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23-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662132C2
Принадлежит: НАКАМУРА Кохей (JP)

Для создания изделия с изогнутой плиссированной частью и способа изготовления изделий с изогнутой плиссированной частью, при формировании которых значительно увеличивается степень свободы дизайнерских решений плиссированной части. Изделие с изогнутой плиссированной частью содержит изогнутые гофрированные элементы (2), сформированные посредством соединения вместе множества элементов (21) из ткани, два боковых края (A, B, a, b) которых сформированы в виде длинных криволинейных участков на соответствующих левом и правом боковых краях (A, B, a, b) вдоль контуров двух боковых краев (A, B, a, b) и чередующихся выступающих складок и углубленных складок вдоль контуров упомянутых соединенных боковых краев (A, B, a, b). 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

10-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU115630U1

... 1. Одежда, преимущественно верхняя, например куртка, состоящая из передней и задней частей, рукавов, воротника и имеющая карманы, отличающаяся тем, что одежда имеет встроенную в нее систему электрических проводов для обеспечения функционирования различных электронных устройств, размещаемых в ней. ! 2. Одежда по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что электронные устройства сгруппированы в следующие системы, применяемые совместно или в различных сочетаниях: коммуникации с внешней средой, контроля физического состояния владельца одежды, электрического питания, трансформации формы одежды. ! 3. Одежда по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет специальные карманы, полости и приспособления для крепления и удобного размещения в ней электронных устройств. ! 4. Одежда по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве основного электронного устройства системы коммуникации с внешней средой используется коммуникатор с функциями компьютера, телефона, навигатора и модема. ! 5. Одежда по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что на одежде ...

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152779U1

... 1. Платье с лифом на корсажной основе, содержащим внешний слой и продублированную клеевой прокладкой подкладку, перед и спинка которых содержат центральные и боковые части, при этом в швы рельефов подкладки спинки вставлены гибкие пластины, снабженное внешней застежкой в среднем шве спинки и юбки платья и внутренней эластичной застежкой со стороны подкладки, отличающееся тем, что подкладка переда расчленена по линии нижнего измерения обхвата груди (Ог4), при этом в шов между ее верхней и нижней деталями нижним краем вшита корсажная основа, выполненная в виде стана с чашками, в швы рельефов нижней детали подкладки переда, а также в средний шов в ее центральной части вставлены гибкие пластины, внутренняя застежка выполнена в виде двух параллельных рядов эластичной тесьмы, один из которых закреплен на линии талии, а второй - у основания чашек и закрывает шов стачивания верхней и нижней деталей подкладки переда, причем эластичная тесьма спереди пристрочена к подкладке двумя вертикальными строчками ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU175541U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности, в частности, к области изготовления женской одежды, такой как боди или комбидресс. Технический результат полезной модели заключается в повышении эксплуатационных характеристик предмета одежды в целом за счет повышения незаметности предмета одежды при комбинировании с облегающей силуэт одеждой и удобства при использовании, связанного с облегчением и ускорением процесса застегивания-расстегивания изделия. Конструкция предмета одежды 1 включает становую часть 2, выполненную в виде майки, и нижнюю часть 3. Нижняя часть 3 передней стороны изделия содержит на внутренней стороне ластовицу 4. Нижняя часть 3 передней стороны изделия переходит в узкую полоску 5, на свободном конце которой закреплен бельевой крючок 6. В нижней части 3 задней стороны изделия, в области копчика, по центру, выполнена петля 7 из широкой плотной бретельной резинки для соединения с бельевым крючком 6 и формирования нижней части боди в трусики модели стринг.

07-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU183007U1

Полезная модель относится к швейной промышленности, а именно к изготовлению одежды для мужчин, женщин, детей в виде брюк, как дополнительные к основной одежде. Техническая польза модели достигается в особой конструкции, предполагающей быстрый съем и надевание брюк в часто меняющихся неблагоприятных погодных условиях.Брюки представляют собой трехслойную конструкцию, состоящую из материала верха с ветрозащитными, водоотталкивающими свойствами, утеплителя и подкладки; предназначены для эксплуатации поверх основного поясного изделия и выполняют функцию защиты от непогоды. Брюки (1) содержат четыре передние (2) и две задние половинки (3). Передние половинки спроектированы отрезными, смещенными относительно линии сгиба в сторону бокового шва и застегиваются на ряд потайных магнитов (4) и две горизонтально расположенные кнопки (5). Использование в брюках застежки на ряд потайных магнитов обусловлено функциональными требованиями. Передние и задние половинки брюк заужены книзу для обеспечения прилегания ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182425U1

Полезная модель относится к сфере швейного производства, может быть использована для ношения младенцев от первых дней жизни и направлена на повышение потребительских характеристик устройства за счет возможности использования одного и того же устройства для подросшего ребенка и обеспечение надежной фиксации малыша.Женская одежда содержит содержащей спинку с полочкой и карманом для размещения ребенка, располагаемым спереди на полочке в области живота и груди, закрепленный на внешней ее поверхности. Карман для размещения ребенка выполнен открытым в нижней своей части. На спине одежды вшита свободная снизу дополнительная спинка. В плечевую часть одежды, а в пройму рукавов спереди вшиты фиксирующие лямки.Фиксирующие лямки выполнены сужающимися в направлении к концевой свободной их части.

06-09-2024 дата публикации

Рубашка для пациентов

Номер: RU228631U1

Полезная модель относится к одежде, а именно к рубашкам, предназначенным для людей обоих полов с необходимостью проведения медицинского вмешательства и использования в период адаптации после данного вмешательства. Рубашка для пациентов, состоящая из передней части (1), спинки (2), рукавов (3) и горловины с окантовкой (4), при этом на передней части (1) выполнены рельефы (5), втачиваемые в боковой шов карманы (6) и отверстия под грудью (7), спинка (2) выполнена распашной по вертикали, соединение осуществляется с использованием застежек (8), на рукавах (3) выполнены передний шов (9) и средний шов (10), при этом в среднем шве (9) размещена средняя потайная молния (11), а в переднем шве (9) размещена передняя потайная молния (12). 2 ил.

11-07-2024 дата публикации

Комбинезон с корсетом

Номер: RU227210U1

Полезная модель относится к области одежды, в частности к комбинезонам с корсетом. Применяется для повседневного ношения, занятий спортом. Комбинезон с корсетом, состоящий из верхней части (1), выполненной из компрессионного материала и пришитой по периметру к корсету; корсета (3), выполненного из сшитых между собой внутреннего слоя (4) и внешнего слоя (5), при этом внутренний слой (4) представляет собой отрез ткани, раскрой которой выполнен перпендикулярно долевой нити, а внешний слой (5) выполнен путем сшивания лоскутов компрессионной ткани с образованием вертикальных швов; нижней части (2), выполненной из компрессионного материала и пришитой по периметру к корсету (3); молнии (6), пришитой от горловины верхней части (1) до места соединения корсета (3) с нижней частью (2).

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU158727U1

Виброзащитный жилет, состоящий из отдельно обработанных деталей переда и спинки, соединяющихся в области плеч и линии талии посредством застежки, состоящей из ременных лент, отличающийся тем, что ременные ленты соединяются между собой посредством фастекса, деталь переда состоит из двух частей: верхней и нижней, между частями переда втачивается вставка из сетки шириной 10,0 см, смещающая эти детали друг относительно друга, на детали спинки расположены два рельефа: вертикальный, выходящий из плечевого края и заканчивающийся низом изделия, и фигурный, выходящий из среза проймы и заканчивающийся низом изделия, а на детали верхней части переда расположены два фигурных рельефа, выходящих из среза проймы и заканчивающихся низом верхней части переда, по краю деталей спинки и переда проложена одинарная отделочная строчка на расстоянии 1,5 см от края, боковые срезы переда и верхний срез нижней части переда обработаны киперной тесьмой шириной 2,0 см.

10-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU61514U1

Полезная модель относится к легкой промышленности и может быть использована при производстве всех возможных видов поясных изделий людям с различным объемом талии, а также в период беременности. Технический результат состоит в расширении эксплуатационных возможностей поясных изделий путем улучшения посадки изделия на фигуре человека и обеспечения поддержки живота без его сдавливания. В предмете одежды, выполненном в виде брюк или юбки, имеющих средство для изменения объема талии, выполненное в виде эластичной вставки, прикрепленной к передней и задней частям предмета одежды, предложено эластичную вставку выполнить в виде широкого притачного эластичного пояса, нижний срез которого прикреплен к верхнему срезу передней и задней частей предмета одежды, линия талии на передней части, при этом, занижена. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU68251U1

Полезная модель относится к трансформируемой одежде, которая при надувании различных ее частей меняет силуэт и форму изделия. Задача данной полезной модели направлена на улучшение трансформации одежды при надувании отдельных ее частей и введение более широкого спектра технических возможностей. Для решения поставленной задачи предлагается трансформируемая одежда, имеющая передние и заднюю части, снабженные надувными участками, выполненными с возможностью увеличения их толщины при помощи надувного устройства, расположенного в одной из передних частей, характеризующаяся тем, что одежда дополнительно имеет воротник, рукава и нижнюю часть, содержащие надувные участки, изолированные друг от друга и соединенные с надувным устройством разветвленной сетью гибких воздухопроводов, причем надувное устройство имеет механизм управления надувом любой части одежды по выбору или одновременно всех надувных участков, обеспечивая их трансформирование помимо изменения толщины надувных участков. Трансформируемая ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Многофункциональный костюм-трансформер для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями

Номер: RU194285U1

Многофункциональный костюм–трансформер для людей с ограниченными двигательными возможностями. Задачей технического решения является увеличение универсальности изделия и возможность использования изделий при различных погодных условиях. Решение этой задачи достигается за счет создания костюма, состоящего из разъемных элементов, соединенных креплением, включающего: жилетку, включающую по крайней мере: полочки, спинку; к жилетке присоединены рукава, воротник, при этом жилетка имеет крепления, расположенные в боковых швах, по линии плеча, по кромкам рукавов, по низу полочки, по низу спинки, при этом по крайней мере одно из креплений закрыто внешней планкой; накидку, выполненную из тканевого полотна, которая содержит крепления к нижним частям полочки, крепления под коленями и над пяточной частью стопы человека, имеющая выточки в коленной области и области над стопой. 13 з.п. ф-лы,7 ил.

04-10-2019 дата публикации

Платье для женщин после радикальной мастэктомии при выраженном лимфостазе верхней конечности или после протезирования врожденных или ампутационных дефектов верхней конечности на уровне плеча или после вычленения плеча или с ограниченными двигательными возможностями вследствие травмы или паралича верхней конечности

Номер: RU192879U1

Платье для женщин после радикальной мастэктомии при выраженном лимфостазе верхней конечности или после протезирования врожденных или ампутационных дефектов верхней конечности на уровне плеча или после вычленения плеча или с ограниченными двигательными возможностями вследствие травмы или паралича верхней конечности, содержащее: центральную цельнокроеную часть спинки и центральную цельнокроеную часть переда с вырезом горловины; боковые передние и боковые задние части подрезного лифа, длина которых ниже линии бедер; два передних и два задних расклешенных клиньев, соединенных с боковыми частями переда и спинки лифа по поперечной линии подреза; рукава; накладные карманы. Задачей полезной модели является создание такого платья, которое обеспечивало бы оптимизацию его функциональных и эксплуатационно-эргономических показателей для комфортного ношения и удобного в процессе самообслуживания (при надевании-снятии и застегивании-расстегивании) с помощью одной (здоровой) руки. Поставленная задача достигается ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU120339U1

... 1. Предмет верхней одежды, выполненный в виде секций из материала различающейся оптической прозрачности, содержащий две штанины, каждая с голенной и бедренной частями, соединенные бедренными частями с седалищной частью, седалищная часть одежды выполнена с более плотной вязкой по сравнению с бедренными частями штанин, отличающийся тем, что седалищная часть выполнена с коэффициентом оптической прозрачности менее 50%, а бедренные части штанин выполнены с менее плотной вязкой по сравнению с седалищной частью и коэффициентом оптической прозрачности более 50%, переход между частями с различающейся оптической прозрачностью выполнен плавным, длина перехода не менее 5 см. ! 2. Предмет верхней одежды по п.1, отличающийся тем, что голенная часть штанин выполнена с коэффициентом оптической прозрачности менее 50%. ! 3. Предмет верхней одежды по п.2, отличающийся тем, что на голенной части штанин расположены штрипки. ! 4. Предмет верхней одежды по п.1, отличающийся тем, что голенная часть штанин выполнена ...

10-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU19450U1

... 1. Спортивный костюм, состоящий из куртки и брюк, с курткой прямого силуэта, собранной понизу, с воротником-стойкой, планкой-застежкой на липкой ленте, полочками с боковыми частями, спинкой, боковыми карманами, вертикально расположенными в рельефных швах полочек, рукавами которые стачаны из вертикальных деталей разного цвета, втачаны в пройму и собраны по низу, с брюками прямого силуэта, слегка зауженными книзу и имеющими боковые швы, отличающийся тем, что рукава куртки выполнены из верхней и нижней частей, с нижней частью притачанной к верхней по овальному контуру, при этом швы притачивания нижних частей рукавов к верхним и рельефные швы полочек и спинки отделаны кантом с проложенным внутрь шнуром.2. Спортивный костюм по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что полочки и спинка выполнены с общими отрезными боковыми частями, имеющими печатный рисунок.3. Спортивный костюм по п.1, отличающийся тем, что по рельефным швам полочек и спинки и швам притачивания нижних частей рукавов к верхним частям проложена ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2584662C1
Принадлежит: ХЕЛСУОТЧ ЛТД. (IL)

Способ позволяет существенно снизить растяжимость по меньшей мере одного выбранного участка трикотажного изделия. Способ включает в себя изготовление трикотажного изделия, содержащего токопроводящий текстильный электрод, и отверждение по меньшей мере одного выбранного участка трикотажного полотна. Процесс отверждения включает в себя нанесение отверждающего вещества на поверхность или вглубь по меньшей мере одного выбранного участка трикотажного полотна. По меньшей мере один выбранный участок трикотажного полотна выбирается из группы, состоящей из токопроводящего текстильного электрода и участка трикотажного изделия, расположенного между двумя смежными текстильными электродами. Кроме того, в настоящем изобретении предложено трикотажное изделие трубчатой формы, изготавливаемое с помощью вязальной машины для бесшовного вязания из основной пряжи. Трикотажное изделие содержит по меньшей мере один токопроводящий текстильный электрод, состоящий из нескольких линейных вязаных сегментов, каждый ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005108189A

... 1. Способ изготовления одежды для отдыха с использованием формообразующих материалов, деталей и элементов, включающий использование этих материалов, деталей и элементов для создания природных и (или) фантазийных форм одежды, отличающийся тем, что одежда в соединениях (стационарных, дискретных и разъемных) с по меньшей мере одной-двумя деталями несет специальные (плоские или объемные) формообразующие детали (элементы) из формообразующих материалов, а на участке живота женщин содержит по меньшей мере один вырез внутри материалов одежды. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что формообразующие детали (элементы) соединяют со швом изделия по меньшей мере на части его поверхности накладным способом. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что края формообразующих материалов деталей (элементов) не обрабатывают, оставляя свободными. 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что края из осыпающихся формообразующих материалов обрабатывают известными способами, в том числе, каркасируют, задавая требуемое движение ...

10-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008142395A

Способ изготовления вязаного изделия из медальонов машинной вязки, различных по цвету, форме, размеру и узору, выполненных в промышленных условиях, ! выпускаемых в виде набора в количестве, необходимом для изготовления модели одежды или предмета интерьера, ! сборка которых производится в домашних условиях ручным способом путем сшивания медальонов по приложенной выкройке, схеме и описанию работы.

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004138073A

... 1. Приспособление для крепления бретелей к предмету одежды, содержащее направляющую, выполненную с возможностью крепления к указанному предмету одежды, и соединяемый с бретелью ползун, причем форма и размеры этого ползуна обеспечивают его взаимодействие с направляющей с возможностью скольжения. 2. Приспособление по п.1, в котором ползун выполнен регулируемым для обеспечения возможности его разъемного закрепления в любом месте вдоль направляющей. 3. Приспособление по п.1 или 2, в котором ползун содержит фиксатор, выполненный с возможностью по меньшей мере частичного взаимодействия с направляющей для прикрепления к ней ползуна. 4. Приспособление по п.3, в котором фиксатор шарнирно прикреплен к ползуну и имеет первый конец, взаимодействующий с направляющей, и второй конец, выполненный смещаемым для вывода первого конца из взаимодействия с направляющей, чтобы обеспечить возможность перемещения ползуна по этой направляющей. 5. Приспособление по п.4, в котором направляющая содержит рельс, к которому ...

23-08-1981 дата публикации

Эластичный пояс для одежды

Номер: SU858545A3

19-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018127645A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kleidungsstück unter Verwendung von Jute, wobei das Obermaterial des Kleidungsstücks zumindest bereichsweise vollständig oder nahezu vollständig aus Jute besteht.

11-10-2007 дата публикации

Sensor für Bettnässertherapiegerät

Номер: DE202007011231U1

Sensor für Bettnässertherapiegeräte dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die beiden Pole sich gegenseitig über Magnetismus anziehen und so am Stoff (der Hose) befestigt werden können.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102015108065A1

Hier wird ein biometrisches Sensorpaket beschrieben, insbesondere ein biometrisches Sensorpaket zum Integrieren in ein Bekleidungsstück. Außerdem werden Verfahren zum Fertigen derartiger biometrischer Sensorpakete offenbart. Ferner werden Verfahren zum Integrieren von biometrischen Sensorpaketen in Bekleidungsstücke offenbart. Die hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich in einfacher Weise mit derzeitigen Fertigungsverfahren für biometrische Sensoren fertigen, beispielsweise von Herstellern von Herzschlag-Überwachungsgürteln. Die hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich dann einfach von den gängigen Bekleidungsstückherstellern in Bekleidungsstücke einarbeiten, ohne dass irgendeine spezielle Kenntnis oder Werkzeuge bezüglich aktueller biometrischer Sensoranordnungen in den biometrischen Sensorpaketen erforderlich wären. Durch den Einsatz der hier beschriebenen biometrischen Sensorpakete lassen sich biometrische Sensoranordnungen, beispielsweise Pulsüberwacher ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Austauschvorrichtung und auf der Austauschvorrichtung basierendes Austauschsystem

Номер: DE202018106042U1
Принадлежит: Jørgensen

Austauschvorrichtung, umfassend: - einen im Wesentlichen bandförmigen Körper (2) mit einem ersten Ende (3) und mit einem zweiten Ende (4), und - wenigstens ein wenigstens an dem ersten Ende (3) oder an dem zweiten Ende (4) des bandförmigen Körpers (2) angeordnetes, zur Formung einer lösbaren Verbindung ausgebildetes Verbindungsstück (10), wobei das wenigsten eine Verbindungsstück (10) als ein Universal-Konnektor ausgebildet ist.

12-06-2003 дата публикации

Jacket has an opening from the hem to the arm hole to take valuable objects, e.g. camera/laptop, with a security strap and lock for protection against theft

Номер: DE0010214797C1
Принадлежит: ACRONYM GMBH

The jacket, with thief-proof pockets, has an opening (8) from the hem to the arm hole (7) at one or both sides, where the front of the jacket (3) is joined to the back. The opening is structured so that at least one of the two front sections of the jacket forms a wing (4) at the bottom. The object to be protected, e.g. a shoulder bag (1), is supported by a shoulder strap, and is secured by a strap (15) with a lock (6).

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Kleidungsstück zur Angebung und/oder optischen Vergrößerung der weiblichen Brust

Номер: DE202014105415U1
Принадлежит: Schaffhauser

Kleidungsstück zur Anhebung und/oder optischen Vergrößerung der weiblichen Brust (100) umfassend – ein Kleidungsstück (101), welches einen Körperbereich (102) aufweist, wobei der Körperbereich (102) die Körperhöhle des Kleidungsstücks (101) ausbildet; und – eine Brustunterstützung (110), welche zur Anhebung und/oder optischen Vergrößerung der weiblichen Brust geeignet ist, umfassend – eine erste und eine zweite Brust- und Seitenstütze (120, 130), welche vorderseitig fest miteinander verbunden sind; – einen ersten Schulterträger (121), welcher sich von der ersten Brust- und Seitenstütze (120) aufwärts erstreckt und mit dem Körperbereich (102) des Kleidungsstücks (101) an einem ersten Befestigungspunkt (123) verbunden ist; – einen zweiten Schulterträger (131), welcher sich von der zweiten Brust- und Seitenstütze (130) aufwärts erstreckt und mit dem Körperbereich (102) des Kleidungsstücks (101) an einem zweiten Befestigungspunkt (133) verbunden ist; und – einen Rückenbereich (111), welcher ...

30-11-1995 дата публикации

Halterungskopfband für Taschenlampen

Номер: DE0029515877U1

10-08-2006 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizung oder Erwärmung Stoffwaren

Номер: DE0060024710T2

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Overall mit Kapuze

Номер: DE102014115495A1

Ein Overall (1) mit einer eine Kapuzenöffnung (3) aufweisenden Kapuze (2) und mit an der Overallvorderseite (1a) beginnenden, sich gegenüberliegenden Reihen (4, 5) von komplementären Verschlusselementen, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die beiden Reihen (4, 5) sich mittig von der Overallvorderseite (1a) entlang der Ränder der in ihrer Längsrichtung geteilten Kapuze (2) bis zu der Overallrückseite (1b) erstrecken und dort mittig weiterverlaufen.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Overall mit Kapuze

Номер: DE102014110036A1

Ein Overall (1) mit einer eine Kapuzenöffnung (3) aufweisenden Kapuze (2) und mit an der Jackenvorderseite (1a) angeordneten, sich gegenüberliegenden Reihen (4, 5) von komplementären Verschlusselementen, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die beiden Reihen (4, 5) sich von einem zentralen, oberen Bereich der Kapuzenöffnung (3), entlang der die Kapuzenöffnung (3) begrenzenden Ränder, hinunter und durchgehend, mittig im wesentlichen über die gesamte Overallvorder- und Overallrückseite, ?entlang oder durch? des Schrittes des Overalls (1) bis zur Overallrückseite (1b) erstrecken und dort weiter mittig in Richtung oberer Overallrückseite (1b) verlaufen, dass die Kapuze (2) des Overalls (1) mit einer zweiten Kapuzenöffnung (13) versehen ist, die der Kapuzenöffnung (3) gegenüber liegt und dass die Reihen (4, 5) entlang der, die Kapuzenöffnung (13) begrenzenden Ränder weiter verlaufen, um sich dann in einem oberen, zentralen Bereich der Kapuzenöffnung (13) zu treffen und zu enden.

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Stoffbahn zur Herstellung wenigstens eines Kleidungsstücks

Номер: DE202018004854U1
Принадлежит: König

Stoffbahn zur Herstellung wenigstens eines Kleidungsstücks, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Stoffbahn alle bedruckten Teile des Kleidungsstücks mit ihren Umrissen aufweist, wobei die Teile des Kleidungsstücks verteilt beabstandet zueinander angeordnet sind, und dass sich je Teil des Kleidungsstücks wenigstens eine Markierung neben und/oder an dem Teil befindet oder befinden.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018106002U1
Принадлежит: Hudora GmbH

Protektor, insbesondere Gelenkprotektor, zur Vermeidung von körperlichen Verletzungen in Folge von Stürzen oder Kollisionen, mit einem Befestigungsabschnitt zur Befestigung des Protektors an einem zu schützenden Körperbereich und mit einem Protektionsabschnitt, aufweisend ein äußeres, flächiges Protektionselement und ein inneres Polsterelement, gekennzeichnet durch wenigstens ein Leuchtmittel, insbesondere eine LED.

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Sensor for detecting electrical biopotential, particularly for use in medical apparatus, prosthesis liner, sleeve or belt, has substrate with multiple needles, where shell extends partially over main surface of substrate

Номер: DE102008048984A1

The sensor (1) has a substrate (3) with multiple needles (5) which is sticked out from a main surface (7) to the substrate. The needles have certain length for penetrating an outer layer of the skin of a human or animal body. The needle is placed on the skin around an adjacent skin layer for providing an electrical contact. The substrate is partially covered by a shell (15) which extends partially over the main surface of the substrate. The shell is made of flexible plastic, particularly silicone. The substrate is a semiconductor substrate, particularly a silicon substrate.

29-07-2010 дата публикации

EMS-Kleidungsstück und Elektrode sowie EMS-Modul dafür

Номер: DE102007046886B4

EMS-Elektrode zum Beaufschlagen des menschlichen Körpers mit elektrischem Strom zu Zwecken des Elektro-Muskel-Stimulations-Trainings, wobei die Elektrode als flächiges Pad (1, 2; 11; 21, 22) mit einer gut leitenden, flexiblen Leitschicht (1; 11; 21) ausgeformt ist, wobei das Elektrodenpad (1, 2; 11; 21, 22) als Flüssigkeitsspender so ausgebildet ist, dass es zumindest unter Druck eine gespeicherte Flüssigkeit abgibt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Leitschicht (21, 22) aus einem gut leitenden, flexiblen und gleichzeitig saugfähigen und auspressbaren Gewebe (21, 22) mit eingewebten Metallfäden (21) sowie saugfähigen und auspressbaren Fasern (22) besteht, oder aus einem Gewebe mit eingewebten Fäden, die aus einem Material bestehen, welches gleichzeitig gut elektrisch leitend und sehr saugstark ist.

21-12-2016 дата публикации

Wearable technology as an item of clothing

Номер: GB0002533460B

23-12-2015 дата публикации

A wearable garment

Номер: GB0201519576D0

03-08-2011 дата публикации

Button fastening

Номер: GB0201110606D0

14-02-2007 дата публикации

Shirt cuff with wristwatch accomodations

Номер: GB0002410675B

06-02-2008 дата публикации

Interface apparatus connecting fabric sensor and electronic device

Номер: GB0002440568A

An interface apparatus 101 in which a processing circuit is placed in a housing 102 to communicate with analogue ports and control ports. An analogue interface 103 is connectable to a fabric sensor 105 forming part of a personal item, such as an item of clothing. The control port is connectable to an electronic device, such as an audio player or a mobile cellular telephone, via connector 104. In this way, it is possible for the electronic device to be controlled by operation of the fabric sensor included as part of the personal item. The personal item can be a jacket, trousers, a skirt, a shirt, a bag or a rucksack. A method for interfacing the electronic device includes selecting an electronic device, identifying an appropriate interface from a set of interface devices having a generic physical interface for connection to a fabric controller and a specific physical interface for the selected electronic device.

20-07-1983 дата публикации

Garment collar with loudspeaker

Номер: GB0002112266A

A garment (1) has a collar (2) with a loudspeaker (4) mounted inside the collar (2) so that when the collar (2) is turned up the loudspeaker is directed towards the ear of the wearer. ...

02-08-2000 дата публикации

Garment carrying electronic devices

Номер: GB0000014323D0

09-12-2015 дата публикации

Garment Size Recommendation And Fit Analysis System And Method

Номер: GB0002526915A

The computer-implemented garment size recommendation and fit analysis system uses a garment fit algorithm which is trained on actual sales data. A memory stores a virtual profile or model of an end-user and a processor is programmed to receive an end-users selection of a garment and to then determine how well the garment will fit the end-users profile or model using the garment fit algorithm. The algorithm may be trained on a specific retailer in order to adjust their size charts. The sales data may include a list of purchased items in an order and the sizes of the item, the customers body parameters, demographic information, location and fit preference and whether items were kept, returned or exchanged. The algorithm may track trends in consumer purchasing and returns behaviour.

20-12-2006 дата публикации

Manually operable sensor

Номер: GB0000622204D0

28-04-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus for alerting road users

Номер: GB0000406478D0

21-05-2003 дата публикации

Personal safety wear providing evidential recording: clothing and miscelaneous

Номер: GB0000308637D0

19-04-2000 дата публикации

Sliding switch

Номер: GB0000004496D0

28-06-2006 дата публикации

Modular system of electronic assemblies worn close to the body

Номер: GB0000609785D0

06-09-2006 дата публикации

Interface Apparatus

Номер: GB0000614999D0

06-09-2006 дата публикации

Improvements in garments

Номер: GB0000615121D0

18-07-2007 дата публикации

Vapour Pad

Номер: GB0000711152D0

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Biosensing textile and garment

Номер: GB2585083A

The textile includes a distributed sensing system. The sensing system comprises a controller in communication with and controlling sensor electrodes on the textile. The sensor electrodes are formed of two-dimensional (2D) electrically conductive material, preferably graphene. Graphene forming the electrodes and electrical conductors is preferably printed or transferred onto the cloth. Alternatively, the conductor comprises conductive fibres or yarns forming the fabric. The preferred system includes a rechargeable battery, energy harvesting device, communicator operable over a 4G or 5G wireless cellular network. The textile is formed into a garment, especially shirt, t-shirt, blouse, dress, brassiere, shorts, trousers, vest, jacket, coat, glove, armband, underwear, headband, hat, cap, collar, waistband, stocking, sock, show, swimwear, wetsuit, drysuit or athletic clothing.

22-09-2021 дата публикации

A loom for an item of clothing for use in hazardous conditions

Номер: GB0002593134A

A wiring loom is provided within an item of clothing, such as a jacket, used in potentially explosive atmospheres. The loom has a first electrical conductor defining a first closed loop 201 and a second electrical conductor defining second closed loop 202. A power supply 203 is connected between the first and second closed loops 201,202, and power consuming devices 211,212,213 are connected across the first and second closed loops 201,202. The power consuming devices 211,212,213 may be light emitting devices, embedded electronic circuits or electronic circuits contained within attached peripheral devices. If a single fault condition occurs resulting in a cut or break in an either the first loop 201 or second loop 202, current continues to flow to the devices 211,212,213, thereby removing the risk of a spark being generated, given that an electrical path remains to provide power to the devices 211,212,213. A fault condition may be identified by a measuring a voltage drop across a resistance ...

25-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008612328D0

17-01-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for use by operatives in hazardous environments

Номер: GB0002552134A

An item of clothing, such as a jacket 101 for use by operatives in hazardous environments. The jacket 101 has electrical conductors embedded therein for conveying electrical power and data. A control processor is provided having an operational state and a minimal power dissipation state, i.e a sleep mode. An interrupt signal generating device 104 is configured to generate an interrupt signal in response to detecting a predetermined frequency of non-ionising radiation such as infrared radiation from a source 106 associated with a hazard; this brings the processor out of the sleep state. On receiving the signal the processor may operate an illuminating device in order to warn the operative of the hazard. The radiation may be modulated to prevent accidental firing due to stray light/radiation. The item of clothing may have further means to detect presence of chemicals.

27-10-2021 дата публикации

Biosensing garment and method

Номер: GB2585827B
Принадлежит: PREVAYL LTD, Prevayl Limited

05-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to wearing apparel

Номер: GB0000493245A

... 493,245. Wearing - apparel. WISOLEK, E. Dec. 20, 1937, No. 35279. [Class 141] A lounge, sports, or dress suit consisting of jacket, vest, and trousers has the trousers and vest inseparably connected at the front and the rear part can be released in the form of a flap by unbuttoning or by means of a sliding fastener. Specifications 9277/01, 329,835, [both in Class 141], and 379,867 are referred to.

23-02-2022 дата публикации

Impact detection system

Номер: GB0002598162A

An impact detection system 10 comprising an article of clothing 12 or eye protection apparatus (fig.15, 60) comprising an impact detection area with a first conductive layer 14, a second conductive layer 16 and a power source 18, wherein in a first position there is a gap between the first and second layers, and in a second position the gap is lessened resulting in an increase in current travelling from the first layer to the second layer. The detection system may be electronic and local to the clothing or partially local. There may be spacer (fig.1, 28) between the layers. The clothing may cover the torso, leg and/or head. There may be more than one detection area. The system may comprise an alert system e.g. vibration or light. A second alert may be a private alert to users not wearing the impacted system. There may be a deactivating system that may deactivate if a fatal impact is detected. Part, or all, of the system may deactivated. One deactivation result deactivates a shooting apparatus ...

11-01-2023 дата публикации

Wearable article, assembly and method

Номер: GB0002608622A

A wearable article comprises a first layer of material 101 comprising a first surface 103, a second surface 105 opposing the first surface, and a first opening 107 extending from the first surface to the second surface. The garment further comprises a second layer 115 of material comprising a first region 117 and a second region 119, wherein the second layer of material extends through the first opening such that the first region is provided on the first surface of the first layer of material and the second region is provided on the second surface of the first layer of material. A pocket space is formed between the two. Preferably a second aperture 109 allows the second layer to thread back through behind the first layer. The second layer may include electrical contacts 131, 137 for an electronics module with conductive traces 129, 135 to conduct signals from next to the skin to a module in the pocket formed. The first and second layers might be formed from a single piece of fabric (figure ...

17-08-2022 дата публикации

Method, wearable article and assembly

Номер: GB0002603794A

A method (see figure 18) determines an amount of degradation for a wearable article comprising conductive elements. A wearable article is provided (S101) comprising a fabric layer (201, figs 3-5); a sensing component 200 provided on the fabric layer, and a calibration component 300. The sensing component and the calibration component both comprise a length of a first type of conductive material. The method comprises positioning an electronics module on a wearable article such that an interface of the electronics module is communicatively coupled with the calibration component of the wearable article (S102). The method comprises measuring an electrical property of the length of conductive material of the calibration component so as to determine a degree of degradation of the conductive material (S103). Also claimed is a wearable article, such as a smart garment, comprising such a calibration component. As use and washing impact the electrical properties of the conducting element, the calibration ...

21-12-2022 дата публикации

An array of light emitters on a chest strap

Номер: GB0002607896A

An array of light emitters (e.g., LEDs) 2 is arranged on a chest strap 1 which is worn by a wearer for running. The array is viewable by the wearer and is selectively illuminated in response to control signals received from a processor (14, Fig. 3). The chest strap further comprises a receiver (13, Fig. 3) that receives signals from a remote source indicating the location of the wearer (e.g., using GPS). The processor includes a timer and uses the location signals to derive a speed of the wearer. The wearer’s speed is compared to a pre-set parameter and the control signals are sent to illuminate the array to indicate speed of the wearer relative to the pre-set parameter. The pre-set parameter may represent a pacemaker speed. Groups of lights may differentially illuminate to signal that the wearer’s speed is faster than, slower than, or within the range of the pre-set speed. The pre-set parameter may also be a distance. The chest strap may be in the form of a shortened vest. The array may ...

08-06-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000000193A

A cloth to be used as garment is provided with three holes in line, the two outer holes being for the arms and the middle one for the head. The three holes are a simple cut or a circle. The shape of the cloth can be a rectangular, a circle, a thumb, a hexagon) or a star and the cloth is made of cotton, wool, silk or plastic or a combination of that. The cloth can be used as a gown or as a baby carrier.

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009100269D0

31-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AP0009100269A0

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Article of clothing

Номер: AP0009801225A0

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Article of clothing

Номер: AP0009801225D0

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385608T

10-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383474B

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489010T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000440511T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000525095T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322748T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378686T

27-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408458B

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000414435T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000405182T

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507589T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505067A1

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Textile Fläche aus Schurwolle bzw. Seide und Zirbenholz

Номер: AT0000514057B1

Textile Fläche aus Schurwolle bzw. Seide und Zirbenholz = Zirbenfilz wird die Faserschicht (1) längs gelegt, die nächste Faserschicht (2) quer gelegt. Faserschicht (3) wird längs gelegt. Zwischen der Faserschicht (3) und der Faserschicht (4) werden die Zirbenholzfasern (7), die von einem Zirbenholzblock abgetragen wird, lose eingelegt. Die Zirbenholzfaser ist ringel- oder spiralförmig, dadurch ist sie sehr gut formbar. Je mehr Zirbenholzfasern verwendet werden umso intensiver ist der Duft, da das Zirbenholz Pinosylvin enthält. Der Duftstoff ist antibakteriell, senkt die Herzfrequenz und hat Schutzwirkung gegenüber Motten und anderen Insekten. Die Faserschicht (4) wird wieder quer gelegt. Die nächste Faserschicht (5) längs und die Faserschicht (6) quer obenauf legen. Die einzelnen Schichten müssen verfilzt und anschließend gewalkt werden, wo sie mit heißen Wasser, ca. 60° und Reibung bearbeitet werden. Das Walken erfolgt durch Rollbewegungen und Knetbewegungen. Die Zirbenholzfaser wird gut ...

15-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000175845T

10-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000308673B

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000314511T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000313973T

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000238707T

15-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000193186T

15-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000200393T

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Electrically active textiles, articles made therefrom, and associated methods

Номер: US20120030935A1
Принадлежит: Infoscitex Corp

A method of making articles from electrically active textiles. First and second fabric pieces include conductors therein. A seam is established between the first and second fabric pieces. A determination is made, at the seam, based on one or more predetermined factors, which conductors of the first fabric piece intersect or overlap with which conductors of the second fabric piece. At the seam, an electrical and mechanical connection is formed between select conductors of the first fabric piece and select conductors of the second fabric piece.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Garment with Integrated Earphones

Номер: US20120201412A1
Автор: Antonio Del Prete
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a garment with an integrated earphone, headset, and wire. The wire allows an audio signal to travel from an electronic device at one end of the wire to the earphone or earphones, and/or a microphone at the other end of the wire. The wire, or wires, is preferably permanently sewn into the seams of the garment. The earphone may be retractable and/or kept in a small pocket near the collar of the garment to limit the movement of the earphone when it is not being actively used. The integrated earphone and microphone are preferably machine washable and dryable along with the garment with which they are integrated.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Thermoelectric Textile

Номер: US20120227778A1
Автор: Vladimir Leonov

Disclosed are thermoelectric systems and methods for manufacturing thermoelectric systems. In one embodiment, a thermoelectric system include a flexible structure and at least one thermocouple unit integrated in or attached to the flexible structure, where each thermocouple unit comprises at least one thermocouple and at least one flexible radiator element thermally connected to a first end of the at least one thermocouple. In another embodiment, a method includes providing a flexible structure, forming at least one thermocouple unit comprising at least one thermocouple and at least one flexible radiator element thermally connected to a first end of the at least one thermocouple, and integrating the at least one thermocouple unit in or attaching the at least one thermocouple unit to the flexible structure.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Wearable Safety/Carrying Device

Номер: US20120311761A1
Автор: Chris Luginbuhl
Принадлежит: Individual

A wearable carrying device for a cell phone or similar object is easily worn and includes various safety advantages for the wearer. An elongated band has opposed ends and opposed sides and a pocket is attached to the band. The band can be secured to the arm or other parts of the body in a tight-fit relationship. A reflective strip is disposed at one side of the band and extends longitudinally along the band.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130540A1
Принадлежит: SKULLCANDY, INC.

A wiring harness for clothing, and garments so equipped. The wiring harness is of asymmetrical configuration, and may extend through channels positioned substantially along reinforced portions of the garment. The wiring harness includes a T-junction from which extend a male media connector and two media cables, a first media cable extending along seams of one side of the garment, and a second media cable extending along a neck portion of the garment from the T-junction at one side to another side, both media cables terminating in male media connectors. The male media connector of the T-junction and the male media connector of the second media cable connect to female media connectors of earphone cables, while the male media connector of the first media cable connects to a female media connector of a portable media device, which may be disposed within a pocket of the garment. 1. A wiring harness for attachment to a garment , the wiring harness comprising:a junction having a male connector;a first media cable extending from a male connector to the junction; anda second media cable extending from a male connector to the junction and operably coupled to the male connector of the first media cable and to the male connector of the junction.2. The wiring harness of claim 1 , wherein the male connector of the junction is an output claim 1 , the male connector of the first media cable is an output claim 1 , and the male connector of the second media cable is an input.3. The wiring harness of claim 2 , further comprising two media output assemblies claim 2 , each media output assembly comprising:a female connector operably coupled to a media output element through a cable;wherein the female connector of each media output assembly is operably coupled to one of the male connector of the junction and the male connector of the media cable.4. The wiring harness of claim 3 , wherein the two media output assemblies are of substantially equal length.5. The wiring harness of claim 1 , ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179116A1
Принадлежит: AliphCom

Spatial and temporal vector analysis in wearable devices using sensor data are described, including evaluating a motion to determine motion signals, the motion being evaluated using data provided by one or more sensors in data communication with a wearable device, isolating motion signals into one or more motion sub-signals, determining a spatial vector and a temporal vector associated with each of the one or more motion sub-signals, and transforming the spatial vector and the temporal vector into a data structure to be used by an application configured to analyze the data structure and to generate content associated with the motion. 1. A method , comprising:evaluating a motion to determine one or more motion signals, the motion being evaluated using data provided by one or more sensors in data communication with a wearable device;isolating each of the one or more motion signals into one or more motion sub-signals;determining a spatial vector and a temporal vector associated with each of the one or more motion sub-signals; andtransforming the spatial vector and the temporal vector into a data structure to be used by an application configured to analyze the data structure and to generate content associated with the motion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the one or more motion signals is isolated at an angular rate.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein each of the one or more motion signals is isolated using a coordinate transformer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein isolating each of the one or more motion signals comprises processing the one or more motion signals using a bank of coordinate transformers claim 1 , each of the coordinate transformers associated with a fixed angular rate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the application is configured to analyze the data structure using an algorithm configured to determine a magnitude component of the motion.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the application is configured to analyze the data structure using an ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140021189A1
Автор: Yue Steven

A retractable electrical connector assembly is attached to a piece of clothing, is electrically connected to an electric-powered article, and includes an electrical connector, a stationary unit and a movable unit. The electrical connector is disposed at the clothing and electrically connected between a power supply and the electric-powered article. The stationary unit is attached to the clothing. The movable unit is connected to the electrical connector, and is movable relative to the stationary unit to move the electrical connector between an inner position, where the electrical connector is received in the clothing, and an outer position, where the electrical connector is exposed partially from the clothing. 1. A retractable electrical connector assembly adapted to be attached to a piece of clothing and adapted to be electrically connected to an electric-powered article for transmitting electricity from a power supply to the electric-powered article , the piece of clothing including a clothing main body and a pair of limb parts extending from the clothing main body , at least one of the limb parts being formed with a slit , said retractable electrical connector assembly comprising:an electrical connector adapted to be disposed at the piece of clothing and to be electrically connected between the power supply and the electric-powered article for transmitting the electricity from the power supply to the electric-powered article;a stationary unit adapted to be attached to said one of the limb parts that is formed with the slit; anda movable unit connected to said electrical connector, adapted to be exposed from said one of the limb parts through the slit, and movable relative to said stationary unit to move said electrical connector between an inner position, where said electrical connector is adapted to be received in said one of the limb parts, and an outer position, where said electrical connector is adapted to be exposed partially from said one of the limb parts. ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053315A1

Some implementations of this disclosure provide an electronically customizable article comprising a fashion article selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion article comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion article to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display. 1. An electronically customizable article comprising:a fashion article selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion article comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion article to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display.2. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display is a touch screen display.3. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display is configured to rotate a display on the electronic visual display based on the position of the electronically customizable article.4. The electronically customizable article of wherein the electronic visual display at multiple locations on the fashion article.5. The electronically customizable article of wherein the data received from the server includes data associated with an email.6. The electronically customizable article of wherein the data received from the server includes data associated with a text message ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068832A1
Принадлежит: SCOTTEVEST, INC.

An improved garment pocket system securely holds personal items with easy access to a touch screen feature of an electronic device. A garment includes a pocket system accessible from one or more garment surfaces allowing a user to store an external electronic device therein having a touch control surface. The pocket system includes an access panel which is an optically transmissive and control transmissive panel and a guiding system for receiving and positioning the touch control surface proximate the access panel for a user-access exterior to the pocket system. The improved garment pocket system may be retained proximate the garment surface or may externally descend from the garment surface for greater user control. 1. A garment system , for securing an electronic device in a retained position and allowing an external operation of said electronic device during a use thereof while in said retained position , said garment system comprising:an outer garment surface and an inner garment surface bounding an interior passage therebetween and defining at least one user limb opening;at least one pocket system providing an operable pocket member having a main opening on one of said outer garment surface and said inner garment surface and extending into said interior passage therebetween and defining a bounded region of said operable pocket member;at least one touch panel member in said pocket system;said pocket system operable to secure said electronic device in said retained position proximate said touch panel member;said touch panel member being positioned on one of said inner garment surface and on an extending pocket portion extendable through said outer garment surface during said use; andsaid touch panel member being a material capable of transmitting an optical and an electronic instruction from an external user to said electronic device through said touch panel member to effectuate said external operation of said electronic device while said device is retained in ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparel Systems, Wearable Item Systems, Decor Systems, And Other Systems And Designs

Номер: US20140082814A1
Принадлежит: Digital Dudz Inc.

Systems and methods for apparel, wearable items, decor items, and other apparatuses configured to support a handheld device configured to generate a display are presented. Some garments are presented that have a wearable pocket for at least partially supporting a handheld device configured to generate a display that is at least partially visible through one or more apertures in the garment. Some apparel systems are presented that are configured to display an animation through a wearable prop. Ornamental designs for surface indicia, including color surface indicia, are also presented. 1. An apparel system configured to be worn by a wearer , comprising: a body having an aperture;', 'a prop coupled to or integral with the body;', 'a pocket coupled to or integral with the body;, 'a device support member comprisingwhere the device support member is configured to support a handheld device having a screen such that at least a portion of the screen is visible through the aperture.2. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the device support member further comprises:a bib coupled to or integral with the body, the bib configured to be coupled to a wearer's neck.3. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the prop comprises a wound claim 1 , the system further comprises a handheld device sized to be supported by the device support member and configured to run an application displaying a beating heart.4. The apparel system of claim 1 , further comprising a garment configured to be worn by a wearer over the device support member claim 1 , and where the body of the device support member is configured to be coupled directly to the garment.5. The apparel system of claim 4 , where the device support member is sewn claim 4 , fused claim 4 , or adhered to the garment.6. The apparel system of claim 1 , where the device support member comprises latex.7. The apparel system of claim 1 , further comprising a handheld device configured to run an application that can generate a display related to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Apparel systems, wearable item systems, decor systems, and other systems and designs

Номер: US20140082822A1

Systems and methods for apparel, wearable items, décor items, and other apparatuses configured to support a handheld device configured to generate a display are presented. Some garments are presented that have a wearable pocket for at least partially supporting a handheld device configured to generate a display that is at least partially visible through one or more apertures in the garment. Some apparel systems are presented that are configured to display an animation through a wearable prop. Ornamental designs for surface indicia, including color surface indicia, are also presented. 167-. (canceled)68. An apparel system configured to be worn by a wearer , comprising:a garment comprising at least one aperture;a pocket configured to be worn underneath the garment; anda handheld device configured to be supported, at least in part, by the pocket and comprising a screen and an application configured to generate a display on the screen;where the display is configurable to be visible through the at least one aperture when the handheld digital device is supported, at least in part, by the pocket.69. The apparel system of claim 68 , further comprising a stiffening layer coupled to an inside surface of the garment.70. The apparel system of claim 69 , where the pocket is configured to be coupled to the stiffening layer.71. The apparel system of claim 70 , further comprising a hook and loop fastener coupled to the garment claim 70 , where one portion of the hook and loop fastener is coupled to the pocket and another portion of the hook and loop fastener is coupled to the stiffening layer.72. The apparel system of claim 71 , where the pocket is sewn to the stiffening layer along at least one edge of the pocket.73. The apparel system of claim 68 , further comprising stiffening piping coupled to an inside surface of the garment.74. The apparel system of claim 68 , where the garment further comprises a graphic.75. The apparel system of claim 68 , where the garment further ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082892A1
Автор: Honeycutt Rob
Принадлежит: SNIK LLC

A headset cord holder comprising: a body configured to be coupled to at least one article from the group of articles consisting of a bag and an item of clothing, wherein the body is either part of a closure mechanism configured to releasably couple a first portion of the at least one article to a second portion of the at least one article, part of a slideable item capable of being translated along the at least one article, or part of an ornamental accessory having an aesthetic characteristic unrelated to its functional structure; and a groove built into the body, wherein the groove is configured to receive and releasably secure a headset cord. 126-. (canceled)27. A headset cord holder comprising:a body coupled to at least one article from the group of articles consisting of a bag and an item of clothing, the body comprising an outside surface, wherein the body is part of a closure mechanism that releasably couples a first portion of the at least one article to a second portion of the at least one article; anda first groove integrally molded within the outside surface of the body that directly receives and releasably secures a headset cord, the first groove comprising a first groove wall, a second groove wall and a groove entry space, both the first groove wall and the second groove wall extending into the body below the outside surface to form the first groove, such that when the headset cord is secured within the first groove, at least a portion of the headset cord is held within the body and below the outside surface.28. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the body is integrally formed with the closure mechanism.29. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the body is configured to be removably coupled to the closure mechanism.30. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the closure mechanism is a button.31. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the closure mechanism is a zipper.32. The headset cord holder of claim 27 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000158A1
Автор: MIYAKE Kensaku

To provide a warming tool capable of more effectively keeping a human body warm for a long period of time during an emergency such as a disaster or rescue situation. 1. A warming tool comprising a front face part and a back face part formed from a flexible fabric;the front face part and the back face part comprising upper end parts, both side end parts, and lower end parts in peripheral edge sections thereof, the upper end parts and the both side end parts being connected respectively, whereby the warming tool has a bag shape that opens on the side of the lower end parts;the upper end parts comprising a neck part formed in center sections thereof to a size that allows a head of a human body to pass therethrough;the both side end parts comprising arm parts formed on an upper part side thereof so that arms of the human body can pass therethrough; andthe front face part further comprising a plurality of pockets on a surface thereof for holding heating elements that emit heat when brought into contact with air.2. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe neck part is linearly formed between the upper end parts of the front face part and the back face part.3. The warming tool according to claim 1 , further comprising sleeve parts connected to the arm parts and having a tubular shape so as to cover sections of the arms of the human body that protrude from the arm parts.4. The warming tool according to claim 1 , having dimensions that claim 1 , when worn on a human body of a standard type (presumably about 170 cm in height and about 60 kg in weight) claim 1 , allow at least both knees of the human body to be covered.5. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pockets is formed only on the surface of the front face part and not on the back face part.6. The warming tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pockets includes at least one of the following:(1) a pocket formed for disposing the heating element in a vicinity of an armpit ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000169A1

Disclosed are clothes for providing a display function. The clothes may include: a flexible display module including a predetermined number of light emitting diode elements disposed at a predetermined interval; a communication module which communicates with at least one of a user terminal and a control server, and receives at least one of a control signal and image data, the image data including at least one of still image data and video data; a control module which controls the flexible display module to output an image corresponding to h received image data in response to the received control signal or a control signal generated by the control module; and a memory module which stores at least one of an image that is displayable in the flexible display module and identification information of the clothes. 1. An article of clothing for providing a display function , the article of clothing comprising:a flexible display including a predetermined number of light emitting diode elements disposed at a predetermined interval; communicate with at least one of a user terminal and a control server,', 'receive at least one of a control signal and image data, the image data including at least one of still image data and video data, and', 'control the flexible display to output an image corresponding to the received image data in response to the received control signal or a control signal generated by the processor; and, 'a processor configured tomemory configured to store at least one of an image that is displayable in the flexible display and identification information of the article of clothing.2. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flexible display displays an image corresponding to an image displayed in the user terminal.3. The article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the flexible display receives at least one of a control signal of the flexible display and image data from at least one of the user terminal and the control server claim 1 , and outputs an image ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007750A1
Автор: HO Hoi Ming Michael

A garment structure having an adjustment mechanism for abutting at least one pad unit against a human body includes a garment body, at least one adjustment belt, and at least one pad unit being an electrode pad unit, a heating pad unit, or an electrode pad unit with a heating unit. The adjustment belt has one end connected to the garment body, and another end fixed to an outer surface of the garment body. When the adjustment belt is pulled tight, the garment body is dragged to move toward the skin. The pad unit is disposed on the garment body, and moves, along with a portion of the garment body being dragged, to abut against the skin. A user wearing the garment structure can pull and secure the adjustment belt to enable the pad unit to easily and quickly abut against the skin to proceed with electrotherapy and/or heat therapy. 1. A garment structure , comprising:a garment body for covering a region of a human body and wearable on the human body;at least one adjustment belt having a first end connected to the garment body, and a second end having a fixing portion configured to be fixed to an outer surface of the garment body, and configured to drag an inner surface of the garment body to move in a direction toward a skin surface of the human body when the adjustment belt is pulled; andat least one pad unit disposed on an inner side of the garment body, wherein the pad unit is a first electrode pad unit, a heating pad unit or a second electrode pad unit cooperatively formed with at least one heating unit, and when the adjustment belt is pulled, the pad unit is moved, along with a portion of the garment body that is dragged, to abut against the skin surface of the human body.2. The garment structure according to claim 1 , wherein the garment structure is configured to provide at least one of heat therapy and electrotherapy to a user whether the user is at rest or not or when the user is moving the user's body at work or while walking claim 1 , exercising or playing ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006783A1

Disclosed and described herein are systems and methods energy generation from fabric electrochemistry. An electrical cell is created when electrodes (cathodes and anodes) are ‘printed’ on or otherwise embedded into fabrics to generate DC power when moistened by a conductive bodily liquid such as sweat, wound, fluid, etc. The latter acts, in turn, as the cell's electrolyte. A singular piece of fabric can be configured into multiple cells by dividing regions of the fabric with hydrophobic barriers and having at least one anode-cathode set in each region. Flexible inter-connections between the cells can be used to scale the generated power, per the application requirements. 1. An electrochemical fabric comprising: a fabric substrate; and', 'at least one pair of electrodes positioned on or within the fabric substrate,, 'one or more cells, wherein each cell compriseswherein the pair of electrodes comprise an anode and a cathode; andan electrolyte, wherein the electrolyte causes a reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction between the anode and cathode that generates electrical energy.2. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , wherein the electrolyte comprises moisture.3. The electrochemical fabric of claim 2 , wherein the moisture comprises any conductive liquid including perspiration from a person wearing the electrochemical fabric claim 2 , wound exudate claim 2 , saline claim 2 , and water.4. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , wherein the electrochemical fabric comprises all or a portion of a garment intended to be worn by a person.5. The electrochemical fabric of claim 1 , further comprising circuitry connected to the anode and cathode such that the generated electrical energy is used to at least partially power the circuitry.6. The electrochemical fabric of claim 5 , wherein the circuitry includes an energy storage device.7. The electrochemical fabric of claim 6 , wherein the energy storage device comprises a capacitor or a battery.8. The electrochemical fabric of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007419A1
Автор: JR. Robert, Williams

The present invention relates to a wearable security and entertainment device comprising, a vest for covering torso of a user, speakers for generating sound to entertain the user, a latch to transmit a signal to the speakers for generating an alarm in an emergency situation by pulling, pockets for carrying objects required by the user and reflecting strips to make the user visible to others. 1) A wearable security and entertainment device , comprising;a vest installed in said device for covering torso of a user;plurality of speakers attached to said vest for generating sound to entertain said user;a latch electrically connected to said speakers, wherein said latch pulled to transmit a signal to said speakers for generating an alarm in an emergency situation;plurality of pockets attached to said vest for carrying objects required by said user; andplurality of reflecting strips associated to said vest to make said user visible to others.2) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a controller is attached to the speaker for controlling the sound generated by the speaker claim 1 , wherein said controller transmit an electrical signal upon receiving alert signal from said latch.3) The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a memory unit is connected to said controller for storing musical sound and alert sound.4) The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein an amplifier is interconnected between said controller and speaker for increasing power of electrical signal received by said controller to increase volume of sound generated by said speaker.5) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein zips are mounted on said pockets for protecting said objects from falling outside.6) The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said speaker may mount but not limited to first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third claim 1 , fourth side and alike of said vest.7) The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said first claim 3 , second claim 3 , third claim 3 , fourth side are preferably top ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030985A1

A selectively actuated textile includes one or more pieces of fabric having one or more circumferentially constrained channels and one or more hollow elastic tubes located within the circumferentially constrained channels and configured to receive a working fluid. Selectively providing or removing working fluid from the hollow elastic tubes provides for selective actuation of the textile. 1. A method of fabricating a soft actuator , the method comprising:stacking two or more layers of fabric adjacent to one another;forming one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric, wherein the channels provide a circumferential constraint;placing one or more hollow elastic tubes within the one or more channels; andconnecting at least a first end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes to a delivery system capable of providing a working fluid to the one or more hollow elastic tubes.2. The method of claim 1 , further including:sealing a second end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes.3. The method of claim 1 , further including:connecting the second end of each of the one or more hollow elastic tubes to the delivery system capable of providing a working fluid to the one or more hollow elastic tubes.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more layers of fabric are non-stretch.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more layers of fabric are two-way stretch.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric includes stitching the two or more layers of fabric together using a side-stitch to form the one or more channels.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the stitching is provided in a direction transverse to a direction of lengthening claim 6 , wherein the direction of lengthening is along a length of the hollow elastic tubes.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the one or more channels between the stacked layers of fabric includes stitching the two or more layers of fabric together ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220030987A1

A heated hand garment includes a body having a wrist section, and a plurality of digit sections extending therefrom. The heated hand garment further includes a heating element positioned on the body and operable to heat at least a portion of a hand of a user. The heating element includes a connecting portion configured to be positioned on the wrist section, a first digit portion extending from one end of the connecting portion, and a second digit portion extending from an opposite end of the connecting portion. The first digit portion is positioned on a first digit section of the plurality of digit sections, and the second digit portion is positioned on a second digit section of the plurality of digit sections. 18.-. (canceled)9. A heated hand garment comprising:a body;a heating element positioned on the body and operable to heat at least a portion of a hand of a user; andan electronic controller removably supported by the body, the electronic controller operable to control charging and discharging of a battery pack configured to be supported by the body,wherein the battery pack is configured to power the heating element.10. The heated hand garment of claim 9 , further comprising a battery-receiving receptacle removably coupled to the body claim 9 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle includes the electronic controller.11. The heated hand garment of claim 10 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle defines a longitudinal axis and a cavity extending along the longitudinal axis claim 10 , and wherein the cavity is configured to removably receive the battery pack in one of a direction along the longitudinal axis or in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis.12. The heated hand garment of claim 10 , wherein the battery-receiving receptacle includes an input port for receiving power to charge the battery pack claim 10 , and an output port for supplying power from the battery pack to the heating element.13. The heated hand garment of claim 12 , wherein the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Garment with illuminate safety features

Номер: US20150016095A1
Автор: Kretzu George

A garment with illuminate safety features and a power source which allows the wearer to selectively set the frequency of the illuminate safety features so as to identify the location of the wearer and serve to warn other individuals or vehicles as to the wearer's location, the illuminate safety features in the form of removable LED strips positioned within channels secured to the garment and which allow for the removal thereof for the cleaning of the garment, the activation of such illumination device can be accomplished by remote control. 1. A motorcycle garment with illumination safety features to identify the location and direction of travel of a motorcycle rider , the garment comprising:a garment formed with a front panel, rear panel, and side panels covering the torso of the rider, there being two arms for the insertion of the arms of the motorcycle rider;a plurality of channels formed on the arms and side panels of the garment, said channels defined by an exterior transparent longitudinal wall;a plurality of LED strips, having a plurality of LED lights affixed thereto, said LED strips selectively slidably engageable in said selective channels formed on said arms and said side panel of said garment, said LED strips having a means for communication with a power source for illumination of said LEDs, said LEDs visible through said transparent longitudinal wall;a power source for said LED strips; anda control means for selectively controlling the lighting, frequency, and sequencing of said illumination of said LED strips.2. The garment in accordance with wherein said plurality of channels formed on the arms and side panels of the garment are defined by an exterior perforated see-through mesh material allowing for the visibility of the illuminated LEDs.3. The garment in accordance with wherein said power source comprises a rechargeable lithium ion battery positioned in a storage pocket formed on said garment claim 1 , said communication means from said LED strips in ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Article Of Clothing Incorporating At Least One Conductive Wire And Associated Production Method

Номер: US20210015180A1
Автор: Gasser Jèrôme
Принадлежит: Sarl SP

An article of clothing having at least one conductive wire suitable for transmitting an electric current and at least one flat seam is disclosed. The seam includes at least two substantially parallel edging wires; at least one connecting wire disposed in a flat and serpentine manner between said edging wires; the connecting wire having bends connected alternately to the edging wires; the connecting wire corresponding to the at least one metal wire; and at least one other connecting wire extending in a separate plane from the connecting wire disposed in a flat manner. 1. An article of clothing comprising at least one conductive wire suitable for transmitting an electrical current; characterized in that said article of clothing has at least one flat seam incorporating:at least two substantially parallel edging wires; andat least one connecting wire laid flat and in a serpentine manner between said edging wires; said connecting wire having bends alternatively connected to said edging wires; said connecting wire corresponding to said at least one metal wire; and—at least one other connecting wire extending in a discrete plane from said connecting wire laid flat.2. The article of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one connecting wire disposed in a flat and serpentine manner between said edging wires is characterized by a juxtaposition of at least two metal wires.3. The article of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one other connecting wire corresponds to a metal wire.4. The article of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one edging wire corresponds to a metal wire.5. The article of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one flat seam is affixed by adhering on said article of clothing.6. The article of clothing according to claim 5 , wherein said at least one flat seam is sewn on a strip of fabric claim 5 , said strip of fabric being affixed by adhering on said article of clothing.7. The article of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Restraining device for a rider of a vehicle, method for using such a restraining device, garment for a rider of a vehicle, and safety system for the detachable binding of a rider to a vehicle

Номер: US20150021897A1

A restraining device, for a rider of a vehicle, includes a restraining belt that is integratable or is integrated at least partly into a garment of the rider, the restraining belt being configured so as to encompass at least one bodily region of the rider, and includes a connecting element that is connectable or is connected to the restraining belt, the connecting element being configured to bind the rider detachably to the vehicle. 1. A restraining device for a rider of a vehicle , comprising:a restraining belt that is integratable or is integrated at least partly into a garment of the rider, the restraining belt being configured so as to encompass at least one bodily region of the rider; anda connecting element that is connectable or is connected to the restraining belt, and that is configured to bind the rider detachably to the vehicle.2. The restraining device of claim 1 , wherein the restraining belt is configured to encompass at least one of a shoulder region claim 1 , a chest region claim 1 , and a pelvic region of the rider as bodily region.3. The restraining device of claim 1 , wherein the connecting element has a belt buckle or an insertion tongue of a coupling system for coupling the restraining device to the vehicle.4. The restraining device of claim 3 , wherein the connecting element has at least one first electrical contact terminal.5. The restraining device of claim 4 , wherein the connecting element has at least one further first electrical contact terminal claim 4 , the first electrical contact terminal being configured to be connected to an energy supply line of the restraining device claim 4 , and the further first electrical contact terminal being configured to be connected to a data transmission line of the restraining device.6. The restraining device of claim 4 , further comprising:an output contact terminal to transmit electrical voltage received from the first electrical contact terminal and/or from the further first electrical contact ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180020748A1
Принадлежит: IN&MOTION

A system for activating the deployment an inflatable safety vest, wherein it includes a case designed to be solidly connected to the inflatable safety vest and equipped with a first opening into which a box can be removably inserted, said box includes at least an electronic card, connection mechanism and an energy-storage device. The upper part of the aforementioned first opening is provided with a housing which is equipped on the base with mechanism for connecting the case and into which at least the upper part of the box can be inserted so that it is hermetically connected to the case. 110-. (canceled)11. A displacement activation system for activating the deployment of an inflatable safety vest , comprising:a case designed to be fixed to said inflatable safety vest and equipped with a first opening into which a box can be removably inserted, said box comprising at least one electronic card, connection means and an energy storage device, the upper part of said first opening being provided with a housing on the bottom of which there are means for connecting the case and into which at least the upper part of the box can be inserted so that it is hermetically connected to said case.12. The displacement activation system according to claim 11 , wherein said connection mechanism of the case is associated with sealing elements made from at least one of plastic and foam shapes.13. The displacement activation system according to claim 11 , wherein the first opening comprises support rails on each side of the first opening claim 11 , to support the box at the bottom of said first opening while allowing sliding of the box so that it can be inserted in the housing claim 11 , and a flexible attachment element located in the bottom part of the first opening and locking said box in the inserted position.143. The displacement activation system according to claim claim 11 , wherein the box comprises attachment elements designed to cooperate with and to be inserted in the support ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022428A1
Автор: LYNCH Michael John

Light emitting devices attached to an item of clothing are illuminated. The light emitting devices are attached to a loom that is terminated by an interface circuit that includes a data storage device (). Configuration data () is written to the data storage device and the loom is located within an item of clothing. A control unit () is connected to the interface circuit and is configured to supply power and control data to the light emitting devices. Configuration data () from the data storage device is transferred to the control unit, such that the control unit supplies control data to light emitting devices in a form determined by this configuration data. 1. An apparatus for inclusion within an item of clothing , wherein said item of clothing is configured to enhance visibility and support electrical equipment , comprising:a plurality of addressable light emitting devices;a loom for supplying power and control data from a control unit to said light emitting devices; andan interface circuit connected to said loom and including a connector for releasably connecting to said control unit, wherein:said interface circuit includes a data storage device configured to receive configuration data;said interface circuit supplies said configuration data to said control unit when said control unit is connected to said interface circuit; andsaid control unit supplies said control data to said light emitting devices in accordance with said configuration data.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said configuration data specifies colors for said light emitting devices.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said configuration data specifies flashing patterns for said light emitting devices.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said item of clothing is constructed from a plurality of subassemblies and said apparatus is included in one of said subassemblies.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:said interface circuit is included in said item of clothing; anda loom extension connects ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112521A1
Автор: Wolfe James

An audio source system may be built into a garment to provide wiring from an audio source to earplugs. The wiring is brought from a point of connection to the audio source such as at a pocket and is then brought to the garment opening by tubes such as may be sewn with normal seams in construction of the garment such as side seams, sleeves seams and shoulder seams, and then into a channel at the opening, which may be a simple neck opening or a collared opening or a hood (in which the channel extends around the hood opening). An auxiliary wiring may be connected to allow a second hearing device such as ear buds or earphones. Wiring may be equipped with spring biased coils to allow stretching. 1. A combination of a garment and wiring for an audio source device along with an auxiliary connection for additional or different listening comprising: a garment having an opening portion and a channel extending from proximate a left to a right side of the opening portion; andaudio connection wiring comprising a source access connector and having a first portion pair of wires defining transmission wiring, extending from the connector which first portion pair of wires are joined, up to a separation point at which the pair of wires separate into separate left and right wires terminating in respective left and right earphones;the audio connection wiring being assembled into the garment so that the connector is available at a selected location for connecting to an audio source device;the separation point being inside the channel and the separate left and right wires exiting the channel each having a length outside the channel terminating in the respective left and right earphones; anda strain relief member provided around the wires at the separation point securing the wires against unintended separation;an additional wiring connected to the transmission wiring pair of wires at the separation point and within the strain relief, the additional wiring exiting the channel at one of the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029635A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

Examples are disclosed that relate to a wearable device configured to physically prevent a user from interacting with an identified hazard. One disclosed example provides a wearable device including a motion-restricting system configured to restrict movement of a skeletal joint when activated, a logic subsystem, and memory storing instructions executable by the logic subsystem to receive sensor data from one or more sensors, based at least on the sensor data received, determine whether the wearable device is likely to be in an unsafe state, and when the wearable device is determined likely to be in the unsafe state, send a control signal to the motion-restricting system to activate the motion-restricting system. 1. A wearable device comprising:a motion-restricting system configured to restrict movement of a skeletal joint when activated;a logic subsystem; and based at least on the sensor data received, determine whether the wearable device is likely to be in an unsafe state; and', 'when the wearable device is determined likely to be in the unsafe state, send a control signal to the motion-restricting system to activate the motion-restricting system., 'memory storing instructions executable by the logic subsystem to receive sensor data from one or more sensors;'}2. The wearable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are executable to receive the sensor data from one or more sensors external to the wearable device.3. The wearable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are executable to receive the sensor data from one or more sensors residing on the wearable device.4. The wearable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are executable to determine whether the wearable device is likely to be in the unsafe state based upon one or more of a temperature signal claim 1 , an electric current signal claim 1 , an audio signal claim 1 , and/or a motion signal.5. The wearable device of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are executable to determine whether the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036066A1
Автор: Chahine Tony

A knitted or woven garment configured for sensing movement of an adjacent underlying body portion of a wearer of the garment via one or more sensors, the garment including a garment body including a plurality of fibres knitted together to form a layer of the garment, the garment layer for positioning adjacent to the underlying body portion when worn by the wearer; one or more electrical connectors attached to the garment body, the one or more electrical connectors for facilitating receipt and transmission of electrical signals between a controller and the one or more sensors when the controller is connected to the one or more electrical connectors; a conductive pathway consisting of one or more conductive fibres incorporated in the garment layer by knitting as part of the plurality of fibres, the conductive pathway electrically connected to the one or more electrical connectors and to the one or more sensors; each of the one or more sensors incorporated in the garment layer by knitting as part of the plurality of fibres, each of the one or more sensors knitted using a plurality of conductive fibres electrically connected to the one or more conductive fibres of the conductive pathway; wherein the controller is configured to measure changes in at least one of resistance or capacitance of the one or more sensors as representative of the movement of the underlying body portion when positioned adjacent to the one or more sensors. 1. A knitted garment configured for sensing movement of an adjacent underlying body portion of a wearer of the garment via one or more sensors , the garment comprising:a garment body including a plurality of fibres knitted together to form a layer of the garment, the garment layer for positioning adjacent to the underlying body portion when worn by the wearer;one or more electrical connectors attached to the garment body, the one or more electrical connectors for facilitating receipt and transmission of electrical signals between a controller ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053637A1
Принадлежит: Bioserenity

The present invention relates to a textile device () configured to cooperate with an electronic device () comprising conductive path () having a path connection area (). The textile device () comprises a first portion of textile () including a conductive zone () connected to a stretchable connection area () configured to be in contact with the path connection area () of the conductive path () so as to ensure an electrical connection between said textile device () and said electronic device (). The stretchable connection area () comprises a conductive textile or a textile covered with a flexible conductive film. The textile device () also comprises a compartment, defined between the first portion of textile () and a second portion of textile (), configured to maintain the electronic device () in a predefined position ensuring electrical connection between the stretchable connection area () and the path connection area (). 2. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the stretchable connection area is in the first portion of textile and/or the second portion of textile.3. (canceled)4. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the stretchable connection area comprises a conductive textile obtained by weaving or knitting conductive yarns made of a conductive material or covered with a conductive material claim 1 , preferably by weaving or knitting yarns covered with a conductive metal such as silver.5. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the stretchable connection area comprises a conductive textile obtained by printing the portion of textile with a conductive ink.6. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion of textile is made of an elastic material.7. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion of textile is sewn to the first portion of textile.8. The textile device according to claim 1 , wherein the compartment is a pocket obtained by sewing the second portion of textile onto the first ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Apparel Item with Integrated Lighting System

Номер: US20220053845A1

Aspects herein are directed to an apparel item having an integrated lighting system and method of forming the apparel item having the integrated lighting system. The integrated lighting system comprises a power supply unit affixed to the apparel item, one or more light arrays having visible light sources affixed to the apparel item, and one or more conductive traces affixed to the apparel item, where the conductive traces extend from the power supply unit to the light arrays and electrically couple the two such that the light arrays are powered when the power supply unit is operating. 1. An apparel item having an integrated lighting system , the apparel item comprising:a first light array positioned at a first area of the apparel item;a second light array positioned at a second area of the apparel item;a power supply unit positioned at a third area of the apparel item;a first conductive trace having a first end and a second end, the first end of the first conductive trace electrically coupled to the power supply unit, the first conductive trace extending from the power supply unit to a first junction structure located at a fourth area of the apparel item, wherein at the first junction structure the second end of the first conductive trace is electrically coupled to a first end of a third conductive trace and a first end of a fourth conductive trace; anda second conductive trace having a first end and a second end, the first end of the second conductive trace electrically coupled to the power supply unit, the second conductive trace extending from the power supply unit to a second junction structure located at the fourth area of the apparel item, wherein at the second junction structure the second end of the second conductive trace is electrically coupled to a first end of a fifth conductive trace and a first end of a sixth conductive trace, wherein a second end of the third conductive trace and a second end of the fifth conductive trace are electrically coupled to ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220053854A1

A smart glove includes a glove for housing and triggering electronic modules having a sensor; a triggering member for triggering the electronic modules; and a slide provided on the glove for partially or completely enclosing the electronic modules. The slide is made of a flexible material and comprises a base; two side walls extending from two side portions of the base; two channels extending starting from a first end of the base towards a second end of the base; a protrusion connected to the base from a connection end of the protrusion and extending between a channel; a lock end located at an end of the protrusion not connected to the base and extending from the protrusion perpendicularly or in an angled manner; a slot provided on an opposite end of the base without the lock end, comprising a hollow and extending from the base towards a roof. 1. A smart glove for housing and triggering electronic modules having a sensor , comprisinga glove,a triggering member for triggering the electronic modules,a slide made of a flexible material provided on the glove for partially or completely enclosing the electronic modules; the slide comprises:a base;two side walls extending from two side portions of the base;two channels extending starting from a first end of the base towards a second end of the base;a protrusion connected to the base from a connection end of the protrusion and extending between the two channels;a lock end located at an end of the protrusion not connected to the base and extending from the protrusion perpendicularly or in an angled manner;a slot provided on an opposite end of the base without a lock end, comprising a hollow and extending from the base towards a roof; anda printed circuit board inserted into the hollow within the slot and comprising conductive contact members; anda conductive material extending between the triggering member and the conductive contact members.2. The smart glove according to claim 1 , wherein the glove comprises:a main part ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045463A1
Автор: Wang Chuanyan, YU Kun

The present disclosure discloses a human body simulation model, a fitting device, a fitting server, and a control method. The human body simulation model includes: a human body model; a photodeformable shaping garment; a plurality of excitation light sources; a plurality of elastic elements; and a first controller configured to control at least a part of the plurality of excitation light sources to emit light waves to the photodeformable shaping garment according to body shape parameters of a user received, so that the photodeformable shaping garment is deformed to simulate a body shape of the user. 1. A human body simulation model , comprising:a human body model;a photodeformable shaping garment disposed on the human body model;a plurality of excitation light sources distributed on the human body model, and configured to emit light waves to the photodeformable shaping garment;a plurality of elastic elements distributed on a side of the human body model facing the photodeformable shaping garment, and configured to be adaptively deformed in response to pressure generated due to deformation of the photodeformable shaping garment to support the photodeformable shaping garment; anda first controller connected to the plurality of excitation light sources, and configured to receive body shape parameters of a user and control at least a part of the plurality of excitation light sources to emit light waves to the photodeformable shaping garment according to the body shape parameters of the user, so that the photodeformable shaping garment is deformed to simulate a body shape of the user.2. The human body simulation model according to claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of pressure sensors distributed on the photodeformable shaping garment, disposed on a side of the photodeformable shaping garment away from the human body model, and configured to sense pressure of try-on clothes worn on the human body simulation model onto the human body simulation model and output ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061412A1
Автор: Culver, II Robert E.

A multipurpose and multifunctional garment which can comprise accommodations for electronics (e.g., wiring, devices, communications, etc.), electronic devices (e.g., sensors, user interaction devices, etc.), electronic display capabilities (e.g., LEDs, standard and flexible displays, audio input and output, wired and wireless capability, geolocation capability (e.g., global positioning systems (GPS))), and commonly-known presentation capabilities (e.g., silk screen, dyes, etc.). 1. A garment , comprising:a single piece of material manufactured to enclose an upper-body portion of a person and a lower-body portion of the person;pockets manufactured into the material to accommodate at least one of an electronic device, an upper body extremity, or a lower body extremity;an electronics subsystem attached to the material for receiving and processing data and instructions to output a presentation; anda presentation subsystem of the material for presenting information according to the data and instructions.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the material is a waterproof material.3. The garment of claim 2 , wherein the waterproof material can be silk-screened to apply an inked design.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the electronic subsystem comprises light-emitting diode lights to at least one of display a visual design or entertainment information according to the data and instructions.5. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the electronic subsystem comprises light-emitting diode lights to at least one of display safety information or safety alerts according to the data and instructions.6. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the pockets include at least one inside pocket manufactured on an interior surface of the material for receiving a hand and a cell phone.7. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the pockets include at least one inside pocket manufactured on an interior surface of sleeve material for receiving a hand and a cell phone.8. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061413A1
Автор: Gasser Jèrôme

The invention concerns an article of clothing () comprising at least two conductive wires capable of transmitting an electric current, at least one conductive wire being integrated into at least one flat seam (); and at least one electrical interconnection between the at least two conductive wires; the electrical interconnection incorporating a weld () between the at least two conductive wires; the electrical interconnection is protected by two layers of fabric (-) attached respectively above and below the electrical interconnection; a lower layer of fabric () bonded to the article of clothing () above which the at least two conductive wires extend; and an upper layer of fabric () bonded to the lower layer of fabric () so as to form, with the lower layer of fabric (), a protective barrier around the electrical interconnection.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Light Up Skirt Apparatus

Номер: US20220061434A1
Автор: Martinez Mari

A light up skirt apparatus for creating a light show with a skirt includes a skirt having a waist band, a hem, and a skirt body extending therebetween. The skirt body has a skirt front side, and a skirt back side. The skirt is independent or coupled to an upper top portion as part of a dress. A power pack is coupled to the skirt body. A plurality of batteries is coupled within the power pack. A power switch coupled to the power pack. The power switch is in operational communication with the plurality of batteries. A power wire is coupled to the skirt. The power wire is in operational communication with the plurality of batteries. A plurality of light strips is coupled to the skirt body. The plurality of light strips extends around the skirt body and is in operational communication with the power wire.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160050984A1
Автор: Ward Eric

The invention generally relates to sensing garments. The invention provides a wearable garment that is configured to integrate a sensing device into the garment. The garment is configured to counter-balance weight of a sample device, thereby evenly distributing weight about the garment. It may also be configured to releasably hold a sensing device, to retain components of the sensing device to the garment, and to position a distal end of the sampling device within a personal breathing zone of a wearer. In this manner, the invention provides a garment that seamlessly integrates the sensing device into the garment, is ergonomically balanced, and ensures that samples are consistently measured in the personal breathing zone of individuals. 1. An article of clothing , the article comprising:a wearable garment comprising at least one portion that is configured to receive and releasably retain at least one sensing device; andone or more weights coupled to the garment, wherein the article of clothing is configured such that the weights counter-balance the sensing device.2. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the garment is a vest.3. The article according to claim 2 , wherein the portion is a pocket.4. The article according to claim 2 , wherein the pocket comprises a flap.5. The article according to claim 3 , wherein the pocket is on a back of the vest.6. The article according to claim 5 , wherein the weights are distributed about a front of the vest.7. The article according to claim 6 , wherein the weights are integrated between inner and outer layers of the vest.8. The article according to claim 1 , further comprising the sensing device.9. The article according to claim 8 , wherein the sensing device is selected from the group consisting of: a sampling pump claim 8 , a noise dosimeter claim 8 , a radiation sensor claim 8 , a chemical sensor claim 8 , a biological agent sensor claim 8 , physiological health sensors claim 8 , a video camera claim 8 , and a combination ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200052441A1
Автор: MATSUO Seiya

A connector includes two by N contacts arranged in two columns and N rows, where N is an integer of three or more, N contacts in each column being arrayed at a predetermined pitch in a first direction parallel to each column within a corresponding one of column areas each extending in the first direction and having a predetermined width in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, a distance between two contacts in one endmost row in the first direction among the N rows being larger than a distance between two contacts in each of the other rows and different in length from the predetermined pitch, a distance between two contacts in the other endmost row in the first direction among the N rows being smaller than a distance between two contacts in each of the other rows and different in length from the predetermined pitch. 1. A connector comprising:two by N contacts arranged in two columns and N rows, where N is an integer of three or more,wherein N contacts in each column are arrayed at a predetermined contact-to-contact pitch in a first direction parallel to each column within a corresponding one of column areas each extending in the first direction and having a predetermined width in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction,wherein a distance between two contacts in one endmost row in the first direction among the N rows is larger than a distance between two contacts in each of the other rows and is different in length from the predetermined contact-to-contact pitch, andwherein a distance between two contacts in the other endmost row in the first direction among the N rows is smaller than a distance between two contacts in each of the other rows and is different in length from the predetermined contact-to-contact pitch.2. The connector according to claim 1 ,wherein the distance between the two contacts in the one endmost row in the first direction among the N rows is larger than the predetermined contact-to-contact pitch, andwherein ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053372A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a garment-type electronic device capable of reducing discomfort during the wearing in the garment-type electronic device comprising an electrical wiring using stretchable conductor composition. In a part in contact with a body surface of a garment-type electronic device, a level difference at the boundary between the electrode portion where the conductor is exposed and the wiring portion covered with the insulating cover layer is substantially eliminated, whereby a garment type electronic device with a natural wearing feeling in which discomfort during wearing has been reduced is obtained. Furthermore, by providing the projections and the depressions in the fabric texture on its surface, a more natural wearing feeling is obtained. Such a garment-type electronic device can be produced by a printing transfer method. 1. A garment-type electronic device comprising an electrical wiring comprising a conductor layer , an insulating cover layer , and an insulating underlying layer in a part in contact with a body surface ,wherein the electrical wiring has substantially no level difference at a boundary between an electrode portion and a wiring portion.2. The garment-type electronic device comprising an electrical wiring according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical wiring comprises the conductor layer claim 1 , the insulating cover layer claim 1 , the insulating underlying layer claim 1 , and an electrode surface layer.3. The garment-type electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the garment-type electronic device can be deformed at a stretching rate of 10% or more without substantially impairing a conductive function of the conductor layer, an insulation function of the insulating cover layer, and an insulation function of the insulating underlying layer.4. The garment-type electronic device according to claim 1 ,wherein the conductor layer, the insulating cover layer, and the insulating underlying layer each have an ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059605A1

A garment includes an outer shell, first and second electrode snaps located on an outer surface of the outer shell, first and second conductive rubber electrodes located inside the outer shell, a first conductive fabric strip connected to the first electrode snap and the first conductive rubber electrode, and a second conductive fabric strip connected to the second electrode snap and the second conductive rubber electrode. 1. A garment comprising:a lining with a hole;a lead in the hole; anda wire connecting the lead to a sensor; whereinthe lead is able to move in an x-y direction and rotate within the hole.2. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising:another hole adjacent to the sensor; anda channel that is located between the hole and the another hole; whereinthe wire extends through the channel.3. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising a zipper that extends from a top to a bottom at a front of the garment claim 1 , whereinthe zipper includes first and second pull tabs located on opposite sides of a bottom of the zipper, andthe first and second pull tabs each include plastic and fabric swatches.4. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising:a cutout at a rear of the garment; andan adjustment area under the cutout and above a bottom hem line of the garment used to adjust garment fit at a waist area of the garment.5. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising:a cutout at a chest area adjacent to a top portion of a front zipper; anda cutout at a waist area.6. The garment of claim 1 , whereinthe lead transmits a signal from a body of a user wearing the garment, andthe signal is an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal.7. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising additional leads claim 1 , whereinthe additional leads and the lead are arranged such that some of the additional leads and the lead are located at a chest area of the garment and some of the additional leads and the lead are located at a waist area of the garment.8. A garment comprising:an outer shell;an ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056721A1

Systems and related methods providing for determining activities of individuals are discussed herein. Circuitry may be configured to wirelessly receive tag signals from a plurality of RF location tags. Two or more of the RF location tags may be positioned on an individual, such as at positions that may at least partially define a human frame. The circuitry may be configured to correlate the two or more RF location tags with the individual. Location data for each of the two or more RF location tags may be determined based on the received tag signals. An activity of the individual may be determined based on the location data. In some embodiments, one or more activities involving multiple individuals may be determined based on RF location tags and sensors positioned on each of the multiple individuals. Furthermore, sensor data from the sensors may be communicated over the UWB channel. 1. Apparel structured for wearing by an individual , the apparel comprising:a first RF location tag supported by a first portion of the apparel;a second RF location tag supported by a second portion of the apparel; anda power supply supported by at least one of the first portion or the second portion of the apparel, wherein the power supply is disposed in electrical communication with the first RF location tag and the second RF location tag.2. The apparel of claim 1 , wherein the apparel is a shirt claim 1 , and wherein the first portion of the apparel is a sleeve and the second portion of the apparel is a body portion.3. The apparel of claim 1 , wherein the apparel is a shirt claim 1 , and wherein the first portion of the apparel is a first sleeve and the second portion of the apparel is a second sleeve.4. The apparel of claim 1 , wherein the apparel is a uniform claim 1 , and wherein the first portion of the apparel is a helmet and the second portion of the apparel is a shirt.5. The apparel of claim 1 , wherein the apparel is a uniform claim 1 , and wherein the first portion of the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170061773A1

Systems, methods, and computer program products to perform an operation comprising receiving, based on a unique identifier of an identification device in a room, clinical information of a first patient present in the room, receiving a unique identifier from an identification device associated with a garment worn by a health care professional in the room, receiving a history of the garment based on the unique identifier, and upon determining that the history of the garment violates a predefined rule, outputting a notification of the violation. 17-. (canceled)8. A system , comprising:one or more computer processors; and receiving clinical information of a first patient present in a room, wherein the clinical information comprises a disease type of the first patient and is received from a digital record of the first patient, the digital record having been accessed based on a first identifier of a first identification device in the room;', 'receiving a second identifier from a second identification device associated with a garment worn by a health care professional in the room;', 'receiving a history of the garment based on the second identifier; and', 'upon determining that the history of the garment violates a predefined rule associated with the clinical information of the first patient, outputting a notification of the violation., 'a memory containing a program which when executed by the processors performs an operation comprising9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the history of the garment comprises: (i) a set of patients previously exposed to the garment claim 8 , (ii) clinical information of each of the patients in the set of patients previously exposed to the garment claim 8 , and (iii) a washing history of the garment claim 8 , wherein the washing history specifies claim 8 , for each of a plurality of washes of the garment claim 8 , a respective date claim 8 , time claim 8 , and washing method.10. The system of claim 8 , wherein the rule comprises one of: (i) a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170061774A1

Methods to perform an operation comprising receiving, based on a unique identifier of an identification device in a room, clinical information of a first patient present in the room, receiving a unique identifier from an identification device associated with a garment worn by a health care professional in the room, receiving a history of the garment based on the unique identifier, and upon determining that the history of the garment violates a predefined rule, outputting a notification of the violation. 1. A method , comprising:receiving clinical information of a first patient present in a room, wherein the clinical information comprises a disease type of the first patient and is received from a digital record of the first patient, the digital record having been accessed based on a first identifier of a first identification device in the room;receiving a second identifier from a second identification device associated with a garment worn by a health care professional in the room;receiving a history of the garment based on the second identifier; andupon determining that the history of the garment violates a predefined rule associated with the clinical information of the first patient, outputting a notification of the violation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the history of the garment comprises: (i) a set of patients previously exposed to the garment claim 1 , (ii) clinical information of each of the patients in the set of patients previously exposed to the garment claim 1 , and (iii) a washing history of the garment claim 1 , wherein the washing history specifies claim 1 , for each of a plurality of washes of the garment claim 1 , a respective date claim 1 , time claim 1 , and washing method.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rule comprises one of: (i) a set of medical conditions the first patient cannot be exposed to claim 1 , (ii) a required method of washing the garment claim 1 , and (iii) a required timing of washing the garment claim 1 , the method ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062093A1
Автор: Huang Chun-Yen

An electrically conductive and elastic string includes at least one elastic thread and at least one electrically conductive wire. The at least one elastic thread is elastically extendable in an extending direction. The at least one electrically conductive wire includes an inner electrically conductive core and an outer electrically insulating sheath surrounding and covering the inner electrically conductive core, extends sinuously along the at least one elastic thread in the extending direction, and connects with the at least one elastic thread, in such a way that the at least one electrically conductive wire is elastically extendable in the extending direction with the at least one elastic thread. 1. An electrically conductive and elastic string comprising:at least one elastic thread that is elastically extendable in an extending direction; andat least one electrically conductive wire that includes an inner electrically conductive core and an outer electrically insulating sheath surrounding and covering said inner electrically conductive core, that extends sinuously along said at least one elastic thread in the extending direction, and that connects with said at least one elastic thread, in such a way that said at least one electrically conductive wire is elastically extendable in the extending direction with said at least one elastic thread.2. The electrically conductive and elastic string as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one elastic thread includes a plurality of elastic fibers that claim 1 , are twisted together claim 1 , and said at least one electrically conductive wire penetrates through said at least one elastic thread and extends sinuously in the extending direction.3. The electrically conductive and elastic string as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said electrically conductive and elastic string comprises two of said elastic threads that are spaced from each other claim 1 , and said at least one electrically conductive wire extends sinuously ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Sensor Garment

Номер: US20150067943A1

The present invention provides a sensor garment including a harness. In one exemplary embodiment, the sensor garment includes a textile portion, a device-retention element coupled to the textile portion, and a stretchable harness coupled to the textile portion. The harness includes a conductive element disposed between layers of film. The conductive element includes a first termination point at the device retention element, configured to connect to a monitor device. The conductive element includes a second termination point configured to connect to a sensor or transceiver. 120-. (canceled)21. A garment comprising an electrically conductive element arranged in a pattern that varies in at least one of frequency or magnitude.22. The garment of claim 21 , wherein the electrically conductive element is wire.23. The garment of claim 21 , wherein the electrically conductive element is non-stretchable wire.24. The garment of claim 21 , wherein the pattern is a repeating pattern.25. The garment of claim 21 , wherein the pattern is at least one of a sinusoidal pattern claim 21 , a zig-zag pattern claim 21 , or a looping pattern.26. The garment of claim 21 , further comprising a resistance sensor electrically coupled to the electrically conductive element.27. The garment of claim 21 , further comprising a resistance sensor electrically coupled to the electrically conductive element claim 21 ,wherein the resistance sensor senses deformation of the electrically conductive element by sensing variation in resistance of the electrically conductive element.28. The garment of claim 21 , wherein the electrically conductive element is coupled to textile material of the garment.29. The garment of claim 21 , further comprising a harness comprising the electrically conductive element.30. The garment of claim 21 , further comprising a harness comprising the electrically conductive element claim 21 ,wherein the harness comprises a layer coupled to textile material of the garment, andwherein ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060368A1
Принадлежит: Lumia Group, LLC

Methods and associated light management system variously provide protection of at least UPF 50, a cooling effect, a shading effect, a warming effect and a source for a photovoltaic device. A textile material absorb incident spectrum including one or more of a UV wavelength, a visible wavelength, and a near infrared wavelength and spontaneously emits light having an emission spectrum including visible light radiation and near infrared radiation. The textile material and associated articles have a high degree of UV blocking property due to strong absorption in the UV range. In addition, the spontaneous emission releases most of the absorbed energy and, therefore, the textile material remains relatively cool under sunlight, the shading effect. Furthermore, the strong spontaneous emission allows for shielding properties even when the apparel is made from otherwise sheer knit or weave structure. Associated application methods and manufacture methods are also disclosed. 1. A method of protection from solar radiation , the method comprising:interposing an article of apparel between a source of solar radiation and a mammalian skin,wherein the article of apparel absorbs an incident spectrum including one or more of a UV wavelength, a visible wavelength, and a near infrared wavelength and emits light having an emission spectrum including one or more of visible light radiation and near infrared radiation,wherein the light having an emission spectrum including one or more of visible light radiation and near infrared radiation is emitted from the article of apparel in a direction toward a wearer of the article of apparel, and '(a) one or more of a peak between 700 nm and 800 nm with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 100 nm to 150 nm and a peak between 800 nm and 900 nm with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 100 nm to 150 nm, and (b) one or more of a peak between 590 nm and 700 nm with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 50 nm to 100 nm and a peak between 700 nm and ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Illuminated Safety Vest with Integrated LED Lights

Номер: US20210068477A1
Автор: Johnson Claude A.

An illuminated safety garment to improve the visibility of a wearer, such as a public service worker, in low-light conditions. The safety garment features an integrated LED light system that is electrically connected to a power source, and that ensure that the wearer is visible to third parties from a 360 degree vantage point. The LED light system may be hardwired or in wireless communication with an individualized or central controller that enables the user to control multiple aspects or features of the LED light system, as well as those of a number of other accessories such as an audible system, locator system, etc. Use of the illuminated safety garment offers a way to prevent serious accidents and injuries due to low visibility of, for example, public service workers. 1. A safety garment comprising:a garment;an LED lighting system attached to said garment;a power supply; anda controller.2. The safety garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment is comprised of a pair of front panels claim 1 , a back panel claim 1 , a neck opening claim 1 , a torso opening claim 1 , a pair of arm openings and a striping.3. The safety garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment is further comprised of a plurality of outer seams.4. The safety garment of claim 3 , wherein the LED lighting system is attached to the plurality of outer seams.5. The safety garment of claim 1 , wherein the LED lighting system is comprised of a LED strip and a plurality of LED lights attached to said strip in series.6. The safety garment of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of LED lights are in electrical communication with the power supply.7. The safety garment of claim 1 , wherein the power supply is one of a battery pack claim 1 , a solar panel and a photovoltaic panel.8. The safety garment of claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises at least one of an on/off switch claim 1 , a brightness adjuster claim 1 , a color selector and a mode selector.9. The safety garment of claim 8 , wherein the brightness ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063797A1
Принадлежит: TEGWAY CO., LTD.

Disclosed herein are a feedback device and a method of providing thermal feedback using the same. The feedback device according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes a thermoelectric module including a substrate having flexibility, a thermoelement disposed on the substrate and configured to perform a thermoelectric operation for thermal feedback, and a contact surface disposed on the substrate, and configured to transfer heat generated through the thermoelectric operation to a user through the substrate and the contact surface to output the thermal feedback; and a feedback controller configured to control the thermoelectric module, and wherein the feedback controller controls the thermoelectric module so that, after a temperature of the contact surface reaches a maximum temperature, the temperature of the contact surface is maintained within a predetermined temperature range during an entire thermoelectric operation time interval. 1. A feedback device comprising:a thermoelectric module including a flexible substrate;a thermoelement disposed on the substrate configured to perform a thermoelectric operation for thermal feedback;a contact surface disposed on the substrate configured to transfer heat generated by the thermoelectric operation to a user, the heat being transferred through the substrate and the contact surface to an output for the thermal feedback; anda feedback controller configured to control the thermoelectric module, the thermoelectric operation includes an exothermic operation and an endothermic operation,', 'the feedback controller controls the thermoelectric module so a temperature of the contact surface is maintained within a predetermined temperature range during an entire thermoelectric operation time interval after the temperature of the contact surface reaches a maximum temperature; and', 'the feedback controller controls the thermoelectric module so a temperature rise or a temperature drop that exceeds a predetermined threshold ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069525A1

A method includes applying a substrate containing light emitting devices to an individuals body part and controlling the light emitting devices to deliver athletic performance enhancing light to the body part, wherein the light has a wavelength in the range of 400 nm to 1300 nm and an irradiance of from 2 mW-600 mW/cm2. 1. A method comprising:applying a substrate containing light emitting devices to an individual's body part; andcontrolling the light emitting devices to deliver athletic performance enhancing light to the body part, wherein the light has a wavelength in the range of 400 nm to 1300 nm.2. The method of wherein the light has a wavelength in the range of 600 nm to 1300 nm.3. The method of wherein the red light s delivered at an irradiance from 2 mW-600 mW/cm24. The method of wherein the red light is delivered at an irradiance of at least 5 mW/cm2.5. The method of wherein the total light dose is limited to that which continues to provide improved performance enhancement and/or recovery as determined by a biphasic dose response curve and thermal relaxation time.6. The method of wherein the light dose is controlled based on the individual's characteristics comprising one or more of skin color claim 1 , body type claim 1 , body mass index claim 1 , reflectance claim 1 , and current fitness level.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the individual's dose is higher if the individual's skin color is darker claim 6 , wherein the dose is determined as a function of irradiance power claim 6 , wavelength claim 6 , and length of time.8. The method of wherein the light emitting devices are attached to or embedded into sportswear or clothing in close proximity to the individual's body part comprising target tissue or body area.9. The method of wherein the light emitting devices are held in close proximity to the individual's target tissue with one or more of stitching claim 8 , hook and loop fasteners claim 8 , magnetic strips claim 8 , adhesive claim 8 , heat activated ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Compression Mobile Pocket for Garments

Номер: US20150074866A1
Автор: Diakite David

Disclosed is a waterproof compression pocket for a garment. The pocket includes a rectangular structure with an opening at the top end thereof. In one embodiment, the top end is adapted to provide a waterproof seal to protect the contents therein from moisture. In another embodiment, the pocket may further include a waterproof lining that can be sealed to prevent permeation of water or moisture. The pocket is adapted to snugly hold contents therein so as to prevent the contents from falling out. Additionally, the pocket is preferably configured to hold a hand held electronic device therein. The pocket also includes a conductive, transparent window that allows a wearer to view the contents of the pocket and to utilize a touch screen of the electronic device held in the pocket. 1) A waterproof compression pocket for garments , comprising:a waterproof pocket having a closed first end opposite a closed second end, a closed bottom end opposite an open top end, defining an interior volume adapted to hold a hand held electronic device therein;said open top end of said pocket having a waterproof closure to open and close said pocket and that is adapted to provide a waterproof seal;a transparent window on a front side of said pocket.2) The waterproof compression pocket of claim 1 , wherein said window is composed of a conductive material that allows usage of a touch screen of said hand held electronic device.3) The waterproof compression pocket of claim 1 , wherein said open top end of said pocket comprises a corner opening for receiving a cord of said hand held electronic device therethrough.4) The waterproof compression pocket of claim 1 , further comprising:a tab that is centrally located on said bottom end of said pocket.5) The waterproof compression pocket of claim 1 , wherein said pocket is attached to a garment.6) The waterproof compression pocket of claim 5 , wherein said garment is a shirt having sleeves claim 5 , a torso area claim 5 , and a neck opening.7) The ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073700A1

An electronic subassembly includes a base panel including a layer of fabric material, a top panel secured to the base panel so as to form a compartment between the base panel and the top panel, where the top panel includes an exterior surface that is configured to couple the subassembly with an apparel product, and a plurality of electronic components, where a first electronic component is disposed within the compartment and a second electronic component extends from the compartment to a location external to the compartment. A strain relief mechanism can also be provided that maintains a first electrical connection of the first electronic component with a second electrical connection of the second electronic component to reduce strain imparted to the first and second electrical connections when the surface of the apparel product to which the subassembly is secured is subjected to stretching or pulling forces. 1. An electronic subassembly comprising:a base panel comprising a layer of fabric material;a top panel secured to the base panel so as to form a compartment between the base panel and the top panel, the top panel including an exterior surface that is configured to couple the subassembly with an apparel product; anda plurality of electronic components, wherein a first electronic component is disposed within the compartment and a second electronic component extends from the compartment to a location external to the compartment.2. The electronic subassembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a strain relief mechanism that maintains a first electrical connection of the first electronic component with a second electrical connection of the second electronic component, wherein the strain relief mechanism is configured to reduce strain imparted to the first and second electrical connections when the surface of the apparel product to which the subassembly is secured is subjected to stretching or pulling forces.3. The electronic subassembly of claim 2 , wherein the strain ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087332A1
Автор: Gates Antonio J.
Принадлежит: Trechrein LLC

A visibility-enhancing device and system can enable human users to view their surroundings in no or low visibility environments. The systems provide a multifunctional approach to enhance safety and visibility for a plurality of situations such as runners, security-worker, hikers, bikers, motorcyclists, divers, swimmers, coast guard, navy personnel, ship/boat crew, etc. The device has visibility-enhancing units, a controller, a user interface, a battery to power the device and system. The user interface may be a control panel, a remort control, an attachable-detachable vehicle handle mount, or integrated into vehicular electronics. The device and the system may be put over a variety of clothing and outerwear. The system may be detachably coupled to turn signal technologies, storage for cellular phones, medicines, hydration, etc. The system may be taught to be automatic via artificial intelligence or manual by user input through a control panel, an APP, voice recognition, or touch-sensitive technologies. 1. A human visibility-enhancing device comprising:a front side and a backside coupled to the front side;at least one visibility-enhancing unit attached to the front side of the visibility-enhancing device or the backside of the said device;at least one battery coupled to the at least one visibility-enhancing unit, the at least one battery configured to power the at least one unit;a controller coupled to the at least one visibility-enhancing unit, the controller configured to control the at least one visibility-enhancing unit in response to user input; andthe controller coupled to at least one user interface device.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one visibility-enhancing unit is at least one first unit attached to the front side of the visibility-enhancing device claim 1 , the device further comprising at least one second visibility-enhancing unit attached to the backside of the device.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one visibility-enhancing ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087344A1
Принадлежит: CLIM8

The invention relates to a textile element, such as a clothing, aimed at covering a part of a body, such as a human body, with a particular application to a clothing for generating a physical effect, such as heat or cold, to the part of the body. 1. A textile element forming an envelop aimed at covering at least partially a part of a body , said textile element comprising a textile support and body part detection means located on or in said textile support , said body part detection means being configured to detect presence or absence , or presence and absence , of said part of a body inside the envelop and to generate a detection signal when presence or absence , or presence and absence , of said part of a body inside the envelop is detected.2. The textile element according to claim 1 , wherein it comprises an active element adapted for generating a physical effect claim 1 , and located on or in the textile support claim 1 , the active element being adapted for being connected to a power source and a control unit configured to allow the activation/deactivation of said active element claim 1 , the body part detection means being adapted for being connected claim 1 , and for transmitting the detection signal claim 1 , to said control unit claim 1 , such as to allow the control unit to activate/deactivate the active element when receiving said detection signal.3. The textile element according to claim 1 , wherein the body part detection means are configured to detect the part of a body entering inside claim 1 , or going out of claim 1 , or entering inside and going out of claim 1 , the envelop.4. The textile element according to claim 1 , wherein the body part detection means comprise sensing means adapted for sensing a physical information related to the presence or the absence claim 1 , or the presence and the absence claim 1 , of the part of a body inside the envelop claim 1 , and a controller connected to the sensing means and configured to receive one or more ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Apparel Incorporating A Covered Electronic Device

Номер: US20140151416A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of apparel is disclosed that includes a covered electronic device. The apparel is at least partially formed from a material element that defines an aperture. The electronic device is locatable within the aperture and secured to the material element. A material covers the electronic device such that the electronic device cannot be seen. Upon activation of the electronic device, the readout is seen through the material. The electronic device may be a timing device, such as a watch, or a global positioning system unit. The apparel may be a wristband formed from a polymer material or any of a variety of other types of apparel. 1. An article of apparel comprising: a polymer element that defines an aperture with a peripheral edge having a non-circular shape; an electronic device positionable within the aperture and securable to the peripheral edge of the aperture , the electronic device also being removable from the aperture , and the electronic device having a non-circular shape; and a flexible covering material attached to the polymer element and covering the electronic device , wherein the electronic device cannot be seen though the covering material except , when a display of the electronic device is activated , the display is visible through the covering material.2. The article of apparel recited in claim 1 , wherein the polymer element is a wristband.3. The article of apparel recited in claim 2 , wherein the polymer element is at least partially formed from nylon or polyurethane.4. The article of apparel recited in claim 1 , wherein the polymer element includes a reinforcing structure extending around the aperture and forming the peripheral edge.5. The article of apparel recited in claim 1 , wherein the electronic device is a timing device or a global positioning system unit.6. The article of apparel recited in claim 1 , wherein at a least a portion of the covering material is permanently attached to the polymer element.7. The article of apparel recited ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210076757A1

A garment includes a garment body, a wear detection device configured to detect whether the garment body is worn by a worker, and a control device configured to output an alert signal for controlling an alert device based on detection data of the wear detection device. 1. A garment comprising:a garment body;a wear detection device configured to detect whether the garment body is worn by a worker; anda control device configured to output an alert signal for controlling an alert device based on detection data of the wear detection device.2. The garment according to claim 1 , wherein the control device activates the alert device when it is determined that the garment body is not worn by the worker claim 1 , based on detection data of the wear detection device.3. The garment according to claim 1 , further comprising a garment communication device configured to communicate with external communication equipment claim 1 , whereinthe control device outputs an alert signal for controlling the alert device based on a communication state of the garment communication device.4. The garment according to claim 3 , wherein the control device activates the alert device when it is determined that the garment communication device is not in communication with the external communication equipment claim 3 , based on a communication state of the garment communication device.5. The garment according to claim 3 , wherein the control device outputs an alert signal for controlling the alert device based on distance data indicating a distance from the external communication equipment acquired through communication with the external communication equipment.6. The garment according to claim 5 , further comprising a position detection device configured to detect first position data indicating a position of the garment body claim 5 , whereinthe control device calculates a distance from the external communication equipment based on the first position data and second position data indicating a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Ankle Monitor Guard (AMG)

Номер: US20160081401A1
Автор: Reeves Jonathan Scott

The ankle monitor guard, or AMG, is a neoprene and rayon sleeve that is worn over a personal ankle monitor. The purpose of the guard is to deter an incident of tampering from being reported should an ankle monitor be temporarily submerged in water. The guard also serves to help muffle the noise emitted by these devices. The guard also serves a discretionary purpose by concealing the underlying device allowing the user to more freely wear clothing that exposes the ankle in public. It is the intent of this invention to provide the user with more freedom of choices with regards to activities performed, clothing worn, and therefore know that they have options gained by the use of the ankle monitor guard. 1. The ankle monitor guard allows an ankle monitor to be temporarily submerged underwater without losing functionality by waterproofing the device in order for it to maintain contact with the skin of the wearer.2. The ankle monitor guard dampens and muffles the noise that an ankle monitor may emit , at the same time protecting against breakage from impact with other objects.3. The ankle monitor guard conceals the ankle monitor device for the wearers' personal discretion. The ankle monitor guard (AMG) is a neoprene cover for any ankle electronic monitoring device. Electronic monitoring systems were first developed in the 1960's by graduate students in behavioral psychology at Harvard University. Kirk and Robert Gable (twins) wanted to apply “operant conditioning to human social problems.” (Gable, 2007). Their idea was to track juvenile offenders as they moved around a city and ultimately their behavior would be rewarded for showing up on time to appointments. In 1969, Robert Gable received a U.S. Pat. No. 3,478,344, for his device, which he described as a Behavioral Supervision System with Wrist Carried Transceiver. This original electronic tagging device used both wrist carried and belt worn transceivers that relied on radio links to transmit location. If there was a ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079336A1

Systems and methods are provided for sending messages wirelessly from a garment. The system includes a wireless communication device configured to wirelessly transmit one or more digital messages to one or more mobile devices within a predefined radius of the wireless communication device. The system further includes a garment, a pouch, coupled to the garment, configured to house the wireless communication device, and a securing mechanism configured to secure the wireless communication device within the pouch. 1. A system for sending messages wirelessly from a garment , comprising: 'wirelessly transmit one or more digital messages to one or more mobile devices within a predefined radius of the wireless communication device;', 'a wireless communication device configured toa garment;a pouch, coupled to the garment, configured to house the wireless communication device; anda securing mechanism configured to secure the wireless communication device within the pouch.2. The system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a removable display panel coupled to the garment.3. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the removable display panel includes visual content.4. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the removable display panel is configured to be secured to a fastener on the garment.5. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the removable display panel covers the pouch.6. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pouch is housed within the garment.7. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pouch is positioned along a seam in the garment.8. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pouch is concealed within the garment.9. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pouch is further configured to create a water-resistant seal around the communication device.10. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the wireless communication device further comprises:a battery configured to power a wireless transmission of the wireless communication ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080832A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

Examples are disclosed that relate to a disposable cover for an object, wherein the cover includes a passive sensing circuit loop. The sensing circuit loop is configured to inductively couple with a reusable sensor readout device that provides power and signal processing. The reusable sensor readout device wirelessly measures a sensor element printed as part of the sensing circuit loop through the inductively coupled channel. In one example, a disposable glove for a human hand includes a sensing circuit loop printed on the disposable glove. 1. A disposable glove for a human hand , comprising: a motion sensor element printed on a bendable portion of the disposable glove, and', 'an inductive coil printed on a different portion of the disposable glove., 'a sensing circuit loop printed on the disposable glove, the sensing circuit loop including'}2. The disposable glove of claim 1 , wherein the motion sensor element includes a capacitive sensor element.3. The disposable glove of claim 1 , wherein the motion sensor element includes a resistive sensor element.4. The disposable glove of claim 1 , wherein the bendable portion is a finger joint portion and the different portion is a wrist portion.5. The disposable glove of claim 1 , wherein the motion sensor element is a first motion sensor element printed on a first bendable portion of the disposable glove claim 1 , and wherein the sensing circuit loop includes a second motion sensor element printed on a second bendable portion of the disposable glove.6. The disposable glove of claim 5 , wherein the first bendable portion is a first finger joint on a finger and the second bendable portion is a second finger joint on the same finger.7. The disposable glove of claim 5 , wherein the first motion sensor element comprises a capacitive sensor element and the second motion sensor element comprises a resistive sensor element.8. The disposable glove of claim 1 , wherein the sensing circuit loop comprises silver ink.9. The disposable ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085283A1
Автор: Rahman Syed

A system for stimulation of a user, including: a stimulation assembly including a sensory output device, a housing surrounding the stimulation assembly and defining a first coupling structure, and a retainer defining a second coupling structure; operable in a coupled mode wherein: second coupling structure encircles the first coupling structure, a region of a material is retained between the first and second coupling structures, and the material couples the housing to the user. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the coupled mode claim 1 , the first coupling structure causes a circumferential tensile stress in the second coupling structure.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the retainer comprises an inner surface defining an aperture, wherein the second coupling structure is arranged along the inner surface; andin the coupled mode, a majority of the garment within a convex hull of the region is exposed through the aperture.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the coupled mode claim 1 , the system does not protrude through the garment.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a conductor electrically coupled to the processor claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the coupled mode claim 1 , the conductor electrically couples the processor to an external device.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the housing comprises a conductive feedthrough extending from an interior of the housing to an exterior of the housing claim 5 , the conductor comprising the conductive feedthrough.7. The system of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , in the coupled mode claim 5 , the conductor electrically couples the processor to the external device via a conductive lead of the garment.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the housing fluidly isolates the tactile stimulation assembly from an ambient environment.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tactile stimulation assembly further comprises an audio sensor electrically coupled to the processor.12. The system of claim 11 , wherein ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems for Activating Electronic Devices for Operation with Athletic Equipment

Номер: US20170087413A1
Автор: Case, JR. Charles W.

Articles of clothing or pieces of athletic equipment include modules, e.g., for sensing physical and/or physiological characteristics associated with use of the clothing or athletic equipment or for performing other functions. Such systems and methods may use physical or other interaction(s) between the module and the article of clothing or piece of athletic equipment for activating and/or deactivating the module and/or sensing devices included with the module, for confirming whether the module and clothing or piece of athletic equipment are authorized for use with one another, and/or for automatic data algorithm selection methods. Additionally, such systems and methods also may use the activation and/or authentication systems for data input to the module. Some examples of such systems and methods may utilize magnets and magnetic sensing systems and/or light (or other radiation) sources and sensing systems for activation, authentication, data input, and/or algorithm selection. 1. A method of activating an electronic module , comprising:sensing an interaction between an electronic module and a module securing element of a piece of athletic equipment at a first orientation; andactivating the electronic module or at least a first function of the electronic module in response to the sensed interaction.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the piece of athletic equipment includes at least a first portion of an activation system for activating the electronic module or the first function of the electronic module.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the activating takes place in response to output from a magnetic sensor system.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein a first portion of the magnetic sensor system is included with the piece of athletic equipment and a second portion of the magnetic sensor system is included with the electronic module.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:wirelessly receiving data into the electronic module ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Electrical Components Attached to Fabric

Номер: US20200084886A1

An item may include fabric having insulating and conductive yarns or other strands of material. The conductive strands may form signal paths. Electrical components can be mounted to the fabric. Each electrical component may have an electrical device such as a semiconductor die that is mounted on an interposer substrate. The interposer may have contacts that are soldered to the conductive strands. A protective cover may encapsulate portions of the electrical component. To create a robust connection between the electrical component and the fabric, the conductive strands may be threaded through recesses in the electrical component. The recesses may be formed in the interposer or may be formed in a protective cover on the interposer. Conductive material in the recess may be used to electrically and/or mechanically connect the conductive strand to a bond pad in the recess. Thermoplastic material may be used to seal the solder joint. 1. An item , comprising:fabric comprising intertwined strands of material, wherein the fabric has a pocket and the intertwined strands of material include a conductive strand that passes through the pocket; andan electrical component in the pocket, wherein the electrical component has a groove and wherein the conductive strand is soldered to the electrical component in the groove.2. The item defined in wherein the electrical component comprises a protective structure and wherein the groove is located in the protective structure.3. The item defined in wherein the protective structure comprises thermoplastic material.4. The item defined in further comprising an additional groove in the protective structure that is parallel to the groove.5. The item defined in wherein the intertwined strands of material comprise an additional conductive strand that is soldered to the electrical component in the additional groove.6. The item defined in wherein the electrical component comprises a contact pad and wherein the groove exposes the contact pad.7. The ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132941A1
Автор: BOYSSET Max

The present invention relates to a piece of clothing () intended to be worn by a user so as to cover a part of the user's body. This piece of clothing () comprises a flexible clothing element () covering said part of the user's body as well as a generator () of electrical signals and at least one transducer () integral with said flexible clothing element (). Said at least one transducer is arranged to convert said electrical signals from the electrical signal generator () into ultrasounds and to transmit the ultrasounds generated by this transducer () to said part of the user's body covered by this flexible clothing element. The piece of clothing is characterised in that said at least one transducer () is arranged to emit ultrasounds having at least two different acoustic intensities comprised in at least two distinct intensity ranges.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132942A1

The present invention relates to a self-customizable micro LED garment capable of changing colors and patterns like a TV screen and, more particularly, to a useful invention comprising: a garment () composed of upper and lower garments () worn on a wearer's body; a transparent micro LED display skin () coated on the surface of the garment (); a master unit () and a remote slave () inside the upper and lower garments () of the garment (); and a smartphone (), wherein the transparent micro LED display skin () is selectively controlled by means of an application installed on the smartphone () by the wearer to express a variety of colors according to the current situation of the wearer.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180092415A1
Автор: Rider Tomer, Taite Shahar

A smart fabric may include a smart material such as an Electroactive Polymer (EAP). An adaptive garment formed from the smart fabric may change textile density based on user needs, sensor states, context, and other inputs. In various embodiments, the EAP enables the adaptive garment to change textile density based on a sport or activity, based on calendar or scheduled events, or based on user preferences. In various embodiments, these smart fabrics may be implemented in sporting garments, uniforms, multiple-day clothing (e.g., for travel or military usage), furniture fabric, curtains, or other implementations. 1. An adaptive fabric apparatus comprising:an adaptive garment capable of changing a textile density; andan adaptive fiber interface to adjust a textile density of the adaptive garment in response to an event-based trigger.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the event-based trigger includes a schedule indication.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the schedule indication is based on a scheduled event start time; andthe adaptive fiber interface adjusts the textile density at the scheduled event start time.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the schedule indication is based on a scheduled event duration; andthe adaptive fiber interface adjusts and retains the textile density during the scheduled event duration.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the event-based trigger includes a time-based indication.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the time-based indication is based on an elapsed time without the occurrence of an activity.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adaptive fiber interface adjusting the textile density of the adaptive garment provides a reminder to a user of the adaptive garment of the event-based trigger.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the adaptive garment includes at least one wearable adaptive fiber and a plurality of non-adaptive textile fibers claim 1 , the at least one wearable adaptive fiber to change shape in response ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200094731A1
Автор: Garvey Brian Jon

Vehicle signaling configurable to various articles and apparel is provided. An example system allows a user to dynamically assign vehicle signals for activating brake lights, turn signals, running lights, headlights, police emergency lights, and so forth, to user-selected lights built into articles and apparel. Vehicle signals may be wirelessly assigned to lights on articles and apparel through a smart phone application, or other portable software means. The system forms a self-managing wireless network, to which the user can add any number of additional illuminated articles and pieces of illuminated apparel, which are automatically sensed and integrated. An example helmet spoiler, for example, has a receiver for processing a wireless signal from a vehicle, to actuate brake lights, turn signals, headlights, and the like on the spoiler itself. In a police implementation, a helmet actuates police flashers on the helmet based on an assigned wireless signal from a police vehicle. 1. A system , comprising:a signal controller attached to a vehicle, the signal controller capable of receiving indicator signals from the vehicle;an assignment engine in the signal controller to dynamically associate each indicator signal received from the vehicle with one or more specific articles of a variety of articles associated with a rider or driver of the vehicle and to associate each indicator signal with a specific light or with one or more banks of lights on each of the one or more articles dynamically associated with the respective indicator signal from the vehicle;a wireless transmitter coupled with the signal controller, the wireless transmitter capable of sending a wireless signal from the signal controller attached to the vehicle to respective receivers of the one or more articles of the rider dynamically associated with the indicator signals of the vehicle;an application comprising system logic executable on a mobile device of the rider, the application capable of wirelessly ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200097109A1

It is disclosed a capacitive touch sensor () comprising a support layer () and a plurality of sensing elongated elements () coupled to said support layer (), said plurality of sensing elongated elements () comprising a plurality of electrically resistive elongated elements (), wherein said plurality of electrically resistive elongated elements () comprises a first set () of electrically resistive elongated elements () electrically connected to a first common node (Nx) configured to be electrically connected to a first input (INx) of a detection device (), said detection device () being configured to provide an output signal (S_OUT) comprising a first output value (OUTx) that is a function of the capacitance value (CRx) of said first set () of electrically resistive elongated elements (). An article comprising the capacitive touch sensor () and a method for detecting a touch event on a support layer () are also disclosed. 110121222225522rrrxrrxr. A capacitive touch sensor () comprising a support layer () and a plurality of sensing elongated elements () coupled to said support layer () , said plurality of sensing elongated elements () comprising a plurality of electrically resistive elongated elements () , wherein said plurality of electrically resistive elongated elements () comprises a first set () of electrically resistive elongated elements () electrically connected to a first common node (Nx) configured to be electrically connected to a first input (INx) of a detection device () , said detection device () being configured to provide an output signal (S_OUT) comprising a first output value (OUTx) that is a function of the capacitance value (CRx) of said first set () of electrically resistive elongated elements ().21022rxr. The capacitive touch sensor () according to claim 1 , wherein said first output value (OUTx) is the direct or indirect measurement of the capacitance (CRx) of said first set () of electrically resistive elongated elements ().310232232252rcrcc. ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168495A1

A garment includes a cover, a pump coupled to the cover, and a control system operably coupled to the pump. The cover is configured to surround a limb or a joint and to prevent air from entering or leaving an enclosed region between the limb or the joint. The pump is configured to remove air from the enclosed region. The control system is configured to control the pump and to regulate a negative pressure within the enclosed region. In some embodiments, the control system is configured to regulate a negative pressure of the enclosed region based on mobility data from a sensor. 1. A garment , comprising:a cover configured to substantially surround a limb or a joint, and forming an enclosed region, wherein the cover is configured to engage with the limb or the joint to substantially prevent air from entering or leaving the enclosed region;a pump coupled to the cover and configured to remove air from the enclosed region; anda control system operably coupled to the pump, the control system configured to control the pump and regulate a negative pressure within the enclosed region.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the control system comprises a sensor configured to measure mobility data claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to determine whether a user is moving or at rest based on the mobility data claim 1 , wherein the control system is configured to maintain an increased negative pressure based on a determination that the user is at rest claim 1 , and wherein the control system is configured maintain a decreased negative pressure based on a determination that the user is moving.3. The garment of claim 2 , further comprising a valve operably coupled to the control system claim 2 , wherein the valve is configured to allow air to enter the enclosed region claim 2 , and wherein the control system is configured to open the valve based on a determination that the user is moving claim 2 , and wherein the control system is configured to close the valve based on a ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113333A1

A mic cord access system () is provided in a firefighter coat () having a storm flap (). The system () includes a pocket () in the coat () and configured to enclose a radio () carried in an interior of the pocket (), the pocket () including a notch () configured to allow a mic cord () to extend from the interior of the pocket (), an opening () adjacent the notch () and configured to allow a mic cord () to extend from the notch () to an interior side () of the storm flap (), and an interior mic mount () on the interior side () of the storm flap () and configured to hold a mic () with the storm flap () in a closed position. 1. A mic cord access system in a firefighter coat having a stormflap extending vertically over a torso portion of the coat and having an open position and a closed position , the system comprising:a pocket in the coat and configured to enclose a radio carried in an interior of the pocket, the pocket including a notch configured to allow a mic cord to extend from the interior of the pocket to an exterior of the pocket;an opening in the stormflap adjacent the notch and configured to allow a mic cord to extend from the notch to an interior side of the stormflap; andan interior mic mount on the interior side of the stormflap and configured to hold a mic with the stormflap in the closed position.2. The system of wherein the pocket is located on a lower half of the coat.3. The system of wherein the interior mic mount is located in an upper half of the stormflap.4. The system of wherein the opening in the stormflap includes a releasable fastener that allows the opening to be selectively moved between an open condition wherein a mic cord can be placed on the interior side of the storm flap while extending from the notch and a closed condition wherein the opening is closed with a mic cord extending from the notch to the interior side of the stormflap.5. The system of wherein the releasable fastener is a hook and loop closure.6. The system of the opening ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175057A1

A circuit mounted article to be fixed to a fabric is provided and includes a circuit board having flexibility, an electronic component mounted on a fabric facing face side, which faces the fabric, of the circuit board, and further a reinforcing portion to be used for fixing of the circuit mounted article to the fabric on the fabric facing face side of the circuit board. 1. A circuit mounted article to be fixed to a fabric , the circuit mounted article comprising:a circuit board having flexibility;an electronic component mounted on a fabric facing face side, which faces the fabric, of the circuit board; and furthera reinforcing portion to be used for fixing of the circuit mounted article to the fabric on the fabric facing face side of the circuit board.2. The circuit mounted article according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of the electronic component is covered with a coating agent.3. The circuit mounted article according to claim 2 , wherein the coating agent is formed of a material same as a material for the reinforcing portion.4. The circuit mounted article according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing portion is formed of a material same as a material for the circuit board.5. The circuit mounted article according to claim 2 , wherein an elastic modulus of the coating agent is higher than an elastic modulus of the circuit board and lower than an elastic modulus of the electronic component.6. The circuit mounted article according to claim 1 , wherein a distance between the reinforcing portion and the electronic component is larger than a height of the electronic component.7. The circuit mounted article according to claim 1 , wherein there is a part where a height of the reinforcing portion is higher than a height of the electronic component.8. The circuit mounted article according to claim 1 , whereinthe circuit board includes an insulating layer and a wiring pattern that is formed of a conductor and is provided on the insulating layer, andthe wiring pattern ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175058A1
Автор: McIntyre Joseph R.

A heated article of clothing including a garment body, a heater coupled to the garment body, a heater supply cable configured to provide electrical power to the heater, and a battery pack configured to power to the heater by way of the heater supply cable. The garment body includes a first compartment configured to hold the battery pack, a second compartment configured to alternatively hold the battery pack, and a pass-through connecting the first compartment to the second compartment internally within the garment body such that the battery pack is movable between the first and second compartments while remaining coupled with the heater supply cable. 1. A heated article of clothing comprising:a garment body;a heater coupled to the garment body;a heater supply cable configured to provide electrical power to the heater;a battery pack configured to power to the heater; anda battery holder electrically and mechanically coupleable with the battery pack and configured to provide the power from the battery pack to the heater by way of the heater supply cable; a first compartment disposed at least partially in a front of the garment body and configured to hold the battery pack and the battery holder,', 'a second compartment disposed at least partially in a rear of the garment body and configured to alternatively hold the battery pack and the battery holder, and', 'a pass-through connecting the first compartment to the second compartment internally within the garment body such that the battery pack is movable internally between the front and rear of the garment body while remaining coupled with the heater supply cable., 'wherein the garment body includes2. The heated article of clothing of claim 1 , wherein the pass-through includes a narrowing between the first and second compartments configured to inhibit unwanted movement of the battery pack and the battery holder between the first and second compartments and sized and shaped to allow a user to pass the battery pack and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180110270A1
Автор: Robbins Jonathan D.

A glove can include an integrated wrist wrap that is split to allow a watch to be worn with the glove. The glove comprises a hand portion within which a wearer's hand is placed and a wrist wrap attached to a proximal edge of the hand portion and configured to extend around the wearer's wrist when the wearer's hand is placed in the hand portion. The wrist wrap can include a slit that extends lengthwise within the wrist wrap. When the wearer is also wearing a watch, the watch can be inserted through the slit so that the wrist wrap will be positioned on each side of the watch thereby allowing the face of the watch to remain visible while still providing support to the wrist. A split wrist wrap without a hand portion is also provided. 1. A glove comprising:a hand portion within which a wearer's hand is placed; anda wrist wrap having a first end that is attached along a proximal edge of the hand portion and a second end that is configured to extend around the wearer's wrist when the wearer's hand is placed in the hand portion;wherein the wrist wrap includes a slit that extends lengthwise within the wrist wrap.2. The glove of claim 1 , wherein the wrist wrap comprises two strips of material that are positioned side-by-side and connected together at the first and second ends to thereby form the slit.3. The glove of claim 2 , wherein the strips are connected together using at least one connector piece at each of the first and second ends claim 2 , each connector piece overlaying both strips.4. The glove of claim 3 , wherein the at least one connector piece at each of the first and second ends comprises a pair of connector pieces at each of the first and second ends claim 3 , the connector pieces in each pair being secured on opposite sides of the wrist wrap.5. The glove of claim 1 , further comprising:a first securement piece that is positioned at the first end of the wrist wrap; anda second securement piece that is positioned at the second end of the wrist wrap.6. The ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170112200A1

A wearable connector for an electronic textile includes a shell having an upper ring and a lower ring configured to capture the electronic textile therebetween. The shell provides an interior channel at least partially defined by the upper and lower ring. A conductive interface member is received in the interior channel of the shell and is electrically connected to the shell. The conductive interface member has a compressible interface configured to be electrically connected to a conductor of the electronic textile. The conductive interface member is compressed against the conductor by at least one of the upper ring and the lower ring when the lower ring is coupled to the upper ring. 1. A wearable connector for an electronic textile comprising:a shell including an upper ring and a lower ring configured to capture the electronic textile therebetween, the shell providing an interior channel at least partially defined by the upper and lower ring;a terminal extending from and being electrically connected to the shell, the terminal having a mating end for mating with an electrical component; anda conductive interface member received in the interior channel of the shell and being electrically connected to the shell, the conductive interface member having a compressible interface configured to be electrically connected to a conductor of the electronic textile, the conductive interface member being compressed against the conductor by at least one of the upper ring and the lower ring when the lower ring is coupled to the upper ring;wherein the conductive interface member comprises a first conductive segment, a second conductive segment and an insulative segment between the first and second conductive segments, the first conductive segment being electrically connected to the conductor to define a first signal line, the second conductive segment being electrically connected to a second conductor to define a second signal line transmitting different data signals than the first ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190110530A1
Автор: JIN XIN

For people with reduced physical ability such as elderly people, risks of bodily injuries are high. Once an injury occurs, a victim suffers, sometimes a victim even may not survive. To help such people, a device without adding much inconvenience in normal life is disclosed. The device is able to detect dangerous conditions and automatically deploy airbags when needed to prevent or mitigate potential bodily injuries. 1. An airbag device for preventing bodily injury of a user , comprising:at least one inflatable airbag, mounted on the airbag device for absorbing energy when the user is falling and about to hit the floor or an object;at least one airbag inflator, for accepting an igniting signal to inflate the at least one inflatable airbag;at least one image sensor, for taking images in real-time of body segments of the user and objects surrounding the user; and determine a status indicating whether the user is falling based, at last in part, on information extracted from the images,', 'make a decision of airbag inflation based, at least in part, on the determined status of falling, and', 'send, upon positive decision of airbag inflation, an igniting signal to the at least one airbag inflator., 'a controller, coupled with the at least one airbag inflator, and the at least one image sensor, whereby the controller is operable to'}2. The airbag device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further operable to determine at least one of:a relative position and orientation in 3-dimensions of the image sensor, based, at least in part, on the information extracted from the images;a relative direction of gravity based on information extracted from the images;relative positions in 3-dimensions of the body segments of the user, based, at least in part, on information extracted from the images and constraints of connections between the segments;relative positions in 3-dimensions of center of mass of each of the body segments of the user, based, at least in part, on information ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178858A1
Автор: MINOGUE Conor

An electrical system comprising conductive and insulating layers for application to a surface of a garment, the electrical system comprising: a first insulating layer for attaching to a garment; a second insulating layer; and an electrically conductive layer encapsulated between the first insulating layer and the second insulating layer. The first and second insulating layers have a predetermined minimum voltage withstand and a predetermined minimum resistance. 1. An electrical system comprising conductive and insulating layers for application to a surface of a garment , the electrical system comprising:a first insulating layer for attaching to a garment;a second insulating layer; andan electrically conductive layer encapsulated between the first insulating layer and the second insulating layer.2. An electrical system of claim 1 , wherein the first insulating layer has a voltage withstand of at least 200 VAC or greater and the second insulating layer has a voltage withstand of at least 100 VAC or greater.3. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the first insulating layer has a resistance of at least 200 kΩ when measured with a conductive surface of greater than 8000 cm.4. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the second insulating layer has a resistance of at least 200 kΩ when measured with a conductive surface extending over surface of the second insulating layer.5. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the first insulating layer has a thickness of 30 μm or less and a voltage withstand of at least 200 VAC or greater.6. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the first insulating layer has a thickness of 50 μm or less and a voltage withstand of at least 600 VAC or greater.7. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the first insulating layer has a thickness of 100 μm or less and a voltage withstand of at least 1500 VAC or greater.8. An electrical system of claim 2 , wherein the second insulating layer has a thickness of 30 μm or less and a voltage ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Interactive Textiles

Номер: US20170115777A1
Автор: Poupyrev Ivan
Принадлежит: GOOGLE INC.

This document describes interactive textiles. An interactive textile includes a grid of conductive thread woven into the interactive textile to form a capacitive touch sensor that is configured to detect touch-input. The interactive textile can process the touch-input to generate touch data that is useable to control various remote devices. For example, the interactive textiles may aid users in controlling volume on a stereo, pausing a movie playing on a television, or selecting a webpage on a desktop computer. Due to the flexibility of textiles, the interactive textile may be easily integrated within flexible objects, such as clothing, handbags, fabric casings, hats, and so forth. In one or more implementations, the interactive textiles may be integrated within various hard objects, such as by injection molding the interactive textile into a plastic cup, a hard casing of a smart phone, and so forth. 1. A flexible object comprising:an interactive textile integrated within the flexible object, the interactive textile comprising one or more conductive threads woven into the interactive textile; and detect touch-input to the at least one of the conductive threads by detecting a change in capacitance to the conductive thread when an object touches the conductive thread; and', 'process the touch-input to provide touch data usable to control a computing device or an application at the computing device., 'a textile controller coupled to the at least one of the conductive threads, the textile controller configured to2. The flexible object recited in claim 1 , wherein the flexible object is made from a fabric.3. The flexible object as recited in claim 1 , wherein the one or more conductive threads each comprises a conductive wire twisted with a flexible thread.4. The flexible object as recited in claim 3 , wherein the conductive wire comprises a copper wire claim 3 , a gold wire claim 3 , or a silver wire.5. The flexible object as recited in claim 3 , wherein the flexible ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190116665A1

A conductive tape formed by laying a conductive pathway on a tape layer is disclosed. Various apparatus and methods for laying conductive pathways to form conductive tape are disclosed. The conductive pathways may be laid by varying the lateral position of the conductive pathway on the tape substrate. Such patterns all stretchable conductive tape to be realized. Multiple conductive pathways may be laid in the tape and the lateral separation of the pathways in the tape may vary. In some embodiments the pathways are formed from conductive yarn or by printing or laying conductive ink. 1. An apparatus for laying conductive pathways on a tape to form a conductive tape , the apparatus comprising:a pair of surfaces arranged to apply a bonding pressure;a first conductive pathway laying device configured to lay a first conductive pathway on the tape and configured to vary the lateral position of the first conductive pathway as the tape moves through the pair of surfaces.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a second conductive pathway laying device configured to lay a second conductive pathway on the tape and configured to vary the lateral position of the second conductive pathway as the tape moves through the pair of surfaces claim 1 , wherein the first conductive pathway laying device and/or the second conductive pathway laying device are configured to vary a lateral separation between the first conductive pathway and the second conductive pathway.3. An apparatus according to wherein the first conductive pathway laying device comprises a first yarn position controller arranged to control the lateral position of a first conductive yarn on the tape when the bonding pressure is applied.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second conductive pathway laying device comprises a second yarn position controller arranged to control the lateral position of a second conductive yarn on the tape when the bonding pressure is applied.5. An apparatus ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128393A1
Автор: Janda Timothy

An article of clothing and method of assembly. The article of clothing includes a button assembly with an interface having a first edge and a second edge. An outer shell is coupled to the button assembly. The outer shell defines a first opening for receiving the interface and having a border. A frame defines a second opening for receiving the interface and is positioned between the button assembly and the outer shell with the first opening and the second opening being substantially aligned. A portion of the outer shell folds over the frame, and the frame inhibits the border of the outer shell from pulling away from at least one of the first edge and the second edge of the interface.

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127734A1

A structure to absorb, dissipate and measure a force, the structure comprising a plurality of distinct layers includes: a first impact absorbing material having an outer face facing the direction of expected impact and an opposite inner face; an impact dissipating layer adjacent to the inner face of the first impact absorbing material and having a higher flexural rigidity than the first impact absorbing material; a second impact absorbing material having an outer face adjacent to the impact dissipating layer and an opposite inner face, and having a lower hardness than the impact dissipating layer; and a pressure sensor arranged across the inner face of the second impact absorbing material. An impact on the outer face is partially absorbed by that material, dissipated by the impact dissipating layer and further absorbed by the second impact absorbing material, with the remaining transmitted force being sensed by the pressure sensor. 1. A structure to absorb , dissipate and measure a force , the structure comprising a plurality of distinct layers including an impact dissipating layer adjacent to the inner face of the first impact absorbing material and having a higher flexural rigidity than the first impact absorbing material;', 'a second impact absorbing material having an outer face adjacent to the impact dissipating layer and an opposite inner face, and having a lower hardness than the impact dissipating layer; and', 'a pressure sensor arranged across the inner face of the second impact absorbing material, wherein an impact on the outer face of the first impact absorbing material is partially absorbed by that material, dissipated by the impact dissipating layer and further absorbed by the second impact absorbing material, with the remaining transmitted force being sensed by the pressure sensor., 'a first impact absorbing material having an outer face facing the direction of expected impact and an opposite inner face;'}2. A structure according to claim 1 , further ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170127736A1

A wearable garment includes at least one impact absorbing pad with an inner face facing the body of a wearer and an opposite outer face, and a pressure sensor on the side of the pad faced by the inner face of the pad positioned so as to measure the effect at the inner face of an impact on the outer face after a portion of the impact has been absorbed by the pad. 1. A wearable garment comprising at least one impact absorbing pad with an inner face facing the body of a wearer and an opposite outer face , and a pressure sensor on the side of the pad faced by the inner face of the pad positioned so as to measure the effect at the inner face of an impact on the outer face after a portion of the impact has been absorbed by the pad.2. A garment according to claim 1 , wherein the garment further comprises a means to calculate the impact force on the outer face of the impact absorbing pad based on the force measured at the inner face.3. A garment according to claim 2 , wherein the means to calculate the impact force comprises a control system which is programmed with a padding dampening factor relating to the impact absorbing capacity of the material.4. A garment according to claim 1 , further comprising an accelerometer and a gyroscope to measure the changes in velocity (magnitude and direction) due to the impact.5. A garment according to claim 1 , wherein the impact absorbing pad has a dampening factor of greater than 10% claim 1 , preferably greater than 50% and most preferably greater than 85%.6. A garment according to claim 1 , wherein an inner fabric layer is provided covering the inner face of the pressure sensor.7. A garment according to claim 1 , wherein an outer fabric layer is provided covering the outer face of the pad.8. A garment according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure sensor is in the form of a matrix array which is able to detect pressure changes across a substantial portion of the width of the impact absorbing pad.9. A garment according to claim 1 , ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Over-Ear Headphone Secured Hooded Sweatshirt

Номер: US20200120996A1
Автор: WILSON Michelle

Hooded shirts and sweatshirts are worn for many reasons. One of the major reasons for wearing hooded sweatshirts, is for athletic, working out and exercising. Most athletes find the hooded sweatshirts, to be comforting while running, jogging, lifting weights, or other strenuous work outs and exercise. The concept behind working out in a sweatshirt hoodie, is to increase perspiring and sweating. Wearing the hood over the head while working out, allows for more heat to stay within the body, thus promoting an increased body temperature, which then results in an increased metabolism, and finally, resulting in a fat burning mode. Another use of the hoodie sweatshirt, is to shield and protect from weather conditions, such as the cold weather, to which the hood provides warmth, or when it's raining or snowing, the hood prevents the head from getting wet. 1An external, adjustable cloth fastener, at the top center of the hood. This extra layer of securement holds the headphones in place, while performing exercise, weightlifting, jogging, running, even more vigorous activities or more strenuous sports.. Hooded sweatshirt with two rounded openings, one on the left, and one on the right, respectively at the level area of both ears. Surrounding these openings, is flexible garment material, consistency of the hood material, with elastic. The openings allow for secured placement of the OEH's earpads of the left, and the right. The openings permit direct contact of earpads to ears, to provide quality, acoustic sounds of OEHs. In addition, the openings allow for a fashion visibility of the OEHs. My new invention, the pHoody, is specifically, fashionably designed, as an athletic, hooded sweatshirt, that provides securement of the over-the-ear headphones. The hood of the pHoody sweatshirt, is designed with two rounded openings, one on the left, and one on the right, respectively at the level area of both ears. Surrounding these openings, is flexible garment material, consistency of ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161221A1

The present invention relates to a garment () comprising an inflatable protective device (). 1101111. A garment () comprising an inflatable protective device () , the inflatable protective device () comprising:{'b': '12', 'at least one inflatable bag () suitable for moving between a rest condition, wherein it is deflated, and an operating condition, wherein it is inflated;'}{'b': 14', '12, 'an inflator unit () designed for inflating the at least one inflatable bag ();'}{'b': 17', '18, "sensors (, ) designed for monitoring the user's body for shocks or unexpected movements;"}{'b': 19', '17', '18', '14', '17', '18, 'a control unit () designed for processing the data provided by the sensors (, ) and for activating the inflator unit () if, on the basis of the data received by the sensors (, ), a danger situation is identified;'}characterized in that{'b': 10', '22', '24', '11', '22', '19, 'the garment () is provided with a display unit () which comprises an alphanumeric and/or graphical visual display () for providing the user with messages and/or symbols about the internal status of the inflatable protective device (), wherein mode of communication between the display unit () and the control unit () is wireless.'}2102210. Garment () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the display unit () is integrated in an outer surface of the garment ().310223224. Garment () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the display unit () comprises at least one signaling device () designed for supplementing the messages and/or symbols displayed on the alphanumeric and/or graphical visual display ().4102234342214. Garment () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the display unit () comprises a user interface (); by acting on said user interface () the user being able to switch on/off the display unit () and/or to enable/disable the activation of the inflator unit ().5102236242219. Garment () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the display unit () comprises a ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170135417A1
Автор: Lucrecio Armando J.

Embodiments of the disclosure are directed to air pocket sensors and wearable articles including air pocket sensors. According to one embodiment, an air pocket sensor can comprise a sensor enclosure comprising a substantially disc-shaped enclosure base and a substantially disc-shaped enclosure cap of a substantially same size as and joined with the enclosure base. The enclosure cap can comprise a domed portion forming an air pocket within the sensor enclosure. An electronic sensor can be disposed within the air pocket of the sensor enclosure. An electrical conductor can be connected with the electronic sensor and can extend through the sensor enclosure. The electronic sensor can comprise, for example, a pressure sensor, a temperature sensor, a medical sensor, etc. In some cases, the enclosure can be substantially air tight. 1. An air pocket sensor comprising: a substantially disc-shaped enclosure base, and', 'a substantially disc-shaped enclosure cap of a substantially same size as and joined with the enclosure base, the enclosure cap comprising a domed portion forming an air pocket within the sensor enclosure; and, 'a sensor enclosure comprisingan electronic sensor disposed within the air pocket of the sensor enclosure.2. The air pocket sensor of claim 1 , further comprising an electrical conductor connected with the electronic sensor and extending through the sensor enclosure.3. The air pocket sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electronic sensor comprises a pressure sensor.4. The air pocket sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electronic sensor comprises a temperature sensor.5. The air pocket sensor of claim 1 , wherein the electronic sensor comprises a medical sensor.6. The air pocket sensor of claim 1 , wherein the enclosure is substantially air tight.7. A sensor array comprising a plurality of air pocket sensors claim 1 , each air pocket sensor of the sensor array comprising: a substantially disc-shaped enclosure base, and', 'a substantially disc-shaped enclosure cap ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Air Conditioning Clothing

Номер: US20170135419A1
Автор: ICHIGAYA Hiroshi

An air-conditioning clothing is disclosed. The clothing includes a cloth portion covering an upper part and an arm portion of the body and guiding air in a space between the cloth portion and the body or an underwear along a surface of the body or the underwear. An air blower takes in air from outside and forcedly generates a flow of the air in the space. An air discharge is provided on a collar of the cloth portion and discharges the air to the outside. An air-leakage preventer is provided on a lower sleeve edge of the cloth portion and prevents leakage of the air flowing in the space to the outside through the lower sleeve edge. A sheet-shaped air discharger is provided at a predetermined portion in the vicinity of the lower sleeve edge of the cloth portion and discharges the air flowing in the space to the outside. 1. An air-conditioning clothing comprising:a cloth portion covering at least an upper part and an arm portion of a body and guiding air in a space between the cloth portion and the body or an underwear along a surface of the body or the underwear;one or a plurality of air blowing means for taking in air from an outside and for forcedly generating a flow of the air in the space between the cloth portion and the body or the underwear;power supply means for supplying power to the air blowing means;air discharge means for collar provided on a collar of the cloth portion and discharging the air flowing in the space between the cloth portion and the body or the underwear to the outside;air-leakage preventing means for lower sleeve edge provided on a lower sleeve edge of the cloth portion and preventing leakage of the air flowing in the space between the cloth portion and the body or the underwear to the outside through the lower sleeve edge; andsheet-shaped air discharge means for sleeve provided at a predetermined portion in a vicinity of the lower sleeve edge of the cloth portion and discharging the air flowing in the space between the cloth portion and ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180140902A1

An exercise feedback system monitors the performance of athletes wearing a garment with sensors while exercising. The sensors generate physiological data such as muscle activation data, heart rate data, or data describing the athlete's movement. The system extracts features from the physiological data and compares the features with reference exercise data to determine metrics of performance and biofeedback. Based on the physiological data, the system may also modify exercise training programs for the athlete. The exercise feedback system can display the biofeedback using visuals or audio, as well as modified exercise training programs, via the athlete's client device in real time while the athlete is exercising. By reviewing the biofeedback, the athlete may correct the athlete's exercise form to properly use the target muscles for the exercise, or change the certain workouts to personalize the training program. 1. A method comprising:generating an exercise training program for a user including a plurality of exercises based at least in part on user information received from the user;receiving physiological data from a garment worn by the user, the physiological data describing muscle activation of a plurality of muscles of the user while performing an exercise of the plurality of exercises, the garment including a plurality of sensors configured to generate the physiological data;generating metrics of performance of the exercise by the user;modifying the exercise training program based on the generated metrics of performance; andproviding information representative of the modified exercise training program to a client device for display to the user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user information describes an athletic skill that the user wants to improve by performing the plurality of exercises.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user information describes at least one of a sport played by the user claim 1 , demographic information about the user claim 1 , ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160148479A1
Автор: Harris, SR. Darryl G.

A tracking assembly includes a vest worn by a child. A plurality of light emitters is coupled to the vest to make the child visible to a second user. A processor is coupled to the vest. The processor is electrically coupled to the light emitters. A locator is coupled to the vest. The locator is electrically coupled to the processor to communicate a location of the vest to the processor. A transceiver is coupled to the vest. The transceiver is electrically coupled to the processor. The transceiver is in communication with an external electronic device to notify a second user of the location of the child. 1. A tracking assembly comprising:a vest configured to be worn by a child;a plurality of light emitters coupled to said vest such that said light emitters are configured to make the child visible to a second user;a processor coupled to said vest, said processor being electrically coupled to said light emitters;a locator coupled to said vest, said locator being electrically coupled to said processor wherein said locator communicates a location of said vest to said processor; anda transceiver coupled to said vest, said transceiver being electrically coupled to said processor, said transceiver being in communication with an external electronic device wherein the second user is notified of the location of the child.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said vest being structured to have a front section extending forwardly from a back section to define a pair of shoulders and a pair of arm holes in said vest claim 1 , said light emitters being coupled to an outer surface of each of said front section and said back section.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said light emitters comprising a first set of light emitters claim 2 , a second set of light emitters and a third set of said light emitters claim 2 , said first set of light emitters being distributed along each of said pair of shoulders claim 2 , said second set of light emitters being distributed ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220287386A1
Автор: Figueroa Manuel
Принадлежит: World Emblem International, Inc.

A method utilizing a tag with embedded RF-enabled chip that includes steps of providing an apparel body of a cloth material or a body of a non-apparel tangible item such as, without limitation, mug, bottle, box, hat, or any other widely available retail product, a RF tag layup with a first tag layer of a polymeric adhesive material directly coupled to the apparel body or body and a second tag layer directly coupled to the first tag layer to encapsulate and define a chip cavity with an electronic chip disposed therein and having a non-transitory memory storage operably configured to store digital data thereon and a data transmitter operably configured to wirelessly transfer the stored digital data through an electronic communication protocol and using radio waves, and a data reader operably configured to receive the digital data stored on the non-transitory memory storage of the electronic chip. Then, the process includes storing digital data and utilizing the data reader to receive the digital data from the non-transitory memory storage of the electronic chip. 1. A method utilizing a tag with embedded RF-enabled chip comprising the steps of:providing an apparel body of a cloth material, having at least one clothing layer enclosing a limb cavity and having an inner surface and an outer surface opposing the inner surface;providing a RF tag layup with a first tag layer of a polymeric adhesive material directly coupled to the apparel body and a second tag layer directly coupled to the first tag layer to encapsulate and define, in a watertight configuration, a chip cavity with an electronic chip disposed therein and having a non-transitory memory storage operably configured to store digital data thereon and a data transmitter operably configured to wirelessly transfer the stored digital data through an electronic communication protocol and using radio waves;providing a data reader operably configured to receive the digital data stored on the non-transitory memory storage ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Garment Pump

Номер: US20220287387A1

An active deformable semi-rigid element is combined with a garment and power source to create a pumping action to create a cooling flow of air across a wearer's body. 1. A garment , comprising:a first active deformable semi-rigid element extended between at least a first node and a second node coupled to a garment; anda power source functionally coupled to the active deformable semi-rigid element; wherein the functional coupled power source causes manipulation of the garment.2. The garment in whereinthe functionally coupled power source includes a controller, the controller controlled by a software program to deliver power to the active deformable semi-rigid element.3. The garment in whereinthe controller is functionally coupled to a battery source, the controller delivers power to the first node through a wire conductor.4. The garment in whereina current return path from active deformable semi-rigid element to the power source is provided by a conductor selected from a wire conductor and a floating ground comprised of a conductive garment material.5. The garment in whereinthe active deformable semi-rigid element changes dimensions based on the delivered power to the element.6. The garment in whereinthe active deformable semi-rigid element has wirelike properties.7. The garment in whereinthe first active deformable semi-rigid element comprises a nickel titanium alloy wire.8. The garment in wherein claim 2 ,a second deformable semi-rigid element extended between a third node and a fourth node on the garment surface and the controller functionally coupled to the semi-rigid element, the controller manipulates both the first and second deformable semi-rigid elements.9. The garment in wherein claim 8 ,the controller program to manipulate the first and second deformable semi-rigid elements applies a pulse width modulated current to the wire.10. The garment in wherein claim 9 ,the controller simultaneously manipulates the first and second deformable semi-rigid elements in ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146561A1

One embodiment provides a method, including: receiving, at electronic device, data from a wearable device; detecting that the received data relate to a sensor event of at least one sensor of the electronic device, the sensor event being generated and operable to effect an operation of the electronic device via an operating system of the electronic device; and effecting the operation of the electronic device based on the sensor event via the operating system. Other aspects are described and claimed. 1. A method , comprising:receiving, at an electronic device, data from a wearable device;detecting that the received data relate to a sensor event of at least one sensor of the electronic device, the sensor event being generated and operable to effect an operation of the electronic device via an operating system of the electronic device; andeffecting the operation of the electronic device based on the sensor event via the operating system.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when an application in the electronic device is an application running at top level claim 1 , the method further comprises:responding, by the application, to the generated sensor event, wherein the application is different from the operating system.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic device runs a service and analyzes motion data through the service;the analyzing of the motion data through the service further comprises:parsing motion displacement data from motion data, wherein the motion displacement data is motion trajectory data of a user collected by the wearable device;acquiring, according to a first preset relationship, the sensor event corresponding to the motion displacement data.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:analyzing the data, determining one or more corresponding sensors in the electronic device, and generating sensor events corresponding to the one or more sensors respectively.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising: ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Sonic exfoliating glove

Номер: US20200138128A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sonic exfoliating glove includes a glove shaped member having a hand receiving portion with a hand receiving opening therein, four finger receiving portions, and a thumb receiving portion, the glove shaped member defining a palm surface overlying a palm and finger and thumb pads of a hand inserted therein. Five of six exfoliating pads are fixedly attached to the four finger receiving portions and the thumb receiving portion, one each, generally overlying the finger and thumb pads of the respective finger or thumb. A sixth exfoliating element is fixedly attached to the glove shaped member, so as to overly a central portion of the palm. At least one vibrating motor is attached to the glove shaped member and six connecting rods are each connected at one end to the at least one vibrating motor and at another end to the six exfoliating pads or elements, one each.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153231A1

Functional clothing containing an outer skin and an inner skin is provided. The outer skin is formed to be normal outdoor clothing and has a light emitting part attached thereto. The inner skin has an organic solar cell, an electric wire and a battery, and produces and stores electricity by the organic solar cell. The electricity is utilized for various uses such as allowing the light emitting part to emit light or charging a mobile phone outdoors. The electric wire is formed with a silver nanowire in order to increase wear sensation and prevent electric wire short circuiting and is formed in a zigzag pattern in a state in which the fabric is stretched. The clothing is also provided with a temperature sensor, which is useful to locate its wearer by allowing the light emitting part to emit light during an accident. 1. An article of functional clothing comprising:an outer garment provided with a light-emitting unit, the light-emitting unit being detachable from the outer garment; andan inner garment detachably coupled to the outer garment, the inner garment being provided with an organic solar cell and having a wire formed thereat.2. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the wire is formed of one selected from among silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , carbon black claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , and metal oxide.3. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the wire is embodied as a fabric strap coated with one selected from among silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , carbon black claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , and metal oxide.4. The article according to claim 1 , wherein electromagnetic-wave-shielding cloth is placed over the wire and is sewn.5. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the outer garment and the inner garment are electrically connected to each other by connectors.6. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the inner garment is further provided with a gyro sensor claim 1 , the gyro sensor sensing inclination of a user's ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Wearable Metal Detection System

Номер: US20180153235A1
Автор: Jensen Jesse

A wearable metal detection system. The system includes a glove including a metal detection circuit disposed therein including a power supply, a first speaker, and a wireless transceiver each operably connected to a sensor configured to detect the presence of metal. The system further includes an earpiece including a power supply, a wireless transceiver, and a second speaker. A switch disposed on the glove allows a user to select between the first and second speakers. When the first speaker is selected, the first speaker emits an audible alert upon the sensor detecting metal. When the second speaker is selected, a detection signal is transmitted to the earpiece when the sensor detects a metallic object, and the second speaker then emits an audible alert. The glove may further include an inner lining, an outer layer, and a puncture-proof layer for protecting the wearer from puncture wounds while searching for metallic objects. 1) A wearable metal detection system , comprising:a glove comprising a hand portion including a rear side and a palm side, a wrist portion, and a plurality of finger portions, the glove configured to receive a hand of a user therein;a metal detection circuit disposed within the glove, the metal detection circuit comprising a first power supply and a first wireless transceiver each operably connected to a sensor configured to detect the presence of metal;a first speaker disposed within the glove, the first speaker operably connected to the first power supply;an earpiece comprising a second power supply, a second wireless transceiver, and a second speaker, the earpiece configured to be removably securable to an ear of the user;a selector switch moveable between a first position and a second position, the selector switch configured to select between the first speaker and the second speaker;wherein the first speaker is configured to emit an audible alert when the sensor detects a threshold amount of metal and the selector switch is in the first ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153464A1

A method, system and computer program product for assisting the user to wear an appropriate amount of clothing layers. A smart device (e.g., smartwatch) receives measurements of temperature and humidity sensed at various locations on a human body which are sources of sweat. In response to the measured temperature or humidity being above the first threshold (indication that the user will start to feel overheated) or below the second threshold (indication that the user will start to feel cold), the smart device generates a notification to the user to adjust the clothing layers (e.g., remove a clothing layer). Alternatively, the smart device may receive measurements of a pH level of the user's sweat. The smart device generates a notification to the user to stop exercising and to drink water in response to the received measurement being below a threshold (indication that the user is approaching dehydration). 17-. (canceled)8. A smart device , comprising:a memory unit for storing a computer program for assisting a user to wear an appropriate amount of clothing layers; and receiving measurements of temperature and humidity sensed at various locations on a human body which are sources of sweat;', 'determining whether said measured temperature or said measured humidity is above a first threshold or is below a second threshold; and', 'generating a notification to said user on said smart device indicating to adjust clothing layers in response to said measured temperature or said measured humidity being above said first threshold or below said second threshold., 'a processor coupled to the memory unit, wherein the processor is configured to execute the program instructions of the computer program comprising9. The smart device as recited in claim 8 , wherein said adjusting clothing layers is selected from the group consisting of: adding a clothing layer claim 8 , removing a clothing layer claim 8 , zipping a clothing layer and unzipping a clothing layer.10. The smart device as ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153465A1

A method, system and computer program product for assisting the user to wear an appropriate amount of clothing layers. A smart device (e.g., smartwatch) receives measurements of temperature and humidity sensed at various locations on a human body which are sources of sweat. In response to the measured temperature or humidity being above the first threshold (indication that the user will start to feel overheated) or below the second threshold (indication that the user will start to feel cold), the smart device generates a notification to the user to adjust the clothing layers (e.g., remove a clothing layer). Alternatively, the smart device may receive measurements of a pH level of the user's sweat. The smart device generates a notification to the user to stop exercising and to drink water in response to the received measurement being below a threshold (indication that the user is approaching dehydration). 1. A method for assisting a user to wear an appropriate amount of clothing layers , the method comprising:receiving measurements of temperature and humidity sensed at various locations on a human body which are sources of sweat;determining whether said measured temperature or said measured humidity is above a first threshold or is below a second threshold; andgenerating, by a processor, a notification to said user on a smart device indicating to adjust clothing layers in response to said measured temperature or said measured humidity being above said first threshold or below said second threshold.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said adjusting clothing layers is selected from the group consisting of: adding a clothing layer claim 1 , removing a clothing layer claim 1 , zipping a clothing layer and unzipping a clothing layer.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein said smart device is selected from the group consisting of: a smartphone claim 1 , a phablet claim 1 , a tablet claim 1 , a smartwatch claim 1 , a smart band claim 1 , smart glasses and a ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151713A1

An athletic garment includes sensors at different locations of the garment. The sensors are electrically coupled to a processing unit and/or a power source via one or more conduits that are printed onto the garment. The conduits are designed for improved flexibility to accommodate stretching in the garment that occurs as a user wearing the garment performs an exercise and for improved durability to resist corrosion due to friction, sweat, or washing of the garment. In one embodiment, the conduits are designed for decreased stress concentrations at seams of the garment. In one embodiment, the conduits are designed to create a conductive pathway between different surfaces of the garment to electrically couple sensors on a first side (skin side) of the garment and a processing unit and/or a power source on a second side (outer side) of the garment. 1. A garment comprising:a first garment segment comprising a first edge;a second garment segment comprising a second edge and coupled to the first garment segment, forming a seam along the first edge and the second edge;a buffer material coupled to a surface of the first garment segment and the second garment segment such that the buffer material overlaps the seam; andan electrical conduit coupled to the surface of the first garment segment and the second garment segment such that a portion of the electrical conduit overlaps the buffer material and the seam.2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the buffer material is configured to minimize a change in height caused by a protrusion of the seam from the first garment segment and the second garment segment.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the buffer material comprises a material configured to create a uniform surface area across the seam.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the buffer material is configured to disperse forces exerted on the seam caused by stretching of the garment when worn by a user.5. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the buffer material is oriented parallel ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Electrical Components Attached to Fabric

Номер: US20210185808A1

An item may include fabric having insulating and conductive yarns or other strands of material. The conductive strands may form signal paths. Electrical components can be mounted to the fabric. Each electrical component may have an electrical device such as a semiconductor die that is mounted on an interposer substrate. The interposer may have contacts that are soldered to the conductive strands. A protective cover may encapsulate portions of the electrical component. To create a robust connection between the electrical component and the fabric, the conductive strands may be threaded through recesses in the electrical component. The recesses may be formed in the interposer or may be formed in a protective cover on the interposer. Conductive material in the recess may be used to electrically and/or mechanically connect the conductive strand to a bond pad in the recess. Thermoplastic material may be used to seal the solder joint. 1. An item , comprising:fabric comprising first and second strands with conductive segments;an electrical component having a surface with first and second grooves; andconductive material in the first and second grooves that electrically couples the electrical component to the conductive segments of the first and second strands.2. The item defined in wherein the fabric comprises a pocket and wherein the electrical component is located in the pocket.3. The item defined in wherein the electrical component comprises a protective structure that encapsulates the conductive segments of the first and second strands.4. The item defined in wherein the protective structure comprises thermoplastic material.5. The item defined in wherein the protective structure is transparent.6. The item defined in wherein the electrical component emits light through the protective structure.7. The item defined in wherein the electrical component comprises a light-emitting diode.8. The item defined in wherein the first and second grooves are located in the protective ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Teaching and Aiding Interactive Apparel

Номер: US20160165965A1

The demand for earlier independence among children, greater functional independence by the disabled, confident living by the adult aloof, and longer independent living by the elderly is increasing among individuals, family members, and society. Proper apparel use is a key part of independent living. Interactive apparel incorporates static and dynamic Indicators, Manipulators, and devices integrated within or positioned in, on, or about apparel to teach and aid wearers in initiating and maintaining proper apparel function and fashion. Disclosed is interactive apparel to teach and aid proper use without undue situational and apparel knowledge, without undue physical demands, and without undue secondary action. 1. Apparel comprising:one or more devices for teaching and aiding apparel use; andsaid devices configured and used singly or in multiples.2. Said device in comprising:one or more stimulus inputs for detecting condition of apparel use; andone or more stimulus outputs for teaching and aiding of apparel use.3. Said device in comprising:one or more stimulus inputs and stimulus outputs are in separate devices; andone or more stimulus inputs and stimulus outputs are fully or partially combined devices.4. Said stimulus inputs and stimulus outputs in comprising:electronic circuitry, transmitters, emitters, receivers, detectors, input interfaces, output interfaces and said Indicators, and associated components;assembled for receiving one or more stimulus inputs; andassembled for delivering one or more stimulus outputs.5. Apparel comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'one or more said separate devices or combined devices in integrated into said apparel.'}6. Apparel comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'one or more said separate devices or combined devices in removable and insertable with said apparel.'}7. Apparel comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00004', 'claim 4'}, 'one or more said separate devices or combined ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160166896A1

A shirt for improving a swinging motion of a user wearing the shirt includes front and rear panels each having corresponding top, bottom and generally opposing side edges, wherein the front and rear panels are adjoined to each other by the top and side edges, defining an interior space of the shirt. The front and rear panels include sleeve cutouts formed on each side edge adjacent the top edge, and a neck cutout formed on the top edges of the front and rear panels. At least one tubular sleeve is permanently joined to the front and rear panels of at least one of the sleeve cutouts, the tubular sleeve defining an inside area, the inside area being fluidly connected to the interior space of the shirt. A member is substantially adjacent to the sleeve cutout and the side edges of both the front and rear panels. 1. A shirt for improving a swinging motion of a user wearing the shirt , the shirt comprising:front and rear panels each having corresponding top, bottom and generally opposing side edges, wherein the front and rear panels are adjoined to each other by the top and side edges, defining an interior space of the shirt;said front and rear panels including sleeve cutouts formed on each side edge adjacent the top edge, and a neck cutout formed on the top edges of the front and rear panels;at least one tubular sleeve permanently joined to the front and rear panels of at least one of the sleeve cutouts, the tubular sleeve defining an inside area, the inside area being fluidly connected to the interior space of the shirt;a member substantially adjacent to the sleeve cutout and the side edges of both the front and rear panels, wherein the member is removably attached or permanently attached to the shirt; andthe member further comprising a processor, a network access device and at least one sensor, wherein the processor is in communication with the network access device and the at least one sensor, the processor being configured to determine at least on characteristic of the ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180166006A1

A messaging apparatus for wearable items. The messaging apparatus may comprise a light source, at least one sensor to detect an event, and a controller to control the flashing of the light source in response to the detection of the event. The controlling of the flashing of the light source may generate at least one visible element that is visible to a viewer. Further, the light source may not be adapted in the form of the at least one visible element, but rather, the controlled flashing of the light source may be in the form of the at least one visible element. 1. A messaging apparatus , comprising:a light source, wherein the light source is adapted to perform a flash operation;at least one sensor adapted to detect an event; anda controller adapted to control the flash operation of the light source in response to the detection of the event, wherein the controlled flash operation of the light source forms at least one visible element that is visible to a viewer, and wherein the light source is not adapted in a shape of the at least one visible element.2. The messaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes.3. The messaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the light source has a length in one dimension in a range of approximately 1 cm to 5 cm.4. The messaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further adapted to initiate control of the flash operation of the light source when a threshold velocity condition is satisfied.5. The messaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further adapted to initiate control of the flash operation of the light source when a threshold acceleration condition is satisfied.6. The messaging apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the threshold acceleration condition corresponds to a threshold value is in a range between 1 g to 5 g.7. The messaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is further adapted to determine a direction of a motion of the ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Variable Modulus Body Brace And Body Brace System

Номер: US20160174630A1
Принадлежит: SoftArmour LLC

A brace for a part of a body includes a first conductive fiber associated with a first polarity, and a second conductive fiber associated with a second polarity different from the first polarity. The second fiber is woven together with the first fiber and insulated from the first fiber. The brace also includes a selectively electrically activated cross-linking agent between the first and second fibers. The agent is constructed to cross-link in a first active mode when the first and second fibers are electrified and is constructed to not cross-link in a second inactive mode when the first and second fibers are not electrified. The brace surrounds a body part, such as a knee or neck. The agent can include an ER fluid and/or EAP. A brace system includes a selectively electrically activated brace for the part of the body. 1. A brace for at least a part of a body comprising:a first conductive strip comprised of a first plurality of conductors and a first selectively electrically activated agent between the first plurality of conductors, wherein the first agent is constructed to alter the modulus of the first strip in an active mode when the first plurality of conductors are electrified and is constructed to not alter the modulus of the first strip in an inactive mode when the first plurality of conductors are not electrified; anda second conductive strip comprised of a second plurality of conductors and a second selectively electrically activated agent between the second plurality of conductors, wherein the second agent is constructed to alter the modulus of the second strip in an active mode when the second plurality of conductors are electrified and is constructed to not alter the modulus of the second strip in an inactive mode when the second plurality of conductors are not electrified;wherein the first strip is woven together with the second strip, andwherein the first and second strips are electrically insulated from each other.2. The brace according to claim 1 , ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Item of Clothing Comprising an Electrical Load and a Sensor

Номер: US20170172221A1

An item of clothing includes an electrical load that consumes more electrical energy in a first operating mode than in a second operating mode, a sensor, and a controller. The sensor is configured to identify whether the item of clothing is being worn. The controller is configured to switch the electrical load to the second operating mode when the item of clothing is not being worn. 1. An item of clothing comprising:an electrical load having a first operating mode and a second operating mode, the electrical load configured to consume more electrical energy in the first operating mode than in the second operating mode;a sensor configured to identify if the item of clothing is being worn, and if the item of clothing is not being worn; anda controller configured to switch the electrical load to the second operating mode when the sensor identifies that the item of clothing is not being worn.2. The item of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical load includes an apparatus configured to change a temperature within the item of clothing.3. The item of clothing according to claim 2 , wherein the apparatus includes at least one of a heating element claim 2 , a cooling element claim 2 , and a fan.4. The item of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical load includes an apparatus configured to convert electrical energy into light.5. The item of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical load includes an acoustic signal transmitter.6. The item of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes an acceleration sensor integrated into the item of clothing and configured to identify claim 1 , based on movements of the item of clothing claim 1 , if the item of clothing is being worn and if the item of clothing is not being worn.7. The item of clothing according to claim 1 , wherein the item of clothing further comprises a closure element and the sensor is integrated into the closure element.8. The item of clothing according to claim ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160181729A1

Embodiments are generally directed to a snap button fastener providing electrical connection. An embodiment of a fastener includes a first mechanical part, the first mechanical part including at least a stud portion, the first mechanical part including a first electrical connector; a second mechanical part, the second mechanical part including at least a socket portion with a spring element and the socket portion, the second mechanical part including a second electrical connector. The stud portion of the first mechanical part and the socket portion of second mechanical part, if separated, are to interlock upon the application of a first force towards each other, and, if interlocked, to separate upon the application of a second force away from each other. The first electrical connector and the second electrical connector are to be electrically connected when the first mechanical part and the mechanical part are interlocked, and first electrical connector and the second electrical connector are to be disconnected when the first mechanical part and second mechanical part are separated. 1. A fastener comprising:a first mechanical part, the first mechanical part including at least a stud portion and a separate first electrical connector, wherein the first electrical connector is located at least in part within the stud portion and is insulated from the stud portion, the first electrical connector being one of an electrical pin or an electrical receptacle;a second mechanical part, the second mechanical part including at least a socket portion, the socket portion having a spring element, and a separate second electrical connector, wherein the second electrical connector is located at least in part within the socket portion and is insulated from the socket portion, the second electrical connector being the other of an electrical pin or an electrical receptacle;wherein the stud portion of the first mechanical part and the socket portion of second mechanical part, if ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190172327A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Aspects of the subject disclosure may include, for example, a garment that includes a receiver, configured to receive at least one coded command from a notification generator, and at least one haptic feedback generator that delivers haptic feedback to a user while wearing the garment during a transit, corresponding to the at least one coded command, where the notification generator is configured to determine a notification to be sent to the user in response to at least one event of interest determined by an input analyzer, and to generate the at least one coded command that indicates the notification, and where the input analyzer is configured to analyze input data corresponding to the transit of the user of the garment to identify the at least one event of interest, occurring during the transit of the user. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A garment comprising:a receiver, configured to receive a plurality of coded commands from a notification generator that is separate from the garment;at least one haptic feedback generator that delivers haptic feedback to a user while wearing the garment during travel by the user; andat least one sensor that registers a motion made by the user;wherein an input analyzer is configured to analyze input data corresponding to of the user of the garment to identify at least one event of interest, occurring during the travel of the user;wherein the notification generator is configured to determine a first notification to be sent to the user in response to the at least one event of interest determined by the input analyzer, and wherein the haptic feedback to the user includes first haptic feedback that indicates the first notification;wherein the motion registered by the at least one sensor comprises at least one gesture made by the user while wearing the garment, for wireless transmission to the notification generator, wherein the motion corresponds to one of a plurality of requests; andwherein the notification generator is further ...
