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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2414842C2
Принадлежит: БРАУН ГмбХ (DE)

Описывается удерживаемая в руке электрическая мешалка или миксер, например ручная мутовка (1). Ручная мешалка содержит электромотор, расположенный в корпусе (2) и служащий для выборочного приведения в действие разных рабочих органов, таких как размешивающий или месильный крюки (10) либо стержень для приготовления пюре (11). Ручная мешалка (1) имеет элемент управления (6) для выключения или включения переключателя (12), для включения или выключения электромотора (7). Переключатель (12) выполнен с возможностью работы в кратковременном режиме или в продолжительном режиме, что зависит от типа соответствующего присоединенного рабочего органа (10, 11). Кроме того, предусмотрено фиксирующее средство (13) элемента управления (6), которое в зависимости от типа присоединенного рабочего органа либо находится в зацеплении с ответным фиксирующим средством (14), либо нет. 20 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

27-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2585540C2
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А. (FR)

Изобретение относится к укупорочной крышке для рабочей емкости миксера, предназначенного для приготовления пищи, содержащей прозрачную часть, выполненную из пластического материала, относящегося к группе сложных сополиэфиров. Предложенная крышка имеет жесткий каркас, выполненный из пластического материала, характеризующегося более высокой теплостойкостью при температурах выше 100°С по сравнению с указанным пластическим материалом, используемым для прозрачной части. Благодаря указанным отличиям обеспечивается отсутствие деформации крышки при значительном повышении температуры пищевых продуктов, находящихся в рабочей емкости. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573805C2
Автор: ТАЙ Кхон (AU)

Сменный узел с лезвиями для использования с кувшином, имеющим центральное горлышко, включающий в себя: одно или более лезвий; элемент в виде вставки, имеющий периферийный кольцевой фланец; уплотнительный элемент, расположенный ниже кольцевого фланца; соединительный компонент для введения в зацепление с взаимодействующим соединительным компонентом на основании измельчителя, при этом соединительный компонент присоединяется к одному или более лезвий с помощью узла вращаемого вала; и запирающий элемент для удерживания элемента в виде вставки с уплотнительным элементом, обеспечивающим герметичный контакт с кувшином, таким образом обеспечивая герметичную компоновку между сменным узлом с лезвиями и кувшином. 16 з.п. ф-лы, 17 ил.

14-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746511C2

Изобретение относится к держателю датчика и, конкретнее, к опорному узлу температурного датчика. Опорный узел (127) датчика вмещает корпус (100) датчика, имеющий верхнюю поверхность (126), вступающую в контакт с изделием, температура которого измеряется. Опорный узел (127) датчика содержит диафрагму, имеющую дисковую часть (119) и ножку (128), вмещающую корпус (100) датчика. При перемещении под действием дисковой части (119) верхняя поверхность (126) корпуса датчика имеет возможность адаптироваться к наклону и положению поверхности (111). Пружина (101) побуждает корпус (100) датчика взаимодействовать с поверхностью (111). Изобретение обеспечивает компенсацию перемещения датчика относительно поверхности, с которой контактирует датчик. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

03-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632278C2

Изобретение относится к чаше (101) для блендера (102) со стержнем (103) блендера, оборудованным вращающимся стержнем (201), соединенным с ножом (202), закрытым кожухом (203). Чаша (101) для блендера (102) имеет стержень (103) блендера, оборудованный вращающимся стержнем (201), соединенным с ножом (202), закрытым кожухом (203). Чаша содержит нижнюю поверхность (104), боковую стенку (105), проходящую наверх вдоль вертикальной оси (А1) от упомянутой нижней поверхности. Боковая стенка (105) образует отверстие (106) в ее верхней части для размещения упомянутого стержня (103) блендера. Нижняя поверхность (104) образована как часть (Р1) поверхности (S1), сформированной путем такого параллельного перемещения двухмерного непрямого шаблона (NFP) вдоль оси (А2), перпендикулярной упомянутой вертикальной оси (А1), чтобы всегда формировать промежуток между нижней поверхностью (104) чаши (101) и кожухом (203) стержня (103) блендера во время смешивания. Двухмерный непрямой шаблон (NFP) является частью ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2402971C1

Устройство относится к бытовой технике и может быть использовано в домашних и производственных условиях для переработки пищевых продуктов. Конструкция данной мясорубки позволяет увеличить ее производительность и КПД. Мясорубка содержит корпус, шнек, решетку с отверстиями, нож и накидную гайку. Отношение напорной площади решетки к суммарной площади отверстий равно 1,618. Нож выполнен с криволинейной режущей кромкой, профиль которой определен уравнением ! ! в полярной системе координат, где ! ρ - текущее значение радиус-вектора, характеризующее расстояние от оси вращения до любой точки на режущей кромке; ! R0 - расстояние от оси вращения до внешней кромки решетки; ! r0 - расстояние от оси вращения до внутренней кромки решетки; ! π - 3,14, отношение длины окружности к диаметру; ! φ - угол поворота радиус-вектора. 3 ил.

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2241365C1

Изобретение относится к устройству для получения однородных консистенций или к смесителю для напитков с обеспечением облегчения перемешивания содержимого в смесителе и раздачи или удаления содержимого из смесителя. Смеситель для напитков, устройство для получения однородных консистенций или аналогичное устройство содержит емкость со смесительным узлом, установленную на основании, с электродвигателем. Крышка выполнена с возможностью установки на емкость, и на ней с возможностью вращения размещен рычаг для помешивания, который проходит через отверстие в крышке. Рычаг для помешивания имеет шарообразную часть для установки с возможностью вращения поверх отверстия крышки и для взаимодействия с крышкой для закрывания отверстия для обеспечения возможности шарообразной части поворачиваться в отверстии. Горловина может быть соединена с емкостью для раздачи содержимого и может совмещаться с центрирующим углублением в основании. Стенка с наклонной верхней поверхностью может быть расположена смежно ...

27-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU20224U1

Смесительная установка, содержащая основание, стойку, крышку, смесительный узел, включающий электродвигатель, крыльчатку и отбойное кольцо, закрепленные на валу электродвигателя, стакан, приспособление для удержания стакана и узел обеспечения безопасной работы, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит два смесительных узла, вторую стойку, примыкающую к основанию и крышке, причем смесительные узлы закреплены на основании, приспособление для удержания стакана включает выступы, выполненные в держателе, и кольцевой паз, выполненный в верхней части стакана, а узел безопасной работы включает пружину и переключатель.

27-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU45606U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для приготовления продуктов в домашних условиях, например фарша из мяса, рыбы, грибов и т.д. Электропривод устройства для измельчения продуктов, состоит из электродвигателя, редуктора с колесами, выполненными из неметаллического материала, и защитного элемента. Новизна заключается в том, что электропривод дополнительно снабжен ременной передачей, малый шкив которой закреплен на валу электродвигателя, а большой шкив ременной передачи закреплен на валу первой ступени редуктора. Защитный элемент электропривода выполнен в виде токового реле. Для повышения безопасности эксплуатации применяется токовое реле с принудительным возвратом в исходное состояние. Для повышения к.п.д. ременной передачи в зависимости от мощности электропривода используется клиновой или поликлиновой, или зубчатый ремень. Технический результат от использования в изделии заявляемой полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности, удобства и степени безопасности в процессе эксплуатации ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU145448U1

... 1. Смесительная чаша (1) для использования с кухонным комбайном с электроприводом, при этом смесительная чаша (1) содержит:- стенку чаши, включающую в себя цилиндрическую верхнюю секцию (2),- нижнюю секцию (3) в виде усеченного конуса и соединение (14) между цилиндрической верхней секцией (2) и нижней секцией (3) в виде усеченного конуса, при этом цилиндрическая верхняя секция (2) имеет продольную ось, расположенную в основном по центру в цилиндрической верхней секции, верхнее отверстие (5), образующее верхний конец стенки чаши, причем нижняя секция (3) в виде усеченного конуса сужена от соединения (14) по направлению к нижнему круглому отверстию (7), образующему нижний конец стенки чаши, притом нижнее круглое отверстие (7) меньше верхнего отверстия (5), при этом два отверстия (5,7) являются эксцентриковыми,- суженную кверху конструкцию (20) основания для закрывания с возможностью открывания нижнего круглого отверстия (7), при этом конструкция (20) основания имеет вертикальный вращательный ...

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020858C1

Использование: для взбивания жиросодержащих смесей в пищевой промышленности и быту. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что в миксере, содержащем сосуд и мешалку, рабочая поверхность мешалки покрыта слоем серебра.

10-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2045219C1

Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит корпус, расположенные в нем лопасти с направляющими кромками в виде отгибов лопастей и нож, размещенный между лопастями. Направляющая кромка верхней лопасти отогнута под углом атаки, обращенным к дну корпуса, а направляющая кромка нижней лопасти отогнута под углом атаки, обращенным от дна корпуса. 5 ил.

27-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2060721C1

Использование: производство бытовой техники. Сущность изобретения: шинковка, содержащая нож, вал с рукояткой для вращения и толкатель, дополнительно снабжена кулачковыми шайбами и спиральными пружинами. Нож выполнен в виде держателя с лезвием, шайбы установлены на валу с возможностью взаимодействия с держателем, а пружина установлена с возможностью взаимодействия с толкателем. 2 ил.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218856C1

Изобретение относится к средствам обработки пищевых продуктов и обеспечивает облегчение в пользовании. В кухонной машине или кухонном приборе для обработки пищевых продуктов в приемном сосуде обрабатываемого продукта размещается с возможностью выемки тарелкообразный лоток, проходящий краем до внутренней стенки сосуда и плотно охватывающий приводную ось или валик для инструмента. Приводная ось или валик инструмента жестко соединены с тарелкообразным лотком. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92016041A

Устройство относится к области кухонного оборудования, в частности к машинам для домашнего пользования с механическим приводом для измельчения пищевых продуктов, и может использоваться в устройствах для массовой переработки собранных плодов и овощей, предназначенных для потребления человеком. Устройство для измельчения пищевых продуктов включает корпус с верхним загрузочным и боковым разгрузочным отверстиями, внутри которого горизонтально расположен барабан, режущее приспособление, расположенное на поверхности барабана, установленный внутри барабана инерционный механизм, состоящий из цилиндра и примыкающего к нему конуса с вершиной, обращенной в сторону разгрузочного отверстия, толкатель и привод. Внутренний объем барабана радиально от центра к периферии разделен на равные секции продольными перегородками, при этом в каждой секции расположено одно режущее приспособление, которое выполнено сменным и представляет собой набор ножей, установленных рядами по образующим барабана под углами к ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015112101A

... 1. Чаша (101) для блендера (102), имеющего стержень (103) блендера, оборудованный вращающимся стержнем (201), соединенным с ножом (202), закрытым кожухом (203), причем упомянутая чаша содержит нижнюю поверхность (104), боковую стенку (105), проходящую наверх вдоль вертикальной оси (A1) от упомянутой нижней поверхности, причем упомянутая боковая стенка (105) образует отверстие (106) в ее верхней части для размещения упомянутого стержня (103) блендера, при этом упомянутая нижняя поверхность (104) образована как часть (P1) поверхности (S1), сформированной путем такого параллельного перемещения двухмерного непрямого шаблона (NFP) вдоль оси (A2), перпендикулярной упомянутой вертикальной оси (A1), чтобы всегда формировать промежуток между нижней поверхностью (104) чаши (101) и кожухом (203) стержня (103) блендера во время смешивания.2. Чаша по пп. 1, в которой упомянутый двухмерный непрямой шаблон (NFP) содержит изгиб, проходящий вниз в направлении, противоположном упомянутой вертикальной оси ...

27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97102625A

... 1. Овощерезка, содержащая станину, бункер, двигатель, ротор, шкивы, ножи вертикальные и горизонтальные, дозатор, эвольвентную обойму, отличающаяся тем, что с целью повышения производительности, на валу с выдвигающимися в эвольвентной обойме лопатками установлен ротор. 2. Овощерезка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что для включения секатора на отсекание дозы овощей, поступившей в выходную трубку, тросик, присоединенный к держателю, проложен через ролик и присоединен к низу водила. 3. Овощерезка по пп. 1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что для передачи вращения на кольцеобразный шкив с изменяющим по высоте устройством сквозь пластину посредством подшипников установлена шлицевая трубка на шлицевом валу.

20-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94018879A
Автор: Захаров В.В.

Изобретение относится к области переработки изделий из теста и может быть использовано в кулинарии при производстве полуфабрикатов рожков, спагетти и макарон. Целью изобретения является уменьшение габаритов приставки и упрощение ее установки в бытовую мясорубку. Приставка содержит решетку с профилирующими отверстиями, в которых размещены концы формообразующих стержней. В решетке со стороны входной части профилирующих отверстий выполнена выемка, в которой размещена фиксирующая шайба. В фиксирующей шайбе закреплены формообразующие стержни с образованием с ней съемного звена, при этом съемное звено имеет центральное отверстие и степень свободы относительно решетки в осевом направлении для ручной наладки. Такое выполнение приставки уменьшает ее габариты и упрощает ее установку в бытовую мясорубку.

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012120587A

... 1. Укупорочная крышка (3) для рабочей емкости (2) миксера, предназначенного для приготовления пищи, содержащая прозрачную часть (31), выполненную из пластического материала, относящегося к группе сложных сополиэфиров, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет жесткий каркас (32), выполненный из пластического материала, характеризующегося более высокой теплостойкостью при температурах выше 100°C по сравнению с указанным пластическим материалом, используемым для прозрачной части (31).2. Крышка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанная прозрачная часть (31) получена путем формования поверх жесткого каркаса (32).3. Крышка по п.1 или п.2, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена уплотнительной прокладкой (5).4. Крышка по п.1 или п.2, отличающаяся тем, что жесткий каркас (32) отформован из пластмассы на основе полибутилентерефталата ПБТ, полиамида или полипропилена.5. Крышка по п.1 или п.2, отличающаяся тем, что прозрачная часть (31) занимает на крышке (3) среднее положение, при этом жесткий каркас (32) выполнен ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU1630026A1

... 1. Устройство для отбивания мяса, содержащее корпус с загрузочным бункером, два прессующих элемента, выполненных в виде установленных с зазором встречно-вращающихся валиков, один из которых подпружинен, и отсекатели, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения качества отбивания мяса, валики образованы дисками, одни из которых имеют нарезку, расположенную поперек поверхности диска, а другие образованы двумя примыкающими один к другому большими основаниями усеченными конусами, при этом диски с нарезкой и конусами чередуются между собой. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено механизмом регулирования зазора между валиками, установленным с возможностью фиксирования их в определенном положении.

28-02-1933 дата публикации

Машина для резки хлеба

Номер: SU29238A1
Автор: Экало В.И.

07-05-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для взбивания пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1153881A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ВЗБИВАНИЯ ПИЩЕВЫХ ПРОДУКТОВ, содержащее элек;тродвигатель с передаточным механизмом , связанный с последним вертикальный вал и установленные на валу лопасти, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрощения конструкции , передаточный механизм выполнен в виде упругого разрезного кольца, установленного горизонтально , на валу размещен подшипник с возможностью взаимодействия с внутренней поверхностью кольца, на нижнем торце кольца смонтирована штанга, а лопасти размещены на ней. 2. Устройство по п. I, отличающееся тем, что, с целью регулирования амплитуды колебаний путем изменения диаметра кольца,концы разрезного кольца соединены винтом. .

23-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1797461C

07-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1780501C

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1775112C

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для сбивания пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1706557A1

Изобретение относится к бытовой технике , а именно к устройствам для сбивания пищевых продуктов, преимущественно кремов . Цель изобретения - повышение произ- водительности и качества сбиваемого продукта. Устройство для сбивания пищевых продуктов, преимуи ествен о кремов, содерх .ит корпус 1, приоод с г.;еизлками 2, каждая из которых имеет рабочий орган, выполнонмый в виде пспгрчо соединенных мехду собой вертикально уста:;овлеиных лопастей, изогнутых пс форме дуги окружностей и имеющих плоскую поверхность. Радиусы дуг окружностей -юпастей мешалки 2 сыполненыуменьшзющгмися по направлению вращения, при том лопасти расположены под углом к оси вращения. Внутренний радиус, дуги окружности каждой лопасти меньше наружного радиуса следующей за ней лопзсти с направлении i; вращения. Рукоятка 4 взаимосвязана с шестерней 5 и шестернями 6 с соосно установленными мешалками 2. 2 ил.

15-09-1987 дата публикации

Ультразвуковой смеситель жидких продуктов

Номер: SU1337131A1

Изобретение относится к бытовой технике , к смесителям жидких продуктов. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности. Ультразвуковой смеситель содержит ультразвуковой генератор 1, преобразователь 2 и концентратор 3, снабженный перемешивающими насадками в виде свободно установленных на осях дисков 7, при этом концентратор выполнен в форме конуса с углом конусности не менее 2°, а диски 7 прижаты пружиной к конусной поверхности концентратора 3 у его торцевой части, причем угол между продольной осью концентратора 3 и касательной к окружности диска 7 составляет 10-45°. 4 ил. i (/ СО СО со фие.1 ...

15-11-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для взбивания пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1521453A1

Изобретение относится к общественному питанию, а именно к устройствам для взбивания пищевых продуктов, преимущественно теста. Целью изобретения является возможность обеспечения оптимальных режимов взбивания. Устройство содержит корпус 1 с электронагревателем и редуктором, рабочий орган 4, емкость 2 для продукта и нагреватель 5, изогнутый по форме емкости 2. Нагреватель выполнен в виде двухстенного металлического пояса, внутри которого размещена плетеная нагревательная лента, состоящая из стеклонити и уточной двойной токопроводящей нихромовой проволоки, при этом лента разделена на секции, а на обеих сторонах ленты выполнены расположенные асимметрично по ее длине надрезы, размеры которых не превышают 0,4 ширины ленты. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Машина для нарезания пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1706851A1

Изобретение относится к торговому оборудованию, а именно к машинам для нарезания пищевых продуктов, в частности батонов колбасы. Целью изобретения яз.-яется пс Еь- ен.-с- раэномерности резки при одновременном увеличении производительности. Машина содержит вращающийся нож 1 с двигателем 2, толкатель с приводом для перемещения продукта, устройство 13 для измерения длины исходного продукта , выполненное в виде многосек- циониого пантографа, кинематически связанного с приводом толкателя , при этом шарнир 1( пантографа закреплен неподвижно на корпусе, а шарнир 15 - с возможностью перемещения от двигателя.2. Устройство 13 снабжено датчиками 13-25, расположенными на пути перемещения толкателя. На к опусе укреплены датчик;- 3 и 9 нэ- ч5.ьного и копейного продукта , а на толкателе установлен с возможностью пссчередногэ воздействия на вышеуказанные датчики элемент ё ko :-лы, ил.

23-06-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для резки овощей

Номер: SU1404340A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для резки овощей на ломтики или брусочки. Целью изобретения является уменьшение отходов продукта и обеспечение безопасности в работе. Устройство для резки овощей содержит закрепленную на корпусе 1 каретку, вьтолненную в виде ползунов, жестко связанных между собой посредством тяг с прижимной зубчатой плитой (П) 17 и держателем 18, перемещающуюся по направляющим, причем один из ползунов посредством рычагов шарнирно соединен с прижимной плитой. Ножевой механизм включает нож 8 для разрезания продукта на ломтики и нож 9 для разрезания на брусочки. Для резки продукта на ломтики нож 9 не устанавливается . Толщина ломтиков определяется разностью уровней между плоскостями. 6 и 7 и может регулироваться . 2 з.п. ф-лы. 2 ил. 9 ...

07-01-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для протирания овощей

Номер: SU1703053A1

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для переработки плодов и овощей, а именно к приборам для разминания пищевых продуктов в домашних условиях. Цель изобретения - повышение удобства пользования. Устройство содержит два шарнирно связанных рычага 1 и 2, рычаг 1 имеет на конце перфорированную емкость 3. а рычаг 2 - плоский плунх ер 4, размещенный в перфорированной емкости 3, цилиндрический выступ , выполненный в пересечении .наружной поверхности рычага 2 и плунжера . .4, и срез на передней стенке перфорированной емкости 3 под цилиндрическим выступом . Рычаг 2 с плунжером 4 снабжен боковыми цапфами, а боковые стенки перфорированной емкости 3 - выемками 8 для вхождения в них цапф. Цилиндрический выступ имеет продольную лыску 9, плоскость которой перпендикулярна плоскости плунжера 4.5 ил. I С ...

30-04-1992 дата публикации

Рабочий орган к устройству для сбивания крема

Номер: SU1729473A1

Изобретение относится к товарам народного потребления, в частности к устройствам для сбивания пищевых продуктов, например кремов, а именно к рабочим органам этих устройств. Цель изобретения - интенсификация и повышение качества перемешивания при сбивании крема. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что рабочий орган к устройству для сбивания крема выполнен таким образом, что боковые стенки 5, 6 рамки 1 на рабочем участке закручены на 180° вдоль своей продольной оси. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил, ...

15-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: SU1507308A1

Изобретение относится к кухонному оборудования , в частности, к устройствам для смешивания и взбивания жидких продуктов. Целью изобретения является повышение качества смешивания и взбивания продуктов. Миксер содержит электровибрационный привод 1 с установленным под острым углом к горизонтальной плоскости штоком 2, выполненный в виде плоской решетки рабочий орган 3, приспособление 4 для соединения рабочего органа 3 со штоком 2 привода 1 и емкость 5, одна из боковых стенок 6 которой параллельна плоскости решетки рабочего органа 3. 3 ил.

30-07-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для измельчения плодов

Номер: SU1581266A1

Изобретение относится к области быта, а именно к устройствам для измельчения дов. Целью изобретения является упрощение конструкции. Устройство содержит корпус 1 с загрузочной воронкой, горизонтальный барабан 4 с режущими элементами и приспособление для удаления продукта, выполненное в виде U-образной скобы. Корпус имеет выступ 5 с каналом 6, при этом один конец скобы размещен в канале 6 с возможностью поворота, а другой конец 8 - внутри барабана вдоль его стенки. 2 ил.

01-01-1946 дата публикации

Устройство для разрезания, например, хлеба

Номер: SU67331A1
Автор: Подымов Ф.И.

01-01-1962 дата публикации

Приспособление для ручной резки овощей и картофеля

Номер: SU143988A1
Автор: Пичугин Н.Г.

15-06-1989 дата публикации

Универсальная машина для размельчения, куттерования, смешивания, замешивания и эмульгирования пищевых продуктов

Номер: SU1487799A3

Изобретение относится к устройствам, используемым в общественном питании и на кухне, а именно к машинам для размельчения, куттерования, смешивания, замешивания и эмульгирования. Целью изобретения является улучшение условий эксплуатации и очистки. Машина содержит чашу 1, которая имеет круглое поперечное сечение, расположена с возможностью опрокидывания в несущем каркасе 2 и может быть зафиксирована в желаемом положении посредством зажимного рычага 4, полый поворотный горизонтальный вал 3, расположенный под дном чаши 1. Машина имеет крышку 5, на валу 3 вдоль оси чаши 1 посредством полого стержня 6 укреплены рабочие органы 7, приводимые в движение посредством электродвигателя 8. Машина имеет блок управления электродвигателя 8, размещенный в пустотелой стойке 9. Один из концов поворотного вала 3 размещен в стойке 9 на подшипнике. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Getriebeeinheit für eine Küchenmaschine

Номер: DE102019212732A1

Offenbart ist eine Getriebeeinheit 100, 100a, 100b für eine Küchenmaschine. Die Getriebeeinheit umfasst ein Abtriebselement 110, 110b zur Verbindung mit mindestens einem Rotationswerkzeug 180a, 180b der Küchenmaschine. Sie ist dazu eingerichtet, mit einer mittels eines Elektromotors rotierbaren Welle verbunden zu werden und deren jeweilige Rotation in eine Rotation des Abtriebselements umzuformen. Die Getriebeeinheit weist ein Übersetzungsverhältnis auf, das kleiner ist als eins.Offenbart ist ferner eine Bearbeitungseinrichtung 10a, 10b für eine Küchenmaschine. Die Bearbeitungseinrichtung umfasst ein Bearbeitungsgefäß 200 zum Aufsatz auf einen Sockel der Küchenmaschine sowie eine erfindungsgemäße Getriebeeinheit 100, 100a, 100b, die mit einer vom Sockel umfassten und mittels dessen Elektromotors rotierbaren Welle verbunden ist oder werden kann.Weiterhin offenbart ist eine Küchenmaschine mit einer Bearbeitungseinrichtung 10a, 10b und einem Sockel, der einen Elektromotor und eine mit diesem ...

06-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003015753A1

04-01-1973 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001779935C2

19-05-1994 дата публикации

Food processor esp. for catering establishment - has interchangeable tools fitted to external coupling provided by drive-shaft projecting from electric motor housing

Номер: DE0004238578A1

The food processor has a drive unit (1) with an electric motor contained in a housing with the projecting driveshaft having an externally accessible coupling, to which a number of alternate tools can be fitted. The drive unit has two different standing surfaces at an angle to one another, allowing the drive unit to be used in two alternate positions. USE/ADVANTAGE - Esp. in restaurant. Compact drive unit with alternate operating modes.

24-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003261557D1

10-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002412765A1

12-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002837081A1

23-12-1939 дата публикации

Behaelter zur Herstellung und Ausgabe fett- und brockenhaltiger Nahrungsmittel

Номер: DE0000685761C

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Küchengerät mit Einheitenumrechnung

Номер: DE102018217415A1

Es wird ein Küchengerät (100) beschrieben, das einen Behälter (106) zur Aufnahme von ein oder mehreren Zutaten für ein Nahrungsmittel umfasst. Des Weiteren umfasst das Küchengerät (100) eine Benutzerschnittstelle (103) sowie ein Wiegeelement (110), das eingerichtet ist, Gewichtsdaten in Bezug auf den Behälter (106) zu erfassen. Des Weiteren umfasst das Küchengerät (100) eine Steuereinheit (101), die eingerichtet ist, Dichteinformation in Bezug auf eine Dichte einer bestimmten Zutat in dem Behälter (106) zu ermitteln, sowie Gewichtsdaten bezüglich der bestimmten Zutat in dem Behälter (106) zu ermitteln. Außerdem ist die Steuereinheit (101) eingerichtet, auf Basis der Gewichtsdaten und auf Basis der Dichteinformation, Volumendaten in Bezug auf ein Volumen der bestimmten Zutat in dem Behälter (106) zu ermitteln und über die Benutzerschnittstelle (103) auszugeben.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Deckel für eine Schüssel eines Nahrungsmittelverarbeitungsgeräts

Номер: DE102020209670A1
Автор: Brecko, Holcinger, Pesec

Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Küchenmaschine mit einem Deckel (1) zum Aufsetzen auf eine Schüssel (13) und einem Verriegelungsmechanismus, der den Deckel auf der Schüssel befestigt. Um eine sichere Positionierung des Deckels (1) auf der Schüssel (3) zu erleichtern, ist eine Verriegelung zwischen Deckel (1) und Schüssel (13) mit einem Schnapper (8) vorgesehen, der federbelastet ist, z. B. mit einer Spiralfeder (10). Die Verriegelung mit diesem Schnapper (8) kann z. B. durch eine Drucktaste (7) geöffnet werden.

31-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012101096U1
Принадлежит: Yuan Yang Frozen Machine Co., Ltd.

Ein Mischer, umfassend: eine Basis (10) mit einem Basisgehäuse (11) und eine Antriebsvorrichtung in dem Basisgehäuse (11) angebracht und mit einem Antriebselement (12), der durch eine Oberseite des Basisgehäuses (11) herausragt; eine Achseeinheit (20) lösbar angebracht an der Oberseite des Basisgehäuses (11) und aufweisend ein Achsgehäuse (21) und eine Achse (22), die axial durch das Achsgehäuse (21) angebracht ist und aufweisend ein oberes Ende (222) und ein unteres Ende (221), die an dem antreibenden Element (12) der Antriebseinrichtung der Basis (10) verbunden sind; einen Behälter (30), die an der Oberseite des Basisgehäuses (11) und sicher mit dem Achsgehäuse (21) angebracht ist, und eine Rührscheibe (40A, 40B, 40C, 40D, 40E) fest auf dem oberen Ende (222) der Achse (22) angebracht ist und aufweisend: eine Platte (41A, 41B, 41C, 41D, 41E) fest an dem oberen Ende (222) der Achse (22) angebracht und hat mehreren Durchbohrungen (411A,...

08-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002540105A1

21-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001279012A

... 1279012 Mashing machines; mixing apparatus S K ANANE 13 April 1970 [3 March 1969] 11230/69 Heading A4C [Also in Divisions B1 and B2] A machine suitable for mashing vegetables, fruit &c. comprises circular bowl 1 with a frusto conical core thus forming an annular channel of approximately V-shaped cross-section. Two hammers 6 are located over the channel and are reciprocated alternately by eccentrics 11 and connecting rods 13. The bowl 1 is supported on a carrier 2 with an interposed friction lining 3. The carrier 2 is rotated by a friction wheel (16) Fig. 2 (not shown) which, together with the eccentrics 11 is driven via a gearbox by a motor 10. Stationary curved blades (4) stir the material in the bowl as it rotates. The machine may alternatively be hand cranked by a handle (17) driving the mechanism through bevel gears Figs.3 and 4 (not shown). Also an overall cover (8) may be provided together with a water container (9) adapted to supply water without necessitating stopping the machine ...

08-08-2001 дата публикации

Immersible stirrer for sauces or other comestible liquid

Номер: GB0002358814A

The stirrer comprises a sealed housing 12 containing a drive eg a clockwork motor, for a pair of paddles 14,16 (Fig 1). The stirrer is completely immersed in the liquid to be stirred and the drive rotates the paddles in opposite directions. Alternatively the stirrer may have only one set of paddles 14 with a set of stabilising stationery vanes 20 (Fig 2) which inhibit rotation of the housing by virtue of the resistance of movement through the liquid.

19-11-1980 дата публикации

Capacitive braking switching system for domestic appliances with induction motor drives

Номер: GB0002047026A
Автор: Benjamin, Daniel R

An improved capacitive braking system is provided for fractional Horsepower induction motors in home appliances, for example in a food processor of the type having a working bowl mounted on a housing containing the induction motor, with a shaft in the bowl for removably supporting a rotary food processing tool to be driven by the induction motor. The new braking system rapidly halts the coasting motion of the motor rotor and tool after the motor has been disconnected from the electric power line. A first switch is provided to control the application of electrical energy to the induction motor for sustained operation, and a second "pulse" switch is provided to control the application of electrical energy to the induction motor for brief surges of momentary operation. The braking system includes a second capacitor which is external to the induction motor and distinct from the starting capacitor normally associated with an induction motor. In the preferred embodiment, this second capacitor ...

01-08-1984 дата публикации

Safety device for a food processor

Номер: GB0002133853A

A food processor comprises, as a safety measure a member 13 pivotally mounted on a pivot pin 18 and carrying an element 16a which actuates a microswitch for the drive motor. The processor cannot operate unless the member 13 is in a position blocking the inlet 11 and thereby preventing a user gaining access to the processor blades. ...

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Kitchen appliance and system therefor

Номер: GB0002563255A

A food processor has a control arrangement 130, microphone 110 and acoustic filter(s) 210. The microphone receives sound 200 comprising a command and provides the sound to the control arrangement which operates the appliance in response to the command. The acoustic filter(s) supress background noise created by the food processor from the sound provided to the control arrangement. Also disclosed is a system for controlling a sound-operated food processor comprising a microphone, processor and food processor. The processor processes sound from the microphone to identify an instruction. The food processor comprises a controller that receives the instruction and controls the food processor accordingly. At least one of the microphone and processor is arranged as part of a device other than the food processor. Similarly, a sound-command operated system for controlling a food processor comprises a microphone and processor that processes sound from the microphone to identify a command and a quality ...

26-08-1981 дата публикации

Modular electric-motor-driven device

Номер: GB0002069770A

A modulator motor and drive unit for use in an electrical device, such as a hand food mixer, wherein the motor is characterized by a low-cost speed control which is capable of providing a large number of discrete motor speeds. The speed control, rather than utilizing a multi-contact switch connected to the field coil by individual taps, has approximately twenty field coil continuous loop taps wound over a bobbin spindle in side-by-side relationship with a wiper contact being slideably movable relative thereto along a path from which the insulation has been removed. Positions of the wiper contact may be determined by replaceable detent elements provided with different detent patterns providing different series of motor speeds whereby the same motor and drive module may be provided within a suitable housing(s) for the economical production of several different models of such electrical devices having differing speed selections. The housing halves are provided with module supporting means ...

28-11-1944 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electromagnetic vibrators

Номер: GB0000565799A

... 565,799. Dynamo-electric machines. ROBERTS, A. J. Feb. 22, 1943, No. 2889. [Class 35] An electromagnetic vibrator, particularly for use in vibro-massage appliances, comprises a reed-like armature 3 fixed at its end 4 and maintained in vibration by electromagnets 2 fed with alternating current and having poles 6 across which the armature extends. The armature is tuned to the frequency of the current supplied to the electromagnets by an adjustable block 5 through which the armature passes. The armature, block 5 and electromagnets are carried by a frame 1 which also serves as a guide for a driving rod 7 articulated to the free end of the armature. A contact breaker may be operated by the armature or rod 7 to control the energization of the electromagnets in such a way that they receive current only at the peaks of the voltage cycle, a switch being provided to render the contact breaker inoperative at starting.

06-08-1980 дата публикации

Lids for domestic mixers

Номер: GB0002039226A

A filler cap for the container of a household mixer with a locking arrangement including a filler tube with a filling opening to receive the products to be mixed, which is arranged concentrically to the axis of rotation of the mixer and a sealing ring. The filler tube is provided with ribs tangently positioned to the filling opening and extending from the filling opening to the sealing ring which is positioned at a lower side of the filler tube. In operation the ribs produce an effect tending to hold the filler cap in its position on the container.

07-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001541480A

08-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001576490A

31-12-1998 дата публикации

Cooking apparatus

Номер: AP0009801364D0

25-10-2000 дата публикации

Cooking apparatus

Номер: AP0000000884A

Cooking apparatus which includes a housing, a cooking vessel which is located inside the housing, means for heating the cooking vessel, means for feeding particuiate material into the vessel, means for mixing the particulate material with water in the vessel, and control means for controlling the operation of the feeding means, the heating means, and the mixing means.

27-03-2002 дата публикации

Machine to granulate the tropical cereal flours

Номер: OA0000010454A

30-11-1984 дата публикации

The pilous electric one.

Номер: OA0000007429A

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352244T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360388T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000381899T

11-10-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000368383B

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400211T

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000374559T

15-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000429843T

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000438323T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463189T

15-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000438324T

15-05-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA209377A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536787T

15-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000304179A

15-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000079790A

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000711874A

15-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013880A

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353585T

15-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000145803T

15-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000139428T

15-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146376T

15-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000140140T

15-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000134304T

15-01-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000131706T

15-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010334T

15-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012342T

15-04-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000041295T

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128020T

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000084445T

20-11-2016 дата публикации

Поворотный режущий инструмент

Номер: RU0000166387U1
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А.

1. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1), содержащий втулку (10) привода и по меньшей мере один нож (2), выходящий сбоку из нижней части (11) втулки (10) привода, при этом верхняя часть (12) втулки (10) привода имеет верхний периферийный воротник (20), образующий по меньшей мере одну зону захвата, отличающийся тем, что под верхним периферийным воротником (20) размещены разделенные интервалами боковые ребра (21) для образования боковых упоров (22) и создания промежутков (23) для захвата.2. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере два ножа (2), отходящих сбоку от нижней части (11) втулки (10) привода.3. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере два ножа (2), расположенных напротив друг друга относительно втулки (10) привода.4. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что имеет по меньшей мере два промежутка (23) для захвата, расположенных напротив друг друга.5. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 4, отличающийся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере два ножа (2), отходящих сбоку от нижней части (11) втулки (10) привода.6. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что имеет два промежутка (23) для захвата, расположенных напротив друг друга, каждый из которых находится между двумя ножами (2).7. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что содержит два промежутка (23) для захвата, расположенных напротив друг друга, каждый из которых находится над одним из ножей (2).8. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 5, отличающийся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере два ножа (2), расположенных напротив друг друга относительно втулки (10) привода.9. Поворотный режущий инструмент (1) по п. 8, отличающийся тем, что имеет два промежутка (23) для захвата, расположенных РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК A47J 43/00 (11) (13) 166 387 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ...

20-06-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для приготовления супа

Номер: RU0000171891U1

Настоящая полезная модель, в основном, относится к устройству для приготовления супа, содержащему нижнюю часть, содержащую опорное гнездо и варочную емкость, поддерживаемую в опорном гнезде, верхнюю часть, содержащую корпус, приводной узел, закрепленный на корпусе, и приводной вал, имеющий ось вращения и соединенный с приводным узлом, и нагреватель для варки супа, причем верхняя часть и нижняя часть выполнены с возможностью соединения друг с другом, и когда они соединены, приводной вал проходит от приводного узла к нижней части и в варочную емкость, при этом варочная емкость содержит область для обработки на своем дне, которая ниже других областей на дне, и нижний конец приводного вала проходит в область для обработки, когда нижняя часть и верхняя часть соединены. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 891 U1 (51) МПК A47J 27/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016124305, 20.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.06.2016 (72) Автор(ы): СУН Таотао (CN), ХУАН Вэйли (CN) 20.06.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 140537 U1, 10.05.2014. RU Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2017 Бюл. № 17 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Большая Спасская, д. 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры" U 1 1 7 1 8 9 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство (10) для приготовления супа, содержащее нижнюю часть (30), содержащую опорное гнездо (31) и варочную емкость (33), поддерживаемую в опорном гнезде (31); верхнюю часть (20), содержащую корпус (28), приводной узел (23), закрепленный на корпусе (28), и приводной вал (24), имеющий ось (R) вращения и соединенный с приводным узлом (23) на одном конце, а также элемент для обработки пищевых продуктов, соединенный с приводным валом (24) на противоположном конце; и нагреватель (41) для варки супа; при этом верхняя часть ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Food processor and attachment

Номер: US20120024995A1
Автор: David M. Audette
Принадлежит: Euro Pro Operating LLC

A blending apparatus is provided which includes a container, a lid for covering the container, and an attachment within the container. The attachment includes a central shaft having a first end and a second end, the first end being configured to engage the lid, and the second end being configured to engage a drive member of the container. The attachment further includes blades extending outwardly from the central shaft, the blades being operable to engage food products in the container. The attachment rotates within the container body (i) while the attachment is captured between a bushing of the lid and the drive member of the container, the first end of the central shaft engaging the bushing and the second end of the central shaft engaging the drive member of the container and (ii) while the second end of the attachment receives torque from the drive member of the container.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Integral blender

Номер: US20120067991A1
Автор: Andy Wu
Принадлежит: Quanzhou Yida Home Appliance Ind Co Ltd

An integral blender includes a hollow shell having a horizontal conical plate integrally formed in the interior to divide the interior of the hollow shell into a container portion and a base portion. The conical plate has a through hole. The base portion is employed to accommodate a transmitting mechanism provided with a shaft extending out of the through hole to be fixedly connected with a cutter in the container. The shaft is closely wrapped with a waterproof annular seal having the bottom combined together with the conical plate. Therefore, with the container portion and the base portion integrally formed together, manufacturing cost can be lowered and convenience in practice can be advanced.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Food processor with multiple processing containers

Номер: US20120085851A1
Автор: Michael W. Allen
Принадлежит: Hamilton Beach Brands Inc

A food processor includes a housing, a motor disposed within the housing, an output shaft extending outwardly from the housing, a first processing container, a second processing container, and a lid removably and independently attachable to either one of the first and second processing containers. The first and second processing container are each independently and removably attachable to the housing. The first processing container is configured to be at least partially removably disposed within the interior of the second processing container. The lid is attached to the first processing container and the first processing container is attached to the housing in a first operating position. The lid is attached to the second processing container and the second processing container is attached to the housing in a second operating position. A portion of the first processing container is disposed within the interior of the second processing container in a storage position.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for enhanced preparation and storage of homemade baby food

Номер: US20120107469A1
Автор: Lenny Sands
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention describes a system and method for easy, affordable, efficient, and convenient preparation and storage of fresh, high-quality homemade baby food. The system generally comprises a blender for processing fresh produce into baby food and multiple devices to store multiple portions of freshly produced baby food resulting from one use of the system. For example, one component of the system includes a storage cup having a freshness indicator and lid to immediately store the freshly made food in an organized and convenient manner. The method comprises steps of producing the baby food, transferring the food to an appropriate storage receptacle, adjusting an indicator on the storage receptacle to indicate the freshness level of the food, and immediately serving and covering the remaining receptacles to store the unused food.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Cooking utensil

Номер: US20120181363A1
Автор: J. Y. Huang
Принадлежит: Ya Horng Electronic Co Ltd

A cooking utensil includes a cooking bowl unit, a driving support unit, a lid unit, and a lid-opening device. The driving support unit outputs a power to the cooking bowl unit, and includes a bottom seat supporting the cooking bowl unit, and opposite first and second sidewalls disposed on the bottom seat . The lid unit includes a top lid disposed pivotally on a bowl body of the cooking bowl unit for covering a top end opening of the blow body, a pivoting block disposed fixedly on the top lid, a positioning block connected pivotally to the pivoting block and connected removably to the first sidewall, and a retaining block disposed on the top lid. The lid-opening device is disposed on the second sidewall, and includes a locking member locking the retaining block releaseably on the second sidewall, and a controlling member operable to release the retaining block from the second sidewall.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Device for foaming milk

Номер: US20120186462A1
Автор: Volker Breust
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for foaming milk with a motor arranged in a housing, for driving a driving shaft in rotation, and a foaming element arranged on a first housing end outside of the housing, coupled to the driving shaft, which set in rotation by the latter about a rotation axis. The device includes a supporting means arranged on the housing, on which means the device can be set down with first housing end located in a low position such that the foaming element rotates freely, and wherein the rotation axis extends at an inclination with respect to the vertical. The device for foaming milk, designed in this manner, produces a milk foam which is of a quality that can be generated in apparatuses of the state of the art, wherein at the same time the handling is simplified for the operator, and requires less attention from him/her.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Blender jar interlock

Номер: US20120275852A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A collar assembly for coupling a blade assembly and a removable jar to the base of a motorized blender includes an interlock assembly that prevents coupling of the blade assembly to the blender motor unless the jar is secured to the collar assembly, and prevents removal of the jar from the collar assembly when the collar and blade assembly is coupled to the blender base.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Device Associable To a Steam Dispenser For Production Of An Aromatic Beverage And A Coffee Machine Exhibiting The Device

Номер: US20130000490A1
Принадлежит: De Longhi Appliances SRL

The device ( 1 ) associable to a steam dispenser ( 2 ) for making an aromatic beverage comprises a container ( 5 ) to which a closing cover ( 6 ) is removably applied, supporting either directly or indirectly both at least a tube ( 7 ) for conveying the steam, sealingly connectable to the steam dispenser ( 2 ) and configured such as to exhibit at least a steam outlet ( 8 ) below a minimum liquid level ( 9 ) provided in the container ( 5 ) for making the aromatic beverage, and at least a stirrer ( 10 ) positioned adjacent to the inside wall of the container ( 5 ) below the minimum level ( 9 ) and exhibiting at least a permanent magnet ( 11, 12 ) for receiving rotary motion from a motor ( 13 ) having permanent magnets ( 14, 15 ) and being located externally of the container ( 5 ).

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Cooking Hob Wih Rotary Blade Driving Means and Assembly Comprising a Cooking Hob and Cooking Vessel With Rotary Blades

Номер: US20130001220A1
Принадлежит: Electrodomesticos Taurus SL

The cooking hob ( 1 ) comprises a support plate ( 2 ) of glass or glass ceramic, rotary blade driving means ( 32 ) comprising a lower magnetic coupling member ( 5 ) rotatably arranged below the support plate ( 2 ) and a drive motor ( 6 ) operatively connected for rotating it, and position changing means ( 33 ) for moving the lower magnetic coupling member ( 5 ) between an operative position, in which the lower magnetic coupling member ( 5 ) is close enough to the support plate ( 2 ) to magnetically transmit torque to an upper magnetic coupling member ( 54 ) connected to rotary blades ( 53 ) installed in a cooking vessel ( 50 ) located on the support plate ( 2 ), and an inoperative position, in which the lower magnetic coupling member ( 5 ) is far from the support plate ( 2 ).

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Beverage maker having a lockable actuation rod

Номер: US20130010568A1
Автор: Jørgen BODUM
Принадлежит: Pi Design AG

The invention relates to a beverage maker, which comprises a container ( 10 ) that is open at the top thereof and a lid ( 20 ) that covers the container. A removal opening ( 29 ) is formed in the lid. A vertical actuation rod ( 41 ) passes through the lid. Inside the container, a preparing element ( 42 ), for example, a mixing element, is attached to the actuation rod. Outside the container, a grip element ( 45 ) is attached to the actuation rod. The grip element can be moved together with the actuation rod between a lower position and an upper position. A closure ( 30 ) can be swiveled about a horizontal swivel axis between a closed position that doses the removal opening and a retaining position that releases the removal opening, wherein in the retaining position, the closure fixes the grip element in the lower position thereof. The actuation rod is thereby effectively prevented from sliding out through the removal opening when the beverage is removed.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Stir lid with overflow sensor

Номер: US20130036917A1
Автор: Marianne Berge
Принадлежит: Individual

A motor-driven automatic cooking vessel stirring device having boil-over sensing and a boil over alarm that sounds when boil-over becomes imminent. The motor-driven automatic cooking vessel stirring device beneficially also provides for temperature sensing and can include electronic controls that control stirring rates and a clock-timer.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Cocktail maker for making rainbow cocktails

Номер: US20130048682A1
Автор: BO Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A cocktail maker for preparing rainbow cocktails, including: a stand; a liquor outlet head including an inner cavity and a side wall including a plurality of outlet holes; a measuring cup; a motor disposed on the stand; and a transmission device. The liquor outlet head is cylindrical and is vertically disposed on the stand. The outlet holes are connected with the inner cavity, and the inner cavity is connected with the measuring cup. The liquor outlet head is driven by the motor to rotate via the transmission device.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Appliance for simultaneous cooking and stirring

Номер: US20130074700A1
Автор: Man Fai CHEUNG
Принадлежит: Hang Shun Hing Co Ltd

A cooking appliance includes a base upon which a pot is supported, with a stirrer configured as a lid, for closing an open top of the pot. A tool coupled to a motorized drive of the stirrer extends downwardly into the pot. A heating element is coupled to the base and resiliently biased outwardly from the base to engage the base of the pot. A latch mechanism is provided for releasably connecting the pot to the base. The motorized drive includes a planetary gear set mounted coaxially with a pot axis, and a tool coupling is connected to a planet gear of the planetary gear set to drive the stirring tool in an orbital motion.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092773A1
Автор: VERHEEM Johann B.
Принадлежит: JH DIRECT LLC

A food chopper includes a housing and a central shaft supported in a vertically movable configuration inside the housing. The central shaft has a lower end with at least one center blade, an upper end operably connected to a plunger, and a middle segment with two lateral arms. Two blade assemblies are rotatably connected to the two lateral arms of the central shaft. Each of the two blade assemblies includes a shaft connected to an outer blade. A means for converting vertical motion of the central shaft into rotational motion of the blade assemblies, such as a conversion mechanism operably connected to each of the two blade assemblies, is provided. Depressing the plunger causes the at least one center blade of the central shaft to move vertically downward within the housing and the two outer blades to move vertically downward and rotate within the housing. 1a housing;a central shaft supported in a vertically movable configuration inside the housing, the central shaft comprising a lower end with at least one center blade, an upper end operably connected to a plunger, and a middle segment with two lateral arms;two blade assemblies rotatably connected to the two lateral arms of the central shaft, the two blade assemblies each comprising a blade shaft connected to an outer blade; andmeans for converting vertical motion of the central shaft into rotational motion of the two blade assemblies;wherein depressing the plunger causes the at least one center blade of the central shaft to move vertically downward within the housing and the two outer blades to move vertically downward and rotate within the housing.. A food chopper, comprising: This application is a U.S. national stage entry of international application no. PCT/U32011/30503 filed Mar. 30, 2011, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/319,170 filed Mar. 30, 2010 and entitled “Food Chopper,” and to China Design Application No. 201030134600.X filed Mar. 30, 2010. The contents of both of ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Dicing element assembly for a food processor

Номер: US20130118327A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A food processing dicing method and assembly is disclosed. The food processing dicing assembly may comprise a dicing element having multiple dicing openings through which food may pass, a frame configured to selectively retain the dicing element, and a management tool having multiple projections sized to be received by the dicing openings, the management tool may include at least one coupling element for releasably coupling the management tool to at least one of the dicing element and the frame.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Kitchen appliance

Номер: US20130125679A1

A kitchen appliance includes a base body, a pivot arm which is disposed in a pivotable manner on the base body and a lever facility for assisting a pivoting movement of the pivot arm. An adjusting mechanism is operably connected to the lever facility to set a degree of assistance for the pivoting movement.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Food processing device with lid mounted adjustment mechanism

Номер: US20130134245A1
Автор: David Joseph Gushwa
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A food processor includes a base and a bowl with a removable lid. Food items are advanced into the bowl through a feed tube formed in the lid where they are cut by a cutting assembly driven by a motor. The cutting assembly is adjustable to vary the thickness of the cut food items. The food processor includes an adjustment assembly that is operable to adjust the cutting thickness of the cutting assembly while the cutting assembly is driven by the motor.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140753A1

A kitchen appliance includes a coupling plate having an edge enclosing an inner area and provided with coupling points of a coupling device for removable coupling of a processing container. The coupling plate is configured in the inner area in either of two ways, a first way in which the coupling plate has a pin which projects in a coupling direction for engagement in a groove in a base section of the processing container, a second way in which the coupling plate has a groove for engagement of a pin which projects in the coupling direction from the base section of the processing container. 114-. (canceled)15. A kitchen appliance , comprising a coupling plate having an edge enclosing an inner area and provided with coupling points of a coupling device for removable coupling of a processing container , said coupling plate being configured in the inner area in either of two ways , a first way in which the coupling plate has a pin which projects in a coupling direction for engagement in a groove in a base section of the processing container , a second way in which the coupling plate has a groove for engagement of a pin which projects in the coupling direction from the base section of the processing container.16. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the pin of the coupling plate is disposed eccentrically claim 15 , when the coupling plate is configured in the first way.17. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the groove of the coupling plate extends along a section of an imaginary circle with a center of the coupling plate as a center point of the circle claim 15 , when the coupling plate is configured in the second way.18. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , wherein the coupling points of the coupling device are disposed rotationally symmetrically around a coupling axis.19. The kitchen appliance of claim 15 , further comprising a latch securing the processing container in a coupled position.20. The kitchen appliance of claim 19 , wherein the latch is ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Accessories for Chopping Foodstuffs, Having Improved Discharging, and Electrical Household Appliance Comprising Such Accessories

Номер: US20130206886A1
Принадлежит: SEB S.A.

Provided is a static food cutting element including a hollow body having an inlet opening in which are arranged food cutting means, and also a discharge outlet. It includes a through-window formed in a lower part of the hollow body, and at least one lengthwise edge of the through-window forms a unit for guiding the cut foods towards the discharge outlet. Also provided is a cutting tool including such a static cutting element and also to an electric appliance including such a cutting tool. 1. Static food cutting element configured to be inserted and secured in a stationary position inside of a rotary food cutting element including first food cutting means and arranged in an assembly magazine of a cutting tool of an electric food processing appliance , said static cutting element including a hollow body having an inlet opening in which are arranged second food cutting means , and also a discharge outlet , wherein a through-window is formed in a lower part of the hollow body , and further wherein at least one lengthwise edge of said through-window forms a unit for guiding the cut foods towards the discharge outlet.2. Static food cutting element as in claim 1 , wherein the guiding unit consists of a convex claim 1 , rounded surface connecting one of the lengthwise edges of said through-window to the inner surface of the hollow body.3. Static food cutting element as in claim 1 , wherein the through-window is arranged at least partially opposite the inlet opening.4. Static food cutting element as in claim 1 , wherein the second cutting means include a set of blades extending longitudinally through the inlet opening towards the discharge outlet.5. Static food cutting element as in claim 1 , wherein it includes claim 1 , in the vicinity of the discharge outlet claim 1 , a peripheral edge including an assembly for discharging cut foods in the longitudinal extension of the through-window.6. Static food cutting element as in any one claim 1 , wherein it includes claim 1 , in ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Kitchen Appliance for Processing Foodstuff and Method of Operating Same

Номер: US20130233950A1

A kitchen appliance includes a housing enclosing a motor and a switch mechanism. A bowl is removably mountable onto the housing. At least one actuation member is movable between a first position and a second position. A bowl lid is removably mountable onto the upper rim of the bowl. When the bowl lid is properly positioned onto the upper rim of the bowl, the motor is actuated or permitted to be actuated by pressing downwardly on the lid such that at least a portion of one of a plurality of flanges of the bowl contacts at least a portion of the actuation member to force the actuation member to the second position. 1. A kitchen appliance for processing foodstuff comprising:a housing enclosing a motor and a switch mechanism to actuate or permit actuation of the motor;a bowl removably mountable onto the housing, the bowl including an upper rim defining a mouth for receiving a rotatable tool within the bowl;at least one actuation member movable between a first position and a second position, in the first position the actuation member being spaced-apart from the switch mechanism to maintain the switch mechanism in an open position and prevent actuation of the motor, in the second position the actuation member engaging the switch mechanism to actuate or permit actuation of the motor; anda bowl lid removably mountable onto the upper rim of the bowl, the bowl lid including a top wall and a plurality of flanges depending downwardly therefrom,wherein, when the bowl lid is properly positioned onto the upper rim of the bowl, the motor is actuated or permitted to be actuated by pressing downwardly on the bowl lid such that at least a portion of one of the plurality of flanges contacts at least a portion of the actuation member to force the actuation member to the second position.2. The kitchen appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of flanges includes a first flange claim 1 , a second flange and a third flange claim 1 , the first flange being spaced radially ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Kitchen Appliance for Processing Foodstuff and Method of Operating Same

Номер: US20130233952A1

A kitchen appliance for processing foodstuff includes a housing enclosing a motor. A bowl is removably mountable to the housing. The bowl includes a mouth for receiving a rotatable tool within the bowl. A bowl lid is removably mountable on to the mouth of the bowl. A clamping mechanism is movably attached to the bowl lid and removably engagable with at least a portion of the bowl. The clamping mechanism is movable between a first position for engaging at least a portion of the bowl to retain the bowl lid on the mouth of the bowl and a second position spaced-apart from the bowl for allowing the bowl lid to be removed from the bowl. The kitchen appliance being assembled without rotating the bowl relative to the housing or the lid relative to the bowl. 1. A kitchen appliance for processing foodstuff comprising:a housing enclosing a motor;a bowl removably mountable to the housing, the bowl including a mouth for receiving a rotatable tool within the bowl;a bowl lid removably mountable on to the mouth of the bowl; anda first clamping mechanism and a second clamping mechanism movably attached to the bowl lid and removably engageable between the bowl lid and at least a portion of the bowl, the clamping mechanism being movable between a first position to retain the bowl lid on the mouth of the bowl and a second position for allowing the bowl lid to be removed from the bowl.2. The kitchen appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second clamping mechanisms are pivotably attached to the bowl lid claim 1 , the clamping mechanism being pivotable between the first position and the second position.3. The kitchen appliance according to claim 2 , wherein kitchen appliance defines a longitudinal axis claim 2 , and the first and second clamping mechanisms are pivotable about an axis that extends generally perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis.4. The kitchen appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the first clamping mechanism is located on one side of the bowl lid and ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239818A1
Принадлежит: Enodis Corporation

An integrated beverage blending system comprising: a controller for menu selection; an ice portion control module; an ingredient module; a dispensing apparatus in communication with the ice portion control module and the ingredient module, wherein the ice and the ingredient are dispensed into a beverage container via the dispensing apparatus; and at least one blender module which blends and/or mixes the ice and the ingredient in the beverage container, thereby producing the beverage; wherein, upon removal of the beverage container from the blender module, the blender module initiates a cleaning mode. 1. An integrated beverage blending system comprising:at least one system controller;an ice portioning module;an ingredient module;a dispensing apparatus in communication with said ice portioning module and/or said ingredient module;a blender module with an integrated cleaning apparatus; anda plurality of blender modules which can operate either simultaneously or separately.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein ice from said ice portioning module and at least one ingredient from said ingredient module are dispensed into a beverage container via said dispensing apparatus; and wherein said beverage container with said ice and said ingredient is placed in said blender module for blending and/or mixing said ice and said ingredient in said beverage container claim 1 , thereby producing said beverage.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , upon removal of said beverage container after last blending and/or mixing cycle from said blender module claim 2 , the system initiates a cleaning mode of said blender module via said cleaning apparatus.4. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising an ice maker which is in communication with said ice portion control module.5. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising an ice crusher/grinder which is communication with said ice portion control module.6. The system according to claim 1 , further ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Food processor

Номер: US20130264404A1

Food processing assemblies for rotating two processing tools inside a container at two different speeds and/or directions and methods for using such a processing assembly are disclosed. The two processing tools are vertically spaced along the longitudinal axis of the processing assembly. A motor drives the first processing tool and a transmission system, and the transmission system drives the second processing tool. The transmission system outputs a rotation speed and/or direction is different from that of the motor to drive the second processing tool. The transmission system may be located between the two processing tools within the food-containing volume of the container.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270378A1
Автор: Ekström Ulf

A knife for a cutting disc in a cutting machine, which disc includes a centrally arranged, penetrating hole and an opening extending in a radial direction. The disc is manufactured from sheet metal and includes a dike-shaped section with a sloping part extending radially from the centre of the disc. An attachment element for attaching the knife is arranged along the sloping part. The knife is bent along a bend line running along the longitudinal direction of the knife. The attachment element is present in a section of the knife on one side of the bend line, and a cutting edge is present running along the free edge of the knife. The angle of bend between the sections is such that the section of the knife at which the cutting edge is present is parallel to the plane of the cutting disc when the knife is mounted on the disc. 113617183595174105101112141015111617111716110. A knife for a cutting disc () for use in a cutting machine , which cutting disc is arranged to cut foodstuffs , or arranged for shredding of foodstuffs , which cutting disc comprises a centrally arranged , penetrating hole () and an opening () that extends in a radial direction , and where the cutting disc () is manufactured from sheet metal , which disc comprises a first bent edge () arranged peripherally around the disc () and a second bent edge () arranged peripherally around the penetrating hole () , and where the disc comprises a dike-shaped section ( , ) with a sloping part () that extends radially from the centre of the cutting disc () and out to the said first bent edge () , and where an attachment means () for the attachment of a cutting device that comprises the said knife () is arranged along the sloping part () , characterised in that the knife () is bent along a bend line () that runs along the longitudinal direction of the knife , in that the attachment means (-) for the knife () is present in a section () of the knife on one side of the bend line () and in that a cutting edge () is ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Compact Blender for Fruit Juice

Номер: US20130287913A1
Автор: Dille Joost Arthur

The present invention refers to a compact blender () with a drinking water connection tube (), supporting conventional tap water connections such as those that are available in any commercial or that can be found in any home. The connection tube () has a water dosing valve () that delivers enough pressure to the water distributed to the blending compartment or jug (). The water flows from the drinking water connection tube (), to a splitting device (), from where at least two inlet tubes () emerge and connect to the blending compartment or jug (), which in turn has at least two guides () with guide cavities () for at least two inlet tubes () that allow passing of water inside said blending compartment (). On the other side, the lid () has a plurality of external protrusions () with inner cavities () connected to the inside of a circular duct () that has a plurality of holes () that introduce drinking water inside the blending compartment or jug (). When the frozen fruit capsule is introduced through the hinged lid () and the operation button is pushed, the exact amount of water is dosed by the water dosing valve () and once the water enters the blending compartment or jug (), the motor starts running () making the axle () of the rotor supporting the blades () turn. By turning these blades () the water is mixed with the frozen fruit capsule thus generating the juice to be dispensed. Also, the present invention refers to the method associated with the operation of said machine. 1: A compact blending machine that allows processing of an individual package or capsule of frozen fruit pulp by pushing just one button , mixing said capsule with water to produce a cup of juice quickly and that is ready to be served , wherein said machine also having cleaning means that makes the machine ready to be used again in few seconds , comprising a casing over which a blending compartment or jug is located , which has a tight lid with an inlet opening for capsule of frozen fruit; said ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301378A1
Автор: Junker Lars

A liquid condiment dispenser comprises a container closed by a lid and an agitator within the container. The agitator includes an elongate connector portion and an agitator portion. One end of the connector portion is connected to the agitator portion. The connector portion is capable of pivotal movement with respect to the lid. The cross sectional area of the connector portion transverse to its length is substantially less than that of the agitator portion. The agitator portion includes at least one passage extending through it and a weight of relatively dense material, such as metal, embedded within it. 1. A liquid condiment dispenser comprising: a container closed by a lid and an agitator within the container , the agitator including an elongate connector portion and an agitator portion , one end of the connector portion being connected to the lid and the other end of the connector portion being connected to the agitator portion , the connector portion being capable of pivotal movement with respect to the lid , the cross sectional area of the connector portion transverse to its length being substantially less than that of the agitator portion , the agitator portion including at least one passage extending through it and a weight of relatively dense material embedded within it.2. A dispenser as claimed in in which said one end of the connector portion is connected to the lid by a hinge connection or by a ball and socket connection.3. A dispenser as claimed in in which the connector portion comprises silicone rubber or an elastomeric material and said one end of the connector portion is embedded in the lid.4. A dispenser as claimed in in which the outer surface of the agitator portion comprises resilient material.5. A dispenser as claimed in in which the connector portion is integral with the agitator portion and is made of the same material.6. A dispenser as claimed in in which two or more mutually inclined passages extend through the agitator portion.7. A ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334349A1

A food processing and preparation apparatus () includes a housing () having a footing portion () and an arm section () that together delimit a housing cavity (), a vessel () defining a food chamber () and positionable in the housing cavity, and a blade () mounted for movement within the food chamber () of the vessel. Also, the food processing and preparation apparatus () includes a blade movement system () including a motor () mounted within the housing () and an intermediary element () for transferring motive power from the motor () to the blade () to thereby effect movement of the blade within the food chamber () of the vessel () and a heating system (). 1. A food processing and preparation apparatus comprising:{'b': 102', '104', '106', '108', '106', '108', '104', '116', '110, 'a housing () having a footing portion () and an arm section (,), the arm section including at least two upwardly projecting arms (,) spaced from one another and joined to the footing portion () at a trunk transition location (), with the footing portion and the arm section together delimiting a housing cavity ();'}{'b': 200', '204', '110, 'a vessel () defining a food chamber () and being positionable in the housing cavity ();'}{'b': 502', '204', '200, 'a blade () mounted for movement within the food chamber () of the vessel ();'}{'b': 500', '504', '102', '508', '504', '502', '204', '200, 'a blade movement system () including a motor () mounted within the housing () and an intermediary element () for transferring motive power from the motor () to the blade () to thereby effect movement of the blade within the food chamber () of the vessel ();'}{'b': 50', '700', '200', '110', '50', '700', '200, 'a heating system (, ), the heating system being selectively disposable in contact with at least one of the vessel () or contents in the vessel when the vessel is positioned within the housing cavity () and the heating system (, ) being operable to selectively resist a decrease of the temperature of ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Portable Food Processor

Номер: US20130334350A1

Disclosed in the invention is a portable food processor which comprises a container for containing food, a food processing component and a container cover component. The food processing component which is arranged inside the container can rotate relative to the container. The container cover component which is fixed to cover an opening of the container comprises a cover body, a driving component arranged in the top of the cover body and a transmission mechanism arranged in the cover body. The driving component drives the food processing component to rotate relative to the container through the transmission mechanism. The driving component is a pull rod component which comprises a chute arranged in the top of the cover body and a pull rod arranged in the chute. The pull rod is provided with a rack to mesh with a gear of the transmission mechanism. Since the pull rod component is used as the driving component in the present invention, only the pull rod needs to be pulled in a reciprocating manner when the portable food processor is operated. Compared with the operation mode of rotating a knob in the prior art, the portable food processor is more convenient and the transmission ratio during driving can be increased by providing a longer pull rod. 1. A portable food processor comprising a container for receiving food , a food processing member being mounted inside the said container adapted to be rotated relative to the said container and a container cover member covered and mounted to an aperture of the said container , the said container cover member comprises a cover , a driving member mounted on the top of the said cover and a transmission device being mounted inside the said cover , the said transmission device is adapted to be driven by the said driving member and then drive the said food processing member be rotated relative to the said container , wherein the said driving member is a pull rod member , the pull rod member comprises a sliding track arranged at the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334351A1
Автор: Kaposi Sascha, Kent Joseph

A nut chopper includes an upper hopper, a lower container, and a grate positioned between the hopper and container. A series of parallel blades supported on an axle and coupled to a crank is positioned so that the blades may be rotated through the grate. As the blades pass through the grate, they chop the nuts that are in the path of the blades. Once individual nuts are chopped into sizes that are smaller than the width of the openings formed in the grate, the chopped portions will fall through the grate and into the container. 1. A nut chopper , comprising:a main body having a hopper configured to hold a plurality of nuts and a container positioned below the hopper;a grate positioned to support the plurality of nuts in the hopper, the grate having a plurality of slots; anda plurality of blades carried on an axle and positioned adjacent the grate for rotational movement of the plurality of blades, each one of the plurality of blades being angularly offset about the axle from each of the remaining of the plurality of blades;whereby when the axle is rotated the plurality of blades is rotated through the plurality of slots in the grate.2. The nut chopper of claim 1 , further comprising a crank and a handle secured to the axle for enabling manual rotational movement of the axle.3. The nut chopper of claim 2 , wherein each of the plurality of slots includes a length in a direction parallel to a plane defined by a corresponding one of the plurality of blades claim 2 , each of the plurality of slots further having a first slot width defined over a first portion of the slot and a second slot width over a second portion of the slot claim 2 , the first slot width being greater than the second slot width.4. The nut chopper of claim 3 , wherein the first slot width extends for a first half of the slot length and the second slot width extends for a second half of the slot length.5. The nut chopper of claim 4 , further comprising a neck formed at a juncture between the hopper and ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334352A1

A food processor includes a base and a bowl with a removable lid. Food items are advanced into the bowl through a feed tube formed in the lid where they are cut by a cutting assembly driven by a motor. The cutting assembly is adjustable to vary the thickness of the cut food items. An adjustment assembly positioned in the base is operable to adjust the cutting thickness of the cutting assembly while the cutting assembly is driven by the motor. 1. A food processor comprising:a base having a motor positioned therein,a bowl removably coupled to the base, the bowl being configured to rotate relative to the base about an axis,a lid removably coupled to the bowl so as to define a processing chamber, the lid having a feed tube that opens into the bowl,a cutting assembly positioned in the processing chamber and driven by the motor to cut food items advanced through the feed tube, the cutting assembly including a cutting blade and a rotating disk having an upper surface, the rotating disk being moveable relative to the cutting blade to adjust a distance defined between the upper surface of the rotating disk and the cutting blade, andan adjustment assembly positioned in the base, the adjustment assembly being operable to move the rotating disk relative to the cutting blade while the cutting assembly is driven by the motor,wherein the bowl is configured to engage the adjustment assembly such that (i) rotation of the bowl in a first direction about the axis causes upward movement of the rotating disk relative to the cutting blade, and (ii) rotation of the bowl in a second direction causes downward movement of the rotating disk relative to the cutting blade.2. The food processor of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment assembly comprises:an adaptor coupled to the rotating disk,a sleeve rotatively coupled to the adaptor and to the base, anda gear assembly positioned in the base, the gear assembly being configured to translate rotation of the bowl into rotation of the sleeve,wherein ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001296A1
Автор: Gen Xu You, You Huang Shen
Принадлежит: Whirpool Corporation

A food processor includes a base and a bowl with a removable lid. Food items are advanced into the bowl through a feed tube formed in the lid where they are cut by a cutting assembly driven by a motor. The lid includes a user-operated button operable to control the motor. 1. A food processing device comprisinga base having a motor positioned therein,a removable bowl coupled to the base, the removable bowl having a processing chamber defined therein,a cutting assembly positioned in the processing chamber and driven by the motor to cut food items placed in the processing chamber,a lid configured to be coupled to the bowl, the lid including a first section having a feed tube that opens into the bowl and a pair of user-operated buttons operable to activate the motor, anda locking mechanism configured to prevent activation of the motor when the lid is decoupled from the bowl.2. The food processing device of claim 1 , wherein the first section and the pair of user-operated buttons define a convex upper surface of the lid.3. The food processing device of claim 1 , further comprising:a first switch positioned in the base, the first switch being operable to energize the motor at a first cutting speed when a first button of the pair of user-operated buttons is depressed, anda second switch positioned in the base, the second switch being operable to energize the motor at a second cutting speed when a second button of the pair of user-operated buttons is depressed.4. The food processing device of claim 3 , wherein the bowl includes:a first arm positioned between the first button and the first switch when the lid is coupled to the bowl, the first arm being moveable upwardly and downwardly relative to the base by the first button to operate the first switch, anda second arm positioned between the second button and the second switch when the lid is coupled to the bowl, the second arm being upwardly and downwardly moveable relative to the base by the second button to operate the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013962A1

Technologies are provided herein for processing edible materials using tools associated with a fabrication system. In one aspect, a fabricator includes a control module and a drive assembly controlled by the control module. The fabricator also includes at least one food processing tool head coupled to the drive assembly that can process material for fabricating an edible structure on a build surface. 1. A fabricator comprising:a control module;a drive assembly configured to be controlled by the control module; andat least one food processing tool head coupled to the drive assembly and configured to process material for fabricating an edible structure on a build surface.2. The fabricator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one food processing tool head is detachable from the drive assembly.3. The fabricator of claim 1 , wherein the food processing tool head comprises:a material container configured to hold solid material;a drive mechanism configured to drive the solid material; anda processing surface through which the solid material is driven.4. The fabricator of claim 3 , wherein the food processing tool head is configured to perform at least one of a grating claim 3 , slicing claim 3 , or blending operation.5. The fabricator of claim 4 , wherein the food processing tool head further comprises an outlet through which material is deposited on the build surface.6. The fabricator of claim 1 , further comprising:a build chamber comprising an gas inlet port and an outlet port, the build chamber attachable to a housing of the fabricator such that the fabricator is sealed from external influences; anda gas inlet line configured to supply gas to the build chamber via the gas inlet port.7. The fabricator of claim 1 , wherein the at least one food processing tool head comprises an ultraviolet light source.8. The fabricator of claim I claim 1 , further comprising an ultraviolet light source controlled by the control unit.9. The fabricator of claim 1 , wherein the food ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014754A1
Принадлежит: Healthy Foods, LLC

A food homogenizer is provided, including a base with a driving motor and a homogenizer assembly removably coupled to the base. The homogenizer assembly includes a homogenizing chamber, an inlet chute, and an exit spout. A shredder is disposed within the homogenizing chamber and is driven by the driving motor to homogenize food ingredients into a soft texture with a similar consistency as ice cream or sherbet. 1. A food homogenizer , comprising:a base comprising a driving motor with a drive shaft; and a homogenizing chamber;', 'a rotational support disposed within the homogenizing chamber; and', 'a shredder disposed within the homogenizing chamber and driven by the driving motor for rotational movement within the homogenizing chamber, the shredder being axially supported for rotation within the homogenizing chamber between the drive shaft and the rotational support., 'a homogenizer assembly removably coupled to the base, comprising2. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the homogenizing chamber comprises an inner surface claim 1 , and the rotational support is formed together with the inner surface.3. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the rotational support comprises a socket and the shredder comprises a ball-shaped support configured to be rotationally supported by the socket.4. The food homogenizer of claim 3 , wherein the shredder comprises a conical geometry with a vertex claim 3 , and the ball-shaped support defines said vertex.5. The food homogenizer of claim 4 , wherein the shredder comprises a plurality of blades extending toward the vertex.6. The food homogenizer of claim 5 , wherein the shredder comprises at least one depression disposed between an adjacent pair of the plurality of blades.7. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the rotational support comprises at least one of a bushing and a bearing.8. A food homogenizer claim 1 , comprising:a base comprising a driving motor with a drive shaft; a homogenizing chamber, a shredder driven by ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Vegetable Blending and Cutting Device and Method THereof

Номер: US20140021277A1
Автор: Xinghuan PAN
Принадлежит: Individual

A vegetable blending and cutting device includes a motorized unit, a food container having a discharging outlet, and a blade assembly supported within a bottom portion of the food container at a position above a bottom wall thereof to define a shredding area within the food container and to communicate with the discharging outlet, wherein the blade assembly is arranged for shredding the vegetables disposed within the shredding area that after the vegetables are shredded within the shredding area, the shredded vegetables are discharged out of the food container through the discharging outlet for controllably adjusting a shredding time of the shredded vegetables being stayed at the shredding area so as to control the shredded vegetable in a controllable delicate size manner.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Food Processor

Номер: US20140021278A1
Принадлежит: Breville Pty Ltd

A food processor is provided with a wide feed tube. The food processor has a pusher that cooperates with a safety mechanism. The safety mechanism comprises a linkage assembly that prevents the food processor's motor from operating unless the pusher is inserted into the feed tube.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Food Processor with Multiple Processing Containers

Номер: US20140042255A1
Автор: Allen Michael W.

A food processor includes a housing, a motor disposed within the housing, an output shaft extending outwardly from the housing, a first processing container, a second processing container, and a lid removably and independently attachable to either one of the first and second processing containers. The first and second processing container are each independently and removably attachable to the housing. The first processing container is configured to be at least partially removably disposed within the interior of the second processing container. The lid is attached to the first processing container and the first processing container is attached to the housing in a first operating position. The lid is attached to the second processing container and the second processing container is attached to the housing in a second operating position. A portion of the first processing container is disposed within the interior of the second processing container in a storage position. 1. A food processor for processing foodstuffs , comprising:a housing;a motor disposed within the housing;an interlock mechanism operably coupled with the motor for controlling operation of the motor, the interlock mechanism including an actuating pin and an interlock switch;an output shaft extending outwardly from the housing, the output shaft operably connected with the motor, such that operation of the motor causes the output shaft to rotate;a first processing container devoid of any actuating members and having an open end and an interior, the first processing container being independently and removably attachable to the housing;a second processing container having an open end, an interior and a longitudinally displaceable rod positioned within a channel extending along a portion of a side of the second processing container, the second processing container being independently and removably attachable to the housing, the first processing container being configured to be at least partially removably ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061342A1
Принадлежит: Healthy Foods, LLC

A supply assembly for a food homogenizer includes a cartridge defining a hollow interior for a food product. The supply assembly includes a force application device that applies a force to the food product. As such, the food product is movable with respect to the cartridge towards a blade assembly of the food homogenizer. A plunger movably supported within the hollow interior of the cartridge can be provided. As such, the plunger and the food product are movable with respect to the cartridge towards the blade assembly of the food homogenizer. 1. A supply assembly for a food homogenizer that has a blade assembly , the supply assembly including:a cartridge defining a hollow interior for a frozen food product; anda force application device configured to transmit a force to the food product separate from the cartridge, wherein the food product is movable with respect to the cartridge towards the blade assembly of the food homogenizer.2. The supply assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cartridge includes a lip portion at an end of the cartridge claim 1 , the lip portion configured to engage a receiving structure of the food homogenizer.3. The supply assembly of claim 2 , wherein the lip portion defines a polygonal cross-section having claim 2 , a plurality of substantially planar sides.4. The supply assembly of claim 3 , wherein the polygonal cross-section of the lip portion includes at least three planar sides.5. The supply assembly of claim 2 , wherein the polygonal cross-section of the lip portion engages a substantially matching polygonal cross-section of the receiving structure such that the cartridge is non-rotatable with respect to the receiving structure.6. A supply assembly for a food homogenizer that has a blade assembly claim 2 , the supply assembly including:a cartridge defining a hollow interior for a frozen food product;a plunger movably supported within the hollow interior of the cartridge, the food product being located on a first side of the plunger; anda ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061345A1
Принадлежит: Healthy Foods, LLC

A food homogenizer includes a drive assembly including a driving motor. The driving motor engages a rotatable mating portion that extends along a rotation axis. A homogenizer assembly is removably attached with respect to the drive assembly. The homogenizer assembly includes a homogenizing chamber, a blade assembly positioned within the homogenizing chamber and a driven shaft that extends from the blade assembly along the rotation axis. The driven shaft is received within the mating portion such that rotation of the mating portion by the driving motor causes rotation of the blade assembly about the rotation axis. A supply assembly engages a receiving opening in the homogenizer and supplies a food product. The food homogenizer includes a rinse system including a drive assembly that engages a homogenizer assembly. The rinse system includes a dispenser assembly that dispenses a liquid to the homogenizer assembly. 1. A food homogenizer including:a drive assembly including a driving motor, the driving motor engaging a rotatable mating portion that extends along a rotation axis; and a homogenizing chamber;', 'a blade assembly positioned within the homogenizing chamber; and', 'a driven shaft that extends from the blade assembly along the rotation axis, wherein the driven shaft is received within the mating portion such that rotation of the mating portion by the driving motor causes rotation of the blade assembly about the rotation axis., 'a homogenizer assembly removably attached with respect to the drive assembly, the homogenizer assembly including2. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the mating portion includes a mating opening into which the driven shaft of the blade assembly is received.3. The food homogenizer of claim 2 , wherein the mating opening includes a plurality of splines that are configured to mate with splines of the driven shaft when the driven shaft is received within the mating opening.4. The food homogenizer of claim 3 , wherein the mating portion ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000315A1
Автор: WEN Zhihua

A blade assembly and a food processor having the same are provided. The blade assembly includes an inner blade shaft, an outer blade shaft, an inner joint assembly, and an outer joint assembly. The outer blade shaft is fitted over the inner blade shaft. The inner joint assembly includes an inner blade joint, an inner motor joint, and an inner sealing head. The inner sealing head is connected between the inner blade joint and the inner motor joint, the inner blade joint is connected to the inner blade shaft. The outer joint assembly includes an outer blade joint, an outer motor joint, and an outer sealing head, the outer sealing head is connected between the outer blade joint and the outer motor joint, and the outer blade joint is connected to the outer blade shaft. 1. A blade assembly , comprising:an inner blade shaft;an outer blade shaft fitted over the inner blade shaft;an inner joint assembly comprising an inner blade joint, an inner motor joint, and an inner sealing head, the inner sealing head being connected between the inner blade joint and the inner motor joint, the inner blade joint being connected to the inner blade shaft, and the inner motor joint being adapted to be connected to a motor inner shaft; andan outer joint assembly comprising an outer blade joint, an outer motor joint, and an outer sealing head, the outer sealing head being connected between the outer blade joint and the outer motor joint, the outer blade joint being connected to the outer blade shaft, and the outer motor joint being adapted to be connected to a motor outer shaft,wherein the inner blade joint is located at an inner side of the outer blade joint, the inner motor joint is located at an inner side of the outer motor joint, an end face of the inner sealing head and an end face of the outer sealing head are staggered along an axial direction, and the inner sealing head is arranged adjacent to the inner blade shaft.2. The blade assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the inner ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Recipe-based cooking aid

Номер: US20200000130A1
Автор: Matthias Roeckl

A recipe has a multiplicity of process steps and transition conditions that are respectively associated with the process steps. A method for processing such a recipe includes the following steps: determining a current process step of the recipe and a transition condition that is associated therewith; outputting an item of information depending on the current process step; scanning a parameter the value of which controls the satisfaction of said transition condition; and setting a subsequent process step of the recipe to be the current process step if the transition condition has been satisfied.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Non-skid Container

Номер: US20190000249A1

A non-skid container having a base portion including a flat portion and a plurality of studs, an outer bowl including a sidewall, a plurality of posts, a top opening, a bottom opening and a recess, wherein the posts are configured to be coupled to the studs, thereby coupling the outer bowl to the base portion and an inner bowl configured to be coupled to the outer bowl by inserting the inner bowl into the recess of the outer bowl. 112-. (canceled)13. A non-skid container , comprising:a base portion including a force dissipating component;a coupler coupled to the base portion; anda bowl coupled to the coupler, such that a force exerted on the coupler or the bowl causes the force dissipating component to rotate without causing the base part to move with respect to a surface on which the non-skid container is placed.14. The non-skid container of claim 13 , wherein the bowl includes an inner bowl and an outer bowl.15. The non-skid container of claim 13 , wherein the force dissipating component is one of a stud or a circular ridge.16. The non-skid container of claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , when the force dissipating component is a stud claim 15 , the coupler includes a post that is used to couple the coupler to the stud of the base portion.17. The non-skid container of claim 13 , wherein claim 13 , in an assembled position claim 13 , the bowl is placed inside a recess of the coupler.18. The non-skid container of claim 13 , wherein claim 13 , in an assembled position claim 13 , the bowl surrounds the coupler.1920-. (canceled)21. The non-skid container of claim 13 , wherein the flat portion of the base portion is constructed of a material having a durometer hardness (Shore A) in the range of 5-45.22. The non-skid container of claim 15 , wherein claim 15 , when the force dissipating component is a stud claim 15 , the flat portion of the base portion is constructed of a material having a first durometer hardness (Shore A) and the plurality of studs of the base portion are ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Domestic Food Preparation Apparatus for Dispensing a Liquid Fruit or Vegetable Product

Номер: US20190000259A1

Domestic food preparation apparatus has a supporting structure (); a water inlet port for connection with a domestic water supply; a waste outlet port for connection with domestic water drainage; a fruit and/or vegetable aperture; at least one dispensing port (); a waste; a blender () adapted through blending action to deliver a liquid fruit and/or vegetable product to the dispensing port () and/or a juice extractor ()) adapted through extraction action to deliver product to the dispensing port () and peel, pith or the like to the waste inlet; and a cleaning system receiving water from the water inlet port and operable in continuous and/or intermittent mode to clean fruit or vegetable debris from the blender () or juice extractor () and deliver waste water and debris to the waste. 1. Domestic food preparation apparatus comprising:a supporting structure;a water inlet port for connection with a domestic water supply;a waste outlet port for connection with domestic water drainage;at least one fruit and/or vegetable aperture for receiving fruit or vegetables;at least one dispensing port for dispensing a liquid fruit and/or vegetable product to the exterior of the supporting structure;a waste inlet communicating with a waste receptacle or a macerator having a macerator waste inlet, a macerator water inlet communicating with said water inlet port and a macerator waste outlet port for connection with said waste outlet port; a blender adapted to receive fruit or vegetables through said aperture and through blending action to deliver a liquid fruit and/or vegetable product to said outlet port; and', 'a juice extractor adapted to receive fruit or vegetables through said aperture and through extraction action to deliver a liquid fruit and/or vegetable product to said outlet port and peel, pith or the like to the waste inlet; and, 'at least one ofa cleaning system receiving water from the water inlet port and operable in continuous and/or intermittent mode to clean fruit or ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000274A1
Принадлежит: Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH

The invention relates to an attachable container () for placement onto a preparation vessel () of a food processor (), wherein a floor-side opening () of the attachable container () lies vertically above an upper opening () of the preparation vessel (). Closure means () are provided, which close the floor-side opening () in a closed position and can be moved to an open position so as to fill ingredients () stored in the attachable container () into the preparation vessel (). A food processor having one or several of such attachable containers () enables an automatic preparation of a meal with readily perishable foods. 1345211234572133453451223242345. An attachable container ( , , ) for placement onto a preparation vessel () of a food processor () , wherein a floor-side opening () of the attachable container ( , , ) lies vertically above an upper opening () of the preparation vessel () , comprising closure means () formed in the attachable container ( , , ) itself and otherwise movable relative to the attachable container ( , , ) , which close the floor-side opening () in a closed position and can be moved to an open position so as to fill ingredients ( , ) stored in the attachable container () into the preparation vessel ( , , ).23451323242513. The attachable container ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , wherein the closure means () can be mechanically activated claim 1 , and are provided for automatically filling the ingredients ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , and/or that electromechanical drive means () are provided claim 1 , with which the closure means () can be moved from the closed position into the open position.334525261. The attachable container ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , wherein the electromechanical drive means () can be connected with a controller () in particular of the food processor () via a hardwired or wireless signal transmission path.43458645. The attachable container ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , comprising ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Mixer with Safety Mechanisms

Номер: US20190000275A1
Автор: Sapire Colin

A blender for processing comestible matter includes a base with a motor, a blade assembly, and a container. The blender further comprises a first safety mechanism and a second safety mechanism. The first safety mechanism functions to ensure that the container is securely attached to the blade assembly before the blade assembly can be mounted to the base. The second safety mechanism functions to ensure the motor in the base can only be powered on when the container and the blade assembly are securely mounted to the base. The blender is operable by affixing the container to the blade assembly, and then the assembly to the base, such that both safety mechanisms are released to permit the motor to be activated. 2. The blender according to claim 1 , wherein said blade assembly can only be affixed to said base when said first safety mechanism is in said second position by affixing said container to said blade assembly.3. The blender according to claim 2 , said blade assembly further comprising:a blade holder, said blade holder having at least one blade holder protrusion;a blade impeller connected to said blade holder;at least one blade, said blade connected to said blade impeller.4. The blender according to claim 3 , said base further comprising:a motor impeller driven by said motor; and,at least one base recess for receiving said at least one blade holder protrusion;wherein said blade assembly is affixed to said base by coupling said blade impeller with said motor impeller and engaging said at least one blade holder protrusion with said at least one base recess.5. The blender according to claim 4 , said first safety mechanism comprises:at least one movable first tab located in said blade holder;a blocking member connected to said first tab, said blocking member located adjacent to said at least one blade holder protrusion;wherein said blocking member prevents said at least one blade holder protrusion from entering said at least one base recess when said blocking member ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for digitizing a cooking process, kitchen apparatus and system for digitizing a cooking process

Номер: US20200000276A1
Принадлежит: Vorwerk and Co Interholding GmbH

The invention also concerns a kitchen appliance (10) for production of a cooking process (200) and a system (1) for the digitalization of a cooking process.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Food Mixing Arrangement

Номер: US20160000265A1
Принадлежит: Kenwood Ltd

A tool that is attachable to an electrically driven stand mixer and configured, when suspended into a bowl and driven in planetary motion by the stand mixer, to perform a mixing operation that involves folding ingredients together without substantial expulsion of air from the mix. The device aims to automate the folding action by providing a food mixing arrangement in which a tool having a wing-like volute blade is suspended by its shaft from a drive outlet of the stand mixer and executes a planetary motion within a mixing bowl. The blade is twisted along its length and has curved surfaces formed to gently lift and turn ingredients to be mixed in the bowl so as to simulate a gentle folding action similar to that achieved manually by an experienced cook.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000266A1

Food processing apparatuses having a drive unit which has more than one mode of operation, works with more than one food processing container, and/or may be operated in more than orientation are disclosed. The drive unit may be operated in first and second modes of operation. In some embodiments, the drive unit may be actuated in a different manner in the second mode of operation as compared to the first mode of operation. In some embodiments, the orientation of the drive unit in the second mode of operation is vertically flipped upside-down as compared to the orientation of the drive unit in the first mode of operation. 1. A food processing apparatus comprising:a drive unit configured to drive a processing tool;a first container;a second container;a first activation site to permit actuation of the drive unit; anda second activation site to permit actuation of the drive unit, the first activation site being positioned at a different location than the second activation site; the drive unit is useable in a first mode of operation with the first container and is useable in a second mode of operation with the second container;', 'in the first mode of operation, the first container supports the drive unit, and user interaction with the first activation site actuates the drive unit; and', 'in the second mode of operation, the drive unit supports the second container, and user interaction with the second activation site actuates the drive unit., 'wherein2. The food processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first activation site comprises a button on the drive unit.3. The food processing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the button is gasket-sealed to the drive unit.4. The food processing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the button is recessed relative to an end of the drive unit.5. The food processing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second activation site comprises a surface on the second container.6. The food processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Drink Mixing Device

Номер: US20180000289A1

The present invention is a drink mixing device generally characterized as having a ball assembly in wireless communication with a base assembly. The base assembly comprises a casing for storing a first battery, a transmitter that receives power from the first battery, a base assembly wireless coil, a power port receiving for external power and host or peripheral connection, a button located along the casing wherein the button is electronically connected to the transmitter. The ball assembly comprises a casing for storing a second battery, a motor, a ball assembly wireless coil, and a receiver. The motor turns a propeller external to but affixed to the exterior of the ball assembly when the motor is powered and turned on. The propeller is protected by a metal spiral. 1. A drink mixing device comprising: i. a casing bottom;', 'ii. a casing top mechanically connected to the casing bottom;', 'iii. a first battery;', 'iv. a transmitter electrically connected to the first battery;', 'v. a base assembly wireless coil;', 'vi. a power port for external power source and host or peripheral connection;', 'vii. a first button located on the casing bottom and electrically connected to the transmitter;, 'a. A base assembly comprising i. a ball base;', 'ii. a ball top mechanically connected to the ball base;', 'iii. a ball assembly wireless coil;', 'iv. a receiver electrically connected to the ball assembly wireless coil', 'v. a second battery electrically connected to the receiver;', 'vi. a motor electrically connected to the second battery;', 'vii. a propeller mechanically connected to the motor; and', 'viii. a ball spiral mechanically connected to ball top., 'b. a ball assembly in wireless communication with the base assembly having2. The drink mixing device of wherein the ball assembly further comprises a weighted sinker connected to the ball base.3. The drink mixing device of further comprising a light source is mechanically connected to the ball top and electrically connected ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Cooking Device

Номер: US20180000290A1
Принадлежит: Magellan Home Goods Ltd

Disclosed herein is a cooking device which may be used for the mixing and stirring of sauces, soups, gravies, and other foodstuffs while being heated on a heat source such as a stovetop, gas burner, hot plate, barbeque grill, charcoal, open flame, etc. The term “sauce” will be used herein to indicate all such foodstuffs to be cooked in order to abbreviate this disclosure. The cooking device allows a user (cook) to stir and mix the sauce while heating the sauce and optionally while a lid assembly is in place thus, more efficiently retaining heat, steam, and flavors within the cooking device during cooking and stirring.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Stand Mixer With Bowl Lift

Номер: US20210000298A1

A stand mixer includes: a base, the base including a bowl lift framework having first lift features; a support arm attached to the base and extending upwardly therefrom; a head attached to an upper end of the support arm and extending generally horizontally therefrom above the base; and a bowl assembly comprising a bowl and a skirt mounted to the bowl, the skirt including second lift features. The first lift features interact with the second lift features such that, when the bowl assembly is rotated relative to the bowl lift framework, the bowl assembly changes elevation relative to the base between raised and lowered positions. 1. A bowl assembly for a stand mixer , comprising:a bowl;a skirt mounted to a lower end of the bowl; anda plurality of radially-outwardly projecting nubs mounted on the skirt.214. The bowl assembly defined in claim , wherein the nubs are spring-loaded and biased toward a radially-outward extended position.314. The bowl assembly defined in claim , wherein the bowl includes an upwardly-extending dimple in a lower surface thereof.414. The bowl assembly defined in claim , further comprising a single handle mounted to the bowl. The present application is directed generally to mixers, and more particularly to stand mixers.Stand mixers are popular home appliances used for multiple tasks in combining ingredients, such as mixing, creaming, blending, and the like. Stand mixers typically include a base that supports a bowl, an upright support arm that extends upwardly from the base, and a cantilevered “head” that extends horizontally from the upright support on which beaters are mounted. The beaters extend downwardly from the arm into the bowl for use.Stand mixers employ one of two basic techniques to enable the bowl to be inserted or removed from its position beneath the beaters: tilting heads or bowl lifts. Tilting heads typically locate the motor in the head and use lighter components and less powerful motors. The head tilts via a pivoting mechanism ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Electric Hand Mixer

Номер: US20210000299A1
Автор: Carlson Drew

An electric hand mixer comprises a housing having at least a bottom surface and a rear heel surface, a motor within the housing, one or more holes defined in the bottom surface for receiving a respective rotatable beater, and a power cord extending outward from the housing. A recess is defined in the housing. A first opening to the recess is defined in the bottom surface. A second opening to the recess is defined in the rear heel surface. The first and second openings are continuous with each other. The power cord extends outward from within the recess. 1. An electric hand mixer comprising:a housing having at least a bottom surface and a rear heel surface, a recess being defined in the housing, a first opening to the recess being defined in the rear heel surface, a second opening to the recess being defined in the bottom surface, the first and second openings being continuous with each other;a motor within the housing;one or more holes defined in the bottom surface for receiving a respective rotatable beater; anda power cord extending outward from the housing, the power cord extending outward from within the recess.2. The hand mixer of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises an angled wall spanning from a floor of the recess to the rear heel surface; andwherein the power cord extends outward from the angled wall.3. The hand mixer of claim 2 , wherein the angled wall has an angle relative to an adjoining edge of the rear heel surface that is greater than 90 degrees; andwherein the angled wall has an angle relative to an adjoining edge of the floor of the recess that is greater than 90 degrees.4. An electric hand mixer comprising:a housing having at least a bottom surface and a rear heel surface, a recess being defined in the housing, the recess extending across a portion of the rear heel surface and across a portion of the bottom surface;a motor within the housing;one or more holes defined in the bottom surface for receiving a respective rotatable beater; anda power ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Stirring wand

Номер: US20180001283A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

A stirring wand is configured for selective engagement with a mixing device. The stirring wand comprises a substantially vertical portion having an upper end and a lower end, a first tapered surface that includes a first pitch angle proximate the upper end of the substantially vertical portion and a second pitch angle proximate the lower end of the substantially vertical portion, a substantially horizontal portion having a base and a distal tip, and a second tapered surface extending from the base to the distal tip. The second tapered surface includes a third pitch angle proximate the base and a fourth pitch angle proximate the tip.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Food Processing Tool

Номер: US20150003190A1

A tool intended as an attachment or accessory for a food processor and configured to automate the delicate operation of folding ingredients together without expelling air is described. The tool includes first and second curved blades which depend from a casing part that is rotated within a processing bowl by means of a geared arrangement that picks up rotary drive from a drive shaft coupled to a driven outlet on the base of the food processor. The blades are disposed at different distances from the axis about which the casing rotates, so that the outer blade passes closer to the wall of the bowl than does the inner blade. 11040414241424445435040203020302030. A food processing tool () comprising a casing part () intended for bodily rotation about a drive-shaft axis and housing gear means ( , ; , , , ) adapted to pick up rotary drive from a food processor drive shaft ( , ) disposed on said drive-shaft axis , the casing () supporting first and second dependent blade members ( , ) disposed at different distances from said drive-shaft axis and at different orientations there-around , wherein food-contacting surfaces of the blade members ( , ) are each formed to gently lift and turn ingredients; the blade member () further from said drive-shaft axis being configured to turn ingredients in towards the axis and the blade member () closer to said drive-shaft axis being configured to turn ingredients outwardly therefrom.24142. A tool according to claim 1 , wherein said gear means comprises first and second gear wheels ( claim 1 , ) configured as an epicyclic gearbox.3. A tool according to or claim 1 , wherein said gear means causes said tool to rotate at a speed in the range from 15 to 60 rpm.4203040. A tool according to any preceding claim wherein said blade members ( claim 1 , ) are removable from said casing part ().52030. A tool according to any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein said blade members ( claim 1 , ) are each formed with a compound curvature and tilt to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003869A1
Автор: Hackert Georg
Принадлежит: Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH

An accessory for a kitchen appliance, particularly in the form of a measuring cup, for being attached to a cooking vessel, as well as to a correspondingly equipped kitchen appliance, wherein a sensor arrangement is arranged in the accessory and is capable of determining operating states, which are transmitted wirelessly to the kitchen appliance. 1. An accessory in the form of a measuring cup that is configured for being attached to a cooking vessel of a kitchen appliance , wherein the measuring cup has a measuring volume with a bottom and a sensor arrangement.2. The accessory according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor arrangement is arranged in the bottom.3. The accessory according to claim 1 , further comprising a transmitter for the wireless transmission of data.4. The accessory according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor arrangement comprises at least one sensor capable of detecting a distance claim 1 , a temperature claim 1 , a weight or the presence of an object within the detection range of the sensor.5. The accessory according to claim 4 , wherein the at least one sensor is an imaging sensor and/or an RFID read sensor claim 4 , an infrared sensor claim 4 , a temperature sensor claim 4 , an ultrasonic sensor and/or a weight sensor.6. The accessory according to claim 1 , wherein the accessory features an autarkic energy supply claim 1 , e.g. in the form of an accumulator.7. A kitchen appliance comprising a cooking vessel and an accessory in the form of a measuring cup that is configured for being attached to the cooking vessel claim 1 , wherein the measuring cup has a measuring volume and a bottom and features a sensor arrangement configured for determining at least one operating state in the cooking vessel.8. The kitchen appliance according to claim 7 , wherein the sensor arrangement comprises a sensor capable of detecting a position of the accessory claim 7 , in which the accessory covers an opening of the cooking vessel.9. The kitchen appliance according to ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007063A1

An electric food processor is of the type in which the user applies pressure to the food item against a rotary processing member () against during processing. A pressure indicator () is provided for displaying a signal at least representing the user-applied pressure. 1. An electric food processor comprising:an input opening for receiving a food item to be processed;a pressure applicator adapted to be received in the input opening, to enable pressure to be applied to the food item by the user during processing;a rotary processing member against which the food item is to be pressed during processing; anda motor for driving the rotary processing member,wherein the food processor further comprises a pressure indicator for displaying a signal representing the user-applied pressure.2. A food processor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure indicator comprises an output which indicates when the user-applied pressure is too high.3. A food processor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure indicator comprises a set of outputs which indicate that the user-applied pressure is too high claim 1 , or too low claim 1 , or at a suitable level.4. A food processor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure indicator comprises one or more lights claim 1 , or one or more sounds claim 1 , or a tactile output.5. A food processor as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a current sensing arrangement for sensing a drive current of the motor claim 1 , wherein the drive current is representative of the user-applied pressure.6. A food processor as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the current sensing arrangement comprises a current sensing resistor and voltage measurement unit.7. A food processor as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the current sensing arrangement comprises a current sensing transformer and voltage measurement unit.8. A food processor as claimed in claim 5 , further comprising a circuit for generating a pressure indication signal from the sensed current.9. A food processor as ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Agitation unit and beverage preparation apparatus

Номер: US20170007067A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

An agitation unit includes an agitation tank to which a liquid is supplied and an agitation member which agitates the liquid supplied to the agitation tank. The agitation tank has an area of opening in a horizontal direction decreasing in a downward direction.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007802A1

A blade assembly is provided that includes a base portion that is removably coupleable to a blender base and an aperture extending through the base portion. The blade assembly further includes a drive shaft rotatably coupled to the base portion, the drive shaft extending through the aperture and rotatable about a rotational axis. The blade assembly further includes one or more blades fixedly coupled to the drive shaft and a coupling member for removably coupling a container to the blade assembly. The blade assembly further includes a guard member extending from the base portion such that the guard member circumscribes the one or more blades about the rotational axis. Further, the guard member circumscribes a portion of the container about the rotational axis when the container is removably coupled to the coupling member. 1. A blade assembly for a blending apparatus comprising a blender base and a container for receiving food for blending , the blade assembly comprising:a base portion that is removably coupleable to the blender base;an aperture extending through the base portion;a drive shaft rotatably coupled to the base portion, the drive shaft extending through the aperture and rotatable about a rotational axis;one or more blades fixedly coupled to the drive shaft such that rotation of the drive shaft rotates the one or more blades;a coupling member for removably coupling the container to the blade assembly; anda guard member extending from the base portion such that the guard member circumscribes the one or more blades about the rotational axis, wherein the guard member circumscribes a portion of the container about the rotational axis when the container is removably coupled to the coupling member.2. The blade assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the guard member extends axially from the base portion past a blade plane of the one or more blades by a distance.3. The blade assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the guard member comprises a circular opening ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

A milk frothing device

Номер: US20210007319A1

There is disclosed herein a frothing assembly () to froth milk in a container (). The assembly () includes: a body (); a motor () fixed to the body and having an output shaft () that is rotatably driven about a longitudinal axis () of the shaft (); a frothing device () rotatably driven by the shaft () and to be submerged in the milk in the container (); and a perforated member () at least partly surrounding the frothing device () and spaced from the frothing device () by a clearance (), wherein rotation of the frothing device () causes movement of milk in the clearance () and movement of milk through the perforated member () to be circulated back through the container () and the clearance () to cause frothing of the milk. 1. A frothing assembly to froth milk in a container , the assembly including:a body;a motor fixed to the body and having an output shaft that is rotatably driven about a longitudinal axis of the shaft;a frothing device rotatably driven by the shaft and to be submerged in the milk in the container; anda perforated member at least partly surrounding the frothing device and spaced from the frothing device by a clearance,wherein rotation of the frothing device causes movement of milk in the clearance and movement of milk through the perforated member to be circulated back through the container and the clearance to cause frothing of the milk.2. The frothing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frothing device includes a plurality of blades that are spaced angularly about said axis claim 1 , and that have a direction of extension away from said axis that includes a radial component.3. The frothing assembly of claim 2 , wherein the direction of extension also includes an angular component.4. The frothing assembly of or claim 2 , wherein each of the blades is generally flat.5. The frothing assembly of any one of to claim 2 , wherein the perforated member has an end portion providing a plurality of passages through which the milk may pass.6. The frothing ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007554A1

A machine () for processing a liquid food substance includes: a jug () having a container () and delimiting a food cavity (′) for containing the liquid food substance; and a base () that has one or more walls () forming a seat (′) for removably receiving the container (). The base () and the jug () comprise or delimit, respectively, an off-centred projecting member () and a corresponding off-centred seat () for the projecting member () or vice versa. The off-centred seat () is configured to receive the projecting member () when the container () is received by the base seat (′) such that the container () is in place for processing the liquid food substance. The off-centred projecting member () is configured to maintain the container () off its place for processing the liquid food substance in the cavity (′) when the projecting member () is off-set relative to the off-centred seat (). 1. A machine for processing a liquid food substance , comprising:a jug having a container that delimits a food cavity for containing the liquid food substance, such as a container having a removable lid for covering the cavity;a base that has one or more walls forming a seat for removably receiving the container; andthe base and the jug comprise, respectively, an off-centred, projecting member, and a corresponding off-centred, seat for the projecting member or vice versa, the off-centred seat being configured to receive the projecting member when the container is received by the base seat such that the container is in place for processing the liquid food substance in the food cavity, the off-centred projecting member being configured to maintain the container off its place for processing the liquid food substance in the cavity when the projecting member is off-set, relative to the off-centred seat.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the off-centred projecting member is received in the off-centred seat claim 1 , the off-centred seat and the off-centred projecting member ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007556A1
Автор: DELBAERE Pieter

The present invention relates to a device for the automatic preparation of a food product, comprising a mixture receptacle (), in which solid ingredients are mixed, and a drive device (--) to automatically tilt the mixture receptacle () in order to pour out the mixed ingredients into a refreshment receptacle () and to make them available to a user therein. The invention also relates to a method of offering a refreshment to a consumer which has been prepared in situ at a sales point and which comprises mixed solid ingredients, wherein the consumer himself introduces ingredients in solid form into a device according to the present invention, and allows the refreshment to be automatically prepared in the device. 1. Device for the automatic preparation of a food product , which preparation comprises the mixing of solid ingredients , comprising a mixture receptacle , a mixing device to mix the ingredients in the mixture receptacle and a drive device to tilt the mixture receptacle , wherein the device is configured to make the prepared food product available to a user in a refreshment receptacle , and in that the drive device is configured to tilt the mixture receptacle automatically from an upright position into a first pouring position after the ingredients have been mixed , in order to allow the mixed ingredients to drop from the mixture receptacle into the refreshment receptacle.2. Device for the automatic preparation of a food product according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture receptacle is rotatable about a rotary shaft which is movable along a first guide track by the drive device claim 1 , in that the mixture receptacle comprises a guide element which is configured to be moved along a second guide track claim 1 , wherein a movement of the rotary shaft according to the first movement path causes a movement of the guide element along the second movement path and moves the mixture receptacle from the upright position into the first pouring position.344. Device for ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007557A1

A blender is provided that uses a latch handle to lock the blade base onto the jar member without the use of threads. When the latch is locked onto the jar member, the latch itself is engaged to a tab member protruding from the jar member in order to prevent the latch from opening on accident. 1. A locking blade base for engaging and locking a jar member and the blade base to one another , the locking blade base comprising:a latching member that includes a hook member, wherein in a first position the hook member engages a locking tab member of the jar member to lock the blade base to the jar member, andwherein in a second position the hook member does not engage the locking tab member of the jar member, and the jar member and the blade base are not lockingly engaged to one another.2. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein an alignment tab member is provided on the jar member above the locking tab member substantially in alignment with the locking tab member.3. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein the blade base includes a channel member that extends upwardly along a length of the blade base and through which the locking tab member may fit.4. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein the blade base includes a lock and release button that is depressable to release the hook member from the locking tab member.5. The blade base of claim 4 , wherein the lock and release button includes a ledge member at a rear portion thereof.6. The blade base of claim 5 , wherein the latching member includes a barbed locking member that engages the ledge member in the first position.7. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein blade base includes a blade set.8. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein the blade base includes a seal member that provides a seal between the blade base and the jar member.9. The blade base of claim 4 , wherein lock and release button is spring-loaded.10. The blade base of claim 1 , wherein the latching member includes a second hook member claim 1 , and the jar member includes a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008097A1
Автор: Mehlman Fred

A blender container and puck assembly is generally described. The puck assembly may include a retainer nut that affix a blade assembly to the blender container. The puck assembly is not directly fastened to the container. The puck assembly may include an identification tag that interacts with a transponder. 1. A blender apparatus comprising:a container;a blade assembly operatively positioned in the container; anda puck assembly comprising a retainer nut, wherein the retainer nut is not directly attached to the container.2. The blender apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the blade assembly is positioned into and through the puck assembly.3. The blender apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the blade assembly includes a bearing housing claim 1 , the bearing housing free of contact with the container.4. The blender apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the bearing housing contacts the retainer nut.5. The blender apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the retainer nut includes an elastomeric material dampening the blade assembly.6. The blender apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the container comprises a cavity with a first engaging member and the retainer nut comprises a second engaging member whereby the first and second engaging members nestingly engage each other.7. The blender apparatus of claim 6 , wherein nesting engaging of the first and second engaging members operatively align the retainer nut with the container.8. The blender apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the first engaging member comprises a protrusion and the second engaging member comprises a groove.9. A blender apparatus comprising:a blender base comprising a motor;a container operatively engageable with the blender base; anda blade assembly isolated from the container, the blade assembly in operatively coupled with the motor.10. The blender apparatus of further comprising a puck assembly claim 9 , wherein the blade assembly is inserted through the puck assembly and the puck assembly is not directly attached to the container.11. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008098A1

A mixing tool lock fixes a mixing tool in a container of a kitchen appliance, such as a stand mixer for kneading, mixing or grinding ingredients. The locking device includes a tool holder in which the mixing tool is rotatably mounted, and a fixing device for the tool holder. The tool holder also has a releasing device for releasing the mixing tool from the container. The locking device can be attached to the lower outside of a container having a bottom opening on the lower outside. The size of the opening corresponds at least to the diameter of the casing of the mixing tool so that the tool-side components of the mixing tool can be passed completely through the bottom opening from the outside. A kitchen appliance includes a drive, a housing that accommodates the drive, at least one mixing tool, and a container having the locking device. 115-. (canceled)16. A locking device for fixing a mixing tool in a container of a kitchen appliance , the locking device comprising:a tool holder for rotatably mounting the mixing tool in said tool holder;said tool holder including a fixing device for connecting said tool holder to the container; andsaid tool holder including a releasing device for releasing said tool holder from the container.17. The locking device according to claim 16 , wherein said releasing device is a mechanical component receiving an axial force and forwarding said axial force to said tool holder.18. The locking device according to claim 17 , wherein said tool holder has an interior with a peripheral region claim 17 , and said releasing device is a grip configured to be stored in said peripheral region and connected to said tool holder.19. The locking device according to claim 18 , wherein said grip is rotatably connected to said tool holder and is configured to be folded out of said tool holder.20. The locking device according to claim 16 , wherein said fixing device cooperates mechanically with a component fixedly receiving said tool holder.21. The locking ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008325A1

A food processing machine includes a head extending over a bowl receiving location, the head including an output shaft driven in a planetary manner. At least a first food processing tool and a second food processing tool can be changed in and out of the machine to be driven by the output shaft. A controller and associated tool detection system is configured to identify whether the first food processing tool or the second food processing tool is mounted on the machine and to select a stored load profile that is linked to the identified food processing tool. 1. A food processing machine , comprising:a head extending over a bowl receiving location, the head including an output shaft driven in a planetary manner;wherein at least a first food processing tool and a second food processing tool can be changed in and out of the machine to be driven by the output shaft; anda controller and associated tool detection system configured to identify whether the first food processing tool or the second food processing tool is mounted on the machine and to select a stored load profile that is linked to the identified food processing tool.2. The food processing machine of wherein each food processing tool includes an identifier thereon and the machine includes at least one sensor for detecting the identifier.3. The food processing machine of wherein each identifier comprises an identification code and the sensor is a code reader.4. The food processing machine of wherein each identification code is one of an RF identification code claim 3 , a magnetic identification code or an optical identification code and the code reader is one of an RF code reader claim 3 , a magnetic code reader or an optical code reader.5. The food processing machine of wherein the controller is configured to monitor at least one actual load condition during machine operation with the identified food processing tool and to compare the actual load condition with the stored load profile.6. The food processing ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008625A1
Автор: Liu Rong, TANG YAN, XU Jianfei

Disclosed are an overflow prevention ring and a food processor. The overflow prevention ring includes an annular body, a detecting potion connected to an inner edge of the annular body and extending along one side of the annular body, and a lead connecting structure connected to an outer edge of the annular body. The annular body, the detecting portion, and the lead connecting structure are in electrically conduction with one another. 1. An overflow prevention ring , comprising:an annular body;a detecting portion connected to an inner edge of the annular body and extending along one side of the annular body; anda lead connecting structure connected to an outer edge of the annular body; whereinthe annular body the detecting portion, and the lead connecting structure being in electrically conduction with each other.2. The overflow prevention ring of claim 1 , wherein an outer diameter of the annular body is at least 50 mm claim 1 , and at most 80 mm.3. The overflow prevention ring of claim 1 , wherein an inner diameter of the annular body is at least 55 mm claim 1 , and at most 65 mm.4. The overflow prevention ring of claim 1 , wherein a horizontal projection area of the annular body is at least 1300 mm claim 1 , and at most 2000 mm.5. (canceled)6. The overflow prevention ring of claim 1 , wherein an angle formed between a side wall of the detecting portion and the annular body is at least 60 degrees claim 1 , and at most 120 degrees.7. The overflow prevention ring of wherein a height of the detecting portion is at least 1 mm claim 1 , and at most 25 mm.8. The overflow prevention ring of claim 7 , wherein the detecting portion is a barrel fixedly connected to the inner edge of the annular body.9. The overflow prevention ring of claim 1 , wherein the lead connecting structure comprises a protruding rib connected to the outer edge of the annular body an end of the protruding rib away from the annular body defining a threading hole.10. (canceled)11. A food processor ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008626A1

A blender system that includes a base that is selectively and operatively engaged with a container is shown and described herein. The base may include a near field communications chip that may communicate with a near field communications chip of a container. The base also includes a motor that is selectively and operatively engaged with a blade disposed within the container. 1. A blender system comprising:a base including a motor and a first near field communication component;a second near field communications component in communication with the first near field communication component; anda sensor in communication with the second near field communication component,wherein the sensor transmits data to the second near field communication component and the second near field communication component transmits the data or instructions to the first near field communication component to adjust or modify operation of the motor in the base.2. The blender system of claim 1 , wherein adjusting or modifying operation of the motor in the base comprises turning off the motor.3. The blender system of claim 1 , wherein adjusting or modifying operation of the motor in the base comprises transitioning from a first state of operation of the motor to a second stage of operation of the motor.4. The blender system of claim 1 , wherein adjusting or modifying operation of the motor comprises reducing a speed of the motor.5. The blender system of claim 1 , wherein the sensor includes a temperature sensor.6. The blender system of claim 5 , wherein adjusting or modifying operation of the motor comprises adjusting a speed of the motor to keep a temperature measured by the temperature sensor within a specified temperature range.7. The blender system of claim 1 , further comprising a container comprising or containing the second near field communication.8. A blender system comprising:a base including a motor and a first near field communication component;a second near field communications ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009520A1
Принадлежит: Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH

A preparation vessel, in particular for a food processor, has a vessel wall and a preparation area surrounded by the vessel wall. The vessel wall has a cooling device that contacts the vessel wall in a heat-conducting manner for cooling a preparation item present in the preparation area. The vessel wall in at least a partial area has a double-walled design, with an inner wall bordering the preparation area and an outer wall that is formed separately from the inner wall and spaced apart from the inner wall by a gap, wherein the gap has the cooling device and a phase change material located between the cooling device and the outer wall as viewed in a direction from the preparation area to the outer wall. 1. A preparation vessel comprising a vessel wall , a preparation area surrounded by the vessel wall , and a cooling device allocated to the vessel wall , the cooling device contacting the vessel wall in a heat-conducting manner for cooling a preparation item present in the preparation area , wherein the vessel wall in at least a partial area has a double-walled design , with an inner wall bordering the preparation area and an outer wall that is formed separately from the inner wall and spaced apart from the inner wall by a gap , wherein the cooling device is disposed in the gap , and further comprising a phase change material in the gap , the phase change material being located between the cooling device and the outer wall as viewed in a direction from the preparation area to the outer wall.2. The preparation vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the phase change material is spaced apart from the inner wall by interspersing the cooling device.3. The preparation vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling device is a Peltier element.4. The preparation vessel according to claim 3 , wherein a heat sink is arranged on a side of the Peltier element facing away from the inner wall.5. The preparation vessel according to claim 1 , wherein the phase change material has a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011019A1
Автор: Huerta-Ochoa Ruben T.

A food processing machine includes a head extending over a bowl receiving location, the head including a rotatable output member for receiving a mixer tool. A drive system for effecting rotation of the rotatable output member includes a primary drive motor connected through a variable ratio transmission assembly to drive the output member, and a modulator motor linked to operate the variable ratio transmission assembly. 1. A food processing machine , comprising:a head extending over a bowl receiving location, the head including a rotatable output member for receiving a mixer tool;a drive system for effecting rotation of the rotatable output member, the drive system including a primary drive motor connected through a variable ratio transmission assembly to drive the output member and a modulator motor linked to operate the variable ratio transmission assembly.2. The food processing machine of wherein:the primary drive motor includes an output shaft,the variable ratio transmission assembly includes an input shaft coupled to the output shaft, the input shaft includes an eccentric cam within the variable ratio transmission assembly, where the eccentric cam is engaged to move an internal orbiting gear of the variable ratio transmission assembly, wherein the orbiting gear orbits relative to a control gear of the variable ratio transmission assembly, and the modulator motor is linked to effect rotation of the control gear.3. The food processing machine of wherein a plane of the orbiting gear and a plane of the control gear are parallel to each other.4. The food processing machine of wherein a face of the control gear includes a plurality of circumferentially spaced bushings that interact with a peripheral gear profile of the orbiting gear as the orbiting gear orbits within a perimeter defined by the circumferentially spaced bushings.5. The food processing machine of wherein the control gear is a worm wheel and the modulator motor drives the worm wheel through an associated ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Household Electrical Appliance Control Panel and Method of Manufacturing Such a Control Panel

Номер: US20160012987A1

Household electrical appliance control panel () comprising a membrane () with blisters () defining the keys of the control panel () and a backing piece () to which the membrane () is attached, the backing piece () having openings () opposite said blisters (), wherein the membrane () and the backing piece () are respectively made of a first and a second chemically non-metallizable material and wherein the backing piece () comprises at least one part that is not covered by the membrane () and onto which a decorative piece () of chemically metallizable material is overmoulded, the decorative piece () having an external surface which is chemically metallized. 1. A household electrical appliance control panel comprising a membrane supported by a backing piece , the membrane comprising blisters defining keys of the control panel , the backing piece comprising openings opposite said blisters designed for receiving a switch , wherein the membrane and the backing piece are respectively made of a first and a second chemically non-metallizable material and wherein the backing piece comprises at least one part not covered by the membrane , onto which a decorative piece made of chemically metallizable material is overmolded , the decorative piece comprising an external surface which is wet metallized by jointly immersing the backing piece , the membrane , and the decorative piece in a bath containing the metal to be deposited on the decorative piece.2. The control panel as in claim 1 , wherein the membrane is polyester.3. The control panel as in claim 1 , wherein the backing piece is made from one of a polycarbonate or of a material belonging to the family of copolyesters.4. The control panel as in claim 1 , wherein the decorative piece is made of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).5. The control panel as in claim 1 , wherein the decorative piece is chrome plated.6. The control panel as in claim 1 , wherein the backing piece is overmolded onto the membrane.7. The control ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Blender motor housing

Номер: US20160013700A1
Принадлежит: Moog Inc

A magnetic drive assembly includes a housing having a cylindrical end bell portion and a cylindrical hub portion adjacent the end bell portion, wherein the radius of the hub portion is greater than the radius of the end bell portion. One or more mounting tabs extend radially outward from the hub portion. The housing has heat transfer fins associated with the mounting tabs for dissipating heat and structurally supporting the mounting tabs in the manner of a gusset. The heat transfer fins may be arranged on opposite sides of each mounting tab to provide support for the mounting tab in opposite axial directions of the housing. To relieve internal pressure, the housing may have at least one pressure equalization vent allowing passage of gas but not passage of liquid into and out of the housing.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Baby food maker

Номер: US20180014683A1
Автор: Dov Z. Glucksman
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for steaming and blending food products, also usable for sterilizing baby bottles as needed. The apparatus includes a base including a removable steam chamber and a motor driven drive shaft. A container assembly including a blade assembly can be mounted to the base for steaming the food and for blending the food. The apparatus may further include a steam diverter plate for sterilizing articles such as baby bottles.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014693A1
Принадлежит: BlendTec, Inc.

A blending apparatus includes a blending jar and a lid. The blending jar has an internal surface defining an internal volume, and a mixing blade positioned within the internal volume. The lid is releasably mounted to the blending jar and includes at least one scraper extending into the internal volume. The at least one scraper is adjacent to the internal surface of the blending jar and is arranged and configured to disrupt rotational flow of food particles within the internal volume and/or scrape food particles from an inner surface of the blending jar. 129-. (canceled)30. A blending apparatus , comprising:a blending jar having an internal surface defining an internal volume, the internal surface having a sidewall;a mixing blade positioned within the internal volume of the blending jar,a lid releasably mounted to the blending jar, the lid having a peripheral portion and a scraper portion, the scraper portion having a first end attached to the peripheral portion, the scraper portion having a second end extending into the internal volume parallel to the sidewall of the internal surface, the scraper portion being arranged and configured to disrupt food particles adjacent to the sidewall of the internal surface.31. The blending apparatus of claim 30 , wherein the scraper portion extends from the peripheral portion at a circumferential extension angle relative to a central axis of the lid.32. The blending apparatus of claim 30 , wherein the scraper portion extends helically into the internal volume.33. The blending apparatus of claim 30 , wherein the scraper portion is positioned entirely above the mixing blade.34. The blending apparatus of claim 30 , wherein the lid includes a handle portion claim 30 , wherein the lid comprises a pass-through bore passing from an exterior of the lid to the internal volume of the blending jar through the handle portion.35. The blending apparatus of claim 30 , further comprising a second scraper portion extending from the lid into the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014694A1
Принадлежит: Vorwerk & Co. lnterholding GmbH

The invention relates to an electrically operatable kitchen device for preparing food by means of one or more effective devices. An effective device can be activated and/or adjusted by a rotary knob and/or push button, and the kitchen device can be deactivated in terms of one or simultaneously more or all of the activated effective devices. The aim of the invention is to provide an electrically operatable kitchen device with an advantageously deactivatable effective device. According to the invention, this is achieved in that the deactivation of the effective device can be triggered depending on the speed at which the rotary knob is moved in the direction of the rotational axis of the rotary knob, in the rotational direction, or in the opposite rotational direction. 1. An electrically operable kitchen appliance for preparing foodstuffs by means of one or more processing devices , whereina processing device can be activated and/or adjusted by a rotary knob and/or push-button, and the kitchen appliance can be shut down with respect to one, or simultaneously a plurality or all, of the activated processing devices,whereinthe shut-down of the processing device can be triggered as a function of a speed with which the rotary knob is moved in the direction of its axis of rotation, or in the rotational direction, or in the opposite rotational direction.246. An electrical kitchen appliance for processing foodstuffs by means of processing functions that can be adjusted by a user , with an adjustment device ( , ) for purposes of adjusting at least one of the processing functions by the user , wherein{'b': '6', 'the adjustment device has a touch screen (),'}wherein{'b': 4', '6, 'the adjustment device (,. ) is designed and equipped such that, in addition to the adjustment of the processing function by the user, it also provides an activation of an emergency stop function by the user, wherein'}{'b': 6', '11', '12, 'the emergency stop function can be activated by means of a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method and Device for Making Nut Butter and Nut Milk

Номер: US20180014695A1

A device for producing nut butter and/or nut milk from nuts. The device may comprise a base having a motor, an outer container positioned above the base, a mixing container positioned within the outer container, and a cutting device positioned within the mixing container and configured to be driven by the motor during operation. The mixing container has inner sidewalls and at least one screen, the inner sidewalls being substantially vertical and the at least one screen having a plurality of holes particularly sized to allow emulsified nut milk to freely pass therethrough. The cutting device may comprise a central hub and at least two blades, the at least two blades vertically offset and each having a blade tip, each blade tip positioned a certain radial distance from the inner sidewalls of the mixing container. A method for producing nut butter and/or nut milk is further described. 1. A device for producing nut butter and/or nut milk from nuts , comprising:a base having a motor configured to drive a shaft;an outer container positioned above the base;a mixing container positioned within the outer container, the mixing container comprising inner sidewalls and at least one screen, the inner sidewalls being substantially vertical, the at least one screen having a plurality of holes sized just large enough to allow nut milk to freely pass through; anda cutting device positioned within the mixing container and mounted on the shaft, the cutting device configured to be driven by the motor during operation, the cutting device comprising a central hub and at least two blades, the at least two blades vertically offset and each having a blade tip, each blade tip positioned a radial distance from the inner sidewalls of the mixing container.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the radial distance between the inner sidewalls and each blade tip is between approximately 2.29 and 2.79 mm (0.09 and 0.11 inches).3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the radial distance between the inner ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Non-Integrated Motor Fan in Kitchen Appliance

Номер: US20180014696A1
Автор: Williams Brian P.

A blender for blending foodstuff comprises a base and a blender jar removably mountable to the base. The base encloses a motor and a cooling fan. The cooling fan is selectively operable and positioned to blow or draw air across at least a portion of the motor. The blender jar has one or more selectively rotatable blades. The motor is selectively operable to rotate the blender jar blades. The selective operation of the motor is independent of the selective operation of the fan, such that (1) the fan is operable when the motor is not operating, (2) the motor is operable when the fan is not operating, and (3) the fan and the motor are operable at different respective speeds at a same time. 1. A blender for blending foodstuff , the blender comprising:a base enclosing a motor and a cooling fan, the cooling fan selectively operable and positioned to blow or draw air across at least a portion of the motor;a blender jar removably mountable to the base, the blender jar having one or more selectively rotatable blades;wherein the motor is selectively operable to rotate the blender jar blades;wherein the selective operation of the motor is independent of the selective operation of the fan, such that (1) the fan is operable when the motor is not operating, (2) the motor is operable when the fan is not operating, and (3) the fan and the motor are operable at different respective speeds at a same time.2. The blender of claim 1 , further comprising a thermostat for measuring a temperature of the motor;wherein the fan operates when the measured temperature is above a first predetermined temperature limit; andwherein the fan does not operate when the measured temperature is below a second predetermined temperature limit.3. The blender of claim 2 , wherein the first predetermined temperature limit is not equal to the second predetermined temperature limit.4. A method of operating a blender for blending foodstuff claim 2 , the method comprising: a base enclosing a motor and a cooling ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Device for use in a blender

Номер: US20160015216A1

A device for use in a blender comprises a rotatably arranged tool ( 10 ) for moving through food to be processed by means of the blender, and a tool cage ( 20 ) for partially covering the tool ( 10 ). The tool cage ( 20 ) is shaped like a hollow cylinder having a longitudinal axis and an inner surface ( 24 ) with exclusively non-convex areas, wherein a cross-sectional shape of the tool cage ( 20 ) deviates from a circular shape and has at least one protruding area which is outside of an imaginary circle being centrally positioned about the longitudinal axis and touching the inner surface ( 24 ) while having a minimum radius. The inner surface ( 24 ) of the tool cage ( 20 ) may have a triangular shape or a square shape about the longitudinal axis. A dimensionless characteristic value and a range for the value are defined for predicting quality of performance of the device.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015217A1

A blender jar for a household type blender. The blender includes a jar and a blender blade assembly provided rotatably around a rotary axis at a bottom of the blender jar. The rotary axis is tilted from a normal axis of a working surface used for operating the blender jar thereon in ordinary use, and the bottom of the blender jar at which the blender blade assembly is positioned has a flat surface configuration. 1. A blender jar for a household type blender , the blender jar comprising:a jar; anda blender blade assembly rotatably mounted around a rotary axis at a bottom of the blender jar, wherein the rotary axis is tilted from a normal axis of a working surface upon which the blender jar is configured to operate in ordinary use, and wherein the bottom of the blender jar at which the blender blade assembly is positioned has a flat surface configuration.2. The blender jar according to claim 1 , wherein a tilt angle by which the rotary axis is tilted from the normal axis lies in the range from 5 degrees to 20 degrees.3. The blender jar according to claim 1 , wherein a central axis of inner walls of the blender jar and the rotary axis are tilted from each other by an acute angle.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The blender jar according to claim 1 , wherein a blender blade of the blender blade assembly has a trough-shaped vertical cross section.7. The blender jar according to claim 1 , wherein a blender blade of the blender blade assembly has a curved shaped claim 1 , flat blade arm.8. The blender jar according to claim 1 , wherein side walls of the blender jar are inclined relative to a axis of the blender jar claim 1 , such that an axial cross section of the blender jar decreases towards the bottom of the blender jar.9. The blender jar according to claim 1 , further comprising a coupling interface configured to couple the blender jar and blender blade assembly to a motorized base unit claim 1 , wherein the coupling interface is configured to be coupled to the motorized ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015218A1
Автор: Kolar David J.

A blender system with a shearing blade assembly is shown and described. The blender system may include a container and a shear blending assembly attached thereto. The shear blending assembly may include a cutting blade, a shearing blade, a shear mechanism, and bearings operably coupled with a blending base. The shearing blade may force foodstuff through apertures of the shearing mechanism. The foodstuff may be drawn through a cut path of the cutting blade. The cutting blade may cut the foodstuff.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015630A1
Автор: Sammons Jonathan

A beverage mixing assembly includes a gasket that is positioned around an open end of a beverage container. The gasket is comprised of a resiliently stretchable material for accommodating a variety of sizes of beverage containers. A housing is coupled to the gasket for gripping the housing and a motor is positioned within the housing. A shaft releasably engages the motor such that the motor rotates the shaft when the motor is turned on. The shaft extending downwardly into the beverage cup when the gasket is positioned around the open end of the beverage container. A mixer is coupled to the shaft such that the shaft rotates the mixer when the motor is turned on thereby facilitating the mixer to mix the beverage in the beverage container. 1. A beverage mixing assembly being configured to be removably positioned on a beverage container for mixing a beverage contained therein , said assembly comprising:a gasket being positioned around an open end of a beverage container, said gasket being comprised of a resiliently stretchable material for accommodating a variety of sizes of beverage containers, said gasket forming a fluid impermeable seal with the beverage container;a housing being coupled to said gasket for gripping said housing;a motor being positioned within said housing;a shaft releasably engaging said motor such that said motor rotates said shaft when said motor is turned on, said shaft extending downwardly into the beverage cup when said gasket is positioned around the open end of the beverage container;a mixer being coupled to said shaft such that said shaft rotates said mixer when said motor is turned on thereby facilitating said mixer to mix the beverage in the beverage container; anda switch being coupled to said housing, said switch being electrically coupled to said motor such that said switch turns said motor on and off.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:said gasket has a first end, a second end and an outer wall extending therebetween, each of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015290A1

A system and method for an automated cooking device that includes a multi-ingredient dispenser with a base, liquid dispenser and a dispensing selector, wherein the base comprises a set of base receptacles; a set of ingredient dispenser units that removably couple with the base receptacles and controllably open when in an engaged mode with the dispensing selector of the multi-ingredient dispenser; a cooking apparatus with a heating unit and mixing unit; and a control unit that is configured to process a multi-stage cooking process and that at least partially controls the dispensing selector, heating unit, mixing unit, and liquid dispenser. 1. An automated cooking device comprising:a multi-ingredient dispenser that comprises a base and a dispensing selector, wherein the base comprises a set of base receptacles;a set of ingredient dispenser units that removably couple with the base receptacles and controllably open when in an engaged mode with the dispensing selector of the multi-ingredient dispenser; anda control unit that at least partially controls the dispensing selector and is configured to process a multi-stage cooking process.2. The automated cooking device of claim 1 , further comprising a cooking apparatus that comprises a cooking vessel with a heating unit; a mixing unit; and wherein the control unit at least partially controls the heating unit and the mixing unit.3. The automated cooking device of claim 2 , further comprising a liquid dispenser.4. The automated cooking device of claim 2 , wherein the multi-ingredient dispenser comprises a base removably connectable to the cooking apparatus at a vertical position at least partially above the cooking vessel; and wherein the multi-ingredient dispenser is horizontally aligned with the cooking apparatus.5. The automated cooking device of claim 1 , wherein the base of the multi-ingredient dispenser can couple with a variety of cooking vessels.6. The automated cooking device of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015304A1

A system () for processing and handling a liquid food substance, comprises: a processing device () that has a processing cavity () in which the liquid food substance is processed (), the processing cavity () having an opening () that is configured so that the liquid food substance is removable from the processing cavity () via the opening (); and a handling arrangement () that is configured to handle the liquid food substance when the liquid food substance is collected in an external user-recipient, such as a cup or a mug, after its processing in the processing cavity (). The handling arrangement () is seizable by a human hand. The handling arrangement () is separate from the processing device () and from the external user-recipient and is freely movable relative thereto. When seized and operated by the human hand, the handling arrangement () is configured: to withdraw such liquid food substance upon processing from the processing cavity () and to deliver it into the external user-recipient; and/or to shape such processed liquid food substance upon collection in the external user-recipient. 11020. A system ( ,) for processing and handling a liquid food substance , comprising:a processing device that has a processing cavity in which the liquid food substance is processed, the processing cavity having an opening that is configured so that the liquid food substance is removable from the processing cavity via the opening; anda handling arrangement that is configured to handle the liquid food substance when the liquid food substance is collected in an external user-recipient, such as a cup or a mug, after processing of the liquid food substance in the processing cavity; andthe handling arrangement is seizable by a human hand, the handling arrangement being separate from the processing device and from the external user-recipient and being freely movable relative thereto, when seized and operated by the human hand the handling arrangement being configured: to withdraw such ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015803A1
Автор: Goodson Mark E.

A beverage mixing system/method allowing faster mixing/blending of frozen beverages is disclosed. The system/method in various embodiments utilizes inductive coupling to introduce heat into the frozen beverage during the mixing/blending process via a rotating driveshaft and attached mechanical agitator to speed the mixing/blending process. Exemplary embodiments may be configured to magnetically induce heat into the driveshaft and/or mechanical agitator mixing blade to affect this mixing/blending performance improvement. This heating effect may be augmented via the use of high power LED arrays aimed into the frozen slurry to provide additional heat input. The system/method may be applied with particular advantage to the mixing of ice cream type beverages and other viscous beverage products. 1. A driveshaft tor a beverage mixing system comprising:a solid copper shaft containing a ferromagnetic or ferrous iron slug within a void formed within said driveshaft,said slug configured to interact with an induction coil when said induction coil is electrically driven to generate heat and by conduction heat said driveshaft.2. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 1 , wherein said void is formed in a first end of said driveshaft and a mechanical agitator is coupled to a second opposing end of said driveshaft.3. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 1 , wherein said void has a shape that is complementary to the shape of said slug.4. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 3 , wherein said void and slug are cylindrically shaped.5. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 1 , wherein said copper shaft is metal plated.6. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 5 , wherein said copper shaft is nickel plated.7. The driveshaft for the beverage mixing system of claim 1 , wherein said copper shaft is polymer coated.9. The beverage mixing system of claim 8 , wherein said void is formed in an opposing end of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016235A1

The present disclosure relates to a stirrer blade for an automated food processing machine. The stirrer blade is movably configured with said automated food processing machine. The stirrer blade includes a member , a first arm connected to a first end of said member and extends in a first direction. The first arm has a curved distal end . A second arm connected to a second end of said member and extends in a second direction. The second arm comprises plurality of spikes (). 1. A stirrer blade for an automated food processing machine , said stirrer blade is adapted to be movably configured with said automated food processing machine , said stirrer blade comprising:a member,a first arm connected to a first end of said member, and extending in a first direction, wherein said first arm has a curved distal end;a second arm connected to a second end of said member, and extending in a second direction, wherein said second arm comprises plurality of spikes.2. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said stirrer blade is configured to be accommodated in a pan.3. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said plurality of spikes extends towards base of said pan.4. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one spike of said plurality of spikes is orthogonal to said base.5. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one spike of said plurality of spikes is curved.6. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an end of said first arm extends beyond said member in said second direction.7. The stirrer blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first direction is opposite to said second direction.8. An automatic food processing system claim 1 , said system comprising claim 1 ,a horizontal platform configured to hold a pan;a vertical platform coupled to said horizontal platform, and positioned perpendicular to said horizontal platform;a stirrer blade movably configured with said vertical platform, and adapted to be ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103155A1
Принадлежит: Healthy Foods, LLC

A food homogenizer is provided, including a base with a driving motor and a homogenizer assembly removably coupled to the base. The homogenizer assembly includes a homogenizing chamber, an inlet chute, and an exit spout. A shredder is disposed within the homogenizing chamber and is driven by the driving motor to homogenize food ingredients into a soft texture with a similar consistency as ice cream or sherbet. 1. A food homogenizer including:a base comprising a driving motor with a drive shaft; and a homogenizing chamber having a conic shape portion with an inner surface against which food is homogenized;', 'a shredder disposed within the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber and driven by the driving motor for rotational movement about an axis within the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber, the shredder having a conic shape extending from a conic base to a conic vertex; and', 'an exit spout in direct fluid communication within the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber and extending transverse to the rotational axis of the shredder to permit direct discharge of homogenized food from the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber to an outside environment as the shredder rotationally moves within the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber., 'a homogenizer assembly including2. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the exit spout is the only exit spout in direct fluid communication within the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber.3. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the exit spout is non-axially aligned with the rotational axis of the shredder.4. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , wherein the direct fluid communication of the exit spout from the conic shape portion of the homogenizing chamber to the outside environment avoids movement of food through mesh or screen.5. The food homogenizer of claim 1 , homogenizer assembly including an inlet chute claim 1 , and the inlet chute and the exit spout are ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018572A1
Автор: HOWARD Damian

The present disclosure is generally directed to a GF detection circuit for use in blenders and other appliances that can detect current leak/GF events and selectively decouple/de-energize components of the blender that could bring a user in contact with dangerous electrical currents. Preferably, a blender consistent with the present disclosure includes at least one ground plane, e.g., in the form of conductive material/sections, disposed on the blender and/or blender jar that act as an input to a GF detection circuit that is at least partially implemented within the base of the blender. 1. An appliance , the appliance comprising:a first portion with a receptacle to couple to a second portion;a first ground plane disposed on a surface defining the first portion; anda ground fault (GF) detection circuit, the GF detection circuit to detect a ground fault event based on a measuring a current induced on the first ground plane and output an electrical signal indicating a fault event.2. The appliance of claim 1 , further comprising the second portion and at least a second ground plane disposed on an surface defining the second portion claim 1 , and wherein the first and second ground planes are electrically coupled to each other when the first and second portions couple together.3. The appliance of claim 1 , further comprising a controller to receive the electrical signal from the GF detection circuit and transition to a fault mode based on the received electrical signal indicating the fault event.4. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the first portion includes a conductor to electrically couple to a heating element disposed within the second portion claim 1 , and a relay to switchably electrically couple the conductor to a power supply.5. The appliance of claim 4 , wherein the relay is configured to switchably decouple the conductor from the power supply to disable heating functions of the second portion based on the GF detection circuit indicating the fault event.6. The ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140104976A1
Автор: QUINESSER Albert

A kitchen appliance comprising a base station having a support surface on an upper portion thereof and a rotatable drive shaft comprising a first coupling part at a free end thereof. The appliance comprises a removable bowl comprising a bottom part that is supported by the support surface during operation and a coupling member supported from said bottom part. The member comprises a second coupling part for coupling with the first cJoupling part. The first coupling part comprises a head with an outer surface with a number of first cam portions. The second coupling part comprises a socket for accommodating the head, the socket has an inner circumferential surface with a number of second cam portions, said first and second cam portions comprise first respectively second cam faces, which mate upon accommodation of the head in the socket. 1. A tool suitable for use with a kitchen appliance , comprising:a socket for interacting with a rotatable head of a coupling member of a removable bowl, the bowl comprising an integral closed bottom part adapted to be used with a base station having a support surface on an upper portion thereof and enclosing a drive means for driving a motor driven drive shaft, the socket having an inner surface on which a number of angled cam portions is provided that can mate with a number of angled cam portions provided on said head.2. An assembly of a bowl and a tool attachable to said bowl , the bowl comprising:an integral closed bottom part and a coupling member rotatably mounted in said bottom part, said coupling member comprising a first coupling part suitable for coupling with an external rotatable driving member located outside the bowl and a second coupling part for carrying the tool inside the bowl, andwherein said tool is adapted to couple with the second coupling part of the bowl.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the tool comprises a socket for interacting with a head provided on the second coupling part claim 2 , the socket having an ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Food processor and method for operating a food processor

Номер: US20170020332A1
Автор: Benjamin Strang
Принадлежит: Vorwerk and Co Interholding GmbH

A method for operating an electric motor-driven food processor for preparing a preparation item, wherein a user of the food processor receives information from the food processor about an operating parameter for the food processor and/or a preparation parameter for the preparation item and/or transmits said information to the food processor. The information is projected into the visual field of the user by means of a wearable image generating device configured separately from the food processor, in particular an eyeglass-type construction worn in front of an eye while the user is looking at the food processor in a defined angular range. The information is superimposed onto the visual field. Also proposed is an electrically driven food processor as well as a system comprised of such a food processor and a wearable image generating device.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020338A1

An agitating cooking assembly having an improved structure configured to cook food while simultaneously agitating the food, and a cooking apparatus including the same are disclosed. 1. A cooking device comprising:a cooking chamber configured to provide a space in which food is cooked;a tray located at a bottom surface of the cooking chamber, and connected to a drive member generating rotational force; andan agitating cooking assembly supported by the tray and rotatable with the tray,wherein the agitating cooking assembly includes:a cooking container configured to store food therein;an agitating member configured to agitate the food while simultaneously relatively rotating in the cooking container with respect to the cooking container; anda stopper located at a rotation path of the agitating member in a manner that the agitating member relatively rotates with respect to the cooking container.2. The cooking device according to claim 1 , wherein the agitating member includes:a connection part connected to one side of the cooking container; anda first agitating part configured to extend from the connection part to an edge region of a bottom surface of the cooking container.3. The cooking device according to claim 2 , wherein:the cooking container includes a protrusion part installed at a center region of the bottom surface;the connection part includes an insertion groove shaped in response to the protrusion part at a bottom surface of the connection part; andthe protrusion part is inserted into the insertion groove such that the agitating member relatively rotates with respect to the cooking container.4. The cooking device according to claim 2 , wherein the first agitating part is configured to contact the bottom surface of the cooking container.5. The cooking device according to claim 2 , wherein the first agitating part is formed in a tilted shape in a manner that the first agitating part is increased in height in proportion to the increasing distance from both sides ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Food Processor with Slice Selector Disc

Номер: US20170020339A1
Принадлежит: Sunbeam Products, Inc.

A food processor including a reversible motor disposed in a base for generating a rotational force, a processor container removably attached to the base, a spindle rotated by the reversible motor when energized, and a slicing disc rotatably coupled to the spindle, the slicing disc having a radially extending slicing blade formed on one side thereof configured to perform a slicing operation and a plurality radially extending shredding blades disposed oppositely to the slicing blade on the slicing disc configured to perform a shredding operation. The slicing disc is automatically rotated in a first direction by the motor when the first and third discrete positions are selected on a slice selector disc corresponding to the slicing and dicing operations and automatically rotated in a second direction by the motor when the second discrete position is selected on the slice selector disc corresponding to the shredding operation. 1. A food processor , comprising:a reversible motor disposed in a base for generating a rotational force;a processor container removably attached to the base;a spindle rotated by the reversible motor when energized;a slicing disc rotatably coupled to the spindle, the slicing disc having a radially extending slicing blade formed on one side thereof configured to perform a slicing operation and a plurality of radially extending shredding blades disposed oppositely to the slicing blade on the slicing disc configured to perform a shredding operation;a selector configured to select performing the slicing operation or performing the shredding operation;wherein the slicing disc is automatically rotated in a first direction by the motor when the slicing operation is selected by the selector and the slicing disc is automatically rotated in a second direction by the motor when the shredding operation is selected by the selector.2. A food processor , comprising:a reversible motor disposed in a base for generating a rotational force;a processor container ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023126A1

A smart mixer appliance includes a set of ingredient trays. The appliance includes a nozzle-based food distribution assembly to transfer ingredients from the trays into a container. A motor system drives a set of mixer beaters to mix the container contents. A user accesses a network resource and selects a recipe having instructions for ingredient provisioning and mixing. The ingredient trays are loaded with the recipe ingredients. The recipe instructions are converted into a control procedure suitable to automatically control the ingredient transfer and mixing operations. A controller implements the recipe instructions by managing the operation of the food distribution system and motor system according to the control procedure. 1. A food processing system for use with a container , said system comprising:a plurality of ingredient receptacles;a dispenser facility configured to controllably transfer ingredients from at least one of the ingredient receptacles into the container;a mixing facility configured to controllably mix ingredient contents within the container;a processor configured to generate a control procedure representative of received recipe instructions; anda controller configured to control the operation of the dispenser facility and the mixing facility according to the control procedure.2. A food processing system according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a sensor within the system and in communication with the processor for detecting the amount of ingredients to be dispensed.3. A food processing system according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a touch screen display in electrical communication with the processor for sending control signals to the processor and for displaying data.4. A food processing system according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a wireless communication connection for downloading recipes from the Internet.5. A food processing system according to claim 3 , further comprising claim 3 ,Web browser software for ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Tri-Blade Assembly for Blender

Номер: US20150023130A1

A jug body having a through opening for receiving a blade assembly, the opening extending through a hub formed on an underside of the jug; the blade assembly having a bearing case within which is mounted bearings for supporting a shaft; the bearing case having a flange at one end and having threads at an opposite end, the threads protruding from a lower surface of the hub; the threads cooperating with a threaded nut that draws the flange into engagement with the jug; the lower surface of the hub and the nut being capped by a cover through which protrudes the shaft; a lower end of the shaft having attached to it, a coupling. 1. A jug for a blender , comprising:a jug body having a through opening for receiving a blade assembly, the opening extending through a hub formed on an underside of the jug;the blade assembly having a bearing case within which is mounted bearings for supporting a shaft;the bearing case having a flange at one end and having threads at an opposite end, the threads protruding from a lower surface of the hub;the threads cooperating with a threaded nut that draws the flange into engagement with the jug;the lower surface of the hub and the nut being capped by a cover through which protrudes the shaft;a lower end of the shaft having attached to it, a coupling.2. The jug of claim 1 , wherein:the cover has a first opening that receives an insert with a second opening through which the shaft passes;the insert having a lower surface with a metallic covering; anda seal interposed between the coupling and the covering, the covering acting as a contact surface for the seal.3. The jug of claim 2 , wherein:the covering is at least partially embedded into the insert.4. The jug of claim 1 , wherein:the cover is retained onto the hub by vertically oriented fasteners.5. The jug of claim 1 , wherein:a seal is interposed between the flange and an interior of the jug.6. The jug of claim 2 , wherein:a circumferential edge of the insert is stepped to cooperate with a ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Food Processor

Номер: US20150023133A1

A food processor having a standing surface at the bottom, a rear side and a front side, wherein the front side, starting from the highest location of the food processor, is formed obliquely and contains a holder for a cooking vessel. Freely projecting rod parts are formed in an upper region of the food processor, wherein the front ends of the rod parts are arranged on the same horizontal plane and are set back. To improve handling further, it is proposed that the set-back amount should correspond to 25% to 50% of the largest extent of the food processor as seen in the depthwise direction in the standing-surface region of the food processor. The amount also corresponds to approximately half the horizontal distance between the longitudinal centre axes of the rod parts. The contour of the front side is always rounded in the region of the rod parts. 1. A food processor comprising:a lower standing surface, a rear side and a front side, wherein the front side, starting from the highest location of the food processor assigned to the rear side, is formed obliquely in relation to vertical and a holder for a cooking vessel is formed in the front side, wherein, furthermore, freely projecting rod parts are formed in an upper region of the food processor, wherein the front ends of the rod parts are arranged on the same horizontal plane and are set back toward the rear side of the food processor with respect to a furthest-forward projecting extent, characterized in that the set-back amount corresponds to 25% to 50% of the largest extent of the food processor as seen in the depthwise direction in the standing-surface region of the food processor, wherein the amount, at the same time, corresponds to approximately half the horizontal distance between the longitudinal center axes of the rod parts, wherein, furthermore, the contour of the front side is always rounded in the region of the rod parts.2. The food processor as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the food processor ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039600A1

A blending device having an interlock system which may comprise a plurality of subassemblies. A thermal detector may be configured to be proximity with matter being blended for human consumption. Interlock system may further include a blade interlock contact and a compressive contact. The blender vessel may be configured to compress the compressive contact to a communicative configuration when connected with the blade assembly. Interlock system may utilize a blender base assembly that has base interlock contacts and a motor. The blade assembly may be configured to releasably mount to the blender base assembly and may cause the base interlock contact and the blade interlock contact to come into electrical communication with each other. The interlock system may ultimately result in the motor being obstructed from operation unless certain conditions are met. The interlock system may further utilize one or more than one logic circuit element. 1. A blade holder for a blending device comprising:a housing configured to be detachably secured to a vessel and a base;at least one blade configured to mix a blending material within the vessel when the vessel is secured to the housing and when the housing is detachably secured to the base;a logic circuit element configured to electronically communicate with the base via at least one electrical contact when the housing is detachably secured to the base; andat least one thermal detector positioned to contact the blending material within the vessel when the vessel is secured to the housing, wherein the at least one thermal detector is in electrical communication with the logic circuit element; andwherein the at least one thermal detector is configured to detect a temperature of the blending material when the vessel is secured to the housing and when the logic circuit element is in electronic communication with the base.2. The blade holder of claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermal detector claim 1 , together with the logic ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Milk Beverage Heating Stirrer

Номер: US20220039602A1
Автор: XIONG Xingjian

A milk beverage heating mixer comprises a cup, a stirrer, a base, a heating plate, a temperature measurement assembly and a first lever assembly. A cavity for accommodating the cup is formed in an upper end of the base. A first radial opening and a second radial opening are formed in a cavity wall of the cavity. The heating plate is disposed at the bottom of the cavity. The first lever assembly is rotatably disposed outside the cavity, and a protrusion at a first end of the first lever assembly stretches into the cavity via the first radial opening. When accommodated in the cavity, the cup presses the protrusion and pushes the temperature measurement assembly by means of the second end of the first lever assembly to stretch into the cavity via the second radial opening to make contact with a side wall of the cup. 1. A milk beverage heating mixer , comprising:{'b': '100', 'a cup () for containing a milk beverage;'}{'b': 200', '250', '100', '253', '254', '2511', '250, 'a base () having an upper end formed with a cavity () for accommodating the cup (), a first radial opening () and a second radial opening () being formed in a cavity wall () of the cavity ();'}{'b': 210', '250', '100, 'a heating plate () disposed at a bottom of the cavity () and configured to heat a bottom of the cup ();'}{'b': '220', 'a temperature measurement assembly (); and'}{'b': 270', '250', '273', '271', '270', '250', '253', '250', '100', '273', '220', '272', '270', '250', '254', '100, 'a first lever assembly () rotatably disposed outside the cavity (), a protrusion () at a first end () of the first lever assembly () stretching into the cavity () via the first radial opening (); when accommodated in the cavity (), the cup () pressing the protrusion () and pushing the temperature measurement assembly () by means of a second end () of the first lever assembly () to stretch into the cavity () via the second radial opening () to make contact with a side wall of the cup ().'}2270272220250. The milk ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021315A1

An agitator assembly for mixing a product in a container is provided; the assembly may include a shaft having a distal end and an opposite proximal end. An agitator head may be attached to the distal end of the shaft. The agitator head may include a plurality of paddles extending from a base, wherein at least one of the paddles is made from a flexible material. The agitator head may include four paddles, wherein a first paddle and a second paddle may be generally aligned along a first plane, and a third paddle and a fourth paddle may be generally aligned along a second plane. The first plane may be generally perpendicular to the second plane. The first paddle and the second paddle may include a shape that is generally smaller relative to a shape of the third paddle and the fourth paddle. 1. An agitator assembly for mixing a product in a container , the assembly comprising:a shaft having a distal end and an opposite proximal end; andan agitator head attached to the distal end of the shaft, the agitator head including a plurality of paddles extending from a base wherein at least one of the paddles is made from a flexible material.2. The agitator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the agitator head includes four paddles.3. The agitator assembly of claim 1 , wherein the agitator head includes a first paddle and second paddle generally aligned along a first plane claim 1 , and a third paddle and a fourth paddle generally aligned along a second plane.4. The agitator assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first plane is generally perpendicular to the second plane.5. The agitator assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first paddle and the second paddle include a shape that is generally smaller relative to a shape of the third paddle and the fourth paddle.6. The agitator assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first paddle and the second paddle extend from the base at an angle in a first direction that is generally toward an aperture of the base claim 3 , and the third paddle and the fourth ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021548A1
Автор: Eisner Illi

Devices, systems, and apparatuses, and associated methods of preparing a liquid food item for consumption by a liquid food item preparation device are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a device includes an inner shell having an inner surface and an outer surface, an outer shell having an inner surface and an outer surface, the inner surface of the inner shell defining a liquid holding volume and the outer surface of the inner shell and the inner surface of the outer shell defining a vacuum chamber. The outer shell and inner shell can be configured to form an orifice to the liquid holding volume at their junction. The device can be configured to prepare a liquid food item for consumption, including by powering a heating element and mixer device that can be configured to respectively heat and mix a liquid food item in the liquid holding volume. 1. A device for preparing a liquid food item for consumption , the device comprising:an inner surface defining a liquid holding volume;an outer surface, the outer surface and inner surface forming an orifice of the liquid holding volume;a heating element configured on the inner surface;a thermal sensor configured to sense a temperature of the liquid holding volume;a mixer device, the mixer device comprising a mixing element disposed within the liquid holding volume; and receiving an instruction to prepare a liquid food item within the liquid holding volume;', powering, with the power source, the mixer device, wherein powering the mixer device comprises engaging the mixing element thereby causing the mixing element to rotate within the liquid holding volume;', 'measuring, using the thermal sensor, a first temperature of the liquid food item within the liquid holding volume;', 'determining whether the first temperature is at a consumption temperature;', 'powering, with the power source, the heating element;', 'in response to determining that the first temperature is not at the consumption temperature, 'measuring, using the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Blender Jar Assembly and Associated Blender

Номер: US20190021549A1

A blender jar assembly comprises a container portion having an open end for receiving the foodstuff to be blended and for dispensing the foodstuff after blending and a base portion selectively coupled to the container portion. The base portion comprises a floor and a sidewall connected to and extending from the floor to form a chamber for receiving at least a portion of the foodstuff during a blending operation. The chamber has an open end in fluid communication with the open end of the container portion when the container portion and the base portion are selectively coupled. The base further comprises one or more rotatable blades that are fully contained within the chamber formed by the floor and the sidewall and do not extend beyond a rim of the sidewall. 1. A blender jar assembly for blending foodstuff , the blender jar assembly comprising:a container portion having an open end for receiving the foodstuff to be blended and for dispensing the foodstuff after blending; anda base portion selectively coupled to the container portion, the base portion comprising a floor and a sidewall connected to and extending from the floor to form a chamber for receiving at least a portion of the foodstuff during a blending operation, the chamber having an open end in fluid communication with the open end of the container portion when the container portion and the base portion are selectively coupled, the base further comprising one or more rotatable blades;wherein the one or more rotatable blades are fully contained within the chamber formed by the floor and the sidewall and do not extend beyond a rim of the sidewall.2. The blender jar assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base portion comprises one or more spires projecting from the rim of the sidewall claim 1 , the one or more spires extending into the container portion when the container portion and the base portion are selectively coupled.3. The blender jar assembly of claim 2 , wherein the sidewall comprises one or more ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Blender with Quiet Shield

Номер: US20190021550A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Beach Brands Inc

A blender comprises a housing and a shield. The housing has a first portion enclosing a motor and a second portion for selectively receiving a blender jar assembly. The second portion defines an opening through which the blender jar assembly is selectively received. The shield is selectively coupled to the second portion via a substantially vertical pivot point that enables the shield to be selectively pivoted between a closed position closing off the opening in the second portion and an open position enabling the blender jar assembly to be inserted into or removed from the second portion. The pivot point comprises an overcenter cam that urges the shield toward the closed position when the shield is positioned between the closed position and a maximum displacement point of the overcenter cam and that urges the shield toward the open position when the shield is positioned between the open position and the maximum displacement point.
