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20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2187271C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедии и травматологии, и может быть применимо для костной пластики. Удаляют патологический очаг в пределах здоровых тканей. Заполняют образовавшуюся полость кортикальными костными аллотрансплантатами в виде пластин по типу "вязанки хвороста" в смеси с биовеществом, которое при контакте с жидкой средой костной раны набухает, становится пластичным и полностью заполняет костную полость, образуя с аллотрансплантатами монолитную массу. Способ позволяет восстановить целостность и однородность кости, сократить сроки реабилитации, снизить вероятность осложнений. 5 ил.

20-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2575566C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, конкретно к гидроксиапатиту, легированному ионами Fe2+ и ионами Fe3+, которые частично замещают ионы кальция в кристаллической решетке. Гидроксиапатит характеризуется собственным магнетизмом от 0,05 до 8 эме/г, измеренным в приложенном магнитном поле 34Э, благодаря присутствию магнитных нанодоменов в кристаллической решетке НА, при наличии ограниченного количества магнитных вторичных фаз, составляющего менее примерно 3 об.%. Собственно магнитный гидроксиапатит может быть нагружен биологическими веществами, выбранными из группы, состоящей из белков, генов, стволовых клеток, факторов роста и факторов васкуляризации, активных веществ или лекарственных средств, под контролем внешнего магнитного поля, в качестве средства для доставки и высвобождения биологических веществ или лекарственных средств, в качестве контрастного агента в диагностике или для регенерации костной и костно-хрящевой ткани. Гидроксиапатит обеспечивает доставку и высвобождение лекарственных ...

20-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2431627C2

Изобретение относится к области материалов для костных имплантантов и может быть использовано для изготовления биокерамики для лечения костных дефектов. Способ подготовки шихты для получения биокерамики включает дозирование исходных компонентов и их помол в планетарной мельнице. В качестве исходных компонентов используют гидроксиапатит и дигидрофосфат натрия при массовом соотношении «гидроксиапатит/дигидрофосфат натрия» в интервале 20/80-85/15. Способ позволяет подготавливать шихту для биокерамики нового поколения, способной резорбироваться и стимулировать образование новой костной ткани. 1 табл.

11-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2714035C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к композиции рентгеноконтрастного биостекла и способу ее получения, и может быть использовано в ортопедии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии для создания на имплантатах биоактивного покрытия или в стоматологии в качестве добавки в пломбировочный материал, и позволит визуально контролировать позиционирование имплантата или пломбы как на стадии размещения, так и с течением времени. Технический результат изобретения заключается в упрощении способа получения биостекла, содержащего рентгеноконтрастную добавку - оксид вольфрама, обладающий меньшей растворимостью, и менее токсичный. Рентгеноконтрастное биоактивное стекло содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: SiO40,5-44,5, NaО 22,0-24,3, CaO 22,0-24,3, РО5,5-5,9, WO1,0-10,0. Его получают смешением олеата кальция, олеата натрия, трибутилфосфата и тетраэтоксисилана в скипидаре, добавлением экстракта вольфрама, полученного экстракцией три-н-октиламина из солянокислого раствора вольфрама, нагреванием для удаления ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508131C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к травматологии, ортопедии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, стоматологии, нейрохирургии, а именно к остеопластичным составам биокомпозиционных материалов, предназначенным для лечения заболеваний и повреждений костной системы человека, и может быть использовано в качестве материала, способного в организме полностью биодеградировать и заменяться новой костной тканью, для регенерации костных клеток, биологического наполнителя при дефектах костной ткани, остеокондуктивного и остеоиндуктивного биологического опорного каркаса для регенерации костной ткани. Техническим результатом является реализации расширения арсенала биокомпозиционных материалов для замещения костной ткани и фиксации эндопротезов. Для этого отверждаемый биокомпозиционный материал для замещения костных дефектов на основе фосфатов кальция дополнительно содержит фосфат магния, гидрофосфат кальция, аминокислоту, в качестве фосфатов кальция - биологический гидроксиапатит при следующем ...

20-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2392007C2

Изобретение относится к медицине и биотехнологии, а именно к способам получения материалов для костных имплантатов. Предложенный способ включает подготовку шихты, формование и обжиг, шихта при этом содержит порошок фосфата кальция и добавку, обеспечивающую порообразование, при этом используют фосфат кальция с мольным соотношением Са/Р в интервале 1,0-1,5, синтезированный соосаждением из растворимых солей кальция и растворимых фосфатов; в качестве добавки, обеспечивающей порообразование, используют ацетат щелочного металла, который при подготовке шихты смешивают с гидроксидом щелочного металла при соотношении ацетат/гидроксид щелочного металла в интервале 75/25-95/5. При этом смесь ацетата и гидроксида щелочного металла добавляют к порошку фосфата кальция в количестве 6-10% мас., а обжиг проводят при 1050-1150°С. Изобретение обеспечивает получение пористого материала на основе фосфата кальция без введения порошка стекла, требующего трудоемкой предварительной подготовки и формирующего в материале ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2379061C2
Принадлежит: Докса АБ (SE)

Настоящая группа изобретений относится к медицине, точнее к имплантатам и устройствам с поверхностным покрытием. Предложена керамическая композиция-предшественник для получения высокопрочных биоэлементов, используемых в качестве рассасывающегося или частично рассасывающегося биоматериала, где композиция включает по меньшей мере один силикат с Са в качестве основного катиона со скоростью рассасывания меньше или равной скорости роста кости, и этот по меньшей мере один силикат действует как основная связующая фаза в биоматериале, причем этот по меньшей мере один силикат Са присутствует в количестве 50 мас.% или больше, а все остальные составляющие, если они есть, представлены добавками, такими как инертная фаза, и/или добавками, которые делают биоматериал рентгеноконтрастным. Предложен отвержденный керамический материал, который основан на керамической композиции-предшественнике и находится в гидратированной форме. Предложен медицинский имплантат, предложено применение медицинского имплантата ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491960C2
Принадлежит: Истоселль, С.Л. (ES)

Группа изобретений относится к трехмерной матрице из монетита со структурированной пористостью, способу синтеза указанной матрицы, форме для ее получения и применению матрицы из монетита для регенерации структуры кости. Заявленная матрица из монетита имеет в своей структуре вертикальные цилиндрические макропоры диаметром от 350 до 650 мкм, которые пересекают в продольном направлении матрицу с одного конца до другого и расположены на расстоянии друг от друга от 0,4 до 0,6 мм. Форма для получения указанной матрицы снабжена однородно распределенными зубцами диаметром 350-650 мкм, равномерно расположенными на расстоянии друг от друга 0,4-0,6 мм. Способ синтеза матрицы из монетита включает стадии смешивания основных фосфатов кальция, кислых фосфатов кальция, порообразующего агента и замедлителя схватывания и отверждения посредством добавления дистиллированной воды с образованием жидкой фазы, заполнения формы указанной жидкой фазой, стерилизации образованного материала-предшественника и его термического ...

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2303580C2

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии, системе доставки лекарственных препаратов, может использоваться для заполнения костных дефектов или как матрикс для клеточных культур. Пористая гидроксиапатитовая керамика с бимодальным распределением пор содержит тонкие внутригранульные диаметром менее 10 мкм и крупные взаимопроникающие межгранульные поры размером более 100 мкм, в суммарном количестве от 41 до 70 об.%. Способ заключается в изготовлении сферических гранул диаметром 400-600 мкм, содержащих порошок гидроксиапатита и желатин, прессовании сферических гранул под давлением 10-100 МПа и термической обработке при температурах 900-1250°С с выдержкой от 30 до 300 мин. Технический результат изобретения - создание керамики с бимодальным распределением пор. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2395476C1

Изобретение относится к области керамических материалов для медицины, а именно для травматологии и реконструктивно-восстановительной хирургии, стоматологии и к системе доставки лекарственных препаратов. Технический результат изобретения - получение гранулированного порошка гидроксиапатита естественного происхождения с заданным размером гранул в широком диапазоне от 0,8 мм до 2 мм, обладающих повышенной биосовместимостью с живым организмом, которые содержат сообщающиеся между собой внутригранульные поры размером 100-350 мкм в количестве от 50 до 70 об.%. Способ изготовления пористых гидроксиапатитовых гранул включает получение гидроксиапатита из естественного костного биоматериала обжигом при температуре 950-1000°С. Обожженный материал измельчают до получения частиц порошка размером не более 35 мкм, затем готовят пластичную массу, содержащую 1 в.ч. парафина и 3 в.ч. порошка гидроксиапатита, формируют экструзией гранулы и подвергают термообработке при температуре 750-800°С. Для приготовления ...

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2360663C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно - материалам для возмещения дефектов плоских и трубчатых костей сложной конфигурации или в виде полостей - замкнутых или имеющих выход относительного малого диаметра (свищ, канал корня зуба и т.п.). Технический результат, на который направлено данное изобретение, заключается в создании остеопластического материала с высокими остеоиндуцирующими свойствами и консистенцией, обеспечивающей возможность доставки его в костный дефект закрытым способом. Описан гель для регенерации костной ткани, включающий полиэтиленгликоль в виде геля, дистиллированную воду и композицию ортофосфатов кальция при следующем соотношении компонентов на 100 г композиции: полиэтиленгликоль - 20-40 г, композиция ортофосфатов кальция - 10-50 г, вода дистиллированная - остальное. Описан гель для регенерации костной ткани, включающий полиэтиленгликоль в виде геля, дитиллированную воду, композицию ортофосфатов кальция и композицию неколлагеновых белков костной ткани, стимулирующей ...

04-05-2022 дата публикации

Композиционный материал на основе гидроксиапатита для костных имплантатов и способ его получения

Номер: RU2771382C1

Изобретение относится к получению материала для костных имплантатов, используемых в ортопедической хирургии при восстановлении и лечении костной ткани. Способ получения композиционного материала для костных имплантатов включает получение исходной порошковой смеси, содержащей (мас.%): гидроксиапатит – 75-80; оксид циркония – 5-10; кремниевую кислоту – 15-16; прессование полученной смеси при давлении 20-25 МПа и последующее спекание при температуре 1000-1050°С в течение 1,0-1,5 ч. При этом размер частиц исходной смеси равен не более 5 мкм. Способ обеспечивает получение композиционного материала для костных имплантатов, обладающего высокой пористостью наряду с достаточно высокими значениями твердости, что обеспечит высокую биосовместимость с костной тканью и пониженную скорость биодеградации при восстановлении костной ткани. 2 ил., 3 пр.

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2526191C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины. Описан способ получения карбонатгидроксилапатита, приближенного к неорганическому матриксу костной ткани из модельного раствора синовиальной жидкости человека, в котором готовят модельную среду указанного состава: CaCl- 1.3431 г/л, NaHPO·12HO - 7.4822 г/л, NaCl - 2,8798 г/л, MgCl∙6HO - 0.4764 г/л, NaSO- 1.6188 г/л, КСl - 0.3427 г/л, осаждение проводят при концентрации карбонат-ионов 24 ммоль/л, температуре 22-25°С, значении рН 7.4±0,05 в течение 30 дней. Карбонатгидроксилапатит имеет мономодальное распределение частиц по размерам, при этом значение их среднего диаметра для КГА (42,38 мкм). Карбонат-ионы включены в структуру гидроксилапатита в позициях гидроксильных групп (ОН), что подтверждается данными ИК-спектроскопии и свидетельствует о том, что результатом синтеза является карбонатгидроксилапатит А-типа, который приближен к неорганическому матриксу костной ткани. 2 ил., 3 табл.

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2421229C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины и касается композиционных материалов для пластической реконструкции поврежденных костных тканей. Высокопористые эластичные хитозан-желатиновые матриксы с пористостью более 90% состоит из хитозана и содержит желатин до 60 мас.% и лаурилсульфат натрия до 0,2-0,4 мас.%. Пористая структура получается в результате введения добавок, замороживания и сублимационной сушки. За счет эластичности и высокой пористости данные губки заполняют костные дефекты с минимальным зазором, что способствует равномерному формированию костной ткани по всему объему дефекта. Высокая растворимость матриксов способствует быстрому восстановлению костной ткани. 1 табл.

27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2412711C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины и касается композиционных материалов для пластической реконструкции поврежденных костных тканей. Получена пористая композиционная хитозан-желатиновая губка, содержащая октакальциевый фосфат в виде порошка или гранул. Введение желатина увеличивает пластичность губки, что позволяет заполнять костные дефекты различной формы и размера, а также способствует увеличению растворимости губки. Содержащийся в губке октакальцийфосфат проявляет остеоиндуктивные свойства, что совместно с хитозаном создает благоприятные условия для формирования естественной костной ткани человека. 1 табл.

01-11-2023 дата публикации

Способ функционализации поверхности медицинского изделия путем наклонного осаждения структурированного антибактериального покрытия на основе фосфатов кальция

Номер: RU2806506C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу функционализации поверхности имплантата путем осаждения структурированного антибактериального покрытия на основе фосфатов кальция. Способ включает распыление мишени из цинк- или медьсодержащего гидроксиапатита в форме плоского диска толщиной 2-4,5 мм с диаметром, совпадающим с диаметром катода магнетрона, закрепленной на катоде магнетрона, в плазме высокочасточного (ВЧ) магнетронного разряда в атмосфере аргона при размещении имплантата на держателе поворотного стола вакуумной камеры на расстоянии 37-80 мм от нижней плоскости мишени. При формировании антибактериального покрытия имплантата откачивают вакуумную камеру до остаточного давления не выше 6,0*10-4 Па, заполняют затем аргоном и доводят до рабочего давления (1,0-3,0)*10-1 Па, зажигают ВЧ магнетронный разряд на мощности 50 Вт с последующим ступенчатым, через интервал в 50 Вт, подъемом мощности до 200-300 Вт и выдержкой по 10 минут на каждой ступени, проводят процесс ВЧ ...

10-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2583925C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, конкретно к области биотехнологических материалов медицинского и технического применения, и может найти использование прежде всего в качестве прекурсора костной ткани, косметики или при создании керамических изделий. Описан способ, который характеризуется тем, что получение нанокомпозита осуществляют в процессе биосинтеза нано-гель-пленки целлюлозы Gluconacetobacter xylinus с включением гидроксиапатита в питательную среду. Гидроксиапатит в форме пасты вводят в питательную среду при биосинтезе нано-гель-пленки целлюлозы Gluconacetobacter xylinus штаммом N 1629 CALU. Целлюлоза в образующихся нано-гель-пленках в композите химически связана с гидроксиапатитом. Нано-гель-пленки целлюлозы Gluconacetobacter xylinus имеют удовлетворительные механические характеристики в сухом состоянии и после суточного набухания в воде их можно использовать в качестве прекурсора костной ткани и в других областях медицины, а также в технике. 6 пр.

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596504C1

Группа изобретений относится к области изготовления керамических материалов для замещения дефектов костных тканей в области ортопедии, стоматологии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, нейрохирургии, онкологии. Предлагается способ изготовления керамического материала фазового состава: 80-100 масс. % октакальциевого фосфата, 0-10 масс. % гидроксиапатита, 0-10 масс. % α-трикальцийфосфата, включающий следующие этапы: 1) трансформация керамического материала фазового состава 100 масс. % α-трикальцийфосфата в дикальцийфосфат дигидрат в растворе А, при массовом соотношении α-трикальцийфосфата и раствора А 1:100 и температуре 35±1°C; 2) трансформация материала, полученного на предыдущем этапе, в конечный продукт в растворе Б, при массовом соотношении материала, полученного на предыдущем этапе и раствора Б 1:100, и температуре 35±1°C. В качестве раствора А используют буферный раствор, представляющий собой водный 1,5 М раствор ацетата натрия и 0,15±0,02 М глутаминовой кислоты, доведенный ортофосфорной кислотой ...

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452515C1

Изобретение относится к биоактивному микропористому материалу для костной хирургии, который включает при определенных соотношениях измельченное в порошок высокощелочное стекло островной, цепочечной, кольцевой и слоистой структуры определенного состава, порошок кальций-фосфатного наполнителя, выбранного из кальций-дефицитного гидроксиапатита с отношением Са/Р=1,5-1,65 или β-трехкальциевого фосфата, и порообразователь, представляющий собой крахмал или желатин. Изобретение также относится к способу получения указанного материала для костной хирургии, который включает стадии гранулирования материала, формования изделия и термообработки. При гранулировании в порошковый материал вводят стекло дисперсностью 40-120 мкм, а термообработку проводят в три этапа: сначала нагревают материал до 600-750°С с выдержкой 30-50 минут, затем быстро охлаждают до 520-550°С с выдержкой 5-10 минут и медленно охлаждают до 450-470°С с выдержкой 5-10 минут.Технический результат, обеспечиваемый изобретением, заключается ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2595703C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности к травматологии, ортопедии, регенеративной медицине, стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии, и может быть использовано для восстановления структуры и функции костной ткани. Диоксид циркония смешивают с химически стойким стеклом марки ХС-2 №29 и оксидом магния, который используют в качестве стабилизирующего компонента, препятствующего переходу диоксида циркония из тетрагональной структуры в моноклинную при нагревании. Затем добавляют смесь аммония фосфорнокислого 2-х замещенного (NH)HPOи кальция углекислого CaCO. При этом исходная смесь содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас. %: 72-73 ZrO, 4-5 MgO, 6-8 (NH)HPO, 7-9 CaCOи 8-8,5 стекло марки ХС-2 №29. Смесь истирают на вибромельнице, после чего 90% частиц имеют размер менее 50 мкм, далее прессуют в пресс-форме под давлением 100 МПа/сми прокаливают в муфельной печи при температуре 1300°С. В результате получают пористую биоактивную керамику на основе оксида циркония, в которой поры выстланы ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2512714C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедической стоматологии. Описан способ изготовления внутрикостных имплантатов, включающий послойное нанесение плазменным напылением на металлическую основу имплантата биологического активного покрытия, при этом первым и вторым слоями дистанционно напыляют титан, третьим слоем наносят механическую смесь порошка титана и гидроксиапатита, четвертый слой формируют на основе гидроксиапатита или оксида алюминия, при этом при формировании четвертого слоя смешивают порошок бемита дисперсностью не более 50 нм с порошками гидроксиапатита или оксида алюминия в количестве 5-20% порошка бемита от общего количества веществ, при этом бемит берут в виде суспензии, приготовленной с добавлением поверхностно-активного вещества, растворенного в дистиллированной воде концентрацией 0,25-5%, обработанного в ультразвуковой ванне, затем полученную суспензию из бемита и гидроксиапатита или оксида алюминия обрабатывают в ультразвуковой ванне, сушат, отжигают и измельчают ...

20-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2479319C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к составу пористой биостеклокерамики, содержащей мелкодисперсное натрийсиликатное стекло, гранулы синтетических минералов - фосфатов кальция, входящих в состав нативной костной ткани, волластонита, образующегося при кристаллизации натрийсиликатного стекла, а также добавку карбоната и углеродсодержащего порообразователя. Изобретение также относится к способу получения медицинских имплантационных материалов и изделий на основе предложенного состава, пригодного для замещения и устранения костных дефектов и деформаций в челюстно-лицевой хирургии, хирургической стоматологии, нейрохирургии, травматологии и ортопедии. Биокерамика постепенно замещается костной тканью и состоит из компонентов, не оказывающих токсического, аллергического, канцерогенного и мутагенного действия на организм человека. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 4 пр.

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Способ получения биомиметического кальций-фосфатного модифицированного желатином покрытия на сплавах титана из модельного раствора межклеточной жидкости человека

Номер: RU2702991C1

Изобретение относится к созданию новых материалов биомедицинского назначения. Способ получения биомиметического кальций-фосфатного модифицированного желатином покрытия на сплавах титана из модельного раствора межклеточной жидкости человека включает приготовление раствора состава: CaCl- 3,7424 г., MgCl- 0,6092 г., KHPO- 2,8716 г., NaHCO- 4,5360 г., NaSO- 0,0144 г., NaCl - 8,8784 г, желатин - 4,9990÷4,9970 г., полученный раствор осаждают при температуре T=20÷25°С и значении рН=7,40±0,05 в течение 48 часов, затем осадок промывают, фильтруют, высушивают при температуре Т=80÷85°С в течение 5 часов, из кальций-фосфатного модифицированного желатином порошка готовят водную суспензию при концентрации С=1 масс. %, наносят суспензию капиллярным методом на сплав титана (ВТ1-00), сушат при температуре Т=20÷25°С, в течение 1 часа, затем указанный сплав опускают в полученный предварительно модельный раствор межклеточной жидкости человека на 3 суток, после этого извлекают из раствора и проводят сушку при ...

22-01-2021 дата публикации

Способ получения остеопластического дисперсного биокомпозита

Номер: RU2741015C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к способам получения биорезорбируемых остеопластических биокомпозитов синтетического типа, предназначенных для лечения заболеваний и повреждений костной системы человека, и может найти применение в стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии. Способ предусматривает получение остеопластического дисперсного биокомпозита на основе гидроксиапатита и волластонита с помощью золь-гель синтеза с использованием в качестве прекурсоров кальций-, фосфор-, кремнийсодержащих водных растворов и включает перемешивание содержащей прекурсоры реакционной смеси с получением осадка в виде геля, отделение, промывание, сушку и прокаливание полученного осадка. На стадии золь-гель синтеза осуществляют структурирование внутреннего пористого объема получаемого биокомпозита введением в реакционную смесь силоксан-акрилатного латекса и углеродного волокна в качестве порообразующих компонентов. Далее проводят термоокислительную обработку полученного материала для формирования кристаллической ...

23-07-2019 дата публикации

Способ получения керамических гранул для регенерации костной ткани

Номер: RU2695342C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения керамического материала, а именно к способу получения керамических гранул. Способ получения керамических гранул для регенерации костной ткани, имеющих следующий фазовый состав в определенных соотношениях: октакальциевый фосфат, гидроксиапатит, карбонат кальция. Способ включает этап трансформации гранул карбоната кальция в дикальцийфосфат дигидрат в растворе А, далее, полученные гранулы отмывают в дистиллированной воде и сушат; этап трансформации гранул дикальцийфосфат дигидрата в октакальциевый фосфат в растворе Б, далее, полученные гранулы отмывают в дистиллированной воде и сушат, при определенных условиях, где раствор А - водный раствор дигидроортофосфата аммония, а раствор Б - водный раствор ацетата натрия. Вышеописанный способ позволяет получить керамические гранулы октакальциевого фосфата на основе карбоната кальция заданного размера с развитой микроструктурой, высокой удельной поверхностью и повышенными значениями pH для формирования пористых ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2494076C1

Изобретение относится к композиционным материалам на основе кальцийфосфатной керамики с улучшенными прочностными характеристиками и может быть использовано для заполнения костных дефектов в травматологии и ортопедии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии. Для получения упрочненных пористых композиционных материалов на основе гидроксиапатита и трикальцийфосфата пористую керамическую матрицу кальцийфосфатной керамики с соотношением Са/Р от 1,5 до 1,67 пропитывают 1-5%-ным раствором среднемолекулярного или высокомолекулярного хитозана в 8%-ной уксусной кислоте при остаточном давлении от 0,1 до 0,3 Па с выдержкой от 10 до 30 минут и последующей сушкой при комнатной температуре в течение до 24 часов. Изобретение позволяет повысить прочность композиционного материала в 8-9 раз. 3 пр., 1 табл.

04-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674031C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, конкретно к композиции частиц, приспособленной для формирования цемента-заменителя костного трансплантата при смешивании с водным раствором, содержащей: i) порошок полугидрата сульфата кальция, причем полугидрат сульфата кальция присутствует в концентрации по меньшей мере приблизительно 50 мас.% от общей массы композиции частиц; ii) порошок непористого β-трикальция фосфата и iii) порошок пористого β-трикальция фосфата. Костный цемент-заменитель характеризуется высокой механической прочностью, такой как высокая прочность при сжатии и диаметральная прочность на разрыв. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил., 7 табл., 2 пр.

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2555337C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины, конкретно к способу получения нанокристаллического силикатзамещенного карбонатгидроксиапатита (КГА), который включает смешение растворов солей кальция, фосфата и силиката, отстаивание, фильтрование, промывку от маточного раствора и сушку, при этом смешивают растворы четырехводного нитрата кальция, безводного двузамещенного фосфата аммония, пятиводного метасиликата натрия при соотношении концентраций Ca/(P+Si) равном 1,70, и доле силикат-ионов в общем количестве осадкообразующих анионов, составляющей не более 30 мол. %, рН поддерживают на уровне 9,00-12,00, полученную в результате осаждения твердую фазу выдерживают под маточным раствором в течение 2 суток при температуре 22-25°С, затем отфильтровывают, промывают дистиллированной водой и высушивают при 80°С до постоянной массы. КГА ввиду создаваемой дефектности структуры характеризуется более высокой растворимостью в физиологическом растворе, и в этой связи может быть использован для формирования ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010153515A

... 1. Трехмерная матрица из монетита со структурированной пористостью, отличающаяся тем, что имеет в своей структуре вертикальные цилиндрические макропоры диаметром от 350 до 650 мкм, которые пересекают в продольном направлении матрицу с одного конца до другого, причем эти макропоры находятся на расстоянии друг от друга от 0,4 до 0,6 мм. ! 2. Трехмерная матрица из монетита со структурированной пористостью по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что указанные макропоры имеют диаметр предпочтительно 500 мкм ±60 мкм. ! 3. Трехмерная матрица из монетита со структурированной пористостью по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что расстояние между макропорами составляет предпочтительно 0,5 мм ±60 мкм. ! 4. Трехмерная матрица из монетита со структурированной пористостью по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что содержание монетита в матрице составляет по меньшей мере 90%. ! 5. Трехмерная матрица из монетита со структурированной пористостью по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что содержание монетита в матрице составляет предпочтительно 95%. ! 6.

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014120450A

Способ получения биологического гидроксиапатита, включающий предварительную очистку костей, измельчение костей, растворение костной ткани в соляной кислоте с последующим осаждением гидроксиапатита осадителем, фильтрование, термическую обработку и измельчение осадка, отличающийся тем, что измельчение костей производят до получения частиц размером 2,5-5 см, после измельчения костей производят удаление кровяных и жировых компонентов путем вымачивания костей в растворе на основе хлорида аммония, натрия гидрокарбоната и этилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты, растворение костной ткани осуществляют раствором соляной кислоты с концентрацией 0,5-2М с последующим отделением жидкой части взвеси фильтрацией и добавлением в отфильтрованный раствор при постоянном перемешивании хитозана концентрацией 1,5-2 мас.% до его полного растворения, в качестве осадителя гидроксиапатита применяют 3-5М раствор гидроксида натрия или гидроксида калия путем его добавления при активном перемешивании до достижения значения ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013115905A

... 1. Пептид, обладающий способностью регенерировать костную ткань и связывающийся с апатитом, в котором, по меньшей мере, один пептид, выбранный из группы, состоящей из аминокислотных последовательностей с SEQ ID NO:1 по SEQ ID NO:35, и по меньшей мере, один пептид, выбранный из группы, состоящей из аминокислотных последовательностей с SEQ ID NO:36 по SEQ ID NO:39, связаны между собой.2. Пептид, обладающий способностью регенерировать костную ткань и связывающийся с апатитом, в котором пептид представлен аминокислотной последовательностью SEQ ID NO:40.3. Материал костного трансплантата, в котором пептид по п.1 или 2 иммобилизован на поверхности апатита.4. Материал костного трансплантата по п.3, в котором апатит выбран из группы, состоящей из полученных из организма костных минералов гидроксилапатита, синтетического гидроксиапатита, карбонатапатита, трикальцийфосфата и монокальцийфосфата.5. Материал костного трансплантата по п.3, в котором содержание пептида составляет 1~100 мг на единицу веса ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007119647A

... 1. Композиция для биоактивного микропористого материала, имитирующего натуральные костные структуры, содержащая размельченное в порошок медицинское стекло, порошок гидроксиапатита и карбонатный поробразователь, отличающийся тем, что она дополнительно содержит зерна цеолита, гранулированные совместно с гидроксиапатитом.2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит цеолит с размером зерен менее 1 мм и размером пор от 0,5 нм до 20 мкм, гранулированный с гидроксиапатитом до размера гранул от менее 50 мкм до 1 мм, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%:3. Композиция по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве медицинского стекла используют нейтральное медицинское алюмоборосиликатное стекло марки НС с содержанием, мас.%: 73,0 SiO, 3,5 AlО, 2,5 ВО, 1,0 MgO, 7,0 CaO, 11,0 NaO, 2,0 KO.4. Композиция по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит гидроксиапатит с соотношением Са: Р - 1-2, преимущественно 1,66-1,67.5. Биоактивный микропористый материал, имитирующий натуральные ...

10-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003902951A1

26-11-1998 дата публикации

Knochen- und Knorpel Ersatzstrukturen

Номер: DE0019721661A1

The invention relates to novel materials for replacement of bones or cartilages, characterized primarily by their unique structure comprising substances known per se. Since these structures can be produced by selecting the suitable physical and geometric parameters, it is possible to manufacture implants either to replace bone and cartilage or to manufacture cartilage bone composite implants which closely resemble the relevant natural bones or cartilages in terms of elasticity, porosity and solidity and which behave in a similar biological manner to the direct in vivo environment.

25-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069634634D1

07-12-2000 дата публикации

Poröser Calciumphosphat-Sinterkörper und dessen Herstellung

Номер: DE0010018394A1

Ein poröser Kalziumphosphat-Sinterkörper, der sphärische Poren umfaßt, die miteinander im wesentlichen durch den Körper hindurch kommunizieren, mit einer Porosität von 55% oder mehr und 90% oder weniger und welcher einen durchschnittlichen Durchmesser der zwischen den Poren kommunizierenden Teile von 50 mum oder mehr, einen Porendurchmesser von 150 mum oder mehr und eine Dreipunkt-Biegefestigkeit von 5 MPa oder mehr hat und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben.

15-12-2005 дата публикации

Nano-Apatit-Füllstoffe enthaltende härtbare Restaurationsmaterialien

Номер: DE102004025030A1

Die Erfindung beschreibt Nano-Apatit enthaltende härtbare Restaurationsmaterialien zur Verwendung an Knochen- und insbesondere an der Zahnsubstanz, die sich durch hohe Esthetik, hohe Härte, hervorragende Transparenz, gute Oberflächenpolierbarkeit, hohe Festigkeit und durch die Fähigkeit zur Freisetzung und Aufnahme von Ionen in bzw. aus einer biologischen Umgebung auszeichnen.

08-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060103638D1

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060133432D1

09-04-2009 дата публикации

Implantat und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE102007048591A1

Implantat, das einen Träger und Nukleinsäure-funktionalisierten Calciumphosphat-Nanopartikel aufweist.

04-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002199027B

12-02-1992 дата публикации

Tetracalcium phosphate-based materials and processes for their preparation

Номер: GB0002246770A

The invention provides (i) apatite-coated tetracalcium phosphate particles; (ii) a process for preparing the apatite- coated tetracalcium phosphate particles by hydration; (iii) a tetracalcium phosphate-based setting composition; (iv) a composition for forming a hardening material using coated tetracalcium phosphate particles and an acidic aqueous solution; and (v) the composition as defined in (iv) in which the acidic aqueous solution can satisfy the concentration relationships as represented below: (a) 25% Подробнее

08-12-2004 дата публикации

Implant forming method

Номер: GB0002380703B

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Method for producing particles, particles and sintered body

Номер: GB0002429974A

A method of producing particles comprises mixing a first substance containing phosphorus and a second component containing calcium for producing a liquid containing an amorphous reaction product produced from a reaction there-between, feeding droplets of the liquid reaction product into a heated atmosphere for bring the amorphous reaction product into the gaseous state and crystallising the amorphous reaction product in the gaseous state to obtain particles of a mainly calcium phosphate based material. The first substance may comprise phosphorus oxide or phosphoric acid ester. The second substance may comprise calcium alkoxide or a calcium salt. The heated atmosphere may contain plasma produced by the ionization of an ambient gas. The particles may be substantially spherical in shape. The calcium phosphate based compound may be hydroxyapatite or tricalcium phosphate. The calcium phosphate particles may have an average diameter of 5-300nm and an average roundness coefficient of 0.8 to 0.99 ...

20-09-2006 дата публикации

Biomaterial comprising collagen and calcium phosphate

Номер: GB0002424223A

A process for the preparation of a composite biomaterial comprising collagen, a calcium phosphate material, and optionally a glycosaminoglycan, the process comprising:

  • (a) providing a first slurry composition comprising a liquid carrier, collagen, a calcium phosphate material, and optionally a glycosaminoglycan;
  • (c) depositing the slurry in a mould;
  • (d) cooling the deposited slurry to a temperature at which the liquid carrier transforms into a plurality of solid crystals or particles;
  • (e) removing at least some of the plurality of solid crystals or particles by sublimation and/or evaporation to leave a porous composite material comprising collagen, a calcium phosphate material, and optionally a glycosaminoglycan. The material is intended for bone-related applications.

  • 22-10-2008 дата публикации

    Substituted calcium phosphate materials

    Номер: GB0002448489A

    A process is disclosed for the preparation of a silicate and carbonate co-substituted calcium phosphate material. The process comprises the steps of: forming a silicon and optionally carbon-containing calcium phosphate precipitate by an aqueous precipitation method involving preparing an aqueous solution comprising phosphate ions, silicate ions, calcium ions and optionally carbonate ions, wherein the ratio of Ca/P and of Ca/(P+Si) in the solution is maintained above approximately 1.67; and heating the precipitate in an atmosphere comprising carbon and oxygen to form a silicate and carbonate co-substituted calcium phosphate material. The present invention also provides a synthetic carbonate and silicate co-substituted hydroxyapatite material, and process of formation, which may contain up to 2.86% by weight of silicon and up to 13% by weight of carbonate.

    26-04-2006 дата публикации

    Bone repairing material using a chondrocyte having the potential for hypertrophy and a scaffold

    Номер: GB0000605448D0

    18-09-2002 дата публикации

    Implant forming method

    Номер: GB0000218595D0

    06-06-1984 дата публикации


    Номер: GB0002080281B

    10-11-1976 дата публикации


    Номер: GB0001455360A

    ... 1455360 Artificial body parts RESEARCH CORP 29 March 1974 [30 March 1973] 14133/ 74 Heading A5R [Also in Division C1] Synthetic phosphate biomaterials, useful in the manufacture of prosthetic devices or for use as implants in human hard tissue, are prepared by hydrothermal chemical exchange of porous carbonate skeletal material, retaining the original skeletal microstructure. The carbonate material may be derived from skeletal calcite or araganite of named maim animals and may comprise whitlockite or hydroxyaputite. The material may be shaped into cylinders, flat or curved sheets or screw-like forms for prosthesis or parts thereof or may be used to replace hard tissue e.g. bone.

    17-05-2023 дата публикации

    Porous tricalcium phosphate material, pharmaceutical composition thereof for use in bone healing and manufacturing method thereof

    Номер: GB0002612864A

    A porous tricalcium phosphate material, modified from a coral bone and having a plurality of pores, wherein the average compressive strength of the porous tricalcium phosphate material is 4 kgf to 9 kgf. Preferably the porous tricalcium phosphate (TCP) is β- tricalcium phosphate and is obtained from a small polyp stony coral such as Acropora Formosa, Acropora nobilis, Acropora austere, Acropora valenciennesi, Acropora pulchra, Acropora microphtha, Acropora intermedia and Acropora florida. The material is used in bone healing including increasing the growth rate of new bone or increasing the space for bone cell adhesion. There is a method of manufacturing the porous tricalcium phosphate material by grinding coral bone into a coral calcium carbonate powder, mixing it with dicalcium phosphate and water, stirring and then drying, followed by heating.

    15-04-2007 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000357264T

    15-04-2009 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000427751T

    15-11-2007 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000378075T

    15-01-1993 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000083751T

    15-06-1989 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000043785T

    15-06-1987 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000027548T

    15-03-2006 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000319487T

    15-11-2005 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000307620T

    15-06-2006 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000328851T

    15-11-2004 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000280736T

    15-10-2002 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000224213T

    15-09-2002 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000222782T

    15-02-2004 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000258786T

    15-08-2004 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000271523T

    15-08-2003 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000245456T

    15-02-2004 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000259207T

    15-01-2004 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000257813T

    15-11-2000 дата публикации


    Номер: AT0000197264T

    26-08-1998 дата публикации

    Method for preparing synthetic bone substitutes with controlled porosity

    Номер: AU0006298398A

    05-07-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: AU2018204187A1

    Abstract The invention is directed to a particulate composition adapted for forming a bone graft substitute cement upon mixing with an aqueous solution, a bone graft substitute cement made therefrom, a bone graft substitute kit comprising the particulate composition, methods of making and using the particulate composition, and articles made from the bone graft substitute cement. The particulate composition of the invention comprises calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH) powder of at least 50wt% based on total weight of the particulate composition in combination with p-tricalcium phosphate (p-TCP) powder or granules with a porous morphology, and typically also in combination with a brushite-forming calcium phosphate mixture (i.e. monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCMP), non-porous P-TCP granules and/or non-porous p-TCP powder), in modulating/reducing resorption rate of the cement as compared to a cement composition solely comprising calcium sulfate hemihydrate. Upon mixing the particulate composition ...

    26-11-2020 дата публикации

    Novel osteoconductive material composition and coating thereof.

    Номер: AU2020102595A4
    Принадлежит: alex andrews

    The disclosed osteocondcutive material composition 1 is tailored to intensify the regeneration process. The grafts developed by the composition mentioned in the claims has proven to demonstrate expedited healing by promoting blood vessel in growth and bone formation phenomena. The proposed composition is applied over the implants 2 for accelerated regeneration and improved bio compatibility with the body fluids and tissues. Few bio-metals which were prone to corrosion and degradation are made to fit the needs by applying an coating 1, developed by the proposed material composition. The method and parameters of such is disclosed wherein a plasma spray technique is used in this invention. -2 ...

    11-11-2021 дата публикации

    Biomaterial comprising adipose-derived stem cells and method for producing the same

    Номер: AU2018335854B9

    The present invention relates to a biomaterial comprising adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), a biocompatible material and an extracellular matrix. In particular, the biomaterial according the present invention secretes osteoprotegerin (OPG ). The present invention also relates to methods for producing the biomaterial and uses thereof.

    23-01-2020 дата публикации

    Method for manufacturing a calcified tissue substitute

    Номер: AU2018276068A1
    Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

    The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a calcified tissue substitute, the method comprising: reacting ground nacre, monocalcium phosphate, and water to produce brushite; grinding the brushite; reacting ground nacre with the ground brushite in disodium hydrogenphosphate solution. The invention also relates to a calcified tissue substitute manufactured by the method, use of the calcified tissue substitute for repairing a calcified tissue, and a delivery device for delivering the calcified tissue.

    12-03-2020 дата публикации

    Biomaterial comprising adipose-derived stem cells and method for producing the same

    Номер: AU2018335854A1
    Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

    The present invention relates to a biomaterial comprising adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), a biocompatible material and an extracellular matrix. In particular, the biomaterial according the present invention secretes osteoprotegerin (OPG ). The present invention also relates to methods for producing the biomaterial and uses thereof.

    12-11-2001 дата публикации

    Calcium phosphate cements prepared from silicate solutions

    Номер: AU0005925101A

    18-02-2002 дата публикации

    Porous synthetic bone graft and method of manufacture thereof

    Номер: AU0007571501A

    02-02-2012 дата публикации

    Osteoarthritis treatment and device

    Номер: US20120029522A1
    Принадлежит: Knee Creations LLC

    A method for treating arthritis of a joint includes identifying a bone lesion in a bone adjacent to the joint; and implanting in the bone a reinforcing member in or adjacent to the bone lesion. A kit for conducting the method includes: (a) at least one reinforcing member having a proximal face adapted to face the joint, a distal face adapted to face away from the joint, and a wedge-shaped edge adapted to pierce bone, wherein the at least one reinforcing member is planar and sterile; and (b) a container adapted to maintain the at least one reinforcing member sterile. Another kit includes: (a) a sterile fluid; (b) a syringe for injecting the fluid into a bone; (c) a curing agent adapted to cure the fluid to polymerize and/or cross-link; and (d) a container adapted to maintain the sterility of contents of the container.

    09-02-2012 дата публикации

    Osteoarthritis treatment and device

    Номер: US20120035609A1
    Принадлежит: Knee Creations LLC

    A method for treating arthritis of a joint includes identifying a bone lesion in a bone adjacent to the joint; and implanting in the bone a reinforcing member in or adjacent to the bone lesion. A kit for conducting the method includes: (a) at least one reinforcing member having a proximal face adapted to face the joint, a distal face adapted to face away from the joint, and a wedge-shaped edge adapted to pierce bone, wherein the at least one reinforcing member is planar and sterile; and (b) a container adapted to maintain the at least one reinforcing member sterile. Another kit includes: (a) a sterile fluid; (b) a syringe for injecting the fluid into a bone; (c) a curing agent adapted to cure the fluid to polymerize and/or cross-link; and (d) a container adapted to maintain the sterility of contents of the container.

    23-02-2012 дата публикации

    Devices and methods for treating defects in the tissue of a living being

    Номер: US20120046758A1

    An implant for deployment in select locations or select tissue for regeneration of tissue is disclosed. The implant includes collagen and or other bio-resorbable materials, where the implant may also be used for therapy delivery.

    26-04-2012 дата публикации

    Osteoinductive bone graft injectable cement

    Номер: US20120100225A1
    Автор: William F. Mckay

    Osteoconductive bone graft materials are provided. These compositions contain injectable cements and demineralized bone matrix fibers. The combination of these materials enables the filling of a bone void while balancing strength and resorption.

    03-05-2012 дата публикации

    Osteoconductive matrices comprising calcium phosphate particles and statins and methods of using the same

    Номер: US20120107383A1
    Автор: William F. Mckay

    Osteoconductive matrices and methods are provided that have one or more statins disposed in calcium phosphate particles. The matrices may be injected into a fracture site. The osteoconductive matrices provided allow for sustained release of the statin and facilitate bone formation and repair of the fracture site.

    24-05-2012 дата публикации

    Preparation of bone cement compositions

    Номер: US20120129761A1
    Принадлежит: Bone Support AB

    A method for the preparation of injectable ready-to-use paste bone cement compositions by mixing a dry inorganic bone cement powder comprising a particulate calcium sulfate hemihydrate capable of hardening in vivo by hydration of the calcium sulfate hemihydrate forming calcium sulfate dihydrate, an aqueous liquid and an additive that normally retards the setting process, said method comprising a) providing a bone cement powder comprising calcium sulfate hemihydrate, an accelerator for the hardening of the calcium sulfate hemihydrate by hydration, said accelerator being selected from the group consisting of saline and calcium sulfate dihydrate, and a powdered calcium phosphate component b) mixing the bone cement powder with the aqueous liquid for a period of time c) leaving the mixture for the time needed for allowing the hydration reaction of the calcium sulfate hemihydrate to proceed and allowing calcium sulfate dihydrate crystals to form and grow, and d) admixing the additive by means of a short-duration mixing using a minimum of energy surprisingly shortens the setting times for the cement comprising the additive that retard the setting process to the level observed in the absence of the additive and enables a complete hydration of calcium sulfate hemihydrate to calcium sulfate dihydrate, even when using additives else preventing the hardening.

    05-07-2012 дата публикации

    Bone prosthetic material

    Номер: US20120172998A1
    Автор: Makoto Oishi
    Принадлежит: Olympus Terumo Biomaterials Corp

    Disclosed is a bone prosthetic material that is capable of preventing a plurality of members from being disconnected due to a difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion, and that is also capable of facilitating the work to insert them while ensuring the bone replacement capability. Provided is a bone prosthetic material comprising: a plurality of prosthetic material pieces and which include bioabsorbable materials having different absorption rates, and which are adjacent and connected to each other; and a joint which is provided in a connecting surface between these prosthetic material pieces and, and which is mutually combined to connect the prosthetic material pieces and while limiting displacement in directions along the connecting surface.

    23-08-2012 дата публикации

    Process for demineralization of bone matrix with preservation of natural growth factors

    Номер: US20120213859A1
    Принадлежит: Bacterin International Inc

    A demineralized bone matrix is produced by a process in which a bone body is placed in a first processing solution comprising an acid to demineralize the bone body. The bone body is periodically removed from the first solution at specific time intervals to perform at least one test, such as a compression test, on a mechanical property of the bone body. When the test yields a desired result, the bone body is exposed to a second processing solution that is less acidic than the first, thus minimizing the exposure of the bone body to the harsh acidic conditions of the demineralization phase of the process.

    25-10-2012 дата публикации

    Plug components for bone tunnel

    Номер: US20120271414A1
    Автор: Osamu Masaki
    Принадлежит: MMT Co Ltd

    A component for satisfactorily plugging a bone tunnel formed in surgery such as ACL reconstruction by regenerating bone in a space portion of the bone tunnel (e.g., a bone tunnel for an arthroscope), is provided in order to solve the problems in the conventional technologies. The plug component is made of a calcium phosphate-based material, comprises a porous part having a porosity of 50 to 85%, and has a cylindrical shape such that one of its bottom surfaces forms an angle of 30 to 60 degrees to its central axis.

    06-12-2012 дата публикации

    In-situ intervertebral fusion device and method

    Номер: US20120310352A1
    Принадлежит: DePuy Spine LLC

    An orthopedic device for implanting between adjacent vertebrae comprising: an arcuate balloon and a hardenable material within said balloon. In some embodiments, the balloon has a footprint that substantially corresponds to a perimeter of a vertebral endplate. An inflatable device is inserted through a cannula into an intervertebral space and oriented so that, upon expansion, a natural angle between vertebrae will be at least partially restored. At least one component selected from the group consisting of a load-bearing component and an osteobiologic component is directed into the inflatable device through a fluid communication means.

    13-12-2012 дата публикации

    Method and apparatus for diverting sweat, liquid, moisture, or the like from an eye

    Номер: US20120312445A1
    Принадлежит: Individual

    Moisture diverters attachable to a region above the eye and below the eyebrow that prevents sweat, liquid, moisture, or the like from entering the eyes of a wearer is described. A moisture diverter may include a substrate having an inner surface facing the wearer and an outer surface facing away from the wearer. The inner surface comprises a lower adhesive section and an upper adhesive-free section, the adhesive section releasably attaches the diverter to the wearer at a point above the eye and below the eyebrow, the adhesive-free section shaped or shapeable to abut or protrude from eyebrow region of a wearer and to divert moisture away from the eye.

    17-01-2013 дата публикации

    Tricalcium Phosphate Coarse Particle Compositions and Methods for Making the Same

    Номер: US20130017233A1
    Принадлежит: Skeletal Kinetics LLC

    Methods for preparing a tricalcium phosphate coarse particle composition are provided. Aspects of the methods include converting an initial tricalcium phosphate particulate composition to hydroxyapatite, sintering the resultant hydroxyapatite to produce a second tricalcium phosphate composition and then mechanically manipulating the second tricalcium phosphate composition to produce a tricalcium phosphate coarse particle composition. The subject methods and compositions produced thereby find use in a variety of applications.

    14-02-2013 дата публикации

    Injectable, load-bearing cell/microbead/calcium phosphate bone paste for bone tissue engineering

    Номер: US20130039990A1
    Автор: Huakun Xu, Michael Weir
    Принадлежит: University of Maryland at Baltimore

    The invention provides injectable, stem cell-containing calcium phosphate bone pastes for bone tissue engineering and methods of making and using the same.

    14-03-2013 дата публикации

    Multicomponent and biocompatible nanocomposite materials, methods of synthesizing same and applications of same

    Номер: US20130064863A1
    Принадлежит: University of Arkansas

    One aspect of the present invention relates to a method of synthesizing a multicomponent and biocompatible nanocomposite material, which includes: synthesizing a gold/hydroxyapatite (Au/HA) catalyst; distributing the Au/HA catalyst into a thin film; and heating the thin film in a reactor with a carbon source gas to perform radio frequency chemical vapor deposition (RF-CVD) to form the nanocomposite material, where the nanocomposite material includes a graphene structure and Au/HA nanoparticles formed by the Au/HA catalyst and distributed within the graphene structure. In another aspect, a multicomponent and biocompatible nanocomposite material includes: a graphene structure formed with a plurality of graphene layers and Au/HA nanoparticles distributed within the graphene structure. The nanocomposite material is formed by heating an Au/HA catalyst thin film with a carbon source gas to perform radio frequency chemical vapor deposition (RF-CVD).

    23-05-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130129634A1

    The present invention relates to hydroxyapatite doped with Fe ions and Fe ions which partially substitute the calcium ions in the crystal lattice. The hydroxyapatite is characterized by an intrinsic magnetism of 0.05 to 8 emu/g, measured by applying a magnetic field of 34 Oe, due to the presence of magnetic nano-domains in the crystal lattice of HA, given the limited amount of magnetic secondary phases present, less than about 3% by volume. 1. A hydroxyapatite comprising calcium ions and phosphate ions in a crystal lattice , characterized in that it is doped with Fe ions and Fe ions , which partially substitute said calcium ions in said crystal lattice in a quantitative ratio Fe/Fe of 1 to 4 , has magnetism of 0.05 to 8 emu/g , measured by applying a magnetic field of 34 Oe , due to the presence of magnetic nano-domains in the lattice of hydroxyapatite , and comprises an amount of secondary magnetic phases below about 3 vol %.2. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , wherein said magnetism is of 0.1 to 5 emu/g claim 1 , recorded by applying a magnetic field of 34 Oe.3. The hydroxyapatite according to or claim 1 , wherein said ratio Fe/Fe is of 2 to 3.5.4. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , comprising an amount of secondary magnetic phases≦2 vol %.5. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , having a ratio (Fe+Ca)/P of 1.5 to 1.9.6. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , in the form of nanoparticles having a width of 5-10 nm to 20-30 nm and a length up to 80-150 nm claim 1 , or in the form of aggregates/granules of said nanoparticles.7. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 6 , wherein said nanoparticles comprise spherical voids of 2-5 nm.8. The hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , loaded with biological substances selected in the group consisting of proteins claim 1 , genes claim 1 , stem cells claim 1 , growth factors and vascularization factors; or loaded with active substances or drugs.9. A biomimetic bone or osteocartilage substitute comprising a ...

    13-06-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130149348A1
    Принадлежит: Cam Bioceramics B.V.

    The invention pertains to a biocompatible composition, suitable for use in soft or hard tissue augmentation, wherein the composition is an aqueous suspension containing a carrier fraction of ceramic particles of less than μm and an augmentation fraction of ceramic particles of at least μm. The ceramics typically include calcium phosphate. The composition is a may be used in soft tissue repair as well as hard bone replacement. It advantageously avoids the need for foreign body materials which are conventionally applied to stabilize augmentation suspensions. 1. A biocompatible composition , suitable for use in soft or hard tissue augmentation , wherein the composition is an aqueous suspension containing a carrier fraction of ceramic particles of less than 15 μm and an augmentation fraction of ceramic particles of at least 20 μm.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said ceramic particles comprise calcium phosphate.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said carrier particles are smaller than 10 μm.4. The composition according to claim 3 , wherein said carrier particles are preferably 20-1000 nm.5. The composition according claim 1 , wherein more than 50% of the total volume of particles in said carrier fraction is in singular form.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein said carrier fraction comprises hydroxyapatite (HA) and/or tricalcium phosphate (TCP).7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of said augmentation fraction and said carrier fraction is 0.5:1 to 15:1.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is suitable for soft tissue augmentation claim 1 , said composition being injectable claim 1 , comprising augmentation particles of 20-100 μm and having a surface porosity of less than 30%.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition is suitable for hard tissue augmentation claim 1 , said composition comprising augmentation particles of 100 μm to 4 mm and having ...

    25-07-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130189371A1

    The present invention is directed to a stabilized cross-linked hydrogel matrix comprising a first high molecular weight component and a second high molecular weight component that are covalently linked, and at least one stabilizing or enhancing agent, wherein the first high molecular weight component and the second high molecular weight component are each selected from the group consisting of polyglycans and polypeptides. This stabilized hydrogel matrix may be prepared as bioactive gels, pastes, slurries, cell attachment scaffolds for implantable medical devices, and casting or binding materials suitable for the construction of medical devices. The intrinsic bioactivity of the hydrogel matrix makes it useful as a gel or paste in multiple applications, including as a cell attachment scaffold that promotes wound healing around an implanted device, as gels and pastes for induction of localized vasculogenesis, wound healing, tissue repair, and regeneration, as a wound adhesive, and for tissue bulking. 1. A bone implant material formed of a molded composition having a predetermined shape and comprising: a crosslinked bioactive hydrogel matrix comprising a polyglycan crosslinked to a polypeptide , and at least one enhancing agent selected from the group consisting of polar amino acids , intact collagen , divalent cation chelators , and combinations thereof; and an osteoinductive or osteoconductive material comprising hydroxyapatite.2. The bone implant material of claim 1 , wherein the polyglycan is a polysaccharide or a sulfated polysaccharide.3. The bone implant material of claim 2 , wherein the polyglycan is selected from the group consisting of glycosaminoglycans claim 2 , glucosaminoglycans claim 2 , dextran claim 2 , heparan claim 2 , heparin claim 2 , hyaluronic acid claim 2 , alginate claim 2 , agarose claim 2 , carageenan claim 2 , amylopectin claim 2 , amylose claim 2 , glycogen claim 2 , starch claim 2 , cellulose claim 2 , chitin claim 2 , heparan sulfate claim ...

    15-08-2013 дата публикации

    Synthesis of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate or Poorly Crystalline Calcium Phosphate Powders by Using Ca Metal

    Номер: US20130209377A1
    Автор: Ahmet Cuneyt Tas
    Принадлежит: Individual

    The present invention relates to the synthesis of bioceramics, in particular, of amorphous or cryptocrystalline calcium phosphates.

    15-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130210736A1

    The present invention relates to a peptide having bone tissue regeneration capacity and binding to surface of apatite, and more particularly, to a peptide having bone tissue regeneration capacity and specifically binding to a surface of apatite mineral, capable of being stably immobilized to the surface of apatite mineral to retain effective activity and exhibit bone regeneration effects for a long time, by linking an amino acid sequence having bone tissue regeneration capacity and an amino acid sequence having apatite-binding capacity to each other to thereby provide a peptide having both bone-forming effects and binding capacity to the surface of apatite mineral, and a composition for bone tissue regeneration, containing the peptide. The peptide having binding capacity to the apatite mineral and bone tissue regeneration capacity according to the present invention binds to the surface of apatite to thereby be present in a stable state, and thus can be used in a bone replacement material for dental or orthopedic application, and metal, natural polymers, or synthetic polymers, coated with apatite; promote transition, proliferation, and differentiation of cells associated with regeneration and eventually maximize bone tissue regeneration; and can be stably present while maintaining peptide activity when being grafted into the body and thus is useful in development of the bone tissue regeneration therapeutic technology using the peptide. 1. A peptide having bone tissue regeneration capacity and binding to apatite , in which at least one peptide selected from the group consisting of amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 1 to SEQ ID NO: 35 and at least one peptide selected from the group consisting of amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO: 36 to SEQ ID NO: 39 are linked to each other.2. A peptide having bone tissue regeneration capacity and binding to apatite , wherein the peptide is represented by an amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 40.3. A bone graft material in which the ...

    22-08-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130216601A1
    Автор: Rosenberg Orit
    Принадлежит: Sheltagen Medical LTD.

    A method for ex vivo production of a three-dimensional bone implant adapted for implantation to a patient, implants produced by such a method, and uses of such implants. The method comprises disposing differentiated osteoblasts on a matrix support comprising at least one of collagen, calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate and tricalcium phosphate; contacting the differentiated osteoblasts on the matrix with autologous blood serum from the patient, comprising at least one of a growth factor and a cytokine; and disposing the differentiated osteoblasts on the matrix support and the medium in a bioreactor, in which production of the bone implant is performed. 1. A method for ex vivo production of a three-dimensional bone implant adapted for implantation to a patient , the method comprising:providing a matrix support comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of collagen, calcium phosphate tricalcium phosphate, and calcium sulfate;providing differentiated osteoblasts disposed on said matrix support;providing autologous blood serum from the patient, said serum comprising at least one of a growth factor and a cytokine;contacting said differentiated osteoblasts on said matrix support to medium comprising said autologous blood serum;disposing said differentiated osteoblasts on said matrix support and said medium within a bioreactor; andproducing the implant within said bioreactor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said growth factor is selected from the group consisting of a bone morphogenetic protein claim 1 , an insulin growth factor claim 1 , vascular endothelial growth factor claim 1 , platelet-derived growth factor claim 1 , and fibroblast growth factor.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising exposing said differentiated osteoblasts on said matrix support to infrasonic mechanical stimulation.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a frequency of said infrasonic mechanical stimulation is in the range of from about 4 Hz to about 60 Hz and a displacement ...

    12-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130236399A1

    The present invention relates to an apatite composition comprising 0.001-99.999 wt. % of an apatite and 0.001-99.999 wt. % of a glass carbomer, based on the total weight of the apatite composition. The apatite is preferably a fluoroapatite according to the general formula (I): wherein: M is a cation other than Ca, B is an anion other than P04″, A is F″, 0≦x≦9, 0≦y≦5, and 0≦z≦2, and most preferably Ca(PO)F. The apatite composition is advantageously used as a dental filling material, a denting bonding cement, a bone cement, a bone replacing material, in dental care and cleansing products, glass-ceramics, bone scaffolds and bone substrates, and as a coating material for crowns and bridges. 131-. (canceled)33. The apatite composition according to claim 32 , wherein the apatite is a fluoroapatite.35. The apatite composition according to claim 34 , wherein x=y=0 and z=2.37. The apatite composition according to claim 36 , wherein x=y=z=0 and A is OH.38. The apatite composition according to claim 32 , wherein the poly(dialkylsiloxane) is linear or cyclic.39. The apatite composition according to claim 38 , wherein the alkyl groups of the poly(dialkylsiloxane) are methyl groups.40. The apatite composition according to claim 38 , wherein the poly(dialkylsiloxane) has a kinematic viscosity in the range of about 1 to about 100 claim 38 ,000 cSt at 25° C.41. The apatite composition according to claim 32 , wherein the particles of the fluorosilicate glass powder have an average size of about 10to about 200 μm.42. The apatite composition according to claim 32 , wherein the aqueous acid solution comprises an inorganic acid or an organic acid.43. The apatite composition according to claim 32 , wherein the fluoroapatite composition is in a particulate form.44. The apatite composition according to claim 43 , wherein the particles of the fluoroapatite composition have an average size of about 10to about 200 μm.45. A dental filling material comprising the apatite composition according to ...

    19-09-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130243737A1

    The present invention generally relates to calcium-containing structures and methods of making and using the structures. In one aspect, hollow calcium containing microstructures are used in conjunction with bone tissues/by-products to augment bone defects and extend the supply of bone tissues/by-products for bone augmentation. Bonding agents, such as calcium cements, are also used in the preparation of the hollow calcium microstructures combined with bone tissues/by-products or for use in preparing the hollow microstructures. The calcium-containing microstructures of the present invention are also useful as delivery vehicles of nitric oxide and/or nitric oxide containing or producing compounds for a variety of in vitro and in vivo uses. Calcium containing contoured substrates upon which cells/tissues can be grown in vitro for replacement and repair of tissues in vivo that conform in size and shape to the tissue surface to be replaced are also provided. 132.-. (canceled)33. A method of making a calcium-containing substrate , comprising the steps of:(a) obtaining a composition comprising calcium phosphate;(b) contouring said composition into a desired shape to form a contoured composition;(c) culturing cells or tissues onto the contoured composition to form the calcium-containing substrate.34. The method of claim 33 , further comprising the steps of:(d) removing the cultured cells or tissues from the contoured composition; and(e) transplanting the cultured cells or tissues into a patient in need thereof.35. The method of claim 33 , further comprising the step of transplanting the calcium-containing substrate into a patient in need thereof.36. The method of claim 33 , wherein calcium phosphate is hydroxylapatite claim 33 , tribasic calcium phosphate claim 33 , dicalcium phosphate claim 33 , tetracalcium phosphate claim 33 , calcium carbonate claim 33 , calcium oxide claim 33 , glass-containing calcium phosphate claim 33 , or a mixture thereof.37. The method of claim 33 ...

    10-10-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130268088A1
    Принадлежит: Bone Support AB

    An injectable bone mineral substitute material composition with the capability of being hardened in a body fluid in vivo, which comprises at least one calcium phosphate component and at least one calcium sulfate component as a dry mixture mixed with an aqueous liquid, and at least one accelerator, the at least one calcium sulfate component being particulate hardened calcium sulfate, which has a specified particle size that is in order to confer injectablity to the composition. The invention also concerns the bone mineral substitute material produced from the composition as well as methods and uses thereof. 145.-. (canceled)46. A method for fixing a prosthesis comprising:a) mixing a dry powder composition comprising a calcium phosphate component and a calcium sulfate component with an aqueous liquid;b) injecting the resulting composition from step a) into a bone cavity;c) introducing a prosthesis into the bone cavity; andd) allowing the injectable composition to harden in vivo.47. The method of claim 46 , wherein the calcium phosphate component is chosen from tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) claim 46 , monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCPM) claim 46 , dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) claim 46 , anhydrous dicalcium phosphate (DCPA) claim 46 , dicalcium phosphate (OCP) claim 46 , tricalcium phosphate (TCP) claim 46 , and octocalcium phosphate (OCP).48. The method of claim 46 , wherein the calcium sulfate component is chosen from a hardened particulate calcium sulfate and a calcium sulfate hemihydrate.49. The method of claim 48 , wherein the hardened particulate calcium sulfate is calcium sulfate dihydrate.50. The method of claim 48 , wherein the calcium sulfate hemihydrate is in the α-form.51. The method of claim 46 , wherein the calcium sulfate component is present in an amount up to 60 wt % of the dry powder composition.52. The method of claim 46 , wherein the calcium sulfate component is present in an amount ranging from 10 wt % to 40 wt % of the dry powder ...

    17-10-2013 дата публикации

    Calcium Phosphate Cements and Methods for Using the Same

    Номер: US20130273118A1

    Methods and compositions for producing flowable compositions, e.g. pastes, that set into calcium phosphate products are provided. In the subject methods, dry reactants that include a calcium source and a phosphate source are combined with a setting fluid to produce the flowable composition. A feature of the subject methods is that the dry reactants include a particulate calcium and/or phosphate reactant having a mean particle size of less than about 8 μm and narrow size distribution. Also provided are the compositions themselves as well as kits for use in practicing the subject methods. The subject methods and compositions produced thereby find use in a variety of applications, including the repair of hard tissue defects, e.g., bone defects. 118.-. (canceled)19. A flowable composition that sets into a calcium phosphate containing product , wherein said composition is produced by a method comprising:combining:(a) a setting fluid; and(b) a dry reactant component comprising a first particulate calcium and/or phosphate reactant having a mean particle size of less than about 8 μm and narrow particle size distribution;in a ratio sufficient to produce said flowable composition.20. The composition according to claim 19 , wherein said composition is a paste.21. The composition according to claim 19 , wherein said composition is a clay.22. A method of repairing a hard tissue defect claim 19 , said method comprising:applying to the site of said defect a flowable composition that sets into a calcium phosphate containing product, wherein said composition is produced by a method comprising:combining:(a) a setting fluid; and(b) a dry reactant component comprising a first particulate calcium and/or phosphate reactant having a mean particle size of less than about 8 μm and narrow particle size distribution;in a ratio sufficient to produce said flowable composition.23. A kit comprising:a dry reactant component comprising a first particulate calcium and/or phosphate reactant having a ...

    07-11-2013 дата публикации

    Antibacterial calcium-based materials

    Номер: US20130295193A1

    A preparation at least useful as a bone implant is provided, which contains a solid component including a lithium compound and a calcium compound. The preparation shows an anti-bacterial ability in comparison with a preparation contains the calcium compound but free of the lithium compound. 1. An anti-bacterial preparation comprising a solid component comprising a lithium compound and a calcium compound.2. The preparation of which shows an improved anti-bacterial ability in comparison with a preparation containing the calcium compound but free of the lithium compound.3. The preparation of wherein a Hanks' solution with the anti-bacterial preparation immersed therein in a ratio of solution:anti-bacterial preparation=10 cc/g exhibits a pH value of not less 10.4. The preparation of wherein the anti-bacterial preparation contains 5-80% of the lithium compound claim 1 , based on the weight of the solid component.5. The preparation of wherein the lithium compound is a lithium salt claim 1 , lithium oxide claim 1 , lithium amide (LiNH) claim 1 , lithium hydroxide or lithium halide.6. The preparation of wherein the lithium compound is lithium carbonate claim 1 , lithium sulfate claim 1 , lithium phosphate claim 1 , lithium oxide claim 1 , lithium fluoride claim 1 , lithium acetate claim 1 , lithium bromide claim 1 , lithium hydroxide claim 1 , lithium nitrate claim 1 , lithium nitrite claim 1 , lithium iodide claim 1 , lithium molybdate (LiMoO) claim 1 , lithium tetraborate (LiBO) claim 1 , lithium citrate tetrahydrate (LiCHO.4HO) claim 1 , or lithium stearate (LiCHO).7. The preparation of wherein the lithium compound is lithium carbonate claim 1 , or lithium phosphate.8. The preparation of wherein the solid component is a powder component comprising the lithium compound and the calcium compound claim 1 , wherein the calcium compound is selected from the group consisting of a calcium phosphate claim 1 , calcium sulfate claim 1 , calcium oxide claim 1 , calcium carbonate ...

    19-12-2013 дата публикации


    Номер: US20130337082A1
    Принадлежит: EMORY UNIVERSITY

    This disclosure relates to compounds and compositions for forming bone and methods related thereto. In certain embodiments, the disclosure relates to methods of forming bone comprising implanting a bone graft composition comprising a growth factor such as BMP in a subject at a site of desired bone growth or enhancement in combination with a Noggin blocker. 1. A bone graft composition comprising a N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide derivative , (3-phenyl)-2-(pyridin-2-yl)acrylonitrile derivative or salt thereof.2. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide derivative claim 1 , (3-phenyl)-2-(pyridin-2-yl)acrylonitrile derivative or salt thereof is covalently linked to a graft matrix3. The graft of further comprising a growth factor.4. The graft of claim 3 , wherein the growth factor is a bone morphogenetic protein.5. The graft of claim 4 , wherein the bone morphogenetic protein is BMP-2 claim 4 , BMP-7 claim 4 , BMP-6 claim 4 , or BMP-9.6. The graft composition of further comprising calcium phosphates.7. The graft composition of claim 6 , wherein said calcium phosphates are hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate.8. The graft composition of further comprising a collagen or hydrogel matrix.9. A kit comprising a N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide derivative claim 1 , (3-phenyl)-2-(pyridin-2-yl)acrylonitrile derivative or salt thereof and a bone graft composition.10. The kit of further comprising a bone morphogenetic protein.11. A method of forming bone comprising implanting a bone graft composition comprising a Noggin blocker optionally comprising a growth factor in a subject at a site of desired bone growth.12. The method of wherein the Noggin blocker is a N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide derivative claims 11 , (3-phenyl)-2-(pyridin-2-yl)acrylonitrile derivative or salt thereof.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the N-(pyridin-2-yl)benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide ...

    26-12-2013 дата публикации

    Bone substitute material

    Номер: US20130345825A1
    Принадлежит: Geistlich Pharma AG

    The invention relates to: —a porous biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material comprising a sintered CAP core and at least one uniform and closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on top of the sintered CAP core, whereby the epitactically grown nanocrystals have the same size and morphology as human bone mineral, i.e. a length of 30 to 46 nm and a width of 14 to 22 nm, which is impregnated with collagen fibers at a weight ratio of said collagen fibers to said porous biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material of at least 2%,—a process of preparing the above porous CAP/HAP bone substitute material, which comprises (a) mixing a slurry of collagen fibers and a porous biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material comprising a sintered CAP core and at least one uniform and closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on top of the sintered CAP core, whereby the epitactically grown nanocrystals have the same size and morphology as human bone mineral, i.e. a length of 30 to 46 nm and a width of 14 to 22 nm, and (b) eliminating the water by vacuum suction, —an implant which comprises a porous collagen matrix surrounding and impregnating particles or granules of porous biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material comprising a sintered CAP core and at least one uniform and closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on top of the sintered CAP core, whereby the epitactically grown nanocrystals have the same size and morphology as human bone mineral, i.e. a length of 30 to 46 nm and a width of 14 to 22 nm, —the use of the above bone substitute material as implant or pros thesis for bone formation, bone regeneration, bone repair and/or bone replacement at a defect site in a human or animal.

    06-02-2014 дата публикации

    Method and Device for Coating of a Medical Implant

    Номер: US20140033970A1

    The invention relates to a method for coating of a medical implant that can be used to apply a calcium salt to the surface of a medical implant easily and without expensive coating equipment and little expenditure of time. 115.-. (canceled)16. Device for coating a medical implant comprising a hollow body and a body that is arranged in the hollow body such as to be mobile therein and can be moved out of the hollow body at least in part , and comprises a calcium salt with a Mohs hardness of no more than 5.5 on at least one of its surfaces , and a pharmaceutical agent , wherein the porosity of the body is in the range from 10-70% by volume.17. The device according to claim 16 , wherein the device is used in a method for coating of a medical implant claim 16 , said method comprising providing a medical implant that includes at least one surface to be coated; and rubbing said body having the calcium salt-containing surface over the at least one medical implant surface to be coated such that said surface of the medical implant is coated with the at least one calcium salt.18. The device according to wherein the medical implant is an articular endoprosthesis.19. The device according to wherein the medical implant surface to be coated has a mean roughness Rof at least 0.5 μm.20. The device according to wherein the medical implant consists essentially of titanium or a titanium alloy.21. The device according to wherein the water fraction of the body is in the range from 20-70% by weight.22. The device according to wherein the solubility of the at least one calcium salt in water at a temperature of 25° C. is at least 2 g/l.23. The device according to wherein the body contains 50-100% by weight calcium salts.24. The device according to wherein the calcium salt is selected from the group consisting of calcium sulfates claim 16 , calcium phosphates claim 16 , calcium hydrogenphosphates claim 16 , and calcium carbonate.25. The device according to wherein the calcium sulfate is ...

    03-04-2014 дата публикации


    Номер: US20140093571A1

    A kneadable and moldable bone-replacement material includes a mixture of calcium-containing ceramic particles and a hydrogel or a substance which can be swelled into a hydrogel. The ceramic particles are of fully synthetic origin and the individual ceramic particles have a structure which is at least partially cohesive and porous. In addition, the majority of the ceramic particles have a non-spheric shape. 1. A kneadable and moldable bone-replacement material which consists of a mixture of:A) calcium-containing ceramic particles; andB) a hydrogel or a substance that can be swelled into a hydrogel, andwherein the ceramic particles are of fully synthetic origin; the individual ceramic particles have at least a partially cohesive, porous structure; and the majority of the ceramic particles have a non-spheric shape.2. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particles have an angular shape.3. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least 50% of the ceramic particles have a non-spheric shape.4. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein pore size of the ceramic particles is between 1 and 100 micrometers.5. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein pore size of the ceramic particles is between 340 and 450 micrometers.6. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein porosity of the ceramic particles is between 60 and 90 percent.7. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a bulk density of the ceramic particles is between 0.2 g/ccm and 2.0 g/ccm.8. The bone-replacement material in accordance claim 1 , wherein a jarring density of the ceramic particles is between 0.5 g/ccm and 2.5 g/ccm.9. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of the ceramic particles is between 100 and 250 micrometers.10. The bone-replacement material in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an average ...

    07-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210000611A9

    Implantable devices for orthopedic, including spine and other uses are formed of porous reinforced polymer scaffolds. Scaffolds include a thermoplastic polymer forming a porous matrix that has continuously interconnected pores. The porosity and the size of the pores within the scaffold are selectively formed during synthesis of the composite material, and the composite material includes a plurality of reinforcement particles integrally formed within and embedded in the matrix and exposed on the pore surfaces. The reinforcement particles provide one or more of reinforcement, bioactivity, or bioresorption. 1. An implantable device comprising: (a) a central region, and', '(b) an outer region,', 'at least one of the two regions comprising a porous reinforced composite scaffold material that comprises a thermoplastic polymer matrix, and a plurality of reinforcement particles distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix, and a substantially continuously interconnected plurality of pores that are distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix, each of the plurality of pores defined by voids interconnected by struts,', (i) a porous reinforced composite scaffold material that comprises a thermoplastic polymer matrix, and a plurality of reinforcement particles distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix, and a substantially continuously interconnected plurality of pores that are distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix, each of the plurality of pores defined by voids interconnected by struts, and', '(ii) a non-porous reinforced composite material that comprises a thermoplastic polymer matrix, and a plurality of reinforcement particles, 'and the other of the at least two regions comprising one of'}, 'distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix, 'at least two regions comprising,'}wherein the porosity of the central region is different from the porosity of the outer region.2. An implantable device according to claim 1 , ...

    07-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210000697A1

    A method of vacuum densification and simultaneous alignment of mineral components formed inside biomineralized organoids includes providing a pressing die system that includes a push rod arranged within a sleeve, a sample chamber, and a semi-porous support plate equipped with a vacuum pump system. A hydrated biomineralized organoid sample, including a mineral component, is inserted into the sample chamber. The biomineralized organoid sample is mechanically compressed by exerting a force via the push rod so that a solid fraction of the biomineralized organoid sample is compressed while a portion of a liquid fraction passes through the semi-porous support plate, thereby leaving the biomineralized organoid sample in a partially dehydrated state. The portion of the liquid fraction that passes through the semi-porous support plate is removed via the vacuum pump system. Mechanical compression of the solid fraction and vacuum removal of the portion of the liquid fraction facilitates an increase in density of the mineral component and an increase in alignment of particles that comprise the mineral component. 1. A method of vacuum densification and simultaneous alignment of mineral components formed inside biomineralized organoids , the method comprising:providing a pressing die system that includes a push rod arranged within a sleeve, a sample chamber, and a semi-porous support plate equipped with a vacuum pump system;inserting a hydrated biomineralized organoid sample, including a mineral component, into the sample chamber;mechanically compressing the biomineralized organoid sample, by exerting a force via the push rod, so that a solid fraction of the biomineralized organoid sample is compressed while a portion of a liquid fraction passes through the semi-porous support plate, thereby leaving the biomineralized organoid sample in a partially dehydrated state; andremoving the portion of the liquid fraction that passes through the semi-porous support plate via the vacuum ...

    02-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200000684A1

    It is an object of the present invention to provide a ceramic particle carrying medical tube and/or cuff excellent in cell adhesive property and the like. 1. A medical tube and/or cuff carrying a ceramic particle in at least a part thereof , whereinthe ceramic particle has a particle diameter within a range of 10 nm to 700 nm,the ceramic particle is a calcium phosphate sintered body particle, andthe ceramic particle contains no calcium carbonate.2. The medical tube and/or cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle is spherical.3. A medical tube and/or cuff carrying a ceramic particle in at least a part thereof claim 1 , whereinthe ceramic particle has a minor axis maximum diameter of 30 nm to 5 μm and a major axis of 75 nm to 10 μm, grows in a c axis direction, and has an aspect ratio of a crystal (c axis length/a axis length) of 1 to 30,the ceramic particle is a calcium phosphate sintered body particle, andthe ceramic particle contains no calcium carbonate.4. The medical tube and/or cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle is a hydroxyapatite sintered body particle.5. The medical tube and/or cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle contains no alkali metal elements.6. The medical tube and/or cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle contains carbonate apatite at least on a surface thereof.7. The medical tube and/or cuff according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic particle satisfies the following property (A): (A) the medical tube and/or cuff shows a reduction in weight of 2% or less in a temperature range of 25° C. to 200° C. when sufficiently dried claim 1 , left to stand for 3 days or more under conditions of normal pressure claim 1 , a temperature of 25° C. claim 1 , and a humidity of 50% claim 1 , and then measured for the weight under conditions of a nitrogen stream and 10° C./min by using a thermogravimetric differential thermal analyzer (TG-DTA claim 1 , EXSTAR6000 manufactured by Seiko Instruments ...

    07-01-2016 дата публикации

    Composite Matrix for Bone Repair Applications

    Номер: US20160000974A1

    Composite fibrous and non-fibrous matrices of biocompatible, bioactive synthetic polymers and ceramics are described. The composite matrices support bone cell differentiation and may be used alone or with whole bone marrow, isolated mesenchymal stem cells and/or bone grafts for bone repair and bone regeneration.

    02-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200000961A1
    Принадлежит: SINTOKOGIO, LTD.

    A manufacturing method is a method of manufacturing a composite material molded article containing acicular hydroxyapatite. This manufacturing method comprises: a preparation step of mixing at least a calcium phosphate compound including α-tricalcium phosphate, a calcium compound containing no phosphorus, cellulose nanofibers, and an aqueous solvent consisting of water and/or a hydrophilic solvent to obtain a mixture; a molding step of forming a molded article by using the mixture; a drying step of drying the molded article; and a synthesis step of performing synthesis treatment of the molded article after drying. 1. A method of manufacturing a composite material molded article containing acicular hydroxyapatite , comprising:a preparation step of mixing at least a calcium phosphate compound including α-tricalcium phosphate, a calcium compound containing no phosphorus, cellulose nanofibers, and an aqueous solvent consisting of water and/or a hydrophilic solvent to obtain a mixture;a molding step of forming a molded article using the mixture;a drying step of drying the molded article; anda synthesis step of subjecting the molded article after drying to synthesis treatment.2. The method of manufacturing a composite material molded article containing acicular hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , wherein in the preparation step claim 1 , the calcium compound is added so that a Ca/P ratio of the mixture is more than 1.50 and 1.80 or less.3. The method of manufacturing a composite material molded article containing acicular hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , wherein in the preparation step claim 1 , the cellulose nanofibers are added at 10 to 40 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the calcium phosphate compound.4. The method of manufacturing a composite material molded article containing acicular hydroxyapatite according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , before the molding step:a removal step of removing part or all of the aqueous solvent from the ...

    02-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200000970A1

    Bioactive porous bone graft implants in various forms suitable for bone tissue regeneration and/or repair, as well as methods of use, are provided. The implants are formed of bioactive glass and have an engineered porosity. The implants may take the form of a putty, foam, fibrous cluster, fibrous matrix, granular matrix, or combinations thereof and allow for enhanced clinical results as well as ease of handling. 1. A bone graft implant , comprising:a first component comprising a bioactive glass material in the form of a plurality of glass fibers; anda second component comprising a bioactive glass material in the form of a bioactive glass crust at least partially covering the plurality of fibers;each of the first and second components having a different resorption capacity than the other component; anda third component comprising a biological agent;wherein the implant comprises a pore size distribution including pores characterized by pore diameters ranging from about 100 nanometers to about 1 millimeter.2. The implant of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second components is partially or fully sintered.3. The implant of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second components is porous.4. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the first component further comprises bioactive glass granules.5. The implant of claim 4 , wherein the bioactive glass crust extends over all of the plurality of fibers and granules.6. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the biological agent is selected from the group consisting of stem cells claim 1 , demineralized bone matrix claim 1 , bone marrow and platelet rich plasma.7. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the biological agent is selected from the group consisting of bone morphogenic protein claim 1 , a bone growth factor claim 1 , vascular endothelial growth factor claim 1 , insulin derived growth factor claim 1 , a keratinocyte derived growth factor claim 1 , and a fibroblast derived growth factor.8. The implant of claim 1 , ...

    02-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200001498A1
    Принадлежит: regenHU AG

    A cartridge for use in a tissue substitute printing system is disclosed, the cartridge may have: 1. A cartridge for use in a tissue substitute printing system , the cartridge comprising:a material reservoir, the material reservoir storing a tissue substitute material in a flowable form;a material aperture arranged at a bottom side of the cartridge, the material aperture being fluidic coupled with the material reservoir for releasing the tissue substitute material stored in the material reservoir; andat least one auxiliary aperture arranged at the bottom side of the cartridge for releasing an auxiliary medium, the at least one auxiliary aperture being arranged in proximity to and fluidic separate from the material aperture.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge comprises an auxiliary medium reservoir claim 1 , the auxiliary medium reservoir storing an auxiliary medium claim 1 , the auxiliary medium reservoir being fluidic coupled with the at least one auxiliary aperture.3. The cartridge according to claim 2 , wherein the auxiliary medium reservoir at least partially surrounds the material reservoir.4. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge comprises a plurality of auxiliary apertures.5. The cartridge according to claim 4 , wherein the auxiliary apertures are arranged along an arc around the material aperture.6. The cartridge according to wherein the cartridge further comprises an auxiliary medium distribution ductwork claim 4 , the auxiliary medium distribution ductwork being fluidic coupled with the plurality of auxiliary apertures.7. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge comprises at least one inlet opening claim 1 , the at least one inlet opening being fluidic coupled with the at least one auxiliary aperture.8. The cartridge according to claim 7 , wherein the at least one auxiliary aperture is fluidic coupled with an associated inlet opening via a point-to-point coupling.9. The cartridge according to ...

    03-01-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190002282A1

    A hydrogel comprising a colloidal suspension of MMPtwo-dimensional nanocrystals in water, wherein Mis Na and/or Li, Mis Mg or a mixture of Mg with one or more Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe and/or Mn, P is a mixture of dibasic phosphate ions (HPO) and tribasic phosphate ions (PO), X ranges from about 0.43 to about 0.63, Y ranges from about 0.10 to about 0.18, Z ranges from about 0.29 to about 0.48, X, Y, Z being mole fractions, is provided. 1. A hydrogel comprising a colloidal suspension of MMPtwo-dimensional nanocrystals in water , wherein:{'sup': I', '+', '+, 'Mis Na and/or Li,'}{'sup': II', '2+', '2+', '2+', '2+', '2+', '2+', '2+, 'Mis Mg or a mixture of Mg with one or more Ni, Zn, Cu, Fe and/or Mn,'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'sup': 2−', '3−, 'P is a mixture of dibasic phosphate ions (HPO) and tribasic phosphate ions (PO),'}X ranges from about 0.43 to about 0.63,Y ranges from about 0.10 to about 0.18, andZ ranges from about 0.29 to about 0.48,X, Y, Z being mole fractions.2. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein X ranges from about 0.50 to about 0.58.3. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Y ranges from about 0.13 to about 0.16.4. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Z ranges from about 0.34 to about 0.37.56-. (canceled)7. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Mis a mixture of Na and Li.8. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Mis Mg.9. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Mis a mixture of Mg and one or more Ni claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Fe and/or Mn.10. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Mis a mixture of Mg and Fe.1113-. (canceled)14. The hydrogel of claim 1 , wherein Mis Na claim 1 , Mis Mg claim 1 , X is 0.53 claim 1 , Y is 0.13 claim 1 , and Z is 0.34.1518-. (canceled)19. The hydrogel of claim 1 , having a pH between about 9 and about 11.20. The hydrogel of claim 1 , comprising between about 5% and about 15% by weight of MMP claim 1 , based on the total weight of the gel.21. The hydrogel of claim 1 , comprising between about 85% and about 95% of water by weight based on the total weight of the gel. ...

    01-01-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: US20150004042A1
    Автор: NIMAL Didier

    A method for manufacturing a three-dimensional biomedical device for fitting in a bone defect having an osteoinductive first area with a controlled porosity and a second area, which is produced by laser technology from an absorbent and from a first powder including one of ceramics, metals, metal alloys, bioactive glasses, lead zirconate titanate and biocompatible polymers, or mixtures thereof, wherein the ratio of the porosities from the second area to the first area is equal or less than one, preferably from 0.001 to 0.9, wherein a virtual object is designed with a computer-aid designed software, and the device is manufactured by laser technology including layering a powder onto a plate () so that a layer of a predetermined thickness is formed; the laser beam () selectively processes the powder to produce a processed layer, and, thus, layer after layer, the layers are joined together until the biomedical device is formed. 1. A method for manufacturing a biomedical device for fitting bone defect , said biomedical device having at least one osteoconductive first area with a controlled porosity and at least one porous second area , the ratio of the porosity of the second area to the porosity of the first area being equal or less than one , wherein the device is produced by a laser technology from an absorbent and from a first powder comprising a material selected from the group consisting of ceramics , metals , metal alloys , bioactive glasses , lead zirconate titanate , biocompatible polymers , and mixtures thereof , wherein the laser is a pulsed laser or a continuous laser of 100 to 1200 watts , and the laser progression speed of the laser beam ranges from 0.01 and 5000 mm/s; and whereinan image of the defect is performed,from this image, a virtual object is designed with a computer-aid designed software,optionally, a scale model is performed, [ a mixture of the first powder and the absorbent;', 'a first powder coated with the absorbent; or', 'the first powder, ...

    12-01-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170007407A1

    Provided is a compression resistant implant configured to fit at or near a bone defect to promote bone growth, the compression resistant implant comprising porous ceramic particles in a biodegradable polymer, and an oxysterol disposed in or on the compression resistant implant. Methods of making and use are further provided. 1. A compression resistant implant configured to fit at or near a bone defect to promote bone growth , the compression resistant implant comprising porous ceramic particles in an amount of about 30 wt % to about 99.5 wt % in a biodegradable polymer in an amount of about 0.1 wt % to about 20 wt % based on a total weight of the implant , and an oxysterol disposed in or on the compression resistant implant.2. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein the implant is not compressed any more than about 20% in any one direction for a period of at least about 30 days in vivo.3. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein (i) the porous ceramic particles are uniformly distributed throughout the implant; (ii) the oxysterol is uniformly distributed throughout the biodegradable polymer; and/or (iii) the oxysterol is uniformly distributed throughout the porous ceramic particles.4. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic particles form a ceramic skeleton claim 1 , the skeleton having pores in the range of 1-10 mm in diameter claim 1 , and a total porosity of 50-98%.5. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises autograft claim 1 , allograft and/or xenograft bone particles.6. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable polymer comprises porcine-derived collagen claim 1 , human-derived collagen claim 1 , bovine-derived collagen claim 1 , piscine-derived collagen claim 1 , ovine-derived collagen claim 1 , recombinant collagen claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. An implant according to claim 1 , wherein (i) the porous ceramic particles comprise bone powder claim 1 , demineralized bone ...

    12-01-2017 дата публикации

    Implants having a high drug load of an oxysterol and methods of use

    Номер: US20170007739A1

    Provided is an implant configured to fit at or near a bone defect to promote bone growth, the implant comprising: a biodegradable polymer in an amount of about 0.1 wt % to about 20 wt % of the implant and an oxysterol in an amount of about 20 wt % to about 90 wt % of the implant. The implant has a high oxysterol load. Methods of making and use are further provided.

    12-01-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170007740A1

    Provided herein are bone grafts and methods of making and using the same, as well as products and kits that include such bone grafts. In particular, bone grafts are provided that include collagen Type I and one or more different types of mineral compositions having different dissolution properties and/or sizes, to enhance bone regeneration throughout the bone healing phase. 1. A bone graft comprising:20% to 95% by weight of collagen type I with respect to a total weight of the bone graft, and20% to 95% by weight of one or more minerals with respect to the total weight of the bone graft, wherein the one or more minerals have two or more dissolution rates, thereby allowing the bone graft to enhance bone healing in both early and late phases of bone healing.2. The bone graft of claim 1 , further comprising 0.2 to 20% by weight of hyaluronic acid with respect to the total weight of the bone graft.3. The bone graft of claim 1 , further comprising 0.1 to 20% by weight of acid or base with respect to the total weight of the bone graft.4. The bone graft of claim 1 , further comprising 20% to 95% by weight DBM with respect to the total weight of the bone graft.5. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the collagen type I is from a bovine or porcine source and is obtained from either skin (dermal) or tendon.6. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the one or more minerals comprise beta-tricalcium phosphate.7. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the one or more minerals comprise carbonate apatite.8. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the one or more minerals comprise calcium carbonate.9. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the one or more minerals have a size ranging from about 75 nm to 500 μm.10. The bone graft of claim 1 , wherein the one or more minerals include a first mineral having a first dissolution profile and a second mineral having a second dissolution profile claim 1 , wherein the first dissolution profile is different from the second dissolution profile in order to ...

    14-01-2016 дата публикации


    Номер: US20160008507A1
    Автор: Taguchi Tetsushi

    Provided is an adhesive bone filling agent which adheres to bone tissue and hardens, and the adhesive bone filling agent is prepared by mixing a liquid component composed of a buffer solution comprising a water-soluble biocompatible polymer with a powder component comprising calcium phosphate and an organic acid-based crosslinking agent. 1. An adhesive bone filling agent which adheres to bone tissue and hardens , the adhesive bone filling agent comprising:a combination of a liquid component composed of a buffer solution comprising a water-soluble biocompatible polymer and a powder component comprising calcium phosphate and an organic acid-based crosslinking agent.2. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble biocompatible polymer is a biopolymer or a synthetic polymer.3. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 2 , wherein the biopolymer is albumin or gelatin.4. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 3 , wherein the albumin is serum albumin of any one species or two or more species of cattle claim 3 , swine claim 3 , horse claim 3 , and human or recombinant albumin.5. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 3 , wherein the gelatin is gelatin of any one species or two or more species of cattle claim 3 , swine claim 3 , fish claim 3 , and human or recombinant gelatin.6. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 2 , wherein the synthetic polymer is a polyether or water-soluble polymer having an amino group in a side chain or at a terminal.7. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 6 , wherein the polyether is a poly(ethylene glycol) derivative having from 3 to 8 branches.8. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 7 , wherein the poly(ethylene glycol) having from 3 to 8 branches is pentaerythritol tetra(poly(ethylene glycol))ether.9. The adhesive bone filling agent according to claim 6 , wherein the water-soluble polymer is a polypeptide.10. The adhesive bone filling ...

    14-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210008247A1

    Various embodiments disclosed relate to curable calcium phosphate compositions for use with porous structures and methods of using the same. In various embodiments, the present invention provides a curable calcium phosphate composition or a cured product thereof, with the curable calcium phosphate composition including calcium phosphate and a perfusion modifier. In various embodiments, the present invention provides an apparatus comprising a porous structure at least partially in contact with the curable calcium phosphate composition or a cured product thereof. The porous structure can include a porous substrate including a plurality of ligaments that define pores of the porous substrate, and a biocompatible metal coating on the plurality of ligaments of the porous substrate. 1. A curable calcium phosphate composition or a cured product thereof , the curable calcium phosphate composition comprising:calcium phosphate;a perfusion modifier, wherein the perfusion modifier is 0.5 wt % to 5 wt % of the curable calcium phosphate composition, wherein the perfusion modifier is methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, a salt thereof, or a combination thereof; anda physiologically acceptable fluid.2. The curable calcium phosphate composition or cured product thereof of claim 1 , wherein the physiologically acceptable fluid comprises water claim 1 , saline claim 1 , phosphate buffer claim 1 , biological fluid claim 1 , or a combination thereof claim 1 , and the biological fluid comprises blood claim 1 , a blood component claim 1 , a blood product claim 1 , milk claim 1 , urine claim 1 , saliva claim 1 , seminal fluid claim 1 , vaginal fluid claim 1 , synovial fluid claim 1 , lymph fluid claim 1 , amniotic fluid claim 1 , the fluid within a yolk sac of an egg claim 1 , chorion of an egg claim 1 , allantois of an egg claim 1 , sweat claim 1 , tears claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The curable calcium phosphate composition ...

    09-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200008950A1
    Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products, Inc.

    An orthopedic device for implanting between adjacent vertebrae comprising: an arcuate balloon and a hardenable material within said balloon. In some embodiments, the balloon has a footprint that substantially corresponds to a perimeter of a vertebral endplate. An inflatable device is inserted through a cannula into an intervertebral space and oriented so that, upon expansion, a natural angle between vertebrae will be at least partially restored. At least one component selected from the group consisting of a load-bearing component and an osteobiologic component is directed into the inflatable device through a fluid communication means. 1. (canceled)2. An expandable spinal fusion implant , comprising:a) an upper endplate having an upper surface configured to engage bone and a lower surface;b) a lower endplate having a lower surface configured to engage bone and an upper surface;c) a core having a first mating surface that mates with the upper endplate via a slidable guide-track and a second mating surface that mates with the lower endplate via a slidable guide-track; andd) an elongate metallic element extending longitudinally through the core;wherein the core includes an upper ramp component having a first ramped surface and a lower ramp component having a second ramped surface opposing the first ramped surface, andwherein longitudinal translation of the ramped surfaces increases a height between the upper surface of the upper endplate and the lower surface of the lower endplate.3. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the upper and lower endplates and the core are each arcuate in a plane parallel to their length4. The implant of claim 2 , wherein a cross-section taken through the endplates and the core defines an I shape.5. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the elongate metallic element does not contact either of the upper and lower endplates.6. The implant of claim 2 , wherein the first and second ramped surfaces bear against each other.7. An expandable spinal fusion ...

    10-01-2019 дата публикации

    Large 3d porous scaffolds made of active hydroxyapatite obtained by biomorphic transformation of natural structures and process for obtaining them

    Номер: US20190008997A1

    The present disclosure relates to a hydroxyapatite obtained from porous wood, having high compressive strength and dimensions suitable for clinical applications. The porous wood has a porosity of between about 60% and about 95%, said porosity being measured after subjecting the wood to a step of pyrolysis, and is selected from among rattan, pine, abachi, balsa, sipo, oak, rosewood, kempas and walnut wood. The hydroxyapatite may be substituted with one or more ions such as magnesium, strontium, silicon, titanium, carbonate, potassium, sodium, silver, gallium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, europium, gadolinium. Also disclosed is a bone substitute comprising hydroxyapatite obtained from porous wood. The bone substitute is utilized for the substitution and regeneration of a bone or a bone portion, preferably for bones subjected to mechanical loads, such as long bones of the leg and arm, preferably the tibia, fibula, femur, humerus and radius. The invention relates also to a process for manufacturing a biomorphic hydroxyapatite scaffold from wood.

    10-01-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190009004A1
    Автор: Blunn Gordon, LIU Chaozong
    Принадлежит: UCL Business PLC

    There is described a multiphasic osteochondral scaffold for osteochondral defect repair, the scaffold comprising a bone phase and a cartilage phase, wherein the bone phase comprises a support matrix and the cartilage phase comprises a polymeric matrix, and the scaffold comprises a non-porous layer between the bone phase and the cartilage phase. Also described is a multiphasic osteochondral scaffold for osteochondral defect repair, the scaffold comprising a bone phase and a cartilage phase, wherein the bone phase comprises a support matrix and the cartilage phase comprises a polymeric matrix, and wherein the support matrix is tapered so that the dimensions of the support matrix are less at the lower end of the support matrix than at the upper end of the support matrix. 1. A multiphasic osteochondral scaffold for osteochondral defect repair , the scaffold comprising a bone phase and a cartilage phase , wherein the bone phase comprises a support matrix and the cartilage phase comprises a polymeric matrix , and the scaffold comprises a non-porous layer between the bone phase and the cartilage phase.2. A multiphasic osteochondral scaffold for osteochondral defect repair , the scaffold comprising a bone phase and a cartilage phase , wherein the bone phase comprises a support matrix and the cartilage phase comprises a polymeric matrix , and wherein the support matrix is tapered so that the dimensions of the support matrix are less at the lower end of the support matrix than at the upper end of the support matrix.3. The scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the support matrix is formed of metal.4. The scaffold of claim 3 , wherein the support matrix is formed of titanium.5. The scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the support matrix comprises one or more calcium phosphate such as beta-tricalcium phosphate claim 1 , hydroxyapatite and/or biphasic calcium phosphate.6. The scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the support matrix comprises collagen.7. The scaffold of claim 1 , wherein the support ...

    09-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200009294A1
    Автор: NAZIR Pali, NAZIR Rama

    Process for engineering instant nanoporous bio-artificial bone tissue composite is designed aiming the prevention of body immune reaction when integrated with host bone tissue and also reduces its period of integration. This nanoporous biocomposite is compounded by a number of ingredients. Hydroxylapatite (HA), or/and alpha- or beta-tricalcium phosphate (α- or β-TCP). Polycaprolactone (PCL) or polylactic acid (PLA). Any gelatinable solution or gel, then water is added in relevant quantity for producing gel or injectable solution of this biocomposite. Any substance composed of any connective collagen tissue. Recombinant Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. Any kind of acrylate when the hardening and final process of all this compound is acquired immediately by ultrasound treatment. 2. (canceled)3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein size of the PCL or PLA granules is reduced by enabling and approved process for this procedure with suitable cooling measures (e.g. high energy milling attritor etc.).4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein The association of the first ingredient granules and PCL or/and PLA is possible with a laboratory mixer adequate for the process.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nanoporous biocomposite with a human osteoblasts monocultures is biocompatible for the growth and survival of both cell types and cell exhibited tissue-specific markers for bone formation and angiogenesis respectively.6. (canceled)7. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the addition of Gelofusine or any gelatinable solution or gel till the transformation of the whole compound into a gel with an ad hoc addition of water to obtain an usable gel.8. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the water is added to the mixture till transformation for producing gel or an injectable solution of the biocomposite.9. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the grinding of any element containing connective collagen tissue (f. ex. catgut ...

    19-01-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170014166A1
    Автор: Little David

    An intramedullary bone device which has an internal lumen defined by a sidewall is described. The sidewall includes first and second perforated regions having respective first and second openings. The device also includes fluid flow directing features to direct the flow of a fluid from the internal lumen of the device through the openings in the sidewall of the device. The device may be part of a system with a fluid introducer member inserted through the internal lumen of the device. A method of securing and/or stabilising a bone including a fractured bone is also described. 1. An intramedullary bone device extending from a first end to a second end and having a sidewall defining an internal lumen , said sidewall comprising a first perforated region at or adjacent to the first end and a second perforated region at or adjacent the second end , said first perforated region comprising first openings in the sidewall and the second perforated region comprising second openings in the sidewall , the first and second openings in fluid communication with the internal lumen , wherein the device further includes a first flow directing feature associated with at least one of the first openings and a second flow directing feature associated with at least one of the second openings and wherein the first flow directing feature directs the flow of a fluid from the internal lumen through the first openings in a first direction and the second flow directing feature directs the flow of a fluid from the internal lumen through the second openings in a second direction which is different to the first direction.2. The intramedullary bone device of further comprising an intermediate region between the first and second perforated regions wherein the intermediate region is devoid of openings in the sidewall.3. The intramedullary bone device of wherein at least some of the first openings and/or second openings are helically arranged around the sidewall.4. The intramedullary bone device of ...

    19-01-2017 дата публикации

    Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Compositions and Methods of Use Thereof

    Номер: US20170014481A1
    Автор: Lynch Samuel E.

    A method for promoting growth of bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage in a mammal by applying to the bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage a composition comprising platelet-derived growth factor at a concentration in the range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL in a pharmaceutically acceptable liquid carrier and a pharmaceutically-acceptable solid carrier. 178-. (canceled)79. An implant material comprising a porous calcium phosphate having incorporated therein a solution comprising a comprising platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) at a concentration in a range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL in a buffer , wherein the calcium phosphate has interconnected pores , a porosity greater than 40% , and comprises particles in a range of about 100 microns to about 5000 microns in size , andwherein the calcium phosphate is selected from the group consisting of tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, amorphous calcium phosphate, calcium metaphosphate, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, heptacalcium phosphate, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate, calcium pyrophosphate, and octacalcium phosphate.80. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF is recombinant PDGF.81. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF is recombinant PDGF-BB.82. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the solution comprises PDGF at a concentration of about 0.3 mg/mL in a buffer.83. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the solution comprises PDGF at a concentration in a range of about 0.25 mg/mL to about 0.5 mg/mL in a buffer.84. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the solution comprises PDGF at a concentration in a range of about 0.2 mg/mL to about 0.75 mg/mL in a buffer.85. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate comprises particles in a range of about 100 microns to about 3000 microns in size.86. The implant material of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate comprises particles in a range of about 250 microns to about 1000 microns in ...

    19-01-2017 дата публикации

    Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Compositions and Methods of Use Thereof

    Номер: US20170014482A1
    Автор: Lynch Samuel E.

    A method for promoting growth of bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage in a mammal by applying to the bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage a composition comprising platelet-derived growth factor at a concentration in the range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL in a pharmaceutically acceptable liquid carrier and a pharmaceutically-acceptable solid carrier. 178-. (canceled)79. A method for promoting growth of bone , ligament , or cartilage of a mammal comprising administering to the mammal an implant material comprising a porous calcium phosphate having a solution of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) disposed therein , wherein PDGF has a concentration in a range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL , wherein the calcium phosphate comprises interconnected pores , the calcium phosphate consists of particles with having a size ranging from about 100 to about 5000 microns , and wherein the implant material promotes the growth of the bone , ligament , or cartilage.80. The method of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF has a concentration of about 0.3 mg/mL.81. The method of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF has a concentration of about 1.0 mg/mL.82. The method of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate is selected from the group consisting of tricalcium phosphate claim 79 , hydroxyapatite claim 79 , poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite claim 79 , amorphous calcium phosphate claim 79 , calcium metaphosphate claim 79 , dicalcium phosphate dihydrate claim 79 , heptacalcium phosphate claim 79 , calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate claim 79 , calcium pyrophosphate claim 79 , octacalcium phosphate claim 79 , and mixtures thereof.83. The method of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate is tricalcium phosphate and the tricalcium phosphate is β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP).84. The method of claim 83 , wherein the β-TCP is in a particle form and the particles have a size in the range of about 100 to about 3000 m.85. The method of claim 84 , wherein the β-TCP particles have a size in ...

    19-01-2017 дата публикации

    Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Compositions and Methods of Use Thereof

    Номер: US20170014545A1
    Автор: Samuel E. Lynch
    Принадлежит: Biomimetic Therapeutics LLC

    A method for promoting growth of bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage in a mammal by applying to the bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage a composition comprising platelet-derived growth factor at a concentration in the range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL in a pharmaceutically acceptable liquid carrier and a pharmaceutically-acceptable solid carrier.

    21-01-2016 дата публикации


    Номер: US20160015856A1

    The invention relates to hardenable ceramic bone substitute compositions having improved setting, powders for such compositions and methods for their manufacture and use in medical treatment. More specifically the invention relates to hardenable bone substitute powder and hardenable bone substitute paste with improved setting properties, comprising calcium sulfate and heat-treated hydroxyapatite (passivated HA), which bone substitute is suitable for treatment of disorders of supportive tissue such as bone loss, bone fracture, bone trauma and osteomyelitis.

    17-01-2019 дата публикации

    Preparation method of injectable extracellular matrix based hydrogel derived from decellularized porcine skin loaded with bi-phasic calcium phosphate

    Номер: US20190015553A1

    The present invention relates to a method for preparing an injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel. The injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel exhibits excellent biocompatibility, and superior cellular proliferation and bone regeneration via intercellular interaction, thus being effectively useful as a filler for bone regeneration. In addition, the injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel exhibits excellent porosity, has an interconnected structure and is thermogelling, based on thermosensitivity of showing a sol-gel transition depending on temperature, thus undergoing rapid gelation upon implantation in vivo and promoting bone regeneration. 1. A method for preparing an injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel comprising:decellularizing and lyophilizing porcine skin;digesting the lyophilized decellularized porcine skin with a hydrochloric acid solution containing pepsin to prepare an extracellular matrix-containing homogeneous solution;adding sodium hydroxide to the extracellular matrix-containing homogeneous solution to prepare an extracellular matrix-based hydrogel; andmixing the extracellular matrix-based hydrogel with a biphasic calcium phosphate powder to prepare an injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel containing biphasic calcium phosphate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel has thermosensitivity of showing a sol-gel transition depending on temperature.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the injectable extracellular matrix-based hydrogel is gelled in vivo.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the extracellular matrix-based hydrogel comprises the biphasic calcium phosphate powder in an amount of 12 to 18% (w/v).5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the extracellular matrix-based hydrogel comprises the biphasic calcium phosphate powder in an amount of 15% (w/v).6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the injectable extracellular matrix- ...

    16-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200016293A1
    Принадлежит: Geistlich Pharma AG

    A biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material having a sintered CAP core and a closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on the external surface of the sintered CAP core, wherein the closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on the external surface of the sintered CAP core has a homogeneous coarse external surface comprising flat crystal platelets, which shows an enhanced osteogenic response, a method of promoting bone formation, bone regeneration and/or bone repair by implanting the biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material, and a process of preparation thereof. 1. A biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material comprising a sintered CAP core and a closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on the external surface of the sintered CAP core , whereby the epitactically grown nanocrystals have the same size and morphology as human bone mineral , wherein the closed epitactically grown layer of nanocrystalline HAP deposited on the external surface of the sintered CAP core has a homogeneous coarse external surface comprising flat crystal platelets.2. The biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material according to claim 1 , wherein the coarse surface comprises epitactically grown nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite platelets forming an interlocked network of platelets with sizes of 0.2 to 20 μm as determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).3. The biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material according to claim 1 , wherein the coarse surface comprises epitactically grown nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite platelets forming an interlocked network of platelets with sizes of 0.5 to 5 μm as determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).4. The biphasic calcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite (CAP/HAP) bone substitute material according to claim 1 , wherein ...

    21-01-2021 дата публикации

    Porous composite biomaterials and related methods

    Номер: US20210015977A9
    Принадлежит: Individual

    Synthetic composite materials for use, for example, as orthopedic implants are described herein. In one example, a composite material for use as a scaffold includes a thermoplastic polymer forming a porous matrix that has continuous porosity and a plurality of pores. The porosity and the size of the pores are selectively formed during synthesis of the composite material. The example composite material also includes a plurality of a anisometric calcium phosphate particles integrally formed, embedded in, or exposed on a surface of the porous matrix. The calcium phosphate particles provide one or more of reinforcement, bioactivity, or bioresorption.

    28-01-2016 дата публикации

    In-situ formed intervertebral fusion device and method

    Номер: US20160022437A1
    Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

    An orthopedic device for implanting between adjacent vertebrae comprising: an arcuate balloon and a hardenable material within said balloon. In some embodiments, the balloon has a footprint that substantially corresponds to a perimeter of a vertebral endplate. An inflatable device is inserted through a cannula into an intervertebral space and oriented so that, upon expansion, a natural angle between vertebrae will be at least partially restored. At least one component selected from the group consisting of a load-bearing component and an osteobiologic component is directed into the inflatable device through a fluid communication means.

    28-01-2016 дата публикации

    Tiny Bone Defect Repairing Material, Matrix Material Thereof and Producing Method Thereof

    Номер: US20160022864A1
    Принадлежит: Individual

    The present invention provides a producing method for a tiny bone defect repairing material. The invention solves the problems that the setting time is too long to cause bad mechanical property in conventional bone cements and also remains bioactivities and water absorb ability. The invention has no cytotoxicity and enables to stimulate cells growth.

    25-01-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: US20180021479A1

    Rebuilding a defected bone by activating the innate self-regeneration ability of bone requires a considerably long period of time. The purpose of the present invention is to provide a bone defect filling material that initiates a bone rebuilding activity as quickly as possible after implantation and thereafter remains in the defect to continue promoting bone formation activity until sufficient bone formation has been achieved for the rebuilding of the defect. The present invention provides a cotton-like bone defect filling material comprising biodegradable fibers produced by electrospinning. The biodegradable fibers contain 40-60 wt % of calcium phosphate particles and 10 wt % or more of silicon-releasing calcium carbonate particles, with the remainder containing 30 wt % or more of poly(L-lactic acid) polymer, and the amount of the poly(L-lactic acid) polymer that is non-crystalline is 75-98%. 1. A material for filling a bone defect comprising a biodegradable fiber produced by electrospinning ,wherein the biodegradable fiber comprises silicon-releasing calcium carbonate particles, calcium phosphate particles, and a biodegradable polymer having a poly lactic acid structure having a carboxyl group at an end of a molecule of the polymer,wherein the biodegradable fiber is produced by electrospinning a spinning solution that was prepared by dissolving a composite produced by kneading the biodegradable polymer, the silicon releasing calcium carbonate particles and the calcium phosphate particles by using a solvent, andwherein the silicon releasing calcium carbonate particles and the calcium phosphate particles are distributed in the biodegradable fiber in a state that siloxane of the silicon releasing calcium carbonate particles is amide-bonded with the carboxyl group of the biodegradable polymer, and the calcium phosphate particles are not amide-bonded with the biodegradable polymer.2. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the biodegradable polymer having a poly ...

    22-01-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: US20150024023A1

    The invention relates to porous granular calcium phosphate osteoinductive materials, particularly materials useful in body tissue repair, principally bone repair and bone replacement, and also to the use of such materials and to a method of making such materials. Exemplary materials comprise discrete porous granules each containing crystals of at least one calcium phosphate, wherein (i) at least 90% of said crystals of the granules have a crystal size in the range 10-100 nm, (ii) at least 90% of the pores in the granules have a pore size in the range 10-500 nm, (iii) the average pore size of the pores having pore size in the range 10-500 nm in the granules is in the range 30-90 nm, (iv) the total volume porosity of the granules is at least 50%, and (v) the surface area of the granules is in the range 10-70 m/g. 1. A porous granular calcium phosphate material , comprising discrete porous granules each containing crystals of at least one calcium phosphate , wherein(i) at least 90% of said crystals of the granules have a crystal size in the range 10-100 nm, where the crystal size is the longest dimension of the crystal as seen in a cross-sectional SEM,(ii) at least 90% of the pores in the granules have a pore size in the range 10-500 nm, wherein the pore size is the longest dimension of the pore as seen in a cross-sectional SEM,(iii) the average pore size of the pores having pore size in the range 10-500 nm in the granules is in the range 30-90 nm, as measured by mercury intrusion porosimetry,(iv) the total volume porosity of the granules, measured using Archimedes's principle, is at least 50%, and{'sup': '2', '(v) the surface area of the granules, measured by the BET method, is in the range 10-70 m/g.'}2. A calcium phosphate material according to wherein at least 90% of said crystals have at least one dimension of not more than 50 nm as seen in a cross-sectional SEM.3. A calcium phosphate material according to wherein at least 90% of said crystals has at least one ...

    22-01-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: US20150024063A1

    Methods and apparatuses are provided for musculoskeletal tissue engineering. For example, a scaffold apparatus is provided which comprises microspheres of selected sizes and/or composition. The microspheres are layered to have a gradient of microsphere sizes and/or compositions. The scaffold provides a functional interface between multiple tissue types. 189-. (canceled)90. A scaffold apparatus for musculoskeletal tissue engineering comprising a plurality of phases , wherein the apparatus has a gradient of mineral content across the phases , and at least one of the phases comprises a polymer-ceramic composite material.91. The scaffold apparatus of claim 90 , wherein the mineral content is calcium phosphate content.92. The scaffold apparatus of claim 90 , integrated in a graft fixation device.93. The scaffold apparatus of claim 90 , integrated in a graft collar. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/550,700, filed Mar. 5, 2004 and entitled “MULTI-PHASED, BIODEGRADABLE AND OSTEOINTEGRATIVE COMPOSITE SCAFFOLD FOR THE REPAIR OF MUSCULOSKELETAL TISSUE”, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.Throughout this application, certain publications are referenced. Full citations for these publications, as well as additional related references, may be found immediately preceding the claims. The disclosures of these publications are hereby incorporated by reference into this application in order to more fully describe the state of the art as of the date of the methods and apparatuses described and claimed herein.This application relates to musculoskeletal tissue engineering. For example, a scaffold apparatus is discussed below which can serve as a functional interface between multiple tissue types. Methods for preparing a multi-phase scaffold are also discussed. Some exemplary embodiments which include a soft tissue-bone interface are discussed.As an example of a soft tissue-bone interface, the human anterior ...

    23-01-2020 дата публикации

    Tissue expansion method

    Номер: US20200022895A1

    The invention provides a method for skin expansion utilizing at least one polymer.

    28-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210022871A1

    The present disclosure relates to a three-dimensionally (3D) printed tissue engineering scaffold for tissue regeneration and a method for manufacturing the 3D printed tissue engineering scaffold. The 3D printed tissue engineering scaffold may be fabricated at least in part from a composite material having an insoluble component and soluble component. The three-dimensional tissue scaffolds of the disclosure may be fabricated via a rapid prototyping machine. In some instances, the three-dimensional shape of the fabricated tissue engineering scaffold may correspond to a three-dimensional shape of a tissue defect of a patient. 1186.-. (canceled)187. A three-dimensional tissue scaffold comprising:two or more layers of a material and having a plurality of pores, each pore having an average pore width;wherein a surface of the two or more layers of the material comprise a plurality of pits having an average width that is below the resolution of a rapid prototyping technology.188. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the plurality of pits have an average width of about 200 nm to about 50 μm.189. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the material is an insoluble component and the plurality of pits on the surface of the two or more layers of the material correspond to an absence of a soluble component.190. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the material is an insoluble component that remains after a soluble component of a composite material comprising the insoluble component and the soluble component is dissolved by a solvent.191. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 190 , wherein the plurality of pits on the surface of the two or more layers of the material correspond to an absence of the soluble component.192. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 190 , wherein the soluble component is polyvinyl alcohol (PVA).193. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 190 , wherein the ...

    23-01-2020 дата публикации

    Synthetic Prosthesis for Use in Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis (OOKP) Surgery

    Номер: US20200023099A1
    Принадлежит: Marquette University

    Disclosed herein is a prosthesis that may be used to replace standard prosthetic material used in osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) surgery. The disclosed prosthesis is not prepared from tissue removed from a patient's tooth and jaw bone, but rather is a synthetic prosthesis. The synthetic prosthesis typically includes a solid part for supporting an optical cylinder and a porous part that facilitates bio-integration of the implanted prosthesis into the patient's eye. 1. A synthetic prosthesis for use in eye surgery , the synthetic prosthesis comprising a porous part and a solid part and a hole through the porous part and the solid part configured for receiving an optical cylinder.2. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic prosthesis is configured for use in keratoprosthesis surgery such as a replacement for standard prosthetic materials such as a modified dental material used in performing osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) surgery.3. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the porous part and solid part are laminate parts.4. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the porous part and solid part of the synthetic prosthesis are permanently attached.5. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the porous part and solid part of the synthetic prosthesis are removably attached.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the porous part and the solid part comprise or consist of the same material or different materials selected from metal material such as a metal or a metal alloy claim 1 , ceramic material such as a hydroxyapatite or tri-calcium phosphate material claim 1 , polymeric material such as poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) or polyethylene material claim 1 , or a composite comprising any combination of metal material claim 1 , ceramic material claim 1 , and polymeric material.9. The synthetic prosthesis of claim 1 , wherein the porous part and the solid part are coated using the same material ...

    28-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210023263A1

    An implantable composition is provided. The composition comprises porous ceramic granules. The porous ceramic granules comprise hydroxyapatite in an amount of about 8 to about 22 wt. % and beta-tricalcium phosphate in an amount of about 78 to about 92 wt. % based on a total weight of a ceramic granule. The composition includes a collagen carrier, and the porous ceramic granules have an average diameter from about 50 μm to 800 μm. Methods of making are also disclosed. 1. An implantable composition comprising porous ceramic granules , the porous ceramic granules comprising hydroxyapatite in an amount of about 8 to about 22 wt. % and beta-tricalcium phosphate in an amount of about 78 to about 92 wt. % based on a total weight of a ceramic granule; and a collagen carrier , the porous ceramic granules having an average diameter from about 50 μm to 800 μm.2. The implantable composition of claim 1 , wherein (i) the porous ceramic granules have an interconnected porous structure; (ii) the porous ceramic granules are disposed in or on the collagen carrier; (iii) the implantable composition is a putty claim 1 , paste claim 1 , or cement: (iv) the implantable composition is a flowable putty claim 1 , flowable paste claim 1 , non-settable flowable cohesive gel claim 1 , or a non-settable flowable cement; or (v) the implantable composition is injectable.3. The implantable composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises from about 50 to about 98 wt. % porous ceramic granules and from about 2 to about 50 wt. % collagen carrier based on a total weight of the composition.4. The implantable composition of claim 1 , wherein (i) the porous ceramic granules have a calcium to phosphate ratio of between 1.0 to about 2.0; or (ii) the porous ceramic granules are in crystalline or amorphous forms.5. The implantable composition of claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic granules are in a combination of crystalline and amorphous forms.6. The implantable composition of claim 1 , wherein ...

    28-01-2021 дата публикации


    Номер: US20210024430A1

    A method of making porous ceramic granules is provided. The method comprises heating pore-forming agent particles to a temperature above a glass transition temperature for the pore-forming agent particles; contacting the heated pore-forming agent particles with a ceramic material to form a mixture of pore-forming agent particles and ceramic material; heating the mixture to remove the pore-forming agent particles from the mixture to form a porous ceramic material; and micronizing the porous ceramic material to obtain the porous ceramic granules, wherein the porous ceramic granules have an average diameter from about 50 μm to 800 μm. The porous ceramic granules are also disclosed. 1. A method of making porous ceramic granules , the method comprising heating pore-forming agent particles to a temperature above a glass transition temperature for the pore-forming agent particles; contacting the heated pore-forming agent particles with a ceramic material to form a mixture of pore-forming agent particles and ceramic material; heating the mixture to remove the pore-forming agent particles from the mixture to form a porous ceramic material; and micronizing the porous ceramic material to obtain the porous ceramic granules , wherein the porous ceramic granules have an average diameter from about 50 μm to 800 μm.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic granules have an average diameter from about 90 μm to about 600 μm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic granules have an average diameter from about 200 μm to about 500 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pore-forming agent particles comprise polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , polymethacrylate (PMA) claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polyethylene or a combination thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pore-forming agent particles comprise polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating the pore-forming agent particles to a temperature above a glass transition ...

    02-02-2017 дата публикации

    Methods of treating degenerative bone conditions

    Номер: US20170027591A1
    Принадлежит: Agnovos Healthcare Llc

    A combination suction and irrigation device for a medical procedure. The device includes an elongated body having a proximal end and a distal end and defines an open channel that extends from the proximal end to the distal end. The open channel is open at both the proximal end and the distal end. A suction port is in communication with the open channel and is connectable to a source of suction. An irrigation port is in communication with the open channel and is connectable to a source of irrigation fluid. A valve selectively opens and closes the open channel to flow relative to the suction port and to the open proximal end, and to flow relative to the irrigation port.

    02-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170028103A1

    The invention provides novel compositions and methods of surface mineralization for metallic or ceramic implants and devices and the resulting enhancement of properties and performance in skeletal tissue engineering, orthopedic applications and dental care. The novel approach utilizes zwitterionic brushes (e.g., of poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) or pSBMA) covalently grafted on the surface of titanium or its alloy substrates (e.g., Ti6Al4V) to promote surface-mineralization of hydroxyapatite with enhanced surface mineral coverage and mineral-substrate interfacial adhesion. The zwitterionic surface brushes, capable of attracting both cationic and anionic precursor ions during hydroxyapatite-mineralization, significantly increase the surface mineral coverage and significantly reinforce the attachment of the surface apatite crystals on the titanium alloy substrate which withstood supersonication treatment. 1. A surface layer on a substrate comprising structurally integrated minerals grown from a zwitterionic polymer template , wherein the zwitterionic polymers are covalently linked to the substrate surface.2. The surface layer of claim 1 , wherein the zwitterionic polymer comprises side chains with zwitterionic groups.3. The surface layer of or claim 1 , wherein the zwitterionic groups are selected from phosphorylcholine claim 1 , sulfobetaine claim 1 , and carboxybetaine.4. The surface layer of claim 1 , wherein the zwitterionic polymer is a homopolymer.5. The surface layer of claim 1 , wherein the zwitterionic polymer is a copolymer.6. The surface layer of claim 1 , wherein the zwitterionic polymer has a molecular weight from about 1 claim 1 ,000 Da to about 300 claim 1 ,000 Da.7. The surface layer of claim 1 , wherein the mineral is selected from calcium apatites claim 1 , hydroxyapatite claim 1 , substituted hydroxyapatites claim 1 , calcium deficient hydroxyapatite claim 1 , carbonated calcium apatites claim 1 , calcium phosphates claim 1 , octacalcium phosphate ...

    29-01-2015 дата публикации

    Composition and Method for Delivery of BMP-2 Amplifier/Co-Activator for Enhancement of Osteogenesis

    Номер: US20150030656A1

    A composition comprising a synthetic growth factor analogue comprising a non-growth factor heparin binding region, a linker and a sequence that binds specifically to a cell surface receptor and an osteoconductive material where the synthetic growth factor analogue is attached to and can be released from the osteoconductive material and is an amplifier/co-activator of osteoinduction. 1. A composition comprising:a synthetic growth factor analoge comprising a non-growth factor heparin binding region, a linker and a sequence that binds specifically to a cell surface receptor, andan osteoconductive material comprising one or more of an inorganic material, a synthetic polymer, a natural polymer, an allograft bone, or combination thereof,wherein the synthetic growth factor analogue is attached to and can be released from the osteoconductive material and is an amplifier/co-activator of osteoinduction.3. The composition of wherein the osteoconductive material is formed into a granule claim 1 , a putty claim 1 , a powder claim 1 , a gel claim 1 , a block or a combination thereof.4. The composition of wherein the growth factor analogue is B2A2-K-NS.5. The composition of wherein the growth factor analogue modulates the response to bone morphogenetic proteins.6. The composition of wherein the growth factor analogue modulates the ostetoinductive environment by amplifying or co-activating cell growth claim 1 , chemotaxis claim 1 , or cell attachment.7. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a calcium sulfate salt as the osteoconductive material.8. The composition of wherein the calcium sulfate is between about 30-80 wt %9. The composition of wherein the osteoconductive material contains about 0-100 wt % hydroxyapatite and about 0-100 wt % tricalcium phosphate.10. The composition of wherein the osteoconductive material contains about 20 wt % hydroxyapatite and about 80 wt % tricalcium phosphate.11. The composition of wherein the osteoconductive material is selected from ...

    04-02-2016 дата публикации

    Injectable Biodegradable Bone Matrix for Multiple Myeloma Lesion Augmentation and Osteoporosis

    Номер: US20160030631A1

    Bone filler compositions, methods of making and using the same, and methods of treating osteoporosis and cancer-induced bone defects, are described.

    01-02-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: US20180028716A1

    The present invention relates to a crystallized glass ceramic comprising 30 wt % to 40 wt % of each of CaSiO, Ca(PO)(OH), and CaMg(SiO); a crystallized glass ceramic composition comprising CaSiO, Ca(PO)(OH), and CaMg(SiO) in a predetermined weight ratio; a bone graft material comprising the glass ceramic; and an intervertebral spacer or medical device for replacement of bone tissue, which is manufactured using the bone graft material. 1. A crystallized glass ceramic comprising about 30 wt % to 40 wt % of each of CaSiO , Ca(PO)(OH) , and CaMg(SiO).2. The crystallized glass ceramic of claim 1 , wherein CaSiOcomprises a wollastonite claim 1 , Ca(PO)(OH)comprises a hydroxyapatite (HA) claim 1 , and CaMg(SiO) comprises a Akermanite.3. The crystallized glass ceramic of claim 1 , wherein the crystallized glass ceramic has enhanced strength due to CaMg(SiO) compared to glass ceramics comprising CaSiOand Ca(PO)(OH).4. The crystallized glass ceramic of claim 1 , wherein the crystallized glass ceramic is formed by sintering at a temperature of about 850° C. to 1 claim 1 ,100° C.5. A crystallized glass ceramic composition comprising CaSiO claim 1 , Ca(PO)(OH) claim 1 , and CaMg(SiO) at a weight ratio of 30 to 40:30 to 40:30 to 40.6. A bone graft material comprising the glass ceramic according to claim.7. An intervertebral spacer or medical device for replacement of bone tissue manufactured using the bone graft material of .8. The intervertebral spacer or medical device of claim 7 , wherein the crystallized glass ceramic is comprised in a region which is directly attached to the neighboring bones.9. The intervertebral spacer or medical device of claim 7 , wherein the intervertebral spacer or medical device has compressive strength in a range of about 3 claim 7 ,000 N to 35 claim 7 ,000 N or the torsional strength in a range of about 0.6 Nm to 1.5 Nm.10. The intervertebral spacer or medical device of claim 7 , wherein the intervertebral spacer or medical device is manufactured ...

    31-01-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190030207A1
    Автор: SHAO WEI-XING

    The present invention provides a bone cement composition comprising a bone matrix and a bone cement matrix formed by an acrylic polymer and an acrylic monomer, wherein the ratio of the bone matrix to the bone cement matrix is in a range from about 1:2 (g/g) to about 1:1000 (g/g). The present invention further provides a bone cement composition kit comprising a bone matrix component, a powder component, and a liquid component, respectively stored in separate containers, wherein the bone matrix component includes a bone matrix, the powder component includes an acrylic polymer, and the liquid component includes an acrylic monomer. The powder component and the liquid component are mixable to produce a bone cement matrix component. A ratio of the bone matrix component to the bone cement matrix component is in a range from about 1:2 (mL/mL) to about 1:50 (mL/mL). 1. A bone cement composition , comprising a bone matrix and a bone cement matrix formed by an acrylic polymer and an acrylic monomer , wherein the ratio of the bone matrix to the bone cement matrix is in a range from about 1:2 (g/g) to about 1:1000 (g/g) , and the ratio of the acrylic polymer to the acrylic monomer is in a range from about 1:10 (g/g) to about 20:1 (g/g).2. The bone cement composition of claim 1 , wherein the bone matrix is further mixed with a vehicle to produce a bone matrix component.3. The bone cement composition of claim 2 , wherein the bone matrix component is provided in the bone cement composition in the form of clay claim 2 , granule claim 2 , or powder.4. The bone cement composition of claim 2 , wherein the vehicle is selected from the group consisting of cellulose claim 2 , cellulose derivatives claim 2 , glycerol claim 2 , polyethylene glycol (PEG) claim 2 , glycosaminoglycan claim 2 , collagen claim 2 , gelatin claim 2 , ethylene glycol claim 2 , propylene glycol claim 2 , polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) claim 2 , polylactic acid (PLA) claim 2 , polyglycolic acid (PGA) claim 2 , poly( ...

    30-01-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200030488A1

    A method of coating a peptide or protein useful for improving the cellular activity related to bone growth on an inorganic particle comprises the steps of freezing the residual liquid present on uncoated and or coated inorganic particles, and drying the uncoated or coated inorganic particles after freezing the residual liquid, the drying comprising causing the frozen residual liquid to sublime under vacuum. Further disclosed embodiments of the invention include further processes for forming inorganic particles coated with a peptide or protein useful for improving cellular activity related to bone growth and medical devices comprising the coated particles. 1. A method of coating a peptide or protein useful for improving the cellular activity related to bone growth on an inorganic particle comprising the steps of:a. washing uncoated inorganic particles,b. substantially separating any liquid and the uncoated inorganic particles, thereby obtaining uncoated inorganic particles with residual liquid present in and/or on the inorganic particles,c. freezing the residual liquid present in and/or on the uncoated inorganic particles, wherein the uncoated inorganic particles are cooled at a rate of at least −4° C./min and wherein freezing is not primarily induced by evaporative cooling,d. drying the uncoated inorganic particles after freezing the residual liquid, the drying comprising causing the frozen residual liquid to sublime under vacuum, thereby forming pre-treated uncoated inorganic particles,e. forming a first coating mixture comprising the pre-treated uncoated inorganic particles and a coating buffer,f. adding a peptide or protein useful for improving cellular activity related to bone growth to the first coating mixture, thereby forming a second coating mixture,g. agitating the second coating mixture, thereby forming coated inorganic particles in the second coating mixture,h. substantially separating the coated inorganic particles and any liquid.2. A method of coating a ...

    05-02-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: US20150037385A1

    Ink formulations comprising bioactive particles, methods of printing the inks into three-dimensional (3D) structures, and methods of making the inks are provided. Also provided are objects, such as tissue growth scaffolds and artificial bone, made from the inks, methods of forming the objects using 3D printing techniques, and method for growing tissue on the tissue growth scaffolds. The inks comprise a plurality of bioactive ceramic particles, a biocompatible polymer binder, optionally at least one bioactive factor, and a solvent. 1. An ink comprising: bioactive ceramic particles; a biocompatible polymer binder; and at least one solvent , wherein the ink comprises at least 70 weight percent of the bioactive ceramic particles , based on the total combined weight of the bioactive ceramic particles and the biocompatible polymer binder.2. The ink of claim 1 , further comprising at least one bioactive factor.3. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible polymer binder is a degradable polyester and the bioactive ceramic particles are hydroxyapatite particles claim 1 , tricalcium phosphate particles claim 1 , or combinations thereof4. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible polymer is polycaprolactone.5. The ink of claim 4 , wherein the bioactive ceramic particles are hydroxyapatite particles and the ink comprises at least 80 weight percent of the hydroxyapatite particles claim 4 , based on the total combined weight of the hydroxyapatite particles and the polycaprolactone.6. The ink of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible polymer is polylactic-co-glycolic acid.7. The ink of claim 6 , wherein the bioactive ceramic particles are hydroxyapatite particles and the ink comprises at least 80 weight percent of the hydroxyapatite particles claim 6 , based on the total combined weight of the hydroxyapatite particles and the polylactic-co-glycolic acid.8. The ink of claim 2 , wherein the at least one bioactive factor selected from the group consisting of proteins claim 2 , ...

    05-02-2015 дата публикации


    Номер: US20150037386A1
    Принадлежит: Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.

    A method for promoting bone formation is provided. More specifically, a method for promoting bone formation by promoting osteoclast formation is provided. In one embodiment, an implant comprising an implantable material and an osteoclast stimulating substance is provided. 1. An implant for promoting bone formation comprising:an implantable material; anda stimulating substance, wherein the stimulating substance stimulates osteoclast formation.2. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the material is mineralized bone.3. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the material is hydroxyapatite.4. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the material is a calcium phosphate material.5. The implant of claim 1 , further comprising a second stimulating substance claim 1 , wherein the second stimulating substance stimulates osteoblast formation or recruitment in vivo.6. The implant of claim 1 , further comprising a second stimulating substance claim 1 , wherein the second stimulating substance enhances resorbing activity of osteoclasts in vivo.7. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the stimulating substance is one of RANKL claim 1 , MCSF claim 1 , ADAM-12 claim 1 , PTH claim 1 , PTHrP claim 1 , VEGF claim 1 , hydrocortisone claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 claim 1 , PGE2 claim 1 , TNFalpha claim 1 , IL-1beta claim 1 , IL-3 claim 1 , IL-6 claim 1 , IL-11 claim 1 , and bFGF.8. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the stimulating substance is a DNA that encodes one or more of RANKL claim 1 , MCSF claim 1 , ADAM-12 claim 1 , PTH claim 1 , PTHrP claim 1 , VEGF claim 1 , hydrocortisone claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 claim 1 , PGE2 claim 1 , TNFalpha claim 1 , IL-1beta claim 1 , IL-3 claim 1 , IL-6 claim 1 , IL-11 claim 1 , and bFGF.9. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the implant is load-bearing.10. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the implantable material comprises large segmental allograft pieces.11. A method of forming an implant comprising:applying a stimulating substance that ...

    01-05-2014 дата публикации


    Номер: US20140120149A1

    A composite comprising monetite and calcium sulphate is provided. 1. A composite comprising monetite and calcium sulphate.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the monetite is in the form of granules in a matrix of calcium sulphate.3. The composite of claim 2 , where the granules range from about 10 to about 1500 μm in size.4. The composite of claim 2 , comprising between about 10 and about 80 wt % of granules claim 2 , based on the total dry weight of the composite.5. The composite of claim 1 , further comprising an accelerant.6. The composite of claim 5 , wherein the accelerant comprises seeds of calcium sulphate.7. The composite claim 1 , wherein the calcium sulphate is calcium sulphate hemihydrate in powder form claim 1 , and forms a powder matrix around the monetite.8. The composite claim 1 , wherein the calcium sulphate is calcium sulphate dihydrate or dehydrate in the form of a porous solid and forms a solid matrix around the monetite.9. The composite claim 1 , wherein the calcium sulphate is in powder form and wherein the calcium sulphate and the monetite are mixed with a curing liquid to form of a paste.10. The composite of claim 9 , wherein paste comprises between about 1.5 and about 4.0 g of calcium sulfate/monetite per ml of curing liquid.11. The composite of claim 10 , where the paste comprises between about 3.0 and about 4.0 g of calcium sulfate/monetite per ml of curing liquid12. The composite of claim 10 , wherein the curing liquid is saline or another non-toxic aqueous liquid.13. A bone graft substitute made of the composite of .14. A method for stimulating bone growth in a bone defect claim 1 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'i. providing a composite according to ,'}ii. when needed, mixing the composite with a sterile curing liquid to form a paste,iii. applying the composite in or near the defect, andiv. when needed, allowing the composite to set.15. A method for stimulating bone growth in a gap between a ...

    11-02-2016 дата публикации


    Номер: US20160038633A1
    Автор: WATANABE Masaki

    Additive manufacturing powder contains a core-shell type particle containing a core particle comprising a first binder resin and a filler and a shell present on the surface of the core particle. The shell contains a second binder resin. The powder has a particle size distribution Dv/Dn of 1.5 or less and an average circularity of from 0.800 to 0.980, the average circularity being represented by the following relation: 1. Additive manufacturing powder comprising:a core-shell type particle comprisinga core particle comprising a first binder resin and a filler anda shell present on a surface of the core particle, the shell comprising a second binder resin, {'br': None, 'Average circularity=(a perimeter of a circle having the same area as a projected image of a particle)/(the perimeter of the projected image of the particle)×100.'}, 'wherein the powder has a particle size distribution Dv/Dn of 1.5 or less and an average circularity in a range of from 0.800 to 0.980, the average circularity being represented by the following relation2. The additive manufacturing powder according to claim 1 , wherein the filler accounts for 30 percent by weight or more of the powder.3. The additive manufacturing powder according to claim 1 , satisfying a relation: A/B<0.8 claim 1 , where A represents a volume average particle diameter of the filler and B represents a volume average particle diameter of the powder.4. The additive manufacturing powder according to claim 1 , wherein the filler is at least one of a calcium phosphate based material or a carbon based material.5. The additive manufacturing powder according to claim 4 , wherein the calcium phosphate based material is at least one of hydroxyapatite claim 4 , α-tricalcium phosphate claim 4 , β-tricalcium phosphate claim 4 , or octacalcium phosphate.6. The additive manufacturing powder according to claim 4 , wherein the carbon based material is at least one of carbon nanotube claim 4 , graphene claim 4 , or fullerene.7. The additive ...

    11-02-2016 дата публикации


    Номер: US20160038641A1

    Compositions of small molecules, matrices, and isolated cells including methods of preparation, and methods for differentiation, transdifferentiation, and proliferation of animal cells into the osteoblast blast cell lineage were described. Examples of osteogenic materials that were administered to cells or co-cultured with cells are represented by compounds of Formula II, IV, and VI independently or preferably in combination with a matrix to afford bone cells. Small molecule-stimulated cells were also combined with a matrix, placed with a cellular adhesive or material carrier and implanted to a site in an animal for bone repair. Matrix pretreated with compounds of Formula II, IV, and VI were also used to cause cells to migrate to the matrix that is of use for therapeutic purposes. 1113. The composition of any one of - claims 1 , wherein the isolated cells capable of differentiating into bone cells are isolated human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells claims 1 , human mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue claims 1 , human mesenchymal stem cells of blood claims 1 , human mesenchymal stem cells of bone allograft or autograft tissues claims 1 , human mesenchymal stem cells of dental pulp claims 1 , human pericytes claims 1 , human myoblasts claims 1 , and human chondrocytes claims 1 , human osteoprogenitor cells claims 1 , urine stem cells claims 1 , or their respective progenitor cells such as stem cell isolated from amniotic fluid or cord blood claims 1 , embryonic stem cells claims 1 , and induced pluripotent stem cells.123. The composition of - wherein the calcium phosphate matrix is a tricalcium phosphate ceramic or is oseoinductive.137. The composition of - wherein the calcium phosphate matrix is a tricalcium phosphate ceramic or is oseoinductive.14. The composition of compound 8-10 wherein the calcium phosphate matrix is a tricalcium phosphate ceramic or is oseoinductive.1510. The compositions of any one of - further comprising a calcium phosphate ...

    24-02-2022 дата публикации

    Functionalization of plant tissues for human cell expansion

    Номер: US20220054708A1

    Decellularized plant tissues and the use of these plant tissues as scaffolds are disclosed herein. Particularly, decellularized plant tissues are functionalized such to allow for human cell adhesion, thereby allowing for their use as scaffolds for human cells. These scaffolds can then be used in a number of applications/markets, including as research tools for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and basic cellular biology.

    07-02-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190038801A1
    Автор: IWAI Atsushi
    Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

    [Problem to be Solved] To provide a porous composite that has excellent uniform dispersability of OCP and that comprises OCP and collagen in a sufficiently mixed state; and a bone regeneration material comprising the porous composite. [Means for Solution] A porous composite comprising octacalcium phosphate and collagen, characterized in that in an image obtained by enlarging a 5.0-mm×5.0-mm range of a plane of the porous composite 15 times with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate have a fractal dimension (D) of 0.70 or more; and the area of c) portions consisting of collagen accounts for 5% or less of the total area of a) portions consisting of agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate, b) portions consisting of octacalcium phosphate microparticles and collagen, and the c) portions consisting of collagen. 1. A porous composite comprising octacalcium phosphate and collagen , characterized in thatin an image obtained by enlarging a 5.0-mm×5.0-mm range of a plane of the porous composite 15 times with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate have a fractal dimension (D) of 0.70 or more; andthe area of (c) portions consisting of collagen accounts for 5% or less of the total area of (a) portions consisting of agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate, (b) portions consisting of octacalcium phosphate microparticles and collagen, and the (c) portions consisting of collagen.2. A porous composite comprising octacalcium phosphate and collagen , characterized in thatin an image obtained by enlarging a 5.0-mm×5.0-mm range of a plane of the porous composite 15 times with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate have a fractal dimension (D) of 0.60 or more;the area of agglomerated particles of octacalcium phosphate having a length of 300 μm or more accounts for 75% or more of the total area of the agglomerated particles of ...

    06-02-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200038545A1

    The present invention relates to an aqueous composition comprising an aqueous solution, α-TCP, a silicate compound and a phosphorylated amino acid. The composition has improved mechanical strength and is easily applied and may be used as a tissue adhesive, implant or a filler. 1. An aqueous composition comprising an aqueous solution , a silicate compound , α-TCP and a phosphorylated amino acid;wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 15-90 wt % of the solid content, the combined amount of silicate compound and α-TCP is 10-85 wt % of the solid content, and wherein the weight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.001-100.2. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 15-50 wt % of the solid content.3. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 20-40 wt % of the solid content.4. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of phosphorylated amino acid is 22-35 wt % of the solid content.5. The aqueous composition according to wherein theweight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.05-0.4 such as 1:0.1-0.3.6. The aqueous composition according wherein the weight ratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:5-15 claim 1 , such as 1:9-12.7. The aqueous composition according to whereinthe silicate compound is selected from calcium silicate, sodium silicate and, strontium silicate; zirconium silicate; or a mixture of di- and tricalcium silicate, preferably calcium silicate or a mixture of di- and tricalcium silicate.8. The aqueous composition according to wherein the phosphorylated amino acid is phosphoserine.9. The aqueous composition according to wherein the amount of aqueous solution is 5-20 wt % of the total weight of the composition.10. The aqueous composition according to wherein the composition comprises 20-70 wt % of phosphorylated amino acid and wherein the weightratio of the silicate compound and α-TCP is 1:0.05-0.4 or 1:5-15 and wherein ...

    06-02-2020 дата публикации


    Номер: US20200038552A1
    Автор: Dvir Haim

    Compositions based on HA and HAp in the field of soft tissue fillers, and a method of manufacturing thereof. Optionally, the dermal fillers are useful for enhancing facial tissue augmentation by adding volume to facial tissue, correct wrinkles and folds and restore a smooth appearance to the face. Optionally, the dermal filler comprises uncrosslinked or crosslinked HA chemically bonded to HAp. 1. A composition comprising a polysaccharide and particulate Hydroxyapatide (HAp) , wherein said polysaccharide is chemically bonded to particulate HAp.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said polysaccharide is Hyaluronic Acid (HA) or Heparosan.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said chemical bond is obtained with a coupling agent.410-. (canceled)11. The composition of claim 3 , wherein said particulate HAp is pretreated with said coupling agent.1213-. (canceled)14. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said polysaccharide remains non cross-linked prior to reaction with said particulate HAp.1517-. (canceled)18. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier suitable for insertion into a mammalian subject as a dermal filler.1937-. (canceled)38. The composition of claim 1 , wherein chains of said polysaccharide are stabilized by addition of particles.39. (canceled)40. A method of manufacturing a composition according to claim 1 , wherein said polysaccharide is coupled to said particulate HAp with a coupling agent.41. The method of claim 40 , wherein said coupling agent is applied as surface modification of said particulate HAp.4249-. (canceled)50. A composition comprising a polysaccharide claim 40 , particulate HAp and a dendrimer claim 40 , wherein said dendrimer is used as a poly-functional crosslinker to crosslink chains of said polysaccharide.51. The composition of claim 50 , wherein a portion of said polysaccharide is uncrosslinked and wherein said dendrimer is used as a crosslinker to crosslink the portion of uncrosslinked polysaccharide added in order ...

    16-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170042644A1
    Автор: TAMAI Masato

    Provided is an implant including a base material composed of magnesium or a magnesium alloy and an anodized membrane formed on a surface of the base material. The anodized membrane has 8,000 to 250,000 pores with an average diameter of 0.1 μm to 1 μm within 1 mm. 1. An implant comprising:a base material composed of magnesium or a magnesium alloy; andan anodized membrane formed on a surface of the base material,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the anodized membrane has 8,000 to 250,000 pores with an average diameter of 0.1 μm to 1 μm within 1 mm.'}2. The implant according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the anodized membrane has 8,000 to 62,000 pores with an average diameter of 0.5 μm to 1 μm within 1 mm.'}3. The implant according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the anodized membrane has 62,000 to 250,000 pores with an average diameter of 0.1 μm to 0.5 μm within 1 mm.'}4. The implant according to claim 1 ,wherein the anodized membrane has pores each having a diameter of 10 μm or larger.5. The implant according to claim 1 ,wherein the anodized membrane contains 20% to 30% by weight of magnesium element, 40% to 50% by weight of oxygen element, and 10% to 30% by weight of phosphorus element and is formed by performing an anodizing process in an electrolytic solution having a phosphoric acid concentration of 0.1 mol/L or smaller.6. A method for manufacturing an implant claim 1 , comprising:{'sup': '2', 'performing an anodizing process involving immersing a base material composed of magnesium or a magnesium alloy in an electrolytic solution with a pH value ranging between 9 and 13 and containing 0.1 mol/L or smaller of phosphoric acid and 0.2 mol/L of ammonia or ammonium ions but not containing elemental fluorine and applying electricity to the base material, so as to form an anodized membrane having 8,000 to 250,000 pores of 0.1 μm to 1 μm within 1 mmon a surface of the base material.'} This is a continuation of International Application PCT/JP2015/056113 which is hereby ...

    16-02-2017 дата публикации

    Composition for local and controlled release of drugs and methods thereof

    Номер: US20170042936A1

    The present disclosure relates to a composition for treatment and/or prevention of infections, namely bone diseases, in particular osteomyelitis, via a controlled release of antibiotics and subsequently induce regeneration of bone tissue that often undergoes necrosis due to infection. The present disclosure relates in particular to a pharmaceutical composition comprising one or more granules containing calcium phosphate, collagen and one or more polymers of heparin, and an antibiotic in an effective therapeutic amount, wherein the antibiotic is bound to the heparin polymers.

    16-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170043052A1

    A method of forming a scaffold is disclosed herein. In some embodiments, a method of forming a scaffold includes dissolving a polymer in a solvent to form a polymer solution; adding additive precipitating agent to the polymer solution; precipitating and expanding the polymer from the polymer solution to form a scaffold; and removing the solvent from the scaffold. In some embodiments, prior to adding the precipitating agent, the method further comprising adding at least one of calcium phosphate or a bioactive additive to the polymer solution to form a mixture including the polymer solution and the at least one of calcium phosphate or bioactive additive. 1. A method of forming a scaffold , comprising:dissolving a polymer in a solvent to form a polymer solution;adding a precipitating agent to the polymer solution;precipitating and expanding the polymer from the polymer solution to form the scaffold; andremoving the solvent from the scaffold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein prior to adding the precipitating agent claim 1 , further comprising:adding at least one of calcium phosphate or a bioactive additive to the polymer solution to form a mixture,wherein the scaffold includes the at least one of calcium phosphate or bioactive additive embedded therein.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:prior to adding the at least one of calcium phosphate or bioactive additive to the polymer solution, soaking the at least one of calcium phosphate or bioactive material with the precipitating agent to form a precipitating agent-soaked additive; andfreezing the precipitating agent-soaked additive.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:prior to precipitating the polymer, freezing the mixture.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the precipitating agent is selected from the group consisting of water claim 2 , ethanol claim 2 , 1-propanol claim 2 , isopropyl ether claim 2 , 2-butanol claim 2 , hexane claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising ...

    15-02-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: US20180043056A1

    A coating for a metal surface, the coating including poly(ethylene glycol) disposed on and covalently bonded directly to at least a portion of the metal surface, and a functional group grafted to at least a portion of the poly(ethylene glycol). The functional group is one of a bioactive functional group and an antimicrobial functional group. 1. A coating for a metal surface of an implantable medical device , the coating comprising:a poly(ethylene glycol) disposed on at least a portion of the metal surface, wherein the poly(ethylene glycol) is covalently bonded directly to the metal surface by an inorganic ether bond; anda functional group grafted to at least some of the poly(ethylene glycol), wherein the functional group is at least one of a bioactive functional group and an antimicrobial functional group.2. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the poly(ethylene glycol) covalently bonded directly to the metal surface is a monolayer.3. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the functional group is a bioactive functional group selected from the group consisting of an amino acid derivative and a peptide sequence.4. The coating of claim 3 , wherein the amino acid derivative is 3 claim 3 ,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and the peptide sequence is arginine-glycine-aspartic acid.5. The coating of claim 1 , wherein the functional group is an antimicrobial functional group selected from the group consisting of chitosan and a silver salt.6. The coating of claim 1 , wherein an average molecular weight of the poly(ethylene glycol) is between about 200 grams per mole and about 20 claim 1 ,000 grams per mole.7. The coating of claim 1 , wherein an average molecular weight of the poly(ethylene glycol) is between about 400 grams per mole and about 4 claim 1 ,000 grams per mole.8. An implantable medical device comprising:a metal surface; and a poly(ethylene glycol) disposed on at least a portion of the metal surface, wherein the poly(ethylene glycol) is covalently bonded directly to the metal ...

    15-02-2018 дата публикации

    Customized load-bearing and bioactive functionally-graded implant for treatment of osteonecrosis

    Номер: US20180043062A1
    Принадлежит: Leland Stanford Junior University

    An engineered medical device for treatment of osteonecrosis is provided where the size, porosity and ceramic content of the device can be personalized based on an individual patient's anatomical and physiological condition. The device distinguishes different segments mimicking anatomically-relevant cortical and cancellous segments, in which the cortical segments of the device can sustain mechanical loading, and the cancellous segment of the device can promote bone ingrowth, osteogenesis and angiogenesis.

    16-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170044344A1
    Принадлежит: TENSIVE S.R.L.

    The present invention relates to a method of synthesis and the use of foamed, cross-linked polyurethane polymers, as a three-dimensional support called a “scaffold” for cell cultures in vitro and for in vivo implantation for the regeneration of connective tissues such as adipose tissue, osteochondral tissue and bone tissue. In particular, the invention relates to a method of preparing polymers or foamed polyurethane co polymers, having improved , which involves the use of two types of catalyst, one for the cross-linking reaction and one for the foaming reaction and the use of at least one polar aprotic high-boiling solvent. Said method comprises the following steps in sequence: a) providing a solution of a polyol or a mixture of polyols in a solvent or mixture of solvents; b) heating the solution in step a) to a temperature higher than the softening temperature of the polymer precursors; c) optionally adding an organic or inorganic filler material; d) adding to the mixture in step c) an aliphatic poly-isocyanate or a mixture of poly-aliphatic isocyanates; e) adding to the mixture in step (d)) a porogenic additive; f) adding to the mixture in step e) simultaneously a cross-linking catalyst of polyols with poly-isocyanates and a foaming catalyst to form a foamed polyurethane polymer or co-polymer; g) isolating the foamed polyurethane polymer or co-polymer produced in step f). 1hydrophilia. A method for the preparation of polymer or co-polymer polyurethane foams with improved , which involves the use of a catalyst for the cross-linking reaction and a catalyst for the foaming reaction , comprising the following steps in sequence:a) providing a solution of a polyol or a mixture of polyols in a solvent or mixture of solvents, in which the solvent is a high-boiling solvent having a boiling point of at least 15° C. higher than the softening temperature of the polyols used;b) heating the solution in step a) to a temperature higher than the softening temperature of said ...

    03-03-2022 дата публикации


    Номер: US20220062004A1
    Принадлежит: HAPPE SPINE, LLC

    A composite material for use, for example, as an orthopedic implant, that includes a porous reinforced composite scaffold that includes a polymer, reinforcement particles distributed throughout the polymer, and a substantially continuously interconnected plurality of pores that are distributed throughout the polymer, each of the pores in the plurality of pores defined by voids interconnected by struts, each pore void having a size within a range from about 10 to 500 μm. The porous reinforced composite scaffold has a scaffold volume that includes a material volume defined by the polymer and the reinforcement particles, and a pore volume defined by the plurality of pores. The reinforcement particles are both embedded within the polymer and exposed on the struts within the pore voids. The polymer may be a polyaryletherketone polymer and the reinforcement particles may be anisometric calcium phosphate particles. 1. A porous reinforced composite scaffold , comprising: a plurality of reinforcement particles; and', 'a substantially continuously interconnected plurality of pores that are distributed throughout the thermoplastic polymer matrix,, 'a thermoplastic polymer matrix comprising the thermoplastic polymer matrix and reinforcement particles define a material volume of the scaffold;', 'the plurality of pores define a pore volume of the scaffold;', 'each of the pores in the plurality of pores is defined by voids interconnected by struts; and', 'at least a portion of the plurality of reinforcement particles are exposed on the struts within the pore voids., 'wherein;'}2. The porous reinforced composite scaffold according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic polymer matrix comprises a polymer selected from the group consisting of polyaryletherketone (PAEK) claim 1 , polyetheretherketone (PEEK) claim 1 , polyetherketonekteone (PEKK) claim 1 , polyetherketone (PEK) claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , high density polyethylene (HDPE) claim 1 , ultra-high molecular weight ...

    03-03-2022 дата публикации

    Rollable bone implant for enclosing bone material

    Номер: US20220062503A1

    A bone implant for enclosing bone material is provided. The bone implant comprises a covering, which can be a biodegradable mesh. The covering is configured to be rolled into a diameter to at least partially enclose the bone material within the covering. In some embodiments, the covering includes a body portion and a closure portion adjacent to the body portion. The closure portion is configured to hold the covering in a rolled configuration to a predetermined diameter to at least partially enclose the bone material. A kit and a method of using the bone implant are also provided.

    25-02-2016 дата публикации


    Номер: US20160051725A1

    The present invention relates to a bone graft composition and a preparation method thereof, and more particularly to bone graft composition having excellent physical properties, which comprises a hydrogel comprising a combination of specific amounts of poloxamer and HPMC, and calcium phosphate compound particles, and a preparation method thereof. 1. A bone graft composition comprising:A) 30-55 wt % of calcium phosphate compound particles; andB) 45-70 wt % of a biodegradable hydrogel containing, based on 100 parts by weight of the hydrogel, 25-35 parts by weight of poloxamer and 0.5-2 parts by weight of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC).2. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a yield strength of 1500-4000 g/cm.3. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the poloxamer has a sol-gel transition temperature of 4-35° C.4. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises the hydrogel filled between the calcium phosphate compound particles close to each other.5. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the calcium phosphate compound is tricalcium phosphate (TCP) claim 1 , monocalcium phosphate claim 1 , tetracalcium phosphate claim 1 , dicalcium phosphate claim 1 , hydroxyapatite claim 1 , or a combination of two or more thereof.6. The bone graft composition of claim 5 , wherein the tricalcium phosphate is β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP).7. The bone graft composition of claim 6 , wherein the β-TCP is in the form of microspheres.8. The bone graft composition of claim 7 , wherein the β-TCP is obtained by spray-drying β-TCP powder claim 7 , sintering the dried powder at a temperature of 1050˜1250° C. and sieving the sintered powder in the range of 45-75 μm.9. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the poloxamer is poloxamer 407.10. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , wherein the HPMC has a viscosity of 1 claim 1 ,000-100 claim 1 ,000 cps.11. The bone graft composition of claim 1 , further ...

    23-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170049922A1

    The present disclosure is directed to a bioresorbable ceramic composition having a plurality of biocompatible ceramic granules, each of the granules having a coating of a plurality of calcium containing particles, where at least a portion of the particles are bound to at least a portion of an outer surface of each of the granules, and further where the composition is flowable in a dry state. The present disclosure is also directed to a three dimensional scaffold for bone repair that includes the bioresorbable composition, which upon implantation to a locus of repair defines an interconnected pore network between outer walls of the coated granules of the composition. Finally, the present disclosure is directed to methods of forming both the bioresorbable ceramic composition and the three-dimensional ceramic scaffold. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for manufacturing a biocompatible ceramic composition comprising:mixing a plurality of calcium containing particles and plurality of biocompatible ceramic granules;reacting the plurality of particles and the plurality of granules with an aqueous medium;forming a calcium containing coating on at least a portion of an outer surface of each of the plurality of granules, the coating being bound to the outer surface so as to form a plurality of coated granules; and,dehydrating the coated granules.13. The process of claim 12 , wherein the step of dehydrating at least partially dehydrates the coated granules to remove excess unbound water.14. The process of claim 12 , wherein the step of dehydrating includes controlling the reactivity of at least a portion of the coating such that the reactive portion is reactive to subsequent hydraulic reactions.15. The process of claim 14 , wherein the reactive portion is calcium sulfate hemihydrate claim 14 , α-TCP claim 14 , or both.16. The process according to further comprising:forming at least an additional coating on the coated granules.17. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the ...

    23-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170049933A1
    Принадлежит: TOHOKU UNIVERSITY

    A method for producing a bone regeneration material containing an octacalcium phosphate-gelatin complex, the method including: co-precipitating octacalcium phosphate with gelatin to produce an octacalcium phosphate-gelatin co-precipitate; washing the co-precipitate with a washing liquid to remove gelatin from the co-precipitate, thereby obtaining an octacalcium phosphate slurry; dispersing the octacalcium phosphate slurry or dry granules formed using the slurry in an aqueous gelatin solution; and drying the dispersion of octacalcium phosphate dispersed in the aqueous gelatin solution to produce an octacalcium phosphate-gelatin complex. 1. A method for producing a bone regeneration material comprising a complex of octacalcium phosphate and gelatin , the method comprising:co-precipitating octacalcium phosphate with gelatin to produce a co-precipitate of octacalcium phosphate and gelatin;washing the co-precipitate with a washing liquid to remove gelatin from the co-precipitate, thus forming a slurry of octacalcium phosphate;dispersing either the slurry of octacalcium phosphate or dry granules formed using the slurry in an aqueous gelatin solution; anddrying the dispersion of octacalcium phosphate dispersed in the aqueous gelatin solution to produce a complex of octacalcium phosphate and gelatin.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the complex of octacalcium phosphate and gelatin contains octacalcium phosphate in an amount of more than 40 mass % but not more than 90 mass % and gelatin in an amount of 10 mass % or more and less than 60 mass % claim 1 , based on the mass of the complex.3. A bone regeneration material produced by the method of claim 1 , the complex of octacalcium phosphate and gelatin containing octacalcium phosphate in an amount of 10 mass % to 90 mass % claim 1 , based on the mass of the complex.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein octacalcium phosphate granules to be dispersed in the aqueous gelatin solution have a particle size of 300 ...

    23-02-2017 дата публикации

    Implants having a drug load of an oxysterol and methods of use

    Номер: US20170049936A1

    Provided is a compression resistant implant configured to fit at or near a bone defect to promote bone growth. The compression resistant implant comprises a biodegradable polymer in an amount of about 0.1 wt % to about 20 wt % of the implant and a freeze-dried oxysterol in an amount of about 5 wt % to about 90 wt % of the implant. Methods of making and use are further provided.

    22-02-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: US20180050131A1

    Implantable medicine delivery systems, devices, and associated methods are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a method of enhancing bone regeneration in a human or animal body includes implanting a three-dimensional scaffold in the human or animal body. The three-dimensional scaffold is constructed from a porous ceramic material, a ceramic-polymer composite of a biodegradable ceramic material and a polymer, or a ceramic-polymer-metal composite of a biodegradable ceramic material, a polymer, and a metal and embedded with curcumin in the porous ceramic material, the curcumin at least partially coating an exterior surface of the porous ceramic material. The method also includes directly and controllably releasing the embedded curcumin into a circulatory system of the human or animal body according to a release profile, thereby achieving enhanced bone regeneration in the human or animal body. 1. An implantable article of manufacture for enhancing bone healing in a human or animal body , comprising:a three-dimensional scaffold implantable in the human or animal body, the three-dimensional scaffold containing a biodegradable ceramic material having multiple pores; andcurcumin embedded in the biodegradable ceramic material of the three-dimensional scaffold, the curcumin at least partially coating an exterior surface and the multiple pores of the biodegradable ceramic material of the three-dimensional scaffold, wherein the curcumin being directly releasable into a circulatory system of the human or animal body according to a target release profile as the biodegradable ceramic material degrades when the three-dimensional scaffold is implanted in the human or animal body.2. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , further comprising a biodegradable polymer coating on the three-dimension scaffold embedded with the curcumin claim 1 , the biodegradable polymer coating including one or more of poly(ε-caprolactone) claim 1 , poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) claim 1 , or poly- ...

    23-02-2017 дата публикации


    Номер: US20170050849A1
    Автор: Ahn Edward S.

    Methods for the synthesis of tricalcium phosphates are presented, as well as a series of specific reaction parameters that can be adjusted to tailor, in specific ways, properties in the tricalcium phosphate precursor precipitate. Particulate tricalcium phosphate compositions having an average crystal size of about 250 nm or less are provided. Compositions of the invention can be used as prosthetic implants and coatings for prosthetic implants. 151-. (canceled)52. A composition comprising particulate tricalcium phosphate (TCP) having an average particle size of about 5 μm or less and an average crystal size of about 250 nm or less , wherein the particulate TCP comprises α-TCP.53. The composition of claim 52 , wherein the particulate TCP comprises pure α-TCP.54. The composition of claim 52 , wherein the particulate TCP has an average crystal size of about 200 nm or less.55. The composition of claim 52 , wherein the particulate TCP has an average crystal size of about 100 nm or less.56. The composition of claim 52 , wherein when the particulate TCP is densified to form an article having a minimum dimension of about 0.5 cm or greater the article transmits about 50% or more light having a wavelength in the range of about 150 nm to about 1 claim 52 ,000 nm.57. The composition of claim 56 , wherein when the particulate TCP is densified to form an article having a minimum dimension of about 0.5 cm or greater the article transmits about 70% or more light having a wavelength in the range of about 150 nm to about 1 claim 56 ,000 nm.58. The composition of claim 52 , wherein when the particulate TCP is densified to form an article having a minimum dimension of about 0.5 cm or greater the article has a compressive strength of 150 MPa or greater.59. The composition of claim 52 , wherein when the particulate TCP is densified to form an article having a minimum dimension of about 0.5 cm or greater the article has a density that is 90% of the theoretical density or greater.60. A ...

    10-03-2022 дата публикации

    Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Compositions and Methods of Use Thereof

    Номер: US20220072204A1
    Автор: Lynch Samuel E.

    A method for promoting growth of bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage in a mammal by applying to the bone, periodontium, ligament, or cartilage a composition comprising platelet-derived growth factor at a concentration in the range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL in a pharmaceutically acceptable liquid carrier and a pharmaceutically-acceptable solid carrier. 178-. (canceled)79. A method for promoting growth of bone , ligament , or cartilage of a mammal comprising administering to the mammal an implant material comprising a porous calcium phosphate having a solution of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) disposed therein , wherein:a) the PDGF has a concentration in a range of about 0.1 mg/mL to about 1.0 mg/mL;b) the calcium phosphate comprises: i) interconnected pores, ii) particles having a size ranging from about 100 microns to about 5000 microns, and iii) a porosity greater than 90%;c) the implant material does not comprise demineralized freeze dried bone allograft; andd) the implant material promotes the growth of the bone, ligament, or cartilage.80. The method of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF has a concentration of about 0.3 mg/mL.81. The method of claim 79 , wherein the PDGF has a concentration of about 1.0 mg/mL.82. The method of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate comprises tricalcium phosphate claim 79 , hydroxyapatite claim 79 , poorly crystalline hydroxyapatite claim 79 , amorphous calcium phosphate claim 79 , calcium metaphosphate claim 79 , dicalcium phosphate dihydrate claim 79 , heptacalcium phosphate claim 79 , calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate claim 79 , calcium pyrophosphate claim 79 , octacalcium phosphate claim 79 , or any mixture thereof.83. The method of claim 79 , wherein the calcium phosphate comprises β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP).84. The method of claim 83 , wherein the β-TCP comprises particles having a size ranging from about 100 μm to about 3000 μm.85. The method of claim 84 , wherein the β-TCP comprises particles having ...

    10-03-2022 дата публикации


    Номер: US20220072205A1
    Автор: Berry Bret Michael

    The present invention generally relates to an orthopedic implant. Specifically, the present invention relates to an implant that incorporates a purposefully designed material that optimizes bony ingrowth combined with a support material configured to provide structural integrity. 1. An orthopedic implant comprising:a porous section comprising a first implant material for the promotion of bony ingrowth; anda support section comprising a second implant material for structural support configured to substantially retain the porous section.2. The orthopedic implant of claim 1 , wherein the first implant material is tri-Calcium Phosphate claim 1 , Hydroxy-Apatite claim 1 , poly(methyl methacrylate) or a combination of the foregoing materials.3. The orthopedic implant of claim 1 , wherein the second implant material is PEEK claim 1 , PEEK-HA claim 1 , Carbon reinforced PEEK claim 1 , poly(methyl methacrylate) or a combination of the foregoing materials.4. An orthopedic implant comprising:a porous section formed of a first implant material and comprising a three-dimensional matrix configured as a network of selectively interconnected nonuniform channels forming a nonuniform web consisting of a plurality of intersections that provide a porous region of varying porosity within the implant for bony ingrowth; anda support section configured to substantially retain the porous section to provide structural support for the implant, the support section comprising one or more hollow recesses adapted as openings which enable contact between the first material of the porous section and bone after the implant is implanted.5. The orthopedic implant of claim 4 , wherein the first implant material is tri-Calcium Phosphate.6. The orthopedic implant of claim 4 , wherein the first implant material is Hydroxy-Apatite.7. The orthopedic implant of claim 4 , wherein the first implant material is poly(methyl methacrylate).8. The orthopedic implant of claim 4 , wherein the second implant material ...

    01-03-2018 дата публикации


    Номер: US20180055643A1

    The present disclosure relates to a three-dimensionally (3D) printed tissue engineering scaffold for tissue regeneration and a method for manufacturing the 3D printed tissue engineering scaffold. The 3D printed tissue engineering scaffold may be fabricated at least in part from a composite material having an insoluble component and soluble component. The three-dimensional tissue scaffolds of the disclosure may be fabricated via a rapid prototyping machine. In some instances, the three-dimensional shape of the fabricated tissue engineering scaffold may correspond to a three-dimensional shape of a tissue defect of a patient. 1186.-. (canceled)187. A three-dimensional tissue scaffold comprising:(a) a first region comprising two or more layers of a first material and having a plurality of first pores, each having a first average pore width;(b) a second region comprising two or more layers of a second material and having a plurality of second pores, each having a second average pore width;wherein a surface of the two or more layers of the first material, a surface of the two or more layers of the second material, or both, comprise a plurality of pits having an average width that is below the resolution of a rapid prototyping technology.188. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the plurality of pits have an average width of about 200 nm to about 50 μm.189. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the first average pore width and the second average pore width are the same.190. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein the first material and the second material are the same.191. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold of claim 187 , wherein at least one of the first material and the second material is an insoluble component that remains after a soluble component of a composite material comprising the insoluble component and the soluble component is dissolved by a solvent.192. The three-dimensional tissue scaffold ...

    21-02-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190053920A1
    Автор: ARMITAGE Oliver

    Herein described is an osseointegrated interface device for engagement with an amputated limb including the skin comprising: a cap portion engageable with an osseointegrated device; wherein the cap portion comprises a surrounding flange; and wherein in use the surrounding flange receives the skin of the amputated limb at a distance spaced from the osseointegrated device. 1. An osseointegrated interface device for engagement with an amputated limb including the skin comprising:a cap portion engageable with an osseointegrated device;wherein the cap portion comprises a surrounding flange;wherein in use the surrounding flange receives the skin of the amputated limb at a distance spaced from the osseointegrated device.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a stem portion engageable with the cap portion.39.-. (canceled)10. The device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more ports.11. (canceled)12. The device of claim 1 , further comprising one or more cables or wires carrying electrical data for control of a prosthesis when in use.1320.-. (canceled)21. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an electronics unit to detect and/or process nerve signals.2224.-. (canceled)25. The device claim 1 , wherein the distance between the surrounding flange and the osseointegrated device in use is at least a portion of the radius of the amputated limb.26. The device of claim 1 , wherein the distance between the surrounding flange and the osseointegrated device is such that in use the skin received by the flange is not in contact with the osseointegrated device.27. The device of claim 1 , wherein the surrounding flange has dimensions which provide a homeostatic barrier about the amputated limb in use.2829.-. (canceled)30. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the flange claim 1 , the cap portion claim 1 , and the device comprises a bio-compatible material.3144.-. (canceled)45. The device of claim 1 , wherein the flange further comprises one or more conduits for ...

    21-02-2019 дата публикации


    Номер: US20190054012A1

    Provided herein are polymer-stabilized CaP nanoparticle formulations and related methods of manufacture. In certain embodiments, the methods reliably and selectively form nanoparticles with homogenous size, charge, and morphology. The CaP nanoparticles include calcium ions and phosphate ions with an ionic polymer, thereby forming stable hybrid nanoparticles. The CaP nanoparticle formulations include powders, suspensions and injectable pastes. According to various embodiments, the polymer-stabilized CaP nanoparticles may be polycation-stabilized (CaP/polymer(+) nanoparticles) or polyanion-stabilized (CaP/polymer(-) nanoparticles). The CaP/polymer nanoparticles can be freeze-dried and stored for months with no loss of properties or changes to their morphology. 1. A nanoparticle comprising:a calcium phosphate nanosphere and an organic polyelectrolyte.2. The nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the organic polyelectrolyte is an organic polyanion.3. The nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the organic polyelectrolyte is an organic polycation.4. The nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the organic polyelectrolyte is selected from poly(aspartic acid) claim 1 , poly(acrylic acid) claim 1 , poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) claim 1 , poly(methacrylic acid) salts claim 1 , poly(styrenesulfonic acid) salts claim 1 , poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) claim 1 , DNA claim 1 , carboxymethyl cellulose claim 1 , amelogenin claim 1 , osteopontin claim 1 , sulfonated dextran claim 1 , poly(glutamic acid) claim 1 , poly(vinylphosphonic acid) and poly(vinyl sulphonic acid).5. The nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the organic polyelectrolyte is selected from poly(allylamine hydrochloride) claim 1 , poly(allylamine) claim 1 , poly(ethyleneimine) claim 1 , poly(vinylpyridine) salts claim 1 , poly(L-lysine) claim 1 , chitosan claim 1 , gelatin claim 1 , poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) claim 1 , and protamine.6. The nanoparticle of claim 1 , wherein the calcium phosphate nanosphere ...
