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20-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2277791C2

Изобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к кондитерской, и может быть использовано при производстве твердой карамели. При производстве твердой карамели предусмотрено получение сахаропаточного сиропа до содержания сухих веществ и карамельной массы, а также формование изделий из карамельной массы. Сахаропаточный сироп получают путем совместного смешивания и уваривания сахара, патоки и воды до содержания сухих веществ 78-80%. Карамельную массу получают путем последовательного уваривания сахаропаточного сиропа в слое 1-1,5 мм при температуре 120-126°С, испарения из него влаги и последующего уваривания в пленочном слое при температуре 146-157°С. После чего производят формование карамельной массы путем отлива полученной горячей массы в формы. При этом перед отливом массы в формы производят подкисление, окрашивание и ароматизацию. При этом перед увариванием сахаропаточного сиропа в пластинчатом слое вводят смесь сгущенного молока и масла. При этом обеспечивается упрощение способа ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563690C2

Изобретение относится к кондитерскому изделию, содержащему полидекстрозу и по меньшей мере две структурирующие добавки. Предложено кондитерское изделие, содержащее полидекстрозу, при этом оно дополнительно содержит: a) 5-12 вес.% желатина, b) 0,01-0,35 вес.% ксантановой камеди, камеди бобов рожкового дерева или смеси обоих веществ, и полидекстроза присутствует в количестве от 60 до 90 вес.% в расчете на вес сухого вещества. Предложен способ получения кондитерского изделия, включающий следующие стадии: a) смешивания полидекстрозы и i) желатина и ii) ксантановой камеди и/или камеди бобов рожкового дерева, b) приготовления смеси, c) размещения приготовленной смеси в желаемых формах. Также предложена сухая смесь, содержащая полидекстрозу и a) 5-12 вес.% желатина, b) 0,01-0,35 вес.% ксантановой камеди, камеди бобов рожкового дерева или смеси обоих веществ, и полидекстроза присутствует в количестве от 60 до 90 вес.% в расчете на вес сухого вещества. Изобретение позволяет получить кондитерское ...

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351148C2

Группа изобретений относится к композициям, обеспечивающим контролируемое высвобождение согревающего агента в области рецепторов полости рта потребителя. Пищевой продукт, являющийся первым объектом изобретения, содержит ароматизирующий агент, носитель и оральную согревающую композицию, содержащую согревающий агент и гидратированный пищевой полимер, содержащий пектин в количестве от около 0,2% до около 0,4% от веса указанного пищевого продукта. Полимер образует сплошную гомогенную смесь с указанным согревающим агентом. Вторым объектом изобретения является композиция пастилки, включающая аморфную стеклообразную полимерную матрицу, содержащую пектин в количестве от около 0,2% до около 0,4% от веса указанной композиции, содержащей диспергированный в ней согревающий агент. Третьим объектом изобретения является композиция жевательной резинки, включающая ароматизирующий агент, жевательную основу и оральную согревающую композицию, содержащую согревающий агент и гидратированный пищевой полимер.

20-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2492690C2

Изобретение относится к кондитерским изделиям профилактического и диетического назначения. Сбивное кондитерское изделие с низким гликемическим индексом имеет корпус, выполненный посредством формования сбивной кондитерской массы. Сбивная кондитерская масса получена из композиции, включающей в качестве сахарозаменителей кристаллические полиолы и/или с текстурирующими свойствами сиропы из полидисперсных гидрогенизированных сахаров и/или из полидисперсных гидрогенизированных сахаров и неусваиваемых полисахаридов и/или сиропы из неусваиваемых полисахаридов с интенсивными подсластителями; желирующий агент, пенообразователь и питьевую воду для осуществления технологического процесса. При этом в качестве желирующего агента используют пектин. Причем пектин и пенообразователь используют при следующем процентном соотношении сухих веществ: пектин 1,17-3,08, пенообразователь - 0,52-1,12. Изобретение позволяет получить готовый продукт с низким гликемическим индексом за счет полной замены сахара полиолами ...

20-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007108793A

... 1. Оральная композиция, содержащая: a) вещество, вызывающее ощущение; и b) гидратированный пищевой полимер, который образует сплошную матрицу с указанным веществом, вызывающим ощущение. 2. Оральная композиция по п.1, в которой указанное вещество, вызывающее ощущение, выбрано из группы, состоящей из физиологических охлаждающих средств, средств, вызывающих ощущение покалывания, и их сочетаний. 3. Оральная композиция по п.1, в которой указанный пищевой полимер выбран из группы, состоящей из альгинатов, природных и синтетических смол, целлюлоз, каррагенанов и их сочетаний. 4. Оральная композиция по п.1, в которой количество указанного пищевого полимера составляет от около 1 до около 10% от веса указанной композиции. 5. Оральная композиция по п.1, в которой указанный пищевой полимер включает пектин. 6. Оральная композиция по п.5, в которой количество указанного пектина составляет от около 0,05 до около 10% от веса указанной композиции. 7. Оральная композиция по п.1, в которой молекулярная масса ...

22-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727538C1

Изобретение относится к низкокалорийному кондитерскому изделию. Предложена композиция твердой карамели, где твердая карамель содержит от 20% до 67% по массе аллюлозы с изомальтулозой, трегалозой, эритритолом или их комбинацией и пищевую добавку, выбранную из инулина, неусвояемого декстрина, сукромальта, полидекстрозы или их комбинаций. Предложен способ изготовления кондитерского изделия твердая карамель, включающий стадии: a) совместного выпаривания водного раствора, содержащего аллюлозу и пластфицирующий агент, с получением сиропа и b) смешивания сиропа с пищевыми добавками, выбранными из инулина, неусвояемого декстрина, сукромальта, полидекстрозы или их комбинаций, объемообразующими агентами и агентами, придающими вкус и аромат, с получением композиции твердой карамели. Также предложен способ изготовления кондитерского изделия твердая карамель, включающий стадии: a) совместной сушки раствора, содержащего аллюлозу и другой подсластитель, выбираемый из группы, состоящей из сахарных подсластителей ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2554401C1
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH)

Изобретение относится к питательным продуктам «на один укус» и способам их применения. Предложен продукт «на один укус» на углеводной основе, включающий участок густой массы, содержащий источник углеводов, имеющий соотношение глюкогенных и фруктогенных углеводов между около 1,5 и около 2,5, с по меньшей мере 60% энергосодержания продукта, обеспечиваемыми данным источником углеводов, и начинку, заключенную в оболочку из участка густой массы, в котором содержится натрий в количестве от около 200 мг до около 400 мг натрия на 100 г продукта и в котором начинка находится в форме, выбранной из группы, состоящей из порошка, пасты, пюре, желе, крема, жидкости, полужидкого состояния и их комбинаций. Изобретение обеспечивает питательный продукт «на один укус», содержащий густую массу на белковой или углеводной основе, которая заключает в себе полужидкую начинку. Полужидкая начинка может быть, например, желе, джемом или пюре, содержащим фрукты, арахисовое масло, шоколад и т.д. Питательные продукты ...

27-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002103160A

... 1. Сироп (1) с содержанием сухого вещества от 60 до 80%, состоящий из смеси сиропа (2) из гидрированного гидролизата крахмала и сухого изомальта или изомальтного сиропа (3), отличающийся тем, что a) сухое вещество сиропа (1) содержит от 14 до 25% (мас./мас.) сиропа (2) из гидрированного гидролизата крахмала (сухое вещество), причем сухое вещество указанного сиропа (2) из гидрированного гидролизата крахмала содержит от 22 до 55% (мас./мас.) высших полиолов, и b) сухое вещество сиропа (1) содержит от 75 до 86% (мас./мас.) изомальта, и с) сухое вещество сиропа (1) содержит 7-52% (мас./мас.) 6-О-α-D-глюкопиранозил-D-сорбита (1,6 GPS), 24,5-52% (мас./мас.) 1-O-α -D-глюкопиранозил-D-маннита (1,1 GPM), 0-52% (мас./мас.) 1-O-α-D-глюкопиранозил-D-сорбита (1,1 GPS), 0-1,3% (мас./мас.) сорбита (DP1), 2,8-13,8% (мас./мас.) мальтита (DP2 ), 1,5-4,2% (мас./мас.) мальтотриитола (DP3), 3,0-13,5% (мас./мас.) высших полиолов (DPn). 2. Сироп по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеет содержание сухого вещества 70% ...

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2287941C1

Изобретение относится к кондитерской промышленности, в частности к способу приготовления карамельной массы. Способ приготовления карамельной массы предусматривает растворение в воде RAFTILOSE® Р95 в количестве 5-15% от массы сахара по сухому веществу, при соотношении 1:5 и температуре 20°С, добавление сахара и уваривание сиропа до массовой доли сухих веществ 75%, введение в конце уваривания подогретой до 45°С патоки и дальнейшее уваривание полученного сиропа до массовой доли сухих веществ 95% и редуцирующих веществ 15-16%. Предлагаемый способ приготовления карамельной массы позволяет улучшить пластичность карамельной массы при снижении температуры обработки, повысить качество карамельной массы за счет снижения гигроскопичности вследствие снижения редуцирующих веществ, придать продукту профилактические свойства, снизить энергетическую ценность от 3-5%. 3 табл.

01-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015131409A

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002129502A

... 1. Способ модификации вязкоэластичных свойств и температуры стеклования кондитерского продукта путем добавления гидроколлоида или комбинации гидроколлоидов к указанному кондитерскому продукту. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором кондитерский продукт имеет высокое содержание сахара или высокое содержание сахарозаменителей. 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, в котором кондитерский продукт имеет влагосодержание до 30%. 4. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, в котором количество добавляемого гидроколлоида составляет от 0,1 до 15%. 5. Способ по любому из пп.1-3, в котором в качестве гидроколлоида используются каррагинаны, агароза, пектины, геллановая камедь, крахмалы и мальтодекстрины. 6. Кондитерский продукт на основе сахара, который модифицируется добавлением гидроколлоида.

20-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014142916A

... 1. Способ формирования кондитерской композиции, включающий смешивание компонентов, содержащих от 35 до 95% по весу полиглицитола со степенью полимеризации по меньшей мере 3 и от 5 до 13% по весу воды, при температуре от 50 до 85°С с целью формирования кондитерской композиции; при этом кондитерская композиция сохраняет по меньшей мере 90% добавленной воды, а все процентные содержания приведены по весу кондитерской композиции, если не указано иное.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором полиглицитол имеет структурув которой n равно по меньшей мере 1.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, в котором формирование кондитерской композиции происходит целиком при температурах 85°С или ниже.4. Способ по любому из пп. 1 и 2, в котором формирование кондитерской композиции происходит целиком при давлении от 90 до 110 кПа.5. Способ по любому из пп. 1 и 2, в котором кондитерская композиция преимущественно не содержит аравийской камеди, каррагенина, камеди рожкового дерева, гуаровой камеди и желатина.6. Способ по любому из пп.

07-10-1985 дата публикации

Способ производства фруктовых кондитерских масс

Номер: SU1183043A1

... 1. СПОСОБ ПГОИЗВОДСТВА ФРУКТОВЫХ КОНДИТЕРСКИХ МАСС, включающий уваривание смеси фруктово-ягодного сырья и сиропа и последующее введение в уваренную смесь вкусовых и ароматических добавок, отличающийся тем, что, с целью удешевления конечного продукта путем снижения расхода сахара и улучшения структурно-механических свойств кондитерских масс, из сиропов используют глюкозно-галактозный сироп, полученный из подсырной сыворотки с содержанием сухих веществ 70 75% . 2.Способ по п. 1, отличающийс я тем, что уваривание смеси при приготовлении драже ведут до содержания сухих веществ 67-70%. 3.Способ по п. 1, о т л и ч а ю щ и йс я тем, что уваривание смеси при приготов лении карамели, конфет и вафель ъерут до содержания сухих веществ 78- сх 00 4i 00 ...

08-04-1999 дата публикации

Method of producing shaped and unshaped polyol masses

Номер: DE0019743986A1

Preparation of tablets, pellets or sweets containing at least one polyol and optionally, one or more carbohydrates.

23-07-2009 дата публикации

Praline mit Füllung

Номер: DE202009006884U1

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Cellobiosehaltige Zuckermasse

Номер: DE202016008309U1

Eine Zuckermasse zur Herstellung von Backwaren und/oder Süßwaren, wobei die Zuckermasse – Cellobiose, – ggf. Lactose, und – ggf. Saccharose, umfasst, wobei der Gesamtgehalt aller Saccharide mindestens 50 Gew.-% beträgt, bezogen auf das Gesamtgewicht der Zuckermasse, und wobei die Zuckermasse ein Fondant oder ein Trockenfondant ist.

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Diätetisches Lebensmittel zur positiven Beeinflussung der kardiovaskulären Gesundheit

Номер: DE0010261061A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein diätisches Lebensmittel, enthaltend mindestens ein Johannisbrotprodukt, insbesondere wasserunlösliche Johannisbrotfaser und mindestens eine n-3-Fettsäure. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zur Herstellung solcher Wirkstoffkombinationen sowie ihre Verwendung.

22-03-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003341090C2

23-11-1972 дата публикации

Nahrungsmittel und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0002222262A1

23-08-2000 дата публикации

Confectionery product containing active ingredients

Номер: GB0000016173D0

14-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001432452A

... 1432452 Sweetening agents; chewing gum; cocoa preparations MACANDREWS & FORBES CO 2 Aug 1973 [3 Aug 1972] 36714/73 Heading A2B [Also in Division A5] A sweetening agent comprises ammoniated glycyrrhizin and a 5'-nucleotide in an amount such that the liquorice flavour is repressed. The sweetener usually contains 0.005 to 3% by wt. of the nucleotide, which is normally 5'-inosinic acid, 5'-guanylic acid, their sodium salts or mixtures thereof. The sweetening agent is preferably used in amounts of from 0.2 to 1% by weight. The examples relate to the use of the sweetener in chewing gum, candy gum drops, or low calorie chocolate puddings.

16-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009118486D0

11-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008723423D0

08-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001295417A

31-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001286994A

... 1286994 Gum confections CPC INTERNATIONAL Inc 17 Oct 1969 [30 Oct 1968 31 Oct 1968] 51213/69 Heading A2B A gum confection is made from a composition comprising water, starch, starch hydrolysate having a D.E. of 5-25 and a sweetener (e.g. sucrose, dextrose, corn syrup or mixture thereof). The composition is heated to gelatinise the starch and the resulting syrup is introduced into starch moulds where it gels and dries, the presence of the starch hydrolysate increasing the rate of drying. The starch hydrolysate may be prepared by hydrolysing a starch with acid and/or enzyme (-amylase). The hydrolysate may be prepared from corn, potato, tapioca, grain sorghum, waxy milo, waxy maize or rice starch. The starch component is preferably corn starch.

27-04-2016 дата публикации

Brown anthocyanin-containing colorant

Номер: GB0002531670A

The present application is directed to a method of hard pan coating an edible core, a sucrose-based, hard panned coating, and a hard panned confection comprising an edible core coated with the same. The sucrose-based, hard panned coating comprises sucrose and a pH-adjusted purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant, is substantially crystalline, and has a brown hue described by a CIELCH color space h° coordinate of from about 0° to about 70°. In some embodiments, the coating further comprises a yellow colorant. The colorants are desirably naturally sourced to provide alternatives to synthetic colorants for coloring hard panned confectionery coatings in brown hues.

03-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001481738A

... 1481738 Hard candy W J SMITH 19 May 1975 [12 Oct 1974] 44301/74 Heading A2B A boiled hard candy composition, for use as a cough sweet or similar, comprises from 40-60% by wt. of a modified starch hydrolyzate having a D.E. of from 5.15. from 10-60% of sugar or sugar alcohol and 0-30% of lactose. The sugar alcohol is preferably a hexitol e.g. sorbitol or manitol as the comp. may also contain up to 30% of an edible gum and 0.1 - 1.0% of a colouring, a flavouring or a medicament.

28-01-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001583573A

Xylitol-containing hard caramels are produced by adding xylitol powder having a mean particle size of 40-150 mu to a xylitol melt at a temperature of at most the melting point of xylitol, and pouring the resulting mass into moulds and allowing it to solidify. In this manner, compact, non-crumbly hard caramels are obtained.

20-06-1979 дата публикации

Sugarless candies

Номер: GB0002009582A

A sugarless candy is provided which has improved flavor and sweetness and contains one or more natural sweeteners, namely, a hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, preferably in combination with a sugar alcohol, such as sorbitol, one or more fruit flavors, together with malic acid which serves as a flavor enhancer.

29-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002619164A

A sugar-free confectionary product composition comprises 0.5 to 2.00 wt.% agar and 0.05 to 1.0 wt.% of at least one galactomannan polysaccharide as gelling agents and water in an amount of 90 wt. % or more. The galactomannan polysaccharide may be present in an amount of from 10% to 40% the amount of agar. The composition may comprise up to 1.5 wt.% gelatine. The galactomannan polysaccharide is preferably carob gum or locust bean gum. The composition may comprise up to 0.5 wt.% electrolyte component, preferably sodium and/or potassium chloride. The composition may include one or more of a non-nutritive sweetener, an acidulant, a starch or starch-derived polysaccharide, a flavourant, and a colourant. The composition is preferably at least 92% water. A method of preparing a confectionary product is also claimed, comprising heating a solution of the gelling agents and water to above the activation temperature, cooling the solution to above the gel setting temperature, depositing the solution ...

12-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360321B

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400191T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372060T

15-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: ATA918276A

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466486T

15-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000468022T

15-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: ATA311783A

15-10-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA348285A

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509531T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421254T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000404071T

15-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000125111T

15-08-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000078985T

15-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000110231T

15-02-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000060193T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000308249T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313962T

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329499T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000335406T

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000234022T

26-04-1971 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of new fruit sugar drops

Номер: AT0000289528B

06-07-2006 дата публикации

Methods for manufacturing coated confectionary products

Номер: AU2005322585A1

07-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007419587A

12-07-2007 дата публикации

Multiple phase confectionery product with gel component and method

Номер: AU2006332554A1

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Jelly confectionery products having a stabilizer/fiber blend

Номер: AU2010364348B2

Jelly confectionery products and methods of producing the jelly confectionery products are provided. In a general embodiment, the present disclosure provides a jelly confectionery product having 1) an ingredient including fruit juice, fruit puree or a combination thereof, and 2) a jelly blend including a stabilizer and a fiber. The jelly confectionery product can be free of added sugar or corn syrup.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Brown anthocyanin-containing colorant

Номер: AU2014296180B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present application is directed to a method of hard pan coating an edible core, a sucrose-based, hard panned coating, and a hard panned confection comprising an edible core coated with the same. The sucrose-based, hard panned coating comprises sucrose and a pH-adjusted purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant, is substantially crystalline, and has a brown hue described by a CIELCH color space h° coordinate of from about 0° to about 70°. In some embodiments, the coating further comprises a yellow colorant. The colorants are desirably naturally sourced to provide alternatives to synthetic colorants for coloring hard panned confectionery coatings in brown hues.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Amorphous porous particles for reducing sugar in food

Номер: AU2016361838A1
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

The present invention relates to amorphous porous particles comprising sugar,a bulking agent and surfactant, having a closed porosity of between 20 to 60%. Further aspects of the invention relate to a food product comprising the amorphous porous particles; a process of making the amorphous porous particles and a fat based confectionery product containing them; and the use of the amorphous porous particles as bulk sugar replacers in food products such as fat based confectionery products for example, chocolate.

17-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000570444B2

15-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004110889A

01-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002553048A1

A particulate composition in the form of a large spherical glassy bead having a cross-sectional diameter higher than 5 mm is an object of this invention. The bead comprises an encapsulating carrier composition essentially made of fibrous materials, which are both sugarless and non-cariogenic and an encapsulant, typically a flavour material.

07-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001186556A1

05-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002364528C
Принадлежит: MORINAGA & CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a soft candy having superior softness when initially chewed and is resistant to adhering to the teeth, and a production method of that soft candy. In the past, soft candy had the problem of easily adhering to the teeth, and when this was attempted to be prevented, resulted in the problem of the softness of the soft candy being easily lost. The soft candy of the present invention solves these problems by having for its essential ingredients at least saccharide, vegetable oil and emulsifier, fine sucrose crystals having a crystal size of less than 30 .mu.m as necessary, and also as necessary, initial chewing ease of 5,000-23,000 (g.s) and/or teeth adherence of 100-1500 (g). In addition, the production method of the present invention enables production of the soft candy of the present invention. The present invention is able to provide soft candy having superior softness when initially chewed and is resistant to adhering to the teeth.

06-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002596430C

A method of producing a confectionary product includes providing a chewy material and a candy material. The candy material includes a sweetener and is at least in part amorphous. The water activity of the chewy material is greater than the water activity of the candy material. The chewy material and the candy material are disposed adjacent to each other. Nucleating sites are created in the candy material. Water is allowed to migrate from the chewy material to the candy material. The amorphous candy material is allowed to crystallize at least in part.

03-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002705567C

Methods of preparing a gelled dried sweetened products comprise the steps in sequence of: providing a hot fluid gelable base blend at near finish % solids, and depositing the fluid gelable base blend into shaped cavities. The present methods can further comprise the steps of rapidly curing the base blend to form gelled shaped pieces; and, separating the gelled shaped pieces from the shaped cavities to form quantities of shaped pieces. Depositing a gelable base blend at near finish solids content is possible by completely hydrating any gel hydrocolloids prior to addition to other wet and dry ingredients.

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002742965A1

A carbohydrate blend is provided, including at least fructose and glucose. Some or all of the glucose may be provided by glucooligosaccharides having a structure containing up to ten degrees of saccharide polymerization. An aqueous solution having 6% by weight of the carbohydrate blend has a measured osmolality of 230-300 mOsm/kg. Further, the measured osmolality of the carbohydrate solution is substantially stable during storage for up to six months. Also, a rehydration/sports beverage composition is provided, including water, a carbohydrate blend, electrolytes, and optionally edible acids, coloring agents, flavoring agents and the like. The beverage composition may have a measured osmolality of about 230-260 mOsm/kg, which provides faster absorption by the gastrointestinal system of a subject than a beverage composition with a higher osmolality.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Complex Confectionery Products

Номер: US20120321750A1
Автор: James Klene
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention describes novel processes for manufacturing a complex confection comprising a first confection that has an edible hollow shell and a separately-formed second confection that is also edible and rests within the first confection. Novel products and processes are described.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Large glassy beads

Номер: US20120328732A1
Принадлежит: FIRMENICH SA

The present invention relates to a particulate composition in the form of a large spherical glassy bead having a cross-sectional diameter greater than 5 mm. The bead comprises an encapsulating carrier composition essentially made of fibrous materials, which are both sugarless and non-cariogenic and an encapsulant, such as a flavor material.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Confectionery products containing erythritol

Номер: US20120328756A1
Принадлежит: Cargill Inc

The present invention relates to a confectionery product, more specifically a hard candy containing an edible acid, and at least 95% w/w erythritol preferably at least 98% w/w erythritol, more preferably at least 99% w/w erythritol. The confectionery product is not containing a binding agent selected from the group consisting of gum Arabic, gelatine and mixtures thereof.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Breath freshening confectionery products and methods of making and using same

Номер: US20130071454A1
Принадлежит: Wm Wrigley Jr Co

A confectionery product comprises a first side and a second side generally opposite to the first side; the second side comprising an abrasive surface that is suitable for scrubbing the top surface of a tongue within the oral cavity. In preferred embodiments the first side is smooth, and may be domed shaped and generally fit the roof of the mouth. The abrasive surface may be provided by 1) a formed, uneven surface, 2) by including abrasive particles in the composition making up the second surface, or 3) a combination of a formed, uneven surface and abrasive particles. The confectionery product is preferably a hard confectionery, but may also be a chewing gum product. A preferred confectionery product comprises a second side with a width and a length, the smallest of which is at least 1.6 times the product thickness. Preferred pressed tablets are made from a compressible composition and have at least one abrasive surface suitable for cleaning the surface of a human tongue in an oral cavity and have a hardness of between about 18 Kp and about 35 Kp.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Low Calorie Composite Sweetener As Sugar Alternative And Methods For Producing The Same

Номер: US20130084317A1
Принадлежит: PureCircle Sdn Bhd

The invention provides a process for producing a low calorie composite sweetener as a sugar alternative. The invention further provides a low calorie composite sweetener that can be used in many products. The low calorie composite sweetener is useful as non-caloric sweeteners in edible and chewable compositions such as any beverages, confectionaries, bakeries, cookies, chewing gums, and alike.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Low-viscosity reduced-sugar syrup, methods of making, and applications thereof

Номер: US20130112192A1
Принадлежит: Cargill Inc

The invention provides a low-viscosity reduced-sugar syrup, methods of making such a low-viscosity reduced-sugar syrup, and uses of such syrup.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122172A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

The present invention relates to selected from the group consisting of hard candies, brittle, caramel, and toffee, preferably hard candies containing maltodextrin, and at least 93% w/w erythritol preferably at least 95% w/w erythritol, more preferably at least 97% w/w erythritol. 17-. (canceled)8. A confectionery product comprising:maltodextrin; andat least 93% w/w erythritol,wherein the confectionery product is selected from the group consisting of a hard candy, a brittle, a caramel, and a toffee.9. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product comprises at least 95% w/w erythritol.10. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product comprises at least 97% w/w erythritol.11. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product further comprises a crystallization modifier selected from the group consisting of microbial gums claim 8 , agar agar claim 8 , pectin claim 8 , alginic acid claim 8 , sodium alginate claim 8 , beta-glucans claim 8 , carrageenan claim 8 , glucomannan claim 8 , guar gum claim 8 , gum ghatti claim 8 , gum tragacanth claim 8 , karaya gum claim 8 , tara gum claim 8 , fenugreek gum claim 8 , locust bean gum claim 8 , and mixtures thereof.12. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product further comprises carrageenan.13. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product further comprises at least one of an edible acid and a salt of an edible acid.14. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the product comprises:2% w/w to 6% w/w maltodextrin;at least 93% w/w erythritol;0.1% w/w to 2% w/w carrageenan; and0.1% w/w to 5% w/w of at least one of an edible acid and a salt of an edible acid.15. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the confectionery product is a hard candy comprising:maltodextrin;93% w/w to 97% w/w erythritol; anda crystallization modifier.16. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein the confectionery product is a hard candy comprising:93% w/w to 97% w/w erythritol; ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129895A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

The present invention relates to a composition comprising fat and sweetener. The fat is present in an amount from 40% w/w to 65% w/w and the sweetener is present in an amount from 30% w/w to 60% w/w. The composition is useful as fat filling in various food products, in particular in confectionery and bakery applications. The preferred use of the composition is to provide a cooling effect to food products, in particular to chocolate. 115.-. (canceled)16. A composition comprising:a fat; anda sweetener,wherein the fat is present in an amount of from 40% weight/weight (“w/w”) to 65% w/w and the sweetener is present in an amount of from 30% w/w to 60% w/w, and wherein the sweetener is chosen from the group consisting of dextrose, erythritol, xylitol, arabinitol, sorbitol, mannitol, iditol, galactitol, maititol, isomaltitol, isomalt, lactitol, and mixtures thereof.17. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the fat is selected from the group consisting of pahn fat claim 16 , coconut fat claim 16 , cocoa butter claim 16 , and mixtures thereof.18. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener comprises erythritol claim 16 , xylitol claim 16 , or mixtures thereof.19. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener is erythritol and sorbitol claim 16 , and wherein the sweetener is present in a weight ratio of from 20:80 to 70:30 of erythritol:sorbitol.20. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener is erythritol and sorbitol claim 16 , and wherein the sweetener is present in a weight ratio of 50:50 of erythritol:sorbitol.21. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener is erythritol and dextrose claim 16 , and wherein the sweetener is present in a weight ratio of from 20:80 to 70:30 of erythritol:dextrose.22. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener is erythritol and dextrose claim 16 , and wherein the sweetener is present in a weight ratio of 50:50 of erythritol:dextrose.23. The composition of claim 16 , wherein the sweetener is erythritol ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209645A1
Принадлежит: Cargill, Incorporated

The present invention relates to a confectionery product containing 60 to 90% w/w polydextrose an edible acid selected from the group malic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and mixtures of two or more thereof, and at least two texturing agents, preferably gelatin and xanthan gum or locust bean gum. More preferably the gummy confectionery product is comprising polydextrose, edible acid selected from the group malic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid and mixtures of two or more thereof, gelatin, xanthan gum, locust bean gum and stevia. 114-. (canceled)15. A confectionery product comprising:polydextrose in an amount of 60 to 90% w/w on a dry weight basis;at least two texturing agents in an amount of 10 to 40% w/w on a dry weight basis; andat least 0.0005 to 0.002% v/w of an edible acid selected from the group consisting of malic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, and mixtures thereof.16. The confectionery product of claim 15 , wherein the texturing agents are a) gelatin claim 15 , and b) at least one of xanthan gum and locust bean gum.17. The confectionery product of comprising:a) 5 to 12% w/w of the gelatin;b) 0.01 to 0.35% w/w of the at least one of xanthan gum and locust bean gum; andc) 0.0005 to 0.002% v/w of the edible acid.18. The confectionery product of claim 15 , wherein the confectionery product further comprises a high intensity sweetener.19. The confectionery product of claim 15 , wherein the confectionery product further comprises a natural high intensity sweetener.20. The confectionery product of claim 15 , wherein the confectionery product further comprises stevia.21. The confectionery product of claim 16 , wherein the confectionery product further comprises stevia.22. The confectionery product of comprising:a) 60 to 90% w/w of the polydextrose;b) 5 to 12% w/w of the gelatin;c) 0.01 to 0.25% w/w of the at least one of xanthan gum and locust bean gum;d) 0.001 to 0.002% v/w of the edible acid; ande) 0.020 to 0.70% w/w of the stevia.23. The confectionery product of ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Protein-polysaccharide macromolecular complex article of manufacture containing encapsulated ethyl alcohol

Номер: US20130273211A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An protein-polysaccharide macromolecular complex article of manufacture containing encapsulated ethyl alcohol and/or other spirits serving as an entertaining and novel non-beverage method of consuming alcohol. The article of manufacture encapsulates ethyl alcohol and/or other spirits in the amorphous regions of the complex macromolecular structure releasing it only upon chewing and exposure to the environment of the oral cavity. The article of manufacture is stable and capable of retaining shape and form for extended periods of time at ambient temperature allowing for relatively low-cost commercial manufacture and distribution.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Remelted ingestible products

Номер: US20130274296A1
Принадлежит: RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co

A method of preparing an orally ingestible hard boiled product, comprising: i) heating a sugar material to a first temperature sufficient to liquefy the sugar material; ii) cooling the liquefied sugar material to provide a cooled sugar material having a solid or semi-solid form; iii) heating the cooled sugar material to a second temperature, which is lower than the first temperature; iv) combining the sugar material with one or more temperature sensitive ingredients before, during, or after said heating step iii), but after said cooling step ii), such that an intimate mixture of the second liquefied sugar material and the one or more temperature sensitive ingredients is provided; and v) cooling the intimate mixture to form an orally ingestible product. Orally ingestible hard boiled products prepared according to this method are also provided.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Isomaltulose in Fondants

Номер: US20130309370A1
Принадлежит: SUEDZUCKER AG

The present invention concerns a fondant containing at least one sweetness enhancer, isomaltulose, preferably isomaltulose and trehalose, in the form of a crystalline phase and glucose in the form of a non-crystalline phase, a method for preparing same, the use of the fondant as a coating for baked goods and baked goods that are coated completely or partly with the fondant according to the invention.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309382A1

A low cariogenic, low-laxation hard candy product having acceptable clarity and cold flow stability, contains a bulking sweetener agent, comprising isomaltulose, trehalose, erythritol or combinations thereof and a doctoring agent, comprising inulin, indigestible dextrin, sucromalt, polydextrose, or combinations thereof; wherein the bulking sweetener agent to doctoring agent ratio is 70/30 to 40/60 dry solids wt. %. 1. A hard candy composition , comprising:a) a bulking sweetener agent, comprising isomaltulose, trehalose, erythritol or combinations thereof; andb) a doctoring agent, comprising inulin, indigestible dextrin, sucromalt, polydextrose, or combinations thereof;wherein the bulking sweetener agent to doctoring agent ratio is 70/30 to 40/60 dry solids wt. %.2. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the hard andy comprises at least 95 wt. % combined bulking sweetener agent and doctoring agent claim 1 , and not more than 5 wt. % water.3. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the hard candy comprises at least 80 wt. % combined bulking sweetener agent and doctoring agent claim 1 , and not more than 5 wt. % water.4. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the hard candy further comprises sucrose claim 1 , at a level less than 50 wt. % of the hard candy composition.5. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the hard candy further comprises sucrose at a level less than 20 wt. % of the hard candy composition.6. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the bulking sweetener agent is isomaltulose.7. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the bulking sweetener agent is trehalose.8. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the bulking sweetener agent is erythritol.9. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the 5 doctoring agent is inulin.10. hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the doctoring agent is branched inulin.11. The hard candy composition of claim 1 , wherein the doctoring agent is linear ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Sugar Free Fondant and Method for Preparing

Номер: US20130337140A1
Автор: Jennifer M. Parker
Принадлежит: Individual

A sugar free fondant and method of preparing same includes combining gelatin and water to form a solid gel and combining predetermined amounts of Isomalt, Maltitol, salt, and water to form a syrup which is then heated. The syrup and gel are mixed and cooled to form an intermediate portion A. Cornstarch and confectionary Xylitol are combined to form Intermediate portion B. Intermediate portion A is liquefied through heating and then mixed with intermediate portion B to form sugar free fondant.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130337146A1
Принадлежит: Meiji Co., Ltd.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide baked fatty or oily confectionery being crispy to the core but giving no burning feel, and a method for producing the same. The baked confectionery can be produced by preparing a fatty or oily confectionery composition containing a glucide, said glucide being selected from among isomaltulose, mannitol and reduced palatinose, and then baking the composition. 18-. (canceled)9. A method of manufacturing baked confectionery selected from baked chocolate , baked quasi chocolate , and baked fat cream , comprising adding a glucide selected from isomaltulose , mannitol and reduced palatinose into a fatty or oily confectionery composition selected from chocolate , quasi chocolate , and fat cream , and baking the composition.101. The method according to claim , wherein the content of the glucide selected from isomaltulose , mannitol and reduced palatinose in the fatty or oily confectionery composition is 3-25 wt %.111. The method according to claim , wherein the fatty or oily confectionery composition comprises sucrose.123. The method according to claim , wherein the weight ratio of the glucide selected from isomaltulose , mannitol and reduced palatinose to the sucrose in the fatty or oily confectionery composition is 1:1 to 1:14.131. The method according to claim , wherein the fatty or oily confectionery composition comprises cocoa powder.141. The method according to claim , wherein the baking temperature is from 160° C. to 250° C.15. Baked fatty or oily confectionery made by baking a fatty or oily confectionery composition selected from chocolate , quasi chocolate , and fat cream , wherein the fatty or oily confectionery composition comprises a glucide selected from isomaltulose , mannitol and reduced palatinose.161. Baked fatty or oily confectionery manufactured by the method according to claim . The present invention relates to baked confectionery; in particular, the present invention relates to baked fatty or oily ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017346A1

Disclosed is a gelatin-free soft caramel including a soft caramel base mass that contains at least one polysaccharide hydrocolloid as texturing agent, a crystalline sweetener phase formed by isomaltulose, and a noncrystalline sweetener phase, wherein the caramel is gelatin-free. It can be made by providing a noncrystalline sweetener phase by dissolving at least one soluble sweetener in water, adding polysaccharide hydrocolloid, fat component, emulsifier and a part of the total amount of the isomaltulose to the noncrystalline sweetener phase, steam heating the mixture to a temperature of at least 100° C., adding the remaining isomaltulose to the heated mixture while stirring, incorporating air into the mixture and cooling. 1. A method for producing a gelatin free isomaltulose containing soft caramel that comprisesa) preparing a noncrystalline sweetener phase by dissolving at least one soluble sweetener in water,b) adding at least one polysaccharide hydrocolloid, at least one fat component, at least one emulsifier, and a part of the total amount of a crystalline sweetener phase to the noncrystalline sweetener phase, wherein the crystalline sweetener phase is formed by isomaltulose,c) steam heating the mixture obtained in (b) to a temperature of at least 100° C.,d) adding the remaining isomaltulose to the heated mixture while stirring,e) incorporating air into the mixture obtained in (d) andf) cooling the mixture.2. A method as in claim 1 , where 70% to 90% of the total amount of isomaltulose is added to the noncrystalline sweetener phase.3. A method as in claim 2 , where 74% to 85% of the total amount of isomaltulose is added to the noncrystalline sweetener phase.4. A method as in claim 3 , where the mixture containing the noncrystalline sweetener phase is heated to 110° C.5. A method as in claim 1 , where the mixture containing the noncrystalline sweetener phase is heated to 110° C.6. A method as in claim 1 , where after heating the mixture containing the ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050837A1
Автор: Savant Vivek Dilip
Принадлежит: Nesteo S.A.

Jelly confectionery products and methods of producing the jelly confectionery products are provided. In a general embodiment, the present disclosure provides a jelly confectionery product having 1) an ingredient including fruit juice, fruit puree or a combination thereof, and 2) a jelly blend including a stabilizer and a fiber. The jelly confectionery product can be free of added sugar or corn syrup. 1. A jelly confectionery product comprising:an ingredient selected from the group consisting of fruit juice, fruit puree and combinations thereof; anda jelly blend comprising a stabilizer ranging from about 10% to about 90% by weight of the blend and a fiber ranging from about 10% to about 90% by weight of the blend.2. The jelly confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the jelly confectionery product is free of added sugar or corn syrup.3. The jelly confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the fiber comprises from about 1% to about 15% by weight of the jelly confectionery product.4. The jelly confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the fiber comprises from about 4% to about 7% by weight of the jelly confectionery product.5. The jelly confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of carrageenan claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , agar claim 1 , gellan gum claim 1 , xanthan gum claim 1 , cellulose gum claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , modified starch and combinations thereof.6. The jelly confectionery product claim 1 , wherein the fiber is selected from the group consisting of cellulose claim 1 , inulin claim 1 , mannooligosaccharide claim 1 , acacia gum claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , micro crystalline cellulose claim 1 , polydextrose claim 1 , dextrin claim 1 , fructooligosaccharide claim 1 , carboxymethyl cellulose and combinations thereof.7. The jelly confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the jelly confectionery product comprises at least one ingredient selected from the group ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000117A1

There is provided a center coated with a hard sugar shell surrounding the center. The hard shell includes one or more first sugar layers, and an additional coating layer over the one or more first sugar layers. Additionally provided is a method for producing the coated center with an atomized sugar spray. 1. An improved method of applying a sugar film coat to centers , the method comprising a coating cycle to impart a coated layer to produce sugar film coated centers , which coating cycle comprises:a) intermixing the centers in a coating vessel;b) applying drying gas through the coating vessel, wherein the drying gas provides a drying rate of moisture removal in the coating vessel;c) spraying a wet sugar syrup at a spraying rate, in an atomized state, onto the centers while intermixing the centers and while applying the drying gas around the centers in the coating vessel to produce wet coated centers having a wet coat, wherein the sugar syrup comprises a crystallizing sugar, and wherein the spraying rate provides a moisture addition rate higher than the drying rate in the coating vessel; andd) after forming the wet coated center, reducing the spraying rate or stopping the spraying of the wet sugar syrup, while applying the drying gas, to allow the moisture addition rate to be slower than the drying rate in the coating vessel, whereby the wet coated centers lose their moisture to form the sugar film coated center.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises a step of repeating one or more of the coating cycles with a wet sugar syrup further comprising a colorant.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the atomized sugar syrup has a mean particle size less than 100 μm.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the atomized sugar syrup has a mean particle size between 20 and 50 μm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coated sugar film of each of the coating cycles provides a coating thickness between 10 and 40 μm when the coated sugar film is dried.6. The ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000118A1
Принадлежит: ZUKARA S.A. DE C.V.

The present invention is related with the manufacturing industry of raw materials for the production of sweet candies. More specifically, it's related with the manufacturing of raw materials that usually includes sucrose in its composition and more specifically with the manufacturing of raw material for the production of cotton candy. The formulation has the advantage of not containing sucrose and allowing the manufacturing of cotton candy. It may be processed in a normal cotton candy production machine and with an equal performance of that obtained when sucrose is used; its components doesn't result in glucose neither by digestion nor by metabolism. This formulation has the following base qualitative composition. 1. Formulation for the production of cotton sugar without sucrose , characterized by having the following qualitative composition:Steviol glycosides or Stevia rebaudiana extract.Poly-dextrose.Isomaltose.2. Formulation for the production of cotton candy without sucrose characterized furthermore because the qualitative composition also comprehendsGlucono-deltalactoneIsomaltulose ySilicon dioxide3. Formulation for the production of cotton candy without sucrose claim 1 , as demanded in claim 1 , characterized furthermore for having the following quantitative composition:A. Steviol glycosides or Stevia rebaudiana extract: Between 0.3% and 0.5%B. Poly-dextrose: Between 37% and 58%.C. Isomaltose: Between 16% and 30%.4. Formulation for the production of cotton candy without sucrose claim 2 , as demanded in claim 2 , characterized furthermore because: The Glucono-deltalactone: is found between 0.8% and 1.20%.', 'The Silicon dioxide is found between 0.4% and 0.8%., 'The Isomaltulose is found between 16% and 30% regarding the total composition.'}5. Formulation for the production of cotton candy without sucrose claim 1 , as demanded in claim 1 , characterized furthermore because the compounds have the following granulometry:The rebaudioside, the natural powder ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000113A1
Автор: Potter Sarah J.

The present invention provides a heat resistant coating, confection comprising the coating, and methods of making these. More specifically, the heat resistant coating comprises at least one layer comprising an amount of glycerol less than 3 wt. %. In some embodiments, glycerol is the sole component of at least one layer. Because the amount of glycerol used is minimized in some layers, or the sole component of others, the processing difficulties that can be encountered when higher amounts of glycerol is mixed with other things can be avoided. And yet, the coating, and confections comprising the same may exhibit heat resistance to the same, or even better, degree, than conventional coatings or confections comprising the conventional coatings. 1. A multilayered coating for a confection , wherein at least one layer of the coating comprises an amount of glycerol less than 3 wt. % , or , consists solely of glycerol2. The multilayered coating of claim 1 , wherein at least one other layer of the coating consists solely of glycerol.3. The multilayered coating of claim 1 , wherein at glycerol layer further comprises a confection and the confection comprises chocolate.4. (canceled)5. The multilayered coating of claim 1 , wherein at least one layer of the multilayered coating does not comprise glycerol.6. The multilayered coating of claim 1 , wherein the layer consisting solely of glycerol is provided between the at least one other layer(s).7. A confection comprising the multilayered coating of .8. A confection comprising a multilayered coating and an edible core claim 1 , at least one layer of the coating comprises an amount of glycerol less than 3 wt. % claim 1 , or consists solely of glycerol.9. The confection of claim 8 , wherein at least one other layer of the coating consists solely of glycerol.10. The confection of claim 8 , wherein the layer comprising glycerol further comprises a confection and the confection comprises chocolate.11. (canceled)12. The confection of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000160A1

Multiple Stacked Rotatable Lollipop comprising at least two stacked individual components each with a plurality of flavors, colors and shapes, each provided with tubular holding sticks, except the uppermost component which has a solid holding stick, while the upper open ends of the tubular holding sticks of the lower components are accessible at the top of their candies or edible parts, and each tubular stick is conveniently dimensioned to loosely insert the holding stick of the individual component stacked above, each longer than the immediate holding stick below, so the lower end of each holding stick protrudes out in a telescopic fashion, thereby when the user holds the stick of one of the stacked components with one of his/her hands, can rotate any of the other components with the other hand or with his/her tongue directly driving its corresponding edible part for his/her amusement. 1. A Multiple Stacked Rotatable Lollipop comprising at least two individual components stacked above the other , each in turn comprising an edible part attached to the upper end of a holding stick like conventional lollipops , but wherein the holding sticks of the lower and intermediate stacked component are tubular;wherein said edible parts of the lower and intermediate stacked components are molded and affixed around the upper portion of their corresponding tubular holding sticks, leaving the upper open end of each of said tubular holding sticks visible and accessible at the top of each of said edible parts of each of said lower and intermediate stacked components;wherein the internal diameter of each of said tubular holding sticks is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the holding stick of said stacked component immediate above, thereof said holding stick of said stacked component immediate above is freely inserted through said tubular holding stick of said stacked component immediate below;wherein only the edible part of the uppermost stacked component is like in ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000131A1

Disclosed is the process for preparation of a multicoloured hard candy with at least one white portion, not containing titanium dioxide. 1. A process for making confectionery products , in particular hard candies containing neither crystallised ingredients nor titanium dioxide , said candies being white or multicoloured , with at least one white portion , which comprises the following steps:preparing a first liquid mixture of ingredients comprising condensed milk ranging from 0.5% to 5% by weight of the total candy and optionally animal and/or vegetable fats selected from butter, vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable oils, cocoa butter, lard, ghee, cream and powdered milk;preparing a second liquid mixture in the form of an aqueous solution comprising at least sugar and glucose syrup, either alone or combined with one another;mixing the first mixture and the second mixture;transferring the resulting mass into a vacuum cooker and cooking the candy mass at a pressure ranging from −0.2 to −0.5 bars relative to atmospheric pressure and at a temperature ranging from 130° C. to 139° C.2. A process as claimed in wherein the cooking step is conducted at a temperature ranging from 130° C. to 139° C. and at a pressure ranging from −0.3 to −0.4 bars relative to atmospheric pressure.3. A process as claimed in wherein an aqueous solution is added to the first mixture claim 1 , which said solution comprises one or more of the following: sodium chloride claim 1 , sodium bicarbonate claim 1 , lecithin and maltodextrin.4. A process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the following steps:dividing the mass of candy after cooking into one or more streams and conveying each of said streams to one or more static mixers wherein at least one flavouring, colouring or additive is added;placing the one or more resulting masses in heated hoppers;pouring the one or more masses from the hoppers into moulds to obtain individual candies characterised by one or more white regions.5. A hard ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Lactose Compositions With Decreased Lactose Content

Номер: US20150004147A1
Автор: Ritter Andrew J.

The invention provides methods and compositions for treating symptoms associated with lactose intolerance and for overall improvement in gastrointestinal health. Described herein are methods and compositions for improving overall gastrointestinal health or for decreasing symptoms of lactose intolerance by administering to an individual a lactose composition with decreased lactose content in combination with effective amounts of prebiotics and/or probiotics. 135-. (canceled)36. A method of treating pain comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a pharmaceutical formulation comprising a lactose composition with decreased lactose content comprising an effective amount of galacto-oligosaccharides , another indigestible saccharide , and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients or carriers.37. The method of claim 36 , wherein the pain is associated with lactose intolerance.38. The method of claim 36 , wherein the another indigestible saccharide is lactulose claim 36 , raffinose claim 36 , stachyose claim 36 , lactosucrose claim 36 , fructo-oligosaccharides claim 36 , isomalto-oligosaccharides claim 36 , xylo-oligosaccharides claim 36 , paratinose oligosaccharides claim 36 , difructose anhydride III claim 36 , sorbitol claim 36 , maltitol claim 36 , lactitol claim 36 , reduced paratinose claim 36 , cellulose claim 36 , β-glucose claim 36 , β-galactose claim 36 , β-fructose claim 36 , verbascose claim 36 , galactinol claim 36 , β-glucan claim 36 , guar gum claim 36 , pectin claim 36 , high sodium alginate claim 36 , or lambda carrageenan.39. The method of claim 36 , wherein the pharmaceutical formulation further comprises at least one probiotic bacteria strain.40LactobacilusBifidobacteria.. The method of claim 39 , wherein the probiotic bacteria strain is from the genera or41. The method claim 39 , wherein the pharmaceutical formulation comprises from 1×10to 1×10colony forming units (cfu) of the probiotic bacteria strain.42. The method of claim 36 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008776A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A soluble fiber lozenge provided herein includes a body that is partially or wholly receivable in an oral cavity. The body includes a soluble-fiber matrix and one or more additives dispersed in the soluble-fiber matrix. In some cases, a soluble fiber lozenge provided herein includes at least 40 weight percent of soluble fiber. In some cases, soluble fiber in soluble fiber lozenge provided herein can include maltodextrin. The soluble fiber lozenge is adapted to release one or more additives from the body when the body is received within the oral cavity of a consumer and exposed to saliva. A method of making soluble fiber lozenges provided herein includes forming a molten mixture of at least 40 weight percent soluble fiber, one or more additives, and less than 15 weight percent water while maintaining a mixture temperature of less than 200° C. and portioning the molten mixture into a plurality of soluble fiber lozenges. In some cases, the ingredients can be mixed to form the molten mixture in an extruder. 1. (canceled)2. A lozenge comprising: 'a matrix including a soluble fiber; and', 'a body that is wholly receivable in an oral cavity, the body including,'}an additive dispersed in the matrix, the body having a glass transition temperature ranging from about 50° C. to about 120° C.3. The lozenge of claim 2 , wherein the soluble fiber comprises a maltodextrin claim 2 , psyllium claim 2 , inulin claim 2 , an arabinoxylan claim 2 , cellulose claim 2 , resistant starch claim 2 , a resistant dextrin claim 2 , lignin claim 2 , a pectin claim 2 , a beta-glucan claim 2 , an oligosaccharide claim 2 , a sub-combination thereof claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The lozenge of claim 2 , wherein the soluble fiber is present in an amount greater than or equal to about 40 weight percent of the body.5. The lozenge of claim 2 , wherein the matrix further comprises:water in an amount ranging from about 2 weight percent to about 15 weight percent of the body.6. The lozenge of claim ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014792A1
Автор: RAMIREZ Lilian, TRAN Lisa

Improved confectionary compositions using a reduced salt mixture comprising at least one salt substitute, modified salt or modified salt substitute having at least two different particle sizes which give an acceptable texture, stability, clarity and flavor delivery, while having less sodium chloride than traditional salted confectionary compositions. 1. A reduced salt mixture comprising at least two or more different particle sizes selected from the group consisting of:a. fine, very fine, coarse, moderately coarse, and very coarse; and,b. at least one salt substitute, modified salt, modified salt substitute or combinations thereof, to reduce the sodium content of a salted confectionary composition by at least 50%.2. The reduced salt mixture of claim 1 , wherein the reduced salt mixture reduces the sodium content of a salted confectionary composition by at least 85%.3. The reduced salt mixture of claim 1 , wherein the salt substitute claim 1 , modified salt claim 1 , or modified salt substitute contain fine particles having a particle size range of 75 to 180 microns claim 1 , and at least one salt substitute claim 1 , modified salt claim 1 , or modified salt substitute contain coarse particles having a particle size range of 180 to about 1 claim 1 ,200 microns.4. The reduced salt mixture of claim 1 , wherein the salt substitute claim 1 , modified salt claim 1 , or modified salt substitute contain very fine and fine particles having a particle size range of 75 to 180 microns claim 1 , and at least one salt substitute claim 1 , modified salt claim 1 , or modified salt substitute containing coarse claim 1 , moderately coarse and coarse particles having a particle size range of 180 to about 1 claim 1 ,200 microns.5. The reduced salt mixture of claim 1 , comprising:a. from about 20 wt. % to 50 wt. % of 75 to 180 micron size particles selected from the group consisting of salt substitute, modified salt, modified salt substitute, and combinations thereof; and,b. from about ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015633A1

The present invention relates to a process for preparing a comestible product comprising xylitol said method comprising: (a) subjecting a composition comprising xylitol in an amount ranging from about 60% to about 100% by weight to extrusion treatment inside an extrusion apparatus under conditions sufficient to form and maintain the xylitol in a slurry and (b) then shaping the extruded slurry and cooling the product to form a solid. The present invention additionally is directed to a product produced therefrom.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015130A1
Автор: Takeuchi Minoru

A solid food in which a core food is coated with a fat/oil composition containing a finely pulverized product of an edible part and/or an inedible part of a foodstuff containing an insoluble dietary fiber is provided. A ratio of a total mass of a mass of the finely pulverized product of an edible part and an inedible part of a foodstuff containing an insoluble dietary fiber and a mass of the fat/oil composition to a surface area of the core food is 0.1 g or more per 100 cm, and/or a ratio of a mass of the finely pulverized product of an edible part and an inedible part of a foodstuff containing an insoluble dietary fiber to a surface area of the core food is 0.03 g or more per 100 cm. 1. A solid food comprising either:(i) a core food having a coating, wherein the coating comprises:a fat/oil composition containing a finely pulverized product of a foodstuff containing an insoluble dietary fiber, wherein the foodstuff comprises a part selected from the group consisting of an edible part, an inedible part, and combinations thereof; or(ii) a core food having a coating, wherein the coating comprises a fat/oil composition, wherein the coating further comprises: [{'sup': '2', 'a ratio of a total mass of a mass of the finely pulverized product of the foodstuff containing the insoluble dietary fiber and a mass of the fat/oil composition to a surface area of the core food is 0.1 g or more per 100 cm; and'}, {'sup': '2', 'a ratio of a mass of the finely pulverized product of the foodstuff containing the insoluble dietary fiber to a surface area of the core food is 0.03 g or more per 100 cm.'}], 'wherein the solid food comprises at least one of, 'an additional coating containing a finely pulverized product of a foodstuff containing an insoluble dietary fiber, wherein the foodstuff comprises a part selected from the group consisting of an edible part, an inedible part, and combinations thereof;'}2. The solid food according to claim 1 , wherein a dry mass ratio (inedible part)/(( ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020691A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing a soft candy, the process comprising as process steps 1100300100101102. A process () for producing a soft candy () , the process () comprising as process steps ( , )a) providing a soft-candy precursor composition characterized by a water content in a range from 15 to 24% by weight, based on the soft-candy precursor composition; and{'b': 901', '902', '903, 'b) shaping the soft-candy precursor composition by means of a nozzle () having an outlet opening () by overlaying a substrate () with the soft-candy precursor composition to obtain a shaped article,'}{'b': 902', '908, 'the outlet opening () of the nozzle traveling a three-dimensional trajectory ().'}2100. The process () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the provision of the soft-candy precursor composition in process step a) comprises the substeps:i) providing a base composition; andii) contacting the base composition with an acid to obtain the soft-candy precursor composition.3100. The process () as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the provision of the soft-candy precursor composition in process step a) comprises the substeps:A) providing a foundation composition;B) providing an acid composition; andC) contacting the foundation composition with an acid composition to obtain the soft-candy precursor composition;the foundation composition and the acid composition being contacted in a weight ratio from 1:2 to 2:1.4100. The process () as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the foundation composition comprises a polysaccharide claim 3 , the polysaccharide content of the foundation composition being at least 10% by weight above the polysaccharide content in the acid composition.5100. The process () as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the acid composition comprises an acid claim 3 , the acid content of the acid composition being at least 10% by weight above the acid content of the foundation composition.6100. The process () as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the foundation ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Comestible Products

Номер: US20220039446A1

The invention provides cocoa pod husk powder having a concentration of insoluble dietary fibre of at least 55 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk and/or having a concentration of total fibre of at least 68 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk, and wherein the total ash content of the powder is no more than 6.0 wt. %. The invention further provides methods of making cocoa pod husk powders of the invention comprising the steps of: reducing cocoa pod husk in a wet-milling process to a paste; and drying the paste at a temperature of at least 80° C., or at least 85° C. 1. Cocoa pod husk powder having an amount of insoluble dietary fibre of at least 55 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk and/or having an amount of total dietary fibre of at least 68 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk , and wherein the total ash content of the powder is no more than 6.0 wt. %.2. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in comprising total sugars of no more than 8 wt. %.3. Cocoa pod husk powder having an ash content of no more than 5.0 wt. %.4. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in claim 1 , manufactured by a method comprising the steps of: reducing cocoa pod husk in a wet-milling process to a paste; and drying the paste at a temperature of at least 80° C.5. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in claim 1 , having an amount of insoluble dietary fibre of at least 60 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk powder and/or an amount of total dietary fibre of at least 70 wt. % of the total weight of the cocoa pod husk.6. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the powder comprises moisture in an amount of no more than 12.5 wt. % of the total weight of the powder.7. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the water activity of the cocoa pod husk is no more than Aw 0.4.8. Cocoa pod husk powder as claimed in comprising fat in an amount of less than 2 wt. % and protein in an amount of less than 10 wt. % claim 1 , of the total weight ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

pH-adjusted sweetener

Номер: US20150024106A1
Принадлежит: EVONIK DEGUSSA GmbH

The invention relates to processes for producing hard sweets from isomalt while maintaining strict pHs, and also to mixed compositions containing isomalt and optionally pH buffer substances having a defined pH. 1. An aqueous solution comprising water andfrom 20% by weight to 75% by weight of 6-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol, andfrom 25% by weight to 80% by weight of 1-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol,wherein the percentages by weight relate to the total amount of sugars and sugar alcohols in the total solution,and wherein the aqueous solution, at a temperature of 25° C., has a pH of from 4.0 to 5.0.2. The aqueous solution according to further comprisingfrom 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of α-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-D-sorbitol,optionally from 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of sorbitol andoptionally from 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of mannitol,wherein the percentages by weight relate to the total amount of sugars and sugar alcohols in the total solution.3. The aqueous solution according to wherein the solution comprises a total amount of sugars and sugar alcohols of from 40% by weight to 90% by weight claim 1 , based on the total aqueous solution.4. A mixed composition comprising containingfrom 20% by weight to 75% by weight of a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,6-D-sorbitol,from 20% by weight to 75% by weight of a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-D-mannitol andfrom 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of a pH buffer substance,wherein the percentages by weight relate to the total amount of [[the]] sugars and sugar alcohols in the total mixed composition,wherein it has, in the form of a 40% by weight dry matter-containing aqueous solution, wherein the percentages by weight relate to the total aqueous solution, at a temperature of 25° C., a pH of from 4.0 to 5.0.5. A mixed composition according to further comprisingfrom 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of α-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-D-sorbitol,optionally from 0.02% by weight to 15% by weight of sorbitol andoptionally from 0.02% by weight to 15% by ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027207A1
Автор: De Baets Sophie
Принадлежит: AEGIS NV

The present invention relates to a sugar replacement composition, which is based on a novel and innovative combination of ingredients such that the sugar replacement composition gives rise to one or more advantageous use characteristics of comparable or superior to those of sucrose, including excellent taste, sweetness of sucrose, superior structural properties, e.g. in cake, sorbet and ice cream, improved crunchiness of biscuits, excellent organoleptic properties, low calorie content (in certain embodiments 100 kcal/100 g or less), permits reduction of fat content of certain foods such as chocolate, as well as significant health benefits, including low glycemic index, low cariogenicity, and prebiotic properties supporting growth of advantageous intestinal bacteria, beneficial effects or lowering blood sugar and slowing down the emptying of the stomach. The sugar replacement compositions of the present invention comprise polydextrose, and at least one polyol, wherein the content of the at least one polyol is from 20 weight % to 70 weight %, wherein at least one of the polyol components is erythritol, wherein the content of erythritol is from 20 weight % to 60 weight %, and wherein all weight % indications are based on the total of the sugar replacement composition being 100 weight %. 1. A sugar replacement composition comprising:a polydextrose, and at least one polyolwherein the content of the at least one polyol is from 10 weight % to 70 weight %,wherein at least one polyol is erythritol,wherein the content of erythritol is from 10 weight % to 70 weight %, andwherein all weight % indications are based on the total of the sugar replacement composition being 100 weight %.2. A sugar replacement composition according to claim 1 , wherein said sugar replacement composition further comprises resistant maltodextrin claim 1 , wherein said resistant maltodextrin is present in an amount of up to 6 weight %.3. A sugar replacement composition according to claim 1 , wherein ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Process for preparing a confectionery, and confectioneries thus obtained

Номер: US20160029656A1
Принадлежит: Roquette Freres SA

The present invention relates generally to a confectionery. More specifically, the present invention relates to a novel process for preparing novel sugar-free confectioneries having a gelled centre and a multilayer coating of laminated type. The present invention also relates to the confectioneries obtained by performing the process.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029657A1

There is provided a hard panned coating, and a hard panned confection comprising an edible core coated with the same. The hard panned coating comprises multiple sugar syrup layers, only some of which further comprise one or more sucrose esters. In some embodiments, titanium dioxide may be excluded from the sugar syrup/sucrose ester layers. In these, and other, embodiments, the hard panned coatings exhibit one or more L*, a* and b* values within 5% of the corresponding value of a colorant overcoat applied over a precoat comprising titanium dioxide. Raw material cost savings are thus provided, while yet providing a confection having enhanced properties. 1. A hard panned coating comprising multiple sugar syrup layers , less than all of the sugar syrup layers further comprising an amount of one or more sucrose esters.2. The hard panned coating of claim 1 , wherein the sugar comprises a natural sugar.3. The hard panned coating of claim 2 , wherein the sugar comprises sucrose claim 2 , glucose claim 2 , fructose claim 2 , galactose claim 2 , dextrose claim 2 , or a combination of these.4. (canceled)5. The hard panned coating of claim 1 , wherein no sugar syrup/sucrose ester layer comprises titanium dioxide and/or no sugar syrup layer comprises titanium dioxide.6. (canceled)7. The hard panned coating of claim 1 , wherein one or more sugar syrup and/or sugar syrup/sucrose ester layers comprise a colorant.8. (canceled)9. The hard panned coating of claim 1 , wherein the ΔE of the color of the hard panned coating is 10 or less when calculated relative to the color of the same color variant of a hard panned coating comprising titanium dioxide.10. (canceled)11. The hard panned coating of claim 9 , wherein the ΔE of the color of the hard panned coating is 6 or less when calculated relative to the color of the same color variant of a hard panned coating comprising titanium dioxide.12. (canceled)13. The hard panned coating of claim 1 , wherein the ΔE of the color of the hard panned ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220046971A1

The present invention relates to edible products, suitable for use as confectionery and having therapeutic uses. We describe a composition for the preparation of an edible product, the composition comprising 0.2 wt. % to 3 wt. % of at least one polysaccharide gelling agent, the balance being water. In preferred composition, the at least one polysaccharide is at least one of agar, pectin, locust bean gum, gellan gum and carrageenan. The compositions preferably comprise 0.5 wt. % to 2.00 wt. % agar and 0.05 to 1.0 wt. % of a galactomannan polysaccharide; the balance being water; preferably wherein the galactomannan polysaccharide is present in an amount of from 10% to 40% the amount of agar. 1. A composition for the preparation of an edible product , the composition comprising 0.2 wt. % to 3 wt. % of at least one polysaccharide gelling agent , the balance being water.2. A composition as claimed in wherein the at least one polysaccharide gelling agent is one or more of agar claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , locust bean gum claim 1 , gellan gum claim 1 , carrageenan claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , konjac claim 1 , glean gum claim 1 , gum Arabic claim 1 , Xanthan gum; alginate claim 1 , arabinoxylan claim 1 , arrowroot claim 1 , carboxymethylcellulose claim 1 , cassia gum claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , curdlan claim 1 , gellan claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , gum Arabic claim 1 , karaya gum claim 1 , konjac claim 1 , kuzu claim 1 , marshmallow root claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , starch claim 1 , xanthan gum and b-glucan.3. A composition as claimed in or further comprising gelatine in an amount of up to 1.5 wt. %.4. A composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the at least one polysaccharide is at least one of agar claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , locust bean gum claim 1 , gellan gum and carrageenan.5. A composition as claimed in any preceding claim comprising 0.5 wt. % to 2.00 wt. % agar and 0.05 to 1.0 wt. % of a galactomannan polysaccharide; the balance being water; preferably ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Fiber-Containing Carbohydrate Composition

Номер: US20180030489A1
Принадлежит: Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC

A food product comprises an oligosaccharide composition that is digestion resistant or slowly digestible. The oligosaccharide composition can be produced by a process that comprises producing an aqueous composition that comprises at least one oligosaccharide and at least one monosaccharide by saccharification of starch, membrane filtering the aqueous composition to form a monosaccharide-rich stream and an oligosaccharide-rich stream, and recovering the oligosaccharide-rich stream. Alternatively, the oligosaccharide composition can be produced by a process that comprises heating an aqueous feed composition that comprises at least one monosaccharide or linear saccharide oligomer, and that has a solids concentration of at least about 70% by weight, to a temperature of at least about 40° C., and contacting the feed composition with at least one catalyst that accelerates the rate of cleavage or formation of glucosyl bonds for a time sufficient to cause formation of non-linear saccharide oligomers, wherein a product composition is produced that contains a higher concentration of non-linear saccharide oligomers than linear saccharide oligomers. 1. A process for making a slowly-digestible or digestion-resistant carbohydrate composition , the process comprisingproviding an aqueous feed composition that comprises dextrose, the aqueous feed composition including at least 70% by weight on a dry solids basis of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides; andreacting the aqueous feed composition at a solids concentration of at least 90% by weight in the presence of at least one acid catalyst that accelerates the rate of cleavage or formation of glucosyl bonds at a pH of no more than 4 and a temperature of at least about 149° C. for a time in the range of 0.1-15 minutes sufficient to produce a product saccharide composition in which the concentration of non-linear saccharide oligomers is at least twice as high as the concentration of linear saccharide oligomers, and in which the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029586A1

To provide a delicious soft candy giving a mint-based feeling of coolness. Provided is a soft candy including 2.0% by weight or more and 15% by weight or less of oil or fat, and 0.2% by weight or more and less than 3.0% by weight of L-menthol and its derivative in terms of the solid content. 1. A soft candy comprising 2.0% by weight or more and 15.0% by weight or less of oil or fat , and 0.2% by weight or more and less than 3.0% by weight of L-menthol and its derivative in terms of the solid content.2. The soft candy according to claim 1 , which is non-sugar.3. The soft candy according to claim 1 , which further comprises a high sweetness sweetener.4. The soft candy according to claim 2 , which further comprises a high sweetness sweetener. The present invention relates to a soft candy.Sweets giving a strong mint-based feeling of coolness are popular. However, increasing the mixing amount of mint-based components for the purpose of increasing the feeling of coolness of candies giving a mint-based feeling of coolness, the bitter taste also increases.Soft candies become popular in recent years owing to their soft texture. However, there are not so many mint-based soft candies.Mint-based gums, tablets, and hard candies are available, but they do not give the soft melting texture characteristic to soft candies. Therefore, as a mint-based sweet, a novel sweet which gives a feeling of coolness is demanded.Patent Literature 1 discloses a bitter taste inhibitor of a mint-based flavoring agent containing an edible oil and fat as an active ingredient, but does not include disclosure about a soft candy.Patent Literature 2 discloses a sugarless soft candy composed mainly of a mixture of an amorphous glycitol and a crystalline glycitol, but does not include disclosure about a delicious soft candy giving a mint-based feeling of coolness.PTL 1: JP 2004-18829 APTL 2: JP 2006-158234 ATo provide a delicious soft candy giving a mint-based feeling of coolness.A soft candy containing 2.0 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030018A1

Confectionery compositions which comprise leaves for use in confectionery products are disclosed. In certain non-limiting embodiments of the disclosed formulations, the confectionery composition containing leaves exhibits little to no bitterness and a sugar-like taste. 1SteviaStevia. A confectionery composition comprising leaves , wherein the leaves are present in an amount of from about 0.5% to about 5.0% by weight of the confectionery composition.2Stevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves are present in an amount of from about 1.0% to about 2.5% by weight of the confectionery composition.3SteviaStevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves are ground leaves.4. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , further comprising a sweetener selected from the group consisting of aspartame claim 1 , neotame claim 1 , advantame claim 1 , sucralose claim 1 , acesulfame potassium claim 1 , sodium saccharin claim 1 , glycyrrhizin claim 1 , neohysperidine dihydrochalcone claim 1 , neotame claim 1 , luo han guo claim 1 , brazzein claim 1 , monatin claim 1 , thaumatin claim 1 , alitame claim 1 , saccharin and its salts claim 1 , cyclamic acid and its salts claim 1 , monellin claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the confectionery is chewing gum.6. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the confectionery is a chewy confection.7Stevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves are freeze dried.8Stevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves have an average particle size of from about 0.5 mm to about 2 mm.9Stevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves have an average particle size of from about 0.01-0.5 mm.10Stevia. The confectionery composition of claim 1 , wherein the leaves have an average particle size of from about 0.03-0.15 mm.11. A method of making the chewing gum comprising:{'i': 'Stevia', '(a) ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030037A1

A D-psicose-containing sweetener with the modification of the taste of D-psicose includes D-psicose, a sugar alcohol and/or a high intensity sweetener, preferably containing D-psicose as the main component, particularly a low-calorie sweetener and/or a sweetener giving refreshing feel in the oral cavity, as well as foods and drinks obtained by using the D-psicose-containing sweetener with the modification of the taste of D-psicose, and other products given with sweetness. The sugar alcohol is one or more sugar alcohols selected from the group consisting of sorbitol, mannitol, lactitol, maltitol, xylitol and erythritol, while the high intensity sweetener is one or more high intensity sweeteners as selected from aspartame, acesulfame K, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharin, Sucralose (under trade name), stevia sweetener, dulcin, taumatin, neotame and monellin. 1. A method of producing a sweetener , the method comprising:combining D-psicose as a main component with at least one of:a sugar alcohol selected from the group consisting of sorbitol, mannitol, lactitol, maltitol, xylitol and erythritol; ora high intensity sweetener selected from the group consisting of aspartame, acesulfame K, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharin, Sucralose (under trade name), stevia sweetener, dulcin, taumatin, Neotame and monellin,wherein the sweetener comprises 30 parts or more of the sugar alcohol in relation to 100 parts of D-psicose, or the sweetener comprises 0.008 parts or more of the high intensity sweetener in relation to 100 parts of D-psicose, such that a taste of the sweetener is comparable to a taste of sucrose.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sweetener comprises an effective amount of the sugar alcohol or the high intensity sweetener to change sweetness onset and heaviness of the sweetener such that the taste of the sweetener is comparable to the taste of sucrose.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein D-psicose is combined with acesulfame K.4. The method ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030038A1
Автор: Bernard Jorg

The present invention relates to a liquid isomalt composition comprising 6-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (1,6-GPS) and 1-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol (1,1-GPM) and the additional glycosylated isomalt components 1-O-(6′-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol (6′-g-1, 1-GPM), 6-O-(6′-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (6′-g-1,6-GPS), 1,6-di-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (1-g-1,6-GPS) and 1,6-di-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol (6-g-1,1-GPM). 1. A liquid isomalt composition , comprising glycosylated isomalt components 1-O-(6′-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol (6′-g-1 ,1-GPM) , 6-O-(6′-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (6′-g-1 ,6-GPS) , 1 ,6-di-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-sorbitol (1-g-1 ,6-GPS) and 1 ,6-di-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-mannitol (6-g-1 ,1-GPM) , wherein the weight ratio of 6′-g-1 ,1-GPM:6′-g-1 ,6-GPS:1-g-1 ,6-GPS:6-g-1 ,1-GPM in the liquid isomalt composition is 1:(0.7-1.3):(0.3-1.1):(1-2) (each based on wt. % and dry substance (DS) of the glycosylated isomalt components).2. The liquid isomalt composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of 6′-g-1 claim 1 ,1-GPM:6′-g-1 claim 1 ,6-GPS:1-g-1 claim 1 ,6-GPS:6-g-1 claim 1 ,1-GPM in the liquid isomalt composition is 1:(0.8-1):(0.7-1):(1.2-1.8).3. The liquid isomalt composition according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid isomalt composition comprises 0.01 to 0.2 wt. % 6′-g-1 claim 1 ,1-GPM based on the total weight (DS) of the liquid isomalt composition.4. The liquid isomalt composition according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid isomalt composition comprises 0.01 to 0.2 wt. % of 6′-g-1 claim 1 ,6-GPS based on the total weight (DS) of the liquid isomalt composition.5. The liquid isomalt composition according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid isomalt composition comprises 0.01 to 0.2 wt. % of 1-g-1 claim 1 ,6-GPS based on the total weight (DS) of the liquid isomalt composition.6. The ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038421A1

The present invention generally relates to a sugar alcohol and cannabinoid complex, and methods to prepare this complex from cannabinoid oil comprising at least one cannabinoid. The complex is in solid form and may be used in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic formulations, and medical devices wherein solid forms of cannabinoid are desirable. This complex also enhances release of active cannabinoids in oral consumption. Methods to make this complex are also disclosed. 1. A method to prepare a cannabinoid and sugar or cannabinoid and sugar alcohol complex comprising the steps of:adding at least one cannabinoid into a solvent and stir into a mixture;adding sugar alcohol or mixture of sugar alcohols into the cannabinoid-solvent mixture above to form a cannabinoid and sugar alcohol slurry;placing the cannabinoid and sugar alcohol slurry in a container;stirring the cannabinoid and sugar alcohol slurry for at least 15 minutes to form a uniform mixture;applying heat to the container to raise temperature while applying vacuum to reduce the internal pressure in the container;collecting evaporated solvent in a cold trap;stopping the heat and vacuum application; andharvesting the cannabinoid and sugar alcohol solid mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of isopropyl alcohol and ethanol.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sugar alcohol is selected from the group consisting of isomalt claim 1 , mannitol claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , xylitol claim 1 , lactitol claim 1 , maltitol claim 1 , and erythritol.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one cannabinoid is selected from the group consisting of Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol claim 1 , cannabidiol claim 1 , cannabinol claim 1 , and cannabigerol.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature is between 45° C. to 60° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the internal pressure in the container is between 100 mmHg to 300 mmHg.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Fiber Containing Compositions And Methods Of Making And Using Same

Номер: US20190045828A1

A composition comprising at least about 25% of a fiber component, by weight of the composition, provides a safe and effective amount of fiber component to a user. A method of producing such a composition is provided. Additionally a method of providing a safe and effective amount of fiber component to a user is provided. 1. A composition comprising:a. from about 45% to about 75% inulin, by weight of the composition;b. a probiotic component; andc. a supplement component selected from the group consisting of vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, plant derived supplements, animal derived supplements, therapeutic compounds, and mixtures thereof.2. The composition of wherein the composition is a soft gel.3. The composition of comprising from about 50% to about 75% inulin.4. The composition of comprising from about 0.001% to about 25% claim 1 , by weight of the composition claim 1 , of the supplement component.5. The composition of comprising from about 0.01% to about 10% claim 4 , by weight of the composition claim 4 , of the supplement component.6. The composition of comprising from about 0.1% to about 5% claim 5 , by weight of the composition claim 5 , of the supplement component.7. The composition of further comprising a natural sweetener selected from the group consisting of sucrose claim 4 , glucose claim 4 , fructose claim 4 , lactose claim 4 , maltose claim 4 , corn starch claim 4 , and mixtures thereof.8. The composition of further comprising a natural flavor.9. The composition of comprising from about 0.001% to about 10% claim 8 , by weight of the composition claim 8 , of the natural flavor.10. The composition of comprising from about 0.001% to about 5% claim 9 , by weight of the composition claim 9 , of the natural flavor.11. The composition of comprising from about 0.001% to about 2% claim 10 , by weight of the composition claim 10 , of the natural flavor.12. The composition of further comprising a preservative selected from the group consisting of sodium ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051974A1

The present disclosure is directed to confectionery products, such as compressed mint tablets, that comprise menthol and eucalyptol. In certain embodiments, the menthol is encapsulated. The confectionery products deliver a strong initial cooling impact, and have extended storage stability in high humidity environments. 1. A confectionery product comprising a first layer comprising a first confectionery composition and a second layer comprising a second confectionery composition wherein the confectionery product comprises eucalyptol and menthol , wherein at least a portion of the menthol is encapsulated menthol.2. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the menthol is encapsulated with cyclodextrin.3. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the confectionery product is a compressed mint tablet.4. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the second confectionery composition comprises from about 1% to about 45% of the total weight of the confectionery product.5. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the second confectionery composition comprises from about 5% to about 30% of the total weight of the confectionery product.6. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the first confectionery composition and the second confectionery composition both comprise eucalyptol and menthol.7. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the second confectionery composition comprises eucalyptol and encapsulated menthol.8. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the second confectionery composition comprises menthol in an amount of from about 0.5% to about 5% by weight of the second confectionery composition.9. The confectionery product of claim 8 , wherein second confectionery composition comprises eucalyptol in an amount of about 0.1% to about 1.5% by weight of the second confectionery composition.10. The confectionery product of claim 1 , wherein the second layer surrounds the first layer.11. The confectionery product of claim 1 , further ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127353A1
Принадлежит: Nihon Kraft Foods Limited

The purpose of the present invention is to provide: a flowable food composition which contains xylitol in an amount sufficient to obtain excellent sweetness and which can retain the flowability over a long period even when the water content is low; and a confection which is obtained using the flowable food composition. This flowable food composition comprises glycerol, xylitol, which is contained in an amount effective for sweetness, and one or more sugar alcohols excluding xylitol and glycerol. The sugar alcohols preferably comprise one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of sorbitol, maltitol, and reduced palatinose. This confection comprises a center composition which comprises the flowable food composition and a shell composition with which at least some of the center composition is surrounded, the shell composition being selected from the group consisting of candy, chewing gum, and chocolate. 1. A fluidic food composition comprising glycerol , an effective sweetness conferring amount of xylitol and at least one kind of sugar alcohol excluding xylitol and glycerol.2. The fluidic food composition according to wherein the sugar alcohol is at least one selected from a group consisting of sorbitol claim 1 , maltitol and reduced palatinose.3. The fluidic food composition according to wherein the effective sweetness conferring amount of xylitol is no less than 5% by mass and no more than 80% by mass relative to the fluidic food composition.4. The fluidic food composition according to wherein a content of glycerol relative to the fluidic food composition is no less than 5% by mass and no more than 80% by mass.5. The fluidic food composition according to wherein the content of glycerol relative to the fluidic food composition is no less than 10% by mass and no more than 80% by mass.6. The fluidic food composition according to wherein the content of glycerol relative to the fluidic food composition is no less than 10% by mass and no more than 50% by mass ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Gel, a temperature-resistant gummy candy comprising the same, and a method for preparing the gummy candy

Номер: US20140127375A1

The invention relates to a gel, a temperature-resistant candy comprising the same, and a method for preparing the gel gummy candy.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053512A1

The present invention pertains to a method of preparation of chewy candies includes branched maltodextrins and crystalline allulose particles in such a way to maintain chewiness, to bring the “body” of the chew, to limit sandiness, to avoid hardening with time and to lower stickiness textures, and even in such a way to avoid cold flow. 1. Process of preparation of a chewing candy comprising allulose and soluble dietary fibers , comprising:seeding a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble dietary fiber blended in a mixer or a puller with 10 to 20% by weight with crystalline allulose particles having a mean size below 100 μm, andmixing at a temperature between 20 to 45° C., during 10 minutes to 30 minutes.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the soluble dietary fiber is selected from the group consisting of branched maltodextrin claim 1 , indigestible dextrins claim 1 , saccharide oligomers claim 1 , polydextrose and fructooligosaccharides.3. Process according to claim 2 , wherein the soluble dietary fiber is branched maltodextrins.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the seeding of a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble dietary fiber is done by adding crystalline allulose in two steps.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the seeding of a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble dietary fiber is done with 10 to 20% claim 1 , by weight with crystalline allulose particles.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the seeding of a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble dietary fiber with crystalline allulose is done at a temperature of between 30 to 40° C.7. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the seeding of a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble dietary fiber is done by adding crystalline allulose in two steps with a single mixing step of less than 30 minutes.8. Process according to claim 7 , wherein the seeding of a 40/60 to 60/40 ratio by weight of allulose and soluble ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087296A1
Автор: Barbarite Carolyn
Принадлежит: Javamelts, Inc.

A flavored melt is provided. The flavored melt includes a baked sugar composition, where the baked sugar composition includes at least sugar, water, one or more natural or artificial flavorings, and one or more bitter blockers. 1. A flavored melt , comprising: an amount of sugar in a range of about 1 to about 90 wt. %;', 'an amount of water in a range of about 1 to about 6 wt. %;', 'an amount of one or more natural or artificial flavorings in a range of about 1 to about 10 wt. %; and', 'an amount of one or more bitter blockers in a range of about 0.05 to 0.30 wt. %., 'a baked sugar composition, the baked sugar composition including2. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the baked sugar composition is formed into a desired shape using a mold.3. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the sugar includes one or more sugars selected from the group consisting of baker's sugar; brown sugar; dark brown sugar; and caramel powder.4. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the one or more natural or artificial flavorings are selected from the group consisting of chocolate flavored powder claim 1 , cocoa powder; and vanilla flavor.5. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the baked sugar composition further includes an amount of food coloring in a range of about 0.01 to about 15 wt. %.6. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the baked sugar composition further includes an amount of salt in a range of about 0.05 to about 0.30 wt. %.7. The flavored melt as recited in claim 1 , wherein the baked sugar composition further includes sodium carboxymethylcellulose.8. A method for forming a flavored melt claim 1 , comprising:blending a plurality of ingredients of a baked sugar composition, wherein the plurality of ingredients includes: an amount of sugar in a range of about 1 to about 90 wt. %, an amount of water in a range of about 1 to about 6 wt. %, an amount of one or more natural or artificial flavorings in a range of about 1 ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Self-compatible stevia varieties, breeding methods therefrom and methods of preparing novel compositions using said varieties

Номер: US20180070553A1
Принадлежит: PureCircle Sdn Bhd

Novel cultivars of Stevia rebaudiana plant, with a novel genetic trait of self-compatibility, and the advantageous use of this genetic trait in Stevia rebaudiana crossing breeding for increasing steviol glycosides production, including food and beverage products and other consumables, are disclosed.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Method of Making Glazed Baked Snack Food Products and Glaze for Same

Номер: US20180070607A1

A glaze with a viscosity ranging between 170 and 650 cP, less than 20% sugar, and less than 4% salt, is applied onto an uncooked dough product during a continuous process in the production of baked snack foods. The glaze maintains its form as a liquid free of solids at room temperatures despite the presence of over 15% sugar. The glaze is applied onto a dough the glazed product is then baked, forming a glazed baked snack food product having at least 5% of a smooth, shiny glaze on a surface of the snack food product. 1. An aqueous sugar coating comprising less than 40% of a sweetening component , less than 4% salting agent , and a juice concentrate , said sweetening component comprising sugar lacking cornstarch , wherein said aqueous sugar coating comprises at least 68° Brix , and said aqueous sugar coating substantially lacking solids at room temperatures of between about 61-79° F.2. The aqueous sugar coating of comprising no more than 2% salt.3. The aqueous sugar coating of comprising less than 20% sugar.4. The aqueous sugar coating of wherein the sweetening component comprises a liquid polyol.5. The aqueous sugar coating of wherein the sweetening agent consists of liquid polyol and sugar.6. The aqueous sugar coating of consisting of water claim 1 , the juice concentrate claim 1 , a salting agent claim 1 , and the sweetening component claim 1 , the salting agent comprising salt.7. A method for making an aqueous sugar coating comprising the steps of:sequentially combining aqueous sugar components in the following order: water, a juice concentrate, a salt component, and a sweetening component, wherein the sweetening component comprises sugar lacking cornstarch; anddissolving the aqueous sugar components to form an aqueous sugar coating substantially lacking solids, said aqueous sugar coating comprising less than 20% sugar, less than 4% salting agent, and a juice concentrate, wherein said aqueous sugar coating comprises at least 68° Brix, and wherein said aqueous ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071739A1
Автор: Rowe John Lawrence

The present invention relates to a syrup product having a low water content. The syrup product retains the physical and palatable properties of untreated syrup while having a prolonged shelf-life. It can be advantageously used to sweeten beverages (such as hot beverages) and in the manufacture of pharmaceutical compositions (such as throat lozenges) and/or confectionary. 121-. (canceled)22agaveagaveagaveagave. An composition having a moisture content equal to or less than about 0.5% (w/w) , the composition comprising (i) a solid syrup product consisting essentially of an syrup and (ii) at least one additive.23agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.3%.24agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less then about 0.1%.25agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.05%.26agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.01%.27agaveagave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein sugars of the composition are in an uncrystallized form.28agave. The composition of being translucent.29agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the at least one additive comprises a flavor.30agaveeucalyptus. The composition of claim 29 , wherein the flavor is selected from the group consisting of spearmint claim 29 , claim 29 , menthol claim 29 , and lemon.31agaveeucalyptus. The composition of claim 29 , wherein the flavor is a combination of and menthol.32agave. The composition of claim 22 , wherein the at least one additive comprises a preservative.33agave. The composition of claim 32 , wherein the preservative is a sugar alcohol.34agave. The composition of being a sweetener.35agave. The composition of being a confectionary.36agave. The composition of being a pharmaceutical composition.37agave. The composition of claim 36 , wherein the pharmaceutical composition is a throat lozenge. This ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095644A1

A caramel is provided comprising a solid plant fat and an amount of water less than 10 wt %. The caramel exhibits a chewy texture when consumed but is yet depositable. The caramel is thus advantageously used in a confection. In addition to the caramel, the confection may comprise a crisp component. Methods of making the confection are also provided. 137.-. (canceled)38. A method of making a confection comprising:Depositing a first portion of a coating;Depositing a caramel comprising a solid plant fat and an amount of water less than 10 wt. %;Placing a crisp component;Depositing a second portion of a coating.39. The method of claim 38 , wherein the first and second coating portions comprise different materials.40. The method of claim 38 , wherein the first and second coating portions comprise the same material.41. The method of claim 38 , wherein the first portion of coating is deposited into a mold.42. The method of claim 38 , wherein the caramel is deposited using a chip depositor claim 38 , a removable depositor claim 38 , a point depositor claim 38 , a one-shot depositor claim 38 , a ribbon depositor claim 38 , a drop depositor claim 38 , a cluster depositor claim 38 , or a combination of these.43. The method of claim 38 , wherein the caramel is deposited at a temperature below the melting point of the first portion of the coating.44. The method of claim 38 , further comprising loading the cnsp component into a magazine stack prior to placing the crisp component.45. The method of claim 38 , further comprising tamping the crisp component.46. The method of claim 38 , further comprising detecting the crisp component after placement.47. The method of claim 46 , further comprising ejecting the confection if a cnsp component is not detected.48. The method of claim 38 , further comprising depositing a barrier layer onto the caramel prior to placing the crisp component.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the barrier layer is deposited by a chip depositor claim 48 , a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079767A1

Methods of preparing steviol glycosides, including Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside E, Rebaudioside M, Rebaudioside N and Rebaudioside O are provided herein. Sweetener and sweetened consumables containing Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside E, Rebaudioside M, Rebaudioside N and Rebaudioside O are also provided herein. 1. A method for preparing steviol glycosides composition comprising steps of: (a) passing a feed solution of steviol glycosides through a column packed with a polymer resin; and (b) eluting fraction(s) with high content of Reb D , Reb E , Reb M , Reb N and Reb O to provide an eluted solution with high content of Reb D , Reb E , Reb M , Reb N and Reb O , wherein the Reb DEMNO/T13SG ratio is higher than Reb DEMNO/T13SG ratio of feed solution.2Stevia rebaudianastevia. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (a) feed solution of steviol glycosides comprises a solvent and steviol glycoside selected from group including but not limited to purified plant material claim 1 , commercially available extract claim 1 , commercially available mixtures of steviol glycosides claim 1 , by-products of other steviol glycosides' isolation and purification processes claim 1 , synthetic or biosynthetic steviol glycosides claim 1 , e.g. enzymatically glycosylated steviol glycosides claim 1 , steviol glycoside products from bioconversion of steviol glycosides by biocatalysts claim 1 , steviol glycosides from fermentation of recombinant microbial host capable of de novo synthesis of steviol glycosides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein an initial solvent comprising either pure water claim 1 , or aqueous acid claim 1 , or alcohol-water claim 1 , or alcohol-aqueous acid mixtures with less than forty volume percent alcohol is used to elute fraction(s) with high content of Reb D claim 1 , Reb E claim 1 , Reb M claim 1 , Reb N and Reb O.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removal of the solvent to give a dry solid containing higher Reb DEMNO/T13SG ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150086682A1
Автор: Bouaziz Hassouna

The invention relates to a method for producing a food material essentially consisting of isomalt, characterised in that it includes the steps of extruding and melting the material by raising the temperature to 80° C. to 160° C., preferably 150° C. to 160° C., tempering so as to obtain the material in the stable crystalline form thereof and to eliminate bubbles in the material, and pouring or injecting into moulds. Application of the material obtained as a container. 1. Method for producing a food material essentially consisting of isomalt , characterised in that it includes the steps of:extruding and melting the material by raising the temperature to 80° C. to 160° C., preferably 150° C. to 160° C.,tempering so as to obtain the material in the stable crystalline form thereof and to eliminate bubbles in the material, andpouring or injection into moulds.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the melting step is carried out in a cooking vat or in an extruder.3. Method according to claim 2 , characterised in that the heating time is from 2 to 10 minutes.4. Method according to claim 2 , characterised in that claim 2 , in the case of melting in an extruder claim 2 , bubbles are eliminated from the material introduced thanks to the pressure inside the extruder and the subsequent expansion.5. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that tempering is effected at a temperature higher than the melting temperature but enabling the product to remain malleable and ductile.6. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that forming is carried out at a temperature higher than the glass transition temperature of isomalt claim 1 , which is 40° C. claim 1 , by thermoforming by injection claim 1 , after passing through the die and cropping claim 1 , or simply by pouring into moulds having the required shape for the envisaged application claim 1 , the forming step being carried out at a constant temperature so that the treated material has a uniform water ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077674A1
Автор: DOLMER Mogen
Принадлежит: CHR. HANSEN A/S

The present invention relates to a glycerin- and protein-based candy product comprising probiotic bacteria, said product having a moisture content less than 9% and a water activity (aw) of less than 0.5 and comprising a) glycerin in an amount of at least 5% (w/w), b) at least one saccharide or at least one polyol which is not glycerin, or a mixture thereof, c) at least one protein which is not gelatin, and d) at least one species of a probiotic bacterium, and optionally e) at least one hydrocolloid. In a presently preferred embodiment the protein is a hydrolyzed protein. Further, the invention relates to processes for producing a glycerin- and protein-based candy product comprising probiotic bacteria. 1. A glycerin- and protein-based foam candy product comprising probiotic bacteria , comprising:(a) glycerin in an amount of at least 5% (w/w),(b) at least one saccharide or at least one polyol which is not glycerin, or a mixture thereof,(c) at least one protein which is not gelatin, and(d) at least one species of a probiotic bacterium, and, optionally(e) at least one hydrocolloid,wherein the product has a moisture content of less than 9% (w/w) and a water activity (aw) of less than 0.5.2. The glycerin- and protein-based candy product according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one protein which is not gelatin is selected from one or more of pea claim 1 , soy claim 1 , whey claim 1 , rice and casein.3. The glycerin- and protein-based candy product according to claim 1 , wherein component (b) comprises at least one saccharide that is a mono- claim 1 , di- claim 1 , oligo- or polysaccharide claim 1 , or a mixture of at least two saccharides.4. The glycerin- and protein-based candy product according to claim 1 , wherein component (b) comprises at least one saccharide that is a disaccharide.5. The glycerin- and protein-based candy product according to claim 1 , wherein component (b) comprises a mixture of at least one mono- or disaccharide and at least one oligo- or ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Candy Floss Composition And Apparatus For Making Chopped Candy Floss

Номер: US20200077675A1
Автор: Peart Jorge Ramos

A candy floss composition and an apparatus for creating individual pieces of candy floss that do not bond to one another are provided. The candy floss composition comprises about 99.99% to about 45% by weight of candy floss ingredients, and about 0.01% to about 55% by weight of vegetable fat, adjusted to bring the total weight percentage of the candy floss composition to 100%. Vegetable fat changes physical attributes of the candy floss ingredients. During the manufacture of candy floss, heat applied to the candy floss ingredients melts the vegetable fat and sugar to produce candy floss filaments comprising vegetable fat with a film of vegetable fat. When a slab of candy floss is chopped into individual pieces in a candy floss chopper apparatus, the vegetable fat film on each candy floss filament makes candy floss substantially soft and precludes bonding of individual pieces of candy floss to one another. 1. A candy floss composition , comprising:about 45% to about 99.99% by weight of candy floss ingredients; andabout 0.01% to about 55% by weight of vegetable fat, adjusted to bring the total weight percentage of the candy floss composition to 100%.2. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the candy floss ingredients comprise sugar.3. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the candy floss ingredients comprise one or more artificial flavors.4. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the candy floss ingredients comprise one or more natural flavors.5. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the candy floss ingredients comprise one or more artificial colors.6. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the candy floss ingredients comprise one or more natural colors.7. The candy floss composition of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable fat comprises palm stearin.8. A candy floss chopper apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a support table;a candy floss container attached to a top surface of the support table;a floss chopper compactor ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081427A1

The present invention discloses a new type of water-soluble polydextrose. This new type of polydextrose contains at least 75% by weight of saccharide molecules having a degree of polymerisation (DP) of 5 or more and characterised in that the non-digestible fiber content is at least 80% by weight. Further, the present invention relates to a process for preparing this new type of polydextrose and to the use of this polydextrose in products such as food products, pharmaceutical products and personal care products. 116-. (canceled)17. A polydextrose fraction comprising saccharide molecules , the polydextrose fraction being a fraction separated from a polydextrose product by chromatographic separation , wherein at least 90% by weight of the saccharide molecules in the polydextrose fraction have a degree of polymerisation of 5 or more , and wherein less than 10% by weight of the saccharide molecules in the polydextrose fraction have a degree of polymerisation of from 1 to 4 , and wherein the non-digestible fiber content of the polydextrose fraction is at least 80% by weight.18. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein at least 70% by weight of saccharide molecules have a degree of polymerisation of 10 or more.19. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein the molecular weight dispersity of the polydextrose fraction is below 2.0.20. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein the molecular weight dispersity of the polydextrose fraction is below 1.8.21. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein the polydextrose has a volume mean diameter that is smaller than 60 μm.22. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein the non-digestible fiber content of the polydextrose fraction is at least 85% by weight.23. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , wherein the non-digestible fiber content of the polydextrose fraction is at least 90% by weight.24. The polydextrose fraction according to claim 17 , ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160088857A1
Автор: Cannavo Salvatore

Paste preparation for cake decorations; the preparation comprises: 43% to 47% by weight of erythritol; 24% to 28% by weight of isomalt; 14% to 17% by weight of a mixture of oligosaccharides of glucose; 4% to 6% by weight of at least one vegetable fat; and 4% to 8% by weight of water; the preparation experimentally showed rheological and organoleptic characteristics surprisingly similar to the traditional sugarpaste. 1. A paste preparation for confectionery decorations , the preparation comprising 40% to 55% by weight , relative to an overall weight of the preparation , of erythritol; 20% to 35% by weight , relative to the overall weight of the preparation , of at least one bulk sweetener; 8% to 20% by weight , relative to the overall weight of the preparation , of a glucoside saccharide , which is selected in the group consisting of glucose , maltose , one or more oligosaccharides of glucose , and a combination thereof; and 1% to 10% by weight , relative to the overall weight of the preparation , of at least one fat.2. A preparation according to claim 1 , wherein said fat is selected in the group consisting of: palm oil claim 1 , palm kernel oil claim 1 , cottonseed oil claim 1 , safflower seed oil claim 1 , sunflower oil claim 1 , shea butter claim 1 , illipe butter claim 1 , cocoa butter claim 1 , babassu oil claim 1 , coconut oil claim 1 , and a combination thereof; the preparation comprising claim 1 , furthermore claim 1 , 2% to 11% by weight claim 1 , relative to the overall weight of the preparation claim 1 , of water.3. A preparation according to claim 1 , wherein the bulk sweetener is selected in the group consisting of: sorbitol claim 1 , mannitol claim 1 , isomalt claim 1 , maltitol claim 1 , lactitol claim 1 , xylitol claim 1 , and a combination thereof; the preparation comprising claim 1 , furthermore claim 1 , 0.1% to 2% by weight claim 1 , relative to the overall weight of the preparation claim 1 , of starch.4. A preparation according to and comprising ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089332A1
Принадлежит: UHA MIKAKUTO CO., LTD.

This invention relates to a gel-like composition in which ubiquinol is dispersed and stabilized in a gel and which contains 0.2 to 5% by weight of ubiquinol, 5 to 15% by weight of gelatin, 55 to 80% by weight of carbohydrate and/or water-soluble dietary fiber, and 9 to 18% by weight of water, and further contains ascorbic acid and/or gallate type catechin. 1. A gel-like composition in which ubiquinol is dispersed and stabilized in a gel , the gel-like composition comprising:0.2 to 15% by weight of ubiquinol;5 to 15% by weight of gelatin;55 to 80% by weight of carbohydrate and/or water-soluble dietary fiber; and9 to 18% by weight of water, and further comprising:ascorbic acid and/or gallate type catechin.2. The gel-like composition according to comprising:1 to 15% by weight of ubiquinol;5 to 12% by weight of gelatin;55 to 80% by weight of carbohydrate and/or water-soluble dietary fiber;9 to 18% by weight of water; and0.01 to 4% by weight of ascorbic acid and/or gallate type catechin.3. The gel-like composition according to comprising:1 to 5% by weight of ubiquinol;5 to 12% by weight of gelatin;60 to 76% by weight of carbohydrate and/or water-soluble dietary fiber; and13 to 18% by weight of water.4. The gel-like composition according to further comprising organic acid and flavor.5. The gel-like composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of an emulsifier and a content of oils and fats are less than 1% by weight.6. The gel-like composition according to comprising 0.1 to 2.0% by weight of pectin.7. The gel-like composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ubiquinol is dispersed in the gel with an average particle diameter of 50 μm or less.8. The gel-like composition according to claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of ubiquinol/ubiquinone after the gel-like composition is allowed to stand at 37° C. in the air for 7 days is 99/1 or more.9. The gel-like composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of ubiquinol/ubiquinone after the gel-like ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132884A1

The present invention relates to: a composition for preparing a candy, the composition containing saccharides having a degree of polymerization of 2 or less and saccharides having a degree of polymerization of 3 or more, and the composition having a content of the saccharides having a degree of polymerization of 3 or more of 29 parts by weight or more, based on 100 parts by weight of the saccharides having a degree of polymerization of 2 or less, based on dry solids; and a method for preparing a candy, by using the same. The present invention provides a candy having improved stickiness and/or the cold flow phenomenon.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210092985A1

Disclosed is a healthy soft gel candy formulation containing water, gelling agent, honey, pollen, pure propolis extract, and at least one fruit extract, specially developed for the food industry, to meet the daily antioxidant needs of children and adults. 1. Soft jelly or gummy candy formulation , specially developed for the food industry to meet daily antioxidant needs of adults and children with the addition of water and a gelling agent is characterized by comprising:; honey , pollen , pure propolis extract , and at least one fruit extract.2. Soft jelly or gummy candy formulation according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising:;50-65% w/w water, 18-30% w/w gelling agent, 5-20% w/w honey, 2-10% w/w bee pollen, 2-10% w/w pure propolis extract, and at least one fruit extract at a ratio of 1-5% w/w.3. Soft jelly or gummy candy formulation according to claim 2 , characterized by comprising: average of 58% w/w water claim 2 , 20% w/w gelling agent claim 2 , 10% w/w honey claim 2 , 5% w/w bee pollen claim 2 , 5% w/w pure propolis extract claim 2 , and 2% w/w fruit extract.4. Soft jelly or gummy candy formulation according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising: at least one plant extract vitamins and/or minerals.5. Soft jelly or gummy candy formulation according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising: the gelling agent(s) used singly or in combinations selected from the group of gelatin claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , starch claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , agar claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , gum tragacanth.6. Soft jelly or gummy candy production method according to claim 1 , characterized by comprising following steps:adding the gelling agent into the boiling water, and mixing it thoroughly until it is completely dissolved;chilling the obtained mixture in the cold-water bath by stirring continuously;continue to stirring the cooled mixture after adding honey, pollen, pure propolis extract, and at least one fruit extract; ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098909A1

A soluble fiber lozenge provided herein includes a body that is partially or wholly receivable in an oral cavity. The body includes a soluble-fiber matrix and one or more additives dispersed in the soluble-fiber matrix. In some cases, a soluble fiber lozenge provided herein includes at least 40 weight percent of soluble fiber. In some cases, soluble fiber in soluble fiber lozenge provided herein can include maltodextrin. The soluble fiber lozenge is adapted to release one or more additives from the body when the body is received within the oral cavity of a consumer and exposed to saliva. A method of making soluble fiber lozenges provided herein includes forming a molten mixture of at least 40 weight percent soluble fiber, one or more additives, and less than 15 weight percent water while maintaining a mixture temperature of less than 200° C. and portioning the molten mixture into a plurality of soluble fiber lozenges. In some cases, the ingredients can be mixed to form the molten mixture in an extruder. 1. A soluble fiber lozenge , comprising a body that is wholly receivable in an oral cavity , the body comprising:a maltodextrin matrix; andone or more additives dispersed in the maltodextrin matrix such that at least one additive is released from the body as the body dissolves when the body is at least partially received within the oral cavity of a consumer and exposed to saliva.2. The soluble fiber lozenge of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises at least 40 weight percent maltodextrin.3. The soluble fiber lozenge of claim 2 , wherein the body comprises at least 95 weight percent maltodextrin.4. The soluble fiber lozenge of claim 1 , wherein the body is a single phase structure without additives.5. The soluble fiber lozenge of claim 1 , wherein the maltodextrin is amorphous.6. The soluble fiber lozenge of claim 1 , wherein the one or more additives comprise at least one additive selected from the group consisting of minerals claim 1 , vitamins claim 1 , dietary ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140186513A1
Автор: DELBAERE Francois
Принадлежит: OLYGOSE

The present invention concerns a hard candy comprising a mixture of sugars composed of glucose and non-fructosylated α-galacto-oligosaccharides in particular proportions. It also concerns a method of manufacturing said candies, as well as the utilization, for manufacturing a hard candy, of a composition that includes the aforementioned mixture. 1. Hard candy comprising a mixture of sugars comprising , in dry material:no more than 5% by weight of glucose and fructose,0 to 30% DP2,at least 30% by weight of DP3,at least 60% by weight of DP4+,where DPn designates non-fructosylated α-galacto-oligosaccharides having a degree of polymerization equal to n and the percentages are expressed with respect to the weight of the mixture of sugars.2. Candy according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is obtained from a legume source such as soy molasses claim 1 , peas claim 1 , chickpeas or fava beans.3. Candy according to claim 1 , characterized in that it has:an increase in water absorption, after a period of five days in storage, unwrapped, at 20-25° C. after being manufactured, of less than 0.15%, even less than 0.1%, the water absorption being expressed by the variation in weight of the sample with respect to its initial weight, and/ora hard, non-sticky surface texture after 24 days of storage, unwrapped, at 20-25° C., and/ora glass transition temperature (Tg), measured by DSC, of more than 35° C., preferably more than 40° C., or even 45° C., and/ora water content, measured by the Karl-Fischer method, just after cooling and/or after 24 days, of between 3 and 6%.4. Method of manufacturing hard candies according to claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a) the preparation of a composition including a mixture of sugars as described in , said composition having a content of dry materials between 60 and 85% by weight, preferably between 70 and 80% by weight,'}b) the cooking of the composition at a temperature of 130 to 150° C. at atmospheric ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113987A1

Compositions are provided for preparing low dosage supplements in the form of a confectionery which are easy to swallow and have a desirable taste. The resulting compositions are suitable for delivering all natural active ingredients to aid in alleviating a particular disease or promote overall well-being. Methods of forming the confectionery are also provided herein. 1. A composition comprising:at least one natural sweetener in an amount from about 60% to about 95% by weight of the composition;at least one binding agent;at least one thickening agent;at least one stabilizing agent;at least one flavoring agent;at least one natural active ingredient; andat least one solvent.2stevia. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one natural sweetener is selected from the group consisting of organic evaporated cane sugar claim 1 , beet sugar claim 1 , claim 1 , sucrose claim 1 , dextrose claim 1 , fructose claim 1 , glucose claim 1 , corn syrup claim 1 , maltose claim 1 , maltodextrin claim 1 , lactose claim 1 , maple syrup claim 1 , molasses claim 1 , honey claim 1 , barley malt claim 1 , rice syrup claim 1 , honey claim 1 , agave nectar claim 1 , fruit juice sweeteners claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one natural sweetener comprises organic evaporated cane sugar and is present in an amount from about 60% to about 95% by weight of the composition.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one binding agent is selected from the group consisting of gelatin claim 1 , carrageenan claim 1 , seaweed claim 1 , locust bean gum claim 1 , pectin claim 1 , agar claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , guar gum claim 1 , xanthan gum claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , starch derivatives claim 1 , isomalt claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one binding agent comprises gelatin having a Bloom rating of from about 150 to about 175 Bloom and is present in an amount from about 0.1% to ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137132A1

An icing premix composition includes albumin, gum arabic, and confectionery sugar. The icing premix composition does not include meringue, citric acid, and titanium dioxide. The icing premix composition includes food starch in some cases. The icing premix composition produces a royal icing that is strong, flexible, and stretchy. 1. An icing premix composition , comprising albumin , gum arabic , and confectionery sugar , wherein the icing premix composition does not include meringue , citric acid , and titanium dioxide.2. The icing premix composition of claim 1 , further comprising a food starch.3. The icing premix composition of claim 1 , wherein albumin and gum arabic are present in a weight ratio of between about 4 parts albumin to about 1 part gum arabic and about 5 parts albumin to 1 part gum arabic.4. The icing premix composition of claim 1 , wherein albumin and confectionery sugar are present in a weight ratio of between about 10 parts albumin to about 1 part confectionery sugar and about 25 parts albumin to about 1 part confectionery sugar.5. The icing premix composition of claim 1 , wherein gum arabic and confectionery sugar are present in a weight ratio between about 3 parts gum arabic to about 1 part confectionery sugar and about 6 parts gum arabic to about 1 part confectionery sugar.6. An icing premix composition consisting essentially of albumin claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , and confectionery sugar.7. The icing premix composition of claim 6 , wherein albumin is present in an amount of about 75 weight % to about 80 weight % claim 6 , within a total composition of 100 weight %.8. The icing premix composition of claim 6 , wherein gum arabic is present in an amount of about 15 weight % to about 20 weight % claim 6 , within a total composition of 100 weight %.9. The icing premix composition of claim 6 , wherein confectionery sugar is present in an amount of about 2 weight % to about 7 weight % claim 6 , within a total composition of 100 weight %.10. An icing ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180116245A1

The present application relates to the field of confectionery jellies fortified with high concentrations of hydrophobic actives such as phytosterol esters, omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. combinations of DHA and EPA) and/or conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The ingestible hydrophobic actives are incorporated at high levels by using two types of pectin; an emulsifying pectin and a gelling pectin, wherein the weight ratio of the hydrophobic active to emulsifying pectin ranges from about 5:1 to about 35:1. 2. The fortified jellied confectionery product according to , wherein the emulsifying pectin d) is any pectin which fails to gel the same confectionery product of but without the gelling pectin component e).3. The fortified jellied confectionery product according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of emulsifying pectin d) to gelling pectin e) is from about 1:1 to about 1:4 or from about 1:1.2 to about 1:3.5. The present invention relates generally to the field of confectionery jellies fortified with high concentrations of hydrophobic actives such as phytosterol esters, omega-3 fatty acids (ie. combinations of DHA and EPA) and/or conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).Nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and supplements, such as essential fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, conjugated fatty acids, and other fatty acids; phytochemicals, including phytosterols; other oils; and coenzymes, including Coenzyme Q10, oil soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, E and D and other oil-based additives are desirable food additives for human consumption. However, these are considered non-polar compounds. While these non-polar compounds are relatively easy to formulate in a gelatin based confectionery, gelatin free, or substantially gelatin free confectioneries are much more difficult to formulate comprising these non-polar supplements.Gelatin based products normally give high clarity and springy elastic texture. But gelatin based formulations are problematic in that they ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119011A1

The invention relates to confectionery products and methods for producing them. Provided is a chewy candy comprising a starch-based gelling agent, wherein said gelling agent is a highly branched starch (HBS), preferably wherein said HBS has a molecular branching degree of at least 6%, more preferably at least 6.5%. In a specific aspect, the chewy candy is essentially free of gelatin or other animal-derived ingredient. 1. A chewy candy comprising a starch-based gelling agent , wherein said gelling agent is a highly branched starch (HBS) obtained by treatment of starch or a starch derivative with glycogen branching enzyme (EC , and wherein said HBS has a molecular branching degree of at least 6% , wherein the molecular branching degree is defined as the percentage of α-1.6 glycosidic linkages of the total of α-1.6 and α-1.4 glycosidic linkages ((α-1.6/(α-1.6+α-1.4)*100%).2. Chewy candy according to claim 1 , wherein said HBS has a molecular branching degree of at least 6.5%.3. Chewy candy according to claim 1 , wherein said HBS has an average molecular weight (M) ranging between 0.5*10g/mol and 1*10g/mol claim 1 , preferably between 0.8*10g/mol and 1.8*10g/mol claim 1 , more preferably between 1*10g/mol and 1.6*10g/mol.4. Chewy candy according to claim 1 , wherein said HBS is obtained from starch or a starch derivative in a partially or completely gelatinized form.5. Chewy candy according to claim 1 , wherein said starch or starch derivative is selected from native claim 1 , unmodified and chemically modified starch derived from non-GMO as well as GMO plant variants claim 1 , such as potato claim 1 , corn claim 1 , wheat claim 1 , tapioca claim 1 , waxy potato claim 1 , waxy corn claim 1 , waxy tapioca claim 1 , high amylose potato claim 1 , high amylose corn claim 1 , and modified starches including low DE maltodextrins and amylomaltase-treated starch.6. Chewy candy according to claim 1 , wherein the starch derivative is selected from the group consisting ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150126617A1
Автор: Rowe John Lawrence

The present invention relates to a agave syrup product having a low water content. The agave syrup product retains the physical and palatable properties of untreated agave syrup while having a prolonged shelf-life. It can be advantageously used to sweeten beverages (such as hot beverages) and in the manufacture of pharmaceutical compositions (such as throat lozenges) and/or confectionary. 1. A solid agave syrup product consisting essentially of an agave syrup having a moisture content equal to or less than about 0.5% (w/w).2. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.3%.3. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less then about 0.1%.4. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.05%.5. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.01%.6. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the sugars of the solid agave syrup product are in an uncrystallized form.7. The solid agave syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the solid agave syrup product is translucent.8. The solid agave syrup product of produced by a process comprising submitting a liquid agave syrup to a vacuum of at least 28 inHg claim 1 , to a raise in temperature from room temperature to 90° C. and for a period of time of at least 70 minutes to obtain a dehydrated agave syrup product.9. The solid agave syrup of claim 8 , wherein the process further comprises cooling the dehydrated agave syrup to room temperature.10. The solid agave syrup product according to claim 9 , wherein the process further comprises processing the solid agave syrup in a powder.11. The solid agave product according to claim 8 , wherein the process further comprises placing the solid agave product in a water-impermeable package.12. (canceled)13. An agave composition comprising the solid agave syrup product of ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220264905A1

Disclosed are confectionery products having a texture and other attributes of a potato chip or snack chip, but which is made from candy ingredients. 1. A confectionery chip product , comprising:a bulk sweetener; anda gelatinized starch;wherein the confectionery chip product comprises one or more of the following attributes:a moisture content of about 0 to less than 6 wt % based on the total weight of the confectionery chip product;a thickness of less than 4 mm;a non-uniform cell structure; anda breaking force of less than 2000 g as measured by a texture analyzer having a spherical probe (TA-8, ¼″ (6.35 mm) diameter ball), and with 50 kg load cell.2. The confectionery chip product of claim 1 , wherein the gelatinized starch is derived froma native starch, a pre-gelatinized starch, or a combination thereof.3. The confectionery chip product of claim 1 , wherein the gelatinized starch isa plant root starch;a plant grain starch; ora combination thereof.4. The confectionery chip product of claim 1 , wherein the gelatinized starch is corn claim 1 , wheat claim 1 , oat claim 1 , barley claim 1 , bulgur claim 1 , millet claim 1 , rice claim 1 , potato claim 1 , tapioca claim 1 , arrowroot claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The confectionery chip product of claim 1 , wherein the bulk sweetener isa mono-saccharide, a di-saccharide, a poly-saccharide, a sugar alcohol, a sugar alcohol syrup, or a combination thereof;sucrose (sugar), dextrose/glucose, maltose, dextrin, xylose, ribose, mannose, galactose, fructose (levulose), lactose, invert sugar, fructo oligo saccharide syrups, partially hydrolyzed starch, corn syrup solids, such as high fructose corn syrup, glucose syrup, or a combination thereof;sucrose or sucrose and glucose syrup; orerythritol, galactitol, isomalt, a hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, lactitol, maltitol, maltitol syrup, mannitol, polyglycitol, sorbitol, sorbitol syrups, xylitol, or a combination thereof.6. The confectionery chip product of claim 1 , further ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Chewy confection comprising pulse starch and methods of manufacture therefor

Номер: US20200113203A1
Принадлежит: Puris Protein LLC

The present disclosure relates to a unique combination of pulse (i.e., non-soybean, non-peanut legumes) starch that creates chewy confections with consumer desired clean label, and the finished flavor and texture characteristics of traditional chewy confections. The chewy confection containing pulse starch and the process for manufacturing such, take advantage of the pulse starch high amylose content, while preventing processing challenges due to potential high viscosity development. The pulse starch in the chewy confection of this disclosure could be in isolated form (raw or at least partially precooked) or as part of other pulse materials. Preferably, the chewy confection of this disclosure meets FDA and non-GMO requirements, as well as being organic and kosher.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113204A1
Автор: Rowe John Lawrence

The present invention relates to a maple syrup product having a low water content. The maple syrup product retains the physical and palatable properties of untreated maple syrup while having a prolonged shelf-life. It can be advantageously used to sweeten beverages (such as hot beverages) and in the manufacture of pharmaceutical compositions (such as throat lozenges) and/or confectionery. 120-. (canceled)21. A solid maple syrup product consisting essentially of a combination of maple syrup and honey , wherein sugars of the solid maple product are in an uncrystallized form and the solid maple product has a moisture content equal to or less than about 0.5% (w/w) , wherein the ratio of maple syrup to honey in the solid maple syrup product is at or between 1:1 and 3:2.22. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.3%.23. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.1%.24. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.05%.25. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.01%.26. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the weight ratio of maple syrup to honey in the solid maple syrup product is about 1:1.27. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the weight ratio of maple syrup to honey in the solid maple syrup product is about 3:2.28. The solid maple syrup product of claim 21 , wherein the solid maple syrup product is a powder.29. A maple syrup composition comprising the solid maple syrup product of and at least one an additive.30. The maple syrup composition of claim 29 , wherein the at least one additive comprises a flavor.31. The maple syrup composition of claim 30 , wherein the flavor is selected from the group consisting of spearmint claim 30 , eucalyptus claim 30 , menthol and lemon or a combination ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113219A1

An opacity modifying agent in particulate form comprising a starch, a dextrin, an optional film former, and an optional binder is disclosed herein. Also provided is an opacity modifying suspension comprising the opacity modifying agent and a liquid. The opacity modifying agent or suspension can be added to edible products to provide increased opacity. Methods of producing the opacity modifying agent are also disclosed. 1. An opacity modifying agent in particulate form comprising a starch , a dextrin , a film former , and a binder , wherein the agent comprises the starch in an amount from about 75% to about 90% by weight of the agent , wherein the agent comprises the dextrin in an amount from about 2.5% to about 10% by weight of the agent , and wherein the agent comprises the film former in an amount from about 0.1% to about 15% by weight of the agent.2. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the starch is selected from the group consisting of unmodified corn starch claim 1 , modified corn starch claim 1 , unmodified tapioca starch claim 1 , modified tapioca starch claim 1 , unmodified potato starch claim 1 , modified potato starch claim 1 , unmodified rice starch claim 1 , modified rice starch claim 1 , unmodified wheat starch claim 1 , modified wheat starch claim 1 , alkaline treated starch claim 1 , acid treated starch claim 1 , bleached starch claim 1 , roasted starch claim 1 , hydroxypropyl starch claim 1 , oxidized starch claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the dextrin is selected from the group consisting of branched dextrin claim 1 , unbranched dextrin claim 1 , maltodextrin claim 1 , amylodextrin claim 1 , corn dextrin and combinations thereof.4. The agent of claim 1 , comprising film former in an amount of at least about 0.1% and at most about 7% by weight of the agent.5. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the film former is selected from the group consisting of agar claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , carrageenan claim 1 , cassia claim 1 , ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273000A1
Автор: OZEKI Makoto

A raw material for a gummy composition, and a gummy candy composed of the gummy composition, contain pyroglutamic acid, preferably in an amount of 0.08 mass % to 1.5 mass %. By adding pyroglutamic acid, the gummy candy has an improved melt-in-the-mouth feeling, while also being non-adhesive and soft, and having improved flavor release during chewing. 1. A gummy composition comprising pyroglutamic acid.2. The gummy composition according to claim 1 , comprising 0.08-1.5 mass % of the pyroglutamic acid.3. The gummy composition according to claim 2 , wherein the gummy composition is formed as a gummy candy.4. The gummy composition according to claim 2 , further comprising a gelling agent.5. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , wherein the gelling agent contains gelatin and/or pectin.6. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising a saccharide or a sugar substitute.7. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising a fruit juice and/or a vegetable juice.8. The gummy composition according to claim 2 , further comprising an emulsifier and a gelling agent.9. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , wherein at least a majority of the pyroglutamic acid is L-pyroglutamic acid.10. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising a vitamin claim 4 , a mineral or an herbal medicine.11. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising a pharmaceutical composition.12. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising a coloring agent claim 4 , a flavoring agent and/or a fragrance.13. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , further comprising an acid.14. The gummy composition according to claim 13 , wherein the acid is citric acid.15. The gummy composition according to claim 4 , wherein the gummy composition is an edible claim 4 , chewable claim 4 , elastic composition in the form of a shaped solid unit.16. The gummy composition according to claim 15 , further comprising a sweetener claim ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200120948A1

To provide a soft candy having good chewability and formability. To provide a soft candy having less adhesion to teeth. Provided is a soft candy including a sugar alcohol, gum arabic, and gelatin, wherein the content of the gum arabic is 0.1% by weight or more and less than 10.6% by weight in terms of the solid content, and the content of the gelatin is 0.1% by weight or more and less than 7.7% by weight in terms of the solid content. Provided is a method for producing a soft candy, including concentrating a solution prepared by dissolving raw materials including a sugar alcohol, gum arabic, and gelatin, and adding a sugar alcohol fine powder. Provided is a soft candy produced by concentrating a solution prepared by dissolving raw materials including a sugar alcohol, gum arabic, and gelatin, and adding a sugar alcohol fine powder. 1. A soft candy comprising a sugar alcohol , gum arabic , and gelatin , wherein the content of the gum arabic is 0.1% by weight or more and less than 10.6% by weight in terms of the solid content , and the content of the gelatin is 0.1% by weight or more and less than 7.7% by weight in terms of the solid content.2. A method for producing a soft candy , comprising concentrating a solution prepared by dissolving raw materials including a sugar alcohol , gum arabic , and gelatin , and adding a sugar alcohol fine powder.3. The method for producing a soft candy according to claim 2 , wherein the ratio of the sugar alcohol fine powder added after dissolving and concentrating the raw materials including a sugar alcohol claim 2 , gum arabic claim 2 , and gelatin is 0.9% by weight or more and less than 76.9% by weight in terms of the raw material ratio.4. A soft candy produced by concentrating a solution prepared by dissolving raw materials including a sugar alcohol claim 2 , gum arabic claim 2 , and gelatin claim 2 , and adding a sugar alcohol fine powder.5. The soft candy according to claim 4 , wherein the ratio of the sugar alcohol fine powder ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200120949A1
Принадлежит: Meiji Co., Ltd.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a method and the like capable of producing a large amount of fructooligosaccharide-containing oil-based confectionery having low hygroscopicity. In the method for producing fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat according to the present invention, fructooligosaccharide is pulverized with at least the oil and fat and an emulsifier in a closed system pulverizer to obtain fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat. Then, a fructooligosaccharide-containing oil-based confectionery can be produced from the fructooligosaccharide-containing oil-based confectionery base obtained by mixing the fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat with the oil-based confectionery base or the raw material thereof. This fructooligosaccharide-containing oil-based confectionery has extremely low hygroscopicity, and if stored in a good environment, the moisture content can be kept extremely low at the point of 210 days from the time of production. 1. A method for producing a fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat , wherein the fructooligosaccharide is pulverized with at least the oil and fat , and an emulsifier in a closed system pulverizer.2. A fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat produced by the method for producing the fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat according to .3. A fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat comprising:a fructooligosaccharide,an oil and fat, andan emulsifier.4. The fructooligosaccharide-containing oil and fat according to claim 3 ,wherein the weight ratio of the fructooligosaccharide to the oil and fat is within the range of 0.5 to 2.5,the content of the emulsifier is within the range of 0.1 wt % or more and 1.0 wt % or less.5. The fructooligosaccharide containing oil and fat according to claim 3 ,wherein the moisture value of 5 wt % or less is maintained after 27 days from the time of production when stored at a temperature of 37° C. and a relative humidity of 50% after the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123185A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a saccharide polycondensate which is inexpensive and is applicable to a food or beverage product. Disclosed is a method for producing a saccharide polycondensate, which comprises carrying out a saccharide polycondensation reaction in the presence of activated carbon. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method for producing a saccharide polycondensate or a reduced product thereof , which comprises the steps of:providing one or more saccharides or derivatives thereof;mixing activated carbon with the one or more saccharides or derivatives thereof; and{'sub': '420', 'polycondensing the one or more saccharides or derivatives thereof using the activated carbon as a catalyst at a predetermined temperature to produce the saccharide polycondensate, wherein the content of a dietary fiber in the saccharide polycondensate composition is 30% by weight or more and wherein the absorbance at 420 nm (OD) in an aqueous 20% (w/w) solution of the saccharide polycondensate is in a range of 0 to 5.0.'}21. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the saccharide is selected from a monosaccharide claim 20 , an oligosaccharide claim 20 , and a polysaccharide.22. The method according to claim 20 , wherein a polycondensation reaction is carried out under normal pressure or a vacuum condition.23. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the step of polycondensing the one or more saccharides or derivatives thereof is carried out under the predetermined temperature of 100° C. to 300° C.24. The method according to claim 20 , wherein a saccharide polycondensate or a reduced product thereof is produced as a saccharide polycondensate composition comprising a saccharide polycondensate with a polymerization degree of 3 or more and a saccharide with a polymerization degree of less than 3.25. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the content of a dietary fiber in the saccharide polycondensate composition is 30% by weight or more and ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132517A1

An opacity modifying agent in particulate form comprising a starch, a dextrin, an optional film former, and an optional binder is disclosed herein. Also provided is an opacity modifying suspension comprising the opacity modifying agent and a liquid. The opacity modifying agent or suspension can be added to edible products to provide increased opacity. Methods of producing the opacity modifying agent are also disclosed. 1. An opacity modifying agent in particulate form comprising a starch , a dextrin , a film former , and a binder , wherein the agent comprises the starch in an amount from about 75% to about 90% by weight of the agent , wherein the agent comprises the dextrin in an amount from about 2.5% to about 10% by weight of the agent , and wherein the agent comprises the film former in an amount from about 0.1% to about 15% by weight of the agent.2. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the starch is selected from the group consisting of unmodified corn starch claim 1 , modified corn starch claim 1 , unmodified tapioca starch claim 1 , modified tapioca starch claim 1 , unmodified potato starch claim 1 , modified potato starch claim 1 , unmodified rice starch claim 1 , modified rice starch claim 1 , unmodified wheat starch claim 1 , modified wheat starch claim 1 , alkaline treated starch claim 1 , acid treated starch claim 1 , bleached starch claim 1 , roasted starch claim 1 , hydroxypropyl starch claim 1 , oxidized starch claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the dextrin is selected from the group consisting of branched dextrin claim 1 , unbranched dextrin claim 1 , maltodextrin claim 1 , amylodextrin claim 1 , corn dextrin and combinations thereof.4. The agent of claim 1 , comprising film former in an amount of at least about 0.1% and at most about 7% by weight of the agent.5. The agent of claim 1 , wherein the film former is selected from the group consisting of agar claim 1 , alginate claim 1 , carrageenan claim 1 , cassia claim 1 , ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140220188A1

A chewy confectionery product comprised of pectin and having a low water content compared to that of traditional chewy confectionery products. The pectin of the present invention helps eliminate the need for traditional texturizing agents while maintaining the quality, texture and consistency of chewy confectionery products made with traditional texturizing agents. In fact, the chewy confectionery product of the current invention has a texture which consumers may find to be more desirable than that of traditional chewy confectionery products. The chewy product of the current invention also has reduced stickiness and cold-flow properties when compared to a traditional chewy confectionery product and also provides a cleaner-breaking bite. 1. A chewy confectionery product which is substantially free of traditional texturizing agents comprised of pectin at a minimum of 0.2 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product , such chewy confectionery product having a water content of 3 to 13 percent.2. The chewy confectionery product of claims having water content of 5 to 9 percent and more preferably 6 to 8 percent.3. The chewy confectionery product of additionally comprised of sucrose claim 1 , fat claim 1 , and an additional sweetener.4. The chewy confectionery product of wherein the sucrose is present from 20 to 80 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product claim 3 , more preferably 50 to 60 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product claim 3 , and most preferably 54 to 58 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product.5. The chewy confectionery product of wherein the fat is present from 0.5 to 20 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product claim 3 , more preferably 2 to 8 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product claim 3 , and most preferably 5 to 7 percent by weight on a dry basis of the chewy confectionery product.6. The chewy ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128848A1

The present invention relates to a sugar paste substrate with a reduced sugar content comprising fondant, fructooligosaccharides (oligofructose or oligofructan) and starch. The paste can be used in standard sugar paste substrate processes, for example to produce printed decorations. 1. A sugar paste substrate composition comprising fondant (sugar and glucose) , Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (oligofructose or oligofructan) and starch.2. A sugar paste substrate composition as claimed in wherein the FOS and starch combination are provided at a ratio of about 1:2.3. A sugar paste composition as claimed in or comprising 20-30% by weight starch claim 1 , 10-15% FOS and 50-60% fondant.4. A sugar paste composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the starch is selected from corn (maize) claim 1 , pea claim 1 , potato claim 1 , sweet potato claim 1 , sorghum claim 1 , banana claim 1 , barley claim 1 , wheat claim 1 , rice claim 1 , sago claim 1 , amaranth claim 1 , tapioca claim 1 , arrowroot claim 1 , canna starch.5. A sugar paste composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the starch is tapioca starch.6. A sugar paste composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the fondant comprises sugar and glucose syrup or dried glucose syrup at a ratio of about 10:1.7. A sugar paste composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the fondant is provided as the separate components sugar and glucose syrup.8. A sugar paste composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the composition further comprises at least one of a humectant and preservative.9. A sugar past composition as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the composition further comprises at least one gum or binder claim 1 , for example xanthan gum.12. A method of making a sugar paste composition comprising the stepscombining fondant: starch and FOS at a ratio 5:2:1 by weight percent.13. A method of making a sugar paste composition as claimed in comprising the steps:combining a fondant ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200128849A1
Автор: MAENO Kinya

A mochi-like food product and an ice confection having a mochi-like texture under room temperature and a production method for an ice confection. A mochi-like food product includes a starch gellant and a sweetener. The starch gellant contains kudzu starch serving as a main ingredient, and includes no potato starch, sweet potato starch, corn starch, or wheat starch. The sweetener includes wasanbon, includes no refined sugar, glucose, or synthetic sweeteners. The mochi-like food product can be frozen to be served as an ice confection. The mochi-like food product can be provided as a tasty ice confection that has chewiness like uiro, is free of allergenicity, has a lower GI value than sugar, would not be too hard upon being frozen to be served as an ice confection, is easy to eat, and has unique thickness or gumminess. 1. A food product comprising:a gellant, wherein the gellant contains kudzu starch, and the gallant is free of potato starch, sweet potato starch, corn starch, and wheat starch; anda sweetener, wherein the sweetener includes at least one unrefined sweetener, and the sweetener is free of refined sugar, glucose, and synthetic sweeteners.2. The food product according to claim 1 , wherein the gellant contains only the kudzu starch claim 1 , or the gellant includes the kudzu starch and at least one of lotus root powder claim 1 , rice flour claim 1 , or bracken starch.3. The food product according to claim 1 , further comprising a flavoring material claim 1 , wherein the flavoring material includes at least one of tea claim 1 , Japanese cinnamon claim 1 , cinnamon claim 1 , fruit juice claim 1 , vegetable juice claim 1 , fruit puree claim 1 , vegetable puree claim 1 , fruit paste claim 1 , vegetable paste claim 1 , grain puree claim 1 , grain paste claim 1 , nuts claim 1 , chocolate claim 1 , coffee claim 1 , rice milk claim 1 , coconut water claim 1 , coconut milk claim 1 , coconut sugar claim 1 , honey claim 1 , liquor claim 1 , sake claim 1 , or fermented ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200138704A1

A method of making a gummy composition, comprising providing a gelatin blend, comprising gelatin and a swelling agent, providing a bonding blend, comprising a combination of at least two of a monosaccharide, a disaccharide and a tri-saccharide, providing an active blend, comprising an active agent and a liquid solvent, wherein the liquid solvent comprises a diprotic solvent, tri-protic solvent, or a combination thereof, combining the active blend, the bonding blend and a gelatin blend to provide a molding blend, and forming the molding blend into a gummy composition 1. A method of making a gummy composition , comprisingproviding a gelatin blend, comprising gelatin and a swelling agent,providing a bonding blend, comprising a combination of at least two of a monosaccharide, a disaccharide and a tri-saccharide,providing an active blend, comprising an active agent and a liquid solvent, wherein the active agent comprises an pharmaceutical active ingredient (API), and wherein the liquid solvent comprises a diprotic solvent, tri-protic solvent, or a combination thereof,combining the active blend, the bonding blend and a gelatin blend to provide a molding blend wherein the bonding blend has a higher Brix number than the molding blend, andforming the molding blend into a gummy composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the swelling solvent comprises water claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , glycerol or a combination thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bonding blend consists substantially of at least three of tagatose claim 1 , psicose claim 1 , sorbose claim 1 , trehalose claim 1 , isomaltulose claim 1 , mannose claim 1 , or a combination thereof.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molding blend comprises gelatin at a concentration of about 9%.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the active agent comprises an antibacterial agent claim 1 , an antifungal agent claim 1 , a pain or fever reliever claim 1 , an analgesics claim 1 , an anti-inflammatory agent ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200138705A1

A method of making a gummy composition, comprising providing a gelling blend, comprising pectin having a carboxyl content of not more than 45% by weight of pectin and an amide content of not less than 20% by weight of pectin, a solubilizing blend, a swelling solvent and optionally a first bonding blend; optionally providing an emulsifying blend; optionally providing a second bonding blend, wherein the first bonding blend and the second bonding form a bonding blend; optionally providing an active blend, comprising an active agent; combining the gelling blend, the surfactant blend, the bonding blend and the active blend to provide a pre-molding blend, combing the pre-molding blend with a pH adjusting blend to provide a molding blend, wherein the molding blend has a pH value at least about 5; and forming the molding blend into a gummy composition. 1. A method of making a gummy composition , comprising providing a gelling blend , comprisingpectin having a carboxyl content of not more than 45% by weight of pectin and an amide content of not less than 20% more than 25% by weight of pectin;a solubilizing blend, wherein the solubilizing blend comprises a solubilizing salt having a formula of M-A, wherein M represent a cation of an alkaline or alkaline earth metal and A represent an anion of a multivalent acid having at least one pKa exceeding about 4;a swelling solvent; andoptionally a first bonding blend,optionally providing an emulsifying blend;optionally providing a second bonding blend, wherein the first bonding blend and the second bonding form a bonding blend;providing an active blend, comprising an active agent;combining the gelling blend, the emulsifying blend, the bonding blend and the active blend to provide a pre-molding blend;combining the pre-molding blend with a pH adjusting blend to provide a molding blend, wherein the molding blend has a pH value at least about 5; andforming the molding blend into a gummy dosage composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Composition for oral cavity and food product, or beverage

Номер: US20180147131A1
Принадлежит: Sangi Co Ltd

It is an object to provide an oral composition, a food, or a beverage and a remineralizing agent having excellent action of remineralizing demineralized tooth enamel. The present invention is an oral composition, a food, or a beverage comprising sodium chondroitin sulfate and a calcium phosphate. The present invention is a tooth remineralizing agent comprising sodium chondroitin sulfate and a calcium phosphate as active ingredients.

23-05-2019 дата публикации

Gum Arabic Replacements In: (1) Panning, Confections, Adhesion & Coatings; (2) Edible Films and Flavor Encapsulation; and (3) Lithography

Номер: US20190150468A1

A method of preparing a gum arabic replacement, partial replacement or extending composition, for use in a variety of applications such as food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications is disclosed. In one embodiment, the invention is directed towards a method of preparing a gum arabic replacement, partial replacement or extending composition for use in panning, candy, coating and adhesion applications. The method includes selecting a strong (key) film former of natural and/or modified polysaccharides that comprises between approximately 0.1% and approximately 10% of the composition, or used at a level in the finished application equivalent to about 0.1 to 10% of what gum arabic would typically be used regardless of whether the gum arabic is used. 1. A method of preparing a gum arabic replacement , partial replacement or extending composition , for use in panning , candy , coating and adhesion applications , comprising the steps of:selecting a strong (key) film former of natural and/or modified polysaccharides that comprises between approximately 0.1% and approximately 10% of a total composition, or used at a level in the finished application equivalent to about 0.1 to 10% of what gum arabic would typically be used regardless of whether the gum arabic is used.2. The method of further comprising the step of adding a low viscosity cracking agent to generate a 1 to 1 replacement of gum arabic claim 1 , wherein the low viscosity cracking agent comprises between approximately 0% and approximately 99.9% of the total composition claim 1 , or used at a level in the finished application equivalent to about 0 to 99.9% of what gum arabic would typically be used regardless of whether the gum arabic is used claim 1 , and wherein the composition has a viscosity at concentration of approximately 35°-40° Brix being about 10 cP to about 2000 cP at 25° C. and a film cast at 5 mils to 10 mils cracks into flakes on drying that lies between that of materials that can generate ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160165940A1
Автор: Robbins Rebecca J.

The present application is directed to a method of hard pan coating an edible core, a sucrose-based, hard panned coating, and a hard panned confection comprising an edible core coated with the same. The sucrose-based, hard panned coating comprises sucrose and a pH-adjusted red radish anthocyanin-containing colorant, is substantially crystalline, and has a red or orange hue described by a CIELCH color space h° coordinate of from about 15° to about 70°. In some embodiments, the coating further comprises a yellow colorant. The colorants are desirably naturally sourced to provide alternatives to synthetic colorants for coloring hard panned confectionery coatings in red or orange hues. 1. A method of hard pan coating an edible core comprising:(a) admixing a red radish anthocyanin-containing colorant with water to form an aqueous colorant solution;(b) adjusting the pH of the aqueous colorant solution to from about 4 to about 6, and, optionally, reducing the water content of the solution to form a pH-adjusted colorant;(c) admixing the pH-adjusted colorant with a sucrose-based syrup to form a colored sucrose-based syrup;(d) admixing a yellow colorant with one or more constituents and admixtures of steps (a), (b), and (c) such that the yellow colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup; and(e) applying the colored sucrose-based syrup to an edible core to provide at least one layer of a hard panned coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the red radish anthocyanin-containing colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % up to less than about 5 wt % of the colored sucrose-based syrup claim 1 , and the yellow colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % up to less than about 5 wt % of the colored sucrose-based syrup.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the yellow colorant is admixed with the red radish anthocyanin-containing colorant claim 1 , the water ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Alcohol-Containing Candy Product

Номер: US20180160700A1
Автор: Puca Giuseppe

The present invention relates to a candy product in the sense of hard or soft candy of a new candy material, comprising at least two components (a) and (b), which may have at least one interface to each other in the candy product and therewith may form a composition of alternating compositions (a)/(b)/(a) etc. in the candy product, and which contains alcohol or alcoholic liquids in this candy material, wherein the alcohol or alcoholic liquids in the component (b) is bound in a carrier matrix and substantially homogeneous distributed throughout the solid candy material. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a process for producing such candy products.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220304329A1
Автор: Simmons Thomas J.

Lower calorie multiphase foodstuffs comprising oligosaccharides, or mixtures thereof, with a perceived sweetness to humans that is at least as sweet as a higher calorie foodstuff are provided herein. 1. A foodstuff comprising:a. a first phase comprising one or more ingredients; wherein at least one of the one or more ingredients is a sweetener; andb. a second phase comprising cello-oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization (DP) from two to six, xylo-oligosaccharides with a DP from two to twelve and polysaccharides.2. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the second phase further comprises a monosaccharide claim 1 , a disaccharide claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the second phase further comprises a sugar alcohol and/or a high intensity sweetener.4. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the cello-oligosaccharides to the xylo-oligosaccharides in the second phase is from 5:95 to 95:5.5. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of the cello-oligosaccharides to the xylo-oligosaccharides in the foodstuff is from 5:95 to 95:5.6. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the second phase is non-uniformly dispersed in the first phase.7. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the foodstuff is a baked good.8. The foodstuff of claim 6 , wherein the first phase is a bakery composition claim 6 , and the second phase is a fat-based composition.9. The foodstuff of claim 7 , wherein an average density of the first phase is less than an average density of the second phase.10. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the foodstuff is a dessert composition.11. The foodstuff of claim 9 , wherein the first phase is a fat-based composition.12. The foodstuff of claim 10 , wherein an average density of the first phase is less than an average density of the second phase.13. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the second phase comprises by-products of a browning reaction.14. The foodstuff of claim 1 , wherein the foodstuff comprises at least 1% w/w of the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Edible Oral Compositions Comprising Hops

Номер: US20220304919A1
Автор: St. John Samuel James

Edible oral compositions including hops and calcium. Edible oral compositions including hops and tin. Edible oral compositions that are free of fluoride. Edible oral compositions which are gummy compositions, chewable compositions, pan-chew composition, tablet compositions, dissolving tablet compositions, dissolving films, leave-on compositions, lollipop compositions, lozenge compositions, nonwoven fiber compositions, soluble foam compositions, liquid compositions, paste compositions, chewing gum composition, or combinations thereof. 1. An edible oral composition comprising:(a) hops; and(b) calcium.2Humulus lupulus. The edible oral composition of claim 1 , wherein the hops comprises hops extract claim 1 , extract claim 1 , synthetically derived hops compounds claim 1 , salts thereof claim 1 , prodrugs thereof claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The edible oral composition of claim 1 , wherein the hops comprises hops alpha acid claim 1 , hops iso-alpha acid claim 1 , hops beta acid claim 1 , hops oil claim 1 , hops flavonoids claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The edible oral composition of claim 3 , wherein the hops beta acid comprises lupulone claim 3 , adlupulone claim 3 , colupulone claim 3 , or combinations thereof.5. The edible oral composition of claim 2 , wherein the hops comprises at least about 35% claim 2 , by weight of the hops claim 2 , of hops beta acid.6. The edible oral composition of claim 5 , wherein the hops comprises less than about 1% claim 5 , by weight of the hops claim 5 , of hops alpha acid.7. The edible oral composition of claim 1 , wherein the calcium comprises calcium salt claim 1 , calcium abrasive claim 1 , or combinations thereof.8. The edible oral composition of claim 7 , wherein the calcium abrasive comprises calcium carbonate claim 7 , calcium pyrophosphate claim 7 , or combinations thereof.9. The edible oral composition of claim 7 , wherein the calcium salt comprises calcium chloride claim 7 , calcium citrate claim 7 , or ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168182A1

Disclosed is a method for the preparation of a gummy and candy composition containing curcuminoids. Also disclosed is a gummy and candy composition containing effective concentration of curcuminoids that is palatable and bioavailable. 1. A method for the manufacture of gummy composition containing curcuminoids , said method comprising steps of:a) Mixing powdered chewable base in water with constant stirring to obtain a turbid solution;b) Adding appropriate concentration of sweetners to the solution of step a with continuous stirring,c) Mixing the solution of step b with suitable acidifying agents and flavouring agents to obtain a colloidal mixture;d) Heating the mixture of step c to 55° C.-80° C. for 15-20 minutese) Adding an effective concentration of curcumnioids to the solution of Step d with continuous stirring to form a uniform mixing of the ingredientsf) Pouring the syrup of step e into moulds of different shapes and sizes that is precoated with corn starchg) Allowing the syrup to cool at 10-15° C. within the mould and solidify to obtain a chewable gummyh) Passing the gummies of step g on Vibrosifters to remove excess corn starchi) Sprinkling suitable sweetners, acidifying agents and flavouring agents as a coating.j) Packing the solidified chewable candy into suitable containers and packets2. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the chewable base is selected from the group consisting of gelatin claim 1 , soft gum claim 1 , nougat and caramel.3. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the chewable base is present at concentrations of 5-80% w/w.4. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the curcuminoids are present at concentrations of 10-250 mg and 1-20% w/w of the total composition.5. The composition as in claim 4 , wherein the ratio of curcuminoids is 75-81% curcumin claim 4 , 15-19% demethoxy curcumin claim 4 , and 2.2-6.5% bis demethoxy curcumin.6stevia. The method as in claim 1 , wherein the sweetner is selected from the group consisting of aspartame claim 1 , sucrose ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190166871A1

A process for modifying starches comprises atomising an aqueous slurry of a non-pregelatmised, granular, high amylose starch into an internal chamber in a bi-fluid nozzle of a dryer and treating the atomized slurry, in the internal chamber, with medium pressure steam to produce a slurry of partially treated starch granules followed by discharging the slurry into a reactor where it is contacted with superheated steam to produce dry, particulate, cold water-swelling, intact, high amylose starch granules. The cold water-swelling, intact, high amylose starch granules have greater than 15% solubles. At a starch concentration of 1%, in UDMSO (9 volumes DMSO and 1 volume 6M urea) at 25° C., the ratio of apparent viscosity of said cold water-swelling, intact, high amylose starch granules to the apparent viscosity of the parent non-pregelatinised, granular, high amylose starch is lower than 1.00. The cold water-swelling, high amylose granular starch of the invention is useful in the manufacture of food products, especially confectionery products and convenience food products. 16.-. (canceled)7. Cold water-swelling , high amylose starch granules , said starch retaining its granular integrity , said starch having greater than 15% solubles and having in UDMSO (9 volumes DMSO and 1 volume 6M urea) at 1% starch concentration at 25° C. a ratio of apparent viscosity of said cold water-swelling , intact , high amylose starch granules to the apparent viscosity of the parent non-pregelatinised , granular , high amylose starch of lower than 1.00 , wherein said starch has an amylose content greater than 35% by weight.8. Cold water-swelling starch granules according to claim 7 , which have greater than 16% solubles.9. Cold water-swelling starch granules according to claim 7 , having a total amylose content of at least 40% by weight.10. Cold water-swelling starch granules according to claim 9 , having a total amylose content of at least 45% by weight.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210204561A1
Автор: Rengart Emelie

A fast setting edible glue comprising a gum, powdered sugar, glucose, water, and optionally additional additives, the edible glue comprises: gum in an amount of from 2 to 4% based on the total amount of glue; powdered sugar in an amount from 82-88% based on the total amount of glue; glucose in an amount of from 1 to 3% based on the total amount of glue; water in an amount of from 8 to 12% based on the total amount of glue; and optionally additional additives in an amount of from 0.1 to 1.5% based on the total amount of glue. 1. A fast setting edible glue comprising a gum , powdered sugar , glucose , water , and additional additives ,the edible glue comprises:gum in an amount of from 2 to 4% based on the total amount of glue;powdered sugar in an amount from 70-80% based on the total amount of glue;glucose in an amount of from 2 to 5% based on the total amount of glue;water in an amount of from 12 to 18% based on the total amount of glue; andadditional additives in an amount of from 0.1 to 1.5% based on the total amount of glue.2. The fast setting edible glue as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said glucose is in any one of a liquid form or dry form.3. The fast setting edible glue as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gum is any one of gum karaya claim 1 , gum tragacanth claim 1 , gum arabic claim 1 , and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) gum claim 1 , or derivatives or mixtures thereof.4. The fast setting edible glue as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the additional additive is any one of a color agent claim 1 , a preservative agent claim 1 , thickening agent and a flavor agent.5. The fast setting edible glue as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the preservative agent is any one of citric acid claim 4 , and potassium sorbate.6. The fast setting edible glue as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the glue comprises claim 1 , gum in an amount of 3% based on the total amount of glue claim 1 , wherein the gum is gum karaya claim 1 , powdered sugar in an amount of 76% based on the total amount of ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183553A1
Принадлежит: New York University

A meringue composition is disclosed, which may be prepared without the inclusion of egg or egg byproduct material as an ingredient. The meringue is prepared from a mixture consisting essentially of saponin, a sugar or sugar substitute, and water. The meringue is capable of being prepared to a self-sustaining, baked product. The final meringue product may be prepared by a variety of heating methods, including microwave heating. Further, the nature of the final product may be controlled by the extent of heating, so that a product more flowable or creamy may be achieved by a reduction in the heating time. The meringue of the invention is suitable for strict vegetarians (‘vegans’) and individuals who are allergic to eggs and egg bi-products. 1. A meringue product that is free from any egg or egg byproducts , and is formed from a meringue mixture consisting essentially of a saponin-rich component , a sugar component , and water.2. (canceled)3Yucca schidigera, Quillaja saponariaSaponaria officinalis.. The meringue product of claim 1 , wherein said saponin is derived from a plant selected from claim 1 , and4Saponaria officinalis. The meringue product of claim 3 , wherein said saponin is derived from (soapwort).5. The meringue product of claim 1 , wherein said sugar component is selected from granulated sugar and powdered sugar claim 1 , and is added to the mixture in the selected form.6. (canceled)7. The meringue product of claim 1 , further including bulking agents claim 1 , flavors claim 1 , and foaming agents.8. The meringue product of claim 5 , wherein the bulking agents include wheat starch claim 5 , com starch claim 5 , rice starch and tapioca starch; and the flavors include vanilla claim 5 , chocolate claim 5 , mocha claim 5 , coffee claim 5 , fruit flavors and nut flavors.9. The meringue product of claim 1 , wherein the sugar component is a sugar substitute claim 1 , and is selected from maltodextrose claim 1 , dextrose claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , xylitol and ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150189899A1
Автор: Rowe John Lawrence

The present invention relates to a maple syrup product having a low water content. The maple syrup product retains the physical and palatable properties of untreated maple syrup while having a prolonged shelf-life. It can be advantageously used to sweeten beverages (such as hot beverages) and in the manufacture of pharmaceutical compositions (such as throat lozenges) and/or confectionery. 1. A solid maple syrup product consisting essentially of a combination of maple syrup and a low-sucrose carbohydrate and having a moisture content equal to or less than about 0.5% (w/w) , wherein the maple syrup product is obtained by a process comprising:combining a liquid maple syrup and the low-sucrose carbohydrate to obtain an initial mixture, wherein the percentage of maple syrup, on a weight basis, in the initial mixture is equal to or lower than about 66%; anddehydrating the initial mixture.2. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.3%.3. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.1%.4. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.05%.5. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the moisture content is equal to or less than about 0.01%.6. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the percentage of maple syrup in the initial mixture is equal to or lower than about 65%.7. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the percentage of maple syrup in the initial mixture is equal to or lower than about 51%.89-. (canceled)10. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the low-sucrose carbohydrate is honey.11. The solid maple syrup product of claim 1 , wherein the dehydrating step further comprises submitting the initial mixture to a vacuum of at least 28 inHg claim 1 , to a raise in temperature of at least 85° C. and for a period of time of at least 65 minutes so as ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160192673A1

The embodiments disclosed herein relate to edible print substrates. The edible print substrates can include one or more starches, celluloses, dextrins, sugars, humectants or plasticizers, or emulsifiers, or combinations thereof. In certain instances, the edible print substrates include maltodextrin having a DE of between about 5 and about 20. The edible print substrates can also include glycerine. The edible print substrates can be formed into single layer and multi-layer constructions. 1. A formulation for an edible print substrate , comprising:a starch;a cellulose;a dextrin comprising maltodextrin having a DE of between about 5 and about 20; anda humectant or plasticizer.2. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the maltodextrin has a DE of between about 5 and about 15.3. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the formulation comprises between about 5% and about 24% claim 1 , between about 10% and about 24% claim 1 , or between about 14% and about 20% claim 1 , by weight of maltodextrin.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the humectant or plasticizer comprises glycerine.5. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the formulation is devoid of corn syrup and corn syrup solids.6. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the starch comprises at least one of a tapioca starch claim 1 , a corn starch claim 1 , a wheat starch claim 1 , a rice starch claim 1 , a potato starch claim 1 , or a derivative thereof.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the cellulose comprises at least one of a microcrystalline cellulose or a carboxymethyl cellulose.8. The formulation of claim 1 , further comprising an emulsifier.9. An edible print substrate claim 1 , comprising: a starch;', 'a cellulose;', 'a dextrin comprising maltodextrin having a DE of between about 5 and about 20; and', 'a humectant or plasticizer; and, 'a base layer comprising a base formulation, comprising a starch;', 'a cellulose;', 'a dextrin comprising maltodextrin having a DE of between about 5 and about 20; and', 'a ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190183141A1
Автор: Hesson Lynn A.

The present disclosure provides systems and methods for binding active ingredients onto consumable high pressure gasified crystals. The method of binding dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and active ingredients onto carbonated crystals (candy) can be performed to preserve the full benefits of the ingredients by using low or zero moisture, low or ambient temperatures, and ensuringeven dispersal of the ingredients per dosage. The supplements can be retained in the mouth of a user via sensory signals until orally absorbed. 1. A modified confectionary item comprising:a confectionary item; anda premix formulation coating a surface of the confectionary item, wherein the premix formulation includes a carrier and an active ingredient.2. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the confectionary item includes at least one of a hard candy claim 1 , chew candy claim 1 , popping candy claim 1 , mints claim 1 , lozenges claim 1 , gum claim 1 , lollipop claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the confectionary item includes isomalt.4. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the active ingredient includes at least one of a pharmaceutical claim 1 , an herbal ingredient claim 1 , a vitamin claim 1 , a mineral claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the carrier includes at least one of xylitol claim 1 , erythritol claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the premix formulation includes at least one of a sugar claim 1 , a flavor claim 1 , a scent claim 1 , a sweetener claim 1 , a spice claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The modified confectionary item of claim 1 , wherein the premix formulation includes at least one of antiadherents claim 1 , binders claim 1 , coatings claim 1 , colors claim 1 , disintegrants claim 1 , flavors claim 1 , glidants claim 1 , lubricants claim 1 , preservatives claim 1 , ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200178556A1

The present disclosure provides frozen confectionary products comprising a base frozen confection, wherein the base frozen confection comprises i) a vegetable or vegetable derivative component and ii) one or more sweetening agents. The frozen confectionary products provided in the present disclosure may optionally comprise an oil, an emulsifier, a stabilizer, a salt, and water. 1. A frozen confectionary product comprising a base frozen confection , wherein the base frozen confection comprises i) a vegetable or vegetable derivative component and ii) one or more sweetening agents.2. The frozen confectionary product of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable or vegetable derivative component is selected from the group consisting of a vegetable claim 1 , a pulse claim 1 , a vegetable protein claim 1 , a nut solid claim 1 , a seed solid claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The frozen confectionary product of claim 2 , wherein the vegetable or vegetable derivative component is present between about 4% to about 70% (wt %) of the base frozen confection.4. The frozen confectionary product of claim 1 , wherein the vegetable is selected from the group consisting of cauliflower claim 1 , sweet potato claim 1 , avocado claim 1 , butternut squash claim 1 , pumpkin claim 1 , spinach claim 1 , zucchini claim 1 , jicama claim 1 , rutabaga claim 1 , parsnips claim 1 , turnips claim 1 , spinach claim 1 , kale claim 1 , arugula claim 1 , potato claim 1 , carrots claim 1 , peas claim 1 , collard greens claim 1 , lettuce claim 1 , watercress claim 1 , parsley claim 1 , corn claim 1 , plantains claim 1 , taro claim 1 , water chestnuts claim 1 , acorn squash claim 1 , tomatoes claim 1 , hubbard squash claim 1 , bell peppers claim 1 , radishes claim 1 , eggplant claim 1 , cucumbers claim 1 , cabbage claim 1 , bamboo shoots claim 1 , asparagus claim 1 , artichokes claim 1 , beets claim 1 , cactus claim 1 , celery claim 1 , green beans claim 1 , kohlrabi claim 1 , mushrooms claim 1 , chayote ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170190728A1
Автор: MARKOSYAN Avetik
Принадлежит: PureCircle Sdn Bhd

Methods of preparing highly purified steviol glycosides, particularly Rebaudioside D, are described. The methods include purification from the extraction stage of the Bertoni plant, purification of steviol glycoside mixtures, Rebaudioside D and Rebaudioside A from a commercial extract, and purification of Rebaudioside D from remaining solutions obtained after isolation and purification of Rebaudioside A and a high purity mixture of steviol glycosides. The methods are useful for producing high purity Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside A, and steviol glycoside mixtures. The high purity steviol glycosides are useful as non-caloric sweeteners in edible and chewable compositions such as any beverages, confectioneries, bakery products, cookies, and chewing gums. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for purifying steviol glycosides , comprising the steps of:a. providing a solution comprising steviol glycosides;b. providing a plurality of connected columns packed with an adsorbent resin capable of adsorbing steviol glycosides to create a multi-column system;c. passing the solution of steviol glycosides through the multi-column system to obtain at least two columns, each column having a different ratio of adsorbed steviol glycosides; andd. eluting the adsorbed steviol glycosides from at least one column in the multi-column system to obtain an eluted solution comprising steviol glycosides.29. The method of claim 28 , wherein the multi-column system comprises parallel and serial connected columns.30. The method of claim 28 , wherein the multi-column system comprises parallel connected columns.31. The method of claim 28 , wherein the multi-column system comprises serial connected columns.32. The method of claim 28 , wherein the multi-column system comprises 3-15 connected columns.33. The method of claim 28 , wherein a ratio of a volume of a first column of the multi-column system to a volume of a second column of the multi-column is in the range of about 1:1 to about 1:10.34. The method of ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180192666A1

The prevent invention relates to a fondant comprising a sugar system made up of a first non-crystalline phase and a second crystalline phase, wherein the non-crystalline phase contains isomaltulose and sucrose and wherein the crystalline phase contains isomaltulose. The invention also relates to a method for the production thereof, the use of the fondant as icing, coating or filling for baked goods and baked goods that are completely or partially coated with the fondant according to the invention. 117.-. (canceled)18. A method for producing a fondant , icing or pastry filling wherein sucrose is dissolved in a non-crystalline phase containing isomaltulose and water in a first method step and , in a second method step , crystalline isomaltulose is added to the solution obtained in the first method step , wherein a fondant is obtained.19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the first method step comprises the following sub-steps:adding a thickening agent to the non-crystalline phase;heating the non-crystalline phase to 80 to 98° C.;dissolving the sucrose in the non-crystalline phase;lowering the temperature of the non-crystalline phase to 40 to 70° C.20. The method according to claim 18 , wherein in the second step the crystalline isomaltulose is added to the solution obtained in the first method step claim 18 , at a temperature of from 40 to 70° C.21. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the proportion of isomaltulose to sucrose in the non-crystalline phase (based on the total weight of the isomaltulose and sucrose in the non-crystalline phase) ranges from 20 to 80 through 45 to 55.22. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the proportion of isomaltulose to sucrose in the fondant (based on the total weight of the isomaltulose and sucrose in the fondant) ranges from 25 to 75 through 85 to 15.23. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the proportion of the non-crystalline phase in the total carbohydrate composition of the fondant (weight TS of the ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160205980A1
Автор: Robbins Rebecca J.

The present application is directed to a method of hard pan coating an edible core, a sucrose-based, hard panned coating, and a hard panned confection comprising an edible core coated with the same. The sucrose-based, hard panned coating comprises sucrose and a pH-adjusted purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant, is substantially crystalline, and has a brown hue described by a CIELCH color space h° coordinate of from about 0° to about 70°. In some embodiments, the coating further comprises a yellow colorant. The colorants are desirably naturally sourced to provide alternatives to synthetic colorants for coloring hard panned confectionery coatings in brown hues. 1. A method of hard pan coating an edible core comprising:(a) admixing a purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant with water to form an aqueous colorant solution;(b) adjusting the pH of the aqueous colorant solution to from about 5 to about 7, and, optionally, reducing the water content of the solution to form a pH-adjusted colorant;(c) admixing the pH-adjusted colorant with a sucrose-based syrup to form a colored sucrose-based syrup;(d) admixing a yellow colorant with one or more constituents and admixtures of steps (a), (b), and (c) such that the yellow colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup; and(e) applying the colored sucrose-based syrup to an edible core to provide at least one layer of a hard panned coating.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % up to less than about 5 wt % of the colored sucrose-based syrup claim 1 , and the yellow colorant is incorporated into the colored sucrose-based syrup in an amount of from about 0.01 wt % up to less than about 5 wt % of the colored sucrose-based syrup.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the yellow colorant is admixed with the purple carrot anthocyanin-containing colorant claim 1 , the water of ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210227865A1

An edible composition, comprising a low glycemic index sugar component having a glycemic index of not more than 20, wherein the edible composition comprises not less than 50% weight of the low glycemic index sugar component, wherein the edible composition is substantially free of D-sucrose, D-fructose, D-glucose, sugar alcohols, and non-sugar sweeteners, and wherein the edible composition have a sweetness taste profile substantially similar to D-sucrose. 1. An sweet composition , comprising a low glycemic index sugar component having a glycemic index of not more than 20 , wherein the sweet composition comprises not less than 50% weight of the low glycemic index sugar component , wherein the sweet composition is substantially free of D-sucrose , D-fructose , D-glucose , sugar alcohols , and non-sugar sweeteners.2. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low glycemic index sugar component has a glycemic index of not more than 15.3. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low glycemic index sugar component is not less than 90% weight of the sweet composition.4. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low glycemic index sugar component comprises a low glycemic index sugar having a glycemic index of not more than 15 and a molecular weight of not more than 540.5. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low glycemic index sugar component consists essentially of low glycemic index sugars claim 1 , wherein each low glycemic index sugar has a glycemic index of not more than 20 and a molecular weight of not more than 360.6. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low glycemic index sugar component comprises psicose claim 1 , sorbose claim 1 , tagatose claim 1 , trehalose claim 1 , isomaltulose claim 1 , raffinose or a combination thereof.7. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low GI sugar component consists essentially of psicose claim 1 , isomaltulose claim 1 , and trehalose.8. The sweet composition of claim 1 , wherein the low GI ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210228483A1
Автор: Carlson William, Wan Feng

A low glycemic gummy composition is provided. The gummy composition includes a gelling component in a sufficient amount to provide a cohesive gelled product, and a low glycemic index sugar component having a glycemic index of not more than 20. The gummy composition includes not less than 50% weight of the low glycemic index sugar component. In some embodiments, the gummy composition further includes an active component, wherein the active component comprises a vitamin composition, a mineral composition, an amino acid composition, an antioxidant composition, an herbal composition, or an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) composition. The gummy composition may be substantially free of D-glucose, D-fructose, and sugar substitutes such as non-sugar sweeteners and sugar alcohols. 1. A gummy composition , comprising ,a gelling component in a sufficient amount to provide a cohesive gelled product, anda low glycemic index sugar component having a glycemic index of not more than 35, wherein the gummy composition comprises not less than 50% weight of the low glycemic index sugar component, and wherein the gummy composition is substantially free of D-glucose, D-fructose, D-sucrose, and sugar alcohols.2. The gummy composition of claim 1 , further comprising an active component claim 1 , wherein the active component comprises a vitamin composition claim 1 , a mineral composition claim 1 , an amino acid composition claim 1 , an antioxidant composition claim 1 , an herbal composition claim 1 , an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) composition claim 1 , sweeteners claim 1 , non-sugar sweeteners claim 1 , sugar substitutes claim 1 , food acids claim 1 , flavoring agents claim 1 , coloring agents claim 1 , humectants claim 1 , bulking agents claim 1 , fatty acids claim 1 , triglycerides claim 1 , emulsifiers claim 1 , thickeners claim 1 , cyclodextrin claim 1 , N-acetyl glucosamine claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The gummy ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Aerated Confections Containing Nonhydrated Starch and Methods of Preparation

Номер: US20180199587A1
Принадлежит: GENERAL MILLS, INC.

Disclosed are sugar reduced aerated confections. The confections essentially comprise a first heterogeneous continuous phase including a structured amorphous saccharide, a second discontinuous phase including a multiplicity of gas cells. The first heterogeneous continuous phase includes a multiplicity of crystals distributed evenly throughout also including about 1%-35% by dry weight basis of a non-hydrated polysaccharide filler ingredient preferably starch in the form of discrete particles evenly distributed through the continuous phase having a mean particle size distribution of preferably less than 150 microns. The confectionery food products find particular suitability for use as ingredients for reduced sugar children's RTE cereals. 1. A method of preparing a reduced sugar aerated foam confection , comprising the steps of:A. providing a cooled concentrated sugar or saccharide syrup about 40%-85% of sugar components and having 25% or less crystallinity and 15% or less moisture; and having a temperature of about 80-105° C.;B. admixing a filler polysaccharide ingredient to the cooled concentrated syrup to form a slurry; wherein the filler ingredient is in particulate form and has a mean particle size distribution of less than 150 microns without hydrating the filler ingredient;C. admixing about 1%-10% of a hydrated structuring and/or foaming ingredient to the slurry;D. aerating the slurry to form a foam; having a density ranging from about 0.1-1 g/cc; andE. forming the foam into individual pieces.2. The method of wherein at least a portion of the filler ingredient is selected from the group consisting of a starch claim 1 , grain flour claim 1 , insoluble fiber claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The method of wherein Step A includes:a sub-step of dissolving or admixing the sugar component(s) and water to form an initial or make-up syrup having a moisture content of about 16%-25%;a sub-step of boiling or concentrating the make-up syrup to form a concentrated hot sugar ...
