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27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431960C2

Изобретение относится к синергетическому средству для борьбы с насекомыми, содержащему в качестве активных веществ соединение общей формулы (I) ! ! где Е означает NO2 или CN, R означает тиазолилметил или пиридилметил, замещенные галогеном, А означает водород, Z означает алкиламиногруппу с числом атомов углерода от 1 до 4 или А и Z вместе с атомами, с которыми они связаны, образуют тиазолидин, имидазолидин, гексагидро-1,3,5-триазин, который у атомов азота в 3-м и 5-м положении замещен двумя алкильными группами с 1-4 атомами углерода в алкильной группе, 6-членный насыщенный гетероциклический фрагмент, который дополнительно включает кислород и гетерогруппу N-алкил, при этом алкил в N-алкильной группе содержит 1-4 атома углерода, и фунгицидное активное вещество, выбранное из группы, включающей дифеноконазол, триадимефон, флуквинконазол, фенпропиморф, процимидон, дихлофлуанид, каптан, анилазин, манеб, манкозеб, беномил и серу. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

27-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2222193C2

Изобретение относится к области ветеринарной паразитологии. Средство содержит, по меньшей мере, одно первое активное вещество в комбинации с, по меньшей мере, одним вторым активным веществом и, при необходимости, целевые добавки. Первое активное вещество выбирают из группы, включающей авермектин, 22,23-дигидроавермектин В1 (ивермектин) и милбемицин из класса макроциклических лактонов. Второе активное вещество - из группы, включающей агонист и антагонист никотинэргических ацетилхолиновых рецепторов насекомых общей формулы (III) где R означает водород, незамещенные или замещенные остатки, выбранные из группы, включающей ацил, алкил, арил, аралкил, гетероарил и гетероарилалкил; А означает монофункциональную группу из ряда, включающего водород, ацил, алкил, арил, или бифункциональную группу, которая соединена с остатком Z; Е означает электроноакцепторный остаток; Х означает остатки -СН= или =N-, причем остаток -СН= вместо атома водорода может быть соединен с остатком Z; Z означает монофункциональную ...

20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264489C2

Изобретение относится к предотвращению ущерба от поедания вредителем волокнистого изделия. Композиция, предотвращающая ущерб, наносимый вредителем волокнистому изделию, включает активное вещество 1-метил-2-нитро-3-[(3-тетрагидрофурил)метил]гуанидина и носитель. Способ включает в себя нанесение на волокнистое изделие эффективного количества 1-метил-2-нитро-3-[(3-тетрагидрофурил) метил]гуанидина. Изобретение обеспечивает возможность более эффективно избавляться от вредителей волокнистых изделий. 3 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507746C2

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Фунгицидная композиция содержит в качестве активных ингредиентов: (a) бензоилпиридиновое производное, представленное формулой (I), или его соль:где, когда A означает -N=, B означает -CX=; когда A означает -CH=, B означает -N=; каждый из Xи Xнезависимо друг от друга означает атом галогена, алкоксигруппу, гидроксильную группу, алкильную группу, группу CFили алкилтиогруппу; Xозначает атом водорода, атом галогена, алкоксигруппу, алкильную группу, группу CFили алкилтиогруппу; Xозначает атом водорода, атом галогена, алкоксигруппу, алкильную группу, группу CFили алкилтиогруппу; Rозначает алкильную группу; Rозначает алкоксигруппу; p равно 0, 1 или 2; и каждый из Rи Rозначает алкоксигруппу, и (b) по меньшей мере один дополнительный фунгицид, выбранный из группы, состоящей из пираклостробина, боскалида, пентиопирада, пирибенкарба, мептилдинокапа, дифеноконазола, серы, флутианила, 6-трет-бутил-8-фтор-2,3-диметилхинолин-4-илацетата и соединения, представленного ...

06-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747538C2

Изобретение относится к биоцидному веществу, которое может найти применение для борьбы с патогенными микроорганизмами в медицине, ветеринарии, текстильной и строительной индустрии. Биоцидное вещество представляет собой производное полигуанидингидрохлорида, полученное взаимодействием гуанидингидрохлорида с 2-метил-1,5-пентаметилендиамином при перемешивании при температуре 140-200°С в течение 2-4 ч до достижения рН 7-8. Предлагаемое вещество обладает широким спектром действия, более низкой токсичностью и не оказывает раздражающего действия при нанесении на кожу и слизистые оболочки. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 4 пр., 2 ил.

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2366460C2

Изобретение относится к области противомикробных композиций и способов сокращения популяции бактерий и вирусов. Способ сокращения популяции бактерий и вирусов путем контакта с поверхностью в течение 30 секунд для достижения log сокращения 2 против S.aureus, log 2,5 против E.coli и log 4 против безоболочечных вирусов. Способ инактивации вирусов и уничтожения бактерий путем топического нанесения на поверхность. Способ улучшения полного здоровья млекопитающего путем уменьшения воздействия вирусов и бактерий. Способ защиты человека против инфекции риновирусами и ротавирусами путем нанесения композиции на руки. Противомикробные композиции, используемые в способах, содержат (а) дезинфицирующий спирт, (b) органическую кислоту и (с) воду, причем композиция имеет pH приблизительно 5 или ниже. Изобретение позволяет снизить популяции грамотрицательных и грамположительных бактерий, инактивировать и разрушать вирусы. 5 н. и 46 з.п. ф-лы, 17 табл.

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2363158C1

Изобретение относится к области гигиены и санитарии. Биоцидный состав включает в качестве четвертичного аммониевого соединения бензалконий хлорид с длиной цепочки C12-C16 и дополнительно содержит соединение полигуанидина - фосфат полигексаметиленгуанидина, или хлорид поли-(4,9-диоксадодекангуанидина), или фосфат поли-(4,9-диоксадодекангуанидина), или сукцинат полигексаметиленгуанидина, или сукцинат поли-(4,9-диоксадодекангуанидина), оксиэтилированный сорбитан лаурат, полиэтиленгликоль-7 глицерил кокоат, экстракт ромашки, водный экстракт очитка большого, молочную кислоту и аллантоин при определенном соотношении компонентов в мас.%. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение биоцидной эффективности, действует успокаивающе на кожу и обладает противовоспалительными свойствами. 3 табл.

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2366175C1

Изобретение относится к области дезинфекции, в частности к средствам для дезинфекции в лечебно-профилактических учреждениях (ЛПУ), на станциях скорой помощи, дезинфекционных станциях, в детских учреждениях на предприятиях общественного питания, объектах коммунальной службы, на транспорте, в сельском хозяйстве, на предприятиях пищевой промышленности и в других отраслях народного хозяйства, населением в быту. Дезинфицирующее средство включает в качестве действующего вещества полигексаметиленгуанидин гидрохлорид и N,N-бис-(3-аминопропил)додециламин при массовом соотношении 1:1-4, неионогенное ПАВ, отдушку и воду и функциональные добавки, включающие оксиэтилированные моноэтаноламиды синтетических жирных кислот (СЖК), многоатомные синтетические жирные спирты (СЖС), мочевину, алканоламин, соль ЭДТУ в определенных соотношениях (мас.%). Средство обладает высокими антимикробными свойствами, эффективно при применении рабочих растворов в малых концентрациях, имеет хорошие моющие свойства, устойчиво ...

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Гербицидное средство и способ получения рабочей жидкости гербицидного средства

Номер: RU2631030C1

Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству. Гербицидное средство содержит триалкиламинную соль клетодима, в которой один алкильный радикал содержит число атомов углерода не менее 8 - 10,0-90,0 мас.%, и триалкиламинную соль клопиралида, содержащую один алкильный радикал с числом атомов углерода не менее 8 - 10,0-90,0 мас.%. Рабочую жидкость получают непосредственно перед применением путем смешивания гербицидно эффективных количеств триалкиламинной соли клетодима, в которой один алкильный радикал содержит число атомов углерода не менее 8, и триалкиламинной соли клопиралида, содержащей один алкильный радикал с числом атомов углерода не менее 8, раздельно взятых в массовом соотношении (10-90):(90-10), в водной среде либо смешиванием указанной бинарной композиции в водной среде. Предлагаемое гербицидное средство позволяет повысить биологическую эффективность применения, расширить спектр сорной растительности. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

10-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2136155C1

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства и может быть использовано для защиты продуктов сельского хозяйства (растений, птицы, животных) от патогенной микрофлоры, вызывающей различные заболевания (гниль, синегнойную, стафилококковую инфекцию, сальмонеллез и др.) Предлагаются полигексаметиленгуанидиновые соединения, включающие различные анионы кислот в предельно низких концентрациях. Это дает возможность высокоэффективной защиты продуктов сельского хозяйства, экономичности при использовании вышеупомянутых препаратов, сохранению урожая и поголовья скота и птицы при низкой токсичности соединений, что обеспечивает безопасность в условиях их применения и употребления продукции человеком в пищу. 4 табл.

26-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786973C1

Изобретение относится к средствам личной гигиены и может быть использовано в производстве средств для гигиенической обработки рук. Предложено антибактериальное средство для обработки рук, имеющее следующий состав, мас.%: масло виноградной косточки 10,0-19,0, эфирные масла лимона 6,0-7,0, розмарина 4,0-5,0, лаванды 2,0-3,0, жасмина 2,5-3,0 и бергамота 0,5-1,0, масло оливковое или масло рапсовое - остальное до 100 %. Изобретение обеспечивает получение средства для защиты и очищения кожи рук от бактериальной контаминации, обладающего увлажняющим, противовоспалительным и ранозаживляющим эффектами. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 пр.

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2423829C1

Описывается стимулятор роста, развития и цветения цветочных растений, представляющий собой полигексаметиленгуанидин-гидрохлорид (ПГМГ), а также способ стимулирования роста, развития и цветения цветочных растений, заключающийся в обработке семян перед посевом и вегетирующих растений путем их опрыскивания водным раствором ПГМГ общей формулы: ! ! с молекулярной массой от 5 до 9 тыс. усл.ед., с концентрацией действующего вещества 0,00001-0,02% и расходом рабочего раствора в дозе 10-15 л на 1 т семян, а опрыскивание вегетирующих растений, находящихся в фазе 5-7 листа или начала бутонизации, осуществляют однократно или двукратно водным раствором полигексаметиленгуанидин-гидрохлорида той же молекулярной массы и концентрации с расходом рабочего раствора в дозе 100-150 л на 1 га посевной площади. Технический результат - улучшение показателей роста, развития и цветения цветочных растений, увеличение количества веток и цветов у цветочных культур, повышение эффективности озеленения парков, садов, приусадебных ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009138422A

... 1. Стимулятор роста, развития и цветения цветочных растений, представляющий собой полигексаметиленгуанидин-гидрохлорид молекулярной массы от 5 до 9 тыс. усл. ед. общей формулы: ! ! 2. Способ стимулирования роста, развития и цветения цветочных растений, включающий обработку семян перед посевом и вегетирующих растений путем их опрыскивания, отличающийся тем, что опрыскивание семян производят водным раствором полигексаметиленгуанидин-гидрохлорида с молекулярной массой от 5 до 9 тыс. усл. ед., с концентрацией действующего вещества 0,00001-0,02% и расходом рабочего раствора в дозе 10-15 л на 1 т семян, а опрыскивание вегетирующих растений, находящихся в фазе 5-7 листа или начала бутонизации, осуществляют однократно или двукратно водным раствором полигексаметиленгуанидин-гидрохлорида той же молекулярной массы и концентрации с расходом рабочего раствора в дозе 100-150 л на 1 га посевной площади.

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002119003A

... 1. Смеси активных веществ, содержащие, как минимум, одно соединение по формуле и (1) производную триазола по формуле в которой Х обозначает хлор или фенил; Y обозначает или и/или (2) производную триазола по формуле и/или (3) производную анилина по формуле в которой R1 обозначает водород или метил, и/или (4) N-[1(4-хлор-фенил)-этил]-2, 2-дихлор-1-этил-3-метил-циклопропан-амид карбоновой кислоты по формуле и/или (5) цинк-пропилен-1,2-бис-(дитиокарбамидата) по формуле и/или (6) как минимум, один тиокарбамат по формуле где Me обозначает Zn или Mn, или смесь Zn и Mn, и/или (7) производную анилина по формуле и/или (8) соединения по формуле и/или (9) производную бензотиадиазола по формуле и/или (10) 8t-бутил-2-(N-этил-N-n-пропил-амино)-метил-1,4-диоксаспиро[5,4]-декана по формуле и/или (11) соединения по формуле и/или (12) соединения по формуле и/или (13) соединения по формуле и/или (14) производную цианоксима по формуле и/или (15) производную пиримидина по формуле в которой R2 обозначает метил ...

20-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001101439A

... 1. Средства, содержащие соединение формулы (I) в смеси с активными веществами с фунгицидными свойствами, за исключением циклопропилкарбоксамидных производных и азолилметилциклоалканов. 2. Средства по п. 1, отличающиеся тем, что они содержат в комбинации активных веществ на одну часть массы активного вещества формулы (I) 0,1 - 10 мас. ч. по крайней мере одного активного вещества с фунгицидными свойствами. 3. Способ борьбы с грибами и насекомыми, отличающийся тем, что комбинациями активных веществ по п. 1 действуют на грибы, насекомых и/или на их среду обитания. 4. Применение комбинаций активных веществ по п. 1 для борьбы с грибами и насекомыми. 5. Способ получения средств по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что комбинации активных веществ по п. 1 смешивают с разбавителями и/или поверхностно-активными веществами.

27-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000100989A

... 1. Косметическая композиция, предназначенная для применения в качестве средств личной гигиены, включающая носитель и полимерный дигуанид, отличающаяся тем, что полимерный дигуанид содержит более двух дигуанидных звеньев с формулой I и имеет форму соли с органической кислотой, содержащей от 4 до 30 атомов углерода, включая их смеси. 2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что полимерный дигуанид является линейным полимерным дигуанидом, который имеет периодически повторяющееся полимерное звено, характеризующееся Формулой IV где Х и Y могут быть одинаковыми или отличными друг от друга и представляют собой мостиковые группы, в которых, вместе суммарное количество атомов углерода, помещенных непосредственно между парами атомов азота, связанных посредством Х и Y, составляет не менее 9 и не более 17. 3. Композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что и Х, и Y являются гексаметиленовой группой. 4. Композиция по любому из предшествующих пунктов, отличающаяся тем, что полимерный дигуанид представляет собой ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011109298A

Способ стимуляции роста и развития растений сои, включающий использование стимулирующего вещества, содержащего гуанидин при обработке семян перед посевом, отличающийся тем, что активизация симбиотрофного процесса осуществляется путем предпосевного инокулирования семян методом инкрустации с использованием водного раствора препарата КПИС и «ПМАГ» полиметакрилатгуанидина с молекулярной массой 500 тыс. усл. ед., с концентрацией 0,05-0,5% при расходе рабочего раствора 10-15 л на 1 т семян.

10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002123589A

... 1. Соединения формулы (I) в которых R1 означает, при необходимости, замещенный циклоалкил; R2 означает, при необходимости, замещенный алкил или, при необходимости, замещенный циклоалкил; R3 означает алкил, алкокси, алкилтио, амино, алкиламино или диалкиламино; и R4 означает циано или нитро. 2. Способ получения соединений формулы (I) по п.1, отличающийся тем, что соединения формулы (II) в которых R1 и R2 такие, как указано выше, в присутствии разбавителя подвергают взаимодействию с соединениями формулы (III) в которых R3 и R4 такие, как указано выше; R5 означает алкил; и Х означает кислород или серу. 3. Соединения формулы (I) по п.1, в которых R1 означает циклоалкил с 3-6 атомами углерода, при необходимости, содержащий от одного до трех одинаковых или разных заместителей из группы: галоген, алкил с 1-4 атомами углерода, алкокси с 1-4 атомами углерода или алкилтио с 1-4 атомами углерода; R2 означает алкил с 1-4 атомами углерода, при необходимости, замещенный галогеном, циано или алкокси с ...

10-01-2004 дата публикации

Частичный сложный эфир азотистой карбоновой кислоты с целлюлозой и способ его получени

Номер: RU2002119425A

... 1. Частичный сложный эфир азотистой карбоновой кислоты с целлюлозой или его соль (при условии исключения случая, когда азотистой карбоновой кислотой является глицин, аланин, аминоэнантовая кислота, аминокапроновая кислота и п-аминобензойная кислота), причем указанный частичный сложный эфир содержит в молекулярной цепи, по меньшей мере, одно звено глюкозы, представленное следующей общей формулой (I) в которой А1, А2 и А3 независимо друг от друга означают атом водорода или азотистую ацильную группу, представленную общей формулой (II), при условии, что все радикалы А1, А2 и А3 не являются атомами водорода в которой R2 означает атом водорода, алкильную группу, содержащую 1~6 атомов углерода, аминогруппу или протонированную аминогруппу, R3 означает атом водорода, алкильную группу, содержащую 1~6 атомов углерода, или арильную группу, R4 означает атом водорода, алкильную группу, содержащую 1~4 атомов углерода, гидроксильную группу, меркаптогруппу или азотистый заместитель, представленный общими ...

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94003601A
Автор: Чигирев С.М.

Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства, в частности к химическим средствам защиты растений. Цель изобретения - создание фунгицидного состава на основе байтана и полигексаметиленгуанидингидрохлорида (ПГМГ), обладающего повышенной фунгицидной активностью и способностью прилипать к поверхности зерна, обуславливающих эффективность обработки и снижение затрат на протравитель в 2,0 - 3,9 раза. В сравнении с байтаном состав не пылит на воздухе, что улучшает санитарно-гигиенические условия труда при обработке семян. Подавляется комплекс опасных грибных болезней: септориоз, фузариоз, гельминтоспориоз, альтернариоз. Отрицательное влияние состава на энергию прорастания и всхожесть семян не отмечено. Новым в фунгицидном составе является использование сочетания известного препарата байтана с ПГМГ (водорастворимый полимерный продукт), взятых в определенном соотношении в водной среде. Для обработки зерна применяется рабочий состав со следующим соотношением компонентов, мас. %: байтан - 3,2 ...

27-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99116618A

... 1. Фунгицидная композиция, содержащая в качестве активных компонентов производное 1,2, 3-тиадиазола, представленное следующей общей формулой (I) и по меньшей мере одно соединение, выбранное из соединений, обладающих фунгицидной активностью против заболеваний растений где R1 представляет атом водорода, (C1-6)алкильную группу или (C3-7 )циклоалкильную группу; и R2 представляет группу формулы CO-Y-R3 где R3 представляет атом водорода; (C1-20)алкильную группу; галоген (C1-20)алкильную группу; (C2-20)алкенильную группу; галоген (C2-20)алкенильную группу; (C2-20)алкинильную группу; галоген(C2-20 )алкинильную группу; (C3-12)циклоалкильную группу; (C1-6)алкокси(C1-6)алкильную группу; (C1-6)алкокси(C1-6)-алкокси(C1-6)алкильную группу; карбокси(C1-6)алкильную группу; (C1-20)алкоксикарбонил(C1-6)алкильную группу; карбамоил(C1-6)алкильную группу; замещенную карбамоил(C1-6 )алкильную группу, имеющую 1 или 2 одинаковых или разных заместителей, выбранных из группы, состоящей из (C1-6)алкильной группы, ...

15-09-1991 дата публикации

Способ получения 1, 3, 4-тиадиазол-2-цианамида или его фармацевтически приемлемых солей

Номер: SU1678206A3

Изобретение относится к гетероциклическим соединениям, в частности к получению 1,2,4-тиадиазол-2-цианамида или его фармацевтически приемлемых солей которые являются противовирусными агентами Цель - выявление соединений, обладающих указанной активностью. Получение ведут окислением метилового сложного эфира ,3,4-тиадиэзол-2-ил-карбамидотионо- вой кислоты окисляющим агентом с последующим выделением целевого продукта в свободном виде или в виде фармацевтически приемлемых солей 2 табл ...

07-06-1988 дата публикации

Способ получения ароматических соединений

Номер: SU1402252A3
Принадлежит: САНДОС А.Г. (ФИРМА)

Изобретение касается ароматических соединений, в частности получения производных карбаминовых кислот (ПКК) общей формулы R-Z, где R - Cj- Cg-алкил или С -Сб-алкенил,- Z -W 0-CHR,(Y)-x -R3 при W-0 или S; R,- Н или C -C -aлкип} RJ- Н; R, - С,-С4-алкш1; Y - О илиЗ; X, Х - О или S или NH, причем при Х-- О или S Х - NH или N - (С,-С4)- алкил, при X - NH X - О или S, обладающих инсектицидной активностью, что может быть использовано для уничтожения блох, клещей, мух и тараканов. Цель - создание новых более активных веществ указанного класса. Синтез ПКК ведут реакцией соединений формул: HZ и RQ, где R и Z - см. вьппе, Q - галоген или мезил, в среде тетрагид- рофурана и диметилформамида при (-5)- (+60) С (20 ч). Инсектицидная активность ПКК достигается при ЕД 0,00067-0,069 мг/личинку против ,11 мг/личинку у феноксикарба. 4 табл. S (У) С ...

23-12-1991 дата публикации

Гербицидная композиция в форме суспендирующегося концентрата

Номер: SU1701104A3

Изобретение позволяет повысить гер- бицидную активность композиции. Последняя содержит, мас.%: производное пиразолсульфонамида общей формулы (B)-C(DhC-S02NHCONH-C°N-CpO CH - -CQ/HJ. где А группа -С.М-СН СН-СН-СН, (CH3)CH-CH-CH. -C N-CCI CH- , -C N-CH CH-CH , (CH3pN. -C CH-CH , (OCH3)CH-CH CCl или C(C2HshCH-CH QH; или СНз ; D - СООСНз, COOC2Hs, СООСзН7-п или СО- ОСзНт-i; X и Y - СНз или ОСНз, 20-50, поверхностно-активное вещество 6-10; присадка 5-15; консервирующее вещество 0,1-0,8; загуститель 0,1-0,8; вода 34,8-57,4. Новая композиция позволяет повысить активность на 5-90% по сравнению с известной композицией на основе MCH3hN C(CH3)-C(COOC2H5)C-S02NCO ((OCH3) в отношении таких сорняков, как просо петушье, сыть однолетняя, паслен черный, дурнишник , дикая горчица, подмаранник цапкий, овсюг и т.д. 10 табл. (Л С ...

30-07-1993 дата публикации

Фунгицидное средство

Номер: SU1831285A3
Принадлежит: БАЙЕР АГ

Использование: сельское хозяйство, химическое средство защиты растений от грибковых заболеваний. Сущность изобретения: средство включает 1-(4-хлорфенок- си)-4-3-диметил-1-(1,2,4-триазол-1-ил)-бутан- 2-ол или 1-{4-фенилфенокси)-3,3-диметия-1- ...

23-12-1990 дата публикации

Способ получения 1,3,4-тиадиазол-2-цианамида или его фармацевтически приемлемых солей

Номер: SU1616519A3

Изобретение касается гетероциклических веществ и, в частности, получения 1,3,4-тиадиазол-2-цианамида или его фармацевтически приемлемых солей, обладающих антивирусной активностью. Цель изобретения - создание новых, более активных веществ указанного класса. Синтез ведут дебензилированием (3-фенилметил-1,3,4-тиадиазол-2(3H)-илиден)цианамида с помощью ALCL3с последующим выделением целевого продукта или превращением его в нужную соль обработкой соответствующим органическим или неорганическим соединением. Новые вещества малотоксичны, активны к вирусам гриппа типа A и B, Гон-Конг, лишая I и II, кори, а также к вирусам, приводящим к синдрому приобретенного имунного дефицита. 3 табл.

05-02-1998 дата публикации

Filmbildendes Mittel zum Schutz vor Infektionen

Номер: DE0019707081A1

A film-building agent useful to protect against infections contains a film-building element and one or several active disinfectant substances. The film-building agent is characterised in that it contains (a) as film-building agent 10 to 100 g/l polyvinyl alcohol polymers or copolymers with a molar mass in a range from 18,000 to 200,000; (b) as active disinfectant substance 0.2 to 3 g/l iodine in the form of polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine and/or 5 to 50 g/l chlorhexidine; and (c) 2 to 50 g/l ether carboxylic acids of the general formula R-(OC2H4)n-OCH2-COOH, in which R stands for an alkyl radical with 4 to 10 C atoms and n for a number from 2 to 8. Preferably, the agent also contains thickeners and anionic or non-ionic surfactants. It is particularly suitable to protect the teats and udders of cows, ewes and goats after milking and forms a visible, mechanically resistant film.

11-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050109317D1

20-08-2009 дата публикации

Zwitterionische Guanidiniumverbindungen als selektive antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe

Номер: DE102008009591A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf Verbindungen entsprechend Formel I und/oder einem physiologischen Salz derselben und/oder stereoisomeren Formen derselben. $F1 R1-R5 können sein: a) ein Wasserstoffatom, b) (C1-C3)-Alkylrest, R6 kann sein: a) -(CH2)n-COO- mit n = 0-4, b) -(CH2)n-SO3- mit n = 0-4, c) ein Aminosäuresubstituent, dergestalt, dass die Aminogruppe der Aminosäure Teil eines Guanidinium-Derivats entsprechend Formel I bildet. Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich weiterhin auf Verbindungen entpsrechend Formel II und/oder einem physiologischen Salz derselben und/oder stereoisomeren Formen derselben. $F2 R1-R4 können sein: a) ein Wasserstoffatom, b) (C1-C3)-Alkylrest, R5 kann sein: a) ein Wassrstoffatom, b) (C1-C3)-Alkylrest, c) -(CH2)n-COO- mit n = 0-4, d) -(CH2)n-SO3- mit n = 0-4, R6 und R7 können unabhängig voneinander sein: a) ein Wasserstoffatom, b) (C1-C3)-Alkylrest, c) eine Hydroxylgruppe, d) -(CH2)n-COO- mit n = 0-4, ...

28-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003060827D1

08-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002653887A1

03-04-2003 дата публикации

Feste Formulierung

Номер: DE0010242403A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt eine feste Formulierung, umfassend (a) 10 bis 40 Gew.-% 1-Methyl-2-nitro-3-[(3-tetrahydrofuryl)methyl]guanidin, (b) 5 bis 30 Gew.-% wenigstens eines Carbonats, ausgewählt aus Natriumhydrogencarbonat, Natriumcarbonat und Kaliumcarbonat, (c) 5 bis 30 Gew.-% wenigstens einer festen Säure, ausgewählt aus Zitronensäure und Apfelsäure, und (d) 10 bis 80 Gew.-% Futter- und/oder Lockmittel für Fliegen, bereit, die leicht und dahin gehend einfach handhabbar ist, dass sie sich am Anwendungsort schnell auflöst.

24-05-2006 дата публикации

Disinfecting substrate, useful for cleaning and disinfection of hard surfaces, comprises a substrate of plastic and a preparation containing antimicrobial active substances

Номер: DE102004058143A1

Disinfecting substrate (I) comprises a substrate of plastic (a) and a preparation (b) containing one or more antimicrobial active substances (quaternary ammonium compounds, guanidine, alkyl amines and/or their derivatives, aldehydes and/or phenol). An independent claim is also included for the preparation of (I).

06-09-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001287684A

... 1287684 Weed control and defoliation CHEMIEKOMBINAT BITTERFELD VEB 16 March 1970 12610/70 Heading A5E Dicotyledonous weeds are combatted or defoliated by applying thereto one or more compounds of the formula: wherein R is H, -COCH 3 , -COCH 2 Cl, -COCH 2 -CH 3 , -COC 6 H 5 , -SO 2 CH 3 , -SO 2 CH 2 -CH 3 , or -SO 2 C 6 H 5 . Weedkiller compositions comprise one or more of the above compounds and a diluent or carrier therefor. Preferred compounds include dipotassium #- cyanoguanidodithiocarbonate and dipotassium #-cyano-(N-benzoyl-guanido)-dithiocarbonate.

28-08-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008617780D0

08-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009321537D0

01-06-2005 дата публикации

Fibres treated with antimicrobial agents

Номер: GB0002408516A

A composition for inhibiting the growth of microorganisms on non-cellulosic fibres having a moisture regain of & 5% comprising a self-cross linkable resin, a catalyst, an antimicrobial agent and water. Preferably, the non-cellulosic fibres are selected from polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, polyurethane and cellulose acetate. Preferably, the self-cross linkable resin is an amino resin, more preferably a formaldehyde condensate with urea or melamine, most preferably DMDHEU or DHDMEU. Preferably, the catalyst is selected from magnesium chloride, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulphate, ammonium salts of formic acid, boric acid, phosphoric acid, oxalic acid or most preferably poly(hexamethylene biguanide) hydrochloride. Preferably, the antimicrobial agent is selected from quaternary ammonium salts, biguanides and monoguanides. In another aspect, on non-cellulosic fibres carrying a composition comprising a self-cross linkable resin and an antimicrobial agent reacted with the resin.

02-12-1992 дата публикации

Antifungal 1,4-diaminobut-2-ene derivatives

Номер: GB2256142A

PCT No. PCT/GB92/00964 Sec. 371 Date Nov. 19, 1993 Sec. 102(e) Date Nov. 19, 1993 PCT Filed May 28, 1992 PCT Pub. No. WO92/21236 PCT Pub. Date Dec. 10, 1992Compounds having the formula (I) below:(R1R2N)CH2-CH=CH-CH2(NR3R4)(I)wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4, which may be the same or different represent hydrogen atoms, an alkyl group having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, a cycloalkyl group of 3 to 6 carbon atoms, a heterocyclic group, an aryl group, a heteroaryl group having from 3 to 6 atoms, an amidino group or R1, R2 and/or R3 and R4together represent a carbocyclic or heterocyclic group comprising from 3 to 6 atoms with the proviso that R1, R2, R3 and R4 cannot simultaneously represent hydrogen and salts thereof are fungicides especially mildewicides. Preferred compounds are those wherein the groups R represent methyl or ethyl groups.

22-11-2000 дата публикации

Method and compositions

Номер: GB0000024529D0

04-11-1981 дата публикации

Anti dandruff compostions containing biguanidines

Номер: GB0002074444A

Cosmetic agents for the control of head dandruff, containing customary cosmetic carrier substances and additives, and 1 to 5% by weight of salts of at least one biguanide derivative of the general formula wherein m is from 1 to 10 and n is from 1 to 6. Preferred salts include oligohexamethylene biguanide, oligotetramethylene biguanide and 1-methyl biguanide. Also preferred are the hydrochloride salts of biguanide derivatives. The agents may be in the form of shampoos, hair lotions, hair setting preparations, rinses, hair dressing gels and creams, hair oils, powders, or sprays. Customary carrier substances may be an ointment base, a powder, water, alcohol or water-alcohol mixtures. Customary cosmetic additives include resins, emulsifiers, thickeners, hair care substances, coloring agents, perfume oils, solid fillers, and propellants.

04-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008610541D0

06-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008411249D0

15-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008621934D0

18-01-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to rendering materials moth-proof

Номер: GB0000478398A

... 478,398. Mothproofing. STEPHENS, A. J. (Geigy Akt.-Ges., J. R.) Feb. 6, 1937, No. 3605. [A Specification was laid open to inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts, Aug. 9, 1937.] [Class 140] Materials such as wool, feathers, and pelts comprising animal fibres are rendered mothproof by treatment with a compound having in its molecule the five- or six-membered ring structure in which X is a ring-closing, one- or two-membered, saturated or unsaturated, substituted or unsubstituted carbon bridge, which may be also a member of further ring systems, and R is one of the groups -O-alkyl, -O-aralkyl, -NH2, -NH- alkyl, -NH- aryl, -NH- and -N =cycloalkyl, corresponding single or mixed substituted tertiary amino groups, ureido-, guanyl-, other nitrogen-containing radicals or ring systems, or single or substituted alkyl, aralkyl or aryl groups. Suitable compounds include tetronic acid-alpha-carboxylic acid ester, dehydracetic acid, alpha-acetobenzotetronic acid, dichlorbenzo- or benzotetronic acid-alpha-carboxylic ...

01-04-1981 дата публикации

Formamidine sulphite and disulphides and thiocarbamoyl guanidines having herbicidal activity, their preparation and use

Номер: GB0002057426A

A method of combatting weeds comprising applying to the soil pre- emergence and/or post-emergence of said weeds at a dosage rate of from 1 to 6 kg/ha one or more herbicide compounds having the general formula in which: each R represents a phenyl group which may be substituted by one or more substituents selected from halogen atoms, an alkyl group having one to three carbon atoms and a haloalkyl group having 1 to 3 carbon atoms, R<1> and R<2> independently represent an alkyl group having 1 to 3 carbon atoms, and alkoxyl group having 1 to 3 carbon atoms or R<1> and R<2> together form an alkylidenic chain of 4 or 5 carbon atoms which may be interrupted by a heteroatom, and n is 1 or 2. Many of the compounds of formulae (I) and (II) are new. The compounds may be prepared by the following reactions: ...

30-06-2003 дата публикации

Termite Control

Номер: AP0000001174A

The present invention is concerned with the control of harvester termites of the order isoptera and the species hodotermidae spp. By using bait compositions comprising agonists or antagonists of the nicotinergic receptors of insects and carriers form palitable grass or lucerne particles.

31-12-1998 дата публикации

Termite control

Номер: AP0009801424A0

30-08-1980 дата публикации

Process of fungicidal and bactericidal fight.

Номер: OA0000004760A

29-02-1988 дата публикации

Diphenyl ether herbicides.

Номер: OA0000008388A

31-03-1984 дата публикации

Fungicidal compositions.

Номер: OA0000007149A

31-12-1980 дата публикации

Process of purification of water and purified water obtained.

Номер: OA0000005009A

07-10-1997 дата публикации

Aids prophylactic lubricating composition and devices for its use

Номер: OA0000010215A

13-12-2006 дата публикации

Composition and proceeded of treatment of the banana tree.

Номер: OA0000013173A

24-12-1971 дата публикации

New derivatives of O-phénylenediamine, their preparation and the compositions which contain them.

Номер: OA0000003831A

31-12-1998 дата публикации

Termite control

Номер: AP0009801424D0

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000350443T

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT380470T

15-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA797476A

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA18182000A

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404056T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546163T

15-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000151597T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337023T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406181T

25-10-2001 дата публикации

Biocidal polymers from the polyoxyalkylene/guanidine hydrochloride series, and their preparation

Номер: AT0000408302B

The invention relates to biocidal polymers based on guanidine hydrochloride which are distinguished by the fact that they belong to the polyoxyalkylene/guanidine hydrochloride series and that they constitute a polycondensation product of guanidine hydrochloride and diamines which comprise polyoxyethylene chains between two amino groups. These novel polymer products not only display a potent bactericidal action, but also relatively low toxicity, an increased hydrophilicity, rapid and complete dissolution in water, increased relative molecular mass values, and pronounced properties of polymeric surface-active substances.

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405265T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505312A1

15-08-2014 дата публикации

Neue bioaktive Polymere

Номер: AT0000513858B1

The invention relates to new polycondensation products of aminoguanidine and/or 1,3-diaminoguanidine with one or more diamines, i.e. polyguanidine derivatives of formula (I) below: wherein X is selected from -NH2, aminoguanidino, and 1,3-diaminoguanidino; Y is selected from -H and -R1-NH2; or X and Y together stand for a chemical bond in order to produce a cyclic structure; R1 is selected from divalent organic groups having 2 to 20 carbon atoms, in which one or more carbon atoms are optionally replaced by O or N; a and b are 0 or 1, wherein a+b 2 if no 1,3-diaminoguanidine units are present; R2 is selected from -H and -NH2, wherein R2 is -NH2 if a+b = 0, R2 is -H or -NH2 if a+b = 1, and R2 is -H if a+b = 2; and n 2; or salts thereof. The invention further relates to a production method and various applications therefor.

15-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362773A

15-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000120352T

15-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000124841T

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084939T

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002295T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000050497A

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000111690T

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155647T

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157632T

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Articles Having Antimicrobial Properties And Methods of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20120148651A1
Автор: Min Yao, Samuel T. Amdur
Принадлежит: Medline Industries LP

According to one embodiment, a coagulant comprising calcium nitrate and an antimicrobial agent is disclosed. The coagulant may be used in the molding process to releasably bond the substrate material to the mold and to bond to the antimicrobial to the substrate material.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Disinfectant composition

Номер: US20130053439A1
Автор: Ulrich Kirschner
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a disinfectant composition (i) comprising a combination of citric acid or a physiologically acceptable salt thereof as component (A), and poly(hexamethylene-biguanide) (PHMB) or a physiologically acceptable salt thereof as component (B) and/or (ii) exhibiting a log reduction of staphylococcus aureus of at least 4.0 after a contact time of 5 minutes according to DIN EN 13727 and/or a growth inhibition of Candida and/or S. aureus and the use of said composition for the prevention and/or reduction and/or elimination and/or eradication of microbial contaminations in health care products.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Targeted performance of hypohalite systems thereof

Номер: US20130216293A1
Принадлежит: Clorox Co

This invention relates to extend the benefits of using hypochlorite compounds such as sodium hypochlorite to clean and disinfect articles while reducing or eliminating the side effects of treating an article with a strong oxidant material. The invention relates to a single step process involving mixing of precursor compositions of a suitable hypohalite or hypohalous acid with a solution of a reducing agent. Optionally a boiler may be present in either or both precursor compositions, such that at time of use such active hypohalous acid concentration, in the resulting aqueous mixture remains at a sufficient activity level to effect one or more desired benefits against a target substrate for a desired period of time. The oxidant is substantially consumed by reaction with the reducing agent after the time needed for achieving the desired benefit has passed.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231302A1
Автор: Abiaad George, Raad Issam

The present invention provides antimicrobial solutions that in certain cases comprise a biguanide and a glycol ether and, in some cases, optionally also includes combinations of at least one an alcohol, at least one chelator, glycerol, deoxycholate, and/or at least one alkylpolyglucoside. In certain aspects the invention comprises a biguanide and deoxycholate or a combination of chelator, ethanol, and alkylpolyglucoside. Also provided are methods for rapidly killing and/or reducing bacteria, fungi, or virus from surfaces, for example, including surfaces of indwelling medical devices and organic surfaces such as skin and sutures, and inorganic surfaces such as medical equipment, pipelines etc. 1. An antimicrobial composition comprising at least one biguanide and at least one glycol ether.3. The composition of claim 1 , comprising a biguanide claim 1 , a glycol ether claim 1 , and an alkylpolyglucoside.4. The composition of claim 1 , comprising a biguanide claim 1 , a alkylpolyglucoside claim 1 , a chelator claim 1 , and an alcohol.5. The composition of claim 1 , comprising a biguanide claim 1 , a glycol ether claim 1 , and deoxycholate.6. The composition of claim 1 , comprising a biguanide claim 1 , a glycol ether claim 1 , an alkylpolyglucoside claim 1 , and deoxycholate.7. The composition of claim 2 , wherein R is a C-Calkyl.8. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the alkylpolyglucoside is selected from the group consisting of capryl glucoside claim 2 , decyl glucoside claim 2 , coco-glucoside claim 2 , and lauryl glucoside.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the biguanide is selected from the group consisting of chlorhexidine claim 1 , alexidine claim 1 , hexamidine.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the glycol ether is dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the chelator is selected from the group of chelators consisting of EDTA free acid claim 1 , EDTA 2Na claim 1 , EDTA 3Na claim 1 , EDTA 4Na claim 1 , EDTA 2K claim 1 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253212A1

Tissue matrices having anti-microbial properties are provided. In certain embodiments, the tissue matrices include cationic anti-microbial agents that form a stable bond with the tissue matrices without adversely affecting the biologic properties of the tissue matrices. 171-. (canceled)72. A modified tissue matrix prepared by a process comprising:selecting an acellular dermal matrix; andcontacting the acellular dermal matrix with an aqueous solution comprising at least one cationic anti-microbial agent selected from benzethonium chloride, chlorhexidine, benzalkonium chloride, silver, silver nitrate, poly-hexa-methylene biguanide hydrochloride, cationic peptides, and quaternary ammonium compounds,wherein the antimicrobial agent stably binds to the acellular dermal matrix by passive adsorption, and wherein the aqueous solution is non-denaturing.73. The modified tissue matrix of claim 72 , wherein the antimicrobial agent n the aqueous solution is chlorhexidine.74. The modified tissue matrix of claim 73 , wherein the chlorhexidine is present in the aqueous solution at a concentration ranging from about 0.002% to about 0.2% weight/volume (w/v).75. The modified tissue matrix of claim 73 , wherein the chlorhexidine is present in the aqueous solution at a concentration ranging from about 0.043% to about 0.096% w/v.76. The modified tissue matrix of claim 72 , wherein the antimicrobial agent in the aqueous solution is silver nitrate.77. The modified tissue matrix of claim 76 , wherein the silver nitrate is present in the aqueous solution at a concentration ranging from about 0.0005% to about 0.1% w/v.78. The modified tissue matrix of claim 76 , wherein the silver nitrate is present in the aqueous solution at a concentration ranging from about 0.001% to about 0.005% w/v.79. The modified tissue matrix of claim 72 , wherein the aqueous solution comprises a combination of at least two cationic anti-microbial agents.80. The modified tissue matrix of claim 79 , wherein the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072546A1
Автор: Arthur Karen, Stroh Jay
Принадлежит: Valent U.S.A. Corporation

The invention provides a method of enhancing insecticidal seed treatment efficacy comprising combining a neonicotinoid and a strain of . The invention also provides a composition comprising a neonicotinoid and a strain of 1Bacillus thuringiensis.. An agricultural composition comprising a neonicotinoid and a strain of2. An agricultural composition of claim 1 , wherein the neonicotionid is clothianidin.3Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis.. An agricultural composition of claim 1 , wherein the strain of is of the subspecies4Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis. An agricultural composition of claim 1 , wherein the strain of is subspecies claim 1 , strain AM65-52.5. A method of enhancing insecticidal seed treatment efficacy comprising applying an effective amount of the composition of to a seed.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the neonicotinoid is clothianidin.7Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis.. The method of claim 5 , wherein the strain of is of the subspecies8Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis. The method of claim 5 , wherein the strain of is subspecies claim 5 , strain AM65-52.9Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis. The method of claim 5 , wherein the neonicotinoid is clothianidin and the strain of is subspecies claim 5 , strain AM65-52.10. A method of controlling Dipteran larvae comprising applying a larvicidally-effective amount of the composition of to a seed.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the Dipteran larvae are sugarbeet root maggots.12. The method of claim 10 , wherein the seeds are sugarbeet seeds.13Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis. A method of increasing sugarbeet yield by applying clothianidin and subspecies claim 10 , strain AM65-52 to sugarbeet seeds claim 10 , wherein:i. the amount of clothianidin is from about 0.25% to about 75% by weight of total formulation; and{'i': Bacillus thuringiensis', 'israelensis, 'ii. the amount of subspecies , strain AM65-52 is from about 1 to about 600,000 international toxic units (ITU) per milligram (mg).'}14. The method of ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088198A1
Автор: Pirotte Alan
Принадлежит: AGRIPHAR S.A.

Agrochemical compositions are described which contain a carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine and a compatibility agent for slowing down the dissociation reaction of the carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine in an aqueous medium. Also, the formation of anionic dodecylguanidine is suppressed or prevented. The ratio of the dodecylguanidine acetate to that of the compatibility agent in the agricultural compositions is below 5.0, preferably between 3.0 and 0.5, more preferably equals 1.4. 1. Agrochemical composition comprising a carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine and a compatibility agent for slowing down the dissociation reaction of the carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine in an aqueous medium thereby suppressing or preventing the formation of anionic dodecylguanidine , wherein , the ratio of the dodecylguanidine acetate to that of the compatibility agent in the composition is below 5.0 , preferably between 3.0 and 0.5 , more preferably equals 1.4.2. Agrochemical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine is dodecylguanidine acetate (dodine) and the compatibility agent is an alkali metal acetate or earth alkali metal acetate claim 1 , preferably sodium acetate.3. Agrochemical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the agrochemical composition is in the form of wettable granules claim 1 , a wettable powder or a suspension concentrate.4. Agrochemical composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises an anionic surfactant claim 1 , preferably an alkylnaphthalene sulphonate.5. Tank-mix prepared by mixing water claim 1 , an agrochemical composition comprising a carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine claim 1 , preferably dodecylguanidine acetate (dodine) claim 1 , a compatibility agent for slowing down the dissociation reaction of the carboxylic acid salt of dodecylguanidine in an aqueous medium thereby suppressing or preventing the formation of anionic dodecylguanidine claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Compositions, Methods and Uses for Cleaning, Disinfecting and/or Sterilizing

Номер: US20190000086A1

The present specification discloses a composition comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of hypochlorous acid or free available chlorine and one or more disinfectants, a composition comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of hypochlorous acid or free available chlorine, one or more disinfectants and one or more surfactants, a composition comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of hypochlorous acid or free available chlorine and one or more surfactants, a composition comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of one or more guanide-containing compound and one or more alcohols, kits comprising, consisting essentially of, or consisting of a disclosed composition, as well as methods and uses to clean, disinfect and/or sterilize a device using such compositions, methods and uses to clean, disinfect and/or sterilize a surface area using such compositions, methods and uses to clean, disinfect and/or sterilize a microbial infection in an individual using such compositions. 1. A composition comprising one or more biguanide-containing compounds and one or more alcohols.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more biguanide-containing compounds comprise one claim 1 , two claim 1 , three claim 1 , four or five biguanide functional groups.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more biguanide-containing compounds include a polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) claim 1 , polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,1′-(1 claim 1 ,6-Hexanediyl)bis{2-[N′-(2-ethylhexyl)carbamimidoyl]guanidine} (alexidine) claim 1 , chlorhexidine claim 1 , chlorhexidine gluconate claim 1 , or any combination thereof.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more alcohols include methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , isopropanol claim 1 , butanol claim 1 , pentanol claim 1 , or 1-hexadecanol.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more alcohols are ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000733A1
Автор: Chakroborty Arjun
Принадлежит: AVA, Inc.

A stable and safe skin antiseptic solution comprises chlorhexidine, pharmaceutically acceptable salts of chlorhexidine (e.g. chlorhexidine digluconate), or a mixture thereof, dimethyl lauramide/myristamide, and water. Said solution is essentially free of coconut oil diethanolamine concentrate (“cocamide DEA”), a known carcinogen. The active antiseptic ingredient, chlorhexidine (or its salts), is a di(4-chlorophenyldiguanido) compound. The functions of dimethyl lauramide/myristamide in said solution include, but not limited to, an aesthetics enhancer, a foam stabilizer, a solubilizer, and a fragrance. Said solution is specifically formulated to be safe with a reduced risk of carcinogenicity, and be capable of producing a stable and long lasting foam. The active antiseptic agent is evenly distributed in said solution and in said foam, respectively. 1. A foaming disinfecting composition , comprising:(a) up to about 21% by weight of an antiseptic agent;(b) up to about 10% by weight of dimethyl lauramide/myristamide;(c) from about 5% to about 95% by weight of water;(d) optionally from about 0.00005% to about 5% by weight of a fragrance; and(e) optionally from about 0.00005% to about 1% by weight of a colorant.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the antiseptic agent includes chlorhexidine digluconate.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein chlorhexidine digluconate is present in an amount from about 0.5% by weight to about 5% by weight claim 2 , and wherein dimethyl lauramide/myristamide is present in any amount by weight.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein a foam is produced having a density of about 0.1 g/cc to about 1.5 g/cc and/or average bubble number distribution of about 1.0×10/cc to about 1.0×10/cc producing stable foaming.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein a foam is produced having a density of about 0.25±0.05 g/cc and/or average bubble number distribution of 5.0×10±1.0×10/cc producing stable foaming over at least 15 minutes.6. The composition of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007592A1
Автор: Iuchi Seiji, Takabe Rie

Water dispersible granules are provided containing (a) an agrochemical active ingredient that is solid at 25° C., (b) a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether phosphate or its salt, (c) at least one anionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of arylsulfonates or their formaldehyde condensates, ligninsulfonates, and polycarboxylates, and (d) lactose. The granules are water dispersible granules having good disintegrability and dispersibility in water and also having good storage stability. The water dispersible granules can be disintegrated and dispersed in a small amount of water. Accordingly, the water dispersible granules can be mixed with paste fertilizers to produce agrochemical-containing paste fertilizers, which can also be used in paddy fields and are useful water dispersible granules. 1. Water dispersible granules , comprising:(a) an agrochemical active ingredient that is solid at 25° C.;(b) a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether phosphate or its salt;(c) at least one anionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of arylsulfonates or their formaldehyde condensates, ligninsulfonates, and polycarboxylates; and(d) lactose.2. The water dispersible granules according to claim 1 , comprising:1 to 80 wt % of (a) the agrochemical active ingredient that is solid at 25° C.;0.1 to 10 wt % of (b) the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether phosphate or its salt;0.1 to 20 wt % of the total of (c) the at least one anionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of arylsulfonates or their formaldehyde condensates, ligninsulfonates, and polycarboxylates; and10 to 98.8 wt % of (d) lactose.3. The water dispersible granules according to claim 2 , comprising:0.1 to 10 wt % of the total of (c) the at least one anionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of arylsulfonates or their formaldehyde condensates, ligninsulfonates, and polycarboxylates.4. The water dispersible granules according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of (b) the polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether phosphate or ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007610A1
Автор: Oliver Dana A., Wen Jie

A method for detaching, removing or otherwise disrupting bacteria or biofilm by applying with pressure an antimicrobial wash. The antimicrobial wash contains a biguanide compound or mixtures thereof. 1. A method for removing biofilm comprising:applying with pressure an antimicrobial wash comprising a biguanide compound or mixtures thereof to a biofilm attached or adhered to a surface of a human or animal tissue, or on an implant device; anddetaching, removing or otherwise disrupting at least a part of the biofilm.2. The method according to wherein the pressure is about 30 claim 1 ,000 Pascal to 480 claim 1 ,000 Pascal.3. The method according to wherein the human or animal tissue is a nasal or sinus cavity.4. The method according to wherein the human or animal tissue is a middle or inner ear.5. The method according to wherein the biguanide is about 0.005 wt % to about 0.5 wt % of the total wash.6. The method according to wherein the biguanide is about 0.025 wt % to about 0.2 wt % of the total wash.7. The method according to wherein the biguanide is a polybiguanide.8. The method according to wherein the polybiguanide is a polyhexamethylenebiguanide or salts thereof and combinations thereof.9Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzaeMoraxella catarrhalis. The method according to wherein applying to the biofilm causes a greater than 1-log order reduction in a population of one or more or bacteria.10Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli Staphylococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzaeMoraxella catarrhalis. The method according to wherein applying to the biofilm causes greater than a 2-log order reduction in a population of one or more or bacteria.11Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli Staphylococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzaeMoraxella catarrhalis. The method ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007910A1
Автор: Ramaekers Lara

The current invention concerns a composition comprising an effective amount of a dodecylguanidine or salt thereof, preferably dodine, for use in the treatment of on citrus. The invention also concerns a method of treating on citrus by applying a composition comprising a dodecylguanidine or salt thereof, preferably dodine, in an effective dose and the use of a composition comprising an effective amount of a dodecylguanidine or salt thereof, preferably dodine, for the treatment of on citrus. 1Alternaria. An agrochemical composition comprising an effective amount of a dodecylguanidine or salt thereof as the active ingredient for use in the treatment of on a citrus plant.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dodecylguanidine or salt thereof comprises dodine as the only active ingredient in the composition.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a suspension concentrate.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a wettable powder or a water dispersible granule formulation.5. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein said dodine has a median particle diameter (d) of 7 μm to 20 μm.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition:a) 40 to 80% of a dodecylguanidine or salt thereof;b) 0 to 10% of an anti-freeze compound;c) 1 to 10% of a wetting agent and/or a dispersing agent;d) 0 to 5% of an antifoaming agent;e) 0 to 5% of a thickener;f) 0 to 5% of a preservative; andg) remainder water.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises an ethoxylated alkylamine and an acrylate graft polymer.8Alternaria. A method for controlling a plant disease claim 1 , which comprises applying an effective amount of a composition comprising dodecylguanidine or salt thereof to a plant claim 1 , wherein said plant disease is and said plant is a citrus plant.9. The method according to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007915A1

Disclosed are seed treatment compositions that include: (a) an aqueous polyurethane dispersion; and (b) an insecticide, a fungicide, a nematicide, and/or other pesticides. Also disclosed are seeds treated with such a treatment compositions and methods for treating a seed using such treatment composition. 1. A seed treatment composition comprising:(A) an aqueous polyurethane dispersion; and [{'sup': '2', '(a) a microhardness of no more than 15 N/mm,'}, {'sub': 'g', '(b) a glass transition temperature, Tof −54° C. to −4° C.,'}, '(c) a percent elongation of 44 to 820, and', {'sup': 2', '2, '(d) a tensile strength of 130 lb/in(0.9 MPa) to 1300 lb/in(9.0 MPa).'}], '(B) one or more insecticides, fungicides, nematicides and/or other pesticides, wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion forms a film exhibiting2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion forms a film exhibiting:{'sup': '2', '(a) a microhardness of no more than 15 N/mm,'}{'sub': 'g', '(b) a glass transition temperature, Tof −54° C. to −35° C.,'}(c) a percent elongation of 250 to 700, and{'sup': 2', '2, '(d) a tensile strength of 130 lb/in(0.9 MPa) to 1000 lb/in(6.9 MPa).'}3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion comprises one or more polyurethanes that are the reaction product of reactants comprising:(i) a polyisocyanate;(ii) a polymeric polyol having a number average molecular weight of 400 to 8,000 g/mol;(iii) a compound comprising at least one isocyanate-reactive group and an anionic group or potentially anionic group;(iv) optionally a mono functional polyalkylene ether;(v) optionally a polyol having a molecular weight of less than <400 g/mol, and(vi) optionally a polyamine or amino alcohol having a molecular weight of from 32 to 400 g/mol.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous polyurethane dispersion comprises:(A) an anionic/non-ionic polyester polyurethane comprising a reaction product of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (vi).5. ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024993A1

Compositions and methods for controlling pests are provided. The methods involve transforming organisms with a nucleic acid sequence encoding an insecticidal protein. In particular, the nucleic acid sequences are useful for preparing plants and microorganisms that possess insecticidal activity. Thus, transformed bacteria, plants, plant cells, plant tissues and seeds are provided. Compositions are insecticidal nucleic acids and proteins of bacterial species. The sequences find use in the construction of expression vectors for subsequent transformation into organisms of interest including plants, as probes for the isolation of other homologous (or partially homologous) genes. The pesticidal proteins find use in controlling, inhibiting growth or killing Lepidopteran, Coleopteran, Dipteran, fungal, Hemipteran and nematode pest populations and for producing compositions with insecticidal activity. 1. A recombinant insecticidal polypeptide having at least 80% sequence identity to the amino acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID Nos: 3-39 , wherein the recombinant insecticidal polypeptide has insecticidal activity.2. The recombinant insecticidal polypeptide of claim 1 , wherein recombinant insecticidal polypeptide is joined to a heterologous signal sequence or a transit sequence.3. The recombinant insecticidal polypeptide of claim 1 , wherein the amino acid sequence comprises a variant of SEQ ID NO: 4 claim 1 , and wherein the amino acid at position 6 is F claim 1 , M claim 1 , or P; the amino acid at position 48 is R claim 1 , E claim 1 , L claim 1 , A claim 1 , F claim 1 , or Y; the amino acid at position 80 is V claim 1 , L claim 1 , S claim 1 , M claim 1 , A claim 1 , or T; the amino acid at position 132 is S claim 1 , G claim 1 , or E; the amino acid at position 179 is A claim 1 , E claim 1 , S claim 1 , or G; the amino acid at position 278 is A claim 1 , V claim 1 , or G; any amino acid substitution identified in Table 8; or any combination thereof.4. A composition ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Active Compound Combinations Containing Fluopyram and Biological Control Agent

Номер: US20150011389A1
Автор: Hellwege Elke

The present invention relates to active compound combinations for reducing the damage of plants and plant parts as well as losses in harvested fruits or vegetables caused by insects, nematodes or phytopathogens and which have fungicidal or nematicidal or insecticidal activity including any combination of the three activities, in particular within a composition, which comprises (A) Fluopyram and (B) one biological control agent, in particular bacteria, fungi or yeasts, protozoa, viruses, entomopathogenic nematodes, inoculants, botanicals and products produced by microorganisms including proteins or secondary metabolites. Moreover, the invention relates to a method for curatively or preventively controlling insects, nematodes or phytopathogens on the plant, plant parts, harvested fruits or vegetables, to the use of a combination according to the invention for the treatment of seed, to a method for protecting a seed and not at least to the treated seed. 1. Active compound combination comprising:(A) Fluopyram,and(B) one biological control agent selected from the group consisting of(B1) bacteria,(B2) fungi or yeasts,(B3) protozoas,(B4) viruses,(B5) entomopathogenic nematode,(B6) inoculants,(B7) botanicals, and{'i': 'Erwinia amylovora', '(B8.1) Harpin (produced by ).'}2. Active compound combination according to claim 1 , wherein the combination has fungicidal and nematicidal and optionally insecticidal activity.3. Active compound combinations according to claim 1 , wherein (B) is selected from the group consisting of (B1) bacteria including spore-forming claim 1 , root-colonizing bacteria claim 1 , or bacteria useful as biofungicide claim 1 , bioinsecticide or nematicide selected from the group consisting of {'i': Bacillus agri', 'Bacillus aizawai', 'Bacillus albolactis', 'Bacillus coagulans', 'Bacillus endoparasiticus', 'Bacillus endorhythmos', 'Bacillus azotoformans', 'Bacillus kurstaki', 'Bacillus lacticola', 'Bacillus lactimorbus', 'Bacillus lactis', 'Bacillus ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030860A1

A composition. The composition includes a compound of Formula (I) HOCH—(═CHOH═)—CH2NRR(I) wherein Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, C(O)R, and SOR, wherein at least one of Rand Ris C(O)Ror SOR, Rand Rare selected from the group consisting of an alkyl group having seven carbon atoms, an alkyl group having eight carbon atoms, and an alkyl group having nine carbon atoms, and n is an integer from about 2 to about wherein a concentration of the compound of Formula (I) is more than its critical micelle concentration; and an antimicrobial agent selected from the group consisting of a biguanide antimicrobial agent and a polymeric, cationic, non-micelle forming antimicrobial material; wherein a concentration of the antimicrobial agent is no more than 5 wt %. 1. A composition , comprising: {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'n, 'sup': 1', '2, 'HOCH—(═CHOH═)—CH2NRR\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'a compound of Formula (I)'}{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4, 'sub': '2', 'wherein Rand Rare independently selected from the group consisting of a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, C(O)R, and SOR;'}{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '3', '4, 'sub': '2', 'wherein at least one of Rand Ris C(O)Ror SOR, Rand Rare selected from the group consisting of an alkyl group having seven carbon atoms, an alkyl group having eight carbon atoms, and an alkyl group having nine carbon atoms, and n is an integer from about 2 to about 5;'}wherein a concentration of the compound of Formula (I) is more than its critical micelle concentration; andan antimicrobial agent selected from the group consisting of a biguanide antimicrobial agent and a polymeric, cationic, non-micelle forming antimicrobial material;wherein a concentration of the antimicrobial agent is no more than 5 wt %.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the compound of Formula (I) is more than 120% of its critical micelle concentration .3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013838A1

The invention relates to antiviral agents and specifically to synthetic biologically-active derivatives, and can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, in medicine, in plant husbandry and in biotechnology. The antiviral agent is based on poly-N1-hydrazino(imino)methyl-1,6-hexanediamine-poly-N1-amino(imino)methyl-1,6-hexane diamine of general formula (1), 1. An antiviral agent based on poly-N1-hydrazino(imino)methyl-1,6-hexanediamine-poly-N1-amino(imino)methyl-1,6-hexanediamine of general formula:where: HX—acid, n=3-20, m=4-20, active against non-enveloped and enveloped viruses containing RNA or DNA in humans, animals, plants, bacteria and fungi. The invention relates to antiviral agents and specifically to synthetic biologically-active derivatives, and can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, in medicine, in plant husbandry and in biotechnology.The present substance is active against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses containing RNA or DNA, and is capable to inactivate these viruses both in intracellular and extracellular locations.Viral infections are one of the most serious problems of modern medicine. For most viral infections there are either no treatments, or they are extremely difficult to treat. This is due to lack of efficiency of existing drugs and variability of pathogens, leading to the emergence of resistant forms. Similar problems are relevant for veterinary medicine and agriculture. There are even fewer drugs active against viruses in extracellular locations, which is due to the complete absence of metabolism in viruses, which is the main target of antimicrobial drugs.Viruses consisting of organic molecules are not living organisms, have no cellular structure, no metabolism, which makes them extremely resistant to various impacts, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals.The number of viruses that cause diseases in humans, animals and plants is continuously increasing, mainly due to improvement of the methods for their detection and due to their ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Antimicrobial Adhesives Having Improved Properties

Номер: US20200016291A1
Автор: Wibaux Anne Marie

Adhesive compositions exhibiting antimicrobial properties, good stability, long shelf lives and enhanced release of antimicrobial agents are described. In certain versions, the compositions also exhibit relatively high fluid handling capacities. The adhesive compositions inhibit microbial growth by more than 2 log after 24 hours contact and particularly more than 3.5 log after 6 hours contact. Also described are various medical articles using such adhesives and related methods. 1. An antimicrobial adhesive composition comprising chlorhexidine and at least one non-gelling disintegrant;wherein the adhesive composition inhibits microbial growth by more than 2 log throughout a 7-day contact time period;wherein at least one non-gelling disintegrant is microcrystalline cellulose; andwherein the non-gelling disintegrant is 15% to 45% of the antimicrobial adhesive composition.2. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive composition exhibits a static absorption of at least about 5 g/m2/24 hours.3. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive composition also exhibits a moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) of at least 400 g/m2/24 hours.5. The medical article of wherein the adhesive composition exhibits a static absorption of at least about 5 g/m2/24 hours.6. The medical article of wherein the adhesive composition also exhibits a moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) of at least 400 g/m2/24 hours.8. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive composition is a pressure sensitive adhesive.9. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive component comprises an acrylic-based adhesive.10. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive component comprises a silicone-based adhesive.11. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive component comprises a rubber-based adhesive.12. The adhesive composition of wherein the adhesive component comprises a polyurethane-based adhesive.13. The adhesive composition of further comprising at least one agent selected ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160021887A1
Автор: Wei Zhongmin

The present invention relates to a method of increasing yield of a plant. This method involves applying to a plant and/or area of cultivation thiophanate methyl and an isolated hypersensitive response elicitor protein or polypeptide fragment, wherein said applying is carried out under conditions effective to induce a synergistic yield from the plant. The present invention also relates to a composition comprising a liquid or solid carrier, thiophanate methyl, and an isolated hypersensitive response elicitor protein or polypeptide fragment. 1. A composition comprising a liquid or solid carrier , thiophanate methyl , and an isolated hypersensitive response elicitor harpin protein or polypeptide fragment.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is a liquid carrier.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carrier is a solid carrier.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a solution claim 1 , emulsion claim 1 , suspension claim 1 , dust claim 1 , powder claim 1 , paste claim 1 , or granule.5. The composition according to further comprising:an effective amount of an additional insecticide, an additional fungicide, an herbicide, a plant growth regulator, or a combination thereof.6. The composition according to claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises an effective amount of an herbicide selected from glyphosate claim 5 , dicamba claim 5 , glufosinate claim 5 , agriculturally acceptable salts and esters thereof claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hypersensitive response elicitor harpin protein or polypeptide fragment is recombinant.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hypersensitive response elicitor harpin protein or polypeptide fragment comprises a full-length hypersensitive response elicitor harpin protein.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hypersensitive response elicitor harpin protein or polypeptide ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021044A1

The present invention relates to a disinfection composition, particularly for lasting disinfection of synthetic fibres, synthetic surfaces, metallic surfaces and composite surfaces, and similar surfaces, said disinfection composition comprising at least one disinfectant, at least one fat- and residue-removing component, at least one additional protection component and additional components which are compatible with the above components and have low or no toxicity. The invention further relates to a disinfection method, to a specific tooth brush disinfection protocol and finally, to a corresponding disinfection product. 1. Disinfection composition for surfaces , wherein the composition comprises:(i) at least one disinfection component,(ii) at least one fat and residues removal component,(iii) at least one additional protection component, and(iv) additional components compatible with components i, ii and iii and having reduced or zero toxicity.2. Disinfection composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein at least one disinfection component is a chlorhexidine-based component claim 1 , in which the chlorhexidine content of the composition is from 0.1 vol % to 20 vol %.3. Disinfection composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein at least one fat and residues removal component is an alkylpolyglycoside-based component claim 1 , in which the alkylpolyglycosides content of the composition is from 0.5 vol % to 12 vol %.4. Disinfection composition claim 3 , according to claim 3 , wherein the alkylpolyglycosides are decylpolyglycosides or laurylpolyglycosides or a combination of these.5. Disinfection composition claim 3 , according to claim 3 , wherein the fat and residues removal component removes of fat claim 3 , dentifrice debris claim 3 , food debris claim 3 , organic tissue claim 3 , saliva claim 3 , soaps claim 3 , shampoos claim 3 , and rinses.6. Disinfection composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein at least one additional protection component ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Agents for Combating Plant Pests

Номер: US20140107112A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

The present invention relates to compositions for controlling plant pests, which contain the compound of the formula (I) 2. Compositions according to claim 1 , characterized in that the active compound combinations contain from 0.1 to 10 parts by weight of at least one fungicidal active compound per part by weight of active compound of the formula (I).3. Process for controlling fungi and insects claim 1 , characterized in that active compound combinations according to are allowed to act on the fungi claim 1 , insects and/or their habitat.4. Use of active compound combinations according to for controlling fungi and insects.5. Process for preparing compositions according to claim 1 , characterized in that active compound combinations according to are mixed with extenders and/or surfactants. The present invention relates to pesticides which comprise an active compound combination of the compound of the formula (I)with fungicides.Fungicidally active compounds, such as azole derivatives, aryl benzyl ethers, benzamide, morpholine compounds and other heterocycles, are known (cf. K. H. Büchel “Pflanzenschutz und Schädlingsbekämpfung”, pages 140 to 153, Georg Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart 1977, EP published specification 0 040 345, German Offenlegungsschrift 2 324 010, German Offenlegungsschrift 2 201 063, EP published specification 0 112 284, EP published specification 0 304 758 and DD patent specification 140 412).Mixtures of certain nitromethylene derivatives with fungicidally active compounds and their use as pesticides in crop protection are already known (U.S. Pat. No. 4,731,385; JP published specifications 63-68507, 63/68505; 63/72 608; 63/72 609, 63/72 610, WO 96/03 045, Japanese patent specification 08 245 323, Japanese patent specification 04 368 303, Japanese patent specification 05 017 311, WO 92/21 241. WO 97/22 254). Mixtures of certain open-chain nitromethylenes and nitroguanidines with fungicides are already known (Japanese published specification 3047 106; U.S. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022453A1
Принадлежит: The Clorox Company

This invention relates to extend the benefits of using hypochlorite compounds such as sodium hypochlorite to clean and disinfect articles while reducing or eliminating the side effects of treating an article with a strong oxidant material. The invention relates to a single step process involving mixing of precursor compositions of a suitable hypohalite or hypohalous acid with a solution of a reducing agent. Optionally a buffer may be present in either or both precursor compositions, such that at time of use such active hypohalous acid concentration in the resulting aqueous mixture remains at a sufficient activity level to effect one or more desired benefits against a target substrate for a desired period of time. The oxidant is substantially consumed by reaction with the reducing agent after the time needed for achieving the desired benefit has passed. 1. A method for treating a surface , the method comprising: an oxidant first part comprising a hypohalous acid or a hypohalite; and', wherein the first and second parts are initially separate;', 'wherein a molar ratio of the reductant to the oxidant is 0.5:1 to about 1:1; and, 'a reductant second part comprising a guanidine hydrochloride,'}], 'providing a two-part composition comprisingmixing the oxidant first part with the reductant second part to form a mixed composition, wherein the mixed composition has a pH from 8.5 to 11; andcontacting the mixed composition with a surface to provide oxidizing benefits to the surface whereby the oxidant is reduced by the reductant to prevent damage caused by prolonged exposure to the hypohalous acid or the hypohalite.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hypohalous acid or the hypohalite comprises from about 0.001% to about 10% by weight of the two-part composition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hypohalous acid or the hypohalite comprises from about 0.005% to about 5% by weight of the two-part composition.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hypohalous acid or the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022455A1

The present invention relates to a disinfection composition, particularly for lasting disinfection of synthetic fibres, synthetic surfaces, metallic surfaces and composite surfaces, and similar surfaces, said disinfection composition comprising at least one disinfectant, at least one fat- and residue-removing component, at least one additional protection component and additional components which are compatible with the above components and have low or no toxicity. The invention further relates to a disinfection method, to a specific tooth brush disinfection protocol and finally, to a corresponding disinfection product. 1. Disinfection composition for surfaces wherein the composition comprises:(i) at least one disinfection component,(ii) at least one fat and residues removal component,(iii) at least one additional protection component, and(iv) additional components compatible with components i, ii and iii and having reduced or zero toxicity.2. Disinfection composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein at least one disinfection component is a chlorhexidine-based component claim 1 , in which the chlorhexidine content of the composition is from 0.1 vol % to 20 vol %.3. Disinfection composition claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein at least one fat and residues removal component is an enzymatic detergent-based component comprising enzymatic detergents claim 1 , in which the enzymatic detergents content of the composition is from 0.1 vol % to 20 vol %.4. Disinfection composition claim 3 , according to claim 3 ,wherein the enzymatic detergent is selected from the group consisting of amylase claim 3 , lipase claim 3 , protease and carbohydrase claim 3 , either alone or in a composition.5. Disinfection composition claim 3 , according to claim 3 , wherein the fat and residues removal component removes of fat claim 3 , dentifrice debris claim 3 , food debris claim 3 , organic tissue claim 3 , saliva claim 3 , soaps claim 3 , shampoos claim 3 , and rinses.6. ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for Inactivating Viruses With Slightly Acidic Arginine

Номер: US20140107207A1
Принадлежит: AJINOMOTO CO., INC.

The present invention provides a method for conveniently producing a protein formulation in which viruses are inactivated, without impairing the quality of the obtained protein formulation, characterized by including the step of exposing the protein formulation contaminated with the viruses to a 0.1-2M aqueous solution of arginine, an arginine derivative, or a mixture thereof, the aqueous solution being adjusted to pH 3.5 to 5. The present invention also provides a virus inactivation method characterized by including the step of contacting a virus-containing object with a 0.1-2M aqueous solution of arginine, an arginine derivative, or a mixture thereof, the aqueous solution being adjusted to pH 3.5 to 5. 1. A method for producing a protein formulation in which lipid-enveloped viruses are inactivated , comprising:A) preparing an aqueous solution containing 0.1 to 2 M of arginine, an arginine derivative, or a mixture thereof, andB) exposing a protein formulation contaminated with one or more lipid-enveloped viruses to an amount of the aqueous solution sufficient to inactivate the lipid-enveloped viruses, wherein the pH of the resultant solution is in the range of between 4 and 5.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the arginine derivative is an acylated arginine.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the acylated arginine is selected from the group consisting of Nα-acetyl-L-arginine claim 2 , Nα-butyroyl-L-arginine claim 2 , Nα-pivaloyl-L-arginine claim 2 , Nα-valeroyl-L-arginine claim 2 , and Nα-caproyl-L-arginine.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the arginine or the arginine derivative in the aqueous solution is 0.15 to 2 M.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the protein formulation comprises a humanized antibody or a human antibody.6. A method for inactivating lipid-enveloped viruses present in a protein formulation comprising:A) preparing an aqueous solution comprising 0.1 to 2 M of arginine, an arginine derivative, or a mixture thereof, andB) ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029632A1

A citrus preservative includes 0.05%-0.5% of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride, 0.05%-0.2% of benzimidazole bactericide, 0.02%-0.15% of polyethenoxy and the balance water. 1. A citrus preservative , characterized in that calculated based on 100% total mass fraction , the citrus preservative comprises 0.05%-0.5% of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride , 0.05%-0.2% of benzimidazole bactericide , 0.02%-0.15% of polyethenoxy ether and the balance water.2. The citrus preservative according to claim 1 , characterized in that the mass fraction of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride is 0.1%-0.5%.3. The citrus preservative according to claim 2 , characterized in that the mass fraction of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride is 0.25%-0.5%.4. The citrus preservative according to claim 1 , characterized in that the benzimidazole bactericide is tecto.5. The citrus preservative according to claim 2 , characterized in that the benzimidazole bactericide is tecto.6. The citrus preservative according to claim 3 , characterized in that the benzimidazole bactericide is tecto. This application is a divisional application of and claims the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/885,165, filed May 14, 2013, which is a 371 of International Application No. PCT/CN2010/078754, filed Nov. 15, 2010.1. Field of the InventionThe invention belongs to the field of storage of fruits and specifically relates to an application of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride in the control of citrus sour rot and a citrus preservative.2. Description of the Prior ArtCitrus is the first major fruit around the world, and is cultivated in 138 countries with the area of about 6.67 million hectares and the annual total output of more than one hundred million tons, wherein the annual total output accounts for 22% of the total output of fruits around the world. According to statistics, in 2008, the citrus cultivation area in China achieved 30.45 million mus, the total output was 23. ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031738A1
Принадлежит: University of Massachusetts

The present invention provides compounds, or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, for inhibiting the growth of a microbe; treating a mammal having a microbial infection, mucositis, an ophthalmic infection, an otic infection, a cancer, or a infection; inhibiting the growth of a species; modulating an immune response in a mammal; or antagonizing unfractionated heparin, low molecular weight heparin, or a heparin/low molecular weight heparin derivative. 211-. (canceled)1388-. (canceled)89. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of claim 1 , or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof claim 1 , and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.90. The composition of further comprising an excipient chosen from purified water claim 89 , propylene glycol claim 89 , polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 400 claim 89 , glycerin claim 89 , DMA claim 89 , ethanol claim 89 , benzyl alcohol claim 89 , citric acid/sodium citrate (pH3) claim 89 , citric acid/sodium citrate (pH5) claim 89 , tris(hydroxymethyl)amino methane HCl (pH7.0) claim 89 , 0.9% saline claim 89 , and 1.2% saline claim 89 , or any combination thereof.91. The composition of further comprising an excipient chosen from propylene glycol claim 89 , purified water claim 89 , and glycerin.92. The composition of further comprising an excipient chosen from 20% w/v propylene glycol in saline claim 89 , 30% w/v propylene glycol in saline claim 89 , 40% w/v propylene glycol in saline claim 89 , 50% w/v propylene glycol in saline claim 89 , 15% w/v propylene glycol in purified water claim 89 , 30% w/v propylene glycol in purified water claim 89 , 50% w/v propylene glycol in purified water claim 89 , 30% w/v propylene glycol and 5 w/v ethanol in purified water claim 89 , 15% w/v glycerin in purified water claim 89 , 30% w/v glycerin in purified water claim 89 , 50% w/v glycerin in purified water claim 89 , 20% w/v Kleptose in purified water claim 89 , 40% w/v Kleptose in purified water claim 89 , and 25% w/v Captisol in ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032578A1

A wipe article includes a substrate, a cationic coating disposed on a surface of the substrate, distributed throughout the substrate, or both. The cationic coating contains a guanidinyl-containing polymer that is crosslinked and bound to the substrate. The substrate includes sponge, nonwoven fabric, or woven fabric. The wipes are useful for removing microorganisms from a microorganism-contaminated surface and also for reducing re-contamination of the cleaned surface or transfer to another surface of the removed microorganisms. 1. A wipe comprising:a substrate comprising a sponge, a woven fabric, or a nonwoven fabric, wherein the substrate is flexible;a cationic coating disposed on a surface of the substrate, distributed throughout at least a portion of the substrate, or both, the cationic coating comprising a guanidinyl-containing polymer that is covalently bonded to the substrate or both crosslinked on the substrate and covalently bonded to the substrate, wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is a reaction product of (a) a guanylating agent and (b) a carbonyl-containing polymer precursor or an amino-containing polymer precursor; anda liquid comprising water, a water-miscible organic solvent, or a mixture thereof, wherein the liquid is present in an amount of 0.5 to 10 times of the weight of the wipe without the liquid;wherein the wipe, when contacted in the presence of a liquid with an area of a microorganism-contaminated surface, removes at least 99 percent of the microorganisms from the area, and wherein the wipe, when contacted in the presence of the liquid with the area of the microorganism-contaminated surface and then contacted with a second surface, transfers no more than 0.2 percent of the microorganisms from the wipe to the second surface.5. The wipe according to claim 1 , wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is a reaction product of (a) a guanylating agent and (b) a carbonyl-containing polymer precursor claim 1 , and wherein 1 to 90 mole percent ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035664A1

Materials are provided that combine certain antimicrobial compositions with substrates to provide materials suitable for the packaging of food products, such as meat products. In one aspect, the present invention provides a material suitable for packaging that comprises (a) a substrate, and (b) an antimicrobial composition comprising: (i) an active antimicrobial agent and (ii) a carrier, wherein the antimicrobial composition has a viscosity of at least 50 centipoise at temperatures between 2° C. and 12° C. 1. A material suitable for food packaging , comprising:(a) a polymeric film; and(b) an antimicrobial composition comprising: (i) an active antimicrobial agent and (ii) a carrier, wherein the antimicrobial composition has a viscosity of at least 50 centipoise at temperatures between 2° C. and 12° C.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial composition has a viscosity of up to 200 claim 1 ,000 centipoise at temperatures between 2° C. and 12° C.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the carrier comprises water and at least one of a cellulose ether polymer claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , xantham gum claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the carrier comprises water and methylcellulose.5. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent comprises at least one of an amino acid derivative claim 1 , an organic acid claim 1 , a peptide claim 1 , a quaternary ammonium salt claim 1 , an amino acid derivative claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent comprises at least one of cetylpyridinium chloride claim 1 , lauric arginate claim 1 , and dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride.7. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent comprises at least one bacteriophage and at least one other antimicrobial agent.8. The material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent is not a bacteriophage.9. The material of ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045287A1

The invention relates to a method of controlling or combating microbial organism by applying an antimicrobial peptide to the microbial organisms, wherein said antimicrobial peptide derived from ‘Stargazer’ glycine-rich protein 1. In addition, the present invention provides an antimicrobial composition comprising an antimicrobial peptide of the invention, an additional biocidal agent and pharmaceutically acceptable vehicles, excipients, diluents, and adjuvants. 1Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Dickey chrysanthemi, Pseudomonas syringaesyringaeXanthomonas campestrisAlternaria brassicicola, Botrytis cinerea Botrytis elliptica, Colletotrichum acutatumColletotrichum gleosporioidesAlternaria brassicicolaColletotrichum acutatumBotrytis ellipticaAlternaria brassicicola, Botrytis cinerea, Botrytis elliptica, Colletotrichum acutatumColletotrichum gleosporioides.. A method of controlling or combating microbial organisms , comprising applying a chemically synthesized antimicrobial peptide to a bacterium or a fungus , wherein the antimicrobial peptide is selected from the group consisting of LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:1) , LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:2) , LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:3) , wherein the bacterium is selected from the group consisting of pv. , and , wherein the fungus is selected from the group consisting of , and , wherein LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:1) inhibits spore germinations on and , wherein LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:2) inhibits spore germinations on , wherein LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:3) inhibits spore germinations on , and2Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Dickey chrysanthemi Pseudomonas syringaesyringaeXanthomonas campestris.. The method of claim 1 , wherein LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:1) and LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:3) causes 99.5% growth inhibition on v. claim 1 , and3Agrobacterium tumefaciensDickey chrysanthemiEscherichia coli,Pseudomonas syringaesyringaeXanthomonas campestris.. The method of claim 1 , wherein LsGRP1(SEQ ID NO:2) causes 98.5% growth inhibition on and claim ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042158A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Provided is a method for controlling arthropod pests. The method includes: step A): a step of forming furrows in the soil; step B): a step of placing, in the furrows formed in the previous step, seeds retaining one or more neonicotinoid compounds selected from Group I, on the surface or in the interior, and a step of applying an aqueous dispersion or an aqueous solution containing one or more neonicotinoid compounds selected from Group I to the furrows formed in the previous step; and step C): a step of covering the furrows. In step B above Group I is a group selected from clothianidin, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and thiacloprid. 1. A method for controlling arthropod pests , the method comprising:Step A) a step of forming furrows in the soil;Step B) a step of placing, in the furrows formed in the previous step, seeds retaining one or more neonicotinoid compounds selected from Group I, on the surface or in the interior, anda step of applying an aqueous dispersion or an aqueous solution containing one or more neonicotinoid compounds selected from Group I to the furrows formed in the previous step; andStep C): a step of covering the furrows,wherein Group I is a group consisting of clothianidin, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and thiacloprid.2. The method for controlling arthropod pests according to claim 1 , wherein the seeds are corn seeds. The present invention relates to a method for controlling arthropod pests.Regarding the method for preventing the damages caused by arthropod pests in crop cultivation, various methods are conventionally known (for example, Patent Citation 1 and Non Patent Citation 1).On the other hand, there is known a method for protecting germinating seeds that have been treated with an agrochemical, by keeping one or more agrochemical-containing particles in the immediate vicinity of agrochemically treated seeds (for example, Patent Citation 2).[Patent Citation 1] JP-A 2014-037401[Patent Citation 2] JP-A 2008-501353[Non Patent Citation 1] ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170042965A1

Compositions comprising a mixture of an antimicrobial cationic polypeptide and a second pharmaceutically-acceptable polymer are disclosed, as well as methods and uses thereof for the treatment and prevention of infections that occur when our natural barriers of defense are broken. 119-. (canceled)20. A method for prevention , inhibition , or treatment of infection , comprising:selecting a site capable of supporting biofilm formation;applying to the site a composition comprising one or more synthetic polypeptide(s) having a length of at least 40 amino acid residues;wherein the one or more synthetic polypeptide(s) has a net cationic charge at neutral pH;wherein the one or more synthetic polypeptide(s) inhibits or kills microbes in biofilms.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the site is selected from the group consisting of an acute wound claim 20 , a chronic wound claim 20 , a devitalized tissue claim 20 , and a foreign body.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the foreign body is selected from the group consisting of a prosthetic device claim 21 , mesh claim 21 , ventilator equipment claim 21 , and a catheter.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the mesh is an implantable mesh.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the mesh is a synthetic mesh.25. The method of claim 20 , wherein the synthetic polypeptide(s) contains at least one cationic segment and at least one hydrophobic segment.26. The method of claim 20 , wherein the composition further comprises a pharmaceutically-acceptable polymer that is not a synthetic cationic polypeptide.27. The method of claim 20 , wherein the site comprises a biofilm.28Staphylococcus epidermidisEscherichia coli. The method of claim 20 , wherein an antimicrobial activity of the one or more synthetic polypeptide(s) when in an aqueous composition at a concentration of 100 μg/mL or less is greater than 3 logs killing of and in standard 60 minute time-kill assays.29. A method for treating a wound site claim 20 , the method comprising: ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods of Processing Chlorhexidine-Containing Polymerizable Compositions and Antimicrobial Articles Formed Thereby

Номер: US20160050934A1
Автор: JR. James E., McGuire
Принадлежит: entrotech life sciences, inc.

Advantageously, para-chloroaniline (PCA) is minimal in antimicrobial articles prepared according to the method of the invention. A method of forming an antimicrobial article according to the invention comprises steps of: providing a polymerizable composition; incorporating an antimicrobially effective amount of at least one chlorhexidine-containing antimicrobial agent into the polymerizable composition; and, polymerizing the polymerizable composition to form chlorhexidine-containing polymer of the antimicrobial article, wherein processing temperature during the method is less than about 80° C. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing temperature during the method is less than about 40° C.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing temperature during the method is about room temperature.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processing temperature during the method is less than that temperature at which chlorhexidine decomposes to para-chloroaniline.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobially effective amount of at least one chlorhexidine-containing antimicrobial agent in the antimicrobial article consists essentially of chlorhexidine free base.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobially effective amount of at least one chlorhexidine-containing antimicrobial agent comprises chlorhexidine salt.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein method comprises continuously forming the chlorhexidine-containing polymer on a web.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymerizable composition is essentially free of solvents.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chlorhexidine-containing polymer is essentially free of unreacted solvent.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein polymerization of the polymerizable composition is initiated using at least one radiation source selected from ultraviolet radiation and electron beam radiation.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein polymerization of the polymerizable composition is initiated without use of an external ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046669A1

A method for sterilizing an antiseptic solution includes providing a container containing the antiseptic solution, the antiseptic solution having an initial purity, selecting a sterilization temperature from about 85° C. to about 135° C. and an sterilization time from about 1 minute to about 19 hours, heating the antiseptic solution to the selected sterilization temperature, maintaining the temperature for the selected sterilization time, and terminating the heating of the antiseptic solution when the sterilization time expires. After terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution has a post-sterilization purity. The sterilization temperature and the sterilization time are selected such that after terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution is sterile and has a post-sterilization purity of at least about 92% and the percentage point change in purity from the initial purity to the post-sterilization purity is at most about 5%. 127-. (canceled)28. A sterile antiseptic solution comprising:an antimicrobial molecule selected from the group consisting of an octenidine salt and a biguanide; anda solvent,wherein the sterile antiseptic solution is sterile and at least 92% pure.29. The sterile antiseptic solution of claim 28 , prepared by a method comprising the steps of:providing a container containing an antiseptic solution, the antiseptic solution having an initial purity;selecting a sterilization temperature from about 85° C. to about 135° C. and a sterilization time from about 1 minute to about 19 hours;heating the antiseptic solution to the selected sterilization temperature;maintaining the antiseptic solution at the sterilization temperature for the selected sterilization time; andterminating the heating of the antiseptic solution when the selected sterilization time expires, thereby providing the sterile antiseptic solution,wherein after terminating the heating, the sterile antiseptic solution has a post-sterilization purity, andwherein the sterilization ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Cleaning and safe mouth guard solution

Номер: US20150053211A1

An aqueous oral spray designed to treat mouth guards against bacterial infection comprising: 1. A mouth guard treating formulation comprising:{'sup': 'α', 'a. N-alkanoyl (C8-C14)-di-basic amino acid alkyl (C1 to C4) ester salt'}b. A natural sweetener, andc. Optional natural flavor and/or natural dyed. Optionally a mouth guard which is surface modified to enhance the cationic biocide sustainability2. Di-basic amino acid derivatives as claimed in wherein the amino acid consists of L-arginine claim 1 , L-lysine or L-histidine or combinations thereof3. A preferred di-basic amino acid derivative as described in is LAE.HCl4. An effective concentration of the di-basic amino acid derivatives as described in of about 100 ppm to about 900 ppm of the total formulation.5. A natural sweetener as described in comprising xylitol from about 1 to 5 weight percent of the total formulation.6. Optionally as described in a natural flavor can be added from 1 to about 5 weight percent of the total formulation.7. Optionally as described in a natural dye or synthetic equivalent may be added to the formulation at about 0.05 to about 2.0 weight percent of the total formulation.8. A surface modified mouth guard which has been modified to be hydrophilic and specifically adsorb the active antibacterial agent as in above aqueous mouth guard rinse/spray formulation to render the antibacterial properties more long lasting under use conditions than would be the case with an unmodified mouth guard surface.9. A method to reduce the bacterial count on worn claim 1 , used mouth guards by dipping claim 1 , spraying or pouring inventive solution into or onto the mouth guard surface as described in for a period of time and then ceasing contact with solution.10. A method to surface modify a mouth guard as described in claim 8 , so that the efficacy of biocidal activity is prolonged during usage by ionic claim 8 , polar claim 8 , dipolar claim 8 , Vander Wads bonding between said surface modified mouth guard ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058012A1

Anti-microbial compositions comprising (a) a quaternary ammonium compound and (b) a cationic biocide. Applicant has discovered a synergistic combination of the two components with the ration of cationic biocide to quaternary ammonium being less than 1:10 or with a single quaternary compound in a ratio of less than 1.6 to 1 provide a film forming coating that has residual anti-bacterial activity and improved durability with strong resistance to general wear between applications. 1. An anti-microbial composition comprising:a quaternary ammonium compound; anda cationic biocide, wherein the amount of cationic biocide is less than 1 to 10 in a ratio of cationic biocide to quaternary ammonium on an actives weight basis.2. The anti-microbial composition of wherein the ratio of cationic biocide to quaternary ammonium is from about 1:2.5 to about 1:6.253. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said ratio of cationic biocide to quaternary ammonium is from about 1:1 to 1:6.25.4. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said ratio of cationic biocide to quaternary ammonium is from about 1:0.625 to 1:10.5. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said quaternary ammonium compound is in an amount of about 975 to about 6250 ppm.6. The c anti-microbial composition of wherein said cationic biocide is in an amount of about 156 to about 2500 ppm.7. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said cationic biocide is polyhexmethylene biguanide (PHMB).8. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said quaternary ammonium compound is quaternary ammonium chloride.9. The anti-microbial composition of wherein said composition comprises more than one quaternary ammonium compound.10. An anti-microbial composition comprising:a quaternary ammonium compound: a cationic biocide, an amine oxide surfactant, and a chelant.11. The anti-microbial composition of wherein the ratio of quaternary ammonium to surfactant is from about 2:1 to about 7:1 respectively.12. The anti-microbial composition of ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057998A1

The invention relates to an antimicrobial surface, in particular a surface functionalised with a peptide comprising an antimicrobial moiety. The invention comprises a surface functionalised with a peptide comprising an antimicrobial moiety and a binder moiety, wherein the peptide is immobilized on the surface by electrostatic interactions between the binder moiety and the surface. Further provided is a medical device, a peptide and a method for the immobilization of a peptide. 1. A surface functionalized with a peptide comprising an antimicrobial moiety and a binder moiety , wherein the peptide is immobilized on the surface by electrostatic interactions between the binder moiety and the surface.2. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the binder moiety is a peptide sequence of no more than 20 amino acids.3. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the binder moiety has a net negative charge.4. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the binder moiety comprises a sequence of at least 5 consecutive aspartic acid and/or glutamic acid residues.5. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the binder moiety comprises or consists of the sequence RKLPDAGGG.6. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety is antibacterial.7E. coli, S aureusP. aeruginosa.. The surface of claim 6 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety has a minimum inhibitory concentration of no more than 5 mg/ml against and/or8. (canceled)9. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety comprises a peptide sequence having at least 50% identity with the sequence of a defensin peptide.10. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety is no more than 20 amino acids in length.11. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety comprises at least 3 amino acids having a positively charged side chain selected from arginine (R) claim 1 , histidine (H) or lysine (K) claim 1 , or any combination thereof.12. (canceled)13. The surface of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial moiety comprises a sequence of 5 or ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141230A1
Автор: Locklin Jason J.

Embodiments of the present disclosure, in one aspect, relate to compounds, methods of making compounds, structures having the compound covalently bonded to the surface of the structure, methods of attaching the compound to the surface of the structure, methods of decreasing the amount of microorganisms formed on a structure, and the like. 1. A compound comprising , a photo cross-linkable moiety and an antimicrobial moiety (AM).2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein the photo cross-linkable moiety and an antimicrobial moiety are defined by the following: R11-(C═O)-R12-X-(AM) claim 1 , where R11 and R12 are independently selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic group claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted aryl group claim 1 , and a substituted or unsubstituted heteroaryl group; X is selected from the group consisting of: O claim 1 , NR13 claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted alkyl group claim 1 , an S group claim 1 , a SR13 group claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted aryl group claim 1 , and a substituted or unsubstituted heteroaryl group; wherein R13 is selected from the group consisting of: H claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic group claim 1 , a substituted or unsubstituted aryl group claim 1 , and a substituted or unsubstituted heteroaryl group.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein one of R11 and R12 is a substituted or unsubstituted aryl group.4. The compound of claim 1 , wherein both of R11 and R12 is a substituted or unsubstituted aryl group.5. The compound of claim 1 , wherein one of R11 and R12 is a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group.6. The compound of claim 1 , wherein both of R11 and R12 is a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group.8. The compound of claims 7 , R5 and R6 can each independently selected from Q and a photo cross-linkable moiety.12. An article claims 7 , comprising a compound having a photo cross-linkable moiety and an antimicrobial moiety (AM).13. The article of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062575A1
Автор: Smith Francis X.

The present invention relates to a lens care solution having 0.001 to about 5 weight percent of a low molecular weight amine of the general formula: 1. An ophthalmic solution comprising:0.001 to about 5 weight percent of bicine;an effective amount of biologically compatible buffer to maintain the pH of the solution between 5.5 and 8.5 pH; andthe balance water.2. The ophthalmic solution of claim 1 , further comprising an effective amount of a tonicity agent.3. The ophthalmic solution of claim 1 , wherein the ophthalmic solution consists essentially of the bicine claim 1 , the biologically compatible buffer claim 1 , an effective amount of a tonicity agent claim 1 , and the balance water.4. The ophthalmic solution of claim 1 , wherein the ophthalmic solution consists essentially of the bicine claim 1 , the biologically compatible buffer claim 1 , an effective amount of a tonicity agent claim 1 , and a preservative and the balance water.5. The ophthalmic solution of claim 4 , wherein the preservative is poly[dimethylimino-2-butene-1 claim 4 ,4-diyl]chloride claim 4 , alpha[4-tris(2-hydroethyl)ammonium-dichloride.6. A method for treating a contact lens in order to decrease its affinity to protein deposition which comprises the step of:soaking a contact lens in an aqueous solution comprising 0.001 to about 5 weight percent of bicine; an effective amount of biologically compatible buffer to maintain the pH of the solution between 5.5 and 8.5 pH; and the balance water.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the aqueous solution further comprises an effective amount of a tonicity agent.8. The ophthalmic solution of claim 6 , wherein the aqueous solution consists essentially of the bicine claim 6 , the biologically compatible buffer claim 6 , an effective amount of a tonicity agent claim 6 , and the balance water.9. The ophthalmic solution of claim 6 , wherein the aqueous solution consists essentially of the bicine claim 6 , the biologically compatible buffer claim 6 , an ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068391A1
Автор: AMDUR Samuel T., Yao Min
Принадлежит: Medline industries, Inc.

According to one embodiment, a coagulant comprising calcium nitrate and an antimicrobial agent is disclosed. The coagulant may be used in the molding process to releasably bond the substrate material to the mold and to bond to the antimicrobial to the substrate material. 1. A coagulant comprising:calcium nitrate; andan antimicrobial agent.2. The coagulant of claim 1 , further comprising a dye.3. The coagulant of claim 2 , wherein the dye is at least one of crystal violet or other staining agents claim 2 , alone or in a combination thereof genetian violet claim 2 , crystal violet claim 2 , ethyl violet claim 2 , brilliant green triarylmethane dye claim 2 , or other types of a monoazo dye claim 2 , a diazo dye claim 2 , an indigoid dye claim 2 , a xanthene or a fluorescein dye claim 2 , an anthraquinone dye claim 2 , an anthraquinone dye claim 2 , an FD&C dye or a D&C dye.4. The coagulant of claim 1 , wherein at least one antimicrobial agent comprises cationic antimicrobial polymers claim 1 , mono- or poly-quatemary ammonium salt based antimicrobials claim 1 , chlorinated phenoxy-based antimicrobials claim 1 , pyrithione based antimicrobials claim 1 , cationic polysaccharides claim 1 , aminopolysaccharides claim 1 , benzalkonium compounds claim 1 , nitro compounds claim 1 , dimethylbenzylammonium chloride claim 1 , chlorhexidines claim 1 , crosslinked polyethylene glycols and polyethylene glycols of differing molecular weights claim 1 , hydantoin derivatives with halamine bond claim 1 , antibiotics claim 1 , natural extracts with antimicrobial properties claim 1 , metallic materials claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The coagulant of wherein the antimicrobial to dye has a molar ration of 16:1.6. The coagulant of claim 2 , or claim 2 , further comprising a substrate layer adjacent to the calcium nitrate and the antimicrobial.7. The coagulant of further comprising an even dispersion of the antimicrobial within the coagulant.8. The coagulant of further comprising a ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068651A1

Porous polymeric particles are provided that can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. The porous polymeric particles can be used for the storage and delivery of various active agents or for moisture management. Reaction mixtures for forming the porous polymeric particles, methods of making the porous polymeric particles, and articles containing the porous polymeric particles are also provided. 1. A reaction mixture comprising: [ {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', 'n, 'HO[—CH—CH(OH)—CH—O]—H\u2003\u2003(I)'}, 'i) a compound of Formula (I)'}, 'wherein n is an integer equal to at least 1; and', 'ii) a nonionic surfactant; and, 'a) a first phase comprising'} [ {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', '2', 'p', '2, 'sup': 1', '1, 'CH═C(R)—(CO)—O[—CH—CH—O]—(CO)—C(R)═CH\u2003\u2003(II)'}, 'i) a monomer composition comprising a monomer of Formula (II)'}, p is an integer equal to at least 1;', {'sup': '1', 'Ris hydrogen or alkyl; and'}], 'wherein'}, 'ii) a polypropylene glycol) having a weight average molecular weight of at least 500 grams/mole., 'b) a second phase dispersed in the first phase, wherein a volume of the first phase is greater than a volume of the second phase and wherein the second phase comprises'}2. The reaction mixture of claim 1 , wherein the monomer composition further comprises a second monomer having one (meth)acryloyl group.3. The reaction mixture of claim 2 , wherein the second monomer comprises a hydroxyl-containing monomer.4. The reaction mixture of claim 2 , wherein the second monomer comprises a sulfonyl-containing monomer.5. The reaction mixture of claim 2 , wherein the second monomer is of Formula (III){'br': None, 'sub': '2', 'sup': 1', '2, 'CH═CR—(CO)—O—Y—R\u2003\u2003(III)'} [{'sup': '1', 'Ris hydrogen or methyl;'}, 'Y is a single bond, alkylene, oxyalkylene, or poly(oxyalkylene); and', {'sup': '2', 'Ris a carbocyclic group or heterocyclic group.'}], 'wherein'}6. A method of making a polymeric particle claim 2 , the method comprising: [ {'br': None, 'sub': 2', '2', ' ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Active compound combinations having insecticidal properties

Номер: US20170071203A1

The present invention relates to novel active compound combinations comprising at least one known compound of the formula (I) 2. Active compound combination according to claim 1 , wherein the compound is selected from (II-1) Acetamiprid claim 1 , (II-2) Clothianidin claim 1 , (II-3) Dinetofuran claim 1 , (II-4) Imidacloprid claim 1 , (II-7) Thiacloprid claim 1 , (II-8) Thiamethoxam claim 1 , (II-10) Sulfoxaflor claim 1 , and Thiazolamide of formula (II-11).3. An active compound combination as defined in for controlling one or more insect or arachnid pests.4. A combination according to claim 3 , wherein the arachnid pest is an acarid pest.5. A method for controlling one or more animal pests claim 1 , comprising allowing an active compound combination as defined in to act on one or more insect or arachnid pests and/or their habitat and/or seed.6. Method according to claim 5 , wherein the arachnid pest is an acarid pest.7. Process for preparing an insecticidal or arachnicidal claim 1 , optionally acaricidal composition claim 1 , comprising mixing an active compound combination as defined in with one or more extenders and/or surfactants.8. An active compound combination according to for treating seed.9. An active compound combination according to for treating one or more transgenic plants or seeds thereof.10. An active compound combination according to for treating plants or parts thereof selected from the group consisting of citrus claim 1 , vegetables claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , soybean claim 1 , almond claim 1 , grape claim 1 , tea claim 1 , coffee claim 1 , maize or rice. The present invention relates to novel active compound combinations comprising firstly at least one known compound of the formula (I) and secondly at least one further active compound of group (II) selected from neonicotinoids (especially nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists, for example Acetamiprid, Clothianidin, Dinotefuran, Imidacloprid, Nitenpyram, Imidaclothiz, Thiacloprid, ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076071A1

The present invention provides a method and test for the determination of the presence or absence of an antibiotic in a sample such as milk. 1. A method for detecting the presence of an antibiotic in a sample , the method comprising:(a) contacting the sample with a microbial growth inhibition test, said test comprising at least a test organism, an indicator and an aminoglycoside antibiotic,(b) growing the test organism, and(c) detecting the amount of growth of the test organism, wherein lack of growth reflects presence of an antibiotic in the sample.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the aminoglycoside antibiotic is selected from the group consisting of streptomycin claim 1 , dihydrostreptomycin claim 1 , amikacin claim 1 , apramycin claim 1 , arbekacin claim 1 , astromicin claim 1 , bekanamycin claim 1 , dibekacin claim 1 , framycetin claim 1 , gentamicin claim 1 , hygromycin B claim 1 , isepamicin claim 1 , kanamycin claim 1 , neomycin claim 1 , netilmicin claim 1 , paromomycin claim 1 , rhodostreptomycin claim 1 , ribostamycin claim 1 , sisomycin claim 1 , spectinomycin claim 1 , tobramycin claim 1 , and verdamicin.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the indicator is a pH indicator and/or a redox indicator.4BacillusEscherichiaStreptococcus. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the test organism is selected from the group consisting of a species claim 1 , an species and a species.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sample is a fluid sample.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the sample is milk.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the test organism is thermophilic.8. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the test further comprises a gelling agent.9. A method according to claim 1 ,wherein the concentration of the aminoglycoside antibiotic is 10 ppb to 10,000 ppb.10. An aminoglycoside antibiotic capable of being used to increase the sensitivity of a microbial growth inhibition test for determination of the presence of an ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069932A1
Автор: Wood Barry Edward

A multi-use disinfecting cap and method for disinfection and protection of a needleless IV injection port. The disinfecting cap has an upper chamber which contains a sterilizing solution and a low chamber which connects to a needleless IV injection port. The fluid can be manipulated to flow between the two chambers. When in use the cap protects and disinfects a needleless IV injection port when exposed prior to injecting medication into the needleless port and continues to disinfect and protect prior for any subsequent exposures. The cap is re-usable and provides a clear indication of the disinfecting solution and a datable top surface. The multi-use disinfecting cap may be removably clipped to the IV tubing and is shaped to prevent accidental rolling away if dropped. 1. A disinfecting cap , the disinfecting cap having an upper chamber and a lower chamber , the upper chamber having an upper cylindrical section , the upper cylindrical section having a top , the top of the upper cylindrical section sealed with a planar surface , the upper chamber having a lower conical section , the lower conical section forming a funnel , the lower conical section in fluid communication with the lower chamber , the upper chamber being transparent , a tinted disinfecting solution contained in the upper chamber , the lower chamber being transparent , the lower chamber being cylindrical , the lower chamber having an upper end , the lower chamber having an annular ridge projecting radially inward in proximity to the lower conical section of the upper chamber , the lower chamber having an interior surface , the interior surface of the lower extent of the lower chamber being formed with female threads , the lower extent of the lower chamber adapted to receive a needleless IV connector port , the lower chamber having a lower end , the lower end of the lower chamber being open , a removable seal covering the open end of the lower end of the lower chamber.2. The disinfecting cap of wherein ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080289A1
Автор: Ong Zhan Yuin, Yang Yi-Yan

Disclosed are amphiphilic peptides. Also disclosed are methods of treating proliferative disease, bacterial infection, viral infection and fungal infection, endotoxin neutralization and a method of removing biofilm. Also disclosed is the use of the amphiphilic peptides. 1. An amphiphilic peptide , wherein the peptide comprises: (XYXY)(Formula I) , whereinthe C-terminal end of the peptide is amidated;{'sub': 1', '2, 'Xand Xis independently of each other a hydrophobic amino acid'}{'sub': 1', '2, 'Yand Yis independently of each other a cationic amino acid; and'}n is at least 1.5,wherein the peptide is capable of self-assembly into β-sheet structure.2. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein n is 2 or 2.5 or 3 or 3.5 or 4 or 4.5 or 5.3. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein (XYXY)is (XYXY)-NH.4. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic amino acid is any one of alanine (A) claim 1 , valine (V) claim 1 , isoleucine (I) claim 1 , leucine (L) claim 1 , methionine (M) claim 1 , phenylalanine (F) claim 1 , tryptophan (W) or cysteine (C).5. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic amino acid is isoleucine (I) claim 1 , or valine (V).6. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein the cationic amino acid is selected from the group consisting of lysine (K) claim 1 , arginine (R) and histidine (H).7. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein each repeating unit n of Formula I comprises independently of each other 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 or 8 D-amino acids with the remaining amino acids being L-amino acids.8. The peptide of any claim 1 , wherein each repeating unit n of Formula I comprises independently of each other 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 D-amino acids with the remaining amino acids being L-amino acids.9. The peptide of claim 8 , wherein the distribution of D-amino acids in each repeating unit n of Formula I is identical or different from each other.10. The peptide of claim 1 , wherein n is 2 and amino acids in position 4 and 6 are D-amino acids while the remaining amino acids are L-amino acids.11. The ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190075791A1

The present invention relates to surfaces which are featured with antimicrobial property. Combinations made with zinc pyrithione, chlorhexidine gluconate and/or triclosan are used in the invention. The invention enables to prevent biodegradation or biocontamination occurring on surfaces. In sectors where surface coating materials are widely used, the pathogen factors (bacteria, yeasts and fungi), which are the causes of surface-borne hygiene, allergy and infectious diseases, are controlled. 1. A surface coating material comprising chlorhexidine gluconate , zinc pyrithione and triclosan combinations.2. The surface coating material according to claim 1 , wherein the chlorhexidine gluconate is 0.01-5% by mass.3. The surface coating material according to claim 1 , wherein the zinc pyrithione is 0.005-10% by mass.4. The surface coating material according to claim 1 , wherein the triclosan is 0.01-1% by mass.56.-. (canceled) This application is the national phase entry of International Application No. PCT/TR2016/050396, filed on Oct. 21, 2016, which is based on and claims priority to Turkish patent application no. 2015/13357, filed on Oct. 26, 2015, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a surface coating material which is featured with antimicrobial (anticandidal, antibacterial, antifungal) property.It is known that one of the main reasons of deterioration of the indoor air quality in humid and indoor environments is microorganisms. Air quality degradation and the metabolic wastes and spores, produced by the airborne microorganisms, which mix with the air, may cause serious health problems for humans. The materials used in construction materials are generally multi-porous materials. Humid air may provide a suitable environment for the microorganisms to grow and reproduce on the said materials.7-8 mm thickness Medium density fiberboard (MDF), high density fiberboard (HDF) or particle board surfaces which are more ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079277A1

Combinations suitable for agricultural use can include (I) a nematode-antagonistic biocontrol agent and (II) one or more agents selected, independently of each other, from any one of (A) to (H): 1. A method of protecting a plant propagation material , a plant , a part of a plant and/or a plant organ that grows at a later point in time against pest damage , the method comprising: (I) a nematode-antagonistic biocontrol agent comprising at least one nematophagous fungus and/or nematophagous bacteria and', (A) at least one fungicide;', '(B) at least one insecticide;', '(C) at least one synthetic nematicide;', {'i': 'Bacillus;', '(D) at least one bacteria from the genus'}, '(E) Harpin;', '(F) at least one isoflavone;', '(G) at least one plant growth regulator; and', '(H) at least one plant activator., '(II) one or more agents selected, independently of each other, from any one of (A) to (H), in any desired sequence or simultaneously, wherein (A) to (H) are], 'applying to the plant propagation material a combination comprising'}2. The method according to wherein the mass ratio between any two ingredients in the combination is from 100:0.1 to 0.1:100.3ArthrobotrysArthrobotrys oligospora, Arthrobotrys superbArthrobotrys dactyloides; DactylariaDactylaria candida; HarposporiumHarposporium anguillulae; HirsutellaHirsutella rhossiliensisHirsutella minnesotensis, MonacrosporiumMonacrosporium cionopagum; NematoctonusNematoctonus geogenius, Nematoctonus leiosporus; MeristacrumMeristacrum asterospermum; HarposporiumHarposporium anguillulae; PaecilomycesPaecilomyces lilacinus; PochoniaPochonia chlamydoporaStreptomyces. The method according to wherein the nematophagous fungus includes at least one member selected from the group consisting of spp. claim 1 , such as and spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as and spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as spp. claim 1 , such as and spp. ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077660A1

Antimicrobial cationic polycarbonates and polyurethanes have been prepared comprising one or more pendent guanidinium and/or isothiouronium groups. Additionally, antimicrobial particles were prepared having a silica core linked to surface groups comprising a guanidinium and/or isothiouronium group. The cationic polymers and cationic particles can be potent antimicrobial agents against Gram-negative microbes, Gram-positive microbes, and/or fungi. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each R′ is hydrogen.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein R″ is methyl or ethyl.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer is a polycarbonate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein E′ is a halide selected from the group consisting of chloride claim 1 , bromide claim 1 , and iodide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer is capable of killing a Gram-positive bacterium claim 1 , a Gram-negative bacterium claim 1 , and/or a fungus.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ring opening polymerization is initiated by a mono-alcohol.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ring opening polymerization is initiated by a diol.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ring opening polymerization is initiated by a particle comprising alcohol and/or amine surface groups.16. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer is capable of killing a microbe on contact.17. The method of claim 16 , where the microbe is a Gram-positive microbe claim 16 , Gram-negative microbe claim 16 , and/or a fungus.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the core of the particle is silica.20. The method of claim 18 , wherein the core of the particle is a silica gel.21. The method of claim 18 , wherein the surface groups comprise amine groups.22. The method of claim 18 , wherein the particle has a median size between 5 nm and 200 micrometers.23. The method of claim 18 , wherein the cationic polymer chain is capable of forming a complex by non-covalent interactions with a biologically active material ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150087717A1

The antimicrobial composition of the present invention comprises a cationic active ingredient, a quaternized sugar-derived surfactant, and an optional foam boosting surfactant. These formulations have a high cidal activity in a short amount of time and provide stable copious foam. The formulations of the present invention also exhibit enhanced tissue (e.g. skin) compatibility as defined by an in vitro whole toxicology assessment method. 1. An antimicrobial hard surface cleaner composition comprising: (a) a cationic active ingredient; (b) a quaternized sugar-derived surfactant; and (c) water or other suitable diluent.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 0.5 wt. % to about 20 wt. % cationic active ingredients.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 50 ppm to about 5 claim 1 ,000 ppm cationic active ingredients.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the cationic active ingredient is selected from the group comprising of: a salt of a biguanide claim 1 , a substituted biguanide derivative claim 1 , an organic salt of a quaternary ammonium containing compound or an inorganic salt of a quaternary ammonium containing compound.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 0.2 wt. % to about 50 wt. % quaternized sugar-derived surfactant.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises about 50 ppm to about 2 claim 1 ,500 ppm quaternized sugar-derived surfactant.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the quaternized sugar derived surfactant is a quaternized alkyl polyglucoside or a polyquaternized alkyl polyglucoside.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises foam boosting surfactant.9. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the composition comprises up to about 18 wt. % foam boosting surfactants.10. The composition of claim 8 , wherein the composition comprises up to about 3 claim 8 ,500 ppm foam boosting surfactants.11. The composition ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210084896A1

Compositions comprising synergistic blends of organic acids and hydrazones and methods of reducing bacterial and fungal contamination using the blends are disclosed. 1. A composition comprising: a blend of at least one organic acid and at least one hydrazone.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said organic acid is a hydroxamic acid is selected from the group consisting of: salicylhydroxamic acid claim 1 , N-hydroxysuccinimide claim 1 , benzhydroxamic acid claim 1 , O-methylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , O-benzylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , N-benzylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , O-tert-butylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , acetohydroxamic acid claim 1 , suberohydroxamic acid claim 1 , O-ethylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , O-phenylhydroxylamine HCl claim 1 , caprylhydroxamic acid claim 1 , N-hydroxymaleimide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said organic acid is a hydroxamic acid comprises caprylhydroxamic acid.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said organic acid is a carboxylic acid.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said organic acid is a mixture of at least one carboxylic acid and at least one hydroxamic acid.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hydrazone comprises an aryl guanylhydrazone.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hydrazone comprises a self-assembled complexation of at least one aminocarboxamidine and at least one aldehyde.11. The composition of claim 10 , wherein the aminoguanidine claim 10 , the aldehyde claim 10 , and the hydrazone exist in equilibrium in the blend.13. The composition of claim 12 , wherein the aminoguanidine claim 12 , the aldehyde claim 12 , and the hydrazone exist in equilibrium in the blend.14. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits biological activity including antibacterial activity.15. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits biological activity including antifungal activity.16. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the blend exhibits ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082697A1
Автор: Ahola Juhana, Kolari Marko
Принадлежит: KEMIRA OYJ

The invention relates to use of a composition comprising a cationic surfactant, which comprises a primary or secondary ammonium head group and a linear unsubstituted C12-alkyl tail, for inducing germination of bacterial endospores in pulp suspension for making of paper, board or the like. The invention relates also to a method for quantitatively reducing bacterial endospores in pulp suspension for making of paper, board or the like. The method comprises obtaining of aqueous pulp suspension, and administering the said composition to the pulp suspension. The cationic surfactant is allowed to interact with bacterial endospores in the pulp suspension. Germination of endospores and destroying microorganisms is thus induced. 1. A use of a composition comprising a cationic surfactant , which comprises a primary or a secondary ammonium head group and a linear unsubstituted C12-alkyl tail , for inducing germination of bacterial endospores in pulp suspension for making of paper , board or the like.2. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprisesat least 10 weight % of the cationic surfactant,an organic solvent, which comprises at least one OH group, andoptionally water.3. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the cationic surfactant is n-dodecylamine or dodecylguanidine salt claim 1 , being dodecylguanidine hydrochloride.4. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 10-60 weight-% claim 1 , preferably 20-47 weight-% claim 1 , more preferably 25-45 weight-% claim 1 , of the cationic surfactant.5. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 10-90 weight-% claim 1 , preferably 10-60 weight-% claim 1 , more preferably 10-50 weight-% claim 1 , even more preferably 20-47 weight-% claim 1 , sometimes even more preferably 25-45 weight-% claim 1 , of organic solvent.6. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is selected from glycols and alcohols claim 1 , such as ethanol claim 1 , isopropyl alcohol and ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088836A1

Polymeric composite particles are provided that can be used for the storage and delivery of various biologically active agent. The polymeric composite particles contain a porous polymeric core and a coating layer around the porous polymeric core. The porous polymeric composite particles typically further include a biologically active agent positioned within the porous polymeric core but not covalently bonded to the porous polymeric core. The biologically active agent can be released from the polymeric composite particle by diffusing out of the porous polymeric core through the coating layer. 2. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric composite particle has a core-shell configuration with the core being the porous polymeric core particle and the shell being the coating layer.3. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the first phase comprise water and 10 to 30 weight percent polysaccharide based on a total weight of the first phase.4. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the first phase comprises the compound of Formula (I) and a nonionic surfactant.7. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the biologically active agent comprises a herbicide claim 1 , insecticide claim 1 , fungicide claim 1 , or mixture thereof.8. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises a silicone-based thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , (meth)acrylate-based thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , olefin-based thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , styrene-based thermoplastic polymer claim 1 , or a phenoxy-based resin.9. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer comprises an animal wax claim 1 , vegetable wax claim 1 , petroleum wax claim 1 , hydrogenate vegetable oil claim 1 , or polyethylene.10. The polymeric composite particle of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric composite particle comprises 20 to 90 weight percent porous polymeric core particle claim 1 , 0.1 to 40 weight ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085059A1

Antimicrobial cationic polycarbonates and polyurethanes have been prepared comprising one or more pendent guanidinium and/or isothiouronium groups. Additionally, antimicrobial particles were prepared having a silica core linked to surface groups comprising a guanidinium and/or isothiouronium group. The cationic polymers and cationic particles can be potent antimicrobial agents against Gram-negative microbes, Gram-positive microbes, and/or fungi. 2. The cationic polymer of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer is selected from the group consisting of polycarbonates and polyurethanes.3. The cationic polymer of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer is capable of killing a Gram-positive bacterium claim 1 , a Gram-negative bacterium claim 1 , and/or a fungus.4. The cationic polymer of claim 1 , wherein m is 1 and n is 1.6. The cationic polymer of claim 5 , wherein L′ is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 5 ,2-ethylene claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,3-propylene claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,4-butylene claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,5-pentylene claim 5 , 1 claim 5 ,4-cyclohexylene claim 5 , and 1 claim 5 ,4-phenylene.7. The cationic polymer of claim 5 , wherein Y′ is *—O—*.8. The cationic polymer of claim 5 , wherein Y′ is *—N(H)—*.9. The cationic polymer of claim 5 , wherein R″ is methyl or ethyl.10. The cationic polymer of claim 5 , wherein X′ is a negative-charged counterion selected from the group consisting of chloride claim 5 , bromide claim 5 , iodide claim 5 , acetate claim 5 , benzoate claim 5 , trifluoroacetate claim 5 , hydrogen carbonate claim 5 , methansulfonate claim 5 , hydrogen sulfate claim 5 , and dihydrogen phosphate.11. The cationic polymer of claim 1 , wherein the cationic polymer has a structure in accordance with formula (B-1):{'br': None, 'Z′-P′-Z″\u2003\u2003(B-1),'} Z′ is a monovalent first end group comprising 1 to 40 carbons,', 'Z″ is a monovalent second end group selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and groups comprising 1 to 40 carbons, and', 'P′ is ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140171323A1

A method of treating a grass-carrying surface, the method comprising applying to the g carrying surface: (a) a compound of formula (I): or a derivative salt thereof wherein L is a linking group; each of R, Rand Ris independently selected from an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, aryl or alkoxy group; Ris oxygen or an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl or aryl group; each of Rand Ris an optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl or aryl group; and n is 0 or 1; (b) at least one cationic biocide; (c) a hydrocarbyl saccharide compound; and (d) a nonionic surfactant. 2. A method according to which involves applying to the grass-carrying surface a single composition comprising components (a) claim 1 , (b) claim 1 , (c) and (d).4. A method according to wherein component (b) comprises a cationic biocide selected from a quaternary ammonium salt claim 1 , a guanidine based compound or a mixture thereof.5. A method according to wherein component (b) comprises a quaternary ammonium salt.7. A method according to which involves applying to a grass-carrying surface an aqueous composition comprising:10 to 2500 ppm of a compound of formula (I);10 to 2500 ppm of a hydrocarbyl saccharide compound;10 to 3000 ppm quaternary ammonium biocide;5 to 1000 ppm guanidine based cationic biocide; and5 to 1000 ppm non-ionic surfactants.8. A method according to wherein the composition applied to the surface is prepared by dilution of a concentrated composition in a ratio of from 1:1000 to 1:2.9. A method according to which involves applying to the grass-carrying surface a composition which combats nematodes.10. A method according to which leads to a reduction of at least 50% in the number of nematodes present at or near to the surface after 24 hours.11. A method according to which involves applying to the grass-carrying surface a composition which is effective against one or more types of bacteria and/or algae and/or fungi. The present invention relates to a method of treating a grass-carrying ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170094974A1

The present invention relates to antimicrobial sanitizing compositions for use as skin sanitizers, especially sanitizers for the hands and feet, and air sanitizers and deodorisers. The sanitizing compositions comprise a combination of three ammonium compounds (ie. an alkoxy silyl ammonium compound, a benzalknonium chloride or benzethonium chloride and a polymeric biguanide) in a non-ionic surfactant carrier. The non-ionic surfactant system comprises an alcohol ethoxylate and an alkylglucoside or alkylpolyglycoside. Methods of use of the compositions are also described. 1. A sanitizing composition comprising:i) an alkoxy silyl ammonium film-forming compound;ii) a benzalkonium or benzethonium chloride;v) a polymeric biguanide; and a. an alcohol ethoxylate; and', 'b. an alkylglucoside or alkylpolyglycoside., 'vi) a surfactant system comprising2. The sanitizing composition according to wherein the alkoxy silyl ammonium film-forming compound is selected from 3-trimethoxysilylpropyl-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium chloride claim 1 , 3-triethoxysilylpropyl-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium chloride claim 1 , 3-triethoxysilylpropyl-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-N-isodecyl ammonium chloride and 3-trimethoxysilylpropyl-N claim 1 ,N-dimethyl-N-isodecyl ammonium chloride.3. The sanitizing composition according to wherein the concentration of alkoxy silyl ammonium film-forming compound is 0.1% to 1.5% w/w of the composition.4. The sanitizing composition according to wherein the benzalkonium or benzethonium chloride is present in an amount of 0.1% to 1.0% w/w of the composition.5. The sanitizing composition according to wherein the polymeric biguanide is a polyaminopropyl biguanide or polyhexamethylene biguanide.6. The sanitizing composition according wherein the polymeric biguanide is present in an amount of 0.1% to 1.5% w/w of the composition.7. The sanitizing composition according to wherein the alcohol ethoxylate surfactant is a Calcohol ethoxylate comprising 6 to ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140179742A1
Принадлежит: Frontier Scientific, Inc.

Described herein are methods and compositions for killing or preventing the growth of microbes. It has been discovered that a class of porphyrins can kill or prevent the growth of microbes. The porphyrins can be used in a number of different applications where microbes grow. 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein X is a halide claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , acetate claim 1 , lactate claim 1 , nitrate claim 1 , phosphate claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , bicarbonate claim 1 , or tosylate.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutical carrier is a powder.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutical carrier is an ointment.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutical carrier is a cream.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutical carrier is a gel.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutical carrier is a spray.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein X is a halide claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , acetate claim 1 , lactate claim 1 , nitrate claim 1 , phosphate claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , bicarbonate claim 1 , or tosylate.10. The article of claim 8 , wherein the article comprises a washcloth claim 8 , a bandage claim 8 , an antiseptic wipe claim 8 , a handwipe claim 8 , a sponge claim 8 , a lancet claim 8 , a medical tape claim 8 , or a picc line.11. The article of claim 8 , wherein when the article comprises a material that permits light to pass through the article.12. The article of claim 8 , wherein the article further comprises a second disinfectant.13. The article of claim 12 , wherein the second disinfectant comprises chlorhexidine claim 12 , betadine claim 12 , benzoin claim 12 , isopropyl alcohol claim 12 , ethyl alcohol claim 12 , or any combination thereof. This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/056,441, filed on Apr. 11, 2011, which is a U.S. national phase application under 35 USC 371 of international application number PCT/US2009/052128, filed Jul. 29, 2009, which ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150105472A1
Автор: Faergemann Jan

The invention relates to an antimicrobial composition comprising chlorhexidine and pentane-1,5-diol. Such a composition may be used to combat microorganisms. 1. An antimicrobial composition comprising chlorhexidine and pentane-1 ,5-diol , wherein the composition comprises between 0.000001 and 5 wt % chlorhexidine and between 1 and 75 wt % pentane-1 ,5-diol.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises between 0.00001 and 5 wt % chlorhexidine and between 3 and 25 wt % pentane-1 claim 1 ,5-diol.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the composition comprises between 0.001 and 2.5 wt % chlorhexidine and between 5 and 15 wt % pentane-1 claim 2 ,5-diol.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said composition is a pharmaceutical composition.5. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein said composition is for topical administration.6. The composition according to claim 4 , wherein said composition comprises a carrier and a thickening agent.7. The composition according to for use in therapy.8. Use of a composition according to in non-therapeutic disinfection.9. The composition according to for use in treating infections.10. The composition according to claim 9 , wherein said infection is an infection affecting the skin.11. A method of treating an infection in a patient in need thereof comprising administering to the patient a pharmaceutical composition comprising chlorhexidine and pentane-1 claim 9 ,5-diol claim 9 , wherein the composition comprises between 0.000001 and 5 wt % chlorhexidine and between 1 and 75 wt % pentane-1 claim 9 ,5-diol.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the patient is suffering from an infection of skin or mucous membrane.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the composition is administered topically to the skin or mucous membrane of the patient.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein the composition is administered in an amount effective to inactivate a microorganism.15Staphylococcus aureus, P. ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160106104A1

The present invention relates to a composition, comprising: 1. A composition , comprising:at least one non-crosslinked silicone, andat least one antimicrobial agent dispersed within said silicone, said antimicrobial agent being selected from the group consisting of polymers of ionenes, and of ionic liquids with a molecular mass of less than 1,400 g/mol.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the non-crosslinked silicone is a poly(dimethylsiloxane).3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the mass proportion of antimicrobial agent is from 1% to 10% based on the total mass of the composition.8. The composition according to claim 7 , wherein the antimicrobial agent is 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolinium tetrafluoroborate or 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolinium tetrafluoroborate.11. An antimicrobial article claim 7 , comprising:at least one crosslinked silicone, and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'at least one antimicrobial agent dispersed within said crosslinked silicone, said antimicrobial agent being as defined in .'}12. The antimicrobial article according to claim 11 , having a desalting rate of the antimicrobial agent of less than 5% per year. The present invention relates to polymeric compositions with antimicrobial properties, more particularly antimicrobial compositions based on silicone.The surfaces of articles and coatings based on polymers which are exposed to humidity are rapidly colonized by noxious bacteria, fungi, yeasts, which may cause smells, deterioration of said articles and coatings, as well as infections, notably in the case of plastic articles inserted into the human body, like probes or catheters.The use of antimicrobial agents, also called biocides, is then recommended for avoiding proliferation of microorganisms at the surface of such plastic articles and coatings.Many families of biocides, either organic or inorganic, have already been used for giving antimicrobial properties to the surfaces of articles and coatings ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100691A1

A biocidal additive includes a blend of a biguanide compound and a polymeric ammonium compound. A method of treating a water system includes adding a biocidal additive to the water system to achieve a minimum inhibitory concentration or greater in the water system. In exemplary embodiments, the water system is a well treatment fluid for oil and gas applications, the blend is a synergistic blend, the biguanide compound is polyhexamethylene biguanide, and the polymeric ammonium compound is poly[oxyethylene(dimethyliminio)ethylene(dimethyliminio)ethylene dichloride]. 1. A method of treating a well treatment fluid for oil and gas applications , the method comprising adding a biocidal additive to the well treatment fluid to achieve a minimum inhibitory concentration or greater in the well treatment fluid , wherein the biocidal additive is a blend of a biguanide compound and a polymeric ammonium compound.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biocidal additive provides treatment of topside initial bacterial presence and treatment of downhole bacterial presence.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the blend is a synergistic blend.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biguanide compound is polyhexamethylene biguanide.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric ammonium compound is poly[oxyethylene(dimethyliminio)ethylene(dimethyliminio)ethylene dichloride].6. The method of further comprising mixing the biguanide compound and the polymeric ammonium compound to form the blend.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biguanide compound and the polymeric ammonium compound are at a molar ratio in the range of about 1:1 to about 1:2 in the blend.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biocidal additive further comprises water claim 1 , the biocidal additive comprising the blend in water at a concentration in a range of about 2.4% to about 4% by weight.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adding the biocidal additive to the well treatment fluid at the minimum inhibitory ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Fibrous Antimicrobial Materials, Structures, and Barrier Applications

Номер: US20150110843A1

Fibrous antimicrobial materials for use in structures and barrier applications, such as face masks and wound dressings, have been developed from antimicrobial polymeric materials. The fibrous antimicrobial materials also are particularly suitable for use in air and water filtration. The antimicrobial polymeric materials are prepared from solid solutions of antimicrobial bisguanide compounds blended with certain thermoplastic polymers. The antimicrobial polymeric materials may be extruded into fibers or used in the particulate form for preparation of the nonwoven antimicrobial materials. The antimicrobial bisguanide compound, such as chlorhexidine, are distributed at the molecular level within at least one thermoplastic polymer, such as a polyolefin in which the antimicrobial bisguanide compound is soluble, to form a miscible blend. Methods for their formation and use also are provided. 1. A fibrous material comprising a woven or nonwoven fibrous antimicrobial material which comprises an antimicrobial polymeric material comprising a solid miscible blend of an antimicrobial bisguanide compound and at least one thermoplastic polymer , the solid miscible blend being from about 1% to about 25% by weight antimicrobial bisguanide compound.2. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial bisguanide compound is immobilized within the solid miscible blend claim 1 , such that the antimicrobial bisguanide compound loses its natural morphology.3. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial bisguanide compound comprises chlorhexidine.4. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein the solid miscible blend is substantially free of degraded antimicrobial bisguanide compound.5. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic polymer has a melting temperature of below about 135° C.7. The fibrous material of claim 1 , wherein ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105417A1
Автор: Roszell James A.

A skin disinfectant composition is provided according to the invention. The skin disinfectant composition comprises an effective amount of a disinfectant active component to provide disinfectant properties to skin tissue, an effective amount of a skin bonding polymer component to hold the disinfectant active component to skin tissue so that the disinfectant active component becomes available on skin tissue to provide disinfectant properties, and water. A method of using a skin disinfectant composition is provided. 120-. (canceled)22. A skin disinfectant composition according to claim 21 ,(a) about 0.5 wt. % to about 5 wt. % of a moisturizer.23. A skin disinfectant composition according to claim 21 , wherein:(a) the composition comprises about 0.5 wt. % to about 3 wt. % of the chlorhexidine digluconate.24. A skin disinfectant composition according to claim 21 , wherein:(a) the hydrophilic polymer comprises repeating carboxylic acid groups, hydroxyl groups, or a mixture of carboxylic acid groups and hydroxyl groups.25. A method for using a skin disinfectant composition comprising: (i) about 0.1 wt. % to about 5 wt. % of chlorhexidine digluconate;', '(ii) an effective amount of a skin bonding polymer component to hold the disinfectant active component to skin tissue so that the disinfectant active component becomes available on the skin tissue to provide disinfectant properties, wherein the skin bonding polymer component comprises a combination of hydrophobic polymer and a hydrophilic polymer, wherein the hydrophobic polymer comprises a poly(vinylpyrrolidone-alkylene) polymer having an alkylene group containing about 10 carbon atoms to about 30 carbon atoms;', '(iii) about 0.5 wt. % to about 6 wt. % of a nonionic surfactant;', '(iv) about 0.5 wt. % to about 3 wt. % of stearic acid emollient;', '(v) at least about 0.4 wt. % of an acrylate thickener;', '(v) about 65 wt. % to about 93 wt. % water; and, '(a) applying the skin disinfectant composition to skin tissue, ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200100496A1
Автор: Pirotte Alan

The invention concerns a suspension concentrate comprising, expressed by weight based on the total weight of the composition: a) 40 to 80% particles of dodecylguanidine or an acid salt of dodecylguanidine of the structure (1), wherein X represents an acid residue of a monocarboxylic, dicarboxylic or a mineral acid, b) 0 to 10% of an anti-freeze compound, c) 1 to 10% of a wetting agent and/or d) a dispersing agent, e) 0 to 5% of an antifoaming agent, f) remainder water characterized in that, the median diameter of the particles (d) is at least 7 μm and below 40 μm; and its use for the treatment of a fungicidal disease on crops or ornamental plants. 124-. (canceled)25. A suspension concentrate comprising expressed by weight based on the total weight of the composition:a) 45 to 60% by weight of particles of dodine,b) 1 to 5% by weight of an anti-freeze compound,c) 1 to 5% by weight of a wetting agent,d) up to 2% by weight of a dispersing agent,e) up to 2% by weight of an antifoaming agent, andf) remainder water.26. The suspension concentrate according to claim 25 , further comprising a thickening agent and/or a biocidal compound in a concentration of up to 1% expressed by weight based on the total weight of the composition.27. The suspension concentrate according to claim 25 , comprising expressed by weight based on the total weight of the composition:a) 50 to 55% by weight of particles of dodine,b) 3% by weight of an anti-freeze compound,c) 3% by weight of a wetting agent,d) 1% by weight of a dispersing agent,e) 1% by weight of an antifoaming agent,f) 0.1% of a thickener,g) 0.1% of a biocide, andh) remainder water.28. The suspension concentrate according to claim 25 , wherein the anti-freeze compound is selected from the group consisting of propylene glycol claim 25 , urea claim 25 , glycerol claim 25 , ethylene glycol claim 25 , diethylene glycol claim 25 , triethylene glycol claim 25 , dipropylene glycol and tripropylene glycol.29. The suspension concentrate ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210121586A1

A method for sterilizing an antiseptic solution includes providing a container containing the antiseptic solution, the antiseptic solution having an initial purity, selecting a sterilization temperature from about 85° C. to about 135° C. and an sterilization time from about 1 minute to about 19 hours, heating the antiseptic solution to the selected sterilization temperature, maintaining the temperature for the selected sterilization time, and terminating the heating of the antiseptic solution when the sterilization time expires. After terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution has a post-sterilization purity. The sterilization temperature and the sterilization time are selected such that after terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution is sterile and has a post-sterilization purity of at least about 92% and the percentage point change in purity from the initial purity to the post-sterilization purity is at most about 5%. 1. A frangible container containing an antiseptic composition ,wherein the frangible container comprises one or more walls having a thickness of between about 0.15 and 0.45 mm,wherein the frangible container comprises glass, andwherein the antiseptic composition comprises an antimicrobial molecule selected from the group consisting of chlorhexidine gluconate and octenidine dihydrochloride.2. The frangible container of claim 1 , wherein the thickness is sufficient to withstand a sterilization process for sterilizing the antiseptic composition claim 1 , wherein the sterilization process comprises heating the frangible container containing the antiseptic composition to a temperature of from about 85° C. to about 135° C.3. The frangible container of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial molecule comprises chlorhexidine gluconate.4. The frangible container of claim 1 , wherein the frangible container contains between about 0.01 and 100 mL of the antiseptic composition.5. The frangible container of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the frangible ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113280A1
Автор: JI Hongjin, ZHONG Hangen

A fungicidal composition having a synergistic effect is provided. The composition includes active ingredients A and B. The active ingredient A is polyhexamethylene biguanide or an agriculturally acceptable salt thereof, the active ingredient B is one selected from prochloraz, epoxiconazole, benthiavalicarb-isopropyl, zoxamide, azoxystrobin, prothioconazole, difenoconazole, fenamidone, polyoxin, iprodione, acibenzolar, dithianon, pyraclostrobin, trifloxystrobin, picoxystrobin, fluazinam, thifluzamide or dimethomorph, and the weight ratio of the two ingredients is from 1:50 to 50:1. The test results show that the fungicidal composition according to the present invention has an obvious synergistic effect, and importantly, the application rate is reduced, such that the cost is lowered. The application rate of a single agent alone is effectively reduced by combining the fungicides of different mechanisms and modes of action, which is beneficial for broadening the fungicidal spectrum, retarding the resistance development of the fungi and improving the control effect. 1. A fungicidal composition having a synergistic effect , comprising active ingredients A and B , wherein the active ingredient A is polyhexamethylene biguanide or an agriculturally acceptable salt thereof , the active ingredient B is one selected from prochloraz , epoxiconazole , benthiavalicarb-isopropyl , zoxamide , azoxystrobin , prothioconazole , difenoconazole , fenamidone , polyoxin , iprodione , acibenzolar , dithianon , pyraclostrobin , trifloxystrobin , picoxystrobin , fluazinam , thifluzamide , and dimethomorph , and the weight ratio of the two ingredients is from 1:50 to 50:1.2. The fungicidal composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the active ingredient A to the active ingredient B is from 1:30 to 30:1.3. The fungicidal composition according to claim 2 , wherein the weight ratio of the active ingredient A to the active ingredient B is from 1:10 to 10:1.4. The fungicidal ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Oral Care Compositions and Methods for Anti-Attachment Polymers and Coatings

Номер: US20180110228A1

Antimicrobial compositions and methods for depositing or coating the antimicrobial or antibacterial compositions on a substrate to prevent microbial adhesion are provided. The antimicrobial composition may include a cationic polymer having a poly-allylamine backbone. A portion of the poly-allylamine backbone may be functionalized with at least one of a guanidine functional group and a biguanide functional group. 1. An antimicrobial composition , comprising a cationic polymer having a poly-allylamine backbone , wherein at least a portion of the poly-allylamine backbone is functionalized with at least one of a guanidine functional group and a biguanide functional group.2. The antimicrobial composition of claim 1 , wherein the poly-allylamine backbone is functionalized with the guanidine functional group.3. The antimicrobial composition of claim 2 , wherein at least 50% of the poly-allylamine backbone is functionalized with the guanidine functional group.4. The antimicrobial composition of claim 1 , wherein the poly-allylamine backbone is functionalized with the biguanide functional group.5. An oral care composition claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the antimicrobial composition of ; and'}an orally acceptable vehicle.6. The oral care composition of claim 5 , wherein the antimicrobial composition does not comprise an anionic polymer.7. The oral care composition of claim 5 , wherein the oral care composition is at least one of a mouthwash and a toothpaste.8. A cleansing composition claim 5 , comprising:a soap; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the antimicrobial composition of .'}9. An antimicrobial composition claim 5 , comprising:a substrate; anda cationic polymer deposited on a surface of the substrate, wherein the cationic polymer comprises a poly-allylamine backbone, and wherein at least a portion of the poly-allylamine backbone is functionalized with at least one of a guanidine functional group and a ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Aqueous suspension concentrate comprising an acid salt of dodecylguanidine

Номер: US20140193503A1
Автор: Alan Pirotte
Принадлежит: Agriphar SA

The invention concerns a suspension concentrate comprising, expressed by weight based on the total weight of the composition: a) 40 to 80% particles of dodecylguanidine or an acid salt of dodecylguanidine of the structure (1), wherein X represents an acid residue of a monocarboxylic, dicarboxylic or a mineral acid, b) 0 to 10% of an anti-freeze compound, c) 1 to 10% of a wetting agent and/or d) a dispersing agent, e) 0 to 5% of an antifoaming agent, f) remainder water characterized in that, the median diameter of the particles (d 50 ) is at least 7 μm and below 40 μm; and its use for the treatment of a fungicidal disease on crops or ornamental plants.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137101A1
Принадлежит: S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.

An insecticidal gel formulation including an insecticide active agent, sugar, sorbitol, hydrophilic fumed silica, xanthan gum, and a solvent is disclosed. Further, the insecticidal gel formulation comprises a total amount of hydrophilic fumed silica and xanthan gum of at least 3.6% by weight of the total insecticidal gel formulation. 1. An insecticide gel formulation , comprising:an insecticide active agent;sugar;sorbitol;hydrophilic fumed silica;xanthan gum, wherein total amount of the hydrophilic fumed silica and the xanthan gum is at least 3.6% by weight; anda solvent.2. The formulation of claim 1 , additionally comprising about 10% to about 25% by weight protein based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.3. The formulation of claim 2 , wherein the protein is peanut butter.4. The formulation of claim 1 , comprising about 0.1% to about 1.0% by weight insecticide active agent based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.5. The formulation of claim 1 , comprising about 20% to about 30% by weight sugar and about 20% to about 30% by weight sorbitol based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.6. The formulation of claim 1 , comprising about 2.5% to about 4.0% by weight hydrophilic fumed silica and about 0.05% to about 0.5% by weight xanthan gum based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is water and the formulation comprises about 25% to about 45% by weight water based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.8. The formulation of claim 1 , additionally comprising about 0.01% to about 2% by weight emulsifier based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.9. The formulation of claim 1 , additionally comprising about 0.01% to about 0.1% by weight bittering agent based on total weight of the insecticide gel formulation.10. An insecticide gel formulation claim 1 , comprising:an insecticide active agent;sugar;sorbitol;hydrophilic fumed silica;xanthan ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125502A1

A composition having a short disinfecting contact time is disclosed. The composition contains a biguanide or guanide, a quaternary ammonium compound and a basic compound in a specific weight ratio to one another. Compositions having less than a two minute disinfection time are disclosed. 1. A disinfectant composition comprising:(i) an antimicrobial biguanide, monoguanide or a combination thereof;(ii) a quaternary ammonium compound or a mixture of quaternary ammonium compounds; and(iii) a basic compound;wherein the weight ratio of component (i) to component (ii) is in the range of about 1:1.5 to about 1:10; andthe weight ratio of component (i) to component (iii) is in the range of about 1:3 to about 1:15.2. The disinfectant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the basic compound comprises an alkanolamine.3. The disinfectant composition according to claim 2 , wherein the alkanolamine comprises ethanonlamine.4. The disinfectant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial biguanide comprise polyhexamethylene biguanide or salts thereof.5. The disinfectant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the quaternary ammonium compound comprises a dialkyldimethylammonium salt claim 1 , a benzylalkyldimethylammonium salt or a mixture thereof.6. The disinfectant composition according to claim 5 , wherein the dialkyldimethylammonium salt comprises a di Calkyldimethylammonium salt and the benzylalkyldimethylammonium salt comprises a benzyl Calkyldimethyl ammonium salt.7. The disinfectant composition according to claim 6 , wherein the di Calkyldimethylammonium salt is a di Calkyldimethylammonium chloride and the benzyl Calkyldimethyl ammonium salt is a benzyl Calkyldimethyl ammonium chloride.8. The disinfectant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial biguanide comprise polyhexamethylene biguanide or salts thereof claim 1 , the quaternary ammonium compound is a mixture of quaternary ammonium compounds comprising a diCalkyldimethylammonium ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220264885A1

An antimicrobial cleansing composition is disclosed that comprises about 0.25 wt. % to about 5.0 wt. % of at least one bisbiguanide antimicrobial active; up to about 15 wt. % of at least one C2-C8 glycol; about 0.1 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. % of a first surfactant comprising an ethylene oxide-propylene oxide block copolymer; at least one additional surfactant selected from the group consisting of a C8-C16 alkyl polyglucoside and an amine oxide; and water. The antimicrobial cleansing composition passes European Standard EN-1499. 1. An antimicrobial cleansing composition comprising:about 0.25 wt. % to about 5.0 wt. % of at least one bisbiguanide antimicrobial active;up to about 15 wt. % of at least one C2-C8 glycol;about 0.1 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. % of a first surfactant comprising an ethylene oxide-propylene oxide block copolymer;at least one additional surfactant selected from the group consisting of a C8-C16 alkyl polyglucoside and an amine oxide; andwater, wherein the antimicrobial cleansing composition passes European Standard EN-1499 (2013).2. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the bisbiguanide antimicrobial active comprises chlorhexidine or salts thereof.3. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the bisiguanide antimicrobial active comprises chlorhexidine digluconate.4. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the bisbiguanide antimicrobial active is present in about 1.0 wt. % to about 2.5 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.5. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes less than 1.0 wt. % of quaternary ammonium compounds claim 1 , based on the total weight of the composition.6. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is essentially free of quaternary ammonium compounds.7. The antimicrobial cleansing composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one C2-C8 glycol comprises a C2-C4 glycol.8. The ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Nasal Oral Care Antiseptics Cleansing Kit

Номер: US20220265980A1

A patient cleaning kit having a package; an insert within the package, the insert and the package forming a first cavity and a second cavity; a cover coupled to the package, the cover and the package together enveloping the insert; a premoistened nasal swab within the first cavity; an oral swab within the second cavity; a toothbrush within the second cavity; and a bottle of germicidal solution within the package. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method of patient care comprising:opening a package;removing a first nasal swab from a first cavity defined by the package and an insert;cleaning a first nostril of a patient with the first nasal swab;removing a second nasal swab from the first cavity;cleaning a second nostril of the patient with the second nasal swab;removing a bottle of germicidal solution from the package;removing an amount of the germicidal solution from the bottle of germicidal solution;removing an oral swab from a second cavity defined by the package and the insert;dispensing a portion of the germicidal solution onto the oral swab; andcleaning a mouth of the patient with the oral swab.14. The method of further comprising:removing a toothbrush from the second cavity defined by the package and the insert;dispensing another portion of the germicidal solution onto the toothbrush;cleaning the mouth of the patient with the toothbrush.15. The method of wherein said removing said amount of said germicidal solution comprises removing an amount of chlorohexidine gluconate.16. The method of further comprising:removing a wrapper from the first nasal swab, wherein the first nasal swab is a premoistened nasal swab; andremoving another wrapper from said second nasal swab, wherein the second nasal swab is another premoistened nasal swab.17. The method of further comprising displaying printed instructions.18. The method of wherein said displaying said printed instructions further comprises displaying said printed instructions by removing a cover from the package when opening ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140205547A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Provided is an arthropod pest control composition, the composition having an superior effect on control of arthropod pests. The composition comprises 0.01 to 0.5% by weight of a neonicotinoid insecticidal compound, 10 to 50% by weight of an organic solvent selected from the group consisting of monoalcohols having 1 to 3 carbon atoms and acetone, and 49.5 to 89.99% by weight of liquefied carbon dioxide, wherein the weight of ethanol to that of the neonicotinoid insecticidal compound is 100 times or more. 1. An arthropod pest control composition , the composition comprising 0.01 to 0.5% by weight of a neonicotinoid insecticidal compound , 10 to 50% by weight of an organic solvent selected from the group consisting of monoalcohols having 1 to 3 carbon atoms and acetone , and 49.5 to 89.99% by weight of liquefied carbon dioxide , wherein the weight of the organic solvent to that of the neonicotinoid insecticidal compound is 100 times or more.2. The arthropod pest control composition according to claim 1 , wherein the neonicotinoid insecticidal compound is clothianidin.3. The arthropod pest control composition according to claim 1 , wherein the organic solvent is ethanol or acetone.4. The arthropod pest control composition according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the neonicotinoid insecticidal compound is 0.01 to 0.2% by weight.5. An agent for controlling arthropod pests claim 1 , the agent being obtained by filling the composition for controlling arthropod pests according to in a pressure container.6. A method for controlling arthropod pests claim 1 , the method comprising spraying the arthropod pest control composition according to on a place where arthropod pests inhabit claim 1 , from the pressure container.7. The control method according to claim 6 , wherein the place where arthropod pests inhabit is an indoor space.8. An agent for controlling arthropod pests claim 2 , the agent being obtained by filling the composition for controlling arthropod pests according ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Organic syringomycin methods and compositions

Номер: US20140206533A1
Принадлежит: Utah State University USU

Methods and materials for producing organic syringomycin, the methods include culturing a culture of Pseudomonas syringae and a growth medium including glucose, mannitol, histidine, a magnesium source, an iron source, and a buffer with a pH of from about 6.5 to 7; extracting syringomycin from the culture to yield an extract; and purifying the extract to yield syringomycin.

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131649A1

The present disclosure provides for methods of diagnosing and treating bacterial infections. Human Intelectin 1 (hIntL-1) has been shown to bind selectively to glycan components on bacteria including and . This interaction can be targeted to identify, purify and therapeutically target such organisms. 1. A method for detecting the presence of a microorganism comprising:(i) contacting a sample or an environment suspected of containing the microorganism with a human intelectin molecule, and(ii) detecting binding of the human intelectin molecule to the microorganism.2. The method of wherein the microorganism is a bacterium or a fungus.3Streptococcus pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniaYersinia pestis.. The method of claim 2 , wherein the bacterium is or4Cryptococcus neoformansAspergillus fumigatus.. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fungus is or5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the microorganism expresses a glycan molecule containing a vicinal 1 claim 1 ,2-diol.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein human intelectin binds to a β-linked D-galactofuranose residue claim 1 , a glycan containing a heptose claim 1 , D-glycero-D-talo-oct-2-ulosonic acid (KO) and/or 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (KDO) residue claim 1 , and/or a saccharide residue modified with a phospho-glycerol (Gro-P) substituent.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the human intelectin claim 1 , or a variant thereof claim 1 , is conjugated to a label or reporter.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample or environment contains human glycans.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample comprises a human tissue or body fluid claim 1 , such as blood or serum.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample comprises a water or waste sample.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the human intelectin molecule is immobilized on a support.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the support is a dipstick claim 11 , bead claim 11 , chip claim 11 , microwell claim 11 , filter claim 11 , ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Nasal Oral Care Antiseptics Cleansing Kit

Номер: US20190126023A1

A patient cleaning kit having a package; an insert within the package, the insert and the package forming a first cavity and a second cavity; a cover coupled to the package, the cover and the package together enveloping the insert; a premoistened nasal swab within the first cavity; an oral swab within the second cavity; a toothbrush within the second cavity; and a bottle of germicidal solution within the package. 1. A patient cleaning kit comprising:a package;an insert within the package, the insert and the package forming a first cavity and a second cavity;a cover coupled to the package, the cover and the package together enveloping the insert;a premoistened nasal swab within the first cavity;an oral swab within the second cavity;a toothbrush within the second cavity; anda bottle of germicidal solution within the package.2. The patient cleaning kit of comprising:a medicine cup within the package.3. The patient cleaning kit of comprising:printed matter within the package.4. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said printed matter is printed on a panel of the insert.5. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said first cavity and said second cavity are separated by a divider portion of the insert.6. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said insert further comprises a first floor portion of the insert claim 5 , wherein the first floor portion is within the first cavity beneath the premoistened nasal swab.7. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said insert further comprises a second floor portion of the insert claim 6 , wherein the second floor portion is within the second cavity.8. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said second floor portion is beneath the bottle of germicidal solution.9. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said second floor portion is beneath said toothbrush.10. The patient cleaning kit of wherein said insert further comprises a floor portion of the insert claim 5 , wherein the floor portion is within the second cavity.11. The patient cleaning kit of ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Method For Preserving Hides or Skins

Номер: US20170130283A1

A process for preserving raw/fresh hides and skins is disclosed. In one embodiment, the hides and skins are treated with an antimicrobial composition containing a carbonate and/or bicarbonate salt of a quaternary ammonium cation. Alternatively, the antimicrobial composition contains a halide salt of a quaternary ammonium cation in combination with a second antimicrobial agent which may comprise a polyhexamethylene biguanide. The compositions are capable of preventing microbial degradation of the raw skins and hides for significant periods of time, such as greater than 48 hours. 1. A method for preserving animal hides or skins comprising treating the hides or skins with an antimicrobial composition , the antimicrobial composition containing one or more antimicrobial agents comprising a salt of a quaternary ammonium cation , the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation comprising:a) a carbonate/bicarbonate salt of a quaternary ammonium cation; orb) a halide salt of a quaternary ammonium cation combined with a surfactant.2. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation comprises the carbonate/bicarbonate salt of a quaternary ammonium cation.3. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation comprises at least one di C-Calkyl ammonium carbonate/bicarbonate.4. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation comprises didecyl dimethyl ammonium carbonate/bicarbonate.5. A method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial composition comprises a concentrate claim 1 , the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation being present in the concentrate in an amount of from 1% to about 80% by weight claim 1 , and wherein the method further includes the step of diluting the concentrate prior to treating the hides or skins with the antimicrobial composition.6. A method as defined in claim 5 , wherein the salt of a quaternary ammonium cation is contained in the concentrate in an amount ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161143A1

An antiseptic composition with a more extended applicable range by further enhancing the efficacy of olanexidine gluconate, which has been used as a highly safe dermal bactericidal disinfectant, and extending antibacterial spectrum. The antiseptic composition includes and has a more extended bactericidal spectrum than conventional disinfectants. 1. An antiseptic composition comprising olanexidine gluconate , wherein the antiseptic composition is basic.2. The antiseptic composition according to claim 1 , having a pH within a range from 8 to 11.3. The antiseptic composition according to claim 1 , wherein a concentration of olanexidine gluconate is 0.01 to 20% (WV).4. The antiseptic composition according to claim 1 , comprising water and/or an antiseptic alcohol.5. The antiseptic composition according to claim 4 , wherein a concentration of the antiseptic alcohol concentration is 10 to 85% (V/V).6. The antiseptic composition according to claim 4 , wherein the antiseptic alcohol is selected from ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.7. A rubbing agent comprising the antiseptic composition according to .8. The antiseptic composition according to claim 2 , wherein a concentration of olanexidine giuconate is 0.01 to 20% (W/V).9. The antiseptic composition according to claim 2 , comprising water and/or an antiseptic alcohol.10. The antiseptic composition according to claim 3 , comprising water and/or an antiseptic alcohol.11. The antiseptic composition according to claim 8 , comprising water and/or an antiseptic alcohol.12. The antiseptic composition according to claim 5 , wherein the antiseptic alcohol is selected from ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.13. The antiseptic composition according to claim wherein the antiseptic alcohol is selected from ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.14. The antiseptic composition according to claim 10 , wherein the antiseptic alcohol is selected from ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.15. The antiseptic composition according to claim 11 , wherein the antiseptic ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274918A1

A biobased fatty acid arginate may be synthesized according to the disclosed process by combining arginine and a fatty acid. The fatty acid arginate may have certain beneficial properties, such as surfactant properties or acting as an antimicrobial agent. 2: The composition of claim 1 , wherein R is a linear or branched aliphatic chain of length C6-C24 claim 1 , and optionally has at least one of an alkyl or a phenolic group substituent.3: The composition of claim 1 , wherein the compound is one of oleic arginate claim 1 , isooleic arginate claim 1 , stearic arginate claim 1 , or isostearic arginate.4: The composition of claim 1 , wherein R has an alkyl substituent.5: The composition of claim 1 , wherein R has a phenolic group substituent.6: A method of killing a microbe comprising exposing said microbe to an effective amount of the composition of .7: A method of inhibiting growth of a microbe on an object or in an area comprising applying an effective amount of the composition of to said object or area.8: A method of producing a fatty acid arginate claim 1 , the method comprising:halogenation of a non-phenolic fatty acid to create a halogenated fatty acid; andargination of the halogenated fatty acid by reacting the halogenated fatty acid with arginine to create a fatty acid arginate.9: A method of producing a phenolic fatty acid arginate claim 1 , the method comprising:protecting a hydroxyl group on a phenol group of a phenolic fatty acid to create a prepared phenolic fatty acid;halogenation of the prepared phenolic fatty acid to create a halogenated phenolic fatty acid;argination of the halogenated phenolic fatty acid by reacting the halogenated fatty acid with an arginine source to create a protected phenolic fatty acid arginate; anddeprotecting the hydroxyl group to create a phenolic fatty acid arginate. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/983,113 filed Feb. 28, 2020, which is incorporated herein by reference in its ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132481A1

A composition having biocidal properties is disclosed. The composition includes a biocide in combination with a film forming component. In one embodiment, for instance, the biocide comprises an amine while the film forming component comprises one or more polyvinyl alcohol polymers. The disinfectant composition forms a film on a surface that is abrasion resistant and will provide biocidal activity over an extended period of time, while being completely water dispersible. 1. A composition for disinfecting surfaces comprising:a biocide, the biocide comprising an amine, a chlorhexidine, a biguanide, or mixtures thereof;a film forming component combined with the biocide, the film forming component comprising a polyvinyl alcohol, a polyvinyl pyrrolidone, a polyalkylene glycol or mixtures thereof; anda liquid carrier.2. A composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the biocide comprises the amine claim 1 , the amine comprising a tertiary amine.3. A composition as defined in claim 2 , wherein tertiary amine comprises a tertiary alkyl amine.4. A composition as defined in claim 2 , wherein the biocide comprises N claim 2 ,N-bis(3-aminopropyl) dodecylamine claim 2 , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1 claim 2 ,3-diamine claim 2 , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-decyl-1 claim 2 ,3-propanediamine claim 2 , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-tetradecyl-1 claim 2 ,3-propanediamine claim 2 , or mixtures thereof.5. A composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the biocide is present in the composition in an about from about 0.1% to about 2% by weight.6. A composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the film forming component comprises the polyvinyl alcohol.7. A composition as defined in claim 6 , wherein the polyvinyl alcohol has a degree of hydrolysis of greater than about 80 mol %.8. A composition as defined in claim 6 , wherein the composition contains a first polyvinyl alcohol and a second polyvinyl alcohol claim 6 , the first polyvinyl alcohol having a degree of hydrolysis greater than the second ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Method of Controlling Phytoparasitic Pests, Agrochemical Composition and Use Thereof

Номер: US20180132483A1
Автор: Albertini Alberto

A method of protecting plants against damages caused by phytoparasitic pests, such as nematodes by treating a plant, plant part, or a locus thereof with an agrochemical composition comprising an effective amount of dodine or a salt and/or a solvate thereof. An agrochemical composition for controlling phytoparasites comprising an effective amount of dodine or a salt and/or solvate thereof is also described. The agrochemical composition can be used to prevent phytoparasites, including nematodes and nematode progeny, from developing or growing and can be used to kill phytoparasites on plants, plant parts or a locus thereof. 1. A method of protecting plants against damages caused by phytoparasitic pests , the method comprising treating a plant , plant part , or a locus thereof with an agrochemical composition comprising an effective amount of dodine or a salt and/or a solvate thereof , wherein the effective amount is an amount that is sufficient to prevent the phytoparasitic pests from growing or developing on the plant , plant part or locus thereof or an amount that is sufficient to kill the phytoparasitic pests on the plant , plant part , or locus thereof.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the agrochemical composition is an aqueous composition.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the dodine comprises 1-dodecylguanidinium acetate.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the agrochemical composition comprises one or more auxiliaries selected from the group consisting of solvents claim 1 , surfactants claim 1 , stabilizers claim 1 , anti-foaming agents claim 1 , anti-freezing agents claim 1 , preservatives claim 1 , antioxidants claim 1 , colorants claim 1 , thickeners and inert fillers.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the one or more auxiliaries comprises a solvent.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the phytoparasitic pest comprises nematodes or nematode progeny.9. The method according claim 1 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220279791A1

An article, and method of use, wherein the article includes: a substrate; a cationic coating bound to the substrate, wherein the cationic coating includes a guanidinyl-containing polymer that is crosslinked on the substrate; wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is of the following Formula (I), wherein: Ris a H, C-C(hetero)alkyl, C-C(hetero)aryl, or Polymer; each Ris independently H, C-C(hetero)alkyl, or C-C(hetero)aryl; each Ris H, C-C(hetero)alkyl, C-C(hetero)aryl, or N(R); Polymer is a residue of an aminopolymer chain; m is 1 or 2; and x is an integer of at least 1; and wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is crosslinked with an amine-reactive polyepoxy compound having pendant —OH groups. 2. The article of wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is crosslinked by reaction of at least 5 mol-% of the amino groups of an aminopolymer precursor with the amine-reactive polyepoxy compound having pendant —OH groups.3. The article of wherein the guanidinyl-containing polymer is crosslinked by reaction of up to 50 mol-% of the amino groups of an aminopolymer precursor with the amine-reactive polyepoxy compound having pendant —OH groups.4. The article of wherein the amine-reactive polyepoxy compound having pendant —OH groups is selected from the group of glycerol diglycidyl ether claim 1 , sorbitol diglycidyl ether claim 1 , diglycerol diglycidyl ether claim 1 , diglycerol triglycidyl ether claim 1 , pentaerythritol diglycidyl ether claim 1 , pentaerythritol triglycidyl ether claim 1 , trimethylol propane diglycidyl ether claim 1 , trimethylol ethane diglycidyl ether claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The article of wherein the amine-reactive polyepoxy compound having pendant —OH groups is glycerol diglycidyl ether.6. The article of wherein at least 0.1 mole percent of the amino groups of an aminopolymer precursor are functionalized with guanidinyl groups.7. The article of wherein up to 95 mol-% of the amino groups of an aminopolymer precursor are ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140221318A1
Автор: Yin Bei

Provided are biocidal compositions comprising: a hydroxymethyl-substituted phosphorus compound and a polymeric biguanide. The compositions are useful for controlling microorganisms in aqueous or water-containing systems. 1. A composition comprising: a hydroxymethyl-substituted phosphorus compound selected from the group consisting of a tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium salt , a C-Calkyl- or C-Calkenyl- tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium salt , and tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine; and a polymeric biguanide.2. The composition of wherein the weight ratio the hydroxymethyl-substituted phosphorus compound to the polymeric biguanide is between 17:1 and 1:17.32. The composition of any one of - wherein the hydroxymethyl-substituted phosphorus compound is tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate.43. The composition of any one of - wherein the polymeric biguanide is polyhexamethylene biguanide or a salt thereof.54. A method for controlling microorganisms in an aqueous or water-containing system claims 1 , the method comprising treating the system with the composition of any one of -.6. The method of wherein the aqueous or water-containing system is used or is present in oil or gas production.7. The method of wherein oil or gas production comprises injection and produced water claim 6 , source water for waterflooding and hydraulic fracturing claim 6 , pond water claim 6 , holding tank water claim 6 , functional fluids claim 6 , drilling muds claim 6 , completion and workover fluids claim 6 , hydrotest fluids claim 6 , stimulation fluids claim 6 , packer fluids claim 6 , fracturing fluids claim 6 , oil and gas wells claim 6 , separation claim 6 , storage and transportation systems claim 6 , oil and gas pipelines claim 6 , oil and gas vessels claim 6 , or fuel.8. The method of wherein the aqueous or water-containing system is cooling water claim 5 , air washer claim 5 , heat exchangers claim 5 , boiler water claim 5 , pulp and paper mill water claim 5 , other industrial process ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210169076A1

The invention relates to an antimicrobial mixture containing 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxy-phenyl)butan-2-one and ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride, and also to a cosmetic composition containing such a mixture. Use in caring for, making up and cleansing keratin materials. 1. An antimicrobial mixture comprising 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan -2-one and ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride.2. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 1 , which comprises 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one and ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride or a salt thereof in amounts such that the 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one/ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride weight ratio ranges from 5 to 1300.3. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 1 , which has antimicrobial activity on yeasts claim 1 , on gram-negative bacteria claim 1 , and on gram-positive bacteria.4. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan -2-one/ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride weight ratio ranging from 300 to 1300.5Staphylococcus aureus.. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 4 , which has antimicrobial activity on the gram-positive bacterium6. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan -2-one/ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride weight ratio ranging from 5 to 60.7. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 6 , which has antimicrobial activity on yeasts.8. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture has a 4-(3-ethoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl)butan -2-one/ethyl N-lauroyl arginate hydrochloride weight ratio ranging from 30 to 500.9. The antimicrobial mixture according to claim 8 , which has antimicrobial activity on gram-negative bacteria.10. A composition comprising claim 1 , in a physiologically acceptable medium claim 1 , an antimicrobial mixture according to .11. The composition according to claim 10 , which the comprises at least one ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145310A1

Disclosed are hypersensitive-response eliciting peptides that exhibit improved solubility, stability, resistance to chemical degradation, or a combination of these properties. Use of these peptides or fusion polypeptides, or DNA constructs encoding the same, for modulating plant biochemical signaling, imparting disease resistance to plants, enhancing plant growth, imparting tolerance to biotic stress, imparting tolerance and resistance to abiotic stress, imparting desiccation resistance to cuttings removed from ornamental plants, imparting post-harvest disease or post-harvest desiccation resistance to a fruit or vegetable, or enhancing the longevity of fruit or vegetable ripeness are also disclosed. 2. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein the peptide is between 13 and 50 amino acids in length.3. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein the isolated peptide is stable when dissolved in water or aqueous solution.4. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein the isolated peptide is resistant to chemical degradation when dissolved in an aqueous buffer solution containing a biocide.5. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein the isolated peptide has a solubility of greater than about 5.0 mg/ml in water or aqueous solution.6. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of X at positions 2 and 6 are not present.7. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein both of X at positions 2 and 6 is present.8. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein X at position 10 is not present.9. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , wherein X at position 10 is present.10. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , whereineach X at positions 2 and 6, when present, is independently a polar or charged amino acid; andeach X at positions 3, 7, 10, and 11 is independently a polar or charged amino acid.11. The isolated peptide according to claim 1 , whereineach X at positions 2 and 6, when present, is ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Liquid Termiticide Compositions of Pyrethroids and Neonicitinoids

Номер: US20170142973A1

The present invention relates to liquid termiticide compositions comprising a pyrethroid and a neonicotinoid selected from the group consisting of imidacloprid, nithiazine, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran, nitenpyram, thiacloprid and clothianadin, these compositions result in an increase in termite mortality at low application rates and a continuous chemical barrier of a termiticide in soil surrounding and beneath a structure in a locus where termites are suspected or known to exist. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for controlling termites comprising applying a termiticidally effective amount of a termite composition dispersed in an aqueous medium to a locus where termite control is needed or expected to be needed , wherein said locus is selected from a termite-infested structure , a structure that is expected to be termite-infested , or a location adjacent to said structures , and wherein: (i) bifenthrin and', '(ii) clothianadin;, '(a) the termiticide consists of a mixture of'}(b) the amount of bifenthrin is equal to from 0.0005% by weight to 0.50% by weight of all components in the composition; and,(c) the amount of clothianadin is equal to from 0.0005% by weight to 0.50% by weight of all components in the composition.29. The method of wherein the weight ratio of bifenthrin:clothianadin is between 1:2 and 1:20.30. The method of wherein the amount of bifenthrin is equal to from 0.001% by weight to 0.005% by weight of all components in the composition and the amount of clothianadin is equal to from 0.01% by weight to 0.02% by weight of all components in the composition.31Reticulitermes flavipes.. The method of wherein such termites are of the species This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/556,229, filed Mar. 25, 2004.The present invention relates generally to pesticidal compositions. In particular, it pertains to compositions of liquid termiticides useful for control of soil-borne termites.Termites are undisputedly the most destructive of ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140228528A1

A polyguanidine silicate obtainable by reacting a polymeric guanidine salt provided in an aqueous solution with an aqueous solution of a sodium and/or potassium silicate. 118-. (canceled)20. The method of wherein the polymeric guanidine salt is a polymeric bisguanidine salt.21. The method of wherein the polymeric guanidine salt is obtained by reacting a guanidine salt with an alkylene diamine and/or an oxyalkylene diamine.22. The method of wherein the polymeric guanidine salt is obtained via a reaction in which claim 19 , per mole of diamine (sum of alkylene diamine and oxyalkylene diamine) claim 19 , 0.8 to 1.2 moles of guanidine salt are used.23. The method of wherein the polymeric guanidine salt is obtained via a reaction in which the alkylene diamine and the oxyalkylene diamine are used at a molar ratio of between 4:1 and 1:4.24. The method of wherein amino groups of the alkylene diamine and/or the oxyalkylene diamine are terminal.25. The method of wherein the alkylene diamine has the general formula NH(CH)NH claim 21 , wherein n is an integer between 2 and 10 claim 21 , in particular 6.26. The method of wherein the oxyalkylene diamine has the general formula NH[(CH)O)](CH)NH claim 21 , wherein n is an integer between 2 and 5 claim 21 , in particular 2.27. The method of wherein triethylene glycol diamine (relative molecular mass: 148) claim 21 , polyoxypropylene diamine (relative molecular mass: 230) and/or polyoxyethylene diamine (relative molecular mass: 600) is/are provided as the oxyalkylene diamine.28. The method of wherein an average molecular mass of the polymeric guanidine salt ranges between 500 and 3 claim 19 ,000.29. The method of wherein a hydrochloride is provided as the salt of the guanidine.30. The method of wherein water glass is provided as the aqueous solution of a sodium and/or potassium silicate.31. The method of wherein the polyguanidine silicate is used as a biocidal agent.32. The method of wherein the polyguanidine silicate is used as an ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180146678A1
Автор: Smith Francis X.

The present invention relates to an ophthalmic solution comprising 0.00001 to 10.0 weight percent of a simple saccharide, at least 0.00001 weight percent of a preservative, and not more than about 0.2 percent by weight chloride. The simple saccharide is chosen from the group consisting of: inositol; mannitol; sorbitol; sucrose; dextrose; glycerin; propylene glycol; ribose; triose; tetrose; erythrose; threose; pentose; arabinose; ribulose; xylose; xylulose; lyxose; hexose; allose; altrose; fructose; galactose; glucose; gulose; idose; mannose; sorbose; talose; tagatose; adlose; ketose; heptose; sedoheptulose; monosaccharides; disaccharides; sugar alcohols; xylitol; and polyol. 2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the preservative is between 0.1 and 100 parts per million.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the preservative is polyhexamethylene biguanide.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the single-part solution further comprises a physiologically compatible buffer.5. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the physiologically compatible buffer is selected from a group consisting of: phosphate claim 4 , bicarbonate claim 4 , citrate claim 4 , borate claim 4 , ACES claim 4 , acetate claim 4 , BES claim 4 , BICINE claim 4 , BIS claim 4 , BIS-Iris claim 4 , BIS-Iris Propane claim 4 , bicarbonate claim 4 , histidine claim 4 , HEPES claim 4 , Iris claim 4 , HEPPS claim 4 , imidazole claim 4 , MES claim 4 , MOPS claim 4 , PIPES claim 4 , TAPS claim 4 , TES claim 4 , glycine claim 4 , tromethamine claim 4 , and Tricine.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the single-part solution further comprises a wetting agent.7. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the wetting agent is selected from a group consisting of: polysorbate surfactants claim 6 , polyoxyethylene surfactants claim 6 , polyethoxylated glycerides claim 6 , phosphonates claim 6 , saponins and polyethoxylated castor oils.8. The method as recited in ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210178009A1

A wound care product and related methods of treatment for wound site infection and for healing a wound is disclosed. The wound care product includes alexidine and a substrate and/or a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 1. A wound care product, the wound care product comprising alexidine and a substrate and/or pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/747,004, filed Jan. 23, 2018, which claims the priority of International Application PCT/US2016/043550, filed Jul. 22, 2016, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/196,432, filed on Jul. 24, 2015, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.The present disclosure relates generally to wound care, and more particularly to wound care and catheter securement products using alexidine to prevent infection at the wound site and promote wound healing.Wounds may occur for a variety of reasons, including surgery, catheter insertion or other medical device implantation, traumatic injury, burns, and ulcers due to disease or clinical conditions such as diabetes, blood stasis, and pressure (decubitus ulcers). A surgical wound is a cut or an incision in the skin that is usually made by a scalpel during surgery. A surgical wound can also be the result of a drain placed during surgery, catheter insertion, or needle insertion. Surgical wounds vary greatly in size. They are usually closed with sutures but are sometimes left open to heal. Wounds must be properly cared for and treated such that the outer epidermis and other affected areas, such as damaged tissue underlying the wound, heal. If a wound is not properly cared for, then the healing process will be impaired and the wound will become infected. An infected wound may cause great pain and discomfort and ultimately may have serious health consequences for a patient. Therefore, proper wound care to prevent infection and promote healing is imperative to a patient' ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150157025A1

The present invention relates to a composition comprising at least one biological control agent. Furthermore, the present invention relates to the use of this composition as well as a method for reducing overall damage of plants and plant parts. 1Bacillus chitinosporusBacillus mycoidesBacillus pumilusBacillus pumilusBacillusBacillusBacillusBacillus subtilisBacillus subtilisBacillus subtilisBacillus thuringiensisBacillus thuringiensisMuscodor albusMuscodor roseusRhodococcus globerulusStreptomyces galbusStreptomycesBacillus thuringiensiskurstakiBacillus subtilisBacillus subtilis. A composition comprising at least one biological control agent selected from the group consisting of AQ746 (NRRL Accession No. B-21618) , AQ726 (NRRL Accession No. B-21664) , (NRRL Accession No. B-30087) , AQ717 (NRRL Accession No. B-21662) , sp. AQ175 (ATCC Accession No. 55608) , sp. AQ177 (ATCC Accession No. 55609) , sp. AQ178 (ATCC Accession No. 53522) , AQ743 (NRRL Accession No. B-21665) , AQ713 (NRRL Accession No. B-21661) , AQ153 (ATCC Accession No. 55614) , BD#32 (NRRL Accession No. B-21530) , AQ52 (NRRL Accession No. B-21619) , 620 (NRRL Accession No. 30547) , A3-5 (NRRL Accession No. 30548) , AQ719 (NRRL Accession No. B-21663) , (NRRL Accession No. 30232) , sp. (NRRL Accession No. B-30145) , subspec. BMP 123 , AQ30002 (NRRL Accession No. B-50421) , and AQ 30004 (NRRL Accession No. B-50455) ,and/or a mutant of these strains having all llthell identifying characteristics of the respective strain, and/or a metabolite produced by the respective strain that exhibits activity against insects, mites, nematodes and/or phytopathogensand at least one insecticide selected from the group consisting of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) allosteric activators in a synergistically effective amount.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist is selected from the group consisting of ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160157490A1

The present invention provides an antiseptic composition comprising a germinant and an antimicrobial agent, wherein the germinant increases a pathogen's susceptibility to attack from the antimicrobial agent and wherein the antimicrobial agent does not inhibit the germinant. The present invention also provides an antiseptic wipe, handwash or paint comprising such antiseptic composition and a method of sterilizing a surface using such a composition. 1. An antiseptic wipe impregnated with an antiseptic composition , wherein the antiseptic composition comprises a germinant and an antimicrobial agent , wherein the germinant comprises sodium taurocholate and at least two amino acids selected from the group consisting of histidine , arginine , aspartic acid , glycine and valine , and wherein the antimicrobial agent comprises benzalkonium chloride and benzyl alcohol.2. The antiseptic wipe of wherein the wipe comprises a fabric claim 1 , mesh or gauze type material.3C. difficileStaphylococcus aureusE. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicansAspergillus niger.. The antiseptic wipe of claim 1 , wherein the composition is effective against bacterial pathogens selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , methicillin resistant (MRSA) claim 1 , and4. The antiseptic wipe of claim 1 , wherein the germinant comprises histidine claim 1 , arginine claim 1 , aspartic acid claim 1 , glycine and valine5. The antiseptic wipe of claim 1 , wherein the germinant is present in an amount of from 1 to 10 mM based on the final composition.6. The antiseptic wipe of claim 1 , wherein the antimicrobial agent is provided in an amount of from 0.01% to 2%.7. A method of sterilizing a surface such that it is essentially free of pathogens claim 1 , the method comprising contacting the surface with the wipe of for a time sufficient for the pathogens to germinate and be killed.8. An antiseptic hand wash claim 1 , paint or lacquer for coating an abiotic surface claim 1 , comprising an antiseptic ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Lysin Agent and Method of Use for Diagnostic Testing

Номер: US20190153413A1

Novel lysin proteins have been identified and characterized. Methods to detect the presence or absence of bacteria in a sample, methods for lysing bacteria, and methods for decontaminating or disinfecting areas contaminated with bacteria that utilize these lysin proteins have also been developed. 1. A method for detecting the presence or absence of bacteria in a sample comprising:incubating the sample in the presence of at least one polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 9, SEQ ID NO: 10, SEQ ID NO: 11, and SEQ ID NO: 12;contacting the sample with at least a first and a second oligonucleotide primer under conditions sufficient to provide polymerase-based nucleic acid amplification; anddetecting the presence or absence of an amplification product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is a Gram-positive bacteria.3Bacillus. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is a species.4Bacillus anthracis.. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is a Gram-negative bacteria.6Yersinia. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is a species.7Yersinia pestis.. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bacteria is8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymerase-based nucleic acid amplification is quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR).9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polypeptide comprises the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 10.10. A method for lysing bacteria claim 1 , comprising contacting the bacteria with at least one polypeptide comprising the amino acid sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 9 claim 1 , SEQ ID NO: 10 claim 1 , SEQ ID NO: 11 claim 1 , and SEQ ID NO: 12.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the bacteria is a Gram-positive bacteria.12Bacillus. The method of claim 10 , wherein the bacteria is a species.13Bacillus anthracis.. The method of claim 10 , wherein the bacteria is14. The method of claim 10 , wherein ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Synergistic Insecticidal Mixtures

Номер: US20140243326A1
Принадлежит: Bayer CropScience AG

The invention relates to insecticide mixtures comprising thiodicarb and at least one other known active ingredient from the category of chloronicotinyls, as well as the use of these mixtures to control animal pests. 2. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and imidacloprid.3. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and acetamiprid.4. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and nitenpyram.5. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and thiamethoxam.6. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and clothianidin.7. A composition comprising of a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and thiacloprid.8. A composition of comprising a synergistically effective mixture of thiodicarb and dinotefuran.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. A pesticide composition comprising the synergistically effective mixture of and extenders and/or surfactants.12. A method of controlling animal pests comprising applying the composition of to the area to be rid of said pests.13. A method of controlling animal pests comprising applying the composition of to an area to be rid of said pests. The present invention relates to new combinations of active ingredients that comprise the active ingredients thiodicarb and an additional active ingredient from the category of chloronicotinyls and that possess very good insecticidal properties.It is already known that thiodicarb can be used to control animal pests, especially insects. Furthermore, it is known that chloronicotinyls such as imidacloprid, thiacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, nitenpyram and dinotefuran are suitable for controlling animal pests, especially insects.The efficacy of these compounds is good, but falls short in some cases when small quantities are applied or when used on individual pests.It has now been found that mixtures ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190166846A1
Автор: Smith Francis X.

The present invention relates to an ophthalmic solution comprising 0.00001 to 10.0 weight percent of a simple saccharide, at least 0.00001 weight percent of a preservative, and not more than about 0.2 percent by weight chloride. The simple saccharide is chosen from the group consisting of: inositol; mannitol; sorbitol; sucrose; dextrose; glycerin; propylene glycol; ribose; triose; tetrose; erythrose; threose; pentose; arabinose; ribulose; xylose; xylulose; lyxose; hexose; allose; altrose; fructose; galactose; glucose; gulose; idose; mannose; sorbose; talose; tagatose; adlose; ketose; heptose; sedoheptulose; monosaccharides; disaccharides; sugar alcohols; xylitol; and polyol. 2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the preservative is between 0.1 and 100 parts per million.3. The method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the preservative is polyhexamethylene biguanide.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the single-part solution further comprises a physiologically compatible buffer.5. The method as recited in claim 4 , wherein the physiologically compatible buffer is selected from a group consisting of: phosphate claim 4 , bicarbonate claim 4 , citrate claim 4 , borate claim 4 , ACES claim 4 , acetate claim 4 , BES claim 4 , BICINE claim 4 , BIS claim 4 , BIS-Iris claim 4 , BIS-Iris Propane claim 4 , bicarbonate claim 4 , histidine claim 4 , HEPES claim 4 , Iris claim 4 , HEPPS claim 4 , imidazole claim 4 , MES claim 4 , MOPS claim 4 , PIPES claim 4 , TAPS claim 4 , TES claim 4 , glycine claim 4 , tromethamine claim 4 , and Tricine.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the single-part solution further comprises a wetting agent.7. The method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the wetting agent is selected from a group consisting of: polysorbate surfactants claim 6 , polyoxyethylene surfactants claim 6 , polyethoxylated glycerides claim 6 , phosphonates claim 6 , saponins and polyethoxylated castor oils.8. The method as recited in ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Method and System for Treatment of Microorganisms during Propagation, Conditioning, Fermentation, and Preservation Using LAE and Selected Additives

Номер: US20200165638A1
Автор: ZIEGLER Allen M.

A method of controlling undesirable microorganism concentration in an aqueous fluid solution employed in a fermentation process is disclosed. An example of the method includes introducing a fermentable carbohydrate to the aqueous fluid solution. The example method also includes introducing at least one desirable microorganism that is capable of fermenting carbohydrate to the aqueous fluid solution. The example method also includes introducing at least one lauric arginate (LAE) compound as a preservative into the aqueous fluid solution at a rate of between about two (2) pounds and about fifty (50) pounds LAE per ton of distillers grain. The example method also includes adding a surfactant (e.g., Polysorbate 80) to the LAE to improve solubility and efficacy of LAE during the fermentation process. 1. A method of controlling undesirable microorganism concentration in an aqueous fluid solution employed in a fermentation process , the method comprising the steps of:introducing a fermentable carbohydrate to the aqueous fluid solution;introducing at least one desirable microorganism that is capable of fermenting carbohydrate to the aqueous fluid solution; andintroducing at least one lauric arginate (LAE) compound as a preservative into the aqueous fluid solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein introducing the LAE is at a rate of between about two (2) pounds and about fifty (50) pounds per ton of distiller's grain.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding a surfactant to improve solubility and efficacy of LAE during the fermentation process.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant is a hydrophilic surfactant.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant is a nonionic surfactant.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant is an emulsifier.7. The method of claim 3 , wherein the surfactant is Polysorbate 80.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein Polysorbate 80 is added at a concentration of about 0.05 wt % to about 2 wt %.9. The method of claim 8 , ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183535A1

Compositions and methods include a new strain of having plant growth promoting activity. In particular aspects, compositions containing the strain can be applied alone or in combination with one or both of chemical agents or other microbial agents to benefit plant growth and to confer protection against and/or control plant disease. 1Bacillus pumilus. A composition for benefiting plant growth , the composition comprising a biologically pure culture of RTI279 deposited as ATCC No. PTA-121164 , or a mutant thereof having all the identifying characteristics thereof , present in an amount suitable to benefit plant growth.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is capable of benefiting plant growth when applied to: seed of the plant claim 1 , roots of the plant claim 1 , a cutting of the plant claim 1 , a graft of the plant claim 1 , callus tissue of the plant; soil or growth medium surrounding the plant; soil or growth medium before sowing seed of the plant in the soil or growth medium; or soil or growth medium before planting the plant claim 1 , the plant cutting claim 1 , the plant graft claim 1 , or the plant callus tissue in the soil or growth medium.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a liquid claim 1 , an oil dispersion claim 1 , a dust claim 1 , a dry wettable powder claim 1 , a spreadable granule claim 1 , or a dry wettable granule.4Bacillus pumilus. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a liquid and the RTI279 is present at a concentration of from about 1.0×10CFU/ml to about 1.0×10CFU/ml.5Bacillus pumilus. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of a dust claim 1 , a dry wettable powder claim 1 , a spreadable granule claim 1 , or a dry wettable granule and the RTI279 is present in an amount of from about 1.0×10CFU/g to about 1.0×10CFU/g.6Bacillus pumilus. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is in the form of an oil dispersion and ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Dental Irrigant

Номер: US20160184352A1

An irrigant comprising either a hypochlorite compound or a chlorhexidine compound in combination with at least one surfactant and preferably two or more surfactants, including fluorosurfactants, ethoxylates, sulfonates, quaternary ammonium compounds, amine oxides, and combinations thereof, wherein each of the surfactants are capable of complexing with one another. 1. An irrigant and disinfectant solution comprising:a hypohalogen salt comprising about 0.1-10.0% of the solution;a strong basic compound;a first surfactant comprising; anda second surfactant, wherein said first and said second surfactant are capable of complexing with one another.2. The solution according to wherein said pH of said solution is about 10.50-13.50.3. The solution according to wherein said first surfactant comprises an ethoxylate compound comprising about 0.1-2.0 of the solution.4. The solution according to wherein said second surfactant comprises a fluorosurfactant.5. The solution according to wherein said basic compound is selected from the group consisting of potassium hydroxide claim 4 , sodium hydroxide claim 4 , lithium hydroxide claim 4 , or combinations thereof.6. The solution according to wherein said strong basic compound comprises about 0.01%-3.00% of the solution.7. The solution according to further comprising a third surfactant claim 1 , said second and third surfactants being fluorosurfactants.8. A disinfectant wipe comprising the solution of .9. The solution according to wherein said basic compound is selected from the group consisting of potassium hydroxide claim 1 , sodium hydroxide claim 1 , lithium hydroxide claim 1 , or combinations thereof.10. An irrigant and disinfectant solution comprising:a chlorhexidine based compound comprising about 0.1-20.0% of the solution;and at least one surfactant.11. The solution according to wherein said chlorhexidine based compound comprises about 0.1-4.0% of the solution.12. The solution according to wherein said solution has a pH of about ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Antimicrobial polymers capable of supramolecular assembly

Номер: US20190174747A1

Techniques regarding chemical compounds with antimicrobial functionality are provided. For example, one or more embodiments describe herein can comprise a monomer that can comprise a molecular backbone. The molecular backbone can comprise a bis(urea)guanidinium structure covalently bonded to a functional group, which can comprise a radical. Also, the monomer can have supramolecular assembly functionality.

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150190536A1
Принадлежит: CAREFUSION 2200, INC.

A method for sterilizing an antiseptic solution includes providing a container containing the antiseptic solution, the antiseptic solution having an initial purity, selecting a sterilization temperature from about 85° C. to about 135° C. and an sterilization time from about 1 minute to about 19 hours, heating the antiseptic solution to the selected sterilization temperature, maintaining the temperature for the selected sterilization time, and terminating the heating of the antiseptic solution when the sterilization time expires. After terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution has a post-sterilization purity. The sterilization temperature and the sterilization time are selected such that after terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution is sterile and has a post-sterilization purity of at least about 92% and the percentage point change in purity from the initial purity to the post-sterilization purity is at most about 5%. 1. A method for sterilizing an antiseptic solution , the method comprising: an antimicrobial compound selected from the group consisting of a bis-(dihydropyridinyl)-decane derivative and a biguanide; and', 'an initial purity;, 'providing a container containing the antiseptic solution, the antiseptic solution havingselecting a sterilization temperature from about 85° C. to about 135° C. and a sterilization time from about 1 minute to about 19 hours;heating the antiseptic solution to the selected sterilization temperature;maintaining the antiseptic solution at the sterilization temperature for the selected sterilization time; andterminating the heating of the antiseptic solution when the selected sterilization time expires,wherein after terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution has a post-sterilization purity, andwherein the sterilization temperature and the sterilization time are selected such that after terminating the heating, the antiseptic solution is sterile and said solution has a post-sterilization purity of at least about ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Compounds, Compositions, and Methods for Altering Behavior of Insects Or Other Organisms

Номер: US20140274684A1

The disclosure provides for methods of repelling, directing, altering the behavior, and controlling an insect by utilizing a compound or composition described herein. The disclosure also provides for methods of promoting the health of an insect by repelling a pest that preys on insect and/or by providing an antibiotic or nutritional supplement composition to an insect. The disclosure also provides for a composition including at least one repelling, controlling, or directing compound or composition described herein together with an insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, or miticide. Compounds, compositions, seeds, and plants useful in these methods are also described. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein Ris methyl or ethyl and Ris selected from the group consisting of methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , propyl claim 1 , isopropyl claim 1 , cyclopropyl claim 1 , butyl claim 1 , iso-butyl claim 1 , tert-butyl claim 1 , pentyl claim 1 , hexyl claim 1 , heptyl claim 1 , octyl claim 1 , nonyl claim 1 , decyl claim 1 , undecyl and substituted or non substituted C-C-alkyl claim 1 , substituted or non substituted C-Calkenyl claim 1 , a substituted or non substituted C-C-alkynyl.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one compound is a C-Cketone.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein said C-Cketone is selected from the group consisting of 3-heptanone claim 3 , 4-heptanone claim 3 , cycloheptanone claim 3 , 2-octanone claim 3 , 3-octanone claim 3 , cyclooctanone claim 3 , 2-nonanone claim 3 , cyclononanone claim 3 , 2-decanone claim 3 , 3-decanone claim 3 , 4-decanone claim 3 , 5-decanone claim 3 , 2-undecanone claim 3 , 2-dodecanone claim 3 , 2-trideconone claim 3 , 2-tetradecanone claim 3 , 2-pentadecanone claim 3 , 2-hexadecanone claim 3 , 2-heptadecanone claim 3 , cyclodeconone claim 3 , and sulfur analogs of 2-decanone.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said insect is a pollinating insect and said pollinating insect is optionally ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210212314A1

Techniques regarding chemical compounds with antimicrobial functionality are provided. For example, one or more embodiments describe herein can comprise a monomer that can comprise a molecular backbone. The molecular backbone can comprise a bis(urea)guanidinium structure covalently bonded to a functional group, which can comprise a radical. Also, the monomer can have supramolecular assembly functionality. 1. A method for making a chemical compound , comprising:dissolving an amine monomer with an electrophile in a solvent, the amine monomer comprising a molecular backbone, and the molecular backbone comprising a bis(urea)guanidinium structure; andpolymerizing the amine monomer and the electrophile to form an ionene unit, the ionene unit comprising a cation located along the molecular backbone.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ionene unit has antimicrobial functionality3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cation is selected from the group consisting of a nitrogen cation and a phosphorus cation.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cation is a nitrogen cation selected from the group consisting of a protonated secondary amine cation claim 1 , a protonated tertiary amine cation claim 1 , a quaternary ammonium cation and an imidazolium cation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cation is covalently bonded to a hydrophobic functional group.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:stirring the amine monomer, the electrophile, and the solvent at a temperature greater than or equal to 15 degrees Celsius (° C.) and less than or equal to 150° C. for a period of time greater than or equal to 8 hours and less than or equal to 72 hours.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the polymerizing comprises a process to form the cation claim 6 , and wherein the process is selected from the group consisting of an alkylation and a quaternization.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the electrophile is a dialkyl halide claim 7 , wherein the solvent is an organic solvent claim 7 , ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Antipathogenic Guanidinium Copolymer

Номер: US20140275447A1

Antimicrobial, substituted alkyl guanidinium polymers, and methods to form same. Applicant's invention relates to a guanidinium polymer that is effective as a broad-spectrum disinfectant capable of immobilizing and/or killing pathogens, including active bacteria and dormant bacteria spores.The presence of certain types of bacteria and other pathogens, whether airborne or on exposed surfaces, creates a health risk. These pathogens may be naturally occurring in the environment or may be introduced by a sick or infected personal or animal. The risk of harm from pathogens is particularly a concern in healthcare settings, such a hospitals and nursing homes, where individuals are more likely to have weakened immune systems. Certain pathogens may be “weaponized,” and used as biological agents against both civilian and military personnel. These include anthrax () and botulinum ().To minimize the risk of harm as a result of exposure to bacteria, it has been a goal to develop substances and/or treatments that are effective in reducing or eliminating harmful bacteria. For instance, disinfectants are commonly applied to surfaces (i.e., floors, walls, work surfaces, and the like) to reduce or eliminate any exposed bacteria. These disinfectants, however, generally reside only on the surface and are, as such, easily washed away or otherwise removed. Such disinfectants must be periodically reapplied to maintain their effectiveness.Bacteria exist in either an active or a dormant state. In the active state, often referred to as the “vegetative state,” the bacteria is capable of growing and reproducing. It is in this state that the bacteria causes infections and illnesses. In the dormant state, often referred to as “spores,” “endospores” or “microbial cysts,” the bacteria is surrounded by a very tough outer coating. A bacteria spore requires little or no nutrients, can survive for a long period of time in harsh conditions, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, high and low ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160198712A1

The present application relates to biocidal substances comprising at least one isothiazolinone from the group consisting of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one (BIT) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (MIT), and at least one N-alkyl-guanidinium salt, methods for the production thereof, and their use for protecting technical materials and products which can be attacked by microorganisms. 1. A biocidal substance comprising:(a) at least one of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl 4-isothiazolin-3-one; and(b) at least one N-alkyl-guanidinium salt.2. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the biocidal substance comprises both the 1 claim 1 ,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one and the 2-methyl 4-isothiazolin-one.4. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 3 , wherein R is n-dodecyl.5. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:a weight ratio of components (a) and (b) to one another is 10:1 to 1:10; anda sum of components (a) and (b) is 1 to 80% by weight, based on the total weight of the biocidal substance.6. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a weight ratio of 1 claim 2 ,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl 4-isothiazolin-3-one is 1:100 to 100:1.7. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 2 , wherein:a weight ratio of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl 4-isothiazolin-3-one is 1.5;1 to 1:2.5;a weight ratio of components (a) and (b) to one another is 2:1to 1:5; anda sum of components (a) and (b) is 4 to 50% by weight, based on the total weight of the biocidal substance.8. The biocidal substance as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , based on the total weight of the biocidal substance claim 1 , 0.2 to 20% by weight of one or more further biocidal active ingredients selected from the group consisting of bronopol claim 1 , benzylhemiformal claim 1 , trimethylene-2-methylisothiazolinon-3-one claim 1 , N-methylbenzisothiazolinone claim 1 , 2-n-octylisothiazolin-3-one claim 1 , tetramethylolacetylenediurea (TMAD) claim 1 , 1 ...
