includes a heat insulating tube, wherein a ventilation separator dividing the heat insulating tube into an upper tube chamber and a lower tube chamber is disposed therein, and a plurality of air guiding holes are provided in the ventilation separator, and an air intake structure is configured in the lower tube chamber; a receiving tube disposed inside the upper tube chamber, and an air heating assembly, wherein the air heating assembly is disposed inside the lower tube chamber. 1. An air heating assembly , comprising:a heat retention part, wherein a plurality of air heating passages are arranged in the heat retention part; anda heating element, wherein the heating element is disposed on the heat retention part, and the heating element is configured to heat gas passing by the air heating passages.2. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat retention part comprises a first end and a second end disposed opposite to each other claim 1 , and each of the air heating passage passes through the heat retention part along a direction from the first end to the second end.3. The air heating assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the air heating passage is defined as a through hole provided in the heat retention part.4. The air heating assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the air heating passage is defined as a concave provided in a sidewall of the heat retention part.5. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed inside the heat retention part claim 1 , the heating element is a metal heating coil claim 1 , and the metal heating coil is configured to be a hollow spiral pipe shape.6. The air heating assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed on an outer surface of the heat retention part claim 1 , the heating element is a resistance heating circuit claim 1 , and the resistance heating circuit is coated on the outer surface of the heat retention part.7. ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029110A1

Systems and methods of the invention generally relate to altering the functionality of a non-transient electronic device. A container holding an agent is located proximal to a non-transient electronic device capable of performing at least one function. The agent is capable of rendering the device incapable of performing the at least one function. The container is configured to controllably release the agent to the electronic device in a variety of passive and active eventualities. 1. A system , comprising:a non-transient electronic device capable of performing at least one function;an agent capable of rendering the non-transient electronic device incapable of performing the at least one function; anda container including the agent and configured to controllably release at least some of the agent to the non-transient electronic device.232-. (canceled) This application claims the benefit of and priority to Provisional U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 61/826,371, which was filed on May 22, 2013, the entirety of which is incorporated by reference herein.The invention generally relates to transient electronic devices.Modern electronics are often manufactured from electrical conductors (e.g., copper) and semiconductors, primarily silicon. Semiconductor materials such as silicon have enabled construction of the complicated integrated circuits that make up the electronic devices ubiquitous in today's society. Through established semiconductor fabrication procedures billions of transistors and other electronic components can be integrated into a single microchip. One of the notable properties of silicon, and therefore these electronic devices, is physical durability.Biodegradable electronics based on organic materials are known. See, for example, Published U.S. Patent Application No. US 2012/0223293 A 1. Such devices use carbon-based electrical semiconductors and/or conductors including various conductive polymers. These organic devices can be lighter and more flexible than ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048365A1

Heating body (I) for a device () for electrically heating liquid, said heating body (I) comprising at least one first helical heating element () defined by a diameter (di), a second helical heating element () defined by a diameter (d), and a base () carrying the first and the second heating element (), characterized in that the first diameter (di) is greater than the second diameter (d), and in that the first heating element is disposed around the second element. The heating body (I) can be configured so as to comprise three heating elements, or more, arranged such that the size in terms of length is limited, and could include a core, disposed so as to be surrounded by all of the different heating elements, reducing the volume of liquid inside the chamber () in which the heating body (I) is housed. 1. A heating body for an electric liquid-heating device , said heating body comprising:at least a first heating element of helical shape and defined by a first diameter;a second heating element of helical shape defined by a second diameter; anda base bearing the first heating element and the second heating element,wherein the first diameter is larger than the second diameter and the first heating element is disposed around the second heating element.2. The heating body as claimed in claim 1 , in which a winding axis of the first heating element is coincident with a winding axis of the second heating element.3. The heating body as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first heating element and/or the second heating element comprises a first terminal section claim 1 , followed by a wound portion claim 1 , followed by a second claim 1 , rectilinear terminal section claim 1 , the first terminal section and the second terminal section extending between the wound portion and the base.4. The heating body as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one third heating element claim 1 , of helical shape and defined by a third diameter claim 1 , the first heating element being ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029782A1

A support structure for a heating or cooling system, comprising: a base; and a plurality of projections extending from said base, said projections being capable of retaining one or more thermal elements positioned adjacent thereto; wherein each of said projections comprises a wall extending from said base, at least part of said wall having an oscillating form. Forming the wall that extends from the base such that it has an oscillating form increases the crush resistance of the support structure. During installation, there are many potential sources of pressure that can crush and/or damage the structure. For example, an installer may stand on the structure while inserting the thermal elements. Additionally, heavy equipment may be placed upon the structure with its load applied through a small area. The crush resistance of the structure comes largely from the walls of the projections. Oscillating wall provides a wall which has an effective thickness greater than its actual thickness and which increases the crush resistance of the structure without a large increase in material. 1. A support structure for a heating or cooling system , comprising:a base; anda plurality of projections extending from said base and being capable of retaining one or more thermal elements positioned adjacent thereto;wherein each projection of said plurality of projections comprises a wall extending from said base, at least part of said wall having an oscillating form.2. A support structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oscillating form comprises a sequence of changes of directions.3. A support structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the oscillating form comprises a sequence of alternating directions.4. A support structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the sequence comprises at least four changes in direction.5. A support structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the changes of direction occur at sharp corners.6. A support structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein each change of ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030067A1

An electronic vaporizer includes a main unit, an atomizer and a mouthpiece. The atomizer is removably coupled to the main unit. The mouthpiece is removably coupled to the atomizer. The atomizer includes an atomizer base, a heating electrode coupled to the atomizer base, a temperature sensing electrode coupled to the atomizer base, a heating element electrically coupled to the heating electrode and the temperature sensing electrode, and a heating crucible thermally coupled to the heating element. The heating element includes a heating element base, a heating circuit encapsulated within the heating element base and a temperature sensing circuit encapsulated within the heating element base. 1. A heating element for use in an electronic vaporizer , comprising:a heating element base;a heating circuit encapsulated within the heating element base; and,a temperature sensing circuit encapsulated within the heating element base.2. A heating element claim 1 , as set forth in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the heating element includes a first side and a second side claim 1 , the heating circuit defines a first plane between the first and second sides of the heating element base.3. A heating element claim 2 , as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the temperature sensing circuit defines a second plane between the first and second sides of the heating element base claim 2 , the first and second planes being spaced apart a predefined distance and being parallel4. A heating element claim 1 , as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the heating element base is comprised of a ceramic material.5. A heating element claim 4 , as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the ceramic material includes one or more of: alumina oxide ceramic claim 4 , alumina nitride ceramic claim 4 , zirconia carbide ceramic claim 4 , tungsten carbide ceramic claim 4 , and silicon nitride claim 4 , etc.6. A heating element claim 1 , as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the heating element base is comprised of a high temperature ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030072A1

The present application relates to a vaporization device. The vaporization device includes a housing, a heating component cap having a first surface and a second surface, and a first sealing member disposed on the heating component cap. The first surface has an edge, a length extending along a first axis, and a width extending along a second axis. The heating component cap includes a first groove, and the first groove and the first sealing member define a first channel. The first sealing member covers the first groove on the first surface, and exposes the first groove on the second surface. 1. A vaporization device , comprising:a housing, a heating component cap having a first surface and a second surface, and a first sealing member disposed on the heating component cap, whereinthe first surface has an edge, a length extending along a first axis, and a width extending along a second axis;the heating component cap comprises a first groove, and the first groove and the first sealing member define a first channel;the first sealing member covers the first groove on the first surface, and exposes the first groove on the second surface.2. The vaporization device according to claim 1 , wherein the heating component cap comprises a second groove claim 1 , the second groove and the first sealing member define a second channel claim 1 , the first sealing member covers the second groove on the first surface claim 1 , and the first sealing member exposes the second groove on the second surface.3. The vaporization device according to claim 1 , wherein the first groove is located between a junction of the edge and the first axis and a junction of the edge and the second axis.4. The vaporization device according to claim 1 , wherein the first groove is disposed at a junction of the edge and the first axis.5. The vaporization device according to claim 2 , wherein the first groove and the second groove are disposed on the same side of the second axis claim 2 , and the first groove ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030205A1
Принадлежит: Revolution Cooking, LLC

A heating element for a cooking appliance includes terminals that act as electrically conductive contact points. One or more buses are arranged between the terminals, and connect one or more heating element segments in a zig-zag configuration. The heating element segments are connected in series and are arranged parallel with one another. Each heating element segment includes a plurality of cutouts linked together and having an elliptical shape. The terminals, heating element segments, and buses are a continuous single sheet of conductive material. A method of making the heating element includes forming a pattern into the sheet of conductive material by etching the pattern into the conductive sheet using photolithography. 120-. (canceled)21. A heating element for a cooking appliance , the heating element comprising:a plurality of heating element segments, each heating element segment extending between first and second terminal ends and defining a sheet having a plurality of cutouts and first and second opposed sides; anda reflector extending across the second sides of the plurality of heating element segments, the plurality of heating element segments being mechanically supported to the reflector by mechanical supports that allow the heating element segments to thermally expand and contract;wherein the plurality of heating element segments have their respective first sides exposed for emitting infrared radiation toward a cooking cavity of the cooking appliance.22. The heating element of claim 21 , wherein the reflector is a planar sheet.23. The heating element of claim 21 , wherein the reflector is electrically and thermally insulating.24. The heating element of claim 21 , wherein the reflector is arranged to reflect the infrared radiation emitted by the plurality of heating element segments toward the plurality of heating element segments.25. The heating element of claim 21 , wherein each heating element segment is attached to the reflector by a mechanical support ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method of forming a composite substrate for layered heaters

Номер: US20160035602A1
Принадлежит: Watlow Electric Manufacturing Co

A method of forming a heater assembly for use in semiconductor processing includes thermally securing a heater substrate to an application substrate; and applying a layered heater having at least one functional layer to the heater substrate after the heater substrate is secured to the application substrate. The heater substrate defines a material having a coefficient of thermal expansion that is matched to a coefficient of thermal expansion of the functional layer. The material of the functional layer is not capable of withstanding the elevated temperature of the thermal securing step.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Heating device for camera module and camera module having same

Номер: US20190033690A1
Автор: Hyun Ho CHOI
Принадлежит: LG Innotek Co Ltd

A heating device for a camera module comprises: a resistance heating film formed on a lens through which external light is introduced for generating heat by electric current; a power applying member for supplying the electric current to the resistance heating film; and a connecting member for electrically connecting the resistance heating film and the power applying member in close contact with each other.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170034875A1

An electrically heatable pane with a switch region is presented. The pane has a transparent substrate, with at least one transparent electrically conductive layer that is, at least partially, arranged on a surface of the pane. At least one separating line electrically divides the layer into a heating region and a switch region. At least two busbars are provided for connection to a voltage source. The busbars being connected to the heating region, form a current path between the busbars. A heating current can therefore flow through the current path. Furthermore, the switch region has at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region, where the connection region can be connected to sensor electronics. 117-. (canceled)18. An electrically heatable pane with a switch region , comprising:a transparent substrate with a surface,at least one transparent and electrically conductive layer arranged on at least a part of the surface,at least one separating line that electrically divides the electrically conductive layer into a heating region and a switch region, andat least two busbars provided for connection to a voltage source that are connected to the heating region to form a current path for a heating current between the busbars, the switch region comprises at least one contact region, a feed line region, and a connection region,', 'the at least one contact region, the feed line region, and the connection region are contiguous regions of the electrically conductive layer,', 'the feed line region electrically connects the at least one contact region to the connection region, and', 'the connection region is adapted to be electrically connected to sensor electronics., 'wherein19. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein the feed line region has a length of 1 cm to 70 cm claim 18 , and has a width of 0.5 mm to 10 mm.20. The electrically heatable pane according to claim 18 , wherein an angle α between the current path and a ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035110A1
Автор: KEEN Jarrett

An electronic vaping device includes a cartomizer and a battery section. The cartomizer includes a housing, a liquid supply reservoir in the housing, a vaporizer connected to the liquid supply reservoir, a channel adjacent to the liquid supply reservoir. The liquid supply reservoir being is to store vapor precursor. The vaporizer includes a fluid-transport structure that is configured to transport the vapor precursor from the liquid supply reservoir to the channel. The battery section is configured to provide power to the vaporizer. The battery section includes a control circuit that is configured to determine a saturation level of the vapor precursor on the fluid-transport structure based on an electrical resistance of the fluid-transport structure. 1. A electronic vaping device , comprising:a cartomizer including a housing, a liquid supply reservoir in the housing, a vaporizer connected to the liquid supply reservoir, and a channel adjacent to the liquid supply reservoir,the liquid supply reservoir being configured to store vapor precursor,the vaporizer including a fluid-transport structure that is configured to transport the vapor precursor from the liquid supply reservoir to the channel; and 'the battery section including a control circuit that is configured to determine a saturation level of the vapor precursor on the fluid-transport structure based on an electrical resistance of the fluid-transport structure.', 'a battery section configured to provide power to the vaporizer,'}2. The electronic vaping device of claim 1 , whereinthe cartomizer and the battery section are configured to be removably coupled to each other, andthe vaporizer includes a heating element that is configured to generate a vapor from the vapor precursor transported to the channel.3. The electronic vaping device of claim 2 , whereinthe battery section includes a battery,the fluid-transport structure includes a wick that extends from the channel into the liquid supply reservoir,the heating ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035115A1

Cartomizers (cartridges) that have a mouthpiece, a heater/vaporizer (e.g., heating element, wick), and a transparent/translucent tank (fluid reservoir) to hold the vaporizable material (typically a nicotine solution), in which the cartridge is flattened and has a window into the tank through the mouthpiece so that the liquid level is visible; the window can be an opening through the mouthpiece or it can be a notch up into the mouthpiece. A cannula (e.g., tube) runs through the tank, and connects the heater/vaporizer to an opening in the mouthpiece. 1. A cartridge for use with a vaporizer device , the cartridge comprising:an elongate and flattened storage compartment configured to hold a liquid vaporizable material, wherein the liquid vaporizable material is visible through the storage compartment, further wherein the storage compartment comprises a distal end and a proximal end, and a first side extending between the distal end and the proximal end;an opaque mouthpiece that is secured over the proximal end of the storage compartment, the opaque mouthpiece having a front side adjacent to the first side of the storage compartment, wherein a distal end of the opaque mouthpiece terminates in a distal edge that extends only partially between the distal end and the proximal end of the storage compartment;an opening through the opaque mouthpiece at a proximal end of the opaque mouthpiece;a notch in the front side of the mouthpiece extending from the distal edge of the opaque mouthpiece toward the proximal end of the mouthpiece, wherein the notch exposes a region of the storage compartment beneath the mouthpiece;a heater at the distal end of the storage compartment, wherein the heater comprises a heating chamber, a wick within the heating chamber, and a resistive heating element in thermal contact with the wick; anda cannula within the storage compartment extending through the liquid vaporizable material from the heater to the proximal end of the storage compartment so that ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035489A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A method of supplying electricity to an electrical component inside a vacuum chamber may include positioning an electrical component inside a vacuum chamber, the electrical component having a first electrical connector portion. A second electrical connector portion may then be connected to the first electrical portion through a hole in a flexible wall of the vacuum chamber, the second electrical connector portion being electrically connected to circuitry disposed outside the vacuum chamber. The connecting step may include hermetically clamping the flexible wall of the vacuum chamber between the first and second electrical connector portions. 1. A method of supplying electricity to an electrical component inside a vacuum chamber , comprising:positioning an electrical component inside a vacuum chamber, the electrical component having a first electrical connector portion,connecting a second electrical connector portion to the first electrical portion through a hole in a flexible wall of the vacuum chamber, the second electrical connector portion being electrically connected to circuitry disposed outside the vacuum chamber, wherein the connecting step includes hermetically clamping the flexible wall of the vacuum chamber between the first and second electrical connector portions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first electrical connector portion includes a first set of one or more electrical contacts claim 1 , further comprising:extending the first set of one or more electrical contacts through the hole in the flexible wall of the vacuum chamber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrical component includes a curing apparatus.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the curing apparatus includes a heating element.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second connector portion is a male connector portion claim 1 , and the first connector portion is a female connector portion.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first connector portion is a male connector portion ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Electric Heating Device and Method for Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20220053610A1
Принадлежит: Eberspaecher Catem GmbH and Co KG

An electric heating device includes a housing with a partition wall which separates a connection chamber from a heating chamber for emitting heat. At least one heating assembly housing projects from the partition wall in the direction of the heating chamber. The heating assembly housing supports at least one PTC element and strip conductors in an electrically insulated manner A housing wall projecting from the partition wall and delimiting the connection chamber and/or the heating chamber and/or the heating assembly housing is connected to the partition wall by material bonding, which may be by induction soldering. Also disclosed is a method of making an electric heating device.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053611A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A ceramic heater with a shaft includes: a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded; a hollow ceramic shaft having an upper end bonded to a surface on an opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; and a shaft heater embedded in a side wall near an upper end of the ceramic shaft. 1. A ceramic heater with a shaft , comprising:a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded;a hollow ceramic shaft having an upper end bonded to a surface on an opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; anda shaft heater embedded in a side wall near the upper end of the ceramic shaft.2. The ceramic heater with a shaft according to claim 1 ,wherein the ceramic shaft has a cylindrical shaft body, and an insulating film that covers a side surface near the upper end of the shaft body, andthe shaft heater is provided on the side surface near the upper end of the shaft body, and is embedded in the ceramic shaft by being covered with the insulating film.3. The ceramic heater with a shaft according to claim 2 ,wherein the insulating film is an aerosol deposition film or a thermal spray film. The present invention relates to a ceramic heater with a shaft.In transfer, exposure, a film deposition process such as CVD, washing, etching, and micromachining such as dicing, for a semiconductor wafer, a ceramic heater with a shaft for holding the wafer has been used so far. As shown in PTL 1, such a ceramic heater with a shaft is disclosed, which includes: a ceramic plate in which a resistance heating element is embedded; a hollow ceramic shaft provided on the surface on the opposite side of a wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate; and a heating element power supply rod housed in the inner space of the ceramic shaft. The heating element power supply rod is bonded to the resistance heating element from the surface on the opposite side of the wafer placement surface of the ceramic plate.PTL 1: JP 2007-51317 AIn the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053829A1
Автор: Hermiz Randy, Li Nianzhong
Принадлежит: Cegnum LLC

An electronic smoking device operable in at least two states. A switch is configured to selectively toggle the device between a first state in which a power source provides energy to a first heating element to produce a first vapor of a first flavor, and a second state in which the power source provides energy to a second heating element to produce a second vapor of a second flavor. The controller may operate the device in a most recently toggled state based on detection of the draw by a sensor. The switch may be a non-momentary switch, and may extend through an opening in a casing. An indicator assembly may include indicator lights configured to be selectively illuminated based on the device being in the first or second state. The device may be operable in a third state in which energy is provided to the first and second heating elements. 1. An electronic smoking device comprising:a casing comprising a mouthpiece;a first atomizer disposed within the casing and comprising a first reservoir configured to store a first vaporizable material, a first wick disposed in the first reservoir, and a first heating element coupled to the first wick;a second atomizer disposed within the casing and comprising a second reservoir configured to store a second vaporizable material, a second wick disposed in the second reservoir, and a second heating element coupled to the second wick;a controller;a switch coupled to the controller, wherein the switch is configured to be actuated to selectively toggle the device between a first state and a second state;a power source in communication with the controller and operable to provide energy to the first heating element in the first state to atomize the first vaporizable material to produce a first vapor of a first flavor, and provide energy to the second heating element in the second state to atomize the second vaporizable material to produce a second vapor of a second flavor; anda sensor coupled to the casing and in communication with the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053830A1

An air-heating type heat not burn heating device, a ceramic heating element and a preparation method thereof are provided. The ceramic heating element includes a honeycomb ceramic body and a heating printed circuit. Porous channels are arranged in the honeycomb ceramic body, and the porous channels are circular holes or polygonal holes. The heating printed circuit is arranged around an outer surface of the honeycomb ceramic body to heat the air passing through the porous channels. According to the ceramic heating element, the surface made of high purity alumina honeycomb ceramic has high compactness, it is able to effectively prevent absorption of smoke dust particles, thus to effectively preventing odd smell; the high-purity alumina honeycomb ceramic has good thermal conductivity, with a thermal conductivity of 33 W/mk; the wall thickness and pore diameter in the honeycomb ceramic structure are both very small, and the thermal conductivity is extremely excellent. 1. A ceramic heating element , comprising:a honeycomb ceramic body, wherein porous channels are arranged in the honeycomb ceramic body, and the porous channels are circular holes or polygonal holes; anda heating printed circuit, wherein the heating printed circuit is arranged around an outer surface of the honeycomb ceramic body to heat air passing through the porous channels.2. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the alumina ceramic tube body is an alumina honeycomb ceramic body claim 1 , and the alumina honeycomb ceramic body has a density being larger than or equal to 3.86 g/cm.3. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the porous channels are uniformly distributed in the honeycomb ceramic body.4. The ceramic heating element of claim 1 , wherein the porous channels are arranged in a center of the honeycomb ceramic body.5. An air-heating type heat not burn heating device claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', '#text': 'claim 1'}, '#text': 'the ceramic heating ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037608A1

A heater for use in fluid immersion heating includes a plurality of resistive heating elements, and a plurality sets of power pins electrically connected to the plurality of heating elements. Each set of power pins includes a first power pin made of a first conductive material, and a second power pin made of a second conductive material that is dissimilar from the first conductive material of the first power pin. The first power pin is electrically connected to the second power pin to form a junction. The second power pin is electrically connected to the corresponding resistive heating element. The junctions between the first power pins and the second power pins are disposed at different heights in order to sense a level of the fluid. 1. A heater for use in fluid immersion heating comprising:a plurality of resistive heating elements; and a first power pin made of a first conductive material; and', 'a second power pin made of a second conductive material that is dissimilar from the first conductive material of the first power pin, the first power pin being electrically connected to the second power pin to form a junction, and the second power pin being electrically connected to the corresponding resistive heating element,, 'a plurality sets of power pins electrically connected to the plurality of resistive heating elements, each set of power pins comprisingwherein the junctions between the first power pins and the second power pins are disposed at different heights in order to sense a level of a fluid.2. The heater according to claim 1 , further comprising a heating portion configured for immersion into the fluid claim 1 , the heating portion comprising the plurality of resistive heating elements.3. The heater according to claim 2 , wherein the second power pins extend into the heating portion.4. The heater according to claim 2 , further comprising at least two non-heating portions contiguous with the heating portion claim 2 , each of the non-heating portions ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037609A1

A heater system includes a plurality of heater cores defining zones, a plurality of power pins extending through each of the heater cores and made of different conductive materials, and at least one jumper connected between two of the plurality of power pins being made of dissimilar materials. The jumper is in communication with a controller to obtain a temperature reading of the heater system proximate the jumper. 1. A heater system comprising:a plurality of heater cores defining zones;a plurality of power pins extending through each of the heater cores, wherein the power pins are made of different conductive materials; andat least one jumper connected between two of the plurality of power pins being made of dissimilar materials,wherein the jumper is in communication with a controller to obtain a temperature reading of the heater system proximate the jumper.2. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the heater cores are cartridge heaters.3. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the heater cores each include a heater circuit claim 1 , the heater circuits of the plurality of heater cores being connected to different two of the plurality of power pins.4. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of power pins include a plurality of first power pins made of a first conductive material and a plurality of second power pins made of a second conductive material.5. The heater system according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one jumper connects one of the first power pins and one of the second power pins such that the at least one jumper is used to obtain a temperature reading proximate the location of the jumper.6. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one jumper is a lead wire.7. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of power pins extending through the plurality of heater cores and are disposed parallel to one another.8. The heater system according to claim 1 , wherein the heater ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210037612A1

Provided is a multi-chamber type heating unit which occupies a small installation space and can effectively perform a heating process of a blank. The multi-chamber type heating unit to heat a blank comprises: a lower housing unit; an intermediate housing unit installed in an upper portion of the lower housing unit; and an upper housing unit installed in an upper portion of the intermediate housing unit. A plurality of intermediate housings are stacked to form the intermediate housing unit, and a heating unit to heat a blank is installed in each of the intermediate housings. Moreover, the intermediate housings are formed in the shape in which upper and lower portions thereof are opened, and an opening is formed in the front for a door to be inserted thereinto. 1. A multi-chamber type heating unit for heating blanks comprising:a lower housing portion;an intermediate housing portion provided on an upper portion of the lower housing portion;an upper housing portion provided on an upper portion of the intermediate housing portion,wherein the intermediate housing portion is formed by stacking a plurality of intermediate housings, heating units for heating the blanks are provided inside each of the intermediate housings, and the intermediate housing has open upper and lower portions and has an opening portion formed in the front thereof to insert a door.2. The multi-chamber type heating unit of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of intermediate housings are formed to be separable and mountable with each other in a height direction thereof.3. The multi-chamber type heating unit of claim 2 , wherein the perimeter of the intermediate housing has flanges such that the intermediate housings stacked in height direction are formed to be attachable and detachable from each other.4. The multi-chamber type heating unit of claim 3 , wherein a door support portion for supporting the door is formed on the perimeter of the opening portion formed in the front of the intermediate housing ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Film Heater

Номер: US20210037614A1
Автор: Tatsuya Otsuka
Принадлежит: Toppan Infomedia Co Ltd

Provided is a film heater which is easy to manufacture and is capable of being easily adhesively attached to an adherend even having an uneven shape, without impairing aesthetic quality of the adherend. In the film heater, a conductive pattern composed of a conductive wire is provided on one surface of a support sheet composed of a transparent thermoplastic resin sheet, wherein the conductive pattern is configured such that a connection terminal section, a lead wire extending from the connection terminal section and a heater section continuing from the lead wire are provided as a continuous linear pattern composed of a single conductive wire.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045447A1
Автор: OH Chang Woo

Provided is a heat generating heater for a cigarette-type electronic cigarette device. A heat generating heater for a cigarette-type electronic cigarette device is configured by at least a portion of the length being inserted into a cigarette and comprises: a main body which is made of a ceramic material and has an end portion pointed for penetration into the cigarette; a heat generating unit which is disposed to surround the circumferential surface of the main body to generate heat for heating the inside of the cigarette; an arrangement hole which is formed in the main body along the longitudinal direction thereof; and a temperature sensing unit which is disposed in the arrangement hole for measuring a heating temperature of the heat generating unit. 1. A heat generating heater for a cigarette-type electronic cigarette device having at least a portion of a length thereof inserted into a cigarette , the heat generating heater comprising:a main body formed of a ceramic material and having one end portion that is pointed so as to penetrate into the cigarette;a heat generating unit disposed to surround a circumferential surface of the main body to generate heat so that the inside of the cigarette is heated;an arrangement hole formed inside the main body along a longitudinal direction thereof; anda temperature sensing unit disposed in the arrangement hole to measure a heating temperature of the heat generating unit.2. The heat generating heater of claim 1 , wherein:the main body includes a hollow-shaped rod portion in which the arrangement hole is formed and a tip portion sharply formed at one end portion of the rod portion; andthe heat generating unit is disposed to surround the rod portion in a circumferential direction of the rod portion.3. The heat generating heater of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensing unit is a thermocouple.4. The heat generating heater of claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensing unit is a spiral bimetal.5. The heat generating heater of ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044746A1
Автор: LOLLAR James Patrick

An electric belly band heater is configured with only one end of the heater cable assembly thereof having lead wires extending therefrom. A single housing box is positioned at the end of the heater cable assembly where the lead wires exit to encompass the lead wires and includes an opening to receive a conduit to provide further protection to the lead wires exiting the housing box and being connected to a power source. 1. An electric band heater cable assembly comprising:a heater cable assembly comprising a resistance wire encased in a silicone insulator, the heater cable assembly having a first cable end and a second cable end;first and second lead wires,a first splice connection between a first end of the first lead wire and one end of the resistance wire at the first cable end;a second splice connection between a first end of the second lead wire and the other end of the resistance wire; each of the first and second splice connections extending from each of the first and second cable ends of the heater cable assembly;the first lead wire running with the resistance wire and encased in the silicone insulator and extending beyond the second cable end so that the first and second lead wires both extend from the second cable end;a zip tie, divided into a first zip tie segment comprising a head end with a slot and first tape section and a second zip tie segment comprising a second tape section, one of the first and second tape sections having one opening and the other of the first and second tape sections having at least one opening, the one opening sized to allow the first lead wire to pass through and the at least one opening allowing the first and second lead wires to pass therethrough,the first tape section attached to one of the first and second splice connections and the second tape section attached to the other of the first and second splice connections,a single housing assembly having a bottom half and a top half, the bottom half comprising a bottom plate and a ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044747A1

A modular anti-fog device for attachment to a wearable optical device such as glasses, goggles, and the like. The anti-fog device includes a translucent carrier configured to hold a conductive element. The conductive element is electrically coupled to a power source. The conductive element provides resistive heating upon passage of electrical current through the conductive element. The translucent carrier includes an adhering layer enabling the anti-fog device to be attached to an optical device so as to provide the optical device with anti-fog functionality. 1. A modular anti-fog device , comprising:a translucent carrier formed of a translucent material, the translucent carrier having a first side and a second side, the first side having an adhering surface;a conductive element formed into a pattern that is positioned within or against the translucent carrier, the conductive element configured to provide heat as a result of the passage of electric current through the conductive element; anda power supply electrically coupled to the conductive element and configured to provide the conductive element with electric current;wherein the translucent carrier is configured to be attachable to a wearable optical device by positioning the adhering surface of the translucent carrier against at least a portion of the wearable optical device, thereby providing the wearable optical device with anti-fog functionality or enhanced anti-fog functionality.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is positioned against the first side of the translucent carrier.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is formed in a grid configuration.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the conductive element is formed having a peripheral portion formed from metal wiring bounding an inner portion formed from metal wiring claim 1 , the peripheral portion being formed from wiring having a wider diameter than the wiring of the inner portion.5. The device of claim 1 , ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044963A1
Автор: SALEEM Fozia

An apparatus configured to heat smokeable material so as to volatilize at least one of its components for inhalation comprises at least one heating element () on or in a substrate material (). 1. A smokeable material heater apparatus , comprising: a substrate , and at least one printed heater element configured to , in use , heat the substrate to a smokeable material volatilizing temperature at which the substrate volatilizes at least one component of a smokeable material for inhalation.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one printed heater element is disposed at least partially inside the substrate.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a coefficient of thermal expansion of the at least one printed heater element is substantially equal to a coefficient of thermal expansion of the substrate.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one printed heater element is chemically bonded to the substrate.5. The apparatus according claim 1 , wherein the at least one printed heater element and the substrate comprise a single sintered structure.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one printed heater element includes an electrically resistive trace in the substrate.7. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a ceramics material.8. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate is proximal a smokeable material heat chamber configured to contain a body of smokeable material during heating.9. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of heater elements are arranged in layers inside the substrate.10. The apparatus according to claim 9 , wherein the layers are interconnected by heater element vias through the substrate.11. An apparatus claim 9 , comprising: a heater configured to heat smokeable material to volatilize at least one component of the smokeable material for inhalation claim 9 , the heater including a substrate and a heater element claim 9 , a ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Door for e Freezer Cabinet

Номер: US20160045038A1
Автор: Chubb Richard

A door for a refrigerated cabinet has an insulated glass unit of rectangular shape mounted in a pair of horizontally disposed aluminum rails and a pair of vertically disposed plastic rails connected to and across the pair horizontally disposed rails. A plastic breaker is mounted on each aluminum rail and a sealing gasket of open rectangular shape is mounted in each breaker and in each plastic rail to seal against a planar surface of the refrigerated cabinet in the closed position of the door. 1. A door for a refrigerated cabinet comprisingan insulated glass unit of rectangular shape, said unit having three glass panes and a perimeter spacer system maintaining said glass panes in parallel spaced apart relation; anda pair of horizontally disposed aluminum rails, each said rail having a side wall, a first web extending perpendicularly from said side wall, a first flange extending from and perpendicularly of said first web to define a first channel for receiving a respective edge of said insulated glass unit, a second web extending perpendicularly from said side wall to define a second channel with said first web and a second flange extending from and perpendicularly of said second web;a pair of plastic breakers, each said breaker being mounted on a respective aluminum rail in abutment with said first flange and said second flange thereof and having a first recess therein facing away from said respective aluminum rail;a pair of vertically disposed plastic rails connected to and across said pair of horizontally disposed rails to define a frame, each said vertically disposed plastic rail having a base, a pair of parallel walls extending perpendicularly of said base to define a third channel for receiving a respective edge of said insulated glass unit, a third flange extending perpendicularly from said base and an L-shaped flange extending from one of said walls of said plastic rail to define a second recess with said third flange; anda sealing gasket of open rectangular ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041335A1

A heating chamber () for a heating furnace is proposed, with which electrothermal vaporization of impurities from samples can be effected in order to be able to then analyze them spectrometrically. The heating chamber has a wall (), a sample reception area (), a nozzle area () and two electrical connection areas (). The heating chamber () is specially configured such that an electric current flows through the wall () in such a way that a heating capacity caused by it is higher in the nozzle area () than in the sample reception area (). For example, the electrical connection areas () may be arranged in a radial direction remoter from the longitudinal axis () than a part of the wall () surrounding the nozzle area (), and the heating chamber () may be configured, for example by means of a locally constricted area (), in such a way that the current between the two electrical connection areas () is predominantly conducted radially inwards towards the part of the wall () surrounding the nozzle area (). Advantageous heat distribution in the heating chamber () achievable thereby may have a positive effect on the analysis of sample impurities. 117-. (canceled)18. A heating chamber for a heating furnace , comprising:an electrically conductive wall;a sample reception area;a nozzle area;a first electrical connection area; anda second electrical connection area,wherein the sample reception area and the nozzle area are each surrounded by the wall,wherein the sample reception area and the nozzle are arranged one after the other along a central longitudinal axis and are configured in fluid communication with each other, and the sample reception area has a larger cross-sectional area than the nozzle area,wherein the first and second electrical connection areas are arranged adjacent to opposite ends of the heating chamber relative to the longitudinal axis of the heating chamber and are electrically connected to the wall, andwherein the heating chamber is configured in such a way that ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Heated Light Enclosure Having an Adaptable Heating System

Номер: US20160046262A1
Автор: Van Straten George A.

A heated light enclosure having an adaptable heating system is provided with a controlled heating system to deliver enough heat to a lens on a lamp assembly to remove snow, frost, and/or condensation without overheating the lens. By heating the lens using a combination of one or more of PTC heaters, heat sinks and heat pipes, accumulation of snow, ice, or vapor is mitigated or eliminated from a surface of the lens, thereby enabling light to transmit through the lens. Applications include lamps and bulbs on conveyance devices, including vehicles, boats, planes, and trains, as well as sedentary structures, such as lamp posts, street lights, railroad crossing markers and lights, and airport ground and runway lighting systems. 1. A vehicle heated light assembly , comprising:an enclosure provided by a housing and a lens;a light emitting diode lamp provided in the enclosure configured to emit light through the lens;a positive temperature coefficient heater provided within the enclosure;a thermal heat sink provided in the enclosure and physically affixed in thermally conductive relation with the positive temperature coefficient heater;power circuitry having a source voltage coupled with the positive temperature coefficient heater and voltage regulating circuitry coupled with the source voltage and configured to provide a reduced voltage to the light emitting diode lamp; anda power supply connection coupled with the power circuitry to provide the source voltage.2. The heated light assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one elongate claim 1 , thermally conductive heat pipe affixed in thermally conductive relation with the thermal heat sink and carried in the housing proximate the lens to impart conductive and convective heat delivery to the lens.3. The heated light assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat sink has a tubular cross-sectional profile.4. The heated light assembly of claim 3 , the heat sink comprises a pair of symmetric wing portions.5. The heated light ...
